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Saas aE RA Ta Pea Ua dent cree treet eetanmemete opr remea MRR eT EEE RE Set SET SCRA BOYS Sa Si hc ile pegean egR a ene EES ee en ee ae —— eeied Seyehtegehyehel pmea me mee 8 | OMTO/ PRE A «) BOONE rang Se -Key Forme | WIT Cutiferous — \ fm 7 ULE Sub Carbeifereias | $4 Tete leone 65 14 ine ot / 1 Devonian (tie sal) foe as Jirookcvitte / 9 Deventian | BRACKEN / 7 UjperSlurjen | ! ) \ Rern a = LAE zi GREENUP +0 Ipptr Silurian |B 3 f ie \ 1S Lor Stunan (ecm =F Wn) aM 10S KD 4s als 4 \ —_{ | tee \ 16 i y a : ra : » OF vf : Mash ; ar ke. h 7 ; if SN : nen : ; ve 4 : (fea Ae _ ve ' ; \ yo WO an - HON Ca i : : se i ra : ‘it wv ia ; ; i i Hig ORLA TAT Miah ge ' ee a PU ae Ve tn he y hy i ae RWI s taal Bs, oy : f ; ny y Ph meen Dt eer 1 : ‘ i Ad een ee ; \ ‘ i re Me ty : - a vale he ' 7 ey 4° see be , : aan 7 i ‘ , es i Ta i He aa a oe 3 : {: ; tet rai Pinar an es —\ etka oe Ay i fe cm s, Na ee ay ce ee a Oe Nd we ys BY at Ts be eI Tt OF THE (GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF OHIO. VOLUMES Ie ECONOMIC GEOLOGY. ARCHAEOLOGY. BOTANY. PALEONTOLOGY, BeotisneD BY AUTHORIDY (OF THE LEGISWARURE, OF OHIO: OPFICERS OF THER URV EN. EDWARD ORTON, : STATE GEOLOGIST. ASSISTANTS. Clay Working, . PROF. EDWARD ORTON, JR. Mapping Coal Fields, : : Pror. C. N. Brown, in charge. oe : . J. A. BOWNOCKER. Ee i ‘s F : AYE SHORRSEE eh») a AS : . GG. P. Grimsiey, Ph.D. es es : : ; C. E. SHERMAN, C. E. a ie ‘s ‘ ; : Pror. F. W. SPERR. i c f ; : Pror, He AY SuREACE: Map Construction, : : : C. EK. SHERMAN, Chief Draftsman. ( fs HARRY SHAw, Assistant “ Archeology, GERARD FOWKE. Botany, ; : d é at Pror. W. A. KELLERMAN. es W. C. WERNER. Paleontology, Pror. R. P. WHITFIELD. re : : 2 » Pinos (Ch IE g IBbeIcerce sf ; ; : ; AC OR: FOERSTE. Ph. D: ef . : : y PROF. Ve CeAvPOLE: oe . ‘ 5 f De Os Whiromer PREFACE. It becomes my duty to set forth in this preface a brief account of the present volume, to explain its composite character, in which it differs in some respects from all its predecessors, and, as it is the last official volume that I expect to prepare, to briefly point out the lines, along which the work of the Geological Survey has ad- vanced, and the results that have been thus far attained. By the numbering under which it appears the present yolume is counted in with the reports that have pre- Ceded it during the last 21 years; but as a matter of fact, it is the outcome of a dis- tinct organization of the geological work of the State. The Second Geological Survey was organized in 1869 and was under the direc- tion of the late Professor J. S. Newberry up to 1883, although his active work upon it was substantially terminated in 1876. Under Dr. Newberry’s direction, Reports of Progress for 1869, 1870 and 1871, and Volumes I, II, III and IV were issued; includ- . ing also VolumesI and II, Paleontology, togther with a geological map of the State, ona scale of four miles to the inch. In direct continuance of this work, volumes V and VI were issued, under my direction as State Geologist, in 1884 and 1888 re- spectively. A preliminary report on Petroleum and Gas was also published in this series in 1886. i The Second Geological Survey nominally terminated in 1888, with the publica- tion of Volume VI; but in the subsequent year (1889) provision was made by the Legislature for the continuation of geological work ona small and inexpensive scale, the results to be made known by annual reports. The direction of this work was placed in my hands, but provision was made for only a part of mytime. A report was issued in 1890, entitled “First Annual Report of the State Geological Survey, Third Organization.” Shortly before the time for publication of the second annual report, I was disabled in health to such a degree that it no longer seemed advisable for me to continue the double duty which I was carrying on; and permission was accordingly obtained from the 70th General Assembly to publish the material gath™ ered for the Second Annual Report together with certain other chapters, presently to be named, under the title of Geology of Ohio, Volume VII. It was the original plan of my predecessor, Dr. Newberry, to divide each vol- ume of his reports into two parts, the first covering general geology and the second; paleontology. In pursuance of this plan, Voiumes I and II were issued in two parts, or, in reality, in two distinct volumes, the volumes in fact, differing in size and in other respects. But when the time came for the publication of Volume III, the finances of the State had become somewhat straitened, and the legislature to which the voluine was offered was disinclined to incur the large expense, viz., about £60.000, necessary for publishing the paleontology on the scale on which the two preceding vol- umes had been issued. The Legislature, however, authorized the publication of the general geology part 1, under the title of Volume III. Considerable material had been prepared under Dr. Newberry’s supervision for the paleontological part of this volume. A chapter prepared by Prof. R. P. Whitfield of the American Museum of Natura] History, New York, after having been held for several years without any indication vi PREFACE. that the State would undertake to issue it, was finally published in the Transactions of the New York Academy of Sciences. The edition thus issued was not, of course, designed for general distribution and but few copies could have found their way to Ohio. Through the courtesy of the Academy,I have been enabled to reproduce Professor Whitfield’s chapter, and also to use the engraved plates, prepared for the Academy’s Transactions. This constitutes Chapter III, Part II, of the present vol- ume. It will be bornein mind that it was originally prepared under the direction of Dr. Newberry and at the expense of the State, for Volume III, Paleontology. When the plates were ordered for this chapter, the preparation of my Second Annual Re- port was in progress, and the plates are accordingly printed as belonging to the Second Annual Report. The Survey is greatly indebted to the courtesy of the New York Academy of Sciences in this matter. A similar state of things was found in the case ofa chapter prepared by Mr. E.O. Ulrich of Newport, Kentucky, except that he had received no compensation for his work, this being made to depend on the publication of Volume III. I have made good the promise of Dr. Newberry in this respect, also, and Mr. Ulrich’s chap- ter, viz.: chapter VII, will be found to be of great service and value to students of Ohio paleontology. Three other paleontological chapters I have been able to add to Volume VII. through the generous and gratuitous contributions of the gentlemen named below, Prof. C. L. Herrick, of Denison University, has thrown a great deal of light on the history and subdivisions of the Waverly group of our series by his methodical study of the paleontology of its different elements. The materials embodied in his chapter had been previously published, in the main, in college bulletins; but they become for the first time accessible to the State at large in the present chapter, viz., Chapter IV, Parti, Similar statements can be made as to Chapter V, prepared by A. F. Foerste, Ph. D. He.treats of the paleontology of a single formation of the Ohio scale, and makes additions to our knowledge, of great interest and value. Part of his chapter has been previously published in transactions of societies; but the same statement applies to it as to the preceding chapter. Finally, Prof. E. W. Claypole of Buchtel College, contributes a very interesting chapter, viz., Chapter VI, on the great fossil fishes of the Ohio shale. With his chapter there is also included an important contribution in the same line by Prof. A, A. Wright of Oberlin. This chapter may be counted a direct continuation of the work in which Dr. Newberry was so deeply interested, and to which he gave so much time and space in the previous reports of the Survey. The paleontological chapters thus enumerated are as follows: Chapter IIT, Contributions to the Paleontology of Ohio, by Prof. R. P. Whit- field (originally prepared for Volume III, Paleontology). Chapter IV, The Waverly Group of Ohio, Prof. C. L. Herrick. Chapter V, The Clinton Group of Ohio, Dr. A. F. Foerste, Chapter VI, Fossil Fishes of the Ohio Shale, Professors E. W. Claypole and A. A. Wright. Chapter VII, Lamellibranchiata of the Lower Silurian Formation of Ohio, E. O. Ulrich (originally prepared for Volume III, Paleontology). The cost of each of the two volumes of Paleontology previously published was at least $60,000, the editions being 20,000. The present volume has been printed in an inexpensive form, and the full equivalent of Volume III, Paleontology, is now furnished to the people of the State at scarcely greater cost than a volume without illustration would require. The choice was necessarily made between a volume issued in this way and no publication of paleontology. In making up my final volume I found that chapters had been promised on certain other subjects, by the organizations of the Surveys, with which I have been ' PREFACE. vii connected during the last twenty-five years. In Newberry’s First Report of Prog- ress, 1869, he named among the subjects that were to be studied and reported upon, the Archeology of Ohio. This promise also I have been able to make good, by the publication of a sound and judicious chapter on the subject by Mr. Gerard Fowke. Mr. Fowke has been for many years in the employ of the Ethnological Bureau of the Smithsonian Institution, Washington, and is an expert on all the questions which hediscusses. Through the courtesy of the United States Bureau above named, Mr. Fowke was allowed to make free use of the information he had collected while in its employ. The present chapter was thus prepared at merely nominal expense on the part of the State. The publication of Volume IV of the main series of our reports was ordered by the Legislature on the promise that it should contain an account of the Zoology of the State and also a list of the plants growing within its boundaries. It was accordingly named in the act authorizing its publication,” “ Volume IV, Zoology and Botany.” A botanical list had been duly prepared for the volume by the late Dr. H. C. Beardsley of Painesville; but when the printer called for the copy, it had been in some way mislaid, and was not recovered in time for publication with the rest of the volume. Thus the volume entitled “Zoology and Botany” finally ap- peared without a line pertaining to the last named subject. This deferred promise I have also been able to make good. Prof. W. A. Kellerman of the Ohio State University, assisted by Mr. W. C. Werner, of the same institution, took upon them- selves, without any compensation from the State, the great labor involved in mak- ing out alist of Ohio plants. This work has been done with the greatest enthusi- asin and fidelity. It combines all*the facts of previously published lists with a considerable addition of original determinations, making the list far more complete than any that has appeared hitherto. Part II of the present volume is thus largely devoted to making good the promises made by the Survey to the State during the last twenty-five years; and while in no way personally responsible for any of these promises, itis a great sat- isfaction to me to see them amply fulfilled in my last volume. Part I of the present volume is devoted to Economic Geology. It includes a chapter on the Geological Scale of the State, and is accompanied by a small geo- logical map, printed in colors. It also includes a chapter on the Clay Deposits, and one on the Coal Measures of the State, prepared by the writer. To these there is added an especially valuable chapter on the Clay Working Industries of Ohio, by Edward Orion, Jr. A large portion of the appropriation made for the preparation of this volume has been used in the construction of maps showing the boundaries of our more im- portant coal seams. These maps, therefore, constitute an integral and important part of the volume. In regard to them and the service that they can be made to render to the economic interests of the State, a few statements are necessary at this point. In their construction a great deal of faithful labor has been expended. All the outcrops indicated were traversed on foot, with barometer and township map in hand, and the aid of the landowners was constantly sought in securing the results of observations and tests as to the presence of coal seams on their respective farms. The question as to whether the coal had been mined or is still left in the ground is not touched in the maps. They are designed to show the original outcrop boundaries of the seams. Thus, also, it comes about that seams are represented in some areas where they are too thin for working, under present conditions. Their presence as geological elements in the section is sometimes all that can be asserted; but, when- ever practicable, the thinner extensions of the seam are left out. In Chapter IV, Part I, page 270, a classification of our coal seams will be found. The coal seams of the Conglomerate Coal Measures, though possessing great im- Vili PREFACE. portance at a few points in the State, are not delineated, except in a single instance on the present series of maps. These seams are four or five in number, and one of them, viz., the Sharon coal (Coal No. 1 of Newberry), has been an important ele- ment in our coal resources up to the present time. But all the known areas of it are either already worked out or are rapidly approaching exhaustion. It could answer no useful purpose to delineate the original boundaries of exhatisted coal fields, and the known portions of the seam that remain untouched would appear insignificant if laid down by themselves. The Quakertown coal (Coal No. 2 of Newberry) attains considerable importance in one district of the State, viz., in Jackson and Vinton counties. It is here known as the Jackson Hill or Wellston seam. Its areas, at ieast as they were understood two years ago, are indicated on Map No. 2, by a subordinate boundary. The remaining seams of this division, viz., the Mercer and Tionesta coals, are nowhere of importance enough to justify their representation on our maps from an economic point of view. = The next great division, the Lower Coal Measures, constitutes the heart and center of the Ohio Coal Field; but the two lowermost seams of this series are too inconstant to justify representation. In Stark county the Brookville seam, or the coal under the Putnam Hill Limestone is locally mined, but such is its uncertainty that no good purpose could be subserved by representing it much beyond its present development. A similar state of things is found in the case of the Clarion coal in Vinton and Jackson counties. This seam underlies the famous Ferriferous limestone and there is a considerable territory in which it gives promise of being able to support min- ing in the large way, but it was feared that more harm than good would come by representing it as present in unexplored areas in which while it is geologically due, it has not been proved. The Kittanning coals, Lower and Middle, therefore, are the first seams to which the mapping has been made to apply. Inasmnch as the upper of these two seams, viz., the Middle Kittanning, isimmensely the more important of the two, its outcrops are the ones that are represented. But, as already noted else- where, the lower seam is separated from it by so small a vertical interval that the one boundary answers almost equally well for both. A similar state of things is found to hold in the case of the two Freeport seams, Lower and Upper. The Upper, which is by far the steadier and more valuable seam, is represented by a boundary, but whenever the Lower is present in the same areas, the one boundary is generally sufficient for all practical guidance. It is to be carefully noted by all who study the maps, that where the Kittanning and Freeport bound- aries appear on the same maps, the boundaries of the former are in all cases to be continued through the areas which are assigned to the Freeport coal. It would have been more satisfactory if each seam could have had a sheet to itself, but the demands of economy in the accomplishment of our work, necessi- tated the adoption of the present plan. The great Pittsburg seam as a matter of course, comes in for a boundary in our maps, as does also another seam a hundred feet above it, which is well developed in three or four counties in the very centre of our coal area. The latter is known in Ohio geology as the Meigs Creek coal. Finally, on map No. 10, the collected areas of the several seams are shown in their outcrops. In the representation of each seam, the object has been to delineate the boun- daries of those portions of it that lie above the natural drainage, but far more care has been taken in running the outcrop or upper boundary than in running the lower, for the reason that when this lower boundary occurs, the character of the territory is already established, as certain to be within the recognized boundaries of the seam. In the drainage boundary there are always enough points definitely located to justify the position given to this line in a general way. PREFACE. ix In several of the maps, and notably in Nos. 7 and 8, there has been a slight de- parture from the general plan in the following particular, viz., the Kittanning coal is indicated in areas where it has descended below drainage, but where one or both of the seams are still known to exist. It would perhaps have been better to have maintained the same system throughout the entire field; but persons of intelligence enough to take interest in the maps will scarcely be misled by the features named. All of the maps are drawn to one scale, viz., two miles to one inch, except maps 9 and 10. Among the advantages to be derived from them, the two named below are especially prominent. l. The continuity of the various seams,and their identity with well known seams of adjo:ning states is fully and finally demonstrated. Since the publication of Volume V, in 1884, there has been, in fact, no adequate ground for doubt in re- _ gard to this subject. The connections of the main seams were fully recognized and they were continuously traced in a general way at that time; so that no open minded student of our geology has since that day, been in doubt as to the true order, but the present maps, with their unbroken lines of outcrop, make the whole subject so plain that even the wayfaring man can henceforth have no excuse for mistaking or confusing their places in the system. The propriety of replacing the local and nu- merical designations of our coal seams with the names first given to the same seams in Pennsylvania, is fully established by these maps. The laws of scientific nomen- clature do not allow us to multiply names unnecessarily for one and the same object. A fossil must always be known by the first name given to it, in connection with ade- quate description and publication. So, also, an identifiable stratum must retain the designation under which it was first made known to the scientific world. This com- mon law requires us to adopt the Pennsylvania designations of our coal seams, be- cause the latter were first described in Pennsylvania. The Pittsburg and the Sharon seams, especially the former, have always been known in Ohio by their Pennsyl- vania names, but from lack of knowledge of the true equivalents of the remaining seams, local names and worse than this, numerical designations that have not even the merit that one and the same number is applied to one and the same seam in all instances, have beeu fastened upon them, and thus the recognition of their identity has been seriously obstructed. In conclusion, it can truly be said that these ques- tions are permanently settled for both the practical man and the scientific student by our maps. A few questions of subordinate interest remain as to the proper places in the scale of certain seams in particular fields, but the large questions have passed from debatable ground into demonstrated certainties. 2. The second and by far the more important service that these maps are able to render is found in the fact that they, for the first time, make it possible to deter- mine the areas of our several coal fields. ‘The areas above drainage can be directly measured, by cutting them out of the maps, with proper care, weighing the several areas in a chemical balance, and comparing their weight with that of some standard area; ur, better still, they can be determined by the use of the planimeter. Prof. C. N. Brown has at my instance applied this instrument to the maps under considera- tion, and the results which were thus attained will forthwith be stated. Our coal seams cannot, however, be supposed to terminate abruptly with their disappearance below drainage. Some extension of them under,cover is believed in by everyone; but very different judgments will be formed by different observers as to the limits within which they can be reasonably expected. Theoretical views will color our opinions on such a question. An estimate made by one who holds to the essentially marginal character of our coal deposits will differ widely from an esti- mate made by another who counts it entirely possible that all the seams of the Ohio scale could be cut by a single shaft at the center of the field. Any measurement of the acreage of our coal resources must, therefore, in this respect, be a matter of x PREFACE. judgment; and so, also, will be the fixing of an average thickness of our seams in the several fields. In making an approximate determination of our coal lands on this new basis, I have, in the first place, assumed a total breadth of the coal-forming swamps of twenty miles, measured from the average outermost outcrop of the seam, in the di- rection of the greatest dip. This shows a somewhat larger area of the seam under cover than above drainage. The coals would thus be followed down to a depth of 200 to 300 feet below the surface. It does not seem to me that the most sanguine “student of the facts would ask for a larger extension of any of our seams that have been treated in this way, unless an exception be made for the Upper Freeport Coal. The Freeport coals seem to have had a somewhat different history from that of the earlier seams, and for them it is possible that the assigned limit will sometimes be too narrow The areas assigned to the Pittsburg coal are deduced rather from reported occurrences of the seam in deep borings than from any theoretical views. In the second place, I have had the areas of the seams in question measured as they are found above drainage or rather until they are fairly under final cover. The boundaries on which this measurement depends are visible and unquestioned. With areas of coal seams computed in square miles, and with the thickness of each estimated in feet, the problem of determining the quantity of coal in township» county or state, becomes a simple one. The specific gravity of Ohio coals ranges between 1.24 and 1.34. I have taken 1.28 asa fair average. On this basis a cubic foot of coal weighs eighty pounds. An acre of coal one foot thick, yields about 1,750 tons, and a square mile 1,120,000 tons. The two Kittanning seams show, on the first basis a total area of 3,873 square miles; on the second basis, of 1,847 miles. For the combined thickness of the two seams calculated for this area, I count four feet a fair figure. The contents of the field are, therefore, 17,350,000,000 tons, by the first computation and 8,274,000,000 by the second. The Freeport coals show, on the first basis, an area of 3,149 square miles, and 1,285 miles by the second. I assume four and one-half feet for.the total thickness of this area. The original amount of Freeport Coals in Ohio, is, therefore, 15,880,- 000,000 tons by the first computation and 6 476,000,000 tons by the second. The Pittsburg coal, with an estimated thickness of four feet, has a computed area of 1,250 square miles, and a tonnage of 5,600,000,000 tons. Finally, the Meigs Creek coal shows a tonnage of 2,777,000,000 tons, on an area of 620 square miles and with a thickness of four feet. , The sum of these several results exceeds 40,000,000,000 tons by the first computa- tion and 23,000,000,000 by the second. The total acreage of the measured seams of the State is 8,893 square miles by the first measurement and 5,032 square miles by the second, and the average thickness is estimated as four feet. But, even were these figures entirely within the mark, there would be large abatements necessary in the computation of our coal resources. In all coal mining acertain percentage of loss must be provided for. It never falls below ten per cent., and it sometimes reaches forty per cent. I will estimate the loss in Ohio niining at twenty per cent. Again, all of our seams have suffered more or less loss from erosion that took place during or immediately succeeding their formation, and this may be styled contemporaneous erosion. The losses in our best fields from this source are con- siderable. I will put them at ten percent. Finally, ‘“‘wants” occur in every field, and, including in this reduction the areas that have already been worked out, I should be disposed to reduce the figures by at least twenty percent. These three sources of loss make a total abatement of fifty per cent., thus leaving an available supply of PREFACE. xi 20,000,000,000 tons by the first computation and 12,000,000,000 tons by the second. Even when thus reduced, the figures pass far beyond all intelligible conception. For how long a time would such amounts of coal last? That, of course, de- pends upon the rate of annual consumption. In 1892, the output of Ohio mines was 13,500,000 tons. Since mining has been going on in the large way in the State the production has been doubled in periods of about ten years. At this rate the annual production will reach 25,000,000 tons a year, early in the twentieth century. Supposing it to run steadily at this point, Ohio coal would last about eight hundred years on the basis of the first measurement and less than five hundred years by the second. But,if the rate should continue to advance as it has done heretofore until an annual output of a hundred million tons is reached, the duration of the supply would be correspondingly diminished, viz., to two hundred and one hundred years, respectively. I look to see our mining engineers avail themselves of the above named boundaries, now for the first time provided for them, and proceed along different lines of theory and investigation to determine the coal resources of particular fields or definite areas. In conclusion, a few words will be devoted to a review of what has been already accomplished by the several geological surveys of this State, and to a brief consid- eration of what remains to be done. ~ 1. The general stratigraphical order of our several formations is now fairly well determined; so far, at least, as their occurrence within our State boundaries is concerned. Their correlation with the series of neighboring states leaves some- thing to be desired. This is especially true of the northeastern corner of Ohio. 2. The leading features of our economic geology have been set before the peo- ple of the State so that land owners of ordinary intelligence can acquaint themselves with the probable value of their mineral resources. They are no longer at the mercy of men who are able to take advantage of their ignorance. 3. The salient features of our paleontology have been made intelligible to all of our people who take an interest therein. As to what remains to be done in Ohio geology, it is difficult to speak. The science of geology is constantly lengthening its cords and strengthening its stakes. Every line of investigation opens up larger questions than those which it directly undertakes to settle. New methods of research are coming into use, and old prob- lems must be reconsidered by their aid. It is only the generalities of our geology that have been thus far attacked. Deeper and more thorough work will be de- manded in every subdivision of every field. It remains to be seen how much of this more refined study will be carried on at the public expense under State direc- tion. Speculation’ upon this point is unnecessary. There are, however, severai subjects that could well bear more investigation of the type that ! as been thus far maintained than they have received. The Jower Helderberg limestone and the Ohio Shale, in particular, furnish excellent subjects for more careful stratigraphical and paleontological determination. The drift formations, glacial and post-glacial, of the State, have thus far been studied in a very superficial way. It is but recently that methods have been devised for taking better account of their complex history. Closely connected with these deposits, is the consideration of the pre-glacial drainage systems of the State. The little study that has already been given to these subjects reveals their highly inter- esting character. Further investigation in these lines is sure to bring ample reward. It cannot be denied that during the progress of the survey, the great interest of Agriculture has received less direct attention than, in the beginning of our work, it was led to expect and much less than its intrinsic importance would warrant it in demanding. There are two principal reasons for this neglect, first, that the geolog- Xil PREFACE. ical work proper of the survey has always thus far required the full amount of time aud means that were available; second, that the knowledge necessary for thorough scientific work in this direction could not be easily commanded. In short, it may be true that the time has not yet come for a satisfactory treatment of the important relations between geology and agriculture, but the subject is to be kept in view as one of the unfinished problems of the survey. A beginning could perhaps be made with profit at the present time in a preliminary classification of the soils of the State in connection with their native floras. Such a task would require adequate acquaintance with and adequate interest in the several branches involved which in- clude agriculture, botany, meteorology, geology, chemistry and some divisions of “zoology. The building-stones of the State have not received the attention that their growing importance demands. No review has been made of them since the publi- cation of volume V, and the treatment at that time was far from satisfactory, hav- ing been condensed from a report made for the 10th United States census. A good beginning of a new chapter on this subject was made four years since by the writer but the loss of the field notes before they were put in shape brought this purpose to naught. The recent discovery of rock salt in northern Ohio and the establishment one an important business upon this unexpected occurrence have been alluded to in the opening chapter of the present volume, but the facts justify a more extended account for which, to my regret, time and space do not now suffice. The production of petroleum and gas has been by far the most interesting and important subject in the economic geology of the State during the last ten years, Three separate volumes of the Survey reports have been devoted almost exclusively to it within this period, viz.: Preliminary Report, 1886, Vol VI, 1888, and First Annual Report, 1890. The development has gone on with unabated vigor since the publication of the last volume and arich harvest of facts remains ungarnered at this time, but the exclusive privileges of this subject could not be further continued without doing injustice to other economic interests. I greatly regret that I have not been able to follow with proper care and detail the progress of the drill during the last four years. I also regret that the want of space forbids the introduction of such of these facts as I have in hand into the present volume. Two oil fields of considerable importance have been brought to Hatt within this time, viz: The Monroe county and the Corning fields. The Monroe county oil is derived from the Logan Conglomerate which is known in the adjacent Sistersville oil field of West Virginia as the ‘Big Indian” sand. It is identical with the salt water rock of Pomeroy, and also with the great salt water horizon of the Macksburg oil field. Its outcrops constitute the most striking feature in the scenery of the Hocking Valley from Lancaster to Logan and are also finely shown in the picturesque gorge of the Licking river between Newark and Zanesville. The Corning field derives its oil from the Berea Grit, which is eee in wells about 1,000 feet in depth. These wells produce a moderate quantity of rather heavy oil but they seem to show fair vitality. The principal feature of the last four years in this connection is, however, the continued development and expansion of the oil production of the Trenton lime- stone in northwestern Ohio. This production is beyond question the most striking and surprising fact in the economic geology of the country for the last twenty-five years. Ten years ago, it would not have been possible to make a more improbable forecast as to the future oil supply of the country than one which should emboay the results of our present experience. The black swamp of northwestern Ohio is at this time the leading source of the illuminating oil of the United States and the source of this oil is found in a lower Silurian limestone. PREFACE. xiil The last four years have not given us new oil fields in the Trenton limestone so much as important extensions of those already discovered. The counties which were named in the report of 1890 as the chief sources of supply still constitute our main reliance. The principal generalizations that the opening years of this development seemed to warrant have been in the main confirmed and established by the later experience, but a proper study of the newer facts cannot fail to throw im- portant light on the geological conditions of petroleum accumulation. At the date of the last report, viz., 1890, many facts were adduced showing the rapid decline of the wonderful supply of natural gas that several counties of north- western Ohio were then enjoying, from which decline the speedy extinction of the supply was inferred, so far as its large use in manufactures was concerned, unless the unworthy applications and reckless waste that were then going on should be promptly arrested. These warnings were disregarded; in one or two instances, they were even resented, as likely to interfere with enterprises that were under way. The event has proved, however, that the facts that were then apparent were correctly interpreted. The decline went on steadily. Most of the glass factories for example, that were brought into the district on the promise-of free fuel have been abandoned or removed. The few that remain are eking out the feeble gas supply with coal, wood and oil. Pumps have been added to almost all of the pipe lines, but even with their aid it has proved impossible to maintain an adequate do- mestic supply for all consumers during the last two winters. The outcome is indeed a sorry one. Under judicious control, the gas stored in the Trenton limestone might easily have supplied all northwestern Ohio with the unspeakable advantages of gaseous fuel for household use for at least a quarter of a century. Household use is the highest and, in reality, the only proper use to which natural gas can be applied. It isa relief to be able to name one gas-field in the state that has, in the main, escaped the prostitution and abuse which all the older fields have suffered. The Thurston field of Fairfield county deserves this distinction. It has supplied gas in large amount, to the city of Columbus, for household use, since January, 1890. For a few months in the summer and autumn of that year, gas was also furnished to manufacturers 1n various lines, as 1ron-working, brick-making, lime-burning and the production of steam for power, but under these demands, the supply soon gave unmistakable evidence of being overtaxed. Pressure and volume in the wells and pipe-lines rapidly fell away, and the large consumers were, one after another, obliged to return to coal. The pressure continued to fall until domestic use became dangerous and finally the gas was shut off from the city altogether. After being closed a few weeks, the wells regained their pressure, but the company had learned by disastrous experience, that it could not maintain the domestic supply of the city and at the same time furnish fuel for rolling mills and brick kilns. Household supply was forthwith resumed and it has not been inter- rupted for a single hour during the past three and one-half years. The field gives every indication of maintaining the supply for many years to come. Fully half the population of Columbus is now enjoying the inexpressible advantages of an ample and constant supply of gaseous fuel. Xiv PREFACE. Questions are often asked as to the number and order of the reports of the Geological Survey of the State under its several organizations. A list of these publications is given herewith. No. pages No. copies. ges. Title: | Date. Geo-ogist in charge. First GEOLOGICAL SURVEY—1837-8. | First Annual Report.......... | 1838 | He 134 | 5,000 | W. W. Mather. 2 Second Annual Report........| 1838 | 2386 | 5,000 | W. W. Mather. SECOND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY—1869-1888. Jee pPOTEOl ETO STeSSs.. 6. - eee 1869 176 14,500 | J. S. Newberry. An ReportiofProgress:....-a-.-5- | 1870 568 14,500 | J. S. Newberry. 5. Report of Progress..... Hogade|| |) ksi 3 | 400 J. S. Newberry. 6. Geology of Ohio, vol. I, part | MEG Colo gia weesete ce: 1872 680 | 20,000 | J. S. Newberry. 7. Geology ot “Ohio, vol. I, part! 4o1_| Idi Paleontologyse ee reesces 1873 HO siates| 20,000 | J. S. Newberry. 8. Geology of Ohio, vol. II, Pas pantel Geologyiere. cue. 1874 701 | 20,000 | J. S. Newberry. 9. Geology of Ohio, vol. II ‘part| 431 | Il, Paleontology Sie soar 1875 |no rest 20,000 | J. S. Newberry. 10. Geology of Ohio, vol. III, es aia aed Ceolo ouyeaear.s. cnace selasaesnade 1878 958 20,000. | J. S. Newberry. a1BIE Geological Atlas of Ohio.. TSAO uals sececos 5,000 | J. S. Newberry. 12. Geology of Ohio, vol. Iv, ' _ Zoology and Botany........ | 1882 1,070 | 20,000 | J. S. Newberry. 13. Geology of Ohio, vol. V, | | Economic Geo!ogy......... i 1884. 1,124 | 10,000 Edward Orton. 14. Preliminary Report on Pe-| | y, troleum and Inflammab! e| Gaste. eee ae deee ates Se beaeee 1886 | TOMS 2,900 | Edward Orton. 15. Geology of Ohio, vo}. VI, | Economic Geology......... USSS seco: 15,000 ° Edward Orton. THIRD GEOLOGICAL SURVEY—1889-1894. 16. First Annual Report.......... | 1890 | 323 | 10,000 | Edward Orton. 17. Geology of Ohio, vol. VIL,| | | part I. Economic Geology P1893) 290), 2,500 | Edward Orton. 18. Geology of Ohio, vol. V iT (complete.) PS a ot cde ‘ 1894 ! 970 7,900 | Edward Orton. PREFACE. XV Ail of these volumes have been published by the State, under the general and sometimes under the entire control of the State printer. The Geological Atlas alone, No. 11 of above list, was published by a private firm. The distribution of the copies of each volume has been made through the members of the General Assembly by which the publication of the volume was or- dered, or, in some instances, by the members of the next succeeding General Assem- bly. Up to the issue of Volume V (No. 13 of the list) the entire editions, after pro- viding moderate allowances for the geological corps and the State Library, were distributed p7vo vata among the members of the Legislature. No opportunity was afforded for the purchase of copies on the part of those desiring to secure them and no provision whatever was made for maintaining the sets of those who had re- ceived the earlier volumes. It is almost incredible that after making the expendi- tures which the large editions of the earlier volumes necessitated, the volumes shou'd be scattered over the State in such a reckless and wasteful way. Individual members of the Legis!atures would sometimes take pains to distribute their quotas to those who had the preceding volumes, but such cases have been comparatively infrequent. With the issue of Volume V (No. 13) a new policy was inaugurated, to the ex- tent of placing a cert)in number of copies in the care of the Secretary of State, to be sold at cost of publ'cation. This arrangement has met a real want, as is shown by the fact that the stocks of all the volumes but the last two are entirely, ex- hausted. There is no State office and no State officer that can furnish at the present time either a single complete set or any single volume of the other reports, in answer to the most deserving applicant. Book dealers in the larger cities of the State are in some instances gathering complete or broken sets of the reports, to meet the de- mands. The prices of the volumes range from $1 to $3.50 per volume. Some of the volumes cannot now be found in the market, at least in complete form. Vo'ume V with its maps seems to have been entirely absorbed and Volume VI is but infre- quently offered. It may prove to the advantage of the State to republish some of these volimes, as they haye not, by any means, outlived their usefulness. It remains for me to make acknowledgment of valuab'e aid and assistance tht I have received in the preparation of the present volume. The mapping of the coal seams was kindly taken off my hands after I had sulf- fered a disablement which incapacitated me for the necessary fieldwork, by Prof. C. N. Brown of the Ohio State University. The credit for this entire division of the report belongs to him and to his assistants. All of the latter displayed great fidel- ity and diligence, but it is proper that special mention be made of Mr. C. E. Sher- man, C. E., chief draughtsman; of G. P. Grimsley, Ph. D, who was engaged in field work for a longer time than any other assistant, and of A. F. Foerste, Ph. D., whose service though brief was of unusually high character, standing as it did for good training and previous experience in similar lines of work. To the several railroad companies who have furnished free transportation to the officers of the Geological Survey forall or portions of the time in which the work of preparation of volume VII has been going forward, cordial thanks are hereby tendered. The aid so rendered has been of great advantage to the State, helping out the narrow appropriations with which the Survey has been carried forward. To Mr. W. K. Moorehead, Curator of Archeology in Ohio State University, thanks are due for the generous loan of his map of Fort Ancient, which accompanies Chapter I of Part II. To Hon. Leo. Hirsch, Supervisor of State Printing, I am under great obligations. He contributed all the assistance possible in every stage of the publication, and itis through his skillful administration that so large and varied a volume is issued at so small a cost to the State. Xvi PREFACE. For the typographical errors in two of the cha>ters, their authors, viz., Prof. R. P. Whitfield and Edward Orton, Jr., must not be held accountable, as it was not practicable to give them the opportunity of reading their own proof. Many defects and errors, typographical and otherwise, I recognize, but in exten- uation, I may urge that the preparation and publication of the volume have been attended with some peculiar disadvantages, which it is not necessary to explain. In view of the facts, I bespeak the lenient judgment of the reader. 15, © CEAPTER > I. CHARTER] lk CHAPTER II. CHAPTER iv. CEASERS = V1 CHAPTER: IT. CHAPTER III. CHAPTER IV. CHAPTER V. CHAPTER VI. CHAPTER VII. CONTENTS: PART I—ECONOMIC. Geological Scale and Geological Structure of Ohio. Bysbrots HdwardeOrntonin.seaeese tence teers sees erate Pages 3-44 The Clays of Ohio, their Origin, Composition and Varieties. By Rrotek dwardi@ntoimGssneeessssceesessee eae a eee case se Pages 45-68 The Clay Working Industries of Ohio. Bye dwardiOrtomijit.,) ys IM ieeseoeeerereeeee ase enact cee Pages 69-254 The Coal Fields of Ohio. By ProfeEdward Orton. .5. ccs ies. epceeen eee eee ee Pages 255-290 PART II—GENERAL. The Archzeology of Ohio. Gerard MOwK eno saesccnaseaindes hice Geass pieisnacaceoe resents Pages 3-55 The Botany of Ohio. Prof ww, As kWellermanyand we iC) Werner 2221 siete Pages 56-406 Contributions to the Paleontology of Ohio. Bro fw nat elles een Loess cine sae ad ea tert iar ain eas Pages 407-494 Observations on the so-called Waverly Group of Ohio. Jerqoy ay Ou eal eens aol eae Asa Umn Aiserlay User Hanns ale Ln a AN Pages 495-515 Fossils of the Clinton Group in Ohio and Indiana. JRE M Oe IeVolei ce Heel ely) D Poe ange dasasusdadoeancondscooe soquepossdee Pages 516-601 The Fossil Fishes of Ohio. Profs. H. WeClaypolevandyAl Al Wariolit co.cc ences Pages 602-626 New and Little Known Lamellibranchiata from the Lower Silurian Rocks of Ohio and Adjacent States. BOM Uriel, peepee cel vara Cac teieccn aucune au oA a Pages 627-693 EIST OF TEEUSMRATIONS ANDaMiVAlks: General SOHO Ose WAS IRGSS Osi OlaOxsoacqaooasersecess-veosbsesougosnacbon seone086- Faces page 4 OMEN OL GOKQULAOMMUS \COMCEILI ICUS. oth a. ob veeosi Aesenaae tae perc Ge eee meee Page 493 ISI ES Ole A CL IDL CELI ie dade oscreramsticns norsersioe eee nc eee nea man sone Gee Canee A eee ee ES OMT MOI eS HOTA OP LHOCEH CLG te ates (arc ater cuains Soe aetat nee Ree ener tem AE Eg Seta “840 > BMI ESOL SS OP GHIA UCN Orson nctic hans teers eec ne ae xt ceeee s Sass REE STS eee ee << 1629 RM pUKeS Of ODUSLLOPLET.G (CLUCTUOLE ©. co -nsaenatne coaeeeetene: Peer te “645 PME Of CLOW GIL SWOUIEALL oe xii sake nie oe sniease se jones stectece cee aca eee eee Goll AUS URES Of ACLU OULY GCONCELIOLG :ioc.cce uss cas ceds oonsdsracdecs seals seein sedan ere eee eRe Sonat MAPS SHOWING BOUNDARIES OF PRINCIPAL COAL SEAMS. (IN ENVELOPE.) 1. In Lawrence, Gallia and Jackson Counties, (in part). 2. In Jackson, Vinton, Meigs and Gallia Counties, (in part). 8. In Hocking, Perry, Athens and Vinton Counties, (in part). 4. In Muskingum, Licking, Perry and Morgan Counties, (in part). 5. In Coshocton and Holmes Counties. 6. In Tuscarawas, Harrison, Stark and Carroll Counties, (in part). 7. In Columbiana, Jefferson and Carroll Counties, (in part). 8. In Guernsey and Stark Counties, (in part). 9. The Pittsburgh and Meigs Creek Coal Seams. 10. The Coal Fields of Ohio. SeOlLOGy Mi Onn: CHAPTER I. SHOLOCICAL SCALE AND /GHOLVOGICALS SERUCTLURE Or OHIO. By PRoF. EDWARD ORTON. Owing to the mode of distribution of the volumes of the Ohio Geo- logical Reports, viz: through the members of the successive legislatures that order the publication of the successive volumes, it becomes neces- sary to introduce each volume as it appears, with a brief review of the geological column of the state, in order to make it certain that the state_ ments which are to follow will be properly understood by those into whose hands the volume may fall. It is never safe to assume that those who receive one volume have any knowledge of or any means of obtain- ing any other volume of the series. The geological scale of Ohio comprises strata, named in ascending order, of Lower Silurian, Upper Silurian, Devonian, Sub-carboniferous and Carboniferous age, and also a series of deposits of the Glacial period. The principal divisions are shown in the following table. The thickness that is assigned to each of the elements is not necessarily the average thickness of the various exposures. In some cases the more common measure is given; in others it is counted better to indicate the thickness of some of the best known exposures. In the text, the limits of each formation will be more definitely stated: The geological order herewith described is further represented in the accompanying diagram. A brief review of each of these divisions will be made in the succeeding pages of the present chapter. 4 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. Irs BG laetal, dacs as, Gah nates ora, labs cola ae 0 to 550 feet. } eB s ew Ig, Wijoyoeie Weve (Corll MCAS WEES ok. cosadooassuesocop ane saws adigevina featioae D0 Ops are ages IG Oppersbrodiuctive Coal@Vicasmnespwre ces saeco eee aneste ects 2008s ies ieee ij evower barney CoaliMeasunesecess snc he tanotecc Recta cues 500.4 go AG owen Prodi etiverCoalmWieastinese tes asststnaa =: ey see ee eee 200 oe % 4 san Conelometaten Groupee reece sii. ce eceeccecasscotu ae sosee eee eect 250) eae 12. Sub-carboniferous limestone, Maxville, Newtonville, etc., 20) ie Dhan ince ( lle Logan Group. ......0-350. NON || Lg | 11d Cuyahoga Shale, 150-450. | 5007 pers 11. Waverly Group 4 1lc Berea Shale......... 20- 50. + to 500“). (Ons ili aBereal Gist. see. 5-160. | 8007 ae | la Bedford Shale........50-150. } Np 10c Cleveland Shale. : ) : 10. Ohio Shale. | 10b Erie Shale. 250 to 8,000 feet.... Bx) = ely 10a Huron Shale. Le GmHamiltonisiales(@lentangy Shale?) .1-ssc...c---0sesesecense te eee 25) “ic ae. 8. Devonian Limestone, Upper Helderberg or Corniferous, © including West Jefferson sandstone...............0.0608 CR R 7. Lower Helderberg limestone, or Waterlime, including Syl- } vatia sandstone, 50) to 600 feet: 5...222-e.secec soit ee ees 500) “Seale (@GdsHulllsborossandsStomer-cssess-ceesese-eeeee SUR een = | 6c Guelph or Cedarville limestone,50-200, 150) ne ies GuNiagara Groupit), GbaNiagaralimestome: -0..2.ctccscc--eenceceoe WU | 6a Niagara Shale, including Dayton lime- (aoa Stoney tonl00..9 a ee 100) “eas 5. Clinton Group, in outcrop, 20 to 75 feet; under cover, 75 to 150. 50 > “t olsedd 4. Medina shale, in outcrop, 25’; under cover, 50 to 150............ 75. oa SEidson RaAveriGrolp, eo007 tO Ol Gor tecennesccenasde specs ie ceeep cee: 700) aes 2. Utica Shale, not seen in outcrop, but 300 feet thick under | os Cover, NOLEDe TNO iow eenir dee. tcticseaccenetee sn eeceens 300 ene 1. Trenton limestone, seen only in Pt. Pleasant quarries, if at |e eetpe! altaniielve Stat Ok | a aieae awe ete ia) hte AS Ce Q=50) 7s sg ee THE TRENTON LIMESTONE. The Trenton limestone is one of the most important of the older for- mations of the continent. It is the most widespread limestone of the general scale of the country. It extends from New England to the Rocky Mountains, and from the islands north of Hudson’s Bay to the southern extremity of the Allegheny Mountains in Alabama and Georgia. Throughout the vast region it is found exposed in innumerable out- crops. As it decays, it gives rise to limestone soils which are sometimes of remarkable fertility; as, for example, those of the famous Blue Grass region of central Kentucky, which are derived from it. It is worked for building stone in hundreds of quarries, and it is also burned into lime and broken into road metal on a large scale throughout the regions where it occurs. : But widespread as are its exposures in outcrop, it has a still wider extension under cover. It is known to make the floor of entire states, in which it does not reach the surface in a single point. It takes its name from a picturesque and well known locality in Trenton township, Oneida county, New York. The small river, known CARBONIFEROUS LOWER SILURIAN GEOLOGICAL SCALE OF OHIO UPPER BARREN COAL MEASURES UPPER PRODUCTIVE COAL MEASURES LOWER BARREN COAL MEASURES LOWER PRODUCTIVE COAL MEASURES CONGLOMERATE SERIES SUBCARBONIFEROUS LIMESTONE s lis LOGAN GROUP { sanosrone CONGLOMERATE WAVERLY $5e0-800/ th CUYAHOGA SHALE tc BEREA SHALE lie BEREA GRIT a BEDFORD SHALE {0c CLEVELANB SHALE OHIO SHALE 300-2606 110, ce Rie SHALE (0a HURON SHALE HAMILTON SHALE DEVONIAN LIMESTONES _) 25-75 LOWER HELDERBERG LIME STONE 5-205 60 HILLSBCRG SANDSTONE E25 6e GUELPH LIMESTONE 6e NIAGARA LIMESTONE 6a NIAGARA SHALE. DAYTON LIME f NIAGARA SERIES CLINTON SERIES MEDINA SHALES HUDSON RIVER SERIES see - s0se UTICA SHALES . ¢-3e¢ TRENTON EIMESDONe 7 GEOLOGICAL SCALE AND STRUCTURE. 5) as West Canada Creek, makes a rapid descent in this township, from the Adirondack uplands to the Mohawk Valley, falling three hundred feet in two miles, by a series of cascades. These cascades have long been known as the Trenton Falls, and the limestone which forms them was appropriately named, by the New York geologists, the Trenton limestone. The formation, as seen at the original locality, isa dark blue, almost black, limestone, lying in massive and even beds, which are sometimes separated by thin layersof black shale. But it is to be noted that a few feet of its uppermost beds consist of crinoidal limestone of great purity of composition. Both limestone and shale contain excellently preserved fossils of Lower Silurian age. By means of these fossils, and also by its stratigraphical order, the limestone is followed with pertect distinctness from Trenton Falls to every point in the compass. It is changed to some extent in color and composition, as it is followed in different directions, but there is seldom a question possible as to its iden- tity. The Trenton limestone forms several of the largest islands, in whole or in part, in the northern portion of Lake Huron, as the Mani- toulin islands. From this region it dips, under cover of the lake and also of higher formations, to the southward; but it is found rising again in outcrop in the valley of the Kentucky River, near Frankfort, and pos- sibly, also, at a single point within the limits of the state of Ohio, viz.: in the quarries of Point Pleasant, which are located in the valley of the Ohio River, in Clermont county, twenty miles above Cincinnati. The Point Pleasant beds have a thickness of about fifty feet. This outcrop of rock was definitely referred to the Trenton horizon, apparently on stratigraphical grounds, by the late W. M. Linney, of the Kentucky Ge- ological Survey, a number of years ago; and in the course of the explo. rations of our underground geological structure, which followed the search for oil and gas in western Ohio, the indications seemed to point to the correctness of Mr. Linney’s conclusion, and the Point Pleasant beds have been counted Trenton limestone in several of the last volumes of the Geological Survey. This determination has, however, lately been called in question by Mr. Joseph F. James, of the U.S. Geological Sur- vey, who bases his argument on paleontological grounds. Mr. James holds that it is impossible to separate the Point Pleasant beds from the overlying series, which are referred to the Hudson River age. It is not safe to affirm positively that the determination made by Mr. Linney, and supported by the facts brought to light in the Ohio reports, is beyond question ; but it still seems probable that this is the true interpretation. — The- fossils of the Trenton limestone and of the Hudson River group are identical to a considerable extent. : The thickness of the Trenton limestone proper, as it appears in out- crop in the rocks of central Kentucky, is given by the geologists of that state as one hundred and seventy-five feet. It is immediately underlaid, in this region, by two other limestones, viz.: the Birdseye and Chazy, 6 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. which have a thickness respectively of one hundred and thirty and three hundred feet, the entire set of unbroken limestones, beginning with the Trenton, and including the two formations above named, being thus about six hundred feet in thickness. It is altogether probable that these three limestones constitute the solid mass which the drill has so often penetrated in Ohio within the last few years to a depth of five or six hundred feet. The formations, which the geologists separates when they rise to the surface, are counted by the driller as a single limestone, for which he needs no other name than that with which he begins, viz.: Trenton. The several divisions, however, are found to vary somewhat in grain, in color and in chemical composi- tion as well as in the fossils they contain. Below this great limestone mass a sandstone, more or less caleareoues is reported in many of our deep wells. This is probably on the horizon of the St. Peter’s sandstone of the northwest and very likely deserves to be called by this name. It is forty to sixty feet thick, as generally re- ported, and is charged with the rank salt and sulphur water which is known in Kentucky as Blue Lick water. It must, however, be ac- knowledged that water of quite similar composition is sometimes found in or between the limestone beds above named as well as in the under- lying stratum. Still deeper, impure magnesian. limestones are found, at least in the Ohio series, for the next one thousand feet of descent. This was well shown in the deep wells of Springfield and Dayton. ‘These beds must be referred to the Calciferous period of the general scale, so far as, at least, as their uppermost portions are concerned. To the question so often asked, and to which a sharp and exact answer is expected, ‘‘How thick is the Trenton limestone?” it is thus seen that it is not only not easy, but not even possible to give such an answer, on account of the ambiguity of the term as it is popularly used. . The interest of the question, however, is practical, and centers in those portions of the limestone that yield gas and oil. Restricting the scope of the question to this point of view, it can be stated that no part of the Trenton limestone, more than a hundred feet below its uppermost surface, has thus far proved productive of either gas or oil,in the large way: Bo eu OG eNe Speetuee. The immediate cover of the Trenton limestone in the locality from which the latter derives its name, is a well-known stratum of black shaie, three hundred to seven hundred feet in thickness, and, possibly, in pur- tions of eastern New York, much thicker than the maximum above given. This conspicuous stratum received from the New York geologists the name of Utica shale, from the fact that very many outcrops of it occur in the vicinity of the city of Utica. This bed of slack shale has proved to be very persistent and wide-spread. It must be acknowledged, however, GEOLOGICAL SCALE AND STRUCTURE. 7 that it is not as well characterized by definite forms of life as most of the strata that receive independent names 1n the geological scale. It is every- where, but sparingly fossiliferous; but while only a few of the forms that t contains are found exclusively in this series of deposits, there are still enough, when taken in connection with the lithological characteristics of the shale, to establish and maintain its identity. The first of the deep wells that was drilled in Findlay revealed, at a depth of eight hundred feet, a stratum of black shale, the fragments of _ which, brought up by the driller or by explosion of nitro-glycerine in the oil rock, contained what may be styled the most characteristic fossils of the Utica shale of New York, and the black shale eight hundred feet be- low the surface in northwestern Ohio, was thus positively identified with the Utica shale of central New York. ‘This bed of shale, as proved by the driller, in Ohio has the normal thickness of the formation in New York, viz.: 300 feet, and, taken in connection with the other elements in- volved, it extended and continued the New York series into the under- ground geology of northern Ohio in the most unexpected and at the same time in the most satisfactory way. The Utica shale thus discovered and defined is a constant element in the northwestern portion of the state. Its upper boundary is not always perfectly distinct, as the Hudson river shale that overlies it sometimes graduates into it in color and appearance. But asa rule the driller, with- out any geological prepossessions whatever, would divide the well section in his record so as to show about three hundred feet of black shale at the bottom of the column, or immediately overlying the Trenton limestone. This stratum holds its own as far as the southern central counties. In the wells of Springfield, Urbana and Piqua a dark-colored stratum is found in undiminished thickness, but apparently somewhat more calca- reous in composition than in the locality where it was discovered. From these points southward, according to the somewhat scanty facts that have been secured, the formation thins rapidly until it is apparently re- placed by dark-colored limestone bands, known as “pepper and salt rock” by the driller. No great falling off in black shale appears in the Dayton wells; but at Middletown a sharp boundary between gray shale three hundred and ten feet thick (Hudson river), and black shale one hundred feet thick (Utica), the latter directly overlying the Trenton limestone, was reported by a driller whose observations seemed entitled to confidence. ‘The black shale was reported still further reduced in the wells at Hamilton and from that point southward it was not distinctly recognizable. From these and similar facts it appears that the Utica shale is much reduced and altered as it approaches the Ohio Valley, and is finally lost by overlap of the Hudson river shale in this portion of the state and to the southward. The identification of the Utica shale as a distinct stratum in the lower beds of the series exposed at and near Cincinnati, which has been 8 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. made by some geologists, 1s counted doubtful,.to say the least, in view of the facts given above. 3. THE Hupson RIVER GROUP. The very important and interesting series now to be described ap- pears in most of the previous reports of the State Geological Survey under another name, viz.the Cincinnati group. It is unnecessary to review here the long discussions pertaining to the age of this series, or the grounds on which the change in the name by which it is known has been based. Suffice it to say that the change has appeared necessary to many geologists on paleontological grounds, solely. But for those who have not been convinced by the statements in regard to this subject, a sure ground for the change has been found in the recent discoveries in our underground geology, by which it appears that the Hudson River series of New York can be followed almost continuously, and with but little change in its general character, irom the eastward into the state of Ohio, and thus to the outcrops of the formation in the southwestern: por- tion of the state. The Hudson River group in southwestern Ohio consists of alternat- ing beds of limestone and shale, the latter of which is generally known as blue clay, but which was called in the earliest accounts of our geology, marlite. The proportions of lime and shale vary greatly in different parts of the series. The largest percentage of shale occurs in the two hundred and fifty feet of the series that begin fifty or seventy-five feet above low water in Cincinnati. The entire thickness of the series in this proportion of the state is about seven hundred and fifty feet. The division that has been proposed and adopted in the previous reports of the Survey into an upper and a lower series, seems natural and convenient, and accordingly likely to be maintained. ‘The lower is designated in the reports as the Cincinnati division and the upper as the Lebanon division. The Cincinnati division has a thickness ot four hun- dred and twenty-five to four hundred and fifty feet, and the Lebanon division a thickness of about three hundred feet. The divisions are separated on both paleontological and stratigraphical grounds. Both of them abound in exquisitely preserved fossils of Lower Silurian time; and in fact the hills of Cincinnati and the vicinity have become classical ground to the geologists of the world on this account. As the series takes cover to the northward and eastward it retains for some distance the characteristics already described; but as it is fol- lowed further it becomes less calcareous. The limestone courses are thinner and fewer in number, and inasmuch as they resist or delay the drill but little in its descent, the entire series comes to be counted shale. One other fact must be noted in this direction. The shale at certain points, and especially on the western border in the northern portion of the state, as noted in the previous section, grows dark in color, so that the boundary between the Hudson River and the underlying Utica divi- . GEOLOGICAL SCALE AND STRUCTURE. i) pass with the driller as black shale. The Hudson shales are thin in this northwestern corner of the state, the entire measure running as low as three hundred feet, or even less. It seems probably, in view of this and other facts, that they were lain down in a sea that grew shallow in that direction, viz, the west. At least, there was a perceptibly smaller amount o: the fine sediments of which the formation consists brought in as we fol- low itin this direction. To the eastward the greenish blue shales already named are always found, and the series also thickens considerably in this directiou. The Hudson river shales are everywhere fossiliferous, as the fragments of corals and shells brought up in the drillings abundant testify. Some of the fossils are identifiable in the fragments brought to the surface by the driller. The Hudson River group occupies in its outcrop, about four thousand square miles in southwestern Ohio, but it is doubtless coextensive with the limits of the state, though under very deep cover in large part. The shales of the series in in southwestern Ohio contain large quantities of phosphates and alkalies, and the soils to which they give rise are pro- verbial for their fertility. The presence of these fined-grained and impervious shales in so many separate layers forbids the free descent of water through the formation. In its outcrops, consequently, the Hunson River shales have no water sup- ply, and, as found by the driller, they are almost universally dry. The shales give rise to frequent “blowers” or short-lived accumulations of high-pressure gas when struck by the drill, as is found in the experience of many towns of western Ohio within the last few years, and it also yields considerable amounts of low-pressure shale gas at many points in the state, some of which have proved fairly durable. 4. THe Mepind SHALE: A stratum of non-fossiliferous shale, generally red or yellow 1n color, and having a thickness of ten to forty feet, directly overlies the upper- most beds of the Hudson River group at many points of outcrop in southwestern Ohio. Froin its stratigraphical position, these beds were referred to the Medina age in the reports of the Geological Survey for 1869, but the identification was considered as grobable, rather than cer- tain. The occurrence of fifty to one hundred and fifty feet of red shale in the deep borings that have recently been carried forward in northern Ohio, at exactly the place in the general scale where the Medina forma- tion should be looked for, and so much nearer to the outcrops of the formation, that its continuity with these was hardly to be questioned, this fact, taken in connection with the occurrence of like beds of red shale holding the same relative position in all the deep borings in the central portions of the state, gives full warrant for counting the Medina epoch duly represented in the outcropping strata of southwestern Ohio, accord- ing to the determination above named. It occurs here only in included sec- tions, its thin and easily eroded beds never being found as surface 10 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. formations for large areas. ~There is good reason to believe that the Medina formation is coextensive with the limits of the state, except in the regions from which it has already been removed by erosion. F The red color of the shales is persistent, but there are some well records in which this color does not appear. ‘This is especially true in Allen county, and to the westward and northwestward from Lima. Blue shales alternate with the red in the eastern sections. In the western they replace the latter. Thin beds of sandstone are found in the Medina, especially to the westward. Small pebbles occur in some of these beds. 5. THE CLINTON LIMESTONE. . The-Clinton group of New York appears as a surface formation in Ohio only in the area already named. It forms a fringe or margin of the Cincinnati group through ten counties, rising above the soft and easily eroded rocks of this series, and of the previously named Medina shale, in a conspicuous terrace. It is everywhere a well-characterized limestone stratum. ‘The stone is highly crystalline in structure, and is susceptible of a good polish. In some localities it is known as a marble. A consid- erable part of it, and especially the upper beds, are almost wholly made up of crinoidal fragments. In thickness it ranges between ten and fifty feet. Its prevailing colors are white, pink, red, yellow, gray and blue. At a few points it is replaced by the peculiar form of hematite ore that 1s elsewhere so characteristic of the formation. The ore is generally too lean and uncertain to possess economic value, but 1t was once worked for a short time and in a small way in a furnace on Todd’s Fork, near Wil- mington, Clinton county. , The limestone contains throughout most of its outcrops a.notable quantity of indigenous petroleum, but the only valuable accumulations of oil and gas that have been found in it thus far have been brought to our knowledge since 1885. It is the source of the low pressure gas of Fremont (upper vein), and also of the important supplies at Lancaster, Newark and Hadley Junction. Ina few instances it has proved itself an oil rock. Wells drilled to this horizon have in a few instances yielded twenty to thirty barrelsaday, thesupply being continued for several months. Under hezvy cover, and particularly in the new gas fields named above, beds of sharp sandstone are sometimes interstratifed with the limestones. The main reservoir of the Lancaster gas is in fact a sandstone. In outcrop the stratum is porous, as a rule, and the water that falls upon its uncovered portions sinks rapidly through them to the under- lying shale (Medina), by which it is turned out in a well-marked line of strong springs. In composition the limestone in its outcrops in southern Ohio is fairly constant. All its most characteristic portions contain eighty to eighty-five per cent. of carbonate of lime, and ten to fifteen per cent. of carbonate of magnesia. At a few points, however, and notably at Brown’s quarries near New Carlisle, Clarke county, it appears as the GEOLOGICAL SCALE AND STRUCTURE. 11 sion is somewhat obscure. The entire interval in such instances may purest carbonate of lime in the state. Under cover to the northward it is found more magnesian in composition, being indistinguishable from the Niagara that overlies it. It also becomes shaly and changeable in char- acter at many points, but in this respect it is growing more like the formation as found in western New York. As it becomes shalv the thickness of the series is much increased. It is everywhere uneven in its bedding in its outcrops, being in striking contrast in this respect to the formations below it and also above it. The beds are markedly lenticular in shape, and extend but a few feet in any direction. They seldom rise to two feet in thickness. The uneven bedding, the crystalline and crinoidal characters, the high colors, and particularly the red bands, taken in connection with the chemical composition, combine to make the Clinton limestone an exceed- ingly well-marked stratum throughout southwestern Ohio, and from the hints yielded by the drill in northwestern Ohio, it seems to have much the same character there. It becomes more shaly and much thicker to the eastward. Throughout the northern central and central portions of the state it carries bands of red shale universally. The fossils of the formation by which it is most definitely character- ized will be found described in a subsequent chapter of this report. The Clinton limestone is directly followed at a number of points in the territory occupied by it in outcrop, by a bed of very fine-grained, bluish-white clay containing many fossils distributed through it, the fossils being crystalline and apparently composed of pure carbonate of lime. Some of them are characteristic of the formation elsewhere, while others are known only in this bed. A similar bed of white clay is reported at the same horizon by the drillers in northern Ohio, and the drillings show the presence of fossils of the same characters. This clay seam can be appropriately designated as the Clinton clay, but it merges into and is indistinguishable from the lowest element in the overlying group. It has been named by Mr. Foerste the Beavertown marl. The Clinton, in its outcrops, is entirely confined to the southwestern part of the state. 6. THE NIAGARA GROUP. The Clinton limestone is followed in ascending order by the Niagara group, a series of shales and limestones that has considerable thickness in its outcrops, and that occupies not less than thirteen thousand square miles of territory in Ohio as a surface rock. The lowest member is the Niagara shale, a mass of light colored clays with many thin calcareous bands. It has a thickness of one hun- dred feet in Adams county, but it is reduced rapidly as it is followed northward, and in Clark and Montgomery counties it is not more than ten to fifteen feet thick. Still further to the northward, as appears from the records of recent drillings, the shale sometimes disappears entirely ; 12 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. but in the great majority of wells, especially in Hancock and Wood counties, it is a constant element, ranging from five to thirty feet. The gas wells are often cased in this shale, but a risk is always taken in doing so, as water is liable to be found in the underlying Clinton rocks. In Montgomery, Miami and Greene counties the shale contains, in places, a very valuable building stone, which is widely known as the Dayton stone. It is a highly crystalline, compact and strong stone, lying in even beds of various thickness, and is in every way adapted to the highest architectural uses. It carries about ninety-two per cent. of carbonate of lime. ‘The Niagara shale, as a rule, is quite poor in fossils. It is apparentiy destitute of them in many of its exposures; but there are still parts of the state in which it contains a considerable fauna. The best phases of it, in this point of view, are found in Highland county, south of Hillsboro. The limestone that succeeds the shale is an even-bedded, blue or drab magnesian stone, well adapted at many points to quarrying pur- poses. It contains many characteristic fossils of Niagara age. It is known in Ohio by various local names, derived from the points where it is quarried. ‘There are several subdivisions of it that are unequally developed in different portions of the state. Like the shale below it, this member is thickest in southern Ohio. It cannot be recognized as a distinct element in the northern part of the state, either in outcrop or in drillings. It may be that its horizon is not reached in any natural ex- posures of the formation in this part of the state. The uppermost division of the formation is the Guelph limestone, which differs very noticeably in several points from the Niagara lme- stone proper. lt obtains its name from a locality in Canada, where it was first studied and described. It has a maximum thickness in south- ern Ohio of two hundred feet. It differs from the underlying limestone in structure, composition and fossils. It is either massive or very thin- bedded, rarely furnishing a building stone. It is porous to an unusual extent. It is generally very light in color, and is, everywhere in the state, nearly a typical dolomite in composition. It yields lime of great excellence for the mason’s use. It is exceedingly rich in fossils, contain- ing a large number that is thoroughly characteristic. Unlike the previously named divisions of the Niagara, the Guelph limestone is as well developed in northern as in southern Ohio in all respects. Not more than forty feet of it are found in its outcrops there, but the drill has shown several times this amount of Niagara limestone, without giving us, however, the data needed for referring the beds trav- ersed to their proper subdivisions. What facts there are seem to point to the Guelph as the main element in this undefground development of this formation in this portion of the state. The Hillsboro sandstone is the last element in the Niagara group. It is found in but few localities, and its reference to the Niagara series in its entirety is not beyond question. In Highland county it has a thick- GEOLOGICAL SCALE AND STRUCTURE. 13 ness of thirty feet in several sections. It is composed of very pure, even-grained, sharp silicious sand. Other deposits of precisely the same character are found in the two next higher limestones of the scale at several points in the state. One of these deposits is interstratified with the Waterlime in Scioto, Wood and Lucas counties, and others are im- bedded in the Corniferous limestones of central Ohio. ‘The latter have been referred to the Oriskany period, but, strictly speaking, this reter- ence is inadmissible, inasmuch as normal Corniferous limestone with its most characteristic fossils is found below as well as above the sandstone. The subject will be further considered on a succeeding page. The Hillsboro sandstone is sometimes built up above all the beds of the upper Niagara limestone, but again, it is, at times, interstratified with the beds of the Guelph division. In the latter case it is itself fossil. iferous, but when found alone it seems destitute of all traces of life. These sandstones in the limestone formations suggest in their peculiari- ties a common origin. They all contain many unworn and nearly perfect crystals, and sometimes seem to be mainly composed of the same. Their occurrence in outcrops becomes a matter of interest to us, now that we are called to interpret the varied records of deep drillings throughout the state. What would otherwise be altogether anomalous sections may be rendered intelligible by the known presence of such elements in the scale. The Salina Group. This group has appeared in all the recent tabular sections of the rocks of the state, but in the light of facts obtained within the last four years, it can no longer be counted a distinct or recognizable element in the Ohio scale. Newberry gave it the place which it has held in the column, and assigned to it a thickness of forty feet. To it he referred the plaster beds of the Ottawa county peninsula, and certain impure limestones of Put-in-Bay Island. He also recorded the disappearance of what he counted the same stratum a few miles south of the lake shore, in a shaly bed that rests immediately upon the Niagara limestone. The identifications are, however, incompatible. The limestones of Put-in-Bay and the plaster beds of the peninsula do not directly overlie the Niagara limestone as represented, but on the contrary are separated from it by several hundred feet of the brown, even-bedded, sparingly fos- siliferous magnesian limestone that we call the Lower Helderberg lime- stone or the Waterlime. In other words, the plaster beds of Gypsum are buried in the middle, or above the niiddle of this great sheet of limestone, instead of being planted at its base. The reference of this formation to the Salina was rendered probable at the time from the fact that all the gypsiferous formations of New York were then counted of Salina age. It has since been proved, however, that gypsum is also contained in the Waterlime of central New York, and it is in like situations that the Ohio 14 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. quarries are found. There is nothing to excite surprise in these new facts, for both gypsum and salt are the products of geological accidents and can be found in formations of every age, unless it be the oldest. Wherever, by warping of the crust, bodies of seawater have been exposed to evaporation these products are bound to appear. The Salina period is an important one in the New Yerk scale, a thousand feet of deposits being credited to it, and there are probably some deposits in Ohio that are contemporaneous with it in age; but it cannot be the gypsum-bearing beds of Ottawa county that held this place, unless the formation is made to take in at least one half of the entire series that we now call Lower Helderberg or Waterlime. This gypsiferous series proves to be of considerable thickness and to be wide-spread. It is struck in scores of walls that have been recently drilled in northern and central Ohio. In Sandusky, gypsum was found in quite pure and thick beds, through several hundred feet of the strata through which the drill passed, and 1n the deep wells of Cleveland, Wads- worth and Akron both rock salt and gypsum are found in large and economically important deposits. The salt beds of Cleveland are found at a depth of about two thousand feet below the surface of the lake, in the latter named stations at a depth of two thousand six hundred and fifty to two thousand eight hundred feet below the surface. Small deposits of gypsum have also been found in the deep wells of Columbus, Newark and many other towns in this same association. The reference of distinct portions of our geological scale to the Salina period must be discarded {or the present, at least, on the grounds that have now been given. 7. THe LOWER HELDERBERG OR WATERLIME FORMATION. Tle interval that exists between the Niagara and the Devonian limestones is occupied in Ohio by a very important formation. ‘This formation was first separated from the previously undivided mass of the Cliff limestone by Newberry in 1869. He found and identified its fossils and showed by means of them and by the position of the stratum in our series, that the rocks of this interval are the equivalents in part, at least, of the Waterlime of the New York scale. The Waterlime of New York is classed by most geologists with the Lower Helderberg series; but Hall counts it the upper member of the Salina group of that state, a ref- erence that seems likely to be ultimately considered the true and proper one. The name is most unhappily chosen. Strictly applicable to only an insignificant fraction of the beds of this series in New York, we are still obliged to apply the designation Waterlime, with its mislead- ng suggestions to all the deposits of the same age throughout the country. The name is in fact a type, or representative of a class of names that ought never to be introduced into science. GEOLOGICAL SCALE AND STRUCTURE. 15 Though the last to be recognized of. our several limestone forma- tions, the Waterlime occupies a larger area in Ohio than any other, its principal developments being found in the drift covered portions of the northwestern quarter of the state. It has also a much greater thickness than any other limestone of the state, its full measure being at least six hundred feet, or twice the greatest thickness of the Niagara limestone It can be described as, in the main, a strong, compact, magnesian limestone, poor, as a rule, in fossils, and often altogether destitute of them for considerable areas, microscopic forms being excepted. It is, for the most part, drab or brown in color; but occasionally it becomes very light-colored, and again it is found dark blue in color. Throughout much of its extent it is brecciated, the bed seeming to have been broken into sometimes small and sometimes large angular fragments after their hardening, and then to have been recemented without further disturbance. In addition to this, it contains an immense amount of true conglomerate, the pebbles, many of which are bowlders rather than pebbles, being all derived from the rocks of the same generalage, but frequently differing in color from the matrix. A bowlder weighing a ton or more has recently been found in central Okio, which was broken from the conglomerate phase of this formation. The most striking exhibitions of this phase are found in Lucas county. ‘The surface of many successive layers at numer- ous points are covered with suncracks, thus furnishing additional proof of having been formed in shallow water near the edge of the sea. In such localities the beds are usually quite thin and are also impure in composi- tion. In these respects, this phase suggests the conditions of the Onon- daga Salt Group of New York. These features are very characteristic ones. A rude concretionary structure is also quite distinctive of the beds of this age. The Waterlime in Ohio everywhere contains petroleum in small quantity, which is shown by the odor of freshly broken surfaces. No noteworthy accumulations of oil or gas have thus far been found within it. At some points it carries considerable asphalt, distributed through the rocks in shot-like grains, or else in sheets and films. Thin streaks of carbonaceous matter traversing the rock parallel to its bed planes are one of the constant marks of the stratum in Ohio It is generally thin and even in its bedding, but in some localities it contains massive beds. At some points, as at Greenfield, Highland county, it is remarkable for its evenness, and great value is given to the formation on this account, when combined with other qualities already named. It is frequently a pure dolomite in composition and accordingly it yields mag- nesian lime of high quality and is extensively burned in the state, rival- ing in this respect the Guelph beds of the Niagara. In southern Ohio it has a maximam thickness of one hundred feet, and heré it reaches its highest quality in all respects; butin central and northern Ohio it attains the great thickness previously reported. There also, it contains several 16 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. distinct types of limestone rock. A considerable part of it is very tough. strong, dark blue limestone, while other portions are white, porous and soft. This formation has a great extension throughout the peninsula and the islands of northern Michigan. It constitutes the greater mass of the island of Mackinac and is also found carrying beds of gypsum and_ possibly salt in the mainland of St. Ignace and northward. In Macki- nac Island the concretionary, conglomeritic and brecciated phases are very strikingly shown. It no doubt underlies all the lower peninsula. _ The line of junction between the Niagara and Waterlime is some- times obscure and no means are at hand for drawing sharp lines of divi- sion. All that has been thus far said applies mainly to the formation as found in outcrop; but well-reamings brought up from considerable depths at various points in the state render it certain that the principal features now given mark the formation below ground as well as above. There is no reason to doubt that the Waterlime has as wide a distribution in the subterranean geology of Ohio as the formations already described. It is to be found in every part of the state in which it is due. The formation has come into new prominence, through-the revela- tions of the drill, within the last few years. In regard to no other ele- ment of the series have the geologists been so wide of mark as in regard to the Lower Helderberg formation. What belongs to it was taken from it and given to a stratum that has no existence in the state; and it was credited with but one-sixth of its real thickness. Its out- crops ought to have shown that it has a much greater thickness than was assigned to it, since they cover several scores of miles in an east and west line. A large amount of additional investigation is demanded to put it in order, and to secure such a mastery of it as to be able to determine from an inspection of any outcrop what place it holds in the general series, will be a valuable service to the geology of the state. Winchell established, approximately, one horizon in it which promises to be of some service, namely, the horizon of the Tymochtee Slate, a bed of dark blue slaty limestone that is found in outcrop in the valley of Tymochtee Creek near Carey, Wyandot county. It is below the middle of the formation and probably within one hundred to two hundred feet of the Niagara limestone. A few other facts can be added that bear upon the same point. The excessively hard and strong dark blue pure lme- stone of Allen, Hardin and Hancock counties and some adjoining : regions, which often has its surface conspicuously marked with sun- cracks, belongs to the middle portion of the tormation, but probably above, rather than below the middle. The purity of the limestone renders-it easily soluble in atmospheric water, and more than any other lime of the state it gives rise to subter- ranean water courses. The most striking example in this line is to be GEOLOGICAL SCALE AND STRUCTURE. 17 - found in the Castalia Springs of Erie county. The Castalia Springs are, in reality, the point of exit of a large volume of under-ground drainage. For fifty to seventy-five miles to the southward there is an entire absence of surface streams, all the water descending promptly through the joints of the limestone, which is here covered with but a shallow deposit of drift. The Lower Helderberg formation undoubtedly gives rise to the oil rocks of Petrolia, Canada, and of the immediate vicinity. It unquestion- ably, also, contains many of the salt deposits of that portion of the country, which have been in past time referred to the Salina age. A single other element remains to be inserted in the Lower Helder- berg column, the interpolation of which, at this point, may occasion sur- prise to those who are conversant with the older statements in regard to our geological scale. The element to which reference is here made is known as the Sylvania sandstone. A remarkable series of deposits of extremely pure glass sand has long been known in Lucas and Wood counties of northern Ohio and in adjacent territory in the state of Michi- gan. ‘The two best known of the Ohio deposits are those of Sylvania and Monclova, which respectively lie ten miles northwest and west of Toledo. Other similar deposits are known in Wood county. Since the develop- ment of the glass industry in northwestern Ohio, following the discovery of natural gas in that region, these sand deposits have been worked on a very large scale in meeting the demands of this new interest. The sand affords a basis for the manufacture of glass of the highest quality. In the Sylvania quarries the sandstone is found twenty or more feet in thickness, and resting upon beds of normal Waterlime, which is exposed a few rods to the eastwara. The entire series is sharply inclined here, descending in almost a due west direction at the rate of one foot in seven. The rocks overlying the sandstone, as observed in extensive quarries that are open here, are unmistakable Waterlime, or Lower Helderberg, containing all the characteristic marks of the formation, including its chemical com- position, its bedding, its bituminous streaks and its fossils. Further on, the conglomerate phase of the Waterlime, described on the previous page, appears. There is nothing in the whole formation more characteristic than this. At the end of the series, eighty rods to the westward from the sandstone quarry, a few feet of undoubted Corniferous limestone occur, rich in the fossils of the formation and true to its chemical composition. These facts are absolutely decisive as to the age of the sandstone. It lies at least two hundred feet below the Corniferous limestone. The Monclova or Holland sandstone apparently holds a like position in the series to that of the Sylvania sandstone. The Grand Rapids sand- stone of Wood county probably belongs to the same horizon. Again, it is presumably the Sylvania sandstone that was reached in the deep wells of Cleveland and Wadsworth within the last four years, at a depth of over two thousand feet below the surface and under cover of three hun- Zz Ce @. 18 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. dred feet of limestone.. At any rate, a sandstone found at this depth has very much the same character as that from the Sylvania quarries. That there is another sandstone of character similar to that of the Sylvania sand, and which is included in the Corniferous limestone, is beyond question. This formation will be described in the next succeed- ing section. The Sylvania sand can henceforth be counted an Upper Silurian sandstone and a part of the Lower Helderberg series. Whether the sandstone beds of Champaign and Logan counties are all to be referred to one horizon remains to be determined by further study. At present such a reference seems very doubtful. | | 8. THE UPPER HELDERBERG LIMESTONE. All of the limestone of Devonian age of Ohio has been referred by Newberry to the Corniferous limestone, and this term is in general use at the present time. It may be questioned whether it is wise to break in upon this use, but inasmuch as several geologists hold that the Devonian limestone of Ohio covers more than the simple epoch known as the Corniferous in New York, a more comprehensive term, viz., the Upper Helderberg limestone, is on the whole counted decidedly preferable. A two-fold division of this series in Ohio is possible and proper, the divi- sions, being based on both lithology and fossils. The divisions can be known as the Lower and Upper Corniferous, if the old term is still maintained in use; or, on geographical grounds, as the Columbus and Delaware limestones. For the upper division the designation Sandusky limestone might well be used. In central Ohio, at a few points, there is a marked contrast between the lower and the upper beds, the latter being thin and shaly, non-fossiliferous in the main, and interrupted with fre- quent courses of black flint. This phase is seen at the state quarries near Columbus. Generally, however, both divisions are calcareous and fossiliferous, and the differences consist in changes of color and com- position, in the thickness of the several beds and in the distribution, and also in the kinds of fossils present. The maximum thickness of the Upper Helderberg series in Ohio, so far as present records show, is between seventy-five and one hundred feet. Included in the lower beds of the limestone there are at many points, deposits of sharp sand of the same general character as the deposits that have been already described under the names of Hillsboro sandstone and Sylvania sandstone. These beds may be known under the name of the West Jefferson sandstone, one of the localities at which the sand is found being near this village. This Upper Helderberg sand- stone is not Oriskany in age. It has nowhere been found to underlie the Corniferous limestone, but it is always interstratified with the latter, at least where its place in the series can be fully determined. It attains a thickness of but few feet at most, and is nowhere worked for economic uses except upon a very small scale. GEOLOGICAL SCALE AND STRUCTURE. 19 In chemical composition the Corniferous limestone is easily distin- guished from all that underlie it. It is much less magnesian than the other members of the Cliff limestone of Ohio, already described. It is never a true dolomite in composition, as the Waterlime and Niagara limestones almost always are. ‘The carbonate of magnesia ranges in it from two to thirty-five per cent., reaching the latter figure in but few cases. The composition of the typical, heavy-bedded lower Corniferous may be taken as seventy per cent. carbonate of lime and twenty-five per cent. carbonate of magnesia. The higher beds of the Columbus stone, regularly yield ninety-one to ninety-five per cent. of carbonate of lime. The upper division, or the Delaware stone, is much less pure in central Ohio than the lower, a notable percentage of iron and alumina, as well as Silica, generally being contained in it. It is therefore, seldom or never burned into lime. In northern Ohio, on the contrary, it is often found a fairly pure limestone. Both divisions, but particularly the lower one, carry occasional courses of chert, that detract from the value of the beds in which they occur. The chert is found in nodules which are easily detached from the limestone for the most part. In some conditions in which the chert occurs, fossils are found in it in a remarkably good state of preser- vation. The percentage of chert and flint in any section would be con- siderable, and this fact must be borne in mind in the analysis of drillings from wells that penetrate the formation. ‘The beds of the lower division are prevailingly light-colored, ranging from whitish to gray, drab and brown. ‘The upper beds are oftener blue than otherwise. The beds of the lower division are, as arule, much thicker than those of the upper. The lowermost courses are sometimes quite massive. In the state quarries the thickness of these courses is not less than five feet- In the upper division the thickness of the several courses seldom reaches one foot. Throughout the entire formation Devonian fossils abound in great variety and in great numbers of individuals. ‘They are often found in an excellent state of preservation. The oldest vertabrate remains of the Ohio rooks are found in the Corniferous limestone, a fact which gives special jnterest to it. The uppermost beds of the lower or Columbus division is, in many places, a genuine “‘ bone bed”; the teeth and plates and spines of ancient fishes, largely of the nearly extinct family of ganoids, constitut- ing aconsiderable portion of the substance of the rock. Corals of vari- ous types are also especially abundant and interesting in this limestone. In fact, the formation is the most prolific in life of any in the Ohio scale. At a few points in central Ohio, the upper division is found in a shaly state and carrying characteristic fossils of the Marcellus slate. This fact was first noticed in its true significance by Professor Whitfield. 20 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. 9. THE OLENTANGY SHALE. At Prout’s Station, seven miles south of Sandusky, Dr. Newberry found fifteen to twenty feet of a highly fossiliferous blue shale, interven- ing between the Corniferous limestone and the great black shale. The fossils that he found in this exposure are proved to be all of Hamilton age, unmingled with those of the underlying Corniferous limestone ; and he accordingly described this stratum, of which there are several other exposures in the same region, as the only Hamilton formation of the entire scale of the state. It seems probable that this blue shale of northern Ohio is the exten- sion and equivalent of a deposit of shale which Professor N. H. Win- chell found in Delaware county and which he named the Olentangy. This stratum is twenty or thirty feet in thickness, is blue in color, cal- careous in composition, but almost destitute of fossils. Its stratigraph- ical position is exactly that of Newberry’s Hamilton. It is found in comparatively few sections of three or four counties of central Ohio. When the rocks of this part of the series are traversed by the drill of the well-borer, this stratum is likely to be classed with the limestone be- low, rather than with the black shale above, and, as already suggested, the incorporation of this element with the limestone might easily serve to expand the measurement of the latter by a small amount. With this formation the great limestones of Ohio were completed. “While they are built ito the foundations of almost the whole state, they constitute the surface rocks only in its western half. The Upper Silu- rian aud Devonian limestones of our scale which were formerly known collectively as the Cliff limestone, have an aggregate thickness of seven hundred and fifty to eleven hundred and fifty feet where found uncer cover; and though differences exist among them by which it has already been shown they can be divided into four or more main divisions, there is still no reason to believe that any marked change occurred in the char- acter of the seas in which they were formed during the protracted periods of their growth. The life which these seas contained was slowly changing from age to age, so that we can recognize three or more distinet faunas or assemblages of animal life in them. Differences are also indicated in the several strata, as to the depth of the water in which they were formed, and as to the conditions under which the sedimentary matter that enters into them was supplied, but no marked physical break occurs in the long history. No part of the entire series indicates more genial conditions of growth than those that the Devonian limestone, last described, and the latest in order of them all, shows. It is the purest limestone of Ohio. The formation consists almost exclusively of the beautifully preserved fragments of the life of these ancient seas. In particular, the corals and crinoids that make a large element in many of the beds could only have grown in shallow but clear water of tropical warmth. GEOLOGICAL SCALE AND STRUCTURE. 21 The change from the calcareous beds of this age to the next succeed- ing formation is very sharp and well marked, as much so, indeed, as any change in the Ohio scale. 10. THE OHIO SHALE. (Cleveland Shale, Erie Shale, Huron Shale, of Newberry.) A stratum of shales, several hundred feet in thickness, principally black or dark brown in color, containing, especially in its lower portions, a great number of calcareous and ferruginous concretions, many of them large, and all of them remarkably symmetrical, stretches entirely across the state, from the Ohio Valley to the shores of Lake Erie, with an out- crop ranging in breadth between ten and twenty miles. This formation has constituted one of the most conspicuous and well-known features of Ohio geology since this subject first began to be studied. It separates the great limestone series already described, which constitutes the floor of all of western Ohio, from the Berea grit, which is the first persistent sand- stone reached in ascending the geological column of the state, and which, in like manner, may be counted the floor of all of eastern Ohio. By the geologists of the first survey it was designated as the Shale Stratum or the Black Slate. It will be treated in this report under the designation Ohio Shale. Newberry divided it into three divisions, which he named respec- tively the Huron, the Erie and the Cleveland shale. He based the separation of the hitherto undivided mass in part upon the colors of the proposed divisions, the Cleveland and the Huron being counted black shales, and the Erie a greenish-blue shale. The names Huron and Erie were unfortunately chosen, for both are liable to be confounded with cur- rent names of other geological formations. The name Huron was adopted from Alexander Winchell, but a very different range was assigned to it from that which its author originally claimed. Winchell’s ‘ Huron group” extends, in his own words, from the top of the Devonian lime- stones, “to the conglomerate above the grit stones of Huron county.” It is thus seen to include Newberry’s Huron, Erie, Cleveland and Bed- ford shales, together with the Berea grit and Cuyahoga shale. It would have served the interests of geological classification much better to have replaced the term altogether than to have thus restricted it to a small fraction of what it was originally made to cover. The name is also likely to be confounded with the Hurontan slates, an older and well established division of the Canadian system of rocks. The Erie shale, in like manner, is sure to be confounded with the Erie clay of the Canada Survey, a name given to an important line of deposits of the Glacial period. Both the shale and the clay have their typical exposures in the same localities and their outcrops are not dissimilar in appearance. It is not, therefore, surprising that the names should be confused in popular use. 22 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. But aside from these grounds of objection to the particular names employed, the classification referred to is itself inconsistent with our present knowledge of the shale formations. We have records by the score of wells drilled through the shale at many points in northern Ohio during the last few years, and we have also the results of continued study of the formation in its outcrops. The facts gathered from both these lines of investigation, not only fail to confirm the three-fold division above announced, but they demonstrate the impossibility of applying to the shale formation any system of classification based upon the color of the shales; and as for the fossils, they are so sparingly distributed that they cannot well be used to mark horizons in the formation, aside from the few that will be mentioned Jater. 10a. The Lower Beds—Huron Shale. The Huron shale was defined by Newberry as a homogeneous mass of black, bituminous shale, two hundred to three hundred and fifty feet in thickness, directly overlying the limestone series already described. The objection to this definition is that there is no such mass of shale in Ohio ‘The formation on which the main statements pertaining to the Huron rests, and which furnishes nearly all the examples instanced, is the shale stratum of central and southern Ohio, but this is not merely the bottom portion of the shale series of northern Ohio. It comprises all of the elements of the northern section. In other words, the so-called Huron shale of central Ohio is the full equivalent of the Cleveland, Erie, Huron shale of northern Ohio. It is not a homogeneous mass of black shale, as it has been commonly counted, but beds of blue or greenish-blue shale are frequently interstratified with the prevailing black beds, especially in the middle portion of the series. The top and bottom of the column are generally black shale, and the same thing is true in north- ern Ohio. These facts show the grounds on which the classification now referred to is based, but the objection to it is that no line of division can be drawn between the Huron and Erie, or the Erie and Cleveland shales. The records of many drilled wells in northern Ohio show that alternations of black and blue shale occur not once only, but scores of times, in the formation. 10c. The Upper Beds— Cleveland Shale. The Cleveland shale has a somewhat better chance for survival as a distinct division than the Erie or Huron. ‘The upper boundary of it is tolerably distinct, inasmuch as a belt of black shale generally underlies by fifty to one hundred feet the Berea grit, which is by far the best land- mark in this part of the scale, the interval being occupied by the Bedford shale, itself a well characterized formation. In some sections, however, there is no black shale at the point where the Cleveland shale belongs, GEOLOGICAL SCALE AND STRUCTURE. 23 and in all sections the lower boundary of the formation is likely to be uncertain, unless the bottom of the first bed of black shale found below the Berea grit is in every case taken for the bottom of the Cleveland division. If this is done, the Cleveland shale will be found to stand for very unequal periods of geological time, as the uppermost black bed has a considerable range in thickness. It often falls to thirty feet and some- times extends to two hundred feet. It is probably the larger half of the great black shale of southern Ohio. It is this element that proves most persistent in the southerly extension of the black shale. The shale that covers the Lower Silurian limestone in central Kentucky is the upper or Cleveland division, as its most characteristic fossils, presently to be named, prove. The mineral basis of all these shales, whether black, brown, blue or red, is essentially one and the same thing, viz., afine-grained clay derived from the waste of lands. As supplied to the sea basin, it was originally blue or gray, but a small percentage of peroxide of iron goes a great way in coloring such deposits red; and in like manner, organic matter in comparatively small amount gives them a dark or black color. .The organic matter that colors these shales was probably derived in large part, as Newberry has suggested, from the products of growth and decay of sea-weeds, by which these seas were covered like the Sargasso seas of our own day. These organic matters seem to have accumulated along the shores and in shallow water in ‘greater quantity than in the deeper seas. Hence, it the section of these Gene deposits is taken near the old shore-lines, or where shallow water occurred, a larger proportion is black than if the more central areas are examined. The only land of Ohio at this time was to be found in and along the Cincinnati axis, a low fold that had en- tered the state from the southward at the close of Lower Silurian time, and that had been slowly extending itself northwards through the suc- | ceeding ages. Southwestern Ohio was already above water, a low island ~~ in the ancient gulf. But the shales on their western outcrop, where they ~ are largely black, are exactly equivalent in age to the alternating and ~ much thicker beds of black and blue shale, the latter being in large “” excess, that were forming at this time in the central part of the basin, S viz., in eastern Ohio. ‘The color of the shales is, from this point of view, an accident, and cannot be safely used as a ground of division. The entire shale formation that we are considering seems to have been laid down |* without physical break or interruption. It must have required an im- mensely long period for its accumulation, This is shown not only by the . «\ ee fineness and uniformity of the materials which compose it, and which Awe could not have been rapidly supplied, and by the great thickness of the formation in eastern Ohio, but also by the geological equivalent of the shale in the general column of the country, which furnish even more con- vineing proof as to its long-continued growth. The Ohio shale, as 24 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. Newberry first proved, is certainly the equivalent in the general scale of the Genessee slate, the Portage group and the Chemung group, the last named being itself a formation of great thickness and extent in New York and Pennsylvania. In other words, the shales of our column fill the entire interval between the Hamilton proper and the Catskill group, and in the judgment of some geologists a wider interval even than that named above. As Newberry was the first to show, the oil sands of Pennsylvania are banks of pebble rock that are buri d in the eastward extension of the Ohio shale, but which make no sign within our own limits. But while definite boundaries for the division proposed can not be laid down or applied within the shale formation, the facts that the top and bottom of the column, on their western out-crops, are prevailingly black, and that the middle of the series is oftener interrupted with light colored beds, are important ones in the history of the formation and deserve to be held in mind. From what has been already stated, it is seen that the com- position and thickness of the shale series depend upon where it is meas- ured, whether on the border of the formation or in the interior of the old sea-basin in which it was formed. On the western border of the shales in southern Ohio, in Highland county, for example, the interval between the Upper Silurian limestone, on which the shales here rest by overlap, and the Berea grit, is three hundred feet. In Ross county the same iuterval is nearly four hundred feet. From both of the measurements fifty feet must be deducted for the thickness of the Bedford shale, in order to give the real thickness of the series now under consideration. In the sections named the shales are mainly black, although blue beds are still recogiza- ble in the series. Passing northwards to Crawford county, the series is found about four hundred and fifty feet thick. In Lorain county, at Elyria, itis about nine hundred and fifty feet, and at Cleveland, about one thou- sand three hundred feet thick: while in Tuscarawas county, at Canal Do- ver, the drill descended through one thousand eight hundred and sixty feet. of alternating beds of blue and black shale without reaching the bottom of the series, and in the Ohio Valley, at Wellsville, through two thousand six hundred feet of shales, without reaching bottom.’ In the last two sec- tions the blue shales decidedly preponderate, though the separate black beds can be counted by the score. The shales are for the most part poor in fossils, except in those of mi- croscopic size. Banks representing a score or more of feet in vertical column often fail to reward a careful search with a single specimen of ver- tebrate, molluscan or articulate life, and so far as the unaided eye is con- cerned, they are almost equally barren of vegetable remains. Occasion- ally, however, fossiliferous bands are found, the contents of which serve to determine the geological age and equivalence of the portion of the series in which they occur. GEOLOGICAL SCALE AND STRUCTURE. 25 A calcareous band near the bottom of the series at Bainbridge, Ross county, has yielded a few Hamilton fossils. A band of similiar character near Defiance, and in the same part of the column, yields a few forms in abundance, but not in a very good state of preservation. Newberry re- ports from northern Ohio a number of forms that are counted character istic of the Portage group of New York. The great black shale of the mountains of Virginia, which has gen- erally been recognized as of Hamilton age, is the equivalent of the for- mation which we are now describing, and carries some of the same fossils that are alluded to in the preceding paragraph. The Erie shale of Newberry, embracing the central and most of the upper portion of the shale column, has yielded a somewhat larger list of fossils at a few points in northern Ohio, from which the age of the beds is shown to be Chemung, a determination of great importance in Ohio geol-' ogy. In higher beds of the same blue shale there are found at a few points forms that are referred to as the Sub-carboniferous. Counting this the boundary line between the Devonian and Sub-carboniferous, Newberry took what he deemed the first identifiable horizon above as the base of the last named division, and accordingly drew the line at the base of the so- called Cleveland shale. This boundary is not a definite one, as subsequent investigations have shown, but the top of the upper black or Cleveland shale would answer fairly well for this purpose. It is the first stratigraphi- cal mark that has any claims to persistency above the beds that hold the fossils already named. ‘The fossils of the black shale proper offer no serious difficulty in the way of extending Devonian time to the upper limit of the stratum, and this boundary is consequently assumed as the only one that can be made practically serviceable. The Cleveland shale, limiting the term to the highest bed of black shale in the series, and which is about fifty feet thick at various points near Cleveland, contains a few fossils, most of which are quite small, but the most striking and remarkable fossils at once of the shale formation and of the entire scale of Ohio, remain to be named. ‘They are the great fishes which have been described under several genera and species, by Newberry and later by Claypole. Some of them belong to the basal beds of the black shale, and others, including the largest, are found near the summit. The first of the series were found at the centers of the great concretions that have been already named as characteristic of the forma- tion. The latterare also found in the uppermost beds of the formation in central and southern Ohio, and also in Kentucky, proving the age of the latter to be the same as that of the upper beds of northern Ohio. Brief mention must be made of the vegetable fossils of the shales. Fossil wood, derived from trees allied to the pine, is quite common in the lower beds (Huron). The wood is often silicified and the original struc- ture is in such cases admirably preserved. This wood is sometimes found, like the fish remains already noted, at the hearts of the concretions, but 26 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. occasionally large sized blocks are found free in the shale. On account of its enduring nature it is often found in those beds of glacial drift that were derived largely from the destruction of the shales. Strap-shaped leaves are occasionally found upon the surfaces of the shale layers. Sometimes they form thin layers of bright coal which de- ceive the ignorant. Fossil rushes, of the genus Calamites, are also occa- sionally met with. But the forms already named are of small account, so far as quantity is concerned, when compared with certain microscopic fossils that are, with little doubt, of vegetable origin, and which are accumulated in large amount throughout the black beds of the entire shale formation, compos- ing, sometimes a notable percentage of the substance of the rock, and ap- parently giving origin, to an important extent, to the bituminous charac- ter of the beds. The leading forms of these microscopic fossils are translucent, resin- ous discs, ranging in long diameter from one-thirtieth to one-two-hun- dredth of an inch. Several varieties have already been noted, depending upon the size, particular shape and surface markings of these bodies. They were first discovered by Mr. B. W. Thomas, an expert micro- scopist, in the water supply of Chicago, which is derived from Lake Michigan, and Mr. Thomas afterwards learned that they were washed by the water from the bowlder clays that compose the banks and bottom of the lake. He found the discs present in fragments of black shale, and also free in the clay which was derived from the comminution of the shale. They were afterwards re-discovered in the black shale of Kettle Point- Lake Huron, by Sir William Dawson, who published a description of the form here found under the name Sforangites Huronensis. Sir William counted them at this time the spore-cases of some lycopodiaceous tree. The facts pertaining to them have of late been more widely published and the attention of geologists in various parts of the world has been called to these and similar forms, and thus there is promise of a speedy enlargement of our knowledge in regard to them. Sir William Dawson now considers the common forms to be the spore-cases of rhizocarps allied to Salvinia of the present day. This identification would refer these bodies to floating vegetation on the surface of the seas in which the shales were formed and is thus directly in line with the sagacious interpretation of Newberry, who many years ago attributed the origin of these black shales to a Sargasso sea. 11, THE WAVERLY GROUP. "(he important mass of sediments of Sub-carboniferous age, which is known in Ohio and in some adjoining states as the Waverly group, comes next in the column, The name Waverly was given to these strata by the geologists of the fiirst survey, from the fact that at Waverly, in the Scioto Valley, excellent sandstone quarries were opened in them, the products of GEOLOGICAL SCALE AND STRUCTURE. 27 which were quite widely distributed throughout central and southern Ohio, as far back as fifty years ago. Associated with the sandstone at this locality, and everywhere throughout the district, were several other strata that were always counted as members of the group by the geolo- gists who gave the name. In fact, the boundaries were made definite and were easily applied. The Waverly group extended, by its definition and by unbroken usage in our early geology, from the top of the great black shale to the Coal Measure conglomerate. ‘This latter element was, in a part of the field, confused with the Waverly conglomerate, afterwards recognized and defined by Andrews, until a recent date, it is true, but the intent of the geologists is apparent, and many of their sections were com- plete and accurate. If the term Waverly is to be retained in our classifi- cation, and it bids fair to be, every interest would be served by recogniz- ing and retaining the original boundaries. The departure from them that has been proposed has led already to more or less confusion. ‘To make the Cleveland shale the base of the Waverly is, as has been already shown, to turn the entire shale stratum into a no-man’s land. Aside from a few sections in northern Ohio, where an arbitrary limit was fixed for this upper division, there is no place in the state where a line can be drawn with any approach to a certainty between Cleveland and Erie, or between Erie and Huron. The plan was proposed before the true equivalence of the northern and southern ends of the column had been established. If the fact that the Cleveland shale of northern Ohio forms the top of the great shale of central and southern Ohio had been known, it is doubtful whether any proposal would have been made to break into this undivided and indivisible series, which had been held to underlie the Waverly group, ever since the name was first applied. lla. The Bedford Shale. At Waverly and in its vicinity, numerous sections are afforded reaching from the black shale to the Waverly sandstone courses. ‘This interval ranges from fifty to ninety feet in thickness, and its boundaries are generally clear and distinct. It is occupied with shales, light blue or gray for the most part, but sometimes reddened in the lower portion with peroxide of iron. The latter phase is seen in the excellent section found at Piketon. These shales are thin-bedded, occasionally inter- rupted with fine-grained sandstone courses, and sometimes carrying un- gainly masses of the same material, nodular or rudely concretionary in shape. The beds are almost entirely destitute of fossils, aside from the burrows of sea-worms, which are found on the surfaces of most of the layers, often preserved with great sharpness of outline. At a few points, however, fossiliferous bands, containing a considerable number of species, are found. These have recently been pointed out by Prof. C. L. Her- rick, and an account of some of these fossils will be found in his con- 28 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. tribution to the present report. All the layers, and especially the upper ones, are generally ripple-marked. In many instances, every sheet, for many successive feet, is marked with the most symmetrical sculpturings of this sort. This stratum, thus definitely characterized and bounded, received the name of the Waverly shale in the reports of the second Geological Survey for southern Ohio, but in northern Ohio, it was named by New- berry the Bedford shale, the equivalence of the strata not being at that time recognized. ‘The latter name deserves to be universally accepted, being applied to a perfectly distinct and homogeneous formation. The ‘stratum has precisely the same boundaries in northern that it has in southern Ohio, viz. the top of the great black shale and the Berea grit, and, in the main, precisely the same characteristics throughout its whole extent. ‘The description of the stratum at Waverly applies to it at every other point, except that in northern Ohio at a few localities, and espe- cially about Cleveland, there are fifteen to twenty feet of valuable stone included in it. ‘This stone is even-bedded, very strong and durable and it supplies a large quantity of flaggings, caps and sills of the best grade. It is known as the East Cleveland, Euclid and Independence blue stone. In northern Ohio more of the Bedford formation is red colored than in southern, and here it is the top of the formation, rather than the bottom that is thus marked. In the lower beds of the Bedford shale, fossils are, in northern Ohio, at a few points, abundant. They are of pronounced Sub-carboniferous character according to Newberry’s determinations, but Professor Herrick inclines to place them somewhat lower in the scale. None of these fossils have been reported south of the lake shore, but the stratigraphical relations of the shale are so clear and its lithological char- acteristics so persistent and pronounced, that there is not a stratum in our geological column that can be followed across the state in more easily demonstrated identity than this. 116. Zhe Berea Grit. We have reached in our review the Berea grit, the second element of the Waverly series, and not only the most important member of the series, but by far the most important single stratum in the entire geolog- ical column of Ohio. Its economic value above ground is great, but it is greater below. In its outcrops it is a source of the finest building stone and the best grindstone grit of the country, and when it dips be- neath the surface it becomes the repository of invaluable supplies of petroleum, gas and salt-water. Its persistence as a stratum is phenome- nal. Seldom reaching a thickness of fifty feet, its proved area in Ohio above ground and below, is scarcely less than 15,000 square miles, and beyond the boundaries of Ohio it appears to extend with continuity and strength unbroken into at least four other adjacent states. In the GEOLOGICAL SCALE AND STRUCTURE. 29 opinion of Prof. I. C. White, the Berea grit becomes the famous Murrys- ville gas sand and also the Gantz oil sand of Washington county, Penn- sylvania, but other of the geologists of the state and particularly J. F. Carll, deny such equivalence. As a guide to the interpretation of our series, and especially as a guide to our subterranean geology, it is invaluable. The stratum was named by Newberry from the village of Berea, Cuyahoga county, where the largest and most important quarries of the formation are located. The name is the most appropriate that could have been selected for this stratum, and inasmuch as it has priority in all fields, it ought to be made to supersede all other names, in adjoining states as well as in Ohio. From what has been already stated, it will be seen that the Berea grit and the Waverly quarry-stone of southern Ohio are one and the same sheet of sandstone. The identity was missed for a long while in the study of our geology and a wrong order of arrangement found temporary acceptance. The resulting dislocation of our Sub-carboniferous series brought into all our work upon it an element of confusion that is scarcely yet eliminated. The Berea grit, as seen in outcrop, is a sandstone of medium grain im northern Ohio and of fine grain from the center of the state southwards. In northern Ohio it contains one pebbly horizon over a considerable area, but the seam is thin and the pebbles are small. ‘The stratum is sometimes false-bedded and on the other hand, it is sometimes remark- ably even in its bedding-planes. Its main beds or sheets have a maxi- mum thickness of ten feet, but this is an unusual measure and is seldom reached. The formation ranges in thickness from five to one hundred and seventy feet. Occasionally, but very rarely, it fails altogether from the sections in which it is due. Like the Bedford shale below it, it stands for an old shore line, many of its surfaces being ripple-marked and worm burrows abounding in its substance. it is poor in fossils, but not entirely destitute of them. Fish remains are the most conspicuous, but by far the rarest of the forms it contains. Plant impressions are also unusual through most of the for- mation, but in northern Ohio there is a certain part of the stratum in which they are quite abundant. They sometimes accumulate in quantity. enough to be known as coal blossoms, the carbonaceous streaks that sep- arate the sandstone beds varying in thickness from a line to a_ half inch. These carbonaceous streaks are a source of weakness, as a rule, to the stone. Throughout the great quarry district the material of which the stratum is composed is sand as clean as can be found on any sea-beach today. As the stratum is followed into central and especially into southern Ohio it grows more impure as its sand grows finer in grain, a small percentage of clay being held in it at most points. 3U GEOLOGY OF OHIO. Under cover it retains the same characteristics in composition that it possesses above ground, ranging from fine to middling grain, and very seldom showing pebbles. It has been proved by many hundred borings in southeastern Ohio during the last few years, and its composition at great depths is almost as well known as in its outcrops. lic—The Berea Shale—Waverly Black Shale of Andrews. A bed of dark, often black shale, fifteen to fifty feet in thickness makes the constant and immediate cover of the Berea grit throughout its entire extent in Ohio. ‘The shale is highly fossiliferous. The bottom layer, which is especially rich in fossils, is very hard and stubborn, being composed of sand bound together with pyrites ; consequently this bed when struck in the drilling of wells, is often referred to the sand- stone below, rather than to the shale above, but its fossils and its bitum- inous character favor the reference here given, inasmuch as it marks no new conditions in the history of these beds. The stratum was first described by Andrews under the name of the Waverly black shale, the typical outcrop being found at Rockport on the Ohio River, but about the same time Meek, who was studying the fossils of the formation in northern Ohio, introduced the designation Berea shale. The latter name is clearly preferable and ought to obtain currency. In southern and central Ohio, and indeed in almost all of its out- crops, the boundaries of the Berea shale are sharp and perfectly distinct. The Berea grit is its base, and the blue beds of the Cuyahoga shale over- lie it. In Cuyahoga county, however, and eastward, the upper limit can- not always be fixed with precision, neither the dark color nor the fossils of the shale disappearing abruptly, but both gradually diminishing. There are, however twenty to forty feet that always deserve to be counted here. When struck by the drill under cover, the formation uniformly yields a line of facts similar to that already reported. Of the records of the many hundred wells that have been carried down to and below this horizon in southern Ohio and in adjacent territory, during the last few years, there has nota single one been found that has failed to give a place to this little band of black shale. Its services in setting in order our Sub-carboniferous geology have been simply invaluable. It is apparently wanting at a few pointsin northern and central Ohio. At least some of the drillers who have sunk deep wells here declare that they have found no trace of this stratum. The Berea shale contains a larger percentage of bituminous matter than the Ohio shale, the amount sometimes reaching twenty-four per cent. It isa source of petroleum ona small scale, as is shown by the fact that in southern Ohio an important ledge of sandstone that belongs just above it is often saturated with mineral tar derived from this source. GEOLOGICAL SCALE AND STRUCTURE. 31 Ud. The Cuyahoga Shale It is impossible to retain for this great division of the Waverly the limits assigned to it by Newberry when he gave it its name. He made it fill the entire interval between the Berea grit and the Coal Measure conglomerate, and according to present knowledge, at least three distinct elements are to be found in every full and normal section of this interval. One of them, viz., the Berea shale, has been cut off from the foot of the column. Another, and a much more conspicuous division, has been taken off of the top of the column, viz.,the Logan group. But there still remain one hundred and fifty to four hundred feet of a perfectly distinct, homo- geneous and most persistent formation that deserves a name as much as the Berea grit itself, or any other stratum in the Ohio scale, and for which no more suitable name could be found than that which it already bears, viz., the Cuyahoga shale. It consists of light-colored, argillaceous shales, which are often re- placed with single courses of fine-grained sandstone, blue in color, and in southern Ohio weathering to a brownish-yellow, As a constant charac- teristic there are found through the shales nodules of impure iron ore, generally flat in form, concretionary in origin, and often having white cal- careous centers. By good rights the shale should suffer one more reduction at its lower extremity. Everywhere through the state there is found, directly above the Berea shale, or at a short remove from it, a number of courses of fine- grained stone. These courses are sometimes separated from each other by beds of shale, or they may be compacted into a single stratum. ‘The individual courses also vary greatly in thickness and in color and general characters. Throughout southern Ohio, and particularly in Ross, Pike - and Scioto counties, the stratum yields freestone. It is best known from its outcrops on the Ohio River at Buena Vista, where it has long been very extensively worked for Cincinnati and other river markets. The Buena Vista stone, at its best, is one of the finest building stones of the country. The same horizon yields excellent stone near Portsmouth, Lucasville and Waverly. At the latter point it is known as the Waverly brown stone. Northward, through the state, stone of more or less value is found in the bottom courses of the Cuyahoga, but in Trumbull county, near War- ren, the horizon acquires extreme importance as the source of the finest natural flagging that is to be found in our markets. It would have been well if the thirty or forty feet containing these courses had been cut off from the Cuyahoga shale, in which case the divi- sion thus formed would have been well named the Buena Vista stone; but inasmuch as the series does not absolutely require the change, it is left unmodified. The Sharpsville sandstone of White (Second Penna. Survey, Q. 4) belongs to this horizon and is the proper equivalent of the Buena Vista stone. 32 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. There are a few sections in which the Cuyahoga shale is more largely replaced by these freestone layers than in the general account above given. In the cuts of the Marietta and Cincinnati Railroad, east from Chillicothe, the freestone appears to constitute a notable proportion, per- haps fifteen or twenty per cent. of the whole material. There are other points at which the stone has no value. Under cover the Cuyahoga shale retains with great distinctness and persistency the same characteristics that are foundinits outcrops. From the deep drillings of eastern Ohio, wherever its horizon has been reached, there are uniformly reported three hundred or four hundred feet of white shales with occasional sandstone layers through which the drill descends rapidly andeasily. The Buena Vista courses are also frequently reported directly above or at least near to the Berea shale. The fossils with which the Cuyahoga shale has b en credited have been largely derived from the division next to be described, while this was counted a part of the shale. As here limited, it is, for the most part, poor in fossils. The surface of many of its beds are marked with the impres- sions of the cock-tail fucoid, and in its upper portions occasional courses are found in which the animal fossils of this age are abundant and well preserved, The most characteristic and interesting fossils of the Cuya- hoga shale, proper, are preserved in concretions, as has recently been shown by Professor Herrick. lle. The Logan Group. The divisions of the Waverly series in northern Ohio as laid down by Newberry, happened to be made at a _ point where the section is abnormal and incomplete. By atrophy or by overlap, the upper member of the series is wanting in the Cuyahoga Valley, or is at least very inadequately represented there. The missing member is, in volume, second only to the Cuyahoga siale, among the divisions of the Waverly. It is much richer in the fossils of the Sub- carboniferous than any of the other members. In composition it is varied and striking, one of its elements being a massive conglomerate, or series of conglomerates, not less than two hundred feet in its largest sections, which extends in unbroken outcrop through at least a half dozen counties of Ohio. No good reason can be found for dividing the Waverly series at all, if a member like this is to be left without a name, or is to be merged with an unlike and incongruous division from which it is as sharply differ- entiated as any one stratum ot Ohio is from any other. A typical or representative section of this group is scarcely possible, but the most characteristic and persistent part of the series is one of the conglomerates that occurs near the bottom. At all events, coarse rock, if not always technically conglomeritic, is generally found here. Pebbles do not in all cases make a conspicuous part of the rock when it takes a conglomeritic phase. The most characteristic feature of the pebbles in GEOLOGICAL SCALE AND STRUCTURE. 33 large bodies of the rock is their small and uniform size. The larger pebbles are generally flat. There is, however, a good deal of variation in all these respects. Much of the conglomerate is fairly even in its bedding and otherwise adapted to quarry purposes. Theformation yields in central and southern Ohio quite a large amount of valuable building and bridge stone. The conglomerate is peculiar in this respect, viz., that it is fossilifer- ous, containing both animal and vegetable fossils. The usual Sub-car- boniferous types of both divisions are found init. It is interrupted by layers of fine or medium-grained sandstone and sometimes by shale deposits. In central Ohio, there are two fairly persistent beds of con- glomerate, as recently shown by Herrick, that can be used in stratigraphi- cal determinations. In a succeeding chapter of this report the divisions that are recognized by the author last named and that are based upon both lithological and paleontological characteristics will be found suc- cinctlyand clearly described. The work of Professor Herrick in this field makes a valuable contribution to our Ohio geology. The prevailing colors of the coarse sandstone of the Logan group are yellow, red and brown. Some of it is beautifully varigated. Its best developments are in Hocking, Fairfield, Ross, Vinton, Licking, Knox and Wayne counties, which constitute the northwestern arc of the sea-boundary of Ohio in Sub-carboniferous time. South of Ross county it loses most of its pebbles, and south of the Ohio it becomes the Knob- stone formation of Kentucky. It is also the Knobstone formation of Indiana, at least in part. In northeastern Ohio the Logan group is also destitute of fossils, and perhaps the conglomerate element proper does not appear here at all. White gives a generalized section of the rocks of Erie and Crawford counties of Pennsylvania, in Report Q 4, page 66, of the Second Pennsylvania Survey. He shows the presence of six sandstones in the scale, and three of these are common to the Ohio scale as well. ‘The Shenango sandstone of his column is without doubt the representative of our Logan sandstone and Waverly conglomerate. His Sharpsville sandstone is our Buena Vista stone, and his Corry sandstone appears to be none other than the Berea grit. The sandstones of the Pennsylvania column that underlie the Berea grit do not appear as such in the Ohio scale, as has been already shown. By the same token, White’s Orange- ville shale is an equivalent of our Berea shale, his Meadville shales are our Cuyahoga shale in part, and his Shenango shales are a part of our Logan series. Interstratified with the conglomerate courses in southern Ohio, are two or more fairly persistent layers of impure limestone. No fossils have been found in them. Similar layers occur in the Logan series of northeastern Ohio, except that in this case the limestones are fossilifer- 3 Guo: 34 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. ous. They are the upper and lower Meadville limestones of White, and can be followed into Ohio from Crawford county, Pennsylvania, where they were first described. | The Logan sandstone that succeeds the Waverly conglomerate in the full section is an uncertain and inconstant element, for the reason that it plays fast and loose with the stratum last described. Much could be said in favor of counting it the upper portion of the conglomerate. In typical exposures it is a fawn-colored, fine-grained, even-beded sand- stone. In this phase of the formation the most favorable conditions for the marine life of the period seem to have been attained, the sandstone being prolific in fossils. ‘The characters above given are quite widely held . throughout the state. The Logan sandstone is often found directly underlying the lowest coal seam. The Olive shales of Read are probably the exact equivalent of the Logan sandstone in age. They seem to take its place in the central counties in part. Overlying the coarse rock in Knox and Coshocton counties, Read reports more than three hundred feet of sparingly fos- siliferous shales, to which he gives the name here used. Diverse as these elements are, they are blended and interlocked in the Logan group, leaving it in stratigraphy and fossils a well-defined and easily followed series throughout all parts of the territory in which it is due, except in possibly a small area in northern Ohio, as already noted, and even here, there is no difficulty in recognizing the presence of this series. ‘The several elements are, however, of smaller volume here than elsewhere. Under cover, throughout southeastern Ohio, the series is in the highest degree persistent and regular, much more uniform, indeed, than in itsoutcrops. It consists of two hundred feet or more of prevailingly coarse rock, almost everwhere pebbly in spots, but interrupted with sheets of shale, yellowish and reddish colors being the characteristic ones. It has considerable interest in connection with gas, oil and salt water in Ohio, being the reservoir of the brines of the Hocking and Muskingum valleys, and furnishing in the latter large supplies of gas in the early days of salt manufacture in this state. It is also the “‘ Big Indian” sandstone of the oil well drillers of western Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Southeastern Ohio. The Sub-carboniferous series of Ohio has now, with the exception of a single element next to be named, been passed in review. It is seen to be a very sharply characterized series, a most persistent sandstone, though not a thick one, lying near its base, bedded in shale and covered also by shale, the lower shale being often red in color and the roof shale being always black, and another sandstone or conglomerate stratum, two hun- dred feet or more in thickness, forming the upper member of the series; these two persistent sandstone formations being separated from each other by three hundred or more feet of light-colored, soft, argillaceous shales. No conditions could be more favorable for tracing such a group GEOLOGICAL SCALE AND STRUCTURE’ 34 under ground than the conditions here found, and consequently the records of deep drillings in southern Ohio become almost as clear and legible as if the rocks through which the drill has passed lay exposed to the light of day. The real, though not the formal separation of this group from the underlying shale is due to the late Professor E. B. Andrews, and consti- tutes one of his most important contributions to our knowledge of Ohio geology. He was the first to show that the great conglomerate of Hock- ing, Fairfield and Licking counties is Sub-carboniferous in age, and he further called attention to a highly fossiliferous, fine-grained sandstone overlying the conglomerate, to which he gave the name of Logan sand- stone, from its occurrence at Logan, Hocking county. Up to this time » this conglomerate had been universally counted as the Coal Measure con- glomerate. Read made know the existence of a heavy body of shale, which he called Olive shales, overlying the conglomerate and replacing the Logan sandstone in Knox, Holmes and Richland counties. As both conglomerate and sandstone have their typical outcrops at Logan, no better name can be found for the formation, which must include conglomerate, sandstone and shale, than that here adopted, viz., the Logan group. The maximum thickness of the Logan group is not less than four hundred feet. Its average thickness is perhaps two hundred feet. It has received less study than the rest of the series, and it is only within the last three years that divisions have been recognized in it by means of which a measure of order can be given to its principal outcrops. 12. THE SUB-CARBONIFEROUS LIMESTONE. This element is of comparatively small account as far as its surface outcrops are concerned, in Ohio, but it gathers strength to the southeast- ward, and is shown in several well records of the Ohio Valley, in the eastern part of the state, as a stratum fifty or more feet in thickness. It was recognized as a member of our geological column by the geologists of the first survey, but Professor Andrews was the first to assign to it its proper place, and to show its true equivalence. He designated it the Maxville limestone, from a locality in southwestern Perry county, where it is well exposed in beds that aggregate fifteen or twenty feet in thick- ness. Still heavier deposits of it are found in the valley of Jonathan’s Creek, in Muskingum county, near Newtonville. Professor Andrews collected at these points the fossils by which its age was determined to be that of the Chester limestone of the Missouri and Illinois sections. In its best development, the limestone is a fairly pure, fine-grained, sparingly fossiliferous rock. It breaks with a conchoidal fracture. In fineness and homogenity of grain it approaches lithographic stone and has been tested practically, in a small way, forthis use. It is seldom even or regular in its bedding. It is light drab or brown in color, and often is a beautiful building stone, though somewhat costly to work. 36 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. The fire-clay found associated with it at several points in southern Ohio is one of the most valuable deposits of this sort in our entire scale- The outcrops of the limestone occur in Scioto, Jackson, Hocking, Perry and Muskingum counties. It is reported in some of the well records of Steubenville, Brilliant, Macksburg, Clarington and at several other points in eastern Ohio. ‘There remains to be briefly described the great Carboniferous system of Ohio. An extended and more careful review of its composition will be given in succeeding chapters of the present volume, and it will be enough, at this point, to set in order its more striking features. ‘There is a question as to the divisibility of the lower portion of the series. The Pennsylvania geologists describe as the conglomerate series a number of strata, including several beds of coal, limestone and iron ore, that have - been counted members of the true Coal Measures in most of the volumes of our Ohio geology. ‘The grounds for such division are, with- out doubt, much more imperative when the formations are studied in Pennsylvania and the Virginias. So far as the Ohio series is concerned, it is not probable that any division would have been called for on this ground, but, for the sake of the general order, the classification recog- nized in Pennsylvania and to the southward will be adopted here. 13. THE CONGLOMERATE GROUP. This group consists of three great sandstones, between which and in which are distributed two thin but persistent limestones and four coal seams, several of them of considerable value. ‘The order is shown in the table below. A fifth coal seam is occasionally found. { HOMEWOOD SANDSTONE. (Tionesta Coal). Ore. Upper Mercer Group. | Limestone Coal, No. 3 a. Newberry. 7Ore: Conglomerate group. Lower Mercer Group. , Limestone. ( Coal, No. 3, Newberry. MASSILLON SANDSTONE, UPPER. (Quakertown Coal). Coal No. 2, Newberry. MASSILLON SANDSTONE, LOWER. Sharon Coal—Coal No. 1, Newberry. SHARON CONGLOMERATE. oe This group has an average thickness of two hundred and fifty feet, though the range of the formation is considerable. 14. THe LowER CoAL MEASURES. ‘This division includes the most important section of the Coal Measures, so far as Ohio is concerned. In it are found six seams of coal, four horizons of limestone, two of which are marine in origin, and several valuable iron ores and fire-clays. A detailed account of the composition of this important division will be GEOLOGICAL SCALE AND STRUCTURE. 37 found in the succeeding chapter, and the reader is, therefore, refered to it for details as to the structure of the group. Its thickness can be counted about two hundred and fifty feet. 15. THe LOwER BARREN MEASURES. For the sane reasons that have been given under the preceding head, no detail will here be entered into as to the composition of this formation, further than to say that it comprises from three hundred to five hundred feet of strata which have been of little economic interest. Though included in the Coal Measures they are well described by the title which they bear, the Barren Coal Measures, the coal seams that are included in them being thin and wanting in persistency. 16. THe Upper Coat MEASURES. This division is also to be treated in a succeeding chapter. Its thick- ness may be taken as two hundred and fifty to three hundred feet, but its upper boundary is lacking in definiteness. 17. THE UrerER BARREN MEASURES. The upper Barren Measures compleie the geological column of Ohio so far as its bedded rocks are concerned. In other words, the latest formed rocks of our scale are included in this division. ‘They are to be looked for in the southeastern portion of the state. Belmont and Monroe counties contain the most of these exposures. While they are included in the Coal Measures by the name above assigned to them, a question has been raised by some geologists as to whether they should not be referred to the succeeding age, viz., the Permian. The argument for this is based upon the character of the fossil plants that they contain. The formation is but poorly shown in Ohio, and no ground appears upon which an easily recognized classification could be established. 18. THe Gracia Drirt, Over the various bedded rocks of at least two-thirds of Ohio are spread in varying thickness the deposits of the Drift. The boundary which marks the farthest advance of the Drift formation, enters Ohio in Columbiana county, passes eastward through Stark into Wayne county, where it bends sharply to the southward, following in that direction as far as Holmes county. From this point its general direction is south- westerly. It leaves the state in Brown county, crossing the Ohio River into Kentucky, a small part of which is included in the Drift formation. A number of prominent points can be noted by which the boundary can 38 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. be well designated. Newark, Lancaster and Chillicothe, for example, are situated almost exactly upon the Glacial boundary. The Drift deposits are separated by a vast period of time from the bedded rocks of the geological scale of the state. Many millions of years would undoubtedly be needed to fill the interval between the latest formation of the state, viz., the Upper Barren Coal Measures, which mark the period when rock- making in Ohio was brought to an end, and the deposits of the Glacial Drift. These deposits consist of beds of sand, gravel and clay, variously intermingled and distributed. Bowlders or large blocks ot rock, make a conspicuous contribution to the drift deposits. The clay, by reason of the distribution of these bowlders through it in large amount, is named the Bowlder clay. Another designation of it is Till, by which name a deposit of similar age and origin is recognized in Great Britain. Although the most recent of our geological formations, and separated from the present but by a few thousands, or tens of thousands of years, the questions as to its origin are still anomalous and perplexing to a remarkable degree. We can give a much better account of the formations of Paleozoic time than we can of this series that almost merges into the present. Suffice it to say that all geologists now believe that the Drift series is the product of two great lines of events which have worked separately in part, and in part have worked in combination. The Bowlder clay, which is the most characteristic of the Drift de- posits, is now known to have been formed under land ice. It can only be explained by the passage over the regions in which it is found of a sheet of land ice, advancing slowly from the northward. The beds of gravel and sand, on the other hand, which| make the latest formation of the drift, are the results of a re-arrangement of the materials of the Bowlder clay in shallow basins of water. The bowlders which constitute so marked a feature of the Bowlder clay can be, in multitudes of instances, traced directly to the ledges of rock from which they were derived. Many of them must have been transported from the Canadian highlands, a journey of not less than five hundred miles. Upon the University farm, within the limits of the city of Columbus, representa- tives of various formations of Canada and northern Michigan have been found, as, for example, portions of the conglomerate which has its out- crops at the Bruce mines along the north shore of the River St. Mary’s, in Canada. Fragments of the Marquette iron ores and of Keewenaw Copper are also found there; bowlders of the Pictured Rocks, or Pots- dam sandstone of the south shore of Lake Superior also occur. All of the material of the Drift is derived from regions to the northward. A large portion of that which covers Ohio, at least in the central portion of the state, is derived faom the formations that come to the surface in the northern parts of the state. The limestone and the shale of these regions has made very extensive contributions to these beds. The black shale, especially, proved an easily wasted formation, as the ice sheet GEOLOGICAL SCALE AND STRUCTURE. 39 attacked it, and it gave way to such an extent that it disappeared entirely from large areas which it must have formerly covered. ‘This is attested by the vast amount of shale which can be recognized in the Bowlder clay. As the ice advanced, it exerted great disturbing force upon what was then the surface of the state. A sheet weighing scores of tons to the square foot and moving forward with irresistible force, holding in its foot fragments of the hardest rocks of the continent, cou!d not fail to leave the traces of its advance by smoothed and striated rocks, which occur everywhere along its path. There is a question among geologists as to whether the Glacial deposit can be best explained by a single ice period, or by recurrent ice periods. The question is still under discussion, but the weight of opinion on the part of those best qualified to judge seems to be in favor of the latter theory at the present time. But all of the questions per- taining to the origin and history of this formation must be counted far from being definitely settled. The average thickness of the drift deposits cannot be given without providing at least for very wide departures from any general figure. The greatest thickness yet observed in the state is five hundred and thirty, feet, which was reached in a boring that was begun near St. Paris, Champaign county, several years ago. The five hundred and thirty feet of Drift there found, did not exhaust the Drift deposits, but the driller was obliged to abandon the work before he had reached bedded rock. The estimates of average thickness that are occas- ionally made are entitled to but small consideration. The valleys of the old surface of the state are packed full to a depth of several hundred feet, while the original up-lands that bound the valleys may be covered by but a few feet or by a few scores of feet. Itis sufficient to say that the amount of material thus brought down and distributed over the state is vast in amount and that its deposit has added immensely to the value and resources of the state. The soils of three quarters of Ohio are derived from the Drift and are consequently much more varied in composition and, at the same time, of more uniform excellence, than they could have been if derived solely from the underlying bedded rocks. The water supply of the same portion of the state is almost wholly dependent up- on the Drift formation. ‘There are entire counties in which the bedded rocks do not once come to the surface, and in which they have, conse- quently, no effect upon the character of the surface. GEOLOGICAL STRUCTURE. The chief formations of the state have now been passed in brief review. As to the geological structure of Ohio, or the mode of arrange- ment of these several formations, as far as their departures from the posi- tion in which they were formed is concerned, a few general statements must suffice. 40 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. The annals of the geological structure of Ohio are comparatively short and simple. All the movements that have affected its strata have been of the continental type, z. e., slow and gentle and unaccompanied by fractures, displacements, or the formation of well-marked arches and troughs. ‘The dominant forces in all movements which we can trace have been two-fold; first, that growth of the continental nucleus to the southward which began in the earliest era and which was maintained throughout paleozoic time, and, secondly, the system of northeast and southwest foldings of the eastern border of the continent, which culmin- ated in the formation of the great Appalachian mountain system. ‘The latter division of these forces is the more conspicuous. It was displayed in the first emergence of the rocks of the state above the surface of the sea. The approximate date of this emergence is the close of Lower Silurian time. THE CINCINNATI AXIS. Under the above designation, the most important fact in the early history of the geological structure of the state is known. The best ac count that has been given of it is that of Newberry which is found in Geology of Ohio, Volume I, page 90. This account needs to be sup- plemented by the facts given in Volume II, page 411, and in Volume VI, page 46. About the close of Lower Silurian time a broad and very flat arch made its appearance in Ohio at its southwestern corner. This arch had already traversed Tennessee and Kentucky in a northeasterly direction, and upon the geology of these states it exerted a profound influence. Newberry counts this elevation due to the same cause by which the great mountain arches of the Atlantic border were long afterwards formed, namely, the crumpling of the crust, due to its contraction by cooling, the force acting at right angles to the Atlantic coast line. The direction of the Cincinnati axis is approximately the same as that of the later axes of elevation, namely, north of east and south of west. In Ohio and Indiana, this important feature proves to be much less simple than was formerly supposed. This has been shown in Geology of Ohio, Volume VI, page 41. The main axis is there proved to have, in western Ohio and in Indiana, a northwesterly instead of a northeasterly trend; but a subor- dinate elevation branches from it on the western border of Ohio in Mer- cer county and traverses northern Ohio to the shore of Lake Erie. Possibly it crosses the lake basin into Canada. There are probably other lines of slight elevation in southern Ohio that go back for their origin to an early date. The few facts that we have, bearing on the structure of the Lancaster gas field, for instance, seem to point to such a date of the uplift upon which its gas production depends. But such conclusions can be derived only from the results of the drilling GHOLOGICAL SCALE AND STRUCTURE. 4] of deep wells, and consequently the facts will be scanty and cannot be worked out minutely, or with absolute certainty. The movements to which the Cincinnati axis is due, were in reality profound and long continued, and their influence on the geology of this portion of the Mississippi, were far-reaching. All the dips of the strata in the southwestern quarter of the state stand in close connection with the formation and growth of the Cincinnati axis. These dips are mainly southeasterly in direction and are satisfactorily accounted for by the uniform growth of the Cincinnati axis while the strata were in progressof formation. So far as known the Cincinnati anticline is nowhere, in southern Ohio or in the states of Kentucky and Tennessee, distinctly associated with the ac- cumulation of petroleum ; but in central and northern Ohio and also in Indiana, its influence in this connection has lately been found to be im- portant and of vast economic interest. A slight modification may be re- quired as to the date of the origin of this great feature in the latter areas. ‘The Indiana gas field, which is probably the largest continuous gas field thus far discovered in the world, is wholly conditioned by and dependent on the broad up-lift which is the immediate and direct extension of the Cincinnati axis. It is certain, however, that the movements of the strata in the territory last named, by which petroliferous accumulation was pro- vided for, occurred at a much later date than that assigned for the original emergence of the Cincinnati axis at the southward. Upper Silurian and Devonian strata are distinctly involved in the low arch in which the gas and oil are gathered. The same thing is true of the broken structure on which the oil productlon of Hancock and Wood counties in northern Ohio, depends. This district can be referred to the Cincinnati arch only by a very liberal interpretation of this great structural feature of the state. The details of this structure are traced out at some length in Geology of Ohio, Volume VI, chapter ITI. Tur APPALACHIAN FOLDS OF EASTERN OHIO. The rock flexures of eastern Ohio are invested with much more general interest than the facts pertaining to the far more ancient and ob- scure Cincinnati uplift. The cause of this greater interest is found in the economic importance of the former in connection with oil and gas. The anticlines of eastern Ohio are unmistakably part and parcel of the great series to which the Allegheny mountains of Pennsylvania and Vir- ginia belong. These folds are exceedingly well developed in central Pennsylvania. The whole system of Paleozoic rocks is there bent into enormous arches in which two or three miles of length are compressed into a single mile. Nowhere in the world is there any more striking and beautiful exposure of rock arches than here. The number of distinct folds is considerable; but as the series is followed to the westward the 42 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. flexures become less crowded and less pronounced, until in western Penn- sylvania they no longer constitute the dominant features of the country. They are flattened and reduced until the pitch of the strata falls as low as one or two degrees, and the beds now traverse the summits of the arches with- out any fracture whatever. It has been found by the experience of the last twenty-five years that these unbroken arches are the main repositories of the oil and gas that have acquired such extraordinary value within this period, especially in Pennsylvania. The further westward the arches are followed, the feebler they are found to be; consequently, only the lowest of the Pennsylvania series pass into Ohio. But the same law holds be- yond state boundaries, and the folds which are due to the same general cause, that originate and run their entire course in Ohio, are even lower and weaker than the lowest of Pennsylvania. ‘They no longer take an important part in the topography of the regions which they traverse, and they can be detected only by close and continuous series of measurments. Sometimes they are represented only by a suspension of the usual dip, the beds taking a terrace-like arrangement for a smallspace. ‘They are, however, still found, to some extent, effective in the separation of the contents of the porous rocks of the series involved. Consequently, the driller for oil and gas makes constant inquiry as to the location of the axes or anticlines of eastern Ohio. It is not pleasant to be obliged to an- swer that these important structural lines have not been as yet laid down upon our maps, but this is the fact in regard to-them. As already im- plied, the feebler the axes, the greater must be the difficulty in tracing and locating them. Labor enough has been spent on this line of ques- tions to have accurately located all of our anticlines, if they could have been followed with the same ease and certainty with which the arches of western Pennsylvania are traced. But aneroid measurements are not suf- ficient, as a rule, for this sort of work in Ohio. Nothing less than pro- files run by the engineer’s level affords a sure basis for the determination of our feeble folds. But the running of such lines across a rough country is expensive and, furthermore, can be done only under careful geological guidance, for the reason that the determination of the strata on which the whole work turns, involves an accurate knowledge of the entire geological section that is concerned. The scale on which it has been possible to carry on field work in Ohio for the last few years has been so very small that it has been out of the question to attempt the determination of many lines by the methods here noted. A careful examination was made by the Survey of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad from Newark east to Bel- laire, to catch, if possible, the arches that cross this road. A like exami- nation was made of the southern poition of the Cleveland, Lorain and Wheeling railway and a less careful examination of the Cleveland and Pittsburg railroad on Yellow Creek. Private surveys have also covered considerable territory in Muskingum, Morgan, Guernsey and Harrison counties, the results of which have been, in part, available to the Survey. GEOLOGICAL SCALE AND STRUCTURE. 43 | The results of all the observations made to date can be summarized in few words. THE FREDERICKTOWN ARTICLINE. The first axis known to enter the state from Pennsylvania north of the Ohio river, is avery feeble fold, named by Prof. I. C. White, in the Geological Reports of Pennsylvania, the Fredericktown axis, the name be- ing taken from the small village on the Little Beaver, in the southwest corner of Pennsylvania. ‘The axis gives rise to the Smith’s Ferry oil field and probably also to the weak gas prcduction of East Liverpool. But it is not known that any value is attached to it northward. It apparently crosses the Ohio Valley near East Liverpool and traverses the Pan Handle of West Virginia for a few miles ; probably it recrosses the river near T’o- ronto. Its feebleness is shown by the fact that, though crossing the river twice, it has not had the slightest apparent effect on the course of the stream. THE WELLSBURG ANTICLINE. Another weak line of elevation comes into Ohio from West Virginia, a few miles below Steubenville. It may be called the, Wellsburg anti- cline, a gas field of considerable promise having been found ten years ago near the West Virginia village of this name. ‘The gas of Brilliant, on the Ohio side of the river, must apparently be referred to the same elevation. If this axis is assumed to run parallel with the line already indicated as the Fredericktown axis, it will be found to cross Captina Creek near the Captina coal mines where, as is well known, a distinct uplift is seen. If extended still further to the southward, this line would cross Monroe county a few miles east of Woodsfield. THE SALISBURY ANTICLINE. The next fold to be indicated lies six to eight miles northwest of the Fredericktown axis. It may be called the Salisbury anticline, from the fact that it was first located near the station of this name on the Cleve- land Pittsburg railroad, in the Yellow Creek Valley. The extension of this axis, if it crosses the state line into Pennsylvania, has not been noted. As seen in tracing the well known coal seams of the Yellow Creek Val- ley, the fold is very slight, but is still an arch and may reasonably enough be expected to show some economic interest in portions of its extent. THE Capiz ANTICLINE. This fold is probably entirely confined to the territory of Ohio. Itis somewhat more distinct and of greater force than any of those already named. Its best marked development thus far is to be found in the cen- 44 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. ter of Harrison county. The summit of its low arch lies one to two miles due east of the court house in Cadiz. The general fact of an uplift at this point was noted as far back as 1874 by Prof. J. J. Stevenson, who refers to it in his report upon the geology of Harrison county, Volume III, page 201. It has been traced through two townships to the northward of Cadiz; its extension southward is probably indicated either by the Barnesville gas field, which lies about two miles northwest of the village, or by the low arch that was found by the work of the Survey in the sec- tion already named along the line of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad, a mile east of the railway station at Quaker City. If the latter identification is true, it would be to this arch that the short lived gas production of the last named town is due. ‘The former reference seems, however, the more probable. A slight change in the direction of either this line of elevation, or the one last named, viz., the Salisbury axis, would reach and explain the well known oil field of Macksburg. Though at no time a great oil field, Macksburg has been of considerable economic importance at times dur- ing its development, while in scientific interest, it is not inferior to any oil field of the country. It was here that the “terrace structure” as con- nected with oil accumulation was worked out by F. W. Minshall, Esq., and the verification of his discovery by the detailed work of the Ohio Geolog- ical Survey, makes a contribution of great significance and value to the geology of petroleum. If still continued southward, this line would cross the Muskingum Valley near Lowell. THE CAMBRIDGE ANTICLINE. The next arch or fold to be noted, is like the one last named, though feeble, still distinctly traceable. It was first recognized by Prof. J. j. Stevenson in his report on the geology of Guernsey county, Geology of Ohio, Volume III, page 220. As determined by the instrumental work of the Survey, the summit of the Cambridge arch, lies very near the western boundary of the corporation limits; but the developments of the drill seem to place the axis a mile or so further eastward. As to its extension, the uncertainty already confessed in regard to the axes previously named exists. From the occurence of gas and oil near McConnelsville, a slight relief in the rock formatlons must occur at that point. If Cambridge and McConnelsville are joined by a straight line, this line would be in fair ac- cord with the facts previously indicated in this section. The recent oil production of Corning, in the southeastern corner of Perry county, must be explained by some low fold of the strata in this territory, and this fold may be designated as the Corning axis, but there are not facts enough at hand to determine its exact location or its exten- sion. CHAP’TER It. THE CLAYS OF OHIO, THEIR ORIGIN, COMPOSITION AND VARIETIES. By PrRoF. EDWARD ORTON. In Volume V, Geology of Ohio, published in 1884, a chapter prepared by Edward Orton, Jr. was devoted to the clays and the industries established on them in the state. The chapter contained an excellent review of the various substances which the com- prehensive title above given includes. In its first section was discussed the question as to the origin and composition of clays. In the second section the several divisions of the clays of Ohio were pointed out, so far as their places in the geological scale are concerned, and in the third section a careful review was made of all the leading lines of manu- facture in which the clays of the state at that time were being employed. In the several years that have passed since the publication of Volume V there has been a great expansion of clay working industries in Ohio and in the country at large. One of the most important of these indus- tries in the state at the present time has been introduced within this period and other older lines of manufactures have been greatly increased and strengthened during the same interval. Districts from which the coals have been mainly taken are the prin- cipal theaters of this development; and it is now evident that the clays which have hitherto been entirely neglected, after the coals ceased to be mined in the large way, will prove far greater sources of wealth to such districts than the coal itself ever proved to be. Higher grades of labor and more stable industries are built on the clays than the coals could be made to support. The remnants of coal in such places are generally ample to supply cheap fuel for the manufacture of the clay, for a few years, at least. The new and general interest with which the subject of clay is now invested demands more than a simple supplement to the chapter con- tainedin Volume Y. ‘There is need of the same elementary and extended statements that this chapter presented and since it cannot be presumed that the volume in question is accessible to the great majority of persons who are now disposed to study the subject for the first time, it has been 46 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. deemed best to furnish to all such readers as intelligible an account as possible of the origin and classification of clays and shales, as well as a description of the uses to which they are being applied in the state at the present time. This, however, will involve a repetition of the statements and discussions of the former chapter on the subject; and inasmuch as the mere change of form in the statements for the sake of change can be of no value, the materials of the previous chapter will be used in the pres- ent teport with all freedom. ‘The divisions of the chapter of Volume V will be for like reasons employed in the present report, with but slight . modifications. The present chapter will be devoted to the origin, com- position and varieties of clay. SECTION a: THE ORIGIN AND COMPOSITION AND THE VARIETIES OF CLAYS. ORIGIN OF CLAY.—What is clay? No substance entering into the composition of the earth is more commonly met or more familiarly known. All persons of ordinary intelligence have a more or less definite idea as to what is meant by the word. As ordinarily used, clay denotes any earthy substance which can be worked up with water into a plastic mass and then retain the shape into which it has been formed, when dried. Clay and sand are two of the most common products of the decomposi- tion of the older rocks that constitute what is familiarly known as the crust of the earth. They enter into almost all soils and generally their aggregates make nine-tenths of these soils. Desert plains and barren mountain sides as well are largely covered with clay or sand. And the same is true to a great extent of the floor of the sea, especially that por- tion of it that constitutes the margins of the continents. So wide a range of distribution naturally suggests great variety of composition in the substances that are called clay and the most casual examination confirms this expectation. Varying and ever-changing pro- portions of sand, iron oxide, lime and organic matter and fragments of many kinds of rocks are found associated in masses to which we are obliged to give the name of clay. Strictly speaking, however, the term applies to asingle mineral, viz., silicate of alumina or kaolinite. This mineral in a pure state is of comparatively rare occurrence, and large and accessible accumulations of it become of great economic value in many parts of the world. Butit is this mineral that makes the basis of all clays. ‘The percentages of it vary indefinitely in their composition and, as already stated, other substances in considerable variety are united with it under a common designation. The larger the percentage of kaolinite, the more characteristic is the clay containing it. Kaolinite is not an original product of the earth’s crust. It is always the result of the decomposition of other and more complex min- eral aggregates. The one great source of it is felspar in one or the other” of its leading divisions. The most abundant mineral in the crust of the CLAYS, THEIR ORIGIN, COMPOSITION AND VARIETIES. 47 globe is quartz or crystallized silica. Quartz, including the silica derived from it, forms one quarter of the portion of the earth which we know as its crust. Next to quartz in abundance is felspar, or rather the group of felspathic minerals. There are three or more well-marked divisions of the felspar family, viz., orthoclase or potash felspar, albite or soda felspar, and anorthite or lime felspar. All of these are complex minerals. Orthoclase may be taken as the type of the group. Its composition is thus expressed in chemical terms, K,,0, Al,O; 6 SiO, In other words it is a double silicate of potash and alumina. It appears that in nature, when the opportunity for original composition among the elements was offered, their natural affinities were never satisfied with the formation of the simple compounds of silica and alumina, or silica and potash, but these substances were obliged to enter into double combination. As above described, the case is really much more complex than has been here represented. Silicates of both potash and soda and also of lime and magnesia are all found in the same mineral aggregation, which must be designated by one or the other of the general terms used in the classification of the felspars. But one of the substances named above is quite likely to be in the ascendant and gives character to the compound. But if the silicate of alumina is to be sought for in a com- plex mineral, how does it attain the separate existence in which it becomes so serviceable to us? In other words, how does clay originate from felspar? Clay is a product of the decomposition of felspar through the agency of the atmosphere. Though seeming so bland and harmless, the atmos- phere is charged with agencies that will dissolve the firmest rocks of the earth’s crust. The oxygen, which is one of its main constituents, the carbonic acid and the water that are always present in it, though the latter . occur in small and in varying proportions, constitute, when taken together, an almost universal solvent. Soil waters also, containing the acid products of vegetable decomposition, become a powerful agent of rock disintegration and decay. Under the combined agencies above noted granite rocks, and particularly those containing potash fel- spar, pass through a rapid process of decomposition. At least one phase of the process is the decomposition of the silicate of potash of the com- pound mineral, through the agency of the carbonic acid of the air. The carbonate of potash thus formed is soluble and is removed as fast as set free in drainage or in surface waters, while the silicate of alumina remains behind as clay. The granite rocks of which the felspar was a leading component contain also quartz and mica and various other min- erals, some of them in relatively large amounts. ‘These accessory min- erals become blended with the silicate of alumina in the process of decomposition; and it is the product of this result that we call: clay. The silicate of alumina is its base and its characteristic element, but dis- seniinated in the mass are grains of quartz, flakes of mica and indefinite 48 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. proportions of lime, iron and other ¢lements, together with fragments of various minerals and rocks in all stages of disintegration and decomposi- tion. Clay, therefore, is not silicate of alumina pure and simple. For this compound we have the specific name already given, viz., kaolin. This word comes to us in a somewhat modified form from the Chinese language. It is said to be derived from two words (Kau-ling), meaning ‘high ridge,” reference being made to some locality from which large deposits were derived. Physical Properties of Kaolin. Kaolin is adefinitely constituted min- eral and can therefore be represented by a chemical formula, which is as follows: Al, O;, 2Si0*, 3 H? O. The proportions of the different elements are shown herewith, viz: ANI TTL ANE ron uaeee levee meen Gh on car eneet wesc or OG LOO. Sah Cae ere ira er See Re Se ee AD ec 46.30 + Geikie’s Text Book, p. 81. Waterss erosion acti saeccumecsmaneeeatactntionion 13.90 or, discarding fractions, we have, Alumina, 39, Silica, 47, Water, 14. The color of the mineral is white. Its specific gravity ranges from 1.5 to 2.2. Its hardness varies between 1 and 2. It is soft and meagre to the touch when dry, and plastic when wet. It takes, also a definite crystal- line form, that of thin plates. This, however, it very infrequently assumes. Derived, as it is in most instances, from the decompesition of felspathic rocks and chiefly from the decomposition of granite and gneiss, kaolin is very seldom found pure in nature. In other words, the usual product of such decomposition is clay and not kaolin. But the name of the mineral is commonly applied to masses of high-grade clays, from which the finest work can be manufactured. The deposits are generally found bordering masses of easily decomposed felspathic rocks. The particles of kaolin are exceedingly fine and hence are easily held in suspension in water and can be transported for long distances; but part of them, carried by water to lower levels, accumulate there in such settling basins as are naturally furnished. With the clay, fine particles of sand and rock are also transported which are subsequently removed from the so-called kaolin deposits by repeated washings. Most of the kaolin used in the arts has been subjected to this last mode of treatment. A new method has recently been invented in which separation of the clay is effected by regulated air blasts. In the decay of felspar, it happens that many of the grains of the undecomposed mineral are set free along with the products of chemical change. A fine mechanical division of the mineral is also accomplished by ordinary abrading agencies, as those of streams and waves. ‘The fel- spar particles constitute almost as fine-grained a mass as the kaolin itself, and they are often mistaken for clay, but they do not become plastic in water, and by this means can be distinguished from clays proper. It is thus seen that finely divided felspar, known as felspathic mud, must be dis- CLAYS, THEIR ORIGIN, COMPOSITION AND VARIETIES. 49 tinguished from decomposed felspar, though a superficial examination would easily confound the two products. As a necessary result of the mode of origin already described, more or less of this felspathic mud is ordinarily associated with deposits of clay. Chemical Properties of Kaolin—The physical properties of kaolin have been described in the preceding paragraph. It remains to describe with equal brevity the chemical behavior of the mineral. Its most marked chemical characteristics are its insolubility and its infusibility. Kaolin is not affected by any of the ordinary chemical agents, nor by the high tem- peratures that we are able to produce. Out ot the latter fact grows one of its most important uses, viz: the supply of refractory materials for the various needs of metallurgy and other lines of manufactures. Kaolin shares this character off infusibility to some extent with one or two other substances, as, for example, with quartz, which is pure silica, and also with talc, which is silicate of magnesia. But it easily stands at the head of the list of refractory substances and is indispensable in many of the arts of practical life. But while kaolin, taken by itself, is infusible even when exposed to the highest temperatures, in the presence of compounds of lime, mag- nesia, iron, potash, soda and certain other elements, it readily combines with these substances and forms double silicates, similar to those which constitute the felspars of the granite rocks, the history of which we have already briefly followed. ‘The substances last named are accordingly called, in these relations, fluxes. Named in the order of their effective- ness in this work, the principal fluxes are potash, soda, iron, lime and magnesia. Even small percentages of one or more of these substances in admixture with the clay will destroy the value of the latter as a refractory substance. So, also, with the felspathic mud, already described. Con- taining, as it does, the potash, soda and lime of the original minerals, it is ready to take part in the mischievous reactions which render the clay fusible. On the other hand, the finely divided silica of the original min- eral, which is sure to be left in greater or less amount from the decom. posed granite in intimate admixture with the kaolin particles, detracts nothing from the latter in its heat-resisting properties. In almost all high-grade clays a notable percentage of free silica is found. ‘This is the only impurity that can be allowed in clay without detracting from its value as a refractory body. For many uses the silicious clays are not inferior to the purest kaolin. The fluxing elements already named, and particularly potash, lime and iron, are so widely distributed in nature, and especially in the older felspathic rocks, that it cannot be expected that they would be wholly wanting in the products of decay of the latter. Only in the rarest instances, as already stated, in another connection, will the kaolin parti- eles be found without admixture. Whenever they occur, the deposit, if easily accessible, acquires considerable commercial value. The great 4. G.©; 50 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. mass of clays consist of these more or less impure products that have been already described. No chemical formula can be given that will include them, but they vary from one another indefinitely and endlessly. The only thing essential to their retaining the name of clay is that a con- siderable percentage of the kaolin base, namely hydrated silicate of alumina, must enter into all, giving them the quality of plasticity when wet, which is the commonly accepted characteristic of this group of sub- stances. The name of clay is, probably, sometimes applied to compounds’ containing as small an amount of the hydrated silicate as ten per cent. _ From the statements already made it will be seen that the clays of high grade are likely to be found near the rocks from the decomposition of which they are derived. ‘They have been transported but short dis- tances from the places where they were disengaged. In point of fact they are often found intermingled with undecomposed rock in the very ledges which gave rise to them. ‘The well-known Cornish rock of southwestern England, widely used in porcelain manufacture, is an example of this mode of occurrences. Clays of this character, however, constitute an extremely small per- centage of the immense group of argillaceous deposits. The great majority of them have been transported by the ordinary agencies of rivers and seas far from their original sources and have been variously blended with other products in the course of their removal. Entering into stratified rocks of various grades and names, these clay deposits pass through an unending cycle of change. Formed from the waste of the dry land in one geological period, they may themselves become the dry land of a succeeding period, to be again removed and built into new rock formations; and to each stage the proportions and associations of the clay may be different from any that have preceded it. Much of the clay that takes part in the formation of the present surface was originally dis- charged from the felspathic rock to which it is to be traced in the earliest ° stages of the earth’s history. The felspathic decomposition accomplished in our own period is a relatively insignificant source of the clays that are available to us for any of the uses to which we apply them. ‘The soft beds from which we make our building and our paving brick to-day, if we could follow them through all their history, might lead us back at least in part to the original granitic crust that constituted the first dry land of the globe. Certainly a considerable part of the clay that we are at present using in Ohio is taken from beds of Paleozoic age. CLASSIFICATION OF CLAYS. There is no scientific, or, in other words, there is no exact classifica- tion of the clay deposits of the earth’s surface possible at the present time; but for the sake of convenience, we divide them roughly into a few general divisions. One of the commonest of these popular divisions is CLAYS, THEIR ORIGIN, COMPOSITION AND VARIETIES. 51 that which classifies argillaceous material into two groups, namely, clays and shales. Clays and Shales—This distinction is recognized in geology also. It does not necessarily mark any difference in quality or in chemical compo- sition, though many of the leaner varieties of clay will be found under the head of shale; but it is based upon the presence of a thinly stratified or fissile structure in the latter which is wanting in clays proper. ‘This structure is called lamination. It is quite possible for materials of ident- ically the same chemical composition to be found in both divisions. The clays proper lack this fissile texture, but between well-marked types of the two extremes every gradation can be recognized. The line separat- ing such a series into clays and shales will be an altogether arbitrary one. The clays may contain such large amounts of one or another of the impurities already mentioned as of common occurrence in these deposits that they can be named from these impurities. Thus we find calcareous clays, silicious clays, ferruginous clays, carbonaceous clays. Similar divisions of shales are recognized, but in addition to those already named as calcareous, silicious, carbonaceous, or bituminous and the like, we sometimes speak of argillaceous shales implying a decided pre- ponderance of the. last named element. We also recognize alum shales, pyritiferous shales and various others. Shales differ among themselves very much as to hardness and other physical properties. Some of them break up easily into clays, under the action of water, while others can with difficulty be made to show the plasticity which is the first test of all true maltered argillaceous deposits. Shales must be carefully distinguished. - from slates, with which they often agree closely in appearance and in general composition. Slates are shales or other argillaceous deposits that have been hardened and otherwise metamorphosed by heat combined with high pressure. Slates are among the most durable rocks, while almost all shales are perishable upon exposure. As a tule, shales originate in deeper water than clays. ‘The lamina- tion which is characteristic of them may take its rise either from inter- mittent deposit of the materials composing them, or from the effect of the pressure of the overlying beds, or from both these factors combined. Several varieties of shale have been found to be better adapted to important lines of clay manufacture than even the higher grades of clay, and a great enhancement of value is in progress in respect to such deposits. VARIETIES OF CLAY. Bearing still in mind that the divisions of argillaceous deposits which we find it convenient to recognize are for the most part popular and not scientific, and furthermore that the exact boundaries of these divisions cannot be laid down, we can separate, for our present purpose, all of them into two main groups, viz., high grade clays and low grade clays. 52 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. Uses. 1. Kaolin. Manufacture of fine ware. 2. China clay. is Seg A i 3. Porcelain clay. ms Br iate ses aig gtd EDGE CHRD CUA: 4, Fire clay (hard). Refractory materials. 5. Fire clay (plastic). s f 6. Potters’ clay. Earthenware, etc. § Uses. 1. Argillaceous shale. Paving block, ete. 2. Ferruginous shale. Pressed brick, etc. 3. Silicious clays. Paving block, sewer pipe, ete. Ibioye Emel Sore CEE A eile clays. Roofing tile, draining tile. 5. Brick clays. ences brick, o:namental brick, 6. Caleareous shale. Common brick, ete. The first division comprises ail clays and shales that contain in con- junction with not less than fifty per cent. of kaolin base little else but finely divided silica. The amounts of the fluxing elements are in all cases. small, rarely aggregating as much as five per cent. and generally falling below three per cent. Oxide of iron constitutes much the largest single element of these fluxes. In almost every case the potash is low. Such a division as is suggested here wou’d leave out some highly refractory clays, it is true, but the good properties of such noua! seem to result principally from the silica they contain. The second division includes all ordinary clays and shales. ‘They may range in kaolin base from ten to seventy per cent., but they always carry a notable percentage of the fluxing elements. The alkalies gen- erally make two to five per cent., while lime, magnesia and iron add two Or three times as much more. Coarse sand and rock fragments often make a conspicuous part also. These low qualities of the clay more frequently result from a surplus of fluxing element than from a deficiency in kaolin base. In the present discussion of these several varieties of deposits, special consideration will be given to those that are found represented in the geological scale of Ohio. Kaolin, china clay, porcelain clay and pipe clay, as they are ordinarily designated and distinguished, do not occur within its boundaries, but all the other divisions named above are found in great abundance and in great variety. Brief descriptions of these several divisions as they occur in Ohio will be given at this point. 1. Fire Clay—Between kaolin proper and the purest fire clay of the state no true line of division can be drawn. In chemical composition | they are identical, as seen 1n the following analysis: ae 1. Mineral Point clay. (Worley) Silica. 49.20 | 43.78 2. Sciotoville clay. (Lord.) Alumina. 37.80 | 46.82 Combined water.} 11.70 | 13.77 CLAYS, THEIR ORIGIN, COMPOSITION AND VARIETIES. 538 but in popular language they are separated into distinct groups. ‘The name “kaolin” has generally been given to deposits derived directly from the decomposition of felspar, though it is not strictly confined to such products. But the term “‘fire clay” is restricted to clay deposits of more or less purity that are found in our'several series of stratified rocks and notably in the underclays or slates of coal seams. Coal Measures are universally Clay Measures as well. It must be distinctly borne in mind, however, that the designation as commonly used in the state at the present time is no guarantee of the quality of the deposit to which it is given. The name is applied indis- criminately to all underciays of coal seams without any reference whatever to their grades or composition. Hard clays that come fully up to the kaolin standard are grouped promiscuously with soft or plastic deposits that may be very low in the kaolin base and very high in all the elements that impair the quality. The truth is, the word has lost its proper restric- tion of meaning, and unless its appropriate limits are restored it would be better if it could be dropped altogether. A fire clay, properly speaking, is what its name indicates, a refractory clay, and therefore a clay of high grade. It becomes white by calcination. ‘The term becomes positively misleading when applied to fusible clays that will melt into slag at moderate temperatures. But by far the largest use of it in the state at the present time is in application to this last named ciass of clays. In this report the designation will be limited as strictly as possible to refrac- tory clays. Fire clays are divided into two well-marked and contrasted groups, viz., non-plastic and plastic clays, ‘The former constitute our chief supply in Ohio. Non-plastic fire clays are sometimes known as rock clays and also as flint clays. They exhibit when broken a smooth conchoidal frac- ture. On exposure to the weather they crumble into small but angular grains, beyond which the disintegration does not advance perceptibly. Their particles, even when finely ground, do not show the ordinary plas- ticity of clay. In this respect, one of the most important and character- istic of all the clays departs notably from the definition of the very class to which it belongs, but it is held in its place by its chemical composi- tion and behavior. Moreover, by repeated and prolonged grinding, a growing measure of plasticity is imparted to the mass. Plastic fire clays do not necessarily differ in appearance from. other plastic clays, but chemical analysis shows the ground of their separation. The best of them equal the best of the hard clays already described, closely approaching kaolin in composition, and they areof equal value for refactory materials. To the question so often asked, as to what the peculiarity of the hard fire clays depend upon, no full and satisfactory answer can be given. The more probable explanation is that the clay has assumed a definite or at least an incipient crystalline form. Under the microscope it is some- 54 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. ~ times seen to consist of bundles of minute rods, crowded close together, | while the soft clay lacks this feature altogether, or contains only frag- ments of these rods. The difference between the two groups of clays does not depend on the amount of alumina nor on the impurities they contain, as a superficial examination might lead us to conclude. What- ever the explanation may prove to be, the line of demarkation between them is clear and well defined. None of the plastic underclays of the state, so far as known, show the high quality which would justify the application of the term “fire clay”’ to them; but they are all universally known by this name and it seems a hopeless attempt to restrict the term to its true signification. 2. Potter's Clay.—Between the plastic underclays of the state that are called fire clays and the clays that are known as potter’s clays, there is no difference whatever. ‘The names are strictly interchangeable in common use. When potteries are drawing their supplies from them, they are likely to be named in accordance with the fact; but otherwise they are ‘known under the former designation. Asa rule, however, the most characteristic clays of this division are decidely inferior in composi- tion to the fire clays. ‘They contain large proportions of the fluxing elements and always show a high degree of plasticity. The last named quality it obviously an essential one and governs all the rest. The clays of this division are used not only in stoneware, but also to a considerable extent in sewer pipe, fire-proofing, flue linings, paving blocks and orna- mental brick. 3. Brick Clay.—The last of the divisions made in the rough classi- fication that has here been attempted, comprises a large variety of clays and shales, which are more or less used in the manufacture of sewer pipe, paving blocks and common building brick. It includes all the coarser forms of clay and the numerous varieties differ so widely among them- selves that no definition can be given beyond the simple statement that all contain more or less silicate of alumina in their composition. SECTION fie THE CLAY DEPOSITS OF OHIO. To understand the distribution of the clays in Ohio, we must acquaint ourselves with the geological scale in the state, and of the areas covered by its several formations. All the varieties of argillaceous deposits that have been enumerated in the preceding section, so far as they have pres- ent or prospective economic value, viz: shales, brick clays, potters’ clays and fire clays, will be included in this review. _ CLAYS, THEIR ORIGIN, COMPOSITION AND VARIETIES. 5d GEOLOGICAL SCALE OF OHIO. TAG (Ga eTEA GCS fe te cats aoa airies SAC EMA ENRC IN elie a sn eS RRM AEE 0 to 550 feet. Meetinnerbarren Coal Measures. csc. ccssssss cess deco sbeotatbeoscun ee 500 “ | ay fosruipper Productive: Coali Measures ki Rs sec 200 “ ea Wor owemimharnen\ Coal Measunes.tosis-nussscastcsctensensecctnee sasece 500‘ Pues 5 i Power Productive Coal Measures. 02 ecccsu.. sic ccccee sss dionneeets 250“ | HO LD» COTES NG iTS UE. | Ca Oy Oo Shs bs bacadeonun sonsbadsodcandcHcpodseencoosBomscanG 200 “ 1S) 12. Sub-carboniferous Limestone, Maxville, Newtonville, etc.... PAB ein Sula Aten lle Logan Group..............0-8507 } | S34 11d Cuyahoga Shale,.....150-450’ | 5007 ES 11. Waverly Group. Ile Berealohaleyrsieic. 20- 50’; to } 500 “ wr 116 Berea Grit,............ 3 to ae) 8007 aia 1l@ Bedford Shale,......... 50-1507 n 10¢ Cleveland Shale... : 10. Ohio Shave] 106 Erie Shale.......... lo to 3,000 feet....... ; | 3 10@ Huron Shale....... | "9 Je amiltonsoualey(Olentaney Siialep) er wes sncataesscccnersece ee eeee 25) is f 2 8. Devonian Limestone, Upper Helderberg or Cornierene in- | ®) eludinseWestieilersomlSandSuomes: sits ose ssaseentenecueececces MO Merereens) A 7. Lower Helderberg Limestone or Waterlime, including Syl- ) vania sandstone, 0) 1H) 0} 010) SRS En OR Sar acdesoocadcoRebasdndaorok soneonbG 500 “ : 62 Halilsboroisandstomer ct. ..-cscssecos sc see 0p | 2 6¢ Guelph or Cedarville limestone, ss +: QUA AO BSA. vecsts sects. sto weceetenasie ns NO tas lees eo EOuD: GO Niagaray limestones si itnteee sees eens SOs QD 6a@ Niagara Shale, including Dayton H IIMESEONIE SOC NEO LOO Gree eT seen ee 100 “ a, 5. Clinton Group, in outcrop, 20’ to 75’; under cover, 75’ to | Sy Ue ceil dae AB erise aa abet bein na da lle aati EL Sa Ra re nae 50 “ 4, Medina Shale, in outcrop, 25’; under cover, 50’ to 150” ........ TOemenied| SeeElidson River Group, S007 TONS oooh se ded coh ase ako 750 << 1 9 2. Utica Shale, not seen in outcrop, but 300 feet thick under eu Pe COVE IM INOLENELM! OMLO ss isccsursctae sec ce eet set eas coer usa se aaeeee 300, os 1. Trenton limestone, seen only in Pt. Pleasant quarries if at all 50: “ ale 1, The lowest, or oldest argillaceous stratum that is. known to be worked, or to have been worked for economic use in Ohio is the Medina shale, No. 4, of the table above given, As will be seen from the table, it has a thickness of twenty-five feet in its outcrops, which are wholly con- fined to southwestern Ohio. In fact, it scarcely appears as a surface for- mation at all, even there. Its soft and easily eroded beds account for this fact. It is mainly found in included sections and the number of them is not large. The Medina shale is reddish, whitish; yellowish, or blue in color. The first named color is most characteristic. In composition the shale undoubtedly contains a considerable percentage of lime and mag- nesia, occurring as it does between two great limestone formations, but no analysis is at hand. It has not appeared to be of value enough to justify any outlay in this direction, since but a single application of it to economic uses is known in the state. ‘I‘wenty years ago, one of the most conspicuous beds of the shale exposed in the state was worked to a mod- erate extent for the manufacture of common drain tile in connection with the ordinary clays of the Drift. The locality is on the National Road in Miami county, as the road descends from the east into the valley of the great Miami River. The clay is said to have proved satisfactory in the 56 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. very common use to which it was here applied. It was used, not because it was counted superior in any way, in quality, to the drift clays that were worked with it, but because it was obtained with less trouble and expense than they. It cannot reasonably be expected to bear high heat without melting, on account of the large amount of lime in its composition. | The same line of remarks would apply to the numerous beds of shale that occur in the Hudson River formation, which directly underlies the Medina shale. There are about eight hundred feet of this formation shown in the state and its outcrops occupy six thousand square miles of our territory. The upper part of the formation is rich in shale, beds of five, ten, or fifteen feet of it frequently occurring interstratified with the limestone sheets. No instance is known, however, in which an attempt has been made to turn these calcareo-argillaceous beds to economic use, ‘The latter are marls rather than shales. A similar line of facts is also found in certain argillaceous deposits of the Clinton and Niagara divisions of our shale. At the top of the first named series of beds a very fine-grained deposit of bluish-white clay occurs. It is locally known as the Clinton marl, Beavertown marl, ete. Calcareous fossils are distributed through it. ‘The marl is but one to four feet in thickness. If there were more of it, it is possible that some use could be found for it, since the fineness of grain is unusual. ) The Niagara shale (6a of the scale above given) is another of these calcareo-argillaceous deposits that deserve the name of marls in part, at least, of its extent, rather than of shale, There is a large body of this formation, its maximum thickness, which is reached in Adams County, being a full one hundred feet. In so considerable an extent there must also be considerable range in quality, and it seems by no means unlikely that some parts of the Niagara shale wlll prove well adapted to use in clay working o some sort. The next formations that deserve mention in this list are numbers nine and ten of the scale, viz: the Hamilton or Olentangy and the Ohio shale, respectively. [he Hamilton (No. 9) has no where been worked as a basis of clay manufacture and does not seem likely to be. ‘There are but few outcrops of it to be found and what there are give no promise of special adaptation to practical uses. This stratum has a thickness of fifteen or twenty feet only. It is somewhat different with the Ohio shale (No. 10), at least so far as its possibilities are concerned. This is a great formation, ranging in its outcrops between two hundred and fifty and four hundred feet in thickness. Under cover, as it is followed to the eastward, it is continu- ally strengthened until on the Pennsylvania border it has been proved by drilling to be more than two thousand five hundred feet thick. Its out- crops are of large extent, occupying a belt ten to twenty miles wide that reaches entirely across the state from north to south. CLAYS, THEIR ORIGIN, COMPOSITION AND VARIETIES. 57 It is not a simple or homogeneous formation, but consists of alter- nating bands differing slightly from each other in composition. ‘The two leading types included in the formation are a black shale and a greenish- blue shale, but several other varieties are occasionally met. All of them are highly silicious in character, but the black shale contains eight to ten per cent. of organic matter that gives to it its color, while the greenish- blue variety derives its characteristic tint from silicate of iron. ‘The black shale is found at the bottom and generally again at the top of the formation, while the blue shale characterizes the middle of the series. But no three-fold division based upon the facts above given can be any- thing but misleading, for the reason that there are more likely to be thirty or three hundred alternations than three. It is, however, true that beds of black shale are almost certain to be found at the bottom of the series, while at the middle of the column more or less blue shale is present. The alternations are very frequent in this last named division, as a rule, as is shown in a multitude of well records. There is but one point in the state where large use has been made of this series, viz., Columbus. It has been here employed in the manu- facture of sewer pipe of thoroughly approved quality and also of com- mon and of building brick in the large way. In both cases it is the greenish shale, or some variety of it, that has been brought into requisi- tion. The possibilities of the formation have scarcely been touched as yet, however. There will, without doubt, be found large uses to which parts of it will be found well adapted. The Bedford shale (No. lla of the scale) is the next argillaceous de- posit in our series that deserves mention. It cannot in all cases be dis- tinguished from the underlying series that has just been described Where the latter, for example, has the blue color that occasionally marks it, and where the Bedford also has the same color, no line of demarka- tion can readily be drawn between them. The only means of distinguish- ing the two series in such cases would be by noting the fossils that they severally contain; but the characteristic fossils of each are few in number and uncertain in occurrence, at least in the great majority of its outcrops. A ready means for the determination of the Bedford shale is, however, at hand in most instances. It is generally a ved shale and is thus sharply distinguished from the hundreds of feet of shale below it that are really continuous with it, and also from the great series that overlies it with but one or two interruptions in the way of sandstones which occupy the interval. The Bedford shale can therefore be described as a stratum twenty to eighty feet thick, red or light blue in color. In the great majority of in- stances more or less of it is red, while bands of grey or blue shale are sometimes intercalated. This color is its characteristic mark and by means of it the stratum has been proved a very persistent one, having been followed under hundreds and even under thousands of feet of cover 58 GEGLOGY OF OHIO. in the drilling of deep wells to the east and south of its present outcrops. It is at present used at but one point in the state in the large wav. The Akron Vitrified Brick Company employes the red shale in the manu- facture of a pressed brick that is certainly not surpassed by any like product of the state. The shale is mined and worked at or near Inde- pendence. The great possibilities of this stratum for such applications have been recognized and indeed demonstrated for many years. It is surprising that but one practical attempt has been thus far made to ren- der it available for economic uses. ; The Cuyahoga shale, (No. 1ld) a great stratum one hundred and fifty to four hundred and fiity feet in thickness, consists of light colored grey or blue shales that has unlimited possibilities of service in the prac- tical way, but which has been almost completely ignored thus far. Its day is, however, sure to come. Its adaptation to paving block manufac- ture in particular will be recognized, and it will be at once demonstrated as soon as it is used, that no better material for this purpose is found in our entire series than the Cuyahoga shale can supply. It has a broad outcrop and is available for use in every county in which it is due from the Lake shore to the Ohio Valley. Without doubt different sub-divisions will be established in the formation when it comes to be generally used. Particular beds will be discovered adapted to particular kinds of clay manufacture. The Subcarboniferous limestone horizon (No. 12) holds a far more valuable argillaceous deposit than any that has yet been described in our series. ‘The limestone itself is an uncertain deposit, but its place in the series is well marked. In a few instances in southern Ohio, and in a much larger number of instances in Kentucky, a hard fire clay, known as flint clay, comes into thesection. This clay is one of the two or thrce strictly first-class clays of the state. It has been worked largely at Scioto- ville and Portsmouth, and is accordingly commonly designated in Ohio as the Sciotoville clay. Other outcrops of it occur near Logan, Hocking county,and here it iscalledthe Logan clay. It has beenused in manufac- tures here also, to quite an extent. Wherever found, its great value is at once recognized. Itbecomes a basis of manufacture of fire clay products in’ the strictest use of this word. Furnace linings and other similar uses demanding refractory quality of high grade absorb the entire product of this seam. A single analysis exhibits the general characteristics of the Sciotoville clay. (Lord). SyU LO rea Ree a tee ee diese Ul an ge A i SR i ar aso boaadans 50.95 PAU UAT Ty aaa SE Ue Re Sh SS a Le CCE oe Be oe a ee 39.49 HAN Bam ES SPE ea See a aa ES ia leh ee Oe | Rs 30 INS O NESTA waco Fook costes oc an SURR Gpe tals SEEK e a whine ce seoe teed bid teres een ae enn 28 CLAYS, THEIR ORIGIN, COMPOSITION AND VARIETIES. 59 These figures show a deposit approaching absolute purity, and attest the very great value of the clay. Unfortunately the deposits of this seam in Ohio are few in number, and they are also capricious to a high degree, even within the narrow limits in which they are represented at all. The clay deposits of Ohio that have now been described, with the exception of the one last named, would scarcely enter into the account of the practical clay working of the state as at present carried on. We should be told in making this review that we had not yet reached the clays of the geological columns; that the latter are all to be found, with the single exception noted above, at a higher level in our series than our examinations have yet covered. As far as general use is concerned, this is entirely true. The coal measures of the state at the level to which we have now come in our review, are also the clay measures of the state. Every coal seam is normally underlaid by a bed of clay. Further, it is often overlaid as well by clay or shale. Sometimes the coal fails to appear where it is due and clay may occupy the place that belongs to it. The thin coal-measure limestones, in like manner, often rest on clay or are covered by such deposits after the fashion of coal seams. It thus results that we find argillaceous deposits by the score, through the entire series of the Conglomerate group and the Coal Measures proper, including the Barren Measures. A brief catalogue of the principal horizons, so far as the latter are known, will now be given. 13. THe CARBONIFEROUS CONGLOMERATE GROUP. As is well known to all students of our geology this group em- braces several great sandstones and conglomerates, four or five coal seams, some of them of wide range and one, at least, of considerable economic value, two thin but persistent limestones, three or four iron ore seams, and a half dozen argillaceous deposits that are severally known as fire clays and shales. The order of the Conglomerate group is as follows: Tionesta sandstone. Tionesta coal. Tionesta clay and shale, - Upper Mercer ore. Upper Mercer limestone, Upper Mercer coal. Upper Mercer fire clay. Lower Mercer iron ore. Lower Mercer limestone. Lower Mercer fire clay. Massillon sandstone (upper). Quakertown coal. Quakertown shales. Massillon sandstone (lower). Sharon shales, Sharon coal. Sharon clay. Sharon conglomerate, 6U GEOLOGY OF OHIO. The elements of interest to us in the present connection are the fol- lowing: Tionesta clay and shale, Upper Mercer clay, Lower Mercer clay, Quakertown clay and shales, Sharon shales. ‘These elements will each be briefly characterized in the order that has been followed thus far in the chapter, viz., the ascending order. ; The lowest coal seam of our series, the true designation of which is the Sharon coal, but which is also known as the Mahoning Valley coal, — the Youngstown coal, the Akron coal, the Massillon coal, the Jackson Shaft coal, rests on a thin deposit containing a small amount of clay, which in turn is supported by the massive Sharon conglomerate. No one would venture to call this particular underclay as it generally appears, a fire-clay. It is highly silicious and would serve as refractory material of fine grade. It resembles in composition and character the gannister of the English miner. No use has thus far been made of it in Ohio and it is not therefore included in the list of our clay resources. (a) The Sharon Shales—This series directly overlies the Sharon coal in most sections. In thickness it ranges from one to fifty feet. In its most characteristic form it is a dark blue, sometimes an almost black shale, carrying at certain levels heavy nodules of iron ore, which in the early days of iron manufacture in western Pennsylvania and northeastern Ohio were drawn upon toa small extent for furnace supplies; but they are not likely to be further molested. Near the bottom of the series and overlying the coal, the shale frequently contains abundant and charac- teristic fossil plants. The shales proper have lately become the basis of one of the largest sewer pipe industries of the Un ted States, at Akron and in its immediate neighborhood. The same deposit is also worked in Ak- ron in one of the largest roofing tile works of the country. The shale is generally high in iron oxide, the amount of this substance ranging be- tween 10 and 15 per cent. So important a proportion of iron as this ina clay would be sure to impress a particular character on all the products manufactured from it. The excellent color of the Akron sewer pipe, which has done so much to commend it in the general markets of the country, is mainly due to the abundance of this element. (6) The Quakertown Clay and Shale. The deposits here named occupy a few feet (5 to 30) between the two divisions of the Massillon sandstone, when such a division occurs. ‘They can, with a great deal of propriety, be referred to the Quakertown coal, from which they take their name, one body of the clay lying under and one directly over the carbon- aceous streak that is the sole representative of this coal seam in a large part of the area where itis due. The argillaceous deposits of this age are worked in but three counties of the state at the present time, so far as known, viz., Summit, Portage and Stark counties. In Summit they fur- nish the stock for the important potteries of Springfield, and in Portage for the Mogadore potteries. The Massillon Fire Brick Company has de- veloped the most valuable deposit yet known on this horizon and so far CLAYS, THEIR ORIGIN, COMPOSITION AND VARIETIES. 61 the only one of its kind, It consists of four to five feet of hard fire clay, immediately underlying the carbonaceous streak which represents the Quakertown coal. The bottom of the fire clay is thirty feet above the Sharon coal, which has been mined in the same territory. ‘This clay re- sembles the hard, or ‘“‘number one” fire clay of southern Ohio in its general appearance. It contains, as the latter clay does, abundant traces of veg- tation which consist in the main of the rootlets of Stigmaria or old coal plants. This seam has been made the basis of an important fire brick manufactory, though other first class clays are also worked here. Overlying the coal streak ten feet of shale are found adapted to coarser clay products, as paving blocks. (c) The Lower Mercer Clay and Shale.—We reach in our ascent the best marked horizon of the entire Conglomerate Measures, that, namely, of the blue or Lower Mercer limestone. This limestone constitutes one of the vital nodes of this series. Above it is found an iron ore that often proves valuable. Under it is a coal seam for which not very much can be claimed, but which in three counties in the state supports a few small mines. Below the coal is an argillaceous deposit, sometimes shale, but generally clay, which is worked ina large way and increasingly, for var- ious clay products. This horizon is the basis of important manufactures in Stark, Tuscarawas, Muskingum and Hocking counties and particularly in the latter. The Columbus Brick and Terra Cotta Works, located at Union Furnace, is a large and well-established enterprise. There is con- siderable range in the quality of the formation throughout the state, but it nowhere yields clays of especially high character. The average com- position would be without meaning or significance of any sort. A single analysis from the Union Furnace field is here introduced as showing as well as any one analysis can, the general type of clay that belongs here. The figures are as follows. (£4. Lovejoy, E. M.) AWAIT See tea esta ct aerate reaper ar leg AA RATAN ET RR CUP NEMA YL RBTILCS HA DCE ee Btls Silicaticomibiited pes amc sese raoeeskaice anti sdsas dal sa mupeecciepiciel an smerian as naRnet td 34.27 PHISH G) BEE ME emp SARE) COB CHE SEC AACE GES UE ASE SRS BE NE Oban MAS Hen Hip aan uL ai AA NAS 27.64 SimtCaw hee ae eae h ae vena aah hG mann euaune Sr nee Me Me rode ua WAG aad aun 23.92 ESS ape RN a NEA RI AO SU ec 1.39 1 Dab Ta (Sapper ape UN Recetas tial T Ma tah i MES ER Ab anes Selb VaR Sica colina ae 00 Miao es tatoaeeentncee aad are eeiaencs Wosaannamncieser nena, sasunoncluiosssecuaenseacbbtte 64 TS EAS lass ete eee eb rar) agenda yD Rusts lll bead hl ascii ice cuek 2.70 WISI HOCH Sy: sober AoE OE el AEE ey COTES SCs NEP EIIEL Sra HEAP aE NOD eta SI Ca eM eae Cy 1.15 The shale or clay that immediately overlies the Lower Mercer lime- stone gives promise, in its appearance, of adaptation to economic uses. At the bottom of it, the place of the Lower Mercer ore is found, and for three or four feet directly above the ore the clay is exceptionally light colored. The stratum is nowhere thick, however, and no instance is known of its being brought into use. 62 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. (d) Upper Mercer Clay and Shale-——The Upper Mercer coal (num- ber 3 of the numerical series) is not a seam of economic importance in any part of our coal field. It is not worked in even the the smallest way at more than a single point in the state, viz., Canfield, Mahoning county, where it is known as the Bruce coal. It has here a thickness of about thirty inches. But though generally too thin to be considered, at least under present conditions, as worth mining, it is nevertheless a persistent horizon. ‘Thereisalmost always a few inches of coalat its proper level. Its clay is even more persistent than the coalseam. A bedof light-colored, plastic clay can be found at this level in every county in the state in which it is due. It has been practically worked in but few instances and therefore it is be judged mainly by its outcrops. But it seems safe to say that the deposits of this age contain a large amount of argil- laceous material of at least fair character. At Haydenville, Hocking county, it is extensively worked under the name of the Mingo Clay. It is one of the most valuable clay deposits of the entire series that is included with- in the Haydenville coal field, the series ranging from the Mercer to the Freeport horizon. As shown by a single analysis, it has the following composition: (Reed, . Sil eat tes Cee es eR REI aE SI oe OL PERE RD dk nee aa rk ROR Rr 69.92 PAM UTITAATT ANE eet tam tack ieee” Pee ei hes ee: sh bei he st nated eee jean 23.4€ PAT ea lie serene sence iaiteeec Mast ae Guise esata Mt) Seca I 9 SE al Penne Sa ee AT ah 1.48 @xa des OL PEO see aes eee oe ee a sie date Oe ao eee 2.00 IMA CHEST AR a tyne enact aeuiriyac oe Mammo as tiae aa nee ctacocmtaiet eaearen Scenes eens 40 WATT Neamt ane ale ees e Se Ay MUN MEU Ais RE A Ne OMS a TOTES fin Nett ane ye CRE 48 Water iene ie to or ses a SER Oe are SAS epee tale me Agta Ea U9 a 3.84 The deposit is eight to ten feet in thickness here. Much can be ex- pected on the Upper Mercer horizon in cross sections of the coal field, when clay comes to be required in larger quantities and in gteater variety than the present demands. (e) Tionesta Clay.—A few feet, fifteen or twenty, above the deposits of the age last named, another valuable bed of clay is sometimes found which can be designated by the name given above. But it must be con- fessed that this horizon is one of the undetermined and therefore of the uncertain horizons of the Conglomerate Coal Measure series. Whatever name shall be decided upon for the deposit, it is certain that a more or less persistent clay formation occurs in many counties of the state, as above described. It is used and valued highly in the Union Furnace works already named. A single analysis cannot, of course, go far toward showing the character of a widespread deposit, but the following results give the general composition of the seam as shown at the point last named. (£. Lovejoy, E. M,) CLAYS, THEIR ORIGIN, COMPOSITIONS AND VARIETIES. - 63 SSD Gace Zar Re SAM RU RRA ERE OS ec on ae ene ROR AS mee yas eerie ans Dan 33.42 J ND Hub gatb al brent AS ee SAECO RITA A GEO ECRIE CSE Eg CHEREE DEC ESOC C BURT ore EEE Ee Rear Gucicns 25.80 JRNREYS Sau biel OO AR IE ene ME Re gs a iene tae Ge Coens eS Ha oas 28.39 (OSG COM RNG Le es a RNa SEA oa Ay SE SALONA I 1.39 TNR aA Se aA Re A AEA ath Ea LIS RE OG pI Sa a ARG. hin eae 51 MV ea Cet SS Late s oss case sek clawacete ce sees ea cua uc aantceets Gel Seamer RUC ts ecuiauu aa Unite 64 Aulisallves asks Sanne sit eps erl se, SSMS SSE NS SA aE SRL ee le ote stam tets SISeIaE Sue a EN 2.70 Wie ke ryatisact ce Nat eaten da osu As ancien auts ian ve ee iae uatuid cMNeeaap ER EEL onitee uae 6.51 The description of this stratum completes the list of the principal clay and shale beds of the Conglomerate Coal Measure group. Itremains to enumerate the beds of like composition and character in the Coal Measures proper. ‘This great series embraces the following elements, V1Z.: Upper Barren Coal Measures. Upper Productive Coal Measures. Lower Barren Coal Measures, Lower Productive Coal Measures. The list of principal clay deposits of the Lower Coal Measures is as follows, viz.: Upper Freeport clay and shales. Lower Freeport clay and shales. Middle Kittanning clay and shales, Kittanning clay. Freeport limestone clay. Putnam Hill limestone clay and shales: These deposits are named in descending order. 1. Tse Putnam Hitt LIMESTONE Horizon. The Putnam Hill limestone covers a coal seam which is designated in Geology ot Ohio, Volume 5, as the Brookville coal. This identification is called in question, though not positively denied, by some geologists who have written upon the qnestion, but for want of abetter title, the desig- nation can still be maintained. A valuable deposit of clay is found in the central Coal Measure counties at the level herein named. It is espec- ially well-developed in Muskingum county, where it is worked on the large scale. But it extendsin good volume and good character through Coshocton, Tuscarawas and Stark counties, where itis also worked quite largely; and, further, it is found in promising condition in Perry, Hocking and Vinton counties to the southward. Likethe Lower Mercer clay of the Union Furnace section, it yields on calcination, at least as it is found in the vicinity of Zanesville, a buff or cream-colored product. This clay is the main reliance of the great tile manufactory of Zanesville. In its chemical and in its physical structure it meets the demands of this very important industry better than any other deposit that has been found. 64 - GEOLOGY OF OHIO. It hasalso been sent out in thelarge way from the Zanesville districtto North Baltimore, Wood county, where a Cleveland company is engaged in the manufacture of pressed brick. The clay here named furnishes a buff brick of great beauty and excellence, natural gas being used as the fuel for burning. In the Zanesville field the clay seam proper ranges from three to teu feet in thickness, with a general average of six feet, but for thirty feet below the limestone in many sections nothing but shale and clay are found. It is generally divisible into an upper or plastic portion and a lower and more silicious division. ‘The seam is largely worked at Canton in the manufacture of paving brick. A single analysis of it, as it is found at North Industry, near Canton, gives the following result: , (Stein and Schwartz.) MAMOTS HUT ete Hae eect e theese a et AD eee EP 6.45 Combined Waterss esate eee so oe eee Be gee ea eee 5.41 Sill cae ee Sea o5 a saree ae hers ye as a ere ae oa elealane SUS SROS EA Sere ee oe a Sa 63.09 GAG Aner td Abaca Selstes sfetto aviae Sect mec eycio SS oe ewau a onae d oSE Sa ae aR A Coes EEE Oe 20.17 (Oba VGKEVCoy tel recy bya ar anal eee ee gits Lt a RAI as a ae a 22; AWAIT eS Sirs ies tate osseccs beset: Esto cc ueivecoseecshunt ou ccs cosaeonceesuae te eee 2.76 The lower portion of the seam at the same point was analyzed by itself, with the following result: Bea Cos tst eb ope a MG ae te ge ORES I a RO Br rea AS AN oa RUE 10.42 Combined Water, -sciitee ere seca a ee eae 12.72 Sy Ker ee Sar eA AR ee EEE Raa Snel a RODeC Ge bach Aap cari cUC ERR ADHERE 41.15 J \iibooht sheet aeaee tee oceece cee Tome aap ree Pee stceceeacndachenonomenc caer Das a nema 28.78 (0 p:a Ko Kex(0y 02) bron eR ee Rena de erlS pan esHo aS ones ROR aridtse sacrcrigacenoeacd cos ae ABOOuOEe ce 3.38 AUC ANTES io eatiaciel uae me caeas eels cong Sh sae caine seals Soe os ona etna ae aetuoeak eee eae ae 3.55 This lower half of the seam is known as fire-clay, but the analysis shows that it certainly cannot rank high in refractory qualities. This horizon must be counted as without doubt one of the valuable clay deposits of the state. Its use has only been begun as yet. The areas occupied by the seam in the district named are large and the exposures in natural sections are abundant. It can be mined under cover to good advantage, the limestone furnishing a strong and excellent roof for the workings. A certain part of the seam in the vicinity of Zanesville is highly esteemed as a source of refractory material. The Harris Fire Brick Works, six miles above Zanesville, on the west side of the river; make use of the lower part of the formation. The series found at this point is as follows: Putnam Hill Limestone. Ratnam Holl limestone isda Gy. or... 0s 5s cla seene cease seesesermenaeteeees piece SUPER COLA yrs mene ta ee ee eee ioe en ee eee eee A tO Ones Marl (elas Ke Aue. ce ioe nds oate ase te dacaeom etc dcts dees aes see Rec eae cee eee Dh ine) Clay; <5. svacsedsets coe ch gs obacotaee. deh arses sensation. | eetese sa ee eee aes Di. Sandstone and sandy shale. oo. socc215..8.o. coc sara oeparb eae eeeeeeee peo Dist IB O WUC lays, secre vonececanc neces eenee sae er ncens sean cess co enese ec eaaneneen ee eet 1 CLAYS, THEIR ORIGIN, COMPOSITION AND VARIETIES. 69 The beds known as fire clay in the table above, and the sandstone and. sandy shale underlying it are what are used for the brick manufacture and the product serves an excellent purpose in the construction of the kilns for the manufacture of pressed brick, in the great factories of Zanesville. 2. THE FERRIFEROUS LIMESTONE CLAYS. This deposit must not be omitted, as it occupies a well-marked place in our series, especially in the southern counties, of our Coal Measures. It underlies the limestone coal of the district named above, having a thickrfess of two to six feet. It is light-colored, of the plastic variety, and appears to be of fair quality, but no important use is known to have been made of it as yet. As clay industries are developed in the districts in which it occurs, it will no doubt be found able to make some contribution to their supplies. 3. ‘THE KrIrraANNING CLAY AND SHALES. Under this head we come to the great clay horizon of the state. Its importance far outweighs that of any other clay seam of our scale. Indeed, it is probably equal, in value, to all other sources of clay in the Coal Measures combined. The geological position cf the Kittanning clay is easily remembered. It belongs between the Ferriferous limestone and the Lower Kittanning coal. Often it fills the entire interval between these well-known beds. In some sections, however, where the interval is unusually expanded, a sandstone occurs and the clay and shale are con- sequently reduced to some extent thereby. In its more important fields it ranges in thickness between eight and thirty feet. In some districts it is merged, with only the interruption of the Lower Kittanning coal seam, into the clays that belong next in the ascending series, viz, those which come in below the middle Kittanning coal. In this case the combined deposits constitute a section measuring not less than fifty feet. The Kit- taning clay horizon proper is seen at its best where it enters the state from Pennsylvania, and again where it leaves the state in its extension into Kentucky. In both of these localities of the Ohio Valley, viz, in Columbiana and Jefferson counties, on the one side, and on the other, in Lawrence county, it shows large volume and excellent quality. In Tus- carawas, Stark and Muskingum counties, also, and, in fact, in the other central counties of the coal field, it is scarcely less developed. As a rule, the horizon produces a white plastic clay, almost always of fair quality and, in places, of the highest excellence. The plastic clay is the foundation of the great pottery industries of Eastern Ohio, where it is worked on a very large scale. A second, and even morxe valuable phase of the clay is found at a few points in Stark, Tuscarawas and Carroll counties. The formation here yields a hard or flint fire clay of 4 (Gea 8 f 66 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. quality scarcely inferior to the best clays of the country. This phase is known under the name of the Mineral Point clay. It is largely worked and manufactured at the village of this name, and at Canal Dover, as well, and the products have an excellent name in all markets, for their refrac- tory quality. Analyses of the Mineral Point clay have been often published. A single one will be quoted here, fairly representing the formation. (Lord) The figures show a clay of great excellence. Combine dievsilica ey cee secatscceceSe case cocceoecteaecte saeesyaaeeenebereen Benne 35.39 PANIIT a Bors sss one secu crow saan ss cos se kbewianensueeecadaea bisa oucucias cineca pane eee 31.84 Gombinediwater.: ees oes ccesdecuctnsen cose cose aes cee ae ee eee ae 11.68 Percentagerkaolimiteibasemets:acensecnas seat em eee eee ee ee ree eee eee 78.91 I TFESASUTCA ce Se cen cnet ee ceaetedcessebsean oauciemedawemaenecaee an tees mec ree BER OME ae Reena 17.13 MitaniC {acl Gin is. nee vena ces eaten ra toc tame ne RE Cae aa eR 1.68 Sandy, material: (total). 5c: 225 suc. spscccn dee vecensscnceccadesecsicencesosentaaeeee 18.81 SUSQULOKAM EOF OM. S.C orssecseaccscaen seb adnssDavatemee eas hee se nannies mencceenceees 0.67 JATIG (ech tameceieewicccda she vtec wees Sananteoeane ae ciec conan aun ueeeene eoumoee rnc ene eaeweenees 0.50 Magn esta yeerans an awnsce tek ones oueeeeoe aon oulen tem sec oecen aati Ok cca taavan neauaes aces 0.19 POLAS Wiese els scisa sles dosse's sess acinstcescedescieetscsccs acess setcnecseuaedetmosensamacceeeacees 0.59 Of the ordinary phase of the deposit, viz., the white plastic variety, abundant analyses are at hand, but it is hard to find any one that can be called thoroughly representative. In the discussion of clays in manufac- tures in a succeeding chapter, numerous analyses will be found. The products of this horizon are used on a great scale in the finer pottery manufacture for saggers, also in part for the manufacture of Rockingham and yellow ware; and, bower still in the scale of value, for stoneware. These clays are a main dependence of great sewer-pipe factories, and also are sometimes used in making fire-brick of ordinary quality. An enor- mous amount is now being turned to account in the manufacture of pav- ing brick. By reason of the uses and adaptations above named, the Kit- tanning clay seems certain to hold for all time to come the first place in our clay horizons. 4. THE MiIppLE KITTANNING CLAY. As already stated, this stratum is in some instances merged into the Kittanning clay proper, but it deserves a name and place of its own in our scale. At one locality, viz., Oak Hill, Jackson county, it yields a “No. 1,” or hard fire clay, and is there made the basis of an important fire-brick manufacture. It carriesin many ofits outcrops, nodules of iron ore, which interfere to some extent with its availability as a source of clay for manufactures. No peculiarities of composition can be claimed for it, according to present knowledge, but it reinforces in an important way, the deposits of the horizon already described, which directly underlie it. CLAYS, THEIR ORIGIN, COMPOSITION AND VARIETIES. 67 5. THe LOWER FREEPORT CLAY. For the clay seam that underlies the Lower Freeport coal, no great development can be asserted and no great peculiarity of composition can be claimed. At one locality, viz., in the vicinity of Moxahala, Perry county, the seam has been found in the condition of a hard or flint clay, but of only moderate excellence. It carries enough oxide of iron to shut it out from the highest grade. Usually the clay is of the ordinary type of the plastic under-clays of the Coal Measures. It is possible that special adaptations will be found in some of its outcrops when the demand from our clay manufactures becomes more extensive. 6. THE Upper FREEPORT CLAY AND SHALR. Much more can be said for the agillaceous deposits of this horizon than for the two last named. They are found in large volume and extend much more widely throughout the Coal Measures than the coal from which they derive their name. At several points in its extent, the Upper Freeport clay has assumed a hard or flinty phase, and then becomes a refractory clay of greater or less excellence. In western Penn- sylvania this phase is known as the Bolivar clay. In the Muskingum Valley, below Zanesville, it has been worked to a small extent, under the name of the Ballou clay. The common phase is found to be well adapted to all ordinary uses in almost all parts of the state. It is certain to become one of the main dependencies of the future clay-working industries of those districts in which it occurs. The detailed description of the persistent deposits of clay and shale of the state series, will not be carried beyond this point in our review. The Lower Barren Measures that follow the Lower Coal Measures, next in ascending order, contain vast deposits of shale, the true value of which is just beginning to be understood and appreciated. It is the paving brick industry that has, for the first time, shown the possibilities of service that they contain. These shales are distributed through the entire series, but about the middle portion of this division, some deposits of peculiar excellence have been developed, particularly in the Sunday Creek Valley. That part of the series bounded by the Cambridge lime- stone below and the Crinoidal limestone above, seems admirably adapted to paving block manufacture. No true fire-clays are known in this division until its summit is reached in the Pittsburg coal. A fire-clay of some promise has been noted underlying this great coal seam at a few points in Athens county. It is not known that any test has been made by which its character or value can be determined. Ata single point in eastern Ohio, viz., at Bellaire, a bed of shale twenty feet or more in thick- ness directly underlies the Pittsburg coal. This deposit has lately been made the basis of a promising paving block and sewer-pipe plant. 68 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. Certain deposits of red shale and clay, by which the Barren Measures are made conspicuous, will doubtless be found on suitable trials to furnish materials adapted to some of the uses to which like deposits are being turned in other portions of our scale. It seems quite probable that they can be made into pressed brick of high quality. These red bands a:e very wide-spread and persistent, and attention will no doubt be soon directed to them. It can be seen from this review that every portion of our Coal Measures can be depended upon for a supply of argillaceous material, fire clay, potter’s clay or shale, covering a wide range of composition, ' from nearly pure kaolin to brick clays, and adapted to nearly all the lines of manufacture in which these substances are employed. CHAPTER IIt. THE CLAY WORKING INDUSTRIES OF OHIO. By EDWARD ORTON, JR., E. M. he manufacture of clay wares of all kinds in Ohio has experienced very great expansion in the last decade. Next to the mining of coal, it is probable that clay working occupies the highest position in those industries which depend upon the natural mineral resources of the state. It a prophecy without risk to say that it will be only a short time until clay working becomes the more important of the two, as our coal deposits have been subjected to a yearly increasing strain for over half a century and are becoming every year less accessible in location and smaller in area, while on the other hand, the clay deposits have so far been only barely touched and still yield new measures of their enormous value and extent as attention is turned to their exploration. The expansion which has prevailed in the last decade in the clay business has several causes: one of them is the natural increase which has blessed alike all of the healthy, well-located industries of the state; a second reason is the recent adaptation of brick to the paving of city streets, which has opened a new and virgin field to our manufacturers, and thirdly: the comparatively recent discovery of the great value of the shale deposits of the state in the manufacture of the grosser forms of clay wares. A careful statement of the origin of clays and the geological and geographical distribution of the shales and clay deposits of Ohio, as well as a discussion of the relation that these shales and clays bear to each- other, will be found in the preceeding chapter of this volume. It is the intention to confine this article to a description of the various clay working industries established in the state, giving such information in regard tothe development of each and the underlying principles of manufacture and to the chemical technology of the proces- ses as has been found current among the clay workers of the state, or has been available from other sources. In order to properly take up the discussion of these questions it is fitting that a brief review of the main points as to the origin, composition and properties of clay should be first presented, even though it duplicates to some degree the work of _the preceding chapter. The present review is written from a practical standpoint. 7U GEOLOGY OF OHIO. SECTION I. GENERAL CONSIDERATION OF CLAYS. (a.) Ovigin. Pure clay is a hydrated silicate of alumina, composed of one portion of the sesquioxide of aluminum united with two portions of silica and two portion of water. Clay in this sense may be represented by the chemical formula. Al,, 03,2810, +2H, 0. Clays in this popular meaning of the term are something very differ- ent from the pure mineral. ‘They are compound minerals or mixtures of minerals, having no definite proportions of base to acid, no definite composition either chemically or mineralogically, but all containing some of the real mineral clay and all retaining something of its physical and chemical characteristics. Pure clay, Kaolin, or Kaolinite is not a natural mineral, but is derived from the decomposition of another. Feldspar, which is a silicate of alumina and some alkaline base like potash soda or lime, is a hard stony rock bearing no resemblance to clay in anyrespect. ‘This feldspar, when exposed to the action of water containing carbonic acid gas in solution, is dissolved or broken up and the alkaline base is carried away in solution; leaving the silicate of alumina alone. This origin of kaolins from the decomposition of feldspar rock is thoroughly established and cases are frequently found where a bed of feldspar is covered or surrounded by the kaolin formed from its decom-’ position and extending down into the crevices of the rock wherever the water has had a chance to penetrate. But while it is likely that many of our beds of kaolin owe their origin directly to beds of feldspar, still it is not to this source that we owe our enormous deposits of clay. Feldspars are very widely disseminated in other minerals and form a notable part of granitic and gneissic rocks, which form a large part of the earth’s crust. Granite consists of quartz, mica and feldspar. Quartz is not affected by any of the natural atmospheric or aqueous agencies now at work, and mica but slightly so, but the feldspar, as has already been shown, is sensibly attacked. When the feldspar is thus decomposed the bond which held the quartz and mica firmly together is gone, and these minerals are partly washed away and partly retained in mixture with the kaolinite which has been formed. Granite is not of any permanent composition chemi- _cally, but is always composed of varying proportions of these three minerals. Hence, the clay resulting from granite would vary with the variations of the parent rock, as well as from the great variations which attend the conditions of its formation. Also, nearly all of the clay deposits of the world are formed from the decomposition of the earlier rocks, and have been successively deposited in water, hardened into rock, _ CLAY WORKING INDUSTRIES. 71 eroded again by the rains and frosts and ice of centuries, and again deposited. No one knows or can guess how many times our clays have been thus treated, and each transfer is of course accompained by the further mixing and blending of clays with each other and with the detritus of all other rocks. In the light of these few statements on the origin of our clays, it is not a source of surprise that they vary but that they retain as much of a family likeness as they do. (6) Composition.—As has just been indicated, we must expect to find their chemical and mineralogical composition varying through a very wide range. Indeed, there is some difficulty in determining how much the pure clay base may be mixed with silica and other minerals and still be called a clay. There is hardly any common rock which does not con- tain it. Limestones when they disintegrate and dissolve away leave a residue of clay behind them; sandstones will generally become plastic if ground fine with water, from the presence of the same mineral. This irregularity of composition led at first to great misunderstand- ing of the nature of clays. It is only in the light of their origin that we can understand the anomalies which their composition presents. Pure clay or kaolinite has a percentage composition of SUE (Sit C5) asec chadacocdcadccodbaoncuddustionesttind) search among the mineral deposits for these clays in which the proportion of sand and flux are naturally united to secure the ends which he has in view. In making the body mixture for white pottery, the process is reversed. The potter’s skill is now directed to compounding a body from its elements, which, when ultimately finished, shall possess all of the qualities which an exacting market demands. The clays for his purposes are limited to those of a pure nature. Every tinge of iron or impurity which goes into his wares is to be cor- rected only by the use of expensive chemicals. ‘The china clays or kaolins of commerce come from very many sources. Every state which carries the Appalachian mountain range across it, con- tributes more or less to the supply of pure kaolin and Kentucky, Indiana, Texas and other localities are producing more or less of this mineral. The best or at least the most expensive clays are imported from abroad, Large quantities come annually from England, Germany and other coun- tries. Ohio, has so far failed to produce or indicate the presence of one pound of pure white clay. The geological formationof our state contains only sedimentary formations. No granite or feldspathic rocks occur on the surface any where in the state and we naturally therefore expect to find only such clays as are formed elsewhere and are brought here mingled with the detritus of many other rocks. The clays brought into the state for pottery purposes are many of them devoid of much plasticity and the potters findthe need of a tough, waxy, thoroughly plastic clay. To fill this want, the ball clays are used, some from this country but the majority brought over from England. To counteract the excessive shrinkage of these pure clays the potter uses what he calls “flint.” It is practically pure silica, being made out of the finest white sand, groundto an impalpable powder. But silica, in CLAY WORKING INDUSTRIES. Ph A283 connection with the pure clays, would make so refractory a mixture that it would be impossible to vitrify or make solid by heat; therefore it is neces- saryto add felspar, which takes the place of the impurities of the stoneware clays. This felspar is ground to a powder like the flint. The mixture of these ingredients then is the body of white pottery; kaolins for the body, ball clays for plasticity, silica to counteract shrinkage and felspar to make the mixture fusible. The proportions of these ingredients each potter keeps to. himself. Each one has his own recipes, which he has worked over for years perhaps, and which he knows and understands fully. These recipes are his secret, his stock in trade and recipes for body and glaze are to potters a merchantable article. The variations in this body which are made to produce the three grades of wares, CC, White, Granite and China, are not important in theory, they are mostly changes in the quality of the ingredients. CC, was a term originally for ‘common clay” wares and means a low grade of white pottery. The ingredients are the same kinds as those used in the best grades, but the off color varieties and cheapest goods are used alto- gether, and the slight cast of color, due to iron, which will creep into white ware bodies is not counteracted by the necessary chemicals, but instead, a glaze is used which hides the color of the body from view and makes the surface appear nearly as well as if the body were of a good color. In white granite, the best materials of each class are bought; the color of the body due to iron, is corrected by adding a minute quantity of cobalt oxide, the yellow of the iron is thus neutralized by the blue of the cobalt, and a green color is produced. When the ware is seen in bulk the green is easily detected, but in a single article it is much less apparent than either the yellow or blue cast would be. The aim in white granite is to produce strong white pottery, able to resist a sharp blow, and able to bear scrutiny as to its tint. It is not supposed to be thoroughly vitrified or to have any approach to translu- cency. In china the aim is to produce a body which shall become more thoroughly vitrified or fused in its nature and which shows a power to transmit light like an opaque glass. This can only be attained by giving it such a composition that it can be vitrified at the ordinary heats employed by the potter. ‘This increased fusibility is of course brought about by the increased use of fluxes. China which is fluxed by felspar is called technically spar china. It shows a yellowish color to transmitted light. China in which a part of this spar is replaced by calcined bones or phosphate of lime, is called bone china; it shows a bluish white color to transmitted light and a much more delicate beauty under all conditions. China bears the same relation to white granite, that stoneware bears to earthenware; its burning is accomplished only by use of all the care, 124 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. watchfulness and skill which accompany the production of any clay ware that owes its value to its vitrification. The method of preparation of the body for these various kinds of ware is substantially alike. The ingredients are collected in a charging car or box, each one being carefully weighed. ‘They are shoved into the blunger and united in the most intimate mixture by the formation of a fluid slip. ‘The screens employed are brass or silk gauze from 100 te 160 mesh to the inch. The strained slip is run through a magnet box in some potteries to try to separate out any magnetic particles of iron from the machinery or clays. The pressing and pugging offer no peculiarities. The pottery processes are also much the same as described before, except that as the wares grow more costly, the value of the machinery and appliances increases in like proportion. The use of every mechanical contrivance which can assist them is freely adopted by potters of this grade. The burning is accomplished in just the same way as in yellow ware, except that the saggers are made of better material and are glazed inside to prevent the ware from becoming soiled by any effloresence from the sides of the saggers. The heats required vary of course with the kind of body com- pounded. ‘The best practice in making the white granite body is to make a rather refractory body which requires a high heat to bring it to its proper degree of combination. When such a body is given the proper heat, it is stronger and tougher than one which matures at a lower tem- perature, and consequently the weight of clay used for each piece may be decreased a little, and the ware becomes lighter and more delicate without loss of strength. The heats employed in burning white granite and CC ware were tested in one factory of each kind with the following results: | is Bottom of a \hep of kiln. aL Average. | | | (OG ER Skoodccttncwostocanned aosocu beaded Bas suDbopasceende | 1,930 1,950 1,940 \ilatives eae WenltS. SS cagoscdcodancsanspaconddboobenuasdosocag 2,160 2,010 2,085 But there is no probability that these temperatures stand for these respective classes, as the body is bound to vary in its chemical qualities according to the composition which the potters give it and in this they are regulated each by his own preference. The limits of variation in which a good body may be produced are rather large. The glazes used in the white ware potteries are much more complex than the yellow ware glazes. The nicest problem the potter has to handle, is the adjustment of his glaze to his body. ‘The defects of the CLAY WORKING INDUSTRIES. 125 glaze are made manifest in many ways; it may “craze” or even “shiver.” The first term is applied to the formation of fine cracks all through the glaze which destroys its beauty and makes it permeable to liquids. This occurs when the composition of the body and the glaze are not suited to each other, and they contract at different rates on cooling. If the lack of adjustment is great, the glaze will craze at once; if the difference is slight the crazing may begin months after the ware has been sold. If the difference is excessive, and the glaze is a thick heavy one and the ware is rather weak or porous in structure the contraction of the glaze is some- times powerful enough to crush the piece, or chip pieces out of the sur- face of the ware. This is called “shivering”. Glazes may also devitrify, or become opaque or stony in nature instead of clear and glossy. : The adjustment of a glaze to a body would not be beyond the range of even ignorant experimenting, if the body and glaze could be kept always the same, but the composition of these elements is bound to con- stantly vary; the purest kaolins vary just as poor clays do; and,above all, the composition of the felspar, which is depended on to unite the elements of the pottery into a fused or vitrified material, is subject to considerable fluctuation. Consequently, the same body and glaze will work well or ill, even if mixed with never failing accuracy in the compounding room, on account of irregularities of the materials. It seems that the composition of these bodies could be regulated with the most valuable results by the use of chemistry in the pottery. It would be useful in keeping track of variations of the strength of supplies and still more so, in keeping the body of one uniform composi- tion. As before suggested, it is not a chemist that is wanted as such but itis a manager whocan understand and use the work of a chemist. The compounding and manufacturing of white pottery is a chemical industry; it deals with chemical material and is governed by chemical laws, and yet the business has been groping along in the dark for decade after decade using the most expensive ‘‘cut and try” methods for the accomplishment of every improvement. White ware glazes are usually what is called “fret” glazes. The constitutents have been weighed out, mixed and melted in a sagger into a fluid, which solidifies into a solid cake when cool. The sagger is then broken off from the cake of glaze which is broken up and ground with the addition of a certain amount of other materials. The grinding of the fret is done in mills lined with French buhr stone, an intensely hard silicious rock. The reduction to the neces- sary fineness is a slow operation. 126 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. The value of the fret glaze over one in which the ingredients are merely mixed into a slip is very marked. The essential part of the glaze is already a chemical compound. It is impossible for its components to segregate out or to produce soft and hard spots on the glaze, if it has-been united once, all gases expelled and all chemical changes effected. When applied on the ware and brought up to the melting point it quickly fuses again, while the freshly compounded glaze has to make a chemical combination out of a mechanical mixture in the same time. Glazes are colored to produce effects in the wares, by the use of metallic oxides. Very little white ware is decorated in colors, under or with the glaze. This class of work is mostly confined to ornamental pot- tery. In burning the ware in the gloss kiln there is the danger of leaky joints between the saggers or cracks by which the sulphurous gases from the fire will get among the ware. Any metallic oxides like lead or manganese are readily affected—the results generally show a bluish white film or scum in the ware. An instance was observed of a piece of ware thus affected which could be wiped bright by a piece of cloth, but after a few moments exposure to the air the film would reappear. This phenomenon was probably due to the presence of an inconceivably fine film of metallic lead, reduced to this condition from the lead oxide of the glaze by contact with reducing gases in the kiln. This film.on being polished showed the bright metal- lic surface of the lead, but it speedily became clouded again by the oxydising action of the air. The decoration of the ware after it is finished is a separate branch of the business. ‘The colors used are enamel paints or readily fusible glazes colored with metallic oxides and used as paints. The ornamenta- tion is chiefly by ‘“‘transfers” papers or “‘prints”, though some finer ware is decorated by hand painting. The development of the white ware business in Ohio sprung from the manufacture of yellow wares at East Liverpool, and the constant improvement of these wares, by bringing on the better materials from other states. The industry is most flourishing. The following table shows the number and location of the manufactures. TABLE IV. CC WARE POTTERIES seen CA Ce hompsoOmsCOlmsesenseets anssetoene sees East Liverpool............. 8 kilns ‘Rhee McNicol Pottery; Compress ceecessescos read Smee ren asice | Asai CORBET EATS BIRO Horpogssosacyaes00 6oqccossadauDadgacuneeen SA Ww Sook is) sgeaeeeaeeee Dn as GOOG WAMMIBOS. snc. ste esn nc cock sonecsineeeesuceces sess es | Peas Ao iciosabocsdon Sua dass Carty elite Scr Greene cececesceseetecss eeescs reece PelOiredovatlety ye eh e5da58 35055 Pies: GaGRES QOH SS SOMES sossasdedacccdat ose pisbegieacincsee J CrrnSreaME NE O)soscsosssasdece | assiges osc saeenses Brockman Pottery COs isctencsccore tee ecesu sence este eh he ae DER eee Peep eo es eeeeeee BIN Cell ett ecicee cone es Ree eat oe eaer eae ee Totalkalis sees | 27 kilns CLAY WORKING INDUSTRIES. 127 WHITE GRANITE POTTERIES. uw BS n 4 a “4 Z| 2 0 a Sf 8 — A The Knowles, Taylor & Knowles Co............ Bast Wiverpoolies....osess. 17 12 sRhevPotter's Co-operative COnssssessescssereseeee a P iqdashaeanissatins 8 4 Wiineeb runt Som) Sel COsn coceccsscec sce seaceeanenan nace fe Soi Dye ea ee Na 7 4 WO ERY SA BLOC iercce ssc nteccaccrecscccesth on eeeces sloSe a sists aR eve eiane a ite 4 2 Walla cerGex Che tynyitGieies-sseccnceceeacnernereec= ssc ss phe bauecscan ce dantee 4 4 pebres Harken bOUre ry, CO’ ve cassecenesecsesssecneseorsss a See a Niece cenacecee 6 4 SRHeRE ASE PAVErpOOl CO.20 2.2.5 sovesescsrssconseccee: 2 Sens cdc soapadhone 4 2 phen Sebring Ottery: COs .scse.c cee daccdsccteces ene: is piben skater wae cemhares 3 2 RETLOLO UB LOS eck cace ce eocses cask cet soesion etwas se voces eats eee ah Paw as ater 4 2 Homer Laughlin.......... pe ddscsatied sels wcmsasaastonwees Sen Uden teseaincains 4 2 her StandardePottenyeCOnsercce ssc secees ese seen eee i hts Meus ae menesrne 4 2 eAWilleyecce SONS he etee eos es ccen ss wyeseceeee cance “ DUET. Rt etseeae ®), lodcooea at roti ERORd BAC Orr iccenscec st oscesnctestinseilieccencien\ lrsissccr,[eerainciine |feenranve)|sessewane | qa.ey SL Ce'T OTATG | |seesess moe bieeeeeo eel credes sei ane ae MORO TELE GSL6 | OF'96} G8°S6] 6S'F6| 06°F6 | G9°C6} 94°96] G9°F6| FOO} 69°16] F4'06|) 8L06) ZL16} 8416) rerecvonscvoererersoriindit Apnes pus Ae[d G Ges 62°E c0'9 oe"g ZG'9 19'6 C66 Ifekisy=| Pages eno 2000340 sieeve cloleleieelese efsleletsialeteles ( paurqmos) ‘13qeA\ 1% 1 99°93 GE'6T | 6L1Z $G'CZ | IF) 69°82] OL'O8 Pre || vocenanonho esneeee ANOODOnA Gurlatefetalale’s bi vietela FLMC IO F0 Guo bay ey 6 GLEE | 0966} OL9G] BLL) 06 FS | ( G GIG 00°02 OL'F9 OS LE 18°29 ZS 1G oL'LG GPG Ce tenet eee omega TOR IO (AAA Yo) BOILIS 9 68'9 O48 | GG8 | OL | OSPF | St v IL'9G | O89) 0669} GOLL) 06°99} GL a! SI all II Or 6 8 L 9 g 4 6 G I ‘SPUSWMO| ‘“dIq UAMAS GNV MOG ONIAVd NI GUS) SAVWIONUTY AO SHSA’IVNY TA HTAVL CLAY WORKING INDUSTRIES. 137 1. N.U. Walkers, sewev pipe clay, Columbiana county.................s2e006 Lord. 2. Freeman’s sewer pipe clay, Jeffersom COUntY................esceseneoereenees Lord. 3. Island Siding Clay fefferson county, fit for sewer pipe..............66 Lord. a < Serants Clehy, Euaondalere Cith eet al (Sasso scsh oacingcososasoadecousondantoocobeoaduesasoeacaRndenr Lord. 5. E. Palestine paving brick clay, Upper Fresport horizon................. Lord. 6. Massillon Fire Brick & Stone Co., mixture of fire clay with shale and surface clays used for paving brickS...............:eccecsseeeeeees Lord. fee eLOLONto:sewer pipe clay. tOpecierccd.c.csscoencas ests ans: Chemist not known. 8. = < “ Sri. DOLEOME eer caae doce scoters ‘ Ui s YereAverave topsand boOtrOmls MOLrOmtOssecsssccess eee ce oars - y ey LOS -Pinpire Sewer pipe Clay. asosicssse-scecs qoss-5 esse case sauce ee Etottsvallle sewer pipe clayaercsss cece stesnaat asses 12 “ce ‘ “cc is 66 66 66 3a CroxtonsRun sewer piper Clayascet cesses ecasseececeneecets s a EO Near Walker siSe Wer plpecClaye.rs-sacssosess sestescassaecasstanUscssbesassese sec Reed. These analyses were for the most part collected from the previous report on clays and from other sources. Only two analyses, Nos. 5 and 6, were made for the present investigation, and from samples which are valuable or important. The series of analyses from the seventh onward were made from the excellent sewer pipe clays which are worked along the Ohio valley from Toronto northwards, but they lose force from our ignorance as to how samples were taken and to whom the work is to be attributed. It is likely that the analyses indicate clays of greater purity than the results would show if the analyses could have been made from good samples of the finely ground material. However, the results as they are, are interesting and show far better than mere description the general character of the vitrifying fire clays. The average of these analyses shows a clay composed of 93.41 per cent. clay and sandy matters with 5.65 per cent. of iron and fluxes. 99.06 This shows on being calculated an oxygen ratio of 2.40 acid to 1 base, and 7.7 alumina to 1 flux. which shows a clay more fusible than the stone ware clays and yellow ware clays, but far less fusible than the shales. These indications are borne out by the facts, as the clays of the Ohio River Valley, while they vitrify fairly well in the shape of sewer pipe where the thickest section of the ware is not to exceed 2 inches and most of it less than 1} inches, when made into paving bricks or blocks, are very difficult to vitrify sufficiently to stand a good absorption test. This will be more fully discussed in the paving brick tests later in this article, but suffice it to say that a clay of such a composition as this average shows, would not be suitable for paving material without the _ 138 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. admixture of some more fusible clay. It also seems likely that there is a decided difference in the thermal qualities of the shales and fire clays which their analyses and oxygen ratios fail to show. It cannot be stated as a fact or even a theory of well established likelihood that such a fact exists, but if such were the fact it would explain a number of questions which are very difficult to answer or explain. If the theory concerning the role of iron in clays, as part of the hydrous silicate base of the clay, be true, then these shales in which this condition is best shown will depend on the thermal qualities of an iron- alumina silicate, about which asa separate ingredient or mineral we know nothing. The fire clays of the river district contain their iron largely as granular iron oxide and sulphide, in which the iron acts directly as a flux from the beginning and is to be classed as such. The actual temperature used in burning these two classes of clay throws little light on the problem. The following measurements were made in kilns of sewer pipe and paving brick which were at the highest temperature and just Bae: to finish the burning: |. The A. O: Jones Co., Fire clay.and Shales mixture:...<:.2.:. <<2-.-+s: 1,860 2. The Logan Fire clay Co., Fire clay and Shales mixture............. 1,712 3. The Massillon F. B. & S. Co., Fire clay and Shales mixturel........1,890 4. Che Nelsonville Sewer Pipe'Cox Fireiclay---ss.ccsec-s-sese-2e- ooo ee sees 1,920 5. The Canton & Malvern Paving Brick Co., Pure Fire clay......... 1920 6. The Crown Sewer Pipe Co., 4 Shales 4 Fire clay.......:......-..-+----- 1,820 7. W. BS Harris & Bros.,. ohales|and Drift clayjs-s.-.1s-2-<--ecesseesee see 1,800 8S hel CantonBricki Co: eShalesyontliy.ccss-se-cness sees sseees cc seaeseaesecees 1,800 9) The Hill’ Sewer Pipe Co: sandy: shales. ae see ccoctea-s noe sscetaes enacre 1,920 10S Akron Sewer bipeCo:, andy shalese esate: scape seeeeac cesses sees ee see 1,900 ii. the Buckeye Sewer:Pipe Con SaridysShalesse.s:le.essencemmesec nner: 1,875 IAVIEHAG Crist Sessa cecre sscccceccnscteseace-esceesasassenuse wacceate eee tes naene auaeeneaes 1,860 In this table, the quality and appearance of the mixture used is very much alike in Nos. 1, 2,3 whose temperatures are 1,860, 1,712, 1,890 respectively. The qualities of 4 and 5 are very sinilar and both show the same temperature, 1,920. The shales used at numbers 7 and 8 are not especially similar in appearance, the temperatures coincide at 1,800. The shales at 9, 10, 11 are similar in composition except that the clay used at 9 was more croppy and sandy than usual and showed the effect in its fire qualities. Whether this suggestion as to the part that iron plays be the true reason or not, suffice it to say that there is not the difference of temper- ature or duration of exposure in that temperature which the difference in the average analyses or oxygen ratios would lead us to expect. CLAY WORKING INDUSTRIES. 139 As has been before indicated it is probable that there are few clay deposits in the state which are able to satisfy all of the conditions of fire qualities and physical qualities also. But the Coal Measures abound in the materials which are capable of giving the proper qualities by judicious mixture. The following table of analyses was furnished by the Haydenville Mining and Manufacturing Co., who manufacture the Hayden paving and sidewalk blocks in one plant, and fire proofing and sewer pipe in another, side by side. The value and benefits of maxing are well exem- plified in this case for out of the clays of this table, they are able to pro- duce material of the best quality and reputation in each of the lines they have developed. TABLE VII. i 2 3 4 5 iltcaks to tal ssp secccsesesasecen ast ses 69.92 76.24 62.05 61.86 62.10 PRET TI Aor ceacereewssrcssctbescen etree 23.46 16.87 Ziel 26.02 22.71 TO ne Osx el eleen sep erese eae Sassen watt sces .20 16 60 63 3.69 LEG OT SAE eaeeee poe cebrane at eetis steeee gale ee A Sia melllcostenacs ses 15 alg adil IMAGES Tale tersce tee eect ostecne ce ae cence -40 00 .20 1.26 .86 PAU AITC Sue hee cate ae Scat costa 1.43 1.09 2.40 ol 3.65 \ WEIS is Seana ae eee anae emer teas 3.84 4.90 6.67 9.98 6.03 SRO EAISE pire iae secs ccateeaaue cesabes 99.73 99.86 99.78 100.25 99.75 E. M. Reed, Chemist. No. 1. Soft Lower Mercer. No. 2. Hard Lower Mercer. No. 3. Soft Brookville Clay. No. 4. Out-crop Lower Kittanning. No. 5. Middle Kittanning. These clays are all fire clays, and it has been the policy of these firms to confine their production to fire clay goods. However, it is highly probable that even more beneficial results are attained by the mixture of fire clays and shales. The vitrifying action in the shales is usually earlier to begin and relatively slower in its progress than in fire clays, but many shales are so near the danger iine of fusibility that the margin of profit is much diminished by the results of the least negligence or mismanage- ment. If to such a shale, a good hard fire clay be added in proportion of one-fourth or one-third and the machinery be such as will effect an intimate mixture of the two, the result is all that would be desired, being refractory enough and yet easy to vitrify, having still a good dark color and some glaze. Instances of the use of the good qualities of shales and fire clays conjointly to do what neither would profitably do alone are very common in the state. Some of the best vitrified goods in the market are produced from such material. 140 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. The use of the sedimentary clays of the Ohio River in the produc- tion of vitrified wares began some six or eight years ago at Middleport. Ohio is now represented by three factories, two at Middleport and one at Addyston, below Cincinnati. These clays evidently owe their origin to deposition in eddies of the Ohio River, as they alternate with deposits of sand and gravel. Where they occur, they are 20 to 30 feet deep, almost without a pebble or stone in them. ‘They present the cheapest form of clay which can be used for paving material, as they can be dug by steam shovel for a nom- inal cost and the work involved in preparing the clay for use is almost nothing. The plastic nature of the material is against it however as it is diffi- cult to prevent faults of structure in producing the brick. An analysis of the clay from a large test of twelve car loads from Columbia which was worked into vitrified wares of high grade shows the following composition : Silica (total) wesseesoccse-vasesseeecscese eee 63.73 NILES bb ens sAee none cantnceenesoattoscaspoatercradteEd: 17.17 Water: (combined!) Ses.c.acncssesessse:cecce tee 4.90 Claydand’ Sand acss-ssmessossosstecesnnn. 85.80 OxidecOLaTons osccecoseree our seete score ee eases 5.85 DB DETL Gee ease ae aee se actos Sours oases Somes 58 ia SIO S1a kee wae desis certante onsen oseach tse caceea ane 97 IPO EAST es were aeise see aie Sok ocean Gla site ae eaiass Sone aes 2.33 S OG Aaeaasntaee noticia dee eeu neo se nioa anche meee scum Ee 67 Clay and sand 85.80. MIKES i ceetecn cacesevetcecccdnsccsmecce eee 10.40 PlaKeSt aces 10.40. Watery (dreeliisonns te tecck ate bessaaaa coe etsees 2.96 Wraterianceieesce 2.96. MOtalcerecseasccoscsseee cde an steers cacao 99.16 Motaleeee 99.16. E. Orton, Jr., Chemist. The oxygen of ratio of this clay shows: 3.12 acid to 1 base and 2.77 alumina to 1 flux which indicates a clay less fusible than the average shales, but much more fusible than the fire clays. ; Under fire this clay vitrifies beautifully, but unfortunately it begins to bend and lose its shape also, unless the burning is managed with great dexterity. The quantity of these clays along the banks of the Ohio River is enormous, and the discovery of the vitrifying qualities coupled with the close proximity of shales and fire clay clays, at various intervals, forms a most valuable addition to the mineral resources of the state. The gen- eral character of the vitrifying clay deposits may be summed up as follows: CLAY WORKING INDUSTRIES. 141 Shales, enormous in extent and area, difficultly plastic, but easily vitrifiable. The fire clays, less in volume and accessibility, but still present in large quantity; fairly plastic, but more difficultly vitrifiable. Sedimentary clays, limited in area but of enormous bulk in their district, the cheapest of all to dig and prepare—too plastic and easily vitrifiable. There are instances in each division of clays which fill the wants of the manufacturers just as they are naturally found. It can hardly fail, however, that as the industry gets older and the qualities of the output become further tested by use, that the brick makers of the future will avail themselves of the advantages of mixture. Each class of minerals is deficient in some quality. Any two can be united to better effect than either alone, and in large areas, the geological conditions admit of this being easily and cheaply done. The preparation of clays—As in the selection of clays for the fabri- cation of vitrified ware, we have seen that no line can be drawn between the various industries represented, so also in the preparation of clays for- the actual manufacture of the different wares. The methods of prepa- ration are common to all. : The treatment varies more with the peculiarities of the clays them- selves, than it does from the character of ware to be made. For instance, it is true that more tempering and plasticity is required in making sewer pipe than brick, yet the variations in tempering different clays for brick are greater than the general differences between the tempering in sewer pipe shops and paving brick factories. Both shales and fire clays are minerals in which the natural plasticity has been to a large degree lost, and it can be brought back only by the expenditure of power. The general treatment for both involves grinding the material in its dry or natural condition to a powder, more or less fine, and tempering the powder to the desired consistency with water in pug mills or wet pans. Grinding— Dry grinding is universally accomplished in Ohio by use of the machine called a Dry Pan. Preiiminary to the grinding, the clays are sometimes crushed to a uniform size, but this is unusual and in most places unnecessary. The Dry Pan is a horizontal iron pan, revolving on a central vertical shaft and driven by a heavy gear wheel above or below. In the pan are placed two heavy iron mullers or wheels, with faces from six to fourteen inches wide and weighing from 2,000 to 6,500 pounds each. ‘These are held in position by horizontal axles which are arranged to slide in grooves up and down so that the wheels may run up on the top of any thickness of clay that may be introduced into the pan. ‘These wheels revolve only by the tangential friction of the rotating pan floor, and’ 142 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. scrapers are so set as to catch the clay and throw it in a stream under the mullers. The floor of the pan is solid under the wheels, but outside of the area covered by the wheels in revolution, the bottom is made of grates made in sectional plates which can be removed and replaced with ease. The clay being crushed fine under the wheels, flies out over the grates by centrifugal force and falls through the grates or is forced through by the scrapers or is carried back under the wheels. When it falls through the floor plates, it is caught in a circular wooden box and is carried around by scrapers attached to the pan floor to a point of dis- charge. The capacity of a dry pan varies with the size of its screen plates and with the kind of clay on which it is working. It is highest on brittle flaky shale, and lowest on wet plastic clays. If the clay be too wet or plastic it cannot be treated in a dry pan at all. The maximum quantity which is on record for one dry pan in ten hours is two hundred tons of rocky fire clay. The clay was fed from an elevated shute into the pan by gravity by the labor of one man and passed through screen plates of one-eighth and three-sixteenth aper- ture. There is no record in this state to compare with this for efficiency, so far as is now known. Under average conditions and with average clay a good dry pan will grind one hundred tons in ten hours through one-eighth screens; one hundred and twenty-five is frequently accomplished in good weather and with dry stock; in wet weather and with snowy or frosty clay, seventy-five tons would be good work. - There are a number of Dry Pans of a special merit on the market. Each one has some special feature which recommends it. They can be divided into two classes—wooden frame and iron frame pans. ‘The wooden frame pans are made for much less money and their makers and many of their users contend that they require far less repair than the iron frame pans; the elasticity of the wood gives the necessary relief from the shocks which are constantly occurring. This may be true, but on the other hand it may be said that the wooden frame pans will require more power to operate them, as it is nearly impossible to keep the bear- ings in line, since the joints of the frame and the bolt holes will work loose in a short time and are bound to become more flexible every month the pan runs. The iron frame pans are neater in appearance and occupy less space, are easier to get around to fill and repair and keep in line; they suffer from shocks it is true, and it may be true that the repair bills on a year’s run would be higher; this would have to be proved by records of the two kinds on the same clay, etc., to make the assertion good. ‘There are some nine or ten varieties of iron dry pans in use in Ohio. Among them the Frey Sheckler Co. of Bucyrus takes the lead, having in two years sold more pans in this state than any other firm doing business CLAY WORKING INDUSTRIES. 143 here. Their pan unites more good points than any other in general use though several pans have been built but not yet extensively marketed, which would equal it in every way. Among the other pans deserving special commendation are the Bon- not pan of Canton, the Carlin of Pittsburgh, the Penfield of Willoughby. The Turner Vaugh & Taylor, of Cuyahoga Falls, and the Hayden of Columbus must also be mentioned. The average price of a nine foot dry pan of the best design is $ 1,000 to $1,100. The wooden frame pans are used more generally in sewer pipe shops than in brick factories, probably because the sewer pipe shops are largely old and the brick factories have been built since the use of the iron dry pan has become popular. The makers of wooden frame pans supply a much more nearly uni- form machine than those who make pans with theironframe. The price including the timbers framed ready for erection is about $700 and $600 will often buy the barecastings. The frames are of 12x12 oak usually and are made as strong as they well can be. The wooden frame pan is probably wasteful of power, but requires less mechanical skill and care, than the iron frame. In wooden frame pans, that made by Jas. Means of Steubenville divides the honors with the Stephenson Pan of Wellsville,among the clay working establish- ments of the state. The fineness to which it is advisable to grind in the dry pan before allowing the fine material to escape for more accurate sizing in the screens, is a question on which some. experimenting could profitably be done. The usual practice is to use plates with about 33, aperture-when new; as the plate wears the apertures rapidly become larger, so that as the differ- ent sections are put on at different times, one can find spaces any where from =, tot. The action of the pan is much more vigorous and effective when the fine material is kept screened out, for if fine dirt and coarse together are allowed to run under the wheels for a few revolutions they pack into a dense cake which prevents any effective work at all. On the other hand it would seem foolish to allow material to escape from the pan to go tothe screen which is not yet prepared to pass through it. The proper course lies between the extremes; the pan plates ought to be so regulated that not less than 66 per cent. of the product will go through the screens and probably 75 per cent. is in most cases the better propor- tion. If the screen plates are too coarse no useful result is accomplished, for the tailings from the machine must all be returned to be reground, and energy is being expended in elevating and screening material which cannot go through the screen. The screening of the ground clay from the dry pan is the next step in the process. 144 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. The dirt from the pan is usually dropped into a bucket elevator and carried up a sufficient height to get proper head room, so that the mate- rial passes to all subsequent operations by gravity alone. The methods of screening clay in use are three: Ist, by fixed inclined screens; 2nd, by rotary screens; 3rd, by shaking or vibrating screens. The inclined screens are the simplest and cheapest and the most fre- quent in use. The clay is merely delivered to the surface of a shute about thirty inches wide by ten to fifteen feet in length. The bottom of this shute is the screen material which may be sheet metal perforated with round holes, or sheet metal perforated with parallel slots, or wire cloth. ‘The first material is the best on every account and the last is the worst. The screen shute is given whatever pitch the clay needs to run down freely. The greater the pitch the more rapid the movement of the clay and the finer the screenings will be through any size screen; the less the pitch, the slower the movement, and the nearer to the size of the open- ings will the grains be. The objections to this screen are: Ist. It requires a high building to give it proper room for opera- tion. In a small brick plant it requires the use of an additional story to the machinery building. In a sewer pipe shop this point is of no weight as the building is high enough, necessarily. 2nd. The quantity which one screen, thirty inches by fifteen feet, can run through per day is limited, and for the production of a large quantity of ground clay, a large number of screens must be maintained and kept in order. One screen to one dry pan is the usual allowance, yet if the conditions are anything like favorable the dry pan will over- work two screens of this character. 3rd. The screen requires frequent attention or it will become coated with fine clay until it fails to do its work. One screen will require oeca- sional attention in good weather and frequent attention in bad weather. Two screens take the time of a boy constantly to make them do their maximum. . The points in favor of this screen are, Ist, simplicity and cheapness; 2nd, no power required to operate It. The rotary screens are finding some considerable use in the state at present. There is hardly a sewer pipe plant in the state that has not tried them at some time or other. They are finding more extensive use in brick works than elsewhere. There are a number of different kinds of rotary screens. ‘The fol- lowing types have been seen and the workings observed: 1. A cylinder or truncated cone made of perforated metal with its irame work outside of the screen, so that material introduced at the higher end works gradually down to the lower end and lies in the bottom of the cylinder all the time it is in the screen. CLAY WORKING INDUSTRIES. 145 2. A similar cylinder, with its frame and spider wheels zzszde, by which the dirt is kept in agitation all the time. 3. A similar cylinder, covered with wire cloth, and provided with a set of flites or buckets inside which carry the dirt up on one side and throw it violently against the cloth on the opposite side. The dirt in this case only travels along the bottom as it falls from one bucket and is caught by the next. | 4. A hexagon or octagon frame, like No. 1, which has the advant- age of carrying the dirt up on its angles and letting it slide back with some force when its equilibrium is overcome. Of these four types—Nos. 8 and 4 will screen m re clay than either 1 or 2 of the same dimensions—they will also use more power. No. 4 is ‘the most efficient rotary screen for the power it uses. No. 3 is the most efficient in screening dirt regardless of power consumed. ‘They are all equipped with various automatic devices for keeping the screen cloth clean from adhering clay; generally knockers or weights dropping in quick succession on the cloth are used. In spite of all the mechanical ingenuity expended on this subject there is absolutely no rotary screen in use in the state that does not require practically all the time of one attendant man or boy to keep it in efficient operation. In several cases, a boy was seen at work side by side with elaborate automatic appliances supposed to do away with his services. The objections to rotary screens as aclass are: Ist. That they use up a good deal of power in doing their work; 2nd. That they require constant attention; 8rd. ‘That they require much repair. The points in favor of them are, Ist. That with good construction and careful attention they can be made to do a very large amount of ser- vice per day. 2nd. That they occupy but little space and require but little head room or elevators. The shaking screens in use in the state are manifold, but so far as is known, there is only one which is regularly manufactured by a machinery house. The majority of them are the invention and manufacture of the various manufacturers and superintendents who have had the troubles of the other systems to endure, and have tried a new plan as a possible relief. The following shaking screens have been observed in use in the state: Ist. A screen made of perforated metal forty-eight inches wide by twelve feet long, suspended on iron rods from points eight to ten feet above, the amount of inclination being about two feet in twelve, or one in six. The dirt was thrown into the upper end in one stream but divided by a ““V” shaped plow, it covered the whole area of the screen. The vibration was given by a small crank and connecting rod and the necessary jerk and recoil was effected by making the frame strike a solid post. 10 (Caa(@s 146 . GEOLOGY OF OHIO. This arrangement, which cost not over $50.00 and required not over one-fourth horse power, screened two hundred tons in a day with no attention but an occasional sweeping by a boy. 2nd. The same general style, but narrower, suspended by flat steel spring bars and driven by eccentric. This screen invariably gave trouble | until the method of suspension was changed to round rods, instead of flat springs, which speedily crystallized and broke. ‘The eccentric also uses more power, and wears out faster and is more expensive to repair than the simplest crank. 5rd. A screen box, about thirty inches to ten feet long, pivoted at the lower end and shaken from side to side at the upper end by a rapid crank motion; this inclination about three feet in ten. This is, all things considered, the best shaking screen in use—it is cheap—simple—and requires less power to run it than any other, and it will do more work per square foot of surface. The motion of the screen from side to side is quicker, but less violent than the longer sweep from end to end of the first shaking screen described. The jar of the latter is hard on a weak building. . The general results obtained, indicate that where a high building is to be used, the incline screens are the best as by duplication the capacity can be brought up to any demand. Where a low building is to be used and the quantity of work is large, the shaking screens will be found the best and of the shaking screens, those which accomplish the main move- ment of the clay down the screens, largely by gravity and the short lat- eral motion, back and forth, by power. The fineness to which it is advisable to reduce the clay for making a vitrified ware varies with the qualities of the clay. If the clay is refrac- tory, it should be ground fine; if it is easily vitrified it need not be made so fine. If it is plastic it may be left coarse, if it is rough it must be made fine. ‘The effect of fineness of division in the clay in the character of the ware is noticeable; it increases the danger of bloating, and increases the danger of bad structure by too great plasticity, but the results are firmer and stronger knit. For paving material it is beneficial in increas- ing the wearing qualities, and in sewer pipe it assists in getting an even smooth surface. The clay from the screens is allowed to fall into a storage bin if the tempering processes are to be done by a wet pan, or go direct to the pug mill if the tempering is to be done in that machine. The use of a stor- age bin for tempering by pug mill is very rare, but it has many advant- ages to recommend it. The tempering of clays for the use in the finishing machinery, is one of the most important steps in the process. Mismanagement in grinding and screening results in lost time; mismanagement of tempering affects the value of the ware produced. CLAY WORKING INDUSTRIES. 147 The two methods in use are by Wet Pans and by Pug Mills. The wet pan process is used in almost all of the sewer pipe factories, and in many brick works, while the use of pug mills is nearly limited to brick works and similar works. The wet pan is a counterpart of the dry pan except that its bottom is solid instead of perforated and its mullers are generally narrower in tread and lighter in weight. The usual wet pan muller has a face five or six inches across and weighs from 1,500 to 4,000 pounds. The scrapers are not so long nor set so deep, nor with so flat an angle in the wet mill as in the dry. The framing, be it iron or wood, is just like the dry mill and the gearing, etc., are also just the same or a little lighter. The mode of operation consists in running a charge of clay from 600 to 1,200 pounds into the pan from a large box or shute with proper valve for controlling it. While the clay is running in, the water is also turned on, and is being mixed with the clay by the combined action of the scrapers and mullers. When clay and water are added in sufficient amount, they are shut off and the grinding progresses. As the clay gets more uniformly wet and plastic the wheels cut through it cleaner and grind and crush the particles as they pass under. The grinding action is not to be overlooked in this process. The mixture secured is intimate in proportion to the length of the grinding; two and one half minutes will temper a charge for brick thoroughly; for sewer pipe four or five minutes ought to be consumed. As the tempering progresses the opera- tor adds water as is needed. When the charge is ready to withdraw it is taken out by a shovel. The blade of the shovel is made of wood about 18x24 inches, and the handle is a heavy bar of wood, 3x4, pivoted on a ring bolt near the blade end. | The shovel is lowered into the pan where it is instantly filled by the clay sliding upon it. It is then lifted out and dumped into the boot of the elevator or conveyor which is to take it away. This operation is always done by the operator who does the temper- ing. One man can run two wet pans comfortably, filling, tempering and emptying in rotation so that one pan is grinding a charge while the other is being emptied and filled. There are two devices in use for emptying the wet pans automatically. The first and simplest device has been perfected simultaneously by two men, working independently. It consists of the shovel arrangement just described, actuated by machinery, so that it comes down, pauses a moment, raises, dumps and comes back again with no help but starting and stop- ping. ‘This device simply saves labor on the part of the temperer, but he must be there just the same and paying attention to his work just the same. It accomplishes the work so much easier and quicker however, that it is alleged that the capacity of a wet pan isincreased from twenty to thirty per cent. by its adoption. 148 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. The other self-emptying device is that employed on the Carlin pans made in Pittsburgh. It consists of a movable section in the side of the pan rim, which is hinged solidly against the frame of the pan. In this case the bottom of the pan revolves but the rim is stationary, When the pan is grinding the movable section is out in its place as part of the rim When the charge is ready to empty, the section is moved inwards slowly by a screw worked by a hand wheel, and all clay striking it is swept out of the-pan into a belt or table. The action is that of a movable plow. entering from one side and plowing the contents of the pan out into the receptacle beyond. Neither of these devices make any great difference in the expense of tempering; the only difference is in the slightly increased out put. The character of the tempering given by a wet pan is the most thorough and efficient it is possible to give clay. The grinding action is a very impor- tant adjunct to the tempering. When a hard gritty shale is being used, and it fails to develop the proper plasticity in being treated by pug mills it is necessary to add a plastic clay to assist it. But a wet pan will make any clay plastic that has the elements of plasticity in it. Also in mixing clays, a pug mill merely stirs the particles together. A wet pan grinds them together so that it often happens that the result cannot be detected as a mixture. In mixing two clays of different fire qualities together by pug mill, the ability of the mixture to keep its shape depends practically on the character of the mineral in excess. Thus a soft vitrifiable shale, would allow a brick to bend under heat if there were fifty per cent of the shale used with fifty per cent of the refractory fire clay, but if the ingredients of the two clays were worked together until practically united, it is pro- bable that twenty-five per cent of fire clay would sufficiently elevate the melting point of the shale. The defects of the wet pan as a tempering machine are Ist. Its cost, which is two to three times that of the pug mill. 2nd. The fact that it has to be put on the bottom floor of the building on account of its weight and vibration and thus generally necessitates a second elevation of the clay. 8rd. The clay is tempered in batches and even with the utmost fa thfulness it is impossible to always get each batch of an even tem- per. 4th. The clay will sometimes absorb water so fast that it will become quite dry and hard in temper in two minutes after a copious addition of water. In treating a clay of this nature, the first portions removed from the pan are likely to be more soft than the last portions of the same batch. As to capacity, one good wet mill, well handled, will temper suffici- ently for brickmaking all the clay that one dry pan will grind. For the additional plasticity, required by sewer pipe machinery, an additional pan will be needed to keep one dry pan working constantly. Instances are on record of one wet pan taking all the clay from two dry pans but this is exceptional. CLAY WORKING INDUSTRIES. 149 The pug mill, as a tempering deviceis the oldest machine employed The principle on which it is founded is the Archimedes screw. A re- volving bar is equipped with knives, or cutting bars, or propellers, set so as to form an interupted screw thread. ‘These knives or “paddles” stir the clay up and pass it slowly forward in the direction the screw is run- ning. Pug mills are now made horizontal for use in large brick works. The older pug mills used in small brick yards and potters pug-mills are still vertical. The trough in which the screw works is either of iron- bound wooden staves, or sheet iron, and the shaft is usually made of jorged iron and the paddles are either cast solid to slip on this shaft one after another, or are made in two pieces, a cast stub which slips on the shaft as before and a wrought iron or steel blade which bolts fast to the stub and can be removed or repaired with no trouble. The gears which drive the mill are either single or double according to the work which is put on the mill. The clay is run into the mill in a continuous stream at one end and is immediately wet with nearly all the water which it requires, further addition of water is effected, if necessary, when the clay has progressed part way down the pug mill. The discharge of the pug mill may be either free or under pressure. Some of the recent forms of pug mills are regular brick machines, forcing the clay out through a constricted opening and cutting it off in small shavings by a revolving cutter outside of the delivery. One mill forces the clay out through a dozen or more holes, one and one half or two inches in diameter and cuts the bar up in sections from one to two inches long. The closed delivery pug mills are more efficient in getting uniform plasticity and uniform structure of the tempered clay, than the open top mills. In the latter there is no pressure brought on the clay, it is continually and loosely stirred until it is tipped out at the discharge open- ing in a loosely granular condition. The advantages of the closed pug mills over the open ones are mani- fest in the work they do, but the increase of power consumed is very great. The character of the tempering done on a rocky clay not pos- sessed of much natural plasticity is poor and the power consumed is nearly as great as that used in a wet pan. In the open mill, much less power is used and the work done is still poorer in quality. The advantages which can be claimed for the pug mill are, 1st. Cheapness of first cost and small expense in repairs. 2d. The action is continuous and if clay and water be within the control of the temperer, more uniformity is possible than can be attained in the wet pan. Under ordinary conditions, however, this advantage is lost, for not one in ten of the plants using pug mills have any storage bin for securing a regular flow of clay, but are made to depend on the supply of clay that falls from the screen, which in turn 450 ~. GEOLOGY OF OHIO. depends on the dry pan. It is not possible to secure an even supply of clay for feeding the pug mill in this way. Any inattention, any variation _of the dryness or hardness of the stock, any choking of the screen, or any one of a thousand conditions is always interfering, and the result is a constant fluctuation, a feast or a famine, at the pug mill. Hence the temperer has to face the difficult task of adding the proper amount of water to a clay supply which does not remain constant two minutes at a time and it is needless to say that no man can maintain vor under such conditions. When a storage bin is situated above the pug mill and the clay from the screens falls into this bin, then there is nothing to interfere with the mainténance of a steady stream of clay except the constant difficulty, which is inherent in the nature of the case, of getting any supply of ground clay to feed freely or run down grade without choking and bank- ing up. Ground clay is like snow; it will amalgamate on very small excuse, and in order to get amassof groundclay to “run”’ at any regular rate it is necessary that not only every natural advantage should be given it, but that the temperer should have some ready means of dislodging and stirring it up. The storage bin should be as tall as is feasible, should be larger on the bottom than the top, the supply should strike in the center of the bin and the outlet should leave the center of the bin at the bottom, and the outlet should be smaller when it leaves the bin than at the bottom, in order to prevent choking in the spout. Even with all these igucioaltt lors observed, the clay will require to be dislodged frequently. It is possible to arrange a screw, or other mechanical appliance at the bottom of a bin of clay which shall deliver a constant supply as long as any clay remains in the storage bin. In order to use the pug mill to temper clay advantageously this provision would be worth all it costs. 3d. Pug mills area good means of uniformly wetting and mixing clays which by nature are already plastic. In such clays the use of the grinding action is not only unnecessary but is detrimental, The use of each of the two forms of tempering apparatus is thus seen to have its own especial field of usefulness. The wet pan in tempering rough, hard and rocky clays and shales; the pug mill in tempering soft plastic clays; the latter can be used in tempering dry, ground clays of any nature, but the results are not as good as they ought to be, except when the natural plasticity of the clay is high. Where mixtures of clay are used to effect changes in the chemical character of the material the use of a wet pan is nearly indispensable to good results. The use of hot water in tempering has a very beneficial effect in many cases. Aside from the comfort to the men who handle the wet brick in cold weather, and the assistance to the drying of the ware when it comes warm from the machinery, the disintegrating effect of hot water and steam is more pronounced and complete than cold water. CLAY WORKING INDUSTRIES. 151 The processes of preparation have now been described. They are common to all industries using hard or rocky clays for vitrifying pur- poses, and are used for the preparation of clay for many other purposes beside. At this stage the clay passes to the special machinery required in making the kind of ware under discussion. Brick Making Machinery. ‘The manufacture of bricks by machinery is accomplished in several ways, and with a great variety of machines. As paving brick are liable to be made in any one of the processes it is necessary to give an outline of all the different means employed. ‘The bulk of the paving brick manufacture—all that is important—falls under one of two plans which will receive careful consideration... Bricks are made at present in the following ways: 1. By hand moulding. 2. By soft mud machinery. 3. By stiff mud machinery. 4. By dry press machinery Hland moulding is not employed to any extent in making paving material. It is still used in making fire brick and in making common brick. ee Soft mud machinery is used to a limited extent in paving bricks and to a large extent in making fire brick and building bricks. The process is characterized by using the clay in a very soft.and pasty state and by the fact that the soft clay is forced into molds like those used in hand molding, and these molds are then removed, emptied, cleaned, sanded and replaced by hand to be refilled by the machine. This process will thus be seen to be but an imperfect attempt to perform by machinery the same processes originally carried out by hand. Thereareanumberof different _ machines of this class, but all unite the same essential principles and attain similar results. Sif mud machinery, is that now almost universally used in paving brick plants, and is becoming more and more important in the manufact- ure of all kinds of bricks for building and refactory purposes. ‘The clays in stif/mud machines, are tempered to a plastic state but are not soft and pasty. They are able to retain their shape under considerable weight when taken fresh from the machinery, and the process unites the benefits obtained by wetting the clay, with those which accrue from the easier handling of the product. ay The dry press process, aS its name indicates, takes the ground and sifted clay, and by the exertion of great pressure forces it into a compact and dense brick, without the use of any moisture. The products of this process are used in a limited extent for making fire brick, but are ordinarily applied to the production of fine building material. Some few dry pressed bricks have been tried as paving material with nearly always unfavorable results. The character of the wares made by these four processes may be briefly described as follows: 152 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. Hand-molded bricks are irregular in shape, generally more or less porous or open grained, owing to the lack of all pressure in their form- at on and to the large amount of water used in tempering. ‘They are devoid of any cracks, cleavages or laminations resulting from the arrange- ment of the particles of clay by the power that formed the brick. The material used is generally poorly prepared and not homogenous but if clays of suitable composition were used and were ground fine and temp- ered with the proper machinery, a brick could be produced by hand- molding whose structure would more closely approximate our ideal than can be made by any other method. Soft mud bricks have most of the good points of the hand-molded bricks so far as structure are concerned; they very rarely show faults like laminations or cracks; they are usually open grained and porous on account of the large quanties of water used in their tempering. ‘This loose knit structure can only be remedied by the use of compressive force after the brick have been partly dried and become stiff enough to benefit by such treatment. A brick which has had this treatment becomes one of t e best in structure that it is possible to make. But such a process of manufacture becomes an expensive one, on account of the necessary division of the drying into two stages. The stiff mud bricks have usually a dense compact arrange- ment of their particles and possess good strength, but are apt to show evidences of the influence of the machinery in their structure. This process is the cheapest way to manufacture bricks from tempered clay, but no machine has yet been devised which is capable of contin- uously producing material whose structure is even approximately what is desired and needed by the paving brick industry. The advantages of the process are such however as to indicate that success will be attained by overcoming the obstacles which interfere with this plan, rather than by developing the usefulpoints of any of the other ystems of brick making. Dry press brick possess the most dense, even grained structure and the highest specific gravity of any kind made. Butas a result of the process of manufacture, the brick is an agglomeration of grains which owe their conjunction to pressure. Ifthe clay is easily enough vitrified to unite its various particles at a safe heat and form one coherent mass in- stead of many thousand separate masses, then the dry pressed brick would be the best and cheapest known. But the facts are, that no one has ever succeeded in producing to any profit a dry press brick in which this has. been continuously accomplished. The grains of clay may vitrify, but do not unite. The green brick is an agglomeration of sepa- rate particles which can be separated by friction. The burnt brick is the same, and while each grain may be vitrified to non-absorption and the brick as'a whole be nearly non-absorbent, still the particles will easily vi-ld to the disintegrating effect of friction. ; CLAY WORKING INDUSTRIES. 153 In the bricks made by the wet processes, the preliminary cohesion is accomplished by water, and burning merely perpetuates the bonds ai eady formed. In the dry press brick, the kind of vitrification required to establish a bond between the particles would be scarcely less than fusion. Hence it is to the stiff mud processes that we must look for the paving bricks of the future. The machines in use for the manufacture of brick by the stiff mud process can be classified as, 1. Plunger machines; 2. Auger machines; 3. Combination of these principles Plunger machines are those in which the tempered clay is introduced in a cylinder, or press box, and forced out through the die by pressure of a piston operating from in rear of the clay. This is the simplest and most natural method of forming clay or any plastic material into a required shape or size. The character of the bar of clay produced by being thus thrust out of a die or constricted opening by pressure from in rear, is a very im- portant field for study. To begin with, there are certain qualities which it is thought probable are inherent in any bar of clay which is formed by expulsion from a constricted opening. A study of the product obtained from a large number of different machines, working on different clays indicate this very strongly. When plastic tempered clay is put under pressure before a constricted opening it issues forth and its flow from this opening appears to operate under the same laws that govern the flow of fluids, That part of the clay will be in most rapid motion, which is furthest from any solid fric- tional surface, just as water in the center of a stream flows faster than its edges. Hence the center of a bar of clay is sure to move faster than the outside. These conditions become less marked in producing a large bar than in a medium sized one. A bar having a section 6 x 1linches has but little tendency to drag on the outside and run ahead in the center, be- cause the inside area bears so large a proportion to its surface. ‘There are about two inches square area to every lineal inch of surfacein such a bar In a bar 3x4 there is less than one inch square area for each inch of surface. Hence the center will te more likely to run ahead in the small bar. But if we reduce the size of the bar to 1 x 4 the tendency to run ahead in the center again nearly disappears, for while plastic clay under pressure acts like a fluid, it is a very stiff fluid, and in sections where the surface is so large in proportion to the area the retarding effect is nearly equal all over the bar, and it comes out at nearly equal speed in all parts of its section. The sizes of aperture then at which the clay develops the greatest tendency to run at unequal speeds, lies in the limits of those sizes that 164 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. are now used for producing end cut bricks and paving blocks—that is from 2x4 to 4x0. In either larger or smaller sizes the tendency diminishes. The effect of this tendency has an important bearing on the structure of the bar of clay. If made of clay which is a little too dry in temper it will break into pieces showing on one side of the fracture a cup-shaped cavity, and on the other a conical projection. If the temper be a little soft, the corners of the bar will tear back or ruffle up, making an utterly unsaleable article If the clay be tempered well, but too little plastic in its nature, the corners of the bar will show a multitude of cracks going down into the clay for quite a distance and trending forward at an angle toward the center instead of at right angles to the flow. If the clay be too plastic, the center is liable to flow so much more freely that division lines are formed between the outside and the center and these slipped surfaces or laminations can not be made to unite again, by any subsequent repressing, and naturally these cracks or laminations are a detriment to the strength of the burnt brick. ‘These various phenomena which have been mentioned are all due to the one general cause—the flow of the plastic clay through the die and they are faults which are inherent in the case, and not the result of the kind of machine used, or rather of the way in which the pressure which causes the flow is applied. Besides these faults, which are common to all, plunger machines are likely to have another which is characteristic of them only—that is the imprisonment of air in greater or less quantity in the substance of the clay from which it cannot escape. The pressing chamber is filled with a mass of more or less granular clay at the beginning of each stroke. The motion of the piston forward rapidly consolidates the mass and the air has only the chance to escape by the leakage of the piston head or through the die with the clay. Vents on the surface of the chamber serve but small useful purpose, as they speedily choke with clay and only drain the space close to them. As the air goes out with the clay through the die it generally occupies the space between the slipped or laminated surfaces and thus assists in keeping them apart. Sometimes large cavities are formed and if the clay is too soft it sometimes swells up like a loaf of bread from imprisoned air, There is no way yet devised which does away with the introduction of air in bricks from a plunger machine. As would be expected the more granular and sandy the clay is, the less the trouble amounts to, but the limit of sandiness will be attained before the trouble is cured. One of the most promising attempts to do away with the trouble has been made by Mr. H. B. Camp at Cuyahoga Falls. He uses a packer which by constant strokes catches and consolidates the soft granular clay from the tempering machinery into a large round bar, this is cut off in chunks or crumbs of seventy-five to one hundred pounds weight and is CLAY WORKING INDUSTRIES. 155 dropped into the clay cylinder of his machine. ‘This lump is as nearly the diameter of the cylinder as will allow it to be dropped in and the air in the cylinder is on the ends and outside of the lump of clay where it can most easily make its escape when the pressure comes on it. An application of this idea to the feeding of other forms of plunger machines will undoubtedly assist in reducing this most troublesome de- fect in their product. Aside from these faults, 1st, those common to the production of a bar of clay by any means and, 2nd, those due to impris- onment of air in the bar, the plunger process affords a result of high excellence. By careful attention to keeping the conditions of plasticity, sandi- ness, richness, etc. as favorable as possible and using every means to keep air out of the clay, this process can probably be made to yield better results than any process in which a bar of clay is formed. In the nature of the case, mere pressure on a plastic mass of clay imparts no structure other than that due to flow. The plunger process is subject to one peculiarity or limitation, that is, the intermittent character of the flow. This is a feature which can- not be eliminated; it does not interfere with the production of a good bar while the flow is in motion, but it limits the methods of removing and handling the output to those plans which employ a good deal of hand- ling by men instead of machinery. No automatic devices have as yet been successfully applied to handling the output of plunger machinery, and the intermittent character of the flow threatens to stand in the way of such improvements. The methods of handling a bar of clay for the production of bricks will be discussed under the head of auger machinery. There are several types of plunger machines applied to brick making, Ist. The pipe press, in which sewer pipe and hollow goods are made, is also used to a small extent as a means of making brick. The machine will be described in detail under the head of sewer pipe, for the manufacture of which it was devised. It consists of a vertical clay cylin- der surmounted by a vertical steam cylinder. The piston rod is continu- ous from the clay piston to the steam piston, and the pressure is there- fore, a direct one from the steam totheclay. Itis an extravagant machine ju the use of steam, but its simplicity and lack of wearing and breakable parts make it one of the favorite machines in use. 2nd. The same principle has been used in the horizontal steam press, this is used for brick and small sizes of hollow goods. It is made usually double ended, a steam cylinder in the middle and clay cylinder at each end, so that instead of losing the steam on the return stroke it is used in making ware; also two kind of ware can be produced at once, which is of great importance in some places and in any place it saves the loss of time in changing dies frequently. 3rd. The Penfield Plunger consists of a pair of press boxes of rec- tangular section, situated on either side of a central vertical shaft. The 156 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. pistons are connected together by a pair of connecting frames of heavy design, and the rear side of each piston carries a chilled roller. On the main shaft a large cam is keyed fast and in its revolution it forces the piston frame backward and forward, the motion being received from the cam and conveyed to the frame by the rollers alluded to before. Proper dies bolt into the ends of the press boxes. ‘The press boxes are filled with clay from above by a vertical pug mill which surmounts the entire frame of the plunger machine. This pug mill receives its clay on top and works it down and into the press boxes wherever the vent is open. This machine has been used largely in the past in making common brick; it has been used to some extent in making paving brick. Itisa good machine for working a plastic clay and making building brick, For making paving brick from gritty non-plastic clays, and made ata very stiff temper, the machine has proved itself too complicated and too expensive in -repairs, and the simpler method of getting the pressure by steam direct is much preferable. The use of Auger Brick Machinery is growing in importance in the manufacture of paving material and all other kinds of brick as well. ‘There are several reasons for this increase: Ist, it produces a continu- ous stream of clay which allows of the utmost economy in handling the output and getting the utmost duty from the employees in charge. 2nd, it is always driven by power from shafting and hence the use of steam in the engine can be made economical, while in plunger machinery actu- ated by steam, the use of the steam power is divided and the require- ments do not admit of very high efficiency being attained. 8rd, the ma- chines are capable of doing more work in a specified time than any other of equal cost. The main underlying principle of the auger machine is the use of a continuously revolving screw to carry the clay forward and force it out of the die. ‘The mechanism as usually arranged, consists of a cylindrical or conical, horizontal iron case with an opening at the rear end on top for the admission of clay, and a movable front which carries the die and former. Inside this clay cylinder is fixed a horizontal shaft carrying the fittings which give it its character asa screw. Sometimes these fittings are noth- ing less than a cast iron screw cut in sections which slip over the shaft one atter the other. Sometimes the fittings are merely blades forming a slightly interrupted screw and sometimes they are a set of steel forged knives set at variable lead at different points on the shaft. However the effect is obtained, in all cases the essential elements of the screw are there, and its action on the clay is just the reverse of the action which takes place when a carpenter bores a hole with an auger. The chips from an auger are carried back from the point of production the clay is carried forward toward the outlet. CLAY WORKING INDUSTRIES. 157 The front end of the shaft is equipped with a casting designed to gather up the clay delivered to it by the knives or blades in rear, and force it out of the aperture in front. This casting is a solid, chilled iron screw, made in a single thread or double thread according to the kind of bar which is to be produced. The shaft, which is unsupported at its working end, is held firmly in position in two long bearings and is driven by powerful gears, either single or double. The backward thrust of the auger shaft is of course equal to the forward push it gives the clay, and this has to be provided for by a carefully adjusted step or bearing designed to take the continual strain and wear without heating. This is a short description of the main points of an auger mill. There is a great variety in use and many which have attained special excellence in securing the maximum out-put with the minimum wear and breakage. Auger mills are divided into two distinct grades—those which make a side cut brick and those which make an end cut brick. By a side cut brick is meant one which has been cut from a bar of clay whose cross section at right angles to its line of flow is equal to the area of the side or largest plane surface of a brick. Similarly an end cut brick is a section of a bar of clay whose cross section represents the end or smallest plane area of abrick. "The mechan- ical problems met in producing these two kinds of bars vary quite widely. In a side cut machine the bar of clay produced is about four and a fourth inches high by eight and three-fourths inches wide. ge F e -110y jt0de01,J 9} aaoqe worl soleys ““ssoidoy puomldey yno-pusyy =“oTIOR AT Iasny IsapyooyS-Ao1 ““ssoidoy puowdAey “““TOZIIOW Suluuey pue ssorg odig 19M9S yor AvIO-911T ““ssoidoy puomAey yno-9pIS = “aUTTOR IAT Josny Jopyooys-Ae1 J “SABO ORJINS Ue [Tews -APUTOTA uto1y Aejo-o1g. pue soleys eee reeeesseeseres ssoidayxy puomAevy ‘ouryo eeteeeeeeeeees I OZTIOT] 8 Uluue}IID Woy ‘So[ePUSAI[[IASIUeZ eee cceccccceses “*sKeJO oT} -sp]d Jeoo] OUIOS YIM ‘soyeys 9[ [TL ASouUeZ ““ssoidoy puomsery ‘sSolg odig 1aMaS ‘OINORJ -nuem s}i Ul posn ‘QINJORJNUeT $yr AJOULYOVU JO PUlyy Ul posn Av] JO puly “1901 POOMTTEH soe "O0Te POOMTTe ere OTG POOMTEH “OTE POOMITEH -PJI Josuny,g plagued |*** OT POOMITEH ecccce ““OIlO ‘suo V ‘Aueduo) Wig suraeg susyjpy We2Si'72755 “O1NO ‘O[IAWOSTON ‘Auedurog odrg IOMIG I][IAUOS[ON ‘6XPXE “6XPXE PEDROS} 106) ‘TeSo’y “od AelD oy ueso’y ‘6X7=XE scam LITE) ‘snquimyoo “od surarg o1yoO 6X7=XE “O19 ‘snqurnyod “OD AeTD OTT TTeSseM ‘admes Suryqsiaainy lWAIY oY} JO ome Ny “poysiuiny [elioyem jo pury § ‘S'IVISMLVW ONIAVd OIHO AO SLSHL TIIA A IGVL 193. CLAY WORKING INDUSTRIES. CVS 01 C66 0°86 0°GG OSG 0'GE OLT 6G SY ai GT OF G& 96 8I 9T VE 66 LG G get | So6F ‘apeur |S4s,19 LE-LT 6P'LT F6°G6 681 8E1G OS TG LOG 6TT LL ST stresses *T1OZIIOY Sura -ueyIy wor s[eys STL WWM Avpoorny seseeeeeeeeeeeStIOZTION SULUUP4IIy pue Jada. WOIy apeys OTL YA sAeporry SDOCCOROONGH Ga Ge UN modify so.eys pure sAB[DOIT ustese reise OAS TIRA IIA OLY O wor sXeypo Areyuouwrpas ““NOZIIOW SUMP} “Wy mor Aepooryy pue wozto0y 410d -I01yJ WOTF sopeys sfeyo o1yse][d oovjans yy =‘uoz0y sut -UUL}UST WIOAZ SOTeYS SOROS p OOO ROOR GOYA ay hE IOATY OLYO WOors sABypo ArepUOMITpas ‘AJWUTOTA JO Sayeys SnotasIUOgsred-qng ““ssoiday puomAey pue ssorg odidiamag “ssoiday wopXe yy pue ssorg odidiamag ““ssoiday uapAeyy pue sso1g odidiamas BEBGOHSOAQSONSNED Safa yitd ep | puourkey ‘ourqovyy youg AermnyA-JUeID, PPOD0OTE SE GEESE puou -Ae yy Jno-pury ‘auryo “PIN Josny ploytod “““sgssoidoy puom -ABy no-puryq ‘ouryo VJ. tosny ployueg ““sgssoidoy pmol -Aey ‘yno-pury Souryo PJ Josny ployuog “-sgssoiday pour -Aey no-pury ‘ouryo ‘6x7xis ““3IOTG UOJARTD yserAy fox $ox or BE OOCOCOUGUOUOUC EY <5 9 | yyemM -9pIS Joy Yoorg sur -ABq JUs}eq UsapAeyy TSX PX 1S ROLODGOSESIS: Ay (3 ( Wem -IpPIS JUd}eg UopAeT] 6XPXE “ee MDOT POOMTTE HT ‘6XPXS “O0TG POOMITR]] ‘6XPXIG “M907 POOMT] H Ors “MOOT, POOMTTRTT ‘EXPE “VJ Josny plagued | yo poosMTey SOGOSo ONAN) TUN eat ‘Auvduiod sulinyoey -UBYA, WOARTD 4sery “ory ‘aT[IAMSpAeTT ‘Auedurod SyJIN WY SUIUTL oTTTAuepAeyy SOCSOGUOSSY 0} 576) ‘Teso/T “og AvTQ Suryooy “oro “zodealppritl ‘Auevdumogd yoig apueig yodalpprial “OO O][TASoUeZ, “OD pussuMo Tg “OTTO ‘B]]TASOURZ, “Ssorg W Savy “aA A “omg “MoyAppy “od yoMg Weuuroury “oro “Wnours}10g ‘AKuvdmwoyg youg SUTABG YWous}I0g él IT OL for) D | td (oe (OE GEOLOGY OF OHIO 194 “TOZLIOY Surmuezy |r ssaaday puour -}J WOAy soyeys pue |-Avy 4yno-apis ‘autyo Mae S2 Ste O16 | FS | 0% | BO8T| 200'L| 990] G6 [Avporary Jo oinjzxIL |-PIN Jasny ssovany fe yoorg sauof |" oryo ‘aT[Asanez “OD B}}00-B1IaT, 29 Wltg souof'‘O'y ey | LT POCCOO =I Ka le yes apse “"""T1OZLIOT, [LA |‘qno-epig § ‘ourqoe yl ‘6X7X§ GL |p 1g | I8L'T] 6PL‘L] FLOL| LVL |weayng mor sapeqg jresny seppooyg-Aoryy | YOOT a[tAasoy_ |'*"** O1gO ‘a[[Aasoy “OD B}}09-B119 J, pus AIG saI[TAvsoy | OI sercoeescsesen es TTOZEIOU *sereemesoiday puom Sutuuez}ry mory = |-Aey 4no-spis ‘euro LOE Ze 093 | Ih | IL | 80st] 068e| 22a} Ie |sareys pue Avpo-o1ry |-ey mosny ssaorg fe yooTg Ope |"O ‘OT[[IAS}1e119 MON OS) BY}JOO-RBAII SL QW YOLIgG psavepurys | Gl “-pappe Aejo-aag |''** “"ssorday puour OTIET UWA ‘sopeys |-Avy Gno-apig‘euryo © ‘6XPXE G6 g Gl 9c9°T | S81'9| SATL| eg’ SNorojrmoqieo-qng |-ey rasny asaarq | Yool| 1e1S ULI | OLYO ‘a[LA0,O1NG ‘Auedu1od YOLIQIIVY BJS OFOLS | FL > wW wW O QO J ae) ° Z Be | Se loa lee lea] es] os E 8 ees all ep a bss we | #e | Bo B "Dae me | mere | Eo ebalemens "aanyory at mo Blog Boe | Gog ct 3 ey ‘oINnjORJNUeI S}T Nuvu sj UL pasn ‘poysiuany ‘aides Surysiainy | 4 a 4 2) , : an Ke ‘ 3 yorr HE ; 2 UL D 4 s eS PD, Pa 2 i Be, ul pasn Avo Jo pursy Arourpew jo pury [elroyeur jo pursy uly oy} JO sue N Me beled lod | eh: 5 Spc es a | e| «| Ts a — == = SSS oe Se — — *penulyuo)—STVIYALVIN, ONIAVd OIHO 10 SLSHT— ITA Wav, vy 199 CLAY WORKING INDUSTRIES. 9T 06 66 Ig LG oD 08°ST 64°91 96ST 98°16 OFFS 106 8L61 68 OT "***""TIOZIIOY TIOIOYAL JaMO’/T Wor sayeyy peo cesees TIOZLIOU IH Wend Woy sejeys sececcee far 99 aS ‘OANPORJNUSUT S]T Ur posn Avo JO pulyy verseeeeeeeeeees STITTOR TAL Josny IayyooyS-Aol yy seeeseeeeeeeee TTTIORTAT Jasny IapyooyS-Aod yf eee POLO OCH POMP YH TAGS) VJ Josny osoo1y teeeeeeeeeees SUITMORIAL Jasny lopyoaqS-AoryT ““ssorday puowAery qno-apIg ‘ouOR YT Jasny JapyyS-Aod yy 4g x4xis Scott ae MI JNI-IPlg ULe[d {8X PEC tetteeeeeereeees QAR Yyoug jno-apisg ured FSXE XZ eee eta taney Wu jo-apiS weld SXPxr iz Scare eee eee ort JNO-IPIS ule FQXPp X seeeeesTQART ABMOTI[OFT C ‘Arysnpuy TION ‘Auevdmoyd xorg sureg AeMOTLOT]T sisleicleeicia “OIuO TOURS ‘SUPITITM ‘S “M senecess Ol @) OURS) *)|s “o> Yorrg [pAOY aoan see’ s Foy (0) ‘ToyUuRD “OD Yu_g woyueD so ATISHPUYL TION Auedwogxoig suraeg A¥@ MOT [OTT ‘QIN YORJ -nuem s}i Ul posn ALIUIYORU JO PUL *poystuany [ULfoyeul Jo puLrsy ‘paANUIQUOD—SIVIMALVIT ONIAVG CIHO AO SLSHIL— IIIA HIV ‘orduies Surysiuany ULIY 94} JO ote N 08 8G 197 CLAY WORKING INDUSTRIES. VG 0'FG O'1% G1G IT 96 LI 86 CG SP GG ~~ oD 61 08 9c°s 60°T 68°T 96° 66T 88° 86° Heiteereeeeseeseee nap pe Avpoiy ayIT WM AJLULOIA WOT SoTeyS ““mozII0oy jodaar1yy roddy, wor AvpooIt yy see e ee escccensee UOZIIOY, UMO}IOYeNC) UO TT sopeys pue Avot] WOZIIoy SurmuezLy ITPPHAL Wosy Avposyy UOZIIOT SULUUe ALS ITPPHAL wWory AvPOIAINT WOZI1OY SULLY 2TPPUA Wtory AvpOOALT TOZLIOW SULUML}}IST PIPPIAL Wor sopvys “TO ZIIOLT 1919 JA TIMO’T Worf Sapeys steseeeseeeeenennee OTITTTD PY Tasny ossvo1y Seu OUT OU TAL Jasny Isp yooyS-Av1y Beeee se SULT OC TAL TISNY J9[ YooyS Ady serene eeeeeeee OTTTTTOR TAL Iasny IapyooyS-AdA yy seeeteeeeeeeee TTR TAL Iosny asp ooyS-AA yy rteeeneeeeeeeesevees OTETTTD -VI Josny 9S991 J sseseeeseonereeseoes OTTTTTD -BJ Tosny 9S997 YJ eae Suton TAL INSNY PPI YS-Ao.1yT ~ FSX PIG SIoARg Jo- apis uleld SX PX GZ SIDAB_ JNo-apiS UrleT_ ESXPX EG siodARg JNo- Coie Wey “Qxp xz SIOAB JNO-9pIS VILL J EQxpx eee oe WIG o-apts ureyd GSXPX FZ eeieeeereeeeeereees TART YOU JO-9pis ureypg {8X7 XG aoabor Heereeerees TAR YMG Jo-opis ureyq *£Q x p23 ‘a a7 riteteeeeeeeeenree FART YOM WWo-9pr1g urey_ “o) 3.JW ® Sut “UT P[EYIVH uUlsypes “-OIO ‘AUTISeTVq “A ‘Auedmogd yousg JITY IU’ 93¥4S "OIG “MOT[ISSETAL “OD YOrIqG-aITy 23 9043S UOTTISsey SasOLUG) “WIOATRIAL “od SUIART ® YOU UIOATBYL pue woyueD sratevalelete's o1ryo “TIDATRTAL “O59 ABD UIOATR I “OO ‘sanqsoude Ay ‘Auvdmog AviT) WN Yorrg Ssanqsoude “OTTO “SNqsouds Ay ‘Auedurog ABT ®W YOrIg Sanqsoudv Ay CQ ‘Aaysupuy ION ‘Auvdurodg yYyoug SUIART pIVpuUusySs , c Ss ie) ~ 96 ce tS GEOLOGY OF OHIO 198 Ce 699'T LE8‘9 IL L1 9e'T setteeseeseessesseees QT1Q15 -OUIL’] aspliqimed jo UOzZIIOY, WOIZ sayByS BAGO EOGO? EKO 0 COVA OKO} 6 | TH 4 ureujng mor Avp-3.y pue sj[eys Aeyoytap § px “oO ‘Ta|SHO[H) Wospsapeys ““TITOA TROD JSIMO] JO uOZIIOY WOT, SaTPYS “““TozLI0oy Sure} yyy ory AVO-941LT ““uoOZzLLoy SuuuE} yyy. Tory AvO-941yT ““TOZLIOW SuUImUe} Wy MOAy Ae]O-9.11 7 OOF | GF 88 068‘T | L19‘L| 68'S | 96S G6 61 OF O&Z‘T | 122‘ | LP°9T | L6°% 06 eT G GSP‘! ZF66| 9G'PL| 8a 0°68 ee CP 118‘ | L29'L| ¥8'0%| TLS ‘ope (ASO) ee Gia te neue weal LOTLONT) GLtOGi|| Geis Ges OL Iv ose‘T| T8¢‘L| 99ST | PI'S GGG L ag G66‘T | L28°L] OFZT| LPP @ @ eae) las} ge\geleg eh ek ge | ge Ba) trl br | Se] ae | oe | Boe pe | 8 | gs | Bra | ge]. a |e eee ee ea | aie eee a S D L - a D a ee } i=} 6 are fo) ° Oe rd ast mst 8 rd isn © y ay er gQ 7 ‘QANOVJNULU S}T UT UL posn Avpo JO puly Neo esc ce rerevoene weer ese ee leew teers nesves eee ew eee eee eects e[eeescene . . SSOROSOOSHOROCHS Yada 12 A lasny 19pyooyS-Ao1 py sotpo ree meeceetese OULD: -BJI Josny o9so0I1y IUIYOR YA rosny tsp ooyG-Ao1,7 ““ssoidoy puomAry ‘OUITORIAL SNY 98991 y] seeeeeeeeeoesees OTITTTORINL Iasny IpPp9YyS-Ao1yJ ‘treseeeeeesseeseooe STITT PIT Iosny 9S 9917 “DANO -nueul S}r UL pasn AJOULYORUL JO PUTS “EQ xpxts SIOAV PNO-9plS Urlel ‘possoidai JON “6XPXE eeeeee “SOOT 43n9-9pIg Fgxpxlz SIOAR J JN9-9pIS Ulel “$8 XPXiZ SIDAL JNI-IPIS UIe[ “Eg x px 22 SLOAP yno-apts aed EQ x Pete S1IAR J JNO-9plg ULlel $8 XP X FZ SIDABY JN9-9pIG Ulel_T *poystuiny [Bl1o}euL JO pursy eee eeeene *eeeseeeeees CO SBIOAY: “"""“O1NO ‘squat TL ‘Auedmog sursmyovy “RURAL YOU OTqUaTAL, “Oro ‘a[[TAsaueZ *S ‘Auedmoy suraed 2 A:U a][tAsouezZ *S eeeee OTC) ‘snasong ‘Auedurod 8}}00-v4 19, J, 29 Yourg snszsong PLGOPI OAT LG 104) TOL V “ol You asavypod “OTTO OITIASTIOM. “oj yomug sAoyong “**O1O OTTASTIOAM. “Od Avpo-o41yT WeO[NA, resssees OTT G) ‘grrdunyy “og Aelo-o14RT OST0Z ‘oidmes Surysiuany MI sy} JO sMIeN ‘papnppuoyj—S'IVINHLVA ONIAV OIHO AO SISHL—IIA HIV CY vW &P GV is) 8 lop o o CLAY WORKING INDUSTRIES. i) COMPARATIVE STANDING. Based on the Average Rank obtained on the Absorption and Rattling Tests—and excluding the Crushing Tests. Name of firm. Kind of material. Per cent. " 64 Wassall Fire Clay Company.............. Hallwood Block............ 8 1 Athens Paving Brick Company......... Hallwood Block............ 9 Canton Brick Company............00se000 Red Granite Paver........ 9 } 2 Bucyrus Brick and Terra-cotta Co.....) Side-cut Brick.............. 9 | Scioto Star Fire Brick Company....... Grant Star Block.......... 9.5 3 Royalubrick, Company......s-1c-.---2 Side-cut Bricks... 9.5 \ WS Se BUT Re aa men aac GcReRcce Repressed Pavers......... 12.0 4 Raya Brick COM panyer.cscsee-s.ccsocces-6: Repressed, Paver..scncssss 13.0 5 Logan Fire Clay Company................ Hallwood Block............ 15.5 6 Nelsonville Sewer Pipe Company...... Hallwood Block............ 14.0 Portsmouth Paving Brick Company.... Hallwood Block............ 17.0 } dt Ironton Fire Brick Company............ ShalevPaversccessseet-casctne 17.0 Roseville Brick and Terra-Cotta Co...| Roseville Block............ 17.5 8 Imperial Brick Company................+. Metropolitan Block...... 18.0 9 Canton Brick Company................054+5 Side-cut) Bricksiscsssste ss 19.5 10 State Line Fire Brick Company.......... Side-cut Brick.............. 19.5 PAVING Brick TEsTs. The results of this test, which is by all means the largest and most complete investigation of its kind yet made, are of great interest in many ways. Not only is it interesting to brickmakers, who are competing for standing, but it is interesting to the public at large, to see that material of such excellence, and such high average excellence can be produced by our Ohio manufacturers. By a careful study of these tabulated results, the following deduc- tions have been made: 1. Fire clays vs. Shales. ‘Twenty-three varieties of shale brick, or bricks whose largest constituent is shale, and whose color is red or dark were grouped together. Fifteen varieties of fire-clay brick, or bricks whose largest constituent is fire-clay, and whose color is light (gray bluish, or buff), were grouped together. Four varieties, composed of a shale fire-clay mixture in about equal proportions, and whose color is speckled white and red, were grouped together. Three varieties, composed of Ohio river sedimentary clays exclusively, and whose color is dark red brown were grouped together. 200 GEOLOGY OF OHIO The average results of these four classes are: Absorption.| Rattling. Crushing, | Crushing, Rank. sq. inch. cub. in. Shales sci ssatenaeeectraness 1.17 17.61 7,307 1,764 1 ine=el ay. ncasnes. setae coeeae 1.62 17.32 6,876 1,678 2 Wiixture 2 eassee ne erorete se 1.44 18.72 5,788 1,400 3 RU EIIC ayy east eeece ste. < 1.36 19.02 4,605 1,176 4 The shales are seen to be distinctly ahead in this table; while they show slightly more loss than fire-brick in rattling, they also show much better vitrification and much better total strength. Also, in examining the composition of the bricks holding the ten highest numbers in the general table, there are seen to be thirteen shale bricks, against three fire-clay bricks, showing that the best material of the state is eighty per cent of it made of shale clay. 2. Side Cut Material vs. End Cut Material: Taking nine samples of repressed bricks made on end cut machinery, whether plunger or auger, and comparing them with twelve side cut re- pressed bricks, the following figures were obtained: Absorption.| Rattling. Crushing 9) Cashing arent sq. in. cu. in. SIGEICMILIS. haciassskedascoeseeces | 72 17.78 6,925 1,649 1 EPEC CUE ee cee e sco ee sees 92 17.49 5,418 1,354 2 Showing a distinct advantage in general average for side cut mate- rial; however, the end cut material in this test was made in many differ- ent kinds of machinery and of very different clay. Separating the va- rious kinds more closely the following figures are obtained: End cut material, plunger machines ; Three samples made in sewer pipe press and then repressed; One sample made in Penfield plunger machine and then repressed; ee Pct | Crushing | Crushing Absorption. | Rattling. sq. eS | en. fav Rank. | Sewer pipe press............ 1.18 11.13 5,903 1,480 1 Penfield machine... ........ 1.08 32.77 4,465 1,188 2 Avg. for plunger mach’s. 1.15 16.54 5,944 1,395. eee (a) End Cut Material, Auger Machines. Five samples, all made cn the Penfield automatic cut off, end cut, auger machine, and then repressed. CLAY WORKING INDUSTRIES. 201 Crushing | Crushing Absorption.| Rattling. sq. in, eee Rank. End cut auger brick ...... 73 18.25 5,318 1,322 2 Side cut auger brick...... 12 17.78 6,925 1,649 ] By still further eliminating the causes of variation in these samples, aside from the effect of the mode of manufacture, the following figures are deduced. = Four samples of end cut repressed auger brick made of shale clays, against eight samples of side cut repressed auger brick, also made from shales. Absorption.) Rattling. Case sey If Caleb Rank. sq. in. cu. in. rid cut Shales. ..cc...s506s 58 18.94 5,326 1,338 2 Sidercutashalerreesese eae 74 15.64 7,690 1,187 1 In this last comparison, the sources of variation have been largely eliminated and the results are therefore much more: valuable; as will be szen, they point strictly to the general superiority of the side cut brick over the end cut. In order to test the matter still more fully, five side cut common bricks made from a sedimentary riyer clay and five end cut bricks from the same clay and same factory, were burned side by side in a kiln of sewer pipe. When burnt and glazed, they were put into a rattler with some other material for special test and were given 1,000 revolutions. The bricks were fortunately much too soft to develop the quali- ties of the clay, the heat having been too low and not continued long enough to vitrify them. The results showed more abrasion of the side cut bricks than of the end cut, but with this important difference; that the five side cut bricks were represented at the finish by four pieces representing each a brick, and two pieces which could be fitted together, representing one brick. The abrasion had stripped off all edges and corners, but had left the main core or section of the stream of clay as it came through the die, intact and recognizable. In the end cut bricks, however, the fragments were, one brick, four half bricks, representing two whole ones and seven fragments represent- ing two other bricks, showing that while the fragments left, showed more actual collective weight, yet the side cut bricks had far the best of the test in the condition of the bricks coming from the rattler. Only one of the end cut bricks was in as good condition as four out of five of the side cut. 202 GEOLOGY OF OHIO -It is much to be regretted that the samples were not burnt hard enough to develop the qualities of the clay; in this case the results would be very valuable. poe 3. Plain vs. Re-pressed Bricks. Has been discussed in connection with that subject; the general averages of the repressed and plain materials are of interest however in another connection. Absorption.| Rattling. Crushing | Crushing sq. in. cu. in. MREpPLesseduntyssacssssteanctes-bsces ces 85 17.92 6,228 1,514 IPL aa tie versus aie been ites vaeet le sndnwens 2.05 17.42 7,705 1,869 While the plain material shows the better abrasion test of the two, the balance between the absorption and crushing strength is beautifully shown. ‘The repressed bricks were better burnt, and took much less water, but their crushing strength was lower. ‘The plain bricks, while not as well vitrified as they should be, several of these going up to 4.6 and even to six per cent absorption, still showed a very distinct improve- ment in their crushing strength. 4. Lfffect of size on the strength and testing qualities. Fifteen samples of material, including the best known materials in the state, such as the Hallwood Block, Hayden Block, Jones Block, Metro- politan Block, Parto Block, Roseville Block and several others, all of which were three by four by nine inches in dimensions or larger, were compared against eleven samples of Smaller repressed paving bricks, including the Canton and other standard brands. The results are: | ae -_ | Crushing | Crushing Absorption.| Rattling. sq. in. = er aL Rank. Ga eee pre eeenn a eeenee ences .89 16.69 5,857 1,443 1 POM all, teense ceewnc ose eescs .80 19.59 6,701 1,604 2 In this table, grading the bricks by absorption and rattling tests, the large blocks have the very distinct advantage over the small ones. In crushing strength, they are at a distinct disadvantage; their larger surface is not backed up by proportionate strength of structure, and while they usually stand fully as much actual pressure per brick as the small sizes do, they do not stand as much per inch of surface or bulk. As has been previously remarked, there seems little ground to attach much value to the crushing test, and it seems probable that the strength of the largest sizes is ample to ensure their bearing any load they will ever have to stand. The actual loss in ounces was perhaps the same in the large bricks asin small ones in the rattling test, but the percentage. loss is much less. CLAY WORKING INDUSTRIES. 203 This same difference extends to the use of the brick in the streets; the large material may lose as much in five years as the small, but there are twenty to thirty per cent less brick used in paving any given area and twenty to thirty per cent less joints and points at which failure is probable. Also while the strength to resist a breaking strain is not as high per inch of surface or bulk, itis as high per brick as the smaller ones. A prejudice has existed in some quarters against the large blocks in the alleged difficulty of vitrifying them. By the test it will be seen that there is practictically no difference in the vitrification of large and small blocks; as a matter of fact, the difficulty of burning large blocks comes in avoiding the bloating tendency when expelling the combined water. A very few hours of time and a very few pounds of coal are all that is required to vitrify the extra half inch in thickness which makes the brick classed as a “‘ block.” The manufacture and sale of vitrified material for paving purposes is a new business, and one which is still in the early stages of evolution. Five years ago, there was not a brick company in the state of Ohio which had any comprehension of the needs and necessities of the con- tractors, whom they so cheerfully agreed to furnish with vitrified brick. The manufacturers have been learning in the hard school of experience these five years. One of the great temptations of the manufacturer has been to grade his product leniently. Especially has this been true of all manufacturers who have been making paving blocks, or bricks of special shape and size, designed for street use only. To the maker of this class of wares, the merciless system of rejecting anything in any way deficient has been almost an impossibility. It has meant in many cases a balance on the wrong side of the ledger at the end of the year. And above all the cheerful ignorance of those who have been inspecting and laying this material has made the moral strain on the manufacture still more severe. The soft brick, or those which do not receive sufficient heat to vitrify them, and the culls or those, which, while hard enough, are cracked, twisted, or chipped, constitute a regular percentage of every kiln’s con- tents. The best burning in the state produces some. ‘The average burn- ing produces twenty-five per cent. to thirty per cent. of material which has no business in the street. Many companies in starting out have not made fifty per cent. of merchantable material in the first six months. The culls must be dis- posed of for some secondary purpose. The soft brick can now be burnt over again and made merchantable, at an increased cost of ten or twelve dollars per thousand. The advantage of paving blocks over brick are being recognized on all sides. In Ohio, the Hallwood block was put into the market in 1888. now there are not less thanten different brands of blocks all of which 204 GEOLOSY OF OHIO are essentially the same size, shape and weight although manufactured by twenty different companies. This growth of the block manufacture would have been much more marked, except for one thing, that is, the disposition of the culls. ; Block culls are not a merchantable article and are disposed of at a sacrifice. The culls of the common brick size and shape, while not pro- fitable to the maker, are not usually a source of loss to him, for they are a desirable building material when soft and when hard are in good de- mand for foundations, vaults, sewers and side-wall use, and in fact any - place where exposed service is demanded. In consequence of this fact, block-makers have had an uphill fight, and they deserve far greater credit than they receive, on account of what they have done to raise the standard of the material. The future of this great industry largely depends on the concen- trated efforts of paving brick makers to keep up the high grade of their wares. To sell a soft and imperfect article, merely because the purchrser is ignorant of what he wants, or because the contractor who is putting the pavement down, hopes to hoodwink the citizens who pay for the street by putting in an inferior material because he makes more out of it, is not only an act of dishonesty on the part of the manufacturer but is short-sighted policy, as well. If brick are put in at one-half the cost of granite or asphalt and last only one-quarter as long, the market will be largely reduced after the first crop of streets begins to fail. On account of this fact, the manufac- ture of blocks rather than brick, and the use of every means to prevent the sale of soft or imperfect material for paving purposes ought to be the policy of the manufacturer. By making paving blocks popular, the market for brick will be damaged; brick of the proper kind are con- stantly liable to be mixed with low grade brick, which are difficult to recognize or cull out, It is the constant temptation of the maker who is selling two kinds of brick of the same size and shape, to sell just as many as he can for the highest price. Paving brick are worth about twice as much as building brick, and when both are manufactured at the same yard it is a moral impossibility to get a shipment of uniformly high quality. On the other hand, the public is entitled to the advantage to be de- rived from large blocks and at the lowest cost which will enable the manufacturer to make a fair profit on his business. It is unfair that the makers of large blocks should be compelled to charge the public a price sufficient to pay for the loss of his culls. What is recommended in the joint production of vitrified blocks and bricks at the same time. In down draft kilns set twenty-five courses high, the average paving brick burn will not include over seventy-five per cent. of thoroughly first class paving brick. Of the twenty-five percent. culls, the twenty per cent. is soft material in the bottom and around the sides of the kiln out of the CLAY WORKING INDUSTRIES. 205 direct line of the draft and, five per cent. is likely to be hard bricks, twisted or cracked in burning. If the bottom of the kiln had been set with five or six courses of plain side cut or end cut brick, and on top of these nineteen or twenty courses of paving material of special design the loss of the material in the kiln would have been confined to the five per cent. of damaged ware. This simultaneous production of two grades of ware has been tried in many places; it is amuch more sensible plan than by trying by the expenditure of large amounts of coal and extra pains in the construction of the kilns, and setting, to force the heat to every partofthe kiln. Especially desirable is this plan in the beginning of the business; in this case fifty per cent of common material is better than twenty per cent, and more profitable. ‘There is no trouble in reducing the courses of common brick at any time that the success in burning paving brick seems to justify it. The cost of production of paving material is various; the location of the factory ; its natural advantages as to crude supplies and the equipment of machinery have everything to do with it. In many old factories, which have taken up the manufacture of paving material as a new lease of life, the cost is much too high and they will find themselves overtaken again in the race of competition. In a modern, new factory, provided with the best appliances in every department, and situated where coal, clay and shale and water supply can all be obtained at the first cost of production, the actual cost of manu- facture and burning and putting the ware in cars, wagons or yards, can be reduced to about $4.00 per thousand; $5.00 per thousand is still a low price; $6.00 is too much for the manufacturing cost. ‘To these prices must be added the losses by inferior grades of goods produced; cost of extra handling of product in the times of dull trade; interest on the in- vestment; insurance; taxes; cost of maintaining the office and salesman; and all other items of general expense which are common to all business interests. Where blocks are produced, the increased amount of coal and clay used, with a slight increase on the labor, will cause an additional cost of fifty cents or seventy cents per thousand. The total expense per thous- and, then, on a modern plant, located and equipped as described, ought not to exceed $7.00 per thousand at the factory. The price which material has been bringing has been much higher — than this. It began, for all points in central Ohio where the freight would not exceed $2.00 or $3.00 per thousand; at about $20.00. The price has dropped every year as the confidence of the manufacturers to produce the required article grew stronger. The sales of 1892 were largely on a scale of $14.00 per thousand; and $10.00 per thousand for repressed common brick sizes. Every indication points to a still large cut in prices this year. A number of new factories are now ready to market their output, which have in the past season merely been gettinz ready for operation and “learning the trade”’. 206 GEOLOGY OF OHIO The public are certainly entitled to a considerable reduction in prices; $10.00 per thousand ought to buy good vitrified blocks in any town in central Ohio. One reason for this elevation of prices which has been mantained so far, has been in the fact that municipal corporations have been the prin- cipal buyers of the wares. It is a shameful fact, attested to by many of the most prominent makers of paving material, that the venality of those who have conducted the public business has hitherto greatly increased the cost of brick pavements to the public. It is certainly a misfortune to the industry that its product is bound to be marketed principally to municipal corporations, if not directly, at least indirectly, through the contractors who agree to furnish material and build the streets. One great source of expense to the manufacturers and therefore to the public has been the unskillful and prejudiced inspection, to which the paving material awaiting use in city streets has been subjected. Large lots have been condemned by reason of the failure of small samples; or have been rejected on account of trivial surface defects or color. The present development of the paving brick industry in Ohio has been putin shape in the following table as far asthe data have been avail- ables 207 CLAY WORKING INDUSTRIES. 0°9 000‘00F 8 seccccesessors TOAD yno apis ec ceccccce neces ccce DOD EA TOSO SAG EAOD IC OED CIOS ICAO 9 Woig SulARg piepurjys aTL Qs e9 000‘00F L teeeeeesoees TOAD ABMOTIOH eooccccccccece of ‘Aqsupuy 'N slefelelsiooie eeiers sige relelsec eines nels ec tO) yWoug_ SuLaeg ABAOT oy ouL 1G 0°02 000‘008‘T OL DECEOOS: Xo) (| we} [odo1}2 I, cov ccc esoesccccesees s RAO OOIOOOOOOOOIOOIOOOOIOOIOIOIOUIEOOOOICIIOOC IOC IO "O09 yog qerie wy oul 9G OCI 000‘0S2, 6 seereeerr TAR aye13 pow seccvcceccorossenerseree ah ieee eee ccesagocosvesescscessore soe eres OR) yog moyueD on1L GG oe 000‘008 9 oe ccecccccs BOIOODOCOODOORCOOOUOOOOOOd sa oaesaacs dobodod aaletalators siasloas wees cl nereece recs TILER] [LAN "MD Po O'S 000‘0F8 ip eeccccccce "I9Aed possarday sicleideivis seigcileweeelsec st OPUCS) ASOOOIOOOOOOOOCOOOUOOIOOOIOOK =O) Sulmnporjnueyy youg yesoy ouL rr g's 000‘00Z y ee ecececee ceecencee IT[FASUTeS ee eeeeee see eteccesverccccse eeeeeee BOCELE( Of) kelp oI DdVUIN oT ZG 09 000‘°GzZE g ee ocecveccccoscccsecs Fears DUP ORB ROCg cette seoeee secre ocesnceee ee coeese ‘0D youg afaxong on Iz 0’°s 000‘008 G seco ecemscetaecoa OT PA STONY eeccvecccce ccc e ees eee eesccecescasscesse reese ees “OD AelD ueoTnNA. ou 0% 09 000‘0¢F 9 ceocecccescccceevoce secs = ee coreeccsccorssce ecoecccce BP OGIE OOGOSORGUSODYY GF) WU eb ate | 08009 6l oe 000‘008 y SEER C Ta SOSEOOO MOCO Fa Hands | occ ccccccceccescone ee resrccceccesccee BOOS SEO ODE oes) youg TOusotON, SI 09 00) 0F9 8 eee eeeerccce sorereoeeeO TTB TIOT ee eee wen erseesscecece wee ecoceseesencee sshettOS) ILL 2» paces preuieg LI 09 000‘00Z y peccccccccccccccce . we ecccccce ec ccc cece tec ccces cece ceepocees “OD Aoug IPISIOATY, ouL 91 979 000‘0LE 9 suosecersuecess =" VOC OTDDLINE PODDOIOOUIOOOOIOOC eccece OPOCOPREY 6) youg aqyUeIy ysoda [ppl ouL el OZL 00089 SL netic cleeaseecccecsveve ss STOUT UY oe se weccevorre eee eres concer coeeee roy) ug Suraeg svoq}y oa FI OSI 000002 0% CURED HOME a0) (41 poomy[ery eee ceccee soe cecnee aT [TAMOS[ON eee ence cee ccereereres DUBEGOROHAG YS) odig IOMoS I] [TATOSTON oTL el 9 000'FZE ZI eccccorcone “"YO0Tq moyARID eer ecesecececne se ccee uny yov'y ee acc cc creer ccce SOS OOOOLLY gy oO Surinprynueyy[ m10}ARID JSeAT ZI oe 000‘0FT it cvcvencecvecees " o00000e ves s[tAuepaey easieisisivie sieisis 0D SupMyousp UPN 2 Surat a[[IAuepAe yy ouL | TI 08 000‘89L al pen99n 207000005; af} (2) uepAeyyT eae ee een serrcereseces Boor Rees | RCS sa eGR ae OO ROO ORR nOS SESE OS) AED Suryooy TL OL OL 000‘0ZP ZI S99 000SDOCM>: IO} (A poomy[e Hy eee eeceeccccce eee ceereee ne Pec c emcee reece eee sees seers eereeseee eases see oD eID ITT ueso’y on 6 09 000‘08Z 8 “" TQARC a}1ue13 ueso’] ee eccccens ccereeeree “ 1eS0/T ASONOOOUOOOOOOOOG SDODOEOUSORG AOE 5} kelp ayUeIry ueso0’yT oT. 8 09 ccc ecerec rea cecces|sccccsses|sesees eeceeee *T9Aed yno apis FESR ODED CISC ECOG (a) 608.04 eeceee . 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ADO il SEIT Pew ewe eer esses eee ee eeesseneeneee DOCCOCOCOUGOCS tay, c1a | yno apis »” eecccree “MOOT poomM [ey ee A0TG IBYS JURI) tteteeereeee Tg apd uOozJUOAT “ee 01G POOMTTEE Caer ere ees ” ” ” erry yy ” eee e eee nnace ” rT) yy Serr ” DOOUDOOOOOOOLS iV, oY f yo apis ecco ee coer eter e eres eens eeeseeere veeeeeereeeeeeeee® QTTTASTIOLIG) ” bopBuGHgoECOEoCOMOy Tay 004y KYO) eee ee eee ee eesees YyNours}10g eee ee eee cereseecees I [IAOJOINS DOTACSOPHGUHADAGOSCOOAA ge EKa S| | PBOOBDGOGOOSONOHSOCA A OHV V Oy Dey ofc eiveleiaiciucieslesioeaG ESTA) EL GT “HOI Y “-omiysoped yseiyz “sets HOTISSE IAL beeen ree eeereee “Binqsoudv eee er ee nne senesececs ” sree eeettee eT TQATR IAT steeeesbe teeteeteoeee DT OT TBL) reeeesseeeeereeeeeeeeeeseng TBI OT See e cece eee sereees pene oD AvlD OAT YT aso yong OL Perce emer neces ne seeeeee teed eee ee enaeee POCOOOCY oF) suraeg roy dete) aL "OD ABTD 9IT [[esseM OY, 2) Youg Ssuravg yNouws}10g oy, “OD Yo IVT eS 0FOLVS oy, ee eeeeee oiselelefeesisisie ns Miielsidine Zou seine Sen eSt OG) ug ALT Wo}UOIT OL Ce ereceeenes waerenee Foccee cone voce cece ees ace YI WeUUIOUID aL Prec eee eee ree see eens sees eeecene Says of >? Yorg snidong ony wee e enews eres Beemer seer serssrersceceseve Daeg YOU tadoog 2) sa hat tarmortc ime stiatee OD ILE ® YU wor oy, Aa rnapooceuateuoadecaccor sO MOLIG dT OUT 93RIS OT SromacpnonaniG SEG DOS 05 AOL OTA 2 auojG UOTISse om, 0) ARID ®W Aolg SinqsoudkeM oy J, COC OPES OROL GY) ela UIOATR IAL OTL Shapphconna, OD SUIARY YI IJ ULATRIAL 2 wWozURD oI, Syodouasesande ‘o-) Surmmporjnuey, Y SuruyL ppoysey usopes ‘jyoupold “LO1}BIO’T ‘Udy JO IUIeN 208 ‘pepnpyuoj—OIHO AO SHIMOLIVyY MONG ONIAVG AO LSV’T ‘XI WIaV CLAY WORKING INDUSTRIES. 209 Ill. THE MANUFACTURE OF PIPE AND HOLLOW GOODS. The manufacture of pipe and hollow goods is made to include the following general divisions: 1. Sewer pipe. 2. Fire proofing. 3. Terra cotta chimneys and flue linings, 4. Building tiles. 5. Drain tiles. Of these, the first four are frequently worked all together in the same factory. The fireproofing and terra cotta work is managed entirely in connection with sewer pipe plants. The manufacture of building tiles or hollow foundation blocks of heavy cross section is now carried on in a few factories as a separate business, entirely apart from the sewer pipe manufacture. Great expansion is sure to take place in this direction in the future; the use of vitrified clay products in this class of work has scarcely begun and it cannot fail to become a constantly increasing source of wealth to the state. The manufacture of sewer pipe and building material demands the use of vitrifying clays; terra cotta and fireproofing, though not vitrified, are as a fact produced from the same clays; the difference in their ap- pearance is due to the comparatively low temperatures used in burning. The clays used in the manufacture of the first four kinds of hollow ware have already received general notice under the description of clays suited to the manufacture of vitrified wares. The processes of preparation of these clays has also been described in connection with paving material; there is nothing about the prepara- tion which is characteristic of this particular use except that the temper- ing has to be much more prolonged and thorough, on account of the difficult shapes and sections of ware which are produced. ‘The shapes required in fireproofing are especially difficult and troublesome to manu- facture, and they require very thorough tempering of the clays. The manufacture of the various kinds of pipe and hollow goods is almost wholly accomplished on one machine, the sewer pipe press; this machine has had brief description in connection with brickmaking ma-- chinery. It consists of two vertical cylinders separated by a heavy, cast iron frame to which the cylinder heads are bolted; the upper or steam cylinder is usually forty inches in diameter. ‘The piston rod is made either single or triple and connects the steam and clay pistons. The clay piston is a cast iron head, which can be renewed easily and it is not usu- ally provided with any means of taking up wear. It is rapidly cut away around its edges by the flow of the clay past it when under great press- ure. It is sometimes bushed with a wrought iron ring shrunk on, which can be replaced easily as it wears out. ‘The clay cylinder should be a 14 CAO: 210 GEOLOGY OF OHIO casting of good strength and thickness to allow for frequent boring out. The walls are worn by the escape of clay under pressure, the wear being usually greatest about one-third of the way down the cylinder where the clay first begins to feel the effect of the pressure. The cylinders can be bored out by hand without moving from the piston by use of appropriate devices, but the usual plan is to send the cylinder and piston to the shop for refitting. The area of the steam and clay cylinders is usually in the ratio of four to one. The tendency in the newer shops however is towards the use of a larger ratio. Clay cylinders of twenty inches are now frequently equipped with steam cylinders of forty-four inches, and eighteen by forty is another common combination. Smaller sizes are made down to twenty-four by eleven. In response to the growing demand for large pipe, larger presses have been constructed; one in use is forty-eight inch steam, by twenty- four inch clay, by five feet stroke. This press will make thirty inch pipe in one stroke without refilling the clay cylinder. Another press not yet in operation but in process of construction is sixty-four inch steam cylinder by thirty-six inch clay cylinder by five feet, eight inch, stroke. This will be the largest press ever made for this: purpose; the utility of these large presses will be in the ease with which they can get outa large run of large pipe. They will make twenty-four and thirty inch pipe with the same ease and speed that a forty by twenty press will make fifteen and eighteen inch pipe. The sewer pipe business is conducted on very close margins and consequently any possible source of economy in production is eagerly taken up, and the tendency now is towards using presses capable of making large pipe with a speed and economy com- | mensurate with the production of the smaller sizes. ‘The steam which is used in the work of the sewer pipe press is regu- lated by a rotary steam valve, controlled by a lever from the level of the working platform; the piston is moved up by the steam as well as down, and is kept at the top of its stroke while the clay cylinder is being filled by the expansive force of the steam used to lift it up; when the clay cyl- inder is filled, the steam is liberated from under the piston which by its “weight compacts the clay beneath it and expels most of the air. The steam pressure is now used above the piston and is cut off when the stroke is nearly completed, Jeaving only a short portion of the stroke to be accomplished by expansion. The use of steam in the sewer pipe press is excessively wasteful and if its lost efficiency were not largely re- covered by use in drying the pipe and heating the building, the loss would be still more grievous, The loss of economy in the steam is greatest when cutting rings or making small sizes of pipe by which the steam cylinder is successively filled and emptied of steam a number of times in each cylinder full of clay. CLAY WORKING INDUSTRIES. 411 The lower end of the clay cylinder has a set of rings bolted to it in the form of an extension. In this extension a tripod casting called the “spider” is secured; from the center of the “spider” a short, stout bolt depends, to the lower end of which is fastened the “bell” which is the core which regulates the interior size of the sewer pipe. ‘The outside of the pipe is formed by a die ring which bolts onto the extension ring car- rying the “spider.” The sockets of the pipe are made by securing a core or “socket former”’ onto the end of the die ring and forcing the clay to fill the vacancy till it appears at a number of small issue holes around the circumference. The “socket former” is then unclamped and the further stroke of the clay piston only forces out a stream the size of the straight part of the pipe. The manipulation of the socket former which is a movable counter- poised piston bearing the former on its upper end, takes the active work of one man; the manipulation of the steam valve and cutting off gear, which severs the pipe from the press, and the counterpoise of the socket former, takes the time of another man. ‘Two men are required to re- move the pipes, up end them, and turn them toa standard length. Three men are usually sufficient to take them away and deposit them on the drying floors. Ifthe distance is great, or the use of two or more floors is needed, another man is required; seven men or eight men thus .con- stitute a “press gang.” ‘The amount of work which any average “press gang” gets out in a day’s continuous run is about as follows, for each size of pipe: ler aN@) sl 9 fh 3X Sscacoadsneeodane sate f Peehe oeat est casceereene- sen OOD pieces! per, Gaye 20Fo esata HCAS Ae cnigeeneals secaddonee as saua Ca onsteaoucecicids AN) SoBe es Ley PRTG ed Meaetin tae cose anette oak Gad tue ema mestteae Bait) sits onthe Bye Sin pe iacs cate atacae aagoatotaagihs tes ek sae Meier eres Ge wma ates S10 the Sittin Liss Gonicstatra)t dareatiastas da acicehe cetera cen seidncseios dewasanmeteen cise 1000 . eiedytns UO aS Se ipogadgeosbogeae Boon oncasanboLacuaceeanesparaseopaasagade PANO hess Sea ha Lop Rods te sta siscreaaceme bens eivcelt cic veins veneksren dectanaeite 1400 “ Pate te OMe oe Boo SHH da sop BcDtaC ea UBS CMOBEpORaAdETHaso TaN SHE HUSOBAGANe NS OOK eines Dace Gis De eee caer cor Pain en Bae Pari cr Mean Rei es 22000 toe eae Bese py thectet baat ed uo dats Hon be Au ahthaisins s vambeunneaaceany aenmenes 2809,“ Sse ess Aes Berean 00n OSB IODIDE GeDE BOHOB ROA MP HBORORPGCHE ER ESAbr PREEE so UM LA ent his These figures hav often been exceeded. In large pipes, twenty- four inch have been turned out at the rate of five hundred or six hundred per day, and in six inch pipes, the best Ohio record is four thousand, one hundred and six (4,106) pipes in ten hours. The causes of limitation inthe work of a sewer pipe press lie partly in the expert gang work required to finish and remove the pipes as fast as made, and partly in the necessity of frequent loss of time in refilling the clay cylinders. The most modern presses are being fitted out now with a number of labor saving devices for simplying the gang work as much as possible. The additions are largely in the way of applying power to each operation of the crew where it is possible to do so. The 212 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. large 48 x 24 press at the Calumet works has been equipped with power, Ist, for moving the socket former and platform up and down; 2d, for cutting off the pipe and throwing the knife out of gear; and 5d, witha small steam cylinder, called the “doctor,” for throwing the latch of the socket former in and out of gear. These various power appliances are controlled by a set of levers in front of one man, who in the course of time becomes wonderfully expert in handling them; so much so that an outsider cannot follow his motions with any show of intelligence. yes The use of the “doctor” and the power cutting off gear are now com- mon. A movement toward improving the work of the press by using better means to fill it with clay has been inaugurated at the National Sewer Pipe Co. at Barberton. A press is in course of construction for them which will use a horizontal steam cylinder with a long slot in its upper side, through which the clay will be introduced. This horizontal cylinder bolts onte the main vertical clay cylinder, close to its upper end; in operation, the clay is to be filled into the horizontal cylinder loose, and compacted in the course of the five foot stroke into a solid plug of the same dimension as the clay cylinder. When the vertical cylinder is empty, and its piston drawn up above the level ot the horizontal cylinder’s entrance, the movement of the horizontal piston will fill the vertical cyl- inder with a solid compact charge ot clay which will enable the work of pressing to begin instantly when the piston touches it and will enable a cylinder full of clay to furnish material for two or three pieces of each of the smaller sizes,in excess of the number obtained by the common method of filling. By the use of this cevice, which is well secured by letters patent, it is expected to increase the out put to five thousand or six thousand pieces of six inch pipe in ten hours. A similar idea has already been used in the horizontal press and has long been giving satisfaction. ‘The mechanical appliances in use in feeding theclay to the steam press have been considerably improved. There are two plans using mechanical skill, the Smith Feeder and Ander- son Feeder. Both of these work with great dispatch ; the Smith Feeder is very easily arranged so that one man can distribute the clay to two presses; indeed in the National Works, one man feeds three presses on three different floors atthe same time. He is located on the middle floor and has the lower and middle feeders in plain sight, and uses mirrors to re- flect the appearance ofthe upper one down to him. The Smith Feeder consists of two belts, one running at high speed all the time, and the other which carries the clay to be fed is stationary except when clay is needed. The big belt by a motion of a foot or so throws enough clay into the little one to fill the cylinder; it can be done with very great celerity. In some old works the press is still fed by hand power with a shovel, but this method has nearly disappeared. CLAY WORKING INDUSTRIES. 213 The pipes as fast as they are made are cut to length and deposited on wooden pallets of appropriate size; if the pipes are small they are then set on end on a platform truck until it is loaded and are then wheeled away and set on the dry floors. Large pipes are transported to their destination on pronged trucks which enable the workmen to raise the pipe and pallet an inch or two off from the floor and run with it at a good speed. After the pipes have been stiffened in the warm air for a few hours, they are trimmed and sponged and finished up smooth and any incipient cracks are mended. The drying of sewer pipe has been explained and discussed in con- nection with brick drying, as many brickworks use this plan of drying. There is no question as to the great benefits of this plan of drying, as to economy and safety, but even with the use of all the room that is needed, sewer pipe men frequently have great trouble from cracking of the pipes. ‘This is likely to be due to faults of the structure of the pipe or using clay fresh from the mines as much as to any thingelse. How- ever, any hollow ware is more difficult to dry safely than any kind of solid ware, and asarule, the use of only the slowest and most natural processes will suffice to dry without considerable loss. The burning of sewer pipe is accomplished in all respects like the burning of paving brick except that much less time is required owing to the thin section of clay to be vitrified. When burning a kiln of fireclay pipe in which there are many large pipe or double strength pipe, the burning is much slower, often lasting five, six or even seven days. For kilns containing no double strength pipe and mostly small sizes, four days is usually sufficient. Shale pipes require somewhat less time than fireclay and are never made in double strength; for a long time it was asserted that they could not be made more than the usual thickness, but it is now admitted to be possible to make them, while it is not done. ~ ‘The kilns for this class of work have been described in connection with paving brick; the round down draft kiln is the standard every- where. The contents of a kiln of pipe is estimated by its list value; for instance, the average size of the round kilns used for this work is 27.3 feet. A kiln of this size would hold an average of pipe about $1,600 to $1,800 list value; if a large number of handmade fittings were put in, the value of the contents might easily be made much larger, but the aim is to burn a regular proportion of fittings to every kiln, so as to make the loss as small as possible in event of too much or too little heat. The surface finish of sewer pipe is a matter of much importance to the manufacturer; the requirements of the market are very severe and even unjust. Sewer pipe seems to find a very small and unprofitable market, and yet the slightest defect, even of color, is frequently enough to condemn the pipe. The glaze which is imparted to the surface of the pipe is a matter of much importance; it not only beautifies the color and appearance, 214 GEOLOGY OF OHIO but it fills up the pores, smoothes over minute cracks and renders the surface of the pipe little liable to offer obstruction to floating solids in the sewage which the pipe is designed to carry. The glaze is uniformly obtained by using salt vapors; no instance of any slip glazing has come to notice. ‘The salt glaze is obtained by one or two applications of the coarse salt in the fire holes, the operation lasting from one to two hours. Great care has to be observed in setting the pipe to avoid bringing any two pieces too close together, for it frequently happens that the salt _ vapors are carried through the kiln, only attacking the exposed parts of the ware and two pipe leaning together would both be devoid of glaze irom the point of contact downwards. The inability to secure a good dark glaze is a source of much loss to the manufacturers; if their clay is difficult to glaze or takes a light clear glaze,the use of oxide of manganese is sometimes resorted to. It is mixed with the salt and burnt in the fire and its effect when vaporized as chloride of manganese is to form a dark, black colored glaze. This is an unsightly color to one who knows what it is, but it has been of great assistance to many manufacturers in getting rid of pipes which would be otherwise rejected on account of their color. In fact the system of grading sewer pipe is unnecessarily severe. For any ordinary use, the seconds are as good as the firsts; it is not the consumer who profits by this severity of selection; it is the middle men or retailers who buy the seconds at low rates, and work them off on the public as first class goods, which, for any matter of service and utility, they are. The position of Ohio as a sewer pipe producing state has long been foremost. We not only make by all odds the greatest amount of ware, but we have the three largest factories of this kind in the world. The National Sewer Pipe Company at Barberton, Ohio, enjoys the proud distinction of being the finest plant of its kind in the world; it is in reality four complete plants in one. It has introduced a number of labor saving economies in its con- struction which are worthy of notice. The. clay which is a fairly hard shale is loaded in dumping railroad cars by a steam shovel and hauled by the company’s engine to the factory, two miles distant. The clay in being dumped is fed to the dry pans by long, steel lined conveyors which are fed by men stationed along its line in the stock house. The grinding and tempering offer no special novelties except the great excellence of their mechanical arrangements. Six presses, two on each of the three lower floors are run by four crews, who are changed about somewhat, in order to produce the mat- erials where they can be put on the floor to dry with the least cost. The drying is novel; it is accomplished by use of the Sturtevant System of heating buildings, using steam coils and a fan for producing oO CLAY WORKING INDUSTRIES. 21% a large flow of hot air which is conducted to the building in underground flues and distributed by large galvanized iron pipes. The system, while new to the sewer pipe business, has the elements of success in it. The distribution of air should be around the circumference of the building, and the fan house ought to be placed in communication with the top of the building so that the air could be worked over and over without the useless expense of heating up a fresh supply of air all the time. Some difficulties are likely to occur in this system in regard to cracking the wares nearest the vents of the hot air supply, which can be remedied by providing more and smaller vents so as to make no decided currents. The kilns are fifty-two in number and operated by four crews set- ting, and four crews drawing; the kilns are round down drafts 28 ft. 6 in. in diameter with one of the best kind of fire places and a good arrange- ment of “bottom:” The burning is all under the control and supervision of one man. The generation of power isaccomplished in a magnificently equipped power plant; one engineer and one foreman do all the work for the daily production and maintenance of seven hundred and fifty horse- power. The Brightman mechanical stoker and a system of conveyors and elevators do all the handling of coal, which is only shoveled once, from the railroad car to the coal bin. The following table gives the only statistical inform.tion of the sewer pipe business which was attainable. TABLE X. LIST OF SEWER-PIPE FACTORIES OF OHIO. | 1 | Haydenville Mining & Mfg. Co) Haydenville............. Firec ays... 2 15 2 | Jefferson Sewer Pipe Co......... a Drogrcasamaoyen mci eae ep fd 2 10 3 | John Francy’s Son’s & Co...... See Wek seeee eens eee im 2 16 fn wohe Greatwestua hire Clay Cole 4.1 ie ak nace ktaac ates oe 2 17 5) | Ohio Valley Fire Clay Co......... | i INC ewe Pe see : 2 10 6 | Calumet Fire Clay Co............ I Elvottsvillles,¢ 7h) es 5 21 7 | Excelsior Sewer Pipe Co’s...... iy dt We dee Re i I 8 So Preenian Hire Clay) Co..7:..4. 5. Freeman’s Station... H 3 15 9 | Empire Sewer Pipe Co........... EVP IGS eens ese a 2 8 LONE Un Walker & Cov 2.3i85:: Walker’s Station...... ‘ 4 23 EAS OS: My ther Sy SONS: ese: sosc 4 O55 Wellswalll ent ee iieea sce: i 2 14 12 | Knowles Taylor & Anderson...) East Liverpool......... < 2 15 13 | Royal Clay Manufacturing Co.) Midvale..................5 a 5 36 14 | Diamond Fire Clay Co........... Wiltisichis valle ceases - 2 10 15 | Uhrichsville Fire Clay Co....... a cake seen o 2 10 16 | State Line Sewer Pipe Co...... Hast'Palestineni 22.4... 1 12 1f | United States Fire Clay Co.....| New Lisbon............. G 1 12 Een | Onio Sewer Pipe Co... -..- edad Gull Gand istics 4 1 12 19 | Camp & Thomp ah 1 14 S40) Elockanies Clay Come asscces one Wogan eect * uae 1 14 Bi) OMovS ANS O), Obes co%4 (Coy cssaodoonces Zanesvilllepvesceesseecce 1 10 ARC) 2 aa Aa ec Hin SABRE a SADR EC ICA] ieee Snosaen ces AanceSemacraean| eadenunoadaaconads 41 529 * One-half fire clay and one-half shale. The manufacture of building blocks has been alluded to before as being a very promising business, and one which is sure to grow; it offers two special features for consideration. The first point is, that the use of Auger machines is possible and indeed profitable, the building blocks being plain sections of a square hollow bar; the production of such a bar is more economical by Auger mill than by the vertical steam press. The Double Ended Horizontal Steam Press is specially adapted to this class of work and enables the simultaneous production of two differ- ent kinds of ware. The second point is the introduction of the car and tunnel system of drying; the ware having comparatively little variation in size and like fireproofing, electrical subway conduits, building blocks, etc. enables the dryers to furnish a steady supply of one kind of ware to the kiln setters. In the regular sewer pipe process the drying floors not only serve as means of drying the pipe, but as storage rooms from which the various kinds of ware needed in setting the kilns most economically can be drawn as needed. On this account the drying system for sewer pipe is not likely to undergo material change from existing plan. But in bu lding blocks this is a great step in advance, as it reduces the cost of the plant so much that the business is likely to be pushed by many men who could not otherwise touch it. The first tunnel and car dryer for hollow wares originated with Mr. H. B. Camp of Cuyahoga Falls; he worked this plan successfully for nearly ten years before any one else saw fit to try it; it is now in use in six or eight plants. The present experience indicates that drying hollow wares of small and medium size is not only possible, but profitable in a chamber dryer, and that by rigidly watching the conditions of the air, larger wares still could be profitably handled in this way. The use of progressive dryers has not been attempted in this connection and it is not likely that it will be. The manufacture of drain tiles for agricultural purposes is to the art of pipe making, what common brick making is to the paving brick business. 2 It not being either desirable or advantageous to have the product vitrified, the clays used can be of a very low grade. The bulk of the material used is red plastic clay from the drift, or sedimentary clays CLAY WORKING INDUSTRIES. 217 from the river valleys. The preparation of this class of clays ranges from nothing at all to crushing between rollers and pugging. ‘The Auger mill is almost the universal machine used in manufacturing; the drying is usually in racks protected from sun and rain but unassisted by artificial heat. The burning is usually managed in small round down draft kilns, though some tilemakers retain the old updraft kilns. The business is not a large or important one, or one which bids fair to add much wealth to the state for the manufactures are almost wholly for the homie consumption of their district. "The low values and fragile character of the wares stand in the way of any extensive shipments. There is one tile works, that of Messrs. Dennison Bros. at Delaware, Ohio, which has taken a new departure inthe business. They have built an entirely new plant, suitable for sewer pipe manufacture, includ- ing dry and wet pans, sewerpipe press, elevators, etc. and devote their special attention to the manufacture of the largest sizes of tiles suitable for county ditches and railroad work. The product is not vitrified, but is hard burnt, and will stand ship- ment. They. make common drain tile up to twenty four inches in diameter. Their clays are derived from a stratum of the Huron Shales, which is of avery high grade clay here, except for the presence of considerable iron pyrites in little nodules. The field of operation in this line is not large however, anda long experience in the drain tile business has been the only way to get a trade in this line sufficient to ensure success. IV. THE MANUFACTURE OF REFRACTORY MATERIAL. The art of manufactuing refractory material calls into play a know- ledge of the higher qualities of clay; we have considered in the discussion of crude pottery and vitrified wares the kinds of clay suited to each, and have seen that in these cases, a certain degree of fusibility isrequired. In mak- ing refractory materia! the whole study is to secure the utmost resistance to the fusing and fluxing action of fire, consistent with a certain physical structure of the material. The importance of this form of clay working is hard to justly represent. It does not now occupy the important stand it once did in the business industries of the state or the world; other forms of clay working have easily outstripped it, as far as capital invested and value of output go. Perhaps, however, the best way to picture its importance is to try and imagine what we should do without it. Every ton of iron in the country is smelted inside of firebrick walls; every boiler setting and household grate uses a small quanity of it. No metallurgical industry is 218 GEOLOGY OF OHIO possible without the use of fire resisting brick, and no other form of clay working would be possible if it were not for fire proof kilns. In a word, while making refractory materials has not had the expan- sion and development of some of the cruder forms of clay working, it is par excellence the most important use to which clay can be put. Taken as a whole, this industry in Ohioisnot in as healthy a con- dition as could be wished; many of the fire brick factories have deserted their original business to enter into the temporarily more profitable manufacture of paving materials, and but few new factories _for the manufacture of fire brick have been built in the last decade. The reason for this is probably due to the over expansion which prevailed some ten years ago. ‘The iron business, on which, above others, the firebrick business depends, has been constantly improving in its metallurgical work, so that while less furnaces are in operation year by year, and that while for one new furnace built about five old ones are dismantled, the production of iron increases nevertheless as the demand justifies it. Also, the introduction of new processes and new refractory materials in both iron and steel making are combining to cut down the demand or the product of former years. Notwithstanding these facts many of the well located firebrick plants of the state show a gratifying advance in prosperity in the last decade. The Clays.—The native clays, suitable to manufacture of refractory materials, are of two classes: Ist. The Flint Clays. 2d. ‘The Plastic Fireclays. Flint clays are the man standby of the refractory material trade of Ohio and Pennsylvania. As has been mentioned in the preliminary discussion of the general properties of clay, flint clays are a /usus nature which scientific men find it very hard to explain. In composition, the best of them are practically pure kaolins but other flint clays are found which are the counterpart of the common plastic fire clays ofthe state in chemical analysis, and still show the typical flint clay structure to its best advantage. And furthermore, flint clays have now been encountered which retain the flinty structure in connection with the most impure chemical character and an absence of any high refractory qualities. The main and essential feature which distinguishes the flint clays from others is their almost complete lack of plasticity. Flint clays do exist which are apparently a connecting link between the strictly non- plastic and the common hard plastic clays, and such clays by use of severe physical treatment become somewhat plastic. But, it is claimed by those who use the best grade of flint clays that no amount of grinding and kneading with water will make a true flint clay any more plastic than a sand rock would become under similar con- ditions. One or two dealers in flint clays have asserted their ability to CLAY WORKING INDUSTRIES. 219 make any flint clay plastic, but have failed to prove their assertions or show any basis for their statements. The effect of weather, including frost and heat, will undoubtedly crumble a flint clay to a fine sharp sand, but personal examination ofthe surface of piles of flint clay which had been exposed for several years failed to show any indication of plasticity. Also, the fine dust of flint clays which have been ground dry, which has settled out of the air, has been collected and wet and kneaded with- . out any indication of plasticity. The composition of the flint clays of the state is illustrated by the following table of analysis: GEOLOGY OF OHIO 220 an La a ee ee ee eee 0G 001 00001 06° GUT LOS OLT Ceerccesescccs|ssesecsscoccce 08° L9° ‘4 60'T LOT cO'ST Gs0000d0O5000 CLT 06°91 8G LL 00°2 80°0 06°66 81°26 0L°6 99°16 66°6S SS OL 6 SP'66 [6°66 | 99°66 CUO DO RRO DO OOO GND 0) OOCOCO00 0! lOO CO NOOO OOO OOUD.O IN TOOODDOOOOCOOOUOGO 9TT eecceeccercseccoce C6" 90° cr eullMonyy oy WM 96° 96° ‘Ploe olinyd{ns eeccecrscescocesce L686 Srl 09° TP 61'SP 64°66 6L°66 00°00 SP66 96001 Go 60° er Or SE eececrvoe LOT 661 GOT 18% 4 4 at Lo 03" 8st 6 1G VL cs 9" eecccesce|sevocoree cs" 96° 10°66 | 61°86 GLSl | SFI 96°68 | GOOF OS'SP | PS rr £07 6L° Gl Aw LG’ cv’ 6G vVIT 4 GZ ‘proe o110ydsoyg Peewee eee esoesee|senescvesooess G9'06 90°66 60ST LVLE 99°87 IL'8 6966 GLGE SO FL LV8& CL OP eee eeeeccsere|soececcssoesee G6°86 GO'PL 69° col reer ee ry 6¢° 6L 0c" Lo 18°81 89 SULT 16°82 89 TL 81s 66°GE eer ewes meee ese seee essa assesses seesessessseees [21OLL Se aa a es recto OPO COOH 3000000 dIN}SIOY PUCK CBOE GE OO OUCOU EY ay era Kalloa qi SULxXN pT see eereeseeeeseeseeeees Er Shy aneet sries sp 8e See ea TGS errr weer cere ese seeseas essere sess esesessssseseseses ysejog Si i alae a Cura OOOO OC HON OOY HS arse ATT sec eeeeeeessesees ee teeccevee COCREEOIO = y 00407) | Sask epee desiree seenes cece rescoee TOUT jo eprxoinbsas strereeseesesereereosrores sorting unt APUBG eee c ee eee eee ee seer eer esereesseeesseesesees proe Olde {LT Sete secsnowes ses vitsine ceceeieecc Cc peeee cae OnD “BOIS see eccerecescecseversecees SEI ONIT 10] ker tes HOUTIGIMOD a}EA\ eee eee eee care seer ereees eee e deere wee reseessscssees eolMnyty sees pape CREDECOIOUOC ofs}0) (4,20 ofa) “BOITLS TX WIdvL CLAY WORKING INDUSTRIES. 221 No. 1. Flint Clay from C. E. Holden, Mineral Point, Ohio, Lower Kittanning, Horizon, used for high grade refractory material sampled in 1883—analysis by Lord. No. 2. Same clay, finely ground and averaged, sampled 1892, analysis by Orton- No. 3. Flint Clay from Carter County, Kentucky, furnished by Portsmouth _Fire Brick Co., analysis by Otto Wuth. No. 4. Same clay , sampled and analyzed by Kentucky Geological Survey. No. 5. Gaylord Clay, Scioto Co., Ohio, from Portsmouth Firebrick Co.—by Kremer & DeDeken. No. 6. Ejifert Clay, Carter Co., Kentucky, from Portsmouth Fire Brick Co., by Kremer & DeDeken. No. 7. Tiplan Clay, Carter Co., Kentucky, from Portsmouth Fire Brick Co., by Kremer & DeDeken. No. 8. Stone City Flint Clay, Stone City, Kentucky. No. 9. Salineville Flint Clay, Furnace Fire Brick Co., Salineville, Ohio. No. 10. Mount Savage Clay; New Jersey Report. These clays are seen to be of great purity, the average contents of fluxing materials being only 1.54 per cent. The oxygen ratio of the average of these clays is: Oxygen in acid, 1.36; oxygen in base, 1. Oxygen in alumina, 51; oxygen in flux, 1. indicating a compound between a protosilicate and a sesquisilicate with very low proportion of fluxing bases. Silicates of most of the bases are most fusible between the subsili- cates and bi-silicates with pure compounds of silica and alumina; how- ever, the point of greatest fusibility seem to be above the bi-silicate ratio and below the trisilicate ratio. These flint clays constitute the body mixture of all of the refractory materials of the state, but on account of their non-plasticity, it is neces- sary to use plastic fireclays to act as a bond material. The aim in selecting the plastic clays for a refractory mixture. is to get as sandy a clay as can be had which will develop plasticity well; the more sandy the clay is, the less it shrinks, except by vitrification. A clay free from any impurity but sand will stand a-high heat and shrink but little and it is a clay of the nature that is sought. In the following table, No. XII, the analysis of five Ohio plastic fire- clays, which are actually used as bond clays for the flint clays of the state arecompared. _ Also the analysis of a very superior high grade plastic clay which is imported from Germany for use as bond to flint clays in glass pot manu- facture is given. This clay is far superior to anything which we find in this state in the way of a plastic clay. ~ by McDowell. 222 GEOLOGY OF OHIO TABLE XII. ———s Number. 1 2 3 a 5) 6 Silicaicomibimedteesetesss. 31.07 29.22 60.77 53.84 63.12 72.33 Mla Aeeasece teens eee 26.47 24.97 25.74 24.93 26.20 19.06 Water combined ;........... 9.96 8.90 9.46 11.50 10.72 5.52 Clay baseneercscces 67.50 63.09 95.97 90.27 100.05 96.91 SiUbICAY SRE: Gocdobhaosubencesoce 27.71 Pa Lg ai Dae eee Ra Mere SH alles AaB ial bahin aocnaoN PIA TA CACT Cae assneeaieciseicis 94 PBO) sev cse sev seisenl| ues shsdscne cd aeanetcest ecetdl Be seeeeeeeeeens Sandy impurities .. 28.60 BY AGY 34 Bepadaesdecoss | eabassassanace lsebossanocsan6llddqcac pocacoo9 Sesquioxide of iron ...... 1.22 1.66 1.61 PAS) 3 eubcbcnapsoco of dl pb ToS eee nS SOD ENEA NE Be CNA CEP EAE 59 63 .89 Ue Se ogaceoesnee 28 Ma onesiam ninccasscscsdsccest 32 40 63 5X0) eat da seoeeca. 18 RO tas Wray eeeec seuss ese ste 299 .28 1.20 Dili Seams 45 S Od anes skecensaseanesecsasenes tr. Li,0 Il awaceeecnar el TOU os Es Semen 14 Fluxing impurities 3.12 2.97 4.33 Gest)" \\Gesanoddocs0s 1.76 MOIS HUE atasaseeisclesees/isee 1.04 aI} eee peppooeeeeol NGecasBunaal a MoAsandsdincos 1.33 POEL Sena satoet vce 100.31 100.39 100.30 97.65 | 100.08 100.00 No. 1. Ballou fire-clay; Muskingum Co., Ohio, analysis by Lord. No. 2. Island siding fire-clay, Jefferson Co., Bolivar clay, analysis by Lord. No. 3. Phelpsclay from Hocking Co., used by Wassall fireclay Co., analysis No. 4. Hanging rock fire-clay, from Kittanning Horizon, from Portsmouth Firebrick Co. No. 5. No. 6. Oak Hill plastic clay; partial analysis by D. O’Brien. Plastic fire-clay from Gros Almerode, Germany. The average analysis of these clays indicates about the following structure : Clay basen reise cce cnorSastsctenes ousocaet asc cenan ve sseanarcns ceionineiat tame ssemine seein neeecs 61.50 GATT GL eRe ee Se US AE So AN hl Tee ALE SS Sa SER RE ae aR mR Re OA) FEN UISRES Soe sch cads scenic RS Rae eae Cee Ee Oe ea ono Oe eee ee 4,25 with an oxygen ratio as follows: Oxygen in acid, 2.60; oxygen in base 1. fltixe Ae Oxygen in alumina, 10.3; oxygen in This ratio indicates a clay very close to those used in yellow ware manufacture and less sandy than those used in stone ware manufacture and more refractory than the sewer pipe clays. Very much depends on the quality of these bond clays, for the action of the bond under heat is very similar to its action when wet, even though there be but little of it, it is the envelope which holds the other particles in shape; if it softens and flows, the particles of good clay flow with it while not affected much by the heat or water themselves. CLAY WORKING INDUSTRIES. 223 The supply of clays that are fit to make the highest grade bonds is actually more scarce and difficult to obtain than good, fire resisting, flint clay. The compound of the mixture for producing refractory brick depends on the following considerations : 1st. ‘The source of fire resisting power is mainly in the flint clay. 2d. The source of physical strength when ready for use depends on the plastic bond ; when the bricks are in position and under a high heat, the flint clay becomes softened and cohesive and it then furnishes the real strength of the brick, but at these high temperatures there is no danger of friction from material as highly heated as the bricks them- selves. 3d. To allow of rapid change or alternations of high and low tempera- tures, the bricks must be of a loose, open grained structure, so as to admit of rapid absorption or radiation of heat. 4th. To produce a sound and strong brick composed of non-plastic material which has a very high shrinkage and a plastic bond, itis neces- sary, first, that the bond clay should be of very low shrinkage and second, that part of the flint clay should be calcined p,evious to mix- ture, so as to take out the shrinkage and allow the union of the particles to remain unbroken when burned. It is impossible to make a strong and good fire-brick from a mixture of dissimilar clays of high shrinkage, for one kind invariably tends to separate from the other when under heat, and the bond is therefore destroyed. It is to this fact that the failure of all attempts to make a good refractory material out of pure quartz and pure kaolin is due. Both are infusible, but when mixed and burned together, the kaolin bond shrinks away from the grains of quartz, and the whole structure becomes perfectly worthless and rotten. No satis- factory refractory material was made from quartz until the use of clay as a bond was given up, and milk of lime in small quantities was substituted. On these four conditions, the mixtures for refractory clay bricks depends. It will readily be seen that these conditions are to some extent ini- mical to each other, and to secure a brick of the highest fire qualities, it is necessary to sacrifice its physical strength to a large degree. A common mixture for this purpose consists of 45 per cent. calcined flint clay, 45 per cent. raw flint clay and 10 per cent plastic bond. A brick made of such a mixture !s very loose and porous in structure, very friable and easily worn away by friction, even when hard burned. To use such a brick to advantage it must be placed where the heat is so intense that the flint clays become slightly soft and cohesive and the sub- stance of the brick becomes plastic by the influence of heat. ‘Therefore to use such a brick where the heat is only moderate and where it would be subjected to abrasion of stock or tools, would be a waste of money, for a brick of lower fire qualities would stand the heat equally well and the friction very much better. 24 GEOLOGY OF OHIO The charge used to produce a brick of good physical strength and moderate fire properties is often about 50 per cent. plastic fire clay and 50 per cent. of calcined and raw flint clay.: Often mixtures, based on these same considerations and compounded with reference to the kind of work they have to do, are also made; some, between the two just quoted and some, composed of still larger propor- tions of plastic clays. There is aclass of brick called mill brick which are used almost wholly in lining puddling furnaces and like structures and these brick have to stand quite severe abrasion from the tools of the puddler and firemen and the scorifying influence of the iron slags. ‘These bricks are gener- ally composed of all plastic fire clay which makes a brick of great tough- ness though of rather low heat resisting power. In some few places, paving brick and mill brick are made from the same clay in the same factory. ‘This is a mistake, for it is a certain fact that a clay which will make good paving brick cannot make good fire brick and vice versa. The compounding of the charge of these various clays is accom- plished in most cases by use of ashovel. ‘The clay is loaded into wheel- barrows, so many shovelsful of each kind. In only a very few cases is the compounding done by weight. The preparation of the clays. The makers of firebrick usually lay considerable stress on the weathering of the clays, some urging that a great purification ensues from so doing. The experiments and experience of potters have shown pretty clearly just what purification may be hoped for by the exposure of clays to weather. Weather acts in two ways, one physical and one mechanical. Phy- sically it breaks the hard clays up into fine grains which greatly reduces the labor of grinding. The soft clays are rendered tough and plastic by their exposure to weather. Chemically, the atmosphere oxydizes sul- phide of iron to sulphate which the rain water dissolves and carries away. In addition to sulphate of iron, sulphates of lime.and magnesia, existing as such or formed by metathesis from the sulphate of iron and carbonates of lime and magnesia, are soluble in water and are removed by rain. Any changes in the other iron constituents or the potash and soda compounds must not be expected, as it has been shown that wash- ings clays in the pottery processes does not diminish these constituents by solution. These oxydizing and washing effects are very gradual indeed; the conditions under which they proceed most rapidly are very seldom pre- sent in the stock piles of clay companies and as a matter of fact, the benefits of weathering are almost wholly confined to the improved mechanical condition of the clay for the machinery. CLAY WORKING INDUSTRIES. 225 The accumulation of clay in stock, however, is a necessity with most works, whose winter supply has to be dug and hauled to market in the favorable seasons of the year. The washing of the charge of hard clays is a practice resorted to at the best works; it is much scoffed at by those who do not use it as being an utterly useless expense. Its utility depends altogether on the condi- tions under which hard clay is obtained; if from a mine under ground, it is not likely to be in need of washing; if from open cut benchings, it is sure to have more or less mud in it which ought to be removed. Even drenching with a hose pipe over a sink is beneficial, but the. use of a mechanical device is necessary to do the work thoroughly. The log washer, or a crude form of pug mill, used in washing iron ores from adhesive clay would answer this purpose satisfactorily. The processes of grinding the clay and tempering it ready for use is accomplished in three principal methods: Ist. The wet pan. 2d. The dry pan and pug mill. 3d. The dry pan and wet pan. The wet pan is the characteristic implement of the fire brick makers of the state; it is in all respects comparable to the machinery already described under the preparation of brick clays, except that the wheels are usually very broad and of much smaller diameter. The common dimensions are tweive to fourteen inch face by twenty-four to thirty inches diameter; the wheels weigh from three to six thousand pounds each. The charge of clay is dumped in altogether and wet down as often as necessary; the soft clay speedily becomes very plastic, especially as the amount of water used is often considerable and as the wheels reduce the hard clay and calcine finer and finer, the plastic clays are distributed in a thinner and thinner enveloping layer over each particle. The grind- ing usually occupies from ten to fifteen minutes, occasionally much more time is allowed. Such treatment as this will develop the very. best plasticity that any c’ay is capable of; the only thing which can be urged against its efficiency is the fact that there is no absolute means of regulating the sizes of the particles of hard clay, which may survive the grinding without being crushed. The use of a dry pan proves itself of great value to the makers of high grade refractories. It permits the accurate sizing of the flint and calcined clays and it permits their reduction to a size with far greater economy of power and time than can be attained in the wet pan. ‘The further tempering after grinding by dry pan may be accomplished by pug mill or wet pan. The use of a wet pan is by all means to be recommended. It is of more importance in making refractory material than sewer pipe and pav- 15 C0; 226 GEOLOGY OF OHIO ing brick manufacture, for in refractory material the main value of the product depends on the proper mixing and blending of the qualities of the various ingredients. Clay prepared by dry pan and tempered by wet pan is in the most satisfactory shape for use that modern experience is able to suggest. In some cases as in the manufacture of mill brick from all plastic clays, the use of a pug mill is permissible, because the natural plasticity of the clay and the fact that it is all one kind, render a mere mixing with water sufficient. The tempering of the clay being completed, the moulding process begins. Fire brick of good quality are still made largely by hand; the aim of the maker is to produce in each brick, an absolutely structureless piece of clay, which can have no tendency to failure of strength by the influence of any machinery in its formation. No machinery has yet been devised which enables the production of such an article. The auger and plunging machines are wholly unsuited to the needs of the fire brick maker, each brick is with them but a sec- tion of a bar of clay of very objectionable structure. The nearest approximation to good structure is obtained in the soft mud machines and these are sometimes brought into requisition. The best fire brick, however, are still hand moulded; by the human hand each brick becomes a unit by itself and no structural defects are obtained. The labor of hand moulding is severe and costly; 4,000 per day is the standard day’s work for each moulder and his off bearers, whose work is to take the product to its place on the dry floor, sand the monlds, and bring in the supply of tempered clay. Where hand moulding is the only means of manufacture, the mould- ers tables are arranged along one side of the dry floor, a certain space of which is allotted to the product of each table. The work of the day is usually finished by noon and is put on the dry floor as fast as made. Early in the afternoon, the pressing of the brick begins. This is so man-_ aged as to allow each portion of the day’s product about an equal portion of the day to dry before pressing. The press crew consists of four men, who, by use of a portable press, do a similar stint to the moulders, 4,000 per day’s work. This pressing when partly dried is made necessary by the softness of the temper for hand moulding; it would remove some expense if the pressing and moulding could be performed in one continuous operation. By this system, bricks are dried in just twenty-four hours; the work of each crew being so timed as to keep always a sufficient space for work between dry brick on their way to the kilns and the new crop being deposited on the floor. CLAY WORKING INDUSTRIES. 227 The manufacture of fire brick on soft mud machinery can not be specially objected to as far as the structure of the product is concerned, but in shape and finish it is not nearly the equal of hand made brick. The moulds all have to be stroked or cut off level with a large metal plate; this leaves one side of the brick rough and unpresentable. Also to operate the brick machine to an advantage it is necessary to run it something near its capacity, which is 25,000 to 30,000 per day. ‘The dry- ing of such a large quantity by hot floor is not usually possible, and the use of racks and pallets become necessary as the brick are much too soft when first made to stand handling of any kind. This fact makes their repressing a source of considerable expense, as they have to be brought out of the racks and pressed and then put back again or placed on a hot floor or other drying apparatus. Hence, the limitations of the soft mud process; it makes a good brick, strong and of good structure, but of bad appearance, and to remedy its appearance by repressing is out of the question at the common prices. On very high grade material it might be possible. In this con- nection, the use of the iron clad dryer on the product of the soft mud machine is interesting to note. The drying was effected without trouble or cracking, and was carried on in connection with stiff mud bricks at the same time. The use of auger or plunger brick machinery in the manufacture of high grade brick isa constant temptation to the brick makers by reason of the lessened cost of production. Aside from the structural defects of the bar from which the brick are cut, the brick are too dense and compact for the best results, and it is impossible to get the proper bond with the small quantity of plastic clay which is used, unless the temper of the mixture be made softer than the Auger machine will work to an advantage. The methods of burning refractory bricks are beginning to experience some change, for many years past, almost the only process of burning was in the old up draft clamp kilns, A great many works still retain them. But the - progressive members of the business have been introducing the down draft kilns. The down draft kilns employed are mainly of the com- mon round type. A few square Newcastle kilns, built in blocks or bat- teries are in use. No Eudalys or other patent kilns are in use in the fire brick business of this state. ‘The Thomas kiln, a down draft kiln, of great excellence, which originated from an effort to convert the old up draft kilns into down draft is in use in the Scioto and Lawrence county d s- tricts. The up draft kiln which furnished the main points of this Thomas kiln was constructed as follows: The width of the kiln was twelve to thirteen feet inside; the length, though immaterial, was usually about thirty feet; the walls which were about thirty inches thick, were pierced at intervals of every twenty-seven inches by narrow fire holes, twelve or thirteen inches wide. ‘These fire 228 GEOLOGY OF OHIO holes deliver into the kiln at a point just about level with the floor, the height of the floor level above the bottom of the fire holes, being about twenty-four inches. The kiln is entered through a narrow wicket at each end, just wide enough to let a man come in with a brick barrow. In setting these kilns. they adjust the arches carefully in front of the fire holes, so that each arch is filled with the heat from the fire holes at each side of the kiln. ‘The bricks were burned very satisfactorily in these kilns but at a rather high expenditure of fuel; the top course of fire brick were commonly left on edge and in open order, to promote a strong draft of air through the kiln while drying it off. When the red heat had worked its way upwards to this course, so that it could be seen red at night through the cracks, then men were sent out to tighten the platting. This they did by putting the top cour.e down flat and as close together as -possible and sprinkling sand or ashes or slack coal on the surface, This acts asa seal to the rising draft and prevents the waste of fuel and the formation of uneven drafts up through the bricks. The heat being compressed under the tight course is carried by conduction to every part cf the kiln equally. With a well equipped up draft of this description, the a: can be managed with great precision and excellence though it is undoubtedly somewhat more extravagant in fuel. In making this kiln into a down draft kiln, but few alterations were necessary. ‘The crown was sprung from wall to wall at a height of nine or ten feet from its centre to the floor. The heat was carried to the top of the kiln by a fire wall on either side of the kiln, tied to the main wall by distance brick at frequent intervals to keep it from falling into the kiln. ‘The draft was provided by a small stack at each end of the kiln and a continuous flue from end to end down the centre connected the two stacks. This flue was divided into an upper and lower section which was made to draw from separate portions of the kilns’ length so as to get an equal draft at all points. Simple and cheap as such a kiln is, it meets as many of the essential ° constituents of success as any square kiln in use. The burning which was exhibited from this kiln cannot be surpassed by any appliance now in use. The burning of fire bricks is not in any way as delicate or skillful an operat on as the burning of almost all other clay wares is, for the reason that the material, being made to endure high heats, cannot easily be over burned and if burned less strongly than is desirable there exists no difficulty in disposing of the product without sacrifice of the price. In short, the customers of the fire brick trade are about divided in their preference for hard and soft bricks, so whatever the kind of burn, the prodacs will be acceptable to one or the other class of customers. GEOLOGY OF OHIO 229 In theory, it is much better to use fire brick which have already passed through severe heat in burning, for most purposes, because their shrinkage is thus brought to a very small amount, and shrinkage of the brick of large pieces of brickwork is a frequent cause of very expensive repai s, The shrinkage to clay bricks of all kinds is the main reason for their abandonmient for use in steel furnace roofs which are now built almost entirely of silica brick which expand when heated. The use of soft burned fire bricks is sometimes justified by the theory that clay ware will stand just so much heat, that each time bricks are brought to that heat their life is so much shortened, etc. Another reason why soft brick in a certain proportion are useful is found in the case of cutting and trimming them to fiit in odd shaped work. Fire brick laying has a great deal of fitting and adjusting to do and hard bricks offer great trouble and delay to the operations of the bricklayers, The effect of high heat in burning fire brick ought never to produce any signs of vitrification in its particles; if it does, the clays are not of high grade. Bricks like the Benizette, Woodland, Mount Savage, Solid Crown, etc., cannot be made to show the effects of heat in any such tem- perature as is developed in the burning kiln. The temperatures actually employed in burning fire brick are very much the same that are used in burning other clay wares, but the range of temperatures is greater for the obvious reason that the excess temper- atures will do no harm other than the waste of a little coal. The heat which fire brick receives in burning, however, is sufficient to effect some changes in the impurities. Iron, for instance, in any hard burned fire brick is apt to indicate its presence by a black blotch of cinder or silicate of iron. The ends and exposed portions of the bricks often show a black or brown incrustation, commonly ascribed to the “sulphur” in the coal, which is in reality a fused layer of fine coal ashes drawn into the kiln by the draft and attached to the surface of the brick while sticky by heat. The regular manner of fire brick manufacture has been briefly set forth. One important addition to this statement has now to be made. This is the application of the dry press machinery to fire brick mak- ing. The origin of this departure from the old customs of the fire brick business probably came about through the use of dry press machinery by several firms who are engaged in making fine buff and other light shades of building brick from fire clays. However, this may be, the process is in operation at the works of the Dover Fire Brick Co. near Strasburg. ‘The clays used are a very hard flint clay from the lower Kittanning horizon and various plastic fire clays found associated with the flint clay and in other horizons. The mixture is ground in a dry pan and screened to a rather fine powder and is then run through a “Steamer” which is a tempering device patented by Mr. C. Arnold, the manager of the works. 230 GEOLOGY OF OHIO The “Steamer” consists of a tight wooden box, provided with two small parallel pug mill shafts in the bottom. ‘The clay is fed into it ina stream, which is broken up into a shower by a high speed rotary wire brush. The shower of clay falls through a zone where it passes between jets of steam blowing in contrary directions, and falls to the bottom of the box where the pug shafts keep it agitated in the steamy atmosphere until it is ejected. Mr. Arnold claims great advantage for this arrangement in temper- ing clay for a dry press machine; he asserts that the strength of the brick are very materially increased, and the general quality of the ware greatly improved. As a means of introducing evenly a small quantity of moisture into the clay to be pressed, this machine is probably a valuable contribution to the already existing forms of tempering machinery. The same effect is to some extent realized by wetting slightly the clays as they are grinding in the dry pan. ‘This is the wrong place to add the water however, for it interferes both with grinding and screening The importance of this addition to the mechanical part of fire brick manufacture cannot be properly defined. The quality of the material has hardly been sufficiently demonstrated as yet, though in this one in- stance the promises of permanent success are flattering. Dry pressed brick have certain advantages over all other kinds in the particular field of usefulness which they are able to fill. ‘They are first, perfect in form and size, which is of great importance to the brick layers in their work. Second, they are dense and strong, resisting more pres sure under a crushing test than any other kind of brick. Third, they cost less to manufacture than any other kind of brick. On the other hand they will not resist severe abrasion, no matter how hard they are burned, as they never develop any cohesive bond at all comparable with that attained by the use of water. The structure of good fire brick has aia been purposely made very open and porous. ‘The dry pressed brick cannot be called open in any sense. It is an aggregation of particles brought into their relative position by pressure and nothing else, and it is more dense and weighs more to the cubic inch than any wet brick can be made todo. Neverthe- less it is easily permeable to water and possibly to air and heat as well, for it is impossible by pressure alone to force any particles into any close union like that attained by water. The question of the value of the process hinges on this point. Is the fine and minute porosity of a dry pressed brick a fair equivalent for the coarser and more apparent porosity of the hand moulded article. If it is, an intelligent and careful trial of the two kinds of material will prove it to be so, and in that case, the use of dry press machinery in fire brick manufacture is the most important and valuable addition to the resources of the trade that has been made in the last twenty years. CLAY WORKING INDTSTRIES. 201 The use of dry press machinery does away with the necessity of the use of any dryer, though as a matter of expediency a tunnel dryer is gen- erally used, and the cost of production is very greatly decreased over the old plan. The manufacture of other refractory materials than fire brick is rep- resented at present mainly by the glass pot and glass works supply trade. Retorts for gas making were formerly manufactured at three or four points in the state. The extensive use of iron retorts and the perfection of other gas processes have very seriously crippled this trade in the United States however, and clay retorts are only manufactured at a few points in the county. The manufacture of steel work specialities, like nozzles, stoppers, stopper sleeves, ladle brick, Bessemer tuyeres, etc., is carried on in a lim- ited way in one or two factories. Glass pot manufacture is probably the highest and the most tech- nical work in the refractory material business. ‘Ihe service which is ex- acted froma glass pot has probably no equal for severity, unless the work of a steel crucible be considered. The pots are of various types and sizes, but a large pot of the cov- ered style weighs thirty-five hundred to four thousand pounds. It not only has to stand up in a furnace filled with flames at a high temperature and sustain its own weight, but must retain a fluid charge of a ton or more of molten glass whose ingredients comprise the most powerful fluxes like soda ash and oxide of lead. It is a wonder how a pot can be made to last at all, but cases are not infrequent where they are made to last a number of months. They are never allowed to cool when once heated on account of the danger of cracking but are kept continuously in service until worn out. The material used in glass pot construction comprises only the finest refractory clays. Ohio furnishes only one or two clays used in this business. The Mineral Point clay, which occurs on the Lower Kittanning horizon has heen used for this purpose for a number of years. Its quality has been greatly improved by a system of rigorous hand picking and chipping. : The majority of glass-pot clays come from Germany and Missouri. Every clay now used is subjected to a most rigorous inspection at the mines and at the factory. At the factory this work is performed by women, who break open every lump and by chipping free it from every speck of impurity. No piece larger than a walnut is permitted to enter the mixtures. The mixtures employed are made on the same principal as those compounding in fire brick. The calcine is supplied in part by calcined flint clays, but more largely by old pot shells returned from service. ‘These old shells have to be chipped with the most scrupulous care from the adhering layer of glass inside and the scorified and incrusted 232 GEOLOGY OF OHIO outside portion. Strange things are often found imbedded in the bottom of old glass pots; bolts, nails, lumps of metallic lead, and all kinds of iron objects, added with the charge through carelessness or spite. These old shells come from pots previously made and numbered and of whose number a record is kept, and can be thus identified as to composition and graded accordingly so that no uncertainty of composi- tion is encountered by their use. The charge when mixed is ground in a dry pan, and tempered in a pug mill, by repeated passages through, When tempered, the clay is piled in large masses and. compacted by hammering till solid, and blanketed to undergo a process of sweating or steeping. By common opinion among glass pot men, this steeping is a very important part of the work. It is hard to see from a theoretical stand- point where the value of this process comes in. The only reason that can be suggested, is that the grinding of the clays, especially hard clays, exposes more surfaces to the action of the water than would be exposed by a natural process of cleavage by weather and that a long process of soaking may induce a softening of its nature not otherwise attainable. It is claimed that the quality developed by long standing is toughness; that clay newly mixed is short grained, while old clay is cohesive, like rubber. Whatever may be the truth of this claim, the universal practice is to allow as long a period to elapse as possible between the mixing of the clay and the using of it. In some cases as long a period as two years is allowed to pass before the clay is used. ‘The various parts of the glass pet are constructed of different mix- tures of clay. The top of the pot has only to stand the heat and bear up its own weight. ‘The bottom has to stand the weight and the scorify- ing action of the glass. The sides have the severest work of all, having to maintain the weight of the roof and the inside pressure of the molten charge. The usual point of failure is eighteen to twenty four inches above the bottom of the pot. The actual process of manufacture is one of slow building. A pot is built up in sections of a few inches every day. Each days work is welded onto the last, and the new work is kept from becoming too dry by wet cloths. Thus the process continues until completion, which occupies from one month to six weeks. A pot maker will have twenty or thirty pots in treatment at once, in various stages of progression. As fast as one crop comes off, a new one is blocked out. The drying it most carefully managed in perfectly tight rooms; no heat is used except to prevent freezing and no draughts of air, above all things. A month or six weeks of air drying is allowed, followed by a few days of heating in a hot room, preliminary to shipment. The pots are never burned, except in the place where they are to do their work. ‘They are put in position and heated very gradually up to CLAY WORKING INDUSTRIES. 233 the full heat of the furnace and never cool until the furnace is shut down for repairs. The manufacture of glass in tank furnaces has turned a part of the energy of the glass pot men into a new channel. Glass tanks are large iron tanks lined with special shaped blocks of the finest refractory materials and are covered by an arched brick roof, under which the flames. from the furnace circulate. Very few tank furnaces are built alike and consequently each one necessitates a complete set of moulds, for every -block and brick required. A tank is usually constructed by contract, the manufacturer agreeing © to make the blocks and erect the brick work. Great stress is laid on a perfect fit of the blocks, as the glass is sure to search out any cracks or fissures in the retaining walls. Blocks for tank furnaces are of various sizes. Some of them weigh eight or ten hundred pounds. ‘To dry and burn such enormous lumps of clay, is a matter of great difficulty. Time is the main feature and must be used without stint. The refractory material trade of Ohio is now situated in two districts. The Scioto district, including the factories at Portsmouth, Sciotoville, Webster, Ironton and Oak Hill forms the principal center of production. This district depends mainly on the fine flint clays of Scioto county, Ohio, and Carter county, Kentucky, just across the Ohio river. The Ohio Valley from Steubenviile to Wellsville is the source of a large brick and sewer-pipe industry. The bricks however are sold indiscriminately as fire brick and pavers. ‘The factories on the Ohio side of the river are mainly in the fire brick business. The factories on the West Virginia side of the river are in the paving brick business, and only make fire brick incidentally. ‘These works all use one stratum of hard fire clay which however, readily becomes plastic when ground and tempered. ‘The balance of the fire-brick manufacture in the state is conducted in isolated shops at Youngstown, Niles, Cleveland, Dover, Mineral Point, Zanesville, Logan and a few other towns. No statistics were collected or are available from other sources. V. THE MANUFACTURE OF BUILDING MATERIAL. The manufacture of building material made from clay really includes the following lines of production: Common hand made brick. Soft mud brick. Stiff mud brick. Stock brick. 5. Pressed brick. |6. Enameled brick. Terra cotta.—Building ornaments. . Fire proofing. 2. Chimney and flue linings, 3. Building and foundation blocks. { 1. Roofing tiles. Pe U3. OUR Gobo Bricks, Hollow goods. | Tiles. Glazed panel tiles. Encaustic floor tiles. 234 GEOLOGY OF OHIO The manufacture of hollow goods has been fully considered under the former heads. ‘The brick industries of the state have also been largely discussed.and described in dealing with the more important and technical subjects of paving bricks and fire bricks. However, there remain several interesting forms of clay working which could not justly be passed by at this point. The manufacture of low grade brick for the common purposes of life has become a business of the very greatest importance as a commer- cial matter, but is becoming less a matter of technical skill or of scientific interest as the years pass by. The larger cities, which are the main consumers of brick, now demand two distinct kinds of brick materials. One class of comparatively small quantity is needed for the fronts and exposed parts of buildings. In this grade, the demand is gradually stimulating the manufacturers to fresh trials of skill and taste, regardless of cost. The second class includes the inferior grades which constitute the bulk of all the walls, and of the sides and the rear portions, the whole. Bricks for this purpose are certainly not becoming any better as the years pass by, and many contend that the grading is becoming more and more lenient. In Chicago and other large markets almost anything made of clay, regardless of its shape, finish or color, is readily accepted, if it is only fairly hard. Soft material, especially for tall buildings, is strictly ruled out, but in proportion as attention is turned to the beauty of the fronts and architectural shapes, the demands as to the finish of the remain- ing portions are reduced. The contractors of these large buildings regard the common brick as so many cubic inches of hard burnt clay and nothing else about the brick interests them. This influence has led in many centers of produc- tion to a distinct lowering of the grade of the common brick, and the whole attention of the maker is turned to the improvement of his mechanical facilities, and lowering the cost of his product, rather than to improve the grade which he is able to produce. It is the history in every city where this spirit extends,’ that the hand moulding process is rapidly being pushed to the wall. In fact the hand moulding process is in full and healthy development only around some of the smaller cities and in country districts. Toledo and Cleveland have began to depend wholly on the product of yards in which the soft mud machinery is used. ‘Thirty thousand per day is the usual output of these machine; yards are therefore classed according to the number of crews they run, as thirty thousand, sixty thousand or ninety thousand yards. In Columbus, the machine brick trade is represented by two factor- ies making dry pressed shale brick for backing up purposes. No front brick are made in this vicinity. In Cincinnati, the rushing methods of . Chicago are finding rapid acceptance. Stiff mud brick are crowding the old time hand moulding yards more sorely each year. CLAY WORKING INDUSTRIES. 235 The hand moulding process, while using less machinery and power than any other, produces a brick free from structural faults. Manufac- ture by this process is largely a matter of labor, and the cost is now reg- ulated by the price of union labor. Everything is reduced to a system, and one standard price for an alloted quantity of brick per day is the rule in all centers of production. ‘The actual production of the various manu- facturers thus costs about the same. ‘Their only chance to economize, is by management of the details, and the skill of burning; one burner may produce a larger percentage of good brick than another. The soft mud machine makes a brick of good structural quality, but every brick has one rough side where the mold is stroked off. ‘The main advantage of the machine over the hand moulding is the increased out- put. The cost of the plant is much higher, however, a large part of the expense being for racks and pallets for outside drying. The auger machine process for building brick is mainly confined to the production of end cut brick. It is in this business that the automatic end cutting machines originated. The formation of the bar of clay has nothing to do with the value of the product for building purposes, and color or smoothness has about as little, in the large markets. For building brick, the clays selected are usually plastic drift and sedimentary clays. The preparation consists usually in passing through rollers to separ- ate large stones, and to crush smaller ones, and a pug mill to temper the clay. For the soft mud and hand moulding process no machinery except a crude pug mill for preparation is used. ‘The drying is accomplished by the most elaborate dryers in the large factories, and by racks and open yards in the smaller yards. Burning is altogether accomplished by the use of clamp up-draft kilns. The use of oil fuel, and natural gas, has been atemporary advantage tosome few brickmakers, but has been of no permanant profit to the industry. ‘The firing of the kilns is done in the arches, in the fire-holes or in outside furnaces. Stock brick are a grade between pressed front brick and the best grades of common brick. The grade is dying out as the introduction and perfection of the dry press process goeson. At onetime stock brick were the best that could be obtained. The method of manufacture is much the same as that of coramon brick, except that they are subjected to a pressing process after they have been allowed to partly dry, and be come of a stiff, cheesy consistency. Atthis temper the clay takes a beau- tiful sharp edge, and if handled carefully the results are very fine. The clays are selected to make a fine colored brick; no other will sell at the advanced figures charged, and the burning is done generally in clamp kilns, in which the arches, benches, sides, ends and top are made of com= mon brick, and the stock brick are put in a compact mass in the center, where they are all sure to be burnt hard and informally. The gradiny 236 GEOLOGY OF OHIO of the colors produced is managed just the same as the grading of pressed brick and ten or twelve shades are recognized. In actual quality, fine stock brick are apt to be of+a higher character than press bricks which sell for more, on the principle that any clay- ware that has been tempered in water is more cohesive and less absorb- ent than dry press brick of equal hardness. Pressed Brick. ‘The manufacture of high grade pressed bricks for city buildings and artistic architectural construction, has been slowly developing for some years. It has received much stimulus in the last - few years and the industry is rapidly coming forward. Indeed the younger generation of architects, and these same progressive manufacturers, are rapidly making a new industry out of the old one. While there are a number of pressed brick manufacturers, in Ohio, there area comparatively few who are representatives of the new departure. The Columbus Brick and Terra-Cotta Co., The North Baltimore Pressed Brick Co., The Akron Vitrified Pressed Brick Co., The Oakland Pressed Brick Co., of Zanesville, and The Findlay Hydraulic Pressed Brick Co., are types of the most progressive ones. Of these the last three named firms produce nothing but fine red front bricks. The clays they use are different in each case. The Akron Vitrified Pressed Brick Co., whose factory is at Independence, is the only factory using the red Bedford shales, so far as is known. Theseshales constitute a persistent but comparatively thin stratum, which crosses the state in a line taking in Cleveland and Columbus. The shales are always red in color. At Independence they form the top of the hills and cover the surface down to the top courses of the Berea Grit which is quarried extensively near by. Exposures as fortunate as this one, are likely to be rare, as the soft shales are too easily eroded to form the surface deposit over any large area. Hard rocks are usually found on the surface. ‘The high grade of this deposit is undoubtedly due in part to the mellowness which has been imparted by centuries of exposure. The Oakland plant at Zanesville began operations on the famous red loam which has made Zanesville stock brick famous in past years. After some months of successful work they introduced a change in the compo- sition by using one-half of the shales which cover the middle Kittanning coal with the red loam. The change gave them no less choice a color, together with far greater toughness and strength. ‘The loam clay was very sandy, and while it made a very beautiful brick it was a very tender one and the edges were likely to be rubbed off and broken.- The shale is a fine paving brick material, and one which vitrifies easily; by mixing it with the sandy clay, a bond by partial vitrification was produced. The Findlay Pressed Brick Co., use a surface drift clay of a very sandy character, which they gather and shed during the summer season with great care and by methods which insure thorough mixing and aver- aging of the composition. CLAY WORKING INDUSTRIES. 237 The preparation of the clays where the shales are used, is by dry panandscreens. When the drift clay is used, such thorough methods are not required. Brick are made at Independence, by the Boyd Press. by the Whittacre at Oakland; and by the Hydraulic at Findlay. The brick at both Independence and Zanesville are dried in steam heated dryers, using cars as a means of transportation. At Findlay the brick are set directly in the kiln and are dried by the heat of one of the cooling kilns which is blown in to the green kiln by a fan. This method was alluded to more fully in the remarks on drying of paving brick. The burning is accomplished by down draft kilns of rectangular form. Each factory uses a different kiln, one the Eudaly, one the Griswold and one the Graves. The two factories located one at Union Furnace, and one at North Baltimore, are entitled to special credit as being the pioneers in the line of new architectural work alluded to before. The Union Furnace plant is located in the edge of the Coal Measures, and has in the hills surround- ing it a series of strata, comprising three or four veins of fire-clay, besi es several shales and surface clays of value. The colors produced are a line of buff brick, comprising ten or twelve shades; a line of so called terra-cotta shades, which are a mixture of buff and dull red; and a line of grays, which are very light buff with pure black. Other lines of colors have been experimented on and produced on a small scale. The North Baltimore Plant produces a similar line of buff brick, and also a fine red color. They have also gone into the manufacture of enameled brick. In these two works, the efforts of the manufacturers have been to meet the architects half way in the production by accurate and scientific means, of whatever colors, shades and shapes may be needed for artistic work in construction. The mixtures are controlled by weights and thorough care is taken, to keep the stock always uniform, so that the production of the shades of any one color will fall inside the regular classified grades. In these works the process of manufacture is distinctly less important than the accurate control and grading of the product. It is found necessary for each line of colors to establish not less than ten or twelve shades of that color due to the variations of the burning, and position in the kiln, The accurate grading of the brick into shades is a matter of great delicacy and expense, and yet on this stage of the work the artistic value of the product depends. The process of manufacture is by use of the dry-pan and screen and Boyd brick press at Union furnace, and by Steadman disintegrator and Simpson brick press at North Baltimore. The burning is accomplished by down draft kilns at both plants. At Union Furnace, there are two large continuous kilns of the Guthrie patent. The principle of these kilns is undoubtedly correct as it involves the use of the waste heat of 238 GEOLOGY OF OHIO cooling in pre-heating the air to be used for combustion in the chamber which is burning, and the use of the heat from the burning chamber in _ drying off and heating up the chambers in advance. The method of accomplishing this result however is defective, in every style of continuous kiln which has yet been erected in the state. The failure usually is in the waste of heat in the rear of the fuel cham- ber. One chamber in the rear of the fire is ample to pre-heat all the air re- ; quired for combustion, and it has been determined by practical tests that no drying takes place further than three chambers ahead of the fire. If the maximum speed and the minimum consumption of fuel is to be reached, it must be through some plan by which the surplus heat of the cooling chambers can be made to assist in the drying off and heating up of the chambers which are too far ahead of the fire to benefit by the waste heat of combustion. The faults of the continuous kiln as it stands are mainly against the speed of its operation. Only three chambers ahead of the fire can be benefitte i by the heat of combustion, and from six to seven days are re- quired to the kiln. Hence a chamber can only be burned off every two days. If, by transfer of heat from rear of the fire to the fourth, fifth, or sixth chambers ahead of the fire, it could be managed to bring these cham- bers up to three or four hundred degrees before their time came for direct heat, then the burning could progress with nearly twice the speed, with- out any more fuel being used. However, the economy in fuel which is attained by use of even the most imperfect of the continuous kilns, is so very great compared with that obtained hy down-draft or up-draft kilns that it cannot but prove attractive to any brick maker who sees it, The obstacles in the way of its general adoption are, Ist, the great cost of the kiln; 2d, the comparatively limited out-put; 3d, the skill required in the proper management of the kiln, These three reasons stand in the way of any rapid changes to this plan from the older methods, though the economy in fuel cannot be questioned or doubted by anyone familiar with its work. Enameled Bricks, have been produced in Ohio for eleven or twelve years to a limited extent. At one time the industry seemed to be likely to go forward rapidly to a substantial development. Comparatively little headway has been made however in the last ten years. There are three factories which produce enameled brick in Ohio—W. B. Harris & Co., of Zanesville, T. B. Townsend & Co., of Zanesville, and The North Balti- more Pressed Brick Co., of North Baltimore. Possibly there are others who have taken up this line recently, but none others are known to the Survey. The enamels, which are thick, opaque, colored glazes, are laid on the burnt bricks, which are then put into saggers and burned, just as any pottery ware would be. “ CLAY WORKING INDUSTRIES. 239 The white colors are the most difficult to produce, as the glaze has to be sufficiently thick and opaque to conceal the dark red color of the body of the brick; blues, browns and other strong colors are less trouble- some. ° The use of enameled brick places at the architect’s disposal a range of beautiful effects which he can obtain in no other way. "They are more suitable for inside decoration of public buildings, halls, waiting rooms etc., than for the decoration of outside work. Terra cotta. The manufacture of high grade building ornaments is not carried on to any extent in Ohio. ‘The process of manufacture is an elaborateone. The clays for each color are prepared with great care and are often compounded with other clays and chemicals to obtain the de- sired effects. The process is dry press machinery on all sizes and shapes which can be produced in this way; the larger pieces are made in molds from: tempered clays and thehighest grades are even moulded and carved by hand. Ties. The manufacture of roofing tile has been in progress for some ten or twelve years in the state, though the industry is still confined to comparative by small dimensions. There are three factories represented viz: The J. C. Ewart Roofing Tile Co., of Akron, The Repp Roofing Tile Co., of New Philadelphia, and the Barnard Tile Co., of Bellaire. The latter company has only recently completed and perfected its process and is just begining the manufacture of tile. The advocates of roofing tile are mainly architects who like it for artistic reasons. Some forms of it certainly produce very fine effects on roofs which are designed for its use. ‘The shapes used are diamond or lozenge shaped, plain flat shingle tiles, scalloped shingles, and a new de- sign like a modified letter S in section. The qualities which a roofing tile must have in order to compete with the other well established forms of roofing are: Ist, vitrification, so as to stand frost and rain without any sign of failure. 2d, strength and toughness, by which it will stand transportation and handling during its application. 3d, thinness of section, by which its weight can be brought within reasonable limits. Tile makers contend that a tile roof is lighter than a slate roof, owing to tlte great overlap of the slate and practically no overlap of the tile. A popular prejudice to the contrary effect, has a strong hold on the public. 4th, the tile must be true and not easily warped in order to make its attachment easy and secure. A line now being introduced, in which the tiles are glazed with the cheapest lead glaze on the exposed portions of the outside. ‘The pur- pose of this is to avoid the necessity of such hard burning, the strength and toughness of the tile being at its best stage before the proper vitrifi- cation is attained. ‘This action is in the proper line as it will allow lighter, thinner tiles, with equal strength and increased impenetrability. The manufacture of the tile is by process which the makers wish to 240 GEOLOGY OF OHIO keep secret. The main principle of the process is the production of thin flat bars of clay about six by three-eights inches in section, which are then pressed or stamped into the requisite shape. The strips may be made by forming a single or multiple bar of clay of this kind, or cutting up a common sized bar into ribbons by wires across the die. The manufacture of panel and flooring tiles is a business which calls in play the highest skill of the potters art, coupled with mechanical at- tainments of a superior grade. Panel tiles, which are intended for purely - decorative use in fine buildings, are usually made of a white composition, similar to the white body employed by white ware makers. ‘The deco- ration is largely by glazes which are made to produce effects of light and shade by the thickness of the layer which they form in the elevations and depressions of the surface. The use of colored glazes and decora- tion by them becomes a distinct branch of pottery decoration. The de signs which are produced on the surface are mechanical in the cheap goods, and on the most expensive, artistic skill of high grade is demanded. ~The manufacture of encaustic flooring tile is a matter of far more skill than the production and ornamentation of white ware panel tiles. The process in brief involves the compounding of a separate body-mix- ture for each color which appears in the finished tiles. The body is pro- duced by uniting the clays, flint spar, and metallic oxides, which are to produce the color in a washing plant and the thoroughly mixed ingredi- ents are separated out by the filter press as in common pottery. The cakes from the press are dried in tunnels like brick and are then ground up to a fine powder by high speed disintegrators, and the powder is re- moved by air blast as fast as it is reduced to the proper fineness. ‘This powder is then put away in brick cemented bins, where it retains just the proper dampness for use. Each powder mixture is used in making a tile by just such means as the ground clay is used in making a pressed brick, except that where tile are made showing two or more colors, a separate operation has to be made for each color employed. ‘The presses used are of special construction. The burning of the ware is done in saggers in regular pottery kilns. There are three works in Ohio which are engaged in the manufac- ture of artistic panel and encaustic tiles. The American Encaustic Ti- ling Co., of Zanesville is the oldest, largest and best concern of its kind in the United States. It has recently occupied its new factory which has been equipped at a cost of over a half million of dollars. It has mechanical arrangements for the simultaneous production of eight dif- ferent colors of body mixtures. It uses electricity as a means of trans- mitting power from the engine house to the various parts of its enor- mous plant where power is required. Thirty kilns are in user. 241 = ———— CLAY WORKING INDUSTRIES. Gee chr) O'SSL 0621 Pewee reso eeeeesesessene eee dbsbatieasae tie De ay | pelea Grier ewes ce bite We ance (\ GnGea wae seeseeteseeeteee 8n'T 8¢° (ewf) G’6ZL 0'66L woysAppy cite seis sere Med mo0g AM TyeuUurouyryy ae 6 Goer econ ee : ae S< >< OPEL Geel Ce ss ane * =A to Le romp) C'O8T 0'98L Rie en yWours}10g “ ry 4 a Pel ; : 2 @ a ny fe} a ie) fe) oS is} w Be Ea ct oO "3 oe o S, S, es © 4 g. 5. ‘UO1}B00"T “TAM PORJNUeM JO oe N ) o Q i) Q melee: | ate Whe lok ; if 4 au a ‘SESH NOIMLdNOSHY AO SUVLAC THX WILvVL ANMMNOMHNMHN COHN MOHAN RNC ‘Joqmnu yoiag — ‘teqminu ajduies G. O. Tg’ cg 6I'L 18" °. 99" -H 5 2, e fe) 4 rel fe) a oO 88 O . G BNR NNANSCHOHHNOHNOHHHOS G =X | | | | | ‘yu90 Jod asev1ioAy “OSBSIOUL *J99 Jog ‘JYSIOM Jo asvatouy G'6d1 @ LIT G'66T 00ST OTST Gort O'LET GLE gol OTS. OLLT G'64LT GTOL CTOL 0°00T OFIL OSIT OLIT 0°6hT O'SPT OVST 0'6PT OTST 0'6F1 0661 O'LET G'8S1 0'6FT 00ST 091 GVGL O'9ST O'SST O'6LT O'OLT O'8LT OTOL GO0L G66 OGIT OTIT O'STT g’Orl OPP GIST 0'8PI OTST Srl | | | "joa ‘SHOIIG JO WSIOM Q44 “AIp ‘sy JO PASIAN POO eeeee HO se oog se saessesesases ” COO i en OTTTASEIIS MON seeeeeee ” ” SOCCOOCL (of) TU KoYo) BIIOT, 2g Pou paepueys § G I GI Scie el desinecesinceseviieecsevsee “QTTIAOJOING sees KrpduIOg YOLAG-d1LyT ILS OJOLS I FI »” » » § ” yy ” G Fie elelelebiele eo cieccese cecnecie ee eeeesieseces.s uny YOvy Aueduog SULINpORJNUL AT uo0yAv[D seq I el Sree 5 ee ee aod oe BESO OHOOD - F : ° »”» » G ‘Auvd mod ‘SJ, 2 Suraryl o[[AuopAezy I rail Pa Han nee Ses Coa ac is ‘ ° Be deena Rae 4 z Cee erereeccsreeseees Auedmog AelD SULyooT] I Il » » § » »” » G ccc core c cence eeseseceveeee seeereeeed TOdOIPPIIAL Auevdumog wug o}Ue14) yiods| pp I Or ENP cut-out nmlecielee mais etae wate rs Smanewececions 4 3 ot tc MORTON ek Oro arts moe ‘. Raion aaeise 7 3 2 eeeeee Pere ee rece terrasse eeeeseeeeeese 55 sis cles cies ier ATL CLUT OG) 7.9) pussumMoy ra AL. I 6 iia tear cao Os ORCBEOIGCS Bea aoE f SANDRA CHE rnG i i > Sadorae Soe oe anion alesies ss |Psesssseseenereeeen y Z Ose eer eee eee ee eeae eee eee ewes eee d[[LAsSouRZ lees eevscece oe eee eae SIO OI 9) SIIIC FY nef "NM T 8 ee eee ate ay a = td ap) A ) oo 8 ian uo} _ o SI B *"WO1}90'T ‘TOINPOVJNUBUT JO OUIVN EB E ie) o : o mh ‘ponurynoyg—TTTX WIavy;, 243 CLAY WORKING INDUSTRIES. co co LV | | : | | | 90 19d aSeIDAYy ‘OSPIIOUI JUI0 Jog CG anmROO°O SSS 1210 BINGO XS ale 1D S19 19190 O19 O10 O O19 mem HNOCONRONn AAAS ‘JYSIOM Jo osvoION] eeece-cccesccce MATION AMHNOMANOHNMNMHNMNHNO RN OD &@ ~ _ 1s a=) fon] DOU jc 200L oe eee. » » 0°301 GHOL os - : 2 OOLT G‘60L "Toy uRD eoeeeoce seers ) You Suraeg AeMoOyTOFY oY, I 9% SSE CERRO OE Soe aEE TE SENS LnB Een aS - Toe occ ena Se i e Hee ad SB RAR ae apt eis a I ‘ eee re 3 z SAGO DAOC IN SCORE ERASE aS seteeeeeeeeeseseeeeeeeeeeee oe SUTBTITT AM “GMA [ cz ESCH BOBQU SSE CORE BENGE e EON RAO GB RIRG aC 28 - i ° KeREnenoODe ettee teeteeteeeteeteenees 7 Z Cece wee ccc ceo ccs cc es ec cearencesescceceoe WOJURD Auedutod You jesoy onL T PZ a coe “i oo wm 4 3) re) B wr io} i} Oo eg eI *MO1}B90’T ‘TaINpoRjnueMm jo omen B, 5 a o oO Et ‘panuyHoy—]IIX AW1AaV 245 CLAY WORKING INDUSTRIES. 600 683°T 96° G6 T 88° SSOnmMROnRNN RRB NAN TAR WHO N1O ° MAIO wWwWSOSSooS SC OSNMHOMOOMN xX ‘yueo od oSeI0aAy “QSBIIOUL “JMO Jag | ‘JYSTIIM JO aseoIOUT ‘SOL JO IYSIOM 22M ‘SHO JO IASTIOM |AIp | } | | Cece creo reer senses sasseseres eoeceors se ecceceeee scence pleyzey ” SAINGSIUAR AY ”» ” eee ecerence sereee Kredi mos Sela-aIlyy o8u0> eT MOT} BI0'F § G T 66 »”» » § ” ”» G 0D “SJ IN % Sur pryseg—meyes | T 8g ” »” § ” ” G ~Auvdulod YI IT II’T 94e1S oy], T Lg »” ” § ” x’) G “OD AMICI 2 9u07S WOTIsse]y oT, I 9¢ »” ” g ” » G ‘OD Sulaeg W Youg wsapeyl 2 uozuey I Ge ee ” names ” yy” G Saboe ‘“Auedurod Avo-o1TT WIATeI OT, I FE mociceie OD AP]D FY ZU_ Smaqsoudem spp g BOO OG tiiriy yorg AR]O-91T YY Z Pe ” ” I §§ eelsicisls OD ARID WF Youg SinqsoudvM 9G L e Sees ptereseeteereeeee OTE TBS Z 25G000 OD AXPTD W YU Simqsoude Ay aT I pas Pialene =} o a 8 ; = rs IoIn} VNUeIT JO IUIEN es B g s . ay) cal ‘panuyWOy—]ITX WAV, GEOLOGY OF OHIO 246 96 G Sr OI~ 1D 619 I~ 6 OD SHO rr L6G 6S’ vILV vs 69°% ‘yuso Jod ase10ay “QSBOIOUT "Id Jag EISSN SrissHtad x WOOO ID O10 1098 NMI NH HO Se © JUSIOM JO asvoIOU] OSI GIIl GPIL GOIT g¢cIl GTit STA! 0681 GLbl Gor 0'88T O'LET O'¢II GP COLL GOIT O'SLT GLIL GLI COLL COIL OGIT OSIL OOIL GOL OGIT O'STL 80 GOL FOIL OLIT OGL GVII CIIL GoLL O'OIT "JOM ‘SHOLIG JO JYSIOM “Arp ‘syolrq Jo SIO M “MOT}BI0/T ” ” 0D Surmpvynuryy wug_ aq ULL, OL ” : » Sueduos yourg d[[LASOURZ, Nog oy ’ ” oD eno). LESENE 7.0) PU snadong ‘ToInjporvjnuenwt jo OUR N > ‘leqmuinu youg SV GV ‘Ioqminu sjdmes ‘papnpouoy—TIIX WIAVL 4? » a CLAY WORKING INDUSTRIES. ‘MOT}IpuoOd poosyy *poos s1aqj}o ‘A[peq uayxoIq AoIIq suo ‘yeyMottos dn uayxo1g ‘IopUd} Joye. ‘potoyeys JeYMIMIOG “[[94 ATITey PooyS ‘yonm poddryo jou ‘uorjtpuos sre MOIJIPUOD IVT ‘MOI}IPBOD poor) ‘MOIPpuod sey ‘qgonm poddryo you “‘Tjam s10 ‘MOT}Ipmod poor) ‘MOI}IpuOD poor) pood ‘adeys Trey ‘qGonu uayorq JON ‘prey yng 94314q Aro ‘savord ont MayxoIg ‘UIOM Youu jou “Atpeq paddiy ‘poddryo jou {Tam s10M ‘HOT}IPUOD IIe YY ‘yeYMoUos Wayo1g ‘qgont poddiys jou ‘poor) ‘A[GelIpIsuod Uayo1g ‘pooy ‘HOT}IPUOD ITeyT ‘JEYMOUIOS TOYOIg ‘sjuotsely [[eUIS OUT 9YOIg ‘TToM Aparey pooyg ‘poddiyo you ‘a10M ‘UOTVIPUOd ATeyT ‘poddrys ‘uonipuos sreyy 'Z ‘ON OAL poyesrsozUIsiq ‘UOIpIpuos Arey ‘ATqeiaprsuoos peddiy) ‘MOT}IPUOD poor) jes Arad adevys ydoxy ‘TIOM YON jou ‘MayxoIG AIAG sug "S100 ot[} punore s1oAB] UL poyerso ISI ‘Tjom Arava adeys ydaxyz SLs3I 6ST LL 61 GEG LE 81 STIG L691 IVGlL 68°91 61°61 08°CT 6L°9T 96ST 98°1% OF PS 160% 8161 G8'9T 99°02 PLOL G6GG SL TI LELT 6h LT V6°GS 68°F I¢'eT 88°16 0&8 16 LG0G O8'GI GUL 890 LLCS 668 06S ggg 0°89 0'9L Gig9 GEL 08S CCP G'9g G99 og¢ G'9g oSP 0°69 OFET G'8L GOL 0°62 G18 0°GS 0°98 GGG 0°99 0'F6 G69 C'6P G69 0°96 G8 G68 Geg OTS 0 GP GOST 0 6P ATX ATIVLI 0°9G6 G'G6G O'9LG 0086 0°S66 OVLS C866 0°008 0816 G°69G 0°6Z 0'08@ GV8s 0°GSZ G'GGG O'OLE 0°L66 0°'S6E 09S 0'GEP 008 0°S68 OVIE OSPP CESS V6 q'8LE 0-89§ G'808 GVsE g'P9s OVOP G'9Ls 008% 0°00¢ O'STS O'8rE OPE 0'9¢§ o'8Ge QLV& G9GE GCs CVées 0°98 O'8PS GOs 0'86E 0°S6Z G'68E G'88E G°L98 G'69F OSGP O8P G'98§ GLVP 0088 GLEG 0'S08 OPPS O'8hr 0'6FP 0268 0'L0P OSPF 0'SSP GIGP GOly 0'6FS saeco eee eens OD ‘{ UASATRI 7 UOpURD oT eee e ee eeereeccces fore) kel) ay UISATCIAL oU7L pa0see “AepO oy “OD ‘gq SinqsoudeM OTT aie nisisratewe tse aqeys “oD “g Sinqsoudke oTLL ““OD “GE ‘_ prepueys oy, oe eeee ponbosorra ary Gl “OD °g ‘d ABMO][OP] aL otetelste we SQHOSOEOA TACs) (al ‘STITT ‘S°M ODL alela’elacaleolele elolersietslele “vurerd § youg yesoy aL sent e coe e eee ceeeee ““mreyd § youd moyueD OTL Serer “od sug ‘d AeBMO][OH OL eeeeee stersseeeees NOgsaIdel. 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CIg: i ee ‘o[dmes 10 adeIDAV ‘YUL “Nd sInssoig acr'p 092‘ ‘a{duies Ioj asvIoAV ‘yout ‘bs oinssorg sesseeeee Kupdtttos keyo- -O1T YT [[BSSPA\ ” »” yy ” ” 6G C8°S cGG 698 OF 00'F GG CL'8 09 v6& LG% GL8 06 LOG G66 Gg 60°7 00'S 616 G9 90°F P66 616 8¢ a 166 906 69 88° 6G GL’8 69 88's L6G GL'8 OOL | L66 88% 468 8L G8 166 00°6 08 166 88% 006 09 90°F 88 00°6 GL 60°P 88° 00°6 OIL | 00% L6G 90°6 06 LOS 6G 00°6 Gg GIP F6G G16 08 COP 6% 90°6 secnoonansovoodAbodssonnGdC Seatac: ag 90% 16% Z16 spisancpaonadeopad|oIdoN0G000 09 Pee 6S 00°6 Sea bbeHobennEdadoaqarbee abduSdadoBAEDOOBDOBG rae £6'e 96°2 90'6 [eeeeeteeeeseeeeereteerasaseasnaeeaaeeeeserers 29 16'8 10'e 006 sdoudosooobsddobuDaooBoRNOdd Gp C0'f Ze'Z 906 0 Jute eo5000 sn0s ‘HosvooBUOSHOC GG 00F 16°Z uLG sonooente Sodboasabecadudddanowocadasasa 08 16°@ F6% Z16 FeDoodoabanEUdeoNIdS 5 > > > ro) < < < eee ; : 2 5 ee eae acs wn ct a] — a Be 3. g ULI, JO ouUIeN, I 2, as 1Q iW) is = fs 5 eg ny D S cle S 4 “AX QNIHSNUM AO SUVA Wav L ” YY” PepddenoGoAmBBSSoEGOO AQ qeyalqakoro) > Surarg oOllO ” Bab serene Kupdtttog &epo-a1tyy ueSo/y ” ” ” » DANO N OAR NTN TNH HN ENB NTRNCO ‘Jaquinu yolig | aa Or OL l~ i] ‘Jequinu sjdmes | a GEOLOGY OF OHIO Garg, 89 | 68 LvG GSR sae cre ee ee n , r z 6IT 91e'T 98e'P 66'S (ive 00'P Lye Z8 SO ry ae e ve I L¥L TL¢e GP LP 9G% ZL'8 Bon ee Oe ge loaenete eee LTTE CLOT OR) ug IPISIOATY, aL V4 ba 108 608 cpo'g | «(SIGS «| OF | Ler 89% CLG iat ieee ean r F » I ¥08 sco'¢ | G9 | 09°F 0g 00°6 ve sepo-ory “‘Atreduroy YoLIq-oHT Woo op, | Z | 1Z ore'T LT | oggig | 889 | GL | PrP 99°% 616 ee ee only r ” » L Lov'L 90o'8 | 6 | 6IF 69'S GG |v oqeys ‘Aueduroy yxorq-o1KT Wowory oy, | Z | 0B °60'% 866 IZ 1 8h6'6 GOL GP 9G'% P68 teen e wees teense setae eee seer eeeeees As - _ a I : 822.3 sc9'¢ | 08 | SL? 90°S 18°8 wees Auedio) Avy) oyuesg ueso’y | [ | 6L Z98' | Zoet | sc9e | L064 | OOL | 00% 00°S c2'6 “Sueduoy) xorg [eaduy ayy, | 1 | 81 Z08'T Z08' LOZL Z8G‘L, SII CoP GZ'e GZ'6 sew eeee er i) teen eweee soucccescecATLECTITOS) souof ‘Oo Vv aL e LI CPL T 299°, OIL CP 61'S 60°6 i) - 3 3a Z I82‘T OSL‘T 6PL'L €£00'8 OZ Ge'P ee 006 see enee eee eee eee seen % 7 8 m [ bps I 0489 | SL | BLP 69% SOR jee See rsh “Kueduroy “DL, pue Ag ay[taesow | g | OT GCP‘ PPL‘ Gg CLP GLG ZL6 see eeeee eee eee . i) 5 5 Z 808'T 686 068'¢ GZ'¢ 89 | 60% 16% BIS Ie ie cheat BP ees ” " ys I GZ'T 9G0‘L, GOT LOY L6°S olL'6 phe gas en trea ‘ rd > a 5 > > > w| @ eels |G | eh ae | Al: Sy a 0 2 = Sy 9 és |) Goh % nt 8 a ms 8 8 o eh) 3 s > i Y ct 4 5 | 3 - a es & 5 6, = ry ‘MIy Jo amen o EB B 5 5 2 s B i F Bah eh cy oh cy a @ 2 ° 2, 0 i) 2 ‘pynutyuoO)—SLSHy, ONIHSNAD 40 STIVILHQ—AX WIAV.L 25] CLAY WORKING INDUSTRIES. 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T 0Z6'T OFS'T 008‘T 026'T COLT 008°T Z98'T GL8‘T 006‘T 0Z6'T 008'T OF8'T 026 T 09S 086'T OILT ChOS GhOG G68‘ T 0G6‘T 010% GCG 0061 666 1 098‘T 009'T } Yussyey soa180p UL 91nye -rodma Jy, wee crassa scereot ee ssessecsosce yeay ysoq ynoqe se ry goreence ie ule Cems cece maee See BOT, ysoq 31e UIs DuEIGPEOIOORIONGCOn SCOT Egy yoy sy ye UL Joyouy weslewesee “war ysoySIy ye 25 CERO CORRE ERG HOO an 7) | ysoq ysed 56 Peete cere cco resceessreceereeesessscsee ceca ” ” ” Grlusdeks sack cepues eect seccltiese Saw ory 4soq e) Gers - “var ysaq ised steer cece reseeee ” ” ” Sila Se ste eels sl celae see sees ences AB OLE ysaq ze 3 ciggesesaessor ese sao Ty yoysiy 0} dun jou UL goonDanbo < -- s TOE! 1 io soceegeas a is - % RIODSOOG 5 = - 7 ; 0 26000000 = . 5 5s 7" 5 Sopco * S}I ye cs > e 9p ” ” ” ” ” ” “apo ysaq Jaye ysnl ,, ieee Fatee teed - = » JEP Spauondqds0d00G x 3 e » woy0gG eter ere eres eee Hitetereeeeeeap att Jsaq 4B re jo yaed 489} 07] J000 0} um 3aq pey Opty qaqye paimsvout wo] meseeeeseoceecqpaty ysoq JB U[Iy Jo pred 4so}}0]] Fp OIIETOF COCA af] 8 Ga Ajavou UTDy jo woy}Vog “Ola ‘Suravg eccee ” ” ” “ adid 1amag ‘oplueIs OVUM TBM DD) “"OTPM MOT[IA ” seeeee a teenies < eoeece a seeeee a seeeee . sesee e see OIBMOMOYS * JIBMUITYIC ST este TI) BIE TC SF crt kets ag SO i ry yy Cece ewes eeccccsee soyeysS ep aononbpancoonte Gye Naas QIN} XIU ABO-IILyT Motvaalasieisteinsiaceatce soyeys see e ec ee aces ccccs Avyo-o11y] eee cee soe e se secesces Hite seers SaTBTG tee teeeeeeseeees Kp 9-941] “sayeys pue Aepo-o11 yy loin ateeeistisisioeiocs Av]O-d11 yy esecccias ” Rovosaad dan uontsodimo9 ” eee eee wwe ennne ee ee wer ernarenesr +B] peetee ecu AD TOO Tey ee" QATLYEXTTAL seeceree POOS SSO OCC Y CS ‘SIANJDAIGUMA [. 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Peer cere ere eresesoedcsccsces ” ” ’ d str eteseeeeeeeseseeeeeseeeenQ’y SOTIG HOTURD spec eeees Oa) adig IaM3G dT IATOSTON Sbocoungaubassad5a90000 (y=) Avyo-a11yy ueSo’y siresteseererseeeeennsolg 29 SLIIBET “Gf “AM eecce Nese syee Sees age Sets Oe) souof ‘O Vv adoyong uoIyy ” ” ” DaRRO CON ei Ni 5 IH Bag operons - re oe} 98 (@) SOTA x = UMOT) meesertecereeeQey adig IaMIG AWD }S910\T SCR USO UEE SUSU ICEL 9 Aio}10g OJUOIO LT, eee ceecencvceevcevcvcce SPICE Otay VYASLIMAIeD Gogo wees renseerersanes OS BE GE NETO eee eee ewww tees SIENNA OKO: Ary ‘SyooM, “Ib “Vv seeeesesesO0) DABMITOYS $9}B}S pew BUGEEOOESEEOOIGODGOC of F]00 | LOVES) 70) aN AEE ED) ” ” ” ” ” ‘eg ‘UO WS .Aq *N “OD AvpD Sanqs} Wd seeeteeee ne | si ST TASSURZ, trreeeeererees OF) QIBMOIUOPS WINSUTYSNI reseereeesovesnesreserersrTagoy pue Ad[ Seq eee eee ee eeenne A19}}0g STO] ]T2 AN “VW xs) tee eeeeees ee eeeeee Si oD ABD WEMEO(T sal ‘SUTULSOGNI ONINYOM-NOUL UNV ONIMYOM-AVW'ID NO HNOIMLHNOWAd ALLANOA’T AD GHWOASVAN ‘SUVA LYALL TAX WTAVL GEOLOGY OF OHIO 204 G6Z'S Cece cence eee n eens SSSnononnnennnsnan ssa 19)0/8[6/0)¢/010/0/01 910.0 «vie/e,010 010 05 poq Surseo 0} DOVUIN WO, WET HL SB ‘oil Tatassagq vs a ¥f ge C6E'S BocoanooodaGR0 eeccece Slale wieie siv.e.eieiee ate slcesle 0 0 Wise coe 0s 00-00e eet cevesicece poq Suryseo 0} doe IN UWLOTy uel y Se ‘UOIT [TIA 90e uainyy JSP [e4ayUaD Ge 099‘ Cee ccceracevecccee falataleleseraleleielesaielejeteicialsielsic/sjsielsieleieisie) Decetcccceve Sutmod IO} no poddey Ssuroq d1OJoq Qovuiny ur ieee ouleS a ‘ i te 029s 3 » [9038 Yyeay wodO nie TOR MS 09¢'z splnow }OSUL ot peinod Suloq ‘Joos Jomlassog = Bs me Aa OZ A entnctsare eterna afalneie aaein antes “+ Suppor 1OJ Apea. ‘ doBUANgy Suryeoy ur 5 7B - °s) Tg 0G6‘T feldleteleieleieicievetcleisielenceieties aye d yec1s o}Ur peor Suloq ‘a1qe} [ran a}e[d uo jOBUT me a s, (ite 62'S SOUDOGOUDDODD DUD ODODOCODDOUDOOUNOOUONODOUDDODDUCHODODOU DO OOOODOOCS 1940s ‘Aqd any kq poly. xoqo1y 221104) Joyyoue % 63 GLLG ; . 30 sisieeie GCECODODHEOONAD oeccectcecces 194 0}s ‘TIeUAY Sag Aq poiy ‘xoqo1y topioq jo apIsuy—syr0 Ay [2019 sno 8G SAL } Yuet soo1dop ' UL oinye -rodmay, ‘SIANJOAIGULA [, FULYAOMUOAT ‘pepn[ouo)—SHIMLSNGN] ONINYOMNOU] AGNV DNIMNUYOMAVID NO HNOIMLHWOYA ALLHNO’] Ad GHNASVH ‘SHANLVYHAWH I. —JAX WIA L CHAPTER IwV. THE COAL FIELDS OF OHIO. By PRoF. EDWARD ORTON. Areas.—The rocks of the Carboniferous system, in which all our coal seams are embraced, constitute the surface rocks of about ten thou- sand square miles in the southeastern quarter of the state. The counties in which these rocks are found in whole or in part, are the following: Trumbull, Mahoning, Columbiana, Carroll, Jefferson, Harrison, Bel- mont, Guernsey, Noble, Monroe, Washington, Morgan, Athens, Meigs, Gallia, Lawrence, Scioto, Jackson, Vinton, Hocking, Perry, Muskingum, Coshocton, Holmes, Tuscarawas, Stark, Wayne, Medina, Summit and Portage. A few insignificant outliers are found in other counties. But what has been said is by no means the same as saying that there are 10,000 squares miles in Ohio, under any one of which square miles, one or more coal seams exists. There are large areas within the general bound- ary named above in which, although the rocks are included in the Car- boniferous age, coal seams were never formed. There are other consid- erable areas from which the coal seams that once existed have been entirely removed by the processes of denudation that have been at work during the millions of years, in which this part of the continent has stood above the level of the sea. There are still other considerable areas in which coal seams are found in their regular places in the series, but too thin, or too impure, or too much broken by the accidents of their early history, to possess any economic value. Finally, there are considerable sections in which, while half a dozen coal seams are repre- sented, but one or two are found in volume large enough to justify mining, at least, under present conditions. The general statement, therefore, that the Ohio coal field embraces ten thousand square miles of territory, is calculated to give an erroneous and misleading impression. In any case, the assumption that the value of a coal territory can be properly estimated by measuring the surface which it occupies, is altogether inadmissible. One district may have but a single seam that is worth mining, while another may have two, three or four seams. Neither can the value of a coal field be determined by the aggregate thickness of its several seams. In one district, there inay be a single seam, five feet in thickness, for example; and in another 256 GEOLOGY OF OHIO district, there may be five seams, aggregating ten feet in thickness. The chances are that in this case the first named field will be the more valu- able; the second may not justify mining at all. To determine the rela- tive values of coal lands. a number of consideration must be taken into account. The maps that accompany this volume render it, for the first time, possible to determine approximately the coal resources of the state. They show the separate areas of the principal seams, above drainage. To these areas there must be added the extensions of the several seams under cover so far as they have been determined by test boriugs in advance of development. In default of such tests, the additional areas required in carrying the seam to some arbitrary depth below drainage, as 500 or 500 feet, may be computed. Nothing but the vaguest estimates of the amount of Ohio coals has heretofore been possible, but it is prob- able that the amount is always exaggerated in our speculations on the subject. A study of these maps will reveal the fact that our coal resources are by no means co-extensive with the ten thousand square miles of our Carboniferous rocks. Some important deductions from this study will appear in a later section of this report. Origin of Coal.—For the last. fifty years, there has been no reason- able ground for doubt as to the real nature and ultimate source of coal. Coal is more or less metamorphosed vegetable structure, and conse- quently the materials composing it were, in the main, derived from the atmosphere, by the cells of growing plants, under the agency of sun- light, at some earlier stage of the earth’s history. These conclusions are questioned by no one who has earned a right to an opinion. Occasion- ally, it is true, some belated denizen of the seventeenth century still attacks the problem of the origin of coal in the a priori way, and evolves a theory of its formation from his own consciousness. Such theories do not deserve or require refutation. Like the seed sown in stony places, they speedily wither because they have no root. They are inventions, and not discoveries, and in our day at least, they are quite sure to go to their own place and to be buried with their inventors. Again, for the last fifty years, there has been no reasonable ground for doubt, or at least, ever-lessening reasonable ground for doubt, that the vegetation which formed the coal grew where it is now found. It is not drifted vegetation, but it was accumulated zz sztu, by the slow pro- cesses of plant growth. This position received powerful support from a famous paper of the late Sir William Logan, which was read before the Geological Society of London, in 1841. It was entitled ‘On the Char- acter of the Beds of Clay lying immediately below the coal seams of South Wales.” In it, Sir William announced the significant fact, which had long been known by the miners and used by them asa guide in their practical explorations, and from whom he had received it, that all the coalseams of the South Wales field are underlaid by beds of clay, and that COAL FIELDS. 257 these beds always contain the well known vegetable fossils, s¢zgmaria. The statement of the fact we owe to him. Its modern significance escaped him for the time. The proof was forthwith furnished by Binney, that the stigmaria are the roots or underground stems of lepidodendroid and sigillaria trees. At about the same time came the discovery, in a railway cutting near Manchester, of a number of sigillaria trees, standing unmistakably where they grew and immediately connected with an over- lying coal seam. ‘These were the initial and epoch-marking facts of the subject, but they have been repeated and supplemented and extended in every region of the world in which coal is mined, from that day to this, until they have become, to the last degree, familiar and commonplace. | As we advance beyond this position and inquire as_ o the conditions and modes of growth of this land vegetation, we find ourselves at once among unsettled questions. Most of the well matured and more elabo- rate theories that have been advanced in recent times, however, agree still further, and, in regard toa very important factor in the discussion. Almost all of them hold that this vegetation grew on lowlands, and not only near the sea level but near the sea itself. The obvious facts of almost every section of Carboniferous rocks, in which a seam of coal is included, allow, indeed, no escape from this conclusion, but the particular modes of growth of these great sheets of vegetation are variously conceived and represented. (a) Forests growing on swampy tracts, finally submerged and buried under sheets of sand or clay, the forest trees themselves, and chiefly their bark, constituting the bulk of the coal; this is one of the earlier and cruder theories which it is somewhat surprising to find still surviving. It has recently found new expression through Carruthers, the distinguished paleo-botanist, who seems to adopt it without reserve. Several elements of it also enter into the extravagant theory of Grand- Eury which has recently appeared. (6) An accumulation of vegetation quite after the manner of the mangrove swamps of sub-tropical lands at the present time makes another theory. Sir Archibald Geikie adopts this as the best picture of the conditions of coal formation that we can find in the existing order of things. (c) By Sir Charles Lyell, the cypress swamps of the lower Miss- issippi were made to do like service. Sir William Dawson seems to agree with Lyell that the conditions of coal formation are most adequately represented by these great accumulations. (d) Fifty years ago Brogniart made the suggestion in an almost incidental way that we should find in the peat bogs of today the ana- logue and representative of the coals seams of Carboniferous time. It is not necessary to claim that a suggestion of this sort had never been made before, for such a claim could not be maintained, but the time had 174 (Coal Or 208 GEOLOGY OF OHIO come at last for it to strike root. It has been living and growing ever since. A young Swiss naturalist, Leo Lesquereux, was perhaps the first to expand the suggestion into a theory of definite shape and proportions. Called by the government of his own canton to report upon its peat beds as a source of fuel, he took up the study of the bog and made himself thoroughly master of its botany, its physics, its chemistry, its geology- He extended his observations and studies, still under government patron. age, to the peat bogs of northern Europe until he knew better than any one had known be ore, the laws of their formation and growth. From peat bogs he came to the study of coal. His field now lay on this side of the Atlantic. He saw, or thought he saw, that the laws of the peat bog could be applied to the coal seam; that the key, the only key, to the history of the latter was to be found in the knowledge that he had already acquired among the beds of fuel that are growing now but whose roots go back into past millenniums. In its development, this theory appears to be almost an American theory. It has found far wider acceptance here than elsewhere, and the best statements of it all come from this side of the Atlantic. It was expounded very ably in the main by Henry D. Rogers in the reports of the First Pennsylvania Geological Survey, but his state- ment was marred by the introduction of some dynamic features that are quite foreign to our present thought and in which he has no followers. Dr. Newberry made one of the most compact and symmetrical statements of it that has yet appeared, and he came to the subject with large and fresh and independent knowledge from every part of the field. Prof. E. B. Andrews repeatedly presented the theory in excellent shape, basing his statements in the main on his own observations. But it still remains true that in view of the central and far-reaching claims of the theory, no thoroughly worthy or adequate presentation of it has ever yet been made. We can go further and say that no near approach has yet been made to sucha presentation. All the statements that we have are limited to a few pages each, designed for popular use and falling far below the demands of scientific completeness and exact- ness. While, therefore, there are considerable differences of view as to the modes in which vegetation was accumulated in the Carboniferous swamps, these differences concern points of minor value. All of the leading theories have a great deal in common. As to the kinds of vegetation that make the chief contributions to the formation of coal, a few words must suffice. The vegetable kingdom is divided into two principal sub-divisions, viz., the Phanerogamia, or flowering plants, and the Cryptogamza, or lower- less plants. These divisions are further sub-divided as follows: COAL FIELDS.. 209 Exogens, common forest and frutt trees. Phanerogamia (Flowering plants.)..Endogens, palms, grasses, grains, etc. Gymnosperms, pies, cedars, etc. Club mosses. Acrogens..... | Ferns. Scouring rushes, ete. Cry ptogamia ( Flowerless plants.)...Anogens, ....... Mosses, etc. Alge or seaweeds. Thallogeuns... Tichens The coals of the Carboniferous age are principally derived from groups of plants that belong near the middle of the series, viz., from the Acrogens and the Gymnosperms, or, in other words, from the lowest of the flowering and from the highest of the flowerless. The contributions of the Gymnosperms are relatively unimportant and the families of plants from which the coal is almost entirely derived are the /ycopods, or club mosses and the ferns. ‘These families were expanded far beyond their present condition of development. They have left such abundant ma- terials for our study in the coal seams and the associated strata that we are able to restore them, with a good degree of confidence as to the faith- fulness of our results. We know their roots, their stems, their bark, their wood, their pith, their leaves, their spores, their fruits. It isto the microscope that we owe the final demonstration of the vegetable origin of coal. An addition to our knowledge of its composi- tion, made within the last twenty years, may be stated in this connection. It has been proved by means of thin sections of coal that considerable portions of some seams are made up of the spores and spore cases of lyco- podiaceous plants. Professor Huxley went so far, in a paper published in 1870, as to claim that coal of the Carboniferous age is mainly derived from this particular source. While this extreme claim cannot be allowed, it is doubtless true that the spores of the ancient club-mosses, took a large part in the up-building of many seams. The spores of modern club-mosses are produced in great abundance. They constitute an article of commerce under the name of /ycopodium, which is found in all drug stores. When it is remembered that the club- mosses of our day are generally less than one foot in height, it is easy to understand how the gigantic representatives of the order in Carboniferous time, which attained a height of fifty to seventy-five feet, could make so important a contribution to our fossil fuel, as has been claimed for them in the preceding paragraph. ‘The composition of lycopodium is excel- lently adapted to preservation, under the conditions which must have pre- vailed in the coal-forming swamps. It seems probable that the division oF our coals into coking and open- burning will be found to be based on the particular sources of plant growth from which they are respectively derived. Coal seams are generally found combined in great systems, interstra- tified with sand stones, conglomerates, shales, limestones and beds of iron ore, the whole series measuring hundreds and sometimes thousands of 260 GEOLOGY OF OHIO feet in thickness. We bring to our interpretation of a coa/ field, thus con- stituted, the points already made, viz., that every seam was accumulated by vegetable growth in swamp, or marsh, or bog near the sea level. It goes without saying that in the explanation of a coal field, subsi- dence of the coal forming area must be invoked. The swamps are suc- cessively buried under sediments brought in from the adjacent sea, or more infrequently, by sheets of limestone that grew in the invading water. 5 The northern extension of the Appalachian coal field, as it is found in Ohio, is by far the most orderly field that has ever been described. There is a regularity and simplicity of structure in it that makes it the type and standard for this whole class of formations. The questions con- nected with coal fields are found here in their simplest form. There are no folds in its strata, and very few arches, and these few are low and gentle. There is not, within the limits of the field, a fault that deserves the name. Its reliefs are almost wholly due to erosion. ‘The dip is re- markably steady and uniform, and inasmuch as it very rarely rises as high as one degree, it can be determined only by triangulation. The series that is found on one side of a hill can be depended on with like intervals and relations on the other. ‘The general order of its most important coal beds has long been known, the great economic interests involved leading to their early and continuous exploitation on a large scale. What, then, do we find in this, the simplest and most symmetrical, the least disturbed and complicated of all known coal fields ? We find a maximum of two thousand feet of strata covering ten thousand square miles of surface. Of what does this series consist? Irregularly distributed through it, but most largely in the lower portion, are found six or eight strata of sandstone that can be followed with a good degree of steadiness through- out the field. They have their names and places in thescale. Part of them are conglomerates, characterized by the presence of quartz pebbles, which sometimes are of large size and form the bulk of the stratum. These sandstones and conglomerates constitute the largest single element of the series. Next to them in aggregate thickness are beds of shale, frequently replaced with sandstone layers, the shales being gray, blue, black or red in color, and gathered in the largest quantity, in the upper half of the Coal Measures. There are a dozen sheets of limestone distributed irregularly through the entire series. All of them are thin. They are often to be measured by inches instead of by feet, but they hold their places in the scale with wonderful tenacity. Half of them are of marine origin, as is clearly shown by the abundant fossils which they contain, and, on the same grounds, the rest are found to be of fresh or brackish water origin. Part of them are underlaid by seams of coal and others of the series COAL FIELDS. 261 have coal seams directly above them. In addition to the persistent sheets of limestone, there are many sporadic deposits of calcareous character. Always associated with the limestones, and often replacing them, are ten or twelve deposits of iron ore, some of which have been of large economic value. Distributed throughout the entire series, and giving name and char- acter to the whole, are fifteen. or more seams of coal, ranging from a black mark to a dozen feet in thickness. The valuable phases of the seam are uncertain and unsteady, but the horizons are persistent and distinct, to a wonderful degree. Each, as we know, stands for a land surface. With the seams of coal and far more extensive and steady than they, are beds of fire clay, of varying degrees of purity. Almost every coal seam is underlaid by clay, and the limestone and ores are also covered or supported by them in many cases. How are these elements distributed? By no means at hap-hazard throughout the scale, as it might appear at first sight. A well-marked order of arrangment comes into veiw when the series is properly studied. The three elements of those already named that stand for life, that repre- sent the agencies and forces of life, are always found in close proximity to one another. Coal, standing for the life of the land, limestone, for the life of the sea, iron ore, equally dependent on life for its separation and concentration, but blended with both limestone and coal, these form vital nodes in the series, relatively of small amount but containing most of its economic interest and value. The intervals between the nodes are occupied by the sandstones and shales already named as forming the bulk of the series. They are, for the most part, barren of life, and owe their accumulation to inorganic forces. Measured against the products of life, these sandstone intervals have a thickness of five or ten feet to one. But these intervals are approximately equal. In every part of the field, some normal measure will be found that will occur again and again in the sections we shall meet, as we rise with stair-like regularity from coal to coal, or from one limestone to another. The eastern, northern and western boundaries of the Ohio coal field are well defined and well known. Were the lowest coal seams formed over this entire area? Have we aright to expect their presence within the central portions of the basin if we descend deep enough? Were the earlier seams progressively covered with the swamps of all the latest coals, and were the last the widest in extent? These questions, and others of like import, have been variously answered, but the affirmative replies are so irreconcilable with the facts o the field, and with the first principles and established laws of coal geology that they must ultimately be abandoned and discarded. A few propositions embracing these points that could be abundantly expanded and supported if time and space allowed, will! be stated here. 262 GEOLOGY OF OHIO 1. The present coal field of Ohio, at the beginning of the Carboni- ferous Age, was occupied by an arm of the sea, the slowly-growing Cin- cinnati Arch making its western boundary. 2. Around the shores of this ancient gulf, marginal swamps of varying width existed, which, by their long-continued growths and sub- sequent fossilization, became the earliest coal seams. 3. While the swamps were successively submerged and covered by shales, sandstone and limestone, derived from or formed in the adjacent sea, and were finally covered by other swamps, the continental nucleus was slowly growing to the southward, as it had been growing from the earliest records, and with it the Cincinnati Arch united, by a like advance to the eastward, the combined movements gradually expelling the waters of the gulf and converting the earlier formed portions of the coal field into dry land. A 4, Every successive coal-forming swamp, thus had a narrower area than its predecessor, 5. As all the coal seams were formed at sea level, so all were raised by the continental growth to an approximate equality which their outer- most outliers still retain. . 6. ‘To look for the earlier formed seams inthe center of the basin, would be to look for the living among the dead. 7. In the formation of one seam, in particular, the floor of this gulf around which the coal swamps were growing, appears to have been raised nearly to the sea level at many points, and coal appears to have formed in island-like masses over much wider areas than any single marginal swamp could account for. The importance of the facts that are here considered cannot well be overstated. ‘The resources of the Ohio coal field, as can easily be seen, are intimately connected with and dependent upon the mode of growth of the entire field. The affirmative answers to the questions proposed in a preceding paragraph, would give us a hundred fold more coal within the boundaries of the field than the answers that the facts oblige us to make. It does not now appear that Ohio has any great stock of deeply buried coal. At no point in the state have coal seams been brought to our knowledge in the repeated tests for gas and oil that have been carried forward in the last few years, at a greater depth than six or eight hundred feet. It seems quite likely that these figures will make the general limit of the extent of our coal seams as they descend towards the center of the gulf around which they were formed. Such a depth would be consistent with a breadth of seam of twenty to thirty miles, the breadth being measured at right angles to the axis of the gulf. Value of coal.—One of the most striking generalizations of modern science is to this effect: all the force that is in the world, available for man’s use, is derived from the sun. COAL FIELDS. 263 To this statement there is but a single exception, and that an insig- ‘nificant one. When the tide rises highest upon the land, some little portion of it can bearrested, and detained by dams and gates suitably located. By opening the gates when the tide turns, the head of water which has been secured can fora few hours turn wheels, grind grain, saw lumber and execute other like offices. This force is, however, limited to a very small portion of the earth’s surface and is of small account at the best. But every other form of force that men utilize, is directly or indirectly referable to the sun. The wind is one of the natural forces that men learned to use long ago in their migrations and their mechanical work, but it is the heat of the sun that is the cause of every movement in the atmosphere. The entire power of the winds is borrowed directly from the sun. The force of running water, applied also to transportation and mechanical work, has been of larger service than the force of the wind. What gives the running water its force? It is gravitation, as the water descends the mountain side or the continental slope to the sea. But how came the water upon the mountain side or the continental slope? Every drop that we find above the ocean level was lifted from the great reservoir by the heat of the sun and borne to its destination by winds that had the same origin. But the earliest force that man learned to use in the improvement of his condition was the power of muscle. To the power of his own muscle he soon added the patient strength of the animals that he was able to subdue. From what source is muscular power derived? ‘The animal world is, in the last analysis, wholly dependent on the vegetable world and the vegetable world is, in warp and woof, the direct product of the sun’s rays. All vital or living force can therefore be traced directly back to the sun. But what of the great powers that are making over the world in our time, viz., steam and electricity? Do not these forces of the modern world come from a new source? By no means. It is the sun’s power that works in and originates both. The changing of water into steam is the work of fuel, and as fuel is always organic in its origin, it must be accounted for by the sun’s rays as shown in the preceding paragraph. For electricity, every current that we can utilize takes its rise either in motion produced by steam or in the chemical changes of certain elements and compounds, all of which are based ultimately on some form of carbon derived from the vegetable world and therefore from the sun. How does this power of the sun become available to us? By what process is the solar energy transformed into the power of muscle, steam and electr city? 264 . GEOLOGY OF OHIO The vegetable kingdom is the agent of transfer. The all important office of absorbing, appropriating and storing the power of the sun has been assigned to the plant. The plant accomplishes the all important work of storing the sun’s power through the agency of the cells of which it is composed. The vegetable cell has the surprising property of being able to live and multiply itself on air alone, through the agency of the sunlight. One of the constant constituents of the atmosphere is carbonic acid, a gas that consists of one atom of carbon combined with two atoms of oxygen. ‘The bond that holds these elements united is a powerful one. We are able to break it in our laboratories, it is true, but only by employ- ing the full resources of chemical skill. But in the vegetable cell, under the sun’s light, this bond melts away, like a thread of flax in the flame of a furnace. The carbon is fixed in the forming tissues of the plant, while the oxygen is restored to the atmosphere to maintain its vitality. To effect this decomposition a certain measure of the sun’s force is required. All the force that was employed in breaking this bond, the heat, the light, the chemical power, is now held in these products of growth, in a potential state. But it is readily given back to ali appropri- ate demands and the self-same light and heat by which the vegetable substance grew, we obtain again when we burn this substance in furnace or grate. ‘This is the sole source of the power of fuel, and all fuel, or in other words, whatever will burn, has borrowed its power, to burn from the sun. Taken within the animal system, the products of plant growth give to it, also, the force that they hold imprisoned. On this account and in this way, they become the food, the support, of animal life, the sole source of its heat, its activity, in a word, of its vital force. All animal movements, muscular or molecular, that we can see or that we are obliged to infer, result alike from, or at least are alike conditioned by, this trans- formed power of the sun. The remarkable office of the vegetable cell is thus brought to light. It is a storer of power, a reservoir of force. It mediates between the sun, the great fountain of energy, and the animal life of the world. The animal can use no power that has not been directly or indirectly stored in the vegetable cell. This storage is forever going on. Of the vast floods of energy that stream forth from the great center of our system, an insignificant fraction is caught by the earth as it revolves in its orbit. Of the little fraction that the earth arrests, an equally insignificant part is used directly in plant growth. But the entire productive force of the living world turns on this insignificant fraction of an insignificant frac- tion. Is there any way in which this sun power can’ be permanently stored on the large scale? Nature hasdevised various ways of retaining and preserving the power which the vegetable cell has accumulated in the COAL. FIELDS. 268 past years or centuries or ages. Some of these forms of stored power, men have long known and valued, but with the really great accumula- tions, they have but comparatively recently become acquainted. These accumulations are found in soz/s, which, originally composed of the disintegrated portions of the earth’s rocky crust, have been gradually enriched by the remains of vegetable and animal life. Centu- ries have been spent in storing a fertile soil with this transformed sun power. A second example of stored sun power is to be found in /orest growths. ‘They always stand for centuries of accumulation. AA iy,» z RN) S "EG = : = + = z S A ; we WS = S = il, My oh S BE i ss PAN 2 >, HiIL a My, (CG >) S™ Ss. Z P Ke a @ = | GiB 7 = com = EN Ng Mn NaN Yn » S SS e\) LF NM NF 2" ES WE Wr y Sammie \3 a ne, RW Re “On, aa ie — wj : Al eae Bottameg Mm A * I SS: SB IL Ria Z S = 4 =e Zz 3 Mish Plotean. JL VD Zgie 2 te 5 =2((\ Gr’ Aj S&S al 2s awe s\ Ut ate LN arta aril NTA TTT RON io) = ‘ SCE tar rear, SUishiuily, \\ AAS ql 3 mult, S a0 .E oF Selle ee. S f Ez E ie 4. “OOO freee \ = Plateau Z 5 \ 200 ft High = A S yy aA \ Z, N Ce Wil 7A am inn A 4 a) o4 yp ey a casts Prati Bt FN seal > SSS ee \ sit naga 2 he “Nyy Mh as } ; lig MCHA AN i Ni Uy s) (oi) ~ oe YW, %, aM uyitle Z = G A is Z oF % \ Me \ z, , NA ng fl ye cen | NN E CRE Wj & Ne unt \ zx SZ Dow Bottoms YAN 2 —— a= SCALE MILES. ENS SS qe M= se _ 7 SS y \S mys Twelve Miles of the Scioto Valley. ARCHAZOLOGY II. Geol. of Ohio, Vol. VII. ers re Cage atin Vee I NM Zw HN cue so awe c Sie ( 0 Haney AS z DW ina . z ay ‘ % yy lta! Te 3 z Fy : z = FIIIA NY, 093 5 f mA ih See QHZ Wil uistlootngl il is Ay Wi me i jy W . = Wi ‘ ‘a \ N \\\ Vy Ng s te ne Aas yj MSs) E mg oe i Pod So “Se Six Miles of Paint Creek Valley. nee ARCHAOLOGY III. Geol. of Chio, Vol. VII. \ ( [nsx VWI) ) lis BN NN \\ W/ WY BA Y/ Jo —— Low Boltorn, LansWS RYU, aunt } 7 a! A “if Hittin Ly, Ly Vy Of \ CTT /000 SCALE FT, High Bank Works. a 7 PAR Ayes ots Oa Bsc Nan ARCHAZOLOGY V. Geol. of Ohio, Vol. VII. 1334 ‘37Vv99 0002 ooo 00S d (vl Oa
  • ONG KS ie Me = eK igor, we We TKS LIN Gx i "Wc ATK \\ Miz » Wty \ Meee WIKKK< Ce K€ Me, Ing lt Zi WANZ, eH WINS WAS)]\\W fe, My y : ~ he LW y afl) \ = LA Y p | SI WS Ho Sr || Se & Se Ups By Nl Ww et i OTS OEY Y AAR) 7 vy) Serpent Mound rae senor ARCH A OLOGY. 17 _exaggerated; instead of filling all the space toward the end of the cliff, as represented, it terminates several rods from the point, leaving room for an elevation, plainly artificial, covering several rods. It is believed by many archaeologists that the so-called “‘body”’ is only the tail; that the “open mouth” is the expansion of the rear portion of the body; that the “egg” represents the heart or vital principle, as is common in Indian pictographs where animals or birds are portrayed; and that the raised portion beyond the ellipse constitutes the head and beginning of the body, the outlines along either side having been washed away.. So much as is here figured has been rebuilt by the Peabody Museum, which now owns the structure. Should the more recent explanation of the figure be found correct, the restoration will no doubt be completed and the entire work brought to its original condition. The other effigy, known as the “ Alligator Mound,” is near Granville, Licking county, on a ridge projecting into the valley of Raccoon Creek. In direction it does not coincide with the trend of the ridge, which term inates with a smooth rounded outline, but is built across the extreme point. A small pile of burnt stone and earth lies to the right of the mound, a slight artificial bank connecting them. i us A} ik Fic. 2. Opcssum or Alligator Mound. The name does not seem well chosen. The body (see Figure 2) may- be supposed to resemble any short-legged, short-necked animal, while the tail is not tapering but of nearly uniform size and has a more pronounced. 2 G70: 18 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. coil at the end than a saurian’s tail is capable of assuming. The figure is evidently intended for an opossum—an animal much better known | than an alligator to the aborigines of Ohio. The small figure near the center of the large circle at Newark (Plate V) is generally considered an effigy; but it has not yet been agreed whether it represents a prostrate man with extended arms, a flying eagle, a bended bow with an arrow across it, or a bird’s foot. A similar, but smaller mound is near the ““Graded Way” at Piketon. On the right bank of the Scioto, six miles from Portsmouth, in an enclosure, is an irregular mound supposed to be intended for an effigy, which has been compared to a tapir; it resembles that animal about as much—and as little —as it does any other. (g.) MOUNDS. The great majority of mounds in Ohio are composed entirely of earth, though many are altogether of stone and occasionally one occurs in which both materials are used. As a rule the earth mounds resemble in shape a medium between a low cone, and a flat dome or segment of a sphere. Some have an ellip- tical outline; others are flat-topped. All these usually come under the designation of “conical mounds,” which is, perhaps, as accurate as any single descriptive word could be, though none are, or ever have’ been, ‘exactly conical; a mound could not be built in that form, nor, if it could, would it retain such shape after the first storm. A few are truncated pyramids, the base always four-sided, sometimes almost a rectangle. As it was a rather comnion practice for southern Indians to use structures similar to the last as sites for buildings, it has been supposed the ones found here were utilized in the same way. While this may have been the case with those standing on low or level ground, in connection with additional evidences of occupation, as at Marietta and in two or three other localities, there are some whose situation is contrary to such a sup- position. For example, a mile south of the stone fort in Perry county, is a mound of this character about eighteen feet high and covering nearly two acres. It is on top of a hill which slopes away in every direction. The soil in the vicinity is poor, the surface is a succession of hills and ravines, and it is not credible that an aboriginal settlement would have been located amid such surroundings. The sparseness of such mounds and their occurrence under the same conditions as the commoner forms, are inconsistent with the idea which has been advanced that they owe their origin to a different people or belong to a different age; their erection is undoubtedly due to the same motives which induced the building of nearly all the others. Only two ARCH AOLOGY. 19 or three have been opened, but their contents and method of construction were practically of the same character as shown in numerous mounds of the usual form, examined in the same localities. The total number of mounds in Ohio has been estimated at ten thousand. ‘This is probably under the correct figure; for while they are almost totally absent in the northwestern counties forming the “Black Swamp” district, and are comparatively scarce in the rugged hill-lands of some of the southern and southeastern counties, there is scarcely a township in any other portion of the state in which they are not found. In Ross county there were not less than five hundred, probably more, before any had been destroyed by the advances of civilization. Butler and Licking counties were not far behind. In the valley of every tribu- tary of the Ohio, except where it flows through rough country, the surface is so dotted with them that signals could be transmitted from one to another for a hundred miles or more. On the summits of steep hills; in bottom lands subject to overflow; on every terrace bordering a stream; on plateaus and uplands; wherever there is cultivable or naturally drained land, a good point of observation, an ample supply of water, a conven- ient topography for trails;—the Mound Builder has left his mark. Even in places where it would seem a nomad would not care to go, except as led by the excitement or necessities of the chase, and for as brief a time as possible, such evidence is not lacking of prehistoric residence or, at least, sojourning. In magnitude they vary from one reduced by farming operations until it is scarcely perceptible and probably never more than three feet in height or twenty feet across, to those fully thirty feet in elevation with a base diameter from one hundred and fifty to two hundred feet. But the latter dimensions are rarely reached; by far the greater number are below twenty feet in altitude and one hundred feet across at the ground. The immense pile at Miamisburg, with an elevation of sixty-eight feet and an estimated volume of more than sixty thousand cubic yards is so far beyond any other in size that it must be excluded in giving figures that shall fairly represent those falling within the ordinary limits. Various schemes have been proposed for the classification of the mounds into definite groups and systems, but none that will meet all requirements. There is so much similarity in the arrangement and con- tents of some amid totally different surroundings, and conversely such unlikeness in the structure of others which constitute a single group, that conjectures as to their purpose, based on location or appearance, find as many exceptions as examples. Of the great number of mounds exca- vated with more or less care and exactness by farmers, collectors, scientists, and others, the results of such explorations as have been reported estab- lish the fact that fully nine-tenths of them, if not more, contained skele- tons; and it is a fair assumption that the ratio will hold good for all. 20 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. Nor is the absence of human remains to be considered an indication, unless otherwise substantiated, that they were constructed for some other purpose; for conditions are frequent in which, although the character and disposition of relics found are such as invariably mark those deposi- ted with a corpse, all traces of bone have disappeared. There are many, however, which present not the slightest evidence of ever having been used or intended for mortuaries; and no hypothesis yet advanced con- cerning their purpose is satisfactory. The flat-topped ones have been referred to above. ‘Those on high points are usually called signal mounds from an idea that fires were built on them as semaphores, the ashes often found in them being adduced as proof of such use. But skeletons with relics have been found in such mounds; in situations so exposed wind and rain would prevent the accumulation of ashes due to occasional fires; there could be no reason for piling a quantity of earth over the spot used for this purpose; to increase by a few feet the elevation of a point which already commanded an extensive view, would be of no advantage; ashes are found in as great quantities in many mounds on low land as in those on hill-tops; finally, a pile of damp leaves and trash which would make a column of dense smoke, and leave few traces of their use, would serve better than any quantity of large wood. The mound on Mt. Logan, opposite Chillicothe, so often mentioned as composed nearly altogether of ashes from signal fires, was found on examination to contain only a relatively small amount, being mostly of earth, and containing human remains. Fires were also maintained for other purposes than as signals. Near Linnville, Licking county, on elevated land, is a group consisting of one stone and three earth mounds. From one of the latter, originally eigh- teen feet high, eight feet of the upper portion was cut off. Almost from the top the earth was burned to a deep red, small masses being glazed or even vitrified; flint fragments the size «f a brick resembled pieces of chalk, the result of intense heat. Numerous holes filled with charcoal and ashes, showed plainly by their regularity, and the marks on the sides, they were casts of upright posts or logs, some of them a foot in diameter, These were first noticed three or four feet above the point at which the explorers ceased to work; several of them were followed as far below that level as the shovels would reach, without coming to the bottom. They must have formed only a smali part of the material necessary to convert so great a mass of earth almost into the condition of a brick-kiln; their vertical position shows the earth was piled around and above them before they were burned, somewhat after the manner of a charcoal pit It was plain that a fire was kept continuously burning here for a consid- erable period, perhaps several days; but for what reason is not apparent. Certainly it was not as a “signal,” although the mound is visible for several miles from d fferent directions. With reference to all earth mounds except “effigies,” it seems best for the present to describe them simply by their situation, shape, and ) ARCH_LROLOGY. 21 dimensions. A definitive name expressive of one certain purpose, applied to a mound on account of its location or outward appearance, is very apt to be misleading. Specific descriptive terms, suggested by some peculiarity of internal structure, have also found a place in mound nomenclature; all are open to the same objection, namely, the lack of uniformity in those to which any particular word is applied, and their close resemblance in some respects to many which are arbitrarily placed in another division. It is natural to employ the term “burial mound” for one containing human remains; but the desire to honor the dead may not have been the only motive leading to its construction. So with those erected for any other apparent purpose; while the work may have been undertaken with a definite object in view, subsequent or subordinate ideas may have led to modifications of the original plan. Thus, a mound intended as the burial place of one body may be afterwards made to cover several; one erected to protect a deposit of various articles, possibly as a votive offering on an “altar,” perhaps only for concealment, may be extended to include another in which several bodies are interred. Occasionally several small mounds placed near together, some for burial purposes; some apparently to protect property considered valuable; others containing quantities of implements and ornaments injured or almost destroyed by fires made on them after they were deposited; still others which contain nothing to throw light on the reason for their existence;—may all have earth heaped on them until they merge into a single symmetrical structure that seems the result of a continuous effort toward a defined end. In magnitude and ingenuity the large enclosures and fortifications of Ohio have no equals; but, as a rule, other remains are less impressive than similar works occurring elsewhere. The few representatives of the effigy groups of the northwest are, with the single exception of the Ser- pent Mound, inferior in size and interest; the same is true in regard to those resembling the great flat-topped pyramids of the south. Iyxternally, the ordinary conical or dome-shaped mounds present no remarkable features, unless it be the great size of some; and even in this respect they are surpassed by many in other states. Explorations in these mounds however, have resulted in discoveries which render them of the highest interest, not only to the archzeologist, who finds in them abundant mater- jal for careful study, but also to the general public whose attention is attracted by the novelty of what can be placed on exhibition. The manner of their construction was long a puzzling question; it was deemed impossible that such piles of earth could be made without the aid of machinery or beasts of burden. But there has never been found the slightest evidence of the use of any mechanical appliances, not even a hand-barrow, nor a bone of any animal susceptible of domestica- tion and of sufficient strength to be serviceable in such work. On the 22 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. other hand, scores of mounds of various sizes, in different localities, have furnished proof that human toil alone was employed. In many, almost the entire interior is composed of lenticular masses of earth, from a peck to two pecks in volume, or as much as a man will easily carry, such as could result only from loads of this size being flattened out by the weight of the earth above them. ‘They are not apparent in some mounds; sand and certain kinds of clay or loam will often unite so that no division is perceptible between different deposits; their regularity may have been destroyed by the workmen passing over them; the earth scattered as it was thrown down; in shallow mounds or in the upper portion of large ones their outlines may be effaced by the action of percolating water; but as no indications of a different mode of construction have been reported, from any source, it is fair to assume this was the ordinary method. A singular product of aboriginal notions, and one that seems peculiar to Ohio mounds, is found in the so-called ‘‘altars.” There are masses of clay six to eight feet across,—seldom larger—usually irregular in outline, and up to a foot in thickness. A sufficient space of ground having been © cleared off and sometimes burned or pounded until hard, the material was spread out, kneaded or “‘ puddled” to a firm and uniform consistency, the upper surface made smooth and flat, and a basin excavated in it. ‘This is always rectangular, with rounded corners and a level bottom. It varies from three to five feet in length with a width one-half to three-fourths as much, and a depth of four to eight inches; very few fall beyond these limits in either direction. ‘The margin of the clay was either left as it had been deposited, or cut away its entire thickness to form a rim of uniform width around the basin. A fire was then kept burning on it until all the clay remaining was hard as a brick. Sometimes all the ashes and charcoal resulting from the fire were carefully removed; in this case the altar-cavity is usually filled with fine, dark earth, possibly resulting from decayed organic substance, or with clean white ashes. Occasionally it contains human bones which may belong to adults or to children, may be nearly consumed by heat or may show no trace of fire. The name “altar” is derived from the deposits, presumably sacrificial offerings, frequently found on them; though quite often they contain no relics. Some yield only a pipe, a fine spear-head, ornaments, or a few other arti- cles, generally well-finished. In others the contents amaze the most experienced explorer. Ornamental objects of every material which it was possible for a primitive people to obtain or utilize; minerals whose near- est beds are hundreds of miles away; shells from the ocean or gulf; stamped and carved figures in copper whose design points unmistakably to a Mexican origin;—all occur, some in the greatest profusion. From a single altar near Madisonville were taken fully two bushels of specimens; among them alligator and shark-teeth curiously carved; thousands of pearl beads, ornaments of copper, shell, bone, quartz, slate, meteoric iron, and many other materials; besides objects whose use is not apparent. ARCH AOLOGY. 23 From another in a small mound near Chillicothe were obtained over two hundred pipes made from several varieties of stone and carved into faith- ful efigies of more than a score of different animals and birds. In a very large mound a few miles from the last, were several altars covered with specimens, many of them different from any previously discovered; for examples, a copper axe weighing thirty-eight pounds; obsidian imple- ments over a foot in length, of exquisite finish; pearl and copper beads so numerous they were measured in cigar-boxes; copper plates stamped and cut into most intricate designs and figures seemingly impossible of accomplishment without steel dies and cutters. Nearly all in the above list—which might be indefinitely multiplied, though not with such remarkable examples—had been injured by fire after they were deposited; some of the copper was partially fused, the pipes and many other stone ' pieces badly shattered, the shells and pearls almost calcified. Such specimens, though most abundant on the altars, are by no means confined to them, ‘They are found in other parts of the same mounds, and in mounds without altars. In these cases they most fre- quently occur with skeletons, or in positions indicating obsequies. Some, however, may be found singly or in small collections, at the bottom or in the body of the mound, having no relation to other deposits or, apparently, to the general purpose of the structure. Usually the latter are less care- fully wrought or of inferior material; a part of them may have been dropped by the builders, but others were so placed intentionally. They may be votive offerings or a tribute to the dead, overlooked at the proper time, or added subsequently. The tumuli usually contain few skeletons; the ossuaries where, at long intervals, were deposited the bones of all who had died since the last general sepulture, or the communal burial mounds in which bodies are piled one over another year after year, such as are frequent in other localities, seem foreign to Ohio, unless in the northern counties. Occa- sionally a mound fully twenty feet high was erected over one person; often not more than five or six skeletons are found; very seldom more than twenty. In most cases the body was extended on the back, though instances are reported of skeletons sitting up or lying on either side, extended or drawn up till the knees touch the chin. The head may be toward any point of the compass; in many mounds no two skeletons are parallel or in the same posture. Ordinarily the bodies were laid on the surface and a mound built over them; but it is not unusual to find remains at various places within the deposited earth. The spot selected was almost invariably cleaned off before burial, though the sod was not always removed, as shown by a thin, grayish, clayey streak, seldom more than an inch thick, produced by decay of grass and roots covered with earth. Graves, most of them less than two feet deep, have been found in the earth beneath the tumuli; in some, the disposition of the bodies and character of the specimens with them is the same as in the mound; in 24 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. others, different. As the sod line extends unbroken over some of the latter, they may pertain to a different people. Although many skeletons are in direct contact with the earth, some- thing was probably always interposed at the time of burial. Poles, puncheons, or bark frequently formed a resting place as well as a cover- ing for a corpse. Sometimes these were placed across two logs, one on either side of the body. Pens were often built of poles or small logs crossing at the corners after the manner of a log cabin; some were barely large enough for one person, others were fully ten feet square. The ~walls were either vertical, and covered with poles to form a flat top, or drawn in on two sides like the roof of a house. Again, poles were set with one end in the ground, the tops being fastened together to form a’ conical or bee-hive like structure inside of which the dead were placed; some of the poles were cut or broken to the desired length, others left projecting considerably. “Such ligneous remains are found only in excep- tionally dry mounds, and are loose as ashes, their arrangement being traceable only by the casts or molds left in the earth. Bark exists only as a very thin layer which appears always to extend somewhat beyond the bones; hence reports of skeletons wrapped in it are questionable, unless it be shown to cover a space but little larger than a body would occupy. The light, porous, black, earth so often found about skeletons, may result from decay of furs, cloth, feathers, and the like. Fire was sometimes an important feature in funerals, as shown by large quantities of ashes; these were often brought from elsewhere, skel- etons without any marks of burning being partially or entirely covered with them. If it was customary to deposit with the dead his personal belongings, they must have been largely of a perishable nature; for more than half of the skeletons exhumed are unaccompanied by relics of any description. With some are only a few beads or arrow-heads, a pipe, ornament, or hatchet; others were provided with a considerable variety or large num- ber of articles. No systematic distribution is manifest in relics associated with skeletons. Various ornaments are found in positions denoting attachment to the clothing or person of the deceased; but for the most part funeral offerings seem to have been deposited promiscuously, the mourners having little regard for preciseness in the arrangement of their tributes. Pipes are found near the skull, in either hand, on the breast, or at the feet; clay vessels containing carbonaceous matter, probably remains of food, though of rare occurrence, have no particular place; objects suit- able for war, hunting, or adornment are put anywhere. ‘True a consid- erable degree of uniformity which may signify tribal relationship, has often been observed in different places, in the positions of skeletons and AKCHAZOLOGY. \ 20 the adjustment of specimens with them; but such coincidences are less remarkable than a distinct fashion of burial would be for each of many thousand individuals. Marks of violent death, as a fractured skull, broken limb, or bone with imbedded arrow-head, are sometimes met with; but no indications that any tumulus was erected solely to cover those slain in battle. On the contrary, all periods of life are represented in many of them, from the infant of a few days to the man or woman of extreme age. Below the base line of many mounds, especially the larger ones, are cylindrical holes sometimes by scores, from six to twenty inches in diam- eter and from twelve to thirty inches deep. Some of them by their position and regular intervals seem to have held posts which formed part of a house or other structure. “These contain charcoal, ashes, or traces of wood; and in a few instances portions of the posts themselves, converted into charcoal, extend upward two feet or more into the mound. Other holes are filled to the top with the ordinary refuse of an Indian camp-fire, as clean ashes, fine loose earth apparently from decay of organic sub- stance, mussel and snail shells, broken and burned animal bones, frag- ments of pottery. Very few of these seem to have had fire in them, the sides rarely showing any evidence of heat. Some were dug considerably anterior to the construction of the mound, as skeletons have been found lying directly across them with a thin intervening layer of accumulated earth. At least one example is known of a mound being erected above the charred, fragmentary remains of a person who was burned at the stake. Intrusive burials by modern Indians, or by whites, at the apex of the mounds, are very common; and, rarely, a mound has been opened from the top nearly or quite to the bottom by persons who have placed in the excavation additional bodies and then restored the mound, carrying it to a height several feet greater than its original elevation. Stone mounds are confined to such parts of the State as have on the surface an abundant supply of stones of convenient size for handling, and to situations where these may be easily collected. Less numerous by far than the earthen tumuli, they compare favorably with them in average size. One which stood eight miles south of Newark had a base diameter of two hundred feet with a height fully one-fourth as great. All the stone in the retaining wall along the north side of the Licking reservoir was taken from this mound, yet several thousand cubic yards remain in place. This one, however, was exceptional; few exceed twenty feet in height, with a base line from three to four times as much. ‘The difficulty of ex- cavation, and a general belief that nothing of interest is to be found in them, have prevented a thorough examination of any of these mounds; in such as have been removed the aim was to utilize the material, and little attention was paid to anything else. Human bones, broken by the 26 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. pressure of the stones and softened by percolating water, have been found at the original surface; and vague statements are made regarding copper, shell, and stone objects with them; but nothing definite can be learned as to their type or arrangement. Relics sometimes occur alone in such order as to suggest they were deposited with bodies of which no trace now remains. Earth was very seldom used in constructing these mounds, but decaying vegetation and the dust borne by winds have caused a con- siderable accumulation within them. ‘ In a few mounds the bodies were covered by stones over which earth was piled sometimes to a thickness of several feet. In one of these a space fully fifteen feet in diameter was covered with human bones pro- miscuously thrown in as if from sacks or baskets. ‘They were between two layers of bark, beneath a stone mound four feet high, over which six feet of earth was heaped. No similar case is reported, bodies usually be- ing interred as in earth mounds. Through much of the hilly portion of Ohio, particularly along the Ohio River, are numerous stone graves. Almost without exception they are on the summit of a high hill, or the point of a long ridge, command- ing an extensive outlook. In their construction the ground was cleared off, sometimes only the humus being removed, at others the earth being dug away to the subsoil. Large flat stones, closely fitted, were then laid down and the body or bodies deposited on them. Similar slabs were set on edge around this base, the tops projecting perhaps a foot above the surface. Most of the graves are circular or elliptical in shape, a few be- ing rectangular. The latter are often only large enough for a single body, though several may be built in a connected group; the former vary from that size to twenty feet across. Narrow ones have a covering of slabs, thus forming a box-like receptacle. ‘The enclosed space of those too wide for such protection is filled with stones which were loosely thrown in, or supported by timbers whose decay has allowed them to fall in confusion. Sometimes the vertical slabs rest on the margin of the pavement instead of around it; occasionally there is more than one row of them. Over some of thegraves loose stones were piled, forming a cairn. The bones are generally so decayed and broken it is impossible to ascer- tain the number of individuals buried; and relics of any kind are very rare. (%.) GRAVES, CEMETERIES, AND VILLAGE-SITES. As nearly three times the average population of any community will die within a century, it is obvious that, large as may be the aggregate of mound interments, only a small portion of the dead were thus disposed of. The great majority were buried in ordinary graves, whose form is deter- mined by the nature of the ground. In sandy or gravelly earth they are ARCHAVOLOGY. 27 of ample size to receive one, or perhaps several extended bodies, and may be three feet in depth, though usually less; in tough clay soil they are not often over a foot deep and barely large enough for one corpse to be crowded in, either straight or folded to the smallest compass. In most cases the earth seems to have been thrown back directly on the body; though flat stones were sometimes placed over them; there are also faint indications of wood having been interposed. Scarcely a day passes that skeletons are not unearthed somewhere in the State either singly or col- lectively. They are most frequent in gravel beds and alluvial land, but occur in various other situations, seldom in any definite order. A few, especially on plateaus or hill-tops, are in graves the bottom and sides of which are lined with thin stone slabs. Few artificial objects are with them, principally implements of the chase or simple ornaments. It is quite probable, from the method of burial, and the character of the relics, they are the remains of modern Indians, or at least of a tribe different from the “Mound Builders;” and as they are not numerous in any one place they may represent only a small or temporary camp. Of a different nature are some extensive aboriginal cemeteries and village-sites, particularly in the Miami valleys, in which explorations have disclosed hundreds of graves and lodge-sites interspersed in the manner common to many known tribes. Removal of the soil that has formed since their abandonment reveals in the latter the characteristic ash-pile of the central fire, in and around which is scattered all the refuse of a primitive dwelling, along with almost every variety of tool, ornament, or whatever property these people had that could resist decay under such circumstances. ‘The graves are somewhat similar in their construction to those above described being shallow and usually containing only a single skeleton, either extended or folded; but a much greater diversity and amount of personal belongings are found in them and more care seems to have been taken in the burial. Remains of this nature have been found in river-bottoms under several feet of silt that is now subject to frequent overflow. The discovery of these villages and cemeteries, like that of the graves, has in nearly every case been accidental. ‘The soil above them may be cultivated for generations without a suspicion of what les beneath until denudation by a freshet, the excavation of a cellar or foundation, or some more trivial cause exposes them. Their present arrangement indicates that wigwams, huts, or whatever form of shelter was in use were placed in any spot convenient to the builders, and inter- ments made almost at random in the spaces between; but a more regular system was probably observed, the apparent lack of order resulting from moving the domicile occasionally; with such methods of living, house moving was easier than house cleaning. In the lapse of time, too, the exact position of graves would be forgotten or disregarded and inter- ments encroach upon those already made. This confusion makes exam- ination tedious and expensive; it is necessary to upturn every square 28 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. foot of surface to make sure that nothing is missed, consequently, only comparatively small areas have been carefully worked over. None of the principal ones so far discovered, are in the immediate vicinity of large enclosures or mound-groups; but undoubtedly wherever there are exten- sive surface remains of any prehistoric people, similar evidences of dense or continuous occupation exist under a depth of earth that effectually conceals them. Considering the nature of the soil, the character of their utensils, and the preservation in low, moist mounds, of childrens’ skele- tons, it is impossible that all vestiges of the ordinary life of the ‘‘ Mound Builders” should have disappeared. The remains in question are indeed, usually attributed to them; but be this as it may, nothing has been dis- closed incompatible with the habits of several tribes of modern Indians. At present, any attempt to elucidate the principal questions concern- ing the various earthworks and allied structures of Chio, must end in failure. ‘Too little is known; in some respects the matter stands almost where it did in the beginning. Nothing can yet be stated positively as to their age or builders, or the purposes of the enclosures. The evidence is mostly negative, confined to showing what is not correct rather than what is; but the emendation of an error is a step toward the truth, and it is a satisfaction to know that as one discovery follows another, and suc- cessive earnest investigators gradually develop a systematic method of dealing with the subject, the: false impressions due to those who have attempted to generalize upon insufficient knowledge, are being refuted and swept out of the path of scientific research. Theorizing and guess- work are being relegated; recognizing the necessity for in.mediate action, the tendency now among archzeologists is toward closer observation, and the collection of facts to be collated by future students. Each is stimu- lated by the thought that he is adding his quota to a result demanding the continuous and untiring efforts of many diligent workers. SECTION AIT tHE MOUND BUILDERS: Racial connection, or even ordinary communication is not to be in- ferred from a practice common to all times and countries. Mounds are among the earliest and most widely distributed means of honoring the dead or establishing a land-mark. Savages could pile up earth or stones before they could carve a rock or hew a piece of wood; barbarians could show more respect by a memorial in whose erection all might take a part. Nothing is more enduring; when once heavily sodded a heap of earth remains unchanged through vicissitudes which will reduce to ruins any other form of human industry. Oriental cities, now deserted and crum- bling, were founded in sight of mounds whose origin was even then lost in the mists of antiquity. The Vikings and sea-kings were thus interred. ARCHA OLOGY. 29 Travelers report them in nearly every portion of the globe, among races who are ignorant of their meaning. In our own country the expression ‘‘Mound Builder” has been ap- propriated as a distinctive term for a people supposed to have preceded the modern Indians, and to have differed from them in almost every respect; and was made to embrace the authors of not only the remains in the Ohio Valley, but all cognate works in the United States. Method- ical investigation has broken up this mythical ‘‘nation” into separate tribes whose relationship to one another, if, indeed, there be any, is very obscure. Most, if not all, of the southern Indians built and used mounds subsequent to the advent of the French and Spaniards; around the lower lakes are the small mounds and burial pits of the Hurons and Six Na- tions; east of the Blue Ridge are the ossuaries and communal graves, some of them more than ten feet high, of the Massawomees who were probably consanguineous with the last; in the upper Lake region are similar sepulchres, known to contain the dead of the Iroquois, Sioux, and Chippewas; through Wisconsin and adjacent portions of Minnesota are hundreds of mounds, some intended as tombs, others the covering and banking of huts erected by the “Ground House Indians,” who were exterminated by the Sioux a little more than two centuries ago; there are reasons for believing that the numerous efhgies of Wisconsin and Iowa, with their attendant tumuli, dome-shaped mounds, and long em- bankments were constructed by the Saks, Foxes, or Winnebagoes; most of the stone graves of Tennessee, with the mounds belonging to them, are thought to be the work of the Shawnees; in the Shenandoah and par- allel valleys are the cairns and burial mounds of the Mingoes, Delawares, and Catawbas; the Cherokees of East Tennessee and North Carolina used mounds for burial and for house-sites; Osages, Blackfeet, and other Indians west of the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers made tumuli. The Mandans, Iroquois, and some southern tribes protected their towns with embankments, ditches, and palisades. These were all builders of mounds; but none of their remains can be compared with those of Ohio, although many efforts have been made to prove thattothe ancestors of some or other of these tribes the latter works are to be ascribed. Various fugitive clews have been followed, but all, have, literally, terminated in the wilderness. It is very desirable that the name of “Mound Builders” instead of Its being used in its present vague and discursive meaning should be re- stricted solely to the unknown race which constructed the enclosures, hill-top fortifications, and large mounds of the upper Ohio Valley (in which sense it is used in this article); adopting some other appellation for the equally unknown—if different—people whose traces are found lower down in the same valley and in the contiguous territory along the Mississippi—and, for the present, assigning remains in other localities to such stocks as probably made them. ‘These distinctions would be only 30 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. provisional, and subject to any changes required by new discoveries; but they would at once convey a more definite meaning than the present in- coherent generalization which often exacts a lengthy explanation for a simple statement. Even with the above limited signification, the title ‘‘ Mound Builders” may be eventually found too general in its application. ‘There is suffi- cient difference between the symmetrical enclosures of the bottom-lands or the massive hill-forts, and the smaller or irregular embankments found in the same sections, to justify a supposition of different builders. So of the large mounds, whether earth or stone, and some of the smaller mounds of either material alone or of both combined, or the stone graves or cairns. Still further subdivision may be necessary as the work pro- gresses. With the migratory habits of the native Americans, it is not to be supposed that a single stock or tribe held possession of any section for an unlimited time, or that fertile districts would remain unoccupied for a long period. Tke dissimilarity observed in the various remains which were at first thrown into a single classification denotes that several waves of population swept over this region. Perhaps the resultant en- tanglement may never be unraveled; but better to be confronted with this difficulty, than to rest content with the partial knowledge that does not recognize its existence. An argument in favor of the unity of mound-building people and their entire disconnection from the modern Indian, has been the sup- posed Jack of knowledge on the part of the latter concerning these works. The error of this assumption is shown, as specified above, by numerous cases of comparatively recent construction. The Indians found in the Ohio Valley by the whites, having been in the region only three or four generations, no doubt came here long after the departure of the Mound Builders; they could know nothing of them merely from living among their remains, and if any vague record had been handed down from a former age of possible contact, its connection with unaccustomed features jn a strange country would probably not have been noticed. The Delawares have a tradition—translated and committed to writ- ing more than a century ago—that their tribe in migrating from the west toward the east, came to a great river. The country beyond this was occupied by a people called the Allegwi or Tallegwi, who had many towns. ‘They gave the Delawares permission to pass through their terri- tory; but when a part of the tribe had crossed the river, the Allegwi attacked and routed them with great slaughter. Enraged at this treach- ery, the Delawares formed an alliance with the Iroquois, who had, in the meantime, come to the same river farther up. The combined forces crossed and drove back the Allegwi. For many years warfare continued with varying fortunes, but gradually the allies gained ground. The Allegwi built large and strong forts, which they stubbornly defended but ARCH AOLOGY. 31 were, sooner or later, compelled to abandon. Finally the superior skill of the invaders triumphed. ‘To escape utter extermination the remnant of the native tribe fled southward of the Ohio. The Delawares passed on to the sea, while the Iroquois remained west of the mountains. It is said the Iroquois have a similar legend. The most that can be made of it, however, is that the Delawares at some indefinite time and place in their migrations, expelled a people who made use of some sort of protective works. ‘This is scarcely sufficient to identify them with the Mound Builders. Still less does it justify a recent attempt to show that because they “went south” and because “’Tallegwi” ean by skillful manipulation be transmuted into “Cherokee,” the latter people are therefore lineal descendants of the former. By a similar pro- cess the name Alleghany has been derived from ‘ Allegwi.” On the other hand, if it be assumed that, after the Allegwi were driven back from their borders, the struggle reached its maximum in central Ohio, the progressive development of defensive works will be accounted for, from the minor embankments forming a part of the prin- cipal groups, through the hill-top enclosures in the same sections, to the strongholds in rugged, broken, country remote from other evidences of a permanent settlement, as exemplified in the forts of Highland and Perry counties. But allowing the tradition everything that can be claimed for it, the question is merely shifted, not solved; there is nothing to indicate what river may have constituted the boundary, except the statement that it was “full of fish”—a vague description. ‘The transcriber of the legend claims to have identified the Detroit as the proper stream, and to have seen on its banks a great mound under which lay the bones of the slain. But this stream could not have been crossed by immigrants from the west unless they had first made their way into the Georgian Bay district and retraced their route; moreover, the country about the western end of Lake Erie, and particularly the northwest corner of Ohio where they must have come first, is precisely the region in which remains of Mound Builders or any other prehistoric race, are most lacking. With aboriginal methods, the construction of such works as Fort Ancient or Fort Miami would have required a considerable length of time; yet they must have been completed before an enemy could molest the laborers to any great extent. It does not seem they could be erected to meet an emergency; on the other hand it is improbable that a people with foresight thus to provide for a contingency would make no effort to protect outlying territory in the direction of any river or other natural division they could choose as a boundary. The resemblance of the flat-topped mounds at Marietta to those of the Cahokia group or analogous structures farther to the south may be merely a coincidence or may indicate a relationship between the builders, It is easier to accept the former alternative than to believe a single group 382 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. of such size would occur at so great a distance from mounds of the same type and yet be surrounded by embankments belonging solely to the region in which it is found. If they be considered the work of the Mound Builders, as the term is used in this paper, then with Chillicothe, in whose vicinity their principal settlements seem to have been located, as a center, a radius of a little more than one hundred miles will include nearly all the remains which appear to belong to this particular tribe, ex- cept those in the vicinity of Charleston, West Virginia, and some mounds on the upper Ohio. Outside of these limits, the size, appearance, interior arrangement, and contents of the different mounds and enclosures com- pel a belief that they are due to different peoples, or if to the same peo- ple then to different periods. A similar statement may be made for almost any portion of the country; namely, that no connected system or definite form of aboriginal work of any nature, prevails over a scope of ter- ritory much, if any, exceeding two hundred miles in linear extent. This is a wide departure from the popular view, and may be too radical for ready belief; but unless the general drift of archezeological discoveries is very deceptive some such conclusion must be finally accepted. The no- tion that all prehistoric remains in the eastern United States are the work of a single race, is now thoroughly demolished; but it may be that the reactionary idea which supposes a separate tribe for every observed difference in such remains is equally erroneous. As in all other debat- able questions, the truth will probably be found at last somewhere in the middle ground avoided by disputants who seek the extreme in either direction. (a.) SOCIAL ORGANIZATION OF THE MOUND BUILDERS. A primitive people must conform their habits to their surroundings; with the ability to modify physical conditions to meet enlarged desires, civilization begins. Under analogous circumstances races or tribes of a like degree of culture, though unrelated, will attain similar ends by prac- tically the same methods. It is not to be overlooked, however, that the means must be adapted in large measure to the environment. A resem- blance in certain typical forms is not absolute proof of identity or even communication of the people to whom they belonged, but may mean only that the social conditions were essentially alike. The discovery in mounds of objects showing characteristic Indian handiwork does not, therefore, signify that these mounds were built by known tribes, but is only an indication that the Mound Builder had not, in this particular, advanced beyond the Indian. Hence the value of specimens; in the absence of — written records or trustworthy traditions, the status of the Mound Build- ers is to be learned only from a correct interpretation of their tangible remains. With the notable exception of grooved axes, of which only two or three have been unearthed, all the ordinary forms of so-called Indian ARCH AOLOGY. 33 relics, whether of a useful, ornamental, or supposed ceremonial character, are common in the mounds, and present no special features. in appear- ance or material, that may not be observed in similar specimens from the adjacent surface. This statement applies only to articles of stone or other durable material. Objects peculiar to mounds are almost in- variably of something that would soon be destroyed if exposed to the weather; as pottery, bone, shell, copper, wood, textile material, or soluble minerals, whose preservation is due to the protection afforded by the earth above them. ‘They are more abundant than mound relics of the more lasting materials, and of greater scientific value, as a careful study of them has revealed much that would otherwise have remained unknown concerning the customs and habits of their makers. The sole evidence of a mechanical or artistic ability beyond that at- tained by many tribes independently of contact with a civilized race, found in any mound in Ohio under circumstances precluding the possi- bility of intrusive deposit, and bearing no similitude to any wares of European manufacture imported for barter with the natives, are some objects of sheet copper from Ross county. ‘They present an intricacy of design, a degree of symmetry and finish, impossible of achievement by the most advanced aborigines who have ever existed within the limits of the United States, so far as there is any historical, traditional, or other knowledge; and could have been made only by a skilled artificer, from accurately drawn patterns, with tools of steel or like metal. A very few similar pieces have been found in other states. Their rarity refutes the idea they were made in the vicinity where found; with the abundance of copper it is unlikely that its use would be confined to rude ornaments and implements to the exclusion of such ornate specimens; and no signs have been fonnd of the tools requisite for their manufacture. ‘The resemblance of human figures among them to characteristic carvings in Mexican antiquities, points to that country for their origin; but it is un- certain whether work of this character was performed there. Omitting from consideration the few articles so plainly of foreign de- rivation, a comparison of all the relics collected from mounds with those picked up on the surface and those of known Indian manufacture will show that the former do not surpass the latter in any particular denoting superior skill, knowledge, or discernment of harmonious proportion. It is remarkable that the contrary opinion should be so commonly accepted and so tenaciously adhered to despite the evidence of abundant material widely distributed and readily accessible for examination. Because many specimens, really beautiful in design and execution, are exhumed from tumuli,and many rude or hastily wrought ones are gathered up on the surface or observed in use among Indians at the present day, it seems to be taken for granted that all relics may be brought under this conven- ient and inclusive system of classification. But the converse is equally true; some modern or surface specimens are more artistic and of better 3 G40: 34 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. finish than most of those from mounds. The exquisite, gem-like, war and hunting arrow-tips from Oregon and Arizona; the long, slender, deli- cately chipped knife or spear-like implements of agate and obsidian from the Pacific coast; the smooth, compact, perfectly moulded pottery from the Pueblos of the south-west; the ornaments, masks, and engraved em- blematic figures of shell, of the Cherokees, Shawnees, and others; the copper tools, weapons, and ornaments around the upper lakes; the care- fully made arrow or spear-heads and knives of flint, the polished celts or hatchets, the symmetrical banner stones and various other forms of dec- orative or so-called ceremonial pieces found so abundantly throughout the Mississippi Valley ;—are fully equal and often superior in every respect to objects of the same class taken from the mounds Pipes must be ex- cepted; while those made of Catlinite by the Sioux are as correct in design and as skillfully made, so far as the work is carried, the others are unequaled in their minute carvings and their faithful representations of the animal life they are intended to portray. Not everything belonging to the builders of the tumuli was interred with them, for the objects are too few as compared with the skeletons; neither was a selection made of personal belongings with reference to certain types or degrees of imagined excellence, for a great variety is sometimes found in a single deposit; nor do surface specimens pertain altogether to either a later or different race, for this would mean that the Mound Builders never mislaid property about their village-sites, and that by a singular coincidence the presumed different race lost on these sites many implements and other articles corresponding closely in appearance to what their predecessors—or successors according to the point of view —had carefully hidden away. These facts in themselves suffice to show that the Mound Builders had not reached a stage of culture in advance of some tribes well known to history. But there is ample other evidence to the same effect. They had no alphabet. ‘They had no domestic animals or beasts of burden. They knew nothing of the economic use of any metal; copper, galena, hematite, they had in plenty, meteoric iron, gold, silver, in small amounts; all were treated as so many stones to be chipped, beaten, or rubbed into desired tools or gew-gaws. Cement or mortar was unknown. They could not build an upright wall with flat stones. They could not dig a well. They did not wall up a spring. They did not facilitate pass- age up and down the bank of a gravel terrace by constructing a roadway They had no hand mills, not even as rude an implement as a Mexican metate or grinding stone, though corn must have been a staple food. The various objects that have been preserved to the present time, were picked, rubbed, chipped or flaked into shape according to the nature of the material and their intended use. Holes were drilled in pipes and ornaments with a stick, cane-stem, point of antler, horn, or stone, with sand, either dry or wet, as a cutting medium. Mussel-shells, perforated ARCHAOLOGY. 30 for attachment to a handle, were used as hoes. ‘The principal reliance for agricultural implements was bone, horn, or wood, which would soon decay; few or none of stone are found, but this is no doubt because stone which can be wrought into suitable forms for such usage does not occur within convenient distance. They brought together, it is true, various substances from widely separated localities; but this is far from conclusive that they dominated the country over so great anarea. Itis not even evidence they performed the labor necessary to obtain these things. After settlements were made by whites along the coast, trade was carried on among the Indians over a territory requiring journeys of hundreds of miles. Undoubtedly a sim- ilar traffic had long been practiced. Extended hunting and war excur- sions were not uncommon among many tribes, notably the Iroquois, whose raids extended to upper Michigan, the Mississippi River, North Carolina, and Tennessee. Shawnees and other Indians have migrated from place to place over several states. ‘The Chippewas carried copper nuggets for exchange, from Lake Superior to the coast of Virginia. Arrti- cles of barter were passed from hand to hand, from tribe to tribe, through long periods of time. In all these ways small objects could wander hun- dreds or thousands of miles from their starting point. Of material foreign to Ohio, used by the Mound Builders, obsidian is nowhere nearer than the Rocky Mountains or Yellowstone Park; cop- per is found in the southern Alleghanies and the Blue Ridge, but chemical analysis shows their supplies came from northern Michigan; mica was obtained east of the Blue Ridge in Virginia, or the mountains of North Carolina; catlinite (it is not definitely determined whether this was known to them) only from the Pipestone quarries of western Minnesota; marine shells, native to warm waters, from the Gulf or southern Atlantic coast; lead ore from central Kentucky, or the vicinity of Galena, Illinois. Artificial objects of all these substances occur more plentifully in the neighborhood of the natural deposits than farther away; so it is probable that the principal work of quarrying, and much of the manufacturing was done by the aborigines living in the vicinity, from whom others ob- tained their supplies. If outsiders had conducted the necessary mining operations, they would have taken home, to work up at their convenience, most if not all of the raw material which could be utilized; and it is probable this plan was followed with unwrought pieces obtained bv trade. They certainly would not have been at the trouble to complete, and then abandon, the great quantities of specimens found remote from their habitations. The various positions in which bodies are buried, and the character of the objects placed with them, accord with what is observed among many modern Indians. It is said—the report lacks confirmation—that 36 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. / the Chinooks of the extreme northwest bury their dead in the exact atti- tude in which they died. ‘This custom, if it ever existed, offers the only reasonable explanation of the extraordinary postures so often noticed, even to the discovery of sitting skeletons. ‘The last, however, are infre- quent; the cases reported are usually the skeletons of bodies which were closely folded and laid on the side; when the flesh decayed the bones set- tled to the bottom of the grave in a promiscuous heap, and the skull, if not broken, apparently rests upon them. The depositing of food, weapons, or other articles with the dead, is generally supposed to signify belief in a future life where decedent will have occasion for the possessions found useful in this. Conceptions of this nature are necessarily very shadowy in primitive minds. parel attainable, decorate graves at intervals for years. They can give no reasons for do- ing these things; if any notion of immortality is involved it is only a vague feeling too faint for logical expression. It cannot be expected that barbarians or savages should have clearer ideas. Imbued with the same solicitude that animates their more civilized congeners, they may intend only an offering to make amends for any injury or slight that might call for retaliation. When private property is concerned, there may be a feeling that, whether dead or alive, the individual was entitled to keep what belonged to him and no one else had a right to claim it. There is a wide-spread superstition, too, that the. use of small personal possessions after the death of their original owner, will entail disaster upon any one so rash as thus to tempt his fate. Any or all of these motives may have entered into the custom in question; and all of them are equally set at naught by the fact that so many bodies were deposited with absolutely nothing to accompany them. The opinion that a prehistoric race exercising undisputed jurisdic- tion over any considerable portion of the territory, or one that attained as near to civilization as the highest stage of barbarism, ever dwelt in the Mississippi Valley, is contradicted by all observed facts. Nor does the assertion ‘of a dense population in any section, even where there is the greatest evidence of it, rest upon a better foundation. The imagination is charmed with the picture of toiling multitudes under the direction of task-masters, engaged year after year in building tumuli, bases for sacred edifices, enclosures for various purposes, and doing many other things in a systematic way according to a pre-arranged, intelligent plan. But it is more probable that structures of this kind, whether intended as a mark of respect, for social requirements, to afford protection, or whatever pur- pose, were public in their nature and erected by the joint efforts of the ARCHAOLOGY. 37 whole commnnity. The varieties of earth often intermingled in a mound show that parties were working from different directions at the same time, and the small quantities of oue sort or other denote that work was desultory or intermittent. The latter is more plainly shown in mounds which were carried to a certain height and their completion left to a future time. In the interim briars, bushes, even small trees grew up, and were burned off when the work was resumed; the signs being quite distinct in thin layers or streaks of charred matter parallel to the upper surface. Some were thus abandoned and renewed several times, a num- ber of years elapsing between inception and termination. ‘The wall of Fort Ancient, also, shows marks of such interruption. So the size of any earth or stone work is no indication of a large force of workmen; a smaller number, given ample time as was sometimes the case, could as well accomplish the task. Aside from all this, the amount of labor necessary for the construc- tion of the Mound Builders’ remains has been greatly exaggerated. A regular cone twenty feet high and one hundred feet in diameter at the base, will contain 1940 cubic yards. For one mound that will exceed this size, a hundred will fall below it; but taking it to represent the average and accepting the estimate of 10,000 as correct, the entire amount of earth—and stone—in the mounds of the state will be about 19,400,000 cubic yards. A regular enclosure 1,000 feet square or 1275 feet in diameter, meas- uring twenty feet in breadth at the top, forty feet at the base, and six feet high, with four gateways each twenty-five feet wide, will contain 26,000 cubic yards. It is doubtful whether any one is so large. ‘The equivalent of four hundred such will fully equal the contents of all en- closures, making in all about 30,000,000 cubic yards for the entire vol- ume of aboriginal remains in Ohio. No one familiar with them will dispute the liberality of these figures. A man can easily carry a half a bushel, or five-eighths of a cubic foot of earth; 83,800 such loads will make the mound whose dimensions are used above. If one hundred persons engage in the work, each will have to carry eight hundred and thirty-eight loads; in a day of ten hours, twenty such loads would not be an onerous task. ‘Thus the mound could be finished in forty-two days. With the same force, working in the same way, the illustrative embankment could be completed in five hundred and forty-six days; but a village that would require such a work could furnish a much larger number of laborers. Or, on the estimate of 30,000,000 cubic yards, one thousand men, each working one hundred days in the year and carrying three wagon- loads of earth or stone in a day, could construct all the works in Ohio, within a century. 38 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. (6.) PROBABLE AGE OF MOUNDS. There has not yet been found in one of these structures, under cir- cumstances that put beyond question the fact of its being deposited by ‘the original builders, a single article of such pattern or material as to prove incontestably that it was obtained from Europeans. Reported dis- coveries of this nature are not authenticated; nothing less can be accep- ted as testimony of a date more recent than 1492. How far back of this time they may have been erected it is impossible to ascertain. Having once settled compactly and become overgrown, there is no further change due to age. ‘Trees on them are of the same size as those near by; but this proves nothing except that they are older than the timber, which is self- evident, for they would not have been built in the woods. There are few, if any, trees in Ohio four hundred years old; with an annual growth of one-eighth of an inch of new fiber, a tree in that time will reach a cir- cumference of twenty-six feet. Few varieties of timber but will exceed this rate of increase in the fertile ground where most of these remains occur; in fact they should grow more rapidly on the works than else- where, as these are usually made of the surface earth and therefore furnish more nutriment to the roots. A cypress tree planted in Philadelphia in 1808, had in 1892 a height of 120 feet and a girth of twenty-eight feet; this however, is a soft wood and grows rapidly. An elm in Chicago known to be just fifty years old measured eight feet and two inches in circumference, three feet from the ground. Growth-rings are not an accurate test of age: it is not unusual for two or three to form in a year. The irrational assertion is often made that a mound must be at least five hundred years old for the reason that it is covered with large trees. It has been reserved for a well-known geologist to cap the climax, within a few months, by stating that some mounds are at least a thousand years old, because not only are large trees growing over them, but on the ground are remains of other trees which lived out their period and fell into decay before those now standing had sprung up. This is, in effect, to claim that all trees live five hundred years and no longer; that all trees growing on mounds have reached this age; and that wood in a state of decay will remain exposed to the weather for the same length of time. Absurdity cannot go further. The roots of trees extend many feet into the interior of mounds; when they decay, the casts contain mold, from the roots themselves or settled in from the surface. If successive generations had flourished on them, it would seem mounds would contain a great number of these casts; but they are comparatively few. This gives reason for supposing the mounds do not reach back many centuries. To avoid such conclusion. the opinion ventured by some geologists that until relatively recent time the Ohio Valley was devoid of forests, has been made to support an argu- ARCH AOLOGY. 39 ment that the country was a prairie in the time of the Mound Builders. | The many timber remains in mounds effectually dispel this hypothesis. Various earthworks have been encroached upon by streams near which they were built; sometimes a river has partially cut down a mound or embankment and then worked its way in the opposite direction, form- ing a low timber-covered bottom of considerable width. Such a process is generally supposed to require a very long period; but it may take place in a short time, from the constant shifting of channels in alluvium. Occasionally embankments appear to have been partially destroyed, which were really constructed as they now exist. ‘The line B in Plate III which appears to be the residue of a complete circle originally extend- ing over a portion of the terrace now washed away, was built thus, to reach the bank which is now where it was then. It is singular, though perhaps only a coincidence, that the cairns and mounds between the Alleghanies and the Blue Ridge, thought to have belonged to tribes which roamed over that region up to the middle of the last century, yield numerous slate gorgets and steatite pipes of the forms common or almost typical to the Ohio mounds, along with relics more common near the sea-coast. Whether this fact, and the almost total absence of grooved axes from the mounds, have any bearing on the ques- tion of age, remains to be decided. On ground not subject to wash or overflow, the accumulation of soil from the decay of vegetation, is nearly three inches in a century. Hence the depth of village-sites beneath the surface offers some clue to the num- ber of years since their abandonment. But there are so many disturbing influences that it is unsafe to place much reliance on such measurements, Nothing can be judged of the age of a skeleton from its condition; the preservation of bones is dependent entirely upon the protection afforded them, regardless of the length of time they have been buried. “If kept perfectly dry they may last thousands of years; if exposed to dampness they may utterly disappear in a very short while. The existence in Wisconsin of an effigy mound in the form of a mammoth mastodon, and the discovery in Iowa of two pipes of the same pattern, shows that their makers had some knowledge of such an animal. This, also, has led many authors to attribute a very great antiquity to the remains; the same geologist who has seen wood that had lain on the ground in the open air for five centuries, asserts that they must neces- sarily be many thousand years old. Other writers have assailed vigor- ously the genuineness of the pipes and the likeness of the mound to its 40 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. supposed prototype. The only point of agreement seems to be a reluct- ance to admit the possibility of the mammoth having survived into recent time. While the bones of this species are frequent in gravel deposits of glacial or post-glacial age, they also occur under other conditions. The pioneer who discovered the Big Bone Lick Springs, twenty miles south of Cincinnati, made tent-poles of mastodon ribs; people now living there remember having, when children, gathered vertebrae which they used as seats or door props. The Springs are in a basin with a very narrow out- let, so the presence of these remains on the surface cannot be attrib- uted altogether to erosion. When aquatic vegetation once gains a foothold, swamps or shallow lakes fill rapidly; elephant bones, often much nearer to the surface than to the solid ground underneath, are common in such places, the animals probably having mired while seeking food or water. Instances like these can be accounted for only by admitting the sur- vival of the living species to within a few centuries at the most. More- over, there is definite proof that it was not unknown to the aboriginés; the bones of one were found in Missouri, under circumstances which showed plainly that it had been slain by men, while fast in a bog. Rude weapons were scattered about it and some of the bones were charred- The Mound Builders, indeed, have left no indication that they knew of it; but this is equally true respecting other animals with which they must have been familiar. It has been alleged that no earthworks are found on the latest or lowest formed terraces. Both statement and inference are wrong; mounds do occur in such places; but if they did not it is only a natural sup- position that their builders would avoid situations liable to inundation, when high ground as suitable in all respects could be found close at hand. The same ar¢ument could be used to prove that modern buildings, which are usually located above ordinary floods, are older than geological form- ations near them. To sum up, there seem to be no data from which can be determined what people built these mounds and enclosures, whence they came, how long they lived here, when or why they left, or what became of them. It may, however, be considered definitely settled that in no particu- lar were they superior to, or in advance of, many primitive Indian tribes. They hunted with the same kind of weapons. ‘They worked with similar tools. ‘They were patient and plodding. ‘There is nothing that shows they had any appliances or conveniences for economizing time or lighten- ing labor. Agriculture was rudely carried on and practicable only in loose soil. Under such conditions a dense population is impossible even among the most peaceable people; intestine disputes or warlike neighbors would still further prevent a rapid increase. ARCHAOLOGY. 41 (c.) SOME DELUSIONS REGARDING THE MOUND BUILDERS. The records of mound exploration and the efforts to explain or account for all discoveries, go back to the beginning of the present cen- tury, and are scattered through every form of literature from a fugitive newspaper paragraph to a philosophic treatise. Much of this material is of little scientific value, being the work of relic hunters, persons whose curiosity has been excited by somethiug they have seen or heard, vision- aries seeking proof of a pet hypothesis—and generally finding it;—care- less, unskillful, or superficial observers whose statements are unsafe to rely upon no matter how honest may be their intentions. Almost invari- ably something has been taken for granted, ultimate conclusions predi- cated from partial examinations, definite assertions based upon hasty surmises, indications used as established facts. Some pretentious vol- umes are only an expression of opinion based upon partial and often incorrect information interpreted in the light of very limited personal investigation, and depending for acceptance mainly upon the author’s reputation for ability in some other profession or branch of scientific work. The specious fictions of the theorist who lets his enthusiasm run away with his judgment, seems to meet with a more cordial reception than the moderate statement of the explorer who wishes to record only what he has seen. As a result, the prevalent notions concerning all the native races of North America, whether of past or present time, are not at all in accord with the conclusions of those who have given them long and care- ful attention. There is always room for difference of opinion on ques- tions which must be solved by comparative or analytic study. But in matters that depend entirely upon observation or can be placed beyond controversy by methods at the command of any one who chooses to in- form himself regarding them, there can be but one side. A considerable amount of archzeological literature contains such gross errors and manifest perversions of fact, as almost to indicate a deliberate and intentional effort at deception. It is not supposable, however, that unworthy motives can be attributed to a writer on a scientific topic; at the most, he can only be accused of reprehensible carelessness or ignorance of his subject. Chief of all these mistakes, the one which has done most to create a totally false idea of the extinct population of the Ohio Valley, and has resisted years of persistent effort to remove from the popular mind, is the pretended geometrical accuracy of the enclosures. Several degrees in angles, scores of feet in lines, rods or even acres in area, have been added to or subtracted from correct measurements to force a resemblance or coincidence between works which in reality widely differ. Absolute symmetry, or identity in form or size, is claimed in numerous cases; whereas there has not been found one true circle, square, octagon, or ellipse, among these works, nor any two that exactly correspond in 42 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. dimensions, although nearly all of them have recently been very carefully surveyed. There are some with a striking approach to regularity; but none that cannot be laid out with sight-stakes and a rope of sufficient length to reach across them. Nevertheless, with this assumed mathematical ability as a starting point, aided by the equally assumed perfection of mechanical skill neces- sary for the fabrication of their various objects of utility or ornament, and further reinforced by similar evidence from remains in other parts of the country, there has been evolved in the minds of some authors a wide- spread, highly civilized nation with a wonderfully developed government; —monarchy, oligarchy, aristocracy, hierarchy, or whatever strikes the writer’s fancy. Many of these errors have been incidentally referred to in the course of this paper. One other must be mentioned. In Plate IV, the smaller enclosure is represented as a perfect circle 800 feet in diameter. Figure 3 shows its actual shape—an elliptical PLATE 1V. ARCHAOLOGY. GEOLOGY OF OHIO. VOL. VII 40 Aeres. soo 1000 Scale Feer atl ini ANY Fin <1) \ Low Bo tioms. Awan GRIN i) Tiberty Township Works. ARCH HOLOGY. : 43 figure of irregular curvature, with one diameter more than a hundred feet longer than the other. Instead of continuing around the head of the XA . pdt eS M My ~ "Wor Fie. 3. ravine south of the entrance, the embankment stops more than 300 feet from the corresponding point on the opposite side. The original forest extends over this portion of the work, and the ground is perfectly level; while the southern part is in a cultivated field, and the wall quite distinct. So there can be no claim that any portion of it has ever been obliterated. Yet in the original description of this plate, the authors claim to have been at great pains to ensure the absolute accuracy of their work. Ina foot-note presumably referring to this figure, they give the field notes and diagram of a purported survey in which they make chords of 500 feet—something no surveyor would think of doing—turning off 30° at the end of each, with the angle on the embankment, thus completing their figure with twelve chords. This would form a dodecagon with a perimeter of 3600 feet, which they have inscribed within a ‘‘circle” hav- ing, according to their figures, a diameter of 800 or a circumference of 2515 feet. It is not the province of this article to criticise; but when such niis- takes are made the foundation of a science, it is well to present them in their proper light. The minor errors due to hasty observation, or incorrect deductions, are numberless. Mounds are almost invariably represented much steeper than they are. Nearly all cuts of the large mound at Marietta show its height to be equal to its breadth; sometimes it is shown as perpendicular for fully ten feet up its sides. But the base diameter of a mound undis- turbed by cultivation is never less than four times and from that to ten 44 3 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. times its height. An ideal “section” of the large mound near Licking Reservoir gives the impression that the stones are each several feet thick. Ty IM ge ———— WAS SMM i= == h | | (77; | ‘ “ Y, | My Y Sy SL SBEN hi \\i | yy} Ag re WD ————— yy TTR TNS <= — = HS Me. 1% Fic. 4. Figure 4, a small work in Pike county, shows a ditch of uniform width surrounding a square court, the whole enclosed by a circular embank- ment which touches the ditch only at the corners. Actually, the ditch occupies the whole space between the inner level and the embankment, the outer margin following the curvature of the latter. Such details are in themselves trivial; but they show a negligent, slip-shod manner, which casts doubt on more important work. It is un- necessary to multiply instances; they are to be found in nearly all works upon archeology. A vast amount of toil has been expended in attempting to establish classifications based upon cranial form and development, or other osteol- ogical peculiarities; but when, in a single mound, are found skulls that exceed in either direction the limits assigned as the measurements of long and short heads, respectively, or when in the same cemetery they occur of almost every normal variety of size and shape, it is plain that little value can be attached to these variations. Ifa single tribe remain in one place for centuries, under conditions of life that vary but little in that time, a mediocrity may be reached which will admit of the evolution of a particular type of cranium; but with a roving people, or one subject to alliance with other stocks, the intermingling of different bloods will be attended with a diversity of physical structure affecting not the skull alone, but the entire frame. The skeletons from mounds vary much in size, but none are larger than may be found among any people living a natural life out of doors. The lower jaw is more massive than in civil- ized races, as more strength was needed for masticating their tough or coarse food. Nothing is proven as to size of individuals, by “slipping the jaw-bone over the face of a full grown man;” it never slips back to the coupyles of the experimenter, and the opening of any V-shaped object ARCH AVOLOGY. 45 will naturally slip over the point of another like it as far as it can go. The teeth frequently met squarely, instead of overlapping, so they were worn down evenly all around; the dentition was the same as in all the human race. Decayed teeth were as common as among whites; and full sets are seldom found. To conclude here the subject of Mound Builders:—any statement. drawing, or description of remains, which attempts to show they were a race superior to, or different from, all other native tribes of the United States, is not justified by any evidence so far discovered. SECTION AY. INDIANS. Frequent comparison has been made herein with modern or known tribes. Some explanation is necessary. The popular conception of Indians is based altogether upon one phase of their character, and that, according to civilized ideas, the worst. Histories, especially those relating to frontier life, novels and romances, all picture the Indian as a hunter, warrior, or vagabond. ‘They touch lightly upon, or pass entirely over, the normal condition of sedentary tribes, or the home life of others few of whom spent more than a portion of their time in warfare or the chase. The Six Nations devised a form of government admirably adapted to their circumstances; they had fortified towns, cultivated a variety of crops, and in later times had orchards; they well understood the value of alliances, planned their campaigns with foresight, and carried them on with skill and vigor. Several southern tribes, as the Cherokees and Natchez, though less predatory, were equally advanced in all respects; their domestic life would compare favorably with that of many agri- cultural and mining communities of the present time. Tecumseh, Logan, Blackhawk, Cornstaitk, Red Jacket, Pontiac, and scores of others whose names will live in history, were the intellectual peers of many prominent men of to-day. Individuals of this stamp are impossible in a degraded or debased community; they must have at least a moderately intelligent ancestry and constituency. To suppose that a brain which could formu- late a confederacy such as Tecumseh came near consummating, or a conspiracy like Pontiac’s that almost wiped out of being the settlements over a wide territory, could not plan earthworks similar to those found in the Ohio Valley, is nonsensical. No less so is it to assert that a man who will chase a deer a hundred miles or travel several times that dis- tance to attack a foe, or that a woman who will raise a crop of corn, is too lazy to assist in building a mound; or to claim that persons who will maim, starve, or otherwise maltreat themselves, or destroy property representing months of labor, on the death of a chief or leader, would not 46 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. be at the trouble to carry a few yards of earth if inclined to show their grief or respect in that manner. The name “Indian,” as generally used, is not more definite than the term ‘‘EKuropean;” the various tribes, in their primitive stage, were as diverse in their manner of life as the people of different countries. The peaceable Mandans or “‘Ground House Indians,” and the blood-thirsty Apaches or Comanches; the energetic Iroquois or restless Shawnees, and the stupid Diggers but little above the beasts;—are entirely unlike in disposition and characteristics. It is not probable the aboriginal population of the United States was ever much, if any, greater than at present. ‘True, the New England Indians were greatly reduced by a pestilence of some sort about the year 1600; but this was only local, and there seem to have been but a few thousands of them at any time. Smith, in his account of Virginia, speaks of most villages as containing only a few men, and placed miles apart. The Iroquois were unable to send more than a few hundred warriors on a foray. In Ohio, Indian towns of a thousand inhabitants were rare. No reason exists for supposing a different state of affairs in prehis- toric times. The conditions of life were practically the same; and from all indications they were met in the same way. The ration issued to slaves on southern plantations was a peck of corn-meal, four pounds of bacon, and in some places, a quart of molasses, each week. If the allowance proved inadequate, a comprehensive system of foraging made up the deficiency. On such a basis, supposing that with their crude methods the Indians or Mound Builders could raise only 26 bushels to the acre, a town of one thousand people would require in a year the corn from a field of 500 acres; and much more than 200,000 pounds of fresh meat, to allow for the loss of weight in curing. Nuts and fruits from the forest would considerably augment these supplies. SECTION AW: REEIES: Jn its common meaning this term includes all articles of aboriginal handiwork, under whatever conditions they may be found, or for whatever purpose intended. It isso used here; no distinction is attempted between surface and exhumed specimens. As noted elsewhere, various substances were imported from foreign localities; but the vast majority of objects found are made of material native to the state or near its borders. In glacial deposits are granite, quartz, diorite, syenite, and other varieties of hard, tough rock suitable for implements and utensils which must withstand rough usage, as axes; hatchets, wedges, club-heads, pestles, mortars, hammers, and the like. In any gravel bank, or along the shores of any stream rising within the area covered by the drift, such stones are abundant. Slate, for ornamental or ceremonial objects, although plentiful around the upper lakes, occurs in ARCH XZ OLOGY. 47 the drift only in small amounts as it is too soft to resist the wear to which it is subjected in such transportation. Hematite for paint and sundry small tools or objects of unknown use, like cones or hemispheres, and cannel coal for ornaments, could be obtained in the south-eastern part of the state and in West Virginia. Shells, for domestic use, beads, and wampum, abound in waters containing lime in solution. Flint in beds from a few rods to several square miles in extent, replaces limestone in all the Carboniferous, and to a less extent in the Devonian formations. No great labor was involved in procuring any of these except the last; shells were obtainable from any convenient stream, and the minerals could be gathered wherever they occurred on the surface or were exposed by erosion. In working stone, the artisan, after selecting one as close to the shape of the desired object as he could find, with a tough pebble as a hammer went over the surface of his inchoate implement, chipping off angles or projecting parts, pecking small flakes from such portions as required little alteration, until it was as near complete as it could be made by such means. ‘Then with a piece of coarse sandstone he ground off the pitted surface, concluding his work, if he so wished, by polishing with a stone of finer grain. If an edge or groove were required, it was often made before the remainder of the specimen was finished. Axes were grooved entirely or partly around to afford a secure hold for a handle, which was often tightened by a wedge driven in on one side that was flattened or hollowed out for this purpose. Pestles frequently had a depression at the center of the base, for cracking nuts or to prevent the grain from flying from beneath them when struck. Hatchets or celts were of various shapes according to their required use. The hammers themselves were sometimes worked into spheres which, either with or without grooves, were utilized as slung-shots, club-heads, or sinkers for use in fishing. With soft or brittie stones the rubbing process may have been more used than the hammering. Shell, bone, or cannel coal were cut to proper length with sharp or jagged flint when necessary, and rubbed smooth with sandstone; they could not well be pecked or chipped. Hematite was sometimes chipped into form, but usually ground, the powder being used for paint. The different varieties of jasper, chalcedony; hornstone, and other nearly pure siliceous rocks, commonly placed under the generic name of flint, demanded different treatment. Large implements, not requiring careful finish, were made by knocking chips from nodules or blocks with stone hammers, working from the edge of the piece toward the center. The same method was followed with smaller specimens until reduced as near as possible to the desired size and shape, when they were completed with a piece of bone, horn, or other tough substance in which a notch or crease was cut to give a purchase. ‘This being set against the edge of a flint, flakes were split off by quick forcible pressure. The character of the work determined the size of the tool, and degree of force. 48 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. With such simple contrivances were made all arrow-heads, knives, and other flint implements of any size or material. While flint that has long been exposed to the atmosphere can be converted into serviceable weapons, it is too brittle to allow of delicate work. For thin, symmetrical pieces, especially those of large size, unweathered stone was essential. This fact was well known to the peo- ple having use for them; and in almost every county along the outcrop of the Coal Measures, from Pennsylvania to Kentucky, are quarries from which the coveted material was obtained. ‘The largest are in Licking, Coshocton, and Perry counties, the first, known as ‘Flint Ridge,” being one of the most extensive in the country. For several miles the surface is honey-combed with pits and trenches; thousands of car-loads of earth and stone have been excavated. In some places more than ten feet in thickness of clay, tough as that in a traveled road, was removed in order to reach the flint. Piles of refuse rock are scattered everywhere, being greatest where it lay nearest the surface. After the earth had been cleared away over aspace as large as needed, the flint was shattered by large fires made on it and kept burning until the underlying bed of limestone was penetrated; water probably being thrown on occasionally to hasten the crumbling. All the fragments were next thrown out, the upper portion of the flint stratum was thickly coated with clay, and intense heat applied to the bottom and to the limestone. The top, left projecting, was then pounded off with heavy boulders from the adjacent surface, and broken into small pieces; most of which, after being partially chipped into shape, were carried away to be completed at the leisure of the artificer. A great many well finished specimens have been collected here, but they are few as compared with the immense quantity of rejected pieces which m the course of the work were broken or found to contain some flaw that rendered them worthless. Nearly all the knives, arrows, or spears, found on or near Flint Ridge, which have barbs, stems, or tangs, are made of flint from some other locality, while implements of the native material are almost invaria- bly of the triangular or leaf-shape pattern; and the former are far in excess of the latter. But the objects of Flint Ridge stone found farther from home—and they occur from New York to Tennessee, and from Blue Ridge to Illinois—usually resemble in form other worked flints found in the same localities. It would thus appear that the superior quality of this stone for various purposes was widely known; and, as objects made from it are found alike in the largest mounds and on village sites occupied by Indians within a century, that this excellence has long been recognized. So far as the very limited investigations signify, what is said of this particular quarry in regard to methods of work and disposition of material is true of others. No trace of digging tools is apparent; the earth seems to have been removed with wood or other perishable substances; the flint ARCHA/OLOGY. 49 was worked altogether with stone hammers, with such aid as could be derived from fire. The very wide range of forms and relics, the diversity of material, and their unlikeness to almost everything belonging to the present inhab- jtants, have caused some misapprehension or confusion as to their prob- able uses. This is especially the case with the great quantity of objects whose manufacture may be considered the outcome of esthetic or religious ideas. They are made of nearly all the different kinds of shell, bone, metal, and stone, especially slate and steatite, accessible to their fabrica- tors. Under such namesas gorgets, crescents, wands, tubes, banner-stones, amulets, pendants, butterfly gorgets, ear-bobs, bracelets, breast plates, beads, buttons, head-dresses, labrets, nose-rings, charms, and a score of others, they are delineated in many volumes. No detailed description of them would be intelligible unless accompanied by numerous illustrations; and to ascribe a purpose to any pattern, unless a similar one had been seen in actual service, would be as presumptuous as the attempt by an individual entirely ignorant of modern secret societies to explain the meaning of badges, pins, or regalia. No doubt some owe their form merely to a whim or fancy of the maker; others were purely decorative; while many of them were symbolic, or for use in the manifold dances, parades, celebrations, superstitious ceremonies, and other observances, so dear to the minds of an uncultured people. ‘The manner of perforation in some indicates they were for suspension by cords; in others, that they were to be placed on a staff; still others, unperforated, may have been secured in various ways. Nearly all are made of material that would break if carelessly handled; many are of such size or shape that no prac- tical use for them can be imagined. ‘They are to be found in all cabinets and museums, being much sought by collectors on account of their beauty or supposed mysterious significance. A statement that each piece had a certain use, cannot be gainsaid; but the person who makes such claim must give satisfactory reasons for his assertion before it is to be accepted as a fact and not a guess. There is less trouble in regard to the utensils, weapons, or implements for ordinary work, comprising articles necessary in agriculture, hunting, warfare, or domestic affairs. Trees could be felled, cut in lengths, split for puncheons, or hollowed into canoes or mortars, with axes, hatchets, wedges, or adzes of stone or thick, strong shells, set with the edge parallel or transverse to the handle, according to their manner of use. Usually fire was applied at the proper points and the charcoal scraped away as it formed; but the remains of logs a foot in diameter that had been cut entirely through by such rude tools, have been exhumed from mounds. Hoes and adzes frequently ‘have notches on each side, the faces being flat; in such cases the end of + G.O: 50 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. the handle was placed against one face. Spades had one end inserted in: the end of astick. The handles of all implements were firmly fastened with thongs, rawhide, or sinew. Pestles for pounding corn or acorns varied in length and shape to fit the mortars; these were flat or dished stones, or deep cavities in boulders and stumps or wooden blocks. Among the commoner relics are slabs or angular fragments of sandstone with hemispherical depressions, sometimes only one, sometimes thirty or forty, from an inch to two inches in diameter, pecked or drilled in them; slabs have them on both faces, rougher blocks only on one side. The purpose of these cup-stones is unknown; theories have been advanced that the cavities were for grinding paint, holding nuts to be cracked, con- taining punk or wood-dust to be ignited by rapid revolution of a stick, steadying the lower end of a spindle, or supporting a drill for boring pipes, tubes, and other large and thick objects; and that where friction would be a hindrance to the work, rawhide well greased, was fitted closely to the sides of the depression. There may be a measure of truth in all these conjectures; none of them is applicable to one-tenth of the speci- mens. In making pottery, mussel shells or quartz pebbles were beaten fine and either one, but never both together, mixed with clay; the com- pound was thoroughly kneaded, molded into form, dried in the open air, and then burned. None of it was glazed; and it is doubtful whether any was painted. As a rule the rough flint disks found cached, sometimes in considera- ble quantities, are only unfinished implements, or cores from which flakes are to be split off and worked up as needed; but many of them are dulled or polished around the edge as if used for cutting or scraping. They may have answered for dressing skins, but would be difficult to handle, or to utilize for any other purpose. Flint—in the popular meaning of the word—was indispensable to a people ignorant of iron. For any weapon or tool requiring a keen edge or sharp point, as knives, arrows, spears and such things, no other stone could replace it. Hatchets, digging-tools, and, to a small extent, orna- mental objects were also made of it. Worked pieces are scattered every- where, in the greatest profusion; in some localities bushels of them may be, or have been, gathered on a space of a few acres. Only the smaller ones were for arrow-points; few soused among modern tribes are as much as two inches in length, and any that long are very slender. Solid flesh is almost as difficult to penetrate as rubber; few men have the strength to draw a bow that would drive a wide or thick flint into the body of a man or large animal. The thicker, larger specimens were probably spear, lance, or club-heads; the thinner, knives; the long, slender ones, drills or perforators, though the latter, if for use in skins or leather, were com- monly made of bones ground to a sharp point. It is a reasonable supposition that small, triangular points, which would remain in the wound when the shaft was pulled out, were used in ARCHAOLOGY. 51 war; those barbed and tanged for secure attachment, which must be pushed on through the body, or lacerate the flesh when withdrawn, may also have been for this purpose. Arrows for hunting would be of the latter shape, to remain fast in the game and be recovered when it was captured or killed. Spears for slaying large animals were unbarbed that they could be easily withdrawn for repeated thrusts. The twist or curve noticed in so many flints is due altogether to the conchoidal fracture of the stone. The so-called rotary arrow-heads are almost invariably too large for such use, and are intended for skinning knives, the flat faces and chisel edges permitting them to pass readily between the hide and flesh without cutting either. The bevel is produced by pressing off flakes along the edge from only one side instead of equally from both. Undue importance has been attached to serrated flints as being the result of a definite intention. The.only difference between them and others of the same general pattern is that wider -space was left between the points at which the flaking tool was applied. The relative scarcity of symmetrical, highly finished, and really artistic specimens of any class, as compared with the abundance of ruder, rougher ones, signifies that a few persons in a community or tribe were more skillful, or had greater aptitude for such work than the majority. It may be that any given form of superior work, as the manufacture of pipes, large, finely shaped flints, certain kinds of ornaments, etc., attained its highest development at the hands of one person whose efforts were confined to this particular forte. Another evidence of this is the occur- rence within a limited district of many specimens of a type very rarely found outside of this area; for example, a peculiar flint knife in two or three counties of central Ohio—which, oddly, is also abundant in the Kanawha Valley—, or spear-head along both sides of the Ohio. Many such instances could be cited. What sort of work the prehistoric people may have done in wood, textile fabrics, feathers, fur, robes, skins, or other perishable material, can never be known; but judging from the few scraps remaining, and from such other specimens as have been preserved, it was probably on a par with that of the present day among tribes but little changed from their condition when first known to the whites. There are few things of value, beauty, or interest among relics that have not been counterfeited by unscrupulous tricksters eager to profit by the credulity of collectors. ‘To such an extent has this been carried that anything out of the ordinary line is to be viewed with suspicion. Much ingenuity has been displayed in hiding tablets, carvings, and pottery in places where they will afterward be discovered by one unconscious of the deception who will thus be deluded into the belief that he has a genuine alphabetic inscription, efigy of a mastodon or other animal, Mexican idol, paleolithic implement, statue of a Mound Builder, or some other 52 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. wonderful thing that is to throw a flood of light upon the history of an unknown race. It behooves students to be on the lookout for such frauds, as they appear in the most unexpected places. CONCLUSION. FURTHER EXPLORATIONS NECESSARY, _ It is not probable any manuscripts, inscriptions, or other records will ever be discovered, which will aid in solving the unanswered questions concerning the Mound Builders. Additional information is to be gained only by investigation of their mounds, cemeteries, and village-sites. This work, to be of value, must be done carefully and thoroughly. Sinking a shaft from the apex, or running a narrow trench in from one side of a mound, will seldom give satisfactory results. Conclusions based upon facts thus brought to light, may be correct; but there can be no certainty that they are even approximately so, for a section at one place may not at all resemble one made at another in the same structure. The assump- tion is entirely unfounded that all the artificial contents are deposited in a small space in the center; sometimes there is nothing within several feet of it, while remains are found at various other points. ‘There is little doubt that many, if not most, of the mounds which have been opened, yet con- tain more than has ever been taken out of them. Almost always, a record of the structure of the mound, the position of skeletons, and the arrange- ment of objects with them, would be the most important part of the work; but these are usually the very features of which no notice is taken by persons who have not had considerable experience in such matters. PROPER METHODS OF WORK. The best method of opening a mound, depends upon its size and form. It is useless to waste time upon any part which from disturbance by cultivation or other cause is not where it was placed by the builders. Only the unaltered portion requires attention. If but little changed in shape, the entire mound should be removed. Owing to the accumulation of soil, the bottom may be somewhat below the surrounding surface; for this reason excavation should be carried to a sufficient depth to make sure nothing is overlooked. Frequently the original surface is easily detected by a sod line, or by a slight difference in color; if not, it will be necessary to work along the top of the subsoil. For convenience of description, it is well to draw two lines crossing at a right angle at the center, and other lines, parallel to these, five feet apart, thus dividing the mound into blocks which may be designated by numbers or letters to correspond witha plan drawn oma scale of five feet tothe inch. Whatever may be found in one of these blocks is to be shown in its proper position in the drawing. It is best to begin on the side toward one of the cardinal ARCH A/OLOGY. 53 points, and to keep the face or bank in front of the diggers vertical and in straight line from side to side. ‘This is most easily accomplished by undermining with picks and breaking the bank down from the top, tak- ing off a section about a foot in width each time. When a skeleton is reached, the earth should be removed from around and above it until the bones are completely uncovered before being disturbed, in order that the method of burial may be ascertained. In all cases the exact distance and direction of every object from the center should be observed, as well es its height from the bottom if found in the body of the mound, Full notes should be constantly made, and a detailed account of the entire work written in a manner so clear that from it a restoration or model of the mound could be made if desired. ‘This rule should be observed in all excavations. The same plan could be followed in mounds which from any cause have been reduced in altitude with a corresponding increase in breadth; except that instead of the work beginning at the margin, it may com- mence on the line to which the mound probably reached when made, and be extended toward either side to the same limits. A convenient method in such mounds is to mark off concentric rings five feet in breadth around the center, undermining and entirely removing the outer one first, and proceeding in the same way successively with the others. In large mounds where it would be inconvenient or dangerous to work with a bank of such height as would result from carrying out the above suggestions, it is well to cut off the upper half before attacking: the lower; or to take off a layer of uniform thickness from the entire surface, leaving a core of the same shape as the original structure, but smaller, which can be examined as first described. If desirable, more than one layer can thus be removed. If the mound is built up in strata, either curved or horizontal, these can be taken off in regular order, and a separate description given of each. When practicable, careful drawings or photographs, should be made of the entire ground plan; also of the vertical sections at short intervals or wherever they present anything worthy of special notice. When nothing better is to be had, sketches with numerous measurements which may be re-drawn later, are desirable. The systematic exploration of a cemetery or village-site requires such an expenditure of labor and money that it cannot be attempted except by persons or institutions having ample funds. A trench should be dug entirely across the area to be examined, deep enough to reach below the level at which the site was abandoned. ‘This will be sufficient to expose whatever was left on the original surface, and at the same time show, by the different color or density of the earth, any grave, pit, cache, barbecue-hole, or other excavation that may have been made by the natives. "The work should progress at this level as far as the remains extend; the thickness 54 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. of each deposit, as well as its distance from the present surface, should be carefully measured. Every pit should be cleaned out to the bottom and the depth of each layer of ashes, earth, or whatever else it may contain, accurately measured. All graves should have the earth taken out with- out changing the position of a bone ora relic until the mode of burial is ascertained with certainty. All these points should be clearly written down, and a uniform system of labeling adopted which will enable the reader to connect intelligently the text, the illustrations, and the specimens. A collection of relics that gives no clue as to how, where, or under what circumstances they were obtained, is of no greater scientific worth than so many pebbles. AN OHIO MUSEUM. For two generations Ohio has been ransacked for relics by museums, colleges, and individuals, in many of the states as well asin Europe. If the prehistoric articles from this state, scattered in hundreds of collections, could be brought together, they would form an aggregate probably exceeding in numbers all specimens of American archeology in any museum. And yet, if excavations were carried on in the manner above set forth, there could be gathered a mass of material surpassing what has hitherto been secured. It is time for this work to be undertaken; very few cabinets in the state are accessible except through the kindness of private collectors, many of whom would cheerfully contribute their spec- imens for the pleasure and instruction of the public, if assured that no loss or damage would ensue. The opportunity is now offered; the new geological building of the Ohio State University has ample room which can be used for this purpose, and here should be established the nucleus of a Museum of Ohio Archeology that would properly represent the great wealth of prehistoric remains within her borders. Large maps and models of all enclosures and fortifications should be made, along with models of mounds so arranged as to display their interior structure and the manner in-which their contents were deposited. Thus, and only thus, can future generations gain a clear idea of the nature and appearance of these vestiges, which are being as slowly but as surely blotted out as are the aboriginal conditions of life which gave them existence. WORKS 1© BE CONSULTED: References to the aboriginal remains of Ohio may be found in hundreds of archeological publications. The reader who wishes to pursue the subject further, will find considerable information in the following volumes. While statements of facts coutained in them are to be accepted as correct, he must exercise his judgment and discretion concerning the theories and inferences set forth: Aucient Monuments of the Mississippi Valley. By Squier and Davis. ARCHASOLOGY. 9 Fort Ancient. By Warren K. Moorehead. Mounds of the Mississippi Valley, Historically Considered. By Lucien Carr. Primitive Man in Ohio. By Warren K. Moorehead. Some Early Notices of the Indians of Ohio. By M. F. Force. Scattered Papers in the Reports of the Bureau of Ethnology, Washington, D. C.; Annual Reports of the Smithsonian Institution; the Reports of the Peabody Museum, Cambridge, Mass.; the Journal of the Cincinnati Historical Society; the Quarterly of the Ohio Historical and Archzological Society, Columbus, Ohio; Science, and various other periodicals. The “Antiquities of Tennessee and the Adjacent States,” by Gates P. Thrus- ton, is recommended for comparison; also, “Primitive Industry,” by Dr. CG. C. Abbott, for its classification of implements and weapons. CHAP’ TER II. BOTANY. CATALOGUE OF OHIO PLANTS. By W. A. KELLERMAN, PROFESSOR OF BOTANY, OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY, AND Wm. C. WERNER, ASSISTANT IN BOTANY. In the various Geological Reports heretofore published both the gen- eral and the special features of the topography and geology of Ohio have been recorded. Suffice it therefore to note here that there is only mod- erate diversity in elevation; though the geological formations exposed are numerous and varied. The soils also exhibit a varied character. They are composed of drift material over a large portion of the state. Sedentary soils occur in the southern portion and alluvium is abundant along the numerous watercourses. The climate is rather uniform, being tempered on the north by a large body of water. In the extreme south- ern portion of the state there is a barely perceptible approach to a warnier climate. The flora of the state is therefore rather rich in forms—receiving a few on the north that may be considered as boreal, and a few in the counties bordering on the Ohio river that may, perhaps, correctly be regarded as southern species. Besides, plants occur in the western half of the state which are decidedly significant of the prairie flora. The more broken and hilly area of the east, south, and south-east allies that part of the state botanically to the Appalachian region. EARLY COLLECTORS. The flora has received much attention from the people of the state. The early settlers found a magnificent forest that inspired them with awe, though it was to some extent an impediment to their occupancy and til- lage of the soil. Many years elapsed before anything in reference to the flora found its way into print, though the lovers of nature, good ob- servers, and real botanists were doubtless numerous. As making the first though a small contribution to the botanical liter- ature of Ohio, Dr. Daniel Drake of Cincinnati, is to be mentioned. He BOTANY. 57 was a man of great originality, an able physician, and a genial and inspir- ing teacher. Numerous others deserve mention. Foremost among these is Dr. Jared P. Kirtland of northern Ohio, whose botanical interest and information served to place horticultural pursuits on a higher plane. His influence was most potent in developing interest in Natural History in the entire northwest. Dr. Kellogg was largely instrumental in making known the flora of the northern portion of the state as was also Dr. R. 5. Howard—especially through his pupil Dr. N.S. Townshend; who has for years been a teacher of Botany as well as a leader among agriculturists. Dr. John A. Warder of southern Ohio, was an ardent lover of trees and devotees of forest botany of the state owe much to his contagious enthu- siasm. Thos. G. Lea of Cincinnati, made important contributions, He was the first to collect the fungi of the state and his catalogue contains a large number of species new to science. LESQUEREUX, SULLIVANT, AND OTHER BOTANISTS, Central Ohio was the home of two botanists of world-wide fame; namely, Leo Lesquereux and Wm. S. Sullivant. The former, a palaeo- botanist, gave some attention to mosses; the latter, a renowned bryologist, devoted much attention to the local flora and contributed very largely— as did also his brother, Joseph Sullivant,—to the knowledge of the plants of central Ohio. Others who deserve mention are Dr. J. M. Bige- low, Mr. John H. Klippart, Prof. Henry Bolander, Dr. Canfield, Mr. E. J. Ferris, Dr. Jas. Dascomb, Dr. J. S. Newberry, and Dr. H. C. Beardslee FLORA OF THE WHOLE STATE. The first author of a flora of the whole state was Dr. J. S. Newberry. It. was published in 1859. His own botanical explorations were made for the most part in the northern portion of the state. The second state catalogue (1874) was also published by a botanist of the ex- ireme northern portion of the state, Dr. H. C. Beardslee. He, like the preceding, was a very careful botanist and the contributions of both are highly important. In fact they mark epochs in the botanical history of the state. WORK OF LATER BOTANISTS. Justice demands, though space is scarcely available, that some of the later botanists be at least mentioned. Of these, Joseph F. James and C., G. Lloyd of Cincinnati, have done much work on the flowering plants. A. P. Morgan of Hamilton county, has contributed very largely to the development of Mycology in this country and he has made known a large number of the higher fungi of south-western Ohio; he is the author of many new species. Mrs. E. Jane Spence and Miss H. J. Biddlecome 58 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. have collected extensively at Springfield, Urbana, and Clifton; and many others have largely contributed to the knowledge of Ohio plants. In fact a long list of names would have to be added if this outline sketch of the botanical history of the state made any pretension whatever to complete- ness. | The publications arranged in chronological order including all printed lists however limited the area covered and all articles relating particularly to Ohio plants, are as follows: BIBLIOGRAPHY OF OHIO BOTANY. 1815. Forests of the Miami Country, and Plants Useful in Medicine and the arts. A Natural and Statistical View or picture of Cincinnati and the Miami Country. By Daniel Drake, Cincinnati. A volume of 255 pages, of which pp. 76-90, inclusive, are devoted to botany. Here nothing farther was “attempted than a catalogue of the forest trees, and such herbaceous plants as are deemed useful in medicine and the arts,” Under the head of “Forests of the Miami Country” is given, alphabetically arranged in three columns (the first headed “ Fam- ilies,’ the second “Species,” and third “Popular Name’”’), a list of one hundred species belonging to about sixty genera, and several undeter- mined species of the genera Prunus, Crataegus, Mespilus, and Smilax. A long note is given on the species of Aesculus—Ae. flava, L. and Ae. Maxima, n. sp.—presumably mistaken for Ae. glabra, Willd. and Ae. flava. The second sub-head is ‘Plants Useful in Medicine and the Arts.” ‘These are arranged alphabetically under the heads of ‘‘Stimulants” (thirteen species), ‘“‘ Tonics” (eight species), “ Astringents” (seven species), ‘‘Emet- ics” (nine species), “‘Cathartics” (six species), “Diuretics” (three species), “Anthelmintics” (three species), ‘“‘Demulcents” (two species), and “Plants used in Dyeing and the Domestic Arts” (fifteen species). The botanical name, the common name, and the part of the plant used are given in each case. The third and last section is “Calendar of Flora.’ “Most of the dates given are the mean terms of several years’ observa- tion.” Thirty-four entries are made, beginning with March 5th, “com- mons becoming green,” and ending with Oct. 30th, “ woods leafless.” 1818, Notice of the Scenery, Geology, Mineralogy, Botany, etc., of Belmont county, Ohio, by Caleb Atwater, Esq., of Circleville. American Journal of Science (Silliman’s Journal), 1818, Vol. I, p. 226. Two pages (228-9) of this article are devoted to Botany. ‘Thirty trees are enumerated in tabular form, and a few others, including some shrubs and herbaceous plants, are noted. ‘The uses of a few of them are given. BOTANY. 5Y 1831. Notices of Western Botany and Conchology, by C. W. Short, M. D., and H. H. Katon, A. M. Transylvania Journal of Medicine and the Asso- ciated Sciences. Vol. IX, 1831, p. 69. An annotated list (pp. 70-73) of fifty species of plants noticed in bloom the preceding fall, on a trip (Sept. 16th to Oct. Ist) from Lexing- ton, Ky., to the southern portion of Ohio (vicinity of Cincinnati). Many of the plants were found on the banks of the Ohio River. 1854. A Catalogue of Plants growing spontaneously in Franklin Co., Central Ohio, excluding grasses, mosses, lichens, fungi, etc. By John L. Riddell, A.M. The Western Medical Gazette, Vol. II, No. 3, July, 1834, pp. 116-120. : The plants enumerated (317 species) are ‘arranged under the natural orders approved by Prof. Lindley.” ‘Those not native, but naturalized, are marked with a star. The habitats are given for most of the species. The plants were collected during the autumn of 1832, and the spring, summer and autumn of 1833. 1835. Synopsis of the Flora of the Western States, by John U. Riddell. Western Journal of the Medical and Physical Sciences. Vol. VII, No. XXXI (Second Hexade, Vol. II, No. III), Jan., 1835, pp. 329-374; No. XXXII (Second Hexade, Vol. II, No. IV), April, 1835, pp. 489-556. The region to which this synopsis or catalogue is intended to apply, “embraces Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky, West Tennessee, and Mis- souri, a small part of Virginia and Pennsylvania, and of the Michigan, Northwest and Missouri territories.” The plants of Ohio, unless other- wise accredited, have been personally observed and collected by the writer (John I,. Riddell). ‘The philosophic method of Prof. Lindley is observed in the arrangement.” The species are numbered serially, and include flowering plants (1-1724); equiseta (1725-1731); ferns (1732- 1769); lycopodaceae (1770-1774); mosses (1776-1785); hepaticae (1786- 1789); characeae (1790-1794); and lichenes (1795-1802). The list is preceded by four pages of prefatory remarks, and followed by an index to the genera, of four pages. Stations are given, also time of flowering, color of flower, height of plant, duration of existence (by signs) and the habitats. 1836. Supplementary Catalogue of Ohio Plants, embracing the species dis- covered within the state of Ohio in 1835, catalogue and descriptions read and specimens exhibited before the Western Academy of Natural Sciences, 60 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. March 16, 1836, by John I. Riddell, M.D. Western Journal of the Med- ical and Physical Sciences, Vol. IX, No. XXXVI (Second Hexade, Vol. III, No. IV), April, 1836, pp. 567-592. The list contains 170 species, mostly flowering plants and ferns (three Lycopods, two Mosses, and one Liverwort), with localities and stations, general remarks as to size, etc., and a full description of the new species. 1840. A Catalogue of Plants, native or naturalized, in the vicinity of Col- umbus, Ohio, by Wm. S. Sullivant, 1840. A pamphlet of sixty-two pages, giving a mere list of plants which Sullivant collected in Franklin Co. He says, “The collections here listed may be taken, I think, as a tolerably fair representation of the phaenog- amous flora of the central parts of this state; nearly all localities, appar- ently indicating a peculiar vegetation, have been visited.” The list (pp. 5-55) contains 779 plants. Geven pages of notes on several species fol- low the list. 1841. Florula Lancastriensis, or a Catalogue comprising nearly ail the flow- ering and filicoid plants growing naturally within the limits of Fairfield county, with notes of such as are of medical value, by J. M. Bigelow. Proceedings of Medical Convention of Ohio at Columbus, May, 1841. Not seen. (Title from Britton’s State and Local Floras.) Florula Lancastriensis: A catalogue of the plants of Fairfield county, by John M. Bigelow and Asa Hor, Lancaster, 1841. A pamphlet of twenty-two pages. Not seen. (Title from Britton’s State and Local Floras.) 1849. Catalogue of Plants, native and naturalized, collected in the vicinity of Cincinnati, Ohio, during the years 1854-1844, by Thos. G. Lea, Phila- delphia, 1849.* The list is preceded by a ‘“‘notice”’ (p. ii.) by Isaac Lea (brother of Thos. G. Lea), who states that the MS. and herbarium were placed in the hands of W. S. Sullivant, who determined the phenogams, mosses and hepaticee. Edw. Tuckerman identified the lichens, and M. J. Berkley the fungi. Notes and descriptions by the latter are given as foot-notes. The arrangement is according to the natural system. ‘There are enumerated about 698 species of phenogams, nineteen ferns, two equisetaceae, eighty- nine musci, sixty-eight lichens (of which four were new to science) and about 320 fungi (of which about fifty were new), making in all nearly 1,050 species, *We are indebted for summary of cortents to Mr. Davis L. James, to whom we extend thanks for this and other favors BOTANY. 61 List of the medicinal plants of Ohio, with brief account of their prop- erties, by John M. Bigelow, M. D., Columbus, Ohio, 1849. Pamphlet of forty-seven pages. (Not seen; given in Britton’s State and Local Floras. ‘Torrey Bulletin; vol. X. p. 104). 1852. Catalogue of Flowering Plants and Ferns observed in the vicinity of Cincinnati, by Joseph Clark. Adopted and published by the Western Academy of Natural Sciences, Cincinnati, 1852. Pamphlet of thirty pages. ‘The list—preceded only by a list of the officers and curators of the academy, there being no preface—embraces the plants “observed growing in a compass of about six miles around Cincinnati.” In a foot-note the author says, ‘‘Some of them cannot be found in the circuit * * * * but they were all found as above indi- cated, within the last fifteen years.” The genera of the flowering plants and ferns (Chara flexilis also included) are arranged alphabetically, and the orders are not indicated. No varieties as such are recognized. Six hundred and one species are given, and in an Addenda, by Robert Buchanan, ninety-five more are given, or a total of 696 species. 1854. The Grasses of Wisconsin and the adjacent States of Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio and Michigan, and the territory of Minnesota and the region about Lake Superior, by I. A. Lapham. ‘Trans. Wis. State, Agr. Soc. III, 397-488, 1855. Madison, Wis., 1854. The introduction covers two pages. ‘‘For the grasses of Ohio be- sides my own (Lapham’s) observations in that state, I am indebted to the catalogues and communications of Dr. J. L. Riddell, Mr. Wm. S. Sulli- vant, Mr. Joseph Clark and the late Mr. T. G. Lea.” The list contains 149 species. They are arranged in tabular form giving “the scientific name, the common name, the duration and time of flowering, height or length of culms, kind of roots and natural place of growth.” Of the 149 species ‘‘eleven are found in Ohio and not in the other states or territories. adjoining Wisconsin.” Following the tabulation is a general discussion, “artificial arrangement” (key), a full description of all the species men- tioned and eleven full paged plates. 1858. List of the Grasses found in Ohio, by John H. Klippart. Twelfth Annual Report of the Ohio State Board of Agriculture, 1859. Columbus, 1858, p. 37. This compiled list includes both the native and cultivated grasses, and gives, in tabular form, the scientific name, common name, place where 62 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. found, condition (wild or cultivated), and flowering time. It covers three pages, and enumerates 105 species. 1859. Catalogue of the Flowering Plants and Ferns of Ohio, by J. S. New- berry, M.D. Ohio Agricultural Report for 1859, pp. 185-273. This is “the first effort toward the formation of a complete flora of the state.” ‘The list of plants is preceded by a general discussion of the “influences which have determined the distribution of species” over the state, pp. 235-241; and a list of the sources from which the catalogue was compiled, as follows: Catalogue of the plants of Franklin county, by W. Sullivant; catalogue of the plants of Fairfield county, by Drs. Bigelow and Hor; catalogue of the plants of Cincinnati, by Thos. G. Lea; cata- ogue of the plants of Cincinnati, by Joseph Clark; synopsis of the flora of the Western States, by J. L. Riddell; MS. catalogue of plants in Sum- mit and Cuyahoga counties, by the author. Localities, as “general,” ‘‘western,” “southern,” et¢., are given for all species or particular localities for rarer plants. The catalogue includes 1341 species and varieties of flowering plants, and fifty-three vascular cryptograms, or a total of 1894. At this place should, perhaps, be noted the statement of J. H. Klippart, prefixed to the Beardslee Catalogue, which was published in the Ohio Agricultural Report for 1877, to the effect that he, in conjunction with a few others, collected plants and obtained local lists by others, and by this means prepared a catalogue of plants of Ohio, which was submitted to Dr. Newberry for suggestion and correction, and that the latter returned for publication not the original manuscript, but that published whose title is given above. ) 1860. List of the Native Forest Trees of Ohio. By John H. Klippart. Ohio Agricultural Report, 1869, pp. 277-8. This list is appended to Mr. Klippart’s article on ‘Forests, their influence upon Soil and climate,” covers two pages, enumerating in tab- ular form one hundred and seven trees (including both species and varieties, also a few of the larger shrubs) gives the botanical names, the popular names, height in feet, and where (in the State) most abundant. 1865. Catalogue of Plants Contained in Herbarium of Joseph Clark. By Rachel L. Bodley. Not published. Cincinnati, 1865. In this printed pamphlet the Cincinnati plants are starred, and num- ber six hundred and seventeen phenogams, and twenty-three ferns. BOTANY. 63 1872. New Hepaticac, by C. F. Austin. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club, III, pp. 9. March, 1872. Original descriptions of species of which three — Jungermannia crenuliformis, J. Sullivantiz and Frullania Sullivantize — are credited to Ohio. List of Trees Found Growing Indigenously in Ohio. By John Hussey. ‘Twenty-seventh Annual Report of the Ohio State Board of Agriculture for 1872. Columbus, 1873, pp. 32-40. The list contains both the trees and shrubs, of which two hundred and twenty-seven are enumerated. Localities are given for many of the species, and in several cases notes are added. 1874. Catalogue of the Plants of Ohio including Flowering Plants, Ferns, Mosses and Liverworts. By H. C. Beardslee. Painesville, Ohio, Jan- uary, 1874. Pamphlet of nineteen pages. Reprinted in Ohio Agricul- tural Report, 1877, pp. 346-363. Dr. Beardslee prepared in the fall of 1878 a catalogue of Ohio plants for publication in the Geological Survey of the State. This list is a condensation of that catalogue, giving ‘‘merely a list of genera and species with localities.” He reports, including both species and varieties, one thousand one hundred and seventeen Exogens, four hundred and twenty- nine Endogens, and three hundred and eighty-two Acrogens: total one thousand, nine hundred and twenty-eight. Or, rearranging the summary, there are one thousand five hundred and forty-six phenogams, seventy- one vascular cryptogams, two hundred and sixty-one mosses, and fifty hepaticee. Report on the Geology of Delaware County. By N. H. Winchell. Report of the Geological Survey of Ohio, 1874. Vol. I, Part I. Geol- ogy, p. 272. (Trees, etc., p. 274.) Of this report two pages (pp. 274-5) are devoted to a list of ‘“‘ Trees, Shrubs, and hardy vines found growing in Delaware County)” furnished by Rev. J. H. Creighton. It is a list comprising the scientific names of one hundred and twenty-two species. Report on the Geological Survey of Ohio, 1874. Vol. I, p. 415 (Trees p. 416.) A list of twenty-nine trees which are “characteristic of the county”’ is given, both the scientific and common names being used. The Geology of Defiance County. By N. H. Winchell. In report of the Geological Survey of Ohio, 1874, Vol. I, p. 422 (Trees p. 424.) 64 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. “Tn the survey of the county, the following species of trees were noted” namely a list (including scientific and common names) of forty three species. 1875. Note from Painesville, Ohio. By H.C. Beardslee. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club. Vol. VI, p. 16. 1875, Notices viviparous species of Scirpus, and occurrence of Fission oat Amarantus Blitum, and Hydrodictyon utriculatum. 1876. Some interesting Cryptogams found near Painesville, H.C. Beardslee Botanical Bulletin, (Gazette), Vol. I, p. 12. January, 1876. Discelium nudum found in 1872; Fissidens hyalinus, 1873; Riccia frostii in 1874. List of Hepaticee growing in Ohio. Dr. H. C. Beardslee, Paines- ville, Ohio, Botanical Bulletin (Gazette) Vol. I, p.22. April 1876. A list, without stations, of sixty species and varieties. Forest trees of the United States, Centennial Collection (Varsey ) Ohio Trees (Klippart), Ohio Agricultural Report, 1876, pp. 354-388. This is a reprint of a Report by Dr. Vasey to the Commissioner of Agriculture, and Mr. J. H. Klippart added the word “Ohio” to such as occur in this state. A peculiar form of Ragweed. Ambrosia artemisizefolia. By Joseph: F. James; Botanical Gazette. Vol. I, p. 63. Dec. 1876. Specimens found at Loveland, Ohio, with no sterile flowers, but fertile flowers in upright spikes. NS TT Wolffia (mode of reproduction). By H. C. Beardslee. Botanical Gazette, Vol. I, p. 99. April, 1877. Indentation and finally fission of the frond. Camptosorus rhizophyllus Miss H. J. Biddlecome, Botanical Gazette Vol. I, p.1005 April 18777. Prolongation of basal lobe five inches, in two cases the apex had taken root. Some Hardy Dentarias. By Joseph F. James. Botanical Gazette. Wolk podiloa) june: 137, Some specimens of Dentaria laciniata not injured by frost. Some Nympheeas. By H.C. Beardslee. Botanical Gazette, Vol. II, p. 144. October, 1877. Nelumbium luteum at Bass Lake. Nympheea with pink flowers. BOTANY. 65 1878. Flora of the Miami Valley. By A. P. Morgan. Published by the Literary Union, Dayton, Ohio, 1878. A pamphlet of sixty-eight pages, including the Pienowaae Ferns, Mosses, Liverworts, Lichens, and Fungi of Miami, Montgomery, Butler, Warren, and Hamilton Counties. Botrychium lunarioides var. obliquum. By Mrs. E. J. Spence. Botanical Gazette, Vol. III, p. 89. April, 1878. Specimen with two disconnected, well-developed spikes. Report of the Geology of Darke County. By A. C. Lindemuth. Second Report of the Geological Survey of Ohio. Vol. III, part I. Geology, 1878, p. 496. The “most common forest trees noticed” are given (thirty-two in number) both by popular and botanical name (on pp. 511-2). 1879. Fresh-water Algae; synopsis of discoveries and researches, in 1878 by Francis Wolle, Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club, VI. p. 281 Jan. and Feb., 1879. Several of the species reported in this article for America are described as new, among them, Chantransia beardslei, found at Painesville, Ohio. Catalogue of the Flowering Plants, Ferns, and Fungi growing in the vicinity of Cincinnati. By Joseph F. James. Journal of the Cin- cinnati Society of Natural History, April, 1879; also separate pp. 1-27. The author compiled the work from personal observation, and from the catalogues of Messrs. Lee and Clark. Assistance from others is also acknowledged. The list of fungi was ‘“‘copied bodily from the excellent catalogue of Mr. Lea published in 1846,” and a few collected since, added. The corrections in nomenclature and orthography were made by Prof. Charles H. Peck. Eight hundred and ninety phenogams and vascular cryptogams (including also Chara flexilis) and three hundred and nine- teen fungi are given, or a total of one thousand two hundred and eighteen species and varieties. Agaricus Morgani Peck. By A. P. Morgan. Botanical Gazette. Vol. IV, p. 208. Sept. 1879. ple extremely large specimen, largest in the world; mentions color of spores, green. Notes from Toledo, Ohio. By J. A. Sanford. Botanical Gazette, Vol. IV, p. 219. October, 1879. 5 Gc: ©: 66 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. Mentions Schollera, Solidago, Liatris, Amarantis, Zizania, Cornus, and Lactuca. 1880. Draba verna, L. and Sisymbrium Thaliana, Gaud. biennial. By H. C. Beardslee. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club, Vol. VII, p. 21. February, 1880. | Notices of rosettes of radical leaves of three species, Feb. 18, which were found in the previous fall. Notes from Painesville, by H. C. Beardslee. Botanical Gazette, Vol. V, p. 43. April, 1880. Mentions viviparous specimens of Scirpus and Cenchrus and bien- nial habit of Draba and Sisymbrium Thaliana. Teratology; Carya alba. By H. C. Beardslee. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club, Vol. VII, p. 54. May, 1880. Notices occurrence of triangular nuts of Carya alba (apparently C. sulcata). Double Thalictrum anemonoides. By Mr. Dory. Botanical Gazette, Vol. V, p. 64. June, 1880. A note by “T. M.” stating the occurrence as noted by Mr. Dory at Springfield, Ohio, of a fully double Thalictrum of a rosy tint of white. New Stations for rare Plants. By A. P. Morgan. Botanical Gazette, Vol. VII, p. 79. July, 1880. Notes occurrence of Botrychium matricarizefolium at Columbus and Veratrum Woodii at Dayton. 1881. Notices of the Floras of Cincinnati, published from 1815 to 1879 with some additions and corrections to the catalogue of Joseph F. James. By Davis L. James. In the Journal of the Cincinnati Society of Natural History, January, 1881. The additions and corrections are numbered to correspond to the numbers in Joseph F. James’ Catalogue and consist of ninety-three entries. Nymphza odorata. By Davis. James. Botanical Gazette, Vol. VI, p. 266. Sept., 1881. Notes structure of the fruit (aril) to secure dispersion of seeds as noticed by Dr. John A. Warder and son at North Bend, Ohio. Notes from Dayton. By August F. Fcerste. Botanical Gazette, Vol. VI, p. 274. Oct., 1881, and Vol. VII, p. 24. Feb., 1882. Gives arrangement of leaves in Conobea multifida and Neszea verti- BOTANY. 67 cillata; mentions forked pinnee in Dicksonia and notes occurrence of Lycoperdon pedicellatum at Dayton. Potamogeton Hillii, n. sp. by Thos. Morong. Botanical Gazette, VI, p. 290. Nov. 1881. Original description of the species. The same plant was collected at Ashtabula, O., by Rev. E. J. Hill in 1880, but mistaken for a form of P. zosterifolius—see Bot. Gaz., V, 53. April, 1880. 1882. Woody Plants of Ohio, arranged under their appropriate Botanical orders with remarks upon their uses, qualities and sources. By Jno. A, Warder, M. D., President American Forestry Association, assisted by Davis L. James and Jos. F. James, of the Cincinnati Society of Natural History. Presented at the meeting of the Agricultural Convention of Ohio, in Columbus, January, 1882. Pamphlet, pp. 1-40. Brief address to the convention referring to . prevailing ignorance as to our native forest trees, explanation of the paper (pp. 2-5), explanatory note to the reader (pp. 3-4), “note” by D. L. J. and J. F. J. p. 4, and Woody Plants of Ohio, pp. 5-40. Native species printed in blackfaced type of which two hundred and sixty-one are enumerated. One hundred and thirty-seven introduced species are mentioned accompanied usually, as are the native species, with brief de- scriptive notes, printed in small capitals, if foreign plants, and in italics if introduced from other portions of the United States. The paper is mostly a record of Dr. Warder’s own observations, though many localities are given on the authority of Beardslee and Newberry. A large Grape-vine. By C. E. Bessey. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club, Vol. [X, p. 11. Jan. 1882. A colony of large grape-vines (Vitis Labrusca) in Wayne Co., Ohio, with trunks ranging from three inches to over one foot in diameter. Teratological Note. By A. F. Ferste. Botanical Gazette, Vol. VII, p. 112. Aug. and Sept., 1882. Multiplication of parts in Lathyrus palustris at Dayton. A New Polyporus. By A. P. Morgan. Botanical Gazette, Vol. VII, p. 135. Nov. 1882. Describes Polyporus reniformis, Morgan, occurring from Dayton to Cincinnati. . Lactuca Scariola, lL. By Aug. F. Ferste. Botanical Gazette, Vol. VII, p. 187. Nov., 1882. Abundant at Dayton, Put-in-Bay, etc.; places its vertical leaves so as to point to the poles. 68 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. 1883. Mycologic Flora of Miami Valley, by A. P. Morgan, in the Journal of the Cincinnati Society of Natural History, Apr. 1883, Jan. 1888, Vol. VI-XI. Nine numbers as follows: April, July, Oct. (1883), Apr. (1884), July, Oct. (1885), Apr. (1887), Jan. (1888), July, Oct. (1888). It includes full and original descriptions of Hymenomycetes of all the species found, some of which are new and many are illustrated by colored plates. Large Rhus Toxicodendron, by Aug. F. Fcerste, Botanical Gazette, Vol. VII, p. 245. June, 1883. Specimen at Dayton seventeen inches in circumference. Abnormal Trillium. By Jos. F. James. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club, Vol. X, p. o1.. May, 1883. A specimen of T. sessile growing at Cincinnati with parts mostly in fives. Violet with Runners. By Jos. F. James. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club, Vol. X, p. 57. May, 1883. Many specimens of Viola striata found near Cincinnati with runners twelve to eighteen inches long. Chorisis in Podophyllum, by Aug. F. Fcerste, Botanical Gazette, Vol. Vill, p. 259) Wuly, 1883: Notes on Dedoublement in specimen of Podophyllum at Dayton. New species of North American Fungi, by J. B. Ellis and W. A. Kellerman in American Naturalist, Nov., 1883, pp. 1164-1166. Fourteen species are enumerated and described of which ten were collected in Ohio, (the remaining in Kansas). 1884. Report on weeds (by W. S. Devol) second report of the Ohio Agr. Experiment Station for 1883, Columbus, 1884, p. 187. Notices number of weeds in the state, means of destruction and commonest ones in different sections of the state. A part of the same article is also reported under ‘‘Report of Committee on Botany” in the proceedings of Columbus Horticultural Society, Dec. 4, 1884. New species of Fungi. By Chas. H. Peck. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club, XI, p. 26. Feb., 1884. & Descriptions of new species of which Myriadoporus adustus and Hypomyces xylophilus were from Ohio. BOTANY. 69 Abnormal Trillium, by Jos. F. James. Botanical Gazette, Vol. IX, p. 115, July, 1884. Four-parted Trillium erectum, whorl of three leaves and small leaf on peduncle. Contributions to the Flora of Cincinnati, by Jos. F. James, in the Journal of the Cincinnati Society of Natural History, July, 1884. The article covers fourteen pages and gives the results of observa- tions of the plants of the vicinity of Cincinnati, which have been accu- mulating the past two years. Besides critical notes on the species, new localities are given for many plants and a few, not before reported for that region, are given. 1885. Descriptive notes of some of the newer and least known weeds of the State (W. R. Lazenby) in the Third Annual Report of the Ohio Agr. Experiment Station for 1884, Columbus, 1885, p. 164. Twelve species are described from notes “from the answers received from the circulars and from observations made by the Station.” 1886. Report on Forestry (by W. R. Lazenby), in Fourth Annual Report of the Ohio Agr. Experiment Station for 1885, Columbus, 1886, pp. 242. The report covers two pages (242-3) and contains, (1) a “‘list of the principal timber trees of Ohio,” fifty-one species, both common and scientific names are used; (2) a tabulation of “comparative growth and hardiness of forest tree seedlings,” sixteen species. Report on Weeds (by W. S. Devol), in Fourth Annual Report of the Ohio Agr. Experiment Station for 1885, Columbus, 1886, p. 193. This report covers fourteen pages and includes “weeds on different soils” (p. 193); “general remarks” (p. 194); “descriptive notes of five species” (pp. 194-196); “‘prolificacy of weeds” (pp. 196-198, essentially the same also in the Journal of the Columbus Horticultural Society, Vol. III, No. 3, March, 1888, pp. 38-43); and a “List of the Plants of Ohio (229 species) which generally appear as weeds” (pp. 198-206). The Flora of Ross County, Ohio, compared with that of New Eng- land, by W. E. Safford, Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club, Vol. XIII, p- 114, July, 1886. Notices a large number of conspicuous plants, many of which do not reach New England. Natural History of the Grape, by W. R. Lazenby, in Proceedings of the Columbus Horticultural Society, Columbus, Sept. 25, 1886, pp, 4. 70 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. A general account of the family and gives four species growing wild in Ohio; Vitis Labrusca, V. Aestivalis, V. riparia, and V. cordifolia. Notes on some Introduced Plants chiefly in Summit county, Ohio, by E. W. Claypole, in Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club, Vol. XIII, p. 187, Oct., 1886. A record of some introduced plants; ten species of which are well established and six represented by a single specimen of each. 1887. Report on Weeds (by W.S. Devol) in the Fifth Annual Report of the Ohio Agr. Experiment Station for 1886, Columbus, 1887, p. 230. Sixteen species are named which “have been discovered in the State since the publication of Dr. Beardslee’s Catalogue of Plants of Ohio,” (pp. 230) (The same list is printed in the Journal of the Columbus Horti- cultural Society, Vol. III, No. 1, Jan., 1888, p. 47). This list is followed by a “list of plants identified” (pp. 231-3). Botanical Notes (by W. R. Lazenby) in the Fifth Annual Report of the Ohio Agr. Experiment Station for 1886, Columbus, 1887, pp. 304. A few short notes are given (p. 804) followed by a list (pp. 305-7) of seventy-four species with their dates of blooming in the years 1882-7. Notes on Sanguinaria Canadensis by Aug. F. Feerste, in the Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club, Vol. XIX, p. 74, April, 1887. An article two pages in length and one plate giving the morphology of the plant; locality, Dayton. List of Algae, by H. Ll. Jones, in Bulletin of the Scientific Labora- tories of Dennison University, May, 1887, Vol. II, pp, 115-6. A list of thirty-four species, mostly Desmids, found in the Licking Reservoir and the ponds about Granville, Ohio. Botanical Notes (Liquidambar in Ohio) by Jos. F. James. Bulletin Torrey Botanical Club, Vol. XIV, p. 223, Oct. 4, 1887. Notes occurrence of Liquidambar near Oxford and the vicinity of Cincinnati. Plants in bloom in September, October and November, (observed by Moses Craig and reported by W. S. Devol) Journal of the Columbus Horticultural Society, Vol. II; Nos. 10, 11, 12, Oct., Nov., Dec., 1887, pp. 166, 189, 207. The lists number eighty-eight, fifty-eight and six species respectively. Note on the color of Caulophyllum thalictroides, by K. B. Claypole. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club, Vol. XIV, p. 258, Dec. 3, 1887. Notices the less dark color of this species in Ohio than in Canada. BOTANY. 71 1888. Botanical Notes (by W. R. Lazenby) in Sixth Annual Report of the Ohio Agr. Experiment Station for 1887, Columbus, 1888, p. 286. This article consists of “plants named” pp. 286-8. Date of bloom- ing of plants for 1882-7, a list of 317 species (pp. 289-298). List of Diatoms from Granville, Ohio, by J. L. Deming, in Bulletin of the Scientific Laboratories of Dennison University, April, 1888, Vol. III, pp. 114-5. A list of twenty-four species preceded by a general account of Diatoms. Arbor Day Number, Journal of the Columbus Horticultural Society, Vol. III, No. 5, May, 1888. Devoted to an account of Arbor Day exercises at the Ohio State University to which is appended a list of ‘Native Trees of Ohio.” List of Algae from Granville, Ohio, by Chas. L. Payne, in Bulletin of Dennison University, Dec., 1888, Vol. IV, Part I, p. 182. Sixteen species are enumerated as an additional list to that published in 1887 by H. L. Jones. One Spirogyra “appears to be undescribed.” 1889. Preliminary List of the Flowering and Fern Plants of Lorain Co., Ohio, compiled by Albert A. Wright, professor of Geology and Natural History in Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio, 1889. A pamphlet of thirty pages, containing a map of Lorain Co., a pre- face (pp. 3-5), list of botanical books (p. 5, eight entries) and list of plants (pp. 7-30). The plants introduced from other countries are printed in italics.» The list was “made principally by putting together the observations of the compiler and a few friends who have made recent collections in this county * * * also the collection of the late Dr. Jas. Dascomb * * * the species ascribed to this county by Dr. Kel- logg in Dr. Newberry’s catalogue and those reported by Dr. H. L. Howard * * * in Beardslee’s yet unpublished catalogue * * * have all been noted.” ‘There are 887 species enumerated. Report of the Committee on Botany, by Aug. D. Selby, Journal of the Columbus Horticultural Society, Vol. [X, No. 2, June, 1889, p. 35. Notices the number of plants in bloom in March and gives a list of sixteen species. Report of the Committee on Botany, by Aug. D. Selby, Columbus Horticultural Society, Vol. IV, No. 4, Dec., 1889, p. 107. 72 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. Notices rarity or profusion of blossoms according to deficiency or abundance of moisture and occurrence of new and rare plants to the county. 1890. A Catalogue of the Uncultivated Flowering Plants growing on the Ohio State University grounds, by Moses Craig, in the Bulletin of the Ohio Agr. Experiment Station, Technical Sezies, Vol. I, No. 2, May, 1890, pp. 49-110. Ba The catalogue proper is preceded by an Introduction, Limits of the flora and its physical characters, Geology of the farm, Notes on the - climate, Extent and beauty of our flora, Time of blooming of plants, maps, Classification, statistics of the catalogue, etc, pp. 49-61. The number of species and varieties enumerated is 468. In nearly every case they are accompanied by full notes as to occurrence, abundance, etc. A preliminary List of the Plants of Franklin county, Ohio, prepared for the Columbus Horticultural Society, by Aug. D. Selby and Moses Craig, M. S. Committee on Botany for 1850. A pamphlet of nineteen pages, three of which (3-5) contain the Introduction, twelve (7-18) include the neatly printed list—the genera in black-faced type arranged alphabetically under the orders, and the species alphabetically arranged under the genera—and the last page (19) gives a summary of added and introduced plants. The list contains 1,002 plants, being an addition of 223 to Sullivant’s Catalogue published fifty years before. Mycologic Observa‘ions, I. (January, 1890), by A. P. Morgan, Bot- anical Gazette, Vol. XV, No. 4, April, 1890, p. 34. ; Notices many fungi to be seen in Winter, as Agaricus Sepridas, Tremellas, Schizophyllum, Menispora, Aithrosporum, Bactridium, Naema- telia, Stereum, Dacrymyces. Supplementary List to the Plants of Ohio preliminary to a complete catalogue of the flora of the State, by William R. Lazenby and W. C. Werner, Department of Botany and Horticulture, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, 1890. Native species are printed in heavy faced type, those introduced in small capitals. ‘‘The total number of plants, including both species and varieties, enumerated in this lst, is one hundred and twenty-three. Of this number sixteen are cryptogams. Deducting these there are one hundred and thirteen indigenous and sixty-four introduced Phaenogams.” BOTANY. 73 Plants blooming in February and March, by Aug. D. Selby, Journal of the Columbus Horticultural Society, Vol. V, No. 2, June, 1890, p. 24. Gives date of blooming of twenty-four species. The Snowy Trillium (T. nivale, Riddell), by Aug. D. Selby, Journal of the Columbus Horticultural Society, Vol. V, No, 2, June, 1890, p. 36. Gives a general description, its distribution and a full page plate. Prickly Lettuce—An Introduced Weed, by Miss Freda Detmers, Journal of the Columbus Horticultural Society, Vol. V, No. 3, September, 1890, p. 53. Gives a general descrirtion of the plant, illustrated by a plate show- ing infloresence and leaves, natural size. . Wild Carrot (Daucus Carota L.), by Aug. D. Selby, Journal of the Columbus Horticultural Society, Vol. V, No. 3, September, 1890, p. 70. Gives a general description and notices its distribution and means of eradication. The Lakeside Daisy, by Clarence M. Weed, Journal of the Columbus Horticultnral Society, Vol. V, No. 8, September, 1890, p. 72. Describes and notices occurrences of Actinella acaulis in the lime- stone plains of the Sandusky Peninsula. (The plant found was Actinella acaulis, var. glabra, and not A. acaulis). Report of committee on botany, by Aug. D. Selby, Journal of the Columbus Horticultural Society, Vol. V, No. 4, December, 1890, p. 895. Mentions results of collecting during the year and the new finds at Sellsville, near Columbus. 1soi? Notes from Columbus, Ohio, by Aug, D. Selby, Botanical Gazette, XVI, p. 148. May, 1891, Notes occurrence of Bidens connata with upwardly barbed awns and gives list of introduced plants on circus grounds of Sells’ Brothers near Columbus, Ohio. Our Native Oaks, by Aug. D. Selby, Journal of the Columbus Horti- cultural Society, Vol. VI, No. 2, June, 1891, p. 41. Gives a general account of the oaks and recommends for cultivation for ornamental purposes especial'y the Pin Oak, also; Yellow, Scarlet and Laurel Oaks. The Fungous Diseases of Lettuce, by Miss Freda Detmers, Journal of the Columbus Horticultural Society, Vol. VI, No. 2, June, 1891, p. 47. Notices and describes Septoria Lactucae, Septoria consimilis and Peronospora gangliformis. 74 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. Botany—May, (under Communications and Discussions), by Aug. D. Selby, Journal of the Columbus Horticultural Society, Vol. VI, No. 2, June, 1891, p. 63. Notices the collecting of several rare plants near Columbus. A Vigorous Foreigner, by C. M. Weed, American Garden, Vol. XII, p. 620. Notices Lactuca scariola as occurring in Ohio accompanied with figure of the plant. Some Troublesome Weeds and the Ohio Statutes Relating to Weedy Plants, by Aug. D. Selby, Journal of the Columbus Horticultural Society, Vol. VI, No. 8, September, 1891, p. 96. Mentions characteristics of a weed and gives the six worst weeds for Franklin county (Wild Carrot, Canada Thistle, Wheat Thief, Moth Mul- lein, Toad Flax, Ribgrass, and Narrow Dock) and Ohio laws relating to Weeds. Plants Introduced at Sellsville, near Columbus, Ohio, by W. R. Lazenby. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club, Vol. XVIII, p. 3801, Oct. 1891. Gives a list of eighteen plants occurring in the place used by Sells’ Brothers as the winter quarters for their circus and menagerie, seven of which occur elsewhere in the state. List of plants observed growing wild in the vicinity of Cincinnati, Ohio, by C. G. Lloyd, Cincinnati, Ohio, Oct., 1891. A pamphlet of eight pages giving list of six hundred and seventeen species of phenogams and vascular cryptogams. Diseases of the Raspberry and Blackberry, by Miss Freda Detmers. In Bulletin of the Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station Second Series, Vol. IV, No. 6, Oct., 1891, p. 124. A general account of four parasitic fungi infesting the raspberry and blackberry, namely Gloeosporium venetum, Septoria. Rubi, Caeoma nitens, and Blight of Raspberry. Report of the Committee on Botany, by Aug. D. Selby, Journal of the Columbus Horticultural Society, Vol. VI, No. 4, December, 1891, jot Lila Mentions activity in collecting plants last year and gives over fifty ‘Additions to Preliminary List of the plants of Franklin county, Ohio.” Plum Pockets (Exoascus Pruni, Fckl.), by Miss Freda Detmers. Journal of the Columbus Horticultural Societp, Vol. VI, No. 4, December, 1891, p. 118. BOTANY. 75 Notices occurrence of Exoascus Pruni, the upper portions of twigs of Prunus Americana and on the same both of Monilia fructigenum, Pass. and Phyllosticta prunicola, Sacc. Apple Scab (Fusicladium dentriticum), by Miss Freda Detmers, in Bulletin of the Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station, Sec. Ser. Vol. IV, No. 9, December, 1891, p. 187. An account covering three pages, including general remarks, external characters and effect on host, and “ microscopicui characters.” On the Occurrence of Certain Western Plants at Columbus, Ohio, by Aug. D. Selby Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science, 1891, Terre Haute, 1892, p. 74. Mentions the blending in central Ohio of eastern and western spec es of plants and notices presence of “distinctly western and south- western plants, introduced by wholesale, as it were,” giving twenty such species as found on Sell Brothers’ circus grounds at Columbus. Variations and Intermediate Forms of Certain Asters, by W. C. Werner. Journal of the Cincinnati Society of Natural History, Vol. IV. No. 1, April, 1892, p. 55. The variations of the species noticed in northern and Central Ohio are Aster Shortii, A. undulatus; A. cordifolius; A. saggittifolius; A. Lindleyanus. A Fungous Enemy of Plant Lice (Empusa Aphidis), by Miss Freda Detmers. Journal of the Columbus Horticultural Society, Vol. VII, No. 1, March, 1892, p. 121. Notices occurrence of Empusa Aphidis in greenhouse on various species of plant lice, as Phorodon mahaleb, Aphis mali, Aphis on chrysanthemum. Some Fungous Pests of Greenhouse Plants, by W. A. Kellerman. Journal of the Columbus Horticultural Society, Vol. VII, No. 1. March, 1892, p. 20. Describes two fungous diseases, carnation rust, (Uromyces carophyl- linus [Schrank] Schroet.) and ‘damping off;’ specimens of the former exhibited, now occurring in Ohio. Catalogue of the Phanerogams and Ferns of Licking County, Ohio- by Herbert L. Jones, in Bulletin of the Scientific Laboratories of Denison University, Vol. VII, pp. 4-103, March, 1892. On pages 4 to 11 inclusive are given the Introduction, Herbaria, Geology of Licking county, Altitude of different points, rainfall, temper- ature, etc., a list of the worst weeds, times of flowering, trees, locations of special botanical interest, forms of certain species, nomenclature and 76 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. map. ‘The list of species (pp. 11-101) is accompanied with notes as to localities, dates, etc. The total number of species and _ varieties enumerated is 945. On page 102 is given a summary of species under _ distributions as to soil and comparison with other Ohio floras; on p. 103, errata. A map of the county accompanies the catalogue. On the Flora of Northern Ohio, by Edo Claassen, in American Jour- nal of Pharmacy, March and April, 1892. This article covers nine pages and describes the explorations of the author made on the Lake Erie shore and islands. Rarer plants, peculiar to many different localities, are named, and finally a more extended list (of several hundred species) of plants more widely distributed concludes the paper. Two New Genera of Hyphomycetes, by A. P. Morgan. Botanical Gazette, XVII, p. 190, June, 1892 Descriptions are given of Cylindroctadium scoprium, Morgan, and Synthetospora electa, Morgan. Forest Trees of Ohio for the World’s Columbian Exposition (by W. A. Kellerman.) Bulletin No. 5, Ohio World’s Fair Commission, Colum- bus, (1892); also (in part) in First Quarterly Report of the Executive Commissioner for Ohio. Contains a list of eighty-eight species, giving both botanical and common names; also a list of twenty-three species doubtfully classed as trees; five doubtfully occurring in Ohio. Reports of Standing Committees: Botany; May. By Aug. D. Selby. Journal of the Columbus Horticultural Society, Vol. VII, No. 2, July, 1892, p. 67. Notices plants near Central College, allied to Appalachian Flora. Reports of Standing Committees: Vegetable Pathology; May. By W. A. Kellerman. Journal of the Columbus Horticultural Society, Vol. VII, No. 2, July, 1892, p. 70. ; Notices abundance of peach curl, black knot, and bramble rust; mentions weeds as harboring certain fungi which are destructive to crops, hence the necessity of destroying them. Field Experiments with Wheat, by J. Freemont Hickman, in the Bulletin of the Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station, Sec. Ser., Vol. V, No. 5, Aug. 1892, p. 83. Under the sub-head of Scab and Smut (p. 93) note is made of pres valence of scab, loose smut and stinking smut or ‘“‘bunt” on wheat. BOTANY. 77 Botanical papers of the A. A. A. S.; note on Yellow Pitch Pine, by W. A. Kellerman, Botanical Gazette, XVII, No. 9, Sept., 1892, p. 280. Notices occurrence of a new variety of Pinus rigida, P. rigida, var- lutea, Kellerman, in Fairfield county, Ohio. A Preliminary List of the Rusts of Ohio, by Miss Freda Detmers, in the Bulletin of the Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station, Sec. Ser., Vol. V, No. 7, Sep. 1892, p. 188. In the list (pp. 135-140) of sixty-eight species are given the name of the rust, the name of the plant on which it is found, the locality in, and the time at which it has been collected, together with occasional notes. Lg Description of a New Phalloid, by A. P. Morgan, in the Journal of the Cincinnati Society of Natural History, Oct., 1892. A new genus and species (Phallogaster saccatus Morgan) found in Hamikon county, (Morgan); Licking county, (C. J. Herrick); also in New York and Connecticut is described and illustrated by a lithographic plate. The Wild Plants of Northeastern Ohio; Preliminary List of the Wild Plants of Ashtabula county, by Sara F. Goodrich, Western Reserve School Journal, Geneva, Ohio, Nov., 1892, and Jan., 1893. A preface precedes the list; the latter gives the scientific and com- mon names of the plants. New Plants for the Flora of Ohio, by W. C. Werner. Read before the Ohio State Academy of Science, December, 29, 1892. Bulletin of the Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station, Tech. ser., Vol. I, No. 8, April, 1893, p. 235. Notes the occurrence of Fossombronia cristata, Thuya occidentalis (apparently mistaken by early Ohio collectors for Chamzecyparis thyoides), Monarda clinopodia, Oxalis recurva, Lobelia puberula, Centauria Jacea Cyperus sylvaticus, Eleocharis quadrangulata, Bignonia capreolata, and Opuntia Rafinesquii. The Ohio Erysiphez, by Aug. D. Selby. Read before the Ohio State Academy of Science, December 29, 1892. Bulletin of the Ohio Agricul- tural Experiment Station, Tech. ser., Vol. I, No. 8, April, 1892, p. 213. Includes a general account of the group and a list of Ohio species with hosts, stations, dates, and collectors, and notes on many of the . species Notes on Rare Ohio Plants, by Aug. D. Selby. Read before the Ohio State Academy of Science, December 29, 1891. Bulletin of the Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station, Tech. ser., Vol. I, No. 3, April 1893, p. 241. Notes the occurrence of Erysimum aspernum and Gonolobus obliquus at Columbus; and Silene rotundifolia at Ash Cave, Hocking county. 78 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. New and Rare Plants for the flora of Ohio, by W. A. Kellerman. Read before the Ohio State Academy of Science, December 30, 1892. Bulletin of the Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station, Tech. ser., Vol. I, No. 3, April, 1893, p. 241. Notices occurrence of one specimen of Ilex opaca, apparently native in Lawrence county; the occurrence of one specimen of Lea’s oak, at Brownsville, Licking county; and Polypodium incanum, at Mineral Springs, Adams county; and an unsuccessful search for Magnolia tripet- ala, in Lawrence county. Corrections and Additions to Moses Craig’s Catalogue of the unculti- vated flowering plants growing on the Ohio State University grounds, by W. A. Kellerman and Wm. C. Werner. Bulletin of the Ohio Agricul- tural Experiment Station, Tech. ser., Vol. I, No. 8, April, 1893, p. 224. Gives a large number of corrected identifications and many addi- tional species. : Notes on the Distribution of Some Rare Plants in Ohio, by Wm. C. Werner. Read be‘ore the Ohio State Academy of Science, December 80, 1892. Bulletin of the Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station, Tech. ser., Vol. I, No. 8, April, 1898, p. 232. The following are some of the plants: Sullivantia Ohionis, Iris cristata, Sabbatia angularis, Draba verna, Juncus Canadensis—with extended range indicated. Additions to the Preliminary List of the Uredineze of Ohio, by Miss Freda Detmers. Read before the Ohio State Academy of Science, De- cember 30, 1892. Bulletin of the Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station, Tech. ser., Vol. I, No. 3, April, 1893, p. 171. Gives a general account of the life history of the species of the group and an annotated list of the unreported Ohio species. The Lichens of Ohio, by E. E. Bogue, Read before the Ohio State Academy of Sciences, December 850, 1892. Journal of the Cincinnati Society of Natural History, April, 1893, p. 37. 1893. Additions to the Preliminary List of the Flowering and Fern Plants of Lorain County, Ohio, compiled by Albert A. Wright, Oberlin, Ohio, 1893. Laboratory Bulletin, No. 1, Supplement. A pamphlet of eleven pages, giving a list of 106 additions, all the species being “authenticated by specimens now in the college herbarium.” The Myxomycetes of the Ohio Valley, Ohio, by A. P. Morgan. First paper (read Jan. 8, 1893), Journal of the Cincinnati Society of Natural History, January, 1893. BOTANY. 79 Gives a general description of the group, followed by descriptions of the species. Twenty-four species (five of them new) belonging to seven genera are described, accompanied by a plate of twelve figures. Die Glumifloren des Noerdlichen Ohio, von Edo Claassen, Cleveland, Ohio. Pharmaceutische Rundschau, February, 1893. Gives list of species found along the shore of Lake Erie in the counties of Cuyahoga, Ottawa, Erie, Lake, Medina, Summit, Geauga and Portage. Ipomaea pandurata, by A. F. Linn. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club, Vol. XX, p. 258, June, 1893. ‘ Notes occurrence of a large root (weight twenty-five pounds) of this species at Springfield. SCOPE AND CHARACTER OF PRESENT PUBLICATION. This catalogue is the first to include all the groups of plants repre- sented in Ohio. Our knowledge of the flowering plants and of the higher cryptogams, or flowerless plants, is based on the work of many botanists and hosts of collectors. A large portion’of the collected mater- ial has passed through our hands and we have visited many portions of the state. But few of our botanists have studied the Mosses, Liverworts, Lichens, Fungi and Algze and collectors have almost invariably neglected them. The list in the lowest groups (Thallophytes) must be considered very fragmentary and a mere beginning. The state catalogue also differs from its predecessors in giving stations (with credit to first collectors) for all except the commoner plants. It has been the aim to admit no plant of doubtful occurrence, though in some of the groups, especially in the Algz, no censorship was possible. A tabulation for popular use is here inserted, presenting a compre- hensive view of the several groups and their relation to each other. 80 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. SYNOPSIS OF VEGETABLE KINGDOM. Dicotyls—Ex.—Anemone, Cockle-bur, f Angiosperms Mint, Deciduous Trees. Phenogams Monocotyls—Ex.—Lily, Flag, Grasses. (Hor reianyes elles) Cycads—Ex.—Cycas, Zamia. Gymnosperms Conifers—Ex.—Pines, Cedars, Firs. s Gnetaceae—Ex.—Welwitschia. ( Club-mosses—Ex.--Ground pine, Lyco- pods. (ee : } Horse-tails—Ex.—Scouring rushes, Vascular cryptogams | Equisetumm. | Ferns—Ex.—Maiden hair, Brake, | | Wood-fern. | Cryptogams | { Mosses—Ex.—Mosses. | (Howerless plants) } BCR uyece Liverworts—Ex.—Liverworts. | Fungi—Ex.—_Mushrooms, Rusts, | Lichens, Mildews, Yeast-plants. Algee—Ex.—Green Pond Scums, Des- mids, Sea-weeds. s | Bacteria—Ex.—Micro-organisms of de- Thallophytes 1 cay, fermentation, disease, etc. Diatoms—Ex.—Diatoms in fresh and salt water. ' Slime Moulds—Ex.—‘ Flowers of tan,”’ [ Parasite of Clubfoot, ete. NOMENCLATURE AND ACKNOWLEDGEMEMTS. In respect to nomenclature, this can be said; that an attempt has been made to conform to the principies that American and other botanisis are now adopting. But it must not be presumed that in the yet unsettled state in the application of strict priority, accuracy has been in all cases attained. ‘The most recent contributions of Dr. N. Ll. Britton and others in this line have been followed as far as the literature could be made available. The sequence of orders tollowed by Engler & Prantl, authors of PFLANZEN-FAMILIEN is here adopted. This appropriately displaces the arrangement of De Candolle, nearly a century old, very antiquated and far from natural, though still persisting in the text books. Thanks are hereby expressed to the various collectors in the state who have favored us with material and to those botanists who have kindly examined and compared specimens for us. The plant lists or catalogues above enumerated have been consulted (the state catalogues of Dr. Newberry and Dr. Beardslee especially being used) and where species are given on their authority, credit in each case has been given. Finally, the authors would respectfully request collectors to send specimens to the Herbarium of the Ohio State University, particularly of new or rare plants and also those that will extend the known area of dis- tribution over the state or that will illustrate varieties due to local or other causes. Such material will serve as a basis for future contributions to the botany of our state. Botanical Laboratory, Ohio State University, January, 1893. BOTANY. 80a RECENT CHANGES IN NOMENCLATURE. By reason of delay in binding this volume corrections can be in- serted to make the Nomenclature correspond to that officially adopted by the American Botanists and published in the ‘‘ List of Pteridophyta and Spermatophyta of Northeastern North America.”’ W. A. KELLERMAN. Ohio State University, January, 1895. Page 81, 4th Species. Strike out ‘“noveboracensis’’ and add Britt. after ‘“(L.).” OO WO Cd = Change name to Euthamiia caroliniana (L..) Greene. 83, 6th ‘ Change “hirsuta Nutt” to hispida Muhl. 83, 8th S Change name to Euthamia graminifolia (.) Nutt. 83, 9th y Change “‘latifola L.” to flexicaulis L. 84, 8th is Change “speciosa angustata” to rigidiuscula (T. & G.) Brt. 85, 6th ef Change “corymbosus Ait.” to divaricatus L. 85, 9th i Change “villosus Torr. & Gr.” to pilosus (Willd.) Porter. 86, 12th 3 Change “polyphyllus Willd.” to faxoni Porter. 87, Ist s Change “ leevicaulis Gray” to firmus (Nees) T. & G. 87, 11th : Change * bellidifolius Muhl” to pulchellus Mx. 88, Ist ae Change “villosa Walt.” to foetida (L.) B. S. P. OIF 9th: a Change “ parviflorus Benth.” to microcephalus T. & G. 91, 11th it Change “mollis (Willd.)” to macrophyllus (Willd.) Britt. 91, last sf Change “senifolia Mx.” to major Nutt. 93, 3 .. Change name to Ptilepida acaulis (Nutt.) Britt. 93, 9th " Change “discoidea DC.” to matricarioides (Less.) Porter. 94, 10th os Strike out “aureus” and change “T. & G.” to Muhl. 94, 11th ‘ Strike out “aureus,” also “T. & G.” 95, 6th re Strike out “lappa.” 96, Ist . Change name to Cnicus benedictus L. 96, 6-8th 5 Change “ Apogon”’ to Adopogon. 97, 3 Change “officinale Weber” to taraxacum (L.) Karst. 99, 2d 3 Change name to Legouzia perfoliata (L.) Britt. 2 Gil vile 5 Change “racemosus L.” to pubens Mx. “ 101, 4th ¢ Change “lantanoides Mx.” to alnifolium Marsh. = 1025, ist 7% Change “vulgaris Mx.” to symphoricarpus (L.) MacM. 102, 4th - Change “glauca Hill” to dioica L. = 1025 oth # Change “grata Ait.” to caperifolium L. LO 2 ealieh So Change “trifida Mcench”’ to diervilla (ly.) MacM. “104, 12th o Strike out “ patagonica” and ‘“‘ Gray.” SHO, 4th cs Change “aubletia 1,” to canadensis (L.) Britt. LOG S53 i Change name to Mentha longifolia (L,.) Huds. “106, 4th ¢ Change “viridis L.” to spicata L. “106, 10th i Change “mariana L,.” to origanoides (L.) Britt. “106, 11-14th “ Chamge “Pycnanthemum” to Keellia, and terminations of the species “um” to a. 107, 1st s Change name to Kcellia pilosa (Nutt.) Britt. 107, 2nd : Change name to Kcellia virginiana (L.) Britt. = SLOT) Ath ~ Change name to Clinopodium vulgare L. ot Oita ef Change name to Clinopodium glabella (Benth.) Kuntze. 107, 9th ie Change name to Clinopodium glabra (Nutt.) Kuntze. 7) 108), 9th : Change name to Vleckia nepetoides (L.) Raf. “108, 10th i. Change name to Vleckia scrophularizefolia (Wild.) Raf. > 108, 22th te Change name to Glechoma hederacea L. LOO USE Change “canescens Nutt.” to incana Muhl. 09, (9th Change “versicolor Nutt.” to cordifolia Muhl. 109, 12th ay Change “grandiflora Nutt.” to hispidula Mx. 111, 6th oj Change “myosotis Mcench” to lappula (L.) Karst. 112, 3rd ss Change “virginica (L.) B. S. P.” to verna Nutt. 112, 10th i Change “hirtum Lehm.” to gmelina (Mx.) Hitche. 113, 10th u Change “cleistantha” to micrantha (Engl. & Gr.) Britt. 113, last is Change “capreolata L.” to crucigera L. “ .114, 4th ;, Change “ proboscidea Glox”’ to louisiana Mill. 114, 5th es Change name to Thalesia uniflora (I,.) Britt. th ee ; ~ GEOLOGY OF OHIO. Species. Change name to Elatinoides elatine (L.) Wettst. 5S Change ‘vulgaris Mill” to linaria (L). Karst. Change “leevigatus Soland,” to pentstemon (I..) Britt. iH Change name to Pentstemon digitalis (Sweet) Nutt. Change name to Leptandra virginica (I,.) Nutt. 4 Change name to Afzelia macrophylla (Nutt.) Kuntze. a Change name to Physalodes physalodes (I,.) Britt. ‘s Change “nil (I) Ph.” to hederacea Jacq. Strike out ‘“incarnata.”’ o Change name to Cynanchum nigrum (J,.) Pers. oe Change name to Vincetoxicum gonocarpos Walt. sf Change name to Vincetoxicum obliquum (Jacq.) Britt. a Change “ pubescens Lam” to pennsylvanica Marsh. i Change “viridis Mx.” to lanceolata Borck. Change name to Mohrodendron carolinum (J,.) Britt. i Change “stricta Ait’ to terrestris (L.) B. S. P. ‘ Change name to Naumburgia thyrsiflora (L,.) Duby. Change “ monotropa Crantz” to hypopitys (L.) Small. rs Strike out “ corymbosum.” ‘s Change name to Xolisma ligustrina (L.) Britt. ‘ Change “ latifolium” to grcenlandicum Oeder. ‘ Change “ Rhododendron lutea (L.)” to Azalea lutea L. $ Change “ brevistylis (Torr.) DC.” to claytoni (Mx.) B. S. P. ‘ Change ‘“claytoni (Mx.) B. S. P.” to longistylis (Torr.) DC. s Change name to Conioselinum chinense (L.) B. S. P. ii Change to Thaspium trifoliatum aureum (Nutt.) Britt. Change “sericea L.” to amonum Mill. t Change name to Chamzenerion angustifolium (L,.) Scop. Change “ palustre oliganthum(Mx.)B.S. P.” to lineare Muhl. Change name to Onagra biennis (L.) Scop. Change name to Kneiffea puticosa (L.) Change name to Onagra oakesiana (Gr.) Britt. Change name to Kneiffia pumila (L.) Spach. Change “filipes Spach” to michauxii Spach. Change name to Decodon verticillata (Ly.) Ell. a Change name to Parsonia petiolata (L.) Rusby. Change name to Lepargyreea canadensis (L..) Greene. Change “vulgaris Mill.” to polyacantha Haw. - Change “ muhlenbergii Torr” to labradorica Schrank. * Change name to Viola scabriuscula (T. & G.) Schw. Change “crux-andrez L.”” to hypericoides L. Change “cistifolium Lam.” to sphzerocarpum Mx. Change name to Malva verticillata crispa L. i Change “avicennae Geertn ” to abutilon (L.) Rusby. s Change name to Vitis bicolor LeConte. Change name to Ampelopsis cordata Mx. Change name to Parthenocissus quinquefolia (L.) Planch.. Change ‘riparia Mx.” to vulpina L. “ Change name to Acer nigtum Mx. f. ; Change name to Acer negundo L. Change ‘“‘typhina L.” to hirta (L.) Sudw. ‘ Change “‘ambiguum Nutt.” to humile (Raf.) Morong. Change “verna L.” to palustris L. uss Change “caroliniana Ell.” to ostrycefolia Riddell. t Change ‘‘sanguinea L.” to viridescens L. Change “melilotoides Mx.” to pedunculata (Mill.) Vail. cf Change “‘violacea (Mx.) Kuntze” to purpurea (Vent.) MacM. s Change “canadensis L.” to carolinensis L. Change name to Phaca neglecta T. & G. Change “reticulata (Muhl.) Ph.” to virginica (L.) Britton. Change “intermedium (Wats.) Britt.” to frutescens(L.) Britt. | ‘f Change “ glaucifolius Beck.” to ochroleucus Hook. 2 Change “tuberosa Mcench.” to apios (L.) MacM. Change “perennis” to polystachyus (L.) B. 5S. P. Change “spiraea aruncus L.” to Aruncus aruncus (L.) Karst. Change “spirzea rubra (Hill) Britt.” to Ulmaria rubra Hill. Change name to Opulaster opulifolius (L.) Kuntze. ~ -9 DD Ot je He 92 99 90 9 82} Tf ST ST ST SST SIT DR See ee ax 7, 10th 9, 7th , Sth , L0th , Ist , 10th , last , 4th 11th , 3-9th 5, 10th 6th , 9th 12th , last 7, Ist , 6th 7, 12th , last , 4th , oth j, 4th 9-10th 8, 2d Species. “ “ BOTANY. 80c¢ Change name to Rubus baileyanus Britt. Change “norvegica L.” to monspeliensis L. Change name to Comarum palustre L. Change ‘“‘supina lL.” to paradoxa Nutt. Change “ poterium (L.) Britt.” to sanguisorba (L,) Britt. Change name to Aronia arbutifolia (L.) Ell. Change name to Aronia nigra (Willd.) Britt. Change name to Crataegus macracantha Lodd. Change name to Crataegus punctata Jacq. Change ‘“Rorippa”’ to Roripa. Change “vulgaris R. Br.” to barbarea (L..) MacM. Change “ludoviciana Meyer” to virginica (L.) Trel. Change name to Iodanthus pinnatifidus (Mx.) Prantl. Change name to Dentaria diphylla Mx. Change name to Dentaria laciniata Muhl. Change name to Dentaria maxima Nutt. Change name to Koniga maritimum (L,) Britt. Change name to Descurainia pinnata (Walt.) Britt. Change name to Stenophragma thaliana (L.) Celak. Change “ Brassica alba (L..) Boiss” to Sinapis alba L. Change “arvensis (L.) B.S. P.” to sinapistrum Boiss. Change “ pastoris L.” to bursa-pastoris (L.) Weber. Change “ Neckeria” to Capnoides and the terminations of the species “a” to um. Change name to Buettneria florida (l).) Kearney. Change name to Buettneria fertilis (Walt.) Kearney. Change name to Benzoin benzoin (I,.) Coulter. Change name to Ranunculus micranthus Nutt. Change name to Batrachium divaricatum (Schrk.) Wimm. Change name to Cyrtorhyncha cymbalaria (Ph.) Britt. Change “delphinifolius terrestris Gr.” to purshii Rich. Change “ Ranunculus ficaria” to Ficaria ficaria (L,.) Karst. Change “ rhomboideus Goldie” to ovalis Raf. Change name to Batrachium trichophyllus (Chaix) Bossch. Change “exaltatum Ait.” to urceolatum Jacq. Change “illinoensis (Mx.)” to regia Sims. Change “nivea (Nutt.) Otth.” to alba Muhl. Change “ pennsylvanica Mx.” to caroliniana Walt. Change ‘“natans Raf.” to longipedunculatum Muhl. Change name to Allionia nyctaginea Mx. Change “ patula hastata (L.) Gr.” to hastata L. Change “ patula littorale (L.) Gr.” to patula L. Change “ambrosioides anthelminticum (l,.) Gr.” to an- thelminticum L. Change “hypochondriacus L.” to hybridus L. Change “celosioides L.” to paniculata (L,.) Kuntze. Change “acre H. B. K.” to punctatum EII. Change “dumetorum scandens (L.) Gr.” to scandens J. Change “lapathifolium incarnatum Wats.” to incarna- tum El. Change “I” in the generic name to T. Change “bicolor Willd” to platanoides (Lam.) Sudw. Change “coccinea tinctoria Gr.” to velutina Lam. Substitute the synonym for the name given. Change ‘“muhienbergii humilis (Marsh.) Britt.” to pri- noides Willd. Change “stellata Wang.” to minor (Marsh.) Sarg. Change name to Castanea pumila (L.) Mill. Change name to Castanea dentata (Marsh.) Sudw. Change name to Fagus atropunicea (Marsh.) Sudw. Change “cornuti Du Roi” to rostrata Ait. Change name to Comptonia peregrina (L.) Coulter. Change “innata R. Br.” to corallorhiza (L,.) Karst. Change “‘pubescens Willd.” to hirsutum Mill. Unite under the name Sysirynchium bermudiana L. Change name to Polygonatum biflorum commutatum (R. & S.) Morong. 80d Page 198, 199) 200, 200, 201, 202, 202, 208, 205, 206, < 206, 206, 206, 207, 207, 208, 212, 213; 214, 219, 224, % ») QT ZLi, 227, IS 298, 5 228, 4 228) § 228 229 230, § 230, | 230, 31, 34, oe Ws WN 5—7th 10th 7th 12th Kf last * 13th oy last 2d ss 6th § 2d 10th Species. GEOLOGY OF OHIO. Change generic name to Vagnera; read Mor. after “(L,)” Change name toe Uvularia sessilifolia L. Change ‘“erythrocarpum Mx.” to undulatum Willd. Change angustifolium (Ph.) Gr.” to gramineum (Ker.) Mor. Change name to Juncus brachycephalus (Engl.) Buch. Change name to Juncoides campestre (L.) Kuntze. Change name to Juncoides pilosa (L.) Kuntze. Change “angustifolia Torr.” to lancifolia (Muhl.) Morong. Change ‘“diandrus castaneus (Bigel.) Torr.” to rivularis Kunth. Change “spithaceum Pers.” to arundinaceum (1,.) Britt. Change “compressa Sull.” to acuminata (Muhl.) Nees. Change “equisetoides Torr.” to interstincta (Vahl.) R.& S. Change “ quadrangulata (Mx.) R. Br.” to mutata (L.) R. &S. Change name to Stenophyllus capillaris (L.) Britt. Change name to Scirpus americanus Pers. Change name to Scirpus cyperinum (L.) Kuntze. Change “laxiflora styloflexa (Buckl.)” to styloflexa Buckl. Change name to Carex flava viridula (Mx.) Bailey. Change “rosea retroflexa Torr.” to retroflexa Muhl. Change “latifolium 1.” to walteri Poir. Change “scabra Willd.” to hiemalis (Walt) B.S. P. Change name to Korycarpus diandrus (Mx.) Kuntze. Change “ Poa flexuosa Muhl.” to Poa cenisia All. Change “Poa serotina Ehrh.” to Poa flava L. Change the generic name to Panicularia. Change name to Panicularia acutiflora (Torr.) Kuntze. Change name to Panicularia aquatica (L.) Kuntze. Change “duriuscula L.” to ovina duriuscula (L..) Hack. Change ‘‘mollis L.” to hordaceus L. Change ‘pratense Huds.” to nodosum L. Change name to Hystrix hystrix (L.) Millsp. Change ‘‘macrosperma suffruticosa Munro” to tecta (Walt.) Muhl. Change name to Alisma plantago-aquatica L. Change name to Kraunhia frutescens (L.) Greene. Dicotuls. ANGIOSPERMS. I. OrpER COMPOSITA.* Sunflower Family. 1. VERNONIA Schreb. IRONWEED. Cincinnati, Jos. F. James ( Cat.) ; Burgh Hill (Trumbull Co.) Jno. I. King. VERNONIA GIGANTEA (Walt.) (V. altissima Nutt.) Distributed over the whole state. VERNONIA NOVEBORACENSIS ** (L,.) Willd. Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Rio Grande (Gallia Co.) Lizzie Davis. VERNONIA NOVEBORACENSIS** GLAUCA (L.) (V. noveboracensis latifolia Gray.) Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.) 2, ELEPHANTOPUS L. ELEPHANT’S-FOOT. ELEPHANTOPUS CAROLINIANUS Willd. Near Dayton, O., Dr. J. Eberle, J L. Riddell (Synop. 1835.) ; Otway (Scioto Co.) W. A. Kellerman; Cincinnati, Jos. F. James (Cat.) 3. EUPATORIUM Tourn. THOROUGHWORT. EUPATORIUM AGERATOIDES L. White Snake-root. Throughout the state. EUPATORIUM ALTISSIMUM IL, Toledo, J. A. Sanford; Franklin Co., Aug. D. Selby. EUPATORIUM AROMATICUM IL. Genera), J. S. Newberry, (Cat.) * The arrangement of Orders is that of Engler & Prantl in their NATUERLICHE PFLANZEN- FAMILIEN. ** It will be noticed that capitals for specific names have in all cases been di : comma between the name and the author, as well as the word ‘var.’ are also Sane hone in accordance with the present usage of the most advanced botanical authorities. ( 6 (Fe Op 82 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. EUPATORIUM COELESTINUM L. Mist-flower. Over the southern counties. EUPATORIUM PERFOLIATUM L. Boneset; Thoroughwort. Common. The leaves and flowering tops are medicinal. EUPATORIUM PURPUREUM lL. Joe-Pye Weed. Trumpet-Weed. Common over the state. EUPATORIUM SEROTINUM Mx. Columbus, on grounds of Sells Brothers’ Circus, E. M. Wilcox. EUPATORIUM SESSILIFOLIUM L. Upland Boneset. Generally distributed over the state. ; 4. KUHNIA L. KUHNIA EUPATORIOIDES L. Miami county, J. L. Riddell (Synop. 1835); Springfield, Mrs. E. Jane Spence; Rio Grande (Gallia Co.) Lizzie Davis; Lawrence Co.,Wm. C. Werner. 5. LACINARIA Hill. (Zzatris Schreb.) ButTron SNAKEROOT. BLAz- ING STAR. LACINARIA CYLINDRACEA (Mx.) Kuntze (Ziatris cylindracea Michx.) Franklin Co., Aug. D. Selby. LACINARIA GRACILIS (Ph.) Kuntze. (Zzatris gracilis Ph.) Oak barrens near Marietta, J. l. Riddell (Synop. 1835.) LACINARIA SCARIOSA (L.) Hill (Zzatvts scariosa 1.) Catawba Island (Lake Erie) Wm. Krebs; Franklin Co., Aug. D. Selby; Adams Co., W. A. Kellerman; Fulton Co., J. S. Hine. LACINARIA SPICATA (L,.) Kuntze (Zzatrts spicata 1..) Toledo, J. A. Sanford; Springfield, Mrs. E. Jane Spence. LACINARIA SQUARROSA (L.) Hill (Liatris sguarrosa I.) Franklin Co., Aug. D. Selby. 6. GUTIERREZIA Lag. GUTIERREZIA TEXANA (DC.) Torr & Gray. Columbus, on grounds of Sells Brothers’ Circus, Aug. D. Selby. 7. AMPHIACHYRIS Nutt. AMPHIACHYRIS DRACUNCULOIDES (DC.) Nutt. Columbus, on grounds of Sells Brothers’ Circus, E. V. Wilcox. 8. CHRYSOPSIS Nutt. GOLDEN ASTER. CHRYSOPSIS MARIANA (L,.) Nutt. Hocking Co., W. A. Kellerman; Knox Co., Dr. Kellogg, J. S. Newberry (Cat.) od) BOTANY. 88 9. SOLIDAGO Ll. GOLDEN-ROD. SOLIDAGO ARGUTA Ait. Frequent in Northern Ohio; Franklin Co., Aug. D. Selby. SOLIDAGO BICOLOR L, Lake Co., Wm. C. Werner; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Cuyahoga Co., E. Claassen; Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.); Fairfield Co., E. V. Wilcox and S. Renshaw; Lawrence Co., Wm. Werner. SOLIDAGO CASIA L. Widely distributed. SOLIDAGO CANADENSIS LL. Common ove: the state. SOLIDAGO CAROLINIANA (L,.) B. S. P. (.S. fenuzfolia Ph.) Cleveland, W. Krebs; Franklin Co., EK. M. Wilcox. SOLIDAGO HIRSUTA Nutt. (.S. 62co or concolor Torr & Gray.) Frequent in south central Ohio. Lake Co., H. C. Beardslee (Cat). SOLIDAGO JUNCEA RAMOSA Porter & Britton. “Ohio, Sullivant,” (N. L. Britton, Torrey Bull. Vol. XVIII, Dec. 9, 1891, p. 368) SOLIDAGO LANCEOLATA L. Frequent. SOLIDAGO LATIFOLIA L,. Frequent over the state. SOLIDAGO NEGLECTA Torr & Gray. ‘“‘ Painesville,” H. C. Beardslee ( Cat.) SOLIDAGO NEMORALIS Ait. Over the whole state. SOLIDAGO ODORA Ait. “Ohio,” J. L. Riddell (Synop. 1835.) SOLIDAGO OHIOENSIS Riddell. “ Cleves’ prairie, Dayton, and two miles south from Columbus,” J. L. Riddell (Synop. 1835); Springfield; Mrs. E. Jane Spence; Franklin Co., KE. M. Wilcox; Champaign Co., Wm. C. Werner. SOLIDAGO PATULA Muhl. Northern and central Ohio; perhaps over the whole state. SOLIDAGO PUBERULA Nutt. “ Painesville,” H. C. Beardslee (Cat.) SOLIDAGO RIDDELLII Frank. “Worthington, (Franklin Co.,) and Dayton,” J. L. Riddell (Synop. 1835); Gyp- sum, (Ottawa Co.,) E. Claassen; Fulton Co. J.S. Hine; Columbus, Wm. C. Werner; Springfield, Mrs. E. Jane Spence; Cincinnati, Jos. F James (Cat.) 84 GEROLOGY OF OHIO. SOLIDAGO RIGIDA IL. “Monroeville,” (Huron Co.,) H. C. Beardslee, (Cat.); Marblehead, (Ottawa Co.,) E. Claassen; Toledo, J. A. Sanford; Franklin Co., Aug. D. Seiby; Law- rence Co., Wm. C. Werner. SOLIDAGO RUGOSA Mill. Northern and central Ohio; no specimens seen from southern Ohio. SOLIDAGO RUPESTRIS RAF. “Ross Co.,”? W. E. Safford. (Torrey Bul!. Vol. XIII, July 1886, p. 116). SOLIDAGO SEROTINA Ait. Northern Ohio, Wm. C. Weruer; W. Krebs; A. A. Wright (Cat.); Licking Co., H L. Jones, (Cat.); Columbus, W. G. Green; Lawrence Co., Wm. C. Werner. SOLIDAGO SEROTINA GIGANTEA (Ait.) Gray. Northern Ohio, Wm, C. Werner; E. Claassen; A. A. Wright ( Cat.) ; Licking Co., H. l. Jones (Cat.); Clinton Co., J. S. Van Dervort. SOLIDAGO SHORTII Torr & Gray. “Ross Co.,”’ W. E. Safford. (Torrey Bull, vol. XIII, July 1886, p. 116. SOLIDAGO SPECIOSA Nutt. Toledo, J. A. Sanford; Cleveland, W. Krebs; Franklin Co., W. C. Werner; Cin- cinnati, Jos. F. James, (Cat.); (Lawrence Co.,) Wm. C. Werner. SOLIDAGO SPECIOSA ANGUSTATA Torr. & Gray. “Northern, Ohio, Rare.” H.C. Beardslee, (Cat.) SOLIDAGO SQUARROSA Muhl. Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Cleveland, E. Claassen; “‘ Painesville,” H. C. B-ardslee (Cat.); Wm. C. Werner; Fairfield Co., E. E. Bogue. SoLIDAGO STRICTA Ait. “Prairies Ohio,” J. L. Riddell (Synop. 1835); Elyria, (Lorain Co.,) Dr. Kellogg. (Newberry Cat.) SOLIDAGO ULIGINOSA Nutt. Painesville, Cranberry Marsh, Licking Reservoir, Wm. C. Werner; ‘“ Toboso.” Licking.Co., H L. Jones (Cat.); Columbus Aug, D. Selby. SoLIDAGO ULMIFOLIA Muhl. Widely distributed. SOLIDAGO VIRGAUREA L. “Northern Ohio,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.); probably a wrong determination. 10. BOLTONIA L’Her. BOLTONIA ASTEROIDES (L.) L’Her. “ Southern Ohio,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.); Port Clinton, E. Claassen; To’edo, J. A. Sanford. BOTANY. 85 11. SERICOCARPUS Nees. WHITE-TOPPED ASTER. SERICOCARPUS ASTEROIDES (Iy.) B. S. P. (.S. conyzoides Nees.) From Lake Erie to the Ohio River. 12. ASTER YL. STARWORT; ASTER. ASTER ACUMINATUS Michx. “Northern Ohio, rare,” H.C. Beardslee (Cat.) ASTER AZUREUS Lindl. Franklin Co., Aug. D. Selby; Springfield, Mrs. K. Jane Spence; ‘‘ Southern Ohio,” J. S. Newberry (Cat). ASTER CONCOLOR L. ‘Southern Ohio,” J. S. Newberry ( Cat.) ASTER CORDIFOLIUS L. Distributed over the state. ASTER CORYMBOSUS Ait. Over the state. ASTER DUMOSUS L. “General,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.) ASTER ERICOIDES L, Freguent in northern Ohio; Licking Co., H. l. Jones (Cat.); Columbus, Wm. C. Werner; Cincinnati, Jos. F. James (Cat.) ASTER ERICOIDES VILLOSUS Torr & Gray. Frequent throughout the southern half of the state. ‘‘ Lake Shore,” H. C. Beardslee (Cat); To edo, J. A. Sanford; Painesville, Otto Hacker. ASTER INFIRMUS Michx. “Ohio,” J. S. Riddell (Synop. 1835.) ASTER JUNCEUS Ait. Northern Ohio, J. S. Newberry (Cat.); Columbus, Sullivant, (H.C. Beardslee. Cat.) ; Cincinnati, Jos. F. James (Cat. ) ASTER LAEVIS L. Northern and central portions of the state. Lawrence Co., Wm. C. Werner, ASTER LATERIFLORUS (L.) Britt. (A. diffusus Ait.) Widely distributed. ASTER LATERIFLORUS HIRSUTICAULIS Gray. Licking Co., H. ly. Jones (Cat.) ASTER LINDLEYANUS Torr & Gray. Franklin Co., Wm. C. Werner. 86 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. ASTER LINARIIFOLIUS L. ‘““Duncan’s Plains, Ohio,” J. lL. Riddell (Synop. 1835;) ‘“ General,” J. S. New- berry (Cat. ) ASTER LONGIFOLIUS Lam. ; Given in previous catalogues, probably A. novi-belgii is the species referred to ASTER MACROPHYLLUS L. Northern and central Ohio; perhaps all over the state. ASTER MULTIFLORUS Ait. Toledo, J. A. Sanford; Painesville, Wm. C. Werner, Cleveland, Wm. Krebs; Franklin Co., Aug. D. Selby ; Cincinnati, Jos. F. James ( Cat.) ASTER NOVAE-ANGLIAE L. Throughout the state. ASTER NOVI-BELGII L. Lake Co., Wm. C. Werner; Richland Co., E. Wilkinson; Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.); Fultonham (Muskingum Co.,) Columbus, Wm. C. Werner. ASTER OBLONGIFOLIUS Nutt. “Toledo, J. A. Sanford;” (Lazenby and Werner Sup List). Was taken froma list of names. No authentic specimen. ASTER PANICULATUS Lam. Common over the state. ASTER PATENS Ait. “Near Dayton,” J. L. Rid 'ell (Synop. 1835); Painesville, Wm. C. Werner, Lick- ing Co., H L. Jones (Cat.) ASTER PATENS PHLOGIFOLIUS (Muhl.) Nees. Painesville, Wm. C. Werner; Portage Co., E. Claassen; Franklin Co., E. V. Wilcox: Springfield, Mrs. E. Jane Spence; Lawrence Co., W. Werner; Cincin- nati, Jos. F. James (Cat.) ASTER PAUCIFLORUS Nutt. “On grounds of Sells Brothers’ Circus, near Columbus, E. V. Wilcox; ”’ (Lazenby and Werner Sup List). No authentic specimen. ASTER POLYPHYLLUS Willd. “Prairie, Dayton, M. G. Wi liams;” (J. L. Riddell, Sup. Cat.) ASTER PRENANTHOIDES Muhl. Frequent throughout the state. ASTER PUNICEUS L. From Lake Erie to the Ohio River. ASTER PUNICEUS LUCIDULUS Gray. “A puniceus vimineus Gray, northern Ohio;” H. C. Beardslee (Cat:) may refer to this form. BOTANY. 87 ASTER PUNICEUS LAEVICAULIS Gray. Licking Co., H. Ll. Jones ( Cat.) ASTER SAGITTIFOLIUS Willd. Painesville, Columbus, Wm. C. Werner; Springfield, Mrs. E. J. Spence; Licking Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.) Cincinnati, Jos. F. James ( Cat.) ASTER SALICIFOLIUS Ait. Painesville, Wm. C. Werner; Licking Co., H. L. Jones ( Cat.) ASTER SERICEUS Vent. “Sou .hern Ohio,” J. S. Newberry ( Cat.) ASTER SHORTII Hook. Apparently over the whole state. ASTER TRADESCANTI L. Cleveland, W. Krebs; Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.); Columbus, Moses Craig. ASTER UMBELLATUS Mill. Painesville, Wm. C. Wernet; Ashtabula Co., E. E. Bogue; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.) Portage Co., E. Claasen; Logan Co., Mrs. EK. J. Spence; Cham- paign Co., Wm. C. Werner. ASTER UNDULATUS L. From Lake Erie to the Ohio River, ASTER VIMINEUS Lam. Cleveland, E. Claassen, 13. ERIGERON L. FLEABANE. ERIGERON ANNUUS (L.) Daisy Fleabane. Sweet Scabious. Common over the state. ERIGERON BELLIDIFOLIUS Muhl. Generally distributed over the whole state. ERIGERON CANADENSIS IL. Throughout the state. : ERIGERON PHILADELPHICUS L. Widely distributed over the state. ERIGERON RAMOSUS (Walt.) B. S. P. (Z. strigosus Muhl.) Over the whole state. 14. PLUCHEA Cass. MARSH-FLEABANE. 5 PLUCHEA CAMPHORATA (Jy.) D.C. “ Cincinnati,” J. L. Riddell (Synop. 1835.) 88 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. PLUCHEA VILLOSA (Walt.) (P. foetidal. P. bifrons DC.) Cincinnati, Jos. F. James ( Cat.) “ Ohio,” Gray ( Man.) 15. GIFOLIA Cass. (fi/ago Tourn.) COTTON-ROSE. GIFOLIA GERMANICUM L, (Filago germanica .) Herba Impia. “General,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.) 16. ANTENNARIA Gaertu. (Anaphalis D.C.) EVERLASTING. -ANTENNARIA PLANTAGINIFOLIA (Ly.) Richards. Plantain-leaved Everlasting. Common over the whole state. ANTENNARIA MARGARITACEA (L,.) Hook. (Anuaphalis margaritacea. Beuth & Hook.) Northern Ohio, J. S. Newberry (Cat.); Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.) ; Ashta- bula, Miss S. F. Goodrich. 17. GNAPHALIUML. CuDWEED. GNAPHALIUM DECURRENS Ives. Everlasting. Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Painesville, Wm. C. Werner; Franklin Co., Selby and Craig (Cat.) GNAPHALIUM OBTUSIFOLIUM lL. (G. polycephalum Michx.) Common Everlasting. Over the whole state. GNAPHALIUM PURPU' EUML. Purplish Cudweed. Throughout the state, but not abundant. GNAPHALIUM ULIGINOSUM lL. Low Cudweed. From Lake Erie to the Ohio River. 18. INULAL, ELECAMPANE. INULA HELENIUM L. Widely distributed over the state. 19. POLYM NIA. lL. Lear-cup. POLYMNIA CANADENSIS LL. Over the whole state. POLYMNIA UVEDALIA L. Lawrence Co., W. A. Kellerman;Cincinnati, Jos. F. James ( Cat.) “ Painesville,” H. C. Beardslee (Cat;) Wm. C. Werner. 20. SILPHIUM lL. ROSIN-WEED. SILPHIUM INTEGRIFOLIUM Michx. ‘“Monroeville,” H. C. Beardslee (Cat.) BOTANY. 89 SILPHIUM LACINIATUM I, Rosin-weed. Compass-Plant. Given for Ohio in former catalogues. We have seen no specimens. SILPHIUM PERFOLIATUM lL. Cup-Plant. Common throughout western half of the state. Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.) SILPHIUM TEREBINTHINACEUM L. Prairie Dock. Throughout the western half of the state, from Lake Erie to the Ohio River. SILPHIUM TEREBINTHINACEUM PINNATIFIDUM (Ell.) Gray. “Darby Plains, O.,” J. L. Riddell (Synop. 1835); Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman ; Springfield, Mrs. E. Jane Spence; London, Mrs. K. D. Sharpe. SILPHIUM TRIFOLIATUM L, Throughout the state. 21. PARTHENIUM L,. PARTHENIUM HYSTEROPHORUS L,. Grounds of Sell’s Bros. Circus, (near Columbus); W. J. Green. 22. AMBROSIA Tourn. RAGWEED. AMBROSIA ARTEMISIAEFOLIA Ll. Roman Wormwood. Hog-weed. Bitter-weed. Common everywhere in fields and waste-places and along roadsides. AMBROSIA TRIFIDA Ll. Great Rag-weed. Common in low grounds and along streams all over the state. AMBROSIA TRIFIDA INTEGRIFOLIA (Muhl.) Torr. and Gray. With the ordinary form. 23. XANTHIUM Tourn. COCKLEBUR. CLOTBUR. XANTHIUM CANADENSE Mill. Everywhere over the state. XANTHIUM CANADENSE ECHINATUM (Murr.) Gray. Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Columbus, Aug. D. Selby. XANTHIUM SPINOSUM L,. Dayton, H. A. Surface, Mrs. E. Jane Spence; Cincinnati, Jos. F. James ( Cat.) XANTHIUM STRUMARIUM L. Cincinnati, Jos. F. James (Cat); Franklin Co., Selby and Craig (Cat.) 24. HELIOPSIS Pers. OxX-EVE. HELIOPSIS HELIANTHOIDES (L.) B.S. P. (4. /aevis Pers.) Common all over the state. 90 | GEOLOGY OF OHIO. HELIOPSIS SCABRA Dunal. Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Painesville, Wm. C. Werner. 25. ECLIPTA L. ECLIPTA ALBA (L.) Hassk. Throughout central and southern Ohio. Cleveland, Wm. Krebs. 26. BRAUNERIA Neck. (chinacea Moench.) PURPLE CONE-FLOWER. _ | RAUNERIA PURPUREA (L.) (Echinacea purpurea lL.) Toledo, J. A. Sanford; Franklin Co., W. J. Green; Springfield, Mrs. E. Jane Spence; London, Mrs. K. D. Sharpe; Lawrence Co., Wm. C. Werner. 27. RUDBECKIA L.. CONE-FLOWER. RUDBECKIA FULGIDA Ait. Franklin Co., Wm. C. Werner; Cincinnati, Jos. F. James (Cat.); Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.) RUDBECKIA HIRTA L. Common. RUDBECKIA LACINIATA L. Common over the state. RUDBECKIA SPECIOSA Wenderoth. Northern Ohio, J. S. Newberry (Cat.); Champaign Co., Columbus, Wm. C. Werner; Cincinnati Jos. F. James (Cat. ) RUDBECKIA TRILOBA L. From Lake Erie to the Ohio River. Throughout the western haif of the state. 28. LEPACHYS Raf. LEPACHYS PINNATA ( Vent.) Torr and Gray. Toledo, J. A. Sanford; Franklin Co. Wm. C. Werner; Springfield, Mrs. E. Jane Spence; Cincinnati, Jos. F. James (Cat.) 29. HELIANTHUS L. SUNFLOWER. HELIANTHUS ANNUUS L. Common Sunflower. Lake Co., Wm. C. Werner; Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.); Columbus, Wm. C. Werner (Lazenby and Werner Sup. list); Fairfield Co., E. V. Wilcox and S. Renshaw; Cincinnati, Jos. F. James (Cat.) HELIANTHUS DECAPETALUS L. Frequent throughout the state. HELIANTHUS DIVARICATUS L. Throughout the state. BOTANY. HELIANTHUS DORONICOIDES Lam. “Ohio,” Gray (Manual); Licking Co., H. lL. Jones ( Cat.) HELIANTHUS GIGANTEUS L. Ge erally distributed over the western half of the state. HETIANTHUS GIGANTEUS 4MBIGUUS Torr. & Gray. P-inesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.) HELIANTHUS GROSSE-SERRATUS Martens. Springfield, Mrs. E. Jane Spence; Cincinnati, Jos. F. James (Cat.) HELIANTHUS HIRSUTUS Raf. Not uncommon. HELIANTHUS LAETIFLORUS Pers. Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.) HELIANTHUS MOLLIS Lam. Cincinnati, Joseph Clark (Cat.) HELIANTHUS OCCIDENTALIS Riddell. Franklin Co., Wm. C. Werner; Fulton Co., J. S. Hine. HELIANTHUS PARVIFLORUS Benth. From Lake Erie to the Ohio River. HELIANTHUS STRUMOSUS L, Northern Ohio; Cincinnati, Jos. F. James (Cat.) HELIANTHUS STRUMOSUS MOLLIS (Willd) Torr. and Gray. Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat. ) HELIANTHUS TRACHELIIFOLIUS Willd. “ General,” H. C. Beardslee (Cat.) Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.) HELIANTHUS TUBEROSUS L. Common all over the state. 30. VERBESINA L. (Actinomeris Nutt.) CROWNBEARD. VERBESINA alternifolia (L.) (Actinomerts alternifolia. A.squarrosa Nutt.) Throughout the state. VERBESINA HELIANTHOIDES Michx. Springfield, Mrs. E. Jane Spence; Cincinnati, Jos. F. James ( Cat.) VERBESINA OCCIDENTALIS Walt. “Common,” H. C. Beardslee ( Cat.) ol CORE OERSIS i VhICKSEED: COREOPSIS AURICULATA LL. Cincinnati, Jos. F. James (Cat.) COREOPSIS SENIFOLIA Mx. Ironton (Lawrence Co.) Wm. C. Werner. 91 92 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. CorEopsis TRIPTERIS L, Tall Coreopsis. From Lake Erie to the Ohio River. COREOPSIS VERTICILLATA L. “Torrey and Gray,” (Beardslee Cat.) 32. BIDENS lL. Bur-Marigold. BIDENS ARISTOSA (Mx.) Britt. (Coreopsis aristosa Mx.) Cleveland, W. Krebs; Richland Co., E. Wilkinson; Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.); Springfield, Mrs. E. Jane Spence; Franklin and Champaign Counties, Wm. C. Werner. BIDENS BECKI! Torr. Geauga Co., Dr. Canfield (Beardslee Cat.) BIDENS BIPINNATA JL. Common. BIDENS CERNUA L. Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Cleveland, W. Krebs; Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.); Franklin Co., Aug. D. Selby. BIDENS CONNATA Muhl. Swamp Beggar Ticks. Generally distributed. BIDENS DISCOIDEA (Torr. and Gray) Britt. (Coreopsis discoidea Torr. and Gray.) Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.) BIDENS FRONDOSA JL. Common. BIDENS LAEVIS (L.) B. S. P. (2B. chrysanthemoides Mx.) Common. BIDENS TRICHOSPERMA (Mx.) Britt. (Coreopsis trichosperma Mx.) ‘Tickseed Sunflower. Northern Ohio; Fairfield Co., E. V. Wilcox and S. Renshaw. 33. GALINSOGA Ruiz and Pavon. GALINSOGA PARVIFLORA Cav. Cleveland, W. Krebs; Painesville, Otto Hacker; Columbus, Aug. D. Selby; Co- lumbiana Co., H. Herzer. 34. DYSODIA Cay. FETID MARIGOLD. DYSODIA PAPPOSA (Vent.) Hitch. (D. chrysanthemoides Lag.) Franklin Co., W. J. Green and E. V. Wilcox; Cincinnati, Jos. F. James (Cat.) ; Ross Co., W. E. Safford (Torr. Bull.) 3). HELENIUM lL. SNEEZE-WEED. HELENIUM AUTUMNALE L. Common everywhere. BOTANY. HELENIUM NUDIFLORUM Nutt. Grounds of Selis’ Bros. Circus near Columbus, E. E. Bogue. HELENIUM TENUIFOLIUM Nutt. Grounds of Sells’ Bros. Circus near Columbus, W. J. Green. 36. ACTINELLA Pers. ACTINELLA ACAULIS GLABRA Gray. Lakeside (Ottawa Co.,) C. M. Weed. 37. ACHILLEA L. Yarrow. Milfoil, ACHILLEA MILLEFOLIUM L,. Common over the whole state. 38. ANTHEMIS L. CHAMOMILE. ANTHEMIS ARVENSIS L. Corn Chamomile. Painesville, Wm. C. Werner; Licking Co., H. L. Jones ( Cat.) ANTHEMIS COTULA DC. May-weed. Common in fields and waste places. ANTHEMIS NOBILIs L. W. E. Safford (Torr. Bull. XIII. 116) 39. MATRICARIA Tourn. WiILb CHAMOMILE. MATRICARIA CHAMOMILLA L,. Lake Co., and Lawrence Co., Wm. C. Werner. MATRICARIA DISCOIDEA DC. Cincinnati, D. L. James. 40. CHRYSANTHEMUM Tourn. Ox-EVE DaIsy. CHRYSANTHEMUM DALSAMITA TANACETOIDES Boiss. Georgesville, Franklin Co., Wm. C. Werner. 2 CHRYSANTHEMUM LEUCANTHEMUM J. Ox-eye Daisy. Whiteweed. Throughout the whole state. CHRYSANTHEMUM PARTHENIUM (JL,.) Pers. Fever Few. Elyria, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.); Fairfield Co., EK. V. Wilcox and S. Renshaw. 41. TANACETUM L. TANSY. TANACETUM VUI,GARE L,. Common Tansy. Not uncommon. TANACETUM VULGARE CRISPUM Gray. Licking Co., H. L. Jones, ( Cat.) 93 94 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. 42. ARTEMISIA LL. Wormwoop. ARTEMISIA ABROTANUM L, Cincinnati, Jos. F. James (Cat.) ARTEMISIA ABSINTHIUM L. Wormwood. Lorain Co., A. A. Wright ( Cat.) ARTEMISIA ANNUA L. re ‘Painesville, H. C. Beardslee; Columbus, E. V. Wilcox; Lawrence Co., Wm. C. Werner. ARTEMISIA BIENNIS Willd. Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.); Toledo, J. A. Sanford; Cleveland, W. Krebs; Cincinnati, Jos. F. James ( Cat.) ; ARTEMISIA CANADENSIS Michx. Shore of Lake Erie, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.); Cedar Point (Uttawa Co.) E. Claassen. ARTEMISIA VULGARIS IL. A Akron, E. W. Claypole (Torr. Bull.); Cincinnati, Jos. F. James ( Cat.) 43. TUSSILAGO LL. CoLTrsFoot. TUSSILAGO FARFARA L,. Painesville, Wm. C. Werner. 44. KRECHTITES Raf. FIREWEED. BRECHTITES HIERACIFOLIA (L.) Raf Frequent. 45. SENECIO lL. GROUNDSEL, SENECIO AUREUS L. Golden Ragwort. Everywhere. SENECIO AUREUS BALSAMIT T. & G. Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.) SENECIO AUREUS OBOVATUS (Muhl) T. & G. Lorain Co., A.A. Wright ( Cat.) ; Licking Co., H. Ll. Jones ( Cat.) ; Franklin Co., Wm. C. Werner; Monroe Co., H. Herzer; Chillicothe, R. KE. Bower. SENECIO LOBATUS Pers. Licking Co., H. L. Jones ( Cat.) SENECIO VULGARIS L. Lorain Co., A. A. Wright, (Cat.); Painesville, Wm. C. Werner. 46. CACALIA L.. INDIAN PLANTAIN. BOTANY. 95° - CACALIA ATRIPLICIFOLIA Ly. Throughout the state. CACALIA RENIFORMIS Muhl. “Miami Country,” J. L. Riddell (Synop. 1835.) ; Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.); Cincinnati, Jos. F. James ( Cat.) CACALIA SUAVEOLENS L,. Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.); Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Cuyahoga River, W. Krebs; Springfield, Mrs. E. Jane Spence; Cincinnati, Joseph Clark (Cat.) CACALIA TUBEROSA Nutt. “Central and Western Ohio,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.); Cedar Swamp (Champaign Co.,) Wm. C. Werner. 47. ARCTIUM lL. BuRDOCK. ARCTIUM LAPPA LL. a All over the state. ARCTIUM LAPPA MINUS Schk. Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.) 48. CARDUUS L. ( Cuicus.) COMMON OR PLUMED THISTLE. CARDUUS ALTISSIMUS L. (Cuicus altissimus Willd.) Common over the state. CARDUUS DISCOLOR (Muhl.) Nutt. (Cwicus altisstmus discolor Gray.) . From Lake Erie to the Ohio River throughout the western half of the state, but infrequent. CARDUUS ARVENSIS (L.) Curtis. (Cuicus arvensis Hoffm.) Frequent throughout the northern and central counties; Cincinnati, Jos. F. James (Cat.) CARDUUS LANCEOLATUS L. ( Cnuicus lanceolatus Hoffm.) General.y distributed. CARDUUS MUTICUS (Mx.) Nutt. (Czicus muticus Pursh. ) Apparently over the whole state. CARDUUS ODORATUS (Muhl.) (Cxicus pumilus Torr.) “General,” H. C. Beardslee (Cat.); Ashtabula Co., E. E. Bogue. CARDUUS VIRGINIANUS L. (Cnicus virginianus Pursh.) Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Cincinnati, Jos. F. James (Cat.) 49, ONOPORDON LL. Corron or ScoTCcH THISTLE. ONOPORDON ACANTHIUM JL, Sparingly natural zed, J. S. Newberry (Cat.); Cincinnati, Jos. F. James (Cat.) 96 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. 50. CENTAUREA L. Star THISTLE. CENTAUREA BENEDICTA L. “ Sparingly naturalized.” J. S. Newberry (Cat.) CENTAUREA CYANUS L. Blue Bottle. Cleveland, Wm. Krebs; Columbns, Moses Craig; Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat. ) CENTAUREA JACEA L,. Richland Co., E. Wilkinson; Columbus, Wm. C. Werner. - CENTAUREA NIGRA I. Knapweed. Painesville, Otto Hacker. 51. CICHORIUML. CuHicory. Succory. CICHORIUM INTYBUS L. Northern Ohio; Franklin Co., EK. V. Wilcox; Monroe Co., H. Herzer. 52. APOGON Neck. (Avigia l.) DWARF DANDELION. APOGON VIRGINICUM (L.) Kuntze. (Avigia amplexicaulis Nutt.) From Lake Erie to the Ohio River. APOGON DANDELION (L.) Kuntze. (Avigia dandelion Nutt.) Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.) APOGON CAROLINIANUM (Nutt.) (Avigia virginica Willd.) Southern Ohio, Leo Lesquereux (Beardslee Cat.) 538. LAPSANA LL. NIPPLE-worRt, LAPSANA COMMUNIS L. Painesville, Otto Hacker; Columbus, W. R. Lazenby. 34.—-ECREPIS L. CREPIS TECTORUM L,. Lorain Co., A. A. Wright ( Cat.) 55. HIERACIUM LL. HAWKWEED. HIERACIUM CANADENSE Michx. “ Northeru Ohio, general” H. C. Beardslee (Cat.) HIERACIUM GRONOVII L. ; From Lake Erie to the Ohio River. HIERACIUM PANICULATUM L,. Northern and central Ohio; Cincinnati, Jos. F. James, HIERACIUM SCABRUM Michx. From Lake Erie to the Ohio River. BOTANY. 97 HIERACIUM VENOSUM L, Not uncommon. 56. LEONTODON L. Fatt, DANDELION, LEONTODON AUTUMNALIS L. Painesville, Wm. C. Werner. 57. TARAXACUM Hall. DANDELION. TARAXACUM OFFICINALE Weber. Everywhere. 58; LACTUCA lL... LEerrucn, LACTUCA CANADENSIS L,. Common. LACTUCA FLORIDANA (L.) Gaertn. Apparently over the whole state, LACTUCA HIRSUTA Muhl. Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.) The plant given as above by Craig (O. S. U. Flora,) and Lazenby and Werner (Sup. Cat.) is Ll. floridana. LACTUCA LUDOVICIANA (Nutt.) DC. “Ohio” J. L. Riddell (Synop. 1835.) LACTUCA PULCHELLA (Ph.) DC. Columbus, Wm. C. Werner. LACTUCA SAGITTAEFOLIA Ell. (Z. integrifolia Bigel.) Over the state, not abundant. ; LACTUCA SPICATA Lam. (L. leucophaea Gray). Throughout the state. LACTUCA SPICATA INTEGRIFOLIA (Gray) Britton. (L. /eucophaea integrifolia Gray} Northern and central Ohio; no specimens seen from southern Ohio. LACTUCA SCARIOLA L,. Over the whole State. —- LACTUCA VILLOSA Jacq. (L. acuminata Gray). “Miami Country,” J. L. Riddell (Synop. 1835); Licking Co., H. I. Jones (Cat.), Cincinnati, Jos. F. James (Cat.) 59. PRENANTHES lL. RATTLESNAKE-ROO', PRENANTHES ALBA L. Throughout the state. 7 Cr ©: 98 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. PRENANTHES ALTISSIMA L, Generally distributed. i PRENANTHES ASPERA, Mx. “ QOhio,” Gray (Manual). PRENANTHES CREPIDINEA Michx. Painesville, Otto Hacker; Columbus, Wm. C. Werner; Cincinnati, Jos. F. James (Cat. ) PRENANTHES RACEMOSA Michx. Gypsum (Ottawa Co.,) E. Claassen; Toledo, J. A. Sanford; Cleveland, KE. Claas- sen; Springfield, Mrs. E. Jane Spence. PRENANTHES SERPENTARIA Pursh. : “General,” H. C. Beardslee (Cat.); Lorain Co., A. A. Wright ( Cat.) PREUANTHES VIRGATA, Mx. “Southern and Central Ohio,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.) 60. SONCHUS L. Sow TutstLe. SONCHUS ARVENSIS lL. “Introduced, Ohio,” J. L. Riddell (Synop. 1835); Painesville, Otto Hacker. SONCHUS ASPER (L.) Throughout the state. SONCHUS OLERACEUS LL. Common over the state. 61. TRAGOPOGON LL. SAtsiry. GOAT’S-BEARD. TRAGOPOGON PORRIFOLIUS Ll. Salsify. Oyster-plant. Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Painesville, Wm. C. Werner; Black Lick Franklin Co., Wm. C. Werner. TRAGOPOGON PRATENSIS L. Goat’s-beard, Ashtabula Co., Sara F. Goodrich. II. OrpDER CAMPANULACEAE. Campanula Family. 62. CAMPANULA L. BELLFLOWER. CAMPANULA AMERICANA JL, Frequent. CAMPANULA APARINOIDES Pursh. Frequent throughout the state, but not abundant in any locality. CAMPANULA RAPUNCULOIDES L. Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.) ; Painesville, Otto Hacker. BOTANY. : 99 CAMPANULA ROTUNDIFOLIA L,. : Put-in-Bay Island (Lake Erie), H. C. Beardslee (Cat.); Lorain Co. A. A. Wright ( Cat.) 63. SPECULARIA Heist. VENUS’ LOOKING-GLASS. SPECULARIA PERFOLIATA (L.) A. DC. Throughout the state. III. Orprr LOBELIACEAE. Lobelia Family. 64. LOBELIA lL. LoBELIa. LOBELIA CARDINALIS L. Frequent throughout the state. LOBELIA INFLATA L. Over the whole state. LOBELIA KALMII L. Cleveland, W. Krebs; Columbus, E. E. Bogue; Cedar Swamp (Champaign Co.,) Mrs. E. Jane Spence. LOBELIA LEPTOSTACHYS A. DC. Toledo, J, A. Sanford; Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman; Licking Co., H. l. Jones (Cat.); Springfield, Mrs. E. Jane Spence. LOBELIA NUTTALLII Roem. and Schult. Was given for Ohio by Lazenby and Werner. (Sup. Cat.) from notes by Prof. Lazenby. On examination of the specimen it was found to be Lobelia spicata. LOBELIA PUBERULA Michx. Rio Grande (Gallia Co.,) J. W. Davis. LOBELIA SPICATA Lam. Throughout the state. Infrequent. LOBELIA SYPHILITICA L,. Frequent over the whole state. IV. OrpDER CURCURBITACEAE. Gourd Family. 65. MICRAMPELES Raf. ( chinocystis.) WiLD BALSAM APPLE. MICRAMPELES LOBATA ( Mx.) Greene. ( Echinocystis lobata Torr. and Gray.) Common throughout the state. 66. SICYOS lL. ONE-SEEDED BUR-CUCUMBER. 100 : GEOLOGY OF OHIO. SICVYOS ANGULATUS I. Frequent throughout the southern half of the state; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.) ; Painesville, Wm. C. Werner. V. ORDER DIPSACEAE. ‘Teasel Family. 67. DIPSACUS Tourn. TEASED, DIPSACUS SYLVESTRIS Mill. Wild Teasel. Common over the whole state. VI. -OrpDER VALERIANACEAKE. Valerian Family. 68. VALERIANA Ll. VALERIAN. VALERIANA EDULIS Nutt. Columbus, W. S. Sullivant (H. C. Beardslee Ca‘.); Cedar Swamp (Champaign Co.,) E. M. Wilcox. VALERIANA PAUCIFLORA Michx. Central and southern Ohio; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.) 69. VALERIANEBLLA Tourn. CoRN SALAD. LAMB LETTUCE. VALERIANELLA CHENOPODIFOLIA D. C. Licking Co., H. Ll. Jories (Cat. ) VALERIANELLA LocusTA (Ly.) Bettke. (V. o/tforia Poll.) Cleveland, W. Krebs; Cincinnati, C. J. Herrick. VALERIANELLA RADIATA (L.) Dufr. W.S Sullivant (Cat. 1840); Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.) VALERIANELLA WOODSIANA PATELLARIA (Sulliv.) Gray. Franklin Co., W. S. Sullivant (Cat. 1840); Cincinnati, Jos. F. James ( Cat.) VALERIANELLA WOODSIANA UMBILICATA (Sulliv.) Gray. Throughout south central Ohio. VII. ORDER CAPRIFOLIACEAE. Honeysuckle Family. 70. SAMBUCUS Tourn. ELDER. SAMBUCUS CANADENSIS LL. Common all over the state. BOTANY. 101 SAMBUCUS RACEMOSUS L. Frequent throughout northern Ohio; Fairfield Co4 E. V. Wilcox. 71. VIBURNUM lL. ARROW-WOOD. LAURESTINUS. VIBURNUM ACERIFOLIUM lL. Dockmackie. Arrow-wood. Generally distributed. VIBURNUM DENTATUM L. Arrow-wood. Throughout the northern half of the state. VIBURNUM LANTANOIDES Michx. Hobble-bush. American Wayfaring-tree. Ashtabula Co., John Ramage; Painesville, H. C. Beardslee ( Cat.) VIBURNUM LENTAGO L. Sweet Viburnum. Sheep-berry. Probably generally distributed. F VIBURNUM NUDUM L. ‘“ Northern Ohio,” J. S$. Newberry ( Cat.) VIBURNUM NUDUM CASSINOIDES (L.) Jacq. Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Painesville, W. C. Werner; Ashtabula Co., E. E. Bogue. VIBURNUM OPULUS L. Cranberry-tree. Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.); Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Cincinnati, > Jos. F. James ( Cat.) VIBURNUM PRUNIFOLIUM L. Black Haw. Frequent throughout the ceutral and southern part of the state, also Lima, W. A. Kellerman. VIBURNUM PUBESCENS Pursh. Downy Arrow-wood. Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Licking Co., H. lL. Jones (Cat.) : Fairfield Co., E. V. Wilcox and S. Renshaw. 72. TRIOSTEUM LL. FEVER-worT. HORSE-GENTIAN, TRIOSTEUM ANGUSTIFOLIUM I. Cincinnati, Joseph Clark (H.C. Bear, slee Cat.) TRIOSTEUM PERFOLIATUM Ll. Tinker’s Weed. Wild Coffee. Throughout the state. 73. SYMPHORICARPOS Dill. SNOW-BERRY. SYMPHORICARPOS RACEMOSUS Michx. Snowberry. Near Cincinnati, J. L. Riddell (Synop. 1835); Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.) SYMPHORICARPOS PAUCIFLORUS (Robbins.) (.S. racemosus paucifiorus Robbins). Cedar Point (Ottawa Co.,) W. Krebs. 102 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. SYMPHORICARPOS VULGARIS Mich. Indian Currant. Coral Berry. Cincinnati, Joseph Ciark (H. C. Beardslee Cat.); Painesville, W. C. Werner ; Licking Co., H. Ll. Jones ( Cat.) 74. LONICERA lL. HoNEYSUCKLE. WOODBINE. LONICERA CAERULEA L: Mountain Fly-Honeysuckle. “Northern Ohio,” H. C. Beardslee (Cat.) LONICERA CILIATA Muhl. Northern Ohio, W. Krebs, W. C. Werner, A. A. Wright (Cat.); Licking Co., H. L,. Jones ( Cat.) LONICERA GLAUCA Hill. Champaign Co., W. C. Werner; Springfield, Mrs. E. J. Spence; Licking Co. H. L. Jones (Cat.) : LONICEP A GRATA Ait. American Wood-bine. “Northern Ohio,” J. S. Newberry ( Cat.) LONICERA HIRSUTA Eaton. Hairy Honeysuckle. Northern Ohio; Columbus, Wm. C. Werner. LONICERA OBLONGIFOLIA Muhl. Swamp Fly-Honeysuckle. Lake shore, near Cleveland, W. Krebs. LONICERA SEMPERVIRENS Ait. Trumpet Honeysuckle. Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Cleveland, W. Krebs; Painesville, W. C. Wer- ner; Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.) ; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). LONICERA SULLIVANTII Gray. Champaign Co., Mrs. E. J. Spence; Columbus, Aug. D. Selby; Fairfield Co., E. V. Wilcox, S. Renshaw; Cincinnati, Jos. F. James (Cat.) LONICERA XYLOSTEUM L. Escaped from cultivation, Painesville, O. Hacker. 75. DIERVILLA Tourn. BusH HONEYSUCKLE. DIERVILLA TRIFIDA, Moench. Throughout the northern half of the state. VIII. ORDER RUBIACE. Madder Family. 76. CEPHALANTHUS \l.. Burron BusH. CEPHALANTHUS OCCIDENTALIS L. Frequent all over the state. 77. OLDENLANDIA L. BOTANY. 103 OLDENLANDIA UNIFLORA L. (O. glomerata Michx.) Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.) 78. HOUSTONIA L. HOUSTONIA CAERULEA L.. Bluets. Innocence. Distributed over the whole state. HovUSTONIA PURPUREA [L,. Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.); Loveland (Clermont Co.) Jos. F. James. HOUSTONIA CILIOLATA, Torr. (A. purpurea ciliolata Gray). Not frequent, but found from northern Ohio to Cincinnati. HOUSTONIA LONGIFOLIA Gaertn. (A. purpurea longifolia Gray). _ Frequent throughout the southern half of the state; S. Bass Island (Lake Erie) W. Krebs. HOUSTONIA TENUIFOLIA Nutt, (HW. purpurea tenutfolia Gray). “S. E. Ohio,” Gray (Manual). 79. MITCHELLA I. Par?tRIpDGE BERRY. MITCHELLA REPENS IL. Throughout the state. 80. SPERMACOCE Dill. BuYron-wEED. SPERMACOCE GLABRA Michx. “Southern Ohio,” Asa Gray (Manual). 81. GALIUM l.. BEDSTRAW. CLEAVERS. GALIUM APARINE, L. Cleavers. Goose-grass, Frequent throughout the state. GALLIUM ASPRELLUM, Michx. Common throughout the state. GALIUM BOREALE L., Northern Bedstraw. “Northern Ohio,” H. C. Beardslee (Cat.); Franklin Co., W. S. Sullivant (Cat.) ; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.) GALIUM CIRC#ZANS Michx. Wild Liquorice. Over the whole state. GALIUM CONCINNUM Torr. & Gray. Frequent all over the the state. GALLIUM LANCEOLATUM Torr. Wild Liquorice. “General,” J.S. Newberry (Cat.); Northern Ohio, A. A. Wright (Cat.); Cen- tral Ohio, Mrs. E. Jane Spence, H. Ll. Jones (Cat.) 104 GHOLOGY OF OHIO. GALIUM LATIFOLIUM Michx. Cincinnati, Joseph Clark (Cat.) GaALIUM PILOsuUM Ait. Youngstown, R. H. Ingraham; Central Ohio, E. V. Wilcox, H. L. Jones (Cat.) GALIUM TRIFIDUM I,.. Small Bedstraw. Generally distributed. GALIUM TRIFIDUM LATIFOLIUM Torr. Not abundant but distributed over the state. GALIUM TRIFIDUM PUSILLUM Gray. Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Cleveland, W. Krebs; Painesville, W. C. Wer- ner; Columbus, W. C. Werner. GALIUM TRIFILORUM Michx. Sweet-scented Bedstraw. Throughout the state. GaLIUM VERNUM L. Yellow Bedstraw. Painesville, Otto Hacker. IX. OrpER PLANTAGINACEZ. Plantain Family. 82. PLANTAGO Tourn. PLANTAIN. RIBWORT. PLANTAGO CORDATA Lam. Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Columbus, D. S. Kellicott. PLANTAGO ELONGATA Ph. (P. pusilla Nutt.) “General” J. S. Newberry ( Cat.) PLANTAGO LANCEOLATA L. Ribgrass. Ripplegrass. English Plantain. Common. PLANTAGO MAJOR L. Painesville, Cedar Swamp (Champaign Co.) W. C. Werner; Licking Co., H. L. Jones ( Cat.) PLANTAGO PATAGONICA ARISTATA (Mx.) Gray. Painesville, Otto Hacker; Licking Co., H. l. Jones (Cat.); Franklin Co., W. S. Devol. PLANTAGO RUGELII Decaisne. Common everywhere. PLANTAGO VIRGINICA [L. Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Licking Co., H. lL. Jones (Cat.); Sugar Grove, E. V. Wilcox; Lawrence Co., Wm. C. Werner. BOTANY. 105 X. ORDER VERBENACEAS. Vervain Family. 838. PHRYMA JL. LOPSEED. PHRYMA LEPTOSTACHYA L. Frequent. 84. LIPPIA Houst. LIPPIA LANCEOLATA Michx. Fog-fruit. Throughout the southern half of the state. 85. VERBENA Tourn. VERVAIN. VERBENA ANGUSTIFOLIA Michx. Kelley’s Island, W. Krebs; Cincinnati, J. F. James ( Cat.) VERBENA AUBLETIA L. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). VERBENA BRACTEOSA Michx. Cincinnati, J. F. James (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). VERBENA HASTATA L,. Blue Vervain. Common. VERBENA STRICTA Vent. Hoary Vervain. Cincinnati, J. F. James (Cat.); Painesville, Wm. C. Werner; Columbus, W. J. Green. VERBENA URTICZFOLIA L. White Vervain. Common. XI. OrpER LABIATAE. Mint Family. 86. MENTHA Tourn. MINvT. MENTHA AQUATICA L. Columbus, A. F. Wilcox. MENTHA ARVENSIS L. Corn Mint. Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Painesville, Otto Hacker; ‘“Duncan’s Plains, Ohio,” J. L. Riddell (Synop. 1835.) MENTHA CANADENSIS L. Wild Mint. Throughout the state. MENTHA CANADENSIS BOREALIS (Mx.) Wood. (WM. canadensis glabrata Berth). Ohio, J. L. Riddell (Synop. 1835); Cincinnati, Jos. Clark (Cat.) 106 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. MENTHA PIPERITA L. Peppermint. Widely distributed. MENTHA SATIVA L,. Whorled Mint. Licking Co., H. Ll. Jones (Cat. ) MENTHA SYLVESTRIS ALOPECUROIDES (Hall) Baker. Horse Mint. Franklin Co., E. V. Wilcox. MENTHA VIRIDIS L. Northern and central Ohio; Cincinnati, Jos. F. James (Cat.) 87. COLLINSONIA L. HorsE-BaLM. COLLINSONIA CANADENSIS L. Rich-weed. Stone root. Distributed over the state. 88. LYCOPUS Tourn. WaTER-HOREHOUND. LYCOPUS RUBELLUS Moench. New Antioch (Clinton Co.,) J. S. Vandervort; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Painesville and Columbus, Wm. C. Werner. Licking Co., H. lL. Jones (Cat. ) LYCOPUS SINUATUS Ell. Common. LYCOPUS EUROPAEUS L. Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat ); Cincinnati, Jos. F. James ( Cat.) LYCOPUS VIRGINICUS L. Bugle-weed. Common. 89. CUNILA LL. DITTANy. CUNILA MARIANA L. Common Dittany. Southern half of the state. 90. PYCNANTHEMUM Mx. MounvTAIn Mint. BAsit, PYCNANTHEMUM ARISTATUM Mx. “Ohio,” J. L. Riddell (Synop. 1835.) PYCNANTHEMUM FLEXUOSUM ( Walt.) B. S. P. (P. linifolium Ph.) Frequent. PYCNANTHEMUM INCANUM (J.) Mx. Throughout the state, but not common. PYCNANTHEMUM MUTICUM (Mx.) Pers. Licking Co., R. H. Ingraham, H. Ll. Jones (Cat. ). BOTANY. 107 PYCNANTHEMUM MUTICUM PILOSUM Gr. Cleveland, Dover Bay, W. Krebs; Springfield, Mrs. E. J. Spence; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). PYCNANTHEMUM VIRGINICUM (L.) B. S. P. (P. lanceolatum Phe) Frequent. 91. ORIGANUM Tourn. WILD MARJORAM. ORIGANUM VULGARE L. “Interior O.,” Leo Lesquereux (Newberry Cat.) 92, THYMUS Tourn. THYME. THYMUS SERPYLLUM L. Creeping Thyuure. “Northern Ohio,” H. C. Beardslee (Cat.) 92a. SATUREIA Tourn. SATUREIA HORTENSIS L. S un mer Savory. “Ohio,” Gray (Man.) 93. HEDEOMA Pers. Mock PENNYROVAL. HEDEOMA PULEGIOIDES (L.) Pers. American Pennyroyal. Common. 94. CALAMINTHA Tourn. CALAMINT. CALAMINTHA CLINOPODIUM Benth. Basil. | Northern and central Ohio; Fairfield Co., E. V. Wilcox, S. Renshaw. CALAMINTHA GLABELLA Benth. “Central Ohio,” W. S. Sullivant (Newberry Cat.) CALAMINTHA GLABRA Nutt. (C. muttal/ii Gray). Marblehead, (Ottawa Co.) W. Krebs; Lakeside, Aug. D. Selby; Tiffin (Seneca » Co.) W. H. Egbert; Clifton (Green Co.,) Mrs. E. J. Spence. 95. MELISSA I, Bam. MELISSA OFFICINALIS L. Common Balm, Occasionally throughout the state. 96. SALVIA lL. SAGE. SALVIA LYRATA Jy. Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.); Rio Grande (Gallia Co.) W. W. Deckard; Lawrence Co., W. C. Werner. 108 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. 97. MONARDA L. HORSE-MINT. MONARDA BRADBURIANA Beck. Cincinnati, Jos. Clark (Cat.); Southern and western Ohio, Thos. G. Clark (Beardslee Cat.) MONARDA CITRIODORA Cerv. Columbus, grounds of Sells Bros.’ circus, Aug. D. Selby. MONARDA CLINOPODIA IL, Richland Co., E. Wilkinson; Fairfield Co., E. V. Wilcox, S. Renshaw; Paines- ville, Franklin Co., W. C. Werner; New Antioch (Clinton Co.) J.S. Vandervort. MONARDA DipyMmMA L. Oswego Tea. Bee-Balm. Nelson Ledge (Portage Co.) W. Krebs; Cincinnati, Jos. F. James (Cat.) MONARDA FISTULOSA L. Painesville, Wm. C. Werner; Defiance Co., J. M. Phillips; Summit Co., W. Krebs; Springfield, Mrs. E. J. Spence. MoONARDA PUNCTATA JL. “ General,” J. S. Newberry ( Cat.) 98. BLEPHILIA Raf. BLEPHILIA CILIATA (L.) Raf. Frequent. BLEPHILIA HIRSUTA Benth. Frequent. 99. LOPHANTHUS Benth. Grant Hyssop. LOPHANTHUS NEPETOIDES (L.) Benth. Frequent throughout the state. LOPHANTHUS SCROPHULARLEFOLIUS ( Willd.) Benth. Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Medina Co., W. Krebs; Franklin Co., Aug. D. Selby; Cincinnati, Jos. F. James (Cat) 100. NEPETA l. Cat-MINT. NEPETA CATARIA L. Catnip. Common. NEPETA HEDERACEA (L.) B. S. P. (V. glechoma Benth) Ground Ivy. Gill-over-the- ground. Commion. LO SCULEREE ARTA: "Sui Caw: BOTANY. 109 SCUTELLARIA CANESCENS Nutt. Generally distributed. SCUTELLARIA GALERICULATA L, Throughout the state. SCUTELLARIA INTEGRIFOLIA JL. “ General,” J. S. Newberry ( Cat.) SCUTELLARIA LATERIFLORA L. Mad-dog Skullcap, Generally distributed. SCUTELLARIA NERVOSA Pursh. Throughout the state but not frequent. SCUTELLARIA PARVULA Mx. Lake Erie to southern Ohio, but not common. SCUTELLARIA PILOSA Mx. “General,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.); Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.) SCUTELLARIA SAXATILIS Riddell. Incking Co., H. L. Jones ( Cat.) SCUTELLARIA VERSICOLOR Nutt. Frequent throughout the southern half of the state. Cleveland, Wm. Krebs. 102. BRUNELLA Tourn. SELF-HEAL, BRUNELLA VULGARIS L. Common Self-heal or Heal-all, Common. 103. PHYSOSTEGIA Benth. FaLsE DRAGON-HEAD. PHYSOSTEGIA VIRGINIANA (L.) Benth. Generally distributed. 104. SYNANDRA Nutt. SYNANDRA GRANDIFLI,ORA Nutt. Franklin Co., J. E. Gould; Cincinnati, Jos. F. James (Cat.); Lawrence Co., W. C. Werner. 105. MARRUBIUM Tourn. HorREHOUND. MARRUBIUM VULGARE L. Common Horehound. Fields and waste places all over the state. 106. STACHYS Tourn. HEDGE-NETTLE, STACHYS ASPERA Mx. Throughout the state. 110 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. ‘ \ STACHYS ASPERA GLABRA Gray. Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Licking County, H. L. Jones (Cat.); Columbus, Wm. C. Werner. STACHYS CORDATA Riddell. Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Licking Co., H. L. Jones ( Cat.) ;. Cincinnati, Jus. F. James (Cat.) STACHVS PALUSTRIS L, Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.); Cincinnati, Jos. F. James ( Cat.) 107. GALEOPSIS L. HrEmMp-NETTLE. GALEOPSIS TETRAHIT L. Common Hemp-Nettle. “General,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.) ; Ashtabula Co., Sara F. Goodrich ; Miami Val- ley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). 108. LEONURUS L. MoTHERWORT. LEONURUS CARDIACA lL. Common Motherwort. Common. ° 109. WAMIUM L. DEAD-NETZLE. LAMIUM ALBUM J. Licking Co., H. Ll. Jones (Cat.) LAMIUM AMPLEXICAULE lL. Frequent throughout-the state. LAMIUM MACULATUM L. Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Licking Co., H. lL. Jones ( Cat.) LAMIUM PURPUREUM L. Lake Co., W. C. Werner; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.) 110; TLRICHOSLEMA TL BrUbYCURES: TRICHOSTEMA DICHOTOMUM L,. Bastard Pennyroyal. Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. 111. ISANTHUS Mx. FatseE PENNYROYAL. IsaNTHUS BRACHIATUS (L.) B.S. P. (7. caeruleus Mx.) Marblehead (Ottawa Co.) W. Krebs; Muskingum Co., W. C. Werner; Warren Co., W. A. Kellerman. : 112. TEUCRIUM Tourn. GERMANDER. TEUCRIUM CANADENSE L. American Germander. Frequent all over the state. BOTANY. 111 1122, AJUGA L. AJUGA REPTANS L,. Painesville, Otto Hacker. XII. OrpER BORRAGINACE. Borage Family. 113. HELIOTROPIUM Tourn. TouRNSOLE. HELIOTROPE. HELIOTROPIUM INDICUM L. Cincinnati, Jos. F. James ( Cat.) HELIOTROPIUM ANCHUSAFOLIUM Poir. Introduced, Painesville,;Wm. C. Werner. 114. CYNOGLOSSUM Tourn. Hounp’s-ToncuE. CYNOGLOSSUM OFFICINALE L. Common Hound’s-Tongue. Frequent in waste places and roadsides. CYNOGLOSSUM VIRGINICUM L. Wild Comfrey. Cleveland, W. Krebs; Painesville, Otto Hacker; Central and southern Ohio. 115. LAPPULA Moench. (£chinospermum Lehm.) STICKSEED. LAPPULA MyosoTis Moench. (chinospermum lappula Lehm.) Common. LAPPULA VIRGINIANA (L,.) Greene. (Lchinospermum virginicum Lehm.) Apparantly over the whole state. 116. SYMPHYTUM Tourn. COMFREY. SYMPHYTUM OFFICINALE L. Common Comfrey. Appears over the state generally but infrequent. tie SL ViCcORSIS) La BuUGLOSS: LYCOPSIS ARVENSIS L. Small Bug:oss. Painesville, Otto Hacker. 118. MERTENSIA Roth. Lungwort. MERTENSIA VIRGINICA (L.) DC. From Lake Erie to the Ohio River. 119. MYOSOTIS Dill. ScoRpIon-Grass. FORGET-ME-NOT. MYOSOTIS ARVENSIS (L.) Willd. Painesville, Otto Hacker; Cleveland, W. Krebs; Franklin Co., Miss Hulda Hoff- man; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Rio Grande, Galiia Co., Ruth E, Brockett. 1:2 CEOLOGY OF OHIO. Myosotis LAxa Lehm. Frequent in marshes and wet places throughout northern Ohio. MYOSOTIS PALUSTUS (1,.) Kelp. True Forget-me-not. “General,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.) MYOSOTIS VIRGINICA (L.) B.S. P. (JZ. verna Nutt.) Central and southern Ohio, Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Ashtabula Co., Sara F. Goodrich. ¢ 120. ONOSMODIUM Michx. FaLsE GROMWELL. -ONOSMODIUM CAROLINIANUM (Lam.) DC. Several localities in'the northern half of the state. ONOSMODIUM CAROLINIANUM MOLLE Gray. “Ohio” Gray’s Man dth ed.. ONOSMODIUM VIRGINICUM (L.) DC. “‘ General,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.) 121. LITHOSPERMUM Tourn. GROMWELL. PUCCOON. LITHOSPERMUM ANGUSTIFOLIUM Michx. Cedar Point, near Sandusky, W. Krebs. LITHOSPERMUM ARVENSE L. Corn Gromwell. Common throughout the state. LITHOSPERMUM CANESCENS (Mx.) Lehm. Puccoon. Throughout central and southern Ohio. Toledo, J. A. Sanford. LITHOSPERMUM HIRTUM Lehm. Cedar Point (Ottawa Co.) W. Krebs; Toledo, J. A. Sanford. LITHOSPERMUM LATIFOLIUM Michx. Toledo, J. A. Sanford. Cincinnati, J. F. James; Lawrence Co., W. C. Werner. LITHOSPERMUM OFFICINALE L. Common Gromwell, “Central Ohio,” J. S. Newberry ( Cat.) 122. ECHIUM Tourn. -VIPER’S BUGLOSS. ECHIUM VULGARE L. Blue-weed. From Lake Erie to the Ohio River. XIII .ORpER HYDROPHYLLACE. Waterleaf Family. 123. HYDROPHYLLUM Tourn. WATERLEAF. HvDROPHYLLUM APPENDICULATUM Mx. From Lake Erie to the Ohio River. BOTANY. 113 HYDROPHYLLUM CANADENSE L, Widely distributed. HYDROPHYLLUM MACROPHYLLUM Nutt. Central and southern Ohio. HYDROPHYLLUM VIRGINICUM L, Apparently over the state. 124. PHACELIA Juss. PHACELIA BIPINNATIFIDA Michx. Cincinnati, C. J. Herrick, J. F. James (Cat.) PHACELIA DUBIA (L,.) (VP. parviflora Ph.) “Central and southern Ohio,” J. S. Newberry (Cat) PHACELIA FIMBRIATA Michx. — “Central and southern Ohio,” J. S. Newberry ( Cat.) PHACELIA PURSHII Buckley. Throughout the southern half of the state. XIV. OrpER ACANTHACEA. Acanthus Family. 125. RUELLIA PLUMIER. RUELLIA CILIOSA Pursh. Springfield, Mrs. E. J. Spence; Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.) RUELLIA STREPENS L. Throughout the southern half of the state. RUELLIA STREPENS CLEISTANTHA Gray. With the type. 126. DIANTHERA Gronoy. WATER-WILLOW. DIANTHERA AMERICANA J). Islands of Lake Erie and southward to the Ohio River. XV. ORDER BIGNONIACA,. Bignonia Family. * 127. BIGNONIA Tourn. BIGNONIA CAPREOLATA I Cross-vine. Lawrence Co., at Ironton and Hanging Rock, W. C. Werner, and in Symmes Creek Valley, W.A. Kellerman. 8 G20: 114 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. 128. CATALPA Scop., Walt. Caranpa. INDIAN BEAN. CATALPA CATALPA (L.) Sudworth (C. dignonioides Walt.) Fairly naturalized in southern Ohio, J. H. Warder (W. Pl. O. 1882): Warren and Lawrence Counties, W. A. Kellerman; Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.); Cincin- nati; J. F. Jones (Cat). CATALPA SPECIOSA Warder. Nearly naturalized in southwestern Ohio, J.H. Warder (W. Pl. O. 1882).; Law- rence Co., W. A. Kellerman. , 129. TEcoMA Juss. TRUMPET-FLOWER, TTECOMA RADICANS (I,.) Juss. From Lake Erie to the Ohio River. XVI. OrDER PEDALIACEAE. 130. MARTYNIA LL. UNICORN-PLANT. MARTYNIA PROBOSCIDEA Glox. Franklin Co., W. S. Sullivant (Cat. 1840) ; Cincinnati, J. F. James (Cat.) XVII. OrpDER OROBANCHACEA. Broom-Rape Family. 131. APHYLLON Mitchell. Nakep BROOM-RAPE. APHYLLON UNIFLORUM (L,.) Gray. One-flowered Cancer-root. Distributed throughout the state but not abundant. 132. CONOPHOLIS Walroth. SQUAW-ROOT. CANCER-ROOT. CONOPHOLIS AMERICANA (L,. f.) Wallroth. Widely distributed. 133. EPIPHEGUS Nutt. BEECH-DROPS. CANCER-ROOT. EPIPHEGUS VIRGINIANA (L.) Burt. Over the whole state. XVIII. OrpER LENTIBULARIACEA L. Bladder-wort Family. 134. UTRICULARIA LL. BLADDERWORT. UTRICULARIA CORNUTA Mx. Central Ohio, W. S. Sullivant (Cat. 1840). Champaign Co., Wm. C. Werner. BOTANY. 115 UTRICULARIA GIBBA L, Central and southern Ohio, J.S. Newberry (Cat.); Cincinnati, Jos. Clark (Cat.) UTRICULARIA INTERMEDIA Hayne. Central Ohio, W. S. Sullivant (Cat. 1840); Lorain Co., Dr. Kellogg (Newberry Cat.) ; Painesille and Champaign Co., Wm. C. Werner. UTRICULARIA MINOR L. Northern Ohio, J. S. Newberry (Cat.); Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.); Cincin- nati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.) UTRICULARIA VULGARIS L. Northern and central Ohio. no specimen seen from the southern part of the state. XIX. OrpER SCROPHULARIACE Figwort Family. 135. VERBASCUM L. MULLEIN. VERBASCUM BLATTARIA L. Moth Mullein. Throughout the state, common in some sections. VERBASCUM THAPSUS L. Common Mullein. Throughout the state. 136. LINARIA Tourn. TOoOapD-FLAx. LINARIA CANADENSIS (L). Dumont. “General,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.) LINARIA ELATINE (L.) Mill. Painesville, Otto Hacker. LINARIA VULGARIS Mill. Common. 137. SCROPHULARIA Tourn. Figwort. SCROPHULARIA MARYLANDICA L. (S. nodosa marylandica Gray.) Widely distributed. a 138. CHELONE Tourn. TuRTLE-HEAD. SNAKE-HEAD. CHELONE GLABRA L. Throughout the state. 139. PENTSTEMON Mitchell. BEARD-TONGUE. PENTSTEMON HIRSUTUS (L.) Willd. (P. pubescens Solander.) Over the state. 116 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. PENTSTEMON LASVIGATUS Solander. From Lake Erie to the Ohio River. PENTSTEMON LAVIGATUS DIGITALIS Gray. Ashtabula Co., E. E. Bogue. 140. COLLINSIA, Nutt. COLLINSIA VERNA Nutt. Rather frequent throughout the central and southern part of the state; rare northward. 141. MIMULUS L. MoNnKEY-FLOWER. MIMULUS ALATUS Ait. Distributed throughout the state, MIMULUS RINGENS L. Frequent. 142. CONOBEA Aublet. CONOBEA MUL/TIFIDA (Mx.) Benth. Lake Side (Ottawa Co.) Aug. D. Selby; Dayton, August F. Foerste (Bot. Gaz., vol. VI, p. 214); Cincinnati, J. F. James (Cat.) 143. GRATIOLA lL. HEDGE-HYSSOP. GRATIOLA AUREA Muhl. “Fastern and northern Ohio,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.) GRATIOLA VIRGINICA Ly. Over the whole state. 144. ILYSANTHES Raf. (FALSE PIMPERNEL,) ILYSANTHES GRATIOLOIDES (L..) Benth. (/. r7paria Raf.) From Lake Erie to the Ohio River. 145. DIGITALIS L. DIGITALIS LUTEA L. Cleveland, W. Krebs (introduced). 146. VERONICA lL. SPEEDWELL. VERONICA AGRESTIS L. Cincinnati, J. F. James (Cat.); Painesville, Otto Hacker; Columbus, Cora McFadden. BOTANY. 117 VERONICA AMERICANA Schw. Common. VERONICA ANAGALLIS L, Cincinnati, J. F. James (Cat.); Fairfield Co., E. V. Wilcox and S. Renshaw; Franklin Co., Moses Craig. VERONICA ARVENSIS LL. From Lake Erie to the Ohio River. VERONICA BYZANTINA (Sibth. and Sm.) B. S. P. (V. duabaumii Tenore) Painesville, Otto Hacker; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.) VERONICA HEDERAEFOLIA L. Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.) VERONICA OFFICINALIS L. Common. VERONICA PEREGRINA L,. Generally distributed over the state. VERONICA SCUTELLATA L,. Northern and central portion of the state; no specimens seen froin the south- ern counties. VERONICA SERPYLLIFOLIA JL. Frequent. VERONICA VIRGINICA L, Widely distributed. 147. BUCHNERA L. BLUE-HEARTS. BUCHNERA AMERICANA IL, “Central Ohio,” W. S. Sullivant (Newberry Cat.); Fulton Co., J. S. Hine. 148. SEYMERIA Pursh. SEYMERIA MACROPHYLLA Nutt. Frequent throughout central and southern Ohio; Toledo, J. A. Sanford. 149. GERARDIA L,. GERARDIA AURICULATA Michx. Franklin Co., W.S. Sullivant (Cat. 1840). Has not been found by recent collectors. GERARDIA PURPUREA JL. Ca‘awba Island, W. Krebs; Franklin Co., Wm. C. Werner; Cincinnati, J. F. James (Cat.) 2 ee ae vas Gg Pero 118 . GEOLOGY OF OHIO. GERARDIA TENUIFOLIA Vahl. Throughout the state. 150. DASYSTOMA Raf. DASYSTOMA FLAVA (I).) Wood. (Gerardia flava I,.) Cleveland, W. Krebs; Lake Co., Wm. C. Werner; Licking Co., H. Ly. Jones ( Cat.) ; Fairfield Co., EK. V. Wilcox and S. Renshaw. DASYSTOMA LAEVIGATA (Raf.) (Gerardia laevigata Raf.) Fairfield Co., E. V. Wilcox. DASYSTOMA PEDICULARIA (L.) Benth. (Gerardia pedicularia J,.) Trumbull Co., Dr. Kellogg (Beardslee Cat.); Fulton Co., J. S. Hine. DASYSTOMA VIRGINICA (L.) (Gerardia quercifolia Ph.) Cleveland, W. Krebs; Lake Co., Wm. C. Werner; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright ( Cat.) > Cincinnati, Jos. Clark (Cat.); Fulton Co., J. S. Hine. 151. CASTILLEIA Mutis. PamIntTEeD-Cup. CASTILILEIA COCCINEA (L.) Spreng. Scarlet Painted-cup. Ironton, (Lawrence Co.) W. C. Werner; Georgesville, Franklin Co., E. V. Wilcox. 152. PEDICULARIS Tourn. LousEwort. PEDICULARIS CANADENSIS L. Common Lousewort. Wood Betony. Common. PEDICULARIS LANCEOLATA Michx. From Lake Erie to the Ohio River. 1538. MELAMPYRUM Tourn. Cow-WHEAT. MELAMPYRUM LINEARE Lam. (JZ. americanum Mx.) Cleveland, W. Krebs; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Painesville, Wm. C. Werner. XX. OrpER SOLANACEA. Nightshade Family. 154. SOLANUM Tourn. NIGHTSHADE. SoLANUM CAROLINENSE L. Frequent. SoLANUM DULCAMARA L, Throughout the state. SoLANUM NIGRUM L. Frequent and common in cultivated ground. BOTANY. 119 SOLANUM ROSTRATUM Dunal. Franklin Co., W. J. Green; Painesville, O. Hacker; Burghill, (Trumbull Co.) J. I. King; Petersburg, J. A. Crawford. 155. PHYSALIS L. GRounp CHERRY. _ PHYSALIS LANCEOTATA Michx. Throughout central and southern Ohio; Toledo, J. A. Sanford. PHYSALIS PHILADELPHICA Lam. Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.); Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Loveland, J. F. James (Cat.) PHYSALIS PUBESCENS IL. Painesville, Otto Hacker; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.) ; Cincinnati, J. F. James ( Cat.) PHYSALIS VIRGINIANA Mill. Generally distributed. PHYSALIS VIScosA L. Lorain Co., A. A. Wright ( Cat.) 156. NICANDRA Adans. APPLE OF PERU. NICANDRA PHYSALOIDES (L.) Geertn. Springfield, Mrs, E. J. Spence; Franklin Co., EK. V. Wilcox; Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.) ; Cincinnati, J. F. James (Cat.) 157. LYCIUM lL. MatTRIMoNny VINE. LYCIUM VULGARE (Ait.) Dunal. Franklin Co., W. C. Werner; Painesville, O. Hacker; Miami Valley, A. P. Mor- gan (Flora). 158. DATURA Ll. JAMESTOWN WEED. THORN-APPLE. DATURA STRAMONIUM JL. Throughout the state. DATURA TATULA L. Introduced and widely distributed. 159. HYOSCYAMUS Tourn. HENBANE. HYOSCVYAMUS NIGER L. Shore of Lake Erie, J. S. Newberry ( Cat.) XXI. POLEMONIACEZ. Polemonium Family. 160. PHLOX L. 120 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. PHLOX DIVARICATA I, Common. PHLOX GLABERRIMA L,. Cincinnati, J. F. James ( Cat.) PHLOX MACULATA I, Wild Sweet-William. Frequet throughout central and southern Ohio; Richland Co., E. Wilkinson. PHLOX MACULATA CANDIDA Mx. Columbus, Moses Craig. PHLOX OVATA I. Delta (Fulton Co.) M. G. Aumend. PHLOX PANICULATA L. Frequent throughout central and southern Ohio; Richland Co., E. Wilkinson. PHLOX PILOSA JL. Summit Co., W. Krebs; Delta (Fulton Co.) M. G. Aumend; Georgesville Franklin Co., E. V. Wilcox. PHLOX REPTANS Mx. ‘“Argillaceous hillsides,” J. L. Riddell (Synop. 1835.) PHLOX SUBULATA L. Ground or Moss Pink. Brady’s Lake (Portage Co.,) W. Krebs; Franklin Co., C. L. Dickey; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.) ; Fairfield Co., E. V. Wilcox and S. Renshaw; Long Lake (Summit Co.,) E. H. Bogue. 161. POLKRMONIUM Tourn. GREEK VALERAIN, POLEMONIUM REPTANS IL. Widely distributed. XXII. OrpER CONVOLVULACEA. Convolvulus Family. 162, IPOMGAA L.. Morninc Grory. IPOMGA COCCINEA L. “Tnterior and southern Ohio,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.) IPOMGA LACUNOSA L. Columbus, J. H. Lageman; Cincinnati, C. J. Herrick, J. F. James (Cat.); Rio Grande (Gallia Co.) Lizzie Davis. IPpoMaGsA NIT, (ly.) Ph. Central and southern Ohio. IPOMGSA PAUDURATA (L.) Meyer. Wild Potato-vine. Man-of-the-earth. From Lake Erie to the Ohio River. BOTANY. IPOMG@A PURPUREA (L.) Lam. Cincinnati, J. F. James (Cat.); Licking Co., H. L. Jones ( Cat.) IPOMGA QUAMOCLIT L. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). 168. CONVOLVULUS Tourn. BINDWEED. CONVOLVULUS ARVENSIS lL. Bindweed Throughout the state. CONVOLVULUS SEPIUM L. Hedge Bindweed. Common. CONVOLVULUS REPENS L, (C. sepium repens Gray). Licking Co., H. L..Jones (Cat.) CONVOLVULUS SPITHAMZUS L. Apparantly all over the state, infrequent. 164. CUSCUTA Tourn. DODDER. \, CUSCUTA CEPHELANTHI Englm. (C. fenutflora Englm.) Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Ashtabula Co., Sara F. Goodrich. CUSCUTA COMPACTA Juss. Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.) CUSCUTA EPILINUM Weihe. Flax Dodder. “Interior, general,” J. S. Newberry ( Cat.) CUSCUTA GLOMERATA Choisy. Licking Co., H. L. Jones ( Cat.) CuUSCUTA GRONOVII Willd. Common. CUSCUTA POLYGONORUM Englm. (C. chlorocarpa Englm.) “General,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.) CUSCUTA ROSTRATA Shuttleworth. Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.) XXIII. OrperR ASCLEPIADACH. Milk-weed Family. 165. PERIPLOCA (Tourn.) L. PERIPLOCA GRAECA L,. Ohio, H. C. Beardslee ( Cat.) 12] ae 122 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. 166. ACKRATES Ell. GREEN MILKWEED. ACERATES FLORIDANA Lam. (A. longifolia Ell.) Huron Co., H. C. Beardslee ( Cat.) ACERATES VIRIDIFLORA (Raf.) Ell. Northern and central Ohio; Cincinnati, J. F. James. 167. ASCLEPIAS lL. MILKWEED. ASCLEPIAS EXALTATA (L.) Muhl. (41. phytolaccoides Ph.) - From Lake Erie to the Ohio River. ASCLEPIAS INCARNATA L. Swamp Milkweed. Common. ASCLEPIAS INCARNATA PULCHRA Ehrh. Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Licking Co. H. L. Jones (Cat.) ASCLEPIAS OBTUSIFOLIA Michx. “General,” H. C. Beardslee ( Cat.) ASCLEPIAS PURPURASCENS L. Purple Milkweed. Over the whole state, infrequent. ASCLEPIAS QUADRIFOLIA L, Throughout the state but not abundant, ASCLEPIAS SULLIVANTII Engelm. Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman; Licking Co., H. lL. Jones (Cat.) ASCLEPIAS SYRIACA lL. (A. cornuti Decaisne.) Everywhere. ASCLEPIAS TUBEROSA lL. Butterfly-weed. Pleurisy-root. Widely distributed. ASCLEPIAS VARIEGATA L,. Summit Co., Franklin Co., Wm. C. Werner. ASCLEPIAS VERTICILLATA LL. Marblehead (Ottawa, Co.) E. Claassen; Springfield, Mrs. E. J. Spence; Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. 168. VINCETOXICUM Moench, VINCETOXICUM NIGRUM Moench. Painesville, W. C. Werner. 169. AMPELANUS Raf. (£zslenia Nutt.) AMPELANUS ALBIDUS (Nutt.) (Azslenia albida Nutt.) Cincinnati, J. F. James (Cat.) BOTANY. 123 170. GONOLOBUS Michx. GONOLOBUS GONOCARPOS (Walt.) (G. /e@vis Michx.) Cincinnati, Joseph Clark ( Cat.) GONOLOBUS OBLIOUUS R. Br. Lawrence Co., W. C. Werner; Columbus, A. D. Selby. XXIV. OrperR APOCYNACEA. Dogbane Family. le, OVEN CAUTS: VINCA MINOR J, Painesville, Wm. C. Werner; Richland Co., E. Wilkinson; Licking County H. Ll. Jones (Cat.); Fairfield Co., E. V. Wilcox and S. Renshaw. 172. APOCYNUM Tourn. DOGBANE. INDIAN HEMP. APOCYNUM ANDROSZMIFOLIUM lL. Spreading Dogbane. Frequent. APOCYNUM CANNABINUM LL. Indian Hemp. Common over the state. XXV. OrDER GENTIANACEA. Gentian Family. 173. SABBATIA Adans. SABBATIA ANGULARIS (L.) Pursh. Trumbull Co., R. H. Ingrahain; Central Ohio; Cincinnati, J. F. James (Cat.) Sabbatia brachiata reported for Hocking Co. by Adolph Leue seems to be this species. 174. GENTIANA Tourn. GENTIAN. GENTIANA ANDREWSII Griseb. Closed Gentian. Apparently over the whole state. GENTIANA CRINITA Froel. Northern Ohio; Columbus, W. C. Werner; Licking Co., H. ly. Jones (Cat.) GENTIANA PUBERULA Michx. “Central Ohio,” W. S. Sullivant ( Cat.) GENTIANA QUINQUEFOLIA L. Lorain Co., A, A. Wright, (Cat.); Cincinnati, Joseph Clark (Cat.) GENTIANA QUINQUEFOLIA OCCIDENTALIS (Gray) Hitch. Springfield, Mrs. E. J. Spence, Georgesville (Franklin Co.) E. V. Wilcox. 124 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. GENTIANA SAPONARIA L. Soapwort Gentian. Cincinnati, Joseph Clark (Cat.); Columbus, W. S. Sullivant (Cat.) GENTIANA SERRATA Gunner. Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.) GENTIANA VILLOSA Ly. (G. ochroleuca Froel.) Rio Grande (Gallia Co.) Lizzie Davis. 175. FRASERA Walt. AMERICAN COLUMBO. FRASERA CAROLINENSE Walt. Central and southern Ohio; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.) 176. OBOLARIA L. OBOLARIA VIRGINICA L. From Lake Erie to the Ohio river; rare. 177 BARTONIA Muhl. BARTONIA VIRGINICA (L.) B. S. P. (B. tenella Muhl.) Licking Reservoir, W. C. Werner; Painesville, H. C. Beardslee; Licking Co., H- L. Jones (Cat.); Lorain Co., A. A. Wright ( Cat.) 178. MENYANTHES Tourn. BUCKBEAN. MENVANTHES TRIFOLIATA L. Portage Co., W. Krebs; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Licking Co., H. L. Jones ( Cat.) 179. LIMNANTHEMUM Gmelin. FLOATING HEART. LIMNANTHEMUM LACUNOSUM (Vent.) Mx. Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.) XXVI. ORDER OLEACEAE. Olive Family, 180. FRAXINUS Tourn. ASH. FRAXINUS AMERICANA L. White Ash, Frequent. FRAXINUS PUBESCENS Lam. Red Ash. Summit Co., J. S. Newberry (Cat.); Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Franklin Co., W. A. Kellerman; Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.) FRAXINUS QUADRANGULATA Michx. Blue Ash. Frequent throughout the central and southern portions of the state. BOTANY. 128 FRAXINUS NIGRA Marsh. (/. sambucifolia am.) Black Ash. Generally distributed over the state. FRAXINUS VIRIDIS Michx. Green Ash. “General,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.); Miami Valley, A, P. Morgan (Flora). 181. CHIONANTHUS L. FRINGE-TREE. CHIONANTHUS VIRGINICA J. Rio Grande (Gallia Co.,) Ruth E. Brockett. 182. LIGUSTRUM Tourn. PRIVET. LIGUSTRUM VULGARE L. Lorain Co.. A. A. Wright (Cat.) XXVII. OrpDER STYRACACEAK. Storax Family. 183. MOHRIA Britton. (Ha/lesia Ellis.) SNOWDROP OR SILVER BELL-TREE. MoOHRIA CAROLINA (L,) Britton. Malesia teraptera UL. Given by Lazenby and Werner (Sup. List.) on the authority of Dr. Warder, but no specimens seem to have been found in the state. The plant occurs in West Virginia. XXVIiIl. OrpER EBENACEAE. Ebony Family. 184. DIOSPYROS I. DAtTE-PLUM. PERSIMMON. DIOSPYROS VIRGINIANA L,. Throughout the southern half of the state. XXIX. ORDER PRIMULACEAE. Primrose Family. 184a@. HOTTONIA Ll. FEATHERFOIL. WATER VIOLET. HOTTONIA INFLATA Ell. New Lyme (Ashtabula Co.) Florence Tuckerman. 185. DODECATHEON LL. AMERICAN COWSLIP. DODECATHEON MEADIA L,. Springfield, Mrs. E. Jane Spence; Cincinnati, Jos. F. James (Cat.); Franklin Co., W. S. Sullivant (Cat.) 186. LYSIMACHIA Tourn. LoosEstRirE. LYSIMACHIA NUMMULARIA . Moneywo.t. Escaped from cultivation. 126 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. LYSIMACHIA QUADRIFOLIA L. Throughout the state, but infrequent. » LYSIMACHIA STRICTA Ait. Generally distributed. LYSIMACHIA THYRSIFLORA L. Tufted Loosestrife. Probably throughout the state; no specimens seen from the southern half of the state. 187. STEIRONEMA Raf. LoosSESYRIFE. STEIRONEMA CILIATUM Raf, Common over the state. STEIRONEMA LANCEOLATUM Gray. Frequent throughout the southern half of the state. STEIRONEMA LANCEOLATUM ANGUSTIFOLIUM (lam.) Gray. _ Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.) STEIRONEMA LANCEOLATUM HYBRIDUM ( Mx.) Gray. Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.) ; Franklin Co., W. S. Sullivant (Cat.) ; Cincin- nati, Joseph Clark ( Cat.) STEIRONEMA QUADRIFLORUM (Sims.) Hitch. (.S. owgtfoliuwm Gray.) Throughout south central Ohio; Islands in Lake Erie, Aug. D. Selby, E. Claassen. 188. TRIENTALIS L. CHICKWEED. WINTERGREEN. TRIENTALIS AMERICANA (Pers.) Pursh. Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Cedar Swamp (Champaign Co.) Mrs. E. Jane Spence. 189. ANAGALLIS Tourn. PIMPERNEL. ANAGALLIS ARVENSIS L. Common Pimpernel. Painesville, Wm. C. Werner; Gallia Co., Lizzie Davis; Logan Co., Mrs. E. Jane Spence; Cincinnati, Jos. F. James (Cat.) 190. SAMOLUS Tourn. Water Pimpernel. Brook-weed. SAMOLUS FLORIBUNDUS H. B. K. (S. valerandi americanus Gray.) Throughout the state. XXX. ORDER MONOTROPACEHAKE. 191. HYPOPITYS Ll. PINE-SAP. HYPOPITYS MONOTROPA Crantz. ( Monotropa hypopitys YL.) Not rare. BOTANY. 127 192. MONOTROPA LL. INDIAN PIPE. MONOTROPA UNIFLORA LL. Frequent. XXXI. OrpEr ERICACEAE. Heath Family. 193. GAYLUSSACIA H. B. K. HuCKLEBERRY. GAYLUSSACIA DUMOSA (Andr.) Torr. and Gray. Dwarf Huckleberry. Lorain Co., Dr. Kellogg (J. S. Newberry Cat.) GAYLUSSACIA FRONDOSA (L.) Torr. and Gray. Blue Tangle. Dangleberry. “Northern Ohio,” J. §. Newberry (Cat.); Fairfield Co., E. V. Wilcox and S. Renshaw. No specimen seen by us. GAYLUSSACIA RESINOSA (Ait.) Torr. and Gray. Black Huckleberry. Frequent throughout the eastern half of the state. 194. VACCINIUM I. BLUEBERRY. BILBERRY. CRANBERRY. VACCINIUM CANADENSE Kalm. Toledo, J. A. Sanford. VACCINIUM CORYMBOSUM L. Common or Swamp Blueberry. Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Geauga Lake (Summit Co.) E. Claassen; Paines- ville, Win. C. Werner; Licking Co., H. Ll. Jones (Cat.) VACCINIUM ATROCOCCUM (Gray). (V. corymbosum atrococcum Gray). Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.) VACCINIUM CORYMBOSUM PALLIDUM Ait. Northern and eastern Ohio, J. S. Newberry (Cat.) VACCINIUM PENNSYLVANICUM Lam. Dwarf Biueberry. Frequent throughout sandstone regions. VACCINIUM PENNSYLVANICUM ANGUSTIFOLIUM Gray. Thompson Ledge (Geauga Co.) H. C. Beardslee (Cat.) VACCINIUM STAMINEUM L,. Frequent in sandstone soils. VACCINIUM VACILLANS Kalm. Low Blueberry. Frequent in sandstone soils. 195. SCHOLLERA Roth. (Oxycoccus Pers.) CRANBERRY. SCHOLLERA MACROCARPUS (Pers.) (Oxycoccus macrocarpus Pers. Vaccinium mac- rocarpon Ait.) Common Cranberry. Frequent in northern Ohio; Licking Reservoir, H. Ll. Jones (Cat.) 128 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. SCHOLLERA Oxycoccus (L.) Roth. (Vaccinium oaycoccus V,.) Small Cranberry. “Northern Ohio rare,” H. C. Beardslee (Cat.); Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.) 196. ARCTOSTAPHYLOS Adans. BEARBERRY. ARCTOSTAPHYLUS UVA-URSI (L.) Spreng. Bearberry. Cedar Point (Ottawa Co.) W. Krebs. 197. GAULTHERIA IL. WINTERGREEN. (GAULTHERIA PROCUMBENS L. Ground Birch. Teaberry. Frequent over the state. 198. CHAMAEDAPHNE Moench. (Cassandra Don.) LEATHER-LEAF. CHAMAEDAPHNE CALYCULATA (L.) Moench. (Cassandra calyculata Don.) Frequent in sphagnum marshes throughout northern Ohio. 199. OXYDENDRUM DC. SoRREL-TREE. SOUR-WOOD. OXYDENDRUM ARBOREUM (J,.) DC. Throughout the southeastern counties. 200. EPIGAA L. GROUND LAUREL. TRAILING ARBUTUS. EPIGAA REPENS L,. Frequent throughout the eastern half of the state. 201. ANDROMEDA lL. ANDROMEDA LIGUSTRINA Muhl. Marietta, J. L. Riddell (Synop. 1835.) ANDROMEDA POLIFOLIA L. Geauga Co., Wm. C. Werner (H. C. Beardslee Cat.) 202. KALMIA IL, AMERICAN LAUREL. KALMIA ANGUSTIFOLIA L. Sheep Laurel. Lambkill. Wicky. Central and eastern Ohio, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.) KALMIA LATIFOLIA lL. Calico Bush. Mountain Laurel. Spoon-wood. Eastern half of the state. 208. LEDUM L. LABRADOR TEA. LEDUM LATIFOLIUM Ait. Lorain Co., Dr. Kellogg (Newberry Cat.) BOTANY. 129 204. RHODODENDRON L. ROSE BAy. AZALEA. RHODODENDRON LUTEA (L.) (2. calendulaceum Torr.) Sugar Grove (Fairfield Co.) E. V. Wilcox and S. Renshaw; Fairfield Co., J. M. Bigelow (J. S. Newberry Cat.) RHODODENDRON MAXIMUM L. Fairfield Co., J. M. Bigelow (J. S. Newberry Cat.); Sugar Grove (Fairfield Co.) E. V. Wilcox and S. Renshaw. 205.. AZALEA VL. AZALEA NUDIFLORA L. (Rhododendron nudifiorum Torr.) Painesville, and Ironton (Lawrence Co.) Wm. C. Werner. ZALEA VISCOSA L. (Rhododendron viscosum Torr.) Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.) 206. PYROLA Tourn. WINTERGREEN. SHIN-LEAF. PYROLA ASARIFOLIA Mx. (P. rotundifolia asarifolia Hk.) “Northern Ohio, not uncommon,” H. C. Beardslee (Cat.) PYROLA ELLIPTICA Nutt. Shin-leaf. Frequent except in limestone regions. PYROLA ROTUNDIFOLIA L. Frequent in northern Ohio; Central Ohio, E. V. Wilcox and H. lL. Jones (Cat.) PYROLA SECUNDA IL. Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.); Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.) PYROLA ULIGINOSA Torr. (P. rotuudifolia uliginosa Gray.) “Northern Ohio, rare,” H. C. Beardslee ( Cat.) 207. MONESES Salisb. ONE-FLOWERED PYROLA. MONESES UNIFLORA (Gray.) (JZ. grandiflora Salisb.) “Northern Ohio,” Lazenby and Werner (Sup. Cat.), from Prof. Lazenby’s notes. No herbarium specimen can be found. 208. CHIMAPHILA Pursh. PIPsIssEWaA. CHIMAPHILA MACULATA (L,.) Pursh. Spotted Wintergreen, In sandstone regions. CHIMAPHILA UMBELLATA (L.) Nutt. Prince’s Pine. Frequent in woods. 9 GO: 130 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. 209. CLETHRA Gronoy. WHITE ALDER. CLETHRA ALNIFOLIA L. Sweet Pepperbush. Akron, H. C, Beardslee, Jr. (Lazenby and Werner, Sup. List); not of the Ohio flora as the specimers were transplanted from another state. XXXII, OrpEr UMBELLIFERA. Parsley Family. 210. HYDROCOTYLE Tourn. Water PENNYWORT. HYDROCOTYLE AMERICANA L,. Painesville, Wm. C. Werner; Cuyahoga Falls (Summit Co.) W. Krebs. HYDROCOTYLE UMBELLATA L. “Northern Ohio,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.); Portage Co., E. Claassen. 211. ERYNGIUM Tourn. ERvYNGO. ERYNGIUM AQUATICUM L,. (Z. yucce@folium Michx.) Rattle Snake-Master. Button Suake-root. Central Ohio, J. L. Riddell (Synop. 1835); W. S. Sullivant (Cat. 1840); not observed by recent collectors. 212. SANICULA Tourn. SaANIcLE. BLACK SNAKE-ROOT. SANICULA MARYLANDICA L. Frequent throughout the state. SANICULA MARYLANDICA CANADENSIS (J.) Torr. Frequent throughout the state. 21382 CONIUM LL. Poison HEMLOCK. CONIUM MACULATUM JL. Northern Ohio (W. Krebs, Wm. C. Werner); Licking Co.. H. l. Jones (Cat.) .; Cincinnati, Jos. Clark ( Cat.) 214. EULOPHUS Nutt. EULOPHUS AMERICANUS Nutt. Central Ohio, W. S. Sullivant (H.C. Beardslee Cat.) 215. ERIGENIA Nutt. HARBINGER-OF-SPRING. ERIGENIA BULBOSA (Mx.) Nutt. Over the whole state. 216. CICUTA Ly. Watsr-Hemrocr. CICUTA BULBIFERA L. Throughout the state. BOTANY. 131 CIcUTA MACULATA I. Spotted Cowbane. Musquash Root. Beaver-Poison, Common over the whole state. 217. CARUM LL. CARAway. CARUM CARUI L. Caraway. Painesville, Win. C. Werner; Cleveland, Wm. Krebs, Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.) ; Licking Co., H. lL. Jones ( Cat.) 218. ZIZIA Koch. ZIZIA AUREA (L.) Koch. Throughout the state. ZIZIA CORDATA ( Walt.) Throughout the state. 219. SIUM Tourn. WaATER PARSNIP. SIUM CICUTFOLIUM. Gmelin. Frequent in swamps and low grounds. 220. ASGOPODIUM LL. GRouUtTWEED. AEGOPODIUM PODAGRARIA JL, Painesville, Otto Hacker. 221. PIMPINELLA L,. PIMPINELLA INTEGERRIMA (L.) Gray. Generally distributed over the whole state. PIMPINELLA SAXIFRAGA L,. “Sycamore, Ohio,” Asa Gray (Manual. 6th ed.) 222. DERINGA Adans. (Cryptotenia DC.) HonEwor’. DERINGA CANADENSIS (L.) Kuntze. (Cryptotenia canadensis DC.) Throughout the state. 223. OSMORRHIZA Raf. SwEET CICELY. OSMORRHIZA BREVISTYLIS ( Torr.) DC. Generally distributed throughout the state. OSMORRHIZA CLAYTONI (Michx.) B.S. P. (O. longistylis DC.) Frequent throughout the state. 224. CHAYROPHYLLUM L. 132 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. CHAROPHYLLUM PROCUMBENS (L.) Crantz. Generally distributed. 225. PTILIMNIUM Raf. (Discopleura DC.) Mock BISHOP-WEED. PTILIMNIUM CAPILLACEA Mx. ( Discopleura capillacea DC.) “ General,” J..S. Newberry (Cat.); Franklin Co., W. S. Sullivant (Cat. 1840) ; Licking Co., H. lL. Jones ( Cat.) 226. ASTHUSA L. Foot’s ParRsLEy. AETHUSA CYNAPIUM L,. “General,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.) ; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright ( Cat.) 227. LIGUSTICUM LL. Lovace. LIGUSTICUM CANADENSE L. (ZL. acteifolium Mx.) Nondo. Angelico. Northern and eastern Ohio, J. S. Newberry (Cat.); Licking Co., H. Ll. Jones ( Cat.) LIGUSTICUM SCOTICUM L. Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.) 228. SELINUM L. (Conioselinum Fisch.) HEMLOCK-PARSLEY. SELINUM CHINENSE (L.) (Cenioselinum canadense Torr & Gray.) Cuyahoga Falls, W. Krebs. 229. THASPIUM Nutt. MEADOW-PARSNIP. THASPIUM AUREUM Nutt. Generally distributed. THASPIUM AUREUM CORDATUM (Walt. B.S. P. (7. aureum trifoliatum Coult. & Rose.) Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Licking Co., H. Ll. Jones ( Cat.) ; Cincinnati, J. F. James (Cat.) THASPIUM BARBINODE ( Mx.) Nutt. a Northern Ohio, W. Krebs; Central Ohio, H. L. Jones (Cat.), Aug. D. Selby: T,awrence Co., Wm. C. Werner; Cincinnati, Jos. F. James (Cat.) THASPIUM BARBINODE ANGUSTIFOLIUM Coult. & Rose. Toledo, J. A. Sanford; Cleveland, Wm. Krebs. 230. ANGELICA IL. ANGELICA ATROPURPUREA L,. Cleveland, W. Krebs; Richland Co., E. Wilkinson; Columbus, Aug. D. Selby; Licking Co., H. Ll. Jones. (Cat.) BOTANY. 133 ANGELICA VILLOSA ( Walt.) B. S. P. (4. Aivsuta Muhl.) Throughout the state. 231. PASTINACA IL. PARSNIP. PASTINACA SATIVA, L. Fields and waste places, common. 232. OXYPOLIS Raf. (7tedemannia DC.) OXYPOLIS RIGIDA (L,.) (Tiedemannia rigida Coult. & Rose.) Cowbane. Central and southern Ohio; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.) 233. HERACLEUM lL. Cow-PArRsnip. HERACLEUM LANATUM Michx. Throughout the state. 234. DAUCUS Tourn. CARROT’. Daucus caroTa L. Generally distributed, very abundant in some localities. 235. CAUCALIS L. CAUCALIS ANTHRISCUS (L.) Hudson. Cincinnati, C. G. Lloyd (Bot. Gaz.), Jos. F. James (Cat.); Painesville, W. C. Werner. XXXIII. OrpER ARALIACEA. Ginseng Family. 236. ARALIA Tourn. GINSENG. WILD SARSAPARILLA. ARALIA HISPIDA Vent. Bristly Sarsaparilla. Lake Co., W. C. Werner; Licking Co., H. L. Jones ( Cat.) ARALIA NUDICAULIS L. Generally distributed throughout the state. ARALIA RACEMOSA L. Spikenard. Throughout the state. ARALIA SPINOSAL,. Angelica-tree. Hercules’ Club. Washington Co., Aug. D. Selby; Cincinnati, Jos. F. James (Cat.) 237. PANAX YL. (Arvalia Tourn.) PANAX QUINQUEFOLIUM lL. (Ayvalia quinqguefolia Dec. & Planch.) Ginseng. Rich woods throughout the state, not common. 134 ; GEOLOGY OF OHIO. PANAX TRIFOLIA L. ( Avalia trifolia Dec. & Planch.) Dwarf Ginseng. Northern Ohio; also Franklin Co., J. L. Riddell (Synop. 1835.) XXXIV. ORDER CORNACEA. Dogwood Family. 238. CORNUS Tourn. CoRNEL. DOGWwoopn. CORNUS AL/TERNIFOLIA L. f. Throughout the northern half of the state. CORNUS ASPERIFOLIA Michx. Toledo, J. A. Santord; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Franklin Co., Aug. D. Selby; Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.); Springfield, Mrs. E. J. Spence. CORNUS CANADENSIS L. Dwarf Cornel. Bunch-berry. “Northern Ohio,’ J. S Newberry (Cat.); Painesville, Miss L. T. Prescott (H. C. Beardslee Cat.), W. C. Werner; Morgan (Ashtabula Co.) lL. B. Tuckerman Licking Co., H. lL. Jones { Cat.) CORNUS CANDIDISSIMA Marshall. (C. paniculata I/Her.) Panicled Cornel. Throughout the state. CORNUS CIRCINATA L’Her. Round-leaved Cornel or Dogwood. Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Painesville, W. C. Werner; Ottawa Co., Aug. D. Selby; Franklin Co., Moses Craig. CORNUS FLORIDA L. Flowering Dogwood. Over the whole state. CORNUS SERICEA L. Generally distributed. - CORNUS STOLONIFERA Michx. Probably distributed over the most of the state, but no specimens at hand ex- cept from the northern half. 239. NYSSA L. TUPELO. PEPPERIDGE. SOUR-GUM TREE. Nyssa aguatica Ll. (2. sylvatica Marsh.) Tupelo. . Black or Sour-Gum. Pep- peridge. Throughout the state. a XXXV. ORDER ONAGRACE. Evening-Primrose Family. 240. EPILOBIUM L. WiILLOW-HERB. EPpILOBIUM ADENOCAULON Haussk. Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.); Painesville, Geauga Co., Columbus, Wm. C. Werner; Ashtabula Co., Sara F. Goodrich. BOTANY. 135 EPILOBIUM ANGUSTIFOLIUM L. Great Willow-herb. Fire-weed. Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Cleveland, W. Krebs; Lake Co., Geauga Co., W. C. Werner; Ashtabula Co., E. E. Bogue; Delta (Fulton Co.) M. -G. Aumend. EPILOBIUM COLORATUM Muhl. Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Cleveland, W. Krebs; Fairfield Co., E. V. Wil- cox and S. Renshaw; Licking Co., H. lL. Jones (Cat.); Rio Grande (Gallia Co.) Lizzie Davis; Cincinnati, Tos. F. James (Cat.) Throughout the state. EPILOBIUM PALUSTRE OLIGANTHUM (Mx.) B. S.P. (4. palustre lineare Gray.) Northern Ohio, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.) ; Painesville, Wm. C. Werner; Lorain Co. A. A. Wright (Cat.) ; Springfield, Mrs. E. J. Spence. EPILOBIUM STRICTUM Muhl. Painesville, Wm. C. Werner; Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.) 241. LUDWIGIAL. Farse Loose-srrire. LUDWIGIA ALTERNIFOLIA L. Seed-box. Throughout the state, probably not abundant in any locality. LUDWIGIA PALUSTRIS (L.) Ell. Water Purslane. Common everywhere. LUDWIGIA POLYCARPA Short & Peter. “General,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.); Toledo, J. A. Sanford; Licking Co., H. L. Jones ( Cat.) ; 242. OENOTHERA L.. EVENING PRIMROSE. OENOTHERA BIENNIS L Common Evening Primrose. Common all over the state. OENOTHERA BIENNIS GRANDIFLORA (Ait.) Lindl. . : Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Ashtabula Co., E. H. Bogue; Painesville, Wm C. Werner. OENOTHERA FRUTICOSA L. Sundrops. Summit Co., W. Krebs; Franklin Co., J. L. Riddell (Sup. Cat. 1836.); W. S. Sul- livant (Cat. 1840); Licking Co., H. l. Jones (Cat.); Richland Co., E. Wilkin- son; Springfield, Mrs. E. Jane Spence. OENOTHERA OAKESIANA Robbins. Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.) OENOTHERA PUMILA L. Frequent north; Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. DENOTHERA SINUATA IL, Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.) 136 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. 243. GAURA L. GAURA BIENNIS L. Common throughout the state. GAURA FILIPES, Spach. Cincinnati, Dr. Kellogg (J. S. Newberry, Cat.); Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.) GAURA PARVIFLORA Douegl. “Ohio” [? ] J. L. Riddell (Sup. Cat. 1836). 244, CIRCA{A Tourn. ENCHANTER’S NIGHT SHADE. CIRCA{A ALPINA L. Frequent in the northern part of the state; Franklin Co., J. L. Riddell (Synop. 1835); Springfield, Mrs. E. J. Spence. CIRCAHA LUTETIANA L, Over the whole state. 2 XXXVI. ORDER MELASTOMACEAY. Melastoma Family. 245. RHEXIA L, DEER-GRASS. MEADOW-BEAUTY. RHEXIA VIRGINICA L. Cincinnati, Joseph Clark (H. C. Beardslee Cat.). XXXVII. OrpDER LYTHRACE. Loosestrife Family. 246. ROTALA L. ROTALA RAMOSIOR Koehne. (Ammania humilis Mx.) Columbus, W. C. Werner; Licking Co., H. lL. Jones (Cat.); Cincinnati, Jos. F, James (Cat.) 247. AMMANNIA LI, AMMANNIA COCCINEA Rottb. ‘‘ Ohio,” Asa Gray (Manual, 5th ed.) ; Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat) 248. LYTHRUM LL. LOosSESTRIFE. LYTHRUM ALATUM. Pursh. Throughout the state. LYTHRUM HYSSOPIFOLIA JL. “Central Ohio,” W. S. Sullivant (Cat.); Cincinnati, Jos. Clark (Cat.) LYTHRUM LINEARE L. Monroeville (Huron Co.) H. C. Beardslee (Cat.) BOTANY. 137 249. NESA‘A Commers. (Decodon Gmel.) SWAMP LOOSESTRIFE. NESAA VERTICILLATA (I,.) H. B. K. (Decodon verticillata Ell.) Northern Ohio (W. Krebs, W. C. Werner, A. A. Wright (Cat.) ); Licking Reser- voir (Licking Co.) H. L. Jones (Cat.) ; Dayton, Aug. Foerste (Bot. Gaz. VI. 274). 250. CUPHEA Jacq. CUPHEA PETIOLATA (L.) Koehne (C. viscosissima Jacq.) Over the southern half of the state. XXXVIII. OrpER ELZAGNACEA Oleaster Family. 251. SHEPHERDIA Nutt. SHEPHERDIA CANADENSIS, Nutt. Frequent in northern Ohio. XXXIX. OrDER THYMELAACEA. Mezereum Family. 252. DIRCA I, LEATHERWOOD. MOOSEWOOD. DIRCA PALUSTRIS L, Scarce but generally distributed. XL. OrDER CACTACEA. Cactus Family. 253. OPUNTIA Tourn. PRICKLY PEAR. INDIAN FIG. OPUNTIA HUMIFUSA Raf. (O. ra/finesquii Engelm,) Cedar Point (Ottawa Co.) W. Krebs. OPUNTIA VULGARIS Mill. Southern Ohio, J. A. Warder (Woody Pl. of Ohio); Cincinnati, Jos. F. James; (Cat). XLI. OrpDER PASSIFLORACE. Passion-flower Family. 254. PASSIFLORA J, PassIon-FLOWER. PASSIFLORA LUTEA L,. Sugar Grove (Fairfield Co.) E. V. Wilcox; Castine (Darke Co.) John Longen- baker; Lawrence Co., W. C. Werner; Cincinnati; Jos. F. James (Cat.) 138 ~ GEOLOGY OF OHIO. XLI. OrpER VIOLACEK#. Violet Eamily, 255. VIOLA Tourn. Vi0oLET. HEART’S-EASE. VIOLA BLANDA Willd. Sweet White Violet. Frequent throughout the northern half of the state, No specimen seen south of Fairfield Co. VIOLA CANADENSIS L. Canada Violet. Frequent throughout the state. VIOLA MUHLENBERGI Torr. (V. canina muhlenbergti Gray). Dog Violet. Lake Co., W. C. Werner; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Trumbull Co., R. H. Ingraham; Fairfield Co., KE. V. Wilcox; Springfield, Mrs. E. J. Spence. VIOLA HASTATA Michx. Halberd-leaved Violet. Brighton (Cuyahoga Co.) W. Krebs; Cleveland, W. C. Werner; Lake Co., H. C. Beardslee (Cat.); Orwell (Ashtabula Co.) E. E. Bogue. : VIOLA LANCEOLATA IL. Lance-leaved Violet. Painesville (Lake Co.) H. C. Beardslee (Cat.); Lorain Co. A. A. Wright (Cat.) VIoLA OBLIQUA Hill. (V. palmata cucullata Gray). Over the whole state. VIOLA PALMATA L. Common Blue Violet. Frequent throughout the state. VIOLA PEDATA L. Painesville, H. C. Beardslee Cat.); Lancaster (Fairfield Co.) J. M. Bigelow (Beardslee (Cat.), Cincinnati, Joseph Clark (Cat.); Lawrence Co., Wm. C. Werner. VIOLA PRIMULASFOLIA L. Primrose-leaved. Violet. “Northern Ohio,” J.S. Newberry (Cat.) VIOLA PUBESCENS Ait. Downy Yellow Violet. Generally distributed over the whole state. VIOLA PUBESCENS SCABRIUSCULA Torr and Gray. Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Mon:oe Co., H. Herzer; Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.) ; Richland Co., E. Wilkinson; Gallia Co., W. W. Deckard. VIOLA ROSTRATA Pursh. Long-spurred Violet. Generally distributed. VIOLA ROTUNDIFOLIA Mich. Round-leaved Violet. Cuyahoga Co, W. Krebs; Lake Co., Wm. C. Werner; Orwell (Ashtabula Co.) E. E. Bogue. BOTANY. 139 VIOLA SAGITTATA Ait. Arrow-leaved Violet. Northern Ohio (H. C. Beardslee, W. Krebs, A. A. Wright (Cat.); Licking Co. (H. 1. Jones Cat.); Franklin Co., M. H. Frank; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). VIOLA STRIATA Ait. Pale Violet. Frequent over the whole state. VIOLA TENELLA Muhl. (V. tricolor arvensis Gr.) Pansy. Heart’s Ease. Columbus, Moses Craig; Waverly (Pike Co.) C. J. Herrick; Cincinnati, Joseph Clark (Cat.); Lawrence Co., W. C. Werner. VIOLA TRICOLOR L. Occasionally found as an escape from gardens; Painesville, O. Hacker. 256. SOLEA Spreng., in part. GREEN VIOLET. SOLEA CONCOLOR (Forst.) Ging. Generally distributed over the state. XLII. OrpER CISTACHAE. Rock-rose Family. 257. HELIANTHEMUM Tourn. ROCK-ROSE. HELIANTHEMUM MAjuUS (L.) B.S. P. (H. canadense Mx.) Frost-Weed. “Barrens, Dover on the Ohio canal,” J. L. Riddell (Synop. 1835); Brady’s Lake (Portage Co.,) W. Krebs; Toledo, J. A. Sanford; Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. 258. LECHEA Kalm. PINWEED. LECHEA LEGGETTH Britt. & Hal. (Lechea minor I,.) “Central Ohio,” W. S. Sullivant (Cat.) LECHEA RACEMULOSA Michx. Marietta, J. L. Riddell (Synop. 1835); Fairfield and Lawrence counties, Wm. C. Werner; Adams Co., W. A. Kellerman. LECHEA STRICTA Leggett. Ravenna, Portage Co., R. H. Ingrham. LECHEA VILLOSA Ell. (ZL. major Michx.) “Barrens, Dover on the Ohio Canal” J. I. Riddell (Sup. Cat. 1836); Erie and Sunimit counties, E. Claassen; Toledo, J. A. Sanford. XLIV. ORDER RESEDACEAEF, Mignonette Family. 259. RESEDA Tourn. MIGNONETTE. DVYER’S ROCKET. RESEDA LUTEOLA L. Dyer’s Weed or Weld. F Escaped from cultivation; Licking Co., H. lL. Jones ( Cat.) 140 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. XLV. OrDER HYPERICACEAE. St. John’s-Wort Family. 260. ASCYRON L.. St. PETER’s-WorT. ASCYRON CRUX-ANDREAE IL. Sugar Grove (Fairfield Co.) E. V. Wilcox; Lawrence Co., W. C. Werner. 261. HYPERICUM Tourn. Si. JOHN’s-WoRT. HYPERICUM ADPRESSUM Barton. Painesville, H. C. Beardslee ( Cat.) HYPERICUM ASCYRON I. Great St. John’s-Wort. Not rare in the eastern part of the state. HYPERICUM CANADENSE L. “ General,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.); Cincinnati, Jos. Clark (Cat.) HYPERICUM CISTIFOLIUM Lam. Franklin Co., Aug. D. Selby; Cincinnati, Jos. F. James (Cat.) HYPERICUM DENSIFLORUM Pursh. Fiauklin Co., J. L. Riddell (Synop. 1835); Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.) HYPERICUM ELLIPTICUM Hook. Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.), Wm. C. Werner. HYPERICUM GALIOIDES Lam. “Darby Plains, Ohio,” J. L. Riddell (Synop. 18365.) HYPERICUM GENTIANOIDES (L.) B. S. P. (4. nudicaule Walt.) “General,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.); Portsmouth, J. S. Hine. HYPERICUM KALMIANUM I,. Kalm’s St. John’s-Wort. Sumuit Co., J. S. Newberry (Cat.) HYPERICUM MACULATUM Walt. Over the whole state. HYPERICUM MAJUS (Gray) Britton. Gypsum (Ottawa Co.) Wm. Krebs. (A. canadense majus Gray.) HYPERICUM MUTILUM L,. Widely distributed. HYPERICUM PERFORATUM L,. Distributed over the whole state. HYPERICUM PETIOLATUM Walt. (odes petiolata Pursh.) Painesville, W. C. Werner. HYPERICUM PROLIFICUM L,. Distributed over the state; South Bass Island (Lake Erie), W. Krebs. BOTANY. 141 HYPERICUM VIRGINICUM L. (L/odes campanulata Pursh; £. virginica Nutt.) Franklin Co., J. L. Riddell (Synop. 1835); Northern Ohio (W. C. Werner, W. Krebs, A. A. Wright Cat.) ; Licking Co., H. lL. Jones ( Cat.) XLVI. ORDER MALVACEAE Mallow Family. 262. MALVAIT,. Martow. Matva crispa L. Curled Mallow. Ohio, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.) . Marva mMoscHaTa L. Musk Mallow. Escaped from cultivation; Toledo, J. A. Sanford; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Cleveland, W. Krebs; Painesville, W. C. Werner. MALVA ROTUNDIFOLIA L. Common Mallow. Common in cultivated grounds. MALVA SYLVESTRIS L. High Mallow. “General,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.); Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Licking Co. H. Ly. Jones (Cat.) 263. CALLIRRHOE Nutt. CALLIRRHOE INVOLUCRATA (Mx.) Gray. On the grounds occupied by Sells Bros’. Circus, Columbus, W. R. Lazenby. 264. NAPAEA Clayt. GLADE MALLow. NAPZA DIOICA L. Sugar Grove (Fairfield Co.) E. V. Wilcox; Springfield, Mrs. E. J. Spence; Cin- cinnati, Joseph F. James (Cat.) 265. SIDA L. SIDA SPINOSA L. Generally distributed throughout the southern half of the state; Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.); Lorain Co., A. A. Wright ( Cat.) 265. ABUTILON Tourn. INDIAN MaLLow. ABUTILON AVICENNZ Geertn. Velvet-leaf. Common in fields and waste places. 267. HIBISCUS lL. RosE-MaLLow. HivISCUS MILITARIS Cay. Halberd-leaved Rose-mallow. Cuyahoga Co., J. S. Newberry (Cat.): Columbus, E. E. Bogue; Great Miami river, Dr. J. A. Warder (Woody Pl.) ; Cincinnati, Jos. Clark (Cat.) 142 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. HIBISCUS MOSCHEUTOS L. Swamp Rose-mallow. Frequent in swamps near shore of Lake Erie, also borders of inland lakes and reservoirs. HIBISCUS TRIONUM Ll. Bladder Ketmia. Perhaps throughout the whole state. XLVII. OrperR TILIACEA. Linden Family. 268. TILIA Tourn. LINDEN. BASswoop. TILIA AMERICANA LI, Basswood. Generally distributed over the state. TILIA HETEROPHYVLLA Vent. White Basswood. Scioto Co., W. A. Kellerman. XLVIII. OrperR VITACEA. Vine Family. 269. VITIS Tourn. (Cissus L. Ampelopsis Michx.) VITIS ASSTIVALIS Michx. Summer Grape. “ General,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.); Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.) ; Licking Co., H. L. Jones ( Cat.) VITIS ASSTIVALIS BICOLOR (Le Conte.) Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.); Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. VITIS CORDIFOLIA Michx. Frost or Chicken Grape. Over the whole state. VITIS CORDATA (Mx.) (V. cvdivisa Willd.; Cissus ampelopsis Pers.) “Ohio,” Asa Gray (Man. 5th ed.) VITIS LABRUSCA L. Northern Fox-grape. “General,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.); Lorain Co., A. A. Wright ( Cat.) VITIS QUINOUEFOLIA (L.) Lam. (Ampelopsis quinguefolia Mx.) American Wood- bine; Five-fingered Ivy; Ampelopsis; Virginia Creeper. Throughout the state. VITIS RIPARIA Michx. Lake Co., Wm. C. Werner; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Ashtabula Co., Sara F. Goodrich; Franklin Co., Moses Craig; Licking Co., H. L. Jones ( Cat.) XLIX. OrpER RHAMNACEZ. Buckthorn Family. 270. RHAMNUS Tourn. BUCKTHORN. BOTANY. 148 RHAMNUS ALNIFOLIA L’Her. Cuyahoga Co., W. Krebs; Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.), Wm. C. Werner ; Springfield, E. J. Spence; Champaign Co., Wm. C. Werner. RHAMNUS CAROLINIANA Walt. “A tall shrub in Kentucky and probably in southern Ohio,” J. A. Warder (Woody Pl.) RHAMNUS LANCEOLATA Pursh. “General,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.): Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.) ; Cincinnati, Jos. F. James (Cat.) 271. CEANOTHUS LL. NEw JERSEY TEA.” RED-ROOT. CEANOTHUS OVATUS Desf. ; Northern Ohio rare, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.); Cedar Point, W. Krebs; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright ( Cat.) CEANOTHUS AMERICANUS L. New Jersey Tea. Generally distributed over the state. L. OrpER STAPHYLEACEA. 272. STAPHYLEA L. STAPHYLEA TRIFOLIA L. American Bladder-nut, Generally distributed over the state. LI. Orper CELASTRACEA. Staff-tree Family. 273. EUONYMUS Tourn. SPINDLE-TREE. EUONYMUS AMERICANUS L. “General,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.) EUONYMUS OBOvATUS Nutt. (£4. americanus obovatus T. & G.) Distributed over the whole state. EUONYMUS ATROPURPUREUS Jacq. Burning-bush. Waahoo. Over the whole state, quite common throughout the southern half. 2974, CELASTRUS IL. STAFF-TREE. SHRUBBY BITTER-SWEET. CELASTRUS SCANDENS L. Distributed over the whole state. LII. Orper ILICINEA. Holly Tree Family. 275. ILEX Ll. HOuty. 144 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. ILEX opaca Ait. American Holly. Lawrence Co. (one specimen), W. A. Kellerman. ILEX VERTICILLATA (L.) Gray. Black Alder. Winterberry. Frequent in swamps and low grounds throughout the state. 276. ILICIOIDES Dumont. (Nemopanthes Raf.) MOouNTAIN HOLLY ILICIOIDES MUCRONATA (JL,.) Trelease. (Vemopanthes fascicularis Raf.) Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Summit Co., J. S. Newberry (Cat.) LIII. OrpER SAPINDACEAE. Soap-berry Family. 277. CARDIOSPERMUM L. CARDIOSPERMUM HALCACABUM Willd. Heart-seed. Balloon Pea. ‘““Rence corners, etc., four miles north of Cincinnati,’ Thos. G. Lea (Riddell Sup. Cat.) ; Pickaway Co., J. L. Riddell (Sup. Cat. 1836.) 278. AESCULUS L. Buckeye. AESCULUS GLABRA Willd. Fetid or Ohio Buckeye. Frequent throughout the state. AESCULUS OCTANDRA Marsh. (A. flava Ait.) Sweet Buckeye. Frequent throughout the southern half of the state. 279. ACER Tourn. MAPLE. ACER PENNSYLVANICUM L. Striped Maple. Eastern Ohio, J. S. Newberry (Cat.) ACER RUBRUM L. Red or Swamp Maple. Generally distributed over the state. ACER SACCHARINUM L. (A. dasycarpuim Ehrh.) White or Silver Maple. Throughout the whole state. ACER SACCHARUM Marsh. (A. saccharinum Wang.) Sugar or Rock Maple. Distributed over the whole state. ACER SACCHARUM NIGRUM (Mx. f.) Britt. (4. saccharinum nigrum Torr. & Gray.) Black Sugar Maple. Throughout the whole state. ACER SPICATUM Lam. Mountain Maple. Over the northern portion of the state. 280. NEGUNDO Moench. ASH-LEAVED MAPLE. BOX-ELDER. BOTANY. 145 NEGUNDO NEGUNDO (L.) Karst. (JV. aceroides Moench; Acer negundo \,.) Frequent throughout the southern half of the state; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright ( Cat.) LIV. OrpER ANACARDIACEAE. Cashew Family. 281. RHUS lL. SuMACH. RHUS AROMATICA Ait. (&. canadensis Marsh.) Northern Ohio (S. Bass Island, W. Krebs); Central Ohio (Franklin Co., Moses Craig); Southern Ohi» (Lawrence Co., W. C. Werner); Adams Co., W. A. Kellerman.) RHUS COPALLINA L. Dwarf Sumach, Throughout the state. RHUS GLABRA L. Smooth Sumach. Frequent over the whole state. RHUS RADICANS L. (R. foxicodendron Y.) Poison Ivy. Poison Oak. Over the whole state. RHUS TYPHINA L. Staghorn Sumach. Throughout the state. RHUS VERNIX L. (2. venenata DC.) Poison Sumach or Dogwood. In swamps and low grounds throughout the state. LV. OrpeR CALLITRICHACEAR. (falorageae.) Water-Milfoil Family. 282, PROSERPINACA lL. MERMAID-WEED. PROSERPINACA PALUSTRIS L. Northern Ohio, W. Krebs, W. C. Werner. PROSERPINACA PECTINATA Lam. Dayton, J. L. Riddell (Sup. Cat. 1836.) 283. MYRIOPHYLLUM Vaill. WateR-MILFoItr, MYRIOPHYLLUM AMBIGUUM Nutt. Licking Co., J. L. Riddell (Sup. Cat. 1856); Cincinnati, Jos. F. Clark (Cat. MYRIOPHYLLUM HETEROPHYLLUM Michx. Ashtabula Co., Sara F. Goodrich. MYRIOPHYLILUM PINNATUM ( Walt.) B.S. P. (J7. scabratuim Mx.) Summit Lake (Akron) J. L. Riddell (Sup. Cat. 1836); “Not common,” H. © Beardslee (Cat.); Cincinnati, Jos. F. Clark (Cat.) 10 G. O. 146 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. MYRIOPHYLLUM SPICATUM L. Generally distributed throughout the state. MYRIOPHYLLUM TENELLUM Bigelow. Northern Ohio, H. C. Beardslee ( Cat.) MYRIOPHYLLUM VERTICILLATUM L,. Cincinnati, J. L. Riddell (Synop. 1835) ; Joseph Clark (Cat. 1852.) In the supplementary catalogue published a year later, Dr. Riddell makes the statement that ‘“‘M. verticillatum has not yet been discovered in our state.” 284, CALLITRICHE lL. WaATER STAR-WORT. CALLITRICHE HETEROPHYLLA Pursh. Niles (Trumbull Co.) R. H. Ingraham; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Paines- ville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.) CALLITRICHE VERNA L, . Webbsport (Muskingum Co.) J. L. Riddell (Sup. Cat. 1836); “Common,” H. C. Beardslee (Cat.) ; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.) LVI. OrpER EUPHORBIACEAE. Spurge Family. 285. KEUPHORBIA l. SPURGE. EUPHORBIA COMMUTATA Engelm Frequent throughout central and southern Ohio; Marblehead (Ottawa Co.) W. Krebs. EUPHORBIA COROLLATA L. Throughout the state. EUPHORBIA CYPERISSIAS L. , Occasionally met with along roadsides as an escape from cultivation. EUPHORBIA DENTATA Michx. “ Southwestern Ohio,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.) EUPHORBIA HELIOSCOPIA L. Painesville, O. Hacker. EUPHORBIA HUMISTRATA Engelm. Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.) ; Champaign Co., Wm. C. Werner. EUPHORBIA MACULATA L, Common. EUPHORBIA MARGINATA Pursh. : Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Cleveland, W. Krebs; Columbus, Aug. iB), Selby; Cincinnati, Jos. F. James (Bot. Gaz. II, 64) EUPHORBIA NUTANS Lag. (4. preslit Guss.; £. hypericifolia \,.) Common. BOTANY. 147 EUPHORBIA OBTUSATA Pursh. Fairfield Co., S. Renshaw; Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.); Cincinnati, Jos. Clark (Cat.) EUPHORBIA PEPLUS L,. Cincinnati, Jos. F. Clark (Cat.) EUPHORBIA PLATYPHYLLA L,. Lake Co., H. C. Beardslee (Cat.); Cleveland, W. Krebs; Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.) EUPHORBIA POLYGONIFOLIA L. Frequent along the sandy shores of Lake Erie. 286. PHYLLANTHUS L. PHYLLANTHUS CAROLINENSIS Walt. “Southern Ohio,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.) 287. CROTON L. CROTON CAPITATUS Michx. Columbus, on grounds of Sells Brothers’ Circus, Aug. D. Selby. 288. ACALYPHA LL. THREE-SEEDED MERCURY. ACALYPHA CAROLINIANA Ell. “Southern Ohio,” Gray’s Manual; Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.) ACALVPHA VIRGINICA L. Common. LVII. OrpDER POLYGALACEA. Milkwort Family. 289. POLYGALA Tourn. Mitkwort. POLYGALA BREVIFOLIA Nutt. J. L. Riddell (Synop. 18385). POLYGALA CRUCIATA LL. Lorain Co., J. S. Newberry ( Cat.) POLYGALA INCARNATA L. Central Ohio, W. S. Sullivant (Cat. 1840), but not since collected. POLYGALA MARIANA Mill. (P. fastigiata Nutt.) Northern Ohio, J. S. Newberry ( Cat.) POLYGALA PAUCIFOLIA Willd. Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Elyria (Lorain Co.) H. C. Beardslee (Cat) 148 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. POLYGALA POLYGAMA IL, : Cleveland, W. Krebs; Painesville, H. C. Beardslee ( Cat.) POLYGALA SANGUINEA | L. Generally distributed. POLYGALA SENEGA L. Seneca Svakeroot. Apparently over the whole state. . POLYGALA VERTICILLATA L,. if Frequent. POLYGALA AMBIGUA Nutt. (FP. verticidlata ambigua 1..) Marietta, J. L. Riddell (Synop. 1835); Painesville, W. C. Werner. LVIII. OrpER SIMARUBACE#. 290. AILANTUS. AILANTUS GLANDULOSUS Desf. Tree of Heaven. Occasional in the southern half of the state. Naturalized from China. LIX. OrpDER RUTACEA. Rue Family. 991. XANTHOXYLUM W. Pricxiy Asa XANTHOXYLUM AMERICANUM Mill. Northern Prickly Ask. Toothache Tree. Generally distributed over the state. 292. PTELEA L. Hop-TREE. SHRUBBY TREFOIL, PTELEA TRIFOLIATA L. Apparently throughout the state. XL. ORDER LINACEA. Flax Family. 293.) TEIN dou.) PAs. LINUM SULCATUM Riddell. Licking Co., H. L. Jones ( Cat.) ; Dover (Tuscarawas Co.) J. L. Riddell (Sup. Cat.) , Franklin Co., Moses Craig. LINUM USITATISSIMUM L. Common Flax. Fieids and waste places, frequent along railroad tracks. LINUM VIRGINIANUM L, Found rather sparingly throughout the state. - BOTANY. 149 LXI. OrpER BALSAMINACEAE. 294. IMPATIENS lL. Balsam. JEWEL-WEED. IMPATIENS AUREA Muhl. (JZ. pallida Nutt.) Pale Touch-me-not. Common over the whole state. IMPATIENS BIFLORA Walt. (JZ. fulva Nutt.) Spotted Touch-me-not. Conimon over the whole state. LXII. OrpER OXALIDACEAE. 295. OXALIS L. Woop-SoRREL. OXALIS CORNICULATA L. Yellow Wood-Sorrel. ; “Ohio,” J. L. Riddell (Synop. 1835); Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Paines- ville, O. Hacker; Galia Co., W. W. Deckard; Monroe Co., H. Herzer. OxaLiIs stricta L. (O. corniculata stricta Lav.) Common throughout the state. OXALIS RECURVA Ell. Marietta, J. L. Riddeil (Synop. 1835); Licking Co., H. I). Jones (Cat.); Fairfield Co., E. V. Wilcox; Springfield, Mrs. E. J. Spence; Logan Co., W. A. Keller- man; Galia Co., W. W. Deckard; Franklin Co., Lawrence Co.; W. C. Werner. OXALIS VIOLACEA L. Violet Wood-Sorrel. Distributed over the whole state. LXII. OrpER GERANIACEAE. Geranium Family. 296. GERANIUM Tourn. CRANESBILL,. GERANIUM CAROLINIANUM L,. Northern Ohio (W. Krebs, H. C. Beardslee Cat.); A. A. Wright (Cat.) ; Columbus, Moses Craig; Lawrence Co., W. C. Werner. GERANIUM COLUMBINUM IL. Painesville, Otto Hacker. GERANIUM DISSECTUM L. Painesville, O. Hacker. GERANIUM MACULATUM Tourn. Wild Cranesbill, Throughout the state. (GERANIUM MOLLE LL. Painesville, W. C. Werner. 180 CEOLOGY OF OHIO. GERANIUM PUSILLUM L. Painesville, H. C. Beardslee; Ashtabula Co., Sara F. Goodrich. GERANIUM ROBERTIANUM L.. Herb Robert. Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.);S. Bass Island, W. Krebs; Lakeside (Ottawa Co.) E. V. Wilcox; Painesville, O. Hacker. 297. ERODIUM L’Her. STORKSBILL,. -ERODIUM CICUTARIUM (1...) L.’Her. Painesville, W. C. Werner, Franklin Co., Aug. D. Selby; Licking Co., H. L Jones (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). 298. FLOERKEA Willd. Fase MERMAID. FLOERKEA PROSERPINACOIDES Willd, Frequent throughout the state. LXIV. ORDER LEGUMINOSAE. Pulse Family. 299. BAPTISIA Vent. -FALSE INDIGO. BAPTISIA ALBA (I,.) R. Br. Central Ohio, W. S Sullivant (Cat.), J. L. Riddell (Synop.); has not been found by recent collectors. BAPTISIA AUSTRALIS (L.) R. Br. Biue False Indigo. Cincinnati, J. L. Riddell (Synop. 1834), Jos. F. James (Cat.) BAPTISIA LEUCANTHA Torr. and Gray. Crawford Co., H. Herzer; Franklin Co., E. V. Wilcox; Banks of Ohio River J. S. Newberry ( Cat.) ; Gemecnnee Clark (Cat.) BAPTISIA LEUCOPHAEA Nutt. Cincinnati,.Dr. Kellogg (J. S. Newberry Cat.) BAPTISIA TINCTORIA (L.) R. Br. Wild Indigo. Northern Ohio (W. C. Werner, R. H. Ingraham, A. A. Wright eee) Cincinnati, Jos. Clark (H. C. Beardslee Cat.) 300. CROTALARIA IL, RATTLE-BOX. CROTALARIA SAGITTALIS L. Cincinnati, Mr. Ward (J. S. Newberry, Cat.) 301. LUPINUS Tourn. LuUPINE. a LUPINUS PERENNIS L. Wild Lupine. é Tuscarawas Co., J. L. Riddell (Sup. Cat. 1836); Portage Co., W. Krebs; Paines- : ville, O. Hacker; Summit Co.. W. C. Werner; Delta (Fulton Co.) M. G. j Aumend. BOTANY. 151 302. MEDICAGO Tourn. MEDICK. MEDICAGO LUPULINA L. Black Medick. None Such. Frequent throughout the state. MepicaGo sativa l. Lucerne. Alfalfa. Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.) ; Painesville, W. C. Werner; Franklin Co., Moses Craig. 303. MELILOTUS Tourn. SWEET CLOVER. MELILOTUS ALBA (I,) Lam. White Melilot. Throughout the state, more common than the following. MELILOTUS OFFICINALIS (I,) Lam. Yellow Melilot. Throughout the state. 304. TRIFOLIUM Tourn. CLOVER. TRIFOLIUM ARVENSE Ly. Rabbit-foot or Stone Clover. Northern Ohio, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.) ; Painesville, O. Hacker; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Knox Co., Aug. D. Selby. TRIFOLIUM HYBRIDUM L. Alsike Clover. Appears to be generally distributed, escaped from cultivation, TRIFOLIUM PRATENSE LL. Red Clover. Common over the whole state. TRIFOLIUM PROCUMBENS L. Low Hop-clover. Marietta, J. L. Riddell (Synop. 1835) ; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.) ; Franklin Co., W. J. Green; Licking Co., H. lL. Jones ( Cat.) TRIFOLIUM REFLEXUM L. Buffalo Clover. Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.); Franklin Co., J. L. Riddell (Synop. 1835) ; “ Western Ohio, General,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.); Cincinnati, Jos. Clark (Cat. TRIFOLIUM REPENS L. White Clover. Common throughout the state. TRIFOLIUM STOLONIFERUM Muhl. Ruuning Buffalo Clover. Not abundant but rather widely distributed. 305. PSORALEA L. PSORALEA MELILOTOIDES Michx. i Hocking Co., C. J. Herrick; Lawrence Co., W. C. Werner. PSORALEA ONOBRYCHIS Nutt. Throughout the southern half of the state. Tw vee ah eens F- 152 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. 306. KUHNISTERA Lam. (VPetalostemon Mx.) PRAIRIE CLOVER. KUHNISTERA VIOLACEA (Mx.) Kuntze. (Peta/ostemon violaceus Mx.) “ Near Middletown Ohio,” J. L. Riddell (Sup. Cat. 1836.) 307. CRACCA lL. (Tephrosia Pers.) Hoary PEA. CRACCA VIRGINIANA L. ( Zephrosia virginiana Pers.) Goat's Rue. Catgut. From Lake Erie (J. A. Sanford) to the Ohio river. 308. ROBINIA LL. LOocust-TREE. ROBINIA HISPIDA J. Bristly Locust or Rose Acacia. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan. (Flora). ROBINIA PSEUDACACIA L. Common Locust or False Acacia. Generally distributed. ROBINIA viscosa Vent. Clammy Locust-tree. Ashtabula Co., Sara F. Goodrich; Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman ; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). 309. ASTRAGALUS Tourn. MILK-VETCH. ASTRAGALUS CANADENSIS L. Northern Ohio (J. A. Sanford, W. Krebs); Franklin Co., Aug. D. Selby; Lawrence Co., W. C. Werner. ASTRAGALUS COOPERI Gray. Southern Ohio, Jos. Clark (H.C. Beardslee, Cat.) ; Huron Co., H. C. Beardslee (Cat.); Lorain Co., A. A. Wright ( Cat.) 310. STYLOSANTHES Swartz. STYLOSANTHES BIFLORA (L.) B.S. P. (.S. elatior Swartz.) Central and southern Ohio, J. S. Newberry (Cat.); Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. 311. MEIBOMIA Moehr. TICK-TREFOIL, MEIBOMIA BRACTEOSA (Mx.) Kuntze. (Desmodium cuspidatum T. & G.) Cleveland, W. Krebs; Painesville, W. C. Werner ; Springfield, Mrs. E. J. Spence ; Cincinnati. Jos. F. James ( Cat.) MEIBOMIA CANADENSIS (L.) Kuntze. (Desmodium canadense DC.) Painesville, W. C. Werner; Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.); Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea ( Cat.) MEIBOMIA CANESCENS (L.) Kuntze. (Desmodium canescens IC.) Generally distributed over the state. BOTANY. 163. MEIBOMIA DILLENTI (Darlingt.) Kuntze. (Desmodium dillenii Darl.) Throughout the state. MEIBOMIA GLABELLA (Michx.) Kuntze. (Desmodium humifusum Beck.) Monroe Co., J. L. Riddell (Synop. 1835.) \{EIBOMIA GRANDIFLORA ( Walt.) Kuntze. (Desmodium acuminatum DC.) Throughout the state. MEIBOMIA LAEVIGATA (Nutt.) Kuntze. (Desmodium laevigatum DC.) “Ohio,” J. L. Riddell (Synop. 1835.) MEIBOMIA MARYLANDICA (L.) Kuntze. (Desmodium marylandicum F. Boot.) “Miami River,” J. L. Riddell (Synop. 1835) ; Lancaster ( Fairfield Co.) J. M. Bige- low (J. S. Newberry, Cat.) ; Sugar Grove (Fairfield Co.) Wm. C. Werner. MEIBOMIA NUDIFLORA (L.) Kuntze. (Desmodium nudifiorum DC.) Frequent throughout the state. MEIBOMIA OBTUSA (Muhl.) A. M. Vail. (Desmodium ciliare DC.) “Miami county,” Ohio, J.L. Riddell (Synop. 1885) ; Georgesville (Franklin Co.) Wm. C. Werner; Summit Co., Wm. Krebs. MEIBOMIA PANICULATA (L.) Kuntze. (Desmodium paniculatum DC.) Northern Ohio (E. E. Bogue, W. C. Werner, A. A. Wright Cat.); Central Ohio (Aug. D. Se by, H. L. Jones Cat.) ; Cincinnati, Jos. F. James ( Cat.) MEIBOMIA PAUCIFLORA ( Nutt.) Kuntze. (Desmodium pauciflorum De.) “General,” J. S. Newberry ( Cat.) ; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); New Antioch (Clinton Co.) J. S. Vandervort; Cincinnati, Joseph Clark ( Cat.) MEIBOMIA RIGIDA (Elliott) Kuntze. (Desmodium r gidum DC.) Marietta, J. L. Riddell (Synop. 1835); Northern Ohio, J. S. Newberry (Cat.) ; Fairfield Co., Franklin Co., Wm. C. Werner. MEIBOMIA ROTUNDIFOLIA (Mx.) Kuntze. (Desmodium rotundifolium DC.) Throughout the state; probably not abundant in any locality. MEIBOMIA STRICTA (Ph.) Kuntze. (Desmodium strictum DC.) “Middletown,” J. Ll. Riddell (Synop. 1835.) MEIBOMIA VIRIDIFLORA (L.) Kuntze. (Desmodium viridiflorum Beck.) Lorain Co., A.A. Wright ( Cat.) ; Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.) 312. LESPEDEZA Michx. BUSH-CLOVER. LESPEDEZA FRUTESCENS ( Willd.) Ell. (Z. capitata Mx.) Cuyahoga Co., W. Krebs; Painesville, Franklin Co., W. C. Werner; Cincinnati. Jos. Clark (Cat); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). , LESPEDEZA HIRTA (L.) Ell. (L. polvstachya Mx.) Throughout the state. 154 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. LESPEDEZA PROCUMBENS Mx. Fairfield Co., Wm. C. Werner. LESPEDEZA REPENS (L.) Bart. Frequent throughout the state. LESPEDEZA RETICULATA ( Muhl.) Pers. Cincinnati, T. G. Lea (Riddell, Sup. Cat. 1836); Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.) ; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Franklin Co., Aug. D. Selby; Scioto Co., W. A. Kellerman. ‘LESPEDEZA STUVEI Nutt. Painesville, W. C. Werner; Licking Co., H. ly. Jones (Cat.) LESPEDEZA INTERMEDIUM (Watson) Britt. Cincinnati, T. G. Lea (Riddell Sup. Cat. 1836); Painesville, Wm. C. Werner; Franklin Co., Aug. D. Selby; Scioto Co., W. A. Kellerman; Muskingum Co., Win. C. Werner; Monroe Co., H. Herzer; Gallia Co., Lizzie Davis; Fulton CornaSsbune: LESPEDEZA VIOLACEA (L.) Pers. Frequent. 313. VICIA Tourn. VETCH. TARE. VICIA AMERICANA Muhl. “General,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.); Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.) VICIA CAROLINIANA Walt. Throughout the state. VICIA CRACCA L. Painesville, H. C. Beardslee ( Cat.) ; Fairneld Co., E. V. Wilcox and S. Renshaw; Columbus, C. E. Morrey; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). VICIA HIRSUTA (L.) Koch. Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Painesville, W. C. Werner; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.) VicIA SATIVA L. Common Vetch or Tare. “Common,” H. C. Beardslee (Cat.) ; Painesville, W. C. Werner. 814. LATHYRUS Tourn. VETCHLING. EVERLASTING PEA. LATHYRUS GLAUCIFOLIUS Beck. (ZL. ochroleucus Hook.) Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.), Wm. C. Werner; Cleveland, W. Krebs; Lor- ain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.) LATHYRUS MARITIMUS (L,.) Bigelow. Beach Pea. Ashtabula Co., Sara F. Goodrich; Lake Co., H. C. Beardslee (Cat.), Wun. C. Werner. BOTANY. 155 LATHYRUS MYRTIFOLIUS Muhl. Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.); Toledo, J. A. Sanford; Ashtabula Co., Sara F. Goodrich; Licking reservoir, Columbus, Wm. C. Werner. LATHYRUS PALUSTRIS L,. Northern Ohio, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.), A. A. Wright (Cat.), Wm. Krebs, Sara F. Goodrich; Licking reservoir, H. L. Jones (Cat.); Columbus, Wm. C. Werner; Champaign Co., Wm. C. Werner. LATHYRUS VENOSUS Muhl. Ohio, J. L. Riddell (Synop. 1835); Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.); Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cet.); Cincinnati, Jos. Clark ( Cat.) 315. CLITORIA L. BUTTERFLY-PiA. CLITORIA MARIANA L,. “Ohio,” J. L Riddell (Synop. 1835.) 316. FALCATA Gmel. (Amphicarpaea Ell.) Hoc PEA-NUT. FaLcaTa comosa (L.) Kuntze. (Amphicarpaea comosa \,.; A. monoica El.) Generally distributed over the state. FaLCATA PITCHERI (T. & G.) Kuntze. (Amphicarpaea pitcheri Torr. and Gray). Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.) 317. APIOS Boerhaave. GROUND-NUT. WILD BEAN, APIOS TUBEROSA Moench. Frequent throughout the state. 318. PHASEOLUS Tourn. KIDNEY BEAN. PHASEOLUS HELVOLUS L. ( Strophostyles angulosa El.) Common on the sandy shores of Lake Erie; Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.) ; Cincinnati, Jos. F. James (Cat.); “Prairie, near Hamilton, Ohio,” J. lL. Rid- dell (Synop. 1835.) PHASEOLUS PERENNIS Walt. Wild Bean. “General,” J. S. Newberry ( Cat.) 319. GYMNOCLADUS Lam. KENTUCKY COFFFE-TREE, GYMNOCLADUS Diorcus (L.) Koch. (G. canadensis am.) Distributed over the state, probably not abundant anywhere. 320. GLEDITSCHIA L. Honey Locust. GLEDITSCHIA TRIACANTHOS L. Three-thorned Acacia, or Honey-Locust. Generally distributed but more frequent over the southern half of the state. eal) Ct a GEOLOGY OF OHIO. 821. CASSIA Tourn. SENNA. CASSIA CHAMCRISTA L. Partridge Pea. Monroeville (Huron Co.) H. C. Beardslee (Cat.); Franklin Co., Aug. D. Selby; Licking Co., H. Ll. Jones (Cat.); Cincinnati, Jos. F. James ( Cat.) CASSIA MARILANDICA L. Wild Senna. Frequent in the southern and western parts of the state; Cleveland, W. Krebs. CASSIA NICTITANS L. Frequent in the southern half of the state. 322. CERCIS L. RED-BUD. JUDAS-TREE. CERCIS CANADENSIS L. Red-bud. Over the whole state, especially abundant in the southern half, LXV. ORDER ROSACEZ. Rose Family. 323. PRUNUS Tourn. PLUM, CHERRY, ETC. PRUNUS AMERICANA Marshall. Throughout the state. PRUNUS ANGUSTIFOLIA Marsh. (PP. chicasa Michx.) “Naturalized in southern Ohio,” J. A. Warder (Woody Pl) PRUNUS PENNSYLVANICA L. f. Wild Red Cherry. Northern Ohio, W. Krebs, Sara F. Goodrich, W. C. Werner, A. A. Wright ( Cat.) PRUNUS PUMILA L. “Northern Ohio,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.) PRUNUS SEROTINA Ehrh. Wild Black Cherry. Throughout the state. PRUNUS VIRGINIANA L. Choke-cherry. Northern Ohio, A. A. Wright (Cat.), W. C. Werner; Central. Ohio, Mrs. E. J. Spence, Aug. D. Selby; Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat) 324. SPIRAA L. MEADOW-SWEET. SPIRZA ARUNCUS L. Goat’s Beard. Distributed throughout the state. SPIRA:A CORYMBOSA Raf. (S. bdefulaefolia corymbosa Watson.) Cleveland, W. Krebs; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright ( Cat.) SPIRAA RUBRA (Hill) Britt. (S. /obata Jacq.) Queen of the Prairie. Cedar Swamp (Champaign Co.) Mrs. E. J. Spence; Cincinnati, Jos. F. James (Cat.); Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.); Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.) BOTANY. La7 ~~ SPIR#A SALICIFOLIA L. Common Meadow-Sweet. Throughout the state. SPIREZA TOMENTOSA L. Hard ack. Steeple-Bush. Silver Lake (Summit Co.) W. Krebs ; Mahoning Co., W. C. Werner; Lorain Co.; A. A. Wright (Cat.); Amanda (Fairfield Co.) W. A. Kellerman. 325. EPISCOTORUS Raf. (WNez/lia; Physocarpus.) EPISCOTORUS OPULIFOLIUS (L.) (Neillia opulifolia Benth. & Hook., Phisocarpus opulifolius Maxim., Sprraea opulifolia I,.) Distributed throughout the state; S. Bass Island, W. Krebs. 326. PORTERANTHUS Britt. (Gz/lenta Moench.) INDIAN PHYSIC. PORTERANTHUS STIPULATUS (Muhl)} Britt. ( Gzl/enta stipulata Muhl.; G. stipulacea Nutt.) American Ipecac. Southern Ohio, J. S. Newberry (Cat.); Cincinnati, Jos. F. James (Cat.); Athens Co, Aug. D. Selby; Logan Co., W. A. Kellerman. PORTERANTHUS TRIFOLIATA (L.) Britt. (Gzllenia trifoliata Moench.) Bowman’s Root. Knox Co., J. S. Newberry (Cat.); Painesville, O. Hacker; Corning (Perry Co.) J. H. Lageman; Dayton, R. Buchanan (J. L. Riddell, Sup. Cat. 1836.) 227. RUBUS Tourn. BRAMBLE. RUBUS AMERICANUS (Pers.) (A. ¢riflorus Richards.) Dwarf Raspberry. Frequent in northern Ohio; Champaign Co., Mrs. E. J. Spence. RUBUS CANADENSIS L. Dewberry. Trequent throughout the state; a double flowered form from Painesville, O. Hacker. RUBUS CUNEIFOLIUS Pursh. Sand Blackberry. Lorain Co., Dr. Kellogg (J. S. Newberry, Cat.) RUBUS HISPIDUS L. Running Swamp-Blackberry. Northern Ohio. RUBUS INVISUS (Bailey) Britt. (FR. villosus humifusus T. & G.) “Common,” H. C. Beardslee (Cat.) RUBUS OCCIDENTALIS L. Black Raspberry. Frequent throughout the state. RUBUS ODORATUS L. Purple Flowering-Raspberry. Generally distributed over the northern and central portions of the state. RUBUS STRIGOSUS Michx. Wild Red-Raspberry. Throughout the state. bal PRT : ‘ 158 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. RUBUS VILLOSUS Ait. Common Blackberry. Common over the whole state. RUBUS VILLOSUS FRONDOSUS Torr. “Common,” H. C. Beardslee (Cat.) ; Lake.Co., O. Hacker. 328. DALIBARDA IL, DALIBARDA REPENS L,. Worthington (Franklin Co.) J. L. Riddell (Synop. 1835); Morgan (Ashtabula Co.) L. B. Tuckerman (Lazenby and Werner, Sup. List); Orwell (Ashtabula Co.) E. E. Bogue. 3829. GEUM lL. AVENS. GEUM CANADENSE Jacq. (G. album Ginelin.) Generally distributed. GEUM CILIATUM Ph. (G. ¢riflorum Ph.) “ Ohio,” J. L: Riddell (Synop. 1835.) GEUM RIVALE L. Water, or Purple Avens. Northern Ohio (W. Krebs, W. C. Werner, E. E. Bogue); Champaign Co. Wm. C. Werner. ; GEUM STRICTUM Ait. Northern Ohio (W. Krebs, W. C. Werner, A. A. Wright (Cat.); Licking Co., H. L. Jones ( Cat.) GEUM VERNUM Torr. & Gray. Frequent in central and southern Ohio; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.) 330. WALDSTEHINIA Wilid. WALDSTEINIA FRAGARIOIDES (Mx.) Tratt. Painesville, O. Hacker; Ashtabula Co., Florence Tuckerman; Franklin Co., Aug. D. Selby ; Springfield, Mrs. E. J. Spence; Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.); Cincinnati, J. L. Riddell (Synop. 1835.) 831. FRAGARIA Tourn. STRAWBERRY. FRAGARIA AMERICANA (Porter) Britt. (/. vesca, Gray Man.) Painesville, Wm. C. Werner; Springfield, Mrs. E. J. Spence. /. vesca, Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.) and Cincinnati, Jos. F. James (Cat.) undoubtedly refer to F. Americana. FRAGARIA VIRGINIANA Mill. Frequent all over the state. FRAGARIA VIRGIAIANA ILLINOENSIS (Prince) Gray. Painesville and Columbus, Wm. C. Werner; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat,); Gallia Co., W. W. Deckard. Perhaps widely distributed. BOTANY. 159 332. POTENTILLA L. CINQUE-FOIL. FIVE-FINGER. POTENTILLA ANSERINA L. Silver-Weed. Sandy shore of Lake Erie (H.C. Beardslee Cat.), W. Krebs; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.) POTENTILLA ARGUTA Pursh. Cedar Point (Erie Co.) and Lakeside (Ottawa Co.), W. Krebs; Painesville, & Wim. C. Werner. POTENTILLA ARGENTEA L. Silvery Cinque-Foil. Cleveland, Lakeside and Cedar Point, W. Krebs. POTENTILLA CANADENSIS L. Common Five-Finger. Throughout the state. POTENTILILA CANADENSIS SIMPLEX T. & G. Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Licking Co., H. Ll. Jones ( Cat.); Franklin Co., J. L. Riddell (Synop. 1835.) POTENTILLA FRUTICOSA L. Shrubby Cinque-Foil. Central Ohio, W. S. Sullivant (Cat. 1840); Cedar Swamp, Champaign Co., Mrs. E. J. Spence. POTENTILLA NORVEGICA L. Frequent throughout the state. POTENTILLA PALUSTRIS (L.) Scop. Marsh Five-Finger. Northern Ohio, W. Krebs, A. A. Wright (Cat.); Licking Reservoir, H. L. Jones ( Cat.) POTENTILLA RECTA L. Columbus, W. R. Lazenby; Westerville (Franklin Co.), FE. V. Wilcox. POTENTILLA SUPINA L. f Painesville and Southern Ohio, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.); Cedar Point (Erie Co.), E. Claassen; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.) 333. AGRIMONIA Tourn. AGRIMONY. AGRIMONIA STRIATA Mx. (A. eupatoria L,) Common Agrimony. Frequent over the whole state. AGRIMONIA PARVIFLORA Ait. Small-flowered Agrimony. Throughout the state. 334. SANGUISORBA LL. (Poterium \,.) BURNET. SANGUISORBA CANADENSIS L. (FPotertum canadense Benth. & Hk.) Canadian Burnet. Northern Ohio, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.), W. Krebs; Central Ohio, Mrs. EK. J. Spence, E. E. Bogue; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). 160 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. SANGUISORBA POTERIUM (L,.) Britt. (Poterium sanguisorba iG) Garden Burent. Painesville, Otto Hacker. 3385. ROSA Tourn. ROSE. ROSA BLANDA Ait. Throughout the state. Infrequent. Rosa CANINA L. Dog Rose. _“Southern Ohio,” J. A. Warder (Woody Pl.) ROSA CAROLINA L. Frequent in swamps and low grounds throughout the state. ROSA CINNAMOMEA. Cinnamon Rose. “An old garden variety with double flowers, escaped from cultivation, Southern Ohio,” J. A. Warder (Woody P1.) ROSA HUMILIS Marsh. | Frequent throughout the state. ROSA LUCIDA Ehrh. Painesvil.e, W. C. Werner; Franklin Co., Aug. D. Selby. ROSA RUBIGINOSA L. Sweetbriar. Eglantine. Roadsides and uncultivated fields throughout the state. ROSA SETIGERA Michx. Climbing or Prairie Rose. Frequent throughout the state. 306. PYRUS ly. PEAR. APPLE. PYRUS ARBUTIFOLIA (L.) L.f. Choke-Berry. Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.), W. C. Werner. PYRUS ANGUSTIFOLIA Ait. Franklin Co., J. R. Paddock (J. L. Riddell, Sup. Cat. 1836); Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.) PYRUS CORONARIA L. American Crab-Apple. Over the whole state. PyRuUS Malus lL. Apzle. “Frequently found in waste places and along roadsides, Licking Co.,” H. Lh. Jones ( Cat.) 5 PyRUS NIGRA (Willd.) Sarg. (FP. arbutifolia melanocarpa Hook.) Throughout the northern and central portions of the state; Gallia Co., J. W. Dayis. < BOTANY. 164 SORBUS SAMBUCIFOLIA (Cham. & Schlecht.) Roem. (Pyrus sambucifolia Cham. & Schlecht.) Elyria (Lorain Co.) H. C. Beardslee ( Cat.) 3838. CRATAEGUS LL. HawTsorn. WHITE THORN. CRATAEGUS APIIFOLIA (Marsh.) Michx. “Ohio,” J. L. Riddell (Synop. 1835.) CRATAEGUS COCCINEA L. Throughout the state. CRATAEGUS COCCINEA MACRANTHA Dudley. Painesville, Wm. C. Werner; Licking Co., H. Ll. Jones (Cat.) CRATAEGUS CRUS-GALLI L. ‘ Generally distributed over the state. CRATAEGUS FLAVA Ait. Cincinnati, Joseph Clark (Cat.) CRATAEGUS MOLLIS (T. & G.) Sarg. (C. coccinea mollis Torr. and Gray.) Over the whole state. CRATAEGUS OXYACANTHA I). Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.) CRATAEGUS SPATHULATA Michx. “Ohio,” J. L. Riddell (Synop. 1835.) CRATAEGUS TOMENTOSA L, ; “Common,” EL C. Beardslee (Cat.); Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Franklin Co., Aug. D. Selby; Clermont Co., Jos. F. James, . CRATAEGUS TOMENTOSA PUNCTATA (Jacq.) Gray. Throughout the state. 339. AMELANCHIER Medic. JUNE-BERRY. AMELANCHIER ALNIFOLIA Nutt. Central Ohio, W. S. Sullivant (H. C. Beardslee Cat.) AMELANCHIER CANADENSIS (L.) Medic. Shad-bush. Service-berry. Generaily distributed. LXVI. OrpER PLATANACEAE. Plane-tree Family. 340. PLATANUS I. Sycamore. BUTLON-woopn. PLATANUS OCCIDENTALIS L. Over the whole state. 11 G2.0), = oe es open i <0 Saad 162 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. LXVIIL ORDER HAMAMELIDEAE. Witch-Hazel Family. 341. HAMAMELIS lL. WritcH-Hazet. HAMAMELJIS VIRGINIANA Jy. Over the whole state. 3842. LIQUIDAMBAR L. SWEET-GuM TREE. LIQUIDAMBAR STYRACIFLUA L. Sweet-Gum. Bilsted. Southern Ohio, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.); Otway (Scioto Co.) W. A. Kellerman. LXVIII. OrpER SAXIFRAGACEHAE. Saxifrage Family. 343. SAXIFRAGA L. SAXIFRAGE. SAXIFRAGA AIZOON Jacq. ‘Northeastern Ohio,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.) SAXIFRAGA PENNSYLVANICA L. Throughout the northern half of the state; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). SAXIFRAGA VIRGINIENSIS Michx. Over the whole state. 344. SULLIVANTIA. Torr. and Gray. SULLIVANTIA SULLIVANTII (T. & G.) Britt. (S. ohtonts T. & G.) Highland Co., W. S. Suilivant (J: S. Newberry Cat.) ; Fultonham (Muskingunr Co.) W. C. Werner; Hocking Co., Adams Co., W. A. Kellerman. 345. TIARELLA Ll. FArse MITRE-WorRT. TIARELLA CORDIFOLIA L. Generally distributed. 346. MITELLA Tourn. MIrTRE-WoRT. BISHOP’S-CAP, MITELLA DIPHYLLA L. Frequent throughout the state, MITELLA NUDA L. Cleveland, J. S. Newberry (Cat.) 847. HEUCHERA LL. ALumM-Root. HEUCHERA AMERICANA L. Common Alum-root, Distributed throughout the whole state. BOTANY. 163 HEUCHERA VILLOSA Michx. Cincinnati, Mr. Ward (J. S. Newberry Cat.) 348. CHRYSOSPLENIUM Tourn. GoLDEN SAXIFRAGE. CHRYSOSPLENIUM AMERICANUM Schwein. Generally distributed throughout the northern and central portions of the state. 349. PARNASSIA Tourn. GRASS OF PARNASSUS. PARNASSIA CAROLINIANA Michx. Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Painesville, W. C. Werner; Columbus, E. V. Wilcox; Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.); Cedar Swaimp (Champaign Co.) W. C. Weriier; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). 300. HYDRAWGEA Gronoy. HYDR'NGEA ARBORESCENS L. Wild Hydrangea. Frequent throughout the state. 351. PHILADELPHUS L. Mock-ORANGE or SYRINGA. PHILADELPHUS CORONARIUS L. “ Almost naturalized in southern Ohio,” J. A. Warder (Woody Pl.) PHILADELPHUS INODORUS L. “ Almost uaturalized in southern Ohio,” J: A. Warder (Woody Pl.) 352. RIBES lL. CURRANT. GOOSEBERRY. RIBES CYNOSBATI L. Distributed over the whole state. RIBES FLORIDUM L’Her. Wild Black-Currant. Generally distributed throughout the whole state. RIBES LACUSTRE Poir Columbus, Mr. Lapham (J. L. Riddell, Sup. Cat. 1836); Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.) RIBES NIGRUM L. Escaped from cultivation; Cleveland, W. Krebs; Painesville, O. Hacker. RIBES OXYACANTHOIDES L,. Franklin Co., J. L. Riddell (Synop. 1834); Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Painesville, Champaign Co., Akron and Lawrence Co., W. C. Werner. RIBES ROTUNDIFOLIUM Michx. Northern Ohio, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.) 164 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. RIBES RUBRUM SUBGLANDULOSUM Maxim. Geauga Co., Dr. Canfield (J. S. Newberry Cat.) ; Thompson Ledge (Geauga Co.) H. C. Beardslee (Cat.); Torain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Painesville, O. Hacker. LXIX. OrpER SARRACENIACEA. PrrcHER PLANTS. 353, SARRACENIA Tourn. Smr-SappLE FLOWER. SARRACENIA PURPUREA L. Pitcher-plant. Huntsman’s Cup. Geauga Lake (Portage Co.) W. Krebs; Chardon (Geauga Co.) W. C. Werner; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Akron (Summit Co.) E.. W. Claypole. LXX. OrpdER DROSERACEA. Sundew Family. 854. DROSERA L. SUNDEW. DROSERA INTERMEDIA AMERICANUM DC. “Northern Ohio,” H. C. Beardslee (Cat,) DROSERA ROTUNDIFOLIA L. Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Summit Co., W. Krebs and E. Claassen; Lake Co., Otto Hacker; Licking Co., H. l. Jones (Cat.); Champaign Co., Wm. C. Werner. LXXI. OrpER CRASSULACEA. Orpine Family. 3855. PENTHORUM Gronov. DircH STONE-CROP. PENTHORUM SEDOIDES L. Common in wet places. 856. SEDUM Tourn. S’ONE-CROP. ORPINE. SEDUM ACRE L. Mossy Stone-crop. “ Adventive” H. C. Beardslee ( Cat.) SEDUM PULCHELLUM Mx. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan {Flora). SEDUM TELEPHIOIDES Michx. “Bastern Ohio,” J. S: Newberry ( Cat.) SEDUM TELEPHIUM L. Garden Orpine or Live-for-ever. Escaped from cultivation, Columbus, Wm. C. Werner; Miami Valley, A. P. Mor- gan (Flora). BOTANY. 165 SEDUM TERNATUM ( Haw.) Michx. Generally distributed over the state. LXXII. OrprerR CAPPARIDACEA). Caper Family. 357. POLANISIA Raf. POLANISIA GRAVEOLENS Raf. (PP. dodecandra Mx.) Distributed over the state; West Sister Island (Lake Erie) J. A. Sanford. LXXIII. OrpER CRUCIFERA. Mustard Family. 358. RORIPPA Scop. (Vasturtium R. Br.) WATER CRESS. RORIPPA AMERICANA (Gray) Britt. (asturlium lacustre Gray.) Jake Cress. : Franklin Co., W. S. Sullivant; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Licking Go., H. L. Jones (Cat.); Cincinnati, Jos. F. James (Cat.); Madison Co., Mrs. K. D, Sharpe. RORIPPA ARMORACIA (L.) Rusby. (Vasturtium armoracia Fries.) Horse raddish, Escaped from gardens into roadside and waste places. RORIPPA HISPIDA (Desv.) Britt. (Nasturtium palustre hispida F. & M.) Painesville, Wm. C. Werner; Monroe Co., H. Herzer. RORIPPA NASTURTIUM (L.) Britt. (Vasturtium officinale R. Br.) True Water Cress. Common near springs and in clear running water throughout the state. RORIPPA PALUSTRE (JL,.) Britt. (Nasturtium palustre 1.) Marsh Cress, Frequent. RORIPPA SESSILIFLORA (Nutt.) Britt. (Nasturtium sessiliforum Nutt.) Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). RORIPPA SYLVESTRIS (\.) Britt. (Nasturtium sylvestre R. Br.) Painesville, O. Hacker. 359. BARBAREA R. Br. WINTER CRESS. BARBAREA VULGARIS R. Br. Common Winter Cress. Yellow Rocket. Over the whole state, most abundant in heavy clay soils. 360. ARABIS I, Rock CRESS. ARABIS CANADENSIS L. Sickle-pod. Over the whole state, probably not common anywhere. 166 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. ARABIS BRACHYCARPA (TI. & G.) Britt. (4. confinis Watson.) Distributed throughout the state. ARABIS DENTATA Torr. & Gray. Throughout the southern half of the state. ARABIS GLABRA (L.) Bernh. (A. perfoliata Lam.) Tower Mustard. Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Licking Co., H. Il. Jones (Cat.); Cincinnati, Jos. F. James (Cat.); “General,” J. S. Newberry (Cat,) ARABIS HIRSUTA (1,.) Scop. “General,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.); Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.); Cincinnati, Jos. F. James ( Cat.) ARABIS LAEVIGATA (Muhl.) Poir, Over the whole state. ARABIS LUDOVICIANA Meyer. Cincinnati, Jos. F. James (Cat.) ARABIS LYRATA L, ‘From the northern (Ottawa Co., W. Krebs) to the southern portion of the state (Lawrence Co., W. C. Werner). ARABIS PATENS Sulliv. Lorain Co., Dr. Kellogg (J. S. Newberry Cat.); rocky banks of the Scioto River (Franklin Co.) Aug. D. Selby. 361. THELYPODIUM Endl. THELYPODIUM PINNATIFIDUM (Mx.) Watson. Frequent over the southern half of the state; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.) #62. CARDAMINE L. (Incl. DENTARIA Tourn.) CARDAMINE ARENICOLA Br-tton. Geneva (Ashtabula Co.) Miss Sara F. Goodrich. CARDAMINE BULBOSA (Schreb.) B.S. P. (C. rkhomboidea DC.) Spring Cress. Common over the whole state. CARDAMINE DIPHYLLA (Mx.) Wood. (Dentaria diphylla Michx.) Distributed over the state. a CARDAMINE DOUGLASSII (Torr.) Britt. (C. rhomboidea purpurea Torr.) Common throughout the whole state. CARDAMINE FLEXUOSA With. (C. hirsuta sylvatica Gr.) Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.) CARDAMINE LACINIATA (Muhl.) Wood. (Dentaria laciniata Muh.) Common over the whole state. BOTANY. 167 CARDAMINE MAXIMA (Nutt.) Wood. (Dentaria maxima Nutt.) Cincinnati, Joseph Clark (Cat.); Taylor’s Creek, Leo Lesquereux (J. S. New- berry Cat.) CARDAMINE PENNSYLVANICA Muhl. (C. Azrvsufa 1.) Small Bitter Cress. Common in low grounds. ; CARDAMINE PRATENSIS L. CUCKOO FLOWER. Northern Ohio, W. R. Lazenby and W. C. Werner (Sup. List.) More than doubtful since not authenticated by specimens. CARDAMINE ROTUNDIFOLIA Mx. Mountain Water-Cress. Painesville, H. C. Beardslee; Franklin Co., W. S. Sullivant (Cat. 1840) but not found since; Cincinnati, Jos. F. James (Cat.) 363. ALYSSUM Tourn. ALYSSUM ALYSSOIDES (I,.) Gouan. (4. calycinum L.) Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.) ALYSSUM MARITIMUM (L,.) Lam. Lorain Co., A. A. Wright ( Cat.) 364. DRABA Dill. WuHrrLiow-GrRass. DRABA CAROLINIANA Walt. Sprirgfield, Mrs. E. J. Spence; Ottawa Co., C. M. Weed; Monroe Co., Rev. H. Herzer. DRABA INCANA ARABISANS (Mx.) Watson. Akron, Mr. Clinton (H. C. Beardslee, Cat.) DRABA VERNA L. Whitlow-Grass. Found in various places through the state. 365. HESPERIS Tourn. ROCKET. HESPERIS MATRONALIS L. Dame’s Violet. Franklin Co., Aug. D. Selby. 366. SISYMBRIUM tourn. HEDGE MUSTARD. SISYMBRIUM OFFICINALE (L.) Scop. Hedge Mustard. Common in waste places. SISYMBRIUM PINNATUM (Walt.) Greene (.S. canescens Nutt.) Tansy Mustard. Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Ca-.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora); Cincinnati, Jos. F. James (Cat.) SISVMBRIUM THALIANA (L.) Gaud. Mouse-ear Cress. Painesville, W. C. Werner; Waverly (Pike Co.) C. J. Herrick. 168 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. 367. ERYSIMUM Tourn. TREACLE MUSTARD. ERYSIMUM ASPERUM DC. Western Wall Flower. Scioto River, near Columbus, A. Ruppersberg and W. O’Kane. ERYSIMUM CHEIRANTHOIDES L. Worm-seed Mustard. Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Brady’s Lake (Portage Co.) E. Claasen; Cinciti- nati, Jos. F. James (Cat.) 368. CAMELINA Crantz Fase Fax. CAMELINA SATIVA (L,.) Crantz. Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Cleveland, W. Krebs; Lake Co., W. C. Werner. Springfield, Mrs. E. J. Spence; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora); Cincin- nati; Jos. F. James (Cat.) 369. BRASSICA Tourn. BRASSICA ALBA (Iy.) Boiss. White Mustard. Given as general (J. S. Newberry, Cat.); Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Frank- lin Co., Selby & Craig (Cat.) BRASSICA ARVENSIS (L.) B. S. P. (2B. sinapistrum Boiss.) English Charlock. Common in waste grounds and fields. BRASSICA NIGRA (L.) Koch. Black Mustard. “General,” (J. S. Newberry, Cat.); Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.); Cincinnati, Jos. F. James (Cat.) 370. BURSA Weber (Cafsel/a Medic.) SHEPHERD’S PURSE. Bursa PAsTorRis L. (Capsella bursa pastoris Moench.) Every where in cultivated grounds. 371. LEPIDIUM Tourn. PEPPERWORT. PEPPERGRASS. LEPIDIUM CAMPESTRE (L.) R. Br. , Cincinnati, Joseph Clark (H. C. Beardslee, Cat.); Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Cleveland, W. Krebs; Painesville, O. Hacker; Columbus, Moses Craig. LEPIDIUM INTERMEDIUM Gray. Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Licking Co., H. L. Jones ( Cat.) LEPIDIUM RUDERALE L,. Painesville, O. Hacker. LEPIDIUM VIRGINICUM L. Common as a weed in cultivated ground. 372. THILASPI Tourn. PENNVCRESS, THLASPI ARVENSE L, Cincinnati, J L. Riddell (Synop. 1835); Toledo, J. A. Sanford. BOTANY. 169 373. CAKILE Tourn. SA ROCKET. CAKILE EDENTULATA (Big.) Hook. (C. americana Nutt.) Cleveland, W. Krebs; Painesville, Wm. C. Werner; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.) 374. RAPHANUS L. RAPHANUS RAPHANISTRUM L. Wild Radish. Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Painesville, O. Hacker; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). RAPHANUS SATIVUS L. Garden Radish. Occasionally found as an escape from cultivation. LXXIV. ORDER FUMARIACEA. Fumitory Family. 875. BICUCULLA Apans. (Dichytra Borkh.; Dicentra Borkh.) DUTCHMAN’S BREECHES. — BICUCULLA CANADENSIS (Goldie) (Ducentra canadensis DC.) Squirrel Corn. Common over the whole state. BICUCULLA CUCULLARIA (L.) (Dicentra cucullaria DC.) Dutchman’s Breeches. Common over the whole state. BICUCULLA EXIMIA (Ker.) (Dicentra eximia DC.) Found in Pennsylvania near the Ohio line by C. D. Beadle. 376. ADLUMIA Raf. CLIMBING FUMITORY. ADLUMIA FUNGOSA (Ait.) Greene (A. cirrhosa Raf.) Little Mt. (Lake Co.) W. C. Werner; Geauga Co., W. C. Werner; Lorain Co. A. A. Wright (Cat.); Knox Co., Aug. D. Selby. 377. NECKERIA Scop. (Corydalis Vent.) NECKERIA AUREA (Willd.) (Corydalis aurea Willd.) Golden Corydalis. Little Mt. (Lake Co.), W. C. Werner; Thompson Ledge (Geauga Co.), W. C Werner; Cincinnati, Jos. F. James (Cat.) NECKERIA FLAVULA (Raf.) (Corydalis favula DC.) Franklin Co., W. J. Green; Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.), Cincinnati, Jos. F James (Cat.) NECKERIA SEMPERVIRENS (I,.) (Corydalis sempervirens Pers.; C. glauca Pursh.) Pale Corydalis. Dover (Cuyahoga Co.), W. Krebs; Fairfield Co., E. V. Wilcox. 378. FUMARIA Tourn. FuMmITOoRY. 170 j GEOLOGY OF OHIO. FUMARIA OFFICINALIS L. Common. Fumitory; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora); “Escaped from gardens,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.) LXXV. ORDER PAPAVERACEA. Poppy Family. 379. PAPAVER Tourn. Poppy. PAPAVER RHOEAS L, Adventive from Europe, Painesville, W. C. Werner. PAPAVER SOMNIFERUM L. Common Poppy. Escaped from cultivation, J. S. Newberry (Cat.); “exists for a year or two in waste places,” Licking Co., H. lL. Jones (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). 380. ARGHEMONE IL. PrRicKLYy Poppy. ARGEMONE MEXICANA I, Mexiean Poppy. ‘Escaped from gardens,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.); Licking Co., H. L. Jones ( Cat.) Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora); Cincinnati, Jos. F. James (Cat.) 381. STYLOPHORUM Nutt. CELANDINE POPPY. STYLOPHORUM DIPHYLLUM (Mx.) Nutt. Painesville, H. C. Beardslee. Frequent in the souttern half of the state. 882. SANGUINARIA Dill. BrLoop-Root, SANGUINARIA CANADENSIS L. Distributed over the whol state. 3883. CHELIDONIUM LL; CEQLANDINE. CHELIDONIUM MaAjuUS L. Celandine. Frequently found in waste grounds and by road-sides. LXXXI. OrperR CALYCANTHACEA. Calycanthus Family. 384. BEURERA. CAROLINA ALLSPICE. BEURERA FLORIDA (L.) Kuntze. (Calycanthus floridus ¥,.) Southern Ohio, ‘‘ Sandstone soils and cultivated in gardens,” Dr. J. H. Warder (Woody Pl.) Reported by Lazenby and Werner (Sup. List) on the above authority. BEURERA FERAX (Willd.) Kuntze. (Ca/ycanthus laevigatus Willd.) Southern Ohio, Dr. J. H. Warder (Woody P1.) BOTANY. 171 LXXVII. OrpER LAURACEAKR. Laurel Family. 385. SASSAFRAS. Nees. SASSAFRAS SASSAFRAS (L.) Karst. (.S. officinale Nees.) Frequent. 386. BENZOIN Fabric. (Zindera Thunb.) Fever-bush. Wild-Allspice. BENZOIN PSEUDO-BENZOIN (Mx.) (Lindera benzoin Blume.) SPICE-BUSH. BEN- JAMIN-BUSH. Throughout the state. LXXVIII OrpDER MENISPERMACEAE. Moonseed Family. 387. MENISPERMUM.\L. MOONSEED. MENISPERMUM CANADENSE lL. Moonseed. Throughout the state. LXXIX. ORDER BERBERIDACHAE. Barberry Family. 388. BERBERIS lL. . BARBERRY. BERBERIS VULGARIS L. Common Barberry. Escaped from cultivation, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.); Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.) Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Fiora}. 389. CAULOPHYLLUM Michx. BLUE COHOSH. CAULOPHYLLUM THALICTROIDES (I.) Mx. Pappoose-Root. Woods in rich soil, over the whole state. LXXX. ORDER RANUNCULACEAE. Crowfoot Family. 390. CLEMATIS L. Vrrcry’s-BOWER. CLEMATIS OCHROLEUCA Ait. Central Ohio, J. S. Newberry (Cat.); “This identification is possibly erroneous’ (Jos. F. James, in Rev. Genus Clematis). CLEMATIS VIORNA L. Leather-flower. Frequent through the southern half of the state. CLEMATIS VIRGINIANA L. Common Virgin’s Bower. Common along river and creek bottoms over the whole state. 172 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. 391. THALICTRUM Tourn. Mrapow-RUE. THALICTRUM DiIoIcuM L. Early Meadow Rue. Frequent. THALICTRUM POLYGAMUM Muhl. From the northern (Painesville, W. C. Werner) to the southern portion of the state (Cincinnati, Jos. F. James Cat.) THALICTRUM PURPURASCENS L. Generally distributed over the state. 3892. ANEMONE Tourn. WIND-FLOWER. ANEMONE CYLINDRICA Gray. Marblehead (Ottawa Co.) W. Krebs; Northern Ohio, J. S. Newberry (Cat.); Lakeside (Ottawa Co.) A. D. Selby. ANEMONE QUINQUEFOLIA L. (A. NEMOROSA L. Does not, according to Dr. Britton, occur in North America. Generally distributed throughout the state. ANEMONE CANADENSIS L. (A. pennsylvantica Y,.) Apparently over the whole state. ANEMONE VIRGINIANA LL. Common throughout the state; a white flowered form with white sepals, flowers one and one-half inches across, Painesville, W. C. Werner. 3938. HEPATICA Dill. LivER-LEAF. Hepatica acuTa (Pursh.) Britton. (A. acutiloba DC) Widely distributed over the state. HEPATICA HEPATICA (L.) Karst. (A. ¢rvt/oba Chaix,) Widely distributed. 394. SYNDESMON Hoffmsg. SYNDESMON THALICTROIDES (I..) Heffmsg. (Anxemonella thalictroides Spach.) Over the whole state; a double flowered form, Springfield, Mr. Dory. 395. TROLLIUS L. GLOBE-FLOWER. TROLLIUS LAXUS Salisb. Central Ohio, J. S. Newberry (Cat.); Sugar Grove (Fairfield Co.), E. V. Wilcox. 396. TRAUTVETTERIA Fisch. & Mey. Fase BUGBANRE. TRAUTVETTERIA CAROLINENSIS ( Walt.) Vail. (7: palmata Fisch. & Mey.) Mansfield, Dr. Kellogg (H. C. Beardslee, Cat.) ; Cincinnati, Jos. F. James ( Cat.) BOTANY. 173 397. RANUNCULUS Tourn. CROWFOOT. BUTTERCUP. RANUNCULUS ABORTIVUS L,. Smail-flowered Crowfoot. Common over the whole state. RANUNCULUS ABORT. VUS MICRANTHUS Gray. Cincinnati, Joseph Clark (Beardslee, Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). RANUNCULUS acrRIS L. Very abundant in fields and pastures throughout the northern portion of the state; Cincinnati, Jos. F. James (Cat.); Columbus, W. S. Devol; Licking Co. H. L. Jones (Cat.) RANUNCULUS OBTUSIUSCULUS (&. ambigens Watson.) Water Plantain. Spearwort Frequent in low grounds. RANUNCULUS ARVENSIS L. An occasional specimen introduced from Europe found at Painesville, O. Hacker. RANUNCULUS BULBOSUS L. Cincinnati, J. L. Riddell (Synop. 1835); Northern Ohio, J. S. Newberry (Cat.) RANUNCULUS CIRCINATUS Sibth. Stiff Water-crowfoot. Toledo, J. A. Sanford; Sandusky, Amelia Hammel; Licking Co. H. L. Jones * (Cat.) ; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). RANUNCULUS CYMBALARIA Pursh. Sea-side Crowfoot. Northern Ohio, W. R. Lazenby and W. C. Werner (Sup. List), doubtful since authenticated by no specimen. RANUNCULUS DELPHINIFOLIUS Torr. (. mu/tifidus Pursh.) Ashtabula Co., Florence Tuckerman; Cleveland, W. Krebs; Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.); Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Medina Co., J. S. Newberry (Cat.); Franklin Co., Moses Craig. RANUNCULUS DELPHINIFOLIUS TERRESTRIS Gray. (&. multifidus terrestris Gray. “Northern Ohio,” Gray’s Manual (6th Edition). RANUNCULUS FASCICULARIS Muhl. Toledo. J. A. Sanford; Franklin Co., Aug. D. Selby; Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.); Springfield, Mrs. E. J. Spence. RANUNCULUS FICARIA LIL. Adventive from Europe, Painesville, O. Hacker. RANUNCULUS HISPIDUS Mx. Widely distributed but mostly confused by collectors with R. fascicularis Muhl. and R. septentrionalis Poir. RANUNCULUS PENNSYLVANICUS L,. f. Bristly Crowfoot. Common over the whole state. RANUNCULUS PUSILLUS Poir. J. S. Newherry (Cat.) 174 GEOLOGY OF OHFIIO. RANUNCULUS RECURVATUS Poir. Hooked Crowfoot. Common over the whole state. RANUNCULUS REPENS L. Introduced from Europe, Painesville, W. C. Werner; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.) i RANUNCULUS REPTANS L. (2. flamula reptans E. Meyer). Creeping Spearwort. Cincinnati, Joseph Clark (H. C. Beardslee, Cat.) - RANUNCULUS RHOMBOIDEUS Goldie. Sandusky, Dr. Kellogg ( H. C. Beardslee C: t.) RANUNCULUS SCELERATUS L. Cursed Crow/!oot. Frequent in ditches. RANUNCULUS SEPTENTRIONALIS Poir. Generally distributed over the state. RANUNCULUS TRICHOPHYLLUS Chaix. (R&R. aguatilis trichophyllus Gray). Throughout the whole state. 898. -CALTHA LL. MarsH MaricGorp. CAL/PHA PALUSTRIS LL. Over the whole state. 399) AY DRASDTIS Ellis: HYDRASTIS CANADENSIS L. Occurs over the whole state. 400. COPTIS Salisb. COPTIS TRIFOLIA (L.) Salisb. Portage Co., W. Krebs; Painesville, Wm. C. Werner; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright ( Cat.) 401. ISOPYRUM L. ISOPYRUM BITERNATUM (Raf.) Torr. & Gray. Frequent throughout the southern half of the state; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat) 402. NIGELLA L. NIGELLA DAMASCENA LL. Fennel-flower. Kscaped from cultivation, Southern Ohio, J. S. Hine. 403. AQUILEGIA Tourn. COoLUMBINE. BOTANY. 178 AQUILEGIA CANADENSIS L. Wild Columbine. Usually on rocky banks, widely distributed. AQUILEGIA VULGARIS L. Garden Columbine. Escaped from cultivation, Thompson Ledge (Geauga Co.) W. C. Werner; Lon- don (Madison Co.) Mrs. K. D. Sharpe. 404. DELPHINIUM Tourn. DELPHINIUM CAROLINIANUM Walt. (DD. azureum Michx.) Adams Co., W. A. Kellerman. DELPHINIUM CONSOLIDA L. : Sparingiy escaped from cultivation. DELPHINIUM EXALTATUM Ait. Tall Larkspur. Georgesville (Frankiin Co.) E. V. Wilcox; Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.) DELPHINIUM TRICORNE Michx. Dwarf Larkspur. Frequent throughout the southern half of the state. 405. ACONITUM Tourn. MoNxKSHOOD. ACONITUM NO\EBORACENSE Gray. Cuyahoga Falls (Summit Co.) E. Claassen. ACONITUM UNCINATUM L. Summit Co., J. S. Newberry (Cat); Cuyahoga Falls, H. C. Beardslee ( Cat.) 406. ACTAEA LL. BANEBERRY. COHOSH. ACTAEA ALBA (L,) Mill. White Baneberry. Generally distributed throughout the state. ACTAEA RUBRA (Ait.) Willd. (A. spicata rubra Ait.) Red Baneberry. - Generally distributed throughout the state. 407. CIMICIFUGA LL. BUGBANE, CIMICIFUGA RACEMOSA (L.) Nutt. Black Snakeroot. Black Cohosh. Abundant throughout the whole state. LXXXI. OrpEr ANONACEA. Custard-Apple Family. 408. ASIMINA Adans. Papaw. ASIMINA TRILOBA (L.) Dunal. Common Papaw. Common throughout the state, usually in rich soil. 176 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. LXXXI. OrpER MAGNOLIACEA. Magnolia Family. 409. MAGNOLIA Ll. MAGNOLIA ACUMINATA L. Cucumber Tree. Extending from Lake Erie (Painesville, W. C. Werner) through the eastern and central portion of the state (Franklin Co., Aug. D. Selby) to the Ohio River (Lawrence Co., W. A. Kellerman ). MAGNOLIA VIRGINIANA L. (J/. g/aucal,.) Laurel Magnolia. Sweet Bay. Given by W. R. Lazenby and W. C. Werner (Sup. List) on authority of Dr. J A. Warder, but it seems that Dr. Warder did not report it as native. MAGNOLIA TRIPETALA L. (JZ. umbrella Lam.) Umbrella Tree. “Probably native in the southeastern counties of the state,’ Dr. J. A. Warder (Woody Pl.) An unsuccessful search was made for it in Lawrence Co., where if anywhere in the state, it should be found (W. A. Kellerman). 410, LIRIODENDRON LL. TuLip-TREE. LIRIODENDRON TULIPIFERUM JL, Extending from Lake Erie (H. C. Beardslee, A. A. Wright, Lor. Co., Cat.) to the Ohio River (W. C. Werner, Jos. F. James, Cat.) 411. JEFFERSONIA Barton. TWIN-LEAF. JEFFERSONIA DIPHYLLA (J) Pers. Throughout the state. 412. PODOPHYLLUM. May-AppLE. MANDRAKE PODOPHYLLUM PELTATUM L. Common throughout the state. LXXXIII. OrpER CERATOPHYLLACEA. Hornwort Family. 413. CERATOPHYLLUM L. HoRNworvm. CERATOPHYLLUM DEMERSUM L. Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Painesville, Wm. C. Werner; Cincinnati, Jos. F. James ( Cat.) CERATOPYLLUM DEMERSUM ECHIVATUM Gray. Franklin Co., W. S. Sullivant ( Cat.) LXXXIV. ORDER NYMPHAEACEA. Water-Lily Family. 414. BRASENIA Schreb. WATER-SHIELD. BOTANY. 177 BRASENIA PURPUREA Mx. (JB. peltata Pursh). Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.) ; Geauga Lake (Geauga Co.), Silver Lake (Suim- mit Co.) W. Krebs; Myer’s Lake (Stark Co.) W. L. Crubaugh. 415. NYMPHAEKA. YELLOW POND Liny. SPATTER-DOCK. NYMPHAEA ADVENA Soland. (Nuphar advena Ait.) Widely distributed over the state. NYMPHAEA MICROPHYLLA Pers. (Nuphar kalmianum Ait.) Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.) 416. CASTALIA Salisb. WatTER-NYMPH. WATER LILy. CASTALIA ODORATA (Dryanda) Greene. (Nymphaea odorata Ait.) Sweet scented Water Lily. Inland lakes (Summit Co.) Wm. Krebs; Jicking Co., H. Ll. Jones (Cat). CASTALIA TUBEROSA (Paine) Greene (C. rentformis DC.; Nymphaea reniformis DC.) Tuber-bearing Water Lily. Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); “Common,” H. C. Beardslee (Cat.); Licking Co., H. ly. Jones (Cat,) 417. NELUMBO Tourn. SacrRED BEAN. NELUMBO LUTEA (Willd.) Pers. Yellow Nelumbo or Water Chinquapin. Bass Lake (Geauga Co.) and Sandusky Bay, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.); Cincinnati, Jos. F. James (Cat.); Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.) LXXXV. ORDER CARYOPHYLLACEA. Pink Family. 418. DIANTHUS Ll. PINK. CARNATION. DIANTHUS ARMERIA LL. Deptiord Pink. Along roadsides around Granville and especiaily in the south-eastern part of the township, Licking Co., H. lL. Jones ( Cat.) 419. SAPONARIA L,. SAPONARIA OFFICINALIS L. Soapwort. Bouncing Bet. Common along roadsides and in waste places over the state, 420. SILENE LL. CaTCHFLY. CAMPION. SILENE ANTIRRHINA L. Sleepy Catchfly. Throughout the state. SILENE ARMERIAL. Sweet-William. Catchfly. Escaped in a few places, H. l. Jones (Licking Co., Cat.) 12 G10. 178 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. SILENE ILLINOENSIS (Mx.) (.S. regia Sims.) Royal Catchfly. Franklin Co., W. S. Sullivant (Cat. 1840) not seen here by recent collectors; Springfield, Mrs. E.J. Spence; London (Madison Co.) Mrs. K. D. Sharpe; Cincinnati, Joseph Clark (Cat.) SILENE NIVEA (Nutt.) Otth. Central Ohio, W. S. Sullivant (H. C. Beardslee, Cat.) ; Cincinnati, J. L. Riddell (Sup. Cat. 1836,) Joseph Clark ( Cat.) SILENE NOCTIFLORA L. Night-flowering Catchfly. Northern Ohio; Columbus, W. C. Werner; Lancaster (Fairfield Co.) J. M. Bigelow (J. S. Newberry Cat.) SILENE NOCTURNA L. Night Catchfly. Dayton, M. G. Williams (J. L. Riddell Sup. Cat. 1836). SILENE PENNSYLVANICA Michx. Monroe Co., H. Herzer; Lawrence Co., W. C. Werner; Cincinnati, Jos. F. James ( Cat.) SILENE ROTUNDIFOLIA Nutt. Round-leaved Catchfly. Ash Cave (Hocking Co.) Aug. D. Selby; Southern Ohio, J. S. Newberry (Cat.) SILENE STELLATA (L.) Ait. Starry Campion. Generally distributed over the state. SILENE VIRGINICA L. Fire Pink. Catchfly. Widely distributed. SILENE VULGARIS (Moench.) Garcke. (5S. cucubalus Wibel.; S. inflata Smith). Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). 421. AGROSTEMMA lL. AGROSTEMMA GITHAGOL. (Lychnis githago am.) Corn Cockle. In grain fields and waste places throughout the state; a specimen with white flowers collected at Painesville (W. C. Werner.) 499 GV. CEHNIS Lourn (CockvE, LYCHNIS CORONARIA Desv. Apparently wild at Christmas Rock (Fairfield Co.) W. A. Kellerman. LYCHNIS VESPERTINA Sibth. Evening Cockle. Cleveland, W. Krebs; Painesville, Otto Hacker. 493. CERASTIUM LL. MovuskE-EaR CHICKWEED. CERASTIUM ARVENSE L. Field Chickweed. Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Trumbull Co., R. H. Ingraham; Cincinnati, Jos. F. Tames (Cat.) BOTANY. 179 CERASTIUM ARVENSE OBLONGIFOLUIM (Torr.) Britt. & Holl. Lorain Co., J. S. Newberry (Cat.) ; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). CERASTIUM NUTANS Raf. Generally distributed over the state. CERASTIUM VISCOSUM L. Apparently over the whole state. CERASTIUM VULGATUM L. Larger Mouse-ear Chickweed. Frequent throughout the state. 424, ALSINE L. (Stellaria .) CHICKWEED. STARWORT. ALSINE BOREALIS (Bigel.) Britt. (Sted/arta borealis Bigel.) Northern Starwort. Painesville, H. C. Beardslee ( Cat.) ALSINE GRAMINEA (Muhl.) Britt. Near Cleveland, Wm. Krebs. ALSINE LONGIFOLIA (Muhl.) Britt. (Stellaria longifolia Muhl.) lLong-leaved St tchwort. Frequent throughout the state. ALSINE LONGIPES (Goldie) Britton. (Ste/laria longipes Goldie.) WLong-stalked Stitchwort. Northern Ohio, J. S. Newberry (Cat.); Franklin Co., J. lL. Riddell (Synop. 1835). ALSINE MEDIA lL. (Sfellaria media Smith.) Common in fields and gardens. ALSINE PUBERA (Mx.) Britt. (Stel/aria pubera Michx.) Great Chickweed. Frequent throughout the southern purtion of the state; not observed north of Fairfield County. ALSINE ULIGINOSA (Murr.) Britt. (Stel/aria uliginosa Murr.) Swamp Chickweed. “Ohio,” J. L. Riddell (Synop. 1835), though he questioned its occurrence in Ohio. 425. ARENARIA lL. SAnpwort. ARENARIA LATERIFLORA L,. Lake Co., Otto Hacker; Franklin Co., W. C. Werner, E. M. Wilcox. ARENARIA STRICTA Mx. (A. michauxii Hook.) - Cedar Point, E. Claassen; South Bass Island (Lake Erie) W. Krebs; Put-in-Bay Island (Lake Erie) H. C. Beardslee (Cat.); Franklin Co., W. S. Sullivant (Cat. 1840) but not re-collected since. ARENARIA SERPYLLIFOLIA L. Thyme-leaved Sandwort. Frequent in fields and waste places throughout the state, 426. SAGINA I, PEARLWORT. 180 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. SAGINA APETALA L,. Ironton (Lawrence Co.) W. C. Werner. SAGINA PROCUMBENS L,. Painesville, O. Hecker. 427, SPERGULA Ll. SPURREY. SPERGULA ARVENSIS I. CORN SPURREY. “General,” (J. S. Newberry Cat.); Painesville, W. C. Werner. 498. TISSA Adans. (Buda.) TISSA RUBRA (L,.) Britt. (Buda rubra Dumort; Spergularia rubra Presl.) Painesville, W. C. Werner. 429 ANYCHIA Mx. FORKED CHICKWEED. ANYCHIA CANADENSIS (L.) B. S. P. » (4. capillacea DC.) Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.); Monroe Co., H. Herzer; Painesville and Co. lumbus, Wm. C. Werner. . ANYCHIA DICHOTOMA Mx. Frequent throughout the southern half of the state. 430. MOLLUGO lL. INDIAN CHICKWEED. MOLLUGO VERTICILLATA L. Throughout the state. LXXXVI. OrpDER PORTULACACEAR. Purslane Family. 431. PORTULACA Tourn. PURSLANE. PORTULACA OLERACEA L. Common in cultivated ground. 432. CLAYTONIA Gronov. SPRING-BEAUTY. CLAYTONIA CAROLINIANA Michx. “General,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.); ‘““Common,” H. C. Beardslee (Cat.) CLAYTONIA PERFOLIATA Donn. Painesville, introduced, Otto Hacker. CLAYTONIA VIRGINICA L. Over the whole State. LXXXVII. OrpER NYCTAGINACEAE. Four O’clock Family. 433. OXYBAPHUS Vahl. BOTANY. . 181 OXYBAPHUS NYCTAGINEUS Sweet. Cincinnati, Jos. F. James (Cat.) LXXXVIII. Orper PHYTOLACCACEAR. Pokeweed Family. 434. PHYTOLACCA Tourn. POKEWEED. PHYTOLACCA DECANDRA lL, Common. LXXXIX. OrpDER CHENOPODIACEA. Goosefoot Family. 435. ATRIPLEX Tourn. ORACHE. ATRIPLEX PATULA HASTATA (L.) Gray. Roadsides and waste places from Lake Erie to the Ohio River. ATRIPLEX PATULA LITTORALE (L.) Gray. Cleveland, H. C, Beardslee (Cat.) 436. CHENOPODIUM Tourn. GoosEFooT. PIGWEED. CHENOPODIUM ALBUM JL. Lamb’s-Quarters. Common. The var. VIRIDE occurs in northern Ohio. CHENOPODIUM AMBROSIOIDES L. Mexican Tea. “General,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.); Cincinnati, Jos. F. James ( Cat.) CHENOPODIUM AMBROSIOIDES ANTHELMINTICUM (L,.) Gray. Wormseed. Occasionally found in waste places and roadsides throughout the state. CHENOPODIUM BOSCIANUM Mog. Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Painesville and Columbus, Wm. C. Werner. CHENOPODIUM BOTRYS L. Jerusalem Oak. Feather Geranium. Cleveland, W. Krebs; Lake Co., W. C. Werner; Corning, J. H. Lageman; Berea, H. Herzer; Lucas Co., J. S. Hine; Cincinnati, Jos. F. James ( Cat.) CHENOPODIUM CAPITATUM (L,.) Watson. (Blitum capitatum \,.) Strawberry Blite Northern Ohio, J. S. Newberry (Cat.) CHENOPODIUN GLAUCUM IL, Toledo, J. A. Sanford. CHENOPODIUM HYBRIDUM I, Maple-leaved Goosefoot. Northern Ohio, W. Krebs, O. Hacker, A. A. Wright (Cat.); Central Ohio, H. L. Jones (Cat.), S. Renshaw. CHENOPODIUM MURALE IL. Elyria, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.); Toledo, J. A. Sanford. 182 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. CHENOPODIUM POLYSPERMUM L,. Cincinnati, Jos. F. James ( Cat.) CHENOPODIUM URBICUM L. Cleveland, W. Krebs; Port Clinton (Ottawa Co.) E. Claassen; Cincinnati, Joseph Clark ( Cat.) XC. ORDER AMARANTACE. Amaranth Family. 437. AMARANTUS Tourn. AMARANTH. AMARANTUS ALBUS L. Tumble Weed. Frequent in cultivated fields. AMARANTUS BLITOIDES Watson. Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Lake Co., Franklin Co., W. C. Werner; Fairfield Co., E. V. Wilcox, S. Renshaw. AMARANTUS CRISPUS Braun. “Naturalized,”’ Painesville (H. C. Beardslee Cat.) AMARANTUS HYBRIDUS CHLOROSTACHYS ( Willd.) Common over the State. AMARANTUS HYPOCHONDRIACUS L,. Cincinnati, Jos. F. James (Cat.); A hybrid between this and A. retroflexus found at Painesville, Wm. C. Werner. AMARANTUS PUMILUS Raf. Lorain Co., Dr. Kellogg (J. S. Newberry Cat.) AMARANTUS RETROFLEXUS L. Commonly reported by collectors, but doubtless to be referred to A. hybridus chlorostachys. AMARANTUS SPINOSUS L. Thorny Amaranth. Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.); Columbus, W. J. Green; Cincinnati, Jos. F. James (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). 438. ACNIDA Mitch. WaATER-HEMP. ACNIDA CANNABINA L,. Columbus, W. S. Sullivant (Cat. 1840); Cincinnati, Joseph Clark ( Cat.) ACNIDA TAMARISCINA (Nutt.) Wood. ( ¢- tuberculata Mogq.) Painesville, O. Hacker; Columbus, W. C. Werner. 439. IRESINE P. Browne. IRESINE CELOSIOIDES L. Cincinnati, Joseph Clark (Cat.) BOTANY. 183 XCI. OrpDER POLYGONACEA. Buckwheat Family. 440. FAGOPYRUM Tourn. BuCKWHEAT. FAGOPYRUM FAGOPYRUM (JL,.) Karst. (/*. esculentum Moench.) Buckwheat. Fields and waste places. 441. RUMEX IL. Dock. SoORREIr, RUMEX ACETOSELLA L. Field or Sheep Sorrel. Common. RUMEX ALTISSIMUS Wood. Pale Dock. Painesville, Wm. C. Werner; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Licking Co., H. L. Jones; Cincinnati, Joseph Clark ( Cat.) RUMEX BRITANNICA L. Great Water-Dock. : Lake Co., Franklin Co., Wm. C. Werner; Licking Co., H. Ll. Jones (Cat.) ; Cin- cinnati, Jos. F. James (Cat.) : RUMEX cRISPUS L. Curled Dock. Common. RUMEX OBTUSIFOLIUS L. Bitter Dock. Common. RUMEX SALICIFOLIUS Weinmann. White Dock. Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.) RUMEX SANGUINEUS L. Common, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.) RUMEX VERTICILLATUS L,. Frequent. 442, POLYGONUM Tourn. KNOTWEED. PoLYGONUM ACRE H. B. K. Water Smartweed. Common. POLYGONUM AMPHIBIUM L,. Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.); Licking Co.,H. lL. Jones (Cat.); Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea ( Cat.) POLYGONUM ARIFOLIUM lL. Halbred-leaved Tear-thumb. Frequent in swamps and low places. POLYGONUM AVICULARE IL. Common. POLYGONUM CAREYI Oluey. Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.); Licking Co., H. ly. Jones (Cat.) 184 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. POLYGONUM CILINODE Mx. “General,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.); Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.) POLYGONUM CONVOLVULUS ly. Black Bindweed. Common. POLYGONUM DUMETORUM SCANDENS (L.) Gray. Climbing False Buckwheat. Frequent. POLYGONUM EMERSUM (Mx.) Britt. (P. muhlenbergit Wats.) Painesville and Columbus, Wm. C. Werner; Licking Co., H. Il. Jones (Cat.) Fairfield Co., E. V. Wilcox, S. Renshaw. POLYGONUM ERECTUM L. Common. POLYGONUM HARTWRIGHTII Gray. Leib’s Island (Licking Reservoir) H. Ll. Jones (Cat.); Springfield, Mrs. E. J- _ Spence. POLYGONUM HYDROPIPER L. Common Smartweed or Water-Pepper. Common. POLYGONUM HYDROPIPEROIDES Mx. Mild Water-Pepper. Common. POLYGONUM LAPATHIFOLIUM L,. Lake Co., W. C. Werner; Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.); Columbus, Aug. D. Selby; Cincinnati, Joseph Clark (Cat.) POLYGONUM LAPATHIFOLIUM INCARNATUM Wats. Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Painesville, W. C. Werner; Licking Co., H. L- Jones (Cat.) POLYGONUM ORIENTALE L. Occasionally found escaped from cultivation. POLYGONUM PENNSYLVANICUM IL. Common. POLYGONUM PERSICARIA L. Lady’s Thumb. Common. POLYGONUM RAMOSISSIMUM Mx. Painesville, O. Hacker; Lake Shore, J. S. Newberry (Cat.); Cleveland H. C. Beardslee (Cat.) POLYGONUM SAGITTATUM L. Arrow-leaved Tear-thumb. Common. POLYGONUM TENUE Mx. Central Ohio, W. S. Sullivant (Cat. 1840.) POLYGONUM VIRGINIANUM JL. Frequent. BOTANY. 185 XCII. ORDER PODOSTEMACE#. River-weed Family. 443. PODOSTEMON Mx. River-weed. PODOSTEMON CERATOPHYLLUS Mx. “ General,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.); ““Ohio River,” J. L. Riddell (Synop. 1835). XCIII. Orper ARISTOLOCHIACEA. Birthwort Family. 444. ASARUM Tourn. ASARABACCA. WILD GINGER. ~ ASARUM CANADENSE IL, Frequent. 445. ARISTOLOCHIA Tourn. BIRTHWORT. ARISTOLOCHIA SERPENTARIA JL, Throughout the state. XCIV. ORDER LORANTHACEZ. Mistletoe Family. 446. PHORADENDRON Nutt. Fase MISTLETOE. PHORADENDRON FLAVESCENS (Ph.) Nutt. In the line of counties on the Ohio River, also the counties adjoining these, but not seen nor reported further north. XCV. ORDER SANTALACEA. Sandalwood Family. 447. COMANDRA Nutt. BastarpD TOAD-FLAX. COMANDRA UMBELLATA (L.) Nutt. Northern Ohio, W. Krebs, W. C. Werner, A. A. Wright (Cat.); Licking Co., H. IL. Jones ( Cat.) XCVI. OrDER MORACE. Mulberry Family. 448, IOXYLON Raf. OSAGE ORANGE. Bois D’ARC. IOXYLON POMIFERUM Raf. (Maclura aurantiaca Nutt.) Sparingly naturalized in central and southern Ohio. 449. MORUS Tourn.. MULBERRY. 186 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. Morus auBa L. White Mulberry. “Common,” H. C. Beardslee (Cat.); Cincinnati, Jos. F. James (Cat.) Morus RUBRA L. Red Mulberry. Throughout the state. XCVII. ORDER ULMACE. Elm Family. 450. ULMUS L. ELM. ULMUS AMERICANA JI, American or White Eitn. Common. ULMUS PUBESCENS Walt. (U. fu/va Mx.) Slippery or Red Elm. Frequent. ULMUS RACEMOSA Thomas. Cork or Rock Elm. Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Ashtabula Co., Miss E. J. Phillips; Licking Co. H. L. Jones (Cat.); Columbus, W. A. Kellerman; Cincinnati, Jos. F. James (Cat.) XCVIII. OrpER CANNABACE. Hop Family. 451. HUMULUS L. Hop. HUMULUS LUPULUS L. Occasionally found in waste places and alluvial soils of water courses. 452. CANNABIS Tourn. HEmp. CANNABIS SATIVA L. Hemp. Northern Ohio, Wm. C. Werner, A. A. Wright (Cat.); Central Ohio, Wm. -C. Werner, H. L. Jones (Cat.); Cincinnati, Jos. F. James (Cat.) XCIX. OrpER URTICACKA. Nettle Family. 453. CELTIS Tourn. NEYTTLE-TREE. HACKBERRY. CELTIS OCCIDENTALIS L. Sugarberry. Hackberry. Frequent in central and southern Ohio; South Bass Island, W. Krebs; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.) 454. URTICA Tourn. NETTLE. URTICA DIOICA L. Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Cincinnati, Joseph Clark (Cat.) BOTANY. 1s URTICA GRACInIS L. Common in alluvial soil. - URTICA URENS L. “Interior Ohio,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.) 455. URTICASTRUM Fabric. (Zaportea Gaudichaud.) WooD-NETTLE. URTICASTRUM DIVARICATUM (J.) Kuntze. (Laportea canadensis Gaudichaud.) Frequent. 456. ADICEA Raf. (/Pzlea Lindl.) RicHWEED. CLEARWEED. ADICEA PUMILA (L.) Raf. (Pi/ea pumila Gray.) Richweed. Clearweed. Common. 457. BOEHMERIA Jacq. Fase NETTLE. BOEHMERIA CYLINDRICA (L,.) Willd. Common. 458. PARIETARIA Tourn. PELLITORY. PARIETARIA PENNSYLVANICA Muhl. Frequent. C. OrpER FAGACEA. Oak Family. 459. QUERCUS L. OAK. QUERCUS ALBA L. White Oak. Throughout the state. QUERCUS BICOLOR Willd. Swamp White Oak. Throughout the state. QUERCUS COCCINEA Wang. Scarlet Oak. Fr quent. QUERCUS COCCINEA TINCTORIA Gray. Quercitron, Yellow-barked or Black Oak. Generally distributed, QUERCUS ILICIFOLIA Wang. “Ohio,” Gray’s Manual; “ General,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.) QUERCUS IMBRICARIA Michx. Laurel Oak. Throughout the state. QUERCUS LEANA Nutt. (Q. imbricaria x coccinea.) V,ea’s Oak.- Preston (Hamilton Co.) one tree A. P. Morgan; Cincinnati (one tree) Jos. F. James (Cat.); Brownsville (Licking Co.) one tree—since cut down, W. A. Kellerman; but doubtless other specimens occur in the state. 188 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. QUERCUS MACROCARPA Michx. Bur-oak, Over-cup or Mossy-cup Oak. Generally distributed. QUERCUS MUHLENBERGII Engelm. Yellow Oak. Chestnut Oak. Frequent throughout the southern half of the state. QUERCUS MUHLENBERGII HUMILIS (Marsh.) Britt. (Q. prinoides Willd.) Southern Ohio, J. A. Warder (Woody Plants of Ohio); Q. prinoides Willd. Moses Craig (O. S. U. Flora) is Q. muhlenbergii. QUERCUS NIGRA L. Black Jack. Lawrence Co., W. A. Kellerman. QUERCUS PALUSTRIS Du Roi. Swamp, Spanish or Pin Oak. Frequent over the state. QUERCUS PRINUS L. Chestnut Oak. Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.); Fairfield Co., E. V. Wilcox and S. Renshaw; Ross Co., Lawrence Co., Scioto Co., W. A. Kellerman; Cincinnati, Jos. F James ( Cat.) QUERCUS RUBRA L. Red Oak. Over the whole state. QUERCUS STELLATA Wang. Post Oak. Iron Oak. Fairfield, Muskingum, Lawrence and Scioto counties, W. A. Kellerman; “Gen- eral,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.); ‘‘ Darby Plains,” J. L. Riddell (Synop. 1835). 460. FAGUS lL. (Castanea Tourn.) CHESTNUT. FaGus PUMILA L. (Castanea pumila Mill.) Chinquapin. Marietta, J. lL. Riddell (Synop. 1835); “Southern Ohio,” H. C. Beardslee (Cat.); FAGUS CASTANEA DENTATA Marsh. (Castanea sativa americana Watson.) CHESTNUT. Throughout the southern half of the state except on limestone soils. 461. CASTANEA Scop. (/fagus Tourn.) BEECH. CASTANEA LATIFOLIA (Wang.) (Fagus ferruginea Ait.) BEECH. Over the whole state. CI. OrpER BETULACEAE. Birch Family. 462. CORYLUS Tourn. HAZzEL-NUT. FILBERT. CORVYLUS AMERIC3NA Nutt. Wild Hazel-nut. Throughout the state. CORYLUS CORNUTI DuRoi. (C. rostrata Ait.) Beaked Hazel-nut. Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.) BOTANY. 189 463. OSTRYA Micheli. Hop-HoRNBEAM. IRON-WOOD. OSTRYA VIRGINICA (Mill.) Willd. American Hop-Hornbeam,. Iron-wood, Frequent. 464. CARPINUS lL. HoRNBEAM. IRON-WOOD. CARPINUS CAROLINIANA Watson. Frequent over the state. 465. BETULA Tourn. BIRCH. BETULA LENTA L. Cherry Birch. Sweet or Black Birch. Fairfield, Hocking and Athens counties, W. A. Kellerman. BETULA LUTEA Mx. f. Yellow or Gray Birch. Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Lake Co., Wm. C. Werner; Ashtabula Co., E. E. Bogue, Sara F. Goodrich. BETULA NIGRA I, River or Red Birch. Hocking Co., Lawrence Co., Scioto Co., W. Kellerman; ‘“ General,” J. S. New- berry ( Cat.) BETULA POPULIFOLIA Ait. American White Birch. Gray Birch. “A large tree in the north, but does not abound in central and southern Ohio.” Dr. J. A. Warder (Woody Plants). BETULA PUMILA L. Low Birch. Central and northern Ohio, J. S. Newberry (Cat.); Cedar Swamp (Champaign Co.) W. C. Werner. 466. ALNUS Tourn. ALDER. ALNUS INCANA (L,.) Willd. Speckled or Hoary Alder. Northern Ohio, W. Krebs, Wm. C. Werner; Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.) Fairfield Co., E. V. Wilcox and S. Renshaw. ALNUS RUGOSA (DuRoi) Koch. (A. serrulata Willd.) Smooth Alder. Frequent in northern and central Ohio; Scioto Co., W. A. Kelierman. CII. Orper SALICACE. Willow Family. 467. SALIX Tourn. WitLow. OSIER. SALIX ALBA L. White Willow. “ General,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.); Painesville, Wm. C. Werner; Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.); Champaign Co., Wm. C. Werner; Columbus. KE. E. Bogue. SALIX ALBA CAERULEA (Smith) Koch. Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.) 190 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. SALIX ALBA VITELLINA (L.) Gray. “ General,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.); Painesville, Otto Hacker; Cincinnati, Joseph Clark (Cat.) SALIX AMYGDALOIDES Anders. Northern Ohio, J. S. Newberry (Cat.), Wm. C. Werner, Otto Hacker. SALIX BABYLONICA Tourn. Weeping Willow. Cincinnati, Joseph Clark (Cat.) SALIX CANDIDA Willd. Sage Willow. Hoary Willow. Central and Northern Ohio, J. S. Newberry (Cat.) SALIX CORDATA Muhl. “Common,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.); Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.): Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.); Akron and Columbus, Wm. C. Werner. A willow in- termediate between S. cordata and S. adenophylla was collected at Cedar Point (Ottawa Co.) by Aug. D. Selby. SALIX CORDATA ANGUSTATA Anders. Lima, W. A. Kellerman; Columbus, Wm. C. Werner. SALIX DISCOLOR Muhl. “Common,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.) ; Painesville, Wm. C. Werner; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Licking Co., H. lL. Jones (Cat.); Columbus, Wm. C. Werner; Cincinnati, Jos. F. James (Cat.) SALIX DISCOLOR PRINOIDES ( Ph.) Anders. Painesville, Otto Hacker. SALIX FRAGILIS L. Crack Willow. Painesville, Otto Hacker; Torain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.); Columbus, Wm. C. Werner; Cincinnati, Jos. F. James ( Cat.) SALIX HUMILIS Marsh. Prairie Willow. “ General,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.) ; Painesville, Otto Hacker; Licking Co., H. L. Jones ( Cat.) SALIX LONGIFOLIA Muhl. “Common,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.); Painesville, Wm. C. Werner; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.); Columbus, Wm. C. Wer- ner; Cincinnati, Jos. F. James (Cat.) SALIX LucIDA Muhl. Shining Willow. “Common,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.) ; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.) ; Painesville and Akron, Wm. C. Werner. SALIX NIGRA Marsh. Black Willow. Common throughout the state. SaLEX NIGRA FALCATA Torr. “Common,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.) ; Painesville, Otto Hacker. SALIX PETIOLARIS Smith. “General,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.); Lorain Co., A. A. Wright ( Cat.) BOTANY. 191 SALIX PURPUREA L. Introduced, Painesville, Otto Hacker. SALIX ROSTRATA Richardson. Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.), Otto Hacker. SALIX SERICEA Marsh. Silky Willow. “General,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.); Painesville, Otto Hacker; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Columbus, Wm. C. Werner; Cincinnati, Jos. F. James ( Cat.) SALIX TRISTIS Ait. Dwarf Gray Willow. “General,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.) 468. PUPULUS Tourn. Poprar. ASPEN. POPULUS ALBA L. White Poplar. Painesville, Wm. C. Werner; Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.), Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora); Cincinnati, J. F. James (Cat.) POPULUS BALSAMTFERA L. Balsam Poplar. Tacamahac. Painesville, Wm. C. Werner; Licking Co., H. lL. Jones (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). POPULUS BALSAMIFERA CANDICANS (Ait.) Gray. Balm of Gilead. - Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora) ; Cincinnati, Jos. F. James ( Cat.) POPULUS DILATATA Ait. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora); Cincinnati, Jos. F. James (Cat.) POPULUS GRANDIDENTATA Michx. -Large-toothed Aspen. From Lake Erie to the Ohio River. POPULUS HETEROPHYLLA L. Downy Poplar. Painesville, Otto Hacker. POPULUS MONILIFERA Ait. Cotton-wood. Necklace Peplar. Throughout the state. POPULUS TREMULOIDES Michx. American Aspen. : Toledo, W. A. Kellerman; Painesville, Wm. C. Werner; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.); Columbus, Wm. C. Werner. CIII. Orprer MYRICACEA. Sweet-Gale Family. 469. MYRICA I. BAyvBERRY. WAX-MYRTLE. MyrRiIcA ASPLENIFOLIA (L.) Banks. Sweet Fern. Little Mt. (near Painesville) Mr. Ferris; Kent (Portage Co.) Dr. Dow (H.C. Beardslee, Cat.) ; Portage Co. Wm. Krebs; Fulton Co., J. S. Hine. MvYRICA CERIFERA L. Bayberry. Wax-Myrtle. Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.); Presque Isle (Lake Erie) J. lL. Riddell (Synop. 1835). 192 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. CIV. ORDER JUGLANDACEA. Walnut Family. 47). HICORIA Raf. Hickory. HICcORIA ALBA (L.) Britt. (Carya tomentosa Nutt.) “General,” J.S. Newberry (Cat.); Scioto Co., W. A. Kellerman; Miami Val- ley, A. P. Morgan (Flora); Cincinnati, Jos. F. James ( Cat.) HI€ORIA GLABRA ( Mill.) Britt. (Carya porcina Nutt.) Pig-nut or Broom Hickory. Frequent. HICORIA MICROCARPA (Nutt.) Britt. (Carya microcarpa Nutt.) “General,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.)’ HICORIA MINIMA (Marsh.) Britt. (Caryaamara Nutt.) Bitter-nut or Swamp Hickory. Frequent. HIcoRIA OVATA (Mill) Britt. (Carya alba Nutt.) Shell-bark or Shag-bark Hickory. Frequent. HICORIA SULCATA (Willd.) Britt. (Carya sulcata Nutt.) Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.) ; Central and Southern Ohio, 471. JUGLANS L. WatLnut. JUGLANS CINEREA Ll. Butternut. White Walnut. Frequent. JUGLANS NIGRA Ll. Black Walnut. Common. CV. OrpER PIPERACEA. Pepper Family. 472. SAURURUS L. Lizarp’s Tart, SAURURUS CERNUUS L. Common. Monocotyls. CVI. OrpER ORCHIDACE#. Orchis Family. 473. ACHROANTHUS Raf. (crostylis Nutt.) ADDER’s Mout. ACHROANTHUS UNIFLORA (Mx.) Raf. (JZicrostylis ophioglossoides Nutt.) Fairfield Co., Wm. C. Werner. 474. LEPTORCHIS Du Pet. Thou. (Zzparis Richard). LEPTORCHIS LILIIFOLMIA (L.) Kuntze. (!Liparzs liliifolia (1,.) Richard). Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.); Sugar Grove, W. C. Werner; Cincinnati, Jos. F. James ( Cat.) LEPTORCHIS LOESELI (L.) (Liparis loeselii (L.) Richard). Lake Co., Otto Hacker; Cuyahoga Falls, W. Krebs; Champaign Co., Wm. C. Werner; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). 475. APLECTRUM Nutt. Purry-Root. ADAM AND EVE. APLECTRUM SPICATUM (Walt.) B. S. P. (A. hiemale Nutt.) In rich woods throughout the state, infrequent. 476. CORALLORHIZA Haller. Corart-Root. CORALLORHIZA MULTIFLORA Nutt, Throughout the state. CORALLORHIZA INNATA R. Br. Southwestern ‘‘ Ohio,” Gray (Man.), J. S. Newberry (Cat.); Cincinnati, Thos. 'G. Lea ( Cat.) @ CORALLORHIZA ODONTORHIZA (Sw.) Nutt. Painesville, Fairfield Co., Wm. C. Werner; Fredonia, R. H. Ingraham; Licking Co., H. Ll. Jones (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora); Cincinnati, Jos. F. James ( Cat.) 477. TIPULARIA Nutt. CRANE-FLY ORCHIS. TIPULARIA UNIFOLIA (Muhl.) B.S. P.~ (Z. discolor Nutt.) Lorain Co., A. A. Wright ( Cat.) 13 G50: @ 194 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. 478. LISTERA R. Brown. TWAVBIADE. LISTERA CORDATA (L.) R. Brown. “astern and Northern, O.,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.) 479. GYROSTACHYS Pers. (Spiranthes Richard). Lapres’ TRESSES. GYROSTACHYS CERNUA (L.) Kuntze. (Spzranthes cernua (L.) Richard.) Generally distributed. GYROSTACHYS GRACILIS (Bigel.) Kuntze. ( Spzvanthes gracilis Bigelow.) **General,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.); Painesville, Wm. C. Werner; Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.); Adams and Hocking counties, W. A. Kellerman; Cincin- nati, Jos. F. James (Cat.) GYROSTACHYS LATIFOLIA (Torr.) Kuntze. (Spzvanthes latifolia Torr.) “Northern O.,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.); Painesvilie. Wm. C. Werner; Columbus, E. E. Bogue; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). 480. PERAMIUM Salisb. ( Goodyera R. Br.) RATTLESNAKE PLANTAIN. PERAMIUM PUBESCENS (Willd.) (Goodyera pubescens R. Br.) In rich woods throughout the state, infrequent. PERAMIUM REPENS (JL.) Salisb. (Goodyera repens R. Br.) ‘‘ General,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.); Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.) 481. ARETHUSA Gronovy. ARETHUSA BULBOSA L. Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.) 482. LIMODORUM (Calopogon R. Br.) LIMODORUM TUBEROSUM L. (Calopogon pulchellus R. Br.) Geauga Lake, W. Krebs; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Painesville, W. C. Werner; Licking Co., H. lL. Jones (Cat.) 483. POGONIA Juss. POGONIA TRIANTHOPHORA (Sw.) B.S. P. (P. pendula Lindl.) Scarce but distributed throughout the state. POGONIA OPHIOGLOSSOIDES (L.) Ker. Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.) ; Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.) POGONIA VERTICILLATA (Willd.) Nutt. Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.); Fairfield Co., S. Renshaw. 484. ORCHIS L. BOTANY. 195 ORCHIS SPECTABILIS L. Showy Orchis. In woods throughout the state. ORCHIS ROTUNDIFOLIA Pursh. Licking Co., H. L. Jones ( Cat.) 485. HABENARIA Willd. REIN ORCHIS. HABENARIA BLEPHARIGLOTTIS (With.) Torr. White Fringed Orchis. Munson Pond (Geauga Co.) H. C. Beardslee (Cat.) HABENARIA BRACTEATA (Willd.) R. Br. Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Cuyahoga Co., W. C. Werner; Ashtabula Co., A. C. Bogue; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora.) HABENARIA CILIARIS (L.) R. Br. Yellow Fringed Orchis. Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.); Fulton Co., J. S. Hine. HABENARIA CLAVELLATA (Mx.) (H. tridentata (Willd.) Hook.) Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.); Summit Co., W. Krebs; Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.); Cedar Swamp (Champaign Co.), Wm. C. Werner. HABENARIA FLAVA (L,.) Gray. (A/. virescens Spreng.) Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Franklin Co., Moses Craig. HABENARIA GRANDIFLORA (Bigel.) Torr. (77. fimbriata R. Br.) Franklin Co., W. S. Sullivant (Cat. 1840.) HABENARIA HOOKERI (Ph.) Torr. Lake Co., Wm. C. Werner; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.) HABENARIA HYPERBOREA (L,) R. Br. “Northern O.,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.) HABENARIA LACERA (Mx.) R. Br. Ragged Fringed Orchis. Frequent in northern Ohio; Licking Co., H. Ll. Jones (Cat.) HABENARIA LEUCOPHHA ( Nutt.) Gray. Columbus, W. S. Sullivant (Cat. 1840). HABENARIA ORBICULATA ( Ph.) Torr. Cleveland, W. Krebs; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Painesville, W. C. Wer- ner; Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.) HABENARIA PERAMCNA Gray. Sugar Grove (Fairfield Co.), E. V. Wilcox; Rio Grande (Gallia Co.), Lizzie Da- vis; Cincinnati, Jos. F. James (Cat.) HABENARIA PSYCODES (L.) Gray. Throughout the state but not abundant. 486. CYPRIPEDIUM LL. Lapy’s SLIPPER. Moccason-FLOWER. 196 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. CYPRIPEDIUM ACAULE Ait. Stemless Lady’s Slipper. Cleveland, W. Krebs; Lake Co., W. C. Werner; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.); Fairfield Co., E. V. Wilcox, S. Renshaw; Stark Co., W. Ll. Crubaugh; Rio Grande, W. W. Deckard. CYPRIPEDIUM CANDIDUM Willd. Small White Lady’s Slipper. “Central O.,” W. S. Sulliyant (Cat. 1840); Dayton, R. Buchanan (J. L. Rid- dell, Synop. 1835). CYPRIPEDIUM PARVIFLORUM Salisb. Smaller Yellow Lady’s Slipper. ’ Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Central O, W.S. Sullivant (Cat.); Champaign Co., Wm. C. Werner; Stark Co., Ella Keeler. CYPRIPEDIUM PUBESCENS Willd. Larger Yellow Lady’s Slipper. Not common, but distributed from Lake Erie to Southern Ohio. CYPRIPEDIUM REGINZE Walt. (C. spectabile Swartz.) Showy Lady’s Slipper. Licking Co., H. lL. Jones (Cat.); Champaign Co., Mrs. E. J. Spence; Cincinnati, Jos. F. James (Cat.) CVII. OrpER IRIDACEA. Iris Family. 488. IRIS Tourn. FLOWER DE LUCE. IRIS CRISTATA Ait. Crested Dwarf Iris. Near Cleveland, W. Krebs; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Trumbull Co., R. H. (ngraham; Franklin Co., W.C. Werner; Logan Co., W. A. Kellerman; Law- rence Co., A. D. Selby. IRIS LACUSTRIS Nutt. Lake Dwarf Iris. Hocking Co., J. M. Bigelow (J. S. Nswberry Cat.) IRIS VERSICOLOR L. Larger Blue Flag. Generally distributed throughout the state. 489. SISYRINCHIUM L. BLUE-EYED GRASS. SISVYRINCHIUM ANCEPS Cay. Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat) SISVRINCHIUM ANGUSTIFOLIUM Mill. Generally distributed. CVIIL. OrpER DIOSCOREACEAY. Yameramily,. 490. DIOSCOREA Plumier. Yam. DIOSCOREA viILLosA L. Generally distributed. BOTANY. 197 CIX. OrpER AMARYLLIDACEA. Amaryllis Family. 491. HYPOXIS Ll. STar-GRass. HYpPoxIs HIRSUTA (L.) (A. erecta \,.) Cleveland, W. Krebs; Akron, W. C. Werner; Licking Co.,H. Ll. Jones (Cat.); Fairfield Co., E. V. Wilcox, S. Renshaw; Lawrence Co., W. C. Werner; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). CX. OrpER HAEMODORACEZ. Bloodwort Family. 487. ALETRIS L. Coric-Root. STAR-GRASS. ALETRIS FARINOSA L. “ General,” H. C. Beardslee (Cat.); Franklin Co., W. S. Sullivant ( Cat.) CXI. Orper LILIACEH. Lily Family. 492. SMILAX Tourn. GREENBRIER. CAT-BRIER. SMILAX BONA-NOX L. General,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.) ; Licking Co., A. L. Jones (Cat); Ross Co., W. Safford (Torr. Bull. XIII. 117) ; Cincinnati, Joseph Clark (Cat.) SMILAX ECIRRHATA Watson. Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Licking Co., H. lL. Jones ( Cat.) SMILAX GLAUCA Walt. “General,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.) ; Licking Co., H: lL. Jones (Cat.) SMILAX HERBACEA L. Carrion-Flower. Throughout the state. SmiLax HISPIDA Muhl. Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); ‘ General,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.); Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.); Licking Co., H. l. Jones (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora) ; Cincinuati, Jos. F. James ( Cat.) SMILAX PSEUDO-CHINA L,. “Woods, Worthington, Ohio,” J. L. Riddell (Synop. 1835). SMILAX ROTUNDIFOLIA I, Common Greenbrier. Horse-brier. Common. SMILAX ROTUNDIFOLIA QUADRANGULARIS Gray. Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.) ; ‘‘General,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.) 493. ASPARAGUS Tourn. ASPARAGUS. 198 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. ASPARAGUS OFFICINALIS L. Garden Asparagus. Throughout the state. 494. POLYGONATUM Tourn. SoromMon’s SEAL, POLYGONATUM COMMUTATUM (Schult.) (P. gigauteum Dietr.) Alluvial soil throughout the state. POLYGONATUM BIFLORUM (Walt.) Ell. Smaller Solomon’s Seal. Generally distributed. 495. STREPTOPUS Mx. TwIsTED-STALK. STREPTOPUS AMPLEXIFOLIUS DC. Summit Co., J. S. Newberry (Cat.); Painesville, H. C. Beardslee { Cat.) 496. UNIFOLIUM Adans. (S7ztlacina Desf.) Fatsk SOLOMON’S SEAL, UNIFOLIUM RACEMOSUM (L.) Britton. (.Smzlacina racemosa Desf.) False. Spike- nara. Frequent. UNIFOLIUM STELLATUM (L.) Greene. (Sizlacina stellata Desf.) Throughout the northern half of the state. No specimens at hand from south of Columbus. UNIFOLIUM TRIFOLIUM (L.) Greene. (Syztlacina trifolia Desf.) Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.) ; Summit Co., J. S. Newberry (Cat.) UNIFOLIUM CANADENSE (Desf.) Greene. (J/atanthemum canadense Desf.) (Smzt- acina bifolia canadensis Gray). Generally distributed. 497. HEMEROCALLIS L. Day Lity. HEMEROCALLIS FULVA L. Common Day Lily. Occasionally met with as an escape from cultivation. 498. ALLIUM I. ONION. GARLIC. ALLIUM CANADENSE Kalm. Wild Garlic. Common, ALLIUM CERNUUM Roth. Wild Onicn. Lake Krie to Ohio River. ALLIUM STELLATUM Fraser. Put-in-Bay Island (Lake Erie) H. C. Beardslee (Cat.) ALLIUM TRICOCCUM Ait. Wild Leek. Generally distributed. BOTANY. 199 ALLIUM VINEALE L, Columbus, W. R. Lazenby. 499. MUSCARI Tourn. GRAPE HYACINTH. MUSCARI BOTRYOIDES Mill. Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.) 500. CAMASSIA Lindl. (SczdZa). CAMASSIA FRASERI Torr. (Scilla fraseri Gray). Eastern Camass. Wild Hyacinth. Generally distributed. d01. CHAMALIRIUM Willd. De&viz’s srt. CHAMZLIRIUM LUTEUM (L.) Gr. (C. carolinianum Willd.) Blazing Star. Northern O., Wm. Krebs, Wm. C. Werner; Richland Co., E. Wilkinson; Lick- ing Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.); Lawrence Co., Wm. C. Werner. 502. LILIUM L. Laity. LILIUM PHILADELPHICUM, lL. Wild Orange. Red Lily. “ General,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.) ; ‘‘ Darby Plains,” J. Ll. Riddell (Synop. 1835); Franklin Co., W. S. Sullivant (Cat); Toledo, J. A. Sanford; Delta (Fulton Co.) M. G. Aumend; Painesville, Wm. C: Werner. LILIUM CANADENSE L. Wild Yellow Lily. Over the whole state. LILIUM SUPERBUM L. Turk’s-cap Lily. Painesville, Wm. C. Werner; Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.); Franklin Co.,, Selby & Craig (Cat.); Cincinnati, Jos. F. James (Cat.) 503. ERYTHRONIUM LL. Doc’s TootH VIOLET. ERYTHRONIUM ALBIDUM Nutt. White Dog’s-tooth Violet. Throughout the state. ERYTHRONIUM AMERICANUM Ker. Yellow Adder’s Tongue. Widely distributed. 504. OAKESIA Watson. OAKESIA SESSILIFOLIA (L.) Watson. ( Uvularia sessilifolia I,.) Lake Co., Wm. C. Werner; Niles, R. H. Ingraham; Gallia Co., Ruth E. Brockett. 505. UVULARIA lL. BELLWwoRT. Uv ULARIA GRANDIFLORA Smith. Lake Erie to Southern Ohio. 200 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. UVULARIA PERFOLIATA IL, Throughout the state. 506. DISPORUM Salisb. DISPORUM LANUGINOSUM Benth. & Hook. (Pvrosartes lanuginosa Don.) Lake Co., W. C. Werner; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Licking Co. H. L. Jones (Cat.); Rio Grande (Gallia Co.) J. W. Davis. 507. CLINTONIA Raf. CLINTONIA BOREALIS (Ait.) Raf. “Northern O.,” J, S. Newberry (Cat.) 508. MEDEOLA Gronov. INDIAN CUCUMBER-ROOT. MEDEOLA VIRGINIANA L. Not abundant but gennerally distributed. 509. TRILLIUM L. Waxkek ROBIN. BIRTHROOT. TRILLIUM CERNUUM L, General,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.); Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat); Cincinnati, Jos. F. James ( Cat.) TRILLIUM ERECTUM L,. Widely distributed. TRILLIUM ERVTHROCARPUM Mx. Painted Trillium. “Northern Ghio,” J. S. Newberry (Cat,) TRILLIUM GRANDIFLORUM Salisb. Generally distributed TRILLIUM NIVALE Riddell. Dwarf White Trillium. Franklin Co., Aug. D. Selby. TRILLIUM RECURVATUM Beck. Cincinnati, Jos. F. James ( Cat.) TRILLIUM SESSILE L. Frequent throughout the southern half of the state. 510 STENANTHIUM Gray. STENANTHIUM ANGUSTIFOLIUM (Ph) Gray. Central and Southern Ohio, J. S. Newberry (Cat.) STENANTHIUM ROBUSTUM Watson. : Licking Co., H. L. Jones ( Cat.); Amanda (Fairfield Co.,) W. A. Kellerman. % Undoubtedly the S. Angustifolium of former catalogues. BOTANY. 201 dll. ZYGADENUS Mx. ZYGADENUS ELEGANS Pursh. Central Ohio, W. S. Sullivant (Cat.); Cedar Swamp (Champaign Co.) Wm. C. Werner. ZYGADENUS GLABERRIMUS Mx. Summit Co., J. S. Newberry ( Cat.) 512. MELANTHIUM Linn. MELANTHIUM VIRGINICUM L. Bunch-Flower. Richland Co., E. Wilkinson; Franklin Co., W. S. Sullivant (Cat.); Cincinnati, Joseph Clark ( Cat.) 513. VERATRUM Tourn. Farse HELLEBOR=. VERATRUM VIRIDE Ait. American White Hellebore. Indian Poke. Lake Co., W. C. Werner; Ashtabula Co., Sara F. Goodrich, VERATRUM WOODSI Robbins. Dayton, A. P. Morgan (Bot. Gaz. VII. 79.) CXIl. Orpra JUNCACKA. Rush Family. 514. JUNCUS Tourn. Rusu. BoG-RusH, JUNCUS ACUMINATUS Mx. Throughout the state. JUNCUS ALPINUS INSIGNIS Fries/ Cleveland, E. Claassen; Painesville, Wm. C. Werner.. This last the J. articu- latus (Lazenby & Werner Supp. list). JUNCUS ARTICULATUS L. Cleveland, EK. Claassen. JUNCUS BALTICUS LITTORALIS Engelm. Sandy shore of Lake Erie, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.) JUNCUS BUFONIUS L. Frequent throughout Northern Ohio; Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). JUNCUS BRACHYCARPUS Engelm. “Ohio,” Gray (Man.) JUNCUS CANADENSIS J. Gay. Sandusky, E. Ll. Mosely; Painesville, W. C. Werner; Wood Co., Albert Neifer; Cuyahoga Co., E. Claassen; Licking Reservoir, Wm. C. Werner. JUNCUS CANADENSIS BRACHYCEPHALUS Engelm. Cleveland, E. Claassen; Painesville, Columbus and Champaign Co., W. C. Werner. 202 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. JUNCUS EFFUSUS L. Common or Soft Rush. Common. : JUNCUS FILIFORMIS L,. Lorain Co., A. A. Wright ) Cat.) ; Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.). JUNCUS GERARDI Loisel. Black Grass. Lake shore, rare, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.) JUNCUS MARGINATUS Rostk. Lake Co., O. Hacker; Wood Co., Albert Neifer; Tiffin (Seneca Co.) W. H. Egbert; Franklin Co, W. S. Sullivant (Cat.); Fairfield Co., Wm. C. Werner; Cincinnati, Jos. F. James (Cat.) JUNCUS MILITARIS Bigel. _“Southern Ohio,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.) JUNCUS NODOSUS L. ; Wood Co., Albert Neifer; Marshes along Lake Erie, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.) ; Cuy- ahogo Co., E. Claassen; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.); Painesville, Franklin Co., Wm. C. Werner. JUNCUS NODOSUS MEGACEPHALUS Torr. Sandusky, E. L. Mosely; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Wood Co., Albert Neifer; Columbus and Licking Reservoir, Wm. C. Werner. JUNCUS PELOCARPUS E. Meyer. “General,” J. S. Newberry. JUNCUS SCIRPOIDES Lam. “General,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.); Franklin Co., W. S. Sullivant (Cat.) ; Cincin- nati, Jos. F. James ( Cat.) JUNCUS SETACEUS Kostk. “ Southern Ohio,” J. S. Newberry ( Cat.) JUNCUS STYGIUS L. “Northern Ohio,” Leo Lesquereux (J. S. Newberry, Cat.) JUNCUS TENUIS Willd. Common. 515. LUZULA DC. Woop-RusH. LUZULA CAMPESTRIS (L.) DC. Throughout the state. LUZULA PILOSA (L.) Wilid. (ZL. vernalis DC.) Throughout the state. BOTANY. 208 CXIII. OrpER PONTEDERIACEZ. Pickerel-Weed Family. 516. PONTEDERIA Ll. PICKEREL-WEED. PONTEDERIA CORDATA L. Frequent in marshes along the shores of Lake Erie; Licking Co., H. L. Jones ( Cat.) PONTEDERIA CORDATA ANGUSTIFOLIA Torr. Painesville, H. C. Beardslee. 517. HETERANTHERA Ruiz & Pav. MupD-PLANTAIN. HETERANTHERA DUBIA Jacq. (A. graminea Vahl.) Throughout the state. HETERANTHERA RENIFORMIS Ruiz & Pav. Cincinnati, Joseph Clark (H.C. Beardslee, Cat.), Jos. F. James (Cat.); ‘‘Lock- bourne, Ohio,” J. L. Riddell (Synop. 1835). CXIV. OrpER COMMELINACEA. Spiderwort Family. 518. COMMELINA Dill. Day-FLOWER. COMMELINA VIRGINICA L. Cincinnati, Joseph Clark (Cat.) 519. TRADESCANTIA L. SpipERWORT. TRADESCANTIA PILOSA Lehm. “ Ohio,” Gray (Man.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). TRADESCANTIA VIRGINICA L. Common Spiderwort. Central and Southern Ohio; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.) CXV. ORDER XYRIDACE#. Yellow-Eyed Grass Family. 520. XYRIS Gronov. YELLOW-EVED GRASS. XYRIS CAROLINIANA Walt. “General,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.); Ohio, H. C. Beardslee ( Cat.) XvRIs FLEXUOSA Muhl. Portage Co., W. Krebs; Wood Co., Albert Neiffer; Lancaster (Fairfield Co.), J- M. Bigelow (H. C. Beardslee Cat.) 204 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. CXVI. OrpER LEMNACEAY. Duckweed Family. 521. LEMNA I. DUCKWEED. DUCK’S-MEAT. LEMNA MINOR L. Throughout the state. LEMNA MINOR ORBICULATA Austin. Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.) ‘LEMNA TRISULCA L. Generally distributed. 522. SPIRODELA Schleiden. SPIRODELA POLYRRHIZA (L.) Schleiden. Frequent. 523. WOLFFIA Horkel. WOLFFIA COLUMBIANA Karsten. Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.), Wm. C.Werner; Licking Co., H. I. Jones (Cat; Fairfield Co., BE. V. Wileox; Pond west of Biz Miami, 0. L. James. CXVII. OrpER ARACEA, Arum Family. ACORUS L. SWEET-FLAG. CALAMUS. ACORUS CALAMUS L. Throughout the State. 525. SPATHYEMA Raf. (Symplocarpus Salisb.) SKUNK CABBAGE. SPATHVEMA FOETIDA (L,.) Raf. (Symplocarpus foetidus Salisb.) Skunk Cabbage. Frequent. §26. CALLA L. WATER ARUM. CALLA PALUSTRIS L. Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.); Ashtabula Co., E. E. Bogue; Alliance, W. L. Crubaugh. 527. PELTANDRA Raf. ARROW ARUM. PELTANDRA VIRGINICA (L.) Raf. (P. uzdulata Raf.) Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Cleveland, Wm. Krebs; Painesville, Wm. C. Werner; Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.); Pickaway Co., J. L. Riddell (Synop. 1835). BOTANY. 20d 628. ARISA*MA Martius. INDIAN TURNIP. DRAGON ARUM, ARISZMA DRACONTIUM (L.) Schott. Green Dragon. Dragon-root. Generally distributed. ARISAHMA TRIPHYLLUM (L.) Torr. Indian Turnip. Frequent. CXVII. OrpER CYPERACEA, Sedge Family. : 529. CYPERUS Tourn. CYPERUS ARISTATUS Rottb. Wood Co., Albert Neifer; Toledo, J. A.Sanford; Licking Co., H.L. fones (Cat.) ; Franklin Co., Wm. C. Werner, Fairfield Co., E. V. Wilcox; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). . \ CYPERUS DENTATUS Torr. Licking Co., H. LU. Jones (Cat.) CYPERUS DIANDRUS Torr. Throughout the state. CYPERUS DIANDRUS CASTANEUS (Bigel.) Torr. Painesville and Columbus, Wm. C. Werner. CYPERUS ERYTHRORHIZOS Muhl. Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.) Wm. C. Werner; Cleveland, FE. Claassen; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.) ; Columbus, Wm. C. Werner. CYPERUS ESCULENTUS L. Throughout the state. CYPERUS FILICULMIS Vahl. Cleveland and Summit Co., E. Claassen; Wood Co., Albert Neifer; Lake Co., Franklin Co., Wm. C. Werner. CYPERUS FLAVESCENS L. Painesville, Fairfield Co.. Wm. C. Werner; Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.) ; Cin- cinnati, Jos. Clark (Cat.) CYPERUS LANCASTRIENSIS Porter. Cincinnati, J. F. James (Cat) CYPERUS OVULARIS ( Vahl.) Torr. “General,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.) CYPERUS RETROFRACTUS Torr. “Central and Southern Ohio,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.) CYPERUS SCHWEINITZII Torr. Cedar Point and Port Clinton (Ottawa Co.,), EK. Claassen; Sandusky, E. L. Mosely. 206 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. CYPERUS SPECIOSUS Vahl. Painesville, Columbus, Wm. C. Werner. _ CYPERUS sTRIGOSUS L. Common over the whole state. 530. KYLLINGA, Rettboell. KYLLINGA PUMILA Mx. Cincinnati, J. F. James (Cat.); Franklin and Fairfield counties, W. C. Werner. 531. DULICHIUM Pers. DULICHIUM SPATHACEUM (L,) Pers. Lake Co., Wm. C. Werner; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Licking Co., H. L. Jones ( Cat.) ; Cincinnati, Joseph Clark (Cat.) 5382. ELEOCHARIS R. Br. SPIKE-RUSH. ELEOCHARIS ACICULARIS ({L.) R. Brown. Throughout the state. ELEOCHARIS COMPRESSA Sullivant. “Central Ohio,” W. S. Sullivant (H. C. Beardslee, Cat.) EQLEOCHARIS EQUISETOIDES Torr. “General” J. S. Newberry ( Cat.) ELEOCHARIS INTERMEDIA (Muhl.) Shultes. Columbus, Wm. C. Werner; Cincinnati, J. F. James ( Cat.) ELEOCHARIS OLIVACKA Torr. “ Southern Ohio,” Leo Lesquereux (J. S. Newberry, Cat.) ELEOCHARIS OVATA ( Roth.) R. Brown. Throughout the state. ELEOCHARIS PALUSTRIS (L.) R. Brown. Painesville, Wm. C. Werner; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Licking Co., H. L. Jones ( Cat.) , Wm. C. Werner; Fairfield Co., E. V. Wilcox; Cincinnati, Jos. F. James (Cat.) ELEOCHARIS QUADRANGULATA ( Mx.) R. Br. Summit Co., E. Claassen. ELEOCHARIS ROSTELLATA Torr. “General,” J. S. Newberry ( Cat.) ELEOCHARIS TENUIS ( Willd.) Schultes. Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Miami Valiey, A. P. Morgan (Flora); Cin- cinnati, Jos. F. James ( Cat,) BOTANY. 207 533. FIMBRISTYLIS Vahl. FIMBRISTYLIS AUTUMNALIS(L. (Roem, & Schult). Wood Co., Albert Neifer; Fairfield Co., Wm. C. Werner; Hocking Co., W. A. Kellerman ; Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.) FIMBRISTYLIS CAPILLARIS (L.) Gray. Cedar Swamp (Champaign Co.) Wm. C. Werner. 534. SCIRPUS Tourn. BULRUSH or CLUBRUSH. SCIRPUS ATROVIRENS Muhl, Throughout the state. SCIRPUS DEBILIS Pursh. North of Crystal Lake (Summit-Co.,) E. Claassen; Painesville, W. C. Werner. SCIRPUS FLUVIATILIS (Torr.) Gray. Lake Co., Wm. C. Werner; Medina Co., E. Claassen; Cuyahoga Co., Wm. C. Werner; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Wood Co., Albert Neifer; Licking Co., H. Ll. Jones (Cat.), Wm. C. Werner; Fairfield Co., HE. V. Wilcox. SCIRPUS LACUSTRIS L. Lake Co., Wm.C. Werner; Cuyahoga Co., E. Claassen; Wood Co., Albert. Neifer; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Licking Co., H. lL. Jones ( Cat.) , Wm. C. Werner; Madison Co., Mrs. K. D. Sharpe; Fairfield Co., E. V. Wilcox. SCIRPUS MARITIMUS L. * General,” J. S. Newberry ( Cat.) ScCIRPUS PLANIFOLIUS Muhl. Painesville, H.C. Beardslee (Cat.), Wm. C. Werner; Toledo, J. A. Sanford; Fairfield Co., Wm. C. Werner. SCIRPUS POLYPHYLLUS Vahl. Lake Co., Wm. C. Werner; Cuyahoga Co., EK. Claassen; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.) ; Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.) ; Cincinnati, Jos. F. James (Cat.) SCIRPUS PUNGENS Vahl. Over the State. SCIRPUS SUBTERMINALS Torr. Painesville, H. C. Beardslee ( Cat.) ScCIRPUS SYLVATICUS L. Richland Co., E. Wilkinson. SCIRPUS TORREYI Olney. Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.), W. C. Werner. 535. ERIOPHORUM L,. Corron-Grass. ERIOPHORUM ALPINUM L. ‘‘Northern Ohio,” J. S. Newberry ( Cat.) 208 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. ERIOPHORUM CYPERINUM J). Widely distributed. ERIOPHORUM GRACILE Koch. Plymouth Marsh near Ashtabula, H. C. Beardslee ( Cat.) ERIOPHORUM LINEATUM Benth. & Hook. Widely distributed. ERIOPHORUM POLYSTACHYON LL. Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.), W. C. Werner. ERIOPHORUM POLYSTACHYON LATIFOLIUM Gr. Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.) ERIOPHORUM VAGINATUM L,. Painesville, H. C. Beardslee ( Cat.) ERIOPHORUM VIRGINICUM L,. Lake Co., Geauga Co., Wm. C. Werner; Portage Co., E. Claassen ; Licking Co., H. lL. Jones (Cat.), Wm. C. Werner. ERIOPHORUM VIRGINICUM ALBUM Gray. Lorain Co., A. A. Wright ( Cat.) 505a. KFUIRENA Bottboell. UmMBRELLA-GRASS. FUIRENA SQUARROSA Michx. “Northern Ohio,” J. S. Newberry ( Cat.) Probably the var. pumila Torr. would be the plant in question. 536. RHYNCHOSPORA Vahl. BEAK-RUSH. RHYNCHOSPORA ALBA (L.) Vahl. Plymouth marsh near Ashtabula, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.); Geauga Co, E, Claassen; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Licking Co.,H.L. Jones (Cat.), Wm. C. Werner; Cedar Swamp (Champaign Co.) Wm. C. Werner. RHYNCOSPORA CAPILLACEA Torr. Cedar Swamp (Champaign Co) Wm. C. Werner. RHYNCHOSPORA CORNICULATA Gray. “General,” J. S. Newberry ( Cat.) RHYNCHOSPORA FUSCA (L.) Roem. & Shultes. “ General,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.) RHYNCHOSPORA GLOMERATA (JL.) Vahl. Lake Co., Otto Hacker; Wood Co., Albert Neifer; Plymouth Marsh (Ashtabula Co.) H. C. Beardslee (Cat.); Licking Co., H. Ll. Jones (Cat.); Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. BOTANY. 209 537. CLADIUM. P. Browne. TwicG-RUSH. CLADIUM MARISCOIDES (Muhl.) Torr. Cedar Swamp (Champaign Co.) Wm. C. Werner. 5388. SCLERIA Berl. Nut-Rusu. SCLERIA PAUCIRLORA Muhl. “Central Ohio,” W. S. Sullivant (Cat. 1840). SCELERIA TRIGLOMERATA Michx. “Central Ohio,” W. S. Sullivant (Cat. 1840); Wood Co., Albert Neifer. SCELERIA VERTICILLATA Muhl. Columbus, Cedar Swamp (Champaign Co.) Wm. C. Werner. 539. CAREX Ruppius. SEDGE. CAREX ALBOLUTESCENS Schw. (C. fenea Gray Man. not Willd.) Painesville, Wm. C. Werner. CAREX ALBURSINA Sheldon. (C. laxiflora latifolia Boott.) : Painesville, Wm. C. Werner; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Lima (Allen Co. W. A. Kellerman; Tiffin (Seneca Co.) W. H. Egbert; Columbus, Ironton (Lawrence Co.) Wim. C. Werner; Chillicothe (Ross Co.) R. E. Bower. CAREX AMPHIBOLA Steud (C. grisea angustifolia Boott.) Painesville, Columbus, Fairfield Co., Wm. C. Werner. CAREX AQUATILIS Wahl. Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.), Wm. C. Werner; Toledo, J. A. Sanford; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright ( Cat.) CAREX ARCTATA Boott. Ohio, H. C. Beardslee ( Cat.) CAREX ASA-GRAYVI Bailey. (Carex grayit Carey.) Ashtabula Co., Sara F. Goodrich; Painesville, Wm. C. Werner; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.) ; Licking Co., H. lL. Jones (Cat.); Columbus, Moses Craig; Champaign Co., Win. C. Werner; Clinton Co., J. S. Vandervort; Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea ( Cat.) CAREX AUREA Nutt. Northern Ohio, J. S. Newberry (Cat.) CAREX BROMOIDES Schkuhr, Throughout the state. CAREX BULLATA Schkuhr. Franklin Co., W. S. Sullivant (Cat. 1840). CAREX CANESCENS JL. Portage Co., E. Claassen; Painesville, Summit Co., Wm. C. Werner; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.) 14 C0 510 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. CAREX CAREVANA Toor. Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.), Otto Hacker; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.) ; Columbus, Wm, C. Werner; Cincinnati, Jos. F. James ( Cat.) CAREX CEPHALOPHORA Muhl. From lake Erie to the Ohio River. CAREX CEPHALOIDEA Dewey. Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.); Columbus, Wm. C. Werner. CAREX CHORDORHIZaA Ehrh. “ Northern Ohio,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.)- CAREX CONJUNCTA Boott. Columbus, Wm. C. Werner. CAREX CONOIDEA Schkuhr. Painesville, Wm. C. Werner. CAREX COMMUNIS Bailey. Throughout the state. CAREX COMMUNIS WHEELERI Bailey. Fairfield Co., Wm. C. Werner. CAREX CRINITA Lam. Cuyahoga Co., EK. Claassen; Painesville, Wm. C. Werner; Ashtabula Co., Sara F. Goodrich; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Richland Co., EK. Wilkinson; Fairfield Co., Wm. C. Werner; Cincinnati, Jos. F. James (Cat.) CAREX CRUS-CORVI Shutlew. Wood Co., Albert Neifer ; ‘ Southern Ohio,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.) CAREX DAVISII Schwein. & Torr. Painesville, Otto Hacker; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Licking Co, H. L, Jones (Cat.); Franklin Co., Wm. C. Werner; Chillicothe (Ross Co.) R. E. Bower; Oxford (Butler Co.) Ada G. Wing; Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.) CAREX DEBILIS RUDGEI Bailey. Cleveland. E. Claassen; Painesv. Jle, Wm. C. Werner; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.) ; Summit Co., Wm. C. Werner. CAREX DECOMPOSITA Muhl. Franklin Co., W. S. Sullivant (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora); Cin- cinnati, Thos. G. Lea ( Cat.) i CAREX DEWEYANA Schwein. Northern Ohio, J. S. Newberry ( Cat.) CAREX DIGITALIS Wiild. Cuyahoga Co., E. Claassen; Painesville, Wm. C Werner; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.) ; Franklin Co., Fairfield Co., Wm. C. Werner. CAREX DIGITALIS COPULATA Bailey. Lake Co., Summit Co., Franklin Co., Wm. C. Werner. BOTANY. 211 CAREX DURIFOLIA Bailey. ( Carex backt Boott.) “Ohio,” A. Gray (Man.) CAREX EBURNEA Boott. Cuyahoga Falls, Summit, Co., Wm. C. Werner. CAREX FILIFORMIS L. Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan. (Flora); Cin- cinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.) CAREX FILIFORMIS LANUGINOSA (Michx.) B. S. P. Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.), Wm. C. Werner; Cedar Point (Ottawa Co.) E. Claassen; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Wood Co., Albert Neifer; Toledo, J. A. Sanford; Fairfield Co.,. Wm. C. Werner; Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.) CAREX FLAVA L. “ Northern Ohio,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.); Cedar Swamp (Champaign Co.) Wm C. Werner; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). CAREX FLAVA VIRIDULA Bailey. “Northern Ohio,” J. S. Newberry ( Cat.) CAREX FOLLICULATA L. “Miami Country,” J. L. Riddell (Synop. 1835). CAREX FORMOSA Dewey. - “ Northern and Eastern Ohio,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.) CAREX FRANKU Kunth. (C. stenloepsis Torr.) Painesville, Wm. C. Werner; Tiffin (Seneca Co.) W. H. Egbert; Saudusky, E. l,. Moseley; Licking Co., H, l. Jones (Cat.); Columbus, Wm. C. Werner; Madison Co., Mrs. K. D. Sharpe; Fairfield Co., E. V. Wilcox; Cincinnati, Jos. F. James (Cat.); Clinton Co., J. S. Vandervort. CAREX Fusca All. Toledo, J. A. Sanford; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright ( Cat.) CAREX GLAUCODEA Tuckerm. Franklin Co., Aug. D. Selby. CAREX GRACILILIMA Schwein. Painesville, Wm. C. Werner; Ashtabula Co., Sara F. Goodrich; Cuyahoga Co., E. Claassen; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.) ; Licking. Co., H. L. Jones (Cat) ; Franklin Co., Fairfield Co., Wm. C. Werner. CAREX GRACILLIMA X PUBESCENS Bailey. “Columbus,” W. S. Sullivant A. Gray ( Man.) CAREX GRANULARIS Muhl. Widely distributed. CAREX GRANULARIS HALEANA Porter. Painesville, Wm. C. Werner. 212 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. CAREX GRISEA Wahl. Painesville, Wm. C. Werner; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Columbus, Wm. C. Werner; Madison Co., Mrs. K. D. Sharpe; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora) ; Gincinnfti, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Hanging Rock (lawrence Co.) Wm. C. Werner. CAREX HITCHCOCKIANA Dewey. Painesville, Otto Hacker’ Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Fairfield Co., Wm. C. Werner; Oxford (Butler Co.) Ada G. Wing; Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.) CAREX HYSTRICINA Muhl. Throughout the state. CAREX INTERIOR CAPILLACEA Bailey. Licking Reservoir (Licking Co.) Wm. C. Werner. CAREX INTUMESCENS Rudge. Painesville, Wm. C. Werner; Cuyahoga Co., EK. Claassen; Ashtabula Co., Sara F. Goodrich; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Licking Co, H. I. Jones (Cat.); Columbus, Wm. C. Werner; Cincinnati, Jos. F. James ( Cat.) CAREX JAMESII Schwein. Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.), Wm. C. Werner; Cuyahoga Co., Portage, Co., E. Claassen ; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Columbus, Fairfield Co., Wm. C. Werner; Oxford (Butler Co.) Ada G. Wing; Cincinnati, Jos. F, James (Cat.) CAREX LAXICULMIS Schw. Ashtabula Co., Sara F. Goodrich; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Painesville, Sugar Grove (Fairfield Co.) W. C. Werner. CAREX LAXIFLORA Lam. Painesville, Cuyahoga Falls (Summit Co.) Wm. C. Werner; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.); Columbus, Fairfield Co.) Lawrence Co., Wm. C. Werner; Cincinnati, Jos. F. James ( Cat.) CAREX LAXIFLORA BLANDA Boott. (C. /axiflora striatula Carey.) Painesville, Columbus, Wm. C. Werner; Cedar Point (Ottawa Co.) E. Claasen; Hanging Rock (Lawrence Co.) Wm. C. Werner. CAREX LAXIFLORA PATULIFOLIA Carey. Painesville, Cuyahoga Falls, (Summit Co.) Wm. C. Werner; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Tiffin, (Seneca Co.) W. H. Egbert; Lima, (Allen Co.) W. A. Kel- lerman; Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.); Fairfield Co., KE. V. Wilcox; Lawrence Co., Wim. C. Werner. CAREX LAXIFLORA STYLOFLEXA (Buckley) Boott. Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.) CAREX LAXIFLORA VARIANS Bailey. Painesville, Cuyahoga Falls, Wm. C. Werner; Sandus y, E. L. Moseley; Colum- bus, Lawrence Co., Wm. C. Werner. CATEX Limosa L. “Plymouth Marsh” near Ashtabula, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.) BOTANY. 213 CAREX LONGIROSTRIS Torr. “Northern Ohio,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.) CAREX LUPULINA Muhl. Distributed throughout the state. CAREX LUPULINA PEDUNCULATA Dewey. Painesville, Licking Reservoir (Licking Co.) Wm. C. Werner; Ashtabula Co., Sara F. Goodrich. CAREX LUPULINA POLYSTACHYA Schwein. and Torr. Painesville, Otto Hacker; Prospect (Marion Co.) E. E. Boyne. CAREX LURIDA Wahl. Over the state. CAREX MONILE Tuckerm. Ashtabula Co., Sara F. Goodrich; Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.); Wm. C, Werner; Cuyahoga Co., E.Claasen; Toledo, J. A. Sanford; Wood Co., Albert Neifer; Columbus, Wm. C. Werner. CAREX MUHLENBERGI Schkubhr. Painesville, Wm. C. Werner; Sandusky, E. L. Moseley; Toledo, J. A. Sanford; Wood Co., Alhert Neifer: Cincinnati. Thos. G. Lea (Cat.) CAREX MUHLENBERGI ENERVIS Boott. Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.) CAREX MURICATA L. : Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.); ‘Southern Ohio, rare,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.) CAREX MUSKINGUMENSIS Schw. Cincinnati, J. F. James (Cat.) CAREX NOV4-ANGLIA Schw. “Northern Ohio,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.) CAREX CEDERI Ebrh. “Northern Ohio,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.) CAREX OLIGOCARPA Schkuhr. ; Painesville, Wm. C. Werner; Cuyahoga Co,, Geauga Co., E. Claasen; Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.); Columbus, Wm. C. Werner; Ross Co., R. E. Bower Cincinnati, Jos. F. James (Cat.) CAREX OLIGOSPERMA Mx. “Plymouth Marsh” near Ashtabula, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.) CAREX PALESCENS L. Lorain Co., A. A. Wright ( Cat.) CAREX PEDUNCULATA Muhl. Painesville, Otto Hacker; Cuyahoga Co., E. Claasen. 214 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. CAREX PENNSYLVANICA Lam. Distributed throughout the state. CAREX PLANTAGINEA Jam. é Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.), Otto Hacker; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.) ; Licking Co., H. L. Jones ( Cat.) ; Cuyahoga Falls (Summit Co.) Wm. C. Werner. CAREX PLATYPHYLLA Carey. Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.), Wm. C. Werner; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.) ; Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.); Fairfield Co.,Wm. C. Werner; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). : CAREX POLYTRICHOIDES Muhl. Painesville, Columbus, Wm. C. Werner; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). CAREX PRASINA Wahl. Cuyahoga Co., E. Claassen; Painesville, Wm. C. Werner; Niles (Trumbull Co.) R. H. Ingraham; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Licking Co., H. Ll. Jones (Cat.); Columbus, Wm. C. Werner; Cincinnati, C. G. Lloyd. CAREX PSEUDO-CYPERUS L. Licking Co., H. ly. Jones ( Cat.) CAREX PSEUDO-CYPERUS AMERICANA Hochst. Painesville, Wm. C. Werner; Portage Co., KE. Claassen ; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Licking Reservoir (Licking Co.) Columbus, Wm. C. Werner; Cincin- nati, Jos. F. James ( Cat.) CAREX PUBESCENS Muhl. Painesville, Wm. C. Werner; Cuyahoga Co., E. Claassen; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.) ; Toledo, J. A. Sanford; Columbus, Irouton (Lawrence Co.) W. C. Werner; Cincinnati, Jos. Clark ( Cat.) CAREX RIGIDA GOODENOVII Bailey. (C. vulgaris Fries.) Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.) CAREX RIPARIA W. Curtis. Painesville, Wm. C. Werner; Cuyahoga C., E. Claassen; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Toledo, J. A. Sanford; Summit Co., Champaign Co., Columbus, Law- rence Co., Wm. C. Werner; Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.) CAREX ROSEA Schkuhr. Throughout the state. CAREX ROSEA RADIATA Dewey. Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Cuyahoga Falls (Summit Co.) Wm. C. Werner. CAREX ROSEA RETROFLEXA (Muhl.) Torr. Painesville, H. C. Beardslee ( Cat.) CAREX SCABRATA Schw. Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.), Wm. C. Werner; Cuyahoga Falls (Summit Co.) Wm. C. Werner. BOTANY. 215 CAREX SCOPARTA Schk, Frequent. CAREX SCOPARIA MINOR Boott. “Northern Ohio, Painesville,’ H. C. Beardslee (Cat.) CAREX SHORTIANA Dewey. Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Wood Co., Albert Neifer; Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.); Columbus, Wm. C. Werner; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). Cincinnati, Jos. F. James ( Cat.) : CAREX SICCATA Dewy. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora), CAREX SPARGANOIDES Muhl.- Occurring over the whole state. CAREX SQUARROSA L. Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.), Wm. C. Werner; Cuyahoga Co., E. Claassen ; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Licking Co., H. l. Jones ( Cat.) ; Columbus, Wm. C. Werner; Clinton Co., J. S. Vandervort. CAREX STERILIS Willd. (C. echinata microstachys Boeck.) Painesville, Wm. C. Werner; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.) CAREX STERILIS EXCELSIOR Bailey. (C. echinata of Amer. authors.) Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Cedar Swamp (Champaign Co.) Wm. C. Wer- ner. CAREX STIPATA. Throughout the state. CAREX STRAMINEA Willd. Painesville, Otto Hacker; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Toledo, J. A. San- ford; Wood Co., Albert Neifer; Columbus, Wm. C. Werner; Richland Co, E. Wilkinson; Ross Co., R. E. Bower. i CAREX STRAMINEA ALATA (Torr.) Bailey. Painesville, Otto Hacker. CAREX STRAMINEA APERTA Boott. H. C. Beardslee (Cat.) No locality given. CAREX STRAMINEA CRAWEI Boott. Darby Plains (Franklin Co.) W. S. Sullivant. CAREX STRAMINEA FERRUGINEA (Gray) Bailey. (C. fenea var? ferruginea Gray Man. 5th ed.) “ Ohio,” L. H. Bailey, Torr. Bull. vol. XX., Nov. 15, 1898, p. 421. CAREX STRAMINEA MIRABILIS (Dewey) Tuckerm. Painesville, Otto Haeker; Cuyahoga Falls (Summit Co.) Wm. C. Werner. 216 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. CAREX STRICTA Lam. Painesville, Wm. C. Werner; Trumbull Co., R. H. Ingraham; Cuyahoga Co., E. Claassen; Wood Co., Albert Neifer; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Cham- paign Co., Columbus, Wm. C. Werner; Richland Co., E. Wilkinson; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). CAREX TENELLA Schk. Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.) CAREX TENUIFLORA Wahl. “Northern Ohio,” J. S, Newberry (Cat.) CAREX TERETIUSCULA Gooden. Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.), Wm. C. Werner; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.) ; Toledo, J. A. Sanford; Licking Reservoir (Licking Co.) Wm. C. Wer- ner; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). CAREX TERETIUSCULA RAMOSA Boott. Painesville, Wm. C. Werner. CAREX TETANICA Schk, Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.), Wm. C. Werner; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.) CaREX TETANICA MEADII Bailey. “Ohio,” A. Gray (Man. 5th ed.) CAREX TETANICA WOODII Bailey. Painesville, Cedar Swamp (Champaign Co.) Wm. C. Werner. CsaAREX TORTA Boot. Painesville, Columbus, Wm. C. Werner. CAREX TRIBULOIDES Wahl. Throughout the state. CAREX TRIBULOIDES CRISTATA (Schw.) Bailey. Painesville, Wm. C. Werner; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Wood Co., Albert Neifer; Toledo, J. A. Sanford; Columbus, Wm. C. Werner; Cincinnati, Thos. - G. Lea ( Cat.) CAREX TRICEPS HIRSUTA ( Willd.) Bailey. Lake Co., Mahoning Co., Wm. C. Werner; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat); Franklin Co., Lawrence Co., Wm. C. Werner; Cinciunati, Joseph F. James ( Cat.) CAREX TRICHOCARPA Muhl. Painesville, Otto Hacker; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright ( Cat.) ; Columbus, Wim. C. Werner ; Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). CAREX TRICHOCARPA ARISTATA Bailey. “Northern Ohio,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.) BOTANY. 217 CAREX TRISPERMA Dewey. Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.); Portage Co., E. Claassen; Lorain Co., A. A- Wright ( Cat.) CAREX TUCKERMANII Dewey. : Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Cuyahoga Co., KE. Claassen; Champaign Co., Wm. C. Werner. CAREX UMBELLATA Schkubhr. Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.) ; “Southern Ohio, rare” J.S. Newberry (Cat.) CAREX UTRICULATA Boott. Painesville, Otto Hacker; Geauga Co., EK. Claassen; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Columbus, Wm. C. Werner; Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.) CAREX VARIA Muhl. Painesville, Summit Co., Wm. C. Werner; Cuyahoga Co., E. Claassen; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat); Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.); Columbus, Wm. C. Werner; Monroe Co., H. Herzer. CAREX VIRESCENS Muhl. Ashtabula Co., Sara F. Goodrich; Painesville, Wm. C. Werner; Cuyahoga Co.; E. Claassen; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat) : Licking Co.. H. L. Jones (Cat.): Cincinnati, Jos. Clark (Cat.; CAREX VIRESCENS COSTATA Dewey. Painesville, Wm. C. Werner; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright. (Cat.); Licking Co., H. L. Jones; Fairfield Co., Lawrence Co., Wm. C. Werner. CAREX VULPINOIDES Mx. Not uncommon. CAREX WILLDENOVII Schk. Parma (Cuyahoga Co.) E. Claassen; Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.) CXIX. GRAMINEAt. Grass Family. 539a. JERIANTHUS Michx. Woory BEARD GRASS. ERIANTHUS ALOPECUROIDES (L,.) Ell. (£. saccharoides Michx.) Cincinnati, Jos. F. James ( Cat.) 540. ANDROPOGON Royen. BEARD GRass. ANDROPOGON BELVISII Desy. (A. argenteus E11.) “Tupper Plains,” J. Jennings (Lazenby & Werner sup. list). Not authenti- cated by a specimen. 218 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. ANDROPOGON GLOMERATUS (Walt.) B.S. P. (A. macrourus Michx.) Cincinnati, Jos. Clark (Cat.) ANDROPOGON NUTANS AVENACEUS (Michx.) Hack. (Chrysopogon nutans (.) Benth.) Indian Grass. Wood Grass. Painesville, Wm. C. Werner; Wood Co., Albert Neifer; Sandusky, E. L. Mose- ley; Marion Co., W. D. Whipps; Franklin Co., Champaign Co., Wm. C. Werner; Cincinnati, Jos. F. James (Cat.) ANDROPOGON PROVINCIALIS Lam. (A. furcatus Muhl.) Painesville, Wm. C. Werner; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright ( Cat.) ; Wood Co., Albert Neifer; Franklin Co., Champaign Co., Wm. C. Werner. ANDROPOGON SCOPARIUS Michx. Trumbull Co., R. H. Ingraham; Cuyahoga Co., E. Claassen; Wood Co, Albert Neifer; Franklin Co., Moses Craig; Licking Co., H. lL. Jones ( Cat.) ANDROPOGON VIRGINICUS L. Muskingum Co., Wm. C. Werner; Fairfield Co., Morgan Co., W. A. Kellerman ; Rio Grande (Gallia Co.) J. W. Davis; Springbora (Warren Co.) L. M. Gregg; Lawrence Co., Wm. C. Werner; Cincinnati, Jos. Clark (Cat.) 541. PASPALUM LIL. PASPALUM MUCRONATUM Muhl. (P. fluttans Kunth.) “Southern Ohio,” A. Gray (Man. 5th Ed.) ; Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.). PASPALUM SETACEUM Michx. Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.), Wm. C. Werner; Sugar Grove (Fairfield Co.) E. V. Wilcox. 042. PANICUM IL. Panic GRaAss. PANICUM AGROSTOIDES Muhl. Painesville, Wm. C. Werner; Cleveland, E. Claassen; Ashtabula Co., Sara F. Goodrich; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.) : Licking Co., H. L. Jones ( Cat.) ; Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. Fy PANICUM CAPILLARE [L. Old Witch Grass. Distributed over the state. PANICUM CAPILLARE FLEXILE Gattinger. Columbus, Wm. C. Werner. PANICUM CLANDESTINUM L. Painesville, Wm. C. Werner; Toledo, J. A. Sanford; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Licking Co,, H. 4. Jones (Cat.); Fairfield Co., Cincinnati, Jos. F. James (Cat) BOTANY. 219 PANICUM COMMUTATUM Schultes. Fairfield Co., Lawrence Co., Wm. C. Werner. PANICUM CRUS-GALLI L. Widely distributed. PANICUM CRUS-GALLI HISPIDUM (Muhl) Torr. Painesville, Wm. C. Werner. PANICUM DEPAUPERATUM Muhl. Painesville, Wm. C. Werner; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Cincinnati, Jos F. James (Cat.); Franklin Co., Lawrence Co., Wm. C. Werner. PANICUM DEPAUPERATUM INVOLUTUM (Torr.) Georgesville, Franklin Co., Wm. C. Werner. PANICUM DEPAUPERATUM LAXIFLORUM. Ironton (Lawrence Co.) Wm. C. Werner. PANICUM DICHOTOMUM JL. From Lake Erie to the Ohio river. PANICUM FILIFORME L. Franklin Co., W. S. Sullivant (Cat.) PANICUM LINEARE Krock. (FP. elabrum Schrad.) Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.), Wm. C. Werner; Cleveland, E. Claassen; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Columbus, Wm. C. Werner; Fairfield Co., E. V. Wilcox. PANICUM LATIFOLIUM IL, Painesville, Wm. C. Werner; Cuyahoga Co., E. Claassen; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Muskingum Co., W. R. Beattie; Lawrence Co., Wm. C. Wer- ner; Cincinnati, Jos. F. James (Cat.) PANICUM MICROCARPON Muhl. Franklin Co., Aug. D. Selby; Fairfield Co., Wm. C. Werner. PANICUM NITIDUM VILLOSUM Gray. Painesville, Wm. C. Werner. PANICUM PROLIFERUM Lam. Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.), Wm.C. Werner; Cleveland, E. Claassen; Lorain Co,-A. A. Wright (Cat.); Marion Co., W.D. Phillips; Franklin Co., Wm. C. Werner; Cincinnati, Jos. F. James (Cat.) PANICUM SANGUINALE IL, Common Crab or Finger Grass. Common. 220 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. PANICUM SCOPARIUM Lam. Sandusky, E. L. Moseley; Wood Co., Albert Neifer. PANICUM VIRGATUM L,. Frequent along the sandy shores of Lake Erie. Wood Co., Albert Neifer; Marion Co., W.D. Whipps; Franklin Co., Aug. D. Selby; Cincinnati, Jos. F. James (Cat.) PANICUM XANTHOPHYSUM Gray. “Northern Ohio,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.) 5438. CHA®RAPHISR. Br. (Sefaria Beauv.) BRisTLY FoxTatt, GRASS. CHARAPHIS GLAUCA (L.) Kuntze. (Sefaria glauca Beauv.) Foxtail Pigeon Grass, Abundant. CHASRAPHIS ITALICA GERMANICA (L.) Kuntze. (Sefaria ttalica Kunth.) Cleveland, E. Claassen; Fairfield Co., E. V. Wilcox, S. Renshaw; Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.); Wm. C. Werner. CHARAPHIS VERTICILLATA (L,) Porter. (Setaria verticillata J,.) Licking Co., H. lL. Jones (Cat.) CHASRAPHIS VtIRIDIS (L.) Porter. (Sefaria viridis Beauv.) Green Foxtail. Bottle- grass. Common. 544. CENCHRUS L. HEDGEHOG OR BURGRASS. CENCHRUS TRIBULOIDES L. Throughout the state. 545. ZIZANIOPSIS Doel. and Aschers. ZIZANIOPSIS MILIACEA Doel.and Aschers. (Zzzanta miliacea Michx.) “Southern Ohio,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.) 546. ZIZANIA Gronov. Water or Indian Rice. ZIZANIA AQUATICA L. Indian Rice. Water Oats. Lake Co., Wm. C. Werner; Cuyahoga Co., E. Claasen; Toledo, J. A. Sanford; Wood Co., Albert Neifer; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.);. Licking Co., H. L. Janes (Cat.); Franklin Co., Wm. C. Werner; Fairfield Co., E. V. Wilcox; Cin- cinnati, Jos. F. James (Cat.) 547. HOMALOCENCHRUS Mieg. (Zeersia Swartz.) HOMALOCENCHRUS LENTICULARIS (Michx.). (Leersia lenticularis Michx.) “Wet places,” Germantown and Cincinnati, J. L. Riddell (Synop. 1835). BOTANY. 221 HOMALOCENCHRUS ORYZOIDES (L,.) Poll. (ZLeersia oryzoides Swartz.) Rice cut grass. Generally distributed over the state. HOMALOCENCHRUS VIRGINICA (Willd.) Britt. (Zeersia virginica Willd.) White grass. Throughout the state. 548. PHALARIS LL. CANARY GRASS. PHALARIS ARUNDINACEA lL. Reed Canary Grass. Widely distributed. PHALARIS CANARIENSIS L. Cleveland, Wm. C. Werner; Wood Co., Albert Neifer; Columbus, W. R. Laz- enby; Cincinnati, Jos. F. James (Cat.) 049. ANTHOXANTHUM.L. SWEET VERNAL GRASS. ANTHOXANTHUM ODORATUM LIL. Painesville, Akron, Wm. C. Werner; Youngstown, R. H. Ingraham; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright ( Cat.) ; Cincinnati, Jos. Clark (Cat.) 550. SAVASTANA Schrank. (Aierochfoe Gmelin.) Hotyv-GRass. SAVASTANA oODORATA L. (//terochloe borealis Roem. & Shultes.) Vanilla or Seneca Grass. Niles (Trumbull Co.) R. H. Ingraham; Columbus, Wm. C. Werner. 551. ARISTIDA L. TRIPLE-AWNED GRASS. ARISTIDA DICHOTOMA Michx. Fairfield Co., Wm. C. Werner. ARISTIDA STRICTA Michx. “ General,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.) 552. STIPA lL. FEATHER GRASS. STIPA AVENACEA L,. Black Oat-Grass. “General,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.) STIPA SPARTEA Trin. Porcupine Grass. Cedar Point (Erie Co.) E. Claassen ; Wood Co., Albert Neifer. 553. ORYZOPSIS Michx. MouN‘vrAIN RICE. ORYZOPSIS ASPERIFOLIA Mx. J. S. Newberry (Cat.) No locality given. ORYZOPSIS JUNCEA (Mx.) B.S. P. (0. canadensis Torr.) “Tittle Mountain” (Lake Co.) H. C. Beardslee ( Cat.) 222 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. ORYZOPSIS MELANOCARPA Muhl. Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.) ; Painesville H. C. Beardslee (Cat.); Franklin . Co., W. S. Sullivant (Cat.) 604. MILIUM Tourn. MILLET GRASS. MiniuM EFFUSUM L. Je Painesville, H. C. B-ardslee (Cat.), Wm. C. Werner; Cuyahoga Co., E. Classen; ~ Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Franklin Co., Aug. D. Selby; Licking Co., H. ly. Jones ( Cat.) 5655. MUHLENBERGIA Schreb. DRoOp-SEED GRASS. MUHLENBERGIA CAPILLARIS (Lam.) Trin. “General,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.) MUHLENBERGIA DIFFUSA Schreb. Throughout the state. MUHLENBERGIA MEXICANA (J,.) Trin. Throughout the state. MUHLENBERGIA RACEMOSA ( Michx.) B.S. P. (47. glomerata Trin.) Cuyahoga Co., E. Claassen; Cedar Swamp (Champaign Co.) Wm. C. Werner; the specimens represent slender forms. Franklin Co., W. S. Sullivant ( Cat.) MUHLENBERGIA SOBOLIFERA (Muhl.) Trin. Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.) ; Cincinnati, Thos, G. Lea (Cat.) MUHLENBERGIA SYLVATICA T. & G. Huron Co., J. A. Sanford; Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.); Cedar Swamp (Champaign Co.) Wm. C. Werner; Franklin Co., W. S. Sullivant (Cat.) MUHLENBERGIA TENUIFLORA (Willd) B.S. P. (J/. willdenovit Trin.) Painesville, Wm. C. Werner; Niles (Trumbull Co.) R. H. Ingraham; Cuyahoga Co., EK. Claassen; Franklin Co., Wm. C. Werner; Fairfield Co., E. V. Wilcox Cincinnati, Jos. Clark( Cat.) 556. BRACHYELYTRUM Beauv. BRACHYELYTRUM ERECTUM (Schreb.) Beauv. (2. aristatum Beauv.) Painesville, Wm. C. Werner; Trumbull Co., R. H. Ingraham; Cuyahoga Co., E. Claassen; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Licking Co., H: Ll. Jones (Cat.); Columbus, Wm. C. Werner, o57. PHLEUM LL. Cat’s Tarr, GRass. PHLEUM PRATENSE L. Timothy. Over the state. 508. ALOPECURUS LL. FoxtTar Grass. BOTANY. 223 ALOPECURUS GENICULATUS L. Floating Foxtail. Franklin Co., W. S. Sullivant (Cat.). ALOPECURUS GEN!CULATUS ARISTULATUS (Mx) Torr. “ Put-in-Bay Island,” Lake Erie, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.); Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.); Columbus, Wm. C. Werner. ALOPECURUS PRATENSIS lL. Cincinnati, Jos, Clark (Cat.) 059. BOUTELOUA Lag. Musxir Grass. BOUTELOUA CURTIPENDULA (Mx.) Gray. (2. racemosa Lag.) Adams Co., W. A. Kellerman ; Franklin Co., Aug. D. Selby. 560. SPOROBOLUS R. Br. Drop-sSEED Grass. RUSH GRASS. SPOROBOLUS ASPER (Mx.) Kunth. Lorain Co., A. A. Wright ( Cat.) SPOROBOLUS BREVIFOLIUS (Nutt.) Scribn. (5S. cuspidatus Torr.) Georgesville, Franklin Co., Wm. C. Werner. SPOROBOLUS CRYPTANDRUS ( Torr.) Gray. Sand beaches of Lake Erie; Painesville, Wm. C. Werner; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.) Toledo, J. A. Sanford; Sandusky, E. Ll. Mosely; Catawba Island, E. Claassen. SPOROBOLUS HETEROLEPIS Gray. Georgesville (Franklin Co.), Cedar Swamp (Champaign Co.) Wm. C. Werner. SPOROBOLUS VAGINFLORUS (Torr.) Vasey. Painesville, Wm. C. Werner; Cleveland, E. Claassen; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Champaign Co., Columbus, Wm. C. Werner; Fairfield Co., E. V. Wilcox. 561. CINNA LL. Woon REED-GRASS. CINNA ARUNDINACEA L. Widely distributed. CINNA LATIFOLIA (Trev.) Geiesb. (C. pendula Trin.) Painesville, H. C. Bearlslee { Cat.) 562. AGROSTIS L. BENT Grass. AGROSTIS ALBA Ll. Fiorin or White Bent Grass. Throughont the state. AGROSTIS ALBA VULGARIS (With.) Thurh. Red-top Herd’s Grass. Over the whole state. 224 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. AGROSTIS EXARATA Trin. Painesville, Wm. C. Werner; Cleveland, E. Claassen; Franklin Co., Fairfield Co., Wm. C. Werner. : AGROSTIS SCABRA Willd. Hair Grass. Painesville, Otto tiacker; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Licking Co., H. L.. Jones (Cat.); Franklin Co., W. S. Sullivant (Cat.); Ironton (Lawrence Co.) Wm. C. Werner; Cincinnati, Jos. Clark (Cat.) AGROSTIS PERENNANS (Walt.) Tuckerm. Painesville, Wm. C. Werner; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Columbus, Rend- ville (Perry Co.) Wm. C. Werner; Licking Co., H. Ll. Jones (Cat.); Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.) 563. CALAMAGROSTIS Adans. REED BENT GRASS. CALAMAGROSTIS CANADENSIS (Michx.) Beauv. Blue Joint Grass. Ashtabula Co., Sara F. Goodrich; Painesville, Wm. C. Werner; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Toledo, J. A. Sanford; Wood Co., Albert Neifer; Marion Co., W. D. Whipps; Summit Co., E. Claassen; Franklin Co., W. S. Sullivant. ( Cat.) 5638a. AMMOPHILA Host. AMMOPHILA ARENARIA (L,.) Link. (A. arundinacea Host.) Sea Sand-Reed. Cedar Point (Ottawa Co.) E. Claassen, Aug. D. Selby. 564. HOLCUS Ll. MEapow Sort GRASS. HOLCUS LANATUS L. Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.), Wm. C. Werner; Niles (Trumbull Co.) R. H. Ingraham; Cleveland, E. Claassen. 565. DESCHAMPSIA Beauv. DESCHAMPSIA CAESPITOSA (L.) Beauv. “Northern Ohio,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.); Cedar Swamp (Champaign Co.) Wm. C. Werner. DESCHAMPSIA FLEXUOSA (L.) Griesb. Common Hair Grass. “Central and Southern Ohio,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.); Portage Co., E. Claassen. 566. TRISETUM Pers. TRISETUM PALUSTRE (Mx.) Torr. Painesville, Wm. C. Werner. TRISETUM SPICATUM MOLLE (Mx.) Scrib. “Northern Ohio,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.) BOTANY. 225 567. AVENA Tourn. Oat. AVENA FATUA L,. Licking Co., H. l.. Jones (Cat.); Columbus, on grounds of Sells Brothers’ circus, Wm. C. Werner. AVENA STRIATA Michx. “Northern Ohio,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.); Cincinnati, Jos. F. James (Cat.) 568. ARRHENATHERUM Beauv. OaT GRASS. ARRHENATHERUM ELATIUS (L.) Mert. & Koch. (A. avenaceum Beauv.) Painesville, Columbus, Wm. C. Werner; Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea ( Cat.) 569. DANTHONIA DC. Wi~pD Oat Grass. DANTHONIA SPICATA (JL) Beauv. Frequent. 570. CAPRIOLA Adans. (Cyzodon Rich.) BERMUDA or SCUTCH GRASS. CAPRIOLA DACTYLON (I.) Kuntze. (Cynodon dactylon (1,.) Pers.) Licking Co., H. ly. Jones (Cat.) 571. SPARTINA Schreb. CorD or MARSH GRASS. SPARTINA CYNOSUROIDES (L.) Willd. Painesville, Wm. C. Werner; Cuyahoga Co., Summit Co., E. Claassen; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Sandusky, E. Ll. Moseley; Wood Co., Albert Neifer ; Columbus, E. E. Bogue. 572. ELEUSINE Gaertn. CRAB GRASS, YARD GRASS, ELEUSINE INDICA (L,.) Gaertn. Dog’s Tail or Wire Grass. Widely distributed. 573. LEPTOCHLOA Beauv. LEPTOCHLOA MUCRONATA (Mx.) Kunth. “Southern Ohio,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.) 574. PHRAGMITES Trin. REED. PHRAGMITES PHRAGMITES (L,.) Karst. (VP. communis Trin.) Ashtabula Co., E. E. Bogue; Mahoning Co., Lake Co., Wm. C. Werner; Cuya- hoga Co., E. Claassen; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Wood Co., Albert Neifer; Marion Co., W. D. Whipps; Franklin Co., W. S. Sullivant (Cat,) 575. SIEGLINGIA Bern. (Zriodia R. Br.) 15 G. O. * 226 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. SIEGLINGIA SESLEROIDES ( Mx.) Scrib. (Zyriodia cubrea Jacq.) Tall Red Top. Painesville, Wm. C. Werner; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Catawba Island, E. Claassen; Wood Co., Albert Neifer; Marion Co., W. D. Whipps; Warren Co., L. M. Gregg; Licking Co., H. l. Jones (Cat.); Cincinnati, Jos. F. James ( Cat.) SIEGLINGIA PURPUREA (Walt. Kuntze. (Zviodia purpurea Hack.) Sand Grass. Frequent along the sand beaches of Lake Brie. 577. ERAGROSTIS Beauv. ERAGROSTIS CAPILLARIS (L.) Nees. Painesville, Otto Hacker; Licking Co., H. lL. Jones (Cat.); Columbus, Wm. C. Werner; Cincinnati, Jos. Clark (Cat.) ERAGROSTIS CAROLINIANA (Spring.) Scrib. (2. purshit Schrad.) Painesville, Wm. C. Werner; Cleveland, E. Claassen; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.) ; Wood Co., Albert Neifer; Columbus, Wm. C. Werner; Licking Co., H. ly. Jones (Cat.); Athens, W. A. Kellerman. ERAGROSTIS ERAGROSTIS (Ly.) Karst. (2. minor Host.) Licking Co., H. lL. Jones ( Cat.) ; Painesville, Wm. C. Werner. ERAGROSTIS FRANKII Meyer. Frequent throughout the northern half of the state; no specimens seen from south of Fairfield Co. ERAGROSTIS HYPNOIDES (Lam.) B.S. P. (4. reptans Nees.) Frequent along the borders of streams. ERAGROSTIS MAJOR Host. Common in cultivated ground and waste places. ERAGROSTIS PECTINACEA (Mx.) Steud. “Ohio,” A. Gray (Man.) ERAGROSTIS PILOSA (L.) Beauv. Painesville, Otto Hacker; Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.); Cincinnati, Jos. F. James ( Cat.) 578. KC{LERIA Pers. KG@LERIA CRISTATA (L,.) Pers. Franklin Co., W. S. Sullivant ( Cat.) 579. EATONIA Raf. HATONIA DUDLEYI Vasey. Cuyahoga Co., E. Claassen; Marion Co., W. D. Whipps; Painesville, Columbus, Fairfield Co., Lawrence Co., Wm. C. Werner; Logan (Hocking Co.) W, A. Kel- lerman. BOTANY. 227 EATONIA OBTUSATA (Mx.) Gray. Franklin Co., W. S. Sullivant (Cat.) ; Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.) EATONIA PENNSYLVANICA (Spreng.) Gray. Painesville, Wm. C. Werner; Cuyahoga Co., E. Claassen; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Toledo, J. A. Sanford; Columbus, Fairfield Co., Wm. C. Wer- ner; Licking Co., H. L. Jones ( Cat.) 580. MELICA L. MELICc-GRrass. MELICA MUTICA Walt. Franklin Co., W. S. Sullivant ( Cat.) 581. DIARRHENA Raf: DIARRHENA DIANDRA (Mx.) Hitch. (JD. americana Beauv.) Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Licking Co.,H.l. Jones ( Cat.); Cincinnati, Jos. Clark (Cat.) ; Franklin Co., Wm. C. Werner. : 582. UNIOLA LL. SPIKE-GRASS. UNIOLA LATIFOLIA Mx. Cincinnati, Jos, Clark (Cat.) 583. DACTYLIS. L. ORCHARD-GRASS. DACTYLIS GLOMERATA L. Common. 584. POA L. Mrapow-Grass. SPEAR-GRASS. POA ALSODES Gray. Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.); Wm.C. Werner; Cleveland, E. Claassen; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Cuyahoga Falls (Summit Co.), Hanging Rock (Lawrence Co.) Wm. C. Werner. POA ANNUA L. Frequent. POA BREVIFOLIA Muhl. Niles (Trumbull Co.) R. H. Ingraham; Painesville, Columbus, Wm. C. Werner; Cuyahoga Co., E. Claassen; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Ironton ( Law- rence Co.) Wm. C. Werner. POA COMPRESSA L. Wire-grass. English Blue-grass. Over the whole state. POA DEPILIS Torr. Lake Co., Franklin Co., Wm. C. Werner. POA FLEXUOSA Muhl. Licking Co. H. L. Jones (Cat.) 228 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. POA PRATENSIS L. June grass. Spear-grass. Kentucky blue grass. Everywhere. POA SEROTINA Ehrh. False red top. Fowl Meadow-grass Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat), Wm. C. Werner; Geauga Co., E. Claassen; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.) POA SYLVESTRIS Gray. Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Painesville, Columbus, Lawrence Co., Wn. C. Werner. POA TRIVIALIS L. Painesville, Otto Hacker; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright ( Cat.) ;,. Franklin Co., W. S. Sullivant (Cat.); Cincinnati, Joseph Clark (Cat.) 585. GLYCERIA R. Br. MANNA-GRASS. GLYCERIA BREVIFOLIA (Muhl.) Schuit. (G. acutiflora Torr.) Lancaster (Fairfield Co.) J. M. Bigelow (J. S. Newberry, Cat.); Licking Co., H L. Jones ( Cat.) GLYCERIA CANADENSIS (Mx.) Trin. Rattlesnake grass. Painesville, Wm. C. Werner; Summit Co., E. Claassen; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Licking Co., H. Ll. Jones ( Cat.) GLYCERIA ELONGATA (Torr.) Trin. Painesville, H.C. Beardslee (Cat.), Wm.C. Werner, Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.) GLYCERIA FLUITANS (L.) Torr. Lake Co., Wm.C. Werner; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Wood Co., Albert Neifer; Franklin Co., Wm. C. Werner; Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.); Cin- cinnati, Thos. G. Lea ( Cat.) GLYCERIA GRANDIS Watson. Reed meadow-grass. Painesville, H. C. Beardslee ( Cat.) GLYCERIA NERVATA (Willd.) Trin. Fowl meadow-grass. From Lake Erie to the Ohio River. GLYCERIA OBTUSA (Nutt.) Trin. “Southern Ohio,” J. L. Riddell (J. S. Newberry, Cat.) GLYCERIA PALIIDA (Eddy) Trin. .) Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.) ; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.) 586. FESTUCA L. FEstTucA-GRASS. FESTUCA DURIUSCULA L. (/. ovina duriuscula Gr.) Sheep’s Fescue. “Northern Ohio,” Leo Lesquereux (J. S. Newberry, Cat.) FESTUCA ELATIOR L.. Taller or Meadow Fescue. Frequent throughout the state. BOTANY. 229 FESTUCA ELATIOR PRATENSIS Gray. - Cleveland, E. Claassen; Licking Co., H. lL. Jones (Cat.); Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.) FESTUCA NUTANS Willd. Frequent in woods throughout the state. FESTUCA OCTOFLORA Walt. (/. tenella Willd.) Painesville, Otto Hacker; Cedar Point (Erie Co.) E. Claassen; Toledo, J. A. San- ford; Ironton (Lawrence Co.), Wm. C. Werner. FESTUCA OVINA I. Sheeod’s Fescue. Painesville, Otto Hacker. 587. BROMUS L. BROME GRASS. BROMUS CILIATUS L. Frequent throughout the state. BROMUS KALMII Gray. Georgesville (Franklin Co.) Wm. C. Werner. BROMUS MOLLIS L. Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Licking Co., H. Ll. Jones (Cat.) BROMUS PURGANS L.: (B&. ciliatus purgans Gray.) Painesville, Wm. C. Werner; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright ( Cat.) ; Wood Co., Albert Neifer; Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.); Franklin Co., Wm. C. Werner; Cin- cinnati, Jos. F. James ( Cat.) BROMUS RACEMOSUS L. Upright Chess, Frequent in waste places and cultivated fields. BROMUS SECALINUS IL. Chess. Cheat. Frequent in grain fields and waste places. BROMUS STERILIS L. Painesville, Columbus, Wm. C. Werner. BROMUS TECTORUM L. Painesville, Wm. C. Werner; Cleveland, H. C. Beardslee, Jr., this specimen referred to as B. sterilis in Lazenby & Werner Sup. List. Licking Co., H. L. Jones ( Cat.) 588. LOLIUM Ll, DaRNeEL. LOLIUM PERENNE L. Common Darnel. Ray or Rye-Grass. L ke Co., Wm. C. Werner; Cleveland, E. Claassen; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Wood Co., Albert Neifer; Marion Co, W. D. Whipps; Licking Co., H L. Jones (Cat.) ; Cincinnati, Jos. F. James ( Cat.) Y 589. AGROPYRUM Gaertn. 230 ; GEOLOGY OF OHIO. AGROPYRUM REPENS Beauv. Quack-Grass. Couch-Grass. Quick-Grass. Frequent in fields and waste places. 590. HORDEUM Tourn. HORDEUM JUBATUM L,. Squirrel-Tail Grass. “Lake Shore,” H. C. Beardslee ( Cat.) ; Wickliffe (Lake Co.) E. Claassen; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Wood Co., Albert Neifer. HORDEUM PRATENSE Huds. “ Qhio,” A. Gray (Man.) 591. ELYMUS LL. LymMeE-Grass. WILD RYE. ELYMUS CANADENSIS L. Throughout the state. ELYMUS CANADENSIS GLAUCIFOLIUS (Muhl.) Gray. Lorain Co., A. A. Wright ( Cat.) ; Painesville, Wm. C. Werner; Wood Co., Albert Neifer. ELYMUS STRIATUS Willd. Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Licking Co., H. Ll. Jones (Cat.); Cincinnati, Jos. F. James ( Cat.) ELYMUS STRIATUS VILLOSUS Gray. Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.), Wm C. Werner; Columbus, Wm. C. Werner. ELYMUS VIRGINICUM L. Throughout the state. 592. ASPRELLA Willd. BorrlE-BRUSH GRASS. ASPRELLA HYSTRIX (L.) Willd. Frequent. 592a. ARUNDINARIA Michx. CANE. ARUNDINARIA MACROSPERMA SUFFRUTICOSA Munro. Switch Cane. Small Cane. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). BOTANY. 231 CXX. OrpER HYDROCHARIDACE. Frog’s-bit Family. 593. ELODEA Mx. WATER-WEED. ELODEA CANADENSIS Mx. Occurring generally over the state. 594. VALLISNERIA LL. Tape Grass. EEL GRASS. VALLISNERIA SPIRALIS 1. Generally distributed over the state. CXXI. ALISMACEA. Water Plantain Family. 595. ALISMA IL. WatTER PLANTAIN. ALISMA PLANTAGO L. Common. 596. SAGITTARIA LL. ARROW-HEAD. SAGITTARIA HETEROPHYLLA Ph. Painesville, Otto Hacker; Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.) SAGITTARIA HETEROPHYLLA ANGUSTIFOLIA Englm, Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.) SAGGITTARIA HETEROPHYLLA ELLIPTICA Englm. Painesville, Otto Hacker. SAGITTARIA HETEROPHYLLA RIGIDA (Ph.) Morong. Painesville, Otto Hacker; Lorain Co., A.A. Wright (Cat.); Licking Co, H. L. Jones (Cat.) SAGITTARIA SAGITTAEFOLIA L. (S. variabilis Englm.) Common and very variable. SAGITTARIA SAGITTAEFOLIA ANGUSTIFOLIA (Englm.) Britt. Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.) SAGITTARIA SAGITTAEFOLIA DIVERSIFOLIA Englm. Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Franklin Co., Selby & Craig (Cat.) SAGITTARIA SAGITTAEFOLIA GRACILIS (Pursh.) Englm. Lickiag Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.) SAGITTARIA SAGITTAEFOLIA LATIFOLIA ( Willd.) Britt. Licking Co., H. ly. Jones (Cat.) SAGITTARIA SAGITTAEFOLIA OBTUSA (Willd.) Britt. Licking Co,, H. L, Jones ( Cat.) 232 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. CXXII. OrpER JUNCAGINACEK#. Arrow Grass Family. 597. TRIGLOCHIN lL. ARROW-GRASS. TRIGLOCHIN MARITIMA L,. - Franklin Co., W. S. Sullivant (Cat. 1840); Cedar Swamp (Champaign Co.) Wm. C. Werner. TRIGLOCHIN PALUSTRIS L. Franklin Co., W. S. Sullivant (Cat. 1840.) 598. SCHEUCHZERIA L. SCHEUCHZERIA PALUSTRIS L, Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Licking Reservoir, Wm. C. Werner. CXXIII. OrpER POTAMOGETONACEA. Pond-weed Family. ° 599. POTAMOGETON JL. POoND-WEED. POTAMOGETON AMPLIFOLIUS Tuck. Congress Lake (Stark Co.) W. L. Crubaugh. POTAMOGETON FOLIOSUS Raf. (P. pauciflorus Ph.) Congress Lake (Stark Co.) W. L.. Crubaugh. POTAMOGETON HETEROPHYLLUS Schreb. “General, Northern Ohio,” H. C. Beardslee ( Cat.) POTAMOGETON HETEROPHYLLUS MAXIMUS Morong. Painesville, Wm. C. Werner. POTAMOGETON DIVERSIFOLIUS Raf. (P. hybridus Mx.) Painesville, H. C. Beardslee ( Cat.) POTAMOGETON LONCHITES Tuckin. “ General, Northern Ohio,” H. C. Beardslee (Cat.); Painesville. Wm. C. Werner POTAMOGETON LUCENS L. “Northern Ohio, rare,’ H. C. Beardslee ( Cat.) POTAMOGETON NATANS IL. Common. POTAMOGETON NUTTALLIT Cham. & Schl. (P. pennsylvanicus Willd.) ‘““General,” H. C. Beardslee ( Cat.) POTAMOGETON OBTUSIFOLIUS Mert. & Koch. Lorain Co., A. A. Wright ( Cat.) POTAMOGETON PECTINATUS L. Not uncommon. BOTANY. 233 POTAMOGETON PERFOLIATUS L,. Painesville, Wm. C. Werner; Cleveland (inland lakes), Wm. Krebs. POTAMOGETON PRAELONGUS Wulf. “ Northern Ohio, rare,” H. C. Beardslee (Cat.) POTAMOGETON ROBBINSII Oakes. Geauga Co., Dr. Canfield (H. C. Beardslee Cat.); Summit Co., E. Claassen, POTAMOGETON SPIRILLUS Tuckm. Painesville, H. C. Beardslee ( Cat.) POTAMOGETON ZOSTERAEFOLIUS Schum. “General,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.); ‘‘common,” H. C. Beardslee (Cat.); Congress Lake (Stark Co.), W. L. Crubaugh. 600. ZANNICHELLIA Micheli. HoRNED POND-WEED. ZANNICHELLIA PALUSTRIS L. ‘“Commion,” H. C. Beardslee (Cat.); Athens, W. A. Kellerman; Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.), C. B. Going. (Jos. F. James Cat.) 601. NAIAS LL. Naiad. NAIAS FLEXILIS ( Willd.) Rost. & Schmidt. Painesville, Wm. C. Werner; Silver Lake, Wm. Krebs; Columbus, J.-H. Lageman; Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.). CXXV. OrpDER SPARGANIACE. Bur-reed Family. 602. SPARGANIUM Tourn. BUR-REED. SPARGANIUM ANDROCLADIUM (Englm.) Morong. (S. stmplex androcladium Eng\m.) Frequent. SPARGANIUM EURYCARPUM Englm. Frequent. CXXVI. OrpER TYPHACE#,. Cat-tail Family. OBE ADYARSON Stops (CMa Noe EES TYPHA AUGUSTIFOLIA L. “General,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.); Lorain Co., A. A. Wright ( Cat.) TYPHA LATIFOLIA L. Common. 234 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. (MISPLACED GENERA.) 604 (22) AGERATUM L, AGERATUM CONYZOIDES L. Southern Ohio, Miss Jones (Lazenby & Werner, Sup. List.) 605. (195@) CHIOGENES Salisb. Creeping Snowberry. CHIOGENES HISPIDULA (L.) T.& G. (C. serpyllifolia Salisb.) Tamarack Swamp near Myer’s Lake, Canton, E. W. Vickers. 606. (442a@) POLYGONELLA Michx. POLYGONELLA ARTICULATA Meisn. (Polygonum articulatum Gray). “Take shore, rare” H. C. Beardsler ( Cat.) 607. (38072) WISTARIA Nutt. WISTARIA FRUTESCENS Poir. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). CXXVII (XXIVa) OrpER LOGANIACEA}. 608. (172a) SPIGELIA L. PINK Root. Worm Grass. SPIGELIA MARILANDICA L. Maryland Pink root. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan ( Flora). Trades TO THE FLOWERING PLANTS (ANGIOSPERMES). [ The referenccs are to the serial number, not to the page.] A Abutilon, 266. Acalypha, 288. Acanthaceae, XIV. Acer, 279. Acerates, 166. Achillea, 37. Acnida, 438. Achroanthus, 473. Aconitum, 405. Acorus, 424. Actaea, 406. Actinella, 36. Actinomeris, 30. Adicea, 456. Adlumia, 376. Aegopodium, 220. Aesculus, 278. Aethusa, 226. Ageratum, 604. Agrimonia, 3. 3. Agropyrum, 589. Agrostemma, 421. Agrostis, 562. Ailanthus, 290. Ajuga, 112a. Aletris, 487. sAlisma, 595. Alismaceae, CX XI. Allium, 498. Alnus, 466. Alopecurus, 558. Alsine, 424. Alyssum, 363. Amarantaceae, ixC. Amarantus, 437. Amaryllidaceae, CX. Ambrosia, 22. Amelanchier, 339. Ammannia, 247. Ammophila, 563a. Ampelanus, 169. Ampelopsis, 269. Amphiachyris, 7. Amphicarpaea, 316. Anacardiaceae, LIV. Anagallis, 189. Anaphalis, 16. Andromeda, 201. Andropogon, 540. Anemone, 392. Anemonella, 394. Angelica, 230 Anonaceae, LX XXI. Antennaria, 16. Anthemis, 38. Anthoxanthum, 549. Anychia, 429. Aplectrum, 475. Aphyllon, 131. Apios, 317. Apocynaceae, XXIV, Apocynum, 172. Apogon, 52. Aquilegia, 403. Arabis, 360. Araceae, CX VII. Aralia, 236-237 Araliaceae, XX XIII. Arctium, 47. Arctostaphylos, 196. Arenaria, 425, Arethusa, 481. Argemone, 380. Arisaema, 528. Aristida, 551. Aristolochia, 445. Aristolochiaceae, XCIII. Arrhenatherum, 568. Artemesia, 42. Arundinaria, 592a. Asarum, 444, Asclepiadaceae, XXIII. Asclepias, 167. bo (JP) (or) Ascyron, 260. Asimina, 408. Asparagus, 493. Asprella, 592. Aster, 12. Astragalus, 309. Atriplex, 435. Avena, 567. Azalea, 205. B Balsaminaceae, LXI. Baptisia, 299. Barbarea, 359. Bartonia, 177. Benzoin, 386. Berberidaceae. LX XIX. Berberis, 388. Betula, 465. Betulaceae, CI. Beurera, 384. Bicuculla, 375. Bidens, 32. Bignoniaceae, XV. Bignonia, 127. Blephilia, 98. Bochmeria, 457. Boltonia, 10. Borraginaceae, XII. Bouteloua, 559. Brachyelytrum, 5956. Brasenia, 414. Brassica, 369. a Brauneria, 26. Bromus, 587. Brunella, 102. Buchnera, 147. Buda, 428. Bursa, 370. Cacalia, 46. Cactaceae, XL. Cakile, 378. Calamagrostis, 563. Calamintha, 94. Calla, 526. Callirrhoe, 263. Callitrichaceae, LV. Callitriche, 284. GEOLOGY OF OHIO. Calopogon, 482. Caltha, 398. Calycanthaceae, LX XVI. Calycanthus, 384. Camassia, 500. Camelina, 368. Campanula, 62. Campanulaceae, II. Cannabaceae, XCVIII. Cannabis, 452, Capparidaceae, LXXII. Caprifoliaceae, VII. Capriola, 570. Capsella, 370. Cardamine, 362. Cardiospermum, 277. Carduus, 48. Carex, 539. Carpinus, 464. Carum, 217, Carya, 470. Caryophyllaceae, LXXXV. Cassandra, 198. Cassia, 321. Castalia, 416. Castanea, 460, 461. Castilleia, 151. Catalpa, 128. Caucalis, 235. Caulophylium, 389. Ceanothus, 271. Celastraceae, LI. Celastrus, 274. Celtis, 453. Cenchrus, 544. Centaurea, 40. Cephalanthus, 76. Cerastium, 423. Ceratophyllaceae, LXXXITIL Ceratophyllum, 413. Cercis, 322. Chaeraphis, 543. Chaerophyllum, 224. Chamaedaphne, 198. Chamaelirium, 501. Chelone, 188. Chelidonium, 383. Chenopodiaceae, LX X XIX. Chenopodium, 436. Chimaphila, 208. Chiogenes, 605. Chionanthus, 181. Chrysosplenium, 348. Chrysopogon, 540. Chrysopsis, 8. Chrysanthemum, 40. Cichorium, 51. Cicuta, 216. Cimicifuga, 407. Cinna, 561. Circaea, 244. Cissus, 269. Cistaceae, XLIIL Cladium, 537. Claytonia, 432. Clematis, 390. Clethra, 209. Clintonia, 507. Clitoria, 315. Cnicus, 48. Comandra, 447. Commelina, 518. Commelinacee, CXIV. Compositae, I. Conium, 213. Conioselinum, 228. Conobea, 142. Conopholis, 132. Convolvyulaceae, XXII. Convyolvulus, 163. Collinsia, 140. Collinsonia, 87. Corallorhiza, 476. Coreopsis, 31 ,32. Cornaceae, XXXIV. Cornus, 238. Coptis, 400. Corydalis, 377. Corylus, 462. Cracca, 307. Crassulaceae, LXXI. Crataegus, 338. Crepis, 54. Crotalaria, 300. Croton, 287. Cruciferae, LX XIII. Cryptotaenia, 222. Cucurbitaceae, IV. Cunila, 89. Cuphea, 260. Cuscuta, 164. Cynodon, 570. Cynoglossum, 114. Cyperaceae, CX XIII. Cyperus, 529. Cypripedium, 486. BOTANY. 237 Dactylis, 583.” Dalibarda, 328. Danthonia, 569. Dasystoma, 150. Datura, 158. Daucus, 234. Decodon, 249. Delphinium, 404. Dentaria, 362. Deringa, 222. Deschampsia, 565, Desmodium, 311. Dianthera, 126. Dianthus, 418. Diarrhena, 581. Dicentra, 375. Diclytra, 375, Diervilla, 75. Digitalis, 145. D‘oscorea, 490. Dioscoreaceae, CIX, Diospyros, 184. Dips*ceae, V. Dipsacus, 67. Dirca, 252. Discopleura, 225, Disporum, 506. Dodecatheon, 1885. Draba, 364. Drosera, 354. Droseraceae, LXX. Dulichium, 531. Dysodia, 34. E Eatonia, 579. Ebenaceae, XXVIII. Echinacea, 26. Echinocystis, 65. Echinospermum, 115. Echium, 122. Eclipta, 25. Eleagnaceae, XX XVIII. Eleocharis, 532. Elephantopus, 2. Eleusine, 572. Elodea, 593. Elodes, 261. Elymus, 591. Enslenia, 169. 238 Epigaea, 200. Epilobium, 240, Epiphegus, 133. Episcotorus, 325. Eragrostis, 577. Erechtites, 44. Erianthus, 539a. Ericaceae, XXXI. Erigenia, 215. Erigeron, 13. Eriophorum, 535. Krodium, 297. Eryngium, 211. Erysimum, 367. Erythronium, 503. Eulophus, 214. Euonymus, 273. Eupatorium, 3. Euphorbia, 285. Huphorbiaceae, LVI. Fagaceae, C. Fagopyrum, 440. Fagus, 460, 461. Falcata, 316. Festuca, 586. Filago, 15. Fimbristylis, 533. Floerkea, 298. Fragaria, 331. Frasera, 175. Fraxinus, 180. Fuirena, 535a. Fumaria, 378. Fuimariaceae, LX XIV. G Galeopsis, 107. Galinsoga, 33. Galium, 81. G .ultheria, 197. Gaura, 248. Gaylussacia, 193. Gentiana, 174. Gentianaceae, XXV. Geraniaceae, I,XIII. Geranium, 296. Gerardia, 149-150. Geum, 329. GEOLOGY OF OHIO. Gifolia, 15. Gillenia, 326. Gleditschia, 320. Glyceria, 586. Gnaphalium, 17. Gonolobus, 170. Goodyera, 480. Gramineae, CXTX. Gratiola, 143. Gutierrezia, 6. Gymnocladus, 319. Gyrostachys, 479. Habenaria, 485. Haemodoraceae, CX. Halesia, 183. Halorageae, LV. Hamamelis, 341. Hamamelideae, LX XVII. Helenium, 35. Hedeoma, 93. Heiianthemum, 257. Helianthus, 29. Heliopsis, 24. Heliotropium, 113. Hemerocallis, 497. Hepatica, 393. Heracleum, 233. Hesperis, 365. Heteranthera, 517. Heuchera, 347. Hibiscus, 267. Hicoria, 470. Hieracium, 55. Hierochloe, 550. Holcus, 564. Homalocenchrus, 547. Hordeum, 590. Hottonia, 184a. Houstonia, 78. Humulus, 45. Hydrangea, 390. Hydrocharidaceae, CXX. Hydrocotyle, 210. Hydrophyllaceae, XIII. Hydrophyllum, 123. Hydrastis, 399, Hyoscyamus, 159. Hypericaceae, XLV. F ypericum, 261. Hypopitys, 191. Hypoxis, 491. Tex, 275. Tlicineae, LII. Tlicioides, 276. Tlysanthes, 144. Impatiens, 294. Inula, 18. Ioxylon, 448. Ipomoea, 162. Iresine, 439. Iridaceae, CVIII. Iris, 488. Isanthus, 111. Isopyrum, 401. Jeffersonia, 411. Juglandaceae, CIV, Juglans, 471. Juncaceae, CXII. Juncaginaceae, CXXIi. Juncus, 514. Kalmia, 202. Koeleria, 578. Krigia, 52. Kuhnia, 4. Kuhinstera, 306. Kyllinga, 530. Labiatae, XI. Lacinaria, 5. Lactuca, 58. Lamium, 109. Laportea, 455. Lappula, 115. Lapsana, 55. Lathyrus, 314. Lauraceae, LX XVII. Lechea, 258. Ledum, 203. Leersia, 547. Leguminosae, LXIV. Lemna, 521. Lemnaceae, CX VI. Lentibulariaceae, XVIII. Leonurus, 108. J,econtodon, 56. BOTANY. Lepachys, 28. Lepidium, 371. Lespedeza, 312. Leptochloa, 573. Leptorchis, 474. Liatris, 5. Ligusticum, 227. Ligustrum, 182. Liliaceae, CXI. Lilium. 502. Limnanthemum, 179. Limodorum, 482, Linaceae, LX. Linaria, 136. Lindera, 386. Linum, 298. Liparis, 474. Lippia, 84. Liquidambar, 342. Liriodendron, 410. Listera, 478. Lithospermum, 121. Lobelia, 64. Lobeliaceae, ITI. Loganiaceae, CX XVII. Lolium, 588. Lonicera, 74. Lophanthus, 99. Loranthaceae, XCIV. Ludwigia, 241. Lupinus, 301. TLuzula, 515. Lychnis, 422, 421. Lycium, 157. Lycopus, 88, 117. Lysimachia, 186. Lythrum, 248. Lythraceae, XX XVII. M Maclura, 448. Magnolia, 409. Magnoliaceae, LX XXII. Maianthemum, 496. Malva, 262. Malvaceae, XLVI. Marrubium, 105. Martynia, 130. Matricaria, 39. Medeola, 508. Medicago, 302. Meibomia, 311. Melampyrum, 153. 2 240 Melanthium, 512. Melastomaceze, XXXVI. Melica, 580. Melilotus, 303. Melissa, 95. Menispermaceae, LX XVIII. Menispermum, 387. Mentha, 86. Menyanthes, 178. Mertensia, 118. Micrampeles, 65. Microstylis,, 473. Milium, 554. Mimulus, 141. Mitchella, 79. Mitella, 546. Mohria, 183. Mollugo, 430. Monarda, 97. Moneses, 207. Monotropa, 192. Monotropaceae, XXX. Moraceae, XCVI. Morus, 449. Muhlenbergia, 560. Muscari, 499. Myosotis, 119. Myrica, 469. Myricaceae, CIII. Myriophyllum, 283. MN Naias, 601. Napaea, 264. Nasturtium, 355. Neckeria, 377. Negundo, 280. Neillia, 325. Nelumbo, 417. Nemopanthes, 276. Nepeta, 100. Nesaea, 249. Nicandra, 156. Nigella, 402. Nuphar, 415. Nyctaginaceae, LXX XVII. Nymphaeaceae, LX XXIV. Nymphaea, 415. Nyssa, 239. ~ Oakesia, 504. Obolaria, 176. GEOLOGY OF OHIO. Oenothera, 242. Oldenlandia, 77. Oleaceae, XXVI. Onagraceae, XXX V. Onopordon, 49. Onosmodium, 12). Opuntia, 253. Orchidaceae, CVI. Orchis, 484. Origanum, 91. Orobanchaceae, XVII. Oryzopsis, 553. Osmorrhiza, 228. Ostrya, 463. Oxalidaceae, LXII. Oxalis, 295. Oxybaphus, 433. Oxycoccus, 195. Oxydendrum, 199. Oxypolis, 282. Panax, 237. Panicum, 542. Papaver, 379. Papaveraceae, LXXV. Parietaria, 458. Parnassia, 349. Parthenium, 21. Paspalum, 541. Passiflora, 254. Passifloraceae, XLI. Pastinaca, 231. Pedaliaceae, XVI. Pedicularis, 152. Peltandra, 527. Penthorum, 355. ~Pentstemon, 139. Peramium, 480. Periploca, 168. Petalostemon, 306. Phacelia, 124. Phalaris, 548. Phaseolus, 318. Philadelphus, 301. Phleum, 5957. Phlox, 160. Phoradendron, 446. Phragmites, 574. Phylianthus, 2&6. Phryma, 83. Physalis, 158. Physostegia, 103. Physocarpus, 320. Phytolacaceae, LXX XVIII. Phytolacca, 434. Pilea, 456. Pimpinella, 221. Piperaceae, CV. Plantago. Plantaginaceae, IX. Platanus, 340. Platanaceae, L.XVI. Piuchea, 14. Poa, 584. Podophyllum, 412. Podostemaceae, XCIL. Podostemon, 443. Pogonia, 483. Polanisia, 357. Polemoniaceae, XNI. Polemonium, 161. Polygala, 289. Polygalaceae, LVII. Polymnia, 19. Polygonaceae, XCI. Polygonatum, 494. Polygonella, 606. _ Polygonum, 442. Pontederia, 516. _ Pontederiaceae, CXITI. Populus, 468. Porteranthus, 326. Portulaca, 431. Portulacaceae, LXXXVI. Potamogeton, 599. Potaiiogetonaceae, CXXIII. Potentilla, 332. Poterium, 334. Prenanthes, 59. Primulaceae, XXIX. Prosartes, 506. Proserpinaca, 252. Prunus, 323. Psoralea, 305. Ptelea, 292. Ptilimnium, 225. Pycnanthemum, 90. Pyrola, 206. Pyrus, 336. Quercus, 459. R Ranunculaceae, LXXX. Ranunculus, 397. 16 (Sy Oy BOTANY. . 241 Raphanus, 374. Reseda, 259. Resedaceae, XLIV. Rhamnaceae, XLIX. Rhamuus, 270. Rkewxia, 245. Rhododendron, 204, 205. Rhus, 281. Rhyuchospora, 536. Ribes, 352. Robinia, 308. Rorippa, 358 Rosa, 335. Rosaceae, LXV. Rotala, 246. Rubiaceae, VIII. Rubus, 327. Rudbeckia, 27. Ruellia, 125. Rumex, 441. Rutaceae LIX. Sabbatia, 173. Sagina, 426. Sagittaria, 596. Salicaceae, CII. Salix, 467. Salvia, 96. Sambucus, 70. Sanguinaria, 382. Sanguisorba, 334. Samolus, 190. Sanicula, 212. Saponaria, 419. Sapindaceae LIII. Santalaceae, XCV. Sarracenia, 353. Sarraceniaceae, LXIX, Sassafras, 385. Satureia, 92a. Saururus, 472. Savastana, 550. Saxifraga, 343. Saxifragaceae, LXVIIL. Scheuchzeria, 598. Schollera, 195. Scilla, 500. Scirpus, 534. Scleria, 538. Scrophularia, 137. Scrophulariaceae, XIX. 242 Scutellaria, 101. Sedum, 356. Selinum, 228. Senecio, 45. Sericocarpus, 11. Setaria, 544. Seymeria, 148. Shepherdia, 251. Sicyos, 66. Sida, 265. Sieglingia, 575. Silene, 420. Silphium, 20. Simarubaceae, LVIIL Sisymbrium, 366. Sisyrinchium, 489. Sium, 219. Smilacina, 496. Smilax, 492. Solanum, 154. Solanaceae, XX. Solea, 256. Solidago, 9. Sonchus, 60. Sorbus, 337. Sparganiaceae, CX XV. Sparganium, 602. Spartina, 571. Spathyema, 525. Specularia, 63. Spergula, 427. Spermiacoce, 80. Spigelia, 608. Spiranthes, 479. Spiraea, 324. Spirodela, 522. Sporobolus, 560. Stachys, 106. Staphy ea, 272. Staphyleaceae, L. Steironema, 1&7. Stellaria, 424. Stenanthium, 510. Streptopus, 495. Strophostyles, 318. Stipa, 552. Stylophorum, 381. Stylosanthes, 310. Styracaceae, XX VI. Sullivantia, 344. Syndesmon, 394. Symphoricarpus, 73. Symphytum, 116. Symplocarpus, 520. Synandra, 104. GEOLOGY OF OHIO. ‘Tanacetum, 41. Taraxacuni, 57. Tecoma, 129. Tephrosia, 307. Teucrium, 112. Thalictrum, 391. Thaspium, 229. Thelypodium, 361. Thlaspi, 372. Thymelaeaceae, XXXIX. Thymus, 92. Tiarella, 345. Tiedemannia, 232. Tilia, 268. Tiliaceae, XLVIL. Tipularia, 477. Tissa, 428. Tradescantia, 519. Tragopogon, 61. Trautvetteria, 396. Trichostema, 110. Trientalis, 188. Trifolium, 304. Triglochin, 597. Trillium, 509. Triodia, 575. Triosteum, 72. Trisetum, 566. Trollius, 395. Tussilago, 45. Typha, 603. Typhaceae, CX XVI. Ulmaceae, XCVII. Ulmus, 450. Umbelliferae, XXXII. Unifolium, 496. Uniola, 582. Urtica, 454. Urticaceae, XCIX. Urticastrum, 455. Utricularia, 134. Uvularia, 504, 505. Vaccinium, 194. Valeriana, 68. Valerianaceae, VI. Valerianella, 69. Vallisneria, 594. Verbascum) 135. Verbena, 85. Verbenaceae, X. Verbesina, 30. Veratrum, 513. Vernonia, 1. Veronica, 146. Viburnum, 71. Vicia, 313. Vincetoxicum, 168. Vinca, 171. Viola, 255. Violaceae, XLII. Vitaceae, XLVIII. Vitis, 269. BOTANY. 243 WwW Waldsteinia, 330. Wistaria, 607. Wolffia, 5238. x Xanthium, 23. Xanthoxylum, 291. Xyridaceae, CXV. Xyris, 520. Zannichellia, 600. Zizania, 546-545. Zizaniopsis, 546. Zizia, 218. Zygadeuus, 611. Gymnosperms. ORDER CONIFERA‘. Pine Family. 1. PINUS Tourn. PrIne. PINUS DIVARICATA (Ait.) Sudw. (P. danksiana Lamb.) Gray or Northern Scrub Pine. “Southern and Northern Ohio,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.); Marietta, Ohio, rare; J. L. Riddell (Synop. 1835). Not reported recently nor found by us. a PINUS VIRGINIANA Mill. (P. zuops Ait.) Jersey or Scrub Pine. With the Pitch Pine in southern part of the state. PINUS RESINOSA Ait. Red Pine. “Northern Ohio,” H. C. Beardslee (Cat.) PINUS RIGIDA Mill. Pitch Pine. Throughout the southern half of the state. PINUS STROBUS L. White Pine. Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Lake Co., Wm. C. Werner. 2. LARIX Tourn. Larcu: LARIX LARICINA (Du Roi) Koch. (Z. americana Michx.) American or Black Larch. Tamarack. Summit Co., E. W. Claypole; Licking Co., H.I,. Jones (Cat.); Ashtabula Co., E. E. Bogue. 3. TSUGA Carriére. HEMLOCK. TSUGA CANADENSIS (L,.) Carr. 4 Frequent throughout the northern half of the state, extending southward to Ross and Hocking counties. 4, THUJA Tourn. ARBOR VITA. -THUJA OCCIDENTALIS L. Arbor Vite. White Cedar. Urbana (Champaign Co.) Wm. C. Werner; Franklin Co., Wm. C. Werner; “Falls of the Little Miami,” Daniel Drake in “ Pictures of Cincinnati, 1815; Ross Co., W. A. Kellerman; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). 5. CHAVMACYPARIS Spach. WHITE CEDAR. CYPRESS. CHAMA{CYPARIS THYOIDES (L.) B. S. P. (C. speroidea Spach. Cupressus thyoides L.) This, in the older Catalogues, undoubtedly refers to 7huja.occidentalts L. 6. JUNIPERUS L. JUNIPER. JUNIPERUS COMMUNIS L. Common Juniper. Summit Co., J. S. Newberry (Cat.); Painesville, Wm. C. Werner; Cuyahoga Co., Wm. Krebs. JUNIPERUS VIRGINIANA IL.. Red Cedar or Savin. Throughout the state. TAXUS Tourn. YEw. TAXUS MINOR (Michx.) Britt. (TZ. canadensis Willd.) American Yew. Ground Hemlock. Throughout the northern half of the state. Index GENERA OF GYMNOSPERMS. { The references are to the serial number, not to the page.) Chzemecyparis, 5. Taxus, 7. Juniperus, 6. Thuya, 4. Larix, 2. : Tsuga, 3. Pinus, 1. Vascular Gryptogams. I. OrpER SELAGINELLACEA. 1. SELAGINELLA Beauv. SELAGINELLA RUPESTRIS (L.) Spring. “General,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.) II. OrpDER ISOETACESA. 2. ISOETES L. Quillwort. ISOETES LACUSTRIS L. “Northern Ohio, Rare,” H. C. Beardslee (Cat.) IIT. OrpER SALVINIACE. 3. AZOLLA Lam. AZOLLA CAROLINIANA Willd. Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.), Wm. C. Werner. IV. ORDER LYCOPODIACE#. 4. LYCOPODIUM lL. Crus Moss. LYCOPODIUM ANNOTINUM L. “Northern Ohio,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.); “Central Ohio,” J. L. Riddell (Synop. 1835). LYCOPODIUM CAROLINIANUM L. “Southern Ohio,” J. S. Newberry (Cat,) LYCOPODIUM CLAVATUM L. “Northern Ohio,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.); Fairfieid Co., EK. V. Wilcox, S. Renshaw. LYCOPODIUM COMPLANATUM L. “General,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.); Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.) ; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.) BOTANY. ; 247 LYCOPODIUM LUCIDULUM Mx. Not abundant, but over the state. LYCOPODIUM OBSCURUM LL. (ZL. dendroideum Michx.) Licking Co., H. lL. Jones (Cat.); Ashtabula Co., Sara F. Goodrich. LYCOPODIUM INUNDATUM L,. “Northern Ohio,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.) V. ORDER EQUISETACA. Horsetail Family. 5. EQUISETUM'L. Horsetaiy. SCOURING RUSH. EQUISETUM ARVENSE L. Common Horsetail. Widely distributed in gravelly or sandy soil. EQUISETUM HYEMALE IL. Scouring Rush. Shave Grass. Over the whole state along wet banks. EQUISETUM LA;VIGATUM A. Braun. Summit Co., E. Claassen. EQUISETUM LIMOSUM L. Horsetail. Lake Marshes, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.); Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Cincinnati, J. F. James (Cat.); Painesville, Wm. C. Werner; ‘‘Hoffman’s Prairie near Day- ton,” J. l. Riddell (Synop. 1835). EQUISETUM ROBUSTUM A. Braun. Horsetail. Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.); Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat). EQUISETUM SCIRPOIDES Mx. Horsetail. *“Northern Ohio,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.) EQUISETUM SYLVATICUM I. Horsetail. “Low Woods, Central Ohio,” J. IL. Riddell (Synop. 1835); Painesville, Otto Hacker; Cincinnati, J. F. James (Cat.) EQUISETUM VARIEGATUM Schle:ch. Black River, Dr. Kellogg (J. S. Newberry Cat.); Painesville, W. C. Werner. VI. OrpER FILICES. Fern Family. 6. POLYPODIUM LL, Poryvropy. POLYPODIUM POLYPODIOIDES (J\.) Hitch. (P. tucanum Swtz.) Monroe, J. L. Riddell (Synop. 1835); Cincinnati, J. F. James (cat.); Adams Co., W.-A. Kellerman ;. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan ( Flora.) POLYPODIUM VULGARE L,. Common. 248 ‘ GEOLOGY OF OHIO. 7. ADIANTUM LL. MarmpENHAIR. ADIANTUM PEDATUM L. Throughout the whole state. 8. PTERIS ly. BRAKE or BRACKEN. PTERIS AQUILINA L. Common Brake. From Lake Erie to the Ohio River. 9. PELLAA Link. CrirF BRAKE. PELLZA ATROPURPUREA (L.) Link. Cliff Brake. ‘“‘ Put-in-Bay Island ” Lake Erie, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.); Springfield, Miss H. J, Biddlecome; Franklin Co., Aug. D. Selby; Adams Co., W. A. Kellerman. 10. WOODWARDIA J. E. Smith. CHAIN-FERN. WOODWARDIA AREOLATA (L,.) Moore. (W. angustifolia Smith). Northern and Eastern Ohic, J. S. Newberry (Cat.) WOoDWARDIA VIRGINICA (L.) J. E. Smith. “Munson Pond” (Geauga Co.) H. C. Beardslee (Cat.); Portage Co., E. Claassen 11. ASPLENIUM L. SPLEENWORT. ASPLENIUM ACROSTICHOIDES Sw. (4. thelypterotdes Mx.) Over the whole state. ie ASPLENIUM ANGUSTIFOLIUM Mx. Throughout the whole state. ASPLENIUM FILIX-FOEMINA (L.) Bernh. Common throughout the state. ASPLENIUM MONTANUM Willd. Elyria, Lorain Co., Dr. Kellogg, (J. S. Newberry Cat.) ; Lorain Co., A. A. Wrigh. (Cat.); Cuyahoga Falls (Summit Co.) Wm. Krebs; Clifton (Greene Co.) Mrs. E. J. Spence; along the Mahoning River, E. W. Vickers. ASPLENIUM PINNATIFIDUM (Muhl.) Nutt. Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.); Lawrence Co., W. C. Werner; Elyria, Dr. Kellogg (J. S. Newberry Cat.); Sugar Grove, Fairfield Co., E. V. Wilcox, S. Renshaw; Hocking Co., W. A. Kellerman. ASPLENIUM PLATYNEURON (L.) Oakes. (A. ebeneum Ait.) Apparently over the whole state. ASPLENIUM RUTA-MURARIA L. “Central Ohio,” W. S. Sullivant (Cat.); Miami Valley A. P. Morgan (Flora) ASPLENIUM TRICHOMANES L. Widely distributed. BOTANY. 249 12. CAMPTOSORUS Link. WaLkKInG LEAF, CAMPTOSORUS RHIZOPHYLLUS (J,.) Link. Widely distributed. 13. PHEGOPTERIS Fee. BEECH FERN. PHEGOPTERIS CONNECTILIS (Mx.) B.S. P. (P. polypodioides Fee.) Cleveland, W. Krebs; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Painesville, H. C, Beardslee (Cat.); Thompson Ledge (Geauga Co.), Cuyahoga Falls (Summit Co.) Wm. C. Werner; Youngstown, R. H. Ingraham. PHEGOPTERIS DRYOPTERIS (L.) Fee. Thomson Ledge, H. C. Beardslee ( Cat.) PHEGOPTERIS HEXAGONOPTERA (Michx.) Fee, Throughout the state. 14. DRYOPTERIS Adams. (Aspidium Swartz.) SHIELD FERN. Woop FERN. DRYOPTERIS ACROSTICHOIDES (Mx.) Kuntze. (Aspidium acrostichoides Swartz. Christmas Fern. Common over the state. DRYOPTERIS ACROSTICHOIDES SCHWEINITZII (Beck) B.S. P. (Aspidium acrostich. oides tncisum Gr.) Licking Co.,H. L. Jones (Cat.); Central Ohio, W. S. Sullivant (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). DRYOPTERIS CRISTATA (L.) A. Gray. (Aspidium cristatum Swartz.) Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Cedar Swamp (Urbana) Mrs. E. J. Spence; Lake Co., Licking reservoir (Licking Co.) Wm. C. Werner, DRYOPTERIS CRISTATA CLINTONIANA (D. C. Eaton) Underw. (Aspidium cristatum clintonianum D.C. Eaton.) Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.), O. Hacker. DRYOPTERIS GOLDIEANA (Hook.) Gray. (Aspidium goldieanum Hook.) Widely distributed. DRYOPTERIS MARGINALIS (L.) Gray. (Aspidium marginale Swartz.) Common throughout the state. DRYOPTERIS NOVEBORACENSIS (L.) Gray. (Aspidium noveboracense Swartz) Throughout the state. DRYOPTERIS SPINULOSA (Retz.) Kuntze. (Aspidium spinulosum Swartz) Not uncommon. DRYOPTERIS SPINULOSA DILATATA (Hoffm.) Underw. (Aspidium spinulosum dilatatum Wook.) “General,” H. C. Beardslee (Cat.) 250 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. DRYOPTERIS SPINULOSA INTERMEDIA (Muhl.) Underw. (Aspidium spinulosum wtermedium TD. C. Eaton.) Sandusky, E. L. Mosely; Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Fairfield Co., E. V. Wilcox, S. Renshaw; Franklin Co., Aug. D. Selby; Painesville, H. C. Beards- lee (Cat.), Wm. C. Werner; Ashtabula Co., Sara F. Goodrich. DRYOPTERIS THELYPTERIS (L.) Gray. (Aspidium thelypteris Swartz) Widely distributed. 15. CYSTOPTERIS Bernhardi. BLADDER FERN. CYSTOPTERIS BULBIFERA (L.) Bernh. Throughout the state. CYSTOPTERIS FRAGILIS (.) Bernh. Widely distributed. 11627 -ONOCEEA sly. ONOCLEA SENSIBILIS L. Widely distributed. ONOCLEA STRUTHIOPTERIS (1,.) Hoffmann. Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.); Wm. C. - Werner. 17. WOODSIA:R. Brown. WoopsIA GLABELLA R. Brown. Elyria, Lorain Co., Dr. Kellogg (J. S. Newberry Cat.) WOODSIA ILVENSIS R. Brown. Licking Co., H. L. Jones ( Cat.) WoopsIA OBTUSA (Spreng.) Torr. Springfield, Miss H. J. Biddlecome; Licking Co., H. Ll. Jones (Cat.); Fairfield Co., A. D. Selby. Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.) ; Franklin Co., Lawrence Co., Wm. C. Werner. 19. LYGODIUM Swartz. CLIMBING FERN. LYGODIUM PALMATUM (Bernh.) Swartz. “ Southhern and Eastern Ohio,” J. S. Newberry (Cat.) 20. OSMUNDA LL. FLOWERING FERN. OSMUNDA CINNAMOMEA IL, Cinnamon Fern. Uccurring over the state. OSMUNDA CLAYTONIANA L,. Widely distributed. OSMUNDA REGALIS L. Not uncommon. BOTANY. 251 VI. OrpER OPHIOGLOSSACEA. 21. BOTRYCHIUM Swartz. Moonworvt. BOTRYCHIUM MATRICARIAEFOLIUM Braun. Columbus, A. P. Morgan (Bot. Gaz., July 1882.) BOTRYCHIUM LANCEOLATUM (Gmel.) Angstroem. “Ohio,” Gray’s Manual. BOTRYCHIUM SIMPLEX Hitchcock. Elyria (Lorain Co.) Dr. Kellogg (Newberry Cat.) BOTRYCHIUM TERNATUM INTERMEDIUM Eaton. Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Licking Co., H. L. Jones (Cat.) BOTRYCHIUM TERNATUM LUNARIOIDES Milde. Cincinnati, J. F. James (Cat.); Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.) BOTRYCHIUM TERNATUM OBLIQUUM (Muhl.) Milde. Lorain Co., A. A Wright (Cat.); Cincinnati, J. F. James; Franklin Co., Aug. D. Selby; Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.); Ashtabula Co., Sara F. Goodrich; Springfield, Mrs. E. J. Spence. BOTRYCHIUM TERNATUM DISSECTUM (Spreng.) Milde. Lorain Co., A. A. Wright (Cat.); Painesville, Columbus, Wm. C. Werner; Cincin- nati, J. F. James (Cat.); Franklin Co., Aug. D. Selby. t BOTRYCHIUM VIRGINIANUM (L.) Swartz. From Lake Erie to the Ohio River. 22. OPHIOGLOSSUM JL. ADDER’S TONGUE. OPHIOGLOSSUM VULGATUM L. Columbiana Co., H. Wolfgang; Franklin Co., L. H. McFadden; Cincinnati, J. F. James (Cat.); Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.), Otto Hacker. Bryophyta.” Crass I—SPHAGNA. 1. SPHAGNUM JL. Boc Moss. SPHAGNUM ACUTIFOLIUM Ehrh. Ohio, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.) ; Cedar Swamp (Champaign Co.) Miss H. J. Biddle- come; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). SPHAGNUM CUSPIDATUM (Ehrh.) R. & W. Ohio, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.) SPHAGNUM RECURVUM (Beauv.) Russ & Warnst. (S. cuspidatnm recurvum Beauy.) Ohio, H. C. Beardslee ( Cat.) d SPHAGNUM CYMBIFOLIUM Ebhrh. Ohio, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora), SPHAGNUM SQUARROSUM Pers. Ohio, Leo Lesquereux (H. C. Beardslee, Cat.) SPHAGNUM STRICTUM Lindb. (.S. girgensohnit Russow.) Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.) SPHAGNUM SUBSECUNDUM Nees. Ohio, Leo Lesquereux (H. C. Beardslee, Cat.) SPHAGNUM SUBSECUNDUM LESCURII (Sull.) Aust. Ohio, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.) Crass 2.—MUSCI. Sus-Ciass I.—ACROCARPI. I, POUY ERICH ACE As: 2. POLYTRICHUM L. POLYTRICHUM COMMUNE L. “Common,” H. C. Beardslee ( Cat.) * Thanks are due Mrs. Britton for aid in identifying the specimens and correcting the nomenclature (Wm. C. Werrer ) = te BOTANY. 203 POLYTRICHUM GRACILE Menzies. “Ohio,” Leo Lesquereux (H. C. Beardslee, Cat.) POLYTRICHUM JUNIPERUM Willd. “Common,” H. C. Beardslee ( Cat.) POLYTRICHUM OHIOENSE Ren. & Card. (P. formosum Sull., not Hedw.) ““Common,” H. C. Beardslee ( Cat.) POLYTRICHUM PILIFERUM Schreb. “Ohio,” Leo Lesquereux (H. C. Beardslee, Cat.) POLYTRICHUM TENUE Menzies. (Pogonatum brevicaule Beauy.) Painesville, Rendville (Perry Co.), Fairfield Co., W. C. Werner. 3. CATHARINEA Ebrh. (Africhum Beauv.) CATHARINEA ANGUSTATA Brid. (Atrichum angustatum Br. & Sch) Painesville, Franklin Co., Fairfield Co., Wm. C. Werner; Springfield, Miss. H. J. Biddlecome; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). CATHARINEA UNDULATA (L.) Web. & Mohr. (Atrichum undulatum Beauv.) Frequent. Il. BUXBAUMIACEA. 4, BUXBAUMIA Haller. BUXBAUMIA APHYLLA LL. Painesville, Wm. C. Werner. III. GEORGIACEA. 5. GEORGIA Ehrh. GEORGIA PELLUCIDA (L.) Rabenh. (7etraphts pellucida Hedw.) Painesville, Sugar Grove (Fairfield Co.) Wm. C. Werner; Champaign Co., Miss H. J. Biddlecome; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). IV. FISSIDENTACEAs. 6. FISSIDENS Hedw. FISSIDENS ADIANTOIDES (L.) Hedw. Painesville, Lawrence Co., Wm. C. Werner; Cedar Swamp (Champaign Co,) Miss H. J. Biddlecome, Wm. C. Werner; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). FISSIDENS BRYOIDES (L,) Hedw. Painesville, Columbus, Wm. C. Werner. 264 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. FISSIDENS DECIPIENS DeNot. Fultonham (Muskingum Co.) Wm. C. Werner; Cedar Swamp (Champaign Co.) Miss H. J. Biddlecome. FISSIDENS EXIGUUS Sull. : “Ohio,” Leo Lesquereux (H. C. Beardslee, Cat.); Columbns, Wm. C. Werner. FISSIDENS HYALINUS Hook. & Wils. _“Moist rocky ledges at Bank Lick near Cincinnati, T. G. Lea;” “clay banks near Painesville, H. C. Beardslee, very rare” (Tesq. & James, Man.) FISSIDENS INCURVUS Web. & Mohr. “Ohio,” Leo Lesquereux (H. C. Beardslee, Cat.) ; Springfield, Miss H. J. Biddle- come. FISSIDENS JULIANUS (Savi.) Schimp. (Conxomitrium julianum Mont.) “Ohio,” Leo Lesquereux (H. C. Beardslee, Cat.) FISSIDENS MINUTULUS Sull. “Ohio,” Leo Lesquereux (H. C. Beardslee, Cat.) ; Painesville, Columbus, Rend- ville (Perry Co.) Wm. C. Werner; Springfield, Miss H. J. Biddlecome. FISSIDENS OBTUSIFOLIUS Wils. Springfield, Miss H, J. Biddlecome; ‘Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea, Sugar Grove (Fairfield Co.)” Lesquereux & James ( Man.) FISSIDENS OSMUNDOIDES (Sw.) Hedw. “Ohio,” Leo Lesquereux (H.C. Beardslee, Cat.); Cedar Swamp (Champaign Co.) Miss H. J. Biddlecome ; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). FISSIDENS SUBBASILARIS Hedw. ss “ Ohio,” Leo Lesquereux (H.C. Beardslee, Cat.) ; Springfield, Miss H. J. Bid- dlecome; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). FISSIDENS TAXIFOLIUS (L.) Hedw. Painesville, Cedar Swamp (Champaign Co.) Wm. C. Werner; Springfield, Miss H. J. Biddlecome; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora), V. MNIACEA. 7, ASTROPHYLLUM Neck. (M/nium I,.) ASTROHYLLUM CUSPIDATUM (L.) Lindb. (MJ/nium affine Bland.) Throughout the state. ASTROPHYLLUM CUSPIDATUM ELATUM Br. & Sch. “On damp sandstone rocks in woods, Southern Ohio,” Lesq. & James ( Man.) ASTROPHYLLUM LYCOPODIOIDES (Hook.) Lindb. Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.), Wim. C. Werner. ASTROPHYLLUM MARGINATUM (Dicks.) Lindb. (J/niwm serratum Waich.) “Ohio,” Leo Lesquereux (H. C. Beardslee, Cat.) BOTANY. 250 ASTROPHYLLUM PUNCTATUM (L,.) Lindb. ‘*“Commion,” H. C. Beardslee ( Cat.) ASTROPHYLLUM ROSTRATUM (Schrad.) Lindb. Cedar Swamp (Champaign Co.) Wm. C. Werner, ASTROPHYLLUM ¢PINULOSUM Bice chk Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.), Wm. C. Werner. ASTROPHYLLUM STELLARE (Reichard) Lindb. “Common,” H. C. Beardslee ( Cat.) ; Springfield, Miss H. J. Biddlecome. ASTROPHYLLUM SYLVATICUM Lindb. (MWnitum cuspidatum Hedw.) Ashtabula Co., Sara F. Goodrich; Painesville, Franklin Co., Wm. C. Werner; Springfield, Miss H. J. Biddlecome; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan ( Flora.) 8. TIMMIA Hedw. TIMMIA MEGAPOLITANA Hedw. Springfield, Miss H. J. Biddlecome; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). 9. SPHAZROCEPHALUS Neck. (Aulocomnium Schwesg.) SAH2ROCEPHALUS HETEROSTICHUS (Brid.) Britt.m. (Awlacomnium heterostichum Br. & Sch.) -Througout the state. SPHEROCEPHALUS PALUSTRIS (L,.) Lindb. (Aulacomnium palustre Schwegr.) Painesville, Wm ©. Werner. SPHASROCEPHALUS PALUSTRIS POLYCEPHALUM Br. & Sch. Cedar Swamp (Champaign Co.) Wm. C. Werner. VI. MEESIACEKA. 10. MEESIA Hedw. MEESIA LONGISETA Hedw. “Cranberry swamps in Northern Ohio; not rare,” Lesq. & James ( Man.) MEESIA TRIQUETRA (L,.) Angstr. (JV. tristicha Funck.) “Southern Ohio,” H. C. Beardslee ( Cat.) MEESEA ULIGINOSA Hedw. “Northern Ohio,” Leo Lesquereux. (H.C. Beardslee, Cat.) 256 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. VII. BARTRAMIACEA. 11. BARTRAMIA Hecaw. BARTRAMIA POMIFORMIS (L.) Hedw. Painesville, Franklin Co., Wm. C. Werner; Springfield, Miss H. J. Biddlecome; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). 12. PHILONOTIS Brid. PHILONOTIS FONTANA Brid. Painesville, Sugar Grove (Fairfield Co.) Wm. C. Werner. PHILONOTIS MUHLENBERGII Brid. (Bartramia marchica Sull.) Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.), Wm. C. Werner; Springfield, Miss H. J. Bid- dlecome. VIII. BRYACES. 13. BRYUM IL. BRYUM ALBICANS (Wahl.) Brid. ( Webera albicans Schimp.) Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.); Springfield, Miss H. J. Biddlecome; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). BRYUM ARGENTEUM L. Painesville, Columbus, Wm. C. Werner; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). BRYUM BICOLOR Dicks. (JB. atropurpureum Wahl.) “Ohio,” Leo Lesquereux (H. C. Beardslee, Cat.) BRYUM BIMUM Schreb. Painesville, Wm. C. Werner; Springfield, Miss H. J. Biddlecome; Miami Val- ley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). BRYUM CAESPITICIUM Hedw. Painesville, Sugar Grove (Fairfield Co.) Wm. C. Werner. BRYUM-CRUDUM Schreb. Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.) Wm. C. Werner. BRYUM INTERMEDIUM Brid. Springfield, Miss H. J. Biddlecome; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). BRYUM LESCURIANUM Sull. Lancaster (Fairfield Co.) Leo Lesquereux (H. C. Beardslee, Cat.) ; Painesville, Wm. C. Werner. BRYUM NUTANS Schreb. “Common,” H. C. Beardslee ( Cat.) Kt oO ~I BOTANY. BRYUM PALLESCENS Schleich. Painesville, H. C. Beardslee ( Cat.) BRYUM PROLIFERUM (L,.) Sibth. (4. roseum Schreb.) Painesville, Columbus, Fairfield Co., Wm. C. Werner; Cedar Swamp (Cham- paign Co.) Miss H. J. Biddlecome; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). BRYUM PENDULUM (Hornsch.) Schimp. (4. cernuum Br. & Sch.) “Southern Ohio,” Leo Lesquereux (H. C. Beardslee, Cat.); Springfield, Miss H. J. Biddlecome. BRYUM ULIGINOSUM Bruch. & Schimp. Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.); Springfield, Miss H. J. Biddlecome; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). BRYUM VENTRICOSUM Dicks. (2. pseudotriquetrum Schwegt.) “ Lancaster” ( Fairfield Co.) Leo Lesquereux (H.C. Beardslee, Cat.); Springfield, Miss H. J. Biddlecome; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). 14. LEPTOBRYUM Wils. LEPTROBRYUM PYRIFORME (L,.) Wils. (Lryum pyriforme Hedw.) Painesville, Wm. C. Werner; Springfield, Miss H. J. Biddlecome; Miami Val- ley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). IX. FUNARIACEA. 15. FUNARIA Schreb. FUNARIA FLAVICANS Michx. “Ohio,” 1,eo Lesquereux (H. C. Beardslee, Cat.) FUNARIA HYGROMETRICA (L.) Sibth. Throughout the state. FUNARIA HYGROMETRICA CALVESCENS Br. & Sch. “Ohio,” Leo Lesquereux (H. C. Beardslee, Cat.) 16. APHANOREGMA Sulliv. APHANOREGMA SERRATA (Hook. & Wils.) Sulliv. “Ohio,” Leo Lesquereux (H. C. Beardslee, Cat.); Miami Valley A. P. Morgan (Flora). 17. PHYSCOMITRELLA Schimp. PHYSCOMITRELLA PATENS Schimp. “Rare,” Leo Lesquereux (H.C. Beardslee, Cat.) 17 CAO: 208 GHROLOGY OF OHIO. 18. PHYSCOMITRIUM Brid. PHYSCOMITRIUM IMMERSUM Sulliy. Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.), Wm. C. Werner; “River banks Southern Ohio,” Thos. G. Lea (Lesq. & James, Man.) PHYSCOMITRIUM TURBINATUM (Michx.) Mueller. (PP. pyriforme of Amer. authors fide E. G. Britton). Painesville, Ironton (Lawrence Co.), Wm. C. Werner; Springfield, Miss H. J. Biddlecome; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). X. DISCELIEE 19. DISCELIUM Brid. DISCELIUM NUDUM Dicks. Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.) XI. SCHISTOSTEGEAR. 20. SCHISTOSTEGIA Mohr. SCHISTOSTEGIA OSMUMDACEA Web. & Mohr. Thompson Ledge (Geauga Co.) Otto Hacker. . XTI. SPLACHNACEAs. 21. SPLACHNUM L. SPLACHNUM AMPULLACIUM L. “Cranberry swamps of Ohio,” Lesquereux & James (Man.) XIII. WEBERACEA. 22. WEBERA Ebrh. WEBERA SESSILIS (Schmid.) Lindb. (Diphyscitum foliosum Mohr.) Painesville, Wm. C. Werner. 23. POHLIA Hedw. POHLIA ELONGATA Hedw. (Webera elongata Schwaegr.) Thompson Ledge (Geauge Co.) Wm. C. Werner. BOTANY. 259 DeVe? LOR LUM ACHE: 24. TORTULA Hedw. TORTULA MUCRONIFOLIA Schweegr. (Barbula mucronifolia Bruch & Schimp.) “Ohio,” Leo Lesquereux (H.C. Beardslee, Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). 25. LEERSIA Hedw. LEERSIA LACINIATA Hedw. (zcalypia ciliata Hedw.) “Ohio,” Leo Lesquereux (H. C. Beardslee, Cat.) 26. BARBULA Hedw. BARBULA CONVOLUTA Hedw. “Ohio,” Leo Lesquereux (H. C. Beardslee, Cat.) BARBULA CURVIROSTRIS (Ehrh.) Lindb. (Gymuostomum curvirostrum Hedw.) Painesville, Wm. C. Werner; Springfield, Miss H. J. Biddlecome; Miami Val- ley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). BARBULA FALLAX Hedw. | Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (,Cat.), Wm. C. Werner; Dayton, Miss H. J. Biddle- come. BARBULA HUMILIS Hedw. (&. cespitosa Schwegr.) Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.), Wm. C. Werner; Cedar Swamp (Champaign Co.) Miss H. J. Biddlecome, Wm. C. Werner; Franklin Ce., Wm. C. Werner; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). BARBULA LONGIFOLIA (Dicks.) Lindb. (7richostomum tophaceum Brid.) Springfield, Miss H. J. Biddlecome. BARBULA RIGIDULA Schimp. (TZvichostomum rigidulum Smith.) Painesville, H. C. Beardslee: (Cat.) BARBULA RUBELLA (Hoffm.) Mitt. (Didymodum rubellus Br. & Sch.) “Cedar Swamp, near Urbana” Leo Lesquereux (H. C. Beardslee, Cat.); Spring. field, Miss H. J. Biddlecome; Miami Valley; A. P. Morgan (Flora). BARBULA UNGUICULATA (Huds.) Hedw. Painesville, Sugar Grove (Fairfield Co.) Wm.C. Werner; Dayton, Miss H. J. Biddlecome; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). 27. PHASCUM L,. PHASCUM CUSPIDATUM Schreb. “Common,” H. C. Beardslee (Cat.) 260. GEOLOGY OF OHIO. 28. MOLLIA Schrank. MOoLLIA 4RUGINOSA (Sm.) Lindb. (Gymnostomum rupestre Schegr.) Painesville, Wm. C. Werner; Miss H. J. Biddlecome. MoLLiIa CALCAREA (N. & H.) Lindb. ( Gymnostomum calcareum Nees & Hornsch.) Painesville, H. C. Beardslee ( Cat.) MoLLIA VIRIDULA Hedw. (Wetsia viridula Hedw.) Springfield, Miss H. J. Biddlecome; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). MOLLIA VIRIDULA GYMNOSTOMOIDES (Brid.) Braithw. (Wymenostomum microsto- mum Aust.) “Ohio,” Leo Lesquereux (H. C. Beardslee, Cat.) *29. ASTOMUM Hampe. ASTOMUM NITIDULUM Schimp. ‘“Ohio rare,” Leo Lesquereux (H. C. Beardslee, Cat.) ASTOMUM NITIDULUM PYGMUM Lesq. “Central Ohio,” Lesquereux & James (Man.) ASTOMUM SULLIVANTII (Schimp.) Hampe. “Ohio,” Leo Lesquereux (H. C. Beardslee, Cat.) 30. SPHAYRANGIUM Schimip. SPH2RANGIUM TRIQUETRUM Schimp. “Ohio,” Leo Lesquereux ( H. C. Beardslee, Cat.) 31. POTTIA Ehrh. POTTIA TRUNCATULA (L.) Lindb. (P. truncata Fuern.) Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). 32. DESMATODON Brid. DESMATODON ARENACEUS Sull. & Lesq. “Tancaster”’ (Fairfield Co.,) Leo Lesquereux (H.C. Beardslee, Cat.) ; “ Sand- stone rocks, Central Ohio,’ Lesquereux & James (Man.) DESMATODON PLINTHOBIUS Sull. & Lesq. “ Southern Ohio, Lancaster,’ Leo Lesquereux (H. C. Beardslee, Cat.) DESMATODON PORTERI James. Springfield, Miss H. J. Biddlecome. 33. EPHEMERUM Hampe. EPHEMERUM COH4RANS (Hedw.) Muell. “Cincinnati,” Leo Lesquereux (H. C. Beardslee, Cat.) BOTANY. 261 EPHEMERUM CRASSINERVUM Schweegr. “Common,” H. C. Beardslee (Cat.) EPHEMERUM STENOPHYLLUM Schimp. “Ohio,” Lesquereux & James ( Man.) NM Vey DICK AN ACR AE, 34. LEUCOBRYUM Hanipe. LEUCOBRYUM GLAUCUM (L.) Schimp. Frequent. LEUCOBRYUM ALBIDUM (Brid.) Lindb. (ZL. minus Hampe.) “Sandusky,” Leo Lesquereux (H.C. Beardslee, Cat.); Sugar Grove (Fairfield Co.,) Cedar Swamp (Champaign Co.), Ironton (Lawrence Co.) Wm. C. Werner, 35. DICRANUM Hedw. DICRANUM BONJEANI DeNot. (D. palustre LaPyl.) “Peat bogs, Northern Ohio,” Lesquereux & James (Man.); Sugir Grove (Fairfield Co.) Wm. C. Werner. DICRANUM FLAGELLARE Hedw. Painesville, Franklin Co., Wm. C. Werner; Springfield, Miss H. J. Biddlecome; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). DICRANUM FULVUM Hook. Painesville, Wm. C. Werner; Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. DICRANUM FUSCESCENS Turn. Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.), Wm. C. Werner. DICRANUM MONTANUM Hedw. Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.) ; Cedar Swamp (Champaign Co.) Miss H. J.’ Biddlecome; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). DICRANUM SCHRADERI Web. & Mohr. “Ccommon,” H. C. Beardslee ( Cat.) DICRANUM SCOPARIUM (L,.) Hedw. Frequent. DICRANUM SPURIUM Hedw. “Ohio,” Leo Lesquereux (H. C. Beardslee, Cat.) DICRANUM UNDULATUM Ebrh. “Ohio,” Leo Lesquereux (H.C. Beardslee, Cat.) DICRANUM VIRIDE (Sull. & Lesq.) Schimp. Springfield, Miss H. J. Biddlecome. 262 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. 36. BRYOZIPHIUM Mitt. BRYOZIPHIUM NORVEGICUM (Brid.) Mitt. (ustichia norvegica Brid.) “Middle Ohio,” Lesquereux & James (Mau.) 37. SELIGERIA Br. & Sch. SELIGERIA PUSILLA (Ehrh.) Br. & Sch. “ Kelley’s Island, Lake Erie,” Leo Lesquereux (Lesq. & James, Man.) SELIGERIA TRIFARIA (Brid.) Lindb. (S. trzsticha Br. & Sch.) “Limestone rocks, in shaded ravines, Central Ohio (Sullivant); very rare,” (Lesq. & James, Man.) 388. TREMATODON Michx. TREMATODON AMBIGENS (Hedw.) Hornsch. “Southern Ohio,” Leo Lesquereux (H. C. Beardslee, Cat.) TREMATODON LONGICOLLIS Michx. “Northern Ohio,” Leo Lesquereux (H.C. Beardslee, Cat.) 39. ANISOTHECIUM Mitt. ANISOTHECIUM RUBRUM (Huds.) Lindb. (Dicranel/a varia Schimp.) Painesville, Franklin Co., Wm. C. Werner; Dayton, Miss H. J. Biddlecome; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). ANISOTHECIUM RUFESCENS (Dicks) Lindb. (Dcranella rufescens Schimp.) Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.), Wm. C. Werner; Miami Valley, A. P. Mor- gan (Flora). : 40. DICRANELLA Schimp. DICRANELLA CERVICULATA (Hedw.) Schimp. “Very rare,’ Leo Lesquereux (H, C. Beardslee, Cat.) DICRANELLA HETEROMALLA (L.) Schimp. Painesville, Ironton (Lawrence Co.) Wm. C. Werner; Miami Valley, A. P. Mor- gan (Flora). DICRANERLA HETEROMALLA ORTHOCARPA (Aust.) C. Muell. Painesville, Wm. C. Werner; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). DICRANELLA HETEROMALLA STRICTA Schimp. Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.), Wm. C. Werner. SC eg 4 BPR BOTANY. 263 41. DICRANODONTIUM Br. & Sch. DICRANODONTIUM DENUDATUS (Brid.) Britton, m. (D. longirostre Br. & Sch.) “Southern Ohio,” Leo Lesquereux (H. C. Beardslee, Cat.) : 42. CAMPYLOPUS Brid. CAMPYLOPUS LEANUS Sull. “Ohio, rare,” Leo Lesquereux (H. C. Beardslee, Cat.) 43. ONCOPHORUS Brid. ONCOPHORUS VIRENS (Sw.) Brid. (Cynuodontium virens Schimp.) Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.), Wm. C. Werner. 44. RHABDOWEISIA Br. & Sch. RHABDOWEISIA FUGAX (Hedw.) Br. & Sch. Painesville, H. C. Beardslee ( Cat.) 45. BRUCHIA Schweer. BRUCHIA BREVICOLLIS Lesq. & James. Sugar Grove (Fairfield Co.) Wm. C. Werner. BRUCHIA FLEXUOSA (Schweegr.) C. Muell. “Common,” H. C. Beardslee (Cat.) 46. DITRICHUM Timm. DITRICHUM PALLIDUM (Schreb.) Hampe. (T7vichostomum pallidum Hedw.) Painesville, Ironton, Wm. C. Werner; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). DITRICHUM TORTILE (Schrad.) Hampe. (TZvrichostomum tortile Schrad.) Painesville, Wm. C. Werner. DITRICHUM VAGINANS (Sull.) Hampe. (7richostomum vaginans Sull.) “ Ohio,” Leo Lesquereux (H. C. Beardslee, Cat.) 47. PLEURIDIUM Brid. PLEURIDIUM SUBULATUM (Sehreb.) Lindb. (P. alternifolium Brid.) “Common,” H. C. Beardslee ( Cat.) PLEURIDIUM SUBULATUM LANCASTRINESE Sull. & Lesq. “Yancaster Ohio,” Lesquereux & James (Man.) 48. ARCHIDIUM Brid. ARCHIDIUM OHIOENSE Schimp. “ Central Ohio,” Lesquereux & James (Man.) 264 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. 49. CERATODON Brid. CERATODON PURPUREUS (L,.) Brid. Painesville, Columbus, Wm. C. Werner; Springfield, Miss H. J. Biddlecome; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). XVI. GRIMMIACEA. 50. WEISSIA Ehrh. WEISSIA AMERICANA (Pallis.) Lindb. (U/ota hutchinsie Schimp.) Painesville, H. C. Beardslee ( Cat.) WEISSIA COARCTATA (Pallis.) Lindb. (Ulota ludwigti Brid.) Painesville, H. C. Beardslee ( Cat.) WEISSIA ULOPHYLLA CRISPULA (Bruch.) Hammar. ( U/otacrispula Brid.) Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.) 51. ORTHOTRICHUM Hedw. ORTHOTRICHUM ANOMALUM PECK Sull. (O. peckiz Aust.) Painesville, H. C. Beardslee ( Cat.) ORTHOTRICHUM CUPULATUM Hoffm. (0. strangulatum Beauv.) Painesville, Franklin Co., Wm. C. Werner; Springfield, Miss H. J. Biddlecome ; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora); “Ohio river,” Leo Lesquereux (H. C. Beardslee, Cat.) ORTHOTRICHUM LESCURII Aust. (O. cupulatum minus Sull.) “On limestone rocks along the Ohio river,” Leo Lesquereux (Lesq. & James, Man.) ORTHOTRICHUM OHIOENSE Sull. Painesville, Ironton, Wm. C. Werner. ORTHOTRICHUM OHIOENSE CITRINUM (Aust.) Lesq. & James. (O. citrinwim Aust.) Painesville, Wm. C. Werner. 62. DRUMMONDIA Hook. DRUMMONDIA CLAVELLATA Hook. Painesville, Columbus, Wm. C. Werner; Springfield, Miss H. J. Biddlecome ; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). 538. PTYCHOMITRIUM Br. & Sch. PTYCHOMITRIUM INCURVUM (Schwegr.) Sull. “Very common in southern Ohio,” Lesquereux & James (Man.) BOTANY. ie 265 54. GRIMMIA Ehrh. GRIMMIA APOCARPA (L,.) Hedw. Painesville, Franklin Co., Wm. C. Werner; Springfield, Miss H: J. Biddlecome. GRIMMIA APOCARPA RIVULARIS Nees & Hornsch. “Ohio,” Leo Lesquereux (H. C. Beardslee, Cat.) GRIMMIA CAMPESTRIS (Burch, M$.) Hook. (G. leucoph@ea Grev.) ‘““Ohio,” Leo Lesquereux (H. C. Beardslee, Cat.) GRIMMIA CONFERTA Funck. Painesville, H. C. Beardslee ( Cat.) GRIMMIA PENNSYLVANICA Schwegr. ‘““Lancaster,”’ Leo Lesquereux (H. C. Beardsiee, Cat.); Painesville, Wm. C. Wer- ner; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). Sus-CLass 2—PLEUROCARPI. XVII. HYPNACES. 55. THUIISIUM Br. & Sch. THUIDIUM DELICATULUM (L.) Mitt. (Aypnuum tamariscinum Sull. & Lesq.) “Very common,” H. C. Beardslee (Cat.) ; Painesville, Wm. C. Werner. THUIDIUM GRACILE Bruch. & Schimp. Springfield, Miss H. J. Biddlecome; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). THUIDIUM GRACILE LANCASTRIENSE Sull. & Lesq. “ Ohio,” Leo Lesquereux (H. C. Beardslee, Cat.) THUIDIUM MINUTILUM (Hedw.) Br. & Sch. Springfield, Miss H. J. Biddlecome; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). THUIDIUM PALUDOSUM (Sull.) Rau & Hervey. “Not rare in the cranberry marshes of Northera Ohio,” Lesq. & James (Man.) THUIDIUM PYGM2UM (Br. & Sch.) Sull. & Lesq. “Plymouth marsh” near Ashtabula, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.); ‘‘ Limestone rocks, in thin close mats, in shaded ravines, Central Ohio, rare,” Lesquereux & James (Man.); Springfield, Miss H. J. Biddlecome. THUIDIUM RECOGNITUM (Hedw.) Lindb. Cedar Swamp (Champaign Co.) Miss H. J. Biddlecome, Wm. C. Werner; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). [THUIDIUM SCITUM (Beauy.) Aust. Painesville, H. C. Beardslee; Springfield, Miss H. J. Biddlecome. 266 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. “< THUIDIUM SCITUM ASSTIVALE Aust. Painesville, H. C. Beardslee; Springfield, Miss H. J. Biddlecome; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). 56. LESKEA Hedw. LESKEA DENTICULATA Sull. “Southern Ohio,” Leo LWesquereux (H. C. Beardslee, Cat.); Springfield, Miss H- J. Biddlecome; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). -LESKEA OBSCURA Hedw. Painesville, Wm. C. Werner. E LESKEA POLYC4RPA Ebrh. Dayton, Miss H. J. Biddlecome; Franklin Co., Wm. C. Werner. LESKEA TRISTIS Cesati. Painesville, Wm. C. Werner; Springfield, Miss H. J. Biddlecome; Miami Valley A. P. Morgan (Flora). 57. ANOMODON Hook. & Tayl. ANOMODON APICULATUS Br. & Sch. Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.), Wm. C. Werner. ANOMODON ATTENUATUS (Schreb.) Hueben. Painesville, Fairfield Co., Rendville (Perry Co.) Wm. C. Werner; Springfield, Miss H. J. Biddlecome; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). ANOMODON OBTUSIFOLIUS Br. & Sch. Painesville, Franklin Co., Wm. C. Werner; Springfield, Miss H. J. Biddlecome; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). ANOMODON ROSTRATUS (Hedw.) Schimp. Painesville, Fairfield Co., Wm. C. Werner; Springfield, Miss H. J. Biddlecome; Miami Valley, A: P. Morgan (Flora). 58. AMBLYSTEGIUM Br. & Sch. AMBLYSTEGIUM ADNATUM Hedw. Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.); Springfield, Miss H. J. Biddlecome; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora); Columbus, Wm. C. Werner. AMBLYSTEGIUM ADUNCUM (L.) Lindb. (AHypnum uncinatum Hedw.) Painesville, Columbus, Cedar Swamp (Champaign Co.) Wm. C. Werner. AMBLYSTEGIUM CHRYSOPHYLLUM (Brid.) DeNot. Painesville, Sugar Grove (Fairfield Co.) Wm. C. Werner; Cedar Swamp (Cham- paign Co.) Miss H. J. Biddlecome; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). AMBLYSTEGIUM CORDIFOLIUM (Hedw.) DeNot. Painesville, Wm. C. Werner. BOTANY. 267 AMBLYSTEGIUM FILICINUM (JL.) Lind. Painesville, Wm. C. Werner; Cedar Swamp (Champaign Co.) Miss H. J. Biddle- come, Wm. C. Werner; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). AMBLYSTEGIUM FLUITANS (L.) DeNot. Franklin Co., Wm. C. Werner. AMBLYSTEGIUM FLUVIATILE (Swartz.) Br. & Sch. Sugar Grove (Fairfield Co.) Wm. C. Werner; Springfield, Miss H. J. Bidd'ecome. AMBLYSTEGIUM GIGANTEUM (Sch.) DeNot. “Urbana,” Leo Lesquereux (H. C. Beardslee, Cat.) AMBLYSTEGIUM HYGROPHILUM (Jur.) Schimp. (Aypnuum bergenense Aust.) Painesville, H. C. Beardslee ( Cat.), Wm. C. Werner. ; AMBLYSTEGIUM IRRIGUUM (Hook. & Wils,) Br. & Sch, Yellow Springs (Greene Co.) Miss H. J. Biddlecome, AMBLYSTEGIUM MINUTISSIMUM Sull. & Lesq. “Ohio,” Lesq. & James ( Man.) AMBLYSTEGIUM REVOLVENS (Sw.) DeNot. “Southern Ohio,” Leo Lesquereux (H. C. Beardslee, Cat.) AMBLYSTEGIUM RIPARIUM (L.) Br. & Sch. Painesville, Franklin Co., William C. Werner; Cedar Swamp (Champaign Co.) Miss H. J. Biddlecome; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). AMBLYSTEGIUM SERPENS (L.) Br. & Sch. Painesville, Wm. C. Werner; Springfield, Miss H. J. Biddlecome. AMBLYSTEGIUM ORTHOCLADON (Beauv.) Br. & Sch. Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.), Wm. C. Werner; Franklin Co., Fairfield Co., Wm. C. Werner; Springfield, Miss H. J. Biddlecome; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). AMBLYSTEGIUM STELLATUM (Schreb.) Lindb. Cedar Swamp (Chanipaign Co.) Wm. C. Werner. AMBLYSTEGIUM STRAMINEUM (Dicks.) DeNot. “Sandusky,” Leo Lesquereux (H. C. Beardslee, Cat.) AMBLYSTEGIUM TRIFARIUM (Web. & Mohr.) “Sandusky,” Leo Lesquereux (H. C. Beardslee, Cat.) ; ‘Peat bogs Northern Ohio, Lesquereux,” (Lesquereux & James, Man.) AMPLYSTEGIUM VARIUM (Hedw.) Lindb. (Aypnun radicale Br. & Sch.) Springfield, Miss H. J. Biddlecome; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora); Ironton, Wm. C. Werner. : 268 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. AMBLYSTEGIUM WATSONII (Sch.) Lindb. (Hypuun aduncum Hedw.) Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.); Cedar Swamp (Champaign Co.) Wm. C. Werner; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). AMBLYSTEGIUM WATSONII GRACILESCENS (Br. & Sch.) Painesville, H. C. Beardslee ( Cat.) 59. HYPNUM L. HYPNUM ACUMINATUM Beauv. : Painesville, Rendville (Perry Co.) Wm. C. Werner; Springfield, Miss H. J. Bid- dlecome; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). HYPNUM ACUMINATUM SETOSUM Sull. & Lesq. Columbus, Wm. C. Werner. HYPNUM ACUMINATUM RUPNICOLUM Sull. & Lesq. “Ohio,” Leo Lesquereux (H. C. Beardslee, Cat.) HYPNUM ALLEGHANIENSE C. Muell. Painesville, H. C. Beardslee; Clifton (Greene Co.) Miss H. J. Biddlecome; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). Hypnum BOSCII Schweer. Painesville, Sugar Grove, Ironton, Wm. C. Werner; Cedar Swamp (Champaign Co.) Miss H. J. Biddlecome; Miami Va.ley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). HYPNUM CYLINDROCARPUM C. Muell. Cedar Swamp (Champaign Co.) Miss H. J. Biddlecome; Miami Valley A. P. Morgan (Flora). HYPNUM DEMISSUM Wils. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). HYPNUM DEPLANATUM Schimp. Springfield, Miss H. J. Biddlecome; Miami Valley A. P. Morgan (Flora). HYPNUM DIVERSIFOLIUM Schimp. “Lancaster,” Leo Lesquereux (H. C. Beardslee, Cat.); ‘‘dry sandy hills under chestnut trees, Ohio, Lesquereux,” (Lesq. & James, Man.) HYPNUM FERTILE Sendt. : Cedar Swamp (Champaign Co.) Miss H. J. Biddlecome. HYPNUM GEOPHILUM Aust. Springfield, Miss H. J. Biddlecome. HYPNUM HIANS Hedw. Painesville, Rendville (Perry Co.) Wm. C. Werner; Clifton (Greene Co.) Miss H. J. Biddlecome; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). BOTANY. 269 HYPNUM LA&TUM Brid. Painesville, Rendville (Perry Co.) Wm. C. Werner; Clifton (Greene Co.) Miss H. J. Biddlecome; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). : HYPNUM MICROCARPUM C. Muell. “Cedar swamps, Ohio,” Lesquereux & James (Man.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). HYPNUM MILDEANUM Schimp. (fH. acutum Mitt.) Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.), Wm. C. Werner; Cedar. Swamp (Champaign Co.) Miss H. J. Biddlecome. HYPNUM MUELLERIANUM Hook. fil. “Ohio,” Leo Lesquereux (Lesq. & James, Man.) HYPNUM NOV4-ANGLIZ Sull. & Lesq. Painesville, H. C. Beardslee ( Cat.) HYPNUM PILIFERUM Schreb. Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.); Cedar Swamp (Champaign Co.) Miss H. J. Biddlecome. HYPNUM PLUMOSUM Hudson. (WH. sa’ebrosum Hoffm.) “Common,” H. C. Beardslee ( Cat.) HYPNUM PSEUDOPLUMOSUM Brid. (HH. plumosum Sw.) “Common,” H. C. Beardslee (Cat.) HYPNUM RECURVANS Schwegr. Painesville, Wm. C. Werner; Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. HYPNUM RIVULARE Bruch. Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.), Wm. C. Werner; Springfield, Miss H. J. Biddlecome. HYPNUM RUTABULUM L. Painesville, Wm. C. Werner; Cedar Swamp (Champaign Co.) Miss H. J. Biddle- come; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). HYPNUM RUSCIFORME Weiss. “Ohio,” Leo Lesquereux (H. C. Beardslee, Cat.) HYPNUM SCORPOIDES L. ‘Cranberry marshes northern Ohio,” Leo Lesquereux (Lesq. & James, Man.); “Urbana,” Leo Lesquereux (H. C. Beardslee, Cat.); Cedar Swamp (Champaign Co.) Wm. C. Werner. HYPNUM SERRULATUM Hedw. Painesville, Wm. C. Werner; Springfield, Miss H. J. Biddlecome; Miami Val- _ ley, A. P. Morgan ( Flora). 270 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. HYPNUM STRIGOSUM Hoff. Painesville, Wm. C. Werner; Cedar Swamp (Champaign Co.) Miss H. J. Biddle- come. ; HYPNUM SULLIVANTII Spruce. Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.); Springfield, Miss H. J. Biddlecome; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora); Sugar Grove (Fairfield Co.) Wm. C. Werner. HYPNUM TURFACEUM Lindb. Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.), Wm. C. Werner. HYPNUM VIRIDE Lam. (7. populeum Hedw.) “Ohio,” Leo Lesquerenux (H. C. Beardslee, Cat.) 60. HOMALOTHECIUM Br. & Sch. HOMALOTHECIUM SUBCAPILLATUM (Hedw.) Br. & Sch. “Ohio,” Leo Lesquereux (H. C. Beardslee, Cat.); Springfield, Miss H. J. Biddle- come. ; 61. CAMPTOTHECIUM Schimp. CAMPTOTHECIUM NITENS (Schreb.) Schimp. (Aypaum nitens Schreb.,) ‘Southern Ohio,” Leo Lesquereux (H. C. Beardslee, Cat.) XVIII STEREODONTACEA. 62. MYURELLA Br. & Sch. MYURELLA CAREYVANA Sull. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). 63. HABRODON Schimp. HABRODON NOTARISSII Schimp. ‘Trunks of trees, Central Ohio,” W. S. Sullivant (Lesq. & James, Man.) 64. ANACAMPTODON Brid. ANACAMPTODON SPLACHNOIDES Brid. Springfield, Miss H. J. Biddlecome. 65. THELIA Sull. THELIA ASPRELLA (Schimp.) Sull. Springfield, Miss H. J. Biddlecome; Columbus, Wm. C. Werner. Z BOTANY. 271 THELIA HIRTELLA (He iw.) Sull. Painesville, Columbus, Wm. C. Werner; Cedar Swamp (Chanipaign Co.) Miss H. J. Biddlecome ; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). 66. HYLOCOMIUM Br. & Sch. HYLOCOMIUM BREVIROSTRE (Ehrh.) Br. & Sch. Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.), Wm. C. Werner. HYLOCOMIUM PARIETINUM (L,) Lindb. (Hypuum schrebert Willd.) Painesville, Wm. C. Werner; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). HYLOCOMIUM PROLIFERUM (L,.) Lindb. (AHypnum splendens Br. & Sch.) “Common,” H. C. Beardslee (Cat.) HYLOCOMIUM RUGOSUM (L.) De Not. . Painesville, Wm. C. Werner; Clifton (Greene Co.) Miss H. J. Biddlecome; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). HYLOCOMIUM TRIQUETRUM (L,) Br. & Sch. Painesville, Sugar Grove (Fairfield Co.) Wm. C. Werner; Cedar Swamp (Cham- paign Co.,) Miss H. J. Biddlecome; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). 67. CAMPYLIUM Mitt. CAMPYLIUM HISPIDULUM (Brid.) Mitt. (AWypnum hispidulum Brid.) Painesville, Thompson Ledge (Geauga Co), Columbus, Ironton, Wm. C. Wer- ner; Richland Co., E, Wilkinson; Cedar Swamp (Champaign Co.) Miss H. J. Biddlecome; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). 68. CTENIDIUM Mitt. CTENIDIUM MOLLUSCUM (Hedw.) Mitt) (Aypnum molluscum Hedw.) Painesville, Wm. C. Werner; Cedar Swamp (Champaign Co.) Miss H. J. Biddle- come, 69. PTILIUM DeNot. PTILIUM CRISTA-CASTRENSE (Ey.) DeNot. (Aypnum crista-castrensis I,.) * Northern Ohio,” H. C. Beardslee (Cat.) 70. STEREODON Mitt. STEREODON CONFERVOIDES Brid. (Amblystegium confervoides Brid.) Springfield, Miss H. J. Biddlecome; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). STEREODON CURVIFOLIUS (Hedw.) Brid. (Hypuum curvifolium Hedw.) Painesville, Sugar Grove, Cedar Swamp (Champaign Co.) Wm. C. Werner Springfield, Miss H. J. Biddlecome; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). 272 _ GEOLOGY OF OHIO. STEREODON CUPRESSIFORME (J,.) Brid. (Hypuum cupressiforme I.) “Common,” H. C. Beardslee (Cat.) STEREODON CUPRESSIFORME ERICETORUM Br. & Sch. Rendville (Perry Co.) Wm. C. Werner. STEREODON CUPRESSIFORME FILIFORME Brid. On limestone rock near Columbus, Wm. C. Werner. STEREODON HALDANIANUM (Grev.) Lindb. (Hypuum haldanianum Grey.) Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.); Rendville (Perry Co.) Wm. C. Werner. STEREODON IMPONENS (Hedw.) Brid. (AWypuum.imponens Hedw.) Painesville, Columbus, Wm. C. Werner; Springfield, Miss H. J. Biddlecome; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). STEREODON PALLESCENS (Hedw.) Lindb. (Hypnuum ‘reptile Michx.) Springfield, Miss H. J. Biddlecome. STEREODON PRATENSE (Koch.) Britt. m. (Hypnum pratense Koch.) Columbus, Wm. C. Werner. 71. (PYLAISIA Br. & Sch. PyLAISIA INTRICATA (Hedw.) Br. & Sch. Painesville, Rendville (Perry Co.) Win. C. Werner; Springfield, Miss H. J. Bid- dlecome; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). PYLAISIA SUBDENTICULATA Schimp. ‘“On the bark of trees, Central Ohio,” W.S. Sullivant (Lesq. & James, Man.) ; Springfield, Miss H. J. Biddlecome. PYLAISIA VELUTINA Br. & Sch. Black Lick (Franklin Co.), Cedar Swamp (Champaign Co.) Wm. C. Werner. 72. PLAGIOTHECIUM Br. & Sch. PLAGIOTHECIUM DENTICULATUM (L.) Br. & Sch. (HWypuum denticulatuim I.) Painesville, Columbus, Wm. C. Werner. PLAGIOTHECIUM SULLIVANTA: Schimp. Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.); “Lancaster,” Leo Lesquereux (H. C. Beards- lee, Cat.) ; ‘Moist sandstone rocks and shaded banks in pine woods, Ohio,” Lesquereux & James ( Man.) PLAGIOTHECIUM PULCHELLUM Br. & Sch. (A ypuum pulchellum Dicks.) Cedar Swamp (Champaign Co.) Wm. C. Werner. PLAGIOTHECIUM SYLVATICUM (Huds.) Br. & Sch. Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.); Cedar Swamp (Champaign Co.) Miss H. J. Biddlecome. BOTANY. 273 73. CYLINDROTHECIUM Br. & Sch. CYLINDROTHECIUM BREVISETUM (Wils.) Br. & Sch. Springfield, Miss H. J. Biddlecome; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). CYLINDROTHECIUM CLADORRHIZANS (Hedw.) Schimp. Painesville, Wm. C. Werner; Springfield, Miss H. J. Biddlecome; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). CYLINDROTHECIUM COMPRESSUM Br. & Sch. Columbus, Leo Lesquereux (H. C. Beardslee, Cat.) CYLINDROTHECIUM SEDUCTRIX (Hedw.) Sull. Painesville, Columbus, Wm. C. Werner; Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman; Spring- field, Miss H. J. Biddlecome; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). ' 74. ENTODON C. Muell. ENTODON PALATINUS (Neck.) Lindb. (Platygyrium repens Br. & Sch.) Painesville, Columbus, Wm. C. Werner; Springfield, Miss H. J. Biddlecome; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). XIX. NECKERACEA, 75. NECKERA Hedw. NECKERA PENNATA (L,.) Hedw. Cedar Swamp (Champaign Co.) Miss H. J. Biddlecome; Miami Valley, A. P, Morgan (Flora). 76. CLIMACIUM Web. & Mohr. CLIMACIUM AMERICANUM Brid. Frequent. 77. FONTINALIS IL, FONTINALIS BIFORMIS Sull. Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.); Woodlands, in rivulets, Central Ohio, Les_ quereux & James (Man.) 78. LEPTODON Mokr. LEPTODON OHIOENSE Sull. “Central Ohio, on trees in swampy woods; not rare,” Lesquereux & James ( Man.) 18 G. O. 274 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. LEPTODON TRICHOMITRION (Hedw.) Mohr. Painesville, Cedar Swamp (Champaign Co.) Wm. C. Werner; Springfield, Miss H. J. Biddlecome; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). LEPTODON TRICHOMITRIUM IMMERSUM Lesa. & James. “ Cincinnati,” Leo Lesquereux (H. C. Beardslee, Cat.) 79. LEUCODON Schwegr. ‘LEUCODON BRACHYPUS Brid. “Common,” H. C. Beardslee ( Cat.) LEUCODON JULACEUS (Hedw.) Sull. Painesville, Columbus, Sugar Grove, Cedar Swamp, Rendville (Perry Co.) Wm. C. Werner; Springfield, Miss H. J. Biddlecome; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). 3 80. HEDWIGIA Ehrh. HEDWIGIA CILIATA Ehrh. Painesville, Franklin Co., Sugar Grove, Ironton, Wm. C. Werner; Springfield, Miss H. J. Biddlecome; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). XX. HOOKERIEA. 81. HOOKERIA Tayl. HOOKERIA SULLIVANTIL Muell. “Tancaster,” Leo Lesquereux (H. C. Beardslee, Cat.) ; ‘‘ Middle Ohio,” W. S. Sul- livant (Lesquereux & James Man.) Index to Mosses. (The references are to the serial number, not to the page.) Amblystegium, 58. Anacamptodon, 64. Anisothecium, 39. Anomodon, 57. Aphanoregma, 16. Archidium, 48. Astomum, 29. Astrophyllum, 7. Atrichum, 3. Aulacomnium, 9. Barbula, 24, 26. Bartratias Lie: Bartramiacee, VII. Bruchia, 45. _Bryoziphium, 36. Bryacee, VIII. Bryum, 13, 14. Buxbaumia, 4. Buxbaumiacez, II. Cc Camptothecium, 61. Campylium, 67. Campylopus, 42. Catharinea, 3. Ceratodon, 49. Climacium, 76. Conomitrium, 6. Ctenidium, 68. Cylindrothecium, 73. Cynodontium, 43. Desmatodon, 32. Dicranacee, XV: ° Dicranella, 39, 40. Dicranodontium, 41. Dicranum, 35. Didymodon, 26. Diphyscium, 22. Discelieze, X. Discelium, 19. Ditrichum, 46. Drummondia, 52. Encalypta, 25. Entodon, 74. Ephemerum, 33. Eustichia, 36. Fissidens, 6. Fissidentacee, IV. Funaria, 15. Funariacee, IX. Fontinalis, 77. Georgia, 5. Georgiaceze, III. Grimmia, 54. Grimmiaceze, XVJ. Gymnostonmiuim, 26-28, 276 rq Habrodon, 63. Hedwigia, 80. Homalothecium, 60. Hookeria, 81. Hookeriex, XX. Hylocomium, 66. Hymenostomum, 28. Hypnacee, XVII. _Hypnum, 55, 58, 59, 61, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 72. Hypnum acuminatum, 59. Hypnum acutum, 59. Hypnum (Amblystegium) adnatuim, 58. Hypnum (Amblystegium) aduncum, 58. Hypuum alleghaniense, d9. Hypnum bergenense, 58. Hypnum boscii, 59. Hypnum (Hylocomium) brevirostre, 66. Hypnum (Amblystegium) chrysophyi- lum, 58. Hypnum (Amblystegium) cordifolium, 58. Hypnum (Stereodon) confervoides, 70. Hypnum (Ptilium) crista-castrensis, 69. Hypnum (Stereodon) cupressiforme, 70. Hypuum (Stereodon) curvifolium, 70. Hypuum cylindrocarpum, 59. Hypnum demissum, 59. Hypnum (Plagiothecium) denticulatum, - (ae . Hypnum (Thudium) delicatulum, 55. Hypnum deplanatum, 59. Hypnum diversifolium, 59. Hypnum fertile, 459. Hypnum (Amblystegium) filicinum, 58. Hypuum (Amblystegium) fluitans, 58. Hypnum (Amblystegium) fluviatile, 58. Hypnum geophilum, 59. Hypnum (Amblystegium) giganteum, 58. Hypnum (Thuidium) gracile, 55. Hypuum (Stereodon) haldanianum, 70. Hy pnum hians, 59. Hypnum (Campylium) hispidulum, 67. Hypnum (Amblystegium) hygrophilum, 58, Hypnum (Stereodon) imponens, 70. GEOLOGY OF OHIO. Hypnum (Amblystegium) stirriguum, 58. Hypuum lzetum, 59. Hypnum microcarpum, 59. Hypnum mildeanum, 59. Hypnum (Thuidium) minutilum, 55. Hypnum (Amblystegium) minutissimum, 58. Hypuum (Ctenidium) molluscum, 68. ~Hypnum muellerianum, 59. Hypnum (Camptothecium) nitens, 61. Hypuum nove-angliz, 59. Hypnum (Amblystegium) orthocladon,58. Hypuum (Thuidium) paludosum, 55. Hypnum (Stereodon) pallescens, 70.° Hypnum (Hylocomium) parietium, 66. Hypnum piliferum, 59. Hypnum plumosum, 59. Hypnum (Stereodon) pratense, 70. Hypnum (Hylocomium) proliferum, 66. Hypnum pseudoplumosum, 59. Hypnum (Pilagiothecium) pulchellum, © is. Hypnum (Thuidium) pygmezeum, 55. Hypnumi radicale, d8. Hypnum (Thuidium) recognitum, 55. Hypnum recurvans, 59. Hypuum reptile, 70. Hypnum (Amblystegium ) revolvens, 58. Hypnum (Amblystegium) riparium, 58. Hypnum rivulare, 59. Hvypnum (Hylocomium) rugosum, 66. Hypnum rusciforme, 59. Hypnum rutabulum, 59. Hypuum salebrosum, 59. Hypnum schreberi, 66. Hypnum (Thuidium) scitum, 55. Hypunum scorpoides, 59. Hypnum serrulatum, 59. Hypnum (Amblystegium ) serpens, 58. Hypnum splendens, 66. Hypnum (Ambiystegium ) stellatum, 58. Hypnum (Amblystegium) stramineum, 58. Hypnum strigosum, 59. Hypuum (Plagiothecium ) sullivante, 72. Hypuum sullivantii, 59. BOTANY. Hypnum (Plagiothecium) sylvaticum, 72. Hypnum tamariscinum, 55. Hypnum (Amblystegium) trifarium, 58. Hypnum (Hylocomium) triquetrum, 66. Hypnum turfaceum, 59. Hypnum uncinatum, 58. Hypnum (Amblystegium) varium, 58. Hypnum (Amblystegium) watsonii, 58. L Leersia, 25. Leptobryum, 14. Leptodon, 78. Leskea, 56. Leucodon, 79. Leucobryum, 34. M Meesia, 10. Meesiacez, VI. Mnium, 7. Mniacez, V. Mollia, 28. Myurella, 62. Neckera, 75. Neckeracee, XIX. Oncophorus, 43. Orthotrichum, 51. Phascum, 27. Philonotis, 12. Physcomitrella, 17. Physcomitrium, 18. Plagiothecium, 72. Platygyrium, 74. Pleuridium, 47. Pogonatum, 2. Pohlia, 23. Polytrichaceze, I. Polytrichum, 2. Pottia, 31. Ptilium, 69. Ptychomitrium, 53. Pylaisia, 71. Rhabdoweisia, 44. Schistostegia, 20. Schistostegee, XI. Seligeria, 37. Spherangium, 30. Spherocephalus, 9. Sphagnum, 1. Splachnaceze, XII. Splachnum, 21. Stereodon, 70. Stereodontaceee, XVIII. T Tetraphis, 5. Thelia, 65. Thuidium, 59. Timmia, 8. Tortula, 24. Tortulacece, XIV. Trematodon, 38. Trichostomum, 26, 46. U Ulota, 50. Webera, 138, 22, 23. Weberacee, XIII. Weisia, 28. Weissia, 50. ee ie Hepaticae; Ltiverworts. JUNGERMANIACEZ. 1. FRULLANIA Raddi. FRULLANIA AEOLOTIS Nees. (Leseunia aecolotis Nees.) : Cedar Swamp (Urbana) Mrs. E. J. Spence; Painesville, Columbus, Fairfield Co., Muskingum Co., Wm. C. Werner. FRULLANIA ASAGRAYANA Mont. Sugar Grove (Fairfield Co.); Lawrence Co., W. C. Werner. FRULLANIA EBORACENSIS Lehm. (Lesewnia eboracensis Gottsche.) Throughout the state. FRULLANIA FRAGILIFOLIA Tayl. (Frullania sullivantiae Aust.) On trees in Cedar Swamp (Urbana) W. S$. Sullivant (L. M. Underwood, Hep. Cat.), Miss H. J. Biddlecome ; Wm. C. Werner. FRULLANIA SQUARROSA Nees. (Lejeunia squarrosa Nees. Cedar Swamp (Urbana) W. S. Sullivant (lL. M. Underwood, Hep. Cat.), Mrs. E. J. Spence; Painesville, Columbus (Lawrence Co) Wm. C. Werner. FRULLANIA VIRGINICA Lehm., Throughout the state. 2. LEJEUNIA Libert. LEJEUNIA CALCAREA Libert. Cedar Swamp (Urbana) Miss H. J. Liddlecome, Wm. C. Werner. LEJEUNIA CLYPEATA (Schw.) Sull. (Phragmicomia clypeata Sull.) Cedar Swamp (Urbana) Mrs. E. J. Spence; Painesville, Wm. C, Werner. LEJEUNIA SERPYLLIFOLIA AMERICANA Lindb. (ZLejeunta cavifolia Aust; Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.), Wm. C. Werner. BOTANY. 279 38. RADULA Dumort. RADULA COMPLANATA (L,.) Dumort. Springfield, Miss H. J. Biddlecome; Painesville, Franklin Co., Fairfield Co.,; , Perry Co., Wm. C. Werner. RADULA OBCONICA Sull. Ohio, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.); Cedar Swamp (Urbana) W. S. Sullivant (H. C. Beardslee, Cat.), Mrs. E. J. Spence, Wm. C. Werner. 4. PORELLA Dill. PORELLA DENTATA Lindb. (Jladotheca rivularis Nees. Yellow Springs (Green Co.) W. S. Sullivant (H. C. Beardslee, Cat.) PORELLA PLATYPHYILLA (L.) Lindb. (dadotheca platyphylla Dumort.) Conimon. 5. PTILIDIUM Nees. PTILIDIUM CILIARE Nees. (Slepharozia ciliaris Dumiort.) Painesville, Summit Co., Wm. C. Werner. 6. TRICHOCOLEA Duinort. TRICHOCOLEA BIDDLECOMIAE Aust. Cedar Swamp (Urbana) Miss H. J. Biddlecome. TRICHOCOLEA TOMENTELLA (Ehrh) Dumort. Cedar Swamp (Urbana) Mrs. E. J. Spence. is BAZZANIA S. FE. Gray: BAZZANIA TRILOBATA (L,.) S. F. Gray. (Mastigobryum trilobatum Nees.) Painesville, Fairfield Co.. Wm. C. Werner; Cedar Swamp (Urbana) Mrs. E. J- Spence. 8 BLEPHAROSTOMA Dumort, BLEPHAROSTOMA TRICOPHYLLUM (L,.) Dumort. (/ungermannia tricophylla \,.) Ohio, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.) 9. CEPHALOZIA Dumort. CEPHALOZIA BICUSPIDATA Dumoort. Cedar Swamp (Champaign Co.) Wm. C. Werner. CEPHALOZIA CURVIFOLIA Dicks. Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.); Ashtabula Co., E. E. Bogue; Columbus Cedar Swamp (Urbana) Wm. C. Werner. 280 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. CEPHALOZIA MULTIFLORA Lindb. Cedar Swamp (Urbana) Miss H. J. Biddlecome. CEPHALOZIA SULLIVANTH Aust. Ohio, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.); Springfield, Miss H. J. Biddlecome. ‘ 10. ODONTOSCHISMA Dumort. ODONTOSCHISMA DENUDATA (Nees) Dumort. (O. hubeneriana Rabenh.) Cedar Swamp (Urbana) Miss H. J. Biddlecome. ODONTOSCHISMA SPHAGNI (Dicks.) Dumort, H. C. Beardslee ( Cat.) Il. KANTTIA S. F. Gray. KANTIA TRICHOMANIS (L,.) Lindb. (Calypogeia trichomania Corda.) Cedar Swamp (Urbana) Miss H. J. Biddlecome. 12. SCAPANIA Dumort. SCAPANIA NEMOROSA (L.) Dumort. Painesville, Cuyahoga Falls, Columbus, Fairfield Co., Wm. C. Werner; Cedar Swamp (Urbana) Mrs. E. J. Spence. 13. DIPLOPHYLLUM Dumort. DIPLOPHYLLUM TAXIFOLIUM (Wahlb.) Dumort. (Scafania albicans taxifolium Nees.) Ohio, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.); Fairfield Co., Wm. C. Werner. 14, GEOCALYX Nees. GEOCALYX GRAVEOLENS Nees. Clifton (Green Co.) Miss H. J. Biddlecome; Painesville, Champaign Co., Wm, C. Werner. 15. LOPHOCOLEA Dumort. LOPHOCOLEA BIDENTATA Dumort. Columbus, Wm. C. Werner. LOPHOCOLEA HETEROPHYLLA Schrad. Nees. Springfield, Miss H. J. Biddlecome; Lake, Franklin, Fairfield and Muskingum counties, Wm. C. Werner. LOPHOCOLEA MACOUNT Aust. Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.) BOTANY. 281 LOPHOCOLEA MINOR Nees. Painesville, H. C. Beardslee ( Cat.) 16. CHILO_YPHUS Corda, CHILOCYPHUS ASCENDENS Dumort. Painesville, Wm. C. Werner; Springfield, Miss H. J. Biddiecome. CHILOCYPHUS POLYANTHOS (L,) Corda. Ohio, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.) Ly 17. PLAGIOCHILA Dumort. PLAGIOCHILA ASPLENIOIDES Nees. & Mont. Clifton (Green Co.) Miss H. J. Biddlecome. PLAGIOCHILA INTERRUPTA Dumort. (7. macrostoma Sull.) Ohio, W. S. Sullivant (H. C. Beardslee, Cat.) PLAGIOCHILA PORELLOIDES Lindb. Ohio, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.); Fairfield Co., Wm. C. Werner. 18. HARPANTHUS Nees. HARPANTHUS SCUTATUS Spruce. Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.); Clifton (Green Co.) Miss H. J. Biddlecome. 19. JUNGERMANNIA Micheli. yUNGERMANNIA INCISA Schrad. Cedar Swamp (Urbana) Miss H. J. Hiddlecome: JUNGERMANNIA SCHRADERI Martins. Painesville, Franklin Co., Champaign Co., Fairfield Co., Wm. C. Werner. 20. MARSUPELLA Dumort. MARSUPELLA SPHACELATA Dumort. (Sarcoscyphus sphacelatus Nees., Nardia Sphacelata B. Gr.) ; Ohio, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.) 21. NARDIA S$. F. Gray. NARDIA CRENULATA (Smith) Lindb. (/ungermannia crenulata J,indb.) Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.) 282 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. NARDIA CRENULIFORMIS Lindb. (/ungermannia crenuliformis Aust.) Painesville, H.C. Beardslee (Cat.); Coshocton Co., O. Sullivant (Gray’s Man, 6th Ed.) NARDIA HYALINA Lyell. (/uugermannia hyalin Vyell.) Ohio, Leo Lesquereux (H. C. Beardslee, Cat.) 22. FOSSOMBRONIA Raddi. FOSSOMBRONIA CRISTATA Jindb. Rendville (Perry Co.) W. C. Werner. 23. PALLAVICINIA S. F. Gray. PALLAVICINIA LYELL S. F. Gray. (Steetzia lyellit Lehm.) Champaign Co., Columbus, Wm. C. Werner. 24. BILAS{LA Micheli. BLASIA PUSILLA L. Ohio, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.); Painesville, Wm. C. Werner. (25 (PERL TAeRaddi PELLIA ENDIVIAEFOLIA Dumort. Cedar Swamp (Champaign Co.) Wm. C. Werner. 26. METZGERIA Raddi. METZGERIA CONJUGATA Lindb. Ironton (Lawrence Co.) Wm. C. Werner, 27. ANEURA Dumort. ANEURA LATIFRONS Lindb. _ Cedar Swamp (Urbana) Miss J. M. Biddlecome, Wim. C. Werner. ANEURA PINGUIS (L.) . Dumort. Ohio, W. S. Sullivant (H. C. Beardslee, Cat.); Cedar Swamp (Urbana) Miss H. J- Biddlecome. ANEURA SESSILIS Spreng. Ohio, W. S. Sullivant, (H. C. Beardslee, Cat.); Cedar Swamp (Urbana) Miss H. J. Biddlecome. ANTHOCEROTACE. 28. ANTHOCEROS Michell. ANTHOCEROS LAVIS L. Ohio, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.); Rendville (Perry Co.) Wm. C. Werner. BOTANY. 283 ANTHOCEROS PUNCTATUS (L.) Ohio, H. C. Beardslee ( Cat.) 29. NOTOTHYLAS Sulil. NOTOTHYLAS URELANOSPORA Sull. Ohio, W. S. Sullivant (H. C. Beardslee, Cat.) NOTOTHYLAS ORBICULARIS Sull. (Nofothylas valvata Sull. Ohio, W. S. Sullivant (H. C. Beardslee, Cat.) MARCHANTIACEA. 380. MARCHANTIA Marchant f. MARCHANTIA POLYMORPHA JL. Frequent. 31. CONOCEPHALUS Neck. CONOCEPHALUS CONICUS (L.) Dumort. Throughout the state. 32. GRIMALDIA Raddi. GRIMALDIA RUPESTRIS Lindb. (Duvalia rupestris Nels.) Springfield, Mrs. E. J. Spence. 33. ASTRELLA Beauv. ASTRELI,A HEMISPHERICA Beauv. Springfield, Mrs. H. J. Biddlecome, 34, LUNULARIA Micheli, LUNULARIA VULGARIS Raddi. Ohio, H. C. Beardslee (Cat.); Painesville, Wm. C. Werner. RICCACE A. 35. RICCIA Micheli. RICCIA FLUITANS L,. Newark (J. L. Riddell, Sup. Cat. 1835); Painesville, Champaign Co., Wm. C. Werner; Ashtabu'a Co., E. E. Bogue. 284 - HOLOGY OF OHIO. Riccia FROSTII Aust. Painesville, H. C. Beardslee (Lazenby & Werner, Sup. List). RICCIA LUTESCENS Schw. Painesville, Otto Hacker. RICCIA NATANS L, Painesville, Franklin Co., Wm. C. Werner; Cleveland, Wm. Krebs. A terres- trial form from Leetonia (Columbiana Co.) H. G. Wolfgang. Index TO THE GENERA OF HEPATICA. . The references are to the serial number, not to the page]. Aneura, 27. Lophocolea, 15. Anthoceros, 28. Lunularia, 34. Astrella, 33. ; Marchantia, 30. Bazzania, 7. Marsupella, 20. Blasia, 24. : Metzgeria, 26. Blepharostoma, 8. Nardia, 21. Cephalozia, 9. Notothylas, 29. Chilocyphus, 16. Odontoschisma, 10. Conocephalus, 31. Pallavicinia, 28. Diplophyllum, 13. Pellia, 25. Fossombronia, 22. Plagiochila, 17. Frullania, 1. Porella, 4. Geocalyx, 14. Ptilidium, 5. Grimaldia, 32. Radula, 3. Harpanthus, 18. Riccia, 35. Jungermania, 19. Scapania, 12. Kantia, 11. : Trichocolea, 6. Lejeunia, 2, Lichenes: Ltichens. * PARMELIACEI. 1. RAMALINA Ach. De Not. RAMALINA CALICARIS (L.) Fr. 3 Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman; Champaign Co., Mrs. E. J. Spence, Miss H. J. Biddlecome. RAMALINA CALICARIS CANALICULATA Fr. Ashtabula Co., E. E. Bogue. RAMALINA CALICARIS FASTIGIATA Fr. : Near Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman; Ashta- bula Co., E. E. Bogue. RAMALINA CALICARIS FRAXINEA Fr. Painesville, Wm. C. Werner; Ashtabula Co., E. E. Bogue; Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. RAMALARIA POLLONARIA (Ach.) Ashtabula Co., E. E. Bogue. 2. CETRARIA (Ach.) F. Mull. CETRARIA ALEURITES (Ach) Th, Fr. On bare dead branches of Pinus virginiana, Fairfield Co., E. E. Bogue. CETRARIA AURESCENS Tuck. On bare dead branches of Pinus virginiana, Fairfield Co., E. E. Bogue. CETRARIA CILIARIS Ach. Champaign Co., Mrs. E. J. Spence, Mrs. H. J. Biddlecome, Wm. C. Werner; on bare dead branches of Pinus virginana, Fairfield Co., E. E. Bogue. *Tichens are ascomycetous fungi, but are seperated here for convenience. Most of the specimens were submitted to Dr. Eckfeldt, Miss Clara Cummings and F. LeRoy Sargent to whom thanks are hereby expressed. Miss Biddlecome’s and Mrs. Spence’s specimens were when col- lected, submitted to Prof. Tuckerman and Mr. Austin. BOTANY. 287 3. EVERNIA Ach. EVERNIA FURFURACEA (L.) Mann. On pine bark, Fairfield Co., E. E. Bogue. 4. USNEA (Dill) Ach. USNEA ANGULATA Ach. Cedar Swamp (Urbana) Mrs. E. J. Spence, Miss H. J. Biddlecome. USNEA BARBATA (L,) Fr. Stockport (Morgan Co.) W. A. Kellerman; springfield, Mrs. E. J. Spence. USNEA BARBATA FLORIDA Fr. Widely distributed. USNEA BARBATA FLORIDA * * rubiginea Mx. Fairfield Co., E. E. Bogue. . USNEA BARBATA HIRTA Fr. Frequent. 5. THELOSCHISTES Norm emend. THELOSCHISTES CONCOLOR (Dicks.) Tuck. Common on neglected apple trees. THELOSCHISTES PERIENTINUS (L.) Norm. Near Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Painesville, W. C. Werner; Marion Co., E. E. Bogue. THELOCHISTES PERIETINUS POLYCARPUS Ehrh. Ashtabula Co., E. E. Bogue; Champaign Co., Miss H. J. Biddlecoine. 6. PARMELIA (Ach.) DeNot. PARMELIA BORRERI RUDECTA Tuck. Champaign Co., Mrs. E. J. Spence, Miss H. J. Biddlecome; Ashtabula Co, Frauklin Co., E. E. Bogue. PARMELIA CAPERATA (L.) Ach. Common on trees, fences and rocks. In fruit, Ashtabula Co., Fairfield Co., E, E. Bogue. ; PARMELIA CETRATA Ach. Champaign Co., Miss H. J. Biddlecome. PARMELIA COLPODES (Ach.) Nyl. On tree trunks throughout the state. 288 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. PARMELIA CRINITA Ach. On tree trunks. In fruit, Marion (Prospect Co.), Franklin Co., E. E. Bogue. PARMELIA OLIVACEAE (L.) Ach. Orwell (Ashtabula Co.) E. E. Bogue. PARMELIA PERFORATA (Jacq.) Ach. Frequent throughout the state. PARMELIA PERLATA (L,.) Ach. Franklin Co., E. E. Bogue. PARMELIA PERTUSA Schaer. Champaign Co., Miss H. J. Biddlecome. PARMELIA SAXITILIS (L.) Fr. _ Cedar Swamp (Urbana) Mrs. E. J. Spence; Springfield, Miss H. J. Biddlecome. PARMELIA TILIACEA (Hoffm.) Floerk. ; Champaign Co., Mrs. E. J. Spence, Miss H. J. Biddlecome; Orwell (Ashtabula Co.) E. E. Bogue; Morgan Co., W. A. Kellerman. e 7. PHYSCIA (DC., Fr) Th. Fr. PHYSCIA ADGLUTINATA (Floerk) Ny]. Champaign Co., Miss H. J. Biddlecome; on trunks and branches of apple, bass- wood, buckeye and hickory, Franklin Co., Marion Co., E. E. Bogue. PHYSCIA AQUILA DETONSA Tuck. Not abundant but widely distributed. PHYSCIA ASTROIDEA (Fr.) Nyl. Champaign Co., Miss H. J. Biddlecome. PHyscra CcoMosA (Schw.) Nyl. -(P. galactophylla Tuck.) Near Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Cedar Swamp (Urbana) Miss H. J. Biddle- come. PHYSCIA LEANA Tuck. On tree trunks, near Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea ( Cat.) PHYSCIA LEUCOMELLA (L.) Michx. Near Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Cedar Swamp (Urbana) Miss H. J. Biddle come. ; PHYSCIA OBSCURA (Ehrh) Nyl. Common on limestone fences, trunks and branches of many species of trees. PHYSCIA PULVERULENTA (Schreb.) Nyl. Common on limestone fences and tree trunks. BOTANY. 289 PHYSCIA SPECIOSA (Wulf.) Nyl. Champaign Co., Mrs. E. J. Spence, Miss H. J. Biddlecome, Wm. C. Werner. PHYSCIA SPECIOSA HYPOLEUCA (Muhl.) Tuck. Champaign Co., Mrs. EK. J. Spence, Miss H. J. Biddlecome. PHYSCIA STELLARIS (L.) Tuck. Throughout the state on tree trunks and branches. Abundant on old Osage hedges. PHYSCIA TRIBACIA (Ach.) Nyl. On hickory bark, Ashtabula Co., Fairfield Co., Franklin Co., KE. EK. Bogue. 8. PYSSINE Erick: PYXINE SOREDIATA Fr. Champaign Co., Mrs. E. J. Spence, Miss H. J. Biddlecome; Orwell (Ashtabula Co.) E. E. Bogue. 9. MYRANGIUM Mont. & Berk. MyRANGIUM DURIAEI (Mont. & Berk.) Tuck. On hard hickory wood, Preston (Hamilton Co.) A. P. Morgan. 10. UMBILICARIA Hoffm. UMBILICARIA DILLENI Tuck. On rocks, Sugar Grove (Fairfield Co.) W. C. Werner, E. E. Bogue. UMBILICARIA PUSTULATA (L.) Hoffm. On rocks, Sugar Grove (Fairfield Co.) W. C. Werner, E. E. Bogue. i] SICA (Schirebs) Ex: STICTA AMPLISSIMA (Scop.) Mass. Common on tree trunks throughout the state. STICTA AURATA (Sm.) Ach. On tree trunks near Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.) STICTA PULMONARIA (JL.) Ach. At base of trees, common. STICTA QUERCIZANS (Mx.) Ach. On rocks Fairfield Co., Win. C. Werner. it Or Mok "290 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. 12, NEPHROMA Ach. NEPHROMA HELVETICUM Ach. On tree trunks near Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Cedar Swamp ( Urbana) Mrs. E. J. Spence; Clifton (Green Co.) Miss H. J. Biddlecome. 13. PELTIGERA (Willd., Hoffm.) Fee. PELTIGERA APTHOSA (K.) Hoffim. Champaign Co., Mrs. E. J. Spence. PELTIGERA CANINA (L,.) Hoffm. (VPeltidea canina Ach.) Damp places, J. L. Riddell (Synopsis, 1835); rotten trunks, near Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Champaign Co., Mrs. E. J. Spence, Miss H. J. Biddle- come; Ashtabula Co, E. E. Bogue. PELTIGERA CANINA SPURIA Ach. Champaign Co., Miss H. J. Biddlecome. PELTIGERA HORIZONTALIS (L.) Hoffm. Near Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Clifton (Green Co.) Miss H. J. Biddle- come; Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman; Painesville, Wm. C. Werner. PELTIGERA POLYDACTYLA (Neck) Hoffm. Common on earth and rotten wood. PELTIGERA RUFESCENS (Neck) Hoffm. Champaign Co., Mrs. E. J. Spence, Miss H. J. Biddlecome; Summit Co., E. E. Bogue. PELTIGERA SCUTATA (Dicks.) Leight. Cedar Swamp (Urbana) Miss H. J. Biddlecome; Marion Co., E. E. Bogue. 14. HEPPIA Naeg. HEPPIA DESPREAUXII (Solorina despreauxti Montag.) “On the earth,” near Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea ( Cat.) 15. PANNARIA Delis. PANNARIA LEucostTica Tuck. On Oak bark, Sugar Grove (Fairfield Co.) E. E. Bogue. PANNARIA RUBIGINOSA (Thunb.) Delis. Champaign Co., Mrs. E. J. Spence. 16. COLLEMA Hoffm., Fr. COLLEMA CRISPUM Borr. Champaign Co., Miss H. J. Biddlecome. BOTANY. 291 COLLEMA CYRTASPIS Tuck. Champaign Co., Mrs. E. J. Spence, Miss H. J. Biddlecome. COLLEMA FLACCIDUM Ach. Champaign Co., Mrs. E. J. Spence. COLLEMA NIGRESCENS (Huds.) Ach. Champaign Co., Mrs. E. J. Spence, Miss H. J. Biddlecome; on bark, Wm. C. Werner. COLLEMA PYCNOCARPUM Nyl. Springfield, Miss H. J. Biddlecome. COLLEMA RYSSOLEUM Tuck. Springfield, Miss H. J. Biddlecome, COLLEMA TENAX (Sw.) Ach. Springfield, Miss H. J. Biddlecome. 17. LEPTOGIUM Fr., Nyl. LEPTOGIUM LACERUM (Sw.),Fr. = Springfield, Miss H. J. Biddlecome; Prospect (Marion Co.) E. E. Bogue. LEPTOGIUM MYOCHROUM (Ehrh.) Tuck. Springfield, Miss H. J. Biddlecome; Orwell (Ashtabula Co.) E. E. Bogue. LEPTOGIUM MYOCHROUM SATURNINUM (Sm.) Schaer. Springfield, Mrs. E. J. Spence. LEPTOGIUM PULCHELLUM (Ach.) Nyl. Common on tree trunks. LEPTOGIUM TREMELLOIDES (L, fil.) Fr. On sandstone rocks, Fairfield Co., Wm. C, Werner. 18. PLACODIUM (DC.) Naeg. & Hepp. PLACODIUM AURANTIACUM (Lightf.) Naeg. & Hepp. Windsor (Ashtabula Co.) E. E. Bogue; on bark, Painesville, Wm. C. Werner. PLACODIUM CAMPTIDIUM Tuck. Ohio, Miss H. J. Biddlecome (Tuck. N. A. Lichens). PLACODIUM CINNABARINA (Sm. f.) Fr. (Biatora cinnabarina Sm. f. Fr.) “On trunks,” near Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea ( Cat.) PLACODIUM CERINUM (Hedw.) Naeg. & Hepp. Champaign Co., Mrs. E. J. Spence, Miss H. J. Biddlecome; Ashtabula Co., Franklin Co., Marion Co., Fairfield Co., E. E. Bogue. 292 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. PLACODIUM FERRUGINEUM (Hudds.) Hepp. Frequent on rocks and old fences. 19. LECANORA Ach. Tuck. LECANORA CERVINA (Pers.) Nyl. On trunks and rails, near Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.) LECANORA HAGENT Ach. Champaign Co., Mrs. E. J. Spence, Miss H. J. Biddlecome. LECANORA MACULATA Ach. Champaign Co., Miss H. J. Biddlecome. LECANORA PALLESCENS (L.) Schaer. Frequent on trunks, especially chestnut. LECANORA PALLESCENS ROSELLA Tuck. Near Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Champaign Co., Miss H. j. Biddleconie. LECANORA PRIVIGNA (Ach.) Nyl. Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman, Wm. C. Werner; Summit Co., E. E. Bogue. LECANORA SUBFUSCA (L,.) Ach. Frequent ou trunks. LECANORA SUBFUSCA DISTANS Ach. “On trunks,” near Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.) LECANORA TARTAREA (L,) Ach. Champaign Co., Mrs. E. J. Spence, Miss H. J. Biddlecome; Sugar Grove (Fair- field Co.) W. C. Werner. LECANORA VARIA (Ehrh.) Nyl. “On old rails,’ near Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Summit Co., Franklin Co., Licking Co., Fairfield Co., E. E. Bogue. 20. RINODINIA Mass., Tuck. RINODINIA SOPHODES ATROCINEREA Ny]. “On trunks and rails,” near Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Windsor (Ashta- bula Co.) E. KE. Bogue. 21. PRRTUSARIA DC. PERTUSARIA COMMUNIS DC. (P. pertusa Fr.) Springfield, Miss H. J. Biddlecome; Windsor (Ashtabula Co.) E. E. Bogue; “on trunks” near Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Fairfield Co., Wm. C. Werner; on Blue Beech, Franklin Co., E. E. Bogue. BOTANY. 293 PERTUSARIA LEIOPLACA (Ach.) Nyl. On maple, Painesville, Wm. C. Werner; Springfield, Miss H. J. Biddlecome; on bark of butternut, Franklin Co., Sugar Grove (Fairfield Co.) E. E. Bogue. PERTUSARIA MULTIPUNCTA (Turn.) Nyl. On trunks near Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Springfield, Miss H. J. Biddle- come. PERTUSARIA VELATA (Turun.) Nyl. Springfield, Miss H. J. Biddlecoime; Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman; Cedar Swamp (Champaign Co.) W. C. Werner; Franklin Co., Orwell (Ashtabula Co.) E. E. Bogue. LECIDEACEI. 22. CLADONIA Hoffm. CLADONIA CARIOSA (Ach.) Spreng. Fairfield Co., E. E. Bogue. CLADONIA C#spiricra Willd. Summit Co., Lorain Co., Franklin Co., E. E. Bogue. CLADONIA COCCIFERA (JL.) Fr. (C. cornucopioides I,.) “Ohio,” J. L. Riddell (Synop. 1835); Fairfield Co., E. E. Bogue. CLADONIA CORNUTA (JL.) Fr. On rotten trunks, near Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.) CLADONIA CRISTATELLA Tuck. Common on the ground. CLADONIA DEGENERANS Floerk. Fairfield Co., E. E. Bogue. CLADONIA DELICATA (Ehrh.) Floerk. Springfield, Miss H. J. Biddlecome, Mrs.. E. J. Spence; Fairfield Co., E. E. Bogue. CLADONIA FIMBRIATA (L,.) Fr. Common on the earth. CLADONIA FIMBRIATA TUBZ/FORMIS Fr. (C. adspersa Mont.) On rotten wood and the earth. CLADONIA FURCATA (Huds.) Fr. Cedar Swamp, (Champaign Co.) Mrs. E. J. Spence, Miss H. J. Biddlecome. CLADONIA FURCATA CRISPATA Floerk. Cedar Swamp (Champaign Co.) Miss H, J. Biddlecome. 294 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. CLADONIA FURCATA RACEMOSA Floerk. On the earth, very common. CLADONIA FURCATA SUBULATA FI. “On the earth,” near Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.) CLADONIA GRACILIS (L.) Nyl. Cedar Swamp (Champaign Co.) Mrs. E. J. Spence, Miss H. J. Biddlecome, _CLADONIA GRACILIS HYBRIDA Schaer. On the earth, Ashtabula Co., E. E. Bogue. CLADONIA GRACILIS VERTICILLATA Fr. On the earth, Fairfield Co., Wm. C. Werner, E. E. Bogue; Ashtabula Co., E. E. Bogue. CLADONIA MACILENTA (Ehrh.) Hoffm. Rotton trunks, near Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Cedar Swamp (Champaign Co.) Mrs. E. J. Spence, Miss H. J. Biddlecome. CLADONIA MITRULA Tuck. Springfield, Cedar Swamp (Champaign Co.) Miss H. J. Biddlecome; Fairfield Co., HE. KE Bogue. CLADONIA PAPILLARIA MOLARIFORMIS Hoffm. Fairfield Co., EK. E. Bogue. CLADONIA PYXIDATA (L.) Fr. On the earth, common. CLADONIA RANGIFERINA (L.) Hoffm. In mats on the earth, common. CLADONIA RANGIFERINA ALPESTRIS L, On the earth, Fairfield Co., E. E. Bogue. CLADONIA RANGIFERINA SYLVATICA L. “On rotten trunks,” near Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.) CLADONIA SQUAMOSA Hoffm. On the earth, rocks and rotten wood, common. CLADONIA SYMPHYCARPA EPIPHYLLA ( Ach.) NyL Fairfield Co., E. E. Bogue. 23. BIATORA Fr. BIATORA CHLORANTHA Tuck. Near Springfield, Mrs. E. J. Spence. BOTANY. 295 BIATORA FUSCO-RUBELLA (Hoffm.) Tuck. On trunks, near Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Champaign Co., Mrs. E. J. Spence, Miss H. J. Biddlecome. BIATORA RUBELLA (Ehrh.) Rabenh. On Hickory bark, Painesville, W. C. Werner; on Beech, Orwell (Ashtabula Co.) on Linden, Georgesville (Franklin Co.) E. E. Bogue. BIATORA RUSSELLII Tuck. Springfield, Miss H. J. Biddlecome, . BIATORA RUSSULA (Ach.) Mont. Springfield, Mrs. E. J. Spence. BIATORA SCWEINITzZI Fr. Springfield, Miss H. J. Biddlecome; on oak bark, Sugar Grove, Fairfield Co., E. E. Bogue. BIATORA SUFFUSA Fr. : “On trunks,” near Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Springfield, Miss H. J. Biddlecome. BIATORA VARIANS Ach, (B. exigua Chaub. Fr.) On bark, Franklin Co., Win. C. Werner. 24. HETEROTHECIUM Flot. (emend.) HETEROTHECIUM LEUCOXANTHUM (Spreng.) Mass. On acer saccharum, Columbus, E. E. Bogue. 25. LECIDEA (Ach.) Fr. Tuck. LECIDEA ALBOCARULESCENS (Wulf.) Schaer. On rock, Sugar Grove (Fairfield Co.) W. C. Werner, E. E. Bogue; Ashtabula Co., E. E. Bogue. LECIDEA GRANOSA Tuck. Ohio, Miss H. J. Biddlecome (Tuck. N. A. Lichens). 26. BUELLIA DeNot., Tuck. BUELLIA COLLUDENS (Nyl.) Tuck. Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. BUELLIA PARASEMA (Ach.) Th. Fr. On trunks, common. BUELLIA PETRA (Flot. Koerb.) Tuck. (Lectdea concentrica Dav.) On rocks and stones, Ashtabula Co., Summit Co., E. E. Bogue; Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman, E. E. Bogue; Plain City (Madison Co.) Wm. C. Werner. 296 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. GRAPHIDACEI. 27. LECANACTIS (Eschw. Koerb., emend.) LECANACTIS PREMNEA CHLOROCONIA Tuck. (Buel/ia premnea chloroconia Tuck.) Prospect (Marion Co.) E. E. Bogue. 28. OPEGRAPHA (Humb.) Ach. Nyl. OPEGRAPHA ATRA MACULARIS Fr. : “On trunks,” near Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.) OPEGRAPHA SCRIPTA LIMITATA Schaer. “(On trunks,” near Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea ( Cat.) OPEGRAPHA SCRIPTA SERPENTARIA Schaer. ‘On trunks,” near Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.) OPEGRAPHA VARIA (Pers.) Fries. On maple, Waynesville (Warren Co.) H. A. Surface; on old elm bark, Georges- ville (Franklin Co.) W. C. Werner. OPEGRAPHA VARIA PULICARIS Fr. “ On trunks,” near Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea ( Cat.) OPEGRAPHA VULGATA (Ach.) Nyl. Dayton, Miss H. J. Biddlecome. 29. GRAPHIS Ach. Nyl. GRAPHIS SCRIPTA Ach. On trunks, very common. 30. ARTHONIA Ach. Nyl. ARTHONIA ASTROIDES Ach. Champaign Co., Mrs. E. J. Spence, Miss H. J. Biddlecome; Franklin Co., Wm. C. Werner. ARTHONIA DISPERSA Nyl. Springfield, Mrs. E. J. Spence. ARTHONIA LECIDEELLA Ny]. Springfield, Mrs. E. J. Spence; on Honey Locust, Columbus, W. A. Kelletnan ARTHONIA POLYMORPHA Tuck. (Opegrapha polymorpha Tuck.) “On trunks,” near Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); on maple, Madison Co. Wm. C. Werner. BOTANY. 297 ARTHONIA PUNCTIFORMIS Ach. On acer rubrum, Orwell (Ashtabula Co.) E. E. Bogue. ARTHONIA PYRRHULIZA Nyl. Springfield, Mrs. E. J. Spence. ARTHONIA SPECTABILIS FI. On trunks, common. CALRICIACET: 31. ACOLIUM (Fee.) DeNot, ACOLIUM TIGILLARE ( Ach.) DeNot. Columbus, Wm. C. Werner. 32. CALICIUM Pers. Ach. Fr. CALICIUM BYSSACEUM Fr. On old Polyporus, Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. CaLICIUM CHRYSOCEPHALUM (Turn.) Ach. On Cak-bark, Sugar Grove (Fairfield Co.) E. E. Bogue. VERRUCARIACHI. 33. ENDOCARPON Hedw. ENDOCARPON MINIATUM (JL,.) Schaer. Springfield, Mrs. E. J. Spence, Miss H. J. Biddiecome; on limestone rocks: Georgesville (Franklin Co.) EK. E. Bogue; Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. ENDOCARPON PUSILLUM Tuck. Springfield, Miss H. J. Biddlecome. 34. TRYPETHELIUM Spreng. TRYPETHELIUM VIRENS Tuck. Springfield, Mrs. E. J. Spence. 39. SAGEDIA Mass. SAGEDIA OXYSPORA (Nyl.) Tuck. On Beach-bark, Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. 298 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. 36. VERRUCARIA Pers. VERRUCARIA MURALIS Ach. Limestone rock, Plain City (Madison Co.) W. C. Werner. VERRUCARIA NIGRESCENS Pers. “On rocks,” near Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.) VERRUCARIA RUPESTRIS Schrad. On limestone rocks, Muskingum Co., Wm. C. Werner; on rock, Ashtabula Co. E. E. Bogue. 37. PYRENULA. PYRENULA GEMMATA ( Ach.) Naeg. On Beech, Oberlin, E. E. Bogue. PYRENULA GLABRATA (Ach.) Mass. On old bark, Rendville (Perry Co.) , Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman; Champaign Co., Wm. C. Werner. PYRENULA NITIDA Ach, On bark, conimon, i Index GENERA OF LICHENS. { The references are to the serial number, not to the page]. Acolium, 31. Arthonia, 30. Biatora, 23. Buellia, 26. Calicium, 32. Cetraria, 2. Cladonia, 22. Collema, 16. Endocarpon, 33. Evernia, 3. Graphis, 29. Heppia, 14. Heterothecium, 24. Lecanactis, 27. Lecanora, 19. Lecidea, 25. Leptogium, 17. Nephroma, 12. Opegrapha, 28, Pannaria, 15. Parmelia, 6. Peltigera, 13. Pertusaria, 21. Physcia, 7. Placodium, 18, Pyrenula, 37. Pyxine, 8. Ramalina, 1. Rinodinia, 20. Sagedia, 35. Sticta, 11. Theloschistes, 5. Trypethelium, 3+. Umbilicaria, 10. Usnea, 4. Verrucaria, 36. Fungi. I. AGARICACE ZS. 1. AMANITA Pers. AMANITA CAESAREA Scop. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan ( F1.) AMANITA FLAVO-RUBENS Berk. Near Columbns, Sullivant (Sacc. Sylloge Vol. V., p, 17). AMANITA MUSCARIA L. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) AMANITA RUBESCENS Pers. Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea (Cat.) ; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) AMANITA PANTHERINA DC. Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea ( Cat.) ; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) AMANITA VERNA Fr. Loveland (Clermont Co.) D. L. James (Add. Cat.) ; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Flora). AMANITA VIROSA Fr. Reported in Thos. G. Lea’s Cat., but omitted by A. P. Morgan, who does not think it occurs in Ohio. 2. AMANITOPSIS Roz. AMANITOPSIS VAGINATA ( Bull.) Roz. Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) * The species, especially of the higher groups, are given for the most part on the authority of Prof. A. P. Morgan (see his various published lists) ; specimens of some of the others were submitted to Mr. J. B. Ellis, and the remainder were determined by the undersigned and are authenticated by herbarium specimens. This and the subsequent portions of the Catalogue make no pretention toward completeness. Contributions of specimens from all parts of the state are earnestly solicited. (W. A. Kellerman. ° BOTANY. oUl AMANITOPSIS VOLVATA (Peck.) Sacc. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) 3. LEPIOTA Fries. LEPIOTA AMERICANA Peck. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (FI1.); on sawdust in icehouse, Granville, H. L. Jones. LEPIOTA ACUTESQUAMOSA Weinm. Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea (Cat.) ; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) LEPIOTA CARCHARIAS Pers. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) LEPIOTA CRISTATA A. & S. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) LEPIOTA FELINA Pers. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) LEPIOTA FUSCOSQUAMEA Peck. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) LEPIOTA GRANOSA Morgan. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) LEPIOTA MASTOIDEA Fr. Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) LEPIOTA MIAMENSIS Morgan. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) LEPIOTA MORGANI Peck. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1,) LEPIOTA NAUCINA Fr. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) LEPIOTA OBLITA Peck. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F'1.) LEPIOTA PROCERA Scop. Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Loveland (Clermont Co.) D. L. James (Add. Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Fl.) An edible species. LEPIOTA RHACODES Vitt. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Fl.) Said to be edible. LEPIOTA RUBRO-TINCTA Peck. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F'1.) 302 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. 4, ARMILLARIA Fries. ARMILLARIA MELLEA Fr. Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Fl.) An edible species. 5. TRICHOLOMA Fries. TRICHOLOMA CERINUM Pers. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) TRICHOLOMA LATERARIUM Peck. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) TRICHOLOMA MELALEUCUM Pers. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1)) TRICHOLOMA PERSONATUM Fr, Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1) TRICHOLOMA SPERMATICUM Paul. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) TRICHOLOMA TERREUM Schaeff. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) 6. CLITOCYBE Fries. CLITOCYBE CANDICANS Pers. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) CLITOCYBE CONNEXA Peck. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) CLITOCYBE CYATHIFORMIS Bull. Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Loveland (Clermont Co.) D. L. James (Add. Cat.); Miami Valley (A. P. Morgan (Fl.) Edible. CLITOCYBE DEALBATA Schw. Loveland (Clermont Co.) D. l. James (Add Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Fl.) Edible. CLITOCYBE ILLUDENS Schw. . Cincinnati, Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Loveland (Clermont Co.) D. L. James (add. Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) CLITOCYBE INFUNDIBULIFORMIS Schaeff. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) An edible species. CLITOCYBE LACCATA Scop. Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) BOTANY. 303 CLITOCYBE MONADELPHA Morgan. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan ( Fl.) CLITOCYBE NEBULARIS Batsch. Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.) Edible. CLITOCYBE OCHRO-PURPUREA Berk. Cincinnati, Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (FL) CLITOCYBE PHYLLOPHILA Fr. Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) CLITOCYBE PRUINOSA [Lasch. Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea ( Cat.) CLITOCYBE TRUNCICOLA Peck. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1,) 7. COLLYBIA Fries. COLLYBIA BUTYRACEA Bull. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) COLLYBIA CIRRHATA Schum. Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G Lea (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F)). COLLYBIA COLOREA Peck. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) COLLYBIA DRYOPHiLA Bull. Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) COLLYBIA ESTENSIS Morgan. Maimi Valley, A. P. Morgan (FI) COLLYBIA HARIOLORA DC, Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) COLLYBIA LACHNOPHYLLA Berk. Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea (Cat.) COLLYBIA PLATYPHYLLA Pers. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) COLLWBIA RADICATA Relh. Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Loveland (Clermont Co.) D. lL. James (Add. Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) Edible. COLLYBIA STIPITARIA Fr. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) 304 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. COLLYBIA VELUTIPES Curt. Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Loveland (Clermont Co.) D. Ll. James (Add Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) ; Columbus, W. A. Kellerman. COLLYBIA ZONATA Peck. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F'1.) 8. MYCENA Fries. 4 ’ MYCENA FILOPES Bull. Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (FL) MyCENA GALERICULATA Scop. Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) MYCENA HAEMATOPA Pers. Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) MYCENA LEAIANA Berk. Cincinnati, Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) MYCENA PURA Pers. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) 9. OMPHALIA Fries. OMPHALIA ALBOFLAVA Morgan. On rotten wood, Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) OMPHALIA CAMPANELLA Batsch. Cincinnati, Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (FL. OMPHALIA CHRYSEA Peck. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) OMPHALIA EPICHYSIA Pers. On mouldy wood, Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) OMPHALIA FIBULA Bull. Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) OMPHALIA INTEGRELLA Pers. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) OMPHALIA MURALIS Sow. Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) BOTANY. 305 OMPHALIA RUSTICA Fr. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (FI) OMPHALIA UMBELLIFERA L. Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) 10. PLEUROTUS Fries. PLEUROTUS ACERINUS Fr. On Acer saccharinum, Granville, H. lL. Jones. PLEUROTUS ALGIDUS (Fr.) Sow. Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F'1.) PLEUROTUS APPLICATUS (Batsch.) Sow. Loveland (Clermont Co.) D. L. James (Add. Cat.) PLEUROTUS CORTICATUS Fr. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) PLEUROTUS CRASPEDIUS Fr: Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) PLEUROTUS LIGNATALIS Fr. On wood of beech and maple, Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) PLEUROTUS MASTRUCATUS Fr. Warnesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea (Cat.);; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) PLEUROTUS NIGER Schw. Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) PLEUROTUS PINSITUS Fr. Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea (Cat.), PLEUROTUS SAPIDUS Kalch. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.); on old hickory trees, Rendville (Perry Co.) Columbus, W. A. Kellerman. Edible. PLEUROTUS SEROTINUS Schrad. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.); on rotten wood, Rendville (Perry Co.) W. A. Kellerman. PLEUROTUS ULMARIUS Bull. On trunks, especially of elms, Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (FI). Edible. 11. HYGROPHORUS Fries. HYGROPHORUS CERACEUS Wulf. Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) 20 (GAO, 306 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. HyYGROPHORUS CHLOROPHANUS Fr. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) HYGROPHORUS COCCINEUS Schaeff. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) HYGROPHORUS CONICUS Scop. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) HYGROPHORUS EBURNEUS Bull. Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea (Cat.) ; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) An edible species. HYGROPHORUS LAUR Morg. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) HYGROPHORUS PUNICEUS Fr. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1) 12. LACTARIUS Fries. LACTARIUS AFFINIS Pk. Miami Valley, A. P. Mergan (F1.) LACTARIUS CALCEOLUS Berkl. Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) LACTARIUS CILICIOIDES Fr. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) LACTARIUS CINEREUS Pk. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) LACTARIUS DELICIOSUS L. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (FL). Edible. LACTARIUS DISTANS Pk. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (FL) LACTARIUS PARGAMENUS Fr. Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea (Cat); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1,) LACTARIUS PIPERATUS Scop. Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.). Edible. LACTARIUS SCROBICULATUS Scop. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) LACTARIUS SUBDULCIS Bull. Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.). An edible species. BOTANY. 307 LACTARIUS TRIVIALIS Fr. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) LACTARIUS VELLEREUS Fr. Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea (Cat.) ; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F'1.) LACTARIUS VIETUS Fr. Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) LACTARIUS VOLEMUS Fr. Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Loveland (Clermont Co.) D. L. James; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Fl.) Edible. LACTARIUS ZONARIUS Bull. Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) 13. RUSSULA Persoon. RUSSULA DECOLORANS Fr. Loveland (Clermont Co.) D. L. James; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1) RUSSULA FOETANS Pers. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) RUSSULA FURCATA Pers. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) RUSSULA INCARNATA Morgan, Uxuder Beech trees, Miami Valley, A. P Morgan (F1.) RUSSULA LACTEA Pers. In beech woods, Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) RUSSULA LEPIDA Fr. In beech woods, Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Fl.) This is said to bean edible species. RUSSULA LUTEA Vent. In beech woods, Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) RUSSULA NITIDA Pers. Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea (Cat.) ; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (FI1.) RUSSULA SORDIDA Peck. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) RUSSULA VIRESCENS Schaeff. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (FI1.). Said to be edible. 308 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. 14. CANTHARELLUS Adans. CANTHARELLUS AURIANTIACUS Wulf. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) CANTHARELLUS CIBARIUS Fr. Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Loveland (Clermont Co.) D. L. James; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) Edible. CANTHARELLUS CINNABARINUS Schwein. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) CANTHARELLUS MINOR Pk. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) 15. MARASMIUS Fr. MARASMIUS ANOMALUS Pk. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) MARASMIUS CALOPUS Pers. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) MARASMIUS CAMPANULATUS Pk. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) MARASMIUS CAPILLARIS Morgan. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) MARASMIUS CLAVAEFORMIS Berk. Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea ( Cat.) ; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) _ MARASMIUS ERYTHROPUS Fr. Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (FI) _MARASMIUS FAGINEUS Morgan. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) MARASMIUS FUSCO-PURPUREUS Pers. Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) MARASMIUS NIGRIPES Schwein. Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P, Morgan (F1) MARASMIUS OPACUS B. & C. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (FI) MARASMIUS OREADES Bolt. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.); Granville, H. L. Jones. Edih'e. BOTANY. 308 | MARASMIUS PERONATUS Bolt, Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) MARASMIUS PLANCUS Fr. Rare, Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) MaARASMIUS PRASIOSMUS Fr. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (FI1.) MARASMIUS PYRRHOCEPHALUS Berk. Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (FL) MARASMIUS ROTULA Scop. Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Loveland (Clermont Co.) D. L. James; Miami. Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.); Granville, C. J. Herrick, E. J. Stanley. MARASMIUS URENS Bull. On oak trunks and leaves, Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F'1.) 16. LENTINUS, Fries. LENTINUS CAESPITOSUS B. & C. Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Loveland (Clermont Co.) D. L. James; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (FI) LENTINUS COCHLEATUS Pers. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) LENTINUS LECOMTEI Fr. Distributed over the whole state. LENTINUS OMPHALODES B. and C. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) LENTINUS PELLICULOSUS Fr. Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) ’ LENTINUS STRIGOSUS Fr. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (FL) LENTINUS SULCATUS Berk. Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Loveland (Clermont Co.) D. L. James; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (FI1.); on rotten rails, Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. LENYINUS TIGRINUS Bull. Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Fl); Granville, H. L. Jones. LENTINUS URSINUS Fr. On rotten trunks of beech, Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) 310 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. LENTINUS VULPINUS Fr. : Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea (Cat.) ; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F..| 17. PANUS Fries. PANUS ANGUSTATUS Berkl. Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea ( Cat.) ; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) PANUS CONCHATUS Fr. Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); On trunks and branches of beech, Miami Val. ley, A. P..Morgan (FI1.) Edible. PANUS DEALBATUS Berkl. Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); On branches of Elm, Miami Val- ley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) PANUS DORSALUS Bosc. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) PANUS FARINACEUS Schuni. On trunks of hickory, Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.} PANUS RUDIS Fr. On beech tree, Granville, H. L. Jones. PANUS STIPTICUS Fr. Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Loveland (Clermont Co.) D. L. James; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.); on decaying wood, Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. 18. TROGIA Fries. TROGIA CRISPA Pers. On branches of beech, etc., Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) 19. LENZITES Fries. LENZITES BETULINA L. Cincinnati, Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Loveland (Clermont Co.) D. L. James; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (FI1.); on decaying wood, Rend- ville (Perry Co.) Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. LENZITES S2PIARIA Schaeff. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan ( F1.) LENZITES VIALIS Peck. Loveland (Clermont Co.) D. Ll. James; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) BOTANY. 311 20. SCHIZOPHYLLUM Fries. SCHIZOPHYLLUM COMMUNE Fr. Throughout the state and over the whole earth. 21. VOLVARIA Fries, VOLVARIA BOMBYCINA Schaeff. Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Loveland (Clermont Co) D. L. James; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) Edible. 12, PLUTEUS Fries. PLUTEUS CERVINUS Schaeff. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1) PLUTEUS CHRYSOPHZUS Schaeff. I Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea (Cat.) ; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) PLUTEUS GRANULARIS PE. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (FI) PLUTEUS LEONINUS Schaeff. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan ( F1.} 23. ENTOLOMA Fries. ENTOLOMA CLYPEATUM L. Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) ENTOLOMA RHODOPOLIUM Fr. Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) ENTOLOMA STRICTIOR Peck. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) 24. CLITOPILUS Fries. CLITOPILUS ABORTIVUS B. & C. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) 25. LEPTONIA Fries. LEPTONIA ASPRELLA Fr. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan ( FI.) 312. GEOLOGY OF OHIO. 26. PHOLIOTA Fries. PHOLIOTA ADIPOSA 12he Cincinnati, Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea (Cat.) Miami Valley, A. P- Morgan (F1.) 2 PHOIIOTA ALBOCRENULATA Pk. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan ( F1.) PHOLIOTA DURA Bolt. Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); in gardens, hot houses, etc., Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan ( F1.) PHOLIOTA LIMONELLA Pk. On trunks of beech, Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) PHOLIOTA MARGINATA Batsch. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) PHOLIOTA MUTABILIS Schaeff. Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.) ; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (FL) PHOLIOTA PR4COX Pers. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) PHOLIOTA SPECTABILIS Fr. At base oak stumps, Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (FL) PHOLIOTA SQUARROSOIDES Peck. Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); on trunks and stumps of maple, Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) PHOLIOTA TUBERCULOSA Schaeff. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (FL) PHOLIOTA UNICOLOR Vahl. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) 27. INOCYBE Fries. INOCYBE DESTRICTA Fr. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) INOCYBE DULCAMARA A. & S. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) INOCYBE EUTHELES B. & Br. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) INOCYBE GEOPHYLLA Sow. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) BOTANY. 313 INOCYBE LANUGINOSA Bull. Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Mergan (F1.) INOCYBE LUCIFUGA Fr. Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea (Cat.) INOCYBE PYRIODORA Pers. Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G.-Lea (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) INOCYBE RIMOSA Bull. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) 28. HABELOMA Fries. HABELOMA FASTIBILIS Fr. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (FL) HABELOMA ILLIcIvTa Peck. On rotten logs and sticks, Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan ( F1.) 29. FLAMMULA Fries. FLAMMULA POLYCHORA Berk. Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) FLAMMULA SAPINEA Fr. On fence rails, Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea (Cat.) 30. NAUCORIA Fr. NAUCORIA SEMIORBICULARIS Fr, Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Loveland (Clermont Co.) D. lL. James; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) NAUCORIA VERVACTI Fr. Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.) ; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F'1.) 31. PLUTEOLUS Fr. PLUTEOLUS MUCIDOLENS Berk. On a rotten trunk, Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea, 1842. 32. GALERA Fr. GALERA SILIGINEA Fr, Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) 314 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. GALERA TENERA SCHAEFF. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) 33. TUBARIA Worth. Smith. TUBARIA FURFURACEA Pers. Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1,) ‘TUBARIA INQUILINA Fr. Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Miami Falley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) 34. CREPIDOTUS Fr. CREPIDOTUS CROCOPHYLLUS Berk. Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) CREPIDOTUS DORSALIS Peck. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) CREPIDOTUS MOLLIS Schaeff. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.); Clermont Co., D. L. James. CREPIDOTUS VERSUTUS Peck. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (FL) 30. CORTINARIUS Fr. CORTINARIUS ALBO-VIOLACEUS Pers. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) CORTINARIUS CAERULESCENS Fr. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (FI1.); Waynesville (Warren Co,) Thos. G. Lea (Cat.) Edible. CORTINARIUS CALOCHROUS Fr. Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea ( Cat.) CORTINARIUS VARIUS Schaeff. Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) CORTINARIUS VIOLACEUS L, Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.); Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea (Cat.) 36. PAXILLUS Fr. PAXILLUS FLAVIDUS Berk. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.); Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea (Cat.) BOTANY. 315 PAXILLUS PANUOIDES Fr. : Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) PAXILLUS POROSUS Berk. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (FI.) ; Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea (Cat.) 07. AGARICUS Linn. AGARICUS ARVENSIS Schaeff. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Fl.) Edible. AGARICUS CAMPESTER LL. Columbus, Wm. C. Werner, W. A. Keilerman; Clermont Co., D. L. James; Cia- cinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Fl.) The common edible mushroom. AGARICUS FABACEUS Berk. Cincinnati and Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan. AGARICUS SILVATICUS Schaeff. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) 38. STROPHARIA Fr. STROPHARIA AERUGINOSA Curt. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) STROPHARIA SEMIGLOBATA Batsch. Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) STROPHARTA STERCORARIA Fr. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) 39. HYPHOLOMA Fr. HYPHOLOMA APPENDICULATUM Bull. Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.) ; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) HYPHOLOMA CANDOLLEANUM Fr. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) HYPHOLOMA FASICULARE Huds. Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (T'1.) HYPHOLOMA LACRYMABUNDUM Fr. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F'1.) 316 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. HyYPHOLOMA PYROTRICHUM Holmsk. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) HyPHOLOMA SUBLATERITIUM Schaeff. Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan ( FI.) HYPHOLOMA VELUTINUM Pers. Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea (Cat.) ; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1) 40. PSILOCYBE Fr. PSILOCYBE SPADICEA Fr. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1,) 41. BOLBITIUS Fr. BOLBITIUS TITUBANS Bull. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (FL) 42. COPRINUS Pers. COPRINUS ATRAMENTARIUS Bull. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F'1.) COPRINUS COMATUS Fr. Clermont Co., D. L. James; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (FIl.) Edible. COPRINUS FUSCESCENS Fr. Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) COPRINUS INSIGNIS Peck. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) COPRINUS MICACEUS Bull. Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (FI1.) COPRINUS NIVEUS Pers. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) COPRINUS NYCTHEMERUS Fr. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.); Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea (Cat.) COPRINUS PLICATILIS Curt. Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) COPRINUS PULCHRIFOLIUS Pk. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1) BOTANY. COPRINUS RADIATUS Bolt. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F'.) COPRINUS SEMILANATUS Peck. © Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) COPRINUS SQUAMOSUS Morg. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1) COPRINUS VARIEGATUS Peck. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) 43. PANAEOLUS Fr. PANAEOLUS CAMPANULATUS L. (Agaricus campanulatus J, Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) PANAEOLUS FIMICOLUS Fr. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1) PANAEOLUS SOLIDIPES Peck. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) * 44. ANELLARIA Karst. ANELLARIA FIMIPUTRIS (Bull.) Karst. (Agaricus fimiputris Bolt.) Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.) 45. PSATHYRELLA Fr. PSATHYRELLA ATOMATA Fr. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) PSATHYRELLA DISSEMINATA Pers. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) PSATHYRELLA FALCIFOLIA Mont. Columbus, Sullivant (Sacc. Sylloge VI. 1134.) PSATHVRELLA GRACILIS Fr. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) I LOlVPORACE 46. BOLETUS Dill. BOLETUS AURIPORUS Peck. Scarce, Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (J*’.) 318 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. BOLETUS CASTANEUS Bull. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) Said to be‘edible. BOLETUS CHRYSENTERON Bull. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.); Clermout Co., D. L. James. BOLETUS EDULIS Bull. Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.) An edible species. BOLETUS FELLEUS Bull. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) BoLETUS FLOcCOPUS Vahl. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) BoOLETUS GRACILIS Peck. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Fl) BOLETUS MAGNISPORUS Frost. Rare, Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (FL) BOLETUS MUTABILIS Morgan. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (FI) ROLETUS PIPERATUS Bull. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) BOLETUS RADICANS Pers. Rare, Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) BOLETUS SCABER Fr. Rare, Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (FL) BOLETUS SORDIDUS Frost. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (FL) BOLETUS STROBILACEUS Scop. Over the southern portion of the state. BOLETUS SUBTOMENTOSUS L. Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) Said to be edible. BCLETUS VERMICULOSUS Pk. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) 47. POLYPORUS Mich. POLYPORUS ADUSTUS Fr. Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (FI.); Adams Co., W. A. Kellerman. Widely distributed. BOTANY. 319 POLYPORUS ANAX Berk. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) POLYPORUS ARCULARIUS Batsch. Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Clermont Co., D. L. James; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) POLYPORUS BERKLEVYI Fr. Clermont Co., D. L. James; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) Edible. POLYPORUS BRUMALIS Pers. ‘ Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) POLYPORUS CAESIUS Schrad. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) POLYPORUS CINCINNATUS Morg. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) POLYPORUS CUTICULARIS Bull. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1,) POLYPORUS DELECTANS Peck. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) POLYPORUS DESTRUCTOR Schrad. Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (FI) POLYPORUS DICHROUS Fr. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) VPOLYPORUS DISTORTUS Schwein. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) POLYPORUS DRYOPHILUS Berk. Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) POLYPORUS ELEGANS Bull. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F'1.) POLYPORUS ELEGANS NUMMULARIUS Fr. Cincinnati, Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea (Cat.) POLYPORUS ENDOCROCINUS Berkl. Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) POLYPORUS FISSUS Berk. Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea (Cat.) POLYPORUS FLAVO-VIRENS B. & Rav. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) 320 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. POLYPORUS FRAGILIS Fr. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) POLYPORUS FUMOSUS Pers. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (FI1.) POLYPORUS GALACTINUS Berkl. Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) _ POLYPORUS GIGANTEUS Pers. * Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Fl.) An edible species. POLYPORUS GILVUS Fr. Cincinnati, Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Clermont Co., D. L. James; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (FI.); Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. POLYPORUS GLOMERATUS PK. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Fl) POLYPORUS HYPOCOCCINUS Berk. Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea ( Cat.) POLYPORUS INTYBACEUS Fr. (P. eiganteus, Pers.) Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Clermont Co., D. L. James; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan ( FI.) POLYPORUS LACTEUS Fr. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan ( FI.) POLYPORUS LENTUS Berk. Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F..) POLYPORUS LEUCOMELAS Pers. Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Fl.) This is re- ported as an edible species. POLYPORUS LUTESCENS (Pers.) (FP. xidulans Fr.) Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) PoLYPORUS MOLLUSCUS Fr. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) POLYPORUS NIVOSUS Berk. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) POLYPORUS OVINUS Fr. Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea (Cat); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F!.} Said to be edible. BOTANY. ; 32] POLYPORUS PICIPES Fr. : Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.); on decayed hickory log, Fairfield Co. W. A. Kellerman. Edible. POLYPORUS PILOT Schwein. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) POLYPORUS PUBESCENS: Schum. Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) POLYPORUS PUBESCENS GRAVII C. & E. Ohio, J. B. Ellis (N. A. F,) POLYPORUS RADICATUS Schwein. Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) POLYPORUS RESINOSUS Schrad. Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Clermont Co., D. L. James; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) POLYPORUS SULPHUREUS Fr. Cincinnati, Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Clermont Co., D. L. James; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (FI.); Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. POLYPORUS VARIUS Fr. Clermont Co., D. Ll. James; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (FL) 48. FOMES Fr. (Folyporus.) FOMES APPLANATUS (Pers.) (Polyporus applanatus Pers.) Found throughout the state. FOMES CONGLOBATUS Berk. (Polyporus conglobatus Berk.) Cincinnati, Waynesville (Warren Co:) Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Wilmington, D. L, James; Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. FOMES CONNATUS Fr. (Polyporus connatus Fr.) Clermont Co., D. L. James; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) FOMES FOMENTARIUS (I,.) Fr. (Polyporus fomentarius Fr.) Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Clermont Co., D. L. James; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan ( Fl.) FOMES FRAXINEUS (Bull.) Fr. (Polyporus fraxineus Bull.) ; Clermont Co., D. l. James; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) 21 CAO: 322 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. FOMES FRAXINOPHILUS Pk. (Polyporus fraxinophilus Pk.) Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) FOMES GRAVEOLENS Schw. (folyporus egraveolens Schw.: P. congiobatus Berk.?) Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) FOMES Lucripus (Leys.) Fr. (Polyporus lucidus Leys). Distributed over the whole state; but not abundant. FOMES NIGRICANS Fr, (Polyporus nigricans Fr.) Southern Ohio; and doubtless distributed over the whole state. FOMES OBLIQUUS (Pers.) Fr. (Polyporus obliquus Pers.) Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Clermont Co., D. L. James; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) FOMES RENIFORMIS Morg. (Polyporus rentformis Morg.) Dayton, A. P. Morgan. FOMES RIMOSUS Berk. (Polyporus rimosus Berk.) Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) FOMES SALICINUS (Pers.) Fr. (Polyporus salicinus Fr.) Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1)) FOMES SCUTELLATUS Schw. (Polyporus scutellatus Schw.) Clermont Co., D. L. James. FOMES VENZUELIANUS Mont. (Polyporus supinus Fr.) Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1)) 49. POLYSTICTUS Fr. (folyporus.) POLYSTICTUS BIFORMIS Klotz. (Polyporus biformis Fr.) Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) POLYSTICTUS CINNABARINUS (Jacq.) Fr. (Polyporus cinnabarinus Fr.) Everywhere throughout the state, on old cherry logs. POLYSTICTUS CONCHIFER Schw. (/olyporus conchifer Schw.) In central and southern Ohio; and perhaps over the whole state. POLYSTICTUS FIBULA Fr. (Polyporus fibula Fr.) Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) POLYSTICTUS HIRSUTUS Fr. (Polyporus hirsutus Fr.) Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Clermont Co., D. L. James; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Fi}; Haydensville, W. A. Kellerman. Widely distributed. BOTANY. 323 POLYSTICTUS MOLLIUSCULUS Berkl. (Polyporus molliusculus Berkl.) Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) POLYSTICTUS MONTAGNE! Fr. (Polyporus moniagnei Fr.) Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) POLYSTICTUS PARVULUS Klotsch. (Polyporus parvulus Koltsch). Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) POLYSTICTUS SUBSERICEUS Peck. (VP. shlendens Pk.) Rare, Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) POLYSTICTUS PERGAMENUS Fr. (folyporus pergamenus Fr.) Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Clermont Co., D. L. Jee Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) POLYSTICTUS RADIATUS (Sow.) Fr. ' (Polyporus radiatus Sow.) Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Clermont Co., D. L. James; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) POLYSTICTUS SULLIVANTII Mont. (Polyporus sullivantit Mont.) Wayuesyille (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea (Cat.) POLYSTICTUS TENUIS (Lk.) Cke. (Polyporus tenuis Schw.) Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (FI1.) POLYSTICTUS VELUTINUS Fr. (Folyporus velutinus Fr.) Clermont Co., D. L. James; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) POLYSTICTUS VERSICOLOR (L.) Fr. (Polyporus versicolor I,.) Distributed throughout the state. POLYSTICTUS VIRGINEUS Schw. (Polyporus virgineus Schw.) Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F'!.) POLYSTICTUS ZONATUS Fr. (Polyporus zonatus Fr.) Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) 50. PORIA Pers. (Folyporus.) PORIA ATTENUATA Pk. (Ffolyporus attenuatus Peck.) Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) 4 PORIA BOMBYCINA Fr. (Polyporus bombycinus Fr.) Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) PoRIA CALLOSA Fr. (Folyporus callosus Fr.) Perry Co., W. A. Kelierman; Hamilton Co, A. P. Morgan. o24 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. PORIA CANDIDISSIMA Schw. (Polyporus candidissimus Schw.) Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) PORIA CINEREA Schw. (/o/yporus cinereus Schw.) Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) PORIA CONTIGUA (Pers.) Fr. (Polyporus contiguus Pers.) Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) PORTIA CORTICOLA Fr. (Polyporus corticola Fr.) Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) PORIA FERRUGINOSA (Schrad.) Fr. (Polyporus ferruginosus Schrad.) Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) PORIA GORDONIENSIS Berk. (Polyporus gordoniensis B. & Br.) Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F'1.) PORIA MUCIDA (Pers.) Fr. (Polyporus mucidus Pers.) Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) PORIA NIGRA Berk. (Polyporus niger Berk.) Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) PORIA NIGRO-PURPUREA Schw. (Po/yporus nigro-purpurascens Schw.) Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Clermont Co., D. lL. James. PORTIA OBDUCENS Pers. (Polyporus obducens Pers.) Occurs in southern Ohio; and perhaps is distributed all over the state, PORIA PURPUREA Fr. (Polyporus purpurens Fr.) Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) PORIA RUFA (Schrad.) Fr. (Polyporus rufus Schrad.) Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) { PoRIA SPISSA Schw. (folyporus spissus Fr.) Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) PORIA UNITA Pers. (Polyporus unitus Pers.) Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) PORIA VAPORARIA Fr. (Polyporus vaporarius Pers.) Clermont Co., D. Ll. James; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) ® PORIA VIRIDANS B. & Br. (Polyporus viridans B. & Br.) Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) PORTIA VITELLINA Schw. (Polyporus vitellinus Schw.) Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) BOTANY. PORIA VITREA Pers. (Polyporus vitreus Pers.) Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) PORIA VULGARIS Fr. (folyporus vulgaris Fr.) Common over the state. PORIA XANTHOLOMA Schw. (Polyporus xantholoma Schw.) Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) dl. TRAMETES Fries. TRAMETES MOLLIS Smfdt. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (FI) TRAMETES PALLIDO-FULVA Berk. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) TRAMETES RIGIDA B. & Mont. Clermout Co., D. L. James; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.); Perry Co, Fair- field Co., W. A. Kellerman. TRAMETES SCUTELLATA Schw. (7. ohioensts Berk.) Clermont Co., D. L. James; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) TRAMETES SEPIUM Berk. (Daeda/lea sepium Berk.) Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Clermont Co., D. lL. James; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) TRAMETES SERIALIS Fr. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) 52. DAEDALEA Persoon. DAEDALEA AMBIGUA Berk. ( 7vrametes lactea Berk.) Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.) ; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) DAEDALEA AUREA Fr. Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea ( Cat.) ; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1) DAEDALEA CONFRAGOSA Bolt. (Lenzites crataegi Berk.) Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.); Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. DAEDALEA UNICOLOR Bull. Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Clermont Co., D. L. James; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.); Columbus, E. Mead Wilcox. 538. CYCLOMYCES Kunz. CYCLOMYCES GREENEI Berk. Salt-peter cave, Hocking Co., W. A. Kellerman. 326 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. 54. FAVOLUS Fries, FAVOLUS BOUCHEANUS Klotsch. (Polyporus boucheanus Fr.) Cincinnati, Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Clermont Co. D. L. James. FAVOLUS CANADENSIS Klotsch. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Fl); Lima, W. A. Kellerman; Columbus, Wm. C. Werner; Granville, C. J. Herrick. FAVOLUS OHIONIS B. & Mont. Columbus, W. S. Sullivant (Sace. Syl. VI., 397.) FAVOLUS RHIPIDIUM Berk. (Polyporus rhipidium Berk.) Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos, G. Lea (Cat.); Miami Valley, A, P. Morgan (F1.) 56. MERULIUS Hall. MERULIUS CORIUM Fr. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) MERULIUS. HIMANTIOIDES Fr. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan ( F1.) MERULIUS INCARNATUS Schwein. Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.) (Prof. Morgan thinks this may be W/. rubellus Peck.) MERULIUS MOLLUSCUS Fr. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan ( FI.) MERULIUS PORINOIDES Fr. Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) MERULIUS RUBELLUS Peck. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) MERULIUS TREMELLOSUS Schrad. Cincinnati, Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) 67. POROTHELIUM Fries. POROTHELIUM FIMBRIATUM Pers. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) BOTANY. 327 08. SOLENIA Hoffm. SOLENIA FASCICULATA Pers. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F'1.) SOLENIA OCHRACEA Hoffm. Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Clermont Co., D. l. James; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) III. HYDNACEA. 59. HYDNUM Linn. HYDNUM ADUSTUM Schw. Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.); Clermont Co., D. L.. James. HYDNUM ALBOVIRIDE Morg. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) HYDNUM ALUTACEUM Fr. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F'1.) HYDNUM BYSSINUM Schw. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F'1.) HYDNUM CASEARIUM Morg, Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) HYDNUM CIRRHATUM Pers. Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.) ; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) HYDNUM CORALLOIDES Scop. Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) ; Clermont Co., D. l. James. Edible. HYDNUM DIFFRACTUM Berk. Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea (Cat.) ; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) HYDNUM ERINACEUS Bull. Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) ; Clermont Co., D. L. James. HYDNUM FALLAX Fr. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) HYDNUM FARINACEUM Pers, Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1,) 828 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. HYDNUM FLABELLIFORME Berk. Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.) ; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) HYDNUM FUSCO-ATRUM Fr. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (FL) HYDNUM GLABRESCENS B. & Ray. Miami Valley. A. P. Morgan (FI.); Clermont Co., D. L. James. HYDNUM INFUNDIBULUM Swartz. Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) HYDNUM ISCHNODES Berk. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1) HYDNUM MUCIDUM Fr. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) HYDNUM NUDUM B. & C. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) HYDNUM NYSSAE B. & C. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) HYDNUM OCHRACEUS Pers. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) HYDNUM OHIENSE Berk. Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Fl) HYDNUM PITHYOPHITUM B. & C. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) - HYDNUM PULCHERRIMUM B. & C. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (FL) HYDNUM REPANDUM IL. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) HYDNUM SEPTENTRIONALE Fr. Clermont Co., D. L. James; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) HYDNUM UDUM Fr. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1,) HyYDNUM XANTHUM B. & C. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) HyDNUM ZONATUM Batsch. Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) BOTANY, 60. IRPEX Fr. IRPEX CRASSUS B. & C. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) IRPEX FUSCESCENS Schw. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (FI) IRPEX LACTEUS Fr. ‘Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (FL) IRPEX LAETICOLOR B. & C. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) “IRPEX OBLIQUUS Schrad. Clermont Co., D. Ll. James; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) IRPEX TULIPIFERAE Schw. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) 61. RADULUM Fr. RADULUM MOLARE Pers. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) RADULUM ORBICULARE Fr. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) RADULUM PALIIDUM B. & C. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan ) Fl.) 62. PHLEBIA Fr. PHLEBIA MERISMOIDES Fr. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) PHLEBIA PILEATA Pk. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.] PHLEBIA RADIATA Fr. (P. cinnabarina Schw.) Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) ; Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.) 63. GRANDINIA Fr. GRANDINIA MUCIDA Fr. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) 92 030 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. 64. ODONTIA Pers. ODONTIA FIMBRIATA Pers. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) ODONTIA HYDNOIDEA Schw. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (FI.) 65. KNEIFFIA Fr. KNEIFFIA CANDIDISSIMA B. & C. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) THELEPHORACE. 66. CRATERELLUS Fr. CRATERELLUS CANTHARELLUS Schw. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) CRATERELLUS CORNUCOPIOIDES L. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (FI.); Clermont Co., D. L. James. CRATERELLUS LUTESCENS Pers. Miami Valley, A. P. Moagan (F1.); Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.) 67. THELEPHORA Ebrh. THELEPHORA ALBIDO-BRUNNEA Schwein. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) THELEPHORA ANTHOCEPHALA Bull. Miami Vailey, A. P. Morgan (F1.) THELEPHORA CRISTATA Pers. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (FL) THELEPHORA CUTICULARIS Berk. Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) THELEPHORA FILAMENTOSA B. & C. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) THELEPHORA MICHENERI B. & C. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) BOTANY. 331 THELEPHORA MULTIPARTITA Schw. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (FL) THELEPHORA PALMATA Scop. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.); Clermont Co., D. Ll. James; Cincinnati, Thos, G. Lea ( Cat.) THELEPHORA PTERULOIDES B. & C. Miami Valley, A. P: Morgan ( F1.) THELEPHORA RADIATA Holmok. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) THELEPHORA SCHWEINITZII Pk. (7. pallida Schw.) Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (FI); Clermont Co., D. L. James;. Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Granville, (Licking Co.), H. L. Jones. THELOPHORA SEBACEA Pers. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (FI.); Clermont Co., D. Ll. James. THELEPHORA SPICULOSA Fr. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) THELEPHORA TEPHROLEUCA B. & C. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) — 68. STEREUM Pers. STEREUM ALBOBADIUM Schw. (7helphora albomarginata Berk.) Clermont Co., D. L. James; Hamilton Co., A. P. Morgan. STEREUM BICOLOR Pers. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.); Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea ( Cat.) STEREUM CANDIDUM Schw. On Quercus nigra (bark), Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) STEREUM COMPLICATUM Fr. Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Clermont Co., D. L. James. STEREUM DISCIFORM® DC. Miaini Valley, A. P. Morgan (F'1.) STEREUM FASCIATUM Schw. Ohio, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Clermont Co., D. L. James; Athens, Stockport (Morgan Co.) W. A. Kellerman. 332 ‘GEOLOGY OF OHIO. STEREUM FRUSTULOSUM Pers, Common over the state. STEREUM HIRSUTUM Willd. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) STEREUM LOBATUM Kunz. Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Clermont Co., D. lL. James, STEREUM OCHRACEOFLAVUM Schw. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) STEREUM PURPUREUM Pers. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.); Clermont Co., D. L. James. STEREUM RADIANS Fr. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Fl) STEREUM RUBIGINOSUM Fr. Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea ( Cat.) STEREUM RUGOSIUSCULUM B. & C. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (FI) STEREUM SERICEUM Schw. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) STEREUM SPADICEUM Pers. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) STEREUM SUBPILEATUM B. & C. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) STEREUM VERSICOLOR Swartz. Over the whole state. 69. HYMENOCHARTE Lev. HyMENOCHAETE CINERASCENS Schw. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) HYMENOCHAETE CORRUGATA Fr. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) HYMENOCHAETE CURTISII Schw. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) HYMENOCHAETE INSULARIS Berk. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (FI) BOTANY. HYMENOCHAETE PURPUREA Cke. & Morg. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) HYMENOCHAETE RUBIGINOSA Schrad. y Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (FI.); Clermont Co., D. ). James. HYMENOCHAETE SPRETA Peck. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1) HyYMENOCHAETE UMBRINA B. & C. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (ET) 70. CORTICIUM Fr. CORTICIUM ALBIDO-CARNEUM Schw. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (FI) CORTICIUM AMORPHUM Pers. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) CORTICIUM AUBERIANUM Mont. Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea ( Cat.) CORTICIUM CAERULEUM Schrad. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) CORTICIUM CALCEUM Pers. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan ( F1.) CORTICIUM CINEREUM Fr. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) CORTICIUM COMEDENS Nees. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) CORTICIUM CONFLUENS Fr. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1) CORTICIUM FILAMENTOSUM B. & C. Miati Valley, A. P. Morgan (F'1.) CORTICIUM INCARNATUM Fr. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F'1.) CORTICIUM LACTEUM Fr. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.); Clermont Co., D. L. James. 334 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. CORTICIUM MOLLE Fr. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan ( F1.) CORTICIUM OCHRACEUM Fr. Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) CORTICIUM OLIVASCENS B. & C. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) CORTICIUM PORTENTOSUM B. & C. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (FI) CoRTICIUM PUBERUM Fr. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) CORTICIUM RADIOSUM Fr. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) CORTICIUM SUBGIGANTEUM Berk. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.} 71. EXOBASIDIUM Woron. EXOBASIDIUM VACCINII (Fckl.) Wor. On Vaccinium vacillans aud Gaylussacia resinosa, Sugar Grove, W. A. Keller- mau. 72. CYPHELLA Fr. CYPHELLA GALEATA Schum. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.); Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea ( Cat.) CYPHELLA GRISEOPALLIDA Weinm. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) CYPHELLA PEZIZOIDES Zopf. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) V. CLAVARIACEA. 73. CLAVARIA Vaill. CLAVARIA ABIETINA Pers. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) CLAVARIA AUREA Schaeff. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Fl.) Edible. BOTANY. 335 CLAVARIA BOTRYTIS Pers. Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (Fl.) Edible. CLAVARIA CORONATA Schw. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) CLAVARIA CRISPULA Fr. ‘ Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (FI1.) CLAVARIA CRISTATA Pers. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1,) CLAVARIA FLAVA Fr. Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (FL) CLAVARIA FORMOSA Pers. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) CLAVARIA FRAGILIS Holmsk. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) CLAVARIA FUSIFORMIS Sow. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) CLAVARIA INCURVATA Morg. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) CLAVARIA KUNYZEI Fr. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) CLAVARIA MUCIDA Pers. Perry Co., W. A. Kellerman; Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) S CLAVARIA MUSCOIDES L. : Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) CLAVARIA PISTILLARIS L. Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) CLAVARIA PYXIDATA Pers. Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) CLAVARIA RUGOSA Bull. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) An edible species. CLAVARIA STRICTA Pers. (C. albipes Berk.) Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1) ® CLAVARIA SUBTILIS Pers. Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) 336 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. CLAVARIA VERMICULARIS Scop. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (I'L) 74. CALOCERA Fr. CALOCERA CORNEA Fr. Cincinnati, Thos. G, Lea (Cat.); Clermont Co., D. L. James; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) CALOCERA FASCICULATA (Schum.) Fr. Clermont Co., D. lL. James. CALOCERA PALMATA (Schum.) Fr. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan ( FL) CALOCERA STRICTA Fr. Miami Valiey, A. P. Morgan (F1.) 7). LACHNOCLADIUM Lev. LACHNOCLADIUM MERISMATOIDES Schw. (VPterula merismatoides Schw.) Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) TLACHNOCLADIUM MICHENERI B. & C. Miami Valiey, A. P. Morgan (F1.) LACHNOCLADIUM SEMIRESTITUM B & CG. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) 164 “UVPEULA Pers: TYPHULA MUSCICOLA (Pers.) Berk. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) Vi. TREMELLACEAS 77. HIRNEOLA Fr. HIRNEOLA AURICULA-JUDAE (L.) Berk. Over the state. Said to be edible. HIRNEOLA AURIFORMIS (Schw.) Fr. : On trunks of walnut, Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) BOTANY. 337 (eh. JOQZGUOIUN Neig, EXIDIA GLANDULOSA Fr. Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); on old bark, Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) EXIDIA TRUNCATA Fr. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) 79. TREMELLA Dill. TREMELLA ALBIDA Fr. Clermont Co., D. L. James; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) TREMELLA INTUMESCENS Sow. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) TREMELLA LUTESCENS Pers. Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea ( Cat.) TREMELLA MESENTERICA Retz. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) TREMELLA VESICARIA Bull. Miami Valley, A. b. Morgan (F1.) 80. NAEMATELIA Fr. NAEMATELIA NUCLEATA (Schw.) Fr. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F)). 81. DACRYOMYCES Nees. DACRYOMYCES CHRYSOCOMUS (Bull.) Berk. Miami Valley, A. P. Morran (F1.) DACRVYOMYCES DELIOQUESCENS Bull. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan(F1.) ; DaCRYOMYCES FRAGIFORMIS Nees. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) 338 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. DACRYOMYCES PELLUCIDUS Schw. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1) DACRYOMYCES STILLATUS Nees. Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (F1.) 82. GUEPINIA Fr. GUEPINIA SPATHULARIA Fr. Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.) 83. HORMOMYCES, Bon. HORMOMYCES FRAGIFORMIS Cke. On rotten wood, Perry Co., W. A. Kellerman. VII PHALLACEH A:. 84. DICTYOPHORA Desyv. DICTYOPHORA DAEMONUM (Rumph.) Lev. (Phallus daemonum Rumph.) Granville (Licking Co.) W. G. Tight. DICTYOPHORA DUPLICATA (Bosc.) E. Fisch. (Phallus duplicatus Bosc.) Ohio, A. P. Morgan (N. A. F.) 85. -ITHYPHALLUS Fr. ITHYPHALLUS IMPUDICUS (L.) Fr. (Phallus impudicus I..) Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Clermont Co., D. L. James; A. P. Morgan (N. A. F.) ITHYPHALLUS RETUSUS (Kalch.) E. Fisch. (Phallus raveneli B. &. C) Ohio, A. P. Morgan (N. A. F.) 86. MUTINUS Fr. MUTINUS BOVINUS Morg. Ohio, A. P. Morgan (N. A. F.) MUTINUS CANINUS (Huds.) Fr. ( Cynophallus cantnus Fr.) Cleves (Hamilton Co.) R. M. Byrens. 87. PHYLLOGASTER - Morgan. PHYLLOGASTER SACCATUS Morg. Hamilton Co., A. P. Morgan; Licking Co., C. J. Herrick. BOTANY. 339 VIII. NIDULARIACEAs. 88. CRUCIBULUM Tul. CRUCIBULUM VULGARE Tul. Cincinnati, D. L. James ( Thos. G. Lea, Cat.) 89. CYATHUS Hall. CYATHUS STRIATUS Hall. Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Clermont Co., D. Ll. James. CYATHUS VERNICOSUS DC. Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea ( Cat.) IX. LYCOPERDACEA. 90. TYLOSTOMA Pers. TYLOSTOMA VERRUCOSUM Morg. Ohio, A. P. Morgan (N. A. F.) 91. GEASTER Mich. GEASTER LAGENIFORMIS Vitt. Ohio, A. P. Morgan (N. A. F.) GEASTER LIMBATUM Fr. Ohio, A. P. Morgan (N. A. F.); Stockport (Morgan Co.) W. A. Kellerman. GEASTER SACCATUS Fr. Ohio, A. P. Morgan (N. A. F.); Clermont Co., D. Ll. James. GEASTER STRIATUS D. (oF Ohio, A. P. Morgan (N. A. F.) GEASTER TRIPLEX Jungh. Clermont Co., D. l. James; Miami Valley, A. P. Morgan (TI*1.) 92. BOVISTA Dill BOVISTA MINOR Morg. Ohio, A. P. Morgan (N. A. F.) 340 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. BOVISTA PILA B. & C. Ohio, A. P. Morgan (N. A. F.); Granville, C. J. Herrick. BOVISTA PLUMBEA Pers. Ohio, A. P. Morgan (N. A. F.) Said to be edible, BOVISTA NIGRESCENS Pers. Waynesville (Warren Co.). Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Ohio, A. P.Morgan (N.A F.); Granville, H. Ll. Jones. 935 (CAT VATA Er: CALVATIA CRANIIFORMIS Schw. Ohio, A. P. Morgan (N. A. F.) CALVATIA CYATHIFORMIS Bosc. Ohio, A. P. Morgan (N. A. F.) CALVATIA MAXIMA Schaeff. Ohio, A. P. Morgan (N. A. F.) 94. LYCOPERDON Tourn, LYCOPERDON ACUMINATUM Bose. Ohio, A. P. Morgan (N. A. F.) LYCOPERDON ASTEROSPERMUM Dur. & Mont. Ohio, A. P. Morgan (N. A. F.) LYCOPERDON ATROPURPUREUM Vitt. Ohio, A. P. Morgan (N. A. F.) LYCOPERDON CEPAEFORME Bull. Ohio, A. P. Morgan (N. A. F.) LYCOPERDON COLORATUM Peck. Ohio, A. P. Morgan (N. A. F.) LYCOPERDON CURTISII Berk. Ohio, A. P. Morgan (N. A. F.) LYCOPERDON ECHINATUM Pers. Ohio, A. P. Morgan (N. A. F.) LYCOPERDON ELONGATUM Berk. Ohio, A. P. Morgan (N. A. F) LYCOPERDON GEMMATUM Fr. Common. BOTANY. 341 LYCOPERDON GIGANTEUM Batsch. Generally distributed. Edible. LYCOPERDON GLABELLUM Pk. Ohio, A. P. Morgan (N. A. F.) LYCOPERDON MOLLE Pers. Clermont Co., D. L. James; Ohio, A. P. Morgan (N. A. F.) LYCOPERDON PECKII Morg. Ohio, A. P. Morgan (N. A. F.) LYCOPERDON PEDICELLATUM Peck, Ohio, A. P. Morgan (N. A. F.) LYCOPERDON PULCHERRIMUM B. & C. Ohio, A. P. Morgan (N. A. F.) LYCOPERDON PUSILLUM Batsch. Ohio, A. P. Morgan (N. A. F) LYCOPERDON PYRIFORME Schaeff. Ohio, A. P. Morgan (N. A. F.); Clermont Co., D. L. James; Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.) LYCOPERDON RIMULATUM Pk. Ohio, A. P. Morgan (N. A. F,) LYCOPERDON SEPARANS Pk. Ohio, A. P. Morgan (N. A. F,) LYCOPERDON SUBINCARNATUM Pk. Ohio, A. P. Morgan (N. A. F,) LYCOPERDON TURNERI E. & E. Ohio, A. P. Morgan (N. A. F.) LYCOPERDON WRIGHTII B. & C. Ohio, A. P. Morgan (N. A. F.); Clermont Co., D. l. James; Licking Co., H. L. Jones. Edible. 95. SCLERODERMA Pers. SCLERODERMA OHIOENSE Ell. & Morg. Ohio, A. P. Morgan (Jour. Mycal. I. ’89.) SCLERODERMA VULGARE Fr. Cinciunati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.) 342 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. X. UREDINACEA. 96. UROMYCES Link. Rust. UROMYCES APPENDICULATUS (Pers.) Fink. On Phaseolus (cult.), Lancaster, W. A. Kellerman. UROMYCES CALADII (Schw.) Farl. On Arisaema throughout the state. UROMYCES CAROPHYLLINUS (Schrank.) Schrcet. On Carnations in greenhouses. UROMYCES EUPHORBI® C. & P. On various species of Puphorbia. Common throughout the state, UROMYCES GRAMINICOLA Burrill. On Andropogon virginicus, Lawrence Co., W. A. Kellerman. UROMYCES HEDYSARI-PANICULATA (Schw.) Farl. On species of Meibomia (Desmodium). Widely distributed. UROMYCES HOWEI Peck. On species of Asclepias. Common. UROMYCES HYPERICI Schw. On Hypericum mutilum, Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. UROMYCES LESPEDEZ4 (Schw.) Peck, On species of Lespedeza. Common. UROMYCES PECKII DeToni. On Oenothera biennis, Coiumbus, Moses Craig, UROMYCES POLYGONI (Pers.) Fckl. On Polygonum, widely distributed over the state. UROMYCES TEREBINTHI (DC.) Wint. (/P2leolaria brevipes B. & R.) On Rhus radicans, Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. UROMYCES TRIFOLII (A. & S.) Wint. On species of Trifolium, widely distributed. 97. MELAMPSORA, Casts. Rust. ) MELAMPSORA POPULINA Lev. On Populus, throughout the state. BOTANY. 343 MELAMPSORA SALICINA Lev. On Willow. Common. 98. CRONARTIUM, Fr. CRONARTIUM ASCLEPIADEUM THESII Berk. Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.) 99. PUCCINIA Persoon. RUST. PUCCINIA ANEMONES VIRGINIANA Schw. On Anemone, Lima, W. A. Kellerman ; on Anemone virginiana, Scioto River, A. D. Selby; Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. PUCCINIA ANGUSTATA Peck. On Scirpus fluviatilis, Columbns, Fairfield Co. W. A. Kellerman, PUCCINIA ASTERIS Duby. On Aster macrophyllus, Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. PUCCINIA CIRCAEAE Pers. On Circaea lutetiana; common throughout the state. PUCCINIA CORONATA Corda. On Volunteer Oats, Perry Co., W. A. Kellerman. PUCCINIA EMACULATA Schw. On Panicum capillare, Columbus, Lovelann, W. A. Kellerman. PUCCINIA HIERACII (Schum.) Mart. (P. flosculosornm (A. & S.) Roehl.) On Cnicus and Taraxacum; abundant throughout the state. PUCCINIA FUSCA Relhan. (VP. anemones Pers.) On Anemone nemorosa, Lima, W. A. Kellerman; Franklin Co., W. A. Keller- man, Freda Detmers. PUCCINIA GALII Pers. (VP. galiorum Lk.) I. III. OnGalium, Fairfield Co.,W. A. Kellerman; on Galium aparine, Franklin Co., Moses Craig; Fairfield Co., Freda Detmers. PUCCINIA GRAMINIS Pers. On wheat, oats and other Gramineae ; common. PUCCINIA HASTATA Cke. On Viola hastata, Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. PUCCINIA HELIANTHI Schw. On Helianthus; doubtless over the whole state. PUCCINIA LATERIPES B. & R. On Ruellia sp., Columbus, C. M. Weed. 344 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. PUCCINIA MARIA WILSONI Clint. On Claytonia virginica, Franklin Co., W. A. Kellerman, Freda Detmers PUCCINIA MENTHZ: Pers. On Mentha, Blephilia, Cunila, Pyycanthemum and Monarda; abundant over tlie state. PUCCINIA NOLITANGERIS Cda. (P. argentata (Schultz.) Wint.) On Impatiens fulva, Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. PUCCINIA PIMPINELLAE ( Strauss.) Lk. On Chaerophyllum procumbens, Columbus, Moses Craig. PUCCINIA PODOPHYLLI Schw. (FP. acu/eata Schw.; Aecidium podophy!it Schw.) Abundant on Podophyllum peltatum throughout the state. PUCCINIA RUBIGO-VERA (DC.) Wint. On wheat, Central Ohio and doubtless over the whole state. PUCCINIA SANICULA Grev. On Sanicula, Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. PUCCINIA SAXIFRAGA Schl. On Saxifraga virginiensis, Fairfield Co., Moses Craig. PUCCINIA SILPHII Schw. On Silphium perfoliatum, Columbus, W. A. Kellerman. PUCCINIA SORGHI Schw. (PP. maydtis Car.) On Indian corn throughout the state. PUCCINIA TENUIS Burr. (Aecidium tenue Schw.) I. On Eupatorium ageratoides, Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. PUCCINIA TIARELLZ B. & C. On Mitella diphylla, Fairfield Co., Perry Co., W. A. Kellerman. PUCCINIA VIOLA} DC. On Viola; widely distributed. PUCCINIA XANTHI Schw. On Xanthium and Ambrosia; throughout the state. 100. GYMNOSPORANGIUM Hedw. GYMNOSPORANGIUM GLOBOSUM Farlow. On cedar(/uniperus virginiana), Fairfield Co., Clermont Co., W. A. Kellerman. GYMNOSPORANGIUM MACROPUS Lk. On cedar (Juniperus virginiana) ; over the whole state. BOTANY. | 345 101. PHRAGMIDIUM Link. PHRAGMIDIUM POTENTILLA: Pers. On Potentilla canadensis, in Central and Southern Ohio and doubtless over the whole state. PHRAGMIDIUM SUBCORTICIUM Schrank. (Ph. mucronatum Cooke; Coleosporium mintatum (Pers.) Fck1.) On Rose leaves and stems; comimon. 102. COLEOSPORIUM Lév. COLEOSPORIUM SENECIONIS (Pers.) Fr. (Peridermium pini Wallr.; Aecidium pint Pers.) On Pinus rigidus; Central and Southern Ohio, COLEOSPORIUM SOLIDAGINIS Thuem. On Solidago; common COLEOSPORIUM SONCHI Pers. (Uvedo sonchi-arvensis (Pers.) Lév.; C. composita- rum Lévy.) On Helianthus and Aster; common COLEOSPORIUM VERNONL#E B. & C. On Vernonia; common, 103. RAVENELIA Berk. RAVENELIA GLANDULIFORMIS B. & C. On Tephrosia virginica, Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. 104. AECIDIUM Pers. YELLOw CLUSTER-CUPS. AECIDIUM ACT4)4j (Opiz.) Wallr. On Actaea alba, Fairfield Co., Moses Craig. AECIDIUM ASTERUM Schw. (A24e. solidaginis Schw.) On Aster and Solidago in Central Ohio, and doubtless over the whole state. AECIDIUM CIMICIFUGATUM Schw. On Cimicifuga racemosa in Central Ohio, and doubtless wherever the host occurs. AECIDIUM CLAYTONIATUM Schw. On Claytonia virginica, Columbus, W. A. Kellerman, 346 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. AECIDIUM COMPOSITARUM. On several hosts (Composite, Eupatorium, Helianthus, etc.); over the whole state. AECIDIUM DICENTRZ& Trel. on Dicentra cucullaria, Franklin Co., W. A. Kellerman. AECIDIUM EPILOBII DC. Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.) ‘AECIDIUM ERIGERONATUM Schw. : On Erigeron annuus, Fairfield Co., Freda Detmers; on E. bellidifolius, Fairfield Co., Moses Craig. AECIDIUM EUPHORBIA Ginel. On Euphorbia, Central Ohio. AECIDIUM GERANII DC. On Geranium maculatum, Franklin Co., Freda Detmers, W. A. Kellerman. AKCIDIUM GROSSULARLA Schum. On Ribes; over the whole state. AECIDIUM HOUSTONIATUM Schw. On Houstonia ceeruiea, Sugar Grove, Fairfield Co., Moses Craig, AECIDIUM HYDNOIDEUM B. & C. On Dirca palustris, Sugar Grove, Fairfie:d Co., Moses Craig. * AECIDIUM IMPATIENTIS Schw. On Impatiens; Central Ohio. AECIDIUM NAP# a Arth. and Holw. On Napzea dioica, Sugar Grove, Fairfield Co., Moses Craig. AECIDIUM NES224) Gerard. On Neseea verticillatus, Licking Reservoir, W. C. Werner, Aug. D. Selby. AECIDIUM OENOTHER Pk. On Oenthera biennis; Central Ohio. AECIDIUM PUNCTATUM Pers. << On Hepatica acutiloba, Columbus, Moses Craig, H. A. Surface. AECIDIUM RANUNCULI Schw. On ranunculus abortivus; common in Central Ohio and doubtless over the whole state. AECIDIUM SAMBUCI Schw. On Sambucus canadensis, Central Ohio, W. A. Kellerman; no specimens seen from other parts of the state. BOTANY. AECIDIUM SOMMERFELTI Johanson. On Syndesmon thalictroides, Hocking Co, Moses Craig. 105. UREDO Persoon. UREDO AGRIMONILA DC. 347 On Agrimonia eupatoria; Central Ohio, and perhaps wherever the host occurs. UREDO HYDRANGEAE B& C. On Hydrangea arborescens, Southern Ohio. UREDO PALYPODI (Pers.) DC. (U. filicum Desm.) On Cystopteris fragilis, Lancaster, W. A. Kellerman. UREDO SMILACIS Schw. On Smilax rotundifolia, Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. 106. CHZOMA Link. C0MA NITENS Schw. Bramble Rust. On Rubus throughout the state. XI. USTILAGINACE. 107. USTILAGO Pers. Smut. USTILAGO AVENAE (Pers.) Jensen. On oats; over the state. UsTILAGO CESATII Fisch. (WU. syntherismal Schw.) On Panicum sanguinale, Painesville, Wm. C. Werner; Columbus, W. A. Keller, man. UstTm,AGo MAvDIS ( DC.) Corda. On Zea mays, everywhere. USTILAGO TRITICI Jensen. On wheat, generally distributed. USTILAGO UTRICULOSA ( Nees.) Tul. On Polyganum pennsylvanicum Columbus, W. A. Kellerman; Cc. M. Weed. 108. TILLETIA Tul. Smut. TILLETIA CORONA Scribner. On Leersia virginica; Columbus, W. A. Kellerman. TILLHTIA FOETENS Ray. On wheat, Columbus, W. A. Kellerman. Fairfield Co, 348 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. TILLETIA STRIAEFORMIS (West) Magnus. On Timothy, Central-College, W. A. Kellerman. 109. ENTYLOMA DeBary. ENTYLOMA PHYSALIDIS Winter. On Physaiis lanceolata; Columbus, W. A. Kellerman. 110. SOROSPORIUM Rud. Smuv. SOROSPORIUM ELLISIL Winter. On Aristida dichotoma, Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. 111. UROCYSTIS Rabenh. Smuv. UROCYSTIS CARCINODES (B.& C.) Fisch. On Cimicifuga racemosa, Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman, Aug. D. Selby; Ironton W. C. Werner. XII. PERONOSPORACEA. 112. ALBUGO Kuntze. (Cystopus Lev.) ALBUGO AMARANTHI (Schw.) Kuntze. ( Cystopus amaranti (Schw.) Berk.) On Amarantus retroflexus, Columbus, W. A. Kellerman; on A. chlorostachys hybridus, Columbus, Freda Detmers. ALBUGO CANDIDUS (Pers.) Kuntze. (Cystopus candidus ( Pers.) Lev.) Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Clermont Co., D. L. James; on Brassica nigra Capsella bursa pastoris, Marion, W. A. Kellerman; on Sisymbrium officinale Columbus, W. A. Kellerman. ALBUGO PORTULACAE (Pers.) Kuntze. (Cystopus portulacae Lev.). On Portulaca oleracea, Columbus, W. A. Kellerman, Freda Detmers; Fairfield Co., W.-.A. Kellerman. ALBUGO TRAGOPOGONIS ( Pers.) S. F. Gray. (Cystopus cubicus Lev.) On Ambrosia artemisiaefolia, Columbus, W. A. Kellerman. 113. PLASMOPARA Schroet. (Peronospora). PLASMOPARA AUSTRALIS (Speg.) Swingle. (Peronospora australis Speg.) On Sicyos angulata, Athens, on Micrampeles echinata, Fairfield Co., W. A. Kel- lerman. : BOTANY. O49 PLASMOPARA HALSTEDII (Farl.) Berl. & DeTon. (Peronospora halstedii Forlaw). On Erechtites hieracifolia, Columbus, W. A. Kellerman. PLASMOPARA PYGMAEA ( Ung.) Schoeter. (Peronospora pygmaca Ung.) On Anemone pennsylvanica, Columbus, W. A. Kellerman. PLASMOPARA VITICOLA (B. & C.) Berl. & DeToni. (Peronospora viticola DeBy. ; Botytis viticola B. & C.) On cultivated grapes throughout the state. On native species of Vitis also. 114. BREMIA Regel. (/Peronospora). BREMIA LACTUCAE Regel. (Peronospora gangliformis (Berk.) DeToni.) On Lettuce (cultivated), Columbus and doubtless over the whole state. XIII. ENTOMOPHTHORACE A. 115. EMPUSA Cohn. EMPUSA APHIDIS Hoffm. Columbus, and doubtless in all green-houses, on Aphidee. EMPUSA GRYLLI (Fres.) Thax. (£. aulice Reich.) On Spilosoma virginica Fabr., Wooster, F. M. Webster. EMPUSA MUSCAE Cohn. On houseflies, Columbus and doubtless over whole state. EMPUSA SPHAROSPERMA (Fres.) Thax. On Phytonomus punctatus, Ashtabula, F. M. Webster. XIV. MUCORACEA. 116. PILOBOLUS Tode. PILOBOLUS CHRYSTALLINUS (Wigg.) Tode. On Horsedung, Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman, 117. MUCOR, Mich. MUCOR MUCEDO J, Common everywhere. 300 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. Mucor RAMmosus Bull. Waynesville, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.) 118. FRANKIA Brunch. FRANKIA CEANOTHI Atk. On Ceanothus americanus, Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. Ve) (CHV RIDIACH AS. 119. SYNCHYTRIUM DeBary. SYNCHYTRIUM DECIPIENS Farl. On Amphicarpaea comosa, Nebraska (Pickaway Co.), Columbus, W. A. Keller- nan. MOVIy PE RISPORTACI AR: (ERYSIPHEA, Léveillé. PowpEry MILDEW, WHITE MILDEW.) 120. SPHAVROTHECA Lev. SPHROTHECA CASTAGNEI Lev. On Bidens frondosa, Columbus, Aug. D. Selby; on Erechtites, Columbus, Aug. D. Selby. SPHEROTHECA HUMULI (DC.) Burr. Hop Mildew. On Agrimonia eupatoria, Lancaster, W. A. Kellerman. SPHAROTHECA MORS-UV2 (Schw.) B. & C. Gooseberry Mildew. Reported over the state on cultivated gooseberries, particularly on English varieties. SPH#ROTHECA PANNOSA (Wallr.) Lev. Rose Mildew. On cultivated roses; Athens Co., Aug. D. Selby. Common on cultivated roses generally. SPHAROTHECA PHYTOPTOPHILA Kell. & Swingle. Hackberry Knot Mildew. On Phytoptus twig-tufts of Celtis occidentalis, Lima, W. A. Keilerman; Colum- bus, Aug. D. Selby. Probably all over the state, wherever the host occurs. 121. ERYSIPHE (Hedw.) Lev. ERVSIPHE CICHORACEARUM DC. (£. lamprocarpa) Verbena Mildew. The commonest of all the mildews, particularly on species of Composite, Bor- raginacee, and Verbenacee; also on Parietaria pennsylvanica, Columbus, Aug. D. Selby; on Hydrophyllum macrophyllum, Pickaway Co., W. A. Keller- man} Fairfield Co., Aug. D. Selby; on Dahlia (cult) Fairfield Co., W. A. Kel- lerman; Columbus, Aug. D. Selby; on Phlox sp. (cult.) Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. BOTANY. 351 ERYSIPHE COMMUNIS (Wallr.) Fr. Clematis Mildew. On Aquilegia canadensis, Columbus, Freda Detmers; on Clematis virginiana and Clematis sp. (cult.) Columbus, Aug. D. Selby, Freda Detmers; on Clematis sp. (cult.) Waynesville, W. A. Kellerman; on Desmodium canescens, Colum- bus, Aug. D. Selby. Quite common on other species of Ranunculaceee and Leguminosz. ERYSIPHE GALEOPSIDIS DC. On Scutellaria lateriflora, Columbus, Aug. D. Selby, Wm. C. Werner; Fairfield Co., Aug. D. Selby; on Stachys aspera glabra, Columbus, W. A. Kellerman; on S. palustris, Columbus, Aug. D. Selby; on Chelone glabra, Ashtabula Co., Sara F. Goodrich. ERYSIPHE GRAMINIS DC. Wheat Mildew. Conidial stage only seen; on Triticum vulgare, Columbus, Freda Detmers; Lima, W. A. Kellerman; on Poa pratensis, Columbus, W. A. Kellerman; on Agro- pyrum, Ashtabula Co., Sara F. Goodrich. ERYSIPHE LIRIODENDRI Schw. Tulip-tree Mildew. On Liriodendron tulipifera, Columbus, Aug. D. Selby; Fairfield Co., Aug. D. Selby. Especially conspicuous by the dense felted mycelium. 122. UNCINULA Lev. UNCINULA CIRCINATA C. & P. On Acer rubrum, Fairfield Co., Aug. D. Selby; on Acer saccharum, Columbus, C. M. Weed. UNCINULA FLEXUOSA Peck. On Aesculus glabra, Columbus, C. M. Weed, F. M. Webster. UNCINULA MACROSPORA Peck. On Ulmus Americana, Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman, Aug. D. Selby, Freda Detmers ; Columbus, Wm. C. Werner, Aug. D. Selby; on U. fulva, Columbus, C. M. Weed, Wm. C. Werner. UNCINULA NECATOR (Schw.) Burr. (U. ampelopsidis Peck; U. spiralis B. & C.) Grape Mildew. General throughout the state on species of Vitis and Ampelopsis. UNCINULA SALICIS (DC.) Wint. Commnion on willows. UNCINULA COLUMBIANA Selby. On Scutellaria lateriflora, Columbus, Aug. D. Selby. 123. PHYLLACTINIA Lev. PHYLLACTINIA SUFFULTA (Rib.) Sacce. Common on Oak, Beech, Chestnut, Carpinus, Catalpa; also on Phlox panicu- lata, Columbus, Aug. D. Selby. GEOLOGY OF OHIO. Os Or tbe 124. PODOSPHARA Kunze. PODOSPHRA OXYACANTHA (DC.) D. By. Quite common on plum and cherry. On cultivated cherry, Columbus, C. M. Weed, Freda Detmers; Dayton, Joseph Potts; on Spirea tomentosa ( /odos- ~ phera minor Howe) Lancaster, W. A. Kellerman. 125. MICROSPHARA Lev. MICROSPHARA ALNI (DC.) Winter. Lilac Mildew. This species occur on a wide range of host plants. Everywhere upon Lilac: on Enonymus atropurpureus (conidial stage only); Ross Co., W. A. Keller- man; Columbus, Aug. D. Selby ;-on Sambucus canadensis, Columbus, Aug. D. Selby; on Platanus occidentalis (conidial stage) Columbus, Aug. D. Selby; on Castanea sativa americana, Fairfield Co., E. V. Wilcox, E. E. EES C. M. Weed; Ross Co., W. A. Kellerman. MICROSPHARA DIFFUSA C. & P. On Desmodium canescens, Columbus, C. M. Weed, Freda Detmers, Aug. D. Selby. MICROSPHARA ELEVATA Burrill. On Catalpa bignonoides, Columbus, C. M. Weed. MICROSPHARA EUPHORBIA B. & C. On Euphorbia corollata, Columbus, E. M. Wilcox. MICROSPH4HRA QUERCINA (Schw.) Burrill. General on the oaks. MICROSPHARA RAVENELII Berk. On Gleditschia triacanthos, Columbus, C. M. Weed, W. A. Kellerman; Warren Co., Ross Co., Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. MICROSPH4#RA RUSSELLI Clint. On Oxalis stricta, Columbus, W. A. Kellerman, on Oxalis recurva, E. M. Wi!cox. MICROSPHERA VACCINIT (Schw.) C. & P. Huckleberry Mildew. On Gaylussacia resinosa, Fairfield Co,, Aug. D. Selby; on Vaccinium vacillans, Meigs Co., P. l. Pfarr; Fairfield Co., Aug. D. Selby. XVI, “PE RISPORTACE 2: 126. ASTERINA Liv. ASTERINA GAULTHERL® Curtis. On Gauitheria procumbens, Fairfield Co., Aug. D. Selby, W. A. Kellerman. 126a@. DIMEROSPORIUM Fckl. DIMEROSPORIUM COLLINSII (Schw.) Thuem. On Amelanchier, Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. BOTANY. 303 127. CAPNODIUM Mont. CAPNODIUM EXPANSUM B. & Desm. On bark of Acer, Ohio, J. B. Ellis (N. A. P.) 127a. ANTENNARIA Link. ANTENNARIA PINOPHILA Nees. Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea ( Cat.) 128. SCORIAS Fries SCORIAS SPONGIOSA Fr. Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); on Beech Granville (Licking Co.) C. J. Her- rick; Columbus, W. A. Kellerman. ; XVIII. SPHAERIACEAS. 129. COELOSPHARIA Sacc. COELOSPHZRIA TRISTIS (Pers.) Sace. (Viftschkia tristis Pers.) Ohio, A. P. Morgan. (Ellis, N. A. P.) 130. QUATERNARIA Tul. QUATERNARIA PERSOONI Tul. (Valsa guaternata Pers.) Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea ( Cat.) 130a. VALSA Fr. VALSA LEUCOSTOMA ( Pers.) Fr. Clermont Co., D. L. James. VALSA NIVEA. (Hoff.) Fr. Clermont Co., D. L. James. 131. EUTY¥PELLA Nits. EUTYPELLA LEAIANA (Berk.) Sacc. (Valsa leaiana Berk.) Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.) 13la. EUTYPA Tul. EUTYPA SPINOSA (Pers.) Tul. (£4. imaeformis Schw.) Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Clermont Co., D. L. James; Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. 23 G. O. 304 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. 132. DIATRYPE Fr. > DIATRYPE DISCIFORMIS Hoffm. Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.) » DIATRYPE PLATYSTOMA Schw. Clermont Co., D. L. James. DIATRYPE TINCTOR Berk. Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.) 133. CERATOSTOMA Fr. CERATOSTOMA SETIGERUM E. & E. Ohio, A. P. Morgan (F1.) 134. ROSELLINIA DeNot. ROSELLINIA MAMMIFORMIS ( Pers.) Ces. DeNot. (Hypoxylon mammiformts Berk.) On old wood, Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. 135. BOMBARDIA Fr. BOMBARDIA FASCICULATA Fr. (Sphaerta bombarda Batsch.) Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea ( Cat.) 136. ANTHOSTOMA Nits. ANTHOSTOMA ATRO-PUN TATUM (Schw.) Sace. (Diatrype atropunctata Schw.) Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea ( Cat.) 137. XYLARIA Hill. XYLARIA CASTOREA Berk. Ohio, A. P. Morgan (Ellis, N. A. P.) XYLARIA CARPOPHILA Fr. Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea ( Cat.) XYLARIA CONOCEPHALA B. & C. Ohio, A. P. Morgan (Ellis N. A. P.) XYLARIA DIGITATA Ehrh. Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea ( Cat.) XYLARIA HYPOXYLON Grey. Ciucinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman: Clernicnt Co., D. lL. James. BOTANY. 355 XYLARIA POLYMORPHA Pers. Clermont Co., D. L. James; Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Columbus, W. C. Werner. 138. PORONIA Willd. PORONIA POCULA Schw. Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea ( Cat.) 139. USTULINA Tul. USTULINA VULGARIS Tul. Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea ( Cat.) 140. HYPOXYLON Bull. HyPoxvLon ALBOCINCTUM E. & E. Hamilton Co., A. P. Morgan (Ellis, N. A. P.) HYyPOXYLON ANNULATUM Schw. Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. HYPOXYLON ATROPUNCTATUM Schw. Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. HYPOXYLON COCCINEUM Bull. Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea ( Cat.) HYPOXYLON COHAERENS Pers. Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea ( Cat.) HYyPOXYLON CONCENTRICUM Grev. Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Clermont Co., D. L. James, HyPoOxYLON HOWEIANU™M: Pk. Oh:o, A. P. Morgan (Ellis, N. A. P.) HyPoxyvLON MiRGINATUM Schw. Ohio, A. P. Morgan, (Ellis, N. A. P.) HYyPOXYLON MORGANTI E. & E. Ohio, A. P. Morgan (Ellis, N. A. P.) HyPOXYLON OHIOENSE E. & E. Ohio, A. P. Morgan (Ellis, N. A. P.) HyPOXYLON PETERSII B. & C. Ohio, A. P. Morgan (Ellis, N. A. P.) HYPOXVLON RUBIGINOSUM Fr. Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. 356 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. HYyPOXYLON SASSAFRAS Schw. Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. HYyPOXYLON TURBINULATUM Schw. Ohio, A. P. Morgan (Ellis, N, A. P.) 140a. NUMMULARIA Tul. NUMMULARIA BULLIARDI Tul. On old Oak bark, Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. NUMMULARIA GLYCYRRHIZA B. & C. Ohio, A. P. Morgan (Ellis, N. A. P.) NUMMULARIA MICROPLACA B. & C. Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. NUMMULARIA DISCRETA Schw. Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. 141. GNOMONIELLA Sace. GNOMONIELLA CORYLI (Batsch.) Sace. (Gzomonia coryli Batsch.) On Corylus americana, Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. 142. LAESTADIA Auersw. LAESTADIA ACERIFERA (Cke.) Sace. (Sphaerel/a acerifera Cke.) On Acer saccharinum, Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. 143. PHOMATOSPORA Sacc. PHOMATOSPORA ARGYROSTIGMA Berk. i Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea ( Cat.) 144. BOTRYOSPHAERIA Ces. & DeN. BOTRYOSPHAERIA QUERCUUM (Schw.) Sace. (Melogramma fuliginosum El.) On old leaves of Sassafras, Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. BOTRYOSPHAERIA RHIZOGENA (Berk.) Sace. (Sphaeria rhizogena Berk.) Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea ( Cat.) , 145. SPHAERELLA Ces. & DeNot. SPHAERELLA ASIMINAE E. & K. Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. SPHAERELLA CONVEXULA Schw. Ohio, J. B. Ellis (N. A. P.) BOTANY. 397 SPHAERELLA FRAGARIAE ( Tul.) Sacc. On Fragaria (cult.) Columbus, Freda Detmers. SPHAERELLA FRAXINICOLA (Schw.) Cke. Ate beairen 7 Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. SPHAERELLA GAULTHERIA C. & E. On Gaultheria procumbens, Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. SFeT2O PUG \E SPHAERELLA LIRIODENDRI Ellis. DA QO On Liriodendron tuliperfera, Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman, SPHAERELLA MACULAEFORMIS Pers. On Quercus macrocarpa, Q. rubra, Q. alba and Celtis occidentalis, Fairfield Co., ” W. A. Kellerman. SPHAERELLA POLYSTIGMA Ellis. On Quercus coccinea, Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman, SPHAERELLA PRAECOX Pass. On Lactuca canadensis, Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. SPHAERELLA SASSAFRAS FE. & E. On Sassafras, Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. SPHAERELLA SPARSA Pers. On Tilia americana, old Chestnut leaves, Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. 146. DIDYMELLA Sacc. DIDYMELLA LOPHOSPORA Sacc. & Speg. Ohio, J. B. Ellis (N. A. P.) 147. GNOMONIA Ces. & DeNot. GNOMONIA ULMEA (Sacc.) Thuem. (Sphaeria u/imea Schw.) On Ulmus americana, Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. GNOMONIA SASSAFRAS E. & E. On Sassafras leaves, Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. GNOMONIA SETACEA Pers. On Chestnut leaves, Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. 148. VENTURIA DeNot. VENTURIA ORBICULA Schw. On Quercus prinus, Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. 149. DIAPORTHE Nits. DIAPORTHE MAYDIS Berk. Ohio, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.) 358 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. 150. VALSARIA Ces. & DeNot. VALSARIA FULVO-PRUINATA (Berk.) Save. (Valsa fulvopruinata Berk.) Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.) 151. LEPTOSPHAERIA Ces. & DeNot. LEPTOSPHAERIA OGILVIENSIS Berk. On Achillea millefolium, Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. 152. CARYOSPORA DeNot. CARVYOSPORA PUTAMIUM Schw. (Sphaeria putamium Schw.) Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.) 153. PSEUDOVALSA Ces. & DeNot. PSEUDOVALSA CONVERGENS (7Tode) Sace. (Valsa convergens Tode.) Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea ( Cat.) 154. LASIOSPHAERIA Ces. & DeNot. LASIOSPHAERIA CRINITA (Pers.) Sacc. ( Sphaeria crinita Pers.) Cincinnati, Waynesville, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.) 155. HERPOTRICHIA Fckl. HERPOTRICHIA DIFFUSA Schw. Ohio, A. P. Morgan (Ellis, N. A. P.) HERPOTRICHIA RHODOMPHALA (Berk.) Sace. (Sphaeria rhodomphala Berk.) Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea ( Cat.) 156. CALOSPORA Sacc. CALOSPORA ACULEANS (Schw.) Sace. ( Va/sa aculeans Schw.) Clermont Co., D. L. James. 157. PLEOSPORA Rabh. PLEOSPORA HERBARUM (Pers.) Rabh. (Sphaeria herbarum Pers.) Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.) 158. PYRENOPHORA Fr. PYRENOPHORA TRICHOSTOMA ( Fr.) Sacc. On old wheat stems, Columbus, W. A. Kellerman. 160. OPHIOBOLUS Riess. OPHIOBOLUS FULGIDUS (C. & P.) Sace. (Sphaeria fulgida C. & P.) On Ambrosia trifida, Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. BOTANY. 309 161. OPHIOCERAS Sacc. OPHIOCERAS OHIOENSE E. & E. Ohio, A. P. Morgan (Ellis, N. A. P.) 162. SPHAERIA. SPHAERIA MAYDIS Berk. © On Zea mays, Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea ( Cat.) SPHAERIA VERBASCICOLA Schw. On Verbascum thapsus, Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. SPHAERIA VIRESCENS Schw. ( Diatrype virescens Schw.) Clermont Co., D. L. James. XIX. HYPOCREACE. 163. HYPOMYCES Fr. HiYPOMYCES LACTIFLUORUM Schw. Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Zea (Cat.) HYPOMYCES XYLOPHILUS Pk. Ohio, A. P. Morgan (Ellis, N. A. P.) 164. NECTRIA Fr. NECTRIA COCCINEA (Pers.) Fr. (Sphaeria coccinea Pers.) Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.) NECTRIA LACTEA Ell. & Morgan. On old Polyporus, Ohio, A. P. Morgan (Ellis, N. A. P.) 165. HYPOCREA Fr. HYPpoOCcREA PAPYRACEA Ell. & Hol. Ohio, A. P. Morgan (Ellis, N. A. P.) 166. PLEONECTRIA Sacc. PLEONECTRIA DENIGRATA Winter. Ohio, A. P. Morgan (Ellis, N. A. P) 167. CLAVICEPS Tul. CLAVICEPS PURPUREA (Fr.) Tul. On Elymus canadensis, EK. virginicus, Festuca elatior, Glyceria fluitans; Colum- bus, W. A. Kellerman. 360 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. 168. CORDYCEPS Fr. CORDYCEPS HERCULEA (Schw.) Ohio, A. P. Morgan (Ellis, N. A. P.) 169. EPICHLOE Fr. EPICHLOE TYPHINA (Pers.) Tul. On Grass sheaths; Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman; Ironton, W. C. Werner. XX. DOTHIDEACEA, 170. PHYLLACHORA Nits. PHYLLACHORA GRAMINIS Pers. On various grasses; widely distributed. PHYLLACHORA TRIFOLII ( Pers.) On Trifolium repens; Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. 171. PLOWRIGHTIA Sacc. BLACcK-KNOT. PLOWRIGHTIA MORBOSA (Schw.) Sace. (Sphaeria morbosa.) On Plum and cultivated cherry, apparently over the whole state. 172. DOTHIDEA Fr. DOTHIDEA GRAMINIS Pers. On Panicum latifolium, Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. DOTHIDEA POTENTILLAE Fr. On Potentilla canadensis, Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. DOTHIDEA SOLIDAGWIS Schw. On Solidago canadensis, Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. DOTHIDEA TETRASPORA. On old stems of Osage Orange, Columbus, E. M. Wilcox. XXI. HYSTERIACEZS. 173. GLONIUM Muhl. GLONIUM SIMULANS Gerard. Ohio, J. B. Ellis (N. A. P.) GLONIUM STELLATUM Muhl. On rotten wood, Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman; Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.) BOTANY. 174. HYSTERIUM Tode. HYSTERIUM ELONGATUM Wahl. Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.) HYSTERIUM PULICARE ANGUSTATUM Fr. Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea ( Cat.) HYSTERIUM PROSTII Duby. Ohio, A. P. Morgan (Ellis, N. A. P.) 174. DICHAENA Fr. DICHAENA FAGINEA Fr. Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.) 176. HYSTEROGRAPHIUM Corda. HYSTEROGRAPHIUM COOKEIANUM Ger. Ohio, A. P. Morgan (Ellis, N. A. P.) HyYSTEROGRAPHIUM LESQUEREUXII (Duby.) Ohio, Leo Lesquereux, A. P. Morgan (Ellis, N. A. P.) HYSTEROGRAPHIUM PRAELONGUM Schw. Ohio, A. P. Morgan (Ellis, N. A. P.) 177. LOPHODERMIUM Chev. LOPHODERMIUM ARUNDINACEUM CULMIGENUM (Fr.) Fckl. On old wheat stubble, Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. 178. ACROSPERMUM, ACROSPERMUM COMPRESSUM Tode. On Verbena urticifolia, Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. XXII. HELVEULLACEA. 179. MORCHELLA Dill MORCHELLA ESCULENTA Pers, Common. MORCHELLA HYBRIDA Pers. (MV. rimosipes DC.) Columbus, Wm. C. Werner & W. A. Kellerman; Granville, E. G. Stanley. 301 362 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. , 180. GYROMITRA Fr. GYROMITRA ESCULENTA Pers. Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea ( Cat.) -GYROMITRA GIGAS Knab. Granville, C. J. Herrick. XX PEZIZACH Ass 181 PEZIZAY Dill: PEZIZA AURANTIA Pers. Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea ( Cat.) PEZIZA COCCINEA Jacq. Cincinnati, D. I). James. PEZIZA PUSTULATA (Hedw.) Pers. Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.) 182. LACHNEA Fr. LACHNEA SCUTELLATA L. ( Peziza scutellata.) Common. 183. PSILOPEZIZA Berk. PSILOPEZIZA NUMMULARIA Berk. Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.) 184. SARCOSCYPHA Fr. SARCOSCYPHA FLOCCOSA (Schw.) (Peziza floccosa Schw.) Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. SARCOSCYPHA OCCIDENTALIS Schw. (eztza occidentalis.) Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Clermont Co., D. L. James. 185. HELOTIUM Fr. HELOTIUM AERUGINOSUM Fr. Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea ( Cat.’ HELOTIUM CITRINUM Batsch. Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Rendville (Perry Co.) W. A. Kellerman. HELOTIUM PALLESCENS Fr. On rotten wood, Fairfie.d Co., W. A. Kellerman. BOTANY. 360 186: PHIALBA Fr. PHIALEA SCUTULA (Pers) Gill. Granville, H. L. Jones. 187. PEZIZELLA Fckl. PEZIZELLA LEUCOSTIGMA (Fckl.) Sace. ( Peziza leucostigma Fr.) Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.) 188. MOLLISIA Fr. MOLLISIA DEHNII (Rabh.) Karst. (Peziza dehnii Rabh.) On Potentilla norvegica, widely distributed. 189. TRICHOPEZIZA Fckl. TRICHOPEZIZA CAPITULA (Pk.) Sacc. (Peziza capitata Pk.; P. echinulata.) On Quercus alba, old leaves, Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. 190. DASYSCYPHA Fr. DASYSCYPHA NIVEA (Hedw.) Sace. (Peziza nivea Fr.) On old rails, Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. XXIV. DERMATEACE. 191. URNULA Fr. URNULA CRATERIUM (Schw.) Fr. (/Peziza cratertum Schw.) Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman; Columbus, W. A. Kellerman, EF. E. Bogue. 192. CENANGIUM Fr. CENANGIUM CRATERIUM Fr. Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea ( Cat.) CENANGIUM TRIANGULARE Fr. On rotten stems of Quercus, Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman; Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.) XXV. BULGARIACEZ. 198. LEOTIA Hill. LEOTIA LUBRICA (Scop.) Pers. Clermont Co., D. L. James. 364 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. 194. BULGARIA Fr. BULGARIA OPHIOBOLUS -Ell. Perry Co., W. A. Kellerman. BULGARIA RUFA Schw. Clermont Co., D. L. James. 195. CORYNE Tul. CORYNE ELLISII Berk. Perry Co., W. A. Kellerman. CORYNE URNALIS Aul. (Coryne purpurea Fckl.; Bulgaria purpurea Cke.) Perry Co., W. C. Kellerman. LOVIN RS TICTLACH Ay: 196. STICTIS Pers. STICTIS STEREI B. & C. On Stereum frustulosum, Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. STICTIS STEREICOLA B. & C. Clermont Co., D. lL. James. XXVIT. PHACIDIACH At: 197. RHYTISMA Fr. RHYTISMA ACERINUM (Pers.) Fr. On Acer rubrum, Sugar Grove, W. A. Kellerman; A. saccharinum, Bainbridge (Ross Co.) W. A. Kellerman. RHYTISMA PUNCTATUM Fr. Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea ( Cat.) XXVIII. PATELLARIACEA. 198. PATELLARIA Wahl. PATELLARIA CARPINEA Berk. Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat,) BOTANY. 366 XXIX. GYMNOASCACEA. 199. EXOASCUS Fckl. EXOASCUS ALNITOROUUS (Tul.) Sadeb. On Alnus serrulata, Fairfield Co., Hocking Co., W. A. Kellerman. EXOASCUS DEFORMANS Fckl. (Zaphrina deformans Tul.; Ascomyces deformans.) Widely distributed and usually abundant on peach leaves. EXOASCUS PRUNI Fekl. (7Zaphrina pruni Tul.) Probably over the whole state. XXX. SPHA/RIOIDACEA. 200. PHYLLOSTICTA Pers. PHYLLOSTICTA AMPELOPSIDIS E. & M. On Anipelopsis quinquefolia, Athens, Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. PHYLLOSTICTA ASIMINAE E. & K. On Asimina, Southern Ohio, and doubtless wherever the host occurs. PHYLLOSTICTA CHENOPODII West. On Chenopodium album, Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. PHYLLOSTICTA DECIDUA E. & K. On Nepeta cataria, Peppermint leaves, Leornus cardiaca, Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. PHYLLOSTICTA DEUTZIAE E. &. E. On Deutzia gracilis and D. scabra (cult.), Columbus, W. A. Klellerman. PHYLLOSTICTA LABRUSCAE Thuem. On Vitis, Orwell (Ashtabula Co.) E. E. Bogue; on Vitis aestivalis bicolor, Fair- field Co., W. A. Kellerman. PHYLLOSTICTA LAPPAE E. & K. On Lappa major, Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. PHYLLOSTICTA LyciI FE. & K. On Lycium vulgare, Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. PHYLLOSTICTA PERSICAE Sacc. Oi: Peach leaves, Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. PHYLLOSTICTA PODOPHYLLI Winter. On Podophyllum peltatum, Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. PHYLLOSTICTA VERBENAE Sacc. On Scutellaria. Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. 306 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. 201. PHOMA Fr. PHOMA GLANDICOLA Desm. On old cupules of Quercus rubra; over the whole state, PHOMA LONGISSIMUM Berk. Clermont Co., D. L. James. PHOMA UVICOLA Arc. On cultivated grapes, common. PHOMA PHYTOLACCAE B. & C. On Phytolacca decandra, Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman, 202. SPHAERONEMA Fr. SPHAERONEMA MACROSPORA B. & C. On Robinia viscosa, Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. SPHAERONEMA OXYSPORUM Berk. Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea (Cat. SPHAERONEMA PERSICAE Schw. On old Peach limbs, Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. 203. VERMICULARIA Fr. VERMICULARIA DEMATIUM Fr. On Xanthium strumarium, Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman; Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea ( Cat.) VERMICULARIA LILIACEARUM West. On Pardanthus ( cult.) Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. VERMICULARIA TRICHILLA Fr. On European Ivy (cult.) Lake Co., Sara F. Goodrich. 204. CYTOSPORA Ebrh. CYTOSPORA CARBONACEA Fr. Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.) 205. SPHAEROPSIS Lev. SPHAEROPSIS PERICARPII Pk. On old Walnut hulls, Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. SPHAEROPSIS SPHAEROIDES Ellis. On Platanus occidentalis, Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. SPHAEROPSIS VINCA Cav. On Vinea minor ( Cult.) Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. BOTANY. 067 206. DIPLODIA Fr. DIPLODIA MORI Berk. Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.) 207. DARLUCA Cast. DARLUCA FILUM Cast. On Lespedeza violacea (z7omyces) Fairfield Co., E. V. Wilcox. 208. SEPTORIA Fr. SEPTORIA AESCULI (Lib.) Westd. On Aesculus glabra, Franklin Co., Freda Detmers, SEPTORIA ANEMONES AQUILEGIAE E. & K. On Aquilegia vulgaris, Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. SEPTORIA CACALIAE Ell. & Kell. On Cacalia atriplicifolia, Central and Southern Ohio. SEPTORIA CONSIMILIS E. & M. On Lactuca sativa (cult.), Lactuca scariola, Franklin Co., Freda Detmers. SEPTORIA DESTRUENS auct. Amer. On Malva rotundifolia, Franklin Co., Freda Detmers. SFPTORIA ERIGERONTIS Pk. On Erigeron, Fairfieid Co., W. A. Kellerman. SEPTORIA GEI Desm. On Geum, Fairfield Co., W. A. Ke-lerman. SEPTORIA GRAMINUM Desm. On wheat, Bromus cislatus, Franklin Co., Freda Detmers. SEPTORIA KALMAECOLA (Schw.) B. & C. ’ On Kalmia latifolia, wherever the host occurs. SEPTORIA LOPHANTHI Ellis. On Lophanthus nepetoides, Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. SEPTORIA OCHROLEUCA B. & C. On Castanea sativa americana, Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. SEPTORIA OENOTHERAE West. On Oenothera, conimon, W. A. Kellerman. SEPTORIA PHLYCTAENOIDES B. & C. On Phytolacca decandra, Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. SEPfORIA PODOPHYLLINA Pk. On Podophyllum peltatum, Fairfield Co., Franklin Co., Lima, W. A. Kellerman. 368 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. SEPTORIA POLYGONORUM Desm. On Polygonum, perhaps over the whole state. SEPTORIA RIBIS Desm. On Cherry, Currant (cult.), Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. SEPTORIA RUBI West. On the species of Rubus, common. SEPTORIA SCROPHULARIAE West. Ou Scrophularia nodosa marylandica, Franklin Co., and doubtless over the state. SEPTORIA SPECULARIAE B. & C. On Specularia perfoliata, Pickaway Co., W. A. Kellerman. SEPTORIA SPHAERELLOIDES E. & K. On Hypericum corymbosum, Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. SEPTORIA TRITICI B. & C. On wheat leaves, Fairfield Co., Columbus, W. A. Kellerman, SEPTORIA ULMI Fr. On Ulmus fulva, Hocking Co., W. A. Kellerman. SEPTORIA VERBASCICOLA B. & C. On Verbascum blattaria, Franklin Co., W. A. Kellerman. SEPTORIA VERBENAE Desin. On Verbena, Central Ohio, W. A. Kellerman. SEPTORIA VESTITA B. & C. On Squash, Franklin Co., W. A. Kellerman. SEPTORIA VIOLAE West. On Viola hastata, Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. SEPTORIA WALDSTEINIAE P. & C. On Waldsteinia fragarioides, Franklin Co., Freda Detmers, W. A. Kellerman. XXXI. LEPTOSTROMACEA. 209. MELASMIA Lev. MELASMIA GLEDITSCHIAE E. & M. On Gleditschia triacanthos, comnion. 210. LEPTOSTROMA Fr. LEPTOSTROMA ACTAHAE C. & E. On Cimicifuga racemosa, Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. BOTANY. 369 LEPTOSTROMA PETIOLARUM C. & E. On Ailanthus glandulosa (petioles), Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. LEPTOSTROMA VULGARE Fr. On Eupatorium purpureum, Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. 211. ENTOMOSPORIUM Lev. ENTOMOSPORIUM MESPILI (DC.) Sacc. On Quince and Pear, over the state. XXXII. MELANCOMACEA. 212, GLOEOSPORIUM Desm. : 2 GILOEOSPORIUM LINDEMUTHIANUM Sacc. & Mag. On bean pods, Columbus. GLOEOSPORIUM NERVISEQUUM Sacc. Ohio, T. B. Galloway (1888). GLOESPORIUM VENETUM Speg. . On Raspberry (cult.) Columbus, Freda Detmers. 213. LIsERTELLA Desm. LIEERTELLA FAGINEA Desm. On Beech bark, Central Ohio, W. A. Kellerman, 214. PESTALOZZIA DeNot. PESTALOZZIA AQUATICA E. & E. On Sarracenia sp. cult. (in green house) Columbus, W. A. Kellerman. XXXII. MUCEDINACE As, 215. MONILIA Pers. MONILIA FRUCTIGENA. On fruits over the whole state. MONILIA AUREOFULVA C. & E. ( O7dium simile Berk.) On rotten wood, Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. 216. OIDIUM Link. OIDIUM MONILIOIDES Sh. On Agropyrum repens, Lake Co., Sara F. Goodrich. 24 (ez (OP 370 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. OIDIUM SIMILE Berk. Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.) 217. BOTRYTIS Mich. BOTRYTIS GENICULATA Corda. Clermont Co., D. L. James. BOTRYTIS VULGARE. On cultivated Peeonia, old leaves and stems, Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. 218. OVULARIA Sacc. OVULARIA VERONICAE (Fckl.) Sace. (Ramularia veronicae Fck).) On Veronica peregrina, Columbus, W. A. Kellerman. 219.. MICROSTROMA Niessl. MICROSTROMA JUGLANDIS (Ber.) Sacc. (JZ. leucosperma Nees.) On walnut leaves, Hocking Co., W. A. Kellerman. 221. DIDYMARIA Corda. DIDYMARIA UNGERI Corda. On Ranunculus recurvatus, Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. 222. CYLINDROCLADIUM Morgan. CYLINDROCLADIUM SCOPARIUM Morgan. On old pod of Gleditschia triacanthos, Preston (Hamilton Co.) A. P. Morgan. 223. DACTYLIUM Lk. DACTYLIUM ROSEUM LE. Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.) 224. RAMULARIA Ung. RAMULARIA ARVENSIS Sacc. On Potentilla norvegica, Central Ohio. RAMULARIA EPIGAEAE Ellis. On Epigaea repens, Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. RAMULARIA LINEOLA Pk. On Taraxacum officinale, Columbus, W. A. Kellerman. RAMULARIA MITELLAE PE. On Mitella diphvlla, Fairfield Co., Aug. D. Selby. BOTANY. 371 RAMULARIA OBOVATA Fckl. On Rumex crispus, Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. RAMULARIA PLANTAGINIS E. & M. On Plantago rugelii, Fairfield Co., Columbus Freda Detmers, W. A. Kellerman. RAMULARIA TULASNEI Sacc. On Fragaria virginiana, Lima, W. A. Kellerman. 225. SYNTHETOSPORA Morgan. SYNTHETOSPORA ELECTA Morgan. ~ On the hymenial surface of some Peziza, presumably P. semitosta, Preston, (Hamilton Co) A. P. Morgan (Bot. Gaz.) XXXIV. DEMATIACE. 226. TORULA Pers. TORULA HERBARUM Lk. On old stems of Alternanthera, in green house, Columbus, W. C. Werner. 227. STACHYBOTRYS Corda. STACHYBOTRYS LOBULATA Berk. On old valise in cellar, Columbus, W. C. Werner, 228. MENISPORA Pers. MENISPORA APICALIS B. & C. Hamilton Co., A. P. Morgan (Bot. Gaz.) MENISPORA CILIATA Corda. Hamilton Co., A. P. Morgan (Bot. Gaz.) MENISPORA COBALTINA Sacc. Hamilton Co., A. P. Morgan (Bot. Gaz.) MENISPORA GLAUCA (Link.) Pers. Hamilton Co., A. P. Morgan ( Bot. Gaz.) MENISPORA LIBERTIANA Sacc. & Roum. Hamilton Co., A. P. Morgan (Bot. Gaz.) 229. FUSICLADIUM Bon. FUSICLADIUM DENTRITICUM Fckl. On Pyrus malus, Columbus, Freda Detmers. (Sh) | N GEOLOGY OF OHIO. 230. POLYTHRINCIUM Kunze & Schum. POLYTHRINCIUM TRIFOLII Kunze. On Trifolium pratense and Trifolium repens, Columbus, Freda Detmers. 231. CLADOSPORIUM Link. CLADOSPORIUM EPIPHYLLUM Link. On Sassafras leaves, Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. CLADOSPORIUM FULVUM Cke. On Tomato vines (cultivated) Columbus, Freda Detmers W. A. Kellerman. CLADOSPORIUM HERBARUM Link. On cultivated Pzeonia, old stems and leaves, and Vinca minor, Fairfield Gor W. A. Kellerman; Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.) 232. SEPTONEMA Corda. SEPTONEMA SPILOMEUM Berk. Cincinnati and Waynesville (Warren Co.) Thos. G. Lea (Cat.) 233. HELMINTHOSPORIUM Link. HELMINTHOSPORIUM GRACILE Wallr. On Iris (cult.), Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. HELMINTHOSPORIUM PERSISTENS Cke. On dead leaves, Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. 234. CERCOSPORA Fr. CERCOSPORA ACALYPHA Peck. On Acalypha virginica, Franklin Co., W. C. Werner. CERCOSPORA ALTHAEINA Sacc. @n Hollyhock leaves, Ashtabula Co., Sara F. Goodrich. CERCOSPORA APII PASTINACAE Fres. On Celery and wild Parsnip, Central Ohio, Freda Detmers, W A. Kellerman. CERCOSPORA ASIMINAE Ell. & Kel. On Asimina triloba, Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman; Franklin Co., Freda Det- mers. CERCOSPORA BETAECOLA Sacc. On Beet, Columbus, Freda Detmers, W. A. Kellerman. CERCOSPORA CANA Sace. On Erigeron, Franklin Co., and Columbus, Freda Detmers, W. A. Kellerman BOTANY. OES CERCOSPORA DATURAE Peck. On Datura stramonium, Franklin Co. and Fairfield Co., Freda Detmers and W. A. Kellerman. CERCOSPORA DESMODII Ell & Kell. On Desmodium acuminatum, Adams Co., W. A. Kellerman. CERCOSPORA DIANTHERAE E & K. On Dianthera americana, Columbus, Warren Co., W. A. Kellerman, CERCOSPORA ELONGATA Peck. On Dipsacus sylvestris, Franklin Co., Freda Detmers, W. A. Kellerman. CERCOSPORA EFFUSA (B. & C.) Ellis. On Lobelia inflata and lL. syphilitica, Central and Southern Ohio, W. A. Keller- man. CERCOSPORA FERRUGINEA Fckl. On Ambrosia trifida, Athens, W. A. Kellerman. CERCOSPORA GYMNOCLADI E. & K. On Gymnocladus dioicus, Columbus, E. E. Bogue. CERCOSPORA LIRIODENDRI Ell. & Hark. On Liriodendron tulipifera, Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman, CERCOSPORA POLYGONACEA Ell. & Ev. On Polygonum convolyulus, Columbus, Freda Detmers, CERCOSPORA SABBATIAE E. &E. On Sabbatia angularis, Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. CERCOSPORA SAGITTARIAE E. & K. On Sagittaria sagittaefolia, Scioto Co. and Franklin Co., W. A. Kellerman. CERCOSPORA SMILACINA Pk. (Helminthosporium petersii B. & C.) On Smilax, Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. CERCOSPORA SYMPLOCARPI Pk. On Symplocarpus foetidus, Orwell (Ashtabula Co.) E. E. Bogue. CERCOSPORA VIOLAE Sacc. On Viola palmata, Columbus, Freda Detmers. 235. SPORODESMIUM Link. SPORODESMIUM CONCINNUM Berk. Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea ( Cat.) SPORODESMIUM CELLULOSUM Fr. Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea .( Cat.) 374 : GEOLOGY OF OHIO. 236. MACROSPORIUM Fr. MACROSPORIUM PINGUEDINIS Berk. Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea ( Cat.) MACROSPORIUM PLEOSPOROIDES EF. & K. On Lappa major, Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. MACROSPORIUM PUNCTIFORME Berk. Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea ( Cat.) XXXV. STILBACEH A. 236. CERATIUM A. &S&. CERATIUM HYNOIDES A. & S. On rotten wood, Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman; Granville, W. G. Tight, H. L. Jones. 237. SPOROCYBE Fries. SPOROCYBE BYSSOIDES Fr. On Papaw and on Rumex (old leaves), Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman, SPOROCYBE PERSICAE Fr. Clermont Co., D. L. James. XXXVI. TUBERCULARIACEA. 238. TUBERCULARIA Tode. TUBERCULARIA VULGARIS Tode. Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.) 239. BACTRIDIUM Kunze. BACTRIDIUM FLAVUM K.&S. (2B. clavatum B. & Br.; B. ellisii Berk.) Hamilton Co., A. P. Morgan (Bot. Gaz.) 240. FUSARIUM Link. FUSARIUM LATERITIUM Nees. Cincinnati, Thos. G. Lea (Cat.); Clermont Co., D. L. James. FUSARIUM OXYSPORUM AURANTIACUM Cda. On Squash (fruit), Columbus, W. A. Kellerman. BOTANY. 241. EPICOCCUM Link. EPICOCCUM PURPURASCENS Ehr. On old paper, Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman, EPICOCCUM SPH4SROSPERMUM Berk. On Carex, Fairfield Co., W. A. Kellerman. 242. EXOSPORIUM Link. EXOSPORIUM TILIA. Clermont Co., D. L. James. 375 Alphabetical Ltist » OF HOST-PLANTS OF THE PARASITIC FUNGI Acalypha virginica (Cercospora acalyphae). Acer rubrum ( Rhytisma acerinum, Uncinula circinata). Acer saccharinum (Rhytisma acerinum, Uncinula circinata). Achillea millefolium (Leptosphaeria ogilviensis). Actaea alba (Aecidium actaeae ). Aesculus glabra (Septoria aesculi, Uncinula flexuosa). Agrimonia eupatoria (Ureo agrimoniz, Sphaerotheca humuli). Agropyrum (Erysiphe graminis, Oidium monilioides). Ailanthus glandulosa (Leptostroma petiolarum). Alnus serrulata (Exoascus alnitorquus). Amarantus chlorostachys (Albugo amaranthi). Amelanchier (Dinemasporium collinsii.) Ambrosia artemisiaefolia (Albugo tragopoginis, Puccinia xanthi),. Ambrosia trifida (Cercospora ferruginea). Ampelopsis quinquefolia ( Phyllosticta ampelopsidis, Uncinula necator), Amphicarpaea comosa (Synchytrium decipiens). Anemone ( Puccinia anemones virginiane ). Anemone quinquefolia (Puccinia fusca). Anemone pennsylvanica (Plasmopara pyginaea). Andropogon virginicus (Uromyces graminicola). Aquilegia canadensis (Erysiphe communis). Aquilegia vulgaris (Septoria anemones). Arisaema (Uromyces caladii). Aristida dichotoma (Sorosporium ellisii). Asclepias ( Uromyces howei)._ Asimina triloba (Cercospora asiminae, Phyllosticta asiminae, Sporocybe byssoides}), Aster (Coleosporium sonchi, Aecidium asterum). Aster macrophyllus (Puccinia asteris). Beech (Scorias spongiosa, Phyllactinia suffulta, Libertella faginea). Beet (Cercospora betaecola). Bidens frondosa (Sphaerotheca castagnei). Blephilia (Puccinia menthae). Borraginaceae (Erysiphe cichoracearum). Brassica nigra (Albugo candidus). Bromus ciliatus (Septoria graminum ). Cacalia atriplicifolia (Septoria cacaliae ). Capsella bursa pastoris (Albugo candidus). BOTANY. 37 “J Carex (Epicoccum sphaerospermum). Carpinus ( Phyllactinia suffulta). Castanea sativa americana ( Microsphaera alni, Gnomonia setacea, Sphaerella sparsa, Septoria ochroleuca). Catalpa bignonioides (Microsphaera elevata, Phyllactinia suffulta). Ceanothus americanus (Frankia ceanothi). Cedar (Gymnosporangium macropus, G. globosum). Celery (Cercospora apii pastinacae). Celtis occidentalis (Sphaerotheca phytoptophila, Sphaerella mdeutuetoennial: Chaerophyllum procumbens (Puccinia pimpinellae ). Chenopodium album (Phyillosticta chenopodi1). Cherry (cult.) (Septoria ribis, Plowrightia morbosa, Podosphaera oxyacantha). Chestnut (Phyllactinia suffulta, Gnomonia sectacea; Sphaerella sparsa, Septoria ochroleuca). Cimicifuga racemosa (Aecidium cimicifugatum, Leptostroma actaeae, Uromyces carcinodes ). Circaea lutetiana (Puccinia circaeae). Claytonia virginica (Aecidium claytoniatum, Puccinia mari-wilsoni). Clematis (cult.) (Erysiphe communis). Clematis virginiana (Krysiphe communis ). Cnicus (Puccinia hieracii). Compositae (Aecidium compositarum, Erysiphe cichoracearum ). Cunila (Puccinia menthae). Currant (Septoria ribis). Dahlia (cult.) (Erysiphe cichoracearum). Datura stramonium (Cercospora daturae). Dead leaves (Helminthosporium persistens). Desmodium (Meibomia) ( Uromyces hedysari-paniculata). Desmodium accuminatum (Cercospora desmodiit ). Desmodium canescens (Erysiphe communis, Microsphaera diffusa), Deutzia gracilis (Phyllosticta deutziae). Dianthera americana (Cercospora diantherae). Dicentra cucullaria (Aecidium dicentre). Dipsacus sylvestris (Cercospora elongata). Dirca palustris (Aecidium hydnoideum). Elymus canadensis (Claviceps purpurea). Elymus virginicus (Claviceps purpurea). Epigaea repens (Ramularia epigaeae). Erechtites hieracifolia (Plasmopara halstedii). E1igeron (Cercospora cana, Septoria erigerontis). Erigeron annuus ( Aecidium erigeronatum). Erigeron bellidifo ius (Aecidium erigeronatum), Euonymus atropurpureus (Microsphaera alni). Eupatorium ageratoides (Puccinia tenuis, Aecidium tenue). Eupatorium perfoliatum (Aecidium compositarum ). Eupatorium purpureum (Leptostroma vulgare). Euphorbia ( Uromyces euphorbiae, Aecidium euprorbias): European Ivy (Vermicularia trichilla). Fagus (Scorias spongiosa, Phyllactinia suffulta, Libertella faginae). Festuca elatior (Claviceps purpurea). Flies (Empusa muscae). Fragaria virginiana (Ramularia tulasnei). 378 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. Fruits (Monilia fructigena). Galium (Puccinia galii). Gaultheria procumbens (Asterina gaultheriae, Sphaerella gaultheriz ). Gaylussacia resinosa (Microsphaera vaccinii, Exobasidium vaccini1). Geranium maculatum (Aecidium geranii). Geum (Septoria gei). Gleditschia triacanthos (Melasmia gleditschia, Microsphaera ravenelii), Gleditschia triacanthos (old pods) (Cylindrocladium scoparium ). Glyceria fluitans (Claviceps purpurea). Goose berries (cult.) (Sphaerotheca mors uve). _ Gramineae, wheat, oats, etc. (Puccinia graminis). Grapes (cult.) (Plasmopara viticola, Phoma uvicola). Grasses (Phyllachora graminis, Epichloe typhina). Gymnocladus dioicus (Cercospora gymnocladi). Helianthus (Coleosporium sonchi, Puccinia helianthus, Aeeidint compositarum ), Hepatica acutiloba (Aecidium punctatum). Hollyhock leaves (Cercospora althaeina). Horse dung (Pilobolus crystallinus). House flies (Empusa muscae). Houstonia caerulea (Aecidium houstoniatum ). Hydrangea arborescens (Uredo hydrangeae). Hydrophyllum macrophyllum (Erysiphe cichoracearum). Hypericum corymbosum (Septoria sphaerelloides), Hypericum mutilum (Uromyces hyperici). Impatiens (Aecidium impatientis). Impatiens fulva (Puccinia nolitangeris.) Iris (cult.) (Helminthosporium gracile). Indian corn (Puccinia sorghi, Ustilago maydis). Juniperus virginiana (Gymunosporangium macropus, G. globosum), Kalmia latifolia (Septoria kalmaecola). Lactuca canadensis (Sphaerella praecox). Lactuca sativa (cult.) (Septoria consimilis ). Lactuca scariola (Septoria consimilis), Lappa major (Phyllosticta lappae, Macrosporium pleosporoides), Leersia virginica (Tilletia corona). Leguminosae (several species) (Erysiphe communis). Lespedeza ( Uromyces lespedezae). Lespedeza violacea (Darluca filum). Lettuce (cult.) (Bremia lactuce). Lilac (Microsphaera alni). Liriodendron tulipifera (Cercospora liriodendri, Erysiphe liriodendri, Sphaerella liriodendri). Lobelia inflata (Cercospora effusa). Lobelia syphilitica ( Cercospora effusa). Lophanthus nepetoides (Septoria lophanth1). Lycium vulgare (Phyllosticta lycii). Malva rotundifolia (Septoria destruens). Meibomia (Uromyces hedysari-paniculata, Erysiphe ¢éonimunis, Microsphaera diffusa). Mentha (Puccinia menthae). Micrampeles echinata (Plasmopara australis). Mitella diphylla (Puccinia tiarellae, Ramularia mitelle ). Monarda (Puccinia menthe). Napzea dioica (Aecidium nape). BOTANY. 379 Wepeta cataria (Phyllosticta decidua). Nesza verticillata (Aecidium nese). Oaks ( Microspheera quercina, Phyllactinia suffulta). Oak bark (Nummularia bulliardi). Oats ( Ustilago avenze, Puccinia graminis, P. coronata). Oenotherae (Septoria oenothere). f Oenotherae bieunis (Aecidium cenothera, Uromyces peckii). Old wood ( Rosellinia mammiformis). Peeonia (cult.) (Botrytis vulgare, Cladosporium herbarum). Panicum capi.lare (Puccinia emaculata). Panicum latifolium (Dothidea graminis), Panicum sanguinale (Ustilago cesatii). Paper (old) Epicoccum purpurascens). Pardanthus ( Vermicularia liliacearum). Parietaria pennsylvanica (Erysiphe cichoracearum), Parsnip (Cercospora apii pastinacae). Peach leaves (Exoascus deformans, Phyllosticta persicae). Peach limbs (old) (Sphaeronema persicae). Pear (Entomosporium mespili). Phaseolus (cult.) (Uromyces appendiculatus). Phlox (cult.) (Erysiphe cichoracearum). Phlox paniculata (Phyllactinia suffulta). Physalis lanceolata (Entyloma physalidis). Phytolacea decandra (Phoma phytolaccae, Septoria phlyctaenoides). Pinus rigidus (Coleosporium senecionis). Plantago rugelii (Ramularia plantaginis). Platanus occidentalis (Sphaeropsis sphaeroides, Microsphaera alni), Plum (cult.) (Plowrightia morbosa, Podosphaera oxycanthae). Poa pratensis (Erysiphe graminis). Podophyllum peltatum (Phyllosticta podophylli, Puccinia podophylli, Septoria podophyllina). : Polygonum ( Uromyces polygoni, Septoria polygonorum), Polygonum convolvulus (Cercospora polygonacea). Polygonum pennsylvanicum (Ustilago utriculosa). Populus (Melampsora populina). Portulaca oleracea (Albugo portulacae). Potentilla canadensis (Dothidea potentillae, Phragmidium potentillae). Potentilla norvegica (Mollisia dehenii, Ramularia arvensis). Pycnanthemum (Puccinia menthae). Pyrus malus (Fusicladium dendriticum). Quercus (rotten stems) (Cenangium triangulare). Quercus alba (Trichopeziza capitula, Sphaerella maculaeformis). Quercus coccinea (Sphaerella polystigma). Quercus macrocarpa (Sphaerella maculaeformis). Quercus prinus (Venturia orbicula). Quercus rubra, (Sphaerella maculaeformis, Phoma glandicola). Quince (Entomosporium mespil)). Ranuncuiacee (various species) (Erysiphe communis). Ranunculus abortivus (Aecidium ranunculi), Ranunculus recurvatus (Didymaria ungeri). Raspberry (cult.) (Gleosporium venetum). Rhus radicans (Uromyces terebinthi). Ribes (Aecidium grossulariz). 380 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. Robinia viscosa (Sphaeronema macrospora}. Rose (leaves and stems) (Phragmidium subcorticiu:). Roses (cult.) (Sphaerotheca pannosa). Rubus (Caeoma nitens, Septoria rubi). Ruellia (Puccinia lateripes). Rumex (old leaves) (Sporocybe byssoides). Rumex crispus (Ramularia obovata). Sabbatia angularis (Cercospora sabbatiae). Sagittaria sagittaefolia (Cercospora sagittariae). Sambucus canadensis (Microsphaera alni, Aecidium sambuci). Sanicula (Puccinia sanicule). Sarracenia (sp. cult.) (Pestalozzia aquatica). Sassafras (Sphaerella sassafras, Cladosporium epiphyllum, Gnomonia sassafras, M.logramma fuliginosum). Saxifraga virginiensis ( Puccinia saxifragae). Scirpus fluviatilis (Puccinia angustata). Scrophularia nodosa marilandica (Septoria scrophulariae), Scutellaria (Phyllosticta verbaenae). Scutellaria lateriflora (Erysiphe galeopsidis), Uncinula columbiana, Sicyos angulata (Plasmopara australis). Silphium perfoliatum (Puccinia silphii). Sisymbrium officinale (Albugo candidus). Smilax (Cercospora smilacina). Smilax rotundifolia (Uredo smilacis). Solidago (Aecidium asterum, Aeisolidaginis, Coleosporium solidaginis). Specularia perfoliata (Septoria speculariae). Spilosoma virginica (Empusa grylli). Spiraea tomentosa (Podosphaera minor). Squish (fruit) (Fusarium oxysporum). Stachys aspera glabra (Erysiphe galeopsidis). Stachys palustris (Erysiphe galeopsidis). Stereum frustulosum (Stictis sterei). Symplocarpus foetidus (Cercospora symplocarpi). Syndesmon thalictroides (Aecidium sommerfeltii). Taraxacum officinale (Ramularia lineola, Puccinia hieracii). Tephrosia virginica (Ravenelia glanduliformis). Ti ia americana (Sphaerella sparsa). Timothy (Tilletia striaeformis). Tomato vines (Cladosporium fulvum). Trifolium (Uromyces trifolii.) Trifolium pratense (Polythrincium trifolii). - Trifolium repens (Polythrincium trifolii, Phyllachora trifolii.) Triticum vulgare (Erysiphe graminis, Ustilago tritici, Tilletia foeteus, Septoria- tritici). Ulmus americana (Uncinula macrospora, Gnomonia ulmea). Ulmus fulva (Uncinula macrospora, Septoria ulmi). Vaccinium vacillans (Exobasidium vaccinii, Microsphaera vacinii), Verbascum blattaria (Septoria verbascicola). Verbascum thapsus (Spheria verbascicola). Verbena (Septoria verbenae). Verbenaceae (Erysiphe cichoracearum). Vernonia (Coleosporium vernoniae). Veronica peregrina (Ovularia veronicae). Vinca minor (Cladosporium herbarum, Sphaeropsis vinca). BOTANY. 351 Viola (Puccinia violae). Viola hastata (Puccinia hastata Septoria violae). Viola palmata (Cercospora violae). Vitis (Phyllosticta labruscae, Uncinula necator). Vitis aestivalis bicolor ( Phyllosticta labruscae). Waldsteinia jragarioides (Septoria waldsteiniae). Walnut hulls (old) (Sphaeropsis pericarpii). Walnut leaves (Microstroma juglandis). Wheat ( Puccinia rubigovera, Puccinia graminis, Tilletia foetans, Septoria grami- num, Ustilago tritici, Septoria tritici, Pyrenophora trichostoma). Willow (Melampsora salicina, Uncinula salicis). Wood (rotten) (Ceratium hynoides, Monilia aureofulva). Xanthium strumarium (Vermicularia dematium, Puccinia xanthii). Zea mays (Sphaeria maydis, Ustilago maydis, Puccinia sorghi). Index TO THE GENERA OF FUNGI. {The references are to the serial number, not to the page]. A Acrospermum, 178. Aecidium, 104. Agaricaceae, I. Agaricus, 37. Albugo, 112. Amanita, l. Amanitopsis, 2. Anellaria, 44. Antennaria, 127a. Armillaria, 4. Asterina, 126. Anthostoma, 136. Bactridium, 239. Bolbitius, 41. Boletus, 46. Bombardia, 135. Botryosphaeria, 144. Botrytis, 217. Bovista, 92. Bremia, 114. Bulgaria, 194. Bulgariaceae XXV. Cc Ceeonia, 106. Calocera, 74. Calospora, 156. Calvatia, 93. Cantharellus, 14. Capnodium, 127. Caryospora, 152. Cenangium, 192. Ceratium, 286a. Ceratastoma, 133. Cercospora, 234. Chytridiaceae, XV. Cladosporium, 231. Clavaria, 73. Clavariaceae, V. Claviceps, 167. Clitocybe, 6. Clitopilus, 24. Clyclomyces, 53. Coelosphaeria, 129. “Coleosporium, 102. Collybia, 7. Coprinus, 42. Cordyceps, 168. Corticium, 70. Cortinarius, 35. Coryne, 195. Craterellus. 66. Crepidotus, 34. Cronartium, 98. Crucibulum, 88. Cyathus, 89. Cyclomyces, 53. Cylindrocladium, 222. Cynophallus, 85. Cyphella, 72. Cystopus, 112. Cytospora, 204. Dacryomyces, 81. Dactylium, 225. Daedalea, 52. Darluca, 207. Dasyscypha, 190. Dematiaceae, XXXIV. Dermateaceae, XXIV. Diatrype, 132. Diaporthe, 149. Dichaena, 174 Dictyophora, 8+. Didymaria, 221. Didymella, 146. Dimerosporium, 1262, Diplodia, 206. Dothidea, 172. Dothideaceae, XX. E Empusa, 115. Entoloma, 23. Entomophthoraceae, XIII. Entomosporium, 211. Entyloma, 109. Epichloe, 169. Epicoccum, 241. Erysiphe, 121. Erysipheae, XVI. Eutypa, 13la. Eutypella, 131. Exidia, 78. Exoascus, 199. Exobasidium, 71. Exosporium, 242. Favolus, 54. Flammula, 29. Fomes, 48. Frankia, 118. Fusarium, 240. Fusicladium, 229. Galera, 32. Geaster, 91. Gleo Cypricardites Caswetli, Foerste. ie Cypricardinia undulostriata, Hall. Tellinomya cllptica, Hall. Tellinomya (Nucula?) mininia, Foerste, Tellinomya (Nucula?) socialis, sp. nov. Tellinomya (Nucula?) Clintonensis, sp. nov. Nuculites (Cleidophorus) ferrugineus, sp. NOV. FOSSILS OF THE CLINTON GROUP. 507 BRACHIOPODA. (Crania dubia.) (Crantella Clintonensts.) Plectambonites transversalis, Wahlenberg.(var. elegantulus, var. prolongatus Foerste.) _ Leptena (formerly Strophomena) rhomboidalis, Wilckens, Strophomena (Orthothetes) Hanoverensis, Foerste. Strophomena ( Orthothetes) tenuts, Hall. Strophomena (Strophonella, Amphistrophia) patenta, Hall. Or his (Orthis, Dinorthis) calligramma, Dalman (var. eu-orthts ; var. PEE lites, Hall; var. dinorthis); var. fissi-plicata, var. nov. Orthis (Herbertella) fausta, Foerste, var. sguamosa, var. nov. Orthis (Herbertella) Daytonensis, Foerste. Orthis (Platystrophia) biforata, Schlotheim. Orthis (Dalmanella) elegantula, Dalman. Orthis (Rhipidomella) hybrida, Sowerby. Triplecia Ortonz, Meek, Meristella umbonata, Billings. Atrypa marginalis, Dalman (var. mudtistriata), var. lati-corrugata, var. nov. Rhynchone la scobina, Meek. Cyclospira? sparst-plicata, sp. nov. Lxchwaldia reticulata, Hall. Stricklandinia triplesiana, Foerste. 598 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. BRYOZOANS AND CORALS OF THE CLINTON GROUP OF OHIO AND © INDIANA, WITH A LIST OF LOCALITIES, AND OCCASIONAL NOTES. BRYOZOA. Ptilodictya lanceolata, Goldfuss, var. Americana var. nov. (Plate 36, Fig. 3a,b). This form is very common at the Soldiers’ Home Quarry; in the quarry in Glaser’s woods five and a third miles from Dayton on the Brandt pike. It is the form confused by Hall and Whitfield with their Phaenopora expansa at the time of publication of the lat- . ter species. It is evidently closely related to the Gotland species Ptilodictya lanceolata, from which it may differ in attaining a larger size, or being at least broader, and in the fronds showing a tend- ency towards undulose folding laterally. Ptilodictya Whitfieldi, sp. nov. (Plate 28, Fig.5; Plate 36 Fig.4). Thisisa form with flat, not very broad fronds, with almest parallel edges, ex- cept of course towards the base. One of the specimens in the Ohio State University collection from Todd’s Fork is 80 mm. long and 19 mm. broad. A second in Dr. Chas. Welch’s collection from the same source shows a tendency towards a falciform outline at its basal extremity, but its upper two-thirds are quite straight. It is 11 mm, broad, 2 mm. thick, and 80 mm. long. A specimen in the writer’s collection from this locality is 8 mm. wide and 1 mm. thick. This is another form confused by Hall with his Phenopora expansa in the 12th Annual Report of the Indiana Survey, 1883. This form has never been seen by the writer from Dayton quarries. Clathropora frondosa, Hall (Plate 28, Fig. 3), Soldiers’ Home, Fauver’s Quarry, Centreville, Todd’s Fork, Ohio; Hanover, Indiana. In the Clinton iron ore at Red Mountain near Birmingham, Alabama, very typical specimens in Ohio State University collection. ~ Clathropora Clintonensis, Hall and Whitfield (Plate 28, Fig. 4), Soldiers’ Home, Fair Haven, Fauver’s. Phenopora ensiformis, Hall, according to EK. O. Ulrich in the Clinton of Ohio. Phaenopora expansa, Hall and Whitfield (Plate 29, Fig. 1). This species is probably identical with Phaenopora constellata, Hall. In the Beavertown marl at Huffman’s and Geo. Young’s Quarries only forms with low monticules and thin fronds have been found. Low monticules also predominate in the upper shaly courses at Huff- man’s. Medium sized monticules occur at Fair Haven; and in the upper, shaly courses at Centreville, Huffman’s Quarry and Soldiers’ Home, the fronds are of medium thickness and only a small num- ber of interstitial cells are added to the normal number (two_ between every cell) in the monticules. The most prominent mon- ticules occur in the limestone specimens at Soldiers’ Home, and an oe “a . Le Sy FOSSILS OF THE CLINTON GROUP. 599 occasionally in the shaly courses; here there is a considerable in- crease in the number of interstitial cells in the monticules. A frond from Todd’s Fork measured 94 by 24 mm. and a second was o0 mm. broad. In the collection of the Ohio State University occurs a specimen from Brown’s Quarry. Prof. E. W. Claypole collected this species at Yellow Springs, Itoccurs also atSiebold’s Quarry on Brandt pike. Phaenopora magna, Hall and Whitfield (Plate 28, Fig. 6; Plate 29, Fig. 2 a, b, c.), Soldiers’ Home, Brown’s Quarry, with branches 5.6 to 7.3 mm. wide. Fauver’s Quarry; in the cement of the conglomerate at Belfast, Highland county, Ohio. Phaenopora multifida, (Van Cleve) Hall. (Plate 29, Fig. 3), Soldiers’ Home, Brown’s quarry, with branches 8 mm. broad and 2 mm. apart. Hanover, Indiana, very typical. Phaenopora fimbriata, James (Plate 28, Fig. 7), Soldiers’ Home, Fauver’s Quarry, Centreville, Todd’s Fork, Fair Haven, in the cement of the conglomerate at Belfast, Ohio, Pachydictya emarcescens, Foerste, (Plate 31, Fig. 30 a, b) Eaton, Ohio. Pachydictya farcta, Foerste (Plate 31, Figs. 31), Eaton, Ohio. Pachydictya rudis, Foerste (Plate 31, Fig. 32, 35), Eaton, Belfast, Ohio. Pachydictya emaciata, Foerste (Plate 28, Fig. 8), Soldiers’ Home and Fauver’s Quarry. Pachydictya bifurcata (Van Cleve), Hall’ (Plate 28. Fig. 9). Soldiers’ Home, Fair Haven, Centreville, typical. At Brown’s Quarry this species occurs with narrower branches (4 mm. wide), with more cells laterally in a distance of 2mm. (=8 to 8.3 cells), but with the same number of cells in 2 mm. measured longitudinally (=5.5 cells). At Brown’s Quarry forms with 7 cells in 2 mm. measured lateratly, also occur. Pachydictya bifurcata, var. instabilis, Foerste (Plate 28, Fig. 10), Brown’s Quarry. Pachydictya turgida, Foerste ( Plate 28, Fig 11), Soldiers’ Home, Fair Haven. Pachydictya obesa, Foerste (Plate 28, Fig. 12), Soldier’s Home. . Trigonodictya Eatonensis, Ulrich. ‘The Bryozoa of the Lower Silurian in Minnesota, 1893, Eaton, Brown’s Quarry. Stictopora similis, Hall. In the cementing material of the conglomerate at Belfast, Highland county, Ohio. Rhinopora verrucosa, Hall (Plate 28, Figs. 13, a, b,c), Soldiers’ Home, Centreville, Fair Haven, Todd’s Fork, collected at Yellow Springs, by E. W. Claypole. Fauver’s Quarry, Brown’s Quarry, the frondose variety. “Orthoceras” block at MHuftman’s Quarry, also at Siebold’s Quarry on Brandt pike. Hemitri pa Ulrichi, Foerste (Plate 28, Fig. 2), Brown’s Quarry, Yellow Springs (EH. W. Claypole’s collection), Reed’s Hill, common and typical at Siebold’s Quarry, Fauver’s, Soldiers’ Home, Huffman’s. 600 ; GEOLOGY OF OHIO. Phylloporina angulata, Hall (Plate 28, Fig. 1), Brown's Quarry, Yellow Springs (E. W. Claypole’s collection), Fauver’s Quarry, Soldiers’ Home, Siebold’s Quarry four and three-quarters miles from Day- ton on the Brandt pike, Fair Haven, Todd’s Fork, Centreville. Flomotrypa confluens, Foerste (Plate 29, Fig. 4a, b.). According to a letter from Mr. E. O. Ulrich the species belong to the section of A. separata. It possesses cystiphragms and mesopore-like interspaces, the latter how-ver very short. Soldiers’ Home, Centreville. Aspidopora parmula, Foerste (Plate 28, Fig. 14), Huffman’s quarry in the Beavertown marl; quite common at the same quarry in the upper shaly courses of the Clinton. Soldiers’ Home, in the up- per ferriferous layer of Todd’s Fork. The completed frond is discoid in form, very thin, slightly curved so as to be convex above, about 25 mm. in diameter. A form with little areas about 3 mm. apart, within which the regular cells are very distant, giv- ing the appearance of /acune in the frond; may be designated as var. fenestelliformyis. Callopora elegantula, Hall. Huffman’s Quarry in the upper shaly courses. Callopora niagnopora, Foerste (Plate 29, Fig. 5). According to E. O. Ulrich it is doubtless a direct development of C. amp/a of the Trenton, and C. szbp/ana of the Cincinnati rocks. Lioclemella (gen. nov.) Ohioensis, Foerste (Plate 29, Fig. 6). The fol- lowing notes are taken from a letter to the writer from Mr. E. O. Ulrich, who very kindly assisted him here as well as elsewhere in his work. This species belongs to a new genus having relations to Lioclema, Ulrich, from which it differs almost solely in its mode of growth. Lzoclema, as is usual with ramose forms is attached to foreign bodies by a broad, continuous basal expansion. In L. Ohioensts and other species of the same type, the zoarium is simple or but sparingly divided, and the base pointed, whether for articulation as in Pézlodictya or other cases can not be said. The new genus will include besides LZ. Ofhzoensis, Foerste, and Trematopora ? nitida, Uirich, one or two undescribed Cincinnati species, most probably Whitfield’s 7rematopora,annulifera, and perhaps his Chetetes fustformis as well. Mr. Ulrich suggests the use of Z. Ohioensis as a good type of the new genus. Centreville. Ceramopora expansa, James, Todd’s Fork, in the collection of Dr. Chas. Welch, son of Dr. Ll. B. Welch, the collector; Brown’s Quarry, a typical specimen. HYDROZOA. Dictyonema pertenue Foerste (Plate 27, Figs., 27 a, 6.). Soldiers’ Home. Dictyonema scalariforme, Foerste (Plate 27, Figs. 28,29). Soldiers’ Home. Clathrodictyon vesiculosum, Nichols and Murie. Yellow Springs. FOSSILS OF THE CLINTON GROUP. 601 ANTHOZOA. Freliolites subtubulatus, McCoy. Wudlow Falls, Fauver’s Quarry, Huff- man’s Quarry, Fair Haven. At Brown’s Quarry the form with cells 7 mm. in diameter occurs, also a second form with cells 1.2 mm. broad. Siebold’s Quarry on Brandt pike. Favosites favosus, Goldfuss. Fair Haven, Brown’s Quarry. Favosites favosoideus, Hall. Soldiers’ Home. Favosites Niagarensis, Hall. Fair Haven, Brown’s Quarry, Soldiers’ Home, Siebold’s Quarry, Ludlow Falls. At T odd’s. Fork speci- mens occur with 10 tubes in a width of 18 mm. At Brown’s Quarry, tubes 1.8 mm. in diameter occur, with 9-11 diaphragms in 4 mm. Another form has tubes 1.9 mm. wide, and 6 to 7 diaphragms in4 mm. A third has tubes 2.2 mm. wide. Favosites venustus, Hall. Ludlow Falls, Fair Haven. Alveolites Niagarensis, Rominger. Ludlow Falls. Striatopora flexuosa, Hall. Fair Haven, Ludlow Falls. Flalysites catenulatus Linneeus. Ludlow Falls, Fair Haven, Soldiers’ Home, Siebold’s Quarry. Syringopora ( Lrymotbora) fascicularis (Davis), Foerste. Ludlow Falls, Fair Haven, Siebold’s Quarry on Brandt pike. Aulopora precia, Hall, var. compressa, Foerste. Ludlow Falls. Cyathophyllum celator, Hall, var. Daytonensa, Foerste. (Plate 34, Figs. 9-11.) Soldiers’ Home. Cyathophyllum ? caliculum, Hall. (Plate 34, Fig. 8.) The outer area is supplied with dissepiments; the value of this character in dis- tinguishing this form from the genus S/repte/asma, the writer has not the material to determine. Soldiers’ Home, Huffman’s, Fau- vers, Fair Haven. Casts of apparently the typical form occur at Collinsville, Alabama. Ptychophyllum tpomea (Davis) Foerste. Centreville. Diphyphyllum cespitosum, Hall. Brown’s Quarry, Ludlow Falls, Sol- diers’ Home, Centreville, Yellow Springs. Acervularia Cluntonensis, Nicholson. Yellow Springs. Streptelasma Hoskinsoni, Foerste. (Plate 34, Figs. 1-6.) Brown’s Quarry. Streptelasma? geometricum, Foerste. (Plate 34, Figs. 7, 12,13.) Soldiers’ Home, Todd’s Fork. This may be but another form of Cyatho- phyllum caliculum, but no dissepiments were noticed. Streptelasma obliquins, Foerste. (Plate 34, Figs. 14, 15.) Hanover, Indiana. CHAPTER VI. WHE POSSE: FISHES Or 7 OEM: By Pror. E. W. CLAYpPoLg, B. A., D. Sc., (Lonp.), F. G. SS. L.E. ann A.; BUCHTEL COLLEGE, AKRON, O.; WITH A SUPPLEMENT By Pror. A. A. WRIGHT, OF OBERLIN COLLEGE, O. No more interesting or more important contribution has been made from Ohio to the world’s knowledge of its extinct forms of life than the chapter which begins with the breaking open of a concretion near Del- aware, by the Rev. H. Hertzer, in 1864. He, by that stroke, exposed the earliest of the strange fleet of Upper Devonian fishes, clad in bony armour, which subsequent discoveries have so multiplied that it now forms a fauna scarcely second to that which was brought to day by the labors of Hugh Miller from the almost equivalent rocks of the Old Red Sandstone of Scotland. Taking up the work where it was dropped by Mr. Hertzer, Mr. Terrell of Oberlin, and Dr. Clark of Berea, have been the foremost la- borers in the field though others have given important assistance. Chiefly through the indefatigable efforts of these two men we now have collec- tions of fossils equaling in interest and value those which have been yielded by any area of equal size anywhere. They have made the shales of northern and central Ohio classic ground forever to the paleontol- ogists of the world. It was the genius of the late Dr. Newberry that interpreted the. fos- sils thus brought to light, traced their relations and illustrated their structure. He it was who sagaciously outlined the anatomy of the strange monsters of the Devonian seas leaving to his successors the task of filling in the details and extending the work. No single species proved identical with any on the other side of the Atlantic and though new genera were defined to receive most of them, yet their family resemblance was obvious to the anatomist. Parallel types were found to have existed in both continents with wide differ- ences of detail. Since that time, however, further research has discovered a few Eu- ropean genera here and a few American types have been found in FOSSIL FISHES. 603 Europe. By these “finds” the fish-fauna of the two worlds has been brought into closer agreement. That no actual or immediate communication existed between the -waters of Europe and of North America is rendered certain by the differ- erence of the species. But that such communication had once existed cannot be doubted when the obvious similarity of structure in the fossils- indicative of genetic connection, is taken into account. Into this question however of Devonian and Silurian geography we cannot here enter. The evidence is too indirect to admit of condensa- tion into the space at our command. One point in connection with these fossils is nevertheless of sufficient general interest to justify a short notice. ; The line of descent of these strange armored monsters has not yet been traced. They appeared suddenly in the waters of the Devonian seas and at present stand as it were almost without father and without mother. But no one accustomed to modern views of the relationship of the ani- mal kingdom, fossil or recent, doubts that behind creatures of so com- paratively high a development there must have existed ancestors nearly as high, of which we at present know nothing. ‘The rocks below those which have yielded such treasures must hold other treasures thus far unknown—the fossils of earlier seas hitherto unfound. ‘This statement, will be better understood after examining the following table. The Cleveland Shale of Dr. Newberry (upper part of the Ohio Shale of this report) is the stratum from which have been extracted nearly all the fossils above alluded to, This is the uppermost part of the Devon- ian of Ohio of most authors, but it was placed in the Carboniferous by Dr. Newberry. Below it lie the beds as here given: S Cleveland Shale Fish-fossils abundant. -= Ohio Shale 4 Erie Shale Fish-fossils absent. 5 Huron Shale Fish-fossils present. 5 Hamilton Shale }ish-fossils absent. = Corniferous Limestone Fish-fossils abundant. Lower Helderberg Limestone. Fetes Group. Si‘urian + Niagara Limestone. | Clinton Limestone. | Medina Shale. Thus we see that while the Cleveland shale is so rich the immedi- ately underlying Erie Shale is absolutely barren, but the still deeper and therefore older Huron has yielded at least five species. Below this again the Hamilton or Olentangy has, so far as I. am aware, proved en- lirely devoid of fish-remains, while the Corniferous Limestone, the base of the Devonian rocks of the State, is even richer than the Huron, hold- ing as it does several large and striking forms of ichthyic life and abund- ant fragments of smaller species. It is hardly necessary to add that these statements refer only to the State of Ohio. 604 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. At the base of the Corniferous Limestone we lose in Ohio all trace of vertebrate existence and must go elsewhere to find any older forms. And even elsewhere the search has not been very well rewarded in so far as it regards the problem of the ancestry of fishes. Though the Upper Silurian strata of Europe have yielded a considerable number yet these differ in structure so far from those of Devonia that comparison is diffi- cult, and direct lineage scarcely probable. Similar fossils were found in 1885 in rocks of almost the same age in Pennsyivania *“but they furnished no new material for answering the question. ‘The Silurian type is one - and the Devonian another and very different and the links are lacking. - Some hope was raised in 1890 by a reported discovery of fish-fossils in Colorado, in Ordovician (Lower Silurian) strata.f But the results thus far have not realized the expectation, and the evidence is far from sufficient to bridge for the palaeontologist the enormous time-interval or to outweigh logically the immense improbability that creatures so comparatively high existed at a date so remote. Time will show, but at present we must admit that the origin of the vertebrates is shrouded in mystery. Possibly the imperfection of the geological record is sufficient to account for the whole of this great gap in evolutionary history. So much destruction and relaying of the rocks has taken place that the old fam:ly record of the fishes may have been altogether destroyed, or if still in existence it may be buried deep beyond our reach. But if we may trust that the future will be as the past there is ample ground to hope that when the yet unexamined parts of the globe are studied by geologists, or even when a more thorough investigation shall be made of regions com- paratively well known, we shall come upon precious fossils that will be eloquent to the ear of science regarding the ancestry of the long extinct but deeply interesting residents of our State before it had been raised above the waters of the primaeval ocean. The discoveries of the Rev. H. Hertzer were made known to the world by Dr. Newberry at the meeting of the American Association at Buffalo, in 1866, and excited considerable interest. This was the greater because the beds in which they were found had been previously regarded as altogether barren. In like manner the Cleveland Shale where Dr. Clark and Mr. Terrell have since made discoveries rivaling those of Mr. Hertzer in all except date, was looked on by geologists as barren ground. It is so generally, but the fact that these usually unfossiliferous beds prove in certain places so wonderfully productive should encourage all to search well a stratum before condemuing it. Accounts of the fossil fish fauna of the Ohio Shales have been published in three places—in the first and second volumes of the “ Palae- ontology of Ohio,” in the “ Monograph of the Fossil Fishes of North * EB. W. Claypole on Pa/aeaspis in Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc. Lond., 1884 and ’91. + ¢. D. Walcott in Bulletin of Geol. Soc. of America, 1892, p. 155. FOSSIL FISHES. 605 America” and in the annuals of the New York Academy of Science. All three came from the pen of Dr. Newberry, and since the appearance of the last named work nothing of importance has been published except a few articles in the “American Geologist,” the results of which will be for the most part incorporated in this chapter which is intended to supple- ment the work of the late State Geologist of Ohio. SECTION OF CLEVELAND SHALE IN CUYAHOGA COUNTY. Drift. Large Cladodus. Dinichthys Terrelli. y : it | Gorgonichthys. Titanichthys. | Titanichthys Clarki, T. rectus. 8” Small Cladodus. S | Dinichthys intermedius, Titanichthys. nD ne) a 7H > = | Yy _ D. intermedius. | 15% | D. intermedius. | Coccosteus WA 8 No fossils at Brooklyn, fossils on Rocky R. Z No fossils. DB 2 606 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. DINICHTHYS, Nby. Of this genus of strange fishes that inhabited the early sea of Ohio the first described and the typical species, as already mentioned, was that found by the Rev. H. Hertzer in 1864, and named by Dr. Newberry D. Hlertzeri. Vt is still the oldest known Dinzchthys (excluding one doubtful form), having been found in the Huron Shale about 500 feet below all the rest of its congeners in Ohio. The shape of the mandible and its dentition proclaim at once its relation to the Coccosteids, but its size surpasses nearly tenfold the largest Coccosteus hitherto described. Not until some years later was another member added to this ancient family and then it came from the Cleveland Shale on the shore of Lake Erie, where Mr. J. Terrell found another species with still more extraor- dinary dentition. In this species, D. Terrell, the jaws are not set with teeth along the upper edge as they were in the older form but close one on another as a pair of shear-blades, the upper one cutting outside. Since then JY. Gouldz, named after its discoverer, D. intermedius — and DP. curtus have been added to the list, all of about one-half the size of the older species, and all showing the shear-blade dentition of D. Terrelu, D. corrugatus and D. minor are still smaller species whose dentition is not yet fully known. The fragments found do not prove the presence or absence of the cutting shear-blade. Of D. tuberculatus only a few plates have been found and these do not include the jaw. They came © from the Chemung near Warren, Pa. It is noteworthy that this species is said by Dr. Newberry to be identical with one found near Liege, in Belgium, and now in the collection of Prof. Lohest of that University. If so it is probably the only international species of fish yet found in Ohio. All these additions to the Dinichthyid family, except the last, have come from the Cleveland Shale of Northern Ohio. It is very doubtful if the dorsal plate from the Corniferous Limestone called D. precursor will prove to belong to the genus when its other parts are known. Of D. Ringuebergi (minor), from the Portage Group of N. Y., only a single dorsal plate has been described, and D. Newderryi is represented by the mandible only. In addition to the above a single premaxillary tooth (of N.) was lately described by Mr. Whiteaves from the Upper Devonian of Snake I, in &. Winipegosis, Manitoba, and this, named D. Canadensis, with a doubtful D. Zzfelensis from Belgium, completes the list of named and described species of this genus down to date so far as the writer is aware. After this chapter was put into type three additional species were de- scribed by the writer in the American Geologist for December, 1893. A New Species of Dinichihys. In Dr. Clark’s collection is a single mandible of a Dinichthys which I cannot identify with any of those already described and am therefore -FOSSIL FISHES. 4 607 obliged to consider it new. It is represented on PlateXLI fig. I. A glance will be sufficient to assure any one familiar with the genus that it can belong to none of the four heavy forms—D. Hertzeri, D. Terrelli, D. curtus and D. intermedius. From D. minor and D. Gouldi it differs in its greater slenderness and from the former also in its lack of the second denticle. It more resembles LD. corrugatus but surpasses even this in lightness. With D. ¢udberculatus we cannot compare it as the jaw of that speciesis unknown. Moreover, it was found in Pennsylvania. The upturned end of the mandible is almost at right angles with the shaft which carries on the upper edge a thin wing of bone beveled off to a feather blade and continued up the hinder face of the front tooth. The upper edge of this blade is not even, being low in front as shown in the figure. But there is no sign of the trenchant cutter which char- acterizes several species of this genus and indeed with so thin and slender a mandible such a blade would have been powerless, for this jaw can hardly have been employed as a weapon of offense by its wearer. The narrowness of the spatulate expansion at the back would also indicate that the motor-muscles were less massive than in the more formidable species. So far as Iam aware this is the only part of this Dinzchthys that has yet come to light and it was found in Cuyahoga county , O., and I have named it 2). gracilis from its slender build. Structure of the teeth of Dinichthys. The shear-blade of the mandible of Dinichthys shows an interesting microscopical structure well adapted to the work which it performed. As many artificial cutting-tools it is composed of a dense material forming the edge backed by a less dense and brittle substance to sustain the pressure. A polished section cf the mandible is represented on fig. 1. Pl. 43. The inner part is of a deep brown color, almost black, solid, and to the eye homogeneous. The outer part is dense in texture and lighter in tint. When cut or ground down thin for microscopic examination the two parts as shown in the small figures present very different appearances. The open and spongy tissue of the jaw (figs. 2, 3) is traversed by a great number of very wide Haversian canals with thick walls in which are scattered the lacunze or osteoblasts in moderate abundance with their accompanying canalicules. The Haversian canals are so large and numerous that they occupy most of the space, the solid portion of the bone consisting merely of their walls and these do not exceed in thick- ness the diameter of the canals. These latter are filled with pyrites which is perfectly opaque and shows in clear distinction from the bone which is stained dull red with infiltered material. On contrasting this structure which characterizes all the bony plates of Dinichthys as well as the jaw with that of the inner and solid dense 608 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. portion, the difference is obvious. The large Haversian canals of the former are represented by the merest traces ( fig. 5). Successive deposits of bone on the inner faces of the walls have so far lessened their diameter that they are almost effaced while the solid tissue filling their place is — crowded with lacunae and traversed in every direction and in every spot with canalicules forming a perfect and minute net-work over the field of the microscope—a feature which could not be well shown in the same figure without overcrowding it, but which is represented in a small degree in fig. 9. This dense bony tissue forms upwardly the inner edge of the man- dible, and as the shear-tooth of the upper jaw closed down outside of it the constant use and wear ground down the outer soft tissue and kept a permanent, sharp edge upon the inner bone thus exposed, as shown in figure 1. i It is not easy to see with such a structure of the dental apparatus how any renewal of the tissue was possible, and probably the life of the creature was limited to the duration of its mandibular edge. ‘That very extensive wear actually occurred is evident from the appearance of specimens which have been found and which show no indication of repair. This is contrary to the usual structure of fishes where provi- s.on is generally found for the renewal of the dentition almost ad znjinitum. This dense tissue of the mandible in no respect resembles true tooth structure. There is no trace of dentine or of osteo-dentine, still less of enamel. Itis true bone, but exceedingly dense and hard, and consequently more resembling the cementum of the teeth of the higher vertebrates. In this respect however it is in close accord with the tooth-structure of most fishes which is traversed by similar canals and contains abundance of lacunee and of inosculating canalicules. It is, in fact, a kind of trans ‘tional materal between typical bone and typical tooth. "TTTANICH THYS: When Dr. Newberry published his “Fossil Fishes of North America,” he mentioned two species of this genus. These were all that were then known from Ohio, and the genus has not yet been reported elsewhere.* Of these two species 7vfanichthys Clarki was the larger and heavier form T. Agassizi the lighter and slenderer. The type of the former is in the Museum of Columbia College, in New York, and that of the latter in the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Cambridge. In the present state of our knowledge it is not possible to charac- terize the whole fish. Only separated and scattered parts have thus far been found, except in a few cases. Of these parts the most frequent and * Titanichthys Pharao, of Dames,from the Cretaceous of Egypt of course drops as a synonym, being published only in 1887. This fossil has no connection with those here mentioned. FOSSIL FISHES. : 609 at the same time the most characteristic are the lower jaws or mandibles. It is consequently advisable for the present purposes to define the various species by these organs, reserving the special appropriation of the other plates and bones to their several jaws until accidental discovery of speci- mens showing them in direct or indirect combination shall furnish the requisite evidence, or until their structure can be interpreted by the anal- ogy of kindred or similar species. By this plan the multiplication of names is avoided. ‘On this method of distinction we now add to the genus a third species whose jaw differs from the other two in the absence of curvature. Wide at the spatulate or hinder end it narrows and thickens forward eveloping the gouge-like form of the other species by the incoming of the alveolus. In consequence of this straightness which at present suf- ficiently characterizes the mandible, we propose for the species the name of 7. rectus. One of the most remarkable of the fish fossils of the Cleveland shale lately discovered is figured on Plates XX XVIII and XXXIX. It consists of three bones, two at least of which are in their natural position. The largest of the three—an exceedingly massive plate—measures 17 inches by 17 and is of the form of a carpenter’s square, consisting of two arms meeting at a rounded r ght angle. Of these two arms one, as shown, is a plate perfectly flat on one face and straight on one (outer) edge while the other, curving from the point sweeps out and meets it at a slightly acute angle. Both edges are thin, the latter showing a slight underlap- ping margin. The other arm, also nearly plane, is narrow and much thicker than the former and makes at its end a sutural connection with the bone next to be described. From the extreme point of the first plate there rises gradually a strong flange which becomes higher and thicker as it nears the angle. At length it separates and forms a wide, strong bone nearly as heavy as the other which it really doubles. (Pl. XXXVIII.) This also ends in a form that seems to indicate sutural connection with some other bone. Considerable space is left between the branch and the main plate at their ends but a curved bony connecting plate exists throughout. To the suture first mentioned at the end of the plate is firmly united the second of the series, which is of the same general form as the pre- ceding but its angle is turned in the opposite direction. This bone is very thick and rounded. One arm measures five inches and the other four inches in length. Its free end indicates a suture to form a connec- tion with another yet unknown. The third bone of this set lay across the second in its angle. Its length is about ten inches and it is somewhat club-shaped, tapering down from the large end which is in contact with the other bone. See figs. plates XX XVIII and XXXIX. 39 G. O. 610 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. That these three plates are organically related admits of no reason- able doubt. Two of them are still in union and the third cannot have been much if at all displaced. Its position suggests the possibility that it may in life have been united with the branch plate mentioned above whose end indicates such a suture. Regarding the position of these bones in the fish we cannot be cer- tain. ‘That the flat plate was external and ventral can hardly be doubted. That the flange and other bones were so is unlikely. Bones so heavy must have served an important purpose in the economy of the animal, and it seems quite legitimate to regard them as the supporting mechan- ism of the fins or locomotive organs whatever these may have been. This reference would bring them into the position of the shoulder or pelvic girdle of one of which they probably are parts. The elements of the former are the scapula, clavicle and coracoid but among these it is not easy to determine which of these is, or are represented. The plates have considerable resemblance to one figured by. Dr. Newberry, on Plate XLVIII of the Palaeozoic Fishes, as the clavicle of Dinichthys, though the specimen represented in his figure seems to pos- sess only one of the parts here described. The two are almost equal in size but differ considerably in outline as may be seen on comparison. Though the cranium is not present yet the other plates indicate that the whole ‘find’ was a specimen of 77z/anichthys, and we can therefore scarcely do otherwise than consider these three bonesas a part of tke or pelvic shou'der girdle of that genus. Yet the massiveness of these bones ill agrees with the thinness of the armour of the head of Titanichthys, but we must bear in mind that so vast a body needed powerful moving organs and that these in turn must have had a heavy framework to carry them. ‘The shoulder girdle need not have corresponded in lightness with the cranium. Dr. Newberry says of a specimen of an apparent homologous plate in his possession (p. 131). ‘A strong framework was required for the lo- comotive apparatus of so large a fish and some of the bones of the shoul- der girdle are remarkably large and strong. The coracoid for example is nearly two feet in length and one end is a massive, cylindrical bone nearly as large as one’s arm. ‘The clavicles are more than two feet in length but were composed of a relatively thin shell of bone which was once lined and reenforced with cartilage.” The specimen in the hands of Dr. Newberry if homologous must have differed considerably from that here described, but the differences may have beer due to age, sex or species so that it does not necessarily exclude either from the genus. We may add that these probably belong to the right side of the fish and the specimen of Dr. N. to the left. The latter also seems to repre- sent ouly the first of the three bones here described. POSSE PISHES: 611 If we carry on the comparison to the case of Coccosteus, we should consider these plates the homologues of the interlaterals of that genus. But in those no sign of sutural separation is indicated in any of the fig- ures or descriptions that are accessible to me. Perhaps the small size of Coccosteus may render this intelligible, as the whole clavicle there does not exceed two inches in length. On Plate XX XIX is figured, on the same scale, a smaller plate obvi- ously homologous with that above described, but found by the Rev. H. Hertzer in the Huron Shale at Delaware, O. As the Huron Shale has thus far vielded no specimens of 77/an7chthys it is reasonable to refer this specimen tu Dinichthys Hertzert, though so little has yet been done in the above named stratum that the reference must be merely provisional. Again on Plate XX XVIII is figured on the same scale another ho- mologous plate in the collection of Dr. Clark, only six inches in length and differing trom both the others. There are the same flat surfaces on one side and the same strong ridge rising into a flange and then becoming separate so as to form a double bone at the thick end. It seems likely, therefore, that plates of the same general form and nature composed parts of the skeleton of Dénichihys and of Titanichthys with differences of size and outline betokening distinct species. The bone figured on Plate XL, fig. 1, is also provisionally referred to Titanichthys. That it was a median plate admits of no doubt. That it was a ventro-median is almost as certain. It would in that case corre- spond to the “‘lozenge-plate” of Coccosteus. It is very thick and solid and shows a wide overlapped margin all round. At one end is shown another plate which formed a continuation either forward or backward, fitting into the socket excavated in the larger plate. This would then correspond to the antero-ventro-median of Coccosteus. Dentition of Titanichthys. Since the publication of the Monograph on Fossil Fishes a consid- erable amount of detail regarding the dentition of 77/anzchthys has been discovered, and we are now able to represent it much more fully than was then possible. A reference to that work will show that the evidence at hand induced Dr. Newberry to believe that the grooved mandible was covered with horn, as in the turtle, or held bony wedges which had dis- appeared. In addition to this he figures in Plate XLVIII a tooth doubt- fully referred to 7. Ciarki. 'The latter of the two structures above men- tioned is now known to have been the actual one, in consequence of the discovery by Dr. Clark of the teeth of this species which are represented in place in Fig. 2 of Plate XLII.* One of these was found as repre- sented, the other is supplied from the evidence given by the jaw. *NOTE. Several slight differences between the specimen here figured and that given in the Monograph will be noted on comparison, but in the present condition of our knowledge they are not important enough to constitute a specific distinction. 612 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. The largest of these teeth is almost four inches long and bluntly conical, and was set in the alveolus of the jaw as shown. ‘This structure is not common among fishes where the teeth are either attached to the skin as in the shark, etc., or are anchylosed to the mandible as in most of the Teleosts. Examples are not, however, wanting of their insertion in an alveolus or even in distinct bony sockets as in Przstzs, Sargodon, etc. Though we actually know the teeth of 7. Clarki only, yet it is scarcely rash to infer that the other species were similarly furnished. The only parts previously described of 7z¢anichihys were as follows: _ Titanichthys Clarki; Mandibles, Ventral? plate, Suborbital, Supra- scapula and Coracoid with a tooth marked doubtful. (Monograph, New- berry.) T. Agassizi; Mandibles, Cranium, Suborbital, Exoccipital ( part.) (Monograph, Newberry.) We have at present no means of determining to which species the clavicles? here figured belong as no part of the head was found with any of the specimens. Regarding the habits of the genus we can do little more than specu- late. A glance at the mandibles represented on Plate V is sufficient to show that they cannot have been tyrants of the ocean as were the Din- ichthyids. Jaws so long and slender were ill-adapted for tearing and fighting. They lacked the bony strength and motive muscles of Dzzzch- thys. Yet the teeth were formidable to creatures less heavily armoured. The size of the mouth, 8 by 4 feet when open, enabled Tztanichthys to take in fishes of no small size which were most likely swallowed whole or but slightly crushed. But the thinness of the plates of the head ren- dered it far inferior to Dzz:chthys as a warrior. The suggestion has even been made that 77¢anichthys was a vegeta- rian and used his long jaws and their teeth for collecting sea-weed. Such a mode of life is possible but far from probable. Few fishes, so far as we know, live on sea-weed and very few large fishes are not carnivorous. Some day the coprolites will be found and will solve the problem. Tilanichthys attenuatus, Wright, sp. nov. Plate 42, Figs. 1, 2.) Mand-‘ble, slenderer and lighter than in the two species of the genus, described by Dr. Newberry, the anterior portion running out into a thin, Nore. To state more miuutely and exactly the evidence on this somewhat critical point we will give the details of this find: The base of a tooth was found set in the alveolus but the tip was missing. About three inches from this spot the second tooth was found broken into two pieces. One of these, the base was in the same slab with the jaw. The other was in the adjoining stone so that the parts were only separated by a natural joint. The attachment of the teeth to the mandible was not apparently very close, and certainly there was no bony union as this is the only specimen yet found showing teeth that can confidently be referred to the genus. © FOSSIL FISHES. 613 flat plate, somewhat horizontally directed, but bent upward as it proceeds forward; extremity truncated; the groove upon the upper surface of the mandible forming a broad and shallow trough which becomes obsolete anteriorly several inches before reaching the extremity; the under sur- face of the mandible slightly concave along its median axis, while the cuter and inner longitudinal angles are somewhat thickened and rounded, the inner angle approaching the outer angle as it runs backward. Moral lensthiofsthespornti Ome heed sess teteccceesbecceeos cee 14 inches Breadthyatrantento ren Ciecnssaee scene ser see cents seohaateae se cae eee eee 1} inches. Breadt heat postenlOreemd ire. sececses cooseaoes ew ae nce gasceetos-aeatieectnes 2+ inches. Greatestiwidt hot upper SrOOVer ress -reeereee ees tcrncesece asec s 2 inches. Locality; Cleveland Shale, east branch of Vermillion river, Florence, Huron county, Ohio. Collected by Jay Terrell, Esq. The specimen upon which this species is based is one of a consider- able series of Titanichthys bones in the museum of Oberlin College, dis- covered by the indefatigable and experienced collector, Mr. Jay Terrell. Although the posterior part of the mandible is missing, the most char- acteristic anterior portion is perfectly preserved; and, as is well known, no portions of the skeletons of the fossil fishes of the Cleveland Shale are more distinctive than the mandibles. I have for comparison specimens of the mandibles of 7. Clarkii and 7. Agassizit, of Newberry;* and while the present species approaches the general outlines of 7. Clarkiz, it is distinctly slighter and lacks the compressed form with narrow and deep superior groove of that species, and has no approach to the tolera- bly stout, gouge-like anterior extremity which characterizes 7. Agassiziv. The exceedingly thin pate, only an eighth to a sixteenth of an inch thick and three or four inches long, into which the mandible is drawn out anteriorly, seems to reach the climax of the surprising contrasts in the skeletal structures of these two genera of huge fossil fishes 7ztanzch- thys and Dinichthys, which swam the seas of northern Ohio together in the Paleozoic era. Especially is this true, as the weaker dentition belongs to the larger fish. As to the nature of the functional surface of the mandibles of 77 an- ichthys, whether it was covered with a horny sheath, or whether the groove was set with bony “teeth,” the specimens at my command yield no positive information. ‘The present species furnishes less suggestions than does 7. Clarkii that there was a horny sheath as Dr. Newberry inclined to believe. None of the species of 7z/anichthys could have been so predaceous as Dinichthys plainly was; and the present species would seem to be a retrograde development from the more typical forms of the genus, in that the possibility of any powerful use of the mandibles seems to be more widely removed. ‘This suggests that its food must have been either simple vegetation or minute pelagic animals, which require no very * Paleozoic Fishes of N. Am., Monographs U. S. Geol. Survey, vol. 16. 614 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. hard mouth parts either for capturing or for mastication. The causes which produced the retrogrde development in the jaws of some modern Sirenians may have wrought with corresponding effect upon the jaws of Litanichthys. The details of the structure of the anterior part of the mandible are exhibited in the series of cross sections given in figure 2 of the plate. The posterior portion of the mandible was not preserved; but if it was as long proportionally as in the other species the entire length may have reached thirty inches. This description was contributed by Prot. A. A. - Wright. Gorgonichthys Clarki, Cl. Formidable as was the dentition of both the species of D¢iichthy's, the researches of Dr. Clark in the Cleveland shale have lately been rewarded by the discovery of an armored monster whose offensive weap- ons surpassed even those carried by these terrible fishes. In 1891 he found a pair of mandibles presenting characters not previously recognized and with them a mass of bony plates evidently belonging to the same creature. Little of the material has yet been worked out, but following the principle here adopted of defining the species as far as possible by the lower jaws, they were first extracted from the matrix. It then became obvious that in several respects they differed from any previously known. The shearing tooth and edge of the lower mandible were lacking. In place of the latter was a blunt process rising at some distance behind the great front tooth and set with rounded tubercles on its fore and hind slopes. Opposed to this in the upper jaw was an enormous doubly pointed tooth so set as to play on the top of this process which was received between its two points. This character alone is sufficient for ~ the identification of the genus if the mandibles are obtainable. No doubt when the rest of the plates have been extracted from the matrix, or other specimens found, many more characters will be determinable. The great front tooth so closely resembles that of Dinzchthys that no special description is requisite. Its antagonist in the upper jaw closed down behind it as usual in Dizzchthys but only its tip was present in this specimen, the rest having been broken off at or before its discovery. This tip lay in the groove which it had worn in the back part of the lower tooth as shown in the figures, but for the sake of clearness it has been represented lying entirely clear. See Piate XLI. uN In size the mandible of Gorgonichthys about equals that of Dzzich- thys, being about 25 inches in length. But it is considerably heavier and better adapted to meet the greater weight of the opposing tooth in the upper jaw. This tooth measures nine inches from front to back by seven in a vertical direction. Like the rest it consists of the peculiarly hard, black, dense, bony tissue of which the shear-tooth and blade of Dinichthys FOSSIL FISHES. 615 are composed. The structure of those parts enabled them to resist the severe usage to which they must have been subjected. The enormous teeth of Gorgonichthys constitute the most formida- ble dentition known in the animal kingdom, unless possible exception be made in favor of the great Eocene shark, Carcharodon. Coccosteus Cuyahoga, sp. 0. A single plate was described by Dr. Newberry in the second volume of the Palezeontology of Ohio (p. 32), which so closely resembled the dorso- median plate of Coccosteus both in form and in ornamentation, that it was named C. occidentalis. ‘This, if rightly named, was the first specimen of the genus from North American strata, all previously described having come from Europe. In the first volume of the same work Dr. N. had figured a small jaw under the name of Liognathus spatula us, and sug- gested that it belonged to the same fish or was at least Coccostean.. The specimen is very imperfect and it is impossible to feel certain of the refer- ence. If it really belongs to this genus it differs considerably from all the other known mandibles. Both these fossils came from the Corn:ferous limestone at Delaware and belong consequently to the lower part of the Devonian strata. Since the publication of Dr. Newberry’s report, Mr. Whiteaves, of the Canadian Survey, has published the “description of a Coccosteus (C. Aca- dicus), from the lower Devonian beds of Campbelltown, N. B., whereby the geographical range of the genus is extended to the Atlantic coast in the northeast. Coccosteus does not occur in the lowest or flagstone beds of Scotland and is not found until the middle strata are reached. In Acadia it is associated with Cepha/laspis, a fossil characteristic of the lowest Scottish Devonian. Conditions probably had much to do with this distribution but the evidence of the vertebrates seems to point to a conclusion that the Corniferous of Ohio does not exactly correspond to the lowest Devon- ian ot Europe, but rather to the overlying strata there classed as middle Devonian. The complete absence, so far as yet known, ofall Cephalaspid- ian and Pteraspidian fossils bears strongly in the same direction espe- cially as we now know that fishes of this order existed in New Brunswick in early Devonian and in Pennsylvania in late Silurian times. The recent discovery by Dr. Clark of a Coccosteus in the Cleveland shale enables us to add another species to the American list and to carry the upper limit of its generic range almost to the top of the Devonian system. The new species is much larger than any previously reported. The largest of the Scottish species (C. decipiens) measures only sixteen inches * Tilustrations of the Fossil Fishes of the Devonian rocks of Canada, 1881. 616 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. in length and its jaws are but three inches long. Lzognathus, of Dr. New- berry, is yet smaller. But the anterior part of the new species—the only piece found—is five and a half inches long and indicates at least eight inches as the total length of the mandible when pertect, that is to say, a living Coccosteus of about forty inches. ‘This is in harmony with the great size attained by the other species in late Devonian time. The mandible shows a row of eight blunt denticles on a raised part of its upper edge in advance of the middle. In front and at the back of these the edge is lower. The characteristic symphysial teeth are present, but have been broken so that only their bases can be seen. There are three of these, as may be seen by an examination of the end view of the mandible shown at a in figure 2. The number of these in Coccosteus varies from five to eight. In Hugh Miller’s figure six are represented, though only five are spoken of in the description.* In writing of the mandibles of Dinichthys and Titanichthys (Monog. p. 132), Dr. Newberry has likened them to that of Coccosteus. He says: “TY found in the British Museum a number of jaws of Coccosteus in which the form is essentially that of Dznzchthys, viz., the anterior ex- tremity is turned up and forms a prominent denticle and the whole organ is only a miniature copy of the mandible of Dnichthys Hertzert.” There is, however, no such resemblance between the jaws here de- scribed and those of 7vtanichthys and Dinichthys. No indication of the upturned tip forming a pointed tooth can be detected. Nor is any sem- blance of such a structure shown in any figure of Coccosteus known to the writer. The explanation of the confusing statement of Dr. Newberry is given by Mr. A. Smith Woodward, in his ‘Catalogue of Fishes in the British Museum,” (p. 285, vol. II), where he writes: “This and the fol- lowing specimens are probably reterred to by Newberry as closely resem- bling the mandibular rami of Dinichthys. The beak-like appearance, how- ever, is entirely due to the accidental flaking of the bituminous substance into which the fossils are converted.” The Sharks of the Cleveland Shale. But these gigantic Placoderms or armor-clad fishes were not the only denizens of the ancient sea of Ohio. If they dominated the muddy bot- tom where the black shale was accumulating as do the mud-fish of the present day, yet above them in the clearer water swam sharks of various forms and sizes. Between them these two groups probably divided the empire of the sea. We as yet know only a few of the latter group. The Jabors of Messrs. Fyler and Kepler, and especially later of Dr. Clark, have brought to light several specimens, the first of which were figured in the Monograph by Dr. Newberry under the names of Cladodus Kepleri and of C. Fyleri. * Old Red Sandstone. FOSSIL FISHES. ; Realy The fossils are unfortunately not very well preserved, being, as is usual in this formation, heavily pyritized. But to the paleontologist they are nevertheless invaluable. ‘Thus far we have known nothing of the form and appearance of these early sharks. Containing, as do all the rest of their family, a skeleton that was almost entirely cartilaginous, they left iew fossil bones or plates to carry down to us an idea of what they were. Their disjointed teeth which, being attached to the skin of a jaw for the most part cartilaginous, were set free by its decay and strewn over the sea- bottom, together with the strong and often highly ornamented spines which fronted the dorsal and other fins, have hitherto been almost the only relics of the shark-life of the older seas. On these teeth and spines genera and species have been founded for want of better data, and doubt- less in not a few cases the temparary nomenclature thus established will be found largely synonymous. Not a few of these genera and species are based on a single tooth, and when we consider the variety of form and pattern of the teeth inthe mouth of a single shark we can fully under- stand how one fish may be bearing several names. This is unavoidable in the present state of our knowledge, but cannot lead to serious error except in those who are unacquainted with the limits of discovery. ‘The paleontologist will not be deceived, because he well knows that these terms are merely the names of teeth or spines and not of fishes, and he is awaiting the time when their connecting links shall be found. These few words of explanation will serve to show the value of the recent discoveries in the Black Shale of Ohio. Though in consequence of - their want of distinctness we are unable to characterize the species as fully as is desirable, yet we are able for the first time to form a concep- tion of the general fo1m and outline of these primeval elasmobranchs and to recognize in them many of the features that mark their descend- ants of to-day. The specimen described and figured by Dr. Newberry was found by Mr. Fyler. A second was discovered by the Rev. W. Kepler and a third by Dr. Clark. The last was figured under the name of Cladodus Fylert, but no description was given and there is apparently very slight ground for its separation from the former. No teeth are visible. Since the Monograph was issued several other specimens of these sharks have been found by Dr. Clark, indicating the existence of other species, one of which will be described below. Considering the nature and date of these fossils we are justified in drawing the inference that the sharks are among the oldest ichthyic inhabitants of our globe. ‘They shared the Devonian seas of Ohio with the Placoderms and their teeth are found yet deeper in the Corniferous Limestone. Shagreen, indicating shark-life, occurs in the English Ludlow or Upper Silurian rocks among almost the oldest fish-remains known in the Old World and no vertebrate remains of undoubted authenticity are yet known below the Upper Silurian strata. We must therefore date the 618 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. primeval sharks as the comrades or the antagonists of the primeval Pteraspidians of the Silurian seas. The genus Cladodus was founded by Agassiz in 1843 to receive cer- tain teeth consisting of a median cone on an elliptical base with one or more lateral denticles on each side, the largest of which (if several were present) were at the two extremities. The tooth of the species described by Dr. Newberry was of this character, with however only a single denti- cle on each side, as shown in Piate XI,VI. The second specimen, figured as C. Fyleri, shows no teeth and was referred to the genus from its general resemblance to the former. One of the specimens found by Dr. Clark is of a very peculiar form, and allowing for a considerable change due to the conditions of fossiliza- tion which may have somewhat modified its original outline, it vet mark- edly differs from Dr. Newberry’s species. It is shown on Plate 43, fig. 6. Its reference to the genus Cladodus must be regarded as merely provi- sional as no teeth have been found with it or on it. The head is wide behind and narrower in front. It was comparatively a small fish, not measuring more than twenty-eight inches in length, allowing for the in- complete condition of its posterior end. The body is thicker in propor- tion in the middle than is usual with sharks and tapers rapidly behind. The pectoral fins are less straight in outline and less rigid thanin C. Keplert. ‘They contain about seventeen or eighteen rays the larger of which fork near the tip. The margin is membranous. At its hinder end the body or rather probably its superficial skin is extended into a wide membranous sheet lying horizontal, rather abrupt in front and tapering away behind till it merges in the median extension of the body carrying the caudal fin. This fin is not shown but the bases of two distinct bony rays are seen indicating its presence. These spi- nous rays are better shown in some of the other species. No ventral or anal fins are visible, they having been apparently ofa very soft and perishable nature, differing much in this respect from the powerful and thick-rayed pectorals. Traces of the jaws and of the branchial arches remain. ‘The shagreen covering the body is well pre- served in many p'aces. No trace of a dorsal fin or of any fin-spines can be detected. The dorsal-surface is shown for the most part except where the stone flaked so as to expose the lower aspect near the head. There is consequently no appearance of the scaly ventral defensive skin, that is seen on these fossils when the lower aspect is exposed. For this species the name Cladodus? sinuatus is proposed, on account of the sinuous outline of the head as it is preserved in the fossil. Another of Dr. Clark’s specimens shows in spite of the necessary indistinctness of a pyritized fossil, points of divergence so strongly ac- centuated as to render it doubtful if it can rightly be referred to the same genus. Yet in other respects it so clearly resembles the above as to for- bid the drawing of any very strong line of demarcation between them. —— FOSSIL FISHES. 619 In general outline they correspond. The caudal fins are better preserved but do not apparently differ in any essential feature. The ventral and anal fins'are not preserved. The single specimen yet found shows the dorsal aspect and the shagreen coating differs little if at all from that of the other species. The pectoral fins are also of the same form as in those but contain about twenty rays. : But the fossil measures sixty-three inches in length, in spite of some slight imperfection at the hinder end, and its teeth which are remarkably well preserved and have been exposed with great care and skill, show none of the usual cladodont features in the presence of lateral denticles. For these reasons [ am induced to separate this large form from the others generically and yet to indicate its relationship by adopting the name Jonocladodus, in allusion to its single coronal tooth, which is shown in Plate XL, fig. 2. The tooth consists of a single flattened pointed medial cusp, slightly striated below and forking near the base which does not outwardly ex- tend beyond the front of the cusp, but inwardly widens out so far as to form a spreading surface of attachment to the skin of the jaw. In front view the general form is strikingly suggestive of Zamna, but the resem- blance disappears on close examination. The striation is strictly confined to the lower part of the cusp and does not consist merely of a longitudi- nalroughening or of a faintly visible line-marking asin Cv. Kep/erz, but of distinct and tangible unevennesses of the surface. The front face is nearly flat, the hinder convex or doubly sloping i Perhaps the most remarkable peculiarity of these teeth lies in the fact that toward the back of the jaw they stand in pairs as shown in the figure, one being close outside of the other. The outer one is frequently broken, but this has evidently been done during fossilization or in the extraction of the specimen from its refractory matrix. At least four of the eight teeth remaining in position in the left mandible show this character and more than one on the right side is also double. It is there- fore not an accidental circumstance. Moreover in the front part of the jaw two at least of the teeth show at their bases, outside, what are ap- parently the points of others that scarcely rise above the base of those in front of them. These cannot be young teeth, for the young teeth in the sharks grow inside and behind those outside them which show signs of use and wear that are not visible on these. If the outer teeth are really in the act of being shed they would scarcely present the appear- ance shown by those in the front of the mouth though this interpreta- tion might be accepted regarding those near the back of the jaw. I propose to give to this fish the name J/onoctadodus Clarki. It was found in the Cleveland Shale in Cuyahoga county, Ohio, by Dr. W. Clark. 620 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. Supplement. ON THE VENTRAL ARMOR OF DINICHTHYS. By Pror. ALBERT A. WRIGHT, OBERLIN, OHIO. PLATE VII. Owing to the isolated and imperfect condition in which most of the remains of Dinichthys are found, it has not yet been possible to give a complete account of the skeleton and armor of the fish, or to assign the plates to their correct positions. Many unfigured and undescribed bones in the collections are awaiting the hitherto undiscovered evidence as to their precise position and relationships. From time to time, how- ever, advances are made by the finding of more perfectly preserved ma- terials, either in their correct original relations or in those that are very suggestive; and I am now fortunate enough to be able to add something to our previous knowledge of the ventral armor of Dinichthys from specimens in the museum of Oberlin college. The facts which I have to offer are not precisely an addition to knowledge in a region where nothing was known before; but principally a rearrangement of some of the isolated elements of the armor, which elements have already been figured and described. : In order that these facts may stand in a clear light, it will be necessary to refer to the original account of the ventral armor given by Dr. Newberry in the Paleontology of Ohio* and to his supplementary account in the Monograph upon the paleozoic fishes of North Americat These accounts give an instructive history of the progress of dis- covery in this field, and of the changes which it has already. been necessary to make in the arrangement of the plates. *Ohio Geo. Survey, Paleontology Vol. II. TU. S. Geol. Survey, Monographs, Vol. XVII "a FOSSIL FISHES. 621 In the former of the two volumes above quoted the five plates which were originally supposed to constitute the “‘plastron” are figured in out- line (p. 10) and fully described. The cut is here reproduced. ( Ventral Armor; of Din’chthys Terrelli. N. Dr. Newberry’s first restoration. The upper pair are designated as “anterior ventrals,” the lower pair “posterior ventrals,”’ while the narrow one between the anteriors is the “ventral median” plate. The general correspondence of this plastron wich that of Coccosteus as restored by Pander is noted, as well as the divergencies, which latter are greatest in the posterior pair. Prior to the publication of the Monograph referred to above (1889), the true position of the so-called ‘‘posterior ventrals” was found to be upon the sides of the head, where they constituted the ‘“sub-orbitals,” and to this position they are assigned in the latter work. The place thus left vacant in the plastron is not positively supplied by anything de scribed in the Monograph. The subject is alluded to however as follows: “No figure is given of the plates which are supposed to have formed the posterior half of the plastron, because no perfect ones have been found, but I have numerous fragments of relatively large plates which must have been oblong in form and had the moderate and uniform thickness - and plainness of surface which characterize the plates that defended the 622 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. under side of the body. As they are apparently assignable to no other place in the armor of Dinichthys I provisionally. locate them here.” (P. 138). Ventral Armor of Coccosteus decipiens, Ag. Pander’s restoration. . But while the vacancy in the plastron in not positively filled, another series of four bones is described which is believed to have defended the under side ofthe head. These are apairof‘‘jugulars’ fitting intothe arched space between the mandibles, and a pair of “post jugulars” or.“‘hyoids”’ which overlapped the jugulars at their tips. The description is as fol- lows: “They [the jugulars] are each semi-elliptical in outline, sixteen inches in length by seven and a half wide; the outer margin is sym- metrically arched ; the inner margin nearly straight ; the posterior ends are obliquely truncated and overlapped by the anterior extremity of a second pair of plates. * * * The posterior pair of jugulars—or as they should perhaps be called hyozd plates—are long triangular in outline, smaller than the anterior pair, but much thicker. Their anterior angles overlap and are sunk into the obliquely truncated ends of the jugulars. The out- side and posterior ends of the hyoid plates are irregular and thin and show that they were overlapped by other plates.” [Monograph p. 157-8.] The valuable material in riy hands now enables me to show, as I think beyond a doubt— First, that the “post jugular” or “hyoid” bones refered to above are in reality the anterior ventrals of the plastron, but with their apices turned in the opposite direction. FOSSIL FISHES. 623 Second, that the plates called jugulars are not such, but are the pos- terior laterals of the plastron. They are the missing pair which are needed to replace the sub-o bitals. Third, consequently the four plates supposed to form the jugular armature are the four principal plates of the plastron in reversed position. The fifth, a median plate, should doubtless remain in the plastron. Fourth, this arrangement shows the plastron of Dinichthys to have a much closer homology with that of Coccosteus than has hitherto been supposed to exist. The outline figures on Plate VII give various views of the four bones in question. The arched bones (3, 4, 6, 7, 9), are the “jugulars”’ figured in Dr. Newberry’s Monograph; the others are the anterior laterals of the plastrons. Taking up the points above enumerated in their order I have’ first to show that the so called “ post jugulars”’ are reaily the anterior ventrals. The most perfect specimen of an anterior ventral of D. Terrclii, which I have seen is that shown herewith in figure 8; the inner or dorsal side being there represented. The four accompanying cross-sections show the nature of the margins. This bone was figured by Dr. Newberry, in the large chart accompanying the second voluine of the Paleontology of Ohio. His specimen, however, was incomplete, lacking five or six inches of the triangular apex. The dotted line by which he indicated the sup- posed outline lacks the triangular apex, which is fully preserved in my specimen. Placing the latter upon his chart, the two coincide in outline perfectly, with the exception mentioned. The corresponding bone for two smaller species, D. 7ntermedius and LD. curtus, is figured on plates XLVIII and L, of the Monograph. In the first of these also the apex is wanting, while in the second it is complete and its identity unmistakable. If the apex had been preserved in Dr. Newberry’s original specimen of D. Terrelli, he would have been spared the discussion of the question as to why the anterior ventrals of Coccosteus overlapped the posterior ‘pair, while those of Dinichthys did not* and his original restoration of the plastron of Dinichthys might have been quite different from that given. Il. The plates with arched outlines which are described by Dr. Newherry as “jugulars” in his Monograph are demonstrated by my material to be the companions of his “anterior ventrals.”” ‘The three cases of overlapping which I have figured on Plate VII furnished the proof upon this point. The bones numbered 1, 2, 3 and 4, belonged to a single individual of Dinichthys Terrelli. When the posterior apex of the anterior ventrals is applied to the sunken triangular area on the sc called ‘‘jugulars,” it precisely fits. The four bones are arranged in the drawing, in very nearly their natural position. The anterior and pos- terior plate on each side are in their exact natural relation to each other, but the space between the two anteriors may have been a trifle wider, to * Paleontology of Ohio, Vol. 2. p. 11. 624 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. admit of the presence of the ventro-median plate which was not preserved. The margins of the overlapping area, both on the right and left sides, are so entirely coincident, that no one on seeing the specimens can doubt that the two were related to each other as shown. The bones numbered 5 and 6, belonging to another individual, con- stitute a third case in which there is a perfect fit in the overlapping. Whether these two belong to the same species as the other four is a matter of no moment so far as the relationship of the bones is concerned. The three cases taken together make an array of fact which must be conceded to be conclusive. The only alternative would be that each fish carried somewhere upon his armor a pair of bones other than the ante- rior ventrals, which nevertheless had the same shape and sizeof tip asthe anterior ventrals, and which therefore would fit into the excavations upon the ‘Sugulars.” I have already quoted Dr. Newberry’s description of his supposed “post jugulars”’ and ‘“‘hyoid” bones which overlapped the “‘jug- ulars.” It will be seen that the description corresponds almost completely with that of the perfect anterior ventrals which I am now able to figure. If he had procured perfect specimens of the “post-jugulars,” I feel confi- dent that he would have figured them with the “jugulars” in the Mono- graph. And as his published figures of the anterior ventrals lacked the triangular tips which fit upon the “jugulars,”’ we must assume that his material failed to show him the identity of his ‘‘post-jugulars” and “an- terior ventrals.” III. Since the so called “jugulars”’ and the anterior ventrals were companion bones, the question arises whether these four plates (together with the narrow median plate) covered the jugular or the pectoral or the ventral portion of the fish. The preponderance of evidence to my mind is in favor of placing them in the ventral position, the “jugu- lars” becoming the posterior ventrals with their arched outlines pointing backward. I am not aware that any individual specimen has yet been found with the bones so completely in place as to settle this question. There are some difficulties in the way of the view which is taken, to which refer- ence will be made later. Butthereare anumber of weighty considerations in favor of it. In the first place the so called ‘“‘jugulars” are pretty large for service as jugulars. They are longer than the mandibles: In the spe- Cimen from which figures 3 and 4 were taken (a fish of which eighteen bones were preserved together ), the mandibles were fourteen and a half inchesin length while the “jugulars” are sixteen, measured either from tip to tip or around the arched border. Fig. 6 is 224 inches long, while a plate of the general shape of Fig. 4 has been discovered near Columbus, as I am informed by Professor Claypole, who has kindly sent me a tracing of it, which was at least 30 inches in length. They would thus seem to be somewhat large for filling the ‘space between the mandibles,” while upon he belly there was room for considerable expansion. FOSSIL FISHES. 625 _In the second place the nature of the overlapping joint between these bones and the anterior ventrals is one which was not adapted to furnish the freedom of motion which the jugulars under the jaws of the preda- tory Dinichthys would need. ‘The same, in a less degree, may be said of the overlapping joint between the two ‘“‘jugulars,” the nature of which is shown in figure 9. To this must probably be added the overlapping joint between the “ventro-median” or ‘‘ sternal” plate which bound all four of the bones together into a piece of armor not especially flexible. These points might not be against the idea that this portion of the armor was drawn back to a pectoral or intermediate position between the jugular and the ventral, by which the arched outline of the jugulars would still be anterior in position. And thirdly, if we consider all these plates as forming the ventral armor, retaining the anterior and median ventrals as Dr. Newberry placed them, and making the “jugulars” the posterior ventrals, we shall have a most complete and convincing homology with the plastron of Coccosteus, removing discrepancies which were previously supposed to exist, and adding some harmonies which were not before suspected. All the points of harmony which Dr. Newberry so admirably makes out** concerning the anterior laterals and median plate remain in their full force. If now the “jugulars” be placed as the posterior plates there will be added: First, the overlapping of the posterior plates by the ex- tremities of the anterior plates; second, the overlapping of the right pos- terior plate by the left posterior plate along the median line; third the sinuous line of overlapping between the posterior plates in both genera; fourth, the less breadth of the posterior plates behind than in front. This brings the whole plastron of the two genera into striking ac- cord and it is difficult to resist the belief that whatever position upon the body was occupied by the “plastron” of Coccosteus must likewise have been occupied by the ventral armor of Dinichthys. If it was really ventral in the one, it doubtless was in the other. A real point of difficulty in this view may seem to exist in the ab- sence of any projecting angles upon the arched margin of the posterior plates of Dinichthys, with which other plates could have articulated. I do not detect any evidence that other plates, either by overlapping or articulation, were connected with the outer margins of the posterior ven- trals of Dinichthys. Such a bold, curved outline might seem to be more easily explainable in an anterior position than in a posterior. But the balance of evidence is so strong upon the other side that it must be ac- cepted as best expressing our knowledge upon the subject. To recapitulate, then, this discussion shows that the four bones, which have been supposed to constitute the jugular armor of Dinzchthys, * Paleontology, Ohio, Vol II, p. 11. 40 G. O: y 626 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. viz., the “jugulars” and the “post jugulars” or “hyoids,” really belong to the ventral armor, the supposed hyoids being identical with the anterior ventrals, but with their points turned in the opposite direction, and the ‘“jugulars” being the missing posterior ventrals. This arrangement of the plates brings out new points of harmony between the two placo-gan- oids Dinichthys and Coccosteus. In connection with the figures now published it may be well to allude to one point. The outer margins of the anterior ventrals are seen to be “‘rabbeted” for a considerable part of their length, as if for the reception of the margin of some contiguous plate. No plate, how- ever, has yet been brought to light which could occupy this position. It may be of assistance to future students of Dinichthys to give the measurements, and therefore the relative size, of various bones which are known to have belonged to one individual specimen of D. Terrelli a specimen of moderate size, found upon the east branch of the Vermillion river by Mr. Jay Terrell. Cranium, length, median line, 1535 inches. width, flattened, with suborbital, 24 inches. width between supra-clavicular joints, 16 inches. back of supra-occipital to center of eye-orbit, 12}. Suborbital, length 17} inches, width 6 inches. back extension from center of orbit, 12 inches. Supra-occipital, vertical thickness, 23 inches. Premaxillary, width of tooth, 3 inches, height 5 inches. width, with prong, 4}. Mandible, length, 143 inches. height, tooth, 53 inches. length of posterior ramus 7} inches, width 3} inches. Maxillary, length 43-inches, width 33 inches. Dorsal shield, length 13 inches, with neck, 19 inches. width 17 inches. Posterior ventrals, (“jugulars”), length 16 inches, width 7 inchea Anterior ventrals, width 5 inches, length 16}inches. CHAPTER VII. NEW AND LITTLE KNOWN LAMELLIBRANCHIATA FROM THE LOWER SILURIAN ROCKS OF OHIO AND ADJACENT STATES. By E..O. ULRICH. Description and figures of many of the following species were pre- pared in 1881 for Dr. Newberry’s proposed Volume III on the Paleontol- ogy of Ohio. After successive failures to secure an appropriation from the legislature, the plan of publication by the Ohio Survey seems to have been abandoned, since much of the work prepared for the volume has appeared through other channels. The same course would have been adopted in my own case had my plates not been destroyed in a fire at the lithographing establishment that was to print them. Although at the time a great disappointment, I cannot but believe that science has, after all, gained through their loss, for the work as now presented is more thorough and as I believe better in every respect. Whether it is accepted as good or not, the fact will remain that I have spent a great deal of time and labor on the class and that I have conscien- tiously striven to do my best under what, to say the least, were not always favorable circumstances. The present addition to our knowledge of paleozoic Lamellibranchi- ata is really to be viewed as supplemental to the work which I have just completed for the paleontological report of the Minnesota Geological Survey. In that work, which is now going through the press, the stu- dent will find an amended classificat:on of-the paleozoic representatives of the class and full descriptions of nearly all the genera occurring in the Lower Silurian rocks of America. It may have seemed to those who were not conversant with the facts that much had been done on the Lower Silurian forms previous to the present decade, but I would assure them that it amounts to little indeed compared with what has been done since the beginning of 1890 and what remains yet to be accomplished. Including the present work no less than twenty-three new genera have been proposed by the author,and four by Mr. S. A. Miller for Lower Silurian types.. The erection of a new genus is a serious matter and, unless the type is very obviously distinct, ought not to be attempted except on suf- ficient evidence showing that the proposed grouping of species actually 628 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. obtained in nature. Opinions will always vary as to what degree of dif- ference is required to establish a genus, but all agree that it isa larger or smaller group of closely related species. The first essential then is to show that the supposed generic characters exist in two or more specifi- cally distinct forms—the more the better for the genus. Now, it happens that a majority of the new genera founded by me upon shells of the Cincinnati group have earlier representatives in the Trenton limestones of the Northwest, and these as well as the genera are described in the Minnesota work referred to. The real types and bulk of the genera, however, could find no place in that work, and I do not doubt that their publication would have been postponed for-years had the present opportunity not become available. ‘That it did is most fortu- nate, since I was thereby enabled to give a degree of thoroughness to my studies that would not have been possible had I been obliged to depend entirely upon my own resources. This thoroughness lies chiefly in the delineation and comparison of the generic groups in accordance with facts gathered in a study of collections containing a large nnmber of hitherto unknown forms. By itself the Minnesota work is probably insufficient in its specific part to establish all the innovations proposed, and it is therefore again fortunate that the date of the present publica- tion will be little if at all subsequent to that of the Minnesota volume. Between the two it is hoped that the desired completeness may be obtained, and that the validity of some of the new genera will be estab- lished almost by force of numbers alone. So far I have published nothing on the Aviculide, although the Lower Silurian forms have been studied thoroughly and drawings of many of them prepared. Some important facts relating to their preser- vation have been discovered, and sufficient new material to make an interesting paper by itself, is already available. Aside from the avicu- loids there remains also a considerable number of Lamellibranchiata that have never been described. Indeed, of nearly every Lower Silurian genus established previous to 1890 from one to as high as six and seven undescribed species are known, and with every year the number is in- creased. I have not therefore by any means exhausted the subject even in its specific part, and when it comes to the classification of the species and genera we are really but little beyond a good beginning. And, ac- cording to my views, this is just as it should be. I go namely from the standpoint that the higher classification must evolve itself, and come, if the expression be allowed, as a by-product from our studies of individual and specific forms, and finally of the generie types. The plates accompanying the present work were prepared by myself. The specimens used, except where they are credited to other parties, are to be understood as belonging to my private collection. LOWER SILURIAN LAMELLIBRANCHS. 629 Class LAMELLIBRANCHIATA. Family AMBONYCHIIDA, Miller. Genus ByssonycuHiA, Ulrich, 1894. ( Paleontology of Minnesota, Final report vol. III, p. 498.) Byssonychia vera n. sp. Ambon chia bellistriata, S. A. Miller, 1874, Cin. Quart. Jour. Sci., vol. I, p. 14. (No Hall, 1847.) Figs. a.and 6, the left side and an anterior view of a partial cast of the exterior; c, ex- cellently preserved, cast of the interior, showing the pallial and muscular impressions, Utica horizon of the Ciacinnati group, Newport, Ky. This name is proposed for the form which, for more than twenty years, has been erroneously identified by Cincinnati collectors with Hall’s Ambonychia bellistriata. ‘That species is restricted to the Trenton and differs from 2. vera in its greater obliquity, longer hinge line and finer strize, and more importantly in wanting a byssal opening as well as post- srior lateral teeth. From &. radiata Hall, sp., the type of the new genus, &. vera differs in its smaller size, finer stric, (there being about fifty to irom thirty- seven to forty in the typical form of that species,) shorter hinge line, more evenly convex valves, and shorter byssal opening. A new variety of that species, found near the tops of the hills at Cincinnati, and which may be called B. radiata var. approximata, approaches B&B. vera in being as a rule of smaller size than the typical form and in having the number of the radii increased to as high as forty-five.* In all. other respects however this variety is the same as the usual form of &. radzata. B. vera, 1 am satisfied, is not a descendant of the Trenton variety of BL. radiata, but of the Galena B. zztermedia, Meek and Worthen, sp. ‘That species is the earliest known and &. vera the second, of a group of spe- cies in which the hinge is short, the beaks and the anterior part of the valves tumid, and the byssal opening short and thickened on the inner margins so as to leave an unusually deep and abrupt depression beneath * A compar son of hundreds of specimens of the various species of Byssonychia has shown that wit. in reasonable limits the number of the radiating cost is con- stant for each species, and the same in specimens of all ages. Young specimens tierefore appear to have been much more finely striated than the old shells, but a count will show, as also will a comparison of the young shell with the rostral por- tion of the old, that the number of the strice is approximately the same in both. 630 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. the beaks in casts of the interior. Other species of this type are the B obesa and probably B. grandis,and one or two other species of this report. Of these the first is larger and has coarser radii, while the second is very much larger and has anteriorly flattened and widely separ- ated beaks. &. zutermedia is more gibbous, especially in the umbonal region, and B. fenuistriata, Ulrich, from the upper beds of the Cincinnati group, has much finer radiating striz, the number being not less than seventy. Formation and localities: Utica horizon of the Cincinnati group, occurring at localities in the vicinity of Cincinnati, Ohio, from 50 to 200 feet above the bed of the Ohio river. Byssonychia obesa, 1. sp. Plate 45, Figs. 10-12. Shell usually of less than medium size, obese, ovate in outline except where the full and prominent beaks project beyond the regular curve; hinge short, rounded behind; byssal opening small, situated high, the inner margin thickened so that a decided depression is formed in the anterior side of casts of the interior. Radii from forty-two to forty-five; length from 20 mm. to 33 mm.; height (from beak to base) from 26.5 mm. to 40 mm.; thickness from 15 mm. to 25 mm. In one specimen that dif- fers a little from the rest these measurements are respectively 27 mm. 38 mm. and 20 mm. This species rarely occurs except in the condition of casts of the interior, but these are easily distinguished from &. radiata Hall, sp., with which collectors have generally identified them, by their more ventricose valves, more rounded form, and deeper byssal excavation. From &. vera the species is separated by its greater size, and more ventricose valves. B. grandis is much larger and has carinated beaks, they being flattened on the anterior side; &. swberecta is a more erect shell and has a longer. hinge. Probably nearer than any of these species, at any rate in the general expression of casts of the interior, is the Galena limestone spe- ciesdescribed by Meekand Worthen as zztermedia (Ambonychia intermedia). Young specimens may be difficult to distinguish from that species, but I have not yet seen any of 2.odesa that were as smallas the largest of 2. zzter- media. Aside from the point of size, comparison shows that the Galena species is, relatively speaking, higher, and that the outline is less rounded especially in the postero-cardinal region. Two large specimens from a lower horizon (about fifty feet below the tops of the hills at Cincinnati,) may belong to an early variety of this species. As however they had at least fifty radii we might be equally justified in regarding them as examples of a gigantic variety of B. vera. The length ot the larger of the two is about 60 mm. Formation and locality: Near the top of the Cincinnati group at Richmond, Indiana, where it occurs in association with B. r7ichmondensts. Ulrich. and Ortonella hainesi, Miller, sp. LOWER SILURIAN LAMELLIBRANCHS. 631 Byssonychia alveolata, n. sp. Plate 48, Figs. 1-3. Shell of medium size, moderately convex, obliquely acuminate-ovate, wider than usual, with the basal half of the outline semicircular; cardinal margin somewhat shorter than the middle length of the shell; umbones full, beaks but little incurved, separated; ligamental area very large; beneath the beaks the anterior side is impressed, forming an obscurely defined subcordate lunule, in the lower part of which the byssal opening is situated. Surface marked by about fifty rounded radiating coste. The large ligamental area indicates relationship with 2B. grandis and B. obesa, both of which are restricted to a higher horizon. ‘The first is sufficiently distinguished by its carinate umbones; the second is a more erect shell, with a shorter hinge line, narrower area, and differently shaped byssal depression. The wide area should separate the species at once from &. radiata with which a careless collector might confound it- Formation and locality: Middle beds of the Cincinnati group, Cin- cinnati, Ohio. Byssonychta grandis, 0. sp. Plate 46, Figs. 6-9. Shell large, ventricose, subquadrate, the length and height as ten is to thirteen; anterior margin sinuate above, broadly convex in the lower two-thirds; outline of basal half semicircular; hinge line about two-thirds as long as the shell is at the middle of theheight. Beaks projecting less than usual, carinate, flattened on the anterior side; apices separated widely, the intervening space being occupied by a broad, striated ligamental area. Upper part of the anterior side with a broad and deep impression in the bottom of which lies the byssal opening. Surface marked with about forty radiating coste. These are rounded and broad in the lower half of the shell. Posterior lateral teeth small, two, situated near the extremity of the hinge. This species probably attained a larger size than any other known. It may be equaled in this respect by the associated B. cultrata, a species that resembles it in its outline and in having carinate umbones as well. But the present species is readily distinguished from that one by its greater convexity, coarser and therefore fewer coste, and by the large depression around the byssal opening, this part of the shell being quite flat in that species. The ligamental area, furthermore, is of a peculiar type and much narrower in B. cultrata, allowing the beaks to come into close proximity. Despite the somewhat striking agreements, I am well satisfied that the two species are widely distinct. In 2. robusta, Miller, sp., the whole anterior side is flattened, the outline different, and the beaks do not curve forward as in this species, nor are they as widely 632 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. separated. Despite these and other differences, I wish it to be under- stood that I think it just possible that B. grandis is not d stinct from the species zztended by Mr. Miller. I tried to see his types but failed because they were packed away. I am therefore obliged to rely upon his illus- trations and to assume that they are correct. Comparing my specimens with his figures it will be noticed that in the convexity of the vaives and the number of costee the two species agree very well, but in all other respects they are so obviously different that we are forced to regard them as specifically distinct. The carinate umbones will distinguish the species from all the other forms of the genus. There remains to mention that the outline of the shell and the coarse rays, which however are rounded instead of flattened, remind of Azomal- odonta gigantea, Miller. ‘That species, however, is not so ventricose, and is without the large depressed area which surrounds the byssal opening in B. grandis. Formation and locality: Upper beds of the Cincinnati group, Ox- ford and Clarksville, Ohio. Byssonychia cultrata, n, sp. Plate 45, Figs. 5-7. Size and outline practically the same as in B. grandzs, while another resemblance to that species is found in the carinate umbones, Critically compared however a number of well marked differences will be observed. First, the convexity of the valves is less, the thickness of an example 70 mm. high being only 30 mm. Second, the radiating costee are more numerous, their number varying two or three either way from fifty-five. Third, the upper part of the anterior side is almost flat and not, as in that species, deeply sunken about the byssal opening. Fourth, the posterior lateral teeth are much stronger. And fifth, the ligamental area is much narrower in a dorsal view, thus permitting the beaks to come into close proximity. The ligamental area, in which the species differs also from all the other species of the genus, consists of a narrow but deep and sharply defined groove extending about two-thirds of the hinge from the beaks. Compared with other species B. robusta, Miller, will be found to be more convex, relatively higher, and much straighter anteriorly, while most of the remaining forms are readily separated by their rounded instead of carinate umbones. Formation and locality: Upper beds of the Cincinnati group, Waynes- ville, Ohio. Byssonychia richmondensts, 0. sp. Plate 45, Figs 3and 4. Ambonychia robusta (part), Miller, 1880, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. TI, p. Shell large, high, triangular in a cardinal view, the anterior side be- ing flat; height, length and thickness of an average specimen, respectively, a “LOWER SILURIAN LAMELLIBRANCHS. 635 57 mm., 57 mm. and 30mm. _ Beaks rather prominent, triangular, cari- nate, curving very slightly forward, and rather widely separated in casts. Anterior outline nearly straight, the inargin projecting a little in the lower part; base strongly convex, posterior margin broadly rounded; hinge line about two-thirds as long as the middle length of the shell, rang- ing at an angle of about 95° with the anterior margin. Byssal opening large, in casts appearing as an acutely elliptical low prominence, situated about its length beneath the summits of the beaks. Costze of moder- ate strength; their number, though not certainly determined, is not less than fifty. Posterior adductor scar and pallial line as shown on plate 40. The shell of this species has not yet been observed, but the casts are not uncommon, and with their broadly flattened and nearly straight an- terior sides are so easily distinguished from all the other species of the genus, except 4. robusta, Miller, sp., that a name for them has long been desirable. In 1880 (Zoc. cit.) Mr. Miller referred these casts to his species robusta, but in a recent conversation he admitted that they probably be- longed to a distinct species. &. robusta, as figured, is relatively not so high and has coarser rays, their number being only about forty, while in B, richmondensis there are at leastten more. &.cu/ltrata is closely related, but differs decidedly in its outline, being a wider shell and not so convex. The flattening of the anterior side also is confined to the upper part, while in the lower part the outline curves forward in a much greater degree. Formation and locality: Associated with Rhynconella dentata, Hall, and Ortonella hainesi, Miller, sp., in the upper beds of the Cincinnati group at Richmond, Indiana. Byssonychia precursa, 0. sp. or var. iy) 2) Plate 45, Figs. land 2. This form I regard as a small forerunner of B&B. r7chmondensis, B. ro- busta, and possibly of B. cultrata as well. The shape agrees best with ZB. richmondensis, the principal difference being in the hinge line which is always longer and sometimes quite equal to the greatest length of the shell. The number of the coste varies from thirty-eight to forty-two, the aver- age number being the same as for B. robusta and ten less than in B. richmondensts. In the number of coste and in the outline &. precursa is very much like the typical form of B. radia/a, Hall, sp.** Asa rule, however, the latter is a little more oblique, the hinge shorter and the central part of its valves a trifle wider. But the principal difference lies in the flattening of the anterior side in &. precursa. * In twenty specimens of the Cincinnati form of &. radiata the number of the rays varied between thirty-six and forty, while a good example from an unknown ‘ocality in New York has thirty-six. — 634 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. Formation and locality: Voraine shales, Loraine, New York; also in the equivalent middle beds of the Cincinnati group, at Covington, Kentucky, and Cincinnati, Ohio. Byssonychia suberecta, 0. sp. Plate 45, Figs. 13-18. Shell exceeding the medium size for the genus, moderately convex, suberect, the: length and height as five is to six. Hinge line forming an angle of about 105° with the anterior margin; this is a few degrees wider than the posterior angle. Anterior outline gently sinuate in the upper half, and in the central part bending forward enough to give the shell the appearance of leaning backward rather than forward; posterior margin broadly convex; basal half with a semicircular curve. Beaks full, rounded, not very prominent, bending somewhat forward and strongly incurved. Greatest convexity in the umbonal region, but tak- ing the surface as a whole it is more uniformly rounded than in any other species of the genus. Radiating coste rather small, fifty-five to fifty-eight on each valve. Ligamental area about 3 mm. wide, almost vertical, so that in a dorsal view it appears as very narrow, with five or six distinct longitudinal striz. Cardinal teeth apparently three in each valve. Strong posterior lateral teeth are present, but whether more than one in each valve could not be learned from the material at hand. Bys- sal opening long though very narrow. Muscular and pallial impression as usual for the genus. In casts of the interior the beaks are compara- tively erect and obtusely pointed. This species has an outline that is closely similar to that of B. ca/- traia. ‘The two species are also associated in the same strata, but can be distinguished at once by the rounded instead of carinate beaks of B. suberecta. The latter is also a liitle smaller. &. radiata is probably more nearly allied, but has fewer costee and is a much more oblique shell. Formation and locality: Upper beds of the Cincinnati group, at Waynesville, Ohio, and Versailles, Indiana. Byssonychia acutirostris, n. sp. Plate 45, Figs. Sand 9; Plate 46, Fig. 19. Shell moderately convex, 75 mm. or less in height, acuminate-ovate in outline, the transverse diameter or length usually about two-thirds of the height; without the acuminate rostral portion the outline forms a nearly regular oval. Beaks attenuate, small but prominent, not strongly incurved (rather erect in casts of the interior), obtusely pointed. Upper fourth of anterior side slightly flattened and somewhat sinuate in out- line. Hinge line very short. Radiating coste thirty-six to forty on each LOWER SILURIAN LAMELLIBRANCHS. 635 valve. Byssal opening rather small and narrow, lying in a sharply defined, small, impressed area; in casts of the interior this impressed area is considerably larger than in the shell itself. Ligamental area narrow, striated; cardinal teeth very small; posterior lateral teeth not observed, apparently wanting. A large specimen afforded the following measurements: Height, from beaks to center of base, 73 mm.; height from posterior extremity of hinge to same point, 60 mm.; greatest transverse diameter, 42 mm.; thickness, 25 or 26 mm. The beaks are more attenuate and the hinge line shorter than in B&. radiata, Hall, sp. ‘The general appearance of the shell is more like that of the proposed Eridonychia apicalis, but the presence of cardinal teeth, though unusually small for the genus Ayssonychia, is quite sufficient to distinguish it from that species and genus. For comparisons with B. zm- éricata see next description. Formation and locality: Middle beds of the Cincinnati group at a number of localities in the vicinity of Cincinnati, Ohio. Byssonychia imbricata, n. sp. Plate 46, Figs. 4 and 3d. Shell rather small, not known to exceed 85 min. in height, moder- ately convex, acuminate-ovate in outline, widest a little beneath the mid- dle, ihe greatest width about two-thirds of the length; beaks prominent, not strongly incurved, approximate; hinge very short, upper half of an- terior margin nearly straight; byssal opening small and very narrow. Surface marked with from twenty-six to twenty-eight strongly rounded, almost angular, radiating coste. These are crossed by distant, strong, imbricating lines of growth, showing quite distinctly through the shell so as to be reproduced on casts of the interior. The form of this species is almost exactly as in &. acutirostris, and, were it uot for the distant imbrications, it might be mistaken for the young of that species. That such a view would be incorrect is shown not only by the imbricating lines but by the smaller number of radiating costee as well. These number, so far as observed, not less than thirty-six in B. acutirostris and not over twenty-eight in B. zmbri-ata. Compared with &. radiata, it will be found that the hinge is shorter, the cost fewer and the ccncentric lines very much stronger. Formation and locality: Middle beds of the Cincinnati group, near the tops of the hills at Cincinnati, Ohio. Byssonychia (?) byrnest, n. sp. Plate 47, Figs.4and5 Shell of medium size, obliquely ovate, with a short hinge, the cardi- nal border often passing almost uniformly into the broadly rounded pos- terior margin; valves strongly convex in the anterior and umbonal 636 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. regions, compressed in the postero-cardinal part; beaks moderately prom- inent, incurved; byssal opening small, not impressed. Surface of each valve with twenty to twenty-two more or less curved, strong, radiating costee. In the best preserved specimen these are ridge-shaped and sepa- rated by wide concave interspaces, while the whole surface is marked with rather regular, sharp, concentric lines distinctly visible to the naked eye. Ligamental area very narrow and short, hinge plate thin, posterior lateral teeth wanting; one oblique cardinal tooth and socket in each valve. The hinge in this species is peculiar, having no lateral teeth and only one cardinal tooth. It must be a transitional form and, as I believe, from BLyssonychia to the Eridonychia and Allonychia types of structure. I cannot now enter into a discussion of these possible relationships, yet, to avoid misunderstanding, I should say that I do not regard Eridonyichia as having been evolved from #&. éyrnesz: another aberrant species, &. acutirostris, being as it seems to me, better qualified to stand as a progen- itor of that restricted genus. With Allonychia, however, the case proba- bly is different, at any rate we have no conclusive evidence against the view that this genus is genetically related to the species under considera- tion. Considered as a species, &. (?) dy7es7 is so easily recognized that com- parisons with other forms are quite unnecessary. The specific name is given in remembrance of the late Dr. R. M. Byrnes, of Cincinnati, Ohio. Formation and locality: ower beds (Utica horizon) of the Cincin- nati group, at Covington, Kentucky, where it occurs in the banks of the Ohio and Licking rivers; also in an equivalent position at Nashville, Tennessee. Genus ANOMALODONTA, S. A. Miller. Anomalodonta, S. A. Miller, 1874, Cin. Quart. Jour. Sci., Vol. I, p. 16; also 1889, North Amer. Geol. and Pal., p. 462. Shell suberect, equivalve, profoundly inequilateral, alate posteriorly, abrupt anteriorly; beaks terminal, incurved, umbones prominent; byssal opening present, sharply defined. Surface with coarse, radiating coste. Ligamental area broad, grooved longitudinally; beneath the posterior half of the external area a variable number of large, irregular folds which probably served for the attachment of an internal hgament; at the anterior end of the hinge an oblique, irregularly pitted fold together with a corresponding depression in one or both valves; the pits continue downward as grooves to the byssal opening. Posterior adductor impres- sion large, its inner margin deeply sinuate, situated in the middle of the shell or more or less above and behind the center, the posicion varying in the species according to the length of the shell; pallial line distinct, extending forward from the posterior side of the large muscular scar in a direction nearly parallel with the margin of the shell, bending around LOWER SILURIAN LAMELLIBRANCHS. 637 the byssal sinus, and terminating ata point on the inner side of the umbonal cavity. Anterior muscular scar not observed, apparently want- ing. A deep pedal muscle scar situated a short distance behind the beak and partly under the hinge plate. Type: A. gigantea, S. A. Miller. Plate 50, figures 1 to 4. Plate 50, figures 1 to 4. The above description is based upon a fine series of specimens be- longing to my private cabinet and upon the original types of the genus which were kindly loaned for the purpose by Dr. S. A. Miller. I have endeavored to give the facts without prejudice and just as they appear to me after a careful study of the whole family to which the genus be- longs. ‘This statement is necessary considering the fact that some points in Dr. Miller’s original description were questioned by Dr. C. A. White, notably the position of the muscular scars.* I shall not, however, enter into the discussion carried on by these gentlemen except to say that Dr. Miller is certainly in error when he says that there is an “anterior muscular scar below the byssal sinus.” The depressed subtriangular space (see plate 50, fig. 4), which he mistook for a muscular impression is without doubt due to some abnormal thick- ening of the internal surface of the valve. Nothing of the kind’ has been observed in any other of the numerous specimens seen by me, while the true position of the large muscular scar, which was left by the pos- terior adductor and not the anterior, is unequivocally shown in several cases. The pallial line also is clearly shown in the specimens, and as it rus through the space to which the muscle was supposed to have been attached and on to the cavity of the beak, it affords the very best evi- dence in favor of the view here adopted. As understood by me Axomalodonta agrees in all esssential respects, except the hinge, with the new genera Ayssonychia and Eridonychia, and as far as the muscular impressions and the pallial line are concerned, with all the genera now referred to the Ambonychiide. ‘The absence of true cardinai and lateral teeth sufficiently distinguishes the genus from 4)s- sonychia. In Eridonychia, however, the hingement is very similar to that of Anomalodon’a; yet it differs and is even more simple in wanting the peculiar oblique fold at the anterior extremity of the hinge plate. The latter is also shorter and not so strong, and the shells more oblique. Beside A. gigantea there are only two or three species that may be referred to Anomaloaonta. ‘These are the Ambonychia alata, Meek, a new species, and possibly the little known Amdbonychia costata, Meek; and all of them are found only in the middle and upper beds of the Cincinnati group. The generic type seems therefore to have been a limited oneé in every sense. * See Cincinnati Quarteriy Journal of Science, Vol. I, p, 326, 1874; and Vol. II, p. 280, 1875, 638 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. Anomatlodonta alata, Meek. Plate 46, Fig.1. Ambonychia alata, Meek, 1872, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., p. 319; also 1873, Ohio Pals Violeeps lois Anomalodonta alata, Miller, 1874, Cin. Quart. four. Sci., Vol. I, p. 16. The interior of the right valve figured on plate 46 was obtained by means of gutta percha from an unusually well-marked cast of the interior. It shows the posterior internal cardinal folds, the large muscular scar, and-the pallial line in a very satisfactory manner, and every feature points unmistakably to Anxomalodonta. Specifically the form is distin- guished from A. gigantea by the much greater length of the posterior wing, the length of the shell near the dorsal edge equaling or even exceeding the greatest height. Other differences are brought out in a careful comparison of good specimens, but the one mentioned generally suffices in the separation of the two species. In the new species, 4. plicata, the width of the shell is less, the posterior margin is not produced above, and the radiating plications are fewer in number and therefore of larger size. Formation and locality: Upper beds of the Cincinnati group, at Clarksville, near Morrow, Blanchester, Waynesville and other localities in Ohio; also at Versailles and other localities in Indiana. Prof. Meek gives Cincinnati as the original locality, but I doubt very much that it occurs so low in the series. Anomalodonta plicata, n. sp. Plate 46, Figs. 2 and 3. This species is founded upon a single specimen, a rather well-pre- served cast of the interior of a right valve. Although we have no positive knowledge of the hinge, the downward bend of, and the fold bordering the posterior half of the dorsal edge of the specimen, indicate very strongly the presence in the shell of large internal cardinal folds. The obtusely pointed beak and the depressed space in the cardinal slope also, indeed the whole expression of the cast is so much like that of A. gigantea that I cannot hesitate in referring the species to Anomalodon a. The form of the shell is much narrower than in 4. alata, the leng h being about 38 mm. and the height 55 mm. These dimensions show it to be relatively also narrower than A. gzgantea. But the difference that will distinguish the new form most readily from those species lies in the number and size of the radiating costae. Their exact number cannot be determined from a cast of the interior, they being too obscurely indicated in the cardinal and byssal regions. Still, as the costae are so uniformly distributed over the surface in this and related genera, it is possible to. LOWER SILURIAN LAMELLIBRANCHS. 639 make an estimate that will not be far from the truth. My judgment places the number at about twenty on each valve. Comparing these with about thirty for 4. a/a¢a and not less than thirty-six in Ad. gigantea, the result is, especially in shells of the same size, a much more coarsely plicated surface for 4. plicata. Formation and locality: Middle beds of the Cincinnati group, Cin- cinnati, Ohio. Genus ERIDONYCHIA, n. gen. Like Byssonychia and Anomalodonta, excepting that the hinge is edentu- lous. Type: £&. aficalis, n. sp. This genus includes, as far as known, a small and comparatively un- important group of Lower Silurian shells, agreeing with Ayssonychia in all respects except that their hinges are entirely without cardinal and posterior lateral teeth. A well defined, striated ligamental area however is present, and in the type species several obscure and irregular small ridges beneath the posterior extremity of the external area remind of the internal ligament supports of Axomalodonta. But the oblique cardi- nal fold of the latter genus is not represented, and the acuminate beaks and oblique form of the shells gives them a peculiar expression, so that no other course seemed open than to erect a distinct group for their especial benefit. If we could decide with which of the two genera, Bys- sonychia or Anomalodonta, the affinities were greatest, it might be ad- visable to reduce Zrzdonychia to the rank of a subgenus. Eridonychia apicalis, n. sp. Plate 47, Fig. 1. Shell oblique, ovoid, with prominent, subacute and very little in- curved beaks; hinge short, edentulous; hgamental area erect, wide beneath the beaks, tapering posteriorly, marked with four or five hori- zontal grooves; several obscure folds within the posterior extremity of the hinge; byssal opening long, narrow, its border sharply inflected; at its lower end the outline of the valves is slightly produced and rather abruptly rounded. ,Surface with about thirty distinct rays, separated by flattened interspaces as wide as the costae. This species resembles Byssonychta acutirostris very closely, and col- lectors will no doubt find it difficult to separate them when the specimens are not very good. A careful comparison shows that the margin of the byssal opening is more sharply inflected and the beaks, especially in casts, more erect in the Evidonychia. ‘The principal differences however lie in the hinge, that species having true cardinal teeth and a narrower liga- 640 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. mental area. (Compare plate 45, fig. 8, and plate 47, fig. 1). Ly¢donychia paucicostata, as the name implies, has fewer coste. /. crenata also has larger costee and is peculiar in having a crenated margin. Formation and locality: Middle beds of the Cincinnati group at Cincinnati, Ohio, and localities in the immediate vicinity. Good speci- mens are very rare. Lridonychia paucicostata, n. sp. Plate 47, Fig. 2. This species, since it agrees very closely with Z. apicals, will be sufficiently characterized by pointing out the only difference of con- sequence shown by the material at hand. The surface namely is more coarsely folded, the costae numbering only seventeen or eighteen, while in that species there are about thirty. It isa difference that strikes the eye at once. Formation and locality: J have seen only two specimens. These were collected in the middle beds of the Cincinnati group, at Covington, Kentucky. Eridonychia crenata, 0. sp. Plate 47, Fig. 3. This form may be a later variety of 4. paucicostata. It also has coarse plications, but there are more of them, the best specimen having twenty-three. A pecuiiar feature is the projection of the costae at the lower margin, giving a crenate. outline. In the other forms the outline is simple. Formation and locaity: Upper beds of the Cincinnati group, Waynesville, Ohio. Genus ALLONYCHIA, n. gen. Megambonia, Meek, 1872, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. p. 321. (Not Hall, 1859.) Shell attaining a large size, a little obliquely subovate in outline, strongly convex, most gibbous somewhat above and in front of the mid- dle, but with the point of greatest convexity situated, further behind the anterior extremity than in any of the other genera of this family; beaks large, tumid, incurved, not terminal. Hinge line short, not alated pos- teriorly; just beneath the beaks a more or less well-defined, lobe-like pro- tuberance of the anterior side, contains the byssal opening and usually forms the most anterior part of the shell. Surface radially costate. Hinge short, apparently edentulous, ligamental area high; posterior ad- ductor scar large, deeply sinnate above, situated somewhat behind the THE LOWER SILURIAN ROCKS. 641 middle of the valves; pallial line simple, extending up the anterior side to the umbonal cavity. Type: Jegambonia jamest, Meek. (Plate 48, Fig. 7.) The protrusion of the byssal opening, short, edentulous hinge, and non-terminal beaks are the characters that distinguish this genus from Bys- sonychia. ‘The same features, excepting the one that relates to the absence of hinge teeth, also separate the genus from Axomalodonta and Eridonychia. ‘The presence of a large byssal opening and the short hinge sufficiently distinguish the new genus from Amdbonychia as restricted by me. As to Megaméonia, Hall, under which genus, because of an ex- ternal resemblance, Meek and others have placed the typical species jamest, it is enough to say that Al/onychia is totally different internally. Indeed, the two genera cannot possibly belong to the same family. On plate 48, figure 7 illustrates a large and well preserved cast of — the interior of Allonvchia jamest. Comparing it with the exterior we learn that the test was thick on the anterior side both beneath and above the byssal protrusion; and that the umbo is more pointed and smaller in the cast than in the shell, and not so much incurved. A small lobe is separated from the upper part of the byssal protrusion and thus lies immediately beneath the anterior extremity of the hinge. It is believed to be equivalent to a similar protuberance met with in internal casts of certain species of Byssonychia (e. g. B. intermedia, M. and W. sp.) and in Amphicela, Hall. Perhaps it is fice to be likened to the sub- rostral lobe of Ambonychia. Though highly improbable it is still possi- ble that the cavity of which it is the filling may have lodged an anterior adductor muscle. The feature should perhaps have been included in the generic diagnosis. Allonychia ovata, n. sp. Plate 48, Figs. 4-6. The shell in this species is not so oblique (it is almost erect) and relatively higher than A. jamesi. ‘The beaks are smaller and situated farther behind the anterior extremity of the shell, giving the false im- pression, in aside view, of being placed quite in the middle of the hinge. The anterior and posterior slopes of the surface, therefore, are more nearly equal. The number of the radial ribs also is not as great, being about forty and certainly not exceeding forty-five. Though other dif- ferences have been made out, those mentioned will, in connection with the illustrations, suffice for the recognition of the species. formation and locality: Middle beds of the Cincinnati group, about 325 feet above the bed of the Ohio river at Covington, Kentucky. *In aseries of eight specimens of A. yamesi the number of the ribs varies between fifty-five and sixty-eight, and in only one of these is it less than sixty. 41 ce ©. 642 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. Allcnychia subrotunda, n. sp. J Plate 48, Figs. 8-9. This rather small shell is of a more rounded form than A. james, the height being proportionally less and but little greater than the length. Another difference in the outline consists in the greater prominence of the central part of the anterior margin. Indeed, this part projects beyond the byssal lobe. ‘The radii number about fifty. Formation aud locality: Middle beds of the Cincinnati group, Cin- -cinnati, Ohio; about 400 feet above low water mark in the Ohio river. Genus OPISTHOPTERA, Meek. Subgenus Megaptera, Meek and Worthen, 1866. Proc., Chicago Acad. Nat Sci., Vol. I, p. 22. (Not Megaptera, Gray, 1846.) Opisthoptera, Meek, 1872, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phila., p. 319; also 1873, Ohio Pal., Vol. I, p- 151 (note). Shell equivalve, usually triangular in outline, with the beaks of moderate size, incurved and terminal, and the hinge line straight and very long, in most cases forming a great posterior wing; length greater than the height; anterior side more or less abrupt. In the typical sec- tion the greatest height is in the anterior half, and the surface marked with numerousand frequently bifurcating coste. In another groupof species provisionally regarded as congenerie, the posterior part of the shell is the highest, and the radiating costee few and mostly simple. Byssal opening, muscular scars and pallial line as in Axomalodonta and Byssonychia. Hinge with two small cardinal teeth in each valve, but so far as known, no posterior lateral tooth; external ligamental area usually narrow; no internal ligament. Type: Warren county, Ohio: a, the right valve described, of the natural size; 6, anterior view in outline; c, cardinal view; and d, oblique cardinal view showing the flattened anterior side. e, Optsthoptera alternata, n. sp., upper beds of the Cincinnati group, Waynesville, Ohio. Diagrammatic sketch, x 2, of the original of figure 9 on plate 49. The specimen is very young and therefore has simple costz only except along the front. With age their number is much increased by interpolation and bifurcation, producing an appearance much as in O. fisstcosta. Shell small, triangular, the height and length respectively as two is to three; anterior side thick, flattened, with a nearly straight and rather strongly oblique outline, forming an angle of about 57° with the hinge line; ventral margin narrowly rounded, its center almost directly beneath the middle of the hinge; posterior margin strongly insinuated a little above the middle, sloping backward very gently in the lower part and abruptly prolonged in the wing; hinge long, though seeming not to extend quite to the sharply rounded extremity of the wing. Beaks mod- erately prominent, strongly incurved. Ligamentalarea narrow. Beneath the wing the surface of the valves is distinctly depressed. Surface of the specimen described marked with about thirty small costee at the margin, those on the wing larger than elsewhere. An approximately uniform size is maintained by bifurcation. Greatest length 16.5 mm.; height 11 mm.; from beak to center of base 13.5 mm.; thickness of one valve 4.5 mm. This species seems to occupy an intermediate position between O. caset and O. obliqua. For the former the anterior side is too oblique, too flat, and too straight, while the posterior margin also has a much deeper sinus. With the latter it agrees in the anterior and basal parts, but differs very decidedly in the prolonged wing and deeply sinuate posterior margin. . Formation and locality: Upper beds of the Cincinnati group, War- ren county, Ohio. The horizon is probably one hundred feet beneath that occupied by O. casez. 646 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. Opisthoptera obliqua, u. sp. Plate 49, Figs. 6—8. Shell small, triangular, highest in the posterior third, and thickest along the oblique anterior side; hinge line as long as the shell, posterior margin vertical, gently convex, basal margin narrowly rounded; anterior side very abrupt, almost flat, forming an angle of about 55° with the hinge. Beaks rather large, prominent, but little incurred and separated by a considerable interval in casts of the interior. Ligamental area very wide. Surface marked with small, apparently bifurcating coste, of which those near the cardinal margin are if anything smaller than else- where. On the whole they may be described as subequal. This species doubtless is closely related to O. extenuata, the two species being very similar in their anterior halves. Still, it is highly im- probable that they will ever be confounded, since they are so different posteriorly, this part of the outline being vertical and slightly convex in the present form and deeply sinuate centrally and prolonged above in that one. The ligamental area also is much larger in O. odligua. Com- pared with O. alternata it is found that the valves though more convex are not as uniformly rounded, the anterior side more oblique and much more abrupt, and the costze of nearly equal size instead of alternately large and small. None of the other species are near enough to require comparisons. Associated with O. ob4qua we find Byssonychia richmondensis, another species having the anterior side flat. But as it attains a much larger size, is relatively much higher and almost erect, and has a much shorter hinge, they are not likely to be confused. Formation and locality: Upper beds of the Cincinnati group, Rich- mond, Indiana. It is there associated with O. casez and Ortonella hainesi, Miller, sp. The type specimens were collected by Mr. John Misener, and are now in the author’s cabinet. Opisthoptera laticostata, n. sp. Plate 47, Fig. 6. Shell of medium size, rather long, obliquely triangular in outline, widest in the posterior half, and most convex in the umbonal and anter- ior parts; greatest height a little less than two thirds of the length. Hinge line straight, extending the full length of the shell; posterior margin somewhat oblique, on the whole sloping forward and forming an angle of about 63° with the hinge; sinnate in the middle and gently convex above and below; basal margin rounded in the posterior half in front of which the outline ascends with a very gentle curve to the lower extremity of the narrow byssal opening, when it turns abruptly upward and finally forward again to the beaks. The latter are large THE LOWER SILURIAN ROCKS. 647 and terminal, projecting well forward though but little above the hinge. For a short distance behind the lower part of the thin projecting margin of the byssal opening the shell is compressed. A wide, undefined sulcus crosses the valves from the sinusin the posterior margin to the posterior side of the beaks. Surface of the best specimen seen marked with about twenty simple costee. These increase in size from the cardinal margin downward, the first four being much smaller than those beneath them, while anterior to the tenth, which may be the largest, a gradual decrease isobservable. The concentric growth lines are very regular and unusually distinct. The large costae will distinguish this fine species from all of the pre- ceding forms of this genus. The next species, O. ampla, though closely related, is readily distinguished by several obvious differences. 0. notabilts also is closely allied but has differently shaped ends and seems to be without radiating plications on the cardinal slope. Formation and locality: ‘The type specimen was collected by Prof Edward Orton in the upper beds of the Cincinnati group at some locality in Warren county, Ohio. Two imperfect specimens belong to the cabinet of Prof. J. M. Safford and were collected by him in Hickman county, Tennessee, where they occurred in strata regarded as equivalent to the middle or upper beds of the Cincinnati group of Ohio. Opisthoptera ampla, n. sp. Plate 47, Fig. 7. The specimen upon which this species is founded is a cast of the in- terior and not a good one either. Still it preserves sufficient of its specific characters to give us a fair idea of the position of the species in the genus. Evidently it is more closely related to O. /aticostata than to any other known. Yet, the greater height, especially of the anterior part, more oblique and more deeply sinnate posterior margin, larger ventral part and differently arranged radiating costae, are differences obvious enough to render the separation of good specimens of the two species a matter of small difficulty. The wing also is broader and the anterior end is not compressed, while the byssal opening seems to have been larger. Being a cast the costae near the cardinal border are difficult to make out, but enough of them can be determined on the wing to show that there is not that uniformity in the increase of the size of the costae which per- tains to O. laticostata. ‘The large plications will of course distinguish the species at once from all the other forms of the genus save O. no/a- bilis, and that one is very different in nearly every other respect. Formation and locality: Middle beds of the Cincinnati group, Cin- cinnati, Ohio. 648 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. Opisthoptera notabtlis, n. sp. Plate 49, Fig. 16. Shell very elongate for this family, highest posteriorly, the leugth gud height respectively as sixteen is to nine. Cardinal margin long, nearly straight, rather acutely prolonged posteriorly though not as far as the rounded part of the posterior outline; basal margin broadly convex, ascending anteriorly, turning abruptly into the short, nearly straight, and almost vertical anterior margin. Beaks neither large nor prominent; valves with the greatest convexity in the anterior third, the anterior slope rapid though not abrupt; wing compressed; byssal opening apparently long and very narrow. Surface marked with distinct but irregular con- centric lines of growth. Excepting the compressed cardinal slope or wing, on which radiating costee are very obscure or are wanting entirely, the rest of the surface is thrown into about twelve radial folds, of which the five or six occupying the central part of the valves are large and moderately prominent. The remainder, however, gradually decrease in size and distinctness anteriorly. Though clearly a near relative of O. daticostata, the present species is still not at all likely to be confounded with it nor with any other ambony- chioid shell now known. ‘The distinctive features are the unusual length of the shell and the comparative obscurity of the costee. Formation and locality: Middle beds of the Cincinnati group, Cin- cinnati, Ohio. Genus PSILONYCHIA, n gen. Shell large, slightly oblique, high, acuminate-ovate; anterior side abrupt, beaks prominent, incurved, terminal. A large byssal opening in the somewhat flattened upper half of the anterior side. Surface marked with concentric lines of growth only. Hinge rather short, scarcely alate posteriorly, apparently without teeth; ligamental area well developed, hcrizontally striated. Muscular scars and pallial line asin Byssonychia and other genera of this family. Type: P. perangulata, nu. sp. This interesting genus seems to occupy an intermediate position between the radially ribbed genera Ayssonychia, Eridonychia, Allonychia, Anomalodonta and Opisthoptera, and the concentrically marked genera Chonychia, Mytilarca, Hall, and Plethomytilus, Hall, having a large byssal opening like the former and concentric surface markings only like the latter. Still, we cannot regard Pszlonychia as in any way lessening the gap between these two groups of genera. Should species of this type be discovered in, say the Chazy limestone, we might reasonably view the genus as a connecting link. But, why speculate on species that probably never existed? With our present light we are obliged to accept Pszlony- THE LOWER SILURIAN ROCKS 649 éhte as a departure from Ctonychia during the Cincinnati epoch. The radially ribbed, byssiferous genera having been established either pre- viously or at the same time, it follows that ’Psz/Jonychia cannot stand in genetic relationship to them. Although I am acquainted with oe species having the characters of this genus, only one can be described at this time, the specimen of the other being too imperfect for satisfactory delineation. ‘Though so imper- fect, it yet preserves all the essential characters of the genus. So far as comparison between it and P. perangulata is possible, the undescribed species appears to differ in being more oblique, and in having the anter- ior and umbonal regions strongly rounded instead of angular. The specimen is also from a higher horizon, having been found at Clarksville, ‘Ohio, in the upper beds of the Cincinnati group. Psilonychia perangulata, nu. sp. Plate 51, Figs. 1—3. Shell large, high, accuminate-subovate, very slightly alate, rather nar- now above, the lenght of the hinge line equally only about five-eights of the greatest width of the shell; greatest width and greatest height (from umbo to center of base) about as three is to five; cardinal outline straight in the posterior half, anteriorly rising to the umbo; antezior side almost flat and at right angles to the hinge line in the upper half, curv- ing backward below; lower half of outline semiovate. Beaks very prom- inent, strongly incurved, carinate, the flattening of the anterior side extending to their apices. Byssal opening large, situated about its length beneath the beaks. Surface of test covered with concentric lines of growth. ‘These are rather regular and fine, except in the vicinity of the byssal opening where they are gathered into distinct wrinkles. Byssonychia richmondensis, though a smaller shell, has a similar form, but as it is restricted to strata between three and four hundred feet above the beds holding P. perangulata, and asthe Byssonychia has strong radiat- ing ribs, which are wanting entirely in the species just described, there is not the slightest occasion for confusion between them. Formation and locality: Middle beds of the Cincinnati group, near the tops of the hills at Cincinnati, Ohio. Genus ANOPTERA, n. gen. Shell subovate, high, moderately convex, with a very short hinge, not alate posteriorly; beaks terminal, directed forward, compressed; a long, lunule-like depression beneath the beaks; no byssal opening. Sur- face marked with concentric lines of growth only. Hinge apparently edentulous; so far as known, no external ligamental area, but an inter- nal cartilage, extending nearly the full length of the hinge, is indicated 650 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. by a narrow and sharply defined prominence lying between the com- pressed beaks of casts of the interior. Posterior adductor scar large, situated in the postero-basal third of the valves; pallial line simple, sharply defined in casts, extending up the anterior side to the umbonal cavity. Only known species, A. misenerz, 0. sp. This remarkable genus probably is related to Clionychia, but the relation cannot be very close. ‘The hingement seems to be totally differ- ent, and the muscular impression occupies a lower position. The general aspect also is quite different, being much more like that of certain species of AZytilarca. Some may see in the new genus an intermediate type between Chionychia and Mytilarca, but I am fully satisfied that such a — view, even considering that A. mzsenert is found in the proper horizon for it, would be erroneous. The hinge of Axoftera is of such a nature that I cannot see how it could have been changed to that of MZytzlarca.. On the other hand, I can readily conceive how the long hinge of C@ony- chia was at first shortened, and then modified by the development of teeth at each end till AZvtzlarca had been established. As now viewed by me, Anopicra, like Pszlonychia, represents a departure from the regular line of CUonychia that became extinct with the close of the Lower Silu- rian. Anoptera misenert, i. Sp. Plate 50, Figs. 5-9. Shell compressed-convex, rather erect, subovate, narrowest above, the length and height respectively as three is to four and a small frac- tion; hinge line very short, passing gradually into the posterior margin; upper half of anterior outline distinctly concave. Beaks compressed, curving mostly forward over a long and laterally well defined lunule; umbonal ridge defined by a distinct furrow in the postero-cardi- nal slope. Surface with strong, unequal, subimbricating lines of growth. I am not acquainted with any Lower Silurian shell with which Anoptera mtseneri might be confounded. The specific name is given for Mr. John Misener of Richmond, Indi- ana, an excellent collector and keen student of the fossils of the Cincin- nati, group. Science is indebted to him for the discovery of a number of entirely new forms as well of instructive specimens of several species that were but little known heretofore. Formation and locality: Upper beds of the Cincinnati group, Blanchester, Ohio and Richmond, Indiana. Genus CLIONYCHIA, Ulrich. Clionychia, Ulrich, 1892, American Geologist, Vol. X, p. 97; also Pal. Minn., p. 493. (In press.) During the present year I succeeded in obtaining two species fron: the rocks of the Cincinnati group that seem to belong to this genus. THE LOWER SILURIAN ROCKS. 651 One is from the lower beds (Utica horizon) and of considerable interest: because of its oblique shape and consequent approximation toward the upper Silurian and Devonian genus J7Zytzlarca. The other is from the upper beds of the formation and has an erect form like the typical lower Trenton species of the genus. Clionychia subundata, n. sp. Clionychia subundata, Ulrich. Left valve of the natural size. Shell less than the average size for the genus, moderately convex, oblique, the outline obscurely rhomboidal; anterior and basal margins gently rounded, oblique, post-ventral extremity strongly rounded, pos- terior margin but little convex; hinge line straight, about half as long as. the greatest oblique diameter of the shell; post-cardinal angle about 125°, antero-cardinal angle between 65° and 70°. Beaks moderately promi- nent, not strongly incurved. Surface marked with fine concentric lines of growth and irregular concentric undulations, generally strongest on the anterior slope. Interior unknown. This species is smaller and more oblique than any other now referred to the genus. C. rhomboidea Ulrich, of the lower Trenton (Birdseye limestone) in Minnesota, is the most like it so far as shape is concerned, but the concentric undulations are believed to indicate closer affinities with C. wxdata Emmons, sp. In the latter the surface undulations are much broader, the hinge longer, and the shell much less oblique. Formation and locality: ower beds (Utica horizon) of the Cincin- nati group, at Covington, Kentucky; associated with Leptobolus lepis, Hall. Clionychia excavata, ni. sp. Plate 51, Figs. 4and 5. Shell, as seen in a cast of the interior, of medium size, erect, strongly convex, subquadrangular, straight above, slightly sinuate anteriorly, and rounded below and posteriorly; post-cardinal angle obtuse, perhaps rounded; length of, hinge line about two-thirds of the greatest width (length) of the shell; length and heigbth respectively as six is to seven. Beaks compressed, scarcely projecting above the hinge, separated by an unusually wide interval; between and beneath them the greater part of the upper half of the anterior side of the shell is deeply excavated. 652 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. Muscular scar situated lower than usual, placed just behind the center of the valves. Surface of cast with distant lines of growth in the outer half. The hinge is shorter and the anterior excavation larger than in C. tfamellosa and C. erecta, two species of the lower Trenton rocks of Min- nesota and Wisconsin. formation and locality: Upper beds of the Cincinnati group, Rich- mond, Indiana, where the specimen described was collected for the author by Mr. John Misener. Family MODIOLOPSIDA, (Fischer) Ulrich. Genus MopioLopon, Ulrich. Cyrtodonta (part.), Safford, 1869, Geology of Tennessee. Modiolodon, Ulrich, 1893, Final Rep., Vol. III, Geol. and Nat. Hist. Sur. Minn. p. 521. Modiolodon oviformis, Ulrich. Plate 53, Figs. 7and 8. Modiolopis Oviformis, Ulrich, 1890, American Geologist, Vol. V, p. 276. Shell 50 mm. or less in length, slightly oblique, almost regularly oval transversely, narrowest in the anterior half; greatest height and length as three or three and one half is to five. Valves moderately and nearly uniformly convex, the point of greatest convexity a little in front and above the center. Cardinal margin arcuate, basal margin with nearly the same amount of convexity; anterior and posterior ends nicely rounded, the latter much the widest and often produced slightly beyond an even curve in the lower part. Beaks small, inconspicuous, and situ- ated a very short distance behind the anterior extremity in the shell, ap- pearing more prominent and less nearly terminal in casts of the interior; umbonal ridge nearly obsolete. Shell of moderate thickness, strongest in the umbonal region, its outer surface nearly smooth, exhibiting only a few faintly impressed fine concentric lines. Hinge with two subequal, nearly horizontal rather strong cardinal teeth, in each valve, situated mostly in front of the beaks and above the strongly impressed anterior muscular scars. Casts of the interior, in which condition the species is usually found, are in most cases terminated anteriorly by the well marked pair of mus- cular scars. Pallial line simple, distinct and pustulose in the anterior third, behind which it is obscurely defined to the large and faintly im- pressed posterior adductor scar. The latter is obovate and situated close THE LOWER SILURIAN ROCKS. 653. to the posterior extremity of the cardinal border. Umbonal ridge much more distinct than on the exterior of the shell, being defined anteriorly by a distinct sulcus. This species is widely removed from M/odiolopsis modiolaris, Conrad, with which collectors of Kentucky fossils have often confounded it. Aside from the well developed cardinal teeth, the more oval shape and rounded instead of sinuate basal margin, should under ordinary circum: stances, be quite sufficient to separate them. The MWodiolodon winchelli (Cyrtodonia winchellt, Sattord), of the Trenton of Tennessee, I conside1 as Closely related. The latter is distinguished, however, by its less regu- larly ovate form, the shell being as a rule not so high and always more produced in the post-basal region, and less uniformly rounded at the junction of the cardinal and posterior margins. ‘The cardinal teeth also. are more oblique and situated almost entirely behind the beaks, while one in each valve is stronger than the other. Occasionally, again, only one tooth is developed in the left valve. formation and locality: ‘This shell is very abundant at numerous jocalities in Boyle, Mercer, Anderson and Franklin counties in Kentucky. Its vertical range is restricted and it is, therefore, a highly characteristic fossil of the argillaceous limestone beds resting upon the massive crys- talline limestone which has furnished so many remarkable forms of cystidea and other echinodermata, and constitutes the base of the Tren- ton group proper in Kentucky. I believe the species also occurs in a similar position in Tennessee. Modiolodon oviformts, var. amplus a. var. Plate 53, Figs. 1 and 2. The above provisional designation is proposed for a form that is to be found associated with JZ. oviformis at Frankfort, Kentucky. It dif- fers, so far as the characters of the variety are shown in four specimens, in the straighter basal margin, more distinct pallial line, and larger size. The length of the four specimens varies between 60 mm. and 68 mm. Modiolodon subrectus, n. sp. Plate 58, Figs. 5 and 6. This species is known only from casts of the interior. Of six speci- mens the largest is 47 mm. long and 27 mm. high, the smallest 29 mm. long and 17 mm. high. Cardinal and basal margins nearly straight and subparellal, diverging slightly posteriorly; posterior margin obliquely subtruncate, obtusely angular above, most prominent and strongly rounded in the lower half; anterior end short, small, the upper margin sunken considerably beneath the dorsal outline. Beaks compressd, prominent 654 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. anteriorly, situated well forward, on a line with the back, scarcely incurved, separated by a well defined, wide, channel-like depression extending pos- teriorly from the points of the beaks half the length of the cast. Umbonal ridge and sulcus strong, extending from the beaks obliquely downward to the central third of the base; and producing a decided compression of the antero-basal third of the cast. Anterior muscular scar very strong, obliquely ovate, large, occupying the greater part of the small anterior end. The inner side of the elevated scar is marked with about six hori- zontal folds. Pallial line and posterior adductor impression indistinct. The casts exhibit no indications of the surface markings. The hinge plate seems to have been strong, while of cardinal teeth the evidence at _hand indicates two in each valve, one larger than the other. The casts of this species might be confounded with those of email specimens of /schyrodonta elongata, Ulrich, but a careful comparison will Show that the //odio/odon is narrower posteriorly, the dorsal and ventral margins being more nearly parallel and also straighter; the ventral mar- gin is not sinuate, and there is no small pedal muscular scar above the anterior adductor impression, while the inner side of the latter is thrown into folds instead of being sharply edged. Excepting the following species there 1s no other known to me with which it need be compared. That JZ. subrectus is not an /schyrodonta is shown by the black film so characteristic of the Modtolopside which is retained by two of the specimens. The absence of the small pedal muscles over the anterior adductor impressions also is significant. Formation and locality: Upper beds of the Cincinnati group, Rich- mond, Indiana. Modiolodon deciivis, n. sp. Plate 53 Figs. 3 and 4. Of this species also only casts of the interior have been seen. These are so much like those of JZ. subrectus that a detailed description is un- necessary. Ou comparing the casts we find that JZ declivis is more elon- gate, the length being twice as great as the height; the ventral margin is slightly sinuate instead of straight, and the dorsal margin arcuate, the posterior part sloping downward in a manner quite unusual in this family of shells. The two ends are nearly equal, the posterior one being there- fore relatively narrower than in JZ. subrectus. Formation and locality: Upper beds of the Cincinnati group, Rich- mond, Indiana, where five specimens were collected. Modiolodon obtusus, n. sp. Plate 52, Figs. 20 and 21. Modiolopsis modtolaris, Halland Whitfield, 1875, Pal. Ohio, Vol. ii, plate IT, Fig. 17. (Not 47. modiolaris, Hall, 1847, nor Prerinea moadtolaris, Conrad, 1838.) Shell large, compressed-convex, oblong, subovate or obscurely quad- rangular, highest behind, though unusually wide and blunt in front. Car- THE LOWER SILURIAN ROCKS. 695 dinal margin very long, distinctly arcuate, passing gradually into the regularly curving anterior margin; post-cardinal angle obtuse, sometimes rounded but always projecting beyond the line of a regular curve; pos- ‘terior margin nearly erect, not strongly curved, except at the base where the outline turns rapidly forward into the basal line, which may be ‘straight or more or less sinuate. Ventral and dorsal margins nearly par- -allel in the posterior two-thirds, the height in this part of the shell com- paring with the length about as six to eleven, while the height at the beak is represented by a little more or less than four. Beaks small, ‘scarcely distinguishable, situated very near the anterior end; umbonal] ridge inconspicuous, low, defined only on the lower side by the bread mesial depression. Surface marked by rather fine concentric lines of growth. Shell thick, especially in the anterior part. Anterior muscular scar large, deep, of rounded or ovate shape. Hinge plate wide, furnished with long cardinal teeth immediately over the muscular scar. There appear to be three teeth in all, one large one in the right valve and two more slender in the left. In a form obtained from the upper beds of the Cincinnati group, which I shall consider provisionally as belonging to this species, the an- terior end is narrower and the anterior muscular scar almost straight on the inner side. A good specimen measures as follows: Length, 79 mm.; central height, 43 mm.; anterior height, 23 mm. It is this variety that seems to correspond with the figure given, as above cited, by Hall and Whitfield as of MWodiolopsis modiolaris. If this specimen is correctly represented by their drawing, it cannot belong to Conrad’s species nor even to the genus Modiolopsis, since it had well developed cardinal teeth. This large shell finds its nearest congeners in the three species de- scribed on the preceding pages and figured on plate 53, but as the means for comparison are thus at hand and as the differences between the forms must be obvious to every one, it is not necessary to point them out. Formation and locality: ‘The typical form is from the middle beds of the Cincinnati group, at Cincinnati, Ohio, and Covington, Kentucky, the exact horizon being about 350 feet above the bed of the Ohio river. The variety mentioned I have seen only from the upper beds of the group near Waynesville, Ohio, but the specimen figured by Hall and Whitfield is credited to Cincinnati. Modiolodon subovalis, n. sp. Plate 51, Figs. 11-13 Shell, as seen in casts of the interior, subovate, highest posteriorly. rather compressed-convex, thickest a little above the middle, the hight and length about as two isto three; length varying in different specimens between 35 mm. and 50 mm. Dorsal outline slightly arcuate; posterior margin somewhat oblique, generally a little straightened (scarcely trun- 656 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. cate) in the upper half and well rounded in the lower, at other times more uniformly curved; base broadly rounded, ascending anteriorly; anterior end very short and small, regularly curved, Beaks very small, scarcely distinguishable, situated far in front; no distinct umbonal ridge; mesial sulcus comparatively deep in the umbonal half, not sharply defined however anywhere. Anterior muscular scar very faint, prominent, occupying about half of the small anterior end; pallial line moderately distinct, submarginal posterior scar very faint. Back of cast deeply channeled, indicating either a strong hinge plate or an escutcheon in the shell, the former most likely. Cardinal teeth were present but they are not shown clearly enough in casts to be described. Surface of casts with a few distant lines of growth. This species is closely related to the MModiolopsis truncata, Hall, but may be distinguished by its more nearly oval outline, and deeper mesial or umbonal sulcus. In the outline it is more like the type of the genus M. oviformis but the casts of that species are not channelled dorsally in any degree comparable with J/. subovals. Respecting the generic position of the species, Isee nothing to oppose an arrangement with Modiolodon. The same applies also to Modtiolopsis truncata, because it is unquestionably congeneric with JZ. sué- ovaiis. Until the latter was discovered and studied Ifound Hall’s species (truncata) most troublesome to classify, and for a time I was inclined to place it into the new genus Zurymya, founded upon Modiolopsis plana, Hall. Formation and locality: Upper beds of the Cincinnati group, Ver- sailles, Indiana. Five specimens. Genus ACTINOMYA, Ulrich. (Final Rep. Geol. Sur. Minn., Vol. III, p. 513 (In press.) The type of this genus is the MWodiolopsis cincinnatiensis, Hall and Whitfield, described in the second paleontological report of this survey. It is a common and highly characteristic fossil of the lower fifty feet of the Cincinnati group. The figures given by the authors of the species on plate II of the work cited, do not, according to my observation, cor- rectly represent the species. During the past eighteen years I have had opportunities to examine an aggregate of several hundred specimens, most of them in an unusually good state of preservation, and all of them bearing evidence for the great constancy of the specific characters of the form. None, so far as I can remember, could be said to approach even the figures given by Hall and Whitfield in the angularity of the posterior extremity. ¥ Figure 16 on plate 56 of this report, represents a well preserved cast of the interior of a large right valve. It shows beside the norma] form of the shell, the merely outlined anterior muscular scar, obscure THE LOWER SILURIAN ROCKS. 657 traces of the posterior scar, and radial lines on the ventral slope. The latter, as is the case also with other species of the genus, never show on the exterior of the shell but are strictly an internal feature and rarely noticeable except on well grown or old examples. Associated with this species, at any rate with the shell that every collector at Cincinnati has identified with Hall and Whitfield’s AZ. cincin- natiensis, another is found, though much more rarely, which may have been included by them in their JZ cincinnatiensis and perhaps used in the illustration of their species. The posterior end of this shell has an outline really very much like their figure 14, being subangular at the end of the hinge and but littie curved in the oblique slope from that point to the sharply rounded post-basal angle. While I can believe readily that specimens of this second form may have been included among those to which they applied the name c7zzcinnatiensis, I cannot understand, con- sidering the attention they were obliged to give it in making a drawing of it, how they could have failed to notice the radiating lines which trav- erse the cardinal and posterior parts of the surface and are distinguisha- ble even on all the interval casts seen by me. Such radii are not often to be seen on the common form, but it is important to know that they do exist occasionally, though always fainter than in the rare one. Figs aand 6. Actinumya cancellata? Walcott, sp. In the above cut @ represents the cast of a small left valve, and 6a natural mould of the exterior of two imperfect valves joined together by the external ligament, which, together with the hinge, is retained by the specimen. Comparing these figures with figure 16, plate 56, certain differences appear aside from the posterior radii. ‘Thus the anterior end is relatively a little longer, narrower and less regularly rounded, the post- cardinal angle is better defined, the posterior margin less curved except be- low where it turns more abruptly into the basal line, and the umbonal ridge more prominent and better defined. ‘These differences, though slight, are constant, and, coupled with the greater distinctness of the posterior radii, it seems reasonable to consider them as of specific import- ance. Granting that the two forms are distinguishable, whether as species or varieties is immaterial, the question arises, to which of the two is the 42. GO: 608 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. name cinciznatiensis strictly applicable? The evidence afforded by the description and figures is not entirely conclusive for either the one or the other. One thing however may be accepted as reasonably certain, and that is that the majority of the specimens so named by Hall and Whit- field belong to the common form. Hence, if a separation is to be made, the best justified course is the elimination of the rarer form. Another good reason for this course is found in the fact that Walcott proposed the name JZodiolopsis cancellata* for what I believe to be merely a young example of the latter, which he discovered in the Utica slate of New York. Actinomya kentonensis, 1. sp. Piate 56, Figs. 18-_0. Shell of medium size, moderately convex, elongate, subovate, narrow anteriorly; thickness, height at beaks, greatest posterior height, and length respectively to each other as three, four and six or seven are to thirteen or fourteen. Cardinal margin nearly straight or gently arcuate, passing gradually into the uniformly rounded—almost semicircular—pos- terior margin; basal line gently convex behind, nearly straight in the central half, on the whole, rising gradually to the short and narrowly rounded anterior end. Beaks comparatively small, projecting but little beyond the hinge line, situated about one-seventh of the length of the shell behind the anterior extremity. Umbonal ridge rounded, not prom- inent; mesial depression quite undefined, producing but a slight flatten- ing of the umbones and of the surface of the valves beneath them. Sur- face marked with rather obscure, concentric undulations and fine lines of growth, the former showing through the shell so as to be visible on casts of the interior. Two or three faint rays may be observed on the poste- rior half.of the umbonal ridge of casts. Anterior muscular scar rather small, obovate, erect, not strongly defined; posterior scar and pallial line faint, not satisfactorily observed. ‘Test very thin. The position of this fine species seems to be intermediate between the typical section of the genus and that other group of species of which - A. pholadiformis, Hall, sp., may be regarded as representative. Of de- scribed species, there is none that is at all likely to be confused with A, kentonensis, but I have illustrated two closely related forms on one of the plates, which, because of a lack of room, had to be omitted from this report.— One has very nearly the shape of 4. pholadiformis, but is with- out the peculiar surface ornamentation so characteristic of that species. The obliquely truncate posterior end will distinguish it from the present species. The other is more elongate and has, for so long a shell, an unusually convex base. * 1879, Trans. Albany Insti., Vol. X, p. 22. TI shall endeavor to publish these plates as soon as possible, together with others on Lower Silurian Aviculid@, the only important family of those known from these early paleozoic rocks remaining to receive the semi-finil treatment accorded to the other families in this and the Minnesota work. THE LOWER SILURIAN ROCKS. 659 Associated with this species and A. cincinnatiensts I found a single imperfect left valve, agreeing very closely with 4. modioliformis, Meek and Worthen, sp. Formation and locality: ower 75 feet of the Cincinnati group, at Covington, Kentucky, where it has been found only in the banks of the Ohio river. Genus COLPOMYA, Ulrich. © (Final Rep. Geol. Sur. Minn., Vol. III, p.522. (In press.) Colpomya constricta, 0. sp. Plate 52, Figs. 17-19. Shell somewhat elongate, strongly convex on the umbonal ridge, 25 mm. to 35 mm. in length, i4 mm. to 18 mm. in height at the beaks and at the posterior extremity of the hinge; thickness about three-fourths of the height. Outline subrhomboidal, with the hinge line straight, and extending about two-thirds of the entire length; anterior margin curv- ing neatly backward from the sharply rounded or subangular extremity of the hinge; ventral margin gentle sinnate ; posterior margin very oblique, produced and strongly rounded below, but littte curved in the cen- tral and upper parts; post-cardinal angle about 135°. Beaks strongly incurved, situated one-third or more of the length of the hinge line from the anterior extremity; umbones large, prominent, distinctly constricted by the small end of the strongly developed, oblique mesial sulcus; pos- terior umbonal ridge very prominent, not angular but sharply rounded, distinguishable from the beak to the post-basal angle; anterior umbonal ridge consisting of a broad swelling in front of the mesial depression; cardinal slope abrupt, concave. Surface marked by somewhat unequal though on the whole strong concentric lines of growth. Hinge plate straight and very thin posterior to the beaks, twice as strong in front of them; beneath the beaks of the right valve a tooth like prominence that fits into a corresponding depression beneath the beak of the left valve; in front of and beneath this pit in the left valve a strong process projects obliquely downward, backward and toward the opposite valve and is partly received in a socket that defines the anterior side of the tooth in the right valve, while its lower end curves under that tooth. Anterior muscular scar subovate, not very large, distinct, bounded upon the inner side by a thin ridge running down from the hinge. Immediately behind the top of this ridge a small pedal muscle scar is excavated out of the under side of the hinge plate. Posterior scar and pallial line not satisfactorily shown in the specimens at hand. Two other species of Co/pomya are associated with the present form, but as they are much smaller and obviously different in their outlines, there is little likelihood of confusion between them. 660 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. Formation and locality: In the uppermost beds of the Tienton limestone on Reservoir hill near Frankfort, Kentucky. Genus ORTHODESMA, Hall and Whitfield. Orthodesma, Hall and Whitfield, 1875, Pal. Ohio, Vol. II. p. 98; Ulrich, 1894, Pal. Minn., Final Rep. Voi. III, Geol. and Nat. Hist., Sur. Minn., p. 516. In the Minnesota report above indicated, I have restricted and rede- fined this genus, and shown that it is related to /odiolopsis rather thaa to Orthonota. So far as known, the genus is restricted to the Lower Siluri- an rocks in which it is represented by about fourteen species, three of them occurring in the Trenton, the rest in the various beds of the Cin- cinnati group. The greater number of the latter are new to science and as I found room for only two of them in the present work, the remainder will have to await some other opportunity for publication. Orthodesma subangulatum, 1. sp. Plate 55, Figs. 21-23. This species is closely related to O. rectum, H. and W., the type of the genus, but may be distinguished by a number of minor differences, chiefly in the matterof outline. The shell is more elongate, the posterior height being less and only about one-third of the entire length. The ventral margin is straighter and sinnate rather than convex, while the central and dorsal outlines are more nearly parallel. The anterior end is uniformly rounded instead of being oblique with the most prominent point in the upper part. Finally the posterior margin is alittle more oblique. Of cther differences we may mention that the umbones seem to have been somewhat smaller and merely flattened instead of sulcate, - while the umbonal ridge is stronger and more curved. The Trenton species O. subnasutum (Modiolopsis subnasuta, Meek and Worthen),is higher posteriorly, while O. curvatum, Hall and Whitfield has a more rounded posterior end and more sinuate ventral margin. None of the other species are near enough to require comparisons. formation and locality: Upper beds of the Cincinnati group, Rich- mond, Indiana. Orthodesma parvum, Nn. sp. Plate 55, Figs: 19-20. Shell small, elongate, about 22 mm. long, 7 mm. high at the beaks, and 7.5 mm. near the uniformly rounded posterior end; greatest thickness subcentral, about 5 mm.; anterior end narrowly rounded, almost acute; back straight, base straight in the middle, on the whole very gently con- vex. Beaks small, not prominent, situated about one-fourth of the length THE LOWER SILURIAN ROCKS. 661 of the shell behind the anterior extremity; umbones and sides of valves flattened; umbonal ridge rather distinct though not angular. About midway between the umbonal ridge and cardinal margin an obscure im- pressed line. Surface with comparatively coarse concentric lines, strongest and regular on the cardinal slope, faint anteriorly. The point of greatest convexity is situated farther forward than usual in this genus but in other respects this small species seems tobe a true Orthodesma. Of described species it is probably nearest O. rectum, H. & W., but as it is much smaller and not so high posteriorly, and has a more evenly rounded posterior extremity it is not likely to be confused with that species. Formation and locality: Middle beds of the Cincinnati group, Cin- cinati, Ohio, where it occurs about 400 feet above the bed of the Ohio river. Genus CYMATONOTA, n. gen. Orthonota (part.), Conrad, 1841, N. Y. Ann. Geol. Rep., p. 51; Hall 1847, Pal. INGE Ye Vlada o299) Orthodesma (part.), Hall and Whitfild, 1875, Pal. Ohio, Vol. II, p. 93. Elongate solen-like shells, gaping more or less at both ends, with the hinge line long and extending in a straight line anterior and posterior to the small beaks; ventral and dorsalmargins ‘subparallel. Hinge plate very thin, edentulous; valves united by a delicate linear ex- ternal ligament seemingly extending the full length of the hinge. ‘Test very thin, marked externally with fine concentric lines, and on each side of the hinge line by short wave-like furrows. Pallial line and muscular scars so faintly marked that even in the best preserved specimens they can not be made out with certainty. Type: Cymatonata typicalis,n sp. Species of this genus were first referred to Orthonota, Conrad, and later to Ovthodesma, Hall and Whitfield. The first of these genera is now generally used and I believe justly so, for upper Silurian and Devonianspecies only. I admit however, that the proposed genus is in many respects like Orthonota, yet I would main- that they are not identical. The ornamentation which usually pertains to the species of Conrad’s genus is wanting in Cymatonota. ‘The ligiment is believed by Hall to be internal in Orthonota whereas it is clearly exter- nal in the earlier types here described. Finally, in the absence of any statement to the contrary, we must believe that the margins of the valves do not gape in Orthonota while they do at both ends in Cymatonota. The relations to Orthodesma are doubtful. That genus is, I am fully convinced, closely allied to MWodiolopsis and Whiteavesia, but I cannot say this of Cymatonota. On the contrary the last genus seems to me to be widely different and my arrangement of the group as a member of the 662 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. Modiolopside is to be regarded as entirely provisional and mainly in deference to the views of others. While I might indicate a number of differences between Cymatonota and Orthodesma, I deem it best to post pone their consideration till some more final classification of the genus is undertaken. For the present the generic difference of the two groups of species will be sufficiently established by the mention of a single point. Namely, the muscular scars of Orthodesma are precisely as in Wodiolopsis, the anterior adductor scar being strongly impressed, while the posterior sear is faint. In Cymatonota however both scars are exceedingly faint, and even in very favorably preserved specimens not the shghtest traces of them are to be observed. ~ Conrad’s species pholadis, which I regard as belonging to Cymatonota, is the first to follow his generic description of Ovthonota, and would therefore under ordinary circumstances be entitled to consideration as the type of the genus. It is however clear that Mr. Conrad always regarded his O. undulata as the typical species. Cymatonota typicals, n. sp. Plate 55. Figs, 1—8. Shell elongate, with the dorsal and ventral margins parallel, the length three and one-half times the height, the greatest thickness, which is a little behind the center, about two-thirds of the height; anterior end nearly vertical, rounded but not uniformly, the turn into the hinge line being rather abrupt; posterior margin rounded, slightly oblique, most prominent in the lower half; ventral margin gently concave. Beaks appressed, scarcely prominent, situated one-fifth of the length of the shell behind the anterior extremity; umbonal ridge and mesial sulcus rather distinct features, cardinal region anterior to the beaks sharply com- pressed. Surface with fine equal strize anterior to the beaks, of which not over half continue over the flanks of the shell where they take on an irregular character, some being much stronger than the others; or several may be united into a fold. The umbonal ridge is almost smooth, but the upper part of the posterior cardinal slope is marked with rather regular, strong, oblique folds. formation and Locality: Upper beds of the Cincinnati group, Waynesville, Ohio. Cymatonota recta, n. sp. Plate 55, Figs. 8 and 9. This species is very much like C. ¢ypicalis but may be distinguished by the following differences: The length is a trifle greater, the height and length of a specimen in which these dimensions are not affected by THE LOWER SILURIAN ROCKS. 665 pressure being about as three to eleven. The thickness is proportionally a little less, being about 7 mm. in a specimen 12 mm. high. More im- portant difference is found in the mesial sulcus and umbonal ridge, both of these features being less distinct than in C. ¢ypzcalis. Because of the very slight development of the mesial sulcus, the ventral margin, except at the ends, is perfectly straight, and thus furnishes us with another diagnostic point since in that species the base is gently concave. The umbones again are smaller and not so distinct from the cardinal region on each side of them. Finally the ends of the shell are somewhat dif- ferent, the anterior one being more. uniformly rounded and the posterior straighter above causing a sharper post-cardinal angle. Cymatonoia pholadis, or at any rate a form that we identify with Conrad’s Orthonota pholadis, is closely related and associated in the same beds with C. recta. It is however a more elongate shell, the length be- ing quite five times the height, while its valves are more convex, giving the entire shell a sub-cylindrical appearance that is quite foreign to C. recta. The Orthonata (later Orthodesma) parallella of Hall (Pal. N. Y. Vol. I, p. 299; 1847), includes two or three distinct forms. They are badly illustrated and insufficiently described, and it is scarcely safe to draw conclusions respecting their generic athrmities without access to the original specimens. While at least one probably belongs to Cyma- tonota, I am satisfied that all of them are widely different from the species here described. Formation and Locality—Middle beds of the Cincinnati group, at several localities in the immediate vicinity of Cincinnati, Ohio. The species has a vertical range of about.60 feet. Cymatonota s«mistriata, n. sp. Plate 55, Figs. 6 and 7. Length about 35 mm., greatest height about 11 mm. Posterior end subtruncate, base very gently convex, anterior margin sloping backward almost from the right angled cardinal extremity. Umbonal ridge rather distinct and subangular in the upper half; mesial sulcus not developed. Anterior half of surface marked with very fine, thread-like, regular con- centric lines. The majority of these lines cease suddenly before reach- ing the umbonal ridge. Oblique cardinal furrows smaller and more numerous than usual. Three faint lines diverging from the beak may be noticed on the cardinal slope between the umbonal ridge and dorsal border. This beautiful shell is readily distinguished from C. ¢ypicalzs and C. recia by the shape of the anterior end and the more abrupt ceasing and 664 : GEOLOGY OF OHIO. finer cnaracter of the anterior surface markings. Other differences may be noticed in comparing the figures on plate 55. Formation and Locality—Upper beds of the Cincinnati group, Clarksville and Waynesville, Ohio. Cyma/onota constricta, n. sp. Plate 55. Figs. 10and 11. Shell strongly convex, elongate, the length equaling about three and one-fourth times the greatest height. Dorsal and ventral margin nearly parallel, diverging very slightly posteriorly; dorsal margin straight, ven- tral margin gently convex in the posterior half, and slightly concave in the anterior half; anterior end somewhat blunt, its outline almost uniformly rounded; posterior margin slightly oblique, gently rounded, subangular where it joins the dorsal line, sharply rounded and most prominent below. Umbones rather large though distinctly impressed by the mes- lal sulcus; the latter is deeper than in any other species of the genus known and causes the constriction of the shell in a dorsal or ventral view that has suggested the specific name. Umbonal ridge well de- veloped and subangular near the beaks, obscure in the posterior half of the valves. Anterior and posterior gape of valves larger than usual. External surface marked by rather coarse irregular concentric lines of growth, of which only the stronger ones pass through the shell so as to be visible on casts of the interior. Oblique dorsal furrows not sharply distinguished from the lines of growth. In casts of the interior two obscure sulci, one in the middle of the cardinal slope, the other close to the hinge border, may be observed. Hinge and muscular impressions unknown. This species is quite distinct from all the others referred to the genus. It might be compared with C. ¢ypicais when it will be found to differ in its more obtuse anterior end, deeper mesial sulcus, and wider posterior end. Formation and Locaity.—In the lower part of the upper beds of the Cincinnati group, Butler county, Ohio, and Versailles, Indiana. Cymatonota attenuata, n. sp. Plate 55. Figs. 12-14. Shell strongly convex, gaping at the ends, elongate, highest at the beaks, gradually tapering posteriorly, the length at least four times the height; dorsal margin gently arcuate, declining posteriorly; anterior end neatly rounded, ventral margin almost straight, normally, apparently a little concave; posterior end narrowly rounded, above passing rather Pee THE LOWER SILURIAN ROCKS. 665 gradually into the dorsal margin. Beaks small, compressed; mesial suleus and umbonal ridge but little developed. Surface marked by con- centric lines of growth, very fine, crowded and subequal on the anterior third, fewer and coarser on the central and posterior parts, and obscure on the umbonal ridge; oblique dorsal folds strong and regular. The tapering character or the posterior end will distinguish this peculiar species from all the others now referred to the genus Cyma- tonota. Formation and Locahty.—Upper beds of the Cincinnati group, Waynesville, Ohio. e Cymatonota productifrons, 0. sp. Plate 85. Figs. 17 and 18. Shell ventricose in the posterior half, only moderately elongate, the length about three times the greatest height. Beaks small, situated more than one-third of the length of the shell behind the anterior ex- tremity. Anterior end very long, tapering slightly, the outline some- what sharply rounded above; hinge line nearly straight, but little shorter than the greatest length of the shell; posterior end one-third wider than the anterior, the margin rounded; basal line nearly straight in the central half, curving upward strongly at each end. Mesial sulcus and umbonal ridges scarcely defined. Surface marked with concentric lines of growth. These are distinct and regular on the sides of the valves and comparatively obscure on the ends. Dorsal furrows strong and regular for two-thirds of the length of the hinge posterior to the beaks, under a good glass exhibiting exceedingly fine lines of growth. This shell, though appearing to agree in all other respects with the genus Cymatonota, differs very conspicuously from the other species in its greatly produced anterior end. Formation and Locality —Only two specimens have been seen of this species, and these were both collected in the lower shales of the Cincin- nati group at Covington, Kentucky. The horizon is about 100 feet above the bed of the Ohio river. Genus PSILOCONCHA Ulrich. { Final Rep. Geol. Sur. Minn. vol. iii, p. 530 (in press).] Psiloconcha grandis, n. sp. Plate 52. Figs. 1 and 2. Shell large for the genus, compressed convex, highest near the mid- dle, the length two and two-fifths times the height, the thickness less than one-half of the height. Outline elongate subelliptical; cardinal margin 666 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. nearly straight for one-half of the length posterior to the beaks, declining and very slightly convex anterior to them ; posterior end almost regularly rounded; ventral margin broadly yet distinctly convex, the curve accele- rating slightly as we follow the outline to the upper part of the anterior margin where it forms an obtusely angular junction with the sloping antero-cardinal edge. Beaks small, appressed, situated one-fifth or a little more of the entire length behind the anterior extremity. A faint posterior umbonal ridge and an undefined mesial depression or mere flattening. Surface of cast with rather strong concentric strize or furrows on the anterior half, very few of them passing over the um- -bonal ridge. On the posterior cardinal slope several obscure rays may be observed. Anterior muscular scar large, acuminate-ovate, pointed above, situated immediately in front of the umbones; posterior scar occupying the center of the cardinal slope, very large and elongate; pallial line simple, rather distinct for so thin a shell. This is the type of the genus and the largest of the known species. Compared with the other species it is distinguished by the great size and the greater obliquity of the anterior margin. The back also is straighter and the ventral margin more convex than in most of the others. Formation and Locality—Upper beds of the Cincinnati group, Waynesville, Ohio. Psiloconcha subovalis Ulrich. Plate 52. Figs. 5-7. Orthodesma subovale, Ulrich, 1879, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., Vol. 1i, p. 82. In this species the shell is higher than in any of the others, the length being usually but one millemeter greater than twice the height. Compared with P. grandis, its nearest congener, it is further distinguished as fol- lows: ‘The post-cardinal margin slopes downward in a manner not to be observed in that species, and this peculiarity causes an obliquity of the posterior margin and a greater arcuation of the dorsum. ‘The hinge line is horizontal for a short distance in front of the beaks, and the whole anterior margin is less oblique and more rounded. Finally, there seems to be a difference in the surface markings, the concentric lines being of nearly equal strength on all parts, which appears not to be the case in that species. formation and Locality.—The original types were collected at Mor- row, Ohio, where they occurred in the middle beds of the Cincinnati group. Recently specimens that cannot be distinguished were obtained from the lower beds of the group by Mr. George Asherman and the author. His came from Boldface creek, Cincinnati, while mine are from a branch of Willow run, near Covington, Kentucky. oa THE LOWER SILURIAN ROCKS. 66 ~I Psiloconcha tnornata, 0 sp. Plate 52. Figs. 11 and 12. Shell about 30 mm. long, by 12.7 mm. high in the middle, with regu- larly rounded, subequal ends, very slightly convex ventral and more strongly arcuate dorsal margin. Beaks very small, umbonal ridge and mesial depression scarely distinguishable. Surface markings concentric, very obscure, the surface appearing almost smooth in most cases. This shell is closely related to P. suboval’s but does not attain as great a size, is relatively longer, and has a smoother surface and more regularly rounded anterior margin. ‘The last difference is the most important and may always be relied upon. Formation and Loca.ity.—Middle beds of the Cincinnati group, Cin- cinnati, Ohio. Psiloconcha elliptica, n sp. Plate 52. Figs. 3 and 4. Shell 30 mm. to 40 mm. in length, and a very little more than twice es long as high; thickness less than half the height. Outline elongate ovate; the regularity and neatness of the curves being a striking feature ; yet when examined the posterior half proves distinetly wider than the anterior, the height at the beaks being one-eighth or one-ninth less than the greatest posterior height. Beaks very small, situated 8 mm. behind the anterior extremity in a specimen 58 mm. long; umbonal ridge just appreciable. Surface nearly smooth, marked with mostly distant con- centric lines. Formation and Locality—Upper beds of the Cincinnati group, Clarks- ville, Ohio. Several casts of the interior from Richmond, Indiana, may belong here, but for the present I am obliged to consider them as doubtful. Psiloconcha subrecta, n. sp. Plate 52. Figs.13ani14 Shell about 32 mm. long, 12 mm. high, and nearly 6 mm. in thick- ness; cardinal margin gently arcuate, posterior end gaping widely, regu- larly rounded in outline; basal line nearly or quite straight in the central part; anterior end straight on the upper side, then turning abruptly downward, the rest curving regularly like the posterior margin. Beaks very small, situated a little less than one-sixth of the length of the shell behind the anterior extremity; umbonal ridge moderate, mesial depress ion just appreciable. Surface of the cast with moderately distinct, sub- equal lines of growth, very obscure on the cardinal slope. In this species the anterior end is shaped as in P. subovalis, but the length is proportionally too great for_that species. In VP. zzornata the 668 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. surface markings are not nearly as distinct, and the anterior end is more uniformly rounded. Of species occurring in the same beds, P. gvandis is much larger and has a convex basal line, while P. e//zptica has a more regularly curved outline, and is higher posteriorly. formation and Locality: Upper beds of the Cincinnati group, Waynesville, Ohio. Psiloconcha sinuata, 0. sp. Plate 52. Figs. 15 and 16. This species is associated in the sanie layers with P. zxornata, but it will be distinguished from that form at once by the unusual develop- ment of the mesial depression, which is deep enough to produce a slight sinuation of the ventral margin and gives a degree of definition to the umbonal ridge that is not equaled in any other species of the genus. The length also is relatively greater than in any of the others, being 36 mm, in a specimen 15 mm. high. Comparing other features P. sabrecia has a differently shaped posterior outline, and P. zzornata is more regu- larly rounded in front. /. subovalis seems to me to be the nearest, differ- ing chiefly in its greater height and much less developed mesial depres- sion. None of theother species are near enough to require special com- parisons. The general expression of the shell reminds greatly of certain species of Cymatonota, but the absence of dorsal folds shows that it can- not belong to that genus. Formation and Locality: Middle beds of the Cincinnati group, Cin- cinnati, Ohio. Psiloconcha tenuistriata, 0. sp. Plate 52. Fig. 10. Shell small, about 11 mm. in length, and 4.5 mm. in height; valves depressed convex, narrowly rounded in front, slightly oblique posteriorly with the ventral margin nearly straight, and the dorsal margin posterior to the beaks very gently arcuate and almost parallel with the basal line. Beak very small, situated more than one-fourth of the entire length from the anterior extremity; umbonal ridge and mesial depression scarcely distinguishable. Except on the cardinal slope, the surface is covered with exceedingly fine thread-like concentric lines, of which as many as fifteen are to be counted in the space of 1 mm The narrowly rounded anterior end, and the exceeding fineness ot the concentric surface markings are the distinguishing features. The small size is probably also distinctive for the species. Formation and Locality: Near the base of the Cincinnati group, having been found near low water mark in the Ohio river, at Covington, Kentucky. THE LOWER SILURIAN ROCKS. 669 Psiloconcha minima un. sp. Plate 52. Figs. 8and9. Shell small about 10.5 mm. high at the beaks, rather strongly con- vex in the umbonal region when compared with the other species. Out- line narrowly elliptical; anterior end a little wider than the posterior, and more regularly rounded; dorsal margin arcuate, base more gently convex. Beaks comparatively prominent, full, strongly incurved, situ- ated about one third of the entire length from the anterior extremity. Umbonal ridge moderately developed, rounded; mesial depression scarcely distinguishable. The specimen described, which is a well pre- served cast of the interior, is perfectly smooth. Anterior muscular star faintly defined, relatively large but occupying the same position and of about the same form as in P. grandisand P. elliptica. The prominence and less anterior position of the umbones, and the small size of the shell, are the distinctive features. Formation and Locality: Lower beds of the Cincinnati group, Cov- ington Kentucky, where it was obtained in a layer about 150 {eet above the bed of the Ohio river. Family CYRTODONTID Ulrich. Genus ORTONELLA, n. gen. Cypricardites, S. A. Miller, 1874. Cin. Quart. Jour. Sci., vol. i, p. 147; also (fart.) 1892, North Amer. Geol. and Pal., p. 476. (Not of Conrad.) Shell subquadrate, highest posteriorly, equivalve, very inequilateral, with moderately prominent beaks andumbonal ridge. Surface with con- centric lines of growth. Hinge as in Cyrtodonta, Billings, excepting that the cardinal teeth are relatively stronger and placed immediately beneath the beaks. A well defined lunule and escutcheon present. Adductor muscular scars subequal, the posterior one very faintly im- pressed, ovate, and situated just beneath the posterior extremities of the lateral teeth, the anterior one very deep, sharply defined on the inner and upper sides by a clavicular ridge extending obliquely backward from the hinge plate, Pallial line simple, distinct. Small pedal muscle attached to the under side of the hinge plate immediately over the ante- rior adductor scar. Casts of the interior marked by an oblique umbonal sulcus. Type: Cypricardites hainesi, S. A. Miller. Although on the whole much like Cyrtodonta, this genus is still quite distinct and easily separated. The cardinal teeth are different as stated above, and the lunule is a feature unknown in that genus. ‘Then the anterior muscular scar is more deepiy impressed an 1 defined on the 670 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. inner side by a ridge that is not known in Cyrtodanta. Nor has that genus a small pedal muscle over the anterior adductors. Finally the two adductors are more nearly equalin size. Practically the same differ- ences, besides others that it is not necessary to point out, obtain when compared with Vanuxemia, Billings and Cypricardites, Conrad. It seems to me that Orfonella is nearest /schyrodonta, Ulrich. Only two differences have I been able to find. Namely, the escutcheon and lunule, and the posterior lateral teeth, both of which are wanting in Ischyrodonta. In all other respects however the shells in the two genera - seem to be identical even to the smallest detail. Ortonel.a hainest, S. A. Miller. Plate 53. Figs. 9-18. Cypricardites hainest, S. A. Miller, 1874, Cin. Quart. Jour. Sci., vol. 1, p. 147. This interesting species is so fully illustrated on plate 53, that a de- scription is unnecessary. It will be well however, to compare it some- what carefully with species of /schyrodonta that are to be found at the same locality, though not in exactly the same strata. I refer especially to /schyrodonta decipiens, n. sp., and 7. truncata, Ulrich. Both may be distinguished at once, providing the specimens are complete enough, by the fact that their hinges are without posterior lateral teeth, Ortonella having two strong laterals as shown in figures 11 and 12. Even with respect to this point, the student is cautioned against the possibility of mistaking the linear ridges which served as supports for an internal ligament in /schyrodonta (see plate 54, figures 16 and 19) for lateral teeth. That they could not have served as hinge teeth is proved by the fact that they do interlock. Indeed, the corresponding ridges in the two valves are separated by an interval, the valves being in contact dorsally only at the outer margin. Externally the Ortonella is recognized principally by the lunule and escutcheon, but it differs also in its stronger umbonai ridge and in the outline, the basal line being somewhat straighter and the anterior end higher so that the dorsal and ventral margins are more nearly parallel. There is besides a difference in the surface markings, the concentric lines in the /schyrodonta being much coarser. Formation and Locality—Ortonella hainesi is associated with Rhyn- chonella dentata Hall, at Richmond, Indiana, where both species, though common fossils, are restricted to a few feet of strata, less than forty feet beneath the extreme top of the Cincinnati group. Jschyrodonta truncata seems likewise to be restricted to this bed, but the 7 decifzens, which is most like the O. aimesit has so far been found only in beds at least twenty feet above the Or/onel/a horizon. THE LOWER SILURIAN ROCKS. 671 Genus ISCHYRODONTA Ulrich. Anodontopsis (part.), Meek, 1871, Amer. Jour. Sci. and Arts, 3d ser., vol. ii, p. 299; also 1873, Ohio Pal., vol. i, p. 141. Ischyrodonta, Ulrich, 1890, Amer. Geol., vol. vi, p. 173. Short or moderately elongate, thick bivalve shells, having small, an- teriorly situated beaks, with the hinge line straight or arcuate and ex- tended posteriorly. Hinge plate wide and strong, without posterior lateral teeth, but with two strong cardinal teeth in the left valve, and one large one, and occasionally a small one on each side of it, in the right valve.* Ligament internal, posterior to the beaks, linear, sup- ported by from one to three subcardinal ribs. Anterior adductor im- pression large, deep, subovate, sharply defined on the inner and upper side by a ridge extending from the cardinal teeth to the base of the scar. A small pedal muscle was attached to the under side of the hinge plate immediately above the inner side of the anterior adductor scar. Posterior muscular scar faintly defined, generally but little larger than the anterior scar, situated a short distance beneath the posterior extrem- ity of the hinge. Pallial line simple. Test thick, chiefly calcareous, without the dark epidermis of the A/odiolopside and Ambonychiide. In casts of the interior the beaks are prominent and strongly com- pressed, and a more or less well defined sulcus, corresponding to an in- ternal thickening of the shell, extends from the umbones more than half the distance to the center of the basal margin. Type: Lschyrodonta truncata Ulrich. The relations of this genus are clearly with Ortonella. ‘The reader will find them discussed in the remarks following the description of that genus on the preceding page. Through Oréone//a the genus is linked with the Cyrtodontide, and in referring the species to this family I have been in- fluenced in a great degree by the composition of their shells which seems to be precisely as in Cyrtodonta and related genera, and not as in the true members of the MWodiolopside. Except for this fact it would be a difficult matter to draw the line between /schyrodonta and Modiolodon, the general aspect of the shells and the dentition of their hinges being practically the same in both. It may seem, therefore, that when casts of the interior only are available it is not possible to discriminate suc- cessfully between the two genera. ‘This is, however, not so, since the casts of every species of /schyrodonta now known exhibit at least one small feature that has not been seen in any species of Modiolodon nor in any now referred to the J/odiolopside. Namely, the small pedal muscle * Jn the original description the arrangement of the cardinal teeth was in- advertently reversed. 672 GEHOLOGY OF OHIO. scar which in casts appears as a sharply elevated point situated close to the hinge line between the base of the beak and the upper part of the anterior adductor scar. The total number of species now known to belong to this genus is seven. With one exception, /. wztonoides, Meek sp., which belongs to the middle beds of the Cincinnati group, all are restricted to the upper one hundred feet of the same formation, leaving over three hundred feet of strata between the known first and second appearance of the genus in which it is as yet unknown. Respecting the origin of the /schyrodonta type of structure, I am obliged to confess total ignorance. 5 Lschyrodonta truncata, Ulrich. Ischyrodonta truncata, Ulrich, 1890, Amer. Geol., vol. vi, p. 174; S. A. Miller, 1892. Appendix to N. A. Geol. and Pal, p. 700. Fig.l. /schyrodonta truncata, Ulrich, Cincinnati group Oxford Ohio. a, outline view ofa leit valve of this species, slightly restored. In some specimeus the anterior margin slopes back- ward more rapidly and in accordance with the inner line; 6, internal view of same, showing only the hinge plate, cardinal teeth, and anterior muscular impression, the cavity being filled with adhering matrix; c,d and e, three views of a very nearly perfect cast of the interior. Be- tween the beaks of the central figure is shown a thin film of stone that had originally filled a narrow interstice between the hinge plate and cardinal teeth. Shell of medium size, rather strongly convex, subquadrate to tri- angular-ovate, highest posteriorly. Cardinal margin straight or very slightly arcuate, more than three-fourths the length of the shell; anterior end very short, narrow, rounding almost uniformly into the obliquely convex basal margin, from which the outline turns rather sharply up into the truncate-rounded posterior margin; post-cardinal region sub- angular. Beaks small, umbonal ridge inconspicuous, no mesial sulcus. Surface of the thick shell with a small number of sublamellose lines of growth. LOWER SILURIAN LAMELLIBRANCHS. 673 Hinge plate thick and wide, almost flat, with a ridge forming the lower edge in the posterior part; cardinal teeth strong, very oblique, two in each valve, the second often small and obscure. Anterior muscular scar deep, acuminate-ovate, pointed below where the well marked pallial line joins it. Posterior scar very faint, broadly ovate, situated near the post-cardinal angle. In casts of the interior the beaks are prominent and strongly compressed, while a deep and wide sulcus, extending from the beaks nearly to the center of the base, produces an obtuse umbonal ridge of which no sign is apparent on the exterior of the shell. Another but less deep and shorter furrow occupies the space between the long sulcus and the anterior muscular scar and pallial line. Within the latter space the casts often exhibit a series of tour or five rounded elevations. A large testiferous specimen has the following dimensions: Length 39 mm.; greatest oblique length 41 mm.; greatest posterior heighth 33 mim.; from post-cardinal angle to antero-basal margin 35 mm.; greatest ferek neds 20 mm. Formation and Locality.—Near the top of the Chante #1 OUD, Ox- ford, Ohio, and Richmond, Indiana. [schyrodonta decipicns, n. sp. Plate 54, Figs. 16-19. Shell scarcely attaining medium size, moderately convex, the beaks small, the umbonal ridge distinguishable though not strong, the outline almost regularly oval excepting that the cardinal region is produced and angular at the posterior extremity. Surface marked with numerous, strong and more or less irregtilar concentric lines of growth. Cardinal teeth nearly horizontal, three in the right valve, the central tooth much the largest, and two in the left valve. Posterior to the cardinal teeth the hinge plate bears three or four slightly diverging slender ridges, which served as supports for the internal ligament. Muscular impressions sub- equal, strongly marked, the anterior one especially; pallial line distinct. Internal umbonal ridge undefined so that the surface of casts of the in- terior is comparatively even. This species is founded upon an excellent series of specimens, most of them recently obtained from Prof. Joseph Moore and Mr. John Misener of Richmond, Indiana. One specimen I had for at least ten years believed to belong to the similar Ortonella hainesi Miller, sp., and it is the liklihood of confusion with that species that has suggested the name decipiens. A careful comparison however brings out a number of differences that will appear very obvious to the student after he has once made himself familiar with them. First, the surface mark- ings are much coarser in the /schyrodonta,; next, the outline will be found to be not strictly the same; then the Ortonel/la has a well developed 43 k,2O. 674 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. lunule and escutcheon while the margin of the valves of the /schyrodonta © are not in the least inflected; finally, that shell has a different hinge, — having true posterior lateral teeth. Compared with species of this genus, /. ova/is will be found to have a thinner hinge plate and more regularly oval shape, while /. truncata is a higher shell, with fewer concentric surface markings, and much more oblique cardinal teeth. formation and Locality.—Near the top of the Cincinnati group, Richmond, Indiana. Ischyrodonta ovatis, Ulrich. Plate 54. Figs 12-15. [schyrodonta ovalis, Ulrich, 1892, Nineteenth Ann. Rep. Geol. and Nat. Hist. Sur. Minn., p. 242. Shell small, moderately ventricose, almost regularly elliptical, with the greatest heighth and thickness subcentral; heighth and length about as two is to three. Occasionally the ventral margin is less convex than is the case in, the specimen figured on plate 54. ‘ Beaks small, situated near the anterior extremity, compressed by a flattening of the surface which, expanding, extends over the greater part of the ventral slope. Umbonal ridge strongly rounded, not however prominent enough to con- stitute a conspicuous feature; cardinal slope abrupt, very little concave. Surface marked with strong lines of growth and a few finer concentric strize, both somewhat irregular. Hinge plate not very strong, arcuate, widening posterior to the beaks and grooved for the reception of the in- ternal ligament. Cardinal teeth two in the right valve, projecting down- ward and backward from the hinge plate, which is thin at this point, and supported by an internal process that seems to extend up into the rostral cavity and projects on each side of the teeth so as to give the whole the appearance of a quadrifid tooth. Anterior muscular scar rather small, occupying the anterior end of the valve. Posterior scar and pallial line not observed. 'In the original description of this species I stated that it was not strictly congeneric with the types of /schyrodonta. Additional spec?- mens and further comparisons however have convinced me of the error of that statement, and I now regard the species as an unequivocal member of the genus. Specifically it differs from all the other species now referred to the genus, excepting /. wtonordes, Meek, sp., by its more regularly oval shape. The excepted species is too different in other re- spects to require comparisons. ‘The associated /. decipiens is, I believe, a much nearer species, but, as may be seen by comparing the figures on plate 54, their outlines are quite different in the post-cardinal region and the hinge plate of /. ova/7s comparatively weaker. Formation and Locality—Uppermost beds of the Cincinnati group, near Richmond, Indiana. os LOWER SILURIAN LAMELLIBRANCHS. 675 Lschyrodonta elongata, Ulrich. Plate 54. (Rigs: 20 and 21. Tschyrodonta elongata, Ulrich, 1890, American Geologist, Wol. VI, p. 175. Shell large for the genus, transversely elongate-ovate, widest pos- teriorly, strongly convex, with point of greatest convexity a little in front of the center. Beaks rather large, compressed, almost terminal; umbonal ridge rather strong, mesial sulcus broad. Cardinal margin strongly arcuate; posterior margin nearly vertical in the middle and lower part, uniformly rounded above, sharply curved at the base; ven- tral margin faintly and broadly sinuate; anterior end very short and abruptly rounded. Surface marked with strong and irregular lines of growth. In casts of the interior the beaks are very prominent, incurved, and greatly compressed by the deep umbonal sulcus, behind which the some- what curved and sharply elevated umbonal ridge is distinguishable al- most to the basal line. Anterior muscular scar deep, subrhomboidal, sharply defined on the upper side, radially marked and situated immedi- ately beneath the beak. Just above it is the small pedal muscle scar. Posterior scar faint, ovate; pallial line distinct in the basal part of the valves. This fine species, though closely related to /. ¢runcata, is readily distinguished by its much greater length. The next species is also re- lated, but is smaller and widely different in the post-cardinal part of its outline. Formation and Locahty.—Near the top of the Cincinnati group, at Oxford, Ohio, and Richmond, Indiana. Lschyrodonta mitseneri, n. sp. Plate 54. Figs. 10 and 11. This species, as far as known, is very similiar to 7. elongata, and a ' detailed description is scarely necessary. Though agreeing in most re- spects very closely with that species, a comparison still brings out differ- ences that doubtless will suffice in discriminating between the two species. The shell of £ m/seneri is considerably smaller (the largest seen is but 55 mm. in length), comparatively a little shorter, and sub- triangular in outline. The posterior margin is more oblique and con- siderably higher, and its junction with the straight cardinal margin angular, while the post-cardinal region is distinctly alate and thus quite different from the rounded and sloping character of this part of the out- line in 7. elongata. The umbonal ridge furthermore is a more decided feature. Of the other species /. decipiens is much shorter, and /. modiolifor mis longer, aud more produced and obliquely rounded posteriorly. 676 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. The specific name is given in honor of Mr. John Misener of Rich- mond, Indiana, who collected and from whom I received the best speci- mens of the shell seen. Formation and Locality: Upper beds of the Cincinnati group, Rich- mond, Indiana, where it occurs in association with\Ortonella hainesi and Rhynchonella dentata. Lschyrodonta modioliformts, n. sp. Plate 54. Fig. 4-9. Shell scarcely attaining medium size, moderately convex, modiola- like, elongate subovate, the base straight or very gently sinuate, the back straight for a short distance behind the beaks, then curving very gradually down into the very obliquely rounded posterior margin; an- terior end short, sharply rounded, much narrower than the posterior. Beaks small, situated a short distance behind the anterior extremity; both the mesial sulcus and the umbonal ridge are but little developed. ‘The cardinal slope and the posterior part of the surface is marked with rather strong, subregular, concentric furrows, of which from ten to four- teen may be counted in the space of 10 mm. Besides these furrows a set of very fine concentric lines, barely visible to the unaided eye, are to be observed on well preserved specimens. The anterior part of the surface seems to be smooth, the furrows at any rate ceasing suddenly a short distance in front of the middle of the shell. In casts of the interior a narrow and more or less distinct umbonal ridge may be traced from the beak to the pallial line a short distance be- hind the center of the cast, while in front of the ridge there is usually a well defined depression or sulcus. Anterior muscular scar strongly elevated, very oblique, sharply defined on the upper side, occupying the greater part of the small anterior end and extending a little posterior to the points of the beaks. Posterior scar very faintly impressed, nearly twice the size of the anterior, situated just within the sloping post-card- inal border of the cast. Pallial line distinct only in the ventral part of the valves. Close to the cardinal border of the casts a long and slightly impressed line represents the support of the internal ligament. Of cardinal teeth there seem to have been but two, one in each valve, the right above the left. The scars left by the small pedal muscles occupy the usual position immediately in front of the cavity between the filling of the beaks. This well marked species, of which I have seventeen speci- mens, is probably nearest /. elongata. It is however a much smaller shell and readily distinguished by its narrower form, more oblique posterior margin, and different surface markings, the concentric lines of growth extending almost uniformly over the whole surface in that species. In a general way /. modioliformis greatly resembles several species of Modiolopsis, but that it is not really related to them is proved by the >] LOWER SILURIAN LAMELLIBRANCHS. 677 fact that it has the sheli structure, cardinal teeth and smail anterior pedal muscles of a true /schyrodonta. Formation and Locality: Upper beds of the Cincinnati group, Rich- mond, Indiana. Lschyrodonta untonoides, Meek. Plate 54. Figs. 1-3. Anodontopsis ? unionoides, Meek, 1871, Amer. Jour. Sci.. and Arts, Vol. II, p. 299. Anodontopsis (Modiolopsis ?) untonordes, Meek, 1878, Pal. Ohio, Vol. I, p. 141. Modiolopsis unionoides, S. A. Miller, 1890, N. Amer. Geol. and Pal., p. 491. Shell of medium size, subovate, a little the highest posteriorly, com- pressed convex, thickest slightly above and in advance of the middle. Anterior margin regularly but rather narrowly rounded; base forming a broad semielliptic curve; posterior margin broadly rounded, very slightly oblique; dorsal outline more or less strongly arcuate, passing gradually into the ends. Beakssmall, compressed, projecting very little beyond the hinge margin, placed between one-fourth and one-fifth of the length of the valves behind the anterior extremity; umbonal ridge scarcely dis- tinguishable. Surface showing only a few distant subimbricating marks of growth. ; Hinge comparatively weak for the genus, with one oblique cardinal tooth in the right valve and two(?) in the lett. The ridge-like internal ligament support leaves a linear depression within the dorsal edge ex- tending posteriorly from the beak for a distance equaling about one-third of the length of the shell. Anterior adductor and pedal muscle attach- ments having the characters usual for the genus, except that they are with respect to the beaks, more anterior in position for the reason that the anterior end is uncommonly long. Meek’s type of this species has almost beyond question, been dis- torted by pressure so that its height is now less than it should be. In one of my specimens the height has been reduced to an even greater de- gree. The second specimen mentioned by Meek (/oc. czt.), which he re- fers to the species with doubt because it 1s proportionally higher, seems to agree exactly with those now illustrated on plate 54, and which I re- gard as representing the normal form of the shell. Having the hinge and muscular impressions characterizing Jschyro- donta, and the shell structure prevailing among the Cyrtodontide, the species cannot possibly belong to MW/odiolopsis nor to any other genus of that family. As to placing the shell with McCoy’s Anodontopsis, it is out of the question if McCoy has defined his genus correctly. The rather regularly ovate form-of 7. unionoides suggests relation- ship to Z. ovalis. It is however a larger shell, relatively higher, es- 678 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. ae pecially in the posterior half, not so convex, and has less anterior beaks | “oo and different surface markings. . He) Formation and Locality: Middle beds of the Cincinnati group, at == Cincinnati, Ohio, and Covington, Kentucky, where it occurs at an alti- pele. tude of about 350 feet above the bed of the Ohio River. Genus WHITELLA, Ulrich. Whitel/a, Ulrich, 1890, Amer. Geol., vol. vi, p. 176; Geol. and Nat. Hist. Sury. Minn. | Final Rept., vol. 111, p. 564 (in press). ; EN The reader may obtain a good idea of this well marked Lower Silu- rian genus from the Minnesota work above cited. Descriptions of twelve ae species, nine of them Trenton, the rest from the Hudson River group, | are contained therein. Whitella Ohioensts, 0. sp. or var. Compare Whitella compressa Ulrich, 1890, Amer. Geol., vol. vi, p. 180. Fig. 2. Right valve of Whitella Ohioensis; Cincinnati group, Waynesville, Ohio. Shell large, compressed convex, subrhomboidal in outline, very lit- tle the widest posteriorly. Anterior margin very gently rounded and nearly vertical in the upper half, sharply rounded (almost angular) at the Ss extremity of the hinge, sloping backward below; the outline from the hore prominent and strongly rounded post-basal angle to the antero-cardinal 4 angle forms nearly a semielliptical curve; posterior margin slightly. oblique, nearly straight in the middle, above curving forward and rather gradually merging into the dorsal line. Beaks very prominent but small and not strongly incurved, situated about one-fifth of the length of the shell behind the anterior extremity; umbonal ridge very little developed, especially as compared with the majority of the species of the genus. Surface with distant subimbricating marks of growth and finer concen- LOWER SILURIAN LAMELLIBRANCHS. 679 tric lines between them. Escutcheon rather narrow but long and deep. This shell though larger, is exceedingly like the geologically earlier WV. compressa Ulrich, from the lower Trenton of Minnesota, and might well be considered, if not a reapparition, a variety of that species. Still, as the Ohio shell is somewhat narrower across the posterior half and rep- resented by casts of the exterior, while the Minnesota form is known only from casts of the interior, it is not unlikely that other differences may be shown when we can compare better and equal material of the two. Differences in their hinges and muscular impressions are to be looked for since there is some evidence to show that these parts were stronger in W. compressa than in W. Ohioensis. Compared with associated species, W. ob/iquata Ulrich is much more convex and has stronger umbonal ridges, W. wméonata Ulrich is much fuller in the umbones and has a different outline, W. sadovata Ulrich is ovate rather than rhomboidal in outline, and W. guadrangularis Whit- field, sp., is shorter and much more ventricose. Formationand Locality: Upper beds of the Cincinnati group, Waynes- ville and Clarksville, Ohio. Family NUCULIDA, Gray. Genus CTENODONTA, Salter. Te'linomya, Hall, 1847, Pal. N. Y., vol. 1, p. 151; 1857, Tenth Ann: Rep. Reg. Univ. N. Y., p. 181. Not Ze//inomy.z, the correct ‘form of Tellimya, Brown, 1827, as given by Agassiz in his ‘““Nomenclator Zoologicus” in 1846. Ctenodonta, Salter, 1851, Rep. Brit. Asso. p. 63; 1859, Can. Org. Remains, Decade 1, p- 34; Ulrich, Final Rep. Geol. Sur. Minn., vol. ii1, p. 578 (in press). I had prepared an entire plate of species of this genus for this paper, but the lack of time required for the final study which it is my habit to give to all species described by me immediately preceding the trans- mission of the manuscript to the printer, has induced me to delay their publication to some other opportunity. The illustrations of the three species following happened to be placed on plates devoted chiefly to other shells here described, so that I could not very well postpone their con- sideration. A full description of the genus and of numerous species will be found in the Minnesota work above cited. Ctenodonta retrorsa, n. sp. Plate 450. Figs. 14 and 1d. This species is founded upon the cast of the interior of a single valve, probably the right. If this view is correct the beaks are situated a short distance behind the center and curved toward the longer end, é Sr } Rae NY ST A INE 2 POE LEASED SD en ally yt Nore iP aed at Ae BH OL 7 Re RG Payee Ny s 680 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. | thus giving them the appearance of being turned backwards.’ The subreniform shape is peculiar, as is also the unusual fullness of the pos- — ee terior half. The anterior muscular scar is well marked but the posterior one is quite indistinct in the specimen. Formation and Locality: Middle or Alodiolodon beds of the Trenton formation, near Burgin, Kentucky. Ctenodonta cingulata, Ulrich. Plate 48. Figs. 10-12. Tellinomya cingulata, Ulrich, 1879, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. ii, p. 23. The types of this species do not preserve the hinge teeth clearly so that they were misrepresented in the original description and figures. Better examples have since been obtained and the two now illustrated on plate 48 give a reliable idea of both the external and internal char- acters of the shell. The hinge teeth are very slender and crowded in the central part of the hinge. Their great length and the unusual width of the hinge plate are the principal peculiarities of the species. Formation and Locality: Upper beds of the Cincinnati group, Boyle and Oldham counties 1: Kentucky, and Dayton, Ohio. Ctcnodonta perminuta, n. sp. Plate 46. Figs. 11-14. Shell very small, commonly about 1.5 mm. in length and 1.15 mm. in height, widest anteriorly; anterior outline rounded below, generally nearly vertical in the upper half, and subangular in the antero-cardinal region; basal margin broadly convex, posterior end obliquely truncate, strongly rounded in the lower half. The species is known from casts of the interior only. In these the beaks are prominent, moderately incurved, and situated between one-fourth and one-third of the entire length behind the anterior extremity. The muscular impressions are unusually distinct for so small a shell, and the structure of the hinge seems to have been very much as in C. /evata, Hall, sp., and other forms of that section of the genus. The extreme minuteness of the shell and the comparative strength of the muscular attachments, will distinguish this form at once from all other species of the genus having a similar shape. The C. od/qua Hall, ~ sp., another minute species of the Cincinnati rocks, and of which the oa recently proposed Pal@oconcha fabert (S. A. Miller, 1892, N. A. Geol. | and Pal., p. 498), seems to me to be a synonym, isa higher shell and doubtless belongs to quite a different section of the genus, being closely related to such forms as C. compressa Ulrich and C. astarteformis Salter. Formation and Locahity: Vower and middle beds of the Cincinnati group, Cincinnati, Ohio. > Hie LOWER SILURIAN LAMELLIBRANCHS. OSI Genus PYRENOMC@US, Hall. Pyrenomeus, Hall, 1852, Pal. N. Y., vol. ii, p. 87. I refer two species provisionally to this little known genus. They agree in all respects with the published characters of P. cuneatus, Hall, the type of the genus, except that the anterior muscular scar is not strong, being on the contrary even less distinct than the posterior one. So far as the muscular impressions can be made out they seem to be as in the most of the Muculde. Still, I have no idea that they really belong to that family of shells, the hinge being thin and almost certainly without denicles, while the test is very delicate and polished externally. Stoliczka, in his great work on the Cretaceous Pelecypoda of Southern India,” places the genus with the Solenomyide. ‘This arrangement seems to me entirely unwarranted, the short, nuculoid form of the shell being totally unlike the elongated form so strictly adhered to by the typical members of that family. All other authors who have had occasion to refer to Pyrenomeus have placed the genus more or less doubtfully with the Wuculide,and here I would leave it till something definite is learned of its hinge, when I believe we will have reason for the erection of a new family. Pyrenomeus decipiens, 0. sp. Plate 51. Figs. 7and 8. Shell from 12 mm. to 16 mm. long, 9.8 mm. to 11.5 mm. high, nucu- loid in shape, narrowest posteriorly, strongly convex, with prominently rounded umbones situated between one-third and one-fourth of the entire length from the anterior extremity. Antero-cardinal region slightly com- pressed and subangular in outline; upper half of anterior margin nearly vertical, base regularly convex; posterior margin oblique, scarcely trun- cate, ‘sharply rounded below. Umbonal ridge rounded, inconspicuous; an obscurely defined line or narrow ridge traverses the middle of the cardinal slope posteriorly from the beak. ‘Test very thin, the surface pol- ished and marked by very fine concentric lines, of which the strongest only are visible to the unassisted eye. A small heart-shaped lhgamental area or lunette in front of the beaks. Hinge very thin, as far as ob- served, without teeth. Anterior muscular scar and pallial line not shown by any of the casts of the interior seen; we may therefore assume that they are very faint; posterior scar scarcely defined, rather large, occupy- ing the greater part of the post-cardinal slope. The casts of this shell look very much like testiferous examples of an undescribed associated species of Cftenodonta. ‘The latter is usually identified by Cincinnati collectors with Hall’s Tellinomya levata. ‘Testif- erous specimens of the two species are no more likely to be confused than are casts of the interior. In the first case the surface of the shell is not 682 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. polished in the Crexodonta, while in the second the surface of the casts of the Pyrenomeus are more evenly rounded and the muscular scars much less distinct. formation and Locality: Middle beds of the Cincinnati group. Four specimens only have been seen and these were collected on Mount Au- burn in the city of Cincinnati, from strata lying about 400 feet above the bed of the Ohio river. Pyrenomeus subcuneatius, 1. Sp. Plate 51. Fig. 6. Shell about 11 mm. long, 7 mm. high, and 4.5 mm. thick, cuneate behind, rounded, though not quite regularly, in front; base rounded, car- dinal outline sloping down on each side from the beaks which are situated about.one-third of the length behind the anterior extremity. Posterior cardinal slope abrupt. Surface polished, marked with very fine concen- tric strize and a few stronger irregular folds. The specimen figured ex- hibits traces of several radiating lines in tke post-cardinal region. There are several Lower Silurian shells that resemble the species un- der consideration, but I cannot say that the resemblance is in any case very close. In none of them is the posterior end so cuneate, nor is the surface in any except the preceding species polished. VP. decipiens is a higher shell and shorter anterior to the beaks. formation and Locality: Towest beds of the Cincinnati group, river quarries, Covington, Kentucky. t Family LYRODESMIDZ, Ulrich. Genus LYRODESMA, Conrad. (Ann. Geol. Rep. N. Y., p. 51; 1841.) Lyrodesma tnornatum, i. sp. Plate 50. Figs. 10 and 12. Shell not known to exceed 18 mm. in length, transversely subovate, compressed convex, the three dimensions length, height and thickness. respectively to each other as nine and seven is to four. Anterior margin regularly curved, base broadly convex, posterior margin slightly oblique, strongly rounded and most prominent below, gently curved and sloping forward above to the subangular extremity of the short hinge line. Beaks rather small, moderately prominent, situated a little in front of the center; cardinal slope compressed, slightly alate; umbonal ridge very moderately developed, the greater part of the surface being rather evenly convex. Surface nearly smooth, without radial lines on the cardinal. slope, in the best specimens exhibiting only a small nuniber of obscure LOWER SILURIAN LAMELLIBRANCHS. 683 concentric lines of growth. Eight transversely striated and radially ar- ranged cardinal teeth in each valve, the anterior one usually not quite distinct from the dorsal edge of the valves. Muscular and pallial im- pressions not observed. This species agrees with Z. planwm Conrad, in the number of its © cardinal teeth and in wanting the post-cardinal strize which are usually present in species of the genus. They are however readily separated by differences in their outlines, Z zzornatum being shorter (relatively higher) and more nearly ovate. MHall’s L. cincinnatiense presents considerable resemblance in the way of outline, yet is really quite a distinct species, having a shorter hinge line, only six cardinal teeth, an angular umbonal ridge, and distinctly striated post-cardinal slopes. Formation and Locality: Middle beds of the Seas group, Cov- ington, Kentucky, and Cincinnati, Ohio. Lyrodesma grande, 0. sp. Plate 50. Fig. 13. Of this large species I have seen only the cast of the interior figured on plate 50. While I cannot doubt that it really belongs to Lyrodesma, it is still a fact that there are features in which it differs from all the pre- viously known forms of the genus. In the first place it is much larger than any of the others, and unusually short, while the plate bearing the cardinal teeth seems to have filled the entire rostral cavity, as that practi- cally no beaks are to be distinguished onthe cast. The muscular scars also exhibit peculiarities, the anterior one being very elongate and the posterior one of unusually large size. Having no strong umbonal ridge (the surface of the cast is almost uniformly compressed-convex) the affin- ities of the species seen to be nearest Z. znornatum. Compared with that species it is found to differ in having the anterior end relatively narrower, the basal margin more obliquely rounded, and the hinge line shorter and not alate posteriorly. From ZL. cincinnatiense Hall, it is sufficiently dis- tinguished by its great size and in wanting a distinct umbonal ridge. Formation and Locality: Middle beds of the Cincinnati group, Cin- cinnati, Ohio. Lyrodesma subplanum, i. sp. Plate 47, Fig. 8. Compare Lyrodesma planum, Conrad, 1841, Ann. Geol. Rep. N. Y., p. 51. The outline of this shell is very much like that of LZ. planum Con- rad, as figured by Hall in 1847 (Pal. N. Y., vol. i, pl. 82, figs. 11a, 110). As represented by Hall, that species is longer, without radiating lines on the post-cardinal slope, and with the umbonal ridge not nearly so strong. - 654 \ GEOLOGY OF OHIO. If the published figures and description of Conrad’s species do it justice, aa the Cincinnati shell under consideration is certainly distinct. The outline is quite different from that of any of the other species of the genus occurring in the Cincinnati rocks. Of Trenton forms cer- tain varieties of ZL. acuminatum Ulrich, approach it rather closely, but, so far as observed, the post-cardinal angle never projects as far beyond the line of the umbonal ridge as it does in L. subplanum. Formation and Locality: Near the base of the Cincinnati group, in strata exposed in the bank of the Ohio river at Covington, Kentucky: Lyrodesma conradi, n. sp. Plate 47, Fig. 9. Shell a little oblique, transversely subovate, somewhat the highest across the middle of the posterior end; length 15 to 22 mm., height 11.5 to 15 mm., thickness about half the height; just beneath the middle of ~ the slightly oblique posterior margin, the outline is a little produced and more narrowly rounded than elsewhere. Valves moderately convex, the posterior umbonal ridge rounded, not a prominent feature, the beaks small, situated just within the anterior third of the length. Surface marked by very fine, closely arranged, sharp concentric lines, crossed on the pos- terior cardinal slope by about ten radiating strie. Hinge with seven teeth of the usual type in each valve. Adductor scars distinct, the posterior one rather small and situated a very short distance beneath the submarginal pedal muscle impression. Pallial line with a small though undeniable posterior sinus.* A peculiar feature of internal casts is the broad and shallow furrow shown in the figure just in front of the umbonal ridge. om This species resembles Z. zxornatum but is less broadly rounded posteriorly and has a stronger umbonal ridge. Casts of the exterior or testiferous specimens may be distinguished at once by their surface mark- ings, that species being, as its name indicates, smooth and entirely with- — out the posterior rays. The surface markings ally it to ZL. subplanum and L. cincinnatiense, but the first of these species is longer and quite differently outlined, while in the latter the umbonal ridge is very sharp, the posterior end angular basally, and the beaks more centrally situated. Formation and Locality: In the lower 200 feet of the Cincinnati group, at Cincinnati, Ohio, and localities in Kentucky opposite that city. “The cast illustrated on plate 47 is a recent acquisition, and since its discovery [ have reexamined the other species accessible to me and found that in every case— they are not many, it must be admitted—where the posterior part of the pallial line could be determined, it was similarly sinuate. LOWER SILURIAN LAMELLIBRANCHS. 685 Genus TECHNOPHORUS, Miller. Technophorus punctostriatus, n. sp. Plate 47 Figs. 10-12. Shell small, moderately convex, alated posteriorly, the height and length nearly as two is to three. Cardinal margin long, nearly straight, in front passing rather regularly into the rounded anterior margin, behind drawn out into a small, compressed, triangular wing, the acuminate ex- tremity of which projects slightly beyond the post-basal angle; ventral margin nearly parallel with the dorsal, straight in the middle and behind, curving regularly upward anteriorly; posterior margin biconcave, the upper concavity less oblique and twice as long as the lower. Beaks small, projecting very little in both the shell and in casts of the interior, situ- ated, in specimens of the usual size, only about one tenth of the entire length of the shell in front of the middle. Two strong and sharp ridges extend in a strongly curved direction from the beak across the posterior half of the valves to the lower part of the posterior margin. With the exception of the posterior wing, the surface is marked with regular raised concentric lines, separating series of small puncte. The latter may be arranged in quincunx or in lines radiating from the beaks. Three or four of the concentric lines occur in the space of 1mm. ‘The poste- rior wing is marked by similar lines but here they are straight and oblique, following a direction at right angles to a line drawn from the post-cardi- nal angle to the antero-basal margin. Of internal characters we know only that the clavicle was short and blunt, yet very strong, and that the cavity immediately in front of it contains a small and faintly defined muscular impression. This small species is decidedly like the 7. swbacutus, Ulrich, from the lower Trenton of Minnesota, set I have no doubt that they are spe- cifically distinct. At present we know that species only from _a cast of the interior. Comparing this with casts of the present shell we find that in the earlier form the beaks are more prominent and situated far- ther forward, the cardinal outline is different and the posterior ridges much less distinct. In the associated 7. fabert, Miller, the postericr wing is shorter and the surface markings consist, so far as known, of very fine concentric lines only. It is besides a larger shell. Formation and Locality: Middle beds of the Cincinnati group, Coy- ington, Kentucky, where it occurs at an altitude of from 300 to 350 feet. above the bed of the Ohio River. Technophorus yoldiiformis, Ulrich. Plate 47. Figs. 13 and 14. Nuculites yoldiaformis, Ulrich, 1879, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. ii, p. 24. Though not entirely satisfied with the present generic arrangement of this peculiar species, I am still convinced that it is nearer the truth 686 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. than was the original placement. The shell is more elongate than any. ; of the other species now referred to Technophorus, while the clavical is i Revie not only longer and more slender, but much more oblique as well. formation and Locality: ower beds of the Cincinnati group, Cov- ington, Kentucky. Family CYCLOCONCHIDZ, Ulrich. Genus CYCLOCONCHA, Miller. Anodontopsis, Meek, 1871, Amer. Jour. Sci. and Arts, 3d ser., vol. ii, p. 297; 1873, Pal. Ohio, vol. i, p. 140. (Not Aodontopsis of McCoy.) Cycloconcha, S. A. Miller, 1874, Cin. Quart. Jour. Sci., vol. 1, p. 231. Shells rather small, rounded or ovate, subequilateral; valves equal, moderately convex, with small beaks and no umbonal ridge. Surface marked with very fine concentric lines and occasionally with obscure rays on the post-cardinal slope. External ligament occupying a narrow groove extending both anterior and posterior to the beaks. Hinge with — one strongly defined, snbtriangular cardinal tooth beneath the beak of the right valve, with a small pit just in front of it and a corresponding large pit and a small tooth in the left valve. Posterior lateral teeth long, two in the left valve and one, two or three in the right. Anterior lateral teeth similar to the posterior laterals only shorter. ‘The large cardinal tooth (in the right valve) is usually divided into three radially disposed portions. Pallial line simple, muscular impressions well defined though not deep, the posterior slightly the larger, both with a small pedal muscle © scar above and occupying the small spaces left between the adductor scars and the opposite extremities of the two sets of lateral teeth. e Type: Cycloconcha mediocardinalis, S. A. Miller. Plate 51, Figs. 14-21. I have not the slightest doubt of the generic identity of Dr Miller’s type and the shell named Anodontopsis? millert by Prof. Meek, and the one next described as a new species under the name of Cycloconcha ovata. I have given figures of the exterior and interior of these three species on plates 48 and 51, and am confident that no one can compare them ~ without coming to the conclusion that they are congeneric. I will ad- mit that while there are really three lateral teeth on each side in the right valves of C. mediocardinalis and C. ovata there is but one that strictly speaking may be called a tooth in C. mz//erz. Still, and this part was noticed also by Meek, the other two laterals are represented in that species in a rudimentary condition, there being a faintly raised line on the outer sides of the two furrows which received the two laterals of the left valve. Meek’s description of Azodontopsis? milleri,.or Cycloconcha millert, is it should now be called, is full and correct in all respects except when LOWER SILURIAN LAMELLIBRANCHS. 687 he says “there are no traces of an external ligament to be seen.” My specimens show clearly a narrow dorsal groove between the edges of the valves which I believe to have lodged a ligament. As to the use of McCoy’s genus Azodontopsis for this group of shells, I would say only this, that before such a cause is justifiable it must be shown that the ¢yfe of his genus really has the same kind of hinge and muscular impressions as is above ascribed to Cycloconcha. Meek’s name Orthodontiscus, which he suggested might be used for the species mzdleri should it prove to be generically distinct from Axodontopsis, has no claim to recognition at the expense of Miller’s name, since it was never de- fined nor used as a genus by anyone. It is very difficult to determine the family relations of this genus. The hinge is quite different from all paleozoic shells, but agrees rather well with those of the recent genera Cyrvena and Crassatella. At present however, we cannot say that this resemblance indicates natural relation- ship, since Cycloconcha is, so far as known, restricted to the Cincinnati — group, and not a single shell is known from rocks succeeding that forma- tion as high up_as the Lias, that might be regarded as connecting the Lower Silurian genus with those recent genera. It may be that such con- necting links may yet be discovered, if indeed they have not already been found and are misunderstood, but until we do know something better, I propose to classify Cycloconcha as a peculiar family by itself. Cycloconcha ovata, n. sp. Plate 48. Figs. 13-15. Shell about 17 mm, long, 12.5 mm. high, and.7.2 mm. thick; outline, excepting the slightly prominent beaks, regularly oval; occasionally the posterior end seems to have been a little higher than the anterior. Sur face covered with such fine concentric lines that unless viewed throngh a strong lens, it appears perfectly smooth. The only specimen on which these surface markings can be detected also shows in the middle of the posterior cardinal slope six or seven obscure lines radiating from the beak. Hinge strong, with the cardinal tooth of the right valve triangular, only a little oblique and distinctly triplicate. Posterior lateral teeth of same valve three in number, the central one the strongest, Anterior lateral teeth of right valve three, the middle one the most prom- inent, the upper one formed by the margin of the valve, the lower one curved, shorter, and not as prominent as the central one. In the left valve the cardinal tooth is about half the size of the cardinal tooth of the right valve and situated in front of the pit into which that tooth entered. Of lateral teeth there are four, two anterior and two posterior; both pairs strong and subequal. Muscular scars not satisfactorily observed. As exhibited in a cast of the interior they appear to be less distinctly im- pressed than in C. mzllerit Meek, sp. 688 _ GEOLOGY OF OHIO. Externally this species is very much like C. mi//ert, yet when care- fully compared, several constant differences may be observed. Thus, tie ends in that species are relatively narrower, and the cardinal margin slopes regularly down in both directions from the beaks. ‘This is not the case in C. ovata, in which the dorsal outline is slightly sinuate on each side _ Be between the point of the beak and the two extremities of the hinge. Fi- ee nally, the surface markings are more delicate in the present form. Im- ternally the rudimentary character of the upper and lower pairs of the lateral teeth in the right valve of C. mzl/erz is a sufficient differentation es to constitute a specific variation. The oval instead of subcircular outline distinguishes the new species from C. medtocardinalis. In all other re- — spects however the two species.are exceedingly close. : formation and Locality: Wower beds of the Cincinnati group, at several localities in the vicinity of Cincinnati, Ohio. The horizon is ~~ about 100 feet above the bed of the Ohio river at Cincinnati. Family PHOLADELLID&, Miller. 2 | Genus RHYTIMYA, Ulrich. [Final Rep. Geol. Sur. Minn., Vol. iii. (In press.)] oe Rhytimya preducta, u. sp. Plate 56. Figs. 6-9. Shell rarely exceeding 39 mm, in length. tapering slightly and ex- tended posteriorly, constricted beneath the moderately prominent um- bones; sulcus somewhat oblique, anterior part of shell slightly inflated ; ; length equaling two and one half times the height at the beaks and three i times the height of the posterior third. Cardinal outline very gently | - concave posterior to the beaks, nearly straight but sloping down about a: one-third of the height in front of them; anterior margin subrectangular . in the middle, then curving gradually backward into the basal line; pos- terior margin narrowly though rather regularly rounded; ventral margin distinctly sinuate centrally or a little in advance of the center. Lunule very narrow. Surface marked concentrically, with ten or more sharp regular folds anterior to the beaks and less distinct as well as less regular wrinkles and strize posterior to them. On the compressed post-cardinal region the surface markings are very obscure. The best specimens seen i are casts of the interior and on only one of the molds of the exterior are s any traces of the radiating series of minute granules perserved. Formation and Locality: Middle beds of the Cincinnati group, about 325 feet above the bed of the Ohio river at Cincinnati, Ohio, and Coving- ton, Kentucky. Not an uncommon fossil, but good specimens must be - considered as rare. THE LOWER SILURIAN ROCKS. 689 Rhytimya byrnesi, Miller. Plate 56. Figs. 4 and 5. Orthodesma byrnest, Miller, 1881, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. iv, p. 76. Dr. Miller’s description of this species is not as complete nor as defi- nite as we could desire, and his figures are not satisfactory. Add to this that the type specimen has been lost and that no others are known that have been strictly compared with the specimen upon which the species was founded, it is evident that some doubt must necessarily attach to all attempts at identifying the species. Yet I entertain considerable confi- dence in the correetness of the present attempt, for the reason that shortly after the appearance of Dr. Miller’s description I had an oppor- tunity of studying his type. I remember distinctly that I at once recog- nized in it a member of Rhytimya* and one that was very near the species just described as R. producta. Dr. Byrnes’ specimen preserved a good part of the test, but as it was exceedingly thin we may reasonably assume that casts of the interior would not look much unlike testiferous examples. Of course we cannot expect that they would preserve any- thing of the superficial spines. The specimens here referred to the species are good casts of the in- terior found at Richmond, Indiana, in beds believed to be exactly equiva- lent to those at Weisburg, Indiana, from which Dr. Byrnes obtained his specimen. If my memory is not at fault, they agree with that example also in every essential character, so that the standing of the species may be, in the absence of the original type, with justice transferred to them. -Compared with 2. producta, which Rhytimya byrnesi, as the species should now be called, resembles perhaps more than any other, it will be found to be relatively higher, especially in the posterior part where the height equals about four-ninths of the entire length instead of one-third. The anterior part of the shell again is not inflated, at any rate it is much less so than in FR. producta, the mesial sulcus is shallower, wider and directed more obliquely backward, and the ventral margin less sinuate, indeed, it is almost straight. Finally, the convexity of the shell is less, the posterior margin is not so regularly rounded and the lunulea little wider. For further comparisons the reader is referred to several of the descriptions following. formation and Locality: Upper beds of the Cincinnati group, Weis- burg and Richmond, Indiana. khytimya ehana, n. sp. Plate 56. Fig. 1. Shell large, compressed convex, elongate-subrhomboidal, with sub- parallel dorsal and ventral margins, and obliquely truncate posterior * This and other genera of Lamellibranchiata sow being published for the first time, was outlined in 1881-82 and has been in manuscript since 1883. 44% GAO: 69) GEOLOGY OF OHIO. margin; anterior end gently concave in front of the beaks, rounding reg- ularly downward and backward from the obtusely angular antéro-cardinal extremity which is but little beneath the line of the hinge; ventral margin distinctly though broadly sinuate, mostly in front of the middle. Beaks of moderate prominence, incurved, situated about one-fourth of the length of the shell from the anterior extremity. Mesial sulcus dis- tinct, broad, directed obliquely backward, the part of the shell lying in front of it slightly inflated, while posteriorly the surface of the valves rises very gently into a broadly convex umbonal ridge; cardinal slope concave, compressed and subalate posteriorly. Concentric surface mark- ings very faint on the post-cardinal third, rather strong and irregular on the anterior and lower side of the umbonal ridge and in the mesial sulcus, becoming finer as they pass over the anterior swelling and finally gathered into strong folds with fine lines between them on the antero- cardinal slope. Radial markings not preserved on the specimen described. Greatest length 55 mm.; posterior or greatest height 21 mm.; height at beaks 20 mm.; greatest thickness shown by the specimen described only 6 mm. for each valve. The convexity of the valves has doubtless been reduced by pressure. I estimate the entire normal thickness of the shell at about 15 mm. This fine species, which it gives me pleasure to name for the dis- coverer, Mr. George Oeh, a liberal collector and careful student of the fossils of the Cincinnati group, is closely related to A. dyrnesz, yet may be distinguished readily by its much greater size, more distinct mesial sul- cus, and subtruncate posterior margin. R. froductais much smaller and narrower posteriorly. Formation and Locality: Middle beds of the Cincinnati group, Cin- cinnati, Ohio, where it was found at an elevation of about 390 feet above the bed of the Ohio river. Rhytinva micklcboroughi, Whitfield. Plate 56. Figs. 14 and 15 Orthodesma mickleboroughi, Whitfield, 1878, Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., vol. 1, p. 139, This species is near 2. oehana, but is a trifle longer, more produced posteriorly, less rounded in front, and more convex, especially on the umbonal ridge which is more prominent than in any other species of the genus. An examination of the original type of this species shows that it is incomplete at the ends and that the abnormally short form which this im- perfection itself would cause has been emphasized by compression. _Whit- field’s statement therefore that the valves are “‘twice as longashigh” applies only to imperfect specimens like the one used by him and not to such as have retained the normal relations of those dimensions, in which the THE LOWER SILURIAN ROCKS. 691 length is about three times the height. With this exception both his description and figure are exact. The specimen here illustrated on plate do has suffered in nearly an opposite direction so that it is more elongate than natural. But as at least nine-tenths of the specimens seen have been compressed in a similar manner the figures now given may justly be considered as highly characteristic of the shell as it is represented in collections. Formation and Locality: Middle beds of the Cincinnati group at several localities in the vicinity of Cincinnati, Ohio. Rhytimya convexa, 0. Sp. Plate 56. Figs. 2and 3. Shell elongate, strongly convex, the outline narrowly subelliptical, converging slightly toward each end from the middle; height equaling nearly two-fifths of the length, thickness a little less than four-fifths of the height. Cardinal and basal margins gentle arcuate; anterior end curv- ing obliquely backward from the subangular extremity of the hinge line, nearly vertical, however, in the upper half; posterior margin strongly rounded and most prominent in the lower half, oblique and somewhat straight in the upper. Beaks small, not very prominent, situated a little less than one-fifth of the entire length of the shell from the anterior end; posterior umbonal ridge subangular near the beaks, its convexity becom- ing less as it recedes from them ; anterior umbonal ridge low, nearly ver- tical; sulcus rather shallow, not deep enough to cause a sinus in the basal margin. Concentric surface markings unusually strong on the posterior part of the valves, but anterior to the center they are precisely as in A. ochana and other species of the genus. Postero-ventral fourth of valves with series of large pustules arranged in a radial manner with respect to the beaks. Pustules about one millimeter apart measuring from center to center. Excepting that the concentric furrows are stronger on the posterior half of the valves, the surface markings are about the same as in AX. mickleborought. Further comparisons with that species show that A&. convexa differs also in having a less prominent posterior umbonal ridge, less attenuate ends, a shallower mesial sulcus, and a convex instead ot sinuate ventral margin. In R. oehana the valves are a little higher, the basal line gently sinuate, and the posterior margin more truncate. In JW. | compressa the valves are less convex, the post-cardinal angle sharper, and the mesial sulcus so little developed that it is practically wanting. Formation and Locality: Middle beds of the Cincinnati group, Cin- cinnati, Ohio. It is found associated with 2. mickleboroughit Whitfield, sp., but is a much rarer sheil, 692 GEOLOGY OF OHIO. Rhytimya conpressa, n. sp. Plate 56. Fig. 13: Shell of medium size, compressed-convex, elongate, the length two and one half times the greatest height. Beaks small, very little promi- nent, about one-fifth of the entire length behind the anterior extremity; umbonal ridges very inconspicuous; mesial sulcus scarcely distinguish- able. Cardinal margin long, about seven-eighths of the entire length of the shell, straight posterior to the beaks, declining very little anterior to them; anterior end wide, sharply rounded above, uniformly curved in the middle and below; ventral margin gently but almost regularly convex throughout; posterior margin oblique, strongly rounded in the lower half, subtruncate in the upper; post-cardinal extremity obtusely angular. Concentric surface markings as usual for the genus. Radial markings not shown by the specimen figured which is the best seen. From the same block of shale, however, I obtained fragments of the posterior part of a Rhytimya, probably of this species, that are beautifully marked with closely arranged radial series of exceedingly small spines. In a cross- light the lines formed by them are just visible to the unassisted eye. The slight convexity of the valves and the absence of a distinct mesial sulcus or constriction sufficiently distinguishes this species from all the other shells referred to Azytzmya save the next, FR. radials, which see. Formation and Locality: Middle beds of the Cincinnati group, Cin- cinnati, Ohio, about 825 feet above the Ohio river. Rhytimya radiata, 0. sp. Plate 56. Figs. 10-12. This species is closely related to 2. compressa, but seems to have been more convex, and is a smaller shell. Theré are slight differences in the outline, the posterior margin being less oblique, the basal line straight in the middle and for a short distance forward, and the anterior end more angular above. Of the surface markings the grano-lineate ornamentation is coarser, and the anterior concentric folds smaller. Finally the length is proportionally a little greater, the height being to the length as three is to eight instead of three to nine. The mesial sulcus being very slightly developed the species is readily separated from 2. producta and R. ehana. From the other species R. vadiata differs in such obvious respects that comparisons are not nec- essary. Formation and Locality: Lower beds of the Cincinnati group, Cin- cinnati, Ohio, and Covington, Kentucky; 100 to 150 feet above the bed of the Ohio river. THE LOWER SILURIAN ROCKS. 693 Genus PHYSETOMYA, n gen. Shell somewhat elongate, inflated anteriorly, tapering to a naIrow or _ acute extremity posteriorly; base arcuate. Beaks situated a little in front of the middle, strongly incurved, not prominent though the umbones are full. A narrow escutcheon and an obscurely defined lunule. Hinge ap- parently edentulous; test very thin, muscular attachments not observed, probably very faint. Surface with concentric striz and wrinkles of growth, strongest anteriorly, and fine radiating lines, Type: Pf. acuminata, n. sp. This genus is believed to be closely related to Rhytimya, Ulrich, and Ailorisma, King, differing from both in the subcentral position of the beaks and tapering posterior end. Pysetomya acuminata, 0. Sp. Plate 49. Figs. 12-14. Shell small, transversely elongate, inflated and rounded in front, tapering to an acute extremity behind; basal margin broadly arcuate on the whole, somewhat straightened for a short distance in front of the centre. Beaks strongly incurved, situated about 8 mm. behind the an- terior extremity in a specimen 22 mm. long; umbones full, though a lit- tle depressed in the middle by an obscure flattening of the surface that extends vertically across the shell; posteriorly the umbo is drawn out into a strongly rounded ridge which, however, is defined on the upper side only by the abrupt descent to the hinge line. Escutcheon very nar- row, extremity about two-thirds the length of the hinge posterior to the beaks; lunule obscurely defined, narrow. Surface markings consisting of rather irregular concentric furrows, very indistinct on the posterior cardinal slopes and a little the strongest on the anterior end. These are crossed, at any rate on the posterior half of the ventral slope, by fine radiating lines. The characters of this shell are so distinctive that I cannot see how it might be confounded with any known Silurian lamellibranch. Formation and Locality: Middle beds of the Cincinnati group, at Cincinnati, Ohio, where the specimen described was discovered by Dr. S. A. Miller. General Index. PAGE AtkerOnm i StONeE WATE cesccee ccckeoesceaseuen: 92 IMMzrOnm valerie db GiCleattesesccecscscscecae: 58 Allibamiyaslity Clayae ess tescsay sens aseeeecaess 104 PAIGE WS TORE a Batercecstecrencncrss 30, 274 Anticlines in Ohio— (SY DAE ek aca Ma 43 Camlbridce nso. 44 GinCimnatigeesegeee 40 Fredericktown..... 43 Saliisbirmyeeteccecsses 43 Wrellsburgei src 43 Appalachian coal field 5325. ccs. secs 260 Archeolosyot OMoy Wee inss- ccs seo 3 Artistic tiles Bet IBGE Aa Te teeters Mean ee DAO Ager, DIC tHACHINES <.scccscceoss ences 156 Axes—anticlinal—in Ohio .............. 43 Balleclaiy Sic veguececeen wnvinccesdesesne scenes 122 Barren Measures. clays...) ..c..2-.ss-000+ 68 Bedford) Shialevertessnst aes eee 27-507 as a brick clay sasienisces akc 57 FOSSILS OFF Betas Meta dase a8 507 IBERea STIL. castes ssuapsesdscstenehentesataciects 28 LOSSTISNOMeNeteee eee eee DUS Bereaushial eran chen an sna neenensea eect 30-508 pebicliadhiamyctoilisanidy assets nse: 34-287 BME Cer water seccccs cocoons wares 6 1Byoieeyay Oy Oly), IU (sci Aadcocdeusseqpoboseces 56 biblograpliycok uses esas ee stes 58 Classiti cation semaeencccemcet eee eaniae 80 . angiosperms ........... 81 gymnosperins.......... 244 vascular cryptogams 246 LOEUIGHA Grace eees aoe esos 247 TM OSSCS peseeenscsusnenn ae woe: LiverwOrntsiesesn sees 286 InGaN ascnecoses. Goaasdao ereke) A BOO Mera n a ae ree 300 BUG AS seid. ose ee a seni aces 385 slime moulds........... 397 VefonasAlerdsy shal abayne we peeaauscobousoaaeccauuaee 38 BLeMaaNVAStANSE OTIC spencer eee tae BL Building material, of Clayse.d.c2:--csece: 233 Burlington group in Ohio............... 514 Brick—enamelled ........ cccsesceceeeecees 238 THACHIMe AM AG es Meeeenes aes ces 234 Pressed yr Ai segs skevaeek seaeaee: 153 Wilt rade clive Ch mere clay amem e a 130 Brickwin douildinory. pneu ee DOr Brick-making machinery Bandoocace 148-151 Brookville: COailemayaccuesssoaue eeoenees ATT PAGE Cambridgeicoal ye yaa isen eee aoe 281 Carboniferous system in Ohio......... 36 CNC WaTeS Ns) cl UIE TUS aces bes anew 122 SIAZ ESHOP each a eee Neuen 125 Statistics: aisay ew eae 126 Chasinoprni ys ee ae ee She Chemistry in clay working........... 87-125 Chemung rocks in Ohio ...... 498, 500-511 Chesten limestone in| @hiow wee a 35 Chg a WAKO RU ls see eR ata aaa a 122 Statistics) Of iiss sane as a7 Cincinwatiascion VUES eH UN 23, 40 Clarion) Coal yin Ae OM Ny er eee 277 Clark, Dr. William.......602—-4—6-11-: 6-619 Claypole, Prof. E. yee —Chapter by... 602 Clay— alkalies) ta 8s ee a ae ee ao analysis ...... 58, 61, 62, 64, 66, 74, 105 133, 136, 219 COLO Tei rannuh ana ane ny eshte v2 COMMPOSICLOM say mee euemaa AON Gk feldspariinisa i cstaul wee we aie teen 72 Hasina ayy A aa aan 76 SIpe(O na Westra hire anna em ON 74, 84, 108 Jee Vouetsat ys) OI eN saa ennedannsoncagnde 74— 80 lime and magnesia in........ 78-82-108 MITE Kallsi TrAaTes sin aesueeee eee 74— 79 organic matter in.......... Seis aud 73 OUST a ts UL oak nee Nema aaa ne AS= 70 ORY Gem ratTO. 13) Leu A noe ed Gd PROPSH EES aici tease cee eee nae 74 Wit CE rein Mies Rane sn aaa Rue Su- 82 VATICEISS hie ETE ieee ag Al Clay manufactures of Ohio............. 88 Clays OF OMIO ee eae eel aeceecten 45— 54 Clay working— blisterinigy eens 81 latices iene 81 [Dios nba er ASL np se sAaceaods 79=1 (2 Aryl Sys Geaes ei cwaceae 166 f2OAKOhUO eR Gndacanonaddes6o 97 Srindinsecceeceee 96, 141 PECSSIMS ye eee aces 151 SCHEe MIT Sy eee Neaeeree 144 Ueanah Xenarbalen | Se aseonanondacs 147 EES Eira o5 Ue Es Baleares 82 Wa STH alleen 82— 98 Cleveland: sitallersr ge cnra arenes 21— 22 Chiff limestonevot Ohio. acess: 20 Clinton yenowp se tower st eceaceeeeat 10 fossils oferty eans 516 Sasrand Ole nweeasanes 10 GU6 INDEX. Coal— PAGE PAGE ORIG AAG C ane sca tesais cate stsunt somsaces PAV). |) Ieopel 560 MEI? coondoactnosbeqacnadg00Ns® 0900033 72 WAS cos, tse teen dece ongweriooea Gieen see 0/3 |e EeCts) Ofmeessscerascteseres ene 72 WHI Sbacogsdedesod pon abogddbasoogonouadsBess PAGS) | VEE OS a opsoondsecoooosecgsenobe 47-48, 32-70- 76 Coaltiveldsiofi@hiops tence: cco tescen soe 255 | Kaolinite base of clay ..............00- 74 80 areas—(see preface) 255 | Kilns— maps— “ a 256 (Gishach oie neicosasgauaodad! Gsoonadoobddocods 186 Coal measures of Ohio ........... ..-260-270 JDVAGEWH AS eodocooacongaacostinengedood0000%% 187 Coal measure conglomerate............ ile Halllwoodssiessnenccccsosceseencecescete 187 MiIMIESTOMESHMseccesece es 260 AYUEMESSHS a anasndo. Gdasannaodsobsonacq0e0sce 187 Coaliseams Ofe@hiOr casos oeetecee sees 259 Earthenware asec eetctesesceercecear 91 mode of growth.. 262 PaAvine DlOCK se essc sete seecceeenaes Waa AUT DSTA wesc sies 269 StOME WATE ssc sesaeesceseeere terete 112 Conglomerate group in Ohio .......... 36 (HSS BOIS? earongndacegreacgoannHuodocusn coco0e 84 Cooks rot GeO ss csncascsensosescceesct 74 | Kinderhook group in Ohio ............ 512 Coppergmeadinihtrn cinema coesssde deck secee 38)|> Kittanning; claySitcs.ccesse Karttannine coadlssr.-s.escsceeeeceesaestias 278 TOSSUISEEE esse e 419 Cuyahorarshaleiiie..c-ccsscsese ,...o1-93-508 | James, Prof. s] ubtiee Seeiestncie qucsee sossceees 5 “Jolly” or ‘jigger” in clay working 102 Daw SOM Site VV aweeceaschacessce ons cees 26 Dayton Himmestone 1 as ame ate a T2-ONS [2 Wim ean clay, sensanceseceosceseeesess 73— 79 Welawarelimlestomeuce-werd-eseeceses: 19 | Limestones in Coal Measures.. 260 Devonian limestone in Ohio......... 18-419 | Logan conglomerate............c....seee0 287 Drift elacialy sc. scstdecsescsees seesoscsavees 37 Logan PLOUP cts ttes twee seeeee eee 31- 32 Earth works, Prehistoric............. Wo) | Wogan fire) Clay eves. seclscoseriere sess cae 58 BY ATU ENWALE eat csiueceeefoosssesesseites seek g 89 | Logan sandstone ...............+. sGeddotoos 34 CLAY Sii.csteccseoeetepeaececess 90) |- Mower coal measures: : 2s. oa.cccesses sence 36 SEATISEICS Hons. tetsechecec ove ¥1 | Lower Helderberg limestone........... 14 ASL MGAVET POON. ween csnesoonetsee nsec stie st 126 | Lunette pyrometrique....85, 110, 138, “254 Ey mlexshalene sc dsu set odcccscecoeeseceutietes 21-506 EC] TGCUp LM CYStON Cass seesec seen eee = eases 28 |. Magnesia in (clay........asesssrsen-seeee 73- 78 Feldspar, the source of clay........... 47, 72.| Marcellus shale in Ohio...............065 432 IE Te CKvec oetas stash. ce mnoesssk uace ates 217 | Marquette iron ore in drift........0..... 38 Eirerclay.Smertaacscaceapecs asta stsene O2=218; 224).| 2 Miassilonkcoall sane s.csnsaocenneceneacces 273 AINALIVSES eaeceen econ sees ieeasteencscnee TSG; Medinal shale ersastecscssssese cece 9 Fishes, tossil—Chapter on .............. GORI Meek uR AB easesnssecascseeaea-ceeececeee 30-408 GATE We AV) aea wroseus ttc svietla stead deceeaee seed: 218) \|- WeiesCréekicoaless.castsesseeeeenerene 288 ANALY SISZ. co csccchesdodaesssesce SLO | Wer ely ClayS.cacssemenssaeceessee oa eee eereeee 62 CONG Ua elms Pace OLE SCH e EATER BOCOL TOM Wer Cer COalSic.s-csecnuassaeesn seme seeeecc 274 Eloorine tiles acscseree nosceeseoee eenceree 240) |) MulcalinlClaysencs-eaaceescesene acces ees 72 Foerste, Dr A. F.—Chapter by........ Si6) Maller. OrnSsAeee 627, 636, 637, 670, 682 Jaoy ie Jeroen ey 1 O eos quenanabescdseadoadece 12, 31 Mineral Point clay analysis so stnallataat 66 Hossilutishesiof OhiOr-cec--veseseeosestees 602! |) WMiinshall) sRSAW: sii 2-<.ccsenrescensnceees 44 IOSSIWOOG cas socs act onasaticessswesasecnuet: 25 | Monclova sandstone.. .....cccscsescseeee 1 JERS) DONE (LOLA SE Ssmonscdoocesanenabaecocdcose I) || oxerdesy, 18 Kerala eo nncocqboddonacodedeD340090¢ 409 Frey—Sheckler machinery.............. 142 | Mounds in Ohio—Il.......... _ oaneneetees 5— 28 AMS isos os ouearonees 38 Germanic ay Sines. ssc: seceesssecssnsescucess 231 © HIG YATE sae consoetenese 16 Clacraledriutt Of Ohio. oe. sssssecseseceecore 3¢-|| Mound builders .iitiss- sense scemesenees 28 Glass=mot clay. nccssacsesensence deere oenseres 231 social organization 32 Glazesmmepo tte tymnsccshcatescsesee er 103-108 Guelph division of Niagara............. 13 | Newberry, Dr. J. S:.c.... 21, 24-28-29, 269 GiyipsumitniOHOS. seene-ceeeeckiaceseneccwess 13 [ 272-280, 602, 603, oe Niagara group in Ohio.................... Hall? Prof. James’......-2+2....-.. 494-497-500 "divisions of s.A-.eute ae . Hamilton) Shale int @biO.. ss.cencacceses- 20) | Niagarashales.(aiv.:222sepee ase ee nee 56 Mar misSebriCka wOnks wss,scact wesc. ce sskesce 64°) Nou=plastic: clay.cccesactsroseeteeeee 538- 75 Herrick) Prof; Col; (Chapter by...:-. 495 | North Industry shale—analysis........ 64 STZ Grn IN GV cullen au sesaaeteeensces eee 602-604 JEHUobRaaaL ID Sy JPG oadoananasosseseasoces es A96%| -OaksFiaill} fire=clayAcs--escsssee nee eeeeee 66 FS boro! Sandstone... saccecenessseesess 12") ‘Ohio: shales. cise ses eeee cease eee 21 Hollow goods manufacture ............ 209 divisions)... 2.cicisecscen ese eee 25 Hudson River group in Ohio ......... 8 source of sewer-pipe clay......... 57 brick’clayjin) 56)|/2@illastiuells55.---eoeeee AWG gash 109 Elaross hale si.c.uieacanss case cca ces ee 21— 22 \ Olentangy Shale: ce.cjscssease eee sheer eee 20 PAGE Orcanic; matters nyelay yc cccntslesecsdeee 74 Oxycen-ratioroficlayshecssssdscsseces 77- 96 Paleolithic man-—Uler st cceescececoes Sean) Paleontology of Ohio— Chapter by R. P. Whitfield........ 407 Th ouss @ Cele ibllerrick yo sen ct: 495 Bre BRO ASC EMME OCTStE) Secseeses 516 EB. W. Claypole......... 602 See te OM Ulrichie res O20 Paving block manufacture............... 129 buingminiges ee 175 COS tsigssenese 205 durability .... 204 miaterials....... 129 repressing ... 162 requirements 175 SIZE Vee yao etae 202 Statisticsia..... 207 tests 164-188- 191 ,199, 240 vitrification .. 130 Penfield brick machinery ............... 143, Rattsbwrercoaleseatiion .<-csssssea tessa 282 laste beds; ory OhtOrasssesscee ceases seeks 13 Roint Pleasant quarrnesivsscces:cs-snc 5 OTHE OY, COAL co dracesteecateasce sastisevceeeen 287 ROLES Clayncssecncscect soe stones odes sence 54 Potters’ machiunes......... Had oeseaeatiseeane 128 POtteKSe Supp lyn Come hens-t.s-cccneesesi. 127 PO LCERY s2cc- ce ceise sp oneacieieceets sobs eelctorece es 89 MIATA CLUE! necheree esses sececec: JO1 Ornamentals ojeee sascha ease 128 Putnam Hill limestone—clay of....63- 64 Pyrometers—lunette pyrometrique... 85 Onakertowgncoalieptin cases seme ccecces 2738 OwartZ ai Clay ecscesistaacsvaceassesscswets 76 aya Onde“ EESSse-eacsesoeeecetesee estes: 164 etractotyaclayise smectite steseenee 76 Nefractony, matertalssersececenceeeestee 217 viverivallley; clays jeesecencece sce see neeees 137 Alay SiSwrecsecscweceaass 146 Rockne ham .ware esses seserieeses ees 66-118 RO CK=Salit tte ONO merase seaseee soccer 14 Root Sati Crrseecrrste tec caste ese ca cees 239 Rookwoodspotteny-ec sesso scenes 128 Salinaisroup im Ohio: . 13 Sdli-asia pottery olaze rs -mseeeetaccheence: 108 Salter OCks es cue hscceacauosecherccoeeaaans 34-287 Satid-inclaysnses stoves coreeisherlooscosacceases 72 Scale, geological, of Olio. 3 Sciotoville fine- Clay, 47 Aen nee 58 WESELS) COMES smmaaeeticas eeeoM ese velenjaocs 86 SEWeL- pipe Clay Ss. wosnseer sesh sscea 137 manufacture........... 209 StatiStiesnetcesseneceran 215 PAGE Stal ere iceconsncnuenacesacaneconseaneeeatisnerae 51 Ltt) DEiCky MIA Oe csc aveh wa sccmeinece 132 in Coal! Measunesicseasessss-escecess 260 Sharomicoalrscasesesecceecotcencn eeareseaete 272 Sharpsville sandstone...............5..0+6 351 Sila tee ae ate ee nea ai caneataietad 51 Slipiclaysmey nase recuascesaneccae seekers 90-103 AUALY SIS iy caamiaeseease tesurecucetetee 106 SOilsyof@Ohi1O2s, secsece seal tees some ees eecs 39 Steubenville: coale ses seeesceseeenoseee 280 Stomekware ssc Hele Meese. kev seeneeleee 91-103 analysis of clays ............ 94 claysiused! antsiscepssseesecer 92 PIAZES esses ete ssee tens Srseeeees 103 Statistics han sia-neweeenusten 111-117 Structure, geological, of Ohio......... 39 Sub-carboniferousformationinOhio 34 Sub-carboniferous limestone........... 30 Sylvania sandstone ..... doped temodanbattines Wa Merrascottayccetslsoadesecsacesteessnee tone 239 Pile encausticytet ence encnteutecaceecscies 240 LOOMIS eyes eae eae les acesiemoetcace 239 ADS eee Tac a ei AUR ance Masta ces 38 Trentomplimestonesesecs:-cessaseeeeeee 4-5 Mymochtee/slateysknstaddacuseceaeeeeces 16 Wilrich, HO: nchapterybiyj.sc..csecn gece: 627 Unionshurnacelclayceessssie nace sane 62 Wpper CoaliMeasunesi isa eanascees 37 Upper BPreeport) clay... escnsiaceme teense: 7 Wipperrreeporticoallteererseeceteee 281 Upper Helderberg limestone........... 18 fossils of 419 Uiticayshaley cs ahesseuc aise eee eeceaaee 6-7 Mallleycclaysi nat ssss: soc an nes cece ne 137-140 Waitrified@brickie es: 58, 130, 175-209 Clay ssuSed ae eare nse ceec 131 Waverly conglomerates... ssccmcc-cs: 30-512 OSSUIG Reece 512 WiavierlyigrOupie.teccuonsissoccaste cers: 26 GiivSTOUSneee eee eee aes 26 EQiiivalemtsy) css rsseneeci sees FOSST Sree acne 495 Wielistonicoaly yee deteemcpeeeciseone 273 Whitfield, Prof. R. P., chapter by... 407 White, Profile Ck Oe Bis BO Williams, PrOfTeeN See nee can dne 505 Winchell, 1D) 1 MAC ea 21-496-497-498 Wreht Prof Av As chapter: by.secs: 620 Yellow ware—clays used............ 118-119 AM Ay SeSiaaceet nese: 119 StatiSticsis.dssccseke 123 Paleontological Index. PAGE NeIdaspis OLtOlii sss seccersscswcsseen (Ole bxrevASPIMOSa a tascescr Gocless 522 Actinodesma subrecta.............0..ceeee 450 Actinomya kentonensis......... Geeaectese 658 Alllonycliial Ovatal recs. nisscrcwsessisecpesses 64] subrotumdatat: icc... .ccose 642 Allonisima andrewSls.cssssesccsescesisesase 475 imaxcytlllemGiSaeeeesenscesssees 475 Anomalodonta) alata; cy cic.c. cecwecscnbe 638 GUS AIMbealaracueeee ten 637 Dlicatal cache alas. 638 PATO PESTA TTS IVC TA Ie oat stesfreieiselo se’ tates oe 650 Anthracopupa Ohioensis...c.....-.....668 491 AristozoeicanadensiS:..ceecssctesstecnes 462 Aspidopora parvulla.c...3......4....: qos 600 Athy ris subquadtatay st t.ns.csccwec.. ores 472 Siilbtalitays seas te dys Sosastes 488 Ntry pai laticornuigatarssceen.sscndesees 591 ANAT CANALS ee comonaeceeccaeaceees 591 Avicula whitfieldi ........ sitiechider tossaines 558 Aviculopecten equilaterus.......:....... 445 Hiterlinea tits aeeeesses 489 Bellerophon alternodosus............... 479 (spral@agle OV AABSRORPRE ART cece ELO 548 fiscello-striatus ........... 548 OPENS H sesst es sacaneselessacs 548 sulblacvilSsteeeu een cteosace 479 oi) p acl yEnc, conodadonacncoee 549 Bryozoa of Clinton group............... 598 Byssonychia acutirostris.. ............4. 634 alveolatarenecn.ccmsclecrice 63 DYES Ie racearcdnoc cme fetes 63 Cullfratar wes. ssc: aececcs 63 STATICS) tease sateessayaests es 63 dm brUCatas. eeseee reese se 63 ODESAY Mees sban deecuacnpeases 630 PEACCUTS Ake mse ers eeeeaes 633 PACT ATAL cc srac Saiwenevemclecse 629 TichmondenSis..2.s4.--.-¢ 632 Su GheCtara.nc-checaseceoses 634 VERA ce asncsesioscne sa ceseas 629 Caliv mene OSC este secede pacteseccesees 526 Ceramnuisyelimto nieces ceaseceasecee cee 527 Ghonetesireviersaiecuenscierscesecesescens 443 SCibullal ccs cacy canteteraee Bidech alee 443 Gladodusjsimmartusmerecssccceteeesceere rene: 618 Clinton group— fOSSIUISIOL accra duets caine awa ecanwenes's 595 Chonychia excayata. pect ssccceee ese 651 Sup ataye ns tose ceneeeess Sy aul PAGE Coccosteus CUyahOgae......scccscscecseeee 615 Geciplensicisneecsmeenecene 622 Coleolus clintonensis.............ccscceees 47 Colpomya conStricta......../.....ssecceses 659 Conodonts in Medina shale............. 517 Conwilariatbilinteatastececcsseeeoeeeeeeee 547 MIA TALEMSIS: vesccccneosansesees 547 Corallidomus concentricus.............. 493 Corals lof) Clintonsoroup) cscs ose. 601 Cornwlhitesidistans aes aessenceseeoseeeee 532 Crantavcarbonianlavsica tecscceen hoses 484 (Ce opts BRAN Epa amas a 905 Craniella clintomensis::.2.:5.sssssseceoee 565 Ctenodonta icingulatar Vises 678 PERMIAN nse cee ese 680 TEVETSAl i scsdcensteease cone 679 Cyathocrinus maxvillensis............... 465 SOMMETSI coe ates 482 Cycloconcha mediocardinalis..... ..... 686 OVAtAR eases Bee OS7 Cyclomema bilisnie.snesduccsestn eects 501 Cyclorasaltar se easasewsisecssses deteeseees 552 Cyclospira sparsi-plicata.................. 593 Cymatonota attenuata..................008 664 COnStRICtARE steers 664 productifromse asses 665 TEC A causcuscecesee eee 662 Semistriatasssaeeseee 663 ty picaliisuwssaescce sete 662 Cyphaspis clintonéusis% sc.) .c-taea 524 €ypricardites caswellis.27..t:.2.seesees 561 undwlostriatax, ..csssscee 561 Cyrtocerastcretacewmiissa- ar. iesenseeeen 429 clintoneniSis)sasceeescoepeeeeee a34 EatOnenSie i csscheoeo eee 535 sub-compressun}............ 539 Cyrtolites:vounlsis!.2.2..s.0. ss: esseneerere 549 Dalmanites werthneri..............ccsce08 538 Denttalivua¢meamnartimi. ceeeessceeeneeeeeete 423 2 DinicthyS.c...5.c3sscosk eeceueenee ee eeeeree 606 structure Of toothiizccsse-cce 607 terrelli.j. See 621 VentialyantMOm..speeeeteeeeee 620 Miseina liamdlSieecseccsesoeceeeeeeeeeeee ae 452 LOMENSISIeE hegeccunencoe ener 442 mieekaria sic maresnccsesee tees 483-488 TMAINUtAL Ae aoa iasee nee eceeseeeeee 442 Echinocaris multinodosa........c.s+c.ses 458 PUSEMLOSALrncecnwecsescscees 458 Bichwaldia reticuillatayscceseccecssecseeeee 594 Bl pe: talrichis ce... ne tscemenecnessehene nase INDEX... GUY PAGE Encrinurus punctatus..............000 55S) Emidonychialapicalis.. ic. .cst-ssc00-es -. 638 Crenataleerns cc asc.cemecsne cc: 640 paucicostatayy....cc.+-s- 640 ERY PLETUSCTICNSIS suenacee erence sence: 416 Fossils of Clinton groutp.............. ee O9D Gilbertsocrinus spinigerus.............. 447 Gomphoceras amphora......... .......0. 428 lob EIB eaten tac P sed aceBneses 427 GEE UOND seco hen Soueodenndoodd 533 SSIOUEMSS peo gaddoocgaaacs 28 Sonlophora dubiasy eo. soswcs.c0.cneneas 415 Gorcomicthysiclarkt passe seen ses 614 Grammysia bi-sulcata...............2.000 451 Gyroceras columbiense.. ....... sobeunees 450 SEMmIMOd OSU Meco -ee esters 431 FIOlO pea MEwLOMENSIS:. on. dcccas. eseucecs ATT, hilzenuswa mali onatisieay eset seseeee nc scces . 825 GayitOnenSiSsscasseaseseeasseecees 525 ANISUSMIS Armee sotasnt cece vle sess 525 IM AGTS OMATMUSeeeeee aeeen cesta) 526 Ischyrodonta decipiens... 2.-....0......... 673 elonSatalca passes scgiesees 675 THOWISTOVSI A Ge ncodegueRcdose ¥555 LOU) modioliformiis ............ 676 OWAlI SH eeiean ceccecneaeeebt 674 Giiuit Gataleeerccctce cree 672 HAL KOSTOIGKSS i adocucsenosdoe 677 Leiorhynchus limitaris......... aor oer eee 444 Weperditiacallita ers: ses: epes-hesedsies 417 EholenbU bu Ker d2ls soos antoosnaaaadede 41S Leptaena rhomboidalis................... 506 Wei chas Drevicepseces..| ceeecceo ss maemo 52) batten ey bife¢S oc aaoeocpanenion aa bdeecons 441, 462 LITA MTA Testis vec ccieene pati pase sees . 44] Wideleniay OMiOeMSISHasssecee eee stee ace 600 WOXOWemaLp aiavllgM Msc esas esireeeraesece 424 ODOM ETT sooeaansaceonocuonseacas 486 Sip Wlatats.acesceperecsscseese 5d6 Lyrodesma conradi............... Nace wees 6x4 SLANCS rac pecersne ceases heres 683 shavorsulenunbadlhe pnoescodeooacose 682 SUD PlanU tee secce cco seees 683 Macrochelus priSCusi..jssscscsosececnese 424 TESA BULA IS) oanqanmavoagcoacbe 485 subcorpulent is....... .. 478 Meristella bella......... eee e hina aehiea . 412 WACVAS Pe catsuss- sce cocscetacouess 411 MMU OM Aas eMaaceeaeedecuctesss 590 Modiolodonmdechivisterssca csccesecate- 654 ObbWSWS 2.2 -cmcemcnceeaees 654 (ONBUKODONDIS qrincbageaooscoHeaGo 652 SU Ovalliseeesnene cena tence: 655 SWDRECTUSP eccese yee seeeee 653 Modiolopsis rhomboidea..............6+ 560 subrhomboidea ........... 560 Monocladodus: clarkiv 2. s.asecscseeedcrne. 619 Mytilarca mytiliformis.................... 559) PELCALiMALIS ee eeeeeeeeeeeees 422 INALICOPSISROTLOM Ieee ose rten cre nosnoree 489 TAAL ACR seosiies a eeftodewsenecence 477 PAGE NatwtilisrOrtOnissaenctesssscoctesesce EhncouoG ekelo) PAUPer ss sseeeseeesecsee eotessseaoD Spe Ctalbilliicuesatantee mectnesses . 480 subquadranguiaris .......... . 487 Nucleospira rotunmdata. 0 7...0.-.-+ce. 413 INiwemlates: ferro Cuma eee ssc dem sees 564 INAVEISSEL Bligeabltusknoynccepidedaodesos gti Peano Opisthopteraaltermatat gins desseese 644 AMPA see ceeisceiens eats .. 647 CASED ee One aa iee eee .. 643 ExtemUMatay ane oresescea-eee 645 HISSICOS tales passes eee sees 643 laticostatay se cen. ceoee 646 tO talomldse ees rctecsateaias 648 ODiGq War aes esa c.cesneeee es 646 Oxthis jbiforatans3.c5.cqsacsces-eecccecaces d79 Callilitgaraitn maken ansneseeenc aeons 570 day,tomensiSjmteegnseereceeeaseeees 575 el€gamtuyac. ppiecihhscaeieineesmeceaee 581 PAUSE. | erties ea ease . ot 1 obiA1o} calXGlie BAU eater Aal aR a Aa es .. O84 EVO Siac eisis tat eee aus .. 45:3 Orthocerasamy Cus. eeitewsccssece sce 545 Clava bum ee oe Mena ai Conoldewml we eee eae 546 CrawlOndinsies sys sse eee ss » O46 daytonensejis. access 530 GiaganyUewbas) Asc graspoobsasascoos 54 HannOverense siiecceecccses 543 UG OL UTI ees cae senor 53!) TBKELS}OLBDED cn couonde soaodadon 543-5 JAMIE S Tai ve sna g elgeales amas 546 lata-numimulatuim ......... 538 nova carlislense.......2... 545 TABOO BHO pres gbunsodacoweLosuGS 425 FE CEUTA tse eiae sist tiene 530) SPyLOCETOIMES i aeccnerosecen 545 turgido-nummulatum ... 538 Salt; Scull ait reas eae 543 VOUS ey eS Mee 537 Orthodesima)paryuani ys eee ne 660 subangulatut............. 660 @rtonellavhaimesiy eo ise sce eee cescee 670 Pachydietya bifrcatay sn anes.sseeee see 599 Palaeomeilo) simiilise ea -eeceeenes wee 453 Palaeopaleemon newberry).............. 461] Paleopupavabruptarscssenesc rence 506 Pentatmerus pesovis...y4-eccnscueeeseesacs 414 RenbremiltesieleganSei ya aienaec sears 466 Phacops)tmswleatus) io. aguscsccssases 529 PhAcnoporavexpanSas...c.c. sass se 598 Physetomya acuminata.................. 693 Pinnalmaxvyilllensish ee ces es aheueses 474 Platycerasimilagarense....s.c.sssssceeseee 5d3~4 SqWalodenisr ye eieeercssaeeas 423 Plectambonites transversalis........... 566 Pleurotomaria filitescta rate. sesceccee 550 inexpectasy..ccsessee 549 Plumulites newberryi............s.c0ces- 465 Polyphemopsis melanoides.............. 478 Polporalvarsonvianus:....ses-c.ssceecees 467 PRroductiselegantseercnsassccccrsesssesecs 469 jOnUkSrb Roy eFON IS cadedeaaca5. Gaccoobe 470) 700 INDEX. PAGE PrOStUS GeLETIMMALIS. coscccececcetewerces 523 Psiloconchaveliliptical...-.cec-ceecdsesece 667 PATS peeecesesereesesseece 665 AMOUM ACA Sse vecsostees accents: 667 THI MI eeeeee er ees HeBencd 669 peranglatan cesses 649 SimUlaia) ec ercseeeeeee eee es 668 Stub Owalisemescertesteeererees 666 Sib nectar araceeeccesserne 667 femuistriatavercsceescssees 688 Rterinea aviculotdedessccsstscs-. accceeees 415 DISA eee se eee meas seceese 597 flava lies RUN i Soa weleie'ets 449 yb oa hU bie pra ae bed ht Mean are 445 Btilodictya lanceolata... 0.cs+<+.cc0e 598 SWilalithell Gigteemeaseseatseciereces 598 VME IIOIMlOEUS GECLPLEMS nese ncsececconses 681 subcuneatus..........c20. 682 Nap iaistomaafitlersewnescsossecaQercseses 550 Receptaculites devonicus................ 419 IEEZ aS HIM OSANass seaseacceiosseaeeaaes Wahee 413 nyncwonellayacimiusis:cestscsceeressesace 593 lay Gira tila Carn eemeeseseectne 414 Atel COStaseesesee eee eno 421 SCOPItials we teeseeocetsees 592 Rinyiimyaypyrnesinc: scocesesstenecu dace 689 COMPTKESSAKeae. sere ese eee ss 692 CONV emacs t ee tasice se cies 691 micleboroug hive 0. ...c5cs 690 Ohana cee eee Cconcecesces 689 PLOGUCHAR RTs deeccseacisesseces 688 TeAKabL AML anevGoo niscsboosesesabor 692 Schizodus chesterensis......cccccccceceeee 474 SPMACLEXOCHIISHPISUMn hs .ccecsccecesecs=- 528 Spibifera COUutTACtAN wisscdcsecsecces+coes 471 PAGE Spiriferadineatalsmccssedceseseeeeseeees 488 SOON), so ncaaoaeuos PAs Bacedoosd6 444 rocky-montana.............0.006 471 VATNUSCOTM tan see eeeconcecneereceee 412 FACZACH cetacean amet aceete ein nees 448 Spirorbis anthracosia...1.c-.s-cese eee 492 Straparollus incarinatuml..............0 552 Simi lis), Woes eenee ce see ee 476 Streptorhynchus crassuml........ ...... 468 flabelluim eee 421 hydraulicum......... 410 Stricklandinia tripleciana................ 54 Strophomena hanoverensis....... ..... 567 tenuisa nee ool ewaccmee 568 Patentaytes nsec ee 569 Stylastraca anna cs. essscncssstoancceses 420 Subitlites dinrectusi:ceu secs seee cence 594 plani-lateralis 10.2 cesseeeee 598 Synocladia rectistyla......... Bbopstoaabodac 467 Technophorus punctostriatus.......... 685 yoldiiformis. 5.0... 02.00 635 Tellinomya clintonensis.................. 563 EliliptiCass. st cscecesee eae 562 MUNIN Ay oes ceeeee een 563 SOCIAIIS [5h0..ccessseaseesreres 563 Merebratulal tured dasiyeyes.sceoeceetseees 473 Mitanicthys'...scsetsss.cemeuselet aes eee 608 attemWatus foo sccdeseec eee 612 Trematoceras Ohioenses 2... .--sc-sseceee 427 AiriplecialOrtoni-cicss scsssssescaseeecseee 585 Wihitellaohioensisi....ccsccnceeseace eres 678 Zaphrentis cliffordana..... 00.2. secscssese 465 ZA CTINUS 1110 OLESIrehaasensbeceetecseeneee 4&3 Nehy Ale Aa ol jose Int -s ; HOSHIE Pe Ag Ey ve PAGE, Figs. 1-3. STREPTORHYNCHUS HYDRAULICUM Winitfir.:-.c..-e-2 esos sees eeeeree 410 1. View of a cast of a ventral valve, twice enlarged. 2and 3. Views ofa dorsal valve, natural size and enlarged. Figs. 4-5. SPUR THE RAG N/AGNUERH Mil tel alll etiae snienecisseeisieceatastae eet aren eceee «res ae caters 411 4. View ofa very large dorsal valve. 5. View of a ventral valve, also of large size. Cast of a ventral valve. Figs. 6-7. MERISTEL LA AVIS!) VAMUXEM, (c. cho secccsecedecontecesionsecsncicnaccer ee teeteee 411 6 7. View from a gutta-percha impression in the mould of a dorsal valve. Figs. 8-10. MERISTELLA BELLA Hiall................ pabEDoandacogobEebo BORD OOUEAIBAHACSO CS cee a2 8. View of a ventral valve. 9and 10. Opposite sides of an internal cast, the first showing indications of the in- ternal spires. Bigs. 1-14: (NUCLEOSPIRA ROTUNDATA With. ..2..<.2..cccc.se--cescees sete tes ee eee 413, lland 12. Casts of ventral valves. 13 and 14. Dorsal and profile views of an internal cast of a large and rotund specimen. Figs. 15-16. RETZIA FORMOSA Hall........... sicisitele sig are ei sides cgeainssubas seine cube Gee eereeeeemee leo 15. View of a small dorsal valve. 16. View of a ventral valve enlarged. This individual resembles the form common in Tennessee. Fig. 17. RHYNCHONELLA HYDRAULICA Whitf...... cbaisisnnwacanetatts Fipanaesos Soon c° - 414 17. View of a cast of a dorsal showing the form of the shell as noticed in several speci- mens. Bigs 718-225 (PENTAMERUS) PES-OVIS) WhItf..-..0-.ccecsssepessnrectaeseions set ssw omeaeneeeeeee 414 18-21. Views cf casts of veutral valves, showing some variations in form, 22. Cast of a dorsal valve showing the long and distant processes. Fig. 23. RiERENE A: AVICULOIDEA: EHalliie coscecc.sscnceresenaccsnsnase eee eee 415 23. View of a left valve showing the general form. Figs. 24-26. GONIOPHORA DUBIA Hall............ salslonc dod sisaeelleiset siveiive ce Salento cae enanrveet 415 View ofa right valve, natural size. Cardinal view of the two valves in outline. Enlargement of a similar valve. PADD ADIGVON YNoAWN, (Copal Vole oosacoqoococossoosonc aga sidocwairemeaaseciee gaccenstie tee Ble The right valve of a specimen enlarged showing slight indications of the ocular tubercle. Figs. 28-30. LEPERDITIA ANGULIFERA Whitf............. eee a nsnanscitor esata ..- 418 28 and 29. Views of a right and a left valve showing a very slight variation in form. 30. Outline profile of the valves united. Figs. 31-32. EURVPTERUS ERIENSIS Whitf.............0..00 scovoenrsoereae BOGE espe en aeoSec 416 31. View of a head-plate showing the rounded front, the small occular tubercles, and small single facets between them. 32. View of the dorsal surface of the thorax lacking the terminal spine. hy ee 08 NPRE to “I PEAKE ST ANNALS N.Y. ACAD. SCIENCES. (SILURIAN.) OHIO GEOL. SURVBY, VAOLN Vn Tlie A SECOND ANN REPT. ———————————— — + R. P. Whitfield, Del EN pat privet vues TH UWL Oe ASE VE ee i Figs. Pi Awe ie [EON SIVILASTRIGA ANNAN Wihitfhie. cs. scadsasce: ssmawers sian saia(eato/neranmiite Neterac BSE 420 1. View ot the upper surface of a specimen showing the center of the cells occupied by the transverse tabule 2. Longitudinal section showing the external surface of the cell-walls striated by the rays. Enlarged transverse section of a single cell to show the vertical interadial ridges extending from the sides of the rays. The central portion also shows the tab- ular plate. 4. Vertical section of a part of a large mass, showing the tabule and also the side of the vertical rays with vertical ridges and intermediate cystose structure. 5. Transverse section of several cells, natural size, and showing the transverse tabule. eo Fig. 6. RHYNCHONELLA RARICOSTA Whitf................. Relea etn na henhete een eee ee tee 42] 6. View of the ventral valve of the specimen described. (1-9. , STREPTORHYNCHUS BLABELLUM: Whitt sc5..css--ce-cessesconne eee ee eee 421 7. View of a ventral valve. 8. View of the dorsal valve. . 9. Cardinal view of the specimen fig. 7, enlarged to two diameters. oe lO: RECEPTACULITES DEVONTCUS) Wihithe nce .ccescestoce ce Seee Nee cee ee eR ee eee 419 10. View of the specimen described. BVA Eyl: SURVBY, :O GEOL. On ( DEVONIAN.) COND ANN. REPT, sa VOL. V, PL. VI. ret LAWS, JUNG Eales ll 2 OR THOCHERAS ONUND TUM wet aller ciasosewececlieds socio ie saccemueccieenserete sees 1. View of a large individual of this species from the white cherty layers of the for- mation near Dublin, Ohio, showing the general features of the shell, the figure being cut toaccommodate the length of the plate. The lower portion of the short section represents the form of the septum at about that position, the shell having been broken near that point. 2. Enlargement of the surface from the lower part of the shell. Bigs. 4) MACROCHE IL US PRISCUS WiMitit en. saceevcereserayses ness Medenenaceeeereeaa eee 3and4. View of the aperture showing the straight columella, elfen imperfect at the lower end, and a back view of the same specimen, both enlarged to two diameters. Fig. 6. LOXONEMA PARVULUM Whitf. 5, View of a very perfect specimen enlarged four times. Kiess6—8.4 WPLATYCERAS SQUALODENS WIDE. .2.,2n...2.ss0tee cetccoseocceccoleeeecten oneodeaer 6-5. Lateral and vertical views of the specimen described, the latter showing the form of t e base. ee ee eee eee eee eee ee ee See eee eeceeeeeeereseesseseesese Fig. 9. GOMPHOCERAS AMPHORA Whitf. §. View of the upper part of a specimen showing the deep sinus of the aperture and the crowding of the septa in the upper part. Fig. 10. DENTALIUM MARTINI Whitf. 10. View of a specimen retaining the shell and preserving nearly the entire length. See eee eee eee eee ree eee ee rere essen eeecereseeesescee eee eee ee ee eee eee ee ee 424 A baN Iie) TUN, OHIO GEOL. SURVEY. (DEVONIAN) ACAD. SCIENCES ANNALS N.Y. SECOND ANN RBPT TI PL. V MORI avs, Dues co iene PA ASE LV: PAGE. Fig. 1. GOMPHOCERAS? HyaTri Whitf. (See also Plate V).............. Baran, 21°40) 1 Side view of animp rfect specimen showing the rapid contra:-tion of the dorsal side toward the aperture. Figs. 2-3. CyRTOCERAS CRETACEUM Whitf................. Nash Soe opuanSSAcdns: deascHaaaeee ne 2. Dorsal view of an imperfect specimen, slightly restored in the outer chamber, showing the siphuncle in the lower part.. The lirationsin the lower part are produced by the advancing scars of muscular impressions. Side view of another individual, a part of the separate portion removed to show the siphuncle. Fig. 4. GOMPHOCERAS SCIOTENSE Whitf...................00008 seven tomeaeen enter estates 4. Side view of the outer chamber of the specimens Figs. 13 and 14, on Plate II, showin» the depth of the septum. Fig. 5. GYROCERAS SEMINODOSUM Whitf......... haces Tesdeodaodesce ease setae 5. Side view of the specimen describe1, showing the absence of nodes on the inner whorls. On the dorsum of the outer volution a fragment of the shell re- mains indicating its thickness. iv) PEATE VIVE ANNALS N. Y. ACAD. SCIENCES. { DEVONIAN ) OHIO GHOL. SURVEY, VOL. V., PL. VIII SECOND ANN. RSPT. 2 she kl ma meri ad WOT aes: 29h Thaeg: He Mee Se rot ILO ae i PLATE V. i ventral view of the enecimen figured on Plate IV showing the breadth of the specimen. Y Fig 2 2. GOMPHOCERAS ScIoTENSE Whitt. 2.08 oe en ee mie aes Diagram snowing the form of the aperture and its relation to the bares of the f shell as seen in a top view of the specimen figured on Plate MA Pibyav Itc, WW. EPT. OHIO GEOL. SURVEY, SECOND ANN RI ( DEVONIAN.) [a\5e mq A oO x Z b Cae ) e ANNALS N J EPNGEIS WAL PAGE. Figs. 1-2. MyTILARCA PERCARINATA Whitf...... sisters Salchjsaisg seommeee ceils BA EE pen acnane: 422 1. Vertical view ofa left valve, the extremity of the hinge is restored in outline 2. View of the anterior side of the shell showing the depth of the shell. Figs. 3-4: TREMATOCERAS OHIOENSE Whitl................000 boShOBES Pot pepbodae sddSboeds 426 3. Lateral view of the specimen used for description showing the line of nodes formed by the closing of the perforations, the upper one being in the outer chamber was not entirely closed. . 4. Section of the lower end of the specimen showing the form of the siphon. Figs. 6-7. GOMPHOCERAS SCIOTENSE Whitf........ ........6. Ge ge aieclens Soe soenee eee 6and7. Fr nt and lateral views of the specimen showing the form and the septa. For other figures see Plates VIII and IX. Fig. 8. GVROCERAS(COLUMBIENSE, With ca-ccseeesceeceecee ee eea-ccdee tose eeeeeaeee 8. Lateral view of an imperfect internal castof a specimen of about the usual size showing indications of the arrangement of the septa. LAINE. » WIL ANNALS N. Y. ACAD. SCIENCES. ( DEVONIAN.) Violen AP sien ok OHIO GEOL. SURVEY, SECOND ANN REPT. Feguctts ‘ eke Ho ah 9 ie 8s a Pir OWe pMa che Ras ba rodeenwarly * bE sat “prone + ' i gn Freres ea a hy ya ; PAGE IS Siel te Ie ENG UAW MEANING Ela leva ocesonas oa feasisinnessanncine seascenacsastone Bbesnodsocse ppocncns 441 land 2. Views of two different individuals varying slightlyin size. From near Du»- lin, Ohio. Figs. 3-4. DLINGULA LIGEA (?) Hali.................- BUCA Bigle Gals Gunde oes Saen CEA nea 441 3and4. View of a specimen natural size and enlarged. Str —O.y ID ISCINACMEN UDA ET allo o.cc tise cepa ciedis «ete » else cette ccler Seats ehaceinecs Soames ees eeciee 442 5. View of a lower valve enlarged to three diameters. 6. View of an upper valve enlarged to the same extent. Fig. 7. DISCINAMILODENSIS Pall eccensnecscosecstercncccaseaneesaeneern ena eoeeeaeer eee 442 7. View of a lower valve, natural size. TGS O A CHONE LES sREVE RSAY WIMICE: oe acs suse cuecenotbie es desencmnattecccceteccetene Seeeenoase 443 - 8. View of the specimen described showing the general form and the cardinal spines. 9. En argement of the surface to show the alteruating striz. Roel Oc CHONE EES SCLEUIA, lal | so 5.cacscenctosecisaatentsnsteassecardnececaauonse sseten So0n000 443 10. View of a specimen referred to this species, the diagram at the side shows the depth and curvature of the valves. Ligne ETOREVNCH US LIMEEARTS, VaAtlUXCM «ca.).0seseesissareeecereseeeoe cone ceeee eee 444 1l A view ofa ventral valve, natural size. Fig. 12. GILBERTSOCRINUS SPINIGERUS Hall............. Patan cee Sa ge aera aa eias 444 12. View of the anterior side of the specimen. Bigs 1S ep LOPIRTERRASZICZAG Halll: ce: sc sccasttecmeeecnae cet cong cate etc ae seaaee ee Reeeeee 448 13. View of a ventral valve, the surface exfoliated. Rigas SOPIRTRERA MATA Billings... .cc.cnccaseeseonsstacsce seserematnen: eoecccce eee 447 14. View of a cast of adorsal valve. oayo: e gePy RE RINE ACSIMTIETS Wittith 2 oc aet cones oie ites, cau as anc ace eerie ena Ree eae 445 15. View of a left valve showing form and surface markings eel Gh eA TC UI OPE CAE Niece © Ui AT RUAW Eval lasmeme tte: ese meee se eee eee ete ee 445 16. View of an impression ofa left valve enlarged. BIS aia; PP PLERINE AGHA BELLA cera 152, (50 jase dsedoowssecescata nse stenet tok seeceeeete eee 449 17. View ofa left valve. restored on the anterior margin. ulcal8a2) INVASSAG ARG UDS=Eepand \Wrasssesecetosecesecneesee sores RPO Rea csace aaa ocernceaicc 451 18. View of a right valve showing the general form. Hig lO. GRAMMVGTAYBISUL CATA (Conrad, 4°15. sivscsevn es 3-0. eee aoe eee 451 19. A right valve, natural size. ; Biss 205 “ ACKINODESMA SUBRECTA Wihith 2 c2. si0.c<2 cess oss. cseceeee se cec eee eee 450 20. Impression in the stone ofa left valve. JEON UES ANNALS N Bes ACAD. SCIENC] MOE. I 5 PR. Sat PLAT WUE (DEVONIAN ) OHIO GI SECON ce BOL. SURVEY, D ANN REPT. Str otis ee Fi RIAUIES Vallee PAGE. Figs. 1-2. LINGULA LIGEA Hall........... Meratocep dhabeinaee atanddace eee Meant ene 462 View of a spec men from the Huron Shales at Delaware, Ohio. The same enlarged to show muscular imprints. 1 2 Fig. 3. ORTHIS TIOGA Hall....... gethcea diieedcdascstics eee Ceee eeeeeeeee Rene Sener ea 453 3. View of a concretion containing valves of two individuals, natural size. Figs. 4-5. PAT AONEIT Ob SIMELIS Wiiithie = :ossetencnss scceceeatectenninae ee sce ace eee meee 453 4 Side view o: the specimen described, natural size. 5. Cardinal view enlarged showing impressions of teeth igsrO—lNer (PVUMULIEES NEWBERR VE WIth o..5.. Pygidium of the above. Fig. 6. PHILLIPSIA MERAMECENSIS Shumard. Pygidium, enlarged two diameters. Fig: 7. PRGTUS MINUTUS Herrick. 7. Greatly enlarged. It is probable that this isa young specimen of Proetns precur- sor. Intermediate forms show that the length of the axial portion of the glabel- 3 la varies with age. This specimen is almost microscopic. Moot’s run. Fig. 8. PHILLIPSIA SERRATICAUDATA Herrick. 8. Pygidium and its markings. 8d. Portion of head. Upper |Keokuk) layers of Waverly at Newark. erie oh PHA THONIDES IMMATURUS Herrick. Pygidium. Probably immature or depauperate forms of P spinosus. This form occurs in the shales, while the typical specimens are from the lime concretions of the same strata, Cuyahoga shale, Cuyahoga Falls, 40 feet below the coal measure conglomerate. This form is generally lab=2led P. lodiensis by collectors. Figs. 10-11. PHASTHONIDES OCCIDENTALIS Herrick. a. Portion of head, enlarged two diameters. 6. Pygidium, natural size. Kinderhook division (conglomerate I) Granville. 1l. Hypostome of some trilobite, perhaps Phillipsia seraticaudata Herrick. Fig. 12. PRGETUS sp? (perhaps haldemani). Shales near base of Waverly, one mile east of Harlem, Licking cou nty Bugeel3: PRG:TUS (?). Portion of head from the upper division. Figs. 14-15. PrajTus AURICULATUS Hall. 14. Reduced one-half. Kinderhook freestone, near Granville. 15. Pygidium of unknown trilobite (perhaps Phzthonides) from upper division (| Bur- lington) near Newark. Fig. 16a. PRGETUS PRASCURSOR Herrick. A rather immature specimen. Cuyahoga shale Lodi, Ohio. Fig. 160-c. PHA THONIDES SPINOSUS Herrick (?). Pygidium apparently of this species trom shales of Cuyahoga strata at Lodi. In the fourth volume of the Bulletin of Denison University these pygidia and the associated heads were recognized as a distinct species (Phillipsia? cousors) but the attempt to unite the characters of two genera should not have been made. We have since found the forms connecting such glabelle with typical Proetus prematurus, which species is typically represented in the concretions at the same place. The pygidia cai hardly be other than depauperate forms of P. spi- nosus of the same horizon. PALEONTOLOGY XIV. Waverly Group. Geol, of Ohio, Vol. VII. Ss IN S SN SS N sI PAG Ove PAGE. ELE NMUPRO NIMES (CRIEINILS TRTAN: rose cts gascncede seinen cache deeesntdceeeeeetee Se oulae sistem) Loar Ten feet above the Ohio river at Sciotoville. Cuyahoga shale at same horizon as Moots’ run. This species is abundant throughout the Waverly in numerous vari- etal forms, deserving close study. SPIRIFER MARIONENSIS, Shumard. Cuyahoga shales, Portsmouth,O It would appear that S. centronota, Winchell applies to the variety of this species which occurs in the northern part of the state and which has frequently (as by the writer) been identified with S. bipli- catus. The latter is, however, restricted to the upper third of the Waverly and is ~ a smaller species. ‘ HINGE VIEW OF SPIRIFER. ‘ Sp. like S.altus) from Moot’srun. (See Fig. 11.) SPIRIFER TENUISPINATUS, Herrick. Cuyahoga shales, Moot’s run. HEMIPRONITES. Young individual from Moot’s run. SPIRIFER, Sp. Keokuk division, Newark. SPIRIFER DELTOIDEUS, Herrick. Conglomerate (Kinderhook) Granville. SPIRIFER BIPLICATUS, Hall. Upper layers, (Keokuk and Burlington) Newark, O. SPIRIFER STRIATIFORMIS, Meek. Full-grown dorsal value. Upper layers, ‘Keokuk and Burlington) Newark, O. SPIRIFER (see Fig. 3.). Geol. of Ohio, Vol. VII. PALEONTOLOGY XV. Waverly Group CL MerrigR Peon LASTS OU TIGGH oe Ese a ee) a era te e Fig. PLATE: XVI. SHPETO NOMS WNW WIG US Me Ml aac senoncobacsoceceoabasmcoed deoacooas Upper part of Cuy :hoga shale 30 feet below conglomerate 1. PROTHYRIS MEEKI, Hall. Kinderhook, Shaies below conglomerate II CTENODONTA HOUGHTONI, Stevens. Cuyahoga shale. PALA ONEILO CURTA, Herrick. Kinderhook Freestone, Granville. ' DEXIOBIA OVATA, Hall. Kinderhook, near conglomerate II, Newark. ORACARDIA CORNUTA, Herrick. Cuyahoga shale, ‘Waverly shale” below conglomerate I. DENIOBIA OVATA, Hall. Kirderhook, Gann Figs. 8-10. ORACARDIA CORNUTA, Herrick. Fig. Wile ls g. 18. Kinderhook Freestone, Granville. NUCULANA sp. Kinderhook, near conglomerate II, Gann. NUCULANA Sp. Kinderhook, Granville. NUCULANA SIMILIS, Herrick. Below conglomerate I. PALAONEILO CONSIMILIS, Herrick. Base of Cuyahoga shale, Harlem, Delaware county PaLAONEILO IGNOTA, Herrick. Cuyahoga shale, Moot’s run. NUCULANA SACCATA, Winchell. “Waverly shale,’’ below conglomerate I. PAL ONEILO SULCATINA, Conrad. Cuyahoga shale. PALONEILO (?) MARSHALLENSIS, Winchell. This specimen is from the upper parts of the Wav rly. but is found throughout the series with no obvious differences. It seems to be identical with Hall’s Palzoneilo truncata and Winchell’s Sanguinolites marshal-ensis. MACRODON NEWARKENSIS, Herrick. Burlington and Keokuk, Newark, O. SPATHELLA VENTRICOSA, Hall. Keokuk. Freestone at Granville O. MvTILaRCa FIBRISTRIATA, W. and W. Cuyahoga shale. Moot’s run. NUCULANA DIVERSA H (?). Peninsula O. NUCULANA NUCULAFORMIS, Stevens (?). Burlington, Newark, O Geol. of Ohio, Vol. Vil. PALEONTOLOGY XVI. Waverly Group. bo wo PV AWE, 2 Vali: e PAGE SCHIZODUS PROLONG AD USM ele rig Ck eereeren steep sa se seen eect eee ee eer es 512 Cuyahoga shale (upper portion or Wav rly shale) Licking c ouuty. SCHIZODUS PALAONILIFORMIS, Herrick. Kinderhook Freestone; Licking county. SCHIZODUS HARLEMENSIS, Herrick. Lower part of Cuyahoga shale. Near Harlem, Delaware county. SPHENOTUS (CYPRICARDIA?) sp. Upper layers of Cuyahoga shale, Licking county. GRAMMYSIA FAMELICA, Herrick. Upper layer of Cuyahoga shale, Licking county SCHIZODUS NEWARKENSIS, Herrick. Burlington group, Newark, Ohio. MACRODON sp. Cuyahoga shale, Moot’s run CYPRICARDINIA SCITULA, Herrick. Cuyahoga shale, Moot’s run. MACRODON RESERVATUS, Hall. Kinderhook, Granville, Ohio. SCHIZODUS TRIANGULARIS, Herrick. Kinderhook, Granville, O. GRAMMYSIA ? HANNIBALENSIS, Shumard. Kinderhook Granville, Ohio. SCHIZODUS QUADRANGULARIS, Hall. Kinderhook, Granville. Ohio. SCHIZODUS TRIANGULARIS, Herrick. Kinderhook, Granville, Ohio. Geol. of Ohio, Vol. VIL PALEONTOLOGY XVII ° Waverly Group CL Verrick_ es Q ied ae) Ie Dy sess 4. 5. m Fig. 6. Fig. 7. Lae ie 8. Fig. oF Fig. 10. Fig. 1). PLATE XVIII. YORTHOCERAS RUSHENSIS (?)....Js.cccseectesssesnes snes pelea: iss Cuyahoga s :ale, upper layers (Waverly shile . GONIATITES LYONI, Hall. Kinderhook Freestone; Granville, Ohio. NAUTILUS sp. Cuyahoga shale, Moot’s run OPERCULUM? 4 Cuyaho « SecA (CKCCNANNNNNN my) ESE ESSER ON = ¥ ' 7P IFAT OX a \ E , bn From Bedford shales at Central College. 5 a a TANG ULE TRGETS 8 ben one Aika roca ie Smee tei. 50 -DISCINA, SP. Poa : * tak aS MARTINIA UMBONATA, H. MaAcCRODON HAMILTONIA, H. GONIATITES, SP. _STROPHOMENA RHOMBOIDALIS. From shales above Berea Grit. ATRYPA RETICULARIS. PALASONEILO BEDFORDENSIS. MICRODON BELLISTRIATUS, Conr. ORTHIS VANUXEMI, H. BELLEROPHON HELENA. -PTERINOPECTEN, SP. NUCULANA DIVERSA, H. ae ie PLEUROTOMARIA SULCOMARGINATA. . | ILOXONEMA DELPHICOLA. _ ORTHOCERAS, SP. 1 \ Waverly Group. PALEONTOLOGY XxX, Geol. of Ohio, Vol. VII. LCV. Ch Mery JAC ININS DOE. Hig. 1. REDYN CHONE lA SAP PEO mp llalllenensncicieactecssct oaeseeearseescts Kinderhook or base of Burlington Figs. 2-3. SPIRIFER WINCHELLI Herrick. Lower part of Burlington. Above conglomerate IT. Figs. 4-7. SYRINGOTHYRIS HERRICKI Suchert. Finderhook. Freestone at Granville. Fig. 8. PLATYCERAS HERTZERI Meek. Cast, Kinderhook, Granville, O. Fig. 9: ORTHIS VANUXEMI, VAR GRACILIS Herrick. Kinderhook, Granville. Fig. 10. CRYPTONELLA EUDORA Hall. Kinderhook, Granville. Eee lil PALAEKONEILO? MARSHALLENSIS Winchell. Kinderhook, Granville. Fig. 12. UNIDENTIFED. Kinderhook or Burlington. Fig. 13. SPIRIFERINA SOLIDIROSTRIS White. Burlington. Fig. 14. HEMIPRONITES CRENISTRIA Phil. Kinderhook, Granville. Fig. 15. SCHIZODUS CONEUS Hall. Kinderhook. Fig. 16. UNIDENTIFIED CRINOID. Kinderhook. Big. 17. CTENODONTA HOUGHTONI Stevens. Kinderhook. Fig. 18. RHYNCHONELLA Sp. cece eee reccccsoere Geol, of Ohio, Vol. VII. PALEONTOLOGY XxXIl. Waverly Group - PLATE XXII. : PAGE Balke LINGULA (SCOTICA VAR.) WAVERLIENSIS Herrick............... ode eaa ee ROOS In shale immediately above conglomerate II at Newark, O. 3 oy LINGULA GANNENSIS Herrick. Knox county, O., middle Waverly. 4 5 OSs VENTRAL VALVE OF SAME SPECIES. A, LINGULA MEMBRANACEA Winchell. : Sixty feet above conglomerate II, near Loudonville, O. Figs. 5-6. LINGULA ATRA Herrick. Ventral and dorsal valves. Near junction of the Cuyahoga with Little Cuyahoga river. Lowest part of Cuyahoga or Berea shales. Figs. 7-8. LINGULA MEEKI Herrick. Locality and position as above. Big. 9: LINGULA CUYAHOGA Hall. Locality and position as above. % Fig. 10. LINGULA MELIE Hall. Locality and position as above. Fig. 11: ORBICULOIDEA NEWBERRYI Hall. Locality and position as above. Fig. 12. ORBICULOIDEA PLEURITES Meek. Shale above conglomerate II, Newark, Gann and Loudonville. Fig. 13. ORBICULOIDEA NEWBERRYI Hall. Cuyahoga or Berea shale. Fig. 14. CRENIPECTEN CANCELLATUS Herrick. Cuyahoga shale, Moots’ run and northern Ohio. Fig. 15. PTERINOPECTEN LAETUS Hall. Cuyahoga shale, Moots’ run. Fig. :6. PTERINOPECTEN CARINIFERUS Herrick. A left valve without the usual sinus beneath the ear. Cuyahoga shale. Big. 17- ALLORISMA CUYAHOGA Herrick. Flags below the lower falls of the Cuyahoga river, near base of the Cuyahoga shale. Fig. 18. EDMONDIA SULCIFERA, Herrick. Small specimen from Cuyahoga shale at Cuyahoga Falls. Fig. 19. ENTOLIUM AVICULATUM H. Cuyahoga shale. The two valves are almost in their natural relation, the upper one upper one having been broken away to show the interior of the opposite valve. Fig. 20 EDMONDIA SULCIFERA Herrick. - e Hinge view. Fig. 21. ENTOLIUM AVICULATUE H. Right valve. Fig. 22. PTERINOPECTEN ASHLANDENSIS Herrick. Cuyohoga shale, near Ashland. Fig. 24. EDMONDIA SULCIFERA Herrick. Cuyahoga shale, Licking county. Fig. 25. SoLENOMYA (?) CUYAHOGENSIS Herrick. Cuyahoga falls, 30 feet below conglomerate. Fig. 26. MACRODON sp. Cuyahoga shales. Fig. 27. LYRIOPECTEN NoDOCOSTATUS Herrick. Cuyahoga shales, Licking county. Waverly Group PALEONTOLOGY XXII. Geol of Ohie, Vol. VIL. WW aa! “ Fy Pee Rr eM Re ar nt RS ieee eR iy Stas Lea hieaa ated. vy BOD. Sits we SF pe? PS ED and ero sity trade aa aT hsrih wrasta at an “brash Suz006k ant wean AEROS 4 ROOK OT ad os , 4 om DOR eER 2 i by Agila ATA Ue Dey ef erates spaniels pee Fig. pelts g. 1. - 21. 22 CAINS, DOUG : PAGE. ; CRENIPECTEN (AVICULOPECTEN?) COOPERI, Depauperate form : Ofwternickanerene sania se daealstes Meneses eemneeseeeoatione pmeromecrccoaccanasnco OY) Allied species, as represented in the shales 50 feet below the conglomerate at Cuyahoga Falls. ; | Right and left valve of apparently the same species from the same place. é AVICULA RECTA Herrick. From same locality. NuCULA HOUGHTONI (?). From sanie locality. CYPRICARDITES SP? From the highest horizon of the Waverly at Rushville. An interior view of the beak of a species of Syringothyris to show the form of the tube. PRODUCTUS RARICOSTATUS Herrick. From the Cuyahoga shale at Moots’ Run, Licking County. A variable form in some cases approaching P. lachrymosus. Found in shales and concretions. : ATHYRIS ASHLANDENSIS Herrick. : Cuyahoga shale of Ashland and Licking counties. SPIRIFER DISJUNCTUS Hall. From the Erie shale, to compare with the Waverly species. MARTINIA PREMATURA H. Erie shale as above. PRODUCTUS NEWBERRYI, var. ANNOSUS Herrick Towest fossiliferous levels of Cuyahoga shale in Licking county. RHYNCHONELLA MARSHALLENSIS Winchell. Very closely allied to R. sappho of the Chemung. The species occurs in the Cuy- ahoga division and continues with slight variations into the upper series. PRODUCTUS RUSHVILLENSIS Herrick. Characteristic of a horizon nearly 100 feet above conglomerate II at Rushville, Newark and Loudonville. RHYNCHOSPIRA (?) ASHLANDENSIS Herrick: Cuyahoga shale at Lyon Falls. (On the description of plates in vol. IV of the Bulletins of Denison University where this species was first mentioned it was called Heiorhynchus ? richlandensis.) TEREBRATULA INCONSTANS Herrick. I,odi, Moots’ Run, Richland Co , ete., Cuyahoga shale. SANGUINOLITES NAIADIFORMIS Winchell. Top of middle Waverly at Granville. The species is most abundant immediately beneath conglomerate I. ALLORISMA CONVEXA Herrick. Middle Waverly in Licking county. ALLORISMA NOBILIS Dekoninck. Middle Waverly in Licking county. GONIODON (PALAONEILO? OHIOENSIS Herrick. Cuyahoga shale, Moots’ Run. SPHENOTUS CONTRACTUS W. W. Cuyahoga shale at Moots’ Run. / 42. te. 4 ia Geol. of Ohio, Vol. VII. PALEONTOLOGY XXIII. Waverly Group. Al hy ie nee Rae ay eo a vi al i Snes aed tat PLATE XXIV. PAGE. Bigeye " LEIOPTERIA (KLEPTODESMA) ORTONI, Herrick........c..cccssersssesssesssess OID Upper part of Cuyahoga shale, (‘Waverly shale,’”’) Licking county. RSW 2 AVICULA SUBSPATURATA, Iterdek, Division III, (Burlington) Newark. Fig. 3. CRENIPECTEN CRENISTRIATUS, Meek. Same position and locality as the last. Fig. 4. CRENIPECTEN CAROLI, Win. (). Kinderhook (Div. II.) Gann. Eigevlo. STREBLOPTERIA SP. Locality and position like the last. Fig. 6. STREBLOPTERIA SP?. Division ILI (Burlington group) Newark. There is apparently a complete series of transitions from Streblopteria media of the Cuyahoga shales toS. gracilis of the Kinderhook and the present form. a Fig. 7. GRAMMYSIA OVATA, Herrick. Upper part of Division II (Burlington group), Newark. Fig. 8. LEIOPTERIA HALLI, Herrick. | Kinderhook group (Freestone of Division II), Granville. Bye 9: LEIOPTERIA SP? : Location and position as above. Fig. 10. LEIOPTERIA (variety of) ORTONI, Herrick. Freestone ef Kinderhook group. z Fig. 11. LEPTODESMA SCUTELLA, Herrick. Location and position as above. i Pig 12: LEIOPTERIA ORTONI, Herrick Three views of the cast. Cuyahoga shale. Fig. 13. UNIDENTIFIED LAMELLIBRANCH. Cuyahoga shale. : Fig. 14. STREBLOPTERIA SQUAMA, Herrick. The generic position is doubtful. Cuyahoga shale (Waverly shale), immediately below conglomerate I. Granville. Fig, 16d. STREBLOPTERIA GRACILIS, Herrick. Kinderhook or Burlington division. Figs. 16-17. STREBLOPTERIA MEDIA, Herrick Figs. 16-17. Cuyahoga shales. Moot’s run. Fig. 18. POSIDONOMYA (STREBLOPTERIA) FRAGILIS, Herrick. Cuyahoga shales, Moot’s run. Fig. 19. LIMATULINA? OHIOENSIS, Herrick. Division III (Burlington group), Licking county. Fig. 20 Fig. 21. ‘MOpDIOLA WAVERLIENSIS, Herrick. Division II. Fig. 22. MYALINA MICHIGANENSIS, Win. Division II Kinderhook). Fig. 23. GONIODON (PAI,EONEILO) OHIOENSE, Herrick. Cuyahoga shale. ; Fig. 24. PTERINOPECTEN CARINIFERUS, Herrick. Right valve. Cuyahoga shale. Moot’s run. Fig. 25. Unidentified. Cuyahoga shale Fig. 26. ENTOLIUM AVICULATUM, Schum. Two specimens of the left valve. Cuyahoga shale. Moot’s run. PALEONTOLOGY XXIV ° Waverly Group. Geol. of Ohio, Vol. VII. i i y, nites Hae i i) Vi Oa rae, van a Mai ray, Pate wh PLATE XXV—Concluded. BELVEROPHON (BUCANTA )“EXIGUUS: Foerste.c <2. -.c. cs heescessooecleeee ae 548 a. View from above. 4. Side view. The umbilicus here is very smail. H. O. Marl. BELLEROPHON (BUCANIA) OPERTUS Foerste..............0-+.. dpenspssesceeie 548 — Not the type; the umbilicus in the cast is larger than in B. ertguus. c. Lateral view. d. View almost fromin front. H.O. Marl. BELL EROPHON HISCELLO-STRTAT US HOCESEC.. cron sa ctencscensehoceeete cemestes 548 a. Lateral view, the inner margin of the whorl not well shown, though the umbili- cusis large. 64. Front view. c. Upper view. d. View showing sinuous outer lip ofaperture. e. A little of the carina and part of the adjacent strie, enlarged. S. H.O. Stolz’s quarry. ORTHIS (HERBERTELLA) DAYTONENSIS Foerste..........0.sccccceccsesssece 579 a. Pedicle valve. 6. Interior of the same. C. O. ORTHIS (HERBERTELLA) DAVYTONENSIS FOerste...........2cccscseceenesecs 575 A lateral view showing outlines of a perfect shell. C.O. PLATYCERAS (PLATYSTOMA) NIAGARENSE Hiall................ aeneaetinaeaegs 553 Amature specimen. a.Side view. 4. Top view of spire. B.O. AI CHDASPISTOR DONT HOCUSLES pernascsccncier ora eceeeccccedeetcas: seeker oasecae meee 522 Glabellar regions not correctly shown, and the spiues of the free cheek should bea little longer. B.O. CALWMENE VOGDESIWMOCTSLO «a0. s. . < rd: iis a eee rig: 16, LITUITES? SOS aR ¥ DERE 9 ‘16. The living chamber with the recurved apertural end. Brown’s Quarry, Ohio. < ; oie in tiga ' i id 7 ae ay j 7 rt PALEONTOLOGY XXXIV. Geol. of Ohio, Vol. VII. aves Fig. Fig. Fig. on PIG AE XC: PAGE. ORTHOCERAS (ACTINOCERAS) TURGIDO-NUMMULATUM, Foerste...... 538 S.H.O. Collection of Geo. Caswell. ORTPHOCERAS) (ACTINOGCERAS)|i x. Gisccnee sew ae coe aeens ou seaat ce Tose eee REELS A form closely related to the last, but the septa more distant and the siphuncle more elongated. S H.O. Collection of Geo. Caswell A second specimen in my own collection shows a smooth surface. ORTHOCERAS (EU-ORTHOCERAS?) VIRGULATUM? Hiall................ 334 The specimen figured 1esembles one identified by us on an earlier plate as this spe- cies, in having the same distant septa; but the siphuncle is wider, 1.1mm. ap- proaching in this respect the wider siphuncle of O. zgmotum. S.H.O. Collection of Geo. Caswell ORTHOCERAS (ACTINOCERAS) =i teonssscmeseccoes 538 A form closely related to O. lata-nuimmulatum, but the rate of expansion of the shell seems to be much greater; a, lateral view; 4, view from below showing eccentric siphuncle; c,a section showing the large siphuncle. S$. H. O. Collection of Geo. Caswell. ORTHOCERAS (EU-ORTHOCERAS) HANOVERENSE? Foerste............. 543 See text. S.H. O. Collection of Geo. Caswell. Geol of Ohio, Vol. VII. PALEONTOLOGY XXXV. Clinton Group. ee ¥ sec g81SON AORIOT Uae leech toil aol eA Z f EVILS: | Ej n28igaad gers74d zibiqay Heat 6 , af tata Be 4g ioliigns sub: | Hate se SG soe) to seat hort sent heligetios vin) sibie 0 aeibio iqais ayer vat eloot Jedd Ninirs oF Shit envy, Fig. Fig. tw bo op OD PLATE XXXVI. : PAGE. ORTHOCERAS (ACTINOCERAS) YOUNGI, Foerste.......cccccseccsceseeees SOO From the Orthoceras block, a large block full of fossils from a local deposit near the a base of the Clinton at Huffman’s quarry, south of Dayton. The block was acci- dentally saved by a quarryman who became interested in three large fragments of this species included in the block. Had some collector been at hand to explore the deposit it would have probably proved the richest locality so far discovered in the State for the rarer fossils. H.O. CYRTOCERAS CLINTONENSE, Foerste....... Ja cde stow Gaus osetia eee OE: , A rapidly curving fragment; 4, a section of the siphuncle of the same; c, a transverse section. H. O. 2e,a less rapidly curving fragment believed to resemble a more matured stage of growth of the shell; d, a section of the siphuncle of the same. B.O. Ohio State Univ. collection. PTILODICTYA LANCEOLATA, Goldfuss, var. AMERICANA, Foerste....... 598 a One of the more lanceolate fronds with the median band and some of the stronger a, a, a, he Te wrinkles of growth intentionally emphasized; 4, a broader frond from the same locality, showing the more aberrent form of the species, upon which the variety was founded. S.H.O. PTILODICTYA WHITFIELDI, Foerste........... ueanenedees i sateeens ee OIS ORTHOCERAS (ACTINOCERAS) CLAVATUM, Hall............... A fragment showing the tapering of the species ; 6, asection of the upper end; c a section of the lower end; siphuncle. B. O. Ohio State Univ. collection. ORTHOCERAS (EU-ORTHOCERAS) IGNOTUM, Foerste...........c0ces00005 DOS 6, c. Three separate fragments showing the characters of this species. H. O. GOMPHOCERAS ORTONI, Foerste.......... vais bolis(e geseeoea ncehcee cose eRe ReEE OOO: 6, same as figs. 8 a, 6, of plata 32, after more careful cleaning of the original speci- men. The cleaning tools may have emphasized characters in the soft limestone, but every attempt was made to avoid that result. B.O. c. A specimen of Gom- phoceras from the same quarry. B.O. Ohio State Univ. collection. ORTHOCERAS (DISCOSORUS) CONOIDEUM, Hall.............. Peper sosschtc . 546 F. O. Collection of Dr. Chas. Welch. LLiCE NUS tGlalbella ress reckon ccccus ca a aeee Ras dees Oe Ree osc 2 O20 F. O. Collection of Dr. Chas Welch. ae Ss *dnowgy Wopwna ‘IAXXX ADO'IOLNOALVd "TTA 0A 801UQ £0 *7200) % Phe Panini): Nereus: \ Geol. of Ohio, Vor. VII. PALEONTOLOGY XXXVI. Clinton Group. 1 PIC JENIN Bs OLOOVOUE = PAGE. Fig.l. CYPRICARDITES CASWELLI Foerste ......... SonanbeoodadasoodosebesGoosHSccbobos Sal 1. a@, Lateral; 4, front; c, hinge view. Same specimen as figs. 12 a-4. plate 25. S. H.O. Coilection of Geo. Caswell Pige,2: NUCULITES (CLEIDOPHORUS) FERRUGINEUM Foerste.......... ...:..... 964 2. 6, Cast, natural size; @, magnified. T. F.O. Ohio State University collection. Fig. 3. CRANIELLA CLINTONENSIS Foerste....... sidcdle dale sua seniseuacee Re ae eSA eee - 565 3. a@, Interior cast, the details are scarcely visible in the original specimen; 0, an elevation of thesame. T.F.0O. Collection of Dr. Chas. Welch. Fig. 4. TELLINOMYA QUILATERA Hall............. eaGeabet sich esvocebenedenctecnaeescea eae mOOE: 4. a, Cast of one valve magnified; 6, curvature across the shell; c, curvature length- wise with the shell, natural size. T.F.O. Collections of Dr. Chas. Welch; d, lateral; e, front; 7, hinge view of Tellinomya equtlatera, Hall, from the Coralline limestone of Schoharie, N. Y., copied from Pal. N. Y. Vol. II, Plate 75, Fig. 1, d, c. / Fig. 5. AVICUIZA, WHITETE DDT HOCTStC s,s... .660+55e-ersere Sq000000 opgessc SasNesueossere OOS! 5. Cast of exterior. Same as Cyfricardites ferrugineum of Hall and Whitfield, Pal. Ohio, Vol. II, Plate V, Fig. 11. Prepared from the original cast. The details near the posterior end of the hinge line are not well shown in the origi- nal, and at this point it would have been better if the drawing had been left more non-committal. Possibly the posterior margin was not incurved here but continued its convexity as far.as the hinge line. T. F. O. Ohio State University collection. o) Fig. 6. AVICULA. 6. Cast of interior with a little of the exterior preserved near the hinge. S. H. O. Collection of Geo. Caswell. Fig. 7. MOopIoLOPsSIS SUBRHOMBOIDEA Simpson...... padaqdagu igubossonoposbHSbooan Sess weeee 060 ~I a, Interior cast showing concentric striations and interior muscular impressions. H. O.; 6, interior cast type; copied from Rep. Penn. Geol. Survey, Diction- ary of Fossils of Pennsylvania, p. 41], Vol. I, Fig. Va., from Clinton shale, above fossiliferous ore, McKee’s ore bank, northeast of McKee’s house, Ferguson Valley, 7 miles northwest of Lewiston, Mifflin county, Pennsylvania. Fig. 8. MOopIoLOPsISs RHOMBOIDEA Hall....... sheowets sewiesmees soseucees Rdvaeees Bpasoo = 510)0) 8. @, Interior cast, showing a strong anterior muscularscar. H.O. 6, castof interior, type, copied from Dictionary of Fossils of Pennsylvania, p. —, Fig. —, from the Upper Silurian at Arisaig, Nova Scotia. Big. 9) CYPRICARDINIA UNDULOSTRIATA Hall ................... oseiai opines nslasecene .. 561 9. a, Rightvalve. H.O; 4, leftwalve. S. H.O.; c, right valve, type, copied from Pal. N. Y. Vol. II, Plate 59, Fig. 6a from Niagara shale at Lockport, N. Y. Fig. 10. TELLINOMVA ELLIPTICA Hall <...../..0s000s-c00es nates Sa. eee RS co! 10. Copied from Pal. N Y. Vol. II, Plate 30, Fig. 44; from upper Clinton sandstone, south of Mohawk Herkimer Co, N. Y. Fig. 11. MyTILARCA MYTILIFORMIS Foerste .............. Sodoqascansoubadaonoos Hbsscodas | DDY) ll. a, Left valve; 4, elevation along the anterior margin; c, elevation across the valve. T. F.O. Collection of Prof. E. W. Claypole. ale TELLINOMYA (NUCULA?) SOCIALIS Foerstes. 5.2.5... tosc-nsescee seer ee seceeseOWo 12. a, Anterior; 4, left valve; c, posterior view. H.O. Beavertown, Marl. Fig. 13. TELLINOMYA (INUCULA:?) MININA FOerste..........c0c0cccsccccnnesncs SSG e OOD 18. a, Anterior; 4, left valve; c, hinge views, same as figs. 8a-4-c, of plate 25, type. H.O. Beavertown Marl. Fig. 14. BRP RUE RT CHl pHOCEStessecessa: Bacnoecas saved ade ssbenstedaside seaeninmeneeer nee 532 14. a, Left valve; 6, anterior; c, hinge view. H.O. ‘‘ Orthoceras block.”’ Fig. 15. TELLINOMYA (NUCULA?) CLINTONENSIS Foerste ........... sis peste ROOD 15. Right valve. Collection of Prof. E. W. Claypole. Geol. of Ohio, Vol. VII. PALEONTOLOGY XXXVII. Clinton Group. PLATE XXXVIla—Concluded. PBigtelya 1) CRAN TAU BIAGE OerSte.iiss..ctacdeuecvnncvesoeecsererecectectoeeecsocmaes oes 7. a, Shell from Soldiers’ Home, O; 4, shell from Hanover, Ind.; no details of struc _ ture are visible in either CES ‘ ! je _ Fig. 18. CyCLOSPIRA SPARSI-PLICATA, LCS er Ri 18. a, Pedicle valve; 6, Renae view } 19. a, Brachial valve; 4, ieteran: guilines: Carrollton pike quarry, about half a= mile is 143 ar : west of the Soldiers’ Home, on the south side of the pike. iA Sos: Fig. 20. ORTHIS (DINORTHIS) CALLIGRAMMA, var. FISSIPLICATA, Foerste 5 : a, Pedicle valve; 4, lateral outlines. Huffman’s quarry, Ohio. es w bo PLATE XXXVIIa. INAPHIGT O MAU ABESUNIE UE GETSLE i eecteccetsnianceeeececies settee aerate sae eeROOU) a, Apical view, magnified two diameters; 6, apertural view; c, umbilical view. In all three figures the details of the aperture are restored from fragments and by tracing out the outline in accordance with the strie of growth. T.F.O. Cabi- net of Dr. Chas. Welch. BELLEROPHON (BUCANIA) EXIGUUS, Pidersteivi.s.s..cs..ccscen toss ccere ceseee 048 a, Posterior view ; 4, apertural view; c, umbilical view, the rapid expansion of the outer lip not well shown. In all three figures the outline of the outer lip has been restored from the course of the strie of growth. T.F. ©. Cabinet of Dr. Chas. Welch. ; : BELLEROPHON (BUCANIA) OPERTUS, Feerste... .... Le ee SAUER Oe weeee 048 a, Posterior view; 4, umbilical view. In both figures the outlines of the aperture are restored from the course of the stricee of growth. H, I. SUBULITES (POLYPHEMOPSIS) PLANILATERALIS, Foerste......: 599d a, Natural size; 6, the same magnified three diameters, apertural view; c, posterior view. S.H.O. Collection of Geo. Caswell. SUBULIEEES DIRE CTUS, BGerSteliirs. scceiecmeccee. Nauk aise Rone 504 a, Apertural view; 4, apical posterior of another specimen... ‘‘Orthoceras block ”’ near base of Clinton at Huffman’s quarry. PLEUROTOMARTAVETIA TE XCDAS GH OSTStC rs sssetce vas soc sce eaacedn eteseae eee ee ODO) a, Lateral view; 6, apical view. ‘‘Orthoceras block,’’ Huffman’s quarry, O. STRAPAROLLUS (cf. ORIOSTOMA ) INCARINATUM, Feerste............ a, Lateral view; 4, apical view. ‘‘Orthoceras block,’’ H. O. PLATYCERAS (PLATYSTOMA) NIAGARENSE, Hall, var. CLINTONEN- SE, Foerste........ Fit Sa eee Sa CRON C A EREEOSS Stocyeaeais Suen Sac sate Sa OOe Showing the loosening coil. Pennsylvania collection of Prof. E. W. Claypole. CY GLONPMA BIEEX. (Var. VARICOSUIM iii... sosesuesac vacuwisase tienes seeeon ene neon 550 Apertural view. TF.O. Collection of Dr. Chas. Welch; the aperture restored from fragments in the writer’s collection. seecee OOZ ORTHOCERAS INCEPTUM, var. ACCELERATUM, Feerste......... SER acbe . 545 SH.O. Collection of Geo. Caswell. COLEOLUS CLINTONENSIS, Foerste..........:0668 s.cse0s veecmaneuien gees suupeates O47 SH. O. CONULARIA BILINEATA, Foerste.......... Rane Seep Soe int eee Oa View of a portion of the small fragment, showing the bilineate character of trans- verse striz, magnified about fifteen diameters. SH. O. ACIDASPIS BREVISPINOSA, Foerste........... Resa Robes Ppashh cose se sat Ie Huffman’s quarry, Ohio. SPHAEREXOCHUS PISUM, Foerste............s00ccscees Shovaa cave pee ne Ran ee OLS a, View of glabella from above; 4, lateral view. Niagara shales at Lockport, N. Y. Secured from Dr. E. N. S. Ringueberg. LICHAS PHLYCTAINOIDES? Green..........0+000: Sect iahsooees Bead 2 Se anoekineenes . 529 A glabella, SH. O. ATRYPA LATI-CORRUGATA, Feerste...... apudguiian suse dae Qecemmaeaent dea tese beacon a, 6, c, Three lateral views to show the varying convexity of the shell, and the strength of the corrugations; d, view of the brachial valve. “Orthoceras block,” Huffman’s quarry. GeouepOnie. ree vite PAWEONTOLOGY XXX Vilac| canton croup: PLATE XXXVIII. oe ; ey Supposed Gavieular element or portion of the shoulder-girdle of Titanichthys or of ‘Dinich- ; ' -thys. The measurements of this plate are 20 by 17 inches exclusive of the separate - bone. The smaller figures represent homologous plates of asmaller species, pros Rabies of Dinleh this. seescscsecceeeeteseiacereeenne seteseesaceeeseeescrsesenensenaceececsse teesnesenseeeeesen ses Ks \ Geol. of Ohio, Vol. ViIi. PALEONTOLOGY XXXVIII. Lop of Ohio Shale. = : Ss S. RES | N > AS RS x aN we N & x Sos S 2: NS AS CGE Ty | Noe SNS | iS N S x PLATE XXXIX, _ Supposed Seeman plate of Dinichthys or of. Titanichthys, Serton of the shoulder § r gir Opposite, (outer) aspect of that represented on Plate 99-0: O10 000. from the ie Shale of Delaware, O, founda PY. the Rev. H. Hert2et ern y Geo’. of Ohio, Vol. VII. PALEONTOLOGY XX¥XIX. Top of Ohio Shale 4 \ a) \ PS e \ x “SX = %& = S \\ IN ~ \ na. x $ XN x “NS =) > Ss Ss Y Rees <8 Ss Ny SS \ PIVATH, Xe 4 | VENTRAL PP ARE OR OU TAN TCH TH So. sne cose snsuicacesdeceses Outer face showing wide marginal overlaps of adjoining plates and narrow plat fitting on in front. et eo oe “MONOCLADODUS "OLARKT: 0.0..0065.cs.-syecaeeneessscneseaeene tee see eee of the two teeth in position. Geol. of Ohio, Vol. VII. PALEONTOLOGY XL. Top of Ohio Shate. — La & ih: os ! PLATE XLI. _DINICHTHYS Ce ee sot A teste 4 front tooth. e % ad et. JRE 2a _ CoccosTEUS a ee an ee Bent ees _ GORGONICHTHYS CAs eee at Outside view of Tight mandible showing groove worn by upper tooth in which it point of the nasa Re ans ’ ba ; ! Geol.o Ohio, Vol. vir. PALEONTOLOGY XLI. Top of Ohio Shute. Lindh YS Clair 4, 4 ; Clainer Jace. 10” RFs Coccosleus Cuyahogae, A 5 Gorgonichthys Clarkt, G. 25° Breer asi ihie iplisitige 0H, 3} ABA: hia < _ ‘Figs. qe} TYTANICHTHYS EDEN ARUGHS pe MBene ee seen ye cee 1. Side view of mandible. Gr} 2. Top view of mandible with sectional views. ‘ ; ' Fig. 38, ~~ |: TITANICHTHYS CLARKI, NDYeeccrcseeeee cesses teteeeeeceetes tenses enenenseeeeenee 3 Showing dentition as explained in text. The front tooth in a als fossil fitted close to the others aud should be so represented. Fig.4..-—- TITANICHTHYS AGASSIZI, co ee # EEiow oi) TITANICHTHYS RECTUS, SP. Thessessecseeceeceessecsee seeeesessseessseeseeeneeenes tcol. of Ohio, Vol. viz. PALEONTOLOGY XLII. Top of Ohio Shale. Titanichthys Clarke, Jewl AS Titantchthys Agasst%t, jews 30° Titaniththys rectus, C. 23" PLATE XLII, ' Figs. 1-5. SECTIONAL VIEW OF MANDIBLE OF DINICHTHYS TERRELLI 607 : aes : 1. Showing outer spongy and inner dense bone. : 28 Section of outer or spongy bone showing Haversian canalsand lacunae. = : 8. Part of section 1. el | = aM 4. Section of inner dense bone showing small Haversian canals and lacunae with tgs ( larger canalicules. Sat i ie 5. Part of section 4 showing canaliculi traversing the bone. - se PA AcIer, eile PAGE Figs. 1-2. MOoDIOLODON OVIFORMIS, var AMPLUS, 0. var............ RAaeSaHoL Hear TCG 653 1. The left side of a nearly perfect cast of the interior. 2. Mold of the exterior of aright valve. Trenton group, Frankfort, Kentucky. ENSSHS- AL ODLOLODON DE CLLVISs M1. (Spree cc se scoonnsmecesscesasunssrs seek sosaccsnaee teats eee 654 The right side and a cardinal view of a cast of the interior of the average size. Upper beds of the Cincinnati group, Richmond Indiana. Figs. 5-6. MODIOLODON SUBRECTUS, Ni. Sp..........-. ROE Aen orenaeaeeS sua tds Seton Oe The left side and a dorsal view of a small but characteristic cast of the interior of this species. Upper beds of the Cincinnati group, Richmond, Indiana. Figs. 7-8. MODIOLODON OVIFORMIS, Ulrich....... esescavasescsnnsescclese see sonacciacss One 7. A perfect impression of the interior of a left valve. The specimen is of the usual size and from the Trenton at Frankfort, Kentucky. &. Gutta percha impression from the preceding to show the character of the hinge, the anterior adductor scar and the pallial line. Figs. 9-18. ORTONELLA HAINESI, Miller sp...............:.006 Pe Beet Bposose a0) . 9. The right side of a perfect though rather small specimen of the typical form. 10. Antero-dorsal view of same, showing the lunule and escutcheon. 1]. Interior of a left valve. 12. Almost entire mold of the interior of a right valve, showing impressions of the posterior lateral teeth. 13. The left side of a large and complete cast of the interior. 14and 15. The right side and an antero-dorsal view of a small cast of the interior be- longing to a variety that is shorter than the typical form. 16. A small cast of the next variety. = 17and18. The right side anda dorsal view of an excellent cast of the interior of an unusually long variety. The small pedal muscle scars are shown very distinctly in figure 18. Upper beds of the Cincinnati group, Richmond, Indiana. Geol. of Ohio, Vol, VII. PALEONTOLOGY LIII. Lower Silurian. PLATE LIV. PAGE Figs. 1-3. ISCHYRODONTA UNIONOIDES, Meek sp. oi... .c.i0..20+sencceroossnnengoeestese Onell 1. Interior of a large right valve showing the hinge and the anterior adductor and pedal muscle scars. Also the left side of an unusually well preserved cast of the interior. 2. Entire impression of the inner side of a right valve, showing the anterior muscular scar and the impression of the subcardinal rib that supported the internal ligament. 3. A testiferous example of a right valve of less regularly ovate shape than usual. Middle beds of the Cincinnati group, Covington, Kentucky. Figs. 4-9. ISCHYRODONTA MODIOLIFORMIS, 1: SPitsssc-seccsacor-+sschsceseeeasaettnee eNO 4. Rather small example preserved in part as a mold of the exterior. In this specimen the outline, especially in the basal region, differs somewhat from the usual form of the species. : 5. Sharply marked cast of the interior showing the muscular scars and the pallial line. 6. The right side of a large and nearly perfect cast of the interior. 7. Left side of a cast in which the hinge is longer than usual. 8. Dorsal view of same. 9: Froma gutta percha impression of a natural mold of the exterior, showing the surface markings, x2, as they appear in the central part of the posterior half of the left valve Upper beds of the Cincinnati group, Richmond, Indiana. Figs. 10-11. IscCHYRODONTA MISENERI, Wl. SP..........2.s000- ieee sisiiedlele Saei tsa eswen seam OM 10. Antero-cardinal view of a testiferous specimen. 1l. Right side of same showing the usual size and form of this species. Upper beds of the Cincinnati group, Richmond, Indiana. Figs. 12-15. ISCHYRODONTA OVALIS, Ulrich..............-2.sncseoeo=s seebiase ne sapecneee vedeeoh OME. Four views of the original type of this species. Uppermost beds of the Cincinnati group, near Richmond, Indiana. Bigs: 16-19. IScChvyRODON TA DECIPIENS, 1. Sp\...J20c0s-ssss0-0-" Seep actegseeonseeet Perc ONG) 16-18. Three views, respectively inner, antero-cardinal, and outer, of a nearly perfect right valve. 19. Interior of the largest left valve seen. The specimen is slightly weatherworn. Upper beds of the Cincinnati group, near Richmond, Indiana. ics 202i aS CERVRODON LA WI ONG AW Ass ssaten-cesscerneseaceee ce sasenneeaatescaceee volsec gee ROO, 20. Small specimen preserved as a mold of the exterior. Upper beds of the Cincinnati group, Richmond, Indiana. 21. Left side of the original type of the species. The specimen is an excellently de- fined cast of the interior, from Oxford, Ohio. Lower Silurian. PALEONTOLOGY LIV. Geol. of Ohio, Vol. VLi. iii 1 yr ary “ Fiz. = DLAs, JON. Figs. 1-5. CYMALONO TAG DY. PICAT IS: Me eS Pe cecncce seeercsceeeatocts Sucbatcog Henss9soo ine OOe 1. Left side of a nearly complete cast of the exterior. The specimen is a large one but its thickness has been somewhat reduced by pressure. 2. Dorsal view of same in outline, to show gaping extremities and the oblique dorsal furrows. 3. Dorsal view of an incomplete cast of the exterior. The length of this specimen has been reduced by pressure, bringing the dorsal furrows a little closer together than is normal for the species. ; 4and5. The left side anda dorsal view of an incomplete but otherwise well preserved cast of the interior, showing faint traces of the anterior muscular scar. Upper beds of the Cincinnati group, Waynesville, Ohio. ; Figs. 6-7. CYMATONOTA SEMISTRIATA, 1. SP.......seseeceeeeeee Stesiesonessoneeieneeet .--- 663 6. The anterior half of the left side of a nearly complete cast of the exterior, x2, show- ing the fine, equal, threadlike surface markings of this part. 7. The entire left side of same, natural size. The length of the specimen has been re- duced probably from the outline restored in the figure. Upper beds of the Cin- cinuati group, Clarksville, Ohio. Figs. 8-9. CYMATONOTANRE CLAS 1 iS platy. canoe taniicusersprstles seidancecretontacemca teem 662 8. Cast of the interior of a small left valve, preserved in a limestone matrix. A few of the concentric lines on the flanks of the shell should be stronger than represented in the figure. Middle beds of the Cincinuati group, Newport, Kentucky. 9. Cast of the exterior of a large left valve, preserved in soft shale. Cincinnati, Ohio. Pigswl0[. a CYMATONO TA (CONSTRICTA 0. (SPs. sacocsss cones sevinerpscpcetonnee ene cee eeeeeee 664 The left side and a dorsal view of a nearly perfect cast of the interior, showing the gaping extremities, the obtuse anterior end, and the constriction of the shell be- neath the beaks. Upper beds of the Cincinnati group, Butler county, Ohio. Bigs eZ CV MATONOT AGATE NU AAG: 1. 1S Po .osbcsncgescbcistasesnaesesecseseess papsbo00000 664 12and 13. The right side and a dorsal view of a small specimen, preserving very nearly the shape regarded as normal. 14. A peculiarly distorted large specimen believed to belong to this species. Upper beds of the Cincinnati group, Waynesville, Ohio. Figs. 15-16. CORALLIDOMUS CONCENTRICUS, Whitf................ccsesseeeee Snonobe aoa 493 The right side and a dorsal view of a partial cast of the interior of this boring shell; natural size. The specimen shows a gape between the edges of the valves at each end, and a strong anterior muscular scar precisely as in MODIOLOPSIS and ORTHODESMA. 4 Figs. 17-18. CyMATONOTA PRODUCTIFRONS, I. SP..-.....sceseceeees ies cotaniesanaenene tae . 665 The right side and a dorsal view both restored—of a slightly distorted cast of the ex- terior. The unusual length of the anterior end is the principal peculiarity of the species. Lower beds of the Cincinnati group, Covington, Kentucky. Bigs: 19=20./ORTHODESMA PARVUM, I1.) SPiessc ces +cscsauesetescarsiconarweeancmeasess weoweeee . 660 The left side anda dorsal view of the type specimen. It is a nearly complete cast of the interior. Middle beds of the Cincinnati group, Cincinnati, Ohio. Figs. 21-22. ORTHODESMA SUBANGULATUM Dl. SP......sccsesecsccesscersceceeccavoves wedoaee 660 The left side and a dorsal view of a cast of the interior. Upper beds of the Cincinnati group, Richmond, Indiana. Geol. of Ohio, Vol. VII. PALEONTOLOGY LV ° Lower Silurian. weccsot tlt dtl le SSNS SS PLATE LVI. Fig. 1. RHVTIMVA GSHANA, Ml. SPp.....-.-.------ sdasdnscajenagiccerdinasr eet onemerauieeee terete 689 View of the specimen described. Middle beds of the Cincinnati, group, Cincinnati, O. Figs. 2-3. RHYTIMYA CONVEXA, 0. SPp........... cbbpebaaEsac saodueobondoGocod0C pbapaoaAasHeecoo | OY)Il Right side and cardinal views ot a large and well preserved example. The original shows reinains of radial series of pustules on the post-ventral slopes, but their significance wis not appreciated until it was too late to change the drawing. Middle beds of the Cincinnati group, Cincinnati, Ohio. Figs. 4-5. RHVYTIMVA BYRNESI Miller; sp...........- Ieeulsalogsldesleaecessns Jewodalevememeee aes 689 Left side and dorsal views of a large cast of the interior. In figure 5 the linear de- press on on eich side of the hinge line has been reproduced too much like an escutcheon. Uponer beds of the Cincinnati group, Richmond, Indiana. Figs. 6-9. RUSHTINOV OWA: IEIXKOIDOLCZOAS Sly Gi OnccaaopoosouBcobaosonHacoosocuse Spnd0e008 dogecososeoces 688 6and7. Right side and dorsal views of the largest specimen seen. Middle beds of the Cincinnati group, Mt. Sterling, Kentucky. S$. Right side of another specimen preserving more of the concentric lines. 9, An unusually short but otherwise typical example. This and the preceding one are from Cincinnati, Ohio. Figs. 10-12. RHYTIMYA RADIATA, 0. SPp............-6. sessacse stoma rus dela eimenisecesc cece OU 10and11l. Two specimens preserved in soft shaie and retaining the outline and surface markings. Lower beds of the Cincinnati group, Covington, Kentucky, and Cin- cinnati, Ohio. 12. A small part of the ventral slope x3, to show the grano-lineate ornamentation. Fig. 13. RHYTIMYA COMPRESSA, Nl. SP..........262.0006 ved wiles sas sitcevaties doselsen sneer 692 A right valve, imperfect at the posterior end but otherwise in a good state of preserva- tion. Middle beds of the Cincinnati group, Cincinnati, Ohio. Figs. 14-15. RHYTIMYA MICKLEBOROUGHI, Whitfield.................. pdtosaésc sonca6ace EX) Left side and cardinal views of a specimen showing the usual characters of the species. The height has been reduced by pressure to perhaps four-fifths of what it was originally. Middle beds of the Cincinnati group, Cincinnati, Ohio. Figs. 16-17. *WHITEAVESIA CINCINNATIENSIS, Hall and Whitfield........ ser eneaee 696 16. A large and nearly perfect cast of the interior of a right valve, showing the true form ot the species, the anterior muscular scar, traces of the posterior scar, and unusually distinct rays on the ventral slope. The latter as a rule are very ob- scure, while the exterior of the shell generally exhibits faint radiating lines on the cardinal slopes which in rare cases may be distinguishable even on casts of the interior. 17. Hinge of a right valve, showing its simple character. Lower beds of the Cincinnati group, Covington, Kentucky. Bigs: 1820S es WHETBAVESIA- KEN TONENSIS, (lS p:cccs-) sasosee serce erase eee papsaos Jesse ODS 18. A large left valve, imperfect anteriorly and unusually high posteriorly. The specimen preserves small patches of the shell. 19 and 20. Two views of a small cast of the interior, showing the usual characters of the species. Lower beds of the Cincinnati group, Covington, Kentucky. Figs. 21-22. WHITEAVESIA PHOLADIFORMIS, Hall sp...............0c200000- sis ge oo neeici 658 21. The greater part of the hinge of a left valve. 22. Hinge of a right valve, imperfect at both ends. *In the text the genus for this and the next two species reads Ac/zuomya. This name having been preoccupied a few years ago by Mayer for a Cretaceous genus of shells, it cannot be used for these Lower Silurian types. The name /WVhiiteavesia is therefore proposed instead. Iam not sorry for the change, since it affords me an opportunity of expressing my high appreciation of the paleontological labors of Prof. J. F. Whiteaves of the Canadian Geological Survey. E.O ULRIcH. Geol. of Ohio, Vol. VIT. PALEONTOLOGY LVI 0 Lowe? Silurian. SS eae anes 7 TTT | 6076