ess.3i/2.:^-r>-T& / i<*J\ ***$<** \ / Report to the Congress on Ocean Pollution and Offshore Development October 1977 through September 1978 May 1980 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration dp ■*- ^aToF<** * #• a 8 f ft Report to the Congress on Ocean Pollution and Offshore Development October 1 977 through September 1 978 Submitted in compliance with Section 202(c), Title II of the Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act of 1 972 (Public Law 92-532) May 1 980 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Philip M. Klutznick, Secretary National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Richard A. Frank, Administrator THE SECRETARY OF COMMERCE Washington, D.C. 20230 August 25, 1980 Dear Sirs: I have the honor to submit to the Congress the sixth annual report on NOAA research activities in progress during Fiscal Year 1978 that contributed to a better understanding of the marine environment and the effect of human activities upon it. Sincerely, Enclosure Somraence Secretary of Commence President of the Senate Speaker of the House of Representatives Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 PREFACE & SUMMARY The Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act of 1972, in Section 202 of Title II, directs the Secretary of Commerce, in consultation with other appropriate parts of the U.S. Government, to "initiate a comprehensive and continuing program of research with respect to the possible long-range effects of pollution, overfishing, and man-induced changes of ocean ecosystems." Although funding for such a program did not become available until fiscal year 1979, many research projects have been carried out for other programs that nonetheless address "202-type" problems. Indeed, careful consideration of just what might characterize "long-range" problems as apart from "acute" problems has found no firm boundary — the same massive oil spill that kills fish today may, through its long-range effects on marsh vegetation, effectively prevent them from coming back for years. (See "Cape Cod Oil Spills" in Chapter IIIe) One useful way of categorizing the research that is being done is on the basis of a project's focus: whether it seeks to understand an entire, complex ecosystem, or picks out one part for close examination. Again, these types of studies blend together so that an "ecosystem project" will almost certainly include a number of "specific studies" — or at least the results of previous such smaller studies. Finally, any of these studies, whether large or small, may transcend the boundaries of the three research areas used in earlier reports in this series: Ocean Pollution, Overfishing, and Offshore Development. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is organized to carry out these projects through its systems of laboratories and other research facilities, and its special project offices. In addition to its own in-house resources, NOAA regularly calls on the expertise of researchers at academic institutions and private organizations, and works in close cooperation with other U.S. Government entities. One example of this cooperative approach is the study that NOAA carried out concerning the effects of disposing of millions of liters of saturated salt brine into the Gulf of Mexico from an underground storage cavity of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. The study was funded by the Department of Energy, managed by the Marine Environmental Assessment Division, Center for Environmental Assessment Services of NOAA's Environmental Data and Information Service, and carried out by scientists from the National Marine Fisheries Service, the National Ocean Survey, and other NOAA elements, as well as from Texas A&M University and other organizations whose funding was passed through NOAA's National Sea Grant Program. In FY 78, "specific studies" addressed four principal areas of concern: petroleum hydrocarbons, chlorinated (manmade) hydrocarbons, metals, and biological hazards. Various studies attempted to assess the levels of these potential contaminants in selected natural environments, and their effects on specific marine species held in laboratory tanks. An area of growing concern is the potential for interactions of these types of contaminants as can occur easily in places such as the New York Bight Apex or the Great Lakes. In a representative study aimed at assessing the effects of contaminant interactions, cadmium and lead appeared to inhibit fishes' biotransformation of naphthalene. Thus, fish exposed to these two metals in the water, as they are in some areas, would probably be more vulnerable to the effects of an oil spill than fish in cleaner waters. Similarly, the study at the Northwest and Alaska Fisheries Center, Seattle, showed that salmon suffered more damage to their intestines when both hydrocarbons and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were mixed into their food than when either was added alone. An important point brought out by many studies is that the effects of contaminants may differ widely depending not only on the kinds, numbers, and concentrations of contaminants present, but on factors such as the marine species present, their life stages, the time of year, water temperature, and location (rocky coast, deep water, estuary, sand beach, etc.). A number of NOAA efforts in FY 78 were aimed at producing "syntheses" - — assemblages of all that was known about these and other factors for specific areas -- both as a way of preparing information for decision-makers and as a way of identifying the (often many) problems needing further research. One such synthesis was published by NOAA's Outer Continental Shelf Environmental Assessment Program (OCSEAP) in August 1978 in anticipation of an impending offshore oil lease sale in the Beaufort Sea near the existing onshore Prudhoe Bay oil field. The 362-page synthesis volume resulted from two meetings held at Barrow, Alaska, that brought together OCSEAP and other scientists with managers from NOAA and the sponsoring Bureau of Land Management, and representatives of local communities and the oil industry. In addition to presenting the results of NOAA's extensive studies of the arctic area, the report attempts to predict the consequences of oil and gas development in the relatively pristine environment. vi A somewhat different synthesis report was being prepared in FY 78 by the New York Bight Project office of the Marine Ecosystems Analysis (MESA) Program. Beginning in 1973, the Bight Project has supported a thoroughgoing, comprehensive study by government and academic scientists of the natural interrelationships in the 39,000 km^ (15,000 mi**) area, and of the effects of human activities on them. The synthesis volume is an attempt to pull together the knowledge gained for the benefit of the people who shape public policy and make decisions on the management of marine resources in the Bight. About 7 0 scientists, lawyers, engineers, managers, and planners contributed to the manuscript, which will be published as a book entitled "Perspectives on the New York Bight". Another approach to synthesizing the results of research for practical applications is the use of mathematical models (these were also involved in producing the printed syntheses) to provide direct answers to specific questions. The models, which are run on computers, take into account large numbers of individual influences on such things as water quality, water movement, or the spreading of pollutant plumes. They are useful, for example, in predicting the future location of spilled oil, or in back- tracking from an observed spill to find its source. In the Great Lakes, researchers at the Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory (GLERL) made use of one such model that described the interactions of biological, chemical, and physical processes to study phytoplankton productivity - the base process in the aquatic food chain. Results showed that productivity is controlled by different forces at different times of the year. In turn, those forces may be influenced by human activities. For example, increased atmospheric carbon dioxide from fossil fuel burning may eventually alter the condition of lake waters and, thereby, the production of the essential phytoplankton. A GLERL model aimed at predicting the consequences of waste abatement and human development on phosphorus concentrations in the Great Lakes found direct practical application in FY 78. Results of a study using the model were provided to the State of Michigan for use in consideration of a limit on phosphorus content of detergents (a major source of the element to the Lakes) , and the model was used to support the work of a committee renegotiating the terms of the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement of 1972 between the United States and Canada. An event that precipitated considerable activity at NOAA in 1978 was the passage of the National Ocean Pollution Research and Development and Monitoring Planning Act (Public Law 95-273). Efforts had been underway for some time within the Office of Research and Development to plan for a program under Section 2 02 vii of the Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act of 1972, pending an appropriation. Since this program now had to fit the Federal Plan required under the 1978 law, further work on it was suspended until the Plan was approved and submitted to the Congress. Responsibility for planning and coordinating the NOAA comprehensive ocean pollution program, as required by the new legislation, was assigned to the Office of Research and Development. The Assistant Administrator for Research and Development established (pending formal approval) the Office of Marine Pollution Assessment to carry out this responsibility which includes the activities under Section 2 02 of the 1972 law. In the meantime, the Office of Research and Development had adopted, with slight modifications, priorities for its first year 2 02 program developed by an ad hoc Task Force on Technical Goals and Objectives. The areas of research selected were: (1) fates and effects of synthetic organic substances; (2) fates and effects of petroleum products; (3) pathways, fates, and effects of re-suspended particulates; (4) fates and effects of trace metals and related compounds; and (5) basic understanding of specific stressed ecosystems. In this year's Report to the Congress, there is for the first time no major section on "Overfishing" such as appeared in previous volumes in the series. Some of the work that would have been covered in such a section is included in the discussion of the National Marine Fisheries Service's role and organization within NOAA (see Chapter I); other fisheries-related research is described throughout the report as appropriate. The reason for the change is that the Fishery Conservation and Management Act of 1976 now deals with overfishing. Fishery Management Plans now provide catch quotas, established on the basis of NMFS and other stock assessments, for each species that once was in danger of being overfished. Under the MARMAP program and other efforts, scientific assessment of marine living resources continues, but with a new appreciation of the need to consider much more than simply the numbers of fish or shellfish present. Indeed, most of the research discussed in this report has direct implications for the continued health of these valuable, renewable resources. viii CONTENTS Page Preface and Summary v Chapter I The Research Programs — Rationale and Organization 1-1 Chapter II Activities and Results — Specific Studies . . . II-l Petroleum hydrocarbons II-l Chlorinated (man-made) hydrocarbons 11-10 Metals 11-13 Biological hazards 11-19 Chapter III Activities and Results — Ecosystem Projects . III-l Alaska III-2 Pacific Ocean; deep ocean mining 111-12 Puget Sound; preparing for petroleum .... 111-16 Gulf of Mexico; Buccaneer oil field study III-18 Brine disposal 111-21 Industrial waste disposal 111-25 Apalachicola Bay 111-26 Atlantic Ocean; Sand mining 111-28 Ocean dumping 111-28 New York Bight Project 111-30 Ocean Pulse 111-34 Cape Cod oil spills 111-37 Great Lakes studies 111-39 Appendix A Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act of 1972, Title II (as amended) Appendix B National Ocean Pollution Research and Development and Monitoring Planning Act of 1978 ix Chapter I THE RESEARCH PROGRAMS — RATIONALE AND ORGANIZATION ~ Understanding the possible long-range effects of human activities on the oceans and Great Lakes well enough to be able to predict them requires the development of three general types of knowledge: understanding of the natural systems or the present state of the environment; identification and description of the human past, present, and proposed future uses of that environment; and identification and analysis of the many and complex interactions of these human activities and the marine environment. In practice, of course, things are seldom this clearly defined, and individual research projects and programs do not stand alone, but interact with and contribute to each other. Some examples of subjects or activities that fall under each of these three categories may help to explain them. Environmental characterization o ocean and Great Lakes current studies - surface and subsurface o living resource population descriptions - species, biomass, and habitats o water chemistry - natural hydrocarbons, trace elements, nutrients o water structure - salinity-temperature-depth measurements o geology - sediments, faults, volcanism o analysis of ecosystems - energy pathways, relationships of species and populations o geography - type of shore terrain, climate, location Human uses/alterations o offshore oil and gas activities o disposal of wastes though seafloor outfalls o fishing - commercial and recreational o dredging and disposal of spoil o swimming, sailing, or beachcombing o transportation - shipping and pipelines, with attendant accidents o deep ocean mining o establishment of refuges, and marine and estuarine sanctuaries I - 1 Prediction of consequences o study the ways in which individual toxic substances affect individual species o make microbiological studies of suspected human upsets of the natural bacterial and viral populations o synthesize results of laboratory and field studies to explain observed phenomena such as "red tide" and shifts in species types and abundance in specified areas o develop mathematical models to predict the transport of pollutants by water movements o identify the forces and nature of the forces that are exerted by Arctic ice masses and ice "keels" that plow deep grooves in the ocean floor, and their potential effects on human activities o analyze the long-range capacity of the oceans to absorb and/or break down society's wastes - sewage, synthetic organic chemicals, metals, radioactive substances, petroleum hydrocarbons Studies of human uses lead directly into consideration of their consequences, which, in many cases, may be quite difficult to unravel. Some baseline studies may focus deliberately on those aspects of the environment expected to be affected by a particular planned human activity. Where people have occupied an area for some time, or used it intensively, it becomes nearly impossible to separate clearly some of the features of the environment that are human-induced from those that may be natural phenomena. Thus, reaching the point at which something definitive can be said about the long-range effects of people on the marine environment requires the consolidation of results from a large number of carefully done studies, both large and small. Within NOAA, a wide variety of groups and elements is engaged in research work that addresses many of these subject areas. In most cases, this work is an essential part of fulfilling the agency's statutory missions; however, coincidence of interests with other agencies or organizations has led to the use of NOAA expertise "under contract" to conduct research projects with funding passed through from the outside. ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LABORATORIES (ERL) NOAA's Environmental Research Laboratories, headquartered in Boulder, Colo., house a number of programs that address "202- 1-2 type" problems. Among them are the Marine Ecosystems Analysis (MESA) Program, the Outer Continental Shelf Environmental Assessment Program (OCSEAP), and the program of limnological studies at the Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory (GLERL), Ann Arbor, Mich. MESA, which was formed in 1972, serves as a focal point for cooperative efforts among components of NOAA, other U.S. Government agencies, State and local governments, universities, industries, and various private organizations for investigating regional problems arising from the use of marine and estuarine resources. The program attempts to select projects that deal with impacted or potentially impacted areas where a thorough knowledge of the marine environment is needed, then to fund these studies for the several years it typically takes to complete such work. In fiscal year 1978, MESA included on-going projects in the New York Bight and Puget Sound, as well as the Deep Ocean Mining Environmental Study (DOMES) . In addition, MESA scientists participated in a symposium on the results of studies of the effects of the Argo Merchant tanker grounding, which spilled 29,145,000 liters (7.7 million gallons) of No. 6 fuel oil in the heavily fished waters off Cape Cod, Mass. The Bight Project also organized a symposium entitled "Perspectives on the New York Bight," which prepared a draft of a book summing up what the Project had learned in its 5 years of existence. The MESA Program Office, in cooperation with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), held a workshop in Anchorage, Alaska, in March 1978 to ascertain development prospects for the Prince William Sound region and the studies needed to enable prediction of the effects. Proceedings of the workshop were published in May 1978. GLERL is one of the 11 major ERL facilities. It was established in 1974 to conduct basic and problem-oriented research that would produce an understanding of the lake-land- atmosphere system sufficient to construct useful environmental simulation and prediction models (mathematical models) . These models, in turn, support resource management and environmental services in the Great Lakes Basin. GLERL scientists work closely with their counterparts in Canada, as well as other United States agencies and organizations in furthering these aims. OCSEAP was started by NOAA in 1974 to carry out environmental assessments related to offshore oil and gas development on the Alaska outer continental shelf (OCS). Funding is provided primarily by the Department of the Interior's Bureau of Land Management under an interagency agreement. OCSEAP studies focus on nine identified offshore oil and gas lease areas in the Northeast Gulf of Alaska (NEGOA), the Aleutian Islands 1-3 region, the Bering and Chukchi Seas, and the Arctic waters of the Beaufort Sea. For some years, OCSEAP studies were primarily baseline environmental characterizations; little information was available on the biota, geology, physical oceanography, and other aspects of much of the Alaska marine environment, because of its remoteness and extreme climatic and oceanic conditions. That phase largely ended in 1977> and program scientists have turned to analysis of the potential interactions of proposed human activities and the complex Alaska coastal environment. However, baseline observations are far from complete, as noted in this excerpt from an OCSEAP "synthesis report" on the proposed Kodiak lease area: "The prediction of long-range population trends requires several years' data on fecundity, mortality schedules, and the age of first reproduction. .. .Without this information there is no way that the variations in breeding success reported for different years or localities can be used to estimate whether Alaskan bird populations are stable, growing, or declining. .. .The gathering of such data would take perhaps a decade of intensive effort and probably would involve only a few species and S 1L6S t • • o In the face of shortages of both time and money, OCSEAP scientists have opted to estimate the population characteristics by extrapolating from data collected in other areas. NATIONAL MARINE FISHERIES SERVICE (NMFS) This is the principal organization charged with the complex task of protecting and managing the Nation's living marine resources, and of regulating and supporting the regulation of commercial fishermen and others. In 1976, NOAA was given vast new responsibilities under the Fishery Conservation and Management Act (FCMA), most of which fell to NMFS to carry out (fig. 1). These additional responsibilities have increased its already broad interest in the short- and long-range condition of the oceans and estuaries. Accordingly, NMFS supports a vigorous "habitat investigations program" aimed specifically at analysis of human impacts on the marine environment and the consequences of these for fish, shellfish, marine mammals, and the ecosystems that support them. NMFS carries out a variety of studies -- at least some of which fall into each of the categories mentioned before — through its four major regional centers: the Northwest and Alaska Fisheries Center, Seattle, Wash.; the Southwest Fisheries Center, La Jolla, Calif.; the Southeast Fisheries Center, Miami, Fla.; and the Northeast Fisheries Center, Woods Hole, Mass. In turn, each of these centers comprises a number of component laboratories (fig. 2) and working groups. 1-4 1-5 w CD •H ■P •H H •H O cd Cm a •H O C •H Ih CD o •H > CD w CD •H Ih CD £ W •H Ph CD c •H ctf ctf C O •H •P ctf CM CD 50 •H SUJUJ(A-> j-KOCXS EoowS By the end of calendar year 1977, the eight Regional Fishery Management Councils established under the PCMA had completed fishery management plans to replace 7 of the 13 preliminary plans prepared earlier by the Department of Commerce. Another 35 to 4 0 plans were then in various stages of preparation and review. To support these efforts under the FCMA, the Fisheries Service operates a long-range, nationally coordinated Marine Resources Monitoring, Assessment, and Prediction (MARMAP) program. MARMAP has four components: resource surveys, fishery oceanography, fishery engineering, and fishery analysis. MARMAP cruises are multipurpose expeditions that go considerably beyond the old-style fishery stock assessment cruises to encompass studies of the plankton, water quality, biological and chemical oceanography, and bottom conditions in addition to fishery resource surveys. (The research ship that NMFS diverted to gather data on the Argo Merchant oil spill was originally on a MARMAP cruise.) The MARMAP program produces several products: (1) assessments of the size, composition, and structure of individual stocks of fish and a "total biomass;" (2) analyses of the effects of different management regimes on the stocks and biomass; (3) yield curves and mathematical population models; (4) forecasts and status-of-stocks reports; and (5) support for fishery management decisions and the preparation and revision of fishery management plans. Information derived from MARMAP has been the basis for the acceptance of the concept that fishery management should include consideration of "total biomass" as well as the traditional species-by-species approach. This concept takes into account the fact that the removal of fish of one species affects the ability of other species to survive. "Total biomass" is defined, in practice, as the total weight of all the fish species present, or all of the harvestable species. It provides a basis on which to decide how much of this total biomass can be harvested without depleting the stocks or causing imbalances among the various species. As a result of FCMA, the importance of our marine fishery resources is getting more attention from all sides. The Act provides a basis for effective stewardship of those resources. All of the species of fish that had previously been overfished either by foreign or domestic fishermen are now covered by management plans which are designed to prevent further depletion and allow for restoration of these resources. These efforts may soon make the word "overfishing" obsolete as applied to the fish in U.S. coastal waters. 1-7 Among other NMFS efforts that directly addressed the long- range effects of human activities on the sea in FY 78 were the Ocean Pulse Program, studies of the effects of brine disposal from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, and assessment of the ambient environmental conditions in an active, fully developed offshore oil and gas field in the Gulf of Mexico. These latter two programs were principally funded by the Department of Energy (DOE) and EPA, respectively. Ocean Pulse is a Northeast Fisheries Center (NEFC) program to assess, monitor, and study the health and well-being of the living resources in the waters of the continental shelf between Cape Hatteras and Canada. Its purpose is to provide continuous information on the health of the marine environment, detect natural and human induced changes, investigate the causes of observed changes, and provide baselines from which damage assessments can be made for unpredictable environmental problems, such as spills of oil and toxic materials. In 1978, the program fielded two major multidisciplinary operational test phase cruises, one aboard the NOAA ship Researcher from April 14 to May 4, and another aboard the NOAA fishery research ship Albatross IV from September 2 0 to October 9, 1978. A substantial supplemental budget increase approved by the U.S. Congress at the end of FY 78 was to be used to begin the transition from the test phase to the long-range monitoring and research program. In the Gulf of Mexico, NMFS scientists were involved in two studies of the impact of energy programs. 'As mandated by the Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975 (Public Law 94-163), DOE is establishing a Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR), using solution-mined cavities in underground salt domes near the Gulf. (At this writing, DOE expected to have 39,700 million liters (250 million 42-gallon barrels) of oil in storage by the end of 198 0.) Under an interagency agreement begun in January 1977, NOAA has been studying the effects of dumping into the Gulf the vast quantities of saturated brine produced by the solution mining. The research project is managed by the Marine Environmental Assessment Divison, Center for Environmental Assessment Services, of NOAA's Environmental Data and Information Service (EDIS), and involves other NOAA elements besides NMFS, as well as universities and private organizations. In the Buccaneer oil and gas field, 59 kilometers (32 nautical miles) south-southeast of Galveston, Tex., the NMFS Galveston Laboratory (of the Southeast Fisheries Center-SEFC) has been studying the impact on the environment of operating the 2 production platforms and 13 satellite structures. Study results will include descriptions of changes in the marine environment related to development of the field and production of oil and gas, descriptions of existing conditions, and an ecosystem model 1-8 for predicting the probable fate and effects of oil- and gas- field contaminants on the local marine ecosystem. In December 1977, NOAA and EPA (which is funding the work) reviewed the progress made to provide guidance for the third year of the study. As a result, third-year work will focus on sources, fate, and effects of offshore oil- and gas-field contaminants. In addition to these programs, In FY 78 NMFS scientists studied the effects of various human impacts on the marine environment, and the nature of that environment. Chapter III reports the results. MARINE MINERALS DIVISION The Department of Commerce established a Marine Minerals Division in NOAA in 1975 to help facilitate the commercial development of marine hard mineral resources in an environmentally acceptable way, and to serve as a focal point for NOAA's expanding program in marine minerals. The Marine Minerals Division (now part of the Office of Policy and Planning) is best known for its overview responsibilities for the Deep Ocean Mining Environmental Study (DOMES), the first phase of which began in 1975. The MESA program funds and manages DOMES. Phase I field operations ended in November 1976, and a final report was published by the MESA Program in December 1978 (Deep Ocean Mining of Manganese Nodules in the North Pacific: Pre-mining Environmental Conditions and Anticipated Mining Effects. NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL MESA-33). DOMES Phase II monitoring of the first at-sea prototype deep ocean mining test was carried out from March to early May 1978. A progress report on this work was drafted in late summer 1978. A second prototype systems test was scheduled for October 1978. The Division also began planning for a sand mining environmental assessment project off the U.S. Virgin Islands in November and December 1977. A workshop to identify the work to be done was then held in St. Thomas under joint sponsorship of NOAA and the Virgin Islands Territorial Government. The Virgin Islands is facing a crisis in the availability of reasonably priced sand for construction aggregate. Rather than mine their beaches, an Important tourism resource, or continue to import expensive sand by ship, the Territorial Government proposes to mine a seafloor deposit discovered by the U.S. Geological Survey about 2 miles north of St. Thomas. A 4-year study was planned in FY 78 involving a year of pre-mining environmental studies (FY 79) > a year during which pilot mining occurs (FY 80), and 2 years of post-mining investigations (FY 81-82). 1-9 OFFICE OF SEA GRANT Unlike the other NOAA organizational elements in this chapter, the Sea Grant Program is devoted entirely to supporting, on a matching basis, work done in universities and other nongovernmental institutions. An analysis of the overall program at the end of FY 78 showed that Sea Grant was funding 69 projects in 17 research categories under the general heading of marine environmental quality (which accounts for 6.8 percent of the overall Sea Grant budget). These projects complement those carried out in-house or funded by other NOAA elements, as in the case of a large grant (of funds provided by DOE) to Texas A&M University for a study of the potential and actual effects of disposal of brine from the Bryan Mound, Tex., salt dome oil storage site of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. (See NMFS, above.) Toxic substances studies represented 3 0 percent of the environmental quality budget in FY 78, with 14 of 3 0 projects concerned with metals, and an additional 10 projects aimed at polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). A newly emerging area of Sea Grant research funding is marine microbiology, with 16 projects representing about 2 0 percent of the environmental quality budget at the end of FY 78. NATIONAL OCEAN SURVEY (NOS) The NOAA Ocean Dumping Program is carried out by NOS in response to Section 2 01 of Title II of the Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act of 1972 (Public Law 92-532, see App. B). Accordingly, the NOS Office of Oceanography, Ocean Dumping Program Office (renamed the Ocean Dumping and Monitoring Division in January 1979) submits a separate annual report to the Congress, detailing their work in dumpsite characterization and monitoring, and the study of the effects of dumped waste materials . NOS research and monitoring on ocean dumping in FY 78 focused oh three areas: chemical manufacturing wastes dumpsites in the Gulf of Mexico, dredged material and sewage sludge dumping in the New York Bight, and Deepwater Dumpsite 1 06 (DWD-106), a 6,500 km2 (2,500 mi2) area of open sea located 200 km (106 nmi) southeast of New York's Ambrose Light. Work in all these areas has emphasized not only the present conditions and consequences of past dumping, but the prospects for the longer term as well. In addition, FY 78 saw the start of studies concerned with disposal of dredge spoil near the Mississippi Delta and dumping of wastes from pharmaceutical manufacturing at a site 68 km (42 mi) north of Arecibo, P.R. NOS also has been involved in a 1- year physical oceanographic characterization study of two potential brine discharge sites along the Louisiana coast (West I - 10 Hackberry and Weeks Island) in support of the DOE Strategic Petroleum Reserve. The Section 2 01 ocean dumping research is carried out in cooperation with other Federal agencies such as the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Environmental Protection Agency, and the U.S Coast Guard. I - 11 Chapter II ACTIVITIES AND RESULTS — SPECIFIC STUDIES ~ NOAA studies of long-range effects in fiscal year 1978 generally fall into two categories: studies of whole ecosystems (sometimes emphasizing selected aspects) expected to be affected by present or future human interactions, and studies of individual pollutants or biological hazards. Such specific studies may be part of larger overall projects, or may be done independently, but produce results relevant to many larger syntheses. For example, studies of the effects of crude oil fractions on particular marine species are essential to larger projects aimed at assessing the environmental consequences of petroleum-related activities at sea or in bays and estuaries. PETROLEUM HYDROCARBONS Even in the "cleanest" of ocean-related petroleum operations, some petroleum hydrocarbons (PHCs) may be released to the marine environment, albeit inadvertently or even unknowingly. Two of the "ecosystem projects" described more fully in Chapter III illustrate the point. Close examination, using gas chromatography, of the sediments, waters, and zooplankton of the Bucaneer Oil Field off Galveston in the Gulf of Mexico as part of a project managed by NMFS revealed traces of PHCs in all of them. Nearly all of the PHCs (alkanes), University of Houston researchers concluded, were inevitably introduced in the discharge of brine that had been separated from the crude oil and gas with which it was produced. Although significant amounts were found on occasion, most measurements were extremely low. Discharges from the two production platforms were also low: a mean daily discharge of 95,400 liters (600 barrels) of brine contained 191 grams of petroleum-derived alkanes. (The Buccaneer Field was chosen for the study partly because of its record of very little crude oil spilled — less than 1,000 liters in its 15-year existence.) Concern with the potential effects of shipping petroleum to the lower 48 States is one of the factors motivating the MESA Program to consider a study of Prince William Sound, Alaska. The kinds of problems they will have to deal with were suggested in a presentation at the 1979 Oil Spill Conference by researchers from Rockwell International Corporation and EPA. Port Valdez , the southern terminal of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System (TAPS), is on Valdez Arm at the head of Prince William Sound. The port is equipped with a treatment plant that removes about 99.5 percent of the oil in ballast water discharged ashore by tankers loading oil there. Yet, the plant's average 38 million liters-a-day (10 II - 1 million gallon-a-day) discharge to Valdez Arm contains about 471 liters (124.5 gallons) of aromatic hydrocarbons and dissolved petroleum-derived organic compounds. The plant is capable of processing more than 114 million liters (3 0 million gallons) of ballast a day. Thus, since even under the best conditions some PHCs may reach the marine environment, it is important to find out what effects these compounds may have, and whether they will be degraded or accumulated. In FY 78, several NOAA studies were directed at these questions. One major effort was directed at determining and comparing the sensitivities of 39 Alaska marine species to the water- soluble fractions (WSF) of Cook Inlet crude oil and No. 2 fuel oil (home heating oil). The work was done at the NMFS Northwest and Alaska Fisheries Center (NWAFC) Auke Bay Laboratory. Joint funding was provided by NMFS and by the Interior Department's Bureau of Land Management (BLM) through the NOAA Outer Continental Shelf Environmental Assessment Program (OCSEAP). This was the largest group of animals ever tested under similar test conditions, using the same petroleum oils and analytical methods. The 39 species (table 1) included 9 fish species, 9 arthropod species (crustaceans such as shrimp and crabs), 13 mollusc species (such as clams, mussels, and scallops), 4 echinoderm species (such as starfish), and 2 species each of annelid and nemertean worms. Sensitivities were determined by 96-hour (4-day) static bioassays. Concentrations of aromatic hydrocarbons, the most toxic fraction of crude oil, were determined by gas chromatography. The study used adult or juvenile animals, which are generally much less sensitive to petroleum hydrocarbons than are eggs or larvae. In general, the patterns of sensitivity for both Cook Inlet crude oil and No. 2 fuel oil were the same. However, for the sensitive species, No. 2 fuel oil was consistently more toxic than the crude oil. Although sensitivity generally increased from lower invertebrates to higher invertebrates, and from highei invertebrates to fish (vertebrates), sensitivity was better correlated to the animals' natural habitats. Pelagic (open water) fish and shrimp were the most sensitive animals, and benthic (bottom-dwelling) and some intertidal species ranked as moderately tolerant. The most tolerant species were predominantly from the intertidal zone. These did not die after 4 days of exposure to the highest concentrations of PHC generated (8-12 milligrams per liter total aromatic hydrocarbons), although many were obviously affected. (Starfish, urchins, and subtidal snails could not remain attached to the glass test containers, hermit crabs left their shells, and amphipods and mysids stopped swimming but continued to move.) II - 2 Although static tests are the most practical when used to compare numerous species, such static tests (i.e., the water/oil mixture in the containers was not replaced during the tests) are not the best method for comparing the sensitivities of sensitive pelagic species and tolerant intertidal ones. For example, the oil concentrations in the containers declined during the 4-day test to about 2 0 percent of their original levels. Thus, tolerant species which simply "clam up" and reduce their metabolic functions may not accumulate toxic levels of oil in the 96 hours allotted for the bioassay. II - 3 CD -O 3 £- O P cd 4-5 £-, Ctf P CO CD P P 05 O C? >> JO •o CD c o o o o P CO CD •H -h o e CD L. a CD CD T c •H t, a? E cti J* CO CO CO CD CO CD .e p c CD L C{? a > Li 0) P c I — I m O °^ Cm^* OCP.^ to * p -H *^ CO CD C L. CD cd CO CO • E rH J EH CD r-l JO cd CD Cm CO o •H -p E cd J E En o rH £ cd i cd p o Eh P cd P •H JO cd CO CD E cd C C O E E o o co CD E cd C o p C CD •H O co VO O CO CTnoo LOOO CO O O O rH rH i-h oj coj^- 1 oo OO O f~C— V£> cn-=r mo i OJ in o rH T-t rH OJ on OJ lf\ - CT\V40 -=T OMnoO OO OJ CO t»-00 C7NVO •=*■ LOt CT\0 ON CO • I OJ in CO •sr aooo c7n -=3- 1— oo mm oj C7\c7\ HHHHOjpainHH Ohh^-ooooOsc^ VDOOoj cooo rH rH rH rH i-H rH AAA A A A A A A A A HrHOO rH rH rH rH cd cd cd cd •h »h cd cd cd cd cd •O -a rHrHrHrH T3 -O C C T3 T3 T3 -c T3 OOOOOOOtHtH cdcdcdcdo-H-HOO •H •H «h •H O -H rl rl rl rl rl iH rl P P TOTO'O'O'HPP-P-P PPP P ■H P bO bO bO bO bO,C ,£ S-. L. ■H-HH-HX! Si t./sj^ J-. tl Sj £j ^! t, cdcdcdcdcdPPCDCD PPPPPCDCDCG CD CD CD CD P CD rHrHrHrHrH C C-P-P jojoj3jocp>Pcdcd 4J -p p 4-> C -P CDCDCDCDCDCDCDCG 3d33H)dCHH C c c C CD C aaftaaxiflriri CO CO CO CO JO «H iH QQ, •H nH «H nH JO ,H o cd JO x: CD JO JO to rH cd cd C -H bO ^ t, rH ^ £-. L. «H Cm C O CD CD O 0 0 ja t. U •H O CO Crl 0 cd CD L. C rH «H C C t. a & cd p t. P JO a t. id ch a 3 3 a ESttft S-. «h 3 co E O rH CDTOOOcOrHObO •H «H E E O E s rH CD rC tU S CXP 3 rH JO E-. £-1 «H nH JO jq L. cd TJ 0 H CO Cd rH 3 O Cm P E jnjatiJucdcocDTj CD CD 3 cd CO O > Cd CD O CO CO CO CO Xi JC m G 0 P to E 0 O 3 «H CO >» C >» CD O CO CO O CD O. O L. co E Cm >» CD CO p L. O CO CO >> rH >»iH 73 a £ cd CD •HH^HOtdJjtOM to ex a v bo a l. jz: «h (1) EH^Ct-'H ft» to CD 1 P X CD OrHCrHjOCDCdCDO u CD X nH C 3 CdO-Hcdd^-PS-iO t4 d (Drld 3 (d 6 >> cd Sh -h ,C •H rH fcQft^-PhOKlOO bO.C i*J ftitj (XjC cd E p bO to £ Q.J0 ja to •H CD p t. cd 3 JC to 4i O a c X! 0 CD •H P CT\ CD ^! Li 40 CD p I Cm 1 cd CO to P rH •H cd E E •H •H rH c cd CD O CD C £ cd 4-> u CD O rHjC (U-Hrl 3 -H «H cd «H 3 o 3 L. ftBHHO acO Q-, ffi Li E oo ax> cd c ■H CO cd L. cd 3 p hO e p cd rH cd cd CD 3 cd cd p cd rH c cd o Li P p o cd P •H cd cd (0 •H CD 3 rH ■H CD cd a ^J p o L. a CO o CO C C ■H d p cd i-H £i ^ CO a 3 •H rH a •H Li rH E CO P> p rH rH CO •H >J «H •H CD CD cd cd •H CO cd rH rH X •p bfl rH CD cd cd O CD cd E rH CD CD L. CD iH a3 c rH p C •H cd cd > O CD > CD e •H rH cd •H •H rH £ CD £ E CO o L CD •H L. L. c CO P CD CO •H cd cd O rH cd O CO co 3 •H O CO C ^ i-H o ,c •H cd ta P •H 3 P CD E C cd CD rH p p c a L, P cd rH a CO Li L. cd L. C O o cd o o cd •H rC O CD TJ CD cd CD cd ■H O 55 M ^ ss S J ->• O 53 •H 55 ffi p D-, 1-3 rH L. CD CD • •••••• •••£* • • E • • vot--ooc7\0I-ic\joo-=rinC O l>- CD DO CT\ cm C\J CvJ C\J co CO OO OO OO oo < OO oo 2 OO OO II - 5 In the real world, the vulnerability of living organisms is a complex question that requires consideration of the species, the life stages involved, the amount and length of exposure, and interaction of the oil and animal with the physical and biological environment. For example, although pelagic species were most sensitive to the oil in these tests, they are mobile animals and can avoid oil spills in the ocean. On the other hand, benthic and intertidal species might be more vulnerable because of the potential for mixing and entrainment of oil in the waters of their shallow, nearshore habitats, and for oil to coat them or the substrates on which they graze or their larvae settle. Exposures to petroleum in these comparative bioassays are acute (high-level) lethal exposures. There are no comparative data on the sensitivity of pelagic, benthic, or intertidal species to chronic (low-level, long-term) oil exposures. However, chronic addition of oil to the marine environment usually results in increases of hydrocarbon content of adjacent benthic sediments, and therefore the effects of oil-contaminated sediments on marine animals are important. Some measure of the effects of contaminated sediments on marine animals that live in contact with them was gained from a study using English sole (Parophrys vetulus), rock sole (Lepidopsetta bilineata) and starry flounder (Platichthys stellatus) . In a BLM/OCSEAP-f unded study at the NWAPC, these demersal (bottom-dwelling) fish were exposed to sediments contaminated with varying levels of petroleum hydrocarbons. English sole exposed to sediments having more than 5 00 parts per million (ppm) hydrocarbons for 1 month developed severe liver abnormalities and changes in their blood. When exposed to oiled sediment for more than 4 months, the number of fish not gaining weight was significantly higher than for fish on unoiled sediment, and some of the exposed fish became severely emaciated. The dangers of contact with oiled sediments were suggested by other studies which demonstrated that the skin of salmonids and flatfish (such as sole and flounder) is actively involved in the uptake and discharge of naphthalenes (a major class of petroleum hydrocarbons) and metabolic products of naphthalenes. Starry flounder was found to have four times as much hydrocarbon metabolites as parent hydrocarbons in the skin 1 week after an exposure, indicating the fish's ability to metabolize hydrocarbons rapidly. The fish's ability to metabolize an important petroleum hydrocarbon may seem all to the good, yet the resulting metabolites, like the original naphthalenes, accumulate in the flounder's body. (Similar results were shown for coho salmon, II - 6 Oncorhynchus kisutch.) Thus, low concentrations of naphthalenes in the water in areas of petroleum industry operations nonetheless could cause substantial increases in body burdens of these compounds and their metabolites in fish. Related work using mammalian systems shows that metabolites of such polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) constitute one group of toxic factors that can lead to neoplasia (tumor growth) and other deleterious biological changes such as liver abnormalities. Lenses of the eyes of rainbow trout (a salmonid, Salmo gairdneri) chronically exposed to a high level of petroleum in their diet were found to hydrate and may form cataracts eventually. In the wild, these "sublethal" changes could strongly affect the fishes' chances of survival, although they might not kill the fish outright. Outside the laboratory, of course, fish often may be exposed to a number of stresses at once, especially in areas of human activity. Accordingly, NWAPC researchers attempted to determine the combined effects of PAH with such other contaminants as cadmium, lead, and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) . The work was funded under an interagency agreement between NOAA and EPA. Starry flounders exposed to cadmium and lead, in addition to naphthalene, were found to produce less of the metabolite (a dihydrodiol) of naphthalene than those exposed only to naphthalene. Cadmium was found to have a similar effect in coho salmon, although concentrations of naphthalene metabolites in livers of the two species differed markedly. Thus, these two metals appear to interfere with the biotransformation of naphthalene--reducing the fishes' capacity to respond to petroleum contamination by metabolizing components of the oil. In coho and Chinook (0_. tshawytscha) salmon exposed to combinations of chlorobiphenyls (PCBs) and hydrocarbons in their food for 3 to 4 weeks, structural changes were noted in gills, skin, liver, and intestines. In chinook salmon, only the PCBs caused changes in liver structures. However, the salmon's intestines were more extensively damaged when hydrocarbons and PCBs were administered together in the fishes' food than when either was given alone. Data from laboratory studies using excised liver cells suggest that the combination of PCBs and hydrocarbons acts to negate the stimulating effect on liver enzymes that would accompany separate administration of the two compounds, and thus lowers the production of hydrocarbon metabolites. In addition to these direct effects on the adult and juvenile fish, oil pollution can have serious consequences for the long-range survival of marine species through inhibition of their reproductive success. II - 7 For example, a mixture of petroleum hydrocarbons in the water at concentrations of 0.7 ppm and higher inhibited the upstream migration of spawning adult salmon. Interestingly, salmon migrating early in the run were more strongly affected by the hydrocarbons than those arriving late in the run.- Outside an experimental situation, however, this inhibition may not occur. Depending on the time of migration and environmental factors such as temperature and water siltation, a significant reduction in salmon migration may be evident only at hydrocarbon concentrations greater than 2 to 3 ppm. Considering the high volatility of some of the hydrocarbons involved and their low proportion in some crude oils (0.98 percent in Prudhoe Bay crude) , the chances are small that a sufficient concentration for a long enough time to inhibit seriously the salmon spawning runs would be attained in the natural environment. On the other hand, the same NWAFC/OCSEAP project found that salmon exposed to lesser concentrations of (monoaromatic) hydrocarbons than those that inhibited spawning runs nonetheless delayed their return to their home stream by 2 days. Although the significance of such an apparently short delay is unknown, successful salmon migration is correlated with a variety of reproductive physiological and environmental conditions. Thus, at certain critical periods a disruption in migratory timing may be enough to impair spawning success. Some invertebrates may be even more vulnerable to minute quantities of petroleum hydrocarbons in the water than are fish. Exposure of mature dorid nudibranchs (molluscs) to a seawater-soluble fraction of Prudhoe Bay crude oil for 1 to 14 days at concentrations of 1 0 parts per billion (ppb) and more produced a notable drop in their reproductive success. This appears to be due to a lessened capacity to find other individuals of the same species to mate with, a decrease in the number of eggs deposited, and to disruption of the development of the hatched organisms. These findings are particularly important, because the eggs and spermatozoa of most commercial species of molluscs and of many commercially important vertebrates are exuded directly into the water where fertilization takes place. Coupled with last year's findings that similar levels of PHCs strongly affect the feeding behavior of spot shrimp, this suggests the potential for harm of even very small amounts of petroleum in the natural marine environment. Similar results were obtained in a Sea Grant-funded study at North Carolina State University of the effects of the water- soluble fraction (WSF) of crude oil on harpacticoid copecods. The minute animals were exposed to WSF at 2 00 ppm, 100 ppm, and 5 0 ppm. Whereas normal brood size was 14.41 eggs per female, the II - 8 exposed copepods produced 8.37, 8.44, and 8.35 eggs per female, respectively. However, there was no difference in the mean lifetimes or mean number of broods for any of the groups. Because zooplankton such as copepods are a major component of the diets of almost all fish species during part of their cycles, decline in zooplankton abundance might (especially over the long term) be reflected in a decline in fish stocks. But what about the oil itself? What is its long-term fate once spilled into the marine environment? Two studies managed by the MESA Puget Sound Project and funded by EPA contributed to understanding of this "other side of the coin." (See also the Buccaneer oil field project in Chapter III.) The interaction of Prudhoe Bay crude oil and Puget Sound area riverine sediments was examined by scientists from the NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory (PMEL) in Seattle. Under optimum conditions, the sediments proved capable of accommodating and settling from 17 percent to 100 percent of their own weight in oil. The percentage varied with sediment texture, water temperature, and the concentration of oil relative to that of sediment. Knowledge of this mechanism is useful for the light it sheds on the subsequent (after an oil spill, for example) suspension and transport of the oil/sediment mixture in the water column, and the redistribution and settling of the oiled sediments, possibly making them more available to benthic, detrital-f eeding organisms. Among the organisms that might be faced with spills of Prudhoe Bay crude are the microbial populations of the nearshore water column and sediments of northern Puget Sound and the Strait of Juan de Puca. University of Alberta workers examined the interaction of these microbes with crude oil, again under the MESA Puget Sound Project and with EPA funding. No degradation of the oil by the microbes was observed after either a 28-day incubation of oil and microbes at 8°C, or a 14-day incubation at 3 0°C. However, when nitrogen and phosphorus were added to the experimental medium all samples proved to have bacteria capable of utilizing the n-alkane fraction of the oil. Thus, in the laboratory at least, about one-third of the oil was lost to microbial action, one-third to weathering, and one-third remained as a residue. Carrying its studies of the interactions of oil and organisms into the natural world, the MESA Puget Sound Project late in FY 78 awarded a contract to Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories to document the processes and rates of infaunal (burrowing organisms) recolonization of experimentally oiled sediments. Samples of intertidal sediments were given measured doses of oil in the laboratory, then placed in semipermeable boxes in beaches at Sequim Bay and Protection Island. At intervals throughout FY 79, samples were to be taken from the boxes and examined for loss of oil and recruitment of marine organisms. The study is aimed at documenting the effects of II - 9 crude oil on density and kinds of colonizers, rates of oil loss from the sediment, rates of recruitment (recolonization) , characteristics of the new infaunal communities, and the influence of factors such as season, tidal elevation, sediment texture, and exposure. CHLORINATED (MANMADE) HYDROCARBONS Among the many and varied human alterations of the natural environment, perhaps none has shown so great a potential for harm as the introduction of massive quantities of chlorinated hydrocarbons. Yet, these supposed "villains" of the chemical world were introduced to solve some of mankind's most pressing problems: PCBs enabled the production of highly efficient electrical devices thanks to their superior electrical insulating and heat transfer properties; DDT has been the foremost weapon against the mosquitoes that transmit yellow fever; herbicides such as 2,4-D and 2,4,5-T have found wide use in controlling noxious weeds (and in war as defoliants) . With annual U.S. production of chemical pesticides of more than 726 million kilograms (1.6 billion pounds) as of 1975, it has become clear that maintenance of the health of the ocean and other aquatic ecosystems will require improved knowledge of the effects and fate of chlorinated hydrocarbons, as well as other toxic substances. That chlorinated hydrocarbons detrimentally affect marine phytoplankton (minute floating plants that are at the base of the food chain) has been known for more than a decade. Several studies aimed at determining how these substances act and what the implications of their presence are for marine ecosystems were completed in FY 78 with MESA New York Bight Project support. In general, chlorinated hydrocarbons (CHCs) cause changes in both cell division and photosynthesis, and this, in turn, may produce changes in the nature of phytoplankton communities. The organisms susceptible, the magnitude and nature of the effects, and the cellular system impaired vary with pollutant type, dosage, and environmental conditions. On the basis of MESA-sponsored and other research, it appears that halogenated hydrocarbons (the larger group that Includes chlorinated compounds) may be divided into at least two classes: high molecular weight compounds, including PCBs, DDT, DDE, dieldrin, and endrin, which are acutely toxic to phytoplankton even at low concentrations; and compounds with smaller molecules, such as trichloroethylene (TCE) and hexachlorobenzene (HCB), which are relatively low in toxicity to algal populations. Tests of the effects of DDE (a degradation product of DDT II - 10 that is slow to break down in the environment) on the marine dinoflagellate Exuviella baltica showed that concentrations as low as 25 micrograms per liter ( g/1 ; roughly, parts per billion, ppb) of seawater were sufficient to inhibit photosynthesis and cell division. Lower cell reproduction rates result in reduced cell densities, perhaps also thereby lowering the productivity of a given volume of water. DDE also lowers cell productivity directly by suppressing the carbon assimilation essential to development of new cell structures. Chlordane and heptachlor (insecticides) were found to produce effects similar to those of DDE: both reduce cell densities and carbon uptake. However, here, reductions in carbon assimilation appeared to result from impaired chlorophyll a. function. Chlordane, but not heptachlor, also causes cell disintegration at concentrations at or above 5 0 g/1. Dieldrin and PCBs have also been found to cause such disintegrations. Chlordane, however, proved to have relatively short-lived effects on a culture of mixed species of estuarine phytoplankton compared with the impact of PCBs in a Sea Grant-funded study at the State University of New York (SUNY), Stony Brook, Long Island (also the site of MESA New York Bight Project headquarters). Daily addition of chlordane or Aroclor 1254 (PCB) to a phytoplankton culture reduced algal growth and carbon-14 uptake per unit of chlorophyll _a. Inhibition by the chlordane lasted for 24 to 48 hours, and the community cell-size distribution was not much altered. The PCB, on the other hand, caused longer term effects and inhibited the growth of larger phytoplankton (such as large centric diatoms) more than that of smaller forms (such as pennate diatoms and microf lagellates) . Thus, the PCB shifted the composition of the phytoplankton community in favor of small-size algae, a change that may affect the fish stocks used by recreational and commercial fishermen. In an overall assessment of the implications of increasing PCB contamination of the marine environment, MESA New York Bight Project workers concluded that the compounds threaten marine resources in three ways: PCBs act to reduce primary productivity; they are a toxic substance which is taken up by food organisms; and they tend to change the structure of marine food webs with a consequent reduction in the size of fishery stocks . The susceptibility of phytoplankton to cell disintegration by PCBs varies from species to species and depends partially on factors such as temperature and season. As a rule, however, large phytoplankters such as diatoms tend to be affected more severely than small ones, as found in the SUNY/Stony Brook study. Independent scientists have suggested that, in general, harvestable fish are supported by short food chains with II - 11 relatively large species of phy top lank ton as a base. Pood chains with small species of phytoplankton as a base tend to be longer (that is, have more participants) and to support organisms not usually harvested by humans such as jellyfish and ctenophores (comb jellies) . On the other hand, living phytoplankton can actively excrete PCBs, unlike acutely toxic chlorinated hydrocarbons such as DDT. This, MESA scientists think, may suggest the reason why PCBs are not accumulated in the food chain as are other chlorinated hydrocarbons. Some other reasons are suggested by two Sea Grant studies which found, respectively, that one PCB (Arochlor 1254) has very low solubility in seawater (28 ppb average) and that PCBs can be degraded by some freshwater bacteria. PCBs' low solubility, which gets lower with increasing salinity, suggests that these compounds will be found almost exclusively on suspended particles and in the bottom sediments and rarely dissolved in the water column. A bacterial strain, of the genus Alkaligenes, that was isolated from a lake sediment was found to be able to metabolize various PCB components in a Sea Grant-funded study at the University of Wisconsin. The bacterium was able to degrade even highly chlorinated PCBs through an oxidative route. The degradation takes place in two major steps: first, yellow metabolic intermediates are produced; then, these are broken down to the corresponding chlorobenzoic acids. The bacterium appeared to be able to further metabolize certain of these chlorinated benzoic acids as well. In general, the study showed that degradation of PCBs becomes increasingly difficult as the degree of chlorination increases. The identification of such bacteria, of course, is an important part of the effort to understand the ultimate fate of these long-lived compounds in the environment. The fungicide captan, on the other hand, proved to have a relatively low toxicity for dungeness crabs and a high rate of degradation (half-life of 23 to 54 hours) in seawater in tests at Oregon State University. That would suggest that this one chlorinated hydrocarbon, at least, may pose little or no threat to crab populations when used on agricultural lands near marine waters. Captan appeared to accelerate hatching of crab eggs at concentrations ranging from 100yg/l to 10,000 Mg/1 (the highest concentration tested) and, in a 24-hour test, aid not inhibit development from the prezoeae stage. However, at 3,300yg/l and 10,000 yg/1 the developing zoeae exhibited swelling and enlarged carapaces, and were largely inactive. Zoea survival in a 69-day test was unaffected by a captan concentration of 3 0 ug/1, but that level delayed molting in later crab stages. Dungeness crab larvae were killed in 9 days by concentrations of 45 0 yg/1, but II - 12 juvenile crabs were able to withstand 510 vg/1 for 36 days or 290 yg/1 for 80 days. All adult crabs exposed to 340' yg/1 captan in seawater for 75 days also survived. But if captan is of little danger to the marine environment, use of the herbicide 2,4,5-T may be a danger because of its contaminant, introduced during manufacture, dioxin, (2,3,7,8- tetrachlorodibenzo-p_-dioxin, or TCDD) . In a year-long study at the University of Wisconsin, supported by the Sea Grant program and the U.S. Public Health Service, eight female rhesus monkeys were fed a diet containing 500 parts per trillion (10 ) of dioxin for 9 months. All the monkeys became anemic within 6 months after the start of the experiment, and suffered widespread cellular degeneration (pancytopenia) after 9 months. Five of the eight monkeys died between the 7th and 12th months of the experiment. Death of the monkeys was attributed to complications arising from the severe degeneration of all their bodily tissues. The animals suffered widespread hemorrhaging and failure of their bone marrow and lymph nodes (both important factors in resistance to disease) . Their ability to generate white and red blood cells appeared to be severely impaired, with levels of both kinds of cells dropping drastically in most of the monkeys. Swelling and overgrowth of some body parts, and drastic changes in bodily tissues were found at autopsy; skin eruptions were common, and the animals lost most of their hair. 2,4,5-T is a slightly water-soluble herbicide (278 mg/1 ) of many uses. In 197 0, U.S. production was reported as 5,595,000 kg (12,335,000 pounds). It was one of the principal ingredients in "herbicide orange," the defoliant used in Vietnam. (The other was 2,4-D; both were classed as phenoxy compounds rather than chlorinated hydrocarbons in an American Chemical Society report.) U.S. Air Force figures for the levels of dioxin present in stocks of "orange" left over after the Vietnam war showed a maximum concentration of 1.91 mg/kg (ppm) of TCDD. If that were the case in presently available stocks of agricultural herbicide, it would suggest that TCDD is being applied to unwanted foliage at levels approaching 4,000 times those in the experimental diet fed to the rhesus monkeys. METALS Metals are normally present in the marine environment in varying amounts depending on such factors as geology of the nearby shore and drainage basins of tributary streams, internal ocean circulation, sea floor geothermal activity, and biological activity that may either release metals in one form or another to the water or bind free metals, perhaps delivering them to the bottom sediments in fecal pellets or the remains of dead organisms. II - 13 Naturally occurring metal concentrations apparently play important roles in the sea as suggested by one Sea Grant study at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. There, laboratory experiments have shown that the organism responsible for "red tide" outbreaks in New England — the dinoflagellate Gonyaulax tamarensis - is quite sensitive to copper (in the cupric form) ions. Data from the study suggest that growth of G_. tamarensis may be inhibited totally by the natural copper content of ocean waters, although the copper had little or no effect on four other algal species examined. It appears that only when the cupric ions are organically chelated (chemically bound by a class of ring compounds), thus lessening their availability in the water, can G_. tamarensis cells multiply to the numbers involved in a "red tide" outbreak. That this sort of thing is not solely a saltwater phenomemon was shown in a Sea Grant study at the State University of New York. Nutrient enrichment analyses revealed that both chelated and unchelated iron affect the photosynthetic rate of natural phytoplankton communities in eastern Lake Erie. Depending on the form, the concentration, and the time of year, the study found, iron additions (such as from wastewater treatment plants were iron is used for phosphorus removal) may either stimulate or inhibit algal photosynthesis. A good deal of attention has been paid to the problems, both present and potential, of metals in the marine environment by the MESA New York Bight Project, and by NOAA's Northeast Fisheries Center (NEPC) laboratories at Milford, Conn., and Sandy Hook, N.J., and Southeast Fisheries Center laboratory at Charleston, S.C. Heavy metals enter the New York Bight (NYB) through estuarine outflow, ocean dumping, atmospheric transport, and coastal runoff. That the metals are dispersed and transported by ocean water movements, and possibly biologically accumulated, is shown by their concentrations in fish and shellfish from the entire Middle Atlantic Bight, far beyond the confines of the areas where, presumably, they were introduced. Principal component analysis of data on arsenic, cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, mercury, selenium, silver, and zinc concentrations in muscle and liver samples from NYB fish and shellfish has shown concentrations generally consistent with those in sediments. These are highest in areas where wastes and runoff are concentrated. Metal concentrations were generally highest in crustaceans, followed (in order) by molluscs, demersal (bottom-dwelling) fish, and pelagic fish. However, averaged data did not show concentrations of individual or combined metals that exceed regulatory standards for human consumption or that are known to affect the species themselves. II - 14 Past studies have shown that scallops are capable of attaining remarkably high concentrations of some metals in organs such as kidneys or digestive glands. Since sea scallops (Placopecten magellanicus) are a major commercial species in the mid-Atlantic Bight, scientists from the NEPC Milford Laboratory surveyed the concentrations of eight metals in samples collected from 42 stations running the full length of the area (fig. 3). Sea scallops ranked fifth in terms of weight landed in the United States in 1975, after surf clams, American oysters, hard clams, and soft clams. In the period 1971-75, total annual scallop landings averaged 2,900 metric tons (about 3,200 short tons), with an average value of $11.1 million. The two principal stocks of sea scallops are on Georges Bank off Cape Cod in 4 0 to 95 m of water, and in the area south of Long Island and east of New Jersey in 35 to 75 m of water. Landings were projected to increase in the late 197 0's because of widespread recruitment of young scallops in 1972. The scallops were analyzed for concentrations of silver, cadmium, chromium, copper, mercury, nickel, lead, and zinc in muscle tissue (the edible part), gonads, and total visceral mass. In muscle, most metal concentrations were below the detection limits of the analytical method. Zinc levels, however, ranged from 2 to 8 ppm, although there was no correlation of the amount with geographic distributions. Mercury proved to be below detection limits (0.08 to 0.18 ppm) and, therefore, well below the "action limit" of 0.5 ppm established by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. In gonads, silver, cadmium, copper, and zinc were shown to be present, while chromium, mercury, nickel, and lead were usually below detection limits. Again, there was no evidence that concentrations varied with geographic distribution of the scallops. In the viscera, only mercury and lead were usually below detection limits; cadmium levels, however, were several orders of magnitude greater than in gonads or muscle. Here too, geography made no difference in the levels of metals detected. Some surprises turned up in a comparison of the results of the sea scallop study with those of a recent similar study of surf clams (Spisula solidissima) and ocean quahogs (Arctlca islandica) by scientists at the NEPC Woods Hole, Mass., and Milford, Conn., Laboratories. Sea scallops are usually found farther offshore than the other two species, and one would expect them to have lower levels of metals. Yet, except for silver and cadmium, metal concentrations in the whole clams proved to be quite similar to those in the whole visceral mass (deemed to be the best comparison, whole scallops were not analyzed) of the scallops. Silver, as expected, was found at levels two-to-five times higher in surf clams and quahogs than in the scallops. Cadmium levels, on the other hand, were less than 0.13 ppm in the II - 15 42' 40' 38' 36' New / York / \ > Raritan \ s Bay V Apex ,18 .17 ^S N^-.ioofm-^/w' 20 • »19 /'••'V (182m) A/ew Yo/7r 8/'gr/?f ' .22 ,-V 23# /A 24 ••••25*' • 27 • • 3o.-28ry26 32. •••m ,36.35 ^31'2 37« • >v 33 • 38 AX34 39 40 41 •/ 42 •) / \ \ i Oregon Inlet \ l Cape Hatteras .A L ATLANTIC OCEAN 74' 72' 70' 68' 66' Figure 3. The Middle Atlantic Bight Region and locations of stations where scallops were collected for trace metal analyses. II - 16 surf clams, about 0.4 ppm in the quahogs, but from 2.7 to 27.0 ppm in scallop viscera. No obvious explanation for this offshore cadmium concentration has presented itself, and further research is likely. The surf clam/ocean quahog study turned up another interesting finding: concentrations of several of the metals examined decreased from the north end of the study area to the south. Average silver levels in the ocean quahogs, for example, dropped from 2.62 ppm (wet weight) off Montauk Point on the eastern end of Long Island to 0.58 ppm off the mouth of Chesapeake Bay. This was not the case for all the nine metals studied, but nonetheless suggests that a large offshore area is affected by heavy metals, and the more so off the more heavily populated coastal regions. With the surf clam and ocean quahog fishery increasing in importance, because of depletion of other clam species, further study seems warranted to determine the long-range trends in heavy metal concentrations. For the present, the levels found were all quite low compared to an Australian standard (the United States only has a standard for mercury; all samples were well below it), with the exception of arsenic, which was found to average 2.1 ppm in surf clams and 3.0 ppm in ocean quahogs, compared with the standard's maximum of 1.14 ppm. But scallops and clams are sedentary creatures living on the ocean floor. What about metal levels in finfish? Milford Lab researchers looked at the levels of nine metals in five fish species: red hake (Urophycis chuss), smooth dogfish (Mustelus canis) , white hake (U_. tenuis) , winter flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus), and yellowtail flounder (Limanda f erruginea) . The fish were collected from 3 locations in Long Island Sound and 13 in the New York Bight. With few exceptions, metal concentrations were quite similar in the five species. In some cases, concentrations were quite diferent from what would have been predicted based on where the fish were caught. For example, winter flounder were collected at two stations in Long Island Sound — one in the western sound in waters considered heavily polluted, and the other just off the shore of Long Island across the sound from New Haven, Conn. Copper, manganese, and zinc concentrations in the livers of the flounders, however, proved to be about twice as great for the "unpolluted" station as for the one in the western sound. Other metals were similar in magnitude. Even in winter yellowtail flounders from a sampling site in the disposal area for New York City's sewage sludge, metal levels did not vary widely from those found in fish at several other stations, including some that were relatively far offshore. Thus, it appears that dumping sewage sludge has no demonstrable impact on metal concentrations in winter yellowtail flounders. II - 17 Despite this apparent good news, previous studies (see earlier reports in this series) have clearly shown the potential of heavy metals for harming marine biota. Even at low levels, metals can be toxic, or may alter behavior in varying ways. Metals have been clearly implicated in the drastic decline in productivity of sport and commercial marine species in inshore and estuarine waters in the New York City area. For .example, an NEPC Sandy Hook Laboratory study found that copper levels in waters of western Raritan Bay ranged up to 65 yg/1 (roughly, parts per billion) -- the highest levels ever reported at the time of the study. Other work has shown that copper levels of as little as 2 0 yg/1 are fatal to at least one kind of fish (sticklebacks), and far lesser amounts (2.4 yg/1) provoke avoidance behavior in Atlantic salmon. But pollutants do not often appear singly; mixtures of various toxic and/or merely obnoxious substances are common, especially in industrial harbors and areas affected by sewage effluents. For example, in the same location in Raritan Bay at which the unusually high copper levels were found, a separate study found a concentration of long-chain (C]c+) hydrocarbons of 3,672 ppm (dry weight) in the sediments. For comparison, Lower Bay waters sampled in a transect from Sandy Hook to Rockaway Point had levels of 22 ppm, 10 ppm (midchannel) , and 6 ppm of Cir+ hydrocarbons, respectively. This PHC survey was a joint effort of the NEFC Sandy Hook Laboratory and Exxon Production Research Co. Thus, laboratory studies of the effects of combinations of pollutants are particularly important. As work at NWAFC (described earlier in this chapter under "Petroleum Hydrocarbons") has shown, metals (lead and cadmium) affect fishes' ability to metabolize naphthalene, an important PHC, and the effect is not the same for the two species tested (starry flounder and coho salmon). This suggests, as other studies have done, that varying types and mixes of pollutants not only may affect marine life directly, but can also alter the balance among the numbers and distributions of different species (as may occur, for example, when natural copper in the water becomes chemically tied up, resulting in a "red tide"). Such an alteration could, presumably, have an effect similar to that of overfishing a particular species: other, possibly less-desirable species might move in to fill the emptied ecological niche. Eventually, knowledge generated in the many and diverse studies of the effects of pollution and other man-induced changes of ocean ecosystems may be brought together in overall descriptions of the functioning of these ecosystems under both natural and perturbed conditions. One useful form of II - 18 environmental description is the mathematical model, a tool used increasingly to enable prediction of the possible consequences of a particular decision or occurrence. The development of models that can predict the response of the ocean environment on a large scale depends, to a considerable extent, on the availability of effective submodels that deal with discrete parts of that environment. One such smaller model was developed at the University of Maine, with Sea Grant funding, to predict the uptake, accumulation, and loss of radionuclides by the American oyster (Crassostrea virginica). Oysters for the study were grown in the thermal effluent from the Maine Yankee nuclear powerplant at four locations in the Montsweag Bay estuary of the Sheepscot River and at a control station in the nearby Damariscotta River estuary. A model was developed to predict, on the basis of the liquid radionuclide effluent release schedule of the powerplant, the specific radioactivity of the isotopes manganese-54 cobalt-58, cobalt-60, cesium-134, and cesium-137 in the oysters. The model takes into account such items as the physical half-lives of the radionuclides, their biological half-lives (residence time in the oysters' bodies), water temperature, and oyster shell growth. Comparison of model predictions with actual measurements of the oysters showed close agreement. One direction for future research on the effects of metals, as well as other pollutants, was suggested in an SEFC draft report: "While numerous studies of heavy metals in tissues of marine organisms have been made, generally the significance of increased body burdens of toxic metals has not been assessed. A recent (1978) report from the International Council for the Exploration of the Seas (ICES) states: 'Data are accumulating on concentrations of pollutants in sea water and on residues in organisms, and much experimental evidence is available relating water concentrations to effects, but there are surprisingly few studies which connect all three -- water levels, residues, and effects in an unequivocal way.'... " BIOLOGICAL HAZARDS The effects of peoples' activities on ocean ecosystems are not always obvious or immediate. They may manifest themselves only slowly, perhaps in the gradual disappearance of a species of fish, or the closing of more and more shellfish beds because of II - 19 biological or chemical contamination. Scientists suspect that some apparently acute events such as fish kills may have their roots in years of increasing stress on the organisms from human alterations of their natural environments. Tracing the connections, however, can be a long and difficult process. In September 1977, from 200 to 400 large (up to 67 lb) striped bass turned belly-up in western Long Island Sound along the Connecticut coast between Stamford and Norwalk. Connecticut officials asked the NEPC Milford Laboratory for help in finding the cause. The immediate cause turned out to be the gram- negative bacterium Pasteurella piscicida — the same organism that had caused a die-off of white perch and striped bass in Chesapeake Bay in 1963 and which regularly plagues Japanese aquaculturists. It had not previously been encountered as far north as Long Island Sound, yet P. piscicida is normally present in waters inhabited by the bass TMorone saxatilis) with no known ill effects. The suggestion is strong that the fishes' defense mechanisms may have been weakened by polluted waters of the western Sound, but, again, finding out what triggered the bacterial attack would require a large, separate study. The MESA/NYB Project put a considerable effort into finding the reasons for and the incidence of "fin rot" in fishes of the New York Bight and adjacent waters. The 4-year effort ended in FY 78, leaving some questions still unanswered. Between 1973 and 1975, the incidence of fin rot (or fin erosion disease) in the winter flounder declined from 12 percent to 3 percent; the trend continued and by October 1978 was observed to be less than 1 percent. The reason for the decline is unknown, as is the reason for the disease in the first place. In an attempt to determine if fin rot is related to the discharge of toxic wastes, the NYB Project compared the incidence of the disease in the Duwamish (Wash.) River estuary, the southern California Bight, and the New York Bight. To narrow the range of possible causative agents, trace contaminant levels were measured in fishes with eroded fins and were compared with levels in normal fish from the same area and from control areas; sediments were also analyzed for contaminants. Total PCB concentrations in the selected flatfish species from the three regions were similar: median muscle levels differed by less than a factor of 10; median liver levels by less than a factor of 5; and brain levels were not statistically different. Levels of total DDT differed by two-to-three orders of magnitude. In the flatfish species tested, changes in liver size or fat content appeared to be correlated with exposure to chlorinated hydrocarbons. II - 20 The findings were primarily negative, however. No causal evidence was found, for example, linking PCBs to fin rot. And, for the trace metals studied, no common patterns of accumulation or depression were found among the three regions. The study did not rule out the possibility that processes leading to fin rot are mainly external and do not involve the uptake of toxic substances. "Black gill disease," which affects benthic crustaceans from New York to Cape Hatteras, is another pathological syndrome whose cause continued to elude investigators. The disease affects creatures that walk, rather than swim, over bottom sediments and which, therefore, are in direct contact with whatever is on the seafloor. Blackening of the gills is accompanied by development of nodules and other tissue abnormalities on the gill lamellae. Scientists at the NEFC Oxford, Md., Laboratory (on the eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay) have completed a 5-year study of the disease, principally in rock crabs (Cancer irroratus) and American lobsters (Homarus americanus) and plan to submit a final report to the MESA program in FY 1979. At first, examination of the crabs and lobsters suggested that the disease might be associated with accumulation of particles from dumped sewage and dredged material on the crustaceans' gills. However, more recent data show that the disease is present in animals from a wide area, far beyond any dump sites. Although this does not eliminate dumped materials as possible causative agents, it suggests that perhaps a more general category of materials such as light, flocculent sediments may be involved. The disease has not been observed in rock crabs from waters north of New York; no explanation for this has been found, or proposed. In an effort to understand what natural diseases affect fish living in a relatively pristine environment, NWAFC examined 130,000 bottom-dwelling fish (60 species) and 28,000 invertebrates (45 species) from Alaska waters for externally visible abnormalities. As part of the 4-year study (1975-78), the scientists recorded the prevalence, geographical distribution, and biological and pathological characteristics of diseased fish found. This monumental survey was partly funded through OCSEAP with money from the Interior Department's Bureau of Land Management. In general, both fish and invertebrates turned out to be overwhelmingly healthy. Of the approximately 6 0 species of fish examined, only 9 species had visible pathological conditions; 25 of 35 invertebrate species examined from the Norton Sound-Chukchi Sea area were disease-free; and 4 0 of 45 invertebrate species from the Gulf of Alaska were also free of detectable II - 21 abnormalities. In the fish, seven types of pathological conditions were found: three types of tumorous growths, three kinds of lesions presumably caused by microorganisms, and one type of parasitic infestation. Abnormalities in the invertebrates included parasitic infestations, fungal infections, and two conditions whose cause is unknown. The pathological conditions observed proved to have uneven distributions, and a considerable variation in species specificity was noted for some conditions. For example, lymphocystis of yellowfin sole (Limanda aspera) and ring-shaped lesions of Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephala) were found only in the Bering Sea, whereas tumor-bearing flathead sole (Hippoglossoides elassodon) were found only in the Gulf of Alaska. Generally, the reasons for such distributions are not known. However, for yellowfin sole, the diseased fish were often part of massive schools where close contact among the fishes may facilitate virus transmission. While the lymphocystis was confined to yellowfin sole (very species-specific), other conditions were more generalized such as trematode cysts in three species of fish in the Norton-Chukchi area, and x-cell-containing tumorlike growths found in five species of fish. ("X-cells" are specific to tumors, but had not been scientifically classified at the time of the study.) NWAPC scientists emphasized that the pathological conditions found in this study were chronic conditions. Animals with such disorders would be expected to live longer (and, therefore, be more likely to be caught in a survey) than fish with acute disease. Thus, the conditions found are probably only a portion of the total abnormalities in marine animals in Alaska waters. Since completion of the Alaska survey, NWAPC pathologists have turned to a similar, but more comprehensive, study of Puget Sound. In the Sound, they aim to develop a better understanding of the causes of pollution-associated abnormalities. In addition to the kind of information collected in Alaska, this study will involve analyses of animal tissues and bottom sediments for toxic chemicals, and tests of blood samples for hematological properties as well as their standard clinical chemical properties. Scientists hope this will make a beginning toward correlation of the multiple stresses imposed on fish by man and nature, with the diseases that occasionally manifest themselves. A more limited study by Washington State Department of Fisheries scientists under MESA Puget Sound Project support sought to use oyster larvae as indicators of water quality in southern Puget Sound. Through a variety of field and laboratory experiments, sufficient data were collected to Indicate that toxic dinof lagellate blooms were a major cause of oyster larvae II - 22 mortality. The dinof lagellates, primarily Ceratlum fusus and Gymnodinium splendens, appeared to kill oyster larvae by an unknown physical mechanism and caused mass mortalities among Manila clams (Tapes philippinarum) as well. The dinoflagellate blooms occurred mainly in shallow embayments with restricted circulation and high levels of organics and nutrients; municipal sewage outfalls in some embayments greatly accelerated the blooms. In an effort to develop a rapid and inexpensive test for genetic damage as a tool for measuring effects of pollutants on marine fish, the Puget Sound Project awarded a contract to the University of Washington Fisheries Research Institute (PRI) near the end of the fiscal year. PRI scientists were to continue their efforts in FY 79. One of the more promising tests measures the rate of "sister chromatid exchanges" (SCE) - a form of genetic damage that has been observed in mammals after exposure to mutagenic and carcinogenic chemicals. Successful adaptation of the SCE technique to use with marine fish would provide researchers with a powerful tool that would shorten and simplify procedures needed to determine the effects of pollutants on fish. Fatal genetic abnormalities in the eggs of Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus) were found by MESA/NYB project researchers to be correlated witn contaminant concentrations in surface waters. Mackerel eggs from two spawning seasons, 197M and 1977, were sampled throughout the Bight, together with associated pollutant concentrations in surface waters and in the very thin neuston layers at the water/air interface. Both metallic and organic contaminants are known to be highly concentrated in the neuston layer, a part of the water column to which mackerel eggs are frequently exposed. The eggs and early larval stages were analyzed for gross abnormalities, genetic abnormalities sufficient to cause death, development rate, and chromosome abnormalities. Associated measurements were made of physical/chemical attributes of the water, such as several toxic metals, biphenyl, phenanthrene, pyrene, PCBs, total hydrocarbons, and several other synthetic organic compounds. Two independent statistical analyses of these data were completed. The highest degree of association was found in one analysis to be that between genetic abnormalities and high concentrations of total hydrocarbons or low salinities. A second association was found between egg abnormalities and high concentrations of metals in associated plankton. The analyses suggested an inverse relationship between egg and larval health, and levels of metallic and synthetic organic pollutants. Not surprisingly, mackerel eggs and early larvae with fatal genetic abnormalities were found most frequently in the most contaminated parts of the inner Bight and near inlets to embayments. II - 23 Although the pollutants severely affect eggs and larvae, their overall effect on successful reproduction of mackerel stocks is probably small. Atlantic mackerel spawn over very wide areas, most of which now have much lower levels of pollutants than the inner New York Bight. The chance that local stocks of mackerel might be seriously affected is the subject of further research. II - 24 Chapter III ACTIVITIES AND RESULTS — ECOSYSTEM PROJECTS — Major marine environment studies in which NOAA is involved touch on all U.S. coasts, including the Great Lakes. These larger projects, which typically encompass the ecosystems of thousands of square miles of coastal waters, are very different from the "specific studies" described in Chapter II. For the specific studies, the problems to be addressed, or the questions to be answered, can be specified in advance (although other problems or questions may turn up in the course of the study). Whether a laboratory or a field study (or both), the specific study can usually be carried out by an individual or a small group of scientists. And, there is usually a specific result: a report describing what was done and what was learned. "Ecosystem projects," on the other hand, are aimed at finding out "What should we do?" They are intended to provide the broad base of information and understanding needed to guide future human interactions with the marine environment, and to provide that knowledge in a form useful to those involved in setting policy for, managing, and monitoring those interactions. In contrast to the specific studies, these larger efforts may have as an initial goal the identification and definition of just what the problems are and what research or exploration is needed to solve them. And, in order to address the problems, ecosystem projects become primary sponsors of the specific studies and consumers of the results. The consequences of human alterations of the marine environment can vary widely depending on managerial choices (or the lack of management). In turn, those choices can be made only on the basis of the available information, which tends to be generated in response to the researchers' perceptions of managerial needs. This situation leads to one of the principal characteristics of these projects: the systematic involvement of the many people doing the research with the many people interested in the results. Through a series of presentations, consultations, and meetings the results of the research can be given quickly to those most in need of them, and the specific, often changing, needs and comments of the users presented to the researchers. Finally, these larger projects produce a variety of scientific and technical reports, journal articles, data volumes, and other publications detailing their findings for differing audiences. Ill - 1 ALASKA In large projects with many avenues of exploration and research, it is particularly important that the results somehow be brought together in a form useful to the potential users -- be they governmental regulators, environmental groups, corporate executives, elected officials, or private citizens. In August 1978, the Outer Continental Shelf Environmental Assessment Program (OCSEAP) published a 362-page "Interim Synthesis Report: Beaufort/Chukchi" designed to accomplish just that. The document represents only the "tip of the iceberg" of years of scientific studies and technical assessments. It results directly from two meetings: one held February 7-11, 1977 at Barrow, Alaska, that brought together OCSEAP and other scientists with BLM and NOAA management personnel in a general review of results and plans; and a second held January 23-27, 1978, at Barrow that included representatives from the local community and the oil industry, and which was broadcast, in part, by Barrow radio. The synthesis volume was written by the session chairmen based on the discussions of the meetings. It is thus a direct report from the scientists involved and does not necessarily represent BLM, NOAA, OCSEAP, or other governmental positions on any issue. Although the report is the best available assessment to date of what is known about the arctic OCS, it is clear that many questions remain unanswered — indeed, the synthesis effort raised a number of new questions and problems . In addition to synthesis of the results of OCSEAP and other studies, the volume makes a direct attempt to predict the consequences of further petroleum development along the Beaufort Sea coast, especially in the offshore area near Prudhoe Bay where a lease sale was scheduled for December 1979 (fig. 4.) Thus, 5 of the 12 chapters address the "Interdisciplinary Aspects of Likely OCS Impacts." This effort was aided considerably by the presence at the 1978 meeting of residents of local coastal communities as well as knowledgeable representatives of the oil industry. These people provided specific information on the importance of fauna and habitats to the native peoples of the arctic coast, and on the likely methods of construction and engineering to be used in the oil field and the hazards they may entail. OCSEAP plans to pursue this same synthesis method for each of the nine areas proposed for leasing on the Alaska OCS, updating each interim report as new data and information become available and analyses proceed. For convenience, the nine lease areas can be grouped into three larger units: the Arctic Ocean, including the Beaufort Sea and Chukchi Sea/Kotzebue Sound; the III - 2 0 7 LU ** j — 3 / LL (DO. X _l 5 a) .2 r Q Q c ARCTIC NALWIL RANGE O j^.. P\<8 ~^^%y h- L < & *r ^^cxH & z *f ^ssfc, ■>>>} •'■•• ^^\ .-.•.•J s;S \ ° a> 5 1 >::•?: UJ 1 0 o CO QC |:: * i O CO •o o |$i; :::\ Q O U. IvTvT" ^ & *' ? " O ^D •.-.-. • 7 5 UJ QQ ii1 %^v CQ 03 xxvlr x::::i !&* 1 0 ^*H 0) as < o L. 1*1*1*!* II P 7^ p r^ 3 O CO :•:•:•:• r 3^^-^ ^j? <# / °oH >i-ft> ^Ti* * uT*^S\ V g* :;:;;:;:H M fes&S! 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