the act ee July 16, 1894 7 5 ALBANY,'N. Y. SEPTEMBER I5, 1909 QL i | | 475 : " he New York State Museum | ENT Joun. M. CLARKE, Director EpHraimM Porter FE Lt, State Entomologist Museum bulletin 134 24th REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST. | by ON c 34 ow . INJURIOUS AND OTHER INSECTS — ret eee OF THE xf a aah ae ive * ‘ ' ‘ a N, i AL STATE.OF NEW YORK ne a : ‘ ome ot , 1908 Se 1 PAGE PAGE Se i Raivcdgeuch oh RS, Sia Saas Miascellaneous,..s. 2 s\ec nic ae He SS PUPS TS SEs Cts 13 | Publicationssof the Entomologist 60 oA Poplar le er ae 13 | Additions tocollections.......... 67 _ Grape blossom midge......... 15 | Appendix A: Studies of Aquatic EMoladion aphid.........-..s00+- 19 Insects. J. G. NEEDHAM.... 71 we PNareem Cockroach :. .. 6... cc ese 22 | Appendix B: Catalogue of the De- ; SaPyphoid or house fly and disease 24 scribed Scolytidae of America, ~ Notes RROPMENVEAT. 2s ot eves 41 North of coe ee, : ERPrititdree Insects).............. 41 SWAIN Bits ciee oie oS aera 76 Mrsieenuit insects... .. 20.05... 48 ana of plates... Ba es 5 161 Shade PCE TISECES 2.3. doe a ins AG) |) Trichene uaracsemac, «ey ata x's ane se 195 ¥ * ; , j e ‘ at ; is ALBANY UNIVERSITY -OF THE STAGE OF NEW YORE pee es cs 1909 Mer37r-Fg-1800 oe * fe * STATE OF NEW YORK EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Regents of the University With years when terms expire 1913 WHITELAW ReEIp M.A. LL.D. D.C.L. Chancellor New York 1917 St Cratr McKertway M.A. LL.D. Vice Chancellor Brooklyn tgtg DaNniIEL BeacH Ph.D. LL.D. So ae Walking 1914 Puiny T. Sexton LL.B. LL.D. - - - Palmyra 1gt2 T.GuILForD SmirH M.A. C.E. LL.D. - - Buffalo 1918 WiLLIAM NotrinGHaM M.A. Ph.D. LL.D. - Syracuse 1gto CuHestTer S. Lorp M.A. LL.D. - - -- + New York 19t§ ALBERT VANDER VEER M.D. M.A. Ph.D. LL.D. Albany 1gtt Epwarp LautTerspacH M.A. LL-D. - - -~° New York 1920 EUGENE A. Puitpin LL.B. LL.D. - - - New York 1916 Lucian L. SHEDDEN LL.B. LL.D. - .- + Plattsburg Ig2t Francis M. CakPENTER - = ‘=,'/2. =) Mount Kaseo Commissioner of Education ANDREW S. Draper LL.B. LL.D. Assistant Commissioners Aucusrus S. Downine M.A. Pd.D. LL.D. First Assistant Frank Rouitns Ph.D. Second Assistant THomas E. FIneGaN M.A. Pd.D. Third Assistant Director of State Library T James I. WyeErR, ]R, M.L.S. Director af Science and State Museum Joun M. CuiarkeE Ph.D. LL.D. Chiefs of Divisions Administration, Harnan H. Horner B.A. Attendance, JAMEs D. SuLLIVAN Educational Extension, Wittram R. EastMan M.A. M.L.S. Examinations, CHarRLrEs F. WHEELOCK B.S. LL.D. Inspectiois, Frank H. Woop M.A. Law, Frank Bb. Gi_tBerr B.A, School Libraries, CHAxLES E. Fircu L.H.D. Statistics, Hiram C. CasE Trade$ Schools, ARTHUR D, DEAN B.S. Visual Instruction, ALFRED W. ABRAMS Ph.B. New York State Education Department Science Division, February 10, 1909 Hon. Andrew S. Draper LL.D. Commissioner of Education Sir: I have the honor to communicate herewith for publication as a bulletin of the State Museum, the annual report of the State Entomologist for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1908. Very respectfully JoHN M. CLARKE Director State of New York Education Department COM MISSIONER’S ROOM Approved for publication this 11th day of February 1909 ALD Commissioner of Education Education Department Bulletin Published fortnightly by the University of the State of New York Entered as second-class matter June 24, 1908, at the Post Office at Albany, N. Y., under the act of July 16, 1894 ; No. 455 ALBANY, N. Y. SEPTEMBER I5, 1909 New York State Museum Joun M. CiarkeE, Director EpHRAIM Porter Fett, State Entomologist Museum bulletin 134 24th REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 1908 To John M. Clarke, Director of Science Division I have the honor of presenting herewith my report on the injurious and other insects of the State of New York for the year ending October 15, 1908. A number of species have inflicted serious injuries upon both fruit and shade trees. A most interesting phenomenon was the wide- spread and abundant flight of the snow-white linden moth. An unusual feature was the capture, within the limits of the city of Albany, of two specimens of a small, green, subtropical cock- roach, Fruit tree insects. Fruit trees in the western part of the State were seriously injured in some sections by the cigar case bearer, a species which is very rarely abundant enough to cause material damage in the Hudson river valley. Depredations by the above mentioned case bearer were frequently associated with severe injury by a small plant mite known as the blister mite. Western fruit growers were also greatly exercised by the caterpillars of the white marked tussock moth eating into the young fruit, a troublesome departure from the normal habit. The fall canker worm was unusually abundant and destructive on eastern Long Island and in the vicinity of New York city. The San José scale is one of the most serious insect pests of the horticulturist. The warm, dry weather the latter part of the season has been favor- able to the unrestricted multiplication of this insect, and in some cases infested orchards have become very badly affected. Our 6 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM observations show that, as a rule, fruit growers are experiencing much less trouble in keeping this scale insect in check than was the case in earlier years. Early spring applications of a lime- sulfur wash are giving very good satisfaction. Some parties are meeting with excellent results from applications of a miscible or so called “soluble ” oil. We have preferred, as a rule, to confine our recommendations to a material like the lime-sulfur wash, which is not only effective but safe and also valuable in controlling fungous diseases. Numerous observations have been made on the above mentioned and other insects. It is gratifying to state that conditions in the Chautauqua grape belt have materially improved, so far as injury by the grape root worm is concerned. Though this insect is generally distributed throughout the grape belt, severe injuries by it have been confined to restricted areas. The grape blossom midge was responsible for an unprecedented outbreak, destroying from 50 to 75% of the blossoms on one acre of Moore’s early grapes at Fredonia. It was generally present throughout the grape section and somewhat abundant in limited portions of certain vineyards. It is probable that this species has been responsible for failure to fruit in other cases where the losses were attributed to some unknown cause or possibly to unfavorable weather conditions. This insect is now under investigation. We hope to solve its life history next spring, a necessary preliminary to devising a practical method of pre- venting serious injury in the future. _ Shade tree protection. Ravages by the elm leaf beetle have been very severe in many Hudson valley cities and villages and, as a result, popular interest in the welfare of our shade trees has increased greatly. This concern has been accentuated by exten- sive defoliations inflicted by the white marked tussock moth, a species which has been quite injurious in Buffalo for some years past. Injuries by these and other shade tree pests have emphasized most strongly the recommendations of the Entomologist and, as a result, more than ever before is being done to protect our shade trees. The work of the city forester of Albany has been very beneficial, though owing to certain hindrances his work was not as effective as it might otherwise have been. The city of Buffalo has at last committed itself to a definite policy of shade tree pro- tection. A forester was appointed and excellent work has already been accomplished in that municipality. The authorities of several REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 1908 7 villages have given careful consideration to shade tree protection and there is a good prospect that more will be accomplished another year. The work against the gipsy moth, noticed below, has resulted in a marked improvement in the spraying outfit. We believe that certain of this apparatus, modified to suit our conditions, could be adopted to advantage and would prove of much benefit, since it would, by making the spraying easier and quicker, afford great encouragement on account of the largely increased efficiency. Our work upon shade tree insects, consisting mostly of local examina- tion and recommendation, has consumed much time and has been productive of marked improvement in the welfare of the trees. Gipsy and brown tail moths. These two insects have con- tinued their injurious work in Massachusetts, the first named being by far the more destructive. The gipsy moth has been found in small numbers at both Springfield and Greenfield, Mass., as re- corded in our previous report. Points where this insect was likely to become established have been closely watched and as yet +t has not been found in this State. A warning placard, illustrating this species and the brown tail moth, has been conspicuously posted in many, post offices and other public places in the State. Prompt and efficient treatment of isolated colonies, should they be found in this State, is of utmost importance if extended injury is to be avoided. The work against the gipsy moth, as revealed by a personal examination the past summer, is being prosecuted with great vigor. The residential sections are in excellent condition, though large woodland areas have been seriously damaged. The work with parasites, conducted by the state of Massachusetts in cooperation with the federal government, is most encouraging. The staff in charge of this work has been materially strengthened during the past year, and its efficiency greatly increased by the dispatch of a special agent to Japan. The latter secured some most promising parasites which already have been bred through one generation in this country, and lead us to hope that they may soon become important factors in controlling this species. The control of these introduced pests should be encouraged in every possible manner, since it is much more economical to check them in a restricted area than to allow the struggle to extend over a wide territory. Forest insects. The extensive outbreaks by the green striped maple worm, recorded in our previous report, have been continued in southern Rensselaer county, and it is probable that this species 8 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM was associated, as was the case last year, with the antlered maple caterpillar. The depredations by the snow-white linden moth, noticed in our preceding report, were continued in the Catskills and extensive injuries in the Adirondacks were also brought to our attention. The only hope of preventing damage of this character is by the encouragement of natural agents, prominent among which may be mentioned native birds. The efficiency of in- sectivorous birds has been repeatedly emphasized by the Entomo!o- gist. The bark borers or Scolytidae comprise a large number of very destructive species. The literature relating to this group is greatly scattered and comparatively inaccessible, hence a bibliographic catalogue is a necessary preliminary to further work upon these insects. We submit for publication, as an appendix of this report, a catalogue of the described Scolytidae of America north of Mexico by Mr J. M. Swaine. Gall midges. The studies upon this important group have pro- gressed very successfully. We have already prepared preliminary keys for the separation of most forms into subfamilies, tribes, genera and species, together with tables giving the food habits of those which have been reared. Some idea of the magnitude of this work may be gained when it is remembered that we have studied over 300 bred species and now recognize 700 species, representing about 50 genera. The systematic arrangement alone of this large number of microscopic insects is an immense task. And in addition to the above, many descriptions have been drafted and numerous biological notes transcribed. The later work upon these insects has of necessity been con- fined mostly to systematic study, owing to the fact that material was coming in faster than it could be worked up in a satisfactory manner. We have succeeded, in spite of the pressure of other matters, in rearing during the past season about 75 species, the biology of most of which was previously unknown. There is on hand a large series of galls from which some extremely desirable material may be expected another season. The work upon this group is so well in hand that there should be no difficulty in bring- ing it to a successful conclusion in the near future. The rearing and care of breeding jars containing gall midges require much time. Assistant Entomologist D. B. Young had general charge of this work and was ably assisted by Miss Fanny REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 1908 9 T. Hartman. In addition, Mr Young rendered material service in separating our large amount of material into the major groups, while Miss Hartman has made over 600 microscopic preparations. Flies and mosquitos. The ubiquitous and well known house fly has been the recipient of much attention because recent investi- cations show it may be the responsible agent, under certain condi- tions, in the dissemination of typhoid fever and other grave in- testinal disorders. Observations upon its life history and habits have established the practicability of largely reducing if not elimi- nating this menace to health and personal comfort. A press bul- letin on this insect was issued and this will be supplemented by a more extended account. There is much interest in the control of mosquitos. The Entomologist inspected the work in progress on the Flushing meadows and has kept in touch with similar op:rations in other localities. Attention has also been given to the control of fresh- water species, especially the malaria-carrying form. The prac- ticability of such work has been established and we look for a great extension of interest in the local suppression of these annoy- ing pests. Aquatic insects. The studies of insects inhabiting our fresh waters have been continued by Dr James G. Needham. His report on the work done at Old Forge was made public in the report of this office for 1907. Dr Needham is now engaged in completing his monographic account of the stone flies (Plecoptera), a work which should be ready for the printer some time during the com- ing winter. Dr Betten has made good progress in his studies of the caddis flies (Trichoptera), and it is expected that his work upon this group will be completed the coming spring. These two publications, when issued, will supply a most important want in our knowledge of aquatic forms and add much of value to the series of reports and bulletins on aquatic insects. Publications. Many popular economic notices have been con- tributed by the Entomologist to the agricultural and local press, and a few accounts of more general interest have been widely dissemi- nated through the agency of the Associated Press. The large num- ber of Cecidomyiidae reared in 1907 rendered it advisable to pub- lish preliminary descriptions of these, and a reprint from the report for that year, entitled New Species of Cecidomyiidae II, was issued October 26, 1907. Owing to numerous delays in printing, the report for last year did not appear during the fiscal year, al- Io NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM though a large amount of time was necessarily expended upon the more technical part in carrying it through the press. Collections. The additions to the collections have not been as numerous as in preceding years, owing to the “necessity of giving more attention to the arrangement and classification of material on aand. A number of previously unknown Cecidomyiidae were reared and several important gaps in our knowledge respecting this group filled. Several extremely desirable accessions, aside from those’ men- tioned above, have been made to our biological collections. One of the most interesting was a complete series representing the egg, larva, pupa and adult of the remarkable Taeniorhynchus perturbans Walk., generously contributed by Mr J. Turner Erakeley of Hornerstown, N. J., the discoverer of the early stages and one of the most active in working out the life history of this previously very elusive species. Two important additions have been made to our exhibit collec- tions, namely, an enlarged model of the onion fly, showing the egg, maggot, puparium, adult fly and an onion infested by maggots; also an enlarged model of the cigar case bearer showing its work upon apple leaves. Both of these were executed by Mrs Otto Heidemann of Washington, D. C. The arrangement and classification of the collection has received much attention. Assistant Entomologist D. B. Young has sepa- rated the Staphylinidae into their major groups and determined many species. He has also given considerable time to the arrange- ment of the Syrphidae. The completion of the catalogue of the Hill collection occupied much time during the past year. Miss Hartman also assisted in the preparation of the above mentioned catalogue and has done a great deal of general curatorial work, such as mounting, labeling and caring for insect specimens. Office matters. The general work of the dffice has been con- ducted as in previous years, the Assistant Entomologist being re- sponsible for the correspondence and other matters during the absence of the Entomologist. Assistant I. L. Nixon resigned Octo- ber 12, 1907, and Miss Fanny T. Hartman was temporarily ap- pointed to the vacancy October 26, with subsequent confirmation. Numerous specimens have been received for identification and many inquiries made concerning injurious forms. Owing to their having been no important bulletin or report issued during the sea- son, there has been a decrease in the number of packages sent REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 1908 ET through the mails or by express. This latter has undoubtedly had some effect upon the correspondence. 1470 letters, 171 postals, 42 circulars, 408 packages were sent through the mails and 39 pack- ages were shipped by express. Nursery certificates. We have continued, as in past years, to indorse upon the request of the State Commissioner of Agriculture nursery certificates issued by his office and destined for points in the state of Virginia, since the Virginia authorities insist that ail certificates accompanying shipments of nursery stock to that state shall be indorsed by an official entomologist. The following is a list of firms to whom these nursery certificates were issued dur- ing 1908: Stark Bros. Nursery Co., George A. Sweet, Bryant Bros., all of Dansville; George S. Josselyn, T. S. Hubbard Co., F. E. Schiff- erli, Lewis Roesch, Foster & Griffith, all of Fredonia; The Chase Nurseries: Henry Sears é& Co.,, They MM. HH. Harmon Co., H. E. Merrell, all of Geneva; E. Moody & Sons, Lockport; Jackson Per- kins, Newark; Allen Nursery Co., Brown Bros. Co., Herrick Seed Co., Perry Nursery Co., First National Nurseries, Chase Bros. Co., Ellwanger & Barry, Western N. Y. Nursery Co., Rochester Nurs- ery Co., H. S. Taylor Nursery Co., Glen Bros., all of Rochester ; F. R. Pierson Co.,- Tarrytown. General. We would acknowledge at this time our indebtedness to Dr L. O. Howard, Chief of the Bureau of Entomology, United States Department of Agriculture, and his associates for identify- ing a number of insects. Several correspondents have rendered valuable services in securing desirable material for the collection. There has been, as in previous years, a most helpful cooperation on the part of all interested in the work of this office. The tacit limitations of earlier years confined the studies of the economic entomologist to insect enemies of well recognized farm crops, such as corn? potatoes, fruit, or to those forms annoying or injurious to domestic animals. The later extensive insect depre- dations upon shade and forest trees have served to emphasize the practical importance of this field. The more recent discoveries that malaria and yellow fever are transmitted by mosquitos, and that typhoid fever and other grave intestinal diseases may be con- veyed by house flies, has made the entomologist a most welcome ally of the sanitarian. Furthermore, careful investigations of in- jurious and dangerous insects have repeatedly demonstrated the value of such studies as a necessary preliminary to practical con- 12 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM trol work on the farm or marsh, in the orchard or even about the home. Prophylactic measures against yellow fever, malaria and typhoid must depend in large measure upon an intimate knowledge of the habits of certain insects and their part in the dissemination of the dangerous germs. The study of injurious insects is by no means completed. There is great need of investigations that can not be adequately conducted with our present resources. The ex- hibit collections should be greatly strengthened by a large series of well executed, enlarged models of the smaller, more injurious insects. Such a departure would greatly increase the practical and educational value of the entomologic exhibits, particularly as the significance of some of the more recent discoveries can not be ade- quately portrayed without such aid. This latter would also do much to bring the larger exhibit necessary for the Education Building up to a high standard. Respectfully submit‘ed . EPHRAIM PORTER FELT State Entomologist Office of the State Entomologist, October 15, 1998 REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 1908 13 INT URIOUSSINSECTS Poplar sawfly Trichiocampus viminalis Fallen This sawfly, first observed in this country in 1888 by Dr J. A. Lintner, has become rather abundant upon Carolina poplars in the vicinity of Albany during recent years. Complaint of injuries by this species has also been received this season from Cambridge, N. Y. = Dr Lintner stated in 1888 that this species was so abundant upon small poplars in his garden that it was \ necessary to pick and burn the in- fested leaves in order to prevent | en more serious injury. ) Life history and habits. The orange-yellow, black spotted, false caterpillars may be seen in early June. The young larvae feed in i company on the under side of the foliage, skeletonizing most of the leaf. The larvae then break up into clusters of 6 to 8 or 10, migrate to other leaves and by this time are large enough so that everything is devoured except the larger veins, feeding invariably beginning at the Lips Of thewleat.. The presence’ of leaves eaten in the above described ways is most characteristic of this ; ‘ Fic. r Poplar sawfly, leaf stem show- species. The larvae attain full ing oviposition and a portion of the stem greatly enlarged. (Original) , growth very quickly and some may be observed spinning up the latter part of June. The period of ‘ oviposition is quite extended and eggs, young larvae and full- grown larvae may frequently be observed upon the same tree the latter part of June and into July. A second generation of larvae occurs about the middle of August. The full-grown larvae of the I4 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM first generation may spin their oval, brown cocoons in leaves or other debris. The second generation presumably hibernate in the cocoon, adults appearing the following spring and depositing their eggs in minute slits on either or both sides of the petiole in series of 10 to 15 or even more, since Dr Lintner records as many as 28 or 30 in one row. Description. The egg is pearly white, oval and about 1 mm in length. Its position is indicated by a slight swelling about I.5 mm long, the swellings being about I mm apart. Larva. The young larvae are about 6 mm long, have dark brown or blackish heads and pale green or yellowish green bodies. Partly grown larva. Length 1 cm. Head subglobose, jet-black, the most of the body being a very pale green with a conspicuous row of sublateral, subquadrate, black spots, a pair on each segment. The anterior portion of the body, namely the first thoracic seg- ment and the lateral tubercles on the 2d, 3d and the 11th seg- ments, particularly laterally, is variably tinged with pale orange, giving a very characteristic appearance. The larvae are rather thickly clothed with short, whitish setae arising from inconspicuous tubercles. True legs pale yellowish basally, yellowish transparent apically. The whitish transparent prolegs occur on the 2d to the 7th and 8th and 9th abdominal segments, each segment also with a small, black, lateral dot. Anal plate subcircular, black with whit- ish setose tubercles. Full-grewn larva. Length 1.5 cm. Head jet-black. Body a deep yellowish orange, sparsely covered with fine, whitish hairs and with a conspicuous row of irregu- lar subquadrate lateral mark- ings, a pair on each segment, and a substigmatal row of small REE triangular, black markings. The Wie 6 Davie awaw! ade vise ofideva ea black anal yplate gbeansmseyenal larged. | (Original) pairs of submedian white setae. Adult. Length .8 cm. Wing spread 1.8 cm. ~ Head shining black, short, broad. Antennae nearly as long as the body, com- posed of nine segments, the first two short, the others long, slender and tapering successively to the apex. Thorax black dorsally, the venter and the abdomen yellowish. Wings yellowish basally, the stigma large, distinct. Legs mostly pale yellowish, the pulvilli dark brown. REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 1908 15 Remedial measures. This leaf feeder should be easily con- trolled by timely applications of an arsenical poison, preferably arsenate of lead. Bibliography 1888 Lintner, J. A. Ins. N. Y. 4th Rep’t, p. 44-46. (Brief account, as Aulacomerus lutescens) 1889 ———— Ins. N. Y. 7th Rep’t, p. 223-24. (Synonymy, as Aula- cemerus litvesecen:s ) 1906 Felt, E. P. N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 8, 2:568-69. (General account) } Grape blossom midge | Contarinia johnson Sling. The work of this little midge has been observed here and there in Chautauqua vineyards for the last four years. The enlarged blossom buds, infested by maggots, have been found in small numbers each spring. Nothing was known as to the source of these little pests, aside from the fact that they were produced by some small fly. It was not till the spring of 1909 that we were enabled to rear this insect and show that it belonged to the genus Contarinia and has as allies several destructive species. One closely related form, Contarinia violicola Coq., has proved very injurious to the extensive violet-growing industry located at Rhine- catt; .N: YY. Another amember of this geaus, Contarinia pyrivora Riley, is well known on account of its destroying youne pears. A third form, Contarinia sorghicola Coq., infests sorghum in the South and causes a serious shrinkage _in the production of seed, while a West Indian species, Conta - rinia gossypii Felt, is injurious to cotton. In addition, Contarinia viticola Rubs., which further study may show to be identical with the species attacking grape blossoms in the Chautauqua region, has been recorded as injurious to grape blos- soms in Europe by Rutbsaamen,’ a noted authority upon this group. Injuries. The grape blossom midge of the Chautauqua region was first observed in scattering numbers by the late Professor Slingerland and Fred Johnson in 1904, at which time it was re- corded from the towns of Ripley, Westfield, Portland and Brocton. It has occurred in small numbers from year to year since then, and in 1908 aroused considerable apprehension among growers on ac- +1906 Riibsaamen, E. H. Zeitschrift fiir Wissenschafiliche Insekten- biologie, 2:194-08. 1909 ———— Die Wichtigsten deutschen Reben-Schadlinge und Reben- Niitzlinge, p. 74-76. 16 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM count of injuries inflicted upon early Moore grapes. One acre of this variety, belonging to Mr H. L. Cumming of Fredonia, had 60 to 75% of the blossoms destroyed by this midge. Investigations by the writer last June showed that the insect was generally dis- tributed, even in extensive vineyards, throughout the grape belt, being observed from Fredonia westward to Ripley, while Mr Fred johnson recorded its occurrence at North East, Pa. The injury resulting from the attack of this insect simply causes the destruc- tion of infested blossom buds. There was some complaint of grape clusters being unusually open and irregular during 1908, and as this midge was abnormally abundant, it was undoubtedly a fac- tor in the production of light bunches. Furthermore, it is probable that some of the mysterious failures of the grape crop in restricted areas may be attributed to the work of this species. An examina- tion of grapevines in the vicinity of Albany and at Nassau, N. Y. failed to reveal any signs of this insect’s work. Description. The presence of this enemy in a vineyard is easily recognized. The infested blossom buds remain closed and are con- spicuous on account of their abnormal size. They are about % of an inch in length and usually longer than broad. They vary in color from the nearly normal green to a variable red tinted extrem- ity. The actual presence of the destructive yellowish maggots is easily demonstrated by opening a bud. Seven to eight or ten larvae may occur in one blossom bud. The affected buds remain on the vines only a short time, dropping within a few days to a week after the injury becomes noticeable. Larva. The pale yellowish or whitish maggot or larva is about 1/12 of an inch long and may be easily recog- nized by the presence of a somewhat charac- teristic, brownish, forked breastbone near the anterior extremity. The younger maggots are whitish, becoming lemon-yellow upon at- taining full growth. The maggots, together with those of related species, have a peculiar method of locomotion. The extremities are brought together and then suddenly released. The movement frequently results in throwing Fic. 3 Maggot of grape : ‘ : blossom midge, breast- the maggot a distance several times its own bone greatly enlarged. 55 s (Original) length. Fly. The parent insect is an extremely delicate, pale yellowish fly only about 1/25 of an inch long. The male is easily recog- REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 1908 7. nized by the long, knobbed, hairy feelers or antennae one half longer than the body. The female is about 1/16 of an inch long and may be distinguished by the shorter, less densely haired feelers or antennae. This sex is provided with a long, slender ovipositor as long as the body, well adapted to placing the tiny eggs within the developing floral tissues. Technical description. Larva. Length 1.5 to 2 mm. The smaller larvae are whitish, the larger ones pale yellowish. Head rather short, broad, with a length about equal to the diameter. Antennae short, stout, uniarticulate. Breastbone bidentate, the teeth rather broadly triangular and moderately chitinized, the basal | Fic. 4 Maggot of grape blossom midge, view Fic. 5 Maggot of grape blossom midge of head, enlarged. (Original) boca. extremity, enlarged. (Orig- ina portion semitransparent and tapering posteriorly. The segmenta- tion of the body rather distinct, the skin nearly smooth. The penultimate segment with a short, stout, cuticular process at the posterior lateral angles. Terminal segment broadly rounded, sub- truncate distally, posteriorly with a pair of submedian acute der- mal papillae, and just within, a pair of stouter, semitransparent, strongly curved pseudopods. Anus ventral, broadly oval. Male. Length 1mm. Antennae one half longer than the body, thickly haired, fuscous yellowish; 14 segments, the fifth with the basal portion of the stem with a length one half greater than its diameter, the distal part with a length three times its diameter, the enlargements subglobose, the basal one with a sparse subbasal whorl of setae, the circumfilum with the loops sparse, long and extending to or a little beyond the middle of the subglobular dis- tal enlargement, which latter has a scattering subbasal whorl of curved setae and a similar circumfilum, the loops extending to the base of the following segment. Palpi; first segment short, sub- quadrate, the second stout, with a length over three times its diam- eter, the third a little longer, more slender, the fourth one fourth longer than the third. Mesonotum fuscous yellowish. Scutellum and postscutellum yellowish. Abdomen fuscous yellowish; genitalia darker. Wings hyaline, costa light brown, subcosta uniting there- with before the basal third, the third vein at the apex; fringe abundant. Halteres whitish transparent. Legs mostly pale yel- 18 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM lowish; claws long, slender, evenly curved, the pulvilli as long as the claws. Genitalia; basal clasp segment stout, truncate; terminal clasp segment rather stout, slightly tapering; dorsal plate short, deeply and triangularly emarginate, the lobes diverging, obliquely truncate and sparsely setose; ventral plate long, very deeply and roundly emarginate, the lobes long, slender, with a few coarse setae at the narrowly rounded apex; style short, stout. Female. Length 1.5 mm. Antennae nearly as long as the body, rather thickly haired, fuscous yellowish, yellowish basally; 14 seg- ments, the third greatly produced, with a length six times its diameter, the fifth subsessile, cylindric, with a length two and one half times its diameter, slightly constricted near the basal third, subbasal and subapical whorls rather thick, short, strongly curved ; terminal segment somewhat produced, the apical fourth forming a broadly rounded knob. Mesonotum fuscous yellowish, the sub- median lines sparsely haired. Scutellum and postscutellum fus- cous yellowish. Abdomen a little lighter, the distal segments slightly fuscous. - Halteres pale yellowish. Coxae, femora and tibiae mostly pale straw, the anterior and midtarsi fuscous yellow- ish, the posterior tarsi apparently pale yellowish. Ovipositor nearly as long as the body, the terminal lobes with a length six times their width, very slender, subacute apically and with a few coarse setae. Life history. The delicate parent midges undoubtedly appear with the unfolding of the blossom buds or soon after, and the female deposits 7 to 10 or more eggs. These hatch quickly, the maggots develop rapidly and become full grown at about blossoming time. Infested blossom buds were very abundant in vineyards June 11, 1908, while a week or 10 days later the insects had practically disappeared. This indicates clearly that the period of larval existence is very short. The maggots or larvae either drop from the infested bud or fall with it and seek shelter in the ground, remaining in an earthen cocoon during the rest of the sea- son and transforming to pupae the following spring. The few aduits reared by us under artificial conditions appeared April 30, 1909. It is probable that those hibernating in the field do not emerge till much later, namely, early in June before the grapes are in bloom. There appears to be no reason for believing that this insect can subsist upon other vines than grape, unless it be the allied Virginia creeper. The extent of injury is undoubtedly in- fluenced greatly by the time the midges appear, since if they fly in large numbers just as the blossom buds appear and the latter are therefore in a favorable condition for infestation, there is likely to be much more serious injury. This is probably the explanation of REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 1908 19 the almost total destruction of the bloom in the acre of early Moore grapes noticed above. It is possible that this new American pest is an introduced species, brought to the Chautauqua region on re- cent importations of grape. It is to be hoped that it will not mul- tiply greatly and become a serious menace to this important industry. Remedial measures. Nothing very definite can be advised in the way of control measures. Clean culture, supplemented by lib- eral feeding, is the most hopeful method of avoiding serious in- jury, as we have yet to find this insect very abundant throughout large, well cultivated vineyards. Most of the infested clusters so far as our observation goes, occur near the outside of a vineyard in the vicinity of abundant natural shelters. The burning over of grassy headlands and margins of ditches in early spring could hardly cause much injury and might be of service in destroying the wandering maggots. The delicate parent insects would succumb readily to pyrethrum powder and presumably would be stupefied by heavy smoke. These insects fly mostly during the quieter part cf the day and it might be practical, in the case of a badly infested vineyard, to watch for the appearance of the adults and then stupefy or destroy them by generating a heavy smudge throughout the vineyard. Attempts to control this midge by applications to the vines before the flies appear are very likely to result in failure. Bibliography 1904 Slingerland, M. V. & Johnson, Fred. Cornell Agric. Exp. Sta. Bul. 224, p. 71-73. (Brief illustrated account with description of larva and gall, as Cecidomyia) 5 1908 Felt, E. P. Grape Belt, June 12; Buffalo News, June 13; Country Gentleman, June 18, 73:607; Economic Ent. Jour. 1:243. (Brief records of injury, as Cecidomyia) 1909 —— Grape Belt, May 18 (Records rearing of adult, outlines the life history and discusses remedies) 19099 —— Economic Ent. Jour. 2:257 (Records rearing and discusses im- portance) Gladioli aphid Aphis gladioli n. sp. The abundant occurrence of a plant louse upon gladioli bulbs is something unusual. No outbreak of the kind had been previously brought to our attention, and Dr L. O. Howard informs the writer that he is unable to find any record of an aphid occurring upon this showy plant. This new form of injury was first brought to 20 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM our attention last July, by the reception of a number of gladioli bulbs badly infested with plant lice, although they had been pre- viously fumigated with sulfur. The insect must be exceedingly prolific, since one small box containing about a dozen bulbs had the interstices almost filled with exuviae and plant lice. The presence of large numbers of these insects injures the salability of the bulbs, since it weakens them materially and frequently results in a failure to bloom. This species has caused more or less trouble to some of our growers for the past two or three years, particularly in late winter. Examples of this plant louse were submitted to Mr Pergande, through Dr L. O. Howard, and by him pronounced to be an unknown species of aphis. Description. The very young plant louse is about .75 mm long, pale yellowish or whitish transparent with an obscure subapical orange band on the abdomen. The antennae are slightly fuscous apically, the tip of the beak, the distal tarsal segments and the cor- nicles being fuscous; the eyes are black. The antennal segments in this stage have the following measurements: Third .21 mm, fourth .o6 mm, fifth .141 mm. The cornicles are subcylindric, being .o9 x .045 mm. The partly full grown wingless female has the following anten- nal measurements. Third segment .195 mm, fourth .12 mm, fifth .o85 mm, the sixth .415 mm, the cornicles being sub- cylindric, .135 x .o6 mm. The full grown wingless female is rather stout, a pale yellowish white, the head dorsally, frequently having a distinct yel- lowish cast and the subapical abdominal segments a deeper yellowish cast on the Fic. 6 Gladioli aphid, poste™ ‘ rior extremity of wingless fe- venter. The apex of the third, fourth and Renee cae ee ath aricerns| segments and the apexes of the tibiae, tarsi and the beak are fuscous: The cornicles are light fuscous and the eyes black. Winged female. Length 1.75 mm. This form is dark brown and yellowish, the antennae being mostly a fuscous yellowish, the head fuscous, the pronotal lobes a variable fuscous and separated from the mesonotum by a yellowish or deep orange area. The thorax has the median and two conspicuous submedian lobes fuscous. Scutellum fuscous, postscutellum light fuscous. Abdo- men a variahle yellowish orange and with a variable, oval, or sub- REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 1908 21 quadrangular, fuscous area on the dorsum of the fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh segments. Cornicles fuscous and tapering slightly. Wings with a yellowish white stigma. Legs mostly a pale Fic. 7 Gladioli aphid, wings and antenna, much enlarged. (Original!) yellowish, the femora and tibiae apically and the tarsi fuscous. Venter of prothorax yellowish, the mesothorax with broad, angu- late, fuscous sclerites ventrally. The abdo- men ventrally yellowish and deep orange, the two apical segments narrowly margined mesially with fuscous. The antennal seg- ments have the following measurements: The third .36 mm, the fourth .165 mm, the fifth .105 mm and the sixth .375 mm, the sensoria being very abundant on the third urth segments; rnicl : ee. Fic. 8 ladioli aphid, and fou 1 segments; cornicles .15 x .045 Sa dag oh et mm, tapering gradually. (Original) Life history. Gladioli bulbs are kept by growers in large warehouses, the temperature being maintained at about 40 degrees throughout the winter. This insect is evidently unable to breed under these conditions. As spring advances and the house begins to warm up in March, the aphids appear in large numbers, repro- ducing so abundantly that the window frames and sills may become literally covered with wings and bodies of plant lice. It “is comparatively easy, in a badly infested house, to sweep up a gill of wings and exuviae from under one window. This plant louse multiplies freely upon the bulbs, usually being massed around the origin of the roots and sometimes nearly covering the entire 22 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM under surface. Breeding evidently continues from some time in March until into July, with the production of numerous winged individuals the latter part of July, at least in the case of bulbs submitted for examination, though winged females un- doubtedly occur earlier in the season under warehouse condi- tions. By July 28th winged fe- males had entirely disappeared in our breeding cages, though young were still numerous on Fic. 9 Gladiol aphid, posterior exteemary Pe DUDS ;ulater wall disappedgase of young nymph, enlarged.” (Oneine)! . An‘muvestization about tue mmidle of August resulted in finding no living aphids in the storage ware- house or upon the plants in the field. It is stated that when dig- ging in October a few plant lice may be found upon the bulbs. These evidently remain in a dormant condition till the house warms up in the spring as described above. Remedies. Fumigation with sulfur has-been found ineffective in controlling this species. It is more than probable that judicious fumigation with hydrocyanic acid gas would be entirely successful in controlling this pest. This might be accomplished by treating the entire house or by arranging for the fumigation of badly in- fested trays whenever necessary. The bulbs would probably not be injured by any strength of gas which would be harmless to ordinary growing plants, and it is probable that more gas could be used with safety. This point can be determined only by actual tests made preferably under warehouse conditions. Green cockroach Panchlora hyalina Saus. Two specimens of this Central American form, kindly deter- mined through the courtesy of Dr L. O. Howard, were brought to the office in ‘March, each taken from a different section of Albany, N. Y. The occurrence of a single specimen would have little significance, as it might easily have been brought to the city upon fruit boats, but the finding of two in different sections is not so readily, explained, particularly as we find records of this species having been taken in other parts of the country. The earliest record is that of a specimen being captured in a store in Boston REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 1908 23 December 26, 1878, and is given on the authority of the late Dr Samuel Kneeland. Again in 1879 a female was found alive with numerous young in a house at Salem, Mass. In both of the above mentioned cases the insect was identified as Panchlora nivea Linn. A specimen was also fanen by Dr Carl). -Gissler* of Brooklyn, N. Y., September 21, 1890. It has also been recorded from Porto Rico, 7 Description. This slender species is a rather fragile, light green, yellow margined form with the thinner por- tions of the wings transparent. It is nearly an inch long and has the long, slender, pale yellowish antennae characteristic of this. group, the ter- UAE minal segments of which are in- Fic. 10° Green cockroach, enlarged. E : : (Original) teresting, since they are strongly constricted at the base and thus subsessile. The legs and under- surface are pale yellowish green. The young, as noted by Dr Howard, are light brown and are remarkable in that the body becomes broader posteriorly. Life history and habits. This species, aside from being a tropical form, is particularly interesting because of its viviparous habits, most cockroaches producing large, characteristic odtheca. It is a tropical form and the abundance of constantly warm houses, not to mention greenhouses, should render it comparatively easy for this species to maintain itself in our climate, particularly when reinforced by frequent importations as appears to be the case at the present time. This or an allied form, according to Malcomb Burr, is occasionally found in Europe, being brought from South America. Bibliography 1890 Smith, J. B. Psyche, 5:405. (Recorded from Boston and Salem, Mass., as. anmehlora.nivea ) 1891 Riley, C. V. Insect Life, 3:356. (Recorded from Brooklyn. Ob- servations on life history, as Panchlora viridis); 3:443-44. (Brief general illustrated account) 1903 Rehn, J. A. G. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 19:285. (Distribution) 24 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM The typhoid or house fly and disease Musca domestica Linn. The house fly is such an extremely common species that de- scription appears unnecessary. Dr Howard’s investigations show that fully 98% of the flies in houses are ordinary house flies. A few others are associated with this dominant species. The stable fly, Stomoxys calcitrans Linn. may be rather abundant about houses in the fall and is responsible for the persistent belief. that under certain conditions the house fly bites. Invariably the offender is this last named species, a form which presents an ex- tremely close general resemblance to the house fly and may be dis- Fic. tr Typhoid or house fly: a, male, seen from above; b, proboscis and palpus frem the side; c, tip of the antenna; d, head of female; e, puparium; f, the anterior breathing- pore or spiracle, all enlarged. (After Howard & Marlatt, U. S. Dep’t Agric. Div. Ent, Bul. 4. n. s. 1896) tinguished therefrom at once by its bite. It occurs, as a rule, about the stable. Another fly liable to be abundant about houses in the fall is the cluster fly, Pollenia rudis Fabr., a species some- what larger than the house fly and easily recognized by the yellowish hairs upon the thorax. The small, yellowish fruit fly, Drosophila ampelophia Loew, only about 1% inch long, is sometimes rather abundant in houses and is invariably found in association with overripe or decaying fruit. These REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 1908 25 various species, although annoying and under certain condi- tions dangerous, sink into insignificance compared with the common house fly. Habits. The house fly subsists entirely upon fluids taken up by means of the fleshy tongue. It apparently feeds with equal gusto upon fresh manure, decaying vegetable matter or the daintiest culinary preparations. This catholicity of taste frequently results in flies feeding greedily upon exposed discharges, in open vessels or poorly constructed privies, from patients suffering from tvphoid fever or other grave intestinal diseases. The hairy legs are thus fouled with thousands of deadly bacilli and countless numbers of germs are swallowed. Shortly thereafter the same flies may appear in the house and incidentally contaminate the food, to the great peril of the consumer, with the germs adhering to the limbs and those deposited with undiminished virulence in the familiar fly specks. This, while disgusting and abhorrent to every sense of decency, occurs repeatedly in nature and is apparently ignored by the masses, despite the deadly peril incurred. There is abundant evidence to show that this insect breeds by preference in horse manure, though it also occurs to a limited extent in cow manure and in miscellaneous collections of filth and specially decaying vegetable matter. The parent insects deposit their eggs upon manure and similar materials, the young maggots hatching therefrom in less than 24 hours and, under favorable conditions, completing their growth in five to seven days later. The maggots then transform to the oval, brown, resting or pupal stage, remaining therein from five to seven days. The life cycle is thus completed in to to 14 days, the shorter period being true of the warmer parts of the year, particularly in the vicinity of Washington, D. C. One fly may deposit about 120 eggs, and as there may be 10 to 12 generations in one season, it is not surprising that this insect should become extremely abundant by midsummer. Calculations show that under favorable conditions the descendants from one fly might at the end of a season reach the stupendous number of over 190 quintillion. Dr Howard’s studies show that as many as 1200 house flies, in various stages, might be found in ‘one pound of manure. At this rate, one good load of manure tight produce two and a half million flies. Fortunately, breeding is confined to the warm months, only a few flies wintering in houses in a more or less dormant condition. 26 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Flight and dissemination. This is something of great import- ance in view of the part flies may play in the spread of disease. The experiments of Dr L. O. Howard, Government Entomologist, have shown conclusively that the major portion of the flics about a building breed in the immediate vicinity, probably within 300 to soo feet. There is no denying the fact that this insect is capable of flying considerable distances but ordinarily this does not seem to occur. There is another phase of this question which has ap- parently received little consideration, namely, the conveyance of flies by vehicles of one kind or another. Only a little observation is necessary to show that the butcher cart of the country is a very efficient carrier of flies, presumably receiving accessions and leav- ing individuals at almost every stopping place, even though the route traversed may occupy an entire day. The same is true, though to a more limited extent, of trolley cars and express cars carrying sacked meat or other supplies equally attractive to flies. It is only necessary for these carriers to load where conditions are favorable for the infection of flies and we may have a mysterious outbreak of disease at some distance from the source of trouble. Natural enemies. The house fly, though so abundant, is subject to attack by various natural enemies. One of the most common is a fungous disease known as Empusa muscae which is occasionally responsible for the death of many flies, particularly toward the end of the summer. It is not uncom- mon to find a few individuals affected \ by this disease every year. A small, reddish mite may be occasionally found attached to flies, seriously weakening the host. There are, in addition, wasps and spiders which prey upon flies and undoubtedly are of considerable service PG. TF bok eel he en, though they are very tarelysctxeiently still more enlarged. (After Wood) ahundant to materially reduce the num- bers of this pest. Another interesting enemy of the house fly is known as the house centipede, Scutigera forceps Raf, REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 1908 27 a harmless species which, in recent years, has become well estab- lished in many houses in New York State. It is credited with preying on house flies, cockroaches and presumably other insect inhabitants of dwellings. The house fly as a carrier of disease. The house fly is such 2 common insect that altogether too much has been taken for granted. Up to recently it has been considered simply as an inevitable nuisance. Later developments have shown that this insect may be an important factor in the dissemination of certain diseases. Typhoid fever is one of the most serious ailments to which man is subject. There are about 250,000 cases of this disease annually in America, about 35,000 proving fatal. 60% of the deaths in the Franco-Prussian War and 30% of the deaths in the Boer War were caused by this disease. Positive statements have been made to the effect that the house fly was an active agent in the dissemi- nation of this disease, while certain reputable physicians consicer this charge unproved. The Spanish-American War, if it accom- piished nothing else, called attention in a most forcible manner to the part flies might play in the dissemination of typhoid bacilli. Dr M. A. Veeder of Lyons writing in 1898 was very strongly of the opinion that the house fly was largely responsible for the dis- semination of this disease in camps. Dr Walter Reed writing of an outbreak near Porto Principe in the annual report of the War Department states that the outbreak “was clearly not due to water infection but was transferred from the infected stools of patients to the food by means of flies, the conditions being especially favor- able for this manner of dissemination.” Dr L. O. Howard, writing in 1900 on the fauna of human excrement, quotes from Dr Vaughan, a member of the army typhoid commission, as fol- lows: 27 Flies undoubtedly served as carriers of the infection. My reasons for believing that flies were active in the dissemi- nation of typhoid may be stated as follows: a@ Flies swarmed over infected fecal matter in the pits and tien visited and fed upon the food prepared for the soldiers at the mess tents. In some instances where lime had recently been sprinkled over the contents of the pits, flies with their feet whit- ened with lime were seen walking over the food. b Officers whose mess tents were protected by means of screens suffered proportionately less from typhoid fever than did those whose tents were not so protected. 28 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM c Typhoid fever gradually disappeared in the fall of 1898, with the approach of cold weather, and the consequent disabling of the fly. It is possible for the fly to carry the typhoid bacillus in two ways. In the first place fecal matter containing the typhoid germ may adhere to the fly and be mechanically transported. In the second place, it is possible that the typhoid bacillus may be carried ir the digestive organs of the fly and may be deposited with its excrement. Dr Alice Hamilton in 1903, studying the part played by the house fly in a recent epidemic of typhoid fever in Chicago which could not be explained wholly by the water supply nor on the grounds of poverty or ignorance of the inhabitants, captured flies in undrained privies, on the fences of yards, on the walls of two houses and in the room of a typhoid patient and used them to inoculate 18 tubes, from five of which the typhoid bacillus was isolated. She further found that many discharges from typhoid patients were left exposed in privies or yards, and concluded that flles might be an important adjunct in the dissemination of this infection. More recently, Dr Daniel D. Jackson investigating in 1907 the pollution of New York harbor, found that by far the eceater number of cases occurred within a few blocks of the water front, the outbreak being most severe in the immediate vicinity of sewer outlets. He gives a series of charts showing an almost exact coincidence between the abundance of house flies and the occur- rence of typhoid fever, when the dates are set back two months to correspond to the time at which the disease was contracted. The bacilli of typhoid fever were found by Ficker in the dejecta of house flies 23 days after feeding, while Hamer records the presence of this bacillus in flies during a period of two weeks. Most sig- riificant of all, it should be noted that competent physicians in position to make extended observations upon this disease and the methods by which it may become disseminated, are most strongly of the opinion that under certain conditions at least, the fly is a most important factor. Epidemics spread by flies, according to Dr Veeder, tend to follow the directions of prevailing warm winds. fe considers flies the chief medium of conveyance in villages and camps where shallow, open closets are used, thus affording the insects free access to infected material, and where it is possible to eliminate water and milk as the sources of infection. Drs Sedgwick and Winslow, writing in 1903 state that “the three great means REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 1908 29 for the transmission of typhoid fever are fingers, food and flies,” the authors holding the last to be the most important. The possibilities of transmitting typhoid fever are appalling to the layman when it is remembered that the germs of this disease may be in the system several weeks before diagnosis is possible, continue in numbers six to eight weeks after apparent recovery and in exceptional cases may be discharged from the system during a period of several years. There are authentic records of a patient aistributing these germs for 17 years and being the incipient cause of 13 cases during 14 years of that period. Furthermore, Dr M. A. Veeder of Lyons cites a case where typhoid fever was perpetu- ated from year to year in a locality, ascribing it to a physician recommending the burial of all typhoid excreta and the execution of this direction by a favorite nurse. It is well known that soil infected by these germs may be the origin of new cases, and Dr Veeder significantly observes that the annual recurrence of typhoid fever in the above mentioned locality ceased with the death of the two parties mentioned above and a change in the method of dis- “posing of typhoid discharges. The evidence against this insect may therefore be summed up briefly as follows: Virulent typhoid bacilli have been found upon the legs and within the body of this insect, persisting in the latter case for 23 days. A number of serious outbreaks have been ob- served by competent physicians, where infection through a com- mon water or food supply did not satisfactorily explain the out- break. This positive evidence, while not establishing beyond all question the culpability of the fly, is further supported by the opinion of a number of reputable physicians who have had exten- sive experience with outbreaks of this character. The evidence showing that flies may play an important part in the diffusion of cholera is, according to Dr Nuttall, absolutely con- vincing. He cites experiments showing that cholera bacilli may be found on flies in large numbers, while they may occur in the dejecta within 17 hours after feeding and as late as four days. Infected flies have been given access to milk and cholera cultures made therefrom. . Typhoid fever and cholera, while both serious infections, are by no means the only diseases which may be conveyed by flies. Cer- tain forms of diarrhoea and enteritis are undoubtedly due to spe- cific germs, and there is no reason why the bacilli causing these infections may not be carried as easily and in the same way as 30 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM those responsible for typhoid fever. The monthly bulletin of the New York State Department of Health for October 1908, states that during 1907 there were in New York State 37,370 deaths of infants under 2 years of age, 9213 being due to diarrhoea and enteritis. Careful investigators, it is stated, have placed the pro- portion of deaths between bottle-fed and breast-fed babies as 25 to 1. Physicians recognize the necessity of providing pure milk tor young children, and in most instances it is comparatively easy to see how flies might be responsible for the major portion of the infections, since they usually occur in numbers about stables, in the vicinity of milk houses, in the neighborhood of milk stations, on milk wagons and, in fact, are found in greater or less numbers wherever milk is stored, excepting in refrigerators and similar piaces. Martin states that each succeeding year confirms his ob- servation of 1898 to the effect that the annual epidemic of diarrhoea and typhoid is connected with the appearance of the common house fly, while Nash, in the Lancet, records no mortality from diarrhoea among infants at Southend during July and August 1902, this immunity being accompanied by the almost complete absence of the house fly. This insect was abundant in that locality in Sep- tember and coincidently epidemic diarrhoea developed. Sandi- lands, in the Journal of Hygiene, states that the great majority of cases of diarrhoea are due to the consumption of infected food, and suggests that the seasonal incidence of diarrhoea coincides with and results from the seasonal prevalence of flies. Dr Jackson records several epidemics of a malignant type of dysentery radi- ating from a single point and disappearing entirely when proper disinfection of closets was enforced. The evil possibilities of the fly are by no means exhausted in the above recital. It is well known that flies feed upon sputum. Ex- periments by Lord recorded in the Boston Medical and Surgical Journal show that flies may ingest tubercular sputum and excrete tubercular bacilli, the virulence of which may last for at least 15 days. He considers the danger of human infection from’ this source to lié in the ingestion of fly specks on food, and suggests that during the fly season great attention should be paid to the screening of rooms and hospital wards containing patients with tuberculosis and laboratories where tubercular material is ex- amined. Nuttall considers that the evidence previously submitted prove that the house fly may carry about and deposit anthrax bacilli, REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 1908 31 “though there may be a question as to how generally flies are re- sponsible for the dissemination of this disease. Parke admits the possibilities of flies distributing, in addition to those mentioned above, plague, trachoma, septicemia, erysipelas and leprosy. Fur- thermore, there are those who would hold flies responsible for the more frequent new cases which occur in the zone immediately sur- rounding the smallpox hospital and which may be due either to the wafting out of infected particles or their carriage by flies. The latter is considered the more probable. Howe, according to the statement of Dr Howard, has demonstrated that the purulent conjunctivitis of the Egyptians is spread by the house fly. The experiments of Grassi show that the eggs uf Taenia, Trichoceph- alus and Oxyuris pass uninjured through the alimentary tract of flies. Sanitary and control measures. It is perhaps needless to add, in view of the foregoing, that the greatest care should be taken to exclude flies from the sick room, especially in the case of con- tagious diseases. The flies are not only annoying to the patient but may aid in carrying the disease to others. The proper dis- posal of infected discharges such as those from typhoid patients should never be neglected. Vessels which have contained any such material should be thoroughly cleaned and never left where flies may.gain access to the infection. All food, particularly that eaten without cooking, should be care- fully protected from flies by the use of screens. This is especially true of milk, since it affords a favorable medium for the multipli- cation of certain disease germs. This applies to dealers in food supplies as well as to the home. An important step toward better sanitation would be taken if the public refused to patronize stores and eating places overrun by flies. A large reduction in the number of house flies found in most p:aces is thoroughly practical. This end can be best attained by doing away with conditions favorable to the unrestricted multipli- cation of this pest. The first step is to prevent flies from breeding in horse manure and other waste products from the stable. All manure should be placed in a fly proof receptacle or the accumu- lation treated daily with small quantities of chlorid of lime. If all manure is removed from the stable at intervals of three days and spread upon the field, there will be comparatively little breed- ing. Some one of these measures can be applied to every stable in cities and villages. The farmer, if unable to carry out any of the 32 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM preceding suggestions, will find a large measure of relief from the fly nuisance, if the manure is stored in tight, practically fly proof cellars, such as can be easily constructed with the modern concrete foundation. Flies breed but little in darkness, and the writer has known of barns comparatively free from flies, simply because the manure was stored in the darker parts of a large barn cellar. The treatment of manure described above should be supple- mented by care in preventing the accumulation about the premises, cf decaying organic matter such as fruit, table scraps, etc. Swill barrels should always be provided with tight covers and care ex- ercised that there be no leakage or an accumulation of fly-breeding miaterial about the barrel. The old-fashioned box privy should be abolished unless the same be conducted on the earth closet prin- ciple and the contents kept covered with lime or dry earth, so as to prevent both the breeding and infection of flies. The modern water-closet is by far the best and safest solution of this last named difficulty. The presence of numerous flies about the dwell- ing may be construed as indicating a nearby, usually easily elim- inated breeding place. It will be found in practice that some flies are very apt to exist in a neighborhood even after the adoption of rigid precautions. They should be kept out of houses, so far as possible, by the use of window and door screens, supplemented by the employment of Tanglefoot or other sticky fly paper. This, though somewhat dis- agreeable, is much to be preferred to the use of poisonous prep- arations which are likely to result in dead flies dropping into food. Prof. C. P. Lounsbury, Government Entomologist of South Africa, suggests, in addition to the above, putting fresh pyrethrum powder upon window sills and supplementing this by the judicious use of an insect net. Bibliography The following bibliography comprises most of the more import- ant literature relating to the life history and habits of the house fly and its part in the dissemination of various diseases affecting man. 1869 Packard, A. S. Am. Nat. 2:638-40 oak Observations on the anatomy and life history. 1873 ————— On the Transformations of the Common House Fly, with Notes on Allied Forms. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. Proc. 16:136-50. A detailed account of the life history and of the anatomy of the early stages, with Erief notices of allied species. REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 1908 33 1876 ————— The House Fly. Am. Nat. 10:476-80 Observations on the life history and habits. 1883 Harrington, W. H. House Flies. Ent. Soc. Ont. Rep’t. 1882. p. 38-44 A somewhat extended discussion with quotations from Packard and other authorities. 1884 E. P. W. Dangers from Flies. Nature, 29 :482-83 Abstract of a note by Dr B. Grassi in which he calls attention to flies occurring upon various pathogenic materials and conveying germs to receptive membranous surfaces. Ophthalmia is noted as an Egyptian complaint, very probably carried by flies. Grassi's experiments show that flies may ingest and pass unharmed, eggs of a human parasite (Tri- chocephalus) and probably of the tapeworm (Taenia solium). 1884 Riley, C. V. Am. Nat. 18:1267-68 Note on Grassi’s experiments showing that flies are agents in the diffusion of infectious maladies, epidemics and even parasitic diseases and recording the ingestion and passage of Trichocephalus eggs and also of alcoholic eggs of Taenia solium. 1887 ———— The Plymouth Typhoid Epidemic. Science, 10:214 Gives the mortality figures of the outbreak in 1885 and cites an instance ‘‘ in which the disease seems to have been transmitted through the air.’’” The first case, that of a stranger, occurred in a hotel, the discharges being thrown without treatment into a water-closet which communicated with a room only 3 feet distant in which the landlord’s daughters slept. The drinking water of the place was good and the three cases following the first were in all probability due to germs transmitted by flies. 1887 Fyles, Thomas W. Insects Troublesome in the Household and How to Deal with Them. Ent. Soc. Ont. 17th Rep’t, p. 33-34 A summarized biologic account. 1890 Aaron, C. B. In Dragon Flies vs. Mosquitos, p. 37-42, 53-54 A brief discussion of the life history and habits with observations on the house fly as a carrier of disease. 1890 Beutenmueller, William. In Dragon Flies vs. Mosquitos, p. 123-24 Brief observations on the habits of the house fly and the possibility of controlling the insect. 1890 Weeks, A. C. In Dragon Flies vs. Mosquitos, p. 81-84 Brief notice of habits of the house fly with frequent references to associated species. 1891 Marlatt, C. L. Insect Life, 4:152-53 Records unusual mortality among flies in Washington caused by Empusa Ameri- Cana Thax. 1892 Power, Henry. Conjunctivitis Set Up By Flies. Brit. Med. Jour. Nov. 19, p. 1114 Records the severe inflammation of the conjunctiva accompanied by extensive corneal ulceration within 24 hours after having been stung in the eye by a fly which had apparently risen from a dung hill. The case was marked by general prostration and feebleness for months after. Another case was recorded, diphtherial in nature, after a fly had gotten into aman’seye. [The first case can hardly be attributed to a house fly.] a 1894 Skinner, Henry. Ent. News, 5:18 Surgeon General Sir William Moore is quoted as reporting an instance where anthrax was spread by flies from the unburied carcass of a dog. It is also noted that the greatest abundance of flies in India is coincident with cholera outbreaks. It is suggested that leprosy is often conveyed by flies. Ophthalmia is thus disseminated. [These notes may not all apply to the house fly.] 34 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM 1896 Aylett, W. R. Am. Microscopical Jour. 18:288 Summary of Dr Aylett’s experiments showing that flies ingest and pass tubercular bacilli. 1896 Lugger, Otto. Entomologist, Minn. State Exp. Sta. 2d Rep’t, . Pp. 145-55 A somewhat extended account of the life history and habits of the house fly. The opinion is expressed that the larvae may be beneficial because they breed in and destroy material which might produce pathogenic germs, though attention is called to the probability of flies carrying cholera and gangrene. “7896 Howard, L. O. & Marlatt, C. L. U. S. Dep’t Agric. Div. Ent. IBV AL Si Sb Oh ABEL A summarized gene ral account of the house fly with mention of several associated species Preventive measures are discussed briefly. 1896 Osborn, Herbert. U. S: Dept Agric. Divs Ent, Bul) 5: on. %ss p. 19-20 Refers to opinions in which flies are held to be the authors or probable carriers in epidemics of anthrax, cholera, typhoid fever, phthisis, leprosy and ophthalmia. 1896 Sibthorpe, E. H. Cholera and Flies. Brit. Med. Jour. Sept. p. 700 Flies are considered as scavengers not conveyers of cholera. An outbreak of disease occurred in a native regiment and on each occasion after leaving an old camp for a new, a recrudescence occurred. This was attributed to leaving flies behind; when they followed ,nd mustered in force the disease abated. 1897. Buchanan, W. J. Cholera Diffusion by Flies. Indian Med. Gazette, 3:86-87 Gives details respecting a cholera outbreak in a jail, stating that all prisoners affected fed in the corner of the jail near infected huts, whereas those eating in the opposite hospital corner, diagonally across, escaped the malady. This data was considered sufficient to indicate the fly as a very probable carrier of the contagion. 1898 Howard, L. O. House Flies. U.S. Dep’t Agric. Div. Ent. Cir. it ese) 2 jo, ee) A summarized account of the life history of this insect, with a discussion of remedial measures. | | dae) SS ad 29 eal FA ed cc) al 2 1898 ————————— Further Notes on the House Fly. U. S. Dept. Agric. Div. Ent, Bul. ro. n. s. p. 63-65 Gives details of experiments with applications of air-slaked lime, land plaster, gas lime, chlorid of lime and kerosene to horse manure, the treatment with kerosene and chlorid of lime being advised. Data on the abundance of larvae and puparia in manure are also given, 1898 Veeder, M. A. Flies as spreaders of sickness in camps. Med. Record, 54:429-30 Records flies feeding upon typhoid excreta and passing from that to food supplies. Bac- terial cultures were made from both fly tracks and fly excreta. 1899 Howard, L. O. The Economic Status of Insects as a Class. Science, 32:233-47 It is stated on page 237 that purulent conjunctivitis of the Egyptians is spread by the house fly, while anthrax bacilli may be conveyed by the bite of Tabanus or Stomoxys. The house fly is mentioned as a probable carrier of typhoid fever. REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 1908 35 19909, Hutt Hy LL. Ent. Soc. Ont. 20th. Rep’t. 1898. p. 99-100 A summarized account of the life history and habits of the house fly, with mention of a few a ¥% ociated species. 1899 Nuttall, G.H. F. On the Role of Insects, Arachnids and Myria- pods as Carriers in the Spread of Bacterial and Parasitic Diseases of Man and Animals, a Critical and Historical Study. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Repitwoc= E52 Concludes that the evidence that flies transmit anthrax is not above question. Grants that flies are important agents in conveying cholera and assumes that the evidence relating to the dissemination of this disease could safely be applied to typhoid fever. Flies ingest and pass tubercular bacilli. An exhaustive examination of the evidence relating to the dissemination of a number of diseases. An extended bibliography is given. 1899 Reed, Walter. War Dep’t An. Rep’t, p. 627-33 Major Reed reporting on the local epidemics of typhoid fever in the 8th cavalry and 15th infantry encamped near Porto Principe in February and March 1899, after detailing the conditions existing in the camps, states that the outbreak “‘ was clearly not due to water infection, but was transferred from the infected stools of patients to the food by means of flies, the conditions being especially favorable for this manner of dissemination.” 1899 Veeder, M. A. The Relative Importance of Flies and Water Supply in Spreading Disease. Med. Record, 55:10-12 Flies are responsible for such typhoid and other intestinal diseases as occur in small neighborhood epidemics extending in short leaps from house to house, without reference to water supply or anything else in common. Epidemics spread by flies tend to follow the directions of prevailing warm winds. In villages and camps where shallow open closets are used, giving free access of flies to the chief source of infection, the flies are the most important carriers. These diseases are therefore usually fly-borne in villages and camps. The burial of typhoid infected matter in the ground is no protection against flies. On the contrary it actually perpetuates it in the locality from year to year. 1900 Howard, L.O. A Contribution to the Study of the Insect Fauna of Human Excrement. Wash. Acad. Sci. Proc. 2:541-600 A detailed study of the insects breeding in human excrement, with special reference to the house fly and its part in disseminating typhoid fever. Unquestioned evidence is submitted to show that this insect may breed in human excrement, and the following conclusions from a paper read by Dr Vaughan before the American Medical Association at Atlantic City, N. J. June 6, rg900, are quoted. 27 Flies undoubtedly served as carriers of the infection. My reasons for believing that flies were active in the dissemination of typhoid may be stated as follows: . a Flies swarmed over infected fecal matter in the pits and then visited and fed upon the food prepared for the soldiers at the mess tents. In some instances where lime had recently been sprinkled over the contents of the pits, flies with their feet whitened with lime were seen walking over the food. b Officers whose mess tents were protected by means of screens suffered proportionately less from typhoid fever than did those whose tents were not so protected. ¢ Typhoid fever gradually disappeared in the fall of 1898, with the approach of cold weather, and the consequent disabling of the ye It is possible for the fly to carry the typhoid bacillus in two ways. In the first place fecal matter containing the typhoid germ may adhere to the fly and be mechanically transported. In the second place, it is possible that the typhoid bacillus may be carried in the digestive organs of the fly and may be deposited with its excrement. 1900 Reed, Walter, Vaughan, V. C.,& Shakespeare, E. O. Abstract of Report on the Origin and Spread of Typhoid Fever in the U. S. Military Camps During the Spanish War of 1898. Washington, Gov- ernment Printing Office 1901 Fletcher, James. Can. Ent. 33:84-88 A review of Dr Howard’s paper entitled: A Contribution to the Study of the Insect Fauna of Human Fxcrement, and giving the more important conclusions resulting from the investigation. 36 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM 1oor_ Howard, L. O. The Carriage of Disease by Flies. U. S. Dep’t Agric. Div. Ent. Bul. 30. n. s. p. 39-45 A discussion of the house fly and associated species as carriers of disease, with a con- sideration of protective measures. It is assumed that the fly was responsible in a large measure for the typhoid outbreak in the army camps during the late Spanish-American War. 1902 Ehrhorn, Edward M. Insects as Distributors of Human Dis- eases. Cal. State Bd Hort. 8th Biennial Rep’t, 1901-2, p. 103-14 The life history and methods of controlling the house fly are briefly discussed on pages 111-12. It is considered an active agent in the dissemination of typhoid fever. 1902 Firth, R. H. & Horrocks, W. H. An Inquiry into the Influence of Soil, Fabrics and Flies in the Dissemination of Enteric Infection. Brit. Med. Jour. no. 2178, p. 936-43 An extended discussion with the conclusion that house flies, Musca domestica, ean convey enteric infective matter from specific excreta or other polluted material to ob- jects on which they may walk, rest or feed, and that enteric bacilli pass through the digestive tract of the fly. 1902 Howard, L. O. Insects as Carriers and Spreaders of Disease. Ws S) DepresAeric) Yiear Book, 1ooljeps 177502 The life history of the house fly and methods of controlling it and at the same time o preventing the dissemination of typhoid fever by means of flies is given on pages 185-88. 1902 Lounsbury, C. P. Agric. Jour. (South Africa) Jan. 30, repr. Dp. 2-50 A detailed account of the house fly with a discussion of repressive measures. It is stated that medical men in India firmly believe that cholera is very frequently transmitted by the house fly, though typhoid or enteric fever is considered the most important disease conveyed by this insect. It is stated that an American zoologist found that fly maggots, genus Musca (species not stated), will devour the common round worm eggs and that the eggs of the latter are passed off alive in the excreta of the winged adults. 1902. Veeder, M. A. Typhoid Fever From Sources Other Than Water Supply. Med. Record, 62:121-24 A case is cited where typhoid was perpetuated from year to year, the continuation of the trouble being ascribed to a physician recommending the burial of typhoid excreta and its execution by anurse. The death of these two parties was followed by a change in the dis- posal of typhoid infected material and the practical disappearance of the disease. A typhoid outbreak in the Spanish-American War, occurring in a company of the best and most in- telligent men, is charged to improper sanitary regulations, actuated by kindliness on the part of comrades. Data is also given respecting a picnic ground where unsanitary con- ditions prevailed and have undoubtedly been responsible for a number of typhoid cases, through the agency of the house fly. 1903 Geddings, H. D. The Fly and Mosquito as Carriers of Disease. Ohio Sanitary Bul. 7:31-39 Recommends the employment of every possible means to prevent the multiplication of flies and the infection by them of kitchens and messing places. 1903 Hamilton, Alice. The Fly as a Carrier of Typhoid. Am. Med. Ass’n Jour. 40:576-83 A detailed study of a typhoid outbreak in Chicago. She states that Majors Firth and Horrocks succeeded in proving that flies feeding on typhoid infected material could carry the same to suitable cultural mediums. The following are her conclusions: 1 The epidemic of typhoid fever in Chicago during July, August, September and Octo- ber of 1902 was most severe in the r9th ward which, with 1-36 of the city’s population, had over 1-7 of all the deaths from this disease. 2 A concentration of the epidemic in this locality can not be explained by contamination of the drinking water, or of food, or on the ground of ignorance and poverty of the inhabi- tants, for the r9th ward does not differ in these respects from several other parts of the city. REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 1908 37 3 An investigation of the sanitary conditions of this region shows that ‘many of the street sewers are too small and that only 48% of the houses have sanitary plumbing. Of the remaining 52%, 7% have defective plumbing, 22% water-closets with intermittent water supply, 11% have privies connected with the sewer but without water supply and 12% have privies withno sewer connection. 4 The streets in which the sanitary arrangements are the worst had the largest number of cases of typhoid fever during this epidemic, irrespective of poverty of the inhabitants. 5 Flies caught in two undrained privies, on the fences of two yards, on the walls of two houses and in the room of a typhoid patient, were used to inoculate 18 tubes and from five of these tubes the typhoid bacillus was isolated. 6 Many discharges from typhoid patients are left exposed in privies or yards and flies may be an important adjunct in the dissemination of the typhoid infection. 1903 Martin, A. W. Flies in Relation to Typhoid Fever and Summer Diarrhoea. Public Health, 15:652—-53 Each succeeding year confirms my observation in 1898, that the annual epidemic of diarrhoea and of typhoid is connected with the appearance of the common house fly. : The annual epidemic of these two diseases begins and ends with the appearance and dis- appearance of the domestic fly. ; 1903 Nash, J. T. C. The Etiology of Summer Diarrhoea. The Lan- cet, 164:330 Records no mortality from diarrhoea among infants at Southend during July and August 1902, this immunity being accompanied by the almost ‘complete absence of the house fly. In September the fly made its appearance and coincidentally, epidemic diarrhoea. The year preceding had 23 deaths during this period. 1904 Hayward, E. H. The Fly as a Carrier of Tuberculosis Infec- tion. N. Y. Med. Jour. 80:643-44 Flies feeding on tuberculous sputum in six hours passed tubercular bacilli unimpaired 1904 Lord, F. T. Flies and Tuberculosis. Bost. Med. & Surg. Jour. 151 :651-54 The experiments show 1 Flies may ingest tubercular sputum and excrete tubercle bacilli, the virulence of which may last for at least 15 days. 2 The danger of human infection from tubercular fly specks is by the ingestion of the specks on food. Spontaneous liberation of tubercular bacilli from fly specks is unlikely (experiment B), if mechanically disturbed infection of the surrounding air may occur. As a corollary to these conclusions it is suggested that 3 Tubercular material (sputum, pus from discharging sinuses, fecal matter from patients with intestinal tuberculosis) should be carefully protected from flies lest they act as dis- seminators of the tubercular bacilli. 4 During the fly season greater attention should be paid to the screening of rooms and hospital wards containing patients with tuberculosis, and laboratories where tubercular material is examined. 5 As these precautions would not eliminate fly infection by patients at large, food stuffs should be protected from flies who may already have ingested tubercular material. 1905 Cobb, J. O. Is the Common House Fly a Factor in the Spread of Tuberculosis? Am. Med. 9:475-77 Refers to experiments by Hayward and Hoffman showing that tubercle bacilli can be ingested and discharged by the house fly with undiminished virulence. He holds that the bacilli may enter the system through the digestive tract rather than by the lungs. He calls attention to the universal prevalence of house flies about stores of all kinds dealing in human foods, and states that here we have a most prolific source of infection. He claims to have collected reliable data from all over the world on this point. He states that army * medical officers from the Philippines find that cholera was continually spread by street venders and small shopkeepers. 1905 Melander, A. L. The Common House Fly a Dangerous Pest. Wash. Agric. Exp. Sta. Press Bul. p. 1-7 A summarized account of the life history, habits and methods of control. 28 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM J 1905 Mays, Thomas J. The Fly and Tuberculosis. N. Y. Med. Jour. & Phila. Med. Jour. 82:437-38 Unreservedly condemns the article of J. O. Cobb on the dissemination of tuberculosis by the house fly, claiming that his data is far from conclusive. 1905 Ward, Henry B. The Relations of Animals to Disease. Science, 45:194-95 The spread of typhoid germs by flies is accepted and the reported conveyance by this insect, of cholera, anthrax, septicemia, pyemia, erysipelas, tuberculosis and bubonic plague is noted, some being regarded as well proved and others as open to question. Mention is made of Grassi’s experiments in which the eggs of both tapeworms and round worms, Taenia solium, Oxyuris and Trichuris were sucked up by flies and recovered unaltered from their dejecta. 19000 Howard, L. O. House Flies U_ S: Dep't Agric. Bur-2 Eat Cita a® &"A summarized discussion of the house fly and other species associated therewith, with particular reference to remedial measures. 1906 Sandilands, J. E. Epidemic Diarrhoea and the Bacterial Con- tent of Food. Jour. Hygiene, 6:77-92 kc Important conclusions: 4 H)The great majority of cases of diarrhoea are due to the consumption of food which has been infected in the district in which the cases have occurred. 5 ,The infected matter thus coaveyed to food is generally the excrement of some person suffering from diarrhoea. 6 The life history of house flies and the facility with which they can convey the fecal excrement of infected infants to the food of the healthy, suggests that the seasonal incidence of diarrhoea coincides with; and results from the seasonal prevalence of flies. 1907 —————_ Method of Transmission of Contagious Wiseases. N:. ¥. State Dep't Health: Mio: Bul) August, p: 11-13 An abstract of a circular issued by the Public Health Department of France, flies being credited with disseminating typhoid fever, tuberculosis, cholera, etc. too7. Buchanan, R:. A, Glasg, M. B:(& Glass, FoF. POS: ihe Gar riage of Infection by Flies. Lancet, 173:216-18 An illustrated account with the following conclusions: The experiments conclusively show that flies alighting on any substances containing pathogenic organisms are capable of carrying away these organisms in large numbers on their feet and of depositing them in a gradually diminishing number on surface after surface with which they come in contact. They further serve to demonstrate the necessity for the exercise of stringent measures for preventing access of flies to all sources of infection and to protect food of all kinds against flies alighting on it. ; 1907. Dickinson, G. K. The House Fly and its Connection with Dis- ease Dissemination. Med. Record, 71:134-39 An extended summarized statement with bibliography. 1907. Hewitt, C. Gordon. On the Bionomics of Certain Calyptrate Muscidae and their Economic Significance, with Special Reference to Flies Inhabiting Houses. Jour. Econ. Biol. 2:79-88 The house fly is briefly treated on pages 83-86. 1907. M’Vail, John C. The Prevention of Infectious Diseases, p. 61, 66-67 The part flies play in the spread of typhoid or enteric fever is assumed and preventive measures described. 1907. Preston, C. H. Insect Carriers of Infection’ Pubs by, gon- temporary Club, Davenport, la. p. 20-21 The fly is charged with carrying germs of typhoid fever, tuberculosis, dysentery, etc. , REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 1908 39 1908 Bruner, Lawrence. The House Fly. [Neb.] State Ent. Cir. to, p. I=4 A summarized account. rooe, Frost, W.. &. Vorhees, C. T. The House Fly Nuisance. Country Life in America, May ‘T1908 — Fighting the House Fly. North Carolina State Board of Health Bulletin. Reprint from Country Life in America A general account. 1908 Hamer, W. H. Nuisance from Flies. London County Council epi) No! 1138. p. 1-10 Observations on flies, with special reference to their development in horse manure, their occurrence about stables and similar places, and their relation to diarrhoea. Igc8_ ~———— Nuisance from Flies. London County Council Rept, INGn2072. ps Ino Further observations, with remarks on behavior of Homalomyia, Musca and Stomoxys, and additional observations on flies and diarrhoea. 1908 —W—— The Breeding of Flies. Summarized. Am. Med. 3:431 The breeding of flies in horse manure, collection of dust and other refuse confirmed. Children, dirty walls and ceilings and particles of food on the floor and in sinks are attractive to flies. Laboratory experiments demonstrate that flies may carry the typhoid bacillus in a living condition for over two weeks. They also disseminate the germs of zymotic diarrhoea and Asiatic cholera. Tubercle bacilli have been found alive in the intestinal tract of the house fly. 1908 Hewitt, C. Gordon. The Bioiogy of House Flies in Relation to Pubhe Health; Royal Inst. Public Health Jour. Oct. Separate p. 1-15 1908 Howard, L. O. How Insects Affect Health in Rural Districts. USS: Dept Agric. Farmers’ Bul. 155, p. I-19 The house fly is characterized as the principal insect agent in the spread of typhoid fever. 1908 Jackson, Daniel D. Pollution of New York Harbor as a Menace to Health by the Dissemination of Intestinal Diseases through the Agency of the Common House Fly. Pub. by the Merchants’ Ass’n, p. 1-22 A detailed examination of local conditions showing that by far the greater number of cases of typhoid fever in 1907 occurred within a few blocks of the water front, the outbreaks being most severe in the immediate vicinity of sewer outlets. The same was also found true of deaths resulting from intestinal diseases. Charts are given showing an almost exact coincidence between deaths from the latter and the prevalence of the house fly. The same is shown to be true of typhoid fever when the dates are set back two months to correspond to the time at which the disease was contracted. Several epidemics of dysentery of a malignant typ2 have been known to radiate from a single point and to entirely disappear when proper disinfection of closets was enforced. On several occasions local epidemics of typhoid fever were traced to transmission by flies. 1908 —————. Conveyance of Disease by Flies. Summarized. Bost. Med. & Surg. Jour. 159:451 Reports that he finds that the relation between the number of flies captured and the number of deaths reported are substantially the same as in 1907. A notable decrease in mortality this summer corresponded with catching a much smaller number of flies. Dr Jackson finds on 18 swill barrel flies 18,800,000 bacteria or over 1,000,000 to each fly. 1908 N. Y. State Dep’t Health. Mo. Bul. October, p. 259-83 Summary of International Congress on Tuberculosis, page 284, Mortality Statistics of Infants. 40 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM 1908 The House Fly. Cur. Med. Lit. 50:1656 Summary of Newstead’s report. Flies breed in horse manure, a mixture of this with cow dung, fermenting hops, ash pits containing fermenting vegetable matter and all temporary collections of fermenting matter. They feed on most decaying vegetable matter, manure and particularly human, rotten flock beds, straw mattresses, old cotton garments and sacks and waste paper, bread, fruits and vegetables and excreta of animals generally. 1908 Robertson, Alexander. Flies as Carriers of Contagion in Yaws (Framboesia tropica). Trop. Med. & Hyg. Jour. 11:213 Experiments show tkat flies may carry the virus of yaws. 1908 Smith, Theobald. The House Fly as an Agent in the Dissemi- nation of Infectious Diseases. Amer. Jour. of Public Hygiene, August, p. 312-17 Summary discussion. 1908 Theiss, Mary B. & Louis E. An Advance Agent of Death. Good Housekeeping, May 1908 Wilcox, E. V. Fighting the House Fly. Country Life in America, May Discussion of repressive measures. 1908 ————— House Flies. Florida Health Notes, May Brief general notice. 1909 Davis, Dora. Hops and Flies. The Christian Advocate, June 17, 1909, 84:954 Immunity from flies is believed to have been secured by shading porch and open win- dows with hop vines. 1909 Felt, E. P. The Economic Status of the House Fly. Econ. Ent. Jour. 2:39-44 A general discussion of the fly as a disease carrier. t909 ——————. Control. of Household Insects. N. Y. State Mus. Bul! 120; p. 7-1 A summarized account. 1909 Griffith, A. The Life History of House Flies. Public Health, 21 :122-27 Biologic studies and observations on the house fly. -_—— 1909 Howard, L. O. Economic Loss to the People of the United States through Insects that Carry Disease. U. S. Dep’t. Agric. Bur. Ent. Bul. 78:23-36 A general summary of the losses caused by disease-carrying insects. 1909 Metcalf, Z. P. The House Fly. N. C. Dep’t Agric. Ent. Cir. Zas\, [D5 less A summary account with special reference to control measures. 1909 Smith, Theobald. The House Fly as an Agent in the Dissemi- nation of Infectious Diseases. Amer. Health Mag. May, 2:38-390 1909 —————-. The House Fly at the Bar. Merchants Ass’n, New York, p. 1-48 A resumé of the evidence against the house fly, consisting of letters from health officers and others interested in sanitation, and with short articles or excerpts from publications by Dr D. D. Jackson, Dr L. O. Howard, Dr Alice Hamilton, Dr J. B. Huber, Prof. W. L. Underwood and others. There is also a brief bibliography. REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 1908 AI NOTES FOR THE YEAR A number of insects have been brought to attention during the past season. Some of the more important outbreaks are noticed in the following paragraph. The large, greenish caterpillar of the imperial moth, Basilona imperialis Drury, was unusu- ally abundant during August and September, and on Staten Island it was credited with being somewhat injurious. Ordinarily this species is so rare as to attract no attention. The scurfy bark louse, Chionaspis furfura Fitch, has been abundant in several localities. This species has attracted more notice in recent years, partly because the presence of the San José scale has increased popular interest in the work of all Coccidae. The scurfy scale, however, appears to have been more destructive during the last five years than the equally common oyster scale, Le pidosaphes ulmi Linn. Maple trees have been injured somewhat in various localities by the cottony maple scale, Pulvinaria innumerabilis Rathv., and also by the false maple scale, Phenacoccus acericola King. Both of these species are more likely to be injurious in the southern part of the State, though the false maple scale was sufficiently abundant to attract attention at Johns- town. The elm bark louse, Gossyparia spuria Mod., oc- curred in numbers on elms in both Brooklyn and Mt Vernon and also at Schenectady. This latter pest is rather generally distributed in the eastern portion of the State at least and, as pointed out by the writer earlier, the English sparrow is probably an important factor in carrying the pest from tree to tree in our cities. Fruit tree insects Gipsy moth (Porthetria dispar. Linn:): This imsect has not to our knowledge established itself in New York State, though a marked advance in our direction was discovered during the season, small colonies having been found at Springfield and Greenfield, Mass., both localities about 50 miles from our State line. The work against this insect in Massachusetts, as shown by our investigations in midsummer, is being most vigorously pushed, particular stress being laid upon preventing its further spread. This species, as has been repeatedly explained, spreads slowly, being dependent largely upon the activity of man and beast for convey- 42 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM ance from one locality to another. The continued exercise of vigi- lance by both state and national authorities may perhaps delay the invasion of this State for a decade or more. The warning placard illustrating both this species and the brown tail moth, has been conspicuously posted in many post offices and other public places located in portions of the State where the pest is most lable to appear. Additional copies are on hand and can be used to replace those broken or lost and also for sending to other localities should future developments warrant such procedure. A better idea of what gipsy moth infestation means may be gained from the following notes made June 24, while examining conditions in the infested territory. Starting from Boston we passed through Cambridge and Brookline to Waltham, observing in particular conditions in Waltham park. This latter comprises ever 100 acres of rocky land mostly covered with a dense growth Ci oaks some 20 to 40 feet high. No winter work such as creo- soting egg masses on trees and clearing out underbrush was done, though the whole was rather badly infested. The entire park was sprayed with poison with one of the giant outfits described below, though the application was made rather late. The results were very gratifying, since practically no trees were seriously injured by caterpillars, though the park is surrounded by badly infested territory. The policy has been to safeguard such treated areas by clearing a strip about 100 feet wide around the entire border. This is done by cutting out and burning all underbrush and then apply- ing tree Tanglefoot to the trunks of the remaining trees, so as to prevent caterpillars from ascending the trees. The latter do not, as a rule, pass this barrier, though at the time of our visit some were entering the park and supplementary spraying was necessary here and there in order to prevent further damage. Continuing from Waltham we passed through Arlington, Winchester and Stoneham to Melrose. . Here and there along the entire route con- siderable woodland areas were stripped or nearly defoliated by gipsy moth caterpillars, and in one instance at least, the badly affected area was fully a mile and a quarter in length. These woodlands were all on hillsides and consisted mostly of oak rang- ing from 20 to 50 feet or more in hight. These stony hills are said to have very little agricultural value, being rated at $15 per acre. The cost of adequately controlling a pest like the gipsy moth in such situations is at once apparent. The general condi- REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 1908 43 tion of the residential area was very gratifying, practically no trees either along the roads or on private estates were defoliated. Con- tinuing, we passed from Melrose northward and eastward to Lynn, thence to Salem and across to Beverly. The same conditions pre- vailed as were observed in the vicinity of Arlington, except that the injury north of Salem appeared for the most part to be more recent and the woodland had not suffered so much, though limited tracts here and there were evidently badly infested. The street trees of Salem, though in very bad condition a few years ago, are now practically free from the pest. The authorities are depending upon several methods for the control of the gipsy moth. Owing to the short season during which spraying is practical, an effort has been made to accomplish as much as possible by winter work, which latter consists in creo- soting egg masses on trees throughout the infested area. This is supplemented, in the case of woodlands, by burning over the ground in order to destroy egg masses which may have been broken while chmbing the trees or dislodged by birds or other natural agents. This burning is preferably deferred till early spring, after the eggs have hatched, and is usually preceded by cutting out the under- brush. The latter, if abundant, must be removed so that the trees will not be injured by fire. Then, by carefully controlling the flames, and especially by backfiring, it 1s possible to burn over a large area without materially injuring the forest. The extended area infested makes it impossible to treat all parts in an ideal man- ner, and a rather crude method of controlling the pest in wood- lands has been adopted in some cases. ‘This is accomplished by simply allowing the caterpillars to strip the woods and then burn over the ground just as the majority of them are leaving the trees and seeking food elsewhere. This method of procedure, while un- doubtedly injurious to the trees, is much jess harmful than were the insects allowed to propagate without restriction. The work with parasites conducted by the state of Massachu- setts in cooperation with the federal government is most encourag- ing. The work of 1907 has been considerably extended by pro- viding larger quarters and a more adequate staff. Furthermore, special efforts have been made to secure larger sendings from European countries, and a special agent was dispatched to Japan. This latter undertaking has proved most encouraging, in that a large Apanteles and a new egg parasite of the gipsy moth have been received from Japan, and the Apanteles at least, has been bred 44 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM through one generation in American caterpillars. The sendings from Japan have in addition resulted in the introduction of four species of Tachinidae which promise to be very efficient parasites cf the brown tail moth. Marked improvements have been made in methods of handling and rearing parasites and other natural enemies. These latter justify the expectation that it will be prac- tical to breed thousands of the more effective species prior to their being liberated under favorable conditions. This work with para- sites may rightly be considered as most important, owing to the fact that the gipsy moth is now so widely established as to render any widespread method of control, aside from that by natural enemies, exceedingly costly. Recent progress in wholesale spraying for the control of the gipsy moth has been most striking and should prove suggestive to the fruit grower and immensely helpful to all parties having charge of extensive spraying operations such as the control of in- sect pests upon shade trees. The capacity of the ordinary spray- ing outfit has been greatly increased by replacing the usual 6 horse power gasolene engine weighing some 1800 pounds, by a 10 horse power engine made especially for automobiles and weighing only 400 pounds. Furthermore, a heavier and more powerful pump has been employed, the whole weighing no more than the usual spray- ing outfit. The machinery is mounted upon a stout wagon with a 400 gallon tank, and a heavy inch and a half hose some 400 to 800 feet long, with a smooth one quarter inch nozzle is used for work in the woodlands. A pressure of 200 to 250 pounds is main- tained. The hose is handled much as though a fire was in progress. Ten men, at intervals of 6 or 8 feet, carry the end of the hose, the nozzle being in charge of a superior man with instructions to keep it moving all the time. The pressure is sufficient to throw the insecticide 40 or 50 feet, and the resistance of the air breaks it into a fine spray. The foliage is well covered if the nozzle is handled intelligently. This giant outfit is particularly adapted to work in woodlands. It usually requires four horses and is capable of spraying 14 to 16 acres a day, much depending upon conditions. The cost of treatment in this manner is reduced to about $10.20 per acre where the woodland is fairly clear of underbrush. An interesting modification of this apparatus has been employed for spraying strips along the roadside. It simply consists of a giant extension nozzle mounted on a universal joint so that the tip may be lifted 40 or 50 feet from the ground. This last named appa- REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 1908 45 ratus, with a favorable wind, can cover a strip 400 feet wide. Contractors with apparatus such as that described above have been able to spray woodland where there was little or no underbrush and the trees ranging from 40 to 50 feet high at $17.50 per acre. This improved apparatus can also be employed in spraying street trees, a contractor being able to make money therewith at the rate of $1 to $1.25 per tree for spraying large elms. A responsible contractor stated that he could ship apparatus and men to a city at a considerable distance and treat a number of trees thoroughly at less than $2 per tree. The above is given since there are numer- ous inquiries as to the best method of spraying shade trees and the cost of doing such work. Brown tail moth (Euproctis chrysorrhoea Linn.). The brown tail moth, though widely distributed in Massachusetts, seems to have become in the last year or so a pest of much less importance than the gipsy moth. Its nests are to be noted here and there but as a rule it is not very destructive. Part of the immunity from damage may be due to a fungous disease which has destroyed millions of the caterpillars, and also to the fact that many of the hibernating caterpillars were killed by the exceptionally cold weather of last winter. There is no record known to us of this insect having made its way nearer the New York State line than the Connecticut river valley. Cankerworms. Reports of injuries by these looping caterpillars were received from several localities on the north shore of eastern Long Island and also from the vicinity of New York city. Speci- mens submitted upon examination showed that both the spring cankerworm, Anisopteryx vernata Peck, and the fall cankerworm, Alsophila pometaria Harr., were responsi- ble for the injury, the last named species, however, being by far the more abundant on eastern Long Island and also in certain Con- necticut localities. The caterpillars vary greatly in color, ranging from light green to almost black, and are usually ornamented with several narrow, white lines, some specimens frequently being adorned with a broad, dorsal, black stripe margined by white lines and with the sides light green, thus presenting an intermediate con- _ dition between the two extremes in color. The spring cankerworm may be recognized by the presence of but two pairs of legs at its posterior extremity, while the fall cankerworm has three pairs. The females of both species are wingless, grayish, grublike moths which are obliged to crawl up the tree if they deposit their eggs 40 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM where the newly hatched caterpillars can find an abundance of sus- tenance. The spring form is so called because the females remain in the ground till some time after midwinter, crawling up the trees during warm weather, even in February though more usually in March. The fall cankerworm is thus designated because the females usually crawl up the trees and deposit their eggs in late fall or early winter. The eggs of both species hatch at about the same time, namely, when the young leaves begin to appear. Cankerworms are exceedingly voracious and, when present in numbers, nothing but the most prompt action will be of service in mitigating the trouble. The larvae are somewhat resistant to in- secticides and as a consequence it is advisable to spray at the incep- tion of the outbreak with paris green used at the rate of 1 pound of poison with an equal amount, by weight, of lime, to 50 to 75 gallons of water. The lime is added to lessen the danger of injury by poison. Arsenate of lead can be employed at the rate of 1 pound to 7 gallons of water, though as it is a slower acting poison, it is usually advisable to apply paris green. ‘The homemade arsenite of lime is equally effective. Ordinarily one application of poison is sufficient, but if this does not prove satisfactory, a second treatment should be given a few days or a week later. Cankerworms spread very slowly, owing to the fact that the females are wingless, and as a result the species must depend largely for carriage upon winds and other natural agencies, conse- quently an orchard once freed of the pest is not likely to be attacked for some time. We have yet to hear of a serious outbreak in orchards systematically sprayed from year to year. The ordinary treatment for the control of the codling moth and other leaf feeding insects is usually sufficient to keep this pest under control. Advan- tage may also be taken of its limited means of locomotion and injury prevented by the use of sticky bands, such as Tree Tanglefoot, tar or printers ink. The Tree Tanglefoot is a new material which has come into high favor in eastern Massachusetts where it is used ex- tensively in gipsy moth work. Experience has shown that it can be applied with -practically no injury to most trees, and possesses a decided advantage in remaining adhesive for a considerable period. It is advisable, if either tar or printers ink is used, to apply these materials to a band of tarred paper wrapped around the trunk of the tree, rather than to make the application direct to the bark. We much prefer to advise the employment of arsenical poisons, since they are of service in checking other leaf feeders, rather than to { REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 1908 47 recommend adhesive bands, because the latter have a very limited range of usefulness. Grear case bearer (Coleophora, fletehemella. Bern). This insect was responsible last spring for very severe injuries to a number of orchards at South Byron and vicinity. An examination of conditions early in June showed that a considerable proportion of the foliage was badly damaged and would drop within a few weeks. The operations of this insect were so severe in some places as to give the trees a brownish appearance when viewed from a distance. Fic. 13 Work of cigar case bearer. a, showing the spotted character of earlier work; b, leaf with the parenchyma entirely destroyed; c,a portion more enlarged. (Original) An examination in the fall showed that this species was rather abundant at Albion and promises to cause considerable injury an- other spring unless controlled by timely spraying. The cigar case bearer was by far the more abundant though a few specimens of the pistol ‘case bearer, Coleophora malivorella Riley, were also present in the orchard. Both of these insects are amen- able to the same treatment, namely, thorough spraying with an arsenical poison at the time the young leaves appear in the spring. It is important that the application be made early, otherwise it may be difficult to destroy the voracious caterpillars before the buds have been seriously injured. 48 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Blister mite (Eriophyes pyri Nal.). The blister mite is widely distributed in western New York and has also been found in several places in the Hudson valley. It has been especially destructive the past season to apple trees, being so abundant upon the foliage at South Byron early in June as to give many trees a brownish appearance when viewed from a distance. Many of the badly infested leaves dropped later and the same is true of orchards in the vicinity of Albion. In some instances at least half of the leaves must have been destroyed by the work of this pest. The characteristic blister of this form is easily distinguished by its peculiar, raised, spongy, brick-red appearance. The venation dis- appears in the affected area and furthermore, there is almost in- variably a small, round hole near the center of the blister. These blisters may occur singly or in groups and frequently fuse to form irregular, reddish brown blotches which eventually may include a considerable proportion of the leaf. Inasmuch as the mites spend most of their time within the leaves, it is impractical to attempt any remedial measures during the summer. The pest winters under the bud scales and at such times it can be destroyed in large num- bers by spraying with a lime-sulfur wash or one of the miscible or so called “soluble” oils. An application of a lime-sulfur wash is in our judgment preferable, since there is not the slightest danger of injuring the trees. Furthermore, reliable commercial prepara- tions of this material can now be purchased, so that it is not neces- sary to bother with boiling if one feels that the delay incident to preparation is a serious hindrance. Orchards which have shown during the past season a more or less general infestation by this mite should be sprayed after the leaves drop and before they appear again in the spring with one of the contact insecticides named above, in order to prevent the chance of serious injury occurring another season. Small fruit insects Grape root worm (Fidia viticida Walsh). This insect is generally distributed throughout the Chautauqua grape belt. There has been a marked improvement in conditions over those obtaining last year, as there was comparatively little evidence of injury, though there were reports of severe local damage in vine- yards in Sheridan or Fredonia. An examination of a number of vineyards failed to disclose any alarming conditions, and we are well satisfied that as a whole there has been a material betterment. Part of this is undoubtedly due to better cultivation, particularly REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 1908 49 the stirring of the soil when the majority of the insects are in the pupal stage. Furthermore, many growers have sprayed with an arsenical poison, and this treatment has undoubtedly been of great service in preventing the pest from becoming unusually abundant. Severe local injuries may be expected in the future, and all growers are advised to keep a close watch of their vineyards, remembering that the insect may be very destructive in one portion of the field and hardly be present in another. Shade tree insects Elm leaf miner (Kaliosysphinga ulmi Sund.). The injurious work of this European species was first observed by us in this country in 1895, and a brief notice was given thereof in the re- port of this office for the year 1808. This miner was at that time very injurious to Camperdown elms in Washington park, though its oper- ations were also very apparent upon Scotch elms and were less extensive upon English elms in both Albany and Troy. The severe injuries of earlier years have been somewhat lessened though it has been reported from other sections of the State. A few years ago it was quite destructive to elms at Ithaca, N. Y. and last year it was reported as being very in- jurious to weeping elms at Syracuse. Complaints of its ravages were also received from Kenwood near Albany. There is no very satisfactory method of controlling this pest, since Fic. 14 Elm leaf miner (author's the larvae work exclusively between se aap the upper and lower epidermis, de- vouring the tender parenchyma and making a rather characteristic, irregular blotched mine. The insect hibernates within a cocoon just below the surface. It has been suggested that the upper layer of soil might be removed and buried at some depth. Ordinarily the 50 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM insect is not sufficiently destructive to warrant adopting such measures. Elm leaf beetle (Galerucella luteola Mull.). This im- ported species continues to be a serious pest of elms, particularly in the Hudson valley, many of the elms of Yonkers, Poughkeepsie, Hudson, Albany, Troy, Schenectady, Schuylerville and Ithaca and probably other localities in the State being very badly injured. The work at Schuylerville and Schenectady was exceptionally severe and the same is also true of its operations at Ithaca. The major part of the injury in Aibany at least was due to delay in appointing a city forester and getting the spray apparatus into operation. Further- more, it is very difficult to secure men who can be relied upon to do thorough work. Experience has demonstrated beyond all ques- tion the practicability of keeping the elm foliage practically intact, even in localities where the pest is very abundant. It is for public spirited citizens in affected localities to insist upon the maintenance of such a standard. : The observations of the past season show in a most striking manner the extremely local character of this pest. The badly in- fested area in Albany has been restricted for the past decade to the older and more thickly settled fourth of the city. A study of con- ditions in Schenectady showed a similar restriction, the destructive work of the pest being limited almost exclusively to a small section of the older part of the city, in the vicinity of Church street and not extending in any direction more than to blocks from the center of the infestation. Furthermore, the most severe injury was noticed upon a group of elms near the open belfry of a church, clearly indicating that the insects winter most successfully where a structure of this kind affords abundant shelter. Bag worm (Thyridopteryx ephemeraeformis Haw.). New York city and its vicinity represents about the north- ern extension of this species, as a rule. It was somewhat surprising, therefore, to receive healthy larvae from Germantown, only about 40 miles south of Albany. Mr T. F. Niles, who sent in the speci- mens, states that no young trees have been set in this locality within the past 2 years nearer than a quarter of a mile, consequently it would seem as though the species was able under certain conditions to maintain itself considerably farther north than has heretofore been supposed possible. Fall webworm (Hyphantria textor Harr.). This com- mon species has been unusually abundant in some portions of the —— REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 1908 51 State, its webs on willow in particular forming conspicuous features in the landscape. In several instances small wild cherry trees were entirely defoliated by this pest. The promiscuous breeding of this insect on roadside and other trees, simply increases the danger of attack to more valuable trees, particularly when the latter are not sprayed systematically. Well cared for and systematically sprayed orchards suffer very little from injuries by this species. White marked tussock moth (Hemerocampa leuco- stigma Sm. & Abb.). The white marked tussock moth continues to be a serious pest on horse-chestnuts and lindens in particular. It was extremely abundant and destructive in both Brooklyn and New York. It was numerous, though probably not quite so injurious in some other localities in the State. The impending destruction in Buffalo, we are pleased to state, was greatly mitigated by the activity and efficiency of the newly appointed city forester, Mr H. B. Filer. Buffalo has long held an unenviable reputation be- cause of the poor condition of its shade trees, particularly horse- chestnuts, and we trust that the above mentioned appointment means a well supported and an advanced policy respecting shade tree protection. The caterpillars of this notorious shade tree pest also occasioned considerable anxiety in the fruit section of the western part of the State. The partly grown caterpillars were found in considerable abundance in orchards, eating into the young fruit, the amount of damage being estimated at from to to 80%. This method of injury is by no means unknown, since similar work was ob- served in Nova Scotia in the summer of 1907. Though it is diff- cult to adequately control caterpillars which have developed the fruit-eating habit, it is very easy to keep this pest under control in commercial orchards. Systematic spraying with an arsenical poison will in the long run, at least, prove most efficacious in de- stroying the pest, though it may take a few years to bring about these results in badly infested orchards fruiting every season. It is comparatively easy to practically clear trees of this insect by collecting the conspicuous white egg masses any time during the winter. This work can be done thoroughly and at comparatively slight expense, then there is no occasion for worry as to the out- come another season, and an orchard once cleared is easily kept comparatively free from subsequent injury. Snow-white linden moth (Ennomos subsignarits Hubn.). This species, at one time recognized as a most destructive , 52 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM enemy of lindens, has risen with phenomenal rapidity from the obscurity of recent years. The past season has been most remarkable for the extensive flights of the snow-white moths [pl. 1, fig. 2] in many cities and villages, not only in New York State but in other sections. The moths were so numerous about electric lights as to attract widespread attention. Their advent in New York city occurred about July 16 and the effect was aptly compared by various writers to a snowstorm. In the well lighted sections myriads could be seen circling about the electric lights and invading many bril- liantly lighted places in such numbers as to be a veritable nuisance. The following morning the arc lights were found choked with the insects, and characteristic groups of snow-white wings here and there were mute evidences to the voracity of the English sparrow. This bird, despite its numerous failings, destroyed thousands of the moths, hunting them without mercy until there were comparatively few survivors from the night before. The abundance of the insects and the extended area where swarms were present is most remark- able. Aside from New York city, where the largest number of the moths seemed to be present, they were reported by the local press as swarming at Nyack, Ossining, Newburgh, Hudson, Albany, Troy, Cohoes, Ballston, Saratoga, Glens Falls, Schenectady, Amsterdam, Johnsonville, Gloversville, Little Falls, Herkimer, Ilion and Utica. It is interesting to note that the moths appeared in Albany and other northern localities about five days later than at New York city. Aside from the above mentioned records, the local press of numerous other cities and villages contained brief notices of the swarming of this species, though with no record as to local occur- rence. The widespread character of the flight is well illustrated by authentic records of hosts occurring at Newark, N. J., Spring- field, Mass. and Ottawa, Can., the latter flight occurring July 23d. This visitation is all the more striking when it is recalled that in recent years at least, this moth has been comparatively rare, hardly attracting notice for a generation, despite the fact that in earlier years it was considered an important enemy of lindens. The remarkable local swarms recorded above are probably due to conditions being generally favorable for the multiplication of the species throughout the infested area. There is a possibility that some of the flights were due to swarms drifting with the wind from defoliated tracts lying at some distance. This is hardly an adequate explanation for the presence of many of the local swarms, particu- larly as observations in Albany show that the linden foliage in the REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 1908 53 western part of the city, where the trees are somewhat abundant, was badly injured by the insect, and it was in this section of the city where the moths were most numerous. It is probable that there were comparatively few extensive flights. The causes for this ex- cessive abundance are probably to be found in the scarcity of bird life, in the temporary reduction of native parasites and possibly in part to unusually favorable climatic conditions. _ The extensive defoliations by this species, recorded in our report for last year,’ have been continued and large areas in the Catskills have suffered severely. Reports of injury in the towns of Harden- burg, Shandaken and Ladleton, Ulster co., indicated defoliation of extensive tracts of beech. There is also a record of severe injury by this pest from DeBruce, Sullivan co. This species was like- wise destructive to beeches in the Adirondacks, Forester E. S. of Fic. 15 Snow-white linden moth, larva on twig. Fic. 16 Snow-white linden Paces (Original) , pupae, enlarged. (Original) Woodruff reporting that the beeches on the John Brown tract num- ber 2, ranges 12 and 13, lots 3 to 8 were defoliated, the stripped area being about 3 miles long and having a width of % mile at one end and 1 mile at the other. The caterpillars fed at first upon young beeches, then stripped the older beeches, practically skeletonizing the foliage, and then turned to birches and maples, eating holes in the foliage of the latter. The lower limbs of the trees on the defoliated area bore numerous empty pupal cases in September, and irregular egg masses occurred in abundance upon the bark of beech, birch and maple. The eggs of this species are deposited at an oblique angle to the supporting surface, are about I mm in length, barrel-shaped and light brown, with a conspicu- ous dark salmon ring at the extremity. They occur in irregular __1N. Y, State Ent. 23d Rep’t, 1907. N.LY{StatelMus. Bul. 124, p. 23-28. 54 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM masses [pl. 1, fig. 1] about half an inch in diameter, each contain- ing from 50 to over 100 eggs. It is not expected that the above recorded flights in cities and) villages will be followed by extensive injuries another season, since it is very probable that the English sparrows destroyed many of the adults before there was an opportunity for the deposition of ergs. Spruce gall aphid (Chermes abietis Linn.). This intro- duced, widely distributed species has been the cause of an unusual number of complaints in New York State. Mr John Herliky, arboriculturist of Brooklyn, writing under the date of June 22d stated that many Norway spruce trees throughout Prospect park, and in fact in different parts of that section of the State, have been Fic. 17 Spruce gall aphid, normal type of gall. (Original) cving of late. Specimens were submitted for examination and were found to contain a few of the characteristic galls of this in- sect and, in addition, an apparently undescribed injury. Numerous subglobular, aborted buds were found here and there at the base of the branches or at the base of new growth and on investigation were found to contain numerous small, light brown aphids. It is probable that these aphids entered the developing buds the preced- ing year and, on account of their abundance, prevented the usual growth and the development of the normal type of gall. An ex- amination, at this time, of spruces in Albany showed that these trees likewise, in addition to the typical galls produced by this aphid, bere the subglobular dead buds inhabited by numerous aphids de- scribed above. An examination of infested trees in Albany the latter part of September showed that the dead buds described REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 1908 55 above had been deserted by the aphids and many of them con- tained numerous cast skins. Some showed evidence of having been invaded by parasites, which latter presumably preyed upon the young plant lice. Complaint of this insect’s work, accompanied by specimens, was received from Mr C. C. Laney, superintendent of parks, Rochester, N. Y. This gentleman stated that the galls were more abundant on white spruce than upon any other coniferous tree. Serious in- juries were reported from Elizabethtown by Mr Seth Sprague Terry, who stated that 50 spruce trees, none over 25 feet high, have practically all the new growth affected by this insect. Mr John Nill sent from Star lake, in the southwestern part of St Fic. 18 Spruce gall aphid, destroyed buds; a, one en- larged. (Original) Lawrence county, badly infested spruce twigs with an inquiry as to the cause of the trouble. This insect, while rarely causing the death of the trees, fre- quently produces serious deformities, because twigs bearing galls are very likely to die, thus producing a very unsightly tree. Ex- periments conducted by Mr R. A. Cooley showed that thorough spraying in April with a whale oil soap solution, 1 pound to 2 gallons of water, is very effective in checking this insect. A more detailed discussion is given in New York State Museum memoir <, volume 1, pages 189-91. Miscellaneous Corn worm (Heliothis armiger Hubn.). This species is much better known as the boll worm of the South, though it is 56... NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM frequently quite destructive in that section to corn. Occasionally 1t becomes somewhat abundant and injurious in New York State. Dr Lintner in his first report records this insect as being quite abundant and destructive to corn in Ontario county and its prob- able occurrence at the same time in the vicinity of Albany. Six years ago this insect was somewhat abundant in the vicinity of New York city, complaint of injuries having been received from Mt Vernon. The operations of this species in the North are confined mostly to corn and tomatoes, the major portion of the damage being inflicted in the late summer or fall. This latter was true of in- juries reported from Shelter Island, the caterpillars being brought to notice about the middle of October. The damage at Mt Vernon in 1902 did not occur until the latter part of August. The cater- pillar of this species is extremely variable in color, ranging from a light green with reddish brown marks on the side to a darkish green, brown or even nearly black caterpillar with a variable whitish lateral line. It closely resembles in general appearance some of our common cutworms, being stout, and when full grown is an inch or more in length. The caterpillars begin their opera- tions near the tip of the ear, eating down between the husks and making irregular frass-filled galleries over the face of the green cob, destroying a considerable proportion of the corn and defiling most of the remainder. Occasionally this species is quite de- structive to tomatoes, on account of its eating rather large holes into the ripening fruit. The pest can be controlled in the North only by recourse to hand picking. This measure will be particularly valuable at the incip- iency of the attack, since ears which have been injured somewhat are more attractive to the insect than those protected by tightly folded husks. Care should also be exercised when removing caterpillars from recently infested ears to replace the husks so far as possible and thus reduce the chances of reinfestation. White ants (Termes flavipes Koll.). It is not often that these insects are recorded as injurious in New York State, though they are undoubtedly present in many dwellings, particu- larly in the southern part of the State and occasionally inflict serious injury. Our attention was called last winter to the operations of white ants in the storage vaults of a New York city printing company. The vaults were filled with electrotypes and halftones REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 1908 57 mounted and unmounted, newspaper files and other material. The white ants fairly riddled the blocks upon which the electrotypes were mounted and ran galleries through files of back publications, thus causing heavy losses. These insects can be easily recognized as white, wingless, ant- like forms. They are only seen, as a rule, when material in which they are boring has been disturbed as in the above mentioned Ry LFic. 19 Termes flavipes: a, queen; b, young of winged female; ¢, worker; d, soldier, all enlarged. (After,Marlatt, U. S. Dep’t Agric. LDiv. Ent. Bul. 4. n.s. 1896) instance. This form remains active throughout the year in build- ings that are kept warm during the winter. The ants excavate numerous irregular galleries through wood, paper and almost any material except stone or metal. They are communistic in habit and with a social organization similar to that of the honey bee. The only satisfactory method of preventing injury in vaults and similar places is first to thoroughly clean the infested chamber or chambers 58 ' NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM by removing everything in which the insects may be living. The door of the vault should be tight enough so that there would be no danger of subsequent entrance, and great care should be exer- cised to prevent reintroduction of the pest with material for storage. Fumigation with hydrocyanic acid gas would be of but limited value, since the fumes would hardly destroy all the insects in their galleries. The infested backing of electrotype blocks should be burned, while the insects in bulky papers or other material could be destroyed either by spreading the papers out loosely and drying thoroughly, or in some instances by subjecting to a gentle heat fora considerable period, since white ants succumb readily to both heat and excessive dryness. Storage boxes for valuable papers should be of metal or at least lined with tin and special care exercised to avoid any crevice which would allow the insects to enter. Fic. 20 Termes flavipes: a, dorsal view of head of winged female; 6, ventral aspect of same, with mouth parts open, greatly enlarged. (After Marlatt, U.S. Dep’t Agric. Div.. Ent. Bul 4. n.s. 1896) - Mosquito notes. The season of 1908 was particularly interest- ing because a considerable proportion of New York city was in- vaded by large swarms of the salt marsh mosquito, Culex sol- licitans Walk. Undoubtedly the insects came from adjacent marshes, possibly those of New Jersey and very likely some at least, from undrained areas on Long Island. The pests were so numer- ous in the city as to be a pronounced scourge for a few days, and did much to arouse popular interest in the problem of mosquito control. The draining operations on Staten Island have been completed and the resultant change for the better has been most marked. Many places which were previously almost uninhabitable because of the swarms of mosquitos are now comparatively free. The work of draining marshes in other portions of Greater New York has been REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 1908 59 continued and during the summer a large proportion of the salt marsh areas in Flushing and its immediate vicinity has been ditched. Nine tenths of the Flushing meadows are now already drained, and it is probable that the work on the remaining tenth will be completed this fall. Operations have already been begun about Jamaica bay. The antimosquito work at Orient, L. I., begun some two years ago, has been pushed to a successful completion and most gratify- ing results have been obtained. The indications are that opera- tions of this kind will be continued until most of the salt marshes Fic. 21 Salt marsh mosquito from above, the toothed front claw more enlarged. (After Howard, U. S. Dep’t Agric. Div. Ent. Bul. 25. n. s. r1g00) on Long Island will be practically free from these pests. The operations against the salt marsh mosquito naturally lead to some consideration being given to the fresh-water forms, particularly the common house mosquito, Culex pipiens Luinn., and the malarial mosquitc, Anopheles maculipennis Meig. Experience has demonstrated the practicability of controlling these two species, and it is only a question of time before this knowledge will be taken advantage of, and will lead to a great increase in comfort and practical freedom from malarial infections, 60 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM LIST OF PUBLICATIONS OF THE ENTOMO@LOGISE The following is a list of the principal publications of the Ento- mologist during the year 1908. Fifty-seven are given with title,! time of publication and a summary of the contents of each. Volume and page number are separated by a colon, the first superior figure gives the column and the second the exact place in the column in ninths: e. g. 71 :96977 means volume 71, page 969, column 2, in the seventh ninth, i. e. a little more than two thirds of the way down. New Species of Cecidomyiidae IJ. N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 124, p. 286-304. Separate, p. 1-23 (Issued Oct. 26, 1907) A number of new species are described. A Caterpillar. Country Gentleman, Oct. 31, 1907, 72:102577 A brief descriptive account of the red humped apple caterpillar, Schizura concinna Sm. & Abb. Shade Tree Protection. Troy Record, Oct. 29, 1907 The elm leaf beetle, Galerucella luteola Mull.; the white marked tussock moth, Hemerocampa leucostigma Sm. & Abb. and several other injurious pests are discussed and a plea made for the better protection of shade trees. Notes on the Insects of the Year 1906 in New York State. U.S. Dep’t Agric. Bur. Ent. Bul. 67. 1907. p. 39-43 A number of insects are briefly noticed, the following being the more important: San José scale, Aspidiotus perniciosus Comst.; grape root worm, Fidia viticida Walsh; sugar maple borer, Plagio- notus speciosus Say; white marked tussock moth, Hemero- campa leucostigma Sm. & Abb.; elm leaf bettle, Galerucella luteola Mull.; false maple scalee Phenacoccus acericola King; elm bark louse, Gossyparia Spuria Mod. and the violet gall midge, Contariniua Clayetiola) violicola Goa Fighting the Scale. Suburban Life, 1908, 6 :38-40 A summarized account of the San José scale, Aspidiotus per- niciosus Comst.; and methods of control with brief notices of the oyster scale, Lepidosaphes ulmi Linn. and the scurfy scale, Ghitomiarsipalsmeniienmas elitehe The Insect Year. Country Gentleman, Jan. 30, 1908, 73:107” A summary of insect injuries. The following species are noticed: San José scale, Aspidiotus perniciosus Comst.; grape root worm, Fidia viticida Walsh; apple leaf folder, Ancylus nubecu- lana Clem.; Epizeuxis denticularis MHarv.; white marked _ Titles are given as published, and in some instances they have been changed or suppjjed by the editors of the various papers. REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 1908 61 tussock moth, Hemerocampa leucostigma Sm. & Abb.; elm Teaf beetle, Galerucella luteola Mull.; sugar maple borer, Plagionotus speciosus Say; green striped maple worm, A ni- sota rubicunda Fabr.; the antlered maple caterpillar, Hetero- campa guttivitta Walk. and the snow-white linden moth, Enno- mos subsignarius Hubn. Hair Snake. Country Gentleman, Feb. 6, 1908, 73 :128” A summary account of the habits of hair snakes, Mermis sp. with a statement of their harmlessness, Entomological Notes for 1907. American Fruits, 1908. 8:13 A summary account of injuries by the San José scale, Aspidiotus perniciosus Comst.; grape root worm, Fidia viticida Walsh; apple leaf folder, Ancylus nubeculana Clem.; Epizeuxis den- ticularis MHarv., white marked tussock moth; Hemerocampa leucostigma Sm. & Abb., elm leaf beetle; Galerucella luteola Mull, green striped maple worm; Anisota rubicunda Fabr., antlered maple caterpillar; Heterocampa guttivitta Walk., snow- white linden moth, Ennomus subsignarius Hubn. and white ecuips, Fachmosterna fusca Frohl. Observations on the Biology and Food Habits of the Cecidomyiidae. Economic Entomology. Journal, Feb. 1908, 1:18—21 Summarized observations on the habits and life history of a number of forms. Scale in an Apple Orchard. Country Gentleman, Mar. 26, 1908, 73 300" A general discussion of remedial measures for San José scale, As pid- boOtus pernicious Comst. Gipsy and Brown Tail Moths and Miscellaneous Notes. Western New York Horticultural Society Proc. 53d An. Meeting 1908, p. 112-14 Notes on the progress made in controlling Porthetria dispar Linn. and Euproctis chrysorrhoea Linn. with special mention of the work with parasites. Also brief observations on a number of forms injurious in 1907. Insect Control in its Larger Aspects. N. Y. State Fruit Growers Proc Toes, p| 139-45. [Separate issued Apr. 11, 1908] In part in Country Gentleman, Mar. 5, 12, 1908, 73:229, 258 An address discussing briefly the present conditions and the methods most likely to be of service in the immediate future. Entomological Notes for 1907. Economic Entomology. Journal, Apr. 1908, 1:148-50. Brief notes are given on the San José scale, Aspidiotus per- niciosus Comst.; grape root worm, Fidia viticida Walsh; apple 62 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM leaf folder, Ancylus nubeculana Clem.; Epizeuxis dentic- ularis Harv.; white marked tussock moth Hemerocampa leuco- stigma Sm. & Abb.; elm leaf beetle) Galerucella luteola Mull; sugar maple borer, Plagionotus speciosus Say; green striped | maple worm, Anisota rubicunda Fabr.; antlered maple caterpillar, Heterocampa guttivitta Walk.; snow-white linden moth, En- nomos subsignarius Hubn, and LachnoSternma “Giusien Frohl. Contarinia gossypii n. sp. Entomological News, 1908, 19:210-11 Original description of a species injuring cotton in the British West Indies. Bark Louse. Country Gentleman, May 14, 1908, 73 :488* Brief economic account of the scurfy bark louse, Chionaspis fur- fura Fitch. [Report on the Work of Importing Parasites of the Gipsy and Brown Vail Moths, Porthetria dispar lian Supers tis chrysorrhoea Linn | Supt for “Suppressimapiie Gipsy and Brown Tail Moths, 3d An. Rep’t, 1908, p. 210-13 A great improvement in the condition of infested territory is noted. The methods of importing parasites and the progress made are both most com- mendable. Careful biological studies of the parasites are advised, because of the importance of such knowledge in establishing species. The desirability of giving special attention to the rarer parasites is urged. Attention is called to the advisability of obtaining parasites from Japan, even though it involves considerable expense. Currant Worm. Country Gentleman, May 28, 1908, 73 :536-37 Brief economic account of the currant worm, Pteronus ribesii Scop. Protect the Trees. Troy Times, May 28, 1908; Ithaca Journal, Schenectady Star, Poughkeepsie Eagle, May 29; Albany Argus, May 30; Daily Saratogian, June 1; Albany Times Union, June 2 Brief warning notice in regard to the elm leaf beetle, Galerucella luteola Mull. Maple Pest in Johnstown. Johnstown Republican, June 2, 1908 Brief descriptive account, with remedies for the false maple scale, Piiemacoceiks, acend colias skanes Moth Work in Massachusetts. Country Gentleman, June 11, 1908, eee ey Oa 73 -598°°—99 A review of the third annual report on the work against the gipsy and brown tail moths in Massachusetts. REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 1908 63 Grape Blossom Midge. Grape Belt, June 12, 1908, p. 4; Buffalo News, June 13 Brief statement of injury and life history of the grape blossom midge, Cecidomyia johnsoni Sling. Insecticides. Country Gentleman, June 18, 1908, 73 :606%—-7! Brief discussion of the relative merits of paris green and arsenate of lead in bordeaux mixture. Apple and Grape Pests. Country Gentleman, June 18, 1908, Ags 73 1607 Brief accounts of injuries by the cigar case bearer, Coleophora Sletcherella Fern; the apple blister mite, Eriophyes pyri Nal., and the grape blossom midge, Cecidomyia johnsoni Sling. Cutworms and Wireworms. Country Gentleman, June 18, 1908, 73 :608°6 Brief general accounts with discussion of remedies. Apple Canker Worms. Country Gentleman, June 18, 1908, 73,608" Brief economic account of the fall and spring canker worms, Also- phila pometaria Harr and Anisopteryx vernata Peck. Observations on the Genus Contarinia. Economic Entomology. Journal, 1908, 1 :225—28 Brief notes are given on the following species: Contarinia Dino Raey On stot oe hid cio la (Coq, (C. liriodemdri ‘OFS; Cream amass kiley «C.. rimicis Loew, CC. gossypii Felt, (©. Senis ema lint. C: mecimdi1tolia Helt © pertoliata els iG: fatercitolia Pelt, C agrimoniae Felt, C. virginianiae Felt and ©. clematidis Felt. Some Problems in Nomenclature. Entomological Society of Amer- ica. Annals, 1908, 1 :102-4 A brief discussion of the validity of descriptions of insect galls with ‘special reference to the Cecidomyiidae. Wireworms. Country Gentleman, July 2, 1908, 73 :646% Brief discussion of remedies. Elm Leaf Aphis. Country Gentleman, July 2, 1908, 73 :647" The life history and remedial measures for the elm leaf aphis, Schizo- neura americana Riley are briefly discussed. San José Scale. Country Gentleman, July 2, 1908, 73 :6477° Brief general discussion of the San José scale, Aspidiotus per- niciosus Comst., with a summary statement of the comparative value of the various sprays. 64. NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Shade Trees and the Elm Leaf Beetle. Ossining Citizen, July 6, 1908 Brief statement respecting the practicability of protecting elms from the elm leaf beetle, Galerucella luteola Mull. Flm Leaf Beetle. Schenectady Union, July 7, 1908 A summary of local conditions with directions for controlling the elm leaf beetle, Galerucella luteola Mull. Protect the Birds. American Humane Association. Leaflet. [Issued July 8] 1908. p. 1-4, 6-7 A brief popular discussion of the economic value of birds as natural checks upon injurious insects. The Hop Merchant. Country Gentleman, July 9, 1908, 73,:667°%4 A brief economic notice of the hop merchant, Polygonia comma Harris with special reference to currant. Gipsy Moth Work. Country Gentleman, July 9, 1908, 73 :667* A brief account of recent developments in Massachusetts with special reference to progress made in spraying and the necessity of keeping watch for the appearance of Porthetria dispar Linn. in New York State. Eim Leaf Beetle. Ithaca Journal, July 13; Amsterdam Recorder, Hudson Register, Poughkeepsie Eagle, July 14; Schuylerville Standard, July 16 General account of injuries by the elm leaf beetle, Galerucella luteola Mull., with a discussion of remedial measures. Oyster Scale. Country Gentleman, July 16, 1908, 73 :686°" Brief economic account of the oyster scale, Lepidosaphes ulmi Linn. White Marked Tussock Moth. Grape Belt, July 17, 1908 Brief directions are given for controlling the white marked tussock moth, Hemerocampa leucostigma Sm. & Abb. Shade Tree Pests. Dunkirk Observer, July 18, 1908; Grape Belt, July 28, p. 7 A reprint of a large portion of N. Y. State Museum bulletin ro9 on the white marked tussock moth and the elm leaf beetie. The Soldier Bug. Country Gentleman, July 23, 1908, 73.704 Discusses briefly the habits of soldier bugs, Podisus sp., in connection with the finding of a nymph feeding on the grub of a potato beetle. Blister Mites. Country Gentleman, July 23, 1908, 73 :706** A brief discussion of the character, extent of injuries and remedial meas- ures for Eriophyes pyri Nal. REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 1908 65 Giant Caterpillar. Country Gentleman, Aug. 6, 1908, 73 :746* Brief description of the larva of the giant caterpillar, Samia cecropia Linn. with observations on its life history. Leaf Mites. Country Gentleman, Aug. 6, 1908, 73 :7477 Remedial measures are given for the clover or brown mite, Bryobia pratensis Garm. and the red spider, Tetranychus telarius Linn. : Grain Moth. Country Gentleman, Aug. 13, 1907, 73 :76716 Brief discussion of remedial measures for the grain moth, Sitotroga cerealella Oliv. Flies as Carriers of Disease (Press Bulletin) Albany Evening Journal, Aug. 13; Brooklyn Eagle, Aug. 13; Utica Press, Aug. 14; Yonkers Statesman, Aug. 14; Boston Herald, Aug. 15; New York Farmer, Aug. 20, p. 7; Country Gentleman, Aug. 27, 1908, A summary account of flies as carriers of disease, with directions for abating the nuisance. | Scientific Notes] Economic Entomology. Journal, Aug. 15, 1908 Brief observations on the following: Grape blossom midge, Cecido- myia johnsoni_ Sling, page 243; white marked tussock moth, Hemerocampa leucostigma Sm. & Abb., page 276; bag worm, Thyridopteryx ephemeraeformis Haw., page 276; elm leaf beetle, Galerucella luteola Mull. page 280. Notes on the Work Against the Gipsy Moth. Economic Ento- mology. Journal, Aug. 15, 1908, 1:275-76 A brief account with special reference to improved methods of spraying and the work with parasites. Melon Aphis. Country Gentleman, Aug. 20, 1908, 73 :786*/ Remedial measures are given for the melon aphis, Aphis gossypii Glov. Saddle Back. Country Gentleman, Aug. 27, 1908, 73 :812*° Brief descriptive account of the saddle back caterpillar, Sibine stimulea Clem. San José Scale. Country Gentleman, Sept. 17, 1908, 73 :8896 Brief economic notice of the San José scale, Aspidiotus per- niciosus Comst. The Wheat Wire Worm. Country Gentleman, Sept. 24, 1908, 7G 10” A brief descriptive account of the wheat wire worm, Agriotes mancus Say, with a discussion of remedial measures. 66 NEW Insect Bands. YORK STATE MUSEUM Country Gentleman, Oct. 8, 1908, 73 :961” Brief comments upon the use and value of sticky bands with specia reference to “ Tree Tanglefoot.” A. Scale. Country Gentleman, Oct. 8, 1908, 73:961!° A brief descriptive account of Chionaspis euonymi Comst. witk a discussion of remedies. The Difficult Apple Maggot. 73 962" A general account of the apple maggot, Walsh, with a discussion of remedies. Katydid Eggs. Brief descriptive account of the eggs of Microcentrum laurifolium Linn. nervis Burm. or M. Scientific Notes. Record of unusual abundance. is also recorded. injury by Ennomos A new injury to gladioli bulbs by a species of Aphis Country Gentleman, Oct. 8, 1908, Rhagoletis pomonella Country Gentleman, Oct. 15, 1908, 73 :984°° reti- Economic Entomology. Journal, 1908, 1 :330 subsignarius Hubn. and its 23d Report of the State Entomologist on Injurious and Other Insects of the State of New York, 1907. N. Y. State Mus. Bul. 124. Oct 15, 1908: 542p. 44 pl: Contents PAGE PAGE linttrocltichion seen met nee eer 5 Appendix €: Report of the IM EGO EY MISS sos sccenoneose 13 Entomologic Field Station, Green striped maple worm.... 13 Old Forge, i905. J. G Antlered maple caterpillar.... 21 INEEDECAWE foes ee eee 156 Snow-white linden moth...... 23 Appendages of the Second NSD DIE NeANE SHONGKSE. ch oeccanco ce 28 Abdominal Segment of INotesitOnmathie neater. secs 31 Male Dragon Flies. O. S. BigtitatnSectsigee seem ee caer oleae 31 THOMPSON sc atom one meeee 249 Shademtreemusecispmes seer 38 New North American Chi- Mascellaneousie: aos tbe sei see 4I ronomidae. O. A. JOHANN- Publications of the Entomol- SENS cctuag 7 san eee 26.4 ODISH EE ee tee or tera 50 | Appendix D: New Species of Contributions to collection.... - 56 Cecidomyiidae’ Ul = 222 =e 286 Appendix A: W. W. Hit col- Circumfili of the Cecido- lection of Lepidoptera...... 61 TVA AC re eye e305 Appendix B: Catalogue of the Studies in Cecidomyiidae II.. 307 “Phytoptid ” Galls of North Explanation /or plates emeetes 423 America. G. H. CHapwick. 118 Index .. REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 1908 67 ADDITIONS TO COLLECTIONS OCT. 16, 1907-OCT. 15, 1908 The following is alist of the more important additions to the collections. DONATION Hymenoptera Amphibolips prunus Walsh, oak plum gall, Sept., Michigan, through, R. B. Hough, Lowville. Trichiocampus viminalis Fallen, poplar sawfly larvae, Aug. 21, Daniel Harrington, Cambridge. Kaliosysphinga ulmi Sund., leaf miner on elm, June 16, L. L. Woodford, Pompey. Urocerus edwardsii Brulle, Jan. 7, Hermann Von Schrenk, St Louis, Mo. Coleoptera Eccoptogaster rugulosus Ratz., fruit tree bark beetle on pear, through State Agricultural Department, Sept. 15, Rochester. Cryptorhynchus lapathi Linn, mottled willow borer, larvae on balm-of-gilead, Aug. 10, Corning, through C. H. Peck, Albany. Tyloderma fragariae Riley, strawberry crown borer, June 11, D. B. Belden, Fredonia. Pissodes strobi Peck, white pine weevil, larvae on pine, July 6, J. G. Newbury, Coxsackie. Chelymorpha argus Licht., argus tortoise beetle, larva on grape, June 25, G. H. Barber, Westfield. Galerucella luteola Mull., elm leaf beetle, larvae and pupae, July 9, A. E. Milligan, Schuylerville. Plagionotus speciosus Say, sugar maple borer, adult on maple, June 26, J. C. Von Steenburgh, Ballston. Binotanuws: pytalis Linn, fre fly, serial, longitudinal and transverse sections, adult, Dr §. G. Shanks, Albany. Diptera Gulex! perturbans Walk. all stages, June and July, J. & Brakeley, Hornerstown, N. J. _ A number of Cecidomyiid galls from Miss Cora H. Clarke, Magnolia, Mass. Siphonaptera Pulex irritans Linn, common human “flea, adult; Cteno- cephalus jcanis Curt. cat and dog flea, adult, July 24, Dudley R. Kathan, Schenectady. - Lepidoptera Basilona. imperialis Dru, imperial moth, larva, Sept. > ™M. J. Dutche, Oakwood Heights. Same, larva on maple, Aug. 14 Dr. A. B. Kelly, Albany. 68 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Hyphantria textor Harr., fall webworm, larvae on apple, July 7 J. A. Thompson, Rochester. Halisidota caryae Harr., hickory tussock moth, larvae, July 8 H. N. Otterson, Bolton, Mass. Same, larva, July 6, Irving T. Thornton Orchard Park. Tolype velleda Stoll. lappet moth, larva, July 22, George S Graves, Newport. Alsophila pometaria Harr., fall cankerworm, young, June 5. A. Mair, Oakdale. Ennomos subsignarius Hubn., snow-white linden moth, adult July 23, C. Gordon Reel, Kingston, through Forest, Fish and Game Com’n. Same, pupae on oak, July 3, W. O. Ensign, Livingston Manor Ania limbata Haw., filament bearer or horned spanworm, larva June 6, H. W. Covert, Waterford. Memythrus tricinctus Harr, M. polistiformis Harr M. simulans Grote, M. asilipennis Boisd., M. doli Neum., Aegeria apiformis -Clerck, Sesia bassiformis Walk, S. albicornis Hy. Edw. S. corn Hy Edy, S2 tps Harr, S. scitala- Barr; S: suabsristigua Kelhiceterandss pyralidiformis Walk, Apr. 30, G. P. Englehardt, Brooklyn. Thyridopteryx ephemeraeformis Haw., bag worm, larvae on red cedar, July 7, Germantown, through T. F. Niles. State Dep” Agric. Sitotroga cerealella Oliv. adult in popcorn, Ayg 14, F. B Holmes, Albany. Tischeria malifoliella Clem. apple leaf miner, larvae or apple, July 7, J. A. Thompson, Rochester. Odonata Hetaerina americana Fabr., adult, Aug. 26, Winifred Gold- ring, Slingerland. Hemiptera Phylloxera caryaecaulis Fitch, hickory gall aphid, adults and young on hickory, June 8, The American Nursery Co., New York city. Same, gall on hickory, Sept. 1, Munson-Whitaker Co.,New York city. Colopha ulmicola Fitch, cockscomb elm gall, on elm, June 18 L. L. Woodford, Pompey. Same, young on elm, July 6, Irving T.Thornton Orchard Park. Pemphigus tessellata Fitch, nymphs on alder, Aug. 24 George S. Downing. Albany. ‘Same on maple Sept. 19, Mrs George H. Freeman, Loudonville. Chermes ahietis Linn., spruce gall aphid, young on Norway spruce, June 22, John Herliky, Brooklyn. Same, galls, July 30, Seth Sprague Terry, Elizabethtown. Same, galls on spruce, Aug. to, C. C. Laney, Rochester. Same, dead adults on spruce, Aug. 31, John Nill, Star Lake. Aspidiotus perniciosus Comst., San José scale, adult on hornbeam, Oct. 13, W. E. Kenney, Brooklyn. REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 1908 69 Eulecanium tulipiferae Cook, tulip tree scale, young on tulip tree, Apr. 6, J. Aspinwall, Newburgh. Pulvinaria innumerabilis Rathv., cottony maple scale, adults on elm, June 2, E. S. Brignall, Schenectady. Same, on maple, June 12, Mrs Stephen Niles, Coeymans. Same, adults on maple, June 24, E. R. Concklin, Pomona. Phenacoccus acericola King, false maple scale, young on maple, Oct. 12, Frank H. Downer, New Rochelle. Same, May 29, G. F. Beakley, Johnstown. Same, adult on maple, July 29, S. B. Huested, Blauvelt. Gossyparia spuria Mod. elm bark louse, adults on elm, June 2, E. S. Brignall, Schenectady. Same, Aug. 3, W. E. Kenney, Brooklyn. Same, young on elm, Sept. 16, Mrs W. C. Mains, Mt Vernon. Icerya purchasi Mask. cottony cushion scale, on Acacia, Feb. 25, L. Menand, Albany. : : Orthoptera Panchlora hyalina Stoll, on apples, Mar. 16, Mrs Abraham Lansing, Albany. Same, Mar. 26, J. R. Gillett, Albany. TIsoptera Termes flavipes Koll., white ant, adult, Feb. 3, A. T. De La Mare Co., New York city. EXCHANGE Diptera Culicidae Banks, C. S., Government Entomologist, Manila, P. I Myzomyia ludlowii Theob. M. mangyana Banks, Myzorhynchus bar- birostris V. d. W., M. vanus Walk, Stegomyia aurostriata Banks, S. persistans Banks, S. samarensis Ludl, Worces- teria grata Banks, Helecoetomyia pseudotaeniata Giles, Leucomyia cuneatus Theob, Culex fatigans Wied, GS microannulatus Theob, Mansonia uniformis_ Theob., Banksinella luteolateralis Theob, Finlaya aranetana Banks, F. poicilia Theob, Aedomyia squamipenna Arriz. Dolichopodidae Aldrich, J. M., Moscow, Idaho. Psilopodinus mundus Wied, Agonosoma filipes? Loew, A. scintillans Loew, Meso- rhaga albiciliata Ald, Diaphorus mundus _ Loew, D. opacus Loew, Asyndetus syntormoides Wheel., Chryso- tus barbatus Loew, C. discolor Loew, C. picticornis Loew, Argyra robusta Jno., Leucostola cingulata Loew, Porphyrops effilatus Wheel, Syntormon affine Wheel. Neurigona carbonifer Loew, Medeterus aurivittatus Wheel. Hydrophorus philombrius Wheel. Scellus vigil -O. S, Aphrosyllus praedator Wheel. Dolichopus acuminatus Loew, D. albicoxa Ald, D. detersus Loew, 7O NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM D. lobatus Loew, -.D. ovatus Loew, D. pweil Loew, D:; setifer Loew, D. sexarticulatws Loew, D. setosus Loew, Gymnopternus crasstcauda Loew, G. debilis Loew, G. frequens Loew, G. phyllophorus Loew, -Hercostomus unicolor Loew, Lachytrechus vorax Loew, Pelasto- neurus laetus Loew, PP. lamellatws Loew, Piemeslecrus Wheel. Tabanidae Hine, J. S., Columbus, O: Chrysops vittatws Wed. Ta bamucsetronto On,'S,.b. temen OO) (S.62 vir uspalusmvicue: PURCHASE Onion fly, Phorbia ceparum Meig., enlarged models representing the egg, maggot, puparium, adult and an infested onion. Cigar case bearer, Coleophora fletcherella Fern, an enlarged model representing the larva and its operations on an apple leaf. Both from Mrs Otto Heidemann, Washington, D. C. Honey bee, Apis mellifica Linn, life history group. European hornet, Vespo crabo Linn., life history group. Ground beetles Calosoma sycophanta Linn. life history group. Corn stalk fly, Chlorops taeniopus, Curtis, life history (in alcohol). Cabbage butterfly, Pieris rapae Linn.,, life history group. 4 insects in amber. The above from The Kny-Scheerer Co., New York city. REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 1908 Ta Appendix A STUDIES OF AQUATIC INSECTS: A PECULIAR NEW MAY FLY FROM SACANDAGA PARK BY JAMES G. NEEDHAM Among a small lot of neuropteroid insects sent me by Dr Felt for determination, was a new May fly with a remarkable develop- ment of the adbomen. Five of the abdominal segments have their flaring lateral margins expanded broadly, forming a wide parachute or aeroplane. This peculiarity has its parallel among known May flies only in the New Zealand species Oniscigaster wake- fieldi; a species that was described by McLachlan 36 years ago, and made the subject of a special report by him to the British Association for the Advancement of Science! and an announcement tc the Entomological Society of London,? and of two special papers.® The last paper gave full descriptions of both nymphal and adult* stages. Eaton’s Monographic Revision of Recent Ephemer- idae pages 224-26 gives a description of the adult insect, and adds [pl. 21, fig. 36] an excellent figure of the veriation. In Hutton’s list of New Zealand Neuroptera® is found another description of the adult. In 1899 Eaton® added two additional New Zealan+ species to the genus, O. intermedius, with considerably less dilatation of the lateral margins of the abdominal segments, and C.distans, with hardly any lateral expansion at all. So Eaton dropped from his characterization of the genus all mention of the onisciform abdomen, that had brought the type species into such prominent notice. In 1904 Hudson described the three species in kis New Zealand Neuroptera [p. 42-45] and added a much needed description of the nymph of O. distans [pl. 1, fig. 11; pl. 11, fig. 15], which appears to agree quite well with that of the typical species. The New York May fly about to be described exhibits a more 1 Report of 1873, p. 118 (1874). 2 Proceedings for 1874, Pp. Vi. ; 3 Ent. Mo. Mag. 10:108—9, wood cut, 1873; Linn. Soc. Zool. Jour. 1874. 12:39-46, pl. 5, fig. 1-5. ; 4 The figure of the adult is copied by Sharpe in volume 5 of the Cambridge Natural History. 5 New Zeal. Inst. Trans. 1898. 31:218. 6 Ent. Soc. Lond. Trans. p. 292-93, pl. ro, fig. 6a, 6), 6c. 72 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM marked dilatation of the lateral margins of the abdomen than even Oniscigaster wakefieldi. adits abdomen is more’ faa cnisciform: it is a veritable parachute. The expansion involves seg- ments 5 tog of the abdomen (inO. wakefieldi, only6tog), and begins and ends more abruptly than in the New Zealand species. Our insect distinguishes itself from Oniscigaster, how- ever, by lacking a median caudal seta, and by a symmetrical fork- ing of the median vein, that forking being very unsymmetrical in Oniscigaster. And since in these respects it agrees with the genus Siphlurus, which stands in the system next Oniscigaster, I was at first inclined, in spite of the parachute, which in Oniscigaster is certainly of no great systematic consequence, to refer it to Siph- lurus. By my key in Bulletin 86, N. Y. State Museum, page 22, it would be traced to Siphlurus, with the discrepancy that there is no backward prolongation of the sternite of the 9th abdominal seg- ment in the female. It differs from Siphlurus, also, in having the claws of the forefeet differentiated from those of the other feet, being obtuse and inflated and not at all clawlike in form: also, in having the radial sector in the hind wing twice dichotomously and symmetrically forked. I think therefore that this species repre- sents a genus distinct from both Siphlurus and Oniscigaster, although closely allied to both, and as such I describe it below. Probably the male, and the nymph if known, would add other differential characters. . Siphlonisca gen. nov. Caudal setae two, slightly longer than the body. Claws of the front tarsus inflated and obtuse; those on the other tarsi hooked and clawlike, and similar each to each. Hind tibia longer than its tarsus: last segment of tarsus longest, in all the feet. Median and cubital veins in the forewing symmetrically forked, and the radial sector in the hind wing equally twice forked: no humeral angula- tion of hind wing. Mesothorax with a prominent midventral spine. Abdomen with conspicuous lateral expansion of the middle segments. Type the following species. Siphlonisca aerodromia sp. nov. Length (2) 19 mm, setae 20 mm additional; expanse of wings 37 mm. Abdomen 13 mm long and 2 mm wide, expanded to 4 mm wide on the 5th to 9th segments. REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 1908 73 Color brown varied with paler. Head fawn-yellow above, marked with blackish on the sides of the vertical facial carina, and around the ocelli internally, and bearing a mark shaped like the zodiacal sign for Aries along the middle of the head, the open end of the sign being in front. Antennae pale, about as long as the head Thorax brown more or less blackish on the sides, and in the rear above, the top of the mesothorax somewhat rufescent and shining. Between the bases of the middle legs a stout, thornlike spine, in- clined slightly to rear, arises from the mesosternum. Legs pale, the front femora being slightly darkened, and the tips of all tarsi indistinctly so. Wings hyaline with brown veins, cross veins more or lIcss_ bor- dered with brown in the costoradial strip, especially a few approxt- mated cross veins near the bulla, and a line of others, similarly approximated, extending from that point posteriorly across the wing [pl. 2, fig. 1]. Abdomen with a definite pattern of brown and paler yellow (pos- sibly, greenish in life), subcylindric, the lateral margins of segments 5 to g suddenly dilated into wide, flat expansions, which double the width; each of these expansions obtusely rounded anteriorly, and produced posteriorly at its hind angle into a broad, flat, triangular tooth. These expansions are dark brown, paler basally, where they abut on a black line on the lateral margin of the abdomen. On the pale dorsum there are submedian blackish ( )- marks on each segment, the marks increasing in size posteriorly, becoming streaks on segments 9 and 10 [pl. 2, fig. 2]. On the ventral surface there are corresponding small and distant paired dots as far as the 7th segment, diffuse on the 8th, and becoming elongate dashes on the 9th, and absent on the roth. The roth segment is short and cylindric, hardly surpassing the tip of the lateral teeth of the oth. There is no ventral prolongation of the gth sternite. Setae white, or slightly brownish at the extreme base. A single female imago from Sacandaga Park, collected by C. P. Alexander, Johnstown, N. Y. As the above description is going through the press, addi- tional specimens representing both sexes, are received from Mr Alexander. These he collected at Sacandaga Park on June 6, 1909. Mr Alexander writes that they were abundant, and that they kept high in air where they were conspicuous by reason of the wide abdomen. The male is of about the same size as the female, with white, GE NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM nearly bare setae 25 mm long, and brown fore legs whose tarsi are g mm long The enlarged and smoothly rounded eyes of the male just meet each other above the head. The face’ is black, with the vertical nasal carina yellow, and also a spot behind the océlli and between the compound eyes. Otherwise the coloration is as in the female. The segments of the fore tarsus of the male are of nearly equal length, the 5th being perhaps a trifle shorter than the others: in middle and hind tarsi, the four basal segments are of approxi- mately equal length, while the 5th is as long as any two other seg- ments. Unlike the female, which has blunt and flabellate claws on the fore tarsi, those of the male are on all tarsi sharply hooked and similar. In several of the specimens the radial sector of the hind wing has its second forks less equal than in the female described above, the lower fork being deeper than the upper. The appendages of the male abdomen are strongly chitinized, the forceps base is longer than the goth segment, widened distally, broadly truncated on each hind angle to receive the much narrower base of the forceps, and angularly excavate on the wrinkled but strongly chitinized hind margin in a broadly triangular rear notch. The forceps limbs are long and strongly divaricate and conspic- uous. Each consists of four.segments, of which the first, third and fourth are short and of about equal length and are together about equal in length to the second segment. The apical half of the for-. ceps is transversely wrinkled, and it is wholly dark brown in color. Aiter studying the male I conclude that the features which chiefly distinguish this genus from Siphlurus are in both sexes the onisciform abdomen, and the midventral thoracic spines. While the foregoing is passing through the printer’s hands an- other species of Mayfly of the genus Potamanthus has been sent me by Dr Felt, collected on June 20, 1909 at Schenectady. It is larger than P. diaphanus, described in the report of the State Entomologist for 1907 [p. 193-94, and pl. 10, fig. 5], and is readily distinguished therefrom by the abbreviated middle caudal seta and by the form of the appendages in the male. Potamanthus inequalis sp. nov. Length of body 11 mm, of fore leg about 10 min, of lateral setae’ 26 mm, of middle seta 15 mm, expanse of wings 24 mm. Color white, with fuscous head, pale yellowish thorax and translucent white abdomen. Legs white except the slightly infuscated tips of REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 1908 75 fore tarsi and tibiae, and the joinings of the segments of the same tarsi. Wings whitish hyaline, with pinkish iridescence. End seg- ments of the abdomen of a dull satiny whiteness on the dorsal side. Setae white, with the joinings very faintly darker in color, the middle seta but little more than half as long as the laterals. The male forceps is not remarkably different from that of P diaphanus [loc. cit. fig. 5], but the inner appendages are very differently formed as shown in the drawing herewith presented. c Fic. 22 Potamanthus inequalis n. sp.: f, forceps limb; ¢, inner appendages The pinned submarginal skin of the same specimen is white: its fore femora are 10 mm long, and its setae (broken) are clothed with copious soft white pubescence. 76 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Appendix B CATALOGUE OF; THE DESCRIBED SCOLYRIDAEOE AMERICA, NORDE OP? MEXIC® BY J. M. SWAINE The following catalogue is intended to include all names that have been proposed for species of Scolytidae occurring in America, north cf Mexico, with citations of published articles referring thereto. The references were collected originally for our use, while work- ing on the family Scolytidae. They include practically all the liter- ature published on the North American species of the family. Changes should, we believe, be made in the location of a few of the species here listed, and several of the genera may, with advan- tage, be divided. These changes require considerable discussion and illustration, and would perhaps be more effectively made in connection with the description of the large number of undescribed species of North American Scolytidae known to collectors. As a synonymic catalogue of the North American species of Scolytidae has been promised by the American authority on this family, I have reported the priority of the various genera and species just as found in the lterature. The object of this paper is merely to present the refierences to that literature. The habitat and food plants have been compiled from the literature, the Cornell Uni- versity collection and our own notes. References to several well known lists are not included. For convenience of reference the genera and species are arranged alphabetically. As regards the conflicting names of Eichhoff, Zimmerman and Leconte, P. pullus Zimm., described in the Transactions of the American Entomological Society, 1868, volume 2, undoubtedly has precedence over Pi cribripennis hich. Bernie ere March 1869. Though the contrary has been repeatedly stated, it seems perfectly clear to me that H. rufipes Bich and H. salebrosus Eich. were described before H. opaculus Lee. and H. scabripennis Zimm., as will appear from the follow- ing: H. rufipes and H. tenuis were described by Eichhoff ony page 147) ot Berl Ent: Zeita tor i666, andehia) salve pagar Sus on page 146 of the same article. In the Transactions of the REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 1908 i American Entomological Society, 1868, volume 2, where the de- scriptions of H. opaculus and H. scabripennis appear, Dr Zimmerman begins his description of H. tenuis as follows: Paemucwnis, Pkiylastes tenuis Eichy ‘Berl, Ent.) Zeit 1868, 147].” Also Leconte, in the same paper [see p. 169, 173] refers to pages 147 and 149 of Eichhoff’s article just mentioned. There is therefore no question but that both Dr Zimmerman and Dr Leconte had Dr Eichhoff’s pages 146 and 147 before them when their descriptions of H. opaculus and H. scabri- pennis were written. In regard to the use of the names Ips, Tomicus, and Hylastes, perhaps a few words will be pardoned. The genus Ips was erected t7oeey Oe Geer, Dermestes typographus inne being the first species described. All the other species included by De Geer in the genus Ips have since been removed to other genera, therefore leaving typographus as type. In 1802 Latreille described the genus Tomicus, including the single species, Hylesinus piniperda Fabr., which would therefore be the type. inveice, Latreille referred Dernmrestes typographus Linné to the genus Tomicus, and gave a description of the genus. In 1836 Erichson erected the genus Hylastes with Bostrichus omer lesinus piniperda EKabr’) as the “type: Until recently Ips De Geer, 1775, seems to have been disregarded, and the name Ips has been applied to a genus of beetles of the family Nitidulidae. Tomicus Latr., 1802, has also been disre- garded. Tomicus Latr., 1807, has been used for the allies of typographus and Hylastes Er., 1836, for the allies of ater. Ips De Geer, 1775, has therefore priority over Tomicus Latr., 1807, and Tomicus Latr., 1802, has priority over Hylastes Er., 1836. The name Ips Fabricius, of the family Nitidulidae, dates from the year 1776 [Fabricius, Gen. Ins. p. 23]. If the above synonymy is correct, and I believe it to be, it 1s better to adopt it at once, even at the risk of temporary confusion. Following Bedel [Faun. Col. Bassin Seine, Rhyn, 1888], Hy- lastes is dropped in this paper and the terms Ips and Tomicus are used as indicated above. Geoffroy’s name Scolytus dates from 1762, and therefore can not be accepted. In 1776, O. F. Muller [Zool. Dan. Prodr. 57], described Scolytus punctatus which is certainly not a scolytid: ‘‘ Niger, thorace fossulato, elytris lineis quatuor elevatis, 78 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM intervallo punctorum - duplici serie.’ « The-name Scolytus) should therefore give place to Eccoptogaster Herbst, 1793. The above is pointed out by C. L. Ganglbauer [Munch. Koleopt. Zeit. 1903, p. 311, footnote (sep.)] and has been followed by Trédl in his cata- logue of the European Borkenkafer. I have been unable to verify De Lecoute’s. reference to Olivier, 1789 [.Am. Pink Soc. Proc: 8876. 15.1371 I- According to Gemminger and Harold, Cat. Col., the following names should be added to the synonymy: Hylurgops glabratus Zett. crenatus Pang. Fn. Germ. 15, 7 paykulli Duftschm. Fn Austr. 3:99 Hylastinus obscurus Marsh crenatulus Duftschm. Fn. Austr. 3:104 fuscescens Steph. Ill. Brit. 3:365 piceus Steph. IN. Brit. 3:365 Crypturgus pusillus Gyll. aphodioides Villa. Col. Eur. duppl. Supl. 1833, p. 36 Hypothenemus eruditus West. ruficollis Fabr. Syst. El. 2:388. Ferr. Berl. Ent. Zeit. 1868. p. 255 Trypodendron lineatus Oliv. limbatum Payk. Fn. Suec. 3:144 marginicolle Dahl. signatum Fabr. Ent. Syst. 1, 2:363 Duftschm. Fn. Austr. 3:95 Waringi Curtis, Ann. Nat. Hist. 1840. 5:279 Xyleborus dispar Fabr. rufipes Latr. Dey, Cat: ed. 3. p: 332 Dryocoetes autographus Ratz. var. micographus Oliv. Ent. 5, 78, p. 9, t. 2, f. 12 Ips pini Say. vicinus, Der: (Cat, edi 3) p. 332 Xylocleptes bispinus Duft. marginatus Megerle. Eccoptogaster rugulosus Ratz. haemorrhous Schmidberger, Kollar. Naturg. schadl. Ins. 1837. p. 271. Meg. Sturm. Cat. 1826. op. 104 flavicornis Géné. Dej. Cat. ed. 3, p. 332 punctatus Mus. Berol. Phloeotribus frontalis Oliv. dubius Eich:, Berl. Ent. Zeit.. 1868. p. 150 setulosus Eich. loc. cit. 149 Gemminger and Harold list the following: Phloeotribus americanus Dej. Cat. ed. 3. p. 331, Amer. bor. Cryphalus asperulus Eich, Berl. Ent. Zeit., 1871. p. 133, was re- named by Ejichhoff in Rat. Tom., 1878, p. 153, as Stephanoderes casSiae; habitat given as “Asia (?).” REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 1908 79 { wish to acknowledge my indebtedness to Prof. J. H. Comstock for the material he so kindly furnished, to Dr E. P. Felt for help- ful criticism, and my especial obligation to Prof. A. D. McGilli- vray for his frequent assistance and advice. Entomological Laboratory, Cornell University, July 1, 1907 KEYS FOR DETERMINING THE GENERA OF THE IPIDAE (SCOLYTINAE) AND PLATYPODIDAE (PLATYPODINAE) OF AMERICA NORTH OF MEXICO The arrangement of family and subfamily names in the follow- ing keys seems the most natural at present. Published keys have been freely used. Cactopinus Schwz. (which has been omitted from the generic key) is distinguished from all other described North American Scolytidae by the sculpture of the pronotum: ‘“ Disk in both sexes, with a longitudinal, tuberculated, and distinctly elevated, median area which projects beyond the base of the thorax as a triangular lobe,’ forming a “hoodlike projection over the scutellum.” iene schwarz. Psyche, v.8, sup. 1, p. 12] Families a Head narrower than the prothorax; rst tarsal segment shorter than the others united; eyes oblong or divided [see pl. 4, fig. 6; pl. 5, fig. 10, I1; iL Sh Vike, Zine ply Oy mikes AGS sol sme ites ors Vilinogoomococcde sboaccs Ipidael aa Head broader than the prothorax; Ist tarsal segment as long as the others united’; eyes round, subconvex |isee pl. 3, fie. 1, 2il...........--- Platypodidae The family Platypodidae is represented in America, north of Mexico, by one genus, Platypus Herbst. Subfamilies of the Ipidae a Anterior “tibiae produced at the upper apical angle beyond the tarsal insertion into a mucro or bifid process.” (Blandford) [see pl. 3, fig. 5] b Foretarsus with the 3d segment bilobed; upper or outer border of the foretibiae unarmed or with few very small teeth.................... Eccoptogasterinae (Scolytini) bb Foretarsus with the 3d segment not bilobed; the outer border of the foretibiae strongly dentate [see pl. 3, fig. 3].......... Erineophilinae “aa Foretibiae not produced at the upper or outer apical angle beyond the tarsal insertion into a mucro or bifid process [see pl. 4, fig. 6; pl. 5, fig. 10, Ir] 1 Ganglbauer. Munchener Koleopterologische Zeitschrift. 1903, band 1, 311. 8o NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM b Head suboblong and prominent; pronotum nearly equably punctured, not more strongly roughened in front; tarsi with the 4th segment much smaller than the 3d, which is usually dilated and heartshaped or bilobed [pl. 7, fig. 20, pl. 8, fig. 21; pl. 0, fig. 25; pl. 10, fig. 26; platy fies, 415 925530; B74 23 Sate doers ee ce Hylesininae bb Head globose, not visible from above, deeply immersed in the pro- notum, which is prolonged and usually strongly roughened with stout, backward pointing spines in front, and smooth or punctured behind; 3d tarsal segment simple, 4th segment distinct [pl. 4, fig. 6, Divs chips © 1O-T2 spl. a7) tie 10! ee ee eee eee ee Ipinae (Tomicini) Genera of the Eccoptogasterinae a Foretibiae with the outer apical angle produced into a curved spine, outer border unarmed b Venter of abdomen with the caudal portion bent abruptly dorsad oles ye Sikes oll hae Cage ereciae Eccoptogaster Herbst. (Scolytus Geoff.) bb Venter of abdomen regularly curved, nearly horizontal. .Loganius Chap. aa Foretibiae with the outer apical angle produced into a bifid spine, outer border near the base of the spine armed with a small tooth b “ Prothorax with a defined side margin.”.......... Bothrosternus Eich. bb “ Prothorax with no defined side margin, but usually with a fold above the femoral impression c “Sutures of the club curved; rostrum narrower than the front; body (Ohif7 | Scat en rE are A tae SAG Whine he abi HOO 5 Pagiocerus Eich. cc “Sutures of the club straight; rostrum scarcely narrower than the LRONt DO dye OblOngeamn Cblandtond)) eee eerie Cnesinus Lec. The subfamily Erineophilinae contains one genus, Erineophilus Hopk. Genera of the Hylesininae a Antennal funicle with less than 4 segments b Antennal funicle with 2 segments; club not distinctly annulated........ Crypturgus Erich. bb Antennal funicle with 3 segments; club annulated..... Dolurgus Eich. aa Antennal funicle with more than 4 segments b Antennal club not annulated, pubescent on both sides [pl. 9, fig. 24] Cobyesncompletelyadivi dedhen eter ene teeter Polygraphus Erich. GEGuEyes not divided iplastomnic #20 =e enn see nian Chramesus Lec. bb Antennal club annulated [pl. 9, fig. 27; pl. 10, fig. 28-30] c Antennal club lamellate, of 3 loosely adjoined segments [pl. to, fig. BOF op Kas iss Saou Goa Oe oie eles een A ae Phloeotribus Latr. cc Antennal club not lamellate, segments closely connate [pl. 9, fig. 27; pl. Io, fig. 28, 29] “d Antennal club strongly compressed e Antennal funicle with 7 segments..............: Hylesinus Fabr. ee Antennal funicle with 5 segments f Front coxae not contiguous g Antennal funicle with outer segments distinctly broader; coxae moderately, distant ipl; one 27 een Gee ees Phloeosinus Chap. REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 1908 81 gg Antennal funicle with outer segments scarcely broader; coxae very narrowly separated........ Chaetophloeus Lec. f# Front coxae contiguous g Eyes emarginate or sinuate in front; prosternum in front of coxae very short or obsolete; antennal club oval-elongate h Antennal club with 3 segments; eyes emarginate in front; foretibiae with very few teeth on the outer margin...... Carphoborus Eich. hh Antennal club with 4 segments; eyes sinuate rather than emarginate in front; foretibiae with a row of stout TeecthMoOnlm ties OLE MIMATOtie ere eee: Renocis Casey gg Eyes entire; prosternum distinct in front of the coxae; an- tennal club subcircular [pl. 7, fig. 20; pl. 10, fig. 28]...... Dendroctonus Erich. dd Antennal club not strongly compressed, subglobular or conical e Ist, 2d and 5th ventral segments of the abdomen subequal in length, 3d and 4th segments shorter; forecoxae widely sepa- rated [pl. 11, fig. 34] f Antennal club with the 1st and 2d segments subequal in length, each as long as segments 3 and 4 united [pl. 12, fig. 39]...... Hylastinus Bedel ff Antennal club with the Ist segment much longer than the 2d, nearly as long as segments 2, 3 and 4 united..... Scierus Lec. ee Ist and 5th ventral segments distinctly longer than the others; forecoxae narrowly separated or contiguous [pl. 11, fig. 33] f Mesosternum protuberant; 3d tarsal segment dilated and bilobed; elytra separately rounded at the base [pl. 8, fig. 23; pleats fig. Be F355 Osha at oe eR Oe nee ee Hylurgops Lec. ff Mesosternum not protuberant; 3d tarsal segment subequal in width to the 2d, emarginate rather than bilobed; bases of elytra in a nearly straight line not separately rounded [pl. 9, hey 22" pl Tis tig: 42) 371+ TVomieus Mates sis02 9.05045. aee oe (Hylastes Erich.) Genera of the Ipinae a Antennal funicle with less than 6 segments b Antennal club pubescent on both sides c Antennal club annulated on both sides; eyes not completely divided d Antennal funicle with only one segment [pl. 4, fig. 8] e Body robust; foretibiae without transverse ridges on outer side.. Corthylus Erich. ee Body slender; foretibiae with transverse ridges on the outer side OIL shel inten hdl Ppeeraie An meme Csi om aoe Pterocyclon Eich, dd Antennal funicle with more than I segment Caerotworax wider, than long.) 242. -aseeer Hypothenemus Westw. e ee Prothorax longer than. wide f Maxillary lobe pilose, without radiating spines on outer edge; WOOGHOLEES | plG seamless Gnathotrichus Eich. ff Maxillary lobe, with radiating spines on the outer edge; bark borers [pl. 6, fig. 14] 82 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM g Base of prothorax bordered by a fine, raised line; elytral declivity of the two sexes alike...... Pityophthorus Eich. gg Base of prothorax without a raised border; teeth of elytral declivity much larger in the male than in the female...... Pityogenes Bedel ce Antennal club not annulated; eyes completely divided; elytral de- clivity oblique, not excavated and not toothed [pl. 5, fig. 12, 13] Trypodendron Steph. (Xyloterus Erich.) bb Antennal club not pubescent on both sides, almost entirely. corneous and usually not at all annulated on the imner face; at most, the outer segments of the club show from the inner side but slightly at the distal extremity c Antennal club obliquely truncate at the distal end of the outer sur- face, with the distal segments of the club confined to the truncate surface and telescoped so that the flat, pubescent, truncate surface appears concentrically annulated [pl. 6, fig. 18, ant.; pl. 13, fig. 42] d Antennal funicle with 4 segments; elytral aig scalelike.... Cryphalus Erich. dd Antennai funicle with 5 segments; elytral pubescence not scalelike é Blytral dechivaty: excavated and) toothed:. i. 25.5....5--s076eee Ips DeG., in part (Tomicus Latr. 1807), ee Elytral declivity not excavated, and without prominent teeth f Caudal margin of prosternum extending into a long spinelike process which projects caudad between the forecoxae. Max- illary lobe with radiating spines on the outer edge, bark becens: [pls 6; "shies. 14s -aGa fests. a cee gee Dryocoetes Eich. # Caudal margin of the extremely short prosternum at most but slightly produced on the median line; ‘maxillary lobe pilose, without radiating spines on the outer edge, borers in wood and nuts’ [pl. 6, fig. 15; 17] g Tibiae with the outer edge straight, spinose; dorsum of pro- thorax not more strongly roughened in front than behind.. Coccotrypes Eich. gg Tibiae with the outer edge curved, finely serrate; dorsum of prothorax much more strongly roughened in front than Delain) wj.00 5 ats cye state ye, awl s wishes lope eee eee aval © DENG Eee tte ke cc Antennal club with the distal segments not telescoped to form a flat, truncate surface, distinct, and not confined to the distal extremity of the outer surface [pl. 6, fig. 16] | d Elytral declivity not deeply excavated, at most only slightly con- cave; 2d segment of the antennal club surrounding the 1st, which is nearly eval [pl) 12; fig. 38])........-.-. «. Bee : : - Xylocleptes Ferr. dd Elytral declivity deeply excavated and toothed ; 2d segment of antennal club not nearly surrounding the Ist, the ast suture be- never SjuRbieinje Ou ehovqoliahe Lol Wy wie, Idle oooenoaqcanuncccoponcces Ips DeG., in part (Tomicus Latr. 1807) aa Antennal funicle with 6 segments b Antennal club distinctly annulated on both sides; elytra aculeate at tite SIPs isc oes sac oe Dat wis Gr Eee ee eee eee Micracis Lec. - bb 1793 1807 1836 1839 1864 1866 1866 1868 1876 REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 1908 ; 83 Antennal club distinctly annulated on only 1 side; elytra not aculeate el ACER PR Oe eaea lS Spee ie ial sists ae soe in Maples wee ec k's Thysanoes Lec. MacDonald College, Quebec October 15, 1908 Family SCOLYTIDAE Ratzeburg. Forstins. 1:156-68 Kirby. Fauna. Am. Bor. p. 191 Nordlinger. Nachtr. f. Ratzeb. Forstins. p. 17-45 Pers. “Ann. Ent. Soc, France, p. 173-245, pl. 5, fig. 200-323 Lacordaire. Hist. Nat. Ins. Col. 7:349-55 Chapuis. Syn. Scol. Gemminger & Harold. Cat. Col bd. IX: 2669 Lindermann, Beitr. Kentniss Borkenk. Russl. Bul. Mosc. 49, pt 1, p. 131-46 Leconte.. Am, Phil. Soe. Proc. 15:341-o01 Lindemann. Mon. Borkenk. Russl. Bul. Mosc. 52, pt 1, p. 158-87 Perris. Larves des Coleopteres, p. 413 Provancher. Faun. Ent. Can. 1:563-64 Eichhoff. Rat. Tom. p. 6 FEichhoff. Die Europ. Borkenk. p. 1-33 Leconte & Horn. Col. N. A. p. 512-13 Bedel. Faun. Col. Seine, p. 385 Cholodkovsky. Gange Borkenk. Hor. Ent. Ross. 22:262 Reitter. Bestimmung, der Borkenk. Judeich-Nitsche. Forstins. 1:435-41 Blandford. Biol. Centr. Am. Col. 4, pt 6, p. 81-88 Lowendal. De Danske Barkbiller Sharp. amb. Wat. Hist. Insects. pt FI, p. 204-95 Batbeys. cscol. PEurcp. Cent: 15, 35 Ganglbauer. Munch. Koleopt.. Zeit. 1:309, 310 Comstock. Manual for the Study of Insects, p. 596-98 Kellogg. American Insects, p. 298-300 Nisslin, Leitfaden der Forstinsectenkunde Trédl. Nahrungs, Verbreit. Borkenk. Europ. [Ent. Blatter, Nr. 1 mit 6] Subfamily PLAT YPODINAE References are given under Platypus. PLATYPUS Herbst Herbst. Die Kaefer. 5:128, gen. 34 Latreille. Gen. Crust. et Ins. 3:277 Erichson. Wieg. Archiv. 2:64 Ratzeburg. Forstins. 1 :230 Eichhoff. Berl. Ent. Zeit. p. 17, 42, 43, 46 Chapuis. Mon. Plat. Lacordaire. Hist, Nat. Ins. Col. 7:356, 357 Leconte. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 2:150-51 Leconte. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc. 15:342-43 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Eichhoff. Die Europ. Borkenk. 54, 305-7 Leconte & Horn, Gol. N. A. p) 513-14 Bedel. Faun. Col. Seine, p. 385, 404, 421 Judeich-Nitsche. Forstins. 1:441-42 Blandford. Biol. Centr. Am. Col. 4, pt 6, p. 89-95 Hubbard USS: Div Ent Bull Zonas. p. 14) 05 Barbey. Scol, ’Europ. Cent. 15, res CYLINDRA Ii. Illiger. Duftschmidt. Faun. Aust. 3:87 Chapuis. Mon. Plat. p. 97 Bedel. Faun. Col. Seine, p. 404 I compositus Say Riatypus. “Saye Acad= Nat. Sci Philas sours 3:324-medssleee: Platypus. Erichson. Wieg. Archiv. 2:65 Platypus. Chapuis. Mon. Plat. p. 163, fig. 75 Platypus. Leconte. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc. 15:344 Platypus. Schwarz. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc. 17:468 Platypus. Schwarz. Ent. Soc. Wash. Proc. 1:149 Platypus. Riley & Howard. Ins. Life, 3:418 Platypus. Riley. Ins. Life, 5:17 2:182 Platypus. Hopkins. W. Va. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bul. 31, p. 127; Bul. 32) pi 207 Platypus. Hopkins. Can. Ent. 26:277 Platypus. Blandford. Biol. Centr. Am. Col. 4, pt 6, p. 93, 94, 106 Platypus. Elubbard> U.S: Diva Ent Bulle ssp: Platypus. Hopkins. U. S. Div. Ent. Bul. 48, p. 30, 45 14 Platypus. Hopkins. U. S. Dep’t Agric. Yearbook, p. 384 Platypus. Pierce. Neb. Zool. Lab. Studies No. 78, p. 280 parallelus Fabr. Bostrichus. Fabr. Syst. El. 2:384 Platypus. Chapuis. Mon. Plat. p. 164, fig. 76 (?)=compositus Say. Leconte. Am, Phil. Soc. Proc. tremiferus Chap. Platypus. Chapuis. Mon. Plat. p. 176, fig. 85 (?) =compositus Say. Leconte. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc. perfossus Chap. Platypus. Chapuis. Mon. Plat. p. 176, fig. 86 (?) =compositus Say. Leconte. Am, Phil. Soc. Proc. Tugosus Chap. Platypus. Chapuis. Mon. Plat. p. 176, fig. 87 (?) =compositus Say. Leconte. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc. Habitat. United States south of Delaware bay and Food plants. Quercus, Acer, Fagus, Castanea, Magnolia, Taxodium and many others. 15 $344 15 :344 15 :344 Illinois. Ulmus, Tilia, 1793 1801 1837 18661 1881 1895 IQOI 1907 1795 1866 REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 1908 ie2) qn 2 cylindrus Fabr. Bostrichus. Fabr. Ent. Syst. 2:364 Bostrichus. Fabr. Syst. El. 384, tab. II Platypus. Ratzeburg. Forstins. 1:188, t. X, fig. 13 Platypus. Chapuis. Mon. Plat. p. 246, fig. 147 Platypus. Ejichhoff. Borkenk. p. 305, fig. 108, 109 Platypus. Judeich-Nitsche. Forstins. 1:547 Platypus. Barbey. Scol. Europ. Cent. 115 Trédl. Nahrungs. Verbreit. Borkenk. Europ. 19 Habitat. Europe, Asia, America. Food plants. Quercus, Castanea, Fagus, Fraxinus. 3. flavicornis Fabr. Bostrichus. Fabr. Gen. Ins. Mant. p. 212 Bostrichus. Fabr. Spec. Ins. 1:67 Bostrichus. Fabr. Mant. Ins. p. 36 Bostrichus. Herbst. Kafer, 5:118 Bostrichus. Fabr. Ent. Syst. 2:364 Bostrichus. Fabr. Syst. El. 2:384 Scalytus: Olivier. Ent. gen; 78, p. 4; t. 1, fig. ta, b Platypus. Chapuis. Mon. Plat. p. 154-56 Platypus. Leconte. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc. 15 :343 Platypus. Schwarz. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc. 17:468 Platypus. Lugger. Ent. Soc. Wash. Proc. 1:36 Platypus. Hopkins. Can. Ent. 26:277 Platypus. Blandford. Biol. Centr. Am. Col. 4, pt 6, p. 93, 95, 104 Biaiypusseciiubbard. Uns. Dive Dnt Bulk yanks sae pa wS5 Platypus. Smith, Cat: Ins. N. J. p. 361 bidentatus Dej. Platypus, Dey. Cat. ed. 3, p. 333 =flavicornis Fabr. Chapuis. Mon. Plat. p. 155 disciporus Chap. Platypus. Chapuis. Mon. Plat. p. 219, fig. 123 = flavicornis Fabr. Leconte. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc. 15 :343 Habitat. Southern United States, Mexico. Food plants. Many deciduous and coniferous trees. 4 punctulatus Chap. Platypus. Chapuis. Mon. Plat. p. 199, fig. 110 Platypus. Leconte. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc. 15 :345 Habitat. Texas. Food plants. (?) 5 quadridentatus Oliv. Scolytus. Olivier. Ent. 78. 3, pl. 1, fig. 3 Platypus. Chapuis. Mon. Plat. p. 337 1 For other references see Chapuis’s Mon. Plat. p. 246. 86 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM 1876 Platypus. Leconte. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc. 15 :343, 344 1878 Platypus. Schwarz. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc. 17:468 1893 Platypus. Hopkins. W. Va. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bul. 31, p. 127; Bul. Bop 2O7, 1894 Platypus. Hopkins. Can. Ent. 26:277 18907. Platypus. Hubbard: “U.S. Div. Ent. Bul-7. ams. p15 blanchardi Chap. 1866 Platypus. Chapuis. Mon. Plat. p. 185, fig. 96 1876 = quadridentatus Oliv. Leconte. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc. 15:344 Habitat. West Virginia, Florida, Texas. Food plants. Many deciduous and coniferous trees. 6 rugulosus Chap. 1866 Platypus. Chapuis. Mon. Plat. p. 192, fig. 103 1876 Platypus. Leconte. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc. 15 :343, 344 : 1895 Platypus. Blandford. Biol. Centr. Am. Col. 4, pt 6, p. 92, 95, 107 1905 Platypus. Hopkins. Ent. Soc. Wash. Proc. 7:71 reticulatus Chap. 1866 Platypus. Chapuis. Mon. Plat. p. 104, fig. 104 1896 —rugulosus Chap. Blandford. Biol. Centr. Am. Col. 4, pt 6, p. 107 emarginatus Chap. 1866 Platypus. Chapuis. Mon. Plat. p. 199, fig. 109 1896 —rugulosus Chap. Blandford. Biol. Centr. Am. Col. 4, pt 6, p. 107 Habitat. Lower California, Mexico, Guatemala, Panama. Food plants. (?) Subfamily SCOLYTINAE 1837 Ratzeburg. Forstins. 1:157-230 1866, Lacordaire. Hist. Nat. Ins) Col, 72355; 356) 357 1868 Zimmerman. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 2:141 1869 Chapuis. Syn. Scol. 1876 Leconte. Am. Phil. Soc. Proce. 15 :342, 345 1878 Ejichhoff. Rat. Tom. p. 6 1881 Eichhoff. Die Europ. Borkenk. p. 33 1883 Leconte & Horn. Col. N. A. p. 513, 514, 515 1888 Bedel. Faun. Col. Seine, p. 385, 386- 1895 Judeich-Nitsche Forstins. 1:442 1895 Blandford. Biol. Centr. Am. Col. 4, pt 6, p. 81, 118-20 BOTHROSTERNUS Eich. 1868 Ejichhoff. Berl. Ent. Zeit. p. 150 1869 Chapuis. Syn. Scol. p. 24 1873 Chapuis. Mem. Soc. Liége, p, 232 1883 Leconte & Horn. Col. N. A. p. 523 1895 Blandford. Biol. Centr. Am. Col. 4, pt 6, p. 131, 132 1886 REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 1g08 Bothrosternus. (?) Bothrosternus. Blandford. Biol. Centr. Am. Col. 4, pt 6, p. 131 132 7 hubbardi Sz. Schwarz, Ent. Am, 2:54 Habitat. Florida, Food plant. (@)) tlicoraa, CACTOPINUS Schwarz Schwarz. Psyche, vol. 8, sup. 1, p. 11 8 hubbardi Sz. Cactopinus. Schwarz. Psyche, vol. 8, sup. 1, p. 11 Cactopinus. Schwarz. Ent. Soc. Wash. Proc. 4:368 Habitat. Arizona. Food plant. Cereus gisanteus. CARPHOBORUS Eich. Bichhott. Berl. Ent. Zeit. p. 27, 44, 46, tab. 1, fig. 8 Leconte. Am. Pn Socs dinansa 272 Chapuis. Mem. Soc. Liége, p. 248 Leconte. Am. Eile SOGs ea rOGum 523603 Eichhoff. Borkenk. p. 129 Leconte & Horn. Col. N. A. p. 523 Judeich-Nitsche. Forstins. 1:445, 446 Carphoborus. Carphoborus. Carphoborus. Carphoborus. Carphoborus. g bicristatus Chap. Chapuis. Syn. Scol. p. 97 Chapuis. Mem. Soc. Liége, p. 249 econte. Am. Pil, Sec. Proc: 157383, 384 Packard. U.S. Ent. Com’n; sth Rep’t, p. 726 Smith. Cat. Ins. N. J. p. 364 Habitat. Georgia (‘Middle and Southern States,” Chapuis). Food plant. Carphoborus. Dendroctonus. Dendroctonus. Carphoborus. Carphoborus. Carphoborus. Carphoborus. fig. 255 Carphoborus. Pinus. ro. bifurcus Eich. Eichhoff. Berl. Ent. Zeit. p. 147 Zimmerman. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 2:148 Chapuis. Syn. Scol. p. 97 Chapuis. Mem. Soc. Liége, p. 249 Leconte. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc. 152383 Schwarz. Ent. Soc. Wash. Proc. 1:80 Packard. WU. ‘S. ifnt: Contin, sth Rep't; p: Smith. ‘Cat. Ins. Ni §. p. 364 Habitat. District of Columbia, Tennessee, Gulf States. Food plant. Pinus. 87 ? 88 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Ir simplex Lec. 1876 Carphoborus. Leconte. Am. Phil. “Soc. Proc. 153383 1890 Carphoborus. Packard. U. S. Ent. Com’n, 5th Rep’t, p. 725 Habitat. California. Food plants. (?) CHAETOPHLOEUS Leconte 1876 Leconte. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc. 15 :382 1, hystrix Lec: 1858 Hylesinus. Leconte. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. Proc. p. 81 1868 Hylesinus. Leconte. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 2:171 1876 Chaetophloeus. Leconte. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc. 15:382 1892 Chaetophloeus. Blaisdell. Ins. Life, 5:36 Habitat. California. Food plant. Rhus integrifolia. CHRAMESUS Leconte 1868 Leconte. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 2:168 leno Weconte: sims hile SOcase TOG mw 53374. Tess) Weeconte cc: Elonny Coll Ne Ane sp 522 1895 Blandford. Biol. Centr. Am. Col. 4, pt 6, p. 142, 169 RHOPALOPLEURUS Chapuis 1869 Chapuis. Syn. Scol. p. 46 1873 Chapuis. Mem. Soc. Liége, p. 254 1676, Leconte? Am). Phil) Soc. Procs y15:374 13 hicoriae Lec. 1868 Chramesus. Leconte. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 2:168 1876 Chramesus. Leconte. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc. 15 :375 1878 Chramesus. Hubbard & Schwarz. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc. 17 :666 1886 Chramesus. Schwarz. Ent. Am. 2:54 1890 Chramesus. Packard. U. S. Ent. Com’n, 5th Rep’t, p. 296 190 Chramesus. Smith. Ent. Am. 6:53, fig. 1891 Chramesus. Hamilton. Can. Ent. 23:65 1892 Chramesus. Hamilton. Ins. Life, 4:268 1893 Chramesus. Hopkins. W. Va. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bul. 31, p. 140 etc.; Bule2y p) 212 1893 Chramesus. Smith. N. J. Agric. Rep’t, p. 537, fig. 95 1894 Chramesus. Hopkins. Can. Ent. 26:280 1895 Chramesus. Blandford. Biol. Centr. Am. Col. 4, pt 6, p. 170 1895 Chramesus. Hamilton. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 22:346, 378 1898 Chramesus. Chittenden. Ent. Soc. Wash. Proc. 4:78 1899 Chramesus. Lugger. Minn. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bul. 66, p. 316 1900 Chramesus., Smith. Cat. Ins. N. J. p. 364 1906 Chramesus. Felt. N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 8, 2:336, 448-49,° 502 1869 1873 1876 1876 1886 1868 1876 1883 1895 1869 1873 1876 1868 1876 1878 1886 1887 1890 1891 1895 1895 1899 1900 1907 1869 1873 - 1878 REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 1908 89 lecontei Chap. Rhopalopleurus. Chapuis. Syn. Scol. (?) Rhopalopleurus. Chapauis. Mem. Soc. Liége, p. 255 =icoriae Lec. Leconte. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc. 15:375 Habitat. Canada, eastern, middle and western United States Food plants. Hicoria, oak buds (?). 14 chapuisii Lec. Chramesus. Leconte. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc. 15 :375 Chramesus. Schwarz. Ent. Am. 2:54 Habitat. Louisiana. Food plants. (?) CNESINUS Leconte Weconte: Am: Ent. Soc. Trans. 22171 Hecontes amine hile Soc. Proc. 15378 Leconte & Horn. Col. N. A. p. 523 Blandford. Biol. Centr. Am. Col. 4, pt 6, p. 132, 135 NEMOPHILUS Chapuis Chapuis. Syn. Scol. p. 27 Chapuis. Mem. Soc. Liége, p. 235 econtes Am: Phil) Soc: Proc © 152378 15 strigicollis Lec. Cnesinus. Leconte. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 2:171 Cnesinus. Leconte. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc. 15:278 Cnesinus. Schwarz. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc. 17:468 Cnesinus. Schwarz. Ent. Am. 2:54 Cnesinus. Hamilton. Can. Ent. 19:66 Cnesinus. Schwarz. Ins. Life, 3:87 Cnesinus. Schwarz. Ent. Soc. Wash. Proc. 2:79 Cnesinus. Hamilton. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 22:346, 378 Cnesinus. Blandford. Biol. Centr. Am. Col. 4, pt 6, p. 136, 1390 Cnesinus. Hopkins. Ent. Soc. Wash. Proc. 4:343 Cnesinus. Smith. Cat. Ins. N. J. p. 365 Cnesinus. Hopkins. Ent. Soc. Wash. Proc. 8:113 strigillatus Chap. Nemophilus. Chapuis. Syn. Scol. p. 27 Nemophilus. Chapuis. Mem. Soc. Liege, p. 235 = strigicollis Lec. Leconte. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc. 15:378 Habitat. Pennsylvania, Illinois, South Carolina, West Virginia, North Carolina, Texas, Mexico. Food plants). Toxylon pomiferum, Liquidambar, Smilax, Hickoria (pith of twigs), Pyrus (?). NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM COCCOTRYPES Eich. Eichhoff. Rat. Tom. p. 57, 308 Eichhoff. Borkenk. p. 52, 74, 267 Leconte & Horn. Blandford. Ent. Soc. Lond. Trans. Bostrichus. Bostrichus. Bostrichus. Bostrichus. Bostrichus. Bostrichus. Bostrichus. Bostrichus. Anisandros. Dryocoetes. Coccotrypes. Coccotrypes. Coccotrypes. Coccotrypes. Coccotrypes. Bostrichus. Habitat. Col. N. A. p. 528 p. 98 16 dactyliperda Fabr. (?) ZEB OT aIA: Lucas. Expl. Alg: p. 464, tab. 39, fig. I Fabricius. Dej. Hornung. Bach. Kaef. Doebner. Zool. Syst. El: Cat... p. -332 Duft. Fn. Aust. Stett. Ent. 2:184 ZT23.00 3:95, 12 Zeit. 30 p.. 116 (2) Eichhoff. Berl. Ent. Zeit. p. 277 Borkenk, p. 26 Redtenb. Fn. Aust. ed. 3. 2:381 Ferrari. Ejichhoff. Rat. Tom. p. 58, 309 Eichhoff. Borkenk. p. 52, 74, 267 Schwarz. Hamilton. Hamilton, Hornung. (?) =dactyliperda Fabr. Ent. Am. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 2:42 palmicola Horn. Stett. Ent. Food plants. Dates, betel. — Zeit. Eichhoff. Borkenk. Europe, Africa, America (carried in nuts). DeTELOsen (C2) CORTHYLUS Erichson Erichson. Wieg. Archiv. 1:64 Fichhoff. Berl. Ent. Zeit. p. 279 Eichhoff. Berl. Ent. Zeit. p. 207 Leconte. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc. Eichhoff. Rat. Tom. p. 66, 421 Leconte & Horn. Hubbard.” Ul S: Div. Ent. Bal @ Blandford. Biol. Centr. Am. Col. 4, pt 6, p. 251-54 Ferrari. 15 :347 Cot Ne AS p: sz Ne S: MORIZUS Ferrari Borkenk. p. 509, 60 p. 16 Blandford. Biol. Centr. Am. Col. 4, pt 6, p. 251 Corthylus. Hopkins. W. Va. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bul. 36, p: 313-36, fig. 27-30 Corthylus. Corthylus. Hopkins. Hopkins, 17 columbianus Hopk. Can. Ent. Ins, Life, 6:281, 282; 7:146 26 :277 16 :159 21 :406 p. 268 1895 1897 1904 1900 1868 1868 1876 1878 1883 1890 1890 1801 1893 1894 1894 1895 1805 1897 1900 1904 1905 1906 1891 1895 1836 1864 1868 1876 1881 1878 1883 1885 1888 REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 1908 gl Corthylus. Hopkins. Ent. Soc. Wash. Proc. 3:104, 107 Corthylus. Hubbard. U. S. Div. Ent. Bul. 7. n. s. p. 17-18 Corthylus. Blandford. Biol. Centr. Am. Col. 4, pt 6, p. 253, 254 Corthylus. Felt. N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 8, 2:702 Habitat. Virginia, West Virginia, Michigan (?), Massachusetts. Food plants. Quercus alba, Fagus americana, ‘Tilia, Neer euriodendrom twlipitena. 18 punctatissimus Zimm. Crypturgus. Zimmerman. Am Ent. Soc. Trans. 2:144 Cryphalus. Leconte. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 2:154 Corthylas.. Leconte. , Am. Phil. Soc. Proc. 15347 Crypturgus. Eichhoff. Rat. Tom. p. 460 Corthylus. Merriam. Am. Nat. 17:84-86, fig. 1-5 Corthylus. Packard. U.S. Ent. Com’n, 5th Rep’t, p. 380, 390, fig. 144, 145 Corthylus. Schwarz. Ins. Life, 3:178 Corthylus. Schwarz. Ent. Soc. Wash. Proc. 2:109-15 Corthylus. Hopkins. W. Va. Agric. Exp. Sta, Bul. 31, p. 127; Bul. 2382, Di 207. Corthylus. Hopkins. Ins. Life, 6:281; 7:145 Corthylus. Hopkins. Can. Ent. 26:277 Corthylus. Hamilton. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 22:346, 378 Corthylus. Hopkins. Ent. Soc. Wash. Proc. 3:104 Corthylus. Hubbard. U.S. Div. Ent. Bul. 7. n.s. p. 16-17 Corthylus. Snmth. Cat. Ins! N. J. p. 361 Corthylus. Blandford. Biol. Centr. Am. Col. 4, pt 6, p. 253, 254 Corthylus. Felt. N. Y. State Mus.’Mem. 8, 1:50, 65-67, fig. 7 Corthylus. Felt. N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 8, 2:732 Habitat. Eastern, middle, southern and western United States. Food plants. Acer saccharum, Sassafras, Cornus, Carpinus, Corylus, Ostrya, Gaylwssacia resinosa. 1g spinifer Sz. Corthylus. Schwarz. Ent. Soc. Wash. Proc. 2:114 Corthylus. Hopkins. Ent. Soc. Wash. Proc. 3:104 Habitat. South Florida. Food plant. Quercus. CRYPHALUS Erichson Erichson. Wieg. Archiv. 1:64 Eichhoff. Berl. Ent. Zeit. p. 34, 45, 46 Leconte. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 2:151, 153 Leconte. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc. 15:361 Eichhoff. Borkenk. p. 45, 172 Eichhoff. Rat. Tom. p. 121 Leconte & Horn. Col. N. A. p. 518 Goz. Rev’d. Ent. 4:278 Bedel. Faun. Col. Seine, 6:396, 307 G2 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM 1895 Judeich-Nitsche. Forstins. 1:448, 451, fig, 1901 Barbey. Scol. l’Europ. Cent. p. 69 1904 Blandford. Biol. Centr. Am. Col. 4, pt 6, p. 225 ERNOPORUS Thomson 1866 Thomson. Skand. Col. 1:147; vii:360 1904. Blandford. Biol. Centr. Am. Col. 4, pt 6. p. 226 20 jalappae Letz. 1844 Bostrichus. Letzner. Abh. Schles. Jahrb. 1848 Bostrichus. Letzner. Arb. Verand. Schles. Ges. p. 99 1867 Cryphalus (Ernoporus). Ferrari. Borkenk. p. 12, 14, 16, note 4 1878 Cryphalus. Eichhoff. Rat. Tom. p. 134 1881 Cryphalus. Eichhoff. Borkenk. p. 46, 74, 187 1883 Cryphalus. Schwarz. Ont. Ent. Soc. 14:30 1886 Cryphalus. Schwarz. Ent. Am. 2:42 1894 Cryphalus. Blandford. Ins. Life, 6:261 1894 Cryphalus. Hamilton. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 21 :406 1901 Cryphalus. Schwarz. Ent. Soc. Wash. Proc. 4:432 Habitat. Mexico (?), exported to various countries, Europe, United States, etc. Food plant. Jalap root. 21 miles! Lec: 1878 Cryphalus. Leconte. Am, Phil. Soc. Proc. 17:433 1878 Cryphalus. Schwarz. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc. 17:468 Habitat. Florida. Food plant. Pinus (?). 22 mucronatus Lec. 1879 Cryphalus: Lecontes Ul9S. Geol) Sun Bull 5:516 1886 Cryphalus. Schwarz. Ent. Am. 2:42 Habitat. Colorado. Food plants. 23. piceae Ratz. 1837 Bostrichus. Ratzeburg. Forstins. 1:163 1854 Cryphalus. Bach. Kafer. 2:136 1862 Cryphalus. Doebner. Zool. 2:168 1874 Cryphalus. Redtb. Fn. Aust. ed. 3. 2:376 1878 Cryphalus. Ejichhoff. Rat. Tom. p. 2, 122 1881 Cryphalus: Eichhoff. Borkenk. p. 45, 172-76, fig. 38, 39 1888 Cryphalus. Bedel. Faun. Col. Seine, 6:398, 414 1895 Tomicus. Judeich-Nitsche. Forstins. 1:492 : 1899 Cryphalus. Hopkins. W. Va. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bul. 56, p. 444 1901 Cryphalus. Barbey. ‘Scol. Europ. Cent. p. 60, pl. 2, fig. 15; pl. 8, fig. 5 1906 Cryphalus. Felt. N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 8, 2:753 1907. Cryphalus. Tredl. Nahrungs. Verbreit. Borkenk. Europ. p. 12 REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 1908 Q3 asperatus abietis Ferr. 1867 Cryphalus. Ferrari. Borkenk. p. 12, (7) 7578 —piceae Ratz. Eichhoff. Rat. Tom. p. 122 Habitat. France, Germany, Austria, Turkey, United States (West Virginia, New York), Canada. Food plants. Pinaceae. 24 rigidus Lec. 1876 Cryphalus. Leconte. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc. 15 :362 1878 Cryphalus. Hubbard & Schwarz. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc. 17 :666 1886 Cryphalus. Schwarz. Ent. Am. 2:42 Habitat. Canada, Michigan. Food plants. 25 (?)robustus Fich. 1871 Cryphalus. Ejichhoff. Berl. Ent. Zeit. p. 131 1876 Cryphalus. Leconte. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc. 15:362 1878 Cryphalus. Eichhoff. Rat. Tom. p. 121 Habitat, “Am, Septent.” Food plants. 26 striatulus Mannh. 1853 Cryphalus. Mannerheim. Bul. Mosc. p. 235 TovOmeLyphanis. wseconte, Am Phil’ Soc: Proc) 152362 1878 Cryphalus. Eichhoff. Rat. Tom. p. 147 1894 Cryphalus. Schwarz. Ins. Life, 7:255 1894 Cryphalus. Hamilton. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 21:35 190r Cryphalus. Felt. N. Y. Forest, Fish & Game Com’n Rept 7:516 1906 Cryphalus. Felt. N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 8, 2:376, 650, 673 Habitat. Alaska, Utah, New York. Food plants. Picea engelmanni, Pinus, Abies, Tsuga. 27 (?)terminalis Mannh. 1843 Bostrichus. Mannerheim. Bul. Mosc. p. 298 1867 Ferrari. Borkenk. p. 75 1868 Bostrichus. Leconte. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 2:1 1885 Cryphalus (?) Henshaw. Col. N. A. p. 148 Habitat. California. Food plants. N N CRYPTURGUS Erichson 1836 Erichson. Wieg. Archiv. 1:60 1864 Eichhoff. Berl. Ent. Zeit. p. 33, 44, 46 1868 Zimmerman. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 2:142, 143 1876 Leconte. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc. 15 :387 1877. Provancher. Faun. Ent. Can. 1:565 1878 Ejichhoff. Rat. Tom. p. 72 1881 Eichhoff. Borkenk. p. 64, 165 1883 Leconte & Horn. Col. N. A. p. 523, 524 1888 Bedel. Faun. Col. Seine, 6:380, 395 1895 Judeich-Nitsche. Forstins. 1:448, 451 1901 Barbey. Scol. Europ. Cent. p. 68 O4 1893 1894 1899 1906 1868 1876 1877 1878 1886 1889 1889 1890 18901 1894 1808 1900 1904 1905 1900 1813 1834 1837 18390 1854 1856 1862 1864 1867 1878 1881 1888 1889 1893 1894 1804 1894 1895 1807 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM 28 alutaceus Sz. Crypturgus. Schwarz. Ins. Life. 5:288 Crypturgus. Schwarz. Ent. Soc. Wash. Proc. 3:17 Crypturgus. Hopkins. W. Va. Agric. Exp, Sta. Bul. 56, p. 448 Crypturgus. Felt. N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 8, 2:753 Habitat. Maryland, West Virginia, Florida. Food plants. , Picea, Pinus palustris, Panars > ino pise 29 atomus Lec. Crypturgus. Leconte. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 2:152 Cryptursus) Weconte; Ams Phil Soeweracy 52357 Crypturgus. Provancher. Faun. Ent. Can. 1:565 Crypturgus. Eichhoff. Rat. Tom. p. 75 (?) =pusillus Gyll. Schwarz. Ent. Am. 2:56 = pusillus Gyll. Hamilton. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 16:159 Crypturgus. Hamilton. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 16:159 Crypturgus. Packard. U. S. Ent. Com’n, 5th Rep’t, p. 727, 825, 861, 872, fig. 256 = pusillus Gyll. Hamilton. Ins. Life. 4:132 = pusillus Gyll. Schwarz. Ent. Soc. Wash. Proc. 3:17 Crypturgus. = pusillus Gyll. Crypturgus. Crypturgus. Crypturgus. Habitat. Bostrichus. Bostrichus. Bostrichus. Bostrichus. Crypturgus. Crypturgus. Crypturgus. Crypturgus. Crypturgus. Crypturgus. Crypturegus. Crypturgus. Crypturgus. Bul. 32, p. Crypturgus. Crypturgus. Crypturgus. Tomicus. Crypturgus. Judeich-Nitsche. Blandford. Ent. News, 9:6 Smith. Cat. Ins: No fi. “p: 365 Elopkins. WU: S, Dive-Enty Bull 48, ps 26 Currie. U.S: Dive Ent. Bull 53, p: 82 Felt. N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 8, 2:338, 359-60 Canada, eastern United States. Food plants. Pinus, Picea, Abies, Tsuga. 30. «pusillus Gyll. Gyllenhal.” Im.) Suecy 36372, (6) Hartig. ‘Convers; lex; p) 110-12 Ratzeburg. Forstins. 1:162, t. 13, fig. 16 Ratzeburg. Forstins. 1:196-08, t. 13, fig. 16 Bach. Kaefier, 2:137 Perris. Anm. Fr. p., 202 Doebner, Zool) 23167 Fichhoff. Berl, Ent. Zeit. t: 1, fig. 12, (Amt) Eichhoff. . Berl. Ent.. Zeit. p. 404 Eichhoff. Rat. Tom. 9p. 73% Eichhoff. Borkenk. p. 165 Bedel. Faun. Col. Seine, 6:395, 412 Hamilton. Am, Ent. Soc. Trans, 16:159 Hopkins. W. Va. Agric. Exp. Sta, Bul. 31, p. 143 etc.; 213 Schwarz. Ent. Soc. Wash Proc. 3:57 Hamilton. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 21 :407 Blandford. Ent. Soc. Lond. p. 82 Harstins: 13527 Johnson. Penn. Agric. Rep’t, p. 78-79, fig. 3 REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 1908 95 1898 Crypturgus. Blandford. Ent, News, 9:6 1899 Crypturgus. Hopkins. W. Va. Agric. Exp, Sta. Bul. 56, p. 346, 448 fig. 96 1900 Crypturgus. Smith. Cat. Ins. N. J. p. 365 t9or Crypturgus. Barbey. Scol. l’Europ. Cent. p. 68, pl. 2, fig. 13; pl. 7 fig. 5 1907 Crypturgus. Trédl. Nahrungs. Verbreit. Borkenk. Europ. 11, [Entomol]. Blatter, Nr. 1. mit 6] Habitat. Europe, Japan, eastern United States. Food plant. Pinaceae. ? ma 1DENDROCTONUS Erichson 1836 Erichson. Wieg. Archiv. 1:52 1864 Eichhoff. Berl. Ent. Zeit. p. 26, 44, 46 1866 Lacordaire. Ins. Col. 7:360— 1868 Zimmerman. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 2:148, 149 1869 Chapuis. Syn. Scol. p. 34 1873 Chapuis. Mem. Soc. Liége, p. 242 1876 Leconte. Am, Phil. Soc..Proc. 15:384 1877 Provancher. Faun. Ent. Can. 1:572 1881 Ejichhoff.. Borkenk. p. 125 1883 Leconte & Horn. Col. N. A. p. 523 1800 ~Dietz, Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 17:27 1895 Judeich-Nitsche. Forstins. 1:445, 446 1895 Blandford. Biol. Centr. Am. Col. 4, pt 6, p. 143, 146 1901 Barbey. Scol. Europ. Cent. p. 55 1906 Felt. N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 8, 2:337 3I approximatus Dietz 1890 Dendroctonus. Dietz. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 17:28, 31 1902. Dendroctonus. Schwarz. Ent. Soc. Wash. Proc. 5:32 1902 Dendroctonus. Hopkins. U. S. Dep’t Agric. Yearbook, p. 281 1903 Dendroctonus. Hopkins. Can. Ent. 35:61 1904. Dendroctonus.. Hopkins. U. S. Div. Ent. Bul. 48, p. 44 1904 Dendroctonus. Hopkins. U. S. Dep’t Agric. Yearbook, p. 281 1905 Dendroctonus. Hopkins. U. S. Div. Ent. Bul. 56, p. 11 1905 Dendroctonus. Hopkins. Ent. Soc. Wash. Proc. 7:81 1907. Dendroctonus. Fall & Cockerell. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 33:218 1908 Dendroctonus. Burke. Ent. Soc. Wash. Proc. 9:115 Habitat. Arizona. Food plant. Pinus ponderosa. 1The recent work on the genus Dendroctonus by Dr A. D. Hopkins, entitled The Genus Dendroctonus, and published by the Bureau of Entomology of the United States Depart - ment of Agriculture, as Technical series no. 17, part 1, has been received too late to be inserted in this list. \ ie. The treatise referred to discusses the structure of these beetles in detail, giving a long sefies of very fine plates. Besides describing a number of new species and putting the synon- ymy of the various names in final shape, many new food plants are given, and the distri- bution of the various species is more exactly defined. Excellent figures of the various species are given. é : The following new species are described from America north of Mexico: barberi Hopk, convexifrons, Hopk., arizonicus Hopk., jeffreyi Hopk., pseudotsugae Hopk., engelmanni Hopk., borealis Hopk., murrayana Hopk. 1801 1868 1868 1876 1890 1890 1892 1892 1893 1893 1893 1893 1894 1&96 1897 1808 1899 1899 1899 1899 IQOI 1902 1903 1904 1904 1905 1905 1905 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM 32 brevicomis Lec. Dendroctonus. Leconte. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc. 15 :384, 386 = frontalis Zimm. Dietz. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 17:28 Dendroctonus. Packard. U. S. Ent. Com’n, 5th Rep’t, p. 722 Dendroctonus. Hopkins. U. S. Div. Ent. Bul. 21, p. 13 Dendroctonus. Hopkins. Ent. Soc. Wash. Proc. 5:3 Dendroctonus. Hopkins. U. S. Dep’t Agric. Yearbook, p. 281 Dendroctonus. Hopkins. U. S. Div. Ent. Bul. 48, p. 18 Dendroctonus. Hopkins. U. S. Dep’t Agric. Yearbook, p. 281 Dendroctonus. Hopkins. Ent. Soc. Wash. Proc. 7:147, pl. 4 Dendroctonus. Currie. U. S. Div. Ent. Bul. 53, p. 74 Dendroctonus. Webb. U. S. Div. Ent. Bul. 58, pt 2, p. 20-22, 9 fig. Habitat. Cascade and Rocky mountain region of United States. Food plants. (?), Fabricius. Dendroctonus. Dendroctonus. Dendroctonus. Dendroctonus. Dendroctonus. Dendroctonus. Dendroctonus. Dendroctonus. Pinus ponderosa, Pinus lambertiana. 33 frontalis Fabr. Syst. El. 2:3890 Zimmerman. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 2:149 Leconte. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 2:173 Leconte. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc. 15 :384, 386 Dietz. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 17:28, 32 Packard. U. S. Ent. Com’n, 5th Rep’t, p. 722 Hopkins. Ent. Soc. Wash. Proc. 2:353 Hopkins. Science, July 29, 20:64 Hopkins. W:; Va_-Agric. Exp, Sta, Bull ap, 1435 Bulaes2 apy er Dendroctonus. Hopkins. Dendroctonus. Riley. Dendroctonus. Hopkins. Dendroctonus. Hopkins. C Dendroctonus. Hopkins. Dendroctonus. Chittenden. fig. 43 Dendroctonus. Schwarz. Dendroctonus. Hopkins. Dendroctonus. Lugger. fig. 246 Dendroctonus. Hopkins. Dendroctonus. Hopkins. U Dendroctonus. Hopkins. U Dendroctonus. Hopkins. U Dendractonus. Hopkins. C Dendroctonus. Hopkins. ime, 22 ok Wl WALI Dendroctonus. Hopkins. U Dendroctonus. Hopkins. Dendroctonus. Currie. Dendroctonus. Felt. N. Y. Ins. Life, 5 :187—-89 Ins. Life, 6:140 Ins. Life, 6:126 26 :280 ane bart Can. Ent. 28:250 USS Dive Entb ley 7a le Sey ease Ent. Soc. Wash. Proc. 4:81 Ent. Soc. Wash. Proc. 4:343- Minn. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bul. 66, p. 315, 317, W. Va. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bul. 56, p. 395 SS) DivasEni Bullezie spec ea - S) Dive Ent. Bull zs, pl oe . S. Dep’t Agric. Yearbook, p. 270-75 an. Ent. 35:50 U.S. Div, Ent: Ball 48) peep . S. Dep’t Agric. Yearbook, p. 270-75 Ent. Soc. Wash. Proc. 7:80 US SS Dive Ent eBullss ep aco State Mus. Mem. 8, 1:6 1908 1908 1905 1908 1843 1852 1868 1873 1876 1877 1877 1894 1899 1902 1903 1860 1868 1876 1877 1878 1878 1890 1890 1891 18904 1903 1907 IQOI 1902 1904 1904 1905 REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 1908 Q7 Dendroctonus. Fiske. Ent. Soc. Wash. Proc. 9:24, 25, 26 Dendroctonus. Hopkins. Ent. Soc. Wash. Proc. 9:131 Habitat. Eastern and southern United States. Food plants. Pinus, Picea. 34 monticola Hopk. Dendroctonus. Hopkins. U. S. Div. Ent. Bul. 56, p. 11 Dendroctonus. Burke. Ent. Soc. Wash. Proc. 9:12, 115 Habitat. Western United States. Food plants: Pinus lambertiana, P. monticola, P. Mipidwiaida, ponderosa, Preea encelmanmis 35 obesus Mannh. Hylurgus. Mannerheim. Bul. Mosc. p. 206 Hylurgus. Mannerheim. Bul. Mosc. p. 356 Dendroctonus. Leconte. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 2:173 Dendroctonus. Chapuis. Mem. Soc. Liége, p. 243 —=rufipennis Kirby. Leconte. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc. 15 :385 Dendroctonus. Provancher. Faun. Ent. Can. 1:573 Dendroctonus. Provancher. Faun. Ent. Can. v. 1, Add. et Cor. p. 13 =rufipennis Kirby. Hamilton. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 21:35 Dendroctonus, Hopkins. U. S. Div. Ent. Bul. 21, p. 15 Dendroctonus. Hopkins. Ent. Soc. Wash. Proc. 5:3 Dendroctonus. Hopkins. Can. Ent. 35:60 similis Lec. Dendroctonus. Leconte. Pac. R. R. Explor. Ins. p. 59 =obesus Mannh. Leconte. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 2:173 Dendroctonus. Leconte. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc. 15:384, 385 —=obesus Mannh. Provancher. Faun. Ent. Can. 1:373 Dendroctonus. Hubbard & Schwarz. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc. 17 :666 —rufipennis Kirby. Provancher. Faun. Ent. Can. v. 1, Add. p. 13 Dendroctonus. Dietz. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 17:28, 30 Dendroctonus. Packard. U. S: Ent. Com’n, 5th Rep’t, p. 721, 722 Dendroctonus. Cook & Davis. Mich. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bul. 73, p. 15 —rufipennis Kirby. Hamilton. Am. Ent, Soc. Trans. 21:35 =obesus Mannh. Hopkins. Can. Ent. 35:60 Dendroctonus. Fall & Cockerell. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 33:218 Habitat. Canada, Oregon, Colorado, Virginia, Texas, New Mexico. Food plants. ; 36 piceaperda Hopk. Dendroctonus. Hopkins. U.S. Div. Ent. Bul. 28, p. 16, pl. 11 Dendroctonus. Hopkins. U. S. Dep’t Agric. Yearbook, p. 266-70, fig. 23, 24 Dendroctonus. Hopkins. U. S. Div. Ent. Bul. 48, p. 26 Dendroctonus. Hopkins. U. S. Dep’t Agric. Yearbook, p. 266-70 Dendroctonus. Currie. U. S. Div. Ent. Bul. 53, p. 82 1902 1902 1903 1904 1904 1905 1905 1905 1900 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Dendroctonus. Hopkins. U.S. Div. Ent. Bul. 56, p. 10-11 Dendroctonus. Felt. N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 8, 2:338, 379-85, 693, fig. 85 Dendroctonus. Burke. Ent. Soc. Wash. Proc, 8:4, 5 Dendroctonus. Fall & Cockerell. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 33:218 Habitat. New Brunswick to New York, New Mexico. Booed plants: Piclea: cia nmiad emsis) sb 1c eae omnia ei aaa oe 37. ponderosae Hopk. Dendroctonus. Hopkins. U. S. Div. Ent, Bul. 32, p. 10 Dendroctonus. Hopkins. U. S. Dep’t Agric. Yearbook, p. 275-81, Hea, 25, 20) 30 Dendroctonus. Gillette. Col. Agric. Rep’t, 24:118 Dendroctonus. Hopkins. U. S. Dep’t Agric. Yearbook, p. 275, 281 Dendroctonus. Hopkins. U. S. Div. Ent. Bul. 48, p. 44, pl. 1, fig. 1, ple wll) lies. exe Dendroctonus. Hopkins. Ent. Soc. Wash. Proc. 7:147, pl. 1V Dendroctonus. Hopkins. U. S. Div. Ent. Bul. 56, p. to-22, fig. 1, 5, 6 Dendroctonus. Currie. U. S. Div. Ent. Bul. 53, p. roo Dendroctonus. Burke. Ent. Soc. Wash. Proc. 7:4 Habitat. Rocky mountain region. Food plants. Pinus, Picea. 38 punctatus Lec. ,Dendroctonus. Teconte. Am: Ent, Soc, Trans. 2:173 Dendroctonus. Leconte. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc. 15:384, 385 Dendroctonus. Schwarz. Ent. Am, 2:56 —rufipennis Kirby. Dietz. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 17:28 Dendroctonus. Packard. U. S. Ent. Com’n, 5th Rep’t, p. 722 =rufipennis Kirby. Hamilton. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 21:35 —=rufipennis Kirby. Johnson. Penn. Dep’t Agric. An. Rep’t, p. 73-77, fig. 2 Dendroctonus. Hopkins. Ent. Soc. Wash. Proc. 5:3 Habitat. New York, Quebec. Food plants. 39 rufipennis Kirby Hylurgus. Kirby. Faun. Bor. Am. 4:195 Hylurgus. Mannh. Bul. Mosc. p. 238, (217) Dendroctonus. Leconte. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc. 15:384, 385 Dendroctonus. Provancher. Faun. Ent. Can. 1:573 Dendroctonus. Provancher. Faun. Ent. Can. vy. 1, Add. et Cor. Pp. 13) 14 Dendroctonus. Schwarz. Ent. Am. 2:56 Dendroctonus. Dietz. Am, Ent. Soc. Trans. 17:28 Hylurgus. Packard. U.S. Ent. Com’n, 5th Rep’t, p. 814 Dendroctonus. Schwarz. Ins. Life, 7:255 Dendroctonus. Hamilton. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 21:36 1897 1899 1899 1900 1906 1907 REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 1908 Dendroctonus. Johnson. Penn. Agric. Rep’t, p. 73-77, fig. 2 Dendroctonus. Hopkins. Ent. Soc. Wash. Proc. 4:343 Dendroctonus. Hopkins. W. Va. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bul. 56, p. 349, 393 Dendroctonus. Smith. Cat. Ins. N. J. p. 364 Dendroctonus. Felt. N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 8, 2:753 Tredl. Nahrungs, Verbreit. Borkenk, Europ. 11 [Entomol. Blatter, Nr. I mit 6] Habitat. Alaska, Canada, northern United States. Food plants. Picea, Pinus. 40 simplex Lec. Dendroctonus. Leconte. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 2:173 Dendroctonus. Leconte. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc. 15:384, 385 Dendroctonus. Provancher. Faun. Ent. Can. v. 1, Add. et Cor. Penis l4 Dendroctonus. Schwarz. Ent. Am. 2:56 Dendroctonus. Schwarz. Ins. Life, 1:162 =rufipennis Kirby. Schwarz. Ent. Soc. Wash. Proc. 1:175 Dendroctonus. Dietz. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 17:28, 31 Dendroctonus. Packard. U. S. Ent. Com’n, sth Rep’t, p. 722 Dendroctonus. Hopkins. Ent. Soc. Wash. Proc. 4:343 Dendroctonus. Hopkins. W. Va. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bul. 56, p. 394 Dendroctonus. Felt. N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 8, 2:752 Dendroctonus. Fall & Cockerell. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 33 :218 Habitat. Canada to West Virginia, Colorado, California, New Mexico. Food plants. Picea, Larix. 41 terebrans Oliv. Scolytus. Olivier. Ent. 4:78, p. 6, pl. 1, fig. 6, a-b Hylurgus. Harris. Inj. Ins. Mass. p. 72 Hylurgus. Harris. Rep. Ins. Inj. Veg. p. 75-76 Hylurgus. Fitch. Nox. Ins. N. Y. 4th Rep’t, p. 728 Dendroctonus. Lacordaire. Gen. Col. 7:361 Dendroctonus. Zimmerman. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans, 2:149 Dendroctonus. Leconte. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans, 2:173 Dendroctonus. Chapuis. Syn. Scol. p. 35 Dendroctonus. Chapuis. Mem. Soc. Liége, p. 243 Dendroctonus. Leconte. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc. 15:384, 385 Dendroctonus. Thomas. Nox. Ins. Ill. 1st Rep’t, p. 146 Dendroctonus. Provancher. Faun. Ent. Can. 1:572 Dendroctonus. Provancher. Faun. Ent. Can. v. 1, Add. et Cor. Dp, 13) TA Dendroctonus. Schwarz. Am. Phil, Soc. Proc. 17:460 Hylurgus. Saunders. Ont. Ent. Soc. 10:5 Hylurgus. Saunders. Ont. Ent. Soc. 14:55 Dendroctonus. Schwarz. Ent. Am. 2:56 Dendroctonus. Schwarz. Ent. Soc, Wash. Proc. 1:80 . 1860 1868 1873 1876 1877 1895 1902 1903 1903 1904 1904 1905 1905 1905 1908 1868 1873 Dendroctonus. Dendroctonus. fig. 250 Dendroctonus. etc.; Bul. 32, Dendroctonus. Dendroctonus. Dendroctonus. Dendroctonus. Dendroctonus. 415, 421 Dendroctonus. 247 Dendroctonus. Dendroctonus. Hey 1542353 Dendroctonus. Dendroctonus. Dendroctonus. Dendroctonus. pl. IV Dendroctonus. NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Dietz. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 17:28, 29 Packard. U. S. Ent. Com’n, 5th Rep’t, p) 721, 858) Hopkins. W. Va. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bul. 31, p. 143 Dp. 213 Hopkins. Can. Ent. 26:280 Hamilton. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 22:346, 378 Blandford. Biol. Centr. Am. Col. 4, pt 6, p. 146 Hopkins. Ent. Soc. Wash. Proc. 4:343 Hopkins. W. Va. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bul. 56, p. 302, Lugger. Minn. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bul. 66, p. 317, fig. Smith Gat. dns: INSee p36 Felt. Forest, Fish & Game Com’n Rep’t, 7:480-81, Hopkins: U.S) Div. sEnt Bul 28 ply xt Felt. U.S. Div. Ent. Bul. 31, p. 64 Hopkins. U. S. Div. Ent. Bul. 48, pl. VII Hopkins: Ent. “Soc) “Wash, Proc? 738i, —14'55) 2474 Felt. N.Y. State Mus: Mem. 8, 2:3335 338, 342-45: 357, fig. 64, 65, 66 Dendroctonus. Habitat. Food plants. Dendroctonus. —=terebrans Oliv. Leconte. Dendroctonus. = terebrans Oliv. =terebrans Oliv. Provancher. Snow. Kan. Acad. Sci. Trans. 20, pt 2, p: 64 Canada,. United States. Pinus, Picea. 42 valens Lec. Pac: Re R. Explor, ins:v, 12), pt.2) ps 150 Am: Fint: Soc, Trans: 2173 Mem. Soc. Liége, p. 243 Am. Phil. Soc. Proc. 15 :385 Faun, Ent. Can. 1:572 Leconte. Chapuis. Leconte. =terebrans Oliv. Blandford. Biol. Centr. Am. Col. 4, pt 6, p. 146 Dendroctonus. Hopkins. U. S. Div. Ent. Bul. 32, p. 12 Dendroctonus. Gillette. Col. Agric. Rep’t, 24:118-19 Dendroctonus. Hopkins. Can. Ent. 35:61 Dendroctonus. Hopkins. U. S. Div. Ent. Bul. 48, p. 19 Dendroctonus. Powell. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 12:237-43 Dendroctonus. Hopkins. Ent. Soc. Wash. Proc. 7:81, 147, pl. IV Dendroctonus. Currie. U. S. Div. Ent. Bul. 53, p. 74 Dendroctonus. Hopkins. U.S. Div. Ent. Bul. 56, p. 11, 17 Dendroctonus. Burke. Ent. Soc. Wash. Proc. 9:115 Habitat. Southern Canada, United States, Mexico. Food plants. Pinus, Picea. DOLUR GuUSsEichhoff Eichhoff. Berl, Ent. Zeit. p. 147 Chapuis. Mem, Soc. Liége, p. 232 REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 1908 IOl Leconte. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc. 15 :387 Eichhoff. Rat. Tom. p. 83 Leconte & H Hylastes. M Hylastes. M gre ColleN. A. p. 524 43 pumilus Mannh. annerheim. Bul. Mosc. p. 297, (259) annerheim. Bul. Mosc. p. 356, (146) Dolurgus. Ejichhoff. Berl. Ent. Zeit. p. 147 Aphanarthrum. Leconte. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 2:152 Dolurgus. C hapuis. Syn. Scol. p. 88 Dolurgus. Chapuis. Mem. Soc. Liége, p, 232 Dolurgus. L econte. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc. 15:387, 437 Dolurgus. Eichhoff. Rat. Tom. p. 83 Dolurgus. Hamilton. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 21:35 Dolurgus. Hopkins. U. S. Div. Ent. Bul. 48, p. 18 Dolurgus. Currie. U. S. Div. Ent. Bul. 53, p. 73 Habitat. Alaska, Oregon. Food plant. Emcee ass The mem sars:. DRYOCOETES Ejichhoff Eichhoff. Berl. Ent. Zeit. p. 38, 45, 46 Leconte. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc. 15 :358, 361 Provancher. Faun. Ent. Can. 1:568 Eichhoff. Rat. Tom. p. 283 Eichhoff. Borkenk. p. 52, 261 Leconte & Horn. Col. N. A. p. 518 Bedel. Faun . Col. Seine, p. 396, 400 Judeich-Nitsche. Forstins. 1:449, 451, fig. Blandford. Biol. Centr. Am. Col. 4, pt 6, p. 186, 189 Barbey. Scol Fel, No ¥ Bostrichus. Bostrichus. . PEurop. Cent. p. 100 State Mus. Mem. 8, 2 :337 44 affaber Mannh. Mannerheim. Bul. Mosc. p. 359, (151) Mannerheim. Bul. Mosc. 3:235, (212) Xyleborus. Leconte. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 2:162 Dryocoetes. Dryocoetes. Dryocoetes. Dryocoetes. 291 Dryocoetes. 32, ps 212 Dryocoetes. Dryocoetes. Leconte. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc. 15 :361 Hubbard & Schwarz. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc. 17:666 Schwarz. Ent. Soc. Wash. Proc. 1:80 Packard. U. S. Ent. Com’n, 5th Rep’t, p. 810, 857, fig. Hopkins. W. Va. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bul. 31, p. 138; Bul. Schwarz. Ent. Soc. Wash. Proc. 3:143 Felt. N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 8, 2:752 Habitat. Alaska, British Columbia, Colorado, Lake Superior to Virginia, Quebec. Food plants. Pinus, Picea, Abies. 102 1837 1839 1848 1854 1862 1864 1867 1874 187 1881 1888 1888 1890 1892 1893 1894 1894 1895 1895 1899 1900 IQOI 1904 1906 1907 1843 1853 1868 1876 1877 1878 1878 1881 1886 1888 1889 1893 1907 45 autographus Ratz. Bostrichus. Ratzeburg. Forstins. 1:160, ¢. 13, fig. 6 Bostrichus. Ratzeburg. Forstins. 1:194-95, t. 13, fig. 6 Nordling. Stet. Ent. Zeit. p. 240 Ulsichy Dey Gat. edig3."p: (332 Bostrichus. Bach. Kaefer. p. 124, 130 Bostrichus. Doebn. Zool. 2:179 Dryocoetes. Eichhoff. Berl. Ent. Zeit. p. 30, t. 1, fig. 18. Dryocoetes. Ferrari. Borkenk. p. 27 Dryocoetes. Redtenb. Fn. Aust. ed. 3, 2:380 Dryocoetes. Eichhoff. Rat. Tom. p. 284 Dryocoetes. Eichhoff. Borkenk. p. 261, 262 Dryocoetes. Hamilton. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 16:159 Dryocoetes. Bedel. Faun. Col. Seine, 6:400, 416 Dryocoetes. Hamilton. Ent. Am. 6:44 Dryocoetes. Hopkins. Ins. Life, 4:258 Dryocoetes. Hopkins. W. Va. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bul. 31, p. 137; Bul. 25D. 205 Dryocoetes. Hamilton. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 21:35, 406 Dryocoetes. Hopkins. Can. Ent. 26:279 Dryocoetes. Schwarz. Ent. Soc. Wash. Proc. 3:143 Tomicus. Judeich-Nitsche. Forstins. 1:454 Dryocoetes. Hopkins. W. Va. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bul. 56, p. 445 Dryocoetes. Smith. Cat. Ins. N. J. p. 363 Dryocoetes. Barbey. Scol. Europ. Cent. p. 1o1, pl. III, fig. 20; PlIi5, er Dryocoetes. Schwarz. Harriman Alaska Exp. 8, Ins. pt 1, p. 185 Dryocoetes. Felt. N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 8, 2:336, 337, 469, 650, 672, fig. 118 Dryocoetes. Trédl. Nahrungs. Verbreit. Borkenk. Europ. p. 17 [Entomol. Blatter, Nr. 1 mit 6] septentrionis Mannh. Bostrichus. Mannerheim. Bul. Mosc. p. 208, (261) Bostrichus. Mannerheim. Bul. Mose. 3:325, (210) Xyleborus. Leconte. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 2: 161 Dryocoetes. Leconte. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc. 15:361 Dryocoetes. Provancher. Faun. Ent. Can. 1:568 Dryocoetes. Hubbard & Schwarz. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc. 17 :643 =autographus Ratz. NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Eichhoff. Rat. Tom. p. 284 —autographus Ratz. Eichhoff. Borkenk. p. 262 =autographus Ratz. Schwarz. Ent, Am. 2:42 —=autographus Ratz. Bedel. Faun. Col. Seine, 6:416 =autographus Ratz. Hamilton. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 16:159 —=autographus Ratz. Hopkins» \W.) Vaz AcnclsE xpi Stas bulsest De 137s lisse pee oir Dryocoetes. Fall & Cockerell, Am, Ent. Soc. Trans. 33 :217 1852 1876 1878 1888 1888 1793 1813 1878 1881 1793 1837 1839 1868 1903 1907 REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 1908 103 semicastaneus Maznh. Bostrichus. Mannerheim. Bul, Mosc. p. 358 =septentrionis Mannh. Leconte. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc. 15 :361 =autographus Ratz. Ejichhoff. Rat. Tom. p. 284 =autographus Ratz. Hamilton. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 16:159 =autographus Ratz. Bedel. Faun. Col. Seine, 6:416 villosus Herbst. Bostrichus. Herbst. Kaefer. 5:121 (?) Bostrichus. Gyllenhal. In. Suec. 3:361 —=autographus Ratz. Eichhoff. Rat. Tom. p. 284 =autographus Ratz. Eichhoff. Borkenk. p. 262 Habitat. Alaska, Canada, northern United States, New Mexico, Europe, Japan. Food plants. Pinus, Picea, Abies. 46 eichhofi Hopk. Dryocoetes. Hopkins. Can. Ent. 26:279 Dryocoetes. Hopkins. U. S. Dep’t Agric. Yearbook, p. 320 Dryocoetes. Felt. N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 8, 2:336, 337 Habitat. New York, Montreal Island. Food plant. Betula lutea. 47 granicollis Lec. Xyleborus. Leconte. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 2:162 Dryocoetes. Leconte. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc. 15 :361 Dryocoetes. Hubbard & Schwarz. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc. 17 :643 Dryocoetes. Schwarz. Ent. Soc. Wash. Proc. 2:79 Dryocoetes. Hopkins. W. Va. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bul. 31, p. 138; Bul. 32, p. 212 Dryocoetes. Hopkins. Can. Ent. 26:279 Dryocoetes. Chittenden. U. S. Div. Ent. Bul. 7. n. s. p. 72 Dryocoetes. Hopkins. W. Va. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bul. 56, p. 251, 346; 445 Dryocoetes. Smith. Cat. Ins. N. J. p. 363 Dryocoetes. Felt. N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 8, 2:720, 753 Habitat. Pennsylvania, District of Columbia, Virginia, West Virginia, Colorado. Food plants. Picea, Castanea, Juglans cinerea. ECCOPTOGASTER Herbst. Herbst. Die Kafer. 5:124 Ratzeburg. Forstins. 1:168 Ratzeburg. Forstins. 1:225 Zimmerman. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 2:142 Ganglbauer. Munch. Koleopt. Zeit. 1:311, footnote Trédl. Nahrungs. Verbreit. Borkenk. Europ. [Entomol. Blatter, Nr. 1 mit. 6:5] 104 1807 1888 1762 1864 1866 1869 1873 1876 1881 1883 1888 1895 1895 IQOI a 1868 1876 1886 1907 1867 1868 1876 1886 1890 1906 1826 1867 1868 1873 1876 1886 1890 T8o2 1893 1894 1896 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM COPTOGASTER IIliger Illiger. Mag, fur Ins. 6:321 Bedel. Faun. Col. Seine, 6:386 SCOLYTUS Geoffroy Scolytus. Geoffroy. Hist. Ins. Envir. Paris. 1:309 Eichhoff. Berl. Ent. Zeit. p. 31, 44, 46 Lacordaire. Col. 7:386, 387 Chapuis. Syn. Scol. p. 53 Chapuis. Mem. Soc.. Liége, p. 261 Leconte: > Am: Phils Sect Proc. £52370; .371 Eichhoff. Borkenk. p. 39, 148 Leconte & Horn. Col. N. A. p. 520 Bedel. Faun. Col. Seine, 6:386 Judeich-Nitsche. Forstins. 1:443 Blandford. Biol. Centr. Am. Col. 4, pt 6, p. 120 Barbey, Scol. Europ. Cent. p. 34 48 californicus Lec. Scolytus. Leconte. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 2:165 Scolytus. Leconte. Am: Pini Soc: Proc, 152377, 372 Scolytus. Smith. Ent. Am. 2:127 Scolytus. Fall & Cockerell.. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 33:217 Habitat. California, New Mexico. Food plants. 49 fagi Walsh Scolytus. Walsh. Pract. Ent. 2:58 Scolytus. Leconte. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 2:166 Scolytus. Leconte. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc. 15:371, 372 Scolytus. Smith. Ent. Am. 2:127 Scolytus. Packard. U. S. Ent. Com’n, 5th Rep’t, p. 520, 611 Scolytus. Felt. N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 8, 2:722 Habitat. Illinois, Texas. Food plants. Celtis occidentalis, Fagus americana 50 muticus Say Scolytus. Say. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. Jour. 3:323; ed. Lec. 2:182 Scolytus. Walsh. Prac. Ent. 2:58 Scolytus. Leconte. Am. Ent.-Soc. Trans. 2:166 Scolytus. Riley. Ins. Inj. Mo. 5th Rep’t, p..105, 108 Scolytus. Leconte. “Am. Phil Soc. Proc? “15371, 372 Scolytus. Smith. Ent. Am. 2:127 Scolytus. Packard. U.S. Ent. Com’n, 5th Rep’t, p. 612 Scolytus. Hopkins. Ins. Life. 4:257, 259 Scolytus. Hopkins. W. Va. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bul. 31, p. 140 etc Bul) 42) p) 212 Scolytus. Hopkins. Can. Ent. 26:280 Scolytus. Klages. Ent. News, 7:11, 12, 282 REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 1908 105 Scolytus. Scolytus. Scolytus. Scolytus. Habitat. Klages. Ent. News, 8:90 Hopkins. U. S. Dep’t Agric. Yearbook, p. 320 Hopkins. Ent. Soc. Wash. Proc. 7:145, pl. 4 Felt. N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 8, 2:725 Pennsylvania, Missouri. Food plant. Celtis americana. Scolytus. Scolytus. Scolytus. Scolytus. Scolytus. Habitat. 5I praeceps Lec. ecoutes “Am: Phil, Soc: Proc: 15371, 373 Eepkius., U.S: Div. Ent. Bul. 21, p. 16 Hopkins. U.S. ‘Div. Ent. Bult. 48, p. 21 Gurce. US. Div. Eat. Bul. 53) p: 76 Fall & Cockerell, Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 33:217 California, Idaho. Food plant. Abies. Scolytus. Scolytus. Scolytus. Scolytus. Scolytus. Scolytus. Scolytus. Scolytus. Scolytus. Scolytus. Scolytus. Scolytus. Scolytus. Bul. 32, Scolytus. Scolytus. Scolytus. Scolytus. Scolytus. Scolytus. Scolytus. Scolytus. Scolytus. Scolytus. Scolytus. Scolytus. Scolytus. Scolytus. Scolytus. Scolytus. 52 quadrispinosus Say Say. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. Jour. 3:323; ed. Lec..2:182 ® Walsh. Prac. Ent. 2:58 econte: Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 2165 Riley. Inj. Ins. Mo. 5th Rep’t, p. 105-7, sup. p. 54 Le Baron. Nox. Ins. Ill. Rep’t, p. 146 Thomas. Nox. Ins. Ill. Rep’t, p. 145 Leconte. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc. 15:371 Saunders. Ont. Ent. Soc. 14:51 Smith. Ent. Am. 2:127 Packard. U.S. Ent. Com’n, 5th Rep’t, p. 204, 860 Hamilton. Ins. Life. 4:130 Hopkins. Ins. Life, 4:258 Hopkins, We Va. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bull 31, p. 130) etc; p. 212 Hopkins. Can. Ent. 26:280 Smith. Ent. News, 6:294 Hamilton. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 22:346, 378 Smith. N. J. Agric. Exp. Sta. Rep’t, p. 465-74 Klages. Ent. News, 7:12 Osborn. Iowa Agric. Exp. Sta. Bul. 33, p. 594, fig. 1 Hopkins. Ent. Soc. Wash. Proc. 4:344 Lugger. Minn. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bul. 66, p. 304, 315, fig. 245 Santu,, (Gat. Ins. N. J: p: 363 Britton. Ct. Dep’t Agric. Rep’t, p. 267, pl. 8, fig. 2 Gossard. Fla. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bul. 70, p. 300, 311 Currie. U. S. Div. Ent. Bul. 53, p. 101 Felt. N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 8, 1:257, 275-79 Felt. N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 8, 2:336, 446, 502, 504, 505 caryae Riley Riley. Prairie Farmer, Feb. 2, Aug. 10, 1872 Walsh. Prac. Ent. 2:58 106 1868 1873 1876 I881 1837 1839 1869 1878 1880 1881 1882 1884 1884 1885 1886 1886 1888 1888 1889 1889 1889 1889 1889 1890 1891 I8QI 1893 1893 1894 1894 1894 1804 1894 1894 1895 1895 1895 1895 1896 1895 1806 1897 1897 1807 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Scolytus. Leconte. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 2:166 Scolytus. Riley. Nox. Ins. Mo. 5:103-7, 108, fig. 38, 371; sup. p. 54 —=quadrispinosus Say. Leconte. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc. 15:371 —quadrispinosus Say. Riley. U. S. Ent. Com’n Bul. 6, p. 54 Habitat. New York to Georgia and Missouri, Quebec. Food plant. Hicoria. 53 rugulosus Ratz. Eccoptogaster. Ratzeburg. Forstms. 1:187, t. X, fig. 10 Eccoptogaster. Ratzeburg. Forstins. 1:230, t. X, fig. 10 Scolytus.* Chapuis. Syn. Scol. p. 60, 21 Scolytus. Leconte. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc. 17 :626 Scolytus. Riley. Am. Ent. 3:298 Scolytus. Ejichhoff. Borkenk. p. 157-58 Scolytus. Penhallow. Houghton Farm Exp. Sta. Pub. ser. 3. 5:38 Scolytus. Hagen. Can. Ent. 16:161-63 Scolytus. Garman. Georgia Crop. Rep’t, Aug. 16 Scolytus. Hamilton. Can. Ent. 17:48 Scolytus. Scudder. Can. Ent. 18:195 Scolytus. Smith. Ent. Am. 2:127 Scolytus. Schwarz. Ent. Soc. Wash. Proc. 1:30 Scolytus. Bedel. Faun. Col. Seine, 6:388, 406 Scolytus. Atkinson. S. C. Exp. Sta. Bul. 4. n.s. p. 79, 80 Scolytus. Howard. Ent. Soc. Wash. Proc. 1:129 Scolytus. Forbes. Ill. Hort. Soc. Trans. 5:23, 245 Scolytus. Lintner. 4th Rep’t, p. 103-7, fig. 41 Scolytus. Hamilton. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 16:159 Scolytus. Packard. U.S. Ent. Com’n, 5th Rep’t, p. 860 Scolytus. Forbes. Ill. 6th Rep’t, p. 1-20, pl. 1; Ill. Agric. Exp. Bul. 15, p. 469-78 Scolytus. Riley & Howard. Ins. Life, 3:298 Scolytus. Chittenden. Ins. Life, 5:250 Scolytus. Hopkins. W. Va. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bul. 31, p. 140 etc. Scolytus. Hamilton. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 21:407 Scolytus. Sturgis. Ct. Agric. Exp. Sta. Rep’t, p. 142 Scolytus. Murtfeldt. U. S. Div. Ent. Bul. 32. 0. s. p. 40 Scolytus. Smith. N. J. Agric. Exp. Sta. Rep’t, p. 431, 565-72, fig. 43 Scolytus. Troop. Ind. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bul. 53, p. 126-30, fig. 1-3 Scolytus. Hopkins. Can. Ent. 26:280 Scolytus. Ky. Dep’ Agric. Rep’t, p. 41 Scolytus. Webster. Ohio Agric. Exp. Sta. Bul. 68, p. 23-25, fig. 3, 5, 6 Scolytus: Sturgis. Ct. Dep’t Agric. Rep’t, p. I91 Scolytus. Judeich—Nitsche. Forstins. 1:444, 486 Scolytus. Klages. Ent. News, 7:12 Scolytus. Lintner. 11th N. Y. Rep’t, p. 270 Scolytus. Ormerod. Rep’t 1895, p. 76 Scolytus. Britton. Ct. Exp. Rep’t 1806, p. 240-44, 283, pl. 6 Scolytus. Bogue. Okla. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bul. 26, p. 16-17, fig. 1-4 Scolytus. Butz. Penn. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bul. 37, p. 26, fig. 6 1898 1898 1898 1898 1898 1898 1849 1899 1899 1899 1899 1899 1899 1899 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 IQOI IQOI 1903 1903 1904 1904 1904 1905 1905 1905 1905 1905 1906 1907 1876 1904 1905 1908 1868 1876 REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 1908 107 Scolytus. Ormerod. Hdbk. Ins. Orchard Fruits, p. 197-201, 2 fig. Scolytus. Chittenden. U. S. Div. Ent. Cir. 29 Scolytus. Stedman. Mo. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bul. 44, p. 1-12, fig. 1-4 Scolytus. Starnes. Ga. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bul. 42, p. 227, fig. Scolytus. Smith. N. J. Dep’t Agric. Rep’t, p. 385 Scolytus. Baker. Ala. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bul. 90, p. 33-37, fig. 4-6 Scolytus. Johnson. Ent. Soc. Wash. Proc. 4:344 Scolytus. Hopkins. W. Va. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bul. 56, p. 295 Scolytus. Petit. Mich. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bul. 175, p. 363-65, fig. 19 Scolytus. Fletcher. Ont. Ent. Soc. 30:110 _ Scolytus. Chittenden. U. S. Div. Ent. Bul. 19, p. 96, 97 Scolytus. Webster. Ohio Agric. Exp. Sta. Bul. 112,-p. 143-49 Scolytus. Hopkins. Ent. Soc. Wash. Proc. 4:344 Scolytus. Lugger. Minn. Agric. Sta. Bul. 66, p. 313-15, fig. 243 Scolytus. Smith. Cat. Ins. N. J. p. 364 Scolytus. Sherman. N.C. Bd Agric. Rep’t, p. 98 Scolytus. Lochhead. Ont. Ent. Soc. 31:72 Scolytus. Lowe. N. Y. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bul. 180, p. 12228 Scolytus. Johnson. N. Y. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bul. 195, p. 393 Scolytus. Quaintance. Md. Agric. Exp. Sta. Rep’t, p. 103, fig. 20 Scolytus. Barbey. Scol. Europ. Cent. p. 39, pl. 1, fig. 14; pl. 3, fig. 2 Scolytus. Sherman. N. C. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bul. 186, p. 5-6, Io, 21, fig. I Scolytus. Washburn. Minn. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bul. &4, p. 57, 81, 91, fig. 30 Scolytus. Titus & Pratt. U. S. Div. Ent. Bul. 47, p. 20. Scolytus. Petit. Mich. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bul. 24, p. 34, 53-55, 50, fig. 53 Scolytus. Starnes. Ga. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bul. 67, p. 253-54, fig. 11 Scolytus. Chittenden. U. S. Dep’t Agric. Yearbook, p. 346, 347, fig. 88 Scolytus. Smith. Ga. State Bd Ent. Bul. 17, p. 87-80, fig. 14 Scolytus. Currie. U. S. Div. Ent: Bul. 53, p. 13, I9, 20 Scolytus. Gossard. Ohio Agric. Exp. Sta. Bul. 164, p. 19, 22 Scolytus. Symons. Md. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bul. ror, p. 129-30, 146, fig. 4 Scolytus. Felt. N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 8, 2:336, 453, 503 Eccoptogaster. Trédl. Nahrungs. Verbreit. Borkenk. Europ. p. 6 Habitat. Europe, United States, Canada. Food plants. Prunus, Pyrus, Crataegus. 54 subscaber Lec. Scolytus. Leconte. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc. 15:371, 373 Scolytus. Hopkins. U. S. Div. Ent. Bul. 48, p. 21 Scolytus. Currie. U. S. Div. Ent. Bul. 53, p. 76 Scolytus. Burke. Ent. Soc. Wash. Proc. 9:1I5 Habitat. California to British Columbia, Utah. Food plant. Abies. 55 sulcatus Lec. Scolytus. Leconte. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 2:167 Scolytus. Leconte. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc. 15:371, 373 Habitat. New York. Food plants. 108 1876 1878 1886 1890 1804 1899 1904 1905 1868 1876 1902 1902 1868 1876 1878 1883 1904 1868 1876 1878 1886 1888 1890 1906 1858 1868 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM 56 unispinosus Lec. Scolytus. Leconte. Am, Phil. Soc. Proc. 15:371, 372 Scolytus. Leconte. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc. 17:626 Scolytus. Smith. Ent. Am. 2:125-27 Scolytus. Packard. U. S. Ent. Com’n, 5th Rep’t, p. 859, fig. 203 Scolytus. Schwarz. Ins. Life, 7:255 Scolytus. Hopkins. U. S. Div. Ent, Bul. 21, p. 16 Scolytus. Hopkins. U. S. Div. Ent. Bul. 48, p. 20 Scolytus. Currie. U.S. Div. Ent. Bul. 53, p. 76 Habitat. Pacific coast and Rocky mountain region of United States. Food plants. Pseudotsuga mucronata, Larix occi- arent tes) 57 ventralis Lec. Scolytus. Leconte. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 2:167 Scolytus. Leconte. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc. 15:371, 373 Habitat. Washington. Food plants. ERINEOPHILUS Hopkins Hopkins. Ent. Soc. Wash. Proc. 5:34 58 schwarzi Hopk. Erineophilus. Hopkins. Ent. Soc. Wash. Proc. 5:34-38, fig. 2 Habitat. Florida. Food plant. Ficus. GNATHOTRICHUS Eichhoff Eichhoff. Berl. Ent. Zeit. p. 275 Leconte. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc. 15:350 Eichhoff. Rat. Tom. p. 405 Leconte & Horn. Col. N. A. p. 517 Blandford. Biol. Centr. Am. Col. 4, pt 6, p. 246 59 asperulus Lec. Cryphalus. Leconte. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 2:155 Pityophthorus. Leconte. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc. 15:350 Cryphalus. Ejichhoff. Rat. Tom. p. 202 Gnathotrichus. Schwarz. Ent. Am. 2:40 Gnathotrichus. Schwarz. Ent. Soc. Wash. Proc. 1:80 Gnathotrichus. Packard. U. S. Ent. Com’n, 5th Rep’t, p. 720 Gnathotrichus. Felt. N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 8, 2:726 Habitat. Washington, D. C., Virginia. Food plant. Pinus. 60 materiarius Fitch Tomicus. Fitch. Nox. Ins. N. Y. 4th Rep’t, p: 40-42 Crypturgus. Zimmerman. Am, Ent. Soc. Trans. 2:143 1868 1876 1877 1878 1886 1888 1890 1893 1894 1895 1897 1899 IQOI 1904 1905 1905 1905 1906 1907 1868 1876 1878 1868 1876 1878 1893 1894 1906 1907 1868 1876 1878 1904 1905 REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 1908 109 Gnathotrichus. Eichhoff. Berl. Ent. Zeit. p. 275 Pityophthorus. Leconte. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc, 15 :350 Cryphalus. Provancher. Faun. Ent. Can. 1:566 Gnathotrichus Eichhoff. Rat. Tom. p. 406 Gnathotrichus. Schwarz. Ent. Am. 2:40 Gnathotrichus. Schwarz. Ent. Soc. Wash. Proc. 1:44, 80 Gnathotrichus. Packard. U.S. Ent. Com’n, 5th Rep’t, p. 718-20, 816, fig. 249 Gnathotrichus. Hopkins. W. Va. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bul. 31, p. 128; Bul. 32, p. 208 Gnathotrichus. Hopkins. Can. Ent. 26:277 Gnathotrichus. Hamilton. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 22:346, 378 Gnathotrichus. Hubbard. U. S. Div. Ent. Bul. 7. n. s. p. 30 Gnathotrichus. Hopkins. W. Va. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bul. 56, p. 434, AAC Hopes 12 Gnathotrichus. Felt. Forest, Fish & Game Com’n Rep’t, 7 :495-06 Gnathotrichus. Hopkins. U. S. Div. Ent. Bul. 48, p. 15 Gnathotrichus. Hopkins. Ent. Soc. Wash. Proc. 7:73 Gnathotrichus. Garman. Ky. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bul. 120, p. 609 Gnathotrichus. Currie. U. S. Div. Ent. Bul. 53, p. 70 Gnathotrichus. Felt. N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 8, 2:330, 371-72, fig. 75 Gnathotrichus. Fall & Cockerell. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 33:217 corthyloides Eich. Gnathotrichus. Eichhoff. Berl. Ent. Zeit. p. 273 =rmateriarius Fitch. Leconte. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc. 15 :350 —=materiarius Fitch. Eichhoff. Rat. Tom. p. 406 Habitat. Eastern United States and Canada to Texas. Food plants. Pinus, Picea. 6x retusus Lec. Cryphalus. Leconte. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 2:155 Pityophthorus. Leconte. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc. 15:350 Gnathotrichus. Eichhoff. Rat. Tom. p. 406, 511 Gnathotrichus. Hopkins. W. Va. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bul. 31, p. 128; Bul. 32, p. 208 Gnathotrichus. Hopkins. Can. Ent. 26:277 Gnathotrichus. Felt. N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 8, 2:752 Gnathotrichus. Fall & Cockerell. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 33:217 Habitat. Nevada, Arizona, California. Food plant. Pinus. 62 sulcatus Lec. Cryphalus. Leconte. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 2:155 —retusus Lec. Leconte. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc. 15:350 =retusus Lec. (?) Eichhoff. Rat. Tom. p. 408, 512 Gnathotrichus. Hopkins. U. S. Div. Ent. Bul. 48, p. 15 Gnathotrichus. Hopkins. Ent. Soc. Wash, Proc. 7:73 IIo NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM 1905 Gnathotrichus. Currie. U.S. Div. Ent. Bul. 53, p. 70 1907 Gnathotrichus. Fall & Cockerell. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 33:217 Habitat. Pacific coast and Rocky mountain region, Mexico. Food plants. Pinus, Tsuga, Pseudotsuga, Abies, Picea, Thuja, Sequoia. HYLASTINUS Bedel 1888 Bedel. Faun. Col. Seine, 6:388 63. obscurus Marsh. 1802 Hylesinus. Marsham. Ent. Brit. p. 57 1869 Hylesinus. Chapman. Ent. M. Mag. 6:7 1888 Hylastinus. Bedel. Faun. Col. Seine, 6:388, 390, 408 1894 Hylastinus. Riley & Howard. Ins. Life, 7:273 1894 Hylastes. Davis. Mich. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bul. 116, p. 41, 47 1896 Hylastes. Hopk. & Rumsey. W. Va. Agric. Bul. 44, p. 264 1899 Hylastes. Webster. Ohio Agric. Exp. Sta. Bul. 112 1900 Hylastinus. Fletcher. Ont. Ent. Soc. 31:67 igor Hylastes. Webster. Ont. Ent. Soc. 32:64 1907 Hylastinus. Webster. U. S. Div. Ent. Bul. 67 1907 =—trifolii Miiller. Trédl. Nahrungs. Verbreit. Borkenk. Europ. p. 8, 20 [Entomol. Blatter, Nr 1 mit 6] trifolii Mii!ler 1807 Hylesinus. Muller. Mem. Soc. Deprtm. M. Tonerre, 1:47 1844 Hylastes. Schmitt. Stet. Ent. Zeit. p. 389-97 1864 Hylesinus. Taschenburg. Naturg. wirbell. Thiere, p. 272-73 1869 Hylastes. Chapuis. Syn. Scol. p. 22, 23, (79) 1873 Hylastes. Chapuis. Mem. Soc. Liege, p. 231 1878 Hylesinus. Riley. U. S. Dep’t Agric. Rep’t, p. 248 1880 Hylesinus. Riley. Am. Ent. 3:180 1881 Hylastes. Eichhoff. Borkenk. p. 97 1881 Hylastes. Saunders. Ont. Ent. Soc. p. 43-44, fig. 15 1881 Hylesinus. Lintner. N. Y. Agric. Soc. Rep’t (1880), p. 16 1881 Hylesinus. Chase. Wis. Agric. Soc. Trans. 19:465 1882 Hylastes. Saunders. Ont. Ent. Soc. 12:43 1882 Hylastes. Lintner. ist N. Y. Rep’t, p: 247 1886 Hylesinus. Schwarz. Ent. Am. 2:55 1888 Hylesinus. Weed. Ohio Agric. Exp. Sta, Rep’t, p. 133, fig. 1 1888 =obscurus Marsh. Bedel. Faun. Col. Seine, 6:391 1889 Hylastes. Hamilton. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 16:159 1889 Hylastes. Riley & Howard. Ins. Life, 1:218 18900 Hylesinus. Packard. U. S. Ent. Com’n, 5th Rep’t, p. 227, fig. 72 1891 Hylastes. Weed. Ohio State Bul. 4, no. 2, ser. 2, p. 53-55 1891 Hylesinus. Fletcher. Can. Exp. Farm Rep’t 1892 Hylesinus. Smith. Ins. Life, 5:99 1893 Hylesinus. Webster. Ohio Agric. Exp. Sta. Bul. 51, p. 120 1893 Hylesinus. Webster. Ind. Acad. Soc. Proc. p. 84 1894 Hylastes. McCarthy. N. C. State Bul. 98 REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 1908 ish Gag 1894 Hylesinus. Webster. Ohio An. Rep’t, xxxi, xxxvii 1894 Hylastes. Hamilton. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 21 :406 1895 Hylesinus. Judeich—Nitsche. Forstins. 1:454, 488 1896 Hylastes. Webster. Ohio Agric. Exp. Sta. Bul. 68, p. 31-33, pl. III, fie 2 1899 Hylesinus. Lochhead. Ont. Ent. Soc. 30, p. 71 1899 Hylesinus. Lugger. Minn. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bul. 66, p. 317, fig. 248 1901 Hylastes. Barbey. Scol. l’Europ. Cent. p. 47, pl. 23, fig. 23 1907 —obscurus Marsh. Trédl. Nahrungs. Verbreit. Borkenk. Europ. p. 8 Habitat. Europe, United States, Canada. Food plants. Trifolium pratense, T. medium, T. hybridum, Spartium SVGLONp ayia deem, Ononis notets Ul ee Teme emcee Bil 32 p20 Xyleborus. Schwarz. Ent. Soc. Wash. Proc. 3:16 Xvleboruss lub bande WL Se Dive: Ente scl eee Xyleborus. Blandford. Biol. Centr. Am. Col. 4, pt 6, p. 107, 217 Xylebortsy womb Gatamlnsee Neon) ni pesoR Xyleborus. Felt. N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 8, 2:752 planicollis Zimm. Xyleborus. Zimmerman. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 2:145 Xyleborus. Leconte. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc: 153360, 361 Xyleborus. Hichhot. Rat. Tom. p. 301 Xyleborus. Schwarz. Ent. Soc. Wash. Proc. 2:70 (3) =Tuscatus, Eich? > Hubbard. Ul 'S: Div, Ent. Bull GJ pazouce (?) =fuscatus Eich. Blandford. Biol. Centr. Am. Col. 4, pt 6, 10), QU Habitat. New Jersey to Texas, Guatemala, Columbia. Food plants. Quercus, Hicoria, Castanea, Juglans cinerea, Pinus, (wine and vinegar casks). 180 impressus Fich. Xyleborus. Eichhoff. Berl. Ent. Zeit. p. 400 Xyleborus. Leconte. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc. -15:359, 360 Xyleborus. Eichhoff. Rat. Tom. p. 380 Myleborus. Packard; U, S. Ent..€@omin sth Rept pags Habitat. Georgia, New Jersey, Massachusetts. Food plant. Pinus. 181 inermis Eich. Xyleborus. Eichhoff. Berl. Ent. Zeit. p. gor Xyleborus. Eichhoff. Rat. Tom. p. 370-72 1897 1808 1904 1868 1876 1878 1887 1888 1890 1893 1&94 1894. 1896 1807 1900 1904 1906 REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 1908 155 Xyleborus. Hubbard. U. S. Div. Ent. Bul. 7, p. 20 Xyleborus. Blandford. Biol. Centr. Am. Col. 4, pt 6, p. 217 Xyleborus. Hopkins. U. S. Dep’t Agric. Yearbook, p. 383 Habitat. Cuba, “Insula Americana, Civitates unitae, Tennessee, St Catharina.” ‘Food plants. Probably those given for “pubescens.” 182 obesus Lec. Xyleborus. Leconte. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 2 Myleborus. Weconte. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc. 15:35¢ Xyleborus. Eichhoff. Rat. Tom. p. 323, 324 Xyleborus. Schwarz. Ent. Am. 3:20 (i= pyri Peck, Schwarz. Ent. Soc; Wash. Proc. 1:45 Xyleborus. Packard. U. S. Ent. Com’n, 5th Rep’t, p. 520 Xyleborus. Hopkins. W. Va. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bul. 31, p. 135; Bul. 32, p. 211 Xyleborus. Hopkins. W. Va. Agric. Exp. Sta. Buly 35) ps 205; fig. F2 Xyleborus. Hopkins. Can. Ent. 26:278 Xyleborus. Lintner. 11th N. Y. Rep’t, p. 270 Xyleborus. Hubbard. U. S. Div. Ent. Bul. 7, p. 23 Xyleborus. Smith. Cat. Ins. N. J. p. 363 Xyleborus. Hopkins. U. S. Dep't Agric. Yearbook, p. 383 Xyleborus. Felt. N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 8, 2:722 Habitat. Canada to Virginia. Food plants. Quercus, Fagus, Tsuga, Pyrus. 183 pini Eich. Xyleborus. Eichhoff. Berl. Ent. Zeit. p. 401 =xylographus Say. Leconte. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc. 15 :360 —xylographus. Say. Eichhoff. Rat. Tom. p. 360, 370 Xyleborus. Eichhoff & Schwarz. U. S. Nat. Muse. Proc. 18:609, 610 Xyleborus. Hubbard. U. S. Div. Ent. 20 Habitat. ‘“ Carolina.” Food plants. 184 (?) propinquus Eich. Xyleborus. Eichhoff. Berl. Ent. Zeit. p. 281 Xyleborus. Eichhoff. Rat. Tom. p. 367 Xyleborus. Hubbard. U. S. Div. Ent. Bitlean paEecO Xyleborus. Blandford. Biol. Centr. Am. Col. 4, pt 6, p. 106, 213, 214 Habitat. Tennessee (?), Mexico, Guatemala, Nicaragua. Food plants. 185 pubescens Zimm. Xyleborus. Zimmerman. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 2:145 Xyleborus. Leconte. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc. 15:359, 360 (?)=inermis Eich. Eichhoff. Rat. Ahcyankoyar SYA Xyleborus. Schwarz. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc. 17 :468 Xyleborus. Schwarz. Ent. Am. 2:41 1868 1876 1878 1886 1890 1895 1897 1868 1876 1878 18901 1897 1897 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Xyleborus. Schwarz. Ent. Soc. Wash. Proc. 1:45 Xyleborus. Packard. U. S. Ent. Com’n, 5th Rep’t, p. 710-11 Xyleborus. Schwarz. Ins. Life, 3:87 Xyleborus. Riley & Howard. Ins. Life, 3:167 Xyleborus. Schwarz. Ent. Soc. Wash. Proc. 2:78 Xyleborus. Riley & Howard. Ins. Life, 4:402 Xyleborus. Hopkins. W. Va. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bul. 31, p. 137; Bul” eRe Cat Xyleborus. Hopkins. W. Va. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bul. 35, p. 296, fig. 14 Xyleborus. Hopkins. Can. Ent. 26:279 (?)=perforans Woll. Hopkins. Ins. Life, 7:148 Xyleborus. Schwarz. Ent. Soc. Wash. Proc. 3:16 Xyleborus. Hamilton. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 22:346, 378 Xyleborus. Hopkins. W. Va. Agric. Exp. Sta. Rep’t, p. 133-35 Xyleborus. Hubbard. U.S. Div. Ent. Bul. 7, p. 19-22 Xyleborus. Howard. U. S. Diy. Ent. Bul. 7, p. 85 Xyleborus. Blandford. Ent. News, 9:4 Xyleborus. Hopkins. W. Va. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bul. 56, p. 445 Xyleborus: Smith. Cat. Ins! N: J. p. 363 Mylehoruss Miitus CaP rattss Oss. Dive nt sus led ze pamsy Xyleborus. Wenzel. Ent. News, 16:124 Xyleborus. Felt. N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 8, 2:306, 702, 720 Habitat. New York, West Virginia, Wisconsin and southward. Food plants. Clay iikaie |= TORS LORD EIS Citrus aurantium, Ouercus, Tilia amera- juliilora: “Populus, Juclancs. cine erea, Castanea, Macnolia, Pinus; Prunws ceraswse 186 retusicollis Zimm. Xyleborus. Zimmerman. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 2:146 Xyleborus. Leconte. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc. 15:350, 360 (?)=affinis Eich. Ejichhoff. Rat. Tom. p. 372 Xyleborus. Schwarz. Ent. Am, 2:41 Myleborus. Packard: WU. S. Ent, Comin, sth Rept p: os XMyleborus. Schwarz. Ent. Soc. Wash. Proc. 3:171 Xyvleboruss. lubpard | Ul S. Dive Ente Bulle 7e p20 Habitat. Maryland. Food plant. Quercus. 187 tachygraphus Zimm. Xyleborus. Zimmerman. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 2:144 Xyleborus. Leconte. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc. 15:358, 360 Xyleborus. Eichhoff. Rat. Tom. p. 323 Xyleborus. Schwarz. Ent. Soc. Wash. Proc. 2:62 Xyleborus: Hubbard. U.S) Div. Ent: Bulk 7; 3p. 123 Xyleborus. Chittenden. U. S. Div. Ent. Bul. 7, p. 79 Habitat. New York, middle and Southern states. Food plants. Cercis canadensis, La yoda nid rome St udla pa tenia. Rhus. Acer, Fagus, REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 1908 157 188 xylographus Say Bostrichus. Say. Nat. Sci. Phila. Jour. 5:256; ed. Lec. 2:318 Xyleborus. Fitch. Nox. Ins. 4th Rep’t, p. 716-20 Xyleborus. Zimmerman. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 2:145 Xyleborus. Leconte. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc. 15 :359, 360 Xyleborus. Eichhoff. Rat. Tom. p. 369 Xyleborus. Schwarz. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc. 17:468, 664 Xyleborus. Saunders. Ont. Ent. Soc. 14:55 Xyleborus. Schwarz. Ent. Am. 2:41 Xyleborus. Schwarz, Ent. Soc. Wash. Proc. 1:149 Xyleborus. Hopkins. W. Va. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bul. 31, p. 136 Xyleborus. Hopkins. Can, Ent. 26:278 Xyleborus. Hamilton. Am, Ent. Soc. Trans. 21:406 Xyleborus. Hamilton. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 22:346, 378 Xyleborus. Hubbard. Ent. Soc. Wash. Proc. 3:318 Xyleborus. Lintner. 11th N. Y. Rep’t, p. 270 Xyleborus. Hubbard. U. S. Div. Ent. Bul. 7, p. 24-26 =saxeseni Ratz. Ormerod. Ins. Orchard Fruits, Handbook, p. 192 Xyleborus. Hopkins. Can. Ent. 30:21-29, pl. 2, 3 Xyleborus. Hopkins. W. Va. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bul. 56, p. 258, 347 Xyleborus. Luggar. Minn. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bul. 66, p. 311-13, fig. 241 . Xyleborus. Smith. Cat. Ins. N. J. p. 363 Xyleborus. Washburn. Minn. Agric. Exp. Sta. Bul. 84, p. 60, 82, 91, fig. 36 Xyleborus. Skinner. Ent. News, 16:248 Xyleborus. Bremner. Can. Ent. 39:195-06 Xyleborus. Fall & Cockerell. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans, 33:217 aesculi Ferrari Jb - Xyleborus. Ferrari. Borkenk. p. 22, note 2 —=saxeseni Ratz. Eichhoff. Rat. Tom. p. 362 =xylographus Say. Hopkins. Can. Ent. 30:28 ® decolor Boield. do Bostrichus. Boieldieu. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. p. 473 Bostrichus. Perris. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. Bostrichus. Ferrari. Borkenk. p. 21, 22, note 2 —saxeseni Ratz. Eichhoff. Stet. Ent. Zeit. 36:378 = saxesenii Ratz. Eichhoff. Rat. Tom. p. 362 =xylographus Say. Hopkins. Can. Ent. 30:29 dohrnii Woll. Q Tomicus. Wollaston. Ins. Mad. p. 290 Tomicus. Wollaston. Cat. Col. Ins. Can. p. 253 =saxeseni Ratz. Eichhoff. Rat. Tom. p. 362 =xylographus Say. Hopkins. Can. Ent. 30 :28 158 1867 1878 1898 1837 1839 1846 1848 1854 1862 1867 a) 1876 1878 1878 I88r 1886 1888 1894 1895 1896 1807 1898 1808 IQO1 1904 1904 1905 1907 1883 1898 1867 1878 1881 1883 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM dryographus Ferrari Xyleborus. Ferrari. Borkenk. p. 20, 3 et 22, note 2 (ex parte 9 4 = saxeseni Ratz. Eichhoff. Rat. Tom. p. 362, 363 1 = xylographus Say. Hopkins. Can. Ent. 30:28 A saxeseni Ratz. Bostrichus. Ratzeburg. Forstins. 1:167 Bostrichus. Ratzeburg. Forstins. i:204 Bostrichus. Wiesmann. Stet. Ent. Zeit. p. 24 Bostrichus. Noerdl. Stet. Ent. Zeit. p. 246. 6 | Bostrichus. Bach. Kaefer, 2:126, 134 | Bostrichus. Doebn. Zool. 2:182 Xyleborus. Ferrari. Borkenk. p. 21 Momireus. | Dhomsen | Scand. Colyy723s70 Xyleborus. Eichhoff. Stet. Ent. Zeit. 36:378 Xyleborus. Schoch. M. T. schw: ent. Ges. 5:367 Xyleborus. Eichhoff. Rat. Tom. p. 361 Xyleborus. Eichhoff. Borkenk. p. 279-82 Xyleborus. Schwarz. Ent. Am. 2:41 Xyleborus. Bedel. Faun. Col. Seine, 6:402, 403, 419 Xyleborus. Bellevoye. Soc. Reims Bul. 3:89-111 Tomicus. Judeich-Nitsche. Forstins. 1:545 =——xylographus Say. Ejichoff & Schwarz. U. S. Nat. Mus. Proc. 18 :609 —=xylographus Say. Hubbard. U. S. Div. Ent. Bul. 7, p: 24 Xyleborus Ormerod. Ins. Orchard Fruits, Handbook, p. 192, fig. =xylographus Say. Hopkins. Can. Ent. 30:21, 22 Xyleborus. Barbey. Scol. l’Europ. Cent. p.-107, pl. 3, fig. 30 Xyleborus. Litus & Pratt, Ul S) Div. bot Bole vz) p20 Xyleborus. Hopkins. Us: S. Div. Ent. Bul. 48, p. 16 Xyleberus. Currie. U. S. Div. Ent. Bul. 53, p. 71 Xyleborus. Trédl. Nahrungs. Verbreit. Borkenk. Europ. p. 19 subdepressus Rey Xyleborus.. Rey. Rev. d’Ent. 2:142 =xylographus Say. Hopkins. Can. Ent. 30:28 Habitat. Eastern and western United States, Canada, Europe, Japan. Food plants. Pinus, Hicoria, Quercus, Fagus, Acer, Tsuga, Picea, Prunus, Pyrus in America; Castanea, Betula, Tilia, Popu- lus, Ulmus, Alnus, Sorbus, Aesculus, Abies, Larix, Prunus and Pyrus in Europe. XYLOCLEPTES Ferrari Ferrari. Borkenk. p..37 Bichhoi. wat. Womeps 200 Eichhoff. Borkenk. p. 210 Leconte & Horn. Col. N. A. p. 518 (878 1878 (886 1893 [896 [906 REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 1g08 Bedel. Faun. Col. Seine, 6:396, 399 Judeich-Nitsche. Forstins. 1:449, 451 Blandford. Biol. Centr. Am: Col. 4, pt 6, p. 185, 188 Barbey. Scol. l’Europ. Cent. p. 80 189 (?) bispinus Duft Bostrichus. Duft. Fn. Aust. 3:92, 7 - Bostrichus. Ratzeburg. Forstins. 1:155, t. 13, fig. 5 Bostrichus. Ratzeburg. Forstins. 1:189,-t. 13, fig. 5 Bostrichus. Bach. Verh. nat. Ver. Rheinl. p. 161 Bostrichus. Bach. Stet. Ent. Zeit. p. 161, 200 Bostrichus. Bach. Kaef. 2:129 Bostrichus. Doebner. Zool. 2:178 Bostrichus. Bach. Nat. u. Offenb. p. 51, fig. 6 Xylocleptes. Ferrari. Borkenk. p. 40 Xylocleptes. Redtenb. Fn. Aust. ed. 3. 2:378 Xylocleptes. Eichhoff. Rat. Tom. p. 216, fig. 61 Xylocleptes. Eichhoff. Borkenk. p. 210 Xylocleptes. Schwarz. Ent. Am. 2:42 Xylocleptes. Bedel. Faun. Col. Seine, 6:399, 415 Xylocleptes. Barbey. Scol. l’Europ. Cent. p. 80, pl. 2, fig. 27; 10, fig. I ; retusus Oliv. Sconces Olivier: Ent. A-:TO) tabs 2. hs, Ti a, b =bispinus Duft. Eichhoff. Rat. Tom. p. 217 Habitat. Europe, United States (? ty Food plant. Clematis. Ig0 cucurbitae Lec. Xylocleptes. Leconte. U. S. Geol. Sus. Bul. 5:519 Xylocleptes. Schwarz. Ent. Am. 2:42 Xylocleptes. Cockerell. N. Y. Ent. Soc. Jour. 5:150 Xylocleptes. Fall & Cockerell. Am. Ent. Soc. Trans. 33 :217 Habitat. Utah, New Mexico. Food plant; Cucurbita foetidissima. Igi decipiens Lec. Xylocleptes. Leconte. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc. 17:624 Xylocleptes. Hubbard & Schwarz. Am. Phil. Soc. Proc. 17 :666 Xylocleptes. Schwarz. Ent. Am, 2:42 Xylocleptes. Chittenden. Ent. Soc. Wash. Proc. 2:304 Xylocleptes. Lintner. 11th N. Y. Rep’t, p. 270 Xylocleptes. Felt. N. Y. State Mus. Mem. 8, 2:715 Habitat. Virginia, Michigan, New York (iffiaen)) Food plants. Hicoria, Pyrus, Acer. 159 pl. ‘ EXPLANATION OF PLATES PLATE 1 161 1 Snow-white linden moth; eggs, slightly enlarged. (Originai) 2 Adult moths. (Author’s illustration) 162 Plate 1 2 Snow-white linden moth Siphlonisca aerodromia Ndm. 1 Wings 2 Dorsal view of abdomen of female 164 Plate 2 SHapllay omic arena en, Ondr Onanitaeee Gian Platypus compositus Say, dorsum of head and prothorax. (Enlarged) Platypus compositus Say, fore leg. (Greatly enlarged) Erineophilus schwarzi MHopk., foretibia; a, outer border, after Hopkins. (Greatly enlarged) Ececoptogaster rugulosus Ratz. side view of abdomen. (Enlarged) Eccoptogaster rugulosus Ratz., foretibia; a, outer borders (Greatly enlarged) 166 Plate 3 Scolytid structures 4 PLATE 4 167 on Pityophthorus minutissimus Zimm., fore leg; a; outeg border. (Greatly enlarged) Pityogenes undes, sp., antenna. (Greatly enlarged) Pterocyclon mali Fitch, antenna. (Greatly enlarged) Pityophthorus minutissimus Zimm., antenna. (Greatly - enlarged) : 168 Plate 4 Scolytid structures 10 Il 12 13 Pityogenes undes. sp., fore leg; a, outer border. (Greatly enlarged) Pterocyclon mali Fitch, foretibia and tarsus; a, outer border. (Greatly enlarged) ; | Trypodendron politus Say, side view of head and prothorax, showing divided eye. (Enlarged) | Trypodendron politus Say, antenna. (Greatly enlarged) 170 BE aa Ne Be a Pa - J sie ee . ae o> BL ps ay ue po 2 , , Se ies EASES. aif = — 7 a a eas as SS Ee LS SES ay a 4 Ath, ee eS ae Faia : = LK ON “a I / XN — a =f Gp “h = y \ 4) \ 10 = Scolytid structures PLATE 6 171 14 15 16 17 18 eee Ips (Tomicus) pini Say, distal portion of maxilla. (Greatly enlarged ) Xyleborus undes. sp., a, distal portion of maxilla. (Greatly enlarged) Ips pini Say , antenna (outer face). (Greatly enlarged) Xyleborus undes. sp. a, ventral view of prosternum. (Enlarged) Ditayaorcoreitiess Ant., antenna prosternum. autographus Ratz., ventral view of prosternum; (outer face) Gs, gulan Sutines Gs torecoxadaease (Enlarged) Plate 6 3 Rrosternvin Scolytid structures PLATE 7 173 19 Pityogenes undes. sp., dorsum of male. (Enlarged) 20 Dendroctonus terebrans: Oliv., side view of head and pro- thorax. (Enlarged) 174 Plate 7 Scolytid structures zt Dendroctonus terebrans Oliv. dorsum of head and pro- thorax. (Enlarged) 23 Hylurgops glabratus Zett., cephalic aspect of mesosternum; pro., protuberance of mesosternum. (Enlarged) 176 Plate 8 Scolytid structures ay PLATE 9 ue: Hylastes undes. sp., cephalic view of mesosternum; mes., mesosternum. (Enlarged) Chramesus icoriae Lec., antenna. (Greatly enlarged) Chramesus icoriae Lec. dorsum. (Enlarged) Phloeosinus dentatus Say, antenna. (Greatly enlarged) 178 Plate 9 BEE IAG AAS LEAR UIC ar PL EL ENT t, e % Z VE, ry 144 g a fF 4), NATAL ALI 25 structures Scolytid PLATE 10 179 Chramesus icoriae Lec, lateral view. (Enlarged) Dendroctonus terebrans Oliv., antenna. (Greatly enlarged) Hylurgops glabratus Zett., antenna. (Greatly enlarged) Phloeotribus liminaris. Harris, antennal funicle and club. (Greatly enlarged) 180 Plate 10 Scolytid structures Ani Se ae aah ghey - ie ae bar) x cups ee HOF o Hylurgops glabratus Zett. foretarsus. (Greatly enlarged) Hylastes undes. sp., first three segments of foretarsus. (Greatly enlarged ) Hylurgops glabratus Zett., venter of abdomen. (Enlarged) Hylesinus aculeatus Say, venter of abdomen. (Enlarged) Hylurgops glabratus Zett.,. mesosternum; C., coxal cavity; pro., protuberance of mesosternum. (Enlarged) Hylurgops glabratus Zett, pronetim and “base -or) elytra (Enlarged) Hylastes undes. sp., pronotum and base of elytra. (Enlarged) 182 Plate 11 36 Scolytid structures 38 39 40 4I Xylocleptes undes. sp, antenna. (Greatly enlarged) Hylastinus obdscurus Marsh, antenna, (Greatly enlarged) Ips pini Say, declivity of elytra: (Enlarged) Micracis opacicollis Lec., declivity of elytra. (Enlarged) 184 Plate 12 structures Scolytid Pysee PLATE 13 185 Xyleborus undes. sp., a, antennal funicle and club. (Greatly enlarged) Polygraphus rufipennis Kirby, left aspect of head showing divided eye. (Enlarged) Xyleborus undes. sp., a, foretibia. (Greatly enlarged) Pterocyclon mali Fitch, work in oak Micracis opacicollis Lec., work in chestnut twig 186 Platemng Scolytid work and structures — 47, 48 Xyleborus undes. sp., a, work in maple branch 50 Pityogenes undes. sp., work in white pine 188 Plate 14 50 Scolytid work PLATE 15 189 49 Pityophthorus minutissimus Zimm., work in oak 190 Plate 15 49 jorus work in oak itl I Pityop ' . j 4 u \ Vz . i ; / aed > ; 4 - i - : * ‘4 o ‘ ' ’ \ . 4 ie he ’ } ‘ ‘ ’ wf ss \. ‘ ‘ . . G ‘ 4 4 i . ‘ } », } * i . , ‘ f a 1 \ ‘ . = a” sus icoriae Lec. work in hickory _ 192 awe Plate 16 Chramesus work in hickory 52 Hylesinus aculeatus Say, work in ash ae Plate 17 52 Hylesinus work in ash INDEX abietis, Chermes, 54-55. acericola, Phenacoccus, 41, 60, 62. aculeatus, Hylesinus, 111-12. Micracis, see suturalis. aercdromia, Siphlonisca, 72-74. aesculi, see xylographus. affaber, Dryocoetes, Ior. affinis, Xyleborus, 151. agrimoniae, Contarinia, 63. Agriotes mancus, 65. Alsophila pometaria, 45, 63. alternans, see subcostulatus. alutaceus, Crypturgus, 94. americana, Schizoneura, 63. americanus, Phloeotribus, 78. amipelophila, Drosophila, 24. ananassi, Contarinia, 63. Anecylus nubeculana, 60, 61, 62. Anisopteryx vernata, 45, 63. Anisota rubicunda, 61, 62. annectens, Pityophthorus, 134. Scierus, 144. Anopheles maculipennis, 59. Antlered maple caterpillar, 6r, 62, 66. Ants, white, 56-58. Apanteles, 43. Aphis, 66. gladioli, 19-22. gossypii, 65. aphodioides, Crypturgus, 78. Apple blister mite, 63. Apple canker worms, 63. Apple caterpillar, red humped, 60. Apple leaf folder, 60, 61-62, 66 Apple maggot, 66. Apple tree, injurious insects: blister mite, 48. San José scale, 61. ‘approximatus, Dendroctonus, 95. Aquatic insects, 9, 71-75. areccae, see eruditus. arizonicus, Dendroctonus, 95. armiger, Heliothis, 55-56. | Arsenate of lead, 15, 46, 63. Arsenate of lime, 46. Arsenical poison, 47, 49, 51. asperatus abietis, see piceae. aspericollis, Hylesinus, 112. asperulus, Cryphalus, 78. Gnathotrichus, 108. Micracis, 127. Aspidiotus perniciosus, 60, 61, 63, 65. ater, Bostrichus, 77. atomus, Crypturgus, 94. atratulus, see nitidulus. Aulacomerus lutescens, 15. autographus, Dryocoetes, 78, I02. avulsus, Ips, I19. Bag worm, 50, 65. balsameus, Ips, 119-20. barberi, Dendroctonus, 95. Bark borers, 8. Bark louse, scurfy, 62. Basilona imperialis, 4t. bicristatus, Carphoborus, 87. bidentatus, see flavicornis. bifurcus, Carphoborus, 87. biographus, see celsus. Birds, insectivorous, 8; protection, 64. bispinus, Xylocleptes, 78, 1509. bisulcatus, see pullus. bivittata, see lineatus. blanchardi, see quadridentatus. Blister mite, 5, 48, 64. boieldieui, see eruditus. Boll worm, 55. Bordeaux mixture, 63. borealis, Dendroctonus, 95. Bostrichus ater, 77. Bothrosternus, 80, 86-87. hubbardi, 87. brevicomis, Dendroctonus, 96. brevicornis, Polygraphus, 141. brevis, see dispar. 190 Brown mite, 65. Brown tail moth, 7, 42, 44, 45, 61, 62. Bryobia pratensis, 65. cacographus, see grandicollis. Cactopinus, 79, 87. hubbardi, 87. Caddis flies, 0. caelatus, Ips, 120. calcitrans, Stomoxys, 24. californicus, Eccoptogaster, 104. calligraphus, Ips, 120-21. Canker worms, 45-47, 63. rellleencoaeats spring, 45. carbonarius, see porculus. cariniceps, Pityophthorus, 134. carinulatus, Pityogenes, 132. Carphoborus, 81, 87. bicristatus, 87. bifurcus, 87. simplex, 88. caryae, see quadrispinosus. @ase beater, cigar,5, 47, 03% pistol, 47. cassiae, Stephanoderes, 78. Caterpillar, red humped apple, 60. cavernosus, see porculus. cavifrons, see lineatus. cavus, see. scutellare. Cecidomyia johnsoni, 63, 65. Cecidomyiidae, 63; new species, 9, 60, 66; biology, 61. cecropia, Samia, 65. celsus, Xyleborus, I51. Centipede, house, 26. cerealella, Sitotroga, 65. Chaetophloeus, 81, 88. hystrix, 88. chapuisii, Chramesus, 8o. Hypothenemus, see dissimilis. Chermes abietis, 54-55. Chionaspis euonymi, 66. furfura, 41, 60, 62. Chironomidae, 66. Chlorid of lime, 34. chloroticus, see calligraphus. Chramesus, 80, 88-8o. NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Chramesus (continued) chapuisii, 89. hicoriae, 88. chrysorrhoea, Euproctis, 45, 61, 62. Cigar case bearer, 5, 47, 63. clematidis, Contarinia, 63. Clover mite, 65. Cluster fly, 24. Cnesinus, 80, 89. strigicollis, 89. Coccotrypes, 82, 90. dactyliperda, 9o. Cockroach, green, 5, 22-23. Coleophora fletcherella, 47, 63. malivorella, 47. Collections of insects, tions to, 67-70. columbianus, Corthylus, 90-91. comatus, Pityophthorus, 134. comma, Polygonia, 64. compositus, Platypus, 84. concentralis, Pityophthorus, 134. concinna, Schizura, 60. concinnus, Ips, I2I—22. confinus, Pityophthorus, 135. conformis, see calligraphus. confusus, Ips, 122. coniperda, Pityophthorus, 134. consimilis, Pityophthorus, 135. Contarinia agrimoniae, 63. ananassi, 63. clematidis, 63. gossypii, 15, 62, 63. johnsoni, 15-10. liricdendri, 63. negundifolia, 63. perfoliata, 63. pytivora, 15, 63. quercifolia, 63. rumicis, 63. setigera, 63. sorghicola, 15, 63. violicola, 15, 60. virginianiae, 63. viticola, 15. convexifrons, Dendroctonus, 95. Corn worm, 55-56. Correspondence, It. corthyloides, see materiarius. To; addi- INDEX TO REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 1908 Corthylus, 81, 90-01. columbianus, 90-91. punctatissimus, 91. spinifer, QI. Cotton, Contarinia gossypii injur- gee s, (62) Cottony maple scale, 41. crenatulus, Hylastinus, 78. crenatus, Hylurgops, 78. cribripennis, Pityophthorus, 76. See also pullus. cristatus, Hylurgops, 113. Phloeosinus, 129. Cryphalus, 82, 91-93. asperulus, 78. jalappae, 92. miles, 92. mucronatus, 92. piceae, 92. rigidus, 93. Probustus, 93. striatulus, 93. ?Pterminalis, 93. Crypturgus, 80, 93-95. alutaceus, 94. aphodioides, 78. atomus, 94. pusillus, 78, 94-95. cucurbitae, Xylocleptes, 159. Culex pipiens, 50. sollicitans, 58. cupressi, Phloeosinus, 120. Currant, hop merchant injuring, 64. Currant worm, 62. Cutworms, 63. cylindrus, Platypus, 85. dactyliperda, Coccotrypes, 90. decipiens, Xylocleptes, 159. decolor, see xylographus. decretus, Ips, 122. decumanus, see glabratus. deletus, Pityophthorus, 135. Dendroctonus, 81, 95-100. approximatus, 95. arizonicus, 95. barberi, 95 borealis, 95. Dendroctonus (continued) brevicomis, 96. convexifrons, 95. engelmanni, 95. frontalis, 96-97. jeffreyi, 95. monticola, 97. murrayanae, 95. obesus, 97. piceaperda, 97-08. ponderosae, 08. pseudotsugae, 95. punctatus, 98. rufipennis, 98-99. simplex, 99. terebrans, 99-100. valens, I00. dentatus, Ips, see pini. Phloeosinus, 129. denticularis, Epizeuxis, 60, 61, 62. dentiger, Pterocyclon, 142. Dermestes typographus, 77. diaphanus, Potamanthus, 74, 75. digestus, Pityophthorus, 135. disciporus, see flavicornis. Disease carried by house flies, 27- piles dispar, Porthetria, 41-45, 61, 62, 64. Xyleborus, 78, 152-53. dissimilis, Hypothenemus, 116. distans, Oniscigaster, 71. dohrnii, see xylographus. Dolurgus, 80, Troo-r. pumilus, Tor. domestica, Musca, 24-40. Dragon flies, 66. Drosophila ampelophila, 24. Dryocoetes, 82, 101-3. affaber, Ior. autographus, 78, 102. var. micographus, 78. eichhoffi, 103. granicollis, 103. dryographus, see xylographus. dubius, Phloeotribus, 78. Eccoptogaster, 78, 80, 103-8. californicus, 104. 107 198 Eccoptogaster (continued) fagi, 104. flavicornis, 78. haemorrhous, 78. muticus, 104-5. praeceps, 105. punctatus, 78. quadrispinosus, 105. rugulosus, 78, 106-7. subscaber, 107. suicatus, 107. unispinosus, 108. ventralis, 108. Eccoptogasterinae, 79, 80. eichhofh, Dryocoetes, 103. Elm, injurious insects: elm bark louse, 41. elm leaf beetle, 50. elm leaf miner, 49, 94. Elm bark louse, 41, 60. Elm leaf aphis, 63. Elm leaf beetle, 6, 50, 60, 61, 62, 64, 65. Elm leaf miner, 49-50. emarginatus, Ips, 122. Platypus, see rugulosus. engelmanni, Dendroctonus, 95. English sparrow, 52, 54. Ennomos subsignarius, 51-54, 61, 62, 66. ephemeraeformis, 50, 65. Epizeuxis denticularis, 60, 61, 62. erectus, Hypothenemus, I17. Erineophilinae, 70. Erineophilus, 80, 108. schwarzi, 108. Eriophyes pyri, 48, 63, 64. eruditus, Hypothenemus, 78,. 117- 18. euonymi, Chionaspis, 66. Euproctis chrysorrhoea, 45, 61, 62. exesus, see calligraphus. exilis, Tomicus, 145. Explanation of plates, 161-94. Thyridopteryx, fagi, Eccoptogaster. Fall canker worm, 5, 45, 63. Fall webworm, 50-51. False maple scale, 41, 60, 62. NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM fasciatus, Hylesinus, 112. Pterocyclon, 142. Siee alsoveraciles as ficus, Loganius, 126. Fidia viticida, 48-49, 60, 61. Figures and plates of: Aphis gladioli, 20, 21, 22. Chermes abietis, 54, 55. Chramesus icoriae, 178, 180, 192. Coleophora fletcherella, 47. Contarinia johnsoni, 16, 17. Culex sollicitans, 50. Dendroctonus terebrans, 174, 176, 180. Dryocoetes autographus, 172. Eccoptogaster rugulosus, 1066. Ennomos subsignarius, 53. Erineophilus schwarzi, 166. Hylastes sp., 178, 182. Hylastinus obscurus, 184. Hylesinus aculeatus, 182, 194. Hylurgops glabratus, 176, 180, 182. Ips pini, 172, 184. Kaliosysphinga ulmi, 49. linden moth, snow-white, 162. Micracis opacicollis, 184, 186. Musca domestica, 24. Panchlora hyalina, 23. Phloeosinus dentatus, 178. Phloeotribus liminaris, I8o. Pityogenes sp., 168, 170, 174, 188. Pityophthorus minutissimus, 168, 190. Platypus compositus, 166. Polygraphus rufipennis, 186. Potomanthus inequalis, 75. Pterocyclon mali, 168, 170, 186. Scutigera forceps, 206. Siphlonisca aerodromia, 164. Termes flavipes, 57, 58. Trichiocampus viminalis, 13, T4. Trypodendron politus, 170. Xyleborus sp., 172, 186, 188. Xylocleptes sp., 184. fimbricornis, Thysanoes, 147. flavicornis, Eccoptogaster, 78. Platypus, 85. flavipes, Termes, 56-58. fletcherella, Coleophora, 47, 63. o INDEX TO REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 1908 Flies, 9; carriers of disease, 65. cluster, 24. fruit, 24. house, 9, $4-40. stable, 24. typhoid, 24-40. forceps, Scutigera, 26. Forest insects, 7-8. fossifrons, Pityogenes, 132. frontalis, Dendroctonus, 96-97. Phloeotribus, 78, 131. Fruit fly, 24. Fruit tree insects, 5-6, 41-48. furfura, Chionaspis, 41, 60, 62. AuIscaseachnoOstertia, On, O62: fuscatus, Xyleborus, 154. fuscescens, Hylastinus, 78. Galerucella luteola, 50, 60, 61, 62, 64, 65. Gall midges, 8-0. Galls, phytoptid, 66. Giant caterpillar, 65. Gipsy moth, 7, 41-45, 61, 62, 64, 65. glabratus, Hylurgops, 78, 113-14. Gladioli, injurious insects: aphis, 66. gladioli aphid, 19-20. Gladioli aphid, 19-22. Gnathotrichus, 81, 1o8—ro. asperulus, 108. materiarius, I08-9. retusus, I0Q. sulcatus, 109-10. Gossyparia spuria, 41, 60. gossypii, Aphis, 65. Contarinia, 15, 62, 63. gracile, Pterocyclon, 142. gracilis, Tomicus, see tenuis. Grain moth, 65. grandicollis, Ips, 122. granicollis, Dryocoetes, 103. Phloeotribus, see frontalis. graniger, see dentatus. granosus, see porculus. granulatus, Hylesinus, 112. Grape blossom midge, 6, I5-19, 63, 65. Grape root worm, 6, 48-49, 60, 61. 199 Grapevine, injurious insects: Contarinia viticola, 15. grape blossom midge, 6, 15, 16. grape root worm, 48. Green cockroach, 5, 22-23. Green striped maple worm, 7, 61, 62, 66. guttivitta, Heterocampa, 61, 62. haagii, see dentatus. haemorrhous, Eccoptogaster, Eccoptogaster. Hair snake, 61. hamatus, see carinulatus. Heliothis armiger, 55-56. Hemerocampa leucostigma, 51, 60, 61, 62, 64, 65. Heterocampa guttivitta, 61, 62. heterodoxus, Renocis, 144. hicoriae, Chramesus, 88. Hill collection, catalogue of, Io. hirsutus, see concinnus. hirtellus, Micracis, 127. hirticeps, see pulchellus. hispidulus, Hypothenemus, 118. Hop merchant, 64. Horse-chestnut tree, white marked tussock moth injuring, 51. House centipede, 26. House fly, 9, 24-40. House mosquito, 59. hubbardi, Bothrosternus, 87. Cactopinus, 87. hudsonicus, Ips, 123. hyalina, Panchlora, 22-23. Hydrocyanic acid gas, 22, Hylastes, 77, 81. opaculus, 76, 77. rufipes, 76. salebrosus, 76. scabripennis, 76, 77. tenuis, 76, 77. Hylastinus, 81, I10-IT. crenatulus, 78. fuscescens, 78. obscurus, 78, IIo. piceus, 78. Hylesininae, 80-81. Hylesinus, 80, II1-I13. aculeatus, III—12. see 58. 200 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Hylésinus (continued) Ips (continued) aspericollis, 112. emarginatus, 122. fasciatus, I12. grandicollis, 122. e granulatus, I12. hudsonicus, 123. imperialis, 112. integer, 123. nebulosus, 113. interpunctus, 124. piniperda, 77. interruptus, 124. sericeus, IT3. latidens, 124. Hylurgops, 81, 113-16. oregoni, 124. crenatus, 78. perturbatus, 124. cristatus, I13. DW Mil, GS WAS. glabratus, 78, 113-14. plastographus, 125-26. paykulli, 78. J STeCEus, 126: pinifex, II4. spinifer, 126. rufipes, I14. terminatus, 126. rugipennis, ITI5. tridens, 126. subcostulatus, II5. vicinus, 78. Hyphantria textor, 50-51. Hypothenemus, 81, 116-26. jalappae, Cryphalus, 92. dissimilis, 116. jeffreyi, Dendroctonus, 95. erectus, I17. johnsoni, Cecidomyia, 63, 65. eruditus, 78, 117-18. Contarinia, 15~109. hispidulus, 118. rotundicollis, 118. Kaliosysphinga ulmi, 49. ruficollis, 78. Katydid, 66. striatus, I10. , Kerosene, 34. hystrix, Chaetophloeus, 88. Lachnosterna fusca, 61, 62. Imperial moth, 41. Land plaster, 34. imperialis, Hylesinus, 112. latidens, Ips, 124. impressus, Xyleborus, 154. laurifolium, Microcentrum, 66. inequalis, Potamanthus, 74-75. latus, Pityophthorus, 135—36. inermis, Xyleborus, 154-55 Leaf mite, 65. infans, see puberulus. lecontei, see hicoriae. innumerabilis, Pulvinaria, 41. Lepidoptera, 66. Insect bands, 66. Lepidosaphes ulmi, 41, 60, 64. integer, Ips, 123. leucostigma, Hemerocampa, 51, 60, intermedius, Oniscigaster, 71. 61, 62, 64, 65. interpunctus, Ips, 124. limbatum, Trypodendron, 78. interruptus, Ips, 124. Lime, 34. Ipididae, key to genera, 79-83. Lime-sulphur wash, 6, 48. Ipinae, 80. liminaris, Phloeotribus, 131-32. Ips, 77, 82, 119-260. Linden, injurious insects: avulsus, IQ. linden’ moth, snow-white, 52. balsameus, 119-20. tussock moth, white marked, 51. caelatus, 120. Linden moth, snow-white, 5, 8, 51- calligraphus, 120-21. 54, 61, 62, 66. concinnus, 121-22. lineatus, Trypodendron, 78. confusus, 122. Xyloterus, 148. decretus, 122. liriodendri, Contarinia, 63. INDEX TO REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 1908 Loganius, 126. ficus, 120. longulum, see mali. longus, Tomicus, 145. luteola, Galerucella, 50, 60, 61, 62, 64, 65. ‘ lutescens, Aulacomerus, I5, macer, Tomicus, 145. maculipennis, Anopheles, 59. Malaria mosquito, 9, 50. mali, Pterocyclon, 143. malivorella, Coleophora, 47. mancus, Agriotes, 65. Maple, cottony maple scale injuring, Al, Maple borer, sugar, 60, 61, 62. Maple caterpillar, antlered, 61, 62, 66. Maple scale, cottony, 41. false, 41, 60, 62, Maple worm, green striped, 7, 61, 62, 66. marginatus, Xylocleptes, 78. marginicolle, Trypodendron, 78. materiarius, Gnathotrichus, 108-0. May flies, 71-75. Mayetiola violicola, see Contarinia. melanocephalus, see lineatus. Melon aphis, 65. Micracis, 82, 126-28. asperulus, 127. hirtellus, 127. nanula, 127. opacicollis, 127. rudis, 127. suturalis, 127-28. Microcentrum laurifolium, 66. retinervis, 66. miles, Cryphalus, 92. minutissimus, Pityophthorus, 139-40. montanus, see contusus, monticola, Dendroctonus, 97. Mosquito, 9, 58-50. house, 509. malaria, 9, 59. salt marsh, 58. mucronatus, Cryphalus, 92. murrayanae, Dendroctonus, 95. Musca domestica, 24-40. muticus, Eccoptogaster, 104-5. 201 | nanula, Micracis, 127. nebulosus, Hylesinus, 113. negundifolia, Contarinia, 63. nigriceps, see rufipennis. nigrinus, Tomicus, 145. Nitidulidae, 77. nitidulus, Pityophthorus, 136. nivea, Panchlora, 23. nubeculana, Ancylus, 60, 61, 62. Nursery certificates, IT. obesus, Dendroctonus, 97 Xyleborus, 155. obliquus, Pityophthorus, 136. obscurus, Hylastinus, 78, 110. Office work, IO-IT. Old Forge, entomologic work at, 9. Oniscigaster distans, 71. intermedius, 71. wakefieldi, 71, 72. opacicollis, Micracis, 127. opaculus, Hylastes, 76, 77. Hylurgops, see rufipes. Pityophthorus, 136. oregoni, Ips, 124. Oyster scale, 41, 60, 64. Pagiocerus, 80, 128. rimosus, 128. pallipes, see pini. palmicola, see dactyliperda. Panchlora hyalina, 22-23. nivea, 23. viridis, 23. parallelus, see compositus. Paris green, 46, 63. paykulli, Hylurgops, 78. Pear tree, Contarinia pyrivora injur- ing, I5. perfoliata, Contarinia, 63. perfossus, see compositus. perniciosus, Aspidiotus, 60, 61, 63, 65. perturbatus, Ips, 124. Phenacoccus acericola, 41, 60, 62. Phloeosinus, 80, 128-30. cristatus, 120. cupressi, 1209. dentatus, 120. punctatus, 130. 202 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Phloeosinus (continued) sequoiae, 130. Phloeotribus, 80, 130-32. americanus, 78. dubius, 78. frontalis, 78, 131. liminaris, 131-32. puberulus, 132. setulosus, 78. Phytoptid galls, 66. piceae, Cryphalus, 92. piceaperda, Dendroctonus, 97-08. piceus, Hylastinus, 78. pilosulus, Pityophthorus, 136. pilosus, Pityophthorus, 136. pini, Ips, 78, 125. See also grandicollis. Xyleborus, 155. pinifex, Hylurgops, 114. piniperda, Hylesinus, 77. pipiens, Culex, 59. Pistol case bearer, 47. Pityogenes, 82, 132-33. carinulatus, 132. fossifrons, 132. plagiatus, 133. punctipennis, 133. sparsus, 133. Pityophthorus, 82, 133-40. annectens, 134. cariniceps, 134. comatus, 134. concentralis, 134. confinus, 135. coniperda, 134. consimilis, 135. cribripennis, 76. deletus, 135. digestus, 135. lautus, 135-36. minutissimus, 139-40. nitidulus, 136. obliquus, 136. opaculus, 136. pilosus, 136. pruinosus, 137. puberulus, 137. pubipennis, 137-38. pulchellus, 138. pulicarius, 138. Pityophthorus (continued) pullus, 76, 138-30. puncticollis, 139. pusio, 140. seriatus, 140. tomentosus, 140. tuberculatus, 140. plagiatus, Pityogenes, 133. Plagionotus speciosus, 60, 61, 62. planicollis, see fuscatus. plastographus, Ips, 125-26. Plates, explanation of, 161-94. Platypodidae, key to genera, 79. Platypodinae, 79, 83-86. Platypus, 83-86. compositus, 84. cylindrus, 85. flavicornis, 85. punctulatus, 85. quadridentatus, 85-86. rugulosus, 86. Plecoptera, 9. Podisus sp., 64. politus, Xyloterus, 149-50. Pollenia rudis, 24. Polygonia comma, 64. Polygraphus, 80, 140-41. ?brevicornis, I4I. rufipennis, I4T. pometaria, Alsophila, 45, 63. pomonella, Rhagoletis, 66. ponderosae, Dendroctonus, 08. Poplar, Carolina, poplar sawfly in- juring, 13. Poplar sawfly, 13-15. porculus, Tomicus, 145-46. porosus, Tomicus, 146. Porthetria dispar, 41-45, 61, 62, 64. Potamanthus diaphanus, 74, 75. inequalis, 74-75. praeceps, Eccoptogaster, 105. praefrictus, see pini. praemorsus, see calligraphus. pratensis, Bryobia, 65. Printers ink, 46. propinquus, Xyleborus, 155. pruinosus, Hylesinus, see aculeatus. Pityophthorus, 137. ' pseudotsugae, Dendroctonus, 95. INDEX TO REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 1908 203, Pterocyclon, 81, 141-44. Remedies and _ preventives_ for: dentiger, 142. (cond) fasciatus, 142. elm leaf miner, 40. gracile, 142. fall webworm, 51. mali, 143. A sOHKe lime, ile elo, ire ctek (Oy. scutellare, 144. gipsy moth, 42-45, 64, 65. Pteronus ribesii, 62. gladioli aphid, 22. puberulus, Phloeotribus, 132. grain moth, 65. Pityophthorus, 137. grape blossom midge, 19. pubescens, Xyleborus, 155-56. grape root worm, 49. pubipennis, Pityophthorus, 137-38. leaf mites, 65. Publications, 9-10; list, 60-66. melon aphis, 65. pulchellus, Pityophthorus, 138. mosquito, salt marsh, 58-59. pulicarius, Pityophthorus, 138. pistol case bearer, 47. pullus, Pityophthorus, 76, 138-30. poplar sawfly, 15. Pulvinaria innumerabilis, 41. San José scale, 6, 61, 63. pumilus, Dolurgus, tor. spruce gall aphid, 55. punctatissimus, Corthylus, 91. tussock moth, white marked, 51- punctatus, Dendroctonus, 98. wire worm, 63. Eccoptogaster, 78. wheat, 65. Phloeosinus, 130. Remedies and preventives: Scolytus, 77. arsenate of lead, 15, 46, 63. puncticollis, Pityophthorus, 139. - | arsenate of lime, 46. punctipennis, Pityogenes, 133. arsenical poison, 47, 49, 5I. punctulatus, Platypus, 8s. bordeaux mixture, 63. pusillus, Crypturgus, 78, 94-05. chlorid of lime, 34. Pityopthorus, see puncticollis. hydrocyanic acid gas, 22, 58. pusio, Pityophthorus, 140. insect bands, 66. Pyrethrum powder, 10, 32. | kerosene, 34. pyri, Eriophyes, 48, 63, 64. land plaster, 34. Xyleborus, see dispar. | «lime, 34. pyrivora, Contaritsda, 15, 63. lime-sulfur wash, 6, 48. paris green, 46, 63. printers ink, 46. pyrethrum powder, 19, 32. sulfur, 22. | tanelefoot..2: quadridentatus, Platypus, 85-86. quadrispinosus, Eccoptogaster, 105. quercifolia, Contarinia, 63. querciperda, see pruinosus. ratzeburgii, see dispar. Gane ie rectus, Ips, 126. tree tanglefoot, 42, 46, 66. Red spider, 65. whale oil soap, 55. Remedies and preventives for: white ants, 57-58. apple maggot, 66. | Renocis, 81, 144.- blister mite, 48, 64. heterodoxus, 144. canker worms, 46-47. reticulatus, see rugulosus. Chionaspis euonymi, 66. retinervis, Microcentrum, 66. cigar case bearer, 47. retusicollis, Xyleborus, 156. corn worm, 56. retusus, Gnathotrichus, 109. cutworms, 63. Xylocleptes, see bispinus. elm leaf aphis, 63. Xyloterus, 150. 204 Rhagoletis pomonella, 66. ribesii, Pteronus, 62. rigidus, Cryphalus, 93. rimosus, Pagiocerus, 128. robustus, Cryphalus, 93. rotundicollis, Hypothenemus, 118. rubicunda, Anisota, 61, 62. rudis, Micracis, 127. Pollenia, 24. ruficollis, Hypothenemus, 78. rufipennis, Dendroctonus, 98-09. Polygraphus, 141. rufipes, Hylastes, 76. Hylurgops, 114. Xyleborus, 78. rufitarsus, see lineatus. rugipennis, Hylurgops, IIs. rugosus, see compositus. rugulosus, Eccoptogaster, 78, 106-7. Platypus, 86. rumicis, Contarinia, 63. Saddle back caterpillar, 65. saginatus, see rufipennis. salebrosus, Hylastes, 76. Tomicus, 146. Salt marsh mosquito, 58. Samia cecropia, 65. . San Wiosétscales 5.74, 160,101. 1023505. Sawfly, poplar, 13-15. saxeseni, see xylographus. scabricollis, Xyloterus, 150. scabripennis, Hylastes, 76, 77. Tomicus, see salebrosus. Schizoneura americana, 63. Schizura concinna, 60. schwarzi, Erineophilus, 108. Scierus, 81, 144. annectens, 144. scobinosus, Tomicus, 147. Scolytidae of America, 8, 76-159. Scolytinae, 79, 86-1509. Scolytus, 77, 80. punctatus, 77. sculpturatus, see erectus. Scurfy bark louse, 41, 62. Scurfy scale, 41, 60. scutellare, Pterocyclon, 144. Scutigera forceps, 26. NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM semicastaneus, see autographus. septentrionis, see autographus. sequoiae, Phloeosinus, 130. seriatus, Hypothenemus, see _hispi- dulus. Pityophthorus, 140. sericeus, Hylesinus, 113. serratus, see dentatus. setigera, Contarinia, 63. setulosus, Phloeotribus, 78. Shade tree insects, 49-55. Shade trees, 6-7, 60, 64. Sibine stimulea, 65. signatum, Trypodendron, 78. simile, see fasciatus. similis, see obesus. simplex, Carphoborus, 88. Dendroctonus, 99. Siphlonisca, 72. aerodromia, 72-74. Siphlurus, 72. Sitotroga cerealella, 65. Snow-white linden moth, 5, 8, 51- GAs Of, 02) 000: Soldier bug, 64. sollicitans, Culex, 58._ sorghicola, Contarinia, 15, 63. Sorghum, Contarinia sorghicola injuring, I5. Sparrow, 52, 54. sparsus, Pityogenes, 133. speciosus, Plagionotus, 60, 61, 62. Spider, 206. red, 65. spinifer, Corthylus, of. Ihoysy, - 102%0). Spraying shade trees, methods, 44- 45. Spring cankerworm, 45, 63. Spruce, spruce gall aphid injuring, 55.6" Spruce gall aphid, 54-55. spuria, Gossyparia, 41, 60. Stable fly, 24. Stephanoderes cassiae, 78. stimulea, Sibine, 65. Stomoxys calcitrans, 24. Stone flies, 9. striatulus, Cryphalus, 93. INDEX TO REPORT OF THE STATE ENTOMOLOGIST 1908 striatus, Hypothenemus, IIo. strigicollis, Cnesinus. strigillatus, see strigicollis. subcostulatus, Hylurgops, I15. subdepressus, see saxeseni. subscaber, Eccoptogaster, 107. subsignarius, Ennomos, 51-54, 61, 62, 66. Sugar maple borer, 60, 61, 62. sulcatus, Eccoptogaster, 107. Gnathotrichus, 109-10. Sulfur, 22. suturalis, Micracis, 127-28. ‘Tachinidae, 44. tachygraphus, Xyleborus, 156. See also dispar. Tanglefoot, 32, 42, 46, 66. Ghar AG: teiarius, Tetranychus, 65. tenuis, Hylastes, 76, 77. Tomicus, 147. terebrans, Dendroctonus, 99-100. ‘Termes flavipes, 56-58. terminalis, Cryphalus, 93. terminatus, Ips, 1206. ‘Tetranychus telarius, 65. textor, Hyphantria, 50-51. thoracicus, see dispar. Thyridopteryx ephemeraeformis, 50, 65. ‘Thysanoes, 83, 147. fimbricornis, 147. Tomatoes, corn worm injuring, 56. tomentosus, Pityophthorus, 1r4o. ‘Tomicini, 8o. Tomicus, 77, 82, 144-47. exilis, 145. longus, 145. macer, I45. nigrinus, 145. porculus, 145-46. porosus, 146. salebrosus, 146. scobinosus, 147. tenuis, 147. Tree tanglefoot, 42, 46, 66. tremiferus, see compositus. Trichiocampus viminalis, 13-15. ' Trichoptera, 9. tridens, Ips, 126. See also interpunctus. trifolii, see obscurus. Trypodendron, 82, 147-50. limbatum, 78. lineatus, 78, 148. marginicolle, 78. politus, 149-50. retusus, I50. scabricollis, signatum, 78. unicolor, I50. tuberculatus, Pityophthorus, 140. Tussock moth, white marked, 5, 6, 51, 60-61, 62, 64, 65. Typhoid fly, 24-40. typographus, Dermestes, 77. 150. ulmi, Kaliosysphinga, 49-50. Lepidosaphes, 41, 60, 64. unicolor, Xyloterus, 150. unispinosus, Eccoptogaster, 108. valens, Dendroctonus, Ioo. ventralis, Eccoptogaster, 108. vernata, Anisopteryx, 45, 63. vicinus, Ips, 78. See also caelatus. villosus, see autographus. viminalis, Trichiocampus, 13-15. Violet gall midge, 15, 60. violicola, Contarinia, I5, 60. Virginia creeper, grape blossom midge injuring, 18. virginianiae, Contarinia, 63. viridis, Panchlora, 23. viticida, Fidia, 48-49, 60, 61. viticola, Contarinia, 15. vittiger, see lineatus. wakefieldi, Oniscigaster, 71, 72. Wasps, 206. Webworm, fall, 50-51. Whale oil soap, 55. Wheat wire worm, 65. White ants, 56-58. White grubs, 61. White marked tussock moth, 5, 6, Sig (ORO: Roly Loy Willow, fall webworm injuring, 51. 200 NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Wire worm, 63. Xyleborus (continued) wheat, 65. retusicollis, 156. rufipes, 78. Xyleborus, 82, 151-58. saxeseni, 158. affinis, I51. tachygraphus, 156. celsus, I51. xylographus, 157. dispar, 78, 152-53. Xylocleptes, 82, 158-59. fuscatus, 154. bispinus, 78, I59. impressus, 154. cucurbitae, 150. inermis, 154-55. decipiens, 150. obesus, 155. marginatus, 78. pini, 155. xylographus, Ips, see caelatus. propinquus, 155. Xyleborus, 157. pubescens, 155-56. Xyloterus, see Trypodendron. ERRATA Page 24, line 3 from bottom, for ampelophia, read ampelophila, New York State Education Department New York State Museum Joun M. Crarxez, Director PUBLICATIONS Packages will be sent prepaid except when distance or weight renders the same impracticable. On 10 or more copies of any one publication 20% discount will be given. Editions printed are only large enough to meet special claims and probable sales. When the saie copies are exhausted, the price for the few reserve copies is advanced to that charged by second- hand booksellers, in order to limit their distribution to cases of special need. Such prices are inclosed in[]. All publications are in paper covers, unless binding is specified. Checks or money orders should be addressed and payable to New York State Education Department. Museum annual reports 1847-date. Allin print to 1894, 50c a volume, 75¢ in cloth; 1894-date, sold in sets only; 75¢ each for octavo volumes; price of quarto volumes on application. These reports are made up of the reports of the Director, Geologist, Paleontologist, Botanist and Entomologist, and museum bulletins and memoirs, issued as advance sections of the reports. Director’s annual reports 1904—date. 1904. 138Dp. 20C. 1907. 212p. 63pl. soc. 1905. 102p. 23pl. 30c. 1908. 234). 39pl. map. 4oc. 1yoo. 186p. 4rpl. 35¢. These reports cover the reports of the State Geologist and of the State Paleontologist. Bound also with the museum reports cf which they form a pact. Geologist’s annual reports 1881-date. Rep’ts 1, 3-13, 17—date, O; 2, 14-16, Q. In 1898 the paleontologic work of the State was made distinct from the geologic and was reported separately from 1899-1903. The two departments were reunited in 1904, and are now reported in the Director’s report. The annual reports of the original Natural History Survey, 1837-41, are out of print. Reports 1-4, 1881-84, were published only in separate form. Of the 5th report 4 pages were reprinted in the 39th museum report, and a supp!ement to the 6threport was included in the 4oth museum report. The 7th and subsequent reports are included in the 41st and following museum reports, except that certain lithographic plates in the 11th report (1891) and 13th (1893) are omitted from the 4sth and 47th museum reports, Separate volumes of the following only are available. Report Price Report Price Report Price 12 (1892) $.50 17 $.75 21 3.40 14 7s 18 7S 22 -40 15, 2V 2 19 40 23 was 16 I 20 .50 [See Director’s annual reports] Paleontologist’s annual reports 1899-date. See first note under Geologist’s annual reports, Bound also with museum reports of which they form a part. Reports for 1899 and 1900 may be had for 20c each. Those for 1901-3 were issued as bulletins. In 1904 combined with the Director’s report. Entomologist’s annual reports on the injurious and other insects of the State of New York 1882-date. Reports 3-20 bound also with museum reports 40-46, 48-58 of which they form a part, Since 1898 these reports have been issued as bulletins, Reports 3-4, 17 are out of print, other reports with prices are: Report Price Report Price Report Price I $.50 10 $.35 18 (Bul. 64) $.20 2 -30 It 25 TOG eC) eats 5 2215 12 25 20) (e- 797) 9.40 6 ais, 13 Free 2r( 5 104)) 7.25 7 .20 14 (Bul. 23) .20 2a) (uarro)aeaaS 8 +25 IPA er GRO) pets 231 (eer 24)) aa 75 9 .25 T6236). as 24 (‘' 134) Reports 2, 8-12 may also be obtained bound in cloth at 25c each in addition to the price given above. Botanist’s annual reports 1867-—date. Bound also with museum reports 21—date of which they form a part; the first Botanist’s report appeared in the 21st museum report and is numbered 21. Reports 21-24, 29, 31-41 were not published separately. Separate reports for 1871-74, 1876, 1888-98 are out of print. Report for 1899 may be had for 20c; t900 for soc. Since rgor these reports have been issued as bulletins. Descriptions and illustrations of edible, poisonous and unwholesome fungi of New York have also been published in volumes 1 and 3 of the 48th (1894) museum report and in volume 1 of the goth (1895), 51st (1897), 52d (1898), sath (1900), 55th (1901), 56th (1902), 57th descriptions and illustra- (1903), 58th (1904), 59th (1905) and 60th (1906) reports. tions of edible and unwholesome species contained in the 4gth, 51st and 52d reports have been revised and rearranged, and, combined with others more recently prepared, constitute Museum memoir 4. Museum bulletins 1887-date. botany, (4) entomology. Bulletins are grouped in the list on the following pages according to divisions. The divisions to which bulletins belong are as follows: Zoology Botany Economic Geology Mineralogy Entomology Economic Geology Botany Zoology Economic Geology Entomology Geology Economic Geology Archeology Economic Geology Archeology Geology Entomology Geology Archeology Entomology Botany Entomology Botany Zoology Economic Geology Entomology Archeology Zoology Paleontology Economic Geology Entomology Zoology Paleontology Zoology Archeology Paleontology Zoology Economic Geology Paleontology 40 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 Bulletins are also found with the Bulletin Report I 2-15 T6007 18, 19 20-25 26-31 48, v. 50, V. Levis 4 Ae 53, V- 54, Vv. 54, Vv. 54, Vv. 54, V. 55, Ve BOR Me SOs Ws 56, Vv. 56, Vv. 56, v. 56, Vv. 56, v. 56, v. 56, Vv. 56, v. I NwWNPHWHWHERHERWN HHH Bulletin 66, 67 56, 56, 56, Bee 57) Bt 9p Bop Entomology Geology Paleontology Archeology Zoology Paleontology Entomology Botany Archeology Geology Entomology Mineralogy Entomology Zoology Economic Geology Miscellaneous Paleontology Entomology Paleontology Miscellaneous Botany Entomology Paleontology Mineralogy Zoology Entomology Archeology Entomology Botany Entomology Geology Archeology Entomology Paleontology “ Geology Economic Geology Entomology Archeology Zoology Archeology Paleontology The 9I 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 IOI 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 IIo IIt tae) II3 II4 II5 116 neat | 118 II9 I20 I21 122 123 124 I25 126 127 128 129 130 Tir 132 133 134 NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT O. To advance subscribers, $2 a year or $1 a year jor division (1) geology. economic geology, paleontology, mineralogy; 50c each for divisions (2) general zoology, archeology and miscellaneous, (3) Zoology Paleontology Economic Geology Botany Geology Entomology Mineralogy Paleontology Economic Geology Paleontology Economic Geology Entomology Botany Geology Archeology Entomology Geology Economic Geology Archeology Paleontology Geology Botany Archeology Paleontology Economic Geology Director’s report for 1907 Botany Economic Geology Entomology Archeology Geology Paleontology Entomology Zoology Botany Economic Geology Director’s report for 1908- Entomology annual reports o. the museum as follows: Report Vv. 4 92 Vv. 3 93 Vene 94 Ve 0 DtaTiO S90 Vinten bine) 97 Vv. 2 98, 99 Ve) 15 Pta2) LOO Va Iol Vie tig bee 102 NA ity JOR 18 | | Biolei— by Ve 2 196 Ve Dey Pt 2: 107 Vet pir. Zos Vv. 3 I09, IIo Vor IIt Vi. i2 TLE Ves I13 Vv. 4 yo 17. t Wes 115 Vay) a 116 Bulletin Report SSS SiS So Selig BST SSIS 6s) Shel scl eset sth MFPRHWARNHWNHHNHNHNNAR EP DHW Bulletin Report II7 60, Vv. 3 118 60, Vv. I I1g-21r 61, V.1 I22 61, V. 2 123 Oy Venk 124 6x} Ve. 2 Memoir 2 49, V- 3 89 0) Ein Ni SZ BOF sary MENG. 7 57,V.4 8, ptt 59, v. 3 8, pt 2 59, Vv. 4 9 60, Vv. 4 10 60, Vv. 5 II Gry Vie 32 MUSEUM PUBLICATIONS The figures at the beginning of each entry in the following list indicate its number as a museum bulletin. Geology. 14 Kemp, J. F. Geology of Moriah and Westport Townships, Essex Co. N. Y., with notes on the iron mines. 38p. il. 7pl. 2 maps. Sept. 1895. Free. 19 Merrill, F. J. H. Guide to the Study of the Geological Collections of the New York State Museum. r64p. trgpl. map. Nov. 1898. Out of print. 21 Kemp, J. F. Geology of the Lake Placid Region. 24p. Sept. 1898. Free. 48 Woodworth, J. B. Pleistocene Geology of Nassau County and Borough of Queens.. 58p. il. 8pl. map. Dec. 1901. 25¢. 56 Merrill, F. J. H. Description of the State Cenlopié Map of I9Ol. 42p. 2 maps, tab. Nov. 1902. Free. 77 Cushing, H. P. Geology of the NY of Little Falls, Herkimer Co. 98p. il. r5pl. 2 maps. Jan. 1905. 30c 83 Woodworth, J. B. Pleistocene Geology of the Mooers Quadrangle. 62p. 2cplainap Une ToOg.. | 2/5c. 84 Ancient Water Levels of the Champlain and Hudson Valleys. 206p, il. ripl.18 maps. July 1905. 45¢ g5 Cushing, H. P. Geology of the Northern Adirondack Region. 188p. 15pl. 3 maps. Sept. 1905. 30¢. 96 Ogilvie, 1. H. Geology of the Paradox Lake Quadrangle. 54p. il. 17pl. map.) Wee! 190s. » 30C: 106 Fairchild, H. L. Glacial Waters in the Erie Basin. 88p. r4pl. 9 maps, Feb. 1907. Out of print. 107 Woodworth, J. B.; Hartnagel, C. A.; Whitlock, H. P.; Hudson, G. H.;. Clarke, J. M.; White, David: Berkey, GssP- Geological Papers. 388p. 54pl. map. May 1907. 90C, cloth. Contents: Woodworth, J. B. Postglacial Faults of Eastern New York. Hartnagel, C. A. Stratigraphic Relations of the Oneida Conglomerate. —— Upper Siluric and Lower Devonic Formations of the Skunnemunk Mountain Region. Whitlock, H. P. Minerals from Lyon Mountain, Clinton Co. Hudson, G. H. | On Some Pelmatozoa from the Chazy Limestone of New York. Ciarke, J. M. Some New Devonic Fossils. —— An Interesting Style of Sand-filled Vein. —— Eurypterus Shales of the Shawangunk Mountains in Eastern New York. White, David. A Remarkable Fossil Tree Trunk from the Middle Devonic of New York. Berkey, C. P. Structural and Stratigraphic Features of the Basal Gneisses of the Highlands. 111 Fairchild, H. L. Drumjins of New York. 6o0p. 28pl. 19 maps. July 1907. Out of print. at Cushing, H. P. Bore of the Long Lake Quadrangle. 88p. 2opl. map. Sept. 1y07. 126 Miller, W. ye Cadlosy of the Remsen Quadrangle. 5a4p. il. 11pl. map. Jan. 1900. 127 Fairchi'd, i oo Glacial Watersin Central New York. 64p. 27pl. 15 maps.. Mar. 19o0y. 4oc. Berkey, C. P. Geology of the Highlands of the Hudson. In preparation. Cushing, H. P. Geology of the Theresa Quadrangle. In preparation. Economic geology. 3 Smock, J.C. Building Stone in the State of New York. 1154p. Mar. 1888. Out of print. 7 —— First Report on the Iron Mines and Iron Ore Districts in the State of New York. 78p. map. June 1889. Out of print. 10 Building Stone in New York. 210p. map, tab. Sept. 1890. 4oc. 1r Merrill, F. J. H. Salt and Gypsum Industries of New York. g4p. rapl. 2 maps, 11 tab. Apr. 1893. [50C] 12 Ries, Heinrich. Clay qidustries of New York. map. Mar. 1895. 30C. 15 Merrill, F. J. H. Mineral Resources of New York. 240p. 2 maps. Sept. 1895. [50c] rz, Road Materials and Road Building in New York. 52p. 14pl. 2 maps, Oct. 1807m 15¢c- 30 Orton, Edward. Petroleum and Natural Gas in New York. 136p. il. 3 maps. Nov. 1899. _ 15c. 35 Ries, Heinrich. Clays of New York; their Properties and Uses. 456p. tgopl. map. June r1goo. $1, cloth. NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT 44 Lime and Cement Industries of New York; Eckei, E. C. Chapters on the Cement Industry. 332p. rorpl. 2 maps. Dec. 1901. 85¢, cloth. 61 Dickinson, H. T. Quarries of Bluestone and other Sandstones in New York. 1114p. 18pl.2 maps. Mar. 1903. 35c. : 85 Rafter G. W. Hvdrology of New York State. go2p. il. 44pl. 5 maps. May 1905. $1.50, cloth. 93 Newland, D. H. Mining and Quarry Industry of New York. 78p. July 1905. Out of print. too McCourt, W. E. Fire Tests of Some New York Building Stones. 4op. 26pl. | Hebe 19063) 15¢c: 102 Newland, D. H. Mining and Quarry Industry of New York 1905. 162p. June 1906. 25¢c. 112 —— Mining and Quarry Industry of New York 1906. 8z2p. July VOO7s) 5c: 119 Newland, D. H. & Kemp, J. F. Geology of the Adirondack Magnetic Iron Ores with a Report on the Mineville-Port Henry Mine Group. 184p. 14pl. 8 maps. Apr. 1908. 35¢c. 120 D.H. Newland. Mining and Quarry Industry of New York 1907. 8a2p. July 1908. 15¢. I23 & Hartnagel, C. A. Iron Ores of the Clinton Formation in New York State. 14 pl. 3 maps. ‘Nov. 1908. 2sc. 132 Mining and Quarry Industry of New York 1908. 98p. July 1909. 15c. —— The Sandstones of New York. In preparation. Mineralogy. 4 Nason, F.L. Some New York Minerals and their Localities, 22/pH ply Aono Sone rree: 58 Whitlock, H. P. Guide to the Mineralogic Collections of the New York State Museum. sop. il. 39pl. 11 models Sept. 1902. 40c. 70 —— New York Mineral Localities. trop. Oct. 1903. 20¢. 98 —— Contributions from the Minetalogic Laboratory. 38p. 7pl. Dec. 1GOsa ang: Paleontology. 34 Cumings, EF. R. Lower Silurian System of Eastern Mont- gomery County; Prosser, C. S. Notes on the Stratigraphy ot Mohawk Valley and Saratoga County, N. Y. 74p. 14pl. map. May 1900. 15c. 39 Clarke, J. M.. Simpson, G. B. & Loomis, F. B. Paleontologic Papers 1. Wopeaie Kopi OCk T9004 ALC: Contents: Clarke, J. M. A Remarkable Occurrence of Orthoceras in the Oneonta Beds of the Chenango Valley, N. Y. Paropsonema cryptophya; a Peculiar Echinoderm from the Intumescens-zone (Portage Beds) of Western New Yor —— Dictyonine Hexactinellid Sponges from the Upper Devonic of New York. —— The Water Biscuit of Squaw Island, Canandaigua Lake, N. Y. Simpson, G. B. Preliminary Descriptions of New Genera of Paleozoic Rugose Corals. Loomis, F. B. Siluric Fungi from Western New York. 42 Ruedemann, Rudolf. Hudson River Beds near Albany and their Taxo- nomic Equivalents. 116p. Apr. tgo1. 25¢ 45 Grabau. A. W. Geology and Paleontology of Niagara Falls and Vicinity. 286p. il. r8pl. map. Apr. 1991. pa cloth, goc. 49 Ruedemann, Rudolf; Clarke, J. M. & Wood, Elvira. Paleontologic Papers 3. 240p. r3pl. Dec. 1901. 4oc. Contents: Ruedemann, Rudolf. Trenton Conglomerate of Rysedorph Hill. Clarke, J. M. Limestones of Central and Western New York Interbedded with Bitumi- nous Shales of the Marcellus Stage. Wood, Elvira. Marcellus Limestones of Lancaster, Erie Co., N. Y. Clarke, J. M. New Agelacrinites. Value of Amnigenia as an Indicator of Fresh-water Deposits during the Devonic of New York, Ireland and the Rhineland. 52 Clarke, J. M. Report of the State Paleontologist r901. 28op. il. ropl. map, t tab. July 1902. 4oc. — 63 Stratigraphy of Canandaigua and Naples Quadrangles. 78p. map. June 1904. 25c. 65 69 Catalogue of Type Specimens of Paleozoic Fossils in the New York State Museum. 848p. May 1903. $1.20, cloth. Report of the State Paleontologist 1902. 464p.52pl.7 maps. Nov. 1903. $1, cloth. 80 —— Report of the State Paleontologist 1903. 396p. 2gpl. 2 maps. Feb. 1905. 85c, cloth. MUSEUM FUBLICATIONS 81 & Luther, D. D. Watkins and Elmira Quadrangles. 32p map. Mar. 1905. 25¢. 82 —— Geologic Map of the Tully Quadrangle. Apr 1905 20¢c 90 Ruedemann, Rudolf. Cephalopoda of Beekniantown and Chazy For- mations of Champlain Basin. 224p. il. 38pl. May 1906. 75¢, cloth. 92 Grabau, A. W. Guide to the Geology and Paleontology of the Schoharie Region. 314p. il. 26pl. map. Apr. 1906. 75¢, cloth. og Luther, D. D. Geology of the Buffalo Quadrangle. 32p. map. May 1906. 20¢. IOI Geology of the Penn Yan Hammondsport Quadrangles 28p. map. July 1906. 25c. 114 Hartnagel, C. A. Geologic Map of the Rochester and Ontario Beach Quadrangles. Aug. 1907. 20¢c. 118 Clarke, J. M. & Luther, D. D. Geologic Maps and Descriptions of the Portage and Nunda Quadrangles including a map of Letchworth Park. sop. 16pl. 4 maps. Jan. 1908. 35c. 128 Luther, D. D. Geology of the Geneva-Ovid Quadrangles. 44p. map. Apr. 1999. 20¢. White David. The Devonic Plants of New York. In preparation. —— Geology of the Phelps Quadrangle. In preparation. Whitnall, H. O. Geology of the Morrisville Quadrangle. Prepared. Hopkins, T. C. Geology of the Syracuse Quadrangle. I» preparation. Hudson, G. H. Geology of Valcour Island. Jn preparation. Zoology. x Marshall, W. B. Preliminary List of New York Unionidae. 2op. Mar. 1892. Free. 9 —— Beaks of Unionidae Inhabiting the Vicinity of Albany, N. Y. 3op. ipl. Aug. 1890. Free. 29 Miller, G. S. jr. reliminary List of New York Mammals. r2q4p. Oct. 1899. 15¢ 33 Farr, M.S. Check List of New York Birds. 224p. Apr. 1900. 25¢. 38 Miller G. S. jr. Key to the Land Mammals of Northeastern North America. 106p. Oct. 1900. 15¢c. 49 Simpson, G. B. Anatomy and Physiology of Polygyra albolabris and Limax maximus and Embryology of Limax maximus. 82p. 28pl. Oct. 1901. 25¢. 43 Kellogg, J. L. Clam and Scallop Industries of New York. 36p. 2pl. map. Apr. tgo1. Free. 51 Eckel, E. C. & Paulmier, F. C. Catalogue of Reptiles and Batrachians of New York. 64p. il. rpl. Apr. 1902. 1r5§c. Ecke!, E. C. Serpents of Northeastern United States. Paulmier, F.C. Lizards, Tortoises and Batrachians of New York. 60 ee H. Catalogue of the Fishes of New York. 784p. Feb. 1903. $1. cloth. 71 Kellogg J. L. Feeding Habits and Growth of Venus mercenaria. 3op. 4pl. Sept. 1903. Free. 88 Letson, Elizabeth J. Check List of the Mollusca of New York. 116p May 1905. 20C¢. gt Paulmier, F. C. Higher Crustacea of New York City. 78p. il. June 1g05.' 20C. 130 Shufeldt, R.W. OsteologyofBirds. 382p. il. 26pl. May rgo9. soc. Entomology. 5 Lintner, J. A. White Grub of the May Beetle. 34p. il. Nov. 1888. Free. 6 Cut-worms. Nov. 1888. Free. 13 San José Scale and Some Destructive Insects of New York State 54p- 7pl. Apr. 1895. 15c. 20 Felt, E. P. Elm-leaf Beetle in New York State. 46p. il. spl June 1898. Free. See 57. 23 —— 14th Report of the State Entomologist 1898. rsop il. gpl. Dec. 1898. 20¢. 24 —— Memorial of the Life and Entomologic Work of J. A. Lintner Ph.D. State Entomologist 1874-98; Index to Entomologist’s Reports 1-13. 316p. rpl. Oct. 1899. 35c. Supplement to 14th report of the State Entomologist. NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT 26 —— Collection, Preservation and Distribution of New York Insects 36p. il. Apr. 1899. _ Free. 27 Shade Tree Pests in New York State. 26p. il. spl. May 1899. Free. 31 tsth Report of the State Entomologist 1899. 128p. June 1900, 15c. 36 16th Report of the State Entomologist r900. 1t8p. 16pl. Mar. IQ0I. 25C. Z Catalogue of Some of the More Important Injurious and Beneficial Insects of New York State. 54p. il. Sept. 1900. Free. Scale Insects of Importance and a List of the Species in New Work State; o4p.ierspl. June to9o0r. —2i5c: 47 Needham, J. G. & Betten, Cornelius. Aquatic Insects in the Adiron- dacks. 234p. il. 36pl. Sept. 1901. 45¢c. 53 Felt, E. P. 17th Report of the State Entomologist 1901. 232p. il. 6pl. Aug. 1902. Out of print. Elm Leaf Beetle in New York State. 46p. il. 8pl. Aug. 1902. Out of print. This is a revision cf 20 containing the more essential facts observed since that was ore pared. 37, 46 57 59 Grapevine Root Worm. 4op. 6pl. Dec. 1902. 15¢. See 72. 64 18th Report of the State Entomologist 1902. 11op. 6pl. May 1903. Out of print. 68 Needham, J. G. & others. Aquatic Insects in New York. 322p. 52pl. Aug. 1903. 8oc, cloth. 72 Felt, E. P. Grapevine Root Worm. 58p. 13pl. Nov. 1903. 20¢. This is a revision of 59 containing the more essential facts observed since that was prepared. 74 & Joutel, L.H. Monograph of the Genus Saperda. 88p. 14p] June 1904. 25c. 76 Felt, E. P. 19th Report of the State Entomologist 1903. 150p. 4pl. 1904. 15¢. 79 Mosquitos or Culicidae of New York. 164p. il. 57pl. tab. Oct. 1904. 40C. 86 Needham, J. G. & others. May Flies and Midges of New York. 352p il. 37pl. June 1905. 8oc, cloth. 97 Felt, E. P. 20th Report of the State Entomologist 1904. 246p. il. rgpl. Nov. 1905. 40C. 103 Gipsy and Brown Tail Moths. 44p. ropl. July 1906. 15c. 104 21st Report of the State Entomologist 1905. 1144p. topl. Aug. 1906. 25C. 109 —— Tussock Moth and Elm Leaf Beetle. 34p. 8pl. Mar. 1907. 20¢. IIo 22d Report of the State Entomologist 1906. 3152p. spl. June 1907. 25¢. 23d Report of the State Entomologist 19°07. s42p. 44pl. il. Octyrqoste 7/5: 129 Control of Household Insects. 48p. il. May 1909. Free. 134 24th Report of the State Entomologist 1908, 208p. 17pl. il. Sept. ROCCO BC: Needham, J.G. Monograph on Stone Flies. In preparation. Botany. 2 Peck, C. H. Contributions to the Botany of the State of New York. 72p.2pl. May 1887. Out of print. 8 Boleti of the United States. 98p. Sept. 1889. Out of print. 25 — Report of the State Botanist 1898. 76p. 5pl. Oct. 1899. Out of print. 28 Plants of North Elba. 206p. map. June 1899. 200. 54 Report of the State Botanist 1901. 58p. 7pl. Nov. 1902. 4oc. 67 Report of the State Botanist 1902. r96p.s5pl. May 1903. soc. 75 —— Report of the State Botanist 1903. op. 4pl. 1904. 4oc. 04 Report of the State Botanist 1904. 6op. ropl. July 1905. 4oc. 105 Report of the State Botanist 1905. 108p.r1r2pl. Aug. 1906. soc. 116 Report of the State Botanist 1906. 120p. 6pl. July 1907. 35¢c. MUSEUM PUBLICATIONS 122 Report of the State Botanist 1907. 178p. spl. Aug. 1908. 4oc.. 131 Report of the State Botanist 1908. 202p. gpl. Julyrgo09. 4oce. Archeology. 16 Beauchamp, W. M. Aboriginal Chipped Stone Imple- ments of New York. 86p. 23pl. Oct. 1897. 25¢. 18 —— Polished Stone Deide: used by the New York Aborigines. r104p. 25plL. “Nov: 1897. 25c- 22 Earthenware of the New York Atorigines. 78p. 33pl. Oct. E8gS- 215. 32 —— Aboriginal Occupation of New York. 190p. 16pl. 2maps Mar. 100.) 30C- 41 —— Wampum and Shell Articles used by New York Indians. 166p. 28pl. Mar. 1901. 3oc. 50 Hora and Bone Implements of the New York Indians. rrzp. 43pl. Mav. 1902. 30¢. 55 —— Metallic Implements of the New York Indians. 4p. 38pl. June 1902. 25¢. 73 —— a Ornaments of the New York Indians. 122p. 37pl. Dec. 1903. 3 78 —— Teor of the New York Iroquois. 340p. 17pl. map. Feb. 1905. 75¢, cloth. 87 —— Perch Lake Mounds. 84p. tr2pl. Apr. 1905. 2oc. 89 —— Aboriginal Use of Wood in New York. gop. 35pl. June LOO5> ~ 3'5e: es Aboriginal Place Names of New York. 336p. May 1907. 4oc. 2A ee ON ‘Religious and Mourning Councils and Ceremonies of Adop- tients, Siten. pk fine 1907. 25¢. 117 Parker, A. C. An Erie Indian Village and Burial Site. top. 38pl. Dee. 1907. 30¢c. 125 Converse, H. M. & Parker, A.C. Iroquois Myths and Legends. 1096p. cs 2p): Dec. 1908. 50¢. Miscellanecus. Msr (62) Merrill, F. J. H. Directory of Natural History Museums in United States and Canada. 236p. Apr. 1903. 3o0c. 66 Ellis, Mary. Index to Publications of the New York State Nat- ural History Survey and New York State Museum 1837-1902. 418p. June 1903. 75¢, cloth. Museum memoirs 1889-date. Q. t Beecher, C. E. & Clarke, J. M. Development of Some Silurian Brachi- opoda. o6p. 8pl. Oct. 1889. $r. 2 Hall, James & Clarke, J. M. Paleozoic Reticulate Sponges. 35op. il. 7opl. 1898. $2, cloth. 3 Clarke. J. M. The Oriskany Fauna of Becraft Mountain, Columbia Co., N. Y. 128p. gpl. Oct. 1900. 80c. 4 Peck,C.H. N.Y. Edible Fungi, 1895-99. 106p.25pl. Nov. 1900. [$1.25] This includes revised descriptions and illustrations of fungi reported in the 49th, sist and 52d reports of the State Botanist. 5 Clarke, J. M. & Ruedemann, Rudolf. Guelph Formation and Fauna of New York State. 1096p. 21pl. July 1903. $1.50, cloth. 6 Clarke, J. M. Naples Fauna in Western New York. 268p. 26pl. map. $2, cloth. 7 Ruedemanao, Rudolf. Graptolites of New York. Pt 1 Graptolites of the Lower Beds. 350p.17pl. Feb. 1905. $1.50, cloth. 8 Felt, E. P. Insects Affecting Park and Woodland Trees. v.r. 46op. il. 48pl. Feb. 1906. $2.50, cloth; v.2. 548p. il. 22pl. Feb. 1907. $2, cloth. 9 Clarke, J. M. Early Devonic of New York and Eastern North America. Pt 1. 366p. il. zopl. 5 ene Mar. 1908. $2.50, cloth; Pt 2, 25op. il. 36pl. 4maps. Sept. 1909. $2, cloth. to Eastman, C. R. The Devonic Fishes of the New York Formations. 236p. Spl. 1907. $1.25, cloth. tr Ruedemann, Rudolf. Graptolites of New York. Pt 2 Graptolites of the Higher Beds. 58 4p. il. 2 tab. 31pl. Apr. 1908. $2.50, clots. 12 Eaton, E. H. Birds of New York. In press. NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Natural history of New York. 3ov. iJ. pl. maps. Q. Albany 1842-94. DIVISION I ZOOLOGY. De Kay, James E. Zoology of New York; or, The New York Fauna: comprising detailed descriptions of all the animals hitherto observed within the State of New York with brief notices of those occasionally found neac its borders, and accompanied by appropri- ate illustrations. pl. maps. sq.Q. Albany 1842-44. Out of print. Histsrical introduction tc the series by Gov. W. H. Seward. 178p. v. 1 ptr Mammalia. 131 +46p: , 33pl. 1842. 39° copies with hand-colored plates v. 2 pt2 Birds. 12+380p. r4rpl. 1844. Coloured piates. v. 3 pt3 Reptiles and Amphibia. 7+98p. ptq4 Fishes. 15 +415p. 1842. 9t3-4 bound together. v. lees fo accompany v. 3. Reptiles and Amphibia 23pl. Fishes 7gp!. 1842 300 copies with haud-colcred slates v. 5 pt5 Moliusca. 4+271p. qopl. pt6 Crustacea. 7op. r3pl. 1843-44. Hand-colored plates; pts—6 bound together. DIVISION 2 BOTANY. Torrey, John Flora of the State of New York; com- prising full descriptions of all the indigenous and naturalized plants hith- erto discovered in the State, with remarks on their economical and medical properties. av. il. pl. sq. Q. Albany 1843. Out of print. v. 1 Flora of the State of New York. 12+484p. 72pl. 1843. 309 copies with hand-coloved plates. v. 2 Flora of the State of New York. 572p. 89pl. 1843. 390 copies with hand-colored plates. DIVISION 3 MINERALOGY. Beck, Lewis C. Mineralogy of New York; com- prising detailed descriptions of the minerals hitherto found in the State of New York, and notices of their uses in the arts and agriculture. il. pl. sq. Q. Albany 1842. Out of print. vy. 1 ptr Economical Mineralogy. pt2 Descriptive Mineralogy. 24 +536p. 1842. 8 plates additional! to those printed as part of the text CIVISION 4 GEOLOGY. Mather, W. W.; Emmons, Ebenezer; Vanuxem, Lard ner & Hall James. Geology of New York. 4v. il. pl. sq. Q. Albany 1842-43. Out of print. 1 ptr Mather, W. W. First Geological District. 37+653p. 46pl. 1843. 2 pt2 Emmons, Ebenezer. Second Geological District. 10+437p. 17pl. 1842. 3 pt3 Vanuxem, Lardner. Third Geological District. 306p. 1842.. . 4 pt4 Hall, James. Fourth Geological District 22+683p. rtopl. map. 1843. Reece e 5 AGRICULTURE. Emmons, Ebenezer. Agriculture of New York; comprising an account of the classification, composition and distribution of the soils and rocks and the natural waters of the different geological formations, together with a condensed view of the meteorology and agri- cultural productions of the State. pl.sq.Q. Albany 1846-54. Out of print. v / ‘Soils of the State. their Composition and Distribution. 11+371p. 2rpl. 1846. v. 2 Analysis of Soils, Plants, Cereals, etc. 8+343+46p. 42pl. 1849. With hand-colored plates. v. 3 Fruits, etc. 8+340p. 1851. v 4 Plates to accompany v. 3. g5pl. 1851. Hand-colored. v. 5 Insects Injurious to Agriculture. 8+272p. sopl. 1854. With hand-colored plates. DIVISION 6 PALEONTOLOGY. Hall, James. Paleontology of New York. 8v. il. pl. sq. Q. Albany 1847-94. Bound in cloth. v. 1 Organic Remains of the Lower Division of the New York System. 23+338p. ggpl. 1847. Out of print. << << MUSEUM PUBLICATIONS v. 2 Organic Remains of Lower Middle Division of the New York System, &+362p. ro4pl. 1852. Out of print. v. 3 Organic Remains of the Lower Helderberg Group and the Oriskany Sandstone. ptr, text. 12+532p. 1859. [$3.50] pt2. r4zpl. 1861. [$2.50] v. 4 Fossil Brachiopoda of the Upper Helderberg, Hamilton, Portage and Chemung Groups. 11+1+428p. 6opl. 1867. $2.50. v. 5 ptr Lamellibranchiata 1. Monomyaria of the Upper Helderberg, Hamilton and Chemung Groups. 18+268p. 45pl. 1884. $2.50. Lamellibranchiata 2. Dimyaria of the Upper Helderberg, Ham- ilton, Portage and Chemung Groups. 62+293p. 51pl. 1885. $2.50. —— pt2 Gasteropoda, Pteropoda and Cephalopoda of the Upper Helder- berg, Hamilton, Portage and Chemung Groups. 2v. 1879. v. 1, text. 15+492p. v.2, 120pl. $2.50 for 2 v. & Simpson, George B. v. 6 Corals and Bryozoa of the Lower and Up- per Helderberg and Hamilton Groups. 24+298p. 67pl. 1887. $2.50. —— & Clarke, fohe M. v. 7 Trilobites and other Crustacea of the Oris- kany, Upper Helderberg, Hamilton, Portage, Chemung and Catskill Groups. 64+236p. 46pl. 1888. Cont. supplement to v. 5, pt2. Ptero- poda, Cephalopoda and Annelida. q2p. r8pl. 1888. $2.50. —— & Clarke, John M. v. 8 pti Introduction to the Study of the Genera of the Paleozoic Brachiopoda. 16+367p. 44pl. 1892. $2.50. —— & Clarke, John M. v. 8 pt2 Paleozoic Brachiopoda. 16+394p. 64pl. 1894. $2.50. Catalogue of the Cabinet of Natural History of the State of New York and of the Historical and Antiquarian Collection annexed thereto. 242p. O. 1853. Handbooks 1893-date. In quantities, 1 cent for each 16 pages or less. Single copies postpaid as below. New York State Museum. s52p. il. Free. Outlines, history and work ot the museum with list of staff 1902. ' Paleontology. 12p. Free. Brief outline ot State Museum work in paleontology under heads: Definition: Relation to bis iogy; Relation to stratigraphy: History of paleontology in New York, Guide to Excursions in the Fossiliferous Rocks of New York. 1124p. Free. Itineraries of 32 trips covering nearly the entire series of Paleozoic rocks, prepared specially for the use of teachers and students desiring to acquaint themselves mcre intimately with the classic rocks of this State Entomology. 16p. Free. Economic Geology. 44p. Free. Insecticides and Fungicides. 2op. Free. Classification of New York Series of Geologic Formations. 32p. Free. Geologic maps. Merrill, F. J. H. Economic and Geologic Map of the State of New York; issued as part of Museum bulletin 15 and 48th Museum Report, v. 1. 59x67 cm. 1894. Scale 14 miles to r inch. 15¢ —— Map of the State of New York Showing the Location of Quarries of Stone Used for Building and Road Metal. Mus. bul. 17. 1897. Free. —— Map of the State of New York Showing the Distribution of the Rocks Most Useful for Road Metal. Mus. bul. 17. 1897. Free. —— Geologic Map of New York. 1901. Scale 5 miles to 1 inch. Im atlas form $3; mounted on rollers $5. Lower Hudson sheet 6oc. The lower Hudson sheet, geologically colored, comprises Rockland, Orange, Dutchess, Put- nam, Westchester, New York, Richmond, Kings Queens and Nassau counties, and parts of Sullivan, Ulster and Suffolk counties; also northeastern New Jersey and part of western Connecticut —— Map of New York Showing the Surface Configuration and Water Sheds. t901. Scale 12 miles to 1 inch. 15¢c. —— Map of the State of New York Showing the Location of its Economic Leposits. 1904. Scale 12 miles to 1 inch. 15¢. Geologic maps on the United States Geological Survey topographic base; scale r in. = 1m. Those marked with an asterisk have also heen pub- lished separately. *Albany county. Mus. rep’t 49, v 2. 1898. Out of print. Area around Lake Placid. Mus. bul. 21. 1898. NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Vicinity of Frankfort Hill [parts of Herkimer and Oneida counties]. Mus. rep't,S1,¥. i. 1890. Rockland county. State geol. rep’t 18. 18909. Amsterdam quadrangle. Mus. bul. 34. t1goo. *Parts of Albany and Rensselaer counties. Mus. bul. 42. 1901. Free. *Niagara river. Mus. bul. 45. 1901. 25c. Part of Clinton county. State geol. rep’t 19. 1901. Oyster Bay and Hempstead quadrangles on Long Island. Mus. bul. 48. 1gol. : Portions of Clinton and Essex counties. Mus. bul. 52. 1902. Part of town of Northumberland, Saratoga co. State geol. rep’t 21. 1903. Union Springs, Cayuga county and vicinity. Mus. bul. 69. 1903. *Olean quadrangle. Mus. bul. 69. 10903. Free. *Becraft Mt with 2 sheets of sections. (Scale 1 in.=-4m.) Mus. bul. 69, 1903. 20¢. *Canandaigua-Naples quadrangles. Mus. bul. 63. 1904. 2o0¢. < *Little Falls quadrangle. Mus. bul. 77. 1905. Free. *Watkins-Elmira quadrangles. Mus. bul. 81. 1905. 20c. *Tully quadrangle. Mus. bul. 82. 1905. Free. *Salamanca quadrangle. Mus. bul. 80. rg0s5. Free. i *Mooers quadrangle. Mus. bul. 83. 1905. Free. *Buffalo quadrangle. Mus. bul. 99. 10906. Free. *Penn Yan-Hammondsport quadrangles. Mus. bul. rox. 1906. 200. *Rochester and Ontario Beach quadrangles. Mus. bul. 114. 20¢. *Long Lake quadrangle. Mus. bul. 115. Free. *Nunda-Portage quadrangles. Mus, bul. 118. 20c. ul a *Remsen quadrangle. Mus. bul.126. 1908. Free. cA *Geneva-Ovid quadrangles. Mus. bul. 128. 1909. 20c. * GAA 3 9088 01272 3516 a te f -- Pk a bn Plt My : 1. oe =