I5OTIOHY [Banq[NoMUsy sesuey oy Aq poUMO JaMOd BATIOW KANSAS STATE LIVE STOCK REGISTRY BOARD Report No. 1 October 1, 1910 Printing Department Kansas State Agricultural College Manhattan ¢, *) ee x, : —/\ \ ® \ 5 ; a \. b/s Members of the Board Ep: H: WEBSTER] coc) 2s be a teem settee as oe Chairman Dean of Agriculture, K.S. A.C. EF. S. SCHOENLEBER, Di Vo S222. - 00-04. soee 8 2 ie ene rea) Veterinarian Professor of Veterinary Science. K.S.A.C. 1 Ea KOON VADIEN) Wiens MIR CRIN Sibia Wig GORGE ce Soc PORES ho oo a ree Secretary } Professor of Animal Husbandry, K.S.A.C. Acknowledgements Much credit is due T. G. Patterson for his valuable services rendered in the work of enrolling the stallions published in this report. Credit is also due C. W. McCampbell for the preparing of the manuscripts regarding horse breeding and unsoundnesses contained in this report. | Table of Contents Introduction. . Copy of Law. . Explanation of Sections Especially Concerning Stallion Owners. . Horse Breeding in Kansas. ; Progress in Horse Breeding. arr wnd . Some Facts and Figures Shown by the Work of Inspecting Pedigrees by the Board During the Present Year. . Care of the Stallion. . The Unsound Horse. 9, List of Pure-breds. 10. List of Grades. 11. List of Horses Recorded in Non-recognized Associations. oo +3 12. Summary Table. Errata 1. ‘‘Progress in Horse Breeding,’’ page 7, credit must be given U. S. Exp. Station Work, Vol. III, No. 19. 2. Page 21, ‘‘pts.’’ abbreviation stands for ‘‘parts.’’ 3. Page 21, last line, ‘‘and more at noon’’ should read ‘‘and less at noon.’’ 4. Page 30, instead of ‘‘transmissible’’ the word ‘‘hereditary’’ should oe used in each case. : | NaN Introduction ~ —— i vA The Kansas Live Stock Registry Board is issuing this, its First Annual Report, in the form of a bulletin, which will be sent free to horsemen, farmers and any others who may be interested in thé work of improving the Kansas horse. Besides the list of stallions licensed to stand for public service in the State, there will also be found in this report discussions of the stallion law, pedigrees (both ood and bad), unsoundnesses, etc. By this means we hope to present information that will be of some practical value to the Kan- sas stockman and farmer. | While horse breeding in Kansas has for a number of years been making some progress, it is a noticeable fact that it has not kept pace with the progress made in other lines of our agricultural pur- suits. Close observation and study showed that the greatest ob- stacle toa more rapid progress in the horse breeding industry was the common use of the grade sire, the unsound sire, and the pure-bred of an inferior kind. This use of inferior sires resulted from various causes, the more important of which are: First, care- lessness, lack of interest and lack of appreciation of the value of pur- ity of breeding of the sires on the part of the mare owners; second, a tendency on the part of a great many stallion owners to geta horse for as small an investment as possible regardless of his breeding or individuality, knowing that they could expect a liberal patronage from the mare owners. Realizing that something should be done to awaken an interest in the improvement of the Kansas horse, to give to the public more authentic information concerning the problems and principles of animal breeding, to encourage the use and appreciation of the pure- bred sire, and to guarantee the breeding of every stallion standing for public service in the State, the sixteenth biennial session of the Kansas legislature passed what is known as the Stallion Registra- tion Law, which reads as follows: STALLION LAW CHAPTER 168, LAWS OF 1909 SECTION 1. Every person, persons, firm, corporation, company or asso- ciation standing or traveling any stallion in this State shall cause the name, description and pedigree of such stallion to be enrolled by the State Live Stock Registry Board, said board to consist of the dean of agricul- ture, the head of the Veterinary Department and the head of the Animal Husbandry Department of the Kansas State Agricultural College, and to procure a certificate of such enrolment from said board. 4 Report of the Kansas State Src. 2. In order to obtain a license certificate as herein provided, the owner of such stallion, whether pure-bred or cross-bred, shall file a certifi- cate of the condition of soundness within one year from the date of publica- tion of this act in the statute-book, signed by the state veterinarian or a veterinarian duly authorized by him. Said certificate of soundness, together with a certified copy of the certificate of registry of the pedigree of said stal- lion and other necessary papers relating to his breeding and ownership, shall be forwarded to the State Live Stock Registry Board. Sec. 3. The officers of the Live Stock Registry Board, whose duty it shall be to examine and pass upon the merits of each pedigree submitted, shall use as their standard the stud books and signatures of the duly authorized presidents and secretaries, respectively, of the various horse pedigree reg- istry associations, societies or companies, recognized by the United States Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C., and shall accept as pure- bred, and entitled to a license certificate as such, each stallion for which a correct pedigree registry certificate is furnished bearing the signature of the president and secretary of a government recognized and approved stud book. Sic. 4. Every bill, poster or advertisement issued by the owner of any stallion enrolled under this act, or used by him for advertising such stal- lion, shall contain a correct copy of its certificate of enrolment. SrEc. 5. The license certificate for a stallion whose sire and dam are of pure breeding shall contain the following information: Certificate number, registration number, breed, color, owner and address, age, pedigree, state- ment of soundness by veterinarian, date of issues, seal and signature of dean of agriculture. The certificate for a grade or cross-bred stallion shall con- tain the following information: Certificate number, statement of breeding, — color, owner and address, age, statement of soundness, date of issue, seal and signature of dean of agriculture. SEc. 6. The owner of any stallion standing for public service in this State shall post and keep affixed, during the entire breeding season, copies of the license certificate of each stallion, issued under the provisions of this act, in a conspicuous place upon the main door leading into every stable or build- ing where the said stallion stands for public service. Sec. 7. A fee of $2 shall be paid to the State Live Stock Regis- try Board for the examination and enrolment of each pedigree and for the issuance of a license certificate in accordance with the breeding of the stal- lion, as above provided. The veterinary inspection as provided for in this act shall not exceed $2 for each stallion inspected. Sc. 8. Upon the transfer of the ownership of any stallion enrolled under the provisions of this act, the certificate of enrolment may be transferred by the State Live Stock Registry Board upon submittal of satisfactory proof of such transfer and upon the payment of a fee of 50 cents. Sec. 9. Any person, persons, firm, company, corporation or association who shall violate any of the provisions of this act shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction in any court of competent jurisdiction be punished by a fine of not less than $10 and not more than $50 for eac offense. . Src. 10. Any stallion standing for public service that is not a pure-bred and registered horse must have conspicuously posted on the door of the stall in which he is kept, and in letters in black type not less than one inch in Live Stock Registry Board 5 height, a statement that such stallion is a grade or a cross-bred, as the case may be. Ssc. 11. The funds accruing from the above-named fees shall be used by the State Live Stock Registration Board to defray the expenses of enrol- ment of pedigree and issuance of licenses, to publish reports or bulletins containing lists of stallions examined, to encourage the horse-breeding interests of this State, to disseminate information pertaining to horse-breed- ing, and for any other such purposes as may be necessary to carry out the purposes and enforce the provisions of this act. It shall be the duty of this board to make annual report, including financial statement, to the gov- ernor of the State, and all financial records of said board shall be open to inspection. | Stc. 12. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its pub- lication in the official State paper. Approved March 11, 1909. Published April 3, 1909. Explanations of Sections Especially Concerning Stallion Owners The stallion law should be carefully studied by horse owners, and especially by stallion owners, so that they may know just what the law means and requires and thus save themselves unneces- sary trouble and inconvenience in the use of and in advertising their stallions. Thelaw is quite plain:and explicit, but for the benefit of those who may not understand it fully a general expla- nation of the clauses especially concerning the stallion owner is here given. Sections 2, 3and 7 refer to the method of obtaining a license cer- tificate from the Registry Board, which is necessary before a stal- lion can legally stand for public service in the State of Kansas. First, the stallion must be examined for soundness by a veter- inarian authorized by the State veterinarian to make such exami- nation. The stallion owner should arrange for such examina- tion, and the law requires that the owner pay the examining veter- inarian a fee of $2 for each examination. This certificate of examination, which describes in detail the condition of the animal as regards soundness, must be sent to the office of the secretary of the Live Stock Registry Board, where it is kept on file. Second, the owner of a stallion is required to send all papers of registration of said stallion or a sworn copy of these papers to the Live Stock Registry Board for inspection, this being necessary because of the fact that there are many associations that record 6 Report of the Kansas State almost any kind of a horse, regardless of his breeding, sending out pedigrees which are large, imposing affairs covered with seals, pictures of horses, castles, etc., but showing no purity of breed- ing of the animal in question. In reality they are absolutely worthless. Many innocent and unsuspecting persons have been humbugged by purchasing horses carrying pedigrees of this kind. These will be discussed more in detail under another head. The owner of astallion is also required to send to the Live Stock Registry Board a fee of $2 for the issuance of a license certificate which permits the owner to stand his horse iegally for public service. Special attention is directed to Sections 4, 6, and 10, which refer to the method of advertising a stallion for public service, and. every owner should thoroughly familiarize himself with the provisions of these sections and carry them out to the letter in all his advertising. Attention is further directed to Sec- tion 9, which provides a penalty for violation of the stallion law. Horse Breeding in Kansas There is no place in the world where the natural environments are better adapted to the breeding of horses than right here in Kansas—an invigorating and healthful climate without the vicis- situdes and hardships of the long, frozen winters of the north or the excessively hot, disease devastating summers of the extreme south; rich valleys that produce the succulent, nutritious grasses and beautiful harvests of corn, oats, barley and alfalfa from which are grown bone and muscle of the finest quality; grass-covered hills where the horse may climb and frolic as he grazes, thus developing better feet and greater lung capacity; springs, creeks and rivers always furnishing a plentiful supply of clean, fresh, pure water, and the clusters and groves of trees which cover the hillsides and border the streams furnish shade during the summer and protection during winter. But with all of these natural advan- tages the Kansas stockman has not made the best of his oppor- tunities. The annual report of the United States Department of Agriculture shows that on January 1, 1910, the average valuation of the Kansas horse was $107. With the present high prices of land, feed, and labor, no one can profitably raise horses to maturity for $107 per head. Good horses, whether draft horses or light horses, were never more in demand nor scarcer than at the pres- ent time, but they must: be of the best quality to demand the high CASINO (5462) 27830, At the Head of Whitewater Fall Stock Farm Stud Winner of 115 Sweepstake Prizes in France and America Owned by J. C. Robison, Towanda, Kansas Carnot 66666 (66666) Champion Percheron Stallion International 1909 Owned by W.S. Corsa, White Hall, Illinois Live Stock Registry Board : 18 prices. The Kansas horse breeder must raise better horses. If he is raising draft horses he must raise bigger horses with more quality and better action. If he is raising light horses he must raise a class of horses thatare truer to their respective types, and they must have more style, quality, and action. If the Kansas horsemen hope to improve the horses of Kansas, the first and most important thing they must dois to use more care and judgment in selecting the sires of the future horse crop. They must learn to appreciate the value of purity of breeding and realize that general improvement in the Kansas horse must come through the use of pure-bred sires and the best mares available. A question so often asked is: ‘““Why not use the grade sire if heisa good individual?’’ These same questioners to prove that they are right in using this kind of a sire will quote the oft repeated and more often misinterpreted law that ““Like begets like,’’ either forgetting or not knowing the limitations of this law, or the conditions under which it finds its widestapplication. Itis because of this law that like begets like that the grade stallion should never be used as a Sire, for (a) like begets like in proportion to the purity of the breeding of the two parents; (0) like begets like in proportion to the dura- tion of the period during which this particular breed has been bred pure; (c) like begets like in proportion to the closeness of the blood relationship of the two parents; (d) like begets like in proportion to the similarity of the physical characteristics of the two parents. The last two conditions mentioned find their widest application after the first two conditions obtained. It is the intensified inherit- ance of the pure-bred which triumphs over the diversified inherit- ance of the grade or scrub, and thus enables us to grade up our stock. Similarly, it is the diversified inheritance of the grade which precludes his success as a sire, even though he apparently pos- sesses the characteristics of a pure-bred. Progress in Horse Breeding . No great progress can be made in breeding animals of any spe- cies so long as the breeding stock consists of unsound individuals or of unknown breeding. The country is overrun with grade and scrub stock of all kinds, and in the breeding of horses there has been much fraud concerning age, quality, and breeding of sires allowed to stand for public service. A definite plan for breeaing operations has been lacking. Some farmers have attempted to 8 Report of the Kansas State improve their stock by grading up with pure-bred sires, but often- times unsuitable types have been used and all sorts of crosses have been made. The result has been unsatisfactory. | The advantages of pure-bred stock from a business point of view are discussed by Dr. A. S. Alexander, of the Wisconsin sta- tion, as follows: As a business proposition, it pays best to breed mares to pure- bred stallions, although the service fees of such horses are higher than those of the grade and scrub. The fees of the latter are $5 to $10 less at the time of service, but when the colt reaches market age the saving is lost. Thereis at that time a difference of at least $100 in value in favor of the colt from the pure-bred sire, so that the higher service fee has proved a profitable investment. Then, too, there is a ready, appreciative outside market for the good gerade colt, while the scrub goes to the local buyer at low figures, and there is little, if any, demand for such horses. While some farmers are beginning to appreciate the importance of using sound, pure-bred stallions, the equal importance of using sound mares is not yet generally understood. When a mare by reason of unsoundness no longer is fit for anything else, she often is set aside for breeding purposes, and so long as this absurd and ruinous policy persists the penalty will be paid in the prevalence of unsound horses on our farms. For corroboration of what has been asserted here, one has only to examine the brood mares on a number of farms in different districts of the State. The unsound mares will be found numerous, and many of their adult offspring are similarly affected. The success achieved in the breeding of Clydesdale horses in Canada serves as a good example of what can be accomplished by persistency and expert selection. The Scottish element of the Dominion’s population has been partial to the Clydesdale breed and conversant with its good qualities and utility, hence imported Clydesdale stallions of the best character have been largely em- ployed in the breeding operations of that country since the year 1842. Practically speaking, no alien crosses have been made, and the-average farmer has been capable of selecting suitable mares and of adequately developing their progeny. The result is that Canada has but one type of draft horses, and it is a good one, showing, to a high degree of excellence, all of the breed character- istics of the pure-bred Clydesdale. The same thing is true, even to a greater degree, in Scotland, where the Clydesdale breed pre- dominates and has been developed to a high state of purity, breed character, and utility. . On the contrary, if we examine the average Live Stock Registry Board : 9 team horses of Milwaukee or Chicago, we shall see every possible type and character represented in plain evidences of mixed breed- ing, careless selection, and incomplete nutrition. By gradual processes the farming communities of Kuropean countries have replaced their scrub stallions with pure-bred sires. They have learned by experience that.the greatest profits are to be gained by the production of pure-bred and high-grade stock, and in many breeding centers they will not keep or patronize a non-registered sire. The various governments and national and local breeding associations have aided greatly in the work of elim- inating unsound, unsuitable breeding stock. In breeding centers registered mares are to be found at work in the fields that are mated with inspected, pure-bred stallions. In Great Britain practi- cally all farmers recognize the importance of using pure-bred sires and only such are used in various districts whence come the many well-known British breeds of horses.- In Scotland only one non-registered stallion has been reported as being used for public service in that country since 1900. The French government for over 100 years has maintained stables of carefully selected, sound, pure-bred stallions for breeding purposes. The best stallions in France are annually chosen for use in the studs, and since 1885, when a government decree to that effect was promulgated, all stallions not coming within special classes have been excluded from public service. The classes referred to are selected by government veterinarians, who inspect all horses and gerade them as follows: ““‘Subsidized’’ class, comprising stallions of a certain standard and for each of which a cash'bonus of from $60 to $100 per year is paid to the owner to keep the animal in the country for use by owners of mares; “authorized” class, compris- ing horses of slightly lower quality that are authorized, after pass- ing inspection, by a card certifying them as recommended by the government for use as sires; ‘‘approved”’ class, comprising a few horses permitted to stand for service, but not granted a bonus or recommendation card. In Belgium the government has, since 1880, maintained a great horse-breeding establishment, and promotes the breeding of pure-bred Belgian draft horses Le Cheval de trait Belge) by an annual grant of $5000 to the official draft horse registration so- ciety, and an annual appropriation of $70,000 to encourage the horse breeding of the country. Liberal prizes are awarded to mares and foals at shows throughout the country; stallions are officially examined by government experts; and both approved 10 Report of the Kansas State stallions and mares are granted “maintenance’’ bounties to retain them in Belgium. Under such auspices, only pure-bred stallions. are in use for service and horse breeding is making wonderful progress. ! ! In Germany, government supervision of horse breeding has . obtained for centuries and to-day is similar to that in vogue in Belgium, it having been required by law “that no permits should be issued authorizing the use of stallions, unless they passed a satisfactory government inspection.’’ At the present time both the government and agricultural societies promote intelligent horse breeding. Prizes are awarded for animals of special merit, and such animals must remain in the country for a specified term. -First prizes are awarded only to mature horses and mares that have shown merit as breeders. Stallion shows have long been held at Aurich in Hast Friesland, where the horses are brought annually for inspection and approval. Prizes for brood mares are also awarded by the government. Somewhat similar supervision of horse-breeding matters is undertaken by the government of Austria, and large sums of money are annually devoted to the en- couragement of the breeding industry. That there is a growing demand for American bred horses is shown by the constantly growing demand notwithstanding the continual rise in price. To meet this demand Doctor Alexander advocates a campaign for better breeding, which involves the following: FOR BETTER HORSES. Nearly all of the states in the northwest have taken a positive stand on the proposition of aiding in the improvement of horse flesh. We refer to the fact that these states have enacted rigid stallion registration laws—laws that, if enforced, will show to every Stallion patron the status of the sire in question both as to breeding and to health and constitution. It remains with the mare owner whether he will make the most of his opportunities and work toward constant improvement of his horse stock. 1. Commence grading up the farm horse stock by mating care- fully selected, sound, suitable mares with sound, prepotent, mus- cular, pure-bred, registered stallions. 2. Continue year after year to use the best obtainable pure- bred stallions of the character and breed first chosen and never out-cross to any other breed. | 3. Do not use any stallion thatis unsound, unsuitable, partially impotent, unlicensed or not registered in a stud book recognized by the Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. | Live Stock Registry Board 11 4. Do not breed from any mare that is deformed, sick, diseased, vicious, unsound, unsuitable, a poor milker, or a cross mother. 5. Breed horses with the object of steadily improving the stock on the farm and advancing the horse breeding industry of the State. | 6. Do not retain for breeding purposes any colt that is not pure- bred and eligible to registry in a stud book recognized by the De- partment of Agriculture. 7. Properly feed, shelter and care for pregnant and nursing mares, and from birth until ready for market nourish their off- spring in such a way as to prevent stunting and insure perfect de- velopment. 8. Encourage the working of pure-bred stallions sufficient to keep them healthy, muscular, prepotent and prevent pampering, weakness, partial impotence and actual sterility and so tend to in- sure vigor, strong constitution and health in their offspring at birth and throughout life. 9. Encourage the home production of pure-bred stallions to take the place of the host of undesirable grade, mongrel or scrub stal- lions at present retarding progress in horse breeding, and with this object in view buy and breed from some pure-bred registered mares in every county in the State. 10. As soon as possible stop working scrub horses on the farm and in their place use grade horses of good quality and character, well fed, properly groomed, furnished with attractive, nicely kept harness and hitched to modern implements, wagons, and carriages. 11. Organize township and county associations for community breeding of horses of the same blood, character and quality and to more readily obtain pure-bred stallions and mares and insurea profitable market for surplus horses. 12. Encourage representative exhibits at the county fairs of pure-bred stallions and mares and grade mares, geldings, farm teams, and young stock by pure-bred sires. Discourage the of- fering of classes and premiums for grades and mongrels or scrub stallions or their progeny. 12 Report of the Kansas State Some Facts and Figures Shown by the Work of inSspoos Pedigrees | Section 8, of the Kansas stallion law, specifies the duties of the Live Stock Registry Board in regard to the pedigrees of the horses submitted for enrolment, and reads as follows: SEC. 3.—The officers of the Live Stock Registry Board, whose duty it shall be to examine and pass upon the merits of each pedigree submitted, shall use as their standard the stud books and signatures of the duly au- thorized presidents and secretaries, respectively, of the various’ horse pedi- gree registry associations, societies or companies, recognized by the United States Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C., and shall accept as pure-bred, and entitled to a license certificate as such, each.stallion for which a correct pedigree registry certificate is furnished bearing the signa- ture of the president and secretary of a government recognized and approved stud book. The following list of associations, societies and companies are the only ones recognized and approved by the. United States De- partment of Agriculture, and as such they are recognized as the standard by the Kansas Board: RECOGNIZED REGISTER COMPANIES Arabian Horse Club of America, H. E. Bush-Brown, Newburg, N. J. Cleveland Bay Society of America, R. P. Stericker, W. Orange, N. J., 80 Chestnut Ave. American Clydesdale Breeders’ Assn., R. B. Ogilvie, Chicago, Ill., Union Stock Yards. French Coach Horse Register Co., Chas. C. Glenn, Columbus, Ohio. French Coach Horse Society of Amer., Duncan E. Willett, Oak Park, Ill1., Maple Ave. & Harrison St. German Hanoverian & Oldenburger Coach Horse Society of America, F. Crouch, LaFayette, Ind. National French Draft Horse Assn., C. E. Stubbs, Fairfield, oe National Register of Belgian Draft Horses, J. D. Conner, Jr., Wabash, Ind. American Hackney Horse Society, Gurney C. Gue, New York City, 308 W. 97th St. Morgan Register, T. E. Boyce, Middlebury, Vt. Percheron Society of America, Wayne Dinsmore, Chicago, Ill., Union Stock Yards. Percheron Registry Co., Chas. C. Glenn, Celumbus, Ohio. American Percheron Breeders & Importers Registry Co., F. A. Forney, Plainfield, Ohio. American Saddle Horse Register, [. B. Nall, Louisville, Ky. Shetland Pony Club, Julia M. Wade, LaFayette, Ind. American Suffolk Horse Breeders’ Association, Alexander Galbraith, DeKalb, Ill. American Shire Horse Association, Chas. Burgess, Winona, III. American Stud Book, (Thoroughbred) W. H. Rowe, New York City, 571 Fifth Ave. American Trotting Register, W. E. Knight, Chicago, I]]., 355 Dearborn St. Welsh Pony & Cob Society of Amer., J..W. Jones, Columbia, Tenn. Live Stock Registry Board 13 Only horses properly recorded in these associations are eligible to enrolment as pure-breds in the books of the Kansas Live Stock Registry Board. In accordance with the section of the law quoted ae hun- dreds of pedigrees. of all kinds and descriptions were sent’to the secretary of the Live Stock Registry Board for inspection. The work of passing upon the merits of these pedigrees required a thorough knowledge of the registration requirements of the va- rious government approved associations, and also a knowledge of the methods and registration requirements of the various foreign associations. Each and every pedigree was carefully and thor- oughly examined, checked, and, if properly recorded in a govern- ment recognized association, passed as eligible for enrolment in the books of the Kansas State Live Stock Registry Board. Of the pedigrees submitted for examination, 2599 were passed as pedigrees of pure-bred stallions recorded in government. rec- ognized associations. The pedigrees were carefully recorded, and our records show that the number of pure-bred horses of each of the various breeds standing for public service in the State of Kan- sas for the season of 1910 is as follows: BA EIS 50. 5 oh cuss 5 «(a sys e lel eae Ss > Bereheronmy x05, agek 5c! 1342 Pleveland Bay... ..s.-. << fo aOdtenvedi..... and still break out again at some future time, and for the reason claimed by some authorities that a previous abortion seems to en-. courage abortion at the next period of pregnancy. Other author- ities claim that this infectious abortion runs a course of a few years, the animal becoming immune and no further trouble ensu- ing. Wecan hardly commend the last theory. HORSE POX OR VARIOLA EQUIN 4 Horse pox is a contagious febrile disease characterized by erup- tions on the skin. At first there are only small, hard lumps, but later they become pustular in form. This suppurating stage is followed by a formation of scabs and scaling off of the skin, a dis- tinct depression or pit being left. It passes rapidly from horse to cow and vice versa, and from horse to horse by means of litter, hay, brushes, combs, hands of attendants, etc. VESICULAR EXANTHEMA This is an acute infectious disease showing fever and hypere- mia. On the generative organs there is usually formed small round, hard enlargements. These progress in pustules and open sores. There is great itching and irritation. It is passed from one animal to another in breeding, also by the use of combs, brushes; blankets, etc., which have been used on infected animals. In the first stages heat, swelling and tenderness of the affected parts de- velop. ‘This is followed by the formation of papules which develop into open sores. Scabs form and peel off, leaving white scars. In mares and stallions it usually affects the external generative or- gans; in sucklings it may affect the mouth, lips, nose, and quar- ters. Inthe mare the vulva swells, the vagina is very red, followed by the characteristic eruptions accompanying. There is marked tenderness and intense itching. The mare seems to be con- stantly in heat. In the stallion the sheath and penis become swollen, followed by eruptions as in the mare. These eruptions may extend to the scrotum inside of the thigh or inside the forelegs, or throat or any part which might become soiled in covering the mare infected. There is frequent urination and generative excitement. | This has been described a little more in detail because of the fact that there have been a few outbreaks of this disease in Kan- sas and some might at first thought confuse it with Dourine. It is an acute disease, and under proper treatment usually runs its a ne ah A CONOR MCN BRAN acl in NN Ah AEE AS AB ARAN te NN it Live Stock Registry Board 27 course in two or three weeks. No animal having sores upon or discharges from the generative organs should be used for breed- ing purposes. BAD TEETH This includes a great variety of teeth troubles so numerous that space forbids a detailed description of each. Teeth troubles are usually indicated by a foul odor from the mouth, improper mastication, turning the head to one side during mastication, chewing the food for a time then dropping it from the mouth, and sometimes by swellings and enlargements. The teeth should be examined frequently and kept in as good condition as possible. ACUTE LAMENESS This is a condition caused by cuts, bruises, strains, etc., which result in a painful condition, thereby causing lameness. In all probability the causative condition will heal and with the healing the lameness will disappear. A careful distinction should be made between this condition and a condition which will probably form an exostosis or stiffness of a joint, thereby resulting in a permanent unsoundness. | Acute lameness is a good illustration of a temporary unsound- ness. ACUTE LAMINITIS, OR FOUNDER Laminitis is an inflammatory condition of the sensitive laminze usually affecting both front feet, but may affect the hind feet in addition. Very seldom are the hind feet alone affected. 'The hoof becomes loosened from the inner structures of the foot, the parts affected becoming congested and swollen. It is most commonly found in badly formed flat feet. The principal causes are: hard, fast driving, improper shoeing, chills and exposure, and improper diet. It may also occur as a complication of influenza, colic, par- turition or excessive purgation. The trouble appears suddenly, the animal points or pushes his feet in front and avoids placing weight on the feet as much as possible. The hind feet are usually thrust far forward to take as much weight as possible off the front feet. When moved, the fore feet move rapidly. aie acute cases the fever is high. If proper treatment is resorted to at the beginning they usually result favorably, depending, of course, upon the severity of the attack. In unfavorable cases the soles may drop and the case be- comes chronic, constituting a permanent unsoundness. 28 Report of the Kansas State SPRAINS, CUTS, AND BRUISES Those sprains, cuts and bruises that will probably recover with- - out leaving any condition which would cause a permanent inter- ference with the natural usefulness of an animal should be classed as a temporary unsoundness. INDIGESTION Indigestion is usually caused by some fault of the diet which can readily be remedied,and theanimal recovers. Cases of chronic colic or enteralgia should not be passed as simple indigestion, for the former is a serious permanent unsoundness, while simple indigestion 1 is usually only temporary, a treated and guarded against. THRUSH Thrush is a diseased condition involving the frog of the foot, characterized by an ill-smelling, blackish discharge and by the frog becoming atrophied and ragged. If treated in the early stages it is not a serious condition and may be easily cured, but if not treated inflam mation attacks the va- rious parts of the foot and may lead to a condition leaving the ani- mal permanently unsound. Thrush usually results from the horse standing in filthy quar- ters, or it may result from lack of exercise or faulty shoeing. PNEUMONIA There are several different forms of pneumonia, but in all we find an inflammatory condition of thelung tissue. Someof the pre- disposing causes are: 1. Age, it being more prevalent among horses from five years up- wards of age. 2. Hot stables improperly cleaned and ventilated. 3. Poor health; animals that are in a run-down or depleted condi- tion are more susceptible to the influences of cold and ex- posure. 4. Climatic conditions and season, it being more prevalent in coun- tries and seasons of cold, damp and severe weather. Exciting causes: 1. Sudden chill. : 2. Free perspiration checked by exposure to a cold rain, snow, or draught. 3. Inhalation of irritating gases, smoke or dust or even food par- ticles. Often caused by the foolish and dangerous practice of drenching through the nose, the medicine passing into the lungs causing mechanical pneumonia. 4. Infection, being caused by several kinds of bacteria. The general symptoms of an acute case of pneumonia may be summed up as follows: First there is usually a staring coat and a Live Stock Registry Board 29 chill; this is followed by the hot stage, with an increase in the body temperature, rapid and labored breathing, deep cough, animal stands with legs apart, eloows turned out, nostrils dilated, full but soft pulse, skin harsh, and the animal does not want to lie down. The pueumonias usually run an acute course. Fortunately un- der proper treatment the majority end in recovery. SPRUNG HOCKS This is a condition caused by asprain of the hock joint resulting in inflammation and enlargement of the whole joint. Itis acute in character, and under proper treatment usually recovers. SEEDY TOE This is a degenerated condition of the toe of the foot, character- ized by its soft and crumbling nature. It is caused by most any condition which impairs the nutrition of the horny structure. One of the most common exciting causes is improper shoeing, es- pecially where large toe clips are used which press down upon the fibres of the horn, interfering with its nutrition. Practically all of these temporary unsoundnesses are acute dis- orders from which the animal will probably recover if proper treat- ment is given, but some of them may be severe enough to develop into permanent unsoundnesses, and for this reason horses suffer- ing from any of these temporary conditions should never be passed as sound, and if it be necessary to pass judgment ata time when any of these conditions exist the classification “‘temporarily un- sound’’ should be used and the condition causing this temporary unsoundness stated. Permanent or Chronic Unsoundnesses Permanent or chronic unsoundnesses are those that perma- nently interfere with the natural usefulness of the animal so as to make him less capable of doing work of any kind. The perma- nent unsoundnesses are the ones that are of the greatest impor- tance to the horse breeding industry. They may be subdivided into: 1. Those showing a hereditary tendency to develop in the offspring. 2. Those not showing a hereditary tendency to develop in the off- spring. 30 Report of the Kansas State The more common transmissible unsoundnesses are: 1. Laryngeal Hemiplegia—Roaring, whistling, or thick wind. . Pulmonary Emphysema—Heaves, or wind broken. . Enteralgia or chronic colic. . Rheumatism. . Chorea or St. Vitus Dance. . Stringhalt. . Unsoundnesses of sight. Im Ot P WS db a. Cataract b. Amaurosis c. Periodic ophthalmia 8. Tumor, especially melanotic. 9. Bone spavin. 10. Bog spavin. 11. Thoroughpin 12 Curt: 13. Splints. 14. Ringbone. 15. Sidebone. 16. Navicular disease. 17. Sand Cracks. 18. Cryptorchidism. 19. Parrot mouth. 20. Cribbing. 21. Weaving. The more common non-transmissible permanent unsound- nesses are: 1. Poll evil. 2. Fistula of the withers. 3. Sweeney. 4. Fractural pelvis. 5. Luxation of patella or ‘‘stifled.’’ 6. Thickened tendons. 7. Chronic lameness. 8. Chronic founder. 9. Quittor. 10. Contracted heels. 11. Cocked ankles. 12. Grease. 13. Scratches. 14. Corns. (Suppurating). 15. Severe cuts and sprains. 16. Glanders and farcy. (Contagious, but not transmitted by hered- ity.) ; 17. Maladie du Coit. (Contagious, but not transmitted by heredity.) 18. Blindness due to injury. 19. Neurectomy wounds or scars indicating unsoundness. RURIPUT ‘AIQVIAVIVT ‘UOS wWYonolyN 'f Aq poumMoO OG! [PUONUI191UT URLsjeY UOldmMRYyyD ,,"ynvrTnoO, Ip aqivdvuog ,, UOTI[VIS URIS[9G PoIq-910d Pure-Bred Belgian Stallion ‘ Neron”’ 4795 (52518) Owned by J. M. Nolan, Lane, Kansas RO Kansas Standard-Bred Stallion ‘‘Noreatur’”’ 17855 Live Stock Registry Board . 31 LARYNGEAL HEMIPLEGIA Roaring, whistling or thick wind. Thisis a disorder that varies in severity from slight difficulty in breathing with slight roar or whistling sound at the time of inspiration to a complete tempo- rary cessation of respiration. - Difficult breathing may be caused by an obstruction in the air passages, such as a tumor or other enlargement, but with few ex- ceptions roaring is caused by paralysis of the recurrent laryngeal nerve which supplies the motor nerves to the muscles of the lar- ynx or the voice box. When these muscles are paralyzed they al- low the cartilaginous rings to drop inward during inspiration, thereby partially or even wholly occluding the air passage at this point. In mild cases the symptoms area slight roaring or whis- tling upon severe exertion, such as rapid driving or drawing heavy loads. In more severe cases trotting the animal fifty to one hundred yards causes loud, stertorous breathing, and some cases may be so severe that the animal will drop to the ground after a gallop of one hundred yards. Itis always well to make a thorough test of every horse’s wind before buying or breeding. When it is impos- sible to give him a good, brisk trot, roaring may sometimes be de- tected by taking the animal by the bridle with one hand and while listening closely, suddenly make a pretense to strike the animal. If he is a roarer and if the person is a close observer, a harsh, snore-like sound may be heard as the animal suddenly inspires. This being a disease showing a hereditary tendency to develop in the offspring, it should be sufficient reason for retiring a stallion from public service, and mares that are roarers should not be used for breeding purposes. PULMONARY EMPHYSEMA This condition is commonly spoken of as heaves, or broken wind. According to Doctor Law, this is a chronic affection -of horses manifested by a hurried, wheezy breathing, greatly ag- gravated by close, muggy weather, a full stomach, certain kinds of diet, or by exercise; also by a small, weak, dry cough, often oc- curring in paroxysms and easily excited by a drink of cold water, exposure to cold air, or a fibrous quality of food, and lastly by a marked disorder of the digestive organs. The overloading of the stomach is a potent cause of the development of heaves. Every- day observations show that driving a horse on a full stomach often causes broken wind, and nothing will more surely aggravate it when it does exist. The same is true of the drinking of large —3 32° Report of the Kansas State quantities of water after feeding and just before going to work. Besides causes operating on the side of the digestive organs, others undoubtedly superinduce the disease, and among these, severe exertion and chronic bronchitis, resulting from eating dusty food, ought to hold prominent positions, but horses -with ravenous appetites are, above all others, subject to the complaint. The animal though a heavy feeder, becomes unthrifty, hidebound, and emaciated; its feces is passed in an undigested state, and flatus (wind) is constantly passed from the bowels. The question arises, “Why does over-loading the stomach af- fect the breathing?’’ It is because the lungs, stomach and certain other organs derive their nerve supply from the same nerve—the vagus—and certain disturbances of the stomach and intestines so impair the function of this nerve that the lungs are affected, at first functionally and afterward structurally. Investigators have found that there is a hereditary predisposition to the disease among the offspring of parents having heaves, perhaps explained by the fact that the conformation, such as shallow, narrow chests, large, pendulous abdomens, and the greedy appetite, are charac- teristics readily transmissible, and these working together in the offspring bring on the trouble. Stallions affected with pulmonary emphysema should not be patronized by the breeder, and mares so affected should never be retained for breeding purposes. ENTERALGIA, OR NEURALGIA OF INTESTINES This is sometimes called “chronic colic’? by some horsemen. It may be defined as a neuralgic pain of the bowels without any appre-. ciable structural or functional change. In nervous animals, es- pecially high-bred horses, there is undoubtedly an individual pe- culiarity which shows itself in a special susceptibility of the nerv- ous system. In such animals exposure to cold or wet, or the presence of a local irritant which in an ordinary animal would have been without effect, results in a nervous pain. It is most common among breeding animals, which are kept under the best of care and are the least accustomed to exposure and neglect, being often highly fed and maintained in high spirits. Under this head should also be included pleasure horses, which are usually highly bred, highly fed, and irregularly exercised, this routine of life being continued from one generation to another, so it is always well in purchasing horses of either class to be on the lookout for this con- dition. : Another class of horses where one would naturally expect to Live Stock Registry Board . 33 find it would be among those horses that have become debilitated by overwork, underfeeding, exhaustive disease, etc. It often hap- pens that a drink of cold water, an exposure to a cold draft, or a drenching rain, or even a heavy night dew, may seem to be the only appreciable cause of the trouble. In other cases a slight in- digestion, or the ingestion of a substance which to another animal would have no effect, causes a violent nervous colic. The attack comes on suddenly, especially following a drink of cold water or ex- posure to cold. It ischaracterized by the suddenness of the onset, the extreme suffering, the reckless manner in which the animal throws himself down, the intermissions with complete absence of pain and absence of abdominal pain, tenderness, manipulations and friction seeming to give relief rather than discomfort. The wri- ter has known of several instances illustrating the transmissibility of this susceptibility from parent to offspring. One of the most striking cases was that of a large pure-bred Percheron stallion. This horse would have one of these attacks with every sudden change of the weather or every exposure to cold blast, and it was never safe to allow him a cold drink fresh from the well. Afte1 this horse had been in the neighborhood for a few seasons, the neighborhood became notorious for its number of colicy horses. Perhaps fortunately for the community, one of these attacks killed the stallion. More attention should be given to this condition in breeding an- imals, especially in those cases where these colicy attacks are due to a nervous susceptibility. This peculiar quality of the nervous mechanism of the parts involved seems to beanatural physical char- ~ acteristic of the animal in question and as such may be transmit- ted to the offspring. RHEUMATISM One authority defines rheumatism as follows: “A constitutional inflammatory affection, tending to localization in the joints, mus- cles, tendons, fascia, skin, heart,and serous membranes.’’ There is an acute form, but this is usuallyneglected until it has progressed into the chronic form, so the present discussion will be concerned mostly with the chronic form. The most common forms are articular and muscular. In the chronic articular form there usually occurs permanent distention of the joint capsule generally accompanied by ulceration. Often bony enlargements and calcifications which involve the surround- ing soft tissues are seen. The accompanying lameness often abates and returns under varying conditions, usually subsiding in warm stables and during clear, warm, sunny weather, but return- 34 Report of the Kansas State ing again with cold, damp weather, exposure to rain, sudden cool- ing after perspiration. Any one of these, followed by stiffness, lameness, and swelling of joints, may be identified as resulting from rheumatism. In many cases of chronic articular rheumatism the horse may come from the stable very stiff and lame, but after “warming up’’ for a mile or two these symptoms may disappear, if the disease is not of too severe a nature. | Muscular rheumatism is developed under conditions very simi- lar to those causing articular rheumatism. 'The affected muscles are very tender to the touch, but usually no swelling or heat is noticed. The muscles are frequently relaxed and the suffering and stiffness varies with the weather changes to a great extent. When a horse shows extreme tenderness in the loins, stiffness and pain when walked, especially when turned around or backed, when there is no history of a slip, fall or injury, and these symp- toms are more marked under conditions of cold, exposure or change of weather, it is usually a case of muscular rheumatism of the loins. When the muscles of the croup are affected there is usually in- | tense lameness, with more or less dragging of the hind limb and extreme sensitiveness of the skin over these muscles. In the region of the shoulder and arm there is marked stiffness, shortness of stride, drooping of the head, tenderness of the skin and muscles. ‘The use of the currycomb in all cases of muscular rheumatism over the affected parts causes a great deal of pain. In the shoulder it bears the same relation to weather changes as it does in other regions. If the muscles of the neck are affected it is usually held rigid in one position, and the animal experiences quite a bit of difficulty in feeding from the ground. The above-mentioned regions are the ones most frequently affected by muscular rheumatism. Rheumatism has been attributed to several general causes, the most commonly accepted are: 1. Cold and dampness. Rheumatism is more common in cold climates and in cold, exposed situations. It is very rare in the tropics. Sudden changes of weather to wet and cold always aggra- vate a case of rheumatism; often the case becomes worse before the weather change has become fully developed. Whilecold seems to be very potent in precipitating or aggravating an attack, it is not the sole or essential cause of rheumatism, for the great majority that are exposed to cold and dampness escape. 2. Another theory as to the cause of rheumatism is the neuro- pathic theory. “‘This theory is a neurotic cause (a nervous affec- a Live Stock Registry Board 35 tion without lesion) and seems to explain the presence of a great many cases. Rheumatism often shows a tendency to bilateral sym- metry, which points directly to nervous control. The frequent vio- lence of pain with very little structural change would seem to indi- cate the same causative source, and the presence of free perspir- ation in severe attacks points in the same direction.”’ 3. Theory of infection. Many claim it to be caused by an or- anism of ultra-microscopic size. 4. The last theory that I shall mention is that of heredity. While this has not been traced so definitely in horses as in men, still most authorities are agreed that heredity plays an important role in the development of rheumatism. “Whether the cause be one of faulty metabolism resulting from cold or exposure, or from microbian invasion or neurotic causes, the heredity defensive powers of the animal cells are likely to be an important factor in the development.’’ Hence the need for care- ful consideration of the use of the rheumatic animal for breeding purposes. CHOREA, OR ST. VITUS DANCE While this disease is not as common in horses as some other dis- eases, still it is frequently met with. It is a nervous disease characterized by a twitching or jerking.of a muscle, but more often a group of muscles during waking hours. In horses the muscles affected are those of the head, neck, and fore limbs. Chronic cases are incurable. The term “‘shivering’’ is sometimes used to designate that form of chorea which affects the posterior parts, especially the muscles of the gluteal and femoral region. Itis best seen when the ani- mal is backing or endeavoring to back, as in many cases it is utterly impossible for the animal to back atall. Trying to back causes the animal to become very much excited. ; These nervous disorders are due to the lack of quality of the nervous mechanism, a physical defect which may be easily trans- mitted from parent to offspring. STRINGHALT Stringhalt is sometimes described under chorea, but I have chosen to give it a separate heading. Itis aterm applied to that particular involuntary movement of one or both hind limbs in which the affected member is flexed with excessive suddenness and lifted abnormally high, but it still is able to support weight in the usual manner. It may be seen in walking or in any of the faster gaits. It usually persists in spite of work. Whatever the 36 Report of the Kansas State exciting cause may be, it is certain that the action is involuntary. Then it must be caused by some mechanical action, as the con- traction of facis of the tendons or the ligaments.or a reflex action originating either directly or indirectly in the spinal cord or through irritation of the peripheral nerves, which means that there is some kind of interference with the innervation of the part. Weather conditions seem to affect the disease, cold aggra- vating and warmth palliating somewhat. It is a pronounced un- soundness and is of a hereditary nature. UNSOUNDNESS OF SIGHT All defects of vision should be looked upon with suspicion by the breeder, as there is no other defect of the horse so readily trans- mitted from parent to offspring. In those instances of naturaily defective eyesight there is often more than a hereditary predispo- sition, for in many cases it is congenital, the defect being directly transmitted and the foal born blind. In this defect the hereditary susceptibility is so strong and pernicious that intelligent horse- men should refuse to breed from either horse or mare that has suffered from defective eyesight. Many breeders realize the im- portance of soundness of sight and are refusing to use animals for breeding purposes with small or defective eyes of any character. In France in the government stud, not only is every unsound stal- lion rejected, but the service of the sound stallion is refused to any mare which has suffered from diseases of the eyes. Of the many defects of eyesight the most common are: Periodic ophthalmia, cataract, and amaurosis. 1. Periodic ophthalmia is also known as recurrent ophthalmia and moon blindness. It is an inflammatory condition affecting the interior of the eye, which is characterized by periods of blindness and apparent recovery foratime. This alternate blindness and recovery occurs again and again, but finally results in total blind- ness. Usually butoneeyeatatimeisattacked. The eye becomes contracted and smaller than the sound one, and the upper lid, in- stead of being curved as in the normal eye, takes on a house-roof shape, showing an abrupt angle between the middle and inner third. While feed, care, climate, ill health and other conditions have something to do with aggravating this disease, the causative factor which concerns breeders most is heredity. There seems to be transmitted a special susceptibility which is especially po- tent in case both parents suffer from the disease or are even pre- disposed through the infiuence of their parents. Improbable Live Stock Registry Board 37 as it may seem to some, it is a matter of record that there was a family of horses in southern France all of which went blind, show- ing the powerful hereditary influence of this disease. In some instances the disease shows itself in alternate genera- tions—the stallion which is an offspring of a blind parent may not show the defect but produce colts a larger per cent of which de- ‘velop the disease. 2. Cataract is a morbid condition in which there is a change in the crystalline lens or its capsule, which diminishes its trans- parency. In the early stages nothing unusual may be noticed, but the horse suddenly acquires the habit of shying or starting back when approached. He also carries his ears in a very alert manner. These indications should arouse suspicion and the ani- mal should be carefully examined by an expert. In more ad- vanced cases of opacity of the lens there is less sensitiveness to light, the pupil is dilated, and the cataract is easily seen. 3. Amaurosis is a condition in which there is blindness with apparently no change in the structure of the eye. There is ex- cessive dilation of the pupil, which is not affected by light or dark- ness. The face is dull and expressionless, while the ears are very alert and fixed. The nose is usually carried high and the head usually a little to one side. Allhorses should be examined closely for this condition, as it is easy to pass over in many cases. TUMORS. _ Tumors should be considered unsoundnesses, because even those that do not appear to interfere with the animal’s usefulness may be malignant and metastatic and develop in another part of the body, where it might not only interfere with the usefulness of the animal but may also endanger the animal’s life by mechan- ically interfering with some vital function, as the circulation, res- piration, or ennervation. Another manner in which a tumor may affect the system is that within these growths all kinds of products of metabolism and de- composition are set free. These may be absorbed by the system and dangerous results ensue from their'toxic influence. A common form of tumor met with in horses is the melanotic tumor. This is a pigment tumor ofa blackish gray color. Itis found mostoften in gray or light-colored horses which as foals had light coats of hair. They may be found in brown horses. While they are usually found in the region of the root of the tail, second- ary tumors develop along the lymph passages and are also found in the skin, causing wide-spread thickenings and swellings. Melanotic tumors are transmissible or hereditary in nature. 38 Report of the Kansas State BONE SPAVIN Bone spavins are bony growths on the mner and lower aspect of the hock joint, which sometimes start from the ossifications of cartilaginous growths and sometimes from inflammation attack- ing the periosteum of the bones involved.’ In advanced cases - the joint may be obliterated. By standing a short distance away and noting carefully the inner aspect of the hocks they can usual- ly be discovered. Any suspicions can usually be confirmed by passing the hand over the joint where spavins usually occur. There is a kind of spavin not so easily detected. This is known as the occult spavin, which consists of an exostosis filling in between the bones that make up the hock joint. ‘The hock appears to be normal, there being no external exostosis. The spavin test is often used to diagnose spavin lameness. It consists of lifting the suspected limb and keeping the hock joint flexed for a minute or moreand then suddenly starting the horse atarapid trot. Lameness is usually quite marked. ‘This test, however, requires considerable care in useing, especially in old horses which may show considerable difficulty in movement after the limb has been kept flexed, even without the presence of spavin. Causes: In no other disease can the causes be divided into hereditary and exciting causes so nicely. The hereditary cause © consists of a predisposition partly dependent upon the conformation of the hock and partly upon the conformation of the other parts of the limb. While the complicated mechanism of the hock predis- poses to disease, and especially to inflammation, this tendency is enormously increased by defective formation of the joint. Under the powerful action of the muscles of the hind limb, small cramped joints are more liable to suffer than those having. well- developed, broad and ample articular surfaces. Defective de- velopment of the lower portion of the hock and the upper portion of the cannon bone, the condition described by horsemen as “‘tied- in” hocks, is particularly disastrous, while a distinct curvature (sickle-shaped hock) is almost as bad. But these visible peculiarities of formation are not the sole causes of spavin—the intimate structure of the bones and liga- ments may predispose to disease, aS shown by the inheritance of spavin in young animals with hocks that appear to be perfectly formed and having no service to perform necessitating strain upon these joints. The exciting causes are almost entirely due to mechanical in- juries. Severe rapid work or drawing heavy loads often produce slight, frequently repeated strains, leading to irritation, inflam- DOU[2IS 3019 OAL, UoduvyD 1ayseareH IU, JO AWS H%80:% TPH INUIeM ., SUT OUL,, Joisproy poig-parpuv1s porvojopuly Live Stock Registry Board ; 39 mation, and resulting in the formation of aspavin. Single violent strains in wheeling around on the hind limbs or suddenly throw- ing a horse on his haunches may cause inflammation of the hock joint, followed by the development of a spavin. In horses having small, clean joints it is easy to tell Shier or ‘not a spavin is present if the diséased condition has extended be- yond the joint and an exostosis is present. Until these develop, diagnosis remains uncertain. The onset and style of lameness is of greatest value in diagnosing spavin. In most cases the limb is incompletely extended, the stride is shortened, and as soon as the hoof leaves the ground it is rapidly drawn forward, somewhat re- sembling stringhalt, and is bestseen during the first few steps. A further consequence of the incomplete extension of the limb is an exaggerated hip action, which is seldom absent. The fetlock usually becomes more or less upright in consequence of the incom- plete extension of the hock, causing the animal, when walking on uneven ground, to walk on the toe. In almost all well-developed cases the horse wears the toe of its shoe excessively. As a rule, lameness develops gradually. At first it disappears after a few steps, and in many cases all that can be observed is a eatch in the movement of the affected limb when turning around in the stall towards the lame side. The disappearance of lameness during movement, and its regular recurrence after rest, form one of the most important peculiarities of the disease. Occasionally lameness persists during movement and may become more severe. The fact that spavin is So common in young horses is principally due te the incomplete development of their bones and ligaments and to the existing predisposition being brought into play only when the young animal is put to work. In considering the question of predisposition we have to bear in mind that the conformation of other portions of the limb, and even of the body, too, exercise a considerable influence on the develop- ment ofspavins. Experience shows that uprightness of the fetlock and stifle joints favor the disease. “Turned out” or “‘tied-in’’ hocks are particularly prone to spavins. Experience also shows that very powerful horses with broad pelvis and well-developed hind quarters are especially liable, the reason being the great strain which this formation throws on the hock joint. The more power- ful the muscles of the hind quarters and the freer the movement, the greater is the strain on the hock, hence the imperative neces- sity of long, broad, strong hocks in our heavy draft horses. The frequent occurrence of spavins in young horses which have not yet been put to heavy work points to a strong hereditary pre- disposition. 40 Report of the Kansas State In breeding, especial attention should be paid to this disease, as the tendency to develop in the offspring seems to be more fre- quent than any other unsoundness except defects of vision and sidebones. BOG SPAVIN Bog spavin consists of puffy enlargements on the inner edge of the front of the hock towards the upper part, due to the distention of the capsular ligament by an increased amount of synovial fluid. This increased amount of synovial fluid results from irritation and inflammation caused by astrain. Bog spavins are most frequently found in very upright hocks, because this formation induces con- cussion and irritation. They may be found in hocks having almost any kind of a defect of conformation, because in them any over ex- ertion is likely to be injuriously felt and is therefore very lable to cause irritation. As this improper conformation is the potent causative factor in the production of bog spavins, we may say that bog spavins are due toa hereditary influence and that there is a tendency for them to develop in the offspring whose parents have them, hence another reason for strong and sound hocks in our breeding animals. THOROUGHPINS A thoroughpin is a soft swelling just,behind and above the hock between the bones and tendons. It can be pushed through from one side to the other. The condition is that of an enlarged bursa due to irritation and inflammation. The causes are practically the same as those for bog spavin. CURB Looking at the hock joint from the side, the posterior portion should appear as a straight line, this straight line extending from the tuber calcis (point of the hock) to the fetlock. At the back of the bones of the hock extending downward from the point of the hock to the upper portion of the cannon bone is a strong liga- ment known as the calcaneo-cuboidal ligament. It really ties the hock bones together and extends to the cannon bone. Asa result of a sprain this ligament often becomes inflamed and chronic- ally thickened. This is the condition known as curb. We may regard the limb from the point of the hock to the ground asa lever. The pull of the gastrocnemius muscle, which is at- tached to the point of the hock by what is commonly called the. ham string, acting on the point of the hock tends to break this lever in twoacross the fulcrum, which may be considered at the lower end of the tibia (just at the upper joint of the hock). The part which must resist the breaking strain and hold the oscalcis in line with Live Stock Registry Board 41 the other bones is the calcaneo-cuboidal ligament. It is easy tosee what strains this ligament is often subjected to, and understand why it so frequently becomes strained and enlarged. Horses with “‘tied-in’’ hocks (the lower portion of the hock and upper portion of the cannon bone too small) and sickle hocks are es- pecially predisposed tocurb. This is explained by the fact that as the calcaneo-cuboidal ligament serves to unite the cannon bone to the oscalcis, or long bone of the hock, and as the ealcis acts as a lever to the end of which powerful muscles are attached, the more nearly the bend of the hock approaches a right angle the more powerful do these muscles act, and as a result the more likely is the calcaneo-cuboidal ligament to be strained. Also, the less the distance between the back and the front of the hock the more likely is the calcaneo-cuboidal ligament to be strained and in- flammation follow when the limb is forcibly entended during move- ment; hence the necessity of hocks with plenty of distance from front to back. The external causes of curbs are severe exertion, violent attempts at extension at moments when the limb is flexed and sustaining weight at the same time, as in jumping or heavy up-hill draught work, suddenly throwing a horse upon his haunches; or it may occur as a complication of spavin, the inflamma- tion extending to the calcaneo-cuboidal ligament, causing what is known as bony curb. . The gravity of the curb varies. Animals with weak ‘‘tied-in”’ hocks often become useless. From this discussion it will be seen that too much stress cannot be placed upon the importance of wide, strong, well-formed hocks. ' Most curbs result from only ordinary strain upon the hocks of poor conformation. ‘This poor conformation is a physical character that is readily transmitted to the offspring, so it behooves each one to beware of the breeding animal with curbs or any defect of conformation of the hock. | SPLINTS Splints are enlargements usually occurring on the inner side of the limb between the fetlock and knee, generally near the upper third of the region. They may occur on the outer aspect. They also frequently involve the knee joint. They are caused by infiam- mation of the periosteum, the ligaments between the large and small metacarpal bones, or of the bones themselves. They may develop on the inner, small metacarpal bone alone. The inflamma- tion causes swelling and growth of bone. The primary cause of this inflammation may be due to traumatic injury, as in striking the limb with the opposite foot, etc., but it is usually due to faulty conformation of the knee joint and in unequal 42 Report of the Kansas State distribution of pressure in the knee, which throws an excessive load on the inner small metacarpal bones, followed by inflammation of the periosteum. So we have two kinds of splints: those due to unequal distribution of pressure, and those due to mechanical injury. Those due to unequal pressure are usually long in form, occur- ring on the small metacarpal bone, and often several occur one above the other. Those occurring from mechanical injury are usually round, distinct, and usually located further forward. The importance of splints depends upon their location and the action and conformation of the horse. If they are large and are continually being bruised during movement, and irritation is con- tinuous, more and larger exostoses will result and lameness is more or less constant. If they are high on the cannon bone and are irritated during action, the inflammation may involve the knee joint, and exostosis here may interfere with free movement of the joint. Splints involving the knee joint or located close to it are to be regarded as serious defects, and horses showing splints in these locations usually show lameness at every attempt to work. Splint lameness is best seen on hard ground and at a rapid pace. It increases with prolonged exercise. | Inasmuch as defective conformation is usually the cause of splints, the inheritance of a predisposition to them can readily be seen. Some authorities say that in many cases the exostosis can be traced to no other cause than a hereditary predisposition to throw out ossific material, and on such animals we usually find spavins and other exostoses concurrently with splints. . RINGBONES Ring bones are exostoses or bony enlargements in the region of the coronary joint. They may occur on any of the four feet. Some authorities classify ringbones under four heads: | 1. Articular, in which the articular cartilage between the two bones forming the coronary joint is involved and destroyed. 2. Periarticular, in which the exostosis occurs principally at the point of insertion of the ligaments holding the bones of this joint in position. This is the most common form met with. 3. Rachitic ringbone, found in young animals. ‘They consist of an abnormal growth of the ends of the two bones forming the coronary joint. They are often seen. 4. Traumatic ringbone.—This class includes all enlargements in the region of the coronary joint, due to traumatic injury of any sort involving the periosteum, such as cuts, treads, acute in- flammatory processes in nearby parts, etc. ee sesuvy ‘snquinjton ‘1e1xeg ‘H ‘¢ Aq poumo ueSIOW — 94E¢ .. PNG poer,, 098 G8$ JO 1OUULM ‘spoiqyusno10yy, Aep quesoid JO po40U 4sOW 914 JO sUO 66 SIWIO FT Sn ee Live Stock Registry Board 43 Ringbones are often spoken of as high and low ringbones, ac- cording to their location. They are most common in animals with long, weak pasterns, there being greater strain on the ligaments with this kind of conformation. ‘They arealso found on limbs hav- ing short, upright pasterns, due to the great concussion and con- sequent irritation and inflammation. The anatomical structure of the coronet joint favors strain of the ligaments and unequal distri- bution of weight over the articular surface. The external causes are sprains and all influences favoring sprain, such as defective conformation of the limb, improper shoe- ing, and using an animal at a rapid pace on rough ground. When these sprains occur, nature tries torepair. Inflammation and exu- dation occur. This exudate ossifies, resulting in an oxostosis which we call a ringbone. Ringbones are characterized by a chronic enlargement in the region of the coronary joint. This en- largement varies in location andin size. They may be on one side of the joint or on the front aspect. Lameness is almost always present. It occurs when weight is placed on the limb and may vary from only slight to very marked lameness. The lameness is ‘ usually best seen when the animal turns in short circles toward the diseased side. Often the joint is enchylosed, or grown to- gether, and by picking up the foot this condition may be seen by trying to rotate or flex the foot. In the early stages when the en- largement is not well marked it is very difficult to diagnose ring- bone and it may pass unnoticed. Turning the toe in or out causes unequal distribution of weight in the joint, and strain of the ligaments, and is a frequent predis- posing cause of ringbone. One very seldom finds ringbones on pasterns of good conformation unless it is the result of some ex- traordinary exciting cause. The great causative factor in the for- mation of ringbones is improper conformation of the pastern, and this conformation being transmitted to the offspring predisposes it to the development of ringbones. ‘Thus we see that in the case of ringbones there isa hereditary predisposition, and animals with -ringbones should be condemned for breeding purposes. SIDEBONE In the foot of the horse on either side towards the back part, just inside the hoof and projecting above it, are two cartilaginous wings. By pressing the thumb and forefinger around the quarter of the foot these may be felt as pliable prominences. If ossifica- tion has taken place they are hard and unyielding. When the foot is placed on the ground, these cartilaginous wings allow the foot to expand, thereby breaking some of the concussion. When the 44 Report of the Kansas State foot is taken from the ground they serve to restore the foot to its original position. Often inflammation for some cause or other affects these cartilages and they begin to ossify.. As they begin to ossify, the existing inflammation is aggravated and well-marked lameness results. Sometimes the entire cartilage does not ossify and many times there is no visible enlargement. Sidebones are found principally in heavy horses, and the fore — feet suffer most frequently. It is said that the outer cartilage is more often affected than theinnerone. Sidebones produce clumsy, constrained action and often lameness. Rapid work on hard roads, allowing the hoof to dry out, and the use of high calkins aggravates the trouble. The most important cause is a hereditary predisposition. Be- sides this we must consider excessive concussion and irritation, rapid driving on hard roads, improper shoeing and traumatic in- jury, suchas cuts, bruises, treads, etc. As the predisposition to de- velop sidebones is transmitted to the offspring from sire or dam, animals having sidebones should not be retained for breeding purposes. NAVICULAR DISEASE Navicular disease may be defined as a condition of chronic in- flam mation in the posterior region of the coffin joint, in which the navicular bone, the perforans tendon which passes over the navic- ular bone, and the bursa, or sheath, are affected. Navicular disease in all its stages constitutes an unsoundness, and one cannot be too careful in his examinations for soundness not to overlook it in the early stages. It occurs most ‘frequently in well-bred horses, especially those with narrow feet, short hoofs, short, upright pasterns, and pounding action. In riding and car- riage horses the exciting cause may be sudden reining in, jumping, continued sharp trotting, galloping, and occasionally slipping. The almost constant occurrence of the disease in the front feet is mostly due to the greater weight borne by the front feet and to the violent strains thrown on the flexor tendons during rapid movement over hard ground or under weight of a rider. Under these conditions the navicular bone is exposed to severe pressure on the one side from the coronet bone, on the other from the flexor tendon. The disease is seldom, if ever, caused by bruises from below. Faulty shoeing is sometimes a cause of navicular disease, even in horses whose feet have an almost perfect conformation. The causes having operated, inflammation becomes established in connection with the cancellated or spongy structure of the navicular bone; the bone becomes weakened and may fracture we — Live Stock Registry Board . 45 easily under pressure of the fiexor tendon. The inflammatory process may involve the cartilage over which the tendon glides, resulting in its destruction. 'The tendon becomes involved more or less, the inflammation causing adhesion to take place. The disease always affects the lower portion of the bone. As the disease develops very slowly, the beginning is usually over- looked and attention only directed to the parts after pain and lameness are present. Sometimes, while being driven or ridden, before any lameness has appeared, the animal suddenly stumbles and almost falls even on level roads where nothing can be discov- ered to account for his actions. A few days later a little inflam- mation may be noticed in the foot, and after some treatment it may disappear, but soon the same symptoms return more severe than before. This may continue for weeks, until finally a well- marked case of navicular disease has developed. In other instances, in the early stages, on being brought out of the stable a slight lameness is observed which disappears with exercise, the impediment of gait usually ceasing to be noticed after the animal has been traveled a short distance, this being an _ indication which points to joint disease. In case both feet are affected the animal on being allowed to rest may be noticed to point first one, then the other foot, and when coming out of the stable is very tender. His action is stiff and short, but after being warmed up these symptoms de- crease or disappear entirely. Usually, and especially in cases where only one foot is affected, there is a trophy or shrinking of the inside quarter and contraction of the heel. In advanced cases the animal gradually falls off in flesh; on moving he sweats and soon becomes exhausted, his whole manner showing that he is suffering the most agonizing pain. This dis- ease is often confused with other diseases of the hoof. Errorsare easy unless plenty of time is given to the examination, and diag- nosis sometimes proves difficult even to the most practiced. - The development of navicular disease depends largely on pecu- liarities of conformation, hence the hereditary character of the dis- ease. Some authorities claim a direct tendency to navicular dis- ease aside from defects of conformation. The breeding animal having navicular disease should have neither the approval nor the patronage of any thoughtful breeder. JOR ae Report of the Kansas State SANDCRACK OR QUARTER CRACK This is a crack or fissure in the wall of the hoof. It may occur in any part of the wall and is specifically named according to the location of the crack. Some of the exciting causes are: Improper shoeing; irregular exercise; hard, dry floors. Sandcracks are permanent unsoundnesses because of the fact that being more or less constitutional they are apt to recur. Cer- tain strains and breeds of horses are predisposed to the trouble, those having thin hoofs and brittle hoofs being especially liable. The hereditary nature of the trouble lies in the transmission of peculiar conformation and quality of hoof, in which the disease readily develops when the exciting causes are present. CRY PTORCHIDISM A male animal-having both testicles retained in the abdominal cavity or inguinal canal is known as a cryptorchid. If but one testicle has descended he is known as a monorchid. The term ridgling has been applied to either of these conditions. For whatever purpose acryptorchid or monorchid may be used, he isan unsound animal. If it be desired to use him for work or . for pleasure he is an undesirable animal, at times unmanageable, and even dangerous, and to have him operated upon is expensive and there is more or less risk of losing him in the operation. Experience and observation have shown that there is a strong tendency for this condition of cryptorchidism to be reproduced in the male offspring frem a sire of this kind. 7 PARROT JAWED This is a condition in which the upper jaw projects beyond the lower jaw. It may beso pronounced as to prevent the horse from grazing or eating cornfrom theear. The lower teeth may become long enough to irritate the roof of the mouth. These conditions interfere with the natural usefulness of the animal and for this reason, even though it is a fault of conformation, it is classed as an unsoundness. It shows a strong tendency to be transmitted from parent to offspring. CRIBBING This is also known as crib biting and stump sucking. The horse bites or pulls on some fixed object, at the same time swallow- ing wind. Thisinterferes with digestion, sometimes causing colic and flatulency, and by imparing digestion makes the animal a hard keeper. The incisor teeth of the chronic cribber usually tell the story, as the outer edges are broken or worn off. Its heredi- tary tendency has often been proven. eURIPUT ‘ayekeyury ‘UOS F GonoID ‘f Aq pouUMO UOTTeIS Youop uruey G0SP ., 1N9IVIOD|G ,, UOTI[eIS Yoroyn yoOnsiy poyeojopug Live Stock Registry Board : AZ WEAVING Weaving is an unsoundness that develops from habit. The ani- mal gets into the habit of swaying back and forth, and this may develop into a more or less serious nervous disorder. The animal will show a nervous excitability in the presence of people and es- pecially if the attendant is alittle harsh. The constant weaving causes a great loss of energy that should be stored for useful pur- poses. This is another disorder showing a hereditary tendency to develop in the offspring, and animals thus affected should never be used for breeding purposes. Non-Hereditary Permanent Unsoundnesses POLL EVIL Just back of the occipital crest (the prominent bony ridge be- tween the ears) there is attached the ligameritum nuchal, a large ligament extending back as far as the withers, which assists muscles in suspending the head, and when the head is lowered it also aids in elevating the head again. At the summit of the second vertebra of the neck over which the ligament passes there is amucous bursa. This bursa is often injured by blows, bumps, heavy halters, etc., which causes inflam- mation to set in. This results in a filling up of the bursa with fluid. It causesa great deal of pain and theanimal usually carries his head extended, lowered, and fixed. This stage is usually fol- lowed by infectious inflammation, with abscess formation, which spreads to the surrounding connective tissue, muscles and even involving the bones and ligaments, often burrowing far down into the muscles of the neck and throat. Sometimes a continuous — track extends from the head to the shoulder. After perforating the skin it discharges a nasty, stinking pus. Poll evil is always considered an unsoundness. It may be healed over and to all external appearances it looks to be perfectly sound, but unless it has had careful and skilful treatment it is liable to break out again, and in case it has been perfectly healed that region is very sensitive, easily irritated, and inflammation may be readily started again. KISTULA WITHERS This isan inflammatory condition of the withers very similar in nature and causes to poll evil. It shows at first a painful swell- ing, followed by suppuration and discharge of pus. If the condi- tion becomes chronic the connective tissue, muscles and bones —4 48 Report of the Kansas State become involved. It is often caused by rolling on a stone or from injury by the collar or saddle and by being struck, or by running into posts, trees, gates, etc. SWEENEY, OR SHOULDER SLIP This condition is often spoken of as paralysis of the supra- scapular nerve. Itis acondition caused by paralysis of the supra- scapular nerve, which supplies the principal muscles of the outer aspect of the shoulder. This paralysis is usually caused by some backward movement of the shoulder which causes a stretching or: breaking of the nerve, such as running into a post, tree, etc., jerks during heavy work, and poorly fitting collars. In the chronic form the shoulder muscles become shrunken; in moving, the limbs swing somewhat outward; there is lameness when the weight is placed on the limb and a more or less jerking of the shoulder outward when the weight falls upon the affected limb. Itis an unsoundness due to external 1 injury. FRACTURES OF THE PELVIS There are several forms of pelvic fracture due to slips, falls, col- lisions, or sudden excessive strain upon the pelvis. Perhaps the commonest form is the one involving the external angle of the ilium, commonly called “knock down’’hip. Theseriousness of this condition depends upon the extent of the fracture. Sometimes only a small portion of the bone is broken, but it is often severe enough to cause an incurable lameness; sometimes it is so pro- nounced as to prevent the animal from moving faster than a slow walk. In these cases thereis a flatness at the hip joint, the stifle - moves inward, and there is an absence of crepitation as the por- tion of the bone broken off is drawn away from the fixed portion by the attached muscles. Fractures of the girdle of the pelvis are more serious. LUXATION OF THE PATELLA, OR “STIFLE” In this condition the patella passes over the trochlea or pulley- like process of the stifle joint and fails to return to its normal po- sition. It is fixed in this position by its lower border lying against the upper margin of the inner lip of the above-mentioned trochlea. There are two principal causes for this condition: 1. Flattening of the articular surface of the internal lip of the trochlea, combined with excessive tension of the lateral ligaments. 2. Fixation of the lower surface of the patella on the upper bor- der of the inner lip of the trochlea. The first condition is characterized by a remittent form of lameness. Any interference with the movement of the patella pro- Live Stock Registry Board 49 duces lameness, but the degree varies greatly. Fixation of the pa- tella on the upper portion of the trochleais followed by extension of all the joints of the limb, and the animal is unable to flexthem. The limb is stifly directed backward and cannot be advanced. Luxation of the patella may be distinguished by lameness when the leg is carried and by excessive extension ofall joints. Replace- ment is usually not attended with much difficulty, but a repetition of the trouble is liable to occur at almost any time. THICKENED TENDONS This condition is usually met with in horses having long, weak fetlocks, low heels and long toes, or in horses “‘tied in’’ below the knees. It results from strain of the flexor tendons or sometimes of the suspensory or check ligaments. With the thickening of the tendons generally there is a contraction causing a mechanical lameness. CHRONIC LAMENESS There are many cases of chronic lameness in which the exact cause and location is not known, but it is safe to say that this lameness is caused by a strain or bruise, or by some mechanical interference with freedom of movement. All cases of chronic lameness are unsoundnesses. CHRONIC FOUNDER This is a condition following unfavorable cases of acute lamanitis, or founder, characterized by a change of structure of the foot con- sisting principally of a separation of the sensitive laminze from the insensitive lamineze of the hoof. Thesoledescends and loses its normal concave shape, becoming convex and weak. The anterior portion of the hoof often becomes loose and bulges out and a large mass of horn-like growth may develop at the toe. Horses suffer- ng from chronic founder are subject to recurrence of the acute form. It occurs most often in horses with flat, weak feet. QUITTOR -Quittor is characterized by a chronic purulent inflammation of the lateral cartilages and surrounding structures, followed by death of tissues and the formation of cavities. It is generally caused by bruising with the calks of the opposite foot or by other traumatic injury. It may also develop from suppurating corns or other suppurations in the foot which cannot escape, burrows in all directions, and finally reaches the coronet and escapes. At first there is lameness and a hard swelling is noticed, later 50 Report of the Kansas State this softens and discharges. There may be as many as a half dozen or more openings around the coronary band discharging at the same time. Quittor is an unsoundness in allits stages. It usually results in an enlarged or deformed foot, chronic lameness, or may even prove fatal. CONTRACTED HEELS This condition is most often seen in flat feet or those having long toes and low heels. The exciting causes are: 1. Poor shoeing, especially where the frog and bars are excess- ively pared. 2. Excessive dryness. 3. Lack of exercise. : In. case of contracted heels the diseased foot is placed a little forward with the fetlock upright. “‘The gait is low, shuffling and uncertain, the animal stumbles frequently, and apparently with- out cause.”’ ‘The hoof becomes long and narrow and the sole con- cave. Corns almost always accompany contracted heels in flat feet, and sidebones usually develop. It is an unsoundness that. should not be overlooked. COCKED ANKLES The seriousness of this condition depends upon the causes, which may be of agreat variety. Some of the more common causes are injured tendons, feet, or ankles. Another cause is simply habit. It is an unsightly condition and lessens the market value of the animal and, depending upon the cause, may interfere with the usefulness of the animal. Itis usually a permanent condition. GREASE This is known technically as Dermatitis Chronica Verrucosa. It is a chronic and progressive inflammation affecting the skin in the region of the fetlock, characterized by a profuse secretion of a fatty, foul-smelling, grayish nature. Itis most common in heavy, lymphatic horses and occurs most frequently in the hind feet, especially in horses having hairy legs. It is usually caused by wet, cold or other irritation, followed by infection. In the acute form there is itching, tenderness, swelling and heat of the affected part. In the more severe cases the discharge becomes greenish or blackish and portions of the skin may slough off, or there may be an extensive tissue formation—forming raw, tumor-like masses sometimes called grapes. The limb may be- come enlarged and the condition become serious enough to result in septicaemia. Recovery is very uncertain, and in practically all cases enlargements and thickenings result from the disease. OC a Live Stock Registry Board ol SCRATCHES This condition is also known as cracked heels or gangrenous dermatitis. It is characterized by an inflammatory condition of the skin without a free secretion, affecting the heels or posterior part of the pastern. It appears suddenly, with swelling and lameness. The limb increases in size, and in a few days the affected portion of the skin may scale off. Sometimes this inflam- mation may extend downwards involving the lateral cartilages, or it may be severe enough to involve the tendon sheaths, resulting in septiczemia pyaemia or even death. It is usually caused by cold or other irritation, accompanied by infection. Cases that have advanced very far usually leave swol- len legs, with a susceptibility to a recurrence of the disease. SUPPURATING CORNS _ Any kind of a corn is an unsoundness, but most forms might be classed as temporary unsoundness; when any corn develops into the suppurative form it should be classed as a permanent un- soundness. Suppurative corns is a term applied to a diseased condition of the sensitive laminee of the quarters, the sensitive bars or the sen- sitive sole caused by a bruise resulting in bleeding, infection and suppuration, with little or no hope of recovery. They occur most frequently in the front feet, due to the greater weight borne by them and the greater concussion during rapid movement. They are most common in animals having flat feet or abnormally narrow feet and defective conformation of the limbs changing the normal weight bearing center of the foot. ‘They are also found in feet with wide, flat hoofs. The principal causes are bruising the foot, faulty shoeing, and allowing the shoes to remain on too long. SEVERE CUTS, BRUISES AND SPRAINS Often an animal is cut in a joint and in healing a large exostosis is formed leaving an unsightly scar and stiffness of the joint, or an injury may be so situated as to interfere with normal respiration, circulation, etc. Any injury of this kind is a decided unsound ness. The same may be said of any sprain or bruise, which may leave a condition that interferes with the natural usefulness of the animal. GLANDERS AND FARCY Glanders is an incurable, infectious, contagious disease, caused by a specific organism—the bacillus “‘mallei.’’ This disease is found most frequently in horses and mules, but it is communicable 52 Report of the Kansas State to man and all domestic animals except the bovine races, chicken, and usually swine. There are three forms of glanders, named according to the seat of infectien: 1. Nasal glanders, where the nasal passages and submaxillary lymph glands show the principal lesions. 2. Pulmonary glanders, when the lungs and lymphatics of the chest are affected. 3. Cutaneous glanders, when the skin and subcutaneous lymph glands are affected. The last form is usually spoken of as farcy. Generally when the term glanders alone is used it refers to the nasal form. . Each of the forms mentioned may be acute or chronic in charac- ter. Glanders shows no characteristic symptoms in the early stages, but in case of nasal glanders usually there is a discharge. Still, this is not in itself diagnostic, as many diseases cause a dis- charge from the nasal passages, but if the discharge be of a yel- lowish, purulent tint or greenish or greyish and is especially vis- cid or sticky, causing the hairs around the nostrils to be sticky and matted together, it should be looked upon with suspicion. EHs- pecially should these indications be looked upon with suspicion if the intermaxillary lymph glands between the rami of the lower jaw are enlarged and feel like a collection of small, hard, pea- like masses. This enlargement is not hot or tender, nor does it usually ulcerate. | In farcy or cutaneous glanders the lymphatics on the inner side of the legs are swollen and feel like a cord, and the lymph glands alone these lymph passages show up as small, round enlargements. Some of these soften, ulcerate, and discharge sticky and more or less bloody liquids. In cases where symptoms similar to the above described appear, a graduate veterinarian should be called at once and a thorough examination made, including the mallein test, for this disease is transmitted to other animals and to man and is incurable. DOURINE, MALADIE DU COIT, OR EQUINE SYPHILIS Dourine is a contagious disease found in horses transmitted by copulation and shows specific lesions in the generative organs and nervous system, such as swellings, hard, syphilitic ulcers and scars, profound mental incapacity and paralysis. It is somewhat similar to syphilis in man. The disease is caused by a specific organism—Trypanosoma Equiperdum. It first appeared in the United States in 1882 at Wapella, I1l., in a stallion imported from France, and spread toa large number of breeding animals. By strict quarantine of the diseased animals it was mostly stamped out, but some exposed Live Stock Registry Board : 53 animals got away from the quarantined district and a few cases have since been found in other parts of the United States. The last report of the United States Bureau of Animal Industry shows that not a single case was discovered during the past year. While we are quite free from the disease, it is quite prevalent in some of the European countries, and there is still a possibility of the infec- tion getting past the quarantine of imported animals and an outbreak starting in this country from the importation of breed- ing animals. Animals showing the disease are condemned and killed. | BLINDNESS DUE TO INJURY A blind horse is always an unsound horse, whether he be blind in one or both eyes. If an animal is known positively to be blind from injury, one need not hesitate to use such an animal for breed- ing purposes,as these acquired unsoundnesses are not transmitted to the offspring. The great trouble is that all blind horses are usually claimed to be so from injury, and while there are so many pernicious eye diseases, that are readily transmitted from parent to offspring, it is best to'be on the safe side and not patronize or use a breeding animal with any kind of a defect of vision. NEURECTOMY WOUNDS OR SCARS INDICATING UNSOUNDNESSES Neurectomy is the term applied to the process of severing a nerve to relieve sensation from a part farther away from the brain than the point of operation. It is often used to overcome lame- ness in the legs or feet. The condition or unsoundness still remains, but the sensation of pain is absent. Cutting of the nerve often interferes with the nutrition of the part, and serious con- ditions may result. so whenever it is evident that an animal has been nerved it should be classed as unsound. FAULTS OF CONFORMATION There are many faults of conformation that should be carefully and rigidly discriminated against by breeders, as they are by the market men. These defects of conformation are natural charac- teristics. They may be characteristic of a family or of a strain, and are almost sure to develop in the offspring. Some of the more common faults of conformation that might be mentioned are: Curby hocks, sickle hock, cow hock, small defective eyes, tied in below the hock or knee, calf knee, coon foot, nigger heel, pigeon toe, low back, soft hocks, heavy polls, thick neck and throat, flat shoulders, knock knees, excessively long pasterns, ex- cessively short or flat feet, high heels, weak loins, steep rump, etc. In each and every condition mentioned the animal having this D4 Report of the Kansas State conformation is liable to develop some condition which may inter- fere with his natural usefulness, and as such these defects should be looked upon as conditions of serious ursoundnesses rather than excused by the misleading classification, “faulty conforma- tion.” Many of them are more serious than some of the recog- nized unsoundnesses, and are even more certain to be transmitted from parent to offspring. The Unsound Horse as a Market Animal In both the large and small markets there is a crying demand for sound horses. They always sell at premium, and if the pro- ducer would make the most of his opportunities, and wishes to make the largest profits from the breeding of horses for the mar- ket, it is up to him to produce the kind that the markets are demanding. Unsoundnesses are greatly discriminated against on the market. Many instances might be cited, but let one suffice for illustration. Recently the writer noticed a pair of greys in one of the large horse markets, five and six years of age, that sold at auction for $480. They were sold as serviceably sound, and in a few days ~ were returned because they showed a slight thickness of wind, probably the result of distemper while they were colts. After they were returned these horses could have been bought for $350, probably for less, just because of this slight unsoundness—a de- preciation in value of practically twenty-seven per cent. Unsound- ness causes a depreciation of from twenty-five to seventy-five per cent in the market value of an animal, depending upon the class to which he belongs and the quality of the horse, aside from the un soundness present. | It costs just as much to raise an unsound as a sound horse, and it behooves the breeder to put forth an earnest effort to eradicate these unsoundnesses which are the cause of such a great loss of money to the horse industry. The Unsound Horse as a Breeding Animal The proposition that presents itself most forcibly for our con- sideration in the question of unsoundness in breeding animals is the influence of heredity in our breeding operations. One of the most successful of our American breeders in a recent communi¢ca- tion says: ‘Without doubt, if farmers and breeders would not pat- ronize or breed curby-legged stallions or curby-legged mares, in ee ,«, UOOSN]T ,, BSIOH{ Qvaiy pojiodwy MOUS dS1OY [VUOUCN(oUI Jolo1eW ssouIvF UOIdUILYH SouUIIy,de14) ‘WeYTIG Ape] JO adIS FS ‘ON JogsiuI IWIN S,WeYd ‘UoTIeIS KouyorH Live Stock Registry Board 55) time these defects would be overcome and eradicated, as 1 know from actual experience that straight-legged horses will produce straight-legged horses and crooked-legged will produce crooked- legged ones, and crooked legs develop curb.”’” Thesame principle is true and equally applicable to the great string of hereditary un- soundnesses. Dr. F. C. Grenside in an article upon this subject says in part: “The question of hereditary unsoundness in all its aspects is by no means an open book to the horse breeder, and it is one well worth studying by him, ifas thorough a knowledgeas is possible of this subject will tend to lessen the percentage of unsound stock pro- duced. Of the various causes which tend to make horse breeding _ disappointing and. unprofitable, this is one of the important ones, if not the most important. Literally it is not so much the inherit- ance of the disease itself that we fear, but it is the tendency to development of this disease. Comparatively few foals are dropped with unsoundnesses that impair their value ultimately, but there are many that are born with predisposition to the development of unsoundnesses. “The study of this subject, then, resolves itself into a consider- ation of what constitutes the predisposing causes of unsoundness. They may be divided into several heads, viz.: defective formation, defective quality, and insufficient quantity of tissue and tempera- ment. Within certain limits the practiced eye of the observant horseman can determine in sire or dam the existence of these de- fects that are transmissible to the offspring and predispose it to the development of unsoundness. Butno matter how capable and careful a breeder is he will produce a certain percentage of un- sound stock due to heredity, but with care it can be reduced toa small one. Many breeders sire from convenience, or for some quality that the sire possesses, such as speed, action, style or dis- position, knowing that they are taking a chance of perpetuating some tendency to unsoundness that he possesses. Favorite mares are also bred with a disregard to the well-established principle that like begets like, even when they are victims to hereditary un- soundness, or a strong predisposition to it. The successful breeder must divest himself of all sentiment.and be capable of ap- preciating all defects which constitute predisposition to unsound- ness.’’ As has been noted before, the great majority of the pre- vailing unsoundnesses are due to improper conformation of some sort. These faulty conformations are physical characters, a part of the animal as he developed from the germinal cell, and as such they may be transmitted to their offspring. punog punog punog punosug punog punosuy) punog punog punog punog punog punog punog punog punog punog punosuy) punog punog punog punog punog punosuy punog Report of the Kansas State ssoupunosg jo uoNtpuoD 56 PObT 9061 S061 P68l GO6T 688T L681 9681 6681 OO6T GO6T SO6T LOBT PO6T 6881 906T 9061 SO6T PO6T OO6T OO6T LO6T 6061 9061 pITCOW "6L10P “MH PLPM PH SoUlT < 6rrcr WEMITWON opTeYD EL20h EU PWN [OAM “'OLS8S BMSI[OF "96010 SULUMOG poy “** gegpy doysig yor eee tenanoc oss gggg-aBio9p vouuN 8889 Sales) Bourf ‘OL0P duig Se oe eS Nee 2 PIN (84999) TLEGG FUeISTSoYy ‘GUnOy Peetu ye ‘BIZSF Gd osulg -(eeuep) LpTug Bloqalds “(9PP69) LLL6h TueTTTeD C61] uvuszi0dg -T99F eouig adaougnog “TST6L PlepuelyD ““O8TET TOARA 9G oe Ege gaan "-"eTeopt AogG sesury - * ““PSETT UOsrery JEM " (FFOOP) SGFE JSAOF 9p 0000 ur « sess BIT +s @IO] BOT 0 Dado “gpjoquinyy oe ogee | “STATIB): — > *eyolaney ap lel | "* UBLOT +o gpg Ege) = "* UBIOT "* UBIOTN 1 BTOF “RIOT “+ -anroquiny ++ -BDT QUO; -<- -BDT QUO “++ TRITON “* 'SLOWIS]|A] " UBLOY, "* UBLOTN, + ep Ky “* “qpjoquinyy y sures “TOTO M ‘SVUIOUL “GOT Vf OULLY, - Kauey not anenss “purproyyas 2 BLOYSBUOT] " F] ‘o1oyssuory "Cy Gg ‘1OUparey Csi) Rate ENC “M 7@) ‘UOOR seat or ‘OLOQSWOY » UOS HOB f* 0d AoTpuly Y uosiepuy oo) Bey eM) 1) MOUS DUKY “M TY] ‘Ueol[s MA. 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PIO AA ee egy Hes pTBOULyy “To qseR ‘*AUOTOD ° SS a OO ®) Hf “"* "‘qreqoy ‘s1epurg Pre iN oe est eubel Sea in OSE ert a ‘OV ‘TOTIUA “"M (ff SUOSTIIBY) =O) Weeue lochs ours) -O0() XO Ue Sy, Oe OEE 5) [e 6) @| © 6 ‘90° ‘XO all bie so ‘¢ ‘UepMOD VIO MORES) a LOpAMop 09+) ‘U0I[OD et Wf ‘SUT[OD CRO e065 “MO ‘LIMO 9) "M ‘Uo oSstetpoorg ah (+) ‘SMOIPUY "Hf STOCTIA + his eaneee eens \ oe ‘STOLL cee ‘W "y ‘fopjuegd “STIOPUvg 4.1oqQoy 00 ee Tovey) ue) ysngd "SOUL Bae O “HO “44219 ch LO ENO Ss aod NV 627 SCOP 6B1SE O89 CV9G OeST LIeS OL8E 6986 S98E L986 COLT GLOV VOLV 60P OLGP COLT O98 oval 6IST LO8§ 990E POT VOL SITS BLP IVé& Sat 6LVG *“S TOTey Oued " T1OLIYOLIG UOLIYOLeg "* TOLeyo1eg " UOLIYOIOG Uoloyoleg ‘UdLOYIIOg UO oIOg ‘UdLoyoteg * UOLOYOLOg “ TOLEyoLeg ‘UoOLIYO1Eg UOLOYOIOG UOLEyodog "* TOdeyoeg ‘MOL yo..ed "'* TOL8YO1Ig UdLoyolod ‘UdLOYOLOG ‘uddoyodod UOLOYOIIOG “qjerq Goudy “qyeaqg qouoay ‘qyerq Youd qJeiq Youody YoRoyr YOuIdy yoRogn Youddy] "* e[BpseapATO Avg purpoaog[p punog OO6T O40 0 DO O06 "cQzGe SULLY elIquin[on ee ee ‘WUCVY.oulyay einem sel ie Nadcexis/.eyuieuny velie. ie, Je "xy ae ‘YOLL Bee os ee prepurys punog LO6I Reuatherzteitint a) 6 oyeluis) lars C8619 3) SBLoOnog etietige UO}J.GUITIB A eSih ie): (Slacle ation eile. ua "Ky ") ‘OplLiqo— LLYEF Oma “prepueys punog 6681 cylebteMiele sia siae\es) siei/ e's ef ie! ele 5 . "* 6988 us Vy Hoe OL0 =O) 0 UOSITOIV SuieedeGiel Mote bisiemommaltts. acl "Sg ‘LIOSULT[eA ZGGc OF AMD pare purys punog S061 ereMic ssw eriel ef eli tence) aque ush (ol emehie PorEer BOT oN eral wae! “Wey sua” ee) ace Chepeitecane eo Hoe t) N af Pay 09g ee 4 . piepurys ynunosuy 688T ritet es Mee iviis? tes lege! Yel tej~ ai ee P80 Loydled [eH aura) uisicienire. UIeUSUILY On Ovomalo AN a ‘INU V 6cE wate seite prepueys punosug O06I . ORO 5 “EGG LO[[ooUvyD OO 0 GOD BIAOLUO PL eh heist “ele ferieu gel els ele mative) panos 16s ““PEIST PlOd e100 qjourer) - g ‘UMOIg 9097 ~ prepueyg mS punog ZO6I ose ce ee "ZC98 uos| [ON paiory Oo oO Pant Sine fer te) ein sh ele ie el je a 'SBe ‘U0}9NnS Ge araiite(@e sea) 8) © Sous punog co6l (gue) Bec6 Auend peyysom epL QUO gf ‘BLUMOLg gTZT "Oat punog F681 20-050 O80: ONG (OST 0-6 -ET0G IVspy G70 Goo oO Ol-0 ‘LUOTOD b8O: “O"0. 0 8-6-0 —H z@) ‘YLVIO QIPS aie feieeine puvyeys punosg HO Giles os = es “CPOPV ODO WIN R= SPibOUby = or uyor ‘AVMPOL], LOBG “* **U0OLOYo1LId punog COBL ae atiee encmenerslgt oes ts ERG UIVJUO WT ree --“DIVOUlLy “iA -dcoeb oecnoes L uyor ‘KEMPOL, L99G a6 * TOLleyo1eg punosuy) TO6L °° - eis, ee “(LLOTS) SCPrcs LCOS) eee puowuyoly — “UOTPVIOOSSY SLopoolg aslo o1drg V2, “* *"Uoloyodod (pepnpsu0h) ALNNAODO NOSUAANYV ssoupunos po[eo.7 UOTIIVIS JO JOqUINN put oWUN d0us0-1Ss0q I9UMO roqunn poo1g JO uOoT}yIpuoD asusory we (ponuljUsO) SUST[VIS porq-o1ng Jo A10}9011G 59 Live Stock Registry Board punosuy) punog punosuy punog punosug punosuy punog punosuyg punog punog punog punog punosuy - punog punog punog punog punog punog punog punog punog punog punog punog punog punog OO6T OL6L CO6T LO6T LO6T LO6T SO6T O68T LO6T SO6T 906T 6681 668T TO6I 9061 9061 9061 PObT OO6T LOGT GO6T LOGT CO6L 6061 vO6T OO6T S061 Qwthyt ye On acer) -(LFLOF) 9SSTE OSeIV ET Fo AOILYV Koujoue49 """*"" (Q8TL9) STPOT UreTeyseD “S069T 1998SN4 eg eee ele ERG $2087 A4R IN TT MAILE Seg 1525s) TEMSTAD oe As Us eer eeanaeted (GVA Sh 1 oUJA[OALT ee TSP 1898 ele tia reste aig Soe (Gul) qUuUeULIvyy) 2 yey gp ANGOON e093 L616 INdON B09¥ “POGTg uozpeUK) ee : s (19929) oFelP STON] MeG80Y) EPS8E JUSPLY ‘TLLE¢ SoMVY ' PO60G LepuoM - (e2192) eecPg SoIpsF ““g060g puowRIq ‘GIIZg uosdueg eeSaie. GPE6I LOFT A, (GL99F) L8EZT IeqoL ‘QPFOP Toaey 'Y Wop SUIsIOy puegd 4vo1+) ee ee oe 3 ULM pox ‘UOJSUISIOFY "*** 10} 6ULSIOFL SR Tot pets "* ** UOUSUISIOFT reese T9qR87 "PALOLy ss goTeyG +s TaqesT Ss SOE “98poT aULOIPop is ‘eMOLY AVI, oer] Hs SR MOLy Hees TRQqRST "+ 9spory oUloIpayy "** 9Spory SULOIpoy "* * Qgpory SULOIPOT[ "8 T9UqpIBAy “ AWIO ung oe -TOTeTG “5 -goreYyg yd ‘Aqvog . eS ea (SSO ee ae ‘ploy 2 Nee DOr sone uiomey "* ‘OOF OSLOF ZILWIO pney “A ‘COPInL Bay ‘n04g “Ny ‘weer Pa ag gee an Seekers Row epeteie tres “MA. 3) ‘LO OW weenie eae ays) W PIBVMOFT ‘9U04S Poet) AN “SLOMLOPUB A 6° 0.0 toto oD UU ON ‘S19YJO19S9 ope, chase) Veta, Saati ALICE ‘9u019 eT ge Sear acai (ge Ge ISIS YOU "OF OSLOP AVIO oye] "** LuvdUI0D OSLOFT VPMOTY i ee ONS ALLO SOS) Be eee ea (ee UO Oe ° OX ft ‘ULOOoTq uae "Ta? A "p ‘Aureg “ULM ‘PLB AA nye? ca) etme) ier lee TW PAVMOFT ‘9U049 bee eke NY Or nue ALNOOO F@HAava QI1LZ °° UoOLeyo1Eg Cop 4° Aouyoeyy LIST “qFBaq youesy elcs “4yvaq youery ITs 3FeAq Youory Tees “4Feaq youoay 8aGe “° oTepsepATo CPEg polqysno1oty, WC pepe Ae) een prepurys So pavpurys Ooi a Cee gaco OSTOE SI PRES GJZe °° MOLet Deg eQT ‘ MOLeyoleg G09 °° UOTE O1Eg ZB6G °° UoLeyoI1Eg LZe9 °° ‘UOTEeyoIEg 62g °° doLeyo1Eg ChIgG °° Wo1eyo18eg $109 °° ‘UoreyD10g eJ09 °°‘ uOLEyoOIOg SLO *'* UOLeYyoIEg ZBel °° uoreyoIEg e9Tg “4Jerq youety F1Z9 “4FeIC Poussy B9EQ YOROr) Youod yf Report of the Kansas State 60 punog punog punog punosuy punosuy punog punog punog punog punog punog punosuy) punosuy punosuy) punog punog punog punog punosuy punog punog punog punosug punog punog punog punog ssoupunos yo uoNIpucD 6681 TO6I 9061 ZO6I O06T GO6T TO6E ZOBI COBT CO6T GOGT e061 8681 FO6L TO6L ZOBI e061 TOT LO6I 9061 OO6L LOBI LO6I LOBI 8061 8061 0061 peleoy Siqeeieine las - ae "200G6¢ ZOLO J 79" 9R6Fe TIE O1aeg euktey orice "90G6 LaAOIG vould cone et OUTP, PlO*) (90947) S8STe SIA xepuy (ZLP89) O6ZSE IQeVred as (71088) SE6PE WI -BA-O “6G6cE P[euod """""(GL880) ZEGsh LoyoyORW Oo 6-0 000-0 6 ““(¢e1e WOT, LOU ALC ““1EzhP UosdTIRG yoLt) PIECE S1oqoRre) POPSP Soul UsployH peg gre seat (OPSS9) BZ LOP Trete§ “GCSE VALUO LETTP YOTGS vrs" $8609 Opueose.p “666CP preuod “(98P9F) 68ETE StUb.ce TN GOS6S UOTNOTH 96E9G ued "LEE LG Stpneuy, "*"*"O@8Pg eyApuoTy 5 eewore pena "ZERPG “Ir ‘Teed "7" ""“(@199F) GOTOF yonbsog ‘“ pueg yeer4 oor ee a TagTy "“OOY COUMEG "*** UOSUISIOFY Hees goqrn "** pueg 4voiy _' pueg yeery 5 OO 00 poomue|][q "7" NOOMUSTIA “7+ * pooOMuUe|[q OO Cau a0 SUIM poy Seana puedg qeatr) “""* pooMUayy * "* puogd 7Bo.1f) Hess sa TaqTy "*** UOVSGUISLIOFY ““YyoOY VIUMEG "-- pusgd yeol4) "*"pueg yeory “yooy ooumMed "* ** YOJSUISIOFY "* ** 10}.6UISIOFL "> ** (09. 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PEHOS: 9067 BEEPS: 9067 panos vo6r punosu(y 706 punos vo6l punos S06. punes: 8061 punog co6r pHnes: 9061 punos L061. | punes’ 9061 panos” L06T punos co6r punogs oer BERS’ SOT punos G06T PHAROS: 9061 panos: GO6T PUNeS’ 963T panos Poet punosury Z268T panos: L06T punos’ L061 punos: L06T punos: 6681 punos 9061 GCL, UoLe_ Bory £906. 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Ioqunn possig JO UOTJIPUOD esusolry (penulnUOD) SUOTTIVIS porlg-oing Jo A10}0011G re = ri Live Stock Registry Board punog punog punog punosuy punog punog punog punosug punosuy punosuy punog punog punosuy punog punog punosuy punosug, punog punog punosug punog punog punog punog punog punog punog punog punog 6029) Wea) "* (1ZZFL) 6LFSE WOTqnoy - "**"*d (18889) T9E9T Opesofop ° ee ek (CFET) Gey Tosulqaeyy T808 uorddeues) XnolA | £89 OLepBoody, ELOP OLPed Eee CRNEGA IZ6] TloAnveg op snqooeg 8Te PSI TH ‘TY Toupaey Bfoed as ‘a u0q10.6pq +++ proed "e'yy SAINQstnory S ‘af singsioy 2H Boe eee rei z@) ‘SouIvd 2 Ses 0) eS1OH UoLeYoleg Youuy = “ATO UI wy ‘Solg Joctyoy ‘solg Ssuluuer ye OLLIE » SOT LO1YOY ‘a f ‘sury “df ‘our "* *'0F) OSLO alls puvlyorys ALNQOO IWVIWN — 6SPOE AM STITEM 696S 2PMepod 30 3 dsc olan G GOR9 SuUlLy wn{osed ew ke eee 600TP Uomper) as eerste VE a, “"QCpPEAg VUUOTQULOL) NR eI naa ~ GLZ9OP “Olosedy Do AER Gormenen ""*""O7e0G LOULBAOY) _ £8669 FOO 0481d04/) -C86oP Jerpubod “TELES UOAVY Phice. 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EO ORIN S10. Uosetodedi punos 906T (08464). ¥0S89 OUP MOO a 5 ee osBUi) d {a W ‘ouo[eIN 8egg * UoLeyo1ed punos 9061 “LOeOPF TONY “°° *** SUTTTOYG * Af ‘q ‘sulpoynyy 98fFP © Wore yoIEg PUMOSRSOs--. 2 a> Blcre tf ies) Ss SEU) "HS ‘SespoH S691 *° ‘Woreyored punos 006! "“(9LPL7) VIG6e JOUTED ee UT) Tre TAT ACI FOOT °° “UoOreyosad punosuy) FOBL " 6609F AOY Opec oO o.0 od suodry . 6D 00 0 oF Saat uf ‘TMOLY TOSP co ‘ MOLeyo19dg punog 906T RVGEO OUST, -- ta. s SUOAT ““uBsuteyH ‘AIpMoD [88 ‘UOTE OIEd punog L061 sie (ee) (vie) (*) (e) v0 ecion LT LEQ qonyy ee . suot] oe ee pe oe “UBVULIOFL ‘AIPMO) 628 ohie> Ja ‘WOLOYOI9Og (pepntouo0pn) ARLNNOO HOLY ssoupunos poTeo.y UOTIeIS JO JoquUNN pur sWeN 9ouUjO-1S0g I19UMO JOquInN posvig JO uoOMIpu0oD esusory (ponunuo)) SuOTII[VIS porg-oing Jo 41039011q punog punog punog punog punog punog punog punog punog punog punog punog punog punog punog punog punog punog punosuy, punosuy punog punog punosug, punog punog punog punog punog 133 Live Stock Registry Board 9681 TO6T OO6T SO6T CO6T S681 868T CO6T 0681 9681 cO6T VOGL. 8061 OO06T C681 8061 8061 S061 SO6T L681 GO6T 8681 9061 LO8T FO6T F681 6681 T90PE [PUPPOTH “"C8ZEF USP PUBTTVO awenisnemomscretie “O8ZeF VUOUW[R A OIC. Sus oy «fe iyo bey te 88Shh Yoo1O [eUO[Or) “Sony C= UPOx thi OETOE PASSO [[PUSLBIA ~ Goss 240 Ur Uy 1 68861 SSeS ney: Osage CoMlon « " 6LEE8F er ould 6Z98F XP ““TQLL¢ Yoreuow [esoy Joss seess ypoge moqeg eouldg - a eee eae Oe EN "77" * QgOsP SULY ~SE7 66-4 2820]N ee Beery ogg malo 66096 [PAOY Oy EON oar apadiae Caen PS) Pred 10E0E SS ey. (Z9PFSG) B8FT I-19G0N, G of UEMEUURIN ee EER TN oe ee PPE SPAS) IS 8 | "** ydjopuey 6 of Ue ey uR ‘*oT[[Apaieuoery ° "ueqyeyUuRyy '* OT [IA PpIVUuoe'T = Ue yeu Ue ‘7 UBYeyUL * ueqgequepy cela homes oie AOQTIY, -- ueyeuur iN Be EN: * LOTUY "UezVeyUe fy ee oe Ube UU IN +99 SaR95y gy URyqugOR * $OTUY Rel te: tet cm aaaaeee ie) ws ‘eTepyo0ys “' -gTepurez * TOPTULM, ‘* ‘OT[LApaleuoery ‘* ‘Q[[IApaIvuoary] tea On ey ee cee pan “dM “OLUILON OW ‘UY WOS10ysBN aes Pe] Stone oat 76) ou"LL 00) como “g WOSPOIOIN “OL SINE “pa LON, “"N ‘ueepuRrsg Rie Se) ‘V “OUlG M te 2s 2 OMG TOceLe AN esos. 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PET Or OL BANOO, ee! 2 ORePe JUSOULA PON DFO sO: ate ‘Tjossny ISD INTO (OS) ALCL rey tev JOl gal ""OSSOID VT ° ‘ WayOvVIDOW, "* "TOMOBIOI PA, "** *QSSOID BT "* Jeyueg Ysny "7°" *Q@SSOIO eT "7+" *9SSOID BT On O90 2 OO Ty. "* deyue~y YSny - -OSSOLD C7 ro ** QARIG IVE Qo 00 ** "BULOSON ""°* JEpuUexe,y ona. VOSTE oe ee [eq yuogqolry "* leyuey Ysny con 0 0.0 ""4ZIoQqry ie eae TOON, -* *4t0qTV 50 Oo jeyguoqory ° eer ee ee ‘BUIOYEN ° “ TOYOBINOW LN OD. 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CL OnOad "EZSE 104 X0q . ° U0 Ley OF Cet eOs DS acy Ae ‘our ‘UBMODOAL Urey ajiet eo) ie UOLEYyO1Ig OpBir) punog COBL FO OU OS Le EOLCEIONO ieee? 104SB) OF Os Ont UOSTOYOIN pert MOM Cm OaCh ot ieCect a q a(S | ‘yorq Wiley] 9SO0F euisl elie ud.1EYO.1eg epery punog ZOBl °° °° “ORZT CUURTTAG ~~ -g"yoynueyQ “MH ‘URpLOL ggsF “°° UoLOYoreg opery punosuy OO6T ELT IIT yuellitgd « eouspuedepuy ~---q“f ‘preqquy ggFe ** - Woroyoureg oper punog TOT ©" ""* gags qureduD “-"°-"" “uBpeg ~* “sUOg PL ‘Ai ‘WosqoH LETg *'*" UoIEYoIEg opey punog g06l “°° *'* «Ueg HOV “°° efepuoq.aey - qf QyIMeH geep «*“ UoLoYo1eg oper punog coel °**'9G0¢ ya0deSpig «°° *: Tessnyy «°° °° °° p Aruep ‘ueULAe_ [OPP °° * UoTEyOIEg epery punog OO6I ae «is 0 ee 2 yy sr Avg chet ue CeO aici) uospnyy . 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