StSo) =-*^ yv llEIIOTVrE I lleliotypt Printing Co. , 220 Devonshire Si., Boston. Propylite. Gate of Monroe. Wim&m*,mii' « > DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR U. S. GEOGRAPHICAL AND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION J. W. POWELL, IN CHARGE REPORT ON THE GEOLOGY OF THE HIGH PLATEAUS OF UTAH WITH ATLAS By C. E. DXJTTON^ CAPTAIN OF OHDNANX'E, U. S. A. WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1880 E 7^ ^ "Washington, D. C, April 19, 1880. Sir: Herewith I have the honor to transmit a report of explorations and studies in Utah Territory prosecuted during the years 1875, 1876, and 1877, in connection with the survey of Maj. J. W. Powell, under the In- terior Department. This report is made in conformity with Special Orders of the War Department No. 90, May 13, 1875 ; No. 134, July 3, 1876 ; No. 89, April 26, 1877, which require that the report be made to the Secretary of War. I respectfully request that the report may be forwarded to the hon- orable the Secretary of the Interior, with a view to its publication in con- nection with the survey work of Major Powell. Very respectfully, sir, your obedient servant, C. E. DUTTON, Captain of Ordnance. The Hon. Secbetaey of Wae, (Through the Chief of Ordnance, U. S. A.) [Indorsement.] Ordnance Office, War Department, Washington, April 20, 1880. Respectfully submitted to the Secretary of War. Approved. S. V. BENfiT, Brigadier- General, Chief of Ordnance. iU "War Department, Washington City, April 22, 1880. Sir: I have the honor to transmit herewith a report of Capt. C. E. Button, of the Ordnance Department, of explorations and studies in Utah, prosecuted during the years 1875, 1876, and 1877, in connection with the survey of J. W. Powell, under the Interior Department. In accordance with the wishes of Captain Dutton I respectfully request that the report referred to may be published in connection with the survey work of Major Powell. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, ALEXANDER EAMSEY, Secretary of War. The Hon. Secretary op the Interior. [Indorsement.] Department of the Interior, April 23, 1880. Respectfully referred to Maj. J. W. Powell. GEO. M. LOCKWOOD, Chief Clerk. V PREFATORY I^OTE. BY THE DIRECTOR OF THE SURVEY. The Colorado Plateaus extend from southern Wyoming through western Colorado and eastern Utah far into New Mexico and Arizona. They are bounded on the north by the Wind River and Sweetwater Mountains, on the east by the Park Mountains, on the south by the Desert Range Region, and on the west by the Basin Range Region. The Plateaus are chiefly drained by the Colorado River, but a small area on the northwest is drained into Shoshone River, another on the north- east into the Platte River, still another on the southeast into the Rio Grande del Norte, and finally the western margin is drained by the upper portions of the Sevier, Provo, Ogden, Weber, and Hear Rivers. The general eleva- tion is about 7,000 feet above the level of the sea— varying from 5,000 to 12,000 feet. The ascent from the low, desert plains on the south is very abrupt — in many places by a steep and almost impassable escarpment In the Plateau Province an extensive series of sedimentary formations appear, embracing Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Tertiary strata, but crystaUine schists and granites are found in some of the deep canons. A marked unconformity exists between the Silurian and Devonian rocks; another between the Devonian and Carboniferous; another, but not so well marked, between the Carboniferous and Mesozoic, and lastly an unconformity between Cretaceous and Tertiary is usually well defined. The Plateaus have been above the sea since the close of the Cretaceous period but during early Tertiary times extensive lakes existed through- out tlie Province. In Mesozoic and Tertiary times the Basin Province to the west was the principal source of the materials deposited in the Pla- Viii GEOLOGY OF THE HIGH PLATEAUS. teau Province. In general, each formation is exceedingly persistent and homogeneous in its characteristics, but in passing from one formation to another in the vertical scale great heterogeneity is observed. To a very large extent the formations still lie in a horizontal or nearly horizontal position. The entire surface is traversed by faults or their homologues, monoclinal flexures, having in general a north and south direction. Fol- lowing any given line of displacement frequent transitions from faulting to flexure are observed. The method of transition is variable; sometimes the flexed beds are found to be partially faulted so that the throw is part, by faulting and part by flexure ; sometimes a great fault divides into two or more minor ones in such a manner that the entire throw is accomplished by a series of steps. Still other important phenomena are observed in these faults ; to explain them, the terms throw and upheaval are used as relative to each other. In the cases to be described the upheaved beds have their edges flexed upwards. This is explained in the following man- ner : First, a displacement occurred by flexure ; second, another displace- ment, reversing the first, occurred by faulting, so that the thrown beds of the first displacement were the upheaved beds of the second. The evi- dence of this reversed action is sometimes exhibited in beds deposited at a time intervening between the two movements; in this manner the beds last deposited are displaced only by the last movement. This reversal of displacement along the same plain or zone is frequently seen. It is some- times by faulting and sometimes by flexure, thus giving rise to many com- plications in the positions of strata. The great displacements began in early Tertiary time, and are probably yet in progress. The evidences of the recency of some of these movements appear in the escarpments fre- quently seen along the line of faults where Quaternary beds have been broken at a time so recent that the escarpments have not been destroyed by atmospheric agencies, and further evidence is exhibited in the small amount of talus frequently found at the foot of a recently formed fault- scarp. By these displacements the region is divided into blocks with a north and south trend ; but this geologic characteristic serves only in part to divide the region into plateaus. The streams which traverse the region have their sources in the Wind PEEFATOEY NOTE. ix River Mountains on the north; in the Park Mountains on the east, and a number of tributaries come from the west. In their courses through tlie plateaus they run in canons. These caiions are profound gorges corraded by the streams themselves. The "country rock" of the region is composed of sedimentary beds, nearly horizontal, as already stated. The region is also excessively arid, but the mountains that stand on the rim of the basin precipitate a large proportion of moisture, and in this manner streams of comparatively large volume head in the mountains, run through the plateaus and descend rapidly to the level of the sea, while the country through which they pass is very meagerly supplied with moisture. Under these conditions the profound gorges have been cut, as the process of canon cutting is more rapid than the lateral degradation of the country. In this manner every river runs in a deep gorge, and these canons further serve to divide the region into plateaus. The division is completed by lines of cliffs. These cliffs are bold escarp- ments hundreds and thousands of feet in altitude — grand steps by which the region is terraced. As the rivers corrade their channels more rapidly than general degradation is carried on, the stratigraphic conditions of the horizontal beds play a very important part in the method of degradation. Here degradation by surface erosion is less and degradation by sapping greater, and thus the walls of the canons retreat slowly in a series of steps by this sapping process. Softer beds easily yield to atmospheric agencies, while harder beds resist and stand in bold escarpments. Thus by faults and monoclinal flexures, by deep canons, and by lines of cliffs the surface is cut into a great number of plateaus. In addition to the Plateaus proper, there are mountains due to upheaval and degradation. The more important of these are the Zuni Range, to the south, and the Uinta Range, far to the north. The Uinta Range is carved from a broad upheaval having an east and west axis. On either flank of the upheaval there is a line or zone of maximum displacement where the upheaval is by flexure or by faulting. Between these zones there is a gentle flexure either way to the axis. Thus the upheaval is in part by general flexure from the axis as an anticlinal, and in part by faulting and monoclinal flexure, as in the Kaibab structure. Again there are small areas which are X GEOLOGY OF THE HIGH PLATEAUS. zones of diverse displacement: these districts are broken into smaller blocks by faults and flexures, and often the blocks have been excessively tilted and warped in diverse directions. On the flanks of plateaus and mountain systems of the Uinta type where monoclinal flexures occur mono- clinal ridges are frequently seen The position of these monoclinal ridges is frequently varied by the occurrence of transverse faults. Where a great Kaibab, Uinta, or anticlinal upheaval is found broken by a transverse fault, that portion of the grand upheaval which has the greater amplitude will have its monoclinal ridges placed more distant from the axis of upheaval and that portion which has the less amplitude will have its monoclinal ridges nearer the axis. In this manner, by vertical movements in transverse faulting, the monoclinal ridges may be placed back and forth from the axis of grand upheaval in such a manner as to give the appearance of lateral faulting, i. e., faulting in a horizontal direction. On the plateaus stand buttes, lone mountains, and groups of mountains. The buttes are mountain cameos, composed of horizontal strata with escarped sides — they are mountains of circumdenudation. The mountains are composed in whole or in part of extravasated matter and may be classed structurally under three types. I. Those having the Henry Mountain Structure — where the locus of vol- canic deposition is below the base level of degradation. II. Those liaving the Tushar Structure — where the locus of volcanic deposition is at the base level of degradation. III. Those having the Uimcaeet Structure — where the locus of extrava- sation is above the base level of degradation. In the first, the mountains are composed in part of volcanic and in part of sedimentary materials. The volcanic matter exists as laccolites, over which sedimentary strata have extended in great mountain domes, but such strata may have been carried away, more or less, by atmosplieric degra- dation. In this class each mountain is a mass of volcanic material, with sedimentary beds upon its flanks, and often these sedimentary beds extend high up or even quite over the volcanic materials. In the second, the mountains are composed wholly of volcanic mate- rials erected upon a base of sedimentary strata. The mass is composed of PEEPATORY NOTE. xi many outflows, which are often separated by unconformities due to inter- vening atmospheric degradation. In the third, the mountains are composed in part of sedimentary and in part of extravasated materials. The sedimentary beds constitute the central masses, over which extravasated rocks are spread. The locus of extravasation being above the general base level of degradation, as the adjacent country was carried away by atmospheric agencies the underlying sedimentaries were protected and left as mountain masses. Usually the extravasation has been continued from time to time through a series of vents marked by cinder cones, and in a general way the earlier ones appear nearer the summit of the mountain masses, the later ones nearer the base. In this manner the several sheets are inversely imbricated ; that is, the upper edge of the lower sheet is placed on the lower edge of the upper sheet. " Table Mountains," with caps of lava, are the simplest forms of this structure. There are many varieties of each of these grand classes, and through them the systems of structure coalesce in such a manner that the charac- teristics of demarkation are not absolute. The Colorado Plateaus may be divided into a number of groups, based on topographic and geologic characteristics, of which the High Plateaus constitute one of the most important. The great tabular masses are com- posed of sedimentary formations of eai-ly Tertiary and late Cretaceous age, nearly or quite horizontal and usually capped with formations of extrava- sated matter. These lavas are of exceedingly complex arrangement. The period of volcanic activity was long, and between the outbreaks atmos- pheric degradation, local transportation, and deposition intervened. To unravel these complexities and discover the line of sequence has been a task of great magnitude. In the earlier explorations of this country under the direction of the writer, the general sequence of sedimentary formations was discovered, as well as the general characteristics of displacement, many of its principal faults had been traced, and the origin of the chffs and canons was known. All this was the result of a series of reconnaissance surveys. But the principal work of the geological survey of the region still awaited accomplishment. It was necessary that the sedimentary formations xii GEOLOGY OF THE HIGH PLATEAUS. should be studied in detail, that the great structure lines, the faults and flexures, should be carefully traced, and the displacements determined quan- titatively ; but the most important part of the investigation to be made was presented in the study of the volcanic formations, which are the chief char- acteristics of the group of High Plateaus. No systematic work had been done in this field. Our knowledge of it was chiefly confined to its geo- graphic extent and to a general belief that an extensive series of volcanic rocks would be found, and that the subject was of great complexity. At this stage Capt. C. E. Button, of the Ordnance Corps, was induced to under- take the investigation. Three seasons were devoted by him to field labor, and the intervening months were chiefly given to laboratory study of the materials collected in the field. With great labor and skill the work has been accomplished, and its results are presented in this volume, which will be found to extend our knowledge of the geology of the United States and to be an important contribution to geologic philosophy. To a large extent the sedimentary region embraced in the survey of which this volume treats is destitute of vegetation and soil and its rocks are so naked that good sections are obtainable on every hand. Again, the region is dissected by deep canons. From both of these reasons the geology is plainly revealed. Every fault, every flexure, the relations of successive strata, unconformities, and all facts of structure are seen at once. But there are two sources of obscurity. First, some of the highest plateaus are covered with forests and vegetation. Second, the extravasated rocks are aggregated in a much more confused manner than the sedimentary beds, and greater labor and care is required in tracing them, and after the utmost care uncertainties and doubts remain. Thus it is that in describing the structural geology of the region the details of examination do not appear as in reports on regions of country less favorable to geologic examination. To a large extent, also, the details of structure are omitted from the text and appear in the graphic illustrations which accompany the report. It has been the policy of the survey to relieve its reports to the utmost extent of burdensome details of verbiage, by presenting them, as far as possible, through graphic methods to the eye. The early reconnaissance of the country was in part made by Mr. PREFATORY NOTE. xlii E. E. Howell, whose elaborate notes were placed in the hands of Captain Button, and from time to time he has in his volume given Mr. Howell credit for the material which he has used. It was unfortunate for Mr. Howell that his labor was suspended prematurely, and that he was not able to elaborate a report upon the country studied by him. The geography of the district, as exhibited in the atlas accompanying this volume, was the study of Prof. A. H. Thompson, who was my assistant in charge of that branch of the work during the earlier years of explora- tion and survey. Through his skill and industry the geography has been represented with all the accuracy and detail that the adopted scale will permit. I am especially indebted to Brig. Gen. S. V. Benl. of Colorado Kiver, laCD-lcJT^. BOliDER LINES OF PROVINCES. 7 the fact that before these " mountains were brought forth " the phitform of the country from which they arose had been plicated, and the phcations planed down again by erosion. The Basin area is the oldest of the West,* its final emergence being of older date than the Jurassic, and most probably as ancient as the close of the Carboniferous. Between the Plateau and Park Provinces there is no definite boundary. Gradually as we proceed westward from the easternmost ranges of the Rocky system the valleys widen out, and the country gradually expands into a medley of terraces bounded by lofty cliff's, which stretch their tortuous courses across the land in every direction, yet not without system.. The boundary separating the Plateau Province from the Basin is, on the contrary, tolerably definite, and in some portions of its extent remarkably so. It lies along the eastern flank of the Wasatch, south of the Uintas, as far as Nebo ; thence along the Juab Valley, in the Pavant Range, as far as the Tushar Mountains. Here for a time it is concealed by immense floods of old lavas, and is not seen for a distance of 50 miles. It reappears near the southern end of that range, continuing south-southwest along the western base of the Markagunt Plateau, near a string of Mormon settlements scat- tered along the route from Beaver to Saint George, and follows the great fault which makes the Hurricane Ledge to the Arizona boundary. Here an offset carries it to the westward to another fault which walls the Grand Wash, and it then extends southward to the mouth of the Grand Canon of the Colorado and crosses the river. Here is the maximum westinof of the Plateau Province. A few miles south of the crossing it swings back to the southeastward, and continues beyond the explorations of this sur- vey. This boundary is frequently very sharp and distinct, and throughout the greater portion of its extent the breadth of the doubtful or transitional zone lies wholly within the limits of a narrow valley or a narrow moun- tain range. The Pavant is a range of which the eastern side presents conspicuously the features of the Plateau type, while the western side pre- sents those of the Basin type The Tushar Range shows a distinct plateau form in its southern half, while the northern half is masked by floods of vol- canic rock. From Toquerville to Parowan the Markagunt Plateau faces * I refer only to largo areas. There may be, ami jirobably are, small areas of equal or greater antiquity. 8 INTEODUCTORY. the westward, looking across' a valley floored with recent alluvium to typi- cal Basin Ranges lying to the westward. The "district of the High Plateaus is therefore a portion of the western belt of the Plateau Province, and its western boundary is the trenchant one just described. THE PLATEAU PKOVINCE AT LARGE. To the eastward of the High Plateaus is spread out a wonderful region. Standing upon the eastern verge of any one of these lofty tables where the altitudes usually exceed 11,000 feet, the eye ranges over avast expanse of nearly level terraces, bounded by cliff's of strange aspect, which are truly marvelous, whether we consider their magnitude, their seemingly intermi- nable length, their great number, or their singular sculpture. They wind about in all directions, here throwing out a great promontory, there reced- ing in a deep bay, but continuing on and on until they sink below the horizon, or swing behind some loftier mass, or fade out in the distant haze. Each cliff marks the boundary of a geographical terrace sloping gently backward from its crestline to the foot of the next terrace behind it, and each marks a higher and higher horizon in the geological scale as we approach its face. Very wonderful at times is the sculpture of these majestic walls. Panels, pilasters, niches, alcoves, and buttresses, needing not the slightest assistance from the imagination to point the resemblance ; grotesque forms, neatly carved out of solid rock, which pique the imagina- tion to find analogies; endless repetitions of meaningless shapes fretting the entablatures are presented to us on every side, and fill us with wonder as we pass. But of all the characters of this unparalleled scenery, that which appeals most strongly to the eye is the color. The gentle tints of an east- em landscape, the rich blue of distant mountains, the green of vemal and sxmimer vegetation, the subdued colors of hillside and meadow, all are wanting here, and in their place we behold belts of fierce staring red, yellow, and toned white, which are intensified rather than alleviated by alternating belts of dark iron gray. The Plateau country is also the land of canons. Gorges, ravines, canadas are found in every high country, but canons belong to the region of the Plateaus. Like every other river, the Colorado has many tinbutaries, and in former times had many more than EELATIONS OF HIGH PLATEAUS TO PLATEAU PROVINCE. 9 now, and every branch and every twig of a stream runs in cafions. The land is thoroughly dissected by them, and in many large tracts so intricate is the labyrinth and so inaccessible are their walls, that to cross such regions except In specified ways is a feat reserved exclusively to creatures endowed with wings. The region at levels below 7,000 feet is a desert. A few miserable streams meander through it in profound abysses. The surface sj^rings will not average one in a thousand square miles, for the canons in their lowest depths absorb the subterranean water-courses. But in the High Plateaus above we find a moist climate with an exuberant vegetation and many sparkling streams. RELATIONS OF THE HIGH PLATEAUS TO THE PLATEAU PROVINCE AT LARGE. It is impossible to gain any {adequate conception of the broader and more general features of the High Plateaus apart from their relations to the Plateau Province at large. The geological history of the district is insepara- ble from that of the province of which it is a part, and that history is full of interest and instruction. Beyond Cretaceous time it is unfortunately vague and uncertain at present; and even during the Cretaceous our knowledge is limited as yet to a few salient facts too conspicuous to be overlooked, but of very great geological importance. We now know that during Cretaceous time the ocean stretched from the Wasatch to Eastern Kansas, Nebraska, and Dakota, and from the Gulf of Mexico far northwards toward the Arctic Circle. The area now occupied by the Great Basin was then a large island, or possibly a portion of some unknown continental mass. East of it proba- bly lay numerous islands. Around the southern border of this area the Cretaceous ocean joined the Pacific, covering the entire extent of the Plfiteau Province and more to the southwestward. We find throughout the plateaus vast bodies of Cretaceous stata which seem in a general way or collectively to correspond with those which have been studied and described by Meek and Hayden in the Great Plains of Nebraska, Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, and Colorado, and by Newberry in New Mexico and Arizona. Although the subdivisions of the Plateau Province havfe not been wholly con-elated with the marine Cretaceous of the other temtories north and east, tliere can be little doubt that the series as a whole agrees in general. The lower •10 INTEODUCTORY, member (Dakota group) can probably be correlated very approximately, although presenting a somewhat different fauna ; but the upper members (2, 3, 4, and 5 of Meek and Hayden) cannot be so satisfactorily distin- guished nor subdivided in the same way as elsewhere, though it seems probable, in a high degree, that all these members are represented. The lithological characters show the same agreement, though not an observed coiTespondence of details. In one respect, however, there is a notable distinction. The entire Cretaceous series of the Plateau Province abounds in coal and carbonaceous shales, while in the more eastern exposures coal appears to be confined to the higher members. CLOSE OF THE CRETACEOUS — UNCONFORMITIES. The closing period of the Cretaceous marks a change in the physical condition of the region. The ocean gave place to brackish waters. What orographic movements or what uplifts of broad areas may liave accom- plished this change we do not know in detail, and it is at present impossible to form any very definite idea of the geography of the region during that period. We only know that the uppermost Cretaceous strata have hitherto furnished only brackish- water fossils, and we naturally infer from them that the Cretaceous ocean was subdived into a number of Baltics or Euxines by the rearing of mountain chains and broad land areas aroimd their borders, but leaving narrow straits communicating with the sea. The brackish- water fossils either mean that or they are at present inexplicable. These movements, however, involved no other changes in the physical condition of the country, for the deposit of shaly, marl}-, and arenaceous strata with seams of lignite went on as before, and continued through a long period until the accumulations reached in many places a thickness of nearly 2,<)00 feet without any interruption which can be specified. These T'pper Creta- ceous beds are without much doubt the equivalents of the Judith River beds of Meek and Hayden and the Laramie beds of King. The continuity of deposition was at last broken. Resting upon these Laramie beds is a series of calcareous shales alternating with sandstones, which, through a thickness of 1 00 to 250 feet from the base, contain also a brackish-water fauna, but which as we ascend gives places to molluscan UNCONFORMITY OF CRETACEOUS AND TERTIARY. 1 1 fossils of purely fresh- water types The junction of the two series is xincon- formable, and is often highly so. This unconformity is seen in many localities on both sides of the Uintas, along the eastern slopes of the Wasatch, and becomes even more strongly pronounced to the southwest- ward. During the covirse of this work, localities will be mentioned where it is conspicuously displayed, the Upper Cretaceous (Laramie) beds being flexed at a high angle, the flexures planed off by erosion, and the overlying series resting across the beveled edges, or even upon the Jurassic beds below. It was at this iinconformity that Professor Powell drew the divid- ing horizon between the Tertiary and Cretaceous. Quite independently of any physical break. Professor Meek had chosen the division at the same horizon upon the evidence of invei'tebrate fossils, though that evidence was regarded by him as being too meager and the species too few and indecisive to justify an unqualified opinion.* Professor Marsh also reached a similar conclusion much more decisively from mammalian fossils from beds just above the unconformity which he referred approximately to the horizon of the London clay or the base of the Eocene, t The physical break wliich separates t"liese divisions of time is of wider distribution and more emphatic than was supposed when first detected, for the Upper Cretaceous (^Lara- mie) beds are often greatly flexed and eroded beneath the Tertiary, and these occurrences are frequent throughout the province. Very often, and probably in most of the exposures distant from the mountains, the contact is apparently conformable, for the obvious reason that neither series has been sensibly disturbed from original horizontality, or the disturbances have been of late occurrence, involving both series alike. The separation in such cases then becomes a purely lithological one, or sometimes none can be detected. The fossils do not indicate any break, since the base of the Tertiary and the summit of the Cretaceous are lignitic, and furnish only brackish-water mollusca, which are indecisive and have a very great vert- ical range in nearly all the species. * Invertebrate Palieontology (1876), Dr. F. V. Haytley'a Survey, pp. xlvii et seq. tExpl. 4mii Parallel, C. King, vol. ii, p. 329. 12 INTRODUCTORY. ^' THE EOCENE Oli LACUSTRINE AGE. The early Tertiary history of the Plateau Province is much clearer than its history during prior epochs. The shore of the great Eocene lake which covered its expanse and received its sediments can be defined with tolerable accuracy throughout those portions of it which lay within the area constituting the field of this survey. Its northern and the greater part of its western shore line has been traced from the Uintas to the Colorado, and most of the way coincides with the boundary already described as separating the Plateau Province from the Great Basin. South of the High Plateaus, however, the Eocene lacustrine beds stretch westward beyond this boundary, and are found among the southern Basin Ranges. We know, too, the origin of a large portion of its sediment. Much of it came from the Great Basin, and probably still more from the degradation of the "Wasatch, the Uintas, and the mountains of Western Colorado, which girt about its northern half The southern shore line is not at present known, and there is much uncertainty at present as to the exact course of its southeastern coast. From what is known, howe^'er, we may wonder at the vast dimen- sions of such a lake, which nuist have had an area more than twice that of Lake Superior, and may even have exceeded that of the five great Canadian lakes combined. Still more astonishing is the vastness of the mass of strata thrown down upon its bottom. Around the flanks of the Uintas and South- ern Wasatch the thickness of the Eocene beds exceeds 5,000 feet, though they attenuate as we recede from the mountains, but never fall below 2,000 feet so far as yet observed. And where this minimum is observed there is good evidence that the deposition had terminated long before it ceased elsewhere, and that the series was never completed. The deposition ended in the southern and southwestern part of the lake area much earlier than in the northern part. Around the southern portions of the High Plateaus no later beds than the Bitter Creek (which constitute the lower one-third of the local Eocene) were deposited so far as known at present. The inference is that about that time the southern and southwestern portions of the lake began to dry up, while to the north- ward around the Uintas the lacustrine condition persisted for a much longer SUBSIDENCES. 13 period. In other words, the lake contracted its area from south to north during at least the latter half of the Eocene, and at the close of that age finally disappeared. SUBSIDEKCE OF CKETACEOUS-EOCENE SEDIMENTS. A most interesting but perplexing problem is suggested when we con- sider the enormous bulk of the Cretaceous-Eocene strata of the Plateau Province and the peculiar circumstances under which they were deposited. The whole series abounds in coal and carbonaceous shales, and remains of land plants are abundant, even where carbonaceous matter is absent. If current theories of the formation of coal are not radically wrong, we seem compelled to believe that throughout that vast stretch of time which extended from the base of the Cretaceous to the summit of the Eocene the whole province, with the exception of a few possible but unknown land areas, maintained its level almost even with that of the ocean, "^llie Dakota sand- stone could not have been deposited here much if any below that level, nor the Wasatch beds much if any above it. And yet we have the paradox that 6,000 to 15,000 feet of strata were deposited over an area of more than 100,000 square miles with comparatively few unconformities and contem- porary disturbances, while the level of the uppermost stratum always remained at sensibl}' the same geographical horizon! It is incredible that the Cretaceous ocean at the commencement of that age could have had a depth equal to the thickness of the strata and that the sediments filled it up. The facts are wholly against sxich a sup- position, and point clearly to shallow waters. The only conclusion which appears tenable is that the strata sank as rapidly as they were deposited. The case is analogous to that of the Appalachians during Palaeozoic time, and especially during the Carboniferous ; and the more we reflect upon the similarity the stronger does it become. It fails, however, when we come to consider the phenomena presented in the two regions in the period sub- sequent to the deposition; the Appalachian strata were flexed and plicated to an extreme degree, while those of the west are for the most part calm and even. Only in the vicinity of the mountains and shore lines do we find them much disturbed. 14 . INTRODUCTOEY. But if we are to admit that the strata sank as rapidly as they accu- rnixlated we cannot shake off some ulterior questions. By virtue of what condition of the underl3'ing magmas was such a subsidence possible? If they sank, they must have displaced matter beneath them, and what became of the displaced matter? If we look around the borders of the area and partially within it, we shall find a problem of an inverse order. The Uintas, the Wasatch, the Great Basin have suffered an amount of degradation by erosion, which is perhaps one of the most impressive facts which the physi- cal geologist has yet been brought to contemplate. From the Uintas more than 30,000 feet of strata have been removed since their emergence. From the Wasatch the removal has been much more; from the Great Basin the degradation has been many, we know not how many, thousand feet. We are not prepared to believe that the Uintas ever stood 8 miles high, nor the Wasatch 12 miles high, but we know that their altitudes are merely the difference between elevation and erosion. It was from these ranges that the heaviest masses of the Cretaceous-Eocene sediments were derived. As fast as, or even faster than, the mountains were devastated to supply mass for the new strata, they continued to rise. But if they rose, fresh matter must have been thrust under their foundations, replacing the rising strata. Whence came the replacing matter? It may be premature as yet to say that the elevation of the mountains and subsidence of the strata are cor- related in the way which these inquiries suggest, but the juxtaposition of the facts must be regarded as significant. POST-EOCENE HISTORY EROSION. With the desiccation of the Eocene lake began a new order of events in the history of the Plateau Country; in truth, its most instructive and impressive chapter. The lessons which may be learned from this region are many, but the grandest lesson which it teaches is Erosion. It is one which is taught, indeed, by every land on earth, but nowhere so clearly as here. If we could but find the evidence, we might be able in other regions to point to erosions of much greater amount. We may suspect that in the Appalachians a denudation has occurred compared with which the denuda- tion of the Plateaus is small ; . and such an inference has no intrinsic EROSION. . 15 improbability, though the proofs are difficult beyond a certain amount. The great value of the Plateau Country is the certainty and fullness of the evidence. Natui-e here is more easily read than elsewhere. She seems at times amid those solitudes to have lifted fi'om her countenance the veil of mystery which she habitually wears among the haunts of men. Elsewhere an enormous complexity renders the process difficult to study; here it is analyzed for us. The different factors are presented to us in such a w.ay that we may pick out one in one place, another in another place, and study the effect of a single vai-iable, while the other factors remain constant. The land is stripped of its normal clothing; its cliffs and canons have dissected it and laid open its tissues and framework, and "ho wJio runs may read" if his eyes have been duly opened. As Dr. Newberry most forcibly remarks: "Though valueless to the agriculturist, dreaded and shunned by the emi- grant, the miner, and even the adventurous trapper, the Colorado Plateau is to the geologist a paradise. Nowhere on the earth's surface, so far as we know, are the secrets of its structure so fully revealed as here." In the new era, beginning with the desiccation of the lake, we have the history of a process which resulted in the destruction and dissipation of those great bodies of sediment which had been gathered and stratified during Mesozoic and Eocene time. Then, too, appears to have begun in earnest the gradual elevation of the entire region which has proceeded from that epoch until the present time, and which even yet may not have cul- minated. The two processes of uplifting and erosion are here inseparably connected, so much so, that we cannot comprehend the one without keeping constantly in view the other. From the very inception of the process the drainage system of the Plateau Province has been that plexus of streams which unite in the Colo- rado River. This is the trough through which the waste of the land has - been carried to the Pacific. Its origin goes back to the emergence of the land now drained by it from its lacustrine condition. Even prior to that we may conjecture the existence of a Cretaceous-Eocene strait connecting with the ocean that area which was covered by the Laramie beds and the brackish water deposits at the base of the local Eocene ; and many consid- erations lead to the inference that this Hellespont occupied the same position 16 INTEODUCTORY. as the lower course of the Colorado from the mouth of the Virgin to the Pacific. Whether the connection was at first elsewhere and at an early epoch in Tertiary time shifted to this place may be doubtful, but the prob- abilities at present are that the connection was southwestward along the lower course of the present river. But after the desiccation of che lake began in the latter part of the Eocene, the course of the Colorado was fixed for the remainder of Tertiary time. In order to conceive the growth and evolution of this river, let us endeavor to imagine what might happen if the whole region of the Canadian lakes were to be progressively uplifted sev- eral thousand feet. In due time the St. Lawrence would sink its channel by the increasing corrasive power of its waters, and would drain in succes- sion Ontario, Erie, Huron, and Superior, becoming a great river with many branches, while the lakes would be emptied. Such was the early history of the Colorado ; first a Hellespont, then a St. Lawrence, then a large river heading in the interior of a continent. The relations of the Colorado to the strata through which it runs present certain phenomena which, when rightly understood, become a master-key in the solution of a whole category of problems of a most interesting and instructive character. It would be difficult to point out an instance of a river under conditions more favorable to stability in respect to the location of its course than the Colorado and its principal tributaries. Since the epoch when it commenced to flow it has been situated in a rising area. Its springs and rills have been among the mountains, and throughout its history its slope has been increasing. The relations of its tributaries in this respect have been the same, and indeed the river and its tributaries constitute a system and not merely an aggregate, the latter dependent upon and thor- oughly responsive to the former. Now, the grand truth A\hicli meets us everywhere in the Plateau Country, which stands out conspicuous and self- evident, which is so utterly unmistakable, even by the merest tyro in geol- ogy, is this : The river is older than the structural features of the country. Since it began to run, mountains and plateaus have risen across its track and those of its tributaries, and the present summits mark less than half the total uplifts. The streams have cleft them to their foundations. Nothing DRAINAGE SYSTEM— MIOCENE EROSION. 17 can be clearer than the fact that the structural deformations (unless older than Tertiary time) never determined the present courses of the drainage. The rivers are where they are in spite of faults, flexures, and svrells, in spite of mountains and plateaus. As these irregularities rose up the streams turned neither to the right nor to the left, but cut their way through in the same old places. It is needless to multiply instances. The whole province is a vast category of instances of river channels running where they never could have run if the structural features had in any manner influenced them. What, then, determined the present distribution of the drainage 1 The answer is that they were determined by the configui'ation of the old Eocene lake bottom at the time it was drained. Then, surely, the water-courses ran in conformity with the surface of the uppermost Tertiary stratum. Soon afterward that surface began to be deformed by unequal displacement, but the rivers had fastened themselves to their places and refused to be diverted. Many of the sm.aller streams have dried up and perished through the fail- ure of their springs and the advent of an arid climate. These have left traces here and there in the shape of dry cafions and gulches. Many more are still perishing. But the larger streams heading far up in moist Alpine highlands still meander through the desert, and have never ceased to flow from the beginning. In order to comprehend the relations of the High Plateaus to the province at large, it is necessary to advert to some of the salient features of the general erosion of the Plateau Country which followed the desicca- tion of the gi-eat lake, and which Continued without interruption during Miocene time and down to the present day. Its history during Miocene time must be spoken of only in general terms. In truth, during that great age there is no evidence of the occurrence of any critical event aside from the general processes of uplifting and erosion which affected the province as a whole. What forms and what topography were sculptured -we know not- Of its climatal condition we can only suppose that it was similar to that of neighboring regions similarly situated — moist and subtropical. The vast erosion of the region has swept away so much of its mass, that most of the evidence as to details has vanished with its rocks. But the more important features of the work, its general plan in outline, have left well-marked 2 H P 18 INTRODUCTORY. traces, and these can be unraveled. It was a period of slow uplifting', reach- ing a great amount in the aggregate; and it was also a period of stupendous erosion. The uplifting was, howevei", unequal. The comparatively even floor of the old lake was deformed by broad gentle swells rising a little higher than the general platfoi'm. In consequence of their greater altitudes, these upswellings at once became objects of special attack by the denuding agents, and were wasted more rapidly than the lower regions around them. Here were formed centres, or short axes, from which erosion proceeded radially outward, and the strata rising very gently toward these centres, or axes, from all directions, were bevelled off. As erosion progressed, so also did the local upliftings, thus maintaining the maximum erosion at the same localities. It is a most significant fact that the brunt of erosion throughout the Plateau Country is directed against the edges of the strata and not against the surfaces. This is directly traceable to the fact that the strata are nearly horizontal, the dips rarely exceeding four or five degrees, and even then only where a great monoclinal flexure occurs. The rains wash and disintegrate most rapidly where the slopes are steepest, and where the strata are flat the steepest slopes are the valley sides and chasm walls. Thus the battering of time is here directed against the scarps and falls but lightly on the terrepleins. Ordinarily, the local uplifts have one diameter longer than the others, and we may call the greatest the major axis. The strata dissolved away in all directions from this axis, and after the lapse of long periods the newest or uppermost stratum encircled the centre of erosion at a great dis- tance from it, the next group below encircled it a little nearer, and so on. This has been the history of each of the subdivisions of the central part of the Plateau Country. Upon the western and northern sides of the Colorado five of these • centres are now easily discerned. By far the largest and probably the oldest is around the Grand Canon ; a second lies east of the Kaiparowits Plateau ; a third is found about 50 miles south-southwest of the junction of the Grand and Green ; the fourth is the Henry Mountains, and the fifth is what is known as the San Rafael Swell, lying between the SAN RAFAEL SWELL 19 Green River and tlie Wasatch Plateau. All these had their inception in Miocene time except the one around the Grand Canon, which goes back into the latter part of the Eocene. This gradual dissolution of the strata by the waste of their edges constitutes what Powell has called the Recession of Cliffs. Of these five centres of maximum erosion, the San Rafael Swell is by far the best suited for study, and may be regarded as the ty])e of them all. If we stand upon the eastern verge of the Wasatch Plateau and look east- ward, we shall behold one of those strange spectacles which are seen only in the Plateau Province, and which have a peculiar kind of impressiveness, and even of sublimity. From an altitude of more than 11,000 feet the eye can sweep a semicircle with a radius of more than 70 miles. It is not the wonder inspired by great mountains, for only two or tln-ee peaks of the Henry Mountains are well in view; and these, with their noble Alpine forms, seem as strangely out of place as Westminster Abbey would be among the ruins of Thebes. Nor is it the broad expanse of cheerful plains stretching their mottled surfaces beyond the visible horizon. It is a pic- ture of desolation and decay; of a land dead and rotten, with dissolution apparent all over its face. It consists of a series of terraces, all inclining upwards to the east, cut by a labyrinth of deep narrow gorges, and s])rinkled with numberless buttes of strange form and sculpture. We stand upon the Lower Tertiary, and right beneath our feet is a precipice leaping down across the edges of the level strata upon a terrace 1,200 feet below. The cliff on which we stand stretches far northward into the hazy distance, gradually swinging eastward, and then southward far beyond the reach of vision and below the horizon. It describes, as we well know, a rude semi- circle around a centre more than 40 miles to the eastward. At the foot of this cliff is a terrace about 6 miles wide of Upper Cretaceous beds, inclining upwards towards the east very slightly, and at that distance it is cut off by a second cliff, plunging down 1,800 feet upon Middle Cretaceous beds. This second cliff describes a smaller semicircle like the first and concentric with it. From its foot the strata again rise gently towards the east through a distance of 10 miles, and are cut off by a third series of cliffs as before. 20 INTRODUCTORY. There are five of these concentric hnes of cliifs. In the centre there is an elHptical area about 40 miles long and 12 to 20 broad, its major axis lying north and south, and as completely girt about by rocky walls as the valley of Rasselas. It has received the name of the San Rafael Swell. Its floor is covered with the lowest Triassic strata, and probably in some portions of it the Carboniferous is laid bare, though it has not yet been seen. But, at all events, we' know that the Carboniferous is very thinly covered, even if it be not exposed. Thus, as we pass from the summit of the Wasatch Plateau to the floor of the Red Amphitheatre, we cross the outcrops of nearly 10,000 feet of strata. The Tertiary is found only at a distance of 40 miles from it. Yet if we look back to Eocene time we shall find that the whole sti-atigraphic series from the base of the Mesozoic to the summit of the Eocene covered this amphitheatre. One after another, in orderly succession, the vast stratigraphic members have been stripped off", and the edges of the remain- ing portions are seen in the successive cliffs which bound the encircling terraces. Still more vast has been the erosion which took place in the vicinity of the Grand Canon of the Colorado. Here the Carboniferous now forms the floor of the country, though a few patches of Trias stiU remain in the vicinity of the river. But the main body of Triassic rocks now stands 50 miles north of the river, and beyond them, in a series of terraces, rise the Jura, the Cretaceous, and the Tertiary, the latter usually capped by great masses of volcanic rock. We may note here another question which presents itself in connection with the differential movements among the various parts of the province. Those areas which have been uplifted most have suffered the greatest amount of denudation. Is it not possible in some cases and under certain restrictions to invert this statement and say that those regions which have been most denuded have been most uplifted, thereby assuming the removal of the strata as a cause and the uplifting as the effect? May not the removal of such a mighty load as 6,100 to 10,000 feet of strata from an area of 10,000 square miles have disturbed the earth's equilibrium of figure, and EFFECTS OF GREAT DENUDATIONS. 21 the earth, behaving as a quasi-plastic body, have reasserted its equiHbrium of figure by making good a great part of the loss by drawing upon its whole mass beneath ? Few geologists question that great masses of sedi- mentary deposits displace the earth beneath them and subside. Surely the inverse aspect of the problem is a 'priori equally palpable. That some such process as this has operated in the Plateau Country looks at least plausible, and if there could be found independent reasons for believing in its adequacy the facts certainly bear it out. Yet its application is not without some difficulties, and the explanation is not quite complete. Grant- ing the principle, it will still be difficult to explain how these local uplifts were inaugurated, and we can only refer them to the operations of that mysterious plutonic force which seems to have been always at work, and the operations of which constitute the darkest and most momentous problem of dynamical geology. On the whole, it seems to me that we are almost driven to appeal to this mysterious agency to at least inaugurate and in part to perpetuate the upward movement, but that we must also recognize the co-operation of that tendency which indubitably exists within the earth to maintain the statical equilibrium of its levels The only question is whether that tendency is merely potential or becomes in part kinetic, and this again turns upon the rigidity of the earth. But it is easy to believe that where the masses involved are so vast as those which have been stripped from the Kaibabs and from the San Rafael Swell, the rigidity of the earth may be- come a vanishing quantity. Th(j great erosion of the Plateau Pi'ovince was most probably accom- plished mainly in Miocene time, but continued with diminishing rapidity throughout the Pliocene. But it is necessary to say that the terms Mio- cene and Pliocene have here no definition. They cannot be correlated except in a very general manner with events occun-ing outside the province. We have only a vast stretch of time, with an initial epoch near the close of the local Eocene. The greater part of the denudation is assigned to the Mio- cene, because the conditions appear to have been more favorable to a rapid rate of destruction in that age than subsequently. The climate appears to have been humid, while the ele\ atit)n was at the same time gradually increas- ing, both conditions being favorable to a rapid disintegration and removal 22 mTRODUCTORY. of the rocks. The Pliocene witnessed the gradual development of an arid climate similar to that now prevailing there. To this age belong the canons and the great cliffs, which could not have been produced in an ordinary or humid climate, nor at low altitudes. That this aridity is by no means a condition of recent establishment is indicated by many evidences. They consist of remnants of a former topography, preserved in a few localities from the general wreck of the land, and which show the same general facies of cliffs and canons as those of more recent formation. And as the more recent sculpture owes its peculiarities in great part ' to the aridity, so, we conclude, must these more ancient remnants The Kaiparowits Plateau presents an excellent example. Its surface is in many places rendered utterly impassable by a plexus of sharp narrow canons, of which the heads have been cut off by the recession of the gigantic cliff which forms the eastern wall of the plateau. They have long been dug, and have remained with but little change for an immense period of time. And now the relation of the High Plateaus to the Plateau Province at large becomes evident They are the remnants of great masses of Tertiary and Cretaceous strata left by the immense denudation of the Plateau Prov- ince to the south and east. From the central part of the province the Tertiary beds have been wholly removed and nearly all of the Upper Cretaceous. A few remnants of the Lower Cretaceous stretch far out into the desert, and one long narrow causeway, the Kaiparowits Plateau, extends from the southeastern angle of the district of the High Plateaus far into the Central Province and almost joins the great Cretaceous mesas of North- eastern Arizona, being severed from them only by the Glen Canon of the Colorado. The Jurassic has also been enormously eroded. This forma- tion, which i'- *f great importance and bulk in the northern and north- western portion of the province, and especially around the Pligh Plateaus, appears to have thinned out towards the south and southeast. In large portions of New Mexico it is wholly wanting and was probably never deposited there. In the northwestern portion of that Territory only a few thin beds of that age are found. But in the northern part of the province a conspicuous and wonderful sandstone formation of most persistent char- acter is found, overlaid and underlaid by shales holding a distinctly Jurassic FINAL EESULTS OP EROSION AND UPLIFTING. 23 fauna. This formation once extended over the Grand Cafion area prob- ably as far south as the river itself, and possibly farther, but has all been swept away as far north as the southern end of the district of High Plateaus. From the region east of the High Plateaus also very large areas of it have been removed. The Upper Trias has also been greatly denuded, and the Lower Trias nearly as much so. The erosion of the Carboniferous has been small, being confined chiefly to the cutting of canons— most notably the Grand and Marble Canons, which are sunk wholly in that series, and in several places have been cut through the entire Palaeozoic series system. The average denudation of the Plateau Province since the closing periods of the local Eocene can be approximately estimated, and cannot fall much below 6,000 feet,* and may, nay, probably does, slightly exceed that amount. Of course this amount varies enormously, being in some locali- ties practically nothing and in others nearly or quite 12, COO feet. It is a minimum in the High Plateaus Within that district the average denuda- tion will fall much below 1,000 feet in the sedimentary beds. The enor- mous floods of volcanic emanations have protected them, and these have borne the brunt of erosion, and their degradation has given rise to local accumulations of sub-aerial conglomerates in all the valleys and plains sur- roimding the volcanic areas, thus increasing the protection. The general cause which has enabled these strata to survive within the limits of the High Plateaus while they have been so terribly wasted else- whei'e may be stated briefly. Until near the close of the Pliocene the High Plateaus were not only the theatre of an extended vulcanism, but those portions which never were sheeted over by lavas were low-lying areas, where alluvial strata tended to accumulate. They remained, in fact, base levels of erosion during the greater part of Tertiary time. Turning now to the Great Basin, which lies even lower than the mean level of the Plateau Country, we find that the pre-eminence of the High Plateaus is due to a totally different cause. Here the difference of altitude is due altogether to difierences in the amounts of uplifting. Since the *My owTi estiiiiato exceeds by a few Inindrcil feet that of Professor Powell and also that of Mr. Gilbert. The latter places it at about 5,500 feet. 24 GEOLOGY OF THE HIGH PLATEAUS. Eocene, the High Plateaus have risen from 10,000 to 12,000 feet, while the adjoining Basin areas have risen from 5,000 to 6,000. As we pass from the Basin eastward and ascend the High Plateaus we mount the long slopes of great monoclinal flexures, or scale the giant cliffs which had their origin in the long major faults which traverse the district from south to north. As we pass westward from the heart of the Plateau Province and ascend the High Plateaus, we ascend cliffs of erosion. The fact that those cliffs which had their origin in displacement, with very rare exceptions, face west- ward, has attracted much attention and has received various interpretations. It seems to me that the explanation is exceedingly, almost amusingly, simple. The country to the east of them, and also the belt of country which they occupy, has been elevated from 5,000 to 6,500 feet above the country to the west of them. These figures express, of course, relative vertical displacements. The passage from west to east across the belt of country, which may be called the border-land between the two provinces, discloses a succession of faults and monoclinal flexures which are the obvious results of such a displacement. CHAPTER II. STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY. Homology of faults and monocliual flexures. — Their Bysteraatlo arrangement. — Those of the High Plateaus belong to the same system as those of the Kaibabs. — The Grand Wash fault. — Hurri- ricane fault. — Tushar fault. — Toroweap fault. — Sevier fault. — Western and Eastern Kaibab faults. — Thousand Lake fault. — Musinia faults. — Age of these displacements. — Their relative recency. — Difficulty of assigning their periods in definite terms. — Argument of recency from amounts of erosion. — ^Argument from the amounts of accumulation of valley deposits. — Ago of the faults with reference to evidences of glaoiatiou. — Importanceof knowing the ages of these faults. — Some are more recent than others. — An older system of faults of Cretaceous-Eocene ago. — Wator- Pocket flexure. — San Eafael flexure. — Parallelism of recent m.ojor faults to the old Cretaceous- Eoceno shore-line. — Evidences of recent uplifting in the canons. — Comparison of structural forms i|i the throe provinces, the Basin, the Plateaus, and the Parks. — Types of the Parks. — Effects of erosion upon structure. — Absence of horizontal forces in the elevation of the Plateaus. The great structural features of the High Plateaus are the faults and monoclinal flexures. Faulting is an almost universal concomitant of great disturbances of the strata and of the uplifting of mountains and plateaus. Of their causes geology has taught us but little beyond the bare fact that they are produced in the great majority of cases by differential uplifting by vertical forces, which is hardly more than an identical proposition. The nature of the forces we know not, and can only speculate vaguely about them. We do not always know even whether a fault is produced by uplift- ing upon one side of a given vertical plane or by sinkage on the other, and there must always be an implicit reservation when we speak of them as produced by upliting, so that nothing more is meant than that the strata have been sheared vertically, and that one portion is left on a higher plane than the other. Why the vertical forces should undergo an abrupt change or even total extinction in passing from one side of a given line to the other is a mystery which we cannot hope to solve until we know the origin of the force itself All that is left us at present is to study the faults them- selves carefully, ascertaining, as far as practicable, what movements have 25 26 GEOLOGY OF THE HIGH PLATEAUS. really taken place, how they are related to each other, what dislocations have been produced by them, and what are the present and what were probably the former attitudes of the disturbed masses ; and yet there are very few subjects in the range of geology so difficult to study. It seems as if Nature were ashamed of her scars, and resorted to numberless tricks and devices to hide them from sight ; here smoothing over the break and deftly hiding it with a mantle of soil ; there confusing the inquisitive student by a multiplicity of perplexing forms, which are sure to worry if not to mislead him ; and always shy of the truth. Throughout the greater part of the Plateau Province, Nature is so poorly clad in the raiment of soil and vege- tation and the earth is so well dissected by erosion that these features do not easily escape the scrutiny of the determined and experienced investi- gator. In the High Plateaus, however, the faults are less readily scruti- nized than in some other parts of the province, though much more conspic- uously displayed than in smoother and moister countries or than in countries of more complicated structure. While I suspect that many minor faults have escaped detection, I am confident that all of the grander ones have been discovered and their principal features and relations unraveled. All of the greater displacements of the district present certain well- marked habitudes. Most important aiuong them is the strict homology of the faults with monoclinal flexures. In truth, so close is the homology, that we are justified in calling a monoclinal in some of its aspects a modified fault. The only difference for structural purposes is that in the case of a typical fault of the simplest form the shearing is along one plane, while in the monoclinal the shearing lies between two planes. We have also cumu- lative or repetitive or " step-faults," where the shearing is subdivided among several planes. All have this in common, that the passage from the uplifted to the lowest thrown side is through a very narrow zone, which has its width reduced to zero in the case of the single or simple fault. All of the great lines of displacement assume all of these modifications in different parts of their extent. In one place the fault is simple. A few miles farther along its course it may become subdivided into a series of " step-faults ;" still far- ther on, into a perfect unbroken monoclinal ; it may be at another locality a faulted monoclinal — a part of the displacement being through flexing and SYSTEM OF PLATEAU FAULTS. 27 a part through shearing. In any case the effect is in its broader aspects the same. One side has been uphfted, the other side " thrown." The true monocHnal in its perfect form is much more common in the sedimentary than in the volcanic beds The latter seem to lack that flexi- bility or rather adaptability which enables strata to undergo differential distortion without fracture. In the sedimentaries, on the other hand, the monoclinal seems to be the favored form of displacement, though trenchant faults are common enough. In the volcanics there is a tendency to the monoclinal form, but the unyielding nature of the rocks has produced com- minuted fracture in places where a monoclinal would doubtless have been produced had the strata been more compliant. Hence the volcanics seldom preserve the vmbroken monoclinal, though there is one good example of this preservation. This comminution is a source of perplexity in resolving the displacement into its constituents, and frequently renders it necessary to stay long and scrutinize abundantly before the extent of it and its true method can be properly ascertained. Another striking characteristic of these displacements is their sys- tematic arrangement. Viewed in one way they approach parallelism, but there is a noticeable convergence of the lines as we trace them from south to north. In disturbed regions the faults and flexures usually tend to paral- lelism, and while the tendency is as decided here as it is elsewhere, yet the con- verging tendency is a noticeable characteristic. These great displacements of the High Plateaus are the northward continuations of those which have been described by Powell and Gilbert in the vicinity of, and crossing, the Col- rado River at the Grand Canon. But in the Grand Canon district (where they gave origin to the Kaibabs) the belt of faulted country is wider and the intervals between the faults and flexures are greater than in the High Plateaus. This width diminishes northward, and several of the grander faults at length become merged into one vast monoclinal flexure, forming the western flank of the Wasatch Plateau. South of the Colorado these faults have not been studied, but the indications now are that they also converge in that direction, giving the greatest expansion to the nystem just where the Colorado cuts across it. It is impossible to separate the faults of the High Plateaus from their systematic association with those of the Kai- 28 GEOLOGY OF THE HIGH PLATEAUS. babs, for the two districts have a common history, so far as relates to tlieir more recent structure. The individual faults overlap, and both districts sympathized in the vertical movements. Indeed, the Hurricane and Eastern Kaibab faults form structure lines of the first magnitude in both districts, with no break in the continuity. The indications are unmistakable that the upliftings of the Kaibabs and High Plateaus were sensibly synchronous and formed one movement, and that any attempt to separate them would be to ignore their proper relations. The westernmost of the series is the Grand Wash fault. It crosses the Colorado at the lower end of the Grand Canon. Southward it curves gradually in its trend, and at the farthest point to which it has been traced its course is to the southeast. Northward from the river the curvature of the trend is still preserved though much less distinct, and its course is nearly due north. It runs out apparently about 35 miles from the river. Its maximum displacement is about 5,500 feet, and the lifted side forms the Sheavwits Plateau. Next in order comes the Hurricane fault. Its southern terminus south of the Colorado is unknown. It ci'osses the river just west of Mounts Trumbull and Logan, forming the Hurricane Ledge, and its course is nearly north, with a very slight swerving to the eastward. At the Grand Canon its displacement is about 1,800 feet, and this amount is maintained with little variation for about 40 miles north of the canon. Here its throw (to the west) rapidly increases. It becomes the western boundary of the great Markiigunt uplift — the southwesternmost of the High Plateaus, and is at the same time the boundary which sharply separates the Plateau Province from the Great Basin. Continuing on past the Mormon town. Cedar, and just before reaching Parowan, it suddenly swings eastnortheast, making almost a sharp angle. Thereafter it swings slowly back towards the north until it reaches the western flank of the Tushar, where its throw has much dimin- ished. The precise point where it runs out is not known, since it is covered by basaltic eruptions, but it is not seen beyond the middle of the western flank of the Tushar. Its maximum throw is near Cedar, on the western flank of the Markagunt, where it reaches on an average, along 20 miles of its course, a displacement of about 5,000 feet. HURRICANE AND TUSHAR FAULTS. 29 From the Grand Cailon northward for 40 miles it is a nearly simple fault, though in some places it shows comminution of the rocks in the vicinity of the fault plane, and in a few places the beds on the thrown side are turned up. Along the southwestern base of the Markagunt the fracture becomes very complicated. The upper beds have been eroded backward from the fault plane on the lifted side of the fault, and the lower beds on that side have in several places been turned up with a sharp flexure and stand nearly vertical — in one instance have been turned past the vertical. This movement seems to be exceptional, no other instance of the same kind having been seen anywhere. It is difficult to understand by what applica- tion of forces such a contortion could have been effected. The Carbonif- erous has been brought up by it so as to abut against the Tertiary on the thrown side of the fault, and right at the plane of shearing the displace- ment of the lower beds seems to be about 12,000 or 13,000 feet. But away from the fault plane the beds quickly come back to their normal position, with an uplift of about 4,000 feet. A few miles south of this point another equally abnormal displacement occurs. A small branch of the fault runs into the uplift and a huge block seems to have cracked off and rolled over, the beds opening with a V, and fonning a valley of grand dimensions. About six miles north of the great upturn all trace of that peculiar flexure has vanished and the beds are neatly sheared. The Hur- ricane fault nowhere appears to take on the true monoclinal form. The length of this gi-eat displacement is probably more than 200 miles. The third great fault is that which lies at the eastern base of the Tu- shar. Most of the faults have their throws to the west, but the throw of the Tushar is to the east. It commences with two branches at the south-- eastern base of the range and the branches converge near the middle of its eastern flank They are obscure and difficult to locate exactly on account of their concealment by the alluvial debris, resulting from the waste of the ancient lava beds and the somewhat chaotic nature of the tract through which they run; for this tract is one of the old centers of eruption. But some well preserved beds of conglomerate turned up on the thrown side and matched with beds appearing above at last revealed them, and the discovery of a series of peculiar trachytic beds on both sides of the fault 30 GEOLOGY OF THE HIGH PLATEAUS. planes confirmed the belief that the faults really existed. In the middle of the range the obscurity is still greater. Volcanic activity, producing great distortion and destruction of the stratification, has made it impossible to unravel the complications of the displacement. I only know that the upper Jurassic beds appear at the base and again high up in the heart, of the range and in a very distorted and more or less metamorphic condition at intermediate places. I have cut the knot, and represented the movement in the stereogram as a simple fault. Near the northern end of the Tushar the fault is shown more clearly, and is there relatively simple, though not without some slight complexities arising from undulation of the strata. The same line of displacements extends beyond the Tushar along the eastern flank of the Pavant, which is the northern continuation of that range. Here it is at first a simple fault, but gradually becomes a monoclinal beyond the town of Richfield by the thrown sti-ata flexing gradually upward until they meet the ends of the beds on the lifted side. Opposite Salina it suddenly changes its trend to the northwest and forms the western wall of Round Valley — a depression cutting through the Ptivant obliquely. The length of this displacement is about 80 miles. The Toroweajf" fault cannot be reckoned among the greater faults, though it is so noticeable and conspicuously exhibited that it deserves men- tion. It crosses the Grand Canon near Mount Trumbull, about 1 1 miles east of the Hurricane fault, with a throw to the west of about 700-800 feet, but in the course of about 20 miles to the northward it probably runs out. Very little is known concerning it south of the river. It is a fault of the simplest order. The fourth great disi^lacement is the Sevier fault. It commences about 35 miles north of the Grand Canon. It makes its first appearance at "Pipe Spring," at the base of the Vermilion Cliff's, and presents a remai-kable atti- tude.f Approaching it from the west, the beds are turned down on the *The Toroweaji is a valley opening uiioii the middle terrace of the Grand Cation from the nortli side. It was excavated and its stream dried up before the commencement of tlie cutting of the inner chasm, and its floor, therefore, remains about on a level with the middle terrace. It is a magnificent avenue of approach to a sublime spectacle of the Grand Cauon, bringing the observer to the brink of the inner abyss, where ho may look vertically downwards more than 3,000 feet and with more than 2,000 feet of wall above him. The name Toroweap siguiiies "a clayey locality." t There are some indications that it extends a few miles south of Pipe Spring, but it is covered with soil and sand. SEVIER FAULT. 31 thrown side and remain horizontal on the other. The beds, five miles from the fault on the thrown side, come back to horizontality at about the same levels which they occupy on the other side of the fault, Fig. 3. The trend of the fault at first is northeast. Ten miles from Pipe Spring it is a simple fault. Farther on, in Long Valley, it is "stepped" with two branches. Passing on to the base of the Paunsc^gunt at Upper Kanab the beds on the thrown side are flexed upward, while on the lifted side (east) they are hori- zontal. This form continues northward from Upper Kanab for about 13 miles, when branch faults appear on the thrown side and the fault is stepped and here and there somewhat comminuted, but with one predomi- nant shear, forming the western wall of the Paunsdgunt Plateau. These modifications disappear about 6 miles farther on, and the fault becomes simple with a diminished throw; the displacement opposite the village of Hillsdale not exceeding 800 feet. Beyond Hillsdale the throw is nearly uniform for about 10 miles and then increases again. The increase is slow but steady for the next 60 miles. Along the east side of Panquitch Valley it is very difficult to study, because it cuts the volcanic rocks, which are much confused, and here is one of the great eruptive cen- ters. It is probably somewhat complicated, though the principal dis- placement is distinctly revealed in the great plateau wall on the east, and in the great ravines and chasms which cut across it and open into the valley below. Opposite Circle Valley the fault splits off" a large piece from the Sevier Plateau by means of a branch which leaves the main displacement and then reunites with it. At East Fork Canon the thrown beds, consisting of volcanic conglomerate, are turned up monoclinally, but are sundered by the fault at the summit, with a shear of 3,000 feet. A little north of this canon a branch diverges from the main displacement, running off into the Sevier Valley, where it rapidly dies out. The maximum displacement is apparently attained a few miles south of the Mormon village Monroe, and from that point northward it rather rapidly diminishes. Between Glenwood and Salina the apparent shear has become zero. But the circumstances are remarkable. The fault from Monroe northward is a secondary displacement superposed upon an older one. The zero point of the fault is quickly suc- ceeded in the same line by a resumption of the shear, but in the opposite 32 GEOLOGY OF THE HIGH PLATEAUS. direction; i. e., the throw north of the zero point is to the east while south of this point it is to the west. The fault with its throw reversed now con- tinues northward, crossing the lower end of San Pete Valley, and becomes the eastern wall of the San Pete Plateau, its shear increasing until it reaches nearly to Mount Nebo. It has not been traced farther, but where it has last been verified it is still in considerable force. The length of this dis- placement, so far as now known, is nearly 220 miles It forms the western fronts of the Paunsagunt and Sevier Plateaus and the eastern front of the San Pete Plateau. The Western Kaihah fault is the fifth great displacement. It is supposed at its southern extension across the Grand Canon to unite with the Eastern Kaibab fault, as it is known to do at its northern end at Paria, about 40 miles north of the head of Marble Canon. Its trend describes a large bow, of which the Eastern Kaibab fault is the chord. Between them the Kaibab Plateau has been uplifted. Through the portions immediately north of the Grand Canon it is stepped, but the steps unite into a true monoclinal flexure opposite the middle of the Plateau. Towards the north it gradually dies out, and near the junction with the Eastern Kaibab displacement it is but a gentle monoclinal swell and hardly perceptible. The Eastern Kaibab fault is the longest line of displacement of which I have ever heard. It comes up out of unknown regions in Arizona from the vicinity of the San Francisco Mountain, and appears near the mouth of the Little Colorado River as a double displacement, but probably consider- ably complicated.* The displacement has two parallel branches, which appear to be faults where they cross the Colorado, but about 10 miles northward they gradually pass into two beautiful monoclinal flexures, the strata being unbroken, except by erosion at the surface. At House Rock Val- ley the two flexures merge into one, which continues northward past Paria, trending first northnortheast, but gradually swinging in a curve around to the northwest, always preserving its true monoclinal form. As it approaches "^rable Clifi", it dwindles as if about to die out; but opposite the southwest angle * Professor Powell is probably tbe only geologist who has seen these faults in this locality. The place is a terrible one to reach jinless by boats through the entire length of the Marble CaCon, and even then the approach is formidable. He would be a bold mrn who should endeavor to reach the locality from above. KAIBAB AND THOUSAND LAKE FAULTS. 33 of the Aquarius Plateau it is joined by an important t>iult coming from the southsouthwest. This is the Paunsdgunt fault, which lies near the eastern base of that plateau. As its throw is in the opposite direction to that of the Kaibab fault, the two are apparently distinct, though they really are branches of one displacement. The displacement now continues north along the western front of the Aquarius Plateau, and presents complication with subordinate faults. Still northward it has the Awapa Plateau for its uplifted and Grass Valley for its thrown side, the minor faults gradually merging with the principal one. Near the north end of Grass Valley it rapidly passes into a sharply- flexed monoclinal, forming the northwest shoulder of Fish Lake Plateau, and the monoclinal so formed gradually expands into a broader flexure, with an increasing displacement, and becomes the great monoclinal of the Wasatch Plateau, one of the grandest flexures of the Plateau Country. This flexure forms the southeast side of San Pete Valley for about 50 miles. It has not yet been traced beyond the northern end of this valley, but from the topography it is supposed to extend far beyond it, being in full force where it has been last observed. Its total length, reckoning as one displacement the Wasatch, Grass Valley, Table Cliff, and Eastern Kaibab portions, cannot fall much short of 300 miles, and may considerably exceed that after the termini have been discovered. It presents many phases or modifications, but the domi- nant feature is the monoclinal form. 1 he maximum displacement is at the Wasatch Plateau, and reaches nearly 7,000 feet. The easternmost fault {Thousand Lake fault) of this system begins upon the southern slopes of the Aquarius Plateau, trending due north. It crosses that plateau with a dislocation of 500-600 feet, and splits into two faults, which reunite upon the northern base. Crossing the lower end of Rabbit Valley, it passes along the western base of Thousand Lake Mountain, and then swings to the northeast The throw is to the west, and in passing from the foot of the Aquarius to the base of Thousand Lake Mountain the displacement rapidly increases to about 3,500 feet, and then as rapidly diminishes, again becoming zero about 20 miles northnortheast of the mount- ain. But it innnediately recommences with a throw in the opposite direc- tion (east), repeating the phenomenon presented by the Sevier fault a little 3 n p 34 GEOLOGY OF THE HIGH PLATEAUS. south of Salina. Resuming its northerly trend, the fault with a reversed throw passes along the west side of Gunnison Valley with a shear of at least 3,000 feet, and runs obliquely up on the great Wasatch Monoclinal, forming a superimposed displacement, and then cuts obliquely down into San Pete Valley, where it disappears. It may continue farther northward, but it has not been traced in that direction beyond San Pete Valley. Its total observed length is very nearly 100 miles. It is everywhere a true fault, though at several places it is complicated by minor fractures and some flexing of the thrown beds. I have not included the East Miisinia fault among the greater displace- ments, though it has considerable length — perhaps 45 miles — and at one j^lace in Gunnison Valley the shear reaches more than 2,000 feet, and pos- sibly near to 3,00!' feet. It is, however, an important feature, and almost entitled to rank with the greater faults of the system. It is parallel to the northern portion of the Thousand Lake fault last described, and might be called a mate to it, since the two hold between them the sunken block of Gunnison Valley and the continuation of that block obliquely across the great Wasatch Monoclinal. This sunken block is an interesting occurrence, and belongs to that kind of complicated fracture which Powell has named "Zone of Diverse Disjilacement." The part of it which lies in the lowest portion of Gunnison Valley has been analyzed and described by Mr. Gilbert. It extends both north and south from this locality, and in the former direction continues to display the same comminuted fracture in great variety for a distance of more than 20 miles, while the width of the zone does not exceed 3 miles. It appears to be a veiy clear case of a block dropping through the drawing apart of the strata and sinking to fill the gap thus produced. Another in- stance occurs along the western base of the Aquarius Plateau in the south- ernmost portion of Grass Valley. Here the block between the faults, instead of shearing shai'ply on both sides, has partly careened and settled down synclinally. These displacements do not belong wholly to any one period. There is evidence that different faults belong to different ages — not widely separ- ated probably, but recognizably distinct. There is evidence that different COMPARATIVE EECENCY OF FAULTS. 35 portions of some of the faults did not occur simultaneously, or, perhaps more properly, at the same rate of progress. There is evidence that some portions of a fault progressed through intervals of alternate repose and activity. But while the entire Tertiary history of this district, or at least that portion of its history since the Eocene, was marked by the recurrence of disturbing forces here and ihere, there is one period wliicli appears to have been pre-eminently a period of faulting and uplifting, standing out conspicuously as a culminating period in the movements. It was this period which more than any other gave, not indeed birth, but certainly the maxi- nuim growth and expansion to the structural features of the district. Tliis period was a comparatively recent one. To name it in terms of the ordi- nary geological calendar would probably convey the impression that the means of determining and correlating the ages of events occuiTing within the district with reference to those occurring outside of it are greater than they really are. Since the middle Eocene all direct connection of the Ter- tiary history of the Plateau Province with external regions ceases. Since then everything is relative. The order of sequence is plain, but so far as time is concerned we are out of sight of stars and landmarks, and run through the succeeding periods only by dead reckoning. The next age which we can fix after the Eocene is the Glacial period. We recognize high up in the plateaus and mountains the traces of local glacial action, and it has the same general traces of geological recency and historic or prehistoric antiquity as elsewhere. But between these two ages we are conscious only of a vast stretch of time, in which great results were accomplished in a cei-tain definite order. Each individual feature in that progressive evolution was one which by its very nature required long periods to accomplish, and the last of them all was the great uplifting and fracturing of the rocks which had previously accumulated, I place the age of the principal displacement in a period which had its commencement in the latter part of Pliocene time, and extended down to an epoch which, even in a historical sense, may not be extremely ancient, and which certainly falls on this side of the Glacial period. Perhaps it is still in progress. Perhaps the plateaus are to-day growing higher and the faults increasing their shear. But the beginning of this last period of faulting. 36 GEOLOGY OF THE HIGH PLATEAUS. whether the period is closed or not, goes, I beUeve, only back into the late Pliocene. These faults are so important not only to the history of the High Plateaus, but also to the general history of the Plateau Province at large, that it seems ])roper to enter at some length upon the considerations which have led to this opinion concerning their age. Recognising the great magnitude of the results accomplished in this region by erosion since the Eocene, we are naturally led to inquire whether we may not here and there gain some conception of the relative ages of cer- tain events by ascertaining the amount of erosion which has been effected since their occurrence. The laws of erosion, both generally and in their somewhat abnormal application to this strange region, are s..fficiently un- derstood to enable us to decide where erosion ought to be most rapid and where most sluggish. Of all portions of the Plateau Province the best watered is the District of the High Plateaus. It is also the loftiest, and gives, therefore, to its water-courses the swiftest descents and the greatest trans- porting power. On the other hand, its rocks are the hardest and most dura- ble. Thus the altitude and copious rainfall favor a rapid rate of erosion, while the greater durability of the rocks retards it. Not all of the rocks, however, are of this adamantine character. Indeed, some of the most voluminous formations are conglomerates, some well consolidated, but most of them only moderately so. Around the borders of the district are the sedimentaries, differing lithologically in no material respect from those of the province at large. By comparing the effects of erosion in rocks of dif- ferent classes similarly situated we find great irregularities, but so far as can be seen these irregularities are due chiefly to the relative durability of the rocks. The sedimentaries are mt>st powerfully eroded, and clearly disin- tegrate far more rapidly than the volcanics, and considerably more so than the conglomei'ates There is seldom difficulty in distinguishing the erosion which has occurred during or since the faulting from that which ma}' have occurred before it ; and when we first separate this erosion from the earlier we find that in the sedimentaries it is very considerable. Vast ravines have been scored and deep canons cut into the risen blocks. The fronts have been battered and scoured by the storms of unknown millenniums and pared off until they stand back of the fault-planes which mark the rifts where they RECENCY OF FAULTS. 37 were severed from the platforms below Realizing how slowly to human senses these processes operate, the thought of the long ages through which they have been at work at first oppresses us, and we are conscious only of a duration which we can no more comprehend than we can comprehend eternity. Yet, when we come to compare the work which has been done upon the flanks of the plateaus with what we are sure has been done upon the regions they overlook, the former sinks into insignificance. Since the commencement of the faulting ravines have been exca- vated 2,000 or 3,000 feet in depth ; some of the living streams have sunk their canons from a few hundred to a thousand feet ; here and there a patch of exposed country has lost some hundreds of feet of strata ; old volcanic vents on which possibly stood cones have moldered away and left barely a heap of unintelligible ruins. More than this: we know that since the same epoch the inner gorge of the Grand Canon has sunk under the inces- sant grinding of its turbid waters 8,000 feet into the earth, and its side gorges near the river have deepened an equal amount. Doubtless many other changes have occurred, the precise nature and exteni of which we can only conjecture. Such as we recognize seem stupendous to us and even stagger us when we look at the instrumentality to which we must attribute them. But these are only the last touches of the work which has denuded an empire, sweeping from its surfiice fi, 000 feet of strata. When we study more closely the later erosion, we find that by far the greater part of its results are of that class which is effected with the greatest ease and rapidity. Slow as the process seems to our senses which has cut gorges and canons, it is swift and trenchant when compared with the moldering of cliffs and the decay of butte's and mesas ; and this slow decay is far less slow than the decay of platforms and terrace summits. It is in ravines and canons that the denuding forces work to the utmost advantage. Let a plateau or mountain range arise, and the streams will dissect it to its core before it will have materially suffered otherwise. Such uplifts as we find in the Plateau Province have given to the streams which flow from them the most favorable opportunity to corrade, and they have cut profound gorges ; but the amount of waste upon the summits and even upon the great palisades which bound them has been insufiicient to sensibly modify b 38 GEOLOGY OF THE HIGH PLATEAUS. their "general outlines or even their larger details along the structure lines The same is true of the heart of the province. The evidence is clear and irrefragable that at a comparatively recent epoch there has been a wide- spread uplifting coming upon the country suddenly as it were after an im- mense period of repose. Before its advent the sti'eams had long remained at the limiting levels where they could sink no more, and the slower pro- cesses of decay, the recession of cliffs, the widening of valleys, the shrink- age of mesas, the lateral expansion of canons, had been in progress long enough to have produced very extensive results. As this uplifting came upon the land the i-ivers were at once disturbed and resumed their occupa- tion of deepening their channels, and sank them almost as fast as the coun- try rose. But they remain to-day with walls but little affected by lateral waste. Every indication points to the conclusion that they are freshly cut and are still cutting. Thus the study of the effect of erosion upon the uplifted sides of the great displacements of the High Plateaus everywhere indicates relative re- cency. The time during which these displaced edges have been subject to the action of the elements is trifling when compared with the intei'val which separates us from the Eocene. It is represented only by a work which is relatively small and easy of accomplishment and performed under circum- stances most favorable to rapidity and efficiency. But the general denuda- tion which dates back to the Eocene is incomparably greater in amount, considering only equal areas ; and represents in chief part the kind of degradation which is relatively slow, performed under circumstances not always favorable to rapidity. There is another point of view from which we arrive at the same con- clusion, that the great displacements are very young. The volcanism of the country has a history which we are able to unravel as to its broader features. It began after the disappearance of the Eocene lake which cov- ered the Plateau Province. How long after the desiccation we cannot say even relatively. The lake had withdrawn a])parently from the High Plateau District soon after the close of the Upper Green River epoch, which represents a period in the latter part (but before the close) of the local Eocene Resting uncouformably u[)on the Upper Grceen River beds is a EECENCY OF FAULTS. 39 series of beds, displayed in all parts of the district, composed of the waste of volcanic rocks. The rocks which furnished these sands and marls are nowhere discernible Either they have been buried beneath the later lava- floods or have been wholly removed by erosion. Deep in the recesses of some of the plateaus, at a very few places where the grander gorges have eaten their way into them, the oldest observed Tertiary eruptives, the pro- pylites, are revealed. Of these earliest propylitic eruptions we know ex- ceedingly little historically. They are covered with great floods of andesite and trachyte. There is evidence that these eruptions had thfeir periods of activity alternating with long periods of repose. These periods represent an immense amount of devastation wrought upon the older volcanic mount- ains by the elements, for their debris is found in the form of huge beds of conglomerate stratified in a manner which leaves no doubt in my mind that the process of accumulation was the exact counterpart of that which is now building similar beds in the valleys — a purely alluvial process. The earlier andesitic mountains were almost utterly destroyed by this process. Then came another period of activity, followed by another period of denudation. We have older and younger conglomerates. The older contain the andesitic and some trachytic fragments; the younger contain trachytic, doleritic, and even basaltic fragments. But both conglomerates represent an enormous period of denudation, for the aggregate thickness of the beds will frequently exceed 2,000 feet, covering very large areas. At length a period of fault- ing set in. These conglomerate beds were sheared or flexed, and now form the walls and summits of the great plateaus for many scores of miles in alternation with the remnants of the old volcanic sheets. Again the process of degi'adation set to work tearing down tliese tables, the streams rolling the fragments down into the valleys and building up along the foot of each wall a row of very low alluvial slopes, often beautifully stratified, and the exact counterparts of the conglomeritic strata which are now seen edgewise in the plateau-walls. Since the uplifting began the amount of accumula- tion in this way will probably reach three or four hundred feet in some places, though it is not probable that the average will exceed 200 feet. But this modern accumulation has been made under peculiarly advantageous circumstances. The nrocess will become slower and more difficult as the 40 GEOLOGY OF THE HIGH PLATEAUS. streams sink their channels and every additional yard of deposit will be accumulated at a slower rate. It was the uplifting along great lines of dislocation which set this cone- building process going. The .abrupt descents gave the creeks and brooks their power to transport this coarse debris, and those slopes are now long and steep. But as the work proceeds the mountains and tables are gradu- ally rounded and smoothed down and the valley plains built up. As yet comparatively little has been accomplished in this direction, but the work is under full headway. In comparing what has been effected since the beginning of the displacements with work of the same character which has been accomplished in ages prior to the displacements, we shall be most forcibly impressed with the littleness of the one and the greatness of the other. It is a comparison of hundreds with thousands. More than that: the hundreds of feet of modern valley cones represent the utmost activity of a process which has worked without interruption and under conditions the most favorable, while the thousands of feet of ancient accumulations represent the same process in all degrees of activity, now intense, now fad- ing and dying out, and then probably long intervals of cessation. Thus, whether we view the denudation of the High Plateaus or the accumulations in the valleys at their bases, we reach the same conclusions. The faults are very late occurrences in the history of the district. But when we come to ask what is the age, in terms of the geological chronology, to which they must be referred, we can give no further answer than this: they belong to a very late one. There is no record of Miocene or Pliocene in this disturbed region, and we have nothing to mark the lapse of time, except relatively, since the close of the Eocene. But in other parts of the world, where we have some knowledge of the strata, we infer that the Miocene was a longer age than the Pliocene and the Pliocene longer than the Qua- ternar}-, though these are impi'essions rather than conclusions, and to be held lightly. Judging, however, by the magnitude of results accomplished by erosion in the High Plateaus since the faults were started, and compar- ing these results with similar work accomplished in other localities, and taking into the account the conditions under which they were accomplished, it seems perfectly safe to say that if we carry back the faulting to the mid- RECENCY OF FAULTS, 41 die of the Pliocene we shall have dealt generously with any one who may be disposed to push them back to the remotest possible epoch. But it may be asked if erosion may not after all have proceeded slowly in this region on account of the arid climate, and whether there may not have been long intervals when its rate was insignificant. I think the answer must be decidedly in the negative so far as the time is concerned which lies on this side of the epoch of displacement. The High Plateaus are not arid, but are watered copiously — less, indeed, than the regions east of the Mississippi, but far more abundantly than the deserts which lie to the east and to the west of them. It must be remembered that their altitude is great, and that their length and breadth is far greater than most of the Rocky Ranges. They are the most prominent topographical barrier which the westerly winds strike after leaving the Sierra Nevada, and though the plains and even the ragged ridges of the Great Basin are parched and dry, yet the High Plateaus wring from the air notable quantities of moisture. The rainfall is not known, but 30 inches per annum is a small estimate of the probable precipitation on the Plateau summits. In the valley plains of the Great Basin the rainfall seldom exceeds 8 inches, and in the painted desert to the east of the High Plateaus it could not reasonably be expected to amount to so. much as 4 inches. But there is evidence that in the past — in Glacial and Post-glacial time — the rainfall was far more abundant than now. The drainage of three-fourths of the district was gathered in those periods into the grand expanse of Lake Bonneville, of which Great Salt Lake and Sevier Lake are the remnants. At present this drainage is ab- sorbed and finally evaporated in Sevier Lake alone. Very abundant must have been the rainfall and moist the atmosphere which, with such a relatively moderate water-shed, could have kept such a lake as Bonneville brimming. Nor is there at present any evidence that the erosion was materially affected either in degree or kind by the presence of ice during the Glacial epoch. On the contrary, the evidence is strongly in favor of the conclu- sion that in that period the climate was not glacial in this district. The ravines and valleys are conspicuously water-carved and conspicuously not ice-carved. As if to furnish proof that the absence of all indications of ice action in the valleys and plateau flanks should be construed as 42 GEOLOGY OF THE HIGH PLATEAUS. meaning that none existed, we do find at the very summits unmistak- able indications of the action of local and very small glaciers, with beauti- fully preserved terminal morains. But I have never seen a morain in the High Plateaiis at a lower level than 8,500 feet, and 9,000 feet may be con- sidered as the mean level at which they are first encountered. We find even these only on portions of flanks which bound the loftiest parts of the tabular summits, showing that the loftiest parts alone accumulated ice and generated small glaciers. This will not seem surprising even to those who hold strongly pronounced views on the subject of the Glacial period if we assume that during that period the plateaus stood considerably lower than at present. That they did stand lower then is not improbable. We cannot look to the Glacial period, therefore, for the discovery of any cause which would retard the process of erosion ; but, on the contrary, we find in its moister climate reasons for thinking that it may have been notably more rapid than now.* I have discussed this subject at some length, because the age of these faults is very important in the geology of the region, and is even more im- portant to the southern and southwestern portions of the Plateau Province, if possible, than to the High Plateaus. They are associated with the later history of the canons and cliffs and with the climatal changes of the prov- ince in the most intimate manner. The evolution of that region has long since shown a tendency to cluster; it has even taken form; around certain marked events of which one of the most prominent was the faulting, and the consequences of these faults reach out in a manner which cannot be appreciated until the M'hole region is described and the history of its con- stituent parts delineated ; a work which I trust will be accomplished in the near future. They everywhere betray in numberless ways their recency, and I have presented only that evidence which strikes the eye at once where we first encounter them. But while they are all comparatively recent some are older than others. The two Kaibab faults in particular are apparently older than the rest, at least in part Those greater faults which cut through the heart of the * Whether erosion would proceed fiister niidcr the action of ice than of running water is a ques- tion Y.liich I do not raise. V, lias no in'esent bearing. DIFFERENT EPOCHS OF DISPLACEMENT. 43 eruptive district seem to have had portions of their shearing before the beginning of the principal epoch of displacement. But these earlier symp- toms are usually like old wounds which had once healed and afterwards broke out again with increased disorder. The Sevier fault, in particular, shows signs of two epochs of activity in some portions of its extent. Be- tween Monroe and Gunnison it appears as a fault cutting along the axis of a small but sharp monoclinal flexure. The flexure is clearly older than the fault. The Musinia faults cut obliquely across the great monoclinal of the Wasatch Plateau, and show little sympathy with it. The Paunsagunt fault, uniting with the northern extension of the East Kaibab flexure, is plainly independent of it, and is decidedly younger. It is a most curious circumstance that where we find this two-period displacement the motion of the fault is often reversed — the lift of the first period is the throw of the second. It is not always so, but I believe it to be true in a majority of cases where the double movement has been detected. On the other hand, where the shearing of both periods has been in the same direction, the movements would be much more difficult to separate, and many such double movements doubtless have escaped observation. All of the displacements thus far discussed belong to the same system. Whether older or younger, they lie along the same lines and very seldom show any interferences. None of them will go back of the Pliocene in age, and I think it probable that none of them will go behind the middle Plio- cene. Older displacements along these lines, if they exist, are wholly cov- ered up and obliterated, and cannot be separated at present from the later ones of this system. There is, however, a totally distinct system of displacements, belong- ing to a much earlier age, which the grander and more general erosion of the country has brought to light, but which can never be confounded with the Pliocene-Quaternary system. They make a wide angle with the lat- ter series and have a history wholly independent of them. They are only occasionally revealed in a fragmentary manner in places where deep gorges have cut through thousands of feet of Tertiary formations and volcanic emanations, or where erosion has swept off" corresponding amounts of strata from broad districts. Only in two or three places in the lieart of the High 44 GEOLOGY OF THE HIGH PLATEAUS. Plateaus are they brought to liglit ; but around the southeastern borders of the district they are displayed conspicuously. The age of these flexures is apparently Post-Cretaceous and Pre-Tertiary ; that is, they occupy, in respect to time, an interval which separates the Mesozoic from the Tertiary.* They consist of a series of monoclinal flexures, quite perfect in form, which trend from northwest to north-northwest. They involve the Mesozoic beds, but not the Tertiary. They come up from the southeast, and disappear under the Aquarius Plateau, aiid on the southern and southeastern flanks are laid bare by a vast erosion. Just before they reach this plateau they are seen to be eroded, and near the summit the Eocene beds are seen to lie unconform- ably across the beveled edges, and still farther on near the lava cap they r^st upon the Jurassic. All around the southern and eastern flanks of the Aquarius and along a part of the northern flank, also entirely around the circumference of Thousand Lake Mountain (with the possible exception of its northern end), the contact of the Tertiary with the Jurassic is obvious. Farther eastward in the heart of the Plateau Province, outside of the district of the High Plateaujs, are three more displacements of grand pro- portions, of which I can make but a passing mention. The southernmost is the Echo Cliff flexure, a great monoclinal seen south of the Colorado near the Moquis towns. Trending a little west of north, it crosses the river at the head of Marble Canon, and continuing along the Paria River dies out near Paria settlement at the base of the Vermilion Cliffs. Farther east is the Water- Pocket flexure, one of the grandest monoclinals of the West. It crosses the Colorado in the heart of Glen Canon, and running north-north- west between the Henry Mountains and Aquarius for nearly 60 miles, swings around to the west in a great curve and disappears under Thousand Lake Mountain. The third is the San Rafael flexure, beginning as a branch of the Water-Pocket flexure, where the latter changes its trend, and running north-northeast along the eastern side of the San Rafael swell, passes off into the northeast and dies out again. These are all monoclinal flexures of impos- ing dimensions and of perfect form. Their age I cannot speak of at present in any detail, though it is hardly doubtful that they go far back in Tertiary 'Here, as elsewlieve in this work, tlic Laramie beds are reckoned with the Urelaceous, of which they form the ui)por group of beds. EELATIOI^ OF FAULTS TO ANCIENT SHORE LINES. 45 time and possibly are Pre-Tertiary. Mr. Grilbert has studied the Water- Pocket flexure, and beheves that its epoch belongs to the interval which separates Tertiary from Cretaceous time. The Echo Cliff flexure is proba- bly much younger. The San Rafael flexure remains to be studied. None of them appear as yet to have any sympathy with the Pliocene-Quaternary faults of the High Plateaus. It yet remains to speak of another interesting relation of the later system of faults. They have throughout preserved a remarkable and per- sistent parallelism to the old shore line of the Eocene lake, following the broader features of its trend in a striking manner. The cause of this rela- tion is to me quite inexplicable, so much so, that I am utterly at a loss to think of any subsidicxry facts which may be mentioned in connection with it and which can throw light upon it. It seems best, therefore, to allow the main fact to stand by itself, and not to confuse it with any others with which it has no certain relation. The faulting and flexing has been associated with a general increase in the altitude not only of the district of the High Plateaus, but of the country south and east of them. The uplifting has by no means been confined to the few tabular masses. Wherever we look in the western part of the Pla- teau Province the signs of this elevation are unmistakable. In some local- ities it was much greater than in others, but the signs of it are common to all. It is betrayed in the drainage channels. At a comparatively recent epoch there has been a sudden renewal of activity on the part of the streams, by which they have taken to caiion-cutting with renewed energy as if their slopes had been increased, and this is especially observable in the Colorado itself, where the effect has been a maximum. The tribu- taries have responded and have acted in like manner. Just prior to the advent of this regional uplifting, the aspect of the region appears to have been that which would naturally have resulted from a long period of stability at the same altitude. The canons and intervales were wide, and long stretches of the rivers were at or near their base-levels, having eroded as deeply as possible, then slowly widened their valleys and made flood-plains. All at once a new era of canon-cutting set in, and profound narrow chasms were sawed in the strata and are to-day sinking deeper. 46 GEOLOGY OF THE HIGH PLATEAUS. These traces are less conspicuous on the eastern terraces than upon tlie southern, but are seldom absent. In the Great Basin west of the plateaus there is no evidence of any such general uplifting in the later periods, at least within many leagues of the High Plateaus, although local disturb- ances of no small magnitude have occurred, and doubtless the southwestern ranges have gained notably in altitude. It is interesting to compare the structural forms produced by the displacements of the High Plateaus and Kaibabs with those observed in other countries and in other parts of the Rocky Mountain Region. The earliest ideas acquired by geologists concerning mountain structure were derived from the study of the Alps and Jura The conspicuous fact there presented is plication — waves of strata like the billows of the ocean rolling into shallow waters, and often a more extreme flexing until the folds become closely appressed. With the extension of observation among the other mountain belts of Europe, and wherever the traces of great disturb- ance among the strata were found, the same phenomenon of repetitive flex- ing was discerned, seldom amounting to " close plication," but undulating in greater or less degree. At a later period, when geology was colonize! in America, its systematic researches were first prosecuted in tlie Apala- cliians, where the same order of facts was presented in a degree of perfec- tion and upon a scale of magnitude far surpassing the original types of Switzerland. At a still later period the geologists who inaugurated in the Sierra Nevada and Coast Ranges the study of the Rocky system disclosed another grand example of the same relations. Thus the increase of obser- vation has been for many years strengthening the original induction that plication and mountain-building are correlative terms. But the rapid and energetic surveys of the remaining portions of the Rocky Mountain Region have witliin a few years brought to light facts of a different order. From the eastern base of the Sierra Nevada to the Great Plains are very many mountain ranges, a large proportion of which have come under the scrutiny of geologists; and of those which have been hitherto studied sufficiently to justify any conclusions concerning their structure not one has been found to be plicated. Not one of them presents any recognizable analogy to the structure which is so remarkably typified in ABSENCE OP PLICATION IN THE ROCKY SYSTEM. 47 the Apalachians. It is certainly true that the study of these mountains has not been so minutely detailed nor so long continued as that of mount- ains situated in populous countries ; that a considerable portion of them have not been examined geologically at all. But, on the one hand, the number of which we already possess a preliminary knowledge is considera- ble, and on the other hand the remarkable distinctness with which structural facts are there displayed, and the comparative ease with which they may be read, justify more confidence in our conclusions than might otherwise have been admissible. No one familiar with the progress of knowledge in this special direction can fail to recognize the conspicuous absence of plica- tion in the mountain structures which are found east of the Sierra Nevada. Yet in some portions of this great expanse of territory there are im- portant flexings and warpings of the strata. This is particularly true ot the Basin Ranges. But a very significant distinction is necessary here. These flexures are not, so far as can be discerned, associated with the bviild- ing of the existing mountains in such a manner as to justify the inference that the flexing and the rearing of the ranges are correlatively associated. On the contrary, the flexures are in the main older than the mountains, and the mountains were blocked out by faults from a platform which had been plicated long before, and after the inequalities due to such pre-existing flex- ures had been nearly obliterated by erosion. It may well be that this ante- rior curvation of the strata has been augmented and complicated by the later orographic movements. But it is not impossible to disentangle the distortions which ante-date the uplifting from the bending and warping of the strata which accompanied it, and it is only the latter that we can prop- erly associate and correlate with the structures of the present ranges. These present no analogy to what is usually understood by plication. The amount of bending caused by the uplifting of the ranges is just enough to give the range its general profile, and seldom anything more. The same fact is pre- sented in the noble ranges of Colorado. Along their flanks the sedimentary strata roll up usually with a single sweep, and high on the slopes are cut off by erosion. The typical anticlinal axis is not a characteristic feature of the Rocky Mountain system The type-section of the Park Mountains of Colorado, as given by the 48 GEOLOGY OF THE HIGH PLATEAUS. late A. R. Marvine, shows a series of broad platforms, uplifted with a single monoclinal flexure or a fault on either side. The width of these platforms varies from 20 to 45 miles, and from these masses the individual mountain- piles have been carved by erosion. The restored profiles ' obtained by re- placing the material removed by erosion are not indeed horizontal nor straight lines, but ordinarily convex iipwards, with slight curvature, becom- ing abrupt or even passing into a great fault at the margin of the uplift. Inasmuch as almost anj'- configuration of the strata which is convex upwards, be it never so little, is called an anticlinal, these platforms would probably be so characterized by most geologists. But what a contrast to the short, sharp waves of the Apalachians ! If we analyze the form carefully, it will become apparent that we have to do with a structure which has nothing in common with a true anticlinal except this slight convexity, and which possesses characters which the true anticlinal does not. It has already been indicated that faults and monoclinal flexui-es are homologous terms. They i-epresent varying degrees of abruptness in the passage from the thrown to the lifted side of a displacement. In the case of the fault the shearing is confined to a single plane ; in the case of a mo- noclinal flexure the shearing is distributed through a narrow zone between two planes. Both mean essentially the same thing. In the Park Movint- ains we have uplifts with a fault or equivalent monoclinal on one side or on both. Most frequently it is on both sides, but the shearing is almost inva- riably more strongly emphasized on one side than on the other. It rarely happens that the fault is clean and trenchant, but is accompanied with much fracturing and shattering of the thrown edges of the strata, and there are cases when the dragging of the fault has been accompanied by the over- turning of a great slice of strata torn from the thrown edges. Instances are abundant where the rocks in the flanks of these ranges in the vicinity of the faults have been subjected to the most "heroic" treatment; but at short distances from the faults in both directions the disorganization quickly diminishes. Upon the summits of the platforms the traces of violence and distortion attending the upward movement are much less. Where erosion has laid bare the most ancient rocks they are ordinarily found to be more COMPARISON OP OROGRAPHIC FORMS. 49 or less flexed, but the flexing, according to Mr. Marvine, is chiefly of very- ancient date — certainly Pre-Tertiary. Tlius the lifting of these platforms has no significance coiTesponding to an anticlinal fold. It is expressed by the conception of a block of strata having a fault or equivalent monoclinal flexure upon both sides. But while these characteristics predominate strongly throughout the more easterly ranges of the Rocky system numberless changes are rung upon them. One dislocation is usuall}' greater than the other. One fades out to a mere in- clined plane, while the other becomes a gigantic fault ; all shades of differ- ence are found from the evanishmeut of one to the sensible equality of both The relative courses of the two displacements constantly vary; here parallel, there converging, and again diverging. But throughout this diver- sity the dominant type-form is still persistent. These broad platforms have upon their surfaces in most cases a certain amount of minor flexing and un- dulation. Occasionally a sharp turn of the strata upwards or downwards produces a minor or superimposed wave with a well marked anticlinal and synclinal profile. Minor faults and local shattering are also seen here and there. But those systematic repetitive parallel waves of strata which are conveyed to the mind when we speak of plication are not found in any known region east of the Sierra Nevada and west of the Apalachians. In the Uintas we find a repetition of the Park Mountain type upon a grand scale. This has been illustrated admirably by Professor Powell in his work on the geology of the Uinta Mountains. It consists of a block somewhat broader than those of Colorado, but otherwise the type presents no essential modification. It has a great monoclinal upon the southern flank and a colossal fault upon the northern. Between the dislocations there is a notable amount of superimposed undulation and subordinate fracturing and flexing ; but the greater part of it antedates the Tertiary history of the range, and very much of it is at least as old as the Carbon- iferous. In the Plateau Province there are very few mountains, and such as occur are of volcanic origin. Some of them are constructed in a most singular manner, presenting in their genesis and structure an utter contrast to the Alpine and most of the Colorado forms. Lenticular masses of igneous 4 H P 50 GEOLOGY OF THE TIIGII PLATEAUS. rock have been intruded between the Carboniferous and Mesozoic strata, hoisting the upper beds into great domes. Mr. G. K. Gilbert has studied in great detail the Henry Mountains of southeastern Utah, which present this singular phenomenon in perfection. This group of mountains consists of five individual masses, two of which are of great magnitude, and all of them have been domed up by lava rising from the depths and accumulating in reservoirs several thousand feet below the surface. Each of the mount- ains has a considerable number of these reservoirs and the two larger masses have many of them. The lava intruded itself at various horizons and con- gealed, leaving lenticular masses, which are now laid bare and admirably dissected by erosion. There are no indications that any notable quantity of the lava ever outflowed. To these intrusive masses Mr. Gilbert has given the name of " laccolites." These are by- no means isolated instances of this extraordinary origin of mountains. The Sierra Abajo on the east Avail of the Colorado and a small neighboring range called El Late present the same phenomenon. The Navajo Mountain at the mouth of the San Juan River is similarly constructed.* Several of the Colorado ranges, according to Dr. Peale, owe their structure in part to "laccolitic" intrusion. But mountains on the whole are rare occurrences in the Plateau Province. The uplifts there are almost wholly of the tabular form. Yet, when we come to examine their structure, we find that those plateaus which are due to dis- placement have a construction strikingly similar to the broad platform-ranges of Colorado and to the Uintas. They are found along the western belt of the Plateau Province in the Kaibabs and in still more perfect development in the High Plateaus. Here the uplifts have been blocked out by the usual faults and monoclinal flexures. Most of them have a single fault upon the western side, inclining at a very small angle towards the east. The western limit is the lifted side of the fault; the eastern limit is the thrown side of the next fault. All traces of the anticlinal have vanished and the structure is of the simplest possible order. In a few of these uplifts we have a block between two faults or monoclinals of opposite throws. Such is the Kaibab Plateau itself. But the great predominance of the faults which face the west *TlieJfavajo Mountain is a solitary dome-liko mass of grand dimensions npon tho very brink of the Glen Cauou. The canon slices off a segment of its base, and tho spectacle of rock-work, looking at it from the end of the Kaiparowits Plateau across tho gulf, is overpovveringly grand. COMPARISON OF OROGRAPHIC FORMS. 51 is very striking. If we compare these uplifts with the Park Ranges and with the Uintas, the similarity of the structural profiles is very conspic- uous. But in the plateaus there is greater simplicity, less subordinate flexing (indeed almost none at all), and an absence of convexity in the section lines. Crossing the abrupt boundary which separates the plateaus from the Great Basin, we are at once among mountains of a very different order. The Basin Ranges are many in number and inferior in magnitude to those of Colorado, though of no mean dimensions. They are strongly individ- ualized, each being separated from its neighbors by broad expanses of plains as lifeless and expressionless as Sahara. It is as difficult to find a type-form representing the construction of these ranges as for those of Colorado. Yet there are common features of almost universal prevalence among them and at the same time thoroughly distinctive of the group. There is on one side of the range, sometimes a single great fault, or more frequently a repetition of faults throwing in the same direction, while upon the other side the strata slope down to the neighboring plains and there smooth out again. There is much variety in the details of the dislocations, and so complicated do they become in certain localities, that they sometimes mask the general plan until we carefully unravel it. The strata also are almost invariably tilted to high degrees of inclination, thus contrasting strongly with the low and almost insensible slopes of the plateaus. Hence on one side of the range the slope of the profile is along the dip of the strata, on the other side it is across their upturned edges. We may now compare the orographic forms prevailing in the three great provinces — the Park system, the Plateau system, and the Basin sys- tem. The uplits of the plateaus approach in the forms of their displace- ments more nearly to those of the Park Ranges than to those of the Basin, but are much simpler, much less complicated by subordinate fracture and flexing, and have undergone a much smaller amount of vertical movement. There is, however, one very striking contrast between the Plateaus and the Park Ranges. In the latter, erosion has })layed a most important part in their history and development. The mountain platforms have undergone an amount of degradation which never fails to revive astonishment when- 52 GEOLOGY OF THE HIGH PLATEAUS. ever the mind recurs to it. Many thousands — nay, even tens of thou- sands— of feet of strata have been strijjped off from their summits and scattered far and wide. As fast as they were denuded they arose, maintain- ing, and probably even increasing, their altitudes in spite of the waste. Much of the denuded material has been redistributed in strata around their flanks upon the old lake-bottoms of Tertiary time, where there has been, relatively at least, a gradual subsidence as sedimentation progressed. The great faults and monoclinal flexures where the strata are now hog-backed against the flanks of the ranges are the apparent results of the shearing motion set up by the rise of the mountain platfoiTQS on one side and the sinking of the newer deposits on the other. In the plateaus the action of erosion has been strikingly difi'erent. The tables have been afi'ected only in comparatively shght degree more than the adjoining lowlands. Indeed, erosion has wrought almost equally upon high and upon low levels. In some portions the denudation has been stupendous, but the denuded material has not been carried down and redistributed in the plains below, but has found its way into the deep canons which cut below its lowest plat- forms and has been swept through the Colorado to the ocean. Now, it is unquestionably a true law of nature that the denuding agencies operate more vigorously against highlands than against lowlands, and it is quite as true in the Plateau Country as elsewhere. But the recency of the differen- tial elevations of the Plateau Province has not peraiitted any very great difference to show itself as yet, though it is easy to see that a difference really exists, and is even conspicuous. Furthermore, the peculiar fact that the deeply sunken drainage channels of the province do not allow of great accumulation and restratification at the bases of the loftier masses is a suffi- cient reason why lower levels should be eroded as well as higher ones, though to a less extent. We cannot, therefore, attribute the faulting and monoclinal flexing of the plateaus to erosion of the uplifts and the deposition of the debris at their flanks, for no such (relatively greater) amount of erosion is found upon the uplifts, and no such depositions take place upon their flanks. The Kaibabs have been enormously denuded, but not much more upon the highest than upon the lowest portions. The High Plateaus have, compared with the COMPARISON OP OROGRAPHIC FORMS. 53 Kaibabs, suffered but little from erosion. In neither district can we look for the same causation of feults and flextures as we might at first feel in- clined to employ to explain those of Colorado and the Uintas. In the first chapter I have alluded to the possible effects attending the removal of great loads of strata from one locality of considerable area and the deposition of the same materials in adjoining areas ; and while we may rationally sup- pose this transfer of loads to have important consequences in respect to ver- tical movements, we seem compelled to postulate additional forces, which for want of any definite conception as to their real nature we call Plutonic forces. The necessity for such a postulate seems perfectly obvious in the plateaus, and a little consideration will, I think, make its necessity apparent in the mountains of Colorado and the Uintas. It is not impossible that the differences existing between the structural profiles of the Plateaus on the one hand and those of the Parks and Basin Ranges on the other may be largely, or even wholly, due to the fact that in the latter regions the debris has been deposited at the bases of the mountains, while in the Plateau country it is carried away through the canons to another part of the world. Hence in the Plateaus we have the result of the uplifting forces, almost pure and simple, while elsewhere it is complicated, and generally reinforced, by the effects of the transfer of great loads from the mountain platforms to the plains and. valleys around their bases, followed by a readjustment of the plastic earth to a statical equilibrium of its profiles. In comparing the plateaus with the Basin Ranges we have to deal with the fact that the displacements of the latter are in the main older than those of the former, though younger than those of the Eastern Rocky Ranges. Erosion has operated powerfully upon all of the Basin Ranges, and the aggregate displacements are greater than in the plateaus. The strata ordi- narily incline at larger angles and exhibit a greater amount of subordinate fracturing and dislocation. There is, however, some similarity between the plateau and basin uplifts. Both present a succession of inclined platforms, sloping in the same direction, with greater dislocations upon the uplifted sides. In the Basin Ranges, the uplifting being greater, the inclination is correspondingly greater, so much so, that we pass from the notion of a plateau or platform to that of a mountain slope. The inclination of the 54 GEOLOGY OF THE HIGH PLATEAUS. plateau summits is rarely so great as 3°; the inclination of the structure- slopes of the Basin Ranges is rarely so little as 8° or 10^. As bearing upon the general hypothesis that the great structural feat- ures are produced by the action of tangential forces generated by the secu- lar contraction of the earth's interior, it may be remarked that the displace- ments of the Plateau Province do not furnish any evidence of the operation of such forces. A careful study of the system of the Kaibabs and High Plateaus has established the conviction that in those districts no such force has operated. Evidence, however, is often discerned that the strata, while undergoing displacement, have been subject to tension arising from the increased length of profile caused by the undulations so produced. This lengthening of profiles in the vicinity of the monoclinals is indicated by the repetitive faults with an oblique hade or underlie; and sometimes also by the dropping of a long wedge of strata between two faults with con- verging hades. Complications of this character often appear as super- imposed features upon the great monoclinal flexures. CHAPTEE III. VOLCANIC GEOLOGY. A region of extinct volcanism.— Initial epochs.— Tufas.— The most ancient eruptive rocks.— Prox)y- lites.- Hornblendic andesites.- Trachytes.— Ehyolites.- Basalts.— The order of succession of tho eruptions.- Eichthofen's generalization sustained by the succession presented by the Iligli Pla- teaus.—Certain modifications of the order given by EichtLofen.— Kesolutiou of tho order into two semi-series.- Fnignicntal volcanic rocks.— Their great extent and mass.- Two classes of frag- moutal deposits.— Tufas.— Considerations as to their origin and mode of accumulation.- They are the detritus of more ancient lavas.— Their age.— Volcanic conglomerates.— Their texture and petrogr.aphic characters.- Modes of siratilicatiou.— They originate from the break up of massive lavas, and are chiefly alluvial accumulatious.— Metaniorphism of the clastic volcanic strata. The District of the High Plateaus is a region of extinct volcanism. The magnitude of the eruptions which have taken place there is small com- pared with what we know of some other regions, but it is great when com- pared with what we may see in most of the volcanic districts of Europe. It is smaller, I presume, than that of Iceland, but greater than that of J^tna or Central France. It is not the magnitude, however, which is so very striking or suggestive, but the variety of the phenomena and the great stretch of geological time through which their history ranges. The oldest eruptions go back to the middle Eocene; the latest cannot be as old as the Christian era. It is hard to believe that they are as old as the conquest of Mexico by Cortez. Between the opening and cessation of that activity (if, indeed, it has even yet ceased forever) the eruptions have been inter- mittent. There have been long periods of repose, but daring the pauses the subterranean forces were only gathering strength and material for fresh outbreaks. The highest interest in the region lies in the remarkable variety of the phenomena presented It lacks but little of being a complete category of volcanology, and what it lacks it compensates by presenting something new. Nearly every form of eruption is exhibited. Every great group of vol- 56 GEOLOGY OF THE HIGH PLATEAUS. canic rocks, and at least three-fourths of all the important sub-groups have here their representatives The clastic derivatives are displayed in variety and volume truly extraordinary, commanding as much attention as the massive rocks and presenting some highly interesting problems. It would be impossible, within the limits of a single chapter, to present a good synopsis of these facts with a discussion sufficiently extended (and at the same time precise) to make them intelligible. Since the greater part of the individual phenomena described in this work consists of those which belong to the volcanic category, and since no symmetrical grouping of their entire array has suggested itself to my mind, it will be practicable to set forth here only those few facts of a high degree of generality which appear to be applicable to the entire district. In those chapters of this book which are devoted to the description in detail of the component members of the High Plateaus, such facts as seem to be instructive will be adverted to, together with such of their relations as have been satisfactorily ascertained. The initial epochs and conditions of the eruptive activity of the High Plateaus are obscure. The oldest observed rocks having an eruptive origin are tufas. It is presumable, however, that tufas, especially such as are here found, are never erupted alone, nor wholly in the fragmentary or pul- verulent form, but are in part the concomitants of lava floods, and in far greater part the results of the degradation of volcanic rocks. The tufas of this district are stratified water-laid rocks of arenaceous texture, sometimes marly or even shaly; their materials being derived almost entirely from the decay of lavas. Some of these tufaceous beds are metamorphosed, and the highly suggestive and interesting fact is there presented that the product of this metamorphism is a rock having the essential lithologic characters of a lava.* The rocks from which these ancient tufas were derived are not known. An abundance of old lavas lie in their vicinity, but always on top of them. There is, however, one instance in the great gorge near Monroe where a propylitic mass appears to pass under some of these tufas, but owing to the complications of faulting there may be a'mistake about it. Whether the lava sheets which yielded by their decay the clastic materials of these * See Chapter XI, where this remarkable phcnomcnou is described and discussed. EPOCHS OF EEUPTION— PROPYLITES. 57 deposits still remain buried beneath the imn«ense outpourings of middle and later epochs, or whether they have been wholly dissipated, it is impossible to affirm. The period during which these tufas were stratified must be referred to the latter part of the Eocene. They rest everywhere upon beds, which are either of Bitter Creek or Green River age — are, in fact, the latest strati- fied masses of the region. On the other hand, they must have been depos- ited before the final desiccation of the great Eocene lake, which appears to have taken place throughout that part of its expanse now covered by the High Plateaus after the middle and before the close of the local Eocene. They are widely distributed, and could not very probably be supposed to have accumulated in local temporary lakelets. Thus, then, the opening of the eruptive activity goes back into Eocene time. The oldest massive rocks of volcanic origin are found in but few places. The tabular masses which now front the long valleys with escarpments sev- eral thousands of feet in height have been scored by ravines, which cut into their innermost recesses. Here, with thousands of feet of more recent lavas and conglomerates above them, are found large bodies of propylite and hornblendic andesite, the former clearly the more ancient of the two. The propylitic masses appear to have been much degraded by erosion before the eruption of the andesites, for patches of conglomerate with water- worn propylitic fragments are overlaid by masses of andesite, and the con- tact of the two is often of such a nature that there can be no doubt that the massive propylites were water-carved before the andesites were erupted. It is impossible to say anything concerning the extent of these most ancient emanations, for the later rocks have completely buried them, and all that can be seen are the few exposures laid bare by recent faults and excava- tions. Two centers from which these rocks came have been determined, and they are also found in two other localities, but under circumstances which render it quite possible, and perhaps probable, that the two latter are connected with the two former, the continuity being lost beneath later accumulations. The two eruptive centers -are located, respectively, in the northern and southern portions of the Sevier Plateau. The two exposures exhibiting propylitic rocks, which may have been derived from these erup- tive centers are situated in the grand gorge of the Fish Lake Plateau, and 58 GEOLOGY OF THE HIGH PLATEAUS. in the deepest, ravines of the Awapa, near the Aquarius, where profound excavations, near the great faults, have disclosed them beneath nearly 3,000 feet of trachytes. A question has been carefully considered, without reaching a positive" conclusion, whether the tufaceous beds already spoken of may not have been derived from the waste of these propylites. The tufas are wholly water-laid beds. Their ordinary aspect is well reiDresented in Heliotypes V and VI. The stratification has all of the mechanical characters of ordinary arenaceous beds. In numerous places the tufas are seen to pass horizon- tally by gradual transition into ordinary arenaceous shales, made up wholly of materials derived from the decay of non-eruptive rocks. The propy- lites alone of all the massive rocks seem to have sufficient antiquity to have supplied the material for these deposits, and the only question seems to be whether these came from the visible propylites or some unknown volcanics of still greater age. The tufas have been carefully studied with the micro- scope in the hope of settling the question, but no solution has been reached. Tliey contain large quantities of quartz and feldspar, which are often epigenetic, and the remaining contents are so much decayed that their original characters are obliterated. But although the antecedence of the propylites to the tufas cannot be proven, it may at least be said that there is no fact now known which forbids such a conclusion. More than that, the inference has some slight preponderance of probability in its favor. The hornblendic andesites succeeded the propylites with apparently a long interval between them. They were erupted from the same localities or from vents in the immediate vicinity. The mass of these rocks now exposed is greater than that of the propylites, and the lavas are consider- ably more varied in texture and appearance. Their principal locus seems to have been in the southern part of the Sevier Plateau, though the masses revealed in the northern part of the same uplift are but little inferior. The outbreaks were in massive sheets, which stretched far to the eastward and southeastward, spreading out over large areas and piling up mountainous masses. It is not, however, the quantity now exposed which gives us the real clue to the magnitude of the andesitic extravasations, but rather the great bulk of the conglomerates derived from their ruins. The andesites, EPOOnS OF ERUPTION— TRACHYTES. 59 considerable as they were, have been chiefly buried by trachytes, but the conglomerates derived from them are still conspicuously displayed. These fragmental masses lie around the eruptive centers in beds often more than a thousand feet thick, and cover areas of which the aggregate extent must considerably exceed 500 square miles. The third epoch of activity was by far the grandest of all. It was marked by the extravasation of trachytic masses, alternating with augitic andesites and dolerites. A long interval of time separated these eruptions from the andesitic outbreaks just described, for the andesitic rocks were extensively degraded by erosion and their fragments gathered into con- glomeritic masses before the earliest outpours of true trachyte. The area of activity was greatly extended in the trachytic age, new places opened and poured forth immense floods, which at length became so vast that they overwhelmed and buried the greater part of the district, generating a new topography. The northern part of 'the Sevier Plateau, which had given vent to the propylites and andesites, became a focus of still more extensive trachytic eruptions. From this center they spread in all dii'ections. Those which rolled eastward are most conspicuously displayed, and the first impression is that the larger portion of the trachytes flowed in that direc- tion. Some of the grander sheets extended more than 20 miles to the southeast of their origin, and die out near the base of Thousand Lake Mountain. To the southward they make up the greater part of the bulk of the Sevier Plateau, reaching nearly 25 miles from the vents, and commin- gling with floods poured from median vents in the plateau. To the north- ward they stretched beyond the locus of Salina Cailon, where they have been much wasted b}^ erosion, but heavy masses are still left to indicate their foraier magnitude. To the westward the sheets are abruptly cut off in the face of the escarpment of the west front of the Sevier Plateau, which reveals more than 3,000 feet of their mass resting upon the andesites and propylites. Beyond this a great fault throws down Sevier Valley, in which they are seen in a few places beneath later rhyolites. It is by no means certain that all the foci of eruption have been ascer- tained. So great have been the changes produced by erosion, that the superficial features have been thoroughly remodeled by it. No lofty, 60 GEOLOGY OF THE HIGH PLATEAUS. iEtna-like summits or craters are visible, and it is doubtful whether the method of eruption was generally such as would generate mountains of that character ; for the larger deluges appear to have emanated from fissures located within restricted areas. Yet apparently some piles of important magnitude were reared by the successive superposition of coulees around a central vent or pipe, and still bear evidences of their origin, though they have been reduced to mere remnants by the wear of ages. In the southern part of the district several foci of eruption are discern- ible. The most important was just east of the old andesitic center. From this one emanated the dark trachytic masses wliich have built up a great portion of the Aquarius. Another was situated at the soutliern base of the Tushar, and disgorged the masses which built the southern portion of that range. A line of vents stretched southwest from the 'J'ushar along the western crest of the Markagunt, and sheeted over the greater part of that plateau. Still another occupied the position of Mount Hilgard, at the extreme eastern boundary of the High Plateaus, and a chain of vents stretched southward from it to Thousand Lake Mountain. Around the out- skirts of the more compact inner district many minor eruptions occurred, overflowing numerous outlying patches. The rhyolitic eruptions occur chiefly in the Tushar, the Pavant, and Markdgunt — in a word, belong to the western margin of the district. Their grandest masses are displayed in the northern portion of the Tushar. They form the summits of this range, standing in high peaks, which are the loftiest in Utah, excepting two or three in the Uintas. Here no other erup- tive rocks are associated with them, except a few small outbreaks of basalt which overlie them. The platform upon which they lie consists of meta- morphic Jurassic sandstone, upon the eroded surface of which they were outpoured. We find here evidence that the eruptions di-d not occur in rapid succession, but were separated by intervals of time sufiicient to accomplish much erosion. Old valleys scored in the older lavas were filled up by later floods, which were, in turn, chasmed with ravines, revealing the contacts, and this process was repeated again and again. Two groups of rhyolitic rocks may be discerned in this locality, each presenting great variety in the texture, as is always the case with rhyolites, EPOCHS OF ERUPTION— EHYOLITES AND BASALTS. 61 but each preserving certain dominant features. The older of the two has the character of hparite — a porphyritic texture with conspicuous crystals of feldspar and quartz, and having a superficial resemblance to some common trachytes, but more glassy or hyaline. They are usually very dark colored. The later varieties are nearly white or cream colored — sometimes ashy-gray, without any apparent crystals even under the microscope, but showing a reticulated or globulitic ground-mass of great beauty and interest. The rhyolites of the Markagunt have a superficial resemblance to trachyte, being dark gray and porphyritic, with a texture which is decidedly trachy- tic, but the abundance of free quartz and the fluidal aspect of the ground- mass under the microscope reveal its true affinities unmistakably. Upon the western verge of this plateau they have piled up some lofty masses with broad tabular summits. They are seen in many places to rest upon older trachytes and in others are overlaid by basalt. The basaltic eruptions were very numerous throughout the district, but never attained the magnitudes seen in the other groups. Most of the indi- vidual coulees are relatively small. The largest masses are seen on the southwestern flank of the Tushar. Here numerous eruptions from the same vents have piled up nearly a thousand feet of basalt and spread the lava confusedly over a considerable area. A large field, with many cones still standing in a dilapidated condition, is found at the extreme southern portion of the Markiigunt, and a somewhat smaller basaltic area is found in the mid- dle of that plateau. In every case true basalt is here the youngest of the eruptive rocks, but much of it still shows considerable antiquity. In the Tushar the larger vents have been so far obliterated that the cones have vanished and left the determination of the sources of the lavas to other characters. In the cen- tral part of the Markagunt the cones have nearly faded away, but are still recognizable. On the other hand, some of the basalts are strikingly recent, and a few so fresh that no appreciable change has taken place since their orifices became silent. Just south of Panquitch Lake, in the Markagunt, are a number of streams, which, so far as appearance is concerned, might have been erupted less than a century ago. Half a dbzen other streams, in various localities, might be named of which the antiquity can hardly exceed 62 GEOLOGY OF THE HIGH PLATEAUS. a very few centuries. The cones are perfect, the lava is not faded by time, and even the spongy, inflated scum of the surface is still black as coal or faintly tinged by atmospheric reagents. That the basaltic period was a long one is further manifest by the fact that on the southwestern flank of the Tushar is a conglomerate composed wholly, or nearly so, of basaltic materials. These were derived from the degradation of the massive basalts, which have overflowed that part of the range, and they are well stratified after the peculiar manner of sub-aerial conglomerates. The basalts, in choosing localities for eruption, show here a tendency to abandon those parts of the district which had been the seats of the grander outbreaks of earlier periods and to find new and independent localities for their extravasation. It is not always so, however, for the greatest basaltic floods outpoured hard by one of the most important centers of tra- chytic eruption. But, on the whole, their situation relative to the older masses is peripheral. In the Markdgunt the greater part of the basalts lie upon the sedimentary beds. In addition to this, we find many lone vents, or a small cluster of them, standing far away from the central fields of more ancient lavas. A large number of basaltic streams have emanated from the very walls themselves. In truth, no one can fail to be struck with a peculiar habit which they manifest of seeking strange places from which to break out. Very many cones are perched upon the brinks of the ter- raced cliff's or caflon walls. In the western wall of the Paunsdgunt the lava has broken out from the very face of the wall itself The least common place for a basaltic crater is at the base of a cliff. In a great majority of cases the vents stand near the faults, but the curious part of it is that they break forth almost always upon the lifted and very rarely upon the thrown side of the foult. All of the basalts are of the feldspathic varieties, none of the nephelin and leucite bearing varieties having been met with. THE ORDEK OF SUCCESSION IN THE ERUPTIVE ROCKS. The views of F. Baron Richthofen on the succession of eruptions* have received from American geologists profound attention. Probably no * A Natural System of Volcanic Rocks. Memoir presented to the California Academy of Sciences by F. Baroii Richthofen, May 6, 1867. EICnTHOFEN'S ORDER OF SUCCESSION OF ERUPTIONS. 63 living observer has studied this problem more carefully nor included in his observations and generalizations a wider field. His extensive knowledge, his great acumen, and his ability to generalize brilliantly, though cautiously, entitle his conclusions to the most earnest consideration. As the result of his study of volcanic phenomena in many portions of the world, he believes that the various kinds of eruptive rocks reveal a certain order of succes- sion in their relative ages of eruption throughout Tertiary time. Arrang- ing these rocks according to their physical properties and intimate constitu- tion into five groups, or orders, he finds that they have been erupted in the following sequence • 1. Propylite. 2. Andesite. ;5. Trachyte. 4. Rhyolite. 5. Basalt. It will seldom happen that more than two or three of these kinds of rock will be found in direct superposition, the series in any given locality being always incomplete, and in very many cases a single kind will alone be found. But wherever two or more are found superposed, the one having the prior enumeration in the foregoing list will be the older. The only exceptions would be where each order of rocks is represented by numerous individual outbreaks, when the later extravasations of the older order may occasionally be seen to intercalate with the older extravasations of the later order. These considerations apply to what are termed "massive eruptions," where deluges of lava have broken forth from fissures and overwhelmed the adjoining regions with coulees far exceeding the ordinary emanations of common volcanoes. They also apply to the history of those grander vents which have maintained an activity lasting through a considerable proportion of Tertiary time. But the smaller vents as a rule are of very brief geological duration, and seldom disgorge more than one kind of lava. In support of his generalizations he adduces his own extended observations in Hungary, Germany, and the Sierra Nevada, arid those of many colabor- ers in Armenia, Mexico, Central and South America. Those geologists who have made a special study of the volcanic rocks 64 GEOLOGY OF THE HIGH PLATEAUS. of the Rocky Mountain Region from the Great Plains to the Pacific (each within the Hmits of his own special field), are almost wholly in accord in the belief that Richthofen's law of succession is there sustained. This great field is indeed not yet fully explored, but a very considerable portion of it has been examined. The display of the phenomena of extinct volcanism is, when taken collectively, probably the most extensive and varied in the world. The magnitude and abundance of the eruptions inci'ease as we proceed westward. In the Basin Ranges hardly one fails to show important masses of eruptive rocks, and in many of them such rocks constitute the greater portion of the visible bulk of the ranges. This is especially true of the southern Basin Ranges south of the thirty-eighth parallel, and still more emphatically true of Oregon, Northern California, and the Territories of Washington and Idaho. Of these individualized areas the District of the High Plateaus is a con- spicuous member, though probably far below some of them in magnitude. But among those which have hitherto been brought to notice, none, I believe, present so full and so approximately complete a lithological series. Here then, if anywhere, we ought to find the means of putting Richthofen's law to the test. This was felt after the first season's work had revealed the ampli- tude and variety of the materials, and throughout the subsequent study of the district was never lost sight of* As a result of the study, I am satisfied that Richthofen's law is on the whole sustained. Yet there are certain quali- fications which are required in order to express the exact nature of the sequence. These do not essentially aff"ect the validity of the law as a whole, but rather are supplementary to it There can be no question that the oldest erupted masses now visible there are propylites. Next in age follow the hornblendic andesites. The third series of eruptions, which were by far the most extensive, included tra- chytic rocks, but not trachytes alone. Their associates will be spoken of "It may not bo amiss to state here that at the commencemeut of the study I had no prepossession in favor of Richthofen's views — possibly the contrary. I felt rather an intense curiosity. After a year's oxamiuation I was inclined to the belief that his generalization was not applicable to this district, or ■was at most very imperfectly so. It was ap])arent, hov.ever, that there was much complexity, and I determined to examine the best exposures thoroughly and endeavor to unravel this complexity, if possi- ble, in order to ascertain whether any real ord ■< li \:1.1:j,\.Kj^. rhe t agnetip oxide or protoxide. In the protoxide ^ ill combina 'on in some of the miueral* — the undecoi 'idote or viri- -18 thoroughly ih a greenish ■'• -■ vMhated ., ... .1 verv dnrk ti^ V rs and micaa r such alteration j>rodii rati'm comjx). nde, parti eui; ut the mass f the rock, imj .; .mchanged mic ',, hornblende, a... ii'ticies, give the roci « a gray color of ^ a. ...^ . ;ry light. tVhenever hiese beds have been subject to metamor- n. as has often happoc k1, the proto-compounds of iron are often lioxide, prot icing a pinkish color similar to that of of the tufaceoua beds would enable us ''>sed of ma! rent from iltogether t(.M> ctmspiciioas to admit of any donbt. The origin of these c wtic materials, proximately considered, is in the break up and deatrucl; Ider massive volcanic rocks by the ordinary pre- ndeed, possible that some small t material blow;: j liie strata ao- . "i the tnffuj did'i'H -.. iiier matei'-'d r,.,ii..i-.t from t tliat they hris of Inanui instances lisonta res, by a gradual transition, >i materia) derived from the >mirjg : less, while th;U d Hum tLi •" ocks b«x«»uie8 greater and •r. Instan( itioi) n "i varioti»i parts of the Sevier aiaudiut! ,?.. r. ■ the Marbigunt. Indeed, I •: not that th. mo-t tvni.'Mllv " tiiffif.-rms," G > > Z D Z O r o S M > > •^ O o > z o z FKAGME^TAL VOLCAKIC ROCKS— TUFAS. 73 in reality hold among their ingredients a notable percentage of intermingled grains and silt derived from the denudation of sandstones or other quartzif- erous rocks. Thus, these tufas would seem to be nothing more than sand- stones and shales of the ordinary kind, so far as their mechanical characters are concerned, and having the same genesis as any clastic strata, but the materials of w^hich they are composed being derived from volcanic instead of from foliated common rocks. On this view of the case there is no apparent reason why they should be sharply distinguished from other strata. It would, indeed, be unjustifia- ble to proceed to the conclusion that in other parts of the world the so-called tufas have all had a similar origin, for there is abundant reason for the belief that considerable deposits of real "volcanic ashes" exist elsewhere But if the tufas of the High Plateaus are similar to those which in other regions are supposed to be accumulations of ashes, there is reason for believ- ing that the bulk of strata presumed to consist of materials erupted in a pul- verulent form has been greatly overestimated, and that such strata, instead of being common, are on the whole rare and of insignificant magnitude. Especially I am confident that these beds do not lead at all to the conclu- sion that the volcanic activity of the High Plateaus was inaugura;ted by the ejection of vast bodies of ashes. They seem to point much more logically to the conclusion that eruptions of lavas not now discernible or identifiable took place before they were laid down, and were broken up and wholly or partially dissipated to furnish their materials. These finer deposits rest upon the Eocene beds, which in the southern part of the district I have inferred to be of the age of the Bitter Creek beds of Powell. Whether they are conformable or not is a question I can- not answer. No unconformity has been discovered, both series being very nearly horizontal wherever they are seen in contact It is not certain that the tufas are immediately consecutive in age to the Bitter Creek beds, but at all events I incline to the opinion that no great interval of time separates them. It is an interesting point whether these tufas were deposited before the final recession northward of the great Eocene lake, thus representing the last strata deposited upon this part of its ancient basin, or were accu- mulated in local lakelets which may have lingered for a period after the 74 GEOLOGY OF TEE HIGH PLATEAUS. great lake had receded. Either view is for the present tenable. The small extent of the individual beds might argue for local lakelets. There is no persistent formation subsequent to the Bitter Creek spreading over the entire area of the district, but merely considerable patches of tufaceous beds from 100 to 250 feet thick, having no discovered connection with each other, but occurring in many localities. We find reason for presuming some to be much more recent than others, for they rest upon volcanic sheets or conglomerates which can scarcely be so ancient as the middle Miocene. Those, however, which rest upon sedimentary beds are probably of middle Eocene age, or thereabout, in the southern part of the district, and a little more recent in the northern part of it. No distinguishable fossils have yet been discovered in any of them. On the view that these beds are the waste of older eruptive rocks, the opening of the volcanic activity of the district is thus carried back into the middle or early Eocene. II. Conglomerates. — The coarser clastic formations greatly surpass the tufaceous beds in bulk. Tliey are also much more variable in their modes of stratification and mechanical texture and present problems of great interest. 1st Texture. — Like all conglomerates, they consist of rocky fragments inclosed in a matrix of finer stuff, and both fragments and matrix are volcanic material, without any admixture of debris from ordinary sedimentary and metamorphic rocks. The included fragments range in size from mere grains to blocks weighing several tons. They are of the same petrographic characters as the massive rocks of the neighborhood, and side by side lie pieces derived from widely distinct kinds of lava: — many varieties of rock may be gathered from a few cubic yards of the same conglomeritic mass. Cases occur, however, where for considerable distances along a given stratum the fragments are all of the same variety ; in some the varieties are many; in others they are few. There is no constancy of ratio between the quantity of rocky fragments and the sandy or impalpable matrix. In some beds the stony fragments form but a very small proportion of the bulk; in others, the reverse is true; and there is every possible intermediate proportion. The individual beds are usually very heavy and thick, the partings being rare. In many cases the dimensions of the stones are FEAGME]S[TAL VOLCANIC ROCKS— CONGLOMERATES. 75 limited in weight to a few ounces and show a sorting or selection of sizes. But in most cases the sizes have a much wider range. Geologists have been in the habit of distinguishing two classes of the coarser fragmental beds. First, volcanic conglomerates ; second, volcanic agglomerates or breccias. The conglomerates contain fragments more or less rounded by attrition, which is held to be an indication that they have been gathered together and arranged by the action of the water. The breccias contain fragments which are angular and are presumed to have been showered down around the vents from which they are supposed to have been projected. Beds corresponding to both classes are abundant in the High Plateaus and of very great thickness and area. But I am dis- posed to accept the conclusion that they have all had a similar origin, and that the projection of fragments from active vents and their descent in a mitraille has had very little to do with their accumulation. As a rule, nearly all of the fragments show comparatively little abrasion. Some, indeed, are considerably worn ; most of them are very little rounded at the angles of fracture, and a great pi'oportion are in a condition in which it is difficult to say whether they have been abraded slightly or not at all ; for when detached from the matrix the surfaces are corroded by some action which may have been weathering pi-ior to their final burial or the solvent action of percolating water after their burial and prior to the consolidation of the stratum. None of the fragments exhibit the sharp edges formed by fresh surfaces of fracture. Thus, while well rounded fragments (like those of glacial drift or stream gravel) are uncommon, it is not certain that any notable proportion have been absolutely free from attrition. The average amount of attrition is generally small — far less than in conglomerates usually occurring in a regular system of fossiliferous or stratified rocks. No sharp distinction can be drawn between those beds of which the included fragments exhibit a considerable amount of abrasion and those in which no abrasion can be clearly proven. There is every degree of this action and every shade of transition Thus it becomes impracticable to draw any line here between conglomerates and breccias. It has seemed to me that the small amount of abrasion in the con- glomerate fragments is susceptible of a partial explanation. The well- 76 GEOLOGY OF THE HIGH PLATEAUS. rounded fragments of ordinary conglomerates have been ground and worn away by the action of sand and grit carried in suspension by the water. Now the ordinary arenaceous particles are quartz granules, Avhich are exceedingly hard and much more efficient in effecting abrasion than gran- ules of softer material would be. But in a volcanic district, where the only rocks yielding fine detritus are volcanic rocks, quartz sand is a scarce arti- cle. The mud and fine stuff carried by the streams consist of fragments of the rocks themselves, particles of feldspar, mica, hornblende, and still more largely clay stained with iron oxide None of these materials possess the hardness of quartz and their abrading power is consequently much less. The great magnitude of these formations is by itself a source of great perplexity when we inquire as to their origin. Looking up from the val- leys below to the vast palisades which stretch away into the distance, and seeing that they are chiefly composed of this fragmental matter, we seem to be face to face with an insoluble problem. How did all this material get to its present position and whence came it ? That it was blown into the air in a fragmentary condition and showered down into strata is an explanation which becomes more and more untenable as our studies progress, and at length comes to look quite absurd. These conglomerates are often seen with a thickness of nearly 1,000 feet at distances ranging from 6 to 12 miles from the nearest eruptive focus, and filling all the intermediate space between their outer boundary and the central eruptive mass to which we look to find their origin. Prodigious as the projectile force of volcanoes is known to be, there are no recorded observations which warrant the belief that this force ever becomes so transcendent as would be necessary to hurl such enormous quantities of fragments to such distances. The highest velocity imparted to cannon-shot (over 2,000 feet per second) would be trifling in comparison, and they would have to rise several times higher into the atmosphere than the horizontal distances to Avhich they would be thrown. But supposing them to be showered down, let us try to imagine them restored to the places from which the outrushing vapors or gases tore them. What enormous vacuities we should be required to fill in order to replace them all ! This consideration by itself seems to me sufficient to refute com- FEAGMEI^TAL VOLCA^NIC EOCKS— CONGLOMERATES. 77 pletely the notion that these fragf lents have been hurled into their present positions by the explosive energy at the vents. Scoriaceous or slaggy fragments, "volcanic bombs," and the many forms which lava takes when the blast from the crater carries up portions of -the liquid and scatters them round the surrounding cone, are not found in the conglomerates — at least I have never observed them. I will except from this statement, however, one locality in the southern part of the Sevier Plateau, where a profound gorge (named Sanford Cafion) gives a brief exposure of what seems to have been an ancient trachytic vent subse- quently buried by massive outflows, and which is composed chiefly of cinV ders. This can hardly be called a conglomerate, however. The fragments of the true conglomerates are apparently pieces of massive lava, just such as are riven by the frost and other agencies of secular decav from cold rocks in situ. Very many of them show more or less weathering or corrosion of their surfaces, and very many do not indicate a trace of such action beyond a slight discoloration. That these fragments have been broken from mass- ive rocks is too patent to admit of question. The only explanation of the origin of the conglomerates which does not involve us in absurdity is that they are derived from the waste of massive volcanic rocks under the normal processes of degradation manifested in all mountainous regions. While active vents usually throw out fragmental mat- ter in great quantities, and while some of the fragments may have been thus derived, yet I conceive that this process has contributed but an insignificant portion of the entirety of the conglomerates. In the chapter on the Sevier Valley and its alluvial conglomerates, I shall describe the process, now in visible operation, by which beds of a similar nature are accumulating at the present day upon a scale of magnitude not inferior to that which produced the colossal formations now seen in the palisades of the plateaus. Throughout the valleys which intervene between the ranges of plateaus fragmental beds are accumulating in vast masses High up in the tabular ranges the frosts, rains, and torrents are gradually breaking up, not only the anciently-out- poured masses of lava, but also the older conglomerates, and are bearing down through the great ravines and gorges the debris torn from the rocks, and are scattering them over the valley plains in the form of very depressed 78 GEOLOGY OF THE HIGH PLATEAUS. alluvial cones, so flat or gently sloped that the conical form is not at first recognized by the eye. Each cone has its apex at the gateway of some mountain gorge, while its base is several miles out in the middle of the val- ley. These cones are so broad and numerous, that they are confluent at their bases and give the general impression of a very gently undulated surface of alluvium covering the entire expanse of the valley. Could we see them in vertical cross-section, we should find them to possess a well- marked stratification agreeing with the stratification of the older conglom- erates. A few fortunate exposures have here and there revealed their internal structure, and a careful comparison leaves little doubt that the val- ley alluvium and the ancient conglomerates were formed in substantially the same manner and by the same process. If it be true that these conglomerates have been derived from the sec- ular decay of massive eruptive rocks, of which the debris have been carried down the old moimtain slopes by running water and stratified in great beds of alluvia, then we may expect to find certain correlated facts, of which the following are examples: (1.) We should expect to find these con- glomerates grouped around ancient eruptive centers still preserving rem- nants of the massive rocks which are presumed to have furnished the mate- rial of the conglomerates. (2.) We should also expect to find that these remnants consist of rocks of exactly the same varieties as we find in the fragments of the conglomerates ; provided, however, that eruptions from these centers subsequent to the formation of the conglomerates have not completely overflowed and hidden the older outbreaks. (3.) We should expect to find the loftiest portions or crowning summits of the plateaus to consist not of conglomerates, but of massive rocks ; unless, indeed, the rela- tive altitudes of the two classes of rocks has been reversed or modified by subsequent upheavals or sinkages. The general idea here conveyed is that the process which formed the conglomerates consisted in the transportation of fragmental matter from high-standing ancient volcanic piles to low-lying plains and valleys around their bases or along their flanks. These relations, 1 think, are very satis- factorily shown after a careful analysis of the facts. We may still discern the more important ancient eruptive centers with the conglomerates grouped METAMORPHISM OP FRAGMENTAL VOLCANIC ROCKS. 79 around them and the fragments contained in the latter agree with the rocks remaining in the former. But there is much comjjlication and obscurity in many instances arising from the fact that these eruptive centers have again and again been active, the work of one epoch being overflowed and par- tially masked by the extravasation and still later devastation of subsequent epochs. Moreover, the loftiest points are composed of massive rocks, and the positions of the conglomerates are invariably below those of the centers from which they are presumed to have emanated, except in those cases where the relative altitudes have been changed by relatively recent dis- placement. The general problem would have been full of anomalies, how- ever, were we not in a position to unravel both the complications arising from vertical movements and those from the recurrence of the volcanic activity. But being able to restore in imagination the displaced blocks of country, and in a considerable measure to separate into periods the course of volcanic activity, we find by so doing that the difficulties vanish and the facts group themselves into normal relations. A very striking characteristic of these clastic volcanic rocks, both the tufas and the conglomerates, is their great susceptibility to metamorphism. Not only have the beds in many localities been thoroughly consolidated, but they have undergone crystallization. Those tufas and conglomerates which are of older date, and which have been buried beneath more recent accumulations to considerable depths, rarely fail to show conspicuous traces of alteration, and in many cases have been so profoundly modified, that for a considerable time thei*e was doubt as to their true character. The gen- eral tendency of this process is to convert the fragmental strata into rocks having a petrographic facies and texture very closely resembling certain groups of igneous rocks. When we examine the beds in situ no doubt can exist for a moment that they are waterlaid strata. (See heliotypes V and VI.) The hand specimens taken from beds which are extremely metamorphosed might readily pass, even upon close inspection, for pieces of massive eruptive rocks, were it not that the original fragments are still distinguishable, partly by slight difi'erences of color, partly by slight differ- ences in the degi'ee of coarseness of texture. But the matrix has become very similar to the included fragments, holding the same kinds of crystals, 80 GEOLOGY OF THE HIGH PLATEAUS. and under the microscope it shows a groundmass of. the same texture and composition. Crystals are frequently seen lying partly in the original pebble, partly in the original matrix, and the surfaces of fracture betray no inequalit)^ of hardness or cleavage, but cut through the pebbles and matrix indifferently. Microscopic examination discloses a groundmass, differing in no very important respect from such as are displayed by many eruptive rocks. The base, however, has, in all the instances which I have examined, that felsitic aspect which is characteristic of porphyritic rocks, neither glassy nor strictly microcrystalline, but exhibiting that aggregate polarization which is not yet satisfactorily explained. There is an entire absence of glass or fusion products in the groundmass. Free quartz is often found even in those varieties which consist largely of plagioclase and hornblende or augite The fragmental character of the matrix has disappeared ; not a trace of the original clastic condition can be detected, unless it is to be found in some of the quartzes and feldspars. I see nothing at all incredible in the idea of metamorphism producing rocks so closely resembling some eruptive rocks that they cannot be petro- graphically distinguished from them. It seems rather that we ought to anticipate just such a result from the alteration and consolidation of pyro- clastic strata. The materials which compose them consisted originally of disintegrated feldspar, pyroxene, and the matter which constitutes the amorphous base of all eruptive rocks. In general they are silicates of alumina, alkali, lime, magnesia, and iron, from which, no doubt, portions of the soda, lime, and silica, and to a less extent the iron, potash, and magne- sia, originally forming the massive rocks from which they came, have been abstracted by atmospheric decomposition. They still retain portions of all these constituents, and only require the presence of conditions favorable to reaction in order to generate feldspar, mica, hornblende, and, perhaps, fresh quartz. Ordinarily we should anticipate that only small quantities of soda and lime would be present, and inasmuch as these bases are necessary to the formation of feldspar (plagioclase), only a partial crystallization would result. There would be left a considerable quantity of aluminous silicate, with some magnesia, which might form mica or aluminous hornblende, though the greater portion of it would ordinarily remain as an amorphous felsite METAMOEPHISM OF FEAGMENTAL VOLCANIC E0CK8. 81 or impure argillite. The obliteration of all traces of granulation in this residual felsitic base is no more remarkable than it would be in an argilla- ceous rock. So long as a thorough crystallization of the entire mass remains impracticable for want of the requisite quantity of alkaline and earthy bases, much of the groundmass must necessarily remain amorphous ; and there is no difficulty in believing that this amorphous base may take those forms and aspects (both microscopic and macroscopic) which are seen in many forms of porphyroid eruptive rocks. These rocks, however, never reveal any traces of that igneous fusion which is displayed by the basalts and augitic andesites on the one hand, and by the true rhyolites on the other. Glass inclusions, fluidal textures, fibrolites, or a spherulitic base are never found among them. This absence of all evidence of igneous action at high temperature is a significant charac- teristic. Hence the similarity of these metamorphic rocks does not extend to all igneous or eruptive rocks, but only to limited groups of them, such as porphyritic trachyte and several other trachytic varieties, to the propy- lites, and to some varieties of hornblendic andesite. A detailed description and study of the metamorphic tufas will be found in the portion of the chapter on the Sevier Plateau, in which the rocks of the East Fork Canon are described. G H p CHAPTER IV. THE CLASSIFICATION OF VOLCANIC ROCKS. Objects to be gained by a system of classification. — Artificial and natural systems. — The best system represents with accuracy the existing knowledge. — Progress is from the artificial to the natural classifications. — All are evanescent and temporary. — Classification of volcanic rocks chiefly with reference to physical properties. — Transitions to porphyritic rocks. — Correlations between physi- cal properties. — Chemical composition. — Mineral ingredients. — Texture. — Density. — Fusibility. — Wholly crystalline and partly crystalline textures. — Texture as correlated to geological age of eruptions. — Not universally a true correlation. — Pre-Tertiary lavas common. — Von Cotta's view adopted. — View tested by comparison with facts. — Magmas of all ages the same. — Texture due to conditions of solidification. — Porphyritic texture. — Difficulty of definition. — No strict demarka- tion between porphyries and lavas. ^Crystalline rocks. — Significance of the wholly crystalline texture. — ^The two original groups. — ^Acid and basic rocks. — Subdivision of each. — Audesite. — Ehy elite. — The four major groups. — Conspectus of minerals characterizing the primary divisions. — Ehyolites. — Trachytes. — Andesites. — Basalts. — General system. The objects to be gained by a good system of classification I hold to be mainly two : first, accuracy of designation ; and, second, convenience of treatment. In speaking of any natural object, it is desirable to indicate by a single word as much as possible concerning the attributes and relations of that object, and to avoid as far as possible all confusion with the attributes and relations of otiier objects. In order to secure this accuracy and con- venience it is necessary that a classification should be so constructed as to express both the differences and community of attributes and relations. Where the differences of attributes between two or more objects are small and the community of relations is nearly complete, these objects are grouped together as to most of their features, and separated only by small distinc- tions, as varieties or species. W here these differences are very great, and the community very highly generalized, they are separated by much broader divisions, as in orders or classes. When a category of objects is once clas- sified and familiarized to the mind, the mention of any one of them will con- vey not only an idea of the concrete object itself as an individual, but also S2 GENERAL COI^^SIDERATIONS UPON CLASSIFICATION. 83 an idea of its diflFerences and community with other objects of the same category, so far as those differences and community are understood. The differences and affinities (that is to say, community of attributes and relations) between the members of a category are ordinarily not few, much less single, but numerous and complex ; and the value and utility of a system of classification is about proportional to the number of differ- ences and affinities which it truthfully expresses. Systems of classification are spoken of as "artificial" and "natural." My understanding is that an artificial system is one which takes account of the agreements and disagree- ments of the classified objects with respect to only one characteristic or one very limited set of characteristics. The meaning of the expression "natural system of classification" is much more difficult to assign. Most probably different authors would entertain widely differing conceptions as to its meaning, none of which would be very definite or precise. They might, however, agree that a natural system as contradistinguished from an artificial one takes cognizance of all the characteristics and relations of the members to each other ; the difference and affinity in any case being rated and valued, therefore, in accordance with the totality of characters and not dependent upon merely one of them. But it is far easier to say this much about a system of classification than it is to comprehend it! The truth is, that a natural system in any such length and breadth is impossible for any category, unless we know all the members of it and the totality of their relations ; and there is no reason to believe that human knowledge has ever reached to that perfection. But as knowledge is ever increasing, we may at least hope for the time when it shall be sufficient to enable us to find and designate the greater and more important relations with absolute verity; and if the systema naturce is fitted and keyed together in order and harmony, as we are fain to believe, the outstanding facts will fall readily into their places ; just as the final parts of a puzzle are quickly placed when the true arrangement of the other parts is discovered. A purely artificial system marks the initial stage of generalization of knowledge ; a perfect natural system is for the time being unattainable. The growth of knowledge and philosophy, however, is marked by a transition, long, laborious and very gradual, from one to the other ; a transition, which is marked by an indefi- 84 GEOLOGY OP THE HIGH PLATEAUS. nite number of tentative classifications, having less and less of the artificial character, and approaching nearer and nearer to the natural. Each classi- fication represents its author's coordinated knowledge of the category of which he treats, and the classifications which are generally accepted at any time represent the stage of knowledge and induction then prevailing. No system is permanent and none ought to be permanent, but they ought rather to change progressively as knowledge and induction progress. Least of all ought any system to attempt to represent anything more than we actually know. The best system at any time is that which represents most accu- rately the state of knowledge and rational induction at that time. The progress of classification, then, is from the simple or artificial sys- tems which take account of one set or scale of characters and relations, to the natural systems which take into account the totality of characters and rela- tions. Hence the classification is gradually growing more and more com- plex and difficult. The present conditions of most systems of classifications, viewed with reference to their respective stages of progi-ess, eeem to be much nearer the artificial than to the natural. Even in those categories of natural objects which sometimes are claimed to be classified according to natural systems, the progress from the purely artificial has often been small and the approach to the natural very distant. Though recognizing that a natural classification must embrace the totality of characters, naturalists still employ and are compelled to employ in many cases only a single set of characters for the grouping of a given category. On the other hand, we are often able to recognize correlations between the various properties or characters of a group of natural objects, such that, when we arrange them according to one set of characters, we find that we have also arranged them (in consequence of those correlations) in logical harmony with the others. But this rarely happens except in very small groups with a narrow range of variation; our knowledge is rarely equal to a full and sufficient recog- nition of such correlations in large groups. Most of the later classifications, however, assume the existence of such correlations while using a single character as a criterion. Although this course is far from being wholly satisfactory, it appears to be the only practicable one. Sometimes this assumption holds true to a remarkable extent ; much more frequently the BASIS or THE CLASSIFICATION OF VOLCANIC EOCKS. 85 assumed correlations are, so far as Ave can discern them, seen to be only very partial and imperfect. Siill we may hold that, for the time being, the best classification is the one which expresses the largest number of facts and relations hitherto ascertained, and we may advantageously adopt such a classification in preference to any other, though conscious that it fails to bring into recognizable order some outstanding facts and relations which we are compelled for the present to look upon as anomalies. In proposing a system of classification of volcanic rocks, I shall endeavor to conform to the foregoing conceptions as to the purposes and scope of any or all classifications. Strictly speaking, I can pretend to nothing more than the most convenient and accurate expression which the nature of the case may admit, of the state of my own knowledge and convictions con- cerning the properties and relations of volcanic rocks. Holding that all classifications are ephemeral, merely indicating the instantaneous phases of advancing knowledge, it is fully admitted to be an artificial one for the most part, and is natural only so far as nature has been truly discerned and expressed. The object in presenting a new classification instead of selecting and adopting an old one is to give precision to the terms employed, and to lay down from the beginning a systematic statement of the views entertained regarding the affinities of the various kinds of eruptive rocks 60 far as known and understood by the individual writer. Not only does there seem to be no impropriety in any or every writer expressing as accu- rately and systematically as possible his own views of such relations and affinities, but it is rather incumbent on him to do so, and in no way can this be accomplished so compendiously as by a scheme of classification.* In a classification of volcanic rocks, the facts which it is desirable to formulate and arrange are, first, those having reference to the physical con- * I may advert here to a malpractice of some writers, who take advantage of slight pretexts to coin new names for slightly-altered divisions of old groups. A new name is always an inconvenience, even though it may bo necessary ; unless, indeed, it be a purely descriptive one, conveying at once its significance or giving some conception of its meaning to one who hears it for the first time. Thus, the introduction of such names as protogene, elvanite, nevadite, miascite, &c., entails the necessity of much labor and effort to fix in the memory their meaning, all of which might have been avoided and every useful purpose subserved by using the terms hornblendic gianite, quartz porphyry-, granitoid rhyolite, nepbelin syenite, &c. Irrelevant terms like the first may be very convenient to the writer or speaker, but they are very inconvenient to the reader or hearer. Inasmuch as all classifications are evanescent and constantly shifting, it is manifestly desirable to make them as easily iutelligiblo as possible. 86 GEOLOGY OP THE HIGH PLATEAUS. stitution of the numerous kinds and to their degrees of affinity; second, those having reference to their genesis. In other words, we desire a formula which shall express what the rocks are and the causes which made them what they are. It may be said at once that we liave no knowledge of the genesis of volcanic rocks sufficient to make a coherent formula, or out of which we can construct a system of causation, however crude. We know that they came up out of the earth in a molten condition, and that is all we can confidently say of their origin. Our classification, therefore, must, from the necessities of the case, be confined to an expression of what we know concerning their physical constitution. In this direction our knowledge is sufficient to justify an attempt to formulate it. Let us look first at those physical properties which are common to all volcanic rocks, and which, therefore, serve to distinguish them as a cate- gory from all other categories ; if, indeed, such a distinction really exists. 1. All volcanic rocks have been in a state of fusion at a high tem- perature. • 2. All volcanic rocks have been displaced from unknown depths in the earth, and have risen in a fiery, liquid condition, either to the surface, where the}^ have outflowed as lavas, or have intruded themselves, part-way up, among colder overlying rocks, where they have quietly solidified. 3. They consist of aluminous silicate, combined with lime, magnesia, soda, and potash; iron is very rarely absent — perhaps never wholly want- ing. Moreover, the quantities of these several oxides, though varying, have tolerably narrow ranges of variation. Thus the silica never materi- ally exceeds 80 per cent, nor falls sensibly below 45 per cent. ; the alumina ranges from 10 to 20 per cent., the lime fi-om 1 to 10 per cent, &c. 4. All volcanic rocks consist of an amorphous base, holding crystals, except, however, some intrusive rocks, which appear to be wholly crystal- line. In some obsidians, on the other hand, crystals are exceeding rare, though probably no great mass of obsidian is wholly without them. Although it seems as if there ought never to be any difficulty in dis- tinguishing a volcanic rock from any belonging to other categories, yet this difficulty sometimes arises. A rock may have been fused and dis- placed from its seat; it may have the chemical constitution and "half- PHYSICAL PEOPERTIES OF VOLCANIC ROCKS. 87 crystalline" texture of ordinary lavas, and yet it may not have been erupted or subjected to that mechanical action which is the most con- spicuous feature of volcanism. It may have been intruded into a dike, or between strata, and only brought to daylight after the lapse of many geological periods by the agency of denudation. Many of the quartz porphyries and the intrusive or "laccolitic" trachytes of the West, and many basalts or dolerites, are of this character. Are these truly volcanic rocks? Before attempting to answer this inquiry let us advert to the wholly crystalline rocks, such as granite, syenite, diorite, diabase, &c. These are not usually accounted to be volcanic rocks ; yet they have been heated and rendered plastic, and they have been intruded into narrow dikes and veins and between strata, though they have never been erupted, so far as we know. Between the intrusive rocks of a wholly crystalline texture and the intrusive rocks of a half-crystalline texture there may be found a true transition of varieties, and a hard and fast line cannot be drawn between them. Chemically, the two classes are sensibly exact counterparts of each other, and are very nearly so in respect to their constituent min- erals. But the failure to find a boundary is no bar to classification, which takes account not only of differences but also of affinities; and hence, while speaking of volcanic and granitoid rocks as distinct classes, we must still keep in mind the reservation that there is a border country between them. Having indicated the characters which belong to all volcanic rocks as a class, and which at the same time serve to distinguish them from other classes, we may next proceed to consider how they differ among themselves, and what affinities exist between the different groups. It may be repeated here that considerations relating to the genesis of rocks — the causes and pro- cesses which have made them what they are — should not be directly or primarily taken into the account. We know too little about their genesis, and any attempt to include such considerations would merely lead us to embody what we conjecture rather than what we know, and would almost certainly mislead us. We can take account only of well-known facts, and these are to be found chiefly in those chemical and physical characters which have been extensively studied and compared. These are chiefly as 88 GEOLOGY OF THE HIGH PLATEAUS. follows: 1. Chemical composition. 2. Mineral ingredients. 3. Texture. 4. Density. 5. Fusibility. Of these characters the most important surely is the chemical composi- tion. In truth, differences of chemical constitution apparently lie at the foun- dation of most of the other varying characters. It is the primary determi- nant of the minerals which are formed in the lavas and certainly also of the specific gravity and fusibility. The texture, also, is to a considerable extent dependent upon it, though in this respect the rock is influenced more by other conditions. But on the whole there is a well-marked con-elation among the physical properties of volcanic rocks, and we may easily recog- nize the important fact that variations in the chemical composition carry with them tolerably definite and dependent variations in the other physical properties. Correlation between chemical composition and mineral ingredients. — The minerals which are formed in volcanic rocks are to a very important extent determined by the chemical composition of the magma. The most abundant constituent of volcanic rocks is silica; its quantity ranging from 45 to 80 per cent. Those rocks which possess the higher percentages of silica have on the whole more acid minerals than those which possess lower percentages of silica. The minerals of the more acid rocks are quartz and potash-soda feldspars, while those of the more basic rocks are lime-soda feldspars, augite, and olivin. Rocks of intermediate constitution contain both kinds or inter- mediate kinds of feldspar, with abundant hornblende or equivalent augite. We may discern the principle of selection, which determines the minerals by studying each chemical constituent in detail. It might be readily antici- pated that free quartz would be segregated and crystallized in a rock con- taining a very large percentage of silica. Indeed, the law of definite pro- portions regulating the combinations of all substances requires us to believe that in all ordinary volcanic rocks holding more than 65 to 68 per cent, of silica this excess of silica must be present uncombiued, whether as free quartz conspicuous to the eye or as an intimate mixture of the groundmass. There is no fixed percentage at which silica becomes excessive, since that will depend largely upon the atomic weights and affinities of the other sub- stances present. But, in a general way, those rocks which contain large PHYSICAL PEOPEETIES OF VOLCANIC BOCKS. 89 quantities of alkali (soda and potash) may have a larger percentage of silica without excess, than rocks containing more of lime, magnesia, and iron and less of alkali. Thus trachytes, which have a comparatively large proportion of soda and potash, and very little lime and iron, seldom show any evidence of excess of silica unless the percentage exceeds 68 per cent., and then, as the silica increases, they graduate into rhyolites. On the other hand, such rocks as propylite and andesite, which contain an abundance of lime and iron, begin to show evidence of an excess of silica when the percent- age of it exceeds 62 per cent, or sometimes even 60 per cent. The reason for this is not far to seek. The alkalies are capable of forming definite combi- nations with a much higher percentage of silica than are lime, magnesia, and iron. The alkalies give rise to the acid feldspars, albite, and orthoclase, while the lime gives rise to the basic feldspar, anorthite, and iron and mag- nesia to the equally basic minerals of the pyroxenic, hornblendic, and olivin groups. On the other hand, the alkalies sometimes form basic minerals, such as leucite and nephelin. This happens whenevcF these bases are present in quantities in excess of those required to form feldspar, or, what amounts to the same thing, when the ratio of silicate of alumina to soda or potash is less than that required to form albite or orthoclase. Hence, in basic rocks rich in potash, we find leucite, and when they are rich in soda, nephelin, either or both replacing feldspar. Turning now to the magnesian minerals, the same kind of correlation is seen. Where the quantity of magnesia relatively to the silica is very great olivin is formed abundantly. This is the most basic mineral occurring in eruptive rocks, and is found only in rocks which are least siHceous. Where the quantity of magnesia is less, augite and hornblende are formed. In the two latter minerals it appears that lime, magnesia, and iron protoxide largely replace each other, lime predominating in augite, and magnesia in hornblende. They are moderately basic, but less so than olivin. In the more acid rocks magnesia takes frequently the form of mica (biotite), in which the quantity of protoxide base is still less than in hornblende. With regard to alumina, it is somewhat remarkable that although the 90 GEOLOGY OF THE HIGH PLATEAUS. quantity of this constituent is second only to that of sihca, it varies less than any other. It rarely falls below 14 per cent, and rarely exceeds 19 per cent, of the entire rock. There is a tendency to a slight excess of alumina above the quantity required to form feldspar in the acid rocks and a tendency to a slight deficiency for the formation of feldspar in the basic rocks.* Hence the slight excess of alumina of the acid rocks may readily be taken up by the aluminous micas and aluminous hornblende ; and in the basic rocks, on account of the deficiency of alumina, the lime cannot all take the form of feldspar, and a considerable portion of it appears in the very abundant augite. Thus we find that basic rocks have basic minerals and acid rocks have acid minerals, and that the mineral ingredients stand in correlation to the chemical composition of the magma, and that the nature of the latter is a determinant of the former. Perhaps the most striking example is to be found in the varying conditions which determine the formation of augite and hornblende. These two minerals differ but little in chemical constitution, and yet their slight differences are distinctly correlated to differences in the composition of the magmas from which they crystallize. In augite, lime and iron are found in greater quantity and alumina in less quantity than in hornblende. Although the differences in these respects ai-e rather small, they appear to be strictly proportional to correlative differences in the gen- eral groundmass in which they respectively occur. Correlation between chemical composition and specific gravity. — The exist- ence of such a correlation is perhaps too well known and too obvious to require any discussion. In general the density holds an inverse ratio to the acidity. Correlation between the chemical composition and fasihility. — The fusibility of volcanic rocks has not been investigated so fully as other pi-operties, and neither lithologists nor geologists appear to have attached any very great *Tho percentage of alumina, however, is less in the acid than in the basic rocks, and yet the excess above the quantity required to form soda and potash feldspars is usually greater in the former rocks than in the latter, on account of the great acidity of the alkali feldspars ; indeed, there is rarely any notable excess of alumina in the basic rocks above what is required for the basic lime-feldspar. Thus the rocks which have the smaller percentage of alumina curiously enough have an excess above the ro, Cj^S^ Cd in > Z D M O Z m r JUEASSIC WHITE SAimSTONE— CEOSS-BEDDING. 153 simple in the extreme, and majestic by reason of their simplicity. The color of the rock is almost always gray, verging towards white. Occasion- ally it is a very pale cream color, and again pale red. The red becomes more common as we recede from the old shore line towards the east. But of all the features of this rock the most striking is the cross-bedding. It is hard to find a single rock-face which is not lined off with rich tracery produced by tlie action of weathering upon the cross-lamination. The massive cliff-fronts are etched from summit to base with a filagree as intri- cate and delicate as frost-work. The same phenomenon is seen in the Ver- milion Cliff sandstones below, often so rich and complex that it excites constant admiration. Dr. Newberry speaks of it with enthusiasm as pre- sented in the Triassic sandstones of New Mexico. But it is far less won- derful than the cross-bedding which the Jurassic presents at every exposure. In the Colob Terrace, south of the Markdgunt, the rock weathers into many cones and pyramids, and the details produced by the action of the weather upon the cross-bedding are grotesque and often ludicrous. A journey down the Upper Kanab Canon is enlivened by ever-recurring displays of this phenomenon, presented with a profuseness and variety which extort excla- mations of delight from the beholder. The Jurassic sandstone was de- posited over an area which cannot fall much short of 35,000 square miles, and the average thickness exceeds 1,000 feet. The imagination is utterly baffled in the endeavor to conceive how a mass so vast and at the same time 80 homogeneous and intricately cross-bedded throughout its entire extent could have been accumulated. Overlying the white sandstone is a series of beds which may be called shales with some reservation, and here we find for the first time an abun- dance of distinctive fossils. They are clearly of Jurassic genera and species, and enable us to correlate the horizon with confidence. They belong to a well-marked formation, which is represented not only throughout the greater part of the Plateau Province, but also in Colorado, Wyoming, and Northern New Mexico. From many large areas, indeed, it has been denuded, but throughout Utah it is never wanting from those exposures where its pres- ence could be looked for. That constancy of lithological character which is so conspicuous in 154 GEOLOGY OF THE HIGH PLATEAUS. older Mesozoic members does not prevail in this one, for it is highly varia- ble not only in the mass, but also in the constitution of the beds. In some exposures it is more than a thousand feet thick; in others, it is less than two hundred. Where its volume is greatest it is more arenaceous, and where the volume is less the beds are shaly, marly, and calcareous. Usually sev- eral seams of limestone occur, and in these the fossils are found often abundantly. One notable feature is the small amount of cement in the arenaceous layers, which are, therefore, very poorly consolidated, and the rock weathers and wastes away with extreme facility. Gypsum and sele- nite occur abundantly in these beds, and especially noticeable is the latter mineral, which is seen sparkling and glittering in the sunlight in the bad- lands to which the decay of the strata gives rise., THE CRETACEOUS. Throughout the District of the High Plateaus and the broad terraces which flank it upon the south and east the Cretaceous system has the same relative magnitude and importance which distinguish it in other portions of the West. , In absolute mass it is inferior only to the Carboniferous ; but as the latter formation is usually covered by later ones over the greater part of the West, and especially of the Plateau Country, the Cretaceous exposures are everywhere the dominant ones and most conspicuous. The series consists of many beds of sandstone and argillaceous shale, the latter decidedly predominating. The number of beds is very great, but they show a tendency to form groups, here a series of sandstones with a few shales, there a series of shales with a few thin seams of sandstone. Two conditions, however, have combined to render the group a difficult one to study and to correlate with coeval groups in other regions. The first is the want of sharp and persistent divisional horizons ; the second is the great variation of the lithological characters along the outcrops, and the changes which almost all the strata undergo as we trace them from place to place. No two sections show any close agreement in the bedding. Since the fos- sils are generally confined to a few of the many layers, it is frequently dif- ficult to find a valid separation, and even when we discover one we cannot apply it to every locality. But while we are often at a loss to decide to CRETACEOUS SYSTEM. 155 what part of the Cretaceous system a particular exposure should be assigned, we are rarely in doubt about its Cretaceous age, for each member of the system possesses lithological characteristics only a little less emphatic and distinctive than those of the Trias and Jura. They consist of very heavy alternating masses of iron-gray argillaceous shales and bright yellowish- brown sandstones, which the observer will seldom be in danger of con- founding with the members of any other group. The iron-gray shale some- times gradually passes into a bluish-gray or light dove-color, especially to the eastward of the High Plateaus. At the base, or near the base of the Cre- taceous system, is a conglomerate, the age of which is doubtful, since the horizon separating the Upper Jurassic has not yet been accurately deter- mined, and the conglomerate may ultimately prove to be a part of the latter group. Tiie upper and lower divisions of the Cretaceous can be correlated with a very high degree of probability with the Laramie and Dakota groups of Colorado, respectively. Our inability hitherto to subdivide the intervening members prevents us for the present from asserting any exact correlations with the middle Cretaceous divisions of that State. The sand- stone near the base of the system, with a few underlying shales, is without much doubt the extension of similar strata found in Southwestern Colorado and Northwestern New Mexico by Messrs. Holmes and Peale, and referred by them to the Dakota Group. The fossils found in this group are Ostrea prudentia (White), Gn/phea PitcJieri, Exogyra laeviuscula, E. ponderosa, Pli- catula hjdrotheca (White), Avkula lingmformis (Shnmard), Camptonectes pla- tessa (White), CaUista Deweyi (Meek and Hayden). In these lower Creta- ceous beds are also found a good workable seam of coal and numerous Carbonaceous shales. The coal outcrops near Upper Kanab, south of the Paunsagunt Plateau, and also in Potato Valley, south of the Aquarius.* The equivalence of the Upper Cretaceous shales with the Laramie beds is founded upon their known continuity with strata of that age in Western Colorado and along the course of the Green River south of the Uintas. This continuity can be traced very clearly in the great cliffs west *A good workable coal is found at several jjlaces on the southwest flank of the Mark^gunt, but I am not quite sure that it belongs to this horizon. 156 GEOLOGY OF THE HIGH PLATEAUS. of Castle Valley, which swing around the north end of the San Rafael Swell and merge into the broad Upper Cretaceous mesas east of it. The fossils which are found in these shales are of brackish-water habits, and although the species are in many cases new or peculiar to the locality, yet their general facies and generic forms are clearly such as harmonize with this correlation. The mass of the Laramie beds is here very considerable, averaging about 1,800 feet. They contain many Carbonaceous shales, and. workable seams of coal have also been observed which apparently lie near the base of the group. Between the summit of the Dakota and the base of the Laramie beds lie from 2,000 to 3,000 feet of sandstones and shales which must represent the middle Cretaceous divisions. These are as yet not subdivided nor cor- related with the divisions of Colorado and Wyoming. The whole Cretaceous system of the High Plateaus and their encir- cling terraces is lignitic, and coal is found at many horizons. Nor does one portion of the series seem to abound in coal more than another. Car- bonaceous shales are found along the great escarpments in many localities, and a considerable number of workable beds of coal are also known. At the close of the Laramie period we come to a physical break in the course of the deposition. Prior to that epoch the disturbances and resulting unconformities ajipear to have been few and inconsiderable. The continuity of deposition from the base of the Trias to the summit of the Cretaceous appears to have been unbroken, and the only unconformities seen are local and usually slight. But at the close of the Laramie period extensive disturbances took place along the old Mesozoic shore line which now marks the boundary of the Great Basin. Considerable areas have been found from which the Cretaceous strata were extensively denuded before the deposition of the earliest Tertiary beds began, and where the lower Eocene is seen to lie across the upturned and beveled edges of the Cretaceous. In the locality now occupied by the Aquarius Plateau and Thousand Lake Mountain the lower Eocene rests directly upon the Juras- sic, and the Cx-etaceous series is wholly wanting over a large part of the area. A great monoclinal flexure runs under the Aquarius from the south, and where it disappears beneath the great lava cap of that plateau the his- UNCONFORMITY OF TERTIARY AND CRETACEOUS. 157 tory of the unconformity is clearly revealed. The monoclinal involves the whole Cretaceous system, but not the overlying Tertiary, and fixes the age of the disturbance between the close of the Laramie and the beginning of the Tertiary. The northern extension of the Water-Pocket flexure indi- cates a precisely similar movement coeval with the one already recited. This flexure disappears beneath volcanic accumulations at Thousand Lake Mountain. The summit of that mass consists of lava-capped Tertiary strata resting upon the Jurassic, while to the northeast of the mountain the Cretaceous beds are rolled up towards it monoclinally, with patches of level Eocene beds lying unconformably across their edges. An uncon- formity of Tertiary and Cretaceous is also laid open to view in Salina Canon. Around the flanks of the Markagunt Plateau many exposures of this unconformity are also seen. In truth, there appears to have been at this epoch a series of displacements having a north and south trend, break- ing up the Mesozoic system into long blocks by well-defined monoclinal flexures, and the uplifted portions everywhere sufiered denudation prior to the deposition of the Tertiary beds. On the other hand, very many of the contacts of the Eocene and Laramie beds are apparently conformable. This occurs wherever the older series escaped distortion, and throughout the central parts of the Plateau Province they usually did escape it. The great disturbances were for the most part localized in the vicinity of the old shore line, and only now and then extended far away from it. The dis- turbances, being also chiefly monoclinal flexures and faults, did not disturb very noticeably the horizontality of the strata except along the very narrow locus of the flexure itself The existence of these unconformities indicates a lapse of time between the close of the period of deposition of the Laramie beds and the begin- ning of the local Eocene. Nor could this period have been of very trifling duration, for there are instances of extensive erosion of the Upper Cre- taceous prior to the deposition of the earliest Tertiary. In the Aquarius Plateau and in Thousand Lake Mountain the Lower Eocene rests upon the Jurassic, and in the southern amphitheaters of the Aquarius the Tertiary -lies across the beveled edges of the whole Cretaceous system. Whether such an occurrence may be construed as meaning a temporary emergence 158 GEOLOGY OP THE HIGH PLATEAUS. of land from the water, or whether it merely indicates a local exposure to denudation, it is not possible at present to say. TERTIARY LACUSTRINE FORMATIONS The history of the Plateau Country which is at present best known is the history of its Tei'tiary formations. This remains to be written; but materials for it have been widely collated, and are in the possession of Pro- fessor Powell, who will, it is believed, discuss the subject at an early day. A more promising and instructive one probably is not to be found in the entire range of North American geology. Nothing more is needed here than a mere summary, which may serve as a guide and index to the mean- ing of the terms employed in this monograph. The Tertiary system of the Plateau Country is lacustrine throughout, with the exception of a few layers near the base of the series, which have yielded estuarine fossils. The widely varying strata were accumulated upon the bottom of a lake of vast dimensions, and were derived from the waste of mainlands and mountain platforms, some of which are still dis- cernible. The region of maximum deposit was in the vicinity of the Wasatch and Uintas, where in the course of Eocene time more than 8,000 feet of beds were laid down. As we proceed southward, these heavy de- posits attenuate, partly by a diminution in the thickness of the individual members and partly because the period of deposition ceased earlier the farther southward we go, until in the southern part of the province only the lower Eocene is found, or, indeed, was ever deposited. The High Plateaus occupy the belt througli which this diminishing bulk and successive elimination of upper members is well seen. In the Wasatch Plateau, at the extreme northern part of the district, we find the two lower divisions of tlie Eocene present in great volume; and in the valley of the Sevier and San Pete we find what is undoubtedly a still higher division. At the southern portion of the district only the lower division can be clearly made out, though some of the vipper beds may prove to belong to a later period. The present weight of evidence, however, seems to me to place them in one divis- ion, the "Bitter Creek" of Powell. In the southern plateaus, the Markdgunt and Paunsdgunt, we find TERTIARY LACUSTRINE SERIES. 159 the following members of the Bitter Creek, which are much the same in all exposures : SOUTHERN BITTEE CREEK. Yent. 1. Upper white limestone and calcareous marl (summit of series) 300 2. Pink calcareous sandstone 800 3. Pink conglomerate (base of the series) 550 1,050 In the northern part of the district we have a larger development of the Bitter Creek series, and resting upon it some heavy masses of the Lower Green River shales, and probably a considerable portion of the Upper Green River Group ia also represented. There is, however, no exact correspond- ence in the lithological or stratigraphical succession of the component mem- bers of the Bitter Creek when the northern and southern poi'tions of the district are compared, A series of sections from the northern part is given in the following chapter. The Pink Cliffs, which form such a striking feature in the scenery of the southern terraces, are exposures of the fine-grained calcareous sand- stone forming the middle member of the Bitter Creek. The same expos- ures are exhibited in the southern and southwestern flanks of the Markd- gunt around the entire promontory of the Paunsdgunt and in the circuit of the Table Cliff. In the Aquarius Plateau the Lower Eocene is found, but in smaller volume than elsewhere, and it is decidedly diminished in mass upon the summit of Thousand Lake Mountain. But it resumes its normal thickness farther north, and then grows more and more massive throughout the extent of the Wasatch Plateau. In their general characteristics these Tertiary strata are similar to the Laramie beds upon which they generally rest, being shaly and marly and sometimes lignitic. It "ts noteworthy, however, that in the southern part of the district of the High Plateaus no lignite or carbonaceous material has yet been discovered in the Tertiary beds. But in the northern part of the district the lignites are found abundantly not only in the Lower Eocene (Bitter Creek), but even in the Lower and Upper Green River (?) beds. In the San Pete Valley coal has been mined for local use for several years, and taken from what appear to be seams of Gi-een River age. A more detailed description of the Northern Tertiaries will be given in the next chapter. CHAPTER VII. THE WASATCH PLATEAU. Sitnation and stmotnre of the "Wasatch Plateau. — Of what strata composed. — The great monoclinal. — The Cretaceous platform south of it. — Salina Canon. — The Jurassic Wedge. — East and West Gun- nison faults. — San Pete Plateau. — Sedimentary beds composing the Wasateh Plateau ; Bitter Creek, Lower Green River, and Upper Green Kiver beds. The name of Wasatch Plateau has been given to the northernmost of those highlands of tabular form which are the subject of the present mono- graph. It is in some sense an outlier of the group, and presents features peculiarly its own, though sharing with them a common history and many similar features. It slightly overlaps at its northern end the main range of the Wasatch Mountains, and stands en echelon to the southeast of Mount Nebo, the last great mountain of that beautiful chain. The interval between Nebo and the plateau is about 15 miles, and is filled partly by a medley of low hills and partly by a depression called San Pete Valley, which lies along the base of the table. The western flank of the uplift is a mono- clinal flexure of the grandest proportions. Along a base line nearly 50 miles in length the Tertiary strata bend upward to the summit in a single sweep, diversified by minor inequalities arising partly from minor fractures, partly from erosion, but never of such magnitude as to mask the general plan of the uplift, nor even to greatly disfigure its symmetry. The minor features, though elsewhere they might seem of considerable moment, are mere ripples upon the great wave. At the summit the strata suddenly flex back to horizontality, and when we reach it we find ourselves upon a long narrow platform, nowhere more than 6 miles in width, usually much nar- rower, and here and there reduced to a knife-edge or even eaten through by erosion. To the eastward the profile at once drops down, often by a great cliff, always abruptly, by a succession of leaps across the edges of the sensibly horizontal strata, to lower terraces, succeeding each other at intervals of 3 to 6 miles, and consisting of older and older formations. 160 i PLATE I. ayh^Z Sn-eLl ^^^^M ^'1'''' ;r'',:i!i'''':i'/il'^nT^ -^^4-^'^^.y^):JyAVJ^^ HaJbueL SrreCi fT^ij'il Jill 'lid '('^!'lil''1!'"':!Vl'Mpfe^ .'-'...'- :.^l'''!,ii;/.!;;;^ 4^:^ ^;■■^^■•,^p■:-^. ■.':i:^ :>:.-■. .rv-v.-.;r:.,.-,r;;w:->t.;i-r;^ Legend J^arcmnc VMWM TTpperTrias WcS-B^^ Cretaceous li^;g;^ij Lorrer Trias. ^ ^mf^^r^r^m^i^w^wd Jia^OLSsic WmMM Carbontf^ I"^|:p';^H"';:^ iie San Kafael Swell GENEEAL STEUCTUEE OF THE WASATCH PLATEAU. 161 The eastern front of the plateau is simply a wall left standing by the erosion of the region which it faces. The Tertiary beds upon the summit, as well as the Cretaceous beneath, once spread, unbroken and undisturbed, as far to the eastward as the eye can reach, and thence far beyond the limits of vision. From the strange land which that summit now overlooks at an altitude of 11,500 feet, more than 8,000 feet of Tertiary and Mesozoic strata have been swept away, and the region which has been thus devas- tated is large enough for a great kingdom. The Wasatch Plateau is a mere remnant of that protracted process, and, so far as it extends, is a mere rim standing along a portion of the western boundary of the Plateau Province. The western front of the plateau, then, is a great monoclinal flexure, and its eastern front is a wall of erosion. To the northward the beds which compose it stretch far up toward the Uinta Mountains, still ending in lines of great cliifs or bold slopes gradually swinging to the eastward until, after a course of nearly a hundred miles, they cross the Green River, where Powell named the Tertiaries the Roan Cliffs, and the Upper Cretaceous the Book Cliffs. Southward the Tertiaries forming the summit of the plateau end abruptly in a precipice extending east and west, while the underlying Cretaceous beds continue, forming a lower terrace overlooking the still lower level of Castle Valley. The average altitude of the table is about 11,000 feet, and it stands from 5,500 to 6,000 feet above San Pete Valley on the west and about the same height above Castle Valley on the east. To gain an adequate conception of the great monoclinal, which forms the western flank, we must recur to the consideration that the upward curvature and reflection to horizontality leaves the Lower Tertiary beds full 5,500 feet above still more recent ones in the valley below. If the latter were now continuous across the summit, as they once probably were, the altitude would be from 1,500 to 2,000 feet greater than at present. Thus the total rise of the monoclinal appears to have been more than 7,000 feet, and the uplift has occurred with a near approach to equality along a line of strike of 50 miles. The transverse structure will be seen by referring to Plate 3, sections (j and 7. The platform of the summit is rugged, the irregularities being due n H p 162 GEOLOGY OF THE HIGH PLATEAUS. mainly to erosion, the degradation of 1,500 to 2,000 feet of beds having proceeded unequally, although the stratification still retains its sensible horizontality. Upon the southwestern shoulder there is considerable com- plication of the displacement. Two or three sharp faults, running north and south, include between them a long block from 2 to 3 miles in width, which has dropped, the amount of the fall varying from 600 to 1,700 feet. The length of this block is at least 27 miles and may be greater. It is much complicated by minor fractures, and a portion of its southern extension into the Cretaceous terrace south of the Wasatch Plateau has been described and illustrated by Mr. Gr. K. Gilbert* as an instance of a "zone of diverse displacement." The general appearance and relations of this complicated downthrow suggest that the upper recurving branch of the great monoclinal was subject to tension during the uplift, and the beds, being unable to stretch, were rent apart, allowing the block to sink. The Cretaceous terrace, upon which we may look down while standing upon the southern terminus of the Wasatch Plateau, is no doubt, from a structural point of view, a part of that plateau; but the loss of its Tertiary beds by erosion has reduced its altitude to a level 1,500 to 2,000 feet lower. It continues the structural features soutliward to plateaus next in order, forminjj a kind of connecting-link between the northern and southern uplifts. Its chief deformation is due to the sunken block already described. The two faults between which it has fallen increase for a time their throw as they contiiuie southward, reaching a maximum of nearly 3,000 feet, and then decreasing to zero at points about 18 and 20 miles, respectively, south of the Wasatch Plateau. The structural depression thus produced has been called Gunnisoa Valley, but, this name being preoccupied, it should be used provisionally. It contains abundant evidence of its origin, for the Tertiary beds are seen to abut against the Cretaceous along the lines of faulting, and the latter beds tower far above them. The drainage of this valley is to the westward, thi'ough a deep canon called Salina Caiion, which is a clearly defined, but by no means uncommon example of a general fact, which is repeated so frequently throughout the entire Plateau Country that *Amer. Jour. Science; also, Geol. 'Uinta Mountains, J. W. Powell. The minor IVactures are too small to appear effectively upon the stereogram, and have been omitted, but the main faults are intro- duced. SALINA CAITON— THE JURASSIC WEDGE. 163 it has now become a generalization of great importance. Its formula is exceedingly brief. The principal drainage channels are older than the dis- placements. Salina Cafion cuts through the southern continuation of the great monoclinal at a point Avhere its rise is a minimum, and nearly midway between the Wasatch Plateau on the north and the Sevier and Fish Lake Plateaus on the south. Even here it plunges into a wall forming the uplifted side of a gi-eat fault of which the shear could not have been much less than 3,000 feet, though fully 2,000 feet of upper beds have been re- moved from the uplift by erosion. After a course of about 23 miles the canon opens into the Sevier Valley. It carries a fine stream, whose watei's join the Sevier at the town of Salina. Along the descent of this stream the beds dip more rapidly than the stream descends. This relation between the course of a drainage channel and the inclination of the strata is not the usual one in the Plateau Country; on the contrary, the strata much more frequently dip upstream, and rivers usually emerge from cliffs instead of entering them. In this respect Salina Canon is an exception, though not an isolated one. A remarkable displacement is found along the eastern side of the Sevier Valley, between Gunnison and Salina. A narrow belt of rocks of Jurassic age is thrust up, forming a chain of foot-hills and bad lands, and the later Tertiaries are seen to flex upward against their western sides and terminate in a "hog-back," while they abut almost horizontally against their eastern sides. A small remnant of Tertiary beds is here and there found as a thin capping lying upon the Jurassic beds unconformably, and patches of vol- canic rock farther southward are also seen to cover them. The belt of Jurassic rocks nowhere exceeds two miles and a half in width, but its length is nearly 40 miles, extending from a point about 7 miles south of Manti along the base of the great monoclinal and the throw of the Sevier fault as far as Monroe, where it ends, to all appearances, somewhat ab- ruptly, or perhaps disappears under the great mass of volcanic rocks which form the loftiest part of the Sevier Plateau. These older beds dip east- ward, always at a high angle, which sometimes passes the vertical. This inclination was attained, without doubt, in part before the commencement 164 GEOLOGY OF THE HIGH PLATEAUS. of Tertiary time, and probably during the Cretaceous epoch. It may belong to a class of flexures produced near the close of the Cretaceous, of which several instances are found in the district, chiefly in its southeastern portions. They all involve the Cretaceous beds in the displacements when- ever they are present, but not the Tertiaries, which, when found in contact, overlie them unconformably. After the upturning of this flexure it may have stood as a long narrow ridge near the western shore line of the great Cretaceous-Eocene lake and been subject to a considerable amount of degradation, which removed the Cretaceous beds and finally planed down the whole mass until it stood but little above the common level. In the oscillations of the shore line during the Green River epoch it would seem to have been overflowed by the waters of the lake during the last stages of its existence, receiving a thin deposit of the beds of that period, which have since been nearly all removed, though just enough traces of them are left to render it certain that they once extended over it in a sheet which is locally very thin. At some epoch subsequent to that of the latest deposi- tion a fault occurred, cutting along these Jurassic beds, throwing up the western side into a great "hog-back." By the subsequent denudation of the overlying Tertiaries the highly-inclined Jurassic beds are left project- ing: above them and also above the continuation of these Tertiaries on the eastern or thrown side of the fault. Thus they form a narrow belt between the interrupted Tertiary formations. The fault is directly in the prolonga- tion of the Sevier fault, but the throw is reversed relatively to it. It is designated on the stereogram as the East Gunnison fault, and its northern continuation is found on the west side of San Pete Valley, extending nearly and perhaps quite to the base of Mount Nebo, though its details have not been examined in that vicinity. The sections across this Jurassic Wedge, as I have termed it, will be found in Mr. Howell's delineations (Plate 3), sections 1 to 13. On the west side of the Sevier Valley runs another fault parallel to the foregoing and presenting similar and even homologous features, but with the throw on the opposite side. Both in linear and vertical extent the dimensions of this displacement (termed the West Gunnison fault) are less e Parti .OGICAL SECTIONS : VI CINITY OF iND SALINE, UTAH M E. H OWELL. n I 1 a: bered in order from nort/i to sottth, that point i in the same longitude •alline. Their geographic ajnap included in part 2 of this plate, iio/i, is the level of the tea . cat scales aiv the same . J' 4/ lYctscrtch Plateau East ^asatrh Plateau Sec. T Ea»t - IP Horizonl'al scale; Miles GEN GUI MAP SHOWI NG THE POSITION oftheCEOLOCICAL SECTIONS IN THE VICINITY OF GUNNISON AND SALINA.UTAH ]lfu-ei-ni-a Peak f' nm s x^*" <^^ ^ Coal Horaon ^0/ ve' SEDIMENTARY BEDS OF THE WASATCH PLATEAU. 165 than those of the East Gunnison fault. Its position and relations are shown in the stereogram and in the sections above referred to. Between the East and West Gunnison faults is an uplift, qualifiedly tabular in form, which may be called the San Pete Plateau. Its northern end is separated from the base of Mount Nebo only by a canon, which emerges near the town of Nephi. Eastward it looks down upon San Pete Valley, westward upon Juab Valley, which may be regarded as the noith- ern continuation of Sevier Valley. Southward the plateau slopes slowly as far as the town of Gunnison, where it becomes the floor of the Sevier Valley. Its altitude is insufficient to warrant its admission as a member of the group of High Plateaus. Its general form may be illustrated as follows : If from a point situated about six miles south of Gunnison we travel north 30° east, our course would lead us up into San Pete Valley; if we travel north 30° west, it would lead us down the Juab Valley; if we travel due north, we shall ascend the easy slope of the plateau to its sum- mit at its northern end. Its transverse structure is shown in the sections. Plate 6; sections 1, 2, and 3. SEDIMENTAKY BEDS COMPOSING THE WASATCH PLATEAU. The Wasatch Plateau consists of beds of Upper Cretaceous and early Tertiary age, the latter being coirelated, as well as any lacustrine beds of the Rocky Mountain region can be, with the Lower Eocene. In the low- lands immediately adjoining are found, on the east the Lower Cretaceous, and on the west a singular occurrence of the Upper Jurassic. There is found also in the Sevier and San Pete Valleys, and in the low uplift between them, a series of strata of later age than the Tertiaries of the plateau, though from many considerations it appears that their age is with great probability early Tertiary and immediately subsequent to that of the strata upon which they rest. They are believed to be local deposits only, and to have accumulated here and there after the commencement of the general disturbance and uplifting which resulted in the drainage of the gx-eat Eocene lake. The principal Tertiary series is provisionally divided into two ; the lower can be referred with confidence to the same horizons as those occu- 166 GEOLOGY OF THE HIGH PLATEAUS. pied by the beds which Powell has called Bitter Creek, lying upon the southern slopes of the Uinta Mountains. This determination does not rest upon identical fossils, for the two localities do not yield the same species; but upon the most decisive of all evidence, the known continuity of the beds. Between the Bitter Creek beds of the Uintas and those here assigned to the same epoch is an unbroken exposure along which the identity can be traced. The fossils found are Viviparus trocMformis (White), Hydrdbia Utahensis (White), several undetermined species of Physa, Planorbis, and Limncea, and some plant remains. The total thickness of this series is about 2,200 feet, but varies a little in different sections. The following sec- tion was measured by Mr. E. E. Howell at the southwest angle of the plateau, and very well represents the general character of the whole formation. Feet. \a) Shaly limestone, containing Physa, Liinncea, and Planorbis 250 (b) Gray and cream-colored limestone with Physa 400 (c) Pale pink arenaceous limestone 250 (d) Gray limestone, shaly and green at base, with Hydrobia, Physa, and Vivi- parus , 350 (e) Cream-colored calcareous sandstone 350 (/) Gray limestone with Viviparus 600 2, 200 This series has been designated No. 3 in the various sections, and though it has not been connected with the Lower Tertiary beds in the southernmost of the High Plateaus its identity is probable in a high degree, so much so that it is taken for granted. The beds which overlie it are separated by a distinct plane of demarkation in the principal sections and by lithological characters. They are much more variable in their constitu- tion and in their bedding. Its members are designated as series No. 2, and the following sections by Mr. Howell illustrate their characters : Series ~So. 2 (Tertiary), section No. 7 A: Feet. (a) Cream to gray shaly limestone, with fishes, Planorbis, Viviparus, and indistinct plant remains 350 {b) Greenish calcareous shale 750 (c) Pale red, purple, aud slate-colored marls, with occasional bands of calcareosu gray sandstone, fish-scales being found in some of the more calcareous members 400 1,500 SEDIMENTARY BEDS OF THE WASATCH PLATEAU. 167 Series No. 2 (Tertiary), section No. 7 B : Feet, (a) Cream and gray limestone, containing a few fish-scales; bed of chert at top . . 300 (6) Greenish calcareous shale 300 (c) Pale red marly shale 300 900 These beds are assigned provisionally to the Lowei' Green River epoch. Unlike the series below them, they cannot be directly connected with the strata lying at the base of the Uintas, nor are their fossils a satisfactory guide to a decisive correlation, though the presence of fishes resembling those of the Green River beds might be regarded as indicating such a rela- tion. They have not, however, been identified as belonging to the same species as those of the latter formations. The beds in question are found only in the Sevier and San Pete Valleys, in the uplift between them, and extending a short distance up the great monoclinal flanking the west side of the Wasatch Plateau. That they formerly extended over that plateau, and for an indefinite distance eastward, is very probable. In this portion of Utah they are the last lingering remnants of a series which was nearly and in many large areas quite the last to be deposited and the first to be attacked by the general process of degradation which has swept away such vast masses of strata. From the summit of the Wasatch Plateau this whole group of beds has been eroded and about 300 feet of the Bitter Creek beds immediately beneath, and this amount of denudation is probably the mini- mum of the whole Southern Plateau Province, except where the sediment- ary beds have been protected by volcanic rock or have enjoyed unin- terrupted protection in gravel-covered valleys between great uplifts. The uppermost series of Tertiary beds has been alluded to as consist- ing probably of a series of local deposits accumulated after the general upward movement of the whole Plateau Province had commenced, though it seems probable that this movement was then in its earlier stages. The beds contain fossils very similar and perhaps in some cases identical witb the species of Planorlis Physa Helix (?), and Vivijiarus, which are found in the series upon which they rest. Lithologically they are much more variable. Some of them are conglomerates, which are apparently of allu- vial origin, and none of them are found to be continuous over a large area. 168 GEOLOGY OF THE HIGH PLATEAUS. They all lie near the ancient shore line of the great Eocene lake, and cases of unconformity, not only with the underlying series, but among themselves, are not uncommon. Their physical characters are, in general, indicative of an epoch of gradual displacement in the several tracts which they occupy. It would be obviously extremely difficult to correlate such a group with any such formations as those which are found on both flanks of the Uintas, forming the comparatively regular and systematic strata of the Upper Green River series, though general considerations may warrant a provisional reference of these local deposits to that period. The unconformities just spoken of are probably in some cases apparent rather than real. It is easy to see that while deposits are accumulating along the slope of a flexure which is in process of formation, the two going on pari passu, there may result a want of parallelism in successive layers as well as other irregularities which produce collectively the appearance of unconformity. This difiers, however, from that type of real unconformity which is usually relied upon as proof of an interval of time between con- tiguous formations in which the record is interrupted by a blank of unknown duration. Where the exposures are satisfactory the apparent and real occur- rences may be distinguished, but in a majority of cases the distinction is not easy to find. The thickness of the formation is highly variable, ranging from 300 to 750 feet. It consists of alternating marls and sandstones, the latter being sometimes coarse-grained, with here and there a patch of conglomerate. CHAPTER VIII. THE TUSHAE. Sevier Valley from Gunnison southward.— The Piiv.iut.—Salina.— Grandeur of the plateau fronts.— The northern end of the Tushar.— General structure of the northern part of the range.— Its inter- mediate character hetween the plateau and basin types.— Rugged and mountainous aspect of the higher parts.— Mounts Belknap and Baldy.— Eastern front.— Bullion CaBon.- The Tushar fault.— Ehyolites and their numerous varieties.— Basalt upon the summit.— Succession of eruptions and the intermissions.— Southern portion of the Tushar. — The great conglomerate.- Progressive growth of the range.— Alternations of volcanic activity and repose.— Southern termination of the Tushar.- Midget's Crest.- Dog Valley.— Succession of eruptions in the southern part of the range. — General history of the Tushar. The road leading southward from Gunnison up the valley of the Sevier River lies along a smooth plain between the Pavant Range on the west and the great monoclinal on the east. The interval separating these uplifts is about 30 miles from summit to summit and about 8 miles from base to base (see Plate 3, sections 4 to 13). To the east and northeast from Gunni- son is seen the Wasatch Plateau, just distant enough to afford a fine \'iew of its grand proportions. Its southwestern angle is decorated with a huge butte perched upon a lofty pedestal and crowned with a flat, ashlar-like block, which is a conspicuous land-mark from every lofty point to the south- ward. This mass is called Musinia, and at once arrests the attention by its peculiar form, whether seen from far or near. Southward, at a distance of nearly 30 miles, loom up the high volcanic plateaus. The Fish Lake and northern portion of the Sevier tables present their transverse profiles towards us, and are seen to be separated by a depression called Grass Valley. Far to the south-southwest is seen a portion of the Tushar, the main mass being hidden by a very obtuse salient of the Pavant. The absence of Alpine forms and the predominance of the long and slightly- inclined profiles of the plateau type rob these great masses of their grandeur and beauty; for they produce an optical deception which carries the horizon up near their summits, while in reality it is far below. Yet some sense of the reality is awakened when from the plain below, in the 169 170 GEOLOGY OF THE HIGH PLATEAUS. torrid heat of July, we see the fields of lingering snow light up their gloomy crests. To the westward rises the Pdvant, its eastern flank ascend- ing with a smooth swell to a crest line which looks down into Round Val- ley; and beyond that rise to still greater altitudes the mildly sierra-like summits of the range. The broad valley of the Sevier is treeless, and sup- ports but scantily even the desert-loving Artemisia. It is floored with fine loam, which, under the scorching sun, is like ashes, except where the fields are made to yield their crops of grain by irrigation. As we ascend the valley to the southward the scenery is impressive, for every object is molded upon a grand scale; though it is only by long study and familiarity that the huge proportions are realized. The absence of details, the smooth- ness of crests and profiles, .it first deceive the eye and always tend to belittle the component masses. A stretch of 10 miles from Gunnison throws to the westward the salient of the Pavant and reveals the south- ward extension of the valley for 35 miles, beyond which rise the summits of the Tushar in full view. Right opposite this point the Pavant has now changed its aspect to one contrasting strongly with the view we had of it from Gunnison. There we saw a dull, monotonous slope; here we behold a splendid array of cliffs, showing the edges of Tertiary strata gently slop- ing towards us, carved and broken after the usual fashion of the Plateau Country, and lit up with flaring colors — red, white, and yellow. The indi- vidual cliff's and crags are neither very high nor very long, but rise above each other terrace-like, after the manner of a rambling series of fortifica- tions, with tier upon tier and with numberless salients and curtain walls. To one viewing plateau scenery for the first time this portion of the Pavant would be a souixe of surprise and enthusiasm; to one familiar with the colossal walls in the heart of the Plateau Province it is tame and almost insignificant. Fourteen miles south of Gunnison is the little Mormon village Salina, a wretched hamlet, whose inhabitants earn a scanty subsistence by lixiviat- ing salt from the red clay which underlies the Tertiary beds in the vicinity. Around and beyond this village is a dismal array of bad lands of great extent, presenting a striking picture of desolation and the wreck of strata, while beyond and above them rise the northern volcanic sheets of the SEVIER VALLEY— THE PAVANT. 171 Sevier Plateau. The lava, the desolation, and the salt strongly suggest recollections of Sodom and Gomorrah. At this point Salina Creek emerges from its canon through the great monoclinal— a fine, large stream. To the south-southwest the valley of the Sevier becomes considerably narrower and the Pavant lower, but the slope of that range gives place to an abrupt wall, due to a fault. A few miles south of Salina commences the great Sevier Plateau on the east side of the valley, its northern end gradually and steadily sloping upwards as we proceed south and its western wall becoming more and more abrupt, until it becomes a cliff of grand dimen- sions. From the town of Richfield, 18 miles south of Salina, we may behold it in all its grandeur, rising 5,800 feet above the plain below; its upper third a sheer precipice, the lower two-thirds plunging down in steep buttresses which thrust their bases beneath the level floor. Its aspect is dark and gloomy from the dark gray dolerites and trachytes which make up its whole mass Right at our backs are the lively tints of the Tertiaries in the Pavant; beds of pink, carmine, and cream, alternating with almost pure white, and with a rigorously even stratification. A stronger contrast it is difficult to imagine. Yet a mile or two beyond Richfield these rain- bow beds suddenly give place to a black rhyolite,* which has spread from some unknown vent and covered the Tertiaries. Moving still southwards along the flank of the Pdvant, which slowly but steadily diminishes in altitude, we reach its junction with the Tushar about 16 miles southwest of Richfield. Here a lateral valley from the west joins the Sevier Valley, the upward continuation of the latter being due south Jietween the towe ing heights of the Sevier Plateau on the east and the Tushar on the west. The separation of the Pavant from the Tushar is merely a low divide or saddle, or, if the idea is more acceptable, the former may be regarded as the northern continuation of the latter at a lower altitude. The lateral valley, as we ascend, narrows rapidly to a mere canon, and from is southern brink rise the great spurs of the Tushar. The northern portion of this uplift is crowned by volcanic peaks, * This is a soniewliat exceptional lock ; very little feldsijar, nmcli free quartz, and the vesicular specimeus have the elongated, wiry, and fluctuated vesicles which are emiueutly characteristic of rhy- olite. The black color, almost equal to that of basalt, is apparently due to the presence of an unusual quantity of magnetite. 172 GEOLOGY OF THE HIGH PLATEAUS. which reach higher altitudes than any other summits in Utah excepting a few in the Uintas. There are three points which reach above 12,000 feet, viz: Delano, 12,160 feet; Belknap, 12,080 feet, and Baldy, 12,000 (?) feet. There is nothing in the aspect of this portion of the Tushar mass to sug- gest to the eye a plateau structure; on the contrary, the appearance is in a high degree sierra-like, and it is quite possible that this portion of it should be regarded as belonging rather to the basin than to the plateau type of uplift. But so far as the structure depends upon vertical displacement, it is much obscured by the enormous series of volcanic floods which have been poured over it by numberless eruptions. Frequent indications, how- ever, are seen of a general and moderate dip of the whole series to the west, leading to a presumption that the whole Tushar mass has a tilt in that direction. But while the exposures are numerous, there are no ex- tended ones among them. The process of erosion has here wrought out a sculpture differing utterly from that presented by the sedimentaries, and one calculated to conceal the frame-work of the mountains instead of lay- ing it bare. The degradation has here been very great; greater certainly than in some of the other volcanic plateaus. Instead of great cliffs, we find only slopes covered with debris and soil, with here and there a pro- jecting ledge, which is soon lost beneath a talus. The best exposures are seen along the eastern front, facing the Sevier Valley, and in the deep gorges opening into it and heading far back in the heart of the range. These all concur in indicating a general slope of the beds to the westward, which is strongest near the eastern flank and smaller in the central portions and western flank. The northern portion is also deeply scored with grand ravines, well calculated to kindle the enthusiasm of the mountaineer and task his energy. The exposui'es which they contain, so far as they have been examined, accord with those in the eastern gorges in presenting a westward inclination. It is quite possible that many faults complicating the structure have escaped detection, but it is not probable that any sub- ordinate displacements yet to be discovered will seriously impair the con- clusion adopted regarding the general structure. But while the plan of the entire uplift seems to be most nearly allied to the plateau type, it is equally apparent that there is a strong tendency GENERAL STRUCTUEE OP THE TUSHAR. 173 toward the basin type. The latter may be represented by conceiving the strata forming the platform of a given tract to be rent by a long fault, and upon one side of it to be lifted and tilted at a considerable angle. This inclined mass is usually further fractured by smaller faults rudely parallel to the principal one, and complicated by more or less warping. The plateaus also are usually tilted, the Aquarius and Kaibab being most nearly horizontal. But there is a marked difference between the two types in the amount of inclination. In the plateaus it seldom exceeds three degrees; in the basin it is rarely less than ten. In the plateaus the warping and minor displacements are seldom important, and the whole aspect is calm and even; in the basin they are extensive, and the aspect is wild and distorted. In the plateaus, the obvious characteristic features are the broad platforms of the tables, the gently sloping terraces and the majestic repose of the mighty cliffs which bound them; in the basin, they are the sharp ridges, cusp-like teeth, and tumultuous slopes of sierras. Probably the cori-ect view to be drawn from a comparison of the two structures is that the basin type repre- sents an advanced stage of an action which has been impei'fectly developed in the plateaus. Had the tables been pushed up higher, they might have been as much inclined as the sierras and as much comminuted and distorted. The Tushar is in some portions at least, and so far as observed in most portions, more inclined than any other of the High Plateaus, but so far as can now be discerned it approaches more nearly to the tabular than to the sierra type. Lying within tlie geographical limits of the Great Basin, it is not surprising that it should show an apjjroach to the structure of the latter province. It may be regarded as indicating a transition between the two forms, though more nearly allied to those peculiar to the Plateau Pi-ovince. It is difficult, however, to realize this conclusion as being a true one when we stand upon the southern termination of the Pdvant, and look at the cluster of peaks which crown the summit of the Tushar. Two noble cones ending in sharp cusps stand pre-eminent, while behind them numer- ous dome-like masses rise to nearly the same altitudes. The two peaks are Belknap and Baldy, which reach above the timber-line, and are very strik- ing on account of the light cream-color of their steep slopes and the ashy- gray tips of the apices. These pyramids are not apparently the remains 174 GEOLOGY OP THE HIGH PLATEAUS. of craters, but mere remnants of the uppermost sheets, which have been almost wholly removed by erosion. From their bases radiate profound gorges separated by huge buttresses, which extend to the lowest valleys and plains, while beyond them rougli crags and shattered domes rear their bald summits to the clouds. But all this grand detail of mountain form has been carved out of the vast block of the tabular mass by the ordinary process of erosion. The lavas accumulated sheet upon sheet, the subter- ranean forces uplifted the block and tilted it, and the rains and torrents have done the rest. The eastern front of the Tushar is far more rugged and mountainous than the western, and the explanation is obvious. The western slope is along the dip of the strata, which, though considerable near the crest, is slight as we recede from it westward. The eastern slope is across the upturned edges, and from the nature of the case is very abrupt. The power of water to corrade and carve rapidly increases with the slope, and the resultant sculptural forms are correspondingly bold and craggy. The loftiest, boldest, and most diversified portion of the Tushar fronts the Sevier Valley in the vicinity of a little hamlet called Marysvale, situ- ated about 27 miles south of Richfield. The great mountain wall leaps at once from the narrow platform of the valley to nearly its greatest altitude. Immense ravines, rivaling those of the Wasatch in depth, but narrower and with steeper sides, have deeply cleft the great tabular mass, and subdivided it into huge pediments, which from below appear like individual mountains. The finest gorge is named Bullion Canon, in the jaws of which the little village of Marysvale is situated. Ascending it, we may gain some informa- tion concerning the structure of this portion of the Tushar mass. The lowest beds forming the base courses of the uplift are quartzites resulting from the metamorphism of sedimentary strata, which are believed to be of Jurassic age. They are considerably disturbed, yet not excessively so. The prevailing dip is to the west, though it is by no means uniform. The main fault, which has thrown down the platform of the Sevier Valley, runs north and south along the base of the mountains, but the whole dis- placement is probably by a series of parallel repetitive faults. I have seen but one of the faults west of the principal displacement, but have inferred BULLION OASON. 175 their existence by the recurrence of beds, which seem to be identical both individually and serially, at higher and higher levels up the canon. As we ascend Bullion Canon from Marysvale we observe on either side a hard quartzitic rock well bedded in massive layers, exhibiting consider- able metamorphism. It is also somewhat variable in the dip. The strata incline upward at first, but soon flex easily back until the dip is westward. The thickness of the series seems to be very considerable, though the ap- parent thickness may be partly due to repetitive faults of small shear. At a distance of about 3 miles from Marysvale and 2,G00 feet above that vil- lage, we come upon the volcanic series. A mass of dark-colored liparite rests upon the quartzitq, having a thickness of about 450 feet. About 500 feet higher the quartzite reappears, being probably the same bed as below, but thrown up by a minor displacement, and it is covered by the same or a similar sheet of liparite The quartzite, however, is more altered than the jDOition of it below, and in general as we ascend from Marysvale through the quartzitic beds the signs of increasing alteration are unmistak- able. From this point upwards eruptive rocks alone are seen. The lower masses are dark liparites, with abundant quartz and monoclinic feldspar and decomposed hornblende. Still higher rocks of a porphyritic texture and a dark purplish hue lie in great volume. They have a striking resemblance superficially to the argilloid trachytes of the central and eastern plateaus, but contain abundant quartz, and the microscope confirms their rhyolitic character. These two groups of eruptions are separated by local conglom- erates derived from the older of them, and the surface of the latter is seen to have been much eroded, indicating a considerable interval of time between the periods of activity. The summit of the series consists of a group of rhyolites (proper rhyolite), which contrast strongly with those beneatli. They are very light colored, without crystals, and yet not hyaline. They are highly siliceous, and exhibit in the thin sections a fibrolitic or spherolitic groundmass of beautiful texture and very interesting. Some of the specimens are exceedingly siliceous, and are resolved under the microscope into an aggregation resembling very fine-grained quartzite and appear to be quite abnormal. The light-colored masses are generally true rhyolites of no uncommon kind. This rock forms the lofty peaks crown- 176 GEOLOGY OF THE HIGH PLATEAUS. ing the northern summit of the Tushar mass, and occurs in several out- lying knobs and small crests to the east and northeast of Belknap. But the northwestern slope of the range has been mantled by great floods of it, which have poured in massive sheets from summit to base, burying the antecedent topography of the mountain and generating a new one. The individual eruptions making up this rhyolitic mass appear to have been numerous, some very voluminous, others very small. The smaller ones are seen to fill up old ravines and to mold themselves upon uneven pre- existing surfaces, while the grander floods pour over everything and spread out over great expanses of mountain side. Although this lava is, with the exception of a few minor basaltic streams around the western base of the Tushar, the most recent of all the outbreaks, yet absolutely it is of con- siderable antiquity. Since the extinction of the vents from which it was emitted there has been a long period of erosion. Belknap and Baldy, together with the eastern outliers, are mere remnants of piled-up sheets, which were perhaps once continuous, but are now separated by profound ravines, which have been excavated by erosion. The indications are abundant that the period separating the earliest from the latest eruptions was a very long one. The contact of the earliest liparites with the Jurassic quartzites shows heavy floods of lava pouring over a veiy uneven surface and piled up in layers by successive eruptions to a thickness of more than 2,000 feet. These, in their turn, show a sub- sequent degradation by erosion not only in the sculpturing and carving of the beds, producing an unconformity in some of the contacts, but also in the existence of local conglomerates composed of the water- worn fragments of the dilapidated rocks cemented by finer detritus derived from the decom- position of the feldspathic materials. These earlier eruptions appear to have been followed by a long period of calm, during which they were attacked by the degrading force and slowly wasted by decay. In many places the beds were cut through down to the quartzite and a fresh topography was carved out by erosion. After- wards the activity was reopened Avith fresh eruptions of a different charac- ter. These second eruptions were grander than the first, some of the beds being many hundreds of feet in thickness, spreading over great areas, and ssae-^-is 176 Utu' VTEAUS. ing the uorthem sun lying knobs and smu\ northwestern slot which have pour- antecedent individual I reat ex : bar masH, and occurs in goveral out- ;st and nortlieastof Belknap, But the has been mantled by great floods of it, sheeta from sn > ba«e, burying the .' laoui' ' ' /a new one. The •"o "P ^""'^ jiixi'.uu ii- !- 1 iippear to have been ,uluminou8, o'thers very small. The smaller ones ravines and to mold themselves upon uneven pre- ' the grander floods pour over everything and spread f mountain side. Although this lava is, with the dtic stream? around the western base of the ■Oli- wns ra\ The indie: from the \nt(^'. liparit( of slowly wcj to the words • -u by t;ii.»*siuu not oui > lining an nnconfomiity in ■o of local c(»ng!on!erates <■•<■!" ' (lilted rooks cemented b} feldspathio materials. ■ier eruptions appear to h:= vhich they were atta< In many plao- .'resli topograpl i"d with n\ -rand'.i fit thf, reriod separating the earliest Tlie contact of the earliest iloods of lava pouring iiyere by successive eruption's their ti- :-ub- ring a,iiU, cw vmg of contacts, but also in water-wbrn fragments i'owed by a long period the degrading force and vei*e cut through down eti oiit by erosion. After- ' s of a different charac- •H It iiiv first, some of the beds ^iirt^'iMUt -•' I'i'.'nr *»iv-.rif ■.ii-/';i^ "''-'I X w H c M > EHYOLITES— SOUTHERlSr PORTION OF THE TUSHAR. 177 extending far to the westward, expanding as they extend. Of this rock, a dark purplish porphyritic rhyoHte, the great central mass of the Tushar is composed. The second period of activity was followed by another interval of repose. During this interval the greater part of the uijlifting of the range took place. The faults traverse and dislocate both the first and the second series of eruptions. It was also a period of great erosion, during which the turmoil of mountain peaks, domes, and spurs were carved on the eastern flank, and that side of the range devastated in a striking manner by the slow ravage of time. The third epoch of eruption was the least of all and most local, being confined to the portion around Belknap and Baldy, and furnishing the cream-colored rhyolite and a few small outbreaks of basalt. The southern portion of the Tushar contrasts with the northern por- tion in many respects. It exhibits a totally difi"erent group of eruptive rocks. In the northern part the extravasated rocks are rhyolites ; in the southern part they are trachytes, augitic andesites, dolerites, and basalts. The form of the southern part of the uphft is distinctly tabular or plateau-like, while the northern part has the sierra aspect. About 3 miles south of Belknap, standing upon the brink of an old coulee, we look southward over a broad expanse of comparative calm lying at a slightly lower level. In this expanse the tabular form of the Tushar mass is no longer doubtful. A lofty plain diversified by ridges of erosion is spread out before the gaze, clad with spruce and aspen and opening in grassy parks. The abundant streams have carved gently-sloping ravines and pleasant knolls, where the dark lavas may occasionally be detected dipping very gently to the west, but near the eastern rim rising more boldly to the timber line (11,500 to 12,000 feet), where they are suddenly cut off and present their truncated edges to the eastward in the boldest of mountain slopes. This part of the plateau summit is about 22 miles in length, 8 to 10 miles in width, and the mean altitude about 10,000 feet. Erosion has given to this lofty watershed a surface very similar to that which may be observed in any well-watered country, and which is in strong contrast with the peculiar forms observable at lower levels where the precipitation is much smaller 12 H p 178 GEOLOGY OF THE HIGH PLATEAUS. The eastern front of the Tushar preserves that rugged mountainous aspect ah'eady described thi'oughout two-thirds of its extent. The southern third is a wall of imposing grandeur, presenting to the eye the effect of a perpendicular escarpment, though really it is inclined at a slope of 60° or more. It is a magnificent object as seen from Circle Valley, rising nearly 2,000 feet above its base, and its base standing at the summit of a long slope which rises 2,000 feet above the valley bottom. This great cliff is a conglomerate composed of the ruins of older volcanic rocks. It is stratified, but not so conspicuously as most of the similar formations so abundant throughout the district. The finer material which incloses the rocky frag- ments is a light-gray pulverulent detritus, evidently resulting from the decomposition of feldspathic materials and highly aluminous. Some of the members of this series of heavy beds consist chiefly of this finer material, holding comparatively few fragments ; in others the fragments are much more abundant, constituting the greater part of the mass. The fragments are usually somewhat rounded at the edges, but in most cases the amount of attrition is small, though seldom wholly unrecognizable. The mode of origin of this and similar conglomerates will be discussed in detail in a sub- sequent chapter. It is a sub-aerial formation throughout, and the mode of accumulation may be seen and studied hard by in all the valleys of the district. (See Heliotype II.) These beds are of ancient origin, having been formed prior to the great displacements which have given the Tushar its present structural features. The inclosed fragments are wholly variable in character. None of the rhyolitic, trachytic, and basaltic rocks of later age are seen among them, and the inference is irresistible that its formation was completed before these last-named masses were erujjted. The source of these materials seems to have been the adjoining mass of the present Tushar table to the north- ward. To realize how this may have been we are obliged to go back in time to the later Eocene or early Miocene, when, in all probability, these great outbreaks occurred, and endeavor to reconstruct the country. At that time the centers or loci of eruption were doubtless in the very heart of the range, and stood considerably higher than the adjoining part of the country, just as they do now, though, more recent movements on a grand DEGRADATION OP TOE TUSHAR— CONGLOMERATES. 179 scale have produced new features by uplifting the range en masse. But as these recent movements apply to the whole uplift, the relative altitudes of the loftier portion, which furnished the debris, and the less lofty portion, which has received it, have not been much, if at all, changed with respect to each other. But erosion has apparently effected what displacement has not ; it has nearly equalized the levels of the two portions. The volcanic masses near the foci must have been very voluminous, for the conglomer- ates derived from them extend with great thickness over a large area, rival- ing in bulk, if indeed they do not surpass, the enormous masses yet remaining. Wherever we find strata composed of clastic materials, the present methods of reasoning in geological science compel us to acknowl- edge that they have been derived from the degradation of masses of even greater magnitude.* In the case of a great sub-aerial conglomerate, formed under conditions which are still existing and a process still operating, we naturally look to the vicinity or border of the conglomerate itself for the source of the materials. We find a very obvious source to the northward. The structure of the great uplift of which the conglomerate forms a part and large masses of eruptive strata in situ, composed of materials agree- ing with those found in the clastic beds, confirm this view so strongly, that there seems no room for question. But the mass of the conglomerate argues an enormous degradation. To supply so vast an accumulation the older eruptive area in the central part of the Tushar must have been piled thou- sands of feet high with successive sheets no longer visible, or have been the theater of eruptions separated by long intervals of erosion, which in the long run removed the lavas as fast as they were erupted. A view which is a compromise between these two I regard as decidedly preferable, and most fully sustained by the general tenor of the evidence throughout the entire district. We may look back to a peiiod somewhat earlier than Mid- dle Tertiary, when the volcanic eruptions built up iEtna-like highlands of eruptive materials, not by rapidly succeeding outpours, but by alternating emission and quiescence. Between the outbreaks many years or centuries may have elapsed, but the accumulation was much more rapid for a time than * Except in cases where pulverulent and fragmentary materials have been ejected and scattered, which is not the case in the present instance. 180 GEOLOGY OF THE 'HIGH PLATEAUS. degradation, and the altitudes of the eruptive centers increased. Now and then came a long interval of repose, indicated by the quiet accumulation of considerable, though very local, masses of stratified conglomerate here and there. Again the energy was renewed and -fresh outbreaks occurred, fol- lowed by a long rest. After a protracted series of alternating eruptions and unequal intervals of rest there came a very long period of repose to be reckoned by a geological standard of time, during which these massive conglomerates accumulated and the huge volcanic piles were razeed — a period in which there may have been eruptions, but in which, on the whole, the ceaseless erosion leveled down the highlands and leveled up the low- lands. But the building of the conglomerate beds did not close the volcanic cycle. After they had acquired their enormous bulk there came another period of outbreaks, some of them in the old localities, others in new ones, pouring fi-esh sheets over the wasted centers and over their scattered and stratified debris, piling up fresh mountains of lava and generating a new topography. This second series of eruptions differed strikingly in litho- logical character from the first. The earliest series in the Tushar, so far as known, is andesitic and tracliytic ; the second is rhyolitic and basaltic. In the northern part of the range the dominant rock of the second series is rhyolite, with a limited occun-ence of basalt. In the southern part of the range the relative abundance of the two groups is reversed, rhyolite being uncommon, and in most areas being replaced by true trachyte. These beds cover both the central part of the Tushar and the conglomerates at the southern end. They lie upon the eroded surface, filling old ravines and spread out in broad sheets over the tabular summit, obliterating upon the surface the definition between the conglomerate and the degraded mass which furnished its materials, though the junction is exposed in the eastern front of the range by the great fault which at a later epoch was formed by the general uplifting of the whole mass. The southern termination of the Tushar is marked by a group of lofty summits a few hundred feet lower than Belknap at the northern end and Delano near the center, but full 1,600 feet higher than the wall and tabular summit which connects them with the central part of the table. They are I SOUTHERN TERMINATION— MIDGET'S CREST 181 superposed masses of volcanic beds resting upon the great conglomerate. Here the faulted wall of the range swings around to the southwestward and rapidly dies out. (See stereogram.) The lofty crest at the southern end of the Tushar has been named Midget's Crest, and it presents to the southeast three bold saHents, standing about 5,600 feet above Circle Valley, which Hes at the base of its great spurs east-northeast. Its absolute altitude is about 11,600 feet. It is a volcanic mass, built by the accumulation of andesitic, trachytic, and basaltic sheets. The three salients are from 1,400 to 1,600 feet higher than the summit of the conglomerate cliff to the north of them and their superior eminence is due to this accumulation of lavas. The conglomerate passes beneath them though its outcrop is masked by the talus. The sheets which compose Midget's Crest belong to a later period than those which occupy the central part of the Tushar range, and which were broken down to form the great conglomerate. Coulees of the same period are found north of this crest, upon the summit of the tabular part of the Tushar, where they are mainly trachytic. Upon the extreme summit of the southern crest lies a true basalt, highly vesicular upon its surface, and the first impression is that it is a comparatively recent eruption — Post-Pliocene or Quaternary — the rocks on which it rests being certainly very much older. It is of small expanse and thickness and is abruptly cut off at the crest-line of the ridge. Its origin cannot easily be conjectured. There are no indi- cations of a vent in the vicinity and, notwithstanding the freshness of its appearance, it may be as old as early Pliocene. But the beds on which it lies are less doubtful. They face southeastwardly, forming the salients already mentioned, and have been wasted greatly by the general degrada- tion. When the period of dislocation and uplifting set, in they extended as far to southeast as the principal fault which runs around this angle of the plateau with a throw of about 3,500 to 4,000 feet, and the entire mass between the crest-line and the fault has been denuded to a corresponding depth. The origin of the lavas I believe to have been to the southeast and east of the ridge in the vicinity of the faults, where evidences of great contortion and considerable chaos are still visible, and where rocks appar- ently identical with those upon the summit of the table and near the 182 GEOLOGY OF THE HIGH PLATEAUS. summit of the crest are still discernible, though now they lie at least 3,000 feet below them. Immediately south of Midget's Crest lies Dog Valley— a pleasant moderately diversified platform— with an absolute altitude of about 7,500 feet or 1,500 feet above the Sevier at Circle Valley. It is a part of the last-mentioned focus of eruptions of the second or middle epoch, but erosion has leveled down most of the ancient irregularities, and left it a field of rolling hills, well covered with soil, loam, and sharp gravels. Its real history might not have be^ suspected, were it not for the vast floods of lava which spread out from it in all directions for many miles, growing thinner and broader as they recede. Southwest of Midget's Crest the altitude of the plateau gradually diminishes until its summit at last is lost in the next region. The fault which originated the escarpment of the plateau suddenly becomes a mono- chnal which dies out in the space of about 6 miles. This monoclinal is composed of conglomerate of unknown thickness, but not less than ],500 feet in the vicinity of the flexure. It turns up at an angle of 28° to 30° against the diminishing wall of the plateau, but soon straightens out towaj-ds the south and decrease* rapidly in thickness. It is composed of basaltic (doleritic) materials chiefly, quite similar to, and 'perhaps identical in part with, the remnants of that kind of rock forming the extreme summits of the sahents on Midget's Crest. The western base of the Tushar I have seen in part only, and have given that part merely a cursory examination. It is possible that there exists a fault of about 1,200 feet along this base with a throw to the west; a continuation of the Hurricane fault, which appears in great force about 15 miles south of the southwest slope of the Tushar. But I have not verified the existence of such a fault in this locality, and such an occurrence may not be necessary to explain the features presented, so far as observed- The summit of the table, after maintaining for about 10 miles an easy slope to the west, suddenly increases the descent of the profile to the broad plain below. The surface contour here cuts across the ends of the lava sheets, which are seen to be considerably attenuated when compared with the huge masses exposed upon the ui)turned eastern flank of the range. THE BUILDING OF THE TDSHAU. 183 Whether the somewhat abrupt western boundary is due to the faulting suggested above or to the termination of the old couUes it is not possible to say with confidence, but the former view seems to furnish the easiest explanation. At the western base of the Tushar, near the town of Beaver, is seen a very recent basaltic crater in a very perfect state of preservation. Farther northward are others, some of them so recent that we may easily suppose that their eruptive activity has ceased within a few hundred years. Many of the basaltic craters throughout the Plateau Country seem to be equally recent, though many others have considerable antiquity. On the whole, however, the true basalts are the most recent of all eruptions. They are seldom found in the heart of the older eruptions — indeed, I am able to recall but few such instances — but they occur around the outskirts of older volcanic districts, and often at a considerable distance from them. In respect to magnitude of eruptive mass, the basalts are here decidedly inferior to every other class of rocks. THE BUILDING OP THE TUSHAR. To go back to the commencement of the series of events and pro- cesses which ha,ve combined to rear this majestic range to its present alti- tude and proportions and give it its present details is no easy task. But while there is much room for conjecture, there are many facts which appear, after careful analysis, and which are sufficient, when properly arranged, to give a connected history, even though it be but a faint outline. It is necessary to find, in the first place, some initial epoch marking the beginning of the train of events which have been directly concerned in the construction of the range, and this is the same epoch which forms the starting-point probably of the processes which have built all of the High Plateaus. This is the close of the Upper Green River epoch. The direct evidence that the Tushar had its birth-throes at this period is not so clear as in the others, but the cumulative indirect evidence is very strong and will become apparent as the discussion proceeds. It may be sufficient to remark just here that this view harmonizes with all known facts and aU observations, and is in conflict with none. 184 GEOLOGY OF THE HIGH PLATEAUS. The Tushar stands upon the course of the western shore line of the great Eocene lake. This shore line may be traced, with a very close ap- proach to exactitude, from the southern base of Nebo across Juab Valley to the PAvant, and through that range longitudinally as far as the northern flank of the Tushar. For the whole series of lacustrine beds may be seen abutting sharply against the disturbed beds of Carboniferous and early Mesozoic age along this line, excepting where their junction is concealed for a short distance by the alluvia of the Juab Valley. Through a portion of its extent this fragment of the coast was rockbound; for in the Piivant, at least, plicated and contorted Carboniferous rocks still overlook the Ter- tiary beds, with every indication that this relation has remained unaltered throughout Tertiary time, though general movements of displacement in- volving the entire range have othei-wise modified its topography. Like all rockbound coasts it had its sinuosities — here an estuary, there a peninsula; here a bight, there an outward swing of the shore. This coast line strikes the Tushar near its northwestern angle and is instantly lost beneath floods of rhyolite. Nothing is seen of it until nearly 50 miles south-southwest it is revealed in the Iron Mountains by Tertiary beds cut off against the Trias. If we suppose a straight line joining the broken ends to represent the mean position of the coast line, the whole of the Tushar would stand within the Eocene lake; but this supposition is not tenable. On the east- ern flank of the range, near Marys vale, and thence southward for 10 miles, we find the base of it to be composed of metamorjjhosed quartzites, upon which a few patches of limestone rest, holding Pentacrinus asteriscus, a highly characteristic Jurassic fossil, and upon this quartzite and limestone immediately rest the lavas. No trace of a Tertiary or even Cretaceous stratified rock is to be seen. The uneven eroded surface of these beds, with hills and valleys and rocky eminences, was thus sealed up at the very epoch of which we speak and broken open at an epoch long subsequent by the shearing of a great fault and by the cutting of ravines, thus reveal- ing in a manner which cannot be mistaken the existence of a land area. It lies at least 15 miles to the eastward of the straight line joining the broken ends of the lake coast. Either, then, we have a peninsula or an island in the lake to mark the nucleus of the future Tushar. The Tertia- THE BUILDING OF THE TUSHAR. ]85 ries are seen lapping around both the northern and southern extremities of the range, and it is probable that they are concealed not far from its eastern base. Such was the relation of the area to its surroundings when the earliest eruptions (so far as they have been observed) took place. They broke forth at first along the course of the present eastern front, a little east of the main divide as it now stands, and along a line nearly 30 miles in length, having a general trend north and south. They were not continuous along this line, but were massed in at least three places: one near the northern end of the Tushar, one (and this the principal one) near the central part of the front, and the other near the southern end, but a few miles southeast of it. The location of this latter center of eruption cannot be fixed at present with exactitude, and may have been more remote than I was at first led to suppose. The interval between the southern and middle sources is greater than that between the middle and northern, and it is not certain that this second or northern interval was well marked, though the southern interval is very distinctly so. What other vents existed, or even whether any others existed at all, it is not now possible to determine, on account of subsequent accumulations which have buried the surrounding country. This period of eruptive activity was certainly a long one ; for between the outbreaks erosion went on, leaving traces of its action in the eroded surfaces of its sheets and in the many small local conglomerates formed out of their decay. But the accumulation by successive outpours was far more rapid than the waste, until there came a long period during which these vents were sealed up and degradation proceeded. At the commencement of this period of repose the eruptive masses must have been piled up to a great altitude and covered an extensive area, for the conglomerates which were formed by their dilapidation are of immense extent and thickness and sufficient in mass to build a goodly range of mountains. The southern interval was almost wholly filled up by the fragments washed into it and stratified, and the conglomerate thus formed stretches far to the southwest, always main- taining a great thickness. At least 2,000 feet of it occupy the southern interval, and it is still many hundreds of feet thick 8 or 10 miles away. In many respects the relations of the eruptive masses to the country 186 GEOLOGY OF THE HIGH PLATEAUS. they occupied at the close of the earliest volcanic period presents a very- strong analogy to those of Central France, as described by Sir G. Poulett Scrope in his work upon that region.* In point of magnitude the earliest eruptions of the Tushar were probably comparable to those of the Cantal, covering perhaps a larger area but with a greater thickness. After a long period of comparative quiet, during which the greater portion of the mass of these earlier eruptions was broken up by erosion and scattered over the adjoining lowlands and intervening valleys, came the second period of eruption, upon a scale grander than the first. The foci of activity were in close proximity to those of the first period. The outpours at the northern portion still remain in great bulk and are chiefly rhyolitic. But the grandest floods of all are in the center of the range, where they are laid open by several deep gorges, the largest of which is Bullion Canon. The course of the streams was here to the westward chiefly, where they widened out and grew thin as they receded from their origin. The total thickness remaining of these rhyolitic masses probably exceeds 2,000 feet, and there is good evidence that a considerable amount has been lost by erosion. What floods may be hidden beneath the floor of the Sevier Valley at the eastern base it is impossible to say or even to con- jecture. Thus for the second time the Tushar was built up by extravasated materials and to an altitude greater probably than at first. A second period of comparative calm now followed, during which erosion was at work cutting deep gorges, carving out pediments, and leav- ing a rugged series of peaks and domes along the eastern flank. But another agency in mountain structure also intervened. This was an exten- sive vertical movement of the whole mass. At what precise epoch the faults which now separate it from the platform of the Sevier Valley were started it is impossible to say with precision. It is clear, however, that the commencement of the displacement was subsequent to the deposition of the great conglomerates which were formed by the destruction of the older Tushar, and it is almost certain that the displacements had not attained any gi'eat magnitude or a magnitude comparable to the present during the second eruptive period. The principal part of the uplifting has apparently * The Geology and Extinct Volcanoes of Central France, by G. Poulett Scrope, 1858. THE BUILDING OF THE TUSHAR. 187 been accomplished since the close of this second activity, though some of the movement may, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, be assigned to this period. The second period of cessation in the eruptions was broken at a com- parativel}'" late epoch by a third outbreak at the northern end and at sev- eral localities on the eastern flank in the vicinity of the faults. To this third eruptive period belong the whitish rhyolite and the basalts, together with several masses in the Sevier Valley which have emanated from the foot of the range, and which will be discussed when we reach in regular order the description of that valley. The history of the Tushar, therefore, comprises five tolerably distinct periods since the commencement of the various activities which have brought it to its present stage. Ist. An older eruptive ejjoch, building up an ancient volcanic mass. 2d. A period of decay, in which the mass thus built was nearly leveled down, and its fragments scattered far and wide and reconstructed in the form of conglomerates and alluvial beds. . 3d. A second eruptive period, more extensive than the first, rebuilding the dilapidated mass. 4th. A second cessation of eruptions and the introduction and progress of extensive uplifting and faulting, accompanied by considerable erosion. 5th. A third series of minor outbreaks of much smaller extent than either of the others, some of which (around the bases of the range) are very recent. In this history we perceive the combination of most of the important forces and agencies of geology : eruption, displacement, erosion, and accu- mulation ; all performing their parts in the general work, and yielding an intelligible result in the erection of a grand uplift. CHAPTER IX. THE MAEKAGUNT PLATEAU. Description of its general features aud relations. — Dog Valley. — One of the principal cmptive centers of trachytio masses. — Characters of the lavas. — Basaltic eruptions and conglomerates. — Bear Val- ley.— ^Little Creek Peak aud Bear Peak. — Tufaceous beds. — Overlying lavas. — Degradation of the plateau. — View from the summit of Little Creek Peak. — Journey over the Mark^gunt. — Succes- sion of eruptions, audesites, trachytes, rhyolites, basalts. — Central gi-oup of ancient basaltic cones. — Their dilapidated condition. — Panquitch Lake. — Exposures of contact between the lavas and sedimentaries. — Modem basaltic outpours. — Other basaltic fields. — Relative recency of the basalts. — Surface changes since the eruptions. — Connection of the Markslgunt basalts with those of more southern regions. — Sedimentary formations of the Western and Southern Markdgnnt. — Tufaceous deposits. — Pink Cliff beds. — Correlation of local Tertiaries with those of the Wasatch Plateau. — The Cretaceous. — Jurassic and Triassic formations. — The Shiniirump. — The Southern Cliffs of the MarkiJgunt. — Outlook to the far southward. The Markdgunt Plateau lies southwest of the Tushar. From the southern salient of Midget's Crest a considerable portion of its exjjanse may be seen, though the view is not a very good one. In truth there is nowhere to be obtained a good panoramic overlook of the MarkAgunt, for there is no stand-point sufficiently lofty. The observer on this summit, standing more than a mile above tlie neighboring lowlands, will find it diffi- cult to realize that the most distant verge visible along the southwestern horizon has an altitude about equal to his own. With the exception of two respectable masses shooting up in the middle-ground of the picture, there are no peaks nor strongly individualized summits; nothing, in fact, to suggest mountains. It is a broad expanse of rolling hills and ridges, rarely exceeding 600 feet in altitude. The whole platform has a slight dip to the eastward ; being, however, not an inclined plane, but dish-shaped. The eastern base of the plateau lies at the foot of the southern Sevier Plateau, being the thrown side of the great Sevier fault. From this line it rises by a very slow ascent, not exceeding 2^°, westward to its summit. The character of the gradients will be understood by a reference to the stereogram. (Atlas sheet. No. 5.) The general relations of this plateau 183 I DOG VALLEY, 189 to the country at large may be comprised in the statement that it is an excellent illustration of what Powell has called the Kaibab structure. The length from north to south cannot be definitely given until we can fix its northern boundary, which, if done at all, must be done arbitrarily, for it fades out so gradually that no real demarkation exists. The same may be said of its eastern boundary. But assuming the plateau to extend northward to the base of the Tushar and eastward to the Sevier Plateau, the length would be about 50 miles and the breadth about 28 miles. The greater part of this area is covered with ancient eruptions resting upon Tertiary lacustrine beds. Around the southern and western sides of the plateau the sedimentary strata project several miles beyond the volcanic sheets and end abruptly in giant cliffs, facing the south and wect, and deeply scored by erosion. The western wall of the plateau is formed by the northward prolongation of the Hurricane fault, while the southern wall consists of cliffs of erosion without any known dislocation of great magni- tude. These southern cliffs are the lingering remnants of Tertiary and Cretaceous beds, which once extended over the entire region to the south- ward beyond the Colorado, but have throughout Tertiary time receded by waste to their present boundary. The detailed description will begin at the northern portion. At the foot of the lofty summits which crown the southern end of the Tushar lies Dog Valley, inclosed south and west by rolling and somewhat rugged volcanic hills and by remnants of a great volcanic conglomerate. Similar hills are found to the eastward, and the whole tract is a center or focus of eruptions of the trachytic epoch. The cones and craters which may once have existed are no longer visible, having been wasted to a medley of hills by a period of decay which stretches far back towards middle Tertiary time. Soil and gravel, with a rich growth of wild grass and shrubbery, now mantle these degraded remnants, giving them a rather pleasant and gentle aspect. Yet the outcrops of volcanic sheets around the borders and away from the valley betray its history in spite of the effort of nature to hide it. East, west, and sovith the old floods are seen to radiate away for many miles from this center, spreading out and growing thinner as they were poured along over the ancient inequalities of the land. They also 190 GEOLOGY OF THE HIGH PLATEAUS. flowed northward in great volume, but since their eruption the eastern Tushar fault, swinging westwardly, has uplifted full 3,000 feet the extension of the sheets in that direction. The lavas which flowed eastward are all trachytic, but represent two groups of trachytic rock, one being highly hornblendic, the other being almost pure feldspar and granitoid in appear- ance, with a very few small but well-defined crystals of biotite. The horn- blendic variety is exhibited in much greater quantity than the other, is very coarse-grained in texture, and lies in masses of great thickness. In sev- ei'al places single floods are seen between 300 and 400 feet thick, as if erupted in a highly viscous state, and appearing to have moved with great slowness and much internal resistance. This appearance is not only com- mon, but is highly characteristic of the most typical trachytes, and gives rise to the exceeding coarseness and roughness which the etymology of the name implies. Upon the western side of Dog Valley many masses of coarse dolerites and some basalts are found. Being among the latest outbreaks of the locality, they have suffered most from erosion, and their debris are widely distributed in the form of conglomerates over the surrounding regions. These conglomerates are well stratified, and when the exposures are viewed at a distance great enough to render the rocky fragments no longer disr tinguishable, they reveal a lamination quite as conspicuous as a succession of sedimentary strata. These conglomerates lie in the heaviest masses in the northwestern portion of the valley, and turn up against the southern end of the Tushar at an angle of 22°, showing a thickness exceeding 1,500 feet, without exposing its entire extent. No individual mass of conglomerate has been observed to extend over any large area, but they seem rather to have filled up depressions They increase and diminish rapidly in thick- ness, and obviously represent many local accumulations, which are not continuous among themselves. This arrangement is to be expected upon the theory that their origin is alluvial, a theory which (if it needs any special support) will appear to be abundantly sustained when we come to the examination of their formation at the present time in the larger valleys of the district. The elevation of this valley above that of the Sevier on the east is BEAK VALLEY. 191 about 1,400 feet. It cannot be regarded as a part of the Markdgunt, but occupies an intermediate position between that plateau and the Tushar. It is interesting chiefly as being the locality from which emanated a large portion of the lavas of the trachytic eruptive epoch. Probably it was the scene of eruptions of the first epoch also, though the lavas which it may have there poured forth are deeply buried beneath the great extravasated masses of the second period, and are revealed only in the fragments of andesite which are seen in the older conglomerates and by the lower beds at the base of the Tushar, which are brought up to daylight by the fault at its base. Crossing the southern rim of Dog Valley we descend into another valley of a little lower altitude, called Bear Valley. The divide between the two consists of a low range of hills, which are the degraded remnants of old volcanic piles which were once, no doubt, of imposing magnitude, giving vent to the huge sheets of lava which diverge from them, but are now reduced to mere hills and discrete masses of dolerite and basalt. Reaching the bottom of Bear Valley, we find a smooth, park-like inclosure of ample dimensions, with high hills of trachyte on the east and the bril- liant rosy red of the Eocene (Bitter Creek) on the west. It has already been stated that the Markagunt has a fringe or border of sedimentary rocks upon its western and southern sides, and this border is from 2 to 6 miles in width. In other words, the volcanic beds which cover its central and eastern portions do not extend to the western and southern margins of the uplift. Bear Valley lies at the foot of a broken crest which is formed by the sudden termination of these eruptive masses. This boundary is a very irregular one, having westward projections and eastward recesses. But it is necessary to keep in mind one important relation. The vents stood near this western margin. The main flow of the erupted materials was towards the east, in which direction they extended probably as far as the Sevier Plateau, or until they are lost beneath more recent sub-aerial accu- mulations. Towards the west their progress was arrested by the rising slope of the country, and they do not appear to have extended more than a very few miles in that direction. Then, as now, the face of the country sloped downward from west to east, though the gradient was considerably 192 GEOLOGY OF THE HIGH PLATEAUS. smaller than at present. A few large eruptions, however, reach out west- ward, producing the sinuous course of the boundary which marks their termination. One of these westerly projecting masses separates Bear Val- ley into two portions, connected by a naiTow gorge cut through it by erosion. Overlooking Upper Bear Valley from the eastward stand two con- spicuous mountain masses called Bear Peak and Little Creek Peak, of which the respective elevations are 9,870 and 10,040 feet. Although of moderate altitudes, they present, in consequence of their isolation, a very commanding appearance and attract the attention from every point of view in the surrounding country. They are also interesting on account of their structure and the masses which constitute their bulk. The beds which lie at their foundations merit some description. Wherever we examine the contact of the volcanics with the sediment- ary beds along the western verge of the eruptive rocks of the MarkAgunt, we usually find a series of strata composed of finely comminuted volcanic materials. Sometimes it is a fine sandstone; sometimes an argillaceous rock with minute fragments of feldspar and mica; sometimes a calcareous or marly deposit. Often rolled and rounded fragments of notable size are included, and the beds have then a coarse or gravelly texture, the grains being fragments of some eruptive mass so much decomposed that it is dif- ficult to determine its exact variety. These beds are always well stratified and have clearly been deposited by water, and do not difier from ordinary sedimentary beds, except in the fact that the materials which make up their mass have been derived from eruptive rocks. The individual beds are usually of small superficial extent and small thickness, and are often seen running out with "feather-edges." They always overlie the system- atic lacustrine Tertiaries of early Eocene age. Similar formations are found at the northern and southern extremities of the Sevier Plateau and in the East Fork Cation, where they have been more or less metamor- phosed. They are exhibited on the west side of Bear Valley and again along the base of the great trachytic wall of the Markugunt in considera- ble variety. Wherever found they seem to constitute a group by them- selves of more recent age than the uppermost Tertiaries of- the Wasatch BEAR VALLEY. 193 Plateau and Lower Sevier Valley. As these last-mentioned formations have been inferred provisionally to be of Green River age, the beds of volcanic sand, &c., may form an upward continuation of the same group, or may even be considerably more recent, though many circumstances seem to indicate that they were deposited in immediate succession to the definite Green River beds without any protracted interval to separate them. Their significance is purely local. They indicate that the eruptive activity had commenced and had given vent to large masses of lava before the extravasation of the older volcanic masses now remaining, and that these most ancient ejections had been wasted and either utterly swept away or buried where they have not up to the present time been laid bare. These beds are seen in considerable mass on both sides of Upper Bear Valley, and on the southeast side they constitute the lower courses of the two mountains which tower above it and the long curtain wall which connects them. Resting upon them is a sheet of lava of very interesting character. It is identical in constitution with a sheet exposed in East Fork Canon, and which will be described in detail in the chapter on the Sevier Plateau. Upon this lava rests a layer of coarse rhyolite, which is evidently much more recent in age, and forms the summit wall of the west side of Upper Bear Valley. This layer is not seen on the eastern side, but in place of it numerous trachytic beds are found alternating with conglomerate. At the bases of the two mountains these same beds of volcanic sand are seen and the succession of trachytes and conglomerates. The upper masses of the mountains are mostly trachytic, though between the flows there is one prominent conglomeritic mass. The stratification is remarka- bly even throughout, considering the volcanic nature of the components, but it is not horizontal. In both mountains there is an east or east-south- east dip, and they present the general aspect of great buttes left by the denudation of the surrounding country, though the similitude is not exact. A portion of their eminence, however, is due to a fault of about 800 feet displacement which runs along their western bases, and the remainder of their relative altitude is probably due to the denudation of the general platform to the east of them and to the dip of the beds. These eruptions are all very ancient (Miocene?), and since their extravasation they have 13 II p 194 GEOLOGY OF THE HIGH PLATEAUS. been uninterruptedly exposed to erosion, and it is by no means surprising that the average degradation should have been many hundreds or more than a thousand feet There is no evidence that they are old cones piled up of erujitive matter around local vents, but are unmistakably carved out of a mass of interstratified lava sheets and bedded fragments, like great cameos, and their altitudes notably augmented by local uplifting. The summit of Little Creek Peak gives a fine view of the surround- ing country, though the altitude is insufficient to command the great expanse of the Markagunt to the southward, which is higher than the peak itself But north and east the prospect is excellent. As soon as the firs and spruces are cleared the Tushar is in full view to the northward, the grand pyramids of Belknap and Baldy stand out in splendid relief against the horizon, and the inclined plateau, whose summit they crow«, is seen in detail. It may be recalled that this plateau slopes to the west, while the Markdgunt slopes to the east. The Hurricane fault bounds the western front of the Markdgunt, while the Tushar has a great fault upon its east- em front. The two plateaus gradually merge into each other through the intervening area of Dog Valley. The shifting of the displacement from the west front of the Markdgunt to the east side of the Tushar is an inter- esting structural feature and worth}- of a careful study, for it is often repeated in the Basin ranges, and constitutes one of the most important modifications of that type of structure. We may for present purposes regard the Tushar and Markagunt as a single block, of which the length is nearly 80 miles and the width a little more than 20. The southern por- tion is tilted eastward (Markagunt) and the northern portion is tilted westward, while the intervening or middle part is warped and otherwise flexed. Now if this great block were a simple warped surface, the middle portion would be synclinal. In reality it is an anticlinal area. An anti- clinal axis leaves the Hurricane fault at a very acute angle, and crosses the block obliquely to the commencement of the Tushar fault. These structu- ral features may be discerned distinctly from the summit of Little Creek Peak. Looking westward from the same point we behold in the foreground a scene eminently characteristic of the western border of the Markagunt. JOUENEY OVER THE MARKAGUNT. 195 It is a valley of erosion carved into the plateau by a plexus of streams. The proportions are grand, and the abrupt slopes which wall it about on every side are very impressive. It is a vast Coliseum, opening to the west- ward by a deep and narrow canon leading to the floor of the Great Basin near Parowan. The walls west, south, and north are all Tertiary (Bitter Creek) and luminous with colors, which are all the more conspicuous from contrast with the dark trachytic beds which overlook them from the east- ern side. Several great valleys of similar aspect and excavated in the same manner occur elsewhere in the sedimentary belt which borders the western portion of the Markdguut. The plateau is there yielding slowly to the destroying agents, and the continuance of the process through indefinite time will at last destroy its eminence. It taxes the credulity to think that this work has'been gradually accomplished by the feeble action now in prog- ress ; but the results here witnessed sink into insignificance when compared with those which are forced upon the conviction when we look upon the regions drained by the Colorado. Eastward from the foot of the mountain the plateau slopes almost insensibly to the base of the Sevier Plateau, which rises against the eastern sky. The country is rough with hills and rocky valleys, though these ine- qualities upon so vast an expanse as the back of the Markdgunt are as mere ripples or waves upon the bosom of a great lake. In this direction none but old volcanic rocks and conglomerates are visible. To the southward the view is not extensive. The plateau slowly increases in altitude in that direction until it becomes more lofty than the peak. So much of it as is visible presents a pleasant but rather monotonous appearance, with rolling hills and ridges, grassy slopes and scattered groves of pines. A journey over this broad surface is a pleasure excursion, but not remarkably ins.tructive to the geologist. The explorer will enjoy the lus- cious camps beneath the shade of century-old pines, beside sparkling streams of the purest water, and will see with pleasure the keen relish with which the animals devour the luxuriant wild grass. Nature is here in her gentle mood, neither wild nor inanimate, neither grand nor trivial, but genial, tem- perate, and mildly suggestive. A few canons which it is a pleasure to cross;- long grassy slopes which seem to ask to be climbed ; hill tops giving charm- 196 GEOLOGY OF THE HIGH PLATEAUS. ing pictures of shaded dells and sloping banks, with distant views of the Tushar and the mighty wall of the Sevier Plateau, combine to produce a medley of pleasant scenes and experiences which will always be looked back to with refreshment. As a field of geological study it is in great part meager. Now and then a bit of local curiosity is excited by a curious result of rain sculpture, by remains of small lake deposits, by the curious weathering of rocks, by some strange freak of the old lava flows, none of which will find places here. Broad facts are comparatively few. Among the most noteworthy is the succession of eruptions. In the central part of the Markdgunt the oldest eruptions observed were andesitic. These are displayed in a disconnected way in the deeper ravines of the cen- tral and northern portions, but are elsewhere so masked by subsequent floods that their extent and the circumstances of their extravasation are not fully intelligible. Whether they were generally distributed over the face of the plateau or represent a number of local eruptions it is not possible to say with certainty. Wherever deep canons are found in the central part of the area they lay open great masses of dark andesitic lava, and areas are occasionally found where surface erosion has removed the later rocks and laid the andesite bare. In any event, whether generally or discontinu- ously distributed, the mass of this rock is very great. No propylitic erup- tions have been observed in the Mark^gunt. Next in order are found great masses of trachyte. Over the greater por- tion of the expanse of the Markdgunt these are the surface rocks. In reality their volume may not exceed that of the andesites, which they usually cover, but being more frequently seen they appear to be the dominant rock, and I incline to the opinion that they are so. On the whole, the varieties of trachyte are less numerous in the MarkAgunt than in the more eastern pla- teaus of the district ; but their number is still very great. The least com- mon variety is the Iwrnblendic ; but the augitic trachytes are abundant, and the commonest of all is a highly porphyritic argilloid variety. The latter consists of a reddish or pui-plish fine base, resembling a rather rough argillite, holding crystals of white opaque orthoclase. One of its most per- sistent characteristics is its fracture, which is very peculiar. Most volcanic rocks, when broken, present a tolerably even or gently rounded though 196 UliUl.O- L.ViJiAUS. ing pictures of sliadef! ■^J'usiiar and t]ie Bftedley of ploa?^ back to with : meager. N< result of r - weatlK" ■ of%vl it pari <>' I ^lopiug banks,' with distant views of the '] of the Sevier Plateau, bonibine to produce a ind experiences which will always be looked As a field of geological study it is in great part ilsen a bit of loo^l curiosity is excited by a curious ire, by remains of. small lake deposits, by the curious ixvs, by some strange freak of the old lava flows, none ' places here. Broad facts are comparatively few. most noteworthy is the succession of eruptions. In the thfi Markdgunt the oldest eniptions observed were andesitic. • in a disconnected way iu i or ravines of the cen- elsewher* subsequent jh of fl ;■ ','1 i-jiai LTuj-.-iuiifc if iS iioi pv'afeiuie lo caftons are found in the central part of js of dark andesitic lava, and areas are snrfiice erosion has removed the later rocks and y event, whether generally or discontiuu- mass of this rock is very great. No propylitic erup- I in the Mark^gunt. great masses of ti-achyte. Ov- aterpor- vrkdgunttliese are the sur&ee i '' \ that of the andesiles, •tvhicli theyusuaii} cover, ■en they appear txt bo the dominant rock, and t they are so. On the whole, the varieties of a tiie Markdgunt than in the more eastern pla- ■ ir number is still \ery great. The least com- Uc; but the augitic trachytes are abundant, he commonest of ail is a highly porphyritic argillold variety. The consists of iiplish fine base, resembling a rather rough to, holding cry.suiia oi paque orthoclase. One of its most per- which is very peculiar. Most volcanic .r,r,- oven or gently rounded though the r: laid ; ousU tions have h' N^ext in ■ tiun of the e> their volume m; but being more ! I incline to the trachyte are lesh teaus of th • distxi ttjon variet\ is the I H a > > > O a •z. H r > r ■< I SUCCESSION OP ERUPTIONS IN THE MAKKAGUNT. 197 rough surface ; but this trachyte breaks with an exceedingly jagged, angu- lar, and in-egular fracture, so tliat it is impossible to hammer out a neat and shapely specimen. The grandest masses of trachyte, not only in the Markd- gunt but in the other plateaus, consist of this variety. It lies in immense beds, often two or three hundred feet in thickness, spreading out over many square miles with remarkable regularity and homogeneity. In the MarkA- gunt it forms mesa-like platforms, ending in low precipices, where the shal- low canons and ravines have cut into it. It breaks up or rather crumbles with unusual facility for an eruptive rock, producing a coarse gravel, which floors the ravines below. This rock is so distinct in its characters that it seems almost to justify a separate name, but I shall content myself with a purely descriptive designation, and call it argilloid trachyte. The augitic varieties of trachyte are found in sheets, which are usually much thinner and cover smaller areas, though the number of them is much greater. The total bulk is less than that of the argilloid variety, though absolutely it is very great. The rhyolites are the third group of eruptives found in the Markdgunt. They are seen in large masses along the very highest part of the plateau, from the crest of which they poured out in massive sheets. They are probably as ancient as the older liparitic masses of the Tushar, but always overlie the trachytes whenever they are in contact with them. They belong altogether to the liparitic sub-group, with an abundance of porphyritic crys- tals of feldspar and quartz. None of those hyaline fluent rhyolites which characterize the northern Tushar are seen here. Although their volume is very great, it is far less than that of the trachytes, and the areas which they cover are much smaller. The fourth group is the basaltic. Among the High Plateaus the Mai'- kdgunt and Tushar alone present extensive outpours of rocks of this class. A few small eruptions are found in the eastern plateaus and notably in the intervening valleys, but they are not comparable in extent to those of the Markagiint. Here they are confined to the southern half of the plateau. A little south of the center is a large tract in which are still preserved remnants of a considei-able number of basaltic craters, though so much degraded that they are not immediately recognized. ^J hey fonn a large 198 GEOLOGY OF THE HIGH PLATEAUS. cluster of rolling hills, rarely exceeding 300 feet in altitude above the platform on which they stand, covered with soil mingled with decayed vesicular cinders. Their true nature is disclosed by the scoriaceous char- acter of the fragments which constitute the greater portion of their mass. It will be remembered that basaltic craters, when well preserved, are rather' symmetrical truncated cones, with conical or funnel-shaped depressions at the summit, and the entire mass is composed of vesicular fragments blown out by the escaping steam and gases and falling with approximate uniformity around the orifice. The spongy character of these fragments renders them an easy prey to the chemical forces of the atmosphere, and they are readily decomposed. After thousands of years of weathering these cones are literally dissolved, losing their lime, iron, and alkali, while the alumina and silica remain, and the cone gradually loses its form and is reduced to a shapeless heap of soil with commingled cinders in every stage of decay. Around the bases of these ancient cones we find half-revealed sheets of basaltic lava. Any eruption may be followed by the building of a cinder- cone, and most basaltic outbreaks are so supplemented (at least in this dis- trict) ; but it is not always so. A considerable number of the basaltic sheets have been disgorged where no trace of a cone remains, and some of these are so recent that the last thousand years may have witnessed the catas- trophes.* It is notable that the most extensive outpours are most frequently without them. Among the basalts of the locality of which we are speaking are many cinder-cones in an advanced stage of decay. The floods of basalt which have emanated from them lie in many sheets, none of which indi- vidually present great thickness, but by superposition have built up this part of the plateau from 500 to 800 feet above the normal platform. They are for the most part concealed by their own ruins, but numerous ravines have been cut into them, showing in many places their edges and giving a general idea of their mass and distribution. They rest upon older trachytes and occasionally andesites which had been scored by ravines before the basaltic outbreaks, and in a number of places the uneven surfaces of contact are clearly revealed. * I am spcaliiiig in general terms of the basalts. Tliosc of the locality just spoken of aro all probably older than the Quaternary. PANQUITCn LAKE— MODERN BASALT. 199 A few miles southeast of this basaltic field is a picturesque lakelet, occupying a depression in the plateau, called the Panquitch Lake — a sheet of water about a mile and a half in length and a mile in width It is a delightful locality, both for the tourist and the geologist. Around it stand forests of pine (P. ponderosa), while farther up the slopes of the plateau are thickets of spruce and aspen. Broad and stately ravines, bearing sparkling streams from the higher levels open near its margin, and the traveler, weary of the desert wastes below, revels in the rank vegetation which clothes their rocky slopes. Through the brief summer the longest and richest grass carpets their floors and every knoll and sloping bank is a parterre of the gayest flowers. Around this lake the volcanic strata are seen resting upon the sedi- mentaries; in short, it is a locality where the eruptive rocks have diminished in thickness, and they gradually disappear southward and southeastward. To the west and southwest they continue still in immense bulk, with greater variety and stronger contrasts than in the northern part of the plateau. Here the oldest eruptives are trachytic. They are finely displayed upon the northern side of the lake, where they form low cliffs or steep slopes, and an abrupt canon entering from the northwest still more clearly lays them open to view. As we approach the lake from the northeast (the usual route), the instant wo reach the summit of the hill from which we first see the expanse of its surface, a most conspicuous object upon the south side of the lake immediately attracts the attention. It is a flood of basalt so recent and so fresh in its aspect that we wonder why there is no record or tradi- tion of its eruption. It is dense black, and its ominous shade is rendered still more conspicuous by the lively colors of the sedimentary rocks and soil around it. We see at first only the end of a grand coulee, but beyond it rise rough, angry knolls and mountainous waves as black as midnight, telling of more beyond. Riding to the base of it, we find it to be com- posed of numberless fragments, ranging in size from a cubic foot to many cubic yards, piled up in strange confusion. A continuous bed or sheet is nowhere to be seen ; nothing but this coarse rubble, looking like an exag- gerated pile of anthi-acite dumped from the cars at the terminus of a great coal railway. A close inspection confirms this impression of recency 200 GEOLOGY OF THE HIGH PLATEAUS. given by the first view. The surfaces of the fragments are not affected by ■feathering to any notable extent, and it is only by comparison witli surfaces fractured by the hammer that we can find an assurance of an exceedingly slight impairment of its original freshness. No doubt this is largely due to the fact that this portion of the mass is not in the slightest degree vesicular. In other parts of the coulee highly vesicular fragments were encountered; but where I first approached it every stone was as compact as a dike. But even the vesicular specimens show so little weathering, that it is hard to believe that this eruption is as old as the discovery of America. Such appearances, however, may be very de- ceptive. I am not aware that there is any authentic record of a volcanic eruption within the present limits of the United States, though it is quite possible that a number of them have occurred since the conquest of Mexico by Cortez. In this region it may have easily escaped the chronicles of the Spanish priests, even if such a dire event had occurred only a hundred years ago, and two hundred years would have destroyed all reliable tradi- tion of it among the Indians.* This basalt came from a vent situated about 3 miles southwest of Panquitch Lake, and from the same source flowed a considerable number of large streams all presenting the same appearance of recency. An attempt was made to reach the crater, but the climbing over the rough angular blocks piled up in the worst conceivable confusion proved to be so perilous, that after several misadventures it was abandoned. From surrounding eminences several overlooks were obtained, from which it was inferred that there are several vents clustered near each other, and from three of them at least there have been a number of eruptions. Noth- ing like a cinder-cone, however, was distinguishable. The lavas appear to have reached the surface and overflowed like water from a spring, spread- ing out immediately and deluging a broad surface around the orifice, and sending off into surrounding valleys and ravines deep rivers of molten rock. One flood rolled northeast towards Panquitch Lake, but came to rest before reaching it. A second flowed eastward down a broad ravine situated about 3 miles from the lake. The largest streams went to the southeast into " Tlicrc is said to be a, tradition iiinong f lio Mohave Indians tliat tlieir ancestors were driven out of Central Arizona by volcanic erui>lions, and llioiigli very recent basalts are found there, many cir- cuuistauces combine to oppose sucli a tnulition even if there bo one. BASALT FIELDS OF THE MAEKAGUNT. 201 the tributary ravines of Mammoth Creek (the main fork of the Sevier River), and reach a point about 6 miles from their origin. Besides this field of very recent basalt, remains of much more ancient basalt are found in the vicinity and in much larger amount. In truth, the basaltic eruptions go back to a period sufficiently remote to have permitted important changes in the configuration of the country to take place in the interval separating the present from the earliest eruptions of this class. During that interval a considerable number of outbreaks, separated by many centuries (probably hundreds of centuries), have occurred. Basalt fields of different ages are readily distinguished. Among the oldest, pi-oba- bly, are the first basalts spoken of in this chapter. Of an antiquity which may be quite as great are two large masses, lying respectively southeast and southwest of Panquitch Lake. The southwest field is much eroded, and consists of a tabular mountainous mass immediately overlooking the very recent basalt field just spoken of. The edges of the sheets composing this tabular mass project in bold cliff's around its flat summit in the same manner as is frequently seen in lower regions, where buttes of sedimentary rocks owe their origin and preservation to a protecting mantle of lava. On all sides it is girt about by a talus of blocks, which have fallen by the sap- ping of the foundations of the mass through untold ages. Since this lava was disgorged broad valleys and deep ravines have been scored in the plat- form of the Markdgunt, and the minor details of topography arising from the general process of surface sculpture have been carved out, and an older topography has been swept away or so completely remodeled that it cannot now be reconstructed. Southeast of the lake a wide expanse of country has been covered with ancient basalt, but only remnants are now left, covering mesas and buttes of sedimentary rocks and overlying fields of still older trachytes and volcanic conglomerates. Ravines of considerable magnitude and broad valleys have been cut into the country which they once covered, and these excavations have in several instances given passage to more recent floods of basalt, some of which extend as far east as the Sevier River. These later basalt fields are in an excellent state of preservation, but soil has accumulated upon them, and the face of the rocks shows deep weathering. 202 GEOLOGY OP THE HIGH PLATEAUS. The different stages of the decay are readily discerned, and it is easy to see that the various basaltic eruptions, though they may, in a certain geological sense, be considered as belonging to one epoch, and that a very recent one, have occurred at intervals which, measured by a historical standard of time, have been very long. The lithological characters also vary to some extent; the more ancient floods being less heavily charged with magnitite, and on the whole less basic and a little lighter-colored, also less finely tex- tured, than the most recent ones, and of a little lower specific gravity. Finall)', the largest basalt field of all and, with the exception of that one nearest to Panquitch Lake the most recent, is found near the south- west margin of the plateau, covering about 25 square miles, with a con- siderable number of cones, from which a large number of eruptions have issued. This field I have had no opportunity to examine in detail, and it is not easily accessible on account of the exceedingly rough character of its surface. Much of it is clothed with dense forests of spruce, which alone render it almost impenetrable, and prevent the observer from obtaining a satisfactory view of it. Its mean altitude is more than 10,000 feet. The basaltic eruptions of the Markagunt are a portion of a belt of such eruptions, which extends along the course of the Hunucane fault and the country adjacent to it far southward across the Colorado River into Arizona. Eruptive rocks older than basalt within this belt are very few and of small magnitude. The volume and number of basaltic eruptions increase as we proceed southward, and reach a great development near the Grand Cafion, where more than a thousand square miles are covered with it and more than a hundred cones are still standing. South of the Colorado many large basalt fields are known to exist, but they have not been thor- oughly studied. Throughout the Hurricane belt they occur in patches, often small, but frequently extensive. It is a notable fact that by far the greater portion of them occur upon the uplifted side of this great displace- ment; indeed those upon the thrown side are comparatively trivial. This fact seems to be generally true throughout the District of the High Pla- teaus and also throughout the country to the south of it. It is, moreover, so strongly empliasized, that it suggests the possibility of a correlation between these basaltic eruptions and the greater upward displacements. SEDIMENTARY BEDS— TUFAS. 203 On the other hand, an equally striking fact is the apparent independence of basaltic eruptions of the minor or local inequalities of a country. They have broken out, with seeming indifference, upon hill-tops and slopes, in valley bottoms, upon the brinks of great cliffs of erosion, upon buttes, and upon broad mesas. The only localities where I have not seen them are in canons and at the bases of cliffs of erosion.* SEDIMENTARY FORMATIONS OF THE MARKAGUNT. Around the western and southern borders of the Markdgunt extends a broad belt of sedimentary formations almost wholly unencumbered witli volcanic emanations. The volcanic cap ends always abruptly upon the highest part of the plateau several miles from the plateau limits, and usually presents to the westward a line of cliffs looking down into the great valleys and amphitheaters where the ravines and canons of the sedimentary belt begin. The destroying agents have wrought terrible havoc in the strata, cutting chasms which have laid bare in grand sections the series of sedi- mentary strata from the Eocene to the base of the Trias inclusive. The most recent deposits are those local accumulations first encoun- tered in Bear Valley, consisting of the sands and marls derived from the decay of volcanic rocks. We seldom miss them from their proper place at the base of the volcanic cap, and they attain considerable thickness (200 to 350 feet) in numerous exposures along the western margin of the trachyte. From what rocks they were derived it is impossible to say ; no lavas older than themselves have been detected. They rest everywhere upon the Eocene limestones, frequently shading downwards into sandstones undis- * Perhaps I ought to qualify this assertion of seeming indittcrenco to minor topographical features by sjiying that basaltic vents occur very often upon the brink of cliffs of erosion, and never (within my own observation) at the base of one; often upon the top of the wall of a canon and never within tho canon itself, though tho stream of lava often runs into tho canon. So numerous, indeed, are the in- stances of cones upon tho verge of a clift' of erosion or canon-wall, that I was at one time led to suspect that it was a favorite locality. This is very conspicuous in the large basaltic field near tho Grand Canon in the vicinity of Mount Trumbull, where 10 large cones stand upon the very brink of the great abyss and have sent their lavas down into it. Away from tho canon a considerable number of craters aro seen upon tho various cliffs near the Hurricane Ledge, and far to the northeastward half a dozen aro found upon thi; crests of the White Cliffs. Out of rather more than 300 basaltic cones of this region, I have noted 33, or nearly 11 per cent., occupying such positions. Whether this is accidental it is diffi- cult to say, but when it is remembered that they do not occur at the bases of such clifl's, nor in tho c.inons (so far as I have observed), tho fact is certainly a remarkable one. In our present ignorance concerning the nature of the forces and chain of causation which lead up to and precipitate volcanic phenomena, it would be vain to speculate njion tho reasons for this apparent preference of locality. 204 GEOLOGY OP THE HIGH PLATEAUS. tinguishable in composition and texture from ordinary sediments derived from ordinary materials. Nor is tlieir exact age assignable, since they have yielded no fossils, but the probabilities are great that they are not far from middle Eocene age. Beneath them lies what is called the Pink Cliff series, which is known to be Lower Eocene.* At the base brackish -water fossils are found, which give place as we ascend to a fresh-water fauna. The upper members are limestones, • which are usually more or less siliceous, and the silica in- creases in the lower members, where gravelly beds, layers of sandstone, and even conglomerate are found. The highly calcareous members strongly predominate. The coloring is always striking and vies in brilliancy with the Triassic beds. The highest member is frequently almost snow-white, with a band of strong orange-yellow beneath it. But the great mass of color is a pale rosy-pink. When the sun is low and sends his nearly level beams of reddish light against the towering fronts and mazes of buttresses, alcoves, and pinnacles, they seem to glow with a rare color, intensely rich and beautiful — ^flesh-of-watermelon color is the nearest hue I can suggest. Some of the beds do not naturally possess this color, but have been painted superficially by the wash from the beds above them, or possibly have taken on the color through exposure, while they are yellow within. The identity of these beds with the Bitter Creek of the Wasatch Pla- teau and of the Uintas seems clear. The connection by actual continuity is, indeed, wanting, but the fossils, though few, are convincing, and the rela- tions to the Cretaceous beneath are strictly homologous to those which pre- vail farther north. Some doubt arises whether the white limestone which caps the series should be referred to the Bitter Creek or to the Green River beds. Mr. Howell, whose opinions are of great weight, inclined to the lat- ter view, and thought that one of the members of the Wasatch Plateau (No. 2), which I have referred to the Lower Green River period, was want- ing, and that the white limestone should be correlated to those beds which I have referred doubtfully to the Upper Green River. It is true that two *I uso tbo term Eoccno in its local sense. It mayor may not be coeval with the European Eocene. Probably it is very nearly so. TERTIARY FORMATIONS. 205 or three species of fresli-water mollusca seem to sustain his view, but the fresh-water forms of the Plateau Province so frequently have a very great vertical range, that they are apt to mislead in just such cases, and require collateral evidence to justify such a conclusion. On the other hand, there is no indication in the appearance of the rocks of such a break of the con- tinuity, and the whole of the Tertiary here exposed seems to belong to one series without unconformity and without any break in the conditions nec- essary to continuous deposition. It has, therefore, seemed to me unadvis- able to intercalate a vacant horizon in a series which to all appearances is continuous. The white limestone at the summit of the formation is a very con- spicuous member and forms the surface of the plateau for a considerable distance south of Panquitch Lake, where it is laid open by ravines and exposed in buttes capped by basalt. It reaches a thickness of rather more than 300 feet in some places, but is usually much less. It is very impure; sometimes very siliceous, holding agate or chalcedony, and is also some- times marly. The total thickness of the Eocene beds is from 1,100 to 1,200 feet. The epoch of final emergence from the lacustrine condition seems to have been earlier here in the southwestern part of the Plateau Province than in the middle or northern portions. This is indicated by the earlier age of the most recent lacustrine beds; for as we proceed northward later and later members gradually make their appearance. In the south, not more than the lower third of the Eocene is present; in the middle district, barely more than one-half; while around the southern slopes of the Uintas nearly or perhaps quite the whole of it is revealed. It may be con- jectured that the Lower Green River beds once existed here and were eroded and wholly removed before the volcanic eruptions began. This cannot be wholly disproven, but the view is extremely improbable; for in the epoch immediately following the final emergence the conditions were not favorable to a rapid erosion; the region was not at that time an elevated one; it could scarcely have exceeded a few hundred feet in altitude above sea level, and there were no important displacements nor dislocations. The Bitter Creek beds cover many hundred square miles of continuous 200 GEOLOGY OF THE HIGH PLATEAUS. territory with splendid exposure, and have in many places been thoroughly protected from destruction since early Miocene time at least, but nowhere have they been seen to be covered with any more recent sedimentary formations, excepting the local beds of volcanic sand. It is not probable that every vestige of such a formation, had it existed, should have been so completely destroyed, nor that an erosion of such magnitude should have been withal so uniform as to stop everywhere at the summit of the very perishable limestone which forms the uppermost member of the Bitter Creek. Here, as elsewhere, the volume of Cretaceous beds is very great, probably attaining more than 4,000 feet. The valleys and gorges which reveal them descend to the westward, while the rocks dip at varying angles to the eastward; thus in the course of 5 or 6 miles the water-courses pass through the entire series. The Cretaceous mass is composed of alternating sandstones and dark-gray shales, which are usually very heavily bedded, uniformly stratified, and have strong and persistent lithological characters. The subdivision of the Cretaceous rocks and their correlation with those of the Plateau Province at large I have not attempted; the study of them has been too superficial and the number of fossils collected is much too small, while the series itself is enormous and highly variable. It is evident at once that, though the series as a whole possesses the same general characteristics as prevail elsewhere, it is very inconstant in details, and comparatively few of the subordinate members can be strictly correlated over extended intervals. The great beds of shale are the most striking members, attaining many hundreds of feet of thickness, with slight inter- ruptions of arenaceous layers, which hardly mar the uniformity of their aspect. Coal of good quality is found in workable beds in the lower half of the series. There is a strong family likeness in all the Cretaceous ex- posures of the Plateau Province, and their features are as characteristic of the formation as the peculiarities of the Trias; but the wonderful per- sistence over great areas which marks the Triassic members cannot be affirmed of the Cretaceous. No series of rocks can be more strongly marked by their lithological characteristics than the Mesozoic formations which here underlie the Creta- LITHOLOGICAL (CHARACTERS OF THE MESOZOTO. 207 ceous. Quite as strongly individualized are the topographical features which have been sculptured out of them. The great marvels of surface sculpture found throughout the lower Plateau Province, the grand cliffs with strange carvings and elaborate ornamentation, the wonderful buttes and towering domes, the numberless shapes which startle us by their grotesqueness owe their peculiarities as much to the nature of the rocks themselves as to the abnormal meteoric conditions under which they were produced. Each formation has its own fashions — its own school of natural architecture. The Gray Cliffs, the Vermilion CHffs, the Shindrump (Lower Trias) — each has its own topography, and they are as distinctly individu- alized as the modes of building and ornamentation found among distinct races of men. The uppermost member of the Jurassic series is fossiliferous, and has yielded a fauna which, though not very abundant, is still highly characteristic and sufficient to fix its age with certainty as Upper Jurassic. Immediately below it is the Gray Cliff sandstone, so wonderful for its cross-bedding, for the massiveness and homogeneity of its stratification, and for its persistence without any notable change of character over great areas. This formation has been assigned to the Jurassic solely on the ground of its infra-position to the fossiliferous member just mentioned. The Gray Cliffs have not yielded a solitary fossil hitherto of any kind. Next below is the Vermilion Cliff series, characterized by beds of sandstone built up in many layers, with a tendency towards shaly characters, though seldom or never a true shale. It is as persistent as the Gray Cliffs above, and in color it contrasts powerfully with it. The Gray Cliffs are nearly white, and are merely toned with gray; the Vermilion Cliffs are intensely, gorgeously red. The latter also is destitute of fossils, except a few obscure fish-scales, though great search has been made for them. Beneath lies the Shindrump. It consists of a very remarkable conglomerate above and a series of shales below. The conglomerate is made up chiefly of fragments of silicified wood, cemented by a light-colored matrix of sand, lime, and clay, out of which the woody fragments weather and are scattered over the plains below. The shales below consist of a succession of layers, each a few feet or a very few yards in thickness, preserving that thickness with remarkable 208 GEOLOGY OF THE niGH TliATEAUS. uniformity over miles of exposure and contrasting with each other by their varying shades of chocolate, dark red, and purple, producing an effect of colored bands of small thickness individually but great collectively, and with a perfect regularity or parallelism. (See Heliotype No. XI.) The Lower Mesozoic series (Jura and Trias) is found in the Markdgunt only in the immediate vicinity of the great Hurricane displacement, which defines the western boundary of the structure, and is only seen there along the southern portion of the west flank. I have not visited them, but Mr. Howell has examined them somewhat cursorily, and the results of his observations, in the form of notes, are before me. There is a general agree- ment of the sections he there found with the general section of the Plateau Country to the eastward, though there are minor differences which might be worthy of future study. All of the notable Mesozoic groups and beds are present and seem to be on the whole somewhat thicker than they are to the eastward, but the thickness is more variable and the deposition generally more unequal. In close proximity to the great fault, the beds are in some places flexed abruptly upwards on the uplifted side of the fault, but in passing eastward they speedily recur to the general east or east- northeast dip of 1° to 2° which prevails throughout the plateau. Nowhere in this vicinity does the Carboniferous seem to be exposed, though in several localities it must be very near the surface in the immediate line of the fault. Where these upward flexures occur, the plane of denudation between the summit of the plateau and the fault cuts across the entire series of Mesozoic and Cenozoic formations more than 10,000 feet in thick- ness. From the southwest salient of the Markdgunt we behold one of those sublime spectacles which characterize the loftiest standpoints of the Pla- teau Province. Even to the mere tourist there are few panoramas so broad and grand; but to the geologist there comes with all the visible grandeur a deep significance. The radius of vision is from 80 to 100 miles. We stand upon the great cliff of Tertiary beds which meanders to the eastward till lost in the distance, sculptured into strange and even startling forms, and lit up with colors so rich and glowing that they awaken enthusiasm in the most apathetic. To the southward the profile of the s en. > z a \ ir\ TT<5 »^ii *t \.;i ,ie imni' e west* tl\e »<)Utliom portion UoH'oll has examiuewl ; vationft, in the f e and coiurasting with each other by their dark red, and purple, producing an effect of kness ii^dividually but great collectively, and njlelisni. ■' " '• • peNo. XL) I cs (Jura am: ij wi ■ i- .*und in the Markii-unt ity of the great Hurrirane displacement, which V of the structure, and is only seen there along went flank. I have not visited- them, but Mr. me what cui-sorily, and the results of his lotes, aro before me. There is a general agre* und with the general (section of the Plateau are niii»or diffr which might II K«.;i 1 1 anU the deposition ,. , ,,ri'at fault, the Ix-ds are in some plac^ = iiptly upw uplifted side of thti fauk, but in passing eastward tiiey speedily » the general east or east- uurtheasi dip of 1° to 2° nhich prevails thr^mghout the plateau. Nowhere !ty does the Carbon iferoas seem to be exposed, though in it must be vorj* nedr the surface in the immediate line of i: these uj)wai'd flexures ooi-ur, the plane «>f denudation init of tlie plateau an' ■ ' -t cuts i across the entire .■ f. »"».t r \i? 1 1 ly. vl/- tj\Ti'tn^* >n in A.' : > r..,.f *>i t1,"...1-. Pr >fn the southwest salient of. the Markasnuit we behold one of those ijwc'taclea which characterize th*> standpoints of the Pla- :ie mere tourint ther*; are few panoramas so t^eolog-ist there t'ouies with all the visible • MgiiiiicjiMcfe. The radius of vt from 80 to 100 i upon the great cliff of Tertiary l>eUei which meanders to ' >t in the distance, sculpttfted into strange and even ' ■"- with coloi's so rich and glowing that they awaken apatliffic. To thf' southward the nrofili' of the o a o to CO M o o M a «-i c a > 01 > a [/> H O Z M X VIEW TO THE SOUTHWARD. 209 country drops down by a succession of terraces formed by lower and lower formations which come to the daylight as those which overlie them are suc- cessively terminated in lines of cliffs, each formation rising gently to the southward to recover a portion of the lost altitude until it is cut off by its own escarpment. Thirty miles away the last descent falls upon the Carboniferous, which slowly rises with an unbroken slope to the brink of the Grand Canon. But the great abyss is not discernible, for the curvature of the earth hides it from sight. Standing among evergreens, knee-deep in succulent grass and a wealth of Alpine blossoms, fanned by chill, moist breezes, we look over terraces decked with towers and tem- ples and gashed with canons to the desert which stretches away beyond the southern horizon, blank, lifeless, and glowing with torrid heat. To the southwestward the Basin Ranges toss up their angry waves in characteristic confusion, sierra behind sierra, till the hazy distance hides them as with a vail. Due south Mount Trumbull is well in view, with its throng of black basaltic cones looking down into the Grand Canon. To the southeast the Kaibab rears its noble palisade and smooth crest line, stretching southward until it dips below the horizon more than a hundred miles away. In the terraces which occupy the middle ground and foreground of the picture we recojjnize the characteristic work of erosion, Numberless masses of rock, carved in the strangest fashion out of the Jurassic and Triassic strata, start up from the terraced platforms. The great cliffs — perhaps the grandest of all the features in this region of grandeur — are turned away from us, and only now and then are seen in profile in the flank of some salient. Among the most marvelous things to be found in these terraces are the canons; such canons as exist nowhere else even in the Plateau Country. Right beneath us are the springs of the Rio Virgin, whose filaments have cut narrow clefts, rather than canons, into the sandstones of the Jura and Trias more than 2,000 feet deep; and as the streamlets sank their narrow beds they oscillated from side to side, so that now bulges of the walls project over the clefts and shut out the sky. They are by far the narrowest chasms, in proportion to their depth, of which I have any knowledge. All the Tertiary strata of the Markdgunt, together with the entire Mesozoic series, with the possible exception of the Gray Cliff sandstone, 14 n p 210 GEOLOGY OF THE HIGH PLATEAUS. once extended over the vast expanse before us and far beyond the Hmits of vision to the south and southeast. One after another they have been swept away by the ordinary process of erosion, and the great expanse of desert around the Colorado has been denuded down to the Carbonifer- ous. Here and there an insulated patch of the Trias remains, fading remnants of formations which were once continuous and without a break; but the whole of the vast Cretaceous system and the heavy Eocene beds have not left a single butte upon the denuded portion. Sixty to eighty miles to the east of us the Cretaceous still extends uninterruptedly from the southern slope of the Aquarius Plateau to the Colorado and thence into Arizona. A little farther westward and the Upper Trias similarly stretches across the interval. But from the eastern wall of the Kaibab to the mouth of the Grand Canon the Carboniferous forms the floor of the country, and no later beds are found within 50 miles of the river except a few outliers of the Shindrump. CHAPTER X. SEVIER VALLEY AND ITS ALLUVIAL CONGLOMERATES. Tho headwaters of Sevier Elver. — Upper Sevier, or Panquitch Valley. — ranquitcU Canon. — Circle Val- ley.— Origin of the Sevier Valley. — Conglomerates. — Their various kinds. — Sources of tho mate- rials.— Transportation of coarse dibna and the natural laws governing it. — Action of rivers upon transported materials. — Action of the sea. — Alluvial conglomerates. — Formation of alluvial cones at the openings of mountain gorges. — Their structure. — Alluvial cones now forming in the val- leys of the district. — A comparison between the modem alluvial formations and tho ancient con- glomerates.— Identity of the process which formed both. The South Fork of the Sevier River heads in the Marktigunt near its southwestern crest, the springs being scattered among the basalt fields, which cover a considerable area in that vicinity. Two fine creeks flow eastward in broad valleys, meandering down the slopes of the plateau until they meet the opposite slopes which descend from the western wall of the Paunsagunt. Here the' southernmost creek (Asa's Creek) is deflected north- ward, and 6 miles below, Mammoth Creek joins it, the two forming the South Fork of the Sevier. Thence northward the stream flows for more than 50 miles, receiving a few insignificant tributaries, until at the foot of Circle Val- ley it is joined by the East Fork issuing from a mighty chasm, Avhich cuts from top to bottom the great Sevier Plateau. Still northward it pursues its course nearly a hundred miles more, receiving one important affluent at Salina and another at Gunnison, until it suddenly springs westward at the PAvant and cuts a chasm through it; then turning south-southwest, it mean- ders through a forlorn desert for about 60 miles, and ends at Sevier Lake, a large, nauseous bittern of the Great Basin. The site of this lake was at a recent epoch covered by a southward extension of Lake Bonneville. It is interesting to reflect that as late as Post-Glacial time the waters which fell upon the crests of the Pink Cliff's of Southern Utah were there divided; a part to flow southward into the Grand Canon, the remainder to flow north- 211 f 212 GEOLOGY OF THE HIGH PLATEAUS. ward into Lake Bonneville,* and thence through the Snake River into the Columbia. Where the upper tributaries of the South Fork reach the foot of the MarkAgunt slope the altitude is about 7,000 feet. At the junction of the East Fork it is 6,000 feet, and where the river enters the Pavant it is 5,000 feet.f In any oi'dinary region the Sevier would not be dignified by the name of a river. In the early part of July its flow is a little less than 1,000 cubic feet per second, and this volume diminishes to about half that in September. Nevertheless it is the largest stream between Great Salt Lake and the Colorado. The name Sevier Valley might with propriety be given to the entire trough of the stream, but local names have been given to different portions of it which are well separated by transverse barriers through which the river has cut narrow passages. The most important of these is encountered by the Southern Fork, about 17 miles north of (below) the town of Pan- quitch. The great outbursts of trachytic lava which flowed eastward from Dog Valley here stretch athwart the course of the stream and wall against still more ancient coulees, which broke forth from vents situated in the southern half of the Sevier Plateau, and over them have accumulated larjre masses of conglomerate derived from their ruins. There has also been local uplifting of a few hundred feet transversely to the greater structure-lines, so that now the confused masses of trachyte and conglom- erate form a bamer from 800 to 1,000 feet high and 10 miles in width across the valley. Through this mass the fork has cut a noble cailon, called Panquitch Canon. Above this barrier (southward) lies a large valley- plain, having on the east long alluvial slopes, which rise gently to the base of the Sevier Plateau, and on the west the still longer and gentler slope of •Although all American geologists are well aware of it, it may not be generally known that the name "Lake Bonneville" has been given to a vast body of fresh water which during the Glacial and Post-Glacial periods, occui)icd the eastern jiart of the Great Basin. This lake had an ania about three- fourths as great as that of Lake Superior, and its greatest depth was about 1,000 feet. This lake out- flowed to the north into the Suake River aud thence into the Columbia. The iucre.asing aridity of the climate since the close of the Glacial epoch has dried up most of the sources of the lake and cvai)oratPd the waters of the lake itself, so that now only a few remnants are left. Of thise. Great Salt Lake is by far the most important. Utah Lake is a body of /res7t water, and has an outlet through the Jordan River into Great Salt Lake. Sevier Lake is another remnant of Lake Bonneville. t These altitudes are jirobably within 50 feet of the exact truth. CIRCLE VALLEY— RHYOLITES AT MAEYSVALE. 213 the Northern Markdgunt, crowned by the Bear Peak and Little Creek Peak in the background. From Panquitch Canon the stream emerges into Circle Valley, which is much smaller in area but far grander in scenery — indeed, the grandest of the High Plateaus. On the east rises the long pali- sade of the Sevier Plateau 4,300 feet above the river; on the west the wall of the Southern Tushar, which opposite the valley is 4,200 feet above it, and from 5,000 to 6,000 feet above it in its northern and southern exten- sions. The Tushar shows rugged peaks and domes planted upon a colossal wall ; the Sevier Plateau shows a blank wall without the peaks. Very grand and majestic are these mural fronts, stretching away into the dim dis- tance calm, stern, and restful. Yet they fail to impress the beholder with a full realization of their magnitude. This is true of mountains in general, but pre-eminently so of gi'eat cliffs. If one-third of the stuff in the Sevier Plateau, east of Circle Valley, had been used to build a range of lively mountains, they would have seemed grander and possessed what no palisade can ever possess — beauty and animation. It is otherwise with the Tushar. There the great wall has magnified the mountains by giving them a noble sub-structure on which to stand, and the mountains have magnified the wall by giving it something to support. Twenty miles south of Circle Valley and just below the hamlet of •Marysvale another considerable ban-ier lies across the valley of the Sevier. It consists of a mass of rhyolitic lavas, which broke out in the valley bot- tom in many eruptions, and now remain as a chaos of tangled sheets stretching from wall to wall. The river has maintained a canon through the mass right at the base of the spurs of the Tushar, whose front here is not mural but mountainous. Emerging from this barrier the river flows unobstructed through its main lower valley between the Pdvant and Sevier Plateau until it darts into the former 70 miles to the northward. The valley of the Sevier is due to structure, and owes to erosion only the canons which are cut thi'ough the two barriers of volcanic rocks which have poured across it. The upper valley (Panquitch Valley) lies along the great displacement which has lifted the wall of the Sevier Plateau. Below Panquitch Canon, from Circle Valley to the mouth of Marysvale Canon, the valley platform is a block between two faults, with the Sevier Plateau I 214 GEOLOGY OF THE HIGH PLATEAUS. on the east and the Tiishar on the west. Farther northward to the Juab Valley a similar relation prevails. So far is the entire trough of the Sevier, except at the barriers, from being due to erosion, that its floor has been built up by the growth of alluvial formations of considerable magnitude. They are of special interest because of the light they throw upon an inter- esting problem in dynamical geology. THE FORMATION OF CONGLOMERATES. There are several kinds of conglomerate, formed by processes which, though they may have some features in common, are on the whole strik- ingly different. Glacial drift, though it undoubtedly falls within the usual conception of a conglomerate, has an origin wholly different from that of a littoral or alluvial conglomerate. Yet in respect to the source from which its materials are derived — the disintegration of the harder rocks by water and frost — the distinction is not well marked. The great difference is in the methods and agents of transportation and final distribution. Alluvial conglomerates agree with the littoral in having the same origin for their materials, and the same transporting agent, moving water, but the two dif- fer in respect to the conditions under which the transporting power is exer- cised and the materials distributed. Thus these three kinds have some- thing in common and each has some features peculiar to itself Sources of materials. — The stones and pebbles included in these forma- tions are derived from the break-up of the hardest classes of rocks, which are usually metamorphic or volcanic. Ordinary sandstones, limestones, and clays, and shaly rocks in general seldom contribute to the mass of fragments found in conglomerates. Attrition, weathering, and solution utterly destroy them before they reach a resting-place. A few remnants of rock not usually reckoned as metamorphic nor volcanic are some- times inclosed, but they come from sedimentary strata as hard and endur- ing as the others, and such strata are rare. Hard masses, originally con- tained in softer beds, are sometimes found, but they owe their preservation to their excessive durability, such as the flints of chalk, the chert, and many forms of amorphous silica occurring in limestones. The localities from which the stones come are no doubt very near those where they are TRANSPORTATION OF DEBRIS. 215 deposited, as compared with the distances traveled by finer detritus. In- stances where stones weighing from two to five pounds have traveled .50 miles are common. Where ice is the vehicle, the distance may be almost indefinitely great. It would seem to require extraordinary circumstances to justify the belief that a conglomerate could be formed as far as 50 miles from the sources of its fragments, and it is probable that most of the strati- fied beds are formed in the very neighborhood of those sources, though beds of small gravel, graduating into coarse and then into fine sandstone, may extend away much farther. Transportation. — Transportation by ice, whether floating, or moving upon the land, forms a subject by itself, and has no analogy to the agency of water in moving debris. It will therefore be passed over, since it takes no part in the operations which are the object of this discussion. The movements ot the coarse materials which build up conglomerates differ from those of the finer sediments, though they have something in common. The greater portion of the fine silt, much of the fine sand, and the whole of the chemical and organic precipitates are carried by moving waters in suspension, and are thrown down when the waters come to rest. The coarser materials are impelled along the bottoms of rivers and the shelving floors of the ocean and lakes near the beaches. Here the want of habitual observation and common experience is apt to mislead us and render diffi- cult the obtaining a just apprehension of the nature and magnitude of this impulsion. An}^ day we may see the rivers turbid with earthy matter, and it is an easy step from this observation to the great generalization that the land is wasting away and heavy strata accumulating beneath the ocean. But it is not so easy to see what goes on beneath the water. The times when the processions of stones are on the move are times of high water, and flooding rains, when geologists are as prone as other people to seek the kindly welcome of roofs and closed doors; times when the deep and murky waters prevent us from seeing and the roar of the torrent from hearing the movement, even if we ventured out to watch it. Thus, the process is not a matter oi common and direct experience; nay, experience might seem at first to lead us to a contrary conclusion. When a stream is low and clear 216 GEOLOGY OF THE HIGH PLATEAUS. we may note the stones which pave its bed, and after a flood has passed and the stream again is clear we may find that there has been Httle change in tliem; but to conclude that no stones have passed in the interval would be a mistake. Those which retain their places have lodged there and been fastened to the bottom by a packing of sand or wedged together like the cobbles of a pavement. If the sources of the materials continue to furnish them, doubtless many stones have been hurried along over this pavement during the flood, a few finding a resting place, but more of them passing on to be ground into silt or to find resting-places in deeper waters below. But there is another method quite different from this precipitate one, and by which it is very probable that much larger movements are eff"ected, though much more slowly. It never happens that the materials to be moved are of uniform grain. Mud, sand, gravel, shingle, and cobble- stones always accompany coarser debris in varying proportions, and form a matrix in which the larger fragments are imbedded. An acceleration of the current removes the finer stuff and retardation replaces it with fresh. The washing out of the matrix of sand and grit which holds a pebble in its place leaves the pebble to the unobstructed energy of the current. If that energy is sufficient it will be carried along until the current slackens or until it finds a lodgment. If the energy is too small, the pebble will remain until the ceaseless wear of attrition reduces it and brings it within the power of the stream to move it. Nor are these movements dependent solely upon periodical floods. Any cause which alternately accelerates the movement of water may produce them, and these causes are many. Every stream and every shore cuiTent is affected by numerous rhythmical move- ments which produce these alternations in many ways and many degrees. The waves and surf, the undertow, the tides, the shifting of shore cur- rents, the stomis and monsoons, the ripples of the brook, the numberless surgings and waverings of rivers, the shifting of channels, the building and destruction of sand bars, the freshets — all are causes by virtue of which any spot at the bottom of the water is subject to alternate maxima and minima in the velocity of the water which passes over it. Sooner or later, then, the pebble must move on, provided any maximum of velocity in TEANSPORTATION OF DEBRIS. 2)7 the water is sufficient to move it when subject to no other resistance than its own weight* Thus whatever a stream receives it carries along, whether it be water or solid rock. Certainly much of the matter rolled into it is in the form of coarse fragments, but it urges them onwards, grinding thein to silt as they move. Nothing which it receives does it retain, except in places here and there where its current is suddenly checked, and here for a time coarser materials accumulate. But in the secular life of the river even these local accumulations may in turn be removed by subsequent changes of relative level along different portions of its course. The distance which a fragment may ultimately travel is independent of its original size. Large stones, being moved with difficulty, are detained at numerous halting places and subjected to long attrition until they are suffi- ciently reduced to be within the power of the current, and at length become no bigger than those which were originally smaller. In truth, all frag- ments, in a certain sense, travel the same distance ultimately, for they all pass the mouth of the river in the form of silt and dissolved constituents. Viewed in another aspect, however, the size of the fragment determines in a general way its amount of progress. The larger ones have at any given stage moved a shorter distance and the smaller ones a greater distance — on the average The action of a current upon rocky fragments, then, is to sweep them along and to grind them to powder as it sweeps. It never accumulates them except in a limited way and under circumstances which will be here- after described at some length. Whether the detritus which a river dis- charges shall be in the form of pebbles, gravel, or silt, depends upon the length of the stream and the power of its current. A long stream with a low .slope and sluggish current along its lower course, but with more rapid tributaries above, will have dissipated its fragments and discharge nothing but silt. A short stream with a rapid descent may readily discharge coarse •Where a sudden retardation of the velocity of a stream occurs, as by the snddeu widening or deepening of a channel, and where this change predominates over all other changes from maxima to minima, there will occnr a persistent accumulation of coaracr debris without any great admixture of finer. » • • Concerning the power of water to move pebbles, it will be merely necessary to refer to Dr. Hopkins's well-known theorem. 218 GEOLOGY OF THE HIGH PLATEAUS. fragments, shingle, and gravel. The latter may build up a conglomerate at its outlet; the former never. The action of the sea upon coarse materials has a very close analogy to that of rivers. Currents are generated by the tides and winds along coasts. The surface-waters are rolled in waves iipon the shore ancl flow outwards along the bottom. But their directions are frequently vacillating, trending both ways along the coast with varying obliquity. These cur- rents are usually fast enough to move gravel, shingle, and pebbles as large as those ordinarily seen in marine conglomerates, and may transport them several miles. The general effect of the agitation produced in littoral waters by tides and winds is to seize upon the loose materials of the shore within reach and distribute them over the bottom with an approach to uniformity, and this distributive action prevails wherever the influence of that disturb- ance exists. The distribution of the materials. — It is sometimes a little difficult to real- ize the agency which has, in the stratification of conglomerates, scattered the fragments over considerable areas and arranged them harmoniously in beds. The stratification of conglomerates is often as conspicuous as that of finer strata, though in general it is less so In the case of marine con- glomerates, which are iisually formed in the vicinity of the shores, and at no great distance from the sources of their materials, the problem is not difficult. Currents of no mean intensity are perpetually generated along the bottom, near the coast, by tides and the outward flow of watei', which has been blown landwards at the surface by winds. These currents, though having at any given locality an average direction, in the long run are never constant in direction from hour to hour, nor from day to day, but sweep hither and thither. But the average flow at the surface is generally land- wards, while at the bottom it is seawards. In any case, however, the gen- eral trend is oblique, with reference to any given portion of a coast, and never, or at least very seldom, normal to it. These vacillating movements are highly conducive to a harmonious and definite arrangement of the materials upon which the currents act, ever tending to sift and to sort them, and finally to stratify them. The power of these currents to transport is perhaps greater than we are apt to imagine. Tlie drift of sand along coasts ALLUVIAL OE TOEEENTIAL CONGLOMERATES. 219 is a process which has often awakened the surprise of engineers who arc called for the first time to deal with the problems of harbor protection and is ever revealing wonderful things. Not only does the finer loose material move in grand procession under the influence of unseen, though still com- prehensible, agencies, but very coarse detritus is carried slowly with it. The tendency of the process, however, is not towards an indiscriminate mixing of all sorts and sizes, but towards the grouping into layers, here of coarser, there of finer, stuff, according to the variations in the power of the moving water. But there is another class of conglomerates which claims our special attention. Tliese are of alluvial origin, formed, not beneath the surface of the sea nor of lakes, but on the land itself They do not seem to have received from investigators all the attention and study which they merit. They are usually called gravels — perhaps are sometimes or even frequently mistaken for glacial drift — but their homology to the ordinary stratified conglomerates of the systematic strata is not always recognized. Tlirough- out great portions of the Rocky Mountain region they are accumulating to-day upon a grand scale and have accumulated very extensively in the past. The processes of degradation are far more energetic and effective in mountains than upon plains. The agents which disintegrate rocks — frost, rain, chemical solution — have the greatest freedom of action upon the steep slopes of the numberless ravines, and are continuously breaking off frag- ments and reducing them to sand, gravel, and clay. Not only is the greater part of the finer mold gathered up by the swift rills and toiTcnts, but frag- ments of considerable size, attaining, under favorable circumstances, the weight of several tons, are caught and urged downward in rushing rapids with an energy which must be seen in order to be realized. The many streamlets and filaments of a mountain amphitheater gradually unite, as we descend from the crest of the mountains, generating a creek, which attains its greatest flood near the mountain base, and when the snows melt in the spring its swollen current sweeps onward a mass of clastic material of every description from impalpable clay to bowlders. Within the mountain masses the descents are rapid and the streams are torrents. Reaching the valleys 220 GEOLOGY OF THE HIGH PLATEAUS. or plains, their velocity is at once checked by the diminished slope and the coarser debris comes to rest. These streams lie (within the mountains) in ravines usually profound, with steep flaring sides, and opening upon the valley bottoms or plains through magnificent gateways, and every long range or ridge has usually many such gateways opening at intervals of a very few miles along its flank. At the gateway the stream begins to surrender a part of its freight and to build up its channel. The check given to the velocity of the stream here is marked, indeed, but less incisive than might at first be supposed. The profile of the bed of the stream does not have an angle at this point, but is curved very gently, and is concave upward. Indeed, it is so throughout the entire course of the stream out- side the gate and generally for a considerable distance inside the gate. Thus the velocity of the stream slows down gradually and not suddenly. As the velocity gradually diminishes so the stream gives up more and more of its load. But the stuff which it drops along any small part of its course is by no means of the same size; that is to say, there is no rigorous sifting of the material in such a manner that the stones or particles at any given place are of uniform size, while finer ones are carried on to be scrupu- lously selected where the slope and velocity are less. On the contrary, all sorts are deposited everywhere. Nevertheless there is a tendency to sort- ing. Higher up the slope there is a greater proportion of coarser deposit; lower down there is a larger proportion of finer deposit; but everywhere the coarse and the fine are commingled. Where the stream is progressively building up its bed outside of the gate, it is obvious that it cannot long occupy one position ; for if it persisted in running for a very long time in one place it would begin to build an embankment. Its position soon becomes unstable, and the slightest cause will divert it to a new bed which it builds up in turn, and which in turn becomes unstable and is also abandoned. The frequent repetition of these shiftings causes the course of the stream to vibrate radially around the gate as a center, and in the lapse of ages it builds up a half-cone, the apex of which is at the gate. The vibration is not regular, but vacillat- ing, like a needle in a magnetic storm ; but in the long run, and after very 'tk'Jf -^ ■• ---r.i.^i'.^-w^jfM i ■-+i»s«i««'.... along iti« f - ■ . ■ : - J ::. of its frei;. . . ..... ^ , .. 'iiminislied slope .and the vvithin the mc^untains) 3 a d opening upon the ftod every lon^ : at intervals of a, >va\: ui'j stream begins to lip its channel. The check dven to Hid velocity of the streat i hero is n-jarkcd, indeed, but less incisivff. 'f the bed of the stream do; y gently, and is concii . re course of the stream out- fi dlHtauce iaiiide the gate, radually and strejinl !>ui;iH pun iti --. n> j^.iy. mere 18 no rigoreus than might At first lu- supposotl not hav( Je at tlii* poin!. upward. -lo thro: ^idn the gate jutd gtuierally i\ : 'Urns the veloei* As the '.V ■ more of !•- -MtiM. ! I i , <- ouree is bv no moans' oi . to sifting of the mate-rial in su' unne*" tha| the stones or particles at anv given place are of uniform size, while finer oies are carried on to be scrupu lously seloot e slope and velocity |»re less. On the contrarj', all sorts arc -where. NeVertholjjfes there is a tendency to soj-t- Ilightr up liie -rJope there is a greatei-|||)W}H>rtJon of coarser deposit : lower down there is a -Rj-ger prop< ' ;> and the '; conimii IP the stretiui i.s piogressi^ , ,,l>vu,n.j 'l'3t it cannot loii ' longtime in .:., ^ .,,,.),; .,u )n soon becomes . lightest^ id which it build .id which in turn tlso abandone< >quent repetiti. ouree of the strojiti -rate radially aroun- ; the lapse of ag«^ it builds up a half-cone, the ^ . ■ gular^ but >^acillat long run, and aftei ALLUVIAL CONES— THEIR STRUCTUEE. 221 many shiftings, the stream will have swept over a whole semicircle with approximately equal and uniform results. The formation thus built up is an "Alluvial Cone." As we travel over these cones their forms are usually recognized by the e}'e, though some- times with difficulty. The slant of the cone (of which more will bo said hereafter) is usually quite small, though sometimes very conspicuous. It varies greatly but not capriciously, depending much upon the nature of the materials of which it is composed. Most frequently these cones are so large and so flat, that it is only by very close scrutiny and comparison with sur- rounding objects that their forms are optically recognized, and many cases occur where we become aware of their true figures and relations only by the use of our pocket instruments. There is one feature which the eye seldom recognizes or even suspects. The profiles are not (even typically) truly con- ical, but are slightly curved instead of having a rectilinear slope. They are concave upwards, the slope being a little greater near the apex and slightly or sometimes notably diminishing towards the periphery. The slopes near the circumference usually lie between 1° and 2°; those near the apex between 2° and 3.^°. The lengths of the radii of the bases often exceed 3 miles, sometimes exceed '4 miles, and seldom fall below 2 miles. Per- haps 3 miles would be a fair average for those found in the valleys of the District of the High Plateaus. So nearly together are the gateways along the mountain and plateau flanks, each having its own alluvial cone, that the cones are confluent laterally ; giving rise to a continuous marginal belt along the base of the plateau flanks consisting of alluvial slopes which are sensibly nearly uniform. The conical form of these accumulations is ordinarily tolerably accu- rate and often remarkably perfect. It is a surprisingly harmonious result of a process which in its elements is apparently irregular, but becomes regular only by averaging the results of its constituents. Not only is the regularity seen in the external form of the cone, but it is found whenever an opportunity occurs to examine its interior structure. This is sometimes revealed to us. In the vicissitudes to which a stream so conditioned is subject it occasionally happens that indirect causes have set it at work cutting into its cone; dissecting it, so to speak, by a deep cut and laying » 222 GEOLOGY OF THE HIGH PLATEAUS. ^ bare its anatomy. Our surprise is often great at finding the cone wonder- fully well stratified, but in a peculiar way. The most perfect stratification is presented when the dissecting cut is made radially. But when a cut transverse to the radius is made by excavations of another stream, the strati- fication, though still conspicuous, is much less uniform and harmonious. The cone appears to be built up of long radial or sectoral slabs superposed like a series of shingles or thatches. There are marked difi^erences between the cones formed by streams which have their entire descent within unaltered sedimentary strata and those running among volcanic and metamorphic rocks. The fragments resulting from the decay of sandstones, limestones, and shales are much more sus- ceptible to the influence of weathering and are more readily worn-out by the abrasion of travel. Even when they escape destruction by the wear of the torrent and reach a resting-place upon the surface of the cone, the gentler but more insidious action of meteoric forces gradually crum- bles them to sand or dissolves them, and they at length disappear. But the compact volcanic and metamorphic rocks are much more durable "; and do not yield so readily either to mechanical or chemical forces ; more of them reach the cones, where they survive long enough to be buried beneath later accumulations and thus receive final protection from dissolu- tion. Hence the cones derived from the waste of sedimentary strata sel- dom contain much coarse debris, while those from harder rocks are largely composed of it. This diff'erence in texture in turn produces some difference in the proportions of cones. The sedimentary cones are usually very slightly flatter and broader. The difference in this respect is on the whole quite small, but the measurement of a considerable number of both kinds seems to indicate that it really exists. In consequence of the flatness of the cones and their lateral confluence, the general result of their serial aggregation is a long and thick stratum made up of many subordinate folia. In process of time it may also become consolidated and hardened into a rock mass resembling in all essential respects the stratified conglomerates usually reckoned among the members of a, stratigraphic series. That distinctions between such a con- glomerate and one deposited littorally would be readily detected after close ■ ALLUVIAL CONGLOMERATES. 223 inspection of favorable exposures we may well believe; yet it is highly probable that the two kinds would be confounded on a hasty examination, and the distinction would be difficult to verify even by careful study, unless the exposures were extensive and conspicuous enough to display very fully and clearly their respective characters. These doubts generally would prevail in those cases where a decision would have to turn only upon the intimate structures of the deposits. Collateral circumstances, however, may often decide the question. Throughout the volcanic portions of the District of the High Plateaus the conglomerates are present in prodigious masses. They constitute a large proportion of the rock masses of the plateaus, and form many miles of escaipment more than a thousand — sometimes more than 2,000 — feet in thickness. In the central and southern portions of the plateaus they can- not fall much short of one-half of the masses now open to observation, and taking the volcanic portion of the entire district, a rough estimate would place their volume at least at a third of the whole eruptive material. They are well stratified, and though the distinctness of the bedding is somewhat variable, the stratification never becomes obscure. Indeed, on the whole, these conglomerates seem to be about as well stratified as the average of those which are attributed to sub-aqueous deposition. The individual beds are not so thick and massive and show partings more frequently or at shorter intervals. The occuiTence of large stratified accumulations of pyroclastic mate- rials in regions or districts which have been the theaters of protracted vol- canic activity is a fact of common observation. They abound throughout the State of Colorado and along the more or less volcanic ranges of North- ern Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho. They excited the admiration of Scrope in Central France, and are conspicuous in Sicily and around Vesu- vius. Indeed, every volcanic region will doubtless be found to display them to a greater or less extent. Where large bodies of water wash the flanks of volcanic mountains and ranges we may expect to find large bodies of sub-aqueous conglomerate formed from their debris. Volcanic tuffs are formed by the mechanical projection of dust, ash, rapilli, and small fragments from vents blowing out gases and steam, and falling 224 GEOLOGY OF THE UIGH PLATEAUS. at considerable distances from the orifices. Want of opportunities for ob- serving such formations of unquestionable origin prevents me from having any just conception of the nature, extent, and texture of such accumula- tions. But it seems sufficiently clear that there could be no difficult}^ in distinguishing them from such as are with equal certainty attributable to sub-aqueous or alluvial deposition. I have observed but few exposures which I can attribute to such an origin. That the great mass of conglom- erates of the High Plateaus were accumulated from the debris derived from the erosive destruction of volcanic beds cannot be doubted. The only question is whether they are alluvial or sub-aqueous, and of the former origin I entertain no doiibt. The fragments seldom fail to reveal traces of attrition and weathering, never preserving sharp angles like those pro- duced by fresh fracture. But, on the other hand, the attrition is not ordinarily extreme. In most cases there is enough of it to indicate dis- tinctly that the fragments have really been abraded, though with no great loss of substance. The stones of sub-aqueous conglomerates, on the contrary, are almost always much worn and rounded. Again, the sizes of the stones range from a fraction of a cubic inch to several cubic feet ; in rare instances to more than a cubic yard. In whatsoever manner we compare the great conglomerates now form- ing solid rock masses and uplifted as plateaus with the alluvial conglom- erates now forming in the valleys, we cannot fail to be impressed with the evidence that both were formed by essentially the same process. The only differences of any appreciable moment which are now discoverable arise from the fact that the older conglomerates have been consolidated into rock- masses, while the later ones have not. CHAPTER XI. SEVIEE AND PAUNSAGUNT PLATEAUS. General strncture and form of the Sevier Plateau. — Sculpture.— Eavincs. — Superposed features and details. — Northern portion of the plateau. — A gigantic clift".— Monroe Amphitheater. — Lava beds exposed within it. — The Gate of Monroe. — Propylitic masses. — Clastic volcanic beds at the base of the series. — Homblendic andesites. — Intervening period of erosion of the propylites. — Horn- blendic trachytes and augitic andesites. — Argilloid and granitoid trachytes. — General succession of the eruptions. — Comparison with the succession found in the Auvergne. — Eastern side of the Sevier Plateau and Blue Mountain. — Great extent of the emanations from the principal volcanic centers of the northern part of the plateau. — Eroded lava-capped mesas around Salina CaEon. — The Black Cap. — Augitic trachytes. — Lava sheets south of Monroe Amphitheater. — Central vents of the Sevier Plateau. — Volcanic conglomerates. — An ancient cone, burjed in lava and exhumed by erosion. — Conglomerates south of the central vents. — Southern focus of eruptions. — Andesitic conglomerates. — Southern termination of the Sevier Plateau. — General succession of eruptive sheets. — Sections. — East Fork Canon. — Effect of the Sevier fault. — Tufaceons deposits exposed in East Fork Canon. — Their transitional characters. — Their metamorphism and the resemblance of the metamorphs to lava sheets. — Phonolite hill. — Grass Valley, its structure and origin. — Exists ence of an ancient lake in Grass V.alley. — The causes which produced it. — Tufaceons deposits of Mesa Creek. — Their recent formation. — Their transitional characters. — Alluvial cones of Grass Valley. — The Pauusiignnt. — Lower Eocene beds. — Faults. — The southern terraces. — Paria Valley. — A grand erosion. — The scenery of Paria Valley. — Table Cliff and Kaip^rowits Peak. — The Pink Cliffs and architectural forms sculptured from them. — A recent basaltic cone. — Scattered basaltic craters of the southern terraces. The Sevike Plateau is next to be described. It is a long and rather nan-ow uphft, having a fault along its western base and inclining to the eastward; at first very gently, then with a stronger slope, which grades rapidly down into Grass Valley. The length of this table is about 70 miles, and its width varies from 10 to 20 miles. It is, therefore, long and narrow like the general gronnd-plan of a mountain range. But its structure has very little analogy to ordinary mountain uplifts. It has no sharply upturned strata upon its flanks reclining against a core of meta- morphic rocks — ^no summit ridge marking the axis along which granitoid and schistose rocks have been protruded, nor even the monoclinal ridge which characterizes the Wasatch and Basin Ranges. It is a tabular mass very like the inclined blocks of the Kaibab region to the southward. The inclination is very small, seldom exceeding three or four degrees upon the 15 n P 225 226 GEOLOGY OF THE HIGH PLATEAUS. summit, thougli reaching a considerably greater slope upon the eastern flank. The eastern side, indeed, suggests a monoclinal flexure, but the bending of the profiles is so small and their sweep is so gradual that wo may forbear to call it such. It is hardly pronounced enough to justify such a designa- tion. Standing in the Sevier Valley and looking at this barrier there are many stretches along its western front which appear quite like a common mountain range. Profound gorges, V-shaped, heading far back in its mass, have cut the table from summit to base and open through magnificent gateways into the valley. The residual masses between these gorges pre- sent their gable-ends to the sjjectator, who cannot see what is behind them, and they look exactly like so many individual mountains, while in reality they are merely pediments carved by erosion out of a gigantic palisade. Other long sti-etches of the western front are unbroken and present to the valley of the Sevier a wall of vast proportions. The summit of the plateau is not smooth, but carved into rolling ridges and vales, deepening eastward into canons, while at several places volcanic ridges ci'oss it transversely. These last are the remnants of old volcanic piles worn down and half obliterated by long ages of decay, for they belong to the middle epoch of volcanic activity, which may be as old as the Middle Miocene. They present from a structural point of view a peculiar relation to the table on which they now stand. In almost every great mountain range of ordinary type the axes of those minor ridges or superimposed features which had their origin in general causes which built the entire range lie roughly parallel to the main uplift in the relation of superimposed waves of displace- ment. But here it is otherwise. The volcanic ridges which are planted upon the Sevier Plateau run not along its major axis, but across the table from side to side. The movement which hoisted the plateau en masse was not sensibly embarrassed by such trifles as a few ridges of volcanic piles. The features impressed by erosion, on the contrary, conform to the usual law which prevails in mountain ranges. The streams pour down from the summit along whatever slopes may have been generated by the details of the uplift, and have carved their vales, gorges, and canons accordingly. Since these run across the table or perpendicular to its major axis they GENERAL VIEW OF THE SEVIER PLATEAU. 227 have sculptured ridges of erosion which trend that way. If we view the Sevier Plateau from the north, its transverse profile is alone seen, and the tabular summit slightly incHned is conspicuous to the eye. But if we view it from the east or west, its long siunmit is seen in many places to be somewhat rumpled and even sen-ated by the ridges of erosion and by the old volcanic remnants viewed endwise. The northern end of the Sevier Plateau is not well defined. A long, gentle ramp, deeply scarred and much wasted by erosion, begins a little south of Salina and ascends southward to the summit. It is best appreciated as we journey up the Sevier Valley from Salina to Richfield. We then observe the whole platform of the country to the east of us gradually gaining in altitude through a distance of 20 miles, until from being a thousand feet above us at Salina it becomes 5,800 feet above us opposite Richfield, and there presents to the west a stupendous battlement of nearly vertical wall above and abrupt spur-like slopes below, thrusting their but- tresses beneath the valley plain. For nearly iO miles this tremendous escarpment is quite massive and unbroken, simple in form and more than a mile in height. Opposite Monroe a large amphitheater has been exca- vated in the plateau by a plexus of streams, and may be likened to a huge bowl filled with mountains. From this point southward the plateau wall is notched repeatedly by profound ravines heading far back in the table, until, at a distance of about 32 miles south of Monroe, the plateau is cut completely in twain by the East Fork Canon. From this gap southward 30 miles the southern division of the plateau presents a very few incon- spicuous breaks, and terminates in a low wall at a rather lofty and broad transverse valley known as the Panquitch Hayfield. The eastern front of the table looks down into Grass Valley, but from a much smaller eminence, both because the eastern front is absolutely lower than the western, and because Grass Valley is absolutely higher than Sevier Valley. The descent into Grass Valley along the northern and central parts of the pla- teau is rather abrupt, frequently precipitous ; but along the southern part it is very gradual. The Sevier Plateau is composed chiefly of volcanic sheets of grand dimensions and enormous cumulative thickness, and of immense beds of 228 GEOLOGY OF THE HIGH PLATEAUS, alluvial conglomerate derived from their degradation. Only at the north- ern and southern ends are the sedimentaries clearly seen in mass lying beneath the old lavas. At a few intermediate points, however, and espe- cially in East Fork Caiion, some metamorphosed beds of peculiarly inter- esting chai'acter are exposed, and these will receive special attention in the latter part of this chapter. The eruptions which compose the plateau mass belong to several well- separated periods, which for the most part had their locations at the same centers or axes. Of these centers or axes there are in the Sevier Plateau three — one at the loftiest part of the table at the summit of its northern slope, the second about 2 0 miles farther south, the third in the southern section of the plateau, right abreast of Panquitch Canon and about 30 miles south of the second. They may be distinguished as the northern, central, and southern eruptive centers respectively. Of these the largest and most voluminous is the northern one ; in truth it is apparently the most important one of the entire district. Immediately opposite the Mormon town Monroe the great wall of the plateau rises more than a mile above the valley plain, presenting the edges of the volcanic beds, which appear to be very nearly horizontal and more than 4,000 feet in thickness. How much more is impossible to say, for the lowest sheets are concealed. Upon the summit of the wall a transverse ridge runs across the table to the eastern side and ends in a high knob overlooking Grass Valley and named the Blue Mountain. It was in the vicinity of this ridge that the grander eruptions had their origin. The great amphitheater near Monroe has laid open the table to its foundation, but the promise of information conveyed by such a section is not fulfilled. It has revealed a bewildering maze of earlier rocks lying in all possible positions and having but few intelligible relations to each other. Upon them rest later floods in rather regular bedding, which succeed each other to the summit. I have revisited this locality repeatedly, but have generally found at each visit more questions than answers. The confusion among the lower rocks is indescribable, and the exposures of any given bed so fragmentary that I have been compelled to abandon the effort to unravel the knot, and can give an account of only the most general rela- MONROE AMPHITHEATER— PROPYLITES. 229 tions presented. The most conspicuous rock of the oldest series is a ridge of hornblendic propylite extending across the opening of the amphithea- ter. The stream which drains the amphitheater has cut a cleft 20 or 30 feet wide and more than 500 feet deep through this barrier (Heliotype I), and the gorge has received the name of Grate of Monroe. The length of this chasm between propylitic walls is about half a mile. Following it downstream the massive propylite gives place suddenly to beds of con- glomerate and clay, baked and altered by heat, which abut in the natural section against the propylite. They are probably younger than the vol- canic rock and may have been derived from its waste. At the upper end of the gorge the propylitic mass ends suddenly — a lateral ravine parallel to its precipitous face hiding its mode of exit. On the other side of the ravine is a mass of andesite succeeded by trachyte, both apparently younger than the propylite. The propylitic mass may have been erupted at as early a period as Middle or Late Eocene, for the stratified beds which abut against its western flank have evidently been water-laid, and there is no evidence of the existence of any considerable body of water in this locality later than the epoch referred to. Moreover, beds of similar nature, sometimes altered, sometimes not, are found around the eruptive centers in many localities, and have been derived from the destruction of some unknown volcanic rocks. Fragments of similar altered rocks are brought down by the stream from some of the forks above, showing that on both sides of the propylitic mass these peculiar sediments were deposited. Very partial exposures of propylitic rock are also found elsewhere in the deepest part of the ramifying gorges, cut by the many streams that unite in the creek which cuts the cleft in the larger barrier of the amphitheater. These propylitic rocks are interesting, inasmuch as they furnish another instance of that priority in time among Tertiary eruptions which Richt- hofen has claimed for them. Here they are not only older than all other eruptives, but they appear to speak of an epoch in which they alone were erupted, and that epoch probably goes as far back as the Middle Eocene. They certainly do no appear among the later or the middle eruptions. A period of rest from volcanic disturbance succeeded their extravasation, and during that quiescent pei'iod they were much ravaged by erosion. Patches 230 GEOLOGY OP THE HIGH PLATEAUS. of conglomerate, fornied of their fragments, were accumulated and are here and there brought to light where erosion has deeply excavated the still grander masses of subsequent lavas overlying them So completely were these most ancient rocks overwhelmed, that erosion has only revealed a very small portion of them and left us to conjecture what may be the extetit of those portions now concealed. It is not improbable that the clastic beds, formed of the waste of volcanic rocks, and which underlie the great lava caps of the plateaus and in turn rest upon the Bitter Creek and Green River beds, may have derived their sands and clays from the decom- position of some of these propylitic masses. These ancient eruptions are succeeded by those of a middle epoch, lying across the surface of an eroded country, which they overwhelmed. These second lavas are much less chaotic in their arrangement and much less affected by erosion during the intervals between the eruption of succes- sive floods. They are, therefore, more intelligible, and some idea of their sequences has been obtained, though less definite than is desirable, because the exposures are so partial and so much obscured by debris and soil. These outpours were upon a very large scale, the masses being often several hundred feet in thickness and spreading out over large areas. The lower masses are andesitic and show but little variety. They all belong to the hornblendic group and are characterized by triclinic feldspar, with a mode- rate proportion of hornblende, with some augite and magnetite, and are very compact and rather fine-grained. Higher up, these give place to coarse-grained trachytes, with both monoclinic and triclinic feldspars and abundant hornblende. These occasionally intercalate with sheets of doler- ite. Still higher, a totally distinct group of trachytes is found. They con- sist largely of the argilloid variety — a fine-grained, highly ferritic, reddish paste, holding porphyritic crystals of opaque monoclinic feldspar. There is probably no eruptive rock within the district more abundant. It forms the summit of the series of middle-aged eruptions in many localities. Very nearly coeval with it is a group of trachytes, having an appearance faintly resembling a fine-grained syenite, though not by any means wholly crys- talline. It varies in color from iron gray to light gray. It shows a tendency to break up into slabs or tiles from an inch to four or five inches thick, the MONROE AMPniTHEATER— TRACHYTES AND DOLERITES. 231 cleavage being sometimes parallel with the bedding, sometimes making a large angle with it, like slate. Hornblende, augite, and black mica, in very small crystals, are sparingly disseminated through it. Associated with these are masses of doleritic lava. I use this designation to indicate a rock more basic than andesite, but less so than basalt ; and though more nearly approaching the latter, is distinguished from it both in mode of occurrence and in asj^ect. It is associated with the middle eruptions and I believe never with the later. Its feldspars are tri clinic (Labradorite), frequently in large crystals, which have a conspicuous glassy luster, resembling sani- din. It never contains olivin. Usually it is blackish and nearly as dark as basalt, but in some cases it is red, even in compact specimens. We have, then, in this great amphitheater more than 4,000 feet of volcanic rocks, belonging to at least two periods, and possibly more, separ- ated by long intervals of erosion — the oldest going back into the latter part of the Eocene, the younger belonging to I know not what period exactly, but from general considerations, am disposed to regard them as Miocene or early Pliocene, covering a long period in their totality, which may extend throughout the entire range of Miocene and Pliocene time. At the base of the series we find large bodies of rock, consisting of plagioclase, with con- siderable quantities of accessory hornblende, and also having the habit of homblendic propylite and hornblendic andesite. These were much eroded after their eruption and before the extravasation of the later coulees. They are succeeded by heavy masses of rather fine-grained augitic andesite in great sheets, reaching a thickness of 300 and even 400 feet, and are followed by equally heavy masses of trachyte, sometimes augitic, sometimes with no great or notable amount of any accessory mineral. With these last doleritic eruptions intercalate Scrope, in his work on the " Volcanoes of Central France," repeatedly mentions the occurrence of " basalts" intercalating with the trachytic masses of Mont Dore and the Cantal. He waa particular to call attention to the fact that in that region no confirmation was found of the view which had been entertained by some geologists that the basalts were erupted at a later period than the trachytes, and notes many instances where " basalt " was overlaid by trachyte. It is clear, however, tliat Scrope included under 232 GEOLOGY OF THE HIGH PLATEAUS. the name basalt nearly, if not quite, the whole category of dark-gray and black augitic rocks of rather fine-grained texture, high specific gravity, and more or less conchoidal fracture. To the range of variation which is now known to extend through this class both in respect to chemical and min- eralogical constitution he appears to have attached little importance, and, indeed, was unacquainted with such distinctions as have been established by later researches. It has seemed to me possible that the earlier rocks which he has called basalt may prove to be augitic andesite, while the most recent ones are the most basic of their class, and therefore identical with the rocks now assigned by more recent classification to basalt in the more restricted sense of the term, and finally that intermediate varieties may there exist, which are equivalent to those rocks which I have here designated as doler- ite. At all events, there is this correspondence — both localities present the intercalation of augitic-plagioclase rocks with trachytes. Let us now examine the east side of the plateau directly across from the great amphitheater. Another grand exposure is presented here. There is no fault on this side of the table — at least, none has been observed — but a large valley has been excavated not perpendicularly inwards towards the axis of the plateau, but very obliquely, cutting off" the gable-like end of Blue Mountain. This name is given to that high knob which stands upon the eastern verge of the plateau, at the end of the transverse ridge which now marks the locus of one of the centers or axes of eruption. The excavation of the valley has cut off the eastern face of this ridge and laid open the structure and arrangement of the various beds. This arrange- ment is quite similar to what would be expected and to what has often been observed in great volcanic piles. From the central axis the sheets are seen dipping away in both directions at variable angles never very great. On the northern side they descend towards the northeast and on the southern side to the southeast, the lower beds dipping more than the upper ones. All of these lavas seem to have welled up in mighty floods without any of that explosive violence which often characterizes volcanic action, and so great was the volume of extravasated matter, that it at once spread out in wide fields, and deluged the surrounding country like a tide in a bay flow- ing over all inequalities. How far these floods extended it is difficult to NOETHERN FOCUS OF ERUPTIONS. 233 say. To the westward they are cut off in the great wall which faces Sevier Valley with an altitude of nearly 6,000 feet above the river. To the east they ai-e likewise cut off by the oblique valley, though they reappear at lower altitudes on the other side, and are instantly lost again under soil and Avaste, but evidently descend into Grass Valley, and may commingle with the equally grand floods emanating from the Fish Lake Plateau to the eastward. But south and north they are displayed in im- mense volume. Those which flowed north and northeast are spread out in the vicinity of Salina Canon and one great coulee stretched beyond the canon, which now cuts off a portion of it, leaving it as an outlier. Large portions of these old lavas have been swept away. The mauvaises terres south of Salina village were once covered with it. Standing prominent among these bad lands is a conical butte-like mountain of singularly per- fect form. It is a remnant left by circum denudation, and upon its summit is a "tip" or cap about 250 feet thick, consisting of this same lava reposing upon the sedimentary strata, out of which the peak has been carved in cameo. This mountain is called the Black Cap. The augitic trachyte,* of which its summit apparently forms a remnant, is the same as that which extends across the Salina Canon. This flow reached a distance of 30 miles from its source. South of the canon and nearer the source sheets of argil- loid trachyte rest upon the augitic and hornblendic, and heavy beds of con- glomerate derived from the ruins of both kinds of rock are interspersed. To the northeastward, extending as far as 25 miles, similar aggregates of massive superposed coulees are displayed, having a thickness of nearly a. thousand feet and increasing in bulk as we approach the Sevier Plateau. The hornblendic trachytes are in the larger proportion, but the lighter gray trachytes, and especially 'the 'argilloid' varieties, are almost as voluminous. They are much degraded by erosion, and several fine canons have been cut, ramifying into broader ravines, with big rough swelling hills between them. " This rock is a con8i)icuous ono. It lias many crystals o( sanidin, but the less conspicuous plagio- clase is very abundant. The lino is difficult to draw — perhaps impossible — between some andesites and augitic trachytes. The texture is sometimes the only basis of a distinction, and this should bo used with great caution, and never without reservations. Still the textures of the two groups are usually distinct and characteristic, and the rock assumes in most cases the one aspect or the other even when the mineralogical constitution is doubtful. In the very few cases where there is no means of forming a decided distinction it would seem an if the old term "trachydolorite" might be useful. It has the advantage .at least of being non-committal. 234 GEOLOGY OF THE HIGH PLATEAUS. Southward from the northern center of eruption of the Sevier Plateau the floods are piled up in grand succession sheet upon sheet. No narrow streams or rivers of lava were here, but great deluges, which welled up and rolled majestically over vast Phlegra^an fields, and, spreading out in broad lakes, left after their congelation an even stratification, which may be read miles away from distant summits. Standing upon the verge of the Awapa Plateau and looking across Grass Valley, these old floods are seen lying calmly and evenly with an outward resemblance to dark stratified rocks cut by ravines and terraced off into trappean ledges. Ten or fifteen miles southward they have commingled by intercalation with the coulees from the middle eruptive focus of the plateau. The eruptions from this middle locality were inferior in magnitude to those from the northern vents, though absolutely they were by no means small. Its lavas differ somewhat in character from those derived from the northern vent. Trachytes are present in considerable volume, and here as elsewhere alternate with dark doleritic lavas. They succeeded the ande- sites in the order of eruption. Here we find also the same inclination of the pseudo-strata which is observed in the Blue Mountain, the layers dip- ping away from the central mass in opposite directions. Around this eruptive locus we find also those great beds of conglom- ■erate which are so conspicuous throughout the entire district and especially in its southei'n portions. A mighty wall of this material is presented towards Sevier Valley, just north of the middle vent, and extends for about 8 miles in that direction, where it thins out; but befoi*e being quite lost by attenuation is cut off by erosion. It is well stratified and weathers into an abrupt cliff. Here, as elsewhere, it was formed in an ancient valley, lying between the two vents, and has the alluvial-cone structure. The great Sevier fault has cut the formation, and its continuation is seen upon the eastern slopes of Sevier Valley, 3,000 feet below. Upon the southern side of the vent the conglomerate is seen in still greater mass. In truth, its magnitude here becomes astonishing. Upon the Grass Valley side of this central eruptive locality is seen what is undoubtedly a remnant of a very ancient volcanic cone, afterwards CENTEAL VENTS OF THE SEVIER PLATEAU. 235 completely buried in the seas of lavas which were poured out around it. At a later date it has been excavated by the erosion of Grass Valley and one side of it exposed. This is a large tufa cone, which must once have been nearly 1,800 feet high, and was formed by showers of small frag- ments blown from the orifice. They are seen dipping to the southeastward in a large ravine recently excavated in the side of the plateau, and the angle of dip is from 28 to 30 degrees near the summit, but decreases towards the base. The fragments are mostly augitic andesite and are closely com- pacted with very little cementing material. They are very sharp and angular, showing no evidence at all of attrition The stratification is quite perfect and the entire mass is thoroughly consolidated into a coherent body of stratiform layers. It is noticeable that the fragments are seldom of largo size, rarely exceeding in weight ten or fifteen pounds. Only a small seg- ment of this cone is now exposed, and such portions as have been excavated have been ruthlessly attacked by the waters, which have incised deep ravines, which are destroying the cone almost as fast as they are unearthing it. Far above it rise the massy sheets of trachyte and the pediments formed in the projecting sheets lap around it on both sides. Probably it is a very common thing in the history of a volcanic pile for its earlier cones and monticules to be overwhelmed and buried by later outpours. But it may give some notion of the magnitude and grandeur of the eruptions of the Sevier Plateau to §ee a cone of this magnitude inclosed in rock, as if it were a mere trifle. The conglomerate forms the principal mass of the plateau south of the central vents for a distance of nearly 20 miles, where it becomes confluent with similar beds derived from the volcanic masses disgorged from the southern vents. It is frequently intercalated with enormous sheets of horn- blendic trachyte, erupted during the long period occupied by the accumula- tion. The conglomerate forms the intervening summit of the plateau between the eruptive localities, and has a thickness never less than a thousand feet and several exposures show more than 1,600 feet of it. Into its composition enter all the varieties of the andesitic and trachytic rocks forming the series of eruptive masses to the northward, which are cemented together by volcanic sand and decomposed fine detrital matter. The 236 GEOLOGY OF THE HIGH PLATEAUS. degree of consolidation is always considerable and is quite sufficient to enable the edges to stand in great mural fronts many hundreds of feet in height. In this respect it is as consistent as any of the calcareous sand- stones of the region. It is, however, more easily attacked by the rains and frost than the volcanics or even than the more massive kinds of sand- stone. The included fragments exhibit all degrees of roundness by attrition ; are often quite sharp and angular; most frequently a little worn by current- action; sometimes greatly so. Where the fragments are least worn they are most abundant In many places the amount of cement is much less than others, while in some places the fragments are relatively few. In size, the fragments vary from a mere granule to two or three tons. The con- glomerates are seen upon the slopes of Sevier Valley at the foot of the western front of the plateau usually flexed upward a little and then cut off by the great fault. On the east side of the plateau they slope down towards Grass Valley (which is in great part a valley of erosion), and are cut off in some places and dip beneath its floor in others, but reappear in the western front of the Awapa Plateau. Whether these beds which are seen in the Awapa are continuations of those in the Sevier Plateau is not absolutely certain, but I think they are. About midway between the middle and southern eruptive centers the Sevier Plateau is cut completely in twain by a mighty gorge called the East Fork Canon. It is the old story — erosion. The plateau rose athwart the course of the stream and was sawed in two. It is not a narrow chasm, but a valley walled by ledge upon ledge. The dissevered beds above stand a couple of miles or more apart facing each other across the depths; below, the walls are from 1,000 to 2,000 feet assunder. The total depth varies in different parts from 1,400 to 3,700 feet. The structure of the plateau is thus clearly revealed. The upper rocks are volcanic conglomerate of immense thickness, with intercalary sheets of coarse trachyte, the former well stratified, l^he lower rocks are of a highly exceptional character, and will be treated of at length in the latter part of this chapter. The third eruptive focus of the Sevier Plateau stands east of the head of Panquitcli Canon. It bears a strong resemblance in its features and the character of its emanations to the northern vent (Blue Mountain). It is SOUTHERN ERUPTIVE CENTER. 237 not, however, so well exposed, and much less can be said about it. A grand ravine has eaten its way into it from the western side and disclosed at the base propylite and hornblendic andesite in great masses, and exhibit- ing evidence of an early period of great erosion followed by the eruption of augitic andesites and many forms of trachyte, which buried the ancient piles beneath their floods. A few fragmentary exposures of old conglom- erate, consisting of the ruins of the most ancient lavas, are also revealed near the base. Some of these have been so thoroughly metamorphosed that they form almost a homogeneous mass, in which the cement has an aspect closely resembling the fragments it envelops, and is shot through with minute crystals of feldspar and secondary hornblende. When broken,- the surface of fracture cuts the pebbles and cement indifferently. The propylites and hornblendic andesites are more profusely charged with horn- blende than those of the nprthern vent, and the propylites are rather finer in texture. The great mass of rocks now visible in this part of the plateau are of the trachytic series and later in age. They are mostly of the 'argilloid' varieties, but contain fewer porphyritic crystals of orthoclase than are usually found in such lavas, and are heavily charged with ferritic matter, giving them a dirty brown appearance. Those eruptions which flowed westward commingled with those which emanated from Dog Valley, about 12 to 15 miles westward. Of those which flowed eastward I know but little. I have no doubt that they are well exposed in many of the ravines which descend from the crest of the plateau towards the foot of the Aquarius. I have hastily crossed them once, but have no conception of them sufficiently clear to justify me in attempting to describe them. My field-notes indicate a broad expanse of trachytic and andesitic rocks inter- bedded with volcanic conglomerate sloping gently towards the east and appearing to emanate from the above-mentioned source. The eruptions from this source did not extend more than 6 or 7 miles southward. On the west side of the Sevier Plateau the last that was seen of them was in a deep canon-like ravine, called Sanford Canon, open- ing into Panquitch Valley about 6 miles south of the head of Panquitch Canon. Here the strictly eruptive part of the plateau ends, and the con- tinuation of it southward is composed of Tertiary beds of the Bitter Creek 238 GEOLOGY OF THE HIGH PLATEAUS. group, overlaid by an enormous mass of volcanic conglomerate. Between the two are thin layers of those fine-grained marls and sandstones which have been derived from the decay of ancient lavas, and which were evi- dently deposited in water. Of the age of these intermediate beds it is pos- sible to say but little. They are apparently conformable to the Bitter Creek below, but the conformity is no proof of continuity of deposition. They contain no fossils. The finer marly and arenaceous deposits are often of an exquisite apple-green color, and in some of the exposures the color is most charmingly delicate. The larger masses are from strong gray to white, when the grain is fine, and brown when it is coarse. Small decayed gi'anules of volcanic sand, hornblendes, mica, and a green mineral, which may be epidote or " viridite," are intimately commingled. Veins of chalcedony and agate often cut the beds, and the fragments strew the soils and bad- land at the foot of the clifis. The fault which uplifts the plateau has not been affected in any notice- able manner by its passage from the volcanic to the sedimentary region. It cut through a country which had apparently been long in repose ; where time had been gradually smoothing down the inequalities which had been produced by volcanic activity. When this new disturbance set in it seems to have laid out its line of operations regardless of existing inequalities, splitting whatever it found in its way. In the sovithern part of the Sevier Plateau it has sheared the old volcanic pile, and passing southward among the sedimentaries and conglomerates it treated them in the same fashion. The termination of the Sevier Plateau southward is effected by cliffs of conglomerate fringed with buttes. The conglomerate attenuates in that direction, and when its thickness has diminished to about 600 feet it is cut off by the undermining of the sedimentaries upon which it rests. At the end of the plateau the Sevier fault has diminished its throws to less than a thousand feet, and farther southward the throw reaches a minimum of about 600 feet, and thenceforward it increases again. This has produced a very slight sag, in which lies the Panquitch Hayfield, a broad valley-plain having an abso- lute altitude of a little less than 7,000 feet. SUCCESSION OP EEUPTIONS— SECTIONS. 239 SUCCESSION OF ERUPTIONS IN THE SEVIER PLATEAU. The following successions of volcanic beds were observed in the Sevier Plateau. An effort was made to obtain some good sections in the Monroe amphitlieater, but proved unsuccessful, partly owing to the difficulty of scal- ing the rock faces and penetrating the clefts, and partly to the fact that the chaotic condition of the rocks in many places makes the section of doubt- ful value. Thus lavas of later age, fiUing ravines scoured in older floods, occupy lower positions than the latter, and the contacts are lateral instead of by superposition. Some present thick lenticular outcrops, some recur (probably) at different altitudes. There is much local shattering and fault- ing which cannot be restored, and many masses vary so much in thickness that it would be misleading to state it without qualification. Most of the heavy masses are presumed to consist of several distinct coulees, but the separation is rarely visible or accessible. These difficulties and many others increase towards the base of the series and are troublesome near the summit. The chief value of a collection of sections is the illustration it furnishes of the secular order of eruptions of the various groups of rocks and their intercalary character. Section I. Commencing at the summit of Mount Thurber and descending south- west; altitude, about 11,160 feet. Feet. 1. Granitoid trachyte, composed of layers, ranging from 30 to 80 feet in thickness, the number of which is unknown, and varying but little in lithological character 280 2. Coarse dolerite, several layers 60 3. Somewhat finer dolerite, but with well-marked porphyritic plagioclase. 35 4. Argilloid trachyte, reddish brown 140 6. Gray granitoid trachyte 40 6. Dolerite, very fine-grained and compact 12 7. Argilloid trachyte, several layers 110 8. Very coarse and porphyritic dolerite, dark gray, many layers 85 9. Granitoid trachytes, several layers, thickness unknown ; only CO feet meas- ured 60 240 GEOLOGY OF THE HIGH PLATEAUS. Section II. — Monroe Amphitheater. Beginning at the verge of the upper amphitheater and descending west- southwest- altitude, about 10,100 feet. Feet. 1. Argilloid trachyte, reddish brown, with large orthoclase crystals 27 2. Granitoid trachyte, very coarse and somewhat hornblendic, three layers and probably more 100 3. Fine-grained dolerite 13 4. Fine-grained dolerite, perhaps two layers 23 6. Hornblendic trachyte, rather fine grain 80 C. Granitoid trachyte 45 7. Light red tiachyte, brick -like texture 30 8. Argilloid trachyte, light gray, with small crystals and grains of magnetite, and probably six or seven layers 220 9. Augitic andesite, very massive and in many sheets 190 10. Hornblendic trachyte 40 11. Granitoid trachyte, coarse grain 175 12. Dolerite 20 13. Granitoid trachyte, unknown thickness. Section III. — Moneok Amphitheater. Beginning near the base of the great upper cliff on the northern side of the amphitheatre and descending south-southwest; altitude, about 9,800 feet. Foot. 1. Granitoid trachyte, light reddish-brown, with crystals of magnetite 38 2. Granitoid trachyte, light gray, coarser than the foregoing, containing mag- netite 65 3. Argilloid trachyte, very heavy masses, probably several layers but divis- ional lines not readily made out, dark-colored porphyritic crystals, much weathered on all surfaces 230 4. Dolerite, large plagioclase crystals, dark-gray color 40 5. Augitic trachyte (?), several layers 70 6. Hornblendic trachyte (?) 150 7. Argilloid trachyte, light reddish color 115 8. Augitic trachyte 30 9. Dolerite 50 10, Granitoid trachyte, slightly hornblendic, several layers, not readily separ- able 200 SECTIONS m THE SEVIEE PLATEAU. 241 Section IV. — Monroe Amphitheater. Beginning near the central part of the upper verge of inner amphi- theater; altitude, about 9,400 feet and descending west. Feet. 1. Granitoid trachyte 80 2. Dolerite, brownish gray, much weathered on the surface, much shattered and splintered and falling apart in slabs and tiles, probably numerous layers, not distinctly separable IGO 3. Granitoid trachyte, rather dark gray, slightly homblendic, and somewhat fine grained 35 4. Granitoid trachyte, finer than above and rather lighter in color 30 5. Granitoid trachyte, like No. 3 50 6. Granitoid trachyte, a little darker and coarser than the preceding G5 7. Dolerite 15 8. Argilloid trachyte, numerous sheets very massive aud not distinctly sepa- rated 420 9. Dolerite 50 10. Argilloid trachyte 50 11. Argilloid trachyte GO 12. Argilloid trachyte . 55 13. Trachytic conglomerate 140 14. Granitoid trachyte, dark colored, coarse grain, very hard and compact, and iu very massive layers 180 15. Dolerite or augitic andesite (?) 10^ IG. Hornblendic trachyte, dark and rather flue grained 110 17. Hornblendic trachyte 40 18. Hornblendi') trachyte 50 19. Dark granitoid trachyte 50 20. Hornblendic trachyte - - 95 21. Granitoid trachyte, light brown 33 22. Hornblendic trachyte, dark, coarse grained. This and the preceding num- bers below 15 probably consist of several layers each, not well separated. 75 23. Augitic andesite in many layers, hard, compact, fine grained, and all very similar in appearance 2G0 24. Conglomerate, containing fragments of hornblendic trachyte and hornblen- dic andesite CO 25. Hornblendic trachyte, numerous layers (?)350 26. Homblendic andesite, no g .' .-. (I Through ; alwut 2,500 East Pork CaRok. .)50 feet, all ot ' >nglomerato, beam as of dark horn blend ic n this part of the ; 'ar to end abruptl) ui n ' :. ...... I the north, and on the ^ _' :. : of a totally different character. ■^ the main throw of the great Sevier fault, here of i a cement As we look beyond it find up to the tow- incipal plateau mass, we again recognize the continua- •^ratoa in the palisgidos bounding the tabular summit. r series of slratA has be<*n brought to light by the lift '^ '" carton. These are tufaceous deposits, ...^.^. ... ds is shown in Heliotypes V and VI.* tlieir verj- asj)ect that they are water-laid, yet f them are seen to have been subject to altera- h gives tlieni the appearance of massive volcani' .'A) feet in thicknesa which has the that no 'oubtthat where th<> r .-UMifs iiin' ^'. Feet. 180 100 oOO UK) 1,280 Below these are th* characteristic gray Cretaceous hhalea, somewhat :/ spurs ai«i foot-hills. » They do not here form <.,".. a.'*, out i - -- - -v,-, lower regions adjoining. From ■'' ^ -^^ 'i'^e with a sliglit inclination ■n. At one point fha soc- ) flexuro with a mnximnto i ; back to '(h and beds, until at a tuitl of tho plat/eau the carbon- s gently but continuously to the ;;()rthem half •'r rli Fork of the Sf . : kdgnnt rise tov Sevier fault, hut : ■bing th^ end of tl from south to ll Jusj; where this pb tjen the i-r and the headwater> ^m of the. ' o^ the plateau thencciorv ^''^ ^-> the southeast, thcB'^'^'" ; jpffTof ero- Jprot" tlie table • ' : ?;i-.i ^ greOit pn^' » ;ially trends to i],: ■ tho ' : stream which anquitch Hay- fi«ld, thent ley, and finally rhrough F 2 o r •n CO r o p) w o o M Z tq 13 > c z > o G Z H r > M > G PAElA. AMPHITHEATEE. 253 From the southern cape of the plateau we look southward over an immense expanse. The Kaibab is in full view, stretching away south- ward until its flat summit and straight palisade is lost in illimitable distance. To the southwest Mount Trumbull is seen nearly a hundred miles away. To the southeast a farrago of cliffs and buttes of strange forms and vivid colors breaks up the monotony of the scene. But the eastern and noilh- eastern view is one which the beholder will not easily forget. It is the great amphitheater of the Pakia.* An almost semicircular area, with a chord 30 miles in length, has been excavated into a valley by numberless creeks and brooks, which unite into one stream named the Pari a. This stream is at present a mere thread of water flowing southward to the Colorado, which it reaches at the head of the Marble Canon. During nine months of the year so feeble is the stream that it sinks in the sands before reaching the Colorado, but it is a raging torrent during the months when the snows are melting. The many tribu- taries which ramify in all directions are generally dry during the greater part of the year, but a few of them are perennial. Every one of these little streamlets has cut its canon, and nearly all of them are abrupt and impassible save by very difficult and tortuous trails made by Indians and preserved from obliteration by the few herdsmen who pasture cattle in the vicinity. Yet it seems that at a comparatively late geological epoch the climate may have been much moister than at present, and these many water-ways carried perennial streams. Such a climate in all probability prevailed during the glacial period and during the Miocene age. The amount of erosion which has here been produced is very great. By refer- ence to the stereogranl it Avill be seen that the locus of the Paria Valley is constructed as a great uplift. The strata which are found within its con- fines occupy much higher horizons than their continuations beneath the Kaij^arowits Plateau on the east and the Paunsdgunt Plateau on the west. In these two plateaus the erosion has been small for some reason, while in the Pdria Valley it has been very great, approaching in extent the vast erosion which has taken place to the southward in the Kaibab district. * In the pronunciation of this name the vowels have the German sound, and the accent is on the middle syllable (Pah-ri-ah). It is the Ute name for elk. 254 GEOLOGY OP THE HIGH PLATEAUS. From the center of the great Pdria Valley or amphitheater the dip of the strata is semi-quaquaversal ; that is, towards the east, north, and west, and all intermediate directions ; but towards the south the strata incline upwards. The erosion has been greatest in the center of the amphitheater, and has proceeded radially outwards just as in the San Rafael Swell. This process has left the strata in terraced cliffs facing the center of the amphitheater, and as we look across from the southern cape of the Paunsdgunt to Table Cliff and Kaiparowits Peak, more than 30 miles distant, we behold the edges of the strata, sculptured and carved in a fashion that kindles enthusi- asm in the dullest mind. At the base of the series the vermilion sandstones of the Upper Trias are seen in massive palisades and gorgeous friezes, stretching away to the southward till lost in the distance. Above them is the still more massive Jurassic sandstone, pale gray and nearly white, without sculptured details, but imposing from the magnitude and solidity of its fronts. Next rises in a succession of terraces the whole Cretaceous system more than 4,000 feet in thickness. It consists of broad alternating bands of bright yellow sandstone and dark iron-gray argillaceous shales, the several homogeneous members ranging in thickness from 600 to 1,000 feet. But the glory of all this rock-work is seen in the Pink Cliffs, the exposed edges of the Lower Eocene strata. The resemblances to strict architectural forms are often startling. 'J'he upper tier of the vast amphi- theater is one mighty ruined colonnade. Standing obelisks, prostrate col- umns, shattered capitals, panels, niches, buttresses, repetitions of sym- metrical forms, all bring vividly before the mind suggestions of the work of giant hands, a race of genii once rearing temples of rock, but now chained up in a spell of enchantment, while their structures are falling in ruins through centuries of decay. Along the southern and southeastern flank of the Paunsdgunt these ruins stretch mile after mile. But the crown- ing work is Table Cliff in the background. Standing 11,000 feet above sea-level and projected against the deep blue of the western sky, it presents the aspect of a vast Acropolis crowned with a Parthenon. It is hard to dispel the fancy that this is a work of some intelligence and design akin to that of humanity, but far grander. Such glorious tints, such keen con- trasts of light and shade, such profusion of sculptured forms, can never be PARiA AMPHITHEATER. 255 forgotten by him who has once beheld it. This is one of the grand pano- ramas of the Plateau Country and typical in all respects. To the eye which is not trained to it and to the mind which is not inured to its strangeness, its desolation and grotesqueness may be repulsive rather than attractive, but to the mind which has grown into sympathy with such scenes it con- veys a sense of power and grandeur and a fullness of meaning which lay hold of the sensibilities more forcibly than tropical verdure or snow-clad Alps or Arcadian valleys. The Amphitheater or Upper Valley of the Pdria seems from the sum- mit of the Pink Cliffs to be a slightly rugged basin, but like most of the Plateau Country it is found to be a difficult field to traverse. A network of sharp canons several hundred feet in depth ramifies through it, and the traveler is apt to become entangled in their mazes, and find himself con- fronted every few miles with an impassable chasm, never seen until he is almost upon the point of driving his mule into it. A few tortuous traits wind deftly among them, leading by break-neck paths into their depths and out again, and finally into the broad and grotesquely picturesque bot- tom of the PAria River. The Paunsdgunt is the southernmost extension of the system of the High Plateaus, and is a promontory thrust out into the terraces which step by step drop down to the Kaibab district. In this series of terraces are exposed the edges, almost always cliffvvise, of the entire Mesozoic system of the region. Just here the Cretaceous does not form such conspicuous cliffs as it presents farther east, but the Jurassic and Triassic series are seen to the southward in their most typical forms. The exposures are truly magnificent. While the cliffs front southward, presenting in naked walls their entire thickness and disclosing every line, they are also cut from north to south and sometimes diagonally by canons, which reveal their dip and stnicture. But as these terraces are more properly a part of the Kaibab system, no detailed description will be given of them here. The Paunsd- gunt itself is a simple tabular block of Lower Eocene beds, of which a section has just been given. It is exceedingly simple in^its structure, and, further than has been already described, presents very little matter for special remark. It is destitute of eruptive rocks, except at its northern 256 GEOLOGY OF THE HIGH PLATEAUS. end, where a number of basalt streams appear to have burst out of the western wall near the summit and poured down upon the talus and slopes below. They are of small extent and mass, and are noteworthy- only as an instance of the peculiar positions from which basalt sometimes breaks out. A few miles to the south of the southern cape of the plateau is another small field of basaltic eruption. It is located in the bottom of a rather broad valley or basin. A large cinder-cone is still standing singularly perfect in symmetry and perfect also in its preservation. The cup at the summit is not broken down, but still preserves a continuous rim. From this cone streams of basalt flow southward, and entering a canon in the Jurassic sandstone reach the front of the White Cliffs nearly 12 miles from their source. The individual streams have spread out very thin, and are in some places very slender, with every indication of extreme fluidity at the time of their passage. In the canon the basalt is nearly all swept away by erosion, only a few small patches (in situ) being left to indicate its former existence. But beyond the canon larger remnants are seen, and these evidently formed the terminations of the coulees. It is impossible to affirm anything as to the age of this basalt, though I have little doubt that all the damage it has suffered from weathering and erosion might surely have been accomplished in the period of a thousand years and perhaps in a shorter time. On the other hand, it may be several thousand years since the vent became silent. Four miles to the west of this cone stand half a dozen others, perched high upon cliffs or mesas, and sending their streams into the upper canon of Kanab Creek. These appear to be older and more weather-beaten, though evidently belonging to the most recent geological history of the country. CHAPTER XII. THE FISn LAKE PLATEAU— THE AWAPA.— THOUSAND LAKE MOUNTAIN, Southern extension of the Wasatch monocline across Saliua CaBo:i.— Its bifurcation into the Sevier and Grass Valley faults.— Strawberry Valley.— Ascent of the northern slopes of Fish Lake Plateau.— Summit Valley.— Tertiary exposures.— Fish Lake Plateau.— Its summit.— The great gorge and cliffs. — Sources of the volcanic sheets. — Origin of the gorge. — Fish Lake. — Moraines. — Koversal of the course of the drainage.— Alcoves in the plateau wall.— Succession of beds.— Trachytes and dolerites.- Augitic andesites.- Location of the vents and sources of the lavas.— Outlet of the lake.— Mount Terrill.— Mount Marvinc.— Origin of Summit Valley.— Isolation of Mount Marviuo from its parent mass. — Moraine Valley. — Exposuresof Tertiary beds. — Mount Hilgard. — Gilson's Crest. — Lavas of Mount Hilgard.— The Awapa.— Its general configuration and structure.— Its desolate character. — Great variety of rocks displayed in the Awapa. — Homblendic and granitoid tra- chytes.—Conglomer.ates.—Propylites.— Basaltic fields of ancient date.— Rabbit Valley.— Its structural origin.— Erosion of tlie lava sheets around the borders of the valley.— Accumulation of modem. alluvial conglomerates.- Exposures of Tertiary beds in Eabbit Valley.— Thousand Lake Mountain. — A remnant of the grand erosion of the Plateau Province. — Lava Cap. — Under- lying Tertiary. — Absence of the Cretaceous and unconformity