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Inception and history 7 Some important matters of the year 13 New building for the National Museum 13 National Gallery of Art 14 Loan collection of art textiles, etc - 15 Summary of the operations of the year 23 Appropriations 23 Buildings 23 Collections 2-1 Department of Anthropology 2.5 Department of Biology 36 Department of Geology 46 Distribution and exchange of specimens 49 Miscellaneous 50 Visitors 50 Publications 51 Library 52 Photography - 52 Congresses and meetings 53 Expositions 56 Organization and staff 59 The Museum staff 63 List of accessions 65 List of publications 105 5 REPORT ON THE PROGRESS AND CONDITION OF THE U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1909. Ry Richard TiAthbun, Assistant ticcrcldni of the Smithsonian Institution, in charge of tlie U. S. National Museum. INCEPTION AND HISTOEY. The Con^Tess of the United States, in the act of August 10, 1846, founding the Smithsonian Institution, recognized that an opportunity was afforded, in carrying out the large-minded design of Smithson, to provide for the custody of the museum of the nation. To this new establishment was therefore intrusted the care of the national collections, a course that time has fully justified. In the beginning the cost of maintaining the museum side of the Institution's work was wholly paid from the Smithsonian income; then for a number of years the Government bore a share, and durins; the past three decades Congress has voted the entire funds for the expenses of the Museum, thus furthering one of the primary means " for the increase and diffusion of knowledge among men " without encroaching upon the resources of the Institution. The museum idea was inherent in the establishment of the Smith- sonian Institution, which in its turn was based upon a ten years' discussion in Congress and the advice of the most distinguished scientific men, educators, and intellectual leaders of the nation of seventy years ago. It is interesting to note how broad and com- prehensive were the views which actuated our lawmakers in deter- mining the scope of the Museum, a fact especially remarkable when it is recalled that at that date no museum of considerable size existed in the United States, and the museums of England and of the continent of Europe were still to a large extent without a developed plan, although containing many rich collections. The Congress which passed the act of foundation enumerated as within the scope of the Museum " all objects of art and of foreign 7 8 REPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909. and curious research and all objects of natural history, plants, and geological and mineralogical specimens belonging to the United States," thus stamping the Museum at the very outset as one of the widest range and at the same time as the Museum of the United States. It was also fully appreciated that additions would be necessary to the collections then in existence, and provision was made for their increase by the exchange of duplicate specimens, by dona- tions, and by other means. If the wisdom of Congress in so fully providing for a museum in the Smithsonian law^ challenges attention, the interi^retation put upon this law by the Board of Regents within less than six months from the passage of the act can not but command admiration. In the early part of September, 1846, the Regents took steps toward formu- lating a f)lan of operations. The report of the committee appointed for this i^urpose, submitted in December and January following, shows a thorough consideration of the subject in both the spirit and letter of the law. It would seem not out of place to cite here the very first pronouncement of the Board with reference to the character of the Museum : " In obedience to the requirements of the charter," which leaves little discretion in regard to the extent of accommodations to be pro- vided, your committee reconnnend that there be included in the build- ing a museum of liberal size, fitted up to receive the collections des- tined for the Institution. * * * " As important as the cabinets of natural history by the charter re- quired to be included in the Museum your committee regard its eth- nological portion, including all collections that may supply items in the physical history of our species, and illustrate the manners, cus- toms, religions, and jDrogressive advance of the various nations of the world; as, for example, collections of skulls, skeletons, portraits, dresses, implements, weapons, idols, antiquities, of the various races of man. * * * jj^ ^j^jg connexion, your committee recommend the passage of resolutions asking the cooperation of certain pulolic func- tionaries, and of the public generally, in furtherance of the above objects. " Your committee are further of opinion that in the Museum, if the funds of the Institution permit, might judiciously be included various series of models illustrating the progress of some of the most useful inventions; such, for example, as the steam engine from its earliest and rudest form to its present most improved state ; but this they propose only so far as it may not encroach on ground already covered by the numerous models in the Patent Office. " Since the Institution was not chartered in a legal sense bnt established l»y Congress, the use of the word "charter " in this connection was not correct. KEPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909. 9 " Specimens of staple materials, of their gradual manufacture, and of the finished product of manufactures and the arts may also, your committee think, be usefully introduced. This would supply ojipor- tunity to examine samples of the best manufactured articles our coun- try affords, and to judge her gradual progress in arts and manu- factures. * * * " The gallery of art, your connnittee think, should include both paintings and sculpture, as well as engravings and architectural de- signs; and it is desirable to have in connexion with it one or more studios in which young artists might copy without interruption, being admitted under such regulations as the board may prescribe. Your committee also think that, as the collection of paintings and sculj)ture will probably accumulate slowly, the room destined for a galler}^ of art might properly and usefully meanwhile be occupied during the sessions of Congress as an exhibition room for the works of artists generalh^ ; and the extent and general usefulness of such an exhibition might probably be increased if an arrangement could be effected with the Academy of Design, the Arts-Union, the Artists' Fund Society, and other associations of similar character, so as to concentrate at the metropolis for a certain portion of each winter the best results of talent in the fine arts." The important points in the foregoing report are (1) that it was the opinion of the Regents that a museum was requisite under the law. Congress having left no discretion in the matter; (2) that ethnology and anthropology, though not specially named, were yet as important subjects as natural history; (3) that the history of the progress of useful inventions and the collection of the raw materials and products of the manufactures and arts should also be provided for; (4) for the gallery of art the committee had models in existence, and they proposed, pending the gathering of art collections, which would of necessity be slow, to provide for loan exhibitions by cooperat- ing with art academies and societies. In the resolutions which were adopted upon the presentation of the report, a museum was mentione9l as " one of the principal modes of executing the act and trust." * The work was to go forward as the <^Resolved, That it is the intention of the act of Congress establishing the Institution, and in accordance with the design of Mr. Smithson, as expressed in his will, that one of the principal modes of executing the act and the trust is the accumulation of collections of specimens and objects of natural history and of elegant art, and the gradual formation of a library of valuable works per- taining to all departments of human knowledge, to the end that a copious store- house of materials of science, literature, and art may be provided which shall excite and diffuse the love of learning among men, and shall assist the original investigations and efforts of those who may devote themselves to the pursuit of any branch of knowledge. 10 EEPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909. funds permitted, and, as is well known, the maintenance of the museum and the library was long ago assumed by Congress, the Institution taking upon itself only so much of the necessary responsi- bility for the administration of these and subsequent additions to its activities as would weld them into a compact whole, which together form a unique and notable agency for the increase and diffu- sion of knowledge, for the direction of research, for cooperation with dei^artments of the Government and with universities and scientific societies in America, and likewise afford a definite corre- spondent to all scientific institutions and men abroad who seek inter- change of views or knowledge with men of science in the United States. Since that early day no material change has been suggested in the general scope of the government Museum; it has onlj^ remained to elaborate the details, and the opportunity is now close at hand to realize all that the first Board had in view, since ample space will be available during the coming year. The development of the ISIuseum has naturally been greatest in those subjects which the conditions of the past sixty years have made most fruitful — the natural history, geology, ethnology, and arche- ology of the United States, supplemented by many collections from other countries. The opportunities in these directions have been mainly brought about through the activities of the scientific and economic surveys of the Government, manj^ of which are the direct outgrowths of earlier explorations, stimulated or directed by the Institution. The Centennial Exhibition of 1876 afforded the first opportunity for establishing a department of the industrial arts on a creditable basis, and of this the fullest advantage was taken, though only a part of the collections then obtained could be accommodated in the space available. The department or gallery of the fine arts had made little progress, though not from lack of desire or appreciation, until within the past three years, during which its interests have been markedh' advanced, as elsewhere explained. Another subject to which much attention has been paid with satis- factory results is American history, illustrated by objects repre- senting distinguished personages and important events as well as the domestic life of the country from the colonial period to the present day. It is gratifying to note that in the course of a few months it will be possible to give the national collections a systematic arrangement and to provide for the increase of those branches whose growth has heretofore been restricted through lack of space. By transferring to EEPOET OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909. 11 the new building, as i^roposed to Congress, the subjects which are best represented, which have been as a whole most completely classi- fied and can therefore be most advantageously exhibited for the benefit of the public, namely, ethnology, archeology, natural history, and geology, the older buildings may be turned over to the arts and industries, in several branches of which the collections are already important and extensive. With its collections thus distributed between the three buildings, all fireproof and of substantial construction, the National Museum may be expected to enter upon an era of renewed prosperity and use- fulness. While it is the primary duty of a museum to preserve the objects confided to its care, as it is that of a library to preserve its books and manuscripts, yet the imj^ortance of public collections rests not upon the mere basis of custodianship, nor upon the number of specimens assembled and their money value, but upon the use to which they are put. Judged by this standard, the National Museum may claim to have reached a high state of efficiency. From an educational point of view it is of great value to those persons who are so fortunate as to reside in Washington or who are able to visit the nation's capital. In its well-designed cases, in which every detail of structure, appointment, and color is considered, a selection of repre- sentative objects is placed on view to the public, all being carefully labeled individually and in groups. The child as well as the adult has been provided for, and the kindergarten pupil and the high- school scholar can be seen here, supplementing their class-room games or studies. Under authority from Congress, the small colleges and higher grades of schools and academies throughout the land, espe- cially in places where museums do not exist, are also being aided in their educational work by sets of duplicate specimens, selected and labeled to meet the needs of both teachers and pupils. Xor hac the elementary or even the higher education been by any means the sole gainer from the work of the Museum. To advance knowledge, to gradually extend the boundaries of learning, has been one of the great tasks to which the Museum, in consonance with the spirit of the Institution, has set itself from the first. Its staff, though chiefly engaged in the duties incident to the care, classifica- tion, and labeling of collections in order that they mav be accessible to the public and to students, has yet in these operations made im- portant discoveries in every department of the Museum's activities, which have in turn been communicated to other scholars through its numerous publications. But the collections have not been held for the study of the staff nor for the scientific advancement of those 12 KEPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909. belonging to the establishment. Most freely have they been put at the disposal of investigators connected with other institutions, and, in fact, without the help of many such the record of scientific prog- ress based upon the material in the Museum would be greatly cur- tailed. When it is possible to so arrange, the investigator comes to Washington ; otherwise such collections as he needs are sent to him, whether he resides in this country or abroad. In this manner practically every prominent specialist throughout the world interested in the subjects here well represented has had some use of the col- lections, and thereby the National Museum has come to be recognized as a conspicuous factor in the advancement of knowledge wherever civilization has a foothold. SOME IMPORTANT MATTERS OF THE YEAR. THE NEW BUILDING. Although it had been expected, as explained in the last report, that the new building would be finished before the close of the year, delayed contracts and other circumstances interfered with the prog- ress of the work to such an extent that no part of the structure was in readiness for occupancy at the end of June. The entire stonework of the outer walls of the building, including the porch, columns, and front of the south pavilion in which the main entrance is located, was, however, completed, as w^ere also the roofs and skylights of the build- ing generally. The placing of the slate on the dome of the rotunda and on the adjacent roof of the south pavilion was under way. liut the laying of the extensive granite approaches, for which the stone has been delivered, had not been begun. Much remains to be done in the interior of the rotunda, but as it is the main part of the building that is most urgently needed, for the accommodation of the collections and laboratories, it is there that the work has been most energetically prosecuted. Except for some special items, such as metal doors, transoms, etc., the construction of which will continue through several months, it is expected that at least some parts of the building will be ready for use and that the moving from the older buildings may be started before autumn. It is interesting to mention that the building has already been made to serve a commendable purpose — as the meeting place of the Sixth International Tuberculosis Congress, held in the earlj^ autumn of 1908. Being then in a very unfinished condition, it was necessary to make special arrangements, authorized by an act of Congress, for such partitions and other fittings as were required for the accommodation of the several sections and for the display of the extensive collections that were brought together. A large part of the first and second floors, as well as of the basement, was given over to the congress, and while the progress of construction of the building was thereby much retarded, the delay may be regarded as fully sanctioned by the excep- tionally important nature of the event which occasioned it. Good progress was made in the preparation and construction of furniture for the new building, more especially for the storage rooms and laboratories, in which it is intended, so far as possible, to utilize the best quality of fireproof material. The boiler and electrical plant installed in this building, which embodies the latest improvements 13 14 EEPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM^, 1909. and is of sufficient capacity for the purpose, will also be used for heat- ing and lighting the older buildings. The necessary connections will be made during the summer, and will result in a considerable saving in cost. Anticijiating more rapid progress in the construction of the new building, no appropriation had been requested for continuing the leases on the outside rented buildings, Avhich had, therefore, to be surrendered at the end of June, 1909. These structures contained an exceedingly large amount of property, consisting of both specimens and furniture, of which the only disposition possible was to transfer it in bulk to one of the exhibition stories of the new building in which the floors had been laid. This summary action prevented the assort- ing and proj^er assignment of the material in advance of its removal, as had been planned, and will necessarily cause some inconvenience in the final adjustment of the collections. There were also several workshops and laboratories in the rented buildings for which tem- porary provision had to be made. NATIONAL GALLERY OF ART. By a third deed of gift, dated May 10, 1909, Mr. Charles L. Freer, of Detroit, Michigan, added to his large donation of xlmerican and oriental art the following examples acquired since the transfer of the previous year, namely : Four oil paintings and 1 pastel, by Dwight W. Tryon; 3 oil paintings and 1 pastel, by Thomas W. Dewing; a portrait of ex-President Roosevelt, by J. Gari Melchers; 2 oil paint- ings, 1 water color, 4 drawings and sketches, 1 album of sketches, and 3 etchings and dry points, by James McNeill Whistler; 4 oriental paintings; 247 pieces of oriental pottery; and 25 miscellaneous exam- ples of oriental art. Mr. William T. Evans, of New York, also continued to make im- portant additions to his collection of the works of contemporary American artists, which at the close of the year numbered 84 oil paintings received in Washington, rejiresenting 58 artists. As the Corcoran Gallery of Art required for its own use the space which has been occupied by the Evans pictures, their transfer was arranged for in June and carried into effect during the first week of July, 1909. The walls and screens of the picture gallery in the Museum building were entirely given over to this collection, and the new installation displays the paintings to much better advantage than the previous one. This change, however, necessitated the removal of the paintings which have hitherto been hanging in the gallery to temporary quar- ters in the Smithsonian building. It has now become imperative to provide some place where the paintings belonging to the National Gallery of Art can be segre- REPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909. 15 gated, and since the fitting up of the second story of the Smithsonian building has so far failed to secure the approval of Congress, it has been decided to make temporary use of one of the skylighted halls in the new Museum building. Its adaptation to this purpose will be taken up early in the new fiscal year. It should be mentioned that the full-length portrait of Guizot, the French statesman and writer, by G. P. A. Healy, belonging to the Government, has been recalled from the Corcoran Gallery of Art. An important addition to the historical portrait series is a full- length painting of Kear-Admiral George W. Melville, U. S. Navy, by Sigismond de Ivanowski. This portrait was executed on the order of a number of friends of the distinguished naval officer and presented through the American Society of Mechanical Engineers at their annual meeting held in Washington in May, 1909. The collossal marble statue of Washington by Horatio Greenough, which had stood in the Capitol grounds for many years and was transferred to the custody of the Smithsonian Institution by an act of Congress approved May 22, 1908, as announced in the last report, was removed during the j^ear and installed in the apse of the west hall of the Smithsonian building, where it rests upon a low marble pedestal. LOAN COLLECTION OF ART TEXTILES, ETC. The loan collection of art textiles and other objects of artistic workmanship begun in May, 1908, by Mrs. James W. Pinchot, with the assistance of a number of ladies of Washington, has received much attention and its importance has been gi^eatly increased by many valuable additions. The limited amount of space which could be allotted to this subject in the picture gallery of the Museum building tended to restrict the number of contributions, but as soon as the removal of the paintings to another hall has been effected the entire area of the present hall will become available. The collection is now contained in 24 cases, of which 9 are devoted to laces, 7 to other art fabrics, 4 to porcelains, 2 to enamels, and 2 to fans. With these are also exhibited numerous examples of silverware, jewelry, and wood and ivory carving. The assemblage of lace constitutes the most note- worthy part of the collection, being exceeded in variety and value in this country, it is said, only by the collections of the Metropolitan Museum of Art of New York and the Boston Museum of Fine Arts. This art movement, so auspiciously inaugurated and so earn- estly supported, if it be sedulously followed up, is certain to prove an important factor in the future history of the National Museum. It was started with the definite purpose of stimulating the formation of a permanent exhibit which should be valued not only on account of its attractiveness and historical interest, but more especially as furnish- 12048—09 2 16 REPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909. ing motives and designs Avliidi may help to elevate the standard of art Avorkmanship in this countr}'. Its growth has been exceptional and it is hoped that its intent will be fulfilled. The contributors during the past year were Mrs. "William Bowie, Mr. Edson Bradlev, JMiss Helen Amory Ernst, Mrs. Arnold Hague, Mrs. James Harriman, Mrs. Robert R. Hitt, Mrs. Richard Morris Hunt, Mrs. Hennen Jennings, Mrs. Morris K. Jesup, Mrs. Frederic A. Keep, Mrs. William Kingsland, Miss Murray Ledyard, Mrs. L. Z. Leiter, Mrs. Allan McLane, the Countess Carl von Moltke, Mrs. Thomas 'Nelson Page, Mrs. James W. Pinchot, Mrs. H. K. Porter, Mrs. Dean Sage, Mrs. William A. Slater, the Baroness Speck von Sternburg, Mrs. Frederick F. Thompson, Mrs. AVilliam Wharton, and JNIrs. Norman Williams. The following account of the collection has been furnished by Miss Leila Mechlin : " The work, so ably begun a year ago under the direction of INIrs. James W. Pinchot and a committee of ladies, of assembling and arranging an exhibit of artistic handicraft, has not only been con- tinued but enlarged during the past season. With discriminating judgment and most excellent taste, many rare and beautiful speci- mens of lace, textiles, needlework, china, silverware, jewelry, fans, and enamels have been collected and displayed. The space at their disposal has of necessity been limited, but in spite of this fact the exhibition has been in character exceedingly comprehensive. It has not been possible to show numerous specimens of the same type, illus- trating variety in craftsmanship, as w^ould, naturally, have been desirable, but the standard has been kept so high that significance from the art standpoint, in every instance, has been made manifest. And because of this fact the exhibit has derived special importance. The purpose was not merely to show works rare and curious, repre- senting the acme of skill in production, but to illustrate patently the union of beauty and utilit}" and to make known to all how Avide, indeed, is the field of art. The rich Italian brocades, the Genoese velvets, the Venetian, Flemish, and French laces of earlier centuries are not cherished to-day because they are old or because they were well made, but because they are beautiful. Doubtless these fabrics recall the splendor of bygone days and bring to mind the pomp and magnificence of court pageantry, but, fortunately, they stand for something less ephemeral. To them we turn for standards of taste and for example in design. A great contemporary educator has said that in this world but two things are permanent — art and ideas^ and, reviewing history, we can Avell believe it. In the immediate past an inclination has been showm to fence in. as it were, the fine arts, but the trend to-day is tow^ard the obliteration of belittling distinc- REPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909. 17 tions. There is a revival of the art crafts; renewed interest in the study of design ; and woven fabrics, baskets, pottery, and works in metal are being given place with jjaintings and sculpture in current exhibitions. America has become a great manufacturing nation; her industries are one of her principal sources of wealth and are des- tined to steadily increase in importance. At the present time only in matter of design does American china, American figured silk and like products rank lower than those of France, which in this field has so long held supremacy. It is partly with the purpose of remedy- ing this shortcoming that collections of exemplary craftsmanship are being exhibited by educational institutions, and that the early estab- lishment of an industrial art museiun is being strongly advocated. In the early eighteenth century Bishop Berkeley is quoted as having said, ' How could France and Flanders have drawn so much monev from other countries for figured silk, lace, and tapestry if they had not had their academies of design ? ' And, he might well have added, such fine examples to follow. All considered, therefore, it is not, perhaps, to be lamented that lack of space made it necessary to exhibit in the same hall in which are set forth the paintings and sculpture included in the National Gallery collection the textiles, laces, jewelry, fans, and enamels generously lent and admirably set forth by Mrs. Pinchot and her aids. " Much might well be written of each of the several features of this industrial art loan exhibit, but special attention must be called to the collection of laces, which is particularly complete and peculiarly notable, ranking, indeed, only second, it is said, to the collections owned by the Metropolitan Museum of New York and the Museum of Fine Arts of Boston, which are among the finest in the world. To fully appreciate this collection and comprehend its worth one must of necessity be a student of laces or a connoisseur, for it is not alone the charm of the several specimens but their rare quality which commends them. It is true that every kind of known lace is by no means included in the collection, but all the principal kinds are, so that the history of lace-making from the earliest time to the present is admirably illustrated. " Iif this collection, for example, are found specimens of the cut and drawn work from which real lace is descended. There is a piece of uncommonly interesting old Spanish drawn work lent by Mrs. W. A. Slater which shows precisely how the stitches w^ere counted off and the pattern worked in, somewhat after the manner of elabo- rate darning, and yet, at the same time, in the spirit of embroiderj^ Human beings, birds, harps, and altars are part of its quaint device, wrought with archaic simplicity and childish convention. There is also a beautiful specimen of old English church lace, lent by Mrs. 18 REPORT OF NATIONAL, MUSEUM^ 1909. Hennen Jennings, almost certainly of a later period, because of the greater freedom displayed in its design, in which are found symbols of the Passion; while of much earlier date are a handsome Gothic lace altar cloth, lent by Mr. Edson Bradley, and an Italian cut-work altar cloth of most interesting description, lent by Mrs. Pinchot. From these ancient forms of embroidery was evolved ' point lace,' and, turning from specimens of the one to specimens of the other, it is not difficult to follow the process — to observe how, as interest in craftsmanship increased and the workers became more exj^ert, atten- tion centered upon the pattern which was being created, and the foundation was permitted to pla}^ a less and less important part, until the Avork literally resolved itself into stitches in the air — ' punto in aria.' And as the change was made in the method of work, in the technique of the production, so a new spirit is seen to have crept into the character of the design, geometric figures being cast aside, and scrolls and floral motives taking their place. The same change is seen to have occurred in both the painting and sculpture of the same period. The Renaissance released art from the strait-jacket in which it had been confined and, as though to compensate for its years of imi^risonment, it directly burst into full bloom. Recall the carving in the stone work on some of the palaces in Venice ; note the ivory carvings of the same period; yes, even the furniture; and then turn to some of the specimens of Venetian lace, and the common inspiration — the unity of spirit which animated the workers — must be recognized. Of Venetian point some excejDtionally beautiful specimens are included in this collection, lent by Mrs. James Harri- man, Mrs. Pinchot, Mrs. Robert R. Hitt, Mrs. Xorman Williams, and others. Because of extraordinary beauty of design and delicacy of execution, special reference, perhaps, should be made to a set of collar and cuffs of seventeenth century rose point lent by Mrs. Har- riman, as well as to a cape of gros point de Venice lent by Mrs. Pinchot, which, despite certain characteristic heaviness, displays remarkably fine workmanship. It has been said that Venetian lace attained a grace and perfection which baffle all description, and so it would seem. The fine rose point, with its delicacy of execution, comi:»lexity of stitch, and beauty of pattern; the gros point, with its vigor of line and sumptuous effect, deserve most truly to be ranked with other works of art. " The early geometric patterns of the ' punto a reticella ' and even the 'ixnito in aria ' were, we are told, derived from Greece and the Ionian Isles, these arts having been transplanted from the East through the channels of commerce. It is, therefore, of sj^ecial in- terest to find with the Venetian laces in this collection 4 yards of very rare reticella, probably produced in Greece in the sixteenth cen- REPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909. 19 tury, as well as other lace of like description which may have had similar origin. The piece first referred to is, indeed, a splendid ex- ample, firmly worked and uncommonly interesting in design, figures of men and beasts being naively introduced in the well-balanced pattern. '• The next step in the development of lace making was the intro- duction of groundwork — a mesh of ' brides ' or ' tyes ' arranged in a honeycomb pattern — ' reseau ' — which caused the compact relief to give way to lighter and daintier patterns. Instead of simulating ivory carvings, as do the Venetian points, the later laces suggest cob- webs or frost tracery. This transition took place in the early part of the seventeenth century and is illustrated in the loan collection by a charming piece of Venetian jaoint lent by Mrs. Hitt, wherein many brides are used, not apparently to hold the pattern together but, as it were, to embellish the pattern. Laces of this description were nowhere produced with greater perfection than at Alenyon and Ar- gentan, in France, which in time outrivaled Venice in their produc- tion. " How this came about is worth noting. Henry the Second, of France, history tells us, appointed a Venetian. Frederic Vinciolo by name, to be pattern maker for varieties of linen needlework and laces to his court, through whom ' the seeds of a taste for lace in France were principally sown.' A century later when Louis XIV came to the throne, through the advice of Colbert, he bent his energies to fos- tering these seeds which had given signs of life, and intrigued to secure the services of Venetian lace makers as teachers for his oAvn people, issuing, at the same time, an edict forbidding the importation of Venetian lace. The result was that in 1676 an Italian of note, referring to the craft of lace making, is reported to have declared that ' as far as punto in aria went, the French could then do it to perfec- tion.' " The distinguishing characteristic of point d'Argentan is sup- posedly its ground of hexagonally arranged brides, but this has like- wise been found a peculiarity of certain Venetian laces of earlier date, and here it is that the student of laces finds confusion gathering on his path. The migration of lace makers and the interchange of pattern books make it almost impossible to assert with confidence, in many instances, precisely in Avhich country, certainly in which city, specimens have been produced. But while this may work the be- wilderment of the connoisseur, it need not disturb the average ob- server nor rob the specimens set forth of their significance as works of art craftsmanship — of their real beauty. Xumerous splendid exam- ples of both jjoint d'Alencon and point d'Argentan are shown in this collection, but of extraordinary importance is a flounce, 27 inches 20 REPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909. wide, of point d'Argentan, lent by Mrs. Eobert R. Hitt, which is a superb museum specimen. This can very confidently be assigned to the eighteenth century by its design of garlands and baskets of flowers in flowing, repeated pattern. Those who ai'e collectors of lace, alone can realize the great value and extraordinary rarity of so per- fect an example of the lace makers' art. With this, most interest- ingly, has been set forth a scarcely less regal flounce of point d'Milan, showing a conventional, all-over, scroll pattern, very graceful and effective, also the property of Mrs. Hitt. And right here, perhaps, mention should be made of a remarkable piece of church lace, said to be of the time of Louis XIV, lent by Mrs. Thomas Nelson Page, on which the Virgin is seen pictured as drawn in a chariot, above the clouds, by cherubs. "And this brings us to the consideration of the bobbin laces, which are, in fact, no less well represented by examples than the needle point. The invention of pillow or bobbin lace is usually accredited to Flanders, but whether or not rightly, some question. It is worthy of note, however, as a well-known writer has pointed out, that the two regions of Europe wdiere pictorial art first flourished — North Italy and Flanders — should have been the localities where lace making first became an industry of importance. Doubtless the inter- course between Italy and the Low Countries brought this to pass, but certain it is that the Flemish not only borrowed but independently develoj^ed the art, so that to-day to acquaint ourselves with special phases of lace making we are obliged to go to the Dutch and Flemish portraits for confirmatory data. Recalling vividly some of the great portraits painted by Van Dyck and his contemporaries is a piece of Van Dyck point of the seventeenth century, lent by Miss Margaret A. Codman. " But to return again to the bobbin laces. Many specimens of Mechlin — in the seventeenth century styled the ' Queen of laces ' — of Valenciennes and Bruxelles, have been lent and admirably set forth, so that their distinguishing characteristics might be readily noted. Special mention should, perhaps, be made of two interesting veils — one point d'applique, French of the nineteenth century, with a nat- uralistic design of roses and lilacs, and the other Brussels point on a bobbin ground, the design roses and wheat, the period probably that of the French revolution — both witnessing to a weakening in design disassociated from the matter of craftsmanship ; and, also, of fine specimens of Flemish bobbin, eighteenth century, lent by Mrs. W. M. Kingsland, and of Valenciennes lent by Mrs. F. A, Keep. " From Flanders the lace-making art passed to England, and in an effort to foster and protect it Charles II, like Louis XIV, issued an edict prohibiting importation. To evade this law the lace makers of REPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909. 21 P'landers called a certain variety of their handicraft ' Point d'Angle- terre,' and so smuggled it into England. Again, however, it was the workers themselves who were induced to establish the rival industry, and for this reason similarity once more arises between the product of two nations. A handsome specimen of ' Point de Bruxelles et Angleterre ' has been lent by Miss Codman, and some exceptionally fine and interesting examples of Honiton lace, the English product strongly resembling lace made in Brussels, have been supplied by Mrs. Pinchot and Mrs. Arnold Hague. And still no mention has been made of the examples set forth of Spanish blonde and of eighteenth century Chantilly — of a very rare and beautiful specimen of Schleswig-Holstein lace, suggesting in the delicacy of its design filigree silver, lent by Mrs. Pinchot; of a modern copy of ancient ' pot lace ' and of a very rare piece of old ' Heidenbo,' contributed by the same generous collector; or, indeed, of many other pieces. Brief space, however, must be reserved for consideration of other exhibits, and sufficient has been said, it is hoped, to at least indicate the com- prehensive nature of this special collection. " Being composed of loans chiefl}^, the units of this exhibit have changed from time to time but its character, on the whole, has not materially altered. Throughout the year many beautiful fans have been on view with the laces, bringing to mind gay associations, con- viviality, luxury. Many have been in themselves works of art, daintily and exquisitely fashioned with carved pearl and ivory sticks, and painted and embroidered pictures — w^orks by master artists and craftsmen. A great variety of design has been noted and excellent taste in the selection of material. The majorit}" of the fans shown have been lent by Mrs. Pinchot, who has also kindly con- tributed from her private collection twenty exceedingly interesting miniatures in Limoges enamel. These alone invite lengthy con- sideration. " The woven fabrics have been less numerous but likewise choice, adding a welcome note of color and establishing a standard for ac- quisition. Mr. Edson Bradley and Mrs. H. Kirke Porter have both made valuable loans, amongst which are Spanish embroideries of the sixteenth centurv, Genoese velvets of the seventeenth and eiorhteenth centuries, old brocades, and silver and gold appliques and embroid- eries. From IVIiss Ernst, Mrs. Allan McLane, Mrs. Charles W. Rich- ardson and others, contributions of china and silver ware have come, lending variety and enrichment to the exhibit. And in addition to all these, Mrs. Richard M. Hunt lent for a considerable time a series of needlework pictures, dating from the early seventeenth century down, which suggested in many instances the quaint old miniatures in the illuminated missals which antedate the days of printing. And 22 REPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909. with all this variety there has been orderly sobriety. Neither an im- pression of overcrowding nor of confusion has prevailed. The visitor has been gently led from object to object, at liberty to linger for study or merely find enjoyment at a glance. " To direct attention to the exhibit and engender interest in the project of developing the collection as space permitted, a reception was held at the Museum in the exhibition hall on the afternoon of Saturday, April 24, 1909, to which several hundred persons were in- vited, Mrs. Walcott and Mrs. Pinchot acting as hostesses. Those who have carried the work so far insist that no more than a begin- ning has as yet been made and with unabated zeal indicate their willingness to carry it on to a more definite conclusion." SUMMARY OF THE OPERATIONS OF THE YEAR. APPROPRIATIONS. The appropriations made by Congress in the sundry civil act approved Maj' 7, 1908, for the maintenance and activities of the United States National Museum during the period covered by this rejjort, namely, from July 1, 1908, to June 30, 1909, were as follows: Preservation of collections $190, 000 Furniture and fixtures 50,000 Heating and ligliting 22,000 Building repairs 15, 000 Books 2, 000 Rent of workshops 4, 580 Postage 500 Printing and binding 34, 000 Total 318,080 The following ajDpropriations were granted for the year ending June 30, 1910, the increased amount being called for by the approach- ing occupancy of the new building : Preservation of collections $250, 000 Furniture and fixtures 200,000 Heating and ligliting 60, 000 Building repairs 15, 000 Books 2, 000 Postage 500 Moving collections, etc 4, 000 Printing and binding .34,000 Total 565, 500 BUILDINGS. An account of the progress made in the construction of the new building is given on a previous page. The work of replacing with tin the old slate roofs over the main part of the Museum building was completed during the year with the renovation of the covering of the rotunda, which occupied a month during the summer of 1908. This task was much more difficult than that presented by the other roofs as it was decided not to disturb the ceiling, with possible injury to the interior walls, but to work entirely from the outside. The slate having been removed, the tin was fas- tened on with screws instead of nails and the seams were locked by 23 24 REPORT OP NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909. hand. The results have been entirel}^ satisfactoiy, and the leakage during rains, which was always heavy, has been entirely stopped. The photographic laboratory, which occupies the upper part of the southeast pavilion, was in course of remodeling at the close of the year, among the changes in progress being the building of an appro- priate skylight, the addition of new windows, the extension of the printing room, and the substitution of an encaustic tile floor for the old wooden one. A pair of iron grille gates for the main entrance to the building had been ordered but not received. They are needed to improve the ventilation of the halls. Of miscellaneous repairs and alterations it is difficult to speak in general terms. They were such as are to be expected in connection wdth buildings of the size and character oc- cupied by the Museum, the percentage of expenditure being exceed- ingly low. They related mainly to the roofs and floors, the repair and painting of walls and ceilings, the renewal of woodwork, and the building of fireproof partitions. The outside buildings also required some repairs and painting. The boilers and other parts of the steam plant were thoroughly overhauled and renovated in the summer of 1908. Steam was raised on October 2, 1908, and discontinued on May 22, 1909, the boilers having been in actual use for 2,410 hours and having consumed 990 tons of hard coal. At the close of the year there were on hand 2,407 exhibition cases, 3,184 storage cases, and 1,645 pieces of office and other furniture. The additions during the year consisted of 36 storage cases and 17 pieces of office furniture made in the Museum workshops, besides 38 exhibition cases, 723 storage cases, including 600 of steel, and 54 pieces of other furniture purchased in the open market. The Museum force was largely occupied in remodeling and fireproofing storage cases for the new building, the number so transformed hav- ing been 667. The work consisted chiefly in covering them with sheet steel, but other alterations were also made, the herbarium cases, for instance, being changed to an independent unit. Several thou- sand insect drawers were cut down and refinished so as to adapt them to the 160 steel racks provided for the new building. Six wood- working machines with electric motors and one jDiece of metal- working machinery were purchased for the equipment of the new shops. COLLECTIONS. The total number of accessions during the year was 1,358, compris- ing 254,787 specimens, which w^ere distributed among the three depart- ments as follows: Anthropology, 26,400; biolog}^, 216,324; geology, ] 2,063. A detailed list of the accessions is given in the latter part of the report. EEPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909. 25 DEPARTMENT OF ANTHROPOLOGY. Ethnology. — The most important addition to the division of eth- nology was a contribution from Dr. W. L. Abbott, consisting of about 500 objects, gathered on the Kendawangan River in southwestern Borneo adjoining the region traversed by him the previous year, in continuation of the biological and ethnological survey of Malaysia which this explorer has indefatigably pursued for more than a decade. This collection is rich in well-constructed basketry, contains numerous illustrations of the manufacture and use of bark cloth, which is there finer than in any other locality in Malaysia, and includes many objects relating to the domestic arts of the Dyaks. Several noteworthy col- lections from Asiatic countries were received as follows : Four unique specimens from the almost unknown lao tribe of Chinese aborigines, northwestern Canton Province, contributed by Miss Louise Johnston, of Wooster, Ohio; a rain coat, a remarkable collection of models of insects and reptiles, and a mocjel of an irrigation pump constructed by north Chinese, through Mr. Frank N. Meyer, explorer for the Bureau of Plant Industry of the Department of Agriculture ; and a number of Chinese velvets and embroideries of the Chien-lung period ( 1T3G- 1795), presented by the Baroness von Sternburg as a memorial to her husband, the late Baron Speck von Sternburg, German ambassa- dor to the United States. Dr. Hugh M. Smith, U. S. Deputy Com- missioner of Fisheries, contributed five baskets, a knit bag, and a musical instrument of bamboo from the Philippine Islands. Africa was represented by three accessions. Two of these, consisting of bow^s and a leather work bag from the Sudan, were donated by Dr. Cyrus Adler; the other accession, appertaining to the Inhambane Zulus of East Africa, comprises carved wooden drums, a marimba, baskets, pottery, dolls, costumes, hoes, v.eapons, and domestic utensils, and numbers over 200 specimens. With the exception of Doctor Abbott's gift, the larger collections were from North America. Dr. Ales Hrdlicka, of the National Mu- seum, while engaged in securing data on tuberculosis among the Indians, gathered many ethnological specimens from the Menominee, Nez Perce, Hupa, and Mohave tribes. Mr. E. de K. Leffingwell, on his return from the arctic coast of Alaska, presented a series of very interesting Eskimo objects from the ancient village sites on the coast east of Point Barrow. A number of baskets by the Chetimacha Indians of Louisiana, obtained by purchase, accompanied by the native names of the basket designs and their meaning, are especially valuable for the study of symbolic patterns. Through the Bureau of American Ethnology there were secured several Chetimacha bows, mortars, and blowguns, obtained by Dr. John R. Swanton. A collec- tion from the Tarahumara Indians of northern Mexico was con- 26 REPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909. tributed by Dr. Edward Palmer, of the Department of Agriculture. Mr. William B. Douglass, of AVashington, District of Columbia, pre- sented a number of cliff' dweller relics from the neighborhood of the great natural bridges of southeastern Utah. Central and South America were represented by a few small col- lections. Mrs. William H. Bell, of Washington, presented a collec- tion of photographs of the San Bias Indians; Mrs. H. C. Curl, of Washington, a wicker basket from the interior of Panama ; and Mr. Frank E. Read, of Panama, a trumpet, basket, gourd vessels, and resin from the Indians of Bocas del Toro, Panama. A remarkable hafted stone hatchet of the Guayaquil Indians was given by Mr. Francesco P. Moreno, of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Rear-Admiral A. V. Eeed, U. S. Navy (retired), deposited a handkerchief of filmy spider-web lace from Paraguay, and from Mr. J. N. Euffin, Buenos Aires, Argentina, two suits of Tobo Indian clothing were purchased. A Makah basket wallet, collected by Admiral Charles Wilkes, U. S. Nav3% and long in the possession of the Wilkes family, was received as a loan from Miss Sophie Pearce Casey, of Washington, District of Columbia. In quality, size, and decoration, the basket is unique. The usual attention was paid to the care of the collections. The Philippine exhibit was taken down and prepared for the Alaska- Yukon-Pacific Exposition, the swords and other articles of metal being cleaned and made rust-proof, and the remainder of the mate- rial being greatly improved. The Philippine weaver, the Zuni, and the Hopi groups were also sent to Seattle, and the cases which they had occupied were used for the installation of the Bradford Cheti- macha baskets, the Ceylon figures, and the Leiter collection of Hindu art textiles. Important accessions have been promptly placed on ex- hibition, which has necessitated the rearrangement of many cases. With the assistance of Mr. Frits von Holm, of Copenhagen, while in the service of the Smithsonian Institution, much progress was made in the labeling of the Chinese and Japanese collections. Constant advance has been made in the preparation of the study and storage collections for removal to the new building. A complete list of ac- cessions by localities has been compiled ; it will be immediately help- ful as well as of historical interest. The acting head curator of the department. Dr. Walter Hough, continued his study of the life and culture of the ancient inhabitants of the upper Gila and Salt rivers in Arizona, based on the large col- lection gathered by the expeditions made possible through the liber- ality of Mr. P. G. Gates. Another investigation which will shortly be completed deals with the cultivation of maize among the Hopi Indians of Arizona, whose methods illustrate an early phase of the cultivation of cereals. The Abbott collections offer a number of inter- esting topics for study, and of these the parang or sword-knife, the EEPOET OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909. 27 blowgiin, and the textures made from the bark of trees have received special attention. A number of jDersons visited the division of ethnolog}' for the pur- pose of studying its collections or its methods of work and installa- tion, and many were furnished information by correspondence. Among artists who were supplied with data regarding Indian cos- tumes and decorative designs were Mr. William Ordway Partridge and Mr. H. K. Bush-Brown. Others who made use of the collections or secured information in various lines were Mr. Stewart Culin, of the Museum of the Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences ; Dr. Samuel A. Barrett, of the University of California ; Mr. E. de K. Leffing- w^ell, who is conducting investigations on the northern coast of Alaska ; Mr. Arthur C. Parker, of the New York State Museum ; Mr. William B. Douglass, of the General Land Office; Mr. Frederick O. Grover, curator of the new museum at Oberlin College, Ohio ; Judge James Wickersham, Delegate for Alaska; Mr. Herman Bucher, in- structor in the department of manual arts, New York City public schools ; and Mrs. John Wilkes, of Charlotte, North Carolina. Influ- enced by a pamphlet on Anthropology in Education for the consular service, by the assistant curator, the Department of State has included this topic in its curriculum of consular instruction, and on July 8, 1908, a number of newly appointed consuls were addressed and shown the collections in the Museum by Professor Mason. Prelustoric archeology. — Of greatest importance among the acces- sions to this division were two collections as follows: The first re- sulted from the excavations and repair of the Casa Grande ruins, Arizona, conducted b}^ Dr. J. Walter Fewkes, under act of Congress approved March 4, 1907. Numbering 662 objects, it comprised stone axes and hammers, rubbing and grinding stones, mortars, paint stones, digging implements, stone balls and spindle-whorls; earthen- ware bowls, pots, ladles, effigy vases, etc.; pieces of basketry and textile fabrics, shell ornaments, bone awls, and wooden implements. These form a valuable addition to the material obtained at the same locality by Doctor Fewkes in 1906-7. The second collection, consist- ing of about 500 objects, was made during similar excavations at the ruins of the Spruce Tree House, in the Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado, in 1908, for the Department of the Interior, by the same ex- plorer. These objects included stone axes and hammers, paint stones and mullers, bone adz, scrapers, awls and needles, wooden planting sticks, awls, arrow-shafts, fire sticks, spindle-whorls, latticework, loops of agave fiber (primitive fastenings for doorways), fragments of blankets or mats (cord and feather work), basket-work sandals, woven head bands, head rings or cushions, buckskin medicine bags, bundles of fiber used in basketry, gaming sticks and hoops. There was also a valuable series of earthenware bowls, mugs, pitchers, etc., 28 REPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM^ 1909. and although many of them were broken, enough pieces were secured to restore about twenty vessels. Mr. W. L. Shear, of Clarendon, Virginia, also contributed a number of objects from the Spruce Tree House, obtained during explorations for the Department of Agri- culture. Mr. Herbert E. Clark, United States vice-consul at Jerusalem, contributed 37 remarkable flint implements of paleolithic types found near Jerusalem on the Plain of Bethlehem and 46 photographs from his large and varied Palestine collection. From the Natural History Museum of P^lbeuf, France, there were received in exchange 273 prehistoric flint and quartzite implements. The Bureau of American Ethnology transferred a collection of stone implements, including hammer stones, roughly shaped pieces (turtle backs), leaf-shaped blades, scrapers, knives, arrow points, etc., obtained during the sum- mer of 1908 at an aboriginal workshop site at the headwaters of the East Branch of the Kennebec River where it leaves Moosehead Lake, by Mr. J. D. McGuire, who presented them to the bureau. The material of the flaked objects is mainly felsitic rhyolite, sometimes called Mount Kineo flint. Another transfer from the bureau con- sisted of 88 aboriginal Carib implements from various sites in the British and Danish West Indies, collected by Mr. C. W. Branch, of St. Vincent. The Carnegie Institution of Washington, District of Columbia, presented 23 examples of pottery, basketry, gourd ves- sels, textiles, etc., secured by Mr. W. J. Peters on the sterile, mortuary island of San Lorenzo, near Callao, Peru. The Mexican Government presented a complete reproduction in plaster of the Tablet of the Cross of Palenque, in consideration of the return to that Government of the original of one section of the tablet brought from Yucatan in 1842 and for many years preserved in the National Museum. A collection of hammer stones and plum- met stones, a small stone mortar, and an engraved stone mace head, from Tiahuanaco, Bolivia, and an earthenware vessel from Nazca, Peru, procured by Mr. William H. Holmes during his trip to South America, was received from the Bureau of American Ethnology. The Department of State transferred an ancient copper bell, found in a cave in the valley of Naco near Santa Cruz de Yojoa, Honduras, by William E. Alger, American consul at Tegucigalpa, Honduras. It is a very interesting piece of aboriginal metal-work, globular in shape, and resembling the modern sleigh bell, but about 2 inches in diameter. The upjDer portion has a wire loop for suspension and, with other pieces of metal attached, takes the form of a grotesque face, more animal than human in conception. Among other things found in the same cave were wooden idols, stone lances, etc. A remarkable carved stone pestle, the5 upper portion representing a human head, was presented by Sehor D. Juan Cabezas, of Carolina, KEPOKT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909. 29 Porto Rico, near which place it was plowed up in a field. Seiior Dias Lira, of Santiago, Chile, contributed an earthenware effigy bot- tle, a perforated stone club head, a double-pitted stone, and a globu- lar stone probably used in games; and Mr. R. E. Lacham, of the same place, 2 stone pestles of unusual form, a stone pigment plate, and 12 fragments of pottery showing incised decorations. Both of these accessions were presented through Mr. Holmes. The many objects received during the year were numbered, labeled, and catalogued, and arranged in unit drawers preparatory to their removal to the new building. Only small additions were made to the exhibition series. Investigations have related mainly to the hammer and pitted stones, edge tools, roughly notched imple- ments, and the geograi^hical distribution of aboriginal pottery. Historic archeology. — The divisions of historic archeology and historic religions were combined under the former title. An im- portant acquisition by the division consisted of a manuscript of the Mahabharata, the great epic of India, comprising 90.000 couplets written in Sanscrit in Bengali characters on palm leaves, presented by the learned rajah. Sir Sourindro Mohun Tagore. A magnificent silver Hanukah lamp of repousse and fretwork of the Louis XV period, used in the Jewish ceremonial during the feast of Dedication, and an artistically written manuscript of the Book of Ecclesiastes were lent by Haidji Ephriam Benguiat and Son. Mention should also be made of a rubbing and photographs of the Nestorian Stone, the oldest monument of Christianity in China and the Far East, donated by Mr. Frits von Holm. An illuminated Arabic manu- script of the Koran, captured in the Philippines by Capt. Charles F. Bates, U. S. Army, was transferred from the Department of War. It shows the effect of hard usage by the Mohammedan natives of Mindanao. To the exhibition collection were added one entire case and several miscellaneous objects of Jewish ceremonial, a series of rosaries, a Dutch Bible of 1742, figures of the goddess Taurt and of Osiris, a piece of mummy cartonage, a lead handle with a human bust, and a wooden statuette. Two papers on material in the division were pub- lished, as follows: " The Collection of Jewish Ceremonial Objects in the U. S. National Museum," by Cyrus Adler and I. M. Casanowicz ; and " The Collection of Rosaries in the U. S. National Museum," by Doctor Casanowicz. Physical anthropolofjy. — The principal additions to this division were as follows: Fort}' -five brains of orangs and monkeys from Ma- laysia, presented by Dr. W. L. Abbott ; over 50 skulls and skeletons of prehistoric inhabitants of Arkansas and Louisiana, constituting the first collection of any size made in that region, from Mr. Clarence B. Moore, of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; 46 skulls and skeletons of 30 REPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909. ancient Egyptians, accompanied by a full set of detailed original notes relating to them, from the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City; Chilean Indian crania, from Mr. R. E. Lacham, of San Isidro, Santiago, Chile; 3 ancient Tarasco Indian crania from Mexico, from the American Museum of Natural History; a collection of bones from burial mounds on Alkali Ridge, southeastern Utah, from the University of Utah ; 5 skulls from mounds in Nebraska, 4 contributed by Mr. R. F. Gilder and 1 by Mr. J. E. Wallace, of Omaha ; 195 nega- tives taken during a joint expedition under the Office of Indian AflFairs and the Smithsonian Institution for the study of tuberculosis among the American Indians by Dr. Ales Hrdlicka ; Indian skulls and bones from an ossuary on Piscataway Creek, Maryland, collected by Mr. J. D. Mctiuire, Doctor Hrdlicka, and Mr. J. H. Reams; human skeletal remains from Casa Grande, Arizona, from the excavations by Dr. J. W. Fewkes; skeleton of a Chinese, from Dr. William D. Owens, U. S. Navy; 2 skulls from the island of San Lorenzo, Peru, from Mr. William J. Peters, of the Carnegie Institution of Washing- ton; 2 Sioux skulls from Pine Ridge, South Dakota, from Dr. J. R. Walker; and 2 skulls from a mound near Bardstown, Mississippi, from Mr. A. F. Barrott, of Washington, District of Columbia. Im- portant anatomical material was also secured from Capt. Irving Rand, U. S. Army; Dr. Henry J. Nichols, U. S. Army; Dr. E. A. Mearns, U. S. Army, and Prof. F. P. Mall, of Johns Hopkins University. Under the joint auspices of the Smithsonian Institution and the Office of Indian Affairs, Dr. Ales Hrdlicka, assistant curator in charge of the division, visited several tribes of Indians, for the pur- pose of ascertaining the prevalence and cause of tuberculosis among them. The results of his investigations are noted in connection with the account of the Sixth International Congress of Tuberculosis on a later page. Through the courtesy of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, of New York City, arrangements were made for the preserva- tion of such skeletal material as might be uncovered during the excavations which that museum has been conducting in Egypt during several years past. Doctor Hrdlicka was detailed to accompany the expedition of last year, at the invitation and expense of the Metro- politan Museum. The importance of his work may be judged by the fact that over 500 mummied bodies and other remains were obtained for the National Museum, and the opportunity was afforded for mak- ing observations on and measurements of living Egyptians and the skulls and bones representing various epochs preserved in the museum at Cairo. On his return trip. Doctor Hrdlicka visited several European museums and laboratories of anthropology and anatomy. Doctor Hrdlicka has continued investigations on the humerus, on the cranial capacities in the American aboriginal race, and on the REPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909. 31 significance of low foreheads in American crania. Studies were com- pleted on three special groups of skeletal material — the Gilder collec- tion from Nebraska, the Fowke collection from Missouri, and the Moore collections from Arkansas and Louisiana. A bulletin by- Doctor Hrdlicka, entitled " Medical and Physiological Observations amons the Indians of Southwestern United States and Northern Mexico," was issued by the Bureau of American Ethnology. The results of the investigation of tuberculosis among the Indians were published in several preliminary reports, and also in a special bulle- tin of the Bureau of American Ethnology. The examination of Mr. Clarence B. Moore's collection of 1909 has been completed and an illustrated report embodying the results is in course of preparation. Technology. — An important accession, completing the transfer of models from the United States Patent Office under act of Congress, comprised 222 objects, including 118 rifles, muskets, revolvers, and pistols, some of much historical importance; 80 models of electrical devices, rare calculating machines, models of printing presses, etc.; and a model of the gasoline automobile invented by Mr. George B. Selden, of Rochester, New York, in 1895, which, it is stated in a report by the Commissioner of Patents, may be considered the pioneer invention in the application of the compression gas engine to road or horseless carriage use. The firearms embrace not only models, but also a large number of full-size pieces, as well as examples illustrat- ing the history of the flint-lock, the percussion pill-lock, and the ordi- nary percussion cap, together with automatic percussion primers fitted to guns and pistols. With the addition of the specimens re- ceived during the past year, the firearms exhibit in the National Museum is now the finest in the country, containing not less than 50 pieces which can not be duplicated. A noteworthy contribution to the section of aeronautics was re- ceived from Mr. Octave Chanute, of Chicago, Illinois, and consists of 3 models, one-fourth the original size, of the gliding machines with which Mr. Chanute has successfully experimented. They comprise the biplane of 1896, the multiple wing of 1896, and the oscillating wing of 1901-2. The Aerial Experiment Association presented, through Dr. Alexander Graham Bell, an exceptionally fine collec- tion of 76 enlarged photographs of the Wright aeroplane taken dur- ing the period of testing by Mr. Orville AVright at Fort Myer, Vir- ginia, in September, 1908. The views show the machine at rest, in different positions during the successful flights, and at the time of the accident which resulted in the death of Lieutenant Selfridge. They constitute a valuable historical record of this important epoch in the history of air navigation. Mr. Alfred C. Clark, of New York City, deposited a Berliner gramophone, with improvements by the lender. A flint-lock horse 12048—09 3 32 REPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909. pistol made at RichmoiKl, \"irginia, in 1808, was lent, and a rare Remington carbine having a split hammer and special locking device was presented by Dr. Walter Hough. Mrs. Malek Ahdel Loring, of Chicago, Illinois, presented a pair of Colt's double-action revolvers and a Colt's army revolver with belt, which had been used by Captain Loring. Dr. Hugh M. Smith, United States Deputy Commissioner of Fisheries, contributed a rare and interesting revolver obtained by him in Japan. A pom-pom shell of a form used by the Boers during their siege of Ladysmith, South Africa, was received from the Hon. Rus- sell Hastings Millward. of Washington, District of Columbia, and a 3-inch artillery shell found in the Canal Zone, from Mr. F. E. Shuck, of Gatun. Prof. Calvin Rae Smith, of Brooklyn, New York, donated 15 watch movements of English and French makes, arranged to show the construction of such mechanisms with rack lever, cylinder, detached lever, verge, Swiss patent lever, vertical, and duplex types of escapement. One of the movements, made by a famous English watchmaker, Eardley Norton, about 1810, is a A'ery rare specimen. Mr. John Hansen, of Washington, District of Columbia, contributed 8 watches and watch movements of American and foreign manu- facture, which form a valuable addition to the historical exhibit of horology. Dr. Thomas Featherstonhaugh, of Washington, District of Columbia, presented an English and a French watch movement, ■ and a pocket chronograph and pocket chronometer devised and made by Mr. C. Fasoldt, of Albany, New York, between 1864 and 1870. The chronograph has a chronometer balance, combination lever, and chronometer escapement, and a micronometer regulator. The mech- anism is operated by an indei^endent movement and is provided with three registering hands, one for minutes, one for seconds, and one for tenths of seconds. Not more than four or five of these chrono- graphs were made, and the location of only one other is now known. The chronometer time mechanism is much like that of the chrono- graph, and both are valuable specimens. A universal sundial and compass for both north and south latitudes was received as a gift from the Keufl'el and Esser Company, of New York City. Two sun- dials, one calculated for the latitude of Washington, were contrib- uted by Mr. Claude L. Woolley, of Baltimore, Maryland. Mr. Elias F. Morgan, of New London, Connecticut, presented a model of a cotton gin made by his father, Elias F. Morgan, which was introduced in 1860 and used in the South for many years, super- seding the "Wliitney gin. A battery made from an ordinary copper gun cap, with which communications were successfully sent across the Atlantic Ocean, through the entire length of the cable, Avas donated by Mr. Henry H. Ward, of East Orange, New Jersey. This REPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909. 33 battery is the smallest of a series used in 1866 to demonstrate that batteries of very high power were not necessary to operate the cable. The aeronautical exhibit under this division now contains Dr. S. P. Langley's small aerodromes of 1896, 1898, and 1903, all of which made successful flights, the engine of his full-size machine, the Stringfellow machine of 1868, the Hargrave machine of 1891, the Lilienthal air-sailer, and the models from Mr. Chanute above referred to. Prominent aeronauts, members of aeronautical clubs, and others, have visited the Museum to study these objects, and the collection of firearms has received equal attention from experts in that field. Many persons connected with or interested in the Hudson-Fulton celebration at New York in September, 1909, have sought informa- tion to be utilized in connection with the exhibits which will be pre- pared for that event, and especially regarding Fulton's steamboat, the ClerTnont. An examination of the model of the Clermont in the Mu- seum and such other data as could be furnished here have served to correct much misapprehension respecting the size and form of that steamer. In September, 1908, a special exhibition of fishing boats was arranged for the benefit of the International Fisheries Congress, which held its session in this city during the last week of that month. Mr. Francis D. Millet also made use of the boat models in preparing a series of paintings illustrative of the history of industrial develop- ment in the United States. Ceramics. — Of exceptional interest among the accessions to this division were a celadon vase and a peachblow vase, both of great beauty and rarity, presented to the Museum by the Imperial Chinese Government. The celadon vase is of the Yung-cheng period (1723- 1735), the peachblow, of the K'ang-hsi period (1662-1722). Three specimens of Hampshire ware were received as a gift from Messrs. J. S. Taft & Co., of Keene, New Hampshire, and placed with the examples of American art ceramics. Miss Katherine Kavanaugh, of Washington, District of Columbia, lent a teapot of the beautiful ivory white glaze in which the Chinese potters have excelled. The general installation has been changed onl}^ in minor respects. The Hippisley collection of Chinese porcelains was carefully rearranged with the aid of Mr. Frits von Holm, in order to bring important pieces into better view. Mr. Alfred E. Hippisley, who is an authority on Chinese porcelains, and whose collection in the National Museum is one of the best known in the world, examined the ceramic series on his return from China during the year, and gave valuable information concerning specimens in the general exhibit. Grajjliic arts. — The accessions in this division were more numer- ous than for some years, among the more noteworthy being 144 process color prints and 32 photogelatin process prints donated by 34 REPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM^ 1909. various companies. Eleven prints in color from wood blocks were presented bv Mr. Walter Bobbett, of Berkeley, California. A collec- tion of models of camera shutters, transferred from the United States Patent Office, illustrate the historical sequence of the inventions for the regulation of the contact of light with the sensitive plate. The collection has also been enriched by 12 photographs in color made by Mr. T. W. Smillie, whose manuscript, entitled " Recent Progress in Color PhotograjDhy," was published in the Smithsonian Report for 1907. Musical instruments. — Noteworthy additions to this collection com- prise a violincello, in which a part of the body is of paper and the head and pegs of carved wood, lent by Mr. A. P. Rice, of the National Museum, by whose great-grandfather it was made about one hundred years ago; a model of a percussion keyboard instrument which sub- stitutes tuning forks for wires, transferred from the Patent Office ; a spinet, the only one in the collection, jDresented by Messrs. F. H. and H. A. Vinton ; a drum or gong of bronze cast in one very thin piece, constituting a remarkable example of metal working, from the Karens, interior of Burmah, who regard such gongs as symbols of wealth, deposited by Mr. H. A. Belden, of Washington, District of Columbia ; instruments of bamboo used by the Igorot Avomen of Benguet, Luzon, Philippines, for keeping time on the march, con- tributed by Dr. Hugh ]M. Smith, United States Deputy Commissioner of Fisheries ; and a unique tubular wooden drum used by the lao, an aboriginal tribe of Canton Province, China, presented by Miss Louise Johnston, Wooster, Ohio. The catalogue of musical instruments of the world, on which Mr. E. H. Hawley has been long engaged, has reached 9,740 entries. AA^ien completed it should contain over 17,000 numbers. Medicine. — The Bureau of Chemistry, Department of Agriculture, transferred 122 specimens of crude drugs of commerce, which had been determined by Dr. H. H. Rusby. A collection of amulets and charms, mostly pertaining to magic medicine, made in England for trade with Africa, Lidia, and Italy, was purchased, and two Indian fetishes from the upper Yukon, Alaska, were contributed by Dr. Ferdinand Schmitter, U. S. Army, Jefferson Barracks, Missouri. The large series of portraits and scenes illustrating the history of medi- cine in America was amplified and sent to the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition at Seattle. Improvements have been made in the method of installation of many specimens in the exhibition collection, and a rearrangement of the series of magic medicine was begun. History. — A most valuable and attractive collection of presents from the Czar of Russia to the Hon. Gustavus Vasa Fox was received by bequest of his widow, Mrs. Virginia L. W. Fox. These objects were given to Mr. Fox during his mission to Russia in 1866 for the REPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909. 35 purpose of conveying the congratulations of the United States to Alexander II on his escape from the attempted assassination of April 16, 1866, and consist of a superb malachite casket, gold and silver medals, illuminated freedom of cities, a silver saltcellar, silver salver, gold snuffbox, letters, and books. A life-size portrait of Gustavus Vasa was deposited by Mr. Gist Blair, and a bound volume of " Fox's Mission to Russia " was contributed by Miss Ellen de Q. Woodbury and Mr. Blair. A valuable silver gilt bowl with dragon handles and a silver model of a Chinese war junk, presented to Mrs. Theodore Roosevelt by the late Empress Dowager of China, were lent for exhi- bition by Mrs. Roosevelt. The following were received from the Navy Department : A large collection of relics of the Jeannette arctic expedition of 1879-1881, found in the snow with the bodies of Lieut. George W. De Long and his men who perished in the Lena Delta, Siberia ; a gold cup, a trophy of baseball championship won at Amoy, China, by members of the crew of the U. S. S. Kentucky; and an engrossed resolution and a gold medal of the Philippine Art Association, prepared to commemorate the visit of the United States fleet in 1908. Mrs. G. Brown Goode presented 9 medals awarded to the late Doctor Goode in appreciation of his work in the advancement of the science of ichthvologv and in recognition of his services in connection with the establishment of the Hodgkins Fund, and also a package of extremely rare Italian playing cards of the seventeenth century, pur- chased in Italy by Doctor Goode. A notable collection of Delaware and Cherokee tribal relics was lent by Mr. Richard C. Adams, repre- sentative in Washington of the Delaware Indians. It consists of a silver pipe, a silver tomahawk, a war club with silver plate, an an- tique cedar flute, a wampum peace belt, and a war bonnet, associated with Delaware history. A large and fine series of the postage stamps of all nations, comprising nearly 20,000 specimens, in 12 portfolios, was deposited by Mr. David W. Cromwell, of New York City. Mrs. Julian James added miniatures and laces to the Bailey-Myers-Mason collection and a volume containing biographical sketches of the Bailey-Myers-Mason families. Mrs. Laura Kilpatrick jNIorgan con- tributed presentation china to the Gen. Judson Kilpatrick collection; and a cap and saber worn by the late Capt. James T. Ord, U. S. Army, during the Spanish war was lent by Mrs. Ord. Mrs. Hosley deposited the sword and belt given to the late Commander Harry H. Hosley, U. S. Navy, by the Larchmont Yacht Club in appreciation of his valuable services to the Government in towing the dry dock Dewey from Chesapeake Bay to the Philippines, and also four cable- grams of congratulation from President Roosevelt and other officials. The original manuscript from the journal of Mr. Samuel Yolk, de- scribing how he made the casts of Lincoln's hands, was presented by 36 REPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909. Mr. Douglas Volk, of New York City, and 13 newspapers published at Richmond, Virginia, in 1865, were received from Mr, George C. Maynard. Among other accessions may be mentioned relics of John Hancock, deposited by Mr. Thomas Chase, of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; a shotgun owned and used by Daniel Webster, presented by Dr. Henry Furness, of Malone, New York ; an autograph letter of Gen. Ulysses S. Grant, given by Mr. Irvine Mitchell, United States commissioner, at St. Louis, Missouri; a cane of the Haytian general and statesman, Toussaint I'Ouverture, donated by Mr. Gaillard Hunt, of the Library of Congress; an autograph letter of Isidore Geoifroy St. Hilaire, gift of Dr. C. W. Richmond, of the National Museum ; a powder gourd carried in the Revolutionary war by William Edwards, and in the civil war by his great-grandson Hon. Thomas J. Edwards, lent by the latter. The National Society of Colonial Dames of America added 24 objects to its collection. The collection of coins and medals was also increased. Much attention was given to the installation, readjustment, and labeling of the collections. The Alaska- Yukon-Pacific Exposition has drawn heavily on the time and material of the division. Among those who obtained assistance were: Mr. Douglas Yolk, who photo- graphed the life mask of President Lincoln made by Leonard Yolk in 18G0 ; Mr. John Ward Dunsmore, of New York, who measured Wash- ington's uniform for use in painting a portrait of the first President; and Mr. W. P. Kyle, who sought information as to the tj^pe of Revolutionary service sword to use on a monument to Gen. James Lirtgan, of the Continental Army. Preparators. — The work of the preparators was actively prose- cuted. Mr. Joseph Palmer was chiefl}^ occupied with the care and repair of specimens, but also made casts of 13 life-size figures from sculpture molds for the Seattle Exposition. Mr. H. W. Hendley completed a number of type busts of Indians for the division of physical anthropology, made casts of archeological specimens, and completed the rehabilitation of the costumed groups in the Museum exhibit. From September, 1908, to May, 1009, Mr. Hendley was attached to the special force engaged in preparations for the Seattle Exposition. DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGY. Among the accessions to this department containing material belonging to more than one division the following are especially noteworthy: A gift of about 1,200 European mammals, besides 61 reptiles, from Mr. Oldfield Thomas, of the British Museum, and Mr. Gerrit S. Miller, jr., of this Museum, so greatly increases the importance of the National Museum collection of the mammals of EEPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909. 37 Europe that it has become one of the largest and most vahiable in the world. The department is again indebted to Dr. W. L. Abbott for a contribution from Borneo consisting of some 700 mammals and 200 birds, a few eggs and nests, and other specimens. Mr. Owen Bryant, of Cohasset, Massachusetts, generously presented about GOO invertebrates obtained by him during a trip to Labrador, and also an egg of the Great Auk, together with other fragments of these eggs and some of the soil in which they were embedded. On behalf of the Peruvian Government, Dr. R. E. Coker donated a large col- lection of Peruvian crustaceans, about 300 sponges and 20 reptiles, and specimens of some 95 species of mollusks, being a part of the material secured during his investigations of the fisheries of that country. A small collection of Australian reptiles and fishes was received from Mr. Henry J. Brown, through the Hon. T. G. B. Kill- master, United States consul at Newcastle, New South Wales. The United States Bureau of Fisheries transferred an exceptional amount of valuable material. In connection with its explorations among the Philippine Islands, Dr. Paul Bartsch, a member of the Museum staff, was detailed to serve for a jear as one of the natural- ists on the steamer Albatross. The collections, to the assembling of which Doctor Bartsch, with the hearty and effective cooperation of the staff of the steamer, jDaid special attention, comprised about 100,000 specimens of mollusks, 48 lots of medusa?, several hundred birds, about 100 reptiles, etc. Other large and important collections transferred by the bureau included 243 lots of medusa?, obtained during the Albatross expedition to the eastern Pacific in 1904-5, 52 lots of alcyonarian corals taken off the coast of California by the Albatross in 1904, and more than 400 sea urchins, 23 lots of sponges of the families Geodidse and Erylidse, and several hundred samples of sea bottom from different parts of the Pacific. A large miscel- laneous collection of fishes, including about 600 specimens from New York and Ohio and a series from Panama, should also be mentioned. Two field parties in which the Institution and Museum are greatly interested left this country during the year for important collecting regions, from both of which especially valuable results may be ex- pected. The first, which will explore in Java and some of the ad- jacent islands, is being conducted by Mr. Owen Bryant, of Cohasset, Massachusetts, entirely at his own expense. He is accompanied by Mr. William Palmer, of the Museum staff, and will present to the Museum a large share of the specimens obtained. The party sailed at the beginning of the calendar year 1909. The second expedition is that organized by Col. Theodore Roosevelt as a hunting trip into British East Africa and more inland districts. It has attached to it three well-known naturalists, Lieut. Col. Edgar A. Mearns, U. S. Army, Mr. E. E. Heller, and Mr. J. Alden Loring, whose expenses 38 REPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, liJOU. are being paid from a private subscription fund given to the Smith- sonian Institution for the purpose. The work on the collections in biology has been mainly of a routine character, owing to the crowded condition of the older buildings and the preparations for moving to the new one. For the same rea- son but fcAV changes were made in the exhibition collections, although the present installations were carefully maintained and to some ex- tent imj^roved. Only a very few specimens were added, but a new card catalogue of the entire exhibition series of mammals was nearly completed at the close of the year. The head curator. Dr. Frederick W. True, served during^ the vear as chairman of the Smithsonian committee on publications. J/rt?n//iafe.— ;-Besides the accessions above noted, the division of mammals received several important acquisitions. The skin and skeleton of an adult male buffalo, in splendid condition, and also several elk antlers were transmitted from the Yellowstone National Park by the superintendent, Maj. H. C. Benson, U. S. Army. The receipts from the National Zoological Park comprised 84 mammals, including many large species such as the roedeer, carabao, orang, Virginia deer, cougar, kangaroo, aouclad, lion, black bear, jDronghorn antelope, bison, etc. Collecting trips for fossil cetaceans along the Calvert Cliffs, Maryland, were continued in the autumn of 1008, under the direction of the head curator, by Mr. William Palmer and Mr. D. B. Mackie. A large amount of valuable material was ob- tained, including many skulls, fragments of skulls, and other remains. Mr. Angel Cabrera, of Madrid, presented three Spanish mammals, , including the type of a new species of squirrel, Sciuriis infuscatus, which he had described. Another valuable lot of IG Spanish mam- mals, comprising a roedeer, fox, badger, etc., were obtained in ex- change from the Rev. Father Saturio Gonzales, of Santo Domingo de Silos. Mr. E. R. Warren, of Colorado Springs, Colorado, transmitted the type of a subsjjecies of chipmunk, named by him Eutamias quadri- vittatus animosus, and the heirs of Dr. Robert J. Nevin contributed 15 mounted heads of large game, chiefly from South Africa. The Marquis G. Doria, of Genoa, Italy, presented a very rare bat from Peru, Amorphochilus schnablii. A skeleton of the dwarf carabao, or tamarao, of Mindoro Island, was received as a donation from Mr. M. L. Merritt, of Grundy Center, Iowa. Two goat antelopes and a badger from western China were purchased of the Rev. W. W. Simp- son, of Taochow, China, and there was also purchased the skeleton of a killer whale from Barnegat, New Jersey, the only authentic speci- men of the kind from the Atlantic coast of the United States in any museum. The majority of the specimens in the collection of European mam- mals, which number several thousand, were identified and labeled, a REPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909. 39 work made possible by the recent extensive studies and collecting- expeditions in Europe of Mr. Gerrit S. Miller, jr., now the curator of the division. Some additional work was done toward rearranging the general collection of rats and mice, and also of squirrels. Some 4,200 skulls, of which about 900 were large or of medium size, were cleaned during the year. There remain, however, a very large number of skulls, received in earlier years, in a more or less unsatisfactory con- dition as regards preparation, which require treatment to free them from grease, dirt, etc. Forty-eight large skins were dressed and folded for preservation and 92 made up for the same purpose. Much scientific work was conducted during the year. JNIention should especially be made of the catalogue of type specimens of mam- mals, including those in the Biological Survey collection, by Messrs. Lyon and Osgood, which has been published. It makes a volume of 325 pages and contains extensive data regarding each type. Other papers on mammals, to the extent of 1,8G0 pages, with numerous plates, were issued. The mammals collected in southern Borneo by Dr. W. L. Abbott, and recently presented by him to the jVIuseum, have been studied by Dr. M. AV. Lyon, jr., assistant curator, who has an annotated catalogue of them partly finished. Two types of Ameri- can species and a dozen other specimens were lent to Dr. J. A. Allen, of the American Museum of Natural History, for comparison. A few other loans were made for similar purposes. The naturalists of the Biological Survey made free use of the collections, as in past years. Dr. F. W. True continued investigations of American fossil cetaceans and published several papers relating to them. Birds. — The birds obtained on the Museum-Zeleclon expedition to Costa Rica, mentioned in the report of last year, were not received in "Washington until after July 1, 1908. They consisted of 1,G30 speci- mens of humming birds, flycatchers, tanagers, etc., including many rarities and the types of two new species. A part of this material was from the Dota Mountain region, which has seldom been visited by naturalists, and was prepared by Mr. Basulto, at the request of Mr. Zeledon, after the return of Mr. Ridgway. A collection of 261 specimens of Philippine birds was received in exchange from the Bureau of Science at Manila, and 165 species, including 5 types, from the same islands were contributed by Dr. E. A. Mearns, U. S. Army. About 60 Abyssinian birds, the first received from that country, were presented by Lady A. McM. Harrington, From Mr. Outram Bangs, of Boston, there was obtained, partly as a gift and partly by exchange, a series of 172 birds from Costa Rica and Jamaica, including a speci- men of the rare Laletes oshurni and other species not previously well represented in the Museum. Three birds from Darien were donated by Mr. R, S. Williams, of New York. A collection of 66 East Indian birds was received in exchange from the Selangor State Museum, and 40 KEPOKT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909. another of 43 specimens, chiefly from South America, was secured in the same manner from Count Hans von Berlepsch, of Germany. Among 10 rare birds, purchased from Mr. W. F, H. Rosenberg, of London, are a specimen of Rudolpli's bird of paradise, a flightless duck from Xew Zealand, Nesonetta aucklandica^ and two species of the genus Miro, now nearly extinct. Of birds' eggs obtained in exchange may be mentioned 56 specimens from Mexico and South America, including the eggs of Calypte helence^ probably the smallest bird known; 8 eggs and a nest of the western golden-crowned kinglet from Mr. J. H, Bowles, of Tacoma, Washington ; and 15 eggs, including 4 of Epidonax gnseus, not previously represented in the Museum, from Mr. "VV. L. Chambers, of Santa Monica, California. Mr. Outram Bangs presented an egg of Vruhithuja gundlachi from Cuba. Work on the fifth part of the Manual of North American Birds was continued by Mr. Robert Ridgway, curator, assisted by Mr. Riley, aid, and the manuscript on four families of passerine birds was com^jleted. The M'orking up of the humming-bird and wood- pecker families and the family Micropodidse was nearly finished, but the goatsuckers still require to be studied. In connection with this investigation, 6,380 specimens were borrowed from other museums for purposes of comparison. A descriptive list of the birds of Uganda, Africa, was prepared by Dr. C. W. Richmond for the use of Dr. E. A. Mearns, and also of about 200 Javan birds for the use of Mr. William Palmer. Doctor Richmond added about a thousand cards to the catalogue of genera and species of birds during the year. Specimens of birds to the number of 930 were lent for examination, including 114 representatives of the genus Piaya^ to Mr. Witmer Stone, of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, for use in the revision of the cuckoos ; and 65 Korean and other Asiatic birds to the Carnegie Museum of Pittsburg, for purposes of identification. The cases containing the reserve collections of bird skins and eggs, 304 in number, were fireproofed with sheet steel, requiring the tem- porary removal of their contents and imposing a considerable task upon the staff. At least 8,000 labels were prepared, mainly for the East Indian collection from Dr. W. L. Abbott, the Costa Rican speci- mens from the Museum-Zeledon expedition, and the Philippine speci- mens from Dr. E. A. Mearns, U. S. Army. Toward the close of the year the collection of birds' eggs, occupying 70 quarter-unit cases, was removed to the new building for storage. Reptiles and hatrachians. — The reptiles collected in the Philippines by Dr. Paul Bartsch while with the steamer Albatross are especially interesting, since in large part they were obtained on islands from which the Museum had previously no material. A number of Philip- pine specimens, chiefly of rare species, were also contributed by Maj. REPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909. 41 J. M. T. Partello, U. S. Army. Dr. E. E. B. McKenney, of Wash- ington, District of Columbia, presented 52 specimens from Panama, and Dr. C. T. Forsyth-Major, of London, 8 specimens from Corsica. There were received in exchange from Mr. Thomas Barbour, of Cam- bridge, Massachusetts, 72 specimens from various parts of the world, including topotj'pes and other important material, and from Mr. J. Hurter, of St. Louis, Missouri, a series of rare salamanders and other valuable specimens. Dr. Leonhard Stejneger, curator of the division, continued his investigation of the reptile fauna of the Philippine Islands. The collection of toads was studied by Miss Mary C. Dickerson, of Xew York, in connection with her work on Xorth American tailless batrachians. Mexican reptiles were examined by Dr. S. E. Meek, of the Field Museum of Natural History ; South American specimens by Mr. Thomas Barbour; and turtles by Dr. O. P. Hay. Fishes. — Besides the large collections from the Bureau of Fisheries, previously referred to, mention should be made of a series of Florida fishes collected by Mr. Barton A. Bean, assistant curator, who, as in several jjrevious years, was invited by Mr. W. H. Gregg to accom- pany him on his yacht Onan., which cruised, this season, from St. Augustine to Molasses Key. There were also received specimens of fishes obtained on the expedition of Dr. S. E. Meek to Central America and during the explorations of Mr. H. J. Brown and Mr. W. D. Filmer about Newcastle and Lake Macquarie, New South Wales. Over 11,500 specimens of fishes were catalogued, labeled, and installed. Special attention was given to labeling and recording types and other rare specimens recently received. A large number of earthenware jars were procured and the specimens which, on account of their size, had previously been kept in copper tanks were transferred to them, with the view of preventing further discolora- tion from contact with the metal. Five lots of fishes were lent for study. Mr. C. V. Burke examined the liparid fishes from America and Japan, occupying a table in the laboratory for about four months; and the naturalists of the Bureau of Fisheries and Dr. Theodore Gill had constant access to the collec- tions. Mr. B. A. Bean and Mr. A. C. Weed described new species of selachians. The former also identified the Costa Rican fishes received the previous year, and continued his study of the Florida fishes, as did Mr. Weed his work on the pickerels. Insects. — This division received several large and important gifts, of which the most noteworthy came from Mr. William Schau.s, who added to his previous donations about 18,000 butterflies and moths from Costa Rica and otlier tropical countries. Mr. H. L. Viereck, of the Bureau of Entomology, U. S. Department of Agriculture, 42 REPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909. and Mr. J. C. Crawford, assistant curator of the division, pre- sented their valuable private collections of Hymenoptera. Mr. Viereck's collection contains about 2,400 specimens, mostly bees, including types of more than 50 species and paratypes of some 50 more. Mr. Crawford's collection consists of about 2,700 specimens, with many types and paratypes. The Bureau of Entomology trans- mitted large collections as in past years. Those reported as of most importance are 2,383 Diptera from Florida and South Carolina, collected by Mr. C. H. T. Townsend; 1,038 miscellaneous insects from Santa Catalina Island, California ; 1,000 insects from Alabama, obtained by Mr. H. H. Smith; and 400 mosquitoes from Dublin, New Hampshire, collected by Mr. A. Busck. From Lord Walsingham and Mr.' F. D. Godman there were received, partly as a gift and .partly in exchange, about GOO micro-lepidoptera from Central America, chiefly cotyj^es of species described in the Biologici Gen- trali-Americmia. Four hundred and twenty Coleoj)tera from the same general region were obtained from Mr. Godman in exchange. About 5,000 Venezuelan insects were purchased, and the Washing- ton Biologists' Field Club added to its previous donations about 1,000 insects from l^lummer's Island, Maryland. The entire collection of Orthoptera was transferred to drawers adapted to the new standard racks, and some progress was made in the same direction with the Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, and Hymenop- tera. The investigations of Doctor Dyar and Mr. Knab on mosqui- toes, mentioned in last year's report, were continued and brought nearly to completion. Loans of insects to specialists for investiga- tion numbered 20 and comprised 4,389 specimens. The largest lot, containing 1,500 tropical American ants, was sent to Dr. William M. Wheeler, of the Bussey Institution, Boston. Prof. A. L. Melander, of Pullman, Washington, obtained 326 Diptera of the family Borbor- idse. Orthoptera of the family Forficulida^, to the number of 328 specimens, were lent to Mr. IMalcom Burr, of Eastr}^, England, and 305 Hemiptera to A. L. IMontandon, of Bucharest, Roumania. ]\Ir. G. C. Champion, of London, received 298 beetles for use in connec- tion with the Biologia Centrali- Americana^ and Prof. H. T. Fernald, of Amherst, Massachusetts, 350 Sphegida? and Ophionina^ for study. Mollusks. — The heirs of the late Chief Engineer Herschel INIain, U. S. Navy, presented a valuable collection of about 1,500 marine shells, which had been obtained in different parts of the world. A very interesting lot of land shells from Cuba and another from the Isthmus of Darien, including new species, were donated b}^ Mr. A. E. Heighway. Among the purchases which comjjrise some of the most important accessions should be mentioned a series of recently de- scribed shells of Japan, a series of rare land and fresh-water shells from Tonkin, China, and land shells from the mountains of Venezuela. KEPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909. 43 About 6,000 lots of specimens were catalogued and labeled. Dr. William H. Dall and Dr. Paul Bartsch completed their monograph of the Pyramidellidse, which has been in progress for about twelve years. Doctor Dall also prepared a report on a collection of mol- lusks from Peru, containing nearly 900 species. Doctor Bartsch con- tinued work on the collection of South African shells presented by Lieut. Col. W. H. Turton, of England. Among persons not con- nected with the ]\Iuseum who made use of the collections, may be mentioned Miss M. C Breen, of Washington, Dr. H. A. Pilsbry, of Philadelphia, and Dr. V, Sterki, of Pittsburg. The assistant curator was absent on detail with the steamer Albatross in the Philippine Islands during the early part of the year, as elsewhere explained. Marine inrerfehrafes. — The large amount of material transferred by the Bureau of Fisheries has been noted on a previous page. Men- tion may here be made of a series of over 400 crabs from the Gulf of Siam, received from the Zoological Museum of Copenhagen, Den- mark, partly as a gift and partly in exchange. It comprises speci- mens of 20 genera and 66 species not previously represented in the National Museum, among them being 9 cotypes. Fifty negatives of types of corals described by Ellis and Solander were obtained from the University of Glasgow, Scotland. One of the f)rincipal subjects of routine was the transfer to the regular catalogues of the data relating to specimens formerly in the custody of Prof. A. E. Verrill. A cataloguer was employed for six months especially for this work. As in previous years, a large amount of time was occupied in selecting, invoicing, and packing si^ecimens sent out for study and identification, and in caring for them on their return. These transactions are of great benefit to the Museum as well as to the various zoologists concerned. The sendings are seldom loans in a strict sense, but consist in most cases of un- identified material which it is of great advantage to the Museum to have studied and identified, and, indeed, without the gratuitous cooperation of specialists, it would be impossible to make headway in many groups. During the year sjjecimens were forwarded under these conditions to 28 naturalists in the United States and other parts of the world. The general collection of unidentified fresh-water sponges was transmitted to Dr. N. Annandale of Calcutta, India, who is monographing the fresh-water sponges of the world. Dr. J. A, Ashworth, of Edinburgh, who is working up the Arenicolida?, ob- tained the use of 36 lots of specimens. The unidentified Atyida^ were sent to Prof. E. L. Bouvier, of the Museum of Natural History, Paris, and the unnamed compound ascidians from the Pacific Ocean north of California, to Dr. A. G. Huntsman for examination in connection with his studies of the ascidians of British Columbia. Dr. R. C. Osburn, of New York, received the collection of bryozoans from 44 REPOET OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909. southern New England to assist him in his work on the bryozoans of eastern North America. Additional specimens of barnacles were sent to Doctor Pilsbry; of parasitic copepods to Dr. C. B. Wilson; and of ophiurans to Dr. H. L. Clark. Reference was made in the report for 1907 to the arrangements made Avith Dr. J. A. Cushman, of the Boston Society of Natural History, to sort out, identify, and prepare sets of the foraminifera of the North Pacific Ocean from the large collections of the Museum, mainly secured by the Bureau of Fisheries steamer Albatross, and to j)repare a monograph on the group. This work has progressed steadily during the last two years, a large number of microscopic slides and illustrations has been prepared, and the manuscript is re- ported to be well advanced. The material furnished to Doctor Cush- man last year comi^rised samples of ocean bottom obtained by the steamer Albatross in 1906, the U. S. steamers Nero and Alert ^ and a few others. The several groups of marine invertebrates collected by Mr. Owen Bryant, of Cohasset, Massachusetts, during a cruise to Labrador, were sent to the following zoologists who have kindly ottered to identify the species and describe such as are new : Dr. W. R. Coe, Dr. J. Percy Moore, Dr. J. H. Gerould, Dr. L. J. Cole, Dr. H. A. Pilsbry, Mr. R. W. Sharpe, Dr. R. C. Osburn, Dr. W. A. Herdman, Dr.^ J. P. McMurrich, Prof. C. C. Nutting, and Dr. R. W. Miner. Similarly, the sponges and crustaceans of Peru presented by Dr. R. E. Coker on behalf of the Peruvian Government were submitted to Dr. H. V. Wilson, Dr. N. Annandale, Dr. H. A. Pilsbry, Dr. A. O. Walker, and Miss A. L. Weckel. Comparative anatomy. — A complete card catalogue of the collec- tion of cetaceans was prepared. In the latter part of the jear all the skeletons and other material belonging to the division were removed from the rented storage buildings, the majority being transferred to the new Museum building in packing boxes and the remainder to the taxidermists' shed south of the Smithsonian building. A card cata- logue of the latter, covering the contents of over 60 packing boxes, was made for reference. The cleaned skeletons were brought to the pres- ent Museum building, numbered, labeled, and put in cases. At pres- ent this division is not manned, the work being carried on personally by the head curator with the aid of preparators and others. Plants. — The largest accessions to the National Herbarium were ob- tained by exchange, and include 3,000 plants, chiefly New Mexican, from the Agricultural College of New Mexico ; 1,427 plants, mainly rare cacti and herbarium specimens from the West Indies, from the New York Botanical Garden ; 579 plants from the Bureau of Science, Manila, including duplicates of many ncAV species; and 248 examples, mostly ferns, from the British Museum. Of purchases, the most REPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 190{>. 45 important were 235 Philippine and 889 Mexican plants. The Car- negie Institution of Washington jDresented 97 jDlants; Mr, F. E. Lloyd, 194 Mexican plants; and Mr. E. I. Applegate, 360 specimens from Oregon. Capt. John Donnell Smith, of Baltimore, who in 1905 presented about 100,000 mounted specimens to the Smithsonian Insti- tution with the understanding that certain parts of the collection might be retained in Baltimore for a short time, transferred about 7,000 sheets of ferns in March of the past year. Specimens to the number of 15,513 were stamped and incorporated in the permanent herbarium, making the total number so disposed of since the transfer of the herbarium to the Museum in 1894, 347,874. The number of specimens mounted was 15,580. Forty unit herbarium cases, comprising 960 pigeonholes, w^ere added to the stack, increas- ing the number of pigeonholes in use to 11,818. Many of the cases were fireproofed with a covering of sheet metal, which required the removal of the contents of several cases at a time, and engaged much of the attention of the assistants for a long period. The work was not completed at the close of the j^ear. The increase of routine work left little time for scientific investi- gations on the part of the associate and assistant curators. Doctor Rose continued studies on the cacti and other Mexican and Central American plants and Mr. Maxon on ferns. The latter also edited the manuscript on ferns left by the late Dr. L. iSI. Underwood. The director of the New York Botanical Garden and the curator of its herbarium spent some time at the National Museum. Mr. W. W. Eggleston, of Eutland, Vermont, made studies of the genus Cratcegus^ and Miss Alice Eastwood, of San Francisco, of California plants. Dr. J. ]\I. Coulter, head professor of botany. University of Chicago, remained here several months at work on a manual of botany and also prepared in collaboration with Doctor Rose a supplement to their monograph of North American Umbelliferse. The large series of specimens of violets was examined by Dr. Ezra Brainerd, ex-presi- dent of Middlebury College, Vermont. The botanists of the Depart- ment of Agriculture made extensive use of the herbarium during the year. About 2,400 specimens of plants, exclusive of those borrowed by botanists in the government service, were lent to twenty botanists and botanical institutions. The largest lots sent out were as follows: 1,153 ferns of the genus Dryopteris to Mr. C. C. Christensen, of Copenhagen, Denmark; 131 specimens of the genus Plantago to Prof. E. L. Morris, of Washington, District of Columbia ; 111 speci- mens of Vittaria and 57 ferns to Mr. R. C. Benedict, of New York; 117 ferns of the genus Asplenimn to Miss W. J. Robinson; 317 mis- cellaneous plants to Mr. W. W. Eggleston, of Rutland, Vermont; 273 specimens of the genus' Usnea to Mr. R. H. Howe, jr., of Concord, Massachusetts. 46 EEPOET OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909. Preparators. — The chief taxidermist finished for the exhibition series the mounting of the markhor mentioned in last ^^ear's report, and also of 3 elk heads, a mink, and 7 other small mammals. The preparation of a takin, a large Chinese antelope, was nearly com- pleted. He also made a special experimental mounting of 4 skulls of large mammals with horns, as a basis for deciding upon the method to be adopted for the installation of such specimens in the new build- ing. Among other work performed by the chief taxidermist and his assistant was the preparation and repair of many specimens for both the exhibition and reserve collection, and the preliminary treatment of skins for mounting in the future. Of 183 animals received from the National Zoological Park, comprising 84 mammals, 5(5 birds, and 43 reptiles, the skins and skulls of all but 20 were j)reserved, and 38 skeletons were made. The principal work by the bird taxidermist was in continuation of remounting valuable skins from the exhibition series and repairing skins belonging to the study series, the number of which was large. The osteological preparator mounted skeletons of a hog and a vampire, and with an assistant cleaned 21 skeletons, chiefly large mammals, roughed out 32 more, cleaned 954 skulls, and also 28 sets of antlers. Various repairs were made and much miscellaneous work was done, including the moving of all the specimens tools, and equip- ment from the rented buildings. The chief modeler and general preparator was detailed for work in the field for the greater part of the year, first to collect fossils in the Calvert Cliffs, Maryland, and afterwards to accompany Mr. Owen Bryant on an expedition to Java, where he was at the close of the year. Before leaving for Java he put together most of the fossil skulls and other large pieces which he had obtained in Marjdand, and made a report on this material. DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY. Systematic and applied geology. — Of nine collections of rock specimens transferred by the United States Geological Survey, the most important came from the Bradshaw Mountains of Arizona, the Sugar Loaf district and the Silverton and Boulder quadrangles of Colorado, and Goldfield, Nevada. Two valuable gifts consisted of a specimen of gold ore from Messrs. Taylor and Price, of Goldfield, and 5 jars of Mexican graphite from the United States Graphite Company", of Saginaw, Michigan. With the exception of a study of the origin of certain copper ores, begun b}^ the assistant curator. Dr. F. B. Laney, most of the research work was carried on by the head curator, Dr. George P. Merrill, and has mainly related to petrography and the composition of stony meteorites. Doctor Merrill also visited the phosphate regions of EEPOKT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909. 47 Tennessee and the quarry regions of Bowling Green, Kentucky, and Kettle River, Minnesota, securing small collections at each place. Mineralogy. — The more noteworthy additions consisted of speci- mens of the new minerals hillebrandite and spurrite, donated by Dr. Y. E. Wright, of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, and of some fine examples of epidote, datolite, quartz, and beryl, the gift of Mr. C. S. Bement, of PhiladeliDhia. A beautiful series of California tourmalines, both cut and in the rough, was deposited by Mr. A. E. Heighway. Studies were carried on relative to the chemical nature of meteor- ites, and two papers were published. The assistant curator of the division, Mr. Wirt Tassin, also rendered important service in con- nection with the construction of the new Museum building, especially with reference to the metal work of the windows, roofs, and dome. Invertehrate paleontology. — ^The principal accessions of the year have been as follows: A large series of Cambrian fossils from the Rocky Mountain region, collected by the Secretary of the Institu- tion, Dr. Charles D, Walcott, with the help of the assistant curator, Mr. L. D. Burling; about 3,000 Paleozoic fossils from the Appa- lachian Vallev and central Tennessee, bv the curator of the division. Dr. Ray S. Bassler; and a collection of Tertiary fossils from the Coalinga district, California, containing the types described by Mr. Ralph Arnold, transferred by the United States Geological Svirvey. The registration of the Bryozoa in the biologic series was com- pleted. The Hambach collection received the previous year was arranged and a portion of it registered and numbered. Altogether some 13,727 specimens were placed in permanent museum form, and the catalogue of type material received during the year was kept up to date. Some 40 trays of graptolites, 330 boxes of other Paleozoic, and 38 of Mesozoic fossils have been removed from storage and placed in condition for examination. A great mass of graptolite material, including a large collection transferred from the United States Geological Survey, has been carefully overhauled and worked up during the year, and a large number of duplicates and worthless specimens eliminated. The collection now occupies about 200 stand- ard drawers. The Cambrian and Ordovician portions of this collec- tion have been studied and identified by Dr. E. O. Ulrich, of the United States Geological Survey, and the material from later forma- tions by the curator of the division. Doctor Bassler completed a bulletin on the stratigraphy of Appa- lachian Virginia, and another on the Dendroid Graptolites of the Xiagaran dolomites at Hamilton, Ontario, besides a joint monograph with Doctor Ulrich on the Cambrian bivalved crustaceans. Vertebrate paleontology. — Of especial interest among the acces- sions to this division was a large amount of material obtained by 12048—09 4 48 REPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909, Mr. A. C. Silberliiig from the Fort Union beds of Sweet Grass Connt}^, Montana, parthj^ for the United States Geological Survey and partly under the auspices of the National Museum. This collec- tion contains over 300 small and fragmentary specimens, representing many new and little-known mammalian forms, and is considered of great importance, both geologically and paleontologically. A fossil rhinoceros skull, obtained from Mr. E. Pfizenmayer, of St. Peters- burg, Russia, forms a valuable addition to the exhibition series. Two accessions, transferred through the head curator of biology, comprise a very considerable and interesting series of cetacean re- mains, chiefly from the Miocene at Calvert Cliffs, Maryland, includ- ing some new discoveries. Mr. James AV. Gidley, custodian, prepared and made a preliminary study of about 100 specimens of the small mammals from the Fort Union beds, examining collections at the American Museum of Nat- ural History in connection with this work. He also described Bnsilo- saurus from the southern coastal plain, and devoted considerable time to the restoration of the skull of this form, with the view of in- stalling an entire skeleton with the exhibition series in the new build- ing. Other researches in progress or completed by Mr. Gidley related to Ptilodus.^ Basal Eocene mammals, a specimen of Glyptodon from Texas, and the foot and limb structure in mammals. The work of Mr. Charles W. Gilmore, custodian of fossil reptiles, has been largely directed to the preparation of materials for exhibi- tion. The more important pieces so far made ready are fairly com- jjlete skeletons of C amptosaurus hrowni Gilmore and Ceratosaurus nasicomis Marsh. The skull and neck of a Tylosaurus and the wing of a large Pteranodon have also been prepared for exhibition. The models of the ceratopsian skulls received in exchange from the Yale Museum a year ago have been arranged for exhibition. A card catalogue of the materials now in storage belonging to this division has been prepared and is considered to be fairly complete. Mr. Gilmore completed his study begun the previous year on the camptosaurian material, and a paper entitled "A new Rhynchocepha- lian from the Jurassic of Wyoming." He also began a report on the extinct reptilian fauna of North Carolina. During June he ex- amined the laboratory ' and workshop equipment of the Carnegie Museum at Pittsburg, Avith reference to fitting up similar quarters in the new building. Paleobotany. — This division received only two accessions that need be mentioned in this connection — one of 26 specimens, including G types, from the Kootanie beds; the other comprising over 200 speci- mens of fossil wood from Arizona, which have been placed in the hands of Prof. E. C. Jeffrey, of Harvard University, for study. No EEPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909. 49 changes in the exhibition series have been made. The specimens were, however, removed from the shelves and the entire exhibit cleaned and rearranged. The work of renumbering and cutting down the study series has been carried on as usual, and all the collections from the Potomac formation have been thus revised. DISTRIBUTION AND EXCHANGE OF SPECIMENS. Eighty-two regular sets, consisting of geological specimens only to the number of 7,739, were distributed during the year for educa- tional purposes. In addition about 1,300 specimens of geology, marine invertebrates, and fishes were sent out in special sets for the same purpose. There were lent for study to specialists not officially connected with the Museum staff 18,412 specimens from the depart- ment of biologj^ and 57G specimens from the department of geology. Exchanges were carried on as usual with scientific institutions and individuals, and for this purpose 10,084 duplicate specimens were used, 3,552 being geological, 530 anthropological, and 6,002 zoological and botanical. The extent of the exchange relations with institutions abroad is indicated by the following list: The British Museum of Natural History, London, England; the University of Glasgow, Scotland; the Museum d'Histoire Naturelle, Elbeuf, France; the Konigl. Zoologisches Museum, Berlin, and the Konigl. Botanischer Garten und Museum, Dahlem, Steglitz bei Berlin, Germany; the Jardin Botanique de TEtat, Brussels, Belgium; the Botani'sk Museum and the Zoologisches Museum, Copenhagen, Denmark; the Xaturhistor- iska Riksmuseum, Stockholm, and the Botanischer Garten, Upsala, Sweden; the Bergen Museum, Bergen, Norway; the Rijks Museum van Natuurlijke Histoire, Leiden, Holland ; the Botanisches Museum, Universite de Lausanne, Switzerland; the Museo de Ciencias Nat- urales, ]\Iadrid, Spain ; the Ilegia Museo Zoologico, Turin, Italy ; the K. K. Naturhistorisches Ilofmuseum, Vienna, Austria ; the Indian Museum and the Royal Botanic Garden, Calcutta, India ; the Royal Botanic Gardens, Peradeniya, Ceylon; the Department of Agricul- ture, Buitenzorg, Java ; the Selangor State Museum, Kuala Lumpur, Federated Malay States. Exchanges were also carried on with the following individuals in foreign countries: Prof. W. A. Herdman, Liverpool, Mr. Edward Lovett, Croydon, Mr. R. Shelford, Oxford, and Mr. Alfred O. "Walker, Ulcombe, Maidstone, Kent, England ; Mr. AVilliam Eagle Clarke, Edinburgh, Scotland ; Mr. Stanislas Meunier and Dr. Emile G. Racovitza, Paris, France; Professor von Hansemann, Berlin, and Count Hans von Berlepsch, Cassel, Germany; Dr. J. H. Bonnema, The Hague, Holland; Mr. Friedrich Hendel, Vienna, Austria; Prof. 50 KEPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909. Lajos Meliely, Budapest, Hungary; Prof. E. Monaco, Portici, Naples, Italy; Dr. H. Christ, Basel, and Messrs. Grebel, Wendler & Co., Geneva, Switzerland ; Eev. Father Saturio Gonzales, Santo Domingo de Silos, Spain; Mr. C. J. Gabriel, Abbotsford, Melbourne, Aus- tralia; Dr. Eugenio Giacornelli, La Rioja, Argentina; Seilor Juan Tremoleras, Montevideo, Uruguay; Mr. Federico Eichlam, Guatemala. MISCELLANEOUS. VISITORS. The number of visitors to tlie National Museum buildinc; durine the year 1908-9 was 245,187, a daily average of 783 ; and to the Smith- sonian building 198,054 j^ersons, a dail}^ average of 632. The following tables show, respectively, the attendance during each month of the past year and for each year beginning with 1881, when the Museum building was first opened to the public : Numhcr of visitors during the year ending June 30, 1009. Year and month. 1908, July August September October November December Museum building. 13, 545 21,094 21,210 18, 866 14, 399 14,015 Smithson- ian building. 11,327 17, 795 18, 938 15, 475 12, 753 10, 758 Year and month. 1909. January February March April May June Total Museum building. 12,006 15, 702 54, 408 25,353 17, 495 17, 094 245, 187 Smithson- ian building. 9,085 11, 403 43, 686 19, 957 13, 279 13, 598 198, 054 Nuniher of visitors to the Museum and Smithsonian huildings since the opening of the former in 1881, Year. 1881 1882 1883 1884 (half year).... 1884-85 (fiscal year) 1885-86 1886-87 1887-88 1888-89 1889-90 1890-91 1891-92 1892-93 1893-94 1894-95 1S95-9G Museum building. 150,000 167, 455 202, 188 97, 661 205, 026 174, 225 216, 562 249, 665 374, 843 274, 324 286,426 269, 825 319,930 195, 748 201, 744 180.505 Smithso- nian building. 100,000 152,744 104,823 45, 565 105, 993 88, 960 98, 552 102, 863 149,618 120, 894 111, 669 114,817 174, 188 103, 910 105,658 103,650 Year. 1896-97 1897-98 1898-99 1899-1900... 1900-1901... 1901-2 1902-3 1903-1 1904-5 1905-6 1906-7 1907-8 1908-9 Total ^luseum building. 229, 606 177, 254 192, 471 225, 440 216, 556 173, 888 315, 307 220, 778 235,921 210,886 210, 107 299, 659 245, 187 6,519,187 Smithso- nian building. 115,709 99, 273 116,912 133, 147 151, 563 144, 107 181,174 143, 988 149, 380 149, 661 153, 591 237, 182 198, 054 3,757,645 REPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909. 51 PUBLICATIONS, The jDublications issued during the year consisted of the annual report for 1908, volumes 34 and 35 and part of volume 36 of the Pro- ceedings, Bulletins 62, 63 and 64, and 7 parts of two volumes of Con- tributions from the National Herbarium. Volume 34 of the Proceed- ings contained 17 papers; volume 35, 28 papers; and the uncompleted volume 36, 35 papers; a total of 80 papers, all of which were sepa- rately printed- and distributed in small advance editions for the early information of si^ecialists. The titles of the bulletins were as follows : Xo. 62, " Catalogue of the Type-Specimens of Mammals in the United States National Museum, including the Biological Survey Collection," by Marcus W. Lj'On, jr., and Wilfred H. Osgood; No. 63, "A Monographic Revision of the Coleoptera Belonging to the Tenebrionide Tribe Eleodiini Inhabiting the United States, Lower California, and Adjacent Islands," by Frank E. Blaisdell, sr. ; and No. 64, ''A Critical Sum- mary of Troost's Unpublished ^lanuscript on the Crinoids of Ten- nessee," by Miss Elvira Wood, of Columbia University, New York. The following papers appeared as parts of Volumes XII and XIII of the Contributions from the National Herbarium : Volume XII. — Part 4, " The Mexican and Central American Species of Sapium," by Henry Pittier ; Part 5, " New or Noteworthy Plants from Colombia and Central America," by Henry Pittier ; Part 6, " Catalogue of the Grasses of Cuba," by A. S. Hitchcock ; Part 7, " Studies of Mexican and Central American Plants, No. 6," by J. N. Rose; Part 8, "The Allioniacea3 of the United States, with Notes on Mexican Species," by Paul C. Standley ; and Part 9, " Miscellaneous Papers," containing '• Thompsonella, a New Genus of Crassulacese from Mexico," by N. L. Britton and J. N. Rose; "Rediscovery of Echeveria Carnicolor," " Three New Species of Crassulacese from Guatemala," " Rediscovery of Cereus Nudiflorus," "A Species of Pereskia from Guatemala," " New Species of Opuntia from Arizona," " Echinocereus Baileyi, a New Cactus from Oklahoma," " Nopalea Lutea, a New Cactus from Guatemala," "Conzattia, a New Genius of Ca^salpiniacese," and "Two New Species of Acacia of the Series Filicina^," all by J. N. Rose ; and "A New Spleenwort from China," by William R. Maxon. Volume XIII. — Part 1, " Studies of Tropical American Ferns, No. 2," by William R. Maxon. In addition to the above, 9 papers based upon Museum material, the majority of which were by members of the Museum staff, were published in the Quarterly Issue of the Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections. Several papers which had appeared in publications of previous years and for which there is still a constant demand were reprinted. 52 REPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM^ 1909. The editorial office is charged with all printing for the Museum, which comprises, besides the publications, much miscellaneous work. The most important of the latter is probably the furnishing of labels for the collections, although there are many forms of blanks to be supplied, and the binding of books for the library is also included. LIBRARY. The library, .which is limited to the subjects belonging within the scope of the Museum, has received many important gifts. Dr. Charles A. AMiite, Dr. William H. Dall, and Dr. Charles W. Richmond have, as usual, presented a large number of scientific publications of value in completing sets and the series of authors' separates. From the estate of the late Dr. Otis Tufton Mason, through the liberal inter- pretation of his bequest b}^ the executor. Dr. E. B. Pollard, the Museum has obtained Doctor Mason's working library relating to anthropology besides other volumes of a general character, and also his manuscript, notes which are destined to be of much service. Another noteworthy gift consisted of about 1,000 pamj^hlets on min- eralogy and kindred subjects from Mr. Wirt Tassin, for several years a member of the staff as assistant curator of mineralogv. Additions were made by Mr. William Schaus to his notable collection for which a special bookplate has been engraved, and acknoAvledgments are also due to Dr. E. A. Schwarz, Mr. Wilfred H. Osgood, Dr. O. P. Hay, and Dr. W. P. Hay for numerous contributions. A complete collec- tion of the entomological writings of the late Dr. William H. Ash- mead, together with his manuscript notes, was secured by purchase. The Museum library contains 30,244 volumes and 50,010 unbound papers, the additions during the 3^ear having comprised 2,G80 books, 3,671 pamj)hlets, and 22T parts of volumes. There were catalogued 1,280 books, 1,400 complete volumes of periodicals, and 4,213 pam- phlets. About 1,800 volumes were sent to the Government Printing Office for binding. PHOTOGRAPHY. The photographic laboratory is not only exceptionally well equipped for its manifold purposes, but has been fortunate in retaining for over forty-five years the services of Mr. T. W. Smillie, whose experience and successful results have placed him in the foremost rank of scien- tific photographers. The laboratory has, however, alwa3-s been inade- quate in size and adaptation for the quality of work expected of it, and in vieAv of the opportunity offered by the prospective transfer of the contents of adjoining rooms to the new building its rehabilita- tion was begun just before the close of the fiscal year. An important piece of special work accomplished during the year was the preparation of an exhibit for the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific REPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909. 53 Exposition, illustrating- the history of ^photography from about 1824 to the present time. This required the making of numerous bromide enlargements and photographs in color by the most recent methods. Mr. Smillie also invented a process for producing by synthesis a white coating on fossils and other like objects of ^Yhich it is desired to photograph the form without regard to color. This process has been patented in the interest of the Government and the public at large. Mr. Smillie continues to act as the advisor of the Civil Service Com- mission in all examinations in which the subject of photography is involved. The routine work of the year consisted in making 791 negatives, 1,599 silver prints, 1,190 velox prints, 3,097 blueprints, and 31 lantern slides. CONGRESSES AND MEETINGS. International Congress on Tuberculosis. — The new building for the National Museum, although still in a very unfinished state, was christened by the sixth gathering of this important congress, which remained in session from September 21 to October 12, 1908. The attendance was large and notable, and the proceedings were indicative of the energetic fight which is being waged against the white plague. The use of the building was secured for the purpose through a special act of the United States Congress, which also appropriated sufficient funds for the necessary preparations. The space occupied consisted of the middle hall and both sets of ranges in the first and second stories, a part of the basement, and one of the open courts. One-half of the middle hall was set apart as a general assembly room, while the remainder of the floor area was divided by wooden partitions into apartments for sectional meetings and the exhibition of specimens. One of the important features of the congress was an exhibition illustrating the spread of tuberculosis among the American Indians, contributed by the Snjithsonian Institution in conjunction with the Office of Indian Affairs. Of the appropriation of $25,000 for partici- pation by the Government in the congress, $1,000 was allotted to the Smithsonian Institution, and Dr. Ales Hrdlicka, assistant curator of physical anthropology in the National Museum, who had already made a study of the subject, was detailed to conduct additional ob- servations under the joint ausjjices of the Institution and the Office of Indian Affairs. He was in the field from the beginning of July until the 1st of September, 1908, accomjjanied by a bacteriologist, and visited the Menominee, Sioux, Quinault, Hupa, and Mohave tribes. In three of the tribes over 100 families were examined,. and in the case of the Hupas every member of the tribe. The exhibit resulting from this investigation comprised charts, maps, photographs, etc., covering the screen walls of a space 18 by 40 feet square, to which were added two lay-figure groups from the collection of the Museum, representing 54 REPORT OF NATIONAL, MUSEUM, 1909. the conditions under "which the Indians lived in 1850. In this manner were illustrated the great prevalence of tuberculosis to-day among the tribes referred to, and the changes in their mode of living from the middle of the last century when this dread disease is said not to have prevailed. This exhibit was awarded a gold medal, and later was displayed in greater part at the American Museum of Natural History in Xcav York, and in Philadelphia. The International Association of Medical Museums, which has recently started uj^on an important work, also held its second meeting in connection with the Tuberculosis Congress. The advisability of affiliation with the American Association of Museums was one of the subjects discussed, and by invitation Mr. Rathbun, assistant secretary of the Institution, spoke upon the scope and purposes of the latter organization, of which he is a member. International Fishery Congress. — This congress held its fourth meeting in Washington from September 22 to 26, 1908, using the large assembly halls in the New Willard Hotel for most of its regular sessions and social functions. The invitation had been extended by the Bureau of Fisheries on behalf of the United States Government, and was joined in by the American Fisheries Society, which also assembled in Washington at the same time for its annual meeting. A small appropriation was made by the United States Congress to aid in covering the necessary expenses, and many of the scientific bureaus of the Government having interests pertaining to fishery matters participated. The membership was larger than at the two previous congresses, numbering more than 400. Fifteen countries were represented offi- cially and 11 others by delegates of societies or by individuals. Besides the delegates on the part of this Government, 43 States and Territories and 20 American societies, clubs, and other institutions sent representatives. The i^resident of the congress was Dr. Her- man C. Bumpus, director of the American Museum of Natural His- tory, and the secretary-general. Dr. Hugh M. Smith, United States Deputy Commissioner of Fisheries. In view of its scientific rela- tions with the fisheries, the Smithsonian Institution took an active part, being represented by Dr. Theodore N. Gill and Dr. Frederick W. True, on behalf of the Institution proper, and by Mr. W. de C. Ravenel and Dr. Leonhard Stejneger, on behalf of the National Museum. Mr. Richard Rathbun, assistant secretary of the Institu- tion, served as a delegate at large of the Government. At the business sessions an excellent programme was carried out, many of the communications presented being especially important. On the first day the foreign delegates were received at the Depart- ment of State, and the opening meeting was held in the hall of the National Geographic Society. Among the general functions were REPORT OF -NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909. 55 receptions by the President, at the White House, and the Secretary of Commerce and Labor, at his residence; luncheons by the Ameri- can Fisheries Society, the Bkie Ridge Rod and Gun Club, and the Alaska Packers' Association, and a dinner at the Raleigh Hotel. After the close of the meeting excursions were made to a number of interesting fishing centers. Among the prizes offered in competition for essays on fishery subjects was one of the value of $200 tendered by the Smithsonian Institution for a dissertation on " International regulations of the fisheries on the high seas, their history, objects, and results." The National Museum also joined with the Bureau of Fisheries in pre- paring an exhibit appropriate to such a congress. The former assembled a large series of models of fishing boats and specimens of the useful fishes, reptiles, and batrachians; the latter brought together examples of the aj^paratus used in the fisheries and fish culture and specimens of the different kinds of aquatic invertebrates of commercial value. The next meeting of the congress will be held in Rome. Italy, in 1911, the fiftieth anniversary of the unification of that country, the invitation having been extended by the Italian Fisheries Society and the city of Rome. The Fisheries Congress has a permanent organization, with headquarters in Paris, under the presidency of Prof. Edmond Perrier, director of the National Museum of Natural History of France. The first meeting was held in Paris in 1900, the second in St. Petersburg in 1902, and the third in Vienna in 1905. Pan-American Scientific Congress. — Among the delegates ap- pointed to represent the United States at this congress, held at Santiago, Chile, from December 25, 1908, to January 5, 1909, was Mr. William H. Holmes, Chief of the Bureau of American Ethnol- ogy and curator of prehistoric archeology in the National Museum. The report of Mr. Holmes on the work of the congress belongs else- where, but it may be said here that throughout his trip he kept the interests of the Museum constantly in mind and made many observa- tions which will be of value in the future installation of collections. Arrangements were also entered into for the exchange of specimens. Fifteenth International Congress of Orientalists. — Dr. Paul Haupt, jirofessor of Semitic philology in Johns Hopkins University and associate of the Museum in historic archeolog}'^, represented the Smithsonian Institution and National Museum at the Fifteenth International Congress of Orientalists, held in Copenhagen, Den- mark, from August 14 to 20, 1908. Doctor Haupt was also a dele- gate on behalf of the United States Government at the same congress, serving in conjunction with Dr. C. R. Lanman, of Harvard Uni- versity, Prof. Morris Jastrow, of the University of Pennsylvania, and Prof. A. V. W. Jackson, of Columbia University. 56 REPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909. Centenary celehration of the London Geological Society. — Dr. Arnold Hague, of the United States Geological Survey, acted as the representative of the Smithsonian Institution and National Museum at the centenary celebration of the London Geological Society, Sep- tember 26 to 28, 1908. National Academy of Sciences. — The annual meeting of the Na- tional Academy of Sciences was held in Washington from April 21 to 23, 1909. Accommodations in the Smithsonian building were furnished for the business sessions of the academy, while one of the halls in the Museum building was fitted up as a lecture room for the public meetings, at which many interesting scientific papers were read. EXPOSITIONS. AlasJx'a-Yukon-Pacific Exposition^ Seattle., Washington. — By an act approved May 27, 1908, Congress authorized an exhibition by the Government at the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition, beginning on June 1 and closing on October 15, 1909, and appropriated for that purpose the sum of $200,000, to be expended under the direction of a board of managers composed of three persons in the employ of the Government. This board was charged with the selection, purchase, preparation, transportation, arrangement, safe-keeping, exhibition, and return of such articles and materials as the heads of the several departments and the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, re- sjDectively, might decide should be embodied in the exhibition. To aid the people of Alaska, Hawaii, and the Philippine Islands in mak- ing and maintaining appropriate and creditable exhibits of the prod- ucts and resources of thfeir territories, an additional appropriation of $150,000 was provided, to be disbursed under the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of War. The Secretary of the Treasury was, furthermore, directed to erect the necessary buildings, for which an appropriation of $250,000 was made. Mr. Jesse E. Wilson, Mr. W. de C. Ravenel, and Mr. W. M. Geddes were appointed as the members of the government board of managers, Mr. Wilson being named as chairman and Mr. Geddes as secretary and disbursing ofHcer. Mr. Ravenel, administrative assistant of the National Mu- seum, was also designated as the special representative of the Institu- tion and Museum. In accordance with the provisions of the act, it was the province of the Smithsonian Institution and National Museum to exhibit such articles or material of an historical nature as would impart a knowledge of our national history, especially with reference to Alaska, Hawaii, the Philippine Islands, and that part of the United States west of the Rocky Mountains. Of the appropriation of $200,000, $24,000 was allotted to this exhibit, for which about 10,000 EEPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909. 57 square feet of space in the main government building were assigned. Its preparation was begun as soon as possible after the organization of the board, and the installation was practically completed by June 1, when the exposition opened. The principal idea kept in view was to present an outline of our national achievements and jDrogress, and of the facts connected with the development of the western part of the United States and the outlying possessions. The collection has been classified in several groups, beginning with 190 portraits of eminent persons connected with the discovery and history of America, Alaska, the HaAvaiian and the Philippine Islands, and with ])hotographs and paintings of historic scenes and landmarks. Historic vessels, like the Viking ship, the Santa Maria, the Half Moon, and the Mayfower, are represented by models, as are the early achievements with steam, including John Fitch's steamboat, which plied on the Delaware in 178G, the Clermont^ first used by Fulton on the Hudson in 1807, the Phoenix and the Savannah, and also the jorimitive methods of land transportation in America, as well as early railway locomotives, such as the John Bull, the Stour- bridge Lion, etc. The medallic history of the country is illustrated by copies of 23 medals struck in honor of the Presidents of the United States and of others commemorative of important events, and American cartography by a series of maps; while information re- garding the expansion of the country is furnished by facsimiles of a number of treaties. The influence of various religious sects in the settlement of the Pacific coast and Alaska is indicated b}^ means of paintings of Span- ish missions, of models of mission buildings, relics, and other interest- ing objects, an excellent model of St. Michael's cathedral in Sitka, photographs of churches and clerg}^, and a collection of religious books connected with Russian missionary efforts in Alaska ; and by a collection of portraits of persons conspicuous in the establishment and growth of the Church of the Latter-Day Saints, models of their temple and tabernacle in Salt Lake City, a chart showing their migra- tions from Vermont to Utah and other j)laces, and a number of relics. An exhibit which attracts much attention relates to the ancient pueblos of the southwest. It includes a painting of the prehistoric ruin of Casa Grande in bird's-eye view, and models of three of the rectangular structures, known as compounds, containing the build- ings used for, the performance of sacred rites and as habitations of medicine men and chiefs. Clitf-dwelling architecture is portrayed in a model of the mummy cave in northeastern Arizona. Modern pueblo and California Indian family life are depicted by groups of Zuni and Hupa Indians engaged in their customary occupations. The culture, customs, and industries of the people of southeastern Alaska are illustrated by lay figures of an Eskimo man and woman. 58 REPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909. a model of a log hoiisej characteristic objects carved in wood, and a number of historical jiaintings lent by Mr. T. J. Richardson, as well as of i^hotographs by Lieut. G. T. Emmons, U. S. Navy. The ap- pearance and habits of the Philippine Islanders are represented by life-size family groups of the Negritos of Zambales and the Igorots of Bontoc, together with a large number of objects pertaining to the arts, customs, and industries of the Tagals, Moros, and Bagobos. Bearing upon the general history of the islands is a series of photo- graphs exhibiting the natives, their familj'- life and occuj)ations, buildings, and churches. The history of Hawaii is partly illustrated by a model of a village of the early inhabitants, who lived in grass- thatched houses grouped in villages, presided over by a chief and a priest. With this exhibit there is also shown a large ethnological collection brought together by Mr. N. B. Emerson as the result of many years' work. The church, settlement, and school work of the Hawaiian Evangelical As- sociation is set forth by a series of photographs of their buildings. A life-sized famil}^ group, oil paintings, photographs, and a number of objects depict the habits and customs of the Samoans and the in- habitants of Guam and the Marianne Islands. The history of photography begins with the earliest permanent photographs and includes examples of nearly all of the most important discoveries and inventions up to the present time. Many of the ob- jects were made by the inventors of the processes and others in the Museum laboratory. The collection of colored photographs is espe- cially fine, commencing with the tinting, followed by an elaborate col- oring of the photograph by hand, and the patented processes for transferring the film to a colored base, which finally led to the almost perfect photographs in color, as made by Ives, Wood, Lipp- mann, and Miley, and the autochromes produced in the Museum laboratory by Mr. T. W. Smillie. The history of medicine, prepared by Dr. J. M. Flint, U. S. Navy, consists mainly of photographs and biographical sketches of noted physicians, beginning with the time of Capt. John Smith and end- ing with the twentieth century. The experiments conducted by Major Walter Reed for the prevention of yellow fever in Cuba in 1901 are also illustrated. International Photographic Exhibition at Dresden^ Germany. — This exhibition, which is being held in the Exhibition Palace at Dresden, under the patronage of the King of Saxony and the joint auspices of the Government of Saxony and the city of Dresden, opened in May and will continue into October, 1909. An invitation to participate, extended through the German ambassador at Wash- ington, in November, 1908, was accepted b}^ the Institution, and the contribution, which was sent in due time, consisted of 25 enlarged BEPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909. 59 photographs and transparencies prepared from negatives in the collection of the Xational Museum and the Bureau of American Ethnology. ORGANIZATION AND STAFF. It is with deep regret that I announce the death of Prof. Otis Tufton Mason, head curator of the department of anthropology, which occurred on Xovember 5, 1908, after a connection with the Institution and Museum of nearly forty years. His associates and friends in the several branches of the Institution met at the Museum the following day to pay respect to his memory, and his funeral took place on November 7. Dr. "Walter Hough was designated to assume his duties as acting head curator. I have also to record the decease of Dr. William H. Ashmead on October 17. This distinguished authority on the Hymenoptera en- tered the service of the Museum as assistant curator of the division of insects on July 1, 1897, a position which he continued to fill until April 27, 1908, when failing health, due to overwork, led to his retire- ment from active duties. The resignation on October 10, 1908, of Dr. Cyrus Adler, as assist- ant secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, in charge of library and exchanges, was equall}^ a misfortune for the Museum, in whose affairs he always maintained an active interest, having served as curator of the divisions of historic archeology and historic religions. These two divisions have since been combined under the former title and placed in charge of the assistant curator, Dr. I. M. Casanowicz. On October 12 Doctor Adler was given the honorary title of asso- ciate in historic archeology. Mr. T. T. Belote, appointed aid on July 30, 1908, was promoted to assistant curator of the division of histor}'' on February 15, 1909. The position of aid in the division of physical anthropology was filled by the designation of Mr. T. F. Lane on April 8, 1909. In the department of biology, Mr. Gerrit S. Miller, jr., who had been in the temporary service of the British Museum for nearly two years by a special arrangement, assumed his former position as assist- ant curator of mammals on November 1, but was promoted to be curator of that division on June 16, 1909, replacing Doctor True, who, as head curator of the department, had been filling both posi- tions. Mr. J. H. Painter, aid in the division of plants, and a young botanist of great promise, met death by accidental drowning in the Potomac River on December 6, 1908. The vacancy caused by this sad occurrence was left open until June 1, 1909, when it was filled by the appointment of Mr. Paul C. Standley. Lieut. Col. Edgar A. Mearns, surgeon, U. S. Army, whose relations to the Museum have so often been referred to in these reports, and 60 REPORT OF NATIONAL. MUSEUM, 1909. who is now serving as chief naturalist on the Smithsonian expedition to British East Africa, was, on December 31, designated as honorary associate in zoology. Mr. Austin Hobart Clark, formerly of the Bureau of Fisheries, was made a collaborator in the division of marine invertebrates on November 30. Mr. D. H. demons succeeded Mr. H. S. Barber as aid in the division of insects on December 7. Mr. David B. Mackie, general aid in biology, resigned on Novem- ber 16. The position in the division of geology which has been vacant for some time was filled on January 1 by the appointment of Dr. F, B. Laney as assistant curator. Mr. Wirt Tassin, who has been assistant curator of mineralogy since 1894, resigned on May 31, to engage in private business. The following account of the relations of Professor Mason to the Museum has been prepared by Doctor Hough : " Professor Mason's connection with the Smithsonian Institution began in 1872, when he was attracted by its aims and the facilities Avhich it afforded for the advancement of his studies, and Secretary Plenry directed his enthusiasm into the field of American ethnology. This bond of union with the Smithsonian was only severed by death. In 1874 he was appointed collaborator in ethnology and gave such time as could be spared from his duties as teacher in Columbian Col- lege to assembling from the collections of the Museum of the Institu- tion those objects which related to man and cataloguing and arrang- ing them in the upper hall of the Institution building. During the following year the prehistoric collections were given into the charge of Dr. Charles Rau, and Professor Mason was permitted to devote his entire time to ethnologv, which he did with indefatiijable enerjrv. Of the pioneer work of these years one can not speak with too great appreciation. Early in this period he laid the foundation of system- atic ethnology in America so firmly that his comprehensive classi- fication stands to this day, and realizing the future needs of the National Museum, which was yet in embryo, he expanded ethnology on the lines of culture history, wherein the science lends itself to the exhibition of tangible results of man's activities. Here was his great work, and this branch of the Museum will always be indebted to his forethought in planning for its future extension. " The Centennial Exhibition of 1876 was signalized by the exhibi- tion of numerous ethnological and archeological collections gathered under the guidance of a manual of directions for collectors j^repared by Professor Mason in 1874. In 1872 Professor Mason began the collection of Indian tribal names, which eventually was taken up by the Bureau of American Ethnology, and had its fruition in the Hand- book of American Indians, the first volume of which was j^ublished before his death. The tribal synonomy w^as also extended to embrace KEPOET OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909. 61 all the tribes of the earth, to which he constantly added data from the published works of travelers and by conversation with explorers. On July 1, 1884, he was appointed curator of ethnology in the reor- ganized museum. He immediately improved his opportunities in arranging the collections, taking up one class of objects at a time, installing it in scientific order, preparing labels, and finally publish- ing the results of his researches. He took a special interest in the geographic distribution of ethnological artifacts. His first major publications, Throwing-Sticks in the National Museum and Basket- Work of the North American Aborigines, mark an epoch in the his- tory of ethnology. The idea which Professor Mason had in mind was that each invention takes on tribal modifications the sum of which is the range of variation; and these, over and above the en- vironmental causes of variation, may give clew to the origin of the invention and will reconstruct an interesting chapter of human thought. The order of arrangement for study was geocultural, and the descriptions according to natural history methods ; the specimens thus accurately worked up became types. These papers evidently grew out of the plan adopted by Professor Mason in arranging the material under his charge. His associates often heard his injunction to ' put like with like, and tribes and localities will take care of themselves.' " The monographs cited were the forerunners of a series appear- ing at frequent intervals, the last, a Vocabulary of Malaysian Bas- ketwork, based on the W. L. Abbott collections, issuing from the press on the day of his funeral. They are of the greatest value to students, and being based on accurate scientific description can never be superseded. The immediate and wide recognition of these works was due to the fact that they conveyed a message in an intelligible, even a literary form. The ardent desire to say the last word on the specimens under study led him to so thoroughly examine their struct- ure and function that he was as familiar with them as were their original makers, and this proficiency he exacted of himself before he published his results. His skill in the dissection of aboriginal handiwork, especially in the textile art, was marvelous, and the master}^ of intricate detail seemed to have a fascination for him, bringing out his unusual powers as a mathematician. " The work of Professor Mason attracted great attention and gave to students of ethnology throughout the world an interest in the Na- tional Museum. Articles from his productive pen appeared in numerous scientific journals and the Progress of Anthropology which appeared in the annual reports of the Smithsonian Institution required an intimate knowledge of the bibliography and advance of the science. These summaries of annual progi'ess alone form a text- book on anthropology. The two books which Professor Mason pub-* 62 EEPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909. lished privately, namely, "Woman's Share in Primitive Culture and The Origin of Inventions, show his wonderful grasp of the details of his science and these books still exert a world-wide influence. It was due to Professor Mason's initiative that the Anthropological Society' of "Washington was founded in 1879. He wrote its consti- tution and remained deeply interested in it until the close of his life. He was connected with many learned societies, and for eighteen years was a member of the United States Geographic Board. " Much of the contribution of Professor Mason to the science of anthropology was due to his fondness for teaching, and most persons who came in contact with him carried away some of his enthusiasm. Without doubt he inspired greater activity in the science of ethnology than any other man of his generation. He was essentialh' an edu- cator in every action and thought. He placed at the disposal of the science and of workers in the science his knowledge as a linguist, a mathematician, and inspired teacher. He was a systematist of the first order and strove always for the extension of knowledge, but with all his absorption in scientific work he found time to think of others and give to every inquirer all the assistance in his power. He was gentle, kindly, honorable, brave, and patient, a combination rarely found. His personality radiated good cheer. His every thought of the Museum was to make it more educational. The history of Pro- fesssor Mason is bound up in the history of the National Museum and Smithsonian Institution, and his pioneer work will still be a potent influence on anthropology when his name ceases to be remem- bered among men." THE MUSEUjNI STAFF. [June 30, 1909.] Charles D. Walcott, Set-retaiy of the Smithsonian Institution, Keeper ex officio. Richard Rathbun, Assistant Secretary, in charge of the U. S. National Museum. W. DE C. Ravenel, Administrative Assistant. SCIENTIFIC STAFF. Department of Anthropology : Walter Hough, Acting Head Curator. Division of Ethnology: Walter Hough, Assistant Curator; J. W. Fewlies, Collaborator. Division of Physical Anthropology: Ales Hrdlicka, Assistant Curator; T. F. Lane, Aid. Division of Historic Archeology: I. M. Casanowicz, Assistant Curator. Division of Prehistoric Archeology: William H. Holmes, Curator; E. P. Upham, Aid; J. D. McQuire, Collaborator. Division of Technology: George C. Maynard, Assistant Curator. Division of Graphic Arts: Paul Brockett, Custodian. ' Section of Photography : T. W. Smillie, Custodian. • Division of Medicine: J. M. Flint, U. S. Navy (Retired), Curator. Division of History: A. Howard Clark, Curator; T. T. Belote, Assistant Curator. Associates in Historic Archeology : Paul Haupt, Cyrus Adler. Department of Biology : Frederick W. True, Head Curator. Division of Mammals: G. S. Miller, Jr., Curator; Marcus W. Lyon, Jr., Assistant Curator. Division of Birds: Robert Ridgway, Curator; Charles W. Richmond, As- sistant Curator : J. H. Riley, Aid. Division of Reptiles and Batrachians: Leonhard Stejneger, Curator; R. G. Paine, Aid. Division of Fishes: B, W. Evermann, Curator; Barton A. Bean, Assistant Curator; Alfred C. Weed, Aid. Division of Molhtsks: William H. Ball, Curator; Paul Bartsch, Assistant Curator; William B. Marshall, Aid. Division of Insects: L. O. Howard, Curator; J. C. Crawford, Assistant Curator; D. H. Clemous, Aid. Section of Hymenoptera : J. C. Crawford, in charge. Section of Myriapoda : O. F. Cook, Custodian. Section of Diptera : D. W. Coquillett, Custodian. Section of Coleoptera : E. A. Schwarz, Custodian. Section of Lepidoptera : Harrison G. Dyar, Custodian. Section of Orthoptera : A. N. Caudell, Custodian. Section of Arachnida : Nathan Banks, Custodian. Section of Hemiptera : Otto Heidemann, Custodian. 12048—09 5 63 64 KEPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909. Department of Biology — Continued. Division of Marine Invertebrates: Richard Ratbbnn, Curator; J. E. Bene- dict, Assistant Curator; Mary J. Ratbbun, Assistant Curator; Har- riet Ricbardson, Collaborator; Austin Hobart Clark, Collaborator. Section of Helniintbological Collections: C. W. Stiles, Custodian; B. H. Ransom, Assistant Custodian. Division of Plants {National Herbarium) : Frederick Y. Coville, Curator: J. N. Rose, Associate Curator; W. R. Maxon, Assistant Curator; P. C. Standley, Assistant Curator. Section of Cryptogamic Collections : O. F. Cook, Assistant Curator. Section of Higher Algje ; W. T. Swingle, Custodian. Section of Lower Fungi: D. G. Fairchild, Custodian. Associates in Zoology : Theodore N. Gill, C. Hart Merriam. R. E. C. Stearns, W. L. Abbott, E. A. Mearns. Associates in Botany: Edward L. Greene, John Donnell Smith. Depaktment of Geology : George P. Merrill, Head Curator. Division of Physical and Chemical Geology (Systematic and Applied) : George P. Merrill, Curator ; F. B. Laney, Assistant Curator. Division of Mineralogy: F. W. Clarke, Curator. Division of Invertebrate Paleontology: R. S. Bassler, Curator; Lancaster D. Burling, Assistant Curator. Mesozoic Collection : T. W. Stanton. Custodian. Cenozoic Collection : W. H. Dall, Associate Curator. Madreporarlan Corals : T. Wayland Vaughan, Custodian. Division of Vertebrate Paleontology: Mammalian Collection : James W. Gidley. Custodian. Reptilian Collection: Charles W. Gilmore, Custodian. Division of Paleobotany: David White, Associate Curator; A. C. Peale, Aid; F. H. Knowltou, Custodian of Mesozoic Plants. Associate in Mineralogy : L. T. Chambei-lain. Associate in Paleontology : Charles A. White. Associate in Paleobotany : Lester F. Ward. Department of Mineral Technology: Charles D. Walcott, Curator. National Gallery of Art : William H. Holmes, Curator. ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF. Chief of Correspondence and Documents, R. I. Geare. ' ' Disbursing Agent, W. I. Adams. Superintendent of Construction and Labor, J. S. Goldsmith. Editor, Marcus Benjamin. Editorial Clerk, E. S. Steele. Assistant Librarian, N. P. Scudder. Photographer, T. W. Smillie. Registrar, S. C. Brown. Property Clerk, W. A. Knowles. LIST OF ACCESSIONS TO THE COLLECTIONS DURING THE FISCAL YEAR 1908-9. [Except whon otherwise indicated, tlie specimens were presented or were transferred by bureaus of the Government in accordance witli law.] Abbott, William L., Singapore, Straits Settlemeuts: An extensive and vain- able collection of ethnological and natnral history specimens obtained principally in the southeastern part of Borneo, including birds from the islands in the Java Sea, among which are several species new to the Museum collection (49011) ; a large and interesting collection of natural history specimens, baskets, bark- cloth, and other ethnological mate- rial from the southwestern part of Borneo (49G1S). Abrams, I.e Roy, Stanford University, Cal. : Living plant Dudleya, from California (50192) ; 600 plants from the southern part of California (50207: purchase). Academy of Natural Sciences, Phila- delphia, Pa. : "Type of Thamnoplii- his rirgatus (49552) ; 129 specimens of humming birds and swifts (50181). Loan. Adams, Charles W., Lovelock, Nev. : 2 samples of kaolin (49449). Adams, Hendrick L., Harrisburg, Pa. : About 20 specimens of parasitic Hymeuoptera ( 50031 ) . Adams, Richard C, Washington, D. C. : Relics of the Delaware and Chero- kee Indians, embracing a silver pipe, silver tomahawk, war-club with sil- ver plate, cedar flute with silver plates, a wampum belt, and a Dela- ware Indian war bonnet (49797: loan). Adams, Wallace. Yuma, Ariz. : Head ornament of a Yuma Indian (50060). Adler, Cy'RUS. Smithsonian Institu- tion : Three bows from the Soudan (49196) ; leather bag from North Africa (49454). Aerial Experiment Association (through Dr. Alexander Graham Bell) : A series of 76 enlarged photo- graphs vividly portraying the ex- periments of Orville Wright with the aeroplane of the Wright Brothers at Fort Myer. Va., during September, 1908 (5024.3). Agriculture, Department of : Bureau of Animal Industri/: Three colts — hybrids between a fe- male donkey and a Grevy's zebra (49115; 49209; 49244); skin and skeleton of a female Grevy zebra (49275). Bureau of Biological Survey: 2 specimens of cacti, Opuntia and MamiUaria, and 1 Nolina (49043) ; 38 birds' eggs from Nova Scotia, Maine, and California (49068); spec- imen of cactus, Opuntia, from New Mexico (40122) ; 2 living plants from New ^Mexico and Chihuahua, Mex- ico, collected by E. A. Goldman (49138) ; 3 specimens of Lepidop- tera (49169) ; 2 specimens of Mam- iUaria from New Mexico, collected by Vernon Bailey, and a specimen of Echinocereus obtained by E. A. Gold- man in New Mexico (49174) ; 2 spec- imens of living plants, Opuntia, col- lected in New Mexico by E. A. Gold- man (49204) ; 4 plants from New Mexico, collected by E. A. Goldman (49236) ; 9 specimens of cacti col- lected by Vernon Bailey in Arizona, 65 66 REPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909. Agriculture, Department of — Cont'd, and 2 specimens of Opuntia obtained by E. A. Goldman in New Mexico (49279) ; 4 specimens of cacti, Mam- illaria, from New Mexico, collected by Vernon Bailey (49335) ; 5 speci- mens of cacti collected in New Mex- ico by Vernon Bailey and E. A. Gold- man (49397) ; 71 plants collected in Wisconsin and Maryland by W. L. McAtee (49G13) ; 26 specimens, rep- resenting 3 species of land sbells (499S9) ; 3 eggs of Pipilo fuscus mesolencus (50014) ; 310 specimens of grasses from the southern and southeastern parts of the United States, collected by Vernon Bailey, E. A. Goldman, and A. H. Howell (50123) ; 2 living cacti from Colo- rado, collected by Merritt Cary (50176) ; 2 eggs of turkey vulture, Cathartcs aura septcntrionaUs,tvoin Illinois (50180) ; 3 specimens of liv- ing cacti from New Mexico (50213) ; 8 specimens of living cacti (50283). Bureau of Chcmisiry : Collection of crude drugs gathered in New York and named by Dr. 11. II. Rusby (49711). Bureau, of Entomology: 2 speci- mens of Lepidoptera (48979) ; 2 spec- imens of Limnothrips avance, col- lected on oats by Mr. Hyslop (49021) ; 6 Lepidoptera, cocoous, eggs, larvpe, etc., from Melrose Highlands, Massachusetts (49030) ; 8 parasitic Hymenoptera from Guelph. Ontario (49102) ; 40 speci- mens of Hymenoptera collected or bred by E. M. Ehrhorn (49113) ; 25 insects from Arizona (49178) ; 34 in- sects collected by T. D. A. Cockerell (49183) ; 180 insects collected in China by F. N. Meyer (49313) ; 5 specimens of Hymenoptera from Natal, South Africa (49326) ; 945 specimens of Hemiptera collected by members of the Bureau engaged in boll weevil work (49328) ; 25 speci- mens of isopods, PorceUio rathkei, from Santa Ana, California (49340) ; 9 Hymenoptera (type and paratypes of Ceratulus spectabilis, from Texas (49418) ; 37 specimens of living Agriculture, Department of — Cont'd, cacti from Texas (49425) ; isopods collected by H. O. Marsh at Avalon, Catalina Island, California (49519) ; 2,383 specimens of Muscoidean files, etc., collected in Florida and South Carolina l)y Mr. and INIrs. Charles II. T. Townsend (49523) ; 16 specimens of Tachnid;e (Diptera) from Tennes- see (49606) ; 1,038 insects from Cal- ifornia (49643) ; 6 specimens of Dip- tera from the cotton boll weevil in- vestigation laboratory (49669) ; 9 specimens of sowbugs, PorceUio sca- ber, from East Sound, Washington (49677) ; 150 specimens of Hymenop- tera from Kansas (49739) ; about 2.50 specimens of Hymenoptera bred from the golden-tail moth (49775) ; 3 specimens of Lepidoptera, Xylomigcs hiemalis (49993) ; about 1,000 insects collected by H. H. Smith in Alabama (500.55) ; 400 mosquitoes from Dub- lin, New Hampshire, collected by A. Busck (50248). Bureau of Plant Industry: 7 plants. Agave and 8amue1a, from Mexico (489.51) ; 75 specimens of plants from Guatemala, collected by W. A. Kellerman (48972) ; 8 speci- mens of cacti from Arizona, collected by C. V. Piper (49111) ; specimen of Opuntia fragiUs from North Da- kota, collected by C. R. Ball (49147) ; 648 specimens of grasses from various localities (49265) ; a living plant from Nevada, collected by F. B. Headley (49336) ; 2 speci- mens of Opuntia from Texas, col- lected by C. R. Ball (49355) ; speci- men of J uncus suhtilis from Quebec, obtained by J. Fletcher (49.362) ; 23 specimens of plants from China, col- lected by F. N. Meyer (49411) ; let- ter files of Dr. George Vasey, bot- anist of the Department of Agri- culture from 1872 to 1893; also a collection of drawings made by F. A. Walpole (49463) ; model of a pumping apparatus used in Central China for irrigating and draining purposes; also a photograph show- ing the use of the apparatus (49469) ; specimen of AeantJiopanax REPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909. 67 Agriculture, Department of — Cont'd. ricinifolium (49537) ; specimen of Garrya frcmontii (49541) ; 2 pack- ages of seeds of cacti, Opuntia, from Chile (49G1T) ; 109 plants col- lected in Alaska by C. W. H. Heide- mann (49707) ; 2 plants, J uncus, from Illinois (498S3) ; 51 plants from various localities (49.894) ; plant from Nevada (49934) ; 18 plants from California (49950) ; specimen of living cactus collected in Texas by E. C. Greene (501G0) ; 5 living specimens of cacti from Arizona, collected by E. W. Hud- son (50190). Forest Service: Specimen of cac- tus, Opuntia, collected in Utah by Ivar Tidestrom (48939) ; 2 speci- mens of cactus, Opuntia, from Utah, collected by Ivar Tidestrom (49871) ; 2 specimens of plants, Medicago lupulina and Thlaspi arvense, col- lected in Oregon by A. W. Samiison (49069) ; 204 plants from Oregon, collected by P. V. Coville (49099) ; 120 specimens of plants from Flag- staff, Arizona, collected by G. A. Pearson (49556) ; 350 plants col- lected by Messrs. Sampson and Jar- din in Oregon and Washington (49945). Weather Bureau: 2 bryozoans taken from a cable at a depth of 31 fathoms, off the coast of California (.50005). (See also under Buiten- zorg, Java, Department of Agricul- ture.) Alexander, Charles P., Johnstown, N. Y. ; Moth, Aclei-is Cinderella (49959). Allaire, C. B., San Antonio, N. Mex. : 2 specimens of cactus, Opuntia, from New Mexico (48962); 16 specimens of living cacti, Opuntia, from New Mexico (49042). Allard, H. a., Washington, D, C. : Salamanders from Georgia and a lizard (49627) ; landshells repre- senting 2 species from the northern part of Georgia (49908) ; 3 speci- mens of Opuntia from Georgia (49984) ; batrachians, one snake Allard, H. A. — Continued. from Thompson's Mill, Georgia (50089) ; 440 plants collected in the vicinity of Thompson's Mill (50168). American Museum of Natural His- tory, New York City: 330 birds' skins, Formicariidie (48954: loan); 148 birds' skins, Formicariidse, Tro- chilidse and Tyrannidai (49098: loan) ; 4 photograi)hs of a skull of Bassaricyon from Nicaragua (49206); 3 Tarasco crania (49428: exchange) : 246 specimens of Den- drocolaptidJB and Furnariidpe (49432 : loan) ; collection of Negrito ethno- logical material (49593: loan); 2 birds' skins, Formicariidie (49724 : loan) ; 12 specimens of Dendroco- laptes validus (49754: loan). American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York City, on be- half of subscribers: Oil painting of Rear-Admiral George W. Melville, U. S. Navy, by Sigismond de Iva- nowski (50141). Anderson, R. W., Uvalde, Tex.: 6 plants, Jussiwa suffrutieosa from Texas (49542) ; 2 specimens of cacti from Texas (49781) ; 6 specimens of living cacti from Texas (49839; 49895). Andrews, Dr. E. A., Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md. : 6 speci- mens of shrimps, Penceus setiferus from New Orleans and P. hrasiUensis from an unknown locality (49904). Anthony, H. E., Portland, Oreg. : 2 shrews, Sorex (49608). Applegate, Elmer I., Klamath Falls, Oreg. : 360 plants from Oregon (49986). Arizona, University of, Tucson, Ariz. : 16 specimens of plants from Arizona (48928: loan). Arnold Arboretum, Jamaica Plain, Mass. : 175 plants, Cratagus, mainly from Missouri and Arkansas (49793: exchange). Aronhime, Mrs. Benjamin, Washing- ton, D. C. : 2 old silver coins (49930). 68 REPOKT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909. Atkins, Charles G., East Orland, Me. : 4 si)eciuiens of the common eel, An- guilla chrusyim (4926S). Rachschmid, W. H., Smithsonian In- stitution : Cape May warbler, Den- droica tigrina (49250). Bailey, Vernon. (See under H. II. Hotchliiss. ) Baker, C. F., Museu Goeldi, Para, Bra- zil: 48 specimens of Perilampin^, Hymenoptera, from North, Central, and South America (4905S: loan); Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, and Neu- roptera from Sao Paulo (49185) ; 24 specimens of Lepidoptera (49923) ; specimen of SclagincUa from California (50027) ; 35 speci- mens of Diptera (-50183). Baker, Dr. Fred., San Diego, Cal. : Specimen of TurbonUla (Mormula) trident at a from Ocean Beach, San Diego (.50051). Baker, Hon. Henry D., American con- sul at Hobart, Tasmania : Specimen of rat kangaroo, Potorous (50132). Ball, Ray, Reading, Kans. : Meteorite from Admire, Kansas, weighing 1.55 kilograms (49330: purchase). Bangs, Outram, Boston, Mass. : 958 birds' skins. FormicariidiB and Deudrocolai)tid:^. 3 specimens of Pipridje from Costa Rica, 637 speci- mens of wood hewers and ant thrushes, principally from Mexico, Central America, and Colombia ; 302 specimens of wood hewers and ant thrushes from Costa Rica, hum- ming birds and swifts (49159; 49160; 49372; 49378; 50233: loan); 11 skins of Basileuterus from Costa Rica, specimen of Lalctes osiurni from Jamaica (49.565; 49584); 100 birds from Costa Rica (49948: ex- change) ; egg of UruUtinga gund- lachi from Cuba (49999). Banigan, E. T., Cody, Nebr. : Speci- men of fulgurite (49824). Banks, Nathan, Department of Agri- culture, Washington, D. C. : 4 speci- mens of Hymenoptera from Palmer- lee, Arizona (49136) ; 22 specimens Banks, Nathan — Continued. of Hymenoptera from Arizona (49368) ; paratype of Helorimorpha flshcri from the District of Columbia (50049). Barbour, Thomas, Museum of Com- parative Zoology, Cambridge, Mass. : Reptiles and batrachians from South America, West Indies, Borneo, and the Philippine Islands (50204) ; rep- tiles and batrachians from the East Indies (50234) ; reptiles and ba- trachians from the West Indies and South America (50257). Exchange. Barnes,, W. X., Stanton, Tex.: Vine- gerone (Spider) EremoMtcs pal- lipes (49163). Barringer, D. M., Philadelphia, Pa. : Californite from Boville, California (49293). Barrott, a. F., Washington, D. C. : Skull and vertebrae from a mound near Bassett, Mississippi County, Arkansas (49878) ; 2 skulls from a mound on the Dickson farm near Bardstown, Mississippi County, Ar- kansas (.50023). Exchange. Bartlett, Harley Harris, Cambridge, Mass. : 46 specimens of peat mosses, SpliagituiH, from various parts of the United States (49893: exchange). Bartram, Edwin B., Wayne, Pa. : Plant from North Carolina (50017). Baumberger, J. P., San Francisco, Cal. : 71 specimens of Hymenoptera, chiefly from California (49732). Bean, Dr. Robert Bennett, Philippine Medical School, Manila, P. I. : Ana- tomical specimens from the Philip- pine Islands (49637). Bean, Dr. Tarleton H., New York City: Specimen of whitefish, Argy- rosomus tullihce, from Oneida Lake, New York (through the Bureau of Fisheries) (49786). Bears, J. T., Tulare, Cal.: 17 speci- mens of living cacti cultivated in California (49388: exchange). Beatty, J. H., Chicora, S. C. : Pupa of atheroma regulis (49804). EEPOET OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909. 69 Belden, II. A., Washington, D. C. : Drum or gong from the interior of Burma (49520: loan). Bell, Dr. Alexander Graham. (See under Aerial Experiment Associa- tion.) Bell, Edward W., U. S. National Mu- seum: 20 old coins (49521). Bell, Mrs. William H.. Washington, D. C. : Photographs illustrating the life and environment of the San Bias Indians (49800). Bement, C. S., Philadelphia, Pa. : Epi- dote from Alaska ; doubly terminated tourmaline crystal from California ; datolite from Westfield, Massachu- setts ; smoky quartz and microline from Colorado ; pink beryl from Mesa Grande, California ; and 2 Chinese coins coated with secondary carbon- ates (50024). Benedict, Dr. J. E., U. S. National Museum : Specimen of star - nosed mole, Condijlura cristata (.50099). Benedict, J. E., jr., Woodside, Md. : Snakes from Maryland (50164; 502.5G). Benguiat and Son, Hadji Ephraim, Edgewater, N. J. : Laver of copper with two brass handles, used in the synagogue (49032) ; collection of ob- jects used in Jewish religious cere- monials, consisting of a German sil- ver gilt engraved talisman of the time of Louis XV ; French silver gilt pointer (yad) of the time of Louis XVI ; silver gilt tablet engraved with the Decalogue (part of the breastplate of Torat) ; 3 silver gilt bells (part of breastplate of Torat) ; silver triple chain (part of breast- plate) ; 4 silver gilt engraved slides (part of breastplate) (49327) ; 2 glazed pottery vases with Hebrew inscriptions (49622) ; Jewish cere- monial objects, consisting of a silver Hanukah lamp, silver oil lamp with extinguishers, manuscript book of Ecclesiastes. and head-gear cowl in velvet and bullion (49710). Loan. Benjamin, Marcus, U. S. National Museum : Campaign buttons, medals, etc. (49133). Bens, Rev. H. G., Lehr, N. Dak. : Gyp- sum crystals from section 14, town- ship 131, range 68, in Mcintosh County, North Dakota (50045). Bergen, Norway, Bergen Museum : 6 specimens of Antcdon petasus, 3 spec- imens of Hathrometra sarsii and of H. norvegicus (50187: exchange). Berlepsch, Count Hans von, Schloss Berlepsch, Bez. Cassel, Germany : 43 birds' skins from tropical America (49911: exchange). Berlese, A., Florence, Italy: 4 speci- mens of Acerentomon maius (49762). Berlin, Germany, Konigl. Botan- iscHES Museum : Flower of Opuntia microcarpa (49706: loan). Berlin, Germany, Konigl. Botan- iscHEE Garten und Museum : Speci- men and a photograph of Dasylirion hookeri (49304: exchange). Berlin, Germany, K. Zoologisches Museum : German fresh water bryo- zoans representing 5 species (49198) ; 19 specimens representing 5 species of foreign Ascidians (49344). Ex- change. Berry, P. D., Grand Caiion, Ariz. : 3 specimens of cacti from the Grand CaQon, Arizona, through C. V. Piper, of the Department of Agriculture (.50043). Bethel, M. E., Denver, Colo, : 22 plants, Umbelliferse and Cratwgus, from Colorado (49769) ; 3 specimens of cactus, Opuntia, with about 100 specimens of Asphondylia betheli, bred from the same (50195). Biederman, C. R., Palmerlee, Ariz. : Ores from Palmerlee (49500). BiELER, S., Musee Agricole, Lausanne, Switzerland : Photograph of a speci- men of Vrsus formicarius (50174). BioLLEY, Pablo, San Jose, Costa Rica : 100 plants from Costa Rica (50028: purchase). Blair, Gist, Washington, D. C. : Large oil portrait of Gustavus Vasa (501.31: loan). (See also under Mrs. V. L. W. Fox.) 70 REPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909. Blair, Gist, and Miss Ellen deQ. Woodbury, Wasbiugton, D. C. : Bound volume entitled "Fox's Mis- sion to Russia" (50136). Blankingship, O. F., Richmond, Va. : 25 slides of diatoms (49086). Blumer, J. C, Tucson, Ariz. : 400 plants from the Chiricahua Moun- tains, Arizona (4S932: purchase); specimen of Optuitia from Arizona (49140) ; specimen of living cactus, Opuntia, from Arizona (49220) ; 50 specimens of plants from Arizona (49281 : exchange) ; specimen of Opuntia from Arizona (49395) ; 45 specimens of ferns from the Chirica- hua Mountains, Arizona (49412) ; 534 plants from Arizona (49889: purchase) ; 3 plants from Arizona (50185). BoBBETT, Walter, Berkeley, Cal. : 11 prints in color (49916). Boeke, Dr. J., University of Leiden, Leiden, Holland : Crustaceans from the Dutch West Indies (49680: loan). Bonnema, Dr. J. II., The Hague, Hol- land : About 100 specimens repre- senting 31 species of Russian Ordo- vician Ostracoda (50069: exchange). Boston Society of Natural History, Boston, Mass. : 2 types of Anahaics atriaticolUs (49699) ; 4 type speci- mens of Tarabd immaculatus (49S32). Loan. Botanischer Garten. (See under Upsala, Sweden.) BoTANiSK Museum. (See under Co- penhagen, Denmarlv. ) B0VING, A. G., Royal Zoological Mu- seum, Copenhagen, Denmark : 14 vials of larvae of Coleoptera, Donacia and Paussus (49443). Bowie, Mrs. William, Washington, D. C. : 2 wedding mantillas, 2 panu- elos, and 2 strips of lace from Isla de Panay, Philippine Islands (49654). Bowles, J. H., Tacoma, Wash.: Nest and 8 eggs of western golden- crowned kinglet, Regulus satrapa oUvaceus (49760: exchange). Buadiokd, Mrs. S. M., Avery Island, La. : 62 baskets made by the Cheti- macha Indians of Louisiana ( 49747 : pu rcha se ) . Bradley, Edson, Washington, D. C. : Embroideries, velvets, and lace of the XVI, XVII, and XVIII centuries (49981: loan). Brakeley, J. Turner, Hornerstown, N. J. : 23 vials of mosquito larva^,, eggs, and adults (49029). Brandegee, T. S., Berkeley, Cal.: 500 plants from Mexico, collected l)y C. A. Purpus (49890: purchase). Bbanner, J. C, Stanford University, Cal. : 5 specimens representing 3 spe- cies of land shells from Brazil (49790). Braun, Miss Annette F., Cincinnati, Ohio : 6 specimens of Lepidoptera, including the types of 2 species of Lithocolletis (49644). Brett, Walter, Ontario, Canada : Young eels, Anguilla vhrysijpa, from near the mouth of Salmon River, Bedford, Nova Scotia (49826). Bridwell, Arthur, Baldwin, Kans. : Specimen of bird tick, Ornitliocihona criitlirocvplniJit ( .50202). Brimley, C. S.. Raleigh, N. C. : 40 salamanders from North Carolina (48937) ; turtles from the western part of Georgia (50280). Purchase. Brimley, H. H., Raleigh, N. C. : 6 pho- tographs of a Right whale, 39 feet long, BaJwna gUicialis, stranded at Cape Lookout, North Carolina, in May, 1909 (50182). Brinton, Mrs. E. S., Washington, D. C. : Antique Russian sconce can- delabra (49465: purchase). Briscoe, Edward J., Pernaiubuco, Bra- zil : Drawings of rock inscriptions from Brazil (50106). British Columbia, Biological Sta- tion, Departure Bay (through George W. Taylor) : 12 specimens representing 3 species of sponges, and 3 specimens representing 3 spe- cies of starfishes (49577) ; hermit crabs (49630). EEPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909. 71 Broad WELL, William H., Newark, N. J. : 11 specimens of Lepidoptera (49384). Brodie, Williaai, Provincial Museum, Toronto, Canada : 4 specimens of Trigona from Mexico (49752). Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, Brooklyn, N. Y. : Dagger of Bear Man. I'ouio Indian tribe. California, obtained by Mr. Stewart Culin (49562) ; skeleton of Mata- mata tortoise, Chelys fimbria ta, from Caicara, Orinoco River, Venezuela, collected by G. K. Cherrie in 1907 (49910). Exchange. Brooks, Fred. E., Morgantown, W. Va. : 2 Braconids, Sigalphus curculionis (49683). Brown, Henry J. (through Hon. T. G. B. Killmaster, U. S. Consul at Newcastle, New South Wales) : Na- tural history specimens, including a Wavatak plant, collected by the donor and Mr. W. D. Filmer in New- castle and Lake Macquarie (49865). Brown, Herbert, Tucson, Ariz. : Speci- men of living plant, Echinoccrcas rigidissimiis from Arizona (49188) ; specimen of cactus (492.54) ; living specimen of cactus, OiJiintic, from Arizona (50159). Bryant, John, Cohasset, Mass. : Es- kimo kiak and outfit (49468). Bryant, Owen, Cohasset. Mass. : A mummied egg of the Great Auk, with fragments of shells, bones, etc., and a collection of polished pebbles ("gizzard stones") from Funk Is- land (49377) : invertebrates from Labrador (49379) ; skin and skull of a weasel, Putorius, from Newfound- land ; a marine annelid, nymph of Corisa sp. ; specimen of Agahus in- fuscatus, and a Thi/sanura (49399) ; invertebrates, mammals, fishes, and plants collected in Labrador in 1908 (49529) ; invertebrates and moUusks collected in Labrador in 1908 (49535) ; a mandarin's coat (49972). BriTENzoRG, Java, Department of Agriculture (through U. S. Depart- ment of Agriculture) : 512 plants from Java (49317: exchange). BuRRALL, H. D., Douglas, Ariz. : 3 plants from Arizona (49610). Bush, B. F., Courtney, Mo. : 250 plants from Missouri and other localities (49749: purchase); living specimens of cactus, Opuntia, from Missouri (49902) : sijecimen of cactus, Opun- tia, collected by E. J. Palmer (50000). Bushnell, D. I., jr., Washington, D. C. : 3 specimens of medicine used by the Choctaw Indians (50085). Buysman, M., London, England : 30 specimens of ferns from Java (49652: purchase). Byor, a. J., Searles, Cal. : Powellite on scheelite (50153). Cabezas, Sefior D. Juan, Carolina, Porto Eico (through Bureau of American Ethnology) : Carved stone pestle found near Carolina, Porto Rico (49527). Cabrera, Angel, Madrid, Spain: 3 Spanish mammals, including type of Sciurus infuscatiis (49493) ; skin and skull of Galcmi/s and skulls of 3 specimens of Genetta (.50166). Calcutta, India. Indian Museum : Freshwater sponges representing 19 species from India ( 50044 : ex- change). Calcutta, India, Royal Botanic Gar- den : 55 plants, chiefly from the Malay Peninsula (50264: exchange). California, University of, Berkeley, Cal. : Fragment of type of Ribcs tuJareusc (49221: exchange); 3 plants, Z?M /■.sera, from Mexico 49.589) ; 5 specimens of plants, Pteridophytes, from Mexico (49605) ; fragmentary specimen of Aiiriella tridon var. humilJima, from California (49884: exchange) ; specimen of fern. Ane- mia, from Mexico (50110: ex- change) ; 340 specimens of North American plants (50112: exchange) ; specimen of living cactus, Cereus schenckii, from Mexico (.50116: ex- change). Calvilla, Serior Ygnacio, Tucson. Ariz. : Living cactus, Mamillaria brownii, from Arizona (49653). 72 EEPOKT OF NATIONAL, MUSEUM^ 1909. Cambridge, Massachusetts, Museum OF Comparative Zoology : 3 speci- meiis of Foruiicariicbe (48944: loan) ; 2 cotypes of Oiihiozona ginn- nopora (49G57: exclianj?e) ; crinoid, Himerometra pwdophora, cotypo, from off Maiming Iliver, New South Wales (49954) : 2G specimens of orthopterons insects, including 17 cotypes (50070: exchange); about 1,686 skins of humming birds and swifts, including those from Mr. Outran! Bang's private collection (50233: loan); 57 specimens repre- senting 19 s]iecies of decapod crusta- ceans collected by Thomas Barbour in 1906-7 in Dutch East India and British India (50267). Camp, J. H., Baris, Tex. : Invertebrate fossils (49555). Camp^ S. H., Jackson, Mich. : 9 sheets of Laciniaria from Michigan (49310). Cardin, W. O., Miami, Okla. : 4 speci- mens of lead and zinc ores (50220). Carmody, 1'., Fort of Spain, Trinidad, West Indies ; 12 parasitic Hymenop- tera (49684). Carnegie Institution, Washington, D. ('. : Specimen of cactus, Opuiitki, collected in Arizona by D. T. Mac- Dougal, director of the Laboratory of Carnegie Institution (48959: ex- change) ; 2 specimens of cactus, Opuitfiu, from Arizona (48983) ; In- dian relics exhumed on the island of San Lorenzo, in the harbor of Callao, Peru (49018) ; 3 boxes containing 10 specimens of cacti obtained by D. T. MacDougal (49070) ; through D. T. MacDougal, a jar of fruits of Opun- tia from Arizona (49093) ; through Roswell H. Johnson, Carnegie Insti- tution Station for Experimental Evo- lution, Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island, New York, a set of North American Ladybird beetles, showing variations in the Hippodamia conver- gens quinqucsignata group (49101) ; through D. T. MacDougal, 7 plants from Arizona (49250: exchange); flower bud of a cactus from Arizona (49772). Carnegie Museum, Pittsburgh, Pa.: 419 specimens of FormicariidsB (49107 : loan) ; 3 specimens of Capri- mulgid;e from Costa Rica (49158: loan) ; 6 specimens of Jurassic fos- sils (49391; exchange); 403 speci- mens of Dendrocolaptidte (49489: loan) ; 519 birds' skins, Trochilidse and Micropodidie (50212: loan). Carter, W. R., Jacksonville, Fla.; But- terfly, Papilio ajax (49050). Cary, E. S. (See under A. S. Haines.) Casa Grande Excavations, 1908 : About 500 specimens including stone implements, pottery, basketry, fab- rics, etc., resulting from explorations and excavations made by Dr. J. Wal- ter Fewkes at the Casa Grande Ruins, Arizona, in 1908, under an act of Congress approved March 4, 1907 (49619). Casey, Miss S. P., Washington, D. C. ; Makah wallet from Cape Flattery, Washington, collected by Admiral Wilkes in 1838 (48933: loan). Caudell, a. N., U. S. National Museum : 6 specimens of amphipods and iso- pods from Surf, California (50081). Chambers, W. Lee, Santa Monica, Cal. ; 15 birds' eggs from California and Lower California (49574 : exchange) ; nest and 5 eggs of Lawrence's gold- finch, AstragaJinus lawrencei (50118; exchange) ; marine shells represent- ing 8 species from the breakwater at San Pedro, California (50210). Chanute, Octave, Chicago, 111. ; Mod- els of Chanute's " bi-plane gliding machine," 1896 (49697) ; Chanute's " multiple wing gliding machine," 1896 (49922); Chanute's "oscillat- ing wing gliding machine," 1901-2 (50019). Chase, Thomas, Philadelphia, Pa. : Historical objects which belonged to John Hancock and his grandnephew, the late Thomas G. Chase, together with relics of the civil war (50278; loan ) . Cherry, Adam, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. ; 6 stone implements from Carbon and Luzerne counties (50093). KEPOET OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909. 73 Chesterfield, A. A., Sweetsbiirg, Que- bec, Canafla : 65 birds' eggs aud a nest from British America (49853). China, Imperial Government of: A handsome cekTdon colored porcelain vase of the Yung-cheng period (49609) ; also a peachblow vase, an exquisite product of the K'ang-hsi period, presented through His Excel- lency T'ang Shao-Yi, a special am- bassador to the United States (49638). Chrisman, Morris, Tucson, Ariz.: 2 snakes from the region of Santa C a t a 11 n a Mountains, Arizona (49623). Christ, Dr. H., Basel, Switzerland: 62 specimens of ferns, mainly from Costa Rica (49604) ; 10 specimens of ferns from Mexico and Costa Rica (49841; 50124), Exchange. Christiernsson, W. E., Keystone, S. Dak. : Specimen of spodumene (49082). Chubb, Mrs. Charles St. J., Wash- ington, D. C. : Specimen of mistle- toe, Phorodcndron cnlifornicum, and of CEotillo, Fourqueria splcndcns (49840). Clapp, George H., Pittsburgh, Ba. About 80 cotypes of Bifidarki tuba intu!aw- rence Washington in 1743 (50084). Dodge, Pickering, U. S. Engineer Office, Washington, I). C. : An Egyp- tian water jar (49-341). Doria, Marquis C, Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, (Jenoa. Italy: Bat, Amorphochilus schnahlii, from Peru (494.57). Douglass. William B., Washington, D. C. : Relics of cliff dwellers from Utah and Colorado (50262). Do WELL, Philip, Port Richmond, Staten Island, N. Y. : 92 plants from the District of Columbia and vicin- ity (49205). Du Bois, E., Bluffton, S. C. : Larva of a Yucca borer (49992). Duces, Dr. A., Guanajuato, Mexico : Skin of Pyninga cnjthrnmrlas (48991) ; pocket gopher, P/«///r/r'o;/(2/.s tylorhmus, from Mexico (49949). Eastman, George, Rochester, N. Y. : Speed kodak No. 4 A (49628). Ebebhardt, Charles C, Barranquilla, Colombia, South America : Photo- graphs relating to the Indians of Peru (49307). EcKis, D. O., Dillon, Colo. : Mummied specimen of acadian or saw whet owl, Claux acadicus, from Colorado (50080). Edgerton, C. W., Baton Rouge, La. : Specimen of clover, Trifolium suaveolens, collected by B. Railback (50100). Edwards, Hon. Thomas J., Daisy, Ga. : Powder gourd carried through the Revolutionary War by his great grandfather (49882: loan). Eggleston, W. W., Washington, D. C. : 221 plants, Cratcrgus, from New York and Connecticut (49802). Eichlam, Federico, Guatemala. Guate- mala : 15 si)ecimens of living plants from Guatemala (49308) : 10 living specimens of cacti. Opuntia pumila, from Guatemala (496.35) ; cactus seeds from Guatemala (50111). Ex- change. Elbeuf, France, Museum D'Histoire Naturelle: Prehistoric flint imple- ments from the vicinity of Elbeuf (49696: exchange). Elmer, A. D. E., Bureau of Science, Manila, P. I. : .549 specimens of ])lants from the Philippine Islands (48977: loan); 309 specimens of Philippine plants (49149: purchase). Ely, Charles R., Washington, D. C. : 65 specimens of Lepi(l()i>tera (49296) ; 6 Braconidte. Hymenoptera. from East River, Connecticut (494.30). Endicott, J. D.. Canon City, Colo. : Samples of chalcedonic replacements of fossil bones (?) (500.53). Englehardt, George P., Brooklyn, N. Y. : 11 specimens of Lepidoptera (50151). REPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909. 77 Ernst, Miss Helen Amory. W:isliing- ton, D. C. : An interesting collection of specimens of " P]ast Indian "' and "Lowestoft" porcelain (45357: loan). (See also under Mrs. William Wliarton.) EsHNAUR, Mrs. W. H., Terminal Is- land, Cal. : 17 specimens rein-esent- ing 5 species of marine shells from Terminal Island (50095). Evans, G. L., Richland, Iowa : Arrow points, axes, and stone knife (49620). Fall, Trof. H. C, Pasadena, Cal.: 4 beetles, including a cotype (49494). Fawcett, G. .L., Porto Rico Agricul- tural Experiment Station, Maya- guez, Porto Rico : 7 specimens of Hymenoptera ( 497S7 ) . Featherstonhaugh, Dr. Thomas, Washington, D. C. : 4 watch move- ments (50007; 50229). Felippone, Dr. Florentino, INIonte- video, Uruguay : 35 specimens repre- senting 8 species of land and fresh- water shells from Uruguay and other localities; also 4 crabs, Uca untgna- yensis (49079). Felt, Dr. E. P., Albany, N. Y. : 4 mos- quitoes, Diptera (49321). Fenyes, Dr. A., Pasadena, Cal. : 10 Phengodid beetles from Cardoba and Cuernavaca, Mexico (49811 : ex- change). Ferguson, John H., Western State Hospital, Staunton, Va. : A specimen of chert (49401). Febnald, Dr. H. T., Amherst, Mass. : 8 cotypes of Cecidomyia foliora (48966). Ferrier, W. F., Mammoth, Cal. : Type specimen of Lissoprion ferricrl and other specimens of the species (49633). Ferriss, James H., Joliet, 111. : Speci- men of Asplcniiim from Arizona (49110) ; 2 rattlesnakes from Co- chise County, Arizona (49485). Festa, Dr. Enrico, Turin, Italy : 19 mammals from Italy (49995). Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, 111. : 74 specimens of Formi- ca riidte (48945: loan); specimen of Magnolia from Mexico (49184: loan) ; 6 specimens of fishes, Cicliln- soma dovii, C. gtittulatum, and C. mnnaguense from Central America (49242: exchange) ; 80 specimens of DendrocolaptidtTe (49505: loan); fragment of a fossil sponge from the Cretaceous, 2 photographs of ff)ssil sponges, and 4 photograplis of fossil crabs (49869) ; 277 specimens of Trochilidfe and Micropodidte ( 50277 : loan ) . Flett. J. B., Tacoma, Wash. : 5 plants from Washington (49933). FoLSOM, J. W., Urbana, 111. : About 40 specimens of Aphanura cocklei (49089). Foote Mineral Company', Philadel- phia, Pa. : Native silver with cobal- ite ; kornerupine (48950: purchase). Forsyth-Major, Dr. C. T., London, England : Reptiles and batrachians from Corsica (49474). Fort, Tomlinson, Chattanooga, Tenn. : 2 photographs of Indian mortars found in the sandstone near Wal- dens Ridge, about 16 miles from Cha ttanooga ( 40929 ) . Foster, A. S., Hoquaim, Wash. : Ily- droids, bryozoans, and fragment of a plant (48986) ; 55 plants from Washington (49123) ; 29 specimens of plants from Washingtcm (49186) ; 57 specimens of plants from Wash- ington (49.337). Fox, Dr. Carroll, Oakland, Cal. : 25 slides of fleas from San Francisco (49877). Fox, Mrs. Y. L. W., bequest of (through Mr. Gist Blair, executor) : The fol- lowing articles presented by the Em- peror of Russia to the late Hon. G. Y. Fox : 2 silver medals ; a gold medal; silver-mounted leather case which held the diploma of citizen- ship of Moscow ; diploma of citizen- ship of Moscow, framed ; a memo- rial picture of Novgorod ; silver sal- ver ; salt cellar in the shape of an 78 REPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909. Fox, Mrs. V. L. W. — Coutiuued. antique chair; malachite casket con- taining the diploma of citizenship of St. Pet('rsl)urK: sold snuffbox; book " Sacre d'Alexandre 2nd ; " 4 vol- umes "Antiquities de TEmpire de Russia; " 2 volumes " Musee de Tsar- skdo Selo du Colloction d'Arnies ; " volume " National Costumes " (50021: bequest). Fkail6, M., Department of Agricul- ture, Washington, D. C. : 12 speci- mens of plants from Spain (49175). Frampton, Eugene, Punxsutawney, Pa.: Luna moth, Actias luna (49092). Franklin, Dr. H. J., St. Anthony Park, Minn. : Slide of cotypes of Aleurodothrips fasciapennis (49961). Fretz, C. D., Sellersville, Pa. : 45 plants, Cratcegus, from Pennsylvania (49887: exchange). Frye, T. C, Washington, D. C. : Plant, J uncus: orcffoiitis, from Washington (4993G). I'UKAi, Takeshi, Kouosu, Saitama, Japan : About 100 specimens of Hymenoptera from Japan (50144). Fuller, F. Wesley, West Quincy, Mass. : (5-inch sphere of lipardite, and a 3-inch sphere of jasper hema- tite (49578: purchase). FuRNESS, Dr. Henry, Ma lone, X. Y. : A single-barrel gun, formerly owned by Daniel Webster (49846). Gabaldon, P>riceno & Sons, Merida, Venezuela : Insects and shells from Venezuela (49939: purchase). Gaillard, Col. D. Du B., LT. S. Army, Culebra, Canal Zone : Plant, Bixa, from Panama (49935) ; fruits of the plant EnjUtrhia from Panama (50189). Gabriel, Charles J., Abbotsford, Mel- bourne, Victoria, Australia : 57 specimens, representing 13 species of marine shells, from Victoria (49081) ; 67 specimens, representing 28 species of marine shells, from Australia (49451: exchange). Gaither, Mrs. H. Marcia, Falls Church, Va. : Solid shot found 70 years ago in the Gaither family residence, Howard County, Mary- land (49034). Garfield, Hon. James Rudolph, Washington, D. C. : Tile from the spot in the floor of the old Pennsyl- vania Railway Station, Washington, I). C, where General Garfield was standing at the time of his assassi- nation (49837). (Jarman, H., Lexington, Ky. : Plant, Hydrocotyle, from Kentucky (49748). Garrett, Harrison, Tippah, Miss. : Ceremonial object found by the donor in 18S7 near Tippah (50133). Gatlin, B. B., Deming, N. Mex. : Speci- men of whip-tail scorpion, Thely- iioinis ffigantcus (49031). Gatton, Joseph M., Clarendon, Va. : Small tile from the Pennsylvania Railway Station, Washington, D. C, indicating the place where President Garfield fell at the time of his assas- sination (49105). Gee, Prof. N. Gist, Santuck, S. C, : Collection of old Chinese coins and casts of coins (49015). Geroui-d, Dr. J. H., Hanover, N. H. : Crab, Calappa flammea, from Fal- mouth, Massachusetts (49713). Giacornelli, Eugenio, La Rioja, Ar- gentina : 17 si)ecimens of Lepidop- tera (49856 : exchange), Gibson, Arthur, Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Canada : Specimen of Lepido[)tera, the type of Psilocorus flctcherclla (49545) ; specimen of Ilcpialiis Jiypcrboreus (49645). Gilder, Robert F., Omaha, Nebr. (through J. E. Wallace) : 3 skulls, fragments of bones and a small piece of sandstone from Nebraska (49164) : skull and fragments of hu- man bones from the " Wall mound," Sarpy County, Nebraska (49243) : disk from a human skull and prob- ably of fetishistic significance, from Long's hill, near Florence, Arizona (50087). KEPOET OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909. 79 Gillette, Cassius E., Philadelphia , Pa. : Small celt from Nicaragua (49851). GiBAULT, A. A., Urbana, 111. : Speci- men of I.epifloptera, Cullopistria florhlcnsis (49(J01) ; 8 specimens of Hymenoptera, cotypes of 2 species, from Carbondale, Illinois (49024) ; 2 cotypes of Trichoporus (nicnviridia, and 4 parasitic Hymenoptera co- types of 2 species (49740) ; 2 co- types of Pediobioidea cyanea, Hy- menoptera (49765) : 4 cotypes of Hymenoptera (49925). Glasgow, University of, Galsgow, Scotland : Negatives of the type specimens of Ellis and Solander's species of corals (50012: exchange). GoDBEY, S. M., Nashville, Tenn. : Specimen of Caryocrinus ornatus from Newsom, Tennessee (49956) ; exchange). GoDMAN, F. D., London, England : 420 specimens of named Coleoptera from Central America, including cotypes (49960: exchange). (See also un- der Lord Walsingham.) GoLL, George P., Philadelphia, Pa.: Plant, Ccreus triangularis, from the Bahama Islands (48968). Gonzales, Rev. Father Saturio, Santo Domingo de Silos, Provincia Burgos, Spain ; 16 mammals and a bird from Spain (.50082: exchange; a wild l)oar, purchase). Goode, Mrs. G. Brown, Middletown, Conn. : Set of Italian playing cards (49202) ; nine medals, gold, silver, and bronze, awarded to the late Dr. G. Brown Goode (49900: loan). Goodwin, J. W., Gordonsville, Ya. : Lit- tle blue heron, Florida ccerula, from Virginia (49027). GouGH, Harry, White Plains, Md. : In- dian paint cup (atone), (49224) ; 7 arrowpoints and knives (49602). Gould, Mrs. A. B., Boston, Mass. : Stone implements and carvings from Porto Rico (49528). GowARD, GusTAVus, Washington, D. C. : Chinese porcelain folding screen (48935: loan). 12048—09 6 Gray Herbarium, Cambridge, Mass. : Specimens of Talauma and Magnolia from Central ;ind South America (49146: loan) ; 5 specimens of ferns (49354: loan) ; 7 sheets of Parosela (Dalea) (494.S8: loan) ; 12 sheets of Mexican Cratwgl (49551: loan); specimen of Mexican Crataegus (49590: loan) ; 83 specimens of trop- ical American ferns (49698: loan); 54 plants (49792: loan); fragment of a plant from Mexico (49842 : ex- change). Grebel, Wendler and Company, Ge- neva, Switzerland : 99 grams of the Girgenti meteorite (48995: pur- chase) ; 523 grams of the Lime Creek meteorite (49324: exchange). Green, Edward, U. S. National Mu- seum : Brown bat, Vespertilio fiiscus (49947). Green, Frank, Washington, D. C. : 2 fragments of pottery and an arrow- head (49402). Greer, D. M., Limestone Island, New Zealand: Fossil shark's teeth (49777). (Jripp, C. W., San Diego, Cal. : Marine shells representing 10 species from California (49323). Hague, Mrs. Arnold. Washington, D. C. : A yai'd of round point Honi- ton lace, and a cape of Mechlin lace (50146: loan). Haines, A. S., Westtown, Pa. : Speci- men of fern, Camptosorus, from Vir- ginia, and photograph furnished by E. S. Cary (50108). Hall, M. C, Department of Agricul- ture, Washington, D. C. : Microscopic slide of parasitic copepods from Roccus lineattis, Potomac River (49780). Haller, J. S., Cuba, Nebr. : 3 specimens of Laciniaria from Nebraska (49413). Hamilton, James, Tombstone, Ariz. : Vesuvianite (49533). Hamlin. Homer, Los Angeles, Cal. : Portions of a fossil species of rab- bit (49626) ; bone whistle from Cali- fornia (49742: loan). 80 REPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909. Hammatt-Dickey Company, Jackson- ville, Fla. : Set of three models of the Cullinan diamond cut from rock crystal (49261: purchase). Hanley, Mrs. M. L., Washington, D. C. : Adult female specimen of praying mantis, Stagmomantis Caro- lina (49165). Hannibal, Harold, San Jose, Cal. : Specimens of Gonidca and Lucina from California (49287) ; shells (49322). Hansemann, Prof, von, Berlin, Ger- many : Anatomical specimen (49295) ; 5 skulls, with brains (50142: ex- change). Hansen, John, Washington, D. C. : 8 watch movements (49576). Harding, Right Rev. Alfred, Washing- ton, D. C. : 6 books damaged by termites (50097). Harper, R. M., University, Ala. : 4 specimens of ferns from Alabama (493S7). Harriman, Mrs. James, Washington, D. C. (through Mrs. J. W. Pinchot) : l^xcellent examples of Venetian and Rose point lace (49599: loan). Harrington, Lady, Adis, Ababa, Abys- sinia, via Aden : 57 birds' skins from Abyssinia (49075). Harris, Dr. J. V., Key West, Fla.: 2 larvae of Lepidoptera, MegaJopyge opercularis (49166) ; cocoons of Apanteles sp., with adults of the same species (49938; 50073). Harris, W., Hope Gardens, Kingston, Jamaica: Stem of Cyathea arborea (49514). Hasse, Dr. H. E., Sawtelle, Cal.: 6 plants from California (48960) ; 2 specimens of cactus, Opuntia litto- ralis, from California (48982) ; 2 specimens of Opuntia from Califor- nia (49095). Hauf, Mrs. Harriet, Lancaster, Pa. : 2 small plaster reliefs supposed to rep- resent Napoleon I and the Express Josephine (49507). PIauptmann, Johann, Washington, D. C. : Great horned owl, Bubo vir- ginianus (49738). Hay, Prof. W. P., Washington, D. C. : Turtles from Choptank Creek, Mary- land (.50271). Hayhurst, Paul, Roslindale, Mass. : 2 types of Hyalopterus dactylidis (50231). Hazlett, Miss M. E., East Liverpool, Ohio : Brooch and earrings of woven human hair, mounted in gold (50025: loan). Headley, F. B., Fallon, Nev. : Speci- men of cactus. Opuntia, from Ne- vada (50137). Hearne, J. W., Howard University, Washington, D. C. : 2 snakes from South America (49332). Hebard, ^Morgan, New Haven, Conn. : 44 specimens of Orthoptera (49848: exchange). Heidemann, Otto, Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. : 2 specimens of Hemiptera, Sahloida cornuta, from Florida (48936) ; 2 types of Corizus indentatiis, type of C. tuberctdatus and cotype of C. validus (492S9) ; 7 specimens of Hemiptei'a, types of 3 species (49572). Heighway, a. E., Mina Coustancia, Vinales, Pinar del Rio, Cuba : Min- erals and about 2.000 recent shells (491.30) ; gem tourmalines, chryso- prase, etc., from California (49868: deposit) ; knit bag of fiber, made by Indians of the Atrato River, Colom- bia, South America (49874) ; about 50 specimens of land shells repre- senting 5 species, from the Isthmus of Darien, two of the species being new (50272). Heller, A. A., Reno, Nev. : 2 speci- mens of Apiaceifi from Nevada (49365) ; 12 ferns from Nevada and California (40771) ; 400 plants from Nevada and California (49850 : pur- chase) ; specimen of Opuntia basil- aris ramosa (50265). Hendel, Friedrich, Vienna, Austria : 26 specimens representing 21 species of European Diptera (48975: ex- change). REPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909. 81 Henderson, Junius, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colo. : 20 speci- mens of Oreohelix haydeni and va- rieties from Colorado (498GG). Herdman, Prof. W. A., Liverpool, Eng- land : G specimens, representing G species, of crinoids from Ceylon and tlie Red Sea (502G0: exchange). Hernandez, J. V., Claremont, Cal. : 57 specimens of ferns collected in the vicinity of Para, Brazil, in 1008 (49614). Herrick, Prof. Glenn W., College Sta- tion, Tex.: 23 mosquitoes (49103); 20 specimens of parasitic Hymenop- tera (49615). Hester, Louis G., Houston, Tex. : 3 specimens of Texas marble (49097). HiATT, W. L., Fruita, Colo. : 2 frag- ments of dinosaur bones (49723). HiLLiARD, George R., Springfield, Ohio : 2 specimens of Orthoptera (49137) ; 12 specimens of Orthoptera, Dics- trainniciia marmorata (49155) ; 17 specimens of Orthoptera, Dicstratn- mcna marmorata and 1 specimen of Coleoptera, Pinotus caroliniis (49161). Hinkley, a. a., Du Bois, 111.: 2."'.0 specimens representing 44 species of land and fresh-water shells from Mexico (40104: exchange). HiRASE, Y., Kyoto, Japan : 70 species of Japanese shells, including many cotyi)es of Pilsbry's species (50274: purchase). Kitchens, Capt. George D., Brighton, Va. : Specimen of shearwater, Puf- ftnus, from Smiths Island, Vir- ginia (50156). HiTT, Mrs. Robert R., Washington, D. C. : 7 pieces of old lace, in- cluding specimens of point d'Argen- tan, point de Milan, point de Yenise, and Malines (49598: loan). Hochderffer, George, Flagstaff, Ariz. : 2 specimens of MamiUaria from Ari- zona (48929). Hodge, Dr. E. R., Army Medical Mu- seum, Washington, D. C. : 3 Apache baskets (49482: exchange). Holcombe, W. E., Columbiana, Ala. : Four-legged chicken (50103). HoLLisTER, Ned, Washington, D. C. : Fern from Maryland (49806). Holm, Frits v., Smithsonian Institu- tion : A complete rubbing, in four pieces, of the inscription on the fa- mous Nestoriau tablet, now in the '• Peilin '" or " Forest of Tablets " in Sian-fu, capital of Shensi, West- ern China (49501) ; specimen of limestone from Fu-ping-hsian, Shensi Province, China (49795). Holm, Dr. Theodor, Brookland, D. C. : 11 specimens of plants in alcohol (48984) ; 2 jars and 10 test tubes of plants in alcohol from the District of Columbia and vicinity (49239) ; 5 plants in alcohol collected in the District of Columbia (49264: ex- change) ; specimen of Cardamine in- termedia from Brookland, D. C. (49983) ; 30 plants from various lo- calities (50122). Holmes, Dr. S. J., University of Wis- consin, Madison, Wis. : 4 vials and 14 slides of isopods, types of 4 spe- cies (49631). Holmes, W. H., Washington, D. C. : Stone implements from Turkey Point, Chesapeake Bay, Maryland (49150). Holsinger, S. J., Meteor, Ariz. : Small iron meteorite with shale in which it was originally embedded (49715). Hopkins, Dr. R. D. (See under West Yirginia Agricultural Experiment Station.) Hopkins, Robert T., Nashville, Tenn. : Polished slab of stalagmite (49292). HoRTON, Mrs. Mary, Cumberland Md. : Canteen used by the donor's hus- band, David Horton, throughout the civil war (49087). IIosLEY', Mrs. H. H., Washington, D. C. : Sword and belt presented to the late Commander Harry H. Hos- ley, U. S. Navy, by the Larchmont Yacht Club of New York, on his re- turn from towing the dry dock 82 EEPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909. HosLEY, Mrs. H. H. — Continued. Dewey to tbe Philippine Islands; also 4 cablegrams of congratulations (49151: loan). HoTCiiKiss, H. H. (through Mr. Ver- non Bailey, Bureau of Biological Survey, Department of Agriculture) : Indian skull and a grooved stpne axe which was hidden at its base, found in the ruins of an old pueblo in Tom Moore Canyon, near Diamond Bar Ranch, in Gila National Forest, New Mexico (501G3). Hough, Walter, U. S. National Mu- seum : Flint lock pistol made in Richmond, Ya., in ISOS (49420: loan) ; Remington carbine (50088). Howard T'niversity Medical School, Washington, D. C. : Anatomical spec- imens (49621; 49813; 49931). Hubbell, Royal, Hawks Park, Fla. : 5 photographs of sperm whales strand- ed near Mosquito Inlet Light Sta- tion, Ponce Park, Fla. (49404: pur- chase). Hudson, Dr. J. W., Ukiah, Cal. : I'omo Indian ceremonial feather headdress or mask, " guk tsu " or "Big head" (499G5: purchase). Huidekoper, Mrs. Frederick W., Washington, D. C. : Tintypes of Gen- eral McClellan and General Siegel, and other articles (49603). Hungate, J. W., Cheney, Wash.: 90 insects (49415). Hunt, Gaillard, Library of Congress, Washington, D. C. : A cane, once the property of Toussaint L'Ouverture (49134). Hunt, Mrs. Richard M., New York City : Collection of embroidered pic- tures from the XYII and XYIII cen- turies (49421: loan). Hunter, William, Washington, D. C. : Fern from Rock Creek Park, Wash- ington, D. C. (49361). IIuoT, Joe, Henderson, Cal. : 2 speci- mens of invertebrate fossils (40074). Hurter, Julius, St. Louis, Mo. : Rep- tiles and batrachians (49088; 49634) ; 19 salamanders (49969: ex- change). Indian Museum. (See under Calcut- ta, India.) Indiana University, Blooiuiugtun, Ind. : Mammals from Mitchell, Ind. (49872). Iksley, h; R., Paymaster, U. S. Navy, Washington, D. C. : 2 raincoats worn by the Negritos of northwestern Lu- zon, near Aparri (49834). Interior, Department of: Office of Indian Affairs: A col- lection of negatives representing in- dividuals of various Indian tribes, made by Dr. A. Hrdlirka of the Na- tional Museum (49350) ; a pair of grass shoes found in a cave on Cot- tonwood Creek, about 30 miles north- east of San Carlos, Ariz. (49640). Patent Office: Collection of fire- arms, mechanical models, etc. (49064) ; model of a percussion key- board instrument (49276). U. 8. Geological Survey: Small col- lection of Kootanie plants obtained by C. A. Fisher (48992) ; 3 boxes of rocks collected in the Bradshaw Mountains by Drs. Palache and Jag- gar (49291) ; rocks from the Sugar Loaf district, Colorado, obtained by R. D. George (49306) ; specimens of pyroxeuite collected near Grants Pass, Oreg. ; of peridotite collected near Eight Dollar Mountain, Josephine County, Oreg. ; and of hornblende andesite from the west base of Mount Sliasta, California (49366) ; frag- mentary vertebrate fossils collected by T. W. Stanton near the top of the Upper Cretaceous in North Dakota and Montana (49381) ; vertebrate fossils, consisting chiefly of teeth and jaws of small mammals, obtained by A. C. Silberling from the lower Ter- tiary strata in the Fish Creek region of Sweetgrass County, Mont. (49393) ; rocks and feldspar crystals from Goodsprings, Nev. (49394) ; 57 speci- mens of trachyte from Gray Rock Peak, Engineer Mountain quadran- gle, Colorado ; 24 specimens of quartz- porphyry and 25 specimens of uiona- zite - porphyry from Alpine Gulch, San Cristobal quadrangle; and 63 KEPOET OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909. 83 Interior, Department of — Cont'd, specimens of rbyolite from Sparling Gulch, Lalve City quadrangle, Colo- rado (4949G) ; 30 small lots of Cre- taceous and Tertiary vertebrate fos- sils, mostly fragmentary, collected by field parties in Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, and New Mexico (40517) ; GO specimens of rocks from the Sil- verton quadrangle, Colorado (49518) ; 4 specimens of fragmentary verte- brate fossils from the Rico forma- tion, Permian (?), collected by Whit- man Cross (49531) ; a collection of measuring instruments (49676) ; rocks from the Boulder quadrangle, Colorado, collected by W. H. Weed (49695) ; 3 fossil teeth of a horse, collected by L. W. Stephenson (49709) ; invertebrate fossils from the Coalinga district, Fresno and Kings counties, Cal., and adjacent re- gion, collected by Ralph Arnold and Robert Anderson (49757) ; vertebra and other fragmentary bones of a dinosaur from Donkey Creek, near Moorcroft, Wyo., collected by R. W. Stone (49S16) ; specimens of pyrrho- titic peridotite from Knox County, Me. (50039) ; fossil woods collected in the region of the petrified forest of Arizona by F. H. Knowlton, L. F. AYard, and David White (.50203) ; collection illustrating the report of F. L. Ransome on the geology and deposits of the Goldfield district (50216). Interior Department and Bureau of American Ethnology : Archeological objects collected by J. Walter Fewkes, of the Smithsonian Institution, in connection with the excavation and restoration of certain prehistoric ruins in the Mesa Verde National Park of Colorado (49735). International Maritime Exposition, Bordeaux, France : Diploma award- ing the " Grand Prix " to the Na- tional Museum for its exhibits (49994). Jackson, E. P., Covington, Va. : Silver pin (49743: loan). James, J. E., Pittston, Pa. : 22 speci- mens of fossil plants from the an- thracite series of Pennsylvania (49849). James, Mrs. Julian, Washington, D. C. : A volume entitled " Biographical Sketches of the Bailey-Myers-Mason families, 1776-1905" (49943); lace embroidery cape and a collection of nine miniatures (50250). Loan. Jelinck, M. W., Fairview, Nev. : Rocks and ores (49167). Jennings, Mrs. Hennen, Washington, D. C. : An old piece of altar lace and a copy of a fine piece of old Bruges lace (49554: loan). Jenney, Charles E., Fresno, Cal. : 4 beetles and 2 flies : Ahcphus paUidus, Lucilia sericata, Sarcophaga sp., Bemhidium cruralc, Bradyccllus ru- pestris, and Eleodes (Descogenia) marginata (48980) ; 7 insects from Fresno (49254). Jervey, Mrs. Jean B. W., Washington, Barracks, Washington, D. C. : Sea shells from the coast of Mindanao, Philippine Islands, and the islands off the coast, collected by James Pos- tell Jervey, jr. (49038). Jesup, Mrs. Morris K., New York City (through Mrs. Richard G. Lay) : Italian chasuble of the 18th century (49629: loan). Jewett, Stanley G., Portland, Oreg. : Rat, melanistic specimen of Mus norvegicus ( .50020 ) . Joannis, L'Abbe J. DE, Paris, France: 2 cotypes of Mcndesia echiella (49830). Johnson, Prof. D. S., Baltimore, Md. : Living specimen of plant, Dion spinu- losa (49783). Johnson, J. Chester, Marine Mills, Minn. : Small arrowpoints from a mound on the shore of Rice Lake, Washington County, Minn. (50061 : exchange). Johnson, Prof. O. B., Seattle, Wash.: 8 hermit crabs and a specimen of Matuta sp. (49223). 84 REPORT OF NATIONAL. MUSEUM, 1909. Johnson, Koswkll H. (See under Ciii-iiegie Institution.) Johnston, Miss Louise, Wooster, Ohio: Baby's cap, straw sandals, and a drum, made and used by tlie lu or lao tribes of the northwestern part of Canton Province, China (49051). Jones, Frank Norton, Wilmington, Del. : 19 specimens of I>epidoptera from Bermuda (50145). Karitzky, a. M., Nueva Gerona, Isle of Pines, Cuba : Plant from the Isle of Pines (50186). Karst, Miss Esther, Debruce, N. Y. : A transfer print, on glass, of the Smithsonian Institution (49569). Kavanaugh, ]\Iiss K., Washington, D, C. (through Miss E. R. Scidmore) : Old Chinese ivory white teapot (50063: loan). Keaney, Mrs. C. E., Spokane. Wash.: Barnacle, MitcUa polymcrus (49553). Keep, Mrs. Frederic A., Washington, D. C. : A piece of Binche lace, about the year 1700, and a piece of Valen- ciennes lace of the early 18th cen- tury (50149). Keuffel and Esser Company, New York City: A modern sundial (49473). Kew, London, England, Royal Bo- tanic Gardens : Specimen of Diplora integrifoHa from the Salomon Islands (49480: loan); specimen of plant, Mespiliis stipulosa (49649: loan): drawing of Crata-gus qHitensis (49768). Kimball, Miss Laura F., National City, Cal. : 2 plants, Sriaginella, from California (49636: exchange). Kindle, E. M., U. S. Geological Survey, Washington, D. C. : Marine shells in- cluding about 45 species and varie- ties, from Bering Strait and Eseh- scholtz, Alaska (49398) ; tusk of a mammoth from Point Hope, Alaska (49632: purchase). Kingman, C. C, Reading, Mass. : 4 specimens of ferns from Massachu- setts (49044). KiNGSLAND, Mrs. WiLLiAM M., New York City : Piece of Flemish or Dutch "Diana lace" of the 17th century, 26" long; and a piece of Flemish lace of the 18th century, 36" long by 7" wide (49730). Klages, Edward A., Crafton, Pa, : 5 skins of nun-birds, Mnuasa, from Venezuela ( 49583 ) . Klinger, G. R., Lyons, Kans. : Snake, head of a fish and an insect from Guatemala (49400). Knab, Frederick, Department of Ag- riculture, Washington, D. C. : 250 specimens of Hymenoptera from Saskatchewan, Canada (49020) ; 33 specimens of Hymenoptera and 5 specimens of Hemiptera from Wash- ington, D. C. (49056) ; 8 specimens of Hymenoptera from Virginia (49162) ; 14 specimens of Hymenop- tera from the vicinity of the District of Columbia (49207) ; 70 specimens of Coleoptera from Peru (49918). Knut, S. p., Washington, D. C. : 5 ob- jects of Egyptian antiquities (49522: loan). K. K. Naturhistorisches Hofmu- SEUM. (See under Vienna, Austria.) Konigl. Botanischer Garten und Museum. (See under Dahlem, Steg- litz bei Berlin, Germany.) KoNiGL. Botanisches Museum. (See under Berlin, Germany.) KoNiGL. Zoologisches Museum. (See under Berlin, Germany.) Kuala Lumpur, Federated Malay States, Selangor State Museum : 66 birds' skins from the Malay Pen- insula (49085) ; 20 Malayan mam- mals (49212). Exchange. Lacham, R. E., Santiago, Chile: 15 ancient Chilean skulls, fragments of pottery, pestle, and grinding stone (49982). Lafferty, R. F., Buena Arista, Colo. : Specimen of molybdic ocher (50152). Lake, Wilmot, Washington, D. C. : Specimen of stalagmitic marble from Harrisonburg, Va. (50219). REPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909. 85 Lamb, Dr. D. S., Army Medical Mu- seum, Washington, D. C, : 2 anatom- ical specimens (49487). liAMSoN-ScRiBNER, Prof. F., Depart- ment of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. : Sliull of a wild hog from Culion, Philippine Islands, and a piece of red coral, Tuhipora, from the shores of the island of Palawan (4934G). liANDALE, J. W., Washington, D. C. : 6 specimens of jasper and one of lava (49262). Lane, Dr. M. M., Oxly, Mo.: 8 stone implements (49211). Laney, F. B., U. S. National Museum : Specimen of copper ore and one of volcanic rock (49844). Lankester, C. H., San Jose, Costa Rica : 3 birds' skins from Costa Rica (49006) ; 83 birds' skins from Costa Rica (49007: loan); skin of Thnjoithilus modest us from Costa Rica (49650). Latham, Miss S. E., Smithsonian In- stitution : Photograph of Dr. Charles Rau (49937). Laxjsanne-Ouchy, University of Lau- sanne : 458 specimens of Old World plants representing 334 species of Leguminosfe and 124 Umbelliferae (49271: exchange). Lawton, Edwin M., Washington, D. C. : Horn spoon (50244). Lay, Mrs. Richard G. (See under Mrs. Morris K. Jesup.) Ledy'ard, Miss Murray', Washington, D. C. : Embroidered Filipino pina scarf (50064: loan). Leffingwell, E. de K., Chicago, 111. : Implements from some old Eskimo dwellings near Barter Island, Alaska (49796) ; 2 polar bear cubs, 2 brown bear skins, 25 weasels, 50 lemmings, and a hawk (49852) ; modern eth- nological material from Alaska (49952: loan). Leiden, Holland, Museum van Xatu- UBLiJKE Histoire : 4 bats, Myotis (lasycneme, from Holland (49900 : exchange). Leiter, INIrs. L. Z., Washington, D. C. : Collection of Hindu, Genoese, and French embroideries and woven art fabrics (50092: loan). Leland Stanford Junior University, Stanford University, Cal. : Type specimen of Hippocampus harhouri (49429: exchange). Lewis Bear Drug Company', Pensa- cola, Fla. : Specimen of Laciniaria (49320). Lewis, Lieut. George C, U. S. Army, Edna, Tex. : Batrachians from Texas (50047). Light, Sol F., xVtsugi INIachie, Kana- gawaken, Japan: 10 insects (49.582). Lighton, W. R., Yandervoort, Ark. : Chert implements from a village site in the Platte Caiion of Wyoming (49870). Linton, Dr. Edwin, Washington, Pa. : Isopods from the Tortugas (49955) ; 2 specimens of isopods, Cymodoce wstrum, from the Tortugas (50002). Lira, Dias, Santiago, Chile: Earthen- ware vessel, perforated stone, pitted stone, and globular stone (49980). Lloyd, F. E., Zacatecas, Mexico : 42 specimens of living cacti from Zaca- tecas (48938) ; nests of a bee, Anthi- diiim sp. (49014) ; 2 specimens of cactus (49124) ; 25 specimens of plants from Zacatecas (49141) ; 260 specimens of living and dried plants from Zacatecas (49189; 49263) ; 108 plants from the northern part of Zacatecas (49503) ; 16 living species of cacti from Mexico (50016) ; speci- men of cactus, Cereus sp,, and a liv- ing specimen of /SeienocereMS (50026; 50282). Loding, H. p.. Mobile, Ala. : 25 beetles representing 7 species (48957 : ex- change). I-oesener, Th., Dahlem, Steglitz bei Berlin, Germany : 613 plants from South Africa, collected by R. Schlechter (49241: purchase). London, England, British Museum (Natural History) : 25 Phengodid beetles (49022: loan); 5 Phengodid 86 REPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM^ 1909. London, England, Bkitish Muskitm (Natural History) — Continued, beetles, Plicnf/odcs minor, Ptortho- dius tnandibuhiris, and Euryojxt fusca, from Central America (49023 : exchange) ; 218 specimens of Ordo- Aician bryozoans (49171: loan); 24S spociniens of Cuming's Pliilip- pine plants (49477: exchange); G specimens of lUiengodidse (49881) ; 2 specimens of ridtiithclfthHKa armatd from Lake Tanganyika (50143: ex- change). liORiNG, Mrs. Malek Ahdel, Chicago, 111.: Pistol belt and pair of Colt's revolvers which belonged to the late Mr. Loring (49019). LovETT, Edward, Croydon, England : Religious and medicinal amulets (59016: purchase) ; colored woodcut of a panoramic view of the Lord Mayor's show (49440: exchange). Lucas, F. A., The ^Museum, Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, Brookyn, N. Y. : Skeletons of Carpo- clacus ampins, J unco insularis, Sa- pinctcs giiadaloupensis, and Pipilo consob?inus, from Guadalupe Island, California, collected by W. E. Bryant (49991). LuNELL, Dr. J., liCeds, N. Dak. : 10 specimens of Laciniaria from North Dakota (4943fi) : 11 sheets of La- ciniaria (49547: loan); ]70 plants from North Dakota (49597: ex- change). LusBY, G. B., Olivet, Md. : Larva of a night flying moth, Catocala sp. (48963). LuTTRELL, C. F., Austin, Tex. : Speci- men of cactus, Opuntia, from Ne- vada (48926). MacDougal, Dr. D. T., Washington, D. C. : 9 plates of Australian plants (49203). (See also under Carnegie Institution and New Yorlv Botanical Garden.) MacGillivray^ Dr. A. D., Ithaca, N. Y. : 6 specimens of Hymenoptera, in- cluding type of ScoUoneura slos- sonia (49419). McAtee, W. L.. Washington, D. C. : 27 specimens of plants, mainly Vi- hiirrnini, chiefly from the District of Columbia and vicinity (49143) ; 15 specimens of Viburnum from the District of Columbia and vicinity (49376) ; type specimen of llclori- morplui fiKhcri from the District of Columbia (50050) ; 140 sheets of plants from Washington and vicin- ity (502.32). McClendon, Dr. J, F., University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. : Shrimps, Typton tortugce sp. nov., from Tor- tugas, Florida (49616) ; 15 speci- mens of AlpheidiTJ named by Dr. H. Coutiere (50253). McCracken, Miss I., Stanford Univer- sity, Cal. : 28 specimens of Hymen- optera (49736). McDonald, F. E., Peoria, 111. : 27 speci- mens of Laciniaria from Illinois (49219). jMcGowan, p. J., & Sons, McGowan, Wash. : Skull of Steller's sea lion, Eumetopias stcUcri (49127). McGregor. Richard C, Manila, P. I. : 2 specimens of minei'als and a rock from Unimak Island, Alaska ; coral- line limestone from near San Fer- nando (4991.3) ; ethnological material from Alaska and the Philiiipine Is- lands (49920). McKenney^ Dr. R. E. B., Washington, D. C. : 3 beetles from Costa Rica (49607) ; 6 bats, a shrimii. Biilninis olfcrsii, and reptiles from I'anam.a 49714) ; reptiles from Panama (49726) ; reptiles, batrachians, and about 185 insects from Punta de Pena, Bocas del Toro, Panama (49758) ; hummingbird, Pliwtliornis, from Bocas del Toro (50127). McKiNNON, Angus, Boston, Mass. (through A. E. Stewart) : Rocks from Nova Scotia (50279). McLane, Mrs. Allan, Washington, D. C. : A very interesting collection of chinaware and porcelain (49417; loan). REPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909. 87 Mackensen, Bernard, Sau Antonio, Tex. : 23 specimens of cacti and liv- ing cacti from Texas (49282; 49318; 49587; 49838; 50114; 50276). Mackie, D. B., Manila. P. I. : 9 ferns from China and Japan (49891). Macoun, John, Ottawa, Canada : 200 specimens of Canadian mosses , (49481: purchase). Madrid, Spain, Mused de Ciencias Naturales : 13 specimens of mam- mals of the genera Grnctta, LcpuH, Merioiws, GcrbiUns, RhinoJophu^, and Hipposideros (501.34: exchange). ]Main, Mrs. Charlotte E.. Washing- ton, D. C. : Natural history material collected by the late Lieut. Com- mander Herschel Main, U. S. Navy (49942). Manila, Philippine Islands, Bureau OF Science : 261 birds from the Phil- ippine Islands (40431) ; 579 speci- mens of Philippine fungi (49601). Exchange. Mann, Dr. Albert, Department of Agri- culture, Washington, D. C. : 9 speci- mens of Razoumofslciia pusiUa from Connecticut (49280). Marinelli, G., Chesapeake Beach; Md. : Fish hawk, or osprey, Pandion lui- licetus carolinensis (50070). Marshall, Ernest, Laurel, Md. : Fishes and a snake from Maryland (48993) ; skulls of a mink, Lutrcola; a fox, TJrocyon; and 2 muskrats, Fiber, from Maryland (49705) ; skulls of 4 muskrats, a mink, and an opossum (49829) ; little yellow rail, Coturnicops noveboracensis (49863) ; red-wingesonii (50208). Nevin, Dr. Robert J., estate of: 15 mounted heads of animals from South Africa, shot by Dr. Nevin and ■presented by his heirs, through 'Sir. John Nevin Sayre, executor (50041). 90 REPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM^ 1909. Newcombe, C. F., Victoria, Britisli Co- lumbia : 4 sijeciniens of Cauadiau plants (49750: cxcliaugeK Newgarden, George J., jr.. Washing- ton, D. C: AIl)ino chipmunlv, Ta- mias St Hat us ( 49:233). New Mexico College of Agriculture AND Mechanic Arts, Agricultural College, N. Mex. : (>7 specimens of plants, Tlinlictiion (49591: loan) : 4 plants, ScUiuhiclla, from New Mexico (4965S; 49(J74 : exchange); 3,020 plants, principally from New Mexico (49755; 50222: exchange). New York Botanical Garden, New York City : Specimen of Opuntia from Arizona, collected by Dr. Mac- Dougal (49040) ; 101 specimens of plants from the West Indies (49071 : exchange) ; 2 specimens of cacti from the West Indies and Central America (49422 : exchange) ; 3 sheets of plants, Paroscla (Dalca) (49437: loan) ; 52 specimens of ferns from the Southern States (49446: ex- change) ; plant, Juncus bufoncus, from Jamaica (4947S: exchange); 51 specimens of plants, mainly from South America, from the O. Kuntze herbarium (49588: exchange); 148 specimens of plants, mainly ferns from tropical America (49659: ex- change) ; 900 plants from Jamaica, British West Indies (49810: ex- change) : plant from Guadeloupe (49970: exchange) ; 12 specimens of living cacti from Florida and Cuba (50029: exchange) ; 1.39 plants from Bermuda (.50107: exchange); 18 specimens of plants, and 16 photo- graphs, mainly of cacti from Florida, Cuba, etc. (50193: exchange) ; 3 liv- ing plants, chiefly cacti (50258). New York State Museum, Albany, N. Y. : 8 graptolites (49694: loan). New York Zoological Society, New York City : Chimpanzee, Anthropi- thecus (50237). Nichols, Dr. Henry J., V. S. Army. (See under Captain Irving Rand, U. S. Army.) Nightingale, Rev. Robert C, Norfolk. England: 11 pieces of flint intended to illustrate the process of working out a scraper (49416). Nunenmacher, F. W., Goldfield, Nev. : 5 specimens and 3 larvfe of Zarliipis, Coleoptera (49091). Ocock, Bert., Marengo, 111. : S copi)er nodules (49774). Oldenburg, C. F., Seattle, Wash. : Pho- tograph of a deer skull in a tree (48955). Oldroyd, Mrs. T. S., Long Beach, Cal. : 45 specimens of marine shells rep- resenting 5 species, from San Pedro, Cal. (49267). Orcutt, C. R., San Diego, Cal. : 2 spec- imens of plants, Opuntia basiUaris am flora, from California (49176) ; 2 specimens of plants from Durango,. Mexico (49423) ; 3 specimens of liv- ing Cactacete from Lower California and Mexico (49539). Ord, Mrs. James T., San Diego, Cal. : Cap and saber which belonged to the late Capt. James T. Ord, U. S. Army, and were used by him during the Spanish - American war (49464: loan). OsBURN, Prof. Raymond C, Barnard College, Columbia L^niversity, New York City : 15 specimens represent- ing 6 species of isopods from Tor- tugas, Fla. (49414). Osterhout, George, New Windsor, Colo.: Fragment of a plant (50052: exchange). Overman, Edward, St. Louis, Mo. : 3 Scarabjeid larvae with fungus para- sites (49814). Owens, Thomas M., Washington, D. C. : Skeleton from China, ob- tained by Dr. William Dunlop Owens, U. S. Navy (50059). Paez, Miss C. Y. and Jose A., New York City: A wreath made of egg shell porcelain, and another of red, blue, and yellow immortelles (48985: loan). EEPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909. 91 Page, Hou. John H., secretary of Arizona : A copy of tlie Revised Statutes of Arizona for 1901, dam- aged by termites (50008). Page. ]\Irs. Thomas Nelson, Wasliiug- ton, D. C. : Border of a priest's robe, and a fichu of point d'applique worn l)y the Archduchess Marie Louise (49(J00: loan). Palmer, Edward, Department of Agri- culture, Washington, D. C. : Ethno- logical objects made by the Tara- humara Indians, Chihuahua, Mexico (49033) : 137 specimens of living cacti from Mexico (4904G: pur- chase) ; fresh water and land shells representing 3 species from Mexico (49080) ; about 50 specimens of plants from the northern part of Mexico (49142) ; 389 plants from Chihuahua, Mexico (49148: pur- chase). Palmer, Joseph, U. S. National Mu- seum : Set of European balances and 7 weights; an old frame surgical saw which once belonged to Prof. Spencer F. Baird (502.51). Paris, France, Museum D'Histoire Naturelle: Cotype of Potamon ro- (lol phi anus from the Rothschild col- lection in British East Africa (49274) ; type specimen of Furbcsio- crinus nobilis (49753: loan). Parish, S. B., San Bernardino, Cal. : 11 specimens of Juncus from Cali- fornia (49647: loan). Parker. Dr. A. C, Altman, N. Y. : Beetle, Plagionotus speciosus (48964). Parlin, John A., Cincinnati, Ohio: Slab of buff marble from Yale, Ky. (49825). Parrott, Prof. P. J., Agricultural Ex- periment Station, Geneva, N. Y. : 5 specimens of Coleoptera, Polydro- siis impressifrons, from Geneva (49106). Partello, Maj. J. M. T., IT. S. Army, ^lalabang, Mindanao. P. I. : A small collec-tion of insects from the Philip- pine Islands (49049) ; black scorpion (49090) ; moth from Panay Island Partello, Maj. J. M. T. — Continued. (49128) ; 15 insects (491.56) ; scor- pion from the Phitippine Islands (49257) ; lizards, skin of a snake, and insects from the Philippine Is- lands (49.311) ; 2 lizards from Min- danao (49374) ; 57 insects (49406) ; egg of the native mallard, Anan liizonica (49490; 43 insects (40612) : about 25 specimens of ma- rine and freshwater shells from the vicinity of Mindanao ; insects (49794) ; egg of a mound fowl, Mega- podius cumingi (49833) ; reptiles, insects, a bird's egg and a lotus flower (.50140) ; snakes, frogs and insects (.50179) ; insects from Pa- rang (50246). Patching, Fred., Loring, Alaska : Fishes and an amphibian (49944). Pate, W. F., Lebanon, Ky. : Specimen of a fossil tree, Dado.rglon, of the Devonian period (49460: purchase). Patten. Miss Juliet C, Washington, D. C. : 2 snecime;ns of Laciniaria from Virginia (49249) ; 66 specimens of maples collected in the Ignited States (50125: exchange); 2 living specimens of Scdum from England (50259). Paul, Ch.\rles H., Glendive, ]\Iout. : Bones of EJcphas coliinihi (49247). Payn, Elias J., Olympia, Wash. : Im- perfect skull of Steller's sea lion, Eumetopias stelleri (50009). Payne. Elis. Dunmor, Ky. : Indian pipe bowl from Kentucky (49734). I'azos, Jose H.. San Antonio de los Bafios, Cuba : 60 insects from Cuba, Hymenoptera and Diptera (49057). I'endleton, Robert L., Saratoga, Cal. : 40 specimens of grasses, Plialaris Jcmmoni, from California (49356: exchange). Peradeniya, Ceylon, Royal Botanic Gardens : 391 plants from Ceylon (49116: exchange). Perkins. R. C. L., Honolulu, Ha- waiian Islands : Types of 7 species of Strepsiptera and 4 unnamed spec- imens (50054). 92 REPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909. Perry, Dr. George N., Washington, D. C. : Tooth of a mammoth from Missouri River, Montana (49170). Peruvian Oovernment : Birds' slvins and e'figs, mollnslvs, crustaceans, mammals, reptiles and insects, col- lected by Dr. K. E. Colier for the Peruvian Government and forwarded to the U. S. National Museum for identification and report ; 10 lots of crustaceans, collected in Peru by Dr. Coker and received through Dr. E. A. Andrews, Johns Hopkins University (49549). Pfizenmayer, E., St. Petersburg, Rus- sia : Skull of a fossil rhinoceros (49392: purchase). Phalen, W. C. Washington, D. C. : Perforated soapstone implement from Ivy Log, Union County, Ga. (49342). Picken, a., Norfolk. Va. : Specimen of Leptocephalus sp. (50215). PiLSBRY, Dr. H. A., Philadelphia, Pa.: 38 living specimens of Helix mcmo- ralis from Burlington, N. J. (49252) ; specimen of shell, Strcptostyla hart- scM, from Mexico (49917) ; land and fresh water shells representing 8 spe- cies from Mexico (50214). PiNCHOT, Mrs. James W., Washington, D. C. : 6 old engravings representing the " Stations of the Cross ;" Chilean feather flowers; fans and birds; fan with spray of feather flowers; fan with yellow feathers; 5 sprays of feather flowers and birds; 4 hum- ming birds and a bird's nest (49557) ; collar and jabot of Italian pillow lace ; cap of Italian lace, 17th century ; piece of lace, Reticella, old Italian (49655 : loan) ; collar and two cuffs of point de Bruxelles lace, XIX century; a small piece of old Argentan lace, and a collar of point d'Angleterre ( 50147 : loan ) . ( See also under Baroness Speck von Sternburg, Mrs. Frederick F. Thomp- son, and Mrs. James Harriman.) PiNNEY, A. H., Washington, D. C. : Lizard and 4 snakes from Panama (49312; 49475). Piper, A. E., Washington, D. C. : 12 specimens of Planorhis and Lymnwa from Nevada (490.39). Piper, C. V., Department of Agricul- ture, Washington, D. C. : 101 speci- mens of plants collected in Washing- ton by J. B. Flett (49479). (See also under P. D. Berry.) Pond, Dr. Eleanor J., Washington, D. C. : Plants from various parts of the United States (49396). Porter, Mrs. H. K., Washington, D. C. : Collection of embroideries and appli- ques (49506: loan). PoRTERFiELD, WiLSON, Silver City, N, Mex. : Arrowpoint of white quartz found near Silver City (49380). Porto Rico, Governor of. Government House, San Juan, Porto Rico : 2 bronze medals struck in commemo- ration of the landing of Ponce de Leon in Porto Rico (49957). Pretz, Harold W., Allentown, Pa. : Plants from Pennsylvania (48986: loan). PuRPUS, Dr. C. A., Zimapan, Huatusco, Vera Cruz, Mexico : 4 specimens of Dloon piirpusii from Puebla, Mexico (49266) ; 1 specimen and 2 packets of seeds of plants from Mexico (49424) ; 3 living plants, Scduiii hot- terii, from Zacuapam (49901) ; flower of Scdum, hotteril from Mexico (49960) ; specimen of fern, Pol II podium from Mexico (.50034). I'urviance, J. W., Selmer, Tenn. : Specimen of cephalopod, Baculites comprcssns ( 49875 ) . QuEROL, Seiior Agustin, Madrid, Spain : One of the small plaster models submitted by the donor in competition for the Columbus Me- morial (40236). Racovitza, Dr. Emile G., Laboratoire d'Anatomie Comparee, Sorbonne, Paris. France : 3 specimens of iso- pods, Stjspatus hrevicornis, from Corsica (49334: exchange). Ragan, N. H., Department of Agricul- ture. Washington, D. C. : Samples of cinnabar from San Luis Obispo, Cal. (49455). REPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909. 93 Ralston, R. L., Hartranft, Teun. : 2 specimens of fossil wood, probably Cordaitcs, from the mine of the Mingo Coal and Coke Company (50102). Rand, Capt. Irving, U. S. Army, and Dr. Henry J. Nichols, U. S. Army, Manila, P. I.: 2 heads of Moros (49270). Rathbun, Miss M. J., U. S. National Museum : Specimens of Dieinicti/lu>< from Fitzwilliam, N. H. (49083). Read, Frank E., Bocas del Toro. Panama : Ethnological, zoological, and botanical material from Bocas del Toro (49855). Reams, J. H., Accokeek, Md. : Human bones from a burial site at the mouth of Piscataway Creek, Mary- land (49471). Reed, Rear Admiral Allen V., U. S. Navy (retired), Washington, D. C. : Handkerchief of Nanduti (spider- web) lace, from Paraguay (50218: loan). Reed, Mrs. Annie, Somerville, N. J.: 5 unmounted photographs of the Karok Indians of California (500S6). Reed, F. M., Riverside, Cal. : Speci- men of Hasscanthus elongata from California (48970). Reed, W. V., Atlanta, Ga. : Specimen of Hymenoptera from Tallapoosa, Ga. (49025). Regia jNIuseo Zoologico. (See under Turin, Italy.) Renshaw, a. Minor, Philadelphia, Pa. : White whale, DeJphiriapterus leucas, from the St. Lawrence River (49245). Rice, A. P., U. S. National Museum: A violoncello with body of com- pressed paper and carved wooden head and pegs, made by the great grandfather of the owner (50196: loan). Rice, George G., Lo Lo, Mont. : Shrew, Sorex personatus (49898). Rice, H., Truxillo, Honduras, Central America : 3 specimens of Coleoptera, Ocrosiniis lon(jim(inus and Mega- soma elcplias (49153) ; lizard, Co- rythophancs crist(ituf< (49195). Richards, Rev. E. H., Elyria, Ohio: Ethnological objects from Inham- bane. East Africa (.50066: pur- chase). Richmond, Dr. C. W., U. S. National ^Museum : Autograph letter of Isi- dore Geoffroy St. Hilaire (49343). RiDGWAY, Joseph K., Barnegat, N. J. : Skull and vertebrte of a stranded killerwhale, Orcinus orca (49919: purchase) . RiDGWAY, Robert, U. S. National Mu- seum : Reptiles, crustaceans, shells, insects, and mammals collected near Olney, Illinois (49373). RiDGWAY, Mrs. Robert, Washington, D. C. : Ferns from Costa Rica (49067). Riley, J. H., U. S. National Museum : 2 birds' skins from Virginia (49346) ; young woodcock, Philohela minori (50071). Robinson, C. H., Washington, D. C. : Copy of "Ostervald's Bible," con- taining only the books of the Old Testament (50065). Robinson, Maj. Wirt, U. S. Army, West Point, N. Y. : 30 grasshoppers and 20 other insects from Bocas del Toro, Panama (49452) ; 412 speci- mens of insects from Panama, Costa Rica, and Ceylon (.50048). Rothwell-Jackson, Charles L., Moor- field, Bolton, England: Slides of fo- raminifera (50038). RoDGERS, JosiAH, Elizabeth City, N. C. : Specimen of sucking fish, Echeneis n a 11 era tcs ( 48994 ) . RoDRiQUEz, E., Monterey, Mexico: 8 plants from Mexico (50117). Rogers, Mark, Covington, Ind. : Speci- men of Pecoptcris dentata (49703). Rogers, Shober, Fallon, Nev. : 2 speci- mens of plants, Anagra trichowli/x, from Nevada (49426). 94 REPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909. RoLLE, Herman, Berlin, Germany : Shells, principally from Touki" (50273: pure-base). RoMiNE, E. T., 0\vef,'o, N. T. : 20 speci- mens of Devonian fossils from Owego (50175). Roosevelt, Hon. Theodore, President of tlie United States: An old royal Turkish saddle cover used in the processions of the Sultan (49316) ; an antique Japanese armor, pre- sented to the President by the Japa- nese Emperor after the Peace Con- ference at Portsmouth (49688: loan); a Turkish saddle (49381: loan). Roosevelt, Mrs. Theodore, The White House : Silver gilt bowl with dragon handle, and silver model of a Chi- nese war junk (49560: loan). Rosenberg, W. F. H., Loudon, Eng- land: 5 birds' skins (49028): skin of Parasidornis rutloiphi (49037) ; 2 birds' skins (49084) ; 2 birds' skins, Miro traverm and M. danncfwrdi (49273) ; 33 crabs from Natal (49526). Purchase. RosENSTOCK, Dr. E., Gotha, Germany: 289 specimens of fonis, mainly trop- ical American (50030: exchange). RoussELET, C. F., London, England: 24 slides of Rotifers (50261: pur- chase). RowLETT, Mrs. S. C, Randolph, Ya.: Plant, meadow rue, Thalictrum sp., from Virginia (50178). Rowley, J., Palo Alto, Cal. : 2 shrews, Sorex vagrans (49828). Royal Botanic Garden. (See under Calcutta, India.) Royal Botanic Garden. (See under Kew, Loudon, England.) Royal Botanical Gardens. (See un- der Peradeniya, Ceylon.) RxiFFiN, J. N., Buenos Aires, Argen- tina : Suit of Tobo Indian clothing, with bow and arrows: coat of mail worn by a Tobo Indian chief, Para- guay, South America (40245: pur- chase). Sage, Mrs. Dean, Albany, N. Y. : Piece of Flemish bobbin lace (49912). St. Clair, Dan, Gatun, Canal Zone: Geological specimens from cuts for the Gatun locks; French fire axe found on the surface at the lock site, and 3 iron shots from Porto, Fort Lorenzo ; gift : Spanish oil jar and a sea fan; loan (50217). Saunders, C. F., Pasadena, Cal. : Speci- men of SclagineUa parisliii from California (49364). Savage, E. B., Ocala, Fla. : Larva of a fly, Microdon (50003). Saxton, Mrs. Matilda G., Washington, D. C. : War club, model of a tepee and of an Alaskan skin-covered ca- noe ; 2 fossil teeth from South Caro- lina (50200). Scattergood, Miss M. E., Morristown, N. J. : 3 specimens of cotton grass, Eriophondii virriiniciDii ; white cedar, Oli(nii(rc!/i)(iri.s tlujindcs; moss, Usnea barhata (49185). ScHAUs, William, San Jose, Costa Rica : Central America : About 7,000 specimens of Lepidoptera (4S941; 49055; 49237; 49926); about 1,000 specimens of Lepidoptera from Costa Rica (492.53) ; 10,000 specimens of Lepidoptera (butterflies and Sphin- gidtie) (49928). ScHMiTTER, Dr. Ferdinand, U. S. Army, Jefferson Barracks, Mo.: Beaver's tooth, weasel skin, and two magic stones used as fetishes by the Upjier Yukon Indians (50201) ; ethnolog- ical objects from the Upper Yukon, Alaska (50235). ScHULTz, Alfred R., Rock Springs, Wyo. : 3 specimens of living cacti, Oinintia (49139). ScHiiLTZ, Mary A. M., Barto, Pa, : Nest of a wasp (49708). Schuyler. Remington, Woodstock, N. Y. : Indian skull and a stone axe (49671). REPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909. 95 ScHWARZ, Dr. E. A., Department of Agriculture, Washiugton, D. C. : A large number of pamphlets, period- icals, etc., 2 microscopes, and photo- graphic portraits of Dr. John L. Le Conte and Dr. C. V. Riley (49767). ScHWEYER Company (Henry A.), Eastou, Pa. : Sample of " Sylvan " green marble from near Easton (4944S). SciDMORE, Miss E. R., Washington, D. C. : 10 Chinese rosaries ; Chinese " Imperial Seat," or throne chair, and footstool ; 2 carved blackwood doors with dragon panels (Chinese) and carved center piece; brass pad- lock with key (50062: loan). (See also under Miss K. Kavanaugh.) ScuDDER, N. P., U. S. National Mu- seum: Mole, Condylura (49896). Seigenthaler, H. N., Springfield, Ohio : 9 specimens of West Indian shells (50036). Selangob State Museum. ( See under Kuala Lumpur, Federated Malay States.) Shaffer, Charles, Glen Echo, Md. : Great blue heron, Ardea herodias, in immature plumage (49272). Shanks, Oliver, Bowen, 111. : 4 geo- logical specimens (49210). Shantz, H. A., Akron, Colo. : 3 speci- mens of plants, Opuntia, from Colo- rado (48969). Sharpe, R. W., Brooklyn, N. Y. : About 35 sjiecimens representing 3 sijecies of Ostracoda, types of S pi racy p) is tuherculata, Cythere americana, and C. papulosa (49199). Shaw, S. Albert, Hampton, N. H. : 82 specimens of insects (49789). Shear, W. L., Clarendon, Va. : Arch- eological specimens from the Spruce Tree House, Mesa Verde ruins, Colorado (50072). Sheldon, F. B., Ashland, Va. : Lizard, Ophisauriis vcntra'Jis; salamander, Ambystoma opacum, from Hanover County, Virginia (49453). Shelford, R., Oxford, England : 4 specimens of Orthoptera (49410: ex- change). 12048—09 7 Shelford, V. E., Lawrence, N. Y. : Isopods (49646). Shelton, O. S., Wolfe City, Tex. : Por- tions of a skeleton of a glyptodont (49078). Shinick, T. J., Albuquerque, N. Mex. : Mexico hairless cat, Felis domcstica (49575). Shoup, a. G. (See under Mills, W. P., Company. ) Shuck, F. E., Gatun, Canal Zone: Loaded shell excavated during work on the Panama Canal in July, 1906 (48974). Shufeldt, Dr. R. W., New York City: Fragments of vertebrate fossils from Kansas (49408). Shutts, Mrs. George C, Whitewater, Wis. : Triple nest of a yellow war- bler, and a double nest of another bird, showing the manner in which they evade hatching eggs of the cow- bird (49778). Silberling, a. C, Melville, Mont.: Vertebrate fossils from Sweet Grass County, Mont. (49409: collected for the Museum). Silvestri, Dr. F., Portici, Italy: Iso- pods and amphipods from North America and the Hawaiian Islands (49685). SIMMS, .J. H., Washington, D. C. : An- atomical specimen (49921). Simpson, Mrs. W. D., Columbia, S. C. : Specimen of "American chameleon," Anolis carolinensis (49594). Simpson, W. W., Taochow, Kansu Province, China : 2 goat antelopes and a badger from the western part of China (49181: purchase), Skeels, H. C, Lanham., Md. : 547 specimens of plants from the United States (49319). Slater, Mrs. W. A., Washington, D. C. : Examples of Spanish drawn work, Honiton, Mechlin, old Valenciennes, Burano and Blonde lace; piece of old lace said to have been one of Cardinal de Rohan's sleeve ruffles (49953: loan). 96 REPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909. Sligh. W. H., Washiugtou, D. C. : Specimeu of Liginifi fasciatua from Neu vitas, Cuba (5001S) ; 3 barnacles from a turtle's back, collected in Honduras (50071)). Smith, Prof. Calvin Rae, Brooklyn, N. Y. : 15 watch movements (49971 ) . Smith, F. S. Key, Washington D. C. : A photograph of Charles Wilson I*eale"s oil painting of Francis Scott (49405). Smith, Dr. Hugh M., Bureau of Fish- eries, Washington, D. C. : 3 Cliinese combs from Hongkong (4S9S7) ; 3 lizards and 2 frogs from Ceylon (489SS) ; land, freshwater, and ma- rine shells from Ceylon (49407) ; six- shot double-action revolver (49548) ; 5 baslvets from tlie I*hilippine Islands (49,508) ; musical instrument from Benguet, Luzon, Philippine Islands (49905) ; knit purse from Jolo, Phil- ippine Islands (50022) ; specimeu of Melcagrina maxima (50119). Smith, Prof. John B., New Bruns- wick, N. J. : 3 specimens of Hymen- optera, Spilocryptus cxtrematus (49100) ; slide of Culex pertiirMiis (49119). Smith, R. J., Milpitas, Cal. : 6 ferns and 3 specimens of Seluginella from California (49248; 49363). Smithsonian Institution: Rocks and meteoric material col- lected at Meteor Crater, Arizona, by George P. Merrill in IVIay, 1908 (48965) ; 376 specimens including 135 duplicates of plants from Cali- fornia, collected by Miss Alice East- wood (49309) ; microscopic slide of Protococcus, " Red Snow," from near Cape York, Greenland, pre- pared by Dr. Goodsell (49339) ; 16 pieces of pottery collected by W. R. Johnston, Tolchaco, Ariz. (49741) ; medal issued by the Wyoming His- torical and Geological Society of Wilkes-Barre, Pa., February 11, 1908, in conimemoration of the cen- tennial of the first use of Wyoming coal (49856). Smithsonian Institution — Cont'd. Astro-PJiysical Observatory: Por- tion of a large quartz crystal (49977). Bureau of American Ethuology: Skull of a Quileute Indian and other bones, presented to the bureau by Albert B. Reagan, La Push, Wash. (4S997) ; collection of West Indian anticpiities purchased from C. W. Branch, of St. Vincent, British West Indies (49052) ; collection of Indian relics from Moosehead I^ake, present- ed by J. D. McGuire (49347) ; cache of flaked stone objects from Moose- head I^ake, Maine, purchased from F. Wilson (49348) ; collection of bones obtained by J. D. McGuire, and Dr. Ales Hrdlicka at Piscataway Creek, Maryland (49349) ; articles used by the Chitimacha Indians, and collectetl in Charenton, La., by Dr. John R. Swanton (49570) ; flint blade from a kaolin mine at Dry Branch, near Macon, Ga., presented by James D. Morgan (49817) ; fragments of a human cranium found in a mound near Everton, Ark., presented by Dr. J. S. Reich (49818) ; fragment of a polished stone implement, said to have been found near Jellico, Tenn., and presented by A. P. Dalton, Arabia, Ohio (49819) ; fragments of, pottery from Coden, Ala. (49820) ; stone implements from Tiahuanaco, Bolivia, and an earthenware vessel from Nazca, Peru, collected by W. H. Holmes (49821).; turtle shell rattle from the Seneca Indians of Grand River Reservation, Ontario, Canada, collected by J. N. B. Hewitt (49822) ; fragments of earthenware pottery, known as " salt vessels," from the vicinity of Shawneetown, 111., pre- sented by R. Moore, Equality, 111. (49823) ; bronze medal struck in commemoration of the 50th anni- versary of the founding of the So- cieta Ligure di Storia Patria of Genoa, Italy (50032). (See also under Senor D. Juan Cabezas and Interior Department.) KEPORT OP NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909. 97 Smithsonian Institution — Cont'd. National Zoological Park: Egyp- tian flamingo, Phoenocipterus anti- quorum (48947) ; roe deer, Capre- oliis caprea (4S94S) ; 2 specimens of Capucbia monkey, Cebus hypolcucus (48949) ; iguana, Cyclura cyclura (49059) ; Indian buffalo. Bos hiiha- lus; mountain beaver, Aplodontia phaea; 2 specimens of yaguarundi cat, Felis yaguarundi (49060) ; com- mon macacque, Macacus cynomolgus; rbesus monljey, Macacus rhesus; gray fox, Vtilpes virginianus (49031) ; crowned pigeon, Goura coronata; redbead duck, Aythya amcricana; sbell parrakeet, Melopsittacus undu- latus; demoiselle crane, Anthro- poidcs Virgo; rufous tinamou Rhyn- chotus rufcsccns (49002) ; cbacbal- aca, Ortalis vctula; wood duck, Aix sponsa; 3 specimens of sbell parra- keet, Melopsittacus undulatus; wbite Java sparrow, 3Iunia oryzivora (49220) ; 2 specimens of gopber snake, Spilotes corais couperii; dia- mond rattlesnake, Crotalus adaman- teus; pine snake. Pit uo phis melano- leucus; mobave snake, Chionactis occipitalis (49227) ; 3 specimens of tiger, Felis tigris; bairy armadillo, Dasypus villosus; swift fox Vulpcs velox (49228) ; brusbtailed rock kangaroo, Petrogale pcnicillata (49229) ; orang, Simla satyrus (49230) ; 2 specimens of yellow- breasted toucan, Raniphastos carin- atus; crested screamer, Chauna cristata (49231) ; Virginia deer, Cariacus virginianus (49255) ; cou- gar, Felis concolor orcgonensis (49283) ; lynx. Lynx rufus macu- latus; 2 specimens of swift fox, Tulpcs velox (49284) ; Nortb Amer- ican otter, Lw^ra ca««rZen.si.s (49285) ; coacb-wbip snake, Bascanium flagel- lifornie; 4 specimens of diamond rat- tlesnake, Crotalus adamantcus (492SG) ; iguana, Cyclura; Gila monster, Heloderma suspect uni 49287) ; tocard toucan, Raniphastos toco; cbatteriug lory, Lorius gar- rulus (49288) ; crested screamer. Smithsonian Institution — Cont'd. Chauna cristata (49508) ; mule deer, Odocoileus macrotis (49509) ; 9- banded armadillo. Tatusia novem- cincta; common skunk, Mephitis; red bellied \\^allaby, Macropus; monkey, Cercopithecus cephus (?) (49510); Marmoset, Hapalc ( ?) common skunk. Mephitis inephitica; double yellow bead amazon, Amazona lerail- lanti; weeper capucbin monkey, Ccbus capuchinus; rbesus monkey, Macacus rheusus (49511) ; iguana, Cyclura; diamond rattlesnake, Cro- talus adanianteus; pine snake, Pitu- ophis mclanoleucus (49512) ; aoudad, Oris tragclaphus (49661) ; Auubis baboon, Papio anuhis (49662) ; pea- fowl, Faro cristatus (49663); car- iama, Cariama cristata; crested screamer, Chauna cristata (49664) ; coypu, Myocastor coy pus (49665) ; diamond rattlesnake, Crotalus ada- mantcus; gopber snage, Spilotes corais couperii; iguana, Cyclura, sp. ; 2 specimens of pine snake, Pitu- ophis melanoleucus (49666) ; mynab, Gracula, sp. ; sbell parrakeet, Mel- opsittacus undulatus; sandbill crane, Grus mexicana; sborteared owl, Asio acciptrimis; American coot, Fulica amcricana (49667) ; barlequin snake. Flaps fulvius; pine snake, Pituophis melanoleucus ; gopber snake, Spilotes corais couperii (49716) ; barbor seal, Phoca vitulina (49717) ; yag- uarundi cat, Felis yaguarundi; oapy- bara, Hydrochcerus capybara 49718) ; bay lynx. Lynx rufus (49719) ; 3 specimens of gray fox, Urocyon cincreo-argenteus; black bear, Vrsus americanus; lion, Felis leo (49720) ; redbead duck, Aythya amcricana; capucbin monkey, Cebus hypolcucus (49744); coacb-wbip snake, Bascanium flagelliforme (49745) ; cacomistle, Bassariscus astuta (49858) ; yaguarundi cat, Felis yaguarundi (49859) ; Maguari stork, Euxenura maguari (49861) ; screecb owl. Mega scops asio; bob wbite, Colinus virginianus; yellow- breasted toucan, Raniphastos carin- 98 REPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909, SsiiTirsoNiAN Institution — Cont'd. atus; European white stork, Ciconia ciconia (49SG0) ; diaiuonil rattle- snake, Croialiis adamanteus ; band- ed rattlesnake, Crotalus horrUhis; American crocodile, Vrocodiliis ainer- icaniis (49862) ; pine snake, Pitu- ophis melanoleiicus (50224) ; red- shouldered hawk, Butco lincatiix: bald eayle, Haliatus Ivucoccphalas ; redheaded duck, Aythya americana; roe deer, Capreolus vaprcna (50225) ; European white stork, Ciconia ci- conia; European white swan, Cygnns gibhits; roseate cockatoo, Cacatua roscicapilla (5022(5) ; 2 specimens of pronghorn antelope, Antilocapra americana ; coypu, Myocustor coy- pus; spotted lynx, Lynx rufus macu- Jatiis; monkey, Cchiis capuchinus (50227) ; crested screamer, Chaiina cristata; yagnarundi cat, Pelis ya- guarundi; Canada lynx. Lynx can- adensis; spider monkey, Ateles, sp. ; two-toed sloth, ClioUrpiis didactlylus (5022S) ; gray spider monkey, Ateles geoffroyi (50238) ; European white stork, Ciconia ciconia; demoiselle crane, Anthropoides virgo; pelican Pelccanus, sp. ; refus tinamou, Rhyn- chotus refescens; bare-eyed cocka- too, Cacatua gynniopis (50239) ; bi- son. Bison arntericanus; 2 specimens of hairy armadillo, Dasypus vil- losus (50240) ; Guinea baboon, Papio sphinx; Panama curassow, Crax panamensis; pine snake, Pitu- opliis melanolcucus (50241) ; rufous tinamou, RJiynchotus rufescens; common rhea, Rhea americana ; boat bill, Cancroma cochlearia; 2 speci- mens of American beaver, Castor canadensis; viscacha, Lagostomus triehodactytiis; American beaver. Castor canadensis (50242) ; burrow- ing owl, Speotyio c. hypogwa; Eu- ropean owl, Strix pratincola (50275). National Museum, collected by members of the staff •' Bales, Ernest N. ; Weasel, Putoriiis, sp. (489.31). Bartsch, Paul : 408 birds' skins from the Philippine Islands, collected on the Albatross Philippine expedition, 1907-8 (49803). Bassler, R. S. : Smithsonian Institution — Cont'd. About 3.000 specimens of Paleozoic invertebrate fossils (48958). Bean, Barton A.: Fishes obtained in 1908 (49581) ; crustaceans from Florida (49692). Burling, L. D. : 20 speci- mens of Carboniferous fossils from Turtle Mountain, British Columbia (49208). Ilrdlirka, AleiS: Ethnolog- ical objects made by the Menom- inee Indians (49017) ; ethnological material obtained by from the Oglala Indians (49096) ; skeleton of domes- tic cat (49260) ; pine mouse, Micro- tus pinetorum (49301) ; 5 young rab- bits, Sylvilagus floridanus maUurus, from the vicinity of Cleveland Parle (50184) ; 15 anatomical specimens (50269). Lane, Talbot F. : Ana- tomical specimens (50006; 501.30). liyon, M. W., jr. : 3 mammals (48953) ; red bat, Lasiurus boreaUs (49000). Marshall, George: Brown bat, Eptesicns fuscus (49078) ; skull of a muskrat. Fiber zibethicus (49580) ; 2 weasels, Putorius sp. (49596). Maxon, W. Pv. : 2 living plants from .Jamaica (48940). Mer- rill, George P. : Rocks and minerals from Lewiston and Auburn, Me. (49177) ; samples of oolitic limestone from Bowling Green, Ky. (49232) ; samples of phosphates from Hick- man County, Teun. (49805). Palmer, William : Rattlesnake, Crotalus lior- ridus, from the Peaks of Otter, Bed- ford County, Va. (49,544). Rathbun, Miss M. J. : Newt from Xew Hamp- shire (49214). Ridgway, Robert: Birds, mammals, reptiles, marine in- vertebrates, plants, and birds in al- cohol from Costa Rica collected for the Museum during the Museum- Zeledon expedition (49066). Riley, J. H. : 2 specimens of red squirrel Sciurus hudsonicus loquax (48930; 49009). Stejneger, Leonhard : Toad from Delaware (49215). True, F. W. : 3 specimens of box elder Ne- gundo ncgiindo, from Maine (49251) ; fossil vertebrate material chiefly from Calvert Clitfs, Maryland (50263) ; fossil vertebrate material from Calvert Cliffs, Maryland, col- lected for the Museum by Dr. True, EEPOKT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909. 99 Smithsonian Institution — Cont'd. Willltim Palmer, and D. B. Mackie, July-October, 190S (50270). Wash- ington, Charles S. : Tree frog, Hijla versicolor, from the Maryland shore of Chesapeake Beach (4S943) ; 8 specimens of rocks covered with bar- nacles, from Chesapeake Beach (489r»2) ; green snake Opheodnjs (cstivus, from Burrville, D. C. (49020). Weed, A. C. : Parasitic copepods from Merluccius sp. (49011). Models made in the Anthropolog- ical Laboratory: Casts of stone and pottery objects (48998) ; model of the Temple of Xochicalco (49054) ; model of dog and travols, Plains Indians (49003) ; cast of an arrow- shaft straightener (49351); cast of a carved stone effigy ]npe from a mound near Meadville, Pa. (49S09). SoRNBERGER, CHARLES B., Garrett Park, Md. : Mink, Liitrcola (49154). SouBEiRAN, Albert, St. Gilles, Card, France: 2 bearded tits, Panurus hi- armiciis, with 0 young and a nest; also skin of Sylvia (49492). SowERBY AND FuLTON, I.oudon, Eng- land: 12 specimens representing 7 species of marine and fresh water shells from Florida (48990). Spalding, Tom., Provo, Utah: 400 specimens of Lepidoptera (49.314: purchase) ; 2 specimens of Lepidop- tera (49329). Staadt, L., Reims, Marne, France : 215 specimens of Tertiary mollusks of France (49459 : exchange). Standifer, W. S., Gatun, Canal Zone: Fossil and recent shells from the site of the locks at Gatun (50068). Standley, Paul C, U. S., National Museum : 6 specimens of living plants from New Mexico (49144) ; 4 specimens of living plants, Mamil- laria macromeris, from New Mexico (49187) ; 780 plants from New Mex- ico (49504: purchase) ; 337 speci- mens of plants from the United States and Sweden (50191) ; 500 plants from the Pyrenees, collected by P. Bubaui (50223). Stan wood, B, J. (through F. W. Clarke, U. S. Geological Survey) : Specimen of meteoric stone from Imperial, Cal. (49369). State Department : Keplica in glass of the Cullinan diamond (49179). Copper bell found in a cave in the valley of Naco, vicinity of Santa Cruz de Yojoa, Honduras (49845). Photographs accompanying a report of the American consul at Tam- sui, Formosa, entitled " Savage affairs in Formosa" (49932). Staten Island Association of Arts and Sciences, New Brighton, N. Y. : 2 moths (50128: exchange). Stead, David G., Fisheries Depart- ment, Sydney, New South Wales: 7 picture postals from New Soutli Wales illustrating the aboriginal mystic Bora ceremony (49997). Stearns, Elmer, El Paso, Tex.: 13 specimens of living cacti from Texas (50113). Steele, E. S., U. S. National :Museum : 409 plants from Augusta County, Va. (49892: 300 purchased, 109 pre- sented) ; 07 plants mainly from the vicinity of Washington, D. C. (49903). Sternberg, Charles H., Lawrence, Kans. : Dermal covering of Tracho- don (49672: purchase). Sternburg, Baroness Speck von, Washington, D. C. (through Mrs. .James W. Pinchot) : 10 pieces of antique velvet stuffs and embroider- ies, collected in China by the late Baron Hermann Speck von Stern- burg, and presented to the National Museum in his memory (49450). Stephens, Mrs. Kate, San Diego, Cal. : About 50 specimens representing 17 species of marine shells from Alaska (49294). Stewart, A, E. (See under Angus McKinnon.) * Stockholm, Sweden, Naturhisto- riska Riks Museum : Specimen of fern. Anemia ciliatu, from Brazil (50120: exchange). 100 REPOET OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909. Stonestreet, George D., New York City : Roughly shaped stone imple- ment found near Christiania, south- eastern Transvaal, South Africa (49GS9). Stricker. AV. O., I'. S. National Mu- seum : 2 specimens of brown bat, Vespertilio fiiscus (49879). Stuhr, F. a., Portland, Oreg. : Photo- graph of a bear captured in Oregon (49458). SuKSDORF, W. N., Bingen, Wash. : 10 specimens of cactus. Opiititia, from Washington (50115). Surface, H. A., Harrisburg, Pa. : 2 co- types of Sesia rhododendri (49756). SuRR, Gordon, San Bernardino, Cal. : Specimen of oxide of lead (49721). SuTER, Henry, Auckland, New Zea- land : 51 specimens of shells, repre- senting 20 ■ species and including 8 cotypes, from New Zealand (49191). SwETT, L. W.. Bedford, Mass. : 4 speci- mens of Lepidoptera (49047). Taft, J. S., & Company, Keene, N. H. : 3 specimens of " Hampshire ware " (49305). Taoore. Rajah Sir Soukindro Mohun, Rajbaty, Calcutta, India : Manu- script of the Sanscrit epic " Ma- habharata," in Bengali characters, written about 200 years ago (50150). Tasker, Henry, Smithsonian Institu- tion : Short-tailed shrew, Blarina (49642). Tassin, Wirt, U. S. National ^Mu- seum : Japanese pocket lantern (49990) ; a diamond crystal weigh- ing 10* carats (50001) ; 4 specimens of kunzite (50004). Taylor, Miss Elizabeth, Little Comp- ton, R. I. : 100 plants from Arctic Norway (49886). Taylor, George .W. ( See under Brit- ish Columbia, Biological Station.) Taylor, the Misses Maby and K., De- partment of Agriculture, Washing- ton, D. C. : 10 plants from the Ha- waiian Islands (49770). Taylor & Price, Goldfield, Nev. : Speci- men of gold ore (49941). Thayer, Hon. John E., Lancaster, Mass. : 53 birds' eggs, 14 sets, from Mexico (49036) ; 2 eggs of Antros- tomns gundJachi, and an egg and nest of CuJiiiitc hclriuc from Cuba (50013). Exchange. Thomas, Oldfield, British Museum (Natural History), London, Eng- land, and Gerrit S. Miller, jr., U. S. National Museum : European mam- mals, birds, reptiles, insects, plants, and mollusks (49564). Thompson, Charles S., Buena Yista, Colo. : 2 bii'ds' skins from Colorado (49005). Thompson, Mrs. Frederick F., New York City (through Mrs. James W. Pinchot) : Lace collar, point de Raguse (4979S). Thornton, Dr. William, Blueiields, Nicaragua : 3 beetles, 2 species of flies, and some ticks (49076, 50154). Tilden, Miss Josephine E., Minneap- olis, Minn. : 50 specimens of algae, comprising fascicle I, Century VII, American algie (50042: purchase). Tipping, Ronald, and Miss Emeline, Brevard, N. C. : Salamanders from North Carolina (49048). Tipton, Thomas B., Richards, Mo. : S])ecimen of albino tree sparrow, ^pizcUa monticola (49686). Titcomb, John W., Bureau of Fisher- ies, Washington, D. C. : Nest of an oven bird, FunHiriiis riifus, from the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina, South America (50138). TowNSEND, C. II. T., U. S. National Museum : 4 ppecimens of plants col- lected in Florida (49648). Tracy, S. M., Biloxi, Miss. : 5 speci- mens of cactus, Opuntin. and 12 specimens of Vibiirnuni from Missis- sippi (48951 ; 49585) ; 292 plants from the Gulf States (49996: purchase). Trask, M'-s. Blanche, Avalon, Cal. : 3 centipedes and a scorpion (50194). EEPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909. 101 Treasury Department : Material obtained tlirougli tlie l'. S. Public Health ami .Marine-Hos- pital Service : Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands: 4(> rodents, including specimens of Mu.s fiiiisculus, M. rait us, M. alexandrinus, and .1/. norrc(/iciis (."0155). Oakland, Cal.: 2 si>erimens of rat, Mus alcxaiidriniis (4!J'.J75). Cal. small 7 rodents from meadow mouse, 28 specimens of San Francisco, mammals (49259) ; California (VXill) Microtits (oOUTS). San Juan, P. R. MonophyUiis portoriceiisis and 1 of Cliiloiii/cfrris from Porto Rico (500.56). Tremoleras, Seiior Juan, Montevideo, Uruguay : Skin of Prion desolatus (49118: exchange). Truitt, J. A., Lonia, Colo. : Fossil bone with agate structure (49402). Tuberculosis Congress, 1908, Wash- ington, D. C. : A collection of fabrics and other ethnological objects, se- lected by Dr. Ales Hrdlicka, of the National INIuseum, on account of their association with tuberculosis among the Indians (49349: pur- chased out of a special appropriation to enable the U. S. Government to particii)ate in the Congress). Tucker, E. S.. Dallas, Tex. : 5 speci- mens of Diptera, types of Oscinidaj (4901.3). Turin, Italy, Regia Mused Zoologico : 18 specimens of European moles, Tnlixi, skull and mounted head of a Spitzbergen reindeer, Rangifcr spitz- hergensis (49157: exchange). Turner. H. W., San Francisco, Cal. : Specimens of cinnabar and associ- ated minerals from Terliugua, Tex. (49.534). Turtle, J. E.. U. S. Snag Boat, Pine Barren, Fla. : Bones of a Zeuglodon and shells of fossil bivalves from Florida (.500.35). Tuttle, Winifred, Pleasant Lake, Ind. : Specimen of Cicada canicularis (49168). TwiiiELL, J. H., Montpelier, Ind.: Ar- cheological objects from Blackford County, Ind. (49197). Tyler, C. A., (Jarnett, Kans. : White muskriit. Fiber zibcttricits, from Kan- sas (50221: purchase). Utah. T'niversity of, Salt Lake City, T'tah : Collection of bones from burial mounds on Alkali Ridge, Utah 1 4'.>2()9 : exchange). T'LKE, T., Washington, D. C. : Valve of Anodonta aifaracta from -Virginia Beach, Va. (49192). I'. S. Government Board, Jamestown Exposition, 1907 : Diplomas awarded the Smithsonian Institution and U. S. National Museum by the Jamestown Tercentennial Exposition, 1907 (498.36). V. S. Graphite Company, Saginaw, Mich. : 5 jars of graphite from Mex- ico (.50101). I^psALA, Sweden, Botanischer Gar- ten : 175 plants from South America, collected by Prof. Robert E. Fries (.50162: exchange). Vail, Benjamin, Washington, D. C. : Book from the folding room of the Capitol, showing destructive work of termites, Tcnitrs flavipes (49004). Van Duzee, E. P., Buffalo, N, Y. : 13 specimens, types, and cotypes of 9 species of IIemii)tera (49927) ; 21 types and 8 cotypes of Heiniptera (50075). VicKERS, Ernest W., Ellsworth, Ohio: 2 photographs of birds' nests and eggs (49808). "\'ienna, Austria, K. K. Naturhisto- RiscHES Hofmuseum : 200 specimens, centuries 15 and 10 of " Krypto- gamjijexsiccatai" (49660: exchange). Viereck, H. L., Washington, D. C. : About 100 specimens of Hymenop- tera (49907) ; about 2,300 specimens of Hymenoptera, mostly of the genus Andrcna, including a number of types, paratypes, and a few cotypes (49968). 102 REPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1900. ViETT, George F., Norfolk, V:i. : 25 prints represeutins the ruius of Per- sepolis, and maps of coimtries around the Moditerraiiean Sea (49470). ^'iNTON, F. H. and H. A., Bedford, Mass. : Spinet made by Joseph Ma- hoon, London, England, about the middle of the 17th century (49G5G). Yolk, Douglas, New York City : Manuscript pages by the late Leon- ard W. Volk, describing, in part, his experience in making the ctists of Abraham Lincoln's hands (SOOSo). VoLKART, Henry, St. Gallen, S^vitzer- land : Complete weaving appa -atus from Tunis (49G70). Walcott, Arthur S., New York City : Suit of Korean armor (49386: loan). Walcott, Benjamin Stuart, Wash- ington, D. C. : 60 specimens of Devonian fossils from the Genesee shales at Seneca Lake, New York (49550). Walcott, Dr. Charles D., Secretary, Smithsonian Institution : Nickle medalet in conmiemoration of the first production of malleable nickle in 1S65, adorned with bust of Joseph Wharton, president of the Interna- tional Nickle Company. Walcott, Charles D., jr., Provo, Utah: Skin and skull of a black bear, Ursiis amcricanufi, from the head of the north fork of Provo River and Deer Creek, Utah (49370). Wailes, Dr. L. A., New Orleans, La. : Hercules beetle, Mcgalosoma elc- phas, and a " rear horse " or " pray- ing mantis," CJtaradodis, from Guatemala (49461). Waldron, Mrs. James McClellan, Yonkers, N. Y. : Silver tablespoon which belonged in the Sheltou family for nearly 300 years (49299). Walker, Alfred O., Ulcombe, Maid- stone, Kent, England : 2 specimens of amphipod. Stenothoe gallensis, from Ceylon (50170 : exchange). Walker, Bryant, Detroit, Mich. : 2 specimens of TrunciUa Icnior from Alabama (49403). Walker, Dr. James R., Pine Ridge Agency, S. Dak. : Skulls of 2 Sioux Indians, from a burial place on Pine Ridge Reservat'ion (49114). Walker ^Museum, University of Chi- cago, Chicago, 111.: Copies of plates of " New York Paleontology," a'oI- umes YI and YII (49358: ex- change) ; 19 specimens of graptolites (49690: loan). AYallace, J. E., Omaha, Nebr. : Skull from Wallace Mound, Nebi-aska (49333). (See also under Robert F. Gilder.) AYallis, W. W. (See under A. C. Weed.) Walsingham. Lord, Merton Ilall, Thetford, England, and Mr. F. Du- Cane Godman, London, England : About 600 specimens of Microlepi- doptera, including many cotypes, principally from Central America (49516: gift and exchanges). Wand, Y^ S., Fort William McKinley, Manila, P. I. : Specimen of Lepidop- tera, Attacus atlas (49180). AA'ar Department : Fragmentary illuminated copy of the Koran, talien from a hostile Moro cotta near Masibay, Mindanao, P. I. (49847). [/. jS. Militanj Academy: 18 pho- tographs of Indian paintings by P. Rindisbacher (.50098). Arm)/ Medical Miisctiin: Anatom- ical specimens (49812). Ward, Henry H., East Orange, N. J. : Gun cap battery used on the Atlan- tic cable in 1866 (49466). Ward, Rowland, London, England : jNIounted forest pig, Hylocliarus, from Africa (49234: purchase). Ward, William M., Newport News, Ya. : Four varieties of American flags, with apparatus for display- ing them (49497: deposit). Warren, Edward R., Colorado Springs, Colo. : Type specimen of Eutamias qiiadrivittatus animosus (.50172). REPORT OP NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909. 103 Washburn, Miss Georgiena A., Staf- ford Springs, Conu. : Mineral water from Stafford Springs (49G81). Washington, Frank B., Oalilaud, Cal. : INIotli from near Alta, IMacer County, Cal. (49129). Washington Biologists' Field Club, Washington, D. C. : About 1,000 in- sects from Plummers Island, Mary- land, collected during 190S (49515). Washington, Charles S., IT. S. Na- tional Museum : Parasitic copepods taken from specimens of wliiting (49558) ; 2 turtles from Maryland (50171). Webb, John S., Disputanta, Va. : 2 immature black terns Hydrochelidon nigra surinamensis (4912G). Weber, Charles M., Palawan Island, Philippine group: Snake and shells from the Philippine Islands (49182). Weed, A. C, U. S. National Museum: Fishes and worms from New York (49290) ; parasitic copepods from Merluccius bilincaris (49407) ; iso- pod, Livoneca ovalis, from the Wash- ington fish market (49.5.32) : fishes and leeches from the Potomac Iliver, near Chain Bridge, District of Co- lumbia (50173). Weed, A. C, and W. W. Wallis, U. S. National Museum : 3 young pickerel, 2 larval minnows, eel, and 4 para- sitic leeches from near Chain Bridge, District of Columbia (50105). Weinberg, Frank, Woodside, Long Island, N. Y. : 12 specimens of living plants (49303: exchange). West Virginia Agricultural Experi- ment Station, Morgantown, W. Va. (through Dr. R. D. Hopkins, Depart- ment of Agriculture) : Butterfly, Anthocharis olympia, from the orig- inal type locality (49700). Wharton, Mrs. William, Groton, Mass. (through Miss Helen Aniory Ernst, Washington, D. C.) : Lowe- stoft blue helmet - shaped cream pitcher (49385: loan). White, C. A., Clarkson, Ky. : Photo- graph of a portion of the donor's col- lection of Indian relics (49987). White, Dr. R. A., Hatchechubbee, Ala. : Tooth of an extinct species of shark, Lamna clegans (49827). AViLCOx, Dr. Glenn A., San Francisco, Cal. : 25 specimens of cacti from Mexico and Guatemala (49791 ; 50121). Wilcox, Walter, Washington, D. C. : Platinum print (49488). Wilkie, Rev. William B. Y., Dune- din, Fla. : Moth, Ecpantheria dc- florata (49951). Williams, Col. C. A., U. S. Army. Fort Logan, Colo. : An alcyonarian coral (49668). AVilliams, Francis, San Francisco, Cal. : Cotype of Eriocrania cyann- spcrseUa (50247). Williams, Morris. Philadelphia, Pa. : Specimens of StigiiHiria vcrriieo.sa, Calamites suckotvii, and Calamo- dendron approximatum (49702) ; specimen of Stigmaria (50200). Williams, Mrs. Norman, Washington, D. C. : A collar of so-called " ivory " lace made in Bohemia for the Jubi- lee of Pope Leo 13th ; 2 pieces of old Flemish lace, a piece of old Valenci- ennes, and a piece of Italian lace (49729: loan). Williams, R. S., New York Botanical Garden, New York City: 3 birds' skins from Darien, Panama (50211). Williams, Stephen R., Miami Univer- sity, Oxford, Ohio: Specimens of HcutigereUa immaculata from Ox- ford (49682). WiLLiARD, T. E., U. S. National Mu- seum : Examples of cone in cone structure from Antlers, Oklahoma (49194). WiLMER, Lt. Col. L. Worthington, Lothian House, Ryde, Isle of Wight, England : About 150 green sand fos- sils (49132) ; set of the stamps pre- sented by King Edward A'll to mem- bers of the " League of Mercy " (49567) ; 19 specimens of inverte- brate fossils from the Chalk of Brighton, England (49579). Wilson, H. G., Moutpelier, Ind. : Con- cretion (49435). 104 REPORT. OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909. WiNKLEY, Rev. H. W., Danvers, Mass. : Specimens of Rissoidit? from Massa- chusetts (40300); 2 types of ryraniidcllidie recently described I)y Dr. Bartsch (4"J"JG4). WoGLUM, R. S., Wliittier, Cal., 3 speci- mens of Hymeuoptera from the southern i)art of California (50158). Wood. X. R., U. S. National ^Museum : Vertebrate fossils, chiefiy cetacean, from Auburndale, Fla. (49909). Woodbury, Miss Ellen C. deQ. (See under Gist Blair.) A'S'ooLDRiDGE, Edgak, Lakcport, Cal. : Birds' eggs from Lalie County, Cal. (49725) ; 3 specimens of obsidian and 1 of volcanic tuff (49785). AVooLLEY, Claude L., Baltimore, INId. : Aluminum sun dial (49873) ; alumi- num sun dial bearing the following inscription : " Gather ye rosebuds while you may" (50252). WooTON, E. O., Agricultural College. N. Mex. : 17 specimens of Allionaceie from New Mexico (48996) ; specimen of Deli)hin'n(m from New Mexico (49580). Exchange. WoRTHiNGTON, W. W., Shelter Island Heights, N. Y. : 6 specimens of Cc- rion (jlaiio coryli from Ackliu, Ba- hamas (50135). Wren, T. H., Sage, Ark.: Bannerstone of banded slate found by J. T. Wil- son near La Crosse, Ark. (49641). Wright, Dr. A. H., Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. : Eggs of 9 species of frogs (49595). Wright, Dr. F. E., Washington, D. C. : 2 specimens of hillebrandite and 3 of spurrite (49914). AV'RiGHT, G. v.. Forest Glen, INId. : Snake, Diadophis punctatus, from Maryland (49216). Wyeth, Lieut. Col. M. C, U. S. Army, AA'ashington, D. C. : Spiders, insects, and a centipede from Samar Island, rhillpiiine group (50096). A\'YOMiNG Historical and Geological Society, Wilkes-Barre, I'a. : Medal issued February 11, 1908, by the so- ciety in commemoration of the cen- tennial of the first use of Wyoming coal (49857). AVyoming, University of, Laramie, Wyo. : 2 fragmentary specimens of plants from Utah (50177). Yale University, New Haven, Conn. : 30 specimens of ferns of the D. C. Eaton Herbarium (49592: loan); casts of fore and hind feet of the type specimen of Camptosaurus dis- par (48990: exchange). Yates, Fred. W., Santa Barbara, Cal. : Photograph of the late Dr. Lorenzo Gordon Yates, presented in behalf of his heirs (50165). Yellowstone National Park, Yellow- • stone Park, AVyo. : Skin of and skele- ton of a buffalo. Bison bison, and 6 antlers and a skull of an elk, Cervus (49973) ; mounted head of a bison. Bison bison (50091). Zeledon, Mrs. Amparo de, San Jose, Costa Rica : Ferns from Costa Rica (49065). Zeledon, Jose C, San Jo.se, Costa Rica : 66 l)irds' skins, mostly Foriui- cariidie and Dendrocolaptida?, from Costa Rica (49008: loan). Zeleny, Dr. Charles. Bloomington, Ind. : 2 specimens of shrimp, Palw- mon tcnnivornis (49962). ZooLOGiscHEs MUSEUM. (See under Copenhagen, Denmark.) LIST OF PUBLICATIONS OF THE U. S. NATIONAL MUSEUM ISSUED DURING THE FISCxVL YEAR 1908-9, INCLUDING PAPERS PUBLISHED ELSEWHERE WHICH RELATE TO THE COLLECTIONS. PUBLICATIONS OF THE MUSEUM. ANNUAL REPORT. Smithsonian Institntion | United States National .Museum | — | Report on the progress and con- | dition of the IT. S. National I Museum for the year | ending June 30, 1908 ] (Seal) I Washington [ (Jovernmeut Printing Office j 1909 8vo., pp. 1-138, pis. 1—3. PROCEEDINGS. Smithsonian Institution | United States National Museum | — j Proceedings | of the I United States National Museum I — | Volume XXXIV | — j (Seal) I Washington | Government Printing Office | 190S 8vo., pp. i-xiv, 1-777, pis. 1-CV, figs. 1-7S. Smithsonian Institution National Museum I United States — 1 Proceed- ings I of the tional Museum I — I (Seal) United States Na- — j A'olume XXXV Washington I Gov- ernment Printing Office | 1909 Svo., pp. i-xvi, l-7.">7 I-XCI. figs. 1-201. pis. BULLETINS. Smithsonian Institution | United States National Museum ! Bulletin G2 | — | Catalogue of the type-specimens of ninninials in the United States j Na- tional Museum, including the | P>io- logical Survey collection | by | Mar- cus Ward Lyon, Jr. | Assistant Cura- tor, Division of Mammals, U. S. National Museum | and | Wilfred Hudson Osgood | Assistant, Bureau of Biological Survey, U. S. Depart- ment of Agriculture I (Seal) I Wash- ington I Government Printing Office | 1909 Svo., pp. i-x, 1-325. Smithsonian Institution j United States National Museum | Bulletin 63 | — j A monographic revision of the Cole- I optera belonging to the Tenebri- I onide tribe Eleodiini inhabiting | the United States, Lower Call- j fornia, and adjacent islands | By | Frank E. Blaisdell. Sr. | Of San Francisco, California j (Seal) j Washin.gton | Government Printing Office I 1909 Svo.. pp. i-xi, 1-524, pis. 1-13, figs. 1-8. Smithsonian Institution | United States National Museum | Bulletin ^ 64 I — (A critical summary of Troost's I unpublished manuscript on I the crinoids of Tennessee | by | Elvira Wood | Of Columbia Univer- sity, New York City | (Seal) | Washington | Government Printing Office I 1909 1-150, pis. Svo., pp. i-xi 1-15. lOt 106 EEPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909. PAPERS PUBLISHED IN SEPARATE FORM. FROM VOLUME ?A OF THE PROCEEDINGS. No. 1014. On some new and old species of carboniferous fossils. By George H. Girty. pp. 2S1-303, pis, xiv-xxi. No. lOlf). On a collection of featber stars, or comatulids, fi-om Japan. By Austin Ho- bart Clark, pp. 305-319. No. IGIG. Decorative designs of Alas- kan needle-cases: a study in the history of conven- tional designs, based on materials in the U. S. Na- tional Museum. By Fi'anz Boas. pp. 321-344, pis. XXII-XXX. No. 1(517. Descriptions of new creta- ceous and tertiary fossils from the Santa Cruz Mountains, California. By Ralph Arnold, pp. 345-390, pis. xxxi-xxxvii. No. 1018. Description of a new isopod genus of the family Da.ii- dre. By Harriet Richard- sou, pp. 391, 392. No. 1019. Remarks on the horns and on the systematic position of the American antelope. By Marcus Ward Lyon, jr. pp. 393-402, pis, XXXVIII, XXXIX. No. 1620. Description of a new brittle star from the upper mio- cene of the Santa Cruz Mountains, California. By Ralph Arnold, pp. 403-406, pi. XL. No. 1621. The late Niagaran strata of west Tennessee. By Wil- liam F. Pate and Ray S. Bassler. pp. 407-432. No. 1022. On the occurrence of calcium sulphide (Oldhamite) in the Allegan meteorite. By Wirt Tassin. pp. 433, 434. No. 3023. The nomenclature of the re- cent crinoids. By Austin Hobart Clark, pp. 435- 542. No. 1624. Descriptions of the Alcyona- ria collected by the U. S. Bureau of Fisheries steamer Albatross in the vicinity of the Hawaiian Islands in ltX)2. By Charles C. Nutting, pp. 543-001, pis. XLi-Li, No. 1625. On a collection of fishes from Fiji, with notes on cer- tain Hawaiian fishes. By David Starr Jordan and Mary Cynthia Dickerson. pp. 603-617. No. 1620. Mammals collected in east- ern Sumatra by Dr. W. L. Abbott during 1903, 1906, and l'.)07. with descrip- tions of new species and subspecies. By Marcus Ward Lyon, jr. pp. 619- 679, pis. Lii-LVi. No. 1027. Descriptions of two new species of Pleistocene ru- minants of the genera Ovibos and Bootherium, witli notes on the latter genus. By James Wil- liams Gidley. pp. 081- 084, pis. LVII-LIX. No. 1028. On meteoric chromites. By Wirt Tassin. pp. 085- 690. No. 1029. A new rabbit cestode, Cit- totseuia mosaica. By Maurice C. Hall. pp. 091- 099. No. 1030. The collection of .Jewish cere- monial objects in the United States National Museum. By Cyrus Ad- ler and I. M. Casanowicz. pp. 701-746, pis. Lx-cv. REPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909. 107 FROM VOLUME 35 OF THE PROCEEDINGS. No. lOol. A'oeabulary of Malaysian basket-work : a study in the W. L. Abbott collec- tions. By Otis T. Mason, pp. 1-51, pis. i-xvii. No. 1G32. Descriptions of some new mosquitoes from tropical America. By Harrison G. Dyar and Frederick Knab. pp. 53-70. No. 1G33. Some new isopoda of the superfamily Aselloidea from the Atlantic coast of North America. By Harriet Richardson, pp. 71-86. No. 1G34. The axial canals of the re- cent Pentacrinitidte. By Austin Hobart Clark, pp. 87-91. No. 1635. Descriptions of eighteen new species and two new genera of fishes from Japan and the Riu Kiu Islands. By John Otter- bein Snyder, pp. 93-111. No. 1636. The homologies of the arm joints and arm divisions in the recent crinoids of the families of the Coma- tulida and the Pentacri- uitidfB. By Austin Ho- bart Clark, pp. 113-131. No. 1637. The formation of geodes, with remarks on the silic- ification of fossils. By Ray S. Bassler. pp. 133- 154, pis. xviii-xxiv. No. 1638. Choerodon in place of Choe- rops for a labi'oid genus of fishes. By Theodore Gill. pp. 155, 156. No. 1639. Description of new fossil liverwort from the Fort Union beds of Montana. By Frank Hall Knowlton. pp. 157-150, pi. XXV. No. 1640. Descriptions of five species of Nortli American fossil turtles, four of which are No. 1640 — Continued. new.' By Oliver P. Hay. pp. 161-169, pis. XXVI, XXVII. No. 1641. New examples of American Indian skulls with low forehead. By Ales Hrd- licka. pp. 171-175. pi. XXVIII. No. 1642. Descriptions and figures of some land and fresh-water shells from Mexico, be- lieA'ed to be new. By Wil- liam Healey Dall. pp. 177-182, pis. XXIX, XXX. No. 1643. Notes on two rare California fishes, liimicola eigen- manni and Plagiogram- mus hopkinsi. By John Otterbein Snyder, pp. 183-186. No. 1644. A generic revision of Amer- ican moths of the family GEcophoridie, with descrip- tions of new species. By August Busck. pp. 187- 207. No. 1645. A revision of some species of Noctuidre heretofore re- ferred to the genus Ho- moptera Boisduval. By John B. Smith, pp. 209- 275, pis. xxxi-xxxvi. No. 1646. New American Paleozoic os- tracoda. Preliminary re- vision of the Beyrichiidte, with descriptions of new genera. By Edward O. Ulrich and Ray S. Bass- ler. pp. 277-340, pis. XXXVII-XLIV. No. 1647. Descriptions of fossil crabs from California. By Mary J. Rathbun. pp. 341-349, pis. XLV-XLIX. No. 1648. On certain genera and species of carnivorous dinosaurs, with special reference to Ceratosaurus nasicoruis Marsh. By Oliver P. Hay- pp. 351-366. 108 REPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909. No. 1649. Descriptions of uew species of North American cram- bid motlis. By William Dunham Kearfott. pp. 367-393. No. 1650. Two new species of neotrop- ical Orthoptera of the family Acrididfe. By James A. G. Rehn. pp. 395-398. No. 16.51. A further report on the os- tracoda of the United States National Museum. By Richard W. Sharpe. pp. 399-130, pis. L-Lxv. No. 1652. North America parasitic cope- pods: A list of those found upon the fishes of the Pacific coast, with descriptions of new gen- era and species. By Charles Branch Wilson, pp. 431-181, pis. Lxvi- LXXXIII. No. 16.53. Some new isopods of the family Gnathiida? from the Atlantic coast of North America. By Har- riet Richardson, pp. 483- 488. No. 1651. The Amphipoda collected by the U. S. Bureau of Fish- eries steamer "Albatross " off the west coast of North America, in 1903 and 1904, with descriptions of a new family and sev- eral new genera and spe- cies. By Samuel J. Holmes, pp. 489-543. No. 1655. Notes on the mammals and cold - blooded vertebrates of the Indiana University farm, Mitchell, Indiana. By Walter L. Hahn. pp. 545-581. No. 1656. Generic names applied to birds dxiring the years 1901 to 1905, inclusive, with further additions to Waterhouse's " Index Generum Avium." By Charles W. Richmond, pp. 583-655. No. 1657. A revision of the kingfisher genus Ramphalcyon (Pel- argopsis). By Harry C. Oberholser. pp. 657-680. No. 1658. Alcyonaria of the Californian coast. By Charles C. Nutting, pp. 681-727, pis. LXXXIV-XCI. FROM VOLUME 36 OF THE PROCEEDINGS. No. 16.59. The American species of snapping shrimps of the genus Synalpheus. By Henri Coutiere. pp. 1-93. No. 1660. On the skull and the brain of Triceratops, with notes on the brain-cases of Igu- anodon and jNIegalosaurus. By Oliver P. Hay. pp. 95-108, pis. 1-3. No. 1661. On Brazilian grasshoppers of the subfamilies Pyrgo- morphinjie and Locustinte (Acridinse of authors). By James A. G. Rehn. pp. 109-163. No. 1662. Descriptions of three new species of Cisco, or lake herring (Argyrosomus), from the Great Lakes of America ; with a note on the species of Whitefish. By David Starr Jordan and Barton Warren Ever- mann. pp. 165-172. No. 1663. The isopod crustacean, Anci- nus depressus (Say). By Harriet Richardson, pp. 173-177. No. 1664. A new American Jurassic cri- noid. By Frank Springer, pp. 179-190, pi. 4. EEPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1900, 109 No. 1G05. X(». 16(56. No. 1667. No. 1668. No. 1660. No. 1()70. No. 1671. No. 1672 No. 167o No. 1674 Descriptiou of two species of fossil turtles, Toxochelys steuopora aud Chister- nou ? iuterpositnin, the latter hitherto iiiili nulphurcscrns cxortirii>i (p.' 163) is described 'as new. Cary, Merritt. New records and im- portant range extensions of Colorado birds. Aitk, XXVI, No. 2, April, 1909, pp. 180-185. Notes on 38 species and sub- species. Cherrie, Geo. K. New birds from the Orinoco Region and from Trinidnd. Mus. Brooklyn Inst. Aifs and Sci., 8ci. Bull., i. No. 16, .Time 30, 1909, pp. 387-390. Formicivora catw-fiimosus (p. 387), Planeslicii.^ fninif/titun aquil- onalis (p. 387). Pnchnrhamphus vuirculus (p. 389), and Anoplops rufttiiOd paliilns (p. 390), are new forms, and Inczin (p. 390) is pro- posed as a new genus. Court, Edward J. Treganza Bine heron. Auk, XXV, No. 3, ,TuIy, 1908, pp. 291-296, pis. V, VI. Arclea herodiaf; treoanr^al (p. 291) is described as new, and notes on its habits and nesting are given. Dearborn, Ned. Catalogue of a collec- tion of birds from British East Africa. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Pub. 135, Oni. Series, i. No. 4, May, 1909, pp. 141-190. and map. A list of 228 species witli notes. Alethe akeleyw (p. 170) is desig- nated as new. GoDMAN, F. Du Cane. A | Monograph I of the I Petrels | (Order Tnbi- nares) | By I F. Dn Cane Godman j (two lines of titles) | with hand-col- oured plates I by J. G. Keulemans j in five parts | Part IV. | Witherby & Co. I 326 High Holborn. London | April 1900. (cover title) Folio, pp. 23.3-296, pis. 67-84. Accounts of 22 species with colored illustrations of 18 of them. Goldman, E. A. The Virginia rail (Rallus virginianus) breetling in Mexico. Condor, x. No. 4, July, 1908, p. 181. First record of the nesting of the Virginia rail in Mexico. Summer birds of the Tulare Lake Region. Condor, x. No. 5, Sept. 1908, pp. 200-205. Notes on 83 species collected or observed in the Tulare Lake re- gion, in the summer of 1907. Grinnell, Joseph, and others. Birds and mammals of the 1007 Alexander Expedition to Southeastern Alaska. Univ. of Calif. Puh. in ZooL, 5, No. 2, Feb. 18, 1909, pp. 171-264, pis, 25, 26, figs. 1—4.. The part of this paper which re- lates to the birds, by Joseph Grin- nell, covers pp. 181-244. A fully annotated account of 99 species met with on the expedition, of which the following are described as new : Larjopiis alexandrte (p. 204), L. dixoni (p. 207), Buteo borealis alascensis (p. 211), Pi- coides americanuK fumipectus (p. 217), Loxia currirostra sitkensis (p. 223), and Planr.'iticns migra- torius caurinus (p. 241). Three new Song sparrows from California. I'nir. of Calif. Pub. in Zool, 5, No. 3. April 9, 1909, pp. 26.5-269. Melospiza melodia maxillaris (p. 265) and M. m. saltonis (p. 268) are described as new. and M. m. gouldii (Baird) is revived as a form from the Marin region of California. Howell, Arthur H. Notes on the summer birds of northern Georgia. Auk, XXVI, No. 2, .\pril, 1909, pp. 129-137. Notes on 76 species (including 13 forms first recorded from the State in the breeding season), based chiefly upon field observa- tions of the author in the sum- mer of 1908. Agelaius phoeniceus fortis in Louisiana. Ai(k, XXVI, No. 2, April, 1909, p. 192. First record of this form from Louisiana. 118 REPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909. Kkowlton, Frank II. Americau Na- ture Series | Group I. Natural His- tory I Birds of the World | A popu- lar account | By ] Franli H. Knowl- ton, Ph. D. I United States Natioual Museum j (two liues of titles) | with a chapter on the anatomy of birds I by | Frederic A. Lucas | Curator-in-Chief, Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences | the whole edited by | Robert Ridgway i Cur- ator of Birds, United States Na- tional Museum \ with 16 Colored Plates and 236 illustrations | (de- sign) ] New York | Henry Holt and Company | 1909 Pp. i-xiii, l-S7o, 16 pis., flgs. 1-2.36. A popular treatise on the birds of the world. INIearns, Edgar Alexander. Additions to the list of Philippine birds, with descriptions of new and rare species. Proc. U. S. Xat. Mtis.. XXXVI, No. 1679, May 22, 1909, pp. 4.35-447. Three species are added to the Philippine avifauna, and the fol- lowing are diagnosed as new : Pliapitreron samarensis (p. 436), Muscadivores palmasensis (p. 436), Otiis steerei (p. 437), Prionitioufi 7naliiH]angensis (p. 437), Yuiif/i- picus siasiensis (p. 438), Rhino- myias riificauda mindanetisis (p. 439), Cri/ptolopha malindangenMs (p. 440), Psciidothnrrhaleus malin- danocnsis (p. 441). Bniclu/pteri/x malindanycnsis (p. 441), Hj/Ioterpc apoensis hasihinica (p. 442), Zosterops goodfellowi malindan- geiisis (p. 443), Cyrtostomus jug- iilnris inindaiH'iisi)i (p. 443), C. j. icoodi (p. 444). Pgrrliula steerei (p. 44.5), Dicrunts balicassius min- dorensis (p. 447), and Chibia cagayanensis (p. 447). The hitherto unknown females of Cyrtostomus jugularis dintiga- tensis and Anthrcptes cagayanen- sis are also described. A list of birds collected by Dr. Paul Bartsch in the Philippine Islands, Borneo, Guam, and Midway Island, with descriptions of three new forms. Proc. V. S. Xat. Mus., XXXVI, No. 1683, May 27, 1909, pp. 463-478. A partly annotated list of the birds collected byX*r. Paul Bartsch, Mearns, Edgar Alexander — Cont'd. who accompanied the U. S. Bureau of Fisheries steamer "Albatross " on its Philippine expedition. The following are new: RamphaU-yon capcnsis smithi (p. 466), Pycno)i- otus gokivier suluensis (p. 470), and CoUocalia iartschi (p. 476). Nelson, E. W. A new thrush from ^lexico. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, XXII, April 17, 1909, pp. 49, 50. Catharus mexicanus smithi (p. 49) is diagnosed as new. Oberholser, Harry C. A synopsis of the genera and species of Cygniu.ne. Emu, VIII, pt. 1. .Tuly 1, 1908. pp. 1. 2. A synopsis of the recent and fossil forms of this group. Clango- cycnus (p. 3) is a new subgenus. A new Great Horned owl from Venezuela, with notes on the names of the American forms. Mus. Brooklyn Inst. Arts and Sci., 8ci. Bull, i. No. 14, Sept. 15, 1908, pp. 371-374. Buho virginianus scotinus (p. 371) is diagnosed as new, and a list of the 18 American forms recognized by the author Is given. X revision of the Kingfisher genus Ramphalcyon (Pelargopsis). Proc. U. 8. Sat. Mus., XXXV, No. 1657, Feb. 9, 1909. pp. 657-GSO. The author recognizes 19 species and subspecies, of which the fol- lowing are indicated as new : Ramphalcyon capensis isoptera (p. 671), R. c. ncsoeca (p. 674), R. c. cyanoptcryx (p. 676), and R. c. hydrophila (p. 677). Pelargopsis Gloger, 1842, as the generic name of this group, is found to be in- validated, and Ramphalcyon Reich- enbach, 1851, is adopted in its place. Palmer, T. S. The Black rail (Crecis- cus jamaicensis) in the District of Columbia. Aulc, XXVI, No. 2, April, 1909, p. 190. Records of 4 specimens of this species from the District of Co- lumbia. KEPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909. 110 Preble, Edward A. A biological inves- ti,ij:atiou of the Atliabaska-Mackenzie region. north Am. Fauna, No. 27, Oct. 26, 1008, pp. 1-574. pis. i-xxv ; figs. 1-16. A list of 296 species and sub- species ascertained to occur in the Athabaska-Mackenzie region, based chiefly upon investigations by the author and his assistants in 1901 and 1903-4, but including many published and mss. records of earlier explorers. Extended notes are given under many species (pp. 251-500). Richmond, Charles W. Generic names applied to birds during the years 1901 to 1905, inclusive, with further additions to Waterhouse's " Index Generum Avium," Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XXXV, No. 1656, Dec. 16, 1908, pp. 583-655. An alphabetic list of about 550 generic names, with indications of the derivations, type species, and systematic position of each. An index, arranged alphabetically under families, is appended. The following names are new : Pli- oa:tus (p. 592), Gnorimopsar (p. 584), and Notiomystis (p. 634). A reprint of the ornithological writings of C. S. Rafinesque. Part I. Aulc, XXVI, No. 1, Jan., 1909, pp. 37-55. A reprint of the ornithological matter in Rafinesque's "Analyse de la Nature," published in Palermo in 1815, with notes, followed by an alphabetical list of the new genera of birds proposed in this work. RiDGWAY, Robert. Diagnoses of some new forms of neotropical birds. Proc. Biol. Sac. Wasliingtoii, XXI, Oct. 20, 1908 pp. 191-196. 7'hryorchilus iasultoi (p. 191), Coriipltotrwciis alhovitlatns dis- tinctus (p. 191), Thanmophiliis (loliatus paciflcus (p. 193), T. d. yucatanensis (p. 193), Dysitham- nus mentalis septcntrionalis (p. 193), D. m. oberi (p. 193), Tham- nistes unuhatiniis saturatus (p. 193), Drymophihi grisea mar;jari- tensis (p. 194), Myrmeciza bou- cardi panamensis (p. 194), Myr- melastes cassini (p. 194), Oymno- cichla nudiceps sanctamartw (p. 194), Formicarius nionillycr inter- medins (p. 194), F. m. panamensis (p. 195), Delattria henrtca sal- vini (p. 195), D. h. brcvirostris RiDGWAY, Robert — Continued. (p. 195), and Stcnopsis tobagensis (p. 195) are diagnosed as new, and a note is offered on Thamno- philus doUutus and its variations. New genera, species and sub- species of Fprmicariid;e, Furnariidifi, and Dendrocolaptidie. Proc. Biol. 8oc. Washing- ton, XXII, April 17, 1909, pp. 69-74. The following genera, species, and subspecies are diagnosed as new: Megastictus (p. 69), Myrmo- pagis (p. 69), Rhoporchihis (p. 69), Myrmochilus (p. 69), Myr- moderus (p. 70), Phwnostictus (p. 70), Hylophylax (p. 70), Oropezus (p. 70), Hylopezus (p. 71), Prcmnornis (p. 71), Dri- octistes (p. 71), Phacelosccnus (p. 71), Schwniopliylax (p. 71), Acrorchihis (p. 71), Hyloctistes (p. 72), Rhopoctites (p. 72), Aiito- mohis cervinigtilaris hypophwus (p. 72), Acrorchiliis crythrops griseigularis (p. 72), SynaUaxis albescens hypolcuca (p. 73), Den- drocolaptes ralidiis costaricensis (p. 73), Xipltorhynchus flavigaster yucatanensis (p. 73), X. puncti- gula insolitus (p. 73), X. lacry- mosits rostratus (p. 73), Pico- lapies affinis ncglcctus (p. 73), Campylorhamphus cliapmanl (p. 74), Myrmeciza seledoni (p. 74), and M. berlepschi (p. 74). Riley, J. H. Notes on the Broad- winged hawks of the West Indies, with description of a new form. Attk, XXV, No. 3, July, 1908, pp. 268-276. Four subspecies of Biitco platyp- terus are recognized from the West Indies, of which B. p. in- suUcola (p. 273), from Antigua, is described as new. On the name of the Antillean Killdeer. Proc. Biol. 8oc. Washington, XXII, April 17, 1909, p. 88. Oxyechus rociferus rubidus is proposed as a substitute name for Charadrius torquatus LinnsEus, 1766 {nee Pontoppidan 1763). Stone, Witmer. A review of the genus Piaya Lesson. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. for 1908, Jan. 4, 1909, pp. 492-501. The author recognizes 13 spe- cies and subspecies, of which the following are noted as new : Piaya cayana caiicw (p. 499), P. c. bo- liviana (p. 501). 120 REPORT OP NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909. REPTILES AND BATRACHIANS. Stejneger, Leonhard. Hvorfra koiu Vestuorges eieiulommelige tlyr og planter? Ifaturen, xxxii, Juli-Au- gust, pp. 19.S-202 ; Sept. pp. 269-277. A reply to Prof. .Torgensen's re- view, in a previous number of " Naturen ", of the author's paper " The origin of tlie so-called At- lantic animals and plants of Western Norway ", published in the Smithsonian Misc. Colls., XLVIII, pt. 4, No. 1699, May 4, 1907, pp. 458-513. Om Yestlaudshesten fra zoolo- gisk staudpiiukt. Norsk Veto-in. TUlskr., xxi, Jan., 1909, pp. 11-17. A reply to Mr. Baashuus-.Jes- sen's review in a previous paper of certain parts of the author's paper cited above. Stejnegek, I.eonhard. Description of a new snake from Panama. Pioc. U. S. Nat. Mus., xxxvi. No. 1681, May 27, 1909, pp. 457, 458. Mesopeltis Jongifrcnis, new spe- cies; type, No. 38750, U.S.N.M. Batrachians and Reptiles [of the Princeton University Expeditions to Patagonia, 1896-1899]. Reports, Princeton Univer- sity Expeditions to Pata- gonia, 1896-1899, III, Pt. ii, pp. 211-224. Liolwmus hatcheri, new species; type, No. 36912, U.S.N.M. Hahn, Walter L. Notes on tlie mam- mals and cold-blooded vertebrates of tlie Indiana University Farm, Mitchell, Indiana. Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., xxxv. No. 1655, Dec. 7, 1908, pp. 545-586. FISHES. Bean, Barton A. The proper name of the American eel, Anguilla rostrata (Le Sneur). Science (n. s.), xxix. No. 752, May 28, 1909, pp. 871, 872. Description of a new skate (Dactylobatns aramtus) from deep water off the southern Atlantic coast of the United States. Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., xxxvi, No. 1682, May 27, 1909, pp. 459-461, pi. 38. and Alfred C. Weed. Det>crip- tions of two new species of Electric rays of the family Narcobatidje, from deep water off the sonthern Atlantic coast of tlie United States. Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XXXVI, No. 1694, June 21, 1909, pp. 677-680, one fig. DiCKERSoN, Mary Cynthia. (See nn- der David Starr Jordan.) EvERMANN, Barton W., and E, L. GoLDSBOROtJGH. Notes On some fishes from the Canal Zone. Proc. Biol. 8oc. Washing- ton, XXII, June 25, 1909, pp. 95-103, figs. 1-3. CJieirodon gorgonce is descrihed as new. E\^RMANN, Barton W.^ and J. T. Nichols. Notes on the fishes of Crab Creek, Washington, with de- scription of a new species of trout. Proc. Biol. 8oc. TVashing- ton, XXII, June 25, 1909, pp. 91-94, figs. 1, 2. 8ahno eremogenes is described as new. (See also under David Starr Jordan. ) Gill, Theodore. The Genesis of the Museum [of the Brooklyn Institute!. Report, Mus. Brooklyn Inst. Arts, and ScL, 1907, Au- gust 27, 1908, pp. 100- 105. Reminiscenses of the Brooklyn Institute and zoology in Brookljm during 1854 and several years later. The primitive nature of the grounds of the present build- ings is noticed. Reference is made to J. Carson Brevoort in connec- tion with the Smithsonian Insti- tution. The story of the Devil-fish. Smithsonian Misc. Colls. 52, Quar. issue, Pt. 2, No. 1816, Oct. 15, 1908. pp. 155-180, figs. 40-55. An account of the giant ray. Mania vampyrus , giving the popu- lar names, the form and the man- REPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909. 121 Gill, Theodore — Coutiunod. ner of its derivation from the sharlvs, its movements in general, its progression and use of its liead-fins or caropteres, its food and adaptations therefor, its pair- ing and its viviparity. Clioeroclou iu place of Cboerops for a Labi'oid genus of fishes. Proc U. /S'. Nat. Mtis., xxxv. No. 1638, Oct. 31, 1908, pp. 155, 156. It is sliown that the name Chwrodon of Bleelcer (1847) should replace Chwrops of Ruppell (1852). Systematic zoology ; its prog- ress and purpose. Rep. Smithsonian Inst., 1907, No. 1842, Jan. 20, 1909, pp. 449-471, pis. i-xiv. Address delivered liefore the In- ternational Zoological Congress with, modifications and additions. The progress of zoology is con- sidered under the following cap- tions : John Ray ; The beginnings of systematic zoology ; Carl von LinnS ; Linnaean classes ; Liu- naean genera ; Linnaean nomen- clature ; Georges Leopold Chretien Frederic Dagobert Cuvier ; Cuvier and paleontology ; Cuvier and anat- omy ; Cuvier's successors ; Em- bryology ; Philosophical zoology ; Development theory ; Sequence of groups ; Histology ; Gradual de- limitation of genera ; The old and the new ; Prospects and needs. Fourteen portraits are published. Recent discoveries in the his- tory of the common eel. Science, (n. s. ) xxvni, No. 728, Dec. 11, 1908, pp. 845, 846. A record of the discoveries by J. Schmidt of Leptocephali of the eel over water of the depth of 1,000 meters and by K. Gemzoe of the age of eels indicated by the scales. The conclusion is that " an eel must be from 8 to 10 years old before it assumes the livery of maturity and descends into the ocean to reproduce its kind ". Life history of the common eel. Trans. Am. Fisheries Soc, 1908, pp. 115-121. Stenographer's report of oral communication on the breeding habits of the eel. The results of Johann Schmidt's . are especially referred to. Gill, Theodore. The Selachians ad- mitted as a distinct class. Science, (n. s.) xxix. No. 735, Jan. 29, 1909, pp. 193, 194. The author had claimed class- rank for the Selachians since 1873; Hubrecht in Nov., 1908, and Regan in Jan., 1909, have also urged class-rank for the group. The Archer-fish and its feats. Smithsonian Misc. Colls., 52, Quar. issue, No. 1801, Mar. 25, 1909, pp. 277^ 286, figs. 58-60. An account of the habits of the Archer-fish (Toxotcs jaculator), based mainly on the accounts given by N. Zolotnitsky. The chief characteristics of the Toxotids and their habitat, and the old accounts by Hommel and others are noticed ; then follow statements about their swimming and leaping, the use of the eyes, the changes of color, their food and the manner of shooting in- sects out of the water, and their care in confinement. The neces- sity for further observations is urged. Some notes on oral gestation in Cichlid fishes. Science, (n. s.) xxix. No. 747, April 23, 1909, p. 676. Old observations of Wyman and Putnam made in 1863 are con- trasted with some made by Pelle- grin in 1908. While the former claimed that in Arius " it was the male that took charge of the egg ", in the Cichlids " it is the female ". Pellegrin thought that while in the Cichlids of Syria the female exercised buccal incubation, the male did so in the American Geogaphagi. It was considered by the present writer to be " im- probable that the American species differ so decidedly from the Afri- can " and Syrian. Classification of the true fishes. Science, (n. s.) xxix, No. 751, May 21, 1909, pp. 837, 838. The extant true fishes (Pisces or Teleostomes) are considered to be referable to 4 subclasses. Dip- noi with 1 order, Crossopterygii with 1, Chondroganoidei with 2, and Teleostei with 31. 12^ REPOET OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909. GoLDSBOROUGH, E. L. (See under Bar- tou W. Evermaim.) Hahn, Walter L. Notes on the mam- mals ami cold-blooded vertebrates of the Indiana University Farm, Mitch- ell, Indiana. Proc. V. 8. Nat. Mus., XXXV, No. 1655, Dee. 7, 1908, pp. 545-581. Jordan, David Starr, and Mart Cyn- thia DiCKERSON. On a collection of fishes from Fiji, with notes on cer- tain Hawaiian fishes. Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XXXIV, No. 1625, Sept. 14, 1908, pp. 60.3-617, figs. 1-6. Cypsilurus ogilbyi and Abudcf- duf corneyl are described as new. and Barton W. Evermann. Descriptions of three new species of Cisco, or Lake Herring (Argyroso- mus) from the Great Lakes of Amer- ica, with a note on the species of Whitefish. Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mits., XXXVI, No. 1662, Mar. , 3, 1909, pp. 165-172, flgs. 1-3. Argyrosomus eriensis, A. huron- iu8 and A. scnithicus are de- scribed as new. Jordan, David Starr, and John Otteb- BEiN Snyder, Description of a new Whitefish (Coregouns oregouius), from McKeuzie River, Oregon. Proc. V. 8. Nat. Mus., xxxvi, No. 1677, May 15, 1909, pp. 425-430, one fig. NiCHOLLS, John T. (See under Bar- ton W. Evermann.) Snyder, John Otterbein. Notes on two rare California fishes, Rimicola eigenmanni and Plagiogrammus hop- kinsi. Proc. V. 8. Nat. Mus., XXXV, No. 1643, Oct. 81, 1908, pp. 18.3-186. Descriptions of eighteen new species and two new genera of fishes from Japan and the Riu Kiu Islands. Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XXXV, No. 1635, Oct. 30, 1908, pp. 93-111. Descriptions of new genera and species of fishes from Japan and the Riu Kiu Islands. Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XXXVI, No. 1688, .Tune 18, 1909, pp. 597-610. ■ (See also under David Starr Jordan.) Weed, Axfred C. (See under Barton A. Bean.) MOLLUSKS. Bartsch, Paul. Pyramidellidje of New England and the adjacent re- gion. Proc. Bost. 8oc. Nat. Hist., 34, No. 4, Feb., 1909, pp. 67-113, pis. 11-14. A monograph of the Pyramidel- lid fauna of New England, in which all the species of the I'egion are described and most of them figured. Mcnestho striatula Cou- thouy is removed from the Pyra- midellidw and placed in the new genus Couthouyella of the family Eulimidw. The following are new: PyramidcUa winkteyi; Tur- bonilla bushiana ahyssicola, ele- (jantula bratifordensis, huteonis, cascoensis, edwardensis, mighelsi n. n., suitDicri, rerrelli, rinw, white- avesi, winkleyi and xcinkleyi sen- ilis new var. ; Odostomia trifida 6e- dcqucn.sis, inshiana, hendersoni, mor.'icniKi. n. n., hisuturalis ovil- ensis, irilUsi and winkleyi. Bartsch, Paul. Ein Besuch die Vul- kan Taal auf der Insel Luzon in den Philippinen. The Technologist, xiv. No. 1, .Tan., 1909, pp. 19, 20. An abstract of a lecture on a visit to Taal Volcano. Meine Reisen in den Philip- pinen. The Technologist, xiv, No. 6, June, 1909, p. 135. Abstract of a lecture on the Philippines. Dall, William Healey. Some new brachiopods. Nautilus, xxii. No. 3, July, 1908, pp. 28-30. Terebratula (Lioihyris) sak- halinensis, Laqueus morsel, and Eudesia raphaelis var. alhida, from the .Japan and Okhotsk seas, are described as new. KEPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909. 123 Dall, William Healey. A new West ludiau Nitidella. A'flMti/HS, XXII, No. 3, July, 1908, pp. 31, 32. Nitidella hendersoni from Cuba is described as new. A gigantic Solemya and a new Yesicomya. Nautilus, XXII, No. 7, Nov., 1908, pp. 61-63. Solemya (Acharax) iartscliii, 24 cm. long, and Yesicomya ttca- onica are described from speci- mens dredged by the "Albatross " in the Philippines. Notes on Planorbis and its sub- divisions. Proc. Malacol. Soe. London, VIII, pt. 3, Oct., 1908, p. 141. This paper comprises notes on nomenclature and comparisons of American and European species. Zur Terminologie der Mollus- keu Skulptur. N acJi )■ i c h t s - Blaft dcr Deutsch. Malalc. Gesell., heft IV, Oct., 1908, pp. 158, 159. This is a reprint of the note on terminology printed in Smithso- nian Misc. Colls., L, Quar. issue, No. 1727, July 9, 1907, pp. 139- 173. The Patngonian Fanna. Re- sults of the Hamburg Magellan Ex- pedition. Am. Naturalist, XLII, No. 500, Aug., 1908, pp. 562- 565. A summary of the published results of this expedition. Another large Miocene Scala. Nautilus, XXII, No. 8, Dec, 1908, pp. 80, 81. Epitonium {Acril a) attooodi from Alaska Peninsuli is described as new. The new subgenera Arc- toscala (greenlandiea Perry) and Catenoscala [oretjonensis Dall) are indicated. Reports on the scientific re- sults of the expedition to the eastern tropical Pacific, in charge of Alex- ander Agassiz, by the U. S. Fish Commission steamer "Albatross," from October, 1904, to March, 1905: Lieut. Comm. L. M. Garrett, U. S. N., Dall, William Healet — Continued, commanding, xiv. The Mollusca and Brachiopoda. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., XLiii, No. 6, Oct., 1908, pp. 20.3-487, pis. 1-22. This memoir comprises a mono- graph of the deep sea Mollusca and Brachiopoda, hitherto col- lected on the western coast of South America between Panama and the Magellan Straits, together with a few species collected by the Albatross from shallower wa- ter during the same series of ex- plorations. The relation to each other of the two faunas, Carib- bean and Pacific, is discussed ; lists of the shore shells at Cocos, Easter, Manga Reva, and Flint Islands are given ; the species of the genus Argonauta are revised ; and the characteristics of the Eastern Pacific fauna are dis- cussed. A very large number of new species are described and fig- ured, and a few new genera, sub- genera, or sections are proposed, of which the following list con- tains a census. Various anatom- ical notes accompany the de- scriptions. The following group names are proposed in this work : Section Archivesica of the genus Yesi- comya; genus Basiliola of the BhynchonelUdce ; subgenera Bor- sonella, Phymorhynchus, Ireno- syrinx, and Surculina in Tuiritidce; subgenus Cylichnlum of Cylich- nella Gabb ; section EmpJcconia of the genus Limopsis ; Eocyclina, new generic name for Cyclina De- shayes ; Fcrminuscala subgenus of Epitonium ; Katadcsmia, section of Yoldia; Lcucophysema, section of Bullrtria; Minormalletia, section of Malletia; Panocochlea, sub- genus of Clanculus; Pascula, sub- genus of Troplion; Pelayodiscus, new section for Discinisca atlan- tica; Sabatina, subgenus of Saia- tia ; Spinula, subgenus of Leda; Thalassoplanes, subgenus of Tro- schelia; Tritonoharpa vexillata, new genus and species of SeptidcB. The following new species are described : Acteon estuarinus, ma- satlanicus and panamcnsis; Alec- trion catallus, exsarcus, gonio- pleura and miser; Aligena borni- ana, and pisum ; Amusium mal- pelonium; Area endemica, nucle- ator, and pornpholyx ; Architec- tonica radialis ; Bathysciadium pa- ciflcum; Borsonia agassizH, cor- 124 REPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909. Dall, William IIealey — Continued. onadoi, diegensis, and saccoi; Bui- laria morfjana, Bursa calciptctn ; Caduhts peruvianus ; Gallistochi- ton periconis ; Cancellaria culifor- nica, corbicula, exopJeura, and microsoma ; Capulus chilensis ; Certthlodcrma paciflca; Cetocon- cha smitliii; Chlniiii/s pasca; Chiii- culus ruhidtis; CluthiireUa oni- riana, panameUa, plicutellaj Cli- nura monochorda, and peruviana; Cocculina agnssiM, diomedw, and nassa; Columtella fusidens; Cor- bula ira, Corneoci/clas magellani- cus ; Cuispidaria pntKDiioini.s, pJii- netica, pseustes; Cyclichnella ata- hualpa, inca, and pizarro ; Daph- nella hlaiida, cortezl, imparella; Dcntalium panamcnse and peru- viunum ; Drillia decenna; Epi- tonium hrunneopictum, fermint- aiiinn, and turhinum ; Fusinus fragilissimits and panamensis ; Gcmmula henthina, cldorana, esu- ricns, herilda, pcrnodata, serilla, and vicclla ; Olyphostoma im- maculata and tluilassoina ; Hemi- thyris streieli; Hipponix delicata; Irenosyriiix crehristriata and le- onis ; Ischnochitoii ophioderma ; Leda acrita, agapea, calcar, cal- carella, callimene, cordylu, lohula, loshka, peruviana, and rhytida ; Lepidopleurus aiireviatus ; iiicoii- gruus and opacus ; LcptotJiyra panamensis ; Leucosyrinx clionclla and erosina ; Lima diomedw, slmi- laris, and suteri; Limopsis diazi, diegensis, juarczi, niahilleana, stimpsoni, and zonalis ; Liotia cali- fornica and pacts; Lyonsia pana- mensis; Lyonsiella peciflca. Ma- coma hesperus and hupeana; Mal- Iciia arciformis, henthima, ine- qnalis, peruviana, and tnincata ; Mangllia cctolaca, encclla, enora, genilda movilla, and scdiUina ; Myonera garretti; Natica othello, and scethra ; Nuciila agujana, cJirysocoma, colombiana, pana- mina, pigafettw twniolata, and tanneri; Oocorys elcvata and ro- tunda; Pecten cocosensis, liriope, miser, neoceanicus, panamensis, pasca, polylcptus, and rotundus ; Pcfaloconclius compUcatus ; Pha- scolus patagonicus ; Phohidida; minusrulu ; Pleurotomella altina, clarinda, dinora, cgregia, esllda, isogonia, oceanica, parella pnly- stcphanus, and xylona ; Polynices agujanus, constrictus, crawfordi- anus, litorinus, pardoanus, stre- belt, and vaginatus ; Poromya chilensis, equatorialis, and perla; Protocardia panamensis; Ptycha- | Dall, William Healey— Coutimied. tractus calif amicus; Rnrlicfortia mabillei and rochebrunci; Scaph- ander cylindrelius, decapitatus, and planeticus ; Seguenzia occi- dentalis, and stcphanica; Solari- ela equatorialis and galapagana ; Solvmya agassizii and panamensis; Snlrnostcira elegans; Sphenia sub- cqualis; Stilifcr bathymetra;; titrombina edentula ; Sureulina blanda; Tellina chrysogona and fuctigera ; Tcrebra balwnorum, bridgrsi, lucana, panamensis, pe- druana, and stylus; Thais nesi- otes ; Tindaria atossa, compressa, mexicana, panamensis, salaria, smirna, and thea ; Tritnnoharpa vexillata ; Trophon citricus ; Tros- chcUa viorchii; Turris armilda, dolenta, dotella, fusinclla, notilla, and resina; Turritella mariana; Vesicomya donacia ; Vohitoiisius amabilis ; Xylopliaga nirxicana ; Yoldia chilcnica, dicella, grunula, indolc7is, infrequens, leonilda, man- tana, panamensis, and vincula. Descriptions and figures of some laud and freshwater shells from Mexico, believed to be new. Proe. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XXXV, No. 1642. Nov. 10, 1908, pp. 177-182, pis. XXIX, XXX. This paper contains descriptions of some new Mexican land shells in the National Museum, with fig- ures ; a new section, Crossoste- phanus, ot Cwloccntruni Crosse & Fischer, is proposed for a new species, C Palmcri Dall and Bartsch ; Streptostyla bartschii, S. toyuca, S. jilitlana, and Euglan- dina livida, are described as new, Anodonta coarctata Anton, Lamp- silis (Proptera) salinascnsis Simp- son, and Diplodon wcbstcri Simp- son are figured. The latter was described from New Zealand, but had never been figured. National Antarctic Expedition. Zoology. Science (n. s.) xxviii. No. 730, Dec. 2.5, 1908, pp. 923, 924. A review of this important con- tribution to Antarctic zoology. A new species of Pholadomya. Nautilus, XXII, No. 11, Mar., 1909. pp. 11.5-117. This Is an amplification of a diagnosis published in 1907, in Smithsonian Misc. Colls., Quar. issue, p. 172, which had been over- looked by the editor ; and this ac- EEPORT OP NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909. 125 Dall, William Healey— Coutiuued. count of Plioladomya paciflca (which was written first) by an accident wa.3 published two years later. • Resultats clii Voyage du S. Y. Belgica. Rapports Scieutiflques. Zoology. Science (n. s.) sxix, No. 741, Mar. 12, 1909, pp. 421, 422. A review of the reports of the Belgica expedition to the Ant- .arctic. Biographical memoir of William More Gabb, 1839-1878. Nat. Acad. Sci. Biographies, VI, March, 1909, pp. 347- 361, with portrait. A biography of a former valued collaborator of the National Mu- seum, together with a bibliography of his scientific writings, read be- for the Academy in November, 1908. Furtlier data ou Poll's Generic Names. Proe. Malncol. Soc. London, VIII, pt. 4, April, 1909, pp. 251, 252. A supplement to a paper by Jukes Browne in the June issue of the periodical, correcting some errors and adding some new data. Paradioiie n. n. vice Cliiouella. Proc. Malacol. Soc. Lon- don, VIII, pt. 4, April, 1909, p. 197. Paradione is proposed for Chio- nclla Cossman, preoccupied by Swainson. Some new South American Landshells. Smithsonian Misc. Colls., 52, Quar. issue, pt. 5, No. 1866, May 11, 1909, pp. 361-364, pi. XXXVII. Some new shells in the National Museum from South America are described and figured. Plenro- dontc {Lahyrinthus) tenacniiini . Hclicina heigliwayana, and Odon- tostomus hranneri are described as new, and Odontostomus secti- laliris Pfeiffer is figured for com- parison. Fru Signe Rink. Science (n. s.) xxix, No. 751, May 21, 1909, p. 806. A brief obituary notice of an old correspondent of the National Museum. Dall, William Healey. Contribu- tions to the Tertiary Paleontology of the Pacific Coast, i. The Miocene of Astoria and Coos Bay, Oregon. > Prof. Paper, U. S. Gcol. Surv., No. 59, April, 1909, pp. 1-278, pis. i-xxiii. This paper, based on material in the National Museum, contains a historical discussion of the explo- ration of the geology of Astoria and Coos Bay ; a summary of stratigraphical observations by the author and Dr. J. S. Diller, of the Survey ; a geological map and sec- tion of the exposures at Coos Bay ; a systematic account of the Mio- cene invertebrate fauna ; a descrip- tion by Dr. F. W. True of a fossil se.a lion discovered in the Coos Bay Miocene, with a summary of the described species of fossil sea lions ; twelve appendices contain- ing reprints of the text of as many rare and out of print papers on Pacific Coast Tertiary Paleontol- ogy by Conrad, Shumard, and Car- penter ; a bibliography of papers on Post Eocene Pacific coast Ter- tiary and recent invertebrates, taking up the subject where it was left by Carpenter in his Brit- ish Association report of 1864, and carrying it to 1905, together with a few later papers. This paper was completed, except for a few additions to the bibliography, in May, 1907, and the delay in its publication will account for the absence of certain references in the text which might otherwise be expected. The descriptive portion includes the revision of the nomenclature, under the International Code, of certain groups of the Yolutidce, the Fasciolariidw, the Muricidw, the Scalidw, the Cassididm, the Doliidw, the Trichotropidw, the Littorinidw, the GalyptraeidcB, the NaticidcB, the TurWyiidec, and Tro- cMdw. The new forms described and figured are as follows : Scaphander conradi, S. oregonensis; Turris coosensis, canimani, coH, and impecunia; Bathytoma gaMiana; Cancellaria. oregonensis, arnoldi, and hcmphilU; Miopleiona ore- gonensis; Fusinits coosensis; Chrysodomus imperialis, postplan- atus, and bairdii; Liomesus sul- culatus; Molopophorus gahhi; Pur- pura pei-ponderosa; Epitonium rugiferum, condoni, and orego- nense; Oyrineum mediocre (and 126 EEPOET OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909. Dall, William Healey — Contiuued. var. corhiculatum) ; Argobuccinum cammani and cooscnsc; Prienc pa- ciflca; Cymatium paciflcum ; Phal- ium turricula, and wiiuiaidcdtuin ; EudoUum orcgoncnuc ; Vcrithinpnis excelsus ; Littorina pciricola; Arcliitectonica hi an da ; Natica con- sors; Polinices galianoi; Ampul- Una oreyoncnsis ; Astrooa precur- sor; Tegula stantoni; Calliostoma cammani; Turcica gahbi ; new sub- genus of Margarites, Pupillaria, with sections of Lirularia and Cid- arina ; Maigaritrs condoni; Turci- ciila washingiuniana and coluinhi- ana; Nucula iuicnscndi, n. n. for N. cuneiformis Conrad, not Sower- Dall, William Healey — Continued. by ; Leda ivhitmani ; Yoldia stri- gatu; Oli/cy metis grcicingki, con- radi, and gubhi ; Mytilus ficus ; Modiolufi dircctus and in flatus; Venericardia castor; Cardium coo- sense; Chione hisculpta; Ve7ius parapodema and cnsifera; Tellina eugenia, aragonia, and nuculana; Macoma astori and molinana ; Solen conradi ; Spisula precursor; Mul- inia orcgoncnsis ; Panom i/a chrysis ; Thracia condoni; Dentalium con- radi and petricola ; Semithyris us- toriana ; Disciitisca orcgoncnsis; Bahtiius var. cooscnsis ; Herpula ? octoforis ; and Scutella oregonen- sis (W. B. Clark). INSECTS. Blaisdell, Frank E. Smithsonian In- stitution I United States National Museum I Bulletin 63 | — | A mono- graphic revision of the Cole- | optera belonging to the Tenebri- | onide tribe Eleodiini inhabiting | the United States, Lower Call- | fornia, and adjacent islands | By | Frank E. Blaisdell, Sr. | Of San Francisco, California | (Seal) | Washington | Government Printing Office | 1!J09 Bull. U. 8. Nat. Mus., No. G3, June 24, 1909, pp. i-xi, 1-524, pis. 1-13, figs. 1-8. Descriptions are given of 1 new genus, 7 new subgenera, IS new species, and 12 new varieties. BuscK, August. Descriptions of two new Gelechidte from California. Ent. News, xrx, No. 7, July, 1908, pp. 316, 317. Two new stenomid moths from the Eastern United States. Proc. Ent. Soc. ^Yash., x, Nos. 1, 2, Sept. 15, 1908, pp. Ill, 112. A generic revision of American moths of the Family CEcophoridfe, with descriptions of new species. Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XXXV, No. 1644, Oct. 31, 1908, pp. 187-207. Five new genera and five new species described. Caudell, a. N. Family Locustidie, Subfamily DecticiuiB. Oencra Insectoruiii. l-'asc. 72, Aug. 15, 1908, pp. 1-43, pis. I, II. One new genus is described and the genera of the world tabulated, with a list of species. Gryllodes sigillatus Walk. ( = poeyi Sauss.) in Washington, D. C. Psyche, xv. No. 5, Oct. 1908, p. 96. A Cockroach new to the United States. Ent. Netvs, xix, No. 10, Dec. 1908, p. 463. r'oQUiLLETT, D. W. Rediscovery of Bibionid genus Eupeitenus. Ent. News, xx. No. 3, March, 1909, p. 106, one fig. Crawford, J. C. Notes on some Chal- cidoidea. Can. Ent., XLi, No. 3, Mar. 1909, pp. 98, 99. One new genus and one new species are described. The entomological writings of William Harris Ashmead, with an index to the new genera described by him. Proc. Ent. 8oc. Wash., x, Nos. 3, 4, June 10, 1909, pp. 131-156. KEPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909. 127 Dyar, H. G. Notes on a few apparent cases of syuonomy in Lepidoptera. Proc. Ent. 8oc. Wash., x, Nos. 1, 2, Sept. 15, 1908, pp. 30-35. Notes on the species of Acro- basis, with descriptions of new ones. Proc. Ent. aS'oc. Wash., x, Nos. 1, 2, Sept. 15, 1908, pp. 41-48. Seven new species are described. Notes on some American Coch- lidiidte, with descriptions of new spe- cies. Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., x, Nos. 1. 2. Sept. 15, 1908, pp. 48-52. Six new species are described. Descriptions of some new moths from Southern California. Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., x, Nos. 1, 2, Sept. 15, 1908, pp. 52-60, one fig. Two new genera and 16 new species are described. A further note on the Slotli moth. Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., x, Nos. 1, 2, Sept. 15, 1908, pp. 81, 82. A new Saturnian moth from the southwest. Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., x, Nos. 1, 2, Sept. 15, 1908, pp. 82, 83. A review of the North Ameri- can Chrysauginse. Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., x, Nos. 1, 2, Sept. 15, 1908, pp. 92-96. Tbree new genera and 2 new species are described. A review of the North Ameri- can Pyralinse. Proc. Ent. Soc. Wa.sh., x, Nos. 1, 2, Sept. 15, 1908, pp. 96-102. One new genus and 5 new species are described. Descriptions of 11 new North American Pyralidse, with notes on a few others. Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., x, Nos. 1, 2, Sept. 15, 1908, pp. 112-118. . 12048—09 9 Dyar, H. G. The larvae of Lerina incarnata Walk. Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., x, Nos. 3, 4, June 10, 1909, p. 162. and Frederick Knab. Notes on mosquito work. Can. Ent., XL, No. 9, Sept. 1908, pp. 309-312. Descriptions of some new mosquitoes from tropical America. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., xxxv. No. 1632. Oct. 30, 1908, pp. 53-70. Tbirty-two new species are de- scribed. Descriptions of some new species and a new genus of American mosquitoes. Smithsonian Misc. Colls., 52, Quar. issue, pt. 2, No. 1822, Jan. 12, 1909, pp. 253-266, flg. 56. One new genus and 35 new species are described. Mosquito comment. Can. Ent., xli. No. 3, Marcb, 1909, pp. 101, 102. One new species is described. Heidemann, Otto. Two nevv species of North American Tingitid;^. Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., x, Nos. 1, 2, Sept. 15, 1908, pp. 103-108, pi. IV. New species of Tingitidte and description of a new Leptoglossus. Bull. Buffalo Soc. Nat. Sci., IX, March, 1909, pp. 231- 238. Howard, L. O. Another Chalcidoid parasite of a tick. Can. Ent., XL., No. 7, July, 1908. pp. 239-241, fig. 14. A new genus and a new species are described. -On two new species of para- sites of Aleyrodidie. Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., x, Nos. 1, 2, Sept. 15, 1908, pp. 63-65. A new genus and species of Mymaridfe. Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., x, Nos. 1, 2, Sept. 15, 1908, pp. 68-70, flg. 11. 128 REPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909. Howard, L. O. Upon the Apliis-feed- iiig species of Aplieliniis. Ent. Xeu-s, xix, No. 8, Oct.. 1908, pp. 365-367. Two new species are described. A key to tbe species of Pros- pa Itella, with table of hosts and de scriptions of four new species. Ann. Ent. 8oc. Amer., \, No. 4, Dec, 1008. pp. 281-284. Knab, Frederick. Swarming of a Reduviid. Proc. Ent. 8oc. Wash., x, Nos. 1, 2, Sept. 15, 1908, p. 7. The early stages of Sayomyia piuictipennis Say. Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., x, Nos. 1, 2, Sept. 15, 1908, pp. 36-40, figs. 5-8. (See also under H. G. Dyar.) CRUSTACEANS. CouTifeRE, Hekri. The American spe- cies of snapping shrimps of the genus Synalpheus. Proc. U. S. y'at. Mas., XXXVI, No. 1659. .Ian. 30, 1909. pp. 1-93, figs. 1-54. Divides the genus Siinalphciis into 6 groups, 64 species, and 32 subspecies, of wlaich 4 groups, 25 species, and 21 subspecies are American. Discusses the inter- relations of the different groups, gives keys and definitions and de- tailed figures of each American form. Closes with a list of extra- American species in the National Museum, and descriptions of new extra-American species not in the Museum, but mentioned in the paper. Gay, M. E. (See under S. J. Holmes.) Holmes, Samuel J. The Amphipoda collected by the U. S. Bureau of Fisheries steamer Albatross off tho west coast of North America in 1903 and 1904, with descriptions of a new family and several new genera and species. Proc. r. 8. Nat. Mus., xxxv. No. 1654, Nov. 20, 1908, pp. 489-543. figs. 1-46. The collections studied embrace the amphipods obtained during the salmon investigations in 1903 and the cruise off southern California in 1904. Of the 38 species in- cluded, 25 are considered new ; there are also 7 new genera and 1 new family. Holmes. S. J., and M. E. Gay. Four new species of isopods from the coast pf California. Proc. U. 8. Kat. Mus., XXXVI, No. 1670, April 27, 1909, pp. 375-379, figs. 1-6. Holmes, S. J., and M. E. Gay— Cont'd. The type material was collected at San Diego and vicinity by Dr. S. .1. Holmes and presented to the U. S. National Museum. One of the figures was added by Dr. Har- riet Richardson. Rathbun, Mary J. Description d'une nouvelle espece de Pinnotheres de Porto Rico. Bull. Mus. d'Hi.st. Nat., Paris, March. 1909, No. 2, pp. 68-70, one fig. Description of a specimen of Pinnotheres, P. serrei, collected in Porto Rico by P. Serre. and sent to .the U. S. National Museum for determination. Collections recueillies par M. Maurice de Rothschild dans I'Af- rique orientale anglaise. Crabes d'eau douce nouveaux. Bull. Mus. d'Hist. Sat., Paris. May, 1909, No. 3, pp. 101-105. A notice preliminary to the regular report of the expedition, in which the new forms will be fig- ured. Of the 3 species of Pota- mon noted, 2 are described as new. Part of the material is in the National Museum. New crabs from the Gulf of Siam. Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XXII, June 25, 1909, pp. 107-114. Preliminary descriptions of 27 new species of crabs collected in the Gulf of Siam by Dr. Theodor Mortensen. 1899-1900. Also, new names are given to four old species. Richardson, Harriet. Isopodes (2* Memoire), in Expedition Antarctique Francaise (1903-1905) commandee par le Dr. Jean Charcot. Ouvrage REPOET OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 190'J. 129 Richardson, Harriet — Continued, publie sous les auspices du Miuis- tere de I'lustruction Publique sous la direction de L. Joubln, Professeur an Museum d'Histolre Naturelle, Paris. July, lOOS, pp. 1-8, figs. 1-11. This paper is based on material received subsequently to the first memoir on the same collection. Five new species are described, and 8 others are noted. Description of a new isopod genus of the family Dajidse. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXXIV, No. 1618, Aug. 10, 1908, pp. 391, 392, figs. 1-3. Colophryxus novangliw, new ge- nus and species, from deep water off the southern coast of New England, collected by the U. S. Fish Commission steamer "Alba- tross " in 1884. — Some new isopods of the super- family Aselloidea from the Atlantic coast of North America. Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XXXV, No. 163.3, Oct. 30. 1908, pp. 71-86, figs. 1-20. Describes 2 new genera and 9 new species and gives 1 new ge- neric name to material of the Aselloidea collected in the earlier years of the U. S. Fish Commis- sion and returned to the National Museum in 1907 by Prof. A. E. Verrill. Some new isopods of the family GnathiidiB from the Atlantic coast of North America. Proc. V. S. Nat. Mus., XXXV, No. 1653, Nov. 20, 1908, pp. 483-488, figs. 1-7. Describes three new species from the material collected in the ear- lier years of the U. S. Fish Com- mission and returned to the Na- tional Museum in 1907 by Prof. A. E. Verrill. The isopod crustacean, Ancinus depressus (Say). Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., xxxvi. No. 1663, March 8, 1909, pp. 173-177, figs. 1-9. Historical review of the species Ancinus depressus (Say), and de- RiCHABDSON, Harriet — Continued. scription of a specimen collected by the U. S. Fish Commission in 1885 and contained in the mate- rial returned in 1907 to the U. S. National Museum by Prof. A. E. Verrill. Description of a new isopod of the genus Jferopsis from Patagonia. Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XXXVI, No. 1675, May 13, 1909, pp. 421, 422, one fig. Jceropsis patagoniensis was taken in 58 fathoms on the east coast of Patagonia during the cruise of the U. S. Fish Commission steamer " Albatross " around the Horn in 1888. • The isopod crustacean Acan- thoniscus spiniger Kinahan rede- scribed. Proc. v. 8. Nat. Mus., XXXVI, No. 1678, May 15, 1909, pp. 431-434, flgs. 1-6. Gives a history of the species, and describes and figures a speci- men obtained by H. G. Hubbard in Jamaica. Sharpe, Richard W. A further re- port on the Ostracoda of the United States National Museum. Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XXXV, No. 1651, Nov. 19, 1908, pp. 399-430, pis. li-LXV. Second paper on the Ostracoda of the U. S. National Museum. A revised summary of the species in the Museum is followed by de- scriptions and figures. Four spe- cies are considered new. One of the plates is colored, showing the natural appearance of three species representing three different genera. Wilson, Charles Branch. North American Parasitic Copepods : a list of those found upon the fishes of the Pacific coast, with descriptions of new genera and species. Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XXXV, No. 1652, Dec. 10, 1908, pp. 431-481, pis. LXVI-LXXXIII. Based chiefly on material from the marine laboratory at La Jolla and from various expeditions con- ducted by the Bureau of Fisheries. 130 REPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909, Wilson, Charles Branch — Continued. Five new genera and 17 new spe- cies are described. Concludes with an alphabetical list of hosts, with the parasites found on each. "WoLTERECK, R. Reiiorts on the scien- tific results of the expedition to the eastern tropical Pacific, in charge of Alexander Agasslz. by the U. S. Fish Commission steamer Albatross, from October, 1904, to March, 1905, Lieut. WoLTERECK, R. — Continued. Commander L. M. Garrett, U. S. N., commanding, xvm. Amphiitoda. Bull. Mus. Comp. ZooL, Lii, No. 9, June. 1900, pp. 14.5-1G8, pis. i-viii. Deals with the HiiperiiOcu gnm- maroidea ; gives a table of the two tribes and subtribes, families and genera of the tribe Priinitivn, in which 3 new genera, 5 new species, and 1 new subspecies are described. ECHINODERMS. Agassiz, Alexander. Reports on the scietitiflc results of the expedition to the tropical Pacific, in charge of Alexander Agassiz, by the U. S. Fish Commisson steamer Albatross, from August, 1899, to March, 1900, Com- mander Jefferson F. Moser, U. S. N., commanding, xi. Echini : The Genus Colobocentrotus. Memoirs Mus. Comp, Zool., XXXVI, No. 1, Nov.. 1908, pp. i-viii, 1-33, pis. 1-4(5. Describes and figures in detail the species Colobocentrotus mer- tensii, C. stimpxoni, Pedophora atrata, and P. pedifera. and Hubert Lyman Clark. Hawaiian and other Pacific Echini. The Salenidfe, Arbaciadse, Aspidodi- adematidse, and Diadematidse. Memoirs Mus. Comp. ZooL, xxxiv. No. 2, Sept., 1908, pp. 43-134, pis. 43-59, figs. a-d. Dealing exclusively with the families Salenidse, Arbaciadffi, Aspidodiadematidie, and Dlade- matidse, this paper gives a general review of the genera and species in each of these families, especially in reference to the pedicellarise. which structures are described in great detail, with numerous fig- ures. Hawaiian species are treat- ed at length and figured. A new genus, Eremopyga, is erected for Astroptjfja dcnudata de Meijere. Clark, Austin Hobart. On a collec- tion of Feather-Stars, or Comatulids, from Japan. Proc. U. S. Xat. Mus., XXXIV, No. 1615, July 15, 1908, pp. 305-319. Based on a collection made by Mr. Alan Owston, of Yokohama, off southern Japan, which was pur- Clark, Austin Hobart — Continued. chased by Mr. Frank Springer and. deposited in the U. S. National Museum : two new species are de- scribed, one of which is referred to Comaster, the other to Thalas- sometra. The genus Ptilocrinus. Am. Naturalist, xlii. No. 500, July 31, 1908, pp. 541-543. A review of a paper by Dr. F. A. Bather of the British Museum de- scribing a second species of Ptilo- crinus from the antarctic regions. The distribution of the recent cri- noids is discussed, w'hereby it is shown that the entire western coast of America from the ant- arctic regions to Bering Straits is purely antarctic in so far as the crinoids are concerned, and, there- fore, that the discovery of a sec- ond species in the antarctic of a genus originally known from British Columbia was only to have been expected. The Nomenclature of the Re- cent Crinoids. Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XXXIV, No. 162.3, Aug. 25, 1908, pp. 435-542. A list of all the generic and specific names which have ever been applied to recent crinoids is given, with the correct first refer- ence, type locality, and present location of types of species, and types of genera, together with the derivation of the names. Two new names are suggested to re- place preoccupied names. The Axial canals of the recent Pentacrinitidfe. Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XXXV, No. 1634, Oct. .30, 1908, pp. 87-91, figs, 1-16. Gives diagrams of the course of the axial canals in the genera REPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 190!). 131 Clabk, Austin Hobart — Continued. Isocrinus, Endoxocrinus, and Meta- erinus, and shows the development of the Endoxocrinus type from the others ; small stems of Isocrinus are shown to resemble the stems of the Bourgueticrinidse. The homologies of the arm joints and arm divisions in the re- cent crinoids of the families of the Comatulida and the Peutacrinitidte. Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mits., XXXV, No. 1636. Oct. 30, 1908, pp. 113-131, figs. 1-28. The homologies of the arm di- visions and of the proximal post- radial elements are traced through- out the two groups consideredi On the basis of arm structure the recognition of Loven's Phiuifxjenin as distinct from Comaster, and of four recent genera. Isocrinus, Hy- palocrinus, Endoxocrinus, and Metacrinus of recent pentacrinites, are suggested. Some points in the ecologj- of recent crinoids. Am. Katuralist, XLii, No. 503, November, 1908, pp. 717-726. Theories are suggested to ac- count for the increase of size with depth, the restriction of littoral crinoids to regions of heavy pre- cipitation, and the coloration of the crinoids. The recent crinoids and their relation to sea and land. Geog. Journ. xxxii. No. 6, Dec, 1908, pp. 602-607. This is substantially a reprint of two papers in the American Naturalist, " The genus Ptilo- crinus ", and " Some points in the ecology of the recent crinoids ". New genera and species of crinoids. Proc. Biol. 8oc. Wash., xxi, Dec. 10, 1908, pp. 219- 232. Thirteen new species and one new genus are described from the collections of the Museum at Co- penhagen, Denmark. Preliminarv notice of a collec- tion of recent crinoids from the Philippine Islands. Smithsonian Misc. Colls., 52, Quar. Issue, Pt. 2, No. 1820, Dec. 23, 1908, pp. 199-234. Based on the first consignment of crinoids received from the steamer Clark, Austin Hobart — Continued. Albatross as the result of her work among the I'hilippine Islands. Two new genera, Comatella (Co- masteridiB) and Eumetra (Ante- donidse) and 20 new species are described, the latter belonging to the genera Metacrinus, Catopto- mctra, Eudiocrinus, Himerometra (7), Cyllometra, Oligometra, Calo- metra (2), Ptilometra, Charitome- tra, Perometra, Eumetra, Iridome- tra, and Triehometra ; one of the species of Himerometra is from Port Denison, Australia. A revision of the crinoid fami- lies Thalassometridie and Himero- metridse. Proc. Biol. 8oc. Wash., xxii, Jan. 9, 1909, pp. 1-22. The species referable to the fam- ilies Himeromelridse and Thalas- sometridie are distributed among 25 genera, of which 17 are new. The genus Encrinns. Ann. May. Xat. Hist., 8th ser.. Ill, No. 15, March, 1909, pp. 308-310. A discussion of the type species of Encrinus. Two new Australian crinoids. Proc. Biol. 8oc. Wash., XXII, March 10, 1909, pp. 39-12. Gives descriptions of two new crinoids from the collections of the German steamer Gazelle. Red Sea crinoids. Am. Naturalist, XLiii, April, 1909, pp. 253-256. A review of a paper on the same subject by Mr. Herbert C. Chadwick. adding a large amount of historical data. New recent crinoids from the Indian Ocean. Proc. Biol. 8oc. Wash., xxii, April 17, 1909, pp. 75-86. Ten new species are described from the collections made by the Royal Indian Marine Surveying steamer Investigator, distributed among the different genera as fol- lows : Eudiocrinus, Dichrometra, Cyllometra, Calometra (2), Cro- talometra, Pachylometra (2), Eu- metra, and Metacrinus. The type of the genus Comaster. Proc. Biol. 8oc. Wash., xxii, April 17, 1909, p. 87. The type of the genus Comaster is shown to be the somewhat anomalous species Alecto multi- fida J. Miiller. 132 REPOKT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909. Clabk, Austin Hobart. Phototaxis among crinoids. Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., xxii, April 17, 1909, p. 87. Records the capture of an im- mature comatulid whicli had been attracted to a submerged electric light. Systematic position of Oligo- metra studeri. Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., xxii, April 17, 1909, p. 88. Oligometra studeri is shown to belong in reality to the genus Cyllometra. ^ — The recent crinoids and their relation to sea and land. Science (n. s.), xxix. No. 747, April 23, 1909, p. 077. The probable attitude of Uinta- crinus when living is discussed, and the ecological value of certain types of coloration suggested. Comatilia, a remarkable new genus of uustalked crinoids. Proc. U. 8. A'at. Mus.. XXXVI, No. 1668, April 27, 1909. pp. 361-367. The larger divisions of the un- stalked crinoids are discussed, and a new comasterid, resembling in many respects species of other families, is described. On a collection of recent cri- noids from the Philippine Islands. Proc. U. 8. Sat. Hits., XXXVI, No. 1673, May 13, 1909, pp. 391-410. The second consignment of cri- noids received from the steamer Albatross, now at work among the Philippine Islands, is treated in detail ; 9 new species are de- scribed, belonging to the genera Phanogenia, Comanthus, Pontio- mctra, Cenometra, Ptilomctrn, Stenotnctra, Crotalomctra (n. gen.), Puchi/lometra, and Irido- nietra ; underbasals are demon- strated in HypaJocrinus narcsia- n us. The crinoids of the " Gazelle " Expedition. Zool. Aiueiger, xxxiv, Nos. 11, 12, June 1, 1909, pp. 363-370. The crinoids collected by the German steamer Gazelle on the west coast of Australia and at Timor and New Guinea are dis- cussed in detail. A discussion of the faunal relations of Australia, Clark, Austin Hobart — Continued. and a complete biblography of works on Australian crinoids, are also included. Revision of the crinoid family Comasterldpe, with descriptions of new genera and species. Proc. U. 8. Xat. Mus., XXXVI, No. 1685, June 7, 1909, pp. 493-507. The history of the family Comas- teridae — the genus Actinometra of P. H. Carpenter— is discussed, and the family is shown to be divisible into 11 definite generic types : 5 new genera and 3 new species (types of new genera) are described. Descriptions of seventeen new species of recent crinoids. Proc. V. S. ^'at. Mus., XXXVI, No. 1691, June 19, 1909, pp. 633-651. Descriptions are given of a number of new crinoids dredged by the Investigator, co-types of which have been deposited in the U. S. National Museum, together with those of a few species col- lected by the Albatross. Four new species of the crinoid genus Rhizocrinus. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXXVI, No. 1693, June 19, 1909, pp. 673-676. The genus Rhizocrinus is shown to consist, not of two very variable species, with a very great geo- graphical and bathymetrical range, as supposed by Carpenter, but of several very constant species, each occupying a comparatively small range. Four new West Indian spe- cies are described. New recent Indian crinoids. Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash., XXII, June 25, 1909, pp. 143-151. Sixteen new crinoids, mainly from the collections made by the Royal Indian Surveying steamer Investigator, are described, as fol- lows : In the family Comasteridae, one species each of Comatula and Comastcr ; in the Himerometridae, one of Mariametra (n. gen.) ; in the Colobometridae, two of Ceno- metra and one of Ci/Uometra ; in the Tropiometrida^, two of Astero- metra ; in the Thalassometrida\ one each of Crotalomctra, Tluilas- sometra, and Pachylometra ; in the Antedonidse, one each of REPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1900. 133 Clark, Austin Hobakt — Continued. Psathyrometra and Trichometra ; In the PentacrinitidiB, one of Hy- pulocrinus, and in the Bourgue- ticrinid:p, two of Bathycrinus. Part of the material is in the U. S. National Museum. Clark, Hxjbert Lyman. (See under Alexander Agassiz.) Edwards, Charles Lincoln. Varia- tion, development, and growth in " Holothuria floridana ", Pourtales, and in " Holothuria atra '", Jiiger. Biometrika, vi, Xos. 2 and 3, Sept., 1908 (published July, 1908), pp. 2.36-.301, pis. i-y. figs. B-K. The introduction gives a his- tory of the subject and the au- Edwards, Charles Lincoln — Cont'd, thor's methods of study. Under each of the 2 species discussed, are given statistics concerning the form and size of body, develop- ment and growth, color, tentacles and ampullae, pedicels and papillae, thickness of body wall, calcareous spicules and ring, Polian vesicles, etc. Biometry as a method in tax- onomy. Am. Naturalist, xlii^ Xo. 500, Aug., 1908, pp. 5.37- 540. Demonstrates the value of biom- etry as a method in taxonomy and illustrates by means of the holo- thurians, Holothuria floridana and H. atra. WORMS. CCELENTERATES, ETC. Annandale, Nelson. Fresh - water sponges in the collection of the United States National Museum. Part. I. Specimens from the Philip- pines and Australia. Proc. U. 8. Xat. Mus., sxxvi. No. 1690, June 19. 1909, pp. 627-632, figs. 1^. Describes 3 species, of which 2, ■collected in the Philippine Islands, are new. BiGELOw, Henry B. Reports ou the scientific results of the expedition to the eastern tropical Pacific, in charge of Alexander Agassiz, by the JJ. S. Fish Commission steamer Albatross, from October, 1904, to March. 190.5. Lieut. Commander L. M. Garrett, U. S. N., commanding, xvi. The Medusfe. Memoirs Mus. Camp. Zooh, xxxvii, Feb., 1909, pp. 1-243, pis. 1-48. Records 72 species (17 new) in- cluding excellent examples of sev- eral little-known genera. De- scribes a series of stages in the development of Pegantha smarac/- dina, and demonstrates the oc- currence of internal budding in Cunina and Pegantha. Of the plates, 3 are charts showing the route of the Albatross and the dis- tribution of the species. CusHMAN, Joseph A. Ammodiscoides, a new genus of arenaceous foramini- fera. Proc. U. S. yat. Mus., xsxvi. No. 1676, May 13, 1909, pp. 423, 424, pi. 33. Described from specimens from the Gulf of Mexico, 1.181 fathoms collected by the U. S. Fish Com- mission steamer Albatross and referred by Dr. Goes to Atnmo- disciis inccrtus d'Orbigny. Hall, Maurice C. A new rabbit ces- tode, Cittotaenia mosaica. Proc. U. 8. Xat. Mus., XXXIV, No. 1629, Sept. 15, 1908, pp. 691-699, figs. 1-6. A full description of the species which has been found parasitic in Sylvilague pinetis in Colorado. Nutting, Charles C. Descriptions of the Alcyonaria collected by the U. S. Bureau of Fisheries steamer Alba- tross in the vicinity of the Ha- waiian Islands in 1902. Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XXXIV, No. 1624, Sept. 12, 1908, pp. 543-601, pis. XLI-LI. A systematic synopsis of Ha- waiian Alcyonaria, a table show- ing their geographical and bathy- metrieal distribution, and a record of the dredging stations at which Alcyonaria were obtained, precede the discussion of species. Of the 68 species, 39 are new. 134 REPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909. NiTTTiNG, Charles C. Alcyouaria of the Califoniiaii coast. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXXV, No. 1G5S, Feb. 20, 1909, pp. 681-727, pis. LXXXIV-XCI. The material forming the basis of this paper is the collection ob- tained by the U. S. Fisheries steamer Albatross in 1904, sup- plemented by material in the lab- oratories of the University of Cali- fornia and of Stanford Univer- sity. A table showing the bathy- metrical and geographical distri- bution of Californian Alcyonaria is followed by a systematic discus- sion and description of species. Fourteen are described as new. Stilks, C. W. The occurrence of a proliferating cestode larva (Spar- ganum prolofernui ) iu man in Flor- ida. Trans. Sixth International Dermatological Congress (New York, Sept. 9-14, 1907). II. pp. 549-564, pis. XXIX-XXXIV. Stiles, C. W. Soil pollution in hook- worm disease. N. Y. Med. Jour., lxxxvii. No. 16, April 18, 1908, p. 758. (Presented before the American Society of Tropical Medicine, at Baltimore, Maryland, March 28, 1908.) Uncinarial infection. Brit. Med. Jour., London, I, No. 2474, May .30, 1908, p. 131. (Presented before the fifth an- nual meeting of the American Society of Tropical Medicine, Bal- timore. Maryland, March 28, 1908.) Soil pollution and hookworm disease iu the South; their results and their prevention. Mobile Med. Surg. Jour., XII, No. 5, 1908, pp. 193- 203. OCEANOGRAPHY. Caspari, W. a. (See under John Murray.) Lee, G. V. (See under John Murray.) Murray, John, and G. V. Lee. Re- ports on the scientific results of the expedition to the tropical Pacific, in charge of Alexander Agassiz, on the U. S. Fish Commission steamer Al- batross, from August, 1899. to March, 1900, ConunaiHler Jefferson F. Moser, U. S. N., commanding, xii. Reports on the scientific results of the expedition to the eastern tropical Pacific, in charge of Alexander Agassiz, by the U. S. Fish Commis- sion steamer Albatross, from Octo- ber, 1904, to March, 1905, Lieut. Commander L. M. Garrett, U. S. N., commanding, xvii. Murray, John, and G. V. Lee — Cont'd. The depth and marine deposits of the Pacific. Memoirs Mus. Comp. Zool., XXXVIII, No. 1, June, 1909, pp. 1-169, pis. 1-5, maps i-iii. Comprises extracts from Dr. Agassiz's preliminary reports bear- ing on the bottom deposits, a de- tailed description of the bottom samples collected during his two last expeditions, a concise descrip- tion of the depths of the Pacific as now known, of the distribution of the various marine deposits, and of the percentage of calcium carbonate in the deposits, followed by general conclusions, and an appendix by W. A. Caspari de- scribing a palagonitic tuff and a peculiar red clay. BOTANY. Britton, N. L., and J. N. Rose. Thompsonella, a new genus of Cras- sulacese from Mexico. Contr. U. S. A'at. Herb., XII, pt. 9, May 10, 1909, pp. 391, 392, pis. XLiv, XLV. Britton, N. L., and J. N. Rose. A new genus of Cactacefe. Journ. y. Y. Bot. Gard., ix, No. 107, Nov., 1908, pp. 185-188, pis. XLViii-Lii, one fig. REPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909. 135 Greene, Edward L. New species of the genus Miuiulus. Leaflets, ii, Feb. 6, 1909. pp. 1-8. New Western Asteraceae. Leaflets, ii. Feb. 6, 1909, pp. 8-1.5. New composites from Oregon, Washington, and Idaho. Leaflets, ii, Feb. 6, 1909, pp. 14-20. New plants from Arizona. Leaflets, ii, Feb. 6, 1909, pp. 20-24. Novitates Boreali - Americanse. II. III. Repertorium novarum spe- cierum regni vegetabilis auctore F. Fedde, Baud V, Nos. 9.3-98. Aug. 20. 1908. pp. 241-244. Consists of descriptions of 1 species of Antennaria and 11 species of Araiis. Argemone pleiacantha Greene. Repertorium novarum spe- cierum regni vegetahilis auctore F. Fedde, Band VI, Nos. 113-118, Dec. 31, 1908, p. 161. Description of one species. Novitates Boreali - Americanse. Repertorium novarum spe- cierum regni vegetabilis auctore F. Fedde, Band VII, Nos. 131-133, April 1, 1909, pp. 1-6. Consists of descriptions of 17 species of Aconitum. Hitchcock, A. S. Catalogue of the grasses of Cuba. Contr. U. S. yat. Herb.. xii, Pt. 6, March 23, 1909, pp. i-xi, 183-258. Maxon, William R. A new spleen- wort from China. Contr. U. S. Xat. Herb., XII, Pt. 9, May 10, 1909, p. 411, pi. LX. Description of Asplenium mi- crotum Maxon, allied to A. tri- chomanes. Studies of tropical American ferns — No. 2. Contr. U. 8. Xat. Herb., XIII, Pt. 1, June 30, 1909, pp. i-vii, 1-43, pis. i-ix, one fig. The subjects are treated under the following headings : Notes Maxon, William R. — Continued. upon ferns recently collected in Guatemala by Baron von Turck- heim, with descriptions of several new species ; The bipinnate species of Cyathro : A revision of the West Indian species of Poly- stichum ; Descriptions of new spe- cies ; Miscellaneous notes. PiTTiER, Henry. The Mexican and Central American species of Sapium. Contr. U. S. yat. Herb., XII, Pt. 4, Oct. 6, 1908, pp. i-v, 159-169, pis. X- XVII, figs. 7-10. New or noteworthy plants from Colombia and Central America. Contr. U. 8. Nat. Herb., XII, Pt. 5, Jan. 22, 1909, pp. i-vii. 171-181, pis. XVIII, XIX, figs. 11-19. Rose, Joseph N. A new Opuntia from Arizona. Smithsonian Misc. CoUs., 52, Quar. issue, Pt. 2, No. 1815, Oct. 6, 1908, p. 153, pi. XII. On Opuntia Santa-Rita, a spe- cies of cactus of ornamental value. Smithsonian Misc. Colls., 52, Quar. issue, Pt. 2, No. 1818, Dec. 29, 1908, pp. 195, 196, pi. XV. Studies of Mexican and Central American plants — No. 6. Contr. U. 8. Sat. Herb., xii, Pt. 7, April 12, 1909, pp. i-ix, 259-302, pis. xx-xxvii, figs. 20-48. Rediscovery of Echeveria carni- color. Contr. U. 8. Nat. Herb., xii, Pt. 9, May 10, 1909, p. 393, pi. XLVi. • Three new species of Crassu- lacese from Guatemala. Contr. U. 8. Xat. Herb., xii. Pt. 9, May 10, 1909, pp. 395, 396, pis. XLVii, XLVIII. Rediscovery of Cereus nudi- florus. Contr. U. 8. Xat. Herb., xii, Pt. 9, May 10, 1909, pp. 397, 398, pis. XLix- Li. -A, species of Pereskia from Guatemala. Contr. U. 8. Xat. Herb., xii, Pt. 9, May 10, 1909, p. 399, pis. Lii-Liv. 136 REPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909. Rose, Joseph N. New species of Opuutia from Arizona. Conir. U.S. Nat. Herb., xii, Pt. 0, May 10, 1909, pp. 401, 402, pi. LV. Echinocerens baileyi, a uew cac- tus from Oklahoma. Contr. U. 8. Nat. Herb., xii, Pt. 9, May 10, 1909, p. 403, pis. LVI, LVII. ■ Nopalea lutea, a new cactus from Guatemala. Contr. U.S. Nat. Herb., xii, Pt. 9, May 10, 1909, p. 405, pi. LViii. Rose, Joseph N. Conzattia, a new genus of Csesalpiniacere. Contr. U. 8. Nat. Herb., xit, Pt. 9, May 10. 1909, pp. 407, 408, pi. LIX. Two new species of Acacia of the series Filicinse. Contr. U. 8. Nat. Herb., xii, Pt. 9, May 10, 1909, p. 409. (See also under N. L. Britton.) .Standley, Paul C. The Allionaceae of the United States with notes on Mexican species. Contr. U. 8. Nat. Herb., xii, Pt. 8, April 2.3, 1909, pp. i-ix, .30.3-.389, pis. xxviii-XLiii, figs. 49-67. GEOLOGY AND MINERALOGY. Bassler, Ray S. Cement materials of western Virginia. Economic Geology, iii, No. 6, Aug.-Sept., 1908. pp. 503-524. This article is a digest of the author's more extensive report published in " Mineral Resources of Virginia", in 1907. The formation of geodes witli remarks on the silicification of fossils. Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XXXV, No. 1637, Nov. 7, 1908, pp. 133-154, pis. XVIII-XXIV. Contains a discussion of geodes in general, followed by a descrip- tion of siliceous geodes occurring in sedimentary rocks. The ma- jority of such geodes are found either at the surface or along zones reached by surface waters, and their origin is ascribed to the infiltration and deposition of silica along the fractures of more or less crushed fossils. Continued dep- osition of silica from the surface waters and the expansive force of the crystals results in a hollow rounded mass or geode, with rem- nants of the fossil sometimes ob- servable on the outside. (See also under William F. Pate.) Merrill, George P. Notes on Bra- zilian igneous rocks. Commissao de Estudos das Minas de Carvao de Pedra do Brazil | — | Relatorio Final I Apresentado a I S. Merrill, George P. — Continued. Ex. o. Sr. Dr. Lauro Sevoriano Miil- ler I Ministro da Industria, Viacao E Obras Publicas [ por I I. C. White I Chefe da Commissao | — | Traducgao | de | Carlos Moreira | Ex-Secretario da Commissao | — j Rio de Janeiro I Imprensa Nacional I 1908. Royal 8vo., pp. 221-225. The paper gives a description of a series of rocks collected by Dr. I. C. White and referred to Dr. Merrill for identification. The rocks are classed as diabases, ba- salts, diorites, granites, and ande- sites. The composition of stony mete- orites as compared with that of ter- restrial igneous rocks, and consid- ered with reference to their efficacy in world-making. Amer. Jour. 8ci., 4th ser., XXVII, No. 162, June, 1909, pp. 469-474. The paper gives an average of 99 analyses of meteoric stones, com- paring the same with the analyses of terrestrial igneous rocks, and comments on the insuflicipncy of such as world-building materials. Pate, William F., and Ray S. Bass- ler. The late Niagaran strata of West Tennessee. Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., xxxiv. No. 1621, Aug. 18, 1908, pp. 407-432. In this article, based upon field explorations by the U. S. National REPOET OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909. 137 Pate, William F., and Ray S. Bass- LER — Continued. Museum, detailed sections of the strata are given, followed by a re- vised classification and composite section of tbe rocks of the area. Tassin, Wirt. On the occurrence of calcium sulpliide (Oldliamite) in tlie Allegan roeteorite. Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mns., XXXIV, No. 1622, Aug. 19, 1908, pp. 433, 434. While working over some frag- ments of the Allegan, Michigan, meteoric stone, it was noted that certain portions gave a marked evolution of hydrogen sulphide under conditions that led to the belief that some other sulphide than troilite was present. Further Tassin, Wirt — Continued. analysis led to the conclusion that the mineral thus decomposed was Oldhamite, though the same was not determined microscopically. On meteoric cbromites. Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XXXIV, No. 1628, Sept. 15, 1908, pp. 685-690. The writer gives the results of his own analyses on chromites from the Admire, Mt. Vernon, Canon Diablo, Hendersonville, and Allegan meteorites, comparing them with other available analy- ses, and concludes that " the ma- jority of the meteoric chromites contain magnesia and alumina ; and that there is little, if any, relation existing between the amounts of the constituent oxides." PALEONTOLOGY. Arnold, Ralph. Descriptions of ubav Cretaceous and Tertiary fossils from the Santa Cruz Mountains, Cali- fornia. Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XXXIV, No. 1617, Aug. 8, 1908, pp. 345-390, pis. XXXI-XXXVII. Includes a discussion of the geo- logic formations of the Santa Cruz Mountains region, followed by descriptions and figures of 35 new species and 2 new varieties. Description of a new brittle star from the Upper Miocene of the Santa Cruz Mountains, California. Proc. U. 8. Nat.. Mus., xxxiv. No. 1620, Aug. 17, 1908, pp. 40.3-406, pi. XL. Describes and figures Amphiura sanctwcrucis, sp. nov. Bassler, Ray S. The Nettelroth col- lection of invertebrate fossils. Smithsonian Misc. Colls., 52, Quar. issue. Ft. 2, No. 1814, Sept. 28, 1908, pp. 121-152, pis. ix-xi. Contains a biographical sketch of Henry Nettelroth, followed by a description of the geologic sec- tions, with illustrations of the principal localities from which the bulk of the collection was obtained. A list of the types contained in the collection is included. Bassler, Ray S. Some noteworthy accessions to the Division of Inverte- bi'ate Paleontology in the National Museum. Smithsonian Misc. Colls., 52, Quar. issue, Pt. 2, No. 1823, Jan. 30, 1909, pp. 267-269, pis. XVII, XVIII. Describes and illustrates a slab of Vintacrinus socialis, recently deposited in the National Museum by Mr. Frank Springer, of Bur- lington, Iowa. Also records the acquisition, by gift from Mr. Springer, of the W. P. Pate collec- tion of Paleozoic fossils, consist- ing of about 50,000 specimens. ( See also under Edward O. Ulrich.) Branner, John Casper. (See under David Starr Jordan.) Gidley, James Williams. Descriptions of two new species of Pleistocene ru- minants of the genera Ovibos and Bootherium, with notes on the latter genus. Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XXXIV, No. 1627, Sept 15, 1908, pp. 681-684, pis. LVII-LIX. Describes 2 new species of Pleistocene bovines, Ovihos yuko- nensis and Bootherium sargentl, and discusses briefly the relation- ships of the genus Bootherium. 138 REPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM^, 1909. GiDLEY, James Williams — Coutiuued. The new species Oi'ibos is based on National Museum material from Alaska. The species Boothe- rlum is founded on a specimen now in the Kent Scientific Mu- seum of Grand Rapids, Michigan. Notes on the fossil mammalian genus Ptilodus, with descriptions of new species. Proc. U. 8. yat. Mus., xxxvr. No. 1689, June 19, 1009, pp. 611-626, pl. TO. This article includes a revision of the species of the jjenus Ptilo- dus, and a new species is pro- posed with a detailed description of the skull, lower jaws, and such parts of the skeleton as are pre- served in the type specimen. The affinities of the genus, and the relationships of the multitubercu- late group as a whole, are also briefly discussed, and a few notes are added on the probable habits of Ptilodus. GiLMORE, Charles W. Osteology of the Jurassic reptile Camptosaurus, with a revision of the species of the genus, and descriptions of two new species. Proc. r. 8. Xat. Mus., XXXVI, No. 1666, April 17, 1909. pp. 197-332, pis. 6-20, figs. 1-48. The early part of the paper is devoted to a detailed account of the osteological structure of Camp- tosaurus, which is followed by a discussion of the genus and a sys- tematic description and revision of the species. Two new species, Camptosaurus bronni and C. de- pressus, are described. In con- clusion, the geographical and geo- logical distribution of the genus is discussed, with a few remarks on the restoration of Campto- saurus. GiRTY, George H. On some new and old species of Carboniferous fossils. Proc. U. S. Xat. Mus., XXXIV, No. 1614, July 14, 1908, pp. 281-303, pis. XIV-XXI. Contains descriptions of 4 new genera, 11 new species, and 1 new variety of Carboniferous fos- sils, all of which are figured. IlAY, Oliver P. The fossil turtles of North America. Carnegie Institution of WasJiington, Washington, 1908, pp. 1-568, pis. l-i:i, figs. 1-704. This work is based partly on the materials in the paleontolog- ical collection of the U. S. Na- tional Museum, and it aims to give a detailed description of all the species, 266 in number, known up to the date of publication. Of these 76 species are new. ISIost of the species are figured. They are referred to the following superfamilies : Amphicheli/dia, Pleurodira, Cryptodira, and Trio- ni/choidca. The descriptive part of the book is preceded by sections on the osteology of the living families of the order, on the modi- fications which turtles have under- gone since their earliest appear- ance, on their primary and sec- ondary characters, on the classi- fication of the order, its deriva- tion, and on the geographical and geological distribution. On certain genera and species of carnivorous dinosaurs, with spe- cial reference to Ceratosaurus iiasi- cornis Marsh. Proc. r. S. Xat. Mus., XXXV, No. 1648, Oct. 31, 1908, pp. 3.51-366, figs. 1-4. The paper here recorded deals first with the species referred by Marsh to the genus Labrosaurus, and a doubt is expressed as to the affinity of these species. The re- lationship of these species to Leidy's Antrodemus ralens is questioned. The differences be- tween AUosanrus and Crcosaui'us, both Marsh's genera, are discussed. The relationships of the genera Deinodon, Dryplosaurus, and .4?- hertosaurus are considered. The greater part of the paper is de- voted to a description of the skull which belongs to the type speci- men of Ceratosaurus nasicornis Marsh. . Descriptions of five species of North American fossil turtles, four of which are new. Proc. U. 8. Xat. Mus.,xxs.v, No. 1640, Nov. 9, 1908, pp. 161-169, pis. XXVI. XX VII, figs. 1-3. The fossil turtles here described REPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909. 139 Hay, Oliver P. — Continued. are all in the U. S. National Mu- seum. The hinder half of the carapace of Glyptops plicatuhis (Cope) presents two suprapygals, instead of one. The sulci defining the scutes of the carapace are traceable without difflcultj'. Hoplo- chelys cwlata is a dermatemyd from the Fort Union of Montana. Echmatemys rivalis comes from the Wasatch beds of Sweetwater County, Wyoming. It resembles E. lativertehraUs '(Cope). Terra- pene longinsulw is from the Upper Miocene or the Lower Pliocene of Phillips County. Kansas. It is represented by the skull, the shell complete, and some other parts of the skeleton. Aspideretes granifer is a trionychid from the Judith River beds of Montana. With the exception of the first, all of the species described are new. . On the skull and brain of Triceratops, with notes on the brain- cases of Iguanodon and Megalo- sauriis. Proc. U. S. yat. Mus., XXXVI, No. 1660, Feb. 6, 1909, pp. 95-108, pis. 1-3. The paper describes first the identity of certain bones of the rear of the skull of Triceratops. The conclusion reached is that the bone which has hitherto been called the supraoccipital is really the parietal, while the true supraoc- cipital is ankylosed to the exoccip- itals and forms the roof over the cavity for the medulla oblongata. The median bone of the great nu- chal frill has hitherto been called the parietal, but is here regarded as either the coalesced supra-tem- porals or nuchal bones. From the skull which had fur- nished Marsh with a cast of the brain cavity, a new cast was made, and this is described at length and figured. An attempt is also made to determine the boundaries of the various bones entering into the formation of the brain case. . Description of two species of fossil turtles, Toxochelys stenopora and Chisternon? interpositum, the latter hitherto unknown. Proc. U. S. Xat, Mus., XXXVI, No. 1665, April 8, 1909, pp. 191-196, pi. 5. The specimen of Toxochelys stenopora here described furnishes Hay, Oliver P. — Continued. a large part of the carapace, nearlj' the whole of the plastron, all of the skull bones, and some of the limb bones. Most of the hones are in a disturbed condition, but those of the plastron are mostly in place. The epiplastra and the entoplastron are present, bones not hitherto known in the genus. The specimen supposed to be- long to ChiHternon was found in the Fort Union formation, in Car- bon County, Montana. It repre- sents the anterior two-thirds of the shell. Jordan, David Starr, and John Cas- per Branner. The Cretaceous fishes of Ceara, Brazil. Smithsonian Misc. Colls., 52, Quar. issue, Pt. 1, No. 179.3, April 29, 1908, pp. 1-29, pis. i-viii. Knowlton, Frank Hall. Description of new fossil liverwort from the Fort Union beds of Montana. Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus., XXXV, No. 1639, Nov. 9, 1908, pp. 157-159, pi. XXV. . The stratigraphic relations and paleontologj' of the " Hell Creek Beds ", " Cera tops Beds ", and equiv- alents, and their reference to the Fort Union formation. Proc. JTasli. Acad. Sci., xi. No. 3, Aug. 14, 1909, pp. 179-238. MooDiE, Roy L. A contribution to a monograph of the extinct Amphibia of North America. New forms from the Carboniferous, Journ. Geol., xvii. No. 1, Jan. - Feb., 1909, pp. 38-82, figs. 1-24. Palmer, William. Description of a new species of leatherback turtle from the Miocene of Maryland. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXXVI, No. 1669, April 27, 1909, pp. 360-373, pi. 31. Describes the new species Pse- phophorus calvertensis, the type specimen of which is in the National Museum collection. The paper closes with a list of the species referred to this genus. 140 EEPORT OP NATIONAL, MUSEUM, 1909. Katiikun, Mary J. Descriptions of fossil crabs from California. Proc. V. 8. Nat. Mu.i., XXXV, No. 1647, Nov. 14. 1908, pp. 341-349, pis. XLV-XLIX. Based on material in the Na- tional Museum collected from the Tertiary and Cretaceous of Cali- fornia hy Ralph Arnold. The fol- lowing genera and species are de- scribed : Loxorhtinchus grandis Stimpson, Cancar flssiis, new species, Brnncliiolamhrus alius, new genus and species, and Arch- CBopiis antennatus, new genus and species. Ulkich, Edward O., and Ray S. Bass- LER. New American Paleozoic ostracoda. Preliminary revision of the Beyrichiidte, with descriptions of new genera. Proc. U. 8. Sat. Mils., XXXV, No. 1646, Nov. 10, 1908, pp. 277-340, pis. XXXVII XLIV. Contains a detailed discussion of the various genera of the family Beyrichiidae, preceded by historical and other notes upon the family as a whole. Six new genera are proposed, while 7 groups are rec- ognized in the genus Bcyrichia. Walcott, Charles D. Mount St*epheu rocks and fossils. The Canadian Alpine Journ., I, No. 2, Sept. 1908. pp. 232-248, pis. 1-4. A semi-popular paper giving a detailed sti-atigraphic section of rocks exposed in Mount Stephen, near Field, British Columbia. Particular attention is paid to the fauna of the so-called " fossil bed " on the northwest face of the mountain, all of the characteristic and striking forms being figured. The paper is accompanied by pho- tographs showing the general re- lations of the section, and of the " fossil-bed ". Cambrian geology and paleon- tology. No. 3. Cambrian Brachi- opoda ; descriptions of new genera and species. Smithsonian Misc. Colls., Liii, No. 1810, Oct. 1, 1908, pp. 53-137, pis. 7-10. Describes .5 new genera, 3 new subgenera, .58 new species, and 6 new varieties of Brachiopoda, Walcott, Charles D. — Continued. three of the new species and one of the new varieties being from rocks of Ordovician age. The genus Neobohis is redefined, de- scribed, and discussed. ■ Cambrian geology and paleon- tology. No. 4. Classification and terminology of the Cambrian Brachi- opoda. Smithsonian Misc. Colls., LIII, No. 1811, Oct. 13, 1908, pp. 139-165, pis. 11, 12. This paper was published in advance of Monograph LI of the U. S. Geological Survey, on " Cambrian Brachiopoda ", and contains diagrams showing the distribution of the families and the evolution of the genera of the Brachiopoda represented in the Cambrian rocks, together with a scheme of classification and a glossary of the terms used in de- scribing the Brachiopoda. These will be incorporated In the intro- duction to the Monograph on the Brachiopoda. Cambrian geology and paleon- tology. No. 5. Cambrian sections of the Cordilleran area. Smithsonian Misc. Colls., LIU, No. 1812, Dec. 10, 1908, pp. 167-230, pis. 13-22. Gives detailed stratigraphic sec- tions of the rocks exposed in the House Range, Utah ; near Wau- coba Springs, California ; near Barrel Spring, Nevada ; in Black- smith Fork Canyon, Utah ; on the Dearborn River, Montana ; and in Mount Bosworth, British Co- lumbia ; together with photographs showing the general relations of some of the sections, and the rela- tions of some of the formations in detail. White, David. Fossil flora of the coal measures of Brazil. Commissao de Estudos das Minas de Carvao de Pedra do Brazil | — | Relatorio Final | Apresentado a | S. Ex. 0. Sr. Dr. Lauro Severiano Miiller | Ministro da Industria, Viagao E Obras Publicas | por | I. C. W^hite I Chefe da Commissao | — | Traducgao I de [ Carlos Moreira | Ex-Secretario da Commissao | — | REPORT OF NATIONAL MUSEUM, 1909. 141 White, David — Continued. Rio de Janeiro | Imprensa Nacional | 1908 Royal 8vo., pp. 337-617, pis. v-xiv. WiLLiSTON, S. W. " The oldest known reptile." — Idodectes punctulatus Cope. Journ. GeoL, xvi, No. 5, July-Aug., 1908, pp. 395- 400, figs. 1, 2. Describes and figures under the name Isodectes copei, a specimen belonging to the National Mu- seum formerly figured by Cope as Isodectes punctulatus. Wood, Elvira. A critical summary of Troost's I unpublished manuscript on ] the crinoids of Tennessee | by | Elvira Wood | of Columbia Univer- sity, New York City | (Seal) | Washington | Government Printing Office I 1909 Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 64, May 8, 1909, pp. i-vi, 1-150, pis. 1-15. A study of Troost's manuscript upon the crinoids of Tennessee, in connection with his collection of these organisms now preserved in the U. S. National Museum. o New York Botanical Garden Librar 3 5185 00259 0360 /-■v. •-•-. Vl;!'. ■'■■:..• -^ .;,,t;/i •■•X, ' ■. - v;--- .■..".^.>v'' ■ I.: ,■/;•'■;■■ m- ■, I '■ i.'.>i ; .' '^•: v"' : ■' ,r ,';§ ;'>.;' ''■i'vlh' ''.'.'.>■■■'•' ■■'.' ),'," ' [;,;■■'>