i X . === r-i _D o^^= >-=i S^=o '^— o ^^t=J ' ' J :^ m # THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER. ZOOLOGY-VOL. XXL PLATES. x: -<3 REPORT "^ c:,^ ON THE SCIENTIFIC RESULTS VOYAGE OF H.M.S. CHALLENGER DURING THE YEARS i87 3-7 6 UNDER THE COMMAND OF Captain GEORGE S. NARES, R.N., F.R.S. AND THE LATE Captain FRANK TOURLE THOMSON, R.N. PREPARED UNDER THE SUPERINTENDENCE OF THE LATE Sir C. WYVILLE THOMSON, Knt, F.R.S., &c. REGIUS PROFESSOR OF NATURAL HISTORY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH DIRECTOR OF THE CIVILIAN SCIENTIFIC STAFF ON BOARD AND NOW OF JOHN MURRAY ONE OF THE NATURALISTS OF THK EXPEDITION ZooiOGY — Vol. XXL PLATES lPublis!l)Eli bp ©rOev of J|)er iHajesti)'s (Solievnment PRINTED FOR HER MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE AND SOLD nV LONDON :— EYRE & SPOTTISWOODE, EAST HARDING STREET, FETTER LANE EDINBURGH :— ADAM & CHARLES BLACK DUBLIN :— HODGES, FIGGIS, & CO. 1887 Price ( Volume of Text and Plates) Seventy Shillings. V Ma — -J. PRINTED BY NEILL AND COMPANY, EDINBURGH, FOR HER majesty's STATIONERY OFFICE. CONTENTS. Report on the Hexactinellida collected by H.M.S. Challenger during the years 1873-1876. By Dr. F. E. Schulze, Professor of Zoology in the University of Berlin. PLATES. 79094 EDITORIAL NOTE. In the following 104 Plates it will be noticed, by reference to the explana- tions facing them, that in some cases the names have been changed since the Plates were printed oft'. John Murray. Challenger Office, 32 Queen Street, Edinburgh, \st August 1887. PLATE 1. (ZOOL. (JHALL. EXP.— PART LIII. — 1887.)— Ggg. PLATE I. Page Euplectella aspergillum, Owen, . . . 64 Fig. 1. A specimen of Euplectella aspergillum, Owen, preserved in alcohol, with the soft parts ; represented in natural size, showing an S-shaped curvature, moderately developed external ridges, and slight ledge surrounding the convex terminal sieve-plate. Obtained near Zebu, Philippine Islands, at a depth of 100 fathoms. Fig. 2. A specimen of Euplectella aspergillum, Owen, preserved in alcohol, with the soft parts ; represented in natural size, showing simple hook- shaped curvature, high irregular external ridges, and strongly deve- loped ledge surrounding the terminal sieve-plate. Obtained near Zebu, Philippine Islands, at a depth of 95 fathoms. This plate was executed under Sir WyviUe Thomson's direction. The Voyage of RMS "Clialleiiger," Hexactuielhda PI I ■^ c^' 4 " "V =* s '^im I*' Geo West, Liih. ad ndl W fc AX JoluiJi on , LlQlo A-«pliora . EUPLECTELLA ASPERGILLUM OWEN PLATE II. PLATE II. PAGE Fragments and isolated spicules of the macerated skeleton of Euplectella aspergillum, Owen, . . . .64 Fig. 1. Isolated spicules from round about the parietal aperture of a young- specimen ; X 50. Fig. la. Hexact with one shortened and rounded ra}'. Fig. lb. Hexact with six almost equally developed rays. Fig. Ic. Pentact with one somewhat elongated tangential ray. Fig. 2. Fragment of the connected skeletal framework of the lateral wall of a young specimen, seen from the inside ; x 10. Fig. 3. Incipient union of two beams by means of sjmapticula ; x 100. Fig. 4. The larger portion of a triact from ii, young form ; x 50. Fig. 5. Fragment of the skeleton of the lateral wall of a young form, round about a parietal aperture, seen from the interior ; x 1 0. Fig. 6. Fragment of the skeleton of the lateral wall of a young specimen ; x 50. Fig. 7. Fragment of the skeleton of the lateral wall of an adult form ; x 50. Fig. 8. Fragment of the connected skeleton of the lateral wall of an older specimen, viewed from the outside ; x 10. Fifi'. 9. Portion of a floricome ; x 500. Fig. 10. Fragment of the connected skeleton from the margin of the terminal sieve-plate and surrounding ledge ; x 1 0. This plate was executed under Sir Wyville Thomson's direction. The Voyage of HM S,"CliaIleiiger.' Hexaclmellida PI 11 3,^ 1. ¥ Geo West, titluad nat EUPLECTELLA ASPERGILLUM. OWEN, ■«■ fcii-ElJdlmB-toii.LiQio^apTjorB PLATE HI. (ZOOL. CUALL. EXP. — PART LIII. — 1887.) — Grgg. PLATE 111. PAGE Isolated spicules of Euplectella aspergUhmi, Owen, . . 64 Fig. 1. Oxyhexaster from, the parenchyma of the side wall ; x 300. Figs. 2-10. Various endings of the rays of larger spicules ; x 100. Fig. 11. Floricome; x 300. Fig. 12. Triact from the side wall, with two long straight rays in one axis, and a shorter somewhat curved third ray. All the free extremities are thickened and spindle-shaped, and beset with teeth ; x 100. Fig. 13. Oxypentact from the lateral wall, with a long, slightly curved radial, and four shorter tangential rays, disposed at right angles, and of equal length ; x 100. Fig. 14. Compact hexact with two terminally club-shaped and rounded rays, and four becoming uniformly narrower to the truncated ends ; x 100. Fig. 15. .Simple, regular, somewhat slender oxyhexact from the parenchyma of the side wall ; x 100. Fig. 16. Hypodermal oxypentact with a much elongated and slightly curved proximal radial ray; xlOO. Fig. 17. Pentact with rough pointed ends on aU the rays, of which four, lying in one plane, belong to two axes crossed at right angles, and are of equal length and straight, while the fifth ray is shorter, somewhat curved, and at right angles to the above-mentioned plane; x 100. Fig. 18. Strongly developed regular hexact with somewhat truncated ends to the elongated conical rays ; x 100. Fig. 19. Strongly developed triact in which the three elongated conical rays are terminally somewhat rounded off. Two rays lie in a straight line, while the third, which is somewhat thicker, stands at right angles. A trace of an undeveloped fourth ray is seen opposite the third, as a protuberance, into which a short rudimentary canal enters; x 100. Fig. 20. Tetract with rough ends. Two long straight rays lie in the same axis. Two other, shorter but unequal, straight rays lie at right angles to one another and to the last ray ; x 100. Fig. 21. Oxydiact with the somewhat curved rays in one axis. A spindle-shaped swelling in the middle exhibits four rudiments of canals, disposed at right angles, the last traces of the other four undeveloped rays ; x 100. Fig. 22. Oxypentact of anchor form, with one very long ray and four shorter equal rays, with a marked hook-shaped curvature. From the upper portion of the root-tuft of a young specimen : xlOO. Fig. 23. Pentact of anchor form from the root-tuft. At the end of the long, smooth, straight principal there are four equal, short, hook-shaped anchor rays ; x 100. Fig. 24. Compact pentact in which one unpaired ray is thickened into a club at the end and roughened, while the other four straight rays, at right angles to the above, lie in one plane and have rounded ends ; x 100. Fig. 25. Triact with curved rays with rough ends, two of unequal length in one axis, with the third and shortest at right angles ; x 100. Fig. 26. Triact with approximately equal and straight rays, two of which lie in the same axis ; x 100. Fig. 27. Compact tetract with four unequal rounded rays in one plane ; x 100. Fig. 28. Compact tetract in which two of the rays, lying in the same axis and in a straight line, are of equal length and truncated, while of the two rays in the other cross axis, one is longer and terminally truncated, while the fourth is much shorter and rounded off like a club ; X 100. Fig. 29. An anchor needle from the basal root-tuft, representing a diact in which the two rays are in one axis and straight, but beset with prosimally curved lateral teeth. While the one proximal ray is very long and terminally pointed, the distal is short and ends in an anchor-shaped expansion with eight recurved, paddle-shaped, anchor teeth. In this anchor-shaped expansion the axial canal breaks up into a tuft of terminal canals. Some- what above the inferior extremity is seen the axial intersection of the central canal, representing the centre of the diact ; x 300. I'hc Voyage of H.M.S. .Challenger." Hexaclinellida PI. Dl. EE Schulze and G Finsch M EUPLECTELLA ASPERGILLUM. Owen. PTiATE IV. PLATE IV. PAGE The soft parts of Euplectella aspergillum, Owen, . . 64 Fig. 1. Part of the outer surface of the tube- wall, from a specimen preserved in absolute alcohol ; natural size. Fig. 2. Part of the inner surface of the tube-wall of the same specimen ; natural size. Fig. 3. Transverse section of a ridge, with part of the tube-wall of the same sponge. The section corresponds to one of the larger efferent openings of the exhalent canal system (combination figure) ; x 16. Fig. 4. Outer portion of a thin section, perpendicular to the outer surface, through the side wall of a ridge ; x 150. Fig. 5. External view of a small piece of the outer membrane from the side wall of a ridge ; x 400. Fig. 6. Transverse section of a layer of ciliated chambers with a sperm-mass ; x400. Fig. 7. Part of the wall of a ciliated chamber ; x 600. Fig. 8. A small portion of the network of the efferent lacunar system of a ridge ; X 600. Tlu- Vovage of U-MS ■ Challenser.' Hexactmeliida PI IV; -^r^. fi*>: ^^' Wf y k 6. "i; ^' -f--. -^^ -%.:: ..?/•*?>■ J H 8. "W! (JrolimariTi «r Berlin EUPLLGTELLA ASPERGILLUM.O*en. PLATE V, (ZOOL. CHALL. KXP, — PART LIIl. — 1887.) — Ggg. PLATE V. PAGE Representation of entire specimen and isolated portions of Exiplectella suherea, Wyv. Thomson, . . . .73 Fig. 1. Restoration of the whole sponge, formed by combining the various frag- ments ; natural size. Fig. 2. Oxyhexaster from the trabecular framework of the side wall ; x 500. Fig. .3. Fragment of a rosette, probably not belonging to Euplectella suherea, liut extrinsically intruded; x 500. Fig. 4. Fragment of a gastral floricome ; x 500. Fig. 5. Fragment of a dermal floricome ; x 500. Fig. 6. Part of a diact lying close to the distal ray of a large principal hexact ; x500. Fig. 7. Rough diact with rounded extremities and with four tubercles markedly projecting from the axial cross ; from the circular membrane of a parietal aperture ; x 500. Fig. 8. Fragment of a discohexaster, probably not belonging to Euplectella suherea, but extrinsically intruded ; x 500. Fig. 9. Fragment of a doubtful rosette, perhaps extrinsically intruded ; x 500. Figs. 10, 11. Ends of various median-sized spicules ; x 500. Fig. 12. Inside of the lateral wall ; natural size. Fig. 13. Hypodermal pentact ; x 50. Fig. 14. Long comital diact; x 50. Fig. 15. Principal pentacts in natural disposition ; x 3. Figs. 16-20. Median-sized loose spicules of the parenchyma of the wall ; x 50. Fig. 21. Fragment of a diact with four projecting central tubercles; x 500. This plate was executed under Sir Wyville Thomson's direction, The Voyage' of H.M S - "aiaUenger" Hexactmellida H.V. 6 '• ! A ^ ^ 12 ^: - ■•■'•<*. 15 1 5-J 500 21 14- Geo West, Lith-ad nat EUPLECTELLA SUBEREA, Wy vil le Tho m son PLATE VI. PLATE VI. PAGE Figs. 1, 2. Eaplectella oweni, Marshall and Herklots, . . 78 Fig. 1. A portion of the iuner layer of the lateral wall of a young dried specimen of Euplectella oweni, Marshall and Herklots ; natural size. Fig. 2. Spicules from the margin of a parietal gap ; x 40. Fig. 3. Euplectella suhei'ea, Wyv. Thomson, . . 73 Fig. 3. Section, at right angles through the lateral wall, of a specimen of Euplectella suberea, Marshall and Herklots, preserved in alcohol with the soft parts ; x 10. Figs. 4, 5. Euplectella jovis, 0. Schmidt, . , .77 Fig. 4. A portion of the inner layer of the side wall of a dry specimen of Euplectella jovis, 0. Schmidt; natural size. Fig. 5. Spicules of the margin of a parietal gap ; x 40. The Voyage of H.M.S.„Oianenger" Hexactiaellida PIVI. ^ Fig.1-2.EUPLECTELLA OWENI. Marshall and Herklols. Fig 3. EUPLECTELLA SUBEREA. Wy.Thomson. Fig 4-5. EUPLECTELLA JOVIS. O.Schmidt, PLATE VII. ZOOL. ,. CHALL. EXP. — PART LIII. — 1887.) — Ggg. PLATE VII. PAGE Tasgeria pulchra, F. E. S., . . . 94 Entire view, after the restoration made by Sir Wyville Thomson from a somewhat damaged specimen ; natural size. The Voyage of H-M.S "Challenger'" HexaclmellidaPlVII "W«f^'^ \ S^"^ *AL-^ ^4 Mt'^ v^' ^ \ ^f-. • ' ^v^ t, '» .^i^n.^ , ' - •'* ii 1 /,^>.- \ » ) !?i ,, «? ^ •'',^. j^ («« ^ \ ) ^W'^r Geo West, Lirlvad aat WfcA-K:.Tciiii£lon,TjtU3. i:>.'.il2e ani G Firtsch del Fig1-3.TAE6ER1A PULCHRA. FE.Schulze. Fig.4-6. WALTERIA FLEMMINGll. F.E.SchuIze, PLATE ni. PLATE XII. PAGE Figs. 1-7. Dictyocalyx gracilis, F. E. S., . . 105 Fig. 1. Macerated coherent skeleton, from a photograph ; natural size. Fig. 2. Discohexaster with short marginal teeth on the terminal discs ; x 450. Fig. 3. Part of a hypodermal hexact ; x 300. Fig. 4. Discohexaster with long marginal teeth on the terminal discs ; x 450. Fig. 5. Graphiohexaster with somewhat diverging, line, raphid-like terminal rays ; x 300. Fig. 6. Small discohexaster with many terminal rays ; x 1000. Fig. 7. Fragment of a floricome ; x 450. Figs. 8-12. Rhabdopectella tintinnus, 0. Schmidt, . . 108 Fig. 8. Discohexaster with short marginal teeth on the bent terminal rays ; X 300. Fig. 9. Oxyhexaster with two thin terminal rays on each principal ; x 300. Fig. 10. Bow-shaped spicule ; x 300. Fig. 11. Discohexaster with large terminal discs ; x 1000. Fig. 12. Oxyhexaster, in which the principals are so shortened, that the terminal rays have coalesced at their base ; x 300. TheVoyage of H M. S.,.CKallen^er, Hexactinellida.PlXn. ?E.Scli,-ul2e and 'j.FirtscTi del liriiinsiv. Werners Vinler,Jiankfurt^/M Fig.1-7. DICTYOCALYX GRACILIS. F.E.Schuize. Fig, 8-12. RHABDOPECTELLA TINTINNUS. O.Schmrdt, PLATE XIII. ZOOL. CHALL. EXP. — PART LIII. — 1887.)— Ggff. PLATE XIII. PAGE Figs. 1-4. Rcgadrella phcenix, 0. Schmidt, . . 84 Fig. 1. Fragment of the upper part, with sieve-plate, from a dried specimen; natural size. Fig. 2. Hypodermal hexact ; x 20. Fig. 3. Discohexaster ; x 450. Fig. 4. Floricome ; x 450. Figs. 5-7. Eiqylc'ctella crassistellata,¥. E. S., . . 81 Fig. 5. Section at right angles through the lateral wall of a fragment oi Euplcctella crassistellata, F. E. S., preserved in alcohol, with the soft parts ; x 100. Fig. 6. Oxyhexaster with thick and long principal rays ; x 450. Fig. 7. Inferior portion of an anchor-like diact, with hemis])herical, rounded, six- toothed extremity ; x 300. The Voyage of H.M.S..,Challen6er." Hexactinellida. PIM. " F . „, .ize ancl GJFirlsch de lii^JliistvWcTiieri>ruiic(,?ranWun^;K. Fig, 1-4 REGADRELLA PHOENIX. O.Schmidt: Fig. 5-7. EUPLECTE LLA CRAS5ISTELLATA. F E.Schulze. PLATE XIV. PLATE XIV. PAGE Figs. 1-5. Eupkctella nodosa, F. E. S., . . 82 Fig. 1. Damaged specimen ; natural size. Fig. 2. Spicules from the wall, in their natural arrangement (combination figure); x 40. Figs. 3, 4. Freely projecting diacts, with four prongs or a simple thickening in the middle ; x 300. Fig. 5. Inferior portion of an anchor-like diact of the basal tuft ; x 300. Figs. 6-13. Holmcus steJlatiis, F. E. S., . . . 86 Fig. 6. Section at right angles through the lateral wall of Holascii.<; sfel/atus, F. E. S., with the soft parts (combination figure); x .00. Fig. 7. Oxyhexaster with curved terminal rays ; x 300. Fig. 8. Oxyhexact with curved rays ; x 300. Fig. 9. Discohexaster ; x 300. Figs. 10-12. Spicules with four, three, or two much curved rays, and a central globular thickening ; x 300. Fig. 13. Oxyhexaster with bent terminal rays; x 300. The Voyage of H.M.S ..Challenger." Hexactinellida. Pl.XIV. » 2 sjJ., 1^ -T \| JpO I !0. Mr' Fig,l-5. EUPLECTELLA NODOSA, F E.Schulze - Fig 5-13. HOLASCUS STELLATUS. RE.SchuIze, PLATE XV. (ZOOL, CHALL. EXP. — PART LIU. — 1887.) — Gfffl PLATE XV. PAGE Figs. 1-5. Holascus Jihulatus, F. E. S., . . .87 Fig. 1 . Damaged fragment, inferior portion with the basal tuft ; natural size. Fig. 2. Fragment of the same specimen (fig. 1), inside; x 50. Fig. 'ia. Three-rayed spicule ; 36, c, d, two-rayed spicules or fibulae, from the same specimen (fig. 1); x 500. Fig. 4. Middle part of a pentact from the same specimen (fig. 1); x 200. Fig. 5. Central fragment of a rosette, from the same specimen (fig. l); x 500. Figs. 6-13. Holascus stellatus,F. E. S., . . . 86 Fig. 6. S^^ecimen, preserved in alcohol ; natural size. Fig. 7. Fragment of the same specimen (fig. 6), outside view ; x 50. Fig. 8. Part of a hypodermal hexact with a comital diact, from the same specimen (fig. 6); x 200. Fig. 9. Oxyhexaster with curved terminal rays, from the same specimen (fig. 6); x500. Fig. 10. Three-rayed spicule with bent rays and central node, from the same specimen (fig. 6); x 500. Figs. 11, 12. Oxyhexasters of the specimen shown in fig. 6 ; x 500. Fig. 13. Inferior anchor-like end of spicule from the basal tuft of the specimen shown in fig. 6. Figs. 14-23. Holascus sp., . . .86 Fig. 14. Part of the wall of a specimen which was not in my hands; natural size. Fig. 15. Fragment of the outer portion of the wall of the specimen shown in fig. 14; x50. Fig. 16. Part of a hypodermal hexact with a comital diact, from the specimen shown in fig. 14 ; x 200. Fig. 17. Fragment of a discohexaster, from the specimen shown in fig. 14; x 500. Fig. 18. Fragment of a floricome-like discohexaster, from the specimen shown in fig. 14 ; X 500. Fig. 19. Graphiohexaster from the specimen shown in fig. 14; x 500. Fig. 20. Discohexaster from the specimen shown in fig. 14 ; x 500. Fig. 21. Central part of a graphiohexaster, from the specimen shown in fig. 14 ; x500. Fig. 22. Discohexact from the specimen shown in fig. 14 ; x 500. Fig. 23. Discohexaster from the specimen shown in fig. 14 ; x 500. This plate was arranged by Sir Wyville Thomson. The Voyage of EM.S/'CiaHengeT.' Heiactmellida PI ZY Geo West, LiLh-ad naL FIG. 1-5 HOLASCUS Fl BU L ATUS, F E Schulze. FIG. 6-23 HOLASCUS STELLATU S, P. ESchulze. PLATE XVL PLATE XVI. PAGE Holascus fihulatus, F. E. S., . . . 87 Fig. 1. Superior portion of a defective specimen preserved in alcohol ; natural size. Fig. 2. Section at right angles through the lateral wall of the specimen shown in fig. 1 (combination figure) ; x 30. Figs. 3, 4. Triacts with bent rays, from the trabecular framework ; x 450. Figs. 5-7. Fibulge from the trabecular framework ; x 450. Fig. 8. Part of a principal hexact with small comital diacts, from the terminal sieve-plate ; x 50. Fig. 9. A macerated specimen ; natural size. Fig. 10. Terminal sieve-plate of the specimen shown in fig. 9 ; natural size. Fig. 11. Inferior portion of an anchor-like diact from the basal tuft of the specimen, shown in fig. 9 ; x 100. Fig. 12. Middle part of an oxydiact from the inferior portion of the wall of the specimen shown in fig. 9 ; x 100. Fig. 13. Inferior portion of an anchor-like diact from the basal tuft of the specimen shown in fig. 9 ; x 100. The Voyage of H.M.S.„Cha11en4er." Hexactinellida. PlX^l Lilt tasiiWeiKtliV.V FZSchMlze and GFirtfch de! HOLASCUS FIBULATUS. F.E.Schulie PLATE XVI J, (ZOOIi. CHALL. EXP.— PART LIII. — 1887.)— Ggg. PLATE XVII. PAGE Figs. 1-j. Holascus polejaevii, F. E. S., . . 89 Fig. 1. Single specimen of Holascus polejaevii, F. E. S., preserved in alcoliol, somewhat injured at the upper end ; natural size. Fig. 2. Section at right angles through the lateral wall (combination figure) ; xlOO. Fig. 3. Oxyhexact from the trabecular framework ; x 300. Fig. 4. Oxyhexact with strong principal rays, from the trabecular framework ; x300. Fig. 5. Hypodermal hexact with comital diacts, from the dermal skeleton ; X 300. Figs. 6-8. Holascus ridleyi, F. E. S., . . . 90 Fig. 6. Part of a principal tetract with comitalia ; x 300. Fig. 7. Oxyhexaster with curved terminal rays ; x 300. Fig. 8. Oxyhexaster with straight terminal rays ; x 300 TheVovaee of H, M. S.Xhallenger Hexactmellida PlJft'U. 1 1 Schalie^ani G Fmscli del Lith-AnstvWerMii'WinterJraiiMuriM Fig.1-5.H0LASCUS POlEJAEVll.F.E.Schulze. Fig.6-8.H0LASCUS RIDLEYlF.E.Schulze. PLATE XVIII. PLATE XVIII. PAGE Malacosaccus vastus, ¥. 'Ei. B., . . .91 Fie. 1. Part of the lateral wall, preserved in alcohol, inside view ; natural size. Fig. 2. Section at right angles through the entire wall (combination figure) ; X 20. Fie. 3. Small discohexaster from the trabecular framework ; x 450. Fig. 4. Part of a floricome from the outer (dermal) surface ; x 450. Fig. 5. Part of a small discohexaster (fig. 3) ; x 1000. Fig. 6. Part of a iioricome from the inner (gastral) surface ; x 1000. Fig. 7. Terminal ray of a floricome from the inner (gastral) surface ; x 1000. Fig. 8. Part of a hy^Dodermal hexact ; x 100. Fig. 9. Floricome from the inner (gastral) surface ; x 300. Fig. 10. Oxyhexaster with very slender long terminal rays ; x 300. y TheVoycage of H.M.S.Xhallenger." Hexactinellida Pl.XVni, FE Schuhe and G.Firtsch del MALACOSACCUS VASTUS. F E. Schulze. PLATE XIX. (ZOOL. OHALL. KX.P. — PART LIII. —1887.)— Ggg. PLATE XIX. PAGE Malacosaccus unguiculatus, F. E. S., . . . 93 Fig. 1. Somewhat injured specimen of Malacosaccus ungxiiculatus, F. E. S., preserved in alcohol ; natural size. Fig. 2. Section at right angles through the lateral wall (combination figure) ; x35. Fig. 3. Discohexaster from the trabecular framework ; x 300. Fig. 4. Hypodermal hexact from the dermal skeleton ; x 100. Fig. 5. Fragment of a floricome ; x 450. Fig. 6. Floricome ; x 300. Fig. 7. Oxyhexaster ; x 300. The Voyage of H.M. S ..Challenger Hexactinellida. Pl.XK. JE.SclMiIze anlGPmsch del. litl-i.AnstyWenicr41//lnter,FraiikW'M. MALACOSACCUS UNGUICULATUS FESchulze. PLATE XX. PLATE XX. PAGE Rhabdodictyum delicatum, 0. Schmidt, . . .107 Fig. 1. Macerated skeleton 'of a specimen of Rhabdodictyum delicatum, 0. Schmidt ; natural size. Fig. 2. Two spicules connected by a synapticulum ; x 300. Fig. 3. Part of the framework of the connected principalia ; x 100. Fig. 4. Part of the framework of the connected principalia, with some ladder-like structures ; x 25. The Voyage of H.M.S. ..Challenger Hexactmelhda.Pl.XX. "EE.Schulze ani GJirtsch del. lilh.Ansl.Y. Werner iWintn.Fianktait ^X. RHABDODICTYUM DELICATUM O.Schmidt PLATE XXL (ZOOL. CHALL. ESP.— PART LIII.— 1887.)--Cgg. PLATE XXI. PAGE Asconema setuhalense, Saville Kent., . . .116 Fig. 1. Inferior part of a defective specimen, preserved in alcohol ; natural size. Fig. 2. Vertical section through the lateral wall of the specimen shown in fig. 1 (combination figure) ; x 30. Fig. 3. Small discohexaster from the trabecular framework ; x 450. Fig. 4. Autodermal pentact pinulus, with a rudiment of the sixth proximal radial ray; x 300. Fig. 5. Autogastral hexact pinulus ; x 300. Fig. 6. Oxyhexaster from the trabecular framework ; x 450. Figs. 7, 8. Principal diacts with central thickening and one or two rough terminal knots ; x 100. Figs. 9, 10. Principal oxydiacts with central thickening or four cruciately dis- posed knobs ; x 100. Fig. 11. Discohexaster with echinated terminal rays ; x 450. Fig. 12. Oxyhexaster with long terminal rays ; x 450. TheVoyage of H.M. S... Challenger." Hexactinellida.PlXXI. Litt\.Anstv.Werncr4¥interJrliiItfinWM. ASCONEMA SETUBALENSE. Saville Kent. PLATE rai. PLATE XXII. PAGE Figs. 1-3. Aulascus johnstoni, F. E. S., . . . 118 Fig. 1. Somewhat damaged specimen, preserved in alcohol ; natural size. Fig. 2. Vertical section through the lateral wall of the specimen shown in fig. 1 (combination figure) ; x 30. Fig. 3. Autodermal hexact pinulus ; x 100. Figs. 4-9. Sympagella nux, 0. Schmidt, . .120 Fig. 4. Somewhat damaged specimen, preserved in alcohol ; natural size. Fig. 5. Vertical section through the upper part of the Lateral wall of the specimen shown in fig. 4 (combination figure) ; x 30. Fig. 6. Plumicome from the external trabecular framework near the gastral side ; x450. Fig. 7. a, b, c. Roller stars (" Walzensterne," 0. Schmidt), reduced oxyhexasters ; x450. Fig. 8. Autodermal peutact pinulus with a rudiment of the sixth proximal radial ray ; x 100. Fig. 9. Autogastral hexact pinulus; x 100. The Voyage of H.M. S.„Challen6er" Hexacunellida- Pl.XXll. ■ -' ' t 1 ft n 1 * % * • LiihJtast.v.WenertWliitcr.Frankfim'/M, Fig.1-3.AULASCUSJ0HNST0NI.FE.Schiilze., Fig.'f-g.SYMPAGELLA NUX. O.Schmidt. PLATE mil. (ZOOL. CIIALL. EXP.— rAUT TJU. — 1887.)— Ggg- PLATE XXIII. PAGE Figs. 1-8. Polyrhahdus oviformis, F. E. S., . . 121 Fig. 1. A damaged specimen ; natural size. Fig. 2. Autogastral hexact pinulus ; x 100. Fig. 3. Discohexaster with short, thick, principal rays ; x 300. Fig. 4. Autodermal hexact pinulus ; x 100. Fig. 5. Principal hexact ; x 100. Figs. 6, 7, 8. Principal diacts with central thickening or four cruciately disposed knobs, and with rough thickened ends ; x 100. Figs. 9-14. Balanites pipetta, F. E. S., . . . 122 Fig. 9. A damaged specimen, preserved in alcohol ; natural size. Figs. 10, 11. Discohexaster with long principal and numerous short terminal rays ; X 300 and 450. Fig. 12. Discohexaster with long principal rays and four terminals in every principal ; x 300. Fig. 13. Autodermal hexact pinulus ; x 300. Fig. 14. Vertical section through the marginal portion of the specimen figured in fig. 9 (combination figure) ; x 60. The Voyage of H. iM.S... Challenger 3. Hcxactinellida. Pl.XXlU. InTi.Anst.v.VeTTvw fclnnter, Frankfurt ^H Fig.l-8.P0.LYRHABDUS OVlFORMlS.F.E.SchuIze. Fig.9-14. BALANITES PIPETTA.F-E.Schulze. PLATE mv. PLATE XXIV. PAGE Caidophacus latus, F. E. S., . . . 124 Fig. 1. Vertical section of a somewhat damaged specimen, preserved in alcohol ; natural size. Fig. 2. Vertical section through the marginal portion of the specimen shown in fig. 1 (combination figure) ; x 30. Fig. 3. Part of a longer autodermal pentact pinulus ; x 100. Fig. 4. Discohexaster with principal and terminal rays of equal length ; x 100. Fig. 5. Autogastral pentact pinulus ; x 100. Fig. 6. Part of the discohexaster shown in fig. 4 ; x 450. Fig. 7. Discohexact with echinated rays ; x 100. Fig. 8. Oxyhexaster; x 100. Fig. 9. Interior part of an autogastral exceptionally hexact pinulus ; x 100. Fig. 10. Autodermal hexact pinulus; x 100, The Voyage of H.M.S.Xhallenger.' HexactinelJida. Pl.XXlV. Utli.An5Lv.WenieriWiiterFrankfiin?lil. CAULOPHACUS LATUS. F E.SchuUe. PLATE XXV. (ZOOL. CHALL. EXP.— PART LIII.— 1887.)— Ggg. PLATE XXV. PAGE Caulojyhacus elegans, F. E. S., . . . 126 Fig. 1. Superior part of a specimen, preserved in alcohol; natural size. Fig. 2. Inferior part of tlie stalk of the specimen shown in fig. 1 ; natural size. Fig. 3. Vertical section of the marginal portion of the body of the specimen shown in fig. 1 (combination figure) ; x 20. Fig. 4. Autogastral hexact pinulus ; x 100. Fig. 5. Autodermal hexact pinulus ; x 100. Fig. 6. Part of a discohexaster with echinated terminal rays ; x 450. Fig. 7. Discohexaster with five undivided rays ; x 300. Fig. 8. Hypodermal pentact with echinated proximal radial ra)'^; x 100. The Voyage of H.M.S.„Challenger, Hexactinellida.Pl.XXV. F E.ScMze ani dFiitsch dtl Iirli &sl.TWeinii l(¥iMei,rranHurl W CAULOPHACUS ELEGANS. FE.Schulze. PLATE XXVI. PLATE XXVI. PAGE Figs. 1-3. Caulophacus elegans, F. E. S., . . 126 Fig. 1. A musliroom-like somewhat damaged specimen ; natural size. Fig. 2. Discohexaster with short principal rays ; x 100. Fig. 3. A broken stalk ; natural size. Figs. 4-9. Trachycaulus gurlittii, F. E. S., . . 128 Fig. 4. A broken stalk ; natural size. Fig. 5. Longitudinal section of the wall of the stalk shown in fig. 4 ; skeleton only; x 100. Fig. G. Transverse section of the wall of the stalk shown in fig. 4 ; skeleton only ; X 100. Fig. 7. Oxyhexaster with great sickle-like incurved terminal rays ; x 300. Fig. 8. Part of an oxyhexact with connected sickle-like incurved terminal rays ; x300. Fig. 9. Autodermal hexact pinulus ; x 300. The Voyage of H.M. S.„Challen^er." Hexactinellida. Pl.XXVI. r.ESchulze and GJlrtsrti. del Iltti,Siist.v.Weriier4¥tmer,Fraiikfiiit^M. Fig.l-3.CAUL0PHACUS ELEGANS. F.ESchulze. Fig.4-9.TRACHYCAULUS GURLITTII. FE.Sohulze. PLATE XXYIL (ZOOL. CHALL. EXP. — PART LIII. — 1887.) — Ggg. PLATE XXVII. / PAGE Figs. 1-13. Hyalonema sieholdi, Gray, . . .190 Fig. 1. A dried specimen without the Pcdythoa-investment of the Ijasal tuft ; Fig. 2. Terminal sieve-plate, outer side view ; natural size. Fig. 3. Oxydiact with central thickening and barlis at both ends ; x 300. Figs. 4-6. Small amphidiscs of difierent sizes ; x 300. Fig. 7. Great amphidisc with knobbed axial beam ; x 300. Figs. 8, 9. Middle-sized amphidiscs ; x 300. Fig. 10. Oxyhexact with bent echinated rays ; x 300. Figs. 11, 12. Autodermal pentact pinules ; x 300. Fig. 13. Oxyhexact with straight echinated rays ; x 300. Figs. 14-23. Hyalonema gracile, F. E. R, . . 196 Fig. 14. Longitudinal section of a somewhat damaged specimen, preserved in alcohol ; natural size. Figs. 15-17. Small amphidiscs of diSerent sizes ; x 300. Fig. 18. Principal triact with rough ends; x 300. Fig. 19. Greater amphidisc with echinated axial beam ; x 300. Fig. 20. Oxyhexact with straight, smooth rays ; x 300. Fig. 21. Autodermal pentact pinulus ; x 300. Fig. 22. Autogastral pentact pinulus ; x 300. Fig. 23. Oxyhexact with smooth bent rays ; x 300. The Voyage of H.M,S.„Challenger." HexactinelMa. Pl.XXXTl. Litll Ans; v-V/'emet A VTintet rraniimi W Fig. 1-13, HYALONEMA SIEBOLDI. J E.Gray, Fig, 14-23, HYALONEMA GRACILE. FE,Schulze, PLATE XXVIIi. PLATE XXVIII. PAGE Figs. 1-11. Hyalonema diver gens, F. E. S., . . 199 Fig. 1. Somewhat damaged specimen, preserved in alcohol ; natural size. Fig. 2. Marginal oxydiact with four central knobs ; x 100. Fig. 3. Great amphidise of the dermal membrane ; x 300. Figs. 4, 5. Smaller amphidiscs ; x 300. Fig. 6. Oxyhexact with smooth bent rays ; x 300. Fig. 7. Autodermal pentact pinulus ; x 100. Fig. 8. Oxyhexact with smooth straight rays ; x 300. Fig. 9. Oxyhexact with smooth bent rays ; x 300. Figs. 10, 11. Strong short spicules, triact and tetract, with rough ends, from the basal pad of the body ; x 100. Figs. 12-17. Hyalonona lusitanicum, Bocage, . . 225 Fig. 12. Small amphidise ; x 300. Fig. 13. Middle-sized amphidise ; x 300. Fig. 14. Greater amphidise with nodular axial beam ; x 300. Fig. 15. Oxyhexact with smooth bent rays ; x 300. Fig. 16. Oxyhexact with smooth straight rays; x 300. Fig. 17. Autodermal pentact pinulus ; x 300. The Voyage of H.M.S..,Clianeii^er.' 3. HexacUncUifia Pl.XXVni. ;^. 4-. m /5. i2. f ilA^i 500 ^i^i^^^'*'- r^. 15. f t&. J >00 =.i^ NV EESohuize ani GFinacK del. Fiq.1-11.HYAL0NEMA DIVER&ENS F E.Sch.ize, Fig 12-17 HYALONEMA LUSITANiCUM B.d Boccage PLATE XXIX. (ZOOL. CHALL. EXP —PART LIII.— 1887.)— Ggg- PLATE XXIX. size. Fig. 2. Inferior side view of a compressed damaged specimen, from a photograph ; natural size. Fig. 3. Superior (gastral) side view of the compressed damaged specimen shown in fig. 2, from a photograph ; natural size. Fig. 4. A little specimen, preserved in alcohol, with some Palythoa investment of the basal tuft ; natural size. Fig. 5. Vertical section through the marginal portion of the specimen shown in figs. 2 and 3 (combination figure) ; x 20. Figs. 6-8. Amphidiscs of various sizes ; x 100. Fig. 9. Oxyhexact with straight barbed rays ; x 100. Fig. 10. Oxyhexact with bent barbed rays ; x 100. Fig. 11. Extremity of a strong bow-like bent principal diact ; x 300. Fig. 12. Strong bow -like bent principal diact; x 40 PAGE Hyalonema toxeres, Wyville Thomson, . . .201 Fig. 1. Conical specimen, preserved in alcohol, without the basal tuft ; natural TheVoyage of H.M.S.„Cha11en^er." Hexactmellida.PIXXIX. v-v.-. lull JSnstvWeinei li"Wiiiler,?ralillfOTrtM FE Schlflze ani G Firtsch del. HYALONEMA TOXERES, Wyville Thomson. PLATE Ul. PLATE XXX. PAGE Figs. 1-8. Hyalonema tenue, F. E. S., . . . 228 Fig. 1. Fragment, sliowing the margin of the oscular aperture, outer side view ; natural size. Fig. 2. Fragment of the side wall, interior (gastral) side view ; natural size. Fig. 3. Autodermal pentact pinulus ; x 100. Fig. 4. Amphidisc ; x 300. Fig. 5. Oxyhexact with smooth bent rays ; x 300. Fig. 6. Amphidisc; x 300. Fig. 7. Marginal diact with four cruciately disposed central knol)S ; x 100. Fig. 8. Oxyhexact with straight smooth rays ; x 300. Figs. 9-17. Hyalonema kentii, 0. Schmidt, . . 207 Fig. 9. Dried specimen without basal tuft, from a photograph ; natural size. Fig. 10. Great amphidisc from the dermal membrane ; x 100. Figs. 11-13. Amphidiscs of various sizes ; x 300. Fig. 14. Oxyhexact with smooth bent rays ; x 300. Fig. 15. Oxyhexact with smooth straight rays ; x 300. Fig. IG. Autodermal pentact pinulus of the lateral side ; x 100. Fig. 17. Autodermal pentact pinulus of the sieve plate ; x 100. The Voyage of HMSXhallenger" Hexactinellida. Pi. XXX. FE Schulze ajid G rulsdi del litll Snst.TWsmer tTfintsT.FTajiktaf *t Fig 1-8 HYALONEMA TENUE- FESchulze. Fig. 9-17, HYALONEMA KENTII Oscar Schmidt. PLATE nXI.. (ZOOL. CHALL. EXP. — PABT LIII. — 1887.) — Ggg. PLATE XXXI. PAGE Figs. 1-7. Hyalonema (Stylocalyx) elegans, F. E. S., . . 223 Fig. 1. A somewhat damaged specimen, preserved in alcohol ; natural size. Fig. 2. Fragment of the outer part, outer side view ; x 60. Fig. 3. Diact with two central knobs and echinated ends ; x 100. Fig. 4. Autodermal pentact pinulus ; x 200. Fig. 5. Small amphidisc ; x 500. Fig. 6. Middle-sized amphidisc with echinated axial beam ; x 200. Fig. 7. Small amphidisc with nodular axial beam ; x 500. Figs. 8-20. Hyalonema (Stylocalyx) tenerum, F. E. S., . . 224 Fig. 8. A damaged specimen, preserved in alcohol ; natural size. Fig. 9. Oxyhexact with smooth bent rays ; x 300. Fig. 10. Monact with one thickened echinated end; x 100. Fig. 11. Autodermal pentact pinulus ; x 200. Fig. 12. Great globular amphidisc with ten rays ; x 200. Fig. 13. Great globular amphidisc, not yet full developed ; x 200. Fig. 14. Middle-sized amphidisc, terminally truncated, with straight rays ; x 200. Fig. 15. Tetract with echinated ends from the basal pad of the body; x 100. Fig. 16. Small amphidisc ; x 500. Fig. 17. Oxyhexact with smooth bent rays ; x 500. Fig. 18. Abnormally large globular " amphidisc" with four rays ; x 200. Fig. 19. Fragment of the outer portion, outer side view ; x 60. Fig. 20. Great amphidisc ; x 200. In the Plate the designation of figs. 8-20, Hyalonema (Stylocalyx) tenerum, F. E. S., has been accidentally omitted. This plate was arranged by Sir Wyville Thomson. The Voy3,^e of H M, S'Clialleiijer" Hexactmelliaa PI XXXI 10 t G»o West lift aj Tiat 1' Kuft,L>Ol'>;ail;' HYALONEMA ELEGANS, F.E, Scliiilze. PLATE XXIII. PLATE XXXII. PAGE Figs. 1-10. Hyalonema rohustum, F. E. S., . . 229 Fig. 1. Lateral view of a great amphidisc ; x 300. Fig. 2. Terminal view of the same great amphidisc shown in fig. 1 ; x 300. Figs. 3, 4. Middle-sized amphidiscs ; x 300. Fig. 5. Small amphidisc ; x 300. Fig. 6. Oxyhexact with smooth bent rays ; x 300. Fig. 7. Autodermal pentact pinulus ; x 300. Fig. 8. Oxyhexact with straight echinated rays ; x 300. Fig. 9. Strong tetract with echinated ends from the basal pad ; x 300. Fig. 10. Strong diact with echinated ends and two central echinated knobs ; x 300. Figs. 11-16. Hyalonema sp., near Hyalonema {Stylocalyx) clepressum, F. E. S., 231 Fig. 11. Great slender amphidisc with four cruciately disposed central knobs on the axial beam ; x 300. Figs. 12, 13. Middle-sized slender amphidiscs ; x 300. Fig. 14. Small amphidisc ; x 300. Fig. 15. Oxyhexact with straight smooth rays ; x 300. Fig. 16. Autodermal pentact pinulus ; x 300. Tlif Voyage of H.M.S.„Challpnger.' Hexactinellida. PL.XXXII. 300 r II. J nil I s- ^SP" 300 11. ;\ ■'/ 9. ik 12. k J i ft. 300 1 15. 300 1 JO. % /.I 300 I IS. '-^^^^a^^A^*' ffii.Ai:; Fig. 1-10. HYALONEMA ROBUSTUM. FEScliuIze Fig. 11-16. HYALONEMA SP PLATE XIXIII. (ZOOL. CHALL. EXP.— PAET LIII. — 1887.)— Ggg. PLATE XXXIII. PAGE Figs. 1-7. Hyalonema pocuhim, F. E. S., . . 208 Fig. 1. A specimen, much damaged at the lower part, preserved in alcohol ; natural size. Fig. 2. Vertical section of the marginal portion of the specimen shown in fig. 1 (combination figure); x 25. Fig. 3. Marginal diact with four cruciately disposed pointed central knobs ; x 300. Fig. 4. Great amphidisc with four cruciately disposed central knobs on the axial beam; x 100. Fig. 5. Small amphidisc ; x 300. Fig. 6. Autodermal pentact pinulus ; x 300. Fig. 7. Oxyhexact with straight rough rays ; x 300. Yigs. 8-15. Hyalonema conus,¥.E. 8.,. . . 209 Fig. 8. A specimen without the basal tuft, preserved in alcohol ; natural size. Fig. 9. Great amphidisc with four cruciately disposed central knolls at the axial beam ; x 300. Fig. 10. Inferior part of an anchor-like spicule of the basal tuft ; x 100. Figs. 11, 12. Middle-sized amphidiscs ; x 300. Fig. 13. Small amphidisc ; x 300. Fig. 14. Autodermal pentact pinulus, from the sieve-plate; x 100. Fig. 15. Autodermal pentact pinulus, from the lateral side ; x 100. The Voyaoe of H.M.S,,Challenger Hoxactiacllidii. Pl.XXXm. Fig1-7. HYALONEMA POCULUM FE.Schui2e._Fig. 8-15. HYALONEMA CONUS F E.SchuIze . PLATE XXXIV. PLATE XXXIV. PAGE Figs. 1-11. Hyalo'iiema (Stylocalyx) thomsoni, W. Marshall, . 211 Fig. 1. A specimen, preserved in alcohol ; natural size. Fig. 2. Great amphidisc with four cruciately disposed central knobs ; x 300. Fig. 3. Middle-sized amphidisc with a central thickening of the axial beam ; x300. Fig. 4. Oxyhexact with straight rough rays ; x 300. Fig. 5. Small amphidisc ; x 300. Fig. 6. Autodermal pentact pinulus ; x 300. Fig. 7. Undeveloped great amphidisc ; x 300. Fig. 8, Middle-sized amphidisc ; x 300. Fig. 9. Inferior part of an anchor-like spicule of the basal tuft ; x 100. Fig. 10. Strong hexact from the basal pad, with echinated ends ; x 300. Fig. 11. Strong tetract from the basal pad, with rough rays and echinated ends ; X 300. Figs. 12-17. Hyalonema (Stylocalyx) thomsoni, var. exigua, . 214 Figs. 12-14. Amphidiscs of various sizes ; x 300. Fig. 15. Tetract with echinated ends, from the basal pad ; x 300. Fig. 16. Inferior part of an anchor-like spicule of the basal tuft ; x 100. Fig. 17. Strong tetract with rough rays and echinated ends from the basal pad; x300. The Vuyaj^'e of H. M.S. J'hallenger." HeAactinellula . PL.XXXI\'. FESc'rj; IilJi. Anrt.v J.G.Bath, lBip;;| f'IG. I-II, HYALONEMA THOMSONI. W.Marshall. _ FIG. 12-17. var; EXIGUUM. FESchulze. PLATE XXXV. (ZOOL. CHALL. EXP. PART LIII. — 1887.)— Ggg. PLATE XXXV. PAGE Ilycdoneina {Stylocabjx) depressum, F. E. S., . . 217 Fig. 1. A specimen, preserved iu alcohol ; natural size. Fig. 2. Longitudinal section through the body and the basal tuft ; natural size. Fig. 3. Fragment of the outer part ; x 60. Fig. 4. Great amphidisc ; x 200. Figs. 5, 6. Autogastral pentact pinuli ; x 300. Fig. 7. Autodermal pentact pinulus ; x 500. Fig. 8. Tetract with echinated ends from the basal annular pad of the body ; xlOO. Fig. 9. Fragment of the parenchyma, with different parenchymal spicules ; x200. Fig. 10. Fragment of the parenchyma, with oxyhexacts and small amphidiscs ; This plate was arranged by Sir Wyville Thomson. x500. The Voyage of H M,S"ChalleTi^er" Hexactmelhda, PDOXY. 4. ■'1- ■5^' :'^, ■^^ 'i •> ."' ■'v^' i^-!i!^ ^;>'-M^e> "\>-^ 8^ftS?';^'Afet -^^#^ t-c %., •^. OeoWesUiai linat r Hulk, Lift' Idin' HYALONEMA DEPRESSUM, F E Sc"hulze. PLATE XXXVI. PLATE XXXVI. PAGE Hyalonema depressum, F. E. S., . . .217 Fig. 1. Vertical section of the lateral wall ; x 12. Fig. 2. Parenchymal monact ; x 100. Fig. 3. Great amphidisc with bent central prongs ; x 300. Figs. 4, 5. Middle-sized amphidiscs ; x 300 and 450. Fig. 6. Small amphidiscs ; x 450. Fig. 7. Middle part of a long spicule of the basal tuft ; x .50. Fig. 8. Part of a hypodermal pentact ; x 100. Fig. 9. Oxyhexact with straight barbed rays ; x 300. Fig. 10. Oxyhexact with bent barbed rays ; x 300. Fig. 11. Inferior end of an anclior-bke spicule of the basal tuft ; x 100. The Voyage of HlI.!5.„Challei\ger" Hexaclinellida PI XXXTl. 2. J Luh h. .„-^^r■. -,-.- ^ (ir,yt,--l. ,\<\ HYALONEMA OEPRESSUM TESchulze PLATE XXXYIT. (zonr,. cnALL. Exr. — part r,iii. — 1887 ) — Ggg. PLATE XXXVtI. PAGE Hyalonenm [Stylocalyx) apertum, F. E. S., . . 214 Fig. 1. Longitudinal section of a specimen, preserved in alcohol; basal tuft in- vested with a large colony of Palythoa ; natural size. Fig. 2. Longitudinal section of a specimen, preserved in alcohol ; basal tuft in- vested with a smaller colony of Palythoa ; natural size. Fig. 3. Intact specimen, preserved in alcohol, view from the upper side ; natural size. TheVoyage of H.M.S.„Cha]len^er' Hexactmellida. Pl.XXXVl. - ^ «• ^ ^X 3. ^k"'* I l^^*. \ FEfctabe anl CFirtsch dr! lithinst.T.Wemeiii'WmteiftaiiMurt'/M- HYALONEMA APERTUM. F E Schuize PLATE XlXVIfJ. PLATE XXXVIIT. PAGE Hyalonema {Stylocalyx) apcrtum, F. E. S., . . 214 Fig. 1. Vertical section through the upper marginal portion (combination figure) ; x20. Fig. 2. External view of the dermal membrane ; x 60. Fig. 3. Oxydiact from the parenchyma ; x 100. Fig. 4. Small strong oxyhexact with straight echinated rays ; x 300. Fig. 5. Oxyhexact with bent barbed rays x 300. Fig. 6. Middle-sized amphidisc ; x 300. Fig. 7. Great amphidisc with nodose axial beam ; x 100. Figs. 8, 9, Small amphidiscs ; x 300. Fig. 10. Autodermal pentact pinulus ; x 300. Fig. 11. Marginal oxydiact with four cruciately disposed central knobs ; x 300. Fig. 12. Gastral pentact pinulus ; x 300. The Voyage of. H.M.S.„Challen^er:' Hexaclmellida PLXCOTH. 3. lE.Sdiuiie and (j.Eutidi del. HYALONEMA APERTUM. F.E.Schulze. PLATE mix. (ZOOL. CHALL, EXP. PAtlT LIII. — 1887.) — Gg PLATE XXXIX. PAGE Figs. 1-9. Hyalonema sp., . . . 232 Fig. 1. Marginal oxydiact with four cruciately disposed knobs ; x 300. Figs. 2, 3. Great amphidiscs with spinous axial beam ; x 300. Fig. 4. Middle-sized amphidisc ; x 300. Fig. 5. Autodermal pentact pinulus ; x 300. Fig. 6. Oxyhexact with straight smooth rays ; x 300. Fig. 7. Autodermal pentact pinulus ; x 300. Fig. 8. Small amphidisc ; x 300. Fig. 9. Middle-sized amphidisc ; x 300. ' Figs. 10-15. Hyalonema s]^., neav Hyalonema conus, F. E. S., . 233 Fig. 10. Great amphidisc with broad paddle-shaped umbel rays; x 300. Fig. 11. Middle-sized amphidisc ; x 300. Fig. 12. Oxyhexact with straight smooth rays ; x 300. Fig. 13. Autodermal pentact pinulus; x 300. Fig. 14. Small amphidisc ; x 300. Fig. 15. Autodermal pentact pinulus ; x 300. Figs. 16-18. Hyalonema (probably) lusitanicum, Bocage, . 225 Fig. 16. Basal tuft with Pa/^f/wa-investment, torn from the body; natural .size. Fig. 17. Tetract with rough ends, from the basal pad-rest of the superior end of the tuft ; X 300. Fig. 18. Echinated and rough thick diact, from the basal pad -rest of the superior end of the tuft ; x 300. The Voyage of E.M.S.„C}iaUenger." Hexactinellida. PL.XXUX. I 4. 30O I 10. 7^ ty J "^^i^ttfO 16. F.E.Schulze and GJirtsch del. Iidi,Ansl.v.iG.Bach, Leipzig Fig. 1-9. HYALONEMA SP. Fig. 10-15. HYALONEMA SP. Fig. 16-18. HYALONEMA SP. PLATE XL. PLATE XL. PAGE Hyalonema (Stylocahjx) globus, F. E. S., . . 221 Fig. 1. Specimen, preserved in alcoliol, with damaged basal tuft; natural size. Fig. 2. Fragment of the outer part, view of the outer side ; x 60. Fig. 3. Strand of parenchymal diacts ; x 200. Fig. 4, Parenchymal oxydiact wdth central knot ; x 100. Fig. 5. Oxydiact with terminal barbs and four central pointed knobs, cruciately disposed ; x 200. Fig. 6. Marginal oxydiact with four cruciately disposed central knobs ; x 100. Fig. 7. Large amphidisc ; x 100. Fio-. 8. Inferior part of an anchor-like spicule of the basal tuft ; x 100. Fig. 9. S])icules of the basal tuft ; x 100. Fig. 10. Oxyhexact with straight smooth rays ; x 500. Figs. 11, 13. Oxyhexasters, which do not belong to Hyalonema (Sfylocalyx) globus, but have intruded from some other form ; x 500. Fig. 12. Tetract with echinated ends, from the basal pad ; x 100. Fig. 14. Oxyhexact with echinated rays ; x 500. Fig. 15. Small amphidiscs ; x 500. Fig. 16. Autodermal pentact pinulus ; x 500. This plate was arranged by Sir Wyville Thomson. For " Dictyosjjhcvra " on the plate read " Hyalonema (Stylocalyx)." The Voyage of H MS/'Challen^er" Hexactmellida.Pl.XL. '*=-a:: Geo "West lith ad Tiat FHuft.Lia'Edir.' DICTYOSPHAERA GLOBUS, F. E Schulze. PLATE XLL fzuOL. CHALL. EXP.— PART UII.— 1887.)— Ggg. PLATE XLI. PAGE Hyalonema (Styloccdyx) clavigerum, F. E. S., . . 220 Fig. 1. Fragment, preserved in alcohol ; natural size. Fig. 2. Vertical section of the marginal portion, with extrinsic, intruded oxyhex- asters (combination figure); x 60. Fig. 3. Marginal oxydiact with four cruciately disposed central knobs ; x 300. Fig. 4. Autodermal pentact pinulus ; x 300. Fig. 5. Intruded oxyhexaster, not belonging to Hyalonema {Stylocalyx) clavi- gerum; X 300. Fig. 6. Oxydiact with terminal barbs ; x 300. Fig. 7. Oxyhexact with straight smooth rays ; x 300. Fig. 8. Autogastral pentact pinulus ; x 300. Fig. 9. Large amphidisc ; x 200. Figs. 10, 11. Small amphidiscs ; x 300. For " Dictyosijhsera " on the Plate read " Hyalonema (Stylocalyx)." The Voyage of EM.S. .Challenger," Hexartinellidti. PL.XLI. A ^ ^■^ 3H0 I f 4) 4i f ^a.:,;.. ¥ i- ;i»\. T: / A /^/f \ '. zoo I 'f- 'liulze andCFirt.'.:! at DICTYOSPHAERA CLAVIGERA TE-Schulze. PLATE XLII. \ \ PLATE XLII. PAGE Pheronema annse, Leidy, .... 239 Fig. 1. Half of a dried specimen, divided longitudinally, inner view; natural size. Fig. 2. Large amphidisc with knobbed axial beam ; x 300. Figs. 3, 4. Middle-sized ampliidiscs ; x 300. Fig. 5. Small amphidisc ; x 300. Fig. 6. Uncinatum-like oxydiact ; x 300. Fig. 7. Inferior part of an anchor-like spicule of the basal tuft ; x 300. Figs. 8, 9, 11, 13. Autocanalicular pentact pinuli ; x 300. . Fig. 10. Autodermal pentact pinulus ; x 300. Fig. 12. Oxyhexact with echinated straight rays ; x 300. The Voyage of H.M.S.„Chanengei Hexactinellida. PI XLH. FE ScMzeandOJirlsAdel iitlLAiist,TVemerlWiilerJranlifun"M. PHERONEMA ANNAE. dLeidy. VUn XLIIL (ZOOL. CHALL. EXP.— PART LIU. — 1887.)— Ggg. PLATE XLIII. PAGE Pheronema carpenteri, Wyville Thomson, . . . 241 Fig. 1. A dried specimen ; x 0'5. Fig. 2. Vertical section of the marginal portion of a specimen, preserved in alcohol (combination figure) ; x 50. Fig. 3. Uncinatum-like oxydiact with barbs ; x 300. Fig. 4. Autodermal pentact pinulus ; x 300. Fig. 5. Small uncinatum-like oxydiact with barbs ; x 300. Figs. 6, 8, and 10. Middle-sized and small amphidiscs ; x 300. Fig. 7. Autogastral pentact pinulus ; x 300. Fig. 9. Large amphidisc ; x 300. The Voyage of H.M.S^Challenger A. HexactineUida PLXLIH. FE.ScKylze ani G Firtsch. del IilliATistTWemeiJl'Wmtt[Fralllfait"(M PHERONEMA CARPENTERI Wyville Thomson. PLATE XLIV. PLATE XLIV. PAGE Pheronema globosum, F. E. S., . . . 248 Fig. 1. A specimen, preserved in alcohol, from a pliotograpli ; natural size. Fig. 2. Part cut out of the lateral wall ; natural size. Fig. 3. Vertical section of the outer lateral part (combination figure); x 100. Figs. 4, 7. Uncinatum-like oxydiacts ; x 50. Fig. 5. Autodermal pentact pinulus ; x 300. Fig. 6. Large amphidisc ; x 300. Figs. 8, 9. Hypodermal oxypentacts ; natural size. Fig. 10. Uncinatum-like oxydiact with curved barbs; x 300. Fig. 11. Anchors of the basal tuft; natural size. Figs. 12, 13. Small amphidiscs ; x 300. For " hemisphsericwn, Th. Higgin," on the Plate, read " globosum, F. E. S." The Voyage of H.M,S.„Cl:iallenger." Hexactmellida . PI . XLW k FE Schulze and GFirtsch del litK Anstv.Werntr & Winter, FranWurtW PHERONEMA HEMISPHAERICUM^ Th.Higgin PLATE XLV. (ZOOL. CHALL. EXP. — PART LIII. — 1887.)— Ggg. PLATE XLV. PAGE Pheroiiema giganteum, F. E. S., . . . 250 Fig. 1. A specimen, preserved in alcohol ; x 0'5. Fig. 2. Large autodermal pentact pinulus ; x 200. Fig. 3. Small autodermal pentact pinulus ; x 200. Fig. 4. Small autocanalicular pentact pinulus ; x 200. Fig. 5. Large autogastral pentact pinulus ; x 200. Fig. G. Uncinatum-like oxydiact ; x 100. Fig. 7. Large amphidisc ; x 100. Fig. 8. Large amphidisc ; x 200. Fig. 9. Inferior part of an anchor-like spicule of the basal tuft ; x 25. Figs. 10,11. Middle part of uncinatum-like oxydiacts, from the outer wall; x350. This plate was arranged by Sir Wyville Thomson. The Voyage of H.MS'Clialleiiger" Hexactmellida Pl.XLV vi fi \^ -iV 10. 200 1 K'^ Geo West iltli aa iiat PHERONEMA GIGANTEUM, F.E Schuize. T Hotl, LitF Earn" PLATE XLVI. 1 PLATE XLVI. PAGK PJieronema giganteum, F. E. S., . . . 250 Fig. 1. Half of a longitudinally divided specimen, preserved in alcohol ; internal view; x 0-333. Fig. 2. Marginal portion, longitudinal section ; natural size. Fig. 3. Portion of the outside, the light showing through it ; natural size. Fig. 4. Inner surface of gastral cavity ; natural size. Fig. 5. Small amphidisc ; x 500. Fig. G. Portion of the inner surface of a large passage with large and small auto- canalicular pentact pinuli ; x 200. Fig. 7. Section of the wall, with a part of the dermal and canalicular surface ; x60. Fig. 8. Oxyhexact with straight echinated rays ; x 200. Fig. 9. One of the pores and small autocanalicular pentact pinuli from a large passage ; x 200, Fig. 10. Portion of one of the pores within the gastral cavity ; x 25. Fig. 11. Portion surrounding the pores in the wall of the gastral cavity; x 200. This plate was arranged by Sir Wyvillo Thomson. The VqyajS,s of H.M S"C}iallen^_er." HexaotinellidaPl.XL^/I. ■>^'*T- i -"^^ 4- n. V^-r/ ^ 10. \\ .^. -S — \ k /■ -^f*ij '■ -^Sf|; 35 1 Geo West UUi- ad uat PHERONEMA GIGANTEUM, F E. Schuize. 1^ FHuth.Litb'P.in' PLATE XLVIL (ZOOL. CHALL. EXP. — PART LIII.— 1 887.)— Qc PLATE XLVII. PAGE Poliopogon gigas, F. E. S., . . . 257 Dried specimen, very much damaged iii the superior and inlerior parts ; from a photograph ; one-third natural size. Tlu'Vovnee ol' li.M.S. ..llialleugci' Hexadiiiellula PlXLVl POLIOPOGON GIGAS F E Schuize PLATE XLVIIL PLATE XLVIII. PAGE Poliopogon gigas, F. E. S., . , 257 Fig. 1. Vertical section of a portion, preserved in alcohol (combination fioure) ■ X 60. "^ ' Fig. 2. Large amphidisc ; x 300. Figs. 3, 7. Small smooth oxydiact ; x 300. Figs. 4, 6. Small amphidiscs ; x 300. Fig. 5. Autodermal pentact pinulus ; x 300. Fig. 8. Autodermal hexact pinulus ; x 300. Fig. 9. Outer view of an autodermal pentact pinulus ; x 300. Fig. 10. Oxyhexact with straight echinated rays ; x 300. Fig. 11. Autodermal hexact pinulus ; x 300. Fig. 12. Hexact with five pointed and one rounded smooth rays ; x 300. Fig. 13. Inferior part of an abnormal anchor-like spicule of the basal tuft ; x 100. Fig. 14«. Liferior, and Fig. 14& superior, part of a normal anchor-like spicule of the basal tuft; x 100. TheVovaiiP of IIM.S J'hallcu'Jer'.' Hexactinellida Pl.XLMII. n % I I 5^r-- '•■ -1 .iuMze and GTirtscli del POLIOPOGON GIGAS. FESchulze. PLATE XLH. (ZOOL, CHALL. EXP,— PART LIII. — 1887.) — Gg PLATE XLIX. PAGE Poliopogon amadou, Wyville Thomson, . . ' . 254 A dried specimen ; half natural size. The Voyage of H.M.S.„Challenger. in Aui nil', .inici . Fl. XLIX. POLIOPOGON AMADOU. Wyvilie The PLATE L. PLATE L. PAGE Poliopogon amadou, Wyville Thomsou, . . .254 Fig. 1. Vertical section through the marginal portion (combination figure) ; x 25. Fig. 2. Vertical longitudinal section of a very young specimen (combination figure) ; x 20. Fig. 3. Uncinatum-like oxydiact ; x 50. Fig. 4. Superior end of a marginal spicule ; x 300. Fig. 5. Autodermal pentact pinulus ; x 300. Fig. 6. Oxyhexact with straight echinated x'ays ; x 300. Fig. 7. Inferior end of an anchor-like spicule of the basal tuft ; x 50. Figs. 8-12. Large, middle-sized, and small amphidiscs ; x 300. The Voyage of H.M.S,,Challenger," Hexactinellida. PI. L. J. f\rr\ ,'1'^,.*,'^ f^ li I i / FE.Sclxulze and GJirtscli del. LitVi.Ansty.J.G.BacKleipzig POLIOPOGON AMADOU WyvilleThomson. PLATE LI. (ZOOL. CHALL. EXP.— PART LIH.— 1887.)— Ggg. PLATE LI. PAGE Semperella schultzei, Semper, . . .261 Fig. ].. A specimen, preserved in alcohol ; two-thiixls natm-al size. Fig. 2. Hypodermal pentact ; x 20. Fig. 3a. Uncinatum-like oxydiact, with curved barbs ; x 20. Figs. 3 b, c, d. Superior, middle, and inferior part of an uncinatum-like oxydiact, with curved barbs ; x 200. Fig. 4. Large autodermal pentact pinulus ; x 200. Fig. 5. Smaller but strong autodermal pentact pinulus ; x 200. Fig. 6. Small uncinatum-like oxydiact ; x 200. Fig. 7. Small amphidisc ; x 500. Figs. 8, 9. Middle-sized amphidiscs ; x 200. Fig. 10. Large amphidisc ; x 200. Fig. 11. Imperfect (young) middle-sized amphidisc ; x 200. Fig. 12. Slender middle-sized amphidisc ; x 500. Fig. 13. Fragment of the dermal skeleton, with some smaller autodermal pentact pinuU; x 200. Fig. 14. Inferior part of an anchor-like spicule of the basal tuft ; x 60. Fig. 15. Fragment of the parenchymal skeleton ; x 200. Fig. 16. Part of the lateral side, outer view ; x 2. Fig. 17. Fragment of the dermal skeleton ; x 60. The Voya;^e of H M S "Challenger " Hexachnellida PI LI /fix v: I 300 1 J . t r f Vs so V '■ Ceo Vest, lift- ad tiat YHulh.bth'F.jii,' SEMPERELLA SCHULTZEl, C, Semper PLATE LIL PLATE LII. PAGE Semperella schultzei, Semper, . . .261 Fig. 1. Ideal transverse section through the middle portion ; natural size. Fig. 2. A specimen, preserved in alcohol, with a Palythoa investment on the basal tuft ; probably a young specimen ; natural size. Fig. 3. External part of a transverse section of the young specimen shown in fig. 2 (combination figure) ; x 20. The pinuli in the outer side of the terminal oscular sieve-plates have been erroneously omitted. Fig. 4. Oxyhexact with two long echinated and four short smooth rays ; x 100. Fig. 5. Oxyhexact with straight echinated rays ; p< 100. Fig. 6. Fragment of dermal skeleton ; x 100. Fig. 7. Small amphidisc ; x 300. he Voyage of II.M..S..,Chiillpii^'ei'.' He.vactiiifllida.Pl. T.n. y r\ \' .K ^• »tF:», -41 "•-fS^H 1 ;■ K /i»^=-"cr -' «i) / V %^ m I ft >X\I '^li SEMPERELLA SCHULTZEI. CSemper PLATE LIII. (HOOL, CHAU.. EXP. PART LIII. 1887.) Ggg. PLATE Llll. PAGE Figs. 1, 2. Polylophus philippinensis, Gray, . .133 Fig. la, h. Very youug specimeus ; natural size ; a, probably fixed ; with oscular aperture ; h, free ; without oscular aperture ; natural size. Fig. 2. Longitudinal section of a small bud (combination figure) ; x 20. Figs. 3-5. Lanuginella pupa, 0. Schmidt, . . 130 Fig. 3a, h. Young specimens, not fixed ; natural size. Fig. 4. A very young specimen, of globular form, without an oscular aperture ; x30. Fig. 5. Longitudinal section of a young specimen, with commencing formation of the oscular area ; x 70. The Voyage of H.MS.,, Challenger: Hexactinellida. Pl.Lin. 'C-f,' .^t' .^^:y^ll'^ C^ Figl-2 POLYLOPH US PHlUPPINENSIS.J.EGray. Fig 3-5. LANUGIN ELLA PUPA, Osc.Schmidt. PLATE LIY. PLATE LIV. PAGE Polylophus philippinensis, Gray, . . .133 Fig. 1. A specimen preserved in alcohol, with numerous buds of various sizes and ages ; natural size. Fig. 2. Vertical section of the outer marginal portion (combination figure); x 50. Fig. 3. Discohexaster belonging to Lanuginella pupa, erroneously put in this plate ; x 450. Fig. 4. Plumicome from the subdermal trabecular work ; x 300. Fig. 5. Oxyhexaster with long principal rays ; x 300. Fig. 6. Longitudinal section of a principal ray, with terminal rays of a plumi- come; X 1000. Fig. 7. Autodermal tetract with somewhat bent, rough, rounded rays ; x 100. Fig. 8. Hexact with straight rough rays, probably intruded and not lielonging to Polylophus philippinensis ; x 100. Fig. 9. Inferior part of an anchor-like pentact of the basal tuft ; x 50. The Voyage of H.M.S.„Challenger.' Hexacimellida Pl.LK ->i lii>. Ans! vV«iin i Wiftt«,TM'V]'uii*/M POLYLOPHUS PHlLiPPlNENSIS J, E, Gray PLATE LV. rZOOL, CHALL. ESP.— PAET IJII.-- 1 887 •)— Ggg. PLATE LV. PAGE Rossella antwctica, Caxter, . . .139 Fig. 1. A specimen, preserved in alcohol; natural size. Fig. 2. Vertical section of the outer portion of the lateral wall (combination figure); x 100. Fig. 3. Autodermal pentact with rough rounded rays ; x 100. Fig. 4. Autodermal tetract with straight, rough, rounded rays; x 100. Fig. .5. Autogastral hexact with straight, rough, rounded rays; x 100. Fig. 6. Parenchymal discohexaster ; x 450. Fig. 7. Portion of the marginal part ; natural size. Fig. 8. Discohexact, perhaps extrinsic and intruded ; x 300. Fig. 9. Outer part of a pleural pentact prostale ; x 100. Fig. 10. Parenchymal diact, with four central cruciately disposed knobs, and rough, rounded ends ; x 100. Fig. 11. Parenchymal rod-like sj)icule, with rough, rounded ends; x 100. Fig. 12. Inferior part of an anchor-like spicule of the basis ; x 100. Fig. 13. Outer view of a pleural pentact prostale ; x 100. Fig. 14. Discohexaster with slender perianth-like bundles of terminal rays ; x 300 Fig. 15. Discohexaster with three terminal rays on each principal ; x 300. The Voyage of EM.S.„Challen6err Hexactinellida. PI LV. FESchuize andGJirlscTi de! XitKRn3:TWeincr&>fintCT,Frankftn*'M ROSSELLA ANTARCTICA. H.J.Carter. PLATE LVI. PLATE LVI. PAGE Acanthaseus grossidaria, ¥. 'Ei. ^., . . .145 Fig. 1. A specimen, preserved in alcohol ; natural size. Fig. 2. Vertical section of the marginal portion ; x 30. Fig. .3. Discohexaster with perianth-like bundles of terminal rays ; x 300. Fig. 4. Terminal rays of a discohexaster shown in fig. 3 ; x 1000. Fig. 5. Autodermal tetract with straight, somewhat rougli, rounded rays; x 100. Fig. 6. Autodermal pentact with straight, somewhat rough, rounded rays ; xlOO. Figs. 7,8. Oxyhexaster with long, straight, smooth, terminal rays ; x 300. Fig. 9. Small discohexaster with three to four spined terminal rays ; x 450. Fig. 10. Small discohexaster with much spined terminal rays ; x 450. Fig. 11. Terminal expansion of a principal ray, with the terminals situated on the disc ; X 1000. Fig. 12. Autogastral hexact with somewhat rough, pointed rays ; x 100. The Voyage of H.M. S.Xhallenger. Hexactinellida. Pl.LVI. 12 300 1 s. to. ACANTHASCUSGROSSULARIA. F.E.Schulze. PLATE LVTI. (ZOOL. CHALL. EXP.— PART LIII.— 1887.)— Ggg- PLATE LVII. PAGE Figs. 1-7. Acanthasciis cactus, F. E. S., . . .148 Fig, 1. A dried specimen ; natural size. Fig. 2. Spicules of a section perpendicular to the outer surface, in natural position (combination figure) ; x 20. Fig. 3. Oxyhexaster with long, bent, terminal rays ; x 300. Fig. 4. Discohexaster with some superumerary accessory radial thorns ; x 300. Fig. 5. Spicules with six normal and two accessory rays ; x 300. Fig. 6. Autodermal tetract with straight, rough, rounded rays ; x 300. Fig. 7. Autodermal pentact with straight, rough, rounded rays ; x 300. Figs. 8-13. Acanthascus dubius, F. E. S., . . 147 Fig. 8. Oxyhexaster with long, bent, smooth terminal rays ; x 300. Fig. 9. Discohexaster with several S-shaped terminal rays on each principal ; x450. Fig. 10. Discohexaster with three terminal rays on each principal ; x 450. Fig. 11. Discohexaster with numerous terminal rays on each principal ; x 450. Fig. 12. Long parenchymal- diacts bound together by numerous transverse synap- ticula; x 100. Fig. 13. Oxyhexact with long, straight, smooth rays, and a tuberculate central node ; x 300. The Voyage of H.M.S.,.Challenger." HexactmelUda.Pl.LW. 3. s-*-» //. 12 1 i5. J' w- V FE Sctalie and G Tinsch iel K*.AnstTVeni« jMntei Fianlfuit'iH F'9 1-7 ACANTHASCUS CACTUS. FESchulze. Fig,8-13. ACANTHASCUS DUBIUS. F E.Schulze, PLATE LVIII. PLATE LVIII. PAGE Bathydorus fimhriatus, F. E. S., . . . 151 Fig. 1. Superior part of a broken specimen, preserved in alcohol ; natural size. Fis. 2. Vertical section through the lateral wall ; x 60. Fig. 3. Part of a parenchymal diact, with four cruciately disposed central knobs, and rough rounded ends ; x 100. Fig. 4. Discohexaster with long, bent, smooth terminal rays ; x 300. Fig. 5. Autodermal oxytetract with rough, straight, pointed rays ; x 300. Fig. 6. Autogastral oxyhexact with rough, straight, pointed rays ; x 300. Fig. 7. Oxyhexact with long S-shaped terminal rays ; x 300. The Voyage of H.M.S.„Challenger^ Hexaciinellida. PiLVl, y^il'-f ■sS^ HV r^,' m io ihf ■;/ ^.=,=.j!M«afejC)Siiii4'iiijQ»lag^^ 2. ;f|V+-- (5 ; ^ .d::!-^ >1 la Snsl vWeinn iVintjr.TrimMvulW BATHYDORUS FIMBRI ATUS. F. E.Schulze, PLATE LIX. (ZOOL, ,. CHALL. EXP - PAET LIII —1887.)— Ggg. PLATE LIX. Figs. 1-5. Baihydorus stellatus, F. E. S., Fig. 1. A somewhat damaged s^Jecimen, preserved in alcohol ; natural size. Fig. 2. Oxyhexaster, whose princi^^al rays are aborted ; x 300. Fig. 3. Great autodermal tetract with straight, rounded, rough rays ; x 300. Fig. 4. Small discohexaster ; x 300. Fig. 5. Autodermal rough diact with an annular central thickening and rounded ends ; x 300. Figs. 6-9. Bathydonis spinosus, F. E. S., Fig. 6. Inferiorly damaged specimen, preserved in alcohol ; natural size. Fig. 7. Oxyhexact with straight, smooth, pointed rays ; x 300. Fig. 8. Oxyhexaster with S-like terminal rays ; x 300. Fig. 9. Oxyhexaster with irregularly bent terminal rays ; x 300. Figs. 10-18. Bathydorus haculifer, F. E. S., Fig. 10. A fragment; natural size. Fig. 11. Dermal skeleton, in natural position ; x 50. Figs. 12, 13. Oxyhexasters with bent terminal rays; x 300. Fig. 14. Monact with five rough knobs at the blunt (central) end, and a straight, rough, rounded ray ; x 300. Fig. 15. Straight diact with two rough central knobs, and rough obtuse rays; X 300. Fig. 16. Angular diact with central knot, and straight rough rays ; x 300. Fig. 17. Straight diact with central knot, and rough obtuse rays ; x 300. Fig. 18. Discohexaster; x 300. PAGE 152 153 154 The Voyage of H.KS.,, Challenger." Hexactinelhda.Pl.LIX. //. > 300 1 300 r W j_ 1 ^W ■te'/..-.::5:,:^r,v.(:i*ri|g 15. 300 / F.E.Schulze and GFirtscK del. lith.AEStvJ.G,Bach,leip2i|. Fig.1-5. BATHYDORU.S STELLATUS. F.E.Schulze. Fig. 6-9. BATHYDORUS SPINOSUS. FLSchulze. Fig.lO-IS. BATHYDORUS BACULIFER. F.ESchulze. PLATE LX. PLATE LX. PAGE Aulocalyx irregularis, F. E. S., . . . 174 Fig. 1 . Basal part of a partially macerated specimen ; natural size. Fig. 2. Macerated skeleton of a lateral tube ; natural size. Fig. 3. Transverse section of the wall (combination figure) ; x 50. Figs. 4, 6. Discohexasters ; x 300. Fig. 5. Large hcxaster with long clavate and barbed terminal rays ; x 300. The Voyage of H.M.S.„ChaUenger HexactinelMa.Pl.LX. LiMi Aust vWetner i Winter, Frankfurt ^M, EESchulze and G.Fittsch del. AULOCALYX IRREGULARIS- FE.SchuIze PLATE LXL (ZOOL. CHALL EXP. —PART LIII. 1887.) Gg PLATE LXI. size. Fig. 3. Lougitudiual section perpendicular to the surface of the superior part of the body, and of a part of the marginal fringe (combination figure) ; x50. Fig. 4. Dermal meml^raue, view of the exterior side ; x 80. Fig. 5. Free, strong small hexacts and parts of diacts from the stalk ; x 100. Fig. 6. Portion of the skeleton of the stalk. The spicules beginning to be united by a siliceous mass ; x 100. Fig. 7. Small discohexaster with numerous terminal rays ; x 450. Fig. 8. Portion of the skeleton of the stalk, strongly united by a siliceous mass ; x 100. Fig. 9. Gastral pentact with rough, simply rounded rays, and a slightly pro- jecting tubercle, representing the undeveloped sixth ray ; x 100. Fig. 10. Dermal pentact with rough, straight rays, club-shaped at the extremities, and a rudiment of the sixth (distal) ray ; x 100. Fig. 11. Dermal tetract with rough, somewhat bent rays, club-shaped at the extremities ; x 100. PAGE Crateromorpha meyeri, Gray, . . . .161 Fig. 1. A specimen, well preserved in alcohol ; natural size and colour. Fig. 2. Longitudinal section of the body and of a part of the stalk ; natural Tht-Vovagc of K .M.S. ..ainllengei' Ik-xadmollicln Pi.LXl. issf' f r^"- K f 'V W^ . ■t; m i/ ^- 4r / V:^f ■^■^^. , *n; 1 J }\ y P JV a I .^V^^:^^' • /<-/ 6\. ^■'■' .•.^ TE.Schulze and G.Ertsch del. lith.AiistTJ.G'i CRATEROMORPHA MURRAYI. F.E.SchuUe. PLATE LXIV. PLATE LXIV. PAGE Ehabdocalyptus mollis, F. E. S., . . . 155 Fig. 1. A di'ied specimen ; one- thiid natural size. Fig. 2. Spicules of a transverse section of the wall near the free superior margin, in their natural arrangement ; x 1 5 Fio'. 3. Plain network of the skeleton in the basal surface, in contact with the supporting base; x 100. Fig. 4. Part of a large hypodermal pentact, with echinated rays ; x 50. Fig. 5. Autodermal rough diact, with four cruciate central knobs ; x 100. Fig. 6. Autodermal rough diact, without central node ; x 100. Fig. 7. Discohexaster with strong principal and long terminal rays ; x 300. Fio-. 8. Oxyliexact with spines or barbs at the basis of the straight rays, directed obliquely inwards ; x 300. Fig. 9. Oxyhexact, similar to the one represented in fig. 8, with undulating rays; xBOO. Fig. 10. A similar oxyhexact, with spirally bent rays ; x 300. Fig. 11. Reduced spicule with two spirally bent rays ; x 300. The Voyage of liM.S.Xhallengerr Hexaclincllida P1.LXI\'. Litk Ansi V.J i; Bachl.e;{!7-ig i.Scliulsii and CVirtscli del. RHABDOCALYPTUS MOLLIS F.E.Schulze. i PLATE LXV. (ZOOU CHALL. EXP.— PART LIII.— 1887 )— Ggg. PLATE LXV. PAGE Rhabdocalyptus roeperi, F. E. S., . . . 158 Fig. 1 . A specimen with damaged base, preserved in alcohol ; natural size. Fig. 2. SmaU (young ?) specimen, without basal part ; natural size. Fig. 3. Parenchymal spicules with eight rays and interjacent knob-like tubercles. Each principal ray bears three or more slightly diverging terminals ; X 300. Fig. 4. Small discohexaster with numerous terminal rays ; x 450. Fig. 5. Oxyhexaster with long, undulating, terminal rays ; x 300. Fig. 6. Simple oxyhexact with straight smooth rays ; x 300. Fig. 7. Autodermal diact with rough rays, and four central cruciate knobs; x 300. Fig. 8. Autodermal monact with rough ray and five central knobs, corre- sponding to the aborted rays ; x 300. Fig. 9. Autodermal tetract with rough rays, without any trace of the two lost rays ; x 300. Fig. 10. Gastral oxyhexact with rough rays ; x 300. Fig. 11. Part of a parenchymal diact, with echinated ends and four cruciate knobs; x300. The Voyage of H.M-S.„Challenger." 3. HRxactinellida Pl.LXV. ^^ S 300 1 8. f 1 . . 1 ■ ' '0 » ' »■ • '< - . * J. • ■ EESAiilze and G.Krtsch del , RHABDOCALYPTUS ROEPERI. F.ESchulze. Liih ATist T J & BacKleipztg . PLATE LXVi. PLATE LXVI. PAGE Aidochone cylindnca, F. E. S., . . . 168 Fio-. 1. Body and superior ^xixt of the pedicle, preserved in alcohol ; natural size. Fig. 2. Inferior view of the liody of the specimen shown in fig. 1 ; natural size. Fig. 3. Part of the inferior dermal side of the same specimen ; x 3. Fig. 4. Ideal longitudinal section of the same specimen ; natural size. Fig. 5. Part of a parenchymal diact ; x 200. Fig. 6. Oxyhexaster with strong principal rays, each bearing three diverging terminal rays ; x 500. Fig. 7. Small discohexaster witli numerous terminal rays of various lengths ; x500. Fig. 8. Portion of the skeleton of the stem ; x 100. Fig. 9. Outside view of the body ; x 60. Fig. 10. Autodermal pentact with rough rays ; x 200. Figs. 11, 12. Irregular forms of oxyhexaster ; x 500. This Plate was arranged by Sir WyA'ille Thomson. Tas Voyage of H.M SThallenger" Hexachnenida PI LXVI ti'W'itiStii^ F Hulh.l.UVIiain^ Geo West, hth ad nat. AULOCHONE CYLINDRICA, F. EScliulze, PLATE LXVIT. ZOOL. CHALL. EXP.— PiRT LIII.— 1887.)— Ggg. PLATE LXVII. PAGE Crateromorpha tumida, F. E. S., . . . . 166 (Erroneously named Aulochone on the Plate.) Fig. 1. A somewhat damaged specimen, j^reserved in alcohol ; natural size. Fig. 2. Part of a long strong diact with club-shaped rough ends ; x 100. Fig. 3. Part of a small diact with club-shaped rough ends ; x 200. Fig. 4. Autodermal tetract, triact, and diact with rough rays ; x 200. Fig. 5. Oxyhexaster wth strong principal and terminal rays ; x 500. Fig. 6. Discohexaster with numerous terminal rays ; x 500. Fig. 7. Portion of the outer part of the body ; x 60. Fig. 8. Portion of the inferior part of the stem ; x 100. This Plate was arranged by Sir Wyville Thomson. The Voyage of HM S," Challenger" Hexactinsllida PI LXVII 1. FHuOi.LitMEatn' leo West lith ad nat AULOCHONE TUMID A, F. E Sciulze. PLATE LXVIII. PLATE LXVIII. PAGE Fig. 1. Aulochone cylindrica, F. E. S., . . . 168 Fig. 1. Section perpendicvilar to the surface through the sharp inferior margin of the body (combination figure) ; x 40. Fig. 2. Crateromorpha tumida, F. E. S., . . 166 (Erroneously named Aulochone on the Plate.) Fig. 2. Longitudinal section through the uppermost part of the pedicle (combina- tion figure) ; x 60. Figs. 3-7 Aulochone lilium, F. E. S., . . . 171 Fig. 3. A specimen preserved in alcohol ; natural size. Fig. 4. Part of a long diact with rough club-shaped end ; x 450. Fig. 5. Discohexaster with long perianth-like terminal rays of different lengths ; x450. Fig. 6. Oxyhexaster with long, rough, bent, terminal rays ; x 450. Fig. 7. Strong hexact with the ends of the short broad rounded raj^s rough ; x 450. Tlic Vi)\-ii'if lit' 11 M S .,Cliall('ii;ipr.' lle.xiicliaellicla. PL. LXVllI. %. Iiti.Jj:it.vJ.C: Fiyl. AULOCHONE CYLINDRICA FESihuIze Fiq 2 AULOCHONE TUMIDA FESdiuIze F.q 3-7. AULOCHONE LILIUM FESchulze. PLATE LXIX. (ZOOL. CHALL. EXP. — PART LIII. — 1887.) — Ggg. PLATE LXIX. PAGE Caulocalyx tener, F. E. S., , . .172 Fig. 1. A much damaged specimen, preserved in alcohol ; natural size. Fig. 2. Dermal (hypodermal ?) peutact with echinated tangential rays and tuberous inner tangential ray ; x 300. Figs. 3, 4. Discohexaster with long bent terminal rays, increasing gradually in thickness towards the exterior ; x 450. Fig. 5. Gastral hexact with rough rays; x 100. Fig. 6. Small plumicome ; x 1000. Figs. 7, 8. Terminal rays of discohexasters ; x 1000. The Voyage of H.M.S.,^alleiiger:' Hexactinellida Pl.LXLX:. 100 1 — m^fiaiia F.E.Schukeana (jTivtsckdel. Lift Jtast y. J 0 B adi-Le^ag . CAULOCALYX TENER. FE.Schiilze. 1 PLATE LXX. PLATE LXX. PAGE Hyalostylus dives, F. E. S., . . . 110 Fig 1. A much damaged specimen, preserved in alcohol ; natural size. Fig. 2. Hexaster with thin terminal rays, whose exterior half consists of a cylindrical Typha spike-like portion; x 450. Fig. 3. Discohexaster with long perianth-like situated, S shaped, terminal rays of unequal lengths ; x 450. Fio-. 4. Dermal (hypodermal ?) hexact, whose external radial ray shows a terminal club-shaped thickening ; x 300. Figs. 5, 8. Curved rough oxydiacts ; x 300. Fig. 6. Rough club-shaped end of the external radial ray of a dermal hexact ; x 300. Fig. 7. Part of a long, slightly curved diact with rough club-shaped ends ; x 300. Fig. 9. Portion of the ladder-like connected longitudinal spicules of the stem ; x300. Fig. 10. Tetract with two opposite rounded and twoojDposite pointed rays ; x 300. Fig. 11. Discohexaster with eight rayed, inverted, bell-shaped umbels at the ends of the terminal rays ; x 450. Fig. 12. Discohexaster with numerous long straight terminal rays ; x 450. Tlie Voyage of KM.S.„Challenger." Hexactinellida. Pl.IXX. FE.Scliilzc and .G.Tirtsch del. lilli.AiistYj,C,Bach,lcipzi^. HYALOSTYLUS DIVES. FESchulze. PLATE LIXI. (ZOOL. CIIALL. EXP. — PART LIII. 1887.) Ggg PLATE LXXI. PAGE Farrea occa (Bowerbank), Carter, . . .277 (Erroneously named Farrea haeckelii on the Plate.) Fig. 1. Lateral view of a specimen, preserved in alcohol, from a photograph ; natural size. Fig. 2. Upper view of a specimen, preserved in alcohol, from a photograph; natural size. Fig. 3. Transverse section of the tube-wall (combination figure) ; x 100. Fig. 4. Uncinatum with few bent spines ; x 450. Figs. 5, 9. Dermal clavulse with club-shaped head, hemispherically arched umbel and tuberculate stalk ; x 450. Fig. 6. Dermal pentact with somewhat inwardly bent tangential rays, tuberculate on the outer side ; x 100. Fig. 7. Oxyhexaster with long principal, and small, divergent, terminal rays ; X 450. Figs. 8, 10. Gastral clavulse with anchor-like six-spined head, and without rough- ness on the main part of the stalk ; x 450. The Voyage of H.M. S.,, Challenger. Hexactinellida. PI L:XX[ . 4- i \ \ \ ■v-:v ij'-j//,--^,,5u- ^::-3::-^4> 1 ^ / ^-:^^:-5_i^;^^^^^A^__^j V ^ /I. 5. '/A v[ bill AnsivWerr.eHiWmter.Fianltfuri'm FARREA HAECKELII FESchulze. PLATE Lmi. PLATE LXXII. PAGE Farrea occa (Bowerbank), Carter, . . 277 (Erroneously named Farrea haeckelii, F. E. S., on the Plate.) Fig. 1. Dry skeleton of Farrea occa, from a photograph ; natural size. Fig. 2. Basal portion of a small specimen, showing the aperture of an excurrent canal ; natural size. Fig. 3. Outer terminal view of the bifurcation of a tube ; x 2. Fig. 4. Fragment of a specimen with very elongated (extended) tubes ; natural size. Fig. 5. Outer view of the dermal side of the wall (combination figure) ; x 100. Fig. 6. Uncinatum with more spines than in that figured in PI. LXXI. fig. 4. Figs. 7, 8, 10. Dermal clavulse with lemon-shaped or globular heads, varying from crowned ones with a toothed margin to smooth ones ; x 450. Figs. 9, 11, 12. Gastral clavulse, anchor-like, with long teeth, or with a hemi- spherically arched head and much shorter teeth ; x 450. TheVova^e of H. M.S. .Challenger." Hexa-ctmellida PI. LXXU. 1' i\ 4. 10. 8. '7 k //. \v.vvv fyv/v^W liriJSiiSt.v.Werner «Vmter,Pta7i>.frat '''M FARREA HAECKELII. FE.Schulze. PLATE LXXIIL (ZOOL. CHALI.. EXP. — PART LIU. 1887.)— Ggg. PLATE LXXIII. PAGE Farrea occa (Bowerbank), Carter, . . .277 (Erroneously named Farrea haeckelii on the Plate.) Fig. 1. Gastral view of the inner side of the tube- wall (combination figure) ; xlOO. Fig. 2. Transverse section of the tube-wall of the inferior part of an old specimen (combination figure) ; x 100. Fig. 3. Uncinatum with very few spines ; x 300. Fig. 4, Simple oxyhexact ; x 300. Fig. 5. Exterior part of an uncinatum ; x 1000. lie \u\a-col' ll.M.S..,(-'hallfiig(.M Iiox£u1inellula I'l. LWTU. ;iKAiuty£AFvi,. FARREA HAECKEUI r E Schuize PLATE LXXIV. PLATE. LXXIV. PAGE Figs. 1-6. Farrea soUasii, F. E. S., . . , 286 Fig. 1. Spicules of a dry specimen in the natural situation of a transverse section of the tube-wall ; x 100 Fig. 2. Uncinatum with numerous spines ; x 300. Fig. 3. Dermal clavula with hemispherical umbel of the head ; x 450. Figs. 4, 5. Gastral clavulae with anchor teeth of various length ; x 450. Fig. 6. Discohexaster with slender terminal rays ; x 450. Figs. 7-13. Farrea vosmaeri, F. E. S., . . . 286 Fig. 7. Spicules of a dry specimen, in their natural situation, of a transverse section of the tube-wall ; x 100. Fig. 8. Oxyhexaster with long, strong, principal, and small, divergent, terminal rays ; x 450. Fig. 9. Discohexaster with long, strong, principal, and small, S-shaped, terminal rays, in perianth-like arrangement ; x 450. Fig. ] 0. Dermal clavula with flatly bent surface of the umbel of the head ; x 450. Fig. 11. Uncinatum with short spines ; x 300. Fig. 12. Gastral clavula with very long spines ; x 450. Fig. 13. Gastral clavula with flatly bent umbel, with somewhat long teeth ; x450. \'o\-iiu(' III' II.M.S. i'linlli'iioc'i cxatliiicllulii I'l l„\\iV Fig 1-6 FARREA SOLLASII F E Schuize Fig 7-i3 FARREA VOSMAERI. F [ Schulze. PLATE LXXY. (ZOOL. CHALU EXP.— PART LIII.— 1887.)— Ggg. PLATE LXXV. PAGB Farrea clavigera, F. E. S., . - . . 287 Fig. 1. A damaged specimen, preserved in alcohol ; natural size. Fig. 2. Transverse section of the tube-wall (combination figure); x 80. Fig. 3. Dermal clavula with rounded head, showing two parallel circ4es of small spines and a little knob on the top ; x 450. Fig. 4. Gastral clavula with four long teeth ; x 450. Fig. 5. Club-shaped dermal clavula with a little knob on tlie top ; x 450. Fig. 6. Foreign extrinsic intruded spicule, not belonging to this species. Fig. 7. Oxyhexaster with long principal, and small terminal rays ; x 450. Fig. 8. Dermal oxypentact with knotty rays and a small distal tubercle, repre- senting the lost sixth ray ; x 100. Tlie \bvaQe of H. M.S. ..Challenger." ^ i Jh Hexaclmellida. PLLXX\; 40^^- m m 1, \ i f --> >iol} t h 1 , O- /- - . \ i r / ^! o. 8, .1 . FARREA CLAVIGERA. F ESchulze. PLATE LXXYL PLATE LXXVI. PAGE Figs. 1-3. Farrea occa (Bowerbank), Carter, . . 277 (Erroneously named Farrea luvckelii on the Plate.) Fig. 1. Dictyonal skeleton of the marginal portion of the tube- wall ; x 50. Fig. 2. Dictyonal skeleton of the basal portion (combination figure) ; x .50. Fig. 3. Dictyonal skeleton of the middle portion ; x 50. Figs. 4, 5. Farrea (f) sp., , . .288 Fig. 4. Basal portion of the macerated dictyonal skeleton of an infundibuliform specimen ; natural size. Fig. 5. Part of the dictyonal skeleton of the specimen figured in fig. 4 ; x 100. The Voyage of H.M.S.Xhallenger" Hexactinellida. Pl.LXXVI. HH ^^^^^^IFili^^^^l ^^^^KKKfs^sis^^^U ^^^Hl".;.ii:;:!': J^^^H FE.Schulze and G.Fiitsch del- LifllAnsUVeineri "Winter. Frarfefuil^M. Fig. 1-3. FARREA HAECKELII . FE.SchuIze . Fig. 4 & 5. FARREA Sp. PLATE LXXVII. (ZOOL. CHALL. EXP.— PART LIII. — 1 887.)— Ggg. PLATE LXXVII. PAGE Eurete semperi, F. E. S., . . . 292 Fig. 1. A specimen preserved in alcohol, with small anthozoa ; natural size. Fig. 2. Transverse section of the tube-wall ; x 60. Fig. 3. Uncinatum ; x 300. Fig. 4. Exterior part of a dermal scopula with four straight prongs; x 450. Fig. 5. Dermal scopula with slightly bent prongs ; x 450. Fig. 6. Interior part of a gastral scopula with bent prongs ; x 450. Fig. 7. Simple free oxyhexact ; x 300. E'ig. 8. Oxyhexact fused perpendicularly by one ray to the surface of a beam of the dictyonal framework ; x 300. Fig. 9. Small discohexaster ; x 450. Fig. 10. Gastral scopula with four prongs, whose stalks are slightly bent outwards ; x450. The Voyage of H. M. S.„Challenger." Hexactmellida.PlLXM. 10. 500 F.E.Schulze anaGBrtsdi del llth.AiistyWenierAVSraer,Traiiktiirt»/il EURETE SEMFERI.F.E.Schulze. 1 4 PLATE LXXVIIT. PLATE LXXVIII. PAGE Figs. 1-6. Eurete schmidtii, F. E. S., . . . 293 Fig. 1. A specimen preserved in alcohol ; natural size. Fig. 2. Transverse section of the tube-wall (combination figure) ; x 60. Fig. 3. Dermal scopula with four pointed prongs (teeth) ; x 450. Fig. 4. Gastral scopula with four knobbed prongs ; x 450. Fig. 5. Dermal scopula with two pointed prongs ; x 450. Fig. 6. Oxyhexaster ; x 450. Figs. 7-12. Eurete carteri, F. E. S., . . . 296 Fig. 7. A specimen preserved in alcohol ; natural size. Fig. 8. Transverse section of the tube-wall (combination figure) ; x 60. Fig. 9. Dermal scopula with knobbed prongs ; x 450. Fig. 10. Gastral scopula with knobbed prongs ; x 450. Fig. 11. Discohexaster with S-shaped terminal rays, in perianth-like arrangement ; x450. Fig. 12. Discohexaster with irregularly bent terminal rays ; x 450. The Vovaqe of KM S. Cliallenger" Hpxactmellida PI. LlX^lll Fig 16 EURETE SCHMIDTII FESctiuIze Fig 7-12 EURETE CARTERI F E Schuize PLATE LXXTX. (zOnL. CHALL. EXP. PART LIII. 1887.) Ggg PLATE LXXIX. PAGE Figs. 1-4. Eurete marshalli, F. E. S., . . . 297 Fig. 1. A specimen, preserved in alcohol ; natural size., Fig. 2. Transverse section of the tube-wall, showing the dictyonal skeleton and loose spicules in their natural position ; x 50. Fig. 3. Oxyhexaster ; x 300. Fig. 4. Dermal scopula with knobbed prongs ; x 300. Figs. 5-8. Etirete faro^eopsis, Carter, . . 295 Fig. 5. A specimen, preserved in alcohol ; natural size. Fig. 6. Transverse section of the tube-wall, showing the dictyonal skeleton and loose spicules in their natural position ; x 50. Fig. 7. Discohexaster with knob-like terminal discs ; x 300. Fig. 8. Dermal scopula with a break-like bend of the knobbed prongs ; x 300. Figs. 9-13. Eurete hoiverbankii, F. E. S., . . 297 Fig. 9. A specimen, preserved in alcohol ; natural size. Fig. 10. Transverse section of the tube-wall, showing the dictyonal framework and loose spicules in their natural position ; x 50. Figs. 11, 12. Dermal scopulse with straight, knobbed prongs ; x 300. Fig. 13. Oxyhexaster with long principal and short divergent terminal rays ; x300. The \bvaQe of H..\I.S..,ChalJeiiGer' HexacUnelhda PI. LXXK- Flg,1-4 EURETE MARSHAUI FESchLize Fig 5-8 EURETE FARREOPSIS.HJCarier Fig 9-13 EURETE BOWERBANKII F E Schuize PLATE LXXX. PLATE LXXX. PAGE Periphragella elisse, Marshall, . .299 Fig. 1. Macerated dictyonal skeleton of a bent siDecimen, from a pliotograi^li ; natural size. Fig. 2, Macerated dictyonal skeleton of a straight specimen, from a photograph : natural size. < CO o •< n: D- LU Q- PLATE LXXXL (ZOOL. CHAIX. EXP.— PART un, 1887.) Ggg. PLATE LXXXI. PAGE Periphragella elisse, Marshall, . . 299 Fig. 1. A fragment, preserved in alcohol ; natural size. Fig. 2. Transverse section of the wall (combination figure); x 50. Fig. 3. Dermal scopula with straight knobbed prongs and shaft ; x 300. Fig. 4. Discohexaster ; x 300. Fig. 5. Oxyhesaster with divergent terminal rays ; x 300. Fig. 6. Dermal scopula with divergent knobbed prongs ; x 300. Fig. 7. Small uncinatum ; x 300. Fig. 8. Dermal pentact, whose radial ray ends in a club-shaped swelling : x 8. Figs. 9, 10. Gastral scopulse with S-shaped prongs and a club-shaped swelling at the end of the shaft ; x 300. TheVovaiic ol' H.M.S .rhallcntifr" llexiu imellida I'l.LXXM a. .V -^ 'M, ■'■ m t* m / f KJ # 300 ',\ i I I 'i.itiB^v.t AF'iiffl^.-:^- PERIRHRAGELLA ELISAE. W Marshall PLATE LXmi. PLATE LXXXII. PAGE Fig. 1. Lefroyella decora, Wyville Thomson, . . .302 Fig. 1. Macerated skeleton, from a photograph ; natural size. Figs. 2-8. An Euretid near to or identical with Lefroyella. Figs. 2, 3. Small (young ?) specimens, preserved in alcohol ; natural size. Fig. 4. Transverse section of the dictyonal framework of the wall, with the loose spicules in their natural position ; x 50. Figs. 5, 6. Dermal scopulse with knobbed, straight, or divergent and geniculate prongs. Fig. 7. Oxyhexaster with long terminal rays ; x 300. Fig. 8. Discohexaster with long terminal rays ; x 300. TheVoyage of H.M.S,„Challenger; HexactmelUda. PI LXXXn. FE.Schute and GJiitscli del tilhAnsI vWemer & Winter, Frankfurt '^M. LEFROYELLA DECORA. Wyvllle Thomson. PLATE LXXXIIL (ZOOL. CHALI,. EXP. — PART LUI. 1887.) — Ggg. PLATE LXXXIII. PAGE Aphrocallistes bocagei, Wright, . , .313 Fig. 1. A specimen, preserved in alcohol ; natural size. Fig. 2. Upper view of an internal cliajDhragma fixed to the wall ; natural size. Fig. 3. Inner view of the gastral surface of the wall ; x 60. Fig. 4. Outer view of the dermal surface of the wall ; x 60. The Voyage of H.M.S.„ChalleTiger.' Hexactiaellida. PILXXXni. FE.ScMze andG.Fiiisch del lith.Ansi Y.Werner iWiwer, Franlrfun VM. APHROCALLISTES BOCCAGEI. Perc.Wnqht. PLATE LXXXIV. PLATE LXXXIV. PAGE Figs. 1-8. AphrocalUstes bocagei, Wright, . . 313 Fig. 1. Transverse section of the wall ; x 60. Fig. 2. An uncinatum ; x 300. Fig. 3. Dermal scopula with long, knobbed prongs ; x 450. Fig. 4. Dermal scopula with knobbed prongs of usual length ; x 450. Fig. 5. Dermal scopula with long, divergent, pointed prongs ; x 450. Fig. 6. Oxyhexaster with rays of equal length ; x 450. Fig. 7. Oxyhexaster, one of whose axes is somewhat longer than the other two ; x450. Fig. 8. Dermal hexact pinulus ; x 450. Figs. 9, 10. AphrocalUstes beatrix, Gray, . . 311 Fig. 9. Oxyhexaster with two elongated, smooth, principal rays on one axis, and simple pointed rays on the other two ; x 450. Fig. 10. Oxyhexaster with two very long, echinated, principal rays on the one axis, and simple pointed rays on the other two ; x 450. Tlie Vo\uJli(la PI. LWXn; >. 4 i / '( n 'I I:i}i-Ar.arI.'iiiir]ffi,Iei[;i(|. Rg.l-aAPHROCALLISTES BOCAGEI. RWnght. Fig.9and10. APHRDCALLISTES BEATRIX. JIGray PLATE LXXXV. (ZOOL. OHALL. EXP.— FART LIIL— 1 887.)— Ggg. PLATE LXXXV. PAGE AphrocalUstes vastus, F. E. iS., . . . 317 Fig. 1. Fragment of a dry specimen, from a pliotograph ; natural size. Fig. 2. Long uncinatum ; x 100. Figs. 3, 5, 8, 9. Discohexasters of various sizes ; x 450. Fig. 4. Dermal hexact pinulus ; x 300. Fig. 6. Parenchymal rough diact with central thickening ; x 300. Fig. 7. Dermal scopula with two simple unknobbed prongs ; x 300. Fig. 10. Parenchymal rough monact with a terminal thickening ; x 300. The \'ova2e of H.M.S ..Challeiieer." Hexacliriellula.Pl.lAXW: APHROCALLISTES VASTUS. FE.Schulze. PLATE LIXXVL PLATE LXXXVT. PAGE Aphrocallistes ramosus, F. E. S., . . . 319 Yw. 1. A specimen preserved in alcohol, from a photograph ; natural size. Fig. 2. Transverse section of the wall (combination figure) ; x 50. Fig. 3. Dermal pentact with a knob-like rudiment on the sixth (distal) ray ; X 300. Fig. 4. Dermal hexact with club-like pronged distal ray ; x 300. Fig. 5. Dermal scopula with geniculate knobbed prongs ; x 300. Fio-. 6. Oxyhexaster whose principal rays in one axis are somewhat longer than the others ; x 450. Fig. 7. Simple oxyhexact with rough pointed rays ; x 450. Fig. 8. Dermal hexact pinulus ; x 300. Fig. 9. Dermal scopula with straight knobbed prongs ; x 300. Fig. 10. Discohexaster with one elongated axis, whose principal rays are of un- equal lengths, while the other four short rays are undivided ; x 450. Fig. 11. Oxyhexaster with one elongated axis, whose principal rays are of unequal lengths, while the other four short rays are undivided ; x 450. The\byage of H. M. S..,Challenaer." Hexactinellida. PI. LXTTVa EE Schulze ar.Q C- Frrtsch dei =rjiikf«rt"M APHROCALUSTES RAMOSUS. F E.SchuIz PLATE LXXXVIL (ZOOU CHALL. EXP. — PART Llll. 1887.) — Ggg. PLATE LXXXVII. PAGE Chojielasnia lamella, F. E. S., . . . 321 Figs. 1, 2. The two sides of the macerated dictyonal framework of a fragment, from a photograph ; natural size. The Voyage of H.M.S,„Challenger." Hexactinellida. Pl.LXmTl. Lilh An^I vWeinci ftWint:i.rMnMiiit"''M CHONELASMA LAMELLA. rE.Schuize. PUTE LXXXYIII. PLATE LXXXVIII. PAGE Chonelasma lamella, F. E. S., . . . 321 Fig. 1. Transverse section of a flat specimen preserved in alcohol (combination figure) ; x 40. Fig. 2. Section, parallel to the surface, of a specimen preserved in alcohol ; x 40. Fig. 3. Dermal pentact with eehinated rays ; x 300. Fig. 4. Oxyhexaster wth long S-shaped terminal rays ; x 300. Fie. 5. Discohexact with rough ravs ; x 300. Fig. 6. Oxyhexact with rough rays ; x 300. Fig. 7. Dermal scopula with short unknobbed prongs ; x 300. Figs. 8, 9. Discohexasters with long rough terminal rays ; x 300. lie M)y;ioi' u[- li..\l,S.,l'liallciiL:^ ni'X-aclinollida I'l LXXX\TII. CHONELASMA LAMELLA. F E Schuize PLATE LXXXIX. (ZOOL. CliAM,. 1?XP. PART LIII. 1887.) G"-". PLATE LXXXIX. PAGE Chonelasma calyx, F. E. S., . . . 326 Fig. 1. Lateral view of a dried ppecimeu, from a photograph ; uatural size. Fig. 2. Superior view of the same specimen shown in fig. 1, from a photograph ; natm'al size. Fig. 3. Uucinatum ; x 200. Fig. 4. Gastral scopula with S-shaped, barbed, unknobbed prongs ; x 300. Fig. 5. Part of a dermal pinulus-like hexact ; x 300. Fig. 6. Dermal scopula, with six straight, barbed, uukuobbed prongs : x 300. The Voyage of H. M^ S.„Challenger" Hexactinellida. PI LXXXK. PE.Schulze ar\d G.Firtsch del IirhAns(.v"Vernei )i Winter, FranVfurl^/M CHONELASMA CALYX, F E Schuize, PLATE XC. PLATE XC. PAGE Figs. 1-7. Chonelasma dcederleinii, F. E. S., 324 Fig. 1. A specimen preserved in alcohol, from a photograph ; natural size. Fig. 2. Transverse section of the body (combination figure); x 50. Fig. 3. Part of a dermal hexact pinulus ; x 300. Fig. 4. Uncinatum : x 100. Figs. 5, 6. Dermal scopulas with barbed unknobbed prongs ; x 300. Fig. 7. Small discohexaster ; x 450. Figs. 8-11. Chonelasma s,^., . . . 326 Fig. 8. Transverse section of a thick fragment ; natural size. Fig. 9. Cross section of another macerated specimen ; natural size. Figs. 10, 11. The two sides of a thick fragment, from photographs ; natural size. The Voyage ofH.M.S.„Challenger' Hexactmellida. PIXC. litTiJljisrWetnei 4:Tiftnter,Prankfun"/K R^. 1-7 CHONELASMA DOEDERLEINIl. f: E.Schulze. Fig 8. CHONELASMA sp. Fig. 9-11. CHONELASMA sp. PLATE XCI. fZOOL, CHALL, EXP. — PART LIU. — 1887.) — Ggg. PLATE XCI. PAGE Chonelasma hamatum, F. E. S., . . . 323 Fig. 1. A specimen, preserved in alcohol, natural size. Fig. 2. Transverse section of the plain body (combination figure) ; x 50. Fig. 3. Uncinatum ; x 100. Fig. 4. Dermal scopula with S-shaped knobbed prongs ; x 300. Fig. 5. Part of a dermal hexact, whose short distal ray is beset with small tubercles ; x 300. Fig. 6. Small discohexact with short principal and long S-shaped terminal rays ; x450. Fig. 7. Discohexact with long, rough, principal, and short S-shaped terminal rays ; x 450. TlioMivaiic dl' H.M S X'liitllcuiii'i'" Hi'XacUiu'llula I'l.XCI n \,4 ' ■ CHONELASMA HAMATUM F E Schulze PLATE XCII. PLATE XCII. PAGE Figs. 1-8. Cyrtaulon solutus, F. E. S., . . . 833 Fig. 1. A dried specimen in the tubular cavity of a piece of limestone; natural .size. Fig. 2. Transverse section of a broad Hat beam of the body, showing the dictyonal framework and the loose spicules in their natural position ; x50. Fig. 3. Small nncinatum ; x 450. Fig. 4. Hexaster-like spicule with n long stalk ; x 300. Fig. 5. Dermal scopula with four strong, liarbed, unknobbed prongs ; x 300. Fig. 6. Dermal scopula witli six small, slight, knol>bed prougs ; x 300. Fig. 7. Gastral scopula with four strong, barbed, unknobbed prongs ; x 300. Fig. 8. Uncinatum; x 100. Fig. 9. Cyrtcmlon sigsbeei, (J. Schmidt, . . 333 Fig. 9. Macerated fragment, from a photograph ; natural size. The old generic name Volvulina, 0. Schmidt, which was applied to a Gastropod in 1865, was erroneously retained on the I'late. The Voyage of EM.S,.Challenger." Hexactinellida. Pl.XCn. FE.Schiilze andGFirlsch del Lith An£tvWern:r k'WinTer Frsnkfurr^/M Figl-8 VOLVULINA SO LUTA, F E Schulze . Fig. 9. VOLVU LINA SlGSBEEl. Oscar Schmidt. PLATE XCIIL (ZOOL. CHALL. EXP. — PART LIIl, — 1887.) — Ggg. PLATE XCIII. PAGE Hexactinella tubulosa, F. E. S., . . . 328 Fig. 1. A dried specimen, from a photograph ; natural size. Fig. 2. Transverse section of the tube wall without the soft parts ; x 30. Fis- 3. Small uucinatuni ; x 450. Fig. 4. Dermal scopula with four strong, barbed, uuknobbed prongs ; x 300. Fig. 5. Gastral scopula with four strong, barbed, unknobbed prongs ; x 300. Fig. 6. Small smooth oxydiact ; x 450. Fig. 7. Oxyhexaster with somewhat long principal rays ; x 450. Fig. 8. Simple oxyhexact with rough rays ; x 450. The generic name " Tretoclictyum " was printed off on the Plate before the pul^lication of Carter's description of his genus Hexactinella, to which I now refer this species. The Voyage of H.M.S.„Challenger." Hexactinellida Pl.XCHI. 6. PE SchiJze and 5Pij-t5c}i del. L-.lK AistvWeintr k Wintec FranMurl'/M TRETODICTYUM TUBULOSUM. F ESchulze. PLATE XCIY. PLATE XCIV. PAGE Hexactinella lata, F. E. S., . . 329 Fig. 1. A specimen preserved in alcohol ; natural size. Fig. 2. Macerated dictyonal skeleton (framework) of a fragment, from a photo- graph ; natural size. Fig. 3. Transverse section of a tube ; natural size. Fig. 4. Uncinatum ; x 300. Fig. 5. Dermal scopula with six geniculate knobbed prongs ; x 300. Figs. 6, 7. Sphserohexasters ; x 450. Fig. 8. Dermal scopula with four straight knobbed prongs ; x 300. Fig. 9. Dermal scopula with four straight pointed prongs ; x 300. Fig. 10. Oyhexaster with straight, slender, terminal rays; x 450. Fig. 11. Sphserohexaster with S-shaped terminal rays ; x 450. Fig. 12. Oxyhexaster with long principal rays ; x 450. Fig. 13. Sphserohexaster with middle-sized principal rays ; x 450. For " Tretodictyum latum " on the Plate read " Hexactinella lata " ; see note on last Plate. The Voyage of H.M.S.„Challengeiv Hexactinellida. PIXCR' F.E Scliulze ana SFiitsch del Iith AnstTWernei kVintexFrankfurE"/M. TRETODICTYUM LATUM FESchuIze PLATE XCV. (ZOOL. UHALL. EXP. PART LIII. 1887.)— Ggg. PLATE XCV. PAGE Hexactinella lata, F. E. S., . . . 329 Fig. 1. Transverse section of the tube wall; x 15. Fig. 2. Transverse section of the wall of a canal ; x 60. Figs. 3, 4. Sphserohexacts with straight smooth rays ; x 450. For " Tretodictyum latum" on the Plate read "Hexactinella lata"; see note on PI. XCTII. The \byayc of II..\I.S..(;iiallengei- Uexatlinellida PLXCV r^ '>^if^ TRETODICTYUM LATUM. FESchuIze PLATE XCVr. PLATE XCVI. PAGE Hexactinella ventilahrum, Carter, . . 331 Fig. 1. Lateral view of a dry specimen, from a photograph ; natm-al size. Fig. 2. Superior view, from a photograph ; x 0"5. Fig. 3. Vertical section of the exterior part of the skeleton with the loose spicules in their natural position ; x 50. Fig. 4. Discohexaster with short principal and S-shaped terminal rays ; x 300 Fig. 5. Discohexaster with long principal rays ; x 300. Fig. 6. Eough oxydiact corresponding to an uncinatum ; x 300. Fig. 7. Exterior part of a dermal scopula ; x 300. Fig. 8. Oxyhexaster with long straight terminal rays ; x 300. Fig. 9. Part of a gastral scopula ; x 300. For " Tretodictyum ci/athus" F. E. Scliulze, on the Plate, read " Hexactinella ventilahrum," Carter. 1 The Voyage of H.M.S.^ChaJlenger." Hexactinellida. PI XCVI. FESdiulzeandG Ulh Ari5l T^^rerrtei Js'i'ftntei.PranicfuTt^/K TRETODICTYUM CYATHUS. F E.Schulze PLATE XCVII. (ZOOL CHALL. EXP. — PART LIII. 1887.) — Ggg. PLATE XCVJl. PAGE Fieldinyiu layettoides, iSaville Keut, . . . ^35 Fig. 1. A dried specimen, some what damaged, having lost the greatest part of tlie lameUar rind, from a photograph ; natural size. Fig. 2. A spherical knot of the skeleton, \\ith some beams of the dictyoual framework ; x 100. Fig. 3. Star-like oxyhexaster with very reduced principal rnys ; x 450. Fig. 4. Discohexaster with short principal and long terminal rays; x 450. Fig. 5. Dermal scopula ; x 300. Fig. (). Uxyhexaster with short principal and long terminal rays ; x 450 Fig. 7. Simple oxyhexact with slender smooth rays : x 450. Fig. 8. Smooth oxydiact with four central cruciately disposed knobs and pointed ends ; x 300. Fig. 9. Part of an uucinatum ; x 300. The Voyage of H.M.S.„Challenger" Hexactinellida. Pl.XQU E t. ScViulze and G.Firtsch del Lith.Anst.-v.Werner iVflnter, "Frankiurf ^'M. FIELDINGIA LAGETTOIDES, Saville Kent. PLATE XCVIIl. PLATE XCVIII. PAGE Sclerothamnus clavsii, W. Marshall, 337 Ficr. 1. Copy of Dr. Jas. Murie's figure of a dried specimen ; x 0'25. Fig. 2. Copy of Murie's figure of a branch of the stock ; x 0'5. Fig. 3. Longitudinal section of a branch ; x 0'5. Fig. 4. Copy of Murie's figure of the surface ; natural size Fig. 5. Vertical section of the outer part of the skeleton, with the loose spicules in natural position ; x .50. Fig. 6. Sphferohexaster with outwardly bent terminal rays ; x 450. Fio-s. 7, 8. Parenchymal scopula-like spicules with l^iiotted stalk and very divergent prongs ; x 450. Fig. 9. Dermal scopula ; x 450. Fig. 10. Uncinatum ; x 450. Fig., 11. Free conical prominence of the dictyonal framework beset with Inroad low toothed prongs ; x 450. TheVoyage of H.M.S,„Challenger." HexactineEida . PI. XGVI. 10 i/ V PE.ScTyilze and GJirtsch del Iitl AnslvWtineiJtVmwFiaiikfnit*!! SCLEROTHAMNUS CLAUSII. W Marshall PLATE XCIX. (ZOOL. CHALL. EXP. — FART UII. — 1887.)— Gflg. PLATE XCIX. PAGE Dactylocalyx suhglohosus. Gray, . . . 349 Fig. 1. A dried specimeu ; natural size. Fig. 2. Diagrammatic representation, illusti-atiiig my conception of the structure of the framework of narrow tubes, showing a vertical section through the marginal part of the cup-shaped bod}^ ; x 15. Fig. 3. Vertical section of the exterior part of the skeleton, with the loose spicules in natural position ; x 50. Fig. 4. Dermal pentact with kuol^bed tangential rays ; x iOO. Figs. 5, 6. Discohexasters with long terminal rays ; x 450. TheVoyage of H.M.S.,. Challenger" Hexactmelhda.Pl.XCK. F E Schulze and G Firtoch del Iilh SniLvWetnersV; •■■- ^- -^•'■ii'/n DACTYLOCALYX SUBGLOBOSUS, J E Gray. PLATE C. PLATE C. PAGE Dactylocalyx (?) patella, F. E. S., . . . 350 Fig. 1. Fragment of the macerated skeleton ; natural size. Fig. 2. A portion of the macerated dictyonal framework ; x 100. \', ,,. ,,, •'■ n M.,^ ..Uiulleiioe, Hf-Nnrlinclliila. PI. ('. ^ • r / n IM^^- ,-'A " a /'Ztl J '- ! m n _j'- . -=** /H '" 1^ ■ E.Scliiilze an() ff.Rrtsch.ad. J Ud 1 \ J^Ili' . - n 7-.;r-v DACrnOCALYX PATELLA. FE.SchuIze PLATE CI. ('ZOOL. CHALL. EXP. PART LIII. 1887.) — Ggg. PLATE CI. PAGE Figs. 1, 2. Scleroplegma conicum, 0. Schmidt, . .351 Fig. 1. Inner view of a half of a macerated and longitudinally bisected specimen, from a photograph ; natural size. Fig. 2. Portion of the macerated dictyonal framework; x 100. Figs. .3-8. Margaritdla cceloptychioides, F. E. S., . . 3.51 Fig. 3. Vertical section of the outer part of the skeleton, with the loose spicules in their natural position ; x 50. Fig. 4. Dermal pentact with nodulate rays; x 100. Fig. 5. Star-like oxyhexaster with very short principal and long undulating terminal rays ; x 300. Fig. 6. Oxyhexaster with long terminal rays ; x 300. Fig. 7. Star-like sphserohexaster with a solid spherical centre covering the very short principal rays ; x 300. Fig. 8. Small sphserohexaster ; x 300. The Voyage of H. M.S. ..Challenger" Hexacttiielllda. PI CI. Fig.1«<2.SCLER0PLEGMA CONICUM. O.Schmidt . Fig 3-8. MARGARITELLA COELOPTYCHOIDES. O.Schmidt. PLATE CII. PLATE CII. PAGE Euryplegma auriculare, F. E. S., . . . 176 Fig. 1. A specimen, preserved in alcohol, restored ; natural size. Fig. 2. Inferior fragment of a macerated specimen, from a photograph ; natural size. Fig. 3. Vertical section of the exterior part of the body ; x 50. Fig. 4. Discohexaster with long terminal rays in perianth-like arrangement ; x 450. Fig. 5. Discohexaster with g shaped terminal rays ; x 450. Fig. 6, Dermal pentact with the ends of the rays rough ; x 300. For " auricularis " on the Plate read "auriculare." The Voyage of H.M.S.„Challenger" Hexactinellida . PL CU. FE. Schulze and G Firtsch del L; IK Ar SI V Veuier * Wtiler , FianWiul ^M. EURYPLEGMA AURICULARIS. ELSchuIze PLATE cm. (ZOOh. CHALL. EXP. — PART LIU. 1887.) — Ggg. PLATE cm. PAGE Myliusia callocyathus. Gray, . . .354 Fig. 1. A specimen with two oscula, preserved in alcohol; natural size. Fig. 2. Inner view of half of a longitudinally bisected specimen ; natural size. Fig. 3. Transverse section of the tube-wall (combination figure); x 60. Fig. 4. Oxyhexact ; x 30U. Figs. 5, 6. Oxyhexasters with S-shaped terminal rays ; x 300. Figs. 7, 8, 9. Discohexasters with S-shaped terminal rays ; x 300. riieVovaa*' of ILMH. .('hiillcriyor Hreacliiiellida I'l.l'I , ». " -v'-i^ ^ • MYLIUSIA CALLOCYATHUS. J E Gray PLATE CIV. PLATE CIV. PAGE Figs. 1-6. Aulocystis zittelii, W. Marshall, . .361 Fig. 1. A somewhat damaged specimen, preserved in alcohol ; natural size. Fig. 2. Macerated specimen with two oscular apertures ; natural size. Fig. 3. Transverse section of a tube-wall (combination figure); x 60. Fig. 4. Graphiohexaster with somewhat undulating terminal rays ; x 300. Fig. 5. Discohexaster with short principal rays ; x 300. Fig. 6. Discohexaster with long principal rays ; x 300. Fig. 7. Aulocystis grayi, Bowerbank, . . . 3.59 Fig. 7. Discohexaster with short principal and numerous long terminal rays ; x300. J The \bvaQo of HMS ..Challeiieer." >xactmellida I'H'IV. 7. - ) y/r' 1^. v,^ ■# Fig.1-6 AULOCYSTIS ZITTELII. W Marshall Fig 7, AULOCYSTIS G R AYl , J.S. Bowerbank. HexacUnellida iu> 130 Trade of H-M S ClmllciijCer aluTwii lim *l SI