m wt REPORT ON THE INSECTS OF MASSACHUSETTS, INJURIOUS TO VEGETATION. PUBLISHED AGREEABLY TO AN ORDER OP THE LEGISLATURE, BY THE COMMISSIONERS ON THE ZOOLOGICAL AND BOTANICAL SURVEY OF THE STATE. CAMBRIDGE: FOLSOM, WELLS, AND THURSTON, PRINTERS TO THE UNIVERSITY. 1841. C7l **** |0t/^ To George B. Emerson, Esq., Chairman of the Commissioners On the Zoological and Botanical Survey of Massachusetts. Dear Sir, Upon forwarding to me my commission, in the year 1837, you were pleased to request me to prepare a Report on the Insects of Massachusetts. The magnitude of the task, and various other motives deterred me from attempting to describe all the insects which might have been discovered by a careful and thorough survey of the whole State. A work of this kind, — much as it might promote the cause of science, if well done, — could not be expected to prove either interesting or particularly useful to the great body of the people. Some idea of the extent of such an undertaking may be formed from an examination of the Catalogues of the Insects of Massachusetts, drawn up by me for the first and second editions of Professor Hitchcock's " Report on the Geology, Mineralogy, Botany, and Zoology," of this State. Believing that agriculture and horticulture, when aided by science, tend greatly to improve the condition of any people, and that these pursuits form the basis of our prosperity, and are the safeguards of our liberty and independence, I have felt it my duty, in treating the subject assigned to me, to endeavour to make it useful and acceptable to those persons whose honorable employment is the cultivation of the soil. Some knowledge of the classification of insects and of the scien- tific details of entomology seems to be necessary to the farmer, to enable him to distinguish his friends from his enemies of the insect race. He ought to be acquainted with the transformations and habits of the latter, in all their states, so that he may know how and when most successfully to employ the means for preventing their ravages. This kind of knowledge will often guide him in the selection of the proper remedies, and may prevent him from falling into many mis- takes. Not only the farmer, however, but those who are engaged in other employments, would find some profit and pleasure in the study vi INSECTS OF MASSACHUSETTS. of the natural history of insects, were the means for obtaining infor- mation on this branch of science more generally diffused. The plan of this JReport, which I have now the honor of submitting, through you, to the people of this Commonwealth, was suggested by the foregoing considerations, by the want of a work on our native in- sects, combining scientific with practical details, and by the letter of instructions that accompanied my commission, wherein the economi- cal advantages to be derived from an investigation of the natural his- tory of this State, were particularly pointed out as objects of attention. A large amount of the materials, made use of in this work, was collected many years ago, at comparatively little cost ; but, after en- tering on my official duties, I was obliged to procure, at an expense far exceeding the compensation allowed me, a great number of books, in order to make myself acquainted with the discoveries and improve- ments in entomology therein set forth. In some cases I have had to rely on the recorded observations of others, for the want of an oppor- tunity to make the necessary investigations myself. The many ap- plications, which I have made to various persons, for information respecting our destructive insects, have rarely brought me any satis- factory replies. The greater part of my first report, which was pre- sented to the Legislature, in the year 1838, has been embodied in this, in order to afford a connected view of the whole subject. From among the numerous insects which are injurious to plants, I have se- lected for description chiefly those which are remarkable for their size, for the peculiarity of their structure and habits, or for the extent of their ravages ; and these, alone, will be seen to constitute a for- midable host. You have already looked over a considerable part of the manu- script, and have been pleased to express a favorable opinion of it. Should it prove as satisfactory to you and to the public, in its present form, the time and labor, bestowed upon it, will not have been spent in vain, By your friend and servant, THADDEUS WILLIAM HARRIS. Cambridge, December 1, 1841. CONTENTS. INTRODUCTION. The word Insect defined, — Brain and nerves, — Air-pipes and Breathing- holes, — Heart and Blood, 4. — Insects are produced from Eggs, — Meta- morphoses, — Examples of Complete Transformation, 5. — Partial Trans- formation, 6. — Larva or Infant State, Pupa or Intermediate State, Adult, or Winged State, 7. — Head, Eyes, Antennae, and Mouth, 8. — Thorax or Chest, Wings and Legs, — Abdomen or Hind-body, 9. — Piercer, and Sting, — Number of Insects compared with Plants, — Classification, Or- ders, Coleoptera, 10. — Orthoptera, Hemiptera, 11. — Neuroptera, Lepi- doptera, 12. — Hymenoptera, 13. — Diptera, 14. — Other Orders and Groups, 17. — Remarks on Scientific Names, 19. COLEOPTERA. Beetles, — Scarabaeians, 21. — Ground-Beetles, Tree-Beetles, 22. — Cock- chafers or May-Beetles, 23. — Flower-Beetles, 35. — Stag-Beetles, 38. — Buprestians, or Saw-horned Borers, 40. — Spring-Beetles, 46. — Timber- Beetles, 51. — Weevils, 53. — Cylindrical Bark-Beetles, 71. — Capricorn- Beetles, or Long-horned Borers, 77. — Leaf-Beetles, 94. — Criocerians, 95 — Leaf-mining Beetles, 97. — Tortoise-Beetles, 98. — Chrysomelians, 99. — Cantharides, 109. ORTHOPTERA. Structure and Transformations, 114. — Earwigs, 116. — Cockroaches, 118. — Mantes, or Soothsayers, 118. — Walking-leaves, Spectres, — Crick- ets, 119. — Mole-Cricket, 120. — Field-Crickets, 121. — Climbing- Crick- et, 123. — Cucumber Skippers, 125. — Grasshoppers, 125. — Awl-Bearer, or wingless Cricket, 126. — Katy-did, 127. — Locusts, or flying Grass- hoppers, 132. HEMIPTERA. Bugs, 150.— Squash-Bug, 158. — Plant-Bugs, 160. — Harvest- Flies, 164.— Cicadas, 165. — Tree-Hoppers, 177. — Leaf-Hoppers, 182. — Vine-Hop- per, 183. — Bean-Hopper, 185. — Aphidians, 186. — Thrips, Plant-Lice, 187. — American Blight, 193. — Enemies of Plant-Lice, 196. — Bark-Lice, 198. viii CONTENTS. LEPIDOPTERA. Caterpillars, 206.-— Butterflies, 209. — Skippers, 222. — Hawk-Moths, 225. iEgerians, or Boring Caterpillars, 230. — Glaucopidians, 236. — Moths, 237. — Spinners, 239. — Lithosians, 240. — Tiger-Moths, and Ermine-Moths, 242. — Tussock-Moths, 258. —Lackey-Moths, 265. — Lappet-Moths, 272. — Saturnians, 276. — Ceratocampians, 287. — Carpenter-Moths, 295. — — Psychians, 297. — Notodontians, 301. — Owl-Moths, 315. — Spindle- Worms, 318. — Cut-Worms, 321. — Geometers or Span-Worms, 330.— Canker-Worms, 332. — Delta-Moths, 343. — Leaf Rollers, 346. — Bud- Moths, 348. — Fruit-Moths, 351. — Tinea?, 355. — Bee-Moths, 357.— Clothes-Moths, 360. — Grain-Moths, 363. —Feather- winged Moths, 368. HYMENOPTERA. Stingers and Piercers, 369. — Habits of some of the Hymenopterous In- sects, 370. — Saw-Flies, 371. — False Caterpillars and Slugs, 373. — Elm Saw-Fly, 374. — Fir Saw-Fly, 375. — Vine Saw-Fly, 378. — Rose-bush Slug, 380.— Pear-tree Slug, 382. — Horn-tailed Wood- Wasps, 386.— Four- winged Gall-Plies, 395. DIPTERA. Gnats and Flies, 401. — Maggots, and their Transformations, 402. — Club- footed Gnat, 404. — Snow-Gnat, 404. — Black Fly, Midges, 405. — Horse- Flies, 405. — Bee-Flies, 406. — Asilians, 407.— Soldier-Flies, 408.— Syrphians, 409. — Conopians, 410. — Parasitical Flies, Viviparous Flesh- Flies, 411. — Piercing Stable-Flies, Meat-Flies, and House-Flies, 412. — Flower-Flies, 414. — Two-winged Gall-Flies, and Fruit-Flies, 416. — Oscinians, 417. — Bot-Flies, 418.— Bird-Flies, and Spider-Flies, 420. — Flea, 421. — Gall-Gnats, 421. — Hessian Fly, 422. — Barley-Fly, 433. — Wheat- Fly, 437. — Wheat-Thrips, 444. — Wheat- Worm, Grain- Worm, or Wheat-Caterpillar, 445. INDEX, 449. CORRECTIONS • ag e 18, line 10, for Phryaneada read Phrygancad it 28, u 27, " pailsful ii pailfuls a 48, it 4, . " states ii state a 92, « 29, " Democerus ci Desmocerus << 97, (i 8, " its (i their (I 140, it 28, " of (i and (1 240, CI 11, " Glaucopsis t< Glaucopis (< 2G9, ii 5, « no ii not U 323, tf 28, " yellow