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Advisory Board of Iiidustr\ and



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the f!iirrni(ir-(7rnernf.

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Oovernment Mining Engineer (Transvaal) ^Re-

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Poccrabcr, 1901 . . . . " . . . . :< «'

< lnvemment Mining Engineer. (Tl-an<vnhl)— R'-

port of the for the year endin;; Jime, liliij in n

Oovemment Mining Kngiiicor (Transvaal) Ke-

port of the- for the year endinp Juno, 1903 15 0

Cnvemmcnt Mining Engineer (Trans\aal)— Re- port of the for the half-yeur ending December, 1903 .. . .. 6 0

<!ovemment Mining Engineer (Transvaal) Re- port of the^ for the year ending Jiuic, 1004 10 0

Govenunent Mining Engineer (Transvaal) Ri>- port of the for the half-vonr ending December, 1904 .. .." .. .. 6 0

Government Mining Engineer (Transvaal) ^Ri-- , port of tlie for the half-year endini; December, 1905 .. .... .. 0 0

Government Mining Engineer (Transvaal)^ Re- port of tlie for the year ending June. 19(ir> 10 0

Government Mining Engineer (Traui^vaal)— 'f-te-

port of the for the year ending June, 190'' 10 ')

Government Mining Engineer (Transvaal)- -Re- port of the for the year ending June, 1908 (T.G. 2—1909) . . 10 0

Govenunent Mining Engineer (Transvaal) Re- port of the for the year ending June, 1909

(T.G. 3—1910) 10 G

^remment Mining Engineer (Trnn«vaal) Re- port of the for the year ending Jiuie, 1910 10 6

Geological Survey (Transvaal) Annual Report for 1903 : 48 pages and 24 plates (including 1 map). Deals with portions of Pretoria and Middelburg Districts . . . . . . . . TO

Geological Survey (Transvaal) Annual Report for 1900 : 140 pages and 37 plates (including 7 maps).— Deals with portions of Pretoria, AVitwatorsrand, Middelburg, Lydenburg, Carolina, and Rustenburg Districts . . 7 0

Geological Survey (Transvaal) Annual Report for

1907 ! 116 pages and 10 plute^ (including 3 maps). Deals with portions of Potchef- stroom, Lydenburg, Zoutpansborg, Ruaten burg, Witwatererand, and Wateibcrg Dis- tricts . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 6

Geological Survey (Transvaal) Annual Report for

1908 : 173 pages and 20 plates (including 6 maps). Deals with portions of Miirico, Rustenburg, Lichtenburg, AVatcrberg, and Zoutpansberg Districts . . . . . . 17 6

Geological Survey (Transvaal) Annual Report for

1909 : 109 pages and 14 plates (including 6 maps).^Dcals with portions of Waterbcrg, Rustenburg, Middelburg, Lydenburg, and Marico Districts, also the Klip River Valley 7 G

Union of South Africa Mines Department, Annual lieports. Part I. Interim Rep<irt by Acting Secretary for Mines and Acting Commissioner of Mines, Natal, for tVie period 1st Juno to 31st December, 1910. Part II. Interim Report by the Acting Governn\ent Mining EngUieer for the period 1st Jvnic to 31st December, 1910 (including Rcpoii. by the Acting Inspector of Mines, Katul. for the calendar year ended 31st Deciinber,

1910 (tr.G. 34—1911) 10 6

Union of South Africa Minos Department,

Annual Reports. Part III.— Expli>si\es : (1) Interim Reports, Transvaal and Natal Provinces, for the siic months ended 31st December, 1910 ; (2) Annual Report, Cape Province, for the year ended 31st December,

1910 (U.G. 40— 19U) 10

Union of South Africa Mines Depai-tment. Annual Reports. Part XV. Geological Sur- vey Annual Report for 1910 ; 113 pages and 14 plates (including 5 maps). Deals with Central VVitwatersrand, also portions of / Middelburg, Lydenburg, Marico, Rusten- burg, Krugersdorp, Potchefstroom, and XT .^Mnjherg Districts fU.Q. 44— Him .. 7 0

Price (Post free in South Africa).


Annual Reports (coiitimiei).

l^nion of South Africa Mines Deportment. Annual Reports. Part V. Labour: (1) Report, TroiLSvaal Province, for the period 1st July, 1909 to 3lWt Deeenibcr, 1910 ; (2) Annual Report. Cape I'rovince, for venr inded 3l.st December, 1910 (U.G. 29—1911)

Union of South Africa Mines Department. Annual Report. Part I. by Secretary for Mines and Commissioner of Mines, Natal ; Part II. by Goveniment Mining Engineer, for tliH calendar vear ended 31st December,

1911 (U.G. +9— 1912) ..

l-nion of South Africa Mines Department. Annual Report. Part III. Geological Sur- vey Annual Report for 1911 : 114 pages and 14 plates (including 3 maps). Deals with •Central AVitwatersrand, portion of Rusten- 'Hurs District, including the Pilandsberg, A'ryheiil District, and Zululand. Also a Report on the Coal Resoni'ocs of South Africa (U.G. ->n 1912)

Union of South Airica. Mines Depart inent. -Annual Reports. Part IV- -AAliitc Labour Department (1911) Annual Reports of •(!) Johannesburg Laljour Bureau ; (2) Cape- town Labour Bureau; (3) Pretoria Labour Bu-eau (period 1st July to 31st Decernljer, 1911) (U.G. 51— 1912)

Union of South Africa Mines Department. Annual Reports. Part I. Secretuiy for Min''s and Commissioner of Mines, Natal, for the calendar venr ending 31st December, 1912. Part II.— Report by the Govern- ment Mining Engineer, for the calendar year ending 31i5t Decomljer, 1912 (U.G. 40 —1913)

Union of South Africa Mines Depart nient. Aimual Reports. Part III. Exi>losives : Report of the Chief Inspector of M-cpIosivcs for the calend.nr year ended 31st December,

1912 (U.G. 41—1913)

Union of South Africa Mines Department. Annn.'d Report. Part IV. Genlogicdl Sur- \cy Report fov 1912.. Deals with AVestein AA'itwatersrand. 3\larico aiKl Rustenburg Districts, Midd-lburg and Belfast, A'lyheid District (Northern Natal), and portion of Namaqualand and Pondoland (U.G. 42 1913) .. - ; ..

Union of South Africa Mines -Department. Annual Reports. Part V.- -AATiito Labour (1) Johannesburg Laboui- Bureau ; ( ) Pre- toria Labour Bureau ; (3) Capetown Labotir Bureau ; (4) Durban Labour Bureau, for the calendar year ended 31st DccemVjer, 1912 (U.G. 43-^1913)


No. 1. The Geology of Pretoria and Neigh- bourhood. By A. L. Hall : 65 pages and 14 jiUitcs, with map . . . . . . . . 10 (>

No. 3.- The Geology of the Transvaal Coal Measures, with Special Reference to the VVitbnnk Coallicld. By E. T. Mellor : GO pages and 16 plates (including map) . . 7 0

No. 4. ^The Geologv of the AVaterberg Tin- liel'is. By II. Kynaston and E. T. Mellor. with a Chapter on their Economic Aspects by U. P. Swinliurne : 124 pages and 14 plates (including 2 maps) .. .. .. 7 C

No. 5. The Geology' of the Pilarims Rest Gold Mining District. By A. L. Hall :' 158 pages, 33 plates, and 1 r.iap . . . . . . .76

No. G.- The Geology of the Murohlson Range and District. By A. L. Hall : 186 pag.ia, 83 plates, and 1 map . . . . . . . . 7 6

Map as contained in No. 6. . . . . . 2 li

10 I)

1 i(










Advisory Board of Industry and



Presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of His Excellency

the Governor-General.



TTT/i QO >1QT B8/2773I.9n0.t>.lg.

L '-' •^' '^^ ^^- J o.T. Lt<i-BJlee.

Department of Mines and Industries,

Cape Town,

The Hon. Minister ' 15tli April, 1919.

of Mines and Industries.

I have the honour to forward herewitli the report of tlie pr(;ceedings of the Industries Advisoiy Board and of the Scientific and Technical Committee for the period 1st January to 30th September, 1918, and the Advisory Board of Industry and Science (the outcome of the amalgamation o'f these bodies) for the final quarter of the year.

The report is divided into two parts. Part I. deals w-ith the organisation of the Board's work, and certain general aspects of its activities, rart II. rejiorts progress in greater detail regarding the various matters which have received the Board's consideration.

The years 1919 and 1920 are likely to have far reaching effects in the industrial development of South Africa and the work of the Advisory Board of Industry and Science thus assumes a far greater importance than raig-ht ordinarilv he the case in a Report of this nature.

In the first place these years will ]jrobably witness the closing down of a considerable number of units of the great industry of the country, that of gold mining, on which tlie finances and jjrosperity of the whole Union have so largely dejiended. due to the exhaustion of the minerals caused by working out of the deposits in many of the older properties.

The rate of cessation of work is *also unfortunately likely to be increased by the higher v.orking costs caused by conditions due to the war, which will outlast the signature of Peace, and which have already reduced small profits in jioorer mine^ to actual loss.

"While conditions in the Far East Rand are likely in course of time to redress the balance, the equipment and preparatory operations required to bring many properties in that district to the producing stage must take some years.

It becomes of the first importance therefore to the country that other avenues of employment sho\ild be oijened up in everv direction possible, and that the utmost should be done to push on the development and broadening of the Union's ind\istrial ])roduction.

In the second place the return of normal conditions after peace may lie exjjected to remove that element of protection which the industries of the country have enjoyed during the years of war.

There is already evidence that the openings in South Africa in skilled trades, and industries generally, are totally insufficient for the numbers of the rising generation, and that unless our rate of industrial growth increases, a few years will see a wave of emigra- tion from tlie shores of South Africa, of the best and most enterprising of our voung white population. It is needless to enlarge on the importance of averting such a calamity faced as we are with vast future problems which, above all, demand a strong, united and highly trained white population. Looked at from this point of view the task in front of the Industries Division of the De])aj-traent, and of the Advisory Board, assumes an aspect of great importance to the whole community.

Neither the Department, however, nor the Board, nor the Government can create Industry. They can only do their utmost to assist enterprise, encourage research, afford information to those who seek it, smooth the ways of commerce and trade, and create the conditions which will give confidence and stability. These are the lines upon which the Department with the advice and assistance of the Board has been endeavouring tn work during the past year.

The " .Jonrnal of Industries " has, undoubtedly, done a great deal to draw public attention to the varied and extensive character of the resources of the TTnion, and to the possibilities of their development ; and it forms one of the most important results of the advice tendered to Government by the Board. The other most outstanding features of the Board's work for the year are, undoubtedly, the creation of the Research Grant Board, and the preliminary enquiry being made into Tariff questions, both of which it may be confidently expected will have results beneficial to the Industries of the country.

I have the honour to be, Sir,

Tour obedient servant,


Secretary for Mines and Industries.


Report of the Proceedings of the Industries Advisory Board and of the Scientitic and Technical Committee for the period 1st January to 8()tli September, 1918, and Report of the Advisory Board of Industry and Science for the quarter ended 31st December, 1918.

Presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of His Excellency

the Goi:ernor-General.

Part I.

During the period under review, the Industries Advisory Board held three full sessions one of which was at Cape Town and the remaining two at Johannesburg. Two full meetings of the Scientific and Technical Committee were held viz. : one «t Cape Town and the other at Durban. l*'requent meetings of the Executive Committees of both bodies have taken place at Johannesbiu'g, as well as meetings of standing sub-committees or committees formed for the purpose of considering sjiecitic points. In order that it might be in a position to advise you on certain problems, the Industries Advisory Board has also taken evidence on several questions. ;

AMAL(;.\M.vnoN 01" Advisouy Bodies.

As the work developed, the need for closer co-operation between the Industries Advisorjr Board and the Scientific and Technical Committee became increasingly apparent and the proposal which you made earlj- in the year to appoint three members of the Industries Advisory Board, viz., Mr. E. Chap{)cll, C.B.E., Sir T'hos. Cullinan and Prof, (j. H. Stanley as Assessor Members of the Scientific and Technical Committee was welcomed by both bodies. This step enabled the Board to follow more closely the opinions and activities of the Committee and risk of overlapping was avoided.

Though certainly a move in the right direction, this arrangement necessarily involved much waste of time on the part of the three Assessor Members who were forced to dis- cuss the same subjects at the Executive and General Meetings of each body. Moreover, it became clear that many of the subjects awaiting the Committee's attention involved questions of principle and policy so that it would be difficult to avoid a waste of eli'ort unless the two bodies drew still closer together.

At its meeting held in July last, the Scientific and Technical Committee adopted the following resolution, proposed by its Chairman (Mr. Bernard Price):

" That, in order to take full advantage of South Africa's exceptional oppor- tunity for eiihaucing production and increasing the industrial development of the country, and in order to assist towards success in the post-war trade campaign, the Committee recommends that the Industries Advisory Board and itself should jointly consider the best means for ensiu'ing that a co-ordinated co-operative scheme of organisation is established on a national basis which shall promote efficiency of manufacture and production throughout the Union and economy of distribution of South African products in home and oversea markets. The Com- mittee is of opinion that a unique opportunity presents itself at the present time for revising and extending existing organisation, thus preparing a way for more rapid progress in the future. Before submitting any recommendation to the fTOvernment, however, it would propose that tho Joint Committee of the Advisory Board and itself should study the nature of the problem and the various aspects involved and recommend the best method to adopt for un<lertaking the investiga- tion."

At the meeting of the Joint Committee called to consider this resolution, the Chair- man of the Scientific and Technical Committee submitted a memorandum ])repared by himself in which he suggested that in order to facilitate the future work of both bodies and especially the consideration of far-reaching questions such as that referred to in the above resolution, the two advisory bodies should amalgamate. After careful consideration, the Joint Committee unanimously decided to recommend that each body should approach its members with the suggestion that a joint session be held to discuss this (juestion of amalgamation and as the replies were favourable, the two bodies met in joint session on the 24th and 25th September, 1918, at Johannesburg.

It gives the Board much pleasure to report that after a somewhat protracted sitting a unanimnus decision was reached in favour of amalgamation on a basis which had been carefnllv fiamed during the meeting. Your ai)proval to amalgamation on this basis

[IT.'G. ;33-'19.] ^ ". '^

was received on the 8tli October, 1918, together with your decision that the amalgamated body would be styled " The Advisory Board of Industry and Scicnre." Tornial notifica- tion of this development appeared in Government Notice No. 1384 of the 9th October, 1918, Gazette No. 920 of the 11th October, 1918.

Executive Officeks of the Amalgam.^ted 1Jo.\rd.

Mr. C. G. Smith, Chairman of the hite Industries Advisory Board, was appointed Chairman of the Amalgamated Board at the joint session held in September last and, in like manner, Mr. Bernard Price, Chairman of the late Scientific and Technical Com- mittee, and Mr. E. Chappell, C.B.E., Yice-Cliairman of the late Industries Advisory Board, were appointed Deputy Chairmen of the new Board.


Mr. A. Canham, upon his appointment as Acting Trade Commissioner to the Union of South Africa in London, relinquished his duties as Secretary of the late Industries Advisorv Board on the Gth August, 1918. The Board desires to express its appreciation of the valuable assistance rendered by this officer. From that date until the 25th Sep- tember, 1918, when amalgamation took place, Mr. W. F. McMullen, of the Industries Section of the Mines and Industries Department, ably carried out the duties of Secretary to the late Industries Advisory Board. In response to a recommendation of the Joint Meet- ing held on the 8th October. 1918, Mr. A. C. Marsh. Secretary to the late Scientific and Technical Committee was appointed Secretary to tlie Amalgamated Board. He has met the increasing volume of work with unfailing energy and marked ability, and the Board desires to acknowledge its indebtedness to him for his valuable assistance.

Subsidiary Oeg.\nisation.

Under the agreed basis of amalgamation, the Advisory Board of Industry and Science will meet at least once in every quarter, and the first meeting is arranged to take place at Cape Town in January next. For the purpose of carrying on the work of the Board in the most efficient manner, a General Purposes Committee, consisting of the Chairman, the two Deputy-Chairmen and six members (three of whom were elected by the late In- dustries Advisory Board, and three by the late Scientific and Technical Committee), has been formed, which meets as often as may be required.

The subsidiary organisations of the component bodies has been revised and simplified, the following standing committees only being retained:

1. Agricultural.

2. Editorial.

3. Engineering.

4. Research Grant Board.

5. Tariff.

In addition to the above standing committees, the Fisheries Committee and the Scientific Journals Committee will continue in office until their work is complete, and further ad hoc Sub-Committees will be appointed from time to time as necessity may require. Full particulars of the titles and personnel of the Committees are attached to tliis report as Annexure I.

Asse.ssor and Co-orTED Membeii.s.

At the time of amalgamation, the Government decided that with a view to economising the time of Assessor Members, these officials in future should not be asked to attend the meetings of the Board unless matters falling within the purview of their Departments were to be discussed.

As a result of the decision, under reorganisation, to dissolve certain of the standing Committees of the late Scientific and Technical Committee, certain of the Assessor and Co-o])ted Members of that Committee ceased to act in a similar capacity on the Advisory Board of Industry and Science. To these members the Board desires to tender its thanks for the valuable advice and assistance which they have at all times willingly placed at its disposal.

A list of Assessor and Co-opted Members will be found in Annexure I of this report.

Technical Advisee rro Industries Section.

The Board regrets to report that the Technical Adviser to the Industries Section of the Department of Mines and Industries has not yet been appointed. This question received the earnest consideration of the late Scientific and Technical Committee at its January meeting at Cape Town, when it was felt that it would be impossible to do justice to over.sea candidates unless they could be interviewed by representatives of the Union Government, who, by reason of their knowledge of the country and of the functions to be exercised by this officer, would be in a position to gauge first-hand the suitability of each applicant. It was, therefore, resolved to recommend the appointment of an Oversea Com- mittee, and to submit to that Committee an equal number of selected applications from South Africa and from oversea with a request that the oversea ajiplicants be interviewed, and a report be furnished as to their suitability for the post and their qualifications as compared with those of South African applicants. Iji making this recommendation it


\v;is sii^o-t'sii'd tliat the (Jverspix Committee should be given power lo interview and express an ii])ini{>n on other suitable candidates not mentioned in the list subniilted, Tiiesc recommendations received the approval of the Industries Advisory Hnard, and \mti' duly transniided to the (iovornment.

Co-oi'Ku.vriox With Oiiier Countries.

'I'lie late Industries Advisory BoanV and Scientific and 'l'e<hnii-ai Conimiltee have constantly called attention to the need for taking full advantage of existing knowledge in other countries and the Hoard, in endorsing this policy, would especially urge upon the Government the advantage to be derived from such a course. While it is realised that the Union Government has taken stejis to obtain a free exchange of information and ])ublica- tions with the United Kingdom and otlicr Dominions, it is felt tliat much more might be done in this direction in order to bring about the closest co-operation between South Africa and those countries. South Africa, being a relatively undeveloped country, would, by such action obtain the knowledge and expeiience of countries more higlilv developed tliaii it.self.

The Board would, therefoie. urge that renewed effcu'ts be made to olitain all the available information and data beai'ing on the measures taken to stimulate industrial ex- pansion in other countries.

Before leaving this subject, tiie JJoard feels that its comments would be incomi_)l('tc unless it referred to the strenuo\is efforts which are being made in Khodesia by a similar organisation to itself, viz. : The Ehodesia Resources Committee. It has read with great interest the recent re])ort of that body, and welcomes the arrangements now c(mi|)leted, by which Ehodesia contributes to the expenses of the Board, and Sir F. J. Newton, K.C.M.ti.. and Mr. .1. G. McDonild. (I.B.l'l., have been .ijipointed the Ehodesian representatives on the Advisory Board of Industry and Science.

The Rel.^tionship of Goveenment to Industrie.s.

I tue of the most important problems of the day is the exact relation of Government to industrial enterprise. The question of how far Government eiVorf should extend towards fostering and promoting industrial activity has been largely in the minds of both jiiditical economists and industrialists.

In view of the success which followed Germany's ])re-war eft'orts to capture the world's trade, which was only rendered possible by direct Government assistance of the most liberal and comprehensive kind, public opinion was at one time inclined to the belief that the future prosperity of a countiy depended to a great extent on Government participation an.l control in industrial enterprise. Gwing to the marvellous atdiievements of the in- dustries of Great Britain and America during the war, tlieie is no doubt that ])ublic o|iiniiin has considerably changed. Wliile the leading men who have studied such (|iiestions admit that (jovernment can render substantial assistance in research work, by a system of bonuses or tariffs to such industries as may require it (more particularly key in<lustries), and by regulating the means of communication both by sea and land, it is thought that the general initiation in indxistrial affairs should be left to private enterprise.

The Board concurs with this latter view, and considers that this is a policy suited to the conditions of the Union.


The work of the Board, and tlie two bodies from which it \\as derived, has been largely handicapped by the lack of statistics and data relative to the subjects it has had under consideration. The Board feels that a vast quantity of information exists in the country at the present time, which only requires collecting and collating to make it of inestimable value to persons who are at present concerning themselves in industrial problems. The late Industries Advisory Board has repeatedly urged the importance of obtaining statistics of production, and it is pleasing to note that, since the jiromulgation of 4he Statistics Act, a creditable effort has been made by the Census Department to supply a long felt want.

The Board has seen with pleasure the initial production of the official Year Book and ho])es that, as the machinery becomes perfected, the data contained therein will be so enlarged in its scope as to include the fullest possible statistics relative to raw materials, inanufactures, labour, etc. Other countries have realised the enormous advantage to be derived from carefully prepared and tabulated statistics of their activities and resources, and it is felt that a .special effort should be made to perfect similar information for South Africa.

"The South African Journ.-il of Industries."

" The South African Jouriud nf Industries," the first issue of which appeared in September, 1917, has been regularly published siuce that date. As a medium for pub- lishing the reports prepared at the instance of the Scientific and Technical Committee on the raw materials of this country and other subjects (see Annexure II.), it is thought that the journal has served a very useful purpose. It has also proved a means by which much useful information from other available sources could be distributed to those of the public who are interested in the development of resources and products. The Department of

[U.G. 33— '19.]


Mines and ludustries is to be congratulated upon this ci-editable production and upon the increased circulation it now enjoys. In this connection the Board would specially men- tion the late Editor. Mr. A. Canham, to whose efforts the success and increasing popularity of the journal is in no small measure due.

On Mr. C'anham's departure for London ilie duties of Editorship were placed in the competent hands of 'Mr. H. .1. ('holes, of tlie Department of Mines and Industries. The Editorial Committee of the Board devotes much valuable time to the selection of material for publication and continues to advise on all matters in connection with the prriduction of the journal.


In concluding the first portion of its report, the Board would briefly refer to some of the more important aspects of its work, particulars of which are" more minutely described in Part II.

In authorising the Board to submit its recommendations on those items of the Customs Tariff which, in the interest of the country's industries, require amendment, the Government has taken a most important stei). The work involved in carrying this out is of considerable magnitude, but the Board has already made arrangements to obtain the views of industrialists and other sections of the community interested therein, and it hopes to be in a position to report on this matter in approximately nine months' time.

A considerable amount of time has been devoted to the question of fertilizers and ■every effort has been made to investigate possible sources of supply, in order to replace the continued reduction in oversea shipments. The .'scientific and Technical Committee caused certain experiments to be made with the raw phosphate rock ivom Saldanha Bay, particulars of which will be found in a later portion of this report. It was not considered necessary to bring these experiments to a final conclusion, as, in the meantime, private enterprise had taken the matter up and the Board understands there is every prospect of considerable quantities of phosphatic fertilizer being available early in the new year.

The Board is pleased to report that the Government has responded to its advice and has appointed a Research Grant Board to make recommendations, through the Advisory Board, on all matters pertaining to research. A certain number of Government Research Scholarships and Grants-in-aid of Research will be made and it is thought that the Government's action in this direction will aid undustrial development.

A niimber of other important matters have been considered, amongst which might be mentioned the stimulation of cotton production and the erection of a cotton oil- expressing plant, the carrying out of a fisheries survey, increased food production, flaying and branding of cattle, trade development with other countries, etc., etc.

Part II.

The following is a brief resume of the progress made with regard to the various epecific questions already taken in hand during the year under review by the Industries Advisory Board and the Scientific and Technical Committee, and. later, l)v the amalgamated Board.

Cu,STOMS Tariff Investigation.

The Industries Advisory Board has devoted a considerable amount of time to matters referred to it both by the Government and manufacturers which involved alterations in the Customs Taritf. In the main, it has merely dealt with certain anomalies, realising that the question of the taritt revision as a whole, under circumstances of the world war, depended on conditions which at that time it was most difficult to foresee.

A number of applications had been received from industrialists relative to existing anomalies, but, while the Board considered tliat the evidence adduced undoubtedly proved a need for revision, it was thought that, in the majority of cases, it would be im- possible to deal satisfactorily with such anomalies until it was in a position to consider the general question of tariff revision by collecting and tabulating a vast amount of data bearing on the different problems known to exist.

It is a matter for regret that the Government was unalile to accejit all the sug- gested minor alterations to the Customs Tariff, which the Industries Advisory Board, after careful consideration, had submitted towards the close of 1917. Certain of its recommendations were, however, agreed to and were embodied in a Bill passed bv Parlia- ment in the early portion of the year under review.

Owing to the fact that existing conditions had prevented the Government from plac- ing an adequate staff at its disposal, the Industries Advisory Board was unable to deal seriously with the general question of tariff revision, but, after the amalgamation of the Scientific and Technical Committee and it^self in September last, the amalgamated Board was supplied with its own secretary and staff. Taldng into consideration, however, the large number of other questions which fell within the ]iurview of the amalgamated Board, together with the knowledge that it was essential to deal thoroughly and scientifically with any proposed revision of tlie tariff, the Board considered that it would be impossible for it to investigate and report on the latter question unless it was provided with an adequate

staff wliicli could devote tlie wliole of its time to diss<>('liiii;- and (al)\ilating (lie vast (|uautity of matter, the nolleftion of whicli is essential before tiie Hoard can be in a posi- liou to make any coneerted reconimendation. In view of this feeling, it was arranged that tiic Tariff' ('ommittee should meet the Minister of Finance, and the interview took place on the 11th October last. The Minister was not prepared to give a definite answer to the Committee's request ])endiiig a discussion wit1i his colleagues as to the Govei nraent's policy on the general question of tariff revision.

On the 2Gth November a communication was received from the Sccretarv for Mines and Industries, wiiich laid down the Government's ])olicy on a Tariff Revision, and the extent to which it was desired the IJoard should investigate the ([Ucstion. In accord- ance with, this mandate, the Hoard has now been requested to formulate its views in regard to items which, in the interest of Industry, are thought to call for Tariff amendment or protective measures. The Government further considers that,* in the main, the Hoard will lie able to obtain tiic views of industrialists and agriculturists by correspoiidence with the organised public bodies in the ITuion.

The Board hopes, at the forthcoming General Meeting in .lannary next, to discuss its plan of campaign, bearing in mind the various impiirtani issues to be considered, wliicJi so largely depend on the course of acti(ni decided ujion by tiie Imperial and Dominion Governments. The qiiestion is of so large and far-reaching a character that the lioard deprecates any hasty action whicli, it considers, would not be in the true interests of industrialists of this country.

In order, however, tliat the ]?oard may be in the jmsition to set (he neccssaiv machinery in action, it has arranged for the Department of Mines and Industries to circularise, on its behalf, the principal organised liodies in the countrj% with a view to obtaining a concise statement setting out any proposed alterations in the Tariff, and the reasons therefor, together with information on the following points for each and every proposed amend- ment :

(<i) The difference in cost of ])roduction, in percentages, in iSouth Africa, to that "f competing countries under normal conditions.

(b) The difference, if any, in the efficiency of labour.

(c) The ditfereuce in overhead charges.

(d) The amount of protection given before the war, i.e., total importing charges,

including duty set oiit in detail witli railage where necessary.

(e) The amount of protection existing under present circumstances. (/) The amount of protection asked for.

(g) Any other factors liaving a nuiferial bearing on pi'oduction in .South Africa.

The Board trusts that it may obtain the co-operation and assistance of the organised bodies on such an important question, thereby enabling it to adjudicate on and recommend a course of action which may l)e in the interest of the people of South Africa.


Shortly before the commencement' of the yeaj' under review, the Scientific and Technical Committee submitted a revised classification of the headings under which the Customs Statistics were compiled. Further meetings of a sub-committee have been held, when an attempt was made, in consultation with the Commissioner of Customs, to arrive at a decision acceptable both to the Commissioner and to the Committee. The Commis- sioner pointed out that, bj- adopting the suggested revision, it would entail 310 new items, of which only a comparatively small number were listed in the United Kingdom. Australia and Canada, and, further, would necessitate an extensive addition to the staff, apart from the fact that the order of the headings would have to be completely re-learned, which would cause a dislocation, of the work of the Dejiartment.

The opinion of the Commissioner received the careful consideration of the Board at its October meeting, and it was thought that, while the fact that other countries had not adopted certain headings was insufficient justification for leaving them out. in view of the further argument of the Commissioner as to the possibility of concerted action by the Dominions being taken after the war. relative to Customs statistics and classification of items in the Tariff, it might not be desirable to proceed further with the matter at the ])resent time.

In accordance with this view, it was decided to accept the addition of a certain number of headings of a more urgent nature.

Financial Assi.stance Towards Development.

In view of the desirability of stimulating the development of the resources of the country, the Industries Advisory Board, at its June meeting, had under consideration the (juestion of assisting development by means of bounties or other financial measures. It was thought advisable, in the first place, to obtain particulars of the methods adopted in this direction by more highly developed countries. Information is, therefore, being sought on pre-war conditions as affecting the development of resources, and the means

[U.G. 33— '19.]


takeu by those countries to assist both by bounties or other action. The Board feels that it woiihl be unwise to arrive at a hasty decision in a luatter of such xital importance, and it is, therefore, not prepared to make any reconnnenihilions until it has had an opportunity of studying' the measures taken in ihU iliicction by countries which have reached a more thoroughly organised position.

The Board lias also considered the terms of a rcsohitidn passed by the South African Federated Chamber of Industries, at its convention held at .Tolinnnesburg- in Tune, relative to providing capital for industrial enterprises. The Ciiamber recommended the Government to a])j)roacli the T'nion Banking institutions fur the purpose of discussing the possibility of establishing an Industrial Investment Board or. alternatively, the establish- ment of a National Industrial Bank.

The Board, at the request of the Government, lias given considerable thought to the proposal and, while it thoroughly endorses the Chamber's resolution, is of the opinion that care should be taken, in deciding the details, to provide a scheme which will be in the best interest of industrialists. It is understood that there is every prospect of further financial facilities for industrial purposes being available in the near future.

Supply of Fertilizers.

A large amount of time has been devoted during the year, both by the Industries Advisory Board and the Scientific and Technical Committee., in endeavouring to alleviate the position due to the shortage of phosphate fertilizer. It will be noticed, on reference to the Annual Statements of Trade and Shipping, prepared by the Department of Customs and Excise, that South Africa, prior To the war, imported large quantities of various kinds of fertilizer and, in fact, almost entirely depended on outside sources for its require- ments in this direction. .(Jwing to the ever increasing demand for shipping for the purpose of transporting the armies of Great Britain and her Allies, and the consequent hea\y calls in a similar direction for maintaining supplies, the imports of fertilizers into this country have diminished to an enormous extent. The following figures illustrate the decrease in tonnage during the past four years:— 1914, 59,651; 1915, 52,330; 1916, 30,407; 1917, 9,077.

Continuous inquiries have been made in various directions with the object of ascertain- ing the possibilities which existed for replacing imports bj' locally manufactured fertilizers. A brief account of the action taken may be given :

(a) Treatment of Abattoir and Fishery Waste. The Scientific and Technical Com- mittee made strenuous efforts to ensure against wastage of available refuse from abattoirs and fisheries, and, as a result of inquiries, ascertained that the problem was more a matter of obtaining the necessary digestor plants than any tmwillingiiess on the part of muni- cipalities and canning companies to utilise their waste products. The Engineering Section of the Committee was informed that there was no insniierable difficulty to manufacturing digestor plants locally, and that two or three engineering firms in Johannesburg were prepared to compete if tenders were called for. Steps have been taken by the Department of Mines and Indiistries to acquaint interested parties of the position now arrived at, but the Board regrets that, as yet, very little has been done to utilise such waste and thereby obtain an appreciable supply of phosphatic fertilizer.

(b) Production of Basic Shiff. In the early part of the year, the Industries Advisory Board had under consideration an application for financial assistance for the purpose ot carrying out experiments relative to the production of basic slag. The Board referred the matter to the Scientific and Technical Committee, in order to obtain an expression of opinion as to the technical aspects. The Committee was not in favour of the application, as it presumed that the Company concerned wotild not confine its operations to the produc- tion of pig iron, the success of the industry to a large measure depending upon the manu- facture of steel, and, in consequence, basic slag would become available as a by-product concurrently with its production. When thds stage was reached, it would be an easy matter to ascertain whether it would be an economical proposition to increase the percent- age of phosphorus in the ])ig iron, and consequently in the basic slag by the introduction of Saldanha Bay rock into the blast furnace. The Board acted on the advice of the Commitee, and did not recommend the application. It is understood that experiments of the nattire of those indicated above, are now being carried out by private enterprise.

(c) Saldanha Bay Phosphates. Having in mind the urgent need of phasphatic fertilizer and the- fact that the owners of the Saldanha Bay deposit were not proceeding actively with the commercial treatment of this rock, it was decided by the Scientific and Technical Committee to caiTy out laboratory tests, employing the well-known " Wolter "' process, which involved heating a mixture of the finely crushed rock with bisulphate of soda, carbonate of lime, and powdered coke. These tests were made in the Consolidated Gold Fields' Laboratory, Germiston ; the Government Laboratory, Johannesbvu'g ; and fh: Pretoria Cement Factoiy ; and the services of one of the chemists employed by tlie B.S.A. Explosives Co. were also obtained to assist in this work. The investigations proved that, under laboratory conditions, the "Wolter" process when applied to the Saldanha Bay rock gave satisfactory results, over 80 per cent, of the P. O-, being rendered citric acid soluble. Numerous small-scale tests were also made to de-'ermine the effect of

variations in the proportion of ingredients, the tineness of grindiug, and the period tem- perature of heating.

Having reached this stage, the Minister's permission was souglil t(i carry out work- ing scale trials of the "Wolter" process by arrangement with an existing factory possessing a suitable furnace.

This proposal met witii tiie Minister's approval, and, after considering the relative advautagPK of utilising a blast furnace or a i-everlieratory furnace as a rotary kiln, it was decided to adopt the latter of these types. It was found that the Rand Lime Co., whose factor}- is situate close to the Slurry Works of the Pretoria Portland Cement Co., was prepared to carry out the trials in its existing rotary kiln, and that, if the trials were satisfactory, it would be possible in quick time and at a relatively small capital cost to instal stationary lime kilns, tlius releasing the rotary kiln for the regular commercial production of treated phosphatic rock.

A delay unfortunately occurred in securing^ the necessary rock and sodium bisulphate required for these working trials and, in consequence, the first trial was only made in Julv. It will also be apjjreciateil that the griiuling and j)reparation of the mixture had to be fitted in with tlie commercial operations of tlie company, and tliat delays were frequently unavoidable, 'llie result of tiie trial was not entirely satisfactory owing to loss of material by dxistinj;' and ]irohable volatilisation of phosphorus; an analysis of the 2>'i tons of manufactiired product showed from 78 to 94 per cent, of citric soluble 1^. On of the total Po O.-, present, depending upon the lower or higher temperature attained in the rotary kiln.

The Industries Advisory Board approved of the action taken By the Scientific and Teclinical Committee, and, in view of the desirability of making the finished product a\ai]able to farmers at a reasonable rate, should the experiments prove satisfactory, it resolved at its general meeting, held on the 10th June, 1918:

" That the Board requests the Secretary for Mines and Industries to bring to the notice of the Minister the fact that the necessary safeguards must be taken in connection with the experiments now being made in regard to this rock, so as to prevent the possibility of a monopoly being created in this necessary article."

Towards the end of June,, the assets of the Saldanha Company were taken over by a new company, and, ia consequence, a deputation (representing the Industries Advisory Jk)ard and the Scientific and Technical Committee) interviewed the Minister of Mines and Industries, when it was decided to discontinue the investigations which the Com- mittee had in hand. This course was followed, as it was felt that the objective which the Government had in view, namely the commercial treatment of the rock for use as a i'eitilizer, was in sight, and that the Company could be relied on to take strenuous measures to provide for an adequate supply of fertilizer from this source. The Board understands tiiat a satisfactory process has been evolved, and that the Company will be in a position to supply the finished product in the new year. The termination of the war will bring active competition into play and, therefore, nothing in the nature of a monopoly need be feared.

In view of the fact that many farmers were desii'ons of using the finely ground raw phosphate-rock from Saldanha, and that it had been suggested to defer the promulgation of the Fertilizer Act (No. 21 of 1918) to enable such a covuse to be followed, the Scientific and Technical Committee prepared a memorandum at its July meeting in which it was suggested that the Government, in the event of it deferririg promulgation, should be extremely caieful not to convej- to the farming community that it advocated the use of the particular rock or guaranteed any benefits to crops from its use. The Industries Advisory Board subsequently approved of the Committee's views, and the pro- mulgation of the Act has been deferred until the 1st January, 1919.

(d) Supplies from other sources. Considerable inquiries have been directed, other than those previously mentioned in this report, with a view of alleviating the position, and more particularly to provide for the coming wheat crop.

It came to the notice of the Scientific and Technical Committee that a considerable quantity of guano was available and ready for export at the Seychelles Islands, and the Department of Mines and Industries was asked to take the matter up. Negotiations proceeded in this direction, and the Department had even gone so far as, to arrange for a vessel to be put at its disposal, when difficulties arose through the Governor of the Islands ascertaining that the matter was in the hands of certain parties in I.iondon. It is under- stood that "strong representations were made by the Government to the Secretary of State for the Colonies.

It subsequently transpired that definite offers of over 10,000 tons of phosphatic fertilizer at St. Piene and other Islands were received, and the information was tran.s- fened to the dift'erent firms who were interested in obtaining supjdies from such a source.

At the suggestion of the Scientific and Technical Committee, the Government has nuule inquiries into the possibility of obtaining further supplies of guano from the coast line north of C!app Cross, but the latest report goes to show that no appreciable quantity is in sight.

[U.G. 33—19.]


BotB the Industries Advit^ory Board and tlie Stieutifif and Tochnical Ccunmi'iiee have consistently urged the necessity of the G<ivernment reviewing- the ])(isiti()ii, and i( was suggested iliat the (iovernnient sliould collect all the available data, and, with the facts in front of it, decide as to whether more supplies could he obtained by Guvern-- mental action. The Board is informed, huweve)-, that the attitude of the Governmeiit, apart from tlie purchase of the Cape Cross guano, is to leave such questions as the supply of fertilizers to the action of private enterprise. AVhile the Board, as a general rule, approves of such policy, it feels that, owing to the pressing need and the inade([uale su])plies for ininiediate requirements, the jjosition is such as to warrant Gdvernment action.

Incheased Food Peoduction.

One of the most serious matters engaging the attention of the Industries Advisory Board and the Scientific and Technical Committee during the year under review was the necessitv tor stimulating pri duction of food su))|)lies.

The Industries Advisory Board considered this matter towards the end of 11117, and recommended certain action whereby a larger proportion of ilour and meal could he obtained in the milling of wheat, also the addition of maize m-eal to flour for bread- making. The Wheat Conservation Act, No. 17 of 1918, commonly known as " The Burton Bread Act," came into force during this year. The Industries Advisory Board also dealt very fully with the question of food supplies, by means of a memorandum transmitted to the Government on the 10th May, 1918, in which such matters as terti- lizers, analyses of soils, wheat breeding, railway rates, etc., were referred to.

Early in tlie year, the Scientific and Technical Committee, acting on the advice of its Agricultural Section, decided to urge upon the Government the necessity of taking immediate steps to stimulate the production of wheat in this conntry. With this object in \iev\-, a deputation interviewed the Minister of Agriculture, together with the Secre- tary for Agriculture, and xu-ged the initiation of a comprehensive investigation of the factors at present militatiaig against greater production, and the steps which, in the Com- mittee's opinion, should be taken to increase the output for the 1919 crop. The deputation further suggested that the investigation should be followed by an active campaign, organised and carried through in the manner best calculated to induce the taimer to adopt the measures advocated. The Z\Iinistei- of Agriculture sympathetically received the suggestion, and decided to appoint a Departmental Wheat Grow-iug Com- mittee, with the Under Secretary for Agriculture (Educati(Ui), Mr. Alex. Holm, as Chairman. It w-as further arranged that Mr. Holm should organise the carrying out of the investigation and report direct to his Minister.

The Board desires to express its appreciation of the large amount of work performed by the Wheat Growing Committee, and trusts that its efforts may be the means of s imulating the production of wheat in this country.

In addition to the foregoing, evidence was given by Mr. Bernard Price, on behalf of the Scientific and Technical Committee, before the Select Committee of Parliament on Food Supplies.

Farmer's Haxdbook.

In considering the best means of stimulating the production of foodstutt's and raw- materials for manufacturers, the Agricultural Section of the Scientific and Technical Committee has for some time realised the need for the publication of a Farmer's Hand- book on lines somewhat similar to that published by the Xew- South Wales Government in 1911 and re-published in 1910.

On the 13th May, 1918, a recommendation was made to the Government that the Department of Agriculture be asked to prepare and issue a Farmer's Handbook at the earliest jjossible date, and it was further suggested that, if the Department was too undei'stift'ed to allow one or moie men to l.e seconded for the ])urpose, it should employ a suitable person or persons from outside the service, or, preferably, utilise the services of a competent ex-official of the Department. In making the recommendation, it was pointed out that the book should not consist merely of reprints from Agricultural Journals, Bulletins or Departmental Reports, b\it should contain short and concise summaries, written in clear and simple non-techjiical language, in order that it might be readily understood by the farmer.

As a res"ult of a consultation with the Secretary for Agriculture, the Committee was informed that the I)e])artment would prefer to carry out the work itself, and it was thought that this might be done in conjunction with the projjosed re-publication of the ■' Agricultural Journal," the Editor of the jcmrnal to edit and compile the handbook at the same time. The Committee was subseqixently informed that provision would be made on the Government Estimates 1919-20 for the purpose mentioned-.

In view of this decision, the Committee advocated that immediate stejis be taken by flic various divisional officers to collect intormation in order that the handbook might be |)ublished early in the new financial year, but it was informed that, owing to the Depart- ment of Agriculture being already understaffed and overworked, it was impossible to take the preliminary measures suggested.


Wliile the Board appreriates the fart that the Department is prepared to undertake the publication of a handbook, it caunot refrain from expressing a legret that so im- portant a work, from the point of view of the farmer, should be allowed to stand over owing to the lack of the necessary staff to carry it out.

Cotton On. Indisthy.

In the lasi annual report of the Industries Advisory Board, mention was made of the fact that the Board was carrying out investigations inregard to an ap|)lication from the. Rustenburg Farmers' Co-operative Union for financial assistance in tiie matter of a cotton- seed oil-expressing plant which it was desired to erect at Kusteiiburg.

This important question engaged the attention of botli the Advisory Board and the Agricultural Section of the Scientific and Technical Committee during the year under review.

After careful investigation, the following resolution was .submitted to Govcnnnciit in September last by the Industries Advisory Board:

" That, after due consideration of the subject, this Board desires to recom- mend that the financial assistance asked for in respect of the erection and equip- ment of an oil-expressing mill, at Eustenburg, be granted by the Government to a combiuatiou of cotton growers, membership in which shall be given to the growers of cotton throughout the Transvaal Province, and this for the purpose of aiding the development of an important industry. The Board is furthei of opinion that some proportion of the funds required for the purpose should be raised by the members of the said combination of cotton glowers, or that satisfactory security for the re-payment of the loan should be furnished."

The Board passed a fmther resolution emphasising the desirability of carrying these recommendations into effect. This resolution was also transmitted to Government, to- gether with a report, setting out the reasons which influenced the Board in arriving at its conclusions.

It is understood that the financial aspect of the proposal is at present being con- sidered by Government, and that a definite decision will probablj' be arrived at within the next> few months.

The Board realised that before it cowld deal with an application of this nature, it would be necessary to ascertain at first-hand the stage of development reached by the cotton industry in the Union.

Arrangements were, therefore, made for a small committee of the Board to visit Rustenburg, the chief seat of the industry, early in December, 1917. A special meeting was also held in .Tohannesbuvg, when evidence was given on certain points by Mr. Scherffius. the Chief of the Division of Tobacco and Cotton, and his principal assistant, Mr. Taylor.

At a meeting held at Rustenburg in December, 1917, tlie following proposals were submitted to the Committee by the Eustenburg Farmers' Co-operative Union:

1. " The Government shall erect a cotton oil jiress at Rustenburg, to be con- trolled by the Eustenburg Farmers' Co-o]jerative TTnion on the jK)und per pound principle, on the understanding that the existing factory shall be included therein" : or that

2. " The Government shall erect a cotton oil press at Eustenburg, to be con- trolled by the Rustenburg Farmers' Co-operative Union, and shall lease the oil factory to the said Union at a nominal rent, in the same way as the Fermenting Factory of the Magaliesburg Tobacco Planters' Co-operative Union at Eustenburg."

As a result of the above meetings and the investigations of the Agricultural Section of the Scientific and Technical Committee, the following details of the industry were ascer- tained : On the establishment of Union, the Government, recognising the importance of cotton cultivation, arranged for the Chief of the Tobacco Division to take over the cotton work of the Union. Experiments in cotton cultivation had previously been carried on at Tzaueen, and these were continued : in addition, experiments were started at Eustenburg, Barberton, etc. From very small beginnings the industry has grown in interest and importance, as indicated bv the following figures submitted by the Chief of the Tobacco and Cotton Division (Mr. ScherflSus) :

Acreage under riiltir/if/on Season 1917-'18.

Eustenburg D'strict 5,000 acres.

Waterberg District 2,000 ,,

Zoutpansberg District ... 100 ,,

Natal 250 .,

In addition to the above, cotton has been grown on a small scale in various other parts of the Union. [U.G. 33— '19.]

Tlie annual yield since 1910 lias been as follows:

Yield of ini(-ll 1911 12 lyli'-l3 19J3 14 lOU-l". 1915 1(1 1916 17

Seed Cotton, lbs. ... 41,000 (iO,000 figure.^ not 450,000 523,403 444,()6() TOIM'OO Lint, lbs 13,623 18,000 available. 138,000 :57,()34 133,400 233,00(1

The Union's cio]) for 1918 was estimated to be 220,000 lbs. of lint. A niucli better result was anticipated earlier in tlie year, but reports received later sliowed tliat the er<i|i had been damaged very seriously in the Euslenhurg District, firstly, by the cotton boll- worm, and secondly, by frost. This result falls far short of the estimate of the year's production as given to the Board by the Co-operative Union, viz., 5.000,000 lbs. ol seed cotton, producing, roughly, one and a half million lbs. weight of lint. It is only lair to s;iy, however, that, gi\e;i favourable conditions, a cro]) of ;i, (100, 000 lbs. might not unreasonably have been expected. There are uudoiibted indications that cotton cultivation in the Union will continue to increase. The consensus of opinion amongst those who know something of the subject is that, on the whole, the conditions in the Union for cotton growing are favourable. In some respects, the Board is informed, they are more suitable than most countries. The question of rainfall at the proper planting season is a drawback, Init, oil the other hand. South Africa has a more favoxirable season for harvesting.

As regards the quality of South African cotton, tiiere can l)e no doubt that the bulk of the cotton produced is of fair marketable quality. Much of the cotton sent to I'lngland in normal times realised at least -^d. to l|d. per lb. higher than the average market rate for cotton of the same type grown in America. This is principally due to the fact that South African cotton growers produce a cleaner article than the American.

The difficulty confronting growers at the present time is their inability to realise the maximum value of their product. At present, the seed is being crushed in its entirety and sold as cotton-seed meal. This is, admittedly, a wasteful process, and only adopted for \^ant of a better outlet.

As the crop bids fair to increase rapidly, the Board is generally agreed as to the desirabilit}^ of treating the seed on more modern lines, for example, by the expression of the oil and the utilisation of the residue as cattle food, both products being much in demand in the Union. The importation of cotton-seed oil is approximately 400,000 gallons per annum, of a pre-war value of £50,000, whilst the cake is an invaluable feeding material for stock generallj^

Adulteration of Le.\ther.

In the last Annual Eeport of the Industries Advisory Board, the steps taken in regard to this important subject were recounted at some length. As a result of the recommenda- tions made by the Board, a Draft Bill was prepared, but, owing to stress of parliamentary business, it was not found possible to include it in the legislative ])rogramme f(n' 1918. Several new aspects of the question had arisen in the meantime and, in conseciuence, co])ies of the Draft Bill were circulated to members of the Board early in .Tuly for their consideration.

As a result of inquiries instituted amongst representatives of the tanning industry in different parts of the Union, it was felt that the Draft Bill, as it then stood, did not quite meet the position desired by Government, and, in conseqiience. tlie Board at its General Meeting in September discussed a number of suggested additions and amendments.

The suggested amendments ])roposed the inclusion of leather as " Adulterated Ijeather " when inineral or combination tanned and found to contain sodium sulphate or glauber salts. It was pointed out to the Board that glauber salts are manufactured in the Union and, it was alleged, are used by some local tanners as an adulterant.

Roan, Morocco, and Fancy Ijcathers had been exempted from the provisions of the Act, but it was pointed out that their special exem])tion was unnecessary, since they are not sold by weight and. in consequence, ai'e nevei' adulterated. Conversely. Valve Hide, which is always sold by weight should, it was pointed out, be brought under the provisions of the Act, since its exemption would provide a looph(de for the importation of sole and harness leather under the guise of " Valve Hide Leather."

The Draft Bill empowered authorised officials to enter any jnemises \\here it was suspected that South African adulterated leather is manufactured or stocked for sale, but no authority was given to enter ])remises whei'e it was suspected that im])orted adulterated leithei' was held foi' sale. The Boai'd sitggesteil certain amendments which would over- come this latter weakness, and, as I'cgards examination, generally. ])ointed out that unless control was applied at the Ports, or at the local source of manufaicture, there was a dangei' of a serious miscarriage of justice, since dealers or merchants holding stocks of imported or locally manufactured leather might unwittingly purchase adulterated material and would, \inder the Draft Bill, be held liable. The control should, in the opinion of the Board, be such as to prevent the importation of adulterated leather at the jiort of entry and, as regards locally maniifactured material. sn]iervision should be a))plii'd at the seat of manufacture.


It was recommended that sample ciittiniis ol ditVeieul varieties of leatiier should be kept at tlie jiorts fur the <j;uidaiice and assistaiiie of Customs officials in <'arrying out their duties, and it was suj;i>-('sti'd that leather invoiced hy weijj^lit should always ho undei' suspicion. In this connection the Hoard jxiiiited out that it would not he difKcult to compile a list of leathers usually sold hy weifjht or by measurement, and thus relieve the Customs authorities of considerable trouble. The authorities would have to <ruard aj^^ainst possible circumvention of the Act in the attem])tcd importation of adulterated leather usually invoiced by weight. Such leather could be invoiced by ([uantity to average a certain weight ]ier ])iece or ])er dozen, and, undei- the ])roposed regulations, there would be an incentive to do so.

Several further amendments were suggested hy tlie Hoard, including one ])ointing out the necessity for making provision for fine or for confiscation in cases of breach of the Ad. A statement embodying these reccmimendations was submitted to Government for inclusion in the new Draft liill, which, it is understood, will be dealt with bv Parliament earlv -n 191'J.

Flaying .\i\d Bil^ndixi; oi' Catilk.

The Board notes with ai)preciation that effect has been given to its recommendations under this head, by publishing in the April, 1918, i.ssue of the JouiikiI of IiulusTrics a summary of correspondence on this subject, received from leading tanners in the Union. It is hoped that the publication of the summary will be of service in bringing home to owners the in)])0itance of this matter, and the resulting \alue to them of the adojition of a uniform system of branding whi( h would damage the hides as little as jiossible.

The result of the experiments at the Potchefstroom and Glen Schools of Agriculture, foreshadowed in tha last annual report, goes to sin w that branding on the cheek would appear to be the most satisfactory method. This brand remains quite clear, whilst branding on the fore and hind flanks tends to become indistinct : it <an only be done ])roperlv, however, if a crushpen is used or if the animal is thrown.

It wonld a])pear, however, that the method at present in vogue in this and other countries, namely, fire branding on the hip, is regarded as the most satisfactory one fi-oni the owner's point of view. Consolidated legislation enforcing a system of branding which will damage the hide as little as possible will, no doubt, be necessary before owners can be induced to discard the existing method.

The Department of Agriculture has directed in(|uiries to America, the Argentine, Australia, and New Zealand, for information regarding the systems and methods in force in those countries, and the acquisition of this information may, possibly, disclose a practice which would commend itself to both owners and farmers in the Union.

Meanwhile, the matter is being kept prominently before the Board, which is awaiting the receipt of information referred to above before taking any further action.

As regards the flaying of hides, the Board acknowledges with thanks the receipt of an interesting statement on this subject from the Director of the Imperial^ Institute in London. In the opinion of the Institute, the question of improved flaying is mainly one of inducing the men who flay the carcases to use care, in order to avoid cutting the skins, and it is thought that improvement in this direction could, probably, be secured by suit- able organisation throughout the country.

Such an organisation, known as " The Hides, Leather and Allied Trades Improve- ment ■Society," is at present at work in the Tnited Kingdom, and its operations have resulted in a marked improvement in the ])reparation of hides in that country.

Unfortunately there is no graded market for hides in South Africa. The hide merchant pays tlie same price for a well-flayed as for a badly-flayed hide.

The matter is still engaging the attention of the Board, which is awaiting receipt of additional data on the whole question before taking any further action.

Eese.\ecii in Univkksities Axn Musepm.s.

The Scientific and Technical Committee has had under consideration for some time ])ast the means to he ado))ted to encourage scientific research in the several Uni- versities and Museums of South Africa. A sub-committee was appointed shortly after the inception of the Ccmimittee, and its reports, prepared as the result of extensive in(|niri?s, was ])ublished in c.rten.io as Annexure \'III. to tlie first Annual l{e])ort of the Committee. Briefly, it may he .stated that the Committee was of opinion that the higher educational institutions in' the Union were not sufficiently utilised for purpo.ses of scientific research and, in conseciuence, the country was being deprived of the direct benefits which it might reasonably expect to obtain from such work.

The question was fully discussed at the Committee's general meeting in January, and the following resolution was passed and submitted to the Government:

" That the Secretary be instructed to inloiin tlie Department of Mines and Industries that the Committee desires to again urge the Governnient to take the earliest possible steps to carry out the Ccnumiltee's recommendations as set forth [U.G, 33—19.]


in tlie report forwarded ou the Utl) December last, and that, wliile it is hoped t!u- I'eseni-li Hur.rd will le estahlislied fortliw itii, it is i.ot thoiiglit that any con- siderable expenditure will be incurred during the ensuing financial year, bul that a definite programme of researches could be formulated for the porind fcdlowiug thereon." - This resolution, together with the Committee's report, was forwarded by the (jovern- ment tn the newly formed Senates of the different Universities and, as a result of the replies received, the Counnittee was asked to submit a scheme under which effect might be given to the various recommendations.

The Committee accordingly suggested the appointment of a Research Grant Board which,' tor the present, and as far as general organisation was concerned, should take the form (if a sub-committee of the Scientific and Technical Committee. By adopting this arrangement, it was thought that the Board would be able to take advantage of the organisation of the Scientific and Technical Committee, and ensure a close co-operation between both bodies. It further suggested that the duty of the Board would be to advise the Minister, through the Scientific and Technical Committee, on all matters pertaining to the encouragement of research in the higher Government educational institutions, in- cludino- museums, and on any other matter referred to it by the Committee. In addi- tion, it was pointed out that among the first matters to be considered by the Board would be the «i>roper iirxhis o/jcniii'li for cauying out the i^ecomnrendations contained in the previously mentioned report of the Scientific and Technical Committee and the sum of money it' was advisable to set apart in the next year's estimates for carrying out those recommendations, which were forwarded to the Government early in September.

The recommendations of the Committee and the personnel of the Board (see Annexure I.) were formally ap])roved by the Government on the 14th October, but, owing to the amalo-amation in the interim of the Industries Advisory Board and the Scientific and Technical Committee, the Research Grant Board was formed as a sub-committee of the present Advisory Board of Industry and Science.

A meeting" of the R'esearch Grant Board, under the chairmanship of Prof. R. B. Young, was held towards the. end of November, mainly for the purpose of considering what "^amount it should recommend the Goveinment tn place on the Estimates for the ensuino- financial year in order to provide for a certain number of Research Scholarships and for grants towards the expenses incurred in the course of research.

The procedure to be followed by the Research Grant Board has been formally ap- proved by the Advisory Board of Industry and Science; and, further, at the wish of the former Ixidy, the Board has recommended that the Research Grant Board should not be restricted to the encouragement of research in Universities and Museums, but that its terms of reference should be so enlarged as to enable it to deal with any questions which may arise affecting r^so.irch in other than educational institutions.

At the "eneral meeting of the Scientific and Technical Committee in .July, a resolution was*^ passed to the effect that its sub-committee on Research in Universities and Museums should consider and recommend steps which might be taken for stimulating scientific research in the Universities, pending the adoption of the recommendations be; fore the Government; also to inquire into and report on further means for encouraging the trainino- of researches in Pure and xVjiplied Science, more particularly in connection with South'^African Industries. As these questions so closely concern the Research Grant Board, thev have been referied to that body by tliis Board for consideration and report.

Fisheries Survey.

The Scientific and Technical Committee has consistently urged the importance of making a thorough survey of the coastal waters, and every effort has been made to obtain the co-operation of tlie Provincial Administrations of Natal and the Cape Provinces, under whose jurisdiction it would fall, in order that this source of food supply might be fully

developed. . . , .

A sub-committee, under the chairmanshi]) of Dr. \i. Pennguey, made extensive inquiries and careful studies of Admiralty charts, and, as a result of its labours, pre- sented a most instructive rc|)oit on the area and depth of the sea-bamboo and the possible effect that its removal would have on the haunts of the crayfish. Shortly after the pre- sentation of the re])ort. Dr. Peringuey, who was ap]iointed as a member of the Scieiitific and Technical Committee, by virtue of his office as President of the Royal Society, vacated his position owing to his term of office exjiiring, but his services have been retained as a co-opted member.

The 'sub-committee continued its labours under the chaiinianship of Dr. J. D. F. Gilchrist, and lately recommended that the memberslii]i should be strengthened by the ajipointment of two representatives from each of the two Provinces affected. This recom- nieiulation was approved by (lie Advisory Board and acted upon by the Government, and the enlarged Committee has lieen considering the proceduie by which a survey could be started. 'The immediate problem before it at the present time is to obtain a vessel which wculd be suitabk- for the work, and a great difficulty is being experienced in tliis regard owing to the shortage of shipping of the class required.


The Board trusts that overv effurt will bo luaile by tlio (Joverument. to whtmi tin- mutter has been roferred, to arrange with the Adiuirally fur a suitable vessel to be set aside for the purpose; and thai, when this is done, the necessary funds will be made

axaihible in oidci' tiiat sui-li ;in inipdilaiit (lui'stiiin may not be anv loiiper deferred.

(jeologicai. and Minkhai. 8i'u\ i;y.

A reference to 4he first annual report of the Scientific and Technical (Jonunittee for the year ended ;ilst Decemlier, 1!)17, will disclose the fact tiiat the ("ommittee had recommended that steps should be taken to accelerate the Geological Survey and to insti- tute a Mineral Survey of the ITnion. While noting with satisfaction that an additional geologist has been engaged to devote his time to the latter work, the Board regrets that its further recommendations have not yet been acted upon.

Marketing of Mineral Product.s.

At the January meeting of the Scientific and Technical Committee, it was thought that, in addition to a survey- of mineral resouices, a branch should be formed for the purpose of assisting the exploitation of minerals, or what might be called " the economic development side of the question."

The Government Mining Engineer, wiio was jiresent at the meeting in his ca})acity of Assessor, pointed out that he had already suggested to the (iovernment the ai)])ointment of a competent officer for this work, and that his duties would be those proposed by the Imperial Mineral Eesuurces Bureau of (jreat Britain.

The recommendation was ado])ted, and subsequently approved by the Industries Advisory Board. The Board is pleased to state that the resolution has been acted upon, and that an officer of the Department has been busily engaged upon this work for some months back.

Water Power Sthvey.

The importance of such a question, and the bearing it has on the industrial develop- ment of the country has not been lost sight of.

The Board is awaiting a report by Mr. F. E. Kanthack, Director of Irrigatioii, which, it understands, will be completed in the near future. This rejKirt will deal with conserva- tion and utilisation of water power, and will, it is hoped, enable the Board to consider and make recommendations relative to a more detailed survey.

BoiANic.u, Survey.

The Scientific and Technical Committee has continually urged that a botanical survey of the Union be undertaken and, as a preliminary measure, recommended that a confer- ence of the leading botanists of the country should be held. In coming to this decision, it was felt that the problems to be considered were of so wide and divergent a nature as to necessitate not only the organised efforts of such Government Departments as might be concerned, but the concerted action of all other botanists in the country.

On the 2Gth April a communication was received from the Secretary for Agri- culture, stating that a meeting of Departmental Botanists and other officers interested had been held to discuss the question of a botanical survey, at which recommendations had been made as to its aim and scope, together with the best means for carrying it out, and providing for co-ordination and co-operation between the Government Departments and voluntary workers. It had further recommended that an Advisoj-y Committee of five be formed, mie of which should be a representative of the Scientific and Technical Committee, also that a conference should be arranged between -the chief Government officers and the Botanical Committee of the Scientific and Technical Committee for the ])urpose of obtain- ing the advice and ci;-operation of the latter body, thus enabling the jn'oposed Advi.sory Committee to consider the question of calling a convocation of South African botanists. In a subsequent communication, dated the 3rd May. 1918, received from the Chief of the Division of Botanv, no mention was made of a meeting between the Government Officers and the Scientific and Technical Committee.

In replying to tliese two communications, the Scientific and Technical Committee agreed to the projiosal of Imlding a conference betiveen its liotanical Sub-Committee and the chief Government officers concerned, but, at the same time, made it ])eifectly (dear that it was not prepared, at that stage, to enter into the question of the survey itself, as it considered that its original jiroposal to call a conference of South African botanists to discuss the best means for (Uganising and carrying out su(di a survey should be adhered to.

The whole (luestion was thoroughly discussed at the General Meeting of the Scientific and Technical Committee held in July, and it was decided in vie\y of the Govern- ment's decision to carry out the survey without, in the fiist plaie. calling a confei'cnce of botanists, that the Committee did not desire to be officially represented on the Advisory Committee of the Survey. As it was understood, however, that a seat on the Advisory Committee had been left vacant, it was lesolved to recommend the Government to a]ipoint Professor C. E. Moss thereon.

[U.G. 33—19.]


A further commuiiiciitiim was received from the Secretary for Agriculture, in which he conveyed the view- tTiat as the Scientific and Teclmical Committee did udt desire to be direct!}' represented on tlie Advisory Committee, the Department considered that the selection of a rejiresentative to fill the vacancy should now l)e left to the discretion of the officer cntiusted with tlic conduct of the Survey.


The ini])ortant part played by Industrial, Commercial and Te(din()l()<;ical Museums in stimulatinfi^ industries and comnierce is now generally recognised, and the Scientific and Technical Committee considered that the industrial develo])nient of the Union had reached the stage at which the establishment of a Museum of this character in the country was highly desirable. A sub-committee was appointed to investigate this matter, and its sub- sequent report stated that the chief objects of such a museum were:

(<i) The stimulation of public interest and the dissemination of information regard- ing the industries of South Africa, both actual and potential.

[h) The assistance of the producer more directly by providing him with easy access to information regarding the raw products and methods of manufacture of other countries, markets, current prices, etc., and, at the same time, by advertising his goods.

It also recommended that :

(1) An exhibition of South African Industries and Products be held in Johannes-

burg in 1919, the permanent exhibits of which to be thereafter the property of the proposed Museum.

(2) That the Government call together a Committee to consider and report to the

Government on the ways and means of carrying out the recommendations.

The report was adopted by the Scientific and Technical Committee, and forwarded to the Government, but a reply was received to the effect that, while the importance of the recommendations under normal conditions was fully appreciated, the Government was only prepared, at that juncture, to authorise expenditure for strictly essential and urgent work. The decision of the Government subsequeuth' received the approval of the Indus- tries Advisory Board, as it was thoug-ht that, in view of present conditions and the necessity for curtailing expenditure, the matter should be allowed to stand over until the conclusion of hostilities.

The recommendations contained in paragrajdi (1) are partially covered by a sugges- tion which recently appeared in editions of 0ns Land and De VollKstem, where the hold- ing of annual industrial fairs was advocated.

The Board has had this matter under consideiation, and, while it thoroughly recognises the advantages to be gained by such fairs, it considers that they could be best arranged in conjunction with the principal Agricultural Shows, and has recommended that the question be taken up jointly with the various Agricultural Unions and the South African federated Chamber of Industries.

Ee.seaecii in the Government Mechanical Labohatory.

The attention of the Scientific and Technical Committee was draM-ii to the necessity of providing research facilities at the Mines Department Laboratory at Johannesburg, used almost entirely for commercial testing work, the testing of w-inding-ropes, and the in- vestigation of'safetv a])pliances. In consequence of the recommendations of its Engineer- in<>' Committee, the Committee at its July meeting passed the following resolution:

" That this Committee recommends that -a sum of £2,500 be voted to defray tbe cost of a 500-ton Compression Tester, also the outlay in repairing the foundations of- the existing 200-ton machine; and further, to provide housing accommodation for sucb new compression machine."

Sliortlv after the amalgamation of the Industries Advisory Board and the Scientific and Technical Committee, a request was received from the Government for the Board to consider whether, in view of the necessity for curtailing expenditure, the money could be •more advantageously applied in other ways. At the request of the Board, the Engineerirg Committee again considered the (luestion in the light of the Government's remarks, and submittal an extensive memorandum setting forth the reasons v.liich jirompted it in adhering to its original recommendations. Tiie chief reasons which actuated the Com- mittee in its decision may be briefiy described as -

(a) The necessity for providing means for investigating the properties of engineering and building materials, as has been done in other countries, where conij)letely equipped national ])hysical laboratories have been in vog-ue for many years.

(//) That the existing 200-ton machine was specially designed for the purpose of carrying out tensile tests, and was not adapted even within its range, for test- ing stone and bricks in compression, or beams and columns in bending.

{<;) That the macliiiu; whirh the Cmumittee had in view was e.s|iecially intciidcd for

stone and concrete, cubes, hviiKs. lieavy mininfj timbers. niiJers and columns in

built-up .steel and reinforced concrete, tor which there was no ])rovision at

present for testing in South Africa. {(1) That the present iuachinc was likely to be damaged if utilised extensively for

the testing of bri(d<s, etc. (r) Tliat the Committee considered tlie time had arrived foi' an extension of the sco])e

of the laboratory with a view to its carrying out research work of a national

investigatory nature. (/) That it was thought that the new machine would create a demand for the more

extensive testing of materials, and thai the fees obtained would practically

defray its cost and upkeep.

The Board endorsed the opinion of its Engineering Committee and recommended to the Government the necessity for providing the additions to the Laboratory.

Sta\d.vedis.\tion oi- Electric.vi, Equipment.

At the request of the Mines and Industries Department, the Board was asked for an

expression of opinion on the necessity, or otherwise, for controlling importations into South Africa of inferior electrical machinery, bearing in mind that it had been found necessary in Canada to provide legislation for such jiurjioses. The Board, acting on the advice of its Engineering Committee-, considered that the necessity for protection in this country was not so. great as in Canada, as the latter country had also to consider the problem from the point of view of its manufactui'ers. It was decided, however, to ask the Engineering Committee further to consider the safety asjiects of the matter, and make recommendations as to whether legislation on these lines was desirable.

The safety question is now under C(nisideratioii and the Board trusts it will be in the position to report more fully on the matter early in January next.

Production and Utilisation of Power.

The Board was asked to give its opinion on a suggestion received from Sir William Hoy that expert opinion should be invited in reference to the production and utilisation of electric power for industrial purposes. The view was expressed by the Government that, though there may be at present no demand or scope for separate power plants, if large plants were erected at various centres for the electrification of railways, they might serve as valuable centres for the generation of power for disposal to industrial concerns.

In giving its opinion on the suggestion, the Board considered that the first essential, from the technical standpoint, was to ensure a co-ordinated policy for ])ower production in the Union. The design of the plants to secure maximum efficiency and reliability of supply might be left to the experts employed by the undertakings concerned, but it was important that, in choosing the type of system to be adopted, such undertakings should conform to a general scheme for the country as a whole. While it was realised that distances in this country were relatively great and that, consequently, the ultimate inter- connection of individual sources of power was less likely to prove economical than in smaller and more densely populated countries, inter-communication should, nevertheless, prove possible and desirable within certain areas, and, with this in view, and in order to secure the other advantages which always result from standardisation, every effort should be made to obtain, as far as possible, a standard type of system and uniformity of frequency and pressures.

The Board was also of opinion that, as far as it was economically possible to do so, the generation of power should be concentrated at points where the cost of fuel and other operating expenses, together with the capital charges, will be a minimum. It is hardly necessary to point out that it is by combining the supplies to consumers of diverse character and by concentrating production in large generating stations equipped witli machines of large capacity (and, therefore, of relatively low capital and operating costs) that power can be most cheaply produced. In a widespread country, such as South Africa, the cost of transmission to a number of consuming districts from a single source of supply may often outweigh the saving in generating cost as compared with separate generating plants for each consuming district, but, nevertheless, it is desirable to standardise the type of system adopted in such districts, so that connection to a common system of supply may be facilitated if and when such a course becomes an economical proposition.

The Board understands that this imjjortant (iiiestion of standardisation of system for power supply is already being considered by the South African Engineering Standards Committee, and suggested that the Government should request that body to furnish par- ticulars of the recommendations it ultimately makes.

As regards the suggestion of inviting expert opinion, the Board considered that, in so far as the technical aspects of the question were concerned, exjierts and authorities already in the country, who were intimately acquainted with local conditions, were in the best position to furnish the Government with any advice which might be required.

[U.G. 33— '19.]


Tlio iioaiil alsn poiuteil (.ut tliat lej^islatidii already exists in the Transvaal for the control and reouJation of elertiic ])ower supply niidertakinps iiifludiiig- the ])rices to be charged for power, and when necessary such lep-islation would, douhtlcss. lie extended on suitable lines to other Provinces.

Timber Eesources.

The imjjortance of this question was not lost sight of by either the Industries Advisory Board or the Scientific and Technical Committee. The" former body devoted a great deal of time to the consideration of the various jiroblems and the meaiis by which a systematic investigation could be carried (uit. The Board considered that a careful survey of the position was necessary owing to the threatened scarcity of the world's timber supply and, more particularly, to the heavy cost of imported timber for building and other purposes. The Board was also of the opinion that, in the first place, au endeavour should be made to meet a large portion of the local demand, and secondly, to increase the forest and ])lantation areas with a view to supplying future requirements.

The necessity for concerted action in this regard is at once apparent, and the Board considers that a thorough and careful survey of the timber resources of the eountrv should be carried out under the supervision of the Chief Conservator of Forests, in order that such questions as the value of timbers, their suitability for industrial jnirposes, seasoning, etc., etc., may be ascertained and made available to the public. Attention was called to this important matter in the recent report of the Industries Advisory Board, and, while it is realised that a survey of this nature would involve considerable financial outlay, it is thought that the benefits to be derived in the future would thoroughly justify any expenditure.

The Board has also dealt with, and made recommendations on, such questions as rail- way rates on South African Shooks. suitability of South African timbers for the manu- facture of hogsheads, and the marketing of timber from Government Forests.

At the request of the Mines and Industries Department, the Industries Advisory Board considered the question f)f seasoning of local timber and the desirability of estab- lishing a Government Seasoning De]wt for experimental piirposes. It thoroughly endorsed a suggestion, put forward by the Chief Conservator of Forests, to appoint a qualified ]>erson who could devote his time to this particular aspect of forestry.

The necessity for research, in connection with the seasoning of timber, was also drawn attention to by the Scientific and Technical Committee, which considered it was of the greatest imjiortaiice that steps shtmld be taken to collect existing data in regard to the properties of the different kinds of South African timbers, and urged that a whole- time officer should be appointed for this purpose. The Board understands that an appoint- ment has not yet been made owing to the difficulty in obtaining a suitable official. It trusts that this question will not be lost sight of, and that investigations will be started at the earliest possible date.

Importation of Second-hand Boots.

It will be remembered, in connection with this matter, that the Board, during the year 1917, made recommendations to Government on two occasions, emphasising the undesirability of permitting tins traffic to continue. The Government was not, however, prepared to move in the matter at that time.

A further development occurred during the year under review. The Government was approached by th? Ini|ieri'l authorities with a pioj)osal that worn and discarded mili- tary boots be despatched to the Union for sale to large employers of Native labour who could, in turn, dispose of them to their employees.

The proposal was referred to the Board which, after going thoroughly into the matter, recommended that it should not be entertained. The Board felt very strongly on the whole question of the importation of second-hand boots into the Union, and took the opportunity of again imjiressing on Government the desirability of prohibiting such importation. The Government decided to accept the recommendation of the Board and to stop the imjjortation of second-liand boots from Great Britain generally.

In the absence of legislation prohibiting importation it was decided to request the Controller of Shipping not to allocate space for this class of traffic in future.

The whole question will, however, require to be reviewed when control of shipping ceases.

Industrial Alcohol.

The use of alcohol for industrial purposes was carefully considered by the Industries Advisory Board towards the end of last year. The use of cheap industrial alcohol in other countries has undoubtedly led to a great expansion in trade, and it was realised that, provided duty-free alcohol were obtainable in the Union for manufacturing purposes, a similar expansion might be reasonably expected in this country.


III ((luseciufiiie ol' cxtt'iisivo eiinuiries in tliis iliifLtion, tlii' Duaiil, (ni the 'JDlli November, 1917, reoomniended tlie Gcn-ernment to adopt the foHowing alteiiitioiis to tlie Customs Tariff :

(1) That. \\ ith tlie exception of spirits used in j)reparation of niediciual articles,

perfumoiv and tlic like, industrial alcolud, snitaldy donatureil, may l>e used fur manufacttiring purposes, duty free.

(2) That spirits used in the manufacture of such preparations, i.e.. for medicinal

purposes, perfumery, etc., should pay a duty of 2s. per proof gallon, the final product to be un])otable as a beverage.

(3) That spirits required by scientific and teaching institutions for teaching and

research purposes, may be obtained free of duty in the pure and un-denatured state, under proper safeguards and restrictions.

The Board is pleased to note that its recommendations have now been agreed to, and are embodied in the Customs and Exci.se Duties Act, 15J18.

The denaturing formula, used in the manufacture of motor fuel from ;il(ohnl, adopted by the Government in 1917, on the reconimendatidu of the Scientific and 'I'ei'hnical Com- niittee, has remafned in force. In view, however, of the ditticulty ex])erienced in obtain- ing wood naptha and the urgent necessity for suppljnng a substitute for petrol, the Com- mittee was asked to consider an application from the manufacturers of " Xatalite," to dispense witli the requisite quantity of wood uajitha in the manufacture of -'SO, 000 gallons. The Committee decided to recommend a departure from the authorised formula, in so far as an additional 30,000 gallons were concerned, provided 2 per cent, of wood naptha was replaced bv ^ per cent, of pyridine bases, making 1 per cent, of pyridine bases.

In arriving at this decision the Committee desired to make it clear that its recom- mendation was only made as a temporary expedient and that, not only did it adhere generally to its original opinion, but it was in entire accord with the Commissioner of Customs who stated that wood naptha was the most important denaturing agent in use. and further that it possessed an enormous advantage over other substances, as it was only possible, with great trouble and expense, to obtain a clean drinkable sjiirit from it.

The Committee also considered, at the request of the Mines and Industries De])art- ment, the use of acetylene and acrolein as a denaturant in alcohol used for motor fuel. The opinion was expressed that they were not suitable as a substitute for wood naptha.

Excise Duty on Ether.

An application v\-as addressed to the Board early in the year, relative to the alleged anomaly in regard to excise duty on ether for manufacturing purposes. It was pointed out that the cost, in England, of ether of a specific gravity of -72 was 15s. 6d per gallon, including excise. The cost landed at works in South Africa amounted to 21s .6d. per gallon. Supplies of local manufacture were obtainable at about 4s. per gallon, but on this locally manufactured article 12s. 6d. excise duty had to be ])aid per proof gallon, on the quantity used in the manufacture of ether, for any purpose except motor fuel. This meant that, as 5 gallons of 96 per cent, alcohol are used to make four gallons of -72 ether, the excise alone per gallon of ether amounted to over 25s. The duty of 12s. 6d. per proof gallon on a gallon of 96 per cent, alcohol amounts to rather over 20s., owing to this being 65 per cent, over proof. It was therefore evident that, although s]iirit could be ])roduced locally at a reasonable figure, it was cheaper for a manufacturer to import from England.

It was further pointed out that no consideration had been given tf) the use of ether ftu' any other purposes than as motor fuel, and since ether was largely used in other industries it was su2gpst?d that rcgnlations be framed to provide for the refund of excise on suitably denatured ether produced in the country and used for manufacturing purposes.

The matter was referred to the Alcohtd Snb-Conimittee of the Industries Advisory Board for consideration, and the view was expressed that this case was ])aiallel to that of acetic acid manufacture, and was, therefore, covered by recommendations made by the Board in November, 1917. These recommendations were fully set out in the last report of the Board. In order that full representation might be given to the case of ether the following report, ju'oposed by the Alcohol Sub-Committee, was submitted to the Govern- ment early in the year:

"The Sub-Committee on Industrial Alcohol, having ctmsid^red this matter, is of the opinion that, so far as excise duty is concerned, the maniifacture of ether from alcohol is entirely parallel to that of acetic acid manufacture, and that, therefore, where the ether is to be used for manufacturing ])urposes, apart from medicinal preparations, alcohol used for this purpose should be duty-free.

[U.G. 33— '19.}

It is iliereforc reconiiueiided that in the incviously su<j{Tested amendments to section 6 (2) of Act Xn. .'17 of I9i:i. an addition to this effect shall be made in jiaragraph 2 (h) after "' acetic acid manufacture " so that it shall read: 2 (/)) In the case of spirits, methylated or denatured for industrial ])urposes, or used for manufacture of ether for indiistrial puipiKps tw used tor acetir acid uianu- facture, a rchate of the wliole duty." The Board notes with interest that while the -whole of tlie excise on ctlier used for manufacturing purposes lias not been rebated it has been decided to rebate the duty down to 2s. per gallon.

Coal I)isTiT.r,.vTioN.

At the recjuest of the Industries Advisory Board the Scientific and Technical Com- mittee inquired into the possibilities of obtaining supplies of motor spirit, from the dis- tillation of coal, with a view to making good the shortage of petrol.

It was thought that the yield of motor spirit, even from suitable coal, would not be sufficient to warrant the erection of a plant solely for that purpose, as a market for the coke produced would be essential in order to give such a scheme a chance of success. Further, owing to the limited quantity of motor spirit obtainable from one ton of coal (approximately 2^ to 4 gallons by usual methods), it was necessary to extract the other by-products, such as tar and ammonium sulphate. In addition, the Committee pointed out that there was no evidence before it as to whether South African coal would be capable of yielding payable quantities of the motor spirit required.

The Committee was impressed with the imjwrtance and far reaching effect of the problem, and the bearing it had on South African industries, and, therefore, recom- mended that the Government should endeavour to ascertain whether experimental work in connection with the distillation of Soiith African coal could be carried out in the recently erected Testing Station of the Fuel Eesearch Committee in Great Britain

The Committee's report was considered by the Industries Advisory Board at its Sep- tember meeting, and it was decided, in view of the fact that the question of coal by- products was engaging the attention of experts in Great Britain, to await the result of anticipated developments.

P0S.SIBILITIES 01.' Trade Development with Madagascar.

The Board has had under consideration the possibility of retaining and developing the increasing trade with tlie Fnion's near neighbour, Madagascar.

Owing to the prevailing abnormal conditions, merchants in Madagascar, who formerly drew the bulk of their supplies of foodstuffs, etc., from France, were compelled to look to the Union to supply their requirements. The result has been the rapid development of an important trade connection with Madagascar, and it is felt that an effort should be made to establish this connection on a permanent foundation against the return of normal conditions.

The Board has taken action, through the Department of Mines and Indu.stries, to obtain detailed and reliable data regarding the conditions governing commercial intercourse between the two countries, with particular reference to the operations of the Madagascar Customs Tariff. .Statistics of imports and exports are also being collected, as well as a statement showing the classes of produce most in demand in the island.

Upon receipt of this information the Board proposes to investigate the subject thoroughly with a view to determining what course of action would be most suitable in the circumstances.

Arrangements aj'e being made to supply the British Consul on the island with copies of Union trade publications and other information for the free use of merchants.

Factory Legislation.

As noted in the last annual report, the Board discussed the provisions of a draft Factory Bill submitted to it for consideration, and suggested a number of amendments. The Board notes with pleasure (hat this measure has now been placed on the Statute Book under the title of "The Factories Act, 1918."

The Act deals mainly with the registration of factories, the regulation of hours of employment, the prevention of sweating and the provision of holiday periods for workers. Sanitary conditions of employment and the protection of employees engaged in dangerous occupations are also provided for.

Reports for Publication.

As pointed out in the first report of the Scientific and Technical Committee, an attempt was made to obtain a clear view of the present position, in regardto the resources, products, and industrial development of the country, by inviting certain authorities to prepare reports on carefully selected siibjects. Many of these reports have now been received and, in order that they may be brought to the notice of the public, are pub-


lisheil in tlie Journal of Iiulustiiei', which is a inontlily publication, under the aegis of the Mines and Industries Dejjartment. A list of the subjects to be dealt with is pulished as Anuexure II. to this report. It will be noticed that a large number of reports had not yet been received, and, as it is thought that the intoimation to be obtained will be of the ulniost importance, every effort is being made to expedite their completion.

During the year under review, it has been decided to extend the scope of reports so as to obtain information on sucii important matters as supply of capital, co-operative movemeut-s, systems of taxation, transport metiiods, etc., etc., all of which should be of the greatest interest to industrialists.

In view of the extensive nature of some of the reports and liie care which has been (aken by reporters to deal with the various aspects of the subjects allotted to them, the Department of Mines and Industries has agreed to a certain number being published as ■■ Special Memoirs." This course will obviate the necessity for publishing the more lengthv reports in <eri.il form in s\icces>;ive issues of the Joiininl of I mlustrips.

Cejssx'.s of Scientific Literatuke.

At a recent meeting of the Scientific and Technical Committets attention was called to the great need felt by scientists and investigators for a co-ordinated catalogue of all the scientific and technical iiublications contained in the various libraries of South Africa.

The Committee recognises that means should be provided whereby persons desirous of engaging in research can fully acquaint themselves with the latest results and dis- coveries obtained by researches in other coiuitrie-^, thus obviating unnecessary duplication of work and hastening the attainment of results.

~ The constantly increasing number of such })ublications makes prohibitive the cost of providing sets of each one erf them in every library in the country; while some of those more frequently referred to must of necessity be maintained in several of the larger centres of population, others might well be restricted to one or at most, a few, of the leading libraries, provided that investigators could ascertain where copies can be seen, and that a system of loans could be maintained between one library and another. Such a system would avoid unnecessary duplication, and would increase the purchasing power of the funds at the disposal of each library, and make it more possible to ensure that all the Scientific and Technical publications will be available in one or other of the South African libraries.

The sub-committee has been fortuiuite in obtaining the assistance of Mr. A. C. G. Lloyd, Librarian of the South African Public Library, Cape Town, who kas already published a similar work for the. Cape Peninsula. It is intended to print 250 copies of the list of serials in order that they may be available for the principal libraries of the Union, and the Government has provided a sum of £200 for the purpose.

The Board desires to express its appreciation of the kind offer of Mr. Lloyd to act as Editor for the work pro])Osed.

Purchase of Scientific and Technical Liteh.\ture.

Early in the year the Scientific and Technical Committee submitted to the Government a list of scientific and technical literature l)earing on industrial problems, which it recommended should be purchased and stored at the Seymour Memorial Library. It was thought that the books selected would not only assist the Scientific and Technical Committee and the Industries Advisory Board in their deliberations, but would be of service to the general community on questions concerning the industrial development of the country's natural resources.

This recommendation was a]iproved by the Governuient, subject to the reservation that the books should be kept at the office of the Advisory Board, Room 155. Xew Law Courts, Johannesburg. The Board is pleased to state that just under 100 volumes have now arrived, together with a large number of bulletins and technical papers.

In order that the public, and more particularly those who are interested in the industrial expansion of the country, may have every opportunity of perusing the^e works, the Board has obtained the Government's approval to their being allowed out on loan, subject to certain conditions, particulars of which may be obtained on application to the Secretary of the Board. Catalogues have been prepared and circulated to the principal Libraries of the Tnion, and as new literature arrives, lists of additions to the library will be prepared and distributed.


Chairman. A. C. Mahsh,

Secretary. 3ist March, 1919.

[TJ.G. 33— '19.]



Mr. Chas. Q. Smitli (Chairman). Mr. Bernard Price, Mr. E. Cliapprll, C.B.E., Dciiuly Chairmen.

Dr. J. C. Beat tie. Mr. J. Burtt-Davy. Dr. W. A. Caldecott. Mr. L. Colquhoiin. Sir Tlioiiias Cullinan. Mr. A. J. Chiappini.

Dr. J. D. F. Gilchrist.

Mr. W. R. Jackson.

Mr. 0. A. Kolbe.

Mr. W. J. Laite.

Prof. D. F. du Toit Mallierbe.

Mr. F. T. Nicholson.

Prof. J. Orr.

Mr. J. Pyott.

Prof. B. do St. J. van der Riet.

Prof. G. H. Stanley.

Prof. R. B. Young.

Mr. F. E. Kanthack, C.M.G. Sir R. N. Kotze. Mr. C. E. Legat.


Lt.-Col. Charles Murray. Dr. R. E. Montgomery.

Dr. A. W. Rogers. Mr. P. B. Smith.

General Purposes Committee.

Mr. Chas. G. Smith (Chairman). Mr. Bernard ]'ric(\ Mr. E. Chappell, C.B.E., Deputy Chairmen.

Dr. W. A. Caldecott. Mr. L. Colquhoun.

Sir Thomas Cullinan. Mr. W. J. Laite.

Mr. F. T. Nicholson. Prof. B. B. Young.

(a) Dr. W. A. Caldecott.

(6) Mr. E. 0. Challis.

(&) Mr. R. A. Davis.

(c) Mr P. Greatb.ead.

Agricultural Committee.

[a) Mr. J. Burtt-Davy [Chairman).

(c) Mr. T. Kleinenberg. (c) Mr. F. Moitram.

(c) Mr. C. W. H. Kohler. [b) Mr. I. B. Pole-Evans,

(ft) Mr. G. A. Kolbe. {h) Mr. W. H. Scherflfius.

(6) Mr. C. P. Lounsburv. (c) Mr. S. B. Woollatt.

Editorial Committee.

(«) Prof. R. B. Young (Chairman), (a) Mr. J. Burtt-Davy. (a) Mr. E. Chappell, C.B.E.

(c) Mr. G. S. Burt-Andrews, (c) Mr. S. E. T. Ewing.

Engineering Committee.

(a) Prof. John Orr (Chairmnn).

(c) Mr. J. F. Martyn. (b) Mr. J. A. Vaughan.

(c) Mr. H. Newbery.

(a) Dr. J. C. Beattie. (c) Prof. J. W. Bews. (a) Mr. L. Colquhoun. (a) Sir Thomas Cullinan.

(a) Sir Thomas Cullinan. (a) Mr. W. R. Jackson.

(fl) Dr. J. C. Beattie.

(b) Mr. F. C. Hollander.

(c) Mr. G. D. Irvin.

Research Grant Board.

(a) Prof. R. B. Young (Chairman)

(b) Sir Robert Kotze. (h) Dr. J. McCrae. (a) Mr. Bernard Price.

Tariff Committee.

(b) Prof. B. de St. J. van der Riet.

(b) Mr. F. B. Smith.

(c) Sir Arnold Thieler.

(a) Dr. J. D. F.

I Mr. E. Chappell, C.B.E. (Acting Chairman).

(a) Mr. W. J. Laite. (a) Prof. G. Tf. Stanley.

(a) Mr. F. T. Nicholson.

Fisheries Survey Committee.

(a) Dr. J. D. F. Gilchrist (Chairman).

(h) Mr. L. Mansergh, I.S.O. («) Prof. B. de St. J. van der Riet.

(r) Dr. L. Peringuey. (c) Mr. Ronier Robinson.

Scientific Journals Committee.

(a) Dr. J. C. Beattie (Chairman). Gilchrist. (a) Prof. B. de St. J. v.ui der Riet.

(a) Denotes " Member.''

(6/ Denotes " Assessor."

(c) Denotes '' Co-opted Member.''






1. Oil Shales, Mineral Oils and Bitumens ..

2. Iron and Steel Industries

3. Hides, Skins and Leather Manufactures

4. Electro-Chemical Industries

5. Pottery

6. Economics of Production of Staple Crops, e.g.. Maize, Beef, Mutton

and Wool, and Statistics of Farm Product.s and Acreage

7. Tartaric Acid and other liy-products of Wine Industry . .

8. Cotton and Products.

9. Tanning and Dyeing Materials, including Wattle Bark and Extracts .

10. Certain Minerals used in Arts and Industries

11. Paper

12. Fertilizers . . . »

13. Wool and Mohair Products

14. Inorganic Chemicals

15. Soap, Candles (raw materials other than oils) and l)v-products (includ

ing Glycerine)

16. Native Timber Trees

17. Preparation of Vegetables and Fruits for Export

18. Fibre Plants (other than Cotton and Brush Materials).

19. Base Metals and their Production

20. Coal its qualities, etc.

In Course of Preparation.

1 . Fish and Fishery Products

2. Butter, Cheese and otlier Dairy Products

3. Conservation and Utilisation of Water Power.

4. Soil Conservation including Erosion

5. Wool, Fat and other Animal Fats

6. Maize and Maize Products ' . .

7. Cereals (other than Maize and their Products)

8. Preparation of Foodstuffs (other than meat) for Export— Eggs and

Poultry. .

9. Vegetable Foods (other than cereals and fruits)

10. Sugar and Sugar Products

11. Drug-yielding and Poisonous Plants and Products

12. Tobacco and Products. . .

13. Vegetable Oils, Waxes and Resins

14. Diseases affecting the Development of Crops Pieventative Reme

dial Measures . .

15. Cultivated Foodstuffs for Livestock

16. Essential Oils including Eucalyptus

17. Review of Government Action regarding Industrial Development by

Dominions and other countries, e.g., Japan, Germany and United States . .

18. Wines & Spirits ^

19. Fruit and Fruit Products

20. Rubbers

21. Cultivated Timber Trees

22. Timber and Wood Products (including Charcoal. Boxwood, etc)

23. Dips and Disinfectants . .

24. Artificial Stockfoods and their Manufacture

25. Meat Industry, Hides, Horns, Hoofs, etc.

26. General Review of Agricultural and Pastoral Possibilities

27. Tea

28. Barley, Hops and Brewing Materials . .

29. Chicory and by-products

30. Power for use of Farmers . . . . . . . . . . >-.

31. Review of System of Taxation in vogue in South Africa in reference

to the Development of its Industries and Resources . .

32. The Co-operative Movement in Natal in legard to Producing

Buying and Distributing Commodities

33. The Economic and Natural Factors affecting the Establishment of 1 Industries in South Africa . .

34. Insect Pests and Remedial Measures

35. Olive Industry

[U.G. 33—19.]


Dr. Wagner.

Prof. Stanley.

l\Ir. Swale.

Prof. \ an dcr .Merwe and

Prof. Bohlc, Mr. Adams.

Prof. Lehfeldt. Dr. Hahn. Mr. Tayloi-. Mr. Williams. Dr. Wagner. Dr. Juritz. Dr. Marcliand. Mr. Mallinson. Dr. Rindl.

Dr. Rindl.

Mr. Sim.

Mr. Pickstone.

Mr. Holmes Smith.

Dr. Versfeld.

Prof. Wilkinson.

Dr. Gilchrist. Mr. Challis. Mr. Kanthack. Mr. T. R. Sim. Dr. Juritz. Mr. Burtt-Davy. Mr. Neethling.'

Mr. W. 0. John. Ml-. Burtt-Davy. Dr. Juritz. Mr. Muller. Mr. Scherflfius. Dr. Rindl.

Mr. Pole-Evans. Mr. Wolfe. Mr. Santhagen.

Dr. Flint.

Dr. Perold.

Mr. R. A. Davis.

Mr. T. R. Sim.

Mr. T. R. Sim.

Mr. T. R. Sim.

Dr. Green.

Mr. S. B. WooUatt.

Mr. S. B. Woollatt.

Ml'. McDermott.

Mr. Clayton.

Mr. Shaw-Scott.

Mr. Fisher.

Mr. Cleghorn.

Mr. Sheridan.

Mr. E. W. Evans.

Mr. S. E. T. Ewing. Mr. Lounsbury. Mr. Tribolet. '

•24 Not Yet Definitely Accepted.

1. South African Export Trade and its Possibilities Mr. Chiappini.

2. Economic Plants at Kirstcnbosch Prof. Compton.

Suggested, but not yet Allotted.

1. The present position of Transport Methods in South Africa in refer-

ence to the Development of its Industries and Resources.

2. The Supply of Ca])ital available for the Development of the Natural

Resources of South Africa.


20 35

Reports received . .

Reports in course of preparation . .

Reports not yet definitely accepted . . . . . . 2

Reports suggested, but not yet allotted .. .. .. 2

Total . . - . . T)')



Geological Memoir* (rniitinni'il).

Price Post froo ill South Africa).

Rcpdil (111 n Hocoiumissanoe of the North-west

Zi>nlpmisbcrg District. By T. G. Trevor

unci E. T. Mellor _: 40 pages and Ifi plntes

* (including 1 map) ,, .. .. .,

GEOLOGICAL SURVEY SHEET MAPS each accompanied by an Explanation.

No. 1. Pretoria (Explvnation by H. Kymiston) Xn. 2. Pionoare Ri\-( r (Explanation by IJ.

Kynnston) A!i(l(Jtlburg (Explanation by l). T.


Xo. 4. Biistonbiii;; (Explanation by W. A.

Huniplirox ) Xo. 5. Zceni- 1 (Kxplnnation by A. L. Hall

and W. A. Hunipliicy) .\ ■. G. -Mftfokinp (Explanation by A. L. Hall

ami W. A. Humnhiry) Ni). 7. Potgictersrast (Explanation by H.

Kynaston, E. T. Meljoi-, nntl "A. L.


:\o. 8.— Sckiiniland (Explanaliun 1.% \. L.


X'. 9. Marico (Explanat o]! by W. A.

Humpbii'v) . . Xo. 10. Xylstroom (Explauiilicu by H. Kynas- ton, E. T. MeUoi, and W. A.

Humphrey) . . . . " . .

Xo. 11. Lydcnbnrg (Explanation by A. L. Hall) Geological Survey, Sht-ct 12 (Pilundsberg), with

Explanation . . Geological Survoy, Sheet 13 (Olifants River),

with Explanation) ..


.\ct to p^o^•ide for the Licensing of Persons carrying on undertakings for the Supply of Power and for other purposes, also Hegula- tions

Coal Testing Committee (Natal) -Report of 1904-05

Coking Tests of Tranavaal Cools Notts on (TJ.G. 41—1911)

Explosives Act, 1911. with Index. Act to Con- solidate and .\nienil the Laws in force in the Union, rcguliitiiig the Manufacture, Storage, Sale, Trans]>i>rt, Importation and the Use of E.xplosiv>'< . . .....

Explosion at Briti^h South .\frica Corapany's Factory at Moddcrfontein, Tiansvaai ^Re- port on (U.G. 28— 1911) ..

Explosion at British South .Africa Company's Work-s at Jlodderfontein, Transvaal, on 1st April, 1912— Report on (U.O. 48—1912) ..

Explosion at IJritish South Africa Company's Works at Modderfontein, Transvaal, on 24th September, 1912 Report on (U.G. 3 Ifll.'j)

Explosion at Capo Explosive Works, Somerset West,— Report on (U.G. 20 1912)

Explosion at Kvnoch's i'actorv (Natnl)^ ^Report on (U.G. 18—1912) .. "

Explosions of Ga.-; anil Coal Dust in the Coal Mines of the Province of Natal ^Report of a Conmiitteo on (U.G. 52 -1912) ..

Geological Commission (Cape) Report of the 1910 (U.G. 31—1911)

Geologic4«l Swvey of Xatalaiul Zuhilahd, First Report, 190^

Geological Suivey of Natal and Zululand, Second Report, 1904 .- . .

Geohigical .Survty of Natal and Zululand, lliird Report, 1907

Gold Mines situat<'d in th<? Transvaal Area Detailed Statistics relating to the from Jiuie, 1!)02, to f)c(.il..i-. KKlii

2 6

5 5 6 6 6 6


5 5

5 5



0 6 3 0

1 0

1 0

1 0

0 9

1 0 1 0 1 0

0 G

2 6

7 0

7 0


(Post froo

in S'.ulh



Malmnnia Gold Fields Commission Report oi

the— 1903 DO

Manufacture of Iron and Steel in the Transvaal. By F. W. Harbord (English or Dutch) (T.G. 21—1910) or.

Memorandum re Iron and Steel Industry (T.G.

30— 1009)— English or Dutch (Triuisvaal) 0 0

Alidas Deep Gold Mining Company— Report on

the— 1910 ('I'.A. 5—1910) 10

Minors' Plithisl'« Board Reports on the Working of the— to the :!Ofh November, 1912, and for the fiist six months ended the 3lBt Jonunry, 1913 (U.G. 13—1913) .. 0 6

Miners' Phtliisis Prevention Committee Pre- liminary- Report of the (U.G. 56—1912) .. 10

Miners' Phthisis and Pulmonary Tubereulosia on Mines within the Union of South Africa Report ol" a Commission on (U.<J. 19— 1912) .. .. 2 0

Mines and Works Act, 1911, and Mines, Works and Machinery Regulations, 1011, together with Inde.x and Chart of Conventional Signs 3 0

Mines Benefits Funds (Transvaal) Report of tho Committee of Inquiry on (U.G. 9 19U) 10

Mines Commission (Natal) Report of 1909 . . 10

Mines Department Report (Orange Free State)

(U.G. 24—1911) IB

Mines and Minerals of Natal (Dr. Hatch), 1910 5 0

Mining by Single Outlet Comraission Report

of the— 1907 7 (S

Mining Industry Commi-ssion (Transvoal)

Minutes of' Evidence of tho (T.G. 2—1908) 10 «

Mining Industry Commission (Transvaal)

Report of the (T.G. 2— 1908)— English and

Dutch . . 10

Mining Industrj' of Natal Report on the 1909 2 6

Mining; Regulations Commission (Transvaal)

Minutes of Evidence of tho 1910 . . . . 7 6

Mining Regulations Commission Interim Report

of the (T.G. 32— 1909)— English or Dutch 1 0

Milling Regulations Commission (Transvaal)

Final Report of the 1910 7 f,

Modderfontein Explosion Report of Inquiry on

the (T.G. 1—1908). 3 0

Prospecting Report of the Commission on

(Orange Free State) . . . . . . . . 6 0

Winding Ropes, Safety Catches, and Appliances ill Mine Shafts Reports of the Commission appohited to inquire hito 1907 .. .. 7 U

Report by Major A. B. Denno on an Accident which occurred in L3, a large Dynamite Cartridging Hut in Factory 11, British South Africa Explosives Company's Wurks, Modderfontein, on the 24th September,

1912 (U.G. 3—1913) 10

Report by Major A. B. Demie on an Accident

which occurrefl in EC, known as a " Packing House," in the " Dynamite System " of tlio Cape Explosives Works at Someirsot West, on tho 3rd January, 1913 (U.G. 11

1913) 10

Reports on the working of the Miners' Phthisis Board to tho 30th November, 1912, and for the first six months ended the 31st January,

1913 (U.G. 13—1913) 0 9

Miners' Phtliisis Pre\ention Committee In- terim Report, 1913 (U.G. 45—1913) .. 0 *

Report by Major A. B. Denno on an AcL-idont which occurretl in X'o. 47, a " Mixing " or " ICncading " House at the Explosi\ e ^Vorks of Messrs. Kynoch, Limited, I'mbogintwini,

Diiil Cnuiitv. X.iliil. i>n thi' 21sl Auirust,

11" ^ . (1 (v