• V :) : : ,■ > :'i ■■1 i ; \ i .nSiitiiiion U. S. TREASURY DEPARTMENT COAST GUARD THE MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS TO DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA UNDER DIRECTION OF THE UNITED STATES COAST GUARD 1928-1931-1933-1934-1935 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS PART 2 tkmm^ MARINE BIOlOGlCAt LABORATOf?Y 1 IIH ■ I LIBRARY WOODS HOiE, MASS. W. H 0 I. U. S. TREASURY DEPARTMENT COAST GUARD Bulletin No. 19 THE MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS TO DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA UNDER DIRECTION OF THE UNITED STATES COAST GUARD 1928-1931-1933-1934-1935 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS PART 2 PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY EDWARD H. SMITH FLOYD M. SOULE OLAV MOSBY UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON : 1937 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C. ------- Price 75 cents CONTENTS Page Introduction ^ Chapter I The northwestern North Atlantic: Definition and general description 1 History of oceanographic exploration 3 Chapter II Instruments and methods 13 Chapter III The circulatory system and types of water 25 C^HAPTER It The West Greenland sector: The surface currents 28 Cross sections of the currents 30 Horizontal distribution of temperature and salinity 37 Vertical distribution of temperature and salinity 42 Annual variations ^^ Annual cycle "2 Table of volume of currents 65 Chapter V The Davis Strait sector: The surface currents ^^ Cross sections of the currents 69 Horizontal distribution of temperature and saUnity 71 Vertical distribution of temperature and salinity 73 mu » • J. Chapter VI The American sector: The surface currents ^0 Cross sections of the currents 83 Horizontal distribution of temperature and salinity 90 Vertical distribution of temperature and salinity 99 Annual variations 1^2 Annual cycle 1^'' Table of volume of currents 127 _, ^ J T, 1 A Chapter VII The Grand Banks sector: The surface currents 129 Cross sections of the currents 133 Horizontal distribution of temperature and salinity 135 Vertical distribution of temperature and salinity .: 136 Annual variations 13' Annual cycle 1^^ Table of volume of currents 1^3 ni IV CONTENTS The Labrador Sea: Chapter VIII P.^e Surface circulation 167 Summary of the surface circulation 170 Exchange of water in Baffin Bay 173 Exchange of water, Labrador Sea 173 Exchange of heat in Labrador Sea 173 Cabbeling 175 Velocity profiles of stratosphere , 179 Vertical distribution of temperature and salinity 180 The intermediate water 184 The deep water 186 The bottom water 187 Summary 192 Bibliography . 195 Station maps and station table data - 201 INTRODUCTION The appearance of this publication completes the series of United States Coast Guard Bulletin 19.^ The report is based on the observations of the Mario7i expedition, 1928, and amplified by the cruises of the General Greene to the Labrador Sea, 1931 and 1933 to 1935. In view of the similarity and intermixture between the waters north of Newfoundland and those around the Grand Banks, it has been deemed advisable to add an exposition of the latter based upon the researches of the International Ice Patrol, the observations of which are published in Coast Guard Bulletins 1-25. The Coast Guard's material consists of temperature and salinity observations from surface and subsurface; the treatment centering on a portrayal of the distribution and correlation of these two physi- cal characteristics and their dependent variables in vertical and hori- zontal planes. A few oxygen observations have also been made in order to examine the vertical motion in the deeper Avater of the Labrador Sea. The prevailing circulation, as indicated by the dynamic topogra- phic maps, the velocity profiles, and the velocities of the currents have been computed in accordance with generally accepted methods of present-clay dynamic oceanography. Calculations of the volumes of the discharge, the cooling and warming eifect of given water masses, and other influences have been recorded. The repetition of observations in many places, moreover, during a series of months and a series of years, affords opportunity to discuss variations and cycles. In this respect the Grand Banks region has been investi- gated in more detail than has the area north of Newfoundland, but even from the Grand Banks there are insufficient observations to de- scribe accurately the annual cycle. The three collaborators have been at one time or another asso- ciated with, or in active charge of, the scientific work which the United States Coast Guard has maintained in connection with the International Ice Observation and Ice Patrol.^ Acknowledgments The Commandant of the United States Coast Guard, as chair- man of the International Ice Patrol Board, as well as the other members, has through an appreciation of the scientific aspects of the ice-patrol work, afforded us the time to prepare this bulletin. The appearance of the report is largely due to the efforts of Prof. Henry B. Bigelow, director, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. We wish to take this opportunity to acknowledge particularly Dr. 1 Contribution No. 107 of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. = Those interested in a description of the methods employed to protect trans-Atlantic shipping from the ice menace are referred to Smith (1931). V VI INTRODUCTION Bigelow's interest in behalf of our work and also his iinfailincr coun- sel and advice. Commander Eigil Riis-Cai-stensen, Royal Danisli Navy, leader of the Godthadb expedition 1928, has extended a helpjful spirit of cooperation in order that a clear exposition of the physical oceanography of the Labrador Sea be attained. Officials of the In- stitut fiir Meereskunde have generously permitted us to make use of the results of the wintertime observations of the Meteor in the Irminger and Labrador Seas. Acknowledgments are also made to Mr. C. O'D. Iselin for reading parts of the manuscript; to Dr. W. L. G. Joerg for advice and counsel on bulletin, part 3, of this series; and to members of the United States Coast Guard who have assisted with the actual work of preparing the paper. Institutions which have cooperated include the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution; the American Geo- graphic Society; the Institut fiir Meereskunde; and the Geophysical Institute, Bergen, Norway. Chapter I THE NOKTHWESTERN NORTH ATLANTIC DEFINITION AND GENERAL DESCRIPTION The northwestern North Atlantic, as it is discussed here, is that portion of the western Atlantic Ocean embraced by the normal drift of Arctic ice ; and, so defined, includes the waters around and on the Grand Banks, and northward, between North America and Green- land to the seventieth parallel of latitude. Observations in the areas closer to the sources of Arctic ice have not been undertaken by the Coast Guard. Information, therefore, on the oceanography of Baffin Bay and other tributaries as they affect our own investigations, has been dra^vn from previously published works. The bathymetric features of the northwestern North Atlantic are shown on tlie frontispiece (fig. 1). The depth contours have been drawn from information contained on various navigational charts and from several other sources, such as Ricketts and Trask (1932) ; Defant (1931) ; Stocks and Wust (1935), and Soule (1936). Northwestward from the Newfoundland Basin to the sixty-third parallel the bottom rises gradually (more than 2,000 meters below the surface) to form, between Greenland and Labrador, the Labrador Basin. Continuing northward the basin grades upward more abruptly to depths slightly less than 700 meters in the region of Davis Strait Ridge where the slope is reversed, the bottom receding to form the Baffin Bay Basin with depths greater than 2,000 meters. The sides of the Labrador Basin present an interesting contrast. Along the Greenland slope the basin rises steeply to a narrow con- tinental shelf, while on the Labrador side a well-defined continental edge and wide coastal margin prevails. Greenland's shelf from a narrow continental ledge along its south- western coast broadens to the latitude of Davis Strait, where in places the 400-meter contour lies 80 miles oflfshore. This forma- tion (Nielsen, 1928) is divided into three principal shoals, south to north — Fylla, Little Hellefiske, and Great Hellefiske Banks. The entrance to Baffin Bay places the deepest part of the channel through Davis Strait nearer the Baffin Land than the Greenland shore. The American shelf as bounded by the 400-meter contour broadens from a width of TO miles off northern Labrador to a width of 180 miles off Newfoundland and thence southward, as the Grand Banks and Flemish Cap, it becomes one of the broadest of continental shelves. The northeasterly extension of the 2,000-meter isobath (see frontis- piece) between the Greenland slope and Reykjanes Ridge creates an eastern appendage and a heart-shaped form to the Labrador Basin. This eastern arm falls necessarily without the limits of our station observations, and is, therefore, referred to only as its waters (the Irminger Sea) affect our own regions under investigation. 2 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS The waters of the northwestern arm of the Labrador Basin usually referred to as Davis Strait, has often raised a doubt as to the extent of this body of water. Some maps, for example, print the legend Davis Strait from the southern entrance of Baffin Bay to a line from Cape Farewell to Newfoundland. The majority of car- tographers, however, on recent maps, confine the name to the waters on the submarine ridge between Greenland and Baffin Land. The United States Geographic Board is also of the opinion that, strictly speaking, the waters of Davis Strait refer only to the narrowest part of the above waterway. If this definition be observed, and such appears to be best practice, there remains a relatively large sea expanse, bounded on the northeast by Greenland and on the southwest by Labrador and Newfoundland, for which no name pre- vails. The suggestion that this body of water be called the Labrador Sea appears both logical and of good precedent, and so this usage has been followed throughout the present paper. Nearby waters to which occasional references are made include: Irminger Sea, Denmark Strait, and Greenland Sea. The prevailing circulation of the waters also requires frequent reference to the Irminger Current, East Greenland Current, West Greenland Cur- rent, Baffin Land Current, Labrador Current, Gulf Stream, and At- lantic Current. The fanning out of the Gulf Stream on reaching the longitude of the Grand Banks has necessitated another designation for the flow east of the fiftieth meridian — Atlantic Current. Knowledge regarding the submarine configuration of the north- western North Atlantic in its deepest parts, especially where it con- nects through the Labrador and Newfoundland Basins with the North American Basin, helps to explain broad questions of deep- water and bottom-water circulation. As a result of the echo sound- ings obtained by the Meteor^ 1929-33, it was found that Reykjanes Ridge (Defant, 1931) extends much farther to the southwest of Iceland than had previously been believed. The configuration, as shown by the trend of the 4,000-meter isobath in the lower right- hand side of the frontispiece, suggests a topographic connection between Reykjanes Ridge and Flemish Cap. Wiist (1935), for one, was of the opinion that the deep water of the Labrador Basin was partially barred from the Newfoundland Basin and the North Amer- ican Basin by a Newfoundland Ridge (i. e., a connection between the Reykjanes Ridge and Flemish Cap) at a depth of about 3,600 meters.^ The Meteor^ however, which in February and INIarch 1935 ran a line of soundings from Cape Farewell southward to the fiftieth parallel as stated in a preliminary report by Dr. Bohnecke dated April 8, 1935, found only one isolated sounding of about 3,800 meters near the position of the suspected ridge. In the summer of 1935 Soule (1936) on the United States Coast Guard cutter General Greene collected a total of 2,036 sonic sound- ings from the Labrador Basin and in the region of the Newfound- land Ridge hypothesized by Wiist (1933) . A bathynietric map based upon all available soundings has been published by Soule (1936) and 8 His assumption of a Newfoundland Ridge was based on a difference in temperature of tho bottom water as shown by the two following: observations : British ship Cambria, latitude 51<'34' N., longitude 41*43'.S0" W., depth 4,2:U meters; ts 1.83° C, tp 1.46° C. : and an unnamed ship, from the records of the British Admiralty, latitude 49°49' N., longi- tude 38°00' W. ; depth 4,005 meters; ts 2.22° C, tp 1.85° C, (where U is the temperature in situ and tp is the potential temperature). DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 6 the important contours from this map in the questionable region have been incorporated in our frontispiece. As a result of the General Greeners survey it now can be definitely stated that there is no Newfoundland Ridge in the vicinity of the fiftieth parallel, but Key k janes Ridge and Flemish Cap are separated by a tortuous channel deeper than 4,500 meters. This depression which lies closer to the American side of the Labrador Sea than the Greenland side can be followed wdth decreasing depths in a northwesterly direction for a considerable distance. Although there is no bar to the deeper circulation of the Labrador Sea, as formerly suspected, the winding and narrow features of the entering channel, however, may con- siderably restrict the freer movement of the bottom water and par- tially explain the temperature gradient recorded in footnote 3 (p. 2). Secondary bathymetric features which have an important bearing on some of the subjects under discussion, and to which brief atten- tion should be called, include a trough-like embayment across the American slope in the latitude of Hudson Strait, the 600-meter con- tour penetrating to within a few miles of Resolution Island. An- other topographic feature is an elliptical depression about 60 miles long by 15 miles wide, its deepest parts more than 200 meters below the surrounding shoal, in latitude 56 N., longitude 59 W. (See frontispiece.) A larger and more irregularly shaped depression, but not so deep a scarp, is found farther south, about 120 miles north- east of Newfoundland. The Grand Banks, as bounded by the 100- meter contour, are separated from St. Pierre Bank, Green Bank, and Newfoundland by an equal number of channels, the one between Cape Race and the Grand^ Banks cutting to a depth of 100 meters below the main block of the Banks themselves. In practically every one of the seven sections across the Labrador shelf (figs. 50 and 51) the presence of a longitudinal depression is indicated. HISTORY or OCEANOGRAPHIC EXPLORATION The northwestern North Atlantic witnessed the voyages of the Norse Vikings colonizing Greenland and reaching North American (Vinland) shores as early as 1000 A. D. Existing written accounts of the sea in the northwestern North Atlantic date from 1266, when a Norse expedition sailed northward in Avest Greenland waters to the region of Smith Sound. The first recorded crossing of the Labrador Sea was made by Martin Frobisher in 1576. Surface temperature data from the northwestern North Atlantic, as material incidental to exploration, fisheries, and trade, together with accounts of ice, were made the subject of an oceanographic paper by Petermann (1867). He found evidence of a warm current from the Atlantic that reached even the headwaters of Baffin Bay. In 1872 Bessels, a scientist on board the Polaris of the United States North Polar Expedition, recorded the first sub-surface tem- peratures in the northwestern North Atlantic. Bessels' (1876) ob- servations from depths of several meters in Kane Basin, north of Baffin Bay, refuted the popular theory of Petermann of a warm Atlantic current. In 1875 Moss, staff surgeon with Nares on H. M. S. Alert of the British North Polar Expedition, carried out a program of tempera- 4 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS ture observations at winter quarters and later in the nearby region of Smith Sound. Also in August of the same year H. M. S. Valorous returning home from Disko Island, Greenland, occupied three sta- tions in the Labrador Sea, at which serial temperatures were secured, surface to bottom. Carpenter (1887) found evidence of the follow- ing : (a) A superheated surface layer in the Labrador Sea moving in a northward direction; (h) a neutral intermediate layer 1,000 fathoms in thickness ; and {c) a cold bottom water of northern origin. Carpenter's bottom temperatures of 1.44° C, and 1.11° C, are ap- proximately a degree too low, which, no doubt overemphasized his views of an Arctic influence. Baron Nordenskiold's expedition in the Sofa to Greenland in the summer of 1883 afforded Dr. Axel Hamberg (1884) opportunity to take a series of oceanographic stations along the west coast of Greenland as far north as Cape York. Miller-Casella and Negretti and Zambra thermometers recorded temperatures in tenths. Ham- berg reported the presence of a north flowing current off west Green- land and also pointed out that the Baffin Bay water column is divided into three strata — a surface layer of polar water; a mid- depth Avarm stratum; and, beneath, water with minimum tempera- ture. Hamburg's survey, both from the accuracy of measurements and scope, was the most important oceanographic investigation of the northwestern North Atlantic uj) to that time. In the summers of 1884, 1886, and 1889 Lt. C. F. Wandel (later Admiral) of the Royal Danish Navy, commanding the Fylla, car- ried out in connection with fisheries investigations in west Green- land waters a hydrographical survey. Six sections, extending out across the shelf distances of 30-75 miles, were made along a front from Godthaab to just north of Disko Island. A resume of the Fylla''s survey indicated («) the Labrador current flowing southward contributes Arctic water to the Labrador Sea; {h) the East Green- land Current mixes with a current from the Atlantic along the west coast of Greenland and gives off branches into the Labrador Sea ; {c) the West Greenland Current continues northward as far as the observations extended. In the light of subsequent investigations Wandel's description of Arctic and Atlantic water entering the Labrador Sea along the southwest coast of Greenland are surpris- ingly true to prevailing fact. The Danish naval schooner Ingolf, during an oceanographic expe- dition in command of Captain Wandel (later Admiral) of the FyUa, reportedly visited the region of Davis Strait June 26 to July 26, 1895. Dr. Martin Knudsen, in charge of the hydrographic work, took a total of 15 stations of serial temperatures and salinities. Knudsen found {a) the warm subsurface water mass in the Labrador Sea is brought there by an extension of tlie Irminger Current which curves nortiiward around Cape Farewell; {h) the subsurface waters of the Labrador Sea are colder than those of the same latitude in the Denmark Sea because of the chilling effect of the Labrador Current. Knudsen's observations of temperatures and salinities were much more accurate than previous records, but the temperatures from below 2,000 meters are in most cases about a degree too low, a fact which has been noted by Helland-Hansen (1930). The salinity of Llie water of the Labrador Sea below 3.000 meters averages close DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 5 to 34.92%o whereas Knudsen at stations 38 and 37 obtained 34.60 and 34.63%o, respectively. At Knudsen's station no. 22, liowever, in the bottom water southwest of Cape Farewell, 34.96%o appears fairly accurate. Based upon ships' log book records filed at the Deutsche Seewarte, Schott (1897) published an exposition of the waters of the Grand Banks and surroundings. In spite of the fact that the basic data were necessarily confined to observations that could be made from passing ships, Schott's paper is noteworthy, as it marks the beginning of oceanographic literature on this particularly interesting area. During the summers of 1908 and 1909 the Greeidand Trading Co.'s brig Tjalfe carried out fishery and hydrogr-apical work in west Greenland waters between the sixty-third and seventy-first parallels of latitude. The results of the physical observations, considered with data from other sources, have been reported by the Tjalfe's hydro- grapher. Dr. J. N. Nielsen (1928). This is the most detailed and complete oceanographic paper yet published on the northwestern North Atlantic. The following conclusions are put forward, {a) The Labrador and Denmark Seas, in mid-depths, are essentially of the same physical character; {h) the West Greenland Current, with a velocity of approximately 8 miles per day, leaves the coast in the latitude of Godthaab to join the Labrador Current; {c) the tidal flood current increases the velocity of the West Greenland Current, the ebb decreases the same; {d) the velocity of the surface currents around Greenland are greatly affected by the winds; {e) the extension of the East Greenland Current undergoes seasonal variation and along the southwest coast of Greenland disappears during autumn; (/) the effects of winter chilling of the surface layers of the Labrador Sea jDrobably extends all the way to bottom, j)roducing there the greater part of the bottom water of the North Atlantic; {g) the eastern part of Baffin Bay, beneath the surface, is filled with warm water that has come across Davis Strait Ridge from the Atlantic and this layer is thickest where it is pressed, by earth rotation, against the Green- land slope; (A) the surface layers of Davis Strait are negative in temperature throughout the year, and the warm water underneath can have no direct effect, therefore, to melt the ice which is super- ficial in draft. Our own observations in 1928 and subsequent years supj)ort with specific evidence many of the early conclusions and theories advanced as above by Nielsen. In 1910 the waters of the northwestern North Atlantic in their southern and eastern sectors were explored by the Michael Sars North Atlantic Deep-Sea Expedition. Prof. B. Helland-Hansen (1930) was in charge of the physical work. The Michael Sars approached north- ward toward the Grand Banks running a line of stations near the fiftieth meridian toward St. John's, Newfoundland, and thence east- ward in that latitude across the Atlantic. Serial observations of tem- perature and salinity taken surface to 3,000 meters portray in both sections the abrupt transitions that prevail along the North American slope. The large scale maps, as Helland-Hansen points out, will require many corrections as more and more detailed observations are compiled. This in fact has been proved as will be shown by our own contributions herein. One of the most important questions dealt with by Helland-Hansen is the source of supply of the North Atlantic 6 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS bottom water. Helland-Hansen believes Arctic contributions are indicated in what few observations there are recorded from the deeper parts of the northwestern North Atlantic. In 1913 the Grand Banks and Atlantic waters adjacent to New- foundland received their first systematic study. Dr. D. J. Matthews (1914), on the steamship Scotia, carried out these investigations in connection with a service providing better protection for trans-At- lantic steamers against the menace of Arctic ice. Some of the main results of .Matthew's summary are («) the Labrador Current has salinities on the surface between 32.5 and 33.5%o which increase with depth, while a temperature minimum as low as — 1.8° C, is to be found at depths of 5(>^T5 meters; {h) the Labrador Current splits into three parts on the northern edge of the Grand Banks; (1) the westerly branch flows around Cape Race; (2) the middle and most important arm follows tlie eastern edge of the Grand Banks, prob- ably diving under the Gulf Stream; and (3) the eastern arm flows eastward to the north of Flemish Cap; (35%o had appeared in surprising volume. These observations re- garding the volume and salinity of Atlantic water do not agree with our own taken at about the same time and place across the Labrador Sea by the General Greene. The subject will be discussed further in the appropriate section. In 1924 the Norwegian Government vessel Michael Sars, conduct- ing a scientific study of whale population and fishing in the North Atlantic, carried out hydrographical investigations in Davis Strait. Martens (1929) reported the results of the observations made at 75 stations, about half of which were taken in west Greenland and Davis Strait waters. Martens concludes from a study of the sections between Iceland and Greenland and that across Davis Strait (a) Atlantic water of 6° C and >35%o was a branch of the Irminger Current which flowed around Cape Farewell and into Davis Strait as far northward as the ridge and (6) an under current of warm water, 200 to 500 meters deep, flowed northward across Davis Strait Ridge, while above 200 meters cold water flowed in the opposite direction. In June and July 1925 the Danish fisheries vessel Danu, carried out hydrographical investigations between Iceland and Greenland and also along the west coast of Greenland. Baggesgaard-Rasmus- sen and Jacobsen (1930) reported (a) the presence along the west coast of Greenland at 50 meters depth of water of —0.24° C. and 33.42%o which was believed to be a mixture of east Greenland and Davis Strait w^aters; (h) farther north in west Greenland in latitude 65° to 68°30', a temperature of -0.7° C. and 34.12%o, at 100 meters, indicated a mixture involving water from Baffin Bay; (c) the outer stations, 50-75 miles off the coast of west Greenland, with temperatures of 4° C and salinity 34.95%o, indicated the influence of the Irminger Current. In July and August 1926 the auxiliary schooner yacht Chance carried out a brief but important oceanographic reconnaissance of the practically imknown subsui-face waters of Labrador, Iselin (1930), leader of the expedition, has published an exposition based not only on the Chancers two sections across the Labrador shelf but DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 9 including both a consideration of tlie Michael Sar.s section across Davis Strait and one taken northeast of Newfoundland by the Scotia in 1913. Some of Iselin's findings are (a) the Labrador Current is narrower than popularly supposed ancl is confined mostly to the continental edge; (b) an abrupt change from water of —1.5° C. and 33.5%o to 4° C. and 34.5%o occurred at the outer edge of the Labrador Current; (c) the margin of the Labrador Sea, where entered, had little indicated movement; {d) the slope current, fairly constant in character and volume, averaged 10 miles per day; (e) the Labrador Current, beneath the surface and throughout its length, remains surprisingly constant in temperature. The supposed position and general characteristics of the Labrador Current and several other tentative opinions of Iselin, based on the two sections, have been borne out in several instances by our more detailed observations. The same year of the Marion expedition, 1928, the Danish Gov- ernment steam barkentine Godthaah carried out an oceanographic survey of Baffin Bay as well as the Labrador Sea. Commander Eigil Riis-Carstensen (1931) of the Eoyal Danish Navy, leader of the expedition, has written the narrative account, and the Conseil Permanent International (1929) carried the table data of stations, temperatures, and salinities. The hydrographical report of this expedition, the only thorough and S3^stematic 'study of Baffin Bay, has not yet been published. The Godthaah and Marion expeditions prior to departure, and while cruising in the northwestern North Atlantic, were frequently in communication with each other regard- ing cooperation of their programs. The same good spirit of co- operation has been extended by the commander of the Godthaah expedition, for the purposes of interpreting our own results and questions which depend on factors in adjoining areas and he has given generous permission to use the station data contained in Bulletin Hydrographique (1929). The summer of 1928 witnessed the entrance of still another oceanographic expedition, that of the nonmagnetic vessel Carnegie of the Department of Terrestrial Magnetism of the Carnegie Insti- tution of Washington, D. C. This expedition took five stations en route across the northwestern North Atlantic. Like the GodthaaVs the report of this survey has not yet been published, but reference to the station table data has been made through the permission of the director of the Department of Terrestrial Magnetism, Washington, D. C. The only station comparable with those of the Marion^ Car- negie\s station no. 12, is in good agreement with those nearby of the Mari.on. During the summers of 1928 to 1930, inclusive, and in February, March, and the summer of 1933, the German research vessel Meteor carried out oceanographic work in the Denmark Sea as far as 500 miles southeast of Cape Farewell. Bohnecke (1930, 1931), Defant (1931, 1933). and Schulz (1934), have given preliminary accounts of surface water conditions and other hydrographical features. No report on the results of the February-March 1933 investigations has yet appeared. Bohnecke (1931) has also employed the T-S corre- lation to interpret other parts of the data. Some of the important findings have been {a) the Reykjanes Ridge, as bounded by the 2,000 10 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS meter isobath, extends farther southwest of Iceland than heretofore supposed (approximately 900 miles) ; (b) Atlantic water (the Trminger Current) extended closer toward Cape Farewell and in greater volume in 1928 than in 1930; {c) the Arctic water appar- ently was subject to greater variations during these years than was Atlantic water; {d) Arctic and Atlantic water mix along the outer edge of the East Greenland Current called the polar front; {e) sub- Arctic waters composed of Atlantic mixed water, mixed water from the polar front, and water from the Labrador Current all mix with Atlantic water along the fifty-first parallel of latitude in a so-called secondary polar front; {d) surface temperatures, salinities, and de- duced circulation in the region appear to agree with the early hypotheses of Nansen. The Newfoundland Fishery Research Laboratory located at Bay Bulls, Newfoundland, Harold Thompson, director, made two annual cruises with its research vessel during the period 1931 to 1935. The survey embraced the coastal waters from Hamilton Inlet southward to the Laurentian Channel including the off-lying Grand Banks to the continental edge. The oceanographic work consisted of tem- peratures and salinities collected surface to depths of 500 meters and the release of drift bottles, A record has thus been kept of the variation in Arctic water over the area during the period. (This information is contained in Newfoundland Fishery Research Labora- tory, Annual Reports, 1931 to 1931.) The new British hydrographical ship Challenger in 1932 took three hydrographical sections in the northwestern North Atlantic from surface to bottom. One was taken from the tail of the Grand Banks to St. John's, Newfoundland, another from St. John's east- ward along the fiftieth ])arallel, and the third near Cape Harrigan and normal to the Labrador coast from shore into deep water. Challenger station number 8, northwest of Flemish Cap, latitude 49°51', longitude 42°09', with temperatures >10° C. and salinities >35%o at depths down to 385 meters, is of special interest to us. In September 1935 the Atlantis^ oceanographic ketch of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, ran two sections south from the Tail (8 stations) to about the fortieth parallel and another section (8 stations) along the fortieth meridian from latitude 40° to 50° N. Temperatures and salinities were secured from the surface to bottom. The physical results are referred to by Iselin (1936) . February and March 1935 witnessed another cruise of the German research vessel Meteor to the waters southwest of Iceland, the expedi- tion being of unusual interest since it collected wintertime observa- tions in a practically unknown region south of Cape Farewell long suspected of contributing at this time of year to the su]iply of bottom water of the North Atlantic. No published report of the scientific results has yet appeared, but through the courtesy of the director of the Institut fiir Meereskunde a copy of the temperature and salinity data has been placed at our disposal and is later discussed as it bears upon our data taken during summer only. The Danish Meteorological Institute in its annual publication, the State of the Ice in Arctic Seas (Publilvationer frn Det Danske Meteorlogiske Institut 1926), has published a series of 12 monthly DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 11 mean surface temperature maps which embrace part of the north- western North Atlantic region. Although there are no observations available from the surface or subsurface west and northwest of Cape Farewell from January to March, isothermal maps are presented It is presumed that they are based upon the indications and trend of the nine monthly maps for which there are observations. The Figure ''—The extent of oceanograpbic exploration of the northwestern North Atlantic. Areas \i X and A,, in order, have been more tborouKbly explored than areas B, to b"- or than areas C, to €•■. in similar order. Areas marked "D" have had little or no subsurface investigation. For oceanographic vessels and dates of surveys in the above areas see text (p. 12). results so obtained are, of course, questionable, especially in view of the Meteor's March 1935 observations south of Cape Farew^ell. The Meteor's station surface temi)eratures, except foi- one station located in East Greenland Arctic water near Cape Farewell, are higher than those indicated by the surface isothermal maps pub- lished by the Danish Meteorological Institute (1926). 79920—37 2 12 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS It can be seen from the foregoing history that the waters of the northwestern North Atlantic can be divided with reference to the degree of their exploration. A list of the research vessels with the dates during which they have made physical oceanographic sur- veys in the areas shown on figures 2 is as follows : Ai. Michael Sars, 1910; Scotia, 1913; United States Coast Guard (Inter- national Ice Patrol), 1914-35; French hospital ship, 1929-34; Cape Agiihlas, 1931-33; Canadian Fisheries, 1914^15; Caniegie, 1928; Challenger, 1932; At- lantis 1935 Aj. '/Sfo^ff, 1883; Fylla, 1884-89; Ingolf, 1895, 1934; Tjalfe, 1908-9; Michael Sars, 1924; Dana, 1925; Godthaab, 1928; Marion, 1928; General Greene, 1931, 1933, 1934; French hospital ship, 1929-30-31-34. A,. Sofia, 1883 ; Ingolf, 1895 ; Tjalfe, 1908-9 ; Dana, 1925 ; Meteor, 1929-33-35 ; Carnegie, 1928; Polaris, 1932. Bi. Ingolf, 1895; Chance, 1926; Scotia, 1913; Godthaab, 1928; Carnegie, 1928; French hospital ship, 1929-31-34; Marion, 1928; General Greene, 1931-33-34-35; Challenger, 1932. Bj. Meteor, 1935; General Greene, 1935. Bs. Canadian Fisheries, 1914-15; United States Coast Guard (International Ice Patrol), 1921-23. Bi. Sofia, 1883; Michael Sars, 1924; Gadthaab, 1928; Marion, 1928. Bs. Atlantis, 1931 ; Michael Sars, 1910 ; Challenger, 1932 ; Scotia, 1913. Ci. Atlantis, 1932. C2. Atlantis, 1931, 1935; Challenger, 1932. D. Challenger, 1932. It should be added there is no sector from which there are today sufficient subsurface observations to give accurately the prevailing annual cycle. Chapter II INSTEUMENTS AND METHODS A report of some of the oceanographic apparatus of the Marion Expedition 1928 is contained in the narrative of the cruise. (See Kicketts and Trask, 1932. The subsurface temperatures were taken with deep-sea ther- mometers belonging to the International Ice Patrol and manufac- tured by Negretti & Zambra, Schmidt & Vossberg, and Richter & Wiese. Most of the instruments were of the Negretti & Zambra make with no auxiliary thermometer and graduated into two-tenths of a degree centigrade. The remainder of the supply were fitted with auxiliary thermometers, their main stems graduated in one-tenth of a degree centigrade. There were a sufficient number of these latter to pair with the former in each water bottle. Test certificates were available for all thermometers, and readings were corrected to the nearest one one-hundredth of a degree centigrade from prepared correction graphs in the usual manner. The surface temperatures were taken with a dip bucket and a thermometer of known calibration, graduated into tenths of a degree centigrade. The corrected temperatures are so shown in the station tables. As a result of the above-described methods, the record of tem- peratures contained in the 1928 station tables are considered accurate to within 0.03° C. An exception is to be noted, however, in the case of station 1016, the only deep-water station taken north of the Davis Strait Ridge. Proceeding downward at station 1016 the temperature dropped to a minimum at 60 meters and then immediately rose to a negative fraction which prevailed to bottom. Such a vertical distri- bution of temperature does not agree with that at several nearby stations taken by the Danish ship Godthaah (Conseil Permanent International, 1929) prior and subsequent to the date of station 1016. Nor do the Marion's temperatures agree with those of the typical summer-time column in Baffin Bay which is characterized by a posi- tive temperatured mid-depth layer. The constant increase of salinity with depth at station 1016, on the other hand, precluded the most probable interpretation, that the water bottles may have tripped be- fore reaching the recorded depths. A comparison between the tem- peratures at Marion station 1016 and Michael Sars station 46 and Godthaah stations 162 and 163 has permitted corrections to be made to some of those of station 1016, and, so qualified, they have been allowed to enter the dynamic calculations. Water samples were stoppered in newly rubber-gasketed citrate bottles and all salinities were determined by means of electric con- ductivity. The two salinometers on board the Marion were con- structed and calibrated at the United States Bureau of Standards, 13 14 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS AVashington, D. C, a description of the instriinients having been published by Wenner, Smith, and Soule (1930). The adjustment of the variables were checked at least every 4 days, and often once or twice daily by means of two or more tests with water of known salinity. Frequent duplicate determinations of the salinity of samples was performed where there was any reason to doubt the reliability of any determination; also duplicate determinations were made of nearly every sample from depths greater than 1.200 meters. The precision of the salinity values, therefore, shown in the 1928 tables is believed to be equal to 0.02%o. In addition to the temperature and salinity observations approxi- mately oO samples of the bottom from the shelves and slopes of the Labrador Basin were secured by means of a home-made sampler. A report of the scientific findings regarding the bottom collections has been published by Ricketts & Trask (1932). The Marion was equipped with a fathometer, manufactured by the Submarine Signal Corporation, Boston, Mass., with which sound- ings were made at half-hour intervals and sometimes oftener. A description of the instrument and the methods employed in the bathymetrical survey have also been reported by Ricketts & Trask (1932). The Greene-Bigelow water bottles gave us continual trouble and their unreliability necessitated unceasing vigilance to guard against errors entering the observations. The Marion received these instru- ments immediately on the expiration of Ice Patrol, where for the pre- vious 3 months they had received hard usage. No time was available to give them the much-needed attention of a machine shop. The material, moreover, from which the bottles had been manufactured was entirely too soft and malleable to withstand the shocks and handling incident to field work. Despite continual repairs on board the bottles occasionally would fail to close after releasing the mes- sengers or would sometimes, during rough seas and lively motion of the ship, release a messenger prematurely, thus necessitating the en- tire retaking of the observations at a station. It was our practice, however, by pressing against the suspended wire, to feel and count the messengers as each one of the series tripped its respective bottle. If these did not check with the total number of bottles, then those depths not so recorded were retaken. In order to guard more carefully against faulty operation of the water bottles it was routine procedure for those responsible for the station observations to construct a temperature curve of the ther- mometer readings on cross-section paper before the ship was per- mitted to depart from the spot. If the temperature curve was found to contain any marked irregularities, those observations considered suspicious were immediately retaken and rechecked. No unprotected thermometers were included in the 1928 equip- ment, and because of this fact particular attention at stations was given to the elimination, as much as possible, of the wire angle. It was found j)ossiblc to maintain a nearly vertical wire with the Marion even during a gale of wind by a kick ahead, first on one motor and then on the other, as she fell off either side of "'the eye" of the wind. The fact that the Marion possessed twin screws made this possible and reduced this source of error to a minimum. DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 15 The customary practice of spacing the water bottles on the wire was folloAved, viz, bottles were placed at shorter intervals, directly proportional to the depth of the most rapid change in the tem- perature and the salinity. The maximum clepth of observation for the deeper stations was 3,100 meters, with 11 stations 2,000 meters or more, and 61 stations between 1,200 and 2,000 meters. The thermometers on board the General Greene for the 1931 expe- dition totaled 25 as follows: 2 Richter & AViese and 4 Negretti & Zambra with scales graduated into two-tenths of a degree centi- grade. The remainder were of an older type divided into two-tenths of a degree and without auxiliary thermometers. The Greene-Bigelow w^ater bottles contained two thermometers each, old and new thermometers being paired together, the correc- tions for the instruments having auxiliaries being applied also to those without same. A comparison of all corrected temperatures showed a difference less than one one-hundredth of a degree centi- grade in 34 percent of the observations. The average difference for all the temperature records was 0.03° C. The mean corrected tem- peratures of paired thermometers is shown in the 1931 station tables except where a difference greater than 0.04° C. occurred. In such cases only the corrected temperature from the thermometer equipped with the auxiliary has been printed. The surface temperatures were obtained with thermometers having a scale divided into 0.1 of a degree centigrade, the length of 1 degree being 10 millimeters. The surface water w^as brought on deck by means of a metal dip bucket. Salinities in 1931 were determined partly by means of the electric conductivity method on board or by means of titration. Faulty mechanical functioning of the electrical equipment necessitated re- course to titration of about 100 samples from stations 1220 to 1287 on board and titration of samples from stations 1288 to 1341 at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution on the return of the General Greene. Each sample was titrated twice, and if the differ- ence in salinity exceeded 0.02%o a third titration w^as made. Out of approximately 550 samples, stations 1220 to 1286, along the Labra- dor coast, 250 have been determined twice. At those stations where titrations have been made, the mean of the determinations by the salinometer and by titration, have been printed in the tables except where the difference exceeded 0.03%o, and in such cases titrated values only have been used. There are about 300 salinities, stations 1220 to 1287, which have been determined by the salinometer only once, and it is, of course, impossible to tell the accuracy of these determinations. Salinity curves for each station, how^ever, have been carefully constructed, and they do not show any marked irregularities in the deeper or higher strata, the salinities apparently agreeing very well with the checked values. The values of the salinities from stations 1254 and 1255 are higher by 0.10%o to 0.15%o than for stations 1253 and 1256. No extra samples unfortunately w^ere retained from these sta- tions. The salinities are obviously incorrect, and they have, accord- ingly, been stricken from the tables. As in 1928 on the Marion the General Greene carried no unpro- tected thermometers in 1931. It was attempted, as far as possible, 16 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS to eliminate the wire angle by maneuvering the vessel. There are only some few stations where the wire angle may have had any important influence on the observations. These stations are as follows : Station no. i 293.— Estimated wire angle=15° (0-500 meters) and 25° (600- 1,400 meters). Station no. i29^.— Estimated wire angle=15° (0-500 meters) and 25° (800- 1,600 meters). Station no. 1312. — Estimated wire angle about 30°. Station no. 1313. — Estimated wire angle about or more than 30°. Station no. i3J//.— About 15° (0-600 meters) and about 10° (800-2,000 meters). Station no. 1326.— About 10°. Station no. 1327.— About 10°. Station no. 1328.— About 10°-15°. The wire angle was taken into consideration for stations 1293, 1294, 1312, and 1313 and corrected in the sections of temperature, salinity, and velocity, and in the dynamic calculations for the current maps. This has been done simply by reducing the depths recorded by the meter wheel in proportion to the mean of the wire angles for the two first stations, and 30° for the two last-mentioned stations, the wire being considered as a straight line. Such a method is of course not accurate, but it seemed, by comparison between station curves, to give more reasonable values than the uncorrected observations. In the tables, however, for the four stations mentioned above, the values of temperature, salinity, density, and the result of the dynamic calculations are published for uncorrected depths, as measured by the meter wheels. Approximately 1,800 soundings were taken on the 1931 cruise mostly by use of the fathometer. When on the continental shelves wire soundings were used to control the sonic ones. A brief narrative of the General Greene's 1931 cruise is contained in United States Coast Guard Bulletin No. 21. In 1933 Nansen w^ater bottles and Richter & Wiese protected and unprotected reversing thermometers were used, all of the thermom- eters being equipped with auxiliary thermometers. Details of the methods employed in obaining and correcting observations are the same as for the 1933 season's work described by Soule (1934) (pp. 30-35). A series of timed trials indicated that the messengers de- scended at a rate of about 150 meters per minute. No bottles were reversed until at least 10 minutes after they were in place. Time taken for the messengers to travel from the surface to the first bottle was estimated using a speed of 200 meters per minute, and the time allowed after release of the messenger from the surface, before haul- ing in the bottles, was based on a messenger speed of 100 meters per minute. The titration results gave abnormally high salinities, the values in some cases being as great as 35.30%o with a small area southwest of Greenland having salinities of 35.20%o or more from 200 to 2,000 meters. These values were so suspiciously high that several thorough attempts have been made to luicover some error. Copen- hagen standard water of the batch Pjs was used every daj^ in the standardization of tlie silver nitrate solution, the reduction of the burette reading to salinities have been cheeked, the burette and pipette used have been examined, the potassium chromate solution DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 17 used was checked by using it in other titrations, all with no explana- tion of the high salinities. The titrations were made within 24 hours after collection of the samples. The sample bottles were of the citrate of magnesia type and were well aged, having been used throughout the season and in most cases having been used the pre- ceding season. In filling the sample bottles from Nansen bottles the sample bottle was half filled, shaken, emptied, and again half filled and emptied before filling with the sample. New rubber washers had been placed on all sample bottles just prior to the cruise. The main valves, air valve, and petcocks of the Nansen bottles were repeatedly inspected, and, as the temperatures are about normal, the Nansen bottles have reversed at the proper level. As the vertical temperature gradient in the laboratory is considerable and the samples are ordi- narily stored on the deck, whereas the standard water is kept at a level about 3 feet above the deck, the therinal expansion effect was investigated by Mr. Alfred H. Woodcock of the Woods Hole Ocean- ographic Institution by experiment, standardizing the silver nitrate with Copenhagen water at room temperature and then measuring a refrigerated sample by titrating it several times as it warmed up to room temperature. As a result of this experiment it was concluded that the error due to this source was probably less than 0.05%o in salinity and certainly less than 0.10%o. A group of 42 samples, originally titrated immediately after col- lection in July 1933 and which had been brought back were then again titrated by Mr. Alfred H. Woodcock at Woods Hole in October. These results averaged 0.018%o chlorine lower than the first results, 32 samples freshening, 9 samples being saltier, and 1 sample being the same. However, the samples were allowed to stand another 2 months and then were measured for a third time in De- cember. The December titrations averaged 0.014%o chlorine lower than the second measurements, 40 of the 42 samples being fresher and two being slightly saltier (0.001%o and 0.002%o chlorine) than found in October. We shall not discuss here the causes of this continued freshening which averaged more than 0.011%o salinity per month for 5 months; but, whatever the causes, the second and third titrations, because of the relatively small salinity differences, throw no direct doubt upon the first titrations, or at least not upon the chlorine values found in the first titrations. The fact that during the fall of 1932 Wilson and Thompson (1933) found a strong influx of salty water from the Atlantic in the deeper layers on the Grand Banks indicates a flooding of the Gulf Stream and suggests that the high salinities found in 1933 in the Labrador Sea are not beyond the bounds of possibility. The axis of the highest salinity water off the Greenland coast, according to the 1933 results, coincides very well in location with the usual hi^h salinity axis and grades off to small anomalies on the Labrador side, thus making it impossible to deduct a constant amount from all the measurements without making the salinities on the Labrador side abnormally low. This lends credence to the 1933 observations ; but because the salini- ties are so unusually high, and because there is not a corresponding increase in temperature, the salinities have not been used except for the construction of a dynamic topographic chart, and are not pre- sented here in graphical form, but appear only in the tables. 18 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS In detei'iiiining the depths of the observations in 1983 a combina- tion of meter-wheel readings and unprotected reversing thermometers was used. The deepest bottle of a series carried one protected and one unprotected thermometer. At stations where two series were necessary, unprotected thermometers were attached to the upper- most, deepest, and middle bottles of the deep series. The depths indicated by these unprotected thermometers were used in conjunc- tion with the meter-wheel readings to determine the depth of re- versal for all the bottles. Whenever conditions seemed favorable, that is when there was little wind and a small wire angle, oppor- tunity was taken to check the pressure coefficients of the unprotected thermometers. The pressure coefficients so obtained w^ere based on the assumption of an accurate meter wheel and were consistently higher by about 3 percent than the coefficients given in the test certificates. These experimentally determined pressure coefficients were used in deriving the depths of reversal. However, it is probable that the pressure coefficients given in the test certificates are more accurate than the meter wheel. The listed depths of the observa- tions therefore are probably too shallow by about 3 percent. During July 1934 the General Greene ran two lines of oceano- graphic stations across the shelf northeast of Newfoundland and a complete traverse of the Labrador Sea from southern Labrador to Cape Farew^ell, Greenland. Nansen water bottles and Richter & Wiese reversing thermometers were again used. The same time in- tervals were allowed for the thermometers to attain temperature equilibrium, and the same messenger speeds of travel were used as in 1933. A brief description of the details of the methods employed has been given by Soule (1935) (pp. 49-58). Provision was made for the determination of salinities by either the silver nitrate titration method or the electrical conductivity method. A new model Wenner salinity bridge was received during the season and w^as calibrated with titrated samples as described by Soule (1935). This new model embodied many of the improvements in construction recommended by Wenner, Smith, and Soule (1930). All routine measurements of salinity were made with the neAv salinity bridge and each sample was so measured twice. During the season, and on the cruise under discussion, a total of 2,570 measurements were made of half that number of samples. No tAvo measurements of the same sam])le differed by more than 0.015Voo in salinity, so it was not necessary to measure any of them a third time. All measurements were re- ferred to Copenhagen standard water of the batch P13, the same batch being used throughout so that any variation in salt ratios which might possibly exist between different batches would not invalidate the calibration curve of the bridge. Copenhagen standard water was used for every series of measureuients, and either Copen- hagen standard or a substandard water was used in each cell once every 10 or 12 measureuients. All titrations and the routine bridge measurements were made by the oceanographer's assistant. As a result of careful comparisons of the sinuiltaneous measure- ment of samples by both titration and new mod(d salinity bridge methods the conclusion has been reached that at least under condi- tions existing on board the General Greene at sea the titration DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 19 method is not sufficiently fi'ee from erratic results for the purposes of the International Ice' Patrol and the new model bridge is looked upon as an essential instrument. From the deeper layers in the vicinity southwest of Green- land for which the unusually high salinities were found in 1933, double samples were taken and were measured by silver nitrate titra- tion in addition to the routine bridge measurements. Fourteen samples Avere so measured, each sample being titrated twice, the titration taking place within 48 hours after collection. In the case of 13 of the 14 samples no third titration was necessary and the titration values were consistently higher than the salinity bridge values, the differences ranging from 0.03%o to 0.065%o salinity with an average difference of 0.048%o salinity. In the case of the remain- ing sample (Station 1764, 735 meters) the bridge gave 34.955%o on July 14, the first titration gave 35.05%o on July 14, and the second titration gave 34.99%o on July 14. As there was insufficient silver nitrate solution prepared to "make a third titration that day, the sample was set aside and titrated again on July 16, when a value of 34.96%o was obtained. Not enough of the sample remained for a fourth titration. The consistent discrepancy is somewhat puzzling. The persistence of the difference, in magnitude and sign, makes it improbable that the ])recision of the measurements is at fault. There seem but two renuiining explanations — (1) that the calibration of the bridge was faulty and (2) that the relation of conductivity to total halogens was different here than elsewhere. The fact that the same batch of Copenhagen standard water was used for the measurements as for the calibration of the bridge leaves no doubt but that the cali- bration curve was correct at the salinity of the standard water. Further, because the salinity of the 13 samples in question covered but a small range of salinities (34.88%o to 34.93%o with an aver- age of 34.912Voo~) very close to the salinity of the standard water (35.018%o) it does not seem possible that the calibration of the l)ridge was at fault. This leaves as probable only the possibilities that the conductivity varies among ditferent tubes of the same batch of standard water or that the relation of conductivity to total halogens w^as different in this water than elsewhere. The depths of the observations in 1934 were determined by the use of unprotected thermometers. Five such instruments were used in conjunction with protected thermometers. The shallow series always carried an unprotected thermometer on its deepest bottle. At stations where two series w^ere necessary the deep series usually consisted of seven bottles, the uppermost, deepest, and alternate intermediate bottles being equipped with un]H'otected thermometers. The pres- sure coefficients given in the Physikalish-Technische Reichsanstalt test certificates for the instruments w^ere used as given. The dynamic computations for the stations occupied in 1928 and 1934 have been made by means of anomaly tables published by Sver- drup (1933) ; and for the years 1931 and 1933 after the manner de- scribed by Smith (1926). The dynamic heights for those stations shallower than the common reference depth have been computed by means of the method described by Helland-Hansen (1934) for all 4 years. 20 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS 1085 1084 1063 1062 1081 1080 Figure 3. — An example of the metliod of construction of a velocity (current) profile. DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 21 The velocity of the current between any two points has been com- puted in the manner described by Smith (1926) (p. 31). The extensive use of velocity profiles as illustrations in this paper justifies a description of the method of construction and also refer- ence to the method of computing the volume of the current, or the transport, as it is often called, through any given vertical section. A velocity profile is a representation in vertical cross section of the distribution of the components of velocity of the horizontal cur- rents perpendicular to the plane of the section. Equal values of velocity are connected and expressed usually in terms of centimeters per second. As an example we have selected section A, figure 3, a section normal to the West Greenland Current taken off Cape Fare- well, Greenland, September 2-3, 1928. (See station tables, stations 1080 to 1086 (pp. 219-220).) It is assumed that the mean velocities between successive pairs of stations for a number of standard depths have been computed in accordance with the equation — • _ (Ea—Eb) ^~2w • L -sin where (Ea — Eb) denotes the average slope of the isobaric surfaces between stations A and B ; w, the angular velocity of the earth ; L, the distance between the stations, and (f>, their mean latitude. These values of mean velocity are then plotted to scale against horizontal distance along the section and with regard to the direction of the component at right angles to the section, figure 3, as a series of parallel lines. A smooth curve representing the velocity at any point on any one of the given levels, stations 1080 to 1086, may be substituted for the series of mean velocity lines, provided that (a) the curve be drawn in such a manner between adjacent stations that equal areas are formed on either side of the previously fixed lines of mean velocity and (&) that the curve be drawn flattest near the margin, and near the axis, of each indicated band. Between stations 1080 and 1081, figure 3, for example, the velocity curve is drawn so that the area BEF equals area FAG', and between stations 1081 and 1082 DGH and ICJ equal area P. The velocity curve MN, figure 3, is thus continued to include the remaining stations of the section, and simi- lar curves are constructed for other levels. The final step is to project the curve MN, and the curves for the other levels, on to their respective depths in a vertical plane and lastly to connect equal values of the same sign. The resulting illus- tration (see upper half of fig. 3) is referred to as a velocity profile. In order to test the accuracy of the above-described method, the dynamic height of a station located midway between stations 1081 and 1082 was computed on the basis of temperatures and salinities interpolated from the profiles of these variables. The values of the mean velocity were then computed and plotted and the velocity curve for the surface was drawn as described. It indicated that the axis of the current lay closer to station 1082 than previously drawn but its velocity of 48 centimeters per second differed only 4 centimeters per second from the earlier determined value. 22 MARION AXD GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS The question also arises as to how closely computed velocities agree with actual velocities where dynamic heights have been calculated to the nearest millimeter. From our experience it is doubtful whether the velocity lines on the profiles can claim a greater accuracy than 1 centimeter per second or, expressed in dynamic height for the mean latitude of the area investigated, this is equal to a slope of about 9 dynamic millimeters in a distance of 20 miles. The volume of current, or the transport, through a given vertical section may be found either graphically from the sum of the products of cross-sectional areas and their mean velocities or by numerical integration in accordance with a method described by Jakhelln (1936). Jakhelln's method, briefly, takes advantage of the fact that in the development of the equation of the volume of the current (i. e., the transport), the value of the distance between two stations appearing in both numerator and denominator, is eliminated. U=vzL (1) where U is the net transport ; v is the mean velocity, surface to a depth, s, where the current is assumed zero. Further — But— v-2= \v-dz (2) 2-o:-L-sm ^'^^ where E represents the anomaly of dynamic height. Substituting (3) in (1), results in the above-mentioned cancelation of L and or exju-essed in different form — U=a[ fAE^dz- r^Esdz] (5) where A = ^ . — -• (For values of A, see Smith 1926, table VI.) 2a> sin 0 ^ ' ' ^ Since it is more convenient to deal with the values of the anomaly of specific volume A^^ than the anomaly of dynamic height, aA", we can from (5) express the equation in final form — ^=^[rr^^-"^^^-xi^''»'''-'] (6) The ])ractical application of Jakhelln's method to any two sta- tion's, ^1 and B, is, first, to find the station anomalies of specific volume in the usual manner and then integrate the same, for each station, from the assumed common motionless depth to the surface. The difference between the two station integrals when divided by 2w sin 0 (see table VI, Smith 1926), gives the value of the net volume DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 23 of the current, or the net transport, normal to the plane of, and between, stations ^4 and B. It has been the practice in the present paper first to construct velocity profiles and then to make planimeter measurements of the FiGUKE 4. — An example of a transport map, each line representing a volume of current of 1,000,000 cubic meters per second. Based on General Greene's survey July 4-August 8, 1931. \oluine of the separate bands of oi)posino; flow as shown distributed on the particular profile. The net transport thus found has then been checked by employing the values at end stations, or between critical pairs of stations, of the section, in accordance with the above- 24 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS described method of Jakhelln (1936). The difference in the values thus found by the two methods seldom exceeded 15 percent of the net transport, and this figure was considered immaterial. The net volume of the current, figure 3, was 4.41 mVs X 10^ by graphic method and 3.73 mVsXW by Jakhelln's method. It should of course be borne in mind that Jakhelln's method (see also Werens- kiold, 1935) gives results in terms of net volume or transport, and this, for example where the two given stations span the boundary of op- posing currents, furnishes information in comparative terms only. Perhaps the best practice, although laborious, is, first, the construc- tion of a velocity profile as earlier described, and, second, the com- putation of the volume of the various currents by integrating to the zero velocity lines as shown on the profile in accordance with the Jakhelln method. The determination of the transport through the several sections in the Labrador Sea the summer of 1931 have been combined in a so-called transport map. (See fig. 4, p. 23.) Ekman (1929) and Thorade (1933) have published similar maps for other regions of the North Atlantic. It should be added that the construction of velocity profiles and the planimeter determination of velocity areas and volumes there- from is essential, wherever the average temperature of the separate bands of currents and the rate of heat transport are desired. The algebraic sum of the several products of velocity by cross-sectional area by temperature represents the net rate of heat transfer through the section. The average temperature has been obtained by dividing this value for the rate of heat transfer by the net volume of flow. The average temperature of the slope band of the West Greenland Current in the Cape Farewell section A, figure 3, was 5.5° C. The rate of heat transfer is expressed in million-cubic-meter-degrees, centigrade-per-second. In the case of the slope band of the West Greenland Current at Cape Farewell September 2-3, 1928, figure 3, the rate of heat transfer was 17.5° C. mVsXlO^. In computing the volume of current (transport) from velocity profiles, it is important that the profiles be drawn as accurately as possible. The velocity profiles described and used in this report are considered justifiable, if on no other basis than that they provide a means of computing the average temperature of, and the rate of heat transported by, ocean currents. The salinity of the sea is, of course, free from many of the in- fluences that act upon the temperature. A quantitative determina- tion of the rate of salt transport similar to the above-described method of obtaining the rate of heat transport has been utilized as shown on p. 77. Chapter III THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM AND TYPES OF WATER When our data collected during the summer of 1928 from the Labrador Sea were substituted in Bjerknes' hydrodynamic formulae, a general cyclonic circulation of the upper water layers (the tropo- sphere) was revealed.'* 60 50 40 Figure 5. -The system of circulation of the upper water layers (troposphere) in the northwestern North Atlantic. This consists of a northward flow along the Greenland slope, the AVest Greenland Current; a southward movement along the Ameri- can side, the Baffin Land Current and the Labrador Current (cf. Riis- Carstensen 1931, p. 5), and a northward set, the Atlantic Current in the southern part of the Labrador Sea (fig. 5). The more cen- * The circulation of the upper water layers has been determined by reference to the 1,500-decibar surface. This common depth best served the observational data, several stations offshore of the continental slopes not having been taken to greater depths than 1,500 meters. The computations indicated, however, that in certain regions, notably along the Greenland slope, appreciable motion prevailed even at 1,500 meters. It should be constantly borne in mind, therefore, that the Bjerknes' methods express results in terms of comparative motion only. If the state of rest or motion on a selected datum plane be incorrectly assumed, an error is introduced and the results in terms of direction and velocity of the currents consequently will be incorrect. In an area such as the north- western North Atlantic, subject as it is to severe wintertime conditions and other equally important suspected influences, it is wise to challenge constantly the validity of assumptions required by the Bjerknes' method. 26 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS tral portions of the Labrador Sea partake of a slow cyclonic mo- tion. The West Greenland Current in this scheme is really two flows in one — (a) the East Greenland Current and (h) the Irminger Cur- rent ; ^ which in their extension around Cape Farewell become reen- ergized along the west coast of Greenland and are renamed for that region. The Labrador Current likewise is an extension of the Baffin Land Current and the West Greenland Current. A vertical section of the Labrador Sea between points A and B, figure 5, shows that tiie greatest changes in phj^sical character occur at the sides of the basin as represented by the line M~N (fig. 6). Three principal water types cliaracterize the northwestern North Figure 6.— A schematic vertical cross section of the Labrador Sea, Belle Isle to Cape Farewell. ^%%%: Coastal water. $$$^$$$$j Arctic water. |./v.'vj Atlantic water. MiiM Mixed Labrador Sea water. Atlantic, viz, coastal, Arctic, and Atlantic. Their mixture (dis- cussed in chap. VIII), with a remarkably small range of approxi- mately 1° C. temperature and 0.06%o salinity, fills ai)proximately 90 percent of the Labrador Basin. In assigning names to water masses in the sea it should always be remembered that values are comparative only. Variations in the mixing processes, as regards time and place, constantly prevail. This fact precludes any possibility of assigning definite limits of tem- perature and salinity. An interpretation of the circulation, based solely upon the relative proportions and degree of purity of a par- ticular tyi^e of water present in a given mass, may often prove mis- leading. Detecting the presence of waters from known sources re- quires a thorough familiarity with the region investigated, })articu- ^ For a description of the general position and beliavior of the Kast (ireenland Current and n-mingcr Current east of Cape Farewell prior to entering the Labrador Sea see Nielsen (1928). DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 27 larly as to the range and degree of thermal and saline character of the mass where and when observed. In this respect the employment of temperature-salinity correlation graphs has been found helpful. Atlantic water, for example, is found at certain times off the Tail of the Grand Banks with a temperature of 16° C, and a salinity of 36.00%o. Atlantic water off Cape Farewell at the same time, how- ever, has, as might be expected, different criteria; a temperature of about 6° C, and a salinity of about 35.00%o. Vestiges of Atlantic water still farther north in the northern sector of the Labrador Sea can be traced where the temperature is only about 4° C, and a salinity of about 34.80%o. The w^ord "Arctic" has been used mainly to designate w^ater, the temperature of which is so low as to indicate a far northern source. In the present case, where the area extends beyond the Arctic Circle itself, the term Arctic water is intended to signify water which has originally flowed from a more northern point than where the ob- servation in question was made. Reflecting, therefore, the frigidity of its polar sources, Arctic water often has a minimum temperature asi loAV as —1.7° C. Such water masses, when insulated by lighter layers, may be transported great distances without appreciable change in temperature, readings of —1.5° C. having often been ob- served in latitudes as low as 43° near the Tail of the Grand Banks, more than halfway from the Pole to the Equator. The salinity of Arctic water lies between that of Atlantic and coastal, and for that reason it is best identified by its temperature. Coastal water naturally is in the lowest brackets of salinity. The term is associated primarily with land drainage and river discharge and later as such water expands seaward over shelves or banks or is transported along coastal slopes. Identification: is most easily made during summer when coastal water from its lightness lies uppermost and thus absorbs greater quantities of solar radiation. Winter chill- ing, on the other hand, especially severe in the noi-thwestern North Atlantic, may cool coastal water to temperatures approaching closely that of minimum Arctic character. 79020—37 3 Chapter IV THE WEST GREENLAND SECTOR THE SURFACE CURRENTS The more critically ocean currents are examined, the more neces- sary it becomes to subclassify them geographically; for example, the East Greenland Current on passing tnrough Denmark Strait is joined by a signihcant branch of the Irminger Current (see Baggesgaard- Rasmussen and Jacobsen, 1930; also Bohnecke, 1931), both streams merging in one parallel flow which so rounds Cape Farewell. Off the southwest coast of Greenland this composite current is further augmented by streams converging from the Labrador Sea. ^y the Figure 7. — The west Greenland sector (1928). Sections arc as follows: A, Cape Fare- well ; B, Ivigtut ; C, Fiskernaessett ; D, Godthaab ; E, Holsteinsborg ; F, Egedesminde ; Fi, Disko Bay ; G, Disko Island. time it has reached Fylla Bank, west Greenland (as will be proved later by the Coast Guard's observations), the original identifying character belonging to the East Greenland Arctic Current has been completely transformed to current of Atlantic character. It is ob- viously incorrect then to refer to the current throughout the west coast solely as an extension of the East Greenland Current. In order, therefore, to avoid confusion it seems best to designate the current from Cape Farewell northward as the West Greenland Current. A similar procedure has been followed in similar cases wherever the 28 DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 29 original current becomes considerably changed by significant trib- utaries. West Greenland waters, at least south of Davis Strait, are dom- inated by this West Greenland Current. An exposition of the sector, Figure 8. — The West Greenland Current on the surface, July 30-September 3, 1928. The velocities expressed in miles per day indicate the axis of maximum velocity. therefore, centers mainly on a full description of this important stream. During the period July 30 to September 3, 1928, the surface waters over and along the steepest part of the continental slope, Cape Fare- well to Little Hellefiske Bank (fig. 8), were in northwesterly move- 30 IMARIOX AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS ment at velocities of 6 to 33 miles per clay in the axis of the current. The Cape Farewell section (A) just outside of the slope current intersects a slowly rotating anticyclonic vortex approxnnately 35 miles in diameter. Further offshore a secondary band of north- westerly current was entered. It is conjectural whether this outer band was part of the West Greenland Current, split in this locality by this eddy, or was an unrelated stream. It appears from the general trend and direction of the dynamic isobaths on figure 122, page 167, however, that this current shown on the extreme southwestern end of the Cape Farewell section was approaching from the south and Avest, in contrast to the main portion of the West Greenland Current, which hugged the continental slope, rounding Cape Farewell from the north and east. The source of this out^r band of current, which it is believed may have considerable significance in the general scheme of circulation for the entire Labrador Sea, is discussed on page 32. Regardless of its origin, however, it joined the trunk of the west Greenland stream as the latter increased to its maximum velocity of 33 miles per day off Ivigtut. (See fig. 8.) Immediately north of Ivigtut the current began to throw off branches along its outer side, all of which turned westward into the Labrador Sea. As Fylla Bank was approached the rate of flow diminished. Just north of Fylla Bank the West Greenland Current experienced major westward branching, the bulk of its surface w^aters being deflected here, prob- ably by meeting the southern face of Little Hellefiske Bank. Inshore portions of the West Greenland Current continued north- ward hugging the slope and flowing at the much reduced rate of 6 miles per day. Narrow bands of current, probably continuations of the more vigorous parts of the system, were found along the slopes of Great Hellefiske Bank. Such streams (fig. 8) entered Disko Bay entrance on the south and discharged on the north. A weak but appreciable set of West Greenland Current, more clearly distin- guished in the Disko Island section (fig. 11) below the surface, flowed through Davis Strait Channel into BaiRn Bay. CROSS SECTIONS OF THE CURRENTS A total of .seven hydrographic sections taken during the summer of 1928 (fig. 7) more or less normal to the coast, and more or less equally spaced between Cape Farewell and Disko Island, afford a means of studying the West Greenland Current below the sea surface and along its course northward to the entrance of Baffin Bay. The discussion in this and the following three chapters is lim- ited to the circulation of the upper water layers (sometimes re- ferred to as the troposphere), in the depth of which has been de- termined by reference to a conunon isobaric surface. It has been found for the west Greenland sector that motionless water (or nearly so) ])revails usually between l,r)00-2,000 meters. The 1,500- decibar level has served, therefore, for all i)racti('al purposes as the datum plane upon w^liich the calculations of direction and velocity of the currents are based. Cape Farewell. — A cross section of the West Greenland Current,* i off Cape Farewell (fig. 9), shows, as does the surface map (fig. 8), I "For a description of the nictlioa cniployod in the construction of the velocity profiles see p. 21. DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 31 Figure 9. — Velocity profiles of the West Greenland Current expressed In centimeters per second. The solid lines represent northwesterly current and the broken lines south- easterly current. Section A, September 2-3, 1928; section B, August 27-28, 1928; section C, July 29-31, 1928. 32 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS that the main current hugged the continental slope and that an outer band was separated by a clockwise rotating eddy. The alternations in the directions of the flow as evidence throughout the section in- dicate the probable effect of the bottom configuration on the gradient current as it rounds Cape Farewell and is subsequently joined by other current from the Labrador Sea. The calculated volume of the trunk of the West Greenland Current w^hich hugged the con- tinental edge at Cape Farewell (fig. 8) was 3.2 million cubic meters per second; the vortex contained approximately 1 million cubic meters per second ; and the converging set at the outer end of the section totaled nearly 2 million cubic meters per second. Ivigtut. — One hundred and fifty miles farther along the current, off Ivigtut, the West Greenland Current (fig. 9) was found, as at Cape Farewell, hugging the continental edge. It had, however, in- creased greatly both in cross-sectional area and velocity ; the 5-centi- meter-per-second velocity curve here extended to a depth of nearly 1,200 meters. Offshore the section intersected a south-flowing band of 2.6 million cubic meters per second, evidently a branch of the slope current which had recurved southward and then westward into the Labrador Sea (cf. fig. 9 with fig. 8). The calculated volume of the slope band of the West Greenland Current off Ivigtut, August 27-28, 1928, was 7.4 million cubic meters per second, or approximately double the slope band observed a week later off Cape Farewell. Reference to the surface current map (fig. 8) indicates that some of the discrepancy may be attributed to coastal current which flowed through the 10-mile gap between station 1080 and Cape Farewell. The fact that there is swift current here at times is confirmed by Soule who, in 1935, observed icebergs moving westward close under Egger Island, Cape Farewell, at an estimated rate of 4 knots per hour. Finally it was thought that the excess of transport off Ivigtut may have been partially due to current which entered from offshore between the two sections. A computation of the current there between stations 1070 and 1086, however, gave 2.7 million cubic meters per second but in a westerly direction away from the Greenland slope. Of course this does not preclude the pos- sibility of a current from below 1,500 meters intersecting the Ivigtut profile above 1,500 meters, but this is contrary to our conception of the general circulation. It seems more likely, in view of the above, that the discrepancy noted in the computed volumes of the current at Ivigtut and Cape Farewell resulted from errors incident to the method and its application there. FiskernaesseU. — This section (fig. 9, profile C) shows the slope band of the West Greenland Current as having a volume of 6.6 million cubic meters per second, or a reduction of about 15 percent from that at Ivigtut. The decrease in the volume of the current can safely be attributed to offshore branching which is clearly re- corded on the surface current map between Ivigtut and Fiskernaes- sett. The offshore part of the Fiskernaessett section records alter- nate southeast and northwest flow, which the dynamic topographic map (fig. 122, p. 167) indicates was one single band of current which moved out into the Labrador Sea. The volume of this band amounted to 1.8 million cubic meters per second, leaving 5.8 million . cubic meters per second to continue northward. DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 33 Godthaab. — The slope band of West Greenland Current which in- tersected this section was 5.3 million cubic meters per second, thus supporting previous computations, viz, that approximately 20 per- cent of the current branched offshore between Fiskernaessett and Godthaab. An appreciable reduction in the draft of the West Green- land Current also occurred between these two points along the slope (cf. figs. 9 and 10, profiles C and D). Additional westerly branch- ing of the West Greenland Current is noted in the offshore end of the Godthaab section, where 1.8 million cubic meters per second recurved southward between stations 975 and 973. The slope band which re- mained to continue northward was consequently reduced to 3.5 mil- lion cubic meters per second or about one-half the volume of current found off Ivigtut. Holsteinshorg. — The greatest and most striking decrease in volume of the slope band of the West Greenland Current took place between Godthaab and Holsteinsborg. (See fig. 10, p. 34.) The widening of the Greenland shelf and the continued shoaling of the bottom at the head of the Labrador Sea tended to deflect much of the West Greenland Current westward around the Labrador Basin. Those l^ortions of the West Greenland Current which remained to follow the contour of the banks northward Avere also further reduced in draft. Thus the Holsteinsborg profile shows the 5-centimeter-per- second velocity line at a depth of 200 meters, in contrast to the draft of this current, Cape Farewell, to Fiskernaessett, of 1,100 meters. The plane of the Holsteinsborg section intersected four separate bands of current, but reference to the surface current map (fig. 8) indicates that all these intersections belong to one and the same stream which, guided by the channel between Little Hellefiske and Great Hellefiske Banks, w^ound a northeasterly course. The net volume of the northerly current past Holsteinsborg was 1.25 million cubic meters per second, which, as can be seen, is only 25 percent of the transport which was found off Godthaab. This agrees, more- over with previous findings (p. 30) that major proportions of the slope current were deflected offshore between Godthaab and Hol- steinsborg, probably by the southern face of Little Hellefiske Bank. The volume of the West Greenland Current so turned toward Ameri- can shores was 1.95 million cubic meters per second, the bulk of the discharge being directed between stations 984 and 987. No more impressive evidence is needed than this series of five velocity profiles, figs. 9 and 10 (see also fig. 12) to demonstrate the manner m which the West Greenland Current is distributed north- ward from Cape Farewell, only 15 percent of its volume reaching the entrance of Davis Strait. Egedesminde. — This section (fig. 10, profile F), with a northerly transport of 1.3 million cubic meters per second, showed a slight increase from that off Holsteinsborg and thus reversed the trend which characterized the West Greenland Current for most of the west coast. Reference to the dynamic topographic map (fig. 122, p. 167) attributes the larger volume of flow off Egedesminde not to any swelling of the West Greenland Current but to water contributed locally by a counterclockwise eddy formed in the deep basin which extends southwestward from the entrance of Disko Bay, The eddy 34 MARION AND GENP:R-1L GREENE EXPEDITIONS F OM 100 2 4 6 6 lb 20 30 60 (MILES) OM. too -16 (M _ o (y> 00 CO 00 N 34.50%o, a maximum, near the 1,000-meter isobath of the slope. Such a distribution supports previ- ous statements regarding the relative position of east Greenland, Arctic, and coastal water. Paralleling the tongue of east Greenland Arctic water but approxi- mately 20 miles offshore of it, we found at a depth of 100 meters, fig- ures 15 and 16, a tongue of water of 6° temperature and >35%o salin- ity— the warmest and saltest water of the entire region. Reference to the current map (fig. 8) unmistakably identifies this water as At- lantic in origin, an extension of the Irminger Current around Cape 40 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS Farewell. Comparison between figure 8 and the velocity profiles for the Godthaab and Holsteinsborg sections (fig. 10) shows that this warm and salty Avater, bounded by the 4° and 5° isotherms and the 34.50%o isohaline, extended northwestward to the southern slopes of Little Hellefiske Bank where it probably turned westward. Figure 14. — Salinity at the surface July 30-September 3, 1928. Inshore against the slope of Fylla Bank at the 100-meter level (fig. 15) lay vestiges of east Greenland Arctic water as marked by the 2° isotherm. The temperatures and salinitias contained on the Holsteinsborg section at 100 meters (fig. 15 and fig. 16) indicate an area entirely different in physical character, with cooling and fresh- ening which probably emanated from the Baffin Land Current. DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 41 The remaining 1928 maps for the 200-, 400-, and 600-meter levels (figs. 17-19) are particularly instructive in tracing the areas occu- pied by Atlantic water off the southwest coast of Greenland at these levels. Neither function alone, temperature nor salinity, can be accepted for all depths to mark the boundary of this water. It was 60 60 50 FIGURE 15. — Temperature at a depth of 100 meters July 30-September 3, 1928. warmest (6°) at the 100-meter level, but saltiest, 35.10%o, on the 200-meter plane. For the same salinity (35%o) for an increase in draft from 100 meters to 400 meters the Irminger- Atlantic water cooled approximately 1.5° C, on its under side. The areas enclosed by the critical isotherms and isohalines (figs. 17 to 19) indicate the manner in which the Atlantic water flows 42 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS 60 50 FiGUKE ](■>. — Salinity at a deptli of 100 meters July .'iO-Soptomljer 3, 1028. northwestward in the (ireenlaiul sector and sj)i('ads oiil into the Labrador Sea. THE VERTICAL DlSTKlliUTION OF TEM PKUATrUE AND SALINITY The vertical distribution of temperature and salinity 1928, in the seven hydro^raphical sections, Cape Farewell to Disko Island (figs. 20 and 21), emphasizes the evidence revealed on the horizontal pro- jections. The east (Jreenland Arctic watei- northward to (lodthaab, and more pronouncetl from Ivigtut to Godtliaab than at Cape Fare- D/VVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 50 AO 60 50 43 FiGiUE 17. — Temperaturo and salinity at a depth of 200 meters July 30-Septeniber 3, 192S. Figure 18. — Temperature and salinity at a depth of 400 meters July 30-September 8, 1928. well, is clearly indicated in the coldest and freshest surface layers inshore. The frigid layer which is to be seen on the three northern- most profiles E to G (figs. 20 and 21) as represented by the isotherms at about 100 meters depth, indicates Arctic water which has pene- trated to these points from a northern source, probably from Baffin Bay. 79920—37 4 44 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS The positions of the isohalines representing the saltest water, on the other hand (fig. 20), indicated the Irminger- Atlantic water as it progressed from Cape Farewell to Godthaab, branched west- ward, and sank from the 150-meter level to about the 500-meter depth. It is estimated from these data that the axis of the Irminger- Atlantic water cooled approximately li/^° C, and freshened about 0.20%o. This process of mixing and sinking is discussed on page 175. The warmest and saltest water consistently found on the deeper parts of the shelf in the Holsteinsborg section, and north- ward, indicates Atlantic water much diluted from its passage into Davis Strait. The vertical position of such water in the northern sections when compared with the respective velocity profiles places it near the under side of the West Greenland Current. The distribu- FiGUEB 19. — Temperature and salinity at a depth of 600 meters July 30-September 3. 1928. tion of temperature and salinity in the Disko Island section, section G (figs. 20 and 21), like the other sections to the south, supports the evidence of the velocity profiles, viz, an appreciable amount of West Greenland Current entered Baffin Bay. The continuity and concentration of the Irminger-xVtlaiitic water, as the subsurface illustrations generally reveal, was less pronounced off Cape Farewell at a point nearer its source than it was off Ivigtut. The east Greenland Arctic water was similarly distributed. The GodthaaVs observations agree with the Manori's in this respect and thus indicate that the condition wag not purely coincidental. The International Ice Patrol, similarly, has found lower tempera- tures on the southwest slope of the Grand Banks than upstream at the Tail of the Banks. The distribution of the Irminger-Atlantic water along the southwest slope of Greenland in 1931, however (figs. 32 and 33), was in accordance with the direction of the cur- DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 45 1.5 43 4.8 52 ,0-M ^49 5.1 Q.^ 0 30 60 (MILES) ,^2 iOO FiGURK 20. — -Temperature profiles acros.s the continental shelf July 30-Septeniber 3, 1928 ; A, Cape Farewell ; B, Ivigtut ; C, Flskernaessett ; D, Godthaab ; E. Holsteinsborg ; F, Egedesminde ; Fj, Dlsko Bay ; and G, Disko Island. rent, that is, more concentrated and in greater volume at Cape Fare- well than at Ivigtut. The fact that the thermal and haline gradients were less steep at Cape Farewell than at Ivigtut in 1928 (figs. 20 and 21) strongly suggests a more active mixing of the West Greenland Current at times in the former, than in the latter, region. 46 MARION AND GP^NERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS 30.94 32.40 33.61 3338 33,22 32.72 o-M 0 30 60(miLES) Figure 21. — Salinity profiles across the conlineiital shelf July 30-September 3, 1928. The turbulence noted at times off Cape Farewell appears most likely to be caused by the abrupt change in the direction of the continental slope and tlie conse(iuent turning of the current to the right. Eddies a])i);iren(Iy form (lig. 8) in this locality of rugged bottom topography and jjrobably assist in s})litting the West Green- land Current. At such times one branch hugs the slope and the other DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 47 branch is deflected southwestward offshore. A more active mixing in the Cape Farewell region may also be contributed by an intensi- fication of the offshore circulation, at which times a portion of the Atlantic current in the Labrador Sea may join the West Greenland Current setting northward toward Davis Strait. A comparison between the relative positions of the coldest water and the saltest water and the position of the strong slope current off Ivigtut (fig. 22) continues to substantiate previous findings, OM 100 2 10 12 15 Figure 22. — The Ivigtut profile August 28, 1928. The relative positions of east Green- land Arctic water and Irminger-Atlantic water in the West Greenland Current are shown by the 0° C. isotherm and the isohalines greater than 34.95%o, respectively. The velocity lines represent northwesterly current e.xpressed in centimeters per second. namely that the "West Greenland Current was composed of two types of water of opposite characteristics; (a) inshore in the surface layers as marked by temperatures <3.0° C, east Greenland Arctic water; and, (&), farther offshore and about 100 meters deeper, as embraced b}^ salinities >34.95%o, Irminger-Atlantic water. It will be noted that in none of the Coast Guard's surveys has water as salt as 35.00%o been found west of Cape Farewell on the sea surface. The axis of greater than 35.00%o water, wherever present, immediately north and west of Cape Farewell, has been concentrated 48 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS about 100 to 150 meters below the sea surface. If the Irmmger- Atlantic water be traced upstream, however, the upper side as marked by the 35.00%o isohaline, often intersects the sea surface (see Bohnecke, 1931) east and north of Cape Farewell in the vicinity of the thirty-seventh meridian. This again strongly suggests the sinking of Irminger- Atlantic water. (See p. 175.) That two homogeneous bodies of water free from outside influences mix in ratio to their physical properties of temperature and salinity is well known. This correlation when plotted graphically forms a straight line between the points typical of the components of the 33.00 3400 SALl N I TY 35.00 Figure 23. — Temperature-salinity correlation curves of the West Greenland Current, Cape Farewell to Hosteinsborg, the summer of 1928. mixture. In all of our correlation graphs (figs. 23, 49, 65, 66, 76, and 100) the temperature-salinity data have been plotted by sections, the resulting curves representing, therefore, each the temperature- salinity correlation of the current at that particular cross section. The continuity of the curves is directly proportional to the distance between stations of the given section ; tlie greater the number the stations the more accurate the temperature-salinity curve. The West Greenland current, for example, is ilhistrated by a series of curves on figure 23, the letter on each curve referring to the corre- sponding section as shown on figure 7. The lower left portion of the curves represents east Greenland Arctic water, and the upper DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 49 right Irminger-Atlantic water. The more vertical part of the curves from the upper inflection point downward is indicative of the deep- est water embraced in the observations. This lower point may be regarded as a third component of the West Greenland Current, the mixing between the Irminger-Atlantic water and this deep water being indicated by the curves. Corroboration of the loss of heat from the warm core of the West Greenland Current with northward pro- gress is furnished by the continually lower inflection points on the correlation curves, A to E (fig. 23). A similar progression of the curves at the point of greatest salinity indicates a continual f resliening of the Irminger-Atlantic water. The resulting density as indicated by the inflection points representative of Irminger-Atlantic water, curves A to E (fig. 23) increased approximately 0.04, Cape Farewell to Holsteinsborg. The mixing and cabbeling of the current as a whole is further discussed in chapter VIII, p. 175. As a final analysis of the slope band of the West Greenland Cur- rent, the average temperature and the rate of heat transfer at the eight sections, A to G, are given in the table below, and expressed in million cubic meter degrees centigrade per second. The method of obtaining these values is explained in chapter II, page 24. West Greenland Current Section Average tempera- ture (°C.) Rate of heat transfer Section Average tempera- ture (°C.) Rate of heat transfer Cape Farewell (A) Ivigtut (B) __ 5.5 6.0 4.2 4.1 17.5 44.4 27.7 21.7 Holsteinsborg (E) Egedesminde (F) Disko Bay (Fi) 3.0 2.3 2.7 0.5 3.9 3 0 Fiskernaessett (C) 1 1 Qodthaab (D) Disko Island (Q) 0 5 The table shows that the average temperature progressively de- creased as the West Greenland Current flowed northward, except in the offing of Ivigtut and Disko Bay. The swelling of the current at Ivigtut, and the consequent increase in heat transfer, has been previously explained. The higher average temperature in the Disko Bay section is attributed directly to solar warming of that shallower- water locality. The marked reduction in the rate of heat transfer to be noted in the last four sections of the above table is attributed to the great proportion of the current which left the Greenland slope near God- thaab (see p. 33) and carried its heat toward American shores. The slope band of the West Greenland Current with a maximum of 44.4 million cubic meter degrees centigrade, per second at Ivigtut transported 0.5° C. mVsXlO'' or only about 1 percent of its heat into Baffin Bay. The heat transported into Baffin Bay based on the GodthaaVs observations (p. 53) was 1.4 million cubic meter de- grees centigrade per second. This higher value is due to the higher average temperature, the GodthaaVs stations being located in deeper and warmer water than those of the Marion. An average tem- perature of 1.0° C. and a heat transport of 1.0 million cubic meter degrees centigrade per second is considered representative of the West Greenland Current entering Baffin Bay. 50 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS 50 Figure 24. — The West Greenland Current on the surface, July Velocities expressed in miles per day. 27- August 2, 1931. ANNUAL VARIATIONS The question whether or not the ooeanographic conditions already described in this chapter as existing in west Greenland waters in 1928 prevail during most summers can be answered, at least for south- western Greenland, by the Coast Guard's surveys repeated there in 1931, 1933, and 1934, and also by further comparisons with other published observations. Currejits. — The surface current maps for each of the Coast Guard's surveys, when compared with the similar map for 1928 (fig. 8) indi- cate that variations of considerable magnitude occur in the surface current off southwest Greenland. The branching of the West Green- land Current away from the slope at Cape Farwell in 1931, a feature which is more clearly revealed in the velocity profiles than in the surface current maps, represents an important departure from the other years. If the velocity profiles (figs. 27 to 29) be compared with the surface current maps (figs. 24 to 26) it will be noted that in 1931 the volume of slope band of the West Greenland Current at Cape Farewell was 3.98 million cubic meters per second, and this was separated from the slope itself by 0.3 million cubic meters per second of counter current. Off Ivigtut a few days earlier the slope band was calculated at 2.42 million cubic meters per second. Although the velocity at Ivigtut exceeded that at Cape Farewell a smaller transport resulted at the former place because of the cui'ront's decrease in width and draft. In the summer of 1933 the slope band at Cape Farewell, amounting to G.52 million cubic meters per second, was split by a subsurface counter current of 0.7(5 million cubic meters per second vohiiiie. ()ff Ivigtut, however, the West Greenland Current swelled to 12.1 niilliou cubic meters per second; the largest transport recorded DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 51 Figure 25. — The West Greenland Current on the surface, July 2-14, 1933. Velocities expressed in miles per day. FiGtJRK 26. — The West Greenland Current on the surface, July 1215, 19.34. Velocities expressed in miles per day. 52 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS CO ^ LO '-D r>. O O O O O ro ro 00 CO ro To (miles) Figure 27. — Velocity profiles of the West Greenland Current expressed in centimeters per second. Tlie solid lines represent northerly current and the dashed lines southerly current. Section .Aj, August 1-2. litMl ; section Bi, July -S. 1931. DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 53 I -A 0 10 2030 60 H I LES i L Figure 28. — Velocity profiles of the West Greenland Current expressed in centimeters per second. Tlie solid lines represent northerly current and the dashed lines southerly current. Section Aj, July 9. 1933; section Ba. July 7-13, 1933. for the west Greenland sector. In 1934 the slope band at Cape Fare- well w^as 3.71 million cubic meters per second. In order to obtain further comparisons the volume of the West Greenland Current was computed from the observations of the Godthadb (see Conseil Per- manent International, 1929) ; the observations of the Meteor (unpub- lished) ; and the observations of the General Greene (see Soule, 1936). 54 IVfARION AND Gl^XERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS 0 10 20 30 60 MILES Figure 29. — Velocity profile of the West Greenlanil Current expresseil in centimeters per second. The solid lines represent northerly current and the dashed lines southerly current. Section A3, July 12-13, 1934. The above data on tlie slope band of tlie west Greenland current may be summarized as follows : CAPE FAREWELL SECTION ' Date Width (miles) Average velocity Velocity on axis Volume of flow May 1928 . 4.0 mVsec.XlO^ August-September 1928. July-August 1931.... July-August 1933 July 1934 24 95 80 36 10.0 miles per day 2.8 miles per day 4.8 miles per day 10.8 miles per day 15.0 miles per day 7.2 miles per day 9.6 miles per day 22.0 miles per day 3.2m3/sec.X10«. 3.7 m3/sec.X10«. 5.8mVsec.X106. 3.7 mVsec.X10«. March 1935 7.5 m^/secXlO*. August 1935. 8.5 m3/sec.X106. IVIGTUT SECTION i August 1928. 40 19.0 miles per day 33.0 miles per day 7.4 mVsec.XlO*. October 1928... 7.8 mVsec.XlO". July 1931 22 66 13.4 miles per day 12.0 miles per day 24.0 miles per day 21.6 miles per day 2.4 m'/sec.X106. July 1933 12.1 mVsec.XlOa. ' See station maps, figs. 153 to 155 herein, and Conseil Permanent International, 1929, for difference in geographical positions of the sections. i) DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 55 It is seen from the above table that the width, velocity, and conse- (juent transport of the West Greenland Current vary considerably tiom year to year. The close agreement between the Meteor's and dctieral Greene's Cape Farewell observations March to August 1935, as well as the Godthaab'^s and Marion's Ivigtut observations, regard- ing the volume of current, August to October 1928, indicate that the variations in the transport of the West Greenland Current sometimes are of long periods. A doubling of the volume of the West Green- land Current along the southwest coast of Greenland is noted in 2 of tlie 3 years (1928 and 1933). It is also interesting to note from the table that the summer which recorded the deficiency in volume of current off Ivigtut, 1931, also marked a major branching of the cur- rent off Cape Farewell, as shown on the dynamic topographic map for that year (fi^. 123, p. 167). The foregoing suggests that the sum- mers of 1928 and 1933, on the one hand, and the summer of 1931, on the other, represent two distinct types of the system of circulation off West Greenland. According to this view, the slope band in some summers increases in volume between Cape Farewell and Ivigtut, ■u'hile in other summers the West Greenland Current may branch southwestward at Cape Farewell, as much as two-thirds of its volume mixing offshore in the Labrador Sea. Temperature and salinity. — The relative positions of, and areas occupied hj^ Atlantic and Arctic water, and the values of the tem- perature and the salinity in the maps and sections for 1931, 1933, and 1934 (figs. 30 to 35) do not differ materially from those described for 1928. In order to compare one summer with another and also consecutive months of a single summer, the minimum temperatures of the east Greenland Arctic water and the maximum temperatures of the At- lantic water of the West Greenland Current have been arranged in table form : EAST GREENLAND ARCTIC WATER— CAPE FAREWELL (Average minimum summer temperature, 0.6°; average depth, 33 meters) Date Vessel Station Depth (meters) Tempera- ture Mavl928 Godthaab 3 1767 VII 23 1311 1542 137 1080 75 24 25 0 0 90 20 -0.25 July 1934 —.13 July 1925 Dana - . . . . .26 July 1931 .75 July 1933 do 2.02 September 1909 September 1928 Tjalfe... _._ Marion <1.00 14.30 1 Not included as conjectured to be outside East Greenland Arctic Water. EAST GREENLAND ARCTIC WATER— IVIGTUT (Average minimum summer temperature, 0.82°; average depth, 60 meters) June 1928- Godthaab . .-. 28 1307 VII 10 1546 1076 180 75 50 75 50 100 10 0.20 July 1931. . . . General Greene — .27 July 1925 July 1933 Dana General G reene .09 -.10 August 1928 October 1928 Marion Godthaab 2.30 2.70 56 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS ATLANTIC WATER— CAPE FAREWELL (Average maximum summer temperature, 5.85°; average depth, 130 meters) Date Vessel Station Depth (meters) Tempera- ture May 1928 Godthaab.-- - Dana . .... 6 VI 5 1540 1313 1765 1083 140 50 200 113 100 147 100 200 5.49 June 1925 .3.96 July 1933 . . 5.39 July 1931 do . . - 7.60 July 1934 ... do. 6.65 August 1928 - Marlon 5.85 September 1909 Tjalfe >6.00 ATLANTIC WATER— IVIGTUT (Average maximum summer temperature 5.70°; average depth, 135 meters) June 1925 July 1931 July 1933 August 1928.. October 1928. Dana General Greene. do Marion . Godthaab VI6 300 1303 100 1549 98 1074 100 183 75 4.03 5.53 6.39 6.00 7.58 The tables show that the Atlantic water, both in temperature and salinity, remains more constant, summer to summer, than does the temperature and salinity of the Arctic water. This fact was also noted by Bohencke (1931) for the same latitudes off the east coast of Greenland. The constancy of the maximum salinity of the At- lantic water off the southwest slope of Greenland was remarkable, it varying only 0.03%o for the three summers, viz. 1928, 35.10%o; 1931, 35.07%o; and 1934, 35.07%o. The saltest water reported from the west Greenland section by the Godthaah in 1928 was 35.07%o. That variations occur, however, in the average minimum and the average maximum temperatures of the West Greenland Current and also in its volume has been demonstrated. Helland -Hansen (1934) has found that similar important variations take place in the dis- charge of the Atlantic Current along the Norwegian coast and also that they correlate with certain climatic variations in Scandinavia as well as with the area of pack ice in the Barents Sea. In the case of the West Greenland Current, which is composed of both Arctic and Atlantic water, it is more instructive to include con- sideration of its average temperature and its rate of heat transfer than simply to compare volumes alone or to compare a series of isolated observations. We have, therefore, expanded the table on page 54 in accordance with the method described in chapter II. The average temperature and the rate of heat transfer of the slope band of the West Greenland Current, expressed in million cubic meter degrees centigrade per second, varied as follows : CAPE FAREWELL SECTION Date Volume of flow Average tempera- ture (°C.) Rate of heat transfer May 28-30, 1928 Sept. 2-3, 1928.. Aug. 1-2, 1931,. July 8-9, 1933... July 13-14, 1934. Mar. 8, 1935.... Aug. 1&-20, 1935 4.0ms/sec.X10« 3.2mVsec.X106 3.7mVsec.X10« 5.8mVsec.X10e 3.7 mVsec.XlOs 7.5mVsec.X10« 8.5m3/sec.X10« 4.1 5.5 5.3 4.2 5.1 4.0 5.0 16.4 17.5 19.6 24.4 18,9 30.0 42.5 DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA IVIGTUT SECTION 57 Date Volume of flow Average tempera- ture (°C.) Rate of heat transfer Aug. 27-28, 1928 7.4mVsec.X108 6.0 3.1 4.2 5.4 44.4 7.4 50.8 42.1 July 28, 1931 2.4 mVsecXlO* July 13-14, 1933 12.1 mVsec.X10« Oct. 8-9, 1928 7.8mVsec.Xl08 400 400 Figure 30.— Temperature and salinity at the surface, 100, 200, 400, and 600 meters July 27-August 4. 1931 58 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS The above table shows that the West Greenland Current " trans- ported more heat per second past Cape Farewell in 1935 than in any other summer for which there is record. The additional heat was, moreover, due not to a higher mean temperature but to a more volii- minous current. At Ivigtut more heat was carried in 1933 than in any other year, but there are only data there from three summers with which to make comparisons. The greatest variation in the rate of heat transfer is noted for the summer of 1931 at Ivigtut wdien it amounted to only about 25 percent of any of the other summers. This deticiency is described above (p. 54) as arising not from lower temperature of the current itself, as can be seen from the table of average temperatures, but to major branching at Cape Farewell. Figure 31.— Temperature at 100, 200, 400, and 600 meters July 9-14, 1933 Variations in the rate of heat transport of the West Greenland Cur- rent may have many far-reaching effects. That such variations do occur is proved by the quantitative observations included in the fore- going table, but as to the range of such variations and what corre- lations exist between them and related factors — climatic, biological, and glaciological — the data are yet scanty. It may be more than simply coincidental, for example, that contemporary with the deficit in 1931 of the rate of heat transported northward into Davis Strait and toward blockaded iceberg glaciers (Smith, 1931) only 13 ice- bergs that spring were recorded south of Newfoundland. In this connection it should be mentioned that the method of ice- berg forecasting developed by Smith (1931) and tested by the Coast '■ Bohnecke (1931) found the Irminger Current in Deuniurk Strait more volun\inous in 1928 than 1930. DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 59 Guard during the past several years is based solely on meteorological factors. From the beginning it was realized that there were other factors, and we suspect that two of these are (a) the rate of heat sup- ply of the West Greenland Current and (h) the degree of branching of the West Greenland Current into the Labrador Sea. The former may affect the icebergs near their source and the latter may affect them on their journey southward. o o o o o 3 60 3.26 3.41 0-M too 2 30 60 (miles) 750 7.29 6.90 B, 367 n r L. 3.20 Figure 32. — Temperature profiles across the continental shelf, Ai, August 1-2, 1931 Bi, July 28, 1931 In commenting on the East Greenland Polar Current along the west coast of Greenland Nielsen (1928) points out that, if negative tem- perature is to be accepted as the index of such water, then often in autumn the extension of the East Greenland Current northward of Cape Farewell along the west coast dwindles and disappears. Nat- urally during summer in sub-Arctic zones higher temperatures pre- vail in the upper water layers than at other times of the year. Ac- 79920—37 5 60 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS <\J fO Tj- in to 1^ O O O OO O ro ro ro ro to K) 34.44 3467 3461 -34.8 34a 34.95 3491 3489 34.89 30 60 (miles) 34.63 B, 3494 34.92 34.91 Figure 33. -Salinity profiles across the continental shelf, Ai, August 1-2, 1931 ; Bi, July 28, 1981 cordingly, the tongue of coldest water along the southwest coast of Greenland shown by our observations, even if positive in tempera- ture (see fig. 15), has been considered by us as representing the East Greenland Current, and, if so defined, it cannot be said to disappear from the west coast. According to this view east (Treenland Arctic water suffers major diminution near Fylla Bank, and, while there is DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 61 a northerly set even to Disko Bay, tlie proportion of original con- stituents are probably very small. The designation of West Green- land Current for the northerly set along the west coast of Greenland avoids any opportunity for a misunderstanding on this point. Nielsen's (1928) statement that the East Greenland Polar Current may carry ice as far north as Egedesminde is believed in error. The ice referred to was probably "vestis" (see Smith, 1931, p. 44), which in severe winters drifts eastward across Davis Strait and o-M 200 Figure 34. -Temperature profiles across the continental shelf, A2, July 9, 1933 ; B", July 7-13, 1933 has been reported on the Greenland coast even as far south as Holsteinsborg. The Dana's and Godthaah\s sections of temperature extending from Godthaab out into the Labrador Sea (Baggesgaard-Rasmussen and Jacobsen, 1928) and (Conseil Permanent International, 1929), when compared with the corresponding section of the Marion (fig. 20, p. 45), reveals that east (jrreenland Arctic water does not always hug the slope as might be inferred from the MariorVs observations but may often be present in one of the several branches of the West Greenland Current which turn westward into the Labrador Sea. 62 MARION AND GENP^RAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS 735 683 00 3479 0-M 325 ;34.95^^__y~^ 200 "^--^ ) /34.95 g 34 92 to 12 34.91 Figure 35. — Temperature and salinity profiles across the continental shelf at Cape Fare- well, July 13-14, 1934 ANNUAL CYCLES While there are several years' data with which to trace annual variations of temperature and salinity in the west Greenland sector for summer and early autumn there have been until recently very few surface or subsurface observations collected during other periods of the year essential to learn the annual cycle. The information available now is contained in a section running southward from Cape Farewell. The observations there have been collected at the following times: Meteor, March 1935; Godf/:aah, May 1928; and Marion, September 1928. A comparison of the vertical distribution of the temperature, salinity, and density off Cape Farewell at the end of winter, again the latter part of spring, and finally at the end of summer (fig. 36) indicates that throughout the year cold low-salinity water (east Greenland-Arctic) prevails in the surface la3^ers next to the coast, while farther offshore at deeper levels persists warmer, saltier water (Irminger- Atlantic) . The extent to which the system of circulation in the northwestern North Atlantic is affected by wintertime conditions has heretofore been speculative. That the West Greenland Current, however, pre- vails throughout the year is apparent from a. comparison of the March to September profiles (fig. 30) one with another. The com- puted volume of the West Greenland Current at Cape Farewell in DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 63 March 1935 of 7.5 million cubic meters per second when compared with volumes found there in August 1935 and also during several other summers proves that the West Greenland Current is apparently not seasonal, or, if seasonal, that effect is masked by greater varia- tions noncyclic in character. The effects of winter chilling of the surface layers, and consequent convectional mixing, are, however, plainly visible (fig. 36), where the temperature and salinity gradients of May and September were com- pletely erased by March. The sections furnish information on the annual temperature range of the surface layers outside the shelf off Cape Farewell. The temperature in the axis of the Irminger- Atlantic current ])r()bably rises from a minimum in February of about 4° C. to a maximum of slightly over 8° C. in September. In the fresher water near the coast it probably ranges from —1.3° C. at the end of winter to around 3.0° C. or 4.0° C. at the end of summer. The May section of the Godtliaab apparently recorded a point about midway of the annual cycle. The average temperature and the rate of heat transfer of the West Greenland Current off Cape Farewell at the three seasons was computed as follows: Annual thermal cycle of the West Greenland Current (Cape Farewell) Date Volume of flow Average tempera- ture Rate of heat transfer Mar. 7-8, 1935. _ May 28-30, 1928 Sept. 2-3, 1928.. 7.5 4.0 3.2 4.0 4.1 4.4 30.0 16.4 17.5 Despite the winter chilling of the surface layers of the West Green- land Current, the table shows that in some winters, at least, the cur- rent transports more heat into the Labrador Sea than it does at other times of a year. The higlier average temperature of the deeper parts of the cur- rent in March 1935 was also accompanied, according to the salinity profile (fig. 36), by a correspondingly higher salinity. Warm, salty water apparently mixed and sank to greater depths off Cape Fare- well in March 1935 than in any of the summers for which there is record. A more thorough internal mixing during winter below the fric- tional influence of the wind may have been due to convectional cur- rents, but an examination of the density profile reveals generally a fair stability. The stability of any column in the section, 0-1,500 meters, was greatest closest to Cape Farewell and decreased directly with the distance from the coast. Farthest out from the shore (Me- teor's station 120, fig. 36) the density was uniformly 27.75, surface to 220 meters, but below there the density progressively increased with depth to 27.88 at 1,500 meters. The maximum depth, there- fore, to which convectional chilling was directly and actively pene- trating around Cape Farewell March 7-8, 1935, was probably about 220 meters. Wintertime convectional currents are, however, believed 64 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS to have assisted salty water downward to depths of 1.200 and 1,500 meters at Meteor''s station 120, prior, however, to the time of, and upstream from the place of, the actual taking of the observations. The depth of vertical convection farther offshore is discussed in chapter VIII. No wintertime observations have ever been taken northward of Cape Farewell in the west Greenland sector, but an indication of the annual cycle is contained in the Ivigtut sections of the Marion and Godthaab. The Marion ran the Ivigtut section the last few days of August 1928, and the Godthaab repeated the survey the first week in October (fig. 37). The close proximity of the two section? in geographical position and the recorded constancy of the West Greenland Current during the interval of about 5 weeks lend accu- racy to a direct comparison between relative heat values as follows : Ivigtut section Date Volume of flow Average tempera- ture (°C.) Rate of heat transfer Aug. 27-28, 1928. Oct. 8-9, 1928—- 7.4 m3/sec.X10«. 7.8m3/sec.X10. 5.96 5.40 44.1 42.1 The rate of heat transfer of the West Greenland Current August 28 to October 9, 1928, without appreciable change of the volume of flow diminished 2.0 million cubic meter degrees centigrade per second in a period of about 5 weeks. This decline in the rate of heat supply is attributed directly to the seasonal cooling of the surface layers. A table recording in more detail the volume of the West Greenland Current, previously depicted on the velocity profiles, and described in this chapter is appended herewith. ife 64 to me up Th c\v, ] Ca th( aiK da; we in Gr rac Aug Oct. 28 of sec he£ sur J Cu in DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 65 Volume of West Greenland current [Millions cubic meters per second] 1928 1931 South North North South North North Section A: 1.66 1.11 3.98 [ 3.20 Slope- - - 0.30 3.98 Shelf Total 2.77 7.18 4.41 .30 3.98 3.68 Section B: Offshore 2.6C .35 .48 2.42 Slope - [ 7.40 Shelf Total -- 2.60 7.40 4.80 .35 2.90 2.55 Section C: Offshore 1.85 3.00 [ 6.65 Slope -.- Shelf - Total 1.85 9.65 7.80 Section D: 1.80 2.00 } 5.32 Shelf Total 1.80 7.32 5.52 Section E: Slope 1.12 .20 Shelf .07 Total .07 1.32 1.25 Section F: Slope --- } 1.29 Shelf -- Total 1.29 1.29 Section Fi: } ■« .44 Shelf Total .- - - .44 .44 Section Q: Slope .93 Shelf 1.29 Total 1 29 93 1.36 Section and position 1933 1934 South North North South North North Section A: Offshore 6.52 1.55 0.36 3.71 Slope 0.76 Shelf / Total .76 6.52 5.76 1.55 4.07 2.52 Section B: Offshore .48 Slope } 12. 57 Shelf - - Total . . .48 12.57 12.09 > South. Chapter V THE DAVIS SECTOR THE SURFACE CURRENTS The name, "Davis Strait", is used here for the narrow part of the waterway which separates Greenland and Baffin Land (p. 2). The bathymetric map of this region (fig. 38) shows the two basins, Labrador and Baffin, connected by a winding channel, which, as marked by the 600 meters isobath, averages 40 miles in width and with a threshold depth of 675 meters. Because all exchanges be- tween the Labrador Sea and Baffin Bay necessarily have to pass across this sill, particular investigation has been devoted to the Davis Strait sector. Besides the Coast Guard's data, the Godthaab expedi- tion's observations, Riis-Carstensen (1936), and the Michael Sars^ observations. Martens (1929) have also been utilized. For the geo- graphical position of the stations see figure 38. In constructing the series of dynamic topographic maps shown in figure 39, Godthaab'' s station number 162, latitude 67°48.5' north, longitude 60°48' west, was selected as the datum station for the surveyed area, except for Marion stations 986 to 994, which have been referred to Maiion sta- tion 984, latitude 63° 10' north, longitude 56°32' west. The dynamic heights for the above stations, similar to those of the Coast Guard, have been computed in accordance with the anomaly tables published by Sverdrup (1933) and the method referred to by Helland-Hansen (1934). It will be recalled from this theorem that if motionless water is correctly assumed at the selected level (usually a deep level between two deep-water stations), all motion is accounted for even at the bottom of the shoalest stations. An important step in the method, however, is the correct determination or portrayal of the distribution of the anomaly of specific volume along the bottom of the shoal water stations in the section. That errors in the dynamic height and the computed velocity at shoal water stations may result from the above source was demonstrated in our work when a common inshore sta- tion was approached along two converging sections. For example, the computed dynamic heights of station 45, based upon the distribu- tion of specific volume in a vertical plane passed through station 42 and another plane passed through station 46, were 1,454.874 dynamic meters and 1,454.900 dynamic meters, respectively. A similar discrepancy arose in the computed dynamic heights of sta- tion 168 which were 1,454.879 and 1,454.823 dynamic meters by different approaches. The difference in the first case when expresesd in terms of motion introduces an error of 1.7 centimeters per sec- ond, which is not great, but in the second case the difference repre- sents a current of 7.3 centimeters per second, which is relatively significant. When the dynamic values for each one of the stations in the Davis Strait sector were plotted, and a topographic map at- 66 70' 62' DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 58° 67 o 54 o 53 P : ; 51 / 50\ 68 C5 : ^>^ ■^ "••••■•••• I *. /i5^ o /ao° //-.o-. o :• BANK . RE SKE^ BANK- igrr^'n "170 ^^ • :^- L...-/<^ .:+;';^;i- I 64- \2I+"--, = 23 / .+ ';^^^""Xf\ IHELDERS. \ 4° ; ^^91 x^ankI ^°^ .' ; ^ IHELLEFigKE, ; ; ^ •• BANK ••. /J +987 •2oa' ■ ./ /•' ^ooo •'•*' \\- +986 58 4 I 179 62' 58" 64^ 54' Figure 38— The Davis Strait sector: D Michael iiars stations, 1924; + Marion stations, 1928; O God- thaab stations, 1928. 68 MARION AND GENER.\L GREENE EXPEDITIONS tempted, it was immediately perceived, moreover, that the dynamic values of adjacent stations not in the same section exhibited undue irregularities. Similar conditions appearing at the 500 meter level (a depth beyond the seasonal influence in this type of water), indi- cated that errors were probably introduced by incorrect assumptions as to the distribution of anomaly of specific volume. It must be admitted, however, that the time embraced by the observations taken by three separate expenditions easily affords opportunity for both seasonal and secular changes of considerable magnitude, and it must be realized that in a waterway, such as Davis Strait, wide and rapid fluctuations are to be expected. Consequently the dynamic topographic maps shown here can present only the outstanding fea- tures of circulation through the strait. The most striking feature as shown on figure 39 is the vigorous south-flowing band which dominates the western side of the strait, penetrating downward there more than 500 meters — the so-called Baffin Land Current. This stream was widest and most rapid at the surface, showing a maximum calculated velocity of 26 centimeters per second (12.5 miles per day) over the slope between Cape Kater and Cape Dier. The velocity decreased inversely with the depth, a velocity of 6 centimeters per second (2.9 miles per day) being re- corded at the 500-meter level. The eastern side of Davis Strait, figure 39, shows a weak but widespread drift of water northward. From the surface down to the 200-meter level this movement was given continuity by narrow bands of more rapid current which reflected the outline of the west Green- land banks in this sector. The northerly set in the surface layers constituted importations to many coastal estuaries and to Disko Bay where the indraft along the Egedesminde shore partially compen- sated for the discharge past Godhavn. Below 200 meters (see 500 meters, fig. 39), northerly current filled the eastern half of the Davis Strait Channel and continued northward into Baffin Bay. The current at the 500-meter level with a mean velocity of approximately 3 centimeters per second (1.5 miles per day), according to figure 39, appeared stronger and more endur- ing than the similarly directed movement in the upper layers. The fact that this current at 500 meters was composed of water much warmer and more saline than its surroundings (see figs. 42 and 44) positively identifies it as that part of the West Greenland Current which had continued farthest northward along the Greenland slope. It is our conjecture that this current represents the main source of supply of the well-known warm intermediate layer of Baffin Bay and partially compensates for the discharge of the Baffin Land Current in the west. The eddies and swirls noted at every one of the levels of the Davis Strait Channel (fig. 39) are believed characteristic features of the circulation which continually develop as a result of the mixing along the margins of dissimilar types of water. Many Disko Bay icebergs (mostly from Jacobshavn and Torsuka- tak glaciers) as previously pointed out (p. 36) are borne out of tho bay in the discharge which hugs the Disko Island slope. (See sur- face current map, fig. 39, and velocity profile Fi, fig. 11.) The 68 tern] vail) irre| (a c cate as t adm by 1 seas' mus rapi topo ture: T] sout pene Baff surf per and velo' cord wide 200-; of ir land cons whei sate( B< fiUec nort a me per I ing 1 fact wan posi wlii( It i^ supi part the ^ T] Stra circi the 1 M tak I l)ay face DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 69 dynamic topograi^hic map of Baffin Bay (fig. 126, p. 170) indicates that many of the Disko Bay icebergs are carried northward with the current through the Vaigat. Once outside the coastal estuaries and headlands, as indicated by the slope currents (fig. 126), the icebergs follow a generally cyclonic circuit of Baffin Bay. There is no evi- dence from the dynamic topographic maps that icebergs in the south- ern part of Baffin Bay drift directly across to the Baffin Land Cur- rent, The Marion on her track between Disko Island and Cape Dier sighted no icebergs out in the central part of Davis Strait. CROSS SECTIONS OF THE CURRENTS The stations shown on figure 38 have been grouped into a total of five cross sections of the currents in the Davis Strait sector as shown on figure 40. All of the velocity profiles with little exception emphasize the main features of the circulation described in the horizontal projections. The Baffin Land Current with velocity lines ranging from 5 to 20 centimeters per second in the heart of the current appears on all the profiles, filling the western half of Davis Strait. The West Greenland Current, much weaker, with velocity lines varying from 1 to 5 centimeters per second, prevailed in the eastern half of the strait. A band of northbound Greenland coastal current is also to be noted in each one of the profiles. The southerly current, which appears at stations 161 to 159 on profile 4, and sta- tions 1014 to 1013, profile 5 (fig. 40), refers to the discharge from Disko Bay which the plane of the section intersected at an acute angle. The successive areas of alternate northerly and southerly current recorded on the right side of profile 5 (fig. 40) probably refer to a single band of winding current which followed the ti-end of Disko Island Bank. The dynamic gradient resulting from the warmer and fresher waters in over the Greenland banks accounts for the northerly movement of the surface layers * on the east side of Davis Strait. It is quite certain after studying the distribution of temperature and salinity across Davis Strait (see fig. 44) that the same dynamic factors extend down over the edge of the Greenland slope and re- sult in northerly motion of the deeper water there. The higher temperature and salinity of the band of current centered at 500 meters on the Greenland slope (see fig. 40, profiles 1, 2, and 5) has already been identified as Irminger-Atlantic portions of the West Greenland Current. Previous published statements have pointed out that this warm water is forced up over the Davis Strait Ridge as an undercurrent to Baffin Bay. The impression of an undercurrent has probably been much accentuated by the behavior of the Baffin Land Current, which, being the more vigorous and lighter, often floods eastward in the surface layers, overriding the West Green- land Current. This appears to be the most logical explanation at present for the position of the currents depicted in profile 1 (fig. 40), and also for the notion that Atlantic water penetrates northward into Baffin Bay as an undercurrent only. * Nielsen (1928) identified surface water in Disko Bay which had been encountered earlier in a wide area over Great Hellefiske Bank more than a hundred miles south- ward. 70 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS 67 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 43 46 165 164 163 i6l 160 159 158 Figure 40. — Five velocity profiles across Davis Strait expressed in centimeters per seo- oud. The solid lines represent soutlierlv current and the hroken lines northerly current. (1) Michael Snrs, Ansiust 16-18, 191-'4 : (U) Godthaub. September 17-19, V.rJH : CO Michael Sars, August 9-13, 1924; (4) Qodthaab, September 12-14, 1928; (5) Marian, August 13-17, 1928, The velocity profiles are particularly valuable in revealing the volume of the exchanges across the Davis Strait Ridge. These arc contained in the following table expressed in millions of cubic meters per second : DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 71 Volume of flow [Millions of cubic meters per second] BaflBn Land Current (south) West Greenland Current (north) Section 1 1.92 2.68 1.78 4.29 2.55 0.61 Section 2 1. 12 Section 3 Section 4 . . . i. 87 Section 5 .93 Average.- 2.64 1.13 The table shows that the vohime of flow of the Baffin Land Cur- rent thron^jh section 4 much exceeded that through any of the other sections. Reference to the station map (fig. 38) indicates that sec- tion 4 crossed the deep water in the southern end of Baffin Ba}^ about 60 miles north of the shallowest part of Davis Strait Ridge. It is possible that the Baffin Land Current is subject to considerable fluctuation in volume, but the added fact that the three other cross sections of the Baffin Land Current taken over the ridge itself re- corded a volume of current that varied little from 2 million cubic meters per second supports th« conjecture that the Baffin Land Current is notably constant in rate of transport. In view of the foregoing it seems most probable that significant under portions of the Baffin Land Current on meeting the rise of the bottom, at the south end of the bay, are deflected to the left following around the side of the basin. Making suitable allowances, therefore, for the larger volume of the Baffin Land Current recorded farther north- ward in the bay, the normal volume of the discharge across Davis Strait Ridge into the Labrador Sea is placed at 2 million cubic meters per second. The average rate of transport of the West Greenland Current through Davis Strait according to the table is 1.13 million cubic meters per second. Section 3, as can be seen from the station map (fig. 38), did not extend more than halfway across Davis Strait and therefore furnishes no information on the volume of the West Greenland Current. If the total volume of northward flow is about equally divided between the inshore surface layers and the deeper slope band, it agrees well with previous computations made of the West Greenland Current at points farther south. (See p. 65.) It is concluded from the foregoing that the average rate of ex- change of the w^ater between Baffin Bay and the Labrador Sea is in the ratio of about 2 to 1, and the West Greenland Current through Davis Strait definitely fails, therefore, to maintain the renewal of Baffin Bay water. HORIZONTAL DISTRIBUTION OF TEMPERATURE AND SALINITY The distribution of temperature at 75 meters (fig. 41) reflects the courses of the two main currents through Davis Strait — the frigid Baffin Land Current, on the one hand, and the northward drift of the Greenland shelf waters on the other. The area of 72 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS warmest water recorded in the lower right-hand corner of figure 41 marks the upper layers of the West Greenland Current which have been further heated by the summer's sun. Little or no indication of the penetration of the West Greenland Current into Baffin Bay is to be found on figure 41. This strengthens the conjecture pre- viously advanced that the more important inflow to Baffin Bay follows along the deeper part of the Greenland slope and joins the intermediate layers north of the ridge. The blanket-like layer of Figure 41. — The temperature at 75 meters. frigid water at 75 meters as marked by the — 1.5° C. isotherm on figure 41 is spread completely across to the Disko Island slope. This suggests an eastAvard flooding of the Baffin Land Current which as interpreted by these observations overrode the warm current from the south. Such behavior of the surface currents in the Davis Strait sector are believed common, especially in winter when it is well known that pack ice is carried, partly by wind and partly by current, over to the Greenland coast. The strongest evidence that the previously described exchanges of water through Davis Strait are divisible longitudinally into a DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 73 cold, fresh current on the west and a warmer, saltier one on the east is contained in the temperature and salinity maps for the 500-meter level (fig. 42), There is also a suggestion in the form and position of the isotherms and the isohalines near the 100-meter isobath at the southern end of Baffin Bay (fig. 15) that the Baffin Land Cur- rent at times spreads southeasterly in the surface layers toward Great Hellefiske Bank and may even dam temporarily the northward set of the Greenland waters. 60 S8 36 S4 62 60 58 5fo Figure 42. — The temperature and salinity at 500 meters. 54 VERTICAL DISTRIBUTION OF TEMPERATURE AND SALINITY Martens (1929) has published cross sections of the temperature and salinity taken along the top of the ridge and has given a clear exposition of what are regarded as normal conditions. Two sections only of temperature and salinity, therefore, are presented here — Marion's section 5 and GodthaaVs section 2, both of which illustrate interesting features of the above variables. Marion'' 8 section 5 (fig. 43), following southwesterly along the edge of Disko Island Bank, intersected typical banks water. The intermediate and bottom water, with temperatures below 0° C, were probably reminiscent of winter chilling. The warmest and saltiest water, according to the profile, is noted at a depth of 400 meters on the Greenland slope. Arctic water with temperatures less than 0° C. from station 1015 southward filled the surface layers to a 74 MARION AXD GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS depth of 250 meters. Below that, and most pronounced on the bot- tom, temperatures as high as 2° C., and salinities of 34.50%o, indi- cate that even as far north as Marioti's station 1021, in latitude 65°- 37', longitude 59°05', west Greenland water sometimes is found under Figure 43. — The vertical distribution of temperature and salinity across Davis Straiti August 13-17, 1928, as shown by Marion's stations 1007-1025. the Arctic water on the Baffin Land shelf. The negative tempera- tures and salinities about 34.50%o noted in section 5 (fig. 43), below depths of 800 meters, represent true Baffin Bay bottom water that is barred from the Labrador Sea by the Davis Strait Ridge. , DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 75 Section 2 (fig. 44), based on the GodthaaVs observations, follows the shoaler part of the ridge across Davis Strait. The temperature profile is the more interesting as it more clearly delineates the cur- rents. The water less than —1.0° C, which rested against the Baffin Land slope, represents the heart of the Baffin Land Current. The 0.73 1.47 2.41 5.40 6 10 20 40 60 (Ml LES) 00 0) o <0 31.33 3091 3055 32.18 32.27 riGUEB 44. — The vertical distribution of temperature and salinity across Davis Strait September 17-19, 1928, as sbown by section 2, Oodthaab's stations 168-175. :ore of —1.0° water centered at 100 meters, station 172, however, svhen compared with velocity profile 2 (fig. 40) is found to have a lortherly component. This apparent inconsistency is due to the presence of a cyclonic eddy previously described on page 71. The •ore of water warmer than 1.0° C, which filled the eastern side 79920 — 37 6 76 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS Of the channel around the 400-meter depth, marks Irmmger-Atlan- tic water of the West Greenland Current. In its passage of 600 miles along the Greenland slope this water, solely through mixing, lost approximately 4° C. of its temperature and 0.50o/oo of its salinity in a period of 3 months after passing Gape Farewell. The salinity profile (fig. 44) records two reservoirs of fresh water one^ on either side of Davis Strait, the larger of which hugged the American side. Solely on the basis of such a distribution, currents normal to the section are predicated for Davis Strait with the more voluminous flow on the BaiRn Land side. A north-south temperature profile through Davis Strait (ng. 45) emphasizes the shearing action of the currents— a southerly com- FiGURH 45.— The vertical distribution of temperature longitudinally through midchann of Davis Strait. (For station identification, see fig. 38.) ponent dominated the upper layers to a depth of nearly 300 met«i and a northerly component prevailed from there to the botton; In this manner' cold water spread southward in the surface layer and warmer water worked northward into Baffin Bay. Practicall identical salinity but higher temperature of the channel streai across Davis Strait Kidge marked this branch of the West Greer land Current as an eventual supply of Baffin Bay. The extent of the production and propagation of the bottoi water of Baffin Bay is of particular interest to us, inasmuch f such water may indirectly affect the deeper water of the Labradc Basin. That a great part of the bottom water of Baffin Bay probably formed by the intermixture of Atlantic and Arctic mass« in the northern ]:>a"rt of the bay is the opinion of Commander Km Carstensen expressed in a letter to one of us. The oxygen dii tribution of Baffin Bay (fig. 148, p. 187) indicates that bottom wat( DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 77 is renewed at a very slow rate. Baffin Bay bottom water (as cold as —0.39° C. and with uniform salinity ca 34.49%o below the level of Davis Strait sill (figs. 142 and 143) is, of course, directly barred from the much warmer water of the Labrador Sea. The eventual displacement of even the deepest layers in Baffin Bay, however, most probably takes place through upwelling and mixing with lighter water in the bay itself and thys escapes as Baffin Land Current. A computation of the rate of heat transported by the Baffin Land Current and the West Greenland Current across the Davis Strait Ridge through section 2 (fig. 40) has been made from the God- fhaab^s observations, stations 167-175. Average tempera- ture (°C) Rate of heat transfer (°C m3/sX 10-«) Baffin Land Current -0.6 1.2 —1.6 West Greenland current.. - - - 1.4 The fact that the Godfhaah^s section 2 was taken in September 1928 only a short distance from section 1 (fig. 38) made by the Michael Sars in August 1924 affords a good opportmiity also to learn what annual variations, if any, occur in the waters of Davis Strait. The sections to which reference is made have been published by Martens (1929) and Riis-Carstensen (1936). A comparison between the two profiles shows that the north and south currents occupied similar relative positions. It is surprising, therefore, to find on comparing summertime temperature profiles that the slope band of the West Greenland Current was much warmer and saltier in 1924 than in 1928. The actual figures taken in the heart of the current, at 500- meters depth on the Greenland slope, are — Year °C. «/oo 1924.. 4.08 1.20 34.88 1928 34.48 The temperature and salinity of the Baffin Land Current for the two summers, on the other hand, was nearly constant. The transport of salt through Davis Strait based on the observa- tions of stations contained in section 2 (fig. 40) was — • Average salinity (9-00) Rate of salt transport (Kg./sec.) xio-« Baffin Land Current.. . . 34.01 34.32 91 1 West Greenland Current . 38.4 Net south salt transport 52.7 Although the West Greenland Current was of higher average salinity than the Baffin Land Current, the much greater volume of the latter resulted in more salt being transported out of Baffin Bay 78 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS across the Davis Strait Ridge than entered there. A net south rate of salt transport of 52.0 million kilograms per second was obtained based on the observations of the Michael Sars as contained in section 1 (fig. 40). Assuming, therefore, a salt balance is being maintained in Baffin Bay, the above deficit indicated through Davis Strait must be compensated by an excess through Lancaster Sound, Jones Sound, and Smith Sound. It appears from the foregoing that the branch of the West Green- land Current through Davis Strait is subject to considerable varia- tion in temperature. Similar variations in temperature at mid- depths in the West Greenland Current farther south (p. 58) suggest they are related. The fact that the above differences are greatest at depths of 400 and 500 meters eliminates the wind and other surface elements as directly involved factors. Even the variations in the volume of the West Greenland Current noted around Cape Farewell are often probably reflected in excesses or deficits of heat imported to Baffin Bay. The abnormal scarcity of ice in Baffin Bay rej^orted by Bartlett (1936) corresponds well with the excess in the rate of heat supply (p. 63) past Cape Farewell March to August 1935. It should be added in conclusion that the above remarks apply to the behavior and character of the currents in summer. But it seems logical that the rate of exchanges and the circulation through Davis Strait might be less active in winter when most of the sea in this region is ice covered. Insofar as the West Greenland Cur- rent is concerned, however, evidence has been presented (p. 63) which refutes any apparent semblance of seasonal character. What actually happens in the 8 months outside of summer in the region of Davis Strait is wholly unknown. Chapter VI THE AMERICAN SECTOR The American sector is the term applied here to the shelf and slope waters embraced by the U. S. Coast Guard's surveys north of St, John's, Newfoundland, during the years 1928, 1931, "1933, and 1934. The 1928 observations, upon which the discussion is based, were made along a series of sections, H to Q, as shown on figure 46. Figure 46 — The American sector, 1928. Sections are as follows : H, Cumberland Sound ; I, Frobisher Bay ; J, Resolution Island ; K, Naehvak Fjord ; L, Cape Harrigan ; M, Hamilton Inlet ; N, Domino Island ; O, Belle Isle ; P, White Bay ; and Q, St. John's. The American sector embraces two principal slope currents — the Baffin Land Current and the Labrador Current. This division of the south flowing waters along the American continental slope, from El- lesmere Land to the Grand Banks, into two currents, differs mate- rially from the j)revious classifications. As a rule, the flow over this entire range is considered as pertaining to one current, the Labrador. 79 80 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS It will be demonstrated, however, that the Arctic current shortly after crossing Davis Strait Ridge is joined by a branch of the West Greenland Current of greater volume. The union of these two streams so fundamentally alters the physical character of the current south of this point that a new designation is necessitated. The junc- tion of the Baffin Land and West Greenland Currents not far south of the Davis Strait Ridge may be said to represent, therefore, the source region of the Labrador Current. THE SURFACE CURRENTS The surface waters of the American sector, July 22 to September 11, 1928, were in southward motion at velocities ranging from 5 to 38 miles per day in the axis of the currents.^ The surface current map (fig. 47) reveals that the inshore margin of the Labrador Cur- rent entered along the northern shores of the many bays and gulfs which indent the American coast line, but such circuitous arms sooner or later rejoined the trunk stream in the form of discharges out of the southern sides of the same estuaries. Especially noticeable are the major openings in the American littoral of Hudson Strait and the Strait of Belle Isle. Considerable quantities of Labrador Current entered along the Baffin Land side of Hudson Strait by rounding Resolution Island and also by passing through Gabriel Strait. Icebergs, according to Smith (1931), have been carried by this inflow for a distance of 150 miles where, near Big Island, they nearly all recurve and drift out past Cape Chidley, Labrador. Continuing down the coast, the Labrador Current followed an easy sinuous course which exhibited two major bends — the one be- tween Cape Harrigan and Cape Harrison, Labrador, and the other between Cape Bauld and Funk Island, Newfoundland. The Coast Guard's observations in the Labrador and Newfoundland areas in- dicate that more bergs strand along the American coast opposite these bends than elsewhere. The Labrador Current also received continual contributions from the streams which in summer form copious discharges from the many lakes and fiords. This reservoir of fresh water along the inshore side of the current plus the water released by melting drift ice doubtless compensates for the continual salting which the current receives along its outer side. On meeting the northern face of the Grand Banks in the latitude of St. John's the Labrador Current was split, and tlie slope band con- tinued down the east side of the Grand Banks, while an inshore branch followed the gully past Cape Race. It is the latter stream which is responsible for the icebergs (Smith 1931, p. 151) often reported in the vicinity of Cape Race, The offshore margin of the Baffin Land Current, as it emerged from Baffin Bay the summer of 1928, was bounded by cyclonic vortices as shown on figure 47. These were displaced, however, in the margin of the Labrador Current, Hudson Strait to Hamilton Inlet, by bands of current converging from the Labrador Sea. On the dynamic ^ It will be noted that the Telocity values shown on fig. 47 differ in most rases from those published by Smith (1931, fig. 96). The velocity values shown on the latter illustration represent the average velocity of a given bniid of current, while in fig. 47 the values represent the maximum velocities in the axis of the currents. The recalcu- lation of the dynamic heights in accordance with methods descril)e(l on p. 19 has also modified the stream lines of the currents from those earlier recorded. DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 81 Figure 47. — The Labrador Current, July 22-September 11, 1928. The velocities shown in miles per day indicate the axis of maximum flow. 82 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS topographic map of the Labrador Sea (fig. 122, p. 167) these several tortuous streams are traced to the West Greenland Current, which, as emphasized in chapter IV, branched westward toward the American shore, the bulk of the West Greenland contribution in 1928, as indicated on figure 47, met the American slope between latitudes 68° and 65°, where the Corolian force steepened the dynamic gradient and accelerated the slope current. One of the most important branches of the West Greenland Current, described on page 33, as parting from the slope off Godthaab, is the same as that shown on figure 47, as joining the Baffin Land Current on the Baffin Land slope, in the vicinity of latitude 64°. Although relic traces of Irminger-Atlantic water were found as far north as 65° 37' (p. 42), they apparently formed no continuous current and, therefore, the more southern position is held to have marked in 1928 the source region of the Labrador Current. The point of junction of the Baffin Land Current and the West Greenland Current is probably subject to considerable fluctuation along the Baffin Land slope from the Davis Strait Ridge southward. The physical character and the distribu- tion of velocity of the currents before and after forming the Labra- dor Current are discussed further in vertical cross section, on page 83. The farthest offshore observations, which are located in the lower right-hand part of figure 47, indicate the presence of a northerly countercurrent. Had the 1928 survey been extended a little farther offshore in this region, more definite statements regarding the circu- lation there could be made. In the light of subsequent Coast Guard observations (p. 170) it can be stated, however, that in 1928 outer por- tions of the Labrador Current in the vicinity of latitude 53°, longi- tude 50°, joined in an easterly set with a branch of the Atlantic Current. Two areas marking weak currents are noted near Hudson Strait on figure 47, the one due east of the strait and the other extended for about 150 miles southward of Hudson Strait along the coast. In the first case the continuation of the Hudson Strait trough across the continental shelf forms an embayment of deeper water around which, in 1928, the currents were turned c^yclonically. The free area along the coast south of Hudson Strait is also attributed to the shelf contour; the bottom being flat and near the surface caused the more rapid currents to sweep out around the steepest inclination of the slope. A third region of w^eak circulation was located over a broad de- pression in the continental shelf southeast of Belle Isle, around which a cyclonic eddy w^as developed. An interesting feature of the Labrador Current in 1928 Avas the apparent tendency as revealed by the streamlines (fig. 47) to group themselves in two bands — the one over the inshore portion of the continental shelf and the other over the steepest part of the slope. The banding may have been due to (a) the bottom configuration, one of the chief features of the Labrador shelf being a series of longi- tudinal folds which are to be seen in many of the cross sections (figs. 48, 50 and 51) ; or (h) the separate sources of the Labrador Current; or (c) a combination of (a) and (h). The Baffin Land Current as described (p. 68) was a relatively shallow, frigid stream which, hold- DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 83 ing to the shelf, deflected much of its waters into Hudson Strait. Those portions of the Baffin Land Current which continued directly down the Labrador coast (fig. 47) were joined by an outflow from the south side of Hudson Strait. This stream constituted the inshore band of the Labrador Current throughout the remainder of its length. The outer belt, on the otlier hand, impinging in about lati- tude 63° in 1928, prevailed along the continental edge as far south as the observations extended off St. John's. This band of the Labrador Current, reflecting its West Greenland source as shown on page 45, was much warmer, deeper, and more rapid than the inshore one. The banding of the Labrador Current and its effect on tlie drift of icebergs has been discussed by Smith (1931), It will be noted that the velocities of the Labrador Current in 1928 were much greater south of Hudson Strait than north of that latitude. The acceleration of the current is attributed to the convergence of the West Greenland Current from the east as well as the discharge from Hudson Strait on the west. Land drainage from the Hudson Bay Basin alone indicates that the discharge through Hudson Strait probably exceeds the inflow. Tangible evidence of such contribu- tions is to be observed in the increase of the stream lines on the cur- rent map (fig. 47) just south of Hudson Strait. A computation of the volume of the currents through Hudson Strait, based on stations 1285-1287 taken by the General Greene in 1931, gave a net discharge of about 1.0 million cubic meters per second. The fact, however, that these stations did not completely span the strait on the north and also that the inflow through Gabriel Strait was unaccounted for. causes us to estimate the net discharge to have been 0.5 million cubic meters per second. In conclusion it may be stated that the surface waters of the Labrador Current are collected from the following principal sources : The West Greenland Current, the Baffui Land Current, Hudson Strait, and the Strait of Belle Isle. On the other hand, the Labrador Current discharges as follows : into Hudson Strait ; into the Strait of Belle Isle; eastward into the Labrador Sea, south of the latitude of Hamilton Inlet; southward past Newfoundland; and throughout its length through cabbeling along its offshore side. (See p. 175.) CROSS SECTION OF THE CURRENTS In order to make a systematic study, the 1928 observations have been grouped in a series of ten vertical cross sections, H to Q (fig. 46), more or less equally spaced between Cumberland Gulf, Baffin Land, and St. John's, Newfoundland. Cumberland Gulf. — A section of the Baffin Land Current in the offing of Cumberland Gulf on the point of being joined by a branch of the West Greenland Current is represented by H (fig. 48). The profile shows that below the surface the south-flowing current was divided into two bands by a wall of dead water. In the outer band the 5-centimeter-per-second-velocity line extended to a depth of ap- proximately 300 meters, but there was weak southerly current even down to 600 nieters. This draft undoubtedly marks the depth of the sill of Davis Strait over which the current had recently passed. If the velocity lines on section H (fig. 48) be compared with those on other profiles taken farther south, it reveals the Baffin Land 84 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS h- «> to CM CM OJ O O O 0102030 60 OM 100 2 10 12 15 Figure 48. — Velocity profiles of the Labrador Current expressed in centimeters per second. The solid lines represent southerly current and the brolfen lines northerly current. Section H, August 17-18, 1928 ; section I, August 18-19, 1928 ; section J, August 19- 20, 1928. Current as much shallower than the Labrador Current. The com- puted volume of the inner band was 1.0 million cubic meters per second and of the outer band 1.5 million cubic meters per second, the total volume corresponding quite closely to that recorded farther north through the Davis Strait sections. DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 85 Frohisher Boy. — Section I (fig. 48) was taken 2 days following section H and at a point on the slope 50 miles farther south. A strik- ing difference will be noted if the two sections be compared. Tlie volume of the shelf current (sec. I, fig. 48), of 1.7 million cubic meters per second, remained practically unaltered, but the outer band of the current bounded by the 1 centimeter-per-second line, had in- creased in draft from 300 to 1,200 meters and in consequence a volume of 3.3 million cubic meters per second, about double the volume of the current farther north. This deepening and swelling of the south flowing current between Cumberland Gulf and Frobisher Bay was due to tlie Baffin Land Current being joined by significant por- tions of the West Greenland Current. The net volume of the west- erly set between stations 984 and 986 (fig. 153, p. 202) was computed as 1.9 million cubic meters per second. If this sum be added to the volume of the Baffin Land Current through the Cumberland Gulf section, it closely equals the computed volume of the flow through the Frobisher Bay section. Subsequent examination of the temper- ature and salinity profiles and maps of this region (p. 99) also re- veals a sharp contrast in the physical character of the abutting Baffin Land and West Greenland Currents. The temperature and salinity correlation curves for sections H and I (fig. 49) also reveal the difference in derivation of the water com- posing the current there. The right-hand portion of curve I with a maximum temperature of 4.1° C, and a salinity of 34.86%o, indi- cates the relatively greater contribution of the West Greenland Cur- rent at this point on the Baffin Land slope than farther north off Cumberland Gulf. Finally, to dispel any doubt as to the difference in derivation of the currents recorded by the two sections, one need only regard their respective rates of heat transfer. It is, of course, well known that the Baffin Land Current is essentially frigid in character ; a compu- tation of the average temperature of the current past Cumberland Gulf was 0.3° C, and the rate of heat transfer was 0.5 million cubic meter degrees centigrade per second. After being joined by the West Greenland Current, however, and known as the Labrador Cur- rent (sec. I) the average temperature was 4.2° C, and the rate of heat transfer mounted to 22.9 million cubic meter degrees centi- grade per second. The only possible source of so much warmth in this part of the sea is the West Greenland Current. Consideration of the foregoing and other computations on the volume of the West Greenlancl Current and the Baffin Land Current indicate that they combine in proportions of approximately 3 to 2, respectively. A core of northerly countercurrent not reaching up to the surface and amounting to 1.3 million cubic meters per second does not materially alter the main features noted on the Frobisher Bay section. Resolution Islcmd. — Section J (fig. 48) taken August 19-20, 1928, about 50 miles south of section I, shows that the shelf current pro- ceeding southward decreased both in velocity and volume, the com- puted transport being 0.6 million cubic meters per second. The surface current map (fig. 47) reveals that a large proportion of the shelf current recorded on section I passed through Gabriel Strait 86 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS and was, therefore, missed on our Resolution Island section. The swelling of the slope band, on the other hand, to 4.2 million cubic meters per second was largely due to an eddy (fig. 47) which inter- sected the outer end of the Resolution Island section. Nachvak. — The distribution of velocity August 25-26, 1928, off Nachvak Fiord, Labrador, section K, fig. 50, indicates weak eddy currents prevailed over the shelf, but a band of stronger current, 1.3 4 IxJ r\ A ^ 3 1- / / " < " / ct: / u , / a. / 0 / LJ ^ / 1- -1 b/- -2 1 > ^ 1 1 1.1 1 1 1 1. 33.00 34.00 35.00 SALI N 1 TY FiGDRE 49. — Temperature-salinity correlation curves of the Labrador Current, sections H and I. million cubic meters per second, hugged the continental edge. The slope band off Nachvak which coresponds to the shelf band off Reso- lution Island had increased to double the volume of the latter. It is traced (fig. 47) partly to Baffin Land Current and partly to dis- charge from Hudson Strait. The fact that lower salinities prevailed in this band of current than in the corresponding band off Resolu- tion Island (figs. 62 and 63) also supports the above view. Continu- ing offshore along section K a relatively wide belt of weak northerly current is crossed before entering the outer band of the Labrador Current. The presence of so much northerly current may have been •"•lt«;i»3»V^^M DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 87 the result of the bottom topography in this vicinity, but its effect on the Labrador Current was to split the stream which characteristi- cally hugs the steepest part of the slope and to reduce its draft mate- rially. In consequence only 2.4 million cubic meters per second was transported southward or about a 50 percent reduction of that found farther north for the Labrador current. The interruption in the constancy of transport of the Labrador Current in the offiing of Hudson Strait and the Strait of Belle Isle has also been remarked (P-80). . ^ Gafpe Harrigan. — A characteristic banding but an appreciable in- crease in the velocity of the Labrador Current from that farther north is shown on section L (fig. .50). It should be remarked, how- ever, that the observations off Cape Harrigan were taken nearly a month prior to those of the adjacent northerl}^ sections. The shelf band renuiined fairly constant in volume of flow but the slope band rose to 4.7 million cubic meters per second. This increase is attributed (fig. 47) to converging current (West Greenland Current) from out in the Labrador Sea. Hamilton Inlet. — Downstream again, approximately 60 miles, sec- tion M was taken 2 days prior to section L. Shelf and slope bands were computed as 0.6 and 4.2 million cubic meters per second, re- spectively. The draft of the slope band of about 1,200 meters, as recorded by the 1-centimeter-per-second-velocity line, suggests that along this section of the American slope the Labrador Current may penetrate to depths even greater than 1,500 meters. Domino Islcmd. — A reduction in the velocity but a widening of the Labrador Current was found 60 miles farther downstream at section N (fig. 50) taken off Domino Island July 22-23, 1928. The inner and outer current belts were computed as 1.0 and 4.1 million cubic meters per second, similar to the distribution found off Hamil- ton Inlet. Belle Isle. — Continuing southward another cross section of the Labrador Current section O (fig. 51) was made September .5-8, 1928. There was, therefore, an interval of about 6 weeks between the time of running the Domino Island and the Bell Isle sections. The net volume of flow of the Labrador Current off Belle Isle of 2.6 million cubic meters per second was about 50 percent less than that farther north off Domino Island. Examination of the surface current map (fig. 47) indicates that the decrease in the southward component of transport was partly due to countercurrent which pressed in against the slope between stations 1097 and 1098. This eddy, probably part of a backwash associated with the Atlantic Current farther offshore, apparently deflected much of the Labrador Current in toward Belle Isle as noted by the streamlines on figure 47. A shallow but relatively large depression in the Newfoundland shelf located between sections O and P, around which the Labrador Current was turned cyclonically, is also believed to have contributed to a deficiency of southward transport. White Bay. — The presence of the above-described eddy in the form of a northerly component is also to be noted between stations 1115 and 1117 on section P (fig. 51). The slope band of the Labrador Current was disrupted here off the Strait of Belle Isle in similar manner to that in which the slope band was split off Hudson Strait. 88 MARION AND GENERj^L, GREENE EXPEDITIONS The net volume of the Labrador Current southward through section P in consequence was reduced to 0.8 million cubic meters per second. JSt. John's. — Section Q (fig. 51) was the tenth and southernmost profile taken by the Marion in the American sector in 1928. The slope band of the Labrador Current at this point had accelerated, deepened, and, with a computed volume of 4.4 million cubic meters per second, resumed its mid-Labrador proportions. The inshore belt of 0.8 million cubic meters per second discharged most of its contents through the gully between the Grand Banks and Cape Race. A resume of the discharge of the Labrador Current in 1928 is shown by the following table: Volume flow (m '/s X lO-*) Section and current band Volume flow (m^/s X 10-<) Section and current band South North South (net) South North South (net) Section H: Slops 1.5 1.0 Section M: Slope 4.2 0.6 Shelf. Shelf 0.1 Total Total 2.5 0 2.5 4.8 0.1 4.7 Section N: Slope Section I: Slope 3.3 1.7 4.1 1.0 Shelf 1.3 Shelf 0.1 Total - Total 5.0 1.3 3.7 5.1 0.1 5.0 Section 0: Slope -. Section J: Slope 4.2 0.6 3.6 2.9 Shelf.— 0.3 Shelf 3.0 Total Total 4.8 0.3 4.5 6.5 3.0 3.5 Section P: Slope .. .. Section K: Slope 2.4 0.2 2.1 1.0 Shelf -.- 0.7 Shelf 1.9 Total Total 2.6 0.7 1.9 3.1 1.9 1.2 Section Q: Slope Section L: Slope . 4.7 1.4 4.4 0.8 Shelf. 0.8 Shelf 0.3 Total Total 6.1 0.8 5.3 5.2 0.3 4.9 The above table shows that the net mean discharge of the Labrador Current, not including the apparent deficit in the volume of the cur- rent at sections K and P, during the summer of 1928 was 4.3 million cubic meters per second. One of the most interesting features revealed by the velocity pro- files was the division of the Labrador Current generally into a slope band and a shelf band, although such a grouping was less positively suggested by the streamlines on the surface current map. The pro- l^ortions of inner to outer band for the 10 sections, H to Q, was 1 to 3 ; or, in other words, approximately 75 percent of the water trans- ported by the Labrador Current was contained in the slope band. Consideration of the proportions of the banding and the previously described proportions of the components (p. 85) indicates that some Arctic Avater is embraced in the slope band. A shelf and slope band characteristic of the Labrador Current are underlying features which no doubt exert their influence on the drift of the Arctic ice. The much colder water inshore of the continental DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 70 70 60 50 89 60 50 Figure 52. — Temperature at surface July 19-September 11, 1928. edge largely relegates the drift of that pack ice which eventually gets south of Newfoundland, to the shelf band of the current. Ice- bergs, on the other hand, capable of surviving in relatively warm water for much longer periods than pack ice constitute a greater menace to the Nortli Atlantic shipping lanes because of the velocity of the slope band of the Labrador Current. 90 MARION AISTD GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS 70 70 60 50 40 30 il I I I I I I 60 50 Figure 53. — Salinity at surface July 19-Septenibor 11, J928. HORIZOJsTAL DISTRIBUTION OF TEMPERATURE AND SALINITY The distribution of temperature and salinity in the upper 600 meters of the American sector is best shown on the maps for Davis Strait and the Labrador Sea (figs. 52 to 61). The coldest area on the sea surface lay over the Baffin Land shell' and slope, where temperatures as low as 0° C, were found in August. DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 60 50 40 91 30 60 50 Figure 54. — Temperature at 100 meters July 19-September 11, 1928. That this water was the result of melting sea ice encountered in that locality by the Marion is further supported by the salinity map (fig. 53), the freshest water coinciding with the minimum temperature. The warmest surface water with temperatures of 12° C, and higher was found over the Newfoundland shelf in the lattude of St. John's 79920—37 7 92 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS 70 70 60 50 40 30 TTTTTTT I 60 50 FiGUUK 55. — Salinity at 100 meters July 19-St pt.mber 11, 192S. This area was also relatively fresh, indicating quite plainly that an offshore expansion of the surface layers occurs here at times during summer. In this connection it should be noted that the observations south and east of the kStrait of Belle Isle were made approximately 0 weeks subsequent to those immediately north of that region, and consequently due allowance must be made for that fact. Two other DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 70 70 3Q 50 40 93 60 50 Figure 56. — Temperature at 200 meters July 19-September 11, 1928. warm areas, both of which lay outside of the American slope, are revealed by the surface temperature map (fig. 52) — the one off southern Labrador and the other off middle Labrador. The former, undoubtedly, is a reflection of the Atlantic Current and the latter the result of solar warming in a locality free from active circulation. 94 ■ MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS 7D 70 60 50 40 30 60 50 FiGOEB 57. — Salinity at 200 meters July 19-September 11, 1928. A narrow strip of water colder than its surroundings is recorded over the continental edge on the surface temperature map extending from Hudson Strait to the Strait of Belle Isle. This, of course, is the reflection of the axis of the coldest subsurface water of the Labrador Current. The warmer area off Nachvak Fiord, enclosed by 6° and 7° isotherms, coincides (fig. 47) with the shelf locality of weak currents. 70 70 DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 60 50 40 95 "SO 5jD FiGUKE 58. — Temperature at 400 meters July 19-September 11, 1928. At. a depth of 100 meters water colder than —1.0° C. transported by the Labrador Current was found throughout the length of the American shelf except in the offing of Hudson Strait and the Strait of Belle Isle. These interruptions in the otherwise uniform distribu- tion of the Arctic water north of the Grand Banks indicate a dis- ; iiuptive effect of the warmer discharges from both of these openings. 96 MARION AWD GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS 70 70 60 I 1-41 I I 60 30 Figure 59. — Salinity at 400 meters July 19-September 11, 1928. The failure of the subsurface isotherms in several places to coin- cide with the streamlines of the currents may well be due to the \ariation in the proportions in which the various tributaries of the Labrador Current mix. A partial damming of the Baffin Land Current, for example, by a southerly gale in the region of the Davis 6^ 50 Figure 60. — Temperature at 600 meters July 10-September 11, 1928. Strait Ridge might be reflected later along the course in a corre- spondingly warmer and saltier Labrador Current. The presence of frigid water of —1.5° C, at a depth of 100 meters over the Newfoundland shelf in September clearly emphasizes the small interchange of heat of subsurface waters on journeys as great as 2,000 miles in length. 98 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS 70 70 60 50 40 3D ,' M ; / J ,60 50 Figure 61. — Salinity at COO meters July 19-September 11. 1928. Attention is particularly invited to the position of p. salient formed by both the 4° isothern and the 34.8%o isohaline (figs. 54 and 55) off southern Labrador in the vicinity of latitude 55° N., longi- tude 50° W. The distribution of temperature and salinity, corre- sponding to the circulation (fig. 47), indicates a convergence of cool, low-salinity surface layers from the Labrador slope with the inshore i t^ ^ cO CO + + rO iD DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 99 margin of the outer countercurrent. The combined set of this mixed water in 1928, easterly near the fifty-fifth parallel of latitude, cor- responds well with the surface circulation farther offsliore as re- ported by Soule (1936). The temperature and salinity maps of the 200- and 400-meter levels (figs. 56 to 59) indicate the presence of water from the West Green- land Current near the American slope. This feature is especially pronounced in the 400-meter temperature map (fig. 58) in the offing of Hudson Strait. The drift of this water southward along the Amer- ican slope (figs. 58 and 60) is also indicated in the band of higher temperatures at 400 and 600 meters along the American slope than adjacently offshore in the Labrador Sea. A strong temperature and salinity gradient is to be noted along the Baffin Land slope at depths of 400 to 600 meters (figs. 58 to 61) where the underside of the Baffin Land current and the West Green- land Current abut. The temperature and salinity maps for the 200-, 400-, and 600- meter levels all record pools of water colder and saltier than their surroundings in the depressions of the Labrador shelf. This indi- cates that offshore water floods in over the shelf, where it becomes pocketed and is chilled later during winter. The fact that intrusions of the slope water are occasional is indicated in the survival of the above-mentioned relics as late as midsummer. The two most obvious means of transportation of the deeper slope water in over the con- tinental shelf are (a) a lateral bending of the current temporarily in over the shelf, or (b) a screwing of the current. VERTICAL DISTRIBUTION OF THE TEMPERATURE AND SALINITY The vertical distribution of temperature and salinity in the 10 sections, H to Q, already discussed, is illustrated on figures 62 to 64. Probably the most impressive feature common to all the profiles is the shelf of frigid water which exteiided from near the coast out to the continental edge. Except for a thin, isolated surface film and an undercutting by the warmer isotherms on the continental edge, the shelf column is dominated by frigid water. The shallow- ness of the shelf waters in the American sector, and also their loca- tion north of the fiftieth parallel of latitude, might easily ascribe the low temperatures to local winter chilling. Reference, however, to the series of con-esponding profiles of velocity (figs. 48, 50, and 51), as well as to the surface current map (fig. 47), conclusively estab- lishes most of the minimum temperaturecl water as a transport first of the Baffin Land Current and then of the Labrador Current from points farther north. An equally striking feature common to the profiles is the distri- bution of the salinity across the shelf, the isohalines sloping upward from inshore near the bottom to near the surface over the continental edge. This position of the isohalines portrays primarily a reservoir of river discharge and other land drainage which expands offshore across the shelf in the light surface layers. Melting sea ice, usually more abundant along the coast in these latitudes than farther out to sea, also probably augments the supply. On the other hand the 100 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS salinity profiles, H, J, and O, record water in on the bottom of the slope which is saltier than that shown on any of the other profiles., Where the depth of the shelf below the sea surface is as great as 600 meters as off Resolution Island, Baffin Land (section J, fig. 62), bottom water as salty as 34.7%o was found. When such evidence is compared with that contained on the horizontal projections, where relic pools of salty water were noted in many of the shelf depres- sions, it all strongly suggests that the removal of low-salinity surface water is more or less compensated by intrusions of West Greenland Current water over the bottom. That such movements occur in the shelf column, with a component lateral to the main transport of the Labrador Current, appears reasonable, but the fact that such currents are not directly measurable, or revealed on the dynamic topographic maps, indicates that, if they do actually exist, they must be weak, irregular, and transitional. It must be realized, neverthe- less, that any picture of the circulation based solely upon the dis- tribution of the temperature and the salinity is not conclusive, and whether or not the Labrador Current at times has torsional as well as translatory motion, merits further investigation. During the summer of 1928 water colder than 2° C. extended to a depth of 500 meters on the Baffin Land slope as shown on sections H and I (fig. 62), As previously remarked in the discussion of the temperature charts, this is the under side of the Baffin Land Current. The further fact that water as cold as this was not found farther south off Hudson Strait, section J, at a depth greater than 250 meters indicates considerable mixing occurred at these levels on the Baffin Land slope between the Baffin Land Current and the warmer West Greenland Current. The fact that the core of coldest water in sec- tions J and K was warmer than the corresponding water shown in the sections both north and south indicates either more extensive warming there by the West Greenland Current or that the water in question came from sources other than the Baffin Land Current. Reference to the surface current may (fig. 122, p. 167) indicates that the higher temperatures off Resolution Island resulted from the West Greenland Current, while those off Nacllivak Fiord were con- tributed from Hudson Strait. Much of the Baffin Land Current water at times apparently makes the circuit into Hudson Strait. Attention is particularly invited to the relatively warm, salty water found on the Baffin Land slope as shown by the temperatures higher than 4° C, and salinities of 34.86 to 34.89%o, at the outer end of sections I, J, and K (figs. 62 and 63). When these profiles are compared with corresponding velocity profiles and also with the temperature and salinity maps, the source of the warm salty water is traced toward Greenland. The water of the slope current, Frobisher Bay to mid-Labrador at depths below the seasonal influence, was found to be warmer than the slope current at similar levels farther south, an apparentl}^ paradoxi- cal fact that as the water in the slope band moves southward it cools. Incidentally this introduces a new conception of the Labrador Cur- rent which heretofore has been regarded primarily as an icy stream from the far north. ouJ €0 ^ to (0 CO ill DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 101 If the temperature profiles of the Labrador Current for 1928 be superimposed on the velocity profiles and the average temperature of the current, Frobisher Bay to St. John's, computed in accordance with the method described (p. 24) we obtain the following values: ° c. Shelf band 1. 5 Slope iband 4. 0 3300 34.00 SALI N I TV 35.00 PiGDRB 65. — Temperature-salinity correlation curves of the Labrador current, Resolution Island to Hamilton Inlet, the summer of 1928. If the proportions of shelf to slope band of 1 to 3 be accepted then an average temperature for the whole current was approximately 3.4° C. The average rate of heat transfer of the Labrador Current the summer of 1928 was 14.6 million cubic meter degrees centigrade per second (see p. 173). Temperature-salinity correlation curves for the sections in the American sector, 1928^ figs. (65 and 66), assist to identify the com- ponents w^hich constitute the Labrador Current. Two inflection 102 IMARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS points near the end portions of the curves are a common feature. The lower left inversion with an approximate value of temperature of —1.75° C, and 33.14%o salinity, represents typical Arctic water, and the upper right inversion is representative of west Greenland water. Along the straighter part of the curves fall the correlation points indicative of the Labrador Current. 33.00 5400 3500 SALI N 1 TY Figure 66. — Temperature-salinity correlation curves of the Labrador Current, Domino Island to St. John's, the summer of 1928. ANNUAL VARIATIONS The question whether or not the oceanographic conditions in the American sector already described in this chapter as existing in 1928 prevail during most summers can best be answered by the U. S. Coast Guard's surveys made there in 1931, 1933, and 1934. , In can be seen by comparing figures 67, 68, and 69 with figure 47 that the surface extent of the Labrador Current remains fairly con- • stant summer to summer. The previously described sinuous form DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 103 of the Labrador CiUTent, with inshore bends opposite Cape Harri- gan and White Bay, and also offshore salients opposite Nachvak Fiord and Domino Island, is established on all the surface current maps. The division of the Labrador Current into an inshore band over the continental shelf and an outer band over the continental edge is also portrayed on all the surface current maps but not so noticeably on the map for 1933. Attention is also called to the north flowing Atlantic Current which was found just outside the continental slope off the Strait Figure 67. — The Labrador Current on the surface the summer of 1931. expressed in miles per day in axis of current. Velocities of Belle Isle in both the summers of 1931 and 1934 (figs. 67 and 69) but not in 1933. The fact that this had a volume in its margin alone greater than the Labrador Current merits particular emphasis regarding its significance to the circulation of the Labrador Sea. The surface current maps show one point quite definitely, viz, that variations in the velocity occur throughout the length of the Labrador Current. Such a behavior of the current is not especially surprising when one appreciates the many vagaries and fluctuating factors to which the surface layers are continually subjected. In order to obtain an idea representative of the velocity of the shelf and slope bands of the Labrador Current along its course, the 104 MARION AND GENERAL, GREENE EXPEDITIONS ^0 50 \ Figure 68.- — ^The Labrador Current on the surface the summer of 1933. Velocities expressed in miles per day in axis of current. velocity over a common width of 20 miles, was measured near the axis of each band at several points. Surface velocity, Labrador Current [Miles per day] 1928 1931 1933 1934 Shelf Slope Shelf Slope Shelf Slope Shelf Slope ij Section K 6.0 7.2 8.4 8.2 12.4 7.7 3.4 12.0 17.5 10.0 8.2 3.1 11.0 10.0 1.3 4.9 4.2 6.2 4.3 5.4 2.3 15.1 10.3 9.6 6.2 4.3 8.9 7.0 0 0 0 0 8.6 6.2 2.2 12.0 9.1 21.1 14.9 10.8 10.0 7.9 i Section L :l Section M . — 1 Section N 6.2 14. 9 ■ Section 0. ...I Section P 8.4 2.2 15.0 Fl Section Q 9.1 Average 7.6 10.3 4.1 8.8 5.6 12.3 4.2 13.0 DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 50 105 FiGUHB 69. — The Labrador Current on the surface the summer expressed in miles per day in axis of current. of 1934. Velocities The table shows that the average surface velocity of the shelf band of the Labrador Current, for the summers recorded, ranged from 7.6 to 4.1 miles per day. And for the slope band the velocity ranged from 13.0 to 8.8 miles per day. The shelf band and the slope band, therefore, for all of the years, average 5.4 and 11.1 miles per day, or a final average of 8.2 miles per day for the Labrador Current as a whole.^^ The above figures agree well with the general knowledge regarding the drift of the icebergs from tlie dates of the breakup of the fast and pack ice in Baffin Bay and along the Labrador coast to the appear- ance of the ice south of Newfoundland. It is not difficult to trace the spring crop of bergs which constitute the danger to the North Atlantic steamship lanes. If not unduly hindered, they probably spent the previous winter in the vicinity of Cape Dyer, Baffin Land, and the second previous winter in Melville Bay and northern Baffin Bay.^^ Their calving from the glacier the summer of that year checks well with our scanty knowledge of the currents in the far north and of the vicissitudes which the icebergs experience along their drifts. 1" Iselin (1930) estimated the average surface velocity of the Labrador Current was 10 miles per day. 11 The thousands of bergs observed by Bartlett (1935) off Devon Island, Aug. 20-25, 1934. probably wer" released from West Greenland ice-fiords the previous summer. The International Ice Patrol reported a total of 872 icebergs south of Newfoundland the season of 1935, a heavy ice year. 106 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS CO ffi O 0 10 20 30 60 (miles) FiGURB 70. — Velocity profiles of the Labrador Current expressed in eentiineters per second The solid lines represent southerly current and the broken lines northerly current Section J,, July 24-26, 1931; section K,, July 17-18, 1931; section L,, July 15-16 1931 ; section Mi, July 12-13, 1931 ; and section Ni, July 10-11, 1931. Additional quantitative information as to normal conditions in th( Labrador Current, and variations therefrom, is contained in a series of velocity profiles— 8 for 1931, 7 for 1933, and 3 for 1934 (figs. 7( 1-0 74). If the profiles shown on figures 70 to 74 be compared with DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 107 0 10 EO 30 60 (miles) Figure 71. — Velocity profiles of the Labrador Current expressed in centimeters per sec- ond. The solid lines represent soutlierly current and the broken lines northerly cur- rent. Section Oi, August 7-8, 1931 ; section Pi, July 6-7, 1931 ; and section Qi, July 4-6, 1931. the corresponding sections (figs. 48, 50, and 51) it will be found that they are nearly similar and support many of the statements which were based on the 1928 observations alone. For example, the divi- sion of the Labrador Current below the surface into a shelf and a 79920—37- 108 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS slope band is a characteristic feature of nearly all the profiles. The 1933 surface current map (fig. 68), it will be recalled, did not exhibit a banding of the current, but below the surface it was so divided, as figures 72 and 73 prove. Corroboration of the junction of West Figure 72. — Velocity protiles of tlio Labrador Current expressed in centimeters per sec end. The solid lines represent southerly current and the broken lines northerly cur- rent. Section Ka, July 18, 1933 ; section La, July 19-20, 1933 ; section Mj, July 21-22, 1933 ; and section N-, July 23-24, 1933. Greenland Current and Baffin Land Current to form Labrador Cur- rent is shown by the northernmost section in 1931 off Resolution Island, The west Greenland band of deep current, with relatively high temperature and salinity is shown at the offshore end of the profile (sec. Ji, fig. 70) as having already joined the southward flow in the American sector. The volumes of this band of the current for DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 109 1928 and 1931 of 4.8 and 4.5 million cubic meters per second agree well. A comparison of corresponding velocity profiles for the summers available also reveals that the Labrador Current was probably deeper Figure 73. — Velocity profiles of the Labrador Current expressed in centimeters per sec- ond. The solid lines represent southerly current and the broken lines northerly cur- , rent. Section O2, June 30-July 2, 1933 ; section P2, July 28-29, 1983, and section Q2, July 26-28, 1933. on the mid-Labrador slope than it was either north or south of this zone. This appears consistent, moreover, when it is recalled that it is the deepest section of the West Greenland Current in the offing of Ivigtut and Fiskernaessett which contributed water to the slope no MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS m mm in 0 10 20 30 00 <" O „__ f\j Q ^m^000 ) 50 45 _ 40 35 55 50 45 Figure 93. — The surface currents south of the Grand Banks. In tliis connection the marked branching of the Gulf Stream on reaching the longitude of the Grand Banks, and the further dis- tribution of its waters as Atlantic Current, has been computed from the few existing subsurface observations, as follows : Atlantic Cm-rent mVs X 10-8 Northern branch which enters Labrador Sea 14.4 Southern branch which turns along mid-Atlantic Ridge 15.8 Middle branch which continues eastward 10.1 Volume of the Gulf Stream crossing fiftieth meridian 40. 3 132 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS The primary circulation over the Grand Banks themselves as interpreted from the distribution of tlie temperature and salinity (fig. 94) is based mainly upon the United States Coast Guard's surveys (Smith, 1924, pp. 100-134) and that of the Scotia (Matthews, 1914, pp. 30-32). The above observations indicate that the Labra- dor Current fans out and loses draft on meeting the northern slope of the Grand Banks, the inshore branch of which, subject to con- siderable variation, turns back in the vicinity of the fifty-fifth 55 54 FIG0BB 94.' 53 52 -The primary 51 50 circulation ove 49 48 the Grand Banks. meridian and joins with coastal water (most pronounced in the surface layers) in slow eastward progress. The colder, saltier Lab- rador water slides to the bottom while the coastal water spreads out in the surface layers. There are continual coastal contributions which accumulate in the more central parts of the Grand Banks at a maximum in summer, flooding that column surface to bottom and giving it low salinity character although it is actually about 200 miles from the nearest land. This water mass normally centered near lati- tude 44°-30', longitude 50°-00' (fig. 94) is intermittently cooled audi' I l( DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 133 salted by a flooding of the Labrador Current past Cape Race. An increase of the coastal supply accompanied by a dimunition in the Labrador Current renews the coastal character of the central Grand Banks reservoir. Another important movement of the waters over the Grand Banks occurs when the border of the Gulf Stream floods in toward the southwest slope bringing w^arm and salty water to the surface layers there. Superimposed on the above primary circulation are the rotary clockwise tidal currents and the annual temperature cycle, the range of the latter of which is great in the shallow banks' column. (See Smith, 1922, stations 140-142, for subsurface winter temperatures on the Grand Banks; also Smith, 1924, p. 148.) The drift of icebergs in over the Grand Banks has been described by Smith (1931). CROSS SECTIONS OF THE CURRENTS A total of seven velocity sections taken at fairly equal distances along the eastern and southern slopes of the Grand Banks from the forty-eighth parallel around to a point about 60 miles northwest of the Tail are shown on figure 95. The profiles are based on the syn- optic observations made from the United States Coast Guard cutter General Chreene^ May 17-25, 1934. In addition, section R was taken June 12-13 and section X, April 19-20. (For station table data, see Soule, 1935.) In the aggregate these velocity profiles may be compared with the map of the surface currents (fig. 117) and the corresponding vertical sections of temperature and salinity (figs. 98 and 99). , A feature common to practically all of the velocity profiles (fig. 95) ! is their division each into two bands of alternately directed current. Reference to the horizontal and vertical sections of temperature and salinity, as well as to the maps of the surface currents (fig. 117). demonstrates conclusively that the inshore band represents Labrador Current and the offshore band Atlantic Current. Unlike the sections farther north, the Labrador Current is contained in a single band centered over the steepest part of the slope. Particular attention is called to the decrease in the volume of the Labrador Current between sections W and X, where on the latter profile, stations 1603 to 1602, the westbound current was very di- minutive. The vicinity of the Tail of the Banks represents, as stated previously, the terminus of the Labrador Current. The axis of the cold current was centered over the steepest part of the continental slope, and it had a mean draft of 950 meters. A marked decrease in the draft of the Labrador Current was noted •upon its crossing the Flemish Cap Ridge, but subsequently it deep- ened (in places along the Grand Banks slope as great as 1,500 meters), yet not to the depths which it averaged upstream in the American sector. The depth of the Atlantic Current on the other hand was in most places probably greater than 1,500 meters. Section R. — It will be re<;alled that the net average volume of the Labrador Current through the St. John's section, July 3-7, 1934 (p. 128), w^as 3.8 million cubic meters per second. The northernmost profile in the Grand Banks section (sec. R, fig. 95), taken about 3 weeks prior to the St. John's, and 120 miles south of it, recorded 134 MARION AND GENERAL, GREENE EXPEDITIONS a volume of 2.7 million cubic meters per second. Reference to the position of the t\yo sections indicates that section E, did not extend offshore so far as section Q, and it is probable, therefore, that a small portion of the southerly current was missed. This fact nor the difference in time fails to explain, however, the marked decrease of about 30 percent in the volume of the Labrador Current in the above passage. Section S. — Proceeding southward about 60 miles, two bands of alternately directed current intersected the section between the Grand Banks and Flemish Cap. The slope band represents the Labrador Current with a volume of 1.1 million cubic meters per second. The offshore band was Atlantic Current. Although the observations composing sections E, and S were not synoptic, the decrease in the volume of the southbound current from 2.7 to 1.1 million cubic meters per second strongly suggests an east- ward branching. If the course of the current, St. John's to Flemish Cap, as shown on figure 126, page 170, be com])ared with the velocity at Q, E, and S, it is estimated that the distribution of the Labrador Current on reaching the northern part of the Grand Banks was as follows : Labrador Current m'/sXlO"* Percent Past Cape Race Eastward just north of Flemish Cap Southward between Grand Banks and Flemish Cap Volume of Labrador Current in American sector The spreading and shallowing of the Labrador Current on meet ing the Grand Banks' promontory and the resulting distribution along the above routes is probably subject to considerable variation The fluctuation in the Cape Race branch from 10 percent of the whole in 1928 to 20 percent in 1934 is quite illustrative of the behavior. Section T. — A volume of 1.5 million cubic meters per second indi- cates that little change had occurred in the Labrador Current between sections S and T. The margin of the Atlantic Current embraced by stations 1661 to 1664 had a volume of 8.4 million cubic meters per second. Section U. — Continuing only 40 miles southward the volume of the cold current increased to 2.2 million cubic meters \)qv second. This flooding is explained on the surface current map (fig. 117) where Labrador Current from in on the bank recurved out into deep water. Section V. — About 60 miles downstream from section U, the vol- ume of the south-flowing band increased to a maximum of 4.1 mil- lion cubic meters per second. If reference be made to the corre- sponding temperature and salinity profiles (figs. 98 and 99), it will be perceived that the additional discharge was due to an indraft of the Atlantic Current. The Labrador Current alone is estimated to have been 2 million cubic meters ])er second in volume. Section W. — The Labrador Current at the Tail of the Grand Banks discharged at the rate of 1.6 million cubic meters per second. The DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 135 inshore marffin of the Atlantic Current had a vohime of 9.6 million cubic meters per second. Section X. — This section, located normal to the southwest slope of the Grand Banks about 60 miles northwest of the Tail, illustrates the diminutive proportions to which the Labrador Current shrank, with a computed volume of only 0.12 million cubic meters per sec- ond. Practically all of the cold current, except that which sank below the depth of our observations, was turned back with the Atlantic Current in the vicinity of the Tail. The Atlantic Current recorded a volume of 6.6 million cubic meters per second. The foregoing set of seven velocity profiles (fig. 95) is believed to be quite representative quantitatively of the Labrador Current along the east side of the Grand Banks. Expressed in millions of cubic meters per second it was as follows : Grand Bank sectiovs R 2.7 U 2.2 W 1. G S 1.1 V 4.1 X 0.1 T 1. 5 The table shows that the average volume of the Labrador Current in the Grand Banks sector the spring of 1934 was approximately 2 million cubic meters per second. Earlier computations of the volume of the Labrador Current by Smith (1931) gave 3.2 million cubic meters per second, which is probably somewhat too large, but the above difference in no way alters the conclusions based upon such quantitative data. HORIZONTAL DISTRIBUTION OF TEMPERATURE AND SALINITY Tlie distribution of temperature and salinity around the Grand Banks for the 100-, 200-, 400-, and 600-meter levels is represented on figures 96 and 97. The maps have been constructed from the United States Coast Guard's station observations 1536 to 1681 taken May 17- 25, 1934. (See Soule, 1935.) In order to obtain a more accurate pic- ture of conditions southeast of the Tail, the observations from Coast Guard stations 571-576 taken April 30-May 1, 1926 (see Smith, 1926) have been utilized. Also in order to indicate the continuity of the temperature and the salinity in the borders of the Atlantic Current below the surface, the Michael Sars^ stations 67-69 (see Helland- Hansen, 1930), which are located along the fifty-first meridian, have been plotted. The similarity between the horizontal distribution of temperature and salinity and the map of the surface currents (fig. 117) is strik- ing. Frigid low-salinity water, less than —1.0° C., wrapped itself siround the Grand Banks slope as far south as the Tail, while offshore at similar levels salty water warmer than 14° C, is traceable as far Qorth as the forty-fifth parallel. Another feature common to both ' figures 96 and 97 is the rapid decrease in the thermal and saline gradi- 3nts with an increase in depth ; 17 isotherms on the 100-meter projec- fcion, for example, are replaced by only 2 on the 600-meter level. The small differences between the temperatures and the salinities of the farthest offsliore observations of the Coast Guard and those farther 3outh in the axis of the Atlantic Current is good evidence that this is 136 MARION AND GENERAL. GREENE EXPEDITIONS a similar type of water. The increase in the difference between the Coast Guard's data and the Michael Sars\ data, with proportional in- crease in depth, on the other hand, testifies to the shoaling of the Atlantic Current with approach toward its borders. VERTICAL DISTRIBUTION OF TEMPERATURE AND SALINITY The same foregoing stations, with the exception of those of the Michael Sars, have been utilized to construct the vertical sections. These temperature and salinity profiles correspond section for section to the velocity profiles already discussed (p. 133) . Labrador Current of low salinity and temperature hugged the Atlantic slope of the Grand Banks Avhile adjacently offshore lay salty warm water of the Atlantic Current. The draft of the Labrador Current as indicated by the above sections agrees well with the average depth of 950, meters obtained from the velocity profiles. j The presence of sub-Arctic intermediate water corresponding tol that defined by Wiist (1935) and found by Iselin (1936, p. 47), is' evident at depths of 400 to 600 meters as represented on the salinity sections T and U (fig. 99). Reference to the corresponding velocity profiles (fig. 95) establishes the motion of this water, with its prin- cipal component, as northerly. It is our view that this is mixedi water formed by cabbeling along the boundaries of the Labrador Current and the Atlantic Ciirrent (see p. 183). The relatively small area of cool water on the southwest edg^ of the Grand Banks, as marked by the 3° and 4° isotherms (section X, fig. 98), is corroborative evidence of the very small proportions of sub-Arctic water which continue as far westward as this point from the Tail along the continental slope. The northern border of the Gulf Stream in the deep water between the Grand Banks and the Nova Scotian Banks often lies as far north as latitude 43°-30' in the vicinity of the fifty-fourth meridian. (See Smith, 1923, -stations 178 and 209; also Bjerkan, 1919, stations 16, 17, 74, and 75.) A cold, low-salinity discharge from the Laurentian Channel appar- ently displaces the Gulf Stream southward in longitudes 56° and 57'', and thus accentuates a warm salient in longitudes 53° and 54°. This characteristic northward encroachment of the Gulf Stream appears to dam the westward flow of the Labrador Current. Small quanti- ties of Labrador Current from around the Tail may, at times, escap© along the continental slope past the above barrier (Smith, 1924i stations 353 and 354) and join other small tributaries such as th| occasional extensions of the Labrador Current across the shelf south- west of Cape Race (Smith, 1924, p. 92) or a more pronounced and constant tongue of cold water from the Laurentian Channel (Bjer- kan, 1919, station 12). Such intermittent contributions probably re- sult in cooling and freshening the surface layers in the slope watei? as they mix with the margin of the Gulf Stream system (see Iselin, 1936, fig. 57). No direct extension of the Labrador Current to the coast of the United States has been emphasized by Bigelow (1927, pp. 825-836). There is little evidence in the deepest temperature and salinity observations in the Grand Banks sector (figs. 98 and 99) of the cold water which was indicated on our Labrador Sea sections as draining! out along the American slope (p. 184). This movement has prob- 1 DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 137 ably been missed since the ice-scouting duties of the Ice Patrol have never afforded time to explore depths in the Grand Banks sector greater than 1,500 meters. Michael Sars stations 69 and TO at the Tail of the Grand Banks (Helland-Hansen, 1930) do indicate, how- ever, the southerly continuation of the deep water described in chapter VIII. A striking feature of the profiles, best illustrated on sections T, U, and W (figs. 98 and 99) where the isotherms and isohalines surface to 300 meters on the scale of the drawings lie nearly vertical, is the abutment of Arctic and Atlantic water. A similar distribution of the temperature and the salinity, but not quite so well defined, has been noted in the Greenland sector, where two different types of water flank each other. These convergences illustrate cabbeling (p. 175), the angle being greatest in the zone of greatest changes in temperature and salinity. The temperature convergence, most clearly marked in the surface layers during the colder part of the year, is commonly known as the cold wall. (See 10° C, isotherm on profiles T, U, and W, fig. 98.) If the temperature profiles be com- pared with the corresponding ones of velocity (fig. 95), it will be found that the cold wall lay an average of 20 miles offshore of the boundary between the Labrador and Atlantic Currents. This con- dition is believed to be more apparent than real ; observations taken at closer intervals across the two streams would probably reveal a coincidence between the distribution of temperature, salinity, and resulting motion. Along the boundary of the Atlantic and Labrador Currents, as shown by several of the intersecting sections of density (Smith, 1926, p. 30), relatively light water often collects in the surface layers to depths of 20 or 30 meters. Whether or not these shallow pools are the result of an indraft initiated by intense cabbeling along the density wall is a question which remains for future investigation. Temperature-salinity correlation curves for the sections in the Grand Banks sector (fig. 100) correspond in general features to those (figs. 65 and 66) for the American sector. The flatter part of the curve is again representative of the Labrador Current, while the end portions beyond points I and II are typical of the Labrador Current's prin- cipal components. Point I, with an approximate temperature value of —1.5° C, and a salinity of about 33.32%o (slightly warmer and saltier than typical Arctic water in the American sector) represents typical Arctic water in the Grand Banks sector. Continuation of the curves (fig. 100) upward and to the left is representative of the correlation in banks and coastal water. Continuation of the curves from point II upward to the right gives graphs which parallel those representative of the correlation found in Atlantic water. Naturally these given lines lie to the left of a curve representative of the axis of the Gulf Stream since the Grand Banks sector embraces only the northern margin of that current system. ANNUAL VARIATIONS In order to show the variation in the position of the Labrador Current and the Atlantic Current in the Grand Banks sector, a series of 20 dynamic topographic maps, 1000-0 decibars (figs. 102-121) are appended to this chapter. The station table data upon which they 138 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS are based are contained in the United States Coast Guard Ice Patrol Bulletins, 1922-36. In the earlier part of the period when the sub- surface observations did not extend to 1,000 meters, resort has been made to extrapolation. Smith (1931), in order to point out the paths along which icebergs most frequently drift, grouped the above maps (appended to this lu 12 cr 10 3 y- 8 < tr 6 UJ UJ -2 / / // / i 7 X I / A ^ ■^ 1 8 33.0 2 8 34.0 2 8 35.0 2 8 36.0 2 S A L I N I T Y Figure 100. — Temperature-salinity correlation curves in the Grand Banks sector the spring of 1934 chapter) into several characteristic types of circulation in the Grand Banks sector as follows : ^- (a) A swelling of the Labrador Current in the Grand Banks sector is often accompanied by an extension of its terminus as far west as the fifty-third meridian. At such times it may hug closely '= The agreement between the isobaths shown on the dynamic topographic maps and the actual iceberg drifts has been confirmed by the Ice Patrol and reported by Smith (1931). DA.VIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 139 to the continental slope (fig. 113), or it may project southwesterly past the Tail (fig. 115), or run nearly south (fig. 117). Another characteristic type of the circulation west of the Tail which persisted for over 2 months the spring of 1926 is featured by a cyclonic eddy (figs. 105, 106, 107, and 109). The system west of the Tail, on the other hand, may be completely altered in appearance by the encroachment of the Atlantic Current toward the southwest slope (figs. 102, 116, and 117). (b) The Labrador Current sometimes meets the Atlantic Current in such a manner that a cold-water salient extends southeasterly from the Tail along the 4,000-meter isobath as far as latitude 41°, longitude 47°. This course of the currents appears to favor the formation of a cyclonic eddy which may travel about southeast of the Tail as shown on figures i06, 107, and 115. An apparent weaken- ing of the Labrador Current may be the cause of the retreat of this eddy to the northward along the eastern slope of the Grand Banks (figs. 105, 112, 117, 118, and 120). (c) The previously described intrusion of the Atlantic Current between the forty-fourth and forty-fifth parallels on the east side of the Grand Banks is one of the most constant features of the circulation (figs. 102, 109, 110, 112, 116, 117, 120, and 121). This development of the Atlantic Current during the latter part of the iceberg season and the consequent deflection of the ice from the main steamship tracks has occasionally been a determining factor in the discontinuation of the Ice Patrol for that season. (d) The Labrador Current upon crossing the Flemish Cap Ridge often gives off a small branch southeastward between the northern border of the Atlantic Current and Flemish Cap (figs. 112 and 116). (e) The system of circulation at the junction of the Labrador Current and the Atlantic Current sometimes becomes very complex as attenuated sinuous tongues of superficial current interlace. The cold southwesterly current, for example, which intersected the plane of the Michael Sars'' section south of the Grand Banks in June 1910 (Helland-Hansen, 1930), indicated a system of circulation similar to that shown on figures 109 and 110. The surface temperature maps compiled fortnightly by the Ice Patrol during the ice season, each based upon hundreds of temperature reports from passing steamers, indicate that narrow tongues and occluded pools of warm and cold surface water from the two main currents sometimes extend con- siderable distances on both sides of the boundary as marked by the dynamic topographic maps. The more closely the subsurface obser- vations are taken in the active mixing area, it is safe to state, the more complex the currents will be revealed there. The variation in the volume of the Labrador Current and the Atlantic Current in the Grand Banks sector (1910-35) is shown by the table on page 143. The computed volumes of the Labrador Cur- rent during the earlier part of the period are not so accurate as the values shown for the later years when the station's observations were taken at much closer intervals. The series unfortunately is not of suf- ficient length or continuity to determine whether or not a correlation exists between the volume of the Labrador Current and the num- ber of icebergs south of Newfoundland. If there be any direct rela- tion, it apparently is masked by frequent and irregular fluctuations, 79920—37 10 140 MAKION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS which, as might be expected near the turning point of a discharge, are greater than farther upstream in the trunk. The volume of the Atlantic Current according to the table also shows considerable varia- tion, but this of course is due to the position of the stations, some sections extending deeper into the margin of the warm, salty stream than others. The values are recorded in order to demonstrate that the Grand Banks sections in most cases intersect the Atlantic Cur- rent itself and not a secondary tongue or eddy. ANNUAL CYCLE The bulk of the subsurface observations that have been made in the Grand Banks sector have occurred in spring and smnmer. A few stations, however, have been taken by the ice observation cutter dur- ing winter (Smith, 1922, 1923). The United States Coast Guard also made a brief physical survey of the waters around the Grand Banks in October 1923 (Smith, 1923). The Challenger ran a line of stations across the Grand Banks in November 1932 (Conseil Per- manent International, 1933), and the Atlantis a line of stations south of the Tail of the Grand Banks in September 1935 (Conseil Perma- nent International, 1936) . These data, although scanty for the colder months of the year, provide a basis, however, for describing the annual cycle. The only two winter surface temperature maps of the Grand Banks sector, February 19-March 11, 1921, and February 19-20, 1922 (Smith, 1922 and 1923), record temperatures less than 32° F., and thus indi- cate that the Labrador Current at the time extended southward along the east side of the Grand Banks to the vicinity of the Tail. In fact, the isotherms on the two above maps, when due allowance is made for the annual cycle of insolation, correspond in their main features to those on the maps of the Ice Patrol's large collection for spring and summer. Corroboration that the Labrador Current was present in the Grand Banks sector in the winter of 1922 is found in the : computed volume of the cold current, between stations 172 and 173 i (Smith, 1923, p. 70) of 6.2 million cubic meters per second. This; figure based upon only two stations is believed somewhat inaccurate, i since it is about double the average volumes previously found. The dynamic topographic map for October 21-26, 1923 (fig. 105), ,' when compared with the distribution of temperature and salinity (Smith, 1923), clearly shows that the Labrador Current with negative temperatures in its axis flowed southward in autumn around the Grand Banks to slightly west of the Tail. The computed volume of the cold current was 3.4 million cubic meters per second near the forty-fourth parallel and 2.9 million cubic meters per second at the 1 Tail, discharges which according to the table (p. 143) agree with thei volumes of the Labrador Current at other times of the year. The computed volume of the cold current at the Tail of the Grand Banks from observations in November 1932 and also in September 1935 tend ; to corroborate the foregoing. ^^ j Reference has already been made (p. 63) to the strength of the] West Greenland Current as found by the Meteor around Cape Fare- i well the winter of 1935 and also to the major proportions of the West j "Smith (lf>24, p. 65) reported the drift of an iceberg southward around the Tail of the ; Grand Banks in August and September 1923. ' DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 141 Greenland Current which enter into the composition of the Labrador Current. Again in late August 1928 the Marion found the Labrador Current to be flowing with a volume of 4.6 million cubic meters per second. At the rate of 8.2 miles per day this discharge should have reached the Grand Banks sector the following December. Thus the evidence contained in the above quantative data strongly indi- cates that the Labrador Current prevails in the Grand Banks sector the year round. If, on the other hand, an acceleration of the dynamically induced circulation occurs in the northern part of the Labrador Sea as hypothesized (p. 186), it would probably cause a subsequent augmen- tation of the Labrador Current reaching its maximum in the Grand Banks sector the following May. - k /^ \ A r^^^ ^\ - // ^\ < K ^ // \ '■^'•i^-i ( ( / I - - ■ OCT NOV DEC. JAN FEB. MAR. M 0 N T H S Figure 101. — The normal atmospheric pre.ssure gradient, October to March, over the Labrador Sea. The solid line represents the Belle Isle-Julianehaab gradient and the broken line the Nain-Ivigtut gradient. The seasonal change both in the velocity and the direction of the prevailing winds over the Labrador Sea appears to be one of the most logical factors, if a spring freshet of the Labrador Current is a reality. Fig. 101 indicates that the prevailing winds, which pro- duce a tangential w^ind current, the main component of which is southerly, attain their maximum effect in January. If a current is thus formed, it will proportionately augment the prevailing dynamic current wdiich has been found there in summer and described as the Labrador Current. At the rate of 8.2 miles per day, the estimated velocity of the sununertime current, such a flood wave would appear in the Grand Banks sector in April and May. This coincides with the date of the commonly supposed spring freshet. The foregoing raises the broad question whether or not such cur- rents as the East Greenland and the Labrador exhibit a seasonal variation. There is a well-established view that the Labrador Cur- I t 142 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS rent swells to maximum volume in the spring and dwindles or dis- appears from the Grand Banks region in the fall and winter. Tht underlying factor is attributed to summertime insolation with th^ consequent release of water from melting snow and ice, the Labradoij Current acting as a freshet overflows southward deeper into the North! Atlantic.^* But a spring freshet in the Grand Banks sector, con- sidering the distances from the source region and the rate of trans j port of such a flood wave, comes much too early to connect with summer or even vernal warming. The common impression that the Labrador and the East Greenland Currents display a seasonal variation may have been largely abetted by the drift of the sea ice and the icebergs south of Newfoundland, a well-known phenomenon which is subject to a conspicuous annual cycle. Any marked correlation between the abundance of sea ice south of Newfoundland and vernal warming is discountenanced however, by the fact that the seasonal maximum of the former pre cedes the latter. The cycle in the sea ice is traceable apparently tc» a seasonal rate of production during winter and the consequenll southward drift from its source. The sequence of events is quite ir harmony, moreover, with a uniform velocity of the currents pre- viously described. The seasonal cycle of icebergs south of Newfoundland which reaches a maximum usually in May is also somewhat too early to be caused by a freshet of the cold current predicated on vernal warming The iceberg cycle, on the other hand, as proven by Smith (1931) correlates with the cycle of the pack ice, and is believed primaril} dependent upon a "fence" of pack ice along the Labrador coast dur- ing late winter and early sprmg. This also is a condition obviouslj quite unrelated to a cyclical phase, if any, in the Labrador Current. An annual cycle of the Labrador Current based upon the cyclical drift of pack ice and icebergs south of Newfoundland is, therefore, in view of the above, considered a delusion. The impression that Arctic currents, noticeably their southerr extensions, dwindle and in many places disappear during late sum- mer and autumn, may have been gained from the temperature oil the water. Naturally different temperature criteria for the axis ol the cold current must be employed during late summer and autumn than at other times due purely to solar warming and mixing to which the upper layers are subject. The East Greenland polar con- stituent of the West Greenland Current, for example, along the coast north of Cape Farewell, often loses its negative character in late summer, yet comparison between the velocity and temperature pro- files proves its presence nevertheless. Higher average subsurface temperatures were noted in the axis of the Labrador Current ini Grand Banks sector by Smith (1924, p. 102) and attributed not to any slacking in the cold current but primarily to a milder 1923-24 winter. Surface temperature maps of the Grand Banks sector compiled by the Ice Patrol in June and July have proved quite misleading regard- " Bigelow (1027) found that thn Noia Scotian Current experiences freshet charac- teristics when during a few weeks in spring it flows into the Gulf of Maine. DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 143 ling the circulation, when, due to solar warming, the presence of the Laorador Current is more or less screened from view. This condition is accentuated in summer as still warmer surface water of the At- lantic Current is spread in toward the Grand Banks' slopes by the prevailing southwesterly winds. The seasonal range in minimum temperature of the Labrador Cur- rent in the Grand Banks sector may be wide. Temperatures as low as —1.6° C, have been recorded at a depth of 100 meters, and as high as 2.9° C., at 150 meters along the east side of the Grand Banks in the axis of the cold current. The seasonal range of the temperature of the Labrador Current has been commented upon by Smith (1924, pp. 160-165). The minimum wintertime temperatures over the Grand Banks, surface and bottom, are approximately —0.3° C. and —0.8° C, re- spectively. The Grand Banks column at the end of winter is usually in thermal homogeneity except where the Labrador Current has in- ,truded on the bottom. The maximum surface temperature recorded by Smith (1924, p. 148) was 13.2° C., but a summer temperature more commonly attained is 11.0° C. The maximum bottom tempera- ture was approximately 2.0° C., but such relatively high temperatures may often be displaced even during summer by negative-tempera- tured water from the Labrador Current. The Grand Banks sector, embracing as it does the discharge of the Labrador Current, subject to wide and rapid fluctuations, even ceasing to flow at times, represents a verj^ poor field to determine the question of an annual cycle. The quantitative data on the Labrador Current, at least up to the present, fail to reveal any annual cycle in its flow. If an annual cycle does exist, it is probably relatively slight, being outweighed by shorter irregular pulsations. Volume of Labrador Current and Atla^itic Current in Grand Banks sector Millions of cubic meters per second Section R S T u v W X Year and month LC AC LC AC LC AC LC AC LC AC LC AC LC AC 1910, June 0.6 40.3 1922: February 6.2 12.0 May 3.3 2.9 6.0 24.8 21.3 12.7 1923, October 3.4 34.5 1926, May 1927, June 1931, June 4.2 3.6 4.1 1932: April 3.4 November 35.0 3.9 1.2 1.6 1.0 1.1 3.9 1934: April. 1.8 1.5 1.5 2.1 4.1 6.7 8.4 'V.h' .1 6.6 May 1.1 1.5 3.1 June 2.7 1935: April- 11.8 8.9 3.7 May 16.3 June 4.5 7.4 July 1.5 September 4.0 31.8 DYNAMIC TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS GRAND BANKS SECTOR 1922-1935 (Figures 102-121) 14S 53° 52* 51° 50° 49° 48° 47° 46° 45° 44° FiQCEE 102. — Dynamic topography 1,000-0 decibar surface, April 11-May 5, 1922. 147 148 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS fi3° 52" 51° 50° 49° 48° 47° 46° 45° FiGDRH 103. — Dynamic topography 1,000-0 decibar surface, May 3 30. 1922. DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 149 53" 52° 51 47° 46° 45° 53° 52° 51° 50° 49° 48° 47° 46° 45° Figure 104. — Dynamic topography 1,000-0 declbar surface, May 23-June 18, 1922. J 39° 150 MARION AND GENERAL. GREENE EXPEDITIONS 54' 53° 52° 51° 50° 49° "^ , , , , f^V , ^\ 53' 52° 51° 50° 49° 48° 47° 46° Figure 105.— Dynamic topography 1,000-0 decibar surface. October 21-26, 1923. 39* DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 151 53° 52° 51° 50° 49° 46* 47° 54° 53° 52° 51° 50° 4 9° 48° 47° Figure] 106. — Dynamic topography 1,000-0 decibar surface, April 29-May 5, 1926. 152 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS 54 53 52 51° 50° 49° 48° 47° 46° 54° 53° 52° 5? 50^ 49^ A^ AT 46^ Figure 107. — Dynamic topography 1,000-0 decibar surface, June 25-29, 1926. DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 153 54° 53* 52° 51* 50° 49° 48 47° 49° 48° 47° Figure 108. — Dynamic topography 1,000-0 decibar surface, April 6-10, 1927, 154 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS 55° 54' 53° 52° 51° 50° 49° 48° 47° SS" 54° 53° 52° 51° 50° 49° 48° 47° Figure 109. — Dynamic topography 1,000-0 decibar surface, April 21-25, 1927. DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 155 5Z' 5 1° 50° 49' 48* 47* 46' 53° 5 2° 51° 50° 49° 48° 47° 46° Figure 110. — Dynamic topography 1,000-0 decibar surface. May 10-18, 1927. 79920 — 37 11 156 MARIOX AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS 50 49° 48° 47° 46° 53 52 51 50 49 48° 47° 46° Figure 111. — Dynamic topography 1,000-0 decibar surface, May 29-June 3, 1927. I DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 157 5 1° 50° 49° 4 8° 47° 46° 45° 44° 51° 50° 49° 48° 47° 46° 45° 44° FiouuE ]12. — Dynamic topography 1,000-0 decibar surface, June 9-21, 1927. 158 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS 46- 45° 53° 52° 51° 50° 49* 48° 47° 46° 45° Figure 113. — Dynamic topography 1,000-0 decibar surface. April 19-May 5, 1932. DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 159 52° 51° 50° 49° 48° 47° 46° 45° 44° 53° 52° 51' 50° 49° 48° 47° 46° 45° 44° FiGDRE 114. — Dynamic topography 1,000-0 decibar surface, May 21-29, 1932. 160 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS 54° 53° 52° 51° 50° 49° 48° 47° 46° 45° 54° 53° 52° 51° 50° 49° 48° 47° 46° 45° Figure 115.— Dynamic topography 1,000-0 ciecibar surface, June 13-10, 1932. DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 161 45° 44° 53° 52° 51° 50° 49° AS" A7° 46° 45° ' 44 Figure 116.— Dynamic topography 1,000-0 decibar surface, April 19-26, 1934. 162 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS §3* 52° 51° 50° 49° 48° 47° 46° 45° 44° >°*tT-i— r- + -T T f I I I I mm ■ 1 I ■ I ■ . t , T I r^^T^^ , ^ .- i "r- ■ ■ s^^^^m i i . r -,--,: t- ,— :;— n >■/ 53° 52° 51° 50° 49° 48° 47° 46° 45° 44° Figure 117.- — Dynamic topography 1,000-0 decibar surface, May 17-25, 19154. DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 163 53° 52* 51° 50° 49° 48° 47° 46° 45° 44° 53° 52° 51° 50° 49° 48° 47° 46° 45° 44° FiGDKE 118. — Dynamic topography 1,000-0 decibar surface. June 12-21, 1934. 164 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS 51° 50° 49° 48° 47° 46° 45° 44° 43' 51° 50° 49° 48° 47' 46° 45° 44° 43° Figure ll'J. — Dynamic topo^iraphy 1,000-0 decibar surface, April 10-20, ID-iij. DAVIS STRAIT ANt) LABRADOR Sli:A 165 52° 51° 50° 49° 48° 47° 46° 45° 44° 43° Figure 120. — Dynamic topography 1,000-0 decibar surface, May 8-18, l'J35. 166 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS 52° 51° 50° 49° 48° 47° 46° 45° 44° 43° FiGDRB 121. — Dynamic topography 1,000-0 decibar surface. Juno 4 10, 11»H5. o c- )e )- n h r- is )f is I. IS a. 11 ic I. )f r- 1- h r- le d rl c- IS l- - !n ;h 0- r- is Df is I. as a. ai ic \^. of r- n- th ir- de er [id >rl ir- as ;a- on he m ire I) id- en •rn ;he W. Chapter VIII THE LABRADOR SEA The discussion in previous chapters has been devoted to the cir- culation and physical character of the waters in the shelf and slope regions and has been largely confined to the upper levels, the tropo- sphere. The present chapter treats the offshore waters between Greenland and Labrador and southward to the vicinity of the fiftieth parallel and with special attention to the deeper levels, the strato- sphere. SURFACE CIRCULATION In figure 122 is shown the dynamic topographic chart of the sur- face with respect to 1,500 decibars based on the Marion observations taken m 1928. The more rapid currents immediately offshore of the Greenland and Labrador coasts and in the vicinity of Davis Strait have been illustrated and discussed in chapters IV,'V, and VI. Figure 122 shows these currents and their interrelation as well as the more slowly moving current in the central part of the area. An area of weak current is shown southwestward of Cape Farewell and the northward and eastward flowing borders of the Atlantic Current is just discernible in about latitude 54° K, longitude 50° W Immediately south of this is what is probably the northern end of the closed whorl between the Labrador Current, the Atlantic Cur- rent margin, and Flemish Cap. Regarding the drift of east Green- land bergs which reach Cape Farewell, reference is made to Smith (1931, pp. 74-78). Figure 123 represents the dynamic topographic map of the sur- face with respect to 1,500 decibars resulting from the survey made by the General Greene in 1931. In this year the northwestern corner of the Atlantic Current margin extended farther to the north and west and was more pronounced than in 1928. The closed whorl found in 1928 between the Atlantic Current and the Labrador Cur- ;; rent was not disclosed by the 1931 observations and probablv was ;i situated southeastward of the limits of the survey. A notable fea- ;j ture in 1931 was the branching and eastward recurving of a portion ; of the Irmmger Current south of Cape Farewell as indicated bv the I ^^11?^ "* ^^^^ 1,454.56 isobath in that locality. (See p. 51, ch. IV.) :j The dynamic topographic map of the surface with respect to 1,500 'i?o? '^l^ T*^^"^^ ^^ ^^^^ 6^m.em? Greene in 1933 is shown in figure ! 1^4. Ihe high salinities observed in the central area (see ch II) I account for the more rapid circulation offshore of the usual bound- aries of the Labrador Current. Neither the closed whorl between the Labrador Current and the Atlantic Current nor the northwestern border of the Atlantic Current were present within the limits of the survey unless that portion of the map eastward of longitude 50° W. 167 168 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS southwest of Cape Farewell is to be interpreted as a direct contribu- tion of Atlantic Current water to the outer margins of the Irminger Current. 60" 55° "50^ Figure 124. — Dynamic topography 1,500-0 decibar surface, June 26-July 24, 1933. In figure 125 is shown the dynamic topographic map of the sur- face with respect to 1,500 decibars resulting from the 1934 observa- tions obtained bv the General Greene. It will be noted that the DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 169 measurements extend farther to the eastward between latitudes 50° 55° than in the earlier surveys. These easternmost stations disclose the borders of the Atlantic Current flowing in well-developed 60^ 5F 50^ FiGUUE 125.- — Dynamic topography 1,500-0 decibar surface, July 3-15, 1934. strength. The closed whorl between the Atlantic and Labrador Currents is more elongated than in the previous maps and can be traced as far northward as about 58° N. This figure again brings up the possibility that in some years water from the margins of the 170 MARION AND GENERAL. GREENE EXPEDITIONS Atlantic Current may be contributed directly' to the offshore borders of the West Greenland Current. Figure 126 is a composite dynamic topographic map of the entire region from Smith Sound southward to the Tail of the Grand Banks. The Baffin Bay part is based on the observations of the Godthaah made in 1928. From Davis Strait to the line between Cape Farewell and Newfoundland the map is based upon the 1928 Marion observa- tions. From this line southeastward to Flemish Cap the observa- tions of the General Greene taken on the 1935 post-season cruise have been used and that part of the map in the vicinity of the Grand Banks is based upon observations taken during May 1935 by the General Greene. Blank strips separate the various areas de- scribed above. The common reference level is the 1,500-decibar sur- face. It must be remembered that figure 126 is a composite combin- ing observations from different seasons and different years, not strictly comparable but with this reservation in mind it is useful in gaining a more complete picture of the current system as a whole and of the interrelation of the component parts of that system. Figures 127 and 128 are similarly constructed composite horizontal sections of temperature and salinity at a depth of 100 meters in summertime. The subsurface circulation obtaining in 1928 is illustrated in figures 129 and 130, which are dynamic topographic maps of the 600- and 1,000-decibar surfaces, respectively, referred to the 1,500- decibar surface. The major patterns of the surface circulation seen in figure 122 are reflected in the course of the dynamic isobaths at the 600-decibar surface. Most notable, perhaps, in figure 129 is the illustration of the contribution of the West Greenland Current to Baffin Bay over Davis Strait Ridge. Figure 130 demonstrates the weak but cyclonic character of the circulation in the intermediate water, with the center of the basin in less active circulation than the borders. SUMMARY OF SURFACE CIRCULATION The surface circulation of the Labrador Sea is summarized as fol- lows : The East Greenland Arctic Current and a western branch of the Irminger Current on rounding Cape Farewell are renamed the West Greenland Current which flows northwestward. The West Greenland Current branches, part crossing Davis Strait Ridge into Baffin Bay and a part flowing westward south of the Davis Strait Ridge and joining Arctic water flowing southward out of Baffin Bay to produce the Labrador Current. The Labrador Current, composed of about three parts west Greenland water to two parts of Baffin Bay water, flows southerly along Labrador and Newfoundland and the eastern edge of the Grand Banks, eventually turning in a general northeast- erly direction along the northwestern borders of the Atlantic Cur- rent. From the northern edge of the Grand Banks to the Tail of the Banks parts of the Labrador Current are turned back to the north- ward. The northernmost of these returned branches forms a closed whorl between the trunk of the Labrador Current, Flemish Cap, and mixed waters of the borders of the Atlantic Current which water flows northward and eastward extending as far as 55° north. W I i.% -1 CU m 60 50 'IGCRE 129. — Dynamic topography 1,500-600 decibar surface. July 22-September 11. 1928. 79920 — 37 12 172 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS KiGURB 130.— Dynamic topography 1.500-1 000 deciba ibar surface, July 22-September H 1928. DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 173 EXCHANGE OF WATER IN BAFFIN BAT The volumes of flow derived from velocity profiles and described in chapters IV, V, and VI are represented schematically in figure 131. These investigations require certain conclusions which not only sup- port the picture of the circulation which is represented here but offer opportunity of estimating the exchange of water in Baffin Bay. It was found that in 1928 about 1.0 million cubic meters per second' was being contributed to Baffin Bay by the West Greenland Current at Davis Strait. The southward flow of the Baffin Land Current amounted to about 2.0 million cubic meters per second, thus indicat- ing that the net contribution to Baffin Bay through Smith, Jones, and Lancaster Sounds was about 1 million cubic meters per second subject to correction for precipitation and evaporation. EXCHANGE OP WATER, LABRADOR SEA Similarly the inflow to and outflow from the Labrador Sea may be balanced as follows: Inflow: mVs x lO-' West Greenland Current (average Cape Farewell) 5 0 Baffin Land Current- ~ 9" q Hudson Bay discharge (net) ~ "___" ~SS_ 0 5 Total . "TZ Outflow: " ''^ West Greenland Current to BaflSn Bay 10 Labrador Current (average South Wolf Id.) Z Z_I 4Q Total __^ — The fact that a part of the West Greenland Current is contributed to and included in the listed volume of the Labrador Current does not attect the above totals. Neglecting evaporation and precipitation, then, the above totals indicated an unbalanced excess of inflow over outflow of about 1.9 million cubic meters per second. Tlie foregoing strongly suggests that about 1.9 million cubic meters per second of West Greenland Current sinks into depths below 1,500 meters (the reference surface of the dynamic computations) and eventually flows out of the Labrador Sea at deeper levels into the North Atlantic, thus maintaining a quantitatively balanced system of circulation. EXCHANGES OF HEAT 12^ LABRADOR SEA In the summer of 1928 the heat transported to the Labrador Sea oy currents was as follows : w i. r, "CmVs X 10-« \Vest Greenland Current off Cape Farewell __ 17 k Baffin Land Current at Davis Strait _'__ "" _l o Hudson Bay discharge (net) ~_ ~_ ~~"1~"7"" 0 5 Total__. -^^ While the current-borne heat leaving the Labrador Sea was— West Greenland Current to Baffin Bay_ _ 0 ^ r^abrador Current .^'^ 14. o Total ~77Z 15. 1 174 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS 70° 70° FiGUUB 131.-Volume of the currents in the "PPer water layers (tro^^^^^ exi in millions of cubic meters per second. July 22-Septembei 11, i.»-b. DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 175 This gives an excess of heat entering amounting to 1.7 billion kilo- gram calories per second. If the average temperature of the water sinking below the 1,500 meter level is assumed to be 3.2° C., the cor- responding outflow of heat was about 6.1 billion kilogram calories per second on the basis of the current balance tabulated on page 173. This figure of 6.1 compared with the above excess of current- borne heat entering above 1,500 meters of 1.7 billion kilogram calories per second leaves an excess of departing current-borne heat of 4.4 billion kilogram calories per second. It seems reasonable that this represents the order of magnitude of the average summer rate of absorption of insolation for it is estimated ^^ that, during the sum- mertime, the insolation reaching the surface of the sea in this area amounts to about 20 billion kilogram calories per second of which perhaps more than 40 percent is lost, as far as the sea is concerned, through reflection. If this figure for reflection is accepted, 12 billion kilogram calories per second remain to account for radiation, evapora- tion, and absorption. As radiation is probably small, approximately two-thirds of the solar heat not reflected from the surface goes for evaporation and only one-third is absorbed. This proportion of absorption is probably too low because no account has been taken of land drainage, compensating sinking, and consequent transport of heat to depths below 1,500 meters. CABBELING The indicated sinking of approximately 1.9 million cubic meters per second volume of current below the 1,500-meter level and also, proportional quantities of heat, is substantiated by the position of the axis of saltest water along the southwest coast of Greenland for the summer of 1928. These data when plotted against depth (fig. 132) show that the Irminger- Atlantic water sank from the 200- meter level off Cape Farewell to about the 500-meter level off God- thaab. The temperature-salinity curves representative of the West Greenland Current (fig. 23, p. 48), if interpreted in terms of density, also indicate the progressive increase of density along its course. This sinking of the Irminger-Atlantic water is verified by the obser- vations of Baggesgaard-Rasmussen and Jacobsen (1930) and those of Riis-Carstensen (Conseil Permanent International, 1929) some of the results of which are shown on figures 133 and 134, respectively. The Dana's observations taken June to July, 1925 when plotted on figure 133 show that the core of warmest water (Irminger-Atlantic Current) sank from a depth of about 200 meters to a depth of about "According to Davis (1899, p. 18) the rate at which unobstructed insolation is received on the earth with the sun at the zenitli is 75,000 thousand kilogram calorics per minute per square mile or 54 billion kilopram calories per 12 hours. If the length of sunshine per day at the equator on March 20 be taken at 12 hours and the average rate of insolation 2 during that period be taken as - times the maximum then the daily rate would be about 34.3 billion kilogram calories per square mile. Davis (1899, p. 20) gives the daily inci- dent radiation in latitude 60° on June 21 and September 22 as 1.09 and 0.50 times the above, respectively. A conservative estimate for July-August then is taken as 0.8, whence estimating the area in question to be 310,000 square miles the average summer rate of insolation would be ^'*-^XQ-^^^'0'Q^ or approximately 100 billion kilogram calories per second. 86,400 According to Milhorn (1929, p. 41) about 60 percent is transmitted and of this about two-thirds is absorbed by the atmosphere so that about 20 billion kilogram calories per second reaches the ocean surface. 70 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS 984 975 074 1079 1085 FlQUBB 132. — ^The position of saltest water July,;22-September 11, 1928. DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 177 Figure 133. — The position of warmest water as shown by the Dana's observations, May 5-20, 1925. 178 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS 700 meters in traversing the West Greenland sector. Also the God- thaaVs observations in the summer of 1928 reveal that the Irminger- Atlantic water sank along its pathway north of Cape Farewell. Thus the observations of the Dana^ Godthaab^ and Marion all are in agree- ment in demonstrating the manner and rate of sinking of the Figure 134. — The position of saltest water as shown by the Oodthaah's observations. May 29-October 8. 1928. Irminger-Atlantic water as it enters and pursues its course in the Labrador Sea. This sinking of the water as it mixes in the West Greenland Current is an illustration of what the authors consider to be cabbeling. Although this phenomenon has been indicated by the observations from several parts of the northwestern North At- lantic (pp. 44, 48, and 136) its exposition has been reserved for the DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 179 West Greenland Current as it enters the Labrador Sea. The idea of cabbeling was first published by Witte (1910) and depends upon the nonlinear relation between the temperature and the den- sity of sea water. Because of this nonlinear relation and the prac- i tically linear salinity-density relation an adiabatic mixture of two waters of equal density but of differing temperature and salin- ity will have a greater density than its components. It is evident that, in nature, horizontally adjacent bodies of water will have very nearly equal densities. When such adjacent waters are of differing temperature and salinity characteristics their intermixture, with its attendant increase in density, will result in a partial sinking of the mixture to an equilibrium density level from which level further sinking is possible through further mixture with adjacent water of dissimilar temperature and salinity characteristics. The fact of the presence of two water masses of dissimilar types in juxta- position is in itself an indication of the presence of horizontal cur- rents. The intermixture of two such water masses along their border may be aided at and near the surface by wave action but will be effected by the horizontal motion which transported the water there, not only near the surface but in deeper water as well. As a natural result, then, there will be a decided and even preponderant horizontal component to this mixed water as it sinks. Such is our conception !of cabbeling as it occurs in the regions under discussion. The ver- tical component of motion as initiated by cabbeling is in many parts lof the Labrador Sea during the colder months of the year accelerated by convectional chilling, but the latter factor is quite independent of the former. It may be noted here that areas such as the boundaries of the Irminger- Atlantic Current and the Labrador Current have been called polar fronts by some authors. This term, borrowed from meteor- ology, may be considered synonomous with the mixing zones de- scribed in this paper if it is applied not only to surface jDhenomena but to subsurface current margins as well. STATION DATA In the following paragraphs the vertical distribution of the velocity of the currents, the temperature, and salinity, will be discussed with jfeference to two transverse and three longitudinal vertical sections, the geographical locations of which are shown on figure 135. i VELOCITY PROFILES OF THE STRATOSPHERE I I A statistical investigation of the dynamic height computations for Ithe 1935 post-season cruise of the General Greene^ where all stations were occupied to near the bottom, indicated from a consideration of departures of differences of anomalies of dynamic heights from aver- iges for 500-meter depth intervals, that in the Labrador Sea the 2,000 meter surface is probably close to the surface of most nearly motion- less water. On the assumption that 2,000 meters represents the depth Df motionless water velocity profiles for the complete sections, Reso- ution Island to Fiskernaessett {Godthaab stations 18 to 28) and South Wolf Island to Cai>e Farewell {General Greene stations 2026 180 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS to 2047) have been prepared and are shown in figures 136 and 137, respectively. Because of the small density gradients involved, be- cause of the possibility that no absolutely motionless surface exists and because of the probably undulatory character of such a surface if it does exist, no great reliance is placed upon the absolute values of velocity thus derived. However, the indicated directions of flow are believed to be reliable and are instructive regarding the circula- tion of the deeper water. These two velocity profiles clearly show the cyclonic nature of the circulation in the deep water (p. 186) of the Labrador Sea and at the same time permit the southward outflow, 18 19 20 21 26 27 28 Figure 136. — Velocity profile Resolution Island to Plskernaessett, June 11-16. 1928 expressed in centimeters per second (from the Oodthaah's observations). The solid lines represent southerly current and the broken lines northerly current. along the American side, of deep water and bottom water (p. 187) to the North Atlantic necessitated by the sinking of water from higher levels. VERTICAL DISTRIBUTION OF TEMPERATURE AND SALINITY Resolution Island — Fiskemaessett. — The transverse sections of tem perature and salinity shown in figure 138 represent summer con ditions in 1928 between Resolution Island and Fiskernaessett based on the Godthaah stations 18 to 28. In the upper levels the more rapid currents can be recognized, the northward-flowing West Greenland Current on the right and the southw&rd-flowing Labrador Current on the left. The central part of the section from about 500 meters to about 2,000 meters is occupied by intermediate water (p. 184), the deeper limit of which is characterized by a temperature of about 3° C. and a salinity of about 34.90%o. This intermediate water is con- sidered to lie below the surface water and offshore of the more rapid DA.VIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 181 ? 182 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS currents. The intermediate water is in slow cyclonic circulation and its core is seen in the temperature minimum, which will be considered later, and in the salinity minimum of about 34.88%o. OM 500 10- 20 25 OM 500 10 20- 25 0.13 050 0.41 5.83 4.00 447 18 19 20 21 22 32.95 3294 3304 3322 3388 2.30 \9\ 1 90 ^2.50 23 24 25 26 27 28 34.61 34.58 3405 34.31 3230 3087 3500 ,34.90 4 92 Figure 138. — Temperature and salinity profile Resolution Island to Fiskernaessett, June 11-16, 1928 (from the Oodthaab's observations). Below the intermediate water is to be seen the deep water charac- terized by lower temperatures than the intermediate water and by salinity maxima. Here again the circulation is cyclonic and weak. The center of the salinity maximum shown in figure 138 is located on the Labrador side. On the Greenland side at intermediate depths ai 00 o o o OC9 O C9 C3 1 6 o) 00 fl N r^ ID (0 (f) o !f; q o (0 1565 1147 1117 996 1037 1055 917 8.42 8.65 814 7.35 632 5.31 760 2 t5 o o i i f s 7.00 241 2.07 099 o o o 4.01 o w — O CO 2.81 2"i2o1i ,454 DAVIS STRAIT RIDGE _oi)5 -039 B AF Fl N -0.44 BAY BASIN 1.90 LABRADOR BASIN 55 60 65 50 70 75" FiGURD 140.— Temperature profile, Labrador Sea to Baffin BJiy (composite 1928-35). 79920—37 (Face p. 183) No. 2 FiGUBK 141. — Salinity profile, Labrador Sea to Baffin Bay (composite 1928-35). 79920—37 (Pace p. 183) No. 3 I o O o (3 r^ (0 ir> lO Ci 0> f^ — lO 14.97 127010.049.14 10.47 Si CVJ CJ CM ^ 9.51 9.87 10.50 9.60 5.20 6.12 8.80 o ? 2 2 5 ^ "l- CD CO CO — CJ Oi (J) (^ 690 538 8.0 850 530 0.06 2.05 -0.56 5.23 1 6? - o 2 — — m -0 31 — - . deep water. regions of the Labrador Sea, if the nearly uniform regional tem- perature which it has in summer is to be attained. As a result of vertical convection in winter, it is probable that steep density gradients are established to considerable depths be- 186 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS tween the more central regions of the Labrador Sea and the more stable waters inshore. The consequent circulation reaching a maxi- mum at the end of winter results in a corresponding intensification of mixing between the heavy winter wat«r and the higher-tem- peratured^ water from the margins. As mixing continues, accord- ing to our view, density gradients flatten and the intermediate water in such a self -compensating system is proportionately warmed, and temperature differences rapidly disappear as thermal homogeneity is approached. The volume of the current between GodthaaVs sta- tions 24 and 22 at the end of Avinter was computed on the assump- tion that station 24 (fig. 136) lay within the region of bottom- water formation, and that station 22 was on the outer margin of same. A volume of 33.5 million cubic meters per second toward the south with a mean surface velocity of 14 centimeters per second indicates that a current so hypothesized is of reasonable volume and velocity. A temporary retardation of the frigid portion of the Labrador Current during the colder months of the year when Baffin Bay becomes ice filled may also be a factor involved in regulating the thermal state of the intermediate water of the Labrador Sea. The intermediate water is also apparently warmed on its under side near the 2,000-ineter level where in several of the sections this evidence is disclosed by slight temperature maxima (fig. 139). The component of this mixture probably arises in the Irminger-Atlantic water which on sinking spreads oiit in these depths more than in others as the perennial deep water acts as a virtual bottom. An area of temperature-minimum is found in practically all of the vertical sections of the intermediate water centered at an aver- age depth of 1,375 meters. The 3.17° C. isotherm (fig. 147) and its corresponding 34.88%o isohaline, embrace what has been here- tofore designated as typifying intermediate water. Particular im- portance is attached to the temperature minimum in the interme- diate water, it being considered reminiscent of winter chilling, this core being farthest removed from the warmed sides and the under- side remains the coldest. The minimum temperatures when plotted in horizontal projection coincide with the shaded area shown on figure 149 and extend eastward past Cape Farewell (if the Meteorh observations are utilized) between the Atlantic and Irminger Cur- rents. It is interesting to note that in the longitude of Cape Fare- well where a temperature minimum of the intermediate water was observed in March (see Meteor's station 121) it had entirely dis- ai)peared bv August of the same year. (See General Greene's sta- tions 2019-2009-2003-1996.) THE DEEP WATER ^ That Irminger-Atlantic water as it flows cyclonically around the Labrador Basin progressively sinks, has been demonstrated by figures 132, 133, and 134. After cabbeling to depths greater than 2,000 meters, depending upon the depth of the basin, this water approaches the region of heavier bottom water over which it apparently spreads and into which it slowly mixes. This is the usual summertime distribu- ^ B AFFI N B AY BASIN 0 100 200 (MILES) LABRADOR BASIN 50 55 60 65 70 75 FiGUBK 148.— Oxygen profile, Labrador Sea to Baffin Bay (composite, 1928-35). 79920—37 (Face p. 187) DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 187 tion of salinity which gives the water below 2,000 meters and above the bottom water its character. This particular water is best typified by salinity maxima, the presence of which has already been pointed out on several of the vertical sections of the Labrador Sea. The temperature-salinity correlation in the heart of such masses is repre- sented by the diamond-shaped symbols plotted on figure 146, page 185. Their position with respect to the broken line on the figure supports our previous statement, namely, that this which is called deep water ^^ is a mixture of bottom water and Irminger- Atlantic water. The saltiest of the deep water, which typifies it, is formed during the colder months of the year when cabbeling is assisted directly by convectional cooling. Outside of the region of convectional sinking to bottom, the deep water is foinid adjacently above the bottom water throughout the year. Within the area of bottom-water formation in winter the deep water becomes mixed with the intermediate water and surface water from above. Following a resumption of positive stability of the water column, the deep water re-forms in position similar to that which prevailed prior to convection. THE BOTTOM WATER As shown by the temperature sections (figs. 140-145) it is not possible that the bottom water of the Labrador Sea is supplied across Davis Strait Ridge in summer. Examination of the transverse sec- tions, figures 138 and 139, also show that in summer the cold parts of the West Greenland and Labrador Currents are separated from the bottom water by intervening water of higher temperature. The low temperature of the bottom water, therefore, is either a result of win- tertime conditions or is a relic of conditions which no longer exist. That the latter is not true is demonstrated by figure 148, a vertical longitudinal section showing the oxygen distribution from south of 50° N. latitude to Smith Sound. Tliis section is a composite based upon observations made on the GodthaaJ) in 1928 and on the General Greene in 1935. The location and identity of the stations upon which it is based are shown on figure 135 where the course of the section is indicated by the broken line. It will be noted that the GodthaaVs oxygen values (that is, those for stations north of the break in the profile lines) are consistently higher than those of the General Greene by about 0.4 cubic centimeter per liter. It is evident from the con- centration of dissolved oxygen that the Labrador Basin is an area of active mixing and that tliere is no water in it but what has been at the surface comparatively recently. It is logical, therefore, that if the activity of the water were different in different years even the deeper observations might give different results in different years. The relative values, however, are instructive and if the oxygen profile is superimposed on the temperature and salinity profiles it is found that the General Greene's oxygen values of greater than 6.2 and the GodthaaVs oxygen values of greater than 6.7 cubic centimeters per liter embrace what has been designated as the intermediate water of the Labrador Sea. The shape of the 6.0 line in the southern part of the section and the lines in the region "Our depp water, which eventually drains out of the Labrador Basin into the North Atlantic, embraces what Wust (1935) has designated as North Atlantic deep water. 79920—37 13 188 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS northward of Cape Farewell up to Davis Strait indicate that the bottom water of the Labrador Sea is formed in the latter area and moves southward. The low oxygen values in the upper layers at the southern end of the section correspond to the northern border of the Atlantic Current. The rapid downward decrease of oxygen in Baffin Bay arises from the pocketing of water there by 600 to 700 meter thresholds. As has been demonstrated by consideration of the distribution of oxygen the cold bottom water of the Labrador Sea is the result of wintertime chilling which affects the bottom water through vertical convection. The salinity of the water in the region where vertical convection may take place, however, is lower than that of the bottom water actually observed in the summertime. The bottom water must therefore be a mixture with saltier water, which water is typified by the Irminger-Atlantic Current. In figure 146, page 185, the temperature-salinity relation of the Irminger-Atlantic water, based on summertime observations off Cape Farewell, has been drawn as a solid line. The upper part of this line grades away from the core into insolated surface water and the lower part grades off into the colder water below the axis of the Irminger Current. The apex has been taken as most characteristic of Irminger-Atlantic water. If this is one of the components of the bottom water, the other component will lie along a line through the characteristics of the bottom water and Irminger-Atlantic water. Such a line has been drawn on figure 146, page 185. In selecting the characteristic point for the bottom water the lowest bottom temperature indicated by our observation (1.57° C. at General Greene station 2033) has been selected as having been least modified since formation, and the potential temperature has been used in order to translate the mixture into terms of shallow water phenomena. The other component then must lie along the broken line in the salinities lower than 34.91%o. If vertical convection, arising from winter chilling, accounts for onej of the components of the bottom water, it must take place off- shore from the more rapidly moving Labrador and West Greenland Currents. Also, the density gradient prior to the beginning of winter must not be so great as to require water temperatures lower than about —1.8° C. to establish vertical convection. If complete hori- zontal stagnation is assumed, the maximum temperature at which vertical convection to bottom can occur may be found from the average salinity of the water column and the density of the bottom water observed in summer. Such computations of the maximum temperature to which the water must be cooled in order to estab- lish vertical convection from the surface down to successively deeper levels have been made for a number of stations. The maximum temperature values have been plotted for the GodtKcmVs section from Resolution Island to Fiskernaessett and are shown in figure 149. As has been mentioned above, the upper limit of salinity of the bottom-water component produced through vertical convection is 34.91%o. The broken line shown in figure 149 connects points, the average salinity of the column of the water above which is 34.91%o. A similar line is shown for 34.81%o average salinity of the super- posed column of water, since 34.81%o is the approximate salinity I DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 189 corresponding to the minimum practically attainable temperature of the bottom-water component shown on figure 146. Thus from figure 146 it will be seen that if there is no horizontal motion, verti- cal convection to bottom may be established at stations 22, 23, 24, 25, and 26 when the water columns have been cooled by winter chilling to temperatures of 2.65°, 1.35°, 1.75°, 1.60°, and 2.80° C, respectively. However, the rapid horizontal circulation in the upper levels at stations 22 and 26 eliminate the possibility of vertical convection there, and, of the remaining three stations, 25 is close enough to the West Greenland Current to make it uncertain whether or not deep vertical convection is possible. Attention is called to the fact 0 M 18 19 20 21 0.13 0.50 0.41 0.75 22 3.06 23 24 25 26 488 5.38 531 5.83 27 28 4.00 4.47 \ • 1 1 : ^^^ =^v^^^=i=^o' y^^^/M ^^iy 500 \ :<-2o : A \ //// f —-25- : ^^_„_i____^^ '^JlS I . • 3.5< 1 . 'J /. C L /y<-2o 10 rr« f ' 15 w V 60 \ /^^ , r. 3491 20 \ Ik C^-— -^ \i 25 n V-^T ^;N geo 60 50 ^^is.....r— ^ MILES 1.35 l>5 0 25 50 30 '- FiGDEE 149. — Maximum temperature to establish vertical convection, surface to bottom, Resolution Island to Fiskernaesett. (From the Oodthaab's observations taken June 11- 16, 1928.) Inset shows area in which bottom water is formed in the wintertime according to the authors' views. that the average salinity of the water columns at stations 23, 24, and 25 lie between 34.81 and" 34.91%o, the range within which the bottom- water component must fall. This indicates that a small central part of this section lies in the area where the bottom water of the Labrador Sea is formed. That this section passes close to the north- ern boundary of the area of bottom-water formation is evident when one remembers the horizontal components of the westward branch- ing of the West Greenland Current south of Davis Strait. From similar computations of the average salinity and maximum tem- perature for vertical convection to bottom in the region of Davis Strait Ridge two conclusions were reached — {a) that even if there were no horizontal currents vertical convection to bottom could be produced only at temperatures very close to the freezing point and 190 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS (h) that even if vertical convection were established the average salinity of the water is so low as to require an impossibly low temperature to become a bottom-water constituent as defined by figure 146. In figure 150 is shown the temperature and salinity distribution at Davis Strait leading to these conclusions. A lonei- O O o 29.90 O O 30.41 2986 0 MILES 50 O ~ CM a> o> o> (j> (J> to ^ 32 35 33.46 31.99 34.79/34.78 0-M Figure 150. — Temperature and salinity profile across Davis Strait just soutli of Davis Stndt I Ridge August 4-18, 1928. tudinal section, on which have been plotted maximum temperatures for vertical convection of the superposed water column, is shown in figure 151. Here again the average salinity lines of 34.81 and fl 34.91%o have been drawn. All of the section from Marian station 984 just south of Davis Strait Ridge to General Greene station 1936 in the Atlantic Current border falls within the salinity limits of I w o o o (9 o o o 0) (J> r; i: CNJ 8.05 530 000 2.05 5.25 370 OOP • 2.0—; ! LESS THAN MINUS TWO DEGREES '^ h 'DAVISSTRAIT RIDGE BAFFIN BAY BASIN -1.75 H97 LABRADOR BASIN 50 55 60 65 70 75 -il- Maximum temperature to establish convection, surface to bottom, Labrador Sea to Baffin Bay (from the observations made by the United States Coast Guard and the Oodthaai, 192S-35). 79920 — 37 (Face p. 190) 4.* C <.; FiGHKB 152. — Temperature profile south of Cape Farewell March 7-11, 1935 (from the Meteor's observations, stations 118-125). 79920—37 (Face p. 191) DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 191 the bottom- water constituent. As has been mentioned, the northern limit of the area in which vertical convection to bottom probably occurs is only slightly north of Godthddb station 24 and is probably closer to it than to Manon station 984 (fig. 135). A southern limit at about 55° N. latitude might be postulated from a consideration of the horizontal motion of the Atlantic Current border. However, be- cause of the tempering effect of the more southerly latitude on the severity of the winter, the southern limit of the area of vertical convection to bottom lies more to the north and is estimated to be between General Greene station 2035 and Godthaab station 10 (fig. 135). Such limits would seem to be borne out by a consideration of the midlongitudinal salinity section (fig. 143) and the longitudinal oxygen section (fig. 148). The area in question is shown shaded on the small inset on figure 149. This shaded area is considered by the authors to represent the region in which the bottom water of the Labrador Sea is most probably formed in the wintertime. It is an area whose size will vary from winter to winter and in some years will certainly be smaller and in other years may possibly be some- what larger than the area shown on figure 149. An increase in the density through an increase in salinity resulting from ice formation is a factor which assists wintertime convectional sinking as has been pointed out by Helland-Hansen and Nansen (1909) and Mosby (1934). The areas of ice formation in the north- western North Atlantic, hoM^ever, are largely non-coincident with the area in which we have assumed the bottom water of the Labrador Sea to originate, and therefore this phenomenon of salt concentration is considered inconsequential there. Adjacent to our area of bottom-water production, particularly to the north and east, are areas in which vertical convection probably penetrates to considerable depths. Figure 152 shows the temperature distribution found by the Meteor in March 1935 along a section ex- tending southward from Cape Farewell, the data for which wer3 kindly supplied by the director of the Institut fiir Meereskunde an der Universtiit von Berlin. An inspection of the section indicates that stations 121 and 122 are in the comparatively quiet water north of the Atlantic Current and south of the Irminger Current past Cape Farewell. These stations then should be expected to be most favor- able for the establishment of vertical convection in the wintertime. Furthermore, as the date of the observations was probably onlj^ slightly past the coldest part of the winter, one might expect to find evidence of vertical convection at stations 121 and 122 if it occurs in this region. Such evidence seems to be present, for at station 121 between about 725 meters and about 1,650 meters and at station 122 between about 1,100 meters and about 1,850 meters, the tempera- tures actually observed were slightly lower than the maximum tem- perature necessary to produce vertical convection to those depths on the assumption of no horizontal motion and on the basis of average observed salinities and densities. The observed densities at stations 121 and 122 showed a very weak stability, the change in o-t from surface to 2,000 meters being but 0.03 and 0.04, respectively. A slight apparent instability was found at about 1,500 meters at sta- tion 121. These densities combined with the foregoing indicate that vertical convection extended to depths of about 2,000 meters shortly prior to the Meteor's observations. 192 MAKTON AND GENERA!. GREENE EXPEDITIONS I The only other record of an observed temperature which was lower than the maximum temperature to initiate vertical convection to its respective depth in accordance with our assumptions, occurred at Godthaah^s station 10 at 1,000 meters on May 3, 1928. The sur- vival of this temperature value about 2l^ months subsequent to the coldest part of winter indicates that the water in this region is sub- jected to greater cooling and then less warming than is the water in the vicinity of Meteor''s stations 122 and 121. SUMMARY The warm, salty west Greenland water progressively sinks as it proceeds northward and westward and bends southward, spread- ing as it goes to furnish the intermediate water of the Labrador Sea between about 500 and 2,000 meters. The most nearly motionless water, except perhaps that immediately adjacent to the bottom, occurs at about the 2,000-meter level below which lies the deep water and the bottom water. The deep water, according to the foregoing view, is formed dur- ing the colder part of the year largely by mixing of bottom watei with water from the West Greenland Current which has sunk to deep levels as it travels northward along the Greenland coast and west- ward near the head of the Labrador Basin. The major flow of the deep water is southward along the American side where, off southern Labrador, there is probably some movement toward deeper levels along the bottom, the water flowing down the slope at levels of about 3,000 to 3,500 meters. This deep water is probably absorbed into the more central. North American Basin, and thus it compensates for the loss of water at higher levels to the northwestern North Atlantic from the northern branch of the Atlantic Current. The bottom water, in our opinion, is formed by wintertime chilling of the surface, intermediate, and deep waters in the northern part of the Labrador Basin in the area off-shore from the rapid currents and roughly bounded on the south by a line from mid-Labrador to Cape Farewell. (See inset fig. 149.) It seems likely in this area the severe winter chilling produces vertical convection to bottom and results, with some mixture of Irminger-Atlantic water, in the coldest bottom water found in the deepest part of the basin and which in summertime is isolated from the cold surface currents by warmer water. The vertical convection which takes place in winter probably sets up steep horizontal density gradients to considerable depths, with a correspondingly increased cyclonic system of circula- ^ tion. With the termination of vertical convection and its resulting JJ heat losses the energizing force for maintaining this vigorous circula- tion is removed and the summertime equilibrium conditions are quickly restored as the marginal water of equal salinity and higher temperature is mixed in to destroy the temporary density gradients "^^ and raise the temperature of the intermediate water to the remark- ably uniform value of about 3.2° C. If our hypothesis be correct, because of the intermittent nature of the formation of the coldest bottom water and the higher salinity deep water there are horizontal variations in these waters repre- )S( DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 193 senting the annual cycles of their production. As the rates of south- ward progress of these waters are most probably different it is not to be expected that an exhaustive survey made in any one 'year will show a correspondence, in a horizontal projection, between the loca- tions of successive temperature minima in the deepest bottom water and the location of successive salinity maxima in the deep water. Furthermore, the gradual mixing with surrounding water masses tends to erase the identity of these maxima and minima as they pro- ceed further from their sources. The arm of the Labrador Basin between southeast Greenland and Reykjanes Ridge is a possible source of formation of saltier deep water such as is formed in the colder parts of the year in the north- west arm of the Labrador Sea, that is, that portion southward of Davis Strait Ridge. The saltier deep water, if any, so formed in this northeastern arm of the Labrador Basin, is contributed, at least in part, directly to the southern part of the Labrador Basin. Some of the deep water so formed at this source may occasionally round the southern end of Greenland and enter into the deep-water circu- lation of the central part of the Labrador Sea somewhat northward of Cape Farewell. A part of the bottom water, some of which is possibly formed in the wintertime in the northeast arm of the Labra- dor Basin according to our idea, probably escapes into the Atlantic Basin eastward of longitude 38° W. through possible deep channels which may cross the southwestern end of Reykjanes Ridge. A minor part of the bottom water of the northeastern arm of the Labrador Basin may possibly enter the central part of the basin around the southern end of Greenland. The salinity maxima representing annual cycles of production of deep water from the northeastern source are apparently, because of the location of their sources nearer to unmodified Irminger Current water, usually higher in salinity than the maxima of the deep water produced in the northwestern arm of the Labrador Basin. An assumption of no horizontal motion, which was made when considering the area of wintertime vertical convection to bottom is of course inaccurate and justifiable only because of the complete absence of midwinter observations from the area in question. The reality of such horizontal components is undoubted and, in fact, re- quired for the reestablishment of summertime equilibrium. Their ef- fect is to retard vertical convection and to restrict the area in which it is produced. It is emphasized that their equalizing effect is de- pendent upon the removal of their driving source with the cessation of vertical convection, that driving source being the abstraction of heat. In conclusion the authors wish to call attention to the hypothetical nature of many other parts of this chapter. Some of the main fea- tures, however, such as the formation of bottom water during winter- time in the Labrador Sea and its eventual run-off into the deeper Newfoundland Basin, are certainly indicated by the observational data already collected. Final confirmation awaits future surveys when subsurface observations must be made during the coldest time of winter in the Labrador Sea. BIBLIOGRAPHY Baggesgaard-Rasmiissen and Jacobsen, J. P. : 1930. Contribution to the Hydrography of the Waters around Greenland in the year 1925. Meddelelser fra Koniniissionen for Haverunder- soglser. Serie Hydrografi. Band II. No. 10. Copenhagen. Bartlett, R. A. : 1935. 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DAVIS STEAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 199 Thorade, H. : 193S. Methode zur Studium der Meeres-Stromraengen. Handbuch der Biologisclien Arbeits-Methoden. Abt. II, Teil 3, Heft 3. Wandel, C. F. : 1891. Om de Hydrografiske Forhold i Davis-Straedet. Meddelelser oni Gronland. Vol. 7. Copenhagen. Wenner, Frank ; Smith, Edward H., and Soule, Floyd M. : 1930. Apparatus for the Deteruiination Aboard Ship of the Salinity of Sea- Water by the Electrical Conductivity Method. Bureau of Standards Journal Itesearch. Vol. 5, pp. 711-732. September. Washington. Werenskiold, W. : 1935. Coastal Currents. Geofysiske Publikasjoner Vol. X, No. 13. Utgivtt av det Norske Videuskaps-Akadenii i Oslo. Oslo. Wilson, A. M. and Thompson, Harold : 1933. Notes on the Physical Conditions in 1932. Reports of the Newfound- land Fishery Research Conunission. Vol. 2, No. 1. Plymouth. Witte, Emil: 1910. Aspiration infolge der Mischung von Wasser. Geographischer An- zeiger. Oktober. Wtist, Georg: 1935. Schichtung und Zirkulation des Atlantischen Ozeans. (Zweite liefe- rung). Die Stratosphare. Wissenschaftliche Ergebuisse der Deut- schen Atlantischen Expedition auf dem Forschungs- und Vermes- sungsschiffe Meteor, 1925-1927. Band VI. Erste Teil. Berlin. STATION MAPS AND STATION TABLE DATA stations 93G to 1127 were taken July 19 to September 11, 1928, from the United States Coast Guard cutter Marion. Stations 1220 to 1341 were taken July 4 to August 8, 1931, from the United States Coast Guard cutter Gen-eral Greene. Stations 1487 to 1598 were taken June 26 to July 24, 1933, by the United States Coast Guard cutter General Greene. Parentheses have been used to designate where the value of either the temperature or the salinity has been interpolated from the station 1 curve of that variable. In 1933 when pressure thermometers were employed both the ob- served and scaled values of temperature and salinity have been printed. The depths except at the shallowest stations refer to soundings obtained by means of the fathometer. 201 202 MARION AND GENERAL, GREENE EXPEDITIONS 60 50 Figure 153. — Station map, July 19-September 11, 1928 DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 203 60 50 Figure 154. — Station map, July 9-Au^st 8, 1931 79920 — 37 14 204 MA.RION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS 60" ^55^ 50 Figure 155. — station map, June 16-July 24, 1933 MARION, 1928 Station 936; July 19; depth, 112 meters; N., long. 55°16' W. lat. 52»02' Depth Temper- ature (°C.) Salinity (96o) DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 209 station 975; July 30; depth, 2,745 meters; lat. 62°24' N., long. 52°47' W.; dynamic height, 1,454.676 meters Depth Temper- ature (°C.) Salinity (96o) 2Sl» 2&41 2&6I 25.71 Station 995; Aug. 7; depth, 461 meters; lat- 68°]', X long. 55°14' W.; dynamic height, Liw'"^ meters »■> 26.' 26' r-- 27. V 27. » v.a J7.SS r.-"- 0 meter... 4.90 4.79 -.25 -.25 .66 1.37 2.07 2.57 2.67 2.67 33.22 33.27 33.55 34.01 34.22 34.33 34.42 34.47 34.48 (34.48) 20 meters 100 meters 200 meters 300 meters 400 meters . 430 meters 450 meters DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 211 station 996; Aug. 7; depth, 500 meters; lat. 68°25' N., long. 54°23' W.; dynamic height, 1,454.728 meters Depth Temper- ature CC.) Sah'nity (96o) fft 5.10 5.20 4.89 2.76 -.24 .95 .95 .95 1.56 1.66 1.86 33.14 33.18 33.30 33.30 33.61 33.92 34.10 34.20 34.28 (34. 29) 34.32 26.22 26.24 26 37 26.58 27 01 27.20 150 meters . . 27 35 27.43 300 meters . . - 27 44 27. 45 475 meters . - 27 45 Station 997; Aug. 7; depth, 316 meters; lat. 68°30' N., long. 53°30' W.; dynamic height, 1,454.781 meters 0 meter... 15 meters. 30 meters. 60 meters. 100 meters 150 meters 200 meters 300 meters 4.60 4.80 4.19 3.18 2.28 1.77 1.47 1.57 32.72 33.19 33.28 33.47 33.68 33.90 34.08 34.18 25.93 26.29 26.41 26.67 26.91 27.13 27.29 27.36 Station 998; Aug. 7; depth, 799 meters; lat. 68°55' N., long. 53°25' W.; dynamic height, 1,454.756 meters 0 meter. _. 20 meters. 50 meters. 100 meters 200 meters 240 meters 300 meters 400 meters 600 meters. 750 meters. 7.40 3.97 1.35 .64 .74 1.45 1.15 1.55 1.85 1.95 32.76 33.08 33.32 33.66 34.08 34.22 34.24 34.32 34.35 34.36 25.62 26.29 26.69 27.01 27.34 27.40 27.44 27.47 27.48 27.48 Station 999; Aug. 7; depth, 250 meters; lat. 69°09' N., long. 53°32' W.; dynamic height, 1,454.781 meters 0 meter. . 8.20 3.97 3.46 1.32 .92 .72 (.70) .92 32.70 33.00 33.25 33.55 33.88 34.06 34.08 34.14 25 46 15 meters 26 23 30 meters 26 45 60 meters 26 88 100 meters 27 17 150 meters .. 27 32 180 meters 27 34 240 meters .. . 27.38 Station 1000; Aug. 8; depth, 557 meters; lat. 69°12' N., long. 52°49' W. 0 meter... 20 meters. 30 meters.. 50 meters. 100 meters 150 meters 200 meters 240 meters 300 meters ■iOO meters. 450 meters. 525 meters. 7.30 3.96 2.15 .34 -.07 .13 1.14 .94 1.44 1.74 1.84 1.94 31.53 33.13 33.42 33.71 33.89 34.01 34.15 34.17 34.23 34.29 34.30 34.33 24.67 26.32 26.72 27.06 27.23 27.32 27.37 27.41 27.42 27.45 27.45 27.47 Station 1001; Aug. 8; depth, 492 meters; lat. 69°12' N., long. 52°13' W. Depth Temper- ature (°C.) Salinity (96o) fft 0 meter... 9.60 3.54 .11 -.09 .11 .71 1.52 1.82 1.92 32.45 33.22 33.61 33.85 34.00 34.13 34.26 34.31 34.33 25.05 26 43 20 meters 50 meters 27 00 100 meters 27.20 27 31 150 meters 200 meters 27 38 300 meters.. 27 44 400 meters 27 46 450 meters 27 48 Station 1002; Aug. 8; depth, 410 meters; lat. 69°11' N., long. 51°42' W. 0 meter... 15 meters. 50 meters. 100 meters 150 meters 200 meters 250 meters 300 meters 350 meters 400 meters 9.60 5.77 -.07 .42 1.32 1.72 1.62 1.42 1.62 1.72 32.45 33.41 33.83 34.02 34.14 34.20 34.22 34.23 34.26 34.28 25.05 26.35 27.18 27.31 27.35 27.38 27.40 27.41 27.42 27.43 Station 1003; Aug. 8; depth, 250 meters; lat. 69°12' N., long. 51°10' W. 0 meter 1.00 -.22 -.02 1.19 2.19 2.19 2.08 .79 .79 32.29 32.52 32.94 33.44 33.71 33.93 34.04 34.15 34.15 25 89 15 meters 26 14 30 meters 26 47 60 meters 26 81 90 meters 26 95 140 meters... 27 11 190 meters 27 21 240 meters 27 40 250 meters 27 40 Station 1004; Aug. 11; depth, 131 meters; lat. 70°14' N., long. 52°42' W. 0 meter. . . . 3.60 1.98 1.08 .57 .37 .17 .17 31.03 32.20 32.79 33.16 33.43 33.66 33.83 24 60 15 meters 25 75 30 meters 26.28 50 meters... 26 61 75 meters 26 84 100 meters 27 04 125 meters 27.17 Station 1005; Aug. 11; depth, 500 meters; lat. 70°12' N., long. 52°51' W. 0 meter 3.20 3.10 2.18 .67 -.04 -.04 .47 .67 .77 31.08 31.49 32.50 33.61 33. 83 33.97 34.13 34.21 34.22 24.67 20 meters 25.00 50 meters 25 98 100 meters 26.97 150 meters . 27 18 200 meters 27.29 300 meters. 27.40 400 meters 27.46 475 meters 27 46 Station 1006; Aug. 11; depth, 150 meters.; lat. 70°09' N., long. 62°65' W. 0 meter 3.80 3.30 1.39 .98 .17 .07 -.03 -.03 32.35 32.68 33.20 33.55 33.69 33.77 33.83 (33.87) 25.72 15 meters . 26.03 30 meters 26.59 50 meters 26.91 75 meters 27.06 100 meters. 27.13 125 meters 27.18 150 meters 27.21 212 MARION AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS Station 1007; Aug. 13; depth, 60 meters; lat.69°20' N., long. 54°08' W.; dynamic height, 1,454.737 meters Depth 0 meter... 10 meters 25 meters 40 meters 50 meters 55 meters 60 meters Temper- ature (°0.) 5.30 5.40 4.79 3.98 2.97 1.86 1.66 Salinity (96o) 33.22 33.36 33.41 33.50 33.61 33.66 (33. 73) 26.25 26.36 26.46 26.62 26.79 26.93 27.00 Station 1008; Aug. 13; depth, 127 meters; lat 69°12' N., long. 54°46' W.; dynamic height, 1,454.7.^0 meters 0 meter — 20 meters - 40 meters. 60 meters. 80 meters. 100 meters 115 meters 5.50 5.70 1.75 -.56 -.66 -.26 -.16 33.38 33.45 33.61 33.75 33.81 33.90 33.92 26.35 26.38 26.89 27.14 27.19 27.25 27.26 Station 1009; Aug. 13; depth, 187 meters; lat 69=05' N., long. 55°23' W.; dynamic height, 1,454.722 meters 0 meter — 20 meters.. 40 meters.. 60 meters., 100 meters 115 meters 140 meters 170 meters 180 meters 5.20 5.60 1.54 -.37 -.47 -.37 -.27 -.17 -.07 33.46 33.49 33.58 33.68 33.83 (33.85) 33.88 33.90 33.91 26.46 26.43 26.88 27.07 27.20 27.21 27.24 27.25 27.25 Station 1010; Aug. 13; depth, 177 meters; lat. 68°56' N., long. 56°10' W.; dynamic height, 1,454.716 meters 0 meter — 20 meters.. 40 meters.. 60 meters.. 90 meters. 130 meters 170 meters 33.61 33,62 33,67 33.74 33.86 33.91 33.94 26,59 26.58 26.85 27.12 27.22 27.25 27.26 Station 1011; Aug. 14; depth, 205 meters; lat 68°49' N., long. 57°07' W.; dynamic height, 1,454.712 meters 0 meter — 20 meters.. 40 meters., 60 meters., 90 meters. 125 meters 150 meters 170 meters 200 meters 5.10 5.00 2.56 1.35 .84 .64 .54 .54 .54 33.61 33.62 33.80 33.90 34.01 34.07 34.08 (34. 08) 34.09 26.58 26.61 26.99 27.16 27.28 27.34 27.36 27.36 27.36 Station 1013; Aug. 14; depth, 216 meters; lat. 68°1S' N., long. 57°50' W.; dynamic height, 1,454.708 meters Station 1012; Aug. 14; depth, 275 meters; lat. eS'Sl' N., long. 57°28' W.; dynamic height, 1,454.716 meters 0 meter 20 meters.. 40 meters.. 60 meters.. 100 meters 150 meters 200 meters 250 meters 4.80 33.33 26.40 5.00 33.37 26.41 2.96 33.66 26.84 -.06 33.81 27.17 -.17 33.98 27.31 .54 34.12 27.38 1.14 34.22 27.42 1.74 34.31 27.45 Depth Temper- ature (°C.) Salinity (96o) fft 3.60 4.40 1.36 -.46 -.66 .96 1.76 33.30 33.48 33.71 33.83 34.02 34.13 34.24 26.49 26.56 27.00 60 meters 27.20 27.36 150 meters 27.37 27.40 Station 1014; Aug. 14; depth, 495 meters; lat. 67°58' N., long. 58°13' W.; dynamic height, 1,454.747 meters 0 meter 15 meters.. 30 meters.. 50 meters.. 100 meters 150 meters 200 meters 300 meters 375 meters 4.30 4.30 4.10 2.97 1.07 1.96 1.57 2.17 2.37 32.40 25.72 32.87 26.09 33.18 26.35 33.60 26.71 33.91 27.19 34.16 27.39 34.28 27.44 34.42 27.51 34.47 27.53 Station 1015; Aug. 14; depth, 659 meters; lat. 67<'31' N., long. 58°48' W.; dynamic height, 1,454.743 meters 0 meter 20 meters.. 40 meters.. 60 meters.. 100 meters. 150 meters. 200 meters. 300 meters. 375 meters 400 meters 500 meters 625 meters 2.00 30.79 26.23 .08 32.66 26.24 -1.64 33.40 26.89 -1.74 33.60 27.06 -1.44 33.80 27.21 -.73 33.99 27.34 -.12 34.11 27.41 .59 34.28 27.51 .69 (34. 33) 27.56 .79 34.36 27.57 (.00) 34.38 27.62 (.30) 34.44 27.65 Station 1016; Aug. 15; depth, 1,270 meters; lat. e^S' N., long. 59°20' W.; djraamic height, 1,454.7^5 meters 0 meter 20 meters... 40 meters... 60 meters... 100 meters.. 150 meters.. 200 meters.. 300 meters.. 400 meters.. 500 meters.. 800 meters.. 1,000 meters 1,200 meters 1.50 1.10 -.81 -1.22 -1.21 -.61 .61 .83 .35 .45 .30 -.10 -.21 30.94 32.57 33.31 33.64 33.86 34.00 34.12 34.30 34.39 34.45 S4.49 34.49 34.49 24.68 26.11 26.80 27.08 27.25 27.35 27.38 27.52 27.62 27.66 27.70 27.72 27.73 Station 1017; Aug. 15; depth, 935 meters; lat 66°^ N., long. 59°3r W.; dynamic height, 1,454.< meters 0 meter 20 meters.. 40 meters.. 60 meters.. 100 meters. 150 meters 200 meters 300 meters, 500 meters 700 meters 900 meters 1.50 29.50 .29 31.60 -.71 32.00 -1.82 33.40 -1.82 33.65 -1.62 33.84 -1.32 33.96 -.81 34.20 .18 34.42 .01 (34. 47) -.20 (34.49) 23.52 25.29 25.73 26.90 27.11 27.25 27.34 ' 27.61 27.65 I 37.70 I 27.72: DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 213 station 1018; Aug. 15; depth, 750 meters; lat. 66°36' N., long. 59°34' W.; dynamic height, 1,454.839 meters Depth Temper- ature (°C.) Salinity (96o) 37 N.. long. 49''16' W.; dynamic height, 1,454.595 meters. 26.57 26.60 26.69 27.14 27.63 27.72 27.75 27.77 27.7V 27.81 27.80 27.81 27.82 27.82 27.83 27.85 0 meter 20 meters... 40 meters... 60 meters... 100 meters.. 150 meters.. 200 meters.. 300 meters.. 500 meters.. 800 meters.. 1,000 meters 1,200 meters 1,500 meters. 1,900 meters. 2,400 meters. 3,000 meters 10.30 34.55 10.20 34.58 9.68 34.66 7.55 34.72 4.14 34.80 3.49 34.83 3.39 34.85 3.29 34.87 3.13 34.88 2.98 34.88 3.08 34.87 2.98 34.88 2.88 34.89 2.88 34.89 2.83 34.90 2.68 34.91 DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 221 station 1094; Sept. 5; depth, 3,340 meters; lat. 54°00' N., long. 49°26' W.; dynamic height, 1,454.627 meters Depth Temper- ature (°C.) Salinity (96o) at 10.40 10.10 9.77 5.93 4.91 4.00 3.69 3.49 3.49 3.29 3.19 3.09 2.99 34.38 34.39 34.47 34.72 34.81 34.84 34.86 34.87 34.87 34.87 34.88 34.88 34.89 26.43 26.49 26.62 27.35 27.55 27.67 27.72 27.76 27.76 27.78 1,000 meters 1,200 meters 1,500 meters 27.79 27.80 27.82 Station 1095; Sept. 5; depth, 3,639 meters; lat. 53°27' N., long. 49°38' W.; dynamic height, 1,454.626 meters. 0 meter 20 meters... 40 meters... fiO meters ... 100 meters.. 150 meters. 200 meters.. 300 meters.. 500 meters.. 800 meters.. 1,000 meters 1,200 meters 1,500 meters 2,000 meters 11.20 11.00 9.65 5.82 4.92 4.20 4.00 3.69 3.28 3.17 3.07 3.07 3.02 2.97 90 26.32 26.38 26.53 27.41 27.57 27.66 27.69 27.75 27.77 27.79 27.80 27.80 27.81 27.82 Station 1096; Sept. 6; depth, 53015' N., long. 50°46' W. 1,454.643 meters 3,474 meters; lat. dynamic height, 0 meter 10.20 9.79 6.12 4.51 3.81 3.70 3.60 3.60 3.50 3.30 3.24 3.19 3.09 2.89 34.29 34.30 34.35 34.56 34.75 34.84 34.85 34.87 34.87 34.87 34.87 34.87 34.88 34.89 26 38 20 meters 26.46 40 meters 27 04 60meters 27.40 100 meters 150 meters 27.62 27 70 200 meters.. . 27 72 300 meters 27 75 500 meters 27.76 800 meters.... 27 78 1,000 meters 1,200 meters 1,500 meters 2,000 meters 27.78 27.79 27.80 27.83 Station 1097; Sept. 6; depth, 2,115 meters; lat. 53°07' N., long. 51°14' W.; dynamic height, 1,454.657 meters n meter 20 meters... 40 meters... 60 meters.. - 100 meters,. 150 meters 200 meters.. 300 meters.. 500 meters.. 800 meters 1,000 meters 1,200 meters 1.500 meters 2,000 meters 10.40 10.30 6.73 5.10 3.89 3.68 3.68 3.68 3.68 3.48 3.18 3.08 2.88 2.88 34.18 34.20 34.25 34.51 34.74 34.81 34.82 34.85 34.86 34.87 34.87 34.87 34.88 34.89 26.26 26.29 26.88 27.29 27.60 27.68 27.69 27.71 27.72 27.75 27.78 27.79 27.81 27.82 Station 1008; Sept. 6; depth, 855 meters; lat. 52"'55' N., long. 51°36' W.; dynamic height, 1,454.648 meters Depth Temper- ature (°C.) Salinity mo) 7 800 meters. .. 27. >7 1,183 meters 1, COO meters 27.9" (1,500) meters 27.'/." Station 1566; July 18; lat. 59°28' N., long. 58°40' W.; depth, 2,560 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.456 mrters 0 meter 7.04 4.44 3.88 3.20 3.50 3.98 4.02 3.82 3.84 3.58 3.39 3.28 2.92 2.18 34.28 34.27 34.37 34.62 34. 91 34. 98 35.00 35. 02 35.04 35.05 35. 03 35. 00 35. 05 35. 04 0 meter 7.04 4.60 4.05 3.40 3.20 3.80 4.05 3.95 3.80 3.70 3.50 3.35 3.10 2.80 34.28 34.27 34. 3:! 34. 4^ 34.71 34. ',"' 35. H' 35. (H 35. a; 35. (I.' 35. ().'• 35. 01 35. (tt 35. a5 30 meters 59 meters .. . 50 meters 119 meters .... 100 meters 178 meters 150 meters ... 23S meters 200 meters 357 meters 300 meters 474 meters 400 meters 600 meters 800 meters 1,000 meters 1,500 meters 2,000 meters 715 meters .. . 956 meters 1,199 maters l.SOi meters 2,417 meters 26. V' 27 17 27. ». 27. y> DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 253 Observed values Scaled values Depth Tem- perature (°C.) Salinity (9bo) Depth peTatTre Salinity (°C.) (96o) ' '. M 0 meter 24 meters... 48 meters 72 meters. .- 96 meters... 145 meters. - 193 meters.. 289 meters.. 347 meters.. 524 meters.. 704 meters.. 889 meters.. 1,361 meters 1,852 meters 5.74 5.60 3.95 3.55 3.32 3.43 3.66 3.74 3.70 3.58 3.53 3.46 3.22 2.69 33.88 34.48 34. 55 34.63 34.78 34.86 34.93 34.96 35.02 35.03 35. 01 35.05 35.04 35.05 0 meter 25 meters 50 meters 75 meters 100 meters 150 meters 200 meters.... 300 meters 400 meters 600 meters 800 meters.... 1,000 meters. - 1,.500 meters.. (2,000) meters 5.74 5.60 3.95 3.50 3.30 3.45 3.60 3.75 3.65 3.55 3.50 3.40 3.15 2.35 33.88 34.48 34. 55 34. 64 34.79 34.87 34.94 34.97 35.02 35.02 35. 03 35.05 35.04 35. 05 20.7 27.21 27. M 27.5' 27.71 27. 7( 27. 8C 27.81 27. 8f 27.8; 27. 8S 27.91 27. % 28. 0( St-ation 1575; July 20; lat. ,57°24' N., long. 59°00' W.; depth, 1,143 meters; dynamic height, 1,4.54.506 mettis 0 meter 27 meters.. 52 meters., 79 meters., 105 meters 15^ meters 211 meters 316 meters 379 meters 577 meters 781 meters 992 meters 3.06 .99 .46 1.76 1.96 3.04 3.52 3.76 3. 86 3. 89 3.86 3.69 33.43 33.74 33.97 34.32 34.42 34.75 34. 83 34.84 35.07 35. 02 35.06 35.07 0 meter 25 meters... 50 meters.. - 75 meters... 100 meters. - 1.50 meters.. 200 meters.. 300 meters.. 400 meters. - 600 meters. - 800 meters.. 1,000 meters 3.06 1.15 .45 1.65 1.90 2.95 3.45 3.75 3.85 3.90 3.85 3.70 33 43 33 69 33.95 34 25 34 39 34 72 34.82 34.86 35. 02 35 02 35 06 35.07 1 26, 27. 0( 27.2; 27.4; 27.5! 27. 6S 27. 7: 27.7: 27.8 27.84 27. 27. 9( DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 255 Observed values Scaled values Depth Tem- perature rc.) Salinity (9t>o) Depth Tem- perature (°C.) Salinity (96o) meters.. 77 meters.. 103 meters 1.92 .64 .55 .22 -.44 31. 59 33.09 1 33 51 33. 73 33.81 0 meter 25 meters.. 50 meters. 75 meters. 100 meters 1.92 .65 .55 .30 -.25 31.59 33.00 33.48 33.70 33.80 25.27 26.48 26.87 27.06 27.17 Station 1578; July 20; lat. 57°03' N., long. 60°35' W.; depth, 238 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.671 meters 0 meter 24 meters. 49 meters.. 73 meters.. 97 meters.. 146 meters 194 meters 1.76 -.93 -1.42 -1.14 -1.27 -.96 -.46 30. 71 32. 74 33.03 33. 18 33. 25 33. 58 33.82 0 meter 25 meters. 50 meters - 75 meters.. 100 meters 150 meters 200 meters 1 76 _ 95 -1 40 -1 15 -1 30 — 90 — 40 30.71 32.75 33.04 33.18 33.25 33.60 33.83 24.58 26.36 26.60 26.71 26.76 27.04 27.20 station 1579; July 20; lat. 57°01' N.. long. 60°43' W.; depth, 151 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.715 meters 0 meter. -0.60 .25 -1.44 -1.34 -1.26 29.17 32.33 33.02 33. 19 33.26 -0.60 .25 -1.45 -1.35 -1.25 -1.10 29.17 31.90 33.01 33.18 33.25 33.33 23.46 26 meters 25 meters .. 25.62 52 meters 50-meters _. 26.57 77 meters. . 26.71 103 meters 26.76 (150) meters ... .. 26.82 Station 1580; July 21; lat. 55°00' N., long. 57°47' W.; depth, 110 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.772 meters 0 meter 26 meters- 52 meters.. 77 meters.. 103 meters 7.53 -0.75 -1.45 -1.39 -1.28 28.89 32 U 32 58 32. 66 32 76 0 meter 25 meters. 50 meters. 75 meters.. 100 meters 7.53 -.75 -1.40 -1.40 -1.30 28.89 31.70 32.55 32.65 32.74 22.57 25.50 26.20 26.28 26.35 Station 15S1; July 21; lat. 55°09' N., long. 57°20' W.; depth, 238 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.717 meters 0 meter... 30 meters. 61 meters. 90 meters- 15C meters 212 meters 4.73 -.80 -1.22 -1.00 -1.01 -.34 30.94 32. 65 32.84 33.00 33.40 33.78 0 meter 25 meters. 50 meters- 75 meters. 100 meters 150 meters 200 meters 4 73 — 20 -1 20 -1 15 -1 00 -1 00 — 50 30.94 32.40 32.79 32.91 33.05 33.40 33.71 24.52 26.04 26.40 26.48 26.60 26.88 27.11 Station 1582; July 22; lat. 55°19' IS;., long 56°55' W.; depth, 176 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.700 meters 0 meter 4.23 -1.10 -1.21 -1.27 -1.17 -1.05 31.84 32.66 32.85 33.05 33.12 33.29 0 meter 4.23 -1.10 -1.21 -1.27 -1.17 -1.05 31.84 32.66 32.85 33.05 33.12 33.29 25.28 26 meters 26 28 50 meters . 26 44 75 meters . 75 meters 26 60 100 meters 26.66 150 meters... 150 meters 26 78 256 MAPJOX AND GENERAL GREEXE EXPEDITIONS Observed values Scaled values Depth Tem- perature (°C.) Salinity (9oo) Depth Tem- perature (°C.) Salinity ' (960) , "' Station 1583; July 22; lat. 55°28' N., long. 56°33' W.; depth, 1,353 to 1,463 meters; dynamic height 1,454.516 meters 0 meter 31 meters... 61 meters. -- 92 meters... 122 meters.. 183 meters— 244 meters.. 334 meters.- 445 meters. - 667 meters. - 878 meters.. 1,107 meters 5 30 3.08 1 44 2 12 2.73 3 44 3 64 3 76 3 80 3.85 3 83 3 55 33.86 34 14 34 21 34 44 34 58 34 79 34.88 35. 00 35 01 35. 02 35.03 35.05 0 meter 25 meters... 50 meters... 75 meters. -. 100 meters.. 150 meters.. 200 meters.. 300 meters.. 400 meters.. 600 meters.. 800 meters.. 1,000 meters 5.30 3.60 1.65 1.60 2.30 3.15 3.55 3.70 3.80 3.85 3.85 3.70 33.86 34. 09 34.18 34.30 34.48 34.69 34.82 34.97 35.01 35.02 35.03 35.04 26.76 27. 12 ■ 27. 36 ■ 27.46 27.55 27.64 27.71 27.82 27. Station 1584; July 22; lat. 55°38' N ., long. 56°08' W.; depth, 2,241 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.462 meters* 7.70 4.20 3.23 3.28 3.43 3.80 3.73 3.64 3.58 3.51 3.48 3.43 3.24 2.65 34.34 34.42 , 34.62 34.76 34.82 34.96 34.97 34.97 35.01 35.03 35.04 35.01 35.02 35.03 0 meter ... 7.70 4.50 3.30 3.20 3.40 3.80 3.75 3.70 3.60 3.55 3.50 3.45 3.30 2.80 34.34 34.40 34.57 34.74 34.80 34.93 34.97 34.97 35.00 35. 03 35.03 35.02 35. 02 35.03 26. 82 25 meters... . 27.28 50 meters . . . 27.54 75 meters.- ... 27.68 100 meters 27.71 160 meters 150 meters . ... 27. 77 200 meters 27.81 300 meters 27.82 423 meters 400 meters .. . . 27.85 600 meters 27.87 800 meters 27.88 1,056 meters 1,000 meters 27.88 1,500 meters 27.90 2,112 meters 2,000 meters 27.94 Station 1585: July 22; lat. 55°50' IS; ., long. 55°47' W.; depth, 2,607 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.422 meteit 0 meter 30 meters... 60 meters... 90 meters. -- 120 meters.. 180 meters. - 240 meters.. 360 meters.. 486 meters.. 730 meters-- 973 meters.. 1,218 meters 1,827 meters 8.10 5.42 3.48 3.68 3.78 3.76 3.65 3.49 3,45 3.38 3.23 3.22 3.13 0 meter 25 meters... 50 meters... 75 meters ... 100 meters.. 150 meters.. 200 meters. - 300 meters.. 400 meters.. 600 meters.. 800 meters.. 1,000 meters 1,500 meters 2,000 meters 8.10 5.75 3.80 3.50 3.75 3.80 3.75 3.55 3.50 3.40 3.35 3.25 3.20 3.10 34. 45 26 34.60 27 34.76 27 34.85 27 34.92 34.97 34.99 34.99 35.00 35.03 35.02 35.04 35.06 35.06 27 85 29 64 74 77 81 82 27.84 Station 1586; July 22; lat. 56°03' ISl ., long. 55°28' 'VV.; depth, 2,770 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.447 meten 8.44 6.37 3.72 3.63 3.50 3.67 3.61 3.53 3.39 3.31 3.24 3.20 3.13 2.44 34.53 34.58 34.78 34.82 34.90 34.96 34.97 35.01 35.03 35.02 35. 02 35.03 35.01 35.02 0 meter 8.44 7.40 4.60 3.65 3.60 3.55 3.65 3.60 3.50 3.40 3.30 3.30 3.20 3.10 34.53 34.56 34.69 34.79 34.83 34.93 34. 96 34.98 35. 02 35.03 35.02 35.02 35.03 35.01 26.85 25 meters 27.04 27. 49 95 meters 75 meters 27. 67 127 meters . ... 100 meters 150 meters 27. 71 27. 79 254 meters 200 meters 27. 81 300 meters.. 27.83 511 meters 400 meters 27.88 600 meters 27. 89 1,023 meters 800 meters... 27.90 1,280 meters 1,000 meters 27.90 1,919 meters ... 1,500 meters 27.90 2,560 meters 2,000 meters 27. 91 DAVIS STKAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 257 Observed values Depth perlt™re I ^^^^'^^ CC.) (%o) ' Scaled values Depth Tem- perature (°C.) Salinity Station 1587; July 22; lat. 56°16' N ., long. 55°10' W.; depth, 3,072 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.429 meters 0 meter 33 meters. -- (i4 meters -.- !i7 meters-. - 130 meters. - m meters.. 25S meters. - 3S8 meters.. .iU) meters. - 7f)7 meters.. 1.023 meters 1,279 meters l.y21 meters 2,560 meters 8.14 4. 10 3.63 3.76 3.79 3.63 3.57 3.45 3.40 3.27 3.29 3.20 3.16 2.56 34.54 34.78 34. 81 34.88 34.93 34.98 35.01 35. 04 35.02 35.02 34.99 34.98 35.00 35.02 0 meter 25 meters... 50 meters... 75 meters... 100 meters.. 150 meters -- 200 meters.. 300 meters.. 400 meters.. 600 meters.. 800 meters.. 1.000 meters 1,500 meters 2,000 meters 8.14 4.90 3.75 3.65 3.75 3.75 3.60 3.55 3.45 3.35 3.25 3.30 3.20 3.15 34.54 34.75 34.79 34.83 34.88 34. 95 34.98 35.02 35.04 35.02 35.01 35.01 35.00 35.00 26.91 27.51 27 66 27.70 27.73 27.79 27.83 27.87 27.89 27.89 27.89 27.89 27.89 Station 15S8; July 23; lat. 55"53' K., long. 54=21' W.; depth, 2,761 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.469 meters 0 meter 33 meters... t)5 meters... Si7 meters... 130 meters.. 195 meters.. 259 meters.. 390 meters.. .512 meters.. 768 meters.. 1,024 meters 1.280 meters. 1,923 meters. 2.565 meters. 8.17 34.53 6.00 34.79 3.75 34.80 3.64 34.92 3.63 34.93 3.39 34.96 3.41 34.96 3.35 34.95 3.35 34.96 3.25 34.96 3.20 34.96 3.19 34.97 3.20 35. 00 2.75 35.01 0 meter 25 meters... 50 meters... 75 meters... 100 meters.. 150 meters.. 200 meters.. 300 meters. - 400 meters.. 600 meters.. 800 meters.. 1 ,000 meters 1,500 meters 2,000 meters. 8.17 6.85 4.30 3.75 3.65 3.55 3.40 3.40 3.35 3.30 3.25 3.20 3.20 3.20 34.53 34.72 34.80 34.85 34.92 34.94 34.95 34.95 34.95 34.96 34.96 34.96 34. 98 35.00 26.90 27.24 27.62 27.71 27.78 27.80 27.83 27.83 27.83 27.85 27.85 27.86 27.87 27.89 SLitlon 1589; July 23; lat. 55°30' N., long. 53°36' W.; depth 3,017 meters; .lynamic height, 1,454.466 meters 0 meter 30 meters... 59 meters... 90 meters... 120 meters.. 179 meters.. 239 meters.. 359 meters.. ■187 meters.. 734 meters.. 983 meters 1,236 meters 1,866 meters 2,503 meters 8.38 34.60 5.27 34.73 3.63 34.81 3.63 34.88 3.77 34.92 3.67 34.93 3.61 34.98 3.43 34.99 3.37 34.98 3.33 34.97 3.23 34.96 3.20 34.97 3.24 35.00 2.70 34.99 0 meter 25 meters... 50 meters... 75 meters... 100 meters. - 150 meters.. 200 meters.. 300 meters.. 400 meters.. 600 meters.. 800 meters.. 1,000 meters. 1,500 meters 2,000 meters. ■ 8.38 5.90 3.65 3.60 3.70 3.70 3.65 3.55 3.40 3.35 3.30 3.25 3.20 3.20 34.60 34.71 34.79 34.85 34.89 34.93 34.95 34.99 34.98 34.98 34.97 34.97 34.99 35.00 26.92 27.36 27.67 27.73 27.75 27.78 27.80 27.84 27.85 27.85 27.86 27.86 27.88 27.89 ■^t^tion 1590; July 23; lat. 55°09' N., long. 52°50' W.; depth, 2,917 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.479 meters 0 meter 31 meters... •52 meters... S3_meters... 125 meters.. 187 meters.. 249 meters.. 374 meters.. ■*97 meters., "■is meters.. 1,000 meters ■•255 meters I'^'Ji meters 2.540 meters 8.65 5.41 3.61 3.54 3.68 3.59 3.53 3.45 3.36 3.33 3.34 3.25 3.18 2.65 34.32 34.71 34.78 34.79 34.90 34.96 34.97 34.96 34.95 35.01 34.99 35.00 34.97 34.96 0 meter 25 meters... 50 meters... 75 meters... 100 meters.. 150 meters.. 200 meters.. 300 meters.. 400 meters.. 600 meters.. 800 meters.. 1,000 meters 1,500 meters. 2,000 meters 8.65 34.32 26.66 6.20 34.65 27.27 3.80 34.76 27.64 3.60 34.78 27.67 3.55 34.81 27.70 3.65 34.94 27.79 3.60 34.96 27.82 3.50 34.97 28.84 3.40 34.96 27.84 3.35 34.96 27.84 3.35 34.99 27.86 3. :34 34.99 27.86 3.20 34.98 27.87 3.15 34.97 27.87 258 I\rAR10X AND GENERAL GREENE EXPEDITIONS Observed values Scaled values Depth Tem- perature (°C.) Salinity (96o) Depth peTaS're Salinity (°C,) (96") 't Station 1591; July 23; lat. 55°00' N., long. 53°10' W.; depth, 2,195 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.509 meters 0 meter 25 meters... 49 meters... 74 meters... 99 meters... 148 meters.. 197 meters.. 296 meters.. 397 meters.. 593 meters.. 789 meters.. 983 meters. - 1,476 meters 1,968 meters 8.40 5.76 4. 03 3.63 3.59 3.62 3.59 3.51 3.46 3.37 3.27 3.27 3.21 3.07 34.45 34.60 34.71 34.78 34.81 34.82 34.88 34.89 34.95 34.95 34.96 34.94 34.94 34.97 0 meter.- 25 meters 50 meters 75 meters 100 meters 150 meters 200 meters 300 meters 400 meters 600 meters 800 meters 1,000 meters.. 1,500 meters... (2,000) meters 8.40 5.75 4.05 3.65 3.60 3.65 3.60 3.50 3.45 3.40 3.25 3.25 3.20 3.05 34.45 34.60 34.71 34.78 34.81 34.82 34.88 34.89 34.95 34.95 34.95 34.95 34.94 34.97 26.8(1 27. a 27.57 27. 6B 27.70 27.70 27.75 27.77 27.82 27.83 27. M 27. M 27.84 27. 8S Station 1,592; July 23; lat. 54°50' N., long. 53°30' \V.; depth, 686 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.658 meters 0 meter 25 meters.. 49 meters. 74 meters. 99 meters. 148 meters 198 meters 299 meters 395 meters 581 meters 5.06 2.16 2.94 2.61 2.79 3.44 3.74 3.82 3.83 3.73 32. 15 33 59 34.32 j 34.45 34 60 34. 70 34 78 34. 85 34.86 34.88 0 meter 25 meters 50 meters 75 meters 100 meters. . 150 meters... 200 meters... 300 meters... 400 meters... (600) meters 5.06 32.15 2.15 33.59 2.95 34.32 2.60 34.45 2.80 34.60 3.45 34.70 3.75 34.78 3.85 34.85 3.85 34.86 3.75 34.88 2S.43 26.86 27.37 27.50 27.60 27.62 27.65 27.70 27.71 27.73 Station 1593; July 24; lat. 54°40' N., long. 53°52' W.; depth, 252 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.727 meters 0 meter . .._ 6.22 -0.94 -1.03 , -.90 -.73 .08 2.10 32.15 33.11 33.31 33.44 33.52 34.00 34.41 0 meter 6.22 -0.90 -1.05 -.95 -.80 -.25 1.15 32.15 33.10 33.28 33.40 33.48 33.80 34.29 25.30 28 meters 26.63 55 meters 26.78 83 meters ...... 75 meters 26.88 110 meters 100 meters 26.« 165 meters 27.17 222 meters ... 200 meters 27.48 Station 1594; July 24; lat. 54°30' N., long. 54°13' W.; depth, 229 meters; dynamic height, 1.454.708 meters 0 meter 27 meters.. 52 meters. 79 meters.. 104 meters 157 meters 209 meters 6.50 -.03 -.72 -.61 -.35 .53 1.75 31.85 33.12 33.51 33.70 33.81 34.12 34.42 0 meter 25 meters. - 50 meters.. 75 meters.. 100 meters- 150 meters. 200 meters. 6.50 31.85 .35 32.95 -.75 33.47 -.65 33.68 -.45 33.78 .40 34.05 1.60 34.39 25.(0 36.n 27.» 27. 1< 27.34 27. 5J Station 1595: July 24; lat. 54°19' N., long. 54°33' W.; depth, 192 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.713 meien 0 meter. 6.50 -.69 -.96 -.89 -.42 1.06 32.12 33. 05 33.33 33.56 33. 78 34.22 6.50 -.60 -.95 -.95 -.75 .65 32.12 32.90 33.29 33.48 33.68 34.10 25.14 28 meters 2645 56 meters X.1% 84 meters J6W 111 meters 100 meters 27. » 167 meters 27. » - DAVIS STRAIT AND LABRADOR SEA 259 Observed values Scaled values Depth Tem- perature (°C.) Salinity (96o) Depth Tem- perature (°C.) Salinity (9oo) Station 1596; July 24; lat. 54''06' N., long. 55°01' W.; depth, 174 meters; dynamic height, 1,454.711 meters 0 meter..-. 27 meters.. 52 meters.. 79 meters.. 104 meters 157 meters 6.48 .09 -.78 -.72 -.29 1.26 31.88 32. 98 33.32 33.55 33.78 34.26 0 meter 25 meters.. £0 meters.. 75 meters.. 100 meters 150 meters 6.48 .25 -.75 -.75 -.45 1.10 31.88 32.90 33.28 33. 51 33.73 34.21 25. 06 26.42 26.77 26.96 27. 12 27^43 Station 1597; July 24; lat. 53°53' N., long. 55°26' W.; depth, 167 meters; dynamic height. 1,454.741 meters 0 meter.. -. 25 meters.. 51 meters.. 76 meters.. 101 meters 152 meters 6.00 31.56 32.88 33.10 33.32 33.56 33.78 0 meter. -.83 25 meters . -.96 50 meters -1.06 75 meters . -.83 100 meters.. . -.24 150 meters. 31.56 32.88 33.09 33. 29 33.54 33. 77 24.86 26.45 26.62 26.78 26.98 27.15 Station 1598; July 24; lat. 53°43' N., long. 55°45 W.; depth. 144 meters- dynamic height, 1,454.772 meters 0 meter . 6.75 -.82 -.93 -1.04 -1.00 31.10 32.69 33.16 33.33 33.41 0 meter 6.75 .20 -.90 -1.00 -1.05 -.60 31.10 32.30 33.06 33.24 33.35 33.48 ■'4 41 .■fl meters .. . 25 meters 25 94 tiO meters 9(5 go 91 meters . ... .. 75 meters 26 75 120 meters 100 meters •>6 S4 (150) meters 26 92 o / ■■ - U. S. TREASURY DEPARTMENT COAST GUARD THE MARION EXPEDITION TO DAVIS STRAIT AND BAFFIN BAY UNDER DIRECTION OF THE UNITED STATES COAST GUARD 1928 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS PART 3 I -/:- U. S. TREASURY DEPARTMENT COAST GUARD Bulletin No. 19 THE MARION EXPEDITION TO DAVIS STRAIT AND BAFFIN BAY UNDER DIRECTION OF THE UNITED STATES COAST GUARD 1928 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS PART 3 Arctic Ice, with Especial Reference to its Distribution to the North Atlantic Ocean EDWARD H. SMITH UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON : 1931 tte no loe qo So 70^05040 30 20 /e « The ice and hydrographical Survey of Davis Strait by the Marion Expedition FiGunB 1. — Baffin Bay, Davis Strait, and tbe waters around the Grand Banks ' embrace the iceberg regions of the western North Atlantic. Tlio waters surveyed ; by the Marion expedition in 1928 form a connecting link in the liistory of icebergs from the time they leave the glaciers on the wi'st side of Baffin Bay until they Anally melt in the'(iulf Stream south of Newfoundland. Tbe track of the MiirwiH from the time of leaving the Strait of Belle Isle unlil the arrival at St. Johns. Newfoundland, is shown on the shaded area. I EHRATA The following changes have been found necessary since the pub- lishing of this volume : Figure 1. — Change the word " west " in the fourth line of legend to read " east." Page 2. — Change the word " Joseph " in the twenty-sixth line to read " Josef." Page 17.— Add the word " North " after the figures " 85° " in the fourth line of the tenth paragraph. Page 19. — Figure 9 ; add the word " erroneously " after the word "■ sometimes " in the legend. Page 25. — Figure 13 ; change the name " Ellesworth " in legend to read " Ellsworth." Page 38, — Change name "Angmagissalik " in lines 14 and 25 to read "Angmagssalik." Page 55. — Figure 28 ; change the word " floes " in the last line of legend to read " glacons." Page 64. — Figure 33 ; change the words " north side of Bennett " Island " in second line of caption to read " south side of Bennett Island." Page 87. — Change the word " as " in seventh line to read " so." Page 93. — Change the word " water " in the third line of the legend to Figure 54 to read " reader." Page 152. — Change the name " Placentia Bay " in tenth line to read " the Miquelon Islands." Page 169. — Change the spelling of word " seperate " in forty-sev- enth line to " separate." Page 170. — Change the word " sunk " in the last paragraph to read " sank." Page 185. — Subparagraph (c) ; change the words " November to April " to read " December to March." SubjDaragraph (d) ; change the words "August to Jan- uary " to read " October to January." Page 188. — Change the name "Julianahaab " in twenty-ninth line to read " Julianehaab." Change the equations c' and d to read as follows : , 6(2XDec.+2XJan.-|-Feb.-|-Mar.)J-Bt+(2XDec.+2XJan.+Feb.-H\lar.)i ^~ 26 , (Oct.J-B+Nov.i-B+2XDee.i-B+Jan.i-B) d= ^ 120860—31 TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface ^^^ Introduction "" j Historical survey '_'_ 2 Marion expedition '_'_ ^ Floating ice — sea and land l__l 7 Sea ice c The physical properties of sea ice -~"-"I~~I 8 Ice terminology ~ -ia Classification of sea ice ~ -ij Three forms of sea ice ~"~"_~~ 21 Fast ice "~ oj Polar cap ice [III 25 Pack ice 09 The Spitsbergen pack l.ll//._ 34 The east Greenland pack 35 The eastern North American pack 40 Baffin Bay pack 42 Hudson Bay pack 49 Pack ice along Labrador and Newfoundland coasts 51 Pack ice on the Grand Bank 53 The Gulf of St. Lawrence pack 55 Annual variations in the limits of pack ice__ 57 Land ice gQ Glaciation in Arctic Eurasia -ll.lllll 62 Glaciation in Ellesmere Land g5 Glaciation in Axel Heiberg Land gg Glaciation in Devon Lsland gg Glaciation in Bylot Island gg Glaciation in Baffin Land gg Glaciation in Greenland 70 East Greenland glaciers 73 Drift and distribution of east Greenland icebergs 74 The north Greenland glaciers 78 The glaciers Cape Alexander to Cape York 81 The glaciers Cape York to Svartenhuk Peninsula _ " I 82 The glaciers of North East Bay and Disko Bav 85 Jacobshavn Fjord and glacier ' 9I The south Greenland glaciers 94 Rate of productivity of west Greenland glaciers 94 Manner in which icebergs calve 97 Form and size of bergs XOO Structure and color and density of icebergs 108 The disintegration and melting of icebergs 112 Visibility and mirage 127 Current and wind control drift of icebergs 128 The general drift and fate of icel^ergs in the western North Atlantic " 136 Distribution and drift of bergs in Baffin Bay and Davis Strait 138 Drift of bergs south of Newfoundland 150 Methods employed to jirotect trans- Atlantic shipping from "the ice menace lg§ Seasonal character of the ice invasions to the North" Atlantic ] 176 Annual variations in the number of icebergs past Newfoundland . 180 Annual amounts of glacial ice and sea ice 189 Effect of northern ice on temperature and circulation of "the wat"e"rs of the North Atlantic 191 Bibliography 205 Index :_::::::::: 217 V PREFACE Over each polar region of the earth lies a great cap of heavy ice. During winter it grows and builds, expanding to a maximum volume ; spring and summer witnesses its melting and retreat to a permanent central core. Throughout the year, however, cold ocean currents from out of the north bear the fragmented ice border to lower lati- tudes. This pa})er embraces a study of Arctic ice from the freezing of the water and its accumulation of snow through the various stages of development and re-formation to its final melting and distribu- tion to the North Atlantic Ocean. The present treatise is mainly prompted by the writer's interest in the ice as it constitutes a grave navigational menace to the North Atlantic Ocean. Our knowledge regarding the regional distribution of the ice, its state, behavior, and paths of drift has been accumulated over a long period of years; first, through the early voyages of exploration as maritime countries searched and pressed on for new territorial possessions and trade enrichment. These masters and navigators, finding the northern regions so commonly inaccessible, mainly on account of the dangers and barriers of ice, naturally recorded their experiences, gradually building up a history of the subject. Many of the early explorers were also endowed with scientific attainments and a keen appreciation of the value of accumulating all possible knowledge on the ice problems of the Arctic. The development of science later led to combining voyages of exploration with those hav- ing scientific objects and finally, in the more recent pages of history, we find expeditions setting forth equipped with excellent laboratories and a highly trained scientific staff, solely to gather knowledge free from economic bias. Legends and sagas of the Scandinavians and other northern people devote much space to the struggle with ice. Historical records com- mence with the early gropings of the British and the Dutch to the seas north of Europe, and clos24. The latter problem of constructing frequent current maps lias resulted in a greatly increased knowledge of the movements of ice and ocean currents around Newfoundland, subjects even 10 years ago considered rather liazily. The present practice of two weekly ()!■ monthly maps of the circulation furnishes the best available information to the ice-patrol ships. A comprehensive and connected account of Arctic ice has only now been made possible as a result of the Marion expedition to Davis Strait the summer of 1928. Part 1 of the present bulletin is an exposition of the bathymetry of Davis Strait. Part 2 treats the physical oceanography of Davis Strait with especial reference to the circulation of those waters. The present section deals with the drift of the ice in the established currents out of Davis Strait into the North Atlantic. During the course of the researches of the international ice patrol many problems of a scientific nature regarding ice and ocean cur- rents have arisen from time to time, and are presented in this thesis as original contributions; among them are the following: What is the prevailing circulation in the north polar basin? Do pack ice and icebergs from east Greenland ever contribute to the supply to North American shores ? What is the cause of " north water '' in Baffin Bay? In what proportion does the pack ice from the Polar Basin, Baffin Bay. and Hudson Bay mix to supply the North Atlantic? AVhat effect does Hudson Strait exert on the Labrador current and its freight of ice? What is the cause of the annual variation in pack ice limits in the North Atlantic? In what proportions do polar glacial lands contribute to the North Atlantic iceberg quota ? Of all the tidewater glaciers in the Northern Hemisphere, which ones are iceberg producing? What is the density of icebergs and their pro- portions of mass flotation? In what proportions do the wind and current enter to control the drift of the berg? What is the normal quantity of pack ice Avhich melts annually, and what is the normal number of icebergs drifting south of Newfoundland ? Is the Labrador current subject to a seasonal variation, and if so, what are the causa- X PREFACE tive factors? What proportions quantitatively of the North Atlantic are cooled by northern ice and by cold water, and which of these agents is the more effective ? Is the effect of ice melting in northern waters sufficient to account for the main system of oceanic circulation? Does the Labrador current extend down the east coast of the United States? This affords me an opportunity to recognize the helpfulness (^f the following in connection with the compilation and treatment of the subject matter: Dr. Henry B. Bigelow, of Harvard University: Dr. C. E. P. Brooks, of the British Meteorological Office. Those in the Coast Guard to whom I am indebted are Lt. Comdr. X. G. Ricketts, Mr. Olav Mosby, and H. Addingtoii. THE MARION EXPEDITION TO DAVIS STRAIT AND BAFFIN BAY ARCTIC ICE— WITH REFERENCE TO ITS DISTRIBUTION TO THE NORTH ATLANTIC OCEAN Edward H. Smith Spread over the top of the world is a hiitre white coverino; of sea ice about 3,500,000 square miles in area, which during winter expands outward until at maximum, 27 per cent of the North Atlantic (the polar sea included), is ice decked. Add to this total 805,650 square miles of land areas, which in many places are submerged by several thousand feet of solid ice and we begin to realize the great extensions of this solid state of water. The great polar ice cap covering 1,800.000 square miles of the sea never melts. During winter the basin becomes greatly congested : through freezing and rafting of the fields and little open water is to be found. Lanes of open water appear along the coast for a few i brief weeks in summer, and leads and pools appear throughout the ipack. Two great icy arms extend from the central polar core, one along the east side of Greenland, the other down the American shore. Every year hundreds of stjuare miles of ice fields perform journeys 1.500 iniles or more in length, projecting barriers halfway from the pole to the Equator. The annual discharge and summer melting amounts to about 1,100,- 000 square miles of northern sea ice. The great chilling effect at- tending the latent heat of melting combined with the cooling of northern currents are two of the Arctic's major geophysical factors. Annual variations in tlie amount of ice and cold water discharged into the North Atlantic are known to be a significant control of European weather. The berg, of all ice forms in the polar regions, is the most spec- tacular. Greenland produces somewhere between 10,000 and 15,000 icebergs every year. Literally thousands of bergs are scattered at times in Greenland coastal waters. The wanderings of the bergs are freer than those of the sea ice Ix'cause. with their massive proportions, they sometimes survive long journeys. The icebergs that achieve farthest south are those travel- ing the 1,500-mile pathway down the Labrador coast. Arctic ice, particularly "the stream past Newfoundland, penetrates deeper into the North Atlantic, due partly to the shape of the latter, than into any other ocean. This invasion, moreover, for about four months of spring and summer creates a distinct menace to the main arteries of commerce on the most frequently traveled ocean of the world. The fact that the regions embracing the largest number of bergs are those enveloped in fog a large percentage of spring and summer, greatly accentuates the danger from ice. i 2 MARION EXPEDITION TO DAVIS STRAIT AND BAFFIN BAY HISTORICAL SURVEY It is impossible to state who were the first ])eoples to direct their ships northward into the frozen seas, but Norse legends and sagas as early as the tenth century credit their viking navigators with several such adventures. The first historical records are of a voyage of discovery to Davis Strait in the year 1500. under the joint leader- ship of Scandinavians and Portuguese. Willoughbv's voyage to the sea north of Europe, and Frobisher's to Baffin Land, then followed heading a list of Arctic explorations that is still continuino; The central polar cap of sea ice has been deeply penetrated by but few ships or men. Since this region is the site of and maximum development for all sea-ice forms, it has attracted the interest and attention of many explorers and scientists. Our knowledge of the polar cap is largely due to the following : Hayes, Hall, Weyprecht and Paver, Scoresby, Kane. Bering, Nordenskiold, DeLong, Nansen. Cagni, ' Peary. Toll, Kolchak, Stefansson, Bartlett. MacMillan. Storkerson, Vilkitski, Amundsen, Nobile, Byrd, and Wilkins. Ber- ing in three voyages. 1728-1741. explored northward from the Pacific, discovering the strait bearing his name and surveyed the land of either continent, in the oj^en water of the polar sea. The Scoresbys. Scotch whalers, in 1806 determined to see how far north they could go and forced their ship to latitude 81° 30', in the longitude of Spitsbergen. Wey2:)recht and Payer. Austrian naval officers, em-, barked in 1872 on a voyage of discovery on the Barents Sea and eastward. They were caught in the heavy polar ice and carried froii! Novaya Zemlya to newly discovered islands which were named Fraiii', Joseph Land. Weyprecht (1879), as a result of scientific observa-; tions, wrote a treatise on the various forms of polar ice. Norden skiold, in 1878, commanded the Vega which made a complete passage along the Russian edge of the polar sea. entering the Arctic Oceai , around the northern end of Norway and emerging through tin Bering Sea into the Pacific. The fruit of this voyage was a greai addition to our knowledge of the sea ice and the Vegah also stil bears the unique distinction of being the only complete west to eas navigation. Pettersson (1883) one of the Vef/a's scientific staff, made many important studies on the physical properties of sea ice i The ill-fated DeLong expedition, which was aimed for the pole! met disaster when the Jeannette sank in June, 1881, nearly 300 mile; north of the New Siberian Islands, at a point deeper in the polai cap ice than ever a vessel had penetrated before. The westerly drift of several hundred miles along the Siberian shelf revealed foi the first time definite information on the movement of the grotv^ sea-ice cover. The exi)edition, however, which stands out above al, others in Arctic annals was the Norwegian north polar expedition | 1893-1896, led by Nansen. The Fraui was forced into the polar cap ice north of the New Siberian Islands in September, 1893 1 For nearly three years she remained tightly surrounded by heavy ic(j fields, all the wliile valuable observations were being taken on thil drift, behavior, and })hysical state of the ice. This is the only crafi, that has ever been carried across the deeix'r i)art of tiie north polaij basin, and mainly as a result of Nansen's observations we havtj learned it to be one vast central expanse of ice interi-upted only b^j temporary leads and pools. Nansen's observations that the ice con I SCIEiSTTIFIC EESULTS 3 tisteiitly drifted to the right of the direction of the wind led to oreaterknowledge of the general laws for the frictional eliect of the wind on free moving bodies as affected by earth rotation. The sledge excursions of Cagni and Peary out onto the polar ice had for their main object spectacular and historic dashes for the pole. The scientific accomplishments, therefore, from the nature of the expetlitions, are not as valuable as otherwise might have been the case, but considerable infornuition regarding the state and move- ment of the cover, nevertheless, resulted. The Russians, amongst whom might be named Toll. Kolchak. Liakhof. Wrangel. Makarov, and Vilkitski. have all made noteworthy contributions on the ice of the Arctic Ocean. One of the most brilliant students and keenest of observers of the group is Kolchak, whose daring journey of several hundred miles in an open whaleboat to Bennett Island, far nortli- ward in the icebound ocean, was a notable achievement. To Stefansson. Storkerson, Bartlett, and MacMillan during the period 1913 to 1917, we owe our knowledge of the ice conditions around the American margin of the polar cap, the tumbled, chaotic condition of which suggested for it the name of paleocrystic ice. Lastly we wish to mention Annindsen who, in the Maud., attempted to repeat the original exploit of Xansen, and after several years, 1918-1925, abandoned further efforts to be caught up by the drifting pack. This period meant no inactivity, however, as Malmgren's (1928) ol)servations on the jH-operties of sea ice, and Sverdrup's (1929) discussion of the hydrography and the movements of the ice with wind and current greatly clarify many of the ice problems. Amundsen was the first to intro(Uice aiul eniplo}^ aircraft for Arctic exploration. In 1925 his uncompleted flight with planes fi'om Spitsbergen to Alaska awakened interest and opened new oppor- tunities to study Arctic ice from the air. Byrd, Nobile. Wilkins, and now the proposed program of aero-Arctic, just in the stages of preparation, as well as navigation by a submarine, mark the dawning of a new day in northern exploration. Our knowledge of the ice in the regions of the northwestern North Atlantic; i. e., the region of Baffin Bay; its tributaries; Davis Strait; and south to Newfoundland, has been gained as these countries have passed through the following eras : The early voyages of exploration represented by Frobisher, Davis, Hudson, and Baffin ; exploitation of whaling, fur trading, and missionary colonization ; international commercial rivalry seeking: a northwest passage to India ; the traverse of explorers on their way to and from polar regions; and finally, the present era of scientific investigation. Martin Frol)isher, ^n-oping for the elusive northwest passage, made the first historical crossing of Davis Strait, when in July, 1576, under the shores of southern Baffin Land, he came amidst drifting icebergs and dense fogs. The largest iceberg was measured and found to be 330 feet high. Next appears Davis, combining: the qualities of an able British seaman and a patient, scientific observer, and carrying out a series of explorations of Davis Strait, following the ice from the southern end of Baffin Bay to well south on the coast of Labrador. As a result of his voyages cartographers were able to draw the first inteUigent maps of Davis Strait ancl in a general way indicate the drift of the ice. Returning from a voyage of discovery to New^ York. Hudson was commissioned in 1610 to seek a passage by the 4 MAEION EXPEDITION TO DAVIS STEAIT AND BAFFIN BAY wide opening pointed out by Davis as " furious overfalls," ^ throuo;h which Hudson eventually sailed. The first record of navigatino- Baffin Bay w^as in IGIG Avhen Baffin successfully followed along the Greenland coast as far northward as Kane Basin before turnin*' back and sailing out along the Baffin Land shore. Baffin's voyages to the northwestern extremes of the North Atlantic showed the hitherto unknown openings from the polar ocean into Baffin Bay. The Dutch whalers being partly forced out of Spitsbergen by rlie keen competition of the British Avere alert to adopt Baffin's sugges- tion of fishing in Davis Strait, which they entered as early as 1()2(). The British followed later, and heeding the reports of Ross and Parry, extended their fishery northward to the very headwaters of Baffin Bay, and in a short time became exceedingly proficient at ico navigation. The designation of the pack as " middle ice " and " west ice," and the description of the movements of the pack Ave owe to Captain Marshall and Doctor O'Reilly (1818) of the whalers. The long mysterious disaj^pearance of Sir John Franklin and his slnps and men, 1845-1851, brought forth no less than nine relief expedi- tions to the Canadian Arctic over a period of 10 years. Much knowl- edge regarding the icy character of the waterways in the archipelago was obtained through tlie drift of ice-beset ships of these expeditions and in consequence it was learned that a surprising amount of ice formed in the Arctic Ocean is drawn into Baffin Bay yearly. Smith Sound, also Kennedy and Robeson Channels, have often been designated the American route to the pole, followed by Kane. Hayes, Hall, and finally successfully on ship and sledge by Pearv. The results of these activities, separated from each other by a num- ber of years in the nineteenth century, increased our knowledge of the state of the ice at the head of Baffin Bay. Whaling has practi- cally ceased in the northwestern sector. Fur trading, however, is ' still carried on by the Hudson Bay Co. but the returns are small compared with years ago. Denmark still continues her colonization ; of the Greenlanders along the eastern side of Davis Strait. Except for the annual visit of the Canadian Government ship Bcofh'w to tlie ' mounted police and Hudson Bay posts in Ellesmere Land and Baffin Land, and the regular steamers as far north as L^pernivik, Baffin Bay is to-day quite deserted. The recent interest being displayed by ' Canada to establish a shipping port on the west side of Hudson Bay • at Port Churchill is the only activity in the region of Davis Strait f and to the westAvard. If this project is successful, much informa- • tion on the ice and currents of this region is, in time, bound to accumulate. Greenland supports the greatest reservoir of land ice in the J Northern Hemisphere. The German geologist Giesecke, in the course of a mineralogical survev beginning in 180(), described manv of the " ice fjords. Rink, the Danish geologist, and later governor oi Greenland, 1848-1851, studied the motion of glaciers and the calving ' of icebergs, his publications receiving a Avide distribution and arous- 1 ing liA^ely interest in scientific circles. The names of the other scien- ' tists who have carried out investigations on the ice fjords, the gla- j ciers, and the calving of icebergs, practically all on the Avest coast of i 1 Chart of Davis Strait published Apr. 20, 1875, by the British Admiralty. I.oudmi. SCIENTIFIC RESULTS 5 Greenland, are: Steenstriip in 1883 (for a number of years) ; Hel- land, Norwegian geologist, in 1S72-187(); Rabot and Fries in 1875; Hammer in 1879-80; Ryder in 1886-87; Astrup in 1893; von Drygalski in 1891-1893 ; Engell in 1902 ; Porsild in 1918 ; and L. Koch over a period of recent years. The results of the labors of the fore- going men, especially Steenstrup, Drygalski, and L. Koch, have per- mitted us in this paper to name the glaciers which are iceberg- producing and estimate the relative numbers which are normally released every year. Our knowledge of the shape and thickness of the ice cap is furnished by several crossings of the great inland ice, first by Nansen in 1888, and then by DeQuervain in 1912 ; Rasmussen in 1912 : J. P. Koch and Wegener in 1913 : and more recently by Lauge Koch. Several others have also made important incursions, for in- stance, Jensen in 1878, Nordenskiold in 1883, Garde in 1893, Mik- kelsen in 1910, and lately Hobbs and Wegener. The only other trlaciated area in the northwest sufficient in size to contribute any considerable supply of icebergs is Ellesmere Land, the inland ice of which has been explored bv Greely in 1883; bv Sverdrup in I 1902-1904; and by MacMillan in 1914. j As a by-product of early exploration, whaling, and trading, as ijwe previously described, there has been assembled a great deal of j,;knowledge on the behavior and regional distribution of floating ice lin the western North Atlantic. Later scientific expeditions concen- ijtrating mostly along oceanographical lines have considerably ad- rlvanced our understanding of drifting ice. A large number of accur- jate oceanographic observations regarding the system of circulation hvhich prevails, for example, in the waters of Davis Strait and over |the Grand Bank, means greater enlightenment on the movements of jthe ice. Baffin Bay, due to inaccessibility, has witnessed few sub- surface investigations : Hamberg in the Sofia 1883, Nielsen in the .iTjalfe 1908-9; and a more thorough and systematic oceanographical pjexamination by Riis-Cartensen in the Godfhaah in the summer .of 1928 complete the local list. The account and results of this last , jwork have not yet been published but from the printed data appear- iing in the International Hydrographic Bulletin we have here in- |terpreted some of the indicated movements of the water and the ice. The hvdrographv of Davis Strait is known from the following inves- |tigations : Wandel in the FyUa, 1884, 1886, 1889; Knudsen in the In- : if/olf, 1895 : Nielsen in the fjaJfe, 1908-9 ; Mathews in theScotia, 1913 ; .Hjort in the Michael Sars in 1924; Jensen in the Dana, 1925; Iselin ' jin the Chance, 1926 ; Riis-Cartensen in the Godthaab, 1928 ; Ault in the Carnegie, 1928; and our own voyage in the Marion, 1928. The iresults of the earlier of these expeditions threw little light on the scheme of oceanic circulation there and on the drift of the ice, wdiile Jthe work of the Scotia and of the fJarnegie was only incidental to much larger fields of operations. The most intensive work in Davis Strait has been accomplished by the Tjalfe, Crodthaah, and Marion. As a result of these latter operations we now possess a fairly clear jPicture of the paths that the ice follows from Baffin Bay to New- foundland and also of the approximate rate of its southern dispersal. Various aspects of the ice problem in the North Atlantic south of ' Newfoundland have been the subject of exhaustive investigation by 6 MARION EXPEDITIOIv^ TO DAVIS STRAIT AND BArFIN BAY the international ice patrol.^ This service was established as a result of the f^reat number of sea disasters which occurred around Newfoundland and culminated in the tragic loss of 1,500 lives and Ihe steamer Titanic in 1912. Besides the practical work of locat- ino- the ice and warning ships of its presence, the ice patix)l in its'' 16 vears of service, especially since 1921, has assembled a large amount of ice and oceanographical data. The area so fre- quently surveyed includes the Grand Bank from the forty-eighth parallel southward to 39° latitude and east and west between merid- ians 45 and 55. As a result the behavior of the ice south of Xew- foundland can now be treated in great detail.^ , ,■ i j Usino- the available data several researches have been published on theliubiect of Arctic ice and its drift into the North Atlantic Ocean Thus Rodman (1890) published a report on the ice and its movement to the North Atlantic. Howard (1920) prepared an article for the Monthlv Pilot Chart issued by the British Meteom- locrical Office, and Hennessey (1929) has continued the work in the Marine Observer. Mecking (190G-7), with the assistance of the Deutsche Seewarte, made a special research of ice conditions in Davis Strait and with especial reference to the effect of meteorological conditions on distribution of the ice in the Atlantic. Bowditch |1 (19'>5) and the Newfoundland and Davis Strait and the Arctic Pilots (U S Hvdrographic Office, 1884, 1909, 1921), all contain chapters devoted to drift ice and icebergs for the information of sea- men Smith (192Ta) for several vears published a paper devoted to ice on the back of the Monthly Pilot Chart, United States Hydrographic Office. • i , v i i All of the foregoing accounts have been seriously handicapped b} the lack of a sufficient knowledge of the cold currents north of New- foundland and of the consequent behavior of the ice there. "MARION" EXPEDITION The need for ice and oceanographic observations, from Newfound- land northward to Baffin Bay. had been felt by many s-cientists for a number of years. Accordingly, in June, 1928, the United States Coast Guard, in charge of the ice patrol, assigned the patml boat Marlon for a northern expedition. The iMarwn sailed from Sytlne>^ Cape Breton, on July 16. (See narrative account m Part 1 of this bulletin.) A total of eight weeks was devoted to a detailed ice and ocean-current survev of the waters from the latitude ot St Johns, Newfoundland, to the mouth of Baffin Bay. and ex- tendino- ail the wav east and west between North America and Greenland. The success or failure of any mission to the wateis ot Davis Strait and Baffin Bay depends upon the ice conditions pre- vailinf*- in these waters during the brief warm period of the year, anc the Mari07i expedition, the summer of 1928, was very much tavcrea from the liortb." .lolllisfon, i;il.>, p. ^l.) diik ruinaifi.v Ji-.t "".- .1 ... . •■ I yy aftor proccciliii}; about liOO miles north of St. .Ii.lms. the .senrca cam.' into ue >o iicu*. and berirs so numerous that it was daniierous to atttiiipt further proiires?-. SCIENTIFIC RESULTS 7 Ithat the ice was scarce. Another circumstance which greatly anced the vahie of the observations of the Marion expedition w^as fact that the Godthaab expedition simultaneously carried out an anographic survey in the more northern waters of Baffin Bay, )wing direct comparison. ^he princijjal task of the Marion expedition was the collection of ?cord of temperature and salinity — the raw data — from as many •cted points of observation and depths as possible in the waters Davis Strait. This material, consisting of over 2,000 surface and surface observations, has been subjected to Bjerknes's (1910, 1911) h'odynamic formulae according to the methods employed on !rnational ice patrol and described by Smith (1926, pp. 1-50). ls a result of the Marion expedition the prevailing oceanographic ■ulation of Davis Strait has been mapped from the lower end Baffin Bay to the latitude of St. Johns, Newfoundland. A com- be report on the dynamic oceanography is to be published in Part I this bulletin, entitled " The Marion Expedition Under the Direc- 1 of the U. S. Coast Guard, 1928. Scientific Results. The y^sical Oceanography of Davis Strait."' (In press.) 'he dynamic topographic maps which are described and illus- ed in Smith (1931) have been used in the present paper as basis of describing and interpreting the direction and movement he icebergs in Davis Strait. (See especially in this connection fig. p. 147, in the present paper.) Our conclusions on the general cement of icebergs in Baffin Bay have been based on the dynamic ographic map (fig. 91, p. 139) constructed from the GodthoaVs jrvations. The dynamic topographic map showing the stream s of the gradient currents furnishes an excellent presentation of normal courses taken by the icebergs, if we assume that the deep- fted long-life icebergs outside coastal promontories are in the n controlled by ocean currents. On several previous occasions I e found a good agreement between the stream lines of the rents as represented by the dynamic topographic maps (see figs. , 104, 105, 106, p. 162) and the movement of the bergs in the Grand ik region. See, in addition. Smith (1927, p. 118) (1927a, pp. 93). Since the current maps of the Marion expedition are similar 3very respect to those constructed on ice patrol, there is every son to believe the agreement between calculated currents and ice Pts holds equally true for Davis Strait and Baffin Bay. 'he Marion's 2,000 observations of salinity and temperature, cov- ig the waters of Davis Strait (see station table data. Part 2 of ; bulletin), thus constitute original basic data from which to uce the circulation and the behavior of the ice. By synthesis h the various earlier data it is now possible to present a connected :ure of Arctic ice and of its southward drift. FLOATING ICE ce which is sighted floating at sea may have been formed either the salt water itself or upon the land. Floating ice, therefore, it is pertinent to the present discussion, separates into two great isions as it hails from independent sources namely, land ice and 120860—31 2 SCIENTIFIC RESULTS 7 in that the ice was scarce. Another circumstance which jjjreatly enhanced the vahie of the observations of the Marion expedition was the fact that the Godthaah expedition simultaneously carried out an oceanoo-raphic survey in the more northern waters^ of Baffin Bay, allowing direct comparison. The principal task of the Marion expedition was the collection of a record of temperature and salinity — the raw data — from as many selected points of observation and depths as possible in the waters of Davis Strait. This material, consisting of over 2,000 surface and isubsurface observations, has been subjected to Bjerknes's (1910, 1911) iiydrodynamic formulae according to the methods employed on 'international ice patrol and described by Smith (1926, pp. 1-50). i As a result of the Marion expedition the prevailing oceanographic jcirculation of Davis Strait has been mapped from the lower end 'of Baffin Bay to the latitude of St. Johns, Newfoundland. A com- '])lete report on the dynamic oceanography is to be published in Part '2 of this bulletin, entitled " The Marion Expedition Under the Direc- 'lion of the U. S. Coast Guard. 192s. Scientific Results. The Physical Oceanograi)hy of Davis Strait."" (In press.) ' The dynamic t(jpographic maps Avhich are described and illus- 'trated in Smith (1981) have been used in the present paper as 'the basis of describing a_nd interpreting the direction and movement !of the icebergs in Davis Strait. (See especially in this connection fig, 195, p. 147, in the present paper.) Our conclusions on the general ^movement of icebergs in Baffin Bay have been based on the dynamic topographic ma}) (fig. 91. p. 139) constructed from the GodthaaVs observations. The dynamic topographic map showing the stream 'lines of the gradient currents furnishes an excellent presentation of Jtlie normal courses taken by the icebergs, if we assume that the deep- drafted long-life icebergs outside coastal promontories are in the main controlled by ocean currents. On several previous occasions I have found a good agreement between the stream lines of the currents as represented by the dynamic topographic maps (see figs. 103, 104, 105, 106, p. 162) and the movement of the bergs in the Grand ^Bank region. See, in addition. Smith (1927, p. 118) (1927a, pp. 70-93). Since the current maps of the Marion expedition are similar in every respect to those constructed on ice patrol, there is every reason to believe the agreement between calculated currents and ice drifts holds equally true for Davis Strait and Baffin Bay. The Marion's 2,000 observations of salinity and temperature, cov- ering the waters of Davis Strait (see station table data. Part 2 of this bulletin), thus constitute original basic data from which to Vleduce the circulation and the behavior of the ice. By synthesis jwith the various earlier data it is now possible to present a connected picture of Arctic ice and of its southward drift. FLOATING ICE Ice which is sighted floating at sea may have been formed either ion the salt water itself or upon the land. Floating ice. therefore, jas it is pertinent to the present discussion, separates into two great divisions as it hails from independent sources namely, land ice and 120860—31 2 8 MARION EXPEDITION TO DA.VIS STRAIT AND BAFFIN BAY sea ice.* The former when found drifting in the ocean, is usually in the form of icebergs -syhich from their relatively great mass and I density, form especially dangerous obstacles in the paths of naviga- I tion. Sea ice of course is the ice formed of salt water, and because of its great horizontal proportions, covers a fairly wide expanse in the northern hemisphere. The Properties of Sea Ice Sea ice differs from fresh-water ice because of the presence of salt in the former and on account of this attribute great contrasting dif- ferences occur between the physical j:)roperties of the two kinds of ice. We may learn much regarding the physical properties of sea ice ' by observing what happens at the boundary between ice and water when the water approaches freezing conditions. Water, accordinjr to Johnstone (1923, p. 185). is composed of H^O molecules mixed together in single, double, and triple combinations. The triplex molecule, is the one closely associated with the formation of ice. It is believed these triplex, so-called ice molecules, are present in water in varying proportions, even above the freezing point, de- pending upon the particular temperature of the liquid at the time. They, therefore, lie suspended in the water, similar to salt in solu- tion, until the saturation point is reached, which occurs at a tempera- ture of —1.85° C. (28.7° F.). for common sea water (salinity 34 0/00) when the liquid is transformed to a solid state. The subtraction of an amount of heat energy equivalent to the heat of fusion of that given mass of sea water, often the addition of a ' minute piece of ice itself, is sufficient to initiate actual freezing. The first sign of a change of physical state under the microscope is a cloud of small disklike particles which floculate and grow, finally passing from an original colloidal state into true crystalline form. If they are allowed to develop in quiet water, the crystals assume ' most beautiful feathery designs, but more often they collect in a network of fine spicules and elongated prisms, which extend down and out as streamers and plates. If the water be exposed to a very sudden chilling by the wintry atmosphere, such as often occurs within ' the bounds of the polar ice cap, the colloidal stage of ice growth is masked by the direct creation of the more familiar crystalline structure. The processes of solidification of sea water differs in one important particular from that of pure fresh water. The first crystals to ap- pear in salt water are comparatively fresh because the pure H2O molecules tend to separate and to congeal first. As freezing temper- ^ atures continue, the process spreads to the unfrozen liquid lying between the strings and plates of the initial ice crystals. This brine, which has now become more or less imj^risoned, tends to sink by virtue of its greater specific gravity, causing a sagging of the entire pulpy mass, and much of the brine in this manner actually drains out. Gradually, as the fabric attains a firmer structure, the remaining salty liquid is completely entrapped and so prevented from escaping out of the ice body. Therefore, we have finally a solid mass con- sisting of innumerable pure ice crystals frozen together, between * Fresh-water ice formed In rivers and later discliarged downstream into the sea exhibits a maximum field of dispersal in the Sil)erian oiling of the Arctic. Even liere. ho\vi'Vt'r. river ice is of such comparatively limited extent, compared to tlie niauiiitiule of toe regions under discussion, that no discussion of it is needed. SCIENTIFIC ItESULTS 9 whirli are caught a smaller luimber of salt crystals, to«;etlicr with an aj)preciable quantity of concentrated brine. The relative amount of the latter is dependent upon the temperature; the colder, the more brine is imprisoned in the cellular structure. It is an interestino- question whether all the salts contained in >cii water are to be found in sea ice; also if the salts in the ice are combined in the same relative proportions as they are in the sea water from which the ice was frozen. Laboratory experiments to tost the solubility of its various salts recpire a supercooling; and aptation of the liquid, seldom, if ever, experienced under natural conditions, but such investigations furnish interesting information reo-arding the eutectic point of the salts and also regarding the salin- ity of the resulting solid. According to Johnstone (1923, p. 186) every sea-water salt has been found to possess its own individual temperature of solubility which if depressed, causes that particular salt to precipitate from the mother liquid. First to crystallize, as i)reviously stated, are the water molecules wdiich for a sample of 33 per mille salinity takes place at -1.8° C. (28.8° F.). When -8.2° C. (17.3° F.) is reached NagSO^ begins to precipitate, and at -23° C. ( — 9.4° F.) solid XaCl separates from the remaining brine. The behavior of sea water when supercooled has led to the estab- lishment of a theory that yearly great quantities of SO., are removed from polar regions and deposited in the Atlantic as ice floes saturated with that substance move out of the north to melt in lower latitudes. Malmgren (1928, p. 7) had an excellent opportunity to test this theory by determining the ratio of SO3 and CI, for samples of sea water and of sea ice from several of the freezing zones of the polar sea. If a selective process of salt crystallization prevails, SO3 and CI would be the substances first to exhibit variations. In all cases, however, the sample pairs of ice and mother liquid showed almost the same ratio of SO3 and CI. Wiese (1930) reports Liakionoff's investigations of this phe- nomenon in the Barents Sea the summer of 1930. Liakionoff found contrary to Malmgren that a deficit of CI and a surplus of SO3 actually prevailed both in the melting water and in the sea ice itself. The ratio ranged from Krummel's value of 0.1150 for ordi- nary sea water to a maximum of 0.1700 in old sea ice. These results agree moreover w^ith those of Ringer and Pettersson, and therefore it appears that a selection of the salts in sea water occurs upon freezing. Future investigations will determine this with more cer- tainty. The freezing point of sea water is defined as that temperature at which the first ice crystals appear in the liquid. The freezing points of samples of water of varying salinity are given herewith : Salinity 0/00 Freezing point Salinity 0/00 Freezing point ° C. ° F. ° C. ° F. 25 -1.35 29.6 32 -1.74 28.9 26 -1.40 29.5 33 -1.80 28.8 27 -1.45 29.4 34 -1.85 28.7 28 -1.51 29.3 35 -1.91 28.6 29 -1.59 29.2 36 -1.97 28.5 30 -1.62 29.1 37 -2.02 28.4 31 -1.68 29.0 10 MARIOX EXPEDITION TO DAVIS STRAIT AND BAFFIX BAY The point of solidification of sea ice: i. e., the temperature at which it becomes a true solid, is lioweA'er. quite different frf>m the freezing point of sea water. The fact that sea ice is a conglomera- tion of pure ice crystals and of particles of brine, combined in vary- ing proportions, due to varying temperature and salinity, naturally prevents one single definite point of solidification. Strictly speak- ing, the solidification process in such ice can not be considered completed until the last salt solidifies, namely CaCL, the eutectic point of which is —55° C. ( — 67° F.). For general purposes of calculation, therefore, the freezing point of sea ice is assumed to occur at the eutectic point of its major salt XaCl (about 77 per cent of the salt content of sea water), i. e., at approximately —22° C. ( — 7.6° F.). The closer the solidification point of a sample of sea ice lies to the freezing temperature of sea water, the more homogeneous will be the composition of the ice, and the less the deposition of brine and salt. The lower the temperature to which sea water is exposed, the more rapidly will the net of ice crystals form. One of the most astonishing things about sea ice is the fact that it is so fresh. Malmgren (1928, Tables 4 and 5), has made several determinations of the salinity of the ice of the polar cap, showing it to be subject to a relatively wide range — 0.05 0/00 to 14.59 0 00. A salinity of 7 0/00, therefore, may be taken as the salt value of ordi- nary sea ice.^ It would be interesting to learn what is the average salinity of the Arctic water from which ice of 7 0/00 is formed. The salinity of the surface layers of the north polar ocean, outside of the continental slope, as Nansen (1928, p. 11) has pointed out. are greatly diluted by the land drainage from the Eurasian side. Xansen esti- mates that the inflow of fresh water from Siberian rivers alone is sufficient to cover the ocean from the Asiatic coast to the pole each year, with a surface film 3i4 feet thick. The distribution of salinity of the water as found along the Frani's track was 28.40 0/00 to 29 0/00 to a depth of 30 meters, 90 miles north of the New Siberian Islands, and only 31.7 0/00 to 33 0/00 at 30 meters, within 300 miles of the polo. In view of these observations we may conclude that the surface hivei> in the polar basin, i. e., the water subjected to freezing, vary little from a mean salinity of 31 0/00." The average salinity of sea ice. ai)i)roxi mately 7 0/00, shows, therefore, that only about one-fourth of the ^ total quantity of salts of sea water enters its ice. Xansen. on the drift of the Fimrn^ made no determinations of the salinity of sea ice. but from our information on the distribution of the salinity in the Arctic Ocean, the MamVs ice experiments can. without criticism, be compared directly with the Frains hydrographical observations. The rate at which sea Avater freezes is a very important factor in determining the percentage of salt imprisoned in the ice. The more rapid the process, the more sudden the pure ice crystals im- pregnate the water, catching wathin their meshes a large quantity of brine drops. The saltiest piece of ice that Malmgren (1928, j). \ " Weyprwht (1897, p. .58) during the drift of the rajctihoff found the salinity of a piece of thin iee formed rapidly under low temperature in the Arctic to he 25 000, nnil this is probahly as salt as sea ice ever is. "No otlier ocean in the world can show sucli low salinities more than a few miles o"' from land. The inflow of land water around the basin's border fails to explain a salinl'.^ uniformly so low ovei- the entire expanse. Probably the absence of evaporation and tlj'' I)resence of ice are the two factors chiedv respdusi'ble, combiiKHl with the seasonal oycl'' of freezing and melting, repeated throughout the years since the present ca|i liecanic permanent. SCIENTIFIC EESLTLTS H 11) found ill the Arctic Ocean was 14.59 U/UO, tliis beinj;- a sample cut from a sheet of thin ice that had been exposed to the very low temperature of al)Out -40° C. (-40° F.). It is ti-ue that the ice cover is continually 1 icings rended apart exposing the water to ex- tremely fri 6 7 8%« The Change in the Salinity of Sea ice With age FiGUKE 2. — Young ice formed in October iu tlie north polar basin has a thicl?ness of about 45 centimeters and contains approximately eight parts per thousand of " salt." The same ice by the following summer has increased about three times in thickness, but its salinity has decreased about four times the original proportions. (Figure from Malmgren, 1928.) ing the tops of the floes of a composition closely approaching that of fresh ice. The structure at tlie same time gradually becomes granular and after a few years it is diiHcult to di.stinguish an old floe from glacier ice. The penetration of solar warmth into the ice in the Arctic regions by the end of summer, is suHicient to reduce the salinity 2 or 3 parts i)er thousand to depths of 3 to 5 feet. The pressure ridges so prevalent in the regions of paleocrystic ice are found to be more completely washed free of salts than any other northern sea ice. The brine "that drains out of the uppermost layer'^ i is prevented from settling directly downward by the bottom layers^ which, constantly immer.sed in cold water, remain so solid that the, only drainage is tlii-ough tlie many narrow-cut i-hannels that furrow j the floes. If a series of careful measureiin'iits of the thickiu'ss t)i the ice cover be made during the early part of summer when nu'ltiiiil. begins, they wall show at flrst a gradual dei-rease. then a brief thick- 1 oning as the water thawing from the tops of the floes and from the f SCIENTIFIC EESULTS 13 snow freezes upon reachino; the frigid sen. But as increased solar warming- raises the temperature, so it increases the rate of melting, and the floe fintJly becomes thinner. The loss of salts during the warmer months of the year leaves the polar cap mantled Avith fresh ice possessing a higher melting point and therefore greater permanence. Old sea ice accordingly survives much longer than the young, i)rovided both samples be of the same volume, when ex])osed to similar melting conditions. Many people have regarded with considerable skepticism the statement that sea ice furnishes a supply of very good drinking water. Experienced ice navigators, however, are well aware of the freshening of sea ice with age, since the fresh-water pools on old pans have long been utilized as a never-failing supply. The rule is to moor the ship with ice anchors to a well-selected old floe and then run a hose to a near-bv pool, where water has collected either from the weathered side of' the ice itself or from the preceding winter's snow cover. It is im- jiortant to pump only from pools located well in from the edge of [he floe to avoid the possibility of contamination by salt spray.^ The physical behavior of salt water wdien subjected to freezing temperatures is dilferent from that of fresh water under similar con- ditions, because the former contracts right to the freezing point." The fact that salt-water ice is formed when the freezing mass is at maximum density, causes it, therefore, to be slightly heavier than fresh-water ice. The fact that it does not float lower is due mainly to the considerable quantity of air which is in the water when it freezes. The density of pure, fresh- water ice, according to Barnes (1928, p. •25) is 0.91676, and that of sea ice formed from the water of the salin- ity that normally comes under freezing conditions ranges from 0.857 to 0.924.1^ The relatively great range in the specific gravity of sea ice is due, according to Malmgren (1928, p. 17), partly to large quantities of air or water which the ice may absorb during the summer directly from the atmosphere. The reason that water is not sucked up from below into the spongelike vacuoles (caused by the escape of salts) is because much of the lower layers of the sea ice in polar regions remain unmelted even in summer and, therefore, waterproof. If, however, sea ice drifts out of the Arctic into waters warmer than 0° C. (32° F.), melting will begin below the water line, causing ingestion and a drowning of the ice. Arctic pack ice, therefore, in the North Atlantic floats lower than it did nearer its source. As a corollary to the above, if sea ice is exposed to temperatures as low as -20° C. (-40° F.), nearly all the brine globules freeze into salt crystals, causing the ice to swell to a maximum volume. The physical appearance of sea ice is quite different from that of fresh-water ice; the former exhibiting an opaque slaty whiteness. ° Pettfisson (]8S3, p. 304) coUected sea ice floating in the polar drift current nortliwest of Spitsbergen which contained less than one-fourth the amount of chlorides found in the unnking water of Stocicholm. '"As a matter of fact the saltiest water, i. e., pure ocean water, seldom reaches a ireezing temperature, because it is usually protected by warm convectional currents. The ireezing regions of the hydrosphere are confined mostly to the shallow waters of conti- nental shelves and to epi-continental seas, where the salinity of the surface layers rarely '"Sf'^pfls 33 0/00; so tliat freezing takes place at a temperature of —1.8° C. (28.8° F.). vVe performed the following experiment : A quart of sea water of salinity 34.3 0/00 was frozen into a cake of solid ice, with no opportunity for any of the salts to escape, """ "Pspite its high specific gravity the block floated in a .iar of fresh water. The height Hofi -f 1'^°'^ ^^^ noticeably lower than in the case of fresh-watei- ice, but the experiment uennitely shows, nevertheless, that ordinary sea ice has reserve buoyancy. It is often oDServed, for instance, floating off river mouths where the water is comparatively fresh. 14 MARION EXPEDITION TO DAVIS STRAIT AND BAFFIN BAY kSea ice has none of the hardness and extreme brittleness that char- acterizes fresh ice under similar coldness. The fact that salts lodge between the pure ice crystals prevents the latter from interlocking tightly, materially reducing the tensile strength, and permitting a maximum amount of bending without fracture. ^- IcE Tekmixology The folloAving definitions are apparently more or less standard in ice terminology : S/ush or sludge. — The initial stages in the freezing of sea water when it is of a gluey or soupy consistency and when the surface of the water takes on the appearance of cooling grease, with a peculiar steel- gray or lead tint. Pancake ice. — Small cakes of new ice approximately circular with raised rims. The rims give them a striking resemblance to pancakes. The diameter of the cakes is from 1 to 3 feet and their thickness is up to 2 to 4 inches. Young ice. — A compact sheet formed by the repeated freezing to- gether, breaking up, and refreezing of cakes of pancake ice. Its initial thickness is 1 to 3 inches and this may increase to a maximum during a Avinter in the Arctic regions of 6 to 9 feet. Fast Ice.- — Horizontal ice formed by the freezing of the sea out from' the shore. The 12-fathom contour is approximately the outer limit of the spread of fast ice along open coast lines in the polar basin. , Ice foot. — That part of the fast ice which forms and builds on the .shore itself and therefore is unaffected by vertical motions such as the- tides. Anchor ice. — All submerged ice attached to the bottom irrespective! of its mode of formation. Pack ice. — Sea ice which has drifted from its original position. Polar cap ice. — Oldest and heaviest of ice pack, characterizing the central portions of the north polar basin. Ice field. — An area of ice other than fast ice of such an extent that, its limits can not be seen from the ship's masthead. Ice floe. — An area of ice other than fast ice from one-third of a mile in diameter to the size of an ice field. Glagon. — Any piece of pack ice ranging in size from a cake 2 to 3i feet in diameter to a floe. Hummock. — A piece of ice formed by marginal crushing and heaping up of the sea ice. Hummocking. — The process of pressure on sea ice resulting in a heaping up of the sea ice. FJoehei'g. — A massive hummock; the results of great jn-essur-- anii| piling up of the heaviest forms of sea ice. Rotten ice. — Any pack ice Avhich has become much honeycombed through the latter stages of melting .so that it lacks the strength of other ice. Crack. — Any fracture oi- i-ift in sea ice but not sufficiently wide to ])ermit navigation. Kinds: (c/) Tidal; (A) temperature; \r) shook and pressure. '2 WpypredU (1870, p. 40) states that so.ui after tli.' formation of young ice in the antuiiiii it iccdids every t'ootiiriiit as <>asily as newly fallen snow. SCIENTIFIC RESULTS 15 Slush and Sludge Begins to Form •'iGPRB 3. — The initial staues in tlie freezing of sea watei-. Slusli and sludge of sonpy consistency is forming in the spaces between the old glagons. (Photograph liy H. G. Ponting in the Scientific Reports of the British Antarctic Expedition.) Young I'.i UE 4. — Glagons of young ice which will soon cement together again in a con- tinuous sheet with the further advance of winter temperatures. The several small circular cakes with the raised rims which compose the glagons are called pancake ice from their close resemblance to " pancakes.'' This form represents the inter- mediate step in ice formation between slush and young ice. (Photograph by H. G. Ponting in the Scientific Reports of the British Antarctic Expedition, i 16 MARION EXPEDITION TO DAVIS STRAIT AND BAFFIN BAY Ice Floes and ice Field Figure 5. — A view of sea ice to illustrate the terms " ice floes " and " ice field." A floe is any ice area from one-third of a mile in diameter to as far as can be seen from a ship. An ice field is an area so great that its limits are beyond the vision of the masthead lookouts. This scene has all the appearance of the southern edge of the pack which reaches the Grand Bank, south of Newfoundland every spring. (I'hotograph by F. A. Matisen in Kolchak. 1909.) Glacons Figure C. — Sea ice in the form of ghu.'ous ; the term used lo designate any piece of sea ice ranging in size from a cake 2 to 8 feet in dianieter to an ice area of one-third of a mile in diameter. (Photograph from Arctowski (I'.tOSa).) SCIENTIFIC ItESULTS 17 Lead or lane. — A navigable passage throiigli any kind of pack ice. Pressure ridge. — The marginal elevation and heaping up of any kind of pack ice when opposing forces press it together. Polynya {Russian) . — Any sizeable Avater area, not a crack or a lead, which is surrounded by sea ice. Pool. — A depression in the fields, tloes, or gla(,^ons that contains fresh water. Frost s^moke. — The foglike clouds that form over newly opened water areas in sea ice in the far north. Water sky. — Dark streaks on the clouds due to the reflection of polynyas, or of the open sea, in the vicinity of large areas of ice. Ice hi ink. — The whitish hazy glare on the clouds or near the liorizon produced by the reflection from large areas of sea ice in the ivicinity. 1 Iceherg.- — A large mass of glacier ice found in the sea. I Growler. — A low-lying piece of glacier ice not so large as a berg. Classification of Sea Ice The ice cover that spreads over northern seas, for clearness and simplicity, may be classified in accordance with its distribution, i. e., in the form of concentric belts, focused around a center called the ice pole, normally located in the vicinity of latitude 83° to 85°, longitude 170° to 180° west. The southernmost boundary of the outer circumpolar region coincides with the southernmost sea area which becomes ice covered, either because of freezing temperature or through drift of the ice from colder regions. The southern limit {of sea ice naturally deviates from the latitude parallels because of imany varied conditions, such as the distribution of land and sea biasses, the bathymetrical features of the ocean basins, the ocean currents, and the winds. All these factors tend to modify a sym- metrical arrangement which otherwise would designate the geo- graphical pole as the iciest spot on the earth. The ice cover of northern waters may be classified as follows : {a) Fast ice; {h) north polar cap ice; (c) pack ice. Fast ice (Transehe 1928. p. 99), or winter ice (Koch 1926, p. 101), refers to the sheet that forms in coastal zones during winter, and that is rendered immobile b}- attachment through the ice foot to the shore. jNorth polar cap ice is the ice which throughout the year covers the deep central, major portions, of the north polar basin. It is ichiefly distinguished by great solidity ; by the great size of its fields ; land by the massiveness of its rafted hummocks. Pack ice consists jmostly of fast ice that has broken away, supplemented in certain jregions by minor additions from the polar cap ice. It is found iaround the outer borders of the Arctic Ocean; dominates its marginal 'seas, the sounds of the American Archipelago, Baffin Bay, Davis Strait, and the waters of east Greenland. The annual cycle which witnesses the formation or depletion, as the case may be, in the varying areas occupied by the three types — fast, polar cap, and pack^ — displays the following features. We start with the formation of fast ice in winter, as well as the solidification iof and accretion to both the already existing pack ice and the polar |cap. The approach of spring and summer causes the fast ice to 18 MARION EXPEDITION TO DAVIS STRAIT AND BAFFIN BAY A Crack in Pack Ice Figure 7. — Winds and currents often open cracks in the pacli ice such as shown here. A crack differs from a lead in respect to its width, a crack not being of sufficient width to permit navigation. A crack i.s the antithesis of a pressure ridge. (Photograph by H. G. I'onting in the Scientific Reports of the British Antarctic Expedition.) A LEAD Figure 8. — A lead in pack ice. Sliips in tlie pack are conned by the ice navigator from a station aloft. This is tlie best vantage point to study the system of leads and the location of open water. (Photograph by II. (i. I'onling in the Scientific Reports of the British Antarctic Expedition.) I SCIEXTIFIC RESULTS 19 A POLYNYA Figure 9. — A small polynya in pack ice. From its small extent it is sometimes referred to as a pool. (Photograph by H. G. Fonting in the Scientific Reports of the P.ritish .Antarctic Expedition.) " If" Iri ilMWil Frost Smoke FlGCRE 10. — A polynya from which frost smoke is rising. The faiimus "" North Water" in the northern part of Baffin Bay remains open throughout many winters despite the very low temperatures and the presence of surroujidin<„' ici'. (I'hoto- graph by H. G. Ponting in the Scientific Reports of the British Antarctic- Expedition.) 20 MARION EXPEDITIOlSr TO DAVIS STEAIT AND BAFFIN BAY break up and partly melt, with the siirvivinoj portions augmenting the still larger areas of pack ice. Narrow margins of fast ice, how- ever, may remain unbroken throughout a summer or perhaps for sev- eral summers, in which case, of course, they maintain their identity i 40 20 0 The Regional Distribution of Sea Ice and Land Ice Figure 11. — I^X^ North polar cap ice. I'ack iC(>. Fast ice. The polar cap ice is the hub of all northern sea ice. (" , I Glacial ice. The largest areas of land ice reaching sea level are : Greenland, Ellesmere Land, Baffin Land, Melville Island, Patrick Island, Spitsbergen, Franz Josef Land, and Nicholas II Land. for that particular year. Pack ice has three methods of disposition in the Arctic Ocean, (a) it rafts and solidifies, inserting itself as a part and parcel of the heavy polar cap, or (h), it joins one of the ice streams which are always slowly moving, with little interruption, out SCIENTIFIC RESULTS 21 of the north into lower latitudes, or (c), it melts and disintegrates during summer near, or at, its source. Polar cap ice comes tinder the influence of powerful conflicting forces which causes it sometimes to persist for four or five years, and possibly longer, before leavino- the polar basin. ' "^ Three Forms of Sea Ice FAST ICE Tlie ice coyer of northern seas thousands of years ago probably liiul its genesis in fast ice fringing polar shores. Once tlie nucleus of the permanent cap was built from the dismemberment and offshore j^cattering of the fast-ice belt — and survived the first few summers the latter lost much of its geographical importance. The wide dis- tribution of fast ice in coastal waters, however, serves to make it representative for such zones. The initial appearance of slush and sludge takes place in water lanes of the Arctic early in September, first in the sounds of the American Archipelago, then in the marginal Arctic seas, and in Baffin Bay in swift succession. Small pancakes soon cement, rim to rim, in a continuous sheet of young ice and preparations are made hy man and beast to meet the rapidly approaching grip of winter. Hudson Bay and Fox Channel in the American sector see their first fast ice during October, with freezing spreading to Newfoundland and to the Gulf of St. Lawrence late that same month, or early in Xovember. Fast ice continues to " make " until it reaches a maximum area in December after which, until May, it builds very little farther out from the coast, but continues steadily to increase in thickness. The regions of groAvth for fast 'ice largely reflect bathymetrical conditions. Other important influences are the degree and" duration of low air temperatures; the decrease of salinity due to snow melting; to river discharge and to precipitation; the amount of storminess; and the presence of grounded hummocks, icebergs, and floes of pack ice. The seats of fast ice are the broad continental shelves and the flat spacious embayments. The most striking example of such a region is the remarkably wide Siberian shelf which has a mean w^idth of 400 miles and a depth of 12 to 50 fathoms, its outer edge forming a "steep" slope facing the polar ocean. ^^ These regions produce a vast amount of fast ice (see fig. 11, p. 20) because (a) the shallow depths favor early chilling, and (&), the sea freezes more rapidly where it has been diluted by Siberian rivers." It is estimated that approximately 150,000 square miles of fast ice form everv winter from Wrangel Island to Northern (Nicholas II) Land. It has an average thickness of 61/2 feet, ranging all the way from 0 to 9 feet. Another large area of fast ice, second only toSiberia, is the sheet covering the labyrinthlike waterways of the"^ American Arctic Archi- rnnJ^l^'*''^? (1928. p. 102) states that fast ice extends about 275 miles out from the coast opposite the Yana River, longitude 135° E. torvV,*^^^ (1922, p. 271) calls the Siberian shelf and the fringing Arctic seas "The fac- Sihprior, "° 1^'"° P^''*^"" *^^-" According to his theory the air temperatures along the intprvni ^^^ ^^ '°^'''^ of the size of the Greenland Sea pack 4V, years later. This shnrpe t ""^Pyesents approximately the time required for a piece of ice to drift from Arctic contention '-•reenland Sea, and a high correlation of 0.83 appears to support such a 22 MARION EXPEDITIOlSr TO DAVIS STRAIT AND BAFFIN BAY pelago. While small openings over some of the deeper channels and straits may remain clear for longr or short periods, the proximity of the large number of islands, combined with their irregular out- lines, promotes a maximum amount of freezing. Solar warming of these same land masses during summer, on the other hand, tends to accelerate melting and disintegration of the ice, but summer in the Arctic is a brief period, and practically three-fourths of the year the temperature is below freezing. The ice is held fast in the archi- pelago region longer than in many localities by the narrow constric- tions, the straits, and the sounds. Kane Basin and Smith Sound, waterways separating EUesmere Land from Greenland, freeze fast, shore to shore, every winter. The southern limit of this solid sheet forms a bridge opposite Etah over which the Eskimos cross to hunt caribou in EUesmere Land. Melville Ba}^ in winter is normally covered by fast ice, its seaward edge extending in a curve from Cape York to Wilcox Head, a dis- tance of 800 miles, and out from the Greenland coast 30 to 40 miles. This ice sheet exerts a very important influence on the progress of icebergs out of Baffin Bay to the Atlantic when it often seals the inner part of Melville Bay (see fig. 43, p. 85) imprisoning not only the bergs calved from local glaciers but also thousands of others en route. Melville Bay fast ice in this manner may interrupt the berjr supply to the Atlantic for one year and possibly for several years. Hudson Bay is fringed every winter by a belt of fast ice, but rarely if ever are its central portions completely frozen over. Hudson Strait in winter exhibits a fringe of fast ice 5 or 6 miles in width except that opposite .steep cliffs, where the water is deep and remains open throughout most winters. Fox Channel, situated immediately west of Baffin Land, is a region believed to be prolific in the production of fast ice. This e.stuary i< broad and flat and noted for the great daily rise and fall of the tide. In many shallow bays the fast ice by resting on the bottom is broken up and therefore is more easily carried away by the currents. As soon as the floes move offshore the Avater is uncovered to freeze again, and in this manner large quantities of pack ice are believed to be manu- factured there during winter. Fast ice forms in the vicinity of MacKenzie Bay. Alaska, as early as August 15, and at Point Bari-ow it bridges from the shore to the pack by the last of September. The large fast ice area off the mouth of the MacKenzie and the rapidity with which it disappears on the arrival of the spring fre.shets has long been known to tlie whalers. Fast ice, according to Helland-Hansen and Xansen (1909, p. 307). extends considerable distances into the Greenland Sea during severe winters but our information of this particular region, due to the great hazards attending wintertime navigation, is meager. Varying meteorological conditions cause similar Avide variations from year to year in the area and thickness of fast ice. Under this heading may be listed the duration and degree of low air tempeni- tures; pi-ecipitation in the form of rain or snow; the prevaihng atmospheric circulation; and the amount of storminess. The maxi- mum production of fast ice takes place during cold quiet winters, while greater areas of water remain open from November to Apnl during windy years. Storminess and rough water associated witii SCIENTIFIC RP^SULTS 23 warm Avinters not only prevents the formation of the .sheets but also (oiitinually break and loosen them from the shore. Melville l^ay remained well covered Avith fast ice during? the years 1915 and 19l"() larti-ely on account of favorable weather conditions. If a cold, quiet winter be preceded by an unusually wet autuiiui. conditions are ideal for tiie producti years, or Avhich may be broken by an especially favorable summer when the accumulation of hundreds, possibly thousands, of bergs is freed to drift southward. Some of the rich iceberg 3^ears in the Xorth Atlantic may reflect some of these events. Along other coast lines and in other ice fjords fast ice may bhu^.ket the bergs for only a part of the year. Tims the iceberg fjords of AVest (ireeidand. particuhtrly those in Disko and Xoitheast Bays that supi)ly so nuudi of tlie North Atlantic (juota. are normally cov- ered b}' fast ice only during the colder months, fi'om November to June. When the ice breaks away, usually in May or dune, the win- ter's collecti(m of bergs is released to float out into Disko Bay- Fast ice, therefore, causes a seasonal ])ulse in the presence <>f ice- bei'gs in Davis Strait where otherwise the regular Mow from the ice i-ap itself would cause a more or less .steady distribution the year roujid. SCIENTIFIC EESULTS 25 XORTII I'OI.AH <-AP ICE rolnr cai) \rv is the end product of all the forces wliicji (Icvcloi) a very stroii<:-, massive ice cover in the central north ])oljir sea. This (overiii^^ constitutes about 70 })er cent of tiie pohu- basin: ap|)i-oxi- mately 2,000,000 square miles. Fields and fioes break away from the iiiaiii polar core, either to mix with the inshore ice over" the conti- nental shelves, or to be discharoed thr()u<>:h one of the several ocean straits. The iit of 30 to 40 feet, and to depths of 100 to 200 feet. Onr knowledge re: the nioyenient and behavior of the 0 miles. (From the vit-inity of AVraniiel Island westerly to stt miles northeast of IJennett Island.) Fram (Xansen) 1.400 miles. (From north of the Xew Silieriaii Islands westerly to north of Spitsherjieii. ) Tem-*^thoff ( Wc.vprcclit ) Li.lO miles. (Ice Cape. Xovaj'a Zemlya westerly trnsilov) eared in the northwest. ) Karluk (Bartlett) .'>(»(> miles. (From I'oint Barn^v westerly to T> miles nortli of Herald Island. ) ;Maud (Amundsen) 7">0 miles. ( Fiom ^^2~) miles northwest of Wransel Island westerl.v to ■">'• miles north of Xew Silii ri.-m lyard and to the ]>ole. believed that the ])ack outside the continental edge was sliding eastward. Cagui, i)ushing ])oleward from Franz Josef Laud was carried steadily toward the we.st. j JStorkerson and AVilkins on the oi^jiosite side of the polar sea also experienced a westerly drift. (c) In 1898 the Cieographical Society of l*hiladel})hia supported a project to release a number of drift casks or buoys at various points I north of Berling Strait in order to learn the set and drift of the ice. | Three of the buoys, which we will call "a," *' b." and "• c."' were I recovered as follows : Cask ''a." — 1,400 miles. Set adrift August in, Ii»01. in 7-2° 18' north, 175° 10' west, about Sa miles northeast of Wrangel Island, was recovered August 17, 1902, near the nuxith of Kolyuchiii Hay on the Siberian coast. Cask ^'b."— 3,500 miles. Set adrift September 13, 1899, on the pack ice west-northwest of l^oint Hairow in 71° 53' north, 1()4° 50' west, was recovered June 7, 1905. 1 iniie east of Cape Kauda Xu|)roii the northern coast of Iceland. Cask " c.'"— 3.500 miles. Set adrift Jidy 24, 1900, at Cape Hathurst in 71° 00' north. 12S° 05' west, was recovered November 3, 190S, on Storo Island, Fimiiarken, Norway. Wreckage from the Jcdiiiicttc drifted from the vicinity of Heiiiu'tt Island, to .Fulianehaab, ( Greenland, a distance of about 3.()00 miles. Siberian tree truidcs and other objects of Asiatic oi'igin are . The Kcsolnto. 18r>4. 16. A tool box incased in ice. The outline of til.' ceutijil area of polar cap ice is obtained by recording- the distance to which \(sscls liave forced their way toward the pole. The pentagonal figure located lietwecn the geographical pole and Alask;' is known as the ice pole or pole of iii:iecessibilit3'. 28 MARION EXPEDITION TO DAVIS STBAIT AND BAFFIN BAY frequently washed ashore alonlete and relial)le account can yet be tjiven of the move- ment of the ice in the ])olar cap. Xearly all of the data, as can be seen, pertain to the Siberian sector, and practically no satisfactory in- formation is available for the Amei'ican side of the orreat interior. The known indraft of water throu«i;h Bering Strait and the well-rec- ognized discharge of ice through Greenland Strait, when considered in conjunction with the above records of drifts, just mentioned, defi- nitely establish, however, a westerly movement of the ice on the Siberian side. Since the course of the ice can be traced with reason- ' able assurance from Point Barrow around the Siberian continental I siielf. and finally out into the Greenland Sea, it is logical to believe that the American margin assists in feeding what would otherwise become ice-deficient regions immediately to the west. All of the drifts that have been recorded were from east toward west, except Peary's, and the route over which he traveled toward the pole un- doubtedly lay within the area of active drainage to the North Atlantic. It seems, therefore, difficult to escape the conclusion that the outer ■ margin of the polar cap ice, on the Siberian side at least, participates in a slow, but definite, anticyclonic movement.^'' Cum sole motion in the Northern Hemisphere is, however, not in harmony with the theory which, as Xansen points out. holds that gradient currents flow as a rule with the land on their right hand. Why should the Arctic Ocean ice drift in a direction opposite to the i current? The drift of flat ice, as proved by observations in many parts of the world is well known to be largely controlled f rictionalh " by tlie wind and in a region of weak gradient currents, such as the north jiolar basin; the wind is probably dominant.^' Two different types of circulation, belonging to the planetary windi system, affect north polar regions. A central polar dome of residual high atmospheric pressure causes anticyclonic winds around the pole. But the southern margin of the Arctic extends into the belt of cy- clonic westerlies, and as modified by the distribution of land and water and by the seasonal cycle, these prevailing conditions are oftein interrupted. The polar cap of high atmospheric pressiu-e nuist tend' to give a westerly and northwesterly drift to the ice, and the siil)-' arctic westerlies would tend to impart an east and soutliea.sterly com- ponent to the fields wiiile the congestion in various parts of the cover.' as noted by Sverdrup, must exert a third modifying effect. Until i we secure a greater amount of meteorological, ice, and oceanographi- cal data from these regions w^e shall be unable to state conclusively the actual movement of the polar ice caj) and to explain its causes. • The accei)te(l views tliat the general drift of the ice is anticvdonif does not necessarily contradict the theory of gradient currents foi the Northern Hemisphere because the winds or various conchtionM within the pack itself may constitute the deciding factor. All the '0 Wp should not lose si^hf of Aiiuiii(istMi"s unsiicoossful attempt to be carried from oust to west atM-oss the polar liasiii in the M''""'1* owiii};' to linfavorahle loc.il condilions. or actually to some tenipor.iry suspension of tlu'| normal <'ast to west movement of the ice. mi further headway was made. \ "On the Siherian shelf the winds. acc(»rdinK to Sverdrup (T.rjs, p. 4.'.) are the niflHi^ control, with the ice driftini; approximately .•{:{" to the riuht i>f the wind. Tlie.se coiiclih .sions are based on a we.ilth of observational data obtained durini; the drift ot the il(i«<'i with tile recorded winds in the Siberian sector. t See Sverdrup lOl'S. IKl'lt.) L, SCIENTIFIC RESULTS 29 current data and drift records, except the Fram''s, so far secured in polar retrions have been confined to the shelves inside the continental edoe. The circulation of shelf water, as confirmed by studies olf Newfoundland (Smith. 1924a) are controlled by the wind, by the tidal currents, and by other dynamic forces in irreoular succession. Gradient currents, on the other hand, consistently hug the steepest part of the continental slopes, and their influence, we have found, ceases with astonishing abruptness as shallow depths are entered. Since the total collection of data to date, except the Fra?n^s, has been made on coastal shelves, they furnish little or no evidence for or against the presence of a gradient current of cyclonic direction in the north polar sea. On the other hand, we have every reason to believe, that with the large amount of land (h-ainage from Siberia, such a current is developed there. The fact that the Fran/ remained on the edge of the continental slope — the seat of gradient currents — at only two points and briefly. Aveakens the evidence favoring the nonexistence of a current. It is of interest to note that the two points Avhere the Frani approached nearest the slope, viz, (a) into the basin north of the New Siberian Islands, and {h) north of Franz Josef Land, coincide with the two most toi-tuous parts of her di'ift. These irregularities may indicate the etfect of the gradient current, which is probably not strong enough to overcome the wind-driven movements of the pack. The main escape of polar caj) ice toward the Atlantic is through the opening between Spitsbergen and Greenland. Ice streams much more attenuated and distinctly secondary in size emerge aroimd the southern side of Spitsbergen!; through the Ellesmere-Greenland Strait to Baffin Bay: and by still more minor passages through the sounds of the American Archipelago. The aggregate volmne of these several discharges and their relative proportions are still matters of conjecture. Observations on the rate of drift of ships and other objects together with a consideration of the age of the ice, leads to an estimate of four to five years for the average period that a given sample of cap ice remains in the Arctic Ocean. Few who have visited the north polar regions can fail to appre- ciate the great magnitude of the forces that are constantly at work, forcing the cap together in some places but rending it apart in others.'^ The momentum often attained by the fields, hundreds of square miles in area, driven forward by a gale is great. Small won- der that in meeting the edges are tossed high aloft by the impact, and that along the line of collision veritable embattlements are formed in a confusion of ribs and ridges. The rugged features found in one sector, contrasted wdth the flat sheets prevailing in another, mirror the effects of wind and current. Whether the polar cap ice suffers its greatest dynamic deformation in the winter wdien the ice is knitted the tightest, or during the autumn when it is loosest, is an open question.^^ '^Makarov (1901) has carried out some very interesting investigations on the state of concentration of the cover and estimates that approximately 10 per cent is continually in the process of opening, closing, or freezing. "Transehe (1028. p. 97) states that the hummocked. telescoped condition is best neveloped in late summer and autumn. Open water is most plentiful then, permitting the tields to travel across leads with maximum momentum. It is claimed that during winter and spring the battering and buffeting diminishes on account of the close, tightly knit condition of the cover. Sverdrup (1928. p. 106) regards the sub.iect in a different light, pointing out that when the ice cover is open it affords one floe which is being struck an opportunity to give wav to the next floe, and so on. the ensuing shocks being propor- tionately reduced. 30 MAItlOX EXPEDITIOX TO DAVIS STRAIT AND BAFFIX BAY As a result of the ])revailin«r winds, currents, and of the confiLnuii- ' tion of the basin, certain parts of the polar cap ice are characteiis- ' tically cono;ested. These are known as the re^rions of ))ale(>crystir ' ice. In this resj)ect the uiost famous district is north of (irreenhuKl and Grant Land, while other sections are alon) Peary's " Big Lead," north of Grant Land and (Ireenland. I The fact that ))olynyas are best developed otl' the Xew Siberian (Islands in winter when high atmos])heric pressure prevails over 32 MAUIOX EXPP:DITI0X to DAVIS STRAIT AND BAFFIX BAY Siberia indicates that the wind is a major factor in keeping the polar cap ice in motion. The second famons polynya was discovered and described by Peary (1907. p. 97) as the " Bi. 5 Ap^^ East Greenland pack Eastern North American pack 75° N., 0°W. 74° N., 70° W. 62° N.. 51° W. 45° N., 49° W. 1,850 1,960 5'i - THK Sl'irSI'.KlUiKN I'ACK Spitsbei'gen uiai'ks the transition between Arctic and Atlantic influences — to the northeast intense Arctic cold pivvails. whilf <>ii llie southwest the coast is warmed by the (iiilf stream (h'ift. I his SCIENTIFIC RESULTS 35 waiiu ciuTeiit makes accessible tlie harbors of the west coast for a period of about four of the warmest months of the year. Spitsber- \m\ pack refers to the ice which in the winter moves westward ])ast fhe south cape of Spitsbergen, and which generally blocks the north- eastern quadrant throughout the summer. Such of the pack as lies southward of a line Si)itsbergen-Franz Josef Land to Nicholas II Land, including the Kara Sea. and east to Cape Chelyuskin, drains into the Atlantic through the northein part of the Barents Sea and youth past Spitsbergen. During winter and early spring the Spits- bero'en pack is swollen by the bi-eak-u[) of fiekls in the Barents Sea and is, therefore, at its flood. During this season the pack may s[)read so far to the south as to inclose Bear Island for a montli or more at a time. But the continuity of the Spitsbergen pack is always threatened by the inthrust of warm waters from the Atlantic. The Hrst encroachment of s})ring .severs the pack and forms open water in the offing of the west coa.sf. The ice in Barents Sea with the proii'ress of spring and summer retreats steadily northward until it persists only in the shelter to the northeast of Spitsl)ergen. In this last region, on the line of conflict of such opposing forces, ice conditions are subject to wide fluctuations. Despite the w'arm current the great productivity of the area to the eastward guarantees in most vears a generous supply of ice to the gi-eat east Greenland pack. Those i)articularlv interested in the Spitsbergen area are referred to Hoel (IIM)) : Iversen (li)L>7) : Kolchak (1909) : and Makarov (1901). The East Gkkexlaxd Pack Pack ice is seldom, if ever, absent from the waters of northeast (ireenland and the Greenland Sea. The east Greenland pack is tiMl by {a) the direct discharge from the Arctic Ocean; (h) by the Mc from the Barents and Kara Seas: (r) by winter ice formed in die Greenland Sea; and (d) by fast ice made locally along the coast. The ice from all these separate regions is alike in general character iind a})pearance, except tluit from the polar basin which, as already ilescribed, is easily distinguishable. This old, heavy ocean pack lill> the northwestern sector of the Greenland Sea but the nnijor pnition of the covering of the latter consists of vounger, lighter lri( s. ^Vinter Avitnesses the influx of heavy pans and floes into the 'neenland Sea reinforced by great quantities of ice formed locally. \\\\> accunudation si)rea(ls gradually southward along the coast of '■:ist (ireenland initiating in successive months the beginning of the ice .^eason. Throughout the winter and spring large masses of the oi'dinary jjack, together with some of the Arctic Ocean type, con- tinue to push southward, and to spread away from the coast. Den- mark Strait is normally more or less choked in spring, while in a bad year the ice comi)ietely encircles the northern coast of Iceland at that season. The boundary of the ice cover in spring displays a diaracteristic tendency to spread eastward innnediately north of Iceland where it probably comes under the control of the east Ice- and current. An equally imi)ressive featin-e is a V-shaped re- trenchment immediately west of Spitsbergen, an unmistakable effect "f the warm Gulf sti'eam drift. The average outer limit of the east Greenland |)ack in sprinii' runs from the eud)ayment near 36 MARIOjST expedition to DAVIS STRAIT AND BAFFIN BAY r The Varying Bounds of Pack Ice 1 FiGUHE lil. — TIsc annual iiiaximnin, iniiiinniin. and mean limits to wiiicli jiack in' in sub- stanrial v(iliini<' lias liccn iTconlrd over a i)eri() in sul stanrial vdliimc lias been rcc-nrdcti over a iieriixl of .voars. The data tor tlic i)a- (rreenland because several ])ieces have been recovered on the southwest coast. Siberian tree trunks and many other unmistakable types of oriental driftwood have been picked up along- the shores of southern Greenland — addi- ti(Hial evidence of the drift of the ice. U])()n the ai)])roa(di of summer the east (ireenland })ack lecedes inversely as it advances. The southwest coast otf Julianehaab is usually free from ice l)y early Au<>ust : Ga])e Farewell in late August or early September: and Angmagissalik during September.-* Score.sby Sound district is more likely to be free in late September than at any other time, but in severe ice years it may not imcover at all; or other parts of the east Greenland coast, for that matter. During late summer or fall, when the ea.st Greeland ice pack shrinks to a miniuuim. ojxui water may be found close in. or even along the coast in favorable ])laces. Angmagissalik. in latitude Wi north, on the other harul. has occasionally been isolated by ice the entire year. The sup})ly shij) usually finds comuuinication easiest during the months of September and October, but sometimes it ha> not been able to land there until early Xovember, while in one year. Wandel (1S93. ]). 252) mentions that the coast around Angnuigis.salik was free of ice from Sej)tember 10 until Xovember 25. It is inter- esting to know that Angmagissalik was selected in 1894 as Denmark'.- chief trading ])ost in east (ireeidand because the ice belt at this point is most ])enetrabl('. It is rare indeed for the pack ice to retreat as far north as the Arctic Circle, but there are records of such occurrences. The fact that (rreenland is one of the earliest discovered land>. affords opportunity to investigate possible changes that have slowly developed in the character and behavior of the drift ice. The leireud- ary accounts of the early voyages of the Xorsemen during the eleventh century suggest that (xreenland waters were icier then than they are to-day. These adventurous colonizers apj)ai-ently cruised directly from Iceland to (ireenland in their o])eu ^^ikiug shii)s and followed the coast southward to Ga|)e Farewell on coui'ses to-day completely bh)ckadeil. The eaidiest reports, in the first century of the young colony, mention good pasturage and large Hue farms ir. Greenland, but latei-. conditions apj)arently (dianged foi- the worse and we learn about the advance of great nmsses of ice. Recent archeological excavations in southwest Greenland -' have disclosed the root-entwined frozen bodies of souu' of these early settlers, evi- dence of a i-ecord of a (diange of (diuuite. In the thirteenth century the slow advance of the pack is again corroborated by the southward migi'ation of the Eskimos; the chain of evidence being traceable ni the economic ridation between the gradmil encroatdnueut ot the pack and the conseipient disappearance of seals and of man. =' Xo pack ice whatsoever was sifihted around Cape Farewell V)y tlie Marion expe«llli"" cruisinsi in Hint vicinity. Soptcniber. I'.tl's. -■■See IlDV^aard dliLM. p. CUi. I'oixild. in discussing the archcolonical linds. tola ni' that til." roots were those of annii;ils. not perennials': therefore tlie evidence 19 """ eonilusive. SCIENTIFIC EESULTS 39 There has been much discussion whether any of the pack ice whicli drifts southward to Cape Farewell continues' either toward Flemish Cap. or westward to join the eastern North American jiack. Ap- parently no direct observations have been made to support such a conclusion. Nevertheless, statements to this ide is in Avinter, i. e., at the season when it is at its minimum. And in July, when the pack is most abundant. Davis Strait waters are ^<» warm it can not long survive there. It seems safe to conclude, therefore, that pack ice from the east Greenland current never crosses to American waters. . The pack ice in the Arctic Ocean, around Iceland, in Kara Sea, in Barents Sea, and in the Greenland Sea has been studied by 120860—31 4 40 MAIIION EXPEDITION TO DAVIS STRAIT AND BAFFIN BAY Meinardiis, by Breimecke. by Wiese, and by I^rooks and Queiinell Mith the object of deteriuininf; Avhat effect variations in these ice areas have on the weattier of Enrope. Meinardus (1906, p. 151) compifed a table giving the deviation and severity of tlie pack on Iceland from 1801 to 1904, and since that time similar data have been compiled monthly by the British Meteorological Office. The basis of Meinardus 's figures were the number of days that ice was sighted from the coast of Iceland — when the masses Avere particu- larly heavy the values received double weight. The investigation discloses a very clearly marked periodicity in the character of the east Greenland jiack of -liX) years. -'^' The annual variations in the ice off Iceland are associated with similar variations in the wind; for example, in a winter with unusually strong, fair winds more ice than normal is to be expected to drift past Iceland. The data selected by Meinardus to demonstrate this were the difference in atmospheric pressure between Stykkisholm, Iceland; and Vardo. Xorway, which, if large, forecasts more ice than usual in the east Greenland current the following spring. Wiese (1924, p. 289), in- de})endently investigating the variations in ice conditions in the Barents and Kara Seas, found an excei)tionally high correlation be- tween autumn air temperatures there and the volume of pack ice along east Greenland 41/0 years later — a low temperature presages much ice and vice versa. The well-marked periodicity of 4io yeare is explicable when we realize that it represents the interval necessary for the ice to complete the journey to Iceland from its sources. Brooks and Quennell (1928, p. 3) have collected a long series of statistical data on sea-ice conditions in the following regions: Off Iceland; (xreenland Sea; Barents Sea; Kara Sea: and Arctic Ocean. The work of these meteorologists constitutes the most thorough inves- tigation to date on the effect of northern ice on European weather. More ice off Iceland, or in any one of these several seas than normal, causes in the same months an excess of pressure around Iceland and a deficiency of pressure from Paris to the Azores. One of the most interesting discoveries was that heavy ice conditions during sprinji in northern waters are liable to be followed by a deficiency of pres- sure the following autumn around the British Isles. The cause is in the liberation of more water than normal, by melting, to mix with the Gulf stream during the sunnner. The regional variiitions in sea temperature j^roduce corresponding thermal variation> in the atmosphei'e bringing stormy weather to northern Euro})e. It seems well established, therefore, from the foregoing that variations in the pack ice of the northeastern North Atlantic exert an important control over European weather, the effect of the ice on the atmos- ])heric pressures for the countries north of the l^ritish Isles bein},' stronger even than that of the Gulf stream. Thk Eastkun Nokth Amkuicax Tack One of the largest streams of ice that emerges out of tlie north follows a path ah)ng the east side of Baffin Land, along the Labrador coast, and eventually spreads out ])ast Newfoundland. (See HiT- !!'• p. JiG.) The geographical positions of the North American lands ami -"Brooks and QuenneU (19281, p. Ci recalculating make this lisure 4.7G years*. SCIENTIFIC RESULTS 41 tlie bathyiiietiical iVatures of the :-helvos are iiiii)()itaiit factors in the track of this stream of jKick ice. Baffin Bay, a shallow elonastorn edge of the Baffin Land pack .July 3. 1928. in latitude 67° N., longitude 58° W.. 70 miles east of Cape Dier, Baffin Land. At this time the western half of the neck of Davis Strait being ice decked and the eastern half, open water, reflects the underlying circulation of these interesting waters. The fact that the ice rises above the main deck of the Godthanb is striking evidence of the great thickness of the pack ice in Baffin Bay. (Photograph by Commander E. Riis-Cartensen of the Qodthaab expedition.) result from the behavior of the ice or from the factors influencing Ihe latter. What the whalers called west ice is the most tightly ll)acke(l part of the cover, naturally to be found hugging the Baffin iLand coast. ^Middle ice probably refers to that part of the pack that ;the w^inds and slow^ cyclonic circulation of the bay tend to collect in jthe central and even in the Melville Bay section. The designation of r middle " to the position of the pack is, moreover, somewhat accentu- ated by the widening of a lead of open w^ater around the shores of Baffin Bay in late summer. The west ice represents the heavy back- bone of the pack, while the middle ice is merely the outer fields sub- ject to Avider annual variations. The supply for both comes from the upper reaches of Smith Sound, from the Avater arms of th'^ Ameri- can Archipelago via Jones Sound, Lancaster Sound, and Eclipse 44 ZMAiaOX EXPEDITION TO DAVIS STRAIT AXD BAFFIX BAY Sound, and from the fast ice formed locally around the shores of Baffin Bay. The floes converge as they feed into the narrow neck of Davis Strait, and passing out to the soutli. relieve the congestion in the up]:)er waters. If large quantities of fas^t ice break up in ^Melville Bay. and if the winds drive across additional masses, tlie navigation that particular spring and summer will be greatly hampeied, and the only means of proceeding northward in such a year is to hug the Greenland shore to Cape York, hence to steer westward. There are records of ships which required several weeks to nuike the passage under conditions such as these, or even suffered the misfortune of becoming ni})i)e(l in the jjack.-'* If little ice is formed or if the normal amount fails to break out of ^Melville Bay. Smith Sound, and the Arctic Archipelago, the pack will l)e of small extent and the so-called North AVater will enlarge. In such years whale sliips have reported crossing Melville Bay in the incredibly short time of '20 hours. The pack-ice covei normally is believed to fill four-fifths of Baffin Bay. with an area about 165,000 square miles, and often it is so extensive that it reaches ove: to the west coast of Greenland in some |)laces north of Davis Strait.-' In occasional winters pack ice is said to fill Baffin Bay solidly from shore to shore. •" The Baffin Bay pack has its greatest extent in March and its leas! in August and September. In some Avinters tlie ice area may grow tf a size that completely fills Baffin Bay. while in other years polynyib are numerous and extensive: for example, off Smith Sound, Jones Sound, and Lancaster Sound. Lancaster Sound is, however, occa sionally frozen solidly from shore to shore,"^ but at such times ever the natives deem any attempt to cross to North Devon an extremely hazardous undertaking l)ecause a sudden shift of the winds o: the currents may break the bridge. The neighborhood of Cape War rander on Lancaster Sound is said to have more o])en water thai any other locality in Baffin Bay. But only a short distance farthe west Barrow Strait becomes covered as early as September. Baflii Bay has never been crossed by sledge but many experienced ex plorers have held the opinion that such a feat would be possible din- ing an exceptionally icy winter. It is of interest to learn also tha the ice cover of Baffin Bay is more or less comi)letely renewed ever^ year. One of the most widely discussed featuies of Baffin Bay is tht ice-free area at its head called North AVater. Coming suddeidy upoi this opening after a week or more of strugiiling through the heav; ■ middle pack, it is not surprising that North AA'ater has excited tin curiosity and interest of explorers for two centuries. (See fig. IC p. 19.) The earliest and still most common explanation which hasnov become (juite firndy established in the minds of many connects Nortl 28 The Canadian Government steamer Beothic strussled with ice for 20 days during th^ summer of 1916 on its passage from Godhavn to Cape York, hut strangely enough muc | open water was found farther north in Smith Sound. . • ■"This is the " vestis " of the Danes. Its soutlieastern edge reaches over to Ilolsteirj borg in severe winters. . ' 3" Capt. E. Falk of the steamer Beothic. who has made several summer cruises int ; Baflin Bav during recent years, states to me that Davis Strait never freezes all the wa . across, Init Baffin Bay does in severely cold winters. Xorth of the seventy-tiftli parallel except for North Water ;nid off the entrance to .Tones and Lancaster Sounds, the bai freezes solidlv evcrv winter from llie heginiiiug of Deceml)er to the tirst of .Tune. | •" .\c(iPidiiiu t(i a' st.iti'uifiit '<{ C.ipl. K. I'alk. master Ciiiadian (iovcriinieiit steame| Beotliir. I SCIENTIFIC RESULTS 45 Water witli a warm ciiiTent from the Atlantic, which. divin<'- beneath the cold water of Davis Strait, is thoui>ht to emero-e on the surface to lueit the ice from the head of Baffin Bay (see Nielsen, 1928, p. 221). jTliere is no definite evidence of such a phenomenon contained in the johservations of either Xielson (1928) or Annually (1929, pp. 87-95). |lt seems more likely, however, tliat instead of a warm northward inflow, this |)ei-sistent polynya in I^affin Bay is nuiintained hv a set foo go flo 7o 6o 75 p \ ^vv ^ r . 'c:; 'h i 70 Ks \ /• ( \ J "/v) Ml '■ f y / \ / ♦ ' / ^ Sv / • ' ^ (>5 ^' / "^ : 1 1 ■ / ^%y /'-•"S. ))/ •• ^ 7^ . (v i/J ■ ' / *^ \ )^ : / / ^c^ / / 1. , / v^>c ■' / / ^ '^ .' / t z ••/ /-^ \ t .,.! 7o 60 50 Pack Ice Areas in Baffin Bay 13 7o FiGtRE I'l'. — Thp (lashed line represents the normal maximum limit to which pack ice extends at the end (if a ncirthern winter. The dotted line is the averase July boundary of the main body of the pack. The solid liiu' represents tl:e normal minimum area and position to which the Battin I'.ay pack ice shrinks — usually in September. Note the narrow shore lead along the Battin Land side which isolates the pack and may be the reason for designating this area of ice as " the middle pack."' I in the opposite direction. The fast ice in Smith Sound is so strong f that it resists the current, but that formed just to the south is swept away, leaving open water beiiind it. This explanation is supported, linoreover, by the recorded drifts of several ships and ice floes. Sev- 'lal observers in the vicinity of Etah have described looking south- westward across the zone of fast ice over the open sea. The break lip of the fast ice in Smith Sound during June and July temporarily •hokes Xorth Water, but eventually the latter clears, and its area s irreatest in late summer. The ice in Kane Basin, if it breaks loose 46 MAFJOX EXPEDITIOX TO DAVIS STRAIT AND BAFFIX BAY at all. does so in Aiifrust. but the predominant circulation >oou carries it across North Water. The inirnolnlity of the fast ice in the northern tributaries of Baffin Bay. often foreshadows a secondary maximum of l)ack ice to the head waters some times in late summer. The ice cover of Baffin Bay varies greatly in size from year to year, or over a group of years.^- During some summers the central portions are well open to navigation and reasonably safe for the metal hulls of ordinary ships of commerce. During these years the only pack is the west ice. shrunk to a narrow belt close to the shore (except for the normal shore lead), from Cape Kater to Cape Mercy. Such conditions were found in the summer of 1928 by the Marion expedition when the 3G-mile wide pack off Cape Dier occupied a total area of only 18,000 square miles. Nevertheless the ice was heavy and thick enough to prevent the passage of the Marion to the coast. '- At this time the pack consisted of glagons 5 to 10 feet in diameter and Open Pack ice in Summer— West Side of Davis strait Figure 2'A. — The open summer condition of tlie pack oft: Cape Dier. Baffin Laiul. as found by tlie Marion expedition in August. 1928. Note the small pool of water on the glagon in the foreground, formed by the melting of iee. Fresh water is thus always to be found during summer, even great distances at sea in the polar regions. (Official photograph, Marion expedition.) of larger glacons up to 50 to 75 feet across. The fact that the ice was quite thick, rising 2 and 3 feet above the surface and extending down 8 to 10 feet, testifies to a much more northern source. The outer edge of the pack was fairly open, but 15 miles inside, there was very little open water in which to naviirate. The southern edge was met in the offing of Cumberland Gulf, latitude 64° 30' N.. louiritudp 59° 10' W. ^Munn (1923, p. 65) comments on the annual variations of the middle ice in Baffin Bay, where there was a very small amount in tlio summers of 1920 and 1!'21. and practi- cally none in 1922. The three years' deticiency, >Uinn suggests, may have been diii^ to an ice jam in some of the ice-choked entering sounds, viz, .Tones Sound. Smith Soumi, and Lancaster Sound. He claims that when such jams l)r(iak away a heavy and extensive "middle pack" may be expected in BafHn Hav. and to a less extent to the southward. He is also of the opinion that a smooth, quiet summer allows the middle ice to spread farther abroad, causing a surface layer of cold water and favoring the formation of more ice freezing the following winter. " , , ^'"The Danish .Meteorological Institute (Annually. 1928. p. 3) states that pack-iCC conditions in Davis Strait and Baffin Bay the summer of 1928 were favorable. SCIENTIFIC EESULTS 47 The rate of wastage of pack ice in the Arctic during the summer is well shown by the records of the Godthaab and the Marion expedi- tions for the summer of 1928. On Jul}^ 3, the west ice of Baffin Bay extended halfway across to the Greenland coast; on August 15 it occupied only one-fourth of the strait; and on September 15 it had withdrawn from the Baffin Land coast as far as Cape Broughton, a promontory 90 miles north of Cape Dier. Again the average rate of retreat of the southern bounds of the west ice in Baffin Bay during the sunnner of 1928 w^as approximately 1 mile per day. Iii gcueral the shrinkage of pack ice in the far north is a phenomenon which accelerates to a certain period during the summer, after which it is •.q-adually retarded, until freezing begins. The circulation of the waters of Baffin Bay and the movement of the pack is known only in a general way. The first systematic ocean- ographic survey of the bay w^as made by the Godthnah expedition which took a large number of observations there in the suuuner o^ 1928.^^ These data were published in the Hydrographic Bulletin (Annually, 1929), and I have used them to construct a map of the l)revailing circulation as shown by Figures 91 and 92. pages 139-14U. In addition to this dynamic topographic map of Baffin Bay, some of the best available information is contained in the drifts of ships caught by the ice in various parts of the bay. These follow : Ship North Star (Saunders) Advance (DeHaven) Enterprise and Investigator Kesolute (Kellett) Rescue (Griffin) Fox (McChntoclv) Polaris Party (Tyson) Greely's Boat (Greely) Distance Miles 150 900 290 1,020 900 1,194 1,700 65 Drift from Latitude Longitude 60 50 93 00 92 30 99 30 93 00 62 16 72 00 72 00 Drift to Latitude Longitude 64 30 67 00 63 47 55 00 78 45 71 05 60 30 73 00 ()2 30 60 30 56 36 52 00 74 00 Icebergs have been observed to drift northward along the east side of Baffin Bay. On the other hand the Marion expedition mapped a southerly current along its southwest side with a rate of 7 miles ])er day, (See fig. 96, p. 148.) Thus it seems well established that a gen- eral cyclonic circulation prevails, so that the w^estern (iciest) zone evacuates through Davis Strait, while a compensating indraft follows northward along the Greenland side.^^ What proportions of the pack that moves out through Davis Strait into the North Atlantic originate in Baffin Bay itself is an interesting question. Consideration of the above table and other available data throws some light on this problem. The first of the pack that emerges through Davis Strait, on the resumption of =^ Riis-Caitpnsen (1929) gives a preliminary account of the expedition, the published reports of which have not yet appearecL , . , . ^Mecking (190G, supplementary map) has drawn a southbound current and ice band par- allel to the eastern shore of Baffin Bav, its axis closely coinciding with the 600-meter iso- liath. Such a representation is based largely on the drift of the Fox in I808, and to a less i ixtent on the behavior of the middle ice. this feature of the circulation is. however, n<;t \ confirmed by the recent oceanographic observations of the Oodthaah expedition nor is Mecking's southerly current supported by the general laws for dynamic gradient currents iu the Xorthern Hemisphere. 48 MARION EXPEDITION TO DAVIS STRAIT AXD BAFFIN BAY freezing, may be credited to ice tliat has entered the bay from more remote sonrces during the })receding sunnner to mix there with the local })rodnction. Heavy masses of liaffin Bay origin follow, eon- Recorded Drifts in Baffin Bay FuiUKE 24. — The drifts of ships ht^sct in ioe and also rtoe parties. sin-h as (hat of the Polaris, tlirow considerable liylit en the <;eneral movement of tlie watiT and ice. , the Poltiiis Hot' part.v. xxxxxxxx. the North t^tar the Fox. , the Adroiirr and the Rescue. , tlie Rvsoliitc. . tlie fhitcriirixv and the Intextunittir. (See Tabh>. p. 47.) stituting the bulk of the pack that characterizes at that season. The ice of late summer and fall comes mostly from regions quite remote. Baffin l^ay acting as a cacliment l)asin Avith the only escajie through file h)wer cud. SCIEXTIFIC RESrLTS 49 Til'' (lniina- Oiie <*f the largest streams of pack is discharged into Baffin Bay through Barrow Strait and Lancaster Sound. The drift of the two ice-beset ships Advance and Rescue of the U. S. (Iriuuell expe- dition in 18oU (see tal)le on p. 47) shows the general direction of their courses. Kane (1854, p. :\±1) states that the rate of drift of these ships with the pack was approximately 2.5 miles per day during October in the west end of Lancaster Sound. It increased to 8 miles per day during December in the mouth of the sound and attained a niaxinunn rate of 5 miles per day otf the northeast coast of Baffin Land in January. The British ship Remlute beset in the same waterway was carried halfway across the archipelago to Davis Strait in one season. Mecking (IDOG, p. '27), after examining the records of nuiny of the searchers for Franklin shows that nuich ice must be carried through the archipelago into Baffin Bay and Davis Strait, and Figure 24, page 50. shows the circulation of the water in the Arctic Archipelago as deduced by Mecking. AVe conclude in view of the foregoing data that not more than two-thirds of the pack that drifts out of Baffin Ba}' is actually formed within the latter. HUDSON BAY PACK Ice begins to form in Hudson Bay during October and by the end of the month most of the harbors are frozen. The bay itself remains comi)aratively free from ice during winter except for a 5 to 6 mile wide fringe. According to Lowe (1906. p. 293) fast ice continues to nuike even up to the 1st of June, but when it begins to break up it does so rapidly, sometimes early in July. During a boisterous winter the ice is liable to raft, in which condition its melting time is much lengthened. Aerial observations of ice condi- tions in Hudson Strait have been reported l)v McLean (1929, pp. 12-13). The appearance and disappearance of the ice is from west to east. It arrives at the western end of the strait in November and two Aveeks later is found at the ocean entrance. February records only 15 per cent of open water, the congestion remaining until the montli of ^Liy when a noticeal)le decrease is observed. The middle of July normally records 90 per cent of open water and a navigable Hudson Strait. Hudson Strait is deemed safe for navigation dur- ing normal years froju the latter i)art of July or first of August until the latter part of October. Navigation of this region is an important connnercial problem for Canada, the principal difficulty lying in the blocked condition of the eastern end of Hudson Strait ; (see McLean, 1929). Congestion there during spring and early sum- mer is caused by ice from Hudson Bay and Fox Channel mixing with that from Davis Strait. Not only does the Davis Strait pack cross the mouth of Hudson Strait, but it is also carried by the current in along the north side for a distance of 120 miles or more before it recurves to pass out parallel to the opposite shore. Lnder such conditions it is very difficult to distinguish between the arctic ice and the heavy floes of local derivation. The thickness of Hudson Strait and Fox Channel glacons may vary from 7 to 19 feet. Hudson Bay and Fox Channel, with their wide shallow areas, have often been described as ideal regions supplying the main stream of pack ice which moves southward into the western Atlantic. 50 MAEIOX EXPEDITION TO DAVIS STRAIT AXD BAFFIX BAY The Currents in the Arctic Archipelago Figure 25. — The basis for the currents indicated li.v the arrows has been obtained from a number of observations on the drift of tlontinK objects, such as ships, wreckage, buoys, ice. etc. The arrows show quite' conclusively that the seneral movement of the water and the ice Is from the northwest out into i'.alliii I'.av and Davis ^^trait. (Tlie map is talu'u from Meckins:. 1000.) 50 MARIOX EXPEDITIOX TO DAVIS STRAIT AND BAFFIN BAY T^i>riy;»^gs; --^i^J'-gg^ The Currents in the Arctic Archipelago Figure 25. — The basis for tho currents indicated bv tlie arrows bas been obtained from a number of observations on tbe drift of floating objects, sucb as sbips. wrecl^ase. buoys, ice. etc. The arrows show quitt>' conclusively that the general movement of the water and tbe ice is from the northwos"t out into BafHn P.ay and Davis .Strait. (The iiiaii is taken from MeckiuLT. loot).) SCIEXriFIC RESULTS 51 Besides the local ice, additional masses of pack from more northern sources are discharged into Fox Basin through Fury and Hecla Strait. Mecking (1906, supplementary map) (fig. 25/p. 50) shows that the pack ice from the Arctic Ocean enters the northern end of the Gulf of Boothia and amasses in the lower end of the latter. The con- gestion is partly relieved by the escape through Fury and Hecla Strait, from Avhence the pack continues southward through "Welcome Souncl and Fox Channel. The escape of ice from all of these cachments is greatly hindered, nevertheless, by obstructing islands and narrow channels. The famous ice-choked condition of Hudson Strait itself may be due not wholly to the ice from Hudson Bay and Fox Channel but partly to the great floes of Baffin Bay ice, which from our knowledge of tlie currents are certainly brought to this locality. Hudson Bay itself, due to the fact that its fast ice rapidh" dissipates, being only 2 to o feet thick, does not contribute such large quantities of pack to the Atlantic as it first might appear. The major part of the pack which hampers Hudson Strait during the spring, moreover, con- sists largely of the Baffin Bay varietj^, augmented by smaller con- tributions of fast ice which have formed in Fox Channel (see McLean. 1029. p. 13) and along the sides of Hudson Strait itself. It is interesting to speculate in what proportions the pack drift- ing out through the lower end of Baffin Bay and the ice setting out of Hudson Strait contribute to the total mass that drifts southward to the Grand Bank. Mecking (190G, p. 106) shows that the most of the pack to Xewfoundland comes from Baffin Bay, it having formed there or brought to the bay through the waterways of the Arctiic Archipelago. Munn, on the other hand, stresses the sea-ice discharge through Hudson Strait.^'^ If the pack to Labrador be divided ac- cording to its sources — (a) Baffin Bay ice. (6) Arctic ice via Baffin Bay, and (c) pack ice through Hudson Strait, we believe the iollowing respective weights are representative : 60, 30, and 10. PACK ICE ALONG COASTS OF LABRADOR AND NEWFOUNDLAND Ice appears at the mouth of Fox Channel and in Hudson Strait in October and Xovember, the time varying somewhat from year to year, depending on meteorological and oceanographical conditions. The pack ice out of Hudson Strait, and the first of the glacons and floes Avhich have begun to swell southward from Davis Strait join off Cape Chidley, the northern extremity of Labrador. The com- bined packs, first in narrow strings and strips, and then in a much broader, heavier stream, reach the northern Labrador shelf early in November. December witnesses the advance along; the coast and its arrival oft" Newfoundland in January. Fast ice during this period makes inside the headlands and harbors, the freezing time for the northern section being Xovember. and for the southern estuaries December. Xewfoundland harbors freeze in January but the ice is seldom very heavy and readily breaks up in April." Sea ice, it is said, will make in open water on cold calm nights in the '"The drift of a tool box incased in ice from the inner waters of Hudson Strait out and down the Labrador coast to Nain proves ice for Newfoundland comes from this outlet. ''The harbor of St. Johns is often blockaded by the northern pack during the months of February and March at the time when the sealing steamers wish to depart. Exit is sometimes only accomplished by means of much cutting through the sheets, and often blastinj; when the pack is especially heavy. 52 IMARIOX EXPEDITION TO DAVIS STRAIT AND BAFFIN BAY latitude of St. Johns. NewfoiiiullaiKl. 1 to li iiR-hcs in thickness, aiul out from the coast for a distance of several miles. Kodman ( L'SDO p. 2()) has published a table showinji; the ap])roximate dates of ap- pearance and disappeai'ance of ice along' the Labrador and New- foundland coasts. On several previous occasions in discussing certain regions we have called attention to the im])ortant influence which bathymetrical con- ditions have on ice distribution. The Labrador shelf is no exception to the rule, })roviding a high road, so to speak, along which the pack may easily advance to lower latitudes. The bathymetrical ma]) of Davis Strait shows that the Labrador shelf is much wider than that along the other coasts of this region. It maintains an average width of 80 miles, as determined by the 5(K)-fathom isobath, from Cape Chidley, Labrador, southward to Hamilton Inlet, thence to the lati- tude of Cape Race it spreads out very wide; for example, off St. Johns it measures nearlv 'iSO miles. The l^readth and ireneral oiit- The Offing of the Labrador Coast in June FniURB 2(!. — Tlie procession of pack ice which is continually hcing Ikuiic sout'iwaril along the Labrador coast for seven months of the year by the cold current. This coastal belt of pack ice is claimed to play an important role in the sourh\v;iril distribution of the icebergs, they being fended off the coast and kept out in tlio Cold current. (I'hotograph by B. M. Kindle.) line of the east North American pack along this coastal stretch is largely a reflection of the depths. In years of abundant ])a(k. the outer edge of the field off St. Johns has been recorded a hundred or two hundred miles from the coast. As summer advances, the ])ack melts back toward its luirthern roots uncovering first the Newfoundland and then the Labiador coast lines. The Strait of Belle Isle is usually o})en to navigation from July to December, the first of the trans-Atlantic steamers en- tering June 15 to July 1 and the last passing out the first week in December. The Labrador coast is often free of ])ack ice. at least for navigation, during .July, while in other summers the coast ha> been continually hann)ered.''' ^* An excellent example of the rate of dissipation of the Labrador pack is afforded by < k the fact that the (lodtliaoh expedition in early .Tune. 3;il2S. found a field of pack ice «• ' tending along a large part of tlic Labrador slielf of IS.uoe s«|iiare niib's area, ''"f *'* weeks later the Marion exjx'dition found these waters clear and all ice disappeared. "af» ice in the western Norlli Allanlic was niarkedlv ImIow imrTnal tlie year of I'S-S. 52 MARIOX EXPEDITION TO DAVIS STItAIT AND BAFFIN BAY latitude of St. Johns, Newfoiindlancl, 1 to 2 inches in thickness, out from the coast for a distance of several miles. Rodman ( 1 p. 20) has published a table showino; the a]ii)roxiinate dates of pearance and disai)])earance of ice alono- the Labrador and > foundland coasts. On several previous occasions in discussino; certain rcrogresses much faster at the water line than above or below, resulting in characteristic tabular and hourglass shapes. Thei thinner, suialler ])ortion is always U])permost, not only on account of e(|uilibrium but also because tlie ])ortion exposed to the air amli to the sun in the cold water of spring melts faster than the parti below Avater. The outward sloping form of the submerged under- 1 <» According to the Doutsche Sccwarto the most soutlioiiv iiciietration of pack ice was in .\pril. 1S87, May. ISSr., and June, ISSi.' and ISS."., wlien it was sighted on the fortieth paralli] near lona:itiide 40°. I SCIENTIFIC RESULTS 55 body easily exphiins its most serious threat to tlie propellers of ships. Ill advanced sta'' 50' N.. longitude 49° 20' W. A seal can be seen in one of the floes. (Official photograph, international ice patrol.) The normal circulation in the Strait of Belle Isle is an indraft along the Quebec shore, and an opposite set along the Xewfound- land side. From December to July, however, pack ice is liable to be carried into the gulf, the largest contributions tending to hug the Labrador coast on the northern side of the strait. Huntsman (1930, p. 6) relates an occurrence in June, 1897. So much of the pack was brought through the strait by favorable winds that Ashing was inter- I'cred with for a distance of 150 miles around, although the wdiole gulf had previously been open. If this can happen in summer, a natural query is, how much greater quantities must enter during winter, when conditions are probably more favorable? River ice, gulf ice, and Davis Strait ice are mixed to form the liulf covering. But in wdiat proportions these mix there, is not 720860—31 .-. 56 MAKIOX EXPEDITION TO DAVIS STRAIT AND BAFFIN BAY known. According to Huntsman (1930, p. T) the frigid character | of the gulf is ahnost wholly due to the Davis Strait ice. either di- rectly as it drifts in or indirectly as it cools the inflowing water. The fact that the contributions from Davis Strait through Belle Isle bestow an ic}'^ character on the Gulf of St. Lawrence is clearly demonstrated by comparing the conditions there w'ith those of Hud- son Bay. Although the latter is much farther north it remains com- ' paratively open except around it shores while the Gulf of St. Law- rence is ice congested. The Strait of Belle Isle is ordinarily open to navigation from July to December. The summer route through the strait is much traveled because it provides a short ocean journey to Europe. The mileage from Montreal to Liverpool, including two days on inland w^aters, is 2,785, against 3,100 from Xew York. Some of the patches of pack ice reported earliest in the season in the western North Atlantic, sighted on the northern part of the Nova Scotian shelf, have drifted out of the St. Lawrence through Cabot Strait. The main body of this pack moves out past Cape North and Scatari Island, on the Cape Breton side, and spreads southerly toward Sable Island. (See Huntsman. 1930, p. 7.) An- other branch, consisting mostly of sludge moves southwesterly along the Nova Scotia coast, even as far as Halifax. But since its presence is mostly due to favorable winds, its existence is brief. Gla^ons and sludge in very small quantities have been known to drift at rare intervals southward past Cape Sable, but such ice is ' rapidly melted and, according to Bigelow (1927, p. 698), never' drifts into the Gulf of Maine. Strings of the St. Law^-ence pack are often blown considerable distances ofl'shore. sometimes reaching ' the vicinity of Sable Island (as shown on fig. 27, p. 53). or even sur-' rounding the island, but very seldom is any of this ice considered a' menace to navigation. The ice patrol usually advises trans-' Atlantic ships for Halifax to select a course south of Sable Island, whereby they will avoid all dangerous ice.*^ Not only' may the St. Lawrence pack be the first to drift out into the' Atlantic during spring, but in the face of approaching summer' it is usually the latest to disappear from the latitudes south of Newfoundland. Its persistence is partly due to the tem]ierature of" the waters of the Gulf of St. Lawrence and of the inflow from the - latter. The St. Lawrence pack may spread out from Cabot Strait occasionally, over an arc from St. Pierre to the Cape Breton coast in February to April, then gradually shrink to the mouth of Cabot ' Strait during May. The position and extent of the St. Lawrence' pack attracts attention from the latter part of April until the middle of May, due to the large number of steamships which are attempting to force ])assage through it. The field may be described as follows: (a) An outer zone consisting of loose sludge and glacjons broken by numerous leads of open water and bounded ofl'shore by an arc from Miquelon Island to Cape Canso; (h) an inshore zone of heavy pack ice without leads, and wdth its outer edge following a convex curvef from Cape Kay to Scartari Island; (c) the innermost zone, consist-|[( ing of heavy rafted ice packed tightly in an effectual barrier. Cape( - the Atlantic in 18T5, their modihcation in 1898, and the present method of seasonally shifting the tracks wdienever ice conditions are ' :i serious menace, are all modifying factors which must be given due , consideration in arriving at an accurate ice record over a period of ' many years. The fact that many reports often refer to the same ' Held or floe may result in duplication and so caution is needed for a i correct compilation. Mecking has conclusively shown that the factor chiefly controlling the variations in the limits of the spring pack ice in the northwestern North Atlantic is the barometric gradient dur- _ ing the previous winter across the ice stream in the vicinity of the Labrador coastal shelf. The assumption is that favorable winds and currents during the colder months of the year over Labrador will drive more pack ice than normal past Newfoundland in the following spring. The agreement between the values of the iee ^ curves and the pressure gradients on his graphs is close. The sprint: i of 1887 was, however, an exception when a great quantity of pack^ appeared off' Newfoundland, although the ])ressure gradient had aver- aged weak during the preceding winter. This inconsistency. Meckiui: : thinks, Avas due to the scarcity of icebergs which normally tend to break up the pack ice, allowing it to drift freely. Also the year of, 1889 was ])eculiar in that j)ractically no pack ice drifted south of, Newfoundland during the spring despite a favoi-able pressure gradi- ent. INIecking attributes the inconsistency to the extremely warm sunnner of 18.S.S which melted so much ice as to produce a deticienov in the following spring. And in this respect this is the only case recoi'ded when the temperature in one sunnner was noticed in the crop of i^ack ice the succeeding spring. Schott (1904, p. 305), with the aid of ship reports contained in the files of the Deutsche Seewarte. icviewed the period 188(^-1891. comparing each year of the series with icgard to (juantity of pju'k ice off' Newfoundland. He agrees with Mecking that 1889 was an umisual year, but lie points out that the pack appeared in Septem- ber, to remain for the balance of the vear. SCIENTIFIC RESULTS 59 Meckin^^ (1907. p. 11) fouiul that the pack ice off Xewfoundlaiul in normal years reaches its maximum in Febniarv and then dimin- ishes to a secondary, much lower maximum in May. The monthly jjercentages during a normal year are : Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. 9 37 18 13 14 5 2 1 0 0 0 0 The chief maximum results from the arrival ofi' Newfoundland (if the accumulation of ice from Davis Strait in February. And by calculating the rate of drift and the distance, he concludes that the winds most effective in its transport ai'c those of December. A year characterized by winds stronger than normal will not only advance the date of this maximum but will also bring a greater abundance of ice; weaker winds not only postpone the maximum but drive down less ice. The date of the maximum may vary from February to May. or to even June in some years. The second inaxinuun he believes rep- resents the ice which be- came entangled among the relatively slow m o v i n g body of bergs, which may delay the pack as much as two or three months. Ill the course of an in- vestigation on the annual variaticm of icebergs, con- ducted by the international ice patrol, data were com- piled on the monthly rec- ord of pack ice. Xo un- mistakable evidence of a \, j N / \-* '^ / \ \ / ^ ^ \ / ' a ■t S ' i ) r S ■< V » ) 1 s •< i 1 i ' c S 4 k ~ 3 c ^ 4 . i> i 1 <» Pack-Ice Graph for the Western North Atlantic Figure 30. — A graph representing the rehitive fimouuts of pack ice south of New- foundlauci by years, 1880-1927. The data upon which this graph is based was taken from Mecking (1906) for the years 1880-1900. and since then from the records and the researches of the international ice patrol. land, April to June, and pressures at Vardo, Valencia, and Berlin, June to March, of 30, 20, and 31, respectively, are not high, yet may have some small value for forecasting European weather. LAND ICE Glacier ice, formed from precipitation on land, is of great impor- tance as the source of icebergs. Under the present distribution of temperature and snowfall over the earth, the permanently ice- decked lands lie mostly within the polar regions. The greatest single ice sheet in the Nortliern Hemisphere is that which overlies (ireen- land, in area equal to all lands east of the Mississippi River and south of the St. Lawrence River. Greenland is the ])rincipal source of tlio icebergs that are found drifting in the North Athintic ami in its tributary seas. The treatment of icebergs must necessarily include their general distribution in time and i)lace. their form, size, color, markings, volumes of flotation, manner of disintegraticm. etc.. all dependintj to a great degree upon conditions which existed long before the ice- | berg was l)orn. Chamberlin. Drygalski. Koch. Priestley, de Qiier- j vaiu. llobbs. iiud uiauv otlici-s have carried out notable observations SCIENTIFIC RESULTS 61 and studies on polar g]aciolo«iy. It is mainly from this literature that the follo\vini>- classification is taken. Practically all the various forms in which ^-laciers have been observed may "be classified as follows : (a) Cachment, hatiging, eirqtic^ or <"vr//v., a glacier occuj)ying a small depression on a slope. (b) Alpine. — The common valley glacier. {(') Plateau or highJand.- — Spreading from one or- moi-e cachment basins over a level plateau. {(l) Piedmont. — A coalescence of ice masses in cachment basins, or of glaciers at the foot of a descent. [e) Inland ice. — All land forms hidden. (/) Ice-foot or snoic-drJft glacier. — Wrapped about foot of mountains. {g) Shelf ice. — Accumulation of snow on fast ice of protected coastal shelf. A Comparison Between the Antarctic and the Arctic Ice Sheets Figure 31. — The profile oi' Antarctica, above, when compared witli that of Greenland, below, reveals a striking dissimilarity in the general form of the ice sheets. The fcrmer with its marginal overflow, causes the ice to calv>2 many huge tabular Ice- bergs. In the north, however, the ice edge characteristically ends on land, and glaciers plowing across the uneven foreland produce irregular, pictun sque-shaped icebergs. (Figure after Priestley and Koch.) The first five forms have a wide distribution in polar regions, but the last belongs to the antarctic. The ice-foot or snow-drift glacier should not be confused with the ordinary ice foot which is so com- mon in the north, the latter consisting of salt-water ice formed on a chilled shore line near the tide line. (See p. 23.) The ice-foot glacier is seldom found in the north. Dift'erences in certain underly- ing factors specific to the region develop corresponding differences in the features of the ice. As an example of one of these agencies we can point to the low mean annual air temperature which prevails in the Antarctic. The warmth of the arctic summer has no parallel in the far south and mainly because of this thermal difference the ice sheets of the north polar regions are unlike those of the south- ern. The margin of Antarctica's cap. overflowing its land support, is free to spread over the sea until fracture detaches huge strips, sometimes including 10 to 20 miles of its front. In Greenland, by contrast, the edge of the inland ice ends on land, and glacier tongues are deformed as they plough across the uneven foreland so that their 62 MAlilOX EXrKDITlOX TO DAVIS STltAIT AND BAFFIX BAY icebergs are irregular in shape. The box-shaped berg is. therefore, in general, characteristic of the Antarctic, as tlie pinnacled, pictur- esque type is of the north. We have called attention to the fact that Greenland is the only land of continental size in the Northern Hemisphere which supports an ice sheet.^^ At first thought it may seem surprising that other extensive land areas, some of Avhich lie much nearer the pole tlian does this seat of glaciation. remain nevertheless quite bare. Thus the northern sections both of Greenland and of Ellesmere Land are desti- tute of an icy covering. The white colored areas on Figure 11, j)age 20, indicate regions of glaciation. Similarly the American Arctic Archipelago is for the most part ice free, notwithstanding its frigid climate. Labrador, with its low mean summer temperature of 6.9° C. (44. r>- F.). and its position in the summer path of low pressures, might also be expected to exhibit an ice covering, lint actually shoAvs only a few small cirque glaciers in the T<»rn<];at Mountains. High latitude, obviously, is not the only glacial require- ment; there are several other fundamental climatic factors involved such as precipitation, elevation, distribution of land and Avater. pre- vailing Avinds. and ocean currents. Also, from a topographical stand- {joint. a region must not be exposed to prevailing winds of a Aclocity that the snow is blown away before it has had time to accunudate and build an ice sheet. Another glacial proldem awaiting solution, in the case of the ice caps of Antarctica and of (ireenland is. hoAv can they be continually renewed when the ice itself tends to create a cushion of high atmospheric pressure, thereby tending to decrease the precipita- tion and so to lessen its own source of replenishment ? Several theo- ries have been advanced by Simpson, Hobbs, Meinardus. and othei». but as yet no observations or conclusive eA'idence has been collected. The snoAV and neve material, as they gradually accumulate, form a nucleus, and increasing in mass and thickness until finally the topographical features of the hinterland may be entirely obliterated, while the force of gravity causes the edges of the ice sheet to creep forAvard and outAvard along the paths of least resistance. This, in brief, is the history of the present 700,000 square mile Greenland Dome, and also of other similar areas of glaciation on the earth. Greenland contains 90 per cent of the land ice of the north polar regions Avith the remaining 10 per cent lying largely around the shores of Baffin Bay. Smaller i.solated areas are found on Prince Patrick Island and Melville Island, in the direction of the Beaufort Sea. Ice covers the Eurasian polar sectoj- in Spitsbergen. Franz Josef Land. Novaya Zemlya. Nicholas II Land, the Ncav Silu'riiUi Islands, and the DeLong group. The ice sheets of Iceland and Nor- way, the only other glaciated lands Avithin the Arctic ciicde, are con- fined to the momitain plateaus, never reaching the sea. Glaciation in Arctic Eurasia In discussing the distribution of land ice, Si)itsl)ergeu deserves special mention as possessing two types of coA'er. Its nortliAvestern part has numerous alpine glaciers separated by ridges and peaks: " Stofansson (1022. p. l^ii in leiuarkinj: on tlu' proportion of northorn lands that are glaciated, a(i. — TIkx only lceberg-producii)g glacier in tlie eastern Eurasian sector. 'I'liis liiacit r is located on the nortli side of Bennett Island, north of the New Silii^riau Islands, and discharges a few small icebergs. (Photograph taken from the Itussiau hydrographical expedition, 1910-1915.) the coast, though its bergs are usually small. Nothing is known regarding the iceberg procluctivity of the west coast of Nichohis II Land. Its east coast, however, is known to have glaciers which pro- (hice icebergs, two or three score having been observed along the sliore, even south wai-d to Chelyuskin Strait in 1913 by the Russian hydrographical e.xpcdition. Nicholas II Land, therefore, according to our present limited knowledge, i-anks higher than Spitsbergen and Franz ,Iosef Land as regards iceberg ])roductivity. Bennett Island, made famous by the loss of Baron Toll, is glaciated in its southern half where along the coast few glaciers reach the sea. There is one ice tongue sorae- wliat larger than the others, which ])i-()bably accounts for the few SCIENTIFIC RESULTS 65 small iiisi,re from Novava Zemlya and Franz Josef Land by an extension of tlie Nortli Cape current. The evidence being so meager causes the discussion, although stimu- Inting, to be more or less hypothetical. 66 MARION EXPEDITION TO DAVIS STRAIT AND BAFFIN BAY head of Beistad Fjord and proceedinjr out along the south side oi Hayes Sound we pass Sands. Bjorne, Soesterne, Sty icebergs calved annually is estimated to b? the relativel\ siiiall number of l."0. Island. The mountain peaks alon<2: this coastal foreland rise highi above a dozen or more unnamed smaller valley glaciers oiving the sec- tion a very beautiful ali)ine landscape. jMaciMillan (1918) (1928) states that he counted and mapped 42 tidewater glaciers between Capei SCIENTIFIC RESULTS 67 Sabine and Clai-enee Head. Unfortunately no map of his work has ■\ cr been published, but from various other sources (Peary, 19(J3) and (Sverdrup. 1904) we have been able to locate several which in order, north to south are: Lefferts. Alfred Newton, Bliss, James, Sparks, American Museum, John Ross, American Geographical Society, and scNcral unnamed aiaciers. Three unnamed glaciers lie soutli of ( larence Head. Mac:Millan (1918, p. 302) states that the whole •oast line around Boger Point, latitude 77° 25' N., is one vast pied- mont glacier, this the one named in honor of the American Geo- graphical Society (see fig. 35) ; it measuring about 20 miles across the front. Deeply penetrating the coast Between Boger Point and (Marence Head. Constable Makinson of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (see Annually. 1928) has recently discovered and mapped a -pacious inlet (see fig. 34). Inside of Clarence Head, that is in a iiortliwesterly direction, the coastal foreland is low and covered with several unnamed glaciers. The southern coast of EUesmere Land, forming the northern side of the 35-mile wide Jones Sound, is more or less glaciated but few, if any, tongues extend to the sea except the I^otn Glacier neai- South Caj^e. The east and south coasts of Elles- V^'//?' Afj Ellesmere Land Glacier Figure 35. — The l,ir,nt'st known ti.l'W.itcr ;ilaciei- in Elle8mere Laud, which oceasion- aUy disoharjifs a few iceberjis uC small size into Smith Sound. This ghicier, named In honor of the American (ico^raphical Society and located in latitude 77° 30' N.. has a low front 20 miles in length. Its iceberg productivity when compared with some of the glaciers of west Greenland is negligible. (Photograph by D. B. Mac- Millan. I mere Land, accordinroductive region of icebergs in Greenland. It is like- wise known for three distinctive types of ice fjords: {a) Glaciers which slope steeply down to the fjord. Example : Sermilik Glacier. (6) Glaciers which flow down on to a foot forming a short .step on the foreshore. Example: Great Karajak Glacier. (c) Glaciers having a continuous easy descent from the inland ice to the sea. Example : Jacobshavn Glacier. The bottom of tlie Jacobshavn Valley and upper fjord is featured by an easy gradual slope, an important condition w^e believe, which favors the production of large icebergs. The noted oscillation of (he glacier, often stretching far out before calving, is another indica- tion of the lack of disorderly fracturing. A glacier flowing down a steep and uneven declivity, on the other hand, suffers many interrup- tions to the stream flow, and only small pieces of ice float away. The many small-size fjords of southern Greenland usually have one or more glaciers discharging at their head. The narrowness and shal- lowness of most of this class, however, forms only small insignificant bergs, scarcely larger than growlers that seldom escape from the fjord. EAST GREENLAND GLACIERS Owing to the inaccessibility of the east coast of Greenland, our knowleclge of its iceberg-discharging glaciers and of their productiv- ity is less complete than for the west coast. First, many of the 74 MARIOX EXPEDITIOX TO DAVIS STRAIT AND BAFFIN BAY bergs are held near their sources by intricate coastal cachnients, and secondly, those that do escape seldom, if ever, drift so deeply into lower latitudes that they attain the more populated tracks of ships. There are also some basic differences in the ice line of the two coasts. The inland ice crowds closer to the sea along the southern half of the east coast than it does along the west; on the other hand, the east coast north of the seventieth parallel exhibits a wider land fringe than does the other side in the same latitude. The largest and most productive glacier in east Greenland is said to issue from Kangerdlugssuak Fjord, near latitude 68' X., but the size and the number of icebergs it produces is unknown. Garde (1889, p. 228) lists the six most productive glaciers south of parallel 06 north, i. e., Angmagssalik, on the east coast as follows: Sermilik. Ikerssuak, Pikiutdlek. Igdlutarssuk. Tingmiarmiut. and Anoritok. Here again there are no data on the annual volume of discharge or the number of icebergs. All the glaciers between Kangerdlugssuak Glacier and Germania Land, a distance of over 500 miles, according to Kayser (1928, p. 414) terminate at the head of deep fjords. Many glaciers in Scoresby Sound produce massive box-shaped icebergs, but tlie sliallow threshold across the fjord mouths imprison many and few escape to sea. Xorth of Hudson Land and the seventy- fourth parallel the rate of marginal discharge of the galcial ice de- creases rapidly parth' on account of the slower movement of the inland ice and partly on account of the sea ice, sealing the glacier front. The interiors of some of the larger fjords, however, protected from the direct force of the pack, open up regularly every sununer. and many icebergs break away from the glacier fronts. There is, nevertheless, only one glacier of this character in the northeast sector which rivals the production of the greater glaciers of the west coast, namely, Storstromen Glacier, in Dove Bay. The most active berg glaciers are well distributed along the coast from Cape Billie, latitude 62' 10', to Scoresby Sound, in 70°, while northAvard the productivity markedly decreases. Apparently there is little difference in the total J annual volume of discharge between the east and west coasts (7,500 bergs from the west coast), but the closer blockade of sea ice in the east greatly diminishes the berg supply to tlie Atlantic. f Drift axd Distkibitiox of East Greenland Bergs The general drift of the icebergs from their source is sontlnvest- ward along the coast to Cape Farewell, and the bergs may drift as far nortliward around the latter as Godthaab, just as the pack ice does. Those which remain out in the current along the continental edge travel the fastest, but vary in speed with the week-to-week or even the day-to-day pulsations of the current.^^ East Greenland bergs gather in greatest numbers during the summer; off Cape Farewell several hundred having been reported in sight of a ship at one time. The pack ice tends to hold them olf the coast, but the effect of the earth rotation being in the opjjosite direction keejis them from spread- ing out to the North Atlantic. The van of berirs arrives at Capo n :(i <" Nielsen (1928, p. 226) states that the pohir current on the continental siiie of Greenland Sea is 10 to 1-4 miles per day, while closer in to the coast it is only hal great. Summer velocities are ijreater than winler ones. In autumn off .Viis^maiissal sp(>ed of 5 to lU miles per day lias been recorded. the half us Ilk 11 SCIEXTIFIC RESULTS 75 Farewell in April, where they are plentiful until August. They then decrease rapidly in numbers with autumn, and winter sees these waters more or less free. The only deviation from a course generally parallel to the coast is a string of bergs that are caught in the east Iceland current, to be carried to the vicinity of northern Iceland and possibly farther southeastward. They come mostly from the coastal glaciers north of Scoresby Sound, but a few of them may be from Spitsbergen. The number annually borne east of Iceland, however, is very small, partly because few are jn-oduced either in Spitsbergen (tr in northeast Greenland. There are records of occasional bergs. " erratics " that wander from the better recognized paths of travel to be carried hither and thither in irregular tracks. Being relatively large and massive the ])rocesses of melting and erosion often fail to affect their de- struction until they have completed long journeys. The greatest distance that east Greenland bergs have been reported off the coast by the Dauish Meteorological Institute is 240 miles southeast of Cape Farewell. Probably several of the reports of ice sighted in the vicinity of the British Isles, or the Faroe Islands, rare phenom- ena but nevertheless authentic, refer to bergs that have drifted from northeast Greenland via the East Iceland current. The IS icebergs observed along the Greenland coast in the summer of 192S by the Marion expedition between Cape Farewell and Disko Bay can be assumed, because of their position with regard to the current to have come from east Greenland and none to which that source could most reasonably be ascribed were found northw^ard of Godthaab. The east Greenland bergs were distributed as follow^s: 2 lay about 20 miles southwest of Cape Farewell: 7 off' Arsuk Fjord; 8 off Fiskernaes : and the nortliernmost one off' Goclthaab. Compar- ing this distribution with the track of the Marion (fig. 1), it wdll be noted tliat a few bergs were sighted at each point where the course ap|)roached the coast, but none offshore. The coast sectors, south of Godthaab. not visited ])robably contained icebergs also, so that a total of 50 bergs is probably a conservative estimate of the number of such bergs then present along that part of the coast. The total absence of any bergs more than 80 miles out from the coast was striking, as typical of their on-shore tendency. Our knowledge regarding the probable movements of such bergs after passing the meridian of Cape Farewell has been placed on a far more certain basis as a result of the current survev which w^e carried out on the Marion expedition during the summer of 1928. According to Figures 95 and 96, pp. 147-148, bergs less than 30 miles off Cape Farewell will be carried northwestward, parallel to the coast, at a rate of about 14 miles per day. Their rate of travel would con- stantly increase until, off Cape Desolation, they are being borne north- ward along the coast at 22 miles per day but with the increase in the velocity the width of the current decreases somewhat. Bergs on the outer edge of the current will, of course, not move as rapidly as those nearest its axis and off Cape Desolation. The ice receives its first op- portunity to leave the coastal lielt off' Cape Desolation where a branch turns off' to tlie left, developing into a broad, tortuous drift and losing speed proportionally. Icebergs so deflected will move slowly to ths westward along these paths at only 4 to 6 miles per day. The chart shows that anv ice wdiich holds to the coast continues northward in 76 MARION EXPEDITION TO DAVIS STRAIT AND BAFFIN BAY a current band about 2o miles in width at an average rate of 11 nuies l^er day. Off Fiskernees the water on the outer side of the current again diverges in a narrow band about 15 miles in width and with a velocity of 6 miles per day finally reaching across to the American side of Davis Strait. The Marion found the current to run at 113 miles per day just off Godthaab but a short distance farther north there was less dynamic tendency toward movement, suggesting a gen- eral slackening and expansion near the latitude of Sukkertoppen.^" The northern terminus of the ice and current at Sukkertoppen is probably due somewhat to the broadening of the continental shelf of Little Hellefiske Bank, which tends to scatter the current and hold back the ice. Our hydrographical survey indicates that icebergs in the current will be carried northward along the west Greenland coast at the average rate of 1."") miles per day. or in one month travel from Cape Farewell to Sukkertoppen. According to these calculations icebergs travel much faster along the west Greenland coast than they do along tlie Laljrador side or, according to previous scanty information, than they do along the east Greenland coast. At the same time it should be remarked the current along west Greenland is narrow, and unless a berg remains within its bounds it will not follow this drift. The boundary be- tween the main current and the main body of water to the west of the latter is sharply defined, and since it is unlikely that a berg will keep within such limits because the disturbing factors, such as the effect of sea ice, of coastal })romonotories. of cachments. of gales, etc.. we may assume that many east Greenland bergs are carried inshore, to strand, while many others scatter out from the outer side of the cur- rent. In the latter case they come into a sort of dead water where they will disintegrate eventually without having made any material progress one way or the other. Only at two points, at Cape Desola- tion and near Fiskerna^s. is there any branching of the ice. and even there such a tendency is slight. Bergs which follow such otfshore dispersals lose speed very rapidly and wind along tortuous trails. It should be noted that the positions of bergs as sighted by the Marhon. expedition along west Greenland are all practically within the bounds of the current, and places where our dymanic map shows no current, those areas were for the most part berg free. The conditions under which one particular berg was sighted by the Marlon, off Godthaab afford instructive evidence as to the behavior and distribution of east Greenland bergs, supporting the conclusions first reached from the dynamic current map. As we stood out into Davis Strait from Godthaab Fjord, a medium-sized berg was sighted dead ahead, distance 20 miles from the coast. AVe noticed on ap- proaching that the course had to be altered continuously to the left in order to counteract an apparent set of the ship northward. The depth of 60 fathoms at that spot indicated that the berg was either grounded or at least that it extended downward very nearly to the bottom so that it was difficult to escape the conclusion that a surface ■^^ In constructing a dynamic toposraphic map tlie motion on tlio chosou .surface (in tbo case of tig. 1)5). tiu- sea surface is compared witl) tliat on a plane where tlie water is at rest. If the water, tlierefore, surface to hottom. is moving at the same or nearly the same velocity, no basis of comparison Is possible and the dynamic topographic map will show no isobaths where in fact tliere is a current. There is of course tlie possibility such miiy liave beiMi the condition in tli(> vicinity of S\iUkertopiieii tlie first week in August. IH'JS. ' SCIENTIFIC RESULTS 77 •iiii-ent was setting strongly toward the north. This hevg, therefore, 1 11(1 the 17 others seen to the southward, could not have drifted there from the northern or western sides of Davis Strait but must have •oiiie from the east coast of Greenland via Cape Farewell. We occasionallv read statements such as the following translated from the Deutsche Seewarte Segelhandbuch (1910, p. 296): ''The icf girdle along the west coast of Greenland spreads out north west- ward crossing over Davis Strait and then sets south along the Labra- \(>v coast following the path of the current toward the Newfoundland ]^)anks." Johnston (1915, p. 40) says that many of the icebergs lighted east of Flemish Cap in the North Atlantic are east Greenland bergs carried there by one of the branches of the cold current. In iliscussing the behavior of pack ice it has already been shown that there is little likelihood of any east Greenland ice reaching over to The Westernmost limits of East Greenland Icebergs Figure 37. — The most westerly positions iu wiiieh i(>el)ergs from tlie glaciers of east Greenland have been sighted around Cape Farewell. The heavy line marks the position of bergs in July, 1922, and the slender liiie. bergs in .Tune, 1917. (From records over a long period kept by the Danish Meteorological Institute.) American waters. The main obstacle to such a journey is not so much lack of transportation as inability to survive long enough in the relatively warm off-shore waters. Icebergs being of large bulk and mass are, however, able to withstand the process of melting for I a much longer time than is sea ice and therefore are occasionally 'found in places very remote from their sources. Thus the files of the Danish Meteorological Institute show, such as April, 1913. a berg was sighted about 200 miles west-southwest of Ivigtut, Greenland, a ]><)sition about halfway across Davis Strait. Again in June and Jiilv, 1917, bergs were sighted in latitude 59° 30', longitude 51° 00', iui(l latitude 59° 30', longitude 52° 00'. These positions when plotted ' on the dynamic current map. Figure 95, directly coincide with one of the southwestern branches and while the extraordinary long jour- neys accomplished by icebergs in rare instances forbids any positive 78 MAEIOX EXPEDITION TO DAVIS STRAIT AXD BAFFIX BAY denial, the current maps of the Labrador Sea now made avaihi]>lf as a result of the Marlon expedition, permit ns to state definitely that for an east Greenland berg to cross Davis Strait is certainly an ex- ceptional occurrence. The westerly drifts, it will be seen, profrifs^ in broad tortuous bands at the very sluggish rate of approximately Ti to 6 miles per day. In othei" words, it would take four months to cro^v Davis Strait opposite Ivigtut and tw^o months opposite Godthaab. If the first of the season's bergs which arrive at Cape Farewell in April were to remain in the axis of these currents, some of them might reach Labrador, near Nain. or opposite Hudson Strait by the middle of August; if following the northern route, by the first of July. But the likelihood of such " strays " keeping always in the currents is so small that probably they would be " lost " somewhere in transit. Furthermore, the surface water in the central part of Davis Strait is then so warm that any berg coining into it would soon melt. As for east Greenland bergs penetrating directly south of Cape Farewell into the Atlantic, no such distribution is sup- ported by our present knowledge of current or of winds. The tem- perature of the oceanic water, furthermore, through which bergs would have to travel for a distance of more than !H)0 miles in order to appear off Flemish Cap precludes any such behavior of the ice. NORTH GREENLAND GLACIERS Considering how large and numerous are the north Greenlanc glaciers, their production of icebergs is insignificant. Probably th(| greatest barriers to the discharge and distribution of bergs for their is the heavy pack ice which tightly seals these glacier fronts foi' years at a time. This ice blockade may run in age all the way fron: sikussak. to paleocrystic forms tightly held in the regions on thi northwest coast : or simply to old sea ice that has been lodged in th( fjords and across the entrances. The constant pressure of sea ic( against the glacier fronts, the low mean annual temperature, the shallow gradient of the ice, and the amount of precipitation combine on many of the ice tongues to develop a floating end Avhich whik common in the Antarctic is not found elsewhere in the Arctic. There are 13 glaciers in this district, as follows, from east to west Academy. ]Marie Sophie, Astrup, Hobbs. Jungerssen, Ostenfeldt Ryder. Steensby. Sigurd Berg, Porsild, Petermann. Humboldt, and Hiawatha. The glaciers of Independence Fjord — Academy, Marit Sophie, Astrup, Hobbs, and Steensby — detach a considerable numbei of icebergs wdiich lie packed and cemented together perhaps foi several years and then, once in 15 or ^0 summers or so, break loose.' Jungerssen Glacier, in Nordenskiold Fjord, like Academy is featured by a stream of coalesced icebergs. A few short alpine glaciers face the polar sea in Peary Land. Practically all of them are sealed bj heavy pack ice but Koch (11)28. p. 326) believes that one small gla-' cier just east of Cape Cannon calves a few bergs. Discharge is assisted by occasional changes in the thrust of the sea ice, which for this particular place is sometimes athwart the glacier end. The rate of discharge is, of course, very meager and our interest lies mainly in the fact that this is the northernmost iceberg-producing glacieU in the world. The four north (ireenland glaciers with their floating ends are: Petei-mann, Steensl)v. Kvder and Ostenfeldt. Pi^terniann. SCIENTIFIC RESULTS 79 iiieasurin*^ over 100 miles from the front. l)ack to the 2,200-foot con- tour of the inland ice, is the longest glacier in the Northern Hemi- .s])here. Its outer front in some places is only a few meters in height, or in other places it merges so gradually into the sea ice that the boimd- jury can not be detected. It is estimated that the length of the floatin<>- lend of Petermann Glacier is about 20 miles. The ascent of the glacier is so slight in the great distance between its outer end and tne inland ice at the fjord head, that early explorers were led to Ijeheve that a sound divided this northern section from the mainland I 80 MARIO X EXPEDITION TO DAVIS STRAIT AND BAFFIN BAY Though enormous in size, these glaciers with floating ends produce no icebergs, Humboldt Glacier with its 60-mile wall of ice fronting on Kane Basin is tlie largest glacier in the Northern Hemisphere in fact for many years after its discovery, it was believed actually to be the wall of the inland ice itself. This glacier is only productive over a short breadth of its northern side, where Koch in 192 observed a collection of icebergs, probably a thousand in numbe: strewn out for a distance of 3 miles. They were so closely packec against the front in some places that it was difficult to determine where the glacier ended and the bergs began, and also they were apparently aground, sulfering continual melting and disintegration during the summer. Throughout the year fast ice completely covers the glacier wall and stretches forward to a line from Cape Forbes The largest Glacier in the Arctic I'KiURE 39. — A section of the largest tidewater glacier in the north ; Humboldt Glacier, With its 6U-mile wide front of ice facing the waters of Kane Basin, northwest Greenland, early explorers first mistook it for the inland ice itself. This photo- graph shows a group of several hundred icebergs that are penned against the front of the glacier by the fast ice. Once in 20 or 25 years the fast ice is said to break up, allowing many of the bergs to move away in the currents. (Photograph by L. Koch. 1928.) to Dallas Bay, but occasionally, perhaps once every five years or so the sea ice more or less completely breaks up in Kane Basin, allow ing many of the bergs which are not permanently grounded to drift abroad. Although the Humboldt is the largest glacier in Greenland only a few of its bergs are believed ever to reach Baffin Bay, a con- clusion wliich is supported by the fact that very few icebergs hav( ever been found adrift north of the seventy-eighth parallel. Hia- watha Glacier, the last one included in the north Greenland group is merely a small tongue extending out from the inland ice intc Ingleheld Land, its end not even approaching close to the sea. In the north Greenland district we estimate that on an average 15( bergs are ])rodu('ed annually, most of them calved from one glacier— the Hiiml)oldt. SCIENTIFIC RESULTS 81 The Glaciers. Cape Alexander to Cape York The <:laciers situated between Cape Alexander and Cape York are so far north that the most of them are blocked by sea ice but IS 'Syntt.H Xi^^rt^^i &l«.c.;f »-»/ The tidewater Glaciers from Cape Alexander to Cape York FniiRE 4