Report to the Congress on Ocean Pollution, Overfishing, and Offshore Development July 1974 through June 1975 Public Law 92-532, Title II, Section 202 (c) U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration JUNE 1976 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 Report to the Congress on Ocean Pollution, Overfishing, and Offshore Development July 1974 through June 1975 Submitted in compliance with Section 202 (c), Title II of the Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act of 1972 (Public Law 92-532) June 1976 s>°C% ATMOSPi, U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Elliot L. Richardson, Secretary National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Robert M. White, Administrator NT Of For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 20402. Price $1 .75 THE SECRETARY OF COMMERCE Washington, D.C. 20230 President of the Senate September 20, 1976 Speaker of the House of Representatives Sirs: I am pleased to submit to the Congress the third annual report on those research activities in progress during Fiscal Year 1975 that are contributing to a better understanding of the marine environment and the effect of man's activities upon it. The report describes those programs which are responsive to the research provisions of the Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act of 1972 under Title II, Section 202, concerning the long-term effects of pollution, overfishing, and other man- induced changes in ocean ecosystems. As summarized in this report, there are many investigations in progress in this country and others that address ocean pollution problems. However, the present state of knowledge in many of the fundamental areas of ocean pollution research is far from adequate and the task ahead is immense. Similarly, while progress has been achieved over the past several years in reducing overfishing by foreign and domestic fleets, major finfish and shellfish stocks off our shores have been seriously impacted by overfishing. This report presents an overview on the status and management of marine fish stocks on a nationwide basis, and for this year provides a special detailed description of overfishing problems in the East Bering Sea. Han's activities that impact on ocean ecosystems are becoming increasingly important to our Nation as we seek to develop new sources of food, energy, and raw materials. Besides our concerns for over- fishing of marine fish stocks, major research efforts also are addressing the environmental consequences of outer continental shelf oil and gas development, mining mineral resources from the sea floor, and construction of offshore energy facilities such as powerplants and deepwater ports. It is essential that both the immediate and long-range effects of such developments upon the ocean ecosystem be understood and considered. I am pleased that our Nation is con- sciously addressing these concerns; however, many research efforts iii are still In their initial stages. While developing the marine resources essential to our Nation's economy, it is equally important to the health and preservation of the oceans that these research efforts be prosecuted with deliberate speed. The research summarized in this report has been undertaken to achieve this goal. The oceans are one of mankind's most valuable resources. The preservation of the health of the oceans for the benefit of succeeding generations is a goal which 1 feel we must attain. Sincerely, Elliot L. Richardson iv CONTENTS Chapter I. MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH ACTIVITIES: AN OVERVIEW 1 Marine pollution research 1 Petroleum hydrocarbons 1 Heavy metals 3 Synthetic hydrocarbons 3 Major regional studies of ocean pollution 4 International marine pollution research activities 5 Overfishing 6 Offshore development 7 Offshore deepwater terminals 7 Coastal and offshore powerplants 8 Ocean mining 8 Offshore oil and gas development 8 Chapter II. OCEAN POLLUTION 10 Petroleum hydrocarbons 11 Marine oil pollution research programs ... 11 Private sector oil pollution research . 19 Heavy metals 21 Research on physiological and biochemical effects 21 Metals in seafood and sediments 22 Pollutant transfer studies 24 Synthetic hydrocarbons 24 Major regional studies of ocean pollution 28 New York Bight 28 Great Lakes studies 29 International marine pollution research activities 31 International Decade of Ocean Exploration (IDOE) 31 Integrated Global Ocean Station System (IGOSS) 34 Global Investigation of Pollution in the Marine Environment (GIPME) 35 Chapter III. OVERFISHING . 37 Overview — status and management of stocks 37 Status of stocks 37 Management of stocks 37 East Bering Sea fisheries 43 History of Bering Sea fisheries 45 Present condition of East Bering Sea fishery resources 49 Consequences of overfishing 52 Effect of overfishing on man 53 Research and management 56 Effectiveness of research and regulation 58 Summary - East Bering Sea 59 Chapter IV. OFFSHORE DEVELOPMENT AND THE OCEAN ENVIRONMENT 63 Offshore deepwater terminals 63 Coastal and offshore nuclear powerplants 64 Ocean mining 67 Offshore oil and gas development 68 Environmental studies program 68 Agency roles 69 Current environmental assessment studies 70 Alaska 70 Continental U.S 83 Appendix A. List of References 88 Appendix B. Petroleum in the Marine Environment 91 Appendix C. Assessing Potential Ocean Pollutants 99 Appendix D. Title II of "Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act of 1972" (P.L. 92-532)— and Amendments . . . 102 vi CHAPTER I MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH ACTIVITIES: AN OVERVIEW The range of activities which impact the oceans and over which Congress expressed its concern by approving the research provisions of the Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act of 1972 is broad. During Fiscal Year 1975 a large number of national and international research activities were in progress which will contribute to a better understanding of the marine environment and how it is affected by man's activities. This chapter provides a brief summary of these marine environmental research efforts and findings . MARINE POLLUTION RESEARCH Marine pollution research in this country has focused on petroleum hydrocarbons, heavy metals, and manmade (synthetic) hydrocarbons. These three classes of chemical compounds are present, in widely varying concen- trations, in the oceans of the world; they may have toxic effects on marine life; they may have a relationship to human health and well-being; and they are likely to continue being introduced into the oceans in relation to their production, transport, and use. Petroleum Hydrocarbons With respect to petroleum hydrocarbons (PHCs) in the oceans, one of the most difficult tasks has been to assess the amounts added to the oceans each year and the related pathways. A major report released by the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) in 1975 estimated that the amount of petroleum hydro- carbons entering the world's oceans through man's activities is approxi- mately 5.5 million metric tons per year (mta) . About 40 percent of that total is attributed to oil tanker operations and accidents. The remainder is essentially of nonmarine origin such as automotive waste oil, industrial waste oil, and other sources through river runoff and atmospheric transport and rainout. Petroleum additions to the oceans from natural seeps in the sea floor was estimated at 0.6 mta, giving an overall total of 6.1 mta. The report projects for the early 1980s a decreased rate of global input (4.6 mta) due primarily to stricter domestic and international controls on offshore oil operations and tanker operations. The Federal agencies conducting or sponsoring research on marine oil pollution include : the National Science Foundation (NSF) , the Environ- mental Protection Agency (EPA) , the Department of the Interior (DOI) , the Department of Commerce (NOAA, Maritime Administration, Bureau of Standards), the Coast Guard, and the Navy. Some States are sponsoring research efforts on the potential effects of oil pollution in their coastal waters. In the private sector, the Ford Foundation, the American Petroleum Institute, and oil companies are among the organizations actively engaged in various aspects of marine oil pollution research. The National Science Foundation is sponsoring, within its Inter- national Decade of Ocean Exploration (IDOE) program, research concerning the transfer and effects of oil and other pollutants in the marine environment. In the Controlled Ecosystems Pollution Experiment (CEPEX) , a unique attempt to bridge the gap between field studies and laboratory results, natural marine communities contained in large plastic enclosures located offshore of British Columbia are being subjected to low-level and long-term exposures of selected contaminants. The first CEPEX test involving PHCs was started in the summer of 1974. In the IDOE Pollutant Transfer Program, the research emphasis has been on the transport of petroleum, as well as chlorinated hydrocarbons and trace metals, to the ocean via the atmosphere, rivers, sewage and industrial outfalls, and ocean dumping. Research also involves studies on the chemical form and degradation of these pollutants in the marine environment. Biological studies were designed to investigate the mechanisms of pollutant uptake by organisms, to verify transfer through the food web, and to quantify the role of organisms in pollutant dispersion. With regard to petroleum hydrocarbons, participants in this program are looking at such problems as intercalibration of instruments, standardization of results, atmospheric transport, and differentiation between natural and man-introduced sources. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has major programs underway at research facilities in Seattle, Washington, and Auke Bay, Alaska, as well as sponsoring studies at Sea Grant institutions. The overall objective of the programs is to examine both the acute and chronic effects of petroleum hydrocarbons. Research personnel from NOAA, EPA Region X, and the Washington State Department of Biology completed a 2-year interdisciplinary field study on the long-term chemical and biolog- ical effects of a persistent oil spill from the grounded (1972) troopship General G. C. Meigs in a cove on the northwest coast of Washington. NOAA, through its Office of Sea Grant, also sponsored during FY 1975 various university research efforts related to marine oil pollution. Work is in progress to develop an oil spill trajectory model, study the physiological and biochemical effects of oil on selected fishes, and provide information on background levels of PHCs in sediments and in benthic organisms in Prudhoe Bay and the Gulf of Mexico. The Coast Guard continued development of forecasting techniques to predict pollutant movements. In FY 1975 the agency delivered a high seas containment barrier system to field commands, and completed development of two different high seas oil recovery systems. Studies and field tests also were completed on the risks, fate, and effects of petroleum spills in the Arctic environment to support the need for developing the necessary response and cleanup capability. Means to separate and monitor oil in bilge and ballast water discharges from ships are continuing to be developed. The Coast Guard further reports that operational evaluations of a prototype multi-sensor airborne surveillance system have been highly successful. The Navy in FY 1975 sponsored research at various universities in the fate of petroleum residues in marine food chains and biodegradation of PHCs. In the private sector, various research organizations, industrial groups, and individual companies carried out research on marine oil pollu- tion during FY 1975. The Exxon Corporation, under contract to NOAA and the Maritime Administration (MarAd) , completed in 1974 a baseline study and analysis of petroleum concentrations in the Pacific Ocean along tanker routes between such distant points as southern California, Alaska, Honolulu, Tokyo, Singapore, Wellington, Antarctica, and the Panama Canal. Surface water in the Pacific Ocean was found to be predominantly of less than 10 parts per billion (ppb) hydrocarbon (biogenic and PHCs) content, with higher values found in the northeast sector such as the San Francisco /Cook Inlet tanker route along which concentrations were in the 10-25 ppb range. Heavy Metals Heavy metals, when present in the marine environment in elevated concentrations, can kill organisms or contaminate them to an extent that they create a potential hazard to human health. It is necessary, therefore, to establish the levels of pollutants which cause mortalities or interfere with growth, behavior, and reproduction. It also is important to know the long-term effects of exposure to sublethal concentrations of heavy metals. The NSF Pollutant Transfer Program has active research underway to: 1) determine the mechanisms that are important in the transfer of heavy metals into and within the marine environment; 2) determine important physical, chemical, and biological factors affecting pollutant transfer processes; and 3) identify principles governing transfer of heavy metals. In the Biological Effects Program, investigations focus on biochemical and behavorial responses of selected organisms to metals and other contaminants. NOAA has studies underway to determine the effects of heavy metals, such as arsenic, cadmium, copper, mercury, nickel, lead, zinc, and silver, on the normal life functions of certain marine species. Results indicate that some marine animals are extremely sensitive to minute amounts of heavy metals. Research also is progressing in assessing the physiological changes in various species of marine shellfish, crabs, lobsters, and fish that are common to the Atlantic coast. NOAA also is conducting a major program to determine baseline levels of metals in seafood. This survey consists of measuring concentrations of trace metals and other chemical elements in the muscle and liver in some 200 species of marine fish and shellfish from the Atlantic, Gulf, and Pacific coasts, and from the Gulf of Alaska. Synthetic Hydrocarbons The major groups of synthetic hydrocarbons that are likely to have an impact on the marine environment are pesticides (such as insecticides and herbicides) and industrial compounds such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) . Many of these compounds are toxic at low concentrations. Many resist chemical and biological degradation, and thus persist and accumulate in the environment. The pesticide DDT, although no longer used in the United States except for restricted purposes that require special EPA permits, is still manu- factured and used in other parts of the world for pest control. Therefore, it remains a global problem, although now somewhat reduced in magnitude. Recent research in this field has focused on other persistent chlorinated hydrocarbons such as aldrin, dieldrin, chlordane, heptachlor, and toxaphene. Even greater amounts of toxaphene may be applied in the future. because of restrictions now placed on the others mentioned. Experiments with minnow fry showed that death occurred at 2.5 ppb. Fry bioaccumulated toxaphene 6,000 to 14,000 times the concentration in water. Another class of toxic pesticides is the organophosphates , residues of which have been found in tissues of estuarine fishes from the Atlantic Coast and Gulf of Mexico. The large quantities of organophosphates now being applied and their many degraded forms (metabolites) which are biologically active make them an important subject of research. The mode of action of these compounds is to disrupt nerve-impulse transmissions in the nervous systems of animals by means of enzyme inhibition. Progress has been made in determining the effects of these enzyme-inhibiting pesticides on estuarine and marine organisms. Polychlorinated biphenyl, an industrial compound used in a variety of ways, including heat transfer systems, electrical devices, plastics, and paints, is present in oceanic water, sediment, and biota. In the United States, about 40 million pounds of PCBs are produced each year. Studies show that all PCBs are toxic to certain estuarine marine animals and in tests of longer duration it was demonstrated that PCBs accumulate in liver and fatty tissues in amounts that can exceed 100,000 times the amount normally present in their environment. The introduction of synthetic hydrocarbons into the marine and estuarine environments is being more stringently controlled. More information is required before the total impact of these materials can be predicted and effectively controlled. Major Regional Studies of Ocean Pollution In FY 1975 comprehensive environmental studies were continued in the New York Bight region and the Great Lakes. In the 15,000 square-mile New York Bight region, a study was carried out by NOAA in 1974-75 to determine the effects of existing and projected pollution loads from nondumping sources, such as sewer outfalls, land runoff, rivers, and atmospheric transport. The results of this preliminary study showed that the volumes of pollutants from the Hudson and Raritan Rivers far exceed those contributed by ocean disposal operations in the Bight. The investigation has determined that dumped sewage sludge con- tributes less than 6 percent of the total heavy metal input to the Bight. Municipal wastewater discharged directly into the rivers and the Bight, and urban runoff, contribute the bulk of the microbial load on the Bight. In addition to the New York Bight project, other regional studies of a smaller scale have been carried out in San Francisco Bay, Prince William Sound, Puget Sound, and the Great Lakes. The International Field Year for the Great Lakes (IFYGL) , a joint United States and Canadian study of Lake Ontario and its drainage basin, is now in the analysis phase. Work is continuing on the analysis of IFYGL data to provide descriptive summaries of the distributions and variability of measured parameters, statistical relationships of the parameters and processes observed, and simulation and prediction models of the physical, chemical and biological processes occurring in the lake. This analysis phase is expected to be completed in FY 1976. International Marine Pollution Research Activities The international programs of marine environmental research continued to make progress during FY 1975. Among these are the International Decade of Ocean Exploration, the NATO Committee on the Challenges of Modern Society (CCMS) , the Integrated Global Ocean Station System (IGOSS) , and the Global Investigation of Pollution in the Marine Environment (GIPME) . The IDOE Environmental Quality Program of NSF supports basic research on ocean pollution. Current projects include the Geochemical Ocean Sections Study (GEOSECS) , the Pollutant Transfer Program (PTP) , the Biological Effects Program (BEP) , and the Controlled Ecosystem Pollution Experiment. In GEOSECS, scientists are now analyzing nearly 40 different geochemical parameters of water samples taken from about 250 selected locations in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Geochemists from the United States, Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, India, Japan, and the United Kingdom are participat- ing in the study, which should provide an improved understanding of the diffusion of material in the oceans, the stirring and mixing that goes on in the deep ocean, and the exchange of water and gas with the atmosphere. In PTP, the objective is to find out how pollutants reach the ocean and what happens to them once they get there. Researchers are tracing the pathways of iron, manganese, copper, cadmium, and mercury into U.S. coastal waters. The BEP is using laboratory studies to evaluate the effects of metals, PHCs, and chlorinated hydrocarbons on marine organisms. The NATO Committee on the Challenges of Modern Society is directing a part of its resources toward oil spill problems. This effort, led by Belgium, is known as the North Sea Pollution Project. The current major tasks of this project include the development of a North Sea diagnostic model and encouraging member countries to conduct research on: (1) the fate and effects of oil pollution and (2) methods to control oil spills. The IGOSS Marine Pollution Monitoring Pilot Project, cosponsored by the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) , has for its objective a coordinated international effort to collect data on PHCs in selected parts of the world's oceans. The areas designated for initial study are in the North Atlantic, waters around Africa, the Norwegian Sea, waters around Japan, and the northern part of the Indian Ocean. The primary U.S. effort in IGOSS has come from the Federal agencies, specifically NOAA, U.S. Navy, and Coast Guard ships. Efforts are underway to broaden the scope of U.S. participation. The GIPME program of IOC is intended to provide an international frame- work within which national and regional programs on various aspects of marine pollution may be coordinated in order to contribute to a continuing evaluation of global marine pollution problems. This goal is to be achieved through strategies outlined in the GIPME Comprehensive Plan, the first steps of which are to conduct baseline surveys and to promote research on sources, transfer processes, and effects of pollutants on marine ecosystems. The GIPME International Coordination Group held two sessions during FY 1975 and made substantial progress toward completion of the Comprehensive Plan and guide- lines for the conduct of regional baseline studies of marine pollutants. OVERFISHING About 10 to 15 major finfish and shellfish stocks of commercial and recreational interest to the United States have been overfished, primarily by foreign distant-water fleets. Other stocks are in imminent danger of being overfished by both foreign and domestic fleets, while others are intensively harvested. Recently negotiated fishery agreements have improved protection for some stocks off U.S. coasts. For example, in the area of the International Commission for the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries (ICNAF) , the 1976 overall quota of 650,000 metric tons negotiated in June 1975 is to allow for recovery of depleted stocks in about 7 years. Despite gains in stock conservation as a result of negotiations with the U.S.S.R. and Japan, the major groundfish stocks in the northeast Pacific and East Bering Sea, however, continue to deteriorate. In the past 20 years there has been a substantial buildup of the fisher- ies in the East Bering Sea. Fishing effort on some fish stocks has risen sevenfold in the last 10 years. Successional fisheries on two of the major fish stocks, the yellowfin sole and pollock, have been mentioned. Yellowfin sole stocks remain at low levels because of earlier intense fishing, and pollock now show signs of being overfished. Moreover, pulse fishing, in which large mobile fleets exert massive fishing pressure on localized grounds for a few years and then move on to other grounds, has seriously affected other stocks including shrimp, ocean perch, and sablefish. Sub- stantial catches of pollock have indirectly affected other fish stocks. The bycatch in this fishery, consisting of sole, halibut, ocean perch, and other bottomfish, has hindered the recovery of these stocks to former abundance levels. Effective management of living resources in the Bering Sea must be based upon knowledge of the biological, chemical, and physical factors affecting the organic production in this region. Of particular interest is the dynamic variability of the food chain and its effect on the exploitable resources. Where several harvested species are involved in systems of competition and predation, maximizing the yield is only possible by managing the entire ecological complex. In response to declines in adult stocks of bluefin tuna in the eastern Atlantic and stocks harvested by longline and surface fisheries in the western Atlantic, the International Commission for the Conservation of the Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) in 1974 adopted regulatory measures proposed by the United States to restrict the minimum weight of bluefin taken and limit the level to be taken. In August 1975 the Congress passed the Atlantic Tunas Conservation Act of 1975 to implement ICCAT. At the 1975 International Whaling Commission (IWC) meeting a number of decisions were made affecting the establishment of catch limits for world whale stocks. A halt was agreed to on all fin and sei whaling in the North Pacific, and, for the first time, all oceans were included under the IWC quota system and catch limits were set for fin and minke whales in the North Atlantic. OFFSHORE DEVELOPMENT In addition to ocean pollution and overfishing, Section 202 of P.L. 92-532 refers also to "man-induced changes of ocean ecosystems". This phrase encompasses offshore development activities such as deepwater ports, powerplants, ocean mining, and outer continental shelf (OCS) oil and gas extraction. Offshore Deepwater Terminals While over 40 percent of world oil shipments are carried in supertankers larger than 100,000 deadweight tons (dwt) , the United States has only two ports, both on the west coast, that can handle that size vessel. One solu- tion to the problem is to emplace oil reception facilities offshore to accommodate supertankers. To assure the protection of the coastal environ- ment from potential adverse effects of such deepwater terminals, Congress passed the Deepwater Port Act of 1974 (P.L. 93-627), which established a licensing and regulatory framework for governing deepwater port development and operation beyond the territorial seas of the United States. In implementation of the Act, the Department of Transportation, in consultation with NOAA and EPA, issued the guidelines to assist license applicants in preparing deepwater port applications and the environmental review criteria for use by the Secretary of Transportation in evaluating these applications. These guidelines and criteria were issued in mid-1975. All proposals for deepwater terminal construction will be subject to rigorous assessment of potential environmental impact by a number of Federal and State agencies in compliance with these guidelines. Coastal and Offshore Powerplants The concept of locating floating nuclear powerplants (FNPs) in offshore waters continues to undergo careful study. The Nuclear Regulatory Commis- sion (NRC) issued Draft Environmental Impact Statement is the most recent summary document that evaluates not only the environmental impacts due to construction and operation, but the broader implications of siting FNPs in the coastal zone. According to the DEIS, the principal environmental effects of constructing and operating FNPs along the coastal zone are societal impacts which include: the migration of workers to the area and attendant need for housing, services, and educational facilities; increased water traffic along the shore zone; and the offshore appearance of the station, which is regarded by some as not visually pleasing. The severity of coastal or nuclear powerplant impacts on marine life will be highly dependent on individual site characteristics and construction methods. There are options available to minimize the extent of unavoidable adverse effects, provided careful planning is employed early and assessment studies are conducted beforehand. Ocean Mining In order to assess the presently unknown environmental impacts of deep ocean mining and to develop appropriate environmental safeguards, NOAA developed plans for a two-phase Deep Ocean Mining Environmental Study (DOMES) Program. Phase I objectives include the establishment of environmental baselines at representative mining sites, development of a first-order prediction capability for environmental effects, and development of pre- liminary environmental guidelines for industry and government. Industry's tests of prototype deep ocean mining systems are to be monitored during Phase II in order to evaluate actual environmental impacts and to verify, and modify as necessary, prediction techniques and guidelines. During FY 1975 preliminary measurements and research applicable to Phase I were initiated in the North Pacific manganese nodule areas prior to the commence- ment of Phase I during FY 1976. The results of the DOMES Program are expected to facilitate the orderly development of deep ocean resources by industry in an environmentally compatible manner. Offshore Oil and Gas Development An important element of the Administration's program to achieve self- sufficiency in energy for the Nation is accelerated development of the extensive oil and gas reserves lying under the outer continental shelf. The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) , which administers the OCS Lands Act, has incorporated into its proposed leasing schedules provisions for the support of environmental studies in the regions where leasing of tracts on the OCS is anticipated. Studies commenced in FY 1974 in the coastal area off Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida, in the northeast Gulf of Alaska, and in FY 1975 in the western Gulf of Mexico. In FY 1975 BLM expanded the Alaskan environmental studies program to include virtually all regions of the Alaskan continental shelf. BLM assigned responsibility for managing the program to NOAA. After an intensive planning effort, field studies began in the Beaufort Sea and two basins of the Eastern Bering Sea in April 1975. Also during FY 1975 a lease sale was held in the Gulf of Mexico off the coast of South Texas after an environmental baseline study was completed by the University of Texas, Texas A&M University, NOAA, and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) . In FY 1975 preliminary steps leading to the conduct of environmental assessments were also begun for three additional OCS areas : the Mid-Atlantic region, Southern California, and Georges Bank. CHAPTER II OCEAN POLLUTION Coastal waters receive polluting materials from a variety of point and nonpoint sources. Materials are introduced into the coastal environment from polluted rivers and streams, land runoff, barge and other vessel dumping, discharges of shoreline outfalls, wastes discharged from submerged pipes, deballasting and bilge pumping, vessel casualties, shipping operations, and atmospheric transport. The open ocean, while relatively insulated from the myriad sources of pollutants affecting estuaries and the nearshore areas, is beginning to show signs of man's impact. The mid-ocean areas evidence elevated petroleum hydrocarbon levels, particularly along heavily trafficked tanker routes, as well as elevated concentrations of heavy metals and synthetic hydrocarbons, carried to remote oceanic regions through the atmosphere. Oceanic currents also play a role in transporting polluting materials from nearshore regions to deeper waters. For both the nearshore and deepwater regions, the basic informational needs are essentially the same. These include: (1) sources and quantities of anthropogenic materials reaching the marine environment; (2) pathways of such materials into and through the food chain; (3) the toxicity of the materials to marine organisms and to man through the consumption of seafood; and (4) the persistence of the pollutant in the marine environment. In addition, research must be focused on both the acute or immediate effects as well as the longer-term or chronic effects on marine organisms. While there are many investigations in progress in this country and others, the task ahead is immense and the present state of knowledge in many of the fundamental areas of research is far from adequate. The problems of ocean pollution will require continuous and systematic study by all countries capable of making a contribution. During FY 1975, the National Academy of Sciences released two major reports concerned with ocean pollution. The report entitled Petroleum in the Marine Environment!/ provides an excellent summary of what is currently known about the subject and where future research efforts ought to be applied. A synopsis of this report is provided in Appendix B. The second NAS report on marine pollution issued in FY 1975 is Assessing Potential Ocean Pollutants!.' . The result of a 2-1/2-year effort by a study panel and workshop, this report is significant because it describes and tests a methodology for ascertaining whether or not a given substance will adversely impact the marine environment. The report is summarized in Appendix C. Marine pollution research in this country has focused on petroleum hydro- carbons, heavy metals, and man-made (synthetic) hydrocarbons. The rationale for this is that these three classes of chemical compounds: (1) are already present, in widely varying concentrations, in the oceans of the world; (2) have or may have toxic effects on marine life; (3) may or may not have a relationship to human health and well-being; and (4) will continue to be 10 introduced into the oceans more or less in direct relation to their produc- tion, transport, and use. PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS Petroleum hydrocarbons are introduced into the oceans as the result of offshore oil production activities, oil tanker operations, vessel casualties, coastal refinery operations, atmospheric transport, shoreline discharges of municipal and industrial wastes, land runoff, and natural submarine seeps. As stated in last year's annual report, the problem of estimating input and flux of PHCs in the marine environment has proven to be a most difficult task. The above-cited NAS study on petroleum in the oceans provides a "best estimate" of 5.5 million metric tons annually, to the oceans from man's activities. Petroleum additions to the oceans from natural seeps in the sea floor cannot be measured with any scientific certainty. The NAS estimate for this pathway was 0.6 mta, giving an overall total of 6.1 mta. Research on petroleum hydrocarbons is carried out in four general areas : inputs, analytical methods, fate of PHCs (physical, chemical, and biological), and effects of PHCs . While there are a large number of research activities in progress in all these areas, the state of knowledge with respect to oil in the ocean environment is still quite incomplete. For example, information is lacking on such basic problems as how much oil enters the marine environ- ment and from what sources, how to distinguish between PHCs and biogenic hydrocarbons, and how to assess oil spills in an adequate manner. Marine Oil Pollution Research Programs Many governmental agencies and private organizations are currently involved in research on oil pollution in the marine environment. Federal agencies that conduct or sponsor marine oil pollution research activities are: the National Science Foundation; the Environmental Protection Agency; the Bureau of Land Management; Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) of the Department of the Interior; the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the Maritime Administration, and the National Bureau of Standards (NBS) of the Department of Commerce; the U.S. Coast Guard of the Department of Transportation; and the U.S. Navy of the Department of Defense. Coastal states are also conducting or sponsoring research on various aspects of marine oil pollution. In addition, the National Academy of Sciences, Ford Foundation, Battelle Memorial Institute, American Petroleum Institute (API) , various oil companies , and other organizations carried out during the reporting period studies of the dis- tribution, fate, or effects of oil in the ocean. The nature of research programs and activities by these public agencies and private organizations is briefly summarized. National Science Foundation. As part of its IDOE program, NSF sponsors basic research programs on the transfer and effects of pollutants, including oil, in the marine environment. In the Controlled Ecosystems Pollution Experiment, which started in 1973, natural marine communities 11 contained in large plastic enclosures located offshore of British Columbia are subjected to low-level and long-term exposures of selected contaminants. The first CEPEX test involving petroleum was started in the summer of 1974. Preliminary findings showed that at low concentrations of PHCs (approximately 10-20 ppb) there was an enhancement of primary productivity (phytoplankton) . However, more recent studies have shown that water extracts of fuel oils in concentrations of 40-60 ppb caused a rapid population decrease followed by species shifts in these lower trophic levels. The population decrease occurs at the same time the hydrocarbon concentrations in the -water column decreases. This could be the result of adsorption of the PHCs to particulate matter, including the dying plankton, and consequent settling to the bottom. Another tentative conclusion from the CEPEX project is that the effects of metals and petroleum on bacteria are short-term due to rapid adaptation (in days) of the populations to imposed stress. No work is underway to study the effects of contaminants on benthic organisms. The CEPEX effort is unique because it is an attempt to bridge the gap between laboratory results and field observations of the fates and effects of selected contaminants on marine organisms in their natural environment. Also as part of its IDOE program, NSF initiated in 1972 the Pollutant Transfer Program. While NSF's earlier Baseline Program (1971-1972) indicated levels of contaminants in water, sediment, and biota, it did not provide information on the pathways or mechanisms controlling the rate of pollutant transfer from the source and within the ocean environment. The goals of the Pollutant Transfer Program are: 1) to identify important transfer pathways and mechanisms; 2) to evaluate major environmental factors that affect transfer processes; and 3) to develop principles governing transfer of pollutants. During the first 2 years, primary research emphasis in the Pollutant Transfer Program has been on the transport of petroleum, as well as chlori- nated hydrocarbons and trace metals, to the ocean via the atmosphere, rivers, sewage and industrial outfalls, and ocean dumping. Research also was begun on the chemical form and degradation of these pollutants in the marine environment. Biological studies were designed to investigate the mechanisms of pollutant uptake by organisms, to verify transfer through the food web, and to quantify the role of organisms in pollutant dispersion. A workshop sponsored by NSF in January 1974 reviewed the findings of the program and presented recommendations for additional research on pollutant transfer. It was pointed out that little or no research attention was being directed toward pollutants other than the three major classes (petroleum hydrocarbons, heavy metals, and synthetic organics) and that this deficiency should be corrected. The workshop participants suggested that more work must be done to determine quantitative fluxes of the three major classes of pollutants. Also recommended was an analytical means to distin- guish between natural and anthropogenic sources of heavy metals and petroleum hydrocarbons in the marine environment. The NSF published in 1974 a review of the initial 2-year research effort carried out under the Pollutant Transfer Program. J/ 12 Environmental Protection Agency. Research programs on the effects of oil in the marine environment are carried out by EPA in partial response to Resolution 12 of the International Conference on Marine Pollution (London, 1973) , which considered the need to establish water quality criteria for the protection of the marine environment. As a part of the mission to develop the scientific basis for the establishment of water quality criteria for marine and estuarine waters, EPA is conducting toxicological studies on the acute and chronic effects of pollutants, including petroleum and heavy metals. To date the agency has conducted original investigations to deter- mine the acute toxicity of six petroleum products on four test organisms, determined physiochemical properties of water emulsions of test oils, completed a thorough literature review on the relative effects of different refined fractions of crude oil, and developed acute toxicity bioassay procedures for oil and oil dispersants. EPA has continued developing bioassay methods to assess chronic and acute responses of marine organisms to oil pollution using a flow-through system. Besides examining measurable expressions such as feeding rates, tissue reactions are followed carefully in order to determine any possible relationships between physiological responses and tissue aberrations. Field and laboratory studies are being carried out to determine the effects of oil spills on marine biota. Uptake of benzopyrenes by marine mollusks is being studied in an attempt to find possible cause/effect relationships between oil components and the incidence of cancer lesions in these animals, as has been reported to happen in oil spill sites. Laboratory experimentation is being conducted to determine the effect of different concentrations of oil on eggs, larvae, and juvenile fish. Further studies are being designed to determine the effect of petroleum on repro- ductive physiology of fish. Also, EPA is supporting a project granted to the University of Rhode Island to study the response of ecosystems to oil stress. The experimental system is expected to simulate the conditions in Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island. As oil is applied to the ecosystem, several physiological, ecological, and chemical parameters will be monitored to follow the impact of oil on the ecosystem. Department of Commerce. NOAA has major research programs at Seattle, Washington, and Auke Bay, Alaska, to determine and understand the effects of petroleum oil on marine organisms. The ultimate objectives of these programs are to learn how well organisms tolerate various levels of exposure to oil and to define the limits of this tolerance. This knowledge is required where relatively low levels of oil are continually released to the marine environment from sewage, industrial effluents (including offshore drilling operations), land runoff, recreational or transportation activities, and where oil remains after a large spill. In FY 1975, a NOAA interdisciplinary team, working at the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) Northwest Fisheries Center at Seattle and at Auke Bay continued to examine both the acute and chronic effects of petroleum hydrocarbons. 13 Acute effects of oil/water dispersions and water-soluble fractions on different life stages of fish and shellfish were studied. Larval forms were more sensitive to oil and oil fractions, particularly during molting. The frequency of molting by crustacean larvae appear to make them especially sensitive to contact with oil. Sensitivity of animals during their different life stages may be more critical than differences in sen- sitivities among species. Of the eight species tested, all had similar median tolerance limits, fish and shrimp were the species having best tolerances, but juvenile crab were the most resistant. Data suggest that toxicity of oil fractions is related to the amount of naphthalenes or chemically similar compounds present. The toxic fraction is volatile; after its evaporation, surviving fish recovered. Aftereffects of this exposure are still unknown. Chronic effects on marine organisms of sublethal levels of petroleum and its fractions are being studied. Physiological and biochemical para- meters are estimated to detect changes in the organisms and to determine whether these changes could affect the survival of the species. The studies document the role of such variables as temperature, concentration of oil or oil fractions, manner of exposure, and size, age, and sex of the animals. Some species of crabs lost their legs when they were exposed to oil during molting. When salmonids were fed high levels of oil, they had abnormal liver cells and structure that suggest possible metabolic and functional alterations. These factors may be involved in the observed decreased growth rate when the fish were fed high levels of oil. Salmonids contain enzymes that permit the breakdown of aromatic hydrocarbons. This ability suggests possible adaptation to the presence of petroleum oil if the initial exposure is at a level that allows time for activation of the enzymes. The enzymes and other mechanisms formed metabolic products in various organs of the body. Their effects and degree of accumulation are still unknown. Research personnel from NOAA, EPA Region X, and the Washington State Department of Biology completed a 2-year interdisciplinary field study on the long-term chemical and biological effects of a persistent oil spill from the grounded (1972) troopship Geneva! G. C, Meigs in a cove on the northwest coast of Washington. The only organisms that appeared to be affected were sea urchins, which had recovered by the end of the study, and algae, which (except for the species Laminaria andersonii) also had recovered by the end of the study period. Intertidal plants and animals, fresh oil, and weathered tar balls were analyzed to follow changes in content of paraffin (aliphatic) hydrocarbons during the period. Accumulation of petroleum compounds in tissues of fish and shellfish appears to be affected by types and levels of petroleum compounds, methods of exposure, and species exposed. The species that were tested metabolized the aliphatic (paraffin) compounds. Pink salmon fry rid themselves of most of the accumulated naphthalenes even though the fish remained in con- taminated water. After exposed shellfish were removed to clean water, juvenile king crab rapidly cleansed themselves of the petroleum compounds, but scallops and shrimp had a much slower rate of cleaning. 14 The accumulation in fish of the aromatic compounds such as naphthalenes and anthracenes was related to chemical structure of the compounds. The larger the size of the molecule the slower the excretion rate of the compound and the greater the possibility of higher levels accumulating. Thus, anthracene compounds remain a longer time than benzene compounds. Benzene disappears so rapidly that it is rarely detected after the animal is removed from exposure. The potential of excreted compounds, whether parent compound or its metabolic products, for recycling and accumulation in other animals is unknown. In addition to the work being done at Seattle and Auke Bay, the NOAA Office of Sea Grant sponsored during FY 1975 various university research efforts related to marine oil pollution. Sea Grant researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology are developing a model to predict the trajectory of oil spills given the type of oil, volume of spill, and spill location. The model will predict the size, shape, and movement of a spill as a function of time. This informa- tion can be used to develop appropriate methodology for effective nearshore and offshore cleanup systems. It will also be useful to decisionmakers, relative to the siting of deepwater ports and terminal installations. A Sea Grant-sponsored study at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution is focused on the physiological and biochemical effects of oil on selected fishes. Researchers have shown that chronic and acute exposure to environ- mental levels of petroleum hydrocarbons alters the carbohydrate and lipid metabolism of those species under study. In anticipation of such stresses, baseline studies are underway at the University of Alaska to assess back- ground levels of petroleum hydrocarbons in the sediment and dominant benthic organisms in Prudhoe Bay. These data will be used to assess the environ- mental impact of offshore development in this area. Similar effects studies at Louisiana State University are designed to determine the impact of petroleum hydrocarbons on commercially important species, including shrimp and oysters. Special emphasis is being placed on rates of uptake and release of petroleum hydrocarbons and their effect on growth and recruitment of young oysters. Also within the Department of Commerce, the Maritime Administration continued to carry out its pollution abatement research and develop- ment program and sponsored a sampling program designed to measure hydrocarbon concentrations along heavily travelled tanker routes in the Pacific Ocean. In its research and development program, MarAd is evaluating vessel equipment and operating procedures and systems to enable U.S. vessels to operate within specified national and international discharge standards without undue economic penalty. Major R&D antipollution activities in FY 1975 included the evaluation of on-board oil/water separation and processing equipment, oil discharge control and monitoring systems, improved tank cleaning procedures, segregated ballast designs, navigation equipment, explosion suppression aboard tankers, and deepwater port equipment . 15 Since 1971, Exxon Corporation, under contract to MarAd, has been collecting and analyzing water samples along tanker routes in the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Oceans, and in the Mediterranean Sea. This worldwide sampling effort was designed to generate baseline data on the concentration and distribution of hydrocarbons (including both petroleum hydrocarbons and naturally occurring hydrocarbons) in the open sea. During the 1971-1973 sampling program in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans, water samples were obtained from Exxon tankers and from oceanographic research vessels and were analyzed. More than 1,050 samples were taken along four main tanker routes in the Atlantic Ocean and adjacent seas. Samples were taken from the top meter of the water column and at a depth of 10 meters. The results of the 1971-73 program indicate that the median concentration of nonvolatile hydrocarbons (C14 and higher) was 4 parts per billion (ppb) with values from 1.3 ppb to 13 ppb falling within one standard deviation. These values include hydrocarbons produced by marine organisms. In the South and North Atlantic, most surface water was found to contain <10 ppb of nonvolatile hydrocarbons. An occasional sample was found to contain 10-25 ppb. Some higher concentrations were found near ports in the northern part of the Mediterranean Sea and in the Indian Ocean near the Persian Gulf. However, the higher values, according to the Exxon study, probably result from recent input of petroleum from shipping activity near the immediate sampling area. hJ The Exxon-MarAd Atlantic Ocean survey was followed by a comparable baseline study in the Pacific Ocean. This survey began in mid-1973 and was completed in 1974. NOAA joined MarAd as a sponsor of the Pacific Ocean survey by Exxon. The Pacific sampling program differed from that in the Atlantic in that volatile hydrocarbons (C4 - C3) also were measured. Analysis of some 850 surface and subsurface samples collected in the Pacific Ocean was completed in FY 1975. The 1973-74 survey included tanker routes between such distant points as Southern California, Adak, Honolulu, Tokyo, Singapore, Wellington, Antarctica, and the Panama Canal. Surface water in the Pacific was predominantly of <10 ppb hydrocarbon content. Nonvolatile hydrocarbons showed a median surface water concentra- tion of 2 ppb, with values from 0.8 ppb to 13 ppb falling within one standard deviation. The highest values were found between San Francisco and Cook Inlet, Alaska. Samples from the 2,800-meter depth showed median con- centrations of 0.5 ppb. The median concentration of volatile hydrocarbons was 0.09 ppb, with little difference between surface and the 2,800-meter depth. North Pacific waters appeared to contain higher concentrations of both volatiles and nonvolatiles as compared with the South Pacific. 5 / Only the northwest sector and, in particular, the San Francisco/Cook Inlet tanker route had hydrocarbon concentrations in the 10-25 ppb range. Tokyo harbor water had a measured concentration of 25 ppb. 6 / To identify the origin of the hydrocarbons, analyses are made of the sample's complex compositions. Such analyses frequently indicate the presence of one or more compounds that came from marine organisms. However, petroleum-type hydrocarbons appear to dominate, even in samples where hydrocarbons from marine organisms occur. Petroleum-derived hydrocarbon 16 compounds can originate from natural seeps or man's activity. Further investigative work is needed to find a more definitive indication of hydro- carbons derived from these sources . The National Bureau of Standards is supporting NOAA in the OCS Environ- mental Assessment Program now underway in Alaska. The NBS is carrying out trace hydrocarbon analyses and is serving as a quality assurance laboratory for hydrocarbon analysis in sediments, tissue, and fish. NBS personnel participate in the initial sampling cruise made by each NOAA laboratory or contractor that undertakes hydrocarbon analyses. The NBS laboratory receives sample splits from all participating laboratories and processes them to provide quality assurance and interlaboratory correlation. The NBS is also developing methods and equipment needed to conduct trace hydrocarbon analysis in sea ice and at the air-ice-water interface. Department of the Interior. Within the U.S. Geological Survey there are ongoing studies on pollution by heavy metals and organic chemical compounds in rivers, and coastal, estuarine, and continental shelf waters. The input of pollutants from rivers has been measured at selected stations for many years. The general "state of pollution" in estuaries, has been studied in most west coast estuaries, some gulf coast estuaries, and one east coast estuary. Ongoing studies have been accelerated in outer con- tinental shelf areas of potential leasing for oil and gas development. The field studies are complemented by laboratory studies that include organic and trace metal geochemistry, origin of petroleum hydrocarbons, pollution indexes, and fate and dispersion of contaminants. The effects of OCS activities on aquifers that extend seaward beyond the coast also are being studied by the Geological Survey. The role of the Bureau of Land Management in marine oil pollution research is in the context of the offshore oil and gas leasing program which that agency administers. BLM activities in this area are described in Chapter IV. Also described in Chapter IV are activities of the Fish and Wildlife Service which is conducting studies to determine the effects of acute and chronic oil pollution on migratory birds, including seabirds, at its Patuxent, Maryland, Wildlife Research Center. Coast Guard. Development of forecasting techniques to predict pollutant movements is continuing. Coast Guard emphasis is fourfold: to develop field guides for use by operating personnel in forecasting movement of oil and hazardous substances in specific harbors of interest; to define procedures for the preparation by trained personnel of general field guides for any harbors; to continue to examine the potential of computers to assist in the movement forecasting problem; and to define the models and data base on movement mechanisms for petroleum products, cryogenic materials, and other hazardous substances. Specific harbor guides have been developed for New York, Puget Sound and San Francisco; guides for Galveston, San Diego and Long Beach are now being completed. Several computer models are being tested for accuracy and application to Coast Guard mission objectives. As an input to the environmental impact analysis of proposed deepwater port and offshore drilling sites off the New Jersey /Delaware coast, the Coast Guard has provided the Office of Technology Assessment (OTA) a statistical movement guide for potential oil spill accidents. 17 An air-deliverable, high-volume pumping system for off-loading liquid cargo from a stricken vessel was developed and delivery of eighteen opera- tional systems to National Strike Teams was completed in FY 1974. A high seas oil containment barrier system capable of air transport and deployment was also developed. This system can contain oil in current speeds up to 1 knot and in 4-foot waves and can survive in higher currents and wave heights. Delivery of fifteen operational systems to field commands was completed in FY 1975. Development of two high seas oil recovery systems was completed in FY 1975 and procurement of operational systems is scheduled for FY 1976. The feasibility of two concepts to control and remove oil in currents of up to 10 knots was demonstrated. Further work is underway to demonstrate the feasibility of these concepts to function as total removal systems. Research continued on the feasibility of using inexpensive cotton wastes as a sorbent oil removal system. Studies and field tests were completed on the risks, fate, and effects of petroleum spills in the Arctic environment to support the need for developing the necessary response and cleanup capability. Commercially available oil recovery equipment was tested with oil in an ice tank to evaluate its feasibility for use in an ice-laden environment. Two devices demonstrated that they had potential. The Coast Guard's Pollution Incident Report System (PIRS) continued to provide valuable statistical data on oil discharges into the navigable waters of the United States, the contiguous zone, and the high seas. Studies are continuing in an effort to develop means to separate and monitor waste oil in bilge and ballast water discharged from ships. Current projects include laboratory and shipboard analysis of a centrifugal oily water separator system and development of oil-in-water content monitors. Prototype development of one or more of these monitors is also planned. In addition, a test facility is being developed in Mobile, Alabama to accommodate testing of oily water separating and monitoring equipment for compliance with specifications proposed by the Intergovern- mental Maritime Consultative Organization (IMCO) . Data obtained at the facility will be used to determine the validity of the proposed specifica- tions, to support the U.S. position on the specifications before IMCO, and to draft U.S. domestic specifications. These efforts continue to be closely coordinated with MarAd, EPA, and the Navy. Coast Guard operational evaluations of a prototype multisensor airborne surveillance system have been highly successful. Several oil pollution discharge violation cases during FY 1975 were directly attributable to detections by the system of vessels discharging under cover of bad weather and cloud cover. The prototype equipment is currently being upgraded and installed in an HC-130 aircraft for long term operational use. Future systems to fit smaller surveillance aircraft are under development. Operational evaluations of fixed-site-spot and scanning sensors at several harbor locations continue. Systems to provide capabilities for the positive identification of the source of spilled oil are being procured and distributed to operating 18 Captain of the Port units. Usage of these systems has resulted in an ever-increasing savings in U.S. Government contingency funds that would have been expended for spill cleanup had polluting sources not been promptly identified and caused to recover the spilled oil. Sampling and transmittal procedures and equipment for use by oil spill investigation teams are being made available to Coast Guard field commands. Energy Research and Development Administration. Battelle Memorial Institute (Battelle-Northwest) continued their studies for the Energy Research and Development Administration (ERDA) on the fate and effects of oil in the marine environment. The studies were centered on determining the effects of long-term, chronic exposure to oil on marine intertidal communi- ties and individual organisms , and the ultimate fate of the oil in the intertidal environment. Major progress was made in the development of a flow-through exposure system that would enable researchers to deliver known amounts of seawater-borne oil solution to organisms or communities for periods of 6 to 12 months. The system was tested and detailed analyses of the concentration and compound types present in the system were conducted. U.S. Navy. The Navy, through the Office of Naval Research (ONR) , in FY 1975 continued to sponsor several research projects that examine the microbial degradation of petroleum hydrocarbons. The Navy is supporting work at Texas University, Austin, the University of Maryland, Rutgers University, Georgia State University, State University of New York (Brockport) on microbial degradation of crude oils and other forms of PHCs. In addition, ONR is funding research on degradation of PHCs under low-temperature marine conditions at the University of Rhode Island. A study at the Texas University Medical Branch is concerned with the chronic effects of hydrocarbons on chemoreceptive membranes of marine invertebrates. A similar effects study with bacteria is underway at Harvard University. This investigation shows that chlorinated hydro- carbons have a greater inhibitory effect on chemoreception than PHCs. Private Sector Oil Pollution Research In the private sector, various research organizations and industrial groups are engaged in various facets of marine oil pollution research. Some of the more significant investigations carried out during the FY 1975 period are described. The Ford Foundation, as part of its Energy Policy Project, published in 1974 a review of the ecological and technological aspects of marine oil pollution. U The Ford Foundation document recommends that, because of the large knowledge gaps and conflicting opinion surrounding marine oil pollution, great caution be applied in making policy decisions involving oil and the marine environment. The report urges more and better research into the problem, particularly in the more neglected aspects, such as sublethal effects, oil pollution in estuaries, background levels of biogenic and petroleum hydrocarbons, and oil pollution and its relationship to human health. 19 The oil industry sponsors research on marine oil pollution through the American Petroleum Institute (API), individual companies, and regional consortia. Recent API-sponsored field and laboratory research includes: sorbent recovery systems; effects of oil and chemically dispersed oil on selected marine biota; testing of oil recovery equipment; oiled waterfowl rehabilitation techniques; shoreline protection and restoration methods; biological effects of pelagic oil (tar balls) ; microbial degradation of PHCs; sublethal effects on marine organisms subjected to chronic exposure to oil; fate of oils in a water environment; and development and valida- tion of techniques for the analysis of petroleum components in water, sediments, and marine animal tissues. 8/ API has made a direct contribution to laboratory studies on oil in the marine environment by establishing four reference oils for use by their contractors. These four oils include a southern Louisiana crude, a Kuwait crude, a Venezuelan Bunker C, and a #2 fuel oil. Limited amounts of these reference oils are available at Texas A&M University at nominal cost for other research workers. The Institute has sponsored since 1974 a study of growth irregularities and abnormalities in marine biota subject to long-term natural seepage. The study site is Coal Oil Point, California, and the present contractor is the Allan Hancock Foundation of the University of Southern California (USC) . Findings to date indicate no adverse sublethal effects on selected benthic organisms and no relationship between PHCs in sediments and either the biomass or the abundance or presence/absence of any group or organisms. Another API-sponsored project at USC involves the development of a computerized model capable of describing and perhaps predicting the actual exposure of marine animals at all depths to major PHC fractions found in an oil spill. Work on this contract is scheduled for completion in early 1976; the final report will include a description of the oil spill simulation model and validation of the model. For validation, USC investigators have been comparing model predictions against known spill data from Santa Barbara, controlled experimental spills in the Chesapeake Bay, and the accidental spill in Chedabucto Bay, Nova Scotia (1970). API reports that some impressive correlations between computer predictions and actual spill trajectories have been obtained. The JBF Scientific Corporation is under contract to API to conduct four planned oil spills about 60 miles off the coast of Massachusetts. The objective is to obtain physical and chemical data on the dispersion of oil slicks in the water column by natural forces. This project supplements the USC oil spill model project. It will provide information for model development and verification in areas previously identified by the USC researchers as data-deficient. API also sponsored a followup study of the West Falmouth area affected by the 1969 spill of No. 2 fuel oil. The contractor is the Woods Hole Marine Biological Laboratory. This study has shown that the bottom fauna have substantially recovered, although the number of species in the affected marsh area is lower than at the control marsh. The offshore area is nearer to total recovery than the marsh areas . 20 HEAVY METALS Environmental stress caused by the introduction of heavy metals can alter the ecosystem and limit the recruitment, abundance, and distribution of living marine resources. Heavy metals can kill marine organisms or so con- taminate them that they are a hazard to human health. To provide a basis for environmental management , it is necessary to learn what levels of heavy metals can cause mortalities and what levels limit development, growth, reproduction, and other physiological processes at various stages in their life history. Heavy metals that accumulate in various tissues and organs are of concern to humans who eat these marine species. Research on Physiological and Biochemical Effects National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Studies were underway in the laboratory to determine how heavy metals — such as arsenic, cadmium, copper, mercury, nickel, zinc, and silver — affect the normal life functions of certain marine species. These experiments, when correlated with contaminant levels in the environment, will indicate the marine animals that are extremely sensitive to minute amounts of metals and also the animals or communities that are likely to flourish where traces of specific metal contaminants are present. Another area of research interest was the long-term effects that heavy metals may have on marine organisms . Experiments to measure physiological and biochemical changes in various species of marine shellfish, including lobsters, and fish common to the Atlantic Coast have been continued. Results have shown, for example, that different metals have different effects on different early life stages of the American oyster. Eggs are more sensitive than larvae to mercury and silver, less sensitive to copper and zinc, and equally sensitive to nickel. 9-10/ On the other hand, juvenile bay scallops are less sensitive than oyster eggs to mercury and silver, but more sensitive to cadmium and arsenic. 11/ This shows the need to understand how heavy metals affect all life stages of a number of species before firm conclusions can be drawn regarding the effects of heavy metals on marine ecosystems. When exposed to low concentrations of heavy metals for 1 to 4 months, a number of juvenile and adult fish, mollusks, and crustaceans showed differential stress response. These responses included altered rates of oxygen consumption, biochemical dysfunction, changes in blood components, and rapid uptake of metals (silver, cadmium, and mercury) > 12-16/ Histopathological examina- tions of certain fish species were also undertaken. Environmental Protection Agency Experiments have been made to assess the effect of an array of metals on early life stages of several marine organisms. Differences in toxicity of the same metal appear within the same groups of organisms and between groups. Studies also have been made to determine cadmium and copper uptake by shellfish in long-term exposure tests. 21 National Science Foundation NSF also supports research on the biological effects of heavy metal pollutants on marine organisms and ecological communities . Both laboratory and field experiments are included. Laboratory work is concerned mainly with effects of pollutants on single classes of organisms. Field studies are integrated into the Controlled Ecosystem Pollution Experiment of IDOE. This cooperative research project of international scope involves trapping water and natural communities in large plastic enclosures (10 m diameter by 30 m deep) and assessing the effects of added pollutants on marine ecosystems — the long-term effects influencing the stability of marine populations. The initial CEPEX enclosures are in Saanich Inlet, Vancouver Island, British Columbia. CEPEX is described under International Marine Pollution Research Activities. Metals in Seafood and Sediments Federal agencies and university researchers are making considerable effort to quantitate how much trace metals humans contribute to the marine environment and to evaluate the potential threat of these metal additions to marine organisms and the people who consume them. A number of programs are measuring concentrations of trace metals in marine organisms. Some of these are monitoring programs and others are basic research efforts to understand the cycling and transfer processes of metals in the marine environment . National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NOAA has the major Federal Government program now underway to determine baseline levels of metals in seafood. This effort, known as the Resource Survey, has been underway since 1971. The goals and objectives of this program are to: 1. Define occurrences of microconstituents (trace metals) in marine fish and fishery products, 2. Assess significance of the amount of metals in seafood in relation to human consumption, 3. Influence the establishment of sound regulation or guidelines, and 4. Establish an information base to assist other organizations with related responsibilities. Initially, a preliminary resource survey was made to measure the con- centrations of 15 elements (mercury, lead, cadmium, arsenic, selenium, silver, chromium, copper, zinc, nickel, molybdenum, vanadium, manganese, antimony, and tin) in muscles and livers of 204 species of marine fish and shellfish (85% finfish and 15% shellfish) from seven major geographical areas (North and Mid-Atlantic, South Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico, California, Pacific Northwest, Alaska, and Hawaii). Data from this survey will identify potential problems relative to certain trace metals in particular species 22 and geographical areas. The second phase of the study — detailed surveys — has been initiated to confirm the extent and nature of potential problems. These surveys will determine: (a) levels of trace metals; (b) their relationship to size and sex of organisms, season, and locale; and (c) the necessity or possibility of managing the problem. The third phase of the program will be to relate consumer intake of trace metals in fish to consumer intake from other food sources. All samples for the first goal have been collected, and 85 percent of the analytical data have been collected. An interim report of the resource survey, which has just been released, describes the approach used in planning and carrying out this survey and includes analytical data representing approximately the first third of the survey samples assembled ,±2J NOAA personnel participated in two dumpsite studies in 1974 and 1975 to collect sediments and deep-sea fish samples for heavy metal analyses in the vicinity of Deepwater Dumpsite 106. This site, located 90 nautical miles east of Cape Henlopen, Delaware, in water depths of about 2,000 meters, is used for the disposal of industrial wastes. Sediment samples were collected and analyzed for heavy metal content. It was determined that at most stations having water depths of about 2,000 meters there was relatively little heavy metal present when compared with sediment samples collected inshore in polluted areas such as the New York Bight Apex. However, it was noted that these sediments had somewhat more heavy metals than sediments collected from the outer reaches of the continental shelf in the Bight. This may be due either to dumping operations or to materials being carried down the Hudson Shelf Valley. The data from the two cruises provide information on the distribution of heavy metals in sediments and fishes from deeper waters. It is possible that future industrial and domestic wastes may be dumped at sites beyond the continental shelf-slope break. The information at hand provides a preliminary baseline. Environmental Protection Agency EPA is sponsoring studies to determine the influence of dredged material and sediment pollution on trace metal assimilation by organisms and to document the history of heavy metal pollution in estuaries. EPA has also issued a grant designed to answer specific questions concerning the fate and impact of trace metal pollution in marine waters. Interagency Program The National Shellfish Sanitation Program, conducted by a group of Federal, State, and private sector research organizations, is sponsoring a Chemistry Task Force which is attempting to establish environmental levels of four trace metals (lead, copper, zinc, and cadmium) in approved shell- fish growing beds along the Atlantic, Gulf, and Pacific coasts of the United States and Canada. This represents an attempt to determine back- ground concentrations of these metals in different growing areas so that 23 metal contaminated shellfish beds can be readily identified. Once this is known, efforts can be made by appropriate State and Federal agencies to identify and eliminate sources of unnatural inputs of these metals to these growing areas. To accomplish this task, standard procedures have to be followed by all participants. During 1975 the Task Force published a brochure entitled Chemical Procedures, Collection, Preparation^ and Analysis of Trace Metals in Shellfish. (Department of HEW publication #FDA 76-2006) . These methods will be used by all participants to (1) establish background levels of trace elements and (2) identify areas where contamination may have occurred. Pollutant Transfer Studies National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Research is underway in NOAA to determine (1) the cycling of heavy metals in estuaries and coastal waters of the Southeastern United States and (2) the effects of these metals on biota common to the region. Research completed to date includes studies on the influence of environ- mental variables on the concentrations of trace metals in marine oiganisms 18^22/ and on the flux of trace metals in the estuarine environ- ment .±$z2^L/ In addition, research began during the past year to determine the lethal and sublethal effects of copper on marine biota. This work is directed toward determining which chemical forms of copper are most toxic to marine organisms in the estuarine environment and then designing bioassay experiments in the laboratory which will expose the test organisms to these specific chemicals . SYNTHETIC HYDROCARBONS Insecticides, herbicides and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are synthetic hydrocarbons that threaten the marine environment. Many such compounds persist in the environment and are toxic at low concentrations. These chemicals, particularly the chlorinated hydrocarbons, accumulate in aquatic food chains and could adversely affect not only such organisms as fish and fish-eating birds, but also man, the ultimate consumer. The EPA is carrying out a major research program on the effects of synthetic hydrocarbons on marine ecosystems at the Gulf Breeze Environ- mental Research Laboratory (GBERL) in Gulf Breeze, Florida. Activities at GBERL during FY 1975 included: (1) evaluating the impact of pesticides and PCBs on marine ecosystems and continuously updating methods to appraise overall ecological effects; (2) determining the pathways and mechanisms of microbial degradation of pesticides in the marine environment; (3) assaying new pesticides and pesticides involved in EPA's reregistration process for effects on specific marine organisms and populations of "indicator" species; and (4) establishing water quality criteria for pesticides and PCBs by utilizing information obtained in items listed above and by studying effects of the chemicals on sensitive life stages and behavior of selected organisms. Specific research projects and findings during FY 1975 are described in the following. 24 The chemical, toxaphene, has been the most widely used insecticide in the United States in recent years , accounting for over 50 percent of total organochlorine insecticides applied to crops. Even greater amounts of toxaphene may be applied in the future because of restrictions on related insecticides such as DDT, aldrin, dieldrin, heptachlor, and chlordane. Increased usage of toxaphene may present environmental problems. For example, preliminary data obtained by GBERL during FY 1975 indicate that newly hatched sheepshead minnow fry, exposed for 28 days to five concentra- tions of toxaphene ranging from 0.2 to 2.5 ppb suffered potentially harmful effects. The fry survived exposure to 1.1 ppb, but died when exposed to 2.5 ppb. Hatching time and growth appeared to be unaffected by 0.2 to 2.5 ppb of toxaphene. Fry bioaccumulated toxaphene 6,100 to 14,000 times the concentration measured in water. Research has continued to assess the potential effects of other pesti- cides such as heptachlor, hexachlorobenzene (HCB) , and DDT. Acute bioassays to determine effects of heptachlor on various life stages of the sheepshead minnow indicated that the 96-hour LC^q27J for fry was 3.6 ppb; for juveniles, 10.5 ppb, and for adults, 16.3 ppb. Tentative analysis of data from tests that included the reproductive portion of the life cycle indicates that safe concentrations were 18 to 27% of concentrations lethal to half of the juvenile fish in 96-hour tests. Twenty-eight-day bioaccumulation studies were conducted to determine the effects of HCB on the American oyster and the pinfish. Each test was followed by a 28-day depuration period to record the rate of loss of HCB's four isomers. Maximum concentration factors were 210 in oyster meat and 125 in pinfish muscle. After a 7-day depuration period, no HCB was detected in oysters or pinfish. A 96-hour flow-through bioassay was conducted to determine the LC50 of DDT to juvenile brown shrimp. These data were required to better evaluate the environmental effects of proposed DDT applications to crops in Louisiana. The LC50 for DDT in this test was 0.14 ppb. The recent discovery that wastes from a manufacturer of the chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticide Kepone have contaminated the lower James River, necessitated a new research effort to evaluate the impact of this pollutant on this estuarine system. Experiments will attempt to reveal the level of concentration of Kepone in organisms that are commercially harvested in the James River estuary. These organisms constitute a direct route of this potential carcinogen to humans. Studies will also focus on the loss of Kepone from organisms transplanted to clean water, the direct toxic effects of Kepone on individual organisms, the potential ecological hazards in the James River estuary, and the fate and persistence of any harmful compounds in the estuary. These data will aid in the assessment of the problem and in developing effective corrective action. Another group of synthetic chlorinated hydrocarbons, PCBs, are manu- factured by one company in this country. These complex mixtures have been used as transformer oils, condenser dielectrics, plasticizers, printing components, and other industrial products. They are stable and persistent 25 and, like DDT, are widely prevalent in the environment. They are found in ocean water, sediment, and biota. In the United States, about 40 million pounds of PCBs are produced each year. Tests indicate that all PCBs are toxic to certain estuarine organisms and their degree of bioaccumulation is significant. A study is underway to determine the amount and modes of input of PCBs in the Los Angeles Bight. Preliminary results indicate that atmospheric fallout is a significant source (up to 30%) of the local input of PCBs. The rate of input and solu- bilities of one tested form differ from those of other forms of PCBs. In addition, caged mussel experiments indicate that the rate of depuration of PCBs is approximately the same as the rate of uptake. Recently, the U.S. manufacturer of PCBs voluntarily restricted their distribution. However, studies show that both freshwater and marine organisms continue to accumulate these chemicals in their fatty tissues. In the area of methodology for synthetic hydrocarbon research, it has long been recognized that long-term, sublethal exposures of organisms to pollutants provide valuable information in assessing the potential stress of contaminants to estuarine and marine organisms and ecosystems. Such studies have been limited by: the inability of many species to mature and reproduce under laboratory conditions; relatively lengthy time require- ments for entire life cycles; the high costs of necessary environmental controls; and the lack of information on the nutritional requirements of larval stages. Two recent developments may improve this situation. First, it has been determined that the sheepshead minnow, an estuarine fish of the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts, is suitable for both partial chronic and chronic (egg-to-egg) bioassays. The fish is easily held at high population densities in the laboratory and produces numerous eggs. Generation time for this species is short (3 to 4 months) and its small adult size (average male length is 48 mm) provides for relatively inexpensive bioassays. The susceptibility of this species to organochlorine chemicals is similar to that demonstrated by other estuarine fishes. Tests utilizing this fish, therefore, should yield significant information on the effects of toxicants on the estuarine community. Second, laboratory experiments conducted over the past several months indicate that small, estuarine shrimp-like crustaceans called mysids may function as reliable, practical bioassay animals for use in conducting life-cycle studies for the purpose of determining sublethal effects of contaminants. Based on tests using cadmium, the mysid demonstrated sensitivity to this toxicant an order of magnitude greater than previously exhibited by other estuarine biota. Thus, in terms of laboratory maintenance, life-cycle time requirements, and representativeness of response, the mysid appears to be an organism quite suitable for long-term bioassay studies. Its utilization apparently can conserve time and resources and aid in the establishment of water quality standards and effective water pollution control procedures. 26 NOAA's National Marine Fisheries Service conducted research to determine the levels of DDT and PCBs in three Pacific Coast species of fish (lingcod, albacore tuna, and striped bass) and on menhaden fish and products (meal, oil, solubles, and stickwater) from the Middle Atlantic, South Atlantic, and Gulf of Mexico. DDT and PCB levels in 58 out of 60 samples of the three Pacific Coast species did not exceed 1.0 ppm which is well below the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) action level for raw fish of 5.0 ppm for both compounds. A pronounced decrease in DDT and PCB levels in menhaden was noted over the 5-year period 1969-74. This decrease is probably due to the restricted use of DDT in agriculture and PCBs in manufacturing . NOAA Sea Grant research on the environmental impacts of synthetic hydrocarbons has concentrated primarily on the effects of persistent chlorinated hydrocarbons (pesticides) on food chains in the Great Lakes. Scientists at the University of Wisconsin are analyzing the accumulation and impact of these compounds (i.e., DDT, PCB, DDE, dieldrin, aldrin, and HCB) and their major degradation products (metabolites) on phytoplankton and zooplankton in Lake Michigan. Several microbial strains in the sediments of the lake were found to actively dechlorinate or degrade the PCBs. A project just beginning is focusing on the effects of various PCBs on the morphology, development, and survival of lake trout. Early results suggest detrimental effects are substantial. In a more positive vein, another contaminant, 3-triflouro-methyl-4-nitrophenol, has been deliberately placed into the tributaries of Lake Michigan in a successful effort to control the sea lamprey. PCBs have become a severe contaminant problem in Lake Michigan, with levels in some large lake trout and salmon reaching 50 parts per million (ppm) , ten times the safe levels for consumption set by the FDA. Sea Grant scientists have found that salmon and trout con- centrate PCBs at one hundred thousand to a million times the levels found in surrounding waters. In effect, the fish feed as the PCB sinks, taking in these compounds very rapidly and eliminating them very slowly. The compounds are taken up through the gills, fins, and skin. Other Sea Grant-sponsored studies have examined the effects of PCBs on monkeys and have shown that animals fed half the recommended safe FDA levels in their diets (2.5 ppm) suffered severe health problems, developing acne, hair loss, swollen eyelids and lips, enlarged livers, and stomach ulcers within two months. The infants of PCB-fed females are small and contain comparable levels of PCB in their fatty tissue. Detectable levels persist in both mothers and infants for 1-1/2 years. Though man is not likely to consume this level of PCBs on a continuous basis in his diet, the research does raise questions about the safe levels set by the FDA since the monkey's metabolic pathways are similar to man's. At its Great Lakes Fishery Laboratory in Ann Arbor, Michigan, the Fish and Wildlife Service determines the identity, severity, areas of distribution, and changing trends of contaminants (DDT, DDE, and PCBs) that are a potential threat to the fish and fisheries of the Great Lakes. FWS also determines the toxicity thresholds of contaminants in physio- logical and biochemical systems of the Great Lakes fishes and invertebrates. 27 The NSF/IDOE program is studying synthetic organic compounds in its pollutant transfer and biological effects programs. Light halocarbons, including Freon and dry cleaning solvents have been measured in air and in the surface waters along the coasts. The transport routes for heavier halocarbons including DDT, toxaphene, and PCBs are surface runoff, rivers, and the atmosphere, depending on their volatility. Toxaphene, a pesticide used in growing cotton, is presently transported to the Atlantic Ocean in concentrations 100,000 times greater than DDT. The biological effects of synthetic organic compounds are also being studied. The decreasing levels of DDT and PCBs off California are leading to better reproductive success of marine animals and birds. In the laboratory, different life stages of crabs and shrimp are being exposed to PCBs and polychlorinated naphthalene (Halowax) with deleterious effects at the 10 ppb level. The ability of marine bacteria to degrade PCBs is also being studied. In summary, new information on the effects of synthetic hydrocarbons is becoming available, particularly in regard to single species. The intro- duction of these compounds into the marine and estuarine environments is being more stringently controlled. More information, however, is required before the total impact of these materials can be predicted and effectively controlled. Specifically, knowledge of the ecosystem response to synthetic hydrocarbons, both singly and in combination, must be broadened before the environmental stress caused by these compounds can be properly evaluated and controlled. MAJOR REGIONAL STUDIES OF OCEAN POLLUTION New York Bight The New York Bight, a 15,000-square-mile area of the ocean extending from the tip of Long Island, New York, to Cape May, New Jersey, and out to the edge of the continental shelf , is the ultimate repository of about 4 million metric tons of industrial wastes and 5 million metric tons of sewage sludge annually from the New York/New Jersey metropolitan region. Although ocean dumping of industrial and municipal wastes accounts for a significant fraction of the contaminants entering the Bight , at least five other sources or pathways of pollutants are important. They are: sewer outfalls, dredging and dredge spoil disposal, land runoff, the Hudson and Raritan Rivers, and atmospheric transport. . In the early 1970s NOAA initiated the Marine Ecosystem Analysis (MESA) program, which consists of multidisciplinary investigations of the ecology of a given marine environment and the changes in that natural system which result from human activities and natural forces. The New York Bight was selected as the first U.S. coastal area to undergo a comprehensive study under this program. 28 In FYs 1974 and 1975 most of the resources of the MESA New York Bight project were directed to an investigation of the immediate problem of dumping of wastes in the Bight. However, work was also initiated to: (1) determine the effects of existing and projected pollution loads from the other major sources; and (2) investigate the nearshore ocean processes such as currents, wave patterns, and sediment movement in order to improve coastal zone management and coastal engineering decisions. While ocean dumping is the most visible and probably most aesthetically displeasing activity contributing to the overall contamination of the New York Bight, it is only one of many contaminant sources. Sewage sludge provides a source of nutrients when dumped in the Bight, but the quantity introduced in this manner is small compared to the river input. Regarding heavy metals, MESA researchers have concluded that the Hudson and Raritan estuaries are the likely major sources of metals to the Bight, followed by the dredge spoil dumpsite. The exception to this is mercury of which 70 percent of the total input is attributed to shoreline wastewater discharges. Dumped sewage sludge contributes less than 6 percent of the heavy metal load. Unchlorinated municipal wastewater and urban runoff from combined sewer overflows contribute the bulk of the microbial load. There is no evidence of shoreward movement of dumped sewage sludge, and MESA scientists have concluded that, at present levels of sewage sludge dumping, there is no threat to shoreline communities .HU Nevertheless , some areas of the Bight are heavily polluted and large sectors are closed to shellfishing due to ocean dumping and other pollutant sources. The MESA project is sponsoring a study by Manhattan College on contaminant inputs to the New York Bight. A report from this study is expected to be issued in 1976. Great Lakes Studies The International Field Year for the Great Lakes (IFYGL) is a joint United States and Canadian multiyear program that includes an intensive field study of Lake Ontario and its drainage basin. The 1-year data collection effort was completed in March 1973. Data on physical, chemical, and biological properties were collected from ships, buoys, towers, and air- craft by radars and rawinsondes and at meteorological and hydrologic stations. The IFYGL studies were conducted on both a whole-lake scale and on a fine scale for the nearshore and selected tributaries to determine distribu- tions and variability in specific sections of the lake. The whole-lake scale studies provide information on the balances of physical, chemical, and biological properties in terms of input, output, and storage. The fine-scale studies provide information on the mechanisms by which effluents are transported and distributed. Studies of harbors and embayments are providing information on the fate of effluents discharged into these waters as a function of the physical characteristics of the shore area and the lake. The IFYGL data and analysis results will provide a basis for determining the distribution and fate of pollutants in Lake Ontario. Mathematical models are under development and test to simulate the important processes 29 in determining the impact of man's activities on the lake's future state and its value as a resource for various uses. Much of the information collected during IFYGL may be applicable to the other Great Lakes. The IFYGL Water Movement Project is investigating the water movements and mixing processes involved in the distribution and variability of pollu- tants. These studies include: analyses of physical properties, development of diagnostic and simulation models of the deep lake and coastal circula- tion, and the effects of diffusion and of internal and surface waves. Analyses of IFYGL data are yielding significant results on these physical parameters and the hydrodynamic models show promise of useful simulations. The occurrence and accumulation of hazardous materials in the lake and the biotic system are being investigated through a series of transport pathway studies. Hazardous materials, such as radioactive materials, pesticides, organics, etc., were sampled on a limited basis to determine the magnitude of their input and very detailed mapping of chlorophyll a. was undertaken on a weekly basis to measure the eutrophic status of the lake. A fish survey was conducted during IFYGL as a first step in an ongoing program to guide management initiatives aimed at restoring the fish stocks of Lake Ontario and the other Great Lakes. Both nearshore and deep lake surveys were conducted to determine the species and distribution of fish still inhabiting Lake Ontario. A species distribution study has been com- pleted and a long-period study of the relationships of the lake biota and the physical and chemical properties of the lake is underway. Work is continuing on analysis of IFYGL data to provide descriptive summaries of the distributions and variability of measured parameters, statistical relationships of the parameters and processes observed, and simulation and prediction models of the physical, chemical and biological processes occurring in the lake. This analysis phase is expected to be completed in FY 1976. These products will have almost immediate utility in making decisions relative to use of the lakes as an effluent dumping ground, as a source of water for public and industrial use, as fish and wildlife habitat, and as a recreational resource. They also will increase our scientific understanding of the Great Lakes as a total system. Another joint Canada-United States activity concerned with Great Lakes water quality is the implementation of the 1972 Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement. The Agreement establishes certain water quality objectives to be achieved by both countries. The International Joint Commission (IJC) , estab- lished in 1909, was designated by the two governments to coordinate activities under the Agreement. This task was delegated, pursuant to the Agreement, to the Great Lakes Water Quality Board, which is located at Windsor, Ontario. Basically, the mission of the Board is to coordinate joint activities, monitor progress under the Agreement, report annually to the two governments on such progress, and make recommendations to help achieve the objectives of the Agreement. 30 In addition to the basic 1972 Agreement, the IJC was requested by the two governments to conduct studies of: (1) the water quality in Lakes Huron and Superior; and (2) pollution of the Great Lakes from agricultural, forestry, and other land use activities. The work of the Upper Lakes Reference Group was well underway in FY 1975 and the Group expects to issue its final report on pollution in the upper lakes to the IJC in mid-1976. The objectives of the Reference Group on Great Lakes Pollution From Land Use Activities are to: o Assess problems, management programs and research, and to attempt to set priorities on the effects of land use activities on Great Lakes Water Quality; o Inventory land use and land use practices, with emphasis on certain trends and projections to 1980 and, if possible, to 2020; o Study small number of representative watersheds to permit extrapolation of data to the entire Great Lakes Basin and to relate contamination of water quality which may be found at river mouths to specific land uses and practices; and o Diagnose degree of impairment of water quality in the Great Lakes, including assessment of concentrations of contaminants of concern in sediments, fish, and other aquatic resources. This investigation is expected to require 5 years (1973-78) . INTERNATIONAL MARINE POLLUTION RESEARCH ACTIVITIES Four major international cooperative programs of marine research are reviewed. Among these are the International Decade of Ocean Exploration (ID0E) Environmental Quality Program, the NATO Committee on the Challenges of Modern Society (CCMS) , the Global Investigation of Pollution in the Marine Environment (GIPME) , and the Integrated Global Ocean Station System (IGOSS). International Decade of Ocean Exploration The National Science Foundation's IDOE program supports basic research on ocean pollution. Projects study the movement of pollutants into the ocean, the effects of these pollutants on marine life, and geochemical indicators of ocean mixing and diffusion. The Geochemical Ocean Sections Study (GEOSECS) effort began with collection of water samples at 121 carefully picked locations in the Atlantic and 130 locations in the Pacific. Scientists are now analyzing nearly 40 different geochemical features of these samples. This data will provide a better understanding of the diffusion of material in the oceans, the stirring and mixing that goes on in the deep ocean, and the exchange 31 of water and gas with the atmosphere. Geochemists from 14 United States universities are taking part in GEOSECS. Scientists from Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, India, Japan, and the United Kingdom are also participating in the program, or are carrying out similar efforts coordinated by U.S. investigators. GEOSECS investigators are now preparing a final data report of shipboard analysis and several detailed geochemical atlases. The main concern of the Pollutant Transfer Program is to find out how pollutants reach the ocean and what happens to them once they get there. The air is a major route for chlorinated and petroleum hydrocarbons and trace metals destined for the sea. Most of the airborne trace metals over the open ocean and Antarctica are from normal weathering of the earth's crusts. Concentrations of several trace metals (zinc, copper, antimony, lead, selenium, and cadmium), however, are far higher than those predicted to be of crustal origin. The major routes for pollutant transfer to coastal waters are rivers and sewage and industrial outfalls. Wastes from these sources subject estuaries to the most severe man-induced stresses in the marine environment. Researchers at the Skidaway Institute of Oceanography are tracing iron, manganese, copper, cadmium, and mercury through salt marsh estuaries out to the continental shelf off the southeastern United States. On the west coast, scientists are trying to identify how lead in different chemical forms enters the Southern California Bight. They are now sampling dissolved and particulate lead in the ocean near sewage outfalls and in rain and storm runoff. The Biological Effects Program is using laboratory studies to evaluate the effects of metals, petroleum, and chlorinated hydrocarbons on bacteria, phytoplankton, zooplankton and more complicated marine creatures. Scientists ran acute toxicity tests to find how sensitive various organisms are to specific pollutants. By reducing the fatal dosages the researchers can determine the effects of pollutants on impor- tant processes like respiration, reproduction, and photosynthesis. In these preliminary tests, heavy metals (e.g., mercury) and chlorinated hydrocarbons (e.g., PCBs) were generally more toxic than petroleum hydro- carbons for most tested species. Crude oils from Kuwait and Louisiana, and Number 2 fuel oil were toxic to phytoplankton in extremely small concentrations (15-150 parts-per-billion) . The effects of pollutants on communities of organisms are the concern of scientists in the Controlled Ecosystems Pollution Experiment (CEPEX) . Scientists from the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada are studying the natural marine communities captured in large plastic enclosures, These large cylindrical bags (8 ft. x 52 ft.; and 33 ft. x 96 ft.) are suspended in Saanich Inlet, Victoria, British Columbia. Planktonic organisms trapped inside the enclosures went through an ecological sequence common to waters surrounding the enclosures . Experi- ments using the small er enclosures included measuring the effects of low concentrations of copper, mercury, and petroleum hydrocarbons. The results 32 of the copper experiments showed that low concentrations (10 and 50 ppb) of copper caused an immediate mortality of plankton species, followed by the development of bacterial and plankton populations that appear to tolerate these low copper concentrations. The mercury experiments were similar to those of copper. Mercury, however, was toxic to these organisms at lower concentrations (0.25-1.0 ppb), and the effects were not as rapidly detectable as those of copper. One interesting result showed that bacteria exposed to either of these metals showed an increased tolerance to the other metal. Preliminary findings from the petroleum hydrocarbon experiments were even more striking than those of the copper experiments. At low concentra- tions of PHCs (approximately 10-20 ppb) there was an enhancement of primary productivity among certain marine organisms. However, more recent studies have shown that water extracts of fuel oils in concentrations between 40-60 ppb caused a rapid population decrease followed by species shifts in these lower trophic levels. The research suggests that the PHC con- centration in the water column decreases within a few days after introduc- tion. This could be the result of the adsorption of these compounds to particulate matter, including dying plankton, which carries them to the bottom where they are degraded by bacteria in the sediment. General implications resulting from the CEPEX project indicate that the effects of metals and PHCs on bacteria are transient and short-term due to rapid (days) adaptation of the populations to imposed stress. Phy top lank ton, likewise, adapt to stress quickly (less than 15 days). Some physiological measurements (respiration, excretion rates) have shown very little relation to pollution stress in zooplankton. Other indices of metabolic well-being (egg production, feeding rate) are sensitive indicators of stress at sublethal levels. In general, small zooplankton, regardless of species, are more sensitive than larger organisms. The consequences of pollution on organisms at high trophic levels , for the most part, remains unresolved. In 1969 the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) , accepting an initiative proposed by the United States, added a social dimension to its activities by establishing a Committee on the Challenges of Modern Society. The North Atlantic Council directed CCMS to examine ways to improve the exchange of information among member countries relative to creating a better environment and to consider specific problems of modern society with the objective of stimulating action by member governments.—' CCMS identified oil spills as a problem of urgent concern and therefore gave it early priority. CCMS activities are organized by individual member countries of NATO, each acting as a "pilot" for one or more activities. Belgium accepted the role of "pilot" on the problem of oil spills, as a first step in the broader project of coastal water pollution. In late 1970 the Belgium Government convened in Brussels an international conference on oil spills. A significant outcome of this conference was a resolution by the NATO Foreign Ministers committing their governments to work toward the elimination of intentional discharges of oil and oily wastes into the 33 sea by 1975, if possible, but no later than the end of the decade. This NATO/CCMS resolution was adopted as the goal of the Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization (TMCO) International Conference on Marine Pollution held in London in October 1973. The outcome of that conference was the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution From Ships, 1973, which is now open for ratification. Belgium, as "pilot country", together with the United Kingdom and the Netherlands, initiated a North Sea Pollution Project. The major effort in this project is development of a North Sea diagnostic model which was com- pleted in 1975. The basic CCMS North Sea model has also been modified for application in the estuaries of the Tagus River in Portugal and the Po River in Italy. At the end of FY 1975, the CCMS nations were considering possible followup efforts to the North Sea Pollution Project. Integrated Global Ocean Station System The Marine Pollution Monitoring Pilot Project is part of the Integrated Global Ocean Station System Program cosponsored by the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO and the World Meteorological Organiza- tion. The purpose of the Pilot Project is to bring together and coordinate the national activities of various countries, and to develop common methodology into a global organization on marine pollution monitoring. Initially, the Pilot Project was to be limited to the monitoring and assessment of petroleum hydrocarbons, but with the possibility of adding or extending the project eventually to cover other pollutants. Oil was selected as the initial contaminant because: 1) it is recognized as a worldwide problem; and 2) many nations have an interest and varying capabilities to participate in some way. An Operational Plan for the Marine Pollution Pilot Project was designed around the recommendations made at a Marine Pollution Monitoring Symposium and Workshop held in May 1974 at the National Bureau of Standards .^2J Specifically, the Pilot Project was designed to collect data on the following: o Oil slicks and other floating pollutants visually observed from participating ships o Floating particulate petroleum residues (tar balls) o Dissolved or dispersed PHCs in surface waters o Tar on beaches The areas that will be concentrated on initially by the Pilot Project are areas of the North Atlantic, waters around Africa, the Norwegian Sea, ocean areas around Japan, and the northern part of the Indian Ocean. These areas were selected to take into account the regions of offshore oil 34 production, oil transportation routes, and ocean current patterns. However, observations from all ocean areas are encouraged. Data collected by participating countries will be made available to a spectrum of ocean users. Efforts are underway to coordinate and encourage the participation of U.S. Federal agencies, academic institutions, and private industries in the Pilot Project. To provide for U.S. participation in the project, and to ensure compatibility with ongoing activities and programs, the U.S. plan will be implemented in phases. The first phase, which began in early 1975, consists of developing reporting procedures for visually observable pollu- tants, obtaining sampling information from ongoing programs, and receiving, archiving, and disseminating data. To date, the primary U.S. effort in IGOSS has come from the Federal agencies, specifically NOAA, U.S. Navy (Military Sealift Command), and Coast Guard ships. The Coast Guard has provided data on visual observa- tions of oil slicks and tar balls. For the past two years, Coast Guard vessels have been routinely sampling coastal surface waters while occupying Ocean Weather Station Hotel and on fisheries patrol. This program is an attempt to determine the source, quantity, and possibly the residence time of tar balls in the marine environment. The Coast Guard Research and Development Center has managed the Tarball Sampling Program and has developed a method for determining the areal distribution of tar at various locations in the open sea. Data input from the private sector so far has been limited to that from Exxon Corporation which has supplied results of petroleum dissolved hydrocarbon analyses of water samples from its open ocean sampling program. The IGOSS Marine Pollution Monitoring Project did not get underway until late in FY 1975 and not many observations were reported in that year. However, the project has demonstrated that some cooperation could be obtained at the national level for a pollution monitoring program. Probably more important, the project has established a reporting network for the receipt, analysis, and dissemination of marine pollution data. Global Investigation of Pollution in the Marine Environment GIPME is a program of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission whose purpose is to provide an international framework within which national and regional programs on various aspects of marine pollution may be coordin- ated in order to contribute to a continuing evaluation of global marine pollution problems. This goal is to be achieved through strategies outlined in the Comprehensive Plan, the first steps of which are to conduct baseline surveys to acquire data on pollutant inputs, distributions and pathways, and to promote research on transfer processes (including atmospheric transfers) between major reservoirs and the effects of pollutants on marine ecosystems. The coordinating body for GIPME is the International Coordination Group (ICG) . 35 The ICG held its Second Session (GIPME II) at the United Nations head- quarters in New York, July 15-19, 1974, and approved a draft plan for implementation of GIPME. Proposed at the session, was the establishment of a Working Committee for GIPME. Its tasks would be to: (1) revise and update, when necessary, the implementation plan for GIPME: (2) develop and maintain an up-to-date comprehensive statement of the "health of the oceans"; (3) coordinate those GIPME projects requiring concerted action by the member states; and (4) facilitate and expedite, when necessary, international arrangements for field and laboratory studies conducted under the auspices of GIPME. It was recommended that this proposal be considered at the IOC's Ninth Assembly to be held in late 1975. The Third Session of the ICG (GIPME III) was held in Paris during the period May 28 to June 4, 1975. At that session the ICG considered (1) further modifications to the Comprehensive Plan, and (2) a draft report of an IOC/ICES working group on baseline study guidelines. The latter document will, once it is approved, serve as a common international frame- work for conducting marine baseline investigations. 36 CHAPTER III OVERFISHING Marine fish stocks are a renewable natural resource that can be utilized by man through commercial or recreational fisheries. These stocks are capable of providing a maximum sustainable yield; that is, the largest average catch that can be taken annually. Overfishing is the continual taking of an amount larger than the maximum sustainable yield, with the eventual result that the stock is no longer capable of yielding its maximum and is in a depleted condition. In the past, certain fish and shellfish stocks of interest to the United States have been so over- fished that substantial reduction in fishing effort must be achieved so that the stocks can naturally rebuild themselves over a period of years to a maximum sustainable yield level. The status of stocks and problems of overfishing are reported to the Congress each fiscal year by the Secretary of Commerce as required by the Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act of 1972. The first report covered the period from enactment of the Act in October 1972 through December 1973. It provided a general discussion of overfishing and its long-term effects on marine biological populations and communities. The second report covered Fiscal Year 1974, July 1973 through June 1974. It presented an overview of progress in conserving marine fisheries resources, and discussed in detail overfishing problems in the Northwest Atlantic, including a history of New England fisheries and manage- ment of fisheries resources in the northwest Atlantic through the Inter- national Commission for the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries (ICNAF) . It documented the recent development of a two-tiered management regime under ICNAF designed to restore certain stocks to former abundance levels. This third report covers Fiscal Year 1975, July 1974 through June 1975. It presents an overview on the status and management of marine fish stocks on a nationwide basis and gives a detailed description of overfishing problems in the East Bering Sea. OVERVIEW—STATUS AND MANAGEMENT OF STOCKS Status of Stocks About 10 to 15 major finfish and shellfish stocks of commercial and recreational interest to the United States have been overfished, primarily by foreign distant-water fleets. Other stocks are in danger of being overfished by both foreign and domestic fleets. Numerous others are intensively exploited. Table 1 summarizes the present condition of certain stocks. Management of Stocks Traditional international law gives all nations equal rights to fish anywhere on the high seas. This was a workable arrangement for harvesting the fish resources of the oceans until recent times. During the last 15 years, improvements in fishing technology and the greatly expanded need of 37 Table 1. — Status of selected finfish and shellfish stocks Finfish species overfished (excluding tunas and billfish) Primarily by foreign fishing: Atlantic mackerel Haddock Atlantic sea herring Yellowtail flounder Pacific halibut Pacific ocean perch Alaska pollock Sablefish (black cod) Yellowfin sole Pacific sea herring Pacific hake By foreign and U.S. fishing: Summer flounder Alewife (a river herring) Blueback herring (a river herring) Atlantic salmon Total finfish biomass Primarily by U.S. fishing: Atlantic menhaden Pacific barracuda Pacific mackerel Pacific sardine Northwest Atlantic and Mid-Atlantic Bight Southeast U.S. coast Northwest Atlantic and Mid-Atlantic Bight Northwest Atlantic and Mid-Atlantic Bight Northwest Atlantic and Mid-Atlantic Bight Gulf of Alaska, East Bering Sea Northwest U.S. coast, Gulf of Alaska, East Bering Sea East Bering Sea East Bering Sea East Bering Sea East Bering Sea Southwest U.S. coast, Northwest U.S. coast Northwest Atlantic and Mid-Atlantic Bight Northwest Atlantic and Mid-Atlantic Bight Northwest Atlantic and Mid-Atlantic Bight Northwest Atlantic and Mid-Atlantic Bight Northwest Atlantic and Mid-Atlantic Bight, East Bering Sea Northwest Atlantic and Mid-Atlantic Bight, Southeast U.S. coast Southwest U.S. coast Southwest U.S. coast Southwest U.S. coast Finfish species in danger of being overfished, or of which some stocks are overfished Primarily by foreign fishing: Red hake Silver hake Rockfishes (excluding Pacific ocean perch) Northwest Atlantic and Mid-Atlantic Bight Northwest Atlantic and Mid-Atlantic Bight Northwest U.S. coast, Gulf of Alaska, East Bering Sea 38 Table 1. — Status of selected finfish and shellfish stocks (continued) By foreign and U.S. fishing: American dab Cod Grey sole Scup or porgy Winter flounder Pacific salmons Northwest Atlantic and Mid-Atlantic Bight Northwest Atlantic and Mid-Atlantic Bight Northwest Atlantic and Mid-Atlantic Bight Northwest Atlantic and Mid-Atlantic Bight Northwest Atlantic and Mid-Atlantic Bight Northwest U.S. coast, Gulf of Alaska, East Bering Gulf of Mexico Primarily by U.S. fishing: Menhaden Shellfish species overfished Primarily by foreign fishing: Shrimps East Bering Sea By foreign and U.S. fishing: Sea scallop Northwest Atlantic and Mid-Atlantic Bight Primarily by U.S. fishing: Pandalid shrimps Northwest Atlantic Shellfish species in danger of being overfished, or of which some stocks are overfished Primarily by U.S. fishing: American Lobster Northwest Atlantic and Mid-Atlantic Bight some countries for fish protein have increased harvests and damaged many stocks worldwide. The United States now is party to 8 international multi- lateral fisheries treaties and 12 bilateral agreements, and periodically engages in negotiations with foreign nations to improve protection for fish resources. Management actions to improve stocks and prevent overfishing have been carried out under the international fisheries management regimes listed in table 2. International actions and agreements, despite their desirability, have failed to prevent overfishing of some of the most economically valuable species of ocean fish. For example, all finfish species or species groups listed as overfished or nearly overfished in table 1 (except California barracuda, Atlantic menhaden, and Pacific sardine) are subject to fishing 39 Table 2. — U.S. participation in international fisheries management regimes Northwest Atlantic and Mid-Atlantic Bight: International Commission for the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries United States - U.S.S.R. Western Mid-Atlantic Agreement United States - Poland Western Mid-Atlantic Agreement United States - Canada Reciprocal Agreement United States - Romania Western Mid-Atlantic Agreement Northeast Pacific and Alaska: International Pacific Halibut Commission International North Pacific Fisheries Commission International Pacific Salmon Fisheries Commission United States - Republic of Korea Fisheries Agreement United States - U.S.S.R. North Pacific Fisheries Agreement United States - U.S.S.R. King and Tanner Crab Agreement United States - Poland Northeastern Pacific Agreement United States - Japan King and Tanner Crab Agreement United States - Japan Fisheries Agreement United States - Canada Reciprocal Agreement U.S. Distant Water Fisheries: Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas United States - Brazil Shrimp Agreement Marine Mammals: International Whaling Commission North Pacific Fur Seal Commission Other: United States - U.S.S.R. Claims Agreement Western Central Atlantic Fisheries Commission regulation under international agreements. The regulations include catch quotas, and limits on fishing gear, on time and area of fishing, on size and sex of catch, and on bycatch. Success in preventing overfishing of stocks by international agreements has been limited by a combination of factors, including: voluntary membership, agreements by consensus (these are rare and require lengthy negotiations) , lack of authority to control access and allocation, lack of effective enforcement and effective sanctions, and failure to deal with social or economic issues in formulating agreements. 40 Recently negotiated fishery agreements have improved protection of some stocks off U.S. coasts, particularly stocks inhabiting waters adjacent to New England and the Middle Atlantic States. New conservation measures achieved, however, will not ensure quick recovery of depleted stocks. For example, in the Northwest Atlantic the ICNAF 1976 overall quota of 650,000 metric tons negotiated in June 1975 will allow for recovery of depleted stocks in about 7 years. Table 3 shows best estimates of time required for full recovery of certain stocks now regulated in the ICNAF Convention Area off northeastern United States. The recovery times are based on the assump- tion that the 1976 quota of 650,000 tons will be maintained for 7 years. This is the estimated period for recovery of the total finfish (less menhaden, billfishes, tunas, and large sharks) and squid biomass. Despite gains in stock conservation through negotiations in 1975 with Japan and the U.S.S.R., the condition of major groundfish stocks in the Northeast Pacific and East Bering Sea continues to deteriorate. The time and area closure negotiated under bilateral agreements will help protect halibut and, to a lesser extent, pollock in the East Bering Sea and Pacific ocean perch in the northeastern Pacific. Established quotas should prevent catches of several nontarget species from increasing, keep the sablefish catch of the U.S.S.R. and Japan at an acceptable level (if the Republic of Korea and Taiwan do not increase their fisheries), and reduce catches of Pacific ocean perch and other rockfish in the Gulf of Alaska and Pacific area off Oregon and Washington. Even though some measures of control have been placed on the foreign fisheries, total groundfish catches in 1975-76 could exceed U.S. best estimates of the maximum sustained yield by one-third of a million metric tons in the Bering Sea and over 40,000 tons in the Washington-California region. By reducing the overall catch about 30 percent, stocks of many species might rebuild to preforeign- fishing abundance in 5 to 10 years. A cessation of fishing probably would allow rebuilding of these stocks in 3 to 6 years. As long as substantial foreign fishing continues, some species (Pacific ocean perch, halibut, cod) may never be restored to previous abundance levels because of the quantity incidentally caught in fishing for other species. Marine Mammals. At the 1975 International Whaling Commission meeting a number of decisions were made affecting the establishment of catch limits for world whale stocks. A halt was agreed to on all fin and sei whaling in the North Pacific, and, for the first time, all oceans were included under the IWC quota system and catch limits were set for fin and minke whales in the North Atlantic. The Commission approved quotas of 32,578 whales for 1975-76, a reduction of 8,537 from that of the previous year. The quota included Brazil and South Africa land stations, North Atlantic minke whales, and North Atlantic fin whales. These were not included in last year's quota. The Commission also adopted the New Management Scheme that establishes three categories of whale stocks based on the maximum sustainable yield (MSY) : An Initial Management Stock more than 20 percent above its MSY level; a Sustained Management Stock not more than 20 percent above nor more than 10 percent below its MSY level; and a Protected Stock that is 10 percent or more below its MSY level. Commercial whaling of Protected Stocks will not be 41 Table 3. —Estimated time for stock to recover to maximum-sustainable-yield biomass level in waters off United States from Maine to North Carolina (ICNAF, Subarea 5 and Statistical Area 6) Species Years to recover, beginning in 1976 Cod Haddock Redfish Silver hake Red hake Yellowtail All flounders (except yellowtail) Sea herring Atlantic mackerel Other finfish (about 20 species) All finfish and squid (total biomass) more than 7 5 3 to 5 3 to 5 more than 7 7 more than 7 4 to 5 5 to 6 7 permitted. Regulated commercial whaling will be permitted on Sustained Management and Initial Management Stocks subject to advice by the IWC Scientific Committee. Atlantic Bluefin Tuna. Two species of bluefin tuna are taken commer- cially in the Atlantic. The northern bluefin is widely distributed throughout the Atlantic; the southern bluefin is taken only in the South Atlantic. Countries with a northern bluefin fishery include Canada, France, Italy, Japan, Norway, Spain, and the United States. Concern over the status of the northern bluefin tuna was expressed in 1970 and 1971, when the International Commission for the Conservation of the Atlantic Tunas became aware that substantial quantities of very small bluefin were being caught off Northwest Africa. Also noted were significant reductions in adult stocks of bluefin in the eastern Atlantic and stocks exploited by longline and surface fisheries in the western Atlantic. ICCAT noted declines in the total bluefin catch in 1972 and 1973, Total Atlantic catch had declined from a peak of some 40,000 metric tons in 1964-65 to less than 13,000 tons in 1973. The ICCAT Subcommittee on Stock 42 Assessment concluded that without controls on fishing, the adult bluefin stock might decrease enough to have serious consequences on recruitment, which could take drastic controls in future years to remedy. At the 1974 ICCAT meeting, the United States proposed two regulatory measures for Atlantic bluefin. These were adopted by the Commission to take effect in August 1975. They are: (1) prohibiting the taking and landing of bluefin weighing less than 6.4 kilograms (14 pounds), excepting specified tolerances for incidental capture, and (2) limiting the fishing mortality of bluefin to recent levels for a period of 1 year. In August 1975, the United States passed the Atlantic Tunas Conserva- tion Act of 1975. This implemented the ICCAT Convention. Under this authority, the Secretary of Commerce promulgated regulations for U.S. bluefin fisheries, including: separate annual quotas for fish in the range of 14 to 115 pounds and for those over 300 pounds; a daily bag limit of four fish per angler when seeking fish in the range of 14 to 115 pounds; and a prohibition on fishing for tuna less than 14 pounds or in the 115- pound to 300-pound range, although allowance is made for incidental catches of those fish by both purse seiners and anglers. Canada, France, Japan, and Spain have acted to carry out ICCAT recommendations. However, significant gaps in scientific knowledge related to stocks of northern Atlantic bluefin may complicate U.S. efforts to extend the 1975 ICCAT management program in the near future. EAST BERING SEA FISHERIES The Bering Sea (fig. 1) supports some of the largest and most valuable living marine resources in the world. This sea is characterized by having a broad shelf region in its northeastern sector off Alaska and a deep- water basin in its southwestern sector where depths reach 3,500 meters. The East Bering Sea, the area over the broad shelf and slope, sustains sizeable populations of fur seals, salmon, herring, pollock, crabs, bottomfish, snails, and clams. The annual value of these resources to their fisheries has been estimated to exceed $300 million. The principal nations fishing these resources are Japan, the U.S.S.R., and the United States. Other nations whose nationals fish the East Bering Sea are the Republic of Korea and Taiwan. U.S. fishing activities are concentrated on a relatively small number of species (salmon, king and tanner crabs, and halibut). Except for halibut, the abundant bottomfish in the East Bering Sea are virtually unused by U.S. nationals. There are subsistence fisheries by natives along the Alaska coast on herring, salmon, and marine mammals (whales and seals). The distribution and movement of animal populations in the East Bering Sea are strongly influenced by seasonal extremes in climate. Ice covers most of the shelf area during winter and limits the accessibility and availability of resources to fisheries and limits the northern distribution of marine mammals. It forces several of the fish populations to seek warmer waters along the continental slope of the southeastern Bering Sea. These 43 175°E 180° 175° W 170° 165° 160° 155° U7M slope | | shelf deep basin Figure 1. — Bering Sea physiographic divisions. 44 temperate waters result from the influx of relatively warm Pacific Ocean waters between the Aleutian Islands. As the ice retreats northward and the East Bering Sea shelf waters warm in spring and early summer, there are pronounced movements of fish onto the shelf and northward. During this warming, whales make their annual trek through the Bering Sea to Arctic waters and fur seals return to their rookeries on the Pribilof Islands. The spring to early fall period is one of intensive feeding and fattening for many animal populations and is also the time of major harvest by man. The trawl fisheries on bottomfish follow the seasonal movements of the fish. Crab fisheries take place during the spring and summer. Salmon are harvested during the early summer by the inshore gill net fishery as the adults are returning to their natal streams to spawn. It is also during the summer that surplus fur seals are harvested on the Pribilof Islands. History of Bering Sea Fisheries The earliest commercial Bering Sea fisheries began in the 18th and 19th centuries and were directed toward sea otters, fur seals, and whales. Sea otters were nearly exterminated. Fur seal populations were so severely reduced by almost unrestricted harvesting that an international con- vention was formed in 1911 to protect them, whaling operations began in the middle of the 19th century in the Gulf of Alaska and off the Aleutians and later extended into the more productive grounds of the northern Bering Sea and Arctic Ocean. These operations ceased when the whalebone market collapsed in 1909. Commercial salmon fisheries began in the Bristol Bay region about 1884 and by 1914 extended northward to the Yukon and Kuskokwim river systems. These fisheries developed rapidly so that by 1917 and 1918 the annual catch in western Alaska was some 26 million fish. After these peak years, the annual catch fluctuated greatly with changing economic conditions and biological factors, and was as low as 3.6 million fish in 1935 and as high as 26 million fish in 1938. Before and during World War II the salmon fisheries were confined, for the most part, to commercial operations in inshore waters of the East Bering Sea and to a native subsistence fishery in the rivers and lakes. In 1936 and 1937, foreign distant -water fleets undertook a brief exploratory salmon fishing venture in the East Bering Sea not far from Bristol Bay. The harvest of Bering Sea bottomfish began in the late 1800s when U.S. nationals started fishing the cod banks of the southeastern Bering Sea. Cod fishing was fairly intense from 1905 through 1915, and this activity persisted until shortly after World War II. The first U.S. and Canadian commercial fishery for halibut in the East Bering Sea began in 1928, but initially landings were small and infrequent. Research investigations on Alaskan stocks of halibut were begun in 1925 by the International Fisheries Commission established through the 1923 "Convention for the Preservation of the Halibut Fishery of the Northern Pacific Ocean Including Bering Sea" to which the United States and Canada were parties. In 1930, a new convention expanded regulatory power of the Commission and international management of 45 the halibut fishery began. From 1928 until about 1952, the East Bering Sea halibut fishery was small. Between 1952 and 1962 the catch of halibut increased under management. From 1962 to the present, catches have decreased despite efforts by the International Pacific Halibut Commission to reverse this trend. The first really sizeable bottomfishing in the East Bering Sea occurred in 1933-37 when foreign distant-water fleets harvested some 121,000 metric tons of fish for fish meal and oil. This initial effort was followed by a fishery in 1940 and 1941 for the production of frozen fish. Distant-water fleets also began fishing king crabs in the East Bering Sea in 1930 and fished continuously from 1932 to 1939, when the annual catch reached slightly more than 2 million crabs. The fishery was interrupted by World War II. The exploitation of East Bering Sea fishery resources increased rapidly after World War II. Distant-water fleets resumed bottomfishing in 1954, and by 1961 the total harvest of bottomfish, herring, and shrimp exceeded 860,000 metric tons (fig. 2). The short history of these foreign fleet fishing operations from about 1960 to present is characterized by success- ional fisheries in which intense fishing effort was directed towards one major stock, and shifted to another stock when the first stock was reduced to low yields. The most notable example is the yellowfin sole - pollock succession (fig. 3). Intense fishing of yellowfin sole began in 1958 when some 44,000 metric tons were landed for fish meal and frozen fish. By 1961 the catch peaked at some 600,000 metric tons, which far exceeded the maximum sustainable yield. As the catch of yellowfin sole sharply declined in subsequent years, the fleets redirected their efforts to pollock, which has been the mainstay of the trawl fisheries since 1965. Foreign distant-water crab-processing and fishing vessels resumed their operations in the East Bering Sea in 1953 after a lapse of 13 years. In 1964 foreign fishermen took 9 million king crabs totalling 99 percent of the fishery's harvest. Over a period of 10 years, their harvest of king crabs was reduced to zero as a result of bilateral agreements which con- trolled overfishing by sharply reducing foreign catches, eliminated the hazard of sunken gill nets which were most destructive to the crab resource, and permitted the expansion of the United States fishery for king crab to the point where it is now the sole fishery for the king crab resource. A new development in salmon fisheries after World War II was expansion of the foreign fishery for high-seas salmon into the North Pacific and Bering Sea and its effect on salmon originating in western Alaska and northward. This development led to the International Convention for the High Seas Fisheries of the North Pacific Ocean (United States, Canada, Japan) of 1952, which prohibited the use of nets by high-seas salmon fisheries east of longitude 175° W in the Bering Sea and North Pacific. However, this treaty only partially protected the Alaska salmon. They continued to be intercepted west of the provisional line during their ocean movements. High-seas fishery catches of salmon of western Alaska origin since 1960 have ranged between 1 and 7 million fish per year. 46 -i — i — i — i — i — i — i — i — i — i — i — i — i — i — i — i — i — i — i — i — i — i — i i i i i i "i i r Catch of bottomfish, herring, and shrimp 2400-- 2 2100 o o 18004 | 1500- 0 1200-- n 1 900 o 600 300-- I I I I I I I f 1 1 T -\ l 1 I I I l I I I 30-- 25-- 20-- 15-- 10-- 5-- 25-- 20-- 15- 10- 5-- Catch of crabs Total catch of crabs. Tanner crab catch- / r"'\ \ I King crab catch -f-H — I — I — h I I I I I I Harvest of male fur seals ■o c Si o SI V- 100- 80- 60- 40- 20- + + I I I I 1970 1 — I — r 1975 1945 1950 1955 1960 1965 Figure 2. — Catch statistics for selected East Bering Sea fisheries since 1945. 47 2,000 ~ 1,500 § 1,000 3 O CJ 500 - A i r 1955 so o 1960 Figure 3. — Example of successional fisheries and shift of fishing effort from depleted to more abundant populations. A, East Bering Sea trawl fisheries. B, North Pacific whale fisheries. 48 Whales also were involved in postwar fishery developments. In 1963 whaling in the North Pacific and Bering Sea intensified beyond any previous level, whales were caught by fleets that could be rapidly deployed and a successional fishery ensued in which one whale stock after the other was overfished (fig. 3). By 1965, the International Whaling Commission had placed whaling moratoriums on most major whale stocks (blue, bowhead, fin, gray, humpback, and sei) in the North Pacific and the Bering Sea. Present Condition of East Bering Sea Fishery Resources In the past 20 years there has been a substantial buildup of the fisheries in the East Bering Sea. Fishing effort on some fish stocks has risen seven- fold in the last 10 years. Successional fisheries on two of the major fish stocks, the yellowfin sole and pollock, have been mentioned. Yellowfin sole stocks remain at low levels because of earlier intense fishing, and pollock now show signs of being overfished. Moreover, pulse fishing, in which large mobile fleets exert massive fishing pressure on localized grounds for a few years and then move on to other grounds, has seriously affected other stocks including shrimp, ocean perch, and sablefish. Substantial catches of pollock have indirectly affected other fish stocks. The bycatch in this fishery, consisting of sole, halibut, ocean perch, and other bottomfish, has hindered the recovery of these stocks to former abundance levels. The picture has one bright spot. The king crab resource, once depressed by overfishing, and the tanner crab resource now appear to be at high levels of abundance. An overview of the present condition of major fishery resources in the East Bering Sea follows. Northern Fur Seals. Fur seals have been protected by formal international agreements since 1911. These agreements prohibit the taking of seals at sea by citizens (except aborigines) of Canada, Japan, the United States, and the U.S.S.R. The northern fur seal breeds on only a few islands in the Bering Sea and Pacific Ocean. The Pribilof Islands, belonging to the United States in the East Bering Sea, are the breeding grounds for about 74 percent of the world's northern fur seal population of about 1.8 million. The remaining 26 percent breed on the Commander Islands in the western Bering Sea, the Robben Islands in the Okhotsk Sea, and several Kurile Islands north of Japan; all are owned by the U.S.S.R. A small population on San Miguel Island off California is also under U.S. control. The Pribilof herd is managed by NOAA's National Marine Fisheries Service. Mostly males are harvested, but females are removed when they are deemed unnecessary for the maintenance of the herd. Although there is no apparent danger to the population, the abundance of males, and hence harvest, since the mid 1960s has not been as high as in previous years (fig. 2). Ocean mortality of young seals from natural causes is evidently higher than in the past and may be related to reduced availability of food because of intense trawl fisheries in the East Bering Sea. 49 Whales . The Bering Sea has 12 species of whales. Several of these (bowhead, fin, gray, humpback, and sei) are now at critically low levels of abundance, and the International Whaling Commission currently prohibits the hunting of these species for commercial purposes. Quotas have been established for sperm whales, the only major whale stock now harvested in the northern Pacific. Herring. The East Bering Sea herring came under intense fishing by foreign fleets in 1968, and the yield has decreased since the catch peaked in 1970. The abundance of the stock is now considered to be low. Quotas have been introduced for the years 1975 and 1976. Salmon . Five species of salmon (sockeye, pink, king, shum, and coho) enter the Bering Sea from Alaska rivers and lakes. The sockeye is by far the most important because of its large runs and its value as a canned product. It has a 5-year cycle of abundance that accounts for periodic peaks in the annual catches of salmon (fig. 2). The present abundance of many of the salmon stocks of western Alaska north to the Arctic is generally average or below average. For sockeye, 1975 normally would have been a peak year, with large numbers of fish returning to the Bristol Bay drainage system. However, the severe winters of 1969 and 1970 apparently caused higher than usual mortalities of young sockeye. Therefore, the Bristol Bay sockeye, which make up most of the annual catch of Bering Sea salmon, is now in a short-term decline because of environmental factors. Pollock. This is one of the most important resources in the East Bering Sea. Since 1964, the catch of pollock has increased tenfold, reaching almost 1.9 million metric tons in 1972. The catch of this species completely dwarfs that of other fishes and represents over 80 percent of the total bottomfish annually removed by foreign trawl fleets in the East Bering Sea. Pollock is processed into frozen products (including minced fish) and fish meal. Annual landings have been high in recent years (1971-74) and the resource is now showing classic symptoms of overfishing. The catch per unit effort has declined greatly since 1969, and the fishery has had to rely more and more on young fish to maintain high catches (fig. 4). The removal of vast quantities of small, immature, and first-maturing fish will seriously affect the future of the resource and the fisheries. Despite these dangers, the fishing effort on pollock remained high in 1974. The quotas now in effect are still too high to arrest or reverse the deterioration of this resource. Yellowfin sole. This species was seriously depleted in the early 1960s and shows no signs of recovering to its former importance in the East Bering Sea. If well managed, the yellowfin sole would be among the most productive fishery resources in the world. Halibut . The halibut stock is small compared to several bottomfish resources in the East Bering Sea, but is a valuable resource to North American longline fishermen. However, present stock levels are so low that longliners are finding it difficult to fish this stock economically. The incidental catches of halibut by foreign vessels fishing for other groundfish species in the Bering Sea are sufficient to prevent halibut stocks from rebuilding to former levels. 50 u c 10 ■a c < c CO V b Q -s c/j en _c 'w CD CD b CN O 8 CO CO CO en o CO 8 sjq-dH lMBJ± J!Bd 000'L/SU°1°!J19IAI 8 (wo) azjs aBejaAV cu o S-i o CO 0) u >■> u cu 42 CO •H o o o 1 <* CM r-. o 8 CO CO r i o 1+- i LU CO c 5 1 - in -i LL u 1 O *-> CO O x: i (A 1 cu _l 1 X IS 8 o CN o o IO o o o o o ID a •H (3 •H H O CU id CH o CO I o C/D I I cu U 60 •rl suoi ouiei/\| 000' I sjq-dH 1^1 J!Bd 000' L 51 Other bottomfish. Several major stocks of bottomfish in the East Bering Sea, such as Pacific cod, flathead sole, rock sole, and turbot, are either fully harvested or becoming so. Others, such as ocean perch and sablefish, have been intensely fished in the past and remain at low levels of abundance. King crab. The stock of king crabs was reduced by intensive foreign fishing in the mid-1960s. The stock now appears to be near full recovery, due in part to steady reductions of foreign catch quotas negotiated through bilateral agreements since the late 1960s and in part to better State regulation of the domestic fishery. Possibly more favorable environmental conditions in recent years have aided stock recovery. Tanner crab. This resource is substantially larger than the king crab resource and is judged to be at a high level of abundance. Shrimp . Pink shrimp (Pandalus borealis) were intensely fished by distant- water fleets during the early 1960s, and remain at very low levels of abun- dance. There has been virtually no pink shrimp fishery in recent years. i Snails. In 1971, foreign fleets began fishing for large snails in the East Bering Sea. In 1973, the estimated catch of snails was 27,211 metric tons or about 200 million snails. Consequences of Overfishing Intensive fishing in the East Bering Sea during the past 10 to 15 years has greatly reduced the abundance of fish and shellfish populations. Pollock, one of the most productive species, has been reduced to a critical condition in which most adults have been harvested and the young are being removed rapidly. What will be the consequences of the substantial reductions of these fish populations? Will some stocks be reduced beyond recovery to former abundance even if all fishing of affected stocks is stopped? Answers are being sought through investigation of ecological systems in the East Bering Sea and study of the long-term effects of fishing on these systems. The ecological system of the East Bering Sea includes several species of marine mammals, 300 species of fish, and a rich variety of starfish, clams, crabs, snails, and other conspicuous bottom-living animals. These relatively large animals are supported by a multitude of smaller organisms that live in the upper-water layers and on and within the sediment of the ecosystem, but others, such as fur seals and whales, are transients that pass through and are supported by the system during some part of their life cycles or annual migrations. During summer, fur seals feed heavily in the East Bering Sea. Lactating females forage primarily on Alaska pollock, Atka mackerel, capelin, codfishes, deep-sea smelt, herring, and squid, and then return periodically to feed their young living in the fur rookeries of the Pribilof Islands. The salmon, fur seal, and other populations resident in the Bering Sea are closely entwined in a mesh of interrelationships with each other (predator-prey, competition, behaviorial, etc.) and with their physical and 52 chemical environment. Our knowledge of this complex ecological system is still incomplete. We do have some information on the population character- istics of several of the dominant mammals, fish, and shellfish in the system and on their food habits, which together can elucidate possible effects of overfishing. One major food chain in the East Bering Sea is that of plankton, pollock, and fur seals (fig. 5). Pollock feed heavily on animal plankton, and in turn the pollock make up a substantial part of the fur seal diet. This food chain, although important in the transfer of considerable material and energy, is just one link in a matrix of interconnecting food relationships that is called a food web. Nonetheless, the food chain illustrates some concepts (trophic levels and diminishing biomass as the food chain is ascended) important to the discussion of overfishing. In the Bering Sea, man has opted to harvest at two trophic levels in this chain — pollock and fur seals. He attempts to maximize his yield of fur seals through rational management, but at the same time overfishes pollock — a major food item of the seal. As noted earlier, the harvest of male fur seals has declined since the pollock fisheries intensified. This is perhaps due to a decrease of available food and an accompanying increase in mortality of young seals. The higher mortalities may result from two possible mechanisms. First, lactating females may have to travel greater distances and be at sea for longer periods to obtain sufficient nourishment for their young on the Pribilof Island rookeries. Second, young seals, once they leave the rookeries and are forced to forage on their own, nay have difficulty finding sufficient food supplies at this critical stage. Thus, overfishing of populations at intermediate levels in a food chain can be detrimental to populations at a higher trophic level. A side effect of the pollock fisheries, although not related to food supply, is the entanglement of fur seals in discarded and lost fishing gear such as fragments of net. The incidence of entanglement and of scars on seals from fishing lines and nets has been increasing each year since the late 1960s. The plankton-pollock fur seal chain (fig. 5) is a component of a major food web of the East Bering Sea (fig. 6). The illustrated interrelationships indicate one possible repercussion of overfishing, a succession or replacement of species dominance in the population hierarchy. Man affects the Bering Sea food web by harvesting many of its components: pollock, herring, halibut, turbot, and cod. The partial removal of these populations has resulted in a change in the system which we cannot quantify at this time, but can only infer. Predation by adult pollock, halibut, and other carnivores has lessened, and we might expect an increase in prey species such as capelin, sandlance, and Atka mackerel. Consequently, a new order of species dominance may arise. All that can be said definitely at this time is that perturbations in the Bering Sea ecosystem may result in profound changes in the animal and plant communities. Effect of Overfishing on Man Uncontrolled use of fishery resources in the East Bering Sea can result in lower food production in the future. Both fishing effort and yields have reached massive proportions, with serious effects on the fishery resources. Man is reaping immense but diminishing benefits in a relatively 53 Figure 5. — Plankton-pollock-fur seal food chain. 54 Zooplankton t Phytoplankton Juvenile pollock Figure 6. — Components of a major food web in the East Bering Sea ecosystem. 55 short period of time at the expense of some steady harvest that in the long run would provide more food. For example, the yellowfin sole resource was overfished in the early 1960's. During that time the catch reached an impressive 600,000 metric tons a year. Since then, the annual catch has declined to less than 62,000 metric tons in 1973. The potential sustainable annual yield of yellowfin sole is estimated at 120,000 metric tons or more. To rebuild this resource to yield this potential may take 5 to 10 years at recent catch levels. During the rebuilding period, the potential production of this resource is lost to man. East Bering Sea fisheries also are removing vast quantities of small fish before they reach full growth potential. This seriously affects the reproductive capacity of the stocks and thus lowers the potential yield and economic return. Because of the reduction of large fish a greater propor- tion of the catch now consists of small or young pollock suitable only for fish meal. Another example is the salmon fisheries. Salmon are first harvested on the high seas and later in the coastal fisheries when they return to spawn. When they are harvested on the high seas, their full ocean growth has not been realized. For example, the average weight of a chinook salmon caught in the high-seas fishery may be only 5 to 6 pounds, 15 pounds lees than those taken months later by the inshore fishery. Another effect of resource misuse is the replacement of valuable resources by resources that are less useful to man because of their availability or undesirable characteristics as food. It is conceivable that replacement populations could have greater production than the ones they supplanted, but their small size and dispersion would make them difficult to harvest. Also, in general, the lower a population is in the food chain, the more variable and unpredictable is its production. Man may find some of these replacement populations useful, and some scientists speculate that this has happened. East Bering Sea tanner crabs, which are commercially valuable, are believed to be on the increase, possibly due to the reduction of major predators (cod, turbot, halibut) by the trawl fisheries. In the western Bering Sea, Soviet scientists have noted an increase in pollock abundance following the decline in the herring stocks, suggesting competition between these species for food. (See figure 6.) The diverse consequences of overfishing indicate man's need to understand the East Bering Sea ecosystem so that he can rationally use it for maximum food production. A management strategy that considers the total ecosystem is required. Research and Management Until the 1960s, the northern fur seal, salmon, and halibut were the only living resources of the East Bering Sea that were subject to systematic research and management. With the increase and diversification of fisheries, research efforts expanded to king crab and then to bottomfish and tanner crab. Our knowledge of these bottom-living resources grew rapidly. We began to understand the population dynamics, life history, and seasonal movements of some of the major species. Unfortunately, this knowledge has rarely been used to implement rational schemes of harvest. In fact, some of the original research by the principal fishing nations (Japan, United States, and U. S. S. R .) was exploratory and aimed at developing or 56 expanding existing fisheries. We have now reached a point where there is little opportunity for fishery expansion and must face the fact that most of the major living resources of the East Bering Sea are fully used or overfished. Several international conventions and agreements regulate the fisheries of the East Bering Sea, Aleutians, and Northeastern Pacific (table 4). In addition to establishing quotas, areal and seasonal closures, size limitations, and other regulations, these agreements include provisions for exchanging scientific information and fishery statistics between the partici- pants. U.S. fisheries on East Bering Sea crab and salmon are managed by the State of Alaska. Foreign fisheries are managed by quotas agreed upon through bilateral negotiations. A description of principal domestic, national, and international agencies that are involved with research and management of East Bering Sea fishery resources follows. National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) . The Service is involved with both research and management of East Bering Sea resources. Since 1969 its scientists have made annual MAKMAP (Marine Resources Monitoring, Assessment, and Prediction) program surveys in the southeastern Bering Sea to estimate the abundance and other characteristics of bottomfish and shellfish popula- tions and to determine the environmental factors affecting their distribution. Results of these surveys, and those from analyses of fishery data, are brought together in annual reports that describe the condition of specific resources and provide the basis for recommendations for resource use. These reports provide background information and guidelines for U.S. negotiators at fishery meetings with other nations. Studies of newly developed fishing gear also are made to reduce the bycatch of fish and shellfish in the major trawl fisheries. Research and management of the northern fur seals of the Pribilof Islands have been ongoing activities of the Federal Government since the 1911 Fur Seal Convention. NMFS is responsible for these activities. Other activities involve cooperative studies with several Federal agencies, State of Alaska, and foreign fishery agencies. In 1975, NMFS made an extensive survey of the bottom-living resources of the East Bering Sea for the Bureau of Land Management. This baseline study provided the Bureau with information for an environmental impact statement before large-scale oil development and production occurs in the East Bering Sea. NMFS also cooperates with the State of Alaska by providing it with research information on crab and salmon for use in regulating the U.S. fisheries on these resources, Another cooperative endeavor involves NMFS and fishery agencies of Japan and the U.S.S.R. U.S. observers are allowed aboard fishing vessels of these nations to collect data on the bycatch and on the biology of target species. State of Alaska. The State's Department of Fish and Game is responsible for research and management of the salmon and crab resources of the East Bering Sea. The State also collects data on the landings and operations of all Alaska fisheries. 57 International North Pacific Fisheries Commission (INPFC) . This Commission comprises the Governments of Canada, Japan, and the United States, and was established in 1953 "to promote and coordinate the scientific studies necessary to ascertain the conservation measures required to secure the maximum sustained productivity of fisheries of joint interest" and to make recommendations for needed conservation measures. A cornerstone of the Convention that established this Commission has been the principle of abstention, in which each pertinent government agrees to refrain from entering a fishery on stocks that already are fully used by one or more of the Convention Parties, and that are under regulation to achieve maximum sustainable yield. In this manner, salmon of North American origin have been afforded a fair degree of protection from overfishing. INPFC also serves as the principal scientific forum for deliberation on the condition of Bering Sea fishery resources. International Pacific Halibut Commission (IPHC) . The Commission has been given the authority to regulate the North American longline fishery on halibut for optimum yields and to perform research to meet this end. IPHC makes annual surveys in the East Bering Sea to measure the strength of incoming year classes to the fisheries, and has tagging programs to study migrations and identify subpopulations. Japan Fisheries Agency (JFA) . The Agency collects and collates catch and biological data from Japanese fisheries in the East Bering Sea. Annual surveys of bottomfish and shellfish are made by the Japanese Government. Japanese scientists analyze fishery data and research findings, and present results at international fishery meetings. U.S.S.R. Pacific Scientific Research Institute of Fisheries (TINRO) . TINRO is the principal fishery research agency of the U.S.S.R. in the North Pacific and Bering Sea. It has responsibility for research on the shellfish and finfish resources in this area. TINRO operates more than 30 vessels in support of its fishery mission. Effectiveness of Research and Regulation Bottomfish and herring. NMFS scientists gathered evidence (status of stock reports) on the deteriorating condition of many fisheries in the East Bering Sea and in 1974 and 1975 recommended a substantial reduction in the catches of bottomfish and herring. The background information and recommenda- tions were used effectively by U.S. negotiators at meetings with the principal nations using these resources. These nations agreed to set quotas and other restrictions on their major fisheries. Although these quotas were not at levels recommended by U.S. scientists, they were a positive step toward retarding the depletion of specific resources such as pollock and herring. Pacific halibut. Despite considerable research on this species, the annual catch of North American longline fisheries in the East Bering Sea has been declining since the 1960s, at which time large-scale foreign trawl fisheries began to operate. The bycatch of juvenile halibut in the trawl fisheries has been significant enough to reduce the halibut stock to levels at which a directed fishery on this species is no longer economically feasible. 58 Winter closures to the trawl fisheries of areas having a history of high juvenile abundance has been introduced in recent years to decrease the take of juvenile halibut. King and tanner crab. The king crab fishery, after being heavily fished in earlier years, has been rebuilt through a combination of factors including improved regulatory measures, expanded research studies of resource condition, and possibly more favorable environmental conditions. The tanner crab resource, which has not been overfished and is at a high level of abundance, is being carefully managed to prevent overfishing. In 1964, the United States declared these species creatures of the continental shelf. Thus by provisions of the Continental Shelf Convention, they are under management authority of the United States. Northern fur seal. After being reduced to low levels of abundance in the early part of this century, the Pribilof Island herd has been built up again through research and regulatory measures. However, there is concern over the unusually high mortality of the young seals in recent years. Summary - East Bering Sea The East Bering Sea is one of the most productive regions in the world's oceans, containing an abundance of bottomfish, herring, shellfish, and some of the largest marine mammal populations in the world. Man is exploiting this region almost to its fullest, and has overfished some of its most productive populations — pollock, yellowfin sole, and Pacific ocean perch. Control over man's use of Bering Sea fisheries has not been successful. The substantial depletion of many of its populations is affecting the East Bering Sea ecosystem, and we can only infer from limited knowledge what the effects may be. Is there a chain of events now underway that will result in replacement in abundance of valuable populations by less valuable ones? Will there be greater production of populations that are less available for harvest or subject to extreme fluctuations in abundance? And what will be the effects of ocean pollution? Until recently* research and management have been directed toward single populations, such as pollock, salmon, and king crab. We have disregarded the obvious fact that the productivity of each population is the resultant of complex interactions with other species and the physical environment. Little is known about the effects of sustained catches on the Bering Sea ecosystem. Effective management of living resources in the Bering Sea must be based upon knowledge of the biological, chemical, and physical factors affecting the organic production in this region. Of particular interest is the dynamic variability of the food chain and its effect on the exploitable resources. Where several harvested species are involved in systems of competition and predation, maximizing the yield is only possible by managing the entire ecological complex. 59 bO d •H 1 CU CO CU . 00 CO MH g TJ X cu 6 Li Li d d Li •rl O O rH 4J «H •H CO CU •H 0 cu CU XI O (J rl • Li 4-1 T3 43 Li rH PP d 4-1 4J CO o 4-1 ^ CU | /~\ d CO CU d CO CO CO T3 43 & 13 43 43 CO 43 CO •rl PP 0 43 CU d bO CU M O CU CO CU CO 14-I •rl £ JC CO 0 • G co cu •H cu CU 0 X) iH Li •H d 4-J 4-1 4-1 •H cu •H 43 43 43 L cu CU Ph CO <4H cO CU CO •rl rl CO 0 4-> bO & 4-1 CO cu bO V •H d CO 43 O d CU 4J Li cd G CO ft Li CO CU 4H -a •H w •H •r-) •H T~\ 0 O r-i •H T3 ctf <4H (3 bO 13 a CO O CO rH 43 CO CO 3) 4H CU Li a cu O O CO CO iH CU d bO cu O e CU 43 cr Li CU CO CO •rl 6 U Ll CU cO d 43 Ll bO IS d pa rH 4J 4J CO CO 3) N u 0 4-1 CX 4-1 s° CO •H CO CO bO (3 CO •rl cu S CO •H rH CO Li e CO 4*5 4-1 H 13 cu rH 43 Li CO CO cu d CO O O Li 4-1 is 01 Li CO •H a 3) 4-1 CO t-i CU 43 CO •H 6 <4H CU 3) 0 •H CO cO UH Li Li a CO 6 T3 4-1 CU IS P. 43 d Li a W o CU CU o >•> CO (3 d 4-1 4J 0 Li 4-> CO cu CU i-H M a a 4: •a 0 >* CO d CO 3) d O CO #t CO 43 Pi •H Li -H D 0 4-1 43 <4H 43 cu d •rl CD 43 4-> o rH •d CU 4J • O CO CO •H CO 4-1 Xi 0 •H •H CO CO CO cu 43 CO cu 4-1 CU T3 rH •H 00 H •H CO MH Li CO CU 4J 125 0 CO u CU T3 CO d CO 4J CU P4 H CU CO CJ CU •rl rH 3) CO CU 43 CU •H & cx •H HH CO cu CO • > 3) CO O 4J to rH 0 • CU CJ o o CU CU •H u <4H CU CO Li bO 0 ex «H Li CO cu CO 0 CO 0 CU •H 43 43 Li 3) CM 43 • CU CU rH i d O CU 43 ^ 4-1 cu X a C <4H H 4-1 CXM-i CO H D CO Ctf a •H 33 »4H CO H & CO CO cu CD O «H •H O 4-) CO 1 CO Pi 43 13 rH | O •H r-\ 3 4-» 43 CU Li CO cO t>o co 4J 43 CO 4-> •> MH 4-1 d 1 > cO •H T3 4J 3) 43 4-1 CO .2 43 4-J Li Li 4-1 d rH d CO bO 4-1 Li CU CO H •H S 3) •H 0 CO CO e CU •H O •H s <4H 31 0 > •rl x: Li > S3 Li 4-1 43 4J # r^ O 6 co •H CU •rl 4-> 4-1 CO cu O •H CU 4-1 Pu TJ 13 G •rl CO m 13 X Li a d 43 <4H d 3J 0) (3 3) & cu c^ O CO 3 Ll 4-1 •H M e * CD O •H rH •rl B H 13 CU 0 4-i • 4-) CJ T3 Li 4-1 CO O • 4J CU CO CU CU CO (D «. a CU CU (3 O CU CU Li CO d 4-1 P-, 43 CO # U CO CU 4-1 M •H 6 43 CD P- CU M CO 4-1 0 13 a e • CO o 0 4-1 0 j-i d 0 0 o 53 01 bo CO 0 T3 Li Li CU Ll CU 3) Li T3 4J ■U CJ «H bO C 13 Li CU a. 13 3) 43 33 43 bO CU CU CO 4-1 13 •H CU 4-1 •H <4H 4-1 O 4-1 cu 4J 43 /~V CD 3 CO rH p<43 CO cu CO CO Li CO CO u CU 4-> CU L! 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CO 4-1 CO cO rH Li CO a. 0 CO CM rH d co 4H 4-1 o% CO CO 4-1 C7» d 0 d •H CO 4-1 >H rH S3 CO <-> ^ CO rH S3 C_> CO rH M CJ M Ftf CJ CO 60 • r>. 1 CO CU CO cu • 1 CO V4 43 CI 43 d 43 60 4-1 CU O CO •> 60 O O 4J cO cO CO d CD CO 4-1 •H 4*5 d 4J B CU CU •H •H CO 4-J 4-1 CO 4-H CJ rH -H CO iH d CO CO 14-1 U d • P w CU • 60 CU rH O CU rH 60 CD CO •H *-) CU ♦H 4-1 CO O CO Pd d CO d CU rH 43 CU d CO CO 60 B PQ d CU 4-1 4-1 • •H 60 CD r-i 4-1 PQ •H s d >. o cu 43 c/> sj- o <• CO rH O- cu CU O O 4J 60 rHO •H 43 u 4-1 u •H r^ CO r- • CU r~- M d cu 4-1 CO c rH m M 4-1 CO CO rH 60 a. CO p*> CT. CO PQ cr> CO T3 CD iH •H CO r>- cu d CO CO d rH 4-1 u rH • rH rH Cu43 d co CU H H PQ O d W o 43 •H O cu d> 4-1 cu CO 4J CO W u CU CI •H •H CO rH d d 43 d CO d 43 ■~> *d PQ o CU T3 4J CO CU rH CU 0) •H cr1 CO •H CU CO •H 4-J & »> cu CO •H TJ d d 4J 43 CO > PQ •H 43 W O cu 4-1 43 4*i ■p 4J 3 CO cu CO 4-1 U d S 4-1 d 4J d ^ -a d 4J P CO a 4J 4-1 43 CO cu 4J o CU o CU o T3 4-1 CU 43 CO CO CU •H u co CO d cu CO CO •H d 4Q -h d 43 •H d rH fi •iH 4-1 DQ b w > 60 •H 43 •H U d CO CO CO CO o 4-1 CO cO rH O CU cu d d 4-1 CO rH d o W •H T3 r-l • •H •H o cu CO •H rt o o •H rH d CO CJ > CU O CO > CO d > CD 4-1 CJ 43 43 U C_) rH O M •H o CO 4H CU 43 cu CU CO •H CU CO d CO CU CO cu > B cu o o U CO CU CO U 4-J u 4-1 CO o •> -H 42 CO <4H Ph TJ i-H S 4-1 •H CO O >■> o cu cj 60 4-4 CO •H O d CO CO CO 4-1 H cu 60 4-i d U 4-1 3 u d T3 •H 42 42 3 T3 CO cu ^ CO 43 d d co cr CU CO cr 3 co •H 3 4-4 /-n 4-1 4-1 4-1 CO • o o CU CO cO •H cu 43 CU co cu rH 3 •O CO J-4 CU d 60 CO r-l o 4J 4-J CX r-l 4-1 & CO 4-1 & cO «H rH O 4-1 CU {^ CO O V4 CO d CU o 4-1 CO CO CO CU CO cu •H CO CU cu u CU rH O 3 PQ CU S co CJ •H CO 4-1 CO rJ CU *1 PQ rJ :-■: 4-1 rJ d B cu 43 60 d «h O 4-1 42 •H d 4J T3 4-J O U d CO o O co d 1 rH ^-' 53 •H >^ CU 4-H 3 CO CO 4-> CJ 60 cu 60 4-1 O &0 a rH CU 4-1 •H •rH d i-l d d 4-1 CU iH CO o •h d > »4H •■H 1 60 •H CU O d cu rH 4-1 a 4-J TJ -H •H •H 4*! 43 CO M i CO o 43 • •H o d co 4-1 CJ d 43 cr r*> •H •H 4-1 T3 43 o •H /-\ 4-1 B CJ cO r-l CD CO CU u cu rH 4J cu 4J cd 4-1 cj CO d Ph o r-l e o co CU 4-1 CO 4-1 CO •H Ph CO fe o TJ M-l d O 4-1 43 43 d rH o •H £ d CJ 4-1 O 43 •H d CO a d > 42 M p*; •H u 4-1 rT u >. CO •H B 60 4-1 CU 73 4-» (U H 4-1 CD a, u T3 cu • u 4-4 cu CU CO u CU U CO 4-1 <^ •H CU o (U d d CO cu d cu rH CO P 5 ■u a 4J U cu !Z 43 CO d cu • 43 -H 43 u o >» £ 25 d M d d d rH CO CO CO T3 CO CO 60 CU CJ rH a CU o CU CO 43 CU •H CO 4-1 cu •H T3 rH CO 43 rH CJ TJ b CU •H •H CO CO 43 iw cu 60 CD 4-1 tl O 4-J cu CO c a CU 42 CO O CU d 4-1 CO cu d •H CO cu 42 O O Ctj 60 4-1 CO co B «H (U 43 •H > CU rH fi 43 4-J •H o a •H CO d 43 60 4-1 rH cu 43 cO CU 4-1 T3 •1 CO TJ P cu d 4-J •H 4-1 d CU rH 4-1 CU d •H 4H O CO CO }-i CU £ 4J o CO •H O P3 CO d • ^ 4-1 •H 4-» C H 43 o CO -H 3 CO o u 4-1 r*. O CO • 13 O rH d CO B r-4 CO CO cO CO CO «H CU CO •H g CU CU d 43 CU r4 rH d d CU 4-1 rH W O CU U 43 > •H CO -l 4-J •H CU 4-1 4-J rH t^ o CO CU fk CO T3 O S U cu CO rH rH CO cu rH a •H 4-J rH CO >»1H d t^ 60 43 CU 4-1 cu CO o PQ rH 4-1 CO CO CU 4-1 Ph CO T3 m J-i d 4J 4-J >•> O a 4-1 W CO CO 4-1 4-1 d co CO d o CU •H d d rH 4-1 o d CU CO O CU o cu cu 43 r-l (U d 4J >. CO cu d CO CO •H CU CO •H 60 rH •H 4-1 B CO CO cu B •H d u •H B -h CO T3 B CU T3 w d H 4-4 9 B rH •H P3 cu cu cu CU CO w O cu d CU CO t\ •H B o CU "4-1 cu 43 d 43 4-1 CU 43 U •H cu cO 4-1 d u CU a o o > T3 u CO cr CD d U CO cO cu M u Cu «H U CD 42 cO rl CU cu > 4J Cu < >-) d» • M CO P4 1 CO d 43 1 w o CO CO CO CO • •H 43 u cu • • cu •* d 4-1 4-1 CJ 4-1 Ph CO 4-1 •H T3 d u CO • • d CO ai d CU o d 4-1 CO da CO 4-J 4-1 iH CO > is T3 cO CO • cu d CO 43 X) d co d CL- CO *T3 CO cu CO 01 CU O CO CU CO IO •T3 • d *-i B T3 H d CU > iH O u cu c/> rH 43 4-1 d d CO r"3 1 CO CU 4-1 •H C3 1 CO 44 d cO CO cu 1 CU CO u CU 4-1 •rl B > CO 43 <4H co cO CU cu d cu cu cu CU 60 d CU d d 60 O cu a 4-1 4J d) 4-1 B 4J 4-J < di CU •H O «H CJ cO CO CO cO cu cO CO H •H W CO o *-) 4-) 4-1 4J TJ 4-1 cu 4-1 4J CO T3 60 CO 4-1 cu CO CO d d CO u CO CO CU d CO d o CO CU d 43 •H o •H CO TJ TJ CU B cO T3 60 T3 •H T3 rH cO A •H U 4J cu m T3 CU CU cu d CU CU CU CU d n 4J CM CU 43 •H CO 4-1 «^- 4-1 CU cO < r 4-1 43 4-1 r-» 4J 43 CO CO CO m 4J M CO CJ d •H ^X) •H u Cu v< > •H CO •H vO •H CO Cu d o •H cO CO d ON d 60 CO o > d i-i d a> d -H CO >H rH M MH fe Ph U d> rH » < •-3 r- H & U d) rH d> P»H <-) 61 CO o CO I • Pe5 g 4-1 43 1 4-1 4J CO • CO rH 4-1 8 CO CU rH CO *. CO rH <4-l J-l cu 60 CU CO 3 • 4-1 w •H O 0 60 (3 to 60 CO 43 3 & r-l 2 (3 •H »n CU • 4J rO CU o 4J • CO 4-t 60 r-~ U & -H •H 43 Ui <4-l CO CU CO U co a o\ £ iH 4-1 o CO 43 CU U iH «H rH U CU CO B(i 60 CU 4-t CO < CU U CO 3 43 3 CO 60 M TJ a c ^ CU CO CO CO O CJ 60 •H •H 13 4-1 •H (3 •H CO CT CU O r-l 13 43 CO O •H IH £ M-l r«"N CU >>43 iH (U •H 4-1 44 B 60 «H 6 X 4-1 & i-l CO rH 43 U CO rH 13 O M-l CU CO CO O «H O ■M >43 CO O CO CO O 3 r-l C 4J M-l CX O PQ PQ CO CO rH Ph < CO O 4J cu •H C u * CJ 4-1 O CO 0 X #1 u CO O 4J 13 M-l O rH 0 iH ^ S CO O CU 0 3 43 •H CO r-l CO 60 U fr -a •H 4-> CU 44 CU cu CU «H c • rH 3 CO O 44 u r-l M-l CU CO x CO 4-1 cu CO O •H 43 CU 43 CO rH 60 r-5 cO c? 43 o CO a CO • CO a CU 43 cu r-l *> O 43 £ •H CU CO CO 4-> 43 CU 43 •H CO 43 C o M U 4-1 PQ w M-l •H X 4-1 •H CO (3 60 O •H •H M-l CU U CO Ph >> O a s 0 CU M-l O C3 O CO 44 rH i •H 44 43 44 CO M-l H !S 4-> n c iH rH r-l c 4-t O Ph rH CU a CU l-l CO CO pS •H 4-t O CU O X CU u CU O CO £3 a r-l #» 43 c c e 4-1 •H 43 cu •H t CO o co CU 43 CO X 43 X* CO 0 * o 60 4J CO O 4-t S •H CO & 4-1 O rH a a ■s (U •H •H M-l •no 3 43 CO CO CO cfl 43 H & X m 43 O 44 4J C r-l u CU O O CO r>. •H £3 C • C «0 n X u a T3 •H 44 rH rH cO CU CU ti (3 X > •H O O 0 0 CO o CO O 43 CU 60 6 CO M-l n o a CJ 4J CU X a rH X rH CO •H CO >-l r-l C3 0 CO A C3 4-1 CO CU 4-1 CU 4J O 60 CO rH CO CO cO CU C co c CO CO c rS CO >-l CO o CU a CU O M-l O CU m •H 60 1 CU 60 I cu X •H O •H X Cu CO 4-> «3 rH a 43 J3 M-l M-l t3 g CO CO «H a cu c CU *H U 60 CO co a J3 CU, 1 6 CO CU cu CU 4-1 U CO 60 44 S CO CU 4J CO 4-> CO CU u 60 -l rH CU c ON f3 "H (3 CT> 13 M-l CU a CJ\ «3 60 O r« rH & Pn P iH & 0 Pi CO rH !=> < Ph 62 CHAPTER IV OFFSHORE DEVELOPMENT AND THE OCEAN ENVIRONMENT Advances in technology are making it possible to place large structures offshore and are increasing man's capability to remove minerals and fuels from the sea floor. Four major categories of offshore development are treated in this chapter: deepwater ports, nuclear powerplants, ocean mining, and oil and gas drilling. The emplacement of large offshore structures and mining in nearshore and deepwater areas will result in certain impacts on the local marine environ- ment. The significance of these effects is now largely unknown. Before large-scale commitments of resources are made in offshore development activities, it is essential that both their immediate and long-range effects be understood and considered. The Federal and State governments, as well as the private sector are responsible, under various environmental protection laws, to assess and consider the potential environmental consequences of offshore development operations. This chapter describes some of the more significant research programs and activities carried out in this area during FY 1975. OFFSHORE DEEPWATER TERMINALS Over 40 percent of all international oil shipments are carried in super- tankers larger than 100,000 deadweight tons (dwt) . Only a very few American ports are currently capable of receiving even moderately large tankers; Puget Sound 200,000 dwt; Long Beach and Los Angeles 135,000 and 100,000 dwt, respectively; and Portland, Maine 80,000 dwt. Most major U.S. ports can only handle tankers in the 35,000 to 55,000 dwt range. This lack of deep- draft harbor facilities precludes the United States from fully realizing the economies of scale and the purported environmental safeguards in using supertankers for shipping oil. To assure the protection of the coastal environment of the United States from potential adverse effects associated with development of offshore terminal facilities, Congress passed, and the President signed into law, the Deepwater Port Act of 1974. The Act established a licensing and regulatory framework for governing offshore deepwater port development. A deepwater port, as defined in the Act, is any manmade structure located beyond the territorial sea and off the coast of the United States that is used for loading or unloading oil for transportation to any State, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and the territories and possessions of the United States. In implementation of the Act, the Department of Transportation, in consultation with NOAA and EPA, issued the guidelines to assist license applicants in preparing deepwater port applications and the environmental review criteria for use by the Secretary of Transportation in evaluating these applications. These guidelines and criteria were issued in mid-1975. 63 All proposals for deepwater terminal construction will be subject to rigorous assessment of potential environmental impact by a number of Federal and State agencies in compliance with these guidelines. Two industrial consortia, Louisiana Offshore Oil Port (LOOP), Inc., and SEADOCK, Inc., are planning to construct deepwater ports capable of handling 700,000-dwt tankers in the Gulf of Mexico. LOOP intends to build a 3.5 million barrel per day capacity facility 18 miles off the Louisiana coast, while Seadock is planning a facility with a capacity of 2.5 million barrels per day 26 miles off the coast of Freeport, Texas. Each installation will consist of an offshore marine terminal, a number of single-point mooring buoys, and pipelines for transporting the oil to storage facilities on shore (fig. 7). LOOP will utilize a leached subterranean salt dome for storing oil, while Seadock employs a more conventional tank farm. Assuming that LOOP and Seadock submit applications by the end of 1975, and that the applications are both acceptable and processed according to schedule, Seadock should become operational by 1978 and LOOP by 1979. COASTAL AND OFFSHORE NUCLEAR POWERPLANTS The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) , which was created by the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974, estimates that by 1993, eight floating nuclear powerplants proposed for manufacture could be available for siting along the eastern coastal zone. If this new approach to powerplant con- struction and siting proves to be environmentally feasible and publicly acceptable, additional units may be constructed. Offshore nuclear power stations are anticipated to consist of pairs of floating nuclear plants within a breakwater structure. Recent changes in concept have expanded the siting potential to include river and estuary locations as well as the original offshore concept. The inshore concept was incorporated to address two aspects: (1) the international legal difficulties of siting these structures beyond the 3-mile limit; and (2) the very large costs involved in constructing breakwaters in greater depths. In 1975, an Interagency Steering Committee, chaired by NRC and including those Federal agencies with regulatory and environmental responsibilities for FNPs, completed work on simplifying the many procedural requirements involved in the licensing of these installations. Basically, the objective was to minimize duplication of effort and to expedite the licensing process. The Committee identified the public hearing, safety, environmental, and other procedural steps in each agency, and eliminated or combined certain of these functions by interagency agreement, e.g., between NRC and Corps of Engineers, EPA and NRC, and Coast Guard and NRC. Recent documentation evaluates both the environmental impacts due to construction and operation, and the broader implications of siting many FNPs in the coastal zone (Draft Environmental Impact Statement issued by the NRC (NUREG-75/113)). According to this DEIS, impacts include: the migration 64 TANK FARM PUMPING PLATFORM MONOBUOY Figure 7. — A, Diagram of single-point mooring deepwater port. B, Proposed Louisiana Offshore Oil Port (LOOP) and SEADOCK deepwater ports located southwest of the Mississippi River and south of Freeport, Texas, respec- tively. 65 of workers to the area and attendant need for housing, services, and educa- tional facilities; increased water traffic along the shore zone; and the offshore appearance of the station, which is regarded by some as not visually pleasing. The biotic effects appear serious, but by careful planning early in the design stage these may be minimized. Emplacement of the breakwater will destroy approximately 100 acres of bottom habitat and associated organisms. Laying the undersea transmission lines will displace organisms as a result of dredging and jetting. Also, siltation and turbidity resulting from dredging and jetting activities may cause a temporary reduction in the fish population, and may adversely affect sensitive marine ecosystems such as coral reefs and seagrass communities. Laying transmission lines through seagrass beds will destroy the grasses in the dredged areas, thereby removing biota which are important contributors to the primary and secondary produc- tivity of estuarine systems. Additional alteration and loss of flora and fauna will result from the construction of turnaround areas, pumping stations, bridge construction over tidal creeks, and construction of a switchyard. Operation of offshore FNPs will adversely affect marine organisms by entrainment, impingement, and release of chemical and thermal effluents. Entrained organisms are subjected to stresses and damage due to heat, bio- cides, and shear forces. The biotic effects of operation of FNPs in the estuarine environment will depend primarily on the type of cooling system. With a once-through cooling system, the effects will be little different from the offshore FNP operation. With a closed-cycle cooling system, the effects of entrainment, impingement, and release of chemicals and thermal energy will be reduced. Waste-heat effluent is a major environmental concern. Researchers supported by the NOAA Sea Grant Program are studying the biological effects of thermal effluent from coastal powerplants on selected organisms. At the University of California, Sea Grant researchers have noted that the growth rates of larvae and juveniles of the American lobster are significantly greater in heated water. Heated effluents from a San Diego powerplant are being used to culture the lobsters and have significantly reduced production time and costs. At the University of Maine, heated water from the Maine Yankee Nuclear Power Reactor at Montsweag Bay is being used to culture mollusks. These animals also exhibited increased growth rates. The Maine scientists are also measuring the uptake and excretion of radionuclides by mollusks and the concentration of radionuclides in associated sediments. The severity of coastal or nuclear powerplant impacts will be highly dependent on individual site characteristics and construction methods. There are options available to minimize the extent of unavoidable adverse effects on marine life, provided careful planning is employed early and assessment studies are conducted beforehand. 66 OCEAN MINING Vast quantities of hard minerals of economic and strategic importance to the United States are known to exist offshore and on the sea floor of the deep ocean. Manganese nodules, which occur on the deep seabed, are a potentially important source of copper, nickel, cobalt, and manganese. The United States is highly dependent on imports for nickel, cobalt, and manganese and imports an increasing amount of copper. For a number of economic and political reasons , the Nation seeks to broaden its sources of these economically and strategically important minerals. U.S. industry has spent millions of dollars to delineate high value deposits , develop deep ocean mining technology, and operate pilot processing plants. If legal barriers can be lifted and environmental concerns satisfied, com- mercial scale operations by U.S. industry could begin during the early 1980' s. Because environmental concerns could significantly delay U.S. entry into deep ocean mining, NOAA began addressing these in 1972 in meetings with industry and other Federal agencies and by sponsoring research cruises. During FY 1975, NOAA released plans for the two-phase Deep Ocean Mining Environmental Study Program. The objectives of Phase I are to: establish environmental baselines at representative deep ocean mining sites in the North Pacific Ocean area of commercial interest; develop first order prediction capabilities for determining potential environmental effects of deep ocean mining; and provide information for the development of preliminary environmental guide- lines for deep ocean mining for use by industry and government. During Phase II industry's tests of prototype deep ocean mining systems are to be monitored in order to : observe and measure actual environmental effects of deep ocean mining systems; verify, and refine as necessary, models for the prediction of environmental effects; and modify, as necessary, environmental guidelines. During FY 1975 NOAA sponsored research in the North Pacific manganese nodule area of greatest commercial interest in order to collect preliminary information helpful in determining potential environmental effects and facilitate planning for Phase I to be initiated in FY 1976. NOAA also has continued to assess the needs for environmental studies, such as the terminated New England Offshore Mining Environmental Study (NOMES) Project, directed at environmentally compatible development of offshore sand, gravel, and phosphorites. Although sand, gravel, and phosphorites are available in abundance both onshore and offshore, increas- ing attention is being directed to offshore resources because urbanization, land-use controls, and environmental concerns are rapidly reducing supplies near major areas of consumption. The resultant increased costs of trans- portation for these bulk commodities are thereby creating inflationary pressures. Meanwhile, a virtual moratorium exists in both State and 67 Federal waters partly because environmental risks have not yet been adequately evaluated. Research being sponsored by NOAA through the Sea Grant Program is providing basic information relevant to assessing such environmental effects. OFFSHORE OIL AND GAS DEVELOPMENT Except for large domestic reserves of coal, the oil and gas resources under the U.S. continental shelf constitute the most important readily extractable source of new energy supplies needed to meet the Nation's require- ments in the near term. Our objective is to realize an energy advantage by using our continental shelf resources in a manner that will eliminate or minimize chances of environmental damage. There is a national need for preparing to utilize our OCS resources. But there has also been unanimous agreement among the Federal agencies, particu- larly between the Bureau of Land Management and NOAA, on the importance of obtaining offshore environmental data before oil and gas development . Programs are underway, described later in this section, to obtain this information. Only through careful planning beforehand can we assess the potential environ- mental impacts and consider risks and ways to minimize them effectively. Environmental Studies Program With the proposed accelerated development of offshore areas for oil and gas, a public concern has developed over the impact that offshore exploration and production activities may have upon the coastal environments of these regions. This concern has been recognized by BLM, which has incorporated into proposed OCS planning documents provisions for the support of environ- mental studies in the regions where leasing is anticipated. The objectives of the BLM Outer Continental Shelf Environmental Studies Program are to: o Provide information about the OCS environment that will enable the Department of the Interior and BLM to make sound management decisions on the development of mineral resources. o Provide a basis for predicting how oil and gas exploration and development will affect the marine environment. o Provide data that may result in modification of leasing regulations, operating regulations, or operating orders. o Establish a basis for predicting the impact of oil and gas activities in frontier areas. The program of studies to be followed to meet the objectives described above involves: 1) establishing environmental baselines in selected OCS regions before oil/gas exploration, 2) monitoring the environment during 68 oil and gas exploration and production to detect changes, and 3) initiating special studies to provide the information needed to understand and predict the impact of development activities. Agency Roles The conduct of environmental assessment studies related to OCS oil and gas development requires the coordinated efforts of many Federal, State, and private agencies. It is only through such coordination of effort that the expertise can be assembled for an adequate environmental assessment in each region. The primary Federal agencies involved in these studies are: the Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Geological Survey, and Fish and Wildlife Service of the Department of the Interior; and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration of the Department of Commerce. An abbreviated description of each agency's role in the development of OCS oil and gas resources follows: o The Bureau of Land Management is responsible for the leasing objectives of the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act of 1953, as amended. Activities include planning and preparing for leasing, making lease sales, collecting bonus revenues, and administering the leases. The Bureau of Land Management performs its leasing functions within the purview of three departmental leasing and management goals: (1) orderly and timely resource development, (2) protection of the environment, and (3) receipt of fair market value for the mineral resources. Implementation of OCS leasing objectives by BLM includes the preparation of Environmental Impact Statements in conformance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, oversight of OCS environmental studies, and pre-and post-sale analyses to ensure receipt of fair market value. o The U.S. Geological Survey has responsibility for appraising geologic conditions and associated resources of the national domain, for classifying the energy and mineral resource potential of Federal OCS lands, in accordance with the USGS Organic Act of 1879 and the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act of 1953. Activities include basic geologic investigations and mapping, general and detailed assessments of oil, gas, and mineral resource potentials; supervision of mineral exploration, development and exploitation; and collection of rentals, royalties, and related revenues. Emphasis is on the geologic environment and the conservation of associated resources in support of the leasing program to assure safe and efficient operations. o The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration contributes to the development of oil and gas resources of the OCS by conducting marine environmental assessments with (1) field investigations of proposed lease areas, (2) laboratory studies of the effects of hydrocarbons on living marine organisms, (3) assistance in the preparation of Environmental Impact State- ments, and (4) review and comment on completed environmental impact studies of other agencies. The field and laboratory studies contribute oceanographic and biological information to decisions involving OCS oil and gas development. The various components of NOAA, together with its Sea Grant program, provide a broad range of expertise needed for carrying out marine assessment studies, particularly for research on the dynamics of sediment transport and in 69 physical, chemical and biological oceanography. NOAA also produces bathy- metric maps for use in planning environmental study programs and making environmental decisions, and its Environmental Data Service stores and makes available to all investigators data pertaining to the OCS. The Special Energy Research and Development Act of 1975, passed in June 1974, further provided for the reactivation of three NOAA vessels "... for the purpose of conducting surveys, investigations, and research connected with the environmental effects of offshore energy-related activities". These vessels became operational in FY 1975. o The Fish and Wildlife Service participates in the development of OCS energy-related activities by planning and executing biological programs to assess the impact of offshore oil and gas development on fish and wildlife resources and coastal ecosystems. Specifically, areas subject to OCS oil and gas exploration, production, and transport are studied to obtain information on potential environnmental impact on fish and wildlife resources in order to provide guidance in the operation of the leasing program. Particular attention is directed toward aquatic birds and mammals, endangered species, and coastal ecosystems — beaches, estuaries, and marshes. Under a November 1972 Memorandum of Understanding between the Bureau of Land Management, the U.S. Geological Survey, and the Fish and Wildlife Service, and pursuant to a number of legislative authorities and Secretarial Orders, the Service develops resources reports on OCS areas under consideration for leasing; participates in tract selection; provides input to and comment on environmental impact statements; participates in development of special lease stipulations; and reviews and comments on exploratory and development plans and placement of platforms, pipelines, and other structures. Current Environmental Assessment Studies The outer continental shelf areas that are now under consideration for leasing and that either are now or may in the future be included in the BLM Environmental Studies Program are shown on figures 8 and 9. During FY 1975 environmental assessment study programs were in progress in Alaska, Texas, and the Mississippi-Alabama-Florida coastal regions. Alaska A . Background In May 1974, the BLM, anticipating a possible oil and gas lease sale in the Northeast Gulf of Alaska (NEGOA) in 1975, requested that NOAA initiate an environmental assessment program in the region. The first of these studies began in July of 1974. in October of that year, BLM greatly expanded the Alaskan program by adding eight other regions (fig. 9). In FY 1975 studies were initiated in two additional areas in the Gulf of Alaska (Kodiak and the Aleutian Shelf) , two areas in the Bering Sea (Outer Bristol Basin and the St. George Basin), as well as a region in the Beaufort Sea. In discussions between NOAA and BLM, it was agreed that the Alaskan studies should focus on: 1. Establishing an environmental baseline for the region, against which potential development-related impacts might be detected and evaluated; and 70 8. — , Atlantic Coast 1 . North Atlantic 2. Mid- Atlantic 3. South Atlantic and Blake Plateau Gulf of Mexico 4. East Gulf 5. Central Gulf 6. West Gulf Pacific 7. Southern California Borderland 8. North and Central California 9. Washington-Oregon Alaska Figure 1.1. Figure 8. — Outer continental shelf areas under consideration for leasing. 71 156° 168° 180° 168° 156° 144° 132° 7 7 7 — 7 7 — 7 7 — 7 ) — 1 1 r 1 20° 11 2° i i i < — ^ — * — T~T7 — <; — ^ T Beaufort Sea 64° 60° 56° Chukchi Sea- Hope Basin *5 Bering Sea- Norton Basin 52° 48° en CM oo cs /N en Q o Q PM vo vO vO oo oo oo en oo CN o\ ey. /\ CN m vo vO oo o iH oo VO oo 00 CO o r-l m cy> cu •n vO m oo en m m m vO vo vo r^ r-^ 00 00 00 r^ r^ r-*. r>- r^. t^. r^ r>» r-* en m 3 CU .C a CO 0) CO ecj 0) hJ CO CJ o CO A! CO ed 51 i m o> H ,o CO H (3 O 4J -H O 4-» Cd CJ 1-1 CU H r-H cu CO CO C }-l o o •H M-l 4-1 ed H C rH •H ed 6 o o Sa cd cu u < ej\ m -* r^ CN vo vO r-- m r^ r- ct\ cd rH « o C ed 4-) •H C ^! ^ cu CO CO .ti •H CO cd 00 •H cd cd CO cd •rl U M M •H cd rH Tj o M 4J pq < Q CU G 3 £ o M o CU cu «w CU 4-1 rH a o 4J CU 1 4J 4-1 3 u o 1 o M-l iH cd CO o 2 cd rH C M X I d M CO 1 cd 1 | CO o cd cu cd cd ^ ■H cd CO cd cd rH cu 4-1 O < CU CU CU «j CO CO O CO 4-1 CO CO cd u M-l u d M-l M-l •H cu o 00 o 00 «H 00 O rH Xi XI }-i ti m-i G CO ti CU o 4J CU M-l •H 3 •H cd •H M-l jC ^ ri & iH r-l cd H CQ u iH CO 3 O O 3 cu cu CU CU S 43 53 rJ O M PQ PG) « O U m CO 4J c I •H H cu 4J cd a •H O r-l c G CU cu 0 6 CU cu 4J 4-1 cd cd 4-1 4-1 CO CO 4-1 4J U O cd cd Q< Cu 6 S CJ o Q C o 5* c a G CU 3j o a B •H c C CO o o •H ^ u CJ •H •H CU > > Q a C w w 9 4J rH r-l VW cd OO cd cs o r-l •H i-t Q Pn Ph CO CO P M M O W W Q o fe CU CN en 74 03 0J U < OJ W CO OJ .-J CO a •H a H i k 00 OJ ■u CO u 4-1 CJ u CO OJ CO OJ I I • J3 CO H CD i_ (0 0) > it •_ 3 (/> 2 .2 o. 1 < CO = • -1 • -. • o> c S c CO a. c fl) 0 •3 ■5 0 5 _ o> S .E a> c .= — c % 5 o2 s >- c .S- eg a> >- c a X UJ a. 0 oc .0 Jo 2 • CO w _ ** O) c C Q> O H O (A "5 a> cr CO <1> >- CO CO < • • • • • " • • CO • - - • _ 03 CO a • • • • • i co CD > * X CD 1- CD CD W CO c o ♦3 CO (D 3 a o "5 CO • c 1 So 3 2 3= n Q- « % ■= 7= E E .2 0> (A o ^ Q E ' id s »■ Q. CO c W ° » o> o n co E"" > o 75 *2 i- a5>< £ a> c > X 2 a> f= -J co w a> — 2 8L £ „ » a» 11 if 1 1 §!li . 1 e O SS C ° £ co « 73 O- _ >> = 0 <3 - § *5 £ 1- gggaQSg, > a, c 0 . 1 1 : 1 1 Hi 1 1 §si if «i 1 a* g O w g jj = 3 O - a a 5 1 0. u. « 0 • • 0 <**<j lo co 75 3. What hazards does the environment pose to. petroleum exploration and development? 4. How are contaminant discharges moved through the environment and altered by physical, chemical, and biological processes? 5. What are the biological populations and ecological systems most subject to impact from petroleum exploration and development? 6. What are the effects of petroleum-related contaminants and environ- mental alterations on individual organisms, populations and ecological systems? Answers to these questions are intended to determine the size and productivity of the biological resources, to establish an information base against which subsequent changes may be evaluated, and to formulate a basic understanding of the interrelationships of the Alaskan OCS ecological system; to answer questions regarding the movement of both oil spills and low-concen- tration of contaminants, particularly into critical areas identified in the biological programs; to understand how the possible release of hydrocarbons or trace metal pollutants may affect the biological community; to ascertain the nature, frequency and intensity of severe environmental events that are prime hazards to petroleum exploration and development; and to integrate the data into suitable systems that model both the static and dynamic aspects of the environment. The six questions, and the timing and content of studies designed to answer them, are continuously reviewed and evaluated to insure that information provided DOI is assisting decision makers in balancing the benefits of petroleum development against consequent environmental risks. C. Regional Settings In the Gulf of Alaska, four potential lease areas have been designated: Aleutian Shelf, Kodiak, Lower Cook Inlet, and Northeast Gulf of Alaska. Coastal features include: fiords with narrow beaches, high cliffs, offshore reefs and rocky islands, bays and sounds with barrier islands, and inlets where mud flats accumulate from glacier-fed streams. The continental shelf of this large region is gently undulating in relief with clearly defined submarine valleys and a smooth steep continental slope descending to as deep as 4,500 m west of Kayak Island. The width of the shelf varies from as little as 50 km off Unimak Island to as wide as 240 km offshore near Kodiak Island. Circulation in the Gulf is dominated by the Alaska Current, which flows counter-clockwise parallel to the coast and continues westward along the Aleutian Chain. West of Yakutat Bay there are numerous eddies in this current. Some of the water flows northward through the Aleutian passes into the Bering Sea and the remainder returns eastward to form the Alaska Gyre. 76 Environmental hazards that can affect human activities in the Gulf include earthquakes, tsunamis, frequent and intense storms accompanied by strong winds and high seas for extended periods, fog along the Aleutian coast- line, sea ice in Lower Cook Inlet, movement at fault surfaces, and potential submarine slumps and slides. The coastal zone from Prince William Sound westward is prone to frequent and severe earthquakes, which represent the predominant natural hazard to offshore petroleum development. During the last 70 years, eight seismic events have equalled or exceeded magnitude 8. The largest recorded earthquake in North America, March 1964, was centered beneath Prince William Sound. The Gulf of Alaska supports major fisheries where both United States and foreign fishermen are active. The outer oceanic region is an important feeding ground for maturing salmon and steelhead, which pass through the Gulf en route to spawning grounds in Prince William Sound, Cook Inlet, and the coastal waters of Kodiak and the southern Alaska Peninsula. The near shore spawning and feeding grounds are important to the many immature forms of deepwater species. Intertidal benthic invertebrates are important in the food web of numerous marine birds and mammals and, in some areas, include abundant species of commercial value. In the western Gulf, tidal sand and mud flats provide extensive habitats for large populations of intertidal plants and animals. These organisms and offshore benthos provide abundant forage for the commercially important crab and bottom fish industry. Waters in the western Gulf are among the most productive in the North Pacific. More than 100 nesting colonies of marine birds, several numbering in the hundreds of thousands, inhabit the rocky cliffs of the Gulf. The intertidal mud flats are stopover points for the millions of migrant shore birds that pass through the region on their spring migration to nesting grounds in northern Alaska. Marshes bordering the Gulf are important nesting grounds for ducks, geese, trumpeter swans, and numerous other water birds. The lagoons and bays of the Aleutians and southwest Gulf are the wintering grounds for the world's population of emperor geese. The Copper River Delta is the nesting ground for the world's entire population of dusky Canadian geese. Some 100 different species of shorebirds have been observed in the coastal marshes of Cook Inlet. Bald eagles live in the region throughout the year and thousands of ducks assemble along the shorelines during winter. The Gulf of Alaska also provides important habitats for many species of marine mammals. Harbor seals, sea lions, sea otters, whales, and porpoises congregate in the nearshore waters and along rocky coasts. Over 2,000 sea otters inhabit Prince William Sound and the Barren Islands. Important sea lion, sea otter, and harbor seal rookeries and haul-out areas occur throughout the Gulf. Northern fur seals pass through the Gulf and between the Aleutian Islands as they migrate between the Pribilof Islands in the Bering Sea and their wintering areas to the southeast. In the Bering Sea three potential lease areas have been designated: St.x George Basin, Outer Bristol Basin, and Norton Sound. The continental shelf, which accounts for 44 percent of the total Bering Sea area, is one 77 of the largest shelf areas. It extends to 600 km offshore and has an average depth of less than 100 m. The deep ocean basin of the western Bering Sea is over 4,000 m deep. The major circulation pattern is counter-clockwise. The eastward flow north of the Aleutians mixes with waters flowing northward through Aleutian passes. Currents in Norton Sound are affected by freshwater from the Yukon River, which empties through the major river delta system of Alaska. Bering Sea water flows into the sound along the bottom. Sea ice is major feature of the Bering Sea from late autumn until early spring. Its maximum southern limit is from Bristol Bay to St. George Island of the Pribilofs. The ice forms each year and contains many areas of open water. Upwelling along the deep margin of the continental shelf brings nutrient rich waters to the surface. The variety of habitats and high productivity of the shelf region support many species of fish, birds, and mammals. The biota vary with the change from colder water in the north to warmer, more saline waters in the south. The largest eelgrass beds in the world border this sea and provide food and protection for birds and fish larva. The presence of ice affects the movement of marine life. Many species congregate and thrive near the edge of the ice, move with the advance and retreat of the ice, and provide food for concentrations of marine birds and mammals. Walrus, seals, and whales normally stay near the sea ice. The entire northern population of fur seals breeds on the Pribilof Islands. Coastal marshlands along the south coast of the Seward Peninsula are important stopovers for migrating swans, geese, cranes, and shorebirds. In offshore areas, other marine birds feed in and beneath the ice edge and rest upon it. The islands of the Bering Strait, in Norton Sound, and along the southern coast of the Seward Peninsula support numerous bird colonies. The colony at King Island is believed to contain more than a million birds. The coastal lagoons and abundant plankton in Bristol Bay support one of the densest populations of water birds in the world. In Alaskan Arctic waters two potential lease areas have been designated, the Beaufort Sea and the Chukchi Sea-Hope Basin. The Beaufort Sea has a very narrow continental shelf, 48 to 96 km, and depths less than 200 m. Water mass properties are influenced by circulation patterns of the Arctic Ocean. Sediments from rivers and eroded coastal banks are transported by longshore currents to form beaches and offshore barrier islands. These barrier islands are the distinctive feature of much of this coast. Ocean currents in the Beaufort Sea generally flow westward between Mackenzie Bay and Point Barrow, where the slow westerly drift is formed by the clockwise Beaufort Gyre. Local winds can reverse the westward drift and cause easterly currents in nearshore reaches. The wind affects water levels more than tides and moves the ice pack either shoreward or offshore toward the Arctic Basin. The ice cover is nearly complete in winter except for leads and polynyas — open water areas in the sea ice. Landfast ice extends from a few kilometers 78 to as much as 50 km offshore and is frozen to the bottom nearshore. The moving winter ice pack shears against the stationary landfast ice to form extensive pressure ridge systems that can exceed 9 m in height. High pressure ridges have proturberances (keels) under the ices. These sometimes extend 30 m downward. The surface of the continental shelf in this region is affected everywhere by dragging ice blocks grounding in the shelf sediments and forming deep gouges in the sea floor. Freezeup and breakup dates are variable and unpredictable. At Point Barrow, freezeup may occur anytime between early September and late November. Breakup has occurred as early as mid-June and as late as late August. The shelf, beneath a surface layer as thick as 3 m, is probably underlain by continuous thick permafrost. The Chukchi Sea is a shallow body of water having average depths of 45 to 55 m. The surface of the shelf is affected by dragging ice blocks and may be underlain by continuous thick permafrost. Much of the low-lying coast is a somewhat broken, beadlike, series of lagoons. The shore is low and marshy, has numerous lakes and small streams, and is underlain by continuous thin to moderately thick permafrost. Ocean currents flow predominantly northward from the Bering Sea through the Bering Strait into the Chukchi Sea and Arctic Ocean. The northward coastal currents and the westward drift along the southern margin of the arctic ice pack establish a broad counterclockwise circulation in the Chukchi Sea. Sea ice coverage varies from year to year. Polynyas and leads are present in both the polar and winter pack, and in summer there are open water areas along the entire coast, especially in the southern part of the region. The coast is subject to polar ice action as far south as Icy Cape. Normally, polar ice is about 3 to 4 m thick at the end of winter. West and south of Icy Cape the normal situation is one-year ice. The variety and distribution of marine animals along the Arctic coastline reflect the combined effects of ice movements, watermass properties, bottom characteristics, and the availability of suitable food. The presence or absence of ice affects movement and behavior of fishes, birds, and marine mammals. Many of these species congregate near the edge of the pack ice and move with it. Plankton, invertebrates, and fish that thrive at the ice edge provide food for marine birds and mammals. In the Chukchi Sea, nutrient concentrations are relatively high especially in recently unwelled and deeper waters. The plankton in the southeastern Chukchi Sea are very similar to those in the Bering Sea. In the Beaufort Sea, the shallow coastal areas along and within the barrier island chain are more productive than the open sea. During summer, phytoplankton and zooplankton increase markedly in coastal waters and the edge of the ice pack. However, there are few species and the Arctic food 79 webs are more simple than in temperate seas. In the intertidal zone, only a few animal species can tolerate the moving sea ice and constantly shifting beach sediments. Nearshore waters are critical to most waterfowl in the Arctic; this habitat is the first marine water open in the spring. Although the tides do not fluctuate enough to create the broad intertidal areas associated with high productivity elsewhere, coastal lagoons, marshes, barrier islands, and coastal tundra provide important feeding, molting, and nesting areas. A million or so eider ducks, old squaw, and other birds pass along the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas coastal habitats on their migrations to the Arctic. Two- thirds of the bird population of the Canadian Arctic islands pass through the Beaufort Sea. Snow geese are known to nest in Alaska only on Howe Island near Prudhoe Bay. The Chukchi and Beaufort Seas provide habitat for marine mammals that fol- low the edge of the pack ice in its seasonal advance and retreat. Polar bears, walrus and seals are abundant along the edge of the ice pack and the coast. Marine mammals are seasonally important in estuaries. In spring, whales migrate north along leads close to the Alaskan coast; the bowhead and beluga, in particular, stay close to the edge of the pack ice. Spotted seals haul out in great numbers on beaches and are particularly conspicuous at Cape Espenberg. In the winter, such animals as the walrus and many bearded seals migrate south, while others such as the polar bear are found along the shorefast ice. Fishery resources of the area are primarily benthic or demersal. All five Pacific salmon are present, with pink and chum salmon dominant. Salmon runs in the Chukchi Sea support a commercial fishery centered in the Kotzebue area. The run of chum salmon to the Noatak River alone exceeds one million fish in some years. D. FY 1975 Activities The first environmental assessment work carried out in Alaska under the NOAA/BLM agreement was in the Northeast Gulf of Alaska (NEGOA) . Field studies began in July 1974 and focused on (1) describing the physical and biological components of the environment, (2) determining the transport processes that influence the distribution of biological resources and potential contaminants from OCS development, and (3) identifying the potential geological hazards. Similar work in the Bering and Beaufort Seas commenced in 1975. Physical Oceanography. Cross sections and vertical profiles of tempera- ture, salinity, and density were obtained throughout the year except for intervals in late fall and mid -winter. Analysis indicated the sampling scheme was adequate to resolve major hydrographic features in most regions. Good agreement was found between the general circulation of the Northeast Gulf of Alaska as inferred from density-field measurements and as generated by a diagnostic model. The direct observations of the currents also agreed well with the diagnostic model, particularly for the flow direction. 80 In our preliminary findings, the hydrographic data revealed the presence of a warm layer, which is associated with the Alaska Stream, moving along the bottom at the 150 m level. This layer clearly offers a relatively warm region for benthic animals around the outer continental shelf. The bio- logical implications of this warm band will be of significance to petroleum development activities because bottom temperatures control the distribution of demersal organisms. The hydrographic data and general understanding of the wind pattern suggest a relatively strong onshore motion of surface waters during the fall and winter. Contrasted to this, the summer has weak offshore motion, thus leaving the dominant flow along bathymetric contours. This suggests that the study done for CEQ of oil spill trajectories for the Gulf of Alaska may be in error when it predicted higher probabilities of oil going onshore in the summer than in the winter. Geology. An extensive program to identify geological hazards was under- taken by USGS during FY 1975. Areas of surface faulting and sea floor instability were mapped in some detail (fig. 10) . Biology. In general, biological field work progressed well, although in various instances investigations were thwarted by severe weather and associated logistical problems. Brief commentaries on progress in the biological study areas follow. Birds. Substantial data on the distribution and abundance of birds in NEGOA were collected despite the unfortunate loss of an airplane with all aboard while conducting a survey. Data now available indicate a standing stock of about 1.5 million birds in the NEGOA region during winter, and as many as 48 million during the spring migration. The number of birds actually dependent on the region may be substantially larger because population estimates do not take into account turnover of individuals within the population. Marine Mammals. Studies during the first year concentrated on three principal mammal species in NEGOA: the sea lion, harbor seal, and sea otter. Research related primarily to the identification of areas of high concentra- tions of these mammals, as well as areas of haul-outs. Data on the pelagic occurrence of these species as well as other marine mammals, on food dependencies, and on population dynamics will be collected in following years . Littoral Biology. The general objectives during the first year were 1) to determine the abundance and distribution of organisms living in the littoral zone at selected locations and 2) to survey the literature concern- ing the effects of oil pollution on these organisms in order to evaluate potential impact of an oil spill to the littoral zone. Efforts were concen- trated on the rocky intertidal region: cooperative ventures to study sand and muddy areas have been initiated with agencies. At present, data are still being processed, so few results are available yet. After more data are received, computer-developed methods will be used to study species 81 4J ti 0) 3 > 1 CO CO cO a H cO •H 4-) g 4-1 O &. CO co . CD CO >-l CU rH • CO PQ • S 00 C co •H CU •^ 6 rH 3 3 .H CO CO m CO H S 3 ,a CO I CD u CO T3 CU G -d C cO CU o CO