REPORT ON FERTILIZATION BY Charles F. Eckart | CHAIRMAN OF COMMITTEE SUBMITTED TO THE Hawaiian Sugar Planters’ Association NOVEMBER, I90!. ——— HONOLULU: HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO. —_ 7 1901 | Ryel Oi aee ON PERVILIZATION BY Charles F. Eckart CHAIRMAN OF COMMITTEE SUBMITTED TO THE Hawalian Sugar Planters’ Association NOMgEDMRERs 1901. try! % HONOLULU: HAWAIJAN GAZETTE CO. {QOI Committee on Fertilization CG. Eo -ECKART, C. M. WALutroNn, Jet CRAw un. Goro. Ross, JOHN WATT. rea 8 1916 REPORT ON FERTILIZATION (C. F. ECKART, Chairman of Committee) Honouuuu, H. T., November 18th, 1901. To THE PRESIDENT. TRUSTEES, AND MEMBERS of THE HAWAIIAN SuGAR PLANTERS’ ASSOCIATION, Honolilie ire GENTLEMEN :—During the past vear, no less than twenty-five thousand tons of commercial fertilizers have been added to our Hawaiian soils to satisfy the demands of the sugar in- dustry. The initial cost of this large quantity of fertilizing materia}, added to the cost of LSE TIUTD, and application, makes the subject of fertilization from an economic standpoint one of great importance and? worthy of{close consideration. The comparative cost of the different manurial compounds, their relative efficacy in meeting the requirements of the cane crop, their proportional liability to waste under given climatic con- ditions, combined with a knowledge of the soil to which they are to be applied, must constitute the only basis from which any rational and economical system of fertilization can be derived. The earliest method in use for determining the ability of a soil to furnish the requisite amount of plant food for a given crop, involved practical tests with small field plats. On a small area, without fertilization, but with due observance of proper tilth and cultivation, a crop was started for purposes of comparison. At the same time other plats were laid off in the same field and received allotments of nitrogen, phos- phoric acid, lime, potash, etce., and the effect of each one of these applied elements was carefully noted as regards any in- crease of the given crop over and above that on the unfertil- ized area. Not only were these fertilizers added separately on some plats, but in mixtures of varying proportions on others, and valuable conclusions were reached as te the demands of the plant. These practical tests are still carried on to a large extent in some agricultural communities, and results are reached of sufficient value to more than compensate the farm- er for time and labor expended. These plat experiments, however, are found to be open to the following objection: The time necessary to determine the proper quantity and the best balanced proportion of fertiliz- ing ingredients to be added for maximum yields, covers per- iods of considerable length. The chemist has endeavored to overcome this objection, and to reach in the laboratory results that have taken the agricul- turist months to learn from observation in the field. By an examination of the ash of the particular plant to be grown, he learned the quantities and proportions of the various min- eral elements that had been removed from the soil, and used in the development and elaWoratfon of the plant and its pro- ducts. He digested a small quantity of the soil in hydro- chlorie acid of a certain specific gravity, and noted the per- centages of the different elements in the resulting soil extract. From these analyses, conclusions were drawn as to the fertil- ity of the land in question, and the supply of plant food, from which the crop could draw as needed, was supposed to have been measured, Unfortunately, discrepancies soon begin to arise between field results with the growing crop and the conclusions reached from chemical analyses, and the chemist found that his: shorter method was not without palpable defects. If an element was lacking in the soil or was present in very small quantity, he felt safe in recommending the application of that element in fertilization, but where an ingredient was present in large amounts, he sometimes found that that self-same element was one to be added in manurial mixtures for satis- factory results. In other words elements can be present in large amounts in the soil, but in a state which renders them unavailable to the plant. Regarding the ordinary agricultural method for determining soil deficiencies, this may be said in its favor: That in some instances it serves as a valuable guide in fertilizer recommendations, when the chemical analysis is supplemented with reliable data as regards the physical con- dition of the soil, combined with a knowledge of the climatic conditions of the locality from which the sample has been ob- tained. In view of the objection which has been mentioned regard- ing the agricultural method, investigators have endeavored to find an acid more suitable for soil digestion than hydrochloric, and one whose solvent action would be more comparable with the acids of the plant roots. Organic acids were substituted for mineral acids in the experiments, and a long stride was taken towards the solution of this important problem. Aspartic Actp Meruop.—This method of determining the availibility of the plant food in the soil, is the one at present in use at the Experiment Station, and a few words may be said in regard to its practicability for Hawaiian conditions. The credit for this system of soil investigation belongs to Dr. Walter Maxwell, the former director of the Experiment St- tion, and Mr. J. T. Crawley, and is the result of a close and scientific study of conditions obtaining on these islands. A detailed account of the work along this line and the logical conclusions drawn from the same, may be found in an article on ‘Lavas and Soils of the Hawaiians Islands,” published by Dr. Maxwell in 1898, and in this report only a brief reference to the deductions will be made. The amount of mineral matter being carried into the sea 4 by waters of discharge from the land was determined with the following results: Hawaiian Waters. 1 Dh RRR Fr in TRE A eda re eek i er ae a ak MR 0.0013 Per cent gE 2 Re] OBR pn emt tah Alen tn a i es Aa RA A a ea 0.0005 Per cent Phosphoric acid —— =... Poe ena CRN wena ec ges ose 0.0001 Per cent These figures represent the average mineral content of Ha- Wallan waters collected at many places considered suitable for such observations. An analysis was made of upland cropped and corresponding virgin soils, the average results being as follows: UPLANDS. Elements | Virgin Cropped Loss pa | Per cent. Per cent Per cent, DE siTas Sg a as S i r 0.415 ().248 40.20 1 ECGs (=) ON Near Cee ae come el | 0 324 0.270 16.60 Phosphoric Acid_ es 0 248 ().248 2.02 The term cropping as applied to the above table is used in a very general sense. It includes the action of rain, cultivation, and growing crops in removing plant food from the soil. Data were obtained which showed that in one case where 7,000 Ibs. of lime were removed per acre, only about 15 per cent of this amount had been utilized by the crop itself, and in respect to potash the crop took only one-half of the amount removed by total cropping. “These data show that any sys- tem of judging of the depletion or of restoring the fertility of soils, that is based upon a mere calculation of the amounts of the elements that are carried away from the land in crops, is devoid of any approach to the actual facts of the matter.” The reason that upland virgin and cropped soils were taken for this comparison, was on account of the washing action of the rains. The makai soil receives a large part of the wash from the mauka lands, and in some instances cropped soils on the lower lands show a higher proportion of given elements than the virgin. The amount of lime removed by cropping is 5 4().2 per cent, and if this is taken as a standard, applying it also as a basis for the waters of discharge, the relations existing between it and the other elements may be tabulated as below: Elements Removed from the Soil in Elements Removed from the Soil by Water. Cropping. ee = posers a ‘ Phosphoric : | Phosphori Lime Potash Ped Lime Votash A Acad je Per cent. Per cent. Per cent, Per cent Per cent. Per cent, 40 2 15.1 2.80 40 2 16 6 2 02 As Dr. Maxwell has pointed out, these results do not appear so remarkable, when it is considered that the great bulk of matter removed by total cropping is found in the waters of discharge. With these data at hand, the next step was to find some acid whose solvent action on the soil would remove the essen- tial elements in proportions approximating those of cropping. Many organic acids of different strengths were allowed to act on the soil for varying lengths of time, and it was found that an one per cent solution of aspartic acid, when shaken with the soil at intervais during twenty-four hours, apparently met all requirements. The amounts and proportions of the ele- ments, removed by this acid during twenty-four hours, were approximately the same as were removed by total cropping during a period estimated at twenty years. Dr. Maxwell's conclusions were stated as follows: “An one per cent solu- tion of aspartic acid takes out of Hawaiian soils in twenty- four hours, the saine amounts of lime, potash, and prosphoric acid, that are removed during the production of ten crops of cane. Therefore one-tenth of these amounts may be taken as the proportions of iime, potash, and phosphoric acid that are available for the inmediate crop of cane.” The Aspartic Acid Methed, although not perfect, offers a fairly reliable means for determining the amount of available plant food in the soil, and is in fact a better guide in the matter of fertilization on these islands than any other known method, as in its concep- tion, Hawaiian conditions influenced every consideration. 6 3efore considering the subject of fertilization in its more re- stricted sense, i. e. the application of different manurial com- pounds to the soil, probably a few words on the average avail- ability of the essential elements in question might prove of interest. AVAILABILIVY OF ELEMENTS.—Considerable data are at hand to give an adequate idea of the amounts of lime, potash, phos- phorie acid and nitrogen that are present in the soils of the respective islands, the subjoined table representing average results of about one hundred analyses. Phosphoric | ISLAND | Lime Potash Acid Nitrogen abu a sacs hee | 0 380 0.342 0 207 0 176 Rae Poets tourette (0) 418 0.309 02187: | 0.227 Minis Stich oxen 0.395 0 357 Os270 ae 0.388 Hawait Py Ne eosin 0.185 0.346 | 0.513) eam These results were obtained by the ordinary agricultural method, which was in use at the Experiment Station prior to the adoption of aspartic acid as a soil solvent, and althongh an absolute analysis would give somewhat larger results, these are comparative to a large extent as showing the pro- portions of lime, potash, phosphoric acid, and nitrogen present in the island soils. The amounts of the mineral ingredients which are found to be available are as follows: ISLAND Lime Potash Phosphoric Acid | Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. Oahu. Aas Pea ail .01568 .00256 .00012 Rauiany sehen RT| .01367 | 00249 00013 Maui PG Wet IR Re near 01764 | 00312 .00012 Pawaii it) 3 se Soe 00789} 00156 00014 or reducing these percentages to a more tangible form, we have: oa | ISLAND ~ 2 Lime Potash lpiteshorte Acid (OMIT 3. SS Ree eee 549 lbs. 89 lbs. 4 2 lbs. LECT EAT, “ee Fo ea en ATS" Si Ca IYTIS\TEL. S215 ORORe eae Oe a aaron Ug Oki OG yy ee 1S DAV 2 eae A ae eae ned MIke Us | AS | AVS) SS which quantities represent the amounts of the essential min- eral elements, in one acre of soil to a depth of one foot, that are in a condition to be removed through the several actions of total cropping, during the growth of one crop. It is interesting to note that Kauai stands highest in lime, Maui in potash, and Hawaii in phosphoric acid. The smallest percentage of lime is on Hawaii, while Kauai is lowest in potash and phosphoric acid. If, however, we consider the availability of these elements instead of the actual amounts in the soil, a somewhat modi- fied order presents itself: Maui and Oahu are both higher in available lime than Kauai, Oahu standing first. Maui with the highest total content of potash has also more of that element in an available ferm than the other islands. The amounts of available phosphoric acid show little variation, notwithstanding a difference between .187 per cent total phos- phoric acid on Kauai, and .513 per cent on Hawaii. This latter ingredient is so closely bound up in iron and aluminic compounds as to be practically insoluble; on Hawaii nine tons of the element per acre scarcely yvieid five pounds in an assim- ilable form. Having considered the method in use for gauging the avail- ability of the minera! elements in question, and having noted the amounts in which they are present in the soils of the respective islands, we will next consider the demands of the crop. ELEMENTS REMOVED BY 'THE Crop.—In the report of the Experiment Station for 190, it was pointed out that where 29,610 lbs. of sugar were produced per acre by Lahaina cane, 6,606 lbs. of mineral matter were extracted from the soil, while with Rose Bamboo, 30,475 Ibs. of sugar required 7,662 8 Ibs. of mineral matter. The following table shows the amounts of the various elements including nitrogen, which were required to produce one ton of sugar by the respective varieties: Varieties | Nitrogen Eboennese Potash Lime tbs] = — — ——, Paha i200 Se ioeiden |POlO sa OR: 16.0 Ibs. | 89.5 Ibs. 28.7 lbs. Rose Bamboo ....|_ 405“ 13.6 “4-1 114-2) eee If we should take five tons of sugar per acre, as the average production for the Hawaiian Islands, and consider for our pur- pose that the amounts of the essential elements required by the crop for such a yield would be the same as at the Experi- ment Station, we have: Nitrogen, Phosphoric Acid, Potash, and Nitrogen Required by the Cane to Produce Five Tons of Sugar Varieties Nitrogen EOE ROE Potash Lime Mahainatosere sk 127.0 lbs. 80 Ibs. 447 5 Ibs. | 148 5 Ibs. Kese Bamboo........ | 202.5 deta 571.0 “ 74.0 * As it is our present purpose to consider crop requirements in general, and net the special demands made by particular varieties, we will take the mean of the figures presented above, as representing Lahaina and Rose Bamboo needs, and for future consideration say, that a crop to produce five tons of sugar, would require per acre, about: 164.7 Ibs. of nitrogen. 74.0 Ibs. of phosphoric acid. 509.2 Ibs. of potash. 158.7 Ibs. of lime. We will next compare the amounts of available elements in the soils of the respective islands, with the amounts of these elements that would be required by a crop producing five tons of sugar. The nitrogen contents of the lands are not given, as at the present time we have no reliable method for deter- mining its availability. | e Phospho-'.. : : Lime | Potash | Phospho- 7. \*,;, Nitrogen ISLAND ee required poe required | ric Acid mart uy required s by crop by crop | in soil 1 by crop by crop Pounds | Pounds |} Pounds Pounds | Pounds Pounds | Pounds Osha s..: . 549 = 89 a 4.2 Kauai. >... 478