Biological & Medical j Dep of Agriculture. Ento- Canada. Dept. f O | O 2 ese h | Ss 2 i tu bi 3 mo omy, iL.GSs sar Uli tiie , | = ; a Oo] t ¢ ) { i i ) m i ni on nn tomolog + S t at > , i wii LU O op ey Pe teay AUTHOR'S EDITION FROM ANNUAL REPORT ON EXPERIMENTAL FARMS FOR THE YEAR 1910-11 OC Ase A. Ey DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE REPORT OF THE DOMINION ENTOMOLOGIST C. GORDON HEWITT, D.Sc. FOR THE YEAR ENDING MARCH 81 1914 OTTAWA GOVERNMENT PRINTING BUREAU 1911 6171—1 ri 7” We Z 4 ‘ - INDEX. PAGE, Entomologist—Report of the.. . .207-235 Abbot’s Pine sawfly.. . 283 | fLolothrips fasciatus 226 -Anaphothrips striatus.. 226 Anisota rubicunda.. 233 ox virginiensis.. 233 Apiary.. 235 | Apiculture.. 234 Apple Maggot.. 230 Argyresthia thuiella.. .. .. .. 233 Bees, keeping of.. 234 Birch Sawfly.. 233 Black flies. . rh ae 223 Blister Beetle, Black.. 23 Greve... 230 VWUDS IST acon ee pO er Lee Seg 3 Brown-tail Moth.. .. .. ...... .. 208, 215 Distribution in United States and Canada.. 218 Effect of temperature on.. 219 Field inspection in Nova Scotia... 216 History in Canada.. ee eS Inspection of imported nursery stock.. Se Ruis rise Mike cae 215 Inspection in New Brunswick.. 217 @Cankerworms.. .. 0. .2 « 230 Cantharis nuttalli.. .. .. .. 230 Carpocapsa pomonella.. 230 Chermes abietis.. 233 Fe floccus.. 233 hd pinicorticis,. 233 ae similis... 233 Cherry and Pear Slug.. 230 Cherry Fruit Fly.. . 230 Cherry Leaf Beetie.. 230 Codling Moth.. 230 Coelopisthia nematicida.. 233 Conotrachelus nenuphar.. 230 Correspondence of the Division.. 207 Dermacentor albipictus.. ity Aa ES Destructive Insect and Pest Act.. ..207, 211 Regulations under.. .. 213 Ephestia kuehniella.. 221 Epicauta cinerea.. PE 230 ee pennsylvanica. .. 230 Eriocampa cerasi.. . ey: 230 Euproctis chrysorrhoea.. .. .. .. «. +. 215 Lye-spotted Budmoth... 230 Entomologist, Report of the—Con. Fir Sawfly.. ‘Gad “flies... 2:. 2. | Calerucella cavicollis.. Gipsy Moth.. Distribution in United States.. .. Grape Vine Leaf Hopper.. Grass thrips.. Hlaltica evicta.. ignita.. Hemerocampa leucostigma.. Hop Flea Beetle.. Horse flies.. Hylotoma pectoralis.. Hypoderma lineata.. Insects affecting live stock.. Larch Sawfly.. .. Distribution in Canada.. Lepidosaphes ulmi.. .. . Leptinoiarsa decemlineata.. Limothrips cerealium.. Locust, Lesser migratory.. Packards.. Lophyrus abietis.. abbotii.. Lygaeonematus erichsonii.. “e Lygus pratensis.. | Macrosiphum destructor... . Margaropus annulatus.. Melanoplus atlanis.. . ee packardii.. Merodon equestris.. ... Mesoleius aulicus.. Narcissus Fly.. Nasonia tortricis.. .. Fumigation with hydrocyanic acid gas. Green-striped Maple worm.. .. .. .. .. Insects affecting field and root crops. Insects affecting fruit and fruit trees. Insects affecting forest and _ shade tLESS: eke Insects affecting garden and_ green- house.. 4 INDEX Pace. Entomologist, Report of the—Con. Entomologist, Report of the—Con. Nursery stock, imported, inspection of Spruce Budworm.. .:.. . for Brown-tail Moth.:... -. .. -- ais Distribution in Canada.. Nysius ericae.. .. .. .. +. «+ «+ ++ ++ 230 Spruce Gall louse.. Oberea bimaculata...0.0ee eke ee oe Strawberry Crown Borer.. Oyster Shell Scale.. .. .... .. -- ++ + 280 Strawberry Flea Beetle.. . Pea Aphis.. .. .. «. -- -» -. +. «+ -» 230 | Tarnished Plant bug~- Pentarthrum minutum.. .. .. .. -. .. 217 | Tent Caterpillars.. ..... .. Plum eurculio.. 220 Sees eee Thrips attacking cereals.. Porthetria dispar.. .. .. «- -- «+ «= «> 220 Ticks on horses.. . Potato. Bectle:. en te ates 3 These figures do not include the stock imported into British Columbia which was inspected by the Inspector of Fruit Pests of the province and his officers. ~ A letter was sent to each of the above nurserymen calling their attention to the seriously infested nature of their stock, and we understand from them and from Dr. Es = 216 EXPERIMENTAL FARMS 2 GEORGE V., A. 1912 QO. Howard, Entomologist of the United States Department of Agriculture, who visited Angers, that efforts are being made by the nurserymen and by the French Government to institute a better system of nursery inspection than has existed hitherto. This in- spection in Canada is now being carried on under the Destructive Insect and Pest. Act. The scarcity of nests in the French shipments during the present season would indicate either that greater care is being taken by the nurserymen or that the outbreak of the insect in the localities in which the nurseries are located was less severe last season. It is probable that the scarcity of nests is due to both causes. FIELD INSPECTION IN NOVA SCOTIA. As in the year following the first discovery of the Brown-tail Moth in Kings County, Nova Scotia, in 1907, Prof. M. Cumming, Secretary for Agriculture for the province arranged for the inspection of the infested regions, and the destruction of the winter webs was carried on by Messrs. H. G. Payne and H. R. Brown. Their work was supplemented by Mr. G. H. Vroom, Dominion Fruit Inspector. Their work was confined to a careful survey of the orchards and adjoining wild thickets, and the collection of the winter webs. Altogether 1,484 winter webs were destroyed, which is an increase over the number destroyed in 1909, when over 800 nests were destroyed. The following list of localities and numbers of winter webs which were destroyed in the same, which has been supplied by Mr. Vroom, indicates the degree of infestation in the different localities in the years 1909-1910. Bridgetown . ... p40 soi) cartere 552 3 SR le pee Deep Brook... 5 <5. w25- ste 2ece. 10 sos ae are eee acne oe ee Bear River... 2. «ic es ee se Re eee Nictaux. i... SR es ose Se ee ee Middleton..%..° 22-22 : 40 Smith’s Gove oc i. 42. <2. eee 94 Laureneetown <.... sein... coe Soe ee iRaradises. ose se 8 Clements Port .. .... 5 Round Eley eee, 2. ee 3 Lequille .. .. 2 Total... <. <2 3, eee +5 nj ge It will be seen from the above that the region which was inspected during the winter of 1909-10, was about 50 miles in extent. Mr. Vroom reported that the webs were larger and contained more caterpillars than those collected during the previous winter. The presence of a large number of webs at Nictaux indicates an increase in that region where only two or three webs had been obtained previously. During the past year the Federal Department of Agriculture took over the res- ponsibility for the conduct of the Brown-tail Moth éxtermination work in the province with the co-operation of the Provincial Department of Agriculture who are continu- ing, in co-operation with our officers, work of the same extent as in the previous year. The federal and provincial officers are working together under our direction and are ' divided into two parties: a western party commenced work in the vicinity of Yar- mouth and is working eastwards and an eastern party commenced work at Windsor, and is working westwards to meet the other party in the most thickly infested region. The reports up to date indicate that the situation is more serious this year. Scattered winter webs have been found between Yarmouth and Weymouth and in the vicinity of Weymouth more nests have been found than in any single vicinity pre- PLATE V. Fic. 4. Female Brown-tail Moth (Z. chrysorrhoea L.) depositing egg-mass on underside of apple leaf. (Slightly enlarged). Fic. 5. Full grown caterpillar of Brown-tail Moth (natural size). (Photos by H. T. Giissow.) 16—p. 216 , 1. in ' yy n - . ‘ . . i 1 by ? 1 wes { : ¥ ( a i. ' a Y i j * ha. a j . 7 j t 1 ‘ t . i ‘ an : _ - hs ¥ - 7 | ‘ ay, '* Da al i : f hs qew! ’ : : * 5 7 : “~ * Sw 5 ' t = i Z ’ jy ' 1 \ } i . ‘ tar x ; ‘ . . i A . ae, eo : : j i ' 4 . F y as -. ne yy ‘ ; A ‘ . > = - 4 PLATE VI. Fic. 6. Winter webs or nests of the Brown-tail Moth collected in Nov (ova Scotia. Note the characteristic white silken attachment to the twig. Photos by H. T. Giissow, av ty bist ’ oe af a _ PLATE VII. Female Moth 3 Female Pupa Female Moth laying eggs Maie Pupa Fic. 7. The Gipsy Moth, (Porthetria disyar L.) the different stages of its life-history. Natural size. Forester of \Zassachusetts.) (This illustration 3 from a coloured card circular issued by the State 16—p. 216 > REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGIST 217 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 16 viously. This is due to the fact that the vicinity was not inspected last season and a few winter webs were found there in 1909. The importance of making this thorough and systematic inspection is indicated by the fact that some of the wnter webs, which might be left were the inspection not thorough, have been found to contain an abnor- mally large number of caterpillars. One web was found to contain as many as 1,785 young caterpillars. Most of these winter webs are found on apple trees in small orchards and especially in trees near to the windows of houses. Observations in the field indicate the extent to which the lights from the windows serve to attract the night-flying female moths. - There is no doubt that the chief manner in which the Brown-tail Moth has been in- troduced into Nova Scotia has been by means of small vessels trading between Boston and other New England ports, where the insect is so abundant, and the small ports of Weymouth, Bear River and Bridgetown. On investigation I found at these points all the conditions necessary for a successful landing in the port of the caterpillars and moths. Wild apple and thorn, on both of which the caterpillars feed, occur in close proximity to the wharves where the vessels are unloaded and where any goods upon which caterpillars had been carried across the Bay of Fundy, would lie. The absence of any serious outbreak at Yarmouth is explained probably by the entire absence of these trees near the wharves. But where trees are near the wharves as is the case at Weymouth, Bear River and Bridgetown, there we have discovered heavy infestations of the caterpillars. In other cases the moths may be transported across from the New England States, either on vessels or by the wind. That the latter method of dispersal is not improbable is shown by the fact that male specimens of the Brown-tail Moth have been captured on the coast and inland near lights in Yarmouth County. In one case a nest was found on a tree in front of the window of a farm house some distance from the coast. During the flying period the light from the windows illuminated this tree and no doubt a female moth was attracted on this account and deposited her eggs. Other instances were found of the influence of lights attracting the female moths in flight to trees situated near to windows habitually illuminated during the flying period. This flying period commences about the second week of July. INSPECTION IN NEW BRUNSWICK. Owing to the fact that the Brown-tail Moth had extended along the eoast of the State of Maine as far as the international boundary, the St. Croix River, and had been recorded at Princeton, Maine, it was considered necessary to have the southeastern region of the province of New Brunswick carefully examined for signs of the insect’s invasion. Mr. W. McIntosh in previous years has taken moths at lights in St. John, _NB., but no traces of the insect having established itself in the province had been discovered by the investigations which Mr. McIntosh had made on behalf of the pro- yincial government. Accordingly, two of our field officers, Messrs. G. E. Sanders, and R. C. Treherne, were sent to that region at the beginning of June and a careful survey was made, lasting to the end of October, of the south-eastern region of the prov- ince which was most likely to be infested. They also visited Grand Manan and other islands and during the flying season light traps were employed but with little success. Mr. Wm. McIntosh reported the taking of moths at light from July 6 to 16th and males were received from the light house on Grand Manan on August 2. The first evidence of the moth breeding in New Brunswick was a single egg mass sent to the Division on August-15, 1910, by Mr. W. S. Poole, St. Stephen, N.B., who found it on an apple tree about two miles inland from the frontier. From this egg mass we reared eight specimens of the small hymenopterous egg parasite Pentarthrum minutium Riley (Syn. Trichogramma pretiosa) which emerged on August 24 and were kindly identified for us by Mr. A. A. Girault. The hostile reception which the Brown-tail Moth thereby appeared to be receiving was of interest. Beyond this discovery no fur- 218 EXPERIMENTAL FARMS 2 GEORGE V., A. 1912 © ther evidence of the insect having established itself in the province could be discovered at that time. On March 21, 1910, however, Mr. W. W. Hubbard, Secretary for Agri- culture for New Brunswick, reported the discovery of a single nest of the Brown-tail Moth found by Mr. Fred McInnis at Pomeroy Ridge, Charlotte County. A few days later an inspection by Mr. Wm. McIntosh of the Provincial Depart- ment of Agriculture, resulted in the discovery of 34 nests, indicating that the insect — QUEBEC New BRUNSWICK Brown-Tan MOTH Giesy MoTH ReEy Y Fic. 1. Distribution of the Brown-tail and Gipsy Moths in the United States and Canada in 1910. has now established itself in the province. Our officer, Mr. G. E. Sanders, was immedi- ately sent to the district to make a thorough inspection assisted by an officer of the Provincial Department of Agriculture. The history of the Brown-tail Moth in Canada is briefly as follows:— 1902. Mr. Wm. McIntosh of St. John, New Brunswick, took a single male speci- men about 20 miles from St. John, N.B. Mr. G. Leavitt also took one. REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGIST 219 _ SESSIONAL PAPER No. 16 1905. In July, Mr. John Russell took a specimen of the Moth at Digby, Nova Scotia. 1907. A single winter web was received by the Division from Mr. C. P. Foote, Lakeville, Kings County, Nova Scotia. Immediate investigation revealed the presence of several thousand webs in Annapolis and Kings Counties. 1909. Winter webs containing living caterpillars were found in shipments of seedling nursery stock imported into Ontario, Quebec and British Columbia, from France, as a result of the inspection of these shipments. 5 1910. A single egg mass received in August, from St. Stephen, New Brunswick. 1911. Winter webs discovered at Pomeroy Ridge, Charlotte County, N.B., being conclusive evidence of the establishment of the insect in New Brunswick. The infestation in Nova Scotia also discovered to be greater. The life history and habits of the Brown-tail Moth have been described in pre- vious reports of the Division (1906 and 1909). By the distribution of these reports, by public lectures and communications to the press, the public are becoming acquainted vith the facts and the nature of the serious results which would follow the firm establish- ment of the pest in Canada. The financial loss alone would be enormous. We have the experience of the New England States in fighting the Gipsy and Brown-tail Moths to indicate the importance and necessity of taking every possible means, no matter what it may cost, to maintain control of, if not to eradicate, this pest while we are able, as I am convinced we are at present. Some idea of the amount which has been expended in the State of Massachusetts alone on the work of preventing the spread of the Gipsy _and Brown-tail Moths may be gathered from the following figures. The work was com- menced in 1890, and continued until 1900, during which period the total expenditure amounted to $1,175,000. In 1900, the work was discontinued at a time when control was being obtained and the spread was being prevented. Owing to this most serious mistake, both of the moths spread rapidly and in 1905, the State was compelled to undertake the work of preventing the spread, but now on a far larger scale as may be judged from the expenditure. The State of Massachusetts has expended from May, 1995, to January, 1910, the sum of $5,500,000, and the Federal Government has ex- pended $417,763.84, making the enormous total of $5,917,763.84. This does not include the amounts spent by corporations and individuals in fighting the insect. I am informed by Mr. F. W. Rane, State Forester of Massachusetts that over $1,000,000 is being expended annually in that state in the fight against the Gipsy and Brown-tail Moths. EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE ON THE BROWN-TAIL MOTH. Two factors will govern the distribution of the Brown-tail Moth in Canada: the coniferous forests and the minimum temperature. Unlike the Gipsy Moth, the Brown- tail Moth does not feed upon coniferous trees and therefore the presence of these trees in a pure condition will limit the distribution of this species of moth. The limiting power of a2 minimum temperature, however, is an extremely impor- tant one to take into account in considering the possible distribution of the Brown-tail Moth in Canada, where in certain regions an extremely low temperature may be main- tained for some length of time. For this reason, therefore, the experiments of Grevillius* are of very great interest and importance. He carried out with the aid of various freezing mixtures by means of which very low temperatures could be pro- duced, a large series of experiments on the effect of low temperatures on the hibernat- SE eS a *Grevillius, A. Y. ‘Zur Kenntnis der Biologie des Goldafters (Euproctis chrysorrhea L. Hb) und der durch denselben verursachten Beschadigungen’ Botanische Centralbl. Vol. 38, Abt. II., pp. 222-322, 8 figs. 1905. 220 EXPERIMENTAL FARMS 2 GEORGE V, A. 1912 ing larve in the nests. It was found that the larve in rather small nests were killed Ly exposure for a short time to a temperature of —30 degrees C. (equals —22 degrees. F.) In larger nests containing about 120 to 350 larve, all the larve were killed with a minimum temperature of —35 degrees C. (equals —31 degrees F.). Many of the winter webs found in Nova Scotia are considerably larger than those used by Grevillius in his experiments and a much lower temperature would, therefore, be needed to kill all the ]\rvee contained in such large nests. Sanderson* has studied the effects of a low tem- perature on the mortality of the larve of the Brown-tail Moth in Maine and New Hampshire. He found that in the case of average-sized nests containing 300 or 400 larve, 72 per cent to 100 per cent of the larve were killed by a minimum temperature of—24 degrees F. or lower, a less percentage being killed in the case of larger nests. Grevillius records the interesting fact that at Kasan, which is the northern limit of the Brown-tail Moth in Russia, the mean annual minimum temperature is about—26 degrees F. which is practically the same temperature as that which his experiments indicated as being the lowest at which the larve could exist. Although these experiments and observations would appear to indicate the possi- bility of predicting the approximate distribution of the Brown-tail Moth in eastern Canada, there are other factors governing the distribution which prevent the attain- ment of positive conclusions from a study of the minimum isotherms alone. THE GIPSY MOTH (Porthetria dispar L.) This insect has not yet reached Canada, but as it is spreading northward through the State of Maine and is slowly approaching the frontier, it is of the greatest import- ance that its appearance in the various stages should be known in Canada. It is liable’ to be carried in many ways. The caterpillars may the transported on freight and other goods shipped into Canada by railroad or boat from the infested region which is shown in the accompanying map. They are also carried on vehicles. The egg masses also may be transported on goods, especially on lumber. The various stages in the life- history of the insect are illustrated herewith. (This illustration is from one published and distributed by the State Forester of Massachusetts). The eggs are deposited in yellowish or light-brown felt-like masses which are about three-quarters of an inch long. They are usually deposited on the trunks of the trees and in crevices, but they may also be found in all kinds of situations: on buildings, on fences and lumber, in boxes and among rubbish. The eggs hatch about the begin- ning of May and the caterpillars immediately begin to feed. They feed_on the foliage of practically all trees, orchard, shade and forest trees and shrubs. As defoliating insects they are more serious than the Brown-tail Moth owing .to the fact that they strip coniferous trees which are killed by repeated defoliation. They will also attack garden and field crops and even grass. As the caterpillars become larger they feed at night, hiding in clusters during the day in erevices, ete. By the beginning of July the caterpillars are usually full-grown. The full-grown caterpillar is from two to three inches in length, dark-brown or greyish in colour with two rows (four pairs) of blue spots succeeded by two rows (six pairs) of red spots along the back. The body is provided with tufts of long hairs. They pupate in those situations in which the egg masses are found and also in the fcliage. The moths emerge about the end of July or beginning of August, according ta the locality and season. The male moth is yellowish brown or light brown in colour, having the fore wings banded with wavy darker brown bands, as shown in the iilus- tration. It measures about one and a half inches across the wings. The antenne are feather-like. The female moth is almost white in colour. The fore wings are banded with four wavy dark lines and there is a series of black dots around the outer margin of both pairs of wings. The wing expanse is about two and a quarter inehes. As the — *Sanderson, BE. D. ‘The influence of minimum temperatures in limiting the Northern Distribution of Insects.’ Jour. Econ. Entom. Vol. I., pp. 245-262, 7 maps, 1908. — = ———— REPORT OF THE BNTOMOLOGIST e2l -SESSIONAL PAPER No. 16 female is very heavily bodied, she does not fly but deposits the eggs to the number of about five hundred in the characteristic felt-like masses. The young caterpillars are destroyed by spraying the trees with an arsenical poison; lead arsenate is the usual poison employed. When the larve are older they are more difficult to kill; advantage is taken of the fact that they descend the trees in the early morning to shelter during the day. On ascending the trees they are caught either by means of a strip of folded burlap or a band of ‘tanglefoot’ or other sticky substance around the tree. Probably the most effective method of destroying this pest is the destruction of the egg masses, which can be accomplished any time from the end of August to the middle of April. They are easily seen and usually accessible and are destroyed by the application of a dab of creosote. This can be done by means of a small stiff-bristled brush. Most careful watch should be kept for this speciés and any suspected insects should be immediately mailed to the Division of Entomology for identification. Those regions which are specially liable to become infested with the Gipsy Moth are the regions already infested with the Brown-tail Moth, namely, those parts of New Bruns- wick, adjoining the State of Maine and the maritime regions of Nova Scotia, especially where there is any communication with the ports of Massachusetts and southern Maine. FUMIGATION WITH HYDROCYANIC ACID GAS. During the year a number of cases have occurred where buildings such as houses, warehouses and mills required fumigation for insects. When general infestations of certain insects occur in buildings, fumigation with hydrocyanie acid gas is the most effective mode of eradication. In many of our Canadian flour mills very serious losses are incurred by the presenee of the Mediterannean Flour Moth, Ephestia kuehniella Zell, which may also occur in warehouses. We have also received specimens of the larve of the Spider Beetle (Ptinus fur L.) from flour mills in Manitoba and Saskat- chewan. These and other mill infesting insects, but not all species, can be destroyed successfully by fumigation. Occasionally houses may become seriously infested with a species of insect which it may be desirable to eradicate: such eradication can be effected only by fumigation. , Fumigation is effected by hydrocyanic acid gas which is generated in the building. This gas is one of the most deadly poisons existing and consequently the greatest care must be taken in carrying out these fumigation operations, otherwise the results may be fatal. Before fumigating a building, all the openings to the exterior, except the door, ‘must be sealed up. Cracks and crevices may be filled with wet paper or covered with - strips of paper and the room or rooms made gas-tight. Provision must be made for the ventilation of the room or rooms from the outside after fumigation. All moist foods and liquids should be removed before fumigation or they may take up the poison. Where mills are to be fumigated they should be thoroughly cleaned previous to fumi- gation. The cubical contents of the space to be fumigated must be ealeulated by multiplying the height of the chamber or room by the length and this by the breadth; this will give the number of cubic feet. The gas is generated by adding dilute sulphuric acid to potassium eyanide. In ice this is reversed. The proportion of the chemicals are as follows for every pract 100 cubic feet of space :— Potassium cyanide... .. ....-. -. +--+ ++ 1 oz. by weight. * Commercial sulphuric acid ....-.-.--+. 1“ “ Me fs cates a ons 2p 0 ole ee UE OPEIe The potassium cyanide must be 98 per cent pure. The sulphurie acid should te concentrated, having a specific gravity of 66 degrees Beaume. If the building is poorly 222 EXPERIMENTAL FARUS 2 GEORGE V., A. 1912 constructed it will be necessary to double the quantities for each 100 cubic feet. The most convenient method of generating gas is as follows: Supposing the chamber to be fumigated is 20 feet long, by 20 feet broad and 10 feet high, the cubic capacity would le 4,000 eubie feet. As each 100 cubic feet requires one ounce of potassium cyanide and the remaining chemicals in equivalent proportion, we should require 40 ounces of potassium cyanide, 40 ounces of commercial sulphurie acid and 80 fluid ounces of water (4 pints). Two deep, fairly wide-mouthed earthenware vessels will be required. Into each pour forty ounces of water and slowly add 20 ounces of the commercial sulphuric acid. The potassium cyanide should be divided into two equal parts of 20 ounces each; each part to be wrapped in thin paper. All is now ready for the generation of the gas, if the chamber has been securely sealed. Stand each of the generating jars contain- ing the dilute sulphuric acid on the fioor on several sheets of paper to prevent any injury should the acid splash over. As quickly as possible drop the cyanide tied up in this paper into the jars; the one farthest from the door should be dropped in first and the next immediately after so that the door may be reached before much of the gas has been generated. The door should then be tightly closed and sealed for three or four hours, or, if possible, overnight. The greatest care must be taken that no per- son enters the room until it has been thoroughly ventilated after the fumigation is complete. After fumigation the ventilators should be opened from the outside, as provided and the room must be thoroughly ventilated for at least one hour before it is entered. A single person should not carry on these fumigation Yperations or an accident might prove fatal. It is not advisable to fumigate one room of a house only. The gas is lighter than air and very permeable, in consequence of which it would penetrate other rooms and have serious effects. It is always advisable to fumigate the whole house in ease of Fic. 2. Diagram illustrating method of stringing a room tor {wmigation with hydrocyanic acid gas. serious infestations, beginning with the upper rooms, as the gas is light. Notices should be given to those in adjoining houses and others who might be affected by the zas, aud a person should remain outside while the operation is being carried on. ‘Too many precautions cannot be taken in using a gas of the fatal and powerful nature of hydrocyanic acid gas. REPORT OF TUE ENTOMOLOGIST 223 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 16 es most cases it would be more convenient and considerably safer to arrange for the dropping of the cyanide into the sulphuric acid to be controlled from the outside. This ean be done as shown in the illustration. The cyanide wrapped up in thin paper is suspended over the dilute sulphurie acid in the generating jar by means of a string. This string passes through a ring in the ceiling immediately over the jar and is con- trolled through a small hole in the door. In this manner the cyanide may be lowered into the generating jar after having sealed up the door. By the use of additional rings and strings any number of jars may be used according to the size of the chamber to be fumigated. In the case of large rooms, greenhouses and mills, where several jars are - required, this practice should always be followed. It is not advisable to use more than 14 to 2 lbs. of cyanide to each jar. After the room or building has been ventilated care should be taken in the disposal of the chemicals remaining in the generators which should be most carefully cleaned out and the contents buried or thrown into a sewer. Fumigation with hydrocyanie acid gas will kill the adults and larva of many of the insect pests, but it will not destroy the eggs nor all the chrysalids of the moths. In order, therefore, to prevent a reinfestation by the hatching out of eggs or the emergence of moths from the chrysalids which have survived the fumigating process, it will be necessary to fumigate a second time about three weeks later. Some interesting experiments have been recently carried on by Prof. R. Har- ‘eourt® of the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, on the effect of mill fumigants on flour and the results are of practical importance. Carbon bisulphide, which is some- times used as a fumigating agent, has a very marked injurious effect on both wheat and flour. It was found that bread made from flour which had been fumigated with carbon- bisulphide in the usual proportions did not rise well and had a poor colour and tex- ture. On the other hand, fumigation with hydrocyanie acid gas did not affect in the least the baking qualities of the flour, in fact, Prof. Harcourt stated, it would almost seem to have improved the flour. INSECTS AFFECTING LIVE STOCK. In the western provinces, horses and cattle are affected to no small degree by various species of biting flies, popularly known as ‘ Horse Flies’ or ‘Gad Flies,’ most of which belong to the classes of two-winged flies known as the T’abansdae, and the _hrysopidae which include the smaller biting flies with banded wings. These insects inflict very painful bites upon horses, cattle and other animals, including man. The larve are carnivorous and live in water or moist earth. Correspondents have asked if there are no means of protecting horses, etc., from the bites of these and other flies such as the Black Flies (Simulium spp.). Many solutions having a repellant odour have been used for this purpose with varying success. _ The chief difficulty is that the repellent is not effective for long and when such repellents are used they must be applied about twice'a day. A solution of oil of tar has been found to be as effective as most of the repellents and it is made as follows :— A quantity of coal tar is placed in the bottom of a large shallow receptacle and 4 small quantity of oil of tar or oil of turpentine is stirred in. The vessel is then filled with water which is left standing for several days until it is well impregnated with the odour. The animals are then washed with this as often as may be deemed necessary. THE WARBLE FLY (/Zypoderma lineata Villiers). Throughout Canada ‘warbles’ occur on cattle. From reports received they ‘appear to be very abundant in the western provinces of Manitoba, Saskatch- ewan and Alberta, and thé losses which result from their occurrence are an * Thirty-sixth Annual Report of the Ontario Agricultural College and Experimental Farm, 1910 (Toronto) pp. 87-52, 1911. 224 EXPERIMENTAL FARMS 2 GEORGE V A. 1912 enormous tax on farmers, stock raisers and tanners. Their presence’ entails the following: loss of flesh in beef and milk cattle, reduction in the milk producing power and other strains on dairy cows and very great loss in the manu- facture of the hides owing to the presence in them of the holes made by the maggots. IT am informed that it is customary to deduct two dollars from the value of every steer on account of warbles. Thirty years ago it was estimated that the annual loss in the United States caused by the warble fly was about ninety million dollars. Yearlings and heifers suffer most from the attacks of this insect. It is undoubtedly one of the most serious insect pests attacking cattle and at the same time one that is difficult to control. The ‘warbles’ are tumours caused by the larvae or ‘maggots’ of the warble fly. The larva sets up irritation beneath the skin with the consequent pro- duction of pus and blood upon which it feeds. The warble flies are abundant during the summer and fly in the fields from June to the end of August. They are about half an inch long and covered with hairs like a bumble bee, the hairs being black, white and yellow or reddish brown. They fly in the bright sunshine but do not bite or sting which makes ali the more remarkable the fact that their presence will cause cattle to stampede and rush wildly about. The eggs are laid on the hairs of the . animals by the fly during the summer and are firmly attached to the hairs. It is believed that most of the eggs are laid on the legs and heels of the cattle and rarely on the backs and sides. How the maggot reaches its final position beneath the skin has not been determined with certainty. It may either bore straight into the skin or it may be licked into the mouth and from there work its way through the tissues to reach its final position beneath the skin. Prof. Carpenter, of Dublin, Ireland, who for six years has been conducting experiments on this insect and its method of control * has found young maggots imbedded in the tissues of the gullet of young cattle slaughtered in August and October. Strose+ has found that in the case of Hypoderma bovis, which probably does not occur in North America, some of the larve probably enter the body through the skin. He also found that the full-grown larve leave the host chiefly during the night and early morning. By whatever way the maggots gain entrance they finally arrive beneath the skin on the backs of the animals about February and then give rise to the ‘warbles.’ When the maggots are wander- ing through the tissues before reaching the back they are smooth but having arrived beneath the hide they moult and become spiny. A hole is now made in the warble through which the maggot breathes by means of two openings or spiracles at its tail end. The maggot becomes full grown about the end of April or beginning of May (in Eastern Canada) being now about an inch long. The ‘ripe’ maggot works its way out of the warble and falls to the ground where its skin hardens to form a brown- ish black case or puparium from which the fly escapes in about four to six weeks. Remedial Measures.—It was formerly thought, and the belief is still widely pre- valent, that the flies could be deterred from depositing their eggs on the backs of cattle if various dips and smears were applied. during the summer months. Prof. Carpenter’s investigations have shown that no reliance can be placed on such supposed preventives. Nevertheless there is much evidence to show that the systematic des- truction of the maggots in the spring before they leave the warbles is productive of very beneficial results. It will be readily understood, that if the maggots are thus destroyed in all the herds throughout a whole district, the number of warble flies will be considerably reduced. Co-operation is necessary. In Denmark ||, this method has been adopted with considerable success and co-operation in the systematic destruction of the maggots has resulted in a marked decrease in the prevalence of warbles in those districts in which the work has been carried on. There is no doubt that, if this work * Journ. Dept. Techn. Instr., Ireland, Vol. 8, pp. 227-246, Vol. 9, pp. 465-476 & Vol. 10, pp. 642-650 (1910). \ : jirb. K. Gesundhisamt, Voll. 24, pn. 41-7° & figs. 1910. i |! Bulletin de la Société Nationale d’Agriculture, Nos. 3 & 6, 1910. — SS — eS REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGIST 225 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 16 is thoroughly done, the warbles in any given locality can be reduced to harmless proportions. Further, by the employment of a special man, the cost has been shown to be very small, in Denmark from two to five cents per head. The best method of destroying the maggots is that of squeezing them out of the warbles which can be easily done when they are ripe. The first examination and des- truction should take place in April, and two others in May and June respectively. Tf the skin is hard it may be softened by washing with a solution of salt and water, using half a pound of salt to three gallons of water. The maggots may also be des- troyed by smearing the warbles with a mixture of equal parts of kerosene and pine tar earefully mixed. This mixture fills up the breathing pores of the maggot which dies in consequence. This method, however, is to be less recommended than that of squeez- ing out the maggots, and it should not be confused with the summer smearing of the backs of the cattle which was formerly recommended, but which has been shown to be useless as a preventive. Wherever it is possible cattle should be allowed to have access to shade trees and water in the summer as the warble flies dislike water and are most active in bright sunshine. TICKS ON HORSES. In the spring of 1910, and again in the present year (1911) specimens of ticks were received which Dr. Nathan Bauks kindly identified for me as Dermacentor albi- pictus Packard. Mr. G. E. Parham of Penticton, B.C., found them on _ horses. Through the co-operation of the Veterinary Director General of this Department, further specimens were received from Mr. Ransom, of Vancouver, B.C., who took them from a horse in quarantine at Huntingdon, B.C. This horse had been imported from Elgin, Oregon, and had been running wild all winter. Dr. A. E. Moore, of the Veter- inary Branch, also brought specimens obtained from elks imported into Quebee from Wyoming, U.S.A. A study of the life history of this species was begun in 1910, but the records unfortunately were lost. Egg laying commenced at the end of April, and single females deposited from 3,000 to 5,000 eggs during the succeeding months of May and June. These eggs were deposited in the characteristic manner and began to hatch early in July. The young six-legged ‘seed ticks’ soon climbed up the leaves of grass and collected in large numbers on the tips of the leaves awaiting an opportunity to reach the hairs of the host. When they reach the host such as a horse or elk they crawl over the hair and attach themselves to such a place as the inside of the thighs. Here they moult and now have eight legs. The males are more active than the females _ which, after mating, increase in size and drop to the ground to deposit their eggs. This species occurs throughout the northern parts of the United States where it has been found on cattle, horses and certain wild animals such as the elk, upon whieh it is common, and the moose. It has also been found on the beaver. Two methods of eradication are possible, namely, the destruction of the ticks on the host and in the pasture. They may be destroyed in the pasture either by excluding the horses and cattle for a certain length of time, thus starving out the ticks, this method being called the rotation method, or by allowing the horses to have access to the infested pastures and afterwards destroying the ticks upon the hosts by treating them with certain washes or dips. For the destruction of the ticks upon the host the United States Department of Agriculture* as the result of a long series of experiments recommended an emulsion of crude petroleum made according to the following formula :— “ls. cin, reser (alr rs See Sb. a 1 gallon. Beaumont crude petroleum .. .. .. .. ..-. ++ ++ +--+. 4 gallons. *U.S. Dept. Agric. Farmers Bulletin No. 378. 1909 16—15 226 EXPERIMENTAL FARMS 2 GEORGE V.,.A. 1912 This makes 5 gallons of 80 per cent. emulsion. ‘The soap should be cut up and dissolved in the requisite amount of water by boiling, adding water to make up for that which is lost by evaporation. The soap solution and oil are mixed thoroughly to form an emulsion. This stock solution will keep, and for use a 25 per cent solution should be made by using one part of the stock solution to 24 parts of water. Beau- mont oil is recommended as being less injurious than the heavier varieties of oil, and not so volatile as the lighter oils. Cattle should be sprayed with a 20 to 25 per cent. emulsion every fortnight. Every part of the animal, especially the inside of the thighs and elbows and dewlap should be thoroughly sprayed. Horses should be freed Ly picking. Certain species of ticks carry organisms of serious diseases, as for example the tick Margaropus annulatus of the southern United States, which is the carrier of the organism causing the dangerous Texas Fever. Redwater Fever is also transmitted by ticks. THRIPS ATTACKING CEREALS. During the last few years frequent inquiries have been made in reference to the ‘blighted’ appearance of the heads of oats and wheat and a number of samples of the injured plants were received. Oats were chiefly attacked with the production of the characteristic ‘silver top’ or ‘ white top’ appearance. Most of the reports of injury were received from Alberta and Saskatchewan. One correspondent from Vancouver Island, B.C., stated that over 50 per cent of a fourteen acre field of oats were attacked. On heads of oats received from Saskatchewan from fifty to seventy per cent of the ears were destroyed and had the typical bleached appearance. Mr. A. Mackay, the Superintendent of the Experimental Farm at Indian Head, Sask., informs me that he has noticed the ‘ silver-top’ on oats for several years, but especially during the last year or two. We were unable to obtain specimens of the insects from most of the samples as they were dry on arrival here, owing to the long journey and the few insects obtained were too dessicated to make their identification possible. This species may be the Grass Thrips (Anaphothrips striatus Osborn), and Mr. F. M. Webster, of the United States Bureau of Entomology showed me a record which he had of this species attack- ing oats. The Grass Thrips produces ‘ white’ or ‘silver top’ in a number of grasses. especially in Kentucky Blue Grass (Poa pratensis). Dr. Fletcher recorded the occur- rence of ‘white top’ in 1888 and 1892 in P. pratensis and also in Timothy (Phleum pratense) and Couch Grass (Triticum repens). ‘ White top’ in wheat is usually caused by the work of the Wheat-stem Maggot (Meromyza americana Fitch), but the speci- mens of white top in wheat which we received were undoubtedly caused by thrips. Other species attacking oats are Wolothrips fasciatus L. (which also attacks wheat, asses and weeds) and Limothrips cerealitum Hal. It is not unlikely that these species occur in Canada. These insects are minute and in consequence generally escape observation. The Grass Thrips (A. striatus) measures about one-sixteenth of an inch in length and is yellow or brownish yellow in colour. The adults are provided with four narrow wings fringed with long hairs and are very active. There is, however, considerable variation in the possession of wings and in the condition of the same in this peculiar family of insects. Their mouth parts are adapted for both sucking and biting, but they appear“ to take most of their food by sucking the juices of the plants. According to Hinds* the life history is briefly as follows: The females continue to deposit their eggs on the leaves of the grass and the young develop through the fall until the snow covers the ground. The adults hibernate and appear to be able to withstand exposure to tempera- * Hinds, W. E.. ‘ Contribution to a Monovzraph of the insects of the order Thysanoptera inhabiting North America.’ Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. Vol. 26, pp. 79-242, 11 pls, 1902. REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGIST: 227 “SESSIONAL PAPER No. 16 ture of —21 degrees F. The females become active in the spring, probably as soon as the snow disappears and the eggs then begin to develop. The length of the egg state in the spring is from ten to fifteen days and in the summer from four to seven days. The larve are similar in general form to the adults. The length of the larval stage varies from two weeks in the early spring to about four days in midsummer. The first winged adults appear in May or June. The whole life cycle occupies from twelve to thirty days. Korolikofi* has recently investigated several species of thrips injurious to cereals and grasses in Russia in the neighbourhood of Moscow. He found that the insects passed the winter in the green,:soft tissues in the leaf sheaths of young plants, and when the spring comes they migrate to the early cereals and later to the summer crops. Their injuries to plants are caused chiefly by the fact that they feed upen the fuices of the different parts of the flowers, and especially on the ovary, that is, in the cereals, the young grain. They migrate from one species of plant to another, for example, from rye to wheat and oats. He recommends the destruction of weeds, especially those belonging to the families Leguminose, Graminee and Composite, and the sowing of what one may term ‘ bait’ crops such as rye or oats round the fields under cultivation, This should be done a fortnight before the time of sowing the winter cereals in order to attract the insects and afford them shelter when the crops are coming up. When the ‘bait’ crops are removed later, a large number of the thrips are removed also. ‘The various species of thrips appear to hibernate where they have been feeding: in the stems of grains which have died down, in crevices in the ground or under rubbish. In the case of species infesting cereals and grass crops they can be attacked only by the adoption of cultural methods. The hibernating stage is the most convenient stage ot their life history to combat them. The burning of the grass or stubble in the fall and, eitlier as an additional measure or as an alternative, the deep ploughing of the soil, will result in the destruction of a large portion of the hibernating individuals. Grain which has been infested should be cut as early as possible in the spring to remove the individuals recently emerged from hibernation before they have reproduced in any considerable numbers. After threshing, the screenings and chaff which contain large numbers of the insects, should be burnt. THE WHITE-MARKED TUSSOCK MOTH (Hemerocampa leucostigma §. and A.) This insect was extremely abundant in certain places in Ontario, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island during the summer of 1910. In the cities of Halifax, N.S., and Charlottetown, P.E.I., and Kingston, Ont., its defoliation of the shade trees, well known in Toronto, caused the citizens some alarm. In Charlottetown, T found on examination that the larve had been fairly well parasited, and to some extent also in Halifax. Further observations on collected material indicate the same fact. It is not improbable that the outbreaks will be checked by natural means, but the uncertainty of the operation of such natural controlling agencies as the experience of the insect in Toronto exemplifies, necessitates the employment of thorough eradica- tive measures in cities where the value and importance of shade trees is unusually oreat. Infe history—During the winter the conspicuous white or creamy-white egg masses having a frothy appearance may be found on the trunks and branches of trees, on fences and other places to which the caterpillars crawled when full grown. The young caterpillars hatch out at the end of May or early in June, and become full grown towards the middle or end of July. The mature caterpillar is distinct in form * Korolikoff, D. M., ‘ Tripsi jivoustchie na nacikh Slakakh.’ Isviestiia Moskowskago Selskhosiaistvennnago Instituta. (Annals of Agron. Inst. Moscow), Vol. 16, pp. 192-204. Moscow, 1910. 16—154 293 EXPERIMENTAL FARMS 2 GEORGE V., A. 1912 and colouration. It is hairy and measures from one and a quarter to one and a half ‘nches in length. The upper side is dark with two longitudinal yellow stripes along the back. The head is coral red and there are a pair of tufts of black hairs projecting over the head in horn-like manner; a similar but single tuft of hairs projects from the hind end of the body. On the back of the caterpillar, beginning in the fifth seg- ment, there are four white brush-like tufts of hairs and behind these there are two small, glandular projections of a brilliant red colour. The caterpillars usually leave the smaller branches when they have finished feeding and are full grown and wander down the trees to the larger limbs and trunks where they spin their cocoons in the crevices of the bark. Large numbers of the full-grown caterpillars wander some distance, finally spinning their cocoons on fences, the sides of houses and other places. In about a fortnight the moths emerge. The peculiarity of this insect is that the female moth is wingless and consequently is unable to fly. After emerging, the female rarely leaves the neighbourhood of the cocoon, but after mating deposits one to five hundred eggs in a white frothy mass on the outside of the cocoon. The male moth is grayish and measures about one and a quarter inches across the wings; the antenne are large and feather-like, and a white spot in the outer hind angle of each of the fore wings gives the insect its popular name. Natural enemies—A number of species of birds feed on the hairy caterpillars of this insect, including the robin. Surprise has frequently been expressed to me that the English sparrow does not appear to feed on the caterpillar. The English sparrow not only does not feed on this insect, but it drives away those birds which do so, and is itself one of the greatest pests on this account, as it has driven away and thereby reduced in number many of our useful insectivorous birds. The most important natural enemies are parasitic insects. Means of control—The most effectual method of controlling this insect is by the destruction of the egg masses during the winter months. As the insect is in this stage for about six months or longer, ample time is afforded for the carrying out of a systematic campaign of egg destruction. The egg masses may be either collected and burned or destroyed on the trees by applying creosote by means of a small brush which may be attached to a long pole. On fences and other places they may be killed by means of a gasolene torch lamp such as painters use. When all the egg masses on a tree have been destroyed, a band of ‘tanglefoot’ about three inches wide should be painted round the trunk. This should be done before May and it will prevent any cat- erpillars which have hatched from eggs which have not been destroyed, from ascending the trunks of the trees; as all the egg masses on the tree will have been destroyed, no caterpillars will be able to gain access to the leaves on account of the band of ‘ tangle- foot. A sticky substance similar in nature to ‘tanglefoot’ may be made by. boiling together equal parts of castor oil and resin. The bands on the trees should be scraped from time to time with a wooden comb to keep the sticky surface fresh. When the egg masses have not been destroyed, the trees should be sprayed before the end of June with an arsenical spray such as lead arsenate. This is used in the proportion of 3 or 4 lbs. of lead arsenate to 40 gallons of water. All cities having valu- | able shade trees attacked by this or other defoliating imsects, should have a power sprayer. Nothing is more injurious to the tree or unsightly to the eye than the defolia- tion by caterpillars. Many of the cities of the United States regularly spray their shade trees, realizing their value as civic assets; in certain cases the losses which they have suffered in the past compel them to do this. REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGIST 229 - SESSIONAL PAPER No. 16 THE NARCISSUS FLY (Merodon equestris F.). : During the past few years this insect has been noticeably present in British ‘Columbia. It was recorded in 1908 by Prof. R. C. Osborn*, having been caught by Mr. Harvey frequenting especially the flowers of the Salmon Berry (Rubus spectabilis). Professor Osborn believes that it properly belongs to our North American fauna, but I am unable to agree with him on account of its history in Canada and other countries. I am of the opinion that it has been introduced into Canada on imported bulbs, as I have found the larve during the present year on bulbs imported into Ontario from Holland. It had been previously captured on Mount Royal, Montreal, by Mr. G. Chagnon in 1903. In British Columbia, it is now a serious pest of bulbs, and Mr. A. FE. Wallace reported it as attacking narcissus and daffodil bulbs near Victoria, B.C., about 50,000 bulbs having been destroyed in the year. Mr. G. Norman*has kindly fur- uished me with particulars as to many of its habits in that locality which was visited in October. The perfect insect in seen from March to September and appears to begin to breed in May. The eggs are probably deposited in the centre of the leaf crown. The larve are found in the centre of the bulb, having made their entrance through the base of the bulb. The bulbs are destroyed by the larve or maggots eating away the flattened stem at the base of the bulb and afterwards destroying the centre of the bulb. Professor Ritzema Bos, State Entomologist of Holland, who has written - the most complete account} of this insect, records the eggs as being laid in the soil adjoining the foliage. He informs me that it attacks chiefly Narcissus tagetta and Jonquillas in Holland. Mr. Norman has observed that the early varieties of daffodils, ~sueh as ‘Golden Spur’ and ‘ Henry Irving’ are not attacked and that such varieties of narcissus as NV. poeticus ornatus and N. p. poetarum suffer considerably. The method of eradication which has been found most simple and efficient in Europe is the annual lifting of the bulbs and the destruction of all those which are found to be attacked by the maggots, as can readily be seen. This method has been found effective in England, and also, Professor Ritzema informs me, in Holland. Soaking in water is of no value and the destruction of the pupe in the soil by the removal of the latter in the spring is impracticable in a large scale. Satisfactory results may possibly be obtained by poisoning the adult flies with sweetened arsenical baits, and experiments on this are being carried on in British Columbia. NOTES ON THE MORE IMPORTANT INSECTS REPORTED TO THE DIVISION DURING THE YEAR. The following notes refer to a number of the most prevalent insects which have been reported to and received by the Division during the past year (April, 1910, to March, 1911). Lack of space prevents a detailed treatment of these insects, but their oceurrence is recorded for the sake of future reference, and for those who may desire such information as to the distribution and occurrence of certain of the more prevalent insect pests. INSECTS AFFECTING FIELD AND ROOT CROPS. Wireworms and White Grubs were reported most frequently. They were destruc- tive to grass lands, cereals,, roots and other field crops. Root maggots were destructive to cabbages, tauliflowers, turnips, radishes and onions throughout Canada. The experi- ments which we are conducting on means of controlling these insects confirm our opinion as to the efficacy of the method of protecting the cauliflowers and cabbages by means of the tarred felt paper cards. This method is fully deserjbed in the report SS NN, a 5 Entomologist, Vol 40, p. 10. P : ete ele dat Naroicso (Merodon equestris F.)’ Arch. Musee Teyler, Vol. 2, pp. 45-95. 230 EXPERIMENTAL FARMS 2 GEORGE V., A. 1912 for last year. For the protection of radishes and onions, the application of the helle- bore decoction, using twe ounces of hellebore to one gallon of water and watering the plants about once a week, has given the most success. The Potato Beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say) was unusually abundant in Ontario, and was responsible for considerable loss to growers. Mr. Norman Criddle aiso reported them from Manitoba where the worst outbreak on record was experienced. This insect is gradually spreading through the west, and I found that it had already arrived in the region of Edmonton, Alta. The Blister Beetles, namely, the Western Blister Beetle (Cantharis nuttalli Say), the Grey Blister Beetle (Hpicauta cinerea Forst.), and the Black Blister Beetle (E. pennsylvanica De G), were abundant and destructive, especially to beans. The first was especially abundant in Manitoba and their prevalence in such numbers may be corre- lated possibly with the abundance of grasshoppers and locusts which were similarly reported as injurious to cereals in Manitoba. Mr. Criddle deseribed an extensive migration of the locusts in July at Aweme, Man. The chief species were the Lesser Migratory Locust, Melanoplus atlanis Riley, and Packard’s Locust, M. packardu Seudd. The weevil Sitones hispidulus Germ., whose larva destroys clover, was abundant at Orillia, Ont. Nysius erice Schill, was reported from Medicine Hat, Alta., where it was abundant and was attacking spinach, radishes, strawberries, lettuce, turnips and corn. The Flea Beetle Haltica evicta Lec. was very destructive to turnips and cab- bages at Halfway Lake, Alta., and the Hop Flea Beetle was again serious in the hop yards of British Columbia. The Red Spider, however, was more injurious to the hops than the Flea Beetle. I was informed that it was compelling them to cease growing hops in some localities. Instead of a crop of six or seven hundred pounds to the acre, two hundred pounds to the acre were produced and these of very poor quality. The mite could be destroyed by winter treatment of the poles on which it hibernates; they could be dipped in a caustic solution or in coal oil. The Pea Aphis (Macrosiphum destructor Johnson) was present in most parts of Ontario. It appeared to check the vigour of the growing vines. INSECTS AFFECTING FRUIT AND FRUIT TREES. The commoner pests were reported in the usual abundance, and as the life history and means of controlling certain of these, such as the Codling Moth (Carpocapsa pomonella L.), the Budworm (7'metocera ocellana Schiff), the Apple Maggot (Rhago- | letis pomonella Walsh), the Plum Curculio (Conotrachelus nenuphar Herbst), Oyster Shell Scale (Lepidosaphes ulmi L.) and Cankerworm were considered in the report for last year, it is not necessary to repeat them at length. The Cherry and Pear slug (Hriocampa cenasi Peck), was injurious to cherry, opple and pear orchards in Quebec, Ontario and British Columbia. Tent Caterpillars (Malacosoma spp.) were again extremely abundant in certain provinces, namely in New Brunswick and British Columbia. One of our officers, Mr. Tom Wilson, found the larve in millions at and west of Mission, B.C., and at other places in the valley of the Fraser River. Driving down to Upper Sumus, he found that the whole country had been devastated by the caterpillars, no leaves being left un the trees and the fruit hanging was half grown. The Red-humped Apple-tree Caterpillar (Schizura concinna S. and A.) was yery common in Ontario and was also recorded from Waneta, B.C., and Holmfield, Man. In Ontario it was found to be fairly heavily parasitised by the ichneumon, Limneria guignardi. The Cherry Leaf Beetle (Galerucella cavicollis Lec), which feeds on the wild cherry, was reported from Halifax, N.S., as attacking cultivated cherries. Mr. I. Cesar, of Guelph, found the Cherry Fruit Fly (Rhagoletis cingulata Loew) attacking REPORT OF THE ENTOMOLOGIST 231 SESSIONAL PAPER No. i6 some cherries near Homer, Ont. It is not improbable that this insect is also attacking cherries in Quebec from which reports of similar injury were received. This imported insect was recorded by Dr. Fletcher in 1906*. He received it from Mr. W. R. Palmer, Victoria, B.C., where it was injuring some cherries. This was its first recorded appear- ance in Canada, and Mr. Palmer stated that he first noticed the holes in cherries in 1904. Infected cherries should be destroyed as soon as the injury to fruit is noticed. The Raspberry Cane Borer (Oberea bimaculata Oliv.) was reported generally from Ontario and Quebec, in some instances being particularly abundant. The Strawberry Flea Beetle (Haltica ignita Tl) was destructive to strawberry plants at Nelson, B.C.:; over 180 specimens were collected from a single plant by jarring. This species also - feeds upon other Rosacew. In Prince Edward Island the Strawberry Crown Borer (Tyloderma fragarie@ Riley) was seriously injurious to the plants, and growers report that it is becoming more abundant annually. The only remedy is to dig up and burn infested plants before the fruiting season closes, that is, before the insect leaves the plant. Old beds should be thoroughly ploughed in the fall. INSECTS AFFECTING FOREST AND SHADE TREES. The Spruce Budworm (Yortrix fumiferana Clemens). The inquiries and reports received by the Division during last summer indicated that the depredations of the insect were more extensive than in the previous year to which reference was made in my last report. So serious did the situation appear, that many of the holders of timber limits were not unnaturally alarmed and feared the destruction of the spruce. As the Department of Lands and Forests of the Government of the Province of Quebec, has a body of forest rangers throughout the province, arrangements were made by Mr. G. C. Piché, Chief Forestry Engineer of the Province, to obtain reports from them as to the distribution of the insect, and we drew up a questionnaire. The results of this inquiry and of the information which the Division of Entomology has received indicate that the insect is abundant in certain areas from Lake Timiskaming on the west to Lake St. John on the east and is sparingly distributed throughout the whole province down to the international boundary. The most serious devastations have been recorded from the region having River Desert and the upper Gatineau on the west to the Rouge River and Lake Ouareau on the east, from the region southeast of Lake St. John and from the River St. Maurice. In British Columbia, where I visited the infested areas last year and again this year, the most severely infested region is the southeast region of Vancouver Island from Salt Spring Island and Maple Bay south to the Saanich Peninsula. The accompaying map shows the recorded distribution of the Spruce Budworm in Canada at the present time. In British Columbia some of the second growth Douglas Fir has been killed as a result of the repeated defoliation by the caterpillars. Visits were made to the Chicou- timi and Rouge River regions in Quebec in January. In both these regions it was found that the balsams had suffered more than the spruce. The tops of the trees were denuded not only of foliage but also of buds. The injuries had caused severe bleeding. The tops of some of the trees which were felled were dead, but otherwise no injury could be found. Nor was there any evidence of an unusual secondary invasion by bark beetles. Cocoons of Braconid parasites indicated that these natural agencies were at work. From material which Mr. Arthur Gibson collected at Baskatong in 1909, a new parasite was reared. This has been described under the name of Nasonia tortricis by Mr .C. T. Brues, in ‘ The Canadian Entomologist,’ vol. 42, p. 259, 1910. *In Can. Ent., Vol. 41 p. 70, this species is described under the name Rhagoletis intrudens n. sp., by J.. M. Aldrich. “MES. SCALE OF = “Ml, . u My imag " wt gon in | yi uA Xe Silt . wer 7K 9 & INS ‘ : i mise Qe Min qe oF § = Hg x x AUS i Mnf 5. * *y f bein ~~ ~ fo 4 a : y ~ ’ 4 . > Bioiogicai & Medical Serials PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE CARDS OR SLIPS FROM THIS POCKET a UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO LIBRARY NS