- REPORT OF THE Montana Livestock Sanitary Board AND State Veterinary Surgeon Including Reports of Chemist and Bacteriologist and Pathologist and Summary of Work For the Biennium December 1, 1930, to November 30, 1932 "VOLUME I. NUMBER 14 NAEQELE PRINTINQ CO.. HELENA, MONT. Montana State Library 3 0864 1005 0985 3 Montana Livestock Sanitary Board PERCY WILLIAMSON. President, MilesCity R. F. CLARY. Vice-Pres., Great Falls C. J. McNAMARA, Big Sandy W. H. DONALD, Melville A. M. MOORE, M.iiion BERT ORR, Dillon W. J. BUTLER Secretary and Executive Officer State Veterinary Surgeon Director of Laboratories VOLUME 1 XUMBER 14 ^^^UHH ***«***«** *******«*MM Montana Livestock Sanitary Board Laboratories Helena, Montana, December 1. VXV2. Honorable J. E. Erickson, Governor of the State of Montana. Helena. Montana. Sir : In compliance with Section 3292, Revised Codes of Montana. ,1921. we transmit herewith the report of the Montana Livestock Sanitary Board and the State Veterinary Surgeon for the biennium December 1. 1930, lo November 30, 1932. Respectfully. MONTANA LIVESTOCK SANITARY BOARD. W. J. Butler, Executive Officer. REPORT OF THE Montana Livestock Sanitary Board Helena, Montana, December 1. 1932. Honorable Livestock Sanitary Board, Helena. Montana. Sirs : In compliance with Section 3292, Revised Codes of Montana. 1921, there is herewith presented the report of the State Veterinary Surgeon and Executive Officer of the Montana Livestock Sanitary Board for the biennium December 1. 1930, to November 30. 1932. There were five meetings of the Livestock Sanitary Board held dur- ing the year 1931. The first meeting was held at Helena. Montana, on Tuesday. Janu- ary 13th: the second meeting, which was the regular annual meeting, was held at Helena. Montana, on Wednesday. April 15th: the third meet- ing was held at Bozeman, Montana, on Thursday, May 7th: the fourth meeting was held at Helena. Montana, <>n Wednesday, June 24th and the fifth meeting was held al Helena. Montana, on August 19th. There were two meetings of the Livestock Sanitary Board held din- ing the year 1932; the annual meeting of the Board was held at the State Capitol. Helena, Montana, on April 4th, and the second meeting was held at the State Capitol. Helena. Montana, on Wednesday, Novem- ber 16th. 1932. At these various meetings matters of importance to the livestock in- dustry were discussed and acted upon. All actions, regulations or orders promulgated by the Executive Officer were approved by the Board. Com- plete minutes of all meetings are on file in the Secretary's office at Helena. Montana. LIVESTOCK SANITARY BOARD It is unfortunate that this Department may not seek publicity for the work that it accomplishes. Publicity, while it might gain the Board more recognition, would undoubtedly render its work more difficult of accomplishment and might be productive of unwarranted financial diffi- culties and unnecessary trade restrictions. On account of depressed conditions that exist throughout the nation and the outlook for decreased appropriations, we feel that it is not amiss, however, at this time to cite in a concrete manner some of the accomplishments of this Board. i MONTANA LIVESTOCK SANITARY BOARP The members of the Livestock Sanitary Board are appointed by the Governor. They act without compensation, receive no emoluments of any kind but are entitled to their actual traveling and subsistence expenses, if such a claim is presented. The total amount of expense money paid to members of the Livestock Sanitary Board from 1J>21, when the Act creating the present Board was passed, to the present date. November 30th, 1932. amounts to $107.46. We doubt if there is a Board in exist- ence in this or any other part of the world that has operated for 12 years on $107.40. and we doubt if any Board has ever given a more effi- cient and conscientious service than the Livestock Sanitary Board of Montana. The Board appoints its Executive Officer who acts as the State Veterinary Surgeon without additional compensation, and the Executive Officer appoints his deputies witli the approval of the Board. The exec- utive Officer and the Livestock Sanitary Board corps are the only ones that receive compensation. Inasmuch as this Board of livestock men give their time without compensation it follows that they watch the operations of their employes very carefully and that they supervise the expenditures of monies with a just and discriminating eye. A financial statement of the operations of the Livestock Sanitary Board corps is forwarded each month by the Executive Officer to the members of the Board. Likewise a news letter of livestock disease conditions found in the various parts of the State and methods for the control and eradication of such disease is forwarded each month to the members of the Board and to every member of th? Livestock Sanitary Board corps. In this way the Board is kept ennver sant with the expenditures and the Board and their corps are kept con versant with disease conditions existing in the State. The instructions of the Board to their Executive Officer are: 'TO GET THE MOST POSSIBLE SERVICE OUT OF EVERT DOLLAR EXPENDED AND TO KEEP EXPENDITURES AT ALL TIMES AT AS LOW A FIGURE AS IS CONSISTENT WITH EFFICIENT. ADEQUATE AND USEFUL SERVICE TO THE LIVESTOCK INDUSTRY AND THE STATE OF MON- TANA." That this has been accomplished is demonstrated by the remarkable freedom of our livestock from disease. Montana is the third largest state in the Union. It is true that Montana does not have a large human population but this Board does not deal with human beings, it deals with livestock, and Montana has one of the largest livestock populations in the United States. There are very few, if any, states that appropriate a lesser amount of money for the control of livestock diseases, poultry diseases and supervision of milk and cream production than does the State of Montana. One state with a livestock population comparable with that of Montana has expended in the past 15 years upwards of fifty STATE VERERINAR"? SURGEON 5 million dollars in the control of Bovine Tuberculosis alone, not to men- tion additional expenditures for the control of other livestock diseases, poultry diseases and the supervision of milk and cream production. It is because of the Montana Livestock Sanitary Board and the Legis- latives of the State of Montana fore-seeing the necessity of preventing the introduction of disease into our State and the necessity of controling and eradicating disease within the State of Montana that our herds are comparatively free from disease. If legislaitve action had not supported the Livestock Sanitary Board, Montana would not he in the enviable position it is now with regard to the healthiness of her livestock, and if disease had been permitted to get a good foothold In our herds ic would have required enormous sums of money to eradicate it from these herds. Brief mention may be made of some of the diseases eradicated from our State. Loot and mouth disease, which if it had ever gained a foothold in our State when it was shipped within our borders from a central live- stock market, would not only have wrecked the livestock industry but would have destroyed the foundation of many of our financial institu- tions. This disease was eradicated within a few months after its intro- duction into the State. A few years ago 18 counties in the State of Montana were quaran- tined by the Federal Government on account of cattle scabies. These quarantines all have been released and at the present time not one single case of cattle scabies is known to exist in the State of Montana. Sheep scabies, a menace to the sheep industry, has not existed within the State of Montana for the past 13 years. Thirteen years ago a ship- ment of scabby sheep was imported into the State. Fortunately, by rea- son of legislative action, imported sheep were required to be quarantined. This shipment of sheep was quarantined, the disease discovered and eradicated without it ever exposing or affecting one of our native ani- mals. To keep sheep scab out of Montana has required constant vigi- lance. It has required the establishment of line camps ; stationing of line riders at vantage points and the sleeping out of range riders in sub-zero weather to prevent the surreptitious trailing of exposed and diseased sheep across the Montana State line. Some years ago the Federal Government and sister States contem- plated quarantining the entire State of Montana on account of Dourine in horses. Such an action would have been disastrous to our horse in- dustry and many of our financial institutions, as tins quarantine action was contemplated just previous to the sale of our horses for war pur- poses. This quarantine was averted by reason of the reputation of the Livestock Sanitary Board for efficient and decisive action in controlling livestock disease. Dourine was eradicated from our horses and today not one single case of dourine is known to exist in Montana. Glanders, which is considered an incurable disease, and which is dangerous not only to horses but also to man. and winch for a few 6 MONTANA LIVESTOCK SANITARY BOARD years existed to an alarming extent, has also been eradicated from the State of Montana. Not one single case of glanders is known to exist in the State of Montana at the present time. Rabies, the most disastrous and availing of all diseases and which may infect all warm blooded animals and human beings, has likewise been eradicated from the' State of Montana. Anthrax, another disease that attacks all warm blooded animals, in- cluding man, and which is very fatal, has not been known to exist in the State of Montana for the past three years. Tuberculosis, which at one time existed in our dairy herds to an alarming extent, has been reduced to fourteen one-hundredths of one per cent. Just a few years ago in one district in Montana, upwards of 40 per cent of our dairy cattle were affected with tuberculosis. Not one single case of glandular bovine tuberculosis has existed in that district for the past three years. If the Montana Livestock Sanitary Board had not done one thing other than to eradicate tuberculosis in that district and to reduce the incidence of bovine tuberculosis in the State of Mon- tana to fourteen one hundredths of one per cent, then it would have been justified in spending every penny it has ever spent. The work of the Livestock Sanitary Board has probably prevented the spread of tuber- culosis in children and the incidence of human tubercidosis in Montana as much as any other one agency. Dr. Charles Mayo has made the statement that twenty-five per cent of all tuberculosis in children and five per cent of tuberculosis found in adult humans may be directly attributed to bovine (cattle) infection. The American Journal of Public Health and the Nation's Health of August, 1932, in an editorial has the following to say : ••* * * Following closely on this in Amei"ica, comes the report of the Committee on Prevention and Research of the Interna- tional Society for Crippled Children showing that ten to fifteen percent of cases of bone and joint tuberculosis are of bovine origin; that of children who suffer from tuberculosis, from 0 to 5 years, twenty-one percent, and five to sixteen years, twenty- six percent are infected by the bovine germ. The knowledge of these facts has not yet spread through the country. Most of those who have received this knowledge has been, to put it mildly astonished. Translating these figures into deaths and cases, it means that 3,500 to 4.000 children die annually in this country from bovine tuberculosis, and that at least eight thousand cases occur. * * * The public owes a debt of gratitude to our Bureau of Animal Industry and to state and city officials in their ef- forts to suppress bovine tuberculosis." STATE VETERINARY SURGEON 7 Tin* Montana Livestock Sanitary Board may be likened to a fire department. The veterinarians of the Livestock Sanitary Board may make many investigations which prove to he unnecessary but if they tail to make one necessary investigation of a serious disease then the results may he as disastrous as a forest fire that gets away during a high wind in a dry season. It may be good economy for this Department to use quick methods of transportation or to send two or more special investigators to investigate disease. It may be necessary for the Board to use means that appear on the surface to be expensive. It is the end that justifies the means. It is the policy and it is the function of the Livestock Sanitary Board to prevent disease rather than to allow it to start and then attempt to control or eradicate it. FINANCES The livestock industry of Montana taxes itself by a special tax for the support of the Livestock Sanitary Board and for the payment of animals ordered destroyed by the Livestock Sanitary Board. In the case of tuberculosis in dairy cattle, the destruction of diseased animals is as much a public health protection as it is a protection to the livestock or dairy industry, and yet the State itself does not pay one cent for this protection. There is no question but that the work of the Board in con- trolling bovine tuberculosis has prevented thousands of children from contracting tuberculosis. For many years, even before the State passed a budget act require- ment, the Livestock Sanitary Board required a budget. The office force, the Laboratory, the Executive Officer and the Field Veterinarians and Inspectors were all placed on a strict budget and that budget may not be exceeded in any one month or year, except on the specific authority of the Executive Officer : and it is to be remembered that all acts or orders of the Executive Officer have to be approved or disapproved by the Board at its first subsequent meeting. All salaried field employees are required to submit a weekly report. giving in detail their activities for each day in the week. They are re- quired to report immediately the appearance of any serious or dangerous livestock disease. There is some confusion in the minds of the public with reference to District and Resident Deputy State Veterinary Surgeons. District deputies are salaried deputies in charge of Livestock Sani- tary Board activities in a designated district. They operate on a strict budget. Resident Deputy State Veterinary surgeons are practising Areterina- rians. They do not receive a salary and may only incurr State expense when specifically instructed to do so by the Executive Officer of the Board. They make many investigations as practising veterinarians and do much work for the benefit of the State without incurring State ex- pense. Resident deputies likewise operate under the Board budget re- quirements. 8 MONTANA LIVESTOCK SANITARY BOARD During the last two years the receipts from the special tax on live- stock Ikis decreased approximately $40,000.00. This is a decrease in tax money of approximately sixty-six and two-thirds per cent and twenty per cent in total monies appropriated to the Board for operations and payment of indemnity. To meet this lessened income every employee of the Board, including resident deputies, has taken a reduction in salary or per diem of from ten to twenty per cent. It has also required the curtailment of field expenses and much necessary work. The curtailment of disease control work, to say the least, may be unfortunate. If we have a serious outbreak of disease in our livestock and if livestock die, that is an economic loss and we generally survive economic losses even though painful. If these livestock diseases are transmissible to the human family that is another matter, far more seri- ous than the loss of money. The work of the Livestock Sanitary Board has prevented consider- able disease in the human family. In milk work alone several outbreaks of scarlet fever and septic sore throat have been prevented or aborted. In addition to these diseases the work of the Livestock Sanitary Board has undoubtedly prevented the transmission of tuberculosis, diphtheria, typhoid fever, anthrax, rabies, glanders, blastomycosis, ringworm, taenia infestation, undulant fever and others of lesser importance to the human family. In this connection we respectfully refer you to the Report of the Bacteriologist and Pathologist. LEGISLATION There has been no change requested in the law creating the Montana Livestock Sanitary Board as enacted in 1021. There is no request for a change or an amendment of any kind at this time. This Montana statute has been cited many times in other states as an example of good legislation. The taxpayers of Montana have been saved considerable money by reason of there having been no changes requested or initiated since its enactment twelve years ago. The Twenty-second Legislative Assembly added to the duties of the Livestock Sanitary Board and passed a separate act providing for the sanitary inspection of slaughter houses and the inspection and grading of meats intended for human consumption. This legislation is on a par with previous legislation relative to Livestock Sanitary Board activities. It is perhaps what may be termed '"Legislation of the Future," in that money was not appropriated to put this .act into operation and depressed conditions at the present time will undoubtedly prevent its operation for a few years to come. Nevertheless, it is good legislation. Meat has proved to be one of the greatest of all body builders. Scientific investigation has proved that good healthy meat is one of the best, if not the liest. source of protein. It is protein that builds the body STATE VETERINARY SURGEON 0 and repairs body waste. Carbohydrates, such as cereals and most vege- tables, simply supply beat units. They do not make muscle or body tissues. It is protein that builds and repairs. Naturally a food product ;is valuable as meat, to he at its best, must be free from disease and of prime quality. In the not far distant future all communities, cities and countries will require meat and meat food products to be properly inspected and graded to protect the public against diseased or inferior grades of meat and meat products. The Montana Legislature is to be congratulated in passing this progressive and advanced legislation. LITIGATION There has been no litigation connected with this Department during the past biennium. This makes the eighteenth consecutive year that the Livestock Sanitary Board has not been taken into the District Court or the legality of its regulations or the fairness of its orders questioned. SCOPE OF WORK This Department has found it necessary to include within its scope of work disease control in all classes of domestic animals and poultry. wild animals, wild game birds and fish, and the control and supervision of milk and cream production. RESEARCH LABORATORY The Research Laboratory Located al Bozeman is operated under a cooperative agreement between the Montana Livestock Sanitary Board and the Montana Agricultural Experiment Station. It is doing excellent work for the stock interests of Montana. Several conditions peculiar to our western ranges have been cleared up which will result in considerable saving to our stock growers. HORSES There were no cases of Dourine or Glanders found in horses during the last biennium. ENCEPHALOMYELITIS Encephalomyelitis, a disease of horses that has entailed considerable loss in several of our sister states, does not exist in the State of Mon- tana. This is fortunate as there are embargoes against the movement of horses and hay from areas where this disease exists. The War Depart- ment is particularly careful and cautious in purchasing horses or hay in states where this disease exists. This disease is caused by a filterable virus and may at times be confused with cerebro-spinal meningitis, botulism or the disease called forage poisoning. 3 0 MONTANA LIVESTOCK SANITARY BOARD DISTEMPER We have had a few cases of distemper reported but in most cases the condition was readily amendable to treatment and prevention of spread was secured by isolation of infected animals and proper vaccination of exposed animals. WORMS In most sections of Montana worm infestation is quite prevalent in horses. In the western section of the State where we have swampy ground, infestation by the sclerostome worm will at times present itself as a minor problem. Sclerostome infestation is often mistaken for swamp fever or possibly spinal meningitis and is at times called mountain fever. With the proper treatment horses infested with this worm may make a complete recovery or at the very worst a decided improvement. The. con- dition known as scerostomiasis may be controled by proper treatment of horses once a year in sections where the sclerostome worm is very prevalent. CATTLE Tuberculosis In cooperation with the United States Bureau of Animal Industry, in 1931, we tuberculin tested 142.853 cattle with a percentage of twenty- two one-hundredths of one percent reactors. In 1932, in cooperation with the United States Bureau of Animal Industry, we tuberculin tested S2.C49 cattle with fourteen one-hundredths of one percent reactors. All that section of Montana lying west of the Rocky Mountain di- vide is a Modified Tuberculosis Free Accredited area. We have nineteen comities certified by the United States Bureau of Animal Industry and the Livestock Sanitary Board, cooperating, as Modified Tuberculosis Free Accredited areas. They are the following counties: Beaverhead. Daniels. Deer Bodge. Flathead. Granite, Bake. Lincoln. Mineral. Missoula. Pondera, Ravalli, Richland. Roosevelt. Sanders, Sheri- dan, Silver Bow, Teton and Valley. Toole and Wibaux counties are in the process of accreditation and should be added to the Accredited area list in a few weeks. We are in hopes that post mortem inspection of properly identified range cattle at abattoirs where Federal inspection is maintained will be accepted by the United States Bureau of Animal Industry as a means of adding range and semi-range cattle to accredited areas in lieu of the tuberculin testing of such cattle, as is now required. JOHNE'S DISEASE Two years ago Johne's disease, which is sometimes called "para- tuberculosis." was discovered in an imported bull. This was the first time that Johne's disease had ever been reported in the State of Montana. While Johne's disease is also called "para tuberculosis." it is not tubercu- losis in any form; neither is it associated with tuberculosis in anv wav. STATE VETERINARY SURGEON 11 It is a condition caused by an acid fast organism which in many re- spects resembles the organism causing tuberculosis but, as has been stated, it is not tuberculosis and is not to be confused with tuberculosis. The condition affects the digestive tract resulting in an intermittent diarrhea, considerable emaciation and eventually death. It is a very slow developing disease. In experimental studies conducted at Cornell it is stated it took five years for the disease to develop. It is a disease that so far has not been amendable to any known treatment. However. Spicer regards the organism of Johne's disease a mere saprophyte of the diges- tive tract of cattle that only becomes pathogenic or disease producing when the animals affected have become enfeebled by the over-production of milk and lack of mineral salts in the ration. Spicer states that a calcium deficiency is the actual cause of Johne's disease and that the administration of bone meal, phosphate and carbonated lime are means of preventing it. If these statements are correct, we will be able to prevent, if not actually cure. Johne's disease in a very practical and inexpensive manner. SCABIES Neither sarcoptic nor psoropptic mange of cattle is known to exist at lids time in flic State of Montana. ANTHRAX Anthrax lias not been reported or observed in Montana for the last three years. BANG'S DISEASE Bang's disease is commonly referred to as infections or contagions abortion. In 1931 we blood tested 16,873 cattle for Bang's disease with 23 percent reactors. In 1932 we blood tested 19,076 cattle for Bang's disease wifli It percent reactors. We have done a great deal of work on this disease and we have carried on numerous experiments in an effort to cure Bang's disease. With repeated intravenous injections of acriflavine we have prevented actual abortions but we have not cured infected animals. An animal in- fected with this disease may appear perfectly healthy and carry her calf to maturity and give birth to a living, healthy calf, but at the same cime she may be a spreader of the disease and infect susceptible animals. In conjunction with the United States Bureau of Animal Industry we are carrying on experiments with a vaccine for the prevention of Bang's disease. So far these experiments may be classed only as hope- ful as nothing is yet definite or positive in the way of a preventative. This disease is of added importance as it may lie transmitted to the human family. When it occurs in the human family it is called Undu- 1? MONTANA LIVESTOCK SANITARY BOARD land Fever. Ir is of particular importance that t lie virulent type of this disease, that is transmitted to the human family, he prevented from in- fecting our dairy cattle. A pamphlet has heen prepared on Bang's disease which will he for- warded to any interested stockman. VESICULAR VAGINITIS In practically every herd where we have found Bang's disease ami where sterility was a problem we have found vesicular vaginitis. For- tunately this disease is amendable to treatment. In herds where vesicular vaginitis is the ause of sterility with a resultant poor calf crop, owners of such herds may he assured of a materially increased calf crop by following the outline of treatment recommended by tb.2 Livestock Sani- tary Board. If has been our observation that many stockgrowers do nor give seri- ous enough attention to sterility or non-breeders. They take it as a matter of course. By careful analysis of figures furnished us by certified public accountants we are led to the conclusion that on most ranches an SO percent calf or lamb crop is the dividing line between profit and loss. The more the percentage is helow 80 percent the greater the loss. The higher the percentage above SO percent the greater the profit. BLACKLEG Blackleg made its appearance in quite a number of cattle in 1931. so much so it was necessary for us to register a complaint with the United States Bureau of Animal Industry with reference to the quality or potency of blackleg vaccine that was being sold. It was our findings that a number of blackleg vaccines apparently were not of sufficient. strength or potency to properly immunize animals against the more viru- lent strains of the blackleg organism. In sections where blackleg is particularly virulent we recommend that our stockmen vaccinate suckling calves and re-vaccinate these calves again after they have been weaned. Where animals are vaccinated after they are weaned, in badly infected districts, we recommend that a dose and a half or a double dose of vaccine be given. We believe that the blackleg bacterin will prove even more potent and give a more lasting immunity than blackleg aggressin. During the year 1932 blackleg has not been as prevalent as it whs in 1931. COCCIDIOSIS This disease as usual makes its appearance during inclement weather and generally during the winter months. With a change of feed together with internal antiseptics, animals in most instances make a complete re- covery. A pamphlet on this disease has been prepared by the Livestock Sanitary Board and will be mailed to any interested stockman. STATE VETERINARY SURGEON 13 HEMORRHAGIC SEPTICEMIA Several cases of hemorrhagic septicemia have been reported during the last biennium but this disease is not of serious importance as yet to the stock industry of Montana. It is of serious importance to feeders as animals oftimes contract this disease when shipped through public stock- yards. We believe that by shipping direct from our range areas to the feed lots, without going through public stockyards and that with vaccina- tion and proper handling of cattle en route that the incidence of this disease may be very materially reduced. STRANGLES A rather peculiar disease made its appearance in cattle during the fall of 1931. We had never seen this condition before and we knew of no one in this country who had ever seen it previous to 1931. The disease, as it occurred in cattle, resembled strangles in horses in that abscesses would form on the body of the animal, generally in the abdomen just in front of the umbilicus. Our laboratory made many ex- aminations and in all material forwarded pure cultures of a streptococcus were demonstrated. The disease was apparently not serious, the animals recovered even if given no treatment but it did cause loss of flesh. In our observations of this condition we came to the conclusion that the small horn or buffalo fly. which Congregates on the abdomen of cattle, might be a carrier of this infection and spread it from one animal to the other. It would appear also from our observations that this disease in some way is connected with drouth conditions. It occurred only in areas where we had a severe drouth. There have been no cases of strangles in cattle observed or reported during the year 1932. VENEREAL NECROBACILLOSIS The venereal form of necrobacillosis was found to exist in three bulls in eastern Montana during the fall of 1932. This is the first time that this condition has ever been observed in cattle in Montana. When the trouble made its appearance it was rather alarming to the stockgrowers in the district where the disease occurred. Fortunately, however, this trouble is amendable to treatment and was confined to three bulls. BLASTOMYCOSIS Blastomycosis in a hoy was reported to this Department by Dr. Thomas L. Hawkins. Physician and Surgeon at Helena. Upon investiga- tion we found that this boy lived on a farm adjacent to Helena. Ex- amination of the cattle on this farm disclosed a calf, that the boy had been handling, affected with blastomycosis. There is no question but thai the disease was transmitted from the calf to the boy. Blastomycosis, 14 MONTANA LIVESTOCK SANITARY BOARD which resembles ringworm to some extent, is, to say the least, disagree- able and is quite resistent to treatment. The infection in the boy was cleared up. The infection in the animal was cleared up by treatment with tincture of iodine. LUNG WORMS IN CATTLE In western Montana lung worms (dietyocaufus viviporus) were found infesting the lungs of calves. The calf pasture on this particular ranch was on bottom lands where there was a slow-running creek which was continually being dammed up by beaver, resulting in the flooding of the meadows. We are of the opinion that deer infested with lung worms caused the original infestation of this pasture. Authorities state that lung worms in deer may be transmitted to cattle. In this particular sec- tion it is reported that deer are infested with lung worms, although this is merely hearsay evidence from hunters and has not been proved by this Department. The owner was advised to keep calves and cattle away from this pasture and not to vise it unless its use became absolutely necessary in winter months. While this may not eradicate lung worms infestation on this particular ranch, we believe it will very materially reduce the losses. MEASLES (Cystieercus Bovis) The so-called measles in cattle is caused by the larval stage of the human tape worm, the Taenia Saginata. Measles cannot be transmitted from cattle to other cattle but if a human being eats of a portion of meat containing these living larva then that human being will become infested with the tape worm. Taenia Saginata. The only way that cattle may become infested with these larva is to pick up tape worm segments dropped by a human being. There have been a number of cases of measles found in cattle fed on beet tops and in beet fields. Investigations disclosed that in many cases beet workers infested with the Taenia Saginata which is not at all uncommon, use beet fields and adjacent shrubbery as a toilet. Cattle grazing over these areas naturally become infested. The cycle starts with the human being, is transmitted to cattle and back again to the human family. The Montana State Board of Health and County and City Physicians cooperated with the Livestock Sanitary Board in preventing further infes- tation with this parasite. The State Board of Health gave very material assistance and placed a special investigator in the incriminated area. Meetings were held, beet growers were interviewed and the condition ex- plained to them. Movable field toilets were provided and other sanitary procedures outlined and followed so that it is our expectation that cysti- cercus bovis infestation will lie very materially reduced if not eradicated in the lately infested areas. STATE VETERINARY SURGEON 15 MALIGNANT EDEMA This disease is not to be confused with blackleg, though it has some- times been confused with blackleg. Like blackleg it must have a definite port of entry, that is a wound or an abrasion of some kind. Ordinarily it only occurs in sporatic or isolated cases but when animals are con- gregated on contaminated areas quite a number of animals may become infected. This happened during the year 1!)32 in a herd of cows, ar calving time. These cows were calving on an old bed ground in a creek bottom where there were a number of eaten-off willow sprouts and a quantity of short, sharp brush. It is our opinion that this damp, dirty bed ground became infected and that in calving, probably severe lacera- tion of the genital tract resulted from the cows lying in the brush along the creek which provided a port of entry for this infection. No further loss was incurred when the cows were removed from the infected bed ground. This is called to your attention to point out how essential it is that all animals at calving or lambing time he provided with clean uncon- taminated bed grounds or sheds. ULCERATIVE STOMATITIS This disease is characterized by a degenration and sloughing of the mucous membrane or lining of the mouth. In some instances this slough- ing condition may extend further down the digestive tract. It may be confused with foot and mouth disease. In one section of central Montana ulverative stomatitis caused con- siderable individual loss. The farm on which this condition occurred was particularly dirty, rendering the cure of the disease rather difficult. The effective method of handling this disease and preventing its spread requires strict isolation of the infected animals and a thorough cleaning and disinfecting of the contaminated premises. This disease is called to your attention on account of the possibility of its being confused, in its inception, with foot and mouth disease. URINARY CALCULI This is not an infectious or contagious disease. It is simply a me- chanical condition where lime deposits get lodged in the urethra of male animals and prevent the elimination of urine. It is sometimes called "water belly." The urine gets dammed up in the bladder : the bladder ruptures ; the urine escapes into the abdominal cavity ; hence the name "water belly." Unless the mechanical stoppage is relieved by severing the urethra or the lime deposits removed the result is invariably death to the animal. Observations have led us to believe that drouth conditions are a decided factor in the incidence of this disease. We are of the opinion that it is not so much a question of concentrated lime salts in the water supply as it is a lack of certain vitamines or other complex chemical 16 MONTANA LIVESTOCK SANITARY BOARD substances in the food supply that inhibit the proper assimilation of calcium. It is also quite possible that mouldy food, improper castration or other conditions that favor or produce local foci of infection play an important part in the formation of urinary calculi. Many eases of this trouble were reported in l!t.-!l from all sections of Montana. A considerable number of these cases were relieved by proper surgical treatment. There have been no cases of urinary calculi reported during the summer or fall of 1932. A leaflet with drawings illustrating this condition has been pre- pared and will be forwarded to interested stockmen. SHEEP Scab Sheep scab does not exist in the Stale of Montana and has not existed in our native sheep for the last 10 years. LIP AND LEG ULCERATION Lip and leg ulceration, which is a form of necrobacillosis and which at one time was rather prevalent, for the past biennium has been con- spicuous by its absence, only one or two cases being reported to this Department. FOOT ROT Foot rot, which is also considered a form of necrobacillosis, has been much less prevalent during the past biennium than during the pre- vious biennium. We attribute this to proper treatment and our sheep- men taking necessary precautions against the occurrence of this malady. The Veterinary Research Laboratory at Bozeman has published a very timely pamphlet on foot rot and its treatment, which will be for- warded to interested stockmen. LAMB DYSENTERY Weather conditions have been so favorable during the past biennium that there has been practically no lamb dysentery in the State. The Veterinary Research Laboratory staff at Bozeman have done considerable work on this disease and have proved conclusively that it is not the same disease that is present in England and for which the English people have developed a vaccine. Apparently the disease is influenced by incle- ment weather more than by anything else. The secret of prevention is to have our lambs born under conditions where they can be taken care of. kept warm and not subjected to inclement weather. If our sheep growers desire to lamb out early then they must provide not only clean lambing sheds but they must provide proper facilities within these lambing sheds for keeping young lambs warm and dry in order to prevent the occur- rence of lamb dysentery. This type id' dysentery has not been observed in May lambs born under range conditions. STATE VETERINARY SURGEON I" STIFF LAMBS This condition has been reported previously and we will only reitev ate that there are two conditions which cause stiff lambs. One is im proper calcium assimilation and the other is a bacterial infection thai sets into the lambs system at the time of birth or at the time of dock- ing or castration. Dr. Hadleigh Marsh, of the Veterinary Research Laboratory, has lately demonstrated that the organism which causes swine erysipelas Is also a causetive agent of arthritis in lambs. Every precaution should be taken by sheepmen to prevent the intro- duction of infection through the navel cord at time of birth or through the castration or docking wound at the time of such operations. Immediately after the lamb is horn its entire navel cord should be immersed in iodine or an effective disinfectant. The navel curd should not simply be swabbed with the disinfectant but entirely immersed in the liquid. When lambs are castrated they should never be thrown back into a dusty or muddy corral but should be thrown out or turned loose imme- diately on grassy, well-sodded, uncontaminated areas. The same procedure should also be followed when a lamb is docked. We believe that a hot iron pineher, heated to a cherry red is the most practical method for preventing the introduction of infection at tic time of docking. BLACK'S DISEASE A condition in sheep which resembles blackleg Has been found to exist in several small farm flocks in the Bitter Roo1 Valle3 and which we believe is identical to Black's disease, as reported by Turner of Aus- tralia. For a more detailed report of this disease we refer yen to the report of the Bacteriologic and Pathologic Laboratory- WORMS We had considerable tape worm infestation of our sheep during the spring of 1032. The tape worm in practically all instances proved to be the moniezia expansa. Fortunately this condition is amendable to treat- ment. We have had apparent success with the copper sulphate-nicotine solution in the same proportion that we use for stomach worms. That treatment is: Copper Sulphate "1% ounces Blackleaf 40 1 ounee Water 1 gallon Si:.': Four ounces to a grown sheep, two ounces to a lanih. The animals treated are to be kept off feed for from twelve to twenty-four hours before receiving the medicine and in twenty-four to forty-eight hours after receiving the medicine they are to be moved to fresh pastures. J 8 MONTANA LIVESTOCK SANITARY BOARD Apparently water conditions have had considerable to do with the spread of this tape worm. It is advisable for sheepmen to keep their sheep away from stagnant waters or pot-holes and practice tepee herding where it is possible to do so. It is realized that where water is scarce tepee herding offers many difficulties but if we continue to herd sheep over the same ground, bed them down night after night on the same bed grounds and hold them around the same water holes day after day. if one animal is infested with a parasite of any kind it is almost a cer- tainty that a great majority of the sheep in that hand will become in- fested or infected with the parasite. It is a well-known fact that animals may not graze over their own excreta or the droppings of other animals without incurring consider- able risk of developing disease. We realize that reservoirs arc necessary for the conservation of surface water hut nevertheless reservoirs and stagnant pot-boles make ideal nests of infection and are ideal places for the spread of livestock disease. We recommend that our stockmen, wherever possible, develop a sub terra nea n water supply for their livestock. The geographic structure of Montana indicates many snberranean sources of artesian water. Artesian water for our livestock will save thousands of dollars in the animals winter food consumption and will very materially aid in conserving flesh during the winter months and put the animal in a better condition to put on flesh during the summer grazing season. LIVER FLUKES Liver fluke disease is caused by a flat oval, leaf-shaped fluke-like worm (Fasciola hepatica). This parasite may infest any ruminant, that is any animal that chews its cud. It may also occasionally infest other animals, including man. Sheep, however, are the principal sufferer. Closely following sheep come goats, deer, elk and cattle. The life Cycle of this parasite is particularly interesting. The adult fluke is found in the bile ducts and liver substance of the affected ani- mal. It may produce one hundred thousand eggs. These eggs get into the intestines along with the bile and pass into the outer world with the droppings of the animal. Eggs which reach water, hatch ; those which remain on dry land do not hatch. Eggs which reach water hatch in about 11 days liberating an embryo fluke called the miracidium. These miracidium swim around in the water until they reach a right-handed snail. They do not attack or penetrate into a left-handed snail. By right-handed snail we mean a snail whose opening is to the observers right, when the peak or point of the snail is held upper-most. Why these miracidium do not attack or penetrate into a left-handed snail is a phenomenum that no one as yet has explained. Two stages of the fluke develop within the snail. The time for this development may be any- where from 50 to 80 days. When the final development of this stage has taken place the immature fluke is then called the cercariae. For every miracidium that penetrates into the snail body anywhere from lii STATE VETERINARY SURGEON 10 to 100 ceroariae may emerge. These cercariae arc tad pule Like in shape. They wiggle about in the water, lose their tail, excrete a sticky sub- stance in which they encyst themselves. They may attach themselves by means of this sticky substance to grass, or they may float around on the surface of the water. Susceptible animals, when they cat grass with these encysted cercariae on it or drink water which contains these en cysted cercariae. become infested witli the liver fluke. When these en- cysted cercariae are taken into the stomach the cysts arc absorbed and the young flukes liberated. These young flukes then bore through the walls of the intestines of the animal, set into the body cavity and in about 14 days reach the liver. When they reach the liver they penetrate the liver capsule, finally ending up in the bile ducts where they grow to sexual maturity and the whole cycle starts over again. The time re- quired for the completion id' the life cycle from egg to egg is from six; to eight months. This condition causes a rather severe loss in sheep in infested areas. In cooperation with the Zoological Division of the United States I.urea.i of Animal Industry we have located most of these infested areas in Montana and at a later date contemplate a concerted drive to rid these infested areas of righit-handed snails by means of copper sulphate treat- ment. If there are no right-handed snails in which the miracidium may develop then we will have no flukes. Individual sheep arc treated with carbon tetrachloride with very favorable results. The individual treat- ment of cattle with carbon tetrachloride is dangerous and is not recom- mended. One of the interesting findings is that we have never observed this condition in animals in the eastern range section of Montana. It is prac- tically without exception confined to the districts west of the Rocky Mountain divide. This parasite is of economic importance, not only to stockgrowers, but also to wild animal life, as in some sections deer and elk become very badly infested, causing a condition which is known to hunters as "rotten livers." LUNGERS We are sorry to report that nothing new has been determined on this disease. It appears to remain about stationary in its occurrence. We are quite positive that there has been no great spread of disease dur- ing till' past two years but it takes its toll from our sheep flocks every year. The United States Bureau of Animal Industry is still working on this disease, as is our Veterinary Research Laboratory, and we hope that eventually something definite will be developed to aid us in preventing this benign, slow but rather fatal Infection. BIG HEAD The Department veterinarians have investigated several outbreaks of big head. This condition is apparently not of an infectious or con- tagious nature. We believe it is due to the animal becoming sensitized to some particular plant or substance and that this sensitization is 20 MONTANA LIVESTOCK SANITARY BOARD brougbl out or manifests itself when the animal is subjected to adverse weather conditions or excessive sunlight. In big head a number of ani mals become affected within a few hours of each other. There is also a condition that resembles big head but which is more sporatic in nature that is not due to a sensitization hut is caused ap- parently by some micro-organism, probably a filterable virus. The best treatment for big head is to get the affected animal into protected shade and let it absolutely alone. Bland emollients or lard may be applied to the head but under no condition should the affected animals be driven hurriedly to shelter. Some recommend scarifying or cutting the affected areas and letting the fluid escape but such a pro- cedure is questionable. We prefer getting the animals into shelter and shade and th?n letting them absolutely alone. URINARY CALCULI We seldom observe urinary calculi in sheep. Early in 1931, however, one feeder of lambs suffered rather a heavy loss from this trouble. The condition is similar to that described as urinary ealculi in cattle. These affected lambs had been fed mouldy corn. There is no medicinal treat- ment that will correct this condition once it develops. The remaining lambs in the band were taken off the mouldy corn feed and no new cases developed. It has been demonstrated that mouldy corn may cause a similar condition in hogs. MEASLES IN SHEEP (Cystioercus TViiuH'ollis) The post mortem appearance of sheep measles is somewhat similar to measles in cattle, only infestation is usually found in the peritoneum. pleura and liver. The main difference is thai measles in sheep is due lo the larval stage of the Taenia Hydatigena. a tape worm of the dog and possibly coyote and wolf. There have been several casts of measles in sheep reported. In each instance the dogs on the sheep ranch were wormed out and it is hoped no further infestation of sheep will occur. SWINE Hog Cholera i-og cholera occasionally occurs in Montana but not to the extent it does in most of our sister states. During the year 1931 hot: cholera was found to exist on 13 premises. During the year 1932 hog cholera was found to exist on nine premises. Again we appeal to our hog growers to avoid the feeding of un- sterilized garbage. While hog cholera is not at this time prevalent in Montana, nevertheless if we feed hog-cholera-infected garbage the disease will make its appearance on more and more farms. It is also not un- reasonable to presume that as the incidence of the disease increases the virulency of the disease will also increase. If the virulency and the STATE VETERINARY SURGEON 21 incidence of the disease increases it will not be many years before we will be confronted with the same problem in controlling hog cholera as the bog growers of the middle west now face. If proper vigilance is exercised and hot; growers and bog feeders will follow the recommenda- tions of the Livestock Sanitary Board, the disease, bog cholera, will never become a menace to the hog growing industry of tins State. WORMS Hogs are quite susceptible to worm infestation and more hogs art lost in Montana from worm infestation than from bog cholera. We recom- mend to all swine growers that they handle their hogs in accordance with the McLean County System and that they use every precaution to pre- vent worm infestation. MEASLES IN SWINE Fortunately only one case of measles in swine has ever been re- ported in Montana. This condition is due to tbe larval stage of the Taenia Solium, a tape worm of man. The cycle is similar to that de- scribed under measles in cattle. Tbe one case in question of swine measles occurred several years ago. It was discovered on a farm where- an employee, a recent arrival from southern Europe, was found infested with the Taenia Solium. We say fortunate, because T. solium infesta- tion is rather serious. Infestation with the T. saginata (from cattle measles) is annoying and inconvenient, but it is not considered serious. WILD ANLMALS AND FISH This department has done considerable work in the investigation of disease in wild animals and fish and also in fur-bearing animals which will be readily recognized by reviewing the report of the Bacteriologio and Pathologic Laboratory. DOGS Rabies has not existed in tbe State of Montana during the last biennium. POULTRY The amount of work done for the poultry industry best may be realized by a review of the Baeteriologic and Pathologic Laboratory re- port and also a review of tbe tabulated report of work done by this Department. In 1931 we examined 186,552 fowls. In 1932 we examined 73,162 fowls. For a further report on Poultry we refer you to the report of the Pathologist and Bacteriologist. DAIRY INSPECTION Dairy inspection continues to be one of the main projects of this Department. Dairy inspection is not spectacular work but it is a very important work, although routine in its nature. Through proper dairy inspection, together with laboratory examination of milk, many outbreaks of disease in children are prevented or aborted in their inception. 22 MONTANA LIVESTOCK SANITARY BOARD For the guidance of the various municipalities in the State of Mon- tana a uniform milk ordinance has been drawn up by the Livestock Sanitary Board which has the approval of the United States Publh Health Service and the Montana State Board of Health. The milk supply of Montana is particularly good, better than the milk supply of most communities, states or countries. This has been ac- complished through the cooperation of our milk producers with the Live- stock Sanitary Board in the production of a safe, wholesome milk supply. Unfortunate financial conditions which exist at the present time undoubtedly have been an incentive for owners of a few cattle to bootleg milk. They have surreptitiously sold milk in various communities; they have cut prices as they only intend to be in the milk business for a few months, discontinuing when the winter season comes on and milk pro- duction becomes more expensive. A situation of this kind is indeed un- fortunate, both to the public as well as to the milk producers who comply with the law. take out a license, improve their dairy and pay substantial taxes. Cheap milk sometimes, in the long run. is the most expensive. It is not a safe procedure for anyone to shop around for cheap milk any more than they would shop around for a cheap surgical operation. We realize very forcibly the unfortunate financial condition that exists and we know that on a number of our small farms the only im- mediate financial return is through the sale of milk and cream. We realize, also, however, that all milk and cream that is to be consumed in its raw state should be produced only in the most cleanly and sani- tary manner and milk that is not safe-guarded against the introduction of infection should not be permitted to beb sold as such for public con- sumption. Milk is the most ideal of all foods but is unfortunately one of the most easily contaminated of foods. If candy were made in as dirty ;'. place as some of these small farm dairies, there are very few of us that would eat candy, and yet candy is not nearly as susceptible to in- fection or contamination as milk. The milk producer that is complying with the laws and regulations. who endeavors in every possible way to produce a clean, safe product, and who is continually adding to his equipment and whose taxes in- crease with every addition to his equipment, is entitled to adequate pro- tection as is the consumer of milk. An adequate system of milk inspec- tion cannot he state- wide in its scope. The unincorporated town can- not enforce anil should not be required to enforce regulations which should be required in larger communities. The protection of the milk consumer and milk producer must necessarily rest with the individual municipalities in cooperation with the State. In 1931 the Livestock Sanitary Board issued 955 dairy licenses. In 1932 the Livestock Sanitary Board issued 887 dairy licenses. MILK PLANTS In 1931 the Livestock Sanitary Board issued 34 milk plant licenses. In 1932 the Livestock Sanitary Board issued 28 milk plant licenses. STATE VETERINARY SURGEON 23 SLAUGHTER HOUSES In l!t:!l the Livestock Sanitary Board issued 85 slaughter house licenses. In 1932 the Livestock Sanitary Board issued 74 slaughter house licenses. It may not be amiss to call the attention of our Legislature to the tact that never has the Livestock Santitary Board received any special appropriation from the General Fund for dairy inspection or for the work of controling the sanitary production of milk and milk products. Neither has the Legislature ever appropriated money to the Live- stock Sanitary Board for the inspection of poultry or the prevention of disease in poultry. Also, it might he well to call the attention of the Legislature to the fact that none of the fees collected for dairy, milk plant or slaughter house licenses accrue to the benefit of this Department but are turned into the General Fund. We believe that the Legislature in all fairness, inasmuch as they never appropriated money for this additional work delegated to the Livestock Sanitary Board, should provide for these license fees to accrue to the Livestock Sanitary Board. BACTERIOLOGIC AM) PATHOLOGIC LABORATORY We desire to call to your special attention to the excellent work per- formed by the Bacteriologic and Pathologic Laboratory and to the in- creased amount of work that the laboratory staff has performed. We do respectfully request that you read over very carefully this report. It is not only instructive but you will find it decidedly inter- esting and will he amazed at the scope of work that the laboratory staff is calico upon to perform. CHEMICAL LABORATORY We also desire to call your attention to the excellent work of the Chemical Laboratory and request that you read the chemical laboratory report over very carefully as you will find it instructive and interesting. STOCKGROWERS The stockgrowers of Montana have placed confidence in the Livestock Sanitary Board and its veterinarians and inspectors. It is this confidence and the excellent cooperation stockmen have given to the Livestock Sani- tary Board corps that has made their work successful and agreeable. Without such confidence and cooperation livestock disease control work would not lie successful. COOPERATION The work of the Livestock Sanitary Board is highly specialized. Its work is not duplicated nor overlapped by any other State Depart- ment. We are indeed fortunate, however, in receiving much helpful co- operation, not only from the stockgrowers themselves, but also from State Departments and Institutions. 24 MONTANA LIVESTOCK SANITARY BOARD We appreciate and thank the Stale Board of Health, County, City and practicing physicians, City Milk Inspectors, the Animal Husbandry Department at Bozeman, the State Experiment Station and the County Agents for the splendid cooperation they have given the Montana Live stock Sanitary Board. UNITED STATES BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY Again we desire to record our appreciation of the work of Dr. J. W. Murdoch, Federal Veterinarian in charge of the United States Bureau of Animal Industry activities in Montana, and to his excellent corps of veterinarians. Dr. Murdoch has made the cooperative work of the United States Bureau of Animal Industry and the Montana Livestock Sanitary Board particularly agreeable and effective. He and his Veterinary corps have rendered splendid service and arc to be particularly complimented for their handling of cattle scabbies on the Crow Indian Reservation and adjacent lands and for the excellent program of area work in Montana. LIVESTOCK SANITARY BOARD CORPS There are not many veterinarians in Montana but what the veterina- rians lack in number they make up in quality. I know of no state in the Union that has a bettor, more efficient or more loyal corps of field veterinarians than the State of Montana and the Livestock Sanitary Board. APPENDED REPORTS There is attached to this report the report of the Bacteriologic and Pathologic Laboratory- Also the report of the Chemist to the Livestock Sanitary Board. There is also appended a summarized report of the. work accom- plished by this Department in conjunction with the United States Bureau of Animal Industry for the past biennium. Also a report of livestock im- portations for 1931 and 1932. We respectfully call your attention to the amount of work performed by this Department. During the biennium 1931 and 1932 we inspected 4.142,098 animals. 25!».714 poultry and made 23.124 meat inspections or a total of 4.424,1)36 inspections. To do this it was necessary for the deputies of the Livestock Sanitary Board to travel 357.299 miles. It is to be remembered that there are no county veterinarians or city veterinarians in the State of Montana. All inspections made for the control and eradication of infectious-contagious diseases of livestock and poultry are made by members of the Livestock Sanitary Board corps. i Signed ) W. J. BUTLER, Executive Officer. Montana Livestock Sanitary Board. Report of the Pathological and Bacteriological Laboratory December 1, 1930 to November 30, 1932 During the years li>31 and 1932, 47,793 specimens have heen ex- amined in this laboratory. The material consisted of blood, serum, tis- sues, skin scrapings, pus exudates, feces, parasites, meat, milk, water, ice cream, feeds, plants, and milk containers for sterility. The species of animals represented in these specimens are cattle, horses, sheep, swine, chickens, turkeys, geese, ducks, pheasants, blue grouse, dogs, foxes, mink, antelope, elk, deer, porcupine, fish, squirrels, eats, rabbits, badgers, prairie chickens, canary and man. The rather marked increase in the number of specimens as compared to the biennial report of the previous two years, which showed 1 0 Torticollis, rabbit 1 0 Urinary Calculi, sheep 4 0 Urinary Calculi, cattle 2 0 Ulcerative Stomatitis, cattle 1 0 Miscellaneous Specimens 0 29 No diagnosis 0 19 Sub-Total 7,181 29,660 STATE VETERINAY SURGEON 20 Positive Negative Milk for Bacterial Counl 1,956 0 Milk for Streptococcic Determination 1.149 3.724 Milk for K. Ooli Determination 492 1.365 Milk flor Abortus Agglutinins 27.". L,299 Milk for Bacillus Abortus Examination 0 2 Milk for Tuberculosis Examination 0 1 Milk of Goat for Bacterial Examination 1 0 Milk for Anthrax Examination 1 0 Meat for Food 9 6 Water for Bacterial Count 71 0 Water for B. Coli Determination 25 63 Water for Streptococcic Determination 3 14 Containers for Sterility 27 0 Blood Samples Hemolyzed 310 0 Blood Identification 3 0 Feed Examination 6 0 Cream for Bacterial Count 42 0 Cream for Streptococcic Determination 10 25 Cream for B. Coli Determination 20 15 Plant Identification 6 0 Milk Samples for Chemical Examination 16 0 Meat Identification 6 0 Eisb Identification 1 0 Hemolytic Streptococci, human 3 0 Bacteria] Examination of Fox Viscera 1 0 Bacterial Examination of Eggs 12 0 Sub-Total 4.443 6.514 TOTAL 11.624 36,174 Total Number of Cases in Laboratory 47,798 In addition to the regular diagnostic ami advisory work done by the members of this staff in the Laboratory in the past two years, a rather large number of field investigations have been made throughout the State to assist, not only the livestock men themselves in controlling various conditions, but also to assist the various veterinarians scattered through- out the State, in making a diagnosis of some more or less obscure con- ditions. In viewing the work done in the past two years by the members of the Laboratory staff, it is apparent that the major portion of the field work done has consisted of both regulatory and investigational work on Bang's disease (Infectious Abortion) . This is a problem which has in the past and is at the present time, causing severe losses to the live- stock industry of Montana. We know of no one single condition which 30 MONTANA LIVESTOCK SANITARY BOARD in itself is as detrimental to the profitable production of both beef and dairy herds as Bang's disease. Taking these things into consideration it would only be consistent with good economy that we should spend a large portion of our time dealing with this disease. MILK ANALYSES In reviewing the report of the Laboratory for the past two years there is a marked increase in the number of milk samples examined. In 1931 we established as a routine measure a most complete examina- tion of the milk sold by the retail dairies of Montana. This examination consisted of not only the routine bacterial counting which is practised in the majority of laboratories but also of an examination first for patho- genic strcpococci. These organisms are responsible in a large measure for septic sore throat, certain forms of arthritis and many other internal disorders. It was our practise when these organisms were found in a composite milk sample from any dairy to have our deputies secure under aseptic conditions individual milk samples from each animal in the herd, which were again examined and all animals eliminating these organisms in their milk were removed and isolated from the milking string and steps taken to correct the condition in tbese isolated animals or in milk to be used for human consumption. Second, this examination also included a Bacillus coli determination which in itself is important for two main reasons. First, the Bacillus coli organism is of the same general group of organisms as that of typhoid fever and while we want to make it very distinct that the Bacillus coli is in no way responsible for typhoid fever and is not of necessity asso- ciated with the organism causing typhoid fever, nevertheless in the ma- jority of cases the source of these two organisms in contaminated ma- terial is the same. If we can eliminate milk which is carrying B. coli we can also, by the same methods, eliminate possible sources of typhoid contamination. Second, this examination is important because of the fact that while the Bacillus coli organism is found in many cases as the normal habitant of the intestinal tract (human) when it is intro- duced in excessively large numbers it may result in severe infectious dysentery. This is especially true in small children or convalescents. In following this procedure we have found that a large percentage of high bacterial counts are due to the presence of Bacillus coli in the milk. Therefore, it is apparent that by locating the source of contamination and preventing its presence in milk we can in many cases reduce to normal otherwise high bacterial counts. Thirdly, an examination was made of all milk received in our Labo- ratory for the presence of abortion agglutinins. Due to the expense in- volved and to the limited number of men available for this work it has been impossible for us to carry on a routine blood testing program for Bang's disease (Infectious Abortion) in all dairy herds in Montana. This examination of milk enabled us. in many herds where finances did not permit the blood testing method, to advise the owner as to the prob- able extent of abortion infection in his herd and it also enabled this STATE VETERINARY SURGEON 31 Department to Locate the more badly infected herds and to render assist- ance in places where it would probably produce the greatest benefits. While we were carrying on this method of milk analyses we were able to note a marked decrease in the bacterial counts of the milk from the various cities of Montana. We were" able to note also an increase in the physical cleanliness of the milk, due in a large extent to the increased supervision and to the fact that by this method of testing we were in position to advise (he dairymen as to the probable source of contaminating material in his milk. It is extremely unfortunate at the present time, due to financial conditions, it has become necessary for us to discontinue, as a routine measure, the test for streptococci, B. coli and abortus agglutinins. BLACK'S DISEASE For the past several years we have had reported and have investi- gated severe losses in certain farm flocks of sheep in the Bitter Hoot valley. These losses have not been extensive at any one time but have extended over a period of several months or years, with a loss of one or two animals at a time, which have resulted in the agrogate loss being considerable. Investigational work in this condition has been hindered due to the fact that these animals die very suddenly and show almost immediate post mortem decomposition. This was unfortunate because a diagnosis was dependent upon a bacteriological examination of the specimens. However, in the past year we have been more fortunate and have been able to observe and secure specimens almost immediately fol- lowing death. This condition resembles blackleg in certain respects and because of this fact it is necessary to impress upoD you that if a casual and hurried post mortem were made an improper diagnosis would prob- ably result. This disease affects animals of all ages but appears to attack more readily animals in good flesh. We find rather consistently the following post mortem changes in Black's disease: Dark discoloration of the musculature and subcutaneous edema. However, these two changes are not so well marked in animals posted immediately following death but manifest themselves in a few hours, probably being due in a large measure to post mortem decomposition. Hemorrhagic inflammation of the abdoniasum (fourth stomach i and in- testinal tract : affusion of fluid in the abdominal, pleural and pericardial cavities: the last mentioned change being one of the most consistent and diagnostic features of this disease, rapid decomposition and bloating. This disease was first described by Turner of Australia, and in reporting this condition he found that at no time was this disease present where he did not have liver flukes associated. Essentially this is true of the condition observed in the Bitter Root valley, although there is certain evidence to show that liver flukes may not be always an associated con- dition. An organism has been isolated in this Laboratory which we feel positive is the eausetive factor in this disease. Vaccines have been pre- pared from this culture at the Veterinary Research Laboratory and are now being tested experimentally in the Bitter Root valley. 32 MONTANA LIVESTOCK SANITARY BOARD POULTRY In the last two years there has heeii considerable work done with reference to the maintenance and improvement of a profitable poultry industry in Montana. We feel that with economic conditions as they are today that the poultry industry offers one means whereby many people in Montana may successfully produce a livable income. It is with this thought in mind that as far as finances have permitted we have done everything to help make the poultry industry of Montana a successful enterprise as far as the health of the individual flock is concerned. We wish to assure this industry that whenever finances are provided we are ready to carry on disease control work in poultry in a more ex- tensive manner. In July, 1931, a joint paper was published in the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association by Doctors Hadleigh Marsh, D. M. Warren and A. ('. Morrow on. "A Study of the Tuberculin Sensi- tization of Cattle Showing Tuberculous Lesions." A joint paper was presented at the 1932 meeting of the United States Livestock Sanitary Association at Chicago by Doctors W. J. Butler and D. M. Warren on ''The Control of Bang's Disease in Range and Semi- Range Cattle." Respectfully submitted. D. M. WARREN, Bacteriologist-Pathologist. State Veterinary Surgeon REPORT OF THE CHEMIST of the Montana Livestock Sanitary Board During the biennimii just past two thousand and throe samples nave been examined in this Laboratory, one thousand five hundred and ninety- nine of this number consisted of milk and cream samples submitted by inspectors authorized by the Livestock Sanitary Board. These samples were taken directly from retail milk wagons, dairies, creameries and retail stores and were analyzed in this Laboratory for butter fat, solid.-:, sediment and preservatives. One hundred samples of milk and cream were brought to the Laboratory by milk dealers and consumers. These samples have been analyzed free of charge and without prejudice, and the results have been interpreted to the person submitting the sample with an endeavor to aid the producer and consumer alike in the produc- tion and purchasing of wholesome milk products. With few exceptions, the milk and cream samples examined have been found to conform to the standards adopted by the Livestock Sani- tary Board. There is, however, always room for improvement and it has been the experience of this Department that frequent inspection of dairies and laboratory examinations of dairy products are necessary in order to keep the attention of the producer focused on the necessity of the proper handling of dairy food products. Three hundred and four samples of a miscellaneous nature' have also been received directly from stockmen, farmers, veterinarians and public officials. These samples consist of a great variety of specimens for examination including examination of stomach contents and animal tissues for various kinds of poisons, examinations of water in order to determine its fitness for livestock watering purposes, examination of livestock food products, examination of suspected poisons, identification of weeds and their examination for poisonous ingredients, examination of crude oil for emulsifying purposes, mineral examination of bones for the diagnosis of mineral deficiency and the examination of stock medi- cines, germicides, etc. Several cases of livestock poisoning have again come to the attention of this Laboratory. The principal stock losses by poisoning have been accidental or caused by the careless use id' arsenical insecticides, and strychnine rodent poisons, while a few cases of poisoning by copper, lead and cyanide have been noted. Many cases of plant poisoning have been reported to us. Some of these cases have been caused by plaid poisons which were identified in the plant and in the stomach contents, such as oxalates from grease wood and mangle and sugar beel tops and also from hydrocyanic acid found in wilted flax and sugar cane leaves. 34 MONTANA LIVESTOCK SANITARY BOARD A large number of cases of canine poisoning by strychnine, appar- ently with a malicious intent, have been brought to our attention. In some sections of the State the shortage of water and poor water supplies have caused much loss and sickness of livestock. Laboratory examinations of such waters have been made in many cases and the water found to be unfit for livestock use. It is felt by this Department that a field examination of the stock water in the prairie sections of the State would reveal many cases of the use of poor stock water and be of ma- terial value to the stockmen in those sections. If has been the aim of this Department to assist the stockmen and farmers in every way possible and to make a quick and thorough exami- nation of each specimen submitted with a view, especially in the poison- ing cases, to determine the cause of the loss and prevent more unneces- sary losses. The following list gives the material and nature of examinations con- ducted in this Laboratory during the period from December 1st. 1930 to .November 30th. 1932, inclusive. REPORT OF THE CHEMICAL LABORATORY December 1. 1930 to November 30, 1932 L,ab. No. Specimen and Nature of Examination Result 1006 Solution Acriflavine for chemical analysis 1007 Stomach contents of horse for poisons Negative 100S Water for mineral analysis 1009 Water for mineral analysis 1010 Sheep bones for chemical analysis 1011A Stomach contents of horse for poison Negative 1011B Stomach contents of horse for poison Negative 1012 Sample of sheep urine for analysis 1013A Suspected poison for analysis Arsenic 1013B Stomach contents of cow for poison Arsenic 1014 Stomach contents of hog for poison Arsenic 1015 Bovine stomach contents for poison Negative 1016A Sample of oat hay for poisons Negative 1016B Sample of sheep urine for analysis 1017 Sample of liver for arsenic test..... Negative 1018 Stomach contents of cow for arsenic Negative 1019A Suspected poisoned oats for analysis Arsenic 1019B Stomach contents of cow7 for poison Arsenic 1020 Capsules for poison analysis Strychnine 1021 Stomach contents of hogs for poisons Negative 1022 Alfalfa hay for arsenic analysis Negative 1023A Ground feed for poison analysis Negative 1023B Stomach contents of hog for poison Negative 1024 Water for mineral analvsis STATE VETERINARY SURGEON 35 1025A Ground feed for poison analysis Negative 1025B Ground feed for poison analysis Negative 1025C Ground feed for poison ami lysis Negative 1026 Suspected poison liquid for analysis Pot. Cyanide 1027A Wheat for poison analysis Negative 1027B Paper for poison analysis Negative 1028 Stomach contents of calf for poison Negative 1020 Hay for cyanide test Negative 1030 Chicken hones for analysis l():;i Water for mineral analysis 1032 Urinary calculus for analysis 1033 Stomach contents of dog for poison Strychnine 1034 Bovine stomach contents for poison Negative 1035 Bovine stomach contents for poison Negative 1036 Boviue stomach contents for poison Negative 1037 Sample of stock feed for analysis 1038 Bovine stomach cotnents for analysis Negative 103!) Milk for chemical analysis 1040 Stomach contents of cow for poisons Negative 1041 Water for mineral analysis 1042 Bovine stomach contents for poisons Negative 104.'! Stomach contents and liver of cow for poisons. Negative 1044 Wheat for poison analysis Copper 1045 Stomach contents of sheep for poisons Negative 1046 Ground feed for poison analysis Negative 1047 Stomach contents of cow for poisons Arsenic 1048 Stomach contents of cow for poisons Lead 1049 Unknown suhstance for chemical analysis Common Salt 1050 Stomach contents of calf for poisons Arsenic 1051 Fig pulp for poison analysis Negative 1052 White powder for chemical analysis 1053 Stomach contents of dog for poisons Strychnine 1054 Stomach contents of dog for poisons Negative 1055 Beet pulp for poison analysis Negative 1056 Water for chemical analysis 1057 Stomach contents of sheep for poisons Negative 105S Stomach contents of hog for poisons Negative 1059 Two samples of water for fitness for livestock 1060 Sample of water for fitness for livestock 1061 Sample of water for mineral analysis 1062 Crude oil for emulsifying purposes 1063 Salt for chemical analysis 1064 Stomach contents of sheep for poisons Negative 1065 Water for chemical analysis 1066 Urinary calculi for analysis 1067 Suspected poison for analysis Sodium Nitrate 1068 Oil cake for analysis 1069 Stomach contents of horse for poisons Negative 1070 Sample of meat for poison analysis Negative 36 MONTANA LIVESTOCK SANITARY BOARD Lab. No. Specimen and Nature of Examination Result 1071 Sample of urine for analysis 1072 Depilatory for analysis 1073 Stomach contents of calf for strychnine Negative 1074 Stomach contents of cow for strychnine Negative 1075 Stomach contents of dog for poison Strychnine 1070 Stomach contents of horse for poisons Strychnine 1077 Water for mineral analysis 107S Water for mineral analysis 1070 Three samples of water for mineral analysis 1080 Stomach contents of cow for poison Lead 1081 Bovine stomach contents for poisons Negative 1082 Oats for strychnine analysis Positive 1083 Bovine stomach contents for poisons Negative 1084 Bovine stomach contents for poisons Negative 10S5A Bovine stomach contents for poisons. Negative 1085B Stomach contents of hog for poisons Negative 1080 Stomach contents of dog for poisons Negative 1087 Water for mineral analysis 10SS Mineral stock feed for analysis loxo Water for chemical analysis 1000 Water for mineral analysis 1091A Sample of dirt for poisons Negative 1091B Sample of dirt for poisons Negative 1091'C Sample of bovine stomach contents for poisons =. Negative 1092A Sample of dirt for poisons Negative 1092B Bovine stomach contents for poisons Negative 1093 Bovine stomach contents for poisons Negative 1094 Water for mineral analysis 1095 Suspected poison for analysis Lead Arsenate 1096 Bovine stomach contents for strychnine Negative 1097 Bovine stomach contents for poisons Negative 1098 Stomach contents of cow for poisons Lead 1099 Salt for chemical analysis 1100A Stomach contents of sheep for poisons Negative 1100B Stock salt for poisons Negative 1101 Stomach contents of dog for poisons Strychnine 1102 Bone meal for analysis 1103 Grease wood leaves for oxalates Positive 1104 Stomach contents of cow for poisons Lead 1105 Stomach contents of sheep for poisons Negative 1100 Medicine for analysis 1107 Stomach tissues and liver of sheep for poisons Negative 1108 Bovine stomach for poisons Negative 1109 Stomach contents of cat for poisons Negative 1110 Stomach contents of sheep for poisons Negative 1111 Stomach contents of steer for poisons Strychnine 1112 Foot rot medicine for analysis 1113 Stomach contents of sheep for poisons Negative STATE VETERINARY SURGEi »N T7 Lab. No. Specimen and Nature of Examination Result 1114 < tats for strychnine test Positive 1115 Meat for poison analysis Negative 1116 Ground food for poisons Strychnine 1117 Farm disinfectant for analysis.. HIS Alkali salt from lake bed for analysis 1119 Stomach contents of cow for poisons Negative 1120 Two samples of water for mineral analysis 1121 Water for mineral analysis 1122 Stomach contents of cow for poisons Arsenic 1123 Stomach contents of sheep for poisons Negative 1124 Bovine stomach contents for poisons Negative 112." Bovine stomach contents for poisons Negative 1126 Bovine stomach contents and liver for poisons Negative 1127 Sample of grass for poison analysis Negative 1125 Stomach contents of sheep for poison Negative 1129A Weed for identification and Prussic acid Negative 112!)1» Bovine stomach contents for poisons— Negative 1130 Bovine stomach contents for poisons.—. Negative 1131 Water for mineral analysis 1l."»2A Stomach contents of cow for poisons Arsenic 1132B Water for poison analysis Negative 11.*'.:; Stomach contents of antelope for ihhsou Negative 1134 Sugar cain stalks and leaves for Prussic acid Positive 1135 Oats for poison analysis Negative 1136 Stomach contents of cow for poisons Negative 1137 Water for mineral analysis 1138 Four sample's of water for mineral analysis 1139 .Milk for chemical analysis 1140A Stomach contents of cow for poisons Negative 1140B Five samples of suspected poison Sodium Cyanide 1141 Water for mineral analysis 1141! Stomach contents of pig for poisons Negative 111."! Cotton seed cake for analysis 1144 Water for chemical analysis 114." Salt for poison analysis Negative 114(i Crop from turkey for poison analysis Arsenic 1147 Bovine stomach contents for poisons Arsenic 1148 Stomach contents and tissues from cow tor poisons . Negative 114!» Stomach contents of sheep for poisons Arsenic 1150 Stomach contents of cat for poisons Negative 1151 Three samples of bovine stomach contents for poisons Negative 1152 Cream to he tested for preservatives. Negative 1153 Water for mineral analysis 1154 Water for mineral analysis 1155 Stomach contents of cow for poisons Oxalic Acid 1156 Stomach contents of sheep for poisons Negative 1157 .Meat for poison analysis Negative 1160 Bovine stomach contents for poisons Negative ::s MONTANA LIVESTOCK SANITARY BOARD Lab. No. Specimen and Nature of Examination Result 1161 Water for mineral analysis... 1162 Stomach contens of pig for poisons Negative 1163 Crop and gizzard of prairie chicken for poison Negative 1164 Water for mineral analysis 1165 Water for mineral analysis... 1166 Stomach contents of pig for poisons... Negative 1167 Water for mineral analysis 1168 Bovine stomach contents for poisons Negative 1169 Crude oil for emulsifying tests 1170 Water for mineral analysis 1171 Bovine stomach contents for arsenic. Negative 1172 Stomach contents of sheep for poisons Negative 1173 Two samples of bovine stomach contents for poisons Negative 1174 Stomach contents of calf for poisons Negative 1175 Bovine stomach contents for poisons Negative 1176 Water for mineral analysis 1177 Bovine stomach contents for poisons Arsenic 1178 Milk for chemical analysis for preservatives Negative 117!» Vermifuge powder for chemical analysis 1180 Hay for cyanide analysis Negative 11S1 Water for mineral analysis 1182 Stomach contents of dog for struchnine Positive 1183 Stomach contents of dog for strychnine Positive 11S4 Tissues from pigs and pig feed for poisons Negative 1185 Bovine stomach tissues for poisons Lead 1186 Mineral stock feed for chemical analysis 1187 Liver and stomach contents from pig for poisons. Negative 1188 Bovine stomach contents for poisons Lead 1189 Stomach contents for poisons of dog Strychnine 1190 Sample of meat for poison Strychnine 1191 Bovine stomach contents for poisons Negative 1192A Canned fish food for chemical analysis 1192B Canned fish food for chemical analysis 1193 Fox food tonic for analysis 1194 Stomach contents of calves for poisons Negative 1195 Bovine stomach contents for poisons Negative 1196A Fish food for chemical analysis 1196B Fish food for chemical analysis 1196C*Fish food for chemical analysis : 1197 Stomach tissues of cow for poisons Negative 1198 Stomach contents of cow for poisons Negative 1199 Meat for poison analysis Negative 1200 Contents of crop of chicken for poison Negative 1201 Stomach contents of pig for poisons Negative 1202 Bovine stomach contents for poisons Negative 1203 Bovine stomach contents and organs for poisons Arsenic 1204 Research on bovine absorption of arsenic 1205 Stock salt for poisons Negative STATIC VETERINARY SURGEON :{:• Lab. No. Specimen and Nature of Examination Result 1206 Bovine stomach contents for poisons Negative 1207 Stock feed for poison analysis..—. Negative 1208 Stomach contents of calf for poisons Negative 1209 Meat for poison analysis Positive 1210 Stock salt for chemical analysis 1211 Two samples of washing powder for analysis 1212 Four samples of hypochlorite solution for analysis 1213 Stomach contents of sheep for poison Negative 1214 Sample of meat for poisons Strychnine 1215 Bovine stomach contents for poisons Negative 1216A Bovine stomach contents for poisons Arsenic 1216B Bovine stomach contents for poisons Arsenic 1217 Hypochlorite solution for analysis 1218 Stomach contents of horse for poisons Strychnin" 1219 Sample of hay for poisons Copper Arsenic 1220 Wtiter for mineral .analysis 1221 Crop of turkey for poisons Strychnine 1222A Stomach contents of dog for poisons Negative 1222B Stomach contents of sheep for poisons Negative 1223 Bovine stomach contents for arsenic Negative 1224 Bovine stomach contents for poisons Strychnine 1225 Stomach contents of horse for strychnine Negative 122C Analysis of crude oil for emulsifying purposes 1227 Stomach contents of pig for poisons Strychnine 122S Oats for poison analysis Strychnine 1229 Stomach contents of dog for poisons Strychnine 1230 Stomach contents of dogs for poisons Strychnine 1231 Stomach contents of dog for poisons Strychnine 1232 Stomach contents of horse for poisons Negative 1233 Stomach contents of lanth for poisons Negative 1234 Bovine stomach contents for poisons Negative 1235A Stomach contents of horses for poisons Negative 1235B Oats suspected of containing poison Negative 1236 Bovine stomach contents for analysis Cyanide 1237 Stomach contents of sheep for poisons Negative 1238 Stomach contents of sheep for poisons Negative 1239 Stomach contents of dog for poisons Strychnine 1240 Stomach contents of horse for arsenic Negative 1241 Stomach contents of moose for poisons Negative 1242 Bovine stomach contents for poisons Arsenic 1243 Water for mineral analysis 1244 Bovine stomach contents for poisons Negative 1245A Water for poison analysis Negative 1245B Stomach contents of calf for poison Negative 1246 Wheat for poison analysis Negative 1247 Water for mineral analysis 1245 Hypochlorite solution for analysis L249 Bovine stomach contents for poisons Negative Ill MONTANA LIVESTOCK SANITARY BOARD Lab. No. Specimen and Nature of Examination Result 1250 Stomach contents of dog for poisons Strychnin" 1251 Bovine stomach contents for poisons Arsenic 1252 Stomach contents of (log for poisons Strychnine 1253 Stomach contents of cow for poisons Arsenic 1254 Bovine stomach contents for poisons... Negative 1255 Stomach contents of calf for poisons... Negative 1256 Water for mineral analysis 1257 Three samples of compressed stock food for analysis 1258A Ten samples of mill tailings for cyanide analysis Negative 125SB Water for poison analysis Negative 1259 Hypochlorite solution for analysis 1260 Bovine stomach contents for poison analysis Negative 1261 Stomach contents of dog for poisons-. Strychnine 1262 Stomach contents of sheep for alkali poisoning Negative 1263A Oats for poison analysis.... Strychnine 1263B Bovine stomach contents for poisons. Strychnine 1264 Sample of meat for poisons Negative 1265 Stomach contents of sheep for poison Negative 1266 Bovine stomach contents for poison Arsenic 1267 Three samples of water for mineral analysis. iLMiS Stomach contents of cat for poison Negative 1269 Bovine stomach contents for poisons Negative 1270A Two jars of stomach contents of pigs for poison Strychnine 1270B Sample of oats for poisons Strychnine 1271 Two samples of stomach contents of pigs for poison Negative 1272 Stomach contents of lamb for poisons Negative 1273 Contents of crops of chickens for poisons Negative 1274 Bovine stomach contents for poisons. Negative 1275 Water for strychnine examination Positive 1276 Bovine stomach contents for poisons Negative 1277 Two samples of meat for poisons Strychnine 1278 Oxalate analysis of grease wood leaves 1279 Soap for Titer test 1280 Stomach contents of dog for poisons ..Strychnine 12S1 Bovine stomach contents for arsenic Negative 1282 Two samples of milk for preservatives Negative 1283 Sample of milk for poisons Negative 1284 Paraffin for poisons Negative 1285 Beef snet for chemical examination for adulteration 1286 Bovine stomach contents for poisons Negative 12S7 Bovine stomach contents for poisons Negative 12SS Butter for chemical analysis 128!) Two samples of bone for chemical analysis 1290 Bovine stomach contents for poisons Negative 1291A Bovine stomach contents for poisons Blasting Powder 1291B Black powder suspected of containing poison Blasting powder 1292 Stomach contents of calf for poisons Negative 129." Bovine stomach contents for poisons Lead STATE VETERINARY SURGEON 41 Ijab. No. Specimen and Nature of Examination Result 1294 Contents of crops of chickens for poisons Strychnine 1295 Sugar beet tops for poison analysis Negative 129G Two jars of bovine stomach contents for poisons Arsenic 1297A Stomach contents of cow for poisons Negative 1297B Mangle tops for oxalic acid Positive 1298 Hay for poison analysis Negative 1299 Research on sugar beet tops for oxalates 1300 Bovine stomach contents for poisons Negative 1301A Bovine stomach contents for poisons Hydrocyanic Acid 1301B Flax for poison analysis Hydrocyanic Acid 1302 Bovine stomach contents for poisons Arsenic 1303 Stomach contents of a horse for poison Negative 1304 Water for mineral analysis 1305 Stomach contents of a horse for poisons.. Negative 1300 Two samples of stomach contents of horses for poisons .. Negative 1307 Native alkali salt for analysis 130S Ground feed mash for poisons Negative 1309 Prepared dog feed for analysis. ANALYSIS OF MILK AND CREAM SAMPLES From Dec. 1, 1930 to Nov. 30, 1932 1,599 Official samples of milk and cream. 100 Unofficial samples of milk and cream. Respectfully submitted, VIRGIL A. WILLSON, Chemist. 42 MONTANA LIVESTOCK SANITARY BOARD INVESTIGATIONS SYNOPTICALLY ARRANGED Including; Cooperative Work with the United States Bureau of Animal Industry HORSES Dourine, 1931 Number of horses blood tested 1 Number reacting to test None Dourine, 1932 Number of horses blood tested 1 Number reacting to test None Glanders, 1931 Number of horses reported and suspected of being affected with glanders, mallein tested 79 Number reacting to test None Glanders, 1932 Number of horses reported and suspected of being affected with glanders, mallein tested 367 Number reacting to test None Miscellaneous Inspections, 1931 Number of horses inspected for miscellaneous diseases 131 Miscellaneous Inspections, 1932 Number of horses inspected for miscellaneous diseases 1,775 Scabies, 1931 "Number of horses inspected for scabies 5,032 Number infected 48 Number of horses dipped for scabies, 1st, 2nd and 3rd dippings.— None (*Blackfeet Indian Reservation) Scabies, 1932 *Number of horses inspected for scabies 3,587 Number infected 50 Number of horses dipped for scabies, 1st. 2nd and 3rd dippings 4.931 (*Blackl'eet Indian Reservation) Importation Inspections, 1931 Number of horses clinically inspected and mallein tested at destination : 81 Number reacting to test None Importation Inspections, 1932 Number of horses clinically inspected and mallein tested at destination 20 Number reacting to test None Number of horses clinically inspected at destination shipped for immediate slaughter 3,404 STATE VETERINARY SURGEON 43 Tested and Inspected at Port of Entry, 1931 Number of horses clinically inspected and mallein tested al port of entry 99 .Number reacting to test None Number of horses clinically inspected at port of entry 75 Number of horses clinically inspected at port of entry shipped for immediate slaughter 7,422 Tested and Inspected at Port of Entry, 1932 Number of horses clinically inspected and mallein tested at port of entry 6 Number reacting to test None Number of horses clinically inspected at port of entry None Inspections for Interstate Shipment, 1931 Number of horses mallein tested for interstate shipment 6,455 Number reacting to test None Number of horses clinically inspected 6,260 Number of horses inspected, 1931 25.635 Inspections for Interstate Shipment, 1932 Number of horses mallein tested for interstate shipment 5,465 Number reacting to test None Number of horses clinically inspected 870 Number of horses inspected, 1932 20,492 Number of horses inspected, 1931 25,635 Number of horses inspected, 1932 20,492 TOTAL NUMBER OF HORSES INSPECTED. 1931 AND 1932 46,127 CATTLE Tuberculosis, 1931 Number of dairy cattle tested for tuberculosis 15,107 Number reacting to test 29 Percentage of reactors 0019 Number of other cattle tested... 118,969 Number reacting to test 288 Percentage of reactors 0024 Tuberculosis, 1932 Number of dairy cattle tested for tuberculosis 33,040 Number reacting to test 40 Percentage of reactors 0012 Number of other cattle tested 42,366 Number reacting to test 77 Percentage of reactors 001S Accredited Tuberculosis Free Herds, 1931 Number of cattle tested for accredited herds 4,782 Number reacting to test Noue Accredited Tuberculosis Free Herds, 1932 Number of cattle tested for accredited herds 5,128 Number reacting to test None 44 MONTANA LIVESTOCK SANITARY BOARD Retests of Imported Cattle, 1931 Sixty-Ninety day tests 930 Number reacting to test None Retests of Imported Cattle, 1932 Sixty-ninety day tests 251 Number reacting to test None Cattle Tested at Port of Entry, 1931 Number of cattle tested at port of entry 4 Number reacting to test None Cattle Tested at Port of Entry, 1932 Number of cattle tested at port of entry None Number reacting to test None Number of cattle tested at destination 35!) Number reacting to test None Tests for Interstate Shipment, 1931 Number of cattle tested for shipment 3,061 \ innber reacting to test None Tests for Interstate Shipment, 1932 Number of cattle tested for shipment 1,505 Number reacting to test None Total number of cattle tested for tuberculosis, 1931 142,853 Number reacting to test 317 1 'ercentage of reactors 0022 Total number of cattle tested for tuberculosis. 1932 82,64!) Number reacting to test 117 Percentage of reactors .0014 TOTAL NUMBER OF CATTLE TESTED FOR TUBERCULOSIS, 1931 AND 1932 225,502 TOTAL NUMBER OF REACTORS 434 PERCENTAGE OF REACTORS. 1931 0022 PERCENTAGE OF REACTORS. 1932 0014 Cattle Scabies, 1931 *N umber of cattle inspected for scabies 73.4S4 Number of cattle inspected and dipped, including 1st, 2nd and 3rd dippings 8,716 (*Crow Indian Reservation) Number of cattle inspected for scabies, exclusive of Crow Indian reservation 109,899 Number of cattle inspected and dipped, including 1st. 2nd, 3rd and 4th dippings 1.635 Cattle Scabies, 1932 ♦Number of cattle inspected for scabies 74,581 Number of cattle inspected and dipped, including 1st and 2nd dippings 14,340 (♦Grow Indian Reservation) STATE VETERINARY SURGEON »& Number of cattle inspected for scabies, exclusive of ( 'row Indian reservation 101.907 Number of cattle inspected and dipped, exclusive of Crow Indian reservation, including 1st. 2nd. 3rd and 4th dippings. 20.172 Miscellaneous Cattle Inspections, 1931 Number of cattle inspected for miscellaneous diseases 37,140 Number of cattle blood tested for contagious abortion 16,878 Miscellaneous Cattle Inspections, 1932 Number of cattle inspected for miscellaneous diseases. 31,885 Number of cattle blood tested for contagious abortion 19,076 Cattle Inspected at Port of Entry, 1931 Number of cattle clinically inspected at Tort of Entry 149 Number of cattle clinically inspected upon arrival in State 1,074 Cattle Inspected at Port of Entry, 1932 Number of cattle clinically inspected at Port of Entry 4 Number of cattle clinically inspected upon arrival in State 756 Inspections for Interstate Shipments, 1931 Number of cattle clinically inspected for interstate shipment 29.571 Inspections for Interstate Shipments, 1932 Number of cattle clinically inspected for interstate shipment 10,932 TOTAL NUMBER OF CATTLE INSPECTED 1931 261,668 TOTAL NUMBER OF CATTLE INSPECTED 1932 254.577 TOTAL NUMBER OF CATTLE INSPECTED 1931 and 1932 516,245 SHEEP Scabies and Miscellaneous Diseases. 1931 Number of sheep inspected for scabies and miscellaneous diseases.. 553,602 Number found affected with scabies None Scabies and Miscellaneous Diseases, 1932 Number of sheep inspected for scabies and miscellaneous diseases 568.248 Number found affected with scabies None Importation Inspections, 1931 Number of sheep inspected and quarantined 178,656 Number of sheep dipped and quarantined including 1st and 2nd dippings None Reinspection Imported Sheep 88,908 Number of sheep inspected at Port of Entry None Importation Inspections, 1932 Number of sheep inspected and quarantined 152,020 Number of sheep dipped and quarantined including 1st and 2nd dippings None Reinspection Imported Sheep 124,800 Number of sheep inspected at Port of Entry 17 Inspections for Interstate Shipment, 1931 Number of sheep inspected for interstate shipment 1,190,701 46 MONTANA LIVESTOCK SANITARY BOARD Inspections for Interstate Shipment, 1932 Number of sheep inspected for interstate shipment 706,434 Number of sheep inspections 1933 2,011,807 Number of sheep inspections 1932 1.551,514 TOTAL NUMBER OF SHEEP INSPECTED. 1931 and 1032 3,563,381 Number of goats inspected for interstate shipment 5 SWINE, 1931 Number of swine inspected for various diseases including Hog Cholera 9,798 Number of premises infected with Hog Cholera..- 13 Number of swine inspected at Port of Entry 13 Number of swine inspected for interstate shipment 1.980 Swine, 1932 Number of swine inspected for various diseases including Hog Cholera 3,005 Number of premises infected with Hog Cholera 9 Number of swine inspected at Port of Entry 11 Number of swine inspected for interstate shipment 170 Total number of swine inspected 1931 11,791 Total number of swine inspected 1932 3.105 Total number of swine inspected 1931 and 1932.... 14,986 POULTRY. 1931 Number of fowls inspected for tuberculosis and various diseases 186,552 Poultry, 1932 Number of fowls inspected for tuberculosis and various diseases 73,162 Total number of fowls inspected 1931 and 1032 250.71 1 DOGS, 1931 Number of dogs inspected for various diseases 704 Number suffering from rabies None Number inspected for interstate shipment 360 Dogs, 1932 Number of dogs inspected for various diseases 13 Number suffering from rabies None Number inspected for interstate shipment 200 Total number of dogs inspected 1931 and 1932 1.286 GAME AND FIR BEARING ANIMALS, 1931 Number of animals inspected for various diseases 68 Game and Fur Bearing Animals, 1932 Number of animals inspected for various diseases None Total Number of Animals Inspected. 1931 2,312,103 Total Number of Animals Inspected. 1932 1,829.995 Total Number of Animals Inspected. 1931 and 1932 4,142,008 STATE VETERINARY SURGEON 47 MEAT INSPECTIONS, 1931 Number of carcasses inspected 11,486 Number of carcasses condemned - 9 Meat Inspections, 1932 Number of carcasses inspected 11,638 Number of carcasses condemned - 9 Total Number of Meat Inspections. 1931 and 1932 23,124 Total Number of Carcasses Condemned. 1931 and 1932 18 GRAND TOTALS Total Number of Animals Inspected, 1931 and 1932 4,142,098 Total Number of Fowls Inspected, 1931 and 1932 259,714 Total Number of Meat Inspections, 1931 and 1932 23,124 TOTAL NUMBER OF INSPECTIONS. 1931 and 1932 4,424,936 Total Number of Cattle Blood Tested. 1931 and 1932 35.949 MILES TRAVELED BY DISTRICT DEPUTIES AND SHEEP INSPECTORS Ante Railway Foot Horseback Team 1931 137,685 4,0S6 12 SO 31 1932 152,545 2,287 13 284 74 Total 290.230 6.373 25 364 105 297,047 ESTIMATED NUMBER OF MILES TRAVELED BY RESIDENT DEPUTIES Auto 1931 35.000 1932 25,252 Total 60,262 60,252 NUMBER OF MILES TRAVELED. 19:J1 and 1932 357,299 MONTANA LIVESTOCK SANITARY BOARD n co OS !0 be o Q CO OS I-l (M co os iH 0) C & CO IH CO OS iH eq CO os a rt V +j cS U ,— 1 CO OS iH e» CD OS W t- o H ^ CO OS tH