REPORT TO THE GOVERNMENT OF CEYLON ON THE PEARL OYSTER FISHERIES OF THE GULF OF MANAAR, BY W. A. HERDMAN, D.Sc, F.R.S., P.L.S., Professor of Natural History in the University of Liverpool. WITH SUPPLEMENTARY REPORTS UPON THE MARINE BIOLOGY OF CEYLON, BY OTHER NATURALISTS. Part IV. PUBLISHED AT THE REQUEST OF THE COLONIAL GOVERNMENT BY THE ROYAL SOCIETY. LONDON : 1905. / o 7 ms< in, M.A., and J. J. Simpson, M.A. (One Plate) 93 XXYI. — On the Polyzoa. By Laura R. Thornely (One Plate) .... . 107 XXVII.— On the Medusa. By E. T. Browne, B. A. (Four Plates) 131 XXVIII. — On the Alcyonaria — Supplementary. By J. Arthur Thomson, M.A. (One Plate) 167 XXIX.— On the Solitary Corals. By G. C. Bourne, D.Sc. (Four Plates) ... 187 XXX.— On the Poi.ych.eta. By Arthur Willey, D.Sc., F.R.S. (Eight Plates) . 243 With a Note on Polydora armata. By Arnold T. Watson, F.L S. . 325 a 2 i: v ] PREFACE. When the last Part of this Keport was issued, early in the present year, I still hoped that it would be possible to compress the remaining Supplementary Keports, along with the conclusion of the Pearl Oyster Keport proper, within the limits of Part IV., and an intimation to that effect was made in the Preface. During the summer, however, when the Authors of the Supplementary Reports began to send in their manuscripts, it became plain that I had been too sanguine, and that a fifth and concluding Part would be necessary to finish the series. Under these circumstances I have decided to issue all the Supplementary Reports that are ready in the present Part — making it up to a volume of about the usual size of 300 pages and 30 plates — and to publish the few remaining Reports along with the several concluding sections of the Pearl-oyster work in Part V., early in 1906. The Reports (all well advanced) which I still expect are : — On the Brachyura, by Mr. Douglas Laurie; on the Schizopoda and Stomatopoda, by Mr. Walter Tattersall ; on the Anomura, and on the Actiniaria ; on the Marine Insects, by Professor G. Carpenter ; on the Tunicata, by myself ; a list of the Molluscan Shells, by Mr. R. Standen and Mr. A. Leicester ; and a list of the Foraminifera, by Mr. W. J. Dakin. There will be a further, and final, instalment on the Parasites of the Pearl Oyster, by Mr. Shipley and Mr. Hornell, and I propose to add a general discussion of the faunistic results. These sections, with the remainder of the Pearl- oyster work, and the Summary of Results and Recommendations as to the Conservation of the Banks, should then complete the Report. The valuable memoirs in the present volume will speak for themselves, but I desire to express here my very cordial thanks to my friends the various contributors for their kindness in undertaking the work, and for their skill in carrying it out. The only case that calls for any further remark is the last in the volume. In order to prevent delay, I arranged with Dr. Willey that the proofs of the Report on the Polychseta should not be sent out to Ceylon. As the "copy" was supplied to me in the form of a corrected print marked " for press," and as Mr. Arnold Watson and Mr. Cyril Crossland — both familiar with the group — have kindly helped me to read the proofs, I hope that the chance of errors having escaped notice has been minimised. I have added at the last moment an interesting note by Mr. Arnold Watson on the Polychaste worm which is commensal with the sponge Aulospongus [ vi ] tiibulatus — a familiar object on the pearl banks. This worm, when first found, was supposed to be an Oligochaete, but now proves, as Mr. Watson has shown, to be a Polychaete allied to the Leucodore that burrows in the pearl oyster shells. During the present year, since the issue of Part III., important changes have taken place in Ceylon, both on the pearl banks and in the arrangements proposed for future fisheries. The recommendations made, on biological grounds, in the article on ' The Present Condition of the Pearl Banks' (Part III., p. 44) were not fully adopted by the Government of Ceylon. The South Cheval Paar, which it was hoped would be left for another year, to supply a fishery in 1906, was stripped along with the Modragam Paars and some other sections of the Cheval — the result being that the great fishery in the Spring of 1905 now holds the record both for the total number of oysters fished and also for the amount of revenue brought in to the Government. The prices obtained were very high, and it is, of course, under such circumstances, a great temptation to a Government to fish and sell as many oysters as it is possible to obtain in the limited time permitted by the weather. It must always be a difficult matter to decide whether oysters present in abundance but admittedly immature should be secured at once or left to have an additional year of growth and probable pearl-formation. We can only hope that on the present occasion the decision has been a wise one, and that the clearing of the South Cheval Paar has not imperilled the success of next year's fishery. Another factor which may have an important bearing upon the future history of the Ceylon Pearl Fisheries is the proposal that the pearl banks should be leased for a period of years to a Syndicate, which will be bound by the terms of the lease to expend a considerable sum annually in the cultivation and exploitation of the fishing grounds. It seems probable at the time of issuing this volume that the next Ceylon Pearl Fishery will be held under the auspices of the Syndicate. W. A. HEKDMAN. The University, Liverpool. November, 1905. [ vii ] REPORT ON THE PEARL OYSTER FISHERIES OF THE GULF OF MANAAR -PART 1Y. THE GREAT PEARL FISHERY OF 1905. (Drawn up from the Government Official Keports and Mr. Hornell's Letters, with Additions and Remarks.) The Pearl Fishery which was held at Ceylon in the spring of 1905 may well be called "the great fishery." The temporary "fishery-town" erected at Marichchukaddi was larger than it is known to have ever been before, the inhabitants congregated there were at least 10,000 more than in the previous "record" fishery of 1904, the numbers of divers (4991) and their attendant manducks (4894) and the fleet of boats (318) were much greater, and the totals of oysters fished and of rupees obtained for the Government were far beyond all previous records. There were forty-seven fishing days as against thirty-three in 1904. The number of oysters collected (upwards of eighty-one and a half millions) is nearly double that obtained at any previous fishery, and the revenue derived from the Government share alone was nearly two and a half million rupees, which beats all other known fisheries with nearly 15 lacs of rupees to spare. This is the last of a series of three highly successful fisheries in consecutive years, and it does not seem likely to be rivalled by any prospective fishery of the oysters now in sight upon the grounds. The fishery of 1903 yielded 41,180,137 oysters and the Government share of the revenue was about £55,303; in 1904 the oysters totalled 41,039,085 and the Government revenue ,£71,050; in 1905 the number of oysters was 81,580,716 and the revenue over £167,381. From these fisheries, taken together, the Government of Ceylon has derived fully £293,735, without taking into account the revenue derived from postal returns (which at these three fisheries were considerable), and other receipts indirectly connected with, but consequent upon, the industry. These figures look magnificent, and they show what a valuable possession the (2.) 1904 (3.) 1814 (4.) 1891 (5.) 1808 (6.) 1903 (7.) 1888 41,039,085 # 44,311,441 # 41,180,137 22,052,769 -[viii] CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. Ceylon Government has in the pearl banks, but it must be remembered that this series of three very profitable fisheries followed on an interval of eleven years during which there were no returns, and that the average yield for the last three years is far above that of the last hundred or so — the period for which we have any accurate record. It may be of interest to quote here the results of the chief fisheries of that century : — (1.) 1905 yielded 81,580,716 oysters. Kevenue = 2,510,727 Rs. = 1,065,751 = 1,051,876 = 963,748 = 842,577 = 829,548 = 804,247 * Particulars as to number of oysters fished not available previous to 1835. After that the revenue rapidly drops to seven, five, four, three, and two hundred- thousand rupees, and there are a number of fisheries on the list with between one and two hundred-thousand. As an example of a very poor fishery, we may take the one held in 1884 off Chilaw, yielding only 636,000 oysters and a revenue of 17,153 rupees. Many single days in the recent fishery far exceed the entire proceeds of certain previous fisheries. The Report of Mr. G. P. Lewis, Government Agent, writing as Superintendent of the fishery, puts in this way " the extraordinary achievements of this fishery by comparison with the chief fisheries of former years, the fisheries of 1808 and 1903 were beaten in ten days, that of 1891 in eleven, and those of 1904 and 1814, which had hitherto occupied the first and second places respectively, in twelve." The fishery lasted for 35 days after that. Mr. Hornell,, in his Report, puts it another way, and says that the total number fished " all but equals the combined totals of the two great fisheries of 1903 and 1904, and is not far from double the highest number taken in any other fishery concerning which we have authentic information, namely, 44,311,441 in 1891 " ('Ceylon Sessional Papers,' 1905, p. 36). Enough has been said to show the exceptional nature of the recent fishery, but it is quite a pertinent question whether this phenomenal success has not been attained, to some extent at least, at the expense of the next few years. It will be remembered that in the section of this Report entitled ' Present Condition of the Pearl Banks ' (Part ILL, p. 37), written a year ago as the result of Mr. Hornell's inspection in November, 1904, certain reasons were given for fishing in 1905 the two Modragams and the sections of the Cheval defined as south-west, mid-east, and south-central (see fig. 1), leaving for 1906 the sixty-odd million oysters upon the South and South- THE GREAT PEARL FISHERY OF 1905. L«l Fig. 1. Sketch-plan of the Cheval and Modragam paars, showing the distribution of pearl oysters in November, 1904. Scale: Half an inch to one nautical mile. The broken line surrounds the areas covered with spat a few months old, the dotted areas are those with oysters about 3 years old, the solid black indicates those beds of oysters over 5 years old. east Cheval. follows : — The oysters on the banks in question were then estimated to be as Paar. South Modragam North Modragam South-west Cheval Mid-east and South-central Cheval South Cheval South-east Cheval Number of oysters. Age in March, 1 905. 21,000,000 4,700,000 3,500,000 13,750,000 40,220,000 23,600,000 Over 3 years. ,, 3 „ „ 5 „ 3 to 6 „ Over 3 „ „ 3 „ Of these, the oysters on the two Modragam paars were thought to be unhealthy and liable to die off; those on the South-west Cheval were very old and clearly had to be secured at once or not at all ; and those on the Mid-east and South-central Cheval were apparently being smothered by young oysters. Consequently the recommendation was that these forty-three million oysters should be fished first, b [x] CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. leaving the rest which seemed healthy, vigorous, and safe for a further year of growth and pearl -production. On the other hand, the November valuation of the pearls from the samples collected gave 24.65 Rs. per thousand to the South Cheval, as against 17.86 lis. for the South Modragam which stood next. That fact was sure to cause pressure to be brought by the pearl merchants upon the Government in favour of fishing the South Cheval ; and it is, of course, impossible to avoid sympathising with the view that 40 million oysters in the hand may be worth a good deal more than the chance of getting them next year at an enhanced value. Our recommendation of last year accordingly ended with these words : — " On the other hand, there is, of course, always a certain risk in leaving a fishable bed of oysters unfished, and, once the biological facts given above have been stated, it lies with the Government to decide what risk can be run and what course should be taken. If the 40,000,000 oysters on the South Cheval Paar, or a considerable number of them, can be fished in addition to the 43,000,000 which certainly ought to be secured first, there will, no doubt, be a large additional profit now — a present certainty in place of the prospect of a possibly much greater result next year" (Part III., p. 46). The ' Gazette' of 16th December, 1904, gave notice, however, that the fishery, to begin on 20th February, 1905, would include the South Cheval, the South-west Cheval, the Mid-east Cheval, and the North and South Modragams. We can now only hope that the decision of Government to fish the South Cheval in 1905, in addition to the beds we had recommended, was a wise one, and that it has not too seriously affected the fishery prospects of the next few years. It is to be feared that the oysters fished from the South Cheval will scarcely maintain in pearl-yield the reputation of their bank, and it can scarcely be doubted that, had they been left, and had they survived, their value next year would have been much greater. The inspection in February, immediately before the fishery, showed fortunately that no catastrophic change had taken place. The numbers for the South Cheval and North Modragam were increased, those for the Mid-east Cheval and South Modragam were reduced somewhat, while the very old oysters on the South-west Cheval, as was to be expected, had continued to dwindle and were now so few and so scattered as to be scarcely fishable. The most noteworthy observation in this inspection was, as Mr. Hornell states, that on the south-east side of the South Modragam " the bed extended beyond the limit of the ground inspected, and there was therefore a probability that the actual numbers would prove considerably in excess of the estimate." I discuss this particular bed of oysters further on (see below, p. xi.). The following statement of the numbers* estimated at the November and February inspections, and the actual numbers fished from the beds, may be worth recording : — * The numbers recorded by Mr. Lewis and by Mr. Hornell respectively in their reports differ some- what in detail on account of the methods adopted in assigning the oysters to their banks. THE GEEAT PEARL FISHERY OF 1905. [xi] Paar. Novemher. February. Fished. South Cheval 40,220,000 13,750,000 4,700,000 21,000,000 Not estimated. | 47,500,000 | 9,000,000 10,000,000 19,700,000 Not estimated. 29,383,444 1,503,590 2,975,849 7,280,817 Say, 10,000,000 „ 30,732,820 Adjacent part of South-east Mid-east and South-central Cheval . . North Modragam South Modragam 81,876,520 Mr. Hornell estimates that about forty-one and a half millions of adult oysters are left on the banks. It is to be feared that a considerable number of these will die off during the year, but a solid bed of 10,000,000 remains on the South-east Cheval, and will probably be available for fishing next spring. There may be other patches on other parts of the Cheval still remaining in sufficient numbers to be worth fishing, and there ought to be a good many left on the South Modragam and the Kutiramalai paars, but these are said to be largely overgrown with a younger generation, and it is quite doubtful whether a sufficient number of the old will survive to yield a fishery in 1906 on these banks. I now come to a question connected with the large number of oysters recorded in Mr. Lewis's report as fished from the South Modragam Paar, upon which I wish to make some observations. I shall quote first a couple of passages I find in Mr. Hornell's report (p. 38) in regard to the finding and fishing of these oysters : — " 34. On 22nd February a considerable number of boats fished on the ground to the south of that portion of the South Modragam inspected earlier in the month. The whole of this area is composed of purely sandy bottom, whereon lay oysters free from commingling with any of a younger generation ; all were a little over three years old. In some places they lay in loose bunches ranging from five to twelve individuals in each ; elsewhere the oysters clung to the projecting edges of large wedge-shaped shells of Pinna bicolor, rooted upright in the sand by the narrow end. The former condition delighted the hearts of the divers ; the latter gave those ui^rovided with protecting finger-stalls considerable trouble, the sharp edges of the Pinna shells inflicting frequent cuts and scratches on the hands tearing them from their sandy foothold. In both cases the divers filled their bags with remarkable celerity, 40 seconds in many cases sufficing to fill the diver's bag with 60, 70, or even 100 oysters. As a result, the day's catch, aggregating the enormous total of 4,574,460 oysters, broke every known record." "35. Work, on this sandy area, continued with feverish activity for the remainder of the week. The daily catches never fell below 4,000,000 per day, while on 24th February high-water mark was reached with the enormous take of 5,005,685 oysters. b 2 [xii] CEYLON PEAKL OYSTEE REPOET. Such a large total for one day's fishing establishes a record that is likely to remain unsurpassed for many years to come." It is exceedingly interesting to find thus, from the official reports, that a considerable number of the oysters (from twenty-seven to thirty millions) credited (in the report of the Superintendent, p. 2) to the South Modragam Paar were really fished from an area extending to the south-east far beyond the usual limit of that paar. We must either conclude that the oysters have extended over the sandy ground lying between the South Modragam Paar and Kutiramalai point or that a new bed of oysters in this position has been fished. The difference may be considered to be unimportant, as being little more than a point in nomenclature. I notice that Mr. Lewis in his report prefers to regard the whole of the large irregular-shaped area as being the South Modragam Paar ; while Mr. Hornell gives to this new southern part a new and quite appropriate name, " Kutiramalai Paar," on the analogy of Aripu Paar, Vankali Paar, Karativo Paar, Chilaw Paar, and others — all named after the land off which they lie. I think the latter course is the better simply because it does less violence to our existing ideas, charts and definitions. I reproduce here (fig. 2) a tracing from Captain Donnan's chart with which I worked when on the pearl banks in 1902. It shows the North and South Modragams as two little areas of approxi- mately equal size, and the South is certainly nothing like, either in shape or position, the area from which, judging from Mr. Hornell's sketch-plan given as " Annexure I " on p. 49 of his report (Colombo, 1905), the oysters in question were obtained. In the definitions of these paars which I gave in the first volume of this Report I find that the North Modragam is described (Part I., 1903, p. 105) as lying " south-east of the central part of the Cheval Paar, at from \ mile to 1 mile distant, and is nearly 1 mile in diameter. It is about 8|- miles west of Kallar tower. The depth is from 5f to 6| fathoms," &c. The description of the South Modragam runs (loc. cit., p. 106): "This lies 1 mile south-south-east of the North Modragam, and is about ^ to f mile in diameter. It is about 7 miles north-north-west of Kodramallai Point, and has a depth of 5|- to 6 fathoms. The bottom is rocky," &c. All this agrees with Captain Donnan's chart and, I think, with previous records of these paars, but not with the area from which the thirty million oysters were fished this year, as shown in Mr. Hornell's sketch-plan which 1 here reproduce (fig. 3) for comparison with fig. 2. Consequently I would favour the application of the new name " Kutiramalai Paar " to this very considerable southerly extension of the area hitherto known as the South Modragam Paar. It has this year proved itself to be of very much greater importance than many paars which have for long enjoyed distinctive names. Now to turn to a more interesting point than mere nomenclature. Have these oysters on the Kutiramalai Paar, which had apparently not been inspected and estimated last year, but which have been fished this year along with those of the South Modragam, ever been seen before ? / believe they have, and that I found them myself in March, 1902, when dredging along with Sir William Twynam, THE GREAT PEARL FISHERY OF 1905. [xiii] Captain Donnan, and Mr. Hornell, in the " Lady Havelock." When I read of these oysters in the Reports of Mr. Lewis and Mr. Hornell, I at once recollected CK * * ;n m! »^ m\ Fig. 2. Captain DoNNAN's outlines and positions of the Modragams (KM. and S.M.) and Cheval Paar (Ch.) in relation to Kutiramalai Point (K.P.), the Shoal Buoy (S.B.). The positions of the dredgings made from the " Lady Havelock " on March 17th, 1902, are shown by the four crosses lying to the south-east of the South Modragam. Scale one-fourth of an inch to the nautical mile. Fig. 3. Mr. Hornell's sketch-plan of the fishing ground of 1905, reduced to the same scale as fig. 2, one-fourth of an inch to the nautical mile. The thick lines show the areas fished, the thin line in the South-east Cheval the area with oysters over three years old left unfisherl, and the dotted line in the South Modragaru the ground occupied by oysters six months old. Below that is the large area which Mr. Hornell has called the " Kutiramalai Paar." the occasion, and on turning to my notes I find (see this Report, Part I., ' Narrative,' p. 84, published in 1903) :— " After rejoining Captain Donnan and the inspection boats in the South Cheval district, we took four hauls of the dredge between the South Modragam Paar and Kodramallai Point. These may be united as Station LXIV. From between South Modragam and Jaggerboom Paars, along a line south-east towards Kodramallai Point ; depth 4 \ to 5^ fathoms ; bottom coarse sand, with much fine green weed and small pearl oysters." " The fine green weed from the bottom had very young spat of pearl oysters on it. The small oysters dredged were 8 or 9 months old, and were in quantity at about 3^ miles off Kodramallai Point." I had brought Sir W. Twynam from Jaffna that [xiv] CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. same morning (March 17th, 1902) and wished to show him how the dredge could bring up oysters or whatever else lay on the bottom, and I believe that these first dredged young oysters tbat we showed him " between South Modragam Paar and Kodramallai Point " were a sample of the oysters which have been fished this year from the " Kutiramalai Paar," and have contributed much to the success of the present fishery. The age of the oysters agrees, and the position on the chart is about right. The four little crosses on fig. 2 show the four dredgings united in the ' Narrative ' as Station LXIV. Finally, I would make a general remark upon paar-ground in the Gulf of Manaar. It is, that we need never be surprised to find that boundaries of banks alter, and that oysters appear on occasions in new spots. I have already pointed out in a previous part of this Report that the whole of the shallow shelf within, say, the 12-fathom line is potential paar-ground. The bottoms shift to some extent and may change their character, sand may be washed over a paar, or again may be swept away, leaving a hard bottom. One of my first observations when dredging on the " Lady Havelock" was that we found oysters in the Cheval district where they had no right to be, according to Captain Donna n's oiitline of the paar. This statement may seem to cut at the root of my own charts and definitions ; but it is not really so. The outlines of the paars are justifiable and, in fact, necessary as representing the normal, departures from which may be expected, but are exceptional. It is evident that there is some difference of opinion amongst the authorities in Ceylon as to whether or not " dredging is economically a more sound method of fishing than is diving." I am inclined to think that the operation has not yet had a fair trial ; but even though it may not, under the conditions in vogue in the East, be able to compete economically with native diving, I must emphasise what I have said elsewhere in this report, that the utility of dredging is by no means confined to obtaining a supply of adult oysters for the market, but is really fourfold, consisting as it does : — ■ (a) In fishing oysters ; (6) In cleaning the ground and removing enemies ; (c) In thinning out overcrowded beds ; and (d) In spat transplantation. Its value is not properly assessed if account be taken of the first of these alone, or even of the first and the last. Finally, it must be remembered that several of these important operations can usually be carried on in the same series of dredgings. Mr. Hornell is acting in accordance with these views, and at the recent fishery it is evident that a good deal of transplanting, cleaning, and thinning out went on simultaneously with the fishing for oysters. I shall quote a few sentences in regard to this work in Mr. Hornell's own words : — "90. On 15th March enough of mature oysters had been removed by the divers THE GREAT PEARL FISHERY OF 1905. [xv] from the central portion of the South Cheval to permit of the commencement of operations for the establishment there by transplantation of a bed of young ones. Accordingly, I instructed Captain Jelstrup to dredge for young oysters aged about six to seven months, which I knew to be in profusion in the South Modragam Paar, to convey them to the South Cheval and there to throw them overboard within the limits which I defined by a series of mark buoys. " 91. The method adopted was to bag all the young oysters taken, to keep them in a cool place covered with wet sacks, and to steam twice a day, noon and evening, to the South Cheval, throwing them out as the vessel manoeuvred between the flags. The young oysters stood the treatment well ; there was practically no mortality, as I ascertained by sending divers down from time to time to ascertain the condition of these young, and to bring me samples. " 92. The total quantity transplanted was upward of ten millions. I propose to concentrate attention upon this bed during the next season, in order to give the experiment fair treatment. I hope to transplant thereto in November next an additional 10 to 15 millions ; after that we may hope that enough work shall have been accomplished to ensure a small fishery two years later — a result that would be due entirely to cultural methods, and not to the fortuitous interaction of currents and other natural influences. " 93. During the course of the dredging, a great amount of good was done by the capture and destruction of large numbers of starfishes and carnivorous gastropod molluscs, noted enemies of the pearl oyster. Frequently between 200 and 300 starfishes were taken and destroyed in one day. By my instructions these were retained on board for twenty-four hours in order to insure that life should of a certainty be extinct, when they were returned to the sea." In regard to the bed of young transplanted oysters, Mr. Hornell adds : — " 109. Prior to leaving the banks, I directed the Government divers to examine the area in question. They reported young oysters apparently numerous, the individuals they brought up were in good health, exhibiting no ill-effects consequent on the transplanting operation. Some had attached to fragments of cultch rubble laid out during the course of the fishery. " 110. (b) Thinning out. — This operation went on concurrently with transplantation, the abundance of young oysters on the South Modragam being so inordinate as to constitute, through overcrowding, a grave danger to their own continued prosperity. Transplantation, by entailing a reduction in the number's upon the South Modragam, should re-act favourably, and if the density of population be found still too great when next the bed is inspected, further transplantation should be resorted to. So great is the present profusion, that the numbers taken in the dredges upon the last day appeared as great as on the day transplantation was begun, and indicated no appreciable diminution in the fertility of the bed. "111. (c) Cultching. — During the fishery a quantity of rubble obtained from the [xvi] CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. indurated limestone strata of Kayts, near Jaffna, was laid down, principally upon the sandy portion of the South-central Cheval, a region which has never yet yielded a pearl fishery. The quantity contracted for was 180 cubes; unfortunately the contractor experienced such difficulties in obtaining vessels to convey the stone to its destination that he was able to deliver less than half the specified quantity, although I helped him materially by extending the time limit by a week. " 112. The stone, on the whole, was satisfactory in quality, and likely to prove a durable cultch material. In size the blocks approximated 3|- in. by 3^ in. by 2^ in., but several consignments contained a proportion of blocks of excessive dimensions, and these I rejected. " 113. The total amount laid down was just under 300 tons. Some 40 tons of the friable semi-calcareous sandstone of Kalpitiya was also used. The greater part was deposited on the South-central Cheval, some 20 tons on a sandy patcli near the centre of the South Cheval, and about the same quantity on the north-east quarter of the South Modragam Paar, a locality where there is no outcropping rock on the bottom. Several times towards the end of the fishery I received fragments of this cultch from the divers with young oysters attached to the surface." This fishery was phenomenal not only in the number of oysters obtained, but also in the prices that they fetched. While the valuation of the samples taken at the November and February inspections showed a range of from 8 to 24'65 rupees per 1000, the oysters at the fishery sold at very much higher prices — the lowest being 24 and the highest 124 rupees per 1000. The average price over the whole fishery was 48-89 rupees. Of these oysters sold by the Government, Mr. Lewis states that " India took a hundred times the quantity taken by Ceylon." It is to be hoped that India will not be sorry that it took them. Judging from the probable pearl-yield of these oysters, it is difficult to see how the business can be made to pay at such inflated prices. However, the Bombay pearl merchants, Kilakarai Moormen and Paumben Chetties probably know best what they are about, and the mysteries of the Indian pearl market may justify even more remarkable proceedings than the paying of 124 rupees for oysters valued by the experts at 1270, 27'41, and 31"10 rupees per 1000. [CEYLON PEARL OYSTER FISHERIES— 1905— SUPPLEMENTARY REPORTS, No. XXIII.] REPORT ON THE ISOPODA COLLECTED BY Professor HEEDMAN, at CEYLON, in 1902. BY The Rev. THOMAS R. R. STEBBING, M.A., F.R.S., Sec. L.S., F.Z.S., FELLOW OF KING'S COLLEGE, LONDON. [With TWELVE PLATES.] The interest of the present collection is not to be measured by the number of species or the number of specimens, still less by the size of the animals. The species are not numerous, the examples in many cases are few, and of some the dimensions have proved to be afflictingly small. On the other hand, there is no want of variety, since the thirty-four species more or less definitely discriminated are spread over five very distinct tribes and divided among sixteen families. There is no want of novelty, since two of the families, three of the genera, and fourteen of the species are now added to science on what appear to be satisfactory grounds. Certainly the family Amesopodid^e, founded on some small creatures allied to Idotea, must be thought well worthy of notice. The only family illustrated by a rather large supply of specimens is that of the Sphferomidse. But the supply has not thrown much convincing illumination on the difficulties of this group, which have of late years arrested the attention of several writers. Any person of impatient temper who has ever attempted, when pressed for time, to disentangle with unskilful fingers a knotted skein of string, may understand the plight of a busy naturalist who has Sphaeromidre to classify. There is always the chance in regard to this family that, after struggling with the complexities of the situation, one may have done more harm than good, by adding to the confusion instead of lessening it. It is, indeed, a general disadvantage attending the description of a local fauna, or of a special collection, that it may involve the fragmentary treatment of problems which can only properly be solved by a monographic survey. The tribal division of the Isopoda is here accepted from the invaluable ' Crustacea of Norway,' by Professor G. O. Sars. B 2 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. DESCRIPTION OF THE SPECIES. ISOPODA ANOMALA. " Tribe : CHELIFERA. Family: TANAID.E. Tanais, Audouin and Milne-Edwards. 1828, Tanais, Audouin and Milne-Edwards, 'Resume' d'Entomologie,' p. 182, pi. 29, fig. 1, and 'Precis d'Entomologie,' vol. 1, p. 46, pi. 29, fig. 1. The genus was named Anisocheirus by Westwood in 1832 ('Ann. Sci. Nat.,' vol. 27), by Templeton in 1836 ('Trans. Entom. Soc.,' vol. 2, p. 201), and Crossurus by Rathke in 1843 ('Fauna Norwegens,' p 35). Sars, when defining it in 1896 ('Crustacea of Norway,' vol. 2, part i., p. 11), remarked that it was well distinguished from all the other genera of the family, especially by the circumstance that the pleon was composed of only five segments and carried only three pairs of pleopods. He assigned to it only four sjDecies : T. tomentosus, Kroyer ; T. cavolinii, Milne-Edwards ; T. dulongii (Audouin) ; and T. novce-zealandice, Thomson. According to Dollfus ('Bull. Soc. Zool. France,' vol. 21, p. 207, 1897) the first of them is a synonym of the second. But several other species are on record, T. macro- cheles, Nicolet, 1849; T. brasiliensis, Dana, 1849; T. loricatus, Bate, 1864; T. gracilis, Heller, 1866; T. willemoesii, Studer, 1884; T. hirsutus, Beddard, 1886 ; and since Sars wrote, several additions have been made to the list, namely, T. robustus, Moore, 1894; T. grimaldii, Dollfus, 1897; T. chevreuxi, Dollfus, 1897; T. testudinicola, Dollfus, 1897; T. alascensis, H. Richardson, 1899; T. stamfordi, H. Richardson, 1901; T. philetcerus, Stebbing, 1904; T. normani, H. Richardson, ] 905. In this group it must be noticed that brasiliensis, gracilis, willemoesii, hirsutus, robustus, testudinicola, normani, are all excluded from the genus, not as defined by Dana, but as restricted by Sars, since they all have six segments in the pleon instead of five. It is not improbable that other more or less correlated differences will be found to exist, but the material here at disposal would not justify interference in the matter. It may, however, be observed that T. testudinicola, Dollfus, is evidently the same species as T. robustus, Moore. T. loricatus, Bate, described from an imperfect specimen, still awaits fuller description. T. vovcb- zealandice, G. M. Thomson ('Trans. N. Zealand Institute,' vol. 13, p. 207, plate 7, fig. 3), according to the figure, has the pleon distinctly six-jointed, but no notice of this is taken in the text, which includes in the generic definition the character " pleon five-jointed." ISOPODA. 3 Tanais gracilis, Heller — Plate I. (D). 1866, Tanais gracilis, Heller, ' Novara Exp., Zool.,' vol. 2, pt. 3 (Crustacea), p. 133, pi. 12, fig. 3. Heller's description is as follows : — " The head very short, the roundish black eyes placed forward on the somewhat projecting lateral angles, the front bluntly triangular. The lower antenna? five-jointed, thinner than, but almost as long as, the upper, which are three-jointed. The first [coalesced] pera?on segment is the largest of all, narrowed forward, the second [first free] segment the shortest, the fifth, sixth and seventh sub-equal one to the other. The pleon narrows gradually backwards. The first three pleon segments shorter than those of the perreon, but longer than the fourth and fifth pleon segment, the last (sixth) again larger and apically rounded. The uropods (Schwanzanhiinge) five-jointed, their basal joint thick, triangular, the first joint of the appendage (des Anhanges) tolerably long, towards the end somewhat thickened, the four following somewhat shorter than the first, among themselves subequal, cylindrical, the last blunt-ended, all the joints beset with long seta?. The first chelipeds large and strong. The legs little setose. The colour of the body on the surface yellowish or brownish, with dark points and markings. Locality : — St. Paul." Length, 3 millims. In Heller's account there are one or two ambiguities, for, while he speaks of and figures six segments in the pleon, he uses the expression " fourth and fifth pleon segment " as if intending to mention a composite segment, and, while he distinctly says that the uropods are five -jointed, he appears to distinguish a peduncular joint from a five-jointed ramus. His figure shows only five joints in all, as in our specimen, which was not otherwise separable from Heller's. The mouth organs agree with those in the genus Tanais. The upper antenna? have a fourth joint in the shape of a tubercle, representing the flagellum. The finger in the hinder group of pera?opods is strongly uncinate. The pleopods are delicate in structure. Whether there were more than three pairs I did not succeed in ascertaining. Length of specimen, 2 millims. Locality : — Gulf of Manaar. In T. brasiliensis and T. normani the uropods are six-jointed, in T, willemoesii nine-jointed, in T. hirsutus about twelve-jointed, in T. robustus four-jointed. Heterotanais, G. O. Sars. 1880, Heterotanais, Sars, 'Arch. Naturv. Kristian.,' vol. 7 (1881), separat, p. 28. 1886, Heterotanais, Saks, 'Arch. Naturv. Kristian.,' vol. 11, p. 333. 1880, Heterotanais, Norman and Stebeixg, 'Trans. Zool. Soc. London,' vol. 12, pt. 4, p. 108. 1896, Heterotanais, Sars, ' Crustacea of Norway,' vol. 2, pt. 1, p. 13. 1897, Heterotanais, Dollfds, ' M^m. Soc. Zool. France,' vol. 11, p. 38. 1901, Heterotanais, H. Richardson, 'Proc. U.S. Mus.,' vol. 23, p. 501. The leading feature in this genus is the sexual difference in the first gnathopods, which are small and normally chelate in the female, but large and complexly B 2 4 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. subchelate or not normally chelate in the male. It is, however, prohahle that up to a certain stage the males may not exhibit this distinction. The species referred to the genus by Sars are H. orstedi (Kroyer), //. limicola (Harger), H. tenuis (G. M. Thomson), //. anomalus, Sars. To these Dollfus, in 1897, adds //. algiricus and LI. provincialis, but, upon a comparison of the descriptions and figures of H. algiricus and H. anomalus, there is no character given by which they can be distinguished. H. V. Hodgson ('Nat. Hist, of the "Southern Cross,'" p. 240, 1902) remarks that but for the structure of the uropods he would have placed his own Paratanais antarctica and Beddard's P. dimorphus in Sars' genus Heterotanais. The sjjecies now offered as an additional member of the genus labours under the considerable disadvantage of not being represented by any adult male specimen, apart from which it is not easy to say whether junior or female specimens should be allotted to Heterotanais or Leptochelia. As will be seen by the description, if the minute character of the maxillary palp can be trusted, the species belongs to Heterotanais. As the first gnathopods are remarkably stout, one may be glad to rescue it from a genus like Leptochelia that derives its name from the slenderness of those appendages. Heterotanais crassicornis, n. sp. — Plate I. (A). In the cephalothorax the line of junction between the head and the first perseon segment is slightly indicated. The antepenultimate and penultimate segments of the perseon are the longest. The first five segments of the pleon are subequal, the telsonic segment not elongate. The eyes are socketed, at apex in dorsal view apparently, but not really, acute, lenses about 12 in number. First antennae : first joint unusually stout, not twice as long as broad, more than twice as long as the second ; third not longer than the second, very narrow, tapering, with three setae, one of which is, perhaps, attached to a scarcely perceptible flagellar joint. Second antennas shorter and much narrower than the first, second joint the widest, fourth the longest, but not very long ; a minute flagellar joint is tipped with a very long seta. Mandibles nearly as figured by Sars (' Crustacea of Norway,' pi. 6) for H orstedi, but on the left mandible the cutting edge and accessory plate are far less distinctly denticulate, and on the right the cutting edge shows a little tooth, the serration of the upper border being barely perceptible. There is no accessory plate on the right, and on both mandibles the molar is very prominent, as in the species described by Sars. The first maxilla has the palp terminated by one seta, in accordance with the generic character given by Sars, whereas in the female of Leptochelia this organ is tipped with two setae. IROPODA. 5 The first gnathopods are remarkably stout, the fifth joint being a little longer than broad, but almost quadrate, the sixth subequal to it in length but less broad, with the trunk a little longer than its rather broad thumb. The thumb has a slightly serrate inner margin, ends in a small tooth, and is furnished with a row of three setse on the surface and one seta on the outer margin. The finger is more slender, with undulating inner margin. The second gnathopods are very slender, with second joint scarcely longer than the fifth or sixth, which are subequal ; the fourth joint is much shorter than these, but a little longer than the third ; the slender curved finger is about as long as the sixth joint. The pera?opods are small, with the second joint decidedly longer and, especially in the last three pairs, broader than any of the other joints ; the fourth and fifth joints differ little in length, each being shorter than the sixth, which is also considerably longer than the finger. The pleopods resemble those of Leptocheha, having the inner margin of each oval ramus fringed with setse, and the outer margin of the outer ramus carrying one seta placed high up. The uropods have a six-jointed inner ramus, of which the first joint is the stoutest and the last the longest, carrying at its apex one seta as long as the ramus and one or two shorter setae. The outer ramus, which is also tipped with a long and a short seta, is composed of two joints, the first very short, the second more than twice as long, the two together rather longer than the first joint of the inner ramus. Length : — Of four specimens the largest measured a little over 2 millims., and the smallest a little over 1 millim. in length. Locality : — Gulf of Manaar. The specific name refers to the remarkable stoutness of the first antennae, which appears to distinguish the species from any hitherto described in this genus or Leptochelia. Leptochelia, Dana. 1849, Leptochelia, Dana, ' Amer. J. Rci.,' ser. 2, vol. 8, p. 425. 1900, Leptochelia, Stebbing, in Willey's 'Zoological Results,' pt. 5, p. 614. 1900, Leptochelia, Borradaile, 'Proc. Zool. Roc.,' London, p. 797. 1902, Leptochelia, H. F. Moore, 'Bull. U.R. Fish Conim.,' vol. 20 (for 1900), p. 165. 1902, Leptochelia, H. Richardson, ' Trans. Connecticut Ac. Rci.,' vol. 11, p. 279. For a fuller synonymy of this genus down to 1900, Willey's ' Zoological Results' may be consulted. Mr. H. F. Moore's recently established Porto Rican species, L. incerta, is hesitatingly referred by Miss H. Richardson to L. dubia (Kroyer). The undesigned coincidence of dubiety and uncertainty in the specific names with the note of interrogation in the reference very appropriately marks the position of the systematist in dealing with this genus. When the generic name is justified by the presence of the extraordinarily elongated first gnathopods of the mature male, the standing ground is tolerably firm. This applies to four species, but in those leaves 6 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. the determination of female and immature specimens in obscurity. In regard to the uropods the outer branch seems to vary not only in different species but even in the same species, being sometimes two-jointed and sometimes one-jointed. The inner branch has always more than three joints. Leptochelia mirabilis, n. sp. — Plate I. (B). While in many of its features resembling L. minuta, Dana, and L. forresti (Stebbing), the present species is easily distinguishable from them both and from L. rapax, Harger, by characters of the first and second antennae, of the first gnathopods and the uropods, as well as by its much greater size. The cephalothorax has the front rather broadly angled, not reaching beyond the eyes, the sides at first slightly concave, then considerably bulging. In the dorsal line the free segments of the peraeon are successively longer to the antepenultimate, with a slight successive decrease in the remaining two. The first five segments of the pleon are subequally short, the telsonic segment equal to two of them combined, apically angular. The pleon at the centre is slightly wider than the peraeon. The eyes are movably socketed, dark, composed of a few large lenses. The first antennae are once and two-thirds as long as the body, the first joint a little swollen and bent at the base, about nine times as long as the third joint, the more slender second being about eight times the third ; the flagellum of thirteen joints, carrying sensory filaments, is between two and three times as long as the third joint. The second antennae are about one-fourth as long as the first, the fourth joint of the peduncle longer than the three preceding joints combined and more than twice as long as the fifth joint, which is a little shorter than the two-jointed needle-like flagellum, not including its two or three long apical seta? attached to the minute second joint. The first gnathopods are of very surprising length, being much more than twice as long as the whole body of the animal, and while, considered in themselves, they are very slender, on the other hand, when compared with the frame that carries them, their stoutness becomes a matter for wonder. The basal joints are short, but the three terminal joints are of enormous length. The pair are not symmetrical and both members are damaged, so that exact measurements cannot be given. In the larger one the slender, apically curved, movable finger is equal in length to the first joint of the first antennas ; it is shorter than the trunk of the hand, which widens to the hinge of the finger, and is produced to a long slender thumb or immovable finger, the apex of which is broken. The existing jjortion of the antepenultimate joint is longer than the trunk of the hand, and is narrower near the base than in the greater part of its length. In the shorter member the hand widens more abruptly and shows a little gap at the base of the fingers, the movable finger being sinuous, and having three little tubercles on the inner margin near the base. Second gnathopods of quite insignificant size, agreeing in character with the first ISOPODA. 7 and .second peraeopods, but rather longer, all the joints slender, the third very short, the sixth shorter than the second, but longer than the fourth or fifth, these being subequal, each a little longer than the very slender slightly curved finger. The third, fourth, and fifth peraeopods are shorter and stouter than the preceding pairs, with curved spines round the apex of the fifth, and small seta? round that of the sixth joint ; the finger tolerably stout. The pleopods, as in the other species and in Heterotanais, have the two narrowly oval subequal rami fringed on the inner margin with long plumose setae, the outer ramus having high up on its outer margin a single adpressed seta. The uropods have the inner ramus seven-jointed, the joints carrying numerous setae (the apex of the seventh broken); the outer ramus has two joints, longer than the first two of the inner ramus. Length, (5 millims. to 7 millims. For L. minuta and L. forresti the recorded length does not exceed 2'5 millims. Locality : — Gulf of Manaar. Leptochelia lifuensis, Stebbing — Plate I. (C). 1900, Leptochelia lifuensis, Stebbing, in Willey's ' Zool. Results,' pt. 5, p. 616, pi. 64c, d, pi. 65b. 1900, Leptochelia, sp., Borradaile, 'Proc. Zool. Soc. London,' p. 797, pi. 51, figs. 2-2c. This species has recently been described and figured, and the illustrations here given will, I think, show that the Ceylon specimens are in substantial agreement with those from Lifu. They also show the considerable contrast between the antennas and gnathopods of the male in this species and those in L. mirabdis. The question, however, remains open as to a possible dimorphism in the males, which would diminish or destroy the contrast. Specimens in the collection from eight stations are referred to this species. Locality, &c. : — On baskets of oysters hung to buoy at Galle : Two specimens, female ; one 3-35 millims. long with seven large eggs. From pearl oysters, East Cheval Paar, Gulf of Manaar : A male, 2 millims. long ; the two teeth on the thumb of the cheliped rather close together, and on one of the chelipeds not fully formed ; outer ramus of uropod one-jointed, inner five-jointed. Female from same station, 2"5 millims. long and agreeing with description in Willey's 'Zoological Results.' From pearl oysters, Gulf of Manaar : Male, 2-5 millims. long ; two teeth on thumb of cheliped close together ; outer ramus of uropod one-jointed, very short ; inner ramus imperfect. Female, 3 millims. long. Oft' Mutwal Island, March 19, 1902 : A female, 4 millims. long ; outer ramus of uropod two-jointed, inner six-jointed. Cheval Paar, Gulf of Manaar : A female, 3 millims. long ; outer ramus of uropod one-jointed, inner five-jointed, the last two joints rather long ; the one-jointed ramus very short. Also a female, 1'75 millims. long; outer ramus one-jointed, inner four- jointed. At each of two other points in the Gulf of Manaar a female specimen was taken. By " female " should be understood specimens without any distinctively male characters. 8 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. ISOPODA GENUINA. Tribe : FLABELLIFERA. Family : ANTHURID^E. Calathura, Norman and Stebbing. 1886, Calathura, Norman and Stebbing, 'Trans. Zool. Soc.,' London, vol. 12, pt. 4, p. 122. 1897, Calathura, Sars, 'Crustacea of Norway,' vol. 2, p. 44. 1901, Calathura, Whitelegge, ' Mem. Australian Mus.,' vol. 4, pt. 2, p. 225. 1901, Calathura, H. Richardson, ' Proo. U.S. Mus.,' vol. 23, p. 509. To the species Calathura brachiata (Stimpson) Sars has added his C. nor neglect, Whitelegge his C. gigas, and Miss Richardson her C. crenulata. Bonnier's C. affinis (1896) seems rather to belong to Paranthura. Calathura, sp. Two specimens occur in the collection, one from weed-bearing oysters off south-east of Modragam Paar, the other from north end of Chilaw Paar, February 2, 1902, 9 to 11 fathoms. Both have dark eyes. The former is about 14 millims. in length, the latter about 9 millims. They may be the species which Haswell has described in 'Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales,' vol. 5, p. 478, plate 10, fig. 5, 1881, as Paranthura (?) crassicornis, sp. nov. The Australian Anthuridse will no doubt before long be more fully described, and I have therefore left over these specimens till a more favourable opportunity offers for their specific identification. Family : GNATHIID,F. Gnathia, Leach. 1814, Gnathia, Leach, ' Edinb. Encycl.,' vol. 7, p. 402. 1835, Gnathia, Westwood, Loudon's 'Mag. Nat. Hist.,' vol. 8, p. 273. 1885, Anceus, Haswell, 'Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales,' vol. 9, pt. 4, p. 1005. 1887, Anceus, H. J. Hansen, ' Dijmphna-Togtets Krebsdyr,' p. 205. 1896, Gnathia, Bonnier, 'Ann. Univ. Lyon,' vol. 26, p. 571. 1900, Gnathia, Stebbing, in Willey's ' Zoological Results,' pt. 5, p. 625. 1901, Gnathia, Ohlin, 'Bihang K. Svenska Vet.-Akad. Handlingar,' vol. 26, No. 12, p. 20. 1902, Gnathia, Hodgson, 'Nat. Hist, of the "Southern Cross,'" p. 241. The references here given are supplementary to the much longer list supplied in Willey's ' Zoological Results.' As the material in the present collection is limited to a single small specimen, it would not be a suitable opportunity for an extended review of the genus. Especial attention, however, should be directed to (inathia ferox (Haswell), since it is evidently a near ally of the species about to be described. The details of the mandibles are similar in the two, but by the relative size and position of these features the appendages in question are strongly distinguished. The maxillipeds and first gnathopods of G. ferox are as yet undescribed. It is not ISOPODA. 9 improbable that a separate genus will be thought desirable for these species, when they are more fully known. Gnathia insolita, n. sp. — Plate XII. (B). The head is very broad, markedly emarginate between the mandibles, the minute rostral point in the emargination only becoming visible after mounting, which involved some flattening of the frontal border. The telson is acutely triangular. Eyes small, dark, oval, slightly oblique in position, facets numerous. Upper antennas : Second joint shorter than first, first shorter than third, flagellum with very short first joint, long second, which is subequal to remaining three joints combined. Lower antennas : These are longer than the upper, with second joint of the four- jointed peduncle much the shortest ; of the six-jointed flagellum the first joint is the longest. The mandibles implanted wide apart are of uncommon pattern. There is no tooth on the outer margin ; about midway on the inner is a quadrate process that might represent the molar ; the apical part presents two strongly divergent teeth, with a small convex lamina at the bottom of the cavity between them. The maxillipeds are of very delicate structure, except for the strong muscles in the second joint. This joint is broader than long, not showing any distinct apical lobe. In the four-jointed palp each joint is successively narrower than its predecessor. They have the outer margin fringed with setae, 3 on the first, 5 on the second, 8 or 9 on the third, and 7 on the rounded incurved fourth joint. The first gnathopods are very distinctive of the species, not having the ordinary tapering character, but the principal joint being as broad as it is long. Within are seen the chitinized areas, probably indicative of original joints now in coalescence. The middle area is the most extensive, the lowest has a feebly indicated companion. The upper half of the rounded margin is furnished with 21 graduated setae. This margin is the upper and inner when these valve-like limbs are closed together, but it is not to be inferred that that is the proper description according to homology. There is a very small apical joint, with no trace of a division into two joints. The second gnathopods are rather longer than the four pairs of peraeopods, of which the second pair are slightly the shortest. In general character all five pairs of trunk-limbs agree. The first pleopods have the rami rather longer than those of the other four pairs. All five agree with the uropods in carrying rather long setae, which is contrary to custom in the adult male of this genus. Length barely 2 millims., breadth a little less than half the length. Locality : — Gulf of Manaar, off Karativo, from a sponge. The specific name refers to the unusual characters of the mandibles and first gnathopods. C 10 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. Family : ETJRYDICID.E. (Cirolanidse of Harger, Hansen, Bonnier, Stebbing, Norman, and others.) Among the genera that have been assigned to this family, Eurydice, Leach, 1815, is beyond dispute the earliest, so that the name Cirolanidse, notwithstanding the distinction conferred upon it as the title of Hansen's notable work in 1890, is bound to give way to Eurydicidae. Another generic name has " page precedence " over Cirolana, since in 1818 Leach established Nelocira as his tenth genus of Cymothoadae, and Cirolana as the eleventh, assigning a single species to each respectively, Nelocira swainso?ri and Cirolana cranchii. These are now considered to be one and the same species. The only distinction between them which Leach supplied was that the pleon of Nelocira. had five segments and that of Cirolana six. As, therefore, the generic character of Nelocira is erroneous, it is just that the preference should be given to the correctly described Cirolana, and this has been done by general consent. It is, moreover, convenient, because Nelocira is apt to be confused with the very similarly named but quite distinct genus which Leach at the same date called Nerocila. The family at present includes seven closely connected genera, distinguished in the following synoptic table : — r Pleon forming only two distinct segments. 1. Colopisthus, H. Richardson, 1 1 < Pleon forming more than two distinct I segments — 2. fEyes absent; peduncle of uropods with 2. Cirolanides, Benedict, 1896. inner apex not produced. Eyes present ; peduncle of uropods with inner apex produced — 3. ' Peduncle of second antennae four-jointed ; maxillipeds without hooks on second joint, Peduncle of second antennae five-jointed ;* maxillipeds with hooks on second joint — 4. r First pleopods with inner branch broad. 4. Cirolana, Leach, 1818. 4< First pleopods with inner branch nar- L row — 5. f Head and trunk broad. 5 < LHead and trunk narrow — 6. 902. 3. Eurydice, Leach, 1815. 5. Hansenolana, Stebbing, 1900. * With regard to a sixth joint in this peduncle in Cirolcma, Conilera and Bathynomus, see Hansen, 'Journ. Linn. Soc.,' vol. 29, p. 339. ISOPUDA. 1 1 First pleopods indurated ; second with male appendix attached at base of inner ramus. li. Conilera, Leach, 1818. First pleopods not indurated ; second with male appendix attached far from base of inner ramus. 7. Conilorpheus, n. gen., 1905. In addition to these some authors include in this family the huge-eyed Bathynomus, A. Milxe-Edwards, 187'J, which has the two abnormal characters of an accessory branch on the first antennae and supplementary branchiae on the pleopods, the blind Anuropus, Beddard, 1886, in which the uropods resemble the pleopods in character, and the maxillipeds have a one-jointed palp, and Branchuropus, H. F. Moore, 1902, which agrees with Anuropus in the characters just mentioned, but differs from it by possessing eyes and in the general habit of body. I am disposed to allot Bathynomus to a separate family Bathynomidse, and the other two genera to a family Anuropidse, as already suggested for the former of them in 1893. A. Dollfus ('Ann. Sci. Nat.,' Zool., Ser. 8, vol. 20, p. 271) now transfers his genus Sphceromides, 1898, to the "family Cirolanidae, and institutes in that family a new genus Faucheria for CSci. Iwlo-Neerl., ' vol. 2, art. 5, pp. 30, 31. 1881, Anilocra dimidiata, Schiodte and Meinert, ' Nat. Tidsskr.,' ser. 3, vol. 13, p. 103, 111, pi. 8 (15), figs. 5, 6. 1900, Anilocra dimidiata, Stebbing, in Willey's 'Zoological Results,' pt. 5, p. 639. The two specimens obtained agree closely with the description given by Schiodte and Meinert, having, in accordance with their conspectus of the species in this genus, the first antennae geniculate, the coxas not carinate but simple, and the fingers in the first four pairs of trunk -legs inflated in the middle, the inflation here forming a single nodule, not two or three nodules as in A. leptosoma, Bleeker. The colouring also agrees, not merely in being yellow, bespattered with minute dark specks, which is common to so many preserved species, but in the much more peculiar character of being very much darker on the right side of the animal than on the other, in accordance with Bleeker's description. Schiodte and Meinert write as though either side might be the darker. The Danish authors speak of their specimens being more or less twisted to the right, whereas ours are quite straight as in Bleeker's figure. They attribute only nine joints to the second antennas, while ours have these appendages ten-jointed. Both first and second antennas, and the latter especially, are much compressed. In one specimen both members of the second pair, and in the other one member, have the antepenultimate joint shorter than either of its neighbours. The fifth pleon segment has the postero-lateral angle produced a little over the telsonic segment, which is broader than represented by Schiodte and Meinert, but is, as they describe, obscurely carinate, with raised lateral margins. The peduncle of the uropods is only shortly produced on the inner apex ; the long narrow rami are perfectly smooth, approximately equal in length, the outer a little the narrower. One specimen, carrying elongate eggs, measured 24 millims. in length, the other being 22 millims. long. In each case the greatest breadth was 8 millims. Locality : — Palk Bay, 6 fathoms. Rhiothra, Schiodte and Meinert. 1884, Rhiothra, Schiodte and Meinert, 'Nat. Tidsskr.,' ser. 3, vol. 14, p. 223, 318. This genus is placed by the Danish authors in the Cymothoinas, the second tribe of their family Cymothoidas. In the somewhat conjectural reference to it of a single specimen, a male not fully grown, it would be out of place to indulge in any long discussion of the characters, for which the original work should be consulted. It may be remarked that the generic definition refers to the female, not to the adolescent male, in which the second antennas have a larger number of joints. Rhiothra callipia, Schiodte and Meinert. — Plate VI. (A). 1884, Rhiothra callipia, Schiodte and Meinert, ' Nat. Tidsskr.,' ser. 3, vol. 14, p. 319, pi. 12, figs. 8-13. The single specimen here available agrees with the account of the " mas adolescens" ISOPODA. 27 given by the Danish authors as well as could be expected considering its smaller size. The slender second antennae, however, consist of thirteen joints instead of twelve. The eight-jointed first antennas have the five joints of the flagellum each apically furnished with a spray of sensory filaments. The male appendix of the second pleopods, which the above-named authorities describe as very thin, hooked, scarcely reaching the end of the rami, is, in our example, only a third as long as the rami, not especially thin, and not showing any perceptible hook. The coupling spines of the peduncle are numerous. The delicately laminar rami of the uropods have fringes of finely plumose setae and are scarcely, or not at all, shorter than the telsonic segment, the broadly rounded hind margin of which is fringed with very short but finely plumose setae. Its base carries dorsally numerous setules, of which there are a few on the preceding segments. The pleopods are without setae, according to the custom of the family Cymothoidae. A feature of our specimen, to which Schiodte and Meinert make no allusion, is, that in all the limbs the fifth joint has the inner apex protruding, acutely in the first gnathopod, broadly in the fifth peraeopod, where it is armed with three spines. The third joint is remarkably short in the former, but tolerably long in the latter pair of limbs. In all the limbs the finger is strongly uncinate. Colour orange yellow, lightly sprinkled with small dark flecks, especially on the sides, the limbs pale. Length about 6 '7 5 millims., breadth about 2 '75 millims. Locality : — Station LVIIL, off Karativo Paar, 9 to 26 fathoms. Irona, Schiodte and Meinert. 1884, Irona, Schiodte and Meinert, 'Nat. Tidsskr.,' ser. 3, vol. 14, pp. 327, 381. 1897, Irona, H. J. Hansen, 'Bull. Mus Comp. Zool. Harvard,' vol. 31, p. 110. 1901, Irona, H. Richardson, 'Proc. U.S. Mus.,' vol. 23, pp. 525, 531. This genus was placed by its authors in the Livonecinae, the third tribe of their family Cymothoidae. From the seven other genera which they assign to the same tribe it is distinguished by one or more of the following characters : — Segments of the pleon clearly separate, fifth pereeopods subecmal in length to the preceding legs, or a little longer, with uncinate fingers, the body all moderately convex, the front broadly or shortly rounded, the pleon deeply immersed in the peraeon. In the definition of the genus nothing is said as to the mouth organs or the character of the pleopods. Four species were placed in the genus, to which Hansen has since added a fifth, 7. foveolata. This last agrees with the species about to be described in a rather striking feature, of which Hansen gives the following account : — The side-plates of the sixth, and especially of the seventh, segment are much broader and posteriorly much more produced than the others, besides on each side rising considerably above the more lateral part of the dorsal surface of the thorax [peraeon], which is brought about by the curious fact that these epimera are turned outwards e 2 28 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. and somewhat upwards." In Cterissa pterygoid (Koelbel) there is a similar expansion of the side plates, hut it applies to all six of them on one side of the animal and to none on the other side. Irona nanoides, n. sp. — Plate VI. (B). The specimen, a female, having its pouch enormously distended with young ones, was slightly distorted so as to make the outline of the left side very convex. The middle of the back is raised considerably above the lateral parts of the segments. The head has a short, very broad front. The peraeon is very broad, the side-plates of the fifth segment approaching the character of the two following pairs. The first two segments of the pleon are overlapped by the last segment of the peraeon, the next three are very short but wider than the almost semicircular telsonic segment. The eyes are wide apart, not very large, black. The first antennae are rather stout, especially as to the first three of the eight joints. The ten-jointed second pair are slighter, subequal in length. The upper lip has a four-lobed margin as in Ar&locra cuvieri, Leach, and in Renocila periophthalmi, Stebbing. The mandibles have a stout first joint to the palp, the second much thinner and a little shorter, the third shorter and thinner than the second, and armed with a few spines. The trunk thins out in advance of the palp, apparently carrying a quasi-molar not very remote from the pointed cutting-plate. The slender first maxilla is tipped with five spinules. The second maxilla appears to have a membranous apical margin accompanied by a process carrying small hooked spines. The maxillipeds have the composite second and third joints long and broad, followed by a joint which is about equal in length and breadth, narrowed at the rounded apex, to which is attached the narrow terminal bearing two outward bent hooks at its summit and one such hook on its side. The gnathopods and perteopods are all very similar in appearance and structure, the hinder pairs having some superiority of size. The second joint is substantial, but not conspicuously expanded ; the third in the gnathopods is as long as the hand, but in the hinder peraeopod is longer than any one of the joints that follow it ; the fourth joint is short but wide, being especially bulging in the fifth peraeopod ; the fifth joint is of insignificant size, tending slightly to underride the short curved hand, which does not exceed in length the simple but strongly hooked finger. The pleopods are all of remarkable breadth, both branches similar in structure and devoid of setae. The coupling spines of the short peduncles are small. The uropods are short, with two subequal oval branches, little longer than the stout peduncle, of which the inner apex is not produced. There are some tiny spinules on the branches, of which the inner is decidedly not longer than the outer. Colour in spirit yellow, with the upturned side-plates whitish. Length 10 millims., greatest breadth 5 "5 millims. Locality: — Station XXXIX., Gallehogalle Bank, 16 to 20 fathoms. The young ones taken from the mother's pouch have the broad front to the head as ISOPODA. 29 in the adults and the eight-jointed first antennae. In the limbs the nail is rather more distinct from the trunk of the finger than it is in the full-grown animal. The seventh segment of the person is, as usual, without limbs, and resembling the segments of the pleon which at this stage are much narrower than the perseon. The telsonic segment shows a broadly rounded or very obtusely-angled apical margin, which like those of the uropods, and possibly also those of the pleopods, is feebly and microscopically fringed with setules. There is no subapical constriction of the telsonic segment as in the " pullus stadii primi" of Irona foveolata, and the inner branch of the uropod is broader than in the young of that species. In Irona nana, Schiodte and Meinert, the adult female has the outer branch of the uropod much longer than the inner ; in Hansen's species the inner is considerably longer than the outer, so that both species may be easily distinguished from the one here described. Family: SPHyEROMIDyE. The genera that with more or less acceptance have maintained places in this family are Sphoerorna, Bosc, 1802; Campecopea, Leach, 1813; Cymodoce, Leach, 1814; Dyaamene, Leach, 1814 ; Ncesa, Leach, 1815 (for Nescea, Leach, 1813, preoccupied) ; Ciliccea, Leach, 1818; Zazara, Leach, 1818; Cerceis. Amphoroidea, Cassidina Ancinus, all four instituted by Milne-Edwards in 1840; Monolistra, Gerstaecker 1856; Isocladus, Miers, 1876; Ceratocephalus, Woodward, 1877 (not preoccupied by Ceratocephala, Warder, 1838, and therefore taking precedence of Bregmocerella Haswell, 1885); Cycloidura, Stebbing, 1878 (for Cyclura, Stebbing, 1874, preoccupied); Scutidoidea, Chilton, 1882; Plakarthrium, Chilton, 1883 (of which Chelonidium, Pfeffer, 1887, is a synonym, so that the family Chelonidiidas if maintained must be named Plakarthriidee) ; Haswellia, Miers, 1884 (for Calyptura, Haswell, 1881, preoccupied); CymodoceUa, Pfeffer, 1887; No?sicopea, Stebbing 1893; Ccecosphceroma, Dollfus, 1896 (part); Tecticeps, H. Richardson, 1897 ■ Exosphceroma, Stebbing, 1900; CassidineUa, Whitelegge, 1901; Chitonopsis, Whitelegge, 1902; Parasphceroma, Stebbing, 1902; Vireia, Dollfus, 1905. This rather unwieldy group suffers at present under various difficulties, towards the solution of which only a few suggestions can here be volunteered. Eugene Hesse in 1872 undertook to prove, with a reserve which he evidently scarcely entertained that Sphceroma represented the female of Cymodoce and Dyaamene the female of Ncesa. The discovery of undoubted males in several species of Sphceroma has shown that the first part of his hypothesis is untenable, but for the second part there is much to be said. It is exceedingly probable that Dynamene montagui, Leach, is the young male and that Dynamene rubra and viridis, Leach, are young forms, female or male of Ncesa bidentata (Adams), which is the adult male. The colouring, the general structure, and very frequent occurrence under similar conditions of these four forms give warrant to this belief (see ' Journ. Linn. Soc.,' London, vol. 12, p. 148, 1874). From acceptance of this view will follow the necessity of cancelling one of the generic 30 CEYLON PEAEL OYSTER REPORT. names. Nescea, Leach, has priority, but is preoccupied. Ncesa was substituted for it. But Dynamene has priority over Ncesa, although its title is a little peculiar. It was indeed defined in advance of the substituted naming of Ncesa, but the species for which it was defined were not specified by name until 1818. The simplest issue out of the complication seems to be by reducing the two genera and their four repre- sentative species to a single genus and species under the name Dynamene bidentata (Adams). Thus Ncesa disappears, and Dynamene in its place acquires an intelligible status. The relief, however, is not very great, because there are several other species that have been assigned to this dimorphic genus before its dimorphism was understood, and of these the true generic position remains uncertain. Although sexual dimorphism is not conspicuous in SphcBroma, Exosplueroma, or Parasphceroma, in many other genera of the family it has been more or less clearly established, and there exists at least a possibility that the females of different genera may be nmch less divergent in appearance than the males. The latter sex is dis- tinguished in Dynamene and Campecopea by having the sixth segment of the perseon dorsally produced, in Zuzara, Cycloidura, Isocladus, and Hasivellia by having the perseon's seventh segment so produced. In Dynamene, Campecopea, Ciliccea, and Noesicopea the males have the inner ramus of the uropods degraded (with an exception subsequently mentioned). In Ancinus that ramus is wanting, but the sexes have not as yet been discriminated either in that genus or in Tecticeps, which shows a near relationship to it. The uropods in Tecticeps are biramose, with the inner branch much the shorter. In regard to some isolated members of the family, it may be suggested that Sphceroma algoense, Stebbing, 1875, Cymodocella tubicauda, Pfeffer, 1887, and Splueroma (?) egregia, Chilton, 1891, must all belong to the same genus, and may possibly deserve to be united under the name Cymodocella algoensis. Cymodocea antarctica, Hodgson, 1902, also appears to approach Cymodocella more nearly than Cymodoce. Exosphceroma amplifrons, Stebbing, would, according to my present view, stand better in the genus Cymodoce, and, in any case, I agree with my friend Dr. H. J. Hansen that it cannot properlv be retained under Exosplueroma. Since the above was written, Mr. Holmes has kindly sent me his interesting essay on the sexes of Sphseromids (' Proc. California Ac. Sci.,' ser. 3, Zool., vol. 3, p. 295). He takes the view that the name Dynamene should be accepted in place of Ncesa, hut further extends it to supersede Ciliccea, a procedure which can scarcely be accepted without more consideration and argument. As regards the male sex, Cymodoce seems fairly distinguishable by superficial characters from Dynamene and both sections of Ciliccea, but whether there are stable and sufficient marks for separating either the female or the juvenile forms of Cymodoce and Ciliccea in all cases is less clear. The addition of new species without tolerably full description and figures is rather to be deprecated than welcomed. ISOPODA. 31 Sphaeroma, Bosc. 1802, Sphaeroina, Bosc, 'Hist. Nat. des Crustacds,' vol. 2, p. 182. 1873, Sphaeroma, Harger, 'Amer. Jouin. Sci.,' ser. 3, vol. 5, p. 314. 1880, Sphaeroma, Harger, 'Eep. U.S. Fish. Comm. for 1878,' p. 368. 1900, Sphaeroma (sensu restrido), Stebbing, 'Proc. Zool. Soc. London,' p. 552. 1901, Sphaeroma, Stebbing, in 'Spolia Zeylanica,' vol. 2, pt. 5, p. 15. 1901, Sphaeroma, Stebbing, in Gardiner's 'Fauna, Maldive and Laccadive Arehip.,' vol. 2, pt. 3, p. 710. The definition of the restricted genus may he formulated as follows : — Sexual dimorphism not conspicuous. Telsonic segment without apical sinus. Maxillipeds having the fourth and fifth joints fringed on the inner margin with long setae, hut neither these two joints nor the sixth produced into lobes. First and second gnathopods having the third and fourth joints fringed on the front margin with long setse. Uropods with subequal rami. Conforming to these characters are the type species, S. serratum (Fabricius), S. terebrans, Bate, S. quadridei datum, Say, and S. walkeri, n. sp. In the multi- tude of species which from early dates down to the last two or three years have been assigned to Sphceroma, there are many which are obviously excluded from that genus as above defined. But there are several of which not enough is known to enable us to say whether they belong to it or not. There is a presumption in favour of S. quoianum, Milne-Edwards, since Heller in re-describing that species says that the first three pairs of feet have the middle joints fringed on the outer side with long hairs, and there is a similar presumption in regard to S. sieboldii, Dolleus, 1889, and S. pentodon, H. Richardson, 1904. On the other hand, Whitelegge, describing S. australe, S. latifrons, and S. phimosum in 1902, speaks of the lobes in the palp of the maxillipeds as well developed. At least the first of these three may be referred with some certainty to Exosplmroma. Sphaeroma walkeri, n. sp. — Plate VII. Head not very broad or long. Peraeon convex, its segments not greatly differing in length, although a contrary impression may be produced by the telescoping or extension of a particular segment. The unsutured side-plates of the first segment are as usual much the longest, being subacutely outdrawn backwards and forwards. The next two pairs are apically narrowed, the following three somewhat squared, and the seventh pair with a rather deep trituberculate hind margin. The transverse tuberculatum of the segments, which is scarcely perceptible on the first segment, gradually increases in prominence, and fringes the seventh segment in a very pronounced manner. In the front division of the pleon, representing five faintly distinguishable segments consolidated into one, there is a curved transverse row of tubercles, belonging chiefly to the fourth segment. The telsonic segment is only moderately convex, and becomes slightly concave near the broadly rounded, slightly 32 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER RETORT. crenulate apical margin. This shield is ornamented hy four longitudinal rows of tubercles, two submedian, of about eight tubercles apiece, and two sublateral of four, which lead to an encircling apical ridge, the sloping sides of the shield carrying at the upper part short divergent lines of tubercles, and usually a little tubercle outside each sublateral line. The eyes are dark, deeply inserted in the front margin of the peraeon. The first antennae have a broad basal joint, probably representing two joints con- solidated. The following joint is small, scarcely as long as broad. The flagellum in the specimen examined consisted of fourteen joints, the first much the longest, as long as the basal and twice as long as the terminal joint of the peduncle. The slender second antenna? are rather longer than the first ; the fourth and fifth joints of the peduncle are equal in length ; the flagellum is fourteen-jointed, rather longer than the peduncle. The epistome is somewhat longer than broad ; the upper lip has a feebly trilobed margin. The gastric spines on the folds of the stomach at its entrance display a variety of shapes, which, however, may be customary. The mandibles have the molar strong and prominent, the palp less slight than usual. In both pairs of maxillae the plates appear to be somewhat broader than is usually the case. The maxillipeds have the plate of the second joint broad, strongly setose round the convex distal margin and down the surface at some distance from the inner margin. The latter is armed with an exceptionally long and slender upward-bent coupling spine. The third joint is exceedingly small, the fourth as broad as long, with inner margin narrower than the outer, the fifth about square, like the preceding joint having its inner margin densely fringed with long setae ; the sixth and seventh joints are subequal, apically setose, considerably longer and narrower than the fifth joint. The first gnathopods have the hind margin of the second joint setose in its upper part, the third joint nearly as long, with the plumose setse of the front margin very long ; the much shorter fourth joint has long plumose setae on the convex front margin ; the triangular fifth joint is quite small ; the sixth joint is about as long as the fourth, with short plumose setae distally on the front margin and a serrate spine at apex of hind margin ; the finger has minute setules along the concave hind margin. The second gnathopod differs from the first chiefly by the cylindrical fifth joint, which is nearly as long as the sixth, the former carrying plumose setae at its front apex, and both being setose along the hind margin. The peraeopods are fringed with setae on the front margin of the second, third, and fourth joints, and on the hind margin of all joints from the second or third to the sixth in the first two pairs, and on the corresponding but inverted margins of the other three pairs. The second and third joints are more robust than in the gnathopods. ISOPODA. 33 The fifth joint is uniformly shorter than the sixth, which in the fifth pair is con- siderably elongated, being as long, though not as bi'oad, as the third joint. The fixed inner branch of the uropods has two or three tubercles on its upper surface ; the outer branch is fringed with setse along the inner margin and has the outer divided into six or seven teeth. The colouring (as preserved) is a symmetrical dark-grey mottling on a pale ground. The specimen figured was 9 millims. long and 5 millims. broad. The second pleopods showed no trace of a male appendix. Numerous examples were obtained at Jokkenpiddi Paar, one in tow-net gathering at Marichcbukaddi, two at Cheval Paar, one in Galle Harbour, and one elsewhere. The tuberculation of the dorsal surface is not incapable of being regarded as forming a series of transverse lines, but the general effect produced is that of a striking contrast between longitudinal lines on the telsonic segment and transverse lines on the rest of the body. I name this prettily sculptured species in honour of A. O. Walker, Esq., F.L.S., a carcinological colleague whose cheering friendship I have for many years enjoyed. Cilicaea, Leach. 1818, Cilicaea, Leach, ' Dictionnaire des Sciences Naturelles,' vol. 12, p. 312 (" Ciliate," p. 311). 1818, Nassa (part), Say, ' Journ. Acad. Sci. Philad.,' vol. 1, p. 182. 1825, Cilicaea, Desmarest, 'Consid. gen. Crust.,' p. 295 (" Cicilcea," p. 442). 1829, Cilicaea, Latreii.le, 'Le Regne Animal,' vol. 4, p. 138. 1836, Cilicaea, Guerix, 'Iconogr. Regne Animal, Crust.,' pi. 30. 1840, Ncesea (part), Milne-Edwards, 'Hist. Nat. Crust.,' vol. 3, p. 216 ("Nesea," p. 628). 1853, Nesaea (part), Dana, 'U.S. Expl. Exp.,' vol. 13, p. 749. 1879, Nesea, G-. M. Thomson, ' Trans. New Zealand Inst.,' vol. 11, p. 234. 1881, Cilicaea, Haswell, 'Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales,' vol. 5, p. 475. 1882, Cilicaea, Haswell, 'Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales,' vol. 6, p. 1. 1882, Ciliccea, Haswell, 'Catal. Australian Crust.,' p. 295. 1884, Cilicaea, Miers, ' Zool. of the " Alert," ' p. 308. 1886, Cymodocea, Beddard, '"Challenger" (Isopoda) Reports,' vol. 17, p. 145. 1891, Cymodocea, Ives, 'Proc. Acad. Sci. Philad.,' pp. 188, 194. 1899, Cilicaea, H. Richardson, 'Proc. U.S. Nat, Mus.,' vol. 21, pp. 831, 838. 1900, Cilicaea, II. Richardson, 'The American Naturalist,' vol. 34, No. 399, p. 222. 1900, Cilicaea, Steering, Willey's 'Zoological Results,' pt. 5, p. 643. 1901, Cilicaea, H. Richardson, 'Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus.,' vol. 23, pp. 532, 535. 1902, Cilicea, H. F. Moore, ' Bull. U.S. Fish Comm.,' vol. 20 (for 1900), p. 172. 1902, Cilicaea, H. Richardshn, 'Trans. Connect. Acad.,' vol. 11, p. 291. 1902, Ciliccea, Whitelegge, 'Mem. Australian Mus.,' Mem. 4, p. 265. To include the numerous species now assigned to this genus, the following definition is offered : — Sexual dimorphism conspicuous. Segments of perason devoid of dorsal processes. Telsonic segment with an apical sinus. Maxillipeds with fourth, fifth, and sixth joints F 34 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. produced into apically setose lobes. Gnathopods without fringes of long plumose seta?. Uropods of male (except in C spinulosa) having only the outer ramus strongly developed. Leach having only C latreillii on which to found his genus, availed himself of characters which would exclude many of the forms now grouped under this generic name. The four marks which he used for distinguishing Cilic(ea among the Sphseromidae were : first, the approximate ecmality of the sixth and seventh segments of the perason ; second, the prolonged medio-dorsal process on the anterior division of the pleon ; third, the apical sinus with central lobe in the hinder division of the pleon ; and fourth, the rudimentary character of the inner ramus of the uropods. The second of these characters is conspicuous in fewer than half the species at present assigned to the genus. The lobe within the apical sinus of the pleon is found in oidy four of the species, and the fourth character is subject to one curious exception, since in C spinulosa the inner ramus of the uropods is rather longer than the outer. Leach himself evidently suspected that the long process of the pleon might be peculiar to the male, and this has proved to be the case. But the females, so far as is known, besides being without the dorsal process, have the apical sinus, at least usually, simple, and the rami of the uropods subequal. Whitelegge, however, says that " the sexual differences in C. hystrix are very slight," and that in C. stylifera "the female does not differ materially from the male." He thinks it highly probable that the form figured by Haswell as the female of C. hystrix may really be the female of C. spinulosa, Haswell in his text leaving the point ambiguous. Miers regards SpJueroma pubescens, Milne-Edwards, the Cymodocea pubescens of Haswell, as with scarcely any doubt the female of C. latreillii. H. F. Moore explains Cymodocea bermudcnsis, Ives, as female of C caudata (Say), and suggests that Dynamene nodidosa, Richardson, is the female of C. caudata- gil liana, Richardson, nodulosa being apparently named by a slip of the pen instead of tuberculosa. But S. J. Holmes makes it fairly certain that Dynamene tuberculosa is the female of Ciliccea cordata, Richardson. As tuberculosa has page precedence, it will supersede cordata, and not without advantage to the genus, since to many ears cordata and caudata are indistinguishable. The confusion caused by the sexual dimorphism in this genus will not, perhaps, be very easily disentangled. The following synoptic view of the species rather suggests that, for practical convenience, those which are devoid of the great dorsal process might be grouped under a sejmrate generic name : — Anterior division of pleon in male with long medio-dorsal process — 2. Anterior division of pleon in male without such process — 11. 2s ISOPODA. Apical sinus in male with prominent central lobe — 3. Apical sinus in male with central lobe very small or absent — 5. I The medio-dorsal process with apex o j simple. The medio-dorsal process with apex bifid— 4. r Outer ramus of uropods sub-apically 4 <^ notched. L Outer ramus of uropods not notched. I Apical sinus of pleon in male with r ! very small central lobe. I Apical sinus of pleon in male without i. central lobe — 6. f Surface of perseon conspicuously spinu- lose — 7. Surface of perseon smooth or mode- (. rately granular — 8. I Inner ramus of the uropods in male 35 1. C. latreillii, Leach, 1818. C. crassct, Haswell, 1882. C. longispina, Miers, 1884. 4. C. antennalis, Mieks, 1884. not shorter than the outer. Inner ramus of the uropods in male shorter than the outer. J Apex of medio-dorsal process not dis- o I tinctly bifid — 9. Apex of medio-dorsal process distinctly I bifid— 10. [ Apex of medio-dorsal process truncate, g J slightly indented. Apex of medio-dorsal process truncate, t slightly trifid. I Outer ramus of uropods in male with . . I bifurcate apex. Outer ramus of uropods in male with [_ simple apex. 10. 'Apical sinus of pleon in male with minute central lobe. 11. } Apical sinus of pleon in male with large central lobe — 12. Apical sinus of pleon in male without central lobe — 13. p 2 5. C. spinulosa, Haswell, 1882. 6. C. hystrix, Haswell, 1882. 7. C. caniculata (Thomson), 1879. 8. C. granulata, Whitelegge, 1902. 9. C. tenuicaudata, Haswell, 1881. C. whiteleggei, n. sp., 1905. C. sculpta (Holmes), 1904. 36 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. 15<| ' Central lobe with the flanking apices bifid. 12<^ Central lobe with the flanking apices simple. f Apical sinus in male simple — 14. 1_ Apical sinus in male sculptured — 17. r Apical sinus visible from above — 15. \ Apical sinus dorsally concealed — 16. Movable ramus of uropods in male stiliform. Movable ramus of uropods in male uncinate. f Apical sinus concealed by a trilobed » J process. Apical sinus concealed by a simple ^ acute process. 'Apical sinus with two teeth in the border. Apical sinus with four teeth in the border. Apical sinus with six teeth in the border — 18. f Teeth in the sinus boldly cut. |_ Teeth in the sinus minute. 12. C. granulosa, H. Richardson, 1899. 13. C. li7iguicauda,IL. Rtchardson, 1901. 17^ 14. C. stylifera, Whitelegge, 1902. 15. C. carinata, H. Richardson, 1900. 16. C. curtispina, Haswell, 1882. 17. C. ornata, Whitelegge, 1902. 18. C. beddardi, n. sp., 1905. 19. C. caudata (Say), 1818. 20. C. tuberculosa (H. Richardson), 1899. 21. C. gilliana, H. Richardson, 1899. In regard to this list it should be mentioned that Miers treats Haswell's C. crassicaudata and his own C. longispina as two varieties of C. latreittii. The specific name of C. antennalis he adopts from White, who published it in 1847 without a description. The species described by G. M. Thomson, in 1879, as Nesea caniculata was recorded by Thomson and Chilton, in 1886, as Ncesa canalicidata, with a notice that Miers supposed it to belong to Cilicaea, and that the type specimen had apparently been lost. Miss Richardson's C. gilliana was described by her under the name C. caudata gilliana, as a new sub-species of C. caudata (Say). Species that may belong to the genus, but which have as yet only been described in the female form, are not included in the list. Cilicsea latreillii, Leach — Plates III. (B), VIII. 1818, Cilicaea latreillii, Leach, 'Diet. Sci. Nat.,' vol. 12, p. 342. 1825, Cilicsea latreillii, Desmarest, 'Consid. g&i. Crust.,' p. 296, pi. 48, fig. 3. 1836, Cilicaea latreillii, Guerin, ' Iconogr. Regne Animal,' pi. 30, fig, 4 (by error marked 2 on plate ; see explanation of plates, p. 32, second edition). 1840, Nffisea latreillii, Milne-Edwards, 'Hist. Nat. Crust.,' vol. 3, p. 218. ISOPODA. 37 1881, Cilicaea crassicaudata, Haswell, ' Proe. Linn. Soc, N.S. Wales,' vol. 5, p. 475, pi. 17, fig. 3. 18S4, Cilicaea latreillei, MlEKS, ' Zool. of the "Alert,"' p. 308, var. crassicaudata, p. 309. 1902, Ciliccea crassicaudata, Whitelegge, ' Mem. Austral. Mus.,' Mem. 4, p. 273, fig. 35. Male. — Miers says, " the segments of the body are covered with a very short stiff pubescence." In the Ceylon specimen the integument is clothed with plumose setules accompanied by thin pellucid undulating fringes, the precise character of which is not easy to determine. Their function may be to retain a concealing coverlet of mud on the animal's coat, as suggested by Doflein (' Brachyura of the " Valdivia," ' p. 203), for the " leaf-hairs " of the Dromiacea and Oxyrrhyncha. The hind region of the last three perseon segments is ornamented with transverse rows of small granules. The long unsutured side-plates of the first segment have the narrowly-squared front apex commonly found in this and some other genera. In contrast to these, the side-plates of the next three segments are extremely short, those of the third segment ending acutely, with the points less produced than those of their neighbours on either side. The anterior division of the pleon projects a thick, apically obtuse, medio-dorsal process over and beyond the telsonic segment, leaving exposed to view the pair of sub-lateral bosses on that segment, but covering both the central lobe and the sides of its apical notch. The first antennae in the specimen figured have a flagellum of twenty-one joints. The second antennas in the same specimen show a want of symmetry, in one member of the pair the fourth and fifth joints of the peduncle being considerably longer than any of the preceding joints, the flagellum ten-jointed, shorter than the peduncle, while in the other member the fourth and fifth joints of the peduncle are each shorter than the second, and the flagellum is twelve-jointed, longer than the peduncle. Normally, as shown by another specimen, and in Desmarest's figure, the first antennae are not, as in this instance, longer, but shorter than the second. Mandibles with dark horn-coloured cutting edge with dentation obscure, accessory plate bidentate on one mandible, simple on the other, a tuft of spines between this and the prominent molar, palp slender. Maxillipeds : The second joint has a sinuous outer margin to the stem, its plate is of moderate breadth, and the ultimate joint of the palp reaches well beyond the lobe of the penultimate joint. First gnathopods : Third joint elongate, hind margin carrying many little groups of spinules, front distally channeled and above the groove produced into an obtuse spine- tipped process, fourth joint broader than long, its spine-tipped front apex overlapping the fifth joint, with seven spines along the hind margin ; small fifth joint with five, and sixth joint with six spines along the hind margin, of the last set the sixth being shorter than the one before it, but with this exception, the three successive sets of slightly serrate spines beginning with smaller and ending with larger forms. The finger is strong, as long as the stout sixth joint, ending in two horny nails, of which the short inner one is serrate on its inner margin. 38 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. The second guathopods are less robust, the spines of the front margin more developed, those of the hind margin more numerous, but for the most part not so strong, the fifth joint not differing greatly in size and character from the fourth, the finger not quite so long as the sixth joint, and its inner nail showing no serration. The fifth perseopod is the longest of the limbs, the process of the third joint by successive reduction in prominence here almost disappearing, the fourth, fifth, and sixth joints attaining their greatest elongation, and the finger being decidedly shorter than the preceding joint. The first pleopods exhibit an interesting feature of the inner branch in that its inner margin, instead of joining the outer either by a continuous straight line or a convex curve, here makes a slightly concave sweep from the point where the fringe of long, feathered seta? begins. The second pleopods, as already described and figured by Mr. Whitelegge, are remarkable for the great length and corrugated appearance of the male stilet. This in our specimen, as in that described by Mr. Whitelegge, was stiffened into a strongly bent position. The three following pairs have the covering branch sutured and lying very close to the branchial plate. In the fifth pair the short, but broad, portion beyond the suture is bilobed, and from the junction of the lobes rises a forward-pointing lappet, this, with the border of the inner lobe, and two tubercles just in advance of the suture, being also closely beset with little teeth or prickles in regular arrangement. The uropods have the short stout peduncle produced on the inner side to a short thick process representing the inner ramus, of which the appearance varies consider- ably with the point of view. The stout, blunt outer ramus has a tooth on the outer margin at some distance from the apex, often obscure, and, according to Miers, occasionally obsolete. Length, 11 millims. to 13 millims. From the tendency of the specimens to fold up, the exact length is not very easily measured. Localities : — South of Manaar ; Coral reef, Gulf of Manaar ; Pearl banks, Palk Bay. One specimen was obtained at each station. Cilicsea latreillii, Leach, juv. — Plate III. (B). This small specimen is remarkable for its coat. This may be described as thickly beset with short, stiff, irregularly blunt setse covering all the dorsal surface, except such parts as are adapted for sliding under neighbouring parts. In the ' Zoology of H.M.S. "Alert,"' pp. 308-310, 1884, Mr. E. J. Miers makes Splwroma pubescens, Milne-Edwards, 1840, doubtfully, a synonym of Ciliccea latreillii, and Haswell's Cymodocea pubescens, 1881, with conviction, another synonym. His remarks on the variations of this species according to age, sex, and individuality, should be carefully studied by anyone interested in the subject. Haswell gives the length of his longest specimen of Cymodocea pubescens as 1 inch. That the setose covering should be worn down in large specimens might be easily explained, but it is ISOrODA. 39 less easy to understand in an evidently young specimen, such as that in the present collection. Probably, therefore, the peculiar setae are not stumps due to attrition, but an inchoate stage of the undulating fringes noticed above. It will be observed that the spines of the first gnathopod are not blunted, and the finger clearly shows a delicate serration of the inner margin and small setules on the outer. In the adult male the serration is less easy to observe, the finger having become thicker and coarser. Length 6 millims., breadth 3 millims. Locality: — Coast of Ceylon, under 100 fathoms. Cilicaea whiteleggei, n. sp. — Plate IX. (A), (B). Male. — This species is easily distinguished from C. latreUlii by its much slighter general structure, as well as by the character of the very elongate dorsal process in the front division of the pleon, the terminal part of which is not conical but almost parallel-sided and sharply bifid at the apex. Also, the apical notch of the telsonic segment is simply semicircular without median lobe. The three species which make a nearer approach are C. tenuicaudata, Haswell, distinguished by the bifid apices of the uropods ; C. caniculata (G. M. Thomson), with practically truncate apex to the dorsal process and the free ramus of the uropods short and thick ; and lastly C. granulata, Whitelegge, which also has the dorsal process truncate, " with three small terminal subspiniform granules." This last species attains a» length of 13 millims., therefore greatly exceeding in size that which I am here naming after Mr. Whitelegge out of respect for his useful researches in this group. The surface is very inconspicuously granular and hairy, only on the pleon and uropods showing these characters at all distinctly. The side-jjlates are similar to those of the preceding species, but having in addition a subcarinate appearance along the upper portion. The pleon, which is as long as head and peraeon combined, has a rounded tooth or projection on either side of the dorsal process at its base, which must be regarded as an additional distinction between this species and C. granulata. It has " a submedian pair of tubercles transversely disposed behind the middle of the terminal segment," such as Whitelegge considers distinctive of the female in his species. The first antennae have the flagellum consisting of ten or eleven unecpial joints, with sensory filaments on the last five. The longer second antennae have the last joint of the peduncle decidedly longer than the penultimate, the flagellum longer than the peduncle, fifteen-jointed. In the mouth organs it was probably a casual abnormality that the first maxilla had only three setae instead of the usual four on the inner plate. The maxillipeds differ from those of C. latreillii by the stronger stem of the second joint, which has a straight outer margin and carries a much wider plate ; also the lobes of the fifth and sixth joints are longer than in the older species. First gnathopods : The third joint projects and carries a spine at the middle of 40 CEYLON PEAEL OYSTER REPORT. the front margin, but has no process. The fourth joint has a spine at the front apex and three on the hind margin, the small triangular fifth has two spines, and the sixth three on the hind margin ; the finger has a horny principal nail, but the accessory nail is only represented by a small pellucid spine. The second gnathopods have similar fingers, but the four preceding joints more elongate, the fifth joint being of the same character as in the perseopods. Most of these limbs show a fur-like clothing of the inner margin of the fourth and two following joints ; the spines are quite small and not very numerous ; the proportions of the joints are variable, in the long fifth perseopods the fourth joint being as long as the third or the sixth and a little longer than the fifth. The first pleopods have the inner branch triangular with no distal emargination of the inner border. Both branches are covered with scale-like markings. The male appendix of the second pair is produced only a little way beyond the branches and is subapically widened but apically narrowed to a short obtuse point, thus differing from the longer, not subapically widened, stilet in C. granulata. The third pleopods differ from those of C. latreillii by having the inner branch considerably shorter than the outer, and the part of the outer branch below the suture with a breadth much less in excess of its length. The uropods have a dorsal tubercle on the peduncle ; the peduncle is widened above on the inner side, and is still more widened below into the short unjointed inner ramus. The outer ramus is very long and nearly straight, the tolerably acute tip tending to bend outwards. Length at full stretch from front of head to end of dorsal process of pleon, 8 '5 millims. The uropods reach little beyond the dorsal process. Localities : — Cheval Paar, Gulf of Manaar ; deep water off Galle ; off Foul Point, Trincomalee, Station XXIV. Female. — The form which I regard as the female of this species is devoid of the long dorsal process and has the rami of the uropods subequal. It is also considerably smaller than the male. But in other respects the agreement between the two forms is so close as to leave little room for doubt that they are the same species. The maxillipeds are especially characteristic. The antennae, first gnathopods, and fifth peraeopods, as will be seen by the illustrative figures, are in close agreement. The pleopods, in addition to agreement in shape, show the same scale-like markings. The uropods have the fixed branch squarely truncate, the outer narrowly ovate, with its apex acute, turned slightly outward. The front division of the pleon has a faintly marked medio-dorsal projection of its hind margin. The telsonic segment has two prominent submedian bosses and a semicircular apical notch. Localities : — Trincomalee, Station XXIV., off Foul Point; deep water off Galle. Cilicsea beddardi, n. sp. — Plate X. (A), (B). Male. — This species is nearly related to C. caudata (Say), but, according to the ISOPODA. 41 more recent descriptions and figures of the latter by Ives (' Proc. Ac. Sci., Pliilad.,' 1891, pp. 188, 194, pi. 6, figs. 11-16), and by H. F. Moore ('Bull. U.S. Fish. Comra.,' vol. 20 for 1900, p. 172, pi. 10, figs. 5-8, 1902), the present form must be considered distinct. Say, in his original account, speaks of the telsonic segment as " marked by a deep sinus, within which are two or four small teeth." Ives, who had six male specimens from Bermudas, takes no notice of the alternative two teeth, but says, " there appears to be a tendency in the four spines within the sinus of the posterior abdominal segment to become double." Moore says, " the apical notch is furnished with four teeth, two small ones at the base, and two larger ones outside of them and at a slightly lower level. The two limbs forming the borders of the notch are notched at their tips and furnished with a tuft of setae." These notches at the tips are also very clearly shown in the figure given by Ives. In the Ceylon species there are decidedly only two teeth within the sinus, and the tips of the sinus are not notched, but carry dorsally an upright tuft of setules seemingly seated on a tubercle. A few setules rise from the dorsal surface throughout the length of the animal. There is little difference in length between the segments of the peraeon, except in regard to the seventh, which is the shortest, and has its side-plates rounded, less produced than the rest. The anterior division of the pleon has a transverse row of five small setulose tubercles. To these succeed on the telsonic segment three longi- tudinal ridges divided into tubercles, some of which carry setules. Behind the ridges the segment is depressed and has a group of setules in advance of the sinus which has been above described. The first antennae have an eight-jointed flagellum. In the second antennae one member had the flagellum ten-jointed, while in the other it was seven-jointed. The epistome is conspicuously tri-lobed above. The distal margin of the upper lip is evenly convex. One of the mandibles has both cutting edge and accessory plate tri-dentate. On the other the dentation of these parts is obscure. They are succeeded by a bunch of spines. The molar is well developed ; the palp slender, with its first joint not much longer than the second or third. The first maxillae have the usual four feathered setae on the inner plate, the apical spines of the outer plate slender. The maxillipeds are slightly constructed, with the last four joints apically setiferous, the three preceding the terminal joint being produced into narrow lobes. The limbs are very similar to those of Ciliccea ivhiteleggei, but rather less robust. The second peraeopod on the right side of the specimen figured has the sixth joint reduced to an oval stump, carrying no finger. The first pleopods are remarkable for having the inner ramus twice as broad as it is long, agreeing with the same appendage as described by Whitelegge for Zuzara emarginata, Haswell. The second pleopods also have the inner ramus much G 42 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. broader than long, with the male appendix a little longer than the breadth of the ramus, transparent, smooth, of uniform width, with the apex turned a little away from the ramus. The outer ramus has the serration of its distal outer margin produced into prominent teeth. The third pleopods have the portion of the outer ramus beyond the suture nearly as long as it is broad. The fourth and fifth pairs have branchial folds on both rami. The uropods are very hairy. The short peduncle is produced into a quadrate process representing the inner ramus, which has its lower angle a little acutely produced and beset with short feathered setae. The movable ramus is long, cylindrical, slightly curved, the outer margin being convex. Length 5 millims., breadth 2 '5 millims. Locality : — Cheval Paar ; Muttuvaratu Paar. Cilicsa (?), sp. juv.— Plate IX. (C). The small specimen figured is no doubt immature, as may be judged from the unfurnished condition of the maxillipeds. The pleon differs little from that of the female or young C. whiteleggei, except that the outer ramus of the uropods shows no outward curving. The first antennae have a massive peduncle and a flagellum of eight joints or, perhaps, more. The flagellum of the second antennas is twelve- jointed. In the finger of the gnathopods the little spine or tooth at the base of the nail is comparatively strong. Length, in a somewhat bent position, about 5-5 millims. Locality : — Palk Bay. Cymodoce, Leach. 1814, Cymodoce, Leach, ' Edinburgh Encycl.,' vol. 7, p. 433. 1902, Cymodoce, Stebbing, ' South African Crustacea,' part 2, p. 73. 1904, Cymodoce, Stebbing, in Gardiner's 'Fauna, Maldive and Laccadive Archip.,' vol. 2, pt. 3, p. 712. Cymodoce bicarinata, Stebbing — Plate X. (C). 1904, Cymodoce bicarinata, Stebbing, in Gardiner's 'Fauna, Maldive and Laccadive Archip.,' vol. 2, pt. 3, p. 712, pi. 52b. The specimen here figured differed from the type by its greater proportionate breadth, being 4 millims. broad by 6 millims. long, while the flagellum of the first antennae was only eleven -jointed, and that of the second fourteen -jointed. But the long genital papillae* of the seventh peraeon segment and the greatly produced inward curving male appendix of the second pleopods and various other features showed close agreement. To judge by other specimens, the breadth is variable. Milne-Edwards, 'Hist. Nat. Crust.,' vol. 3, p. 213, 1840, describes C. pilosa as * This term is introduced by Dr. H. C. Williamson in the ' Twenty-second Annual Report of the Fishery Board for Scotland,' part iii., p. 101, 1904. For an earlier vague use of it by v. Willemoes Suhm, see ' "Challenger" Amphipoda,' p. 438. ISOPODA. 43 follows : — " Body very flexible and almost smooth in front, but granular and setose in the hinder half. Front obtuse as in Sphceroma ; hind margin of the first pleon segment furnished with two rounded tubercles ; two tubercles similar but much larger, more salient and above all more elongated, situated on the last pleon segment and separated by a longitudinal furrow, at the extremity of which is found a boss furnished with a pencil of long setse. Terminal incision of the pleon very wide ; the elongate median process almost cylindrical, rounded at the end, and terminating at the level of the extremity of tbe two teeth formed by the sides of the incision. Terminal plates of the uropods reaching much beyond the extremity of the pleon ; the inner large and obtuse ; the outer much broader, thin on the inner side, but very thick towards the outer margin and armed with a conical tooth at its extremity. Length about 6 lines. Habitat, the Mediterranean." A length of 12'5 millims., compared with 6 millims., makes the difference in size very considerable, but in other respects there is a close resemblance between the Pacific species and that described from the Mediterranean. Localities : — East of Shoal buoy ; off Chilavaturai ; on trap sunk to bottom, Shoal buoy. Cymodoce inornata, Whitelegge. 1902, Cymodoce inornata, Whitelegge, ' Mem. Australian Mus.,' iv., pt. 4, p. 263, fig. in text. The specimen referred to this species agrees well with Mr. Whitelegge's account and figure. It has the body minutely hairy, the pigmented area of the eyes with the narrow end directed backwards, the process in the apical sinus of the telsonic segment small and rounded, the outer ramus of the uropods bidentate, with the outer tooth smaller and higher up than the inner. On the other hand, it should be stated that the apical sinus is much more marked than that which Mr. Whitelegge represents, and the tip of the median process scarcely reaches the level of the apices of the sinus. The outer ramus of the uropods is not so forcibly bidentate as in Mr. Whitelegge's figure, and above the semi- circular depression, which that author mentions as extending from one uropod to the other, the telsonic segment is here bilobed. In the Australian memoir it is spoken of simply as convex. Length about 12 millims., equal to twice the breadth. The specimen was crowded with young ones, in which the eyes were already visible. Locality : — Coral reefs, Gulf of Manaar. A second specimen was taken south of Adam's Bridge. Tribe: VALVIFERA. To the tribe, in 1897, Sars assigned the three families Idotheidse (synonymous with Idoteidse), Arcturidse (with suggestion of AstacillidaB as the proper substitute), and Chaetiliidse. The late Axel Ohlin in 1901 added a new family, Pseudidotheidse, to receive the three species, Idothea miersii, Studer, Pseudidothea bonniem, Ohlin, and Arcturides cornutus, Studer. He was, however, almost convinced that the first G 2 44 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. two were identical, and suspected that in any case both would have to be transferred to Arcturides, the genus of the third. He recognised that in the latter event the family name would have to be changed. It would rather inconveniently become Arcturididse. Another family, likewise intermediate between the Idoteidse and Astacillidae, is now required. This is remarkable for the negative character in which it agrees with the Amphipoda Caprellidea, a common result being no doubt referable not to any close tie of consanguinity, but to the simple fact that in each instance nature has enabled a species to get rid of limbs for which it had no further use. For the genera Antarcturus and Pseudoprion, zur Strassen, see 'Zool. Anzeiger,' vol. 25, p. G86 ; vol. 26, p. 31 ; 1902-03. Family : AMESOPODID^E, nov. Body not geniculate, but antennae, mouth organs, first gnathopods, and appendages of pleon nearly as in the Astacillidae. Second gnathopods ambulatory, not setose, not fully jointed. First and second pairs of perseopods unrepresented, except by the marsupial plates in the female. Amesopous, n. gen. To the characters of the family none can be added for generic distinction, so long as the family contains but a single genus. It may be noticed that the first segment of the peraeon is coalesced with the head, that all the segments of the pleon are fused into one, and that the wrist and hand of the first gnathopods are fringed with conspicuously trifid setae. The name is framed to express the default of the median pairs of legs. In Cleantis, Dana, a genus of the Idoteidae, which in general facies makes some approach to the present, the second perseopods are the smallest of the limbs. In Arcturides the head is only incompletely separated from the first perseon segment, but Ohlin finds this fusion complete in his Astacilla falclandica, and nearly so in A. magellanica. Amesopous richardsonae, n. sp. — Plate XI. (A). Head united to first peraeon segment without apparent suture, rostral point minute, lateral lobes produced about to the end of the first joint of the upper antennae. Body in male narrowly cylindrical, the limbless segments of the perseon the smallest, but in the ovigerous female the cephalothorax widens distally, and the second, third, and fourth peraeon segments which carry large marsupial plates are much wider, the third and fourth being also considerably longer than any of the three following segments. The pleon is narrowly ovoid, narrowly rounded at the apex. In lateral view the dorsal outline is corrugated, and the female has a pair of dorso-lateral tubercles on each of the second, third, and fourth peraeon segments. The eyes are dark, laterally protuberant just below the frontal lobes of the head. The facets are small and numerous. The first antennae reach some way along the third joint of the second pair which ISOPODA. 45 they overlie. The first joint is stout, a little longer than broad, the second and third shorter and much narrower, together as long as the one-jointed nagellum, which carries three apical sensory filaments. The second antennas have a very short first joint, the second not long, the fifth rather longer than the third and rather shorter than the fourth, the three-jointed nagellum being as long as the peduncle's third joint. The very short apical joint is tipped with a curved spine. The upper lip appears to be rounded. The lower lip forms two broadly rounded lobes. The mandibles are without palp, with small tridentate cutting plate and narrow accessory plate, close to which is a strong but not elongate molar with finely denticulate crown. The first maxilla? show only two plumose setae on the apex of the inner plate, and nine not very elongate spines on that of the outer plate. The second maxillae are remarkably short, with short comparatively broad plates, the outermost tipped with two long setae, the middle one with four that are not so long, and the innermost with five that are shorter and more spine-like. The maxillipeds have the lobe of the second joint produced about to the end of the fifth joint and armed on the inner margin with setae and with three or sometimes only two hooks. The third joint is small, the fifth broadly oval, the sixth much shorter, nearly as broad as long, the seventh almost tubercular ; the fifth and sixth are' well fringed with setae on the inner margin. The epipod is cpiadrately oval in the female, but in the male balloon-like, being very narrow at the base. The first gnathopods are closely applied to the mouth. They have the fourth joint somewhat cup-like, much broader than the third, the fifth joint longer but not so wide, the sixth narrower than the fifth but subequal to it in length, and both of these notable for the trifid setae along the inner margin. The middle branch of the setae is the longest. The narrowed apical part of the sixth joint has curved setae on the outer margin. The finger is short and conical, and tipped with a spine. The second gnathopods display only five joints. The finger has its inner margin denticulate and ends in a very small curved unguis, agreeing with the finger in the third, fourth, and fifth peraeopods. The two preceding joints have the inner margin denticulate or serrate. Of the four joints preceding the finger the second is not longer than broad, the third is shorter than the first, and the first than the fourth. Whether the first represents a coalescence of the first and second or of the second and third joints, or whether the fourth may be a fusion of the true fifth and sixth joints it is, perhaps, vain to speculate. The three hinder peraeopods are almost exactly alike, the second joint in the female decidedly longer than the sixth, but scarcely so in the male. The third joint is longer than the fourth and the fourth than the fifth. The first and second pleopods have two slender branches with long apical setae. 46 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. The others appear to be simply branchial, narrowly oval, without setae. A male pleopod figured shows one of the branches apically divided for a short distance. The smooth inner division is probably the male stilet in preparation. The uropods are elongate, the narrowly triangular terminal division being about a quarter as long as the peduncle. Within it is a plate about two-thirds as long and half as broad, with a long seta on its rounded apex. The female is brown, with numerous conspicuous white spots, and three dorsal longitudinal dark bands. The males did not exhibit any white spots, and had two dorso-lateral dark bands. The length of the female was 6 millims., not including the second antennae which were 275 millims. long. The longest male was 4 millims. From this the detail figures of the male are taken. The male figured measured 2 '5 millims. in length. The sex of the female specimen was beyond question, as it was provided with fourteen large eggs. As to the other much smaller specimens one must speak with more reserve, as they might be young ones of either sex. Locality : — From pearl oysters, East Cheval Paar. The specific name is given out of respect to the assiduous work which Miss Harriet Richardson has devoted to this tribe of the Isopoda. Family: IDOTEID^E. Idotea, Fabricius. 1798, Idotea, Fabricius, ' Supplenientum Ent. Syst.,' p. 302. Idotea sp. In a tow-net gathering off Marichchukaddi there were two specimens of a young Idotea, 2 millims. long, in which the last pair of peraeopods were not yet visible. Family: ASTACILLIILE. Astacilla, Cordiner. 1795, Astacilla, Cordiner, 'Remarkable Ruins . . . and Singular Subjects of Natural History.' Section, " AstacillaB," etc. 1893, Astacilla, Stebbing, 'History of Crustacea,' p. 370. 1897, Astacilla, Sars, ' Crustacea of Norway,' vol. 2, p. 87. 1904, Astacilla, Norman, 'Ann. Nat. Hist.,' ser. 7, vol. 14, p. 447. Astacilla amblyura, n. sp. — Plate XI. (B). The head has a minute rostral point and the usual broad lateral lobes in advance of the dark protuberant eyes ; it is rather gibbous between the eyes and apparently has a pair of tubercles wide apart in advance of the hump. The specimen was rather foul with adhesive extraneous matter, by which the excrescences were in part obscured, in part exaggerated, and there was some risk, in clearing away what was adventitious, ISOPODA. 47 of removing what really belonged to the animal. A strong groove (but not necessarily an articulation) separates the first segment of the perseon from the head. Tbe long fourth segment has a dorsal hump in advance of the middle and a small medio-dorsal tubercle closely flanked by two others a little to the rear of it on the hind margin. The sixth perseon segment appears to have two lateral tubercles, the fifth and seventh segments each one such tubercle on either side. No transverse dorsal divisions of the pleon could be discerned, but on each lateral margin there are three projections ; to the last and most prominent of these a short obtusely ending apical triangle succeeds, very different from the acute ending of the pleon in the four Norwegian species figured by Professor G. 0. Sars, but agreeing with the apex in A. granulata, Sars, and A. marionensis, Beddard. The first antennae are normal, with stout first joint, the second and third successively narrower, the one-jointed flagellum fringed with thirteen or fourteen sensory filaments. The second antennas are very little shorter than the body, the third joint much stouter distally than at its base, the fourth joint the longest of all, but much narrower than the third and curving to a little conspicuous tooth not far from the base ; the fifth joint is narrower, intermediate in length between the third and fourth, about twice as long as the three-jointed flagellum. In the mouth parts and limbs there is scarcely any tangible difference from the corresponding structures figured by Sars for A. lovgicomis (Sowerby). On one of the mandibles, between the accessory plate and the strong molar, in this species two or three short spines are to be seen crowded into a very narrow space. The cutting edere has three or four close-set teeth. The first maxillae have three setae on the inner plate, nine very short spines on the outer. The second maxillae have the inner plate much broader and more setose than the other two plates. In the maxillipeds the broad plate of the second joint is armed with a remarkably large coupling hook ; the seventh joint is well developed, not unguiform. The first gnathopods, of which the last four joints are by no means unlike the corresponding four of the maxillipeds, have serrate spines on the broad fifth joint. The seventh joint has one conspicuous spine among many that are smaller. The second gnathopods and the first and second peraeopods are, as usual, alike, very slender, with the seventh joint minute, this and the three preceding joints being furnished with very long setae. The fourth, fifth and sixth joints are subequal in length. The third peraeopods are a little longer than the fourth or fifth, all three pairs being stoutly built, with the second and sixth joints longest, but none very elongate or conspicuously armed, except the finger which has a stout apical tooth on the inner margin in addition to the short curved nail. The finger is also tuberculate on the inner margin, and this is perhaps the case with some of the preceding joints. The pleopods agree very nearly with those which have been figured by Sars for the male of A. longicomis and A. granulata, the first two pairs having slender rami, with 48 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. the setas of the apical border elongate, and the masculine appendix of the second pair forming a narrow stilet which reaches to the end of the ramus and carries two long apical setas. The uropods are rounded above, widest below the middle, then rather rapidly narrowed to the rami, of which the external is very small, acutely triangular, and reaching to the apex of the pleon. The internal ramus is still smaller. Colour in spirit a dull yellowish. Length 9 millims., apart from the antennae, the lower of which are nearly as long as the body, about 8 "5 millims. Locality : — Periya Paar, Gulf of Manaar. A specimen, 4 millims. long, delicately pink in colour, from East Cheval Paar, is no doubt the young of this species. It has the first perason segment not marked off from the head, the fourth segment very elongate and smooth. The flagellum of the first antennae is armed about the apex with only three or four sensory filaments. The fifth perasopods are still imperfectly articulated, very small, ending obtusely without a nail. Another specimen, from East Cheval Paar, is only 3 millims. long, with the fifth perasopods in a still more inchoate condition. Here, however, the fourth segment of the perason is not especially elongate and shows traces of median and terminal tuberculation. The colour is a delicate pink. Neither in this nor the other juvenile specimen is there a tooth on the fourth joint of the lower antennas. The specific name is from the Greek d/i./3\i;s, blunt, and obpd, tail. Apart from size and arrangement of tubercles, the distinguishing characters of this species depend on the antennal tooth just mentioned, the decided groove between head and perason, the solidarity of the pleon, and the extension of the uropods further back than appears to be the case in any of the sj)ecies hitherto described. Tribe: ASELLOTA. Family: JANIRID/E. Sars, when separating this family in 1897 from the Asellkke, incidentally men- tioned Stenetrium as belonging to the latter. Miss Richardson, in 1902, without comment transferred the genus to the newer division within the Asellota. It certainly seems to conform in many important respects to the following definition which Sars himself gives of the Janiridas : — " General habitus that of the Asellidas, but the lateral parts of the cephalon always laniellarly expanded. Eyes, when present, subdorsal. Superior antennas sometimes well developed, with the flagellum multiarticulate, sometimes very small, with rudi- mentary flagellum. Inferior antennas always longer than the superior, with the peduncle six-articulate, and generally carrying a small accessory appendage (scale) outside the third joint. Oral parts normal. Legs subequal in length, with the dactylus generally bi- or tri-unguiculate ; first pair sometimes differing from the others ISOPODA. 49 in being prehensile. First pair of uropoda [pleopoda] in female transformed into a single, large, opercular plate ; in male, constituting the median piece of the compound operculum, the lateral pieces of which are formed by the copulative appendages. The three succeeding pairs very delicate, the last pair forming simple, smooth Lamellae, the two preceding ones with the outer ramus narrow and confluent with the basal part. Uropoda biramous, more or less developed." From this characterization Miss Richardson's account varies in one or two respects, assigning to the Asellidce and Janiridse in common a feature which Sars only attributes to the former, namely, that the first antennae issue close together, which cannot be predicated of all the Janiridse, and omitting a feature on which Sars lays stress, namely, that the peduncle of the second antenna is six-jointed. In two species of Stenetrium, the small fourth joint of this peduncle has been clearly observed, but in three of the species, including the one first assigned to the genus, it is either not present or has been overlooked. Sars speaks of nine or ten genera as being included in the family, and since he wrote, the genus Carpias, Richardson, 1902, has been added. In 1901, Dr. Ortmann (' Proc. Ac. Philad.,' p. 157) introduced the new generic name Tole to take the place of "Janthc, Bovallius," on the ground of preoccupation. In this he is followed by Miss Richardson in 1905. But the genus which Bovallius instituted in 1881 is Ianthe, not Janthc, so that no change is required. Moreover, in his key to the species of Tole, the first species which Dr. Ortmann mentions is "J. bovctllii (Studer)," which was named Ianthopsis bovallii by Beddard in 1886 (' "Challenger" Isopoda,' vol. 17, pt. 48, p. 15, pi. 5, fig. 5). Seeing that Dr. Ortmann expressly adopts the type species of Ianthe as the type of Tole, that name must lapse as a synonym, and could not properly be revived in case either Tole libbeyi, Ortmann, or Tole holmesi, Richardson, should in future be transferred from Ianthe to a distinct genus. Janira, Leach. 1814, Janira, Leach, ' Edinburgh Encyel.,' vol. 7, p. 434. 1886, Janira, Beddard, ' " Challenger," Isopoda, Reports,' vol. 17, part 48, p. 5. 1897, Janira, Sars, ' Crustacea of Norway,' vol. 2, p. 98. 1898, Janira, A. 0. Walker, 'Trans. Biol. Soc. Liverpool,' vol. 12, p. 280. The species about to be described agrees in many respects with this genus as defined by Sars, but the fifth joint or wrist of the first gnathopods is not sub- fusiform ; it is distally expanded, so as to form a kind of bidentate palm. The single specimen in the collection appears to be an adult male. It was, however, so exceed- ingly small and defective, having lost most parts of the second antennae, all the last three pairs of perseopods, and the uropods, that it was not well suited for initiating a new genus. The parallel-sided perseon agrees with what is found in Jceropsis, Stenetrium, and Iais. Hasw ell's Stenetrium inerme may be congeneric, but the great difference in size makes specific agreemeivt very unlikely. h 50 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. Janira (?) nana, n. sp. — Plate III. (C). The general appearance agrees with that of Jaeropsis curvicomis, in company with which the specimen was taken, but the segments of the peraeon are not so markedly separated. The pleon is nearly circular, not serrate, with a small apical convexity, on either side of which the uropods probably protrude. The eyes are pale orange coloured, differing from those of Iais pubescens by having not two but thirty-eight components. The first antennae have a stout basal joint, the second much smaller, and the third almost like a flagellar joint ; the flagellum is longer than the peduncle, its seven joints unequal in length, all slender, the last tipped with a couple of long setae or filaments. The upper lip is rounded, and seemed to be projected forward with the lower lip. The mandibles have a prominent cutting-plate divided into five teeth, the accessory plate on the left similarly divided, but bidentate on the right. The spine-row has five or six spines. The molar is prominent, denticulate. The three joints of the palp are subequal in length. The first maxillae have a slender inner plate, and nine, mostly denticulate, spines on the outer. The outer and middle plates of the second maxillae carry each three setae. In the maxillipeds the plate of the second joint is rather large, with several plumose setae on the distal margin, and one hook on the inner margin ; the third, fourth, and fifth joints are broad, the fifth having its outer margin longer than the inner ; the sixth and seventh joints are narrow. The first gnathopods have the fifth joint much broader but not longer than the sixth, which in closing down would reach much beyond the palmar margin. The finger is much the same in all the known limbs of the peraeon, having a short trunk with two distinct nails. The second gnathopods agree with the first and second peraeopods in structure, but are longer, especially in the second, fifth, and sixth joints ; the sixth joint is narrower than the preceding joint. The male operculum is composed of the first two pairs of pleopods. The first pair are narrow and more or less tapering, but with a constriction below the middle. They end in two pairs of overlapping shortly lanceolate lobes. The second pair are semicircular, with a long sinuous almost filiform masculine appendix. Length 1*5 millims. Haswell's Stenetrium inerme is described as -^g-ths of an inch in length. Locality : — Gulf of Manaar. Jaeropsis, Koehler. 1885, Jaeropsis, Koehler, 'Ann. Sci. Nat.,' se>. 6, Zool., vol. 19, Art. 1, p. 2. 1886, Jaeropsis, Beddard, ' " Challenger," Isopoda, Reports,' vol. 17, p. 20. 1891, Jaeropsis, Chilton, 'Trans. New Zealand Inst.,' vol. 24, p. 267. 1893, Jaeropsis, Steebing, 'History of Crustacea,' p. 379. 1899, Jaeropsis, H. Richardson, 'Proc. U.S. Mus.,' vol. 21, p. 857. ISOPODA. 51 1899, Jaeropsis, Norman, 'Ann. Nat. Hist.,' ser. 7, vol. 4, p. 291. 1900, Jaeropsis, H. RICHARDSON, ' Amer. Naturalist,' vol. 34, No. 400, p. 298. 1902, Jaeropsis, H. Richardson, 'Trans. Connect. Acad. Sci.,' vol. 11, p. 298. By the addition, which is well justified, of Jcera curvicornis, Nicolet, Miss Richardson is able to say iu 1902 that " six species of this genus have been hereto- fore described." They are J. curvicornis (Nicolet) ; ./. brevicornis, Koehler ; ./. marionis, Beddard ; J. neo-zelanica, Chilton ; J. lobata, Richardson ; J. dolljusi, Norman ; to which on the same occasion Miss Richardson adds J. rathburue. Jcera antarctica, Pfeffer, may perhaps belong to the group, but the description and figures leave its generic location quite uncertain. All the species have many features in common. They range in size from 2 millims. to a little over 4 millims. The sides of the middle body or perseon are nearly or quite parallel, with the segments very distinctly separated. Both pairs of antennae are short. The appendages of the peraeon are truly isopodous, without any real distinction between gnathopods and peraeopods. The uropods are small, carrying two minute dissimilar rami, and occupying emarginations in the distal border of the caudal shield. In the second antennae the joint numbered second by Koehler, third by Chilton, Beddard, and Richardson, fourth by Canon Nohman, is broadly expanded, unless J. marionis be an exception, for in that species the joint is figured as cylindrical rather than laminar. It may perhaps be objected that there is a want of authority for the statement that the uropods occupy emarginations in the telsonic segment. Miss Richardson indeed savs that her species, J. lobata, differs from Koehler's " in the shape of the terminal segment, which is perfectly rounded in J. brevicornis," while in ./. lobata " there are two posterior incisions for the reception of the uropods." But one may easily press too far the differences shown in the habitus figures of very minute animals. When the highly magnified figure of the uropod of J. brevicornis is considered, it will be noticed that the outer margin is serrate, and this makes it probable that here as in other species it has its share in completing the curve of the tail-piece. Jaeropsis curvicornis (Nicolet) — -Plate XI. (C). 1819, Jaera curvicornis, Nicolet, in Gay's ' Hist. fis. y pol. de Chile,' Zool., vol. 3, p. 263, pi. 3, fig. 10. 1891, Jaeropsis neo-zelanica, Chilton, ' Trans. New Zealand Instit.,' p. 267. 1902, Jaeropsis curvicornis, H. Richardson, 'Trans. Connect. Acad. Sci.,' vol. 11, p. 298. The body, as described by Nicolet, forms a rounded longitudinal medio-dorsal elevation. This is not particularly easy to see, but, when the specimen is placed back downwards, its rolling from side to side is evidence of the shape in question. The head corresponds with Chilton's description as being " produced slightly into a rostrum between the bases of the antennae ; end of rostrum emarginate, and with a H 2 52 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. rounded lobe fitting into the emargination." Norman says ot the head in J. dollfusi " the anterior margin is emarginate, and in front of this the buccal organs are conspicuously projected," but his figure also shows the rounded lobe in the emargina- tion. The figure of J. dollfusi shows the pleon more sharply contracted towards the apex and the sides more deeply serrate than is the case with the present species. The eyes are not large, not dark, placed near the front angles of the head. The first antennse have a broad basal joint, seemingly denticulate at the front corners. The second joint is much shorter and much narrower, the third smaller than the second, and the two remaining joints very insignificant, but tipped with two long filaments. The second antennae are of the typical form, seemingly with three short basal joints, followed by the characteristic large dilated joint with thin outer margin slightly crenulate, not strongly as in J. dollfusi; to this succeeds a much smaller, apically expanded joint, helping to form a double geniculation. The five remaining joints, perhaps, constitute the flagellum, but the first, which is very far the largest of them, has usually been accounted the terminal joint of the peduncle. It is, however, not very usual for the penultimate joint of the peduncle to be shorter than the joint preceding as well as the joint following it. The upper lip has a rounded distal margin. The mandibles have the cutting edge cut into five teeth, eight spines in the spine-row, the three-jointed palp very small. The first maxillae have three short spine-like seta? on the inner plate, and nine to eleven spines, mostly denticulate, on the outer plate. The second maxilla? are notable for the shortness of the inner plate ; each of the three plates carries four apical seta?. The maxillipeds have a very large second joint with extremely broad plate, the distal margin slightly and irregularly crenulate with a gentle curvature or sinuosity, distinct from the quadrate character displayed in J. dollfusi. The coupling hooks are two. The fourth joint is distally produced on the inner margin, the sixth joint is very narrow and the seventh minute. The limbs of the peraeon differ but little, the fourth joint being shorter than the third, fifth, or sixth. The finger has two conspicuous nails and one that is inconspicuous. The operculum of the pleopods in the female is broadly rounded for nearly two- thirds of its length, and then contracts to a narrowly truncate apex carrying four setules. It does not show marks of a longitudinal or a transverse suture, such as are said by Dr. Chilton to be indistinctly visible in his specimen. The uropods fill the emarginations of the pleon. The peduncle is more strongly serrate on the inner than on the outer margin. The inner ramus is hook-like ; the outer, which is even smaller than the inner, carries a bunch of setae. Length 2 millims. Nicolet gives 2 lines for the length of his specimen ; Chilton about 2 '5 millims. for his. Locality : — Gulf of Manaar. ISOPODA. 53 Family: STENETRIID.E * Stenetrium, Haswell. 1881, Stenetrium, Haswell, 'Pr. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales,' vol. 5, p. 478. 1882, Stenetrium, Haswell, 'Cat. of Australian (Malacostracan) Crustacea,' p. 308. 1884, Stenetrium, Chilton, 'Trans. N. Zealand Instit.,' vol. 1G, p. 251. 1885, Stenetrium, Haswell, 'Pr. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales,' vol. 9, p. 1009. 1886, Stenetrium, Beddakd, ' " Challenger " Isopoda, Reports,' vol. 17, pt. 48, p. 8. 1895, Stenetrium, Hansen, ' Isopoden der Plankton-Exp.,' p. 6. 1902, Stenetrium, H. Richardson, 'Trans. Connect. Ac. Sci.,' vol. 11, p. 295. 1905, Stenetrium, Hansen, 'Proc. Zool. Soc. London,' pp. 303, 316. Five species have been assigned to this genus, S. armatum, Haswell, S. inerme, Haswell, S. fractum, Chilton, S. haswelli, Beddard, and S. stebbingi, Richardson. But Haswell's S. inerme differs from his other species in having rounded lateral eyes, the antepenultimate joint of the maxillipeds distally narrowed, and perhaps, also by having the rostrum subacute. It appears to belong to the genus Notasellus, Pfeffer, 1887. The union of the other four species in a single genus is probably justifiable, though in each case some important evidence is wanting. For S. armatum Haswell has twice figured the mandible, and on each occasion gives no indication of its possessing a molar. In S. haswelli, and in the species about to be described from Ceylon, this part of the mandible is strongly developed and too conspicuous to be overlooked. In the descriptions of S. fractum and S. stebbingi the presence or absence of this structure, is not discussed. For the last-mentioned species no account is given of the pleopods, and for the other species the accounts of these organs are variable or uncertain. Including the new species, which is nearly allied to what is known of S. fractum, the genus may be defined as follows : — Body depressed, parallel-sided. Pleon consolidated. Head bluntly rostrate. Eyes obliquely dorsal. First antennae short, inserted close to the rostrum on either side of it. Second antennae elongate, with exopod on the third joint. Mandible with palp. Maxillipeds with third to fifth joints broad, sixth and seventh narrow. First gnathopods simply or complexly subchelate. Second gnathopods and all the peraeopods slender, ambulatory, biunguiculate. Pleopods not in every case biramose. Uropods biramose, not adjacent, inserted apically on the telsonic segment. The uncertainty attending the characters in some of the species makes it difficult to * After the manuscript of this paper had passed out of my hands, I received the luminous essay, " On the Morphology and Classification of the Asellota-group of Crustaceans, with Descriptions of the Genus SU a' triii in, IIasw., and its Species," by Dr. H. J. Hansen ('Proc. Zool. Soc. London,' p. 302, April 18, 1905). In this the new family Stenetriidse is defined (Joe. cit., p. 315), and nine species of Stenetrium are described, with illustrative figures of several and a conspectus of them all. Five are new, S. rneditermneum, S. serniliiin, S. occidmtale, S. antillense, S. siamense. For a more accurate account of the pleopods than I had myself arrived at I am now indebted to Hansen's instructive treatise. 54 CEYLON PEAEL OYSTER REPORT. produce a useful synoptic table. The following is offered, therefore, with all necessary- reserves : — - Telsonic segment without lateral notch. 1. S. haswelli, Beddard. Telsonic segment with lateral notch — 2. 2- First gnathopod with hind margin of wrist produced. 2. S. stebbingi, Richardson. First gnathopod with hind margin of wrist not produced — 3. „J First antenna, second joint as long as first. 3. S. fractum, Chilton. L First antenna, second joint shorter than first — 4. I Margin of head convex between rostrum and antero- . j lateral angles. 4. S. armatum, Haswell. I Margin of head angular between rostrum and [_ antero-lateral angles. 5. S. chiltoni, n. sp. In the adult male the first gnathopods strikingly distinguish S. haswelli, S. stebbingi, S. armatum. But in the female of the last-named species these gnathopods do not appear to differ from those of S. fractum, and from those of S. chiltoni only by the greater robustness of the hands. Stenetrium chiltoni, n. sp. — Plate XII. (A). The whole body, dorsally and at the sides, is beset with rather long stiff setae. The head has a rather broad, blunt rostrum not reaching so far forward as the broad epistome. The antero-lateral angles of the head are acutely incurved, and between each of these and the rostrum the margin is produced to a point, thus forming sockets for the first antennae. The segments of the peraeon differ but little in length or breadth ; the sides are nearly straight, with the anterior angles of the first four pointing acutely forwards. The telsonic segment has the lateral margins regularly but quite microscopically serrate, and, as in all the species except S. haswelli, each of these margins far down is produced into a tooth. The indentation or pocket thus formed is followed lower down by a small setiferous indent, to which succeed the rounded corners of the broad apical margin, with its shallow convex projection between the uropods. The eyes are narrowly bean-shaped, placed obliquely near the middle of the convex lateral ridges that run below the anterior lobes of the head. The first antennae agree closely with those of S. armatum, the second joint being much shorter than the first and not so long as the third ; the flagellum is obscurely six-jointed. The second antennae have the first joint acutely produced on the outer side, but the short second joint and the longer third are not produced on either side. The exopod is conical, having its truncate point tipped with a pencil of setae. Haswell has apparently overlooked the second joint and described the third as ISOPODA. 55 produced like the first externally and distally into a slender acute process, the process ending in a hair-like appendage. He does not mention the articulated scale or exopod. For S. fractum Chilton describes and figures the third joint as "produced acutely at its antero-distal angle, bearing on the outer edge an articulated appendage, which has the end rounded and supplied with a few long setse." The small fourth joint, which is seen in the present species and in S. hasioelli, is not noticed or figured in connexion with the other three species, as noted in the discussion of the family. The fifth and sixth joints of the peduncle are elongate, the sixth slightly longer than the fifth, the flagellum three times as long as the sixth joint, rather longer than the whole peduncle, composed of very many little scarcely separated joints, setose. The upper lip is apically rounded. The two broad lobes of the lower lip have the usual armature of minute spines. Left mandible with dentate accessory plate like the cutting edge but smaller, spine- row of five serrate spines ; right mandible without accessory plate, unless it be represented by the first of the five spines in the spine-row ; cutting edge with four or five crowded teeth, but within the mandible the new teeth in preparation for the moult are spread out in one plane ; molar long and prominent ; palp of three long joints, the second carrying five short spines between two long ones, the third falciform, with long spines at apex, short ones fringing the margin. First maxilla with three spines, a little tooth and some setules on apex of inner plate, and nine more or less denticulate spines on apex of outer plate. Second maxilla with about four slender spines on apex of outer plate, and also on that of the middle one, the rather broader and more oval inner plate carrying several spines along the inner margin. Maxillipeds with large distally narrowed epipods reaching nearly to the apical border of the broad lobes which surmount the second joint and considerably overtop the fourth joint ; the third joint is short but broad, the fourth larger than the fifth, both of them broad and widened distally, the sixth and seventh being abruptly much narrower. The first gnathopods have the second joint moderately long, the three following joints short, the fourth subacutely produced on the front margin ; the fifth joint is setose on the hind margin ; the sixth joint is less than twice as long as its greatest breadth ; the front margin is curved and carries a few setules, the hind margin straight, furnished with many setse ; the palm, defined by a long spine, carries several smaller pectinate spines sloping towards this palmar spine ; the finger, which curves over the palm and ends in a small simple nail (broken in the specimen), has a few setules on the convex margin and several microscopical spines on the concave border. Chilton speaks of the palm of his species as " armed with strong serrated setse," and the finger as having the "inner edge thickly fringed with strong denticulated setoe," but these expressions may refer to the armature as it appears when very highly magnified. The second gnathopods appear to have a round-lobed first joint ; the second joint is 56 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. about as long as the third and fourth combined, the third being much longer than the fourth, nearly as long as the sixth, which is slightly shorter than the fifth. The finger is less than half as long as the sixth joint ; it curves to a sharp apical point, which is overhung by an unguisdike sjjine, while on the concave margin of the finger there is a small spine. The peraeopods differ little in character from the second gnathopods, except that the second joint is less elongated and the third joint is more nearly subequal in length to the sixth. To the first and second gnathopods and first and second perreopods in one of the specimens four pairs of marsupial plates were attached, the third pair being the largest, but the fourth also of considerable size. In dissection of the pleon there came away a linear ring, which, perhajjs, represents a degraded first pleon segment. Dorsally two such segments are indicated.* A small unpaired plate, square above and triangular below, without any trace of longitudinal or other suture, must be regarded as representing the first pair of pleopods.f The second pleopods are wanting, as in other females of this tribe. The third pleopods form a very large pair of biramose appendages, the peduncle small, the inner ramus branchial, with three or four seta? on the narrow apex, the outer ramus of great size, with slightly oblique transverse suture below the middle, but starting just above the apex of the inner ramus. The fourth pair are biramose, and have the oval inner branchial ramus much broader and not shorter than the outer ramus, which shows a transverse suture above the middle and has the tapering lower division fringed with several long setae. In the fifth pair each pleopod consists of a single branchial ramus, possibly representing a coalescence of two rami, the outer margin raised and distally fringed with setae.j The uropods are inserted a little within the distal margin of the telsonic segment, separated by the convexity which may he considered an equivalent of the actual telson. The peduncle is rather stout, shorter than the rami, of which the inner is the larger, both being well furnished with tufts of long setae on sides and apex. Description of the uropods and the complete second antennae is based on a specimen of the same dimensions as the one figured, but which did not come to light till after the less complete example had been figured. This second specimen was straight, but a third, rather smaller specimen with it had a distortion similar to that shown in the plate. Length 4'5 millims., breadth 1'5 millims. Locality : — Reef, Galle, with Ascidians ; and Coral banks, Gulf of Manaar. * For the genus at large Hansen says, " two rudimentary segments are observed in front of the large abdominal shield" (loc. cit., p. 304). t Haswell (loc. cit., p. 1010) says: "The bases of the first pair of abdominal appendages are covered in both cases by a broad plate, with a bifid apex attached to the posterior border of the last thoracic segment." By "both cases" no doubt the two sexes are intended, and "the first pair of abdominal appendages " are really the third pair of pleopods. X Hansen in his character of the family says in regard to the pleopods, "fifth pair with only one ramus, in all probability the exopod " (loc. cit., p. 315). ISOPODA. 57 The specific name is given out of respect to my friend Dr. Charles Chilton, whose Stenetrium fractum has a name only too suggestive of the mishaps to which these delicate isopods are liable. Haswell's species is described as half-an-inch long, Chilton's as about a sixth of an inch. Though it remains a little doubtful whether the species here described belongs to Haswell's genus, the possibility is also open that S. armatum, S. fractum, and S. chiltoni may all be the same species. Family : MUNNID/E. Pleurocope, A. 0. Walker. 1901, Pleurocope, Walker, ' Journ. Linn. Soc.,' London, vol. 28, p. 297. Mr. Walker remarks that " this genus differs from Pleurogonium, its nearest ally, in the large size and peculiar appendages of the head, the different relative proportion and structure of the antenna?, in the form of the caudal segment, and in the position and size of the uropods, which are unusually large for the family." It may, however, be observed that in the genus Dendrotion, Sars, the uropods are larger and more conspicuous than in the present genus. Pleurocope dasyura, Walker. 1901, Pleurocope dasyura, Walker, 'Journ. Linn. Soc.,' vol. 28, p. 297, pi. 27, figs. 12 to 18. The description by Mr. A. 0. Walker, and the excellent figures by Mr. Andrew Scott which accompany it, place the identification of this species beyond doubt. Beyond verification I have nothing to add, except that the perreon displayed four stiff upstanding dorsal setse. A point of interest would have been to ascertain the character of the mandibles. But at the very moment when I was arranging the specimen for dissection, it disappeared like a dream, and defied all the efforts made for its re-discovery. The length was a little over 1 millim., therefore approximately the same as Mr. Walker's type specimen from the Mediterranean. It came into my hands already named by Mr. A. Scott. Locality : — Gulf of Manaar. Tribe: ONISCLDEA. Family: LIGIID^E. Ligia, Fabricius. 1798, Ligia, Fabricius, ' Supplementum Ent. Syst.,' p. 301. 1885, Ligia, Budde Lund, 'Isopoda Terrestria,' p. 258. Ligia exotica, Roux. 1828, Ligia exotica, Eoux, 'Crust. MeVlit.,' livr. 3, pi. 18, f. 9. 1885, Ligia exotica, Budde Lund, 'Isopoda Terrestria,' p. 267. A mutilated specimen occurs in the collection, which appears with little doubt to belong to this widely distributed species. Locality : — Station XXXIX., Gallehogalle Bank, 16 to 30 fathoms 58 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. INDEX. ^Ega JEgidsa .... amblyura (Astacilla) Amesopodidse . . Amesopous . . . Anilocra .... Anthuriche . . . Argathona . . . Argathonidse Asellota .... Astacilla .... Astacillidoe . . . beddardi (Cilicsea) . . . bicarinata (Cymodoce) . Calathura callipia (Rhiothra) . . . Chelifera ekiltoni (Stenetrium) . . Cilicrea Cirolana Conilorpheus .... Corallanidse crassicornis (Heterotanais) curvicornis (Jseropsis). Cymodoce Cymothoidce age 20 20 46, PL XL (B). 44 44 25 8 17 16 48 46 46 40, PL X. (A), (B). 42, PL X. (C). 8 26, PL VI. (A). 2 54, PL XII. (A). 33 11 13 19 4, PL I. (A). 51, PL XL (C). 42 25 dasyura (Pleurocope) . dimidiata (Anilocra) . Eurydicidoe . . exotica (Ligia) . Flabellifera gardineri (Lanocira) Gnathia .... GnathiicLe . . . gracilis (Tanais) Han.senolana herdmani (Conilorphcus) Heterotanais Idotea Idoteida; inornata (Cymodoce) . 57 26 10 57 8 19 3, PL I. (D). 15 13, PL II. (A). 3 46 46 43 insolita (Gnathia) Iron a .... Page 9, PL XII. (B). 27 Jseropsis Janira . Janiridse Lanocira latreillii (Ciliesea) . . . Leptochelia lifuensis (Leptochelia) . Ligia Ligiidas mirabilis (Leptochelia) . Munnidse nana (Janira V) . . . . nanoides (Irona) . . . normani (Argathona) . ommatophylax (iEga) . . Oniscidea orientalis (Rocinela) . . parva (Cirolana) . . . Pleurocope Rhiothra richardsome (Amesopous) Rocinela Sphseroma Sphreroniidse sphasromiformis (Hanseno- lana) Stenetriidas Stenetrium sulcaticauda (Cirolana) . Tanaidse Tanais . 50 49 48 19 36, Pis. III. (B), VIII. 5 7, PL I. (C). 57 57 6, PL I. (B). 57 50, PL III. (C). 28, PL VI. (B). 17, PL III. (A). 21, Pis. IV., V. (A). 57 24, PL VI. (C). 12 57 26 44, PL XL (A). 23 31 29 15, PL II. (B). 53 53 11 2 2 Valvifera 43 walkeri (Sphseroma) . whiteleggei (Cilica-a) . zeylanica (Lanocira) . 31, PL VII. 39, PL IX. (A), (B). 19, PL V. (B). ISOPODA. 59 EXPLANATION OF PLATES. PLATE I. A. Heierolanais crassicomis, n. sp. — n.s., natural size of specimen figured in lateral and in dorsal view; a.s., a.i., upper and lower antennae more highly magnified ; gn. 1, gn. 2, first and second gnathopods ; prp. 1, prp. 3, first and third peraeopods; urp., uropod. All the details are to the same scale, except the separate thumb and finger of gn. 1, and the separate outer branch of the uropod, which are more magnified than the other parts. B. Leptochclia mirabilis, n. sp. — A.n.s., natural size of specimen figured in dorso-lateral view, with first gnathopod of the right side supplied from fragments; gn. 1, part of first gnathopod of the left side, probably belonging to the above specimen and drawn to the same scale; a.s., a.i., third joint of peduncle and the flagellum of upper antenna, and the lower antenna — these and the following details on a higher scale of magnification ; gn. 2, prp. 5, second gnathopod and part of fifth peraeopod ; pip., urp., one of the pleopods and a uropod ; B.n.s., natural size of specimen figured in dorsal view, showing lower antennae and base of right upper antenna ; uropods broken. C. Leptochclia lifuensis. — a.s. ? , a.i. $ , upper and lower antennae of female; gn. 1, ? , gn. 2, $ , first and second gnathopods of female; urp. ?, uropod of female; a.s. J1, a.i. <$ , upper and lower antennae of male; gn. 1, g , first gnathopod of male; urp., uropod of male. All the above are magnified to the same scale as the general details in Plate I., A, except the separate ramus of the male uropod, which is magnified on the same scale as the corresponding ramus in Plate I., A. D. Tanais gracilis, Heller. — n.s., natural size of specimen figured in lateral and dorsal views ; a.s., a.i., upper and lower antennae very highly magnified ; gn. 1, gn. 2, pip. 4, first and second gnathopods and fourth peraeopod ; I'L, urp., dorsal view of pleon and uropods, to the same scale as the pre- ceding details ; in., mxp., mandible and maxillipeds, exopod of the latter detached and incomplete. These and the separate portions of the second gnathopod and fourth peraeopod are more magnified than the other details. PLATE II. A. Conilorpheus herdmani, n. gen. et sp. — n.s., lines indicating natural size of specimen figured below in dorsal and lateral view; C, dorsal view of the head; Pa: s. 7, seventh segment of peraeon in dorsal view, and in lateral view with the fifth peraeopod and pleopods showing below; PL, pleon in dorsal view; a.s., a.i., first and second antennae ; m., m., mx. 1, mx. 2, mxp., the two mandibles, first and second maxillae, and maxillipeds, the mandible on the right figured from the inner side; gn. 1, prp. 4, pip. 5, pip. 1, pip. 2, urp., first gnathopod, fourth and fifth peraeopods, first and second pleopods, and uropods, the last in ventral view. The mouth organs are magnified on a higher scale than the other appendages. B. Hansenolana sphceromiformis (Hansen). — n.s., lines indicating natural size of specimen figured in dorsal view; PL, pleon in dorsal view; a.s., a.i., first and second antennae ; m., mx. 1, mx. 2, mxp., mandible, first and second maxillae, maxillipeds; gn. 1, gn. 2, prp. 5, pip. 1, pip. 2, pip. i, urp., first and second gnathopods, part of fifth peraeopod, first, second, and fourth pleopods, and uropods. Below the full figure of gn. 1 from the outside is given a more enlarged figure of the other member of the pair from the inner side. The portion of this gn. 1 and the portion of prp. 5 are enlarged on the same scale as the mouth organs. I 2 60 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. PLATE III. A. Argalhona narmani, n. gen. et sp. — n.s., lines indicating natural size of the specimen represented by tho adjoining figures in dorsal and lateral views ; PL, pleon in dorsal view, more highly magnified ; a.s., a.L, the first and second antennae ; l.s., the upper lip, with the epistome surmounted by the frontal lamina; /.?'., the lower lip; m., in., the left mandible entire, and part of the right mandible ; nt.r. 1, mx. 2, mxp., the first and second maxillae and the maxillipeds ; (in. 1, gn. 2, prp. 5, the first gnathopod without side-plate, the second gnathopod and fifth perreopod each with its side-plate ; pip. 2, the second pleopod. The mouth parts are magnified on a higher scale than the other appendages, but the uropods figured in attachment to the pleon are enlarged on a lower scale than the rest. B. Cilicrca latreillii, Leach, juv. — n.s., lines indicating natural size of specimen figured below in dorsal and dorso-lateral aspects; PL, pleon in dorsal view; a.s., a.L, first and second antenn;e ; l.s., upper lip with epistome; map., maxillipeds; gn. 1, first gnathopod. The mouth parts are more highly magnified than the other appendages. C. Janira (1) nana, n. sp. — n.s., line indicating natural size of the specimen ; PL, pleon, without appendages ; a.s., a.L, first antenna and four basal joints of second; l.s., Li., upper and lower lips; m., in., mx. 1, mx. 2, mxp., the mandibles, first and second maxilla?, and a maxilliped ; gn. 1, gn. 2, pip. 1, first and second gnathopods and first persaopod, the finger of the first gnathopod and that of the first perseopod more enlarged; pip. 1, pip. 2, the first and (one of the) second pleopods, the two pairs together forming the male operculum. The mouth parts are more highly magnified than the other appendages, being on the same scale as the more enlarged finger of the first gnathopod. PLATE IV. JEga omtmatophylax, n. sp., £ . — n.s., lines indicating natural size of the specimen figured in dorsal aspect ; ft, the head in dorsal aspect; C.L., lateral view of the head in conjunction with the first two segments of the peraaon ; Per.s. 1., anterior part of first segment of perason in dorsal view; g.p., ventral plate of the seventh perreon segment, with the genital papillae also more highly magnified ; PL, Pleon in ventral view, after removal of the pleopods ; a.s., a.L, first and second antennas ; m., mx. 1, mx. 2, mx. 2, mxp., mandible, first maxilla, second maxilla in two positions, maxillipeds in ventral aspect. These organs are magnified on a higher scale than the other details in general, and the distal parts of mandible, first maxilla, and maxillipeds are again more highly magnified. In the mandible the third joint of the pjalp is missing. The further enlargement of the maxillipeds is from the dorsal aspect, gn. 1, gn. 2, gn. 2, prp. 3, prp. 5, pip. 1, 2, 5, urp., the first and second gnathopods, third and fifth perseopods, first, second and fifth pleopods, and the uropod. The portions of these appendages which required further enlargement are on the same scale as the principal figures of the mouth organs. Both members of the second pair of gnathopods are figured, to show the difference mentioned in the text. PLATE V. A. dEga ommalophylax, n. sp., $ (*!). — n.s., lines indicating natural size of specimen figured above in dorsal view ; C, ventral view of the head ; l.s., upper lip surmounted by the epistome and frontal lamina ; m., m., the two mandibles, with higher magnification of a seta from second joint of palp, and of ISOPODA. 61 apical portion of the trunk. In both mandibles a rounded lobe is shown below the apical margin, but this lobe was only indefinitely made out. mx. 1, mx. 2, map., first and second maxillae, with the apices more highly magnified, and the maxillipeds. B. Lanocira zeyh/nica, n. sp. — n.s., lines indicating natural size of specimen figured above in dorsal view; PL, dorsal view of pleon more highly magnified; a.S., a.i., first and second antennae; l.s., upper lip; m., ?«., mx. 1, mx. 1, mx. 2, mxp. the mandibles, first maxilla?, one of the second maxillae, and the maxillipeds; p., mandibles, first and second maxilla?, maxillipeds, with one epipod detached; gn. 1, gn. 2, prp. 1, first gnathopod, with some of the spines of the palm and finger very highly magnified ; second gnathopod ; first peraeopod ; pip. 1, 3, 4, 5, the first, third, fourth and fifth pleopods ; a.i'., second antenna from a different specimen, to which the following parts also belong ; 64 CEYLON PEAEL OYSTER REPORT. gv. V, first gnathopod, showing the marsupial plate; prp. 5', terminal part of fifth peraeopod ; wrp.', the uropods. B. Gnathia insolita, n. sp. — re.s., lines indicating natural size of specimen figured in dorsal view ; C, cephalic region, showing the muscles belonging to the mandibles; PL, pleon in dorsal view, with rudimentary seventh segment of person ; a.s., a.L, first and second antennae ; m., mxp., a mandible and the maxillipeds ; r/n. 1, 2, first and second gnathopods ; pip. 1, pip., first pleopod, and one of the following pairs. All the details are magnified to the same scale. CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. A. ISOPODA, PLATE I. prp.i. prp gn.i ? urp. ? gn.i.l D. Del. T.R R Stebbinft A.HETEROTANAIS CRASSICORNIS.n.sp B. LEPTOCHELIA MIRABILIS.nsp. C. L. LIFUENSIS, Stefbing D.TANAIS GRACILIS. Heller. J T Rennic Reid.LithEdirf I EYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT A' — 4#0 ISOPODA, PLATE II. Del r. RR Subbing A. CONILORPHEUS HERDMANI, n £.etsp. B. HANSENOLANA SPHAEROMIFORMIS (Hansen). JTRenme Reid. Lich EdinT CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT A. ISOPODA, PLATE III Del T R R. 5tebbm£ JTReraii; R«d A.ARGATHONA NORMANI. B. ClLICAEA LATREILLII, Leach, juv. C. jANIRAt?) NANA, n.sp. CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT ISOPODA, PLATE IV. Del T R.R Stebbin/;. PI. J.T.Eonnie nnu, JEGA OMMATOPHYLAX, n.sp. (FALUN PEARL OYSTER REPORT. A. ISOPODA, PLATE V n.s. Del. T.K.R Stubbing J.T.Rennie Held 1. A. /EGA OMHATOPHYLAX.n. sp. B. LANOCIRA ZEYLANICA, n. sp CEYLON PEARL OYS :ER REPOR1 A. ISOPODA, PLATk VI :- Seebbing A.RHIOTHRA CALLIPIA, Schioate & Meinert . B . IRONA NANOIDE S, n. sp. C. ROCINELA ORIENTALIS, Schiodte & Meinert. ( KYIA.LN PKAKL I lYSTER REPORT IS OP 0 DA. PLATE \ II Bel. TR R SicDbmg. SPHAEROMA WALKERI, n sp . emue Reid L:cn EOm- 0 * PEARL >■■ REP0R1 OPODA PLATE VIII 5tcM>tn£ ' CIL1 ■ \l \ I rREILLIl I CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT 1SOPODA, PLATE IX. Del. T.R.R Sobbing. J T.Reniuc Reid.Lith Edm1 A B ClLICAEA WH1TELEGGEI, n. sp- C ClLICAEA (?) sp. juv. CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT A. ISOPODA, PLATE X. r? 7J Del T R R Stebbrag. P2. A.B. ClLICAEA BEDDARDI.n sp . C. CYMODOCE BICARINATA, Stebbi: J. T Renme Beid. L-.tti- Edw CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. ISOPODA, PLATE XI. B. ,T\ (jTL.S prps R R Storing J.T.Renme He id, LitV E«W A. AMESOP'OUS RICHARDSON^, n.sp. B. ASTACILLA AMBLYURA.n sp. C. JAEROPSIS CURVICORNIS, (Nicolet). CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT A. ISOPODA, PLATE XII B. Del T R R Stebiing J TRcuJUe field Lilh Edin1 A, STENETRIUM CHILTONI, n. sp. B. GNATHIA INSOLITA, n . sp. [CEYLON PEARL OYSTER FISHERIES— 1905— SUPPLEMENTARY REPORTS, No. XXIV.] REPORT ON THE MACRURA COLLECTED BY Professor HERDMAN, at CEYLON, in 1902. BY JOSEPH PEARSON, B.Sc, DEMONSTRATOR AND ASSISTANT LECTURER IN ZOOLOGY, UNIVERSITY OF LIVERPOOL, [With TWO PLATES.] Professor Herdman's collection of Macrurous Crustaceans from Ceylon consists of 53 species, of which 4 are new to science. With the probable exception of 3 species the collection is entirely typical of a representative Indo-Pacific shallow-water fauna. Bithynis savignyi (Sp. Bate), Athanas nitescens, Leach, and Urocans longicaudata, Stimpson, appear hitherto to have had a known distribution limited to the Atlantic and the Mediterranean. The following is a list of the species described in this Report :— Tribe: Pen^eidea. Family: Penaeidoe. Penwus canaUcuIatus (Olivier). „ monodon, Fabricius. „ indicus, Milne-Edw. Pampcnwus anchwalis (Sp. Bate). „ iwhipes (Sp. Bate). „ dalei, Rathbun. „ mogiensis, Rathbun. ,, acclivis, Rathbun. gallensis, n. sp. Philonicus peciinatus, Sp. Bate. Sii-i/nni'i hincifer (Olivier). „ cristaia (de Haan). „ sculpta, Milne-Edw. Family : Sergestidse. Antes indicus (Milne-Edw.). Leudfer typus (Vaugh. Thomps.). Tribe : Caridea. Family: Atyidse. Caradina viliensis, Borradaile. Family : Pontoniidae. I'ericlimrnes ritirnsis, BORRADAILE. „ dance (Stimpson). Conchodytes meleagrinw, Peters. Anchistus inermis (Miers). 66 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. Family: Palaemonidse. BUhynis savignyi (Sp. Bate). Urocaris longicaudata, Stimpson. Family: Latreutidae. Nimticaris futilirostris, Sp. Bate. ,, unirecedens, Sp. Bate. ,, grandirostris, n. sp. Latreutes ceylonensis, n. sp. Family: Alpheid*. Alpheus idiocheles, Coutiere. „ phrygianus, Coutiere. „ paraeuleipes, Coutiere. „ parakyone, COUTIERE. „ miersi, Coutiere. „ pareudwirus, Coutiere. „ bis-intisus, var. malensis, Coutiere. „ „ „ stylirostris, Coutiere. „ audouini, Coutiere. „ inacrodadylus, Ortmann. „ spongiarum, Coutiere. „ Icevis, Randall. Synalpheus gravieri, Coutiere. Synalpheus laticeps, Coutiere. „ biunguicalalus, Stimpson. „ comatukrum, Haswell. „ neomeris, de Man. „ carinatus, de Man. Athanas nitescens, Leach. „ orientalis, n. sp. Family : Crangonidee. Mgmn cafaphradus (Olivier). Family : Processidse. Processa canaliculata, Leach. Tribe : Scyllaridea. Family: Scyllaridfe. ScyUarus tuberculatus (Sp. Bate). „ sordidvs (Stimpson). Tribe : Thalassinidea. Family : Callianassidie. Callianassa rotundicavdaia, Stebbing. ,, maldivensis, Borradaile. Upogebia intermedia (de Man). In addition to the above species, two fresh-water forms — Biihynis Jar and Bithynis granclimanus — were obtained from the River Gin Ganga. They are not included in this Report. List of Stations at which Macrura were obtained, with the species collected in each :— STATION I. — Five miles west and south-west of Negombo ; 1 2 to 20 fathoms ; bottom coarse yellow sand with a few dead shells. ParaperuBus mogiensis. STATION III.— Two and a-half to four miles off Chilaw ; 9 to 14 fathoms ; bottom coarse sand and small corals. Penceus canaliculatus, Parapenceus anchoralis, Parapenceus dalei, ParapencBUs mogiensis, Parapenceus acclivis, Pliilonicus pectinatus, Sicyonia lancifer, Anchistus inermis, Perxclimenes dance, Alpheus miersi, Alpheus phrygianus, Alpheus audouini, Synalpheus gravieri, Synalpheus neomeris, Processa canalictdata, Callianassa maldivensis. STATION VI.— Across Muttuvaratu Paar ; depth 6 to 9 fathoms ; bottom sand, with hard patches of " rock " at intervals. Leucifer typus, Bitlujjiis savignyi, Alpheus idiocheles, Athanas orientalis, Processa canaliculata, Upogebia intermedia. MACRURA. 67 STATION XVIII. — South-west part of Palk Bay, off Rameswaram Island and Adam's Bridge ; 7 to 9 miles off shore ; bottom fine soft bluish-grey mud containing casts of various Molluscan shells ; depth 7 to 8 fathoms. Penoms monodon, Parapenceus mogiensis, Leucifer typus. STATION XX.— North part of Back Bay, Trincomalee ; depth 11 to 13 fathoms; bottom hard. Parapenwus anchoraUs, Pcirapenceus dalei, Parapenceus acclivis, Sicyonia sculpta. STATION XXXV.— Entrance to Galle Harbour ; depth 4£ to 7 fathoms ; bottom coarse sand. Nauticaris unirecedens, Nauticaris grandirostris, &gcon cataphractus, Scyllarus tuhercidatus. STATION XXXVI.— Galle Harbour, off Gibbet Island ; depth 2 to 4§ fathoms ; bottom fine sand and mud. Parapenceus dalei, Leucifer typus, Acetes indieus, Caradina vitiensis, Nauticaris futilirostris. STATIONS XXXIX. to XLIL— Deep water off Galle ; depth up to 100-fathom line ; bottom sand, shells, nullipores. Parapenceus dalei, Parapenceus mogiensis, Parapenceus acclivis, Parapenceus gallensis, Synalpheus laticeps, Synalpheus bkmguiculatus, Synalpheus carinatus, Alpheus Icevis. STATION XLIII. — Six miles west of Kaltura ; depth 22 fathoms ; bottom hard sand and nullipores. Parapenceus anchoraUs, Philonicus pectinatus. STATIONS XLVII. to XLIX.— Cheval Paar ; depth 6^ to 13 fathoms ; bottom sand, nullipores and dead shells. Penceus indieus, Parapenwus anchoraUs, Leucifer typus, Periclimenes vitiensis, Periclimenes dance, Conchodytes meleagrince, Anchistus inermis, Alpheus plirygianus, Alpheus paraculeipes, Alpheus miersi, Alpheus spongiarum, Alpheus bis-incisus, var. malensis, Synalpheus gravieri, Synalpheus comatidorum, Athanas nitescens, Athanas orientalis, Processa canalicidata, Callianassa rotundicaudata. STATION LIIL — Ten to twelve miles north of Cheval Paar, and 12 miles west of Vankali Church ; depth 7^ to 9 fathoms ; bottom muddy sand with dead shells. Latreutes ceylonensis. STATION LIV.— South of Adam's Bridge ; depth 4 to 40 fathoms ; bottom varied, from sand to living coral. Conchodytes meleagrince, Alpheus par eucheir us, Upogebia intermedia. K 2 (58 CEYLON PEAEL OYSTEE EEPOET. STATIONS LV. to LX.— Coral reefs and pearl banks, Gulf of Manaar ; depths varying from 9 to 36 fathoms ; bottom nullipores and dead coral. ParapencBus mogiensis, Sicyonia cristata, Conchodytes meleagrince, Alpheus miersi, Alpheus bis-incisus, var. stylirostris, Alpheus audouini, Synalpheus gravieri, Synalpheus comatidorum, Synalpheus laticeps, Synalpheus biunguiculatus, Athanas orientalis, Scyllarus sordidus. STATION LXL— Northern end of Periya Paar ; depth 12 to 14 fathoms ; bottom sand, nullipores and coral. Leucifer typus, Sicyonia cristata, Synalpheus gravieri, Athanas orientalis. STATION LXIV. — From between South Modragam and Jagerboom paars along a line south-west towards Kodramallai Point ; depth 4|- to 5|- fathoms ; bottom coarse sand, with much fine green weed and small pearl oysters. Periclimenes vitiensis, Processa canaliculata. Aripu Reef; depth 5 fathoms. Parapenceus acclivis, Parapenmus anchoralis, Philonicus pectinatus, Urocaris longicaudata, Scyllarus tuberculatum, STATION LXVIL— Off south end of Mutwal Island; depth 10 to 14 fathoms; bottom dead coral and nullipore. Synalpheus gravieri, Alpheus par alcy one, Alpheus miersi, Alpheus macrodactyhis. STATION LXVIIL— From off Coppeluddi southwards to Navakaddua Paar ; depth 8 to 18-J- fathoms ; bottom nullipores, coral and muddy orbitolites sand. Synalpheus comatidorum. STATION LXIX.— North end of Chilaw Paar; depth 8 to 11 fathoms; bottom yellow quartz sand with some coral fragments. Synalpheus biunguiculatus, Synalpheus comatulorum, Nauticaris unirecedens. MACRURA. Tribe: PEN^EIDEA. Family: PEN^EIDiE. Penaeus, Fabricius, 1798. Penaeus canaliculars (Olivier). Palaemon canaliculatus, Olivier, 'Ency. Method.,' VIII., p. 660, 1811. Penaus canaliculatus, Milne-Edwards, 'Hist. Nat. Crust.,' II., p. 414, 1837. Penaeus canaliculatus, var. japonicus, Sp. Bate, '"Challenger" Macrura,' p. 245, 1888. Locality: — Pearl banks, Gulf of Manaar (Station III.), 1 specimen very much damaged. General distribution :— Japan, Mauritius, Figi, Australia, Ceylon. MACRURA. 69 Penaeus monodon, Fabricius. Penaeus monodon, Fabricius, 'Suppl. Ent. Syst.,' p. 408, 1798. Penaeus semisnlcatns, de Haax, ' Fauna Japonica,' p. 191, 1849. Penaeus carinatns, DANA, ' U.S. Expl. Exp.,' p. 602, 1852. Locality : — Palk Strait (Station XVIII.), several specimens. Measurements of two males and two females : — From end of telson to Males. Females. rom end ot telson to "] .... .... „ > 162 millims., 131 millims. 195 nullims., 135 millims. tip ot rostrum . . J Length of carapace 1 and rostrum . . J 52 „ 41 „ 60 „ 43 Both male and female specimens possess a well-marked median groove extending from behind the rostrum to the posterior end of the carapace. Spence Bate found this groove absent in the single male which he examined. There is no doubt that the position of the ventral rostral teeth relative to the upper rostral teeth is subject to variation. General distribution : — India, Ceylon, Singapore, Japan, Pacific and South Africa. Penseus indicus, Milne-Edw. — Plate I., fig. 1. Penaeus indicus, Milne-Edw., ' Hist. Nat. Crust.,' II, p. 415, 1837. (?) Penaeus merguiensis, he Max, ' Journ. Linn. Soc.' (Zool.), vol. 22, p. 287, 1888. Locality: — Gulf of Manaar (Station XLIX.), 5 specimens. Lengths varying from 14 millims. to 40 millims. All immature. The rostrum in these specimens differs from the type species and has a formula — *— . The anterior half of the rostrum bears no teeth dorsally. The rostrum 6 J is very slender and extends in front of the antennular peduncle a distance equal to half the length of the peduncle. In spite of these differences from the type species, I have referred these specimens to the above species, because there seems to be little doubt that the rostrum is subject to a great deal of variation in this form. The " Challenger " specimens differed in the form of the rostrum from Milne-Edward's species, and de Man's species, P. merguiensis, appears to differ in no important respects from P. indicus. An examination of the various forms grouped together under this species would be valuable and instructive, and would throw some light on the value of the rostrum in classification. General distribution : — India, Philippines, Mergui (?), Ceylon. 70 CEYLON PEAEL OYSTER REPORT. Parapenseus, Smith, 1885. I have followed Smith'5' in separating certain species from the genus Penreus. The characters of the genus Parapenceus, which distinguish it from the genus Penceus, are: — (l) Endopodite of 1st maxilla is short and unsegmented ; (2) 3rd maxilliped without an epipodite, and (3) the absence of branchiae from the last thoracic segment. Parapenseus anchoralis (Sp. Bate). Penaaus anchoralis, Sr. Bate, ' " Challenger " Macrura,' p. 258, 1888. Localities: — Pearl banks, Gulf of Manaar (Station III.), 1 specimen (?); Trin- comalee (Station XX.), 1 specimen (?) ; off Kaltura (Station XLIIL), 1 *$ ; Galle (Station XXXVIL), 1 ? ; Aripu Reef (Station XLIV.), 1 S and 2 ?. Male : — Total length 40 millims., carapace and rostrum 15 millims. Female : — Total length 64 millims., carapace and rostrum 23 millims. Rostral formula is ^ — <- • 0 The rostrum in the females appears to be slightly longer than in the males. The female rostrum reaches to the end of the second antennular segment. In the male it only reaches slightly past the first segment. The dorsal groove of the telson appears to be deeper in the female than in the male. General distribution : — Pacific, Japan, Ceylon. Parapenaeus incisipes (Sp. Bate). Penaeus incisipes, Sp. Bate, ' " Challenger " Macrura,' p. 257, 1888. Parapenseus incisipes, Rathbux, ' Proe. U.S. Nat. Mus.,' vol. xxvi., p. 38, 1902. Locality: — Gulf of Manaar, 1 specimen, <$. The rostrum is straight and not so deep as in the preceding species. It extends • 9 + 1 to the middle of the 3rd joint of the antennular peduncle. Rostral formula is — — • The flagella of the antennule are short and equal in length to the 2nd and 3rd joints of the peduncle. Two obliquely longitudinal grooves cross each side of the carapace. The anterior groove becomes comparatively deep ventrally. The carapace tends to become much shallower dorso-ventrally at the anterior end. The meropodite of the 5th pereiopod is notched at its proximal end. There is a tubercle present on the endopodite of the 2nd abdominal appendage. The 6th abdominal segment is 1^ times as long as the 5th. The uropods are slightly notched at their outer proximal margins. General distribution : — Philippines, Japan, Ceylon. * Smith, ' Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus.,' VIII., p. 170, 1885. MACKURA. 71 Parapenaeus dalei, Rathbun.* Parapenaeus dalei, M. Rathbun, ' Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus.,' vol. xxvi., p. 40, 1902. Localities: — Pearl banks, Gulf of Manaar (Station III.), 1 J; Galle (Station XXXVI. ), 2 cf ; south of Galle (Station XXXIX.), 1 6 ; Trincomalee (Station XX.), 1 > 4-5 )) 2 )) 2 m 5 3 >) 3 J> 4 )) 4 )3 MACRUEA. 79 The rostrum is straight and slightly arched, semi-transparent except on the ventral side, which is strengthened by a thick ridge. There are nine dorsal teeth, the posterior of which is a little remote from the others and is situated on the carapace. There are two minute teeth at the tip of the rostrum on the ventral side. The rostrum reaches almost to the end of the 2nd segment of the antennular peduncle. The antennular peduncle has the 1st joint broad and flattened and equal to the sum of the 2nd and 3rd. There are two fiagella, the outer of which is thicker and shows signs of bifurcation at its distal extremity. The flagella are slightly longer than the peduncle. The antennal peduncle is half as long as the 1st joint of the antennular peduncle. The flagellum is about as long as the body. The antennal scale is slightly longer than the antennular peduncle. The eye stalks are long and the eyes project laterally. The carapace 1 tears on its anterior margin a well-developed spine below the eye and also a smaller spine ventral to this. There is also a large hepatic spine. Running along the carapace are two slight grooves. The dorsal groove starts behind the antennal spine and extends half the length of the carapace. The ventral groove starts at the anterior ventral border and traverses the entire length of the carapace in a sinuous manner. The first two pairs of legs are chelate, the second pair being longer and stouter than the first. The last three pairs are long and slender and have the dactylos biunguiculate. The abdomen is more than three-fourths the length of the body and is suddenly bent at right angles at the 3rd segment, the dorsal part of which is much swollen. The dorsal side of the last three abdominal segments forms a straight line. The (3th segment is long, being about one and a half times as long as the 5th, and equal in length to the telson. The telson is slightly shorter than the uropods and ends in two spines. General distribution : — Atlantic coasts of North America, Ceylon. Family : LATREUTID^. Nauticaris, Sp. Bate, 1888. Nauticaris grandirostris, n. sp. — Plate I., fig. 6. Locality :— Galle (Station XXXV.), 2 males. The carapace has a prominent antennal spine and a spine at the antero-lateral border, as well as a spine on the anterior border half-way between these two spines. The median dorsal surface of the carapace is occupied by well-marked teeth, which are continued on to the rostrum. There is a well-developed rostrum, two-thirds as long as the carapace. The rostrum is deep and is turned upwards at the tip. There are six teeth occupying the whole of the mid-dorsal line of the carapace and the posterior half of the rostrum. Of these teeth the posterior one is very small and not easily made out. The others are well developed, the anterior tooth being slightly smaller than the rest. Only the first two of these teeth are situated on the rostrum. The anterior half of the rostrum bears no dorsal teeth. The extremity is marked by three small teeth. On the ventral side there are six teeth, the posterior four being 80 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. exceptionally well marked and deep. The antennular peduncle is short, and is only- half the length of the rostrum. Its proximal joint is the largest, being equal to the sum of the other two. There are two branches to the flagellum. The inner branch reaches slightly beyond the rostrum, and the outer branch, which is slightly shorter, is much thicker and plumose, and shows signs of bifurcation at the tip. The antennular scale is almost as long as the peduncle. The antennal peduncle is as long as that of the antennule. The flagella are broken in both specimens. The scale is stout and reaches to the end of the rostrum. The mouth parts are similar in all important respects to those of Nauticai'is manonis. The 3rd maxillipeds reach past the end of the rostrum and have the distal joint tipped by about five well-marked spines. The proportionate lengths of the joints are similar to those of N. marionis. There are only four joints, and the second bears a large spine at its distal end. The 3rd joint is richly setose on its anterior face. The legs are robust, excepting the 2nd pair. The 1st pair are chelate and reach a little past the end of the antennal peduncle. The 2nd pair are long and slender and have a multi-articulate wrist. They reach to the extremity of the rostrum, the 3rd, 4th, and 5th pairs are similar to one another in form, decreasing slightly in length from before backwards. The 5th leg reaches to the base of the antennal scale. The carpos of each of the last three pairs bears a blunt process at the anterior distal border. The dactylos ends in two larger spines, and bears several smaller spines on its posterior border. The abdomen is robust and bent at right angles at the 3rd segment. There are two spines on the ventral side of each of the first four abdominal segments, and on the ventral side of the 5th and 6th segments there is a long median spine pointing backwards. The 6th abdominal segment has a well- marked movable spine at each of its posterior lateral borders, and also bears two well-marked spinous processes on its posterior border overhanging the telson. The uropods are slightly longer than the telson. The 2nd abdominal segment has a small transverse groove in the mid-dorsal line. The telson tapers somewhat posteriorly and has a slightly grooved dorsal surface carrying two pairs of spines. The posterior border bears two pairs of spines and numerous long hairs. Dimensions (measured along mid-dorsal line) : — ■ From tip of rostrum to end of telson . . . . 50 millims. Rostrum and carapace 20 ,, Carapace 11 ,, 1st abdominal segment 2 ,, ^nrl 4 3rd ,, ,, 8 4th „ „ 51 „ 6th ,, ,, 3a ,, Telson 5|- ,, MACRURA. 81 Nauticaris unh'ecedens, Sp. Bate. Nauticaris unirecedens, Sp. Bate, '"Challenger" Macrura,' p. 608, 1888. Localities: — Galle (Station XXXV.), 5 specimens; Jokkenpiddi Paar, 1 specimen. These specimens agree closely with Sp. Bate's description, but the rostral formula is slightly different. The Ceylon specimens are not so richly toothed as the " Challenger " specimens. Rostral formula - — . 2 Average length 35 millims. (3 males and 3 females). General distribution : — Hong Kong, Ceylon. Nauticaris futilirostris, Sp. Bate — Plate II., fig. 8. Nauticaris futilirostris, Sp. Bate, '"Challenger" Macrura,' p. 606, 188S. Locality: — Galle Harbour (Station XXXVI.), 4 specimens taken in the tow-net. Average length 1 1 millims. These specimens agree with Spence Bate's description ; the posterior rostral tooth is slightly more remote from the others than in Bate's figure. General distribution : — Off Japan, Ceylon. Latreutes, Stimpson, 1860. Latreutes ceylonensis, n. sp. — Plate II., fig. 7. Locality : — Cheval Paar (Station LIIL), 1 specimen, 8 millims. long. The latero-anterior edge of the carapace is furnished with 4 spines at each side. There is a deep rostrum, almost equal in length to the carapace. The carapace and rostrum together ecpial half the length of the body. The rostrum dips slightly downwards and bears dorsally two prominent teeth above the eyes and a tooth of equal size slightly behind the pointed anterior extremity. In addition to these there are about a dozen smaller teeth on the dorsal side which are only detected under a microscope. The under side of the rostrum is smooth. Each antennular peduncle is short, the proximal joint being as long as the sum of the other two. Each antennule has two flagella which reach to the end of the rostrum, and are slightly longer than the peduncle. The inner flagellum is slightly thicker and shorter than the outer. The antennal peduncles are slightly longer than those of the antennules. The antennal scale is large and broad, and extends slightly beyond the rostrum. Each scale is furnished with half-a-dozen small spines along its outer border. The antenna! flagella are missing. The first two pairs of thoracic legs are chelate. The 2nd pair are longer than the 1st pair and have the wrist 3-jointed. The remaining three pairs of legs are more strongly made, the meros and carpos being very broad. The dactylos terminates in two very robust spines. M 82 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. The 3rd, 4th, and 5th abdominal segments each has the posterior part of its dorsal surface raised into a blunt keel. The abdominal segments are all subequal. The telson is long and narrow, and is twice as long as the 6th abdominal segment. It ends posteriorly in a blunt median spine, and is furnished with a lateral spine half- way along each side. The uropods are as long as the telson. Family: ALPHEID.E. Synalpheus, Sr. Bate, 1888. Synalpheus gravieri, Coutiere. Synalpheus gravieri, H. Coutiere, 'Fauna of Maldives and Laccadives,' p. 870, 1905. Localities : — Pearl banks, Gulf of Manaar (Station III.), 7 specimens ; Cheval Paar (Station XLVIIL), 19 specimens; Coral reef, Gulf of Manaar (Station L1V.), 2 specimens; west of Periya Paar (Station LXL), 2 specimens, "commensal with dendritic Alcyonarian ;" off Mutwal Island (Station LXVIL), 2 specimens. The rostral and orbital spines are equal in length, the latter sometimes being slightly divergent. The rostrum does not reach the end of the 1st joint of the antennular peduncle. The 1st joint of the antennular peduncle is equal to the sum of the other two, the 2nd joint is twice as long as the 3rd. The antennular scale is a little longer than the 1st joint of the jDeduncle. The antennal peduncle is one and one-third times as long as the antennular peduncle. The outer spine of the antennal scale is as long as the antennular peduncle. The 3rd pair of legs has a small spine on the dorsal side of the dactylos. The meros has 4 spines on its ventral posterior border. The propodite has about 8 spines on its posterior border. General distribution : — Maldives, Ceylon. Synalpheus laticeps, Coutiere. Synalpheus laticeps, Coutiere, 'Fauna of Maid, and Lace.,' p. 874, 1905. Localities: — Coral reef, Gulf of Manaar (Station LIV.), 1 specimen; deep water off Galle (Station XL.), 4 specimens. Orbital spines equal in length to rostrum, but slightly broader. Rostrum shorter than 1st joint of antennular peduncle. First joint of antennal peduncle longest, the 2nd and 3rd joints subequal. Antennular scale a little longer than the 1st joint of the antennular peduncle. The antennal peduncle one and one-fifth times as long as the antennular peduncle. Antennal scale as loug as antennal peduncle. Third legs having the dactylos biunguiculate, posterior border of propodite armed with about a dozen spines. This species approaches closely to S. biung uiculatus. General distribution : — Maldives, Ceylon. MACRUBA. 83 Synalpheus biunguiculatus, Stimpson. Synalpheus biunguiculatus, Stimpsox, ' Proc. Acad. Phil.,' p. 31, 1860. Localities : — Deep water off Galle (Station XL.), 2 specimens ; Coral reef, Gulf of Manaar (Station LIV.), 14 specimens; Chilaw Paar (Station LXIX.), 1 specimen. Tin's species differs principally from the preceding species in (1) the rostrum and orbital spines being shorter in comparison with the 1st joint of the antennular peduncle ; (2) the antennal scale is shorter, and only reaches to the end of the antennular peduncle ; (3) the posterior border of the telson has a deeper curve. General distribution : — Maldives, Philippines, Pacific, Ceylon. Synalpheus carinatus, de Man — Plate II., fig. 9. Synalpheus carinatus, de Man, ' Arch. f. Naturg.,' I., 1887. Synalpheus carinatus, Coutiere, ' Ann. des Sci. Nat.,' (8), t. ix., 1899. Locality : — Deep water off Galle (Station XLL), 2 specimens. The rostral spine is more than twice the length of the orbital spines and reaches nearly to the end of the 1st segment of the antennular peduncle. The rostrum and the orbital spines point slightly upwards. The 1st segment of the antennular peduncle is slightly longer than the 2nd and twice as long as the 3rd. The antennular spine reaches to the end of the 1st peduncular segment. The antennal peduncle is slightly longer than the antennular peduncle. The antennal scale reaches to the end of the antennular peduncle. The large chela is on the left side. The carpopodite has a strong ventral spine. The dorsal side of the palm ends in a fairly prominent spine, immediately in front of the digits. This spine seems more strongly developed than in the type species. In the 3rd pair of legs there is a spine on the ischiopodite, the meros is almost as long as the carpos and propodite combined, and bears 8 well-developed spines on the posterior border. The carpos bears a single spine at the distal end of its posterior border. The propodite has 8 spines on the posterior border. The dactylos is bifid. In the male each of the abdominal pleura is produced posteriorly into a spine. In the female the pleura are rounded. The telson is as long as the uropods and tapers slightly. It carries two pairs of spines on the dorsal side and there are 3 spines at each of the posterior corners. General distribution : — Indian Ocean. Synalpheus comatulorum, Haswell. Synalpheus comatulorum, Haswell, ' Cat. Austr. Crust.,' p. 187, 1882. Synalpheus falcatus, Sp. Bate, ' " Challenger" Macrura,' p. 574, 1888. Localities: — Navakaddua Paar (Station LXVIIL), 4 specimens; Gulf of Manaar (Station LIV.), 3 specimens; Chilaw Paar (Station LXIX.), 1 specimen "on Antedon" ; south end of Cheval Paar (Station XL VIII.), 1 specimen. Rostrum twice as long as the orbital spines, and reaching to end ol the 2nd M 2 84 CEYLON PEAEL OYSTER REPORT. segment of antennular peduncle. Antennular scale reaching past the middle of the 2nd peduncular joint. The antennal peduncle is longer than the antennular peduncle. The antennal scale is as long as the antennular peduncle. General distribution : — Australia, Maldives, Ceylon, Pacific. Synalpheus neomeris, de Man. Synalpheus neomeris, de Man, ' Zool. Jahr.,' 9. Bd., p. 734, 1897. Locality: — Gulf of Manaar (Station III.), 1 specimen. I have referred the single specimen to the above species. It appears to differ but slightly from Synalpheus gravieri. General distribution : — Red Sea, Bay of Bengal, Madagascar, Australia, Japan, Maldives, Pacific, Ceylon. Alpheus, Fabricius, 1778. Alpheus idiocheles, Coutiere. Alpheus idiocheles, H. Coutiere, 'Fauna of Maid, and Lace.,' p. 883, 1905. Locality : — Muttuvaratu Paar (Station VI.), 3 specimens. Carapace deep. Rostrum short, and separated from the orbits by deep grooves. The orbits are well formed and unarmed. In the antennule the 1st and 3rd segments of the peduncle are subequal, each being half as long as the 2nd segment. The antennular scale reaches to the middle of the 1st peduncular segment. The antenna is short, only reaching three-fourths of the way along the 2nd joint of the antennular peduncle. The antennal scale is nearly as long as the antennal peduncle. The large chela is peculiar, having the dactylos portion of the digit hammer-shaped, and the propodite part short as in Alpheus malleodigitatus. The 3rd and 4th legs are robust and have the propodite armed with 5 spines, and end in a simple dactylopodite. General distribution : — Maldives, Ceylon. Alpheus phrygianus, Coutiere. Alpheus phrygianus, Coutiere, 'Fauna of Maid, and Lace.,' p. 886, 1905. Localities: — Gulf of Manaar (Station III.), 2 specimens; Cheval Paar (Station XLVIII.), 2 specimens. Somewhat similar to A. idiocheles. The eyes are not so prominent. The antennae ■ are comparatively longer, reaching to the end of the 2nd segment of the antennular peduncle. The antennal scale reaches to the middle of the 2nd segment of the antennular peduncle. The digits of the large chela are similar in shape to the preceding species, but the palm is broader. General distribution : — Maldives, Ceylon. Alpheus paraculeipes, Coutiere. Alpheus paraculeipes, Coutiere, 'Fauna of Maid, and Lace.,' p. 894, 1905. Locality : — Cheval Paar (Station XLVIII.), 1 specimen. MACRURA. 85 Rostrum poorly developed. Orbits unarmed. 1st and 3rd segment of the antennular peduncle equal. 2nd segment twice as long as each of the others. Antennular scale not reaching to the end of the 1st segment. Antennal peduncle one and one-fourth times as long as the antennular peduncle. Spine of antennal scale as long as antennular peduncle. The 3rd legs have the ischiopodite unarmed. The posterior border of the mero- podite is fringed with about 20 very delicate spines and ends distally in a strong spine. The carpopodite has on its posterior external border 1 spine and about 5 hairs, and on its internal border about 15 long, fine spines. The propodite has 7 pairs of spines on its posterior border and is fringed with hairs anteriorly. The dactylos is slightly biunguiculate. General distribution : — Maldives, Ceylon. Alpheus spongiarum, Coutiere. Alpheus spongiarum, Coutiere, 'Fauna of Maid, and Lace.,' p. 895, 1905. Locality : — Cheval Paar (Station XL VIII.), 1 specimen. This species is very closely allied to A. paraculeipes, but differs in the form of the 3rd pair of legs. The meropodite is not so stout as in the latter species. Along the posterior border of the meropodite there are 7 very long hairs with about 1 5 short hairs between. The carpopodite has no spine on the posterior border and the dactylos is not bifid. General distribution : — -Maldives and Ceylon. Alpheus paralcyone, Coutiere. Alpheus paralcyone, Coutiere, 'Fauna of Maid, and Lace.,' p. 895, 1905. Locality: — Off Mutwal Island (Station LXVII.), 2 specimens. Rostrum is well defined and slightly carinated behind. The 1st and 3rd segments of the antennular peduncle are subequal, and the 2nd segment is one and a half times as long as each of the others. Antennular scale very small, antennal peduncle one and one-third times as long as the antennular peduncle. The spine of the antennal scale reaches past the end of the antennular peduncle. The palm of the large chela is massive, narrowing distally, and the digits are very short. In the 3rd pair of legs the ischiopodite is armed with a single spine, the meropodite is large and ends distally at the posterior border in a large spine. The carpopodite has about 4 spines on its posterior border, and the propodite has 8 pairs of spines. The dactylos is bifid. General distribution :— Maldives, Ceylon. Alpheus miersi, Coutiere. Alpheus miersi, Cuutiere, 'Fauna of Maid, and Lace.,' p. 903, 1905. Alpheus rapax, var. miersi, Coutiere, ' Bull. Soc. Entom. de France,' No. 7, p. 166, 1898. Localities : — Pearl banks, Gulf of Manaar (Station III.), 3 specimens; Cheval Paar 86 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. (Station XLVIIL), 3 specimens; Coral reef, Manaar (Station LTV.), 2 specimens ; oft1 Mutual Island (Station LXVIL), 1 specimen. Rostrum well developed, reaching to the end of the 1st segment of the antennular peduncle. The 2nd segment of the antennular peduncle is slightly longer than the 1st or 3rd, which are subequal. The antennal peduncle and scale are equal in length and slightly longer than the antennular peduncle. In the Ceylon specimens the large chela is massive and the palm is broad. The meropodite is spiny on its inferior border. The 3rd pair of legs has the ischiopodite with a single spine. The meros is smooth except for a small spine at the posterior distal border. The carpos is smooth. The propodite bears five pairs of spines. The dactylopodite is half the length of the propodite and slightly curved. General distribution : — Pacific, Japan, Maldives, Ceylon. Alpheus pareucheirus, Coutiere. Alpheus pareucheirus, Coutiere, ' Fauna of Maid, and Lace.,' p. 906, 1905. Locality : — Haul 6, south of Adam's Bridge (Station LIV.), 1 specimen. The antennules and antennse do not differ greatly from those of the preceding species. Their peduncles are not so stout. The rostrum is only two-thirds as long as the 1st segment of the antennular peduncle. The large chela differs in having the palm grooved on both sides. The meropodite is smooth. In the 3rd legs the ischiopodite does not bear a spine. The meropodite is smooth and not so robust as in the previous species. The carpos is smooth and the propodite bears 8 long spines on the posterior border. The dactylopodite is long and slightly curved. General distribution : — Maldives and Ceylon. Alpheus bis-incisus, var. malensis, Coutiere. Alpheus bis-incisus, var. malensis, Coutiere, ' Fauna of Maid, and Lace.,' p. 910, 1905. Locality : — Cheval Paar (Station LXIX.), 1 specimen. The rostrum is triangular, and separated from the orbits by two well-marked grooves. It reaches to the middle of the 1st segment of the antennular peduncle. The 1st and 2nd segments of the antennular peduncle are subequal and slightly longer than the 3rd. The antennular scale almost as long as the 1st peduncular segment. The peduncle and scale of the antennal are equal in length and slightly longer than the antennular peduncle. I have placed this specimen in Coutiere's variety merely on the characters of the rostrum and antennae. The large chela and most of the legs are missing. General distribution : — Maldives and Ceylon. Alpheus bis-incisus, var. stylisostris, Coutiere. Alpheus bis-incisus, var. stylisostris, Coutiere, 'Fauna of Maid, and Lace.,' p. 911, 1905. Locality : — Coral reef, Gulf of Manaar (Station LIV.), 1 specimen. MACRURA. 87 This specimen appears to differ mainly from the variety malensis in the form of the rostrum, which is much narrower in proportion to its length. General distribution : — Maldives and Ceylon. Alpheus audouini, Coutiere. Alpheus edwardsi, Audouin (see Coutiere, 'Fauna of Maid, and Lace.,' p. 911). Alpheus audouini, Coutiere, 'Fauna of Maid, and Lace.,' p. 911, 1905. Localities: — Off Mutwal Island (Station LXVIL), 2 specimens; Pearl banks, Gult of Manaar (Station III.), 6 specimens ; Coral reef, Manaar (Station LIV.), 3 specimens. This species, which Coutiere has separated from Alpheus edwardsi, resembles the latter species in the form of the rostrum and in the appearance of the antennae. The large chela has the dorsal and ventral projections of the palm rounded, thus differing from those of A. edwardsi, which are spiny. General distribution : — Red Sea, Indian Ocean, Malay Archipelago, New Zealand, Sandwich Islands. Alpheus macrodactylus, Ortmann. Alpheus macrodactylus, Orthann, ' Zool. Jahrb.,' V., p. 473, 1890. Locality : — Off Mutwal Island (Station LXVIL), 1 specimen. Related to A. edwardsi and A. euphrosyne. The rostrum is well pronounced and more than half as long as the 1st segment of the antennular peduncle. Of the joints of the antennular peduncle the 2nd is the longest, being twice as long as the 3rd and nearly twice as long as the 1st. The antennular scale is broad and reaches nearly to the end of the 1st segment of the peduncle. The antennal peduncle and scale are equal in length and extend as far forward as the end of the antennular peduncle. The large chela differs from that of A. edwardsi in the absence of a dorsal spine and in the comparatively greater length of the digits. General distribution : — Australia, Ceylon. Alpheus laevis, Randall. Alpheus laevis, Randall, ' Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil.,' vol. viii., p. 141. Localities: — Galle (Station XXXV.), 4 specimens; Coral reef near Galle (Station XL), 5 specimens. Well-developed rostrum reaching to the end of the 1st segment of the antennular peduncle. Orbits armed with two small spines. Segments of the antennular peduncle subequal. Antennular scale slightly longer than the 1st peduncular segment. Antennal peduncle and scale equal to one another and slightly longer than the antennular peduncle. The large chela has a massive palm, laterally compressed, with no dorsal or ventral notches. The carapace is deep. General distribution : — Indian Ocean, Pacific, Australia. 88 CEYLON PEAEL OYSTER REPORT. Athanas, Leach, 1813. Athanas nitescens, Leach. Athanas nitescens, Leach, ' Edin. Encycl.,' vol. vii., p. 432, 1813. Athanas veloculus, Sp. Bate, ' " Challenger " Macrura,' p. 529, 1888. Locality : — Cheval Paar (Station XLVIL), 1 specimen. This specimen clearly belongs to the well-known species in which must be included — according to Coutiere — Bate's species Athanas veloculus. This record is of interest, inasmuch as the distribution of this species up to the present has been limited, so far as I can ascertain, to the Atlantic and Mediterranean. General distribution : — Atlantic coasts of America, Cape Verd Islands, north-west Europe, Mediterranean, Ceylon. Athanas orientalis, n. sp. — Plate II., fig. 10. Localities : — Cheval Paar (Station XLVIIL), 2 specimens ; Muttuvaratu Paar (Station VI.), 1 specimen; Coral reef, Gulf of Manaar (Station LIV.), 2 specimens ; west of Periya Paar (Station LXL), 2 specimens. This species is in many respects very closely allied to Athanas dimorphus, Ortmann, and A. minikoensis, Coutiere, but there are differences in the form of the extra- and infra-orbital spines, as well as in the form of the 1st pair of legs which lead me to place it in a new species. The rostrum extends as far as the end of the 2nd joint of the antennular peduncle. The infra-corneal spine reaches slightly beyond the eye, and the extra-corneal spine just reaches to the anterior end of the eye, so that it is difficult to make out in side view. There is no supra-corneal spine. The antennule has the 3 joints of its peduncle subequal, and its scale reaches as far forward as the end of the 2nd peduncular joint and the tip of the rostrum. The autennal peduncle reaches to the end of the 2nd joint of the antennular peduncle, and its scale, which is very broad, reaches slightly beyond the end of the antennular peduncle. In the small leg of the female the carpopodite and the propodite are about equal in length, but the latter is more robust. The meropodite is one and a half times as long as the carpopodite. The ischiopodite has a long delicate spine at the distal end of its dorsal border, and there are five smaller spines along the same border. This is the only specimen bearing the 1st pair of legs, so that it is not possible to compare these appendages in the male. This species differs from the two allied species in the length of the rostrum and also in the relative lengths of the extra- and infra-orbital spines, as well as in the length and robustness of the joints of the small leg. The other two species are devoid of spines on the ischiopodite of that limb. MACRURA. 89 Family : CRANGONIDiE. iEgeon, Guerin-Meneville, 1835 (= Egeon, Risso, L816). JEgeon cataphractus (Olivier). Cancer cataphractus, Olivier, 'Zool. Adriatica,' p. 30, 1792. Egeon loricatus, Risso, 'Crust, de Nice,' p. 100, 1816. Crangon cataphractus, Milne-Edw., 'Hist. Nat. Crust.,' vol. 2, p. 343, 1837. JEgeon cataphractus, Ortmann, 'Zool. Jahrb.,' vol. 5, p. 535, 1890. Locality : — Galle (Station XXXV.), 1 specimen. This single specimen agrees closely with the type species, and also with Henderson's species, /Egeon orientalis,* in most respects. The latter species differs from the ahove species only slightly with regard to the teeth present on the carapace, and in the absence of the small hepatic groove on the sides of the carapace. Since the Indian species was formed from the characters of a single specimen, it is by no means improbable that this specimen merely represents an extreme variation of the parent species. In all other characters, excepting the two above mentioned, /Egeon orientalis agrees with /Egeon cataphractus. General distribution : — Mediterranean, Senegambia, South Africa, Ceylon. Family: PROCESSID^E. Processa, Leach, 1815 (=Nika, Risso, 1816). Processa canaliculata, Leach. Processa canaliculata, Leach, ' Malac. Podoph. Brit.,' p. 641, 1815. Nika edulis, Risso, 'Crustaces de Nice,' p. 85, 1816. Nika canaliculata, Desmaret, 'Consid. gen. Crust.,' p. 231, 1825. Nika hermudensis, Rankin, 'Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci.,' XII., p. 536, 1900. Localities: — Pearl banks, Gulf of Manaar (Station III.), 6 specimens; Muttuvaratu Paar (Station VI.), 1 specimen; 10 miles west of Cheval (Station XLVIL), 2 speci- mens; Cheval Paar (Station XLVIIL), 4 specimens; south-east of Modragam (Station LXLV), 2 specimens. None of these specimens appear to differ in any marked degree from the ordinary characters of the species. General distribution : — Madeira, Japan, West Indies, Gulf of Mexico, South Africa, North-west Europe, Ceylon. * J. R. Henderson, ' Trans. Linn, Soc.,' 2nd series (Zoology), vol. v., part 10, p. 446, and plate 40, figs. 16 and 17, 1893. N 90 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. Tribe : SCYLLAPJDEA. Family: SCYLLARLD.E. Scyllarus, Fabricitjs, 1793 (= Arctus, Dana, 1852). Scyllarus tuberculatus (Sp. Bate). Arctus tuberculatus, Sp. Bate, ' " Challenger" Macrura,' p. 70, 1888. Localities : — Pearl banks, Gulf of Manaar (Station III.), 1 specimen, female ; Galle (Station XXXV.), 3 females and 1 male ; Aripu Reef (Station LXIV.), 1 specimen. Characterised by large tuberculations on the mid-dorsal line of the carapace and of the first 3 pairs of abdominal segments. Those of the second abdominal segment are very distinctive of the species. In this genus all the legs of the male end in a simple dactylos, and in the female there is a poor developed chela on each of the 5 th legs. The propodite digit is not very well developed. General distribution : — Australia and Ceylon. Scyllarus sordidus (Stimpson). Arctus sordidus, Stimpson, ' Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Phil.,' p. 8, 1860. Locality : — Coral reef, Gulf of Manaar (Station LIV.), 3 females and 1 male. General distribution : — Pacific and Ceylon. Tribe: THALASSINIDEA. Family : CALLIANASSIDiE. Callianassa, Leach, 1813. Callianassa rotundicaudata, Stebbing. Callianassa rotundicaudata, Stebbing, 'Marine Invest, of S. Africa.' Crust., ii., p. 41, 1903. Locality: — Cheval Paar (Station XLVIIL), 1 specimen, 18 millims. long. General distribution : — South Africa, Ceylon. Callianassa maldivensis, Borradaile. Callianassa maldivensis, Borradaile, 'Fauna of Maid, and Lace.,' vol. ii., part 3, p. 753. Locality: — Gulf of Manaar (Station III.), 1 specimen, 24 millims. long. This specimen is imperfect, but it agrees closely with the above species. General distribution : — Maldives and Ceylon. MACRURA. 91 Upogebia, Leach, 1813. Upogebia intermedia (de Man). Gebiopsis intermedia, de Man, ' Journ. Linn. Soc.,' vol. 22 (Zool.), 1888. Localities : — Haul 6, south of Adam's Bridge (Station LIV.), 2 males and 1 female ; Muttuvaratu Paar (Station VI.), 1 male. This species is characterised by the possession of a large number of denticulations on the cephalic portion of the cai*apace, and also by the anterior thoracic legs being richly clothed with long and very fine setse. The anterior portion of the carapace covers the small eyes and projects almost to the end of the antennular peduncle. The peduncle of the antennule is 3-jointed, the 3rd being slightly longer than the 1st and two and a half times as long as the 2nd. The 3rd joint is more slender than the other two. There are 2 flagella one and a half times as long as the peduncle. The inner flagellum is slightly longer and less robust than the outer. The antennal peduncle is slightly longer than that of the antennule and is also 3-jointed. The 1st and 2nd joints are equal and slightly longer than the 3rd joint, which is also less robust than the other two. The 1st and 2nd joints are richly clothed with long fine seta;. The eyes are small and project nearly to the end of the 2nd antennular peduncle. The middle of the carpos of the 1st legs reaches to the end of the rostrum. The appendages agree with de Man's description. The abdomen is large, being twice as long as the carapace and proportionally broad. The segments are subequal, the 2nd and 6th being slightly longer than the others. The telson is broader than long and equal in length to the uropods. General distribution : — Mergui, Ceylon. N 2 92 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. PLATE I. Fig. 1. Penccus indicus, Milne-Edw., head, side view, x 4. 2. Parapenceus mogiensis, Rathbun, thelycum in Ceylon specimen, x 8. 3. „ gallensis, n. sp., head, side view, x 5. 3a. „ „ „ thelycum. x 4. 3b. ,, „ „ petasma. x 10. 4. Caradina vitiensis, Borradaile, rostrum, side view, x 12. 5. Urocaris Imgicaudata, Stimpson, head, from above, x 7. 5a. „ „ rostrum and carapace, side view, x 7. 6. Naulicaris grancliroslris, n. sp., side view, x 3. 6a. „ ,, rostrum, side view, x 3. 6b. „ „ head, from above, x 5. 6c. ,, ,, telson, from above, x 3. PLATE II. 7. Latreutes ceyhnensis, n. sp., rostrum and anterior edge of carapace, x 65. 7a. ,, „ head, from above, x 65. 7b. „ ,, 3rd maxilliped. x 36. 7c. „ „ 2nd thoracic leg. x 36. 7d. „ „ 3rd thoracic leg. x 36. 7e. ,, „ telson, dorsal view, x 28. 8. Nauticaris fvMliroslris, Sp. Bate, 4th thoracic leg. x 30. 9. Synaljpheus cwinatus, de Man, head, from above, x 12. 9a. „ ,, 3rd thoracic leg. x 54. 9B. ,, „ telson and right uropod. x 20. 10. Athanas arientaiis, n. sp., head, from above, x 30. 10a. „ „ side of head, x 30. 10b. „ „ 1st thoracic legs; small chela, x 25. CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT MACRURA- PLATE I. FIG. I. FIG.2. FIG. 3b. FIG. 6c- J. P . ; E Wilson .Cambridge Fig. 8, Nauticaris futilirostris, Sp. Bate ; Fig. 9, Synalpheus carixatos, de Man Fig. in, Athanas orientalis, n. *\>. VKYLON PEARL OYSTER FISHERIES— 1905— SUPPLEMENTARY REPORTS, No. XXV.] REPORT ON THE ANTIPATHARIA COLLECTED BY Professor HERDMAN, at CEYLON, in 1902. BY Professor J. ARTHUR THOMSON, M.A., University of Aberdeen.. AND JAMES J. SIMPSON, M.A., University of Aberdeen. [With ONE PLATE.] The collection of Ceylonese Antipatharians here reported on was made in 1902 from the Pearl Oyster Banks in the Gulf of Manaar, by dredging within the 100-fathom line off Trincomalee and off Galle. The localities are more precisely referred to in Professor Herdman's " Narrative" in Part I. of the General Report (1903). The collection is a small one, including thirteen species, but nine at least of these seem to be new. The list is as follows : — Family: ANTIPATHID.E. Sub-family: CIRRIPATHIN^. *Cirripathes (?), n. sp. Sub-family : ANTIPATHIN^. * Antipathes gallensis, n. sp. Stichopathes gracilis, Gray, var. spiralis, nov. * Antipathes gracilis, n. sp.t Stichopathes echinulata, Brook. Antipathes abies, Gray. * Antipathella rugosa, n. sp. * Stichopathes ccylonemis, n. sp. * Antipathella elegans, a. sp. *Stichopathes contorta, n. sp. * Antipathella irregularis, a. sp. * Stichopathes papillosa, n. sp. * Antipathella ceylonensis, n. sp. * Those marked with an asterisk are reported as new. t Non Antipathes gracilis, Gray (1860) = Antipathella gracilis, Gray; Non Antipathes gracilis, Koch (1889) = Antipathes mediierranea, Brook (1889). 94 CEYLON PEAEL OYSTER REPORT. Before proceeding to the systematic report, we would make a few general observations : — (a) In the detailed classification of Antipatharia much importance has been attached to the form and distribution of the spines on the axis. But it does not seem to have been sufficiently emphasised that there is considerable variation in both of these characters in the different parts of the colony. Thus in the branched forms the nature of the spines, the number seen from one aspect, and the arrangement of these in spirals or longitudinal rows in no way correspond on the larger branches and on the pinnules (Plate, fig. 2). In the simple colonies this is even more emphasised, e.g., in Cirripathes {?) (Plate, fig. 8) those at the base are arranged irregularly (a), those about the middle of the colony have a distinct linear arrangement (6), while those near the tip are disposed in whorls around the stem (c). This distinction has been illustrated relative to the species described, in the figures on the Plate, where two views, and in one case three, have been given. This is of great importance where species are determined from fragmentary specimens. (b) This difference between stem, branches, and pinnules is also borne out with regard to the size and shape of the polyps. In many of the specimens, on the stem and larger branches, the polyps are almost circular and disposed irregularly, their diameter being less than that of the axis, while on the pinnules they are elongated and rectangular, exceeding in breadth the diameter of the axis. Their distribution also varies in the different portions of the colony ; they are often separated by considerable intervals on the older parts, while on the pinnules they may be closely apposed. The length and degree of transparency of the tentacles does not seem to be a safe criterion, varying as it does with the degree of contraction and the mode of preservation. (c) Of some general interest and deserving further investigation is the extra- ordinary modification shown in the spines of several species. The general Anti- patharian spine is simple or papillose, but in some species they pass from an elongated sinuous form through a series of gradations to an antler-like growth and eventually simulate a tree-like structure (Plate, fig. 1, a-f). This has been previously noted, e.g., by Carter for Antipathes spinosa (Carter), but no inter- pretation has been suggested. It may be due to a pathological condition, and in some cases where branched spines were observed it was noted that a sponge-like growth surrounded the axis, or it may be the result of irregular regeneration of broken spines. It is particularly well seen at the base of Antipaihes gracilis, n. sp., and on Antipathella rugosa, n. sp. In Antipathes abies, Gray, a forking of the spines was occasionally observed. (d) The polyps of Antipathes abies, Gray, which were unknown when Mr. George Brook described the " Challenger " Antipatharia, are very well preserved in some of Herdman's specimens, and we have therefore given a full descrij^tion and figures of their external features (Plate, fig. 4). ANTIPATHARIA. 95 (e) A fact which may yet prove to be of some importance is that in Stichopathes papillosa, n. sp., belonging to a genus typically simple, a knob-like projection, about 6 centims. from the base, indicates, without doubt, the remains of a branch. (f) The various specimens show a considerable number of epizoic animals: — e.g., Sponges, Polyzoa, Serpula-tubes, Spirorbis-tubes, Cirripede-galls, stalked Barnacles, Corals, and in one case a young pearl oyster. Cirripathes (?) n. sp. — Plate, fig. 8. A very large simple colony, 135 centims. long, with a diameter varying from 3*75 millims. at the base to 0"75 millim. at the top. The basal portion, which is attached to a stone, is expanded into a circular disc 16 millims. in diameter. The stem is sinuous for the first 35 centims., but after that it is coiled into three distinct spirals, with diameters of 10 centims., 9 centims., and 8 centims. respectively — the corresponding heights being 10 centims., 8 centims., and 7 centims. The total height of the colony is 65 centims. The colour of the axis at the base is jet black, changing gradually to a golden brown. It is hollow, at least in the upper region, and is covered with distinctly papillose spines, which are 0-l millim. in height near the top of the colony, but shorter and thicker further down. They are arranged irregularly near the base, where twenty can be counted from one aspect, but further up a linear arrangement seems to predominate. Near the top they are disposed in verticils round the stem, about one and a half to two lengths apart, and the number from one aspect diminishes to nine. They are of a paler colour than the stem. As there are no polyps on the specimen, it is impossible to decide its position with security, beyond saying that it is either a Stichopathes or a Cirripathes, but the arrangement of the spines and the general nature of the colony would point towards its being a new species of Cirripathes, which we would refrain from naming. The specimen was trawled at Station XXIV., off Foul Point, outside Trincomalee, 46 fathoms. Antipathes gallensis, n. sp. — Plate, fig. 15. A fragmentary portion of a colony, 8 centims. high and 4 '5 centims. broad. The branching is irregular, giving the whole a shrub-like appearance, suggestive of the broom. The main stem is short and sinuous, but a large branch arises about midway up and constitutes the greater part of the colony. The general colour is black towards the base, but rusty brown in the smaller branches, which are long and slightly flexed. The diameter of the axis is 1 millim. at the base and tapers very gradually. The spines on the main branch are low and conical, standing perpendicularly and arranged irregularly, so that no definite number could be counted from any one aspect. Those on the smaller branches are compressed and thorn-like — the upper 96 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. margin being sub-horizontal, while the lower is convex. They are -comparatively short, about one-third the diameter of the branch, and are disposed in fairly steep sinistrorse spirals and longitudinal rows, those in a row being about two lengths apart. The rows do not consistently alternate, but a quincuncial arrangement is infrequent. Five can be clearly seen from one aspect, while the tip of another is visible, seven making a complete revolution. The polyps on the stem are large and circular, with a low truncated oral cone and prominent mouth opening, which is also circular. The tentacles are arranged radially and slightly distant on the branches, the polyps are arranged in a single longitudinal row and are elongated in the direction of the axis — this being specially marked on the smaller branchlets. They are very large and prominent, measuring T5 millims. in length. The projection bearing the circular oral opening is large and cylindrical. The tentacles when fully expanded are very long, but in most of the polyps they are contracted — being then thick set and conical. They are disposed in three pairs, the sagittal pair being inserted low down in the polyp. On the larger branches the distance between the polyps is equal to about one-half their length, but this diminishes considerably on the branchlets, where the polyps are more elongated though still of the same general character. This species differs from any known form both in its mode of branching and in the arrangement of the spines. Locality : — Station XLI. , deep water oft' Galle. Antipathes gracilis, n. sp. — Plate, figs. 7 and 14. A small, complete, delicate whin-like colony, 6 centims. high and 1 centim. in diameter, attached by a small expansion. It consists of a main axis, 1 millim. in diameter at the base, tapering gradually to a fine point. The lower 13 millims. of the stem are devoid of branches. On the next 2 centims. small branches bearing pinnules arise sub-horizontally from three sides. These are almost straight and taper to a point, the longest being 8 millims. The remainder of the stem bears branches arising on all sides, but apparently in no definite order. The branches gradually diminish in length towards the apex of the colony. The colour of the axis is golden yellow when seen with transmitted light. The spines on the bare part of the axis are slightly elongated, compressed, and triangular, the upper margin being sub-horizontal, the lower convex. They are arranged irregularly, about nine being visible from one aspect, at intervals of about one length. Many of the basal spines show an antler-like or dendriform mode of branching. On the upper part of the stem they are disposed in more regular longitudinal lines, five being now visible from one aspect. On the pinnules they are still of the same type, but more elongated, and with a greater slope towards the axis. They seem to be arranged irregularly, but a closer examination reveals a hint of a ANTIPATHARIA. 97 steep dextrorse spiral. They are about one and a half lengths apart, and seven is a typical number from one aspect. The polyps are all arranged so as to face in one direction, and it is worthy of note that this is away from the bare portion of the axis mentioned before. On the stem they are disposed irregularly and are somewhat circular, the tentacles being inserted almost equidistant from the mouth opening. The oral projection is very prominent and cylindrical, and the mouth opening is circular. On the branches and pinnules they are very much elongated, and the tentacles are disposed in three pairs, the sagittal pair being inserted slightly below the level of the others ; but apart from this the structure is much the same as in those on the stem. On the branches they are separated by intervals about equal to their breadth, but on the pinnules this distinct demarcation disappears. This species approaches most closely to Antipathes spinosa (Carter) (Hydraden- drium spinosum, Carter), but differs from it both in the mode of branching and in the character of the spines. In A. spinosa (Carter) the polyps had not been observed when Mr. Brook described the " Challenger" Antipatharia. Locality : — Deep water off Galle. Antipathes abies, Gray — Plate, fig. 4. Several very fine specimens of this species are included in the Ceylon collection. All are of the bottle-brush, or, more correctly, fir-tree type. One magnificent colony (A) is 65 centims. in height, the breadth varying at the different parts. At 20 centims. from the base the diameter is 15 centims., but this gradually diminishes to 10 centims. at 40 centims. from the base, and tapers almost to a point at the top of the colony. It is attached to a stone, and for the first 1 1 centims. the axis is bare. Above this there are about a hundred principal branches of varying sizes. The colour of the axis is black, but owing to the thin ccenenchyma it presents a greyish surface. The branches have a superficial rusty or reddish- brown tint, getting paler towards the top of the colony. The diameter of the axis at the base is 5 millims. ; it gradually tapers upwards. A smaller colony (B) is also very perfect and compact. It is 30 centims. high and 15 centims. in diameter about half way up. From that point it ascends in a symmetrical cone. From the first 9 centims. of the stem the branches have been broken off, but the knob-like ends have been quite overgrown by the ccenenchyma. The axis is 7 millims. in diameter at the base and tapers to a point. The colour is identical with that of (A). The main stem is slightly curved and the branches are longest on the concave surface, so that in contour the colony is symmetrical. The mode of branching is by no means regular. At some places there are signs of a spiral arrangement, but this is often interrupted by extra offshoots. The branches arise very close together, often only 2 millims. apart. They are mostly in planes at o 98 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. right angles to the main stem, but some are turned upwards and others downwards, interlocking, so that no two overlap. At their point of origin they are about 2 millims. in diameter and present the crescentic shape characteristic of the species. A typical branch from the concave side of the stem has a chord of 10 centims., a perpendicular height of 2 centims., and a breadth of 5 centims. The branches bear branchlets, and even secondary and tertiary branchlets, extending in a plane at right angles to the long axis of the branch. The secondary branches arise in a distinctly alternate manner, the planes bearing them 'enclosing an angle of 60°. The branches do not all curve in one direction, but for the most part they diverge in pairs, so that the tips of two approximate, enclosing an ellipse. The secondary branches arise in a similar manner, so that the maximum of surface is exposed on the contour of the colony. The spines vary greatly in the different parts of the colony. On the black main stem they are disposed very irregularly, and are very small and abundant. This is also the case on the paler branches, and owing to the conical form the whole gives the impression of a moss-rose stem. They are horny in colour and have a black broadened part where they arise from the stem. The smaller branchlets are trans- parent and hollow, being of a golden-brown colour with a faint reddish tinge. Here the spines are much longer, being bluntly conical and pointing slightly upwards. They are arranged in distinct longitudinal lines, which in reality are the result of steep sinistrorse spirals, five or six being seen from one aspect. They are almost equal to the radius of the pinnule and are about one length apart. The polyps, which were unknown when Mr. Brook described the "Challenger" Antipatharia, are of two kinds, according to the position in the colony. On the main stem and larger branches they are scattered irregularly on the concave surface, being thus within the general network of the circumference. They are visible to the naked eye and appear as six-rayed stars. They are almost circular, the tentacles being disposed on six radii. The tentacles vary considerably in size, according to the state of retraction. On the pinnules the polyps are arranged on the convex surface and thus all face outwards. They are more rectangular in shape than on the stem, being elongated in the direction of the long axis of the pinnule. The tentacles are disposed in three pairs, those in the sagittal axis being inserted very far down and standing mostly perpendicular to the polyp. The distance between the polyps is approximately the same as the length of a polyp, viz., 0'9 millim. In all cases the mouth is situated on a prominent cylindrical projection, the oral cavity being elongated in the direction of the sagittal axis. Cirripede galls are of frequent occurrence, and these are overgrown with the mud- coloured ccenenchyma, also bearing spines. Numerous barnacles are attached to the larger branches. Another almost complete colony (C), without the basal attachment, is 22 centims. in height and 9 centims. in diameter at the widest portion. The main stem is bent ANTIPATHARIA. 99 so as to form two arcs. The length of the branches on the concave surface of the stem greatly exceeds that on the convex, so that the contour is symmetrical. The spines are typical both as to size and arrangement. A few are bifurcated, but as this is only of local occurrence it does not justify the dignity of a new species. The polyps are also typical, but in some, owing to contraction, the tentacles are very inconspicuous. A beautiful complete colony (D), closely resembling a young larch tree, was attached to a stone by a disc-like expansion. It is 30 centims. in height, the greatest width being 10 centims. The first 10 centims. are bare, owing to the branches having been broken off, and the next 6 centims. bear branches only on one side. The diameter of the axis at the base is 2 millims. The spines and polyps are typical. A great number of barnacles are attached to the branches. Another complete colony (E) was more of the bottle-brush type. It is 13-5 centims. high, with branches down to the very base — breadth 6 "5 centims. The diameter ot the axis at the base is 1*5 millims., tapering to 0"5 millim. The branching is not so regular as in the others, but in no case do the branches overlap. The spines and polyps agree closely with the typical forms, but the colour of the branches is slightly darker. Localities : — Station LXIIL, west of Periya Paar, in the Gulf of Manaar, 40 fathoms ; and Station XXIV., off Foul Point, outside Trincomalee, 46 fathoms. Stichopathes ceylonensis, n. sp. — Plate, fig. 9. A small, complete, simple colony attached to a piece of stone by an almost spherical expansion. It is 8 "5 centims. long, but only reaches a height of 6 centims. owing to its spiral course. The diameter at the base is 1 millim., and this diminishes to 075 millim. at the tip of the colony, so that the tapering is very slight. The stem is translucent, golden brown near the base, becoming paler upwards ; it is hollow throughout its entire length. The first 4 centims. are straight, followed by two open sinistrorse spirals 1 "3 centims. in diameter. The spines near the base are short, triangular, and compressed, standing at right angles to the stem, disposed irregularly, but mostly one to two lengths apart. Four may be seen from one aspect. On the upper half of the colony the spines are of the same type, but considerably longer in proportion to the thickness of the stem, being equal to about one-third of the diameter. They are arranged in steep sinistrorse spirals and longitudinal rows about two to three lengths apart. Four can be distinctly seen from one aspect, while the tips of two others are visible, so that there are eight altogether in a spiral. The polyps are typical and prominent. The tentacles are very long and transparent, and the sagittal pair are inserted almost diametrically opposite. They are separated by a distance of about one-half the length of a polyp. Towards the top of the colony O 2 100 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. they are alternately large and small — the smaller forms being probably younger. They are also separated by greater intervals. This specimen comes nearest to S. pourtalesi, Brook, but cannot be identified with it. It differs, for instance, in not having " crowded r polyps, and the arrangement of the spines is also different. Locality : — Station LV., outside the pearl banks, Gulf of Manaar. Stichopathes contorta, n. sp. — Plate, fig. 3. A simple slender colony, 40 centims. long, attached to a piece of rock. It is very sinuous, growing first upwards, then coiling and turning downwards, again twisting and starting on an upward course. Thus the total height is only 7 centims., and the growing point is but 3 centims. above the base. The diameter of the axis is 1 millim. and is uniform throughout. The colour is blackish with a brown tinge, the axis is hollow down to the disc of attachment. The spines are of a pale horny colour, and are slightly but distinctly papillose. They are arranged in longitudinal rows in the lower portion about two to two and a half lengths apart, seven being seen from one aspect. Further up, a distinct steep spiral arrangement may be seen — seven being required to form one revolution. Those in one longitudinal row are about two lengths apart. The polyps are arranged on one side of the axis at intervals of about 1 millim., which is also the length of a polyp. The oral cone is prominent and the mouth opening circular. The tentacles are about 0-5 millim. in length even in a contracted state. Young polyps are frequent between the larger older forms. This species is nearest S. lutkeni (Brook), but differs from it both in the number and arrangement of the spines. Locality : — From off Galle and onwards up West Coast of Ceylon. Stichopathes papillosa, n. sp. — Plate, figs. 6 and 13. A complete, simple, robust colony attached to a piece of rock. It is 38 centims. long and attains a height of 18 centims. The first 4 centims. are almost straight, the remainder coiled into ten distinct dextrorse spirals, 13 millims. in diameter and averaging 14 millims. high. The axis is l-25 millims. in diameter at the base and tapers gradually to 0-5 millim. at the top. At a distance of 6 centims. from the base there is a projection which indicates the remains of a branch. The colour is black at the lower part, becoming lighter towards the apex. The spines are slightly but distinctly papillose, and vary in number in the different parts of the colony ; thus at the base fourteen can be counted from one aspect, whereas at the top only ten and points of two are visible. Those near the base are conical and covered throughout their whole length with small papillse, but on the upper part of ANTIPATHARIA. 1 0 1 the colony the papillae are confined to the apex of the spines, which in this region are more flattened and triangular. They are arranged in distinct dextrorse spirals, and are about one length apart. The coenenchyma is very thick on the side devoid of polyps. The polyps are about 1 millhn. in diameter and almost form a square — the directive tentacles being inserted at the corners and the sagittal pair at a slightly lower level. The tentacles are very long when expanded, but on contraction form low, broad cones. The oral cavity is large and elliptical, being elongated transversely. The oral cone is large and prominent. The polyps in the upper part of the colony are close together, but lower down they are separated by a distinct groove. Smaller polyps, probably young forms, are of not infrequent occurrence. The lower part of the stem is covered with Polyzoa. The distinctive features of this new species are : the thickness of the coenenchyma, the papillose character of the spines, together with the dextrorse spiral arrangement, and the distance between the spines as compared with their length. Locality : — Deep water off Galle and onwards up West Coast of Ceylon. Stichopathes gracilis, Gray, var. spiralis, nov. A very slender, simple colony, 58 centims. in length. Owing to its sinuous and spiral course, it only attains a height of 20 centims. It is attached by a broadened basal expansion. The first 5 centims. are straight ; succeeding this there is a sinuous portion 17 centims. long, followed by two distinct spirals 6 centims. in diameter and about 6 centims. high. The diameter at the base of the stem is 1 minim, and this measurement scarcely diminishes even at the tip. The colour appears black, but when viewed with transmitted light has a decided reddish-brown tinge. The stem is hollow to the very base. The spines near the base are very much damaged, but appear to be short, some- what flattened cones, irregularly arranged, a comparatively small number (about 5) being visible from one aspect. About the middle portion of the colony they are short and triangular, standing perpendicularly to the axis, and disposed in irregular longitudinal rows and dextrorse spirals. The spines in a longitudinal row are separated by about two lengths. Six can be counted from one aspect. Near the top of the colony the spines are much smaller and inclined to the axis, the upper margin being concave and the lower convex. They are arranged in very steep dextrorse spirals, nine in one spiral being seen from one aspect. The distance between any two varies greatly — from two to four lengths. The polyps are arranged in a single longitudinal row, and are very large and prominent, measuring about 2 millims. in length. They are slightly elongated, the oral cone being low but distinct. The tentacles are disposed in three pairs, the sagittal pair being inserted at a considerably lower level than the others. They are very long when fully expanded, but when contracted are low, broad and conical ; others are 102 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. like large spheres with a small filiform projection. They arise from somewhat spherical bases. The polyps are separated by a very small interval, but an annular constriction between each pair seems to pass round the stem. This specimen agrees on the whole with Stichopathes gracilis, but as it differs in some details regarding the spines, and conspicuously in having a spiral course, it has seemed convenient to name a new variety. Locality : — Deep water off Galle. Stichopathes echinulata, Brook. This species is represented by a simple colony, incomplete at the base, 26 centims. long, very irregular and sinuous, so that the total height is only 8 centims. The growing point is turned downwards and is only 5 centims. above the lowest portion. The colony tapers very markedly from 1/5 millims. to 0"5 millim. The colour of the axis is almost black. The spines are very short, compressed and directed upwards. They are arranged in very steep spirals, the distance between two rows being almost the same as that between any two on a spiral, so that they show a quincunx grouping. The distance between any two is equal to about four lengths of a spine. The polyps are typical, but the sagittal tentacles are relatively distant from the oral cone. They are separated by a distance about two-thirds of the length of the polyp. This species has been previously recorded from Mauritius. Locality: — Station LX., outside the pearl banks, Gulf of Manaar. Antipathella ragosa, n. sp. — Plate, figs. 5 and 11. There are two specimens of this new species in the collection, both slightly damaged. The larger of these is 19 centims. high and 13 centims. broad. It is branched mostly in one plane, and consists of two main branches which arise dichotomously from a short main stem 1 centim. long. One branch arises at 60°, while the second after a short distance at right angles to the stem bends upwards and runs closely parallel to it. The first is broken off about 7'5 centims. from its origin, and the second at a slightlv lower level. At the point of fracture large secondary branches are given off, and it is noteworthy that the angles of inclination are the same as for the first two, viz., 60° and 90°. The primary and secondary branches give off pinnae in a strictly alternate manner, and these again bear pinnules. The pinnse converge slightly. The whole plane of branching is slightly curved and the polyps arise on the convex surface. Near the base the axis is opaque and black in colour, but this passes gradually into a transparent horny yellow in the upper parts of the colony. The smaller branches and pinnules are hollow. The spines on the large branches are short and slender, tapering in a marked ANTI PATH ARIA. 103 degree. They are slightly inclined to the axis, and are arranged irregularly, about fifteen being visible from one aspect. Those on the pinnules are very thin and delicate, fairly long, conical in shape, and inclined to the axis at an acute angle. They are arranged in distinct longitudinal lines which are the expression of steep dextrorse spirals. Five can be seen from one aspect. The distance between two in a longitudinal line is equal to about two lengths. On the main branches the polyps are arranged irregularly, and are almost circular, the tentacles, which are moderately long, being equidistant from the oral cavity. On the pinnules the polyps are arranged on the convex surface and are elongated in the direction of the axis. The distance between the polyps varies. In some places they are crowded together, while in others they are separated by a distance equal to their breadth. In all cases the body of the polyp is large. The oral cavity is circular and borne on a very prominent cylindrical projection. The tentacles are large and inclined outwards, being very rugose in appearance, due probably to the state of retraction. They are arranged in three rows of two each — the sagittal tentacles beino- inserted far down. The colony bears numerous epizoic animals : — Cirriped galls and stalked barnacles, tubes of Spirorbis, several Polyzoa, a Sponge, and a young pearl oyster shell. It is worthy of note that the majority of these are overgrown by the ccenenchyma and bear both polyps and spines. A second specimen of this species — also slightly damaged — is 14-5 centims. in height and 8 centims. in breadth. It consists of a main stem with a basal attachment from which three branches arise on one side at about 60°. These are slightly arched, and the longest, which is 12 centims. in length, has a diameter of 1 millim., tapering to a point. The whole colony is flabellate. In its spines, polyps, and colour it agrees with the other specimen. This species should be included in Brook's Group A (''Challenger" Eeport), but it does not approach closely to any of species already included in that group. Localities : — Deep water off Galle, and Station VIII., deep water, in Gulf of Manaar. Antipathella elegans, n. sp. — Plate, fig. 10. A complete, very graceful colony, 13 centims. in height, with a maximum breadth of 55 centims. at a distance of 9-5 centims. from the base, which is expanded into a discdike attachment. At a distance of 3 centims. from the base the main stem bifurcates and the two subsidiaries develop almost equally. The mode of branching is not uniform. The general appearance is dichotomous, but this breaks down in several places where three or four branches arise on one side. The stem and branches are black at the base, gradually passing into golden brown near the apex. All the branches and pinnules are hollow. The diameter of the branches varies very little in the different parts, and the gentle tapering gives the whole colony a very graceful appearance. The axis is 1 millim. in diameter at the base. The spines are short and 104 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. very much compressed, being somewhat triangular with a very broad base. The upper margin is sub-horizontal, while the lower is convex. They are arranged in very steep sinistrorse spirals and longitudinal rows, the distance between two in a row being four lengths, while that between two in a spiral is one length. From one aspect five can be seen quite distinctly along with the tips of other two, making in all eight spines in a circumference. The spines near the base are shorter, smaller and more conical. They are disposed in sinistrorse spirals and distinct rows, the distance between two in a row being about four lengths. The polyps are typical. They are situated in a single row on the branches and branchlets, and are very much elongated in the direction of the axis. The distance between the polyps varies in the different parts ; they are in some places close together, in others separated by intervals equal to half their length. Very often a line passing through the oral cones is a line of spines, and the polyps occupy a length corre- sponding to four spines in a longitudinal row. The oral cone is very prominent and the mouth opening is circular. The tentacles vary in different parts according to their state of contraction. The sagittal pair are inserted rather far down, corresponding to spines 1 and 5 on a circumference. In some cases the tentacles have spherical terminations. This species is chiefly distinguished by the nature and arrangement of the spines, which are markedly different from those of other species, but also by the polyps, which, though typical of the genus, nevertheless bear specific characters. Locality : — Station LX. , outside pearl banks, Gulf of Manaar. Antipathella irregularis, n. sp. — Plate, fig. 12. This species is represented by a small complete colony and a fragment. The former is 4 centims. in height and 6 centims. in breadth, the general shape being sub-flabelliform. The branches arise mostly in two planes, but occasionally in a third, leaving one quadrant bare. Frequent fusions occur. The other specimen consists of a short main stem with a disc of attachment at the base. The stem is only 2 centims. high, and the axis tapers from 1 millim. at the base to a very fine point at the apex. The branches are longer than the main stem and constitute the greater part of the colony. They arise on three sides at a very large angle, so that the expansion is mostly lateral. The colour of the axis near the base is black, but it passes through a dark amber to a horny yellow in the branchlets. The secondary branches are somewhat elongate and slender and appear slightly flabellate. The spines near the base of the stem are short, conical, and irregularly disposed ; but on the branches a definite arrangement can be traced. There they are compressed and triangular in form, arranged sometimes in a dextrorse and sometimes in a sinistrorse spiral. They are about two lengths apart and five can be seen from one aspect. ANTIPATHARIA. 105 The polyps are rather small and are disposed on one side of the stem and branches, so that none appear on the quadrant devoid of branches. They are oval in shape, being elongated in the direction of the axis. The oral cone is low but definite ; the mouth is scarcely discernible. The tentacles are comparatively long and delicate, having a broad base and tapering markedly. The distance between the polyps varies, but in most cases there is a valley-like depression between them, giving the surface an undulating appearance. The distinctive features of the species are the irregular mode of branching, the character and arrangement of the spines, and the nature of the polyps. Locality : — Station XXIV., off Foul Point, outside Trincomalee, 46 fathoms. Antipathella ceylonensis, n. sp. — Plate, fig. 2. Of this species there are two specimens — one complete colony and a broken part of another. The former is a small, graceful, delicate colony, complete but for the tips of some of the branches. It is 7 centims. in height and 5 centims. in breadth. The main stem is 5 centims. long, and the axis is about 1 millim. in diameter above the disc of attachment, which is 1 centim. broad. The branching is approximately in one plane, and there are signs of fusion in three places. About 1 centim. from the base two branches arise, almost of the same diameter as the main stem. One of these is 4 centims. long, the other is 6 centims. and bears a comparatively large secondary branch. The branching is irregular, but nearly alternate. The branchlets are very slender and arise at different angles, very seldom at an angle less than 60°, and most frequently at right angles. The spines near the base are short, conical, and distant ; those on the pinnules are larger and thorn-like, the lower margin of the compressed triangle being convex. They are equal to about half the diameter of the pinnule and are about three lengths apart. The arrangement is in steep sinistrorse spirals, four being seen from one aspect. The polyps are disposed on one side of the branches and are elongated in the direction of the long axis. The tentacles are short and are arranged in three pairs, the sagittal pair being inserted at a level slightly lower than the others. The oral opening is circular, and is elevated on a prominent cylindrical projection. This species comes nearest to A. tristis (Duch.), but is distinguishable from it both in spines and polyps. Locality: — Station XXIV., off Foul Point, outside Trincomalee, 46 fathoms. 106 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. LITERATURE REFERRED TO. 1891. Bell, F. Jeffrey. — "Contributions to our Knowledge of the Antipatharian Corals." 'Trans. Zool. Soc. Lond.,' vol. xiii., part ii., No. 7. 1900. Bourne, G. C— " Anthozoa" in E. Ray Lankester's ' Treatise on Zoology,' part 2. 1889. Brook, G. — " Antipatharia," ' " Challenger" Keport,' vol. xxxii. 1880. Carter. — ' Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist.,' ser. v., vol. 5. 1904. Forster-Cooper, C. — "Antipatharia" in 'The Fauna and Geography of the Maklive and Laccadive Archipelagoes,' part iii., vol. 2. 1857. Gray, J. E.— ' Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond.,' p. 291. 1860. Gray, J. E— ' Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist.,' ser. iii., vol. 6, p. 311. 1877. Klunzinger, C. B. — ' Die Korallthiere des Rothen Meeres.' 1883. Ridley, Stuart O.—" The Coral-fauna of Ceylon," &c. ' Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist.,' ser. iv., vol. 11. 1905. Roule, L. — " Antipathaires et Cerianthaires." 'R&ultats Camp. Seient. Prince de Monaco,' Fasc. xxx. 1896. Schultze, L. S. — "Beitr. z. Syst. der Antipatharien." ' Abh. Senckenberg. Nat. Ges.,' Bd. xxiii. 1899. Schultze, L. S. — 'Die Antipatharien der Deutschen Tiefsee-Expedition, 1898-99.' 1869. Verrill, A. E. — ' Transactions of the Connecticut Academy,' vol. i. EXPLANATION OF THE PLATE. Fig. 1. Antipathella rugosa, n. sp., dendriform spines, «-/, different stages of growth. „ 2. Antipathella ceylonensis, n. sp., arrangement of spines. (a) Main axis ; (b) Axis of pinnule. „ 3. Stichopathes contorta, n. sp., arrangement of spines. (a) Near base of the colony ; (b) Towards the tip of the colony. ,, 4. Antipathes abies, Gray, polyps. (a) On main branches ; (b) On axis. ,, 5. Antipathella rugosa, n. sp., polyps on pinnules. „ 6. Stichopathes papillosa, n. sp., polyps near the tip of the colony. ,, 7. Antipathes gracilis, n. sp., complete colony. Nat. size. ,, 8. Cirripathes (?), n. sp., arrangement of spines. (a) Near base of colony ; (b) Middle of colony : (c) Near tip of colony. „ 9. Stichopathes ceylonensis, n. sp., arrangement of spines. (a) Near base of colony ; (b) Towards top of colony. ,, 10. Antipathella elegans, n. sp., arrangement of spines. () Pinnule. ,, 13. Stichopathes papillosa, n. sp., arrangement of spines. (a) Near the base of the axis ; (5) At the tip of the axis. ,, 14. Antipathes gracilis, n. sp., arrangement of spines. (a) On main stem ; (b) Part of a pinnule. „ 15. Antipathes gallensis, n. sp., arrangement of spines. (a) Main stem and branch ; (b) Pinnule. CKYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT ANTIPATHARIA PLATE E. Wilson, Cambridge. Fig. 1, Antipathella rugosa, n. sp. ; Fia. 2, Antipathella ceylonensis, u. sp. ; Fig. 3, Stichopathes contorta, n. sp. ; Fig. 4, Antipathes abies, Gray; Figs. 5 and 11, Antipathella rugosa, n. sp. ; Figs. 6 and 13, Stichopathes papillosa, n. sp. Figs. 7 and 14, Antipathes gracilis, n. sp. ; Fig. 8, Cirripathes, n. sp. ; Fig. 9, Stichopathes ceylonensis, n. sp. ; Fig. 10, Antipathella elegans, n. sp. ; Fig. 12, Antipathella irregularis, n. sp. ; Fig. IS, Antipathes gallensis. n. sp. [CEYLON PEARL OYSTER FISHERIES— 1905-SUPPLEMENTABY REPORTS, No. XXVL] REPORT ON THE POLYZOA COLLECTED BY Professor HERDMAN, at CEYLON, in 1902. BY LAURA ROSCOE THORNELY (ZOOLOGY DEPARTMENT, UNIVERSITY OF LIVERPOOL). [With ONE PLATE.] INTRODUCTORY. There are at least 116 species of Polyzoa iu this collection from Ceylon. Of these, 31 had already been found in Indian seas, 32 of the remainder have been reported from Australian waters, 13 from the China Sea, and several from neighbouring but outlying waters to the east, west, and south of the Indian Ocean. Of the rest, some have not been, I believe, recorded from nearer than Florida (7 species), the Queen Charlotte Islands (l), and the Mediterranean Sea (2). Several are cosmopolitan in their distribution, and 19 are British species. Finally there are 16 species and 1 variety which I consider to be new, and which will be described below as : — OnychoceUa cucullata, n. sp. Lepralia nitida, n. sp. Sch'r.oporella arirularis, n. sp. ,, ceylonica, n. sp. „ viridis, n. sp. „ fissa, n. sp. „ collaris, n. sp. ,, triangula, n. sp. Rhyncopora incisor, a. sp. Smittia trispinosa, var. proteda, n. „ corrugata, n. sp. Phyladella spiralis, n. sp. Gemellipora prolrusa, n. sp. Retepora podlhim, n. sp. Lepralia mtdtidentata, a. sp. Cellepora compada, n. sp. „ purpurea, a. sp. Polyzoa are well distributed round the coast of Ceylon. No less than 89 species were found in the Gulf of Manaar, and 32 off Galle. Many of them were obtained in P 2 108 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. several distinct localities and in great abundance, while other species are represented by one colony each. From the large number of specimens obtained, and the manner in which the colonies are crowded together on the foreign bodies to which they are attached, it may be inferred that the Ceylon seas are a favourable locality for the Polyzoa ; but at the same time, from the multiplication of avicularia and of spinous processes of various sorts which characterise these Ceylonese specimens, the impression is derived that there is severe competition and that the colonies have a struggle to hold their own. It is possible that the avicularia, spines and other roughnesses on the surface of the zoarium may protect such species from being smothei'ed by overgrowths of colonies of their own kind ; and this seems a very necessary protection in this case, and the need may account for some of the extraordinary calcareous outgrowths of the zocecia which I have to describe below. Comparatively few collections of Polyzoa have been made in Indian seas. Hincks (16) reported in 1887 upon a collection made by Dr. Anderson in the Mergui Archipelago. Kirkpatrick (22) described in ] 895 a collection made by Mr. Thurston in the Gulf of Manaar. Among Hincks's series of papers, entitled " Contributions towards a History of the Marine Polyzoa," in the ' Annals and Magazine of Natural History ' (8), there is a report upon a small collection from Indian seas, and here and there among other papers of this series may be found descriptions of a specimen or two from Ceylon. In all, perhaps, 45 species have been previously described from the seas around Ceylon. Of these, 31 are represented in the present collection ; and 85 additional species, including 16 new to science, are now recorded for the first time. The work has been carried out chiefly in Liverpool, but it is a pleasure to record the help that has been freely given to me in Cambridge and in London. Dr. S. F. Harmer has kindly allowed me to consult his private collections of specimens and notes, and Mr. P. Kirkpatrick has helped me with those at the British Museum ; to both gentlemen I am indebted for advice, and suggestions. In conclusion, I should like to express my gratitude to Professor Herdman for the privilege of being allowed to handle and name his valuable collection of Polyzoa. Order: ECTOPROCTA. Sub-order : CHEILOSTOMATA. Family: .ETEID/E. JEtea anguina, Linn. Localities: — Station I., off Negombo, 12 to 20 fathoms; and Station XLVI., off Mount Lavinia, 7 to 12 fathoms. Family: CATENARIID/E. Catenaria lafontii (Auu). Locality: — North of Cheval Paar, 7 to 10 fathoms. POLYZOA. 109 Catenicella elegans, Busk (1). Locality : Gulf of Manaar (attached to floating oyster cages). Family: CELLULARIID.F,. Scrnpocellaria cervicornis. Busk (2). Locality : — Navakaddu Paar, Gulf of Manaar. Scnvpocellaria diadema, Busk (2). Localities: — North of Cheval Paar, in Gulf of Manaar, 7 to 10 fathoms; and Station LXIIL, west of Periya Paar, 17 to 55 fathoms (large quantities). Scrupocellaria scrupea, Busk (2). Locality : — Gulf of Manaar. Caberea retiformis (Pourtal^s). The peculiar, unequal development of the fornix, mentioned by Miss Phillips (25), is a characteristic of these Ceylon specimens. The upper half is developed into a long, sharp process, while the lower is scarcely produced below the stem by which it is attached to the zooecium. Avicularia are present both along the median line and on the ocecia. Locality : — Off Galle in deep water. Family : BICELLAPJID/E. Diploecium simplex, Ktrkpatrick (20). Localities : — North of Cheval Paar, 7 to 10 fathoms ; oft* Manaar; and off Galle. Bugula neritina, Linn. There is one specimen in the present collection which differs from the others, being lighter in colour, less rigid in growth, and with avicularia. Hincks (12) mentions these last as present on some of his specimens, therefore there does not seem sufficient reason for separating the two forms. The avicularia are large, placed on the outer sides of the zooecia, and have long mandibles. Ooecia are present in the position usual for the species. Localities : — Palk Bay ; and Gulf of Manaar. Beania mirabilis, Johnston. Locality : — Cheval Paar. Family : CELLARIID^E. Cellaria johnsoni, Busk. Localities : — Gulf of Manaar ; off Galle, deep water ; and Station XL., 10 miles oft' Watering Point, 34 fathoms. 110 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. Nellia oculata, Busk (2). Locality : — Gulf of Manaar. Family : TUBUCELLARILLm Tubucellaria cereoides (Ellis and Sol.). Localities : — Off Galle and onwards up the West Coast of Ceylon, deep water ; Navakaddu Paar, Gulf of Manaar (several colonies). Family : MEMBRANIPORIDiE. Membranipora favus, Hincks (8). There are tubercles between some of the zocecia in the colonies of this species which otherwise agree with Hincks's description of the species. Locality : — Gulf of Manaar (on Conus shells). Membranipora irregularis, D'Orbigny. Locality : — Gulf of Manaar. Membranipora hastilis, Kirkpatrick (21). Locality : — Gulf of Manaar. Amphiblestrum cervicorne, Busk (2). Locality : — Off Manaar Island (several colonies). Amphiblestrum papillatum, Busk (1). Localities: — Station XLVL, off Mount Lavinia, 25 to 30 fathoms; Navakaddu Paar, Gulf of Manaar. Amphiblestrum granuliferum (Hincks, 3). Localities : — Gulf of Manaar ; oft* Galle ; and oft" Mount Lavinia (several colonies). Amphiblestrum marginella (Hincks, 8). The lateral avicularia of these specimens are more pointed than in Hincks's description, and are directed upwards instead of downwards. The large avicularia occupying a whole zocecial area are present. Locality : — Gulf of Manaar. Amphiblestrum delicatulum (Busk). The Ceylon specimens show the serrated denticle of this form and have no avicularia. The zocecia are not quadrangular but of a diamond shape, resembling one of the zocecia in Hincks's figure (3, plate xi.) of this species. There are no knobs such as Hincks describes on his specimens. Ocecia are present, not described before ; they are sunk POLYZOA. Ill below the membrane of the zocecium, above the one to which they belong, are finely- punctured and have a calcareous arch above the zocecial orifice. The colony is of a brownish colour and adheres closely to the bivalve shell on which it is growing. Locality : — Gulf of Manaar. Siphonoporella bursaria (MacGillivkay, 23). The Ceylon colonies of this species have avicularia with spatulate mandibles, interspersed here and there among the zocecia, on separate areas. In old specimens the front wall of the zocecium is distinctly punctured. With these slight differences the specimens have all the appearance of Membranipora rossellii (Aud.) which MacGilliyray (23, plate xxvi., fig. 4) later named Amphiblestrum bursarium. There is even an indication, in his drawing of one of the zocecia, of a siphon, which is clearly present in the Ceylon specimens. I believe the specimens undoubtedly belong to MacGillivray's species. Localities : — Off Galle ; off Trincomalee ; and from the Gulf of Manaar (several good colonies). Family : ONYCHOCELLID.E. Onychocella antiqua (Busk). Locality : — East Cheval Paar, Gulf of Manaar. Onychocella abyssicola (Smitt, 26). Localities :— Gulf of Manaar ; and off Galle at Station XL., 10 miles off Watering- Point, 34 fathoms. Onychocella cucullata, n. sp. — Plate, fig. 1. Zoarium incrusting or erect, branching and bilaminar. Zocecia large and irregularly oval, raised towards the upper end, where the margin is often coarsely beaded. Operculum large and horse-shoe shaped, bent forward along with the raised portion of the zocecium. Cryptocyst coarsely granular and punctured on the front wall, descending as in Steganoporella lateralis, MacGillivkay (24), to the basal wall of the zocecium and pierced by a tubular orifice which has an everted rim. Avicularia curved over the top of the zocecium, usually branched on one side and having the tips of the branches more or less forked. A triangular swollen area, probably ocecial, is seen above some zocecia, having an oval opening covered by a membranous operculum, situated in the centre of the beaded upper margin of the zocecium to which it belongs. Localities : — Gulf of Manaar ; and off Trincomalee. This species appears to be closely allied to Steganoporella in the form of zocecium, but has a smaller operculum and avicularia of the Onychocella type. The two forms present in this collection, incrusting and erect, have the same zocecial and avicularian characters, and cannot therefore be separated. The erect form is represented by 112 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. broken specimens of about 2 centims. in height, flat and branched in yarious ways and of a grey colour. The incrusting form has all the appearance of a Steganopurella to the naked eye. Family : MICROPORID^E. Stegunoporella buskii, Harmer (17). There is a large colony of this species measuring about 10 square centims. It is growing in a loose honeycomb-like form and is of a remarkably light and brittle texture. Another colony, the same in detail, is incrusting a seaweed and is much smaller in every way. Locality : — Cheval Paar, Gulf of Manaar. Steganoporella sulcata, Harmer (17). Locality : — Gulf of Manaar. Steganoporella simplex, Harmer (17). Localities : — Gulf of Manaar ; and oft" Trincomalee. Thalamoporella rozieri (Aud.), form indica, Hincks (3). Localities : — Gulf of Manaar ; Palk Bay ; and oft Galle. Thalamoporella rozieri (Aud.), form falcifera, Hincks (3). Locality : — Generally distributed round the Ceylon coast. Family: CRIBRILINID.E. Cribrilina radiata, Moll. Localities : — Off* Galle ; Gulf of Manaar ; off Mount Lavinia ; and Station XL. , 10 miles off Watering Point, 34 fathoms. Family : MICROPORELLID^E. Microporella violacea, Johnston, form plagiopora, Busk. Locality : — Gulf of Manaar. Microporella ciliata (Pallas). Locality : — North of Cheval Paar, 7 to 10 fathoms. Microporella ciliata, var. personata, Busk (2). The avicularia on the Ceylon specimens have wing-like membranous extensions of the sides of the mandible. Two of the colonies are of a pink colour. Localities: — Gulf of Manaar; and Station XXXIII.. south-east of Ceylon, 18 fathoms. POLYZOA. 113 Microporella decorata, Reuss. Locality : — Gulf of Manaar. Berenicea prominens, Lx. [= Chorizopora brongniartii (Aud.)]. Localities : — Gulf of Manaar ; off Galle, deep water ; and Station XL., off Watering Point, 34 fathoms. Family: PORINID^. Porina magnirostris (MacGillivray, 23). Locality : — Gulf of Manaar. Gigantopora fenestrata, Ridley. On the most perfect of the few, small, incrusting colonies of this form there are little branched spines, in between the perforations of the front wall of the zocecia. The secondary, tubular orifice has a 4-toothed margin and avicularia are very long, reaching from the base of the tube and extending beyond its margin. Where an avicularium is absent the tube has a fissure in its place. Ooecia are present, low down at the back of the tubular orifice, and perforated like the front wall of the zocecia. Localities : — Gulf of Manaar ; and off Galle. Lagenipora spinulosa, Hincks (8). Locality : — Gulf of Manaar. Lagenipora tuberculata, MacGillivray (23). There are several colonies corresponding to MacGillivray's description of this species, but there are also among them some that have the hollow tubercles very much lengthened, ending in points, or being jagged and irregular in outline. These specimens have also simple or branched spines round the margin of the much raised peristome. The front walls of the zocecia have punctures in between the spines ; the peristome is granular. There are no avicularia, and no ocecia are present. Locality :— Off Galle. Family : MONOPOEELLID^. Monoporella albicans, Hincks (6). An interesting point in the present example of this form is that the ocecia are in most cases set a little " awry," a fact that Hincks thought merely a peculiarity of the colony in his collection. There are none of the large avicularia present here. Locality :— Gulf of Manaar. Monoporella lepida, Hincks (5). Locality : — Station LIIL, north of Cheval Paar, 7 to 10 fathoms. Q 114 CEYLON PEAEL OYSTER REPORT. Family: MYEIOZOIDiE, Smitt. Schizoporella spongitis (Pallas). Localities : — Gulf of Manaar ; and off Mount Lavinia. Schizoporella ampla, Kirkpatrick (20). Localities : — Gulf of Manaar ; and Navakaddu Paar. Schizoporella argentea, Hincks (6). In the single small colony of this species the sinus is wider than Hincks descrihes and there are no oval avicularia, but in their place the elongated kind as in some of his specimens. There are the two spines above and the granular, silvery surface of the zooecia with foramina between the granulations. Locality : — Gulf of Manaar. Schizoporella aperta, Hincks (6). There are two spines on the upper margin of some of the orifices of these specimens not described before. No ocecia are present, but in other points the characters agree with those of the species. Localities : — Gulf of Manaar ; and Navakaddu Paar. Schizoporella cecilia (Atjd.). The one small colony of this sjaecies has raised, irregular-shaped ridges of calcareous matter on the ocecium, and a decided arch above the orifice at the base of the ocecium, also a screen-like process on the front of the zooecium. Locality : — Gulf of Manaar. Schizoporella unicornis, Johnston. The present specimen has the peculiar long avicularia of the form longirostris, Hincks (11), but not the more important feature of that variety, namely the loop- shaped sinus. Locality : — Navakaddu Paar. Schizoporella nivea, Busk (1). There are numerous colonies of this species, loosely attached, being, as it were, folded round the stems of the large zoophyte, Campanularia juncea, and having the opposed edges of the zoarium adhering to one another. (See Part II., p. 115, fig. 2.) Locality : — Gulf of Manaar. Schizoporella circinata, MacGillivray (23). The zocecia of these specimens have the ridge-like mucro of Hincks's (10) species, but not the avicularium. There is a single row of large punctures at the edge of the zooecium. No ocecia are present on the two small colonies in the Ceylon collection. Localities : — Off Mount Lavinia : and off Galle. POLYZOA. 115 Schizoporella sanguinea (Norman). Avicularia are usually present on these specimens. They are long and pointed and raised, a pair on each zocecium, situated at their extreme upper angles, above the orifice and directed downwards and inwards. Locality :— Off Galle. Schizoporella magnifica, Hincks (11). The peculiar distinctive ocecia of this species are not present on the one colony in this collection, which is deep red in colour. The long pointed sinus, the pairs of upward pointing avicularia, and the reticulate front wall of the zocecium, without a raised margin, accord with Hincks's description of the species. Locality :— Off Galle. Schizoporella depressa, Phillips (25). There are some colonies of a pink colour corresjionding with the figure and description of this species. The orifice of the zocecium is deeply sunk, the front wall rising into almost an umbo below it, and calcareous ridges radiate from this to the margin, leaving large, loop-shaped areolations between them. The small rounded avicularia, on one or both sides of the orifice, are sunk below the surface, together with the orifice. Ocecia are smooth and hyaline or ridged, and have an oval area on either side of them. Localities : — Gulf of Manaar ; and off Mount Lavinia. Schizoporella triangula, Hincks (5). The specimens of this form in the present collection have the triangular orifice, the raised margins and punctured surface of the zocecium, with small avicularium pointing downwards from just below the orifice, although this last is smaller and never raised on an elevation. There is a second avicularium lying transversely on a separate area above the orifice. Busk (1) mentions, but does not figure, a second avicularium with a slender, spear-shaped mandible which corresponds with these, with the exception that his are described as lying vertically and these are transversely placed. Where ocecia are present, they take the place of these. They are large, covering nearly the whole of the zocecium above the one to which they belong, as described by Busk, but are sub-immersed and have no nodules, being punctured like the zocecium. Localities : — Gulf of Manaar ; and East Cheval Paar. Schizoporella subsinuata (Hincks, 9). There are a few colonies of a grey-white colour, incrusting pieces of broken shell, having the zooecial characters of this form with the addition of numerous avicularia, which in Hincks's specimens did not exist and which were rare in MacGillivray's (23). They have long, pointed mandibles, and are usually pointing downwards, like those in Q 2 116 CEYLON PEAEL OYSTER REPORT. MacGillivray's figure (plate cxxxviii., fig. 5), from an upper angle of the zooecium ; but are sometimes below the orifice, transversely placed, or they may be on separate, raised areas. Localities : — Gulf of Manaar ; and Navakaddu Paar. Schizoporella avicularis, n. sp. — Plate, fig. 2. Zoarium adnate, of a pink colour ; zocecium punctured, with slightly raised margins. Orifice with a broad sinus and umbo below it. Avicularia here and there large and spatulate, starting from above the umbo, covering over the oral aperture and resting on an extended portion of the zooecium above. Ocecia large, more finely punctured than the zooecium and with a calcareous arch over its summit. Locality : — Gulf of Manaar. I do not know of any species having an avicularium in the position described above. When the mandible is removed, the zocecial orifice, with its operculum, appears beneath, in its usual form. There is a specimen, in this collection too, of S. triangula, which has apparently a similar arrangement of the avicularium and zocecial orifice, but it will be necessary to examine more material before coming to a definite conclusion as to the exact relations of these parts. Schizoporella collaris, n. sp. — -Plate, fig. 4. Zoarium incrusting, of a dull white colour. Zocecia rhomboidal, punctured, the upper portion slightly narrowed to a neck and bent forward. Orifice with a broad shallow sinus, peristome thickened and forming a triangular bracket-like process in front. Ocecia punctured like the zocecia, the sides extending to form with the peristome a collar round the orifice. Locality :— Station XL VI., oft* Mount Lavinia. Schizoporella pulcherrima (MacGillivray, 23). There is a strong resemblance between the " small colony," described by MacGillivray, of this species and the large specimens from Ceylon, although the former has no punctures on the zooecium, nor is it coloured, while the latter have punctures as well as radiating lines and are coloured a deep red, excepting for one colony, probably old, which is white. The raised margins of the broad zocecia, the shallow sinus and avicularia on either side of the orifice are the same ; these are sometimes quite up to the edge and in an angle of the zocecium. Ocecia, not described before, are large, covering almost entirely the zooecium above and embedded in it, punctured like the zocecium. The orifices of the zocecia which bear ocecia are larger than those of the others. It is a very striking species. Localities : — East Cheval Paar ; off Galle ; off Mount Lavinia. Schizoporella viridis, n. sp. — Plate, fig. 3. Zoarium incrusting and forming very large colonies, extending to nearly two feet (50 centims. or upwards) across. TOLYZOA. 117 It has a coarse looking, roughened surface and is of a greenish colour, somewhat obscured by a brownish surface layer or membrane ; zooecium prostrate, irregularly oval, ventricose and punctured closely all over the front wall ; often with an umbo in its centre, or to one side, which may become tall and massive. Orifice with a deeply rounded sinus, peristome raised above. Avicularia small and pointed, one or two transversely placed below the orifice, and a few long and sword-shaped, on separate areas, scattered over the zoarium. Locality : — Coral banks, Gulf of Manaar. This fine species forms thick massive colonies of many superimposed layers, and spreads over other objects to form very large masses ; one colony measures upwards of 53 centime, in length by 18 centims. in breadth and 23 millims. in thickness. The verdigris-green colour is a striking feature, best seen in the thickness of the super- imposed layers at the edges of broken pieces ; a brown membrane which envelops the zoarium conceals it, somewhat, on the surface. The large ventricose zooecia and ocecia can be seen by the naked eye as small pimples covering the irregularly undu- lating surface of the zoarium. The zocecia are always prostrate, but are heaped and turned in various ways and are seen at various levels. Schizoporella incrassata, Hincks (6). The great variety in appearance of the zooecia in different parts of one colony is quite as marked in the present specimens as it was in Htncks's, and, although the variations do not always agree with his, the differences seem to belong to unimportant characters. The primary orifice has, here, sometimes from 2 to 4 spines on its upper margin. A large process, bearing an avicularium, is sometimes to be seen on both sides of the orifice instead of on one side only. The surface of the zooecium is usually grooved, the grooves radiating towards the centre. Avicularia on raised processes are scattered irregularly over the zooecia. The peristome forms sometimes a spinous collar, open in front, or the points of the edges of the opening join and leave the opening below like an oval pore. The ocecium agrees with that of Hincks's species, but that the flat plate covering its aperture is of a dead white, contrasting with the glassy appearance of the rest of the zoarium. Localities :— Gulf of Manaar ; Station XL., 10 miles off Galle, 34 fathoms. Mastigophora dutertrei, var. pes-anseris (Smitt, 26). Locality : — Station XL., 10 miles off Galle, 34 fathoms. Rhyncopora bispinosa, Johnston. The primary orifice of this species varies in one specimen from the usual shallow sinus form to one with a deeper, narrower sinus, which variety has also a crenulated margin as in Rhyncopora crenulata, Waters (27), a species which has, however, no sinus. Localities : — Gulf of Manaar ; and Station XL VI., off Mount Lavinia. 118 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. Rhyncopora corrugata, n. sp. — Plate, fig. 5. Zoarium incrusting, yellow-white in colour. Zooecia large, distinct throughout, with the secondary orifice prolonged into a tube, widening from the base up and with an uneven margin. An uncinate process at the base of the tube a little to one side of the centre, and an avicularium of small size on the corresponding other side, its beak pointed and forming with the uncinate process a loop-shaped sinus. Locality : — Gulf of Manaar. The raised secondary orifice of this species gives it the appearance of a Lagenipora, but that the tube is irregularly fluted in outline. It is a good deal smaller than Rliyncop>ora incisor, n. sp., although at first taken to be the same when the two were growing together. Rhyncopora incisor, n. sp. — Plate, fig. 6. Zoarium incrusting, of a white colour. Zooecia crowded, hexagonal, with a deeply areolated margin, a long tubular peristome and even rim. Primary orifice orbicular with a transversely placed avicularium a little to one side of the centre, an uncinate process on the opposite side becoming very long and pointed. Ocecia behind the tubular orifice, smooth with a circular area on either side. Localities : — Gulf of Manaar ; and off Galle, 34 fathoms. The chai'acters of this species are very simple and constant ; the most striking feature is the elongated uncinate process which sometimes projects almost across the orifice, so as to bar the entrance to the tube, and has a curved needle-like point. There is no avicularium to be seen when this stage is reached. One perfectly preserved colony has the appearance to the naked eye of the pile of white velvet ; the zooecia almost approach those of Lagenipora tuberculata in size and appearance. Hippothoa flagellum, Manzoni. Locality : — Chilaw Paar. Gemellipora glabra, form striatula, Smitt (26). Localities : — Gulf of Manaar ; Trincomalee ; and off Mount Lavinia. Gemellipora lata (Smitt, 26). The Ceylon specimens of this form have the yellow colour of the colony, the dark colour of the opercula, more brown than green in these specimens, the conspicuous pores of the zooecia, the form of orifice and peculiar fold of the peristome below this, as figured by Smitt (26, plate vii., fig. 157). Avicularia are distributed among the zooecia, on separate areas, but are much larger than he describes and spatulate, not oval. Ocecia, not described before, are more broad than high, perforated like the zooecia, POLYZOA. 119 with, sometimes, an umbo. The orifices of fertile zooecia are much larger than those of the others. Locality : — Gulf of Manaar. J Gemellipora protrusa, n. sp. — Plate, fig. 7. Zoarium incrusting, of a pale brown colour. Zocecia rhomboidal, smooth or slightly roughened, front wall much raised, punctured round the margin. Orifice of the usual Gemellipora form, sometimes much elongated ; peristome often raised above and irregularly lobed. A large avicularium on the front of the zocecium, directed across it, supported on a raised process ; mandible wide at the base, becoming long and pointed ; a small avicularium, with rounded mandible, on a raised jjrocess on one or both sides of the orifice. Ocecia granular and minutely punctured, open in front, and leaning forward over the orifice. Locality : — Gulf of Manaar (numerous colonies on Nullipore balls). There are sometimes two avicularia, in place of the one large transversely placed one ; they point outwards to either side of the zocecium. There is some resemblance in the appearance of this species to Schizoporella ampla, Kirkpatrick (20). Family: ESCHARHLE. Lepralia robusta, Hincks (8). The central circular pore, alluded to by Hincks, is quite evident on the present specimens, and is sometimes multiplied to three or more of irregular shapes, as seen in an old, worn specimen. Locality : — Gulf of Manaar (in large quantity on broken shells). Lepralia poissonii, Audouin. Localities: — Navakaddu Paar ; off Galle and onwards up West Coast, deep water. Lepralia mortoni, Haswell (19). Localities : — Gulf of Manaar ; off Trincomalee ; north end of East Cheval Paar. Lepralia triangula, n. sp. — Plate, fig. 8. Zoarium incrusting. Zocecia punctured all over, covered by a yellow membrane. There are usually scattered spinous processes on the front wall of the zocecium and also two curved horn-like processes, one on either side below the orifice, which may be avicularia. Orifice longer than broad, with a much raised, thin, often irregularly pointed peristome, forming a collar round it. Operculum with a triangular excrescence having its base attached to the base of the operculum. No ocecia. Locality : — Gulf of Manaar. It is possible this species may be a variety of L. pallasiana, Moll., as it resembles L. canthariformis, Busk, which is probably a variety of L. pallasiana, but the 120 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. peculiar processes on the cell wall and that on the operculum give it a distinctive character. Lepralia turrita, Smitt (26). The fresher looking colonies of this species are pink in colour and have pointed tubercles round the margin of the orifice ; with age they become white and the tubercles worn down into blunt knobs. There are large spatulate avicularia on the sides of large massive tubercles and small oval ones on more slender tubercles, and also scattered over the zocecia. There are very few ocecia, and I have not been able to see perforations on them. They have a semicircular, marked area in front. Localities: — Gulf of Manaar ; Station XL., 10 miles off Galle, 34 fathoms; Nava- kaddu Paar. Lepralia multidentata, n. sp. — Plate, fig. 9. Zoarium incrusting, white. Zooecia very small, rotund, irregularly placed, usually lying flat, but occasionally standing upright, surface roughened. Orifice arched above, sides widening downwards, base slightly convex, six long slender spines on the upper margin and a long, pointed rostrum below. Sometimes avicularia with rounded mandibles are present on either side of the orifice. Ooecia granular above, smooth in front, with au arched rib between the rough and the smooth portions. Localities : — Gulf of Manaar ; and off Trincomalee. Lepralia cucullata, Busk (2). Localities : — Cheval Paar, Navakaddu Paar and elsewhere in Gulf of Manaar (common on Ascidians and pearl oyster shells). Lepralia depressa, Busk (2). Avicularia in various forms, long and seta-like, or thick and spear-like, or the mandible branched, looking like the leg and foot of a bird. Localities : — Gulf of Manaar and off Galle. Lepralia gigas, Hincks (10). Localities: — Station LILT., north of Cheval Paar, 7 to 10 fathoms; Palk Bay; Trincomalee (many large colonies, up to 3 inches across) ; Welligam Bay ; and various parts of Gulf of Manaar (growing on pearl oyster shells). Lepralia purpurea, n. sp. — Plate, fig. 13. Zoarium forming purplish grey patches, incrusting. Zocecia small with thick walls, sub-immersed, diamond-shaped, occasionally heaped and upright, smooth and shining or slightly roughened. Orifice arched above, widening downwards, with an almost straight lower lip, peristome slightly thickened with five marginal spines and a sub- POLYZOA. 121 oral mucro below the orifice. The tip of this, the bases of the spines and the peristome are of a purple tint. Sometimes an avicularium on a raised process at one side of the zocecium, varying in size, spatulate and large or small and pointed. Ocecia small, narrow, open in front, two of the spines showing in front. Locality : — Gulf of Manaar. Lepralia nitida, n. sp. — Plate, fig. 10. Zoarium closely adhering, with a shining surface, pale yellow in colour. Zooecia flat but rising to a prominent umbo situated below the orifice, granular, the granules radiating from the umbo to the margin of the zocecium which is punctured there. Orifice arched above, narrowing, then widening, and with a convex lower lip. A small round avicularium on either side on a level with the lower margin of the orifice. Ocecia small, rising to a prominent umbo, orifice of the fertile zocecium much larger than the usual orifice. Locality : — Gulf of Manaar. This is a small neat species with little variation of form. The ocecia are merely like a triangular extension of the zooeciurn above the orifice. "to' Lepralia adpressa, Busk (2). The surface of the zooeciurn in the present specimen is granular, punctured round the margins only ; the upper portion of the zocecium is considerably raised ; the lateral lumps carry small round avicularia ; when in old specimens these are absent the lateral processes are seen to be hollow tubes. Sometimes two or three of these processes are present above the orifice and one below in addition. Locality : — Off Galle, deep water. Lepralia feegeensis, Busk (2). The ocecium of this species has not been described before. There is one well preserved ocecium on the Ceylon specimen. It is large and irregular in shape, the front wall is marked with large circular pitted areas, punctured in their centres, giving the ocecia a much coarser appearance than the zooecia, the reverse of what is seen in Lepralia gigas, Hincks (10). The orifices of fertile zooecia are broader at their bases than those of others. Avicularia of the usual type, and in the usual position for L. feegeensis, are often present in pairs, but usually singly, or there may be none. Locality : — Gulf of Manaar. Lepralia cleidostoma, Smitt (26). There is one small colony of this species. It has no ooecia to show the characteristic striae as a help to identification, and the avicularia are always directed upwards, not outwards. On one of the zooecia, on the outside of the colony, jointed spines are to be seen, as in Smitt's (26), plate xi., fig. 217. A larger, loosely incrusting colony from R 122 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. another locality resembles this so nearly as to make it probable it is one of the same species. The zocecia are larger, avicularia are smaller and turned sideways, as in Smut's figures. Ocecia are present here, but are punctured, not striated, and they are often half buried in the calcification of the zoarium. There is still a third variety, smaller than either of the above, and with a smooth and glistening surface, with avicularia turned sideways and ocecia faintly striated, but with a small arched area in front. As all these three specimens have the same key-shaped orifice and pointed avicularia I am inclined to think them varieties of the one species. Localities :— Gulf of Manaar ; and off Galle. Lepralia ceylonica, n. sp. — -Plate, fig. 11. Zoarium adhering, of a yellowish-white colour. Zocecia in linear series closely set, becoming upright in places, with glistening front walls, pitted and punctured and lumpy. Orifice arched above, with straight sides and slightly concave lower lip, six long sharp spines above and several bosses below the orifice, carrying small avicularia with pointed mandibles on their summits. Ocecia roughened like the zocecia and having scattered raised avicularia upon them. Locality : — Gulf of Manaar. Lepralia fissa, n. sp. — Plate, fig. 12. Zoarium incrusting, forming brown patches. Zocecia finely punctured at the outside of the colony, becoming coarsely ridged further in and having a large limbo occupying most of the area, and a large avicularium on its outer side, with the mandible directed upwards. Orifice broader than long, with a pouting lower lip. Ocecia rounded, smooth, with a large cone-shaped fissure in front. Locality : — Oft' Galle, deep water. Lepralia subimmersa, MacGillivray (23). There is one colony, greyish-white in colour, and covering the shell of a univalve mollusc inhabited by a hermit crab. Another colony is of a deep red colour, from a membranous covering still adhering to the zoarium. Locality : — Gulf of Manaar. Escharoides verruculata (Smitt, 26). Localities : — Gulf of Manaar ; and off Mount Lavinia. Porella malleolus, Hincks (8). Localities : — Gulf of Manaar ; oft' Galle ; Navakaddu Paar. Smittia trispinosa (Johnston). There is great variety in the form of zocecia and avicularia among the Ceylon POLYZOA. 123 specimens of this species. It is widely distributed around the coast, and apparently very abundant. Localities : — Gulf of Manaar ; off Galle ; off Mount Lavinia ; and Navakaddu Paar. Smittia trispinosa, var. spatulata (Smitt, 26). Locality: — Station XLVL, off Mount Lavinia. Smittia trispinosa, var. protecta, nov. This large variety has the peristome raised and in front, below the orifice, produced into a long spout-like extension. Avicularia, not on every zocecium, are of enormous size, reaching from above the orifice and bending and spreading so as to cover the whole front wall of the zocecium, and having a blunt extremity. There are sometimes two small raised avicularia, one on either side of the orifice. The finely punctured ocecium has a narrow, prominent arched rib across the front. Locality : — Gulf of Manaar. Smittia tubula, Kirkpatrick (20). The present specimens of this form are of a pink colour. There are usually two avicularia, one on either side of the tubular secondary orifice, pointing upwards. Two of the oral spines, of which there are six, remain in front of the ocecium when present. Locality : — Gulf of Manaar. Smittia rostriformis, Kirkpatrick (20). Avicularia on these specimens are sometimes pointing downwards, as figured by Kirkpatrick, but sometimes upwards with the appearance of a spine on either side of the orifice. In both cases the peculiar serrated edge of the beak is plainly visible. Oral spines vary in number from two to six. In other respects the specimens agree with the original description of the species. Locality : — Station XLVL, off Mount Lavinia. Phylactella spiralis, n. sp. — Plate, fig. 14. Zoarium forming small pink patches on shells. Zooecia arranged in radiating lines, smooth or slightly roughened, areolated round the margin, with a much raised tubular peristome and an avicularium raised to the margin of this on a semi-spiral tube. Primary orifice, having a very wide denticle with sharp lateral points. Secondary orifice, with from two to four spines above. Ocecium behind the tubular peristome, smooth or slightly roughened like the zocecium. Localities : — Gulf of Manaar ; off Mount Lavinia ; and off Galle. This species approaches most nearly to Pliylactella gcometrica, Kirkpatrick (21), in form, but the one broad denticle instead of three and the difference in the position of the avicularium, which resembles that of Lagenipora nitens (MacGillivray, 23), makes it impossible to mistake the two species. R 2 124 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. Mucronella coccinea, Abild. Localities : — Gulf of Manaar ; and off Galle. Mucronella tubulosa, Hincks (3). In the Ceylon specimens, which I believe to belong to this species, there is an enormous development of the central mucro, which is here long and spinous ; there is also an avicularium on the inner side of this, either at its base, lying in front of the primary orifice, or at varying heights up this process, always transversely placed and with a sharp curved beak, but varying in size. These points add to the resemblance between M. tubulosa and Rhyncopora longi- spinosa, which Miss Jelly regards as synonymous, but there is missing still, in these specimens, the uncinate process of Rhyncopora, unless the curved beak of the avicularium takes the place of this. In the faint indication of a sinus of the primary orifice, the spinous mucro and markings of the ooecia, there is a likeness to a species of quite another genus, i.e., Cellepora longirostris, MacGillivray, as described by Miss Philipps (25). Localities : — Off Trincomalee ; off Mount Lavinia ; Navakaddu Paar and elsewhere in the Gulf of Manaar. Mucronella thenardii, Aud. — Plate, fig. 15. The cross-shaped process, situated below the orifice of the zocecium in this species, is greatly developed (see fig. 15). Its upright portion is often occupied by a large spatulate avicularium, and, where this is so, one of the arms of the cross is missing, giving a one-sided appearance to the process. Sometimes the arms are duplicated, one pair below the other, and they are always much branched, each branch bearing a small, rounded aviculariurn on its summit. Slender, spinous processes, resembling the branches in size, are scattered over the front wall and round the margin of the orifice of the zooecium, and there are sometimes ordinary spines, from two to five in number. There is a strong resemblance between the characters of this species and those of M. aviculifera, Hincks (14). The slender, spinous, aviculiferous processes are present there, but the cross-shaped mucro is only represented by a small simple mucro, and there are large, lateral avicularia. There is, however, much variation in form and position of the avicularia and of the processes which carry them, even in one small specimen of the present collection, so that it seems possible that the differences represent various stages in the development of one and the same species. Localities : — Gulf of Manaar ; and off Galle. Mucronella vultur, Hincks (7). There are in the present collection specimens having all the important character- istics of M. vultur, as described by Hincks (7) and MacGillivray (23) with this exception, that the avicularium on the central mucro has a rounded, instead of a POLYZOA. 125 pointed, mandible. There are sometimes small, raised, rounded avicularia scattered over the front wall of the zooecium in great profusion. Some of the specimens have spinous knobs in front of the ooecia and also one on the summit of this. Altogether, with the addition of the usual six long marginal spines of the orifice, the colony has a formidable appearance, especially in specimens where the zooecia are crowded together. The largest colony is partly incrusting and partly sends off free expansions. It measures 8 centims. by 4 centims. and is of a dull pale brown colour and of a very brittle and light substance. Locality : — Gulf of Manaar (growing over a colony of Lepralia gigas, Hincks). Retepora tubulata, Busk (1). Locality : — Gulf of Manaar. Retepora simplex, Busk (1). Locality : — Off Galle and onwards up west coast of Ceylon. Retepora apiculata, Busk (1). Locality : — Ceylon seas. Retepora pocillum, n. sp. — Plate, fig. 16. These colonies correspond with Retepora avicularis, MacGillivray (23), in size, and the zooecia in having triangular teeth within the orifice, and below this a loop-shaped fissure, but there are some other additional marked characteristics in these specimens. The zooecia are rhomboidal in form and have slightly tubular necks crowned by about six spines, which are beautifully jointed in the Equisetum-like form described for B. monilifera, MacGillivray (23). These are often broken, but their bases, which, united, form the tubular neck, are visible, and when ooecia are present two are to be seen in front of it, not always of the jointed form. The ooecia have a fissure faintly visible. There is generally a small avicularium with a rounded mandible below the orifice, more or less in the middle of the zooecium ; sometimes there are two of these, one below the other, or rarely one large spear-shaped one, lying across the zooecium and pointing upwards. Locality : — Gulf of Manaar. Family : ADEONIDJi. Adeonella subsulcata (Smitt, 26). The largest colonies of this species in the present collection are about 8 centims. in height. They correspond entirely with Smitt's description, but that there is also a serrated denticle within the orifice, corresponding to that of A. pectinata, Busk (1). Localities: — Station I., off Negombo, Gulf of Manaar; Station XXIX., Trin- comalee ; Station XLVL, off Mount Lavinia, 25 to 30 fathoms ; Station XL., 10 miles off Watering Point, 34 fathoms ; and off Galle, deep water. 12G CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. - Family : CELLEPORID.F. Cellepora albirostris (Smitt, 26). Localities : — Gulf of Manaar ; off Mount Lavinia ; off Kaltura ; and off Galle, deep water. There are large quantities of this species. Cellepora megasoma, MacGillivray (23). There is usually a raised avicularium to one or both sides of the orifice on the present specimens and large scattered spatulate ones here and there. The zocecia are smooth or slightly ridged. Ocecia thickly punctured all over, with no marked area. Localities : — Off Galle and onwards up west coast of Ceylon, deep water ; Gulf of Manaar (several colonies on worm tubes and stems of Zoophytes) ; Station XXXTL, off south-east coast of Ceylon (on Sponge). Cellepora rota, MacGillivray (23). Localities: — Station LIIL, north of Cheval Paar, 7 to 10 fathoms; and elsewhere in Gulf of Manaar. Cellepora cidaris, MacGillivray (23). There is a large quantity of material resembling the description of this form excepting that the columnar processes in between the zocecia are solid instead of hollow. C. albirostris, Smitt, has, in the " Challenger " collection, occasional, solid columns of this sort on the older parts of a colony, but, although the two species C. albirostris and C. cidaris of the present collection resemble each other pretty closely in some points, neither the long pointed rostrum, nor the broad one with serrated beak, nor the dark operculum, characteristic of C. albirostris, are present on the specimens I have considered to be C cidaris. Ocecia, said in C. cidaris to be globular and immersed, have an arched area in front, which, being often absent, leaves a cave-like space. There are occasional large sjmtulate avicularia to be found on raised areas in between the zocecia, but these are the only points of difference to be seen betAveen the present specimens and MacGillivray's description of C. cidaris. Localities: — Off Mount Lavinia; Station XL., off Galle, 34 fathoms; and in Gulf of Manaar. Cellepora compacta, n. sp. — Plate, fig. 17. Zoarium incrusting, white or purplish in colour. Zocecia small, upright, rounded, smooth, with a few marginal punctures. Orifice rounded, with a loop-shaped sinus, and below, rather to one side, a large thick rostrum, sometimes pointed above, having a long pointed avicularium on its side ; often other slenderer jjrocesses round the orifice and long hollow columns in between the zcecia. Ocecia standing upright, smooth and shining, with a narrow arched ridge in front. Locality : — Gulf of Manaar. POLYZOA. 127 Sub-order: CYCLOSTOMATA. Family: CRISIIDiE. Crisia holdsworthii, Busk (2). Localities: — Station LIIL, north of Cheval Paar, 7 to 10 fathoms; Station I., and elsewhere in Gulf of Manaar ; and Palk Bay. Family .- TUBULIPORID^E. Idmonea milneana, D'Orb. Localities:— Navakaddu Paar; and Station XL, 10 miles off Watering Point, 34 fathoms. Family : LICHENOPORID^E. Lichenopora liispida, Fleming. Localities : — Navakaddu Paar, and elsewhere in Gulf of Manaar. Lichenopora novae-zelandiae, Busk (2). Locality : — Navakaddu Paar. Sub-order III. : CTENOSTOMATA. Family : ALCYONIDIID^E. Alcyonidium mytili, Dalyell. Locality : — Gulf of Manaar. Pherusa tubulosa, Lx. The largest colony among the few present in the present collection is about 3 centims. in height, and its branches spread to about the same in width. Zooecia are on both sides of the branch, not as in the original description only on one surface. Locality : — Station LIIL, north of Cheval Paar, 7 to 10 fathoms. Family : AKACHNIDIIDiE. Arachnidium fibrosum, Hincks (15). Locality : — Gulf of Manaar. 128 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. Family : VESICULARIID^E. Amathia distans, Busk (1). Locality : — Gulf of Manaar. Farrella atlantica, Busk (1). Locality : — North of Cheval Paar. Family: BUSKIIDJE. Buskia setigera, Hincks (16). Localities : — Station LIIL, north of Cheval Paar, 7 to 10 fathoms; and Palk Bay. Family : CYLINDRCECIID^E. Cylindrcechun dilatatum, Hincks (15). Localities : — Station LIIL , north of Cheval Paar, 7 to 1 0 fathoms ; oft Galle ; and Station I., off Negombo. Family: VALKERIID.F. Valkeria uva, Linn. Locality : — Station LIIL, north of Cheval Paar, 7 to 10 fathoms. Order: ENTOPROCTA. Family : PEDICELLINID^E. Ascopodaria discreta, Busk (1). One small colony of a reddish colour, growing on a sponge. Locality : — Navakaddu Paar. POLYZOA. 129 LIST OF LITERATURE CITED. (1.) (2.) (3.) (4.) (5.) (6.) (7.) (8.) (9.) (10.) (11.) (12.) (13.) (14.) (15.) (16.) (17.) (18.) (19) (20.) (21.) (22.) (23.) (24.) (25.) (26.) (27.) Busk. — 'Voyage H.M.S. "Challenger" Reports,' xxx. and 1. ' British Museum Catalogue.' Polyzoa. HlNCKS. — 'Annals and Mag. Nat. Hist.,' ser. 5, vol. vi. 5, , vu. 5, . viii. 5, , ix. 5, , X. •5, , xiii. 5, . xiv. 5, . XV. 5, . xvii •5, , XX. 6, , v- 6, , vii. ' British Marine Polyzoa.' 1880. 'Journal Linnean Society,' Zoology, vol. xxi., 1889. Harmer, S. F. — " Revision of the Genus Stegamoporella." ' Quart, Journ. Micros. Sci.,' vol. xliii. . "Morphology of the Cheilostomata." 'Quart. Journ. Micros. Sci.,' vol. xlvi. Haswell. — "The Queensland Polyzoa." 'Proc. Linn. Soc, New South Wales,' vol. v. Kirkpatrick, R. — 'Annals and Mag. Nat. Hist.,' ser. 6, vol. i. ,, ,, ,, ,, t», ,, \ . In Thurston's "Fauna of Gulf of Manaar." 'Madras Gov. Mus. Bull.,' No. MacGillivray. — In McCoy's " Prodromus." ' Zoology Victoria.' Dec, i.-xx. 'Transactions Royal Society Victoria,' vol. iv., 1895. Philipps, Miss.— Willey's ' Zoological Results,' part iv., p. 439, 1 900. Smitt. — 'Floridan Bryozoa,' 1873. WATERS. — 'Annals and Mag. Nat, Hist.,' ser. 5, vol. iii. 130 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. EXPLANATION OF PLATE. Onychocella cucullata, n. sp. Schizoporella aviculam, a. sp. „ viridis, n. sp. „ coUa/ris, n. sp. Rhyncopora corrugata, n. sp. „ incisor, n. sp. th' nullipara protrusa, n. sp. 8. Lepralia triangula, n, sp. 9. ,, multidentata, n. sp. 10. Lepralia nitida, n. sp. 11. ,, ceylonica, a. sp. 12 „ ,/w.sfl, n. sp. 13. „ purpurea, ti. sp. 14. Phyhctella spiralis, n. sp. 15. Mucronella thenardii, Aud. 16. Ret&pora pocUlum, n. sp. 17. Cellt'pora compacta, ii. sp. Sketch-map of the Ceylon coast, showing the principal localities from which specimens were collected. C, Chilaw Paar; Ch., Cheval Paar; K., Karativo Paar; M., Modragam Paars; Mu., Muttuvaratu Paar; P., Periya Paar; P.K., Periya Paar Kerrai. CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT POLYZOA- PLATE r~\ > : .-...• .• * 3. Wm 5 I (•- ~~ of. V : 3 \ s a' ! 9 j . , v ^ <. - ' . ' 8. 6. 11. \ 12. 13. 14. 17. LR.T.del in, Cambridge [CEYLON PEARL OYSTER FISHERIES— 1905— SUPPLEMENTARY REPORTS, No. XXVII.l REPORT ON THE MEDUSA (HYDROMEDUS^E, SCYPHOMEDUS.E and CTENOPHORA) COLLECTED BY Professor HERDMAN, at CEYLON, in 1902. BY EDWARD T. BROWNE, B.A., ZOOLOGICAL RESEARCH LABORATORY, UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, LONDON. [With FOUR PLATES.] INTRODUCTION. The collection of Medusae brought back by Professor Herdman from Ceylon and another forwarded by Mr. James Hornell were kindly sent to me by Professor Herdman for examination. So far as I know there are no previous records relating to the medusas of Ceylon, except for the Siphonophora which have been specially studied on the spot by Haeckel. Unfortunately none of his beautiful species occur in the collection. The specimens come chiefly from two places — Galle, at the south of Ceylon, and the Pearl Banks in the Gulf of Manaar. It is distinctly a littoral collection from shallow water, and the littoral character is shown by the number of Anthomedusse and Leptornedusse. The collection has not brought to light any new genera, nor are the species in any way very remarkable, considering that they live within a tropical region, in a sea at about 80° F. From a geographical point of view the collection is a valuable one, as it has increased our knowledge of the distribution of genera. Some of the specimens had been splendidly preserved and were a pleasure to work with, but many were in bad condition, more or less broken up, and these gave me endless trouble. I have endeavoured, as far as possible, to give such details as I hope s 2 132 CEYLON PEAEL OYSTER REPORT. will lead to the recognition of the species again, but should any doubt arise when comparing a description or figure with living specimens, I would suggest that it would be better to amend my work rather than describe another species. [After this report had been sent to the printer 1 received intimation from Professor Otto Maas, of Munich, that he was preparing for publication his account of the Hydromedusaj of the Dutch "Siboga" Expedition. As our respective reports were likely to be published about the same time we agreed to exchange proofs. I wish here to express my thanks to Professor Maas for his kindness in allowing me to make use of his work, which must be regarded as a valuable contribution towards our knowledge of the Hydromedusze. A few of the species in the Ceylon collection were also taken by the "Siboga" in the East Indies, namely : — Irenopsis hexanemalis, Octocanna polynema, Mesonema 'pensile, Liriope tetraphylla, and Solmundella bitentaculata.] The following is a classified list of the species described in this report :— Dipurena sp. t Laodice indica, n. sp. Mitrocomium assimile, n. sp. Eutima curva, n. s]5. Odorchis orientalis, n. sp. Irene ceylonensis, n. sp. HYDROMEDUS.E. Anthomedus^. Cytceis herdmani, n. sp. Proboscidactyla minima, n. sp. Leptomedus.e. Irene palkensis, n. sp. Irenopsis hexanemalis, Goette. Octocanna polynema (Haeckel). yEquorea conica, n. sp. ,, parva, n. sp. Mesonema pensile (Modeer). Gmionemus homelli, n. sp. Trachomedus^e. Olindias sp. 1 Liikipe tetraphylla (Cham, et Eys.). Nakcumedus.e. Sohmmdella bitcntacidata (Quoy et Gaim.). SlPHUNOPHUKA. Diphyes cliamissonis, Huxley. ( 'iijuilila sp. 1 Charybdea sp. 1 Nausithoe punctata, KdLL. Agalmopsis sp. 1 Physalia utriculus, Esch. Forpita sp. ? SCYPHOMEDUS^E. Pelagia sp. 1 Crambessa sp. 1 OTENOPHOKA. l'l< urubcarhw, ijlobosa, M.0J3ER, var. ccylonensis, n. Beroe Jleminyi (E.SCIi.). MEDUSA 133 A Comparison between the Medus.e of Ceylon and those of the Maldives. It is somewhat hazardous to draw a comparison between the medusoid fauna of Ceylon and that of the Maldives. About that of Ceylon I feel that we at present know but little, in fact, we have just made a beginning in our observations. We know, perhaps, a little more about the medusae of the Maldives, which have recently been visited by two expeditions — the hrst under the leadership of Mr. Stanley Cardiner, and the second, which soon followed the first, under the guidance of Professor Alexander Agassiz. Leaving out the oceanic medusa1, which have usually a wide geographical range, and limiting the comparison to the Anthomedusa? and Leptoniedusas, Mr. Gardiner's collection contained 5 genera and 5 species (3 of which were new species). Professor A'i.vssiz's collection contained 10 genera (1 new genus) and 11 species (6 of which were new species and 3 were not named). With the possible exception of one of the iiEquoriicUe, the genera and species were quite distinct in the two collections. Taking the two collections, without any limitations, there is a well-marked difference between them, which is quite as great as if they had come from localities a thousand miles apart. It is difficult to assign a correct reason for such a difference, but probably a different season of the year and the localities visited had much to do with it. The two Maldive collections contain altogether 14 genera and 15 species of Anthomedusse and Leptomedusa?. The Ceylon collection contains 12 genera and 14 species (10 of which are regarded as new species). A comparison between the Maldive and Ceylon collections shows that 6 genera [Dipurena?, Proboscidactyla, Irene, Trenopsis, Mesonema and yEquorea) are common to both, but only 2 species (Irenopsis hexanemalis and Mesonema pensile ; the former also occurs at Zanzibar and the latter in the Red Sea), I think that these figures show clearly that the medusoid fauna of Ceylon is quite distinct from that of the Maldives. HYDROMEDUSJL Order : ANTHOMEDUSSE. Family: SAKSIID^E, Forbes, 1848. Dipurena, McCrady, 1858. Dipurena, sp. ? — Plate II., figs. 1 and 2. Description. — Umbrella about as high as broad. Manubrium extending beyond the margin of the umbrella. Mouth circular. Gonads arranged in several large 134 CEYLON PEARL OYSTEE REPORT. isolated clusters upon the manubrium. Four tentacles with globular basal bulbs, and with numerous small clusters of nematocysts. Ocellus upon the outer side of each basal bulb. Size :— Umbrella about 3 millims. in width and height. Locality : — Galle Bay, one specimen on June 12 and two on August 25. Notes. — The umbrella of the three specimens is so badly out of shape that a figure of it cannot be given. The manubrium (fig. 2) is a long thin tube, about two to three times the length of the cavity of the umbrella, with an apical knob in the jelly of the umbrella, and with a large terminal stomach which has a circular mouth. The gonads are situated on the manubrium in large roundish clusters, and their size makes them conspicuous. One specimen has four clusters of gonads, another has two clusters. The third specimen has lost its manubrium. The stomach itself also appears to be surrounded with generative cells. The tentacles (fig. 1) are long and flexible, and are closely studded with clusters of nematocysts, except for a short distance next to the basal bulb. The upper half of the basal bulb is globular and embedded in the jelly of the umbrella, the lower part is like a circular band round the tentacle, broader on the inner side than on the outer side. In this band, on the outer side, the ocellus is situated. The ocellus is circular, of a yellowish colour in formalin, and has a small lens. I have placed this species in the genus Dipurena and follow at present Haeckel's classification, though 1 think that this species and Dipurena ophiogaster will ultimately have to be removed to another genus. All the other species have the nematocysts on the tentacles confined to a large conspicuous terminal knob, and some in addition have a few large swellings containing nematocysts just above the terminal knob. Dipurena ophiogaster has the nematocysts on the tentacles arranged in quite a different manner. They form numerous semi-circular or three-quarter spiral loops round the tentacle when it is in a contracted or semi-contracted state. When the tentacle is fully expanded the nematocysts form minute globular clusters which give a moniliform appearance to the tentacle. The terminal cluster of nematocysts is very small and inconspicuous. The arrangement of the nematocysts of this species from Ceylon is similar to that of Dipurena ophiogaster and to that found in the genus Sarsia. The specimens from Ceylon are very much like Dipurena ophiogaster which belongs to the British fauna, and it is not possible to point out a character in the structure of the tentacles or the manubrium with its gonads by which they can be specifically separated. As the specimens are in bad condition, 1 think it is best to leave the specific name in abeyance. They may differ from the Dipurena ophiogaster in the shape of the umbrella, in colour, and perhaps in other details. Bigelow (1904) found at the Maldives a Dipurena which he was not able to clearly distinguish from Dipurena frugilis, Mayer, belonging to the fauna of the Tortugas in the West Indies. MEDUSAE. 135 Family: MAKGELIIDjE, Haecket,, 1877. Cytaeis, Eschscholtz, 1829. Margeliida? with four single perradial marginal tentacles, and with unbranched oral tentacles. Cytaeis herdniani, n. sp. — Plate I., fig. 1 ; Plate IV., fig. 12. Description. — Umbrella somewhat bell-shaped, about as high as broad, with fairly thick walls. Velum narrow. Stomach large, about as long as wide, situated on a short peduncle, and extending a little over half-way down the cavity of the umbrella. Mouth circular (expanded) with about 50 to 60 oral tentacles, which are unbranched and evenly distributed. Four broad radial canals. Gonads forming four large perradial swellings, and extending the whole length of the stomach. Four thick tentacles, perradial, with very large basal bulbs, which are somewhat triangular in shape. Size : — Umbrella about 3i millims. in width and height. Locality : — One specimen from Chilaw Paar on March 20, and one from Cheval Paar on November 1 1 . Notes. — Of these two specimens, one is an adult and the other is an intermediate stage. The stomach is cross-shaped in transverse section, and the gonads occupy the sides of the cross. The oral tentacles have a small round terminal cluster of nematocysts. The four marginal tentacles are thick and have a dark central band of pigment (perhaps a brilliant colour in the sea). A transverse section (fig. 12) shows that the pigment granules are confined to the endoderm cells, which form a solid central band of cells along the tentacle. The pigment granules form a dense layer round the periphery of the endoderm, and are also scattered along the walls of the cells. There is a fairly thick layer of mesoglcea and an extra thick ectoderm which contains an enormous number of nematocysts, closely packed together. The basal bulbs are very large and extend some way up the umbrella. There is a layer of dark pigment along the inner side of the bulb, and a thick whitish mass of cells on the outer side. Sections were not cut of the basal bulb, but the dark pigment granules would probably denote the endoderm and the external whitish cells the ectoderm. The specimen at the intermediate stage in development is about 2 millims. in width and height. It has four marginal tentacles, fewer oral tentacles, and smaller gonads than the adults. This species is nearly related t<> Gytoeis nigritina and Cytteis macrogaster of Hakckel. It differs from them in having many more oral tentacles, in the shape of the basal bulbs, and in the structure of the tentacles. Family: WILLIIILE, Forbes, 184-8. Proboscidactyla, Brandt, 1835, ex Browne, 1904. Williidse with four radial canals leaving the stomach. 136 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. Proboscidactyla minima, n. sp. — Plate II., fig. 3. Description. — Umbrella fairly thin and probably hemispherical in shape. Stomach divided into four longitudinal lobes. Mouth with a sinuous margin. Four radial canals with lateral branches. Gonads upon the lobes of the stomach. Tentacles short, about 16 to 20, with globular basal bulbs. Size : — Umbrella about 1 millim. in diameter. Locality : — Marichchukaddi, on the Gulf of Manaar, in February. Notes. — There are 12 specimens, but their condition does not permit the production of a figure. I was unable to trace out the branching of the radial canal system, owing to the umbrella of all the specimens being more or less contracted, and to their fragile condition. The stomach is divided longitudinally into four lateral lobes and appears cross-shaped in transverse section. The gonads form lateral swellings upon the sides of the lobes, which do not extend along the top of the umbrella. The tentacles (fig. 3) are very short, about 0*25 millim. in length, and have a globular basal bulb situated in the jelly of the umbrella. On the ex-umbrella, not far from the margin, there are circular clusters of nematocysts, one between every two tentacles. The velum is very narrow. A few of the specimens are about 075 millim. in diameter and have 10 to 12 tentacles. Others, a little older, have 14 to 16 tentacles. One specimen has 18 tentacles. A full-grown adult has probably 20 tentacles. This species may be distinguished by the smallness of its size and the position of the gonads on the stomach. Order: LEPTOMEDUS^. Family: THAUMANTIIDiE, Gegenbaur, 1856, Laodice, Lesson, 1843. Laodice indica, n. sp. — Plate I., fig. 5 ; Plate IV., figs. 7 to 11. Description. — Umbrella slightly curved, about two to four times as broad as high, with moderately thick walls. Stomach cross-shaped, fairly large. Mouth with four short lips, having a slightly folded margin. Gonads extending from the stomach to about half-way or close to the margin of the umbrella, forming a large hollow sac upon each of the four radial canals. Tentacles about 60 to 80, with blackish basal bulbs, and without spurs. A large black ocellus upon the inner side of nearly all the basal bulbs. A single cordylus between every two tentacles. Cirri present. Size : — Umbrella up to 6 millims. in diameter. Locality : — Off Mutwal Island, West Coast of Ceylon, 12 specimens on March 19 ; and Galle, 3 specimens, on July 15. Notes. — The collection contains 1 5 specimens which are about 5 millims. to 6 millims. in diameter and about the same age. The distance to which the gonads extend from the stomach along the radial canals varies in different specimens. Some have the MEDUS.E. 137 gonads on the proximal half of the canals, whilst in others the gonads reach nearly to the margin of the umbrella. The gonads first arise in the proximal part of the canals quite close to the stomach, and grow outwards towards the periphery of the umbrella. Owing to the great extension of the walls of the radial canals in the region occupied by the gonads, it is difficult in some specimens to mark the spot where the stomach ends and the canals hegin. The gonads look as if the)' were situated upon lobes of the stomach. The length of the gonads is independent of the development of the generative cells, as a gonad extending over only half the radial canal has large ripe ova. Sections show (fig. 10) that the ova at an early stage in their development are among the endoderm cells, and that later on they move outwards to the ectoderm. The section figured shows an ovum leaving the ovary and breaking through the ectoderm. The tentacles are closely packed together round the margin of the umbrella, and apparently form two alternating series, one projecting outwards and the other hanging down. Although similar in structure, only those belonging to the former have a conspicuous blackish basal bulb with a conspicuous black ocellus. The latter series have a smaller basal bulb, either colourless or slightly pigmented, and either without an ocellus or with a very small one. The basal bulb is on the inner side of the tentacle ; it is a semi-circular thickening containing nematocysts and granules of pigment, which cover the exterior of the bulb and also extend in radiating lines into the interior. There is no spur-like projection at the base of the tentacles. The cirri (fig. 9) are capable of extending to a great length. There is probably one between every two tentacles, but very few were seen on the specimens. The free end terminates in an oval knob containing large nematocysts (fig. 11). The ocellus is situated on the margin of the basal bulb just below the velum. It is of an intense black colour, spherical in shape, with a circular pit penetrating nearly to the centre (fig. 8). The cordylus is very small and club-shaped (fig. 9). The interior of club is composed of endoderm cells which are connected with endoderm cells of the circular canal (fig. 7). The structure of the cordylus resembles that of Laodice calcarata (see Brooks, 1895). The specimens from Ceylon come nearest to Laodice calcarata which inhabits the North Atlantic. They differ from it in having no spur at the base of the tentacles, in having larger ocelli, and perhaps in colour and in size. Family : EUCOPID^E, Gegenbauk, 1856. Mitrocomium, Haeckel, 1879. Mitrocomium assimile, n. sp.- — Plate I., fig. 3. Description. — Umbrella fairly thick, a little broader than high. Velum narrow. Stomach short, with a quadrangular base. Four radial canals. Gonads upon the outer half of the radial canals, forming large oval sacs. Four perradial tentacles. T 138 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. About 5 to 7 marginal bulbs in eacb quadrant; the central, interradial, bulb being much larger than the others. A cluster of cirri adjacent to and on each side of the tentacles. About five marginal sensory vesicles, each with two (occasionally three) otoliths, in each quadrant of the umbrella. Size : — Umbrella 2 millims. in width and 1^ millims. in height. Locality : — Cheval Paar, in February. Notes. — There is only one specimen of this little medusa in the collection. It is rather opaque with a yellowish stain, and its margin is badly curled inwards. The umbrella is somewhat contracted, so that it may not be quite so highly arched as figured. The stomach is contracted back. The mouth is wide open and quadrangular in outline, but has probably four lips when closed. The gonads (male) are very large for the size of the medusa. Each gonad is divided into tAvo by a median longitudinal line. The tentacles have large basal bulbs and transverse bands of nematocysts. The cirri are more or less contracted, and have a small terminal cluster of nematocysts. The cirri are apparently confined to the proximity of the tentacles and none were seen scattered along the margin of the umbrella. As there is only one specimen, I place the species provisionally in the genus Mil rocomium. It bears a resemblance to Mitroeomium cirratum in having cirri clustered at the base of each tentacle. According to Haeckel's definition of the genus it should have 8 tentacles and 16 sense-organs. Eutima, McCrady, 1858. Eutima curva, n. sp. — Plate III., figs. 1 to 3. Description. — Umbrella probably hemispherical, nearly twice as broad as high, moderately thick. Peduncle of the stomach long, quadrangular in transverse section, and with a conical base. Stomach small, about twice as long as broad. Mouth with four small lips, and sinuous margin. Four radial canals. Gonads along nearly the whole length of the peduncle, one on each radial canal, beginning a little way below the conical base of the peduncle and terminating not far from the stomach. Four perradial tentacles, with long tapering cone-shaped basal bulbs, which are laterally compressed and curve over the margin of the umbrella. About 30 to 35 marginal bulbs in each quadrant of the umbrella, and alongside each bulb usually one, occasionally two cirri. Eight adradial marginal sensory vesicles, each with about 8 to 10 otoliths, which are arranged in a semicircle. Size : — Umbrella 10 millims. in width and 6 millims. in height. Peduncle about 10 millims. in length. Locality : — Off Mutwal Island, West Coast of Ceylon, on March 19. Notes. — The single specimen, although in a good state of preservation, has the umbrella badly compressed and folded, so that it is impossible to figure the whole medusa. It is an adult, as the gonads contain large ova. The basal bulbs of the MEDUSAE. 139 tentacles are attached to a slight thickening of the umbrella and curl over the margin. The nematocysts along the tentacle are arranged in transverse bands which do not quite meet on the inner side of the tentacle, so that a shallow groove is formed along the inner side, running the whole length of the tentacle. The marginal bulbs have a patch of blackish pigment at their apex. This species comes nearest to Euthna mira and Eutima insignis, but is distinguished from them by the shape of the basal bulbs. Octorchis, Haeckel, 1864. Octorchis orientalis, n. sp. — Plate III., fig. 4. Description.— -Umbrella probably hemispherical, a little broader than high, and moderately thick. Peduncle of the stomach long, quadrangular in transverse section, and with a broad roundish base. The length of the peduncle is about twice the diameter of the umbrella. Stomach small, about as long as broad. Mouth with four short lips and a deeply folded margin. Gonads upon the peduncle of the stomach and also upon the sub-umbrella. The gonads occupy the greater length of the peduncle, extending along the radial canals, beginning a little way below the base of the peduncle and terminating close to the stomach. The gonads upon the sub-umbrella usually occupy the central third of the radial canals, or the outer half, but do not reach to the margin of the umbrella. Four long perradial tentacles, with long tapering cylindrical basal bulbs. About 18 to 20 marginal bulbs in each quadrant of the umbrella, each one with a lateral cirrus. Eight marginal sensory- vesicles. Size : — Umbrella about 5 milium to 6 millims. in diameter. Locality : — Galle Bay, one specimen on June 5, seven on June 12, and two on August 21. Notes. — None of the specimens are in good condition, the umbrella being so flattened out and crumpled that it is not possible to draw a figure of it. Some of the largest specimens have the gonads upon the peduncle in a series of folds (fig. 4), but it is possible that the folding may be due to the contraction of the peduncle. The gonads upon the peduncle are much larger and longer than those ujdoii the sub-umbrella, the latter forming merely a thin narrow band along the radial canals. The marginal bulbs are very small and inconspicuous. The cirri are very slender and have a small terminal cluster of nematocysts. The sense-organs are situated near the tentacles. They are very small and globular in shape, their otoliths not visible. Notes on Intermediate Stages. (a.) Umbrella about 2 millims. in diameter. Peduncle about 5 millims. in length, with gonads just appearing upon it. Four tentacles. Cirri present. About 9 marginal bulbs in each quadrant. Eight sense-organs. T 2 I id ci;\ LON PEARL OYSTEB REPORT. (I>.) [Jmbrella about .'! millims, in diameter. Peduncle about 6 millims, in length. Gonads jusi appearing upon the pedunole and sub-umbrella. About L2 marginal bulbs in eaoh quadrant . 'Tins speoies docs not agree with EIaeokel's definition of the genus Octorch%s, since ii has only I instead of 8 tentacles, bu1 in other respeots it conforms to the generio oharaoter. Octorchxs gegenonwi lias been frequently taken l>v me m British seas. Early and intermediate stages (the latter often with gonads) have I tentacles, whereas the fully developed adult has 8 tentacles. I think it would be better to enlarge the generic oharaoter so as to include speoies with I and 8 tentaoles, than to establish a Dew genus for speoies which have only I tentaoles. Haeokel, in his monograph, mentions two speoies of Octoi'chis 0. gegenooywn and 0, ccvmpnwulcitus, both ooourring in the Mediterranean, but probably there is only one species. The Bpeoimens from Ceylon arc distinguished from the Mediterranean species by the greater length of the gonads on the pedunole. Irene, Ksciisciioi.t/., I S-J!'. Irene eeylonensis, n. sp, Plate III., figa 9 to I I. Description. Umbi'ella probably watohglass-shaped, much broader than high, with thin walls. Velum narrow. Stomaoh short, situated upon a long cylindrical pedunole. Mouth with Pour lips, winch have a folded margin, Four radial canals. Gonads linear, extending from the base of the peduncle to near the margin of the umbrella. Tentaoles about too. Cirri absent. Sensory vesioles, one between every two tentacles, each vesicle with a Single otolith. Size; Umbrella up to aboul 25 millims, in diameter. Locality: (Jalle Bay, one specimen on .1 ulv I .» ; I'heval l'aar, five ID November, Notes, The collection contains six specimens differing in age and size, the smallest being aboul .> millims. m diameter, All the specimens are more or less damaged. They are in a fair state of preservation, but are stained dead black, probably Owing to the use of osmio acid, The umbrella is llat and thin, hut is no doubt slightly curved when the medusa is alive. Only one specimen show s I he peduncle fairly well, the others have either lost it 01 have it twisted up. The gonads form thin narrow hands, either Btraight or sinuous, extending along the radial canals over the sub-umbrella. In the largest specimens the ova are large and clearly visible. Some o( the specimens have a marginal l>ulh between some <>t' the tentacles, and these bulbs I believe to be the origin of new additional tentacles, and not warts or tubercles, which Ao not develop tentacles. 1 am doubtful about the presence of excretory pores at the back of the basal bulbs, as there were no indications >>f papilla', but they may be contracted. MKPUS.K. 141 The sensory vesicles have one otolith, but occasionally a vesicle was seen with two otoliths, which may have been caused by twinning. (a) Umbrella about 5 millims. in diameter. About 28 tentacles. ('') » " 7 » » ,, 36 „ (<0 » „ 15 „ „ „ 72 Irene palkensis, n. sp. — Plate III., figs. 12 to 16. Description. — Umbrella watchglass-shaped, about four times as broad as high. Velum narrow. Stomach short, situated upon a long cylindrical peduncle. Mouth with four short lips, which have a folded margin. Four radial canals. Gonads linear, extending from the base of the peduncle to near the margin of the umbrella. Tentacles about 50. Usually two or three marginal bulbs between every two tentacles. Excretory pores opposite the basal bulbs of the tentacles and all the marginal bulbs. Sensory vesicles about 2 to 4 between every two tentacles, each vesicle with two otoliths (variation 1 to 4). Size : — Umbrella up to 20 millims. in diameter. Locality : — Palk Bay, north of Ceylon, five specimens on March 1G. Notes. — The five specimens are all in a damaged condition, especially as to the gonads and the margin of the umbrella. The smallest is about 1 5 millims. in diameter and the largest about 20 millims. The gonads are upon the sub-umbrella along the radial canals. One specimen has the gonads extending from near the margin of the umbrella up to the peduncle, and for a short distance down the peduncle. The number of tentacles is only given from an estimation, as not one specimen has even a quadrant of the margin of the umbrella in a perfect condition. The basal bulb of the tentacle is somewhat globular when the tentacle is contracted, and more cone-shaped and tapering when the tentacle is expanded. On the inner side of the basal bulb just above the velum there projects an excretory pore. These pores are conspicuous and clearly visible when expanded, but almost invisible when contracted. Cirri were specially searched for, but none were seen. The marginal bulbs are small, and to judge from their appearance in one of the specimens, I think that some are capable of developing tentacles. Their number between every two tentacles is variable, usually two or three, sometimes only one. All these bulbs have excretory pores, similar to the pores opposite the basal bulbs of the tentacles. The sense-organs are closed vesicles with generally two otoliths (rig. 14), occasionally three to four otoliths, rarely one. The otoliths possess well-marked eccentric zones, which are conspicuous in specimens which have been apparently killed with a re-agent containing osmic acid. At first sight Irene palkensis and Irene ceylonensis look very much alike, but after an examination of the organs on the margin of the umbrella I came to the conclusion that they were distinct species. Irene ceylonensis has about twice as many tentacles without a series of marginal bulbs in between them, and there is a difference in the shape of the basal bulbs of the tentacles, but I attach more importance to the sense- 142 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. organs as a better means of distinguishing between the two species. Irene ceylonensis has only one sense-organ between every two tentacles, each sense-organ with a single otolith. Irene palkensis has two to four sense-organs between every two tentacles, and each sense-organ usually has two otoliths, occasionally three to four, and rarely one. There is also a difference in the structure of the otoliths. Ireuopsis, Goette, 1886. Eucopidre with numerous sensory vesicles, and with numerous tentacles. Six gonads in the course of six radial canals. Stomach upon a peduncle. Irenopsis hexanemalis, Goette, 1886. — Plate I., fig. 4 ; Plate III., figs. 5 to 8. Irenopsis hexanemalis, Goette, 1886, p. 832; Chun, 189G, p. 5. Phialidium tenue, Browne, 1901, p. 730, plate liv., fig. 4; plate Ivii., fig. 16. Description. — Umbrella like an inverted basin in shape, with a flattened top, about twice as broad as high. Velum narrow. Stomach short, with six lateral lobes, situated upon a short, broad, cone-shaped or semi-globular peduncle. Mouth with six lips, having a deeply-folded margin. Six radial canals. Gonads linear, on the distal part of the radial canals, close to the margin of the umbrella. Tentacles, about 30 to 40. Marginal bulbs about three or more between every two tentacles. Excretory pores opposite the basal and marginal bulbs. Sensory vesicles, usually one, sometimes two, between every two bulbs, each vesicle containing a single otolith (occasionally about two to four). Cirri absent. Size : — Umbrella up to about 1 8 millims. in diameter. Locality : — Palk Bay, 18 specimens on March 1G ; Cheval Paar, 9 specimens. Notes. — The collection contains about two dozen specimens and nearly all are in bad condition. The smallest is an intermediate stage measuring 5 millims. in diameter. The stomach is situated upon a short peduncle which is about 2 millims. to 4 millims. in length. The peduncle is variable in shape. In some specimens it is conspicuous, but in others hardly noticeable. When semi-globular, or like a broad inverted cone, it is quite recognisable. In some of the specimens the peduncle is flattened out (whether this is natural or due to preservation I am unable to say), and in this condition the roof of the sub-umbrella appears convex, and the top of the umbrella is very thick. The stomach (fig. 8) is divided into six lobes, and its base seen aborally is like a six-rayed star. It is very short, about 1 millim. in length, and about twice as broad as long. The mouth has six conspicuous lips, which are continuous with the lobes of the stomach, and the margin of the lips is deeply and closely indented with a series of folds. In some specimens the stomach and its peduncle are within the cavity of the sub-umbrella, but those specimens which have an extra thick umbrella may have the stomach projecting a little way outside the cavity. MKDUSiE. 143 When a medusa lias normally six radial canals, a variation in number may be expected. Medusae with six radial canals have been derived from a form with four canals, and are much more liable to variation than those with fQiir canals. There are altogether 27 specimens of Irenopsis, and six show a numerical variation in the radial canals, their numbers being as follows ; — 4, 7, 8, 8, 9, 11. The number of gonads also varies with the radial canals. The gonads vary very much in size, and are always situated upon the distal or outer half of the radial canals. Most of the specimens have very short linear or spindle-shaped gonads, about 1 millim. or little more in length, and situated near the margin of the umbrella. Three specimens have the gonads extending over nearly the whole of the distal half of the canals, but not quite reaching to the margin of the umbrella. The tentacles vary in number according to the size and age of the specimens. The exact number in any one specimen could not be ascertained, as all the specimens have the margin of the umbrella more or less damaged. As a rule, in the largest specimens, there are about five or six tentacles (one specimen has six or seven) between every two radial canals. I estimated the number of tentacles in several large specimens to be about 36, and in one specimen at about 40. About the exact shape of the basal bulbs of the tentacles I am uncertain. In a contracted state they look somewhat globular, but are probably more conical when the tentacle is expanded. The marginal bulbs between the tentacles are very minute and their number is variable. Usually about three are present, but occasionally only one between every two tentacles. There are excretory pores opening above the velum, opposite every basal and marginal bulb. In nearly every specimen these pores are so contracted that their presence is not noticeable. In a few specimens they are well expanded (fig. 5) and form long papillae. The marginal sense-organs (fig. 7) are closed vesicles, usually with a single otolith, but occasionally with two or three otoliths, rarely with four. There is generally only one ' between every two marginal bulbs, or about two to four between every two tentacles. The genus Irenopsis was established by Goette for Irenopsis hexanemalis, found at Zanzibar. The original description is rather brief and there is no figure. Chun, however, has given a fuller account of some specimens taken at Tumbatu, off Zanzibar. The genus clearly belongs to the sub-family Irenidae, and is readily distinguished by the presence of six radial canals. As the specimens from Ceylon agree with the descriptions given by Goette and by Chun, I have presumed that they are Irenopsis hexanemalis, though I should have liked to see a figure for comparison. After seeing these specimens of Irenopsis I again examined Phialidium tenue, which was described by me as a new species in the Report on the Hydromedusae of the Maldive Islands. The description of this species, based upon a single specimen, was given as follows : — " Umbrella watch glass- shaped and thin. Stomach small, quadrangular in shape, and situated on a semi-globular thickening of the umbrella. 144 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. Mouth with four lips and a siuuous margin. Four gonads extending over the outer half of each radial canal. Tentacles 25 in number. One or two minute marginal bulbs between every tivo tentacles. Sense-organs numerous, one or two, rarely three, between every two tentacles, with a single otolith. Umbrella 15 millims. in diameter." I clearly pointed out that I did not regard the thickening of the umbrella as a definite peduncle, and consequently placed the species in the genus Phialidium instead of in Irene. The result of the second examination, with specimens of Irenopsis for a comparison, leaves no doubt that the thickening of the umbrella must be regarded as a peduncle, so that the species does not belong to the genus Phialidium. It resembles Irenopsis in the shape of the peduncle, in the position of the gonads, in the number of tentacles, marginal bulbs and sense-organs. The basal bulbs of the tentacles are slightly larger. But it has only four radial canals, four gonads, and a mouth with four lips. If the specimen had been in this collection I should certainly have considered it to be an abnormal Irenopsis, having four instead of six radial canals. With four radial canals one would expect to see a mouth with four lips. I think that Phialidium tenue had better be regarded as an abnormal Irenopsis. Octocanna, Haeckel, 1879. Octocanna polynema (Haeckel) — Plate II., figs. 8, 9, 10. Description. — Umbrella about twice to three times as broad as high, and thick. Stomach flat, octagonal base with eight lateral lobes, about 2 millims. in diameter. Mouth with eight small lips. Eight radial canals. Gonads linear, extending over the outer half of the radial canals and nearly reaching to the margin of the umbrella. Sixteen tentacles. About three to four marginal bulbs between every two tentacles, each having an excretory pore. One marginal sensory vesicle (seldom two) between every two bulbs, each vesicle with two otoliths (rarely with one or three). Size : — Umbrella up to 12 millims. in diameter. Locality: — Palk Bay, one on March 16; off Mutwal Island, one on March 19; Galle, one on August 25. Notes. — The umbrella of two specimens is plano-convex in shape, fairly thick, and its margin is curled inwards. The third specimen has a very thick umbrella, which is more highly curved than those of the other two specimens, and the cavity of the umbrella is very shallow. The stomach has eight lobes, from which run the radial canals. The mouth is expanded in all the specimens and has eight small lips, corresponding in position to the radial canals. The gonads, in two of the specimens, are on the outer half of the radial canals, but in the third specimen they are more central, occupying the central third of the radial canals. They are linear in shape, increasing in thickness towards the distal end, and show fairly large ova. There are eight tentacles in the smallest specimen (8 millims. in diameter), one opposite each MEDUSAE. 145 radial canal, aud eight large marginal bulbs, one midway between every two tentacles. A few of these bulbs are just beginning to develop tentacles. The tentacles are long and slender, and their basal bulbs are somewhat globular. The excretory papillae are plainly visible, and project out just above the velum. All the basal bulbs and the small marginal bulbs have excretory pores. The small marginal bulbs are more or less conical in shape, and some look as if they were capable of developing tentacles. I place this species provisionally in the genus Octocanna, as it does not possess all the characters according to Haeckel's definition. There are two species of Octocanna, both of which were described, without figures, by Haeckel, and have not since been recorded. Octocanna octonema has 8 tentacles. Gonads reaching along the whole length of the radial canals. Sixteen sense-organs, each with a single otolith. Umbrella 10 millims. in diameter. Red Sea. Octocanna polynema has 32 tentacles. Gonads not along the whole length of the radial canals. 60 to 80 sense-organs, each with two otoliths. Umbrella 15 millims. in diameter. Singapore. Both the above species have four very long oral lips, which Haeckel includes in the generic characters. The Ceylon specimens have eight small lips. They also possess marginal bulbs and excretory pores which are not mentioned by Haeckel. [In the report upon the Hydromedusse of the "Siboga" Expedition, Professor Maas describes under the name of Octocanna polynema, Haeckel, some medusae which appear to me to be identical with the specimens in the Ceylon collection. These specimens I had described in manuscript as a new species of Octocanna. As Maas has emended Haeckel's description and transfers the genus from the ^Equoriidse to the Eucopidae, he has prevented me from introducing a superfluous new species. I quite agree with him as to the desirability of the removal of the genus to the Eucopidae and have adopted the classification here.] Family : JEQUORIIDJE, Eschscholtz, 1829. iEquorea, Peron et Lesueur, 1809 ; ex Browne, 1904. /Equoriidae with numerous simple unbranched radial canals. Stomach circular, with the lower wall fully developed. Mouth capable of closing up. iEquorea conica, n. sp. — Plate I., fig. 2 ; Plate II., figs. 16, 17, 18. Description. — Umbrella somewhat cone-shaped, with a rounded summit, a little higher than broad, and very thick. Velum narrow. Stomach flat and circular, about half the diameter of the umbrella. Oral lips about 16 in number, long and slender. About 16 radial canals. Gonads upon the proximal half of the radial canals, very much laterally compressed. Tentacles about 26 to 30, small and slender ; their basal bulbs small and somewhat cone-shaped, Between every two tentacles a U 146 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. very minute marginal bulb and two sensory vesicles (sometimes only one), eacb with two small otoliths . Size : — -Umbrella up to 7 millims. in width and 8 millims. in height. Locality : — Pearl banks, Gulf of Manaar. Notes. — The collection contains six specimens, which are mostly about the same size (5 millims. in width and 6 millims. in height) and age. Some are males and others are females having gonads with large ova. The oral lips have an external rib, with an internal groove which is probably ciliated. In this species the gonads are confined to the proximal half of the radial canals, and hang down as laterally compressed sacs. It is upon the position and shape of the gonads that I base the specific character. Excretory pores along the circular canal are not visible. Four of the specimens have 16 radial canals and 16 oral lips, one specimen has 15 canals and another 18 canals. JEquorea parva, n. sp. — Plate II., figs. 5, 6, 7. Description. — Umbrella plano-convex in shape, a little broader than high, very thick. Velum of moderate width. Stomach flat and circular, about one-third the diameter of the umbrella. Oral lips 13 to 16 in number, of moderate length and width. Radial canals 13 to 16. Gonads sac-like, in the central third of the radial canals. Four (perhaps eight) tentacles, with large basal bulbs. About 12 or more marginal bulbs between every two tentacles. About 10 or more marginal sensory vesicles between every two tentacles, or usually one between every two bulbs ; each vesicle with two small otoliths. Size : — Umbrella up to 6 millims. in width and 4 millims. in height. Locality : — Galle Bay, one on June 5 and two on June 12. Notes. — The three specimens are about the same size and age. One is a female and the other two are males. The stomach is about 2 millims. in diameter, and its lower wall about 1 millim. in width ; the oral lips do not exceed 1 millim. in length. The gonads have lost their original shape, as they have been crushed down by the folding in of the margin of the umbrella. They occupy the central part of the radial canals, and are slightly nearer to the margin of the umbrella than to the stomach. The gonads hang down as sacs, somewhat laterally compressed. The female has large ova. One specimen has 13 radial canals, gonads and oral lips; the other two have 16 radial canals, gonads and lips. Two specimens have only four tentacles, but the third specimen has one interradial bulb which is just developing a tentacle. The interradial bulbs are much larger than the other bulbs and probably have tentacles in a fully developed specimen. The marginal bulbs, which are very variable in size, are somewhat cone-shaped and contain nematocysts. Some of the bulbs have an excretory pore opening on the sub-umbrella just above the velum. One specimen is badly infested with Cercaria. MEDUSA. 147 This little JEquorea differs from the other species of the genus in the small numbers of its tentacles, and in the shape and position of the gonads upon the radial canals. Mesonema, Eschscholtz, 1829 ; ex Browne, 1904. ^Equoriidse with numerous simple, unbranched radial canals. Stomach circular, with lower wall quite rudimentary. Mouth nearly as large as the diameter of the stomach and cannot be closed. Mesonema pensile (Modeer), 1791 — Plate II., figs. 11 to 15. Medusa sp., Forskal (1776, p. 9, tab. xxviii. B.). Mesonema ccelem pensile, Modeer (1791, p. 32). Mesonema pensile, Haeckel (1879); Browne (1904, p. 733, pi. lv., fig. 4; pi. Ivii., figs. 2-9). In my Report upon the Hydromedusae of the Maldive Islands I gave a description of Mesonema pensile (Modeer). In this Ceylon collection there are fragments of a specimen which I believe belongs to this species. The specimen is from the Cheval Paar, Gulf of Manaar, and is broken up into about twenty-five pieces, which together represent only a portion of the whole medusa. Fortunately some of the fragments contain all the organs of the medusa, and it is possible, within certain limits, to give a description and to identify the species. This medusa is so peculiarly constructed that all the organs lie close to the margin of the umbrella. The umbrella is rather like a plano-convex lens in shape and of great thickness. Around its periphery lie the mouth, stomach, radial canals, marginal tentacles, and sense-organs. These organs are all close together, the distance from the oral lips to the margin of the umbrella is only about 20 millims. To judge from the curvatures of the stomach and the margin of the umbrella on the three largest fragments (the largest fragment which contained all the organs measures 35 millims. in length), the diameter of the umbrella should be much larger than that of the largest Maldive specimen, which measured about 60 millims. in diameter. I think that this medusa when alive was probably about twice the size of the largest Maldive specimen. The stomach (fig. 14) is rudimentary, and its lower wall is about 4 millims. in length. The margin of the mouth is furnished with a large number of long narrow lips, which are strengthened by an external rib. The length of the longest lips is about 4 millims. Among the lips there are many small ones in the course of development. In structure and shape the oral lips are exactly like those of the Maldive Mesonema, but they are a little longer. The lower wall of the stomach is also longer, twice the length. The radial canals are very numerous, and very short ; the distance from margin of the stomach to the circular canal is about 9 millims. The radial canals usually run straight from the stomach to the circular canal, and in one fragment the canal system is quite normal, but some fragments show that the short portion of the canals, U 2 148 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. between the termination of the gonads and the circular canal, has a strong tendency to curve and to send out lateral branches, which occasionally unite with lateral branches from an adjacent canal, or the union of two or three canals may occur, so that just near the margin of the umbrella the radial canal system appears to be very irregular. The gonads are situated upon the radial canals and extend almost from the stomach to within a short distance of the circular canal, the distance from the termination ot the gonad to the circular canal being about 2 millims. to 3 millims. The gonads are arranged in a lateral band along each side of the radial canals. At first a radial canal is merely a narrow, slender, inconspicuous tube (fig. 14, B.), then when the gonads begin to develop, the wall of the canal becomes thicker and increases in size. In this specimen the gonads are much larger than in the Maldive specimens. They have the appearance of cylindrical sacs, about 6 millims. in length and 1 millim. in diameter, with the wall slightby crumbled. Between the canals bearing the fully-developed gonads there are, here and there, canals which are of much later growth showing gonads in various stages of development. Some of these canals are at about the same stage as those in the Maldive specimens, showing that the Maldive specimens had not reached their full development. The tentacles (fig. 12) belong to the same type as those of the Maldive specimens, but the basal bulbs have not such a long lateral extension along1 the margin of the umbrella. I have again examined the tentacles of the Maldive specimens, and find the extension along the margin to be slightly variable. The tentacles are also much longer and larger than those in the Maldive specimens, but they have the nemato- cysts arranged in the same manner. The nematocysts are in large clusters, which are laterally situated, on both sides, along the whole of the tentacle (fig. 13). The marginal bulbs, like the basal bulb, at first sight, as shown by the figures in this Report and in the Maldive Report, do not appear to be similar, but I believe that the difference in general appearance is due to a lateral contraction of the margin of the umbrella of the specimen in this collection. The bulbs are closely packed together, touching one another, and the sense-organs are squeezed out on to the inner margin of the umbrella (fig. 15). This lateral contraction would also explain the shortness of the basal bulbs of the tentacles upon the margin. In the genus JEquorea, excretory pores are present upon the inner side of the circular canals, one opposite each tentacle or bulb. In my description of this species in the Maldive Report I did not mention the excretory pores, for the simple reason that I could not see any. But I have now cut a series of sections of a marginal bulb and found the pore in the usual place just above the velum. There is no trace of any external papilla or swelling, but simply a slender, narrow tube running from the circular canal to the exterior. It is just like a slit in the wall of the circular canal. The sense-organs (fig. 15) are on the inner side of the margin of the umbrella, and are arranged in groups These groups are placed midway between the marginal MEDUSAE. 149 bulbs. Between two tentacles I counted the number of bulbs and sense-organs, and found that there were 10 bulbs and 20 sense organs. The latter were arranged in numbers thus: From the examination of other groups of sense-organs it may be said that there are either one or two, rarely three sense-organs between every two bulbs. A sense-organ contains two otoliths. The figure (11) shows the shape of the vesicle and the position of the otoliths, but the minute details of structure are somewhat diagrammatic. It is impossible to estimate the number of tentacles, radial canals, &c, which the specimen should have, as the fragments are only a portion of the whole medusa. The tentacles are about 5 millims. to 8 millims. apart, and between them there are about 8 to 12 marginal bulbs, and about 4 to 8 radial canals. Distribution : — Indian Ocean. Order: TRACHOMEDUS^E. Family: OLINDIID^E, Haeckel, 1877; ex Browne, 1904. Gcmionemus, A. Agassiz, 1862. Gonionemus hornelli, n. sp. — Plate I., fig. 6 ; Plate II., fig. 4. Description. — Umbrella hemispherical, with moderately thick walls, about twice as broad as high. Velum fairly broad. Stomach cross-shaped, having four perradial lobes, situated upon a short, broad, cone-shaped peduncle. Mouth with four short lips. Four broad radial canals, upon which are situated the gonads. Gonads small in size, deeply folded and lobed, extending laterally from the canals and close to the velum. Tentacles about 70, arranged in 16 groups, and all have an adhesive disc about half-way down. Sixteen internal sense-organs, oval in shape, with a single otolith. Size : — Umbrella 6 millims. in width and 3 millims. in height. Locality : — Pearl Banks, Gulf of Manaar. Notes. — The single specimen is in an excellent state of preservation and in perfect condition. The gonads are not papilliform, but are deeply folded and extend outwards on both sides of the radial canals. They are about twice as broad as high, and contain ova of a fan size. On one of the radial canals there is an additional gonad, smaller in size, and not far from the stomach. It may be regarded as an abnormal growth, as the other three canals show no signs of a gonad in that position. The tentacles are arranged in 16 groups, but the grouping is not so well marked as in the genus Gossea. The tentacles forming a group are not of the same size, which is due to development. The perradial and interradial groups each contain five tentacles, the adradial four tentacles. The central tentacle in each group is the largest, the tentacles on each side of the central one come next in size ; the two outside tentacles vary very much in size, one is always very small. The attachment 150 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. of the basal part of the tentacle to the ex-umbrella varies in length according to the age of the tentacle. It proceeds furthest up the umbrella in the oldest tentacles and less far in the other tentacles, showing well the arrangement of the tentacles in groups. There is a semi-globular basal bulb on the inner side of each tentacle, and for a short distance the base of the tentacle is attached on its outer side to the margin of the ex-umbrella, being partly embedded in a groove. The tentacles are covered with nematocysts, which are arranged in transverse bands. The adhesive disc is on the outer side of the tentacle, forming a slightly raised elongated loop, and as it extends about half-way across the tentacle it is easily seen. All the tentacles of this specimen are contracted, and in this condition the adhesive disc is about half-way down the tentacle. The sense-organs are inside the margin of the umbrella, adjacent to the circular canal, and their position is between the groups of tentacles. Olindias, F. Muller, 1861. Olindias, sp. ? There is only one specimen, which is in bad condition. The umbrella is about 6 millims. in diameter. The stomach is fairly large and cross-shaped. The mouth has four lips and its margin is slightly folded. Four perradial canals, and about three centripetal canals in each quadrant. The gonads extend over the outer half of the radial canals and are arranged in papilliform clusters. The margin of the umbrella is torn and damaged. There are two kinds of tentacles ; the primary tentacles have a few spiral bands of nematocysts and a horseshoe-shaped terminal cluster, the secondary tentacles have numerous bands of nematocysts. Upon the margin of the umbrella there are a number of large bulbs which look like the basal bulbs of the secondary tentacles which have been broken off, and also a number of small bulbs. An internal sense-organ lies at the base of some of the primary tentacles, but this could only be seen here and there, owing to the opaqueness and damaged condition of the margin. The specimen may be Olindias singularis, found at the Maldives, but it is not in a condition suitable for an accurate determination of the species. It was found amongst sea- weed at Galle, on February 17. Note on the Olindiidse. In my Report on the Hydromedusse of the Maldive Islands I revised the genera of the Olindiidse. but did not know till too late that Professor Seitaro Goto had published a paper on " The Craspedote medusa Olindias and some of its Natural Mlies " in the ' Mark Anniversary Volume.' It was not until several months after the publication of my paper that I was able to obtain a copy of the volume, and later on Professor Goto kindly sent me a reprint of his paper. Goto has also revised the Olindiidse, but excludes from the family the genera MEDUSA. 151 Aglauropsis and Gossea, which have not an adhesive disc on the tentacles. About the genus Olindias we differ, and it is quite likely that I may be in the wrong. We both examined specimens sent out from the Zoological Station at Naples. I came to the conclusion that the primary (ex-umbrellar) tentacles had not a terminal adhesive disc, but Goto has expressed an opposite opinion. It is an important point in the classification and could, no doubt, be quickly settled by watching the habits of Olindias in the aquarium at Naples. Goto has investigated the development of the sense-organs of OUndioides formosa, Goto, and has come to the conclusion that they are entirely derived from the ectoderm. On the ground that the sense-organ is ectodermal, Goto transfers the Olindiidaa from the TrachomedusaB to the Leptomedusre and places them under the Eucopidse. In this Report I have left the Olindiidse in their old place for convenience sake, not that I dispute Goto's account of the development of the sense-organs, but rather that I am doubtful about their being true Leptomedusse. In 1901, when I was examining the medusae brought back from the Falkland Islands by Mr. Rupert Vallentin (I regret that the report on the collection is still unfinished, but hope to finish it next year), I cut some sections of the sense-organs of Aglauropsis concmbii. The sense-organ lies in a corner, formed on one side by the ectoderm containing nematocysts on the margin of the umbrella, and on the other side by the endoderm of the circular canal. It is a globular vesicle containing an otolith upon a short stalk. The wall of the vesicle is composed of a single layer of cells which are in contact with the ectoderm, but isolated from the endoderm by what looks like a layer of mesoglcea. As this layer took a definite shape and stained a much deeper colour than the mesoglcea seen elsewhere, I, not knowing its origin, was doubtful about its really being mesoglcea. I was puzzled for a time over the sense-organ, not being sure whether the cells of the vesicle were ectoderm or endoderm, but finally came to the conclusion that the deeply-stained layer between the vesicle and the endoderm had some connection with the sense-organ and regarded the whole sense-organ as endodermal. As the sections showed that the preservation was not suitable for histological work (the specimens were preserved in formalin), I did not attempt to trace the development of the sense-organ. After reading Goto's description of the development of the sense-organ of OUndioides, I again examined the sections of Aglauropsis. I am now inclined towards the view that the vesicle is ectodermal, and that it is cut off from the endoderm by mesoglcea, but before coming to a definite conclusion I should like to see earlier stages in development. Family : GERYONIID.E, Eschscholtz, 1829 ; ex Maas, 1893. Trachomedusae, with four or six radial canals, in the course of which are situated leaf-shaped gonads. Blind centripetal canals. Stomach on a long peduncle. Internal sensory vesicles. 152 CEYLON PEAEL OYSTER REPORT Liriope, Lesson, 1843 ; ex Maas, 1893. Geryoniidse, with four radial canals and with four or eight tentacles. Liriope tetraphylla (Chamisso et Eysenhardt), 1820. Geryonia tetraphylla, Chamisso et Eysenhardt (1820, p. 357, plate xxvii.). Liriantha tetraphylla, Haeckel (1879). Liriope tetraphylla, Vanhoffen (1902, p. 82, taf. x.); Browne (1904, p. 738, pi. liv., fig. 3). The collection contains 19 specimens; only a few are in fairly good condition There are a few early and intermediate stages, but their condition is not satisfactory for a description. The largest specimens are similar to a figure given by Vanhoffen. When I wrote the ' Report on the Hydromedusse of the Maldive Islands ' I was not quite certain about the correctness of the identification of a Liriope which I called L. tetraphylla (1904, plate liv.). I have again examined this specimen (there was only one in that collection) and have come to the conclusion that it must be regarded as Liriope tetraphylla. I have failed to find a character by which it could be specifically separated from those in the collection from Ceylon. Notes on the Largest Specimens. — The shape of the umbrella is similar to that in the figure given by Vanhoffen, and is not so thick or so rounded as in that figured by me in the Maldive Report. The peduncle of the stomach is long and tapering ; its length in the largest specimen is about 13 millims. Along the peduncle run four interradial, longitudinal muscle bands, which bifurcate at the base of the peduncle and the two ends curve outwards. The stomach is large and sac-shaped. The gonads vary very slightly in shape. They resemble Vanhoffen's figure, and measure 7 millims. in width and 5 millims. in length. The space between the gonads (measured from the upper margins) is about 2 millims. The radial canals are fairly broad, and that part of the canal between the gonad and the circular canal is much broader than as figured by Vanhoffen and myself. Most of the specimens have three centripetal canals in each quadrant. They are broader and less tapering than those shown in the figures mentioned above. One of the specimens has only one or two centripetal canals in each quadrant. A few of the specimens have eight tentacles, but the majority have only the four perradial tentacles. Size : — The largest specimen measures 15 millims. in width and 7 millims. in height. Locality : — Cheval Paar, off Mutwal Island and Chilaw Paar, various dates in March and November ; Galle Bay, in June and July. Distribution : — Atlantic and Indian Oceans. Order: NARCOMEDUS.E. Family: iEGINID^E, Gegenbaur, 1856; ex Maas, 1904. Solmundella, Haeckel, 1879; ex Maas, 1904. iEginidae with two tentacles and with a stomach having eight pouches. MEDUSAE. 153 Solmundella bitentaculata (Quoy et Gaimard), 1833 — Plate IV., figs. 1 to 6. Charybdea bitentaculata, Quoy et Gaimard (1833, tome v., p. 295, plate xxv., figs. 4 and 5). JEginella bitentaculata, Haeckel (1879). Solmundella bitentaculata, Browne (1901, p. 711, plate lvi., fig. 3). Description of the Adult. — Umbrella cone-shaped, usually a little broader than high. Stomach circular and flat, nearly as wide as the umbrella, having eight lateral poucbes which are rectangular in shape and about twice as broad as high. Mouth circular, with an everted rim. Gonads on the inner wall of the pouches and also extending over the outer half of the lower wall of the stomach, forming a continuous band. Two opposite tentacles, which are situated above the stomach, and are about two to three times longer than the diameter of the umbrella. Peronial bands and grooves present. Sense-organs 24, perhaps more, usually three in each octant. Size : — Umbrella up to 9 millims. in height and width. Locality : — Galle, in February and August ; Modragam Paar and Cheval Paar, in November ; and Trincomalee. Distribution : — Australasian seas ; Amboina Island (Quoy et Gaimard). Singapore (Bedford ; in Coll. E.T.B.). Indian Ocean ; Maldive Islands (Bigelow, 1904, p. 261, under the name of JEginella dissonema ; and Browne). Notes. — The collection contains 39 specimens ; only a few are in good condition, and most of them are about 3 millims. to 5 millims. in diameter. The umbrella is cone-shaped and nearly as high as broad. There is a slight variation in its shape, as the apex is more rounded in some specimens than in others. All the specimens have the apex of the umbrella more or less battered down so that it is impossible to note its exact shape, but it is not so pointed as that shown in the figure given by Quoy and Gaimard. The peronial groove below each tentacle is very deep, and goes right back to the wall of the sub-umbrella. The stomach is circular and flat and has eight lateral pouches. The upper w7all of the stomach is either flat or slightly convex. The lower wall is also flat, with a circular mouth in the centre. The mouth, when fully expanded, is almost as wide as the diameter of the stomach. Its natural size is apparently about one-third to one-quarter the diameter of the stomach, but when closed the opening is very small. The margin of the mouth has an everted rim, and it does not usually hang down so low as in the specimen figured by me in the Maldive Report. Haeckel, in his description of JEginella dissonema, and also Mayer (1900, p. 66, plate xiv.) state that there are four double perradial canals, each canal being divided into two by a longitudinal septum (called by Haeckel the peronium). The appearance of a double radial canal was seen in the two Maldive specimens, and also very plainly in some of the specimens in this collection, especially when the umbrella had been lightly stained. Transverse sections, however, do not confirm the presence of radial canals, and, after cutting several complete series, I have come to the conclusion that they are a delusion. x 154 CEYLON PEAEL OYSTEE EEPOET. Description of the Peronia. — It is in the perradii, without the tentacles, that the appearance of a double canal is best seen, and transverse section in this position shows the " septum" but no canals (fig. 1). In the two perradii, which have the tentacles, there is a longitudinal groove, the peronial groove, running from the margin of the umbrella up to the tentacle. This groove is very deep, running back to the wall of the sub-umbrella, cutting the wall of the sub-umbrella nearly in two (fig. 2). At the bottom of this groove is the peronial band (figs. 2 and 6), which runs from the margin of the umbrella to the base of the tentacle. The peronial band is a solid cord of ectoderm cells, nearly circular in transverse section, and surrounded by mesogloea, except on the side facing the peronial groove. In the lower wall of the stomach there are two little funnel- shaped pockets, one under the root of each tentacle. Sections show that the ectoderm of the lower wall of the stomach, at the apex of the pocket, unites with the peronial band, and is continuous with the ectoderm of the tentacle. In the ectoderm of the tentacles there are large round nematocysts. These nematocysts form a conspicuous band along the under or lower side of the tentacle near its base (fig. 6) and then, a little further along, spread all round the tentacle. I have found similar nematocysts in the ectoderm of the pockets in the lower wall of the stomach and scattered among the generative cells (fig. 2) adjacent to the pockets. They are also in the strand of ectoderm between the apex of the pocket and the tentacle, but not in the peronial band, which is between this point and the margin of the umbrella. It seems to me that the nematocysts develop in the lower wall of the stomach in the neighbourhood of the pockets, then migrate into the ectoderm of the pocket and pass along the strand to the ectoderm of the tentacle. The "septum" in the perradii, without tentacles, has the same structure as the peronial bands connected with the tentacles, but there is no peronial groove and the band (" septum ") is completely surrounded with mesoglcea. It starts from the margin of the umbrella, runs up the side of the wall of the sub-umbrella, and at the level of the lower wall of the stomach it curves outwards and passes through the jelly to the ex-umbrella. In its passage through the jelly it tapers out almost to a point, and in some specimens stops a little way short of the ex-umbrella. Its presence marks the former existence of a tentacle, and shows that Solmundella is descended from a medusa which had four perradial tentacles. The appearance of radial canals on each side of a " septum " is, in my opinion, due to the transparent mesoglcea in the short interval between the gastric pouches. Sections across the margin of the umbrella do not show the existence of a definite circular canal. Gonads. — Some of the specimens have the gonads confined to the inner wall of the gastric pouches, where they lie in the ectoderm (figs. 1 and 2). The gonads may extend over the lower half of each gastric pouch or over the whole pouch. Some of the large specimens have the gonads not only over the gastric pouches but MEDUSAE. 155 also over a part of the lower wall of the stomach, forming a continuous ring round the lower wall of the stomach just like the genital ring of a Solmaris. One specimen has the outer half of the lower wall of the stomach covered with ova, which are large and clearly visible ; other specimens have only one quarter or one third of the wall of the stomach occupied with gonads. It appears from the specimens that the gonads first start developing at the bottom of the pouches, and then spread upwards and finally reach the lower wall of the stomach. The smallest specimens have the gonads confined to the pouches, but it is only in the largest specimens that the tronads are on the wall of the stomach. Tentacles. — My figure of Solmundella in the Maldive Report shows that the base or root of the tentacles is curved outwards towards the ex-umbrella. This I now find is not the normal position, but the position occasionally taken when a specimen is in a contracted condition. As a rule the root of the tentacle points towards the centre of the umbrella (fig. 6), and in specimens which do not show signs of contraction it is sometimes clear of the upper wall of the stomach and the curve is scarcely visible. The tentacles have numerous internal transverse septa (fig. 5) which are connected in the centre by an elongated endoderm cell, containing usually two nuclei. The lower part of the tentacle (fig. 4) is somewhat triangular in shape ; along this portion there is a longitudinal muscle band. Sense-organs. — The smaller specimens have two sense-organs and the largest ones three and perhaps more in each octant. In certain octants I have seen extra bulbs without sense-organs, and these may be the bases of sense-organs which have lost the otolithic part through injury. A few of the specimens are infested with a Cercaria. SIPHONOPHORA. Order : CALYCOPHOJLE, Leuckart. Family : DIPHYID^E, Eschscholtz, 1829. Diphyes, Guvier, 1817. Diphyes chamissonis, Huxley, 1859. Diphyes chamissonis, Huxley (1859, p. 36, pi. i., fig. 3) ; Browne ^1904, p. 742, pi. liv., fig. 6). The collection contains eleven anterior nectophores, some of which are in very good condition. The specimens are similar to those which were described and figured by me in the ' Report on the Hydromedusae of the Maldive Islands.' One specimen is from Galle, in July, but all the rest were from the Gulf of Manaar, mostly in February and March. The nectophores measure about 8 millims. to 11 millims. in length. The somatocyst x 2 156 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. shows considerable variation in length and thickness. Some of the specimens have the somatocyst similar in shape and size to that shown in my figure of the species, whereas in other specimens it is longer (the length varies from 2 millims. to 3^ millims.) and much thinner. The length of the hydrcecium is also variable, about one-third to half the length of the umbrella. Order : PHYSOPHOILE, Eschscholtz, 1829. Family : AGALMIDiE, Brandt, 1835. Cupulita, Quoy et Gaimard, 1824. There is one small specimen of a Cupulita, from the Cheval Paar, which is very much broken up. I am unable to determine the species. Agalmopsis, Sars, 1846. There are two small specimens, from the Cheval Paar, both of which are badly contracted and broken. The nectophores have all disappeared with the exception of a few minute buds, and only one damaged bract remains. The tricornuate tentilla are large and in excellent condition. Family : PHYSALIID^, Brandt, 1835. Physalia, Lamarck, 1801. Physalia utriculus, Eschscholtz, 1829. Physalia utriculus, Huxley (1859, p. 101, pi. x., pi. xii,, fig. 12); Browne (1904, p. 744). Two small specimens were caught off Watering Point, Galle. The float is about 1 5 millims. in length. There is one main tentacle and several very small secondary tentacles. The gonophores are beginning to develop. Family : PORPITIDyE, Brandt, 1835. Porpita, Lamarck, 1801. Porpita is represented by the remains of a single float, obtained on the Pearl Banks, Gulf of Manaar, and measuring about 35 millims. in diameter. The upper surface of the float has numerous radial rows of stigmata on the back of prominent ridges. It resembles the float of Porpita umbella, which is figured by Haeckel (l£ plate xlv., fig. 5). MEDUSAE. 157 SCYPH0MEDUSJ1. CHARYBDEIDA. Charybdea, Peron et Lesueur, 1809. Charybdea, sp. ? There is a single specimen in the collection from the pearl banks, and it is not in a first rate condition. The umbrella has become soft and limp, consequently it has collapsed and lost its natural shape. The umbrella measures about 75 millims. in length, and is probably cone-shaped. The stomach is very short and flat ; the mouth has small lips. The gastric filaments appear to be perradial in position (the top of the umbrella is damaged and crushed in). Each of the four groups is composed of about six tufts of filaments packed so close together as to form a continuous row. The sense-organs are about 10 millims. away from the margin of the umbrella. There are four ocelli on the inner side of each tentaculocyst. The principal ocellus is very large and semi-globular in shape. Above it, a little nearer the base of the tentaculocyst, is a transverse ocellus, forming a narrow pigmented band. The other two ocelli are more lateral in position, and situated between the semi-elobular and the transverse ocelli. The ocelli are of a reddish brown colour in formalin. The velarium contains seven unbranched canals between every two tentacles. The gonads form very narrow bands, and appear to be quite immature. The pedalia are about 20 millims. in length and 1 5 millims. in width. The shape of their wings and the tentacle resemble the figure of Charybdea grandis (Agassiz and Mayer, 1902, plate vi.). This may be an immature specimen of Charybdea grandis, but I remain uncertain. A second specimen would have been an advantage for comparison. CORONATA. Family: NAUSITHOID^l, Haeckel, 1879; ex Vanhoffen, 1902. Nausithoe, Kolliker, 1853. Nausithoe punctata, Kolliker, 1853. Nausithoe punctata, Vanhoffen, 1892, p. 13, Taf. iii., figs. 8 and 9; Mayer, 1900, p. 67, plate xxiii., figs. 67 and 68, plate xxvi., figs. 87 and 88; Vanhoffen, 1902, p. 29; Bigelow, 1904, p. 263, plate vi., fig. 21. Description. — The umbrella is somewhat hemispherical in shape. At the top of the umbrella there is a distinct hemispherical crown which is separated off from the 158 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. rest of the umbrella by a conspicuous circular furrow. Just below the circular furrow the radial furrows begin. There are 16 deep radial furrows on the ex-umbrella, one midway between every tentacle and sense organ, terminating at the base of the marginal lobes. The bottom of each furrow is attached to the wall of the sub-umbrella by a septum which divides the distal portion of the stomach into 16 pouches (8 ocular and 8 tentacular). The septum is continued for a little way down the middle of each marginal lobe, separating the prolongation of the stomach in each lobe into two parts. But as the septum does not proceed along the whole length of the gastric prolongation, two completely isolated pouches are not formed. The whole of the ex-umbrella, including the marginal lobes, is closely granulated. Tbe gastric filaments are arranged in four distinct groups, which are isolated from each other by the four basal angles of the cross-shajjed mouth. There are about 10 to 12 filaments in each group arranged in a single row. Each group occupies the whole space between the angles of the mouth. The mouth is large and cross-shaped, about 3 millims. in length and width. The gonads vary in shape, and, looked at from the sub-umbrella, appear circular or oval. The largest are about 1 millim. in length and 0'75 millim. in width. Three specimens in one bottle have rose-red gonads, and two in another bottle are of an orange colour. All the specimens are in formalin. One is a male and four are females with large ova. There are 16 marginal lobes, which are about as broad as long (2 millims.), and have a rounded edge. Between these lobes are the eight tentacles and eight sense- organs, which alternate with each other. The tentacles are of moderate length (about 5 millims.), stiff, and taper to a fine point. The sense-organs have an otolithic sac and a circular reddish pigmented ocellus. The collection contains five specimens, three of which are in splendid condition. Two were from off Mutwal Island on March 19, and three from Muttuvaratu Paar on March 29. The largest measures 9 millims. in width and 7 millims. in height. Two specimens are 9 millims. in width and 5 millims. in height. The others are slightly smaller. I have compared these specimens with Nausithoe punctata obtained from the Zoological Laboratory at Naples, and feel certain that they belong to this species ; in fact, they agree in every detail except in the shape of the ocellus. The Naples specimens have a circular pigmented ocellus on a semi-circular or convex bulb, whereas in the Ceylon specimens the ocellus forms a pigmented ring on a bulb with a flat surface. The results obtained by the " Valdivia " and " Siboga " Expeditions show that Nausithoe punctata has a very wide geographical distribution. It occurs in all the oceans. It was taken by the "Valdivia" off the east coast of Ceylon, and by Bigelow at the Maldives. Pelagia, sp. ? MEDUSAE. 159 DISCOPHORA. SEM^OSTOMATA. Pelagia. There are nine very young stages, the smallest 4 inillims. in diameter and the largest 8 millims. They have eight tentacles and eight sense-organs. These specimens are too immature for me to identify, as they have not long passed through the Ephyra stage. They are all from the Cheval Paar, Gulf of Manaar. RHIZOSTOMATA. Family : LYCHNOKHIZID^E, Maas, 1903. Crambessa. Crambessa, sp. ? The collection contains two specimens, both from Galle Bay, June and August ; one is in fairly good condition and the other is damaged. Umbrella. — The umbrella is semi-globular, about twice as broad as high, and measures about 75 millims. in width and about 40 millims. in height. The ex-umbrella looks smooth, but a close examination with a lens shows that the surface is closely covered with very minute papilla?, which give it a granulated appearance. The ex-umbrella of one specimen has fine markings which look like a pattern produced by pressure against a tow-net. The pattern forms a network with a mesh of about half a millimetre. Canal System. — There are eight ocular canals and eight adradial canals. The ocular canals run to the sense-organs, but the adradial canals stop at the circular canal and do not proceed to the margin. The circular canal, which is broad and conspicuous, is situated about 10 millims. from the margin of the umbrella. Between the circular canal and the margin of the umbrella the canal system forms a network of fine meshes. The ocular canals pass through this network and anastomose with it. On the inner side of the circular canal and between the radial canals there is a very coarse network of canals. This network is in communication with the circular canal, but not with the stomach. In one specimen there is a slight anastomosis of the inner network with some of the radial canals, but in the other specimen there is no union. Margin of the Umbrella. — Some of the velar lobes are about as long as broad, somewhat quadrangular in shape, with rounded corners, and some are narrow and more pointed. There are about eight velar lobes between every two ocular lobes. 160 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. Sense-organs. — Eight sense-organs are present. The outer sensory pit is triangular in outline and its surface is folded. The principal folds radiate outwards from the bottom of the pit. The tentaculocyst is apparently without an ocellus, as there is no trace of any pigment. The ocular lobes are much smaller than the velar lobes, and are pointed. Sub-umbrella Muscles. — In one specimen the sub-umbrella muscles have become detached and a clear view of the canal system is obtained. In the other specimen the muscles are present, and they form a circular band between the periphery of the oral disc and the margin of the umbrella. The circular muscle band is continuous and is not radially interrupted. Sub-genital Cavity. — The four sub-genital ostia open into a common continuous cavity. The ostia are very large, forming long but narrow slits, about 20 millims. in width, and about as wide as the columns. The entrance is partly blocked in the centre by a large triangular gelatinous knob on the sub-umbrella, and just inside there is another median knob and also two small lateral ones. Oral Arms. — In a normal specimen there should be eight oral arms of equal length, but in both of these specimens the oral arms are abnormal in number and in length. One specimen has ten oral arms, the four columns bearing respectively arms. The arms show a great difference in size, the largest is about 80 millims., and the smallest about 25 millims. As one arm is much longer than the others, which are all of different lengths, it is probable that the medusa received an injury in the oral arms, and regeneration has followed. The upper arm is very short and is somewhat laterally compressed. In the arm, measuring 80 millims. in length, the upper arm is about 15 millims. and the lower arm about 65 millims. The lower arm has three thin wings bearing oral mouths along the outer edges down to the distal end, which does not bear a gelatinous knob. The oral mouths on the ventral wings are continued along the upper arms to the oral disc, where they meet and form a cross-shaped pattern. There are no special appendages of any kind upon the arms or the oral disc. In the second specimen the arms are broken off close to the arm disc and there are stumps of nine, possibly ten, arms. Stomach. — The stomach is cross-shaped. The gastric filaments run round the margin of the stomach and also curve downwards and inwards, forming a loop in the base of the columns. It is at the end of the loop that the canal from the oral arm enters the stomach. The gonads are immature. The specimens are of a whitish colour in formalin. So far as I can make out, these specimens belong to the genus Crambessa, but I am not able to determine the species. As they are immature they are probably at an intermediate stage in growth and may develop into a species which has already been described. MEDUSAE. 161 CTENOPHOEA. Order : CYDIPPIDEA, Lesson. Family : PLEUROBEACHIIDiE, Chun, 1880. Pleurobrachia, Fleming, 1822. Pleurobrachia globosa, Moser, var. ceylonensis, nov. Pleurobrachia globosa, Moser (1903, p. 7, taf. i., figs. 1-4). The collection contains about 900 specimens, varying in size from about 2 millims. up to 8 millims. in length. The largest specimen measures 8 millims. in length and 7 millims. in width. A few are preserved in formalin and these have been used for examination, as they have retained their shape better than those in alcohol. The specimens in alcohol suffer more or less from contraction and shrinkage. When contraction or shrinkage is considerable, the position of the various organs changes so much that it would be quite possible to make two or more species out of a hundred specimens. Locality : — A few were obtained on the Cheval Paar in March and Modragam Paar •in November ; the great majority were from Galle Bay in June, July and August. Description. — The body is egg-shaped, sloping towards the oral pole, and almost circular in a transverse section. There are eight rows (costse) of ciliated plates, of moderate length, extending over half, or a little more than half, of the meridional surface, beginning and terminating at about ecpial distances from the aboral and oral poles respectively. Each row contains about twenty narrow ciliated plates (combs). The meridional canals are just as long as the costae. The two tentacles and their sheaths lie above the level of the stomach. The base of the sheath is in the first fork of the gastrovascular canals, on a level with the funnel. The sheath is like a long cone, tapering from the base, and lying at an angle of about 45 degrees from the perpendicular axis of the body and pointing towards the aboral end of the body. The opening of the sheath on the surface of the body is just under the aboral boundary line of the costae. At the bottom of the sheath is the base of the tentacle, which is somewhat concave. The tentacles have lateral filaments, but no eolidiform appendages were seen. The transverse canals from the funnel to the meridional canals slope slightly in the aboral direction and join the meridional canals in the middle of their length, slightly above the level of the funnel. The base of the tentacle lies a little way from the funnel, but in a large number of specimens, owing to contraction or shrinkage, the base of the tentacle is adjacent to the funnel. It has contracted back on to the funnel and the top of the stomach. On comparing the specimens with the figures of Pleurobrachia globosa (Moser, 1903, taf. i., figs. 1-3), I find that they differ mainly in the length of the costse, which Y 162 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. are about half as long again. There is a slight difference in the shape of the body, the specimens from Ceylon taper more towards the oral pole. The position of the tentacular sheath is identical and so also is its sheath opening. As the chief difference lies in the length of the costse, I hesitate to add a new species to the genus, but prefer to mark the difference by establishing a new variety. The " Siboga" specimens were obtained in the Malay Archipelago. Order: BEftOIDEA, Lesson. Family: BEROLLLE, Eschscholtz, 1829. Beroe, P. Browne, 1756. Beroe flemingi (Eschscholtz), 1829. Pandora flemingii, Eschscholtz (1829, p. 39, taf. ii., fig. 7). Beroe pandora, Moser (1903, p. 23, taf. ii., figs. 8 and 9; taf. iii., figs. 9 and 10). There are about a dozen specimens in the collection, four of which are in fair condition and the others in fragments. Description. — The body is conical, compressed in the funnel (transverse) plane, a little longer than wide, and rounded at the aboral end. The mouth is wide and has a fairly thin margin. The costse are of unequal length ; the sub-transversal costse are about twice or nearly twice as long as the sub-ventral costse. The meridional canals do not unite with the stomodseal canals. The lateral canals of the meridional canals meander without uniting in the smaller specimens, while in the larger specimens they unite with those from the adjacent meridional canals, forming a coarse irregular network in the outer wall of the body. Short blind canals also proceed from the circular canal around the mouth. The meridional canals on their outer surface are sparsely sprinkled with minute reddish-brown spots of pigment. The gonads are along the walls of the meridional canals, male and female on opposite sides of the canals. Size: — 8 millims. long and 6 millims. wide, 10 millims. long and 10 millims. wide, 1 2 millims. long and 8 millims. wide. Larger specimens broken into fragments. Locality: — Off Mutwal Island, March 19, twelve specimens; Galle Bay, July 15, one specimen. Distribution : — N. Pacific, east of Japan. Malay Archipelago. Miss MosKR,in her 'Report on the Ctenophora of the "Siboga" Expedition,' has revised the Pleurobrachiidse and Beroidas, and has given a useful key for the identification of the species. I have tried to identify these specimens with the aid of the key, but remain somewhat doubtful about the result. The difficulty of the identification is no doubt increased by my want of experience in the group and by the fact that the best specimens are early stages. Taking the unequal length of the costa? and the absence MEDUSJE. 163 of cilia round the mouth as a guide, the specimens come nearest to Beroe flemingii. They do not, however, quite agree in shape, and the lateral canals from the meridional canals do not communicate with the stomodseal canals. Miss Moser states that the Sihoga specimens are identical with Pandora flemingii of Eschscholtz. This species Eschscholtz named after the English zoologist John Fleming. Miss Moser, however, has changed the specific name to pandora, wishing to retain the generic name Pandora as a specific name in honour of Eschscholtz. The changing of the specific name of this species is certainly contrary to the International Rules on Nomenclature, and consequently the specific name pandora is invalid. REFERENCES TO LITERATURE. Agassiz, A., and Mayer, A. G. — 1902. "Keports on the Scientific Results of the Expedition to the Tropical Pacific .... in the 'Albatross.' — Part iii. Medusae." 'Memoirs Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard,' vol. xxvi., pp. 139-176, plates i.-xiii. BlGELOW, H. B. — 1904. "Medusa? from the Maldive Islands." 'Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard,' vol. xxxix., pp. 245-269, 9 plates. Brooks, W. K. — 1895. "The Sensory Clubs or Cordyli of Laodice." ' Journ. Morphol. U.S.A.,' vol. x., pp. 287-304, plate xvii. Browne, E. T. — 1904. " Hydromedusae, with a Revision of the Williadae and Petasidse." ' Fauna and Geogr., Maldive and Laccadive Archipel.,' vol. ii., pp. 722-749, plates liv.-lvii. Cambridge. Browne, E. T. — 1905. "Scyphomedusre." 'Fauna and Geogr., Maldive, &c, Archipel.,' vol. ii., pp. 958-971, plate xciv. Cambridge. Chamisso, A. de, and Eysenhardt, C. G. — 1820. "De Animalibus quisbusdam e Classe Vermium Linneana in circumnavigatione Terra; .... annis 1815- 1818 peracta, observatis." 'Nova Acta K. Leop. Carol. Deutsch. Akad. Naturforseher,' Band x. CHUN, C. — 1896. "Beitriige zur Kenntnis ostafrikanischer Medusen und Siphonophoren nach den Sammkuigen Dr. Stuhlmann's." ' Mitth. natur. Mus. Hamburg,' Band xiii., pp. 1-19, 1 Taf. Eschscholtz, F. — 1829. ' System der Acalephen.' Berlin. Forskal, P. — 1776. 'Icones Rerum Naturalium quas in itinere orientali.' 4to, 11 pp., 43 plates. Hauniae. Goette, A. — 1886. " Verzeichniss der Medusen, welehe von Dr. Sander .... gesammelt wurden." 'Sitz. Akad. wiss. Berlin,' Band xxxix., pp. 831-837. Reprinted in ' Math.Naturw. Mitth.,' Band vii., pp. 597-603. UuTn, S. — 1903. "The Craspedote Medusa Olindias and some of its Natural Allies." 'Mark Anniversary Volume,' pp. 1-22, 3 plates, 4to. New York. Haeckei., E. — 1879-1880. 'Das System der Medusen.' Jena. Haeckel, E. — 1888. "Report on the Siphonophorse." ' "Challenger" Reports,' vol. xxviii. Huxley, T. H.— 1859. "The Oceanic Hydruzoa." 'Ray. Soc. London.' Maas, O. — 1893. "Die craspedoten Medusen." ' Ergebnisse der Plankton-Expedition' ("National"), Bd. ii, K.c, 107 pp., 8 Taf. Maas, O. — 1903. " Die Scyphomedusen der Siboga-Expedition.' 'Siboga Expedition.' Monogi-aph, xi. 91 pp., 13 Taf. Leiden. Y 2 164 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. Maas, 0. — 1904. "Revision des Meduses appartenant aux Families des Cunanthidse et des iEginidae, et groupement nouveau des genres." ' Bull. Mus. Oceanographique de Monaco,' No. 5, 8 pp. Mayer, A. G. — 1900. "Some Medusae from the Tortugas, Florida." 'Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard,' vol. xxxvii., pp. 11-82, plates i.-xliv. Moser, Fanny. — 1903. "Die Ctenophoren der Siboga-Expedition." ' Siboga Expedition.' Monograph, xii., 34 pp., 4 Taf. Quoy, J. R., et Gaimard, P. — 1833. " Voyage de decouvertes de 1' ' Astrolabe.' " ' Zoologie,' tome iv. Paris. Vanhoffen, E. — 1892. ' Die Akalephen der Plankton-Expedition (" National "),' Band ii., K.d., pp. 1-30, 4 Taf. Vanhoffen, E. — 1902. "Die aeraspedoten Medusen der deutschen Tiefsee-Expedition 1898-1899 (' Valdivia ')." ' Wissen. Ergebnisse,' Band iii., pp. 1-52, Taf. i.-viii. " Die craspedoten Medusen der deutschen Tiefsee-Expedition (' Valdivia ') — I. Trachymedusen." ' Wissen. Ergeb- nisse,' Band iii., pp. 53-86, Taf. ix.-xii. DESCRIPTION OF PLATES. All the figures were drawn from specimens in formalin or alcohol ; all sense-organs and sections were drawn with a camera lucida. Reference Letters. A. Adhesive disc. B. Basal bulb. CC. Circular canal. Ec. Ectoderm En. Endoderm. Ex. Ex-umbrella. G. Gonad. M. Mesoglcea. N. Nematocyst. Oc. Ocellus. Ov. Ovum. Or. Oral lip. P. Peronium. PG. Peronial groove. R. Radial canal. S. Sense-organ. Sm. Septum. St. Stomach. Sip. Stomach (gastric) pouch. Sub. Sub-umbrella. T. Tentacle. V. Velum. PLATE I. Fig. 1. 1) 2. )» 3. J) 4. )J 5. »J 6. Cyttzis herdmmi, n. sp. (p. 135). Lateral view, x 30. sEquorea arnica, n. sp. (p. 145). Lateral view, x 10. Mitrocomium assimile, n. sp. (p. 137). Lateral view, x 20. Irenopsis hexanemalis, Goette (p. 142). Lateral view, x 10. Laodice indica, n. sp. (p. 136). Oral view, x 15. Gonionemus Iwrnelli, n. sp. (p. 149). Lateral view, x 10. MEDUSAE. 1<>5 PLATE II. Tentacle of Dipwrma sp. 1 (p. 133). Lateral view, x 35. Manubrium of Dipwrena, showing the gonads and stomach. (Slightly contracted.) x 20. Tentacle of I'rolmscidnrtyln minium, n. sp. (p. 13G). Inner view, x 60. Tentacle of Gonionemus hornclli, n. sp., showing the position of the adhesive disc (A.) Outer view. Enlarged. Mqwrea parva, n. sp. (p. 1-tG). Oral view, x 10. Portion of the sub-umbrella of Mqwrea parra, showing the oral lips (Or.), the lower wall of the stomach (St.), the gonad (J 10. Figs i. 11 Fig. 11. »» 12. )> 13. )) 14. JJ 15. )) 16. J> 17. )) 18 166 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. PLATE IV. Figs. 1 to 6. Solmundella bitenfaculala. Fig 1. Transverse section of the peronium (P.) in the radius without tentacles, also showing the gastric pouches (Stp.) and the gonads (G.). x 260. „ 2. Transverse section of the peronium (P.) in the radius with tentacles, showing the peronial groove (P. G.) x 270. „ 3. Transverse section across the gastric pouches (Sip.), showing the position of the peronium (P.) in the radius without tentacles, x 20. „ 4. Transverse section of a tentacle not far from the base, x 100. „ 5. Longitudinal section of a portion of a tentacle not far from the distal end. x 270. „ 6. Sketch showing the peronium (P.) running from the margin of the umbrella to the tentacle. * Plane of section, fig. 2. ** Plane of section, fig. 4. Fis;s. 7 to 11. Laodke indica, n. sp. Fig. 7. Longitudinal section of a cordylus. x 350. 8. Longitudinal section through the basal bulb of a tentacle, x 150. 9. Tentacle, cirrus, and cordylus. Inner view, x 85. 10. Transverse section of an ovary, showing the escape of an ovum, x 80. 11. Terminal cluster of nematocysts of a cirrus, x 380. 12. Cytceis herdmani, n. sp. Transverse section of a tentacle, showing the nematocysts in the ectoderm and the pigment granules in the endoderm. x 40. CKYLON PEARL OYSTER RETORT MKIII S V, PLATE I 2. ( KYLO.V PEARL OYSTER REPORT MEIHS.E PLATE II ■v cc 3. 10. - r Or S! 12 17. 13. r2 »' R 14. 18. 16. 15 . ( KYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT MEDUSAE -PLATE 111 4. ■ 10. % '?, hjr 15. ■n ,5§9 9. X 14. 16 12. CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT /' M Ex Sep • « - t .-' MEDUSA -PLATE IV 2. PG , M Stp Ec. » - En Af Ov Ec Ex Or 10. ., - p Ec '■ ■ ' PG Sm > • cc ' Oc JV Ti '".'' B 8 T ""•■.■ , Ec 1/ En : :-s. %s. V- :-.,*. 12. .. .*,. •.. - [CEYLON PEARL OYSTER FISHERIES— 1905— SUPPLEMENTARY REPORTS, No. XXVIII.] APPENDIX TO THE REPORT ON THE ALCYONARIA COLLECTED BY Professor HERDMAN, at CEYLON, in 1902. BY Professor J. ARTHUR THOMSON, M.A., University of Aberdeen. [With ONE PLATE and TWO TEXT-FIGURES.] A revision of the collection of Ceylonese Alcyonarians has enabled me to add to the list given in Supplementary Report No. XX., by Mr. W. D. Henderson and myself.* The additions are : — Spangodes cervicornis, Wright and Studer. Caligorgia versluysi, n. sp. ,, involute,, Kukenthal. Bebryce indica, n. sp. ,, putteri, Kukenthal. Acampiogorgia gracilis, n. sp. „ microspiculata, Putter. ,, rubra, n. sp. „ „ var. ceylonensis, now Muricella rubra, n. sp. Chironephlhya indica, n. sp. Virgularia elegans, Gray. Suberogorgia kottikeri, Wright and Studer, var. ,, calycina, n. sp. ceylonensis, nov. ,, indica, n. sp. ,, rubra, n. sp. Fusticularia herclmani, n. gen. et sp., Simpson. One of these [Caligorgia versluysi) is hardly an addition, since it replaces Primnoa ellisii, von Koch (= Caligorgia ellisii, = C. verticillata). For this correction I have to thank Dr. J. Versltjys, Amsterdam. The last on the list, Fusticularia herdmani, represents an interesting new genus, which has been separately described by Mr. J. J. Simpson, M.A. ('Annals and Magazine of Natural History,' June, 1905). * By an oversight the two species of Xenia (Part III., pp. 271, 273) were misplaced; they should come first in the order Alcyonacea. On p. 289, the title of the family Muriceidse was omitted in front of Acanthogorgia. I(j8 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. Family : NEPHTHYID7E. Spongodes cervicornis, Weight and Studer. A much weathered specimen, expanded in one plane, 10*5 centims. in height, by 10 centims. in breadth, and 1*8 centims. in thickness. The general colour is yellowish- white, but the polyp stalks and the polyps are covered with orange-red spicules. The polyps themselves are white in colour, but there appear to be minute orange-red spicules on the tentacles. The polyp stalk is about 2 millims. in length and is covered by longitudinally disposed spicules. At the base of the polyp, which stands at right angles to the Stittzbundel, there is a double ring of transverse spicules, from which there arise eight converging triangles, each composed of two pairs of spicules, the basal pair converging at an obtuse angle. As the colony is markedly flattened, with an irregular outline, with leafdike lower- most branches, the specimen must be referred to Kukenthal's cervicornis group, and among those species in which the polyps have long stalks. The specimen agrees, on the whole, with Sp. cervicornis, Wright and Studer, which seems to be a very variable species, including, according to Kukenthal, Spongodes rhodosticta, Wright and Studer, Locality : — Ceylon seas. Spongodes involuta, Kukenthal. A beautiful divaricate colony, without the stalk, but otherwise almost complete. The general surface of the ccenenchyma is white, near the polyps the colour is strengthened by golden-yellow spicules ; the spicules supporting the white polyps are deep rose-pink. The dimensions of height, maximum breadth and average thickness are 45, 40, and 12 millims. As the divaricate polyparium has no regular outline and is markedly flattened, the specimen is referable to Kukenthal's cervicornis group. As the polyps are borne on stalks 1'5 millims. to 2 millims. in length, the specimen must be included near Sp. cervicornis, Wright and Studer. The eight double rows of polyp spicules consist of five pairs of spindles, and thus our attention may be restricted to Kukenthal's Dendronephthya involuta* Our specimen agrees with this species in the following features : — (1) there are five pairs of polyp spicules in each double row ; (2) one of the uppermost in each row projects above the polyp ; (3) the polyp stalk is about 2 millims. in length. Locality : — Ceylon seas. Spongodes putteri, Kukenthal. A divaricate form, with a regular outline, a slightly flattened polyparium, and * Kukenthal has referred all typical Spongodes species to his new genus Dendronephthya, but we see little advantage in this. APPENDIX TO ALCYONAEIA. 169 foliate lower branches, is referable to Kukenthal's rigida group, and closely approaches Sp. piitteri. Thus the polyparium is a slightly flattened cylinder ; the lateral branches are almost cylindrical and sometimes dichotomous ; the groups of polyps, usually seven in number, are borne by stalks about 2 millims. to 3 millims. in length ; the polyps are supported by eight pairs of converging spicules, one of which projects farther than the others; the longest Stiitzbundel spicule exceeds 3 millims., is covered with minute thorns, and projects for a little over a millimetre. The spicules closely resemble those of Sp. piitteri in form and size, but are of a bright orange colour around the polyps and on the polyp stalks. It seems warrantable to regard this specimen as a colour variety of Sp. piitteri-. Locality : — Ceylon seas. Spongodes microspiculata, Putter. This species is represented by a very beautiful small colony, — 6 5 centims. in height and 5 "5 centims. in maximum breadth. The stalk by which it is attached is 2"5 centims. long and 1*3 centims. in diameter. The lower branches are foliaceous, but above this there are three main branches, one central and two lateral, in length 3 centims., 2*5 centims., and 2 centims. respectively, with an average diameter of 0"8 centim. From these, smaller branches arise on all sides almost perpendicularly, the lateral ones being the longest, so that the whole colony presents a somewhat flattened appearance, the tips so arranged that the contour is regular. The general colour of the colony is orange-red. The polvps are in clusters of five to eight, seven being the most typical number. They arise from tertiary branches, except on the lower foliaceous part, which is the expanded portion of primary branches. The polyps are almost globular, standing at right angles to a short stalk 1 millim. in length. The Stiitzbundel is fairly well developed, one long spindle projecting about 0"8 millim. beyond the insertion of the polyp. On the outside of the anthocodia the spicules have a very definite arrange- ment, consisting of eight double rows of 6 to 7 converging pale yellow spicules, the terminal pairs projecting a little beyond the anthocodia. Between these groups small colourless spindles are scattered irregularly. On the tentacles the spicules are arranged in a biserial manner, approximately at right angles to the long axis. The spicules are warty spindles of very varied proportions, some long and slender, others short and thick. On the main stem they are of the second type, the following being typical measurements : — 1"2 millims. x 0-5 millim. ; 1*3 millims. x 0-4 millim. ; 2 millims. x 0'4 millim. On the secondary branches they become more elongated and slender, and have a slight yellow tinge. Further up the colour becomes more marked and there is a distinct orange-coloured core. The following measurements were taken: — 2"5 millims. x 0-l millim.; 19 millims. x 0-l millim. Scattered irregularly amongst these there are small elongated thin spindles of a bright red 170 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. colour of the following sizes : — 0"3 millim. x 0'02 millim. ; 0"35 rnillim. x 0"02 millim. The spicules of the polyps are very minute and are pale yellow or colourless, 0-15 millim. x 0-01 millim. Locality : — Ceylon seas. Spongodes microspiculata, var. ceylonensis, now Another colony, 8 "5 centims. high and 5 centims. hroad, belongs to the same species, but as it differs markedly in general form and colour it seems advisable to record a distinct variety. The chief points of difference are : — (1) It does not extend so markedly in one plane, one of the branches arising more or less at right angles to the £>lane of expansion ; (2) The general contour is more rugged ; (3) The colour approaches purple, even on the main branches, owing to the presence of faintly purplish spicules ; (4) The spicules are arranged on the main stem and branches more transversely ; (5) The spicules are long, slender, warty spindles, with a light purple tint in the older parts, becoming darker on the smaller branches which bear the polyps. Those of the polyps are transparent and colourless. Measurements : — On the main stem, 2*2 millims. x 0"2 millim. and 1*2 millims. x 0-2 millim. ; on the smaller branches, 1*4 millims. x O'l millim., 1"5 millims. x 0*1 millim. ; around the polyps, 0'6 millim. x 0-01 millim. The architecture of the polyps is essentially the same as in the former specimen, so that this form must be classed in the species 7nicrospiculata, though the characters enumerated above justify its position as a new variety. Locality : — Ceylon seas. Family: SIPHONOGORGIID^. Chironephthya indica, n. sp. — Plate, figs. 1 and 14. A specimen of a reddish-brown colour, consisting of two small branches, about 4 centims. in height and 4 millims. in thickness. The polyps occur on all sides and a frequent interval is 1 millim. Each is about 0-5 millim. in diameter. The anthocodiee are almost without exception nearly flush with the general surface of the branch. The opercular covering consists of eight triangular portions or " points " converging over the tentacles, and at the bases of the triangles there are numerous (5) rows of horizontal spicules forming a circlet or " crown." Each triangular "point" consists of three diverging pairs of spicules arranged en chevron, the two outermost enclosing the APPENDIX TO ALCYONAPJA. 171 others. The spicules of the " poiuts " and of the "crown" are reddish -brown to orange-red in colour. The whole ccenenchyma is covered with large rough spindles, mostly curved in a slightly S-shaped manner, some reddish-brown and others very light in colour. Similar internal spicules constitute the rigid substance of the branch around the longitudinal canals, of which four were seen in a cross-section. The knobbed tubercles often present a spiral arrangement. The following measurements were taken in millimetres : — (a) Long stout spindles, 2-3 x 0-2, 25 x 0-175, 27 x 0'3 ; (b) slender smaller spindles, l'l x 0-03, 1'3 x 0-04, l-5 x 0-025 ; (c) very small spindles, 0-2 x 0*025 ; (d) canal-wall spicules, uncoloured, with relatively long spines, 0-2 x 0"01, 0-16 x 0-01, 0'14 x 002, including the spines. It seems difficult at present to distinguish between the genera Chironephthya and Siphonogorgia, if indeed they are not one. Hickson has suggested that the name Chironephthya be retained for species or facies with a form and mode of branching like Nephthya, with anthocodise rarely retracted, and with four principal spicules en chevron in the points of the anthocodise ; and that the name Siphonogorgia be retained for species or facies of more massive Gorgonia-like form of growth, with anthocodiae capable of complete retraction within the general coenenchyma, and with spicules irregularly placed or arranged in a fan-like manner in the points of the anthocodiaj (' Alcyonaria of the Maldives,' Part I., p. 491). If we apply these distinctions to the present specimen, we find that it agrees with Chironephthya in having triangular opercular coverings, but disagrees in having almost all the anthocodiae completely retracted, and in having, as far as we can judge, a more massive mode of growth. As the minute architecture of the polyps is probably the most distinctive feature, we have referred the specimen to Chironephthya. Locality : — Ceylon seas. Family : SCLEROGORGIID^. Suberogorgia kollikeri, Wright and Studer, var. ceylonensis, nov. Several fragments, including a basal piece, of a yellowish colony or colonies with a sclerogorgic axis. The stem is 3 millims. in diameter at the base, and 1 millim. in the thinnest branch of the chief specimen. The greatest length is 8'5 centime. Verrucae may arise on all sides, but they are, for the most part, lateral. In the smaller fragments they are altogether lateral and regularly alternate. Their diameter is about 1 millim. Here and there the aperture shows an eight-rayed figure in the fully retracted state of the polyp. The thin ccenenchyma is marked on opposite sides by two shallow winding grooves. The spicules include the following forms : — (a) Numerous warty spindles, 0'175 millim. x 0-075 millim., 0'225 millim. x 0'075 millim ; (6) a few very slender z 2 172 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. spindles, O'l millim. x 0"02 millim. ; (c) almost orbicular forms, 0-l millim. x (PI millim. ; and (d) small spindles (0-l millim. x (P03 millim.) on the aboral surface of the tentacles, forming in retraction an opercular covering with eight points. This form closely approaches S. kollikeri, Weight and Studer, but there the verrucee have a diameter of 2 millims. to 3 millims., the polyps are large and prominent, the verructe have eight-rayed margins, and the colour is yellowish-brown. But as the differences are hardly more than quantitative, we rank the Ceylonese specimens simply as a variety of the " Challenger " species. Locality :— Ceylon seas. Suberogorgia rubra, n. sp. — Plate, fig. 4. Half-a-dozen fragments of a red colony, with a sclerogorgic very horny axis (1'5 millims. in diameter), with a nutrient canal on each side, with thin friable ccenenchyma, and with close-set, lateral, alternate verrucse, about 1 millim. in diameter. The completely retractile polyps are white with a slight yellowish sheen, and are supported by groups of small colourless spicules. It is difficult to make out with certainty what the precise arrangement of these spicules is, but in two or three cases eight triangular groups were seen on the polyp wall. In the fully retracted state of the polyps the verruca appears as a rounded hillock beset with somewhat blunt spindles. The spicules of the ccenenchyma are warty spindles of very varied dimensions. The following measurements were taken in millimetres : — {a) yellow spindles, 0-45 x 0-1, 0-3 x 0-1 ; (b) colourless spindles, 0-175 x (P07, (P2 x 0-08. The colour when first examined was a bright red, but it has since become paler and shows a tint of orange. We note this change because it is unusual in Alcyonarians. The fragments in question most closely approach & kollikeri, Wright and Studer, var. ceylonensis, n., but the polyps are much more crowded and decidedly smaller, and both colour and spiculation are different. One of the fragments bore a very minute pearl oyster. Locality : — Ceylon seas. Family: PRIMNOID^. Caligorgia versluysi, n. sp. — Plate, figs. 6 and 15. The beautiful form which we recorded (Part III., p. 289) as Primnoa ellisii, von Koch, appeared to us to agree with the description given by yon Koch, and so up to a certain point it does. But Dr. J. Versluys has been good enough to point out to me that yon Koch's description is not sufficiently minute to enable one to discriminate between Primnoa (or better Caligorgia) ellisii and other species which have since been defined off. Dr. Versluys was kind enough to examine the APPENDIX TO ALCYONAEIA. 173 specimen from the Ceylonese collection and another from the Indian Museum collection (see Part III., p. 289). He regards them as representatives of two new species, distinct from von Koch's, and closely related to a new species (C. similis) which will be described in Versluys' memoir on the Primnoidae of the "Siboga" Collection. In the "Siboga" material he found that the number and arrangement of the sclerites in the polyps afforded a constant and reliable basis for specific diagnosis. We have therefore to withdraw the remarks we made on the geographical distribution of Primnoa ellisii (= Caligorgia verticillata), and we have to record from Ceylon the new species Caligorgia versluysi, the particular features of which are discussed in the following note which Dr. Versluys has generously supplied : — Note by Dr. Versluys. " I find that the Primnoid collected by Professor Herdman at Ceylon is not referable to Primnoa ellisii, von Koch. As it seems to me that von Koch was not justified in separating his species from Caligorgia verticillata (Pallas), I shall use the older name in comparing it with Heruman's species.* The Ceylonese species is decidedly more delicate than C. verticillata, and the type of ramification is different. The more important differences are stated in the following table : — 1. Characters of Herdman's Species. (a) The colony is dichotomously branched. (/<) The polyps are arranged in whorls of 3 and occasionally of 2 ; no higher number was observed. (') On a centimetre of the twigs about 8 whorls of polyps are found. (il) The length of the contracted polyps is less than 0-75 millim. {") The distance between two successive whorls generally varies between 0 ■ 6 millim. and 0 ' 75 millim. ; sometimes, however, it rises up to 1 millim. Of the 8 longitudinal rows of scales, which formed the covering of the polyps in the typical primitive Primnoinse, viz., a pair of adaxial, inner lateral, outer lateral and abaxial rows, only four rows, the abaxial and outer lateral pair, are well developed in both species. The inner lateral rows are each reduced to a single large distal * Compare Versluys, ' Primnoidae ; " Siboga " Expeditie, Monograph XIII,' second part, which is in the press. 2. Characters of Caligorgia verticillata. («.) The colony is pinnately branched. (b) On the thinnest twigs the polyps are arranged in whorls of 3, very rarely of 2 ; on the thicker branches the whorls mostly consist of 4 polyps. (c) On a centimetre there are only 5 or 6 whorls. (d) The length of the contracted polyps is 1 millim. to 1 • 25 millims. (e) This distance is 1 millim. to 1"5 millims. 174 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. scale in Herdman's species, against two large distal scales in C. verticiUata. The outer lateral rows are somewhat reduced in Herdman's species, as they number only 5 scales, against 7 (or 6 if the most basal scale is considered as belonging to the coenenchyma) in C. verticiUata. The abaxial rows in this last species consist of 9 scales each, all of nearly the same rounded form, and not extending over the sides of the polyps, which are entirely covered by the scales of the well-developed outer lateral rows. In Herdman's species the abaxial rows are formed by 10 or 11 scales of rather diverse form, as 2 or 3 are somewhat prolonged laterally over the sides of the polyps between the scales of the somewhat reduced outer lateral rows. The upper margin of the polyp scales in Herdman's species is not strongly toothed, but these teeth are well developed and more numerous in C verticiUata. In this last species the operculum forms a higher and, consequently, more pointed cone on the top of the polyp. The scales in the coenenchyma are of the same type, polygonal scales with strongly toothed irregular borders, and with the outer surface covered with radiating and anastomosing prominences. The species collected by Professor Herdman may also be easily distinguished from all the previously described dichotomously branched species of Caligorgia, viz., C. ventilabrum, modesta and compressa* It is more delicate, with smaller polyps, and none of these three species has so few polyps in each whorl, even on its thinnest twigs. There are, however, two new species in the collection made by the " Siboga " Expedition in the Malay Archipelago, which in their habit, the dimensions of their polyps, and the small number of polyps in each whorl very closely resemble Herdman's species. They will be described in my paper on the Primnoidse of the " Siboga " Expedition ; in this note I can only point out the more important differences between these two species and Herdman's. One of them, C minuta, is easily distinguished by the much less numerous and proportionately much larger scales in its polyps. The abaxial rows consist of only 5 scales, of which the 4 proximal ones extend over the sides of the polyps, where they replace the outer lateral rows, of which only one large distal scale in the upper margin of the polyps is left. The other new form, C. similis, is more closely allied to Herdman's species. But while its polyps are arranged in whorls of 3, very rarely 2, on the thinnest twigs, on the thicker branches the whorls number 4, perhaps even sometimes 5 polyps. On one centimetre length of the twigs the same number of whorls (8) is found. But the polyps are somewhat larger, measuring from 075 millim. to 0-8 millim. in length, sometimes even 1 millim., against 075 millim. or less in Herdman's species, and consequently the distance of the successive whorls is on an average somewhat less. The most important differences, however, are found in the polyps ; they are shown in the following table : — * C. elegans, Gray, is insufficiently described and a doubtful species. APPENDIX TO ALCYONARIA. 175 2. Polyps of Caligorgia similis. (a) The abaxial rows are formed by 7 scales. (/*) Of the outer lateral rows only one large distal scale is left, (r) No scale of the inner lateral row is visible when the polyps are seen from the side. ('/) The 5 proximal abaxial scales are produced laterally and replace the missing outer lateral scales. (e) No prominences are developed ; the teeth are few and feeble. 1. Polyps of Herdman's Species. («) The abaxial rows are formed by 10 (or 11) scales each. (!>) The outer lateral rows are but little reduced consisting of 5 scales each. (') When the polyps are seen from the side, the distal scale of the inner lateral row is clearly visible. (i/) The abaxial scales show no well-developed extensions over the sides of the polyps, though such an extension is clearly indicated in some of them. (e) The outer surface of the scales of the polyps is covered with prominences radiating from the nucleus and partly ending in teeth at the upper border of the scales. In both species the outer surface of the scales of the coenenchyma is covered with anastomosing prominences, many of which end in a tooth at the border of the scales. These prominences give a typical appearance to the scales of the coenenchyma ; they are more strongly developed in Herdman's species than in C. similis. They are also found in some pinnately branched species of Caligorgia, for instance, C. verticillata and C. sertosa. From this comparison it may be concluded that the Caligorgia in the collection made by Professor Herdman is a new species, recognisable by its dichotomous ramification, its delicate habit, the small number of polyps in each whorl, its very small polyps, and by the comparatively large number of scales covering the polyps. I have to thank Professor Herdman and Professor J. Arthur Thomson for their kindness in sending me some material to study this species. In many respects it resembles C. verticillata. The description given of this last species under the name Primnoa ellisii, by von Koch, though excellent and valuable in many respects, does not give many morphological details, especially in regard to the arrangement and form of the scales in the polyps. A renewed investigation was necessarv to make out how far it is different from Herdman's specimen. This investigation has shown conclusively that the two are different species, but it is readily comprehensible that Professor Thomson was led by von Koch's description to consider the species as identical." Locality : — Deep water off Galle. Family : MURICEID^E. Bebryce indica, n. sp. — Plate, fig. 3. The collection included several specimens of a Muriceid, which we have, with some hesitation, referred to the genus Bebryce. It agrees with this genus in its general features, but differs considerably in its spiculation from B. mollis, von Koch, 176 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. B. studeri, Whitelegge, B. philippi, Studer, and B. hicksoni already described by us (Part III., p. 294). In our account of B. hicksoni we referred to what might be regarded as varieties of that species, but some additional specimens which we have studied cannot so be dealt with. All are dark-coloured irregularly branched colonies, disguised by a growth of monaxonial siliceous sponge, and with one exception spreading in one plane. The exception has seven alternate branches, terminally clavate, on an average 2 millims. in diameter, and is 8 centims. in height by the same in maximum breadth. One of the specimens attained a height of 1 8 centims. The verrucse are prominent truncated cones, usually on all sides of the main stem and branches, but sometimes almost restricted to the sides in the plane of branching. They are about 1 -5 millims. in height and breadth, and are separated along one line by intervals of 1*5 millims to 2 millims. Except in a few cases, the polyps are completely retracted and the verrucae are thickly beset with sponge spicules. The axis is non-calcareous, light brown in colour, very soft and flexible, and traversed by twisted longitudinal grooves whose depth has doubtless been increased by shrinkage of the core. The diameter of the axis is about T25 millims. When the sponge spicules are carefully removed, the surface of the ccenenchyma exhibits the characteristic Bebryce appearance. There is a coherent mosaic of interlocked tuberculate discs, and large pieces can be separated off after slight heating without any loosening of the component spicules. The average thickness of the ccenenchyma is about 0"3 millim. On the few polyps which could be satisfactorily seen, there were relatively large tuberculate spindles. The following types of spicules occur : — ■ (a) Almost regular tuberculate quadriradiate forms, with more or less pronounced cruciate arms, and sometimes at least with an internal boss at right angles to the expanded disc, O'l 5 millim. x O'l 25 millim. in length and breadth of the disc. (b) Irregular quadriradiate forms, with the arms to one side longer and stronger than those to the other side; 0-25 millim. between the tips of the longest arms, 0"15 millim. between a long and a short arm, O'l millim. between the two short arms. (c) Approximately square forms, suggestive of amphiccelous vertebrae, with slightly prolonged corners and slightly concave sides, 0'175 millim. x 0'175 millim. ; and transitional forms connecting these with the pronounced quadriradiate types. (d) Tuberculate "capstans," with a very slightly marked middle zone, separating two equal portions; and a variety of this "double-club" type with the part to one side of the waist much smaller than the other — a feature prominent in the spicules of some other species of this genus ; 0'125 millim. x O'l millim. in height and breadth. (e) Small tuberculate forms, more like " double wheels" than capstans ; O'l millim. x O'l millim. in length and breadth, and 0'04 millim. across the " waist." (/) Bent, warty spindles from the polyps, including (1) short, thin, rough forms APPENDIX TO ALCYONARIA. 177 with relatively long, irregularly disposed tubercles, e.g., (P35 millim. in length by (P075 millim. at the broadest part, and (2) longer, smoother forms with relatively shorter, more regular tubercles, 0*5 millim. to 0-6 millim. in length by 0'05 millim. in maximum breadth. It is unsatisfactory that we have not been able to study the polyps of this species, but there is no doubt that some of the spicules are flattened tuberculate discs with an internal boss, approaching the so-called " scales" of Bebryce. If we are right in our diagnosis, B. indica is nearest B. hicksoni, but there the "scales" were numerous and unmistakable, and quadriradiate or cruciate forms, which are here characteristic, were not seen. Locality : — "West of Periya Paar, Gulf of Manaar. Acamptogorgia gracilis, n. sp. — Plate, figs. 12 and 13. A weathered and yet distinctive specimen, 6 centims. in height by 4 centims. in breadth. From a short distance the branches appear pinkish red, and the verrucas stand out like white papillae. Closer examination with the lens shows an exquisite mingling of red and colourless spicules, the former producing a somewhat characteristic punctate appearance. Tbe verrucas may occur on all sides of the branches, but are for the most part lateral in position ; they stand out almost at right angles to a height of about 1 millim. ; they are sometimes opposite, sometimes alternate, and the branch terminates in a pair. The ccenenchyma presents a rough surface owing to the projecting sharp points of the continuous layer of spicules. The characteristic spicules of the ccenenchyma are continued without marked change up the sides of the verrucas, the projecting tips being all directed upwards. At the top of the verruca there is a ring of horizontal spicules in two rows, and on this is based an opercular covering of eight parts, each composed of two curved foliaceous spindles. The axis is brown in colour, non-calcareous, 1'5 millims. in diameter at the base, and rather less than 0'5 millim. in the delicate twigs, where it becomes much paler in colour, almost approaching yellow. It shows at places the chambered appearance seen in some other species of this varied genus. The spicules include the following types : — (a) Curved warty spindles with a bidentate or otherwise toothed foliaceous expansion from the middle of the curve, 0'3 millim. between the tips by 0*1 millim. at the broadest part ; (h) Clubs with irregularly expanded divaricate ends, 0"25 millim. in extreme length by 0-15 millim. at the broadest part ; (c) Small irregularly stellate forms, 0*1 millim. x O'l millim. ; and (d) Forms with four or more rays, 0-3 millim. x0'2 millim. Locality : — Ceylon seas. 2 A 178 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. ■-.. Acamptogorgia rubra, n. sp. — Plate, fig. 5, and text-fig. 1. A deep crimson, incomplete colony, 5 centims. in height, giving off in one plane three lateral branches which have an average thickness of about 1 niillim. There is also a fragment about 2 centims. in length, with four twigs arising almost at right angles from the main branch, which is slightly over 1 millim. in breadth. The verrucas, 0'5 millim. in height by 1 millim. in breadth, are alternate or sub-opposite, and arise at right angles to the axis. Two occur side by side at the end of a branch. The coenenchyma is thin and presents a very prickly appearance, due to the projecting folia and spines of the beautiful crimson spicules. The axis is yellowish , 0*3 millim. to 0-4 millim. in diameter. The spicules show considerable diversity of form : — (a) Straight, warty spindles, 0-6 millim. x 0*1 millim. ; (b) Narrow, curved spindles, smooth terminally, warty about the middle, 0"6 millim. x 0'05 millim. (c) Large triradiate forms in which the shortest, almost smooth ray projects externally and often bears a foliaceous expansion, while the two larger rays are denticulate or branched to a very varied degree ; 0'6 millim. in breadth between the tips of the longest rays and 0"4 millim. in height between a line joining these internal tips and the tip of the external ray. (d) Smaller and often simpler triradiate forms, G"45 millim. in breadth and 0"25 millim. in height, and much smaller. (e) Small, very warty spindles with a foliaceous expansion about the middle, 0'2 millim. x 0"1 millim. Locality : — Ceylon seas. Fig. 1. Acamptogorgia rubra, n. sp. x 15 Muricella complanata, Wright and Studer. Reference has already been made (Part III., p. 303) to varietal forms of this species, which seem to vary considerably in detail. Another form deserves to be recorded. It differs from the type in the coloration of the spicules, large yellowish spindles covering smaller transparent ones, and others still smaller which are rose-coloured. Thus the rubbed base of the specimen is bright rose, while the upper parts are ochreous yellow — a difference which seems to be wholly due to the degree of abrasion. The verruca? show the characteristic longitudinal grouping of small spindles in eight triangles, but it may be noted that in some cases they occur opposite one another, instead of alternately as in the type, and that the diameter of their base can hardly be said to exceed a millimetre, while that in the type was 2 millims. APPENDIX TO ALCYONARIA. 179 Muricella rubra, n. sp. — Plate, figs. 2 and 7. A minute fragment of a bright-red colony with a relatively thin coenenchyma filled with long warty spindles. The verruca? are crowded and alternate, low and subcorneal, arising at right angles to the surface, and covered with spindles smaller than those of the ccenenchyma. The polyps are white and stand out conspicuously. The axis is light yellow, non- calcareous, flexible, 0"5 millim. in diameter. The general spicules of the ccenenchyma are (a) large warty spindles, straight or slightly S-shaped, l-2 x 0'2, 0"95 x (P175 millims. ; and (b) small warty spindles, 0'5 x (VI, 0'4x0"075 millim. In the polyps the spicules are transparent, slightly warty spindles, 0-25x0'04, 0"2x0-03 millim. Locality : — Ceylon seas. Family: V1RGULAMIILE. Virgularia loveni, Kolliker. We have already recorded the occurrence of representatives of V. loveni in this collection, but another specimen has come to hand which deserves notice, especially as that on which Kolliker based his species was very imperfect. This is also an incomplete specimen, but very well preserved, and presenting several features which make us hesitate in referring it to V. loveni unless Kolliker's diagnosis be somewhat modified. It is about 90 millims. in length, 5 millims. to 9 millims. in breadth, and is altogether pinnule-bearing, except 15 millims. at the broken basal part. The lower pinnules are closely crowded without visible intervals ; those on the upper portion are separated on the prorachidial surface by intervals of 1 millim. to 1'5 millims., and overlap on the metarachidial surface. There is a bare tract, 2'5 millims. in breadth, along the prorachidial surface, and up the middle of this there runs a well-marked narrow groove. The free margin of the pinnule curves like an elongated S, and its prorachidial insertion is higher than the other. Most of the pinnules are turned markedly downwards. There were 30 polyps on the pinnules counted, and a single row of zooids extends transversely in the interspace between the pinnules. The polyps are very distinct, but the indentations between the calices are shallow. The axis, which measures 2"25 millims. in diameter at the base, is cylindrical, whitish, and covered with remarkable indentations and irregular ridges. This form agrees with V. loveni in having up to 30 polyps on the pinnules, an indented ridged axis, the zooids in a single row, and so on ; but in Kolliker's specimen the pinnules were 3 millims. to 4 millims. apart, the shape was approxi- mately fan-like, and the calices were scarcely distinct. Locality : — Ceylon seas. 2 A 2 180 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. Virgularia elegans, Gray. To this imperfectly described species we refer an imperfect specimen, and if the reference be correct we can make Gray's diagnosis a little more definite. The rachis bears 106 pairs of pinnules; it is 145 millims. in length, including 1 5 millims. of exposed axis at the broken basal end ; its breadth is 2 millims. to 3 millims., and that of the axis 1'25 millims. The pinnules have a breadth and height of 2-75 millims. x 0'5 millim., 275 millims. x 2 millims., 2 2 5 millims. x 075 millim., at the base, middle portion, and top of the rachis. The interval between them is 0'25 millim. at the base and 2 millims. at the top. They bear 18 polyps in a single row. Locality : — Ceylon seas. Virgularia calycina, n. sp. — Plate, figs. 8, 9, 10, 11. An incomplete specimen, 57 millims. in length by 3 millims. to 4 millims. in breadth, altogether pinnule-bearing, except 5 millims. of bare axis at the broken basal end. The lower pinnules are closely crowded, with no intervals between them, but in the upper portion of the rachis they become distant, being separated by intervals of 175 millims. There is a bare streak, about 075 millim. in breadth, along the prorachidial surface. The pinnules are substantial and distinct, though relatively narrow, and their prorachidial insertion is very markedly higher than the other. The curve of their free margin is a crescent. On each of those counted there were 18 very distinct calices, with conspicuous longitudinal grooves. When the polyps are retracted, the calices are ovoid in shape, about 1 millim. in height, with a minute circular aperture. The polyps appear to be arranged, except the first three or four at the prorachidial side, in two alternating rows, but this is simply due to the fact that they are alternately shunted to opposite sides along the margin of the pinnule. The inferior surface of the pinnule is strongly marked by eighteen parallel ridges, each corre- sponding to a calyx or polyp. On the upper surface there are similar markings, but less pronounced. Some of the polyps contain ova. Here and there a few minute lateral zooids were seen in a row about halfway between two pinnules. The axis is white and cylindrical, with somewhat delicate and complex markings. This form should be ranked among those species of Virgularia which Kolliker described as having distinct pinnules, distinct calices, zooids in one row or in two rows, with the ventral insertion higher than the dorsal, with non-transparent, crescent-shaped pinnules, — that is to the artificial section including V. mirabilis (0. F. Muller) (with 6 to 9 polyps), V. multifiora, Kner (with 11 to 15 polyps), and some uncertain forms. But from V. multifiora this new form is at once distinguishable by the markedly separate calices, and also by their number, &c, In V. juncea, again, the pinnules are very slight, and the calices are not separate ; in APPENDIX TO ALCYONARIA. 181 V. reinwardtii there are 18 polyps, but the calices are not separate. The present specimen appears to be nearest V. elegans, Gray, but in that species the pinnules are much less distinct, the number of calices is 14 to 24, and the calices are "scarcely separate at the margin." Locality :— Ceylon seas. Virgularia indica, n. sp. Several incomplete specimens, about 12 centims. in length by 5 millims. to 6 millims. in breadth, bearing over 120 pairs of pinnules. About a fourth of these are well developed and are separated by intervals of 075 millim. On the upper region of the prorachidial surface there is a bare streak 2 millims. in breadth, which becomes a narrow line in the lower half of the colony. On the lower half of the metarachidial surface there is a deep channel left up the middle between the two rows of pinnules, but higher up this is lost, since the opposite pinnules meet or regularly overlap. There were 15 polyps on all the pinnules counted and the siphonozooids occur in equal number in a row midway between two pinnules or near the base of the upper pinnule. The ovoid calices are distinctly marked off from one another and the translucent pinnule shows grooves and ridges corresponding in number to the polyps. Several ova were seen in the pinnules. The axis is cylindrical, about 1 millim. in diameter, and covered by a reddish-brown investment. As regards the number of polyps on a pinnule, this form resembles V. multiflora, Kner, which Jungersen regards as merely a variety of V. mirabilis (O. F. Muller). But the pinnules are much closer together, they often show an S-shaped curve, and they are translucent ; the calices are distinctly separated from one another ; the axis is flexible and covered with a reddish investment. It therefore seems necessary to establish a new species. Locality : — Modragam Paar, Gulf of Manaar. It may seem remarkable that Professor Herdman should have found in a short time within a limited area no fewer than six species of Virgularia. This is the more extraordinary since the rich collection of deep-water Alcyonarians made by the 'Investigator" in the Indian Ocean does not include a single representative of the genus. It seems extraordinary, almost suspicious, that the handful of Vivgulavice before us should include three new species, in spite of our endeavours to unite these with others previously described. We would therefore note that : — (1) V. tuberculata is conspicuously characterised by its red tuberculated axis and by the six, relatively large, very distinct, barrel-shaped polyps on each small pinnule ; (2) V. calycina is conspicuously characterised by its 18 very distinct ovoid calices on each prominently ridged pinnule ; (3) V. indica approaches V. multiflora, but differs in having the pinnules much 182 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. closer, often S-shaped, translucent, with distinctly separated calices, and in other characters. Family : CAVERNULARIID^E. Fusticularia herdmani, Simpson — Plate, figs. 16 to 22, and text-fig. 2. I entrusted to Mr. J. J. Simpson, M.A., my private assistant, a small club-like specimen which had been overlooked in the first study of Professor Herdman's collection. It had, indeed, so much resemblance to a corticate sponge that it was originally sent for examination to Professor Dendy. The accompanying text-figure (fig. 2) is a reproduction of a drawing of the colony made by Professor Dendy. Mr. Simpson has published an account of this interesting form in the ' Annals and Magazine of Natural History,' xv. (1905), pp. 561-5, 1 plate, and has named it appropriately Fusticularia herdmani, gen. et sp. n. The specimen is a small free-living sponge-like colony, 37 centime, in length, 1*7 centims. in breadth, and 1 centim. thick. It consists of a flattened ovoid stock separated by a constriction from a comparatively slender trunk 1 "2 centims. long and 0"6 centim. in breadth. The general colour is a dark brown, approaching chocolate. The zooids are dimorphic, the smaller siphonozooids being scattered irregularly among the larger autozooids, which Pig. 2. Fusticuiaria herdmani, ai'e separated by distances varying from 1 millim. to .Simpson, x 2. 3 millims. The zooids are completely retractile into pit- like depressions, about 0*5 millim. in diameter. The length of a fully expanded autozooid is about 0'75 millim. to 1 millim. and the tentacles measure 07 millim. Three longitudinal canals traverse the colony throughout its entire length. The coenenchyma is densely spiculose. The spicules, which vary greatly in form and size in the different parts of the colony, are arranged in bundles supporting the polyp cavities. All are hyaline and smooth and the majority bear blunt digitiform terminations which are often marked by characteristic annulations. The most frequent types are the following : blunt spindles, cylinders, clubs, double barrels and palmate forms. They vary in size from 0-3x0-05 millim. in the cortical layer of the stock to 0-45x0-025 millim. in the trunk. Among the characteristic features of this genus the following are most noteworthy : (a) the minuteness of the zooids ; (b) the absence of an axis ; (c) the broadly palmate spicules ; (d) the elliptical trunk ; (e) the constriction between stock and trunk; (f) the number (3) of canals in the stock ; (g) the small number of autozooids. APPENDIX TO ALCYONAMA. 183 The diagnosis reads : — " A somewhat sponge-like cavernnlarid, with a flattened ovoid stock separated by a constriction from a comparatively slender sterile trunk; with dimorphic retractile polyps, the antozooids not exceeding 1 niilliin. in length, the much smaller siphonozooids scattered irregularly among the autozooids ; with abundant densely spiculate ccenenchyma, traversed by three longitudinal central canals passing down into the trunk ; with smooth hyaline spicules bearing peculiar digit iform terminal processes and showing very characteristic annulations, especially near the ends." Locality : — Cheval Paar, Gulf of Manaar, 6 fathoms. Note. — Further inquiry into the history of the specimen listed by Professor Herdman and Mr. Hornell in their diaries as a possible Corallium sp. has shown that this tentative identification was mistaken. We therefore withdraw the para- graph referring to this specimen on p. 289 of Part III. of this Report. — J. A. T. 184 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. Complete List of the Species of Alcyonaria reported on : — Order I. : Stolonifera. Family : Clavulariidte. *Clavularia margaritifero?, n. sp. Order II. : Alcyonacea. Family : Xeniida;. Xenia ternatana, Schenck. „ wmbellata, Sav. Family: Alcyoniidse. *BeUoneUa indica, n. sp. Family : Nephthyidae. Nephthya chabrolii, Aud., var. ceylonensis, n. „ lobuNfera, Holm. * „ ceylonensis, n. sp. *Eunephthya purpurea, n. sp. * Paraspongodes striata, n. sp. *Capnella manaarensis, n. sp. Spongodes bicolor, Wright and Studer. „ „ „ „ var. ceylon- ensis, n. ,, ,, „ „ \ar. dubia, n. „ rosea, Kukenthal. ,, armata, Holm., var. ceylonensis, n. „ dendrophyta, Wright and Studer. „ splendens, Kukexthal. ,, cerviconiis, Wright and Studer. ,, involuta, Kukenthal. „ piitteri, Kukexthal. ,, microspicnlata, Putter. „ „ var. ceylonensis, n. * „ pulckra, n. sp. * ,, awantiaca, n. sp. Family : Siphonogorgiidse. *Paraniphthya pratti, n. sp. Ckironephthya variabilis, Hickson. * „ iiulica, n. sp. Siphonogorgia pustulosa, Wright and Studer. „ viiniacea, Kukenthal. „ lullikeri, Wright and Studer. Order III. : Pseudaxonia. Family : Briareidse. Solenocaidon torluosum, Gray. Family : Sclerogorgiidse. Keroeides gracilis, Whitelegge. Suberogorgia verriadata, Esper. „ kbllikeri, Wright 'and Studer, var. ceylonensis, n. * ,, rubra, n. sp. Order IV. : Axifera. Family : Primnoidse. *C'aligorgia versluysi, n. sp. Family : Muriceidse. Acanthogorgia miiricata, Verrill, var. ceylonensis, n. * ,, media, n. sp. * ,, ceylonensis, n. sp. *Aslromuricea ramosa, n. sp. Echinomuricea indo-malaccensis, Ridley. * ,, ceylonensis, n. sp. Echinogorgia pseudosasappo, Kolliker. „ multispinosa, n. sp. * Heterogorgia verrilli, n. sp. *Bebryce hicksoni, n. sp. * „ indica, n. sp. Acamptogorgia spinosa, Hiles. „ ,, „ var. ceylonensis, n. * „ atra, n. sp. ,, gracilis, n. sp. * ,, rubra, n. sp. Acis orienlalis, Ridley. * „ indica, n. sp. * ,, alba, n. sp. * „ ceylonensis, n. sp. „ ,, ,, var. imbricata. Muricella nitkla, Verrill. „ cmnplanata, Wright and Studer. * ,, ramosa, n. sp. * „ ceylonensis, n. sp. * „ rubra, n. sp. APPENDIX TO ALCYONARIA. 185 Family: Plexauridae. Plemwra prcelonga, var. typica (Ridley). „ „ ,, elongata, n. „ antipathes, Klunzinger, var. flemosa, n. Family : Gorgoniid;r. Lopkogorgia lidkeni, Wright and Studer. „ rubrotincta, u. sp. „ irregularis, n. sp. Leptogergiaj australiensis, Ridley, var. flavotincta. „ perflam. (?) sp. *Stenogorgia ceylonensis, n. sp. Gorgonia capensis, Hickson. Rhipidogorgia sp. Family : Gorgonellidse. * Scirpearella aurantiaca, n. sp. * „ divisa, n. sp. „ sp. a. sp. /3. sp. y. Srirjit'dria sp. Juncella gemmacea, VALENCIENNES. ,, juncea, Pallas. ,, fragilis, Ridley. „ ,, „ var. rubra, n. * ,, trilineata, n. sp. Verruccllafli citosa, Kluxzinger, var. aurantiaca, n. ,, ,, ,, „ gallensis, n. * „ rubra, n. sp. Order V. : Stelechotokea Section I. : Asiphonacea. Family: Telestidse. Telcsto rubra, Hickson. „ (Oarijoa) trichostemma, Wright and Studer. Section II. : Pennatulacea. Family : Umbellulidfe. Umbdlula sp. Family : Virgulariida3. Virgularia multiflora, Kner. „ loveni, Kolliker. „ elegans, Gray. * „ tuberculoid, n. sp.J * ,, cahjcina, n. sp. * „ inclica, n. sp. Family : Pennatulidas. Halisccptrwn gustavianum, Herklots. „ periycnse, n. sp. Pteroeides lacazti, var. spinosum, Kolliker. Family : Veretillidae. Cavernularia obesa, Valenciennes. *Stylobelcmnoides herdmani, n. gen. et sp. *Fusticularia herdmani, n. gen. et sp., Simpson. * There are thus forty-two new species described in this report. t Ridley has changed this title to Gorgonia austra.lie.nsis, ' Journ. Linn. Soc, Zool.,' xxi. (1888), p. 238. I Non Virgularia hdierculata,, Marshall, 1883 (= Virgularia cladiscus, Jungersen, 1904). 2 B 186 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. EXPLANATION OF PLATE. Fig. 1. Chironephthya indica, n. sp. ; two groups of anthocodial "point" spicules. ,, 2. Mur'n-i I la r ultra, n. sp. ; showing texture of the surface, x 2. ,, 3. Bebryce indica, n. sp. ; spicules. „ 4. Suberogorgia rubra, n. sp. ; showing texture and verrucas, x 10. ,, 5. Acamptogorgia rubra, n. sp. ; showing branching and the alternate verrucas, x 2. „ G. Caligorgia versluysi, n. sp. „ 7. Muricclla rubra, n. sp. ; spicule. ,, 8. Virgularia cahjcina, n. sp. ; the entire specimen. ,, 9, 10, 11. Virgularia cahjcina, n. sp. ; pinnules at various levels. „ ] 2. Acamptogorgia gracilis, n. sp. ; showing spinose texture of the ccenenehyma, and the eight triangles of anthocodial spicules, x 10. ,, 13. „ „ types of spicules. „ 14. Chironephthya indica, n. sp. ; a large curved spindle with tubercles. „ 15. Caligorgia versluyi, n. sp. Drawn by Dr. Versluys. op., operculum; o., abaxial row; l.} outer lateral row; i., inner lateral row; sc, basal scale of abaxial row, or belonging to general ccenenehyma. ,, 16. Acamptogorgia rubra, n sp. ; types of spicules. ,, 17. Ftisticularia herdmani ; spicules of the body parenchyma. „ 18. „ transverse section of the stock, showing three central canals. ,, 19. ,, portion of the surface enlarged, showing different stages of retraction of autozooids. ,, 20. ,, entire colony. Natural size. ,,21. ,, spicules of the cortical layer. ,, 22. ,, spicules of the trunk. CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT ALCYONARIA SUPPLEMENTARY PLATE. ' m %*s& ;fij W vV f.;-. 13 1 19. 20 21 E.Wils. * [CEYLON PEARL OYSTER FISHERIES— 1905— SUPPLEMENTARY REPORTS, No. XXIX.] REPORT ON THE SOLITARY CORALS COLLECTED BY Professor HERDMAN, at CEYLON, in 1902. BY GILBERT C. BOURNE, M.A., D.Sc, F.L.S., FELLOW AND TUTOR OF NEW COLLEGE, OXFORD. [With FOUR PLATES and FIVE FIGURES in the Text.] The following paper contains an account of a small but remarkably interesting collection of Solitary Corals from Ceylon, which Professor Herdman has kindly entrusted to me for identification and description. The collection includes five species of Turbinolidse, of which two are apparently new to science, three species of Flabellidae, six species of Fungiidse and seven species of Eupsammiidse. There are, in addition, some specimens of Cyathohelia, sp. incert., and other colonial corals, but as it is my intention to confine myself to a description of the solitary corals and to species closely related to them, these compound forms will not be included in the present memoir. As every student of corals knows, the classification and identification of the Turbinolidas and Eupsammiidse is attended with no inconsiderable difficulties. The greater number of the genera and species described by Milne-Edwards and Haime (35 and 36) were fossil and the type specimens have been inaccessible to me. The researches of the last forty years have added a considerable number of recent, as well as fossil species, some of which are undoubtedly identical with forms described by older authors ; others are undoubtedly new, but many must be regarded as doubtful, for there is ample evidence that varieties have frequently been classed as sjjecies, and the identity of recently discovered living genera and species with previously described 2 B 2 188 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. fossil species has in several cases been overlooked. Hence one cannot deal with any collection of Turbinolida3 and Eupsammiidse, however small, without entering upon a criticism of these families, and, unfortunately, my claims to undertake such a criticism are limited. A short study of the literature of the subject is sufficient to convince one that no sufficient degree of exactitude can be attained without a study of the original specimens on which the genera and species were founded. But these are largely contained in foreign museums, which I have been unable to visit, or were included in private collections which have been dispersed and are no longer traceable. The British Museum is rich in the possession of the " Challenger" collections and in duplicates of species collected by Pourtales, but it is singularly poor in Eupsammiidae, and a careful search among the named specimens of this family failed to bring to light anything that was of assistance in disentangling the difficulties attendant on its classification. I have, therefore, had to rely chiefly on published descriptions and illustrations, and these are, in many cases, too vague and inaccurate to be of material assistance. I wished, when I undertook this piece of work at Professor Herdman's recpiest, to make a thorough examination of the anatomy of the soft parts as well as of the coralla of the specimens he entrusted to me, but this I found was impossible, as several of the more important species were represented only by a single specimen and it was necessary to dissolve away the soft parts in order to identify the coralla. T have, however, made a tolerably thorough investigation of the anatomy of three forms, Heterocyathus cpquicostatus, Heteropsammia rnichelinii, and Dendrophyllia gracilis. As a matter of convenience this paper will be divided into two sections, the first dealing with the systematic description of the coralla contained in Professor Herdman's collection, the second with the details of the anatomy of the three above- mentioned species. PART I.-SYSTEMATIC. Family : TUEBINOLID^E (pars.), M. Edwards and Haime* M. Edwards and Haime divided the Turbinolidae into the two sub-families Caryophyllince. with one or more crowns of pali, and Turbinolinae, without pali. The Caryophyllinse were further subdivided into Caryophylliacese, with a single circle of pali, and Trochocyathacese, with more than one circle of pali. The Turbinolinse were subdivided into the Turbinoliacea?, destitute of epitheca, and Flabellacefe, in which " the wall is completely covered by a pellicular epitheca." Martin Duncan, in his revision of the families and genera of the Madreporaria (13), abolished the sub-families * 'Ann. des Sci. Nat.,' 3e ser., t. ix., 1848, and 'Hist. Nat. des Corall.,' t. ii., p. 7, 1857; P. M. Duncan, "Revision of the Madreporaria," 'Journ. Linn. Soc.,' vol. xviii., "Zoology," 1885. SOLITARY CORALS. 189 of M. Edwards and Haime depending on the presence or absence of pali, and created in their stead three sub-families Turbinolidsa simplices, Turbinolidas gemmantes and Turbinolidae reptantes. The first of these includes nearly the whole of the Caryo- phyllinae and Turbinolinoe of M. Edwards and Haime and is divided into seven alliances, viz.,Smilotrochoida, Flabelloida, Placotrochoida,Turbinoloida, Trochocyathoida, Discocyathoida and Haplophylloida. Want of space and want of material forbid my entering upon a criticism of Duncan's classification, and I must content myself with remarking that it has been of no great assistance to systematists, and that the older classification of M. Edwards and Haime has been generally preferred to it by recent writers. Both classifications agree in placing the genus Flabelhmi and its allies as a subordinate group of the Turbinolkke, and the most recent writer on the genus Flabelhnu, Mr. J. Stanley Gardiner (22), adopts the classification of Duncan, giving, however, a definition of the "Flabelloida," which I cannot find anywhere in Duncan's paper. As I shall have to enter more fully into the structure and classification of Flabelhmi and its allies in a subsequent part of this paper, I need only say here that I am of the opinion that they differ from all other Turbinolidse in several important characters, but chiefly in the fact that their wall is a persistent prototheca (Bernard, 4), which is not thickened externally by a secondary deposit of calcareous substance laid down by an "edge zone" or " perisarc," this latter structure being, indeed, absent. They must, therefore, be classified apart in a family Flabellidre, and the Turbinolidae, after the removal of the Flabellidae, may be defined as follows : — Corallum simple, or forming colonies by gemmation from the wall or from stoloniform basal outgrowths. The wall is thickened externally by the secondary deposit of calcareous tissue formed by the edge-zone, and is solid, variously ornamented with costas, granules and spines, the spaces between the costas sometimes filled up by the deposit. The upper part of the wall commonly formed by the union of the enlarged outer ends of the septa. Epitheca, when present, pellicular or lamellar, closely adherent. The septa commonly exsert and solid. Septal loculi open to the base. Pali may or may not be present. Columella present or absent ; when present it may be essential or parietal and of very various shape and composition. Paracyathus, M. Edwards and Haime.* This genus is easily recognised by its numerous lobate pali, scarcely distinguishable from the prominences of the columella. The pali, however, should more correctly be described as paliform lobes, as they are clearly thickenings of the inner ends of the septa, and the outermost of the several crowns, at any rate, do not extend to the base. The original definition of the genus given by M. Edwards and Haime, in * 'Ann. des Sci. Nat. Zool.,' 3e s<5r., t. ix., p. 318, 1848; 'Hist. Nat. des Cor.,' t. ii., p. 52, 1857; 1'. M. Duncan, " Rev. Madrep.," 'Journ. Linn. Soc.,' vol. xviii., "Zool.," p. 24, 1885. 190 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. 1848, was amended in the ' Hist. Nat. des Coralliaires ' ; in the former the columella was described as " tres developpe"e," the pali as " tres dlevds," but both these characters are exceedingly variable, and in the ' Hist. Nat. des Coralliaires ' the definition of the structures in question runs thus : "La columelle est formde des tigelles qui paraissent naitre du bord interne et inferieur des cloisons, et qui sont d'autant plus elevees qu'elles sont plus dxtdrieures ; sa surface est papilleuse et concave. Les palis paraissent se detacher egalement de la partie infdrieure des cloisons, et se distinguent a peine des tigelles columellaires." The species of the genus are not easy to determine with certainty. Lacaze Duthiers (33) gives excellent photographs of P. striatus, and Duncan (11) gives several species from different parts of the world, but all these are obviously different from the specimens in Professor Herdman's collection. It should be observed that the initial and therefore solitary corallites of the arborescent Cyathohelia closely resemble Para- cyathus, the septal pali and columella being almost identical, and I am inclined to think that several of the described species of Paracyathus are nothing more than young Cyathohelise. Paracyathus stokesi, M. Edw. and H. There are three specimens of Paracyathus in Professor Herdman's collection ; they were taken at different times from different localities and differ from one another in details, but their resemblance is sufficiently close to lead me to refer them all to P. stokesi, M. Edw. and H. (35, plate x., figs. 7 and 7a). Specimen a is from Trincomalee. The corallum is 17 millims. in height ; the calice elliptical, its longer axis measuring 13 millims., its shorter axis 8 millims. The calice is depressed at either end of the long axis. The septa correspond very closely with M. Edwards and Haime's description of P. stokesi, but the fifth cycle is incomplete, and the outer ends of the primary and secondary septa are scarcely, if at all, thickened. The costae differ from those of P. stokesi, in being so slightly developed that they are scarcely distinguishable at a short distance below the level of the calice. Specimen b is from Galle. Height of corallum 14 millims. ; longer axis of the calice 12 millims. ; shorter axis 9 millims. Septal arrangement as in specimen a, but the septa are rather thicker externally. The calicular fossa is deeper, the columella less develojjed, and the septal pali stouter and more prominent than in a. The costse agree exactly with M. Edwards and Haime's description of P. stokesi; they are rather broad, distinct to the base, and thickly covered with granules. Specimen c is from deep water near Galle. Height of corallum 1 4 millims. ; longer axis of calice 7 millims. ; shorter axis 6 millims. This specimen resembles P. pro- cumbens, M. Edw. and H, from the Eocene of Hauteville, in the following characters. The corallum is curved and the calice inclined to one side ; the calice is subcircular and rather deep ; the septa are somewhat exsert and their external ends project SOLITARY CORALS. 191 beyond the lip of the calice ; the costae are somewhat slender and form sharp ridges projecting unequally at different levels, but never prominently. On the other hand, it resembles P. caryophyllus, from the Eocene of Sheppey, in having only four cycles of septa. (It seems very probable that these two Eocene species are identical, the presence or absence of a fifth cycle of septa not being sufficient to distinguish them.) I have no hesitation in referring a and b to P. stokesi, but I am more uncertain about c. If it cannot be referred to this species, it cannot be anything else than P. procumbens; but a comparison of M. Edwards and Haime's figm-es (35, plate x., figs. 6 and 7) lead me to believe that the latter species is only a variety of P. stokesi, and that the three Ceylonese specimens are local varieties of that species. Paracyathus striatus, Philippi. Cyathina striata, Philippi, ' Arch, fur Natur.,' 1842, vol. 1, p. 48. Paracyathus striatus, M. Edwards and Haime, 'Pol. foss. des terr. palseoz.,' 1851, p. 25. A single specimen, from deep water off Galle, which only came into my hands after this paper was written, must clearly be referred to this species. Rhodocyathus, n. gen. Corallum simple, free, saucer-shaped, with signs of former adherence. Calice sub- circular, wide, shallow. Columella essential, well developed, composed of numerous oblique thin overlapping lamellae whose upper edges are produced into numerous flattened spines. Septa in six systems and five cycles, the last cycle incomplete. The primary and secondary septa subequal, very exsert, arched at their outer ends and sloping inwards to join the columella ; their upper margins furnished with blunt spines ; their outer margins produced into sharp and prominent spines where they pass into the costse ; the surfaces of the septa marked with broad radiating ridges corresponding to the marginal spines, the whole surface finely granular. Tertiary septa similar to the primaries and secondaries, but smaller and less exsert. The quaternary much smaller than the tertiary septa, and bending inwards to join the latter near the columella. The quinary septa mostly very small and free at their inner ends ; where they are longer they generally become attached to an adjacent septum, usually to a quaternary, but in some cases to a primary, secondary, or tertiary; the inner ends of the quinary and quaternary septa are very thin and cribriform. The costse corresponding to the first four cycles of septa form distinct fairly prominent ridges covered with fine granulations ; those corresponding to the fifth cycle very small ; the costae of opposite ends meet below and cover in the basal scar of attachment. Rhodocyathus ceylonensis, n. sp. — Plate I., figs. 1 and 1a. The characters are those of the genus. A single specimen from Trincomalee. The dry corallum is of a yellowish colour, and measures about 18 millims. in height L92 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. from the rounded base to the top of a primary septum. The calice is subcircular, measuring 35 millims. in its longer and 33 millims. in its shorter diameter. The columella is oval, measuring 10 millims. X 6 millims., and has a horizontal surface. The specimen was evidently fixed in early life and has become detached, the scar of detachment being healed over in a peculiar manner by the continuation of sixteen costas round the bottom of the corallum, to meet and fuse with their fellows of the opposite side. These costse belong to the septal systems at either end of the longer axis of the calice ; the costse of the lateral systems converge below and unite to form two somewhat irregular and not very conspicuous lateral basal prominences. The specimen was completely covered by soft tissues, but these had to be removed to facilitate the study of the corallum. I have been unable to refer this specimen to any known genus, and have therefore made the new genus Rhodocyathus to contain it. The name is descriptive of the shape of the calice, which bears a resemblance to a conventional rose. It differs from all the members of Duncan's Turbinoloida in the characters of the columella. It is distinguished from the majority of the Trochocyathoid alliance by the absence of pali, and its shape and the character of its septa and costse mark it off from the somewhat vague and all-embracing genus Ceratotrochus, as defined by Duncan. It cannot be placed in any genus of the Discocyathoid alliance, nor yet among the Haplophylloida. The presence of a columella separates it from all the Smilotrochoida ; the character of the columella prevents its being placed among the Placotrochoida ; and it certainly is not a Flabelloid. The genus shows most affinity to Ceratotrochus and Delto- cyathus, and may be described as a Trochocyathoid without pali. Cyathotrochus, n. gen. Corallum simple, free, without a trace of adherence, forming a short, laterally compressed cone. Costse moderately prominent near the lip of the calice, but scarcely distinguishable below and indistinguishable near the bluntly pointed base ; the primary and secondary costse somewhat more prominent than the tertiaries, which in turn are rather more prominent than the quaternaries ; the costse corresponding to the primary septum at each end of the longer axis of the calice much more prominent than the rest and continued as sharp ridges about half-way down the corallum, but not forming aliform expansions. Calice elliptical, subplane. Columella essential, with a papillary upper surface, projecting slightly in the calice. Septa in six systems and four regular cycles ; the primary and secondary septa subequal, moderately exsert, arched above, with nearly vertical inner margins, their surfaces ornamented with rows of relatively large granules, arranged nearly parallel to the inner margins. Paliform lobes, separated from the septa by a deep but narrow notch, stand in front of the first three cycles of septa and connect them with the columella ; those in front of the tertiaries are the largest, but they do not form chevrons or deltas. SOLITARY CORALS. 193 Cyathotrochus herdmani, n. sp. — Plate L, figs. 2 and 2a. Height of corallum, 7 millims. ; longer axis of calice, 10 millims. ; shorter axis, 7 5 millims. The characters are those of the genus. The septa and the bluntly pointed basal part of the corallum are white, the rest of the wall of a dull Indian-red colour. The wall and costee are covered with close-set but very fine granules, which can only be distinguished by the aid of a strong lens. A single specimen from the west of Periya Paar. After some hesitation I have founded a new genus to receive this species, which does not correspond exactly with any described genus of the Turbinolidse. It is undoubtedly closely allied to Troehocyathus, from which it differs only in the form of the pali, which should perhaps be described as paliform lobes rather than true pali, us they are evidently the thickened inner continuations of the septa, separated from the latter by a notch which, although fairly deep, does not extend to the bottom of the septum. These pali, or paliform lobes, form a single crown, not two crowns as in Troehocyathus, and they do not form chevrons as in Trojndocyathus. The characteristic feature of the species is the keel-like projection of the costse at each end of the long axis of the corallum, suggesting an affinity to Tropidocyathus (Troehocyathus) lessoni. But in this latter species, as Michelins' (34) and Alcock's (3) figures show very clearly, the corresponding costa? are very much enlarged and form aliform expansions extending round the base of the corallum, whereas in Cyathotrochus they are but slightly enlarged to form ridges extending scarcely half way to the base. Heterocyathus, M. Edwards and Haime (35). Stephanoseris, M. Edwards and Haime (38). Heterocyathus aequicostatus, M. Edw. and H. Stephanoseris rousseaui, M. Edw. and H., 'Hist. Nat. des Cor.,' t. iii., p. 56, 1860. H. philippinensis, Semper, 'Zeit. Wiss. Zool.,' xxii., p. 254, 1872. H. parasiticus, Semper, loc. cit. H. pulchellus, Rehberg, ' Abh. Ver. Hamb.,' xii., p. 8, 1892. H. oblongatus, Rehberg, loc. cit. H. aequicostatus, J. C. Gardiner, 'Mar. Invest, in South Africa,' "Turbinolid Corals," 1904. Professor Herdman's collection contains numerous specimens of this interesting species, of all sizes, and apparently collected from all the localities in which he dredged. Mr. Stanley Gardiner has recently shown how very variable this species is, and has absorbed the various species of Semper and Eehberg. The Ceylonese specimens also show great variety, and, though I have not as large a collection for comparison as Mr. Gardiner, I have no doubt of the identity of these specimens with //. aequicostatus, and further, I have no doubt that the forms first described by 2 c 194 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. M. Edwards and Haime as H. roussetmi and afterwards as Stephanoseris rousseaui are identical with H. cequicostatus. The genus Stephanoseris was created, M. Edwards and Haime tell us, to contain the species first described by them as H. rousseaui, but subsequently found to possess synapticula, the presence of which involved its removal to the Fungiidae. Subsequent authors, including Duncan, have accepted the genus Stephanoseris, the last-named remarking that he places it with much doubt among the Fungiidse, for he could not find synapticula in any of his specimens. Omitting for the moment any reference to synapticula, we find that S. rousseaui differs from H. cequicostatus (1) in having costee of unequal size, the tertiaries being particularly large; ('2) in having four instead of five cycles of septa ; (3) in the fact that the septa do not project externally. Among the specimens in Professor Herdman's collection there are individuals with all the characters of H. cequicostatus, and every intermediate grade between these and individuals identical with S. rousseaui. Further, I have found well-marked synapticular structures in every individual that I have examined, so there can be no doubt that the forms described as Stephanoseris rousseaui are only varieties of the forms described as Heterocyathus cequicostatus, and for reasons that I will explain in the latter half of this paper 1 prefer to retain the latter name and to place the genus among the Turbinolidse. Synapticula have, been found to be common to so many different kinds of corals that their presence is no longer a reason for including any given form among the Fungiidse. It should be mentioned that the synapticula of Heterocyathus cannot be seen on mere inspection of the corallum, as they are hidden by the swollen upper ends of the septa. In order to see them it is necessary to make sections or to grind down the corallum below the level of the exsert septa, when they are at once apparent, as is seen in fig. II. Thus one can easily under- stand how both M. Edwards and Haime and Duncan, as well as other authors, have failed to recognise their presence. The genus Psammoseris is described by M. Edwards and Haime as resembling Stephanoseris (Heterocyathus) in almost every respect, except that it has no pali. Not having access to the type specimens of Psammoseris, I cannot speak with certainty on this subject, but I am inclined to think that the genus was founded upon a variety of Heterocyathus, in which the pali are so slightly developed as to be indistinguishable from the papilliform columella. An inspection of Gardiner's excellent photographs of Heterocyathus (23, plate iii., figs. 13 to 19) shows that such a reduction of the pali is not uncommon. Psamruo- seris, like Heterocyathus and Heteropsaminia, fixes itself in the young state on a gastropod shell, which it subsequently envelops, and in the adult the shell, and the spiral basal cavity continuous with it, is tenanted by a Sipunculid of the genus Aspidosiphon. I shall refer to this interesting association in a subsequent part of this paper, and I give in the second part a detailed account of the anatomy and minute structure of the corallum of Heterocyathus. SOLITARY CORALS. 195 Family : FLABELLID7E. Simple corals, multiplying asexually by transverse fission from a fixed nurse-stock. Corallum more or less compressed and flabelliform or cuneiform. Calice elongated ; elliptical or angular at the extremities of the long axis. Septa numerous, increasing in number during the growth of the corallum, chiefly by the addition of new septa in the systems contiguous to the dnective septa, in such a manner as to appear to be arranged in a variable number of ternary systems. The columella may be essential and lamellar, or parietal and formed by the union of spines or trabecular projecting from the lower ends of the principal septa. The wall is protothecal, and increases in thickness only by addition to the inside surface. There is no edge-zone. Costa? rudimentary or absent. Protothecal spines commonly present. Genera : — Flabellum, Lesson, and Placotrochus, M. Edwards and Haime. The Flabellida?, as characterised above, differ from all the other Turbinolidse, among which they have hitherto been placed, in the absence of an edge-zone, that is, of soft tissues external to the wall. The wall, as von Koch pointed out (30), is an " epitheca," or, if we adopt the more exact nomenclature of Bernard, a " proto- theca," that is to say, it is a direct upward continuation of the primitive basal cup common to all Madreporarian corals, of which the development has been carefully described by von Koch (28), de Lacaze Duthiers (33), and Duerden (10). As there are no soft tissues external to the prototheca, it can only increase in thickness by addition from within, and a section of the wall of Flabellum shows that the "dark line of growth," which lies in or near the middle of the theca of other corals, is here on the outside. As the wall does not increase in thickness externally, the costas are very feebly developed, and there is an absence of the ridges, spines, and other external ornamentations formed by the deposit of additional calcareous matter on the outside of the wall by the activity of the calicoblasts of the edge-zone. The spinous processes and rootlets found in most members of the Flabellida? are hollow, and only become solid by the secondary deposit of calcareous matter within. Thus they differ from ordinary costal spines, and their mode of formation, by local extensions of the lip of the calice, has been indicated by de Lacaze Duthiers (33). In all the Turbinolidse, as here limited, there is a distinct and usually well-developed edge- zone. Hence the wall increases in thickness, both externally and internally, and there are well-developed costal ridges, variously ornamented with granules, tubercles, or spines, or sometimes the furrows between the costal ridges may be filled up by a secondary deposit of an " epithecal " character, formed by the calicoblastic layer of the edge-zone. Moreover, in the typical Turbinolidse, the septa grow in height well beyond the limits of the protothecal cup, and are either prominently exsert or their peripheral margins are thickened and become attached to one another, forming the so-called pseudotheca of Ortmann. The marked difference in the structure and growth of the wall seems a sufficient reason for separating Flabellum and its allies 2 c 2 196 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. from the rest of the Turbinolidse, and placing them in a separate family, Flabellidae, and the septal arrangements and the peculiar mode of multiplication by transverse fission, characteristic of the family, are additional reasons for keeping it apart. Gardiner (23) has shown that the genera Blastotrochus, M. Edw. and H., and Rhizotrochus, M. Edw. and H., must be absorbed. I have not been able to examine Duncan's fossil genus Thysanus, and I do not include it in the family Flabellidse, as here defined, because it has well developed granular and minutely spined costse, which seem to indicate an external thickening of the wall. The genus Placotroehus was not included by Duncan (13) in his alliance Flabel- loida, but was placed, along with Sphenotrochus, Nototrochus, Plaeoeyathvs, and Platytrochus in an alliance Placotrochoida, characterised by the presence of an essential lamellar columella. For this I can find no justification whatever. Placo- trochus has no edge-zone ; its wall is protothecal and devoid of costas ; it has the compressed flabelliform or cuneiform shape characteristic of Flabellum ; it reproduces itself asexually by transverse fission from a nurse-stock, and the truncated free forms have a basal scar exactly like that of Flabellum ; it has protothecal spines ; its septal arrangements are those of Flabellum, The only point of difference is the essential lamellar columella, but this cannot outweigh the other characters, and the well- preserved specimens of this genus in Professor Herdman's collection show that the general anatomy of the polyp is the same as that of Flabellum, though 1 have not yet completed my study of its microscopic structure. I have no hesitation in placing it in the family Flabellidse. Flabellum, Lesson (1831). A detailed criticism of this genus has recently been given by Gardiner (22), to which the reader is referred. The subdivisions Subpedieellata truncata and Ji.ra, of M. Edwards and Haime, were shown by Semper (49) to be purely artificial, and Duncan's subdivisions of the genus (13, p. 13) are still more arbitrary and unnatural. Semper, and more particularly Gardiner, have shown that most of the living species enumerated in the ' Hist. Nat. des Coralliaires,' must be regarded as varieties of a few distinct species, and the latter author has reduced most of M. Edw. and Haime's, as well as Semper's species to varieties of either F. pavoninum, Lesson, or F. rubrum, Quoy and Gaimard, the latter sj)ecies being apparently protean in its characters. I speak with all diffidence, for I have not had the opportunity of comparing a large number of specimens, but I am inclined to think that Gardiner has gone too far. Flabellum crassum, M. Edw. and H. — Plate I., figs. 3 and 3a. There are in Professor Herdman's collection two specimens of Flabellum, from the pearl banks in the Gulf of Manaar, which agree in almost every respect with Semper's description and figures of F. irregulare. Both specimens were preserved in spirit ; one I have decalcified, the corallum of the other when cleaned and dried measures SOLITAKY COKALS. 197 30 millims. in height. The longer axis of the calice measures 16 milium, the shorter axis 8 millims. ; the small scar at the hase 4 millims. x 2 millims. ; thus the ratio of the axes is 2:1, agreeing with Semper's description. The corallum is compressed, with rounded directive edges, whose sides form an angle of 23° in the dry specimen, but a considerably wider angle in the decalcified specimen. The wall is constricted at tolerably regular intervals and there are three short and stout spines at varying heights on the directive faces, and two short and corroded spines near the basal scar. The costse, especially those corresponding to the principal septa, are distinct and are recognisable nearly down to the basal scar. The corallum is tall, and the directive margins of the calice are nearly level with the lateral margins. The fossa is very deep (6 millims.), narrow and slit-like. The parietal columella is formed by the union of trabeculae given off from the lower ends of the principal septa. There are in all sixty-six septa ; the primaries and the secondaries are of equal size and unite in the columella. The twelve tertiaries are nearly equal in size to the primaries and secondaries and also join the columella. The fourth cycle septa are short, excepting those nearest the two directive septa at opposite ends of the long axis of the calice ; these are nearly as large as the tertiaries and join the columella. Fifth cycle septa are developed in the chambers between the primary and secondary septa on both sides of the two directive septa, and are equal in size to the lateral tertiary septa. In one chamber nearest to a directive, two sixth-cycle septa are developed, one on either side of a quinary septum (see fig. 3a). (This interpretation of the septal succession differs from Semper's, who explained an exactly similar arrangement by supposing that additional second-cycle septa were developed in each of the terminal systems, but it is clear that what he describes as additional secondary septa are nothing more than third-cycle septa, which have grown to the same size as the primaries and secondaries.) The result of this arrangement is that there appear to be sixteen ternary systems, and, in addition, two small septa in one of the systems. The principal septa have very slightly arched, or nearly horizontal, upper edges ; their inner edges descend vertically to the columella, and they are distinctly, though slightly, notched near their insertions on the wall. The surfaces of the septa are thickly covered with fine spinose granules, which have an obscurely radial arrangement. The dry corallum is brilliantly white in colour, and the lower five- sixths of the wall is encrusted by a secondary calcareous deposit, which, on decalcification, proves to be formed by interlacing algal filaments, as described by Fowler for F. patagonichum (14). It is noteworthy that the costae are more conspicuous in the region of this secondary deposit than they are at the upper end of the corallum. These Ceylonese specimens are so similar in all respects to the figures and description of Semper's F. irregulare that there can be no doubt of their identity. According to Gardiner (22), F. irregulare, Semper = F. ruhrvm, Quoy and Gaimard, and there is certainly some resemblance between his (not wholly satis- 198 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. factory) figs. 26, 30, 31 and the Oeylonese specimens, while the latter can certainly he included in the amended definition of F. rubrum given by Gardiner on p. 28. It is further stated that F. va/riabile, Semper, is connected with F. rubrum by individuals, Kemper's species being identified by Moseley with F. stokesi, M. Edwards and H., which in turn is identical with F. oweni, aculeatum, spinosum, debile, sumatrense and candeanum. I must take leave to doubt whether these identifications are correct. That F. variabile, Semper, is identical with Flabellum (Turbinolia) rubrum, Qrov and Gaimard, I have no doubt. The characters of the corallum are similar and a comparison of Semper's figure of the expanded polyps (49. plate xviii., fig. 1) of F. variabile with Quoy and Gaimard's figure of F. rubrum (46, plate xiv., figs. 5 to 9) show a very close correspondence in the coloration of the living animal ; in both there are the same six alternating radial bands of deeper red and lighter red or yellow. On the other hand, F. irregulare, as described by Semper, is red with as many radial white lines as there are principal septa. The colour, no doubt, is variable to some degree, but it must be taken into account, and what I wish to point out here is, that Semper is the only author who has paid special attention to the colour of the living polyp ; that he had at least as many specimens for comparison as Gardiner ; that he found a constant colour- difference between his F. variabile and F. irregulare, and that the colour of the former, and not that of the latter, corresponds to Quoy and Gaimard's figure of F. rubrum. It follows, therefore, that F. variabile = F. rubrum, and, as Semper showed beyond all cavil, F. stokesi, oweni, aculeatum, spinosum, debile and sumatrense, all M. Edw. and H., are synonyms of F. variabile. The Oeylonese specimen, which I identify with F. irregulare, Semper, agrees very closely with F. crassum, M. Edw. and H., especially in the characters of the septa, which are notched near their insertion on the wall (38, plate viii., fig. 8a), and have thickened and rugose internal borders. Semper observes that the two species are very closely allied, differing chiefly in the height of the corallum. There can be no doubt that they are identical ; the specific name crassum has the priority, and I therefore identify the Oeylonese specimen above described as F. crassum, M. Edw. and H. Flabellum rubrum, Q. and G. — Plate I, fig. 4. There are three other specimens of Flabellum in Professor Herdman's collection : a and b (locality not recorded), and c from deep water near Galle. These are all truncate forms with a fairly large basal scar ; their measurements correspond closely, their calices are elliptical, their calicular fossa? wider, and the septa are thinner, and their inner margins less vertical than those of F. crassum, and the spines on the surfaces of the septa are longer, further apart, and definitely arranged along radial thickenings of the septa. Their walls are thinner than in F. crassum, the costse are of ecpial size and very slightly developed, and the corallum is not constricted at SOLITARY CORALS. 199 intervals as in that species, but only exhibits a succession of somewhat sinuous lines of growth parallel to the curved margin of the calice. The three specimens differ from one another in colour, in the characters of the lower edges of the septa, and of the trabecular forming the parietal columella, but their resemblances are so great that I must refer them to one species, viz., F. rubrwn, Quoy and Gaimard. Specimen a. — Height, 12 milium ; calice, 15 millims. x 8 '5 millinis. ; scar, G millims. x 35 millims.; depth of calice, 5 millinis. Angle formed by the directive faces of the wall, 37°. The dry corallum is white and has a small directive spine at each end of the scar. The margin of the calice is entire, the directive ends of the calice 2 millims. lower than the sides. There are eighty-two septa, whose character and arrangement are shown hi fig. 4. The lower margins of the septa are furnished with sharp spines, but are not sinuous ; the septal trabecular uniting to form the columella are large and spiniform. The character of the trabecular columella approximates this specimen to F. profundwn, M. Edw. and H., which is a variety of F. rubvum. Specimen b. — Height, 13 millims.; calice, 17 millinis. x 8*5 millims.; scar, 7 millims. x 3 5 millims. ; depth of calice, 4*5 millims. Angle formed by directive faces of wall, 45°. The dry corallum is of a brownish-grey colour and bears short protothecal spines at either end of the scar. The calicular margin is crenulate, the directive ends of the calice about 2 millims. lower than the sides. There are eighty septa arranged in twenty apparent ternary systems. Eight of the tertiary septa are equal in size to the primaries and secondaries and unite with them in the columella, but four of the laterally placed tertiaries are of smaller size, and either barely reach, or do not reach, the columella. The principal septa are thin, their inner margins slope obliquely into the fossa, their lower edges are expanded and slightly sinuous and terminate in nodular trabecular, which unite to form the columella. The septal surfaces bear distinct radial ridges ornamented with spiniform granules. This specimen is clearly identical with F. crenulatum, M. Edw. and H., which is a variety of F. rubrum. Specimen c. — Height, 13 millims.; calice, 15 millims. x 9 millims.; scar, 8'5 millims. x 4 millinis. ; depth of calice, 5 millims. Angle formed by the directive faces of the wall, 35°. The wall in the dry corallum is of a deep reddish-brown colour, and the same colour extends half way across the septa, a peculiarity which Semper (49, p. 250, footnote) says is confined to F. pavoninum and F. distinctum. The concentric lines of growth on the wall are distinct, the costar are scarcely recognisable, and there are no protothecal spines. The calicular margin is entire, the directive ends of the calice are about 1^ millims. below the lateral margins. There are seventy-two septa, the tertiaries equal in size to the primaries and secondaries and meeting them in the columella. The fifth cycle is complete in the terminal systems, but incomplete in the lateral systems. The septa resemble those of specimen b, but their inner edges are more vertical and their lower ends more decidedly sinuous. 200 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. The calicular fossa is rather narrow, and the septal trabecular forming the columella si tort and bluntly spiniform. This specimen might be referred either to F. rubrum or F. stokesi, M. Edw. and H. ; but it cannot be either F. pavoninum or dLstiactum, the colour of the septa notwithstanding. These three specimens, therefore, are varieties of F. rubrum, QuOY and Gaimard, which is synonymous with F. variabile, Semper, but is, in my opinion, distinct from F. crassum, M. Edw. and H. (= F. irrc- gulare, Semper). I differ, with some hesitation, from Mr. Gardiner, but I feel bound to point out that his reasons for uniting nearly all the described species of Flabellum under F. rubrum are not satisfactory. He relies very much on certain numbers and measurements, and he appears to think that if one form is connected with another by some individuals, the two must be reckoned as constituting one species. Now, in the first place, much depends on the numbers or measurements that are chosen for comparison. Two of his characters, viz., the number of septa fusing by trabecule and the total number of septa, are characters depending on the age of the coral, and are therefore of little value. His third character, the relation of the length to the breadth of the calicle, is tolerably constant at all ages after maturity, and is therefore better. But whatever characters are chosen, it is not sufficient to set out the results of the measurements in a simple table and to say that, since the average measure- ments of a number of unequal groups of individuals can be arranged in a continuous series, all the specimens measured must belong to one species. To deal with the statistics of a number of individual forms, proper statistical methods must be employed, or systematic zoology will be thrown into confusion. The extreme measurements — the characters that vary most widely from the mean — of two closely allied species may be expected to overlap, but the fact of their overlapping does not break down the distinction between two species whose mean is different. We have at present no data for determining the range of variation in the species of Flabellum by statistical methods, and until such data are available I prefer to place reliance as much upon such characters as the shape of the columellar trabecular, the shaj>e and thickness of the septa and the kind and arrangement of the granules on their surfaces, the visibility or otherwise of the costas, &c, as upon measurements which have been shown to vary very widely according to the age and condition (whether recently liberated or not) of the individual. Placotrochus, M. Edwards and Haime (1848). The reasons for placing this genus in the family Flabellidse have been given above. Placotrochus laevis, M. Edw. and H. — Plate I., fig. 5. Three specimens from Periya Paar are referable to this species. Two were preserved with the polyps partly extended, one is dead and corroded. The three SOLITARY CORALS. 201 specimens vary between the following limits : Height 16 millims. to 12 millims. Calicle from 16 millims. x 7 millims. to 14 millims. x 6 millims. Scar from 6 millims. x 2 millims. to 7 millims. x 2*5 millims. (the smallest specimen has the largest scar). Angle formed by the directive faces of the wall 33° to 40°. They correspond exactly with M. Edwards and Hatme's description, except that the directive faces of the wall show only the merest traces of wing-like expansions, in this respect agreeing with Semper's specimens. This appears to be a very rare species. It is remarkable among the Flabellida? for the perfectly regular development of the septa, the first, second, and third cycles are equal in size, and appear to form with the intermediate quaternary and quinary cycles twenty-four regular systems (Plate I., fig. 5). Family : FUNGIID^E, M. Edwards and Haime. Fungia (pars.) Lamarck. Fungia danai, M. Edwards and Haime (1851). Two specimens from the pearl banks, Gulf of Manaar, are referable to this species. The larger specimen is subcircular, measuring 18 centims. x 19 centims., and the central part of the upper surface is raised into a prominent convexity. The smaller specimen has no central prominence, but is evenly convex above and concave below. Fungia dentig-era, Lettckart, 1841. A single specimen, measuring 16'5 centims. in length, 11 centims. in breadth, and 5"5 centims. in height. According to Doderlein this is a variety of F. scutarta, Link, but Gardiner (20) has given a sufficient criticism of this author's varieties. Locality : — Gulf of Manaar. Cycloseris, Michelin (}3ars.) (34). Cycloseris cyclolites, Lamarck Fungia cyclolites, Lamarck, 'Hist, des Anim. sans Vert.,' ii., p. 236, 1816. Cycloseris cyclolites, M. Edw. and H., 'Ann. des Sci. Nat.,' 3e se>., xv., p. 112, 1851. Professor Herdman's collection contains thirty-two specimens of this species, twenty-five of which come from the pearl banks in the Gulf of Manaar, four from south of Modragam, one from off Mutwal Island, two from Trincomalee. The range of variation in this species is considerable. In the thirty-two specimens the diameter of the corallum varies from 42 millims. to 27 millims., the height from 19 millims. to 10 millims., the depth of the basal concavity from 9-5 millims. to 1 millim., the length of the fossa from 15 millims. to 6 millims. There is also a considerable amount of variety in the granulation of the costae, but the septal characters are closely similar in all the specimens. 2 D 202 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. Cycloseris tenuis, Dana. Fungia tenuis, Dana, ' Zoophytes,' p. 290, 1846. Cycloseris sinensis, M. Edw. and H., 'Ann. des Sci. Nat.,' 3e ser., xv., p. 112, 1851. Cycloseris hexagonalis, M. Edwards and Haime, loc. cil. Cycloseris hexagonalis, Gardiner, Willey's 'Zool. Results. Solitary Corals,' 1899. Professor Herdman's collection contains seven specimens, of which the largest measures 40 millims. in diameter, while the smaller specimens vary from 22 millims. to 9 millims. in diameter. The smaller individuals, among which are two somewhat hexagonal forms, agree in all respects with the definition of C. hexagonalis, M. Edw. and H, and, allowing for individual variation, with Gardiner's excellent photographs of this species (20, plate xx.). Two of them have definite basal scars, not yet filled up by secondary deposit, and the costse reach to the edges of the scars ; in the other specimens the costse, and the extent of the central basal granulation, differ to a considerable extent, but the septal characters are quite uniform and none of the septa are fenestrated. In the largest specimen the two last cycles of septa are fenestrated, a character which would attach it to C. sinensis, M. Edw. and H. This species however is synonymous with Cycloseris [Fungia) tenuis, Dana, and the latter name has the priority. Except for the fenestration of the lower cycles of septa there is absolutely no difference between the largest and the smaller specimens in Professor Herdman's collection, hence I am of opinion that hexagonalis and sinensis are merely varieties of Dana's species tenuis, and must be absorbed into it. Diaseris, M. Edwards and Haime (37). Quelch (45, p. 121) has expressed his opinion that the specimens referred to this genus are nothing more than broken and distorted individuals of Cycloseris tenuis, but I cannot agree with him. Professor Herdman's collection contains a specimen of C cyclolites, which has been broken and repaired, and shows considerable distortion and re-arrangement of the septa, but its characters are widely different from Diaseris. It is true that the structure of the wall, the septa, and even of the rudimentary columella of Diaseris are very similar indeed to that of Cycloseris, as M. Edwards and Haime pointed out, but the former genus is sufficiently distinguished by its peculiar method of reproduction by radial division, whence the corallum has the appearance of being composed of a number of lobes with rounded edges, or is divided into wedge-shaped fragments. This method of reproduction has been so sufficiently and clearly described by SfiMrER (49) that I can add nothing to his account, which is fully borne out by a study of the Ceylon specimens. Diaseris distorta, Michelin. Fungia distorta, Michelin, ' Mag. de Zool. V. Zooph.,' pi. 5, 1843. Diaseris distorta, ' Ann. des Sci. Nat.,' 3e se>., xv., p. 118, 1851. Numerous specimens and cuneiform fragments from off Mutwal Island, and some small fragments and specimens from deep water off Galle and from Kaltura. SOLITARY CORALS. 203 Diaseris freycineti, M. Edwards and Haime (37). A number of petaloid fragments from the Gulf of Manaar and from off Kaltura appear to belong to this species. As described by M. Edwards and Haime, the septa are of less height, much more closely packed, and have thicker edges than in D. distorta. I may add that all the septa are more or less fenestrate. The spirit specimens are of a rich red-brown colour, the upper surface exhibiting black spots near the inner ends of the septa. These spots probably indicate the position of the tentacles, but the specimens are so contracted that 1 cannot speak with certainty on this point.* Family : EUPSAMMIID.E. As Semper has remarked (49, p. 256), the difficulty of determining the species and even the genera of the Eupsammiidse is very great. In order to relieve himself of the difficulty, he founded the genus Khodopsammia to include his Philippine specimens, and the genus has been accepted by most subsequent authors, even by Duncan in his critical revision of the genera of the Madreporaria, and this in spite of the fact that, as I shall show, Semper's genus was confessedly provisional. Semper's definition of the genus Khodopsammia runs as follows: — " Polypary simple or with lateral buds, free or attached, sometimes cylindro-conical, sometimes compressed (not, as Duncan gives it, ' Corallum simple or colonial, free or attached, with lateral buds'). Epitheca absent or rudimentary. Costa? simple, visible from the base upwards, similar, thickly granulated. Calicular fossa rather deep, with a more or less prominent columella consisting of curled leaflets (aus gewundenen Blattchen). The septa narrow, with sharp edges, scarcely rising above the lip of the calice ; those of the first cycles equal, extending right down to the columella ; those of the third cycle smaller, and also united to the columella ; the septa of the remain- ing— often irregular — cycles much narrower and invariably united to those of the preceding cycle." This definition differs from M. Edwards and Haime's description of any genus of Eupsammiidae, as it includes both single and compound, free and attached, forms, but it embraces all members of the genera Eupsammia, Balanophyllia, Leptopsammia, and Endosammia, and possibly some species of the genus Dendrophyllia as defined by the authors of the ' Histoire Naturelle des Coralliaires,' and it is quite clear, from what Semper says, that he meant at least the first four of these genera to be included in his new genus. Thus (lot: cit., p. 256) he says: " Da mir nun leider das fossile Material fehlt, welches nothig ware, urn diese Iucongruenzeu grundlich ausgleichen zu konnen, so ziehe ich es vor, hier die von mir bei Bohol aufgefundenen 8 Arten ohne * Professor Hekdman 's "Field-notes' contain the following colour record of this species when .alive: — Station XLIII., off Kaltura, 22 fathoms, " also a living group of four ' flabellums ' having upper side dark purple on the outer margin and dark green within, mottled with paler yellowish-green, grey, and deep drab-purple, the septa especially being of the latter colour — the under side is white." The accompanying sketches show that the Coral is a Diast ris, 2 D 2 204 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. Riicksicht anf ihre Basis als Species einer neuen Gattuug zu beschreiben, wobei ich es Anderen ttberlasseu muss, die schon beschriebenen lebenden und fossilen Eupsammidse nach den durch die philippinischen Form en sicb ergebenden Andeutungen zu unter- suchen, und mit diesen in systematischen Zusainmenhang zu stellen." Notwith- standing Skmper's hope that one of his successors would show the proper systematic relation between his Philippine specimens and previously described fossil and living forms, Duncan, in his 'Revision of the Madreporaria,' retains Semper's genus Rhodopsammia, but removes it from the " alliance' Balanophylloida, to which, on its author's own testimony, it belongs, and places it apart as a genus which cannot be included in any alliance ! The Eupsammiidse in Professor Herdman's collection include free and fixed, solitary and colonial forms, and most of them resemble one another very closely in such distinctive characters as septal arrangement, columella, and costse. The solitary forms (with the exception of Heteropsammia) must, without doubt, be referred to a single genus, and they agree in all respects with Semper's definition of the genus Rhodopsammia. But if we agree with Semper and ignore, as we must after the study of a sufficient number of specimens, such variable characters as attachment or its contrary, the presence or absence or the completeness or incompleteness of a fifth cycle of septa, or the relative thickness of the septa, we must recognise that the genus Rhodopsammia, Semper, includes Eupsammia, M. Edwards and Haime ; Balanophyllia, Searles Wood ; Leptopsammia, M. Edw. and Haime ; Endo- psammia, M. Edw. and Haime, and it becomes a question as to what name shall be used to denote the single genus into which all the other genera are absorbed. The genus Balanophyllia was founded by Searles Wood in 1844, and there is no objection to be taken to it on the score of iudetiniteness. Therefore, by the rules of nomenclature, it has the priority over the genera founded by M. Edwards and Haime in 1848, and a fortiori over Semper's genus Rhodopsammia founded in 1872. Hence I suggest the amendment of the definition of Balanophyllia in the terms of Semper's definition of Rhodopsammia, the latter name being dropped and Eupsammia, Leptopsammia, and Endopsammia merged into Balanophyllia. It is a characteristic, though not a peculiarity of the Eupsannniidie, that the septa of the later cycles curve towards and are usually united to those of the preceding cycle, and it commonly happens that the septa of what on the ordinary system of reckoning would be called the last cycle are larger than those of the preceding cycle. Semper, many years ago (49, p. 25y), called attention to the inapplicability of M. Edwards and Haime's law of septal sequence to the Eupsammiidpe as well as to other Madreporaria described in his well-known memoir, but until recently there has been no satisfactory explanation of the apparent irregularity in the septal sequence of these forms, and it has been necessary, in spite of its obvious disadvantages, to retain M. Edwards and Haime's system of notation in describing the septa of all Madreporaria. But as long ago as 1871, Pourtales (43) gave a description of the SOLITARY CORALS. 205 development of Balanophijllia Jloridana which, if it had received the attention it deserved, would have given a full explanation of the peculiarities of the septal arrangement in this genus. Pourtales' description is as follows : " The youngest individuals observed have the shape of a truncated cone attached by the base. The wall is (piite smooth, imperforate, and the septa, twelve in number, equal and not quite extending to the centre, where the rudiments of the columella are already visible The next step is the formation of costee on the upward prolongation of the wall. They first appear in the shape of sharp points grouped about the origin of the septa. At the same time an opening appeal's on the border and rather outside of the calicle, opposite each of the secondary septa, which gradually widens inwards, apparently dividing the septum in two. The two borders of that opening become the tertiary septa ; the secondary septum is gradually pushed inwards and is replaced by a new one growing out on the same radius from the wall, and but loosely connected with the jointed tertiaries and original secondary The interior part of the tertiary septum is now to all intents and purposes a palus As the growth proceeds the point of junction of the tertiaries and secondaries moves further into the calicle until it reaches the columella. At this period the older or internal part of the secondary septum has nearly entirely disappeared and the same process of growth goes on with the septa of the fourth cycle which become joined to those of the third." In these few sentences Pourtales anticipates the discoveries of several recent authors. The imperforate wall is clearly the hasal plate of von Koch (= prototheca, Bernard). The description of the formation of costre on the upward prolongation of the proto- theca agrees exactly with de Lacaze Duthier's description and figures of the development of these structures in Balanophijllia regia (33, plate x., tigs. 20 and 21). The description of the bifurcation of the peripheral ends of each secondary septum, and the formation of a new secondary septum on the same radius, is in exact agreement with Duerden's (9 and 10) account of the septal sequence in Siderastrcea radians. But, although the credit of priority must rest with Pour- tales, it is the last-named author who has given a full and perfectly intelligible account of this mode of septal sequence, and has shown in detail the relation hetweeu the order of appearance of the septa and that of the mesenteries. In his valuable and beautifully illustrated memoir, Duerden has shown that in Siderastrcea radians the six septa comprised in the first cycle appear simultaneously, and are situated within the entocceles of the six primary pahs of mesenteries. The six septa of the second cycle make their appearance later and occupy the six exoccelic chambers, thus alternating with the six primaries. As growth proceeds the peripheral ends of all the septa become bifurcated, as a consequence of the continuous addition of skeletal nodules to their outer ends, but the angle formed by the bifurcating limbs is much larger in the secondary (exoccelic) than in the primary (entoccelic) septa. The bifur- cations become filled up and disappear in the primary septa, but in the secondaries they continue to extend, and presently a second mesenterial cycle is developed, each 206 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. mesenterial pair being situated within the angle formed by the bifurcated peripheral extremities of the secondary septa. After a time a new cycle of entocoelic septa is formed, each septum within a mesenterial pair of the second cycle, and as growth proceeds these secondary entoccelic septa grow ceiitripetally, and fuse with inner portions of the septa which originally constituted the exoccelic cycle. Thus a stage ' X' 1 x' j 2 3 Fig. I. Diagram illustrating the development of the septa, and their relation to the mesenteries in Balano- phyllia flmidana (Pouiitalks), and Siderastrwa radians (Duerden). The primary entoccelic septa are shaded with cross lines; the exoccelic septa are dotted ; the secondary entoccelic septa are black; the tertiary entoccelic septa are handed black and white. In fig. 1 the outer ends of the six exoccelic 'septa have bifurcated to form the secondary exoccelic septa A'2; within each bifurcation a new mesenterial cycle of the second order has been formed, embracing an entocoelic septum of the second order En.2. In fig. 2 the secondary entoccelic septa have grown inwards and fused with the inner limbs of the first formed exoccelic septa, thus forming the apparent second cycle of septa En? + A"1. In fig. 3 the secondary exoccelic septa A"- have in turn bifurcated, and in each of the twelve bifurcations a mesenterial pair of the third order is developed, embracing a tertiary entoccelic septum En?. The primary entoccelic septa are denoted by 1, 1 in all the figures. is reached in which there are three cycles of septa ; two cycles, namely those which are ordinarily reckoned as the first and second, are entoccelic, the remaining cycle, which would ordinarily be reckoned as the third, is exoccelic. But it is clear that each apparently secondary entoccelic septum is a compound structure, its inner end formed of a septum which was actually second in order of appearance, its outer end of a septum which was actually third in order of appearance. And it is further clear that the exoccelic septa, which appear to constitute the third cycle, are really the forked peripheral ends of the septa that were second in order of appearance. The formation of the next cycle of mesenteries and septa follows the same rule. The exoccelic septa become bifurcated at their extremities ; new mesenterial pairs of the third cycle are formed within the bifurcations ; a new cycle of entoccelic septa is formed within the pairs of third-cycle mesenteries, and these grow ceiitripetally and unite with the inner limbs of the apparently third-cycle septa of the previous SOLITARY CORALS. 207 stage, the bifurcated outer ends of these same septa constituting the apparent fourth cycle. The further development has not been followed, but it probably continues on the same plan. Thus it appears, as is shown in the diagram above, that at any given stage in the growth of the coral, all the entocoelic septa, after the first cycle, are composite structures, but all the exocoelic septa, forming the apparently last cycle, are the derivatives of the original exocoelic septa which were second in order of appearance. One can scarcely imagine anything more at variance with M. Edwards and Hatmk's law of septal sequence. Dukrdkn has further shown that there is a regular dorsi-ventrality in the mesenterial, and therefore in the septal succession of Siderastrcea radians. New mesenterial pairs appear Hist in the dorsal member of the two exocoeles of each system. This fact may be <>t' assistance in explaining the irregularities in the apparently last cycle of septa which are so common in the Eupsammiidaa and other corals, but, as I shall show, the same sequence does not seem to obtain in Balanophyllia as in Siderastrtea, and it is quite probable that the dorsi-ventral order of the appearance of the mesenteries varies as much in the Kcleractinias as it does in the Malakactiniae. The convergence and union of the inner ends of the lower orders of septa is a much more common phenomenon than is generally supposed. Tn the collection of corals forming the subject of this paper, such septal unions occur in Rhodocyathus, Hetero- cyathus, and Paracyathus among the Turbinolidse. They are characteristic of the genera Cycloseris and Diaseris, and, as I have shown elsewhere (6), they are well marked in the anthoblast of Fungia. But they are above all characteristic of the Eupsammiidae, in which the septal arrangement of the adult appears to retain its embryonic character, and it may be inferred from the septal characters of the adults that the septal sequence in the course of development has followed the law of Pourtales and Duerden. It is obvious that, if this inference is correct, all the adult septa of the apparently last cycle will be exocoelic, while those of the apparently penultimate cycle will be entoccelie and contained within the mesenterial pairs of the last formed, and therefore smallest, mesenterial cycle. In the second part of this paper I shall show that this is the case, not only in Hetero'psammia and a species of DendrojyJii/Uia, among the Eupsammiidse, but also in Hetfrocyathus among the Turbinolidse. It might seem desirable to amend Milne-Edwards and Haime's method of enumerating the septa, and to adopt a system more consistent with the facts of developmental sequence as now ascertained. But after several attempts to invent a new notation, I have decided to retain the old method. After all, we have only Pourtales' and Dtjerden's accounts to go by, and we are by no means certain that what is true of the species thev describe is true of all Madreporaria. Future researches may bring to light considerable differences in the septal sequences of different groups, and it would be premature to invent a system of notation that might prove to be inapplicable to new cases. I have therefore retained the old system in describing the 208 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. Eupsammiidse in Professor Herdman's collection, leaving it to be understood that the words " secondary," " tertiary," &c, indicate only the size of the septa, and not their order of succession. And in this connection it may be noted that de Lacaze Duthier's account (33) of the septal succession in Balanophyllia regia differs widely from that of Pourt ales' account of B. jloridana, and therefore from Dtjerden's. I am inclined to think, however, that de Lacaze Duthiers missed the actual succession of the development of the septa. An inspection of his figures (Plate x., figs. 23 and 29) will show that they are not inconsistent with Dtjerden's and Pourtales' accounts. In fig. 23, the septa marked 2 are clearly bifurcated at their distal ends, and the sclerite lying within each bifurcation gives every appearance of having been formed independently and having become secondarily united with the inner limb of the bifurcated secondary. In fig. 29 the septum marked 3 is equal in size to, and clearly continuous with, the inner end of the septum marked 2, the latter thinning out very much towards its point of union with the angle of the Y. And in the same figure the " tertiary " septum occupies the position of a " quaternary," and the septa that occupy the positions of " tertiaries " are described as subsequent formations. They are clearly the new entoccelic septa formed between the bifurcated peripheral ends of the exocoelic septa marked 3. Balanophyllia parallela, Semper — Plate I., figs. 6 and 6a. Rhodopsammia parallela, Semper, ' Zeit. fur Wiss. Zool.,' xx., 1872. Ehodopsainmia parallela, Fowler, ' Quart. Jour. Mier. Sci.,' xxv., new ser., 1885. A single specimen from the pearl banks, Gulf of Manaar. Height of corallum 29 millims. ; longer axis of calice 18 millims. ; shorter axis 13 millims. ; depth of calice 8 millims. In this specimen the outline of the calice is not so hexagonal as in the Philippine form described by Semper, and the base is narrow and pedicellate, whereas the Philippine forms are free and pointed below. Septa in six systems and five cycles, the fifth cycle being incomplete. The primary and secondary septa are equal in size, similar and somewhat exsert ; their outer ends are thickened and porous, their inner ends sharp, entire, and descend nearly vertically to unite with the columella ; their sides are ornamented with radiating rows of very small granules ; their upper ends more or less fenestrate. The tertiary septa are smaller and their inner ends become thickened and trabecular and pass into the columella ; each is joined at two-thirds of its length from the lip of the calice by the quaternary septa. There is an incomplete cycle of quinary septa, which can best be described by saying that the peripheral ends of the quaternaries bifurcate and a small septum is developed between their bifurcated ends in each directive moiety of the four primary systems adjoining the directive septa, and the same arrangement is present in all but one of the four outer moieties of the same systems. The quaternary septa are not bifurcated in the lateral primary system on one side of the coral, and on the other side only one is bifurcated and contains an entoccelic septum in each of the moieties of the system, SOLITARY CORALS. 209 In other words, the formation of a new cycle of entoccelic septa has progressed more rapidly at the two directive ends than at the sides, and the sequence is therefore different from that ohserved by Duerdex in Siderast/rcsa radians. This specimen is in many respects intermediate between Semper' s Rhodopsammia carinata and R. parallela, and I am inclined to think that these two and R. amema are only varieties of one species. The Ceylonese specimen agrees with R. parallela in having vertical inner edges of the primary and secondary septa, in the costse being of equal size, in the presence of a fifth incomplete cycle of septa, and in the depth of the fossa. In all these respects it differs from carinata, but such characters are clearly variable. The calice is less compressed and more regularly oval than in Semper's figures of parallela, but Fowler (14) gives a figure of the calice of this species in which the difference between the longer and shorter axes is even less than in the specimen here described, and the septal arrangement is almost identical. Balanophyllia cumingi, M. Edwards and Haime (36) — Plate II., figs. 7 and 7a. Rhodopsammia ovalis, Semper, ' Zeit. fur Wiss. Zool.,' xxii., p. 262, 1872. There are three specimens in Professor Herdmax's collection, of which one, from deep water oft' Galle, so closely agrees with M. Edwards and Haime's description and figure of B. cumingi that T have no hesitation in referring it to this species. It is somewhat larger than the type specimen (the height being 12 millims., the calice 19 millims. x 12 millims.) and the fifth cycle of septa is well developed and nearly complete. The second specimen is from Trincomalee and is a small colony, or rather an aggregation consisting of three dead and decayed corallites, one small and one large living corallite. Of the living corallites the larger measures : height 30 millims., calice 19 millims. x 12 millims., depth of calice 12 millims. Smaller corallite : height 12 millims., calice 8 millims. x 6 millims., depth of calice 5 millims. The larger corallite is identical with the specimen of B. cumingi, from Galle, in septal characters, the columella, and the costee, differing from it only in being longer and turbinate in shape with a narrow base, whereas the Galle specimen is short with a broad base. The septal arrangement is shown in fig. 7a, and it agrees very exactly with Semper's description of Rhodopsammia ovalis. The tertiary septa are continued below into the columella, but, as the figure shows, their lower ends converge distinctly towards the secondary septa. The " quaternaries " are inserted very low down on the tertiaries and the quinary cycle is nearly complete, but in the two lateral systems three of the quaternaries adjoining the secondary septa are not bifurcated, nor is the quaternary adjoining a secondary in one of the remaining systems. The smaller corallite in the Trincomalee specimen has a nearly circular calice. The six primary septa are conspicuously larger than the others and pass straight to the columella. The secondary septa are joined just above the columella by the " tertiaries," and the latter bifurcate in all but two instances and a new cycle of entoccelic septa is formed in the bifurcations. This shows that the secondary septa have been formed in the 2 E 210 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. maimer described by Pourtales and Duerden, and that it is only at a later stage of growth that the extension of the cohunellar trabecular overspreads the union of the tertiaries with the secondaries and causes the latter to appear as if they sprung directly from the columella. The primary and secondary septa are much thickened and porous towards their thecal ends. Balanophyllia socialis, Semper. — Plate II., figs. 8 and 8a. Rhodopsammia socialis, Semper, 'Zeit. fur wiss. Zool.,' xxii., p. 260, 1872. A beautiful cornuate specimen from the pearl banks, Gulf of Manaar, clearly belongs to this species, as is shown by its subcircular calice, deep fossa, well-developed and projecting columella, and four fully developed cycles of septa. Its measurements are : height 27 millims. ; calice 10 minims, x 9 millims. ; depth of calice 6 millims. There are no buds, but a small outgrowth of the theca 3 millims. below the lip of the calice on the opposite side to that drawn in fig. 8 is evidently the commencement of a bud. The primary and secondary septa are equal in size, as described by Semper, and their surfaces are covered with very fine granules ("ausserst fein gekornelt"), but they are only very slightly thickened peripherally, and in this respect resemble Rhodopsammia affinis, which, as Semper himself says, is probably nothing more than a variety of R. socialis. R. dubia and R. incerta, both Semper, again are almost certainly nothing more than varieties of the same species. Semper describes the quaternary septa as uniting with the tertiaries close to the columella. In the Ceylonese specimen, as is shown in fig. 8a, the quaternaries do not invariably unite with the tertiaries, and indeed they follow M. Edwards and Haime's law very closely, the quaternaries nearest the primary septa being, as a rule, the best developed. The infrequent union between the third and fourth cycle septa, however, does not indicate that the septa have not been developed according to Pourt ales' and Duerden's law, for the latter author shows (10, p. 103, fig. 12, c) how the bifurcated external limbs of the lower cycles of septa commonly become detached from the inner limb. A dead and corroded specimen from deep water off Galle seems to belong to this species. The calice was broken so much that its characters were indistinguishable, hut a section taken lower down shows that it is peculiar in having a tetrameral instead of a hexameral arrangement. There are four systems : the primary septa are the largest, the secondaries are smaller, but pass direct to the columella, the tertiaries also join the columella, but converge in a marked manner towards the secondaries, and there is a complete fourth cycle uniting with the tertiaries. There is no indication of this arrangement being derived from an originally hexameral arrangement, and it must be regarded as a remarkable variation from the normal. Balanophyllia taprobanse, n. sp. — Plate II., figs. 9 and 9a. Height of corallum L5 millims. ; calice 0 millims. x 5 millims. ; depth of calice, SOLITARY CORALS. 211 3 minims. The six primary sepia are much larger than the others, considerably thickened at their thecal ends, and they, and the two septa adjacent to them, are exsert, forming a crown of six prominent points round the edge of the calice. The edges of the primary septa slope rather steeply inwards and then descend vertically into the depth of the fossa without joining the columella ;. the inner half of the surface of each primary septum is nearly smooth, the outer half hears a number of spinose granules. There are five septa of lower orders in five of the systems and seven in the sixth system (adjoining one of the directive septa), those adjacent to the primary septa being the largest and most exsert ; the smaller septa join the columella very deep down in the fossa. Costa? of the six primary septa larger and more prominent than the rest, forming ridges extending nearly half-way down the corallum ; the remaining costse subequal, extending to the base, the perforations between the costse numerous and relatively large. Columella oval, very prominent, spongy in texture. Buds are formed on opposite sides a little way below the margin of the calice, each bud being astride of a primary costa. A single specimen from dee]) water off Galle. I have founded this species to receive a small and remarkably beautiful coral, which resembles B. rediviva, Moseley, in the costse and arrangement of the septa, but differs from it in size, in colour (B. rediviva is " reddish coloured," B. taprobance a brilliant white), and in the fact that the secondary septa are not exsert. These differences can hardly be due to immaturity, as the specimen of B. taprobanm bears two fairly advanced lateral buds. The septal characters are particularly interesting as being wholly unintelligible unless interpreted in the light of Pourtales' and Duerden's work. In fig. 9a it is evident that, in the lateral system on the left hand of the drawing, the inner ends of the septa marked X.2, X.3, are the bifurcated arms of the exoccelic septa of the cycle second in order of appearance ; these arms unite together and with the columella very low down in the calice. The septum marked En.2 is clearly the entocoelic septum of the cycle third in order of appearance. In the upper half of the system the exoccelic septum has bifurcated to form the secondary exoccelic septa A".3, X.3, and a new entocoelic septum En.3 is formed in the bifurcation. A precisely similar arrangement obtains in four of the remaining systems, and in each it is the upper member of the exoccelic septa that has bifurcated, giving a dorsiventral arrangement entirely consistent with Duerden's description of the septal succession in Siderastrcea radians. In the left-hand lower terminal system both exocuelic members have bifurcated and an entocoelic septum is present within each bifurcation. In B. rediviva all the systems are similar to this single system in B. ta/probanm, and the arrange- ment would obviously be that which is normal in the Eupsammiidse, if it were not for the preponderant size of the apparent quaternaries, whose outer ends become more or less intimately united to the primary septa. The condition in B. taprobanm is a step towards the septal arrangement in B. verrucaria, Pallas, and B. corrni, 2 e 2 212 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. Moseley. Semper (49, p. 263), in discussing the validity of his genus Rhodopsammia, makes reference to the difference in the septal characters of the former species as shown in Milne-Edwards and Haime's figure (36, plate i., figs. 6, 6a), but it requires no great amount of ingenuity to show that the difference, great as it may appear at first sight, is really nothing more than a slight variation of the grouping of septa developed according to the sequence established by Pouktales and Duerden. It is possible that the specimen here referred to Balanophyllia, is nothing more than the initial individual of a colony of Dendrophyllia, and the two lateral buds lend some support to this view. On the other hand, the buds, both from their position and character, might very well be similar to those of B. socialis or parallela, and as the specimen is a solitary one, I have |)referred to refer it, provisionally, to the same genus. Lobopsaminia, M. Edwards and Haime (36). The small colony shown in Plate II., fig. 10, agrees very closely with the definition of this genus, hitherto represented only by fossil forms. The structure of the corallites, however, is so similar to that of Balanophyllia cumingi that it is hard to draw any distinction between them ; the septa and columella are almost identical, and the most that can be said is that the costse are smaller and the theca decidedly thinner than in the latter species. If this specimen must be separated from Balano- phyllia on account of its colonial habit, it must be placed with Lobopsammia rather than with Ccenopsammia because of its elliptical calices and because the mode of aggregation of the colony suggests that it has been formed by fissiparity rather than by gemmation. Moreover, its likeness to L. cariosa, Goldfuss (25, taf. xiii., fig. 7), is sufficient to establish its generic position. Lobopsammia robusta, n. sp. — Plate II., figs. 10 and 10a. Colony consisting of a few corallites borne on a very thick and short stem. The individual corallites short, radiating outwards from the stem. Calices oval, somewhat irregular in outline ; calicular fossae deep ; columella spongy, with a flat upper surface, not projecting into the calice. Five cycles of septa ; the primaries and secondaries subequal, not exsert, with nearly vertical inner edges. The quaternaries are united with the tertiaries near the columella ; the fifth cycle is complete except in the lateral systems, and the quinary septa unite with the quaternaries high up in the calice ; the lower orders of septa fenestrate with serrated or denticulated margins. Costse fine, of equal size, extending to the base of the stem. Height of colony 27 millims. ,■ the largest calice measures 15 millims. x 11 millims. ; depth of calice 7 millims. ; smallest calice 11 millims. x 8 millims. A single specimen from deep water off Galle. SOLITARY CORALS. 213 Dendrophyllia, de Blainville ('Diet. des. Sci. Nat.,' lx., p. 319, 1830). Dendrophyllia gracilis, M. Edwards and Haime (36). A portion of a colony, from deep water off Galle, appears to belong to this species. The fragment only included three mature corallites, two of which, with the buds attached to them, were decalcified for the study of the soft parts. The remaining corallite is somewhat broken, but the size, septal characters and mode of budding appear to be those of D. gracilis. Dendrophyllia minuscula, n. sp. — Plate II., figs. 11 and 11a. Colony ai-borescent ; the trunk and branches slender ; the lateral corallites disposed in alternate and opposite pairs. Costae of equal size, rather prominent, finely granulated. Calice circular, with a fairly deep fossa. Columella formed of a few calcareous trabecular, moderately prominent in the fossa. Septa in six systems and three cycles, with traces of a fourth. The primary septa exsert, forming a crown of six points at the edge of the calice. The apparent tertiary septa next in size closely applied to the primaries at their outer ends, their inner ends converging and uniting deep in the calice just before joining the columella, The apparent secondaries short, usually not united to the inner ends of the tertiaries. Height of colony 25 millims. ; diameter of calices 2 millims. A single small colony and a fragment of this very elegant species from deep water off Galle. The large exsert primary septa recall those of Balanophyllia laprobance, but the corallites are much smaller, the primary costaa are not prominent, and there are three cycles of septa with traces of a fourth in one system only, in the corallite depicted in fig. 11a. This figure shows very clearly that the apparent tertiaries are the exoccelic bifurcated ends of the original secondary cycle, and that the apparent secondaries are the entoccelic septa formed in the angles of the secondaries, and, therefore, are the third cycle in order of appearance. Heteropsammia, M. Edwards and Haime (36). Heteropsammia michelini, M. Edwards and Haime (36). Numerous specimens from nearly all stations. The septal arrangement and anatomy of this genus are fully described in the second part of this paper. PART H — AN ATOMY. 1. Heterocyathus sequicostatus, M. Edwards and Haime. (Plates III. and IV., figs. 12 to 21.) Gardiner (23) has given a short account of the anatomy of this species, but he does not deal with the minute structure of the corallum, and I am able to supplement his description of the anatomy of the polyp in many particulars. 214 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. The C o r al 1 u m. — Tn the majority of specimens there are forty-eight septa, which, according to Milne-Edwards and Haime'k system of notation, would be described as being regularly arranged in six systems and four cycles. It will become obvious, however, that the septa have been developed according to Duerden's and Pourtales' law, and that what are apparently the quaternary septa are really exoccelic septa belonging to the second cycle in order of appearance. In some few specimens the normal regularity of the septal arrangement is disturbed by the development of one or two additional septa in one or more of the systems. These additional septa are always inserted between the apparent tertiaries and the apparent quaternaries adjacent to them, and suggest the commencement of a fifth septal cycle, but in every system in which they occur there is so much irregularity in the septal arrangement that I attribute their presence to a process of re-growth and repair rather than to the formation of a new cvcle. The normal arrangement of the septa is shown in fig. IT. There are three cycles of endosepta. The six primaries are prominently exsert and their inner ends bear large paliform lobes just before they unite with the columella. The secondary endosepta are likewise prominent and exsert, and there are two or three prominent vertical pali at the inner extremity of each. The innermost of these pali can with difficulty be distinguished from the vertical upgrowths of the columella, and the outermost is fused to the inner free margin of the septum, so that there is a transition between " true pali" and " paliform lobes." I am inclined to think that the sharp distinction drawn between these paliform structures is artificial and untenable. The inner ends of the third cycle of endosepta converge towards the secondaries and unite with them just outside the columella through the intervention of palial upgrowths. In specimens that have been rubbed down, the pali in front of the secondary and tertiary septa are seen to unite to form a chevron, similar to the chevrons characteristic of Deltocyathus. Between every two endosepta there is an exoseptum. and in the deeper parts of the corallum, i.e., below the level of the exsert portions of the septa, these exosepta are seen to be united to the adjacent endosepta by tangential bars which, although they do not exactly correspond to the similarly named structures of the Fungiidee, must be described as synapticula. Their arrangement is very regular and characteristic. Each primary endoseptum is joined to the exoseptum on either side of it by a synapticulum which curves downwards and inwards to the fossa. These primary synapticula, as they may be called, are equidistant from the centre of the coral, and are situated nearer the centre than the others, so they form a sort of inner synapticular ring. Each secondary endoseptum is similarly joined to the two adjacent exosepta by synapticula which are situated somewhat further from the centre than the primary synapticula, and similarly the tertiary endosepta are joined to the adjacent exosepta by synapticula still further from the centre and forming an outer ring. Thus there is only one synapticular bar in each interseptal loculus. In longitudinal section the synapticula are seen to be narrow curved bars or partitions, in shape and SOLITARY CORALS. 215 Fig. II. Diagram of a section through the corallum of Heterocyatkus ceguicostatus taken a short distance above the Aspidosiphon chamber. The septa and synapticula are black, the stereoplasm is shaded with dots. 1, 2, 3, endosepta of three cycles, ex., exosepta. sir., stereoplasm. syn.\ synapticulum connecting a primary endoseptum with an exoseptum. syn.*; vyn.3, synapticula connecting secondary and tertiary endosepta with adjacent exosepta. structure resembling auy single synapticulum of Fungia. Their lower ends pass into the secondary calcareous deposit in the neighbourhood of the Aspidosiphon chamber ; their upper extremities end in free margins at heights varying according as they connect a primary, a secondary or a tertiary endoseptum with an adjacent exoseptum. The exosepta, in addition to this synapticular union, converge towards, and their inner ends unite with, the tertiary endosepta. 216 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. In the upper parts of the corallum the synapticula form the only union between adjacent septa, but a little distance lower down, and at some height above the Aspidosiphon chamber, the interseptal loculi become largely filled up by a secondary calcareous deposit, which, being of a dark colour from the presence of an abundant brown pigment, stands in sharp contrast to the white septa and synapticula in a rubbed down specimen. This deposit is crystalline in structure, and as it appears to have been formed independently of and subsecpient to the original septa and synapticula, it has all the characters of a " stereoplasm," i.e., a thickening on either side of every septum filling up the interseptal loculi. It should be observed that this deposit is most abundant and extends furthest towards the centre in the interseptal loculi adjacent to the primary endosepta ; it is abundant, but does not extend so far towards the centre in the loculi adjacent to the secondary endosepta ; it is least abundant in the loculi adjacent to the tertiary endosepta (fig. II.). The structure of the septa is somewhat complicated, and different to anything that has hitherto been carefully figured or described. Each septum is very thin at its inner end and gradually thickens towards its outer or costal extremity. As is shown in Plate III., fig. 12, its inner edge is produced into a number of irregularly shaped teeth or paliform lobes, which merge into the columella, and the impossibility of distinguishing between these paliform sej)tal offsets and true pali has been alluded to above. The laces of the septa are covered with small spiniform granulations which seem to radiate from a centre situated just within the lower end of the synapticulum. These spiniform granules are shown by longitudinal, horizontal and tangential sections to be the extremities of the radiating trabecular (using this term in Pratz's sense) of which the septum is composed. Plate III., fig. 13, is a careful drawing of a horizontal microscopical section through the middle of the corallum, above the level of the Aspidosiphon chamber. The thin inner ends of the septa are shown to consist of a series of trabecular, standing in a single line, but at intervals diverging from the centre to end in a spiniform granule on the septal surface. Passing from the centre towards the periphery, the thickening of the middle and outermost parts of each septum is seen to be due to the multiplication of the trabecular, which no longer form a single line but stand in rows, first two, then three, and finally, at the costal extremity, five or six deep. It can be seen clearly enough in the horizontal section that these trabecular radiate not only towards the central and the peripheral ends of each septum, but also outwards towards the two septal surfaces, on which they emerge as the spiniform granules already described. The septum, then, is formed of a number of trabecular which radiate in all directions from an imaginary centre situated low down and nearer to the inner than the outer (costal) margin of the septum, and it is apparent that the centrifugal growth of the septum is effected by the addition of new trabecular on the outside of those first formed, these new trabecular being at first in single series, but in the more peripheral parts becoming arranged in curved rows, two, three, and more abreast. The curved growth lines, SOLITARY CORALS. 217 showing the successive additions to the septum, and their relations to the rows of trabecule, are well shown in the figure, as well as the way in which the outermost trabecule in each row from place to place bend sharply towards the surface and end in a spiniform granule. It will be observed that there is no dark central line and no dark " centres of calcification." The centre of each trabecula is clearer than the surrounding calcareous deposit, and the latter, which appears white by reflected but dark by transmitted light, seems to have a very fine fibrous rather than a crystalline structure, but I could not make out the details clearly in the thinnest sections that I was able to prepare. In longitudinal sections each septum is clearly seen to be made up of a number of trabecula? radiating like a fan from a centre, and each trabecula appears to be made up of a number of growth segments joined end to end, each segment formed by the fascicle of diverging fibres described by Pratz and Miss Ogilvie as characteristic of the minute structure of the Madreporarian corallum. But if no definite crystalline structure can be discovered in the septa themselves, or in the synapticula, the case is different for the " stereoplasm " in the interseptal loculi. This stereoplasm, except where it is heavily charged with brown pigment, appears dark by reflected and light by transmitted light, and, as is indicated in fig. 13, it is clearly made up of coarse crystalline fibres. The orientation of these fibres should be carefully studied, as it affords a proof that the stereoplasm is a secondary structure, and not a simple addition to the thickness of the septa. At the thin innermost ends of the septa the secondary fibro-crystals are disposed at right angles to the long axis of the septum (as seen in transverse, i.e., horizontal section), and here we seem to have the characteristic structure of the Madreporarian septum with a middle dark line or " centre of calcification," &c. But where the stereoplasm is thick and completely fills the interseptal loculus, it displays a number of curved lines of growth, generally emphasized by the deposition of curved bands of dark brown pigment, and it should be noted that, whereas the curved growth-lines of the septa have their convexities directed outwards, the reverse is the case with the growth-lines of the stereoplasm. The fibro-crystals of the latter, as is shown in fig. 13, are arranged in diverging bundles, conformably to the curved lines of growth, in such a manner as to appear to diverge from a stereoplasmic " centre of calcification " which is more apparent in tangential than in horizontal sections. It is obvious that, after the septa and synapticula have been formed, the soft tissues in the deeper parts of the corallum shrink away from the septal and synapticular surfaces both externally and internally, and as they shrink away the calicoblastic layer again enters into activity and deposits the coarsely fibro-crystalline stereoplasm that eventually fills up the interseptal loculi to a greater or less extent. Concerning the brown pigment, I have very little to say. It appears to be deposited in the form of minute granules between the fibro-crystals, but I found it impossible to make sections sufficiently thin to admit of an accurate study of it. i F 218 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. I have entered at some length into this question of secondary deposit or " stereoplasm," as there appears to be unquestionable evidence of its existence in Heterocyathus, and the minute structure of the corallum of this genus may prove serviceable in the interpretation of the structure of some fossil corals. Miss Ogilvie (41, pp. 93-99) denies the existence of a "stereoplasm" in both recent and fossil corals, and she was perfectly right as regards the corals that she describes. There is, however, a close analogy between the secondary thickening or stereoplasm described by von Koch (29) in Pholidophyllum and that of Heterocyaihus, and it is possible that the structure of Lonsdaleia indica, as described and figured by Waagen (51), may be referred to the same type, but in neither case are the authors' figures suffi- ciently detailed to enable one to speak with certainty. The description given by Frech (19) of Idastrcea profunda, and quoted at length by Miss Ogilvie (41, p. 99), might be applied with very little correction to Heterocyathus, but in this case again the author's figure is on too small a scale to enable one to judge whether the structure is identical or not with that here described. General Anatomy of the Polyp. — As described by Gardiner (23), the corallum is completely invested by the tissues of the polyp, the latter being interrupted only at the mouth of the Aspidosiphon chamber. It must be borne in mind that the young Heterocyathus is attached to and grows round a gastropod shell (usually a Cerithium) tenanted by an Aspidosip>hon, and that the growth of the coral and the Sipunculid proceed pari passu till we get the intimate association between the two forms characteristic of their adult condition. The shell, which served for the original habitation of the Sipunculid and the surface of attachment for the coral, is completely overgrown and eventually greatly exceeded in size by the latter. It is evident, then, that as the coral grows, its soft tissues must be folded down all round the edge of the cup to form a " perisarc," using that term in the restricted sense given to it by Bernard (4, p. 21). As the corallum grew round the shell, the perisarc must have kept pace with it ; indeed, it would be more correct to say that the soft tissues enveloped the shell, and that their innermost ectodermic or calicoblastic layer secreted the corallum which eventually enclosed the shell, and, growing beyond its limits, formed the Aspidosiphon chamber. Eventually the edges of the perisarc, growing round the shell on all sides, meet and unite below, excepting in the region of the mouth of the shell. Thus we get a basal union of the perisarc similar to that observed in Fungia, and as in the last-named genus we find that the mesenteries are prolonged into the cavity of the perisarc and divide up the extra-thecal ccelenteron into as many entoccelic and exocoelic chambers as there are mesenteries. The mesenteries, however, do not extend to the centre of the base of the coral. They may be traced as far as the costse, but die out where the costre pass into the central irregular basal granulations, and here the soft tissues appear to be supported on the granulations in the manner described by Fowler (16). Above the level of the synapticula, which not only physiologically replace but are in some respects soUTAKY CORALS. 219 morphologically equivalent to a true theca, the external portions of the exocoeles and endocoeles are continued into the corresponding internal chambers, and when the polyp is fully expanded the depth of these intermesenterial chambers must be considerable, owing to the relatively great height of the exsert septa. Spirit specimens are, of course, very much contracted, and the soft tissues are everywhere stretched over and down in between the septa, pali and columella to an extent that makes the interpretation of sections a matter of considerable difficulty. The Tentacles. — These, as stated by Gardiner, are twenty-four in number, one corresponding to each endocoele. Owing to contraction it is somewhat difficult to determine the position of the tentacles in an expanded polyp, but it appears that the twelve tertiary tentacles form an external circlet situated quite at the edge or even outside the margin of the calyx. The six primary and six secondary tentacles form an inner circle within the margin of the calyx ; they alternate with one another and the primaries are nearer to, but still at some considerable distance from, the mouth. The tentacles are thickly covered with knob-like batteries ot nematocysts, which are conspicuous in sections. Each tentacle is attached at its base to the two members of a mesenterial pair, and the longitudinal muscle fibres of the mesenteries are continued up into and may be traced to the tip of the tentacle. In contraction the tentacles are completely introverted by the action of the muscle fibres, and in spirit specimens, owing to the excessive contraction of the mesenteries themselves, the invaginated tentacles are doubled over the endoccelic septa and each appears in sections to be prolonged downwards into two pockets, one in each mesentery of the pair to which it belongs (fig. III.). The Peristome and Mouth . — Owing to the distance of the tentacles from the mouth, the peristome is of considerable extent. It is closely contracted against the numerous pali and paliform lobes at the inner edges of the septa, and its contours are scarcely distinguishable in spirit specimens. The mouth is an oval aperture whose size varies very much in spirit specimens ; in some it is contracted to a narrow oval, in others it is widely open, giving a clear view of the soft tissues investing the columella. The mouth, according to all received ideas on Actinian anatomy, should open into a stomodaeum, but in Heterocyatlius there is no definite stomodaeum, in the sense of a longer or shorter tube lined by a modified epithelium. The ectoderm of the peristome is very thin, and at the lips of the mouth it is some- what thickened, and, as described below, there is evidence of a distinct sphincter oris and a distinct dilator oris (radiating fibres) muscle in this region. Immediately within the lips, but not uniting to form a conrplete tube, are the large gutter-shaped " filaments " of the six primary mesenterial pairs which undoubtedly perform the functions of a stomodaeum, and may be described as twelve discontinuous portions of the stomodaeum, united only by the thickened but not modified ectoderm of the lips. There is no trace of a sulcus or sulculus (gonidial grooves). The reduction of the stomodaeum seems to be clearly due to the great development of the pali and the 2 F 2 220 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. ent.m Fig. III. Semi-diagrammatic representation of six successive horizontal sections through the same sextant of Heterocyathus cequicostatus. The corallum is shaded with dots; the mesogloea is represented by a black line, the endoderm by a contour line following the mesogloea; the ectoderm is blocked. A passes through the exsert portion of the septa, B through the mouth, C and D are sections about 0-25 millim. apart and below the mouth ; the interseptal loculi in these sections are not reduced by the formation of secondary calcareous deposit or " stereoplasm." In E a considerable amount of stereoplasm bas been deposited in the loculi adjacent to the primary endoseptum. In F all the loculi are reduced by the deposit of stereoplasm and the mesenteries contain ova. ent.l., ent.U., endosepta of the first and third cycles ; portions of the second-cycle endosepta may be seen at the edges of each sextant, ex., exosepta. fil., band-like primary mesenterial filaments, (jr., groove leading from the mouth to one of the primary mesenterial filaments, m.f., coiled mesenterial filaments. /.', t.", /.'", introverted tentacles of three cycles doubled over the corresponding endosepta. col., columella. columellar upgrowths. There is not, in fact, room for a stomodseum in the contracted polyp. The Mesenteries. — These are of the normal Actinian character and are SOLITARY CORALS. 221 forty-eight in number, consisting of six primary, six secondary, and twelve tertiary pairs. The muscle banners are well developed, and the directive pairs, as is usual, have the muscle banners on their outer faces. The general arrangement of the mesenteries and their relations to the septa, mouth, and peristome are shown in the diagram, fig. III., A, B, C, D, E, F, which represent six sections of the same sextant oi a decalcified specimen of Heteroeyathus taken at different levels. The six pairs of primary mesenteries extend further inwards than the rest, and they alone reach the mouth. The six secondary pairs are intermediate in length, and the twelve tertiary pairs are the shortest of all. As stated above, the free edges of the primary mesenteries at and below the lip of the mouth are broadened out to form a T-shaped or Y-shaped "filament" (fig. III., D,JIL). The inner face (i.e., the face directed towards the central cavity of the polyp) is covered with a very thick ciliated epithelium which passes somewhat abruptly into the thinner but still thick epithelium of the lips. Below the level of the mouth the arms of the T- or Y-shaped filament become free from adjacent tissues and may be traced as broad ciliated bands, which in section appear T-shaped, or Y-shaped, or W-shaped, for a considerable distance below the level of the mouth into the gastro-vascular cavity. As long as they retain this size and shape, they are composed almost exclusively of very long attenuated ciliated epithelial cells, whose nuclei stain deeply and are closely crowded together ; there are few glandular elements interspersed among the attenuated cells, and no nematocysts. Towards the bottom of the gastrovascular cavity these bands become smaller, and gradually assume the normal shape of a mesenterial filament ; gland cells become more abundant and large nematocysts make their appearance. At the bottom of the cavity the filament is thrown into a complex coil, and is loaded both with gland cells and nematocysts of the large type. It is impossible to say, from a study of sections alone, whether the coiled masses at the bottom of the intermesenterial chambers are acontia, i.e., free offsets of the edges of the mesentery, or simply coiled filaments. Gardiner (21) describes acontia in Cceuopsammia, but I am inclined to the opinion that in Heteroeyathus the structures that might be mistaken for acontia are only coiled mesenterial filaments. The filaments of the secondary and tertiary mesenteries do not reach the axial gastrovascular cavity, and are easily distinguished from the primary filaments. They are much smaller, especially in the upper part of their course, and have the usual kidney-shaped outline in section. Like the primary filaments they appear to consist almost exclusively of ciliated cells in the upper part of their course, but they soon show glandular cells and large nematocysts (Plate III., fig. 15). At the bottom of the gastrovascular cavity the filaments of the secondary and tertiary mesenteries are thickened and coiled like those of the primaries. The absence of a definite stomodaeum and the extent and importance of the ciliated bands forming the upper ends of the primary mesenterial filaments are features which, though peculiar, are readily explained by a consideration of their relations to the 222 . CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. palial and columellar structures. As may be seen in fig. III., C, the hammer-shaped palial jii'ocess at the inner end of the primary septum cuts off the filaments of the primary mesenteries from the axial space, and in D the palus is seen to have contracted unions with the columellar pillars, cutting off the interseptal loculi from the axial space. It is evident that the broad ciliated filaments, extending far down in these nearly isolated loculi, are the chief if not the only agents in maintaining the circulation in the deeper parts of the loculi. Fig. III., F, shows how much the interseptal loculi become narrowed and isolated in the deeper parts of the coral in consequence of the abundant secondary thickening or stereoplasm. All the mesenteries are fertile. In female jDolyps the ripe ova are large, and filled with granules of deutoplasm. I have been unable to make out details to my satisfaction, but the ova, when young, appear to become enclosed in the mesoglcea, and as they increase in size they project from the sides of the mesenteries, still enclosed in a thin mesoglceal envelope, outside of which is a layer of endoderm, forming a sort of follicle. The ripe ova are pyriform and hang in bunches from the sides of the mesenteries, each ovum attached by a slender stalk of mesogloea and surrounded by its follicle of endoderm cells. The relation of the mesenteries to the septa affords a strong presumption in favour of the view that these structures have been formed according to Pourtales and Duerden's law. As has been shown, the septa are alternately exoccelic and endocoelic. The exoccelic septa, which on the usual system of notation would be called quaternaries, are larger than the endocoelic tertiaries, aud, as is shown in fig. III., B and C, their inner ends meet and unite in front of the latter. Further than this, in each system the exoccelic septa adjacent to the primaries converge and meet together in front of the secondaries, forming the more or less distinct chevron-shaped pali described above. This union can best be seen in fig. II. As the tertiary endocoelic septa are enclosed within the smallest and therefore the most recently developed mesenterial pairs, and as they are themselves the smallest and least exsert of all the septa, and only unite with the Y-shaped figures formed by the exoccelic septa low down in the corallum (fig. III., B, C, and D), the evidence that they are the most recent in point of formation, aud that they and the mesenterial pairs embracing them originated between the diverging Y-shaped outer ends of the exoccelic septa, in the manner described by Pourtales and Duerden, is sufficiently convincing. The little canals or tubes, running inwards from the lateral walls of the coral and opening into the Aspidosiphon chamber, have been described and figured by several authors, but their minute characters have not yet been investigated. They are almost exactly like the similar tubes in Hetaropsammia, and the transverse section, Plate IV., fig. 24, of a tube of the latter genus serves equally well for Hetcrocyathus. The resemblance is the more striking because in Heteroeyatlms, an imperforate Turbinolid, there are endodermal canals, usually twelve in number, closely attached to the whole length of the tube, which is itself lined by an invagination of the SOLITARY CORALS. 223 ectoderm. In Heteropsammia these canals form part of the system of endodermic canals characteristic of perforate corals, but their presence in Heterocyathus is remarkable. The transverse section has a curious resemblance to a section through a young Actinian with twelve mesenteries and a very wide stomodseum. The ectoderm lining the central tube is curiously modified at its inner end, as will be described below. The tubes vary in number and position. There may be from five to nine of them, and they are not, as a rule, in the same plane, but in the majority of specimens they are more numerous and more closely set together on the side furthest from the mouth of the Aspidosiphon chamber. Tangential sections of the corallum show that the tubes are interseptal, and that the stereoplasm filling up the interseptal loculi is interrupted by their presence. Being interseptal, their external openings are always between the costse. Histology. — Though Professor Herdman's specimens are exceptionally well preserved, histological details are, as is usual in corals, difficult to determine to one's satisfaction. In what follows I do not profess to give a complete account of the histology of the different tissues, but will confine myself to such details as I have been able to make out to my own satisfaction. The E c t o d e r m . — As is shown in fig. III., the ectoderm of the body-wall is more or less deeply infolded between the costre in spirit specimens. It is thinner where it is stretched over the edges of the costse and thicker in the furrows between, and this does not seem to be due to contraction in spirit and the consequent stretching of the tissue over the costal edges, but to a differentiation of the ectoderm, which is not only thicker, but more glandular and more richly provided with nematocysts in longitudinal stripes, corresponding to the attachments of the mesenteries. In the thinner stripes of ectoderm corresponding to the costse the tissue consists almost entirely of columnar or cubical epithelial cells. There are very few gland cells, and few, if any, nematocysts. In the thicker stripes opposite the attachments of the mesenteries the epithelial cells are longer, and there are numerous gland cells and nematocysts of the kind shown in Plate III., fig. 18. The gland cells are of an elongated goblet form, with a comjjressed nucleus at the base of the goblet and a, very thin protoplasmic stalk passing from the nucleus to the mesogloea. They contain a number of yellowish-brown highly refractive granules, which do not stain with any of the ordinary aniline dyes, or with hematoxylin. Similar gland cells are very abundant in the ectoderm of the tentacles. The nematocysts, two of which are shown everted in fig. 16, are elongate oval in shape with a somewhat coarse thread coiled loosely within. The everted threads are covered with long barbs disjiosed in a spiral. Before eversion these nematocysts contain a flocculent substance which stains bright blue in picro-indigo-carmine, a7id therefore probably belongs to the class of hyalogens, all of which stain similarly with this dye. The ectoderm lining the outer moieties of the tubes leading into the Aspidosiphon chamber is of the same character as that of the thickened stripes of the body-wall, 224 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. but it is remarkably modified in tbe inner moieties of tbese tubes. It becomes much thicker (Plate III., fig. 17) and has a vacuolated appearance, and in place of the gland cells described above we find elongated pyriform gland cells filled with round granules, which stain deeply in hematoxylin. But the most striking feature is afforded by the nematocysts. These are very numerous, closely crowded together, are ovoid in shape and very large, with a thick thread covered with barbs arranged in a double spiral. They contain coarse, closely-packed granules, which stain intensely blue in picro-indigo-carmine. In spite of their much larger size (figs. 16 and 17 are drawn to the same scale) and their different shape, I regard these as modifications of the ordinary nematocysts of the ectoderm of the body-wall. But they are certainly very strikingly modified, and I am at a loss to explain their function, situated as they are at the deeper end of tubes whose function is also problematical. The ectoderm of the tentacles is raised into a great number of the well-known knob-like " batteries," crowded with small nematocysts of the usual form with a closely coiled spiral thread. Interspersed among these are larger nematocysts resembling those of the body-wall, but usually much longer and narrower. The ectoderm of the peristome is extremely thin, and consists of a cubical epithelium with very few gland cells, and, as far as I could ascertain, no nematocysts. At the lips of the mouth, however, the ectoderm is thickened, and shows some special features not visible in the ectoderm of the body-wall. There are very few gland cells, those which are present containing coarse granules staining blue in picro-indigo-carmine. I could not detect any nematocysts. Muscle fibres, which were scarcely distinguishable in the peristome, are here well developed and arranged radially so as to form a more or less distinct dilator oris muscle. In many sections the epithelio-muscular character of the ectoderm cells becomes evident. The layer of nerve fibres at and between the bases of the ectoderm cells is distinct, and among the epithelio-muscular cells very small attenuated, spindle-shaped cells may be distinguished which may be interpreted as sense cells. This thickened ectoderm passes insensibly into the endoderm at the lower margin of the lips, except at the places where the twelve primary mesenteries reach the mouth. Here it is continued into the very thick ectoderm of the Y- or T-shaped filaments of these mesenteries. In these filaments, as mentioned above, the ectoderm consists almost exclusively of very long attenuated, ciliated, epithelial cells, whose character is sufficiently indicated in fig. 14. There are very few glandular elements and no nematocysts. The coiled filaments of the bases of the primary mesenteries, and nearly the whole extent of the filaments of the secondary and tertiary mesenteries, consist of closely-packed, attenuated, epithelial cells, among which numerous gland cells and nematocysts are wedged in. The gland cells are of two kinds : (l) ovoid vesicular cells with clear contents ; (2) pyriform cells containing coarse granules staining deeply in picro-indigo-carmine or hsematoxylin. The nematocysts are all of the type shown in fig. 18. They are very large, measuring SOLITARY CORALS. 225 (V06 millim. in length, and the central thread stains intensely blue in picro-indigo- carmine. They are clearly of the same type as, but somewhat larger than, the mesenterial nematocysts described by Gardiner (21) in Ccenopsammia. As regards the layer of calicoblasts and the desmocytes, they are of the usual character, and I have nothing to add to what I have published concerning these structures in a previous paper (7). The En do derm. — As is usual in corals, the highly vacuolated endoderm cells are so badly preserved that nothing very definite can be said of their structure. They differ, however, in different regions of the body. The endoderm cells covering the muscle-banners and the extrathecal continuations of the mesenteries, and also those of the tentacular endoderm, are very long and columnar, and are crowded with Zooxanthellse. As a rule there is a similar modification just within the mesenterial filaments, this modification being most pronounced in the primary mesenteries. Elsewhere the endoderm consists of a rather low columnar or cubical epithelium, and Zooxanthellae are more scarce or, in some places, absent. Gardiner (21) lays great stress on the absence of glandular elements in the endoderm, but my observations do not support his conclusions. Glandular elements, it is true, are few or altogether absent, not only in the elongated endoderm above referred to, but in the whole or the greater part of the endodermic investment of the mesenteries. But in Hetero- cyathus the endoderm of the axial gastrovascular cavity, that is to say the tissue investing the pali and columellar upgrowths, is invested by a moderately thick cubical endoderm in which there are few Zooxanthellse, but numerous ovoid or bean- shaped cells containing clear refractive granules which do not stain with any of the aniline dyes used, nor with hematoxylin. These cells are shown in Plate IV., fig. 19. It is, of course, possible that they may be modified nematocysts. Similar cells are found, though not so abundantly, in the endoderm wherever it is opposite a layer of calicoblast, and this would seem to suggest that the function of the cells in question is to elaborate material which is passed through the thin mesoglceal lamina to the layer of calicoblasts and converted into calcareous tissue by the agency of the latter. This view has a certain probability, because the calicoblasts form so thin a layer, and are themselves so retrograde in structure that it is difficult to believe that they are the only agents in the active growth of the corallum. On the other hand, I have observed fragments of copepods and diatoms in the intermesenterial chambers, at some distance from the filaments, and as these have evidently been or are being digested, it is equally possible that these glandular-looking cells in the endoderm may secrete a digestive fluid. At all events the facts do not warrant so sweeping an assertion as that of Gardiner, that the endoderm is excretory but not glandular, < ti- the conclusions as to the homology of the Anthozoan layers that he has founded on it. In some, but not in all my series of sections, the endoderm, in addition to the glandular elements described above, contained a number of large amoeboid cells of 2 g 226 CEYLON PEARL OYSTEE REPORT. various shape, two of which are shown in fig. 20. They were very abundant in one series, but entirely absent in another, and in a third they were rare. They are filled with large refracting granules, which generally stain crimson in picro-indigo-carmine, but in some cases they stain a deep indigo blue. They can be nothing else than amoebocytes. and are probably excretory in function. Their abundance in one specimen and their rarity or absence in others is probably attributable to the different conditions of nutrition of the polyps in question. It is well known that the endodenn of Ccelenterates, e.g., of Hydra, presents very different appearances according as the animal has been recently fed or starved, and I have found the most diverse appearances, particularly in the matter of the presence or absence of endoderm cells loaded with granules, in the endoderm of Hydra, according as they had been fed abundantly or starved. Finally, it may be noted that at the bottom of the axial cavity there are large spaces, and frequently there is a single large central space in the axial gastro- vascular cavity. The endoderm lining these spaces or space is invariably devoid of Zooxanthellse and gland cells, and has the simple columnar form depicted in fig. 21. As regards the occurrence of nematocysts in the endoderm, I occasionally found large nematocysts, of the second type characteristic of the tentacular batteries, in the tentacular endoderm, but invariably in close proximity to one of the batteries. I conclude, therefore, that these nematocysts were not formed in the endoderm, but have been forced through the mesoglcea into the endoderm during the violent contraction produced by the action of reagents. Elsewhere I could find no trace of nematocysts of any kind in the endoderm. 2. Heteropsammia michelini, M. Edw. and H. (Plate IV., figs. 22 to 25.) The remarkable analogies between this coral and Heterocyathus CBquicostatus have been commented on by several authors. Both are built up round a gastropod shell tenanted by an Aspidosiphon, both have an exactly similar spiral Aspidosiphon chamber in the adult state. In both there is a minute Lamellibrauch commensal with the Aspidosiphon within the chamber, and in both there is a number of minute tubes lined by ectoderm leading from the lateral walls of the coral into the chamber in question. The shape and general appearance of the two corals is closely similar, but whereas Heterocyathus is always a simple coral, Heteropsammia michelini generally exhibits two calices produced by fission of the parent calicle, and H. multi- lobata exhibits several calicles. The anatomy of the last-named species has been described by Fowler (18), who notes the following features. The external soft tissues rest on the echinulations of the cienenchyme ; the tentacles are simple, without nt'inatocyst batteries, and are apparently both exoccelic and endocoelic ; exosepta and endosepta are present, and certain of the septa fuse centrally, as in Rliodopsammia SOLITARY CORALS. 227 (Balanophyllia) ; the number of mesenterial pairs is very variable and there are no directive mesenteries ; the tubes leading into the Aspidosiphon chamber are lined by ingrowths of the body-wall consisting of ectoderm, mesoglcea, and endoderm. No account is given of the histology. IT. mvltilobata is a well-marked colonial form with several calices, whereas //. michelini usually lias two calices only, and some of the differences between my observations and Fowler's are no doubt attributable to the difference in habit of the two species. In older specimens of H. michelini the septal arrangement is sometimes very irregular, but in young specimens with a single undivided calicle the septa are arranged in a normal manner in six systems and four complete cycles, and their relations are practically identical with those described in Balomophyllia, and with a little trouble one may select a considerable proportion of adult specimens, hi which two calicles have been formed by fissiparity, in which the septal arrangement differs very little from the normal. The most interesting results, however, are obtained from specimens with a single elongated but as yet undivided calicle. I made a series of sections through one such specimen and another series through an obviously regular calicle of a specimen in which fissiparity was complete. The sections show that the septa are alternately exocoelic and endocoelic. In the first specimen with an undivided calicle there are two pairs of directive mesenteries defining the primary septa at each end of the long axis of the calicle. A portion of one side of the specimen was destroyed by the ravages of a boring sponge, but in the complete half I was able to count three systems and twenty-six endosepta arranged in four complete cycles, and a single septum of a fifth cycle in the chambers adjoining the directive septa. I have given a diagram of this specimen in fig. IV. The diagram is carefully constructed with reference to a camera drawing of the actual section, but the complexity of the actual drawing is so great, owing to the porous nature of the corallum, and the details are 60 minute that it is impossible to get them all into any figure of reasonable size other than a diagram. It will be observed that the arrangement of the septa and their relations to the mesenteries are practically identical to what has been described in Heterocyathus. But particular attention should be paid to the exocoelic septa, which are shaded with lines to distinguish them from the endosepta. Nothing can be more clear than the fact that their peripheral ends have been thickened ; that chambers have been formed in the thickened ends, whereby the septa became Y-shaped. And, finally, that the quaternary endosepta have been formed between the mesenterial pairs arising in the forks of the endosepta, and in some cases they have and in some they have not united with the inner ends of the exosepta. Moreover it is clear, from the manner in which the inner ends of the exosepta unite in the columella, that the tertiary endocoeles must have been formed in exactly the same manner as the quaternaries obviously have been. There could not be a more striking demonstration of the validity of 2 0 2 228 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. ' 4 3 JD 1 Fig. IV. Diagram of a specimen of Hdempmmmia michelini in which the calice has not yet divided by transverse fission. The endosepta are cross-shaded, the exosepta, the porous theca, and the columella are black. The mesenteries are indicated in the upper half of the figure but not in the lower. D, D, directive mesenterial pairs. 1, 2, 3, endosepta of the first, second, and third cycles. 4, 4, fourth- cycle endosepta, each enclosed in a chamber formed by the forked peripheral ends of an exoseptum. In several cases the inner ends of the exosepta may be seen to unite in front of a tertiary endoseptum and to be prolonged beyond the jtoint of union into the columella. 5, an endoseptum of the fifth cycle formed in a bifurcation of an exoseptum adjoining one of the directive endosepta. Pourtales and Duerden's law in the case of Eupsammid corals. It should be noted, however, that the quinary mesenterial pairs do not arise according to the sequence observed by Duerden in Siderastrcea, but are contiguous to the sulcar (dorsal) and sulcular (ventral) primary septa. My second series of sections, through a polyp which had been formed by transverse division from the original single parent polyp, gave some interesting results. A tracing of a section taken a little above the level of the stomodeeum is given in fig. 22. The arrangement of the septa and mesenteries is remarkably regular. There are apparently six systems and three cycles of endosepta, with an additional quaternary septum in the chamber on the right side of the directive septum, that is to say, there is just half the number of endosepta that there was in the elongated and undivided specimen. The endosepta may be classified according to size and relations as primaries, secondaries, and tertiaries, but they cannot have made their appearance in this order, as they were derived from the pre-existing septa of the parent polyp. The number of parental mesenteries has evidently been halved in the process of division. No new septa have been added, but the quaternaries of the parent have become the tertiaries of the offspring. SOLITARY CORALS. 229 Another singular fact is the presence of only one pair of directive mesenteries, the absence of the second pair being obviously explained by the division of the parent at right angles to the long axis of the calicle, whereby one pair of directives remained in the one, and the other pair in the other of the offspring. The existence of the single pair of directives in a coral which has doubled itself by a single act of fissiparity confirms the conclusion I arrived at in an earlier paper (5), that the absence of directives in many corals is to be explained by the fact that they have multiplied by fission. To deal briefly with other points in the anatomy of the polyp. The external body wall, as Fowler describes, rests upon the echinulations of the ccenenchyma, and there are no peripheral continuations of the mesenteries. The tentacles are all endoccelic, and therefore correspond in number to the endosepta. In contraction they are introverted, and in this condition are doubled over the inner edges of the endosepta. Thus they are situated nearer the mouth than in Heterocyathus, and the peristomial area is correspondingly reduced. The primary and secondary tentacles form a circle nearest to the mouth, the remaining orders form circles at greater distances from it, and it follows from their relations to the endosepta that the tentacles of different orders alternate with one another. In H. michelini the tentacles are covered with well-developed batteries of nematocysts ; in H. multilobata, according to Fowler, they are not. There is a short, but distinct stomodasum, and I think that I found traces of a sulcus (gonidial groove), but of this I cannot be certain, as both my specimens suffered partly from the attacks of boring sjjonges, and partly from the fact that grains of quartz sand were lodged in the angles of the mouth and produced imper- fections in my sections in those regions. However this may be, the circulation of water in the complex chambers in which the lower parts of the mesenteries are lodged is provided for by means similar to that described in Heterocyathus. The filaments of the primary and secondary mesenteries form broad sinuous bands in the upper part of their courses, and it is only deep down in the coral that one meets with the characteristic kidney-shaped sections of mesenterial filaments. The number and arrangement of the mesenteries has been sufficiently described. As far as I could determine, all the mesenteries are fertile, but in the undivided specimen of which I made sections the quaternary mesenteries, especially those in the lateral chambers, were in advance of the remaining orders as regards the maturity of ova contained in them. The ova, and as far as I could make out in a series of loncd- tudinal sections the testes also, are embedded in the mesoglcea of the mesenteries in the manner figured by the Hertwigs for Actinia, and do not hang from the sides of the mesenteries in follicles as in Heterocyathus. Histology. — The external tissues were very well preserved, but the reagents had not penetrated well, and the endoderm and mesenterial filaments were in consequence macerated and of little use for histological examination. •230 CEYLON PEAEL OYSTER REPORT. The E c t o d e r m (fig. 23) of the body-wall is relatively much thicker than in Heteroeyathus, and is richly supplied with gland cells and nematocysts. The character of the epithelial cells is well shown in the figure. The gland cells are of three kinds: — (l) Goblet cells with a central nucleus and filiform internal ends, the wider external end filled with small granules staining deeply in hematoxylin or picro-indigo-carmine. (2) Flask-shaped cells with broad internal ends and a narrow neck opening at the surface ; these cells are filled with coarse granules which stain in the same way as those of the first variety. (3) A few large vacuolated sac-shaped cells whose contents stain with eosin, but remain colourless in picro-indigo-carmine. The nematocysts are of two kinds. The small spiral-thread variety is fairly abundant, and here and thei*e are large torpedo-shaped nematocysts with barbed threads, similar to those described for Heteroeyathus. The ectoderm lining the small canals leading into the Aspidosiphon chamber is not modified as in Heteroeyathus, but contrariwise, it loses its glandular character and consists almost exclusively of ciliated columnar cells, among which nematocysts of the larger variety with barbed threads are to be found. In some of my sections the lumina of the tubes are packed with everted nematocysts of this kind, which have evidently been discharged when the polyp was killed, and this suggests that these canals serve in some manner as special batteries of nematocysts protecting the commensal Sipunculid. In fig. 25 I have given a representation of the manner in which these chamber canals pass through the general mass of ccenenchymal canals into the Aspidosiphon chamber. It will be observed that the endoderm canals, generally twelve or thirteen in number, surrounding them are specially related to the chamber canals and lie parallel to them. The tentacular ectoderm is raised into large and broad nematocyst batteries containing numerous small spiral nematocysts and a lesser number of those of the larger type. In the peristomial region the ectoderm becomes thinner, less glandular, and contains but few nematocysts. At the lips it again becomes thick, and in this region the nervous layer is thicker than elsewhere, and I was able to observe a few large pale nuclei embedded in the layer of nerve fibrils which appear to belong to gland cells. In this region, as in Heteroeyathus, the radially disposed muscular fibres of the ectoderm cells are very conspicuous, and one can equally well recognise the circular layer of endodermic fibres forming a sphincter oris. The ectoderm of the lips passes without any abrupt change into the stomodaeum. Here the same elements may be recognised, but in different proportions. The epithelial cells are elongated filiform, and their deeply staining elongated nuclei are closely crowded together. Nematocysts of the spiral and barbed types are fairly abundant, especially the latter variety. The glandular cells are much increased in number, especially the eosinophile cells of the third type. The layer of nerve fibrils at the bases of the cells is relatively thick. This structure is continued without much change into the broad filaments of the primary and secondary mesenteries, but in the SOLITARY CORALS. 231 lower part of their courses the spiral nematocysts and the basophile gland cells become less numerous, and the number of eosinophil gland cells is correspondingly increased. The coiled mesenterial filaments were too much macerated to admit of accurate observation. 1 was only able to satisfy myself that they contain numerous large barbed nematocysts, but none of the spiral variety; that the epithelial cells are attenuated and closely packed together in groups, and that there are numerous very large eosinophile gland cells between the groups. The endoderm was too much macerated to admit of careful study. The cells are evidently highly vacuolated, and their nuclei are unusually small. Zooxanthellee are abundant in the most external ccenenchymal canals, but are scantily distributed in the deeper parts. In one of my specimens the endoderm was full of granular amcebocytes similar to those described in Heterovyathus. 3. Dendrophyllia gracilis, M. Edw. and Haime. (Plate IV., figs. 26 to 28.) The anatomy and histology of D. ramea has been fully described by von Heider (26), whose observations are so careful and accurate that I have little to add to them. He has given a very full account of the relations of the perisarc (edge-zone or " Randplatte"), and has fully realized the importance of the exosepta and the manner in which the tertiary mesenterial pairs, and the exosepta embraced by them, are formed in the Y-shaped peripheral extremities of these exosepta. The full significance of this observation of course escaped him, as he was unacquainted with Pourtales' account of the development of Balanophyllia, and his memoir was many years anterior to Duerden's recent work. Dendrophyllia is an arborescent genus propagating by lateral buds. The soft tissues extend for a considerable distance below the lip of the calicle, forming a well- marked edge-zone or perisarc. The septa and theca are thin and fragile, and there are well-marked external costee corresponding to the septa. Correlated with the presence of costse is the existence of peripheral continuations of the mesenteries in the perisarc, as has been correctly described and figured by von Heider, There is practically no difference between the septal arrangement of D. gracilis and D. ramea. In both there are three cycles of endosepta, and the exosepta alternate with the endosepta, forming an apparent quaternary cycle. Von Heider has given an excellent account of the manner in which the apparent quaternary exosepta meet and unite in front of the short tertiary endosepta, and his diagram (loc. tit., plate xxxi., fig. 7) leaves nothing to be desired in clearness and accuracy. It is evident that the septa and mesenteries are formed in strict accordance with Pourtales' and Duerden's law, and I am able to add this much in confirmation. I made a series of sections through a small lateral bud measuring about 2 millims. in diameter. In this bud there are only twelve pairs of mesenteries. Six pairs, of 232 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. which two are directives, are well developed and reach the stomodseum ; they embrace the primary endosepta, the latter being tolerably well developed as narrow, ridge-like projections in the calicle, but with branched peripheral ends passing into the network of trabecular forming the coenenchyme. Alternating with the endosepta are six exosepta of approximately the same size, whose peripheral ends bifurcate and enclose chambers in which are the mesenterial pairs of the second cycle. These secondary mesenteries are unequally developed, but not, as far as I could determine, according to any regular sequence. Each pair embraces an endoseptum, which in some cases is very rudimentary, but in other cases has grown centipetally and has united with the inner limb of the Y-shaped exoseptum (fig. V). Thus we see that in the bud the Fig. V. Semi-diagrammatic section through a young bud of Dendrophyllia gracilis. 1, 2, the primary and secondary cycles of endosepta embraced by the corresponding mesenterial pairs. 1>, l>, the two pairs of directive mesenteries, ex, an exoseptum with forked peripheral ends, within which a pair of secondary mesenteries enclosing a secondary endoseptum is developed. /', t2, tentacles of the first and second cycles corresponding to the endosepta. secondary mesenteries, and the endosepta embraced by them, are formed between the bifurcated outer ends of the exosepta, and show the same relations to the latter that the tertiary endosepta show in the adult. This is a clear proof of the nature ol the septal sequence. SOLITARY CORALS. 233 Vox H eider counted eighteen tentacles in one-half of a specimen of D. ramea. My specimens of D. gracilis were too much contracted to enable me to count with certainty, but I found, both in the bud and in the adult, indications of a cycle of exotentacles alternating with the primary and secondary endotentacles. The exo- tentacles appear to be simply introverted, and do not enter into close relations with the mesenteries. The endotentacles, as in Heteropsammia, are introverted and doubled over the inner edges of the endosepta. As far as I could determine, there ai*e twelve exotentacles in the adult, alternating with the primary and secondary endotentacles. Thus there would be thirty-six tentacles of both kinds, and my observations agree with von Heider's. The stomodajum is relatively longer than in Heteropsammia, measuring fully 1 millim. in length in the contracted spirit specimen, and in the expanded polyp it is probably much longer. I could find no trace of sulcus or sulculus. The stomodseal ectoderm extends some little way down the free edges of the primary and secondary mesenteries, as in Heterocyathus and Heteropsammia, but not so far as in these two genera, and eventually it gives place to a normal mesenterial filament. As regards the histology, I have not very much to add to what has been published by vox Heider. In D. gracilis the ectoderm of the body-wall is peculiar, and unlike anything that I have seen in any other coral. It is difficult to obtain a clear idea of its structure in sections, but it appears, as shown in fig. 26, that the cells are large and vacuolated, and form a thickened cell-wall, which, from its staining properties, seems to be of the nature of an intercellular substance. The walls of adjacent cells cohering together give a semi-cartilaginous consistency to the whole tissue, which no doubt forms an efficient protection against the numerous sponges and other organisms that infest the majority of corals. Embedded in the ectoderm cells are nematocysts of three kinds : ( 1 ) the common spiral-thread nematocyst measuring 0"02 millim. in length, more or less ; these are very scantily distributed. (2) Medium-sized elongated nematocysts, about 0'028 millim. long and 0"005 millim. broad (fig. 27b) with a loosely and irregularly coiled thread ; these are abundant. (3) Large elongate oval nematocysts about 0'035 millim. long and O'Ol millim. broad. According to Gardiner (21) the medium-sized nematocysts are developing stages of the spiral 0-02-millim. nematocysts, and this may be the case. It is not easy to speak with certainty on this point from a study of sections only, but there is some reason to think that the medium-sized nematocyst, as I have figured it, is really a third variety. In the first place they are very abundant in the ectoderm of the body-wall, whereas the small spiral nematocysts are very scantily represented there ; in the second place they occur in the stomodaeum in which no other nematocysts are to be found. Von Heider found two kinds of nematocysts in the ectoderm of D. ramea, the small spiral 0'02-millim. variety, and the large elongate oval variety, measuring in this case 0-05 millim. in length. He describes the latter as tilled with a coarsely granular material, but without a thread, and a large 2 H 234 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. proportion of these nematocysts in D. gracilis present this appearance ; but others may be found in which a thick thread loosely wound in a spiral of few turns is clearly distinguishable, and it is scarcely open to doubt that the forms filled with granular material are simply unripe. In fig. 27c I have drawn a nematocyst of this variety which seems to throw some light on the development of the thread. In the centre of the capsule is the pointed end of the thread (much longer than in Coenopsammia) surrounded by a granular sheath which seems to be differentiating to form the eversible portion of the capsule. At the base of the capsule the granular sheath widens out and forms a rounded mass in which an irregularly and imperfectly formed coil can be distinguished : this I take to be the middle portion of the thread in course of formation. Near the point of the thread, and outside the granular sheath surrounding it, is a spiral of five turns closely wound round the granular sheath : this must be the terminal portion of the thread differentiated from the granular sheath at the same time that the latter gave rise to the eversible portion of the capsule. The capsule itself is lined by a rather thick granular layer. It should be observed that in these nematocysts the terminal part of the thread is wound round the eversible sheath near the aperture for the extrusion of the latter. Gardtner (loc. cit., plate xxxiv., fig. 14) figures it at the opposite end of the capsule, but in Coenopsammia the eversible sheath is only one-third the length of the capsule. In DendrophylUa, moreover (von Heider agreeing with me in this), there is a distinct spearhead-shaped tip to the thread, as in Euphyllia, whereas Gardiner found no such armature in Coenopsammia. In the "batteries" of the tentacles there are, as usual, very numerous and closely crowded nematocysts of the small spiral variety, and among them a considerable number of the second variety described above, which, if Gardiner is right, are to be regarded as early stages of the spiral variety. I think, however, that they are really a different form of nematocyst. I was able to distinguish a fine fibril passing inwards from the bases of many of the small spiral nematocysts, and in some cases I could observe that this fibril passed into a fine layer of protoplasm surrounding an oval nucleus, and that from this a fine branching fibril passed into the layer of nerve fibres overlying the mesoglcea (fig. 27a). The ectoderm of the peristome is very thick as compared with Heteropsammia and Heterocyathus, and contains a large proportion of gland cells and the same nematocysts as the ectoderm of the body wall. The stomodaeal ectoderm, as von Heider remarked, is composed almost exclusively of elongated cells of the columnar type ; they are almost certainly ciliated, but the cilia had been destroyed by the action of alcohol. There are few gland cells, those that are present being of the flask-shaped finely granular type, in the stomodeeum and very few nematocysts. All the nematocysts that I was able to recognise belong to the second variety described above. The mesenterial filaments are crowded with gland cells and nematocysts, the latter all of the same medium-sized variety as those of the stomodseum, and this fact leads SOLITARY CORALS. 235 me to think that Gardiner was in error in describing this form as a stage in the development of the small spiral variety. The mesenterial filaments are relatively small, and the absence of the largest ectodermal nematocysts is explained by the fact that there is no room for bodies of such size. The endoderm is remarkable chiefly for the fact that Zooxanthellse are very sparingly distributed in the mesenterial epithelium, and the epithelio-muscular cells are for the most part clearly defined and but little vacuolated. The muscular processes of the cells are remarkably well developed. Scattered through the endoderm, but somewhat sparingly, are minute nematocysts, about 0-01 millim. long, containing a loosely and irregularly coiled spiral thread. Each is contained in a transparent cuticle, and there is a flattened nucleus to one side of and outside the nematocyst itself. In the somewhat similar endodermic nematocysts of Flabellum, Gardiner (22) figures the nucleus inside the capsule of the nematocyst. The mesogloea of D. gracilis is relatively thick, no doubt in correlation with the unusually great development of the musculature, but I could find no trace of structure in it. The desmocytes, described by von Heider as calicoblasts. are well developed and form tassel-like groups at the points of attachment of the mesenteries to the theca, but otherwise present the usual features. It is evident that the three forms whose anatomy is described in this memoir do not differ in any important points of anatomical or histological structure from the normal Actinian type, which has been shown by many authors to be characteristic of the polyps of Madreporarian corals. There are, indeed, minor characters, both anatomical and histological, which have a certain interest, but none of them can be regarded as having any classificatory value. One's attention is arrested by the presence of both endotentacles and exotentacles in some genera and of endotentacles only in others. But when we see that in the Eupsammiidge, a well-defined family, only endotentacles exist in Heteropsrxmmia while Dendrophyllia possesses both endo- and exotentacles, this character does not appear to be of much value. Moreover, owing to the great difficulty experienced in counting and localising the tentacles in spirit specimens, the information we possess on this point is not altogether trustworthy, and before any attempt is made to use the tentacles as an aid in determining the affinities of different genera of corals, it will be necessary to accumulate a large number of facts based on the study of living or well-preserved expanded polyps. But a much more promising field is offered to the future investigator by the study of the relations of the septa to the mesenteries, especially by the developmental sequence of the endosepta and their connections with the exosepta, if present. My chief object in this paper has been to show that it is possible, by a study of the relations of hard and soft parts in the adult corals, to determine whether the septal sequence follows the rule established for Balanophyttia by Pourtales and Siderastrcea by Duerden, and I have given sufficient evidence to show that the peculiar septal 2 H 2 236 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. arrangement of the Eupsammiidee, which has been commented upon by many authors, is due to the sequence in question. I have further shown that the septal arrangement in Heteroeyathus, an imperforate coral, can only be interpreted upon the same principle, and Duerden's account of the development of Siderastrcea is of itself sufficient evidence that a similar mode of septal sequence prevails both in perforate and imperforate corals. On the other hand, it is clear from von Koch's (32) and de Lacaze Duthier's (33) account of the development of Caryophyllia, that Pourtales and Duerden's rule is by no means applicable to all corals, but that, contrariwise, there is another and distinct mode of septal sequence which is either independent of the formation of exosepta, or in which the part played by the exosepta is very different. It is tempting to suppose that there are two principal modes of septal development among corals, typified by the Eupsammiidse, Heteroeyathus and Siderastrcea on the one hand, and Caryoj)hyUia on the other hand, and that the presence or absence of exosepta will indicate the group to which any given coral belongs. But while I think that it is very possible that a solution of many classificatory difficulties may be found by extensive investigations on the lines laid down by Duerden, I must recognise that it would be premature to make any positive statements in the present state of our knowledge. There can, I think, be very little doubt that forms like Mussa, Euphyllia, and Galaxea, which have endosepta only, cannot have been developed on the same plan as Siderastrcea, but must have followed the mode described by von Koch for Caryophyllia. But this statement cannot be extended to all forms known to possess endosepta only. Gardiner (22) has shown that in Flabellum the new cycles of septa are at first exoccelic, and that in the course of growth a pair of mesenteries is formed in connection with each exoseptum, in consequence of which the exosepta become endosepta. I have shown (6) that the same rule holds good for the anthoblasts of Fungia. Though our evidence is not complete upon this point, I believe that this will be found to be the usual mode of septal formation in all corals which have only endosepta in the adult condition. It must be borne in mind that a coral in the course of growth increases not only in height but in diameter. As a consequence of its constantly expanding perimeter, the peripheral ends of the original radial structures (the primary and secondary septa) become further and further removed from one another, and the polyp forms new radial folds between which new radial calcareous structures are formed to fill up the gaps between the diverging septal extremities. These new radial structures are the exosepta or their equivalents. In those cases in which the exoseptal formations acquire a very intimate union at the time of their appearance with the adjacent endosepta, further peripheral growth is accompanied by a bifurcation or splitting of the peripheral ends of the exosepta, and a newer set of radial folds with corresponding calcareous structures is formed within their bifurcated extremities, as in the Eupsammiidse, Siderastrcea, &c. In other cases further peripheral growth is provided for by the formation of new radial folds on SOLITARY CORALS. 237 cither side of instead of between the forked peripheral ends of the exosepta, and these latter, as a consequence of the formation of new mesenterial pairs embracing them, become in their turn endosepta. But, whichever the mode of peripheral growth, it is obvious that the so-called " theca," about which so much discussion has taken place, is really the result of the formation of radial structures in connection with peripheral growth, and is not a circumferential structure. An examination of the figure in the text, fig. IV., will make this clear. Here the different stages of peripheral growth are clearly marked by the different distances from the centre of the insertions of the primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary mesenteries. The wall or theca must at each stage have been formed by the trabecular offsets of the peripheral ends of the exosepta united to the endosepta, and it is clear that the perforate " theca " of the adult is nothing more than a network of trabeculee formed by the peripheral ends of the exosepta and endosepta. In Heterocyathus the wall is formed by the intervention of the synapticula, which must be regarded as being formed simply by very short radial folds between the outer ends of the septa, and are therefore quasi-septal structures, as has been pointed out for Fungia by Miss Ogilvie. In many corals the wall is formed by simple apposition of the thickened peripheral ends of the septa, giving rise to the so-called " pseudotheca." In others it is formed by the so-called "euthecal" pieces, which are really nothing more than very short radial structures intervening between the peripheral ends of the septa, but not produced internally so as to form septa. In the present state of our knowledge it would be unprofitable to pursue the subject further, but I may repeat that the whole tendency of recent investigation has been to show that a true theca, that is to say, a circumferential structure independent of the radial growths, or septa, is always to be referred to the prototheca, as defined by Bernard, and that all other so-called "thecal" structures are in reality radial growths, formed in radial folds of the polypal walls, between previously existing radial structures. Further, it would seem from the most recent embryological investigations, which are confirmed by a study of adult structure, that there are two ways in which the new radial growth may take place : (1) by the simple formation of new radial folds between every pre-existing radial fold (Caryophyllia, &c); (2) by the bifurcation of every alternate radial fold and the formation of a new radial fold in every space formed by such bifurcation (Siderastrcea, BalanophyUia, Heterocyathus, &c). It is possible, but it would be rash to make a positive assertion at present, that these two modes of peripheral growth will be found to be of primary value to the systematist. It may lie worth while, in conclusion, to observe that the following corals have been found to have endosepta only : — Mussa, Euphyllia, Madrepora durvillei, Madracis aspenda, Duncania, Galaxea, the lateral polyps of Madrepora variabilis. The following have been found to possess both exosepta and endosepta : — Astroides, Stephanotrochus, BalanophyUia, Hetei-opsammia, Dendrophylha, Heterocyathus, 238 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. Madrepora aspera, the apical polyps of Madrepora variabilis, Lophohelia, Seriato- pora, Amphihelia, Stephanophyllia, Stephanaria, Sphenotrochus, Caryophyllia, Trochocyatlms, Bathyactis. In Flabellum and Fungia there are both endosepta and exosepta, but the latter eventually become endosepta on the formation of mesenterial pairs embracing them. The list is incomplete, but it suffices to show that little reliance can be placed on the mere presence or absence of exosepta. On the other hand, I believe that it is of importance to discover in every coral whether the new endosepta are formed in the forked peripheral extremities of the exosepta, or simply by the formation of a new pair of mesenteries in connection with a radial upgrowth. SOLITARY CORALS. 239 LIST OF LITERATURE. (1.) Alcock. — "Newly Recorded Corals from Indian Seas." 'Jour. Asiatic Soc. Bengal,' lxii., p. 138. (2.) Alcock. — "Natural History Notes H.M. Indian Marine Survey Steamer 'Investigator,'" ser ii., 9. 'Jour. Asiatic. Soc. Bengal,' lxii., p. 169. (3.) Ai.COCK. — 'Deep Sea Madreporaria of the Siboga Expedition.' Leiden, 1902. (4.) Bernard, H. M.— " The Prototheca of the Madreporaria." ' Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist.,' ser. 7, xiii. 1904. (5.) Bourne, G. C. — "On the Anatomy of Mussa and Euphyllia." 'Quart. Jour. Micr. Sci.,' N.S., xxviii. 1888. (6.) Bourne, G. C. — "The Post-embryonic Development of Fungia." 'Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc.,' ser. 2, v. 1893. (7.) Bourne, G. C. — " On the Structure and Formation of the Calcareous Skeleton of the Anthozoa." ' Quart. Jour. Micr. Sci.,' N.S., xli. (8.) Dana, J. D.— ' Zoophytes. U.S. Exploring Expedition.' 1846. (9.) Duerden, J. E. — " The Morphology of the Madreporaria. V. Septal sequence." ' Biol. Bulletin,' vii. 1904. (10.) Duerden, J. E. — ' The Coral Siderastrwa radians and its Post-larval Development.' Washington, 1904. (11.) Duncan, P. M.—" Madreporaria of the Deep Sea." 'Trans. Zool. Soc.,' viii. 1871. (12.) Duncan, P. M.— "Deep-sea and Littoral Corals." ' Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond.' 1876. (13.) Duncan, P. M. — "Revision of the Madreporaria." ' Journ. Linnean Soc.,' xviii., Zoology. 1885. (14.) Fowler, G. H. — " The Anatomy of the Madreporaria. I. Flabelhim, Mhodopsammia." ' Quart. Jour. Micr. Sci.,' N.S., xxv., p. 577. 1885. (15.) Fowler, G. H. — "The Anatomy of the Madreporaria. II. Madrepora durvillei and M. aspera." 'Quart. Jour. Micr. Sci.,' N.S., xxvii., p. 1. 1887. (16.) Fowler, G. H. — "The Anatomy of the Madreporaria. III. Twbinaria, Lophohelia, Seriat., v. 1897. (34.) Michelin.— ' Mag. de Zool. V. Zoophytes.' 1843. (35.) Milne-Edwards, H. and Haime, J. — " Mon. des Turbinolides." ' Ann. d. Sci. Nat.,' 3C ser., ix. 1848. /36.) Milne-Edwards, H. and Haime, J. — " Mon. des Eupsammides." ' Ann. d. Sci. Nat.,' 3e ser., x. 1848. (37.) Milne-Edwards, H. and Haime, J.—" Mon. des Fongides." ' Ann. des Sci. Nat.,' 3e ser., xv. 1851. (38.) Milne-Edwards, H. and Haime, J. — ' Histoire naturelle des Coralliaires.' 3 vols. Paris, 1857-1860. (39.) Moseley, H. N.— "Deep-Sea Corals." '" Challenger " Reports. Zoology, II.' 1881. (40.) Ogilyie, M. M. — 'Die Korallen der Stramberger Schichten. Palseont. Stud. ii. d. Jura- u. Kreide- Formation der Karpathen, Alpen u. Appeninen.' Stuttgart, 1897. (41.) Ogilvie, M. M.—" Microscopic and Systematic Study of Madreporarian Types of Corals." 'Phil. Trans.,' vol. 187. (42.) Ortmann, A. — " Beobachtungen an Steinkorallen von der Siidkiiste Ceylons." 'Zool. Jahrb.,' Band. iv. SuppL, p. 493. 1889. (43.) Pourtales, L. F. de. — 'Illus. Cat. Mus. Comp. Anat. Harvard.' Cambr., 1871. (44.) Pratz, E. — " Uber die verwandtschaftlichen Beziehungen einiger Korrallengattungen, mit haupt- saehlicher Beriicksichtigung ihrer Septalstructur." ' Pakeontographica,' vol. 29. (45.) Quelch, J. J.— " Reef Corals." '" Challenger " Reports. Zoology, XVI.' 1886. (46.) Quoy and Gaimard.—' Voyage de 1'" Astrolabe." ' 1834. (47.) Rehberg. — " Neue unci wenig bekannte Korallen." ' Abh. Ver. Hamburg,' xii. (48.) Reuss, A. E. — "Uber einige Anthozoen a. d. Tertiarschichten des Mainzer Beckens." 'Sitz. d. kais. Akad. d. Wiss. in Wien.,' xxxv. 1859. (49.) Semper, C. — " Generationsvvechsel bei Steinkorallen." 'Zeit. fiir wiss. Zool.,' xxii. 1872. (50.) Studer, T. — "Ubersicht der Steinkorallen (Eupsammina u. Turbinaria), welche auf der Reise S.M.S. 'Gazelle' um die Erde gesammelt wurden." 'Monatsb. k. preuss. Akad. Wiss. Berlin.' 1877. (51.) Waagex, W— "Salt Range Fossils." ' Palaeontographica Indica,' ser. 13, vol. i. 1887. SOLITARY CORALS. 241 EXPLANATION OF PLATES I., II., III., and IV. Fig. 1. Rhorluri/athxs o'l/Iimrnsis, n. sp. Lateral view of the corallum. x 2. „ ].\. „ Diagram illustrating the arrangement of the septa. 1, 1, primary septa. 2, secondary septa. 3, 4, 5, tertiary, quaternary and quinary septa. „ 2. Cyathotrochus herdmani, n. sp. A view of the corallum showing the paliform lobes, p, and one of the carinated directive cost*, c. ,, 2A. Gyathotrochus herdmani, n. sp. Calice from above. The numerals indicate the cycles of septa. „ 3. Flabellwm erassum, M. Edw. and H. Profile view of the corallum. b.s., basal scar. ( x 2.) „ 3.V. „ „ The calice viewed from above. The numerals indicate the different cycles of septa. ,, 4. Flabellum rubrum, Quoy and Gaimard, var. profumdum, M. Edw. and Haime. The calice viewed from above, showing the different cycles of septa 1 to 5, and the parietal columella formed by spiny outgrowths from the lower ends of the septa. ,, 5. Plttro/iYirliiis Urns, M. Edwards and Haime. The calice viewed from above, showing the regular arrangement of the septa and the essential lamellar columella. ,, 6. Bcdanophyllia parallda, Semper. Profile view of the corallum. x 2. „ Ga. ,, The calice viewed from above. „ 7. Balanophyllia rumiwji, M. Edwards and Haime. View of a colonial aggregate of corallitcs. Nat. size. ,, 7a. Balanophyllia cumingi. Diagram of the septal arrangement. The numerals indicate the cycles of septa. „ 8. Balanophyllia socialix, Sempeu. Profile view of the corallum. „ 8a. „ Diagram of the septal arrangement. ,, 9. Balanophyllia taprobana; n. sp. Profile view of the corallum, showing the enlarged primary costse and one of the lateral buds, b. ,, 9a. Balanophyllia taprobance, n. sp. Calice viewed from above. 1, 1, the enlarged primary entocoelic septa. X.2, the secondary exoccelic septum of the left-hand lateral system. A'.3, Ar.3, tertiary exoccelic septa of the same system. En.'2, secondary entoccelic septum; and En.3, tertiary entocoelic septum of the same system. „ 10. Lobopsammia robusta, n. sp. Lateral view of the colony. ,, 10a. „ ,, Diagram of the septal arrangement. The numerals indicate the cycles of septa. ,, 11. Dendrophyllia minuscula, n. sp. Profile view of the colony, x 2. ,, 11a. ,, „ A calice viewed from above. 1, 1, primary entoccelic septa. En.2, secondary entoccelic septum. A'.'-, A'.2, secondary exoccelic septa (largely magnified). „ 12. Side view of a primary septum of Heterocyathus xquicostatus, showing the septal trabecular emerging on the surface as spiniform granulations. A.c, Aspidosiphon chamber, p., pali and paliform lobes, sir., stereoplasm represented by cross shading, syn., synapticulum. ,, 13. Portion of a horizontal section through the corallum of Heterocyathus mquicostatus, showing the diverging trabecule of which the septa are composed and the pigmented stereoplasm largely filling up the interseptal loculi. S., S., septa, sir., stereoplasm external to, and sir.1, stereo- plasm internal to syn., the synapticula. ,, 14. Section through a band-shaped primary mesenterial filament of Heterocyathus, some little way below the lip of the mouth, c.e., ciliated epithelio-muscular cells of the filament, en., endoderm. mg., mesoglcea. Zeiss. Obj. D, Oc. 4. ,, 15. Section through a convoluted mesenterial filament of Heterocyathus. en., endoderm. gl1., gl2., two varieties of gland cells. »., nematocyst. Zeiss. Obj. D, Oc. 4. 2 I 242 CEYLON PEARL OYSTEE REPORT. Fig. 16. Section through the ectoderm of the body-wall of Heterocyatkus. gl., gland cells, mg., mesoglcea. n., n., nematocysts. nv., nervous layer. Zeiss. Imm. TV. Comp. Oc. 4. „ 17. Section through the inner end of one of the canals leading into the Aspidosiphon chamber in Heterocyatkus. gl., gland cells. n., «., ovoid nematocysts with granular contents. Zeiss. Imm. jlj. Comp. Oc. 4. „ 18. A nematocyst O06 millim. in length from the convoluted mesenterial filaments of Heterocyatkus. ,, 19. Endoderm covering the septa of Heterocyatkus showing gl., glandular looking cells, which may be degenerate nematocysts. An isolated cell is shown to the right of the figure, zo., zooxan- thellae. Zeiss. Imm. yV. Comp. Oc. 4. „ 20. Endoderm of Heterocyatkus showing am., amoeboid cells full of granules, cal., calicoblasts. Zeiss. Imm. TV. Comp. Oc. 4. „ 21. Columnar endoderm from the axial gastro-vascular cavity of Heterocyatkus. „ 22. Semi-diagrammatic representation of a horizontal section through Heteropsammia micJwlini a little above the stomocheum. The corallum is black. The mesenteries, peristomial, tentacular and external ectoderm are represented by red lines. 1, 2, 3, the several cycles of endosepta. 4, a single endoseptum of the 4th cycle. D., the single pair of directive mesenteries. t.\ t?, t.3, the several orders of tentacles, introverted and doubled over the endosepta. ,, 23. Ectoderm of the body-wall of Heteropsammia michelini. en., endoderm. gl.l, goblet-shaped gland cells with granular contents, gl.l, flask-shaped gland cell, mg., mesoglcea. n.\ spiral nematocysts. n.2, large nematocyst. zo., zooxanthellre. Zeiss. Imm. TV. Comp. Oc. 4. ,, 24. Transverse section through a canal leading into the A sjridusiphon chamber in Heteropsammia. The histological details are indicated diagrammatically. ec, ectoderm lining the canal. en.c, endoderm canals surrounding the central ectodermic canal, mg., mesoglcea. Zeiss D. Oc. 2. ,, 25. Modified ectoderm of the body-wall of Dendrqphyllia gracilis, showing the thickened walls of the ectodermic epithelium, mg., mesoglcea. n2, medium sized nematocysts, 0'028 millim. in length n3, large nematocysts, 0-035 millim. in length. Zeiss. Imm. -jV-. Comp. Oc. 4. „ 26. Nematocysts of D. gracilis. Zeiss. Imm. TV. Comp. Oc. 4. „ 26a. A spiral 0-02-millim. tentacular nematocyst, its inner end prolonged into a fine nerve fibril. ,, 26b. Nematocyst from the stomodajum or mesenterial filament. ,, 26c. Developing nematocyst from the external ectoderm (see text). „ 26d. A ripe nematocyst from the external ectoderm. „ 26e. The same diagrammatically represented. „ 27. Four endoderm cells from a mesentery of D. gracilis, showing n, an endodermic nematocyst. m.p., muscular processes. Zeiss. 1mm. tV. Comp. Oc. 4. CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. SOLITARY CORALS- PLATE I. 6s 6a. 4656 . CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. SOLITARY CORALS -PLATE II FIG. 7. FIG. 7a. ' -4. FIG.IIa. ; -JJm FIG. 8. FIG.IOa. FIG. 10. 4 \ - *m FIG. 9. FIG. II. E .Wilson ■ ■ CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. SOLITARY CORALS -PLATE III. fig. 15. FIG. 17. CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT SOLITARY CORALS -PLATE IV. *J \# \ Q*> - ' % t) Fig. 19 3 i •- Fig. 24. my. :9l>? gt' 71.3 Fig. 2 5. ; I"% I ft N «, ft i * ® Fig. 23. J«' 26a. 26b. 26c. 26d. 26e. E. Wilson, Cambridge- [CEYLON PEARL OYSTER FISHERIES— 1905— SUPPLEMENTARY REPORTS, No. XXX.] REPORT ON THE POLYCH^ETA COLLECTED BY Professor HERDMAN, at CEYLON, in 1902. BY ARTHUR WILLEY, F.R.S., DIRECTOR OF THE COLOMBO MUSEUM.* [With EIC4HT PLATES.] Thts collection of Polychseta is the most extensive which has been brought together from the coast of Ceylon. There are only three older collections of any magnitude from Ceylon upon which reports have been published, namely, that of Schmarda, worked out by the traveller himself and published in 1861 (' Neue Wirbellose Thiere'); a small series gathered by Mr. Holdsworth and described by Grube in 1874 ('P. Zool. Soc, London'); lastly, another small series collected by Dr. Hans Driesch and described by Michaelsen in 1892 ('J. B. Hamb. Anst.,' ix. 2). Of these older collections the most important was the Schmarda collection, which included the discovery of the remarkable genera Gastrolepidia and Bhawania, the latter not being represented in Professor Herdman's collection. The material was handed over to me at Professor Herdman's suggestion by Mr. James Hornell in September, 1904. A further consignment which had been * Editorial Note. — In order to save delay, I have, with Dr. Willey's consent, undertaken to see this Report through the press without sending proofs to Ceylon. I have to thank Mr. Arnold Watson and Mr. Cyril Crossland, both of whom are familiar with the group, for their kindness in reading the proofs along with me. The only change of any importance we have had to make is the name of the new genus on p. 251. Dr. Willey had proposed Hulolepulia, but we regarded this as being practically the same as Moore's name Hololepida ('Proc. Acad. N.S. Philad.,' 1905) applied to an allied but distinct Polychaite, so we altered the title of Willey's genus to Ilolulqndella. — W. A. Herdman. 2 I 2 244 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. taken to England, consisting mostly, but not entirely, of duplicates of some of the species contained in the first set, was sent out to me by Professor Herdman. These had also passed through the hands of Mr. Arnold T. Watson, who kindly forwarded to me such notes and drawings as he had made, some of the latter being reproduced on Plate VIII. A species of Polydora which attacks the pearl oyster was subsequently forwarded by Mr. Horn ell. Some new facts of systematic importance relating to previously described species are recoi'ded here. Among the species described as new are some of considerable interest, e.g., Autolytus orientalis, Branchiomma quadrioculatum, Ceratonereis falcaria, Grymcea cespitosa, Halosydna zeylanica, Leprea inversa, Paramarphysa orientalis, Serpula watsoni, TJialenessa stylolepis. The occurrence of Onupliis conchylega and the recovery of Harmothoe dictyophora are also noteworthy features of the collection. Family: AMPHINOMID^E. Chloeia flava (Pallas) — Plate I., figs. 1 and 2. Chloeia ceylonica, Grube, 1874, "Ann. Ceylon," 'P. Zool. Soc,,' p. 326. Chloeia flava (Sav.), Grube, 'Ann. Semp.,' 1878, p. 10. Four rather small specimens from Station LVL, Dutch Modragam Paar, 9 fathoms ; average length about 28 millims., with 24 setigerous segments. Another smaller specimen is also in the collection. Examples of dorsal and ventral bayonet setae, the former barbed, are shown in Plate I., figs. 1 and 2. The branchife commence on the fourth segment ; mediad of the violet tinted dorsal cirrus of the first four segments there is an accessory cirrus, that on the fourth segment being very slender. The caruncle of this well-known species is attached to the first two segments, and is produced backwards over the next two ; it consists of an upper and lower series of lamellae, those of each series united together in a zigzag manner by their lower ends ; those of the upper series are further united together in couples along the crest of the caruncle. The Amphinomidfe are not, I believe, as a rule, rapacious Annelids, but swallow sand and small stones, &c. Probably they are preyed upon by the Aphroditidoe, since the small specimen (No. 64) was penetrated by some of the enormously long barbed spines of Hermione. A small worm taken in 24 fathoms, at Station LXIIL, west of Periya Paar, seems to be a form of the same species ; it is 9 millims. long, 20 segments. The tentaculum impar is nearly as long as the caruncle, and, like the dorsal cirri and the stems of the gills, deep purplish crimson in colour. No colour marks were observed along the hack, and the crimson cirri stood out prominently from the midst of the very long and delicate setae. Branchias commence as usual on the fourth segment ; accessory dorsal cirrus observed on the first three segments only, as described by Grube ; the folds of POLYCHiETA. 245 the caruncle are more open, less closely set than in older worms. No barbed seta? were found. Unlike Hesione ceylonica (q. v.), young individuals of Chloeia Jtava do not possess the full number of segments characteristic of the adult. Eurythoe complanata (Pallas). Several examples of this species, whose distribution coincides with that of coral reefs, were obtained from Aripu Reef and at Galle, ranging in length up to 200 millima and in breadth up to 17 millims. over the setae. Branchiae commence on the second setigerous segment and there is one dorsal cirrus to each parapodium. The caruncle is inserted into the first three setigerous segments. Eurythoe latissima (Schmarda, op. cit., p. 141) is a synonym of this species. Eurythoe longicirra (Schmarda). (See Schmarda, 'Neue Wirbellose Thiere,' ii., 1861, p. 142.) Whether or not this is an exceptional form of E. complanata I am unable to decide, but it is certain that the caruncle is inserted upon the first four setigerous segments and overlaps the fifth.* The branchiae commence on the second setigerous segment, and there is one dorsal cirrus to each parapodium. Length 40 millims., width 5-5 millims. One specimen, from Aripu Reef. Family: APHRODITID^E. Hermione malleata, Grube — Plate I., figs. 3 and 4. Hermione malleata, Grube, 'Ann. Semp.,' 1878, p. 17. Hermione ridgewayi, HOKNELL, 'Ceylon Pearl Oyst. Rep.,' Part I., 1903, pp. 16 and 74. Two specimens from old Dutch Modragam Paar, 9 fathoms, Station LVI. ; one specimen from Aripu Reef, 18th March, 1902. The malleiform processes described by Grube are clearly not definite morphological structures, but merely dermal folds associated with the elytrophores and branchial tubercles, the latter being transversely elongate. This species is the Oriental form representing the Mediterranean species Hermione hystrix. I have satisfied myself on this point by actual comparison of the material from Ceylon with specimens of II. hystrix procured from the Stazione Zoologica at Naples for the special purpose of this investigation. The only serious divergence in Grube's description relates to the paljas, which he describes as being smooth. His sjiecimen only measured 16 millims. in length, and the palps, when examined under low magnification by transmitted light, appear smooth, though in reality they are beset with minute papilla?. The Neapolitan specimens of H. hystrix are larger and darker than the Ceylon worms ; the elytra thicker and more opaque. A complete Ceylon worm measures 30 millims. long by a width of 12 millims. over * For further remarks on this point see Ehlers, ' Florida- Anneliden,' 1887, p. 30. 246 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. the neuropodia ; fifteen pairs of elytra covering the back ; length of dorsal glochideal spines up to 10 millims. (Plate I., fig. 3). Eye-peduncles rounded. Cirrophores and neuropodia thickly covered with minute rounded papillae ; neuropodia 3 millims. long. Ventral surface beset with similar papillae. Tentaculum impar, tentacular cirri, dorsal cirri and first ventral cirrus with distal clavate tip articulated to the main shaft, which is expanded at this point. Palps 13 millims long, beset with six longitudinal rows of minute spiniform papilla?. The elytral segments carry on each side a nabellum of curved smooth-tipped setae radiating dorsad and a backwardly directed fascicle of long brown glochideal setae ; below the dorsal setae there is a tuft of fine silken threads. The neuropodia carry furcate setae with or without an accessory tooth (Plate I., fig. 4). The portion of the notopodium from which the flabellum arises is adnate to the elytrophore. Pontogenia indica, Grube — Plate L, fig. 5. Grube, 'Ann. Semp.,' 1878, p. 18; Herdman, "Palmyra ami/era," 'Ceylon Pearl Oyster Report,' Part I., Narrative, 1903, p. 75. The close resemblance between Pontogenia indica and Palmyra aurifera (see Grube, op. cit., pp. 13-14) is one of the remarkable facts of Polychaet taxonomy. The specimen was obtained from a living coral block in 6^ fathoms, one mile north of Muttuvaratu Paar, Station LIX. It measures 20 millims. in length and has 45 segments. The head is retracted within the anterior segments and beneath the anterior elytra, the second pair of elytra overlapping the ommatophores. The ceratophore is marked off from the frontal border of the prostomium and the ommatophores extend to this level. The palps are beset with longitudinal rows of delicate recurved papillae. By pressing the ceratophore back a tuberculum faciale with granulated surface may be seen extending from the prostomium to the anterior border of the mouth. Each ommatophore carries two eyes, but as the pigmented areas overlap there appears to be only one eye in certain lights (Plate I., fig. 5). The paleae which form flabella projecting over the elytra are utrinquedentate, as described by Grube. The dorsal setae which occur in addition to the paleae are long, delicate, colourless and numerous, and constitute a tela tomentosa over the elytra, concealing the latter, but not felted together so as to form an inextricable tangle. The two rows of distantly placed denticulations with their points directed towards the apices of the paleae are not always visible in one view, and the paleae then appear to be denticulate along one side only. Family: POLYNOID^E. Iphione muricata, Savigny — Plate I., fig. 6. Polynoe peronea, Schmarda, 1861 ; ' Neue Wirbellose Thiere,' ii., p. 157. Locality : — Gulf of Manaar. One specimen of the typical yellowish brown colour ; length 17 '5 millims., breadth over the setae 8'5 millims. The head is withdrawn POLYCH^ETA. 247 between the anterior segments to such an extent that four pairs of elytra had to be removed in order to expose it (Plate I., fig. 6). The antennae converge from the anterior pinnacles of the head towards the middle line, and then run side by side close together ; one of them may sink down at a lower level, and then one only remains in view. They are subglabrous, being very sparsely and minutely papillose. Schmarda observed one antenna only, which he described as a tentaculum impar erroneously. There is no doubt as to the identification of the present specimen with Schmarda's species ; the only question is whether it is co-specific with Savigny's I. muricata (Grube, ' Ann. Semp.,' 1878, p. 21). An elytron from the mid-body shows a concave anterior border, a large gold- coloured outer surface and a smaller pale inner portion directed obliquely forwards and overlapped by neighbouring scales. The whole surface of the elytron is divided up into polygonal, mostly hexagonal areas, and these again into numerous secondary areoles. The main areolation resembles that of Harmothoe dictyophora, but differs in some details ; the areas are largest on the inner (mesial) portion of the scale, smaller along the outer and posterior borders ; the secondary areolation is highly charac- teristic and was noted by Schmarda. Focussing through the superficial secondary areolation, another reticulum, which may be called the interstitial reticulum, comes into view, the meshes of which do not coincide with the former. The interstitial mesh-work shows nodal dilatations with a refringent body in each, like a nucleus, very clear in caustic potash. Proceeding to the pigmented portion of the scale, the surface enclosed by the secondary areoles becomes elevated to form low papillae, which, near the outer border, assume the form of inclined spines. Posteriorly, certain of the primary areas become elevated to form long stout aculeate spines terminating distally in a pair of prominent horns and covered by numerous secondary spines, as figured by Schmarda. The secondary spines become larger distally, so that the main spine sometimes presents a more or less trifid appearance at the summit. The dorsal setae are excessively numerous and bipinnate. The ventral setae show a well- marked subterminal dilatation, a verticillate tract, and a smooth curved apical portion. As for Iphione muricata, Grube makes no mention of the secondary areolation of the elytra, a highly remarkable feature ; and he states that the outer and posterior margin of the scale is fimbriated, which is not so in /. peronea. Across the major diameter of the scale I counted about 30 primary meshes, and across one of the latter about nine sharply defined secondary areoles. There are 29 segments, 13 pairs of elytra. The anus is dorsal and is bordered by the last pair of elytra. Schmarda says the last segment has " zwei kleine Endfortsatze," but I cannot see them. The dorsal and ventral cirri, the palps and tentacular cirri are papillose. The tentacular cirri are concealed below the palps in dorsal view. A smaller specimen, 5 millims. wide, shows a wide membranous fringe round the outer and posterior border, not yet areolated ; there are no fimbriae ; about 1 7 248 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. primary meshes across the scale. The antenna? adhered together and broke away from their peduncles. Lepidonotus carinulatus, Grube (1869) — Plate L, figs. 7 to 11. (See Gkube, 'Ann. Semp.,' 1887, p. 26.) Localities : — South-west Cheval Paar, one specimen, broken in half, and several specimens mostly fragmentary; Chilaw Paar, Station LXIX., one specimen. The antennae and dorsal cirri show a very slight distal dilatation followed by a nagelliform terminal process. The cirri and palps are smooth ; dorsal seta? more slender than ventral, 20 to 30 in number, disposed in three concentric arcs, the seta? of the dorsal arc being shorter than the rest. Ventral setse about 25, bidentate and fringed (Plate!, fig. 11). Elytral papilla? carinulate and spheroidal on the surface, echinulate and stellate near the fimbriated border ; in some elytra the echinulate papilla? extend over the surface to the region of the scar. Elytra deciduous and body fragile ; twelve pairs of elytra. Exserted pharynx with fringe of nine dorsal and nine ventral marginal papilla?. Some elytra become narrower towards the inner side than at the outer side, others are nearly equally wide throughout, with concave anterior border. Patches of dark brown pigment are scattered over the surface. The fimbria? of the outer border are densely placed, those at the posterior border are sparser. Some scales are much less papillose than others ; in a highly tuberculate scale the carinulate papilla? occupy the anterior and inner (mesial) portions ; the echinulate papilla? occur at the posterior border, extending thence over the scar, this region being somewhat elevated ; the echinulate papilla? near the outer border are smaller and less hirsute than those of the posterior border, sometimes presenting a more or less stellate appearance (Plate I., fig. 10). The prostomium (cephalic lobes) with eyes and antennary bases (cerato- phores) is shown on Plate I., fig. 7. Observations on a larger specimen, in which some of the elytra were better preserved in position, show that the dominant macroscopic character of the species lies in the difference between the elytra of the anterior region and those of the middle and posterior regions. The anterior scales (only those of the fourth and fifth segments are present in the specimen) are much smaller than the rest, they are placed subtransversely and their surface appears verrucose under low magnification. The more posterior scales show a finely granulose surface, they are about twice the size of the anterior scales (excluding the scales of the first pair, which are generally small and round, and are absent from this specimen), and they are longitudinally elongate, the anterior end narrower. All scales show a large opaque whitish patch in the region of the scar, and all are fimbriated externally. The length of the specimen is 17 millims. ; total width over the seta? 5 millims. Along the posterior border of the elytra there are small saucer-shaped elevations which appear to be the bases of deciduous fimbria?. POLYCHyETA. 249 Microscopic examination shows that the verrucose appearance of the anterior scales is due to the presence of large numhers of spheroidal echinulate papillae (Plate I., fig. 9). These papilla? do not occur on the posterior scales, which owe their granulose appearance to the ordinary carinulate papilla? (Plate I., fig. 8), small stellate papilla? and smooth globoidal papilla?. The elytra of this species show an analogy with those of Marenzeller's Lepido- notus pleiolepis from Japan, which, however, possesses fifteen pairs instead of the usual twelve pairs. Some individuals show a narrow black ring round the lower part of the subtermmal dilatation of the dorsal cirri. In a specimen with extruded proboscis the outline of the prostomium was nearly circular. This species appears to be the most abundant and typical representative of the genus Lepidonotus on the Ceylon pearl banks. Lepidonotus cristatus, Grube. Grube, 'Ann. Semp.,' 1878, p. 27 ; Gravier, 'Ann. Mer Rouge,' 1901, p. 212. A. fine example of this species, 43 "5 millims. in length, 17 millims. wide over the seta?, was taken on the Galle Reef under a boulder, 7th June, 1902. The smooth-bordered elytra show a large tumid bilobed transverse crest. The ventral seta? have the usual laciniate fringes on the region of the subtermmal dilatation and end in a smooth curved tip. The distal portions of the antenna?, tentacular cirri, dorsal cirri and first ventral cirrus, up to the subtermmal bulb, are coloured black. Gravier describes for the first time the modified ventral seta? of the second segment, which are characterised by the possession of a very long verticillate tract, Lepidonotus trissochsetus, Grube. Grube, 'Ann. Roth. Meer.' (Ehrenberg coll.), 1869; 'Ann. Semp.,' 1878, p. 25. Locality: — South-east Cheval Paar. Length of the specimen 12 millims., breadth over the seta? 5 millims. This species is distinguished by the possession of two kinds of seta? in the dorsal ramus of the parapodium, and these seta? are very numerous. There are rather short, stout, transversely spinulose seta? of a common type, and enclosed by these are numerous fine smooth capillary seta? ending in a point, a short distance below which there is a delicate dilatation, as in a spear-head without barbs ; these may be called hastate seta?. In the anterior half of the body the hastate seta? .do not project beyond the spinulose seta? which surround them, and cannot therefore be seen without adopting special measures. In the posterior half the hastate seta? project far beyond the short spinulose seta?, which occur like a sheath at the base of the bundle ; they project here as far outwards as the ventral seta?. The resulting difference between the anterior and posterior dorsal fascicles as seen under low magnification is very pronounced. It 2 K 250 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. is, however, probably due to a temporary protrusion of the setae, but it may serve to account for the alleged difference between L. trissochatus, Gr., and L. indicus, Kinberg. The hastate setae can clearly be retracted and protruded at will. In one segment they are projecting on one side, retracted on the other. The elytra are sparsely covered with smooth obtuse pustules of varying sizes, the smaller and more numerous occupying a submarginal position. The margin of the elytron is quite smooth. As indicated by Grube in 1869, this species presents a cryptocephalous condition, as in the later described species L. cryptocephalus, the head being concealed below a projecting collar formed by the second segment. The dorsal cirri are smooth, with a terminal flagellum and a subterminal swelling. The palps are beset with conical papillae, and terminate in a smooth attenuate extremity (seen in one of the palps only). The ventral setae have simple hamulate extremities (not bidentate) with the usual subterminal fringes. Halosydna zeylanica, n. sp. — Plate I., figs. 12 and 13. Total length about 15 millims., width 2 millims. to 2 -5 millims. Commensal on Astropecten, Ceylon seas. Body much flattened, extremely fragile, elytra smooth, colourless, covering the dorsum, leaving parapodia exposed, lightly attached to the elytrophores. The prostomium is divided by a shallow linear groove into two halves, upon which no eyes were observed, and the bases of antennae and tentaculum are somewhat concealed below the frontal border of the head, though arising at one level, as seen in frontal view. The number of segments may be as many as 50, but this will depend upon age and variation, and the same applies to the number of the elytra, the highest number observed being 24 pairs. The chief character is presented by the distribution of the elytra on the following segments :— II, IV., V., VII., IX., XI, XIII, XV, XVII, XIX, XXI, XXIII, XXVI, XXIX., XXXII, XXXIII, XXXV, XXXVII, XXXIX., XII, XIIII, XIV., XLVII, XIIX. The peculiarity here is the occurrence of successive elytra on segments XXXII and XXXIII. a point which I have verified on three specimens. In the specimen of which the elytral formula is given above, the elytra were lost from a number of the posterior segments but present on No. XIIX. The dorsal ramus of the parapodium is very small, and the setae which issue from it are few in number, plain and hyaline. Foreign particles adhere to all the setae individually throughout their exposed portions. The ventral setae have the form shown in Plate I, fig. 13, a plain apex slightly curved, and at some distance removed from it a dilatation with a projecting semilunar cusp. The number of ventral setae varies, but is about 12. The ventral cirri are shorter than the ventral ramus, arising from a prominent base. The dorsal cirri are plain structures occurring on the segmenta nuda. arising from a POLYCH^ETA. 251 projecting base which lies obliquely outwards and backwards when seen from above. The dorsal cirri are highly deciduous. They exceed the length of the parapodium (Plate I., fig. 12). The dorsal ramus and elytrophore of a foot from an elytra-bearing segment appear to carry long vibratile cilia. No tubercles were observed on the segmenta nuda. The ventral ramus is richly furnished with decussating muscles. The elytra are orbicular, glabrous, with few " veins " ramifying out from the scar. Harmothoe dictyophora (Grube) — -Plate I., figs. 14 to 16. Polynoe dictyophorus, Grube, ' Ann. Semp.,' 1878, p. 44. Locality : — East side of Cheval Paar. Length 12 millims., breadth over the setse 475 millims. Prostomium normal, anterior eyes placed in the centre of the lateral border (Plate I., fig. 15). Antennae ciliate ; palps beset with numerous minute blunt papilla? ; dorsal cirri densely ciliate, the long filiform papillae ceasing at the base of the terminal filament ; no dilatation below the terminal filament. Dorsal setae numerous, verticillate spinulose, but the whorls are not complete, only occupying three parts of the circumference of the setae ; the shorter setae of the dorsal bundle are distinctly stouter than the ventral setae ; ventral setae without exception con- spicuously bidentate, dilated at a point variously remote from the apex and spinulose thereafter (Plate I., fig. 16). The spinulose tract of the superior ventral setae is much longer than that of the inferior. Thirty-five segments ; fifteen pairs of elytra covering the back. Exposed portions of the elytra divided into polygonal areoles carrying chitinous spines and filiform papillae ; some of the areoles are densely pigmented dark brown. Some of the spines are bifurcated, such spines being particularly prominent on the round elytra of the first pair. The outer fimbriae of the elytra are longest and densest, these are followed posteriorly by a group of papillae with globular tips, and these again by shorter filiform papilla? (Plate I., fig. 14). It should be noted further that the ventral cirri also carry short blunt papillae, scattered and not very numerous. Grube founded the species upon a single elytron. Hololepidella, n. gen. A Polynoid ; antennae arising at a lower level than the tentaculum impar ; segments and elytra numerous. Hololepidella commensalis, n. sp. — Plate I., figs. 17 to 20. Station I., off Negombo, 12 to 20 fathoms, on Clypeaster humilis. This species appears to be allied to Polynoe venosa, Grube (' Ann. Semp.,' p. 43), in which however there were only 18 pairs of elytra and 42 segments in the single 2 K 2 252 CEYLON PEAEL OYSTER REPORT. individual examined. The number 18 is a generic character of Acanthicolepis, McInt. (= Dasylepis, Mgn.), but it seems likely, though not certain, that a polymeric Polvnoid with more than 18 pairs of elytra will pass through a stage with 18 only. At any rate, Polynoe venosa, Gr., does not belong to the genus Acanthicolepis. Those polymeric Polynoidse in which the paired antennae arise at a lower level than the tentaculum impar appear to be inadequately classified. Malmgren's genera Nemidia and Enipo are at most only sub-genera of Schmarda's Hemilepidia. All Polynoidae (s. str.) in which the antennae arise at a lower level than the tentaculum are placed in the sub-family Harmothoina. The genus Polynoe (s. str.) is polymeric, having more than 45 segments in the fully formed condition. It comprises two sections: — (1.) Hemilepidia, Schmarda, in which there are 15 pairs of elytra restricted to the anterior region of the body. This section comprises the following species : — Polynoe scolopendrina, Hemilepidia erythrotcBnia, Nemidia torelli, and Enipo kinbergi. (2.) Hololepidella, n.g., in which the elytra are not so restricted. Very possibly Grube's Polynoe venosa belongs here in spite of its few segments. The species now described also belongs to this section. In Hololepidella commensalis the small antennae clearly arise at a lower level than the tentaculum (Plate I., fig. 20). The elytra are pale, delicate, translucent, smooth, large, orbicular, covering the back ; the first pair with central insertion, the others with excentric insertion near the anterior margin becoming submarginal in the posterior region ; there is an indication of nervures radiating out from the scar of insertion, as in P. venosa. The elytra are inserted upon segments II., IV., V., VII., IX. * * * * * XXL, XXIII. , XXVI, XXIX., XXXI. , XXXIV, XXXVI, XXXVIII., XL., XLIL, XLV. ; segment XLIV. has an elytrophore on the left side, a branchial tubercle and cirrophore on the right side. There are 46 segments present, incomplete behind ; in a fragment of the posterior end the alternation of cirrophores and elytrophores, the former sometimes skipping one segment, sometimes two, seems to be continued to the end of the body, but it is not always easy in this region to distinguish between a cirrophore and an elytrophore. Head hexagonal ; ground colour of body nearly black (becoming brown after a length of time in spirit) with a pale ridge across each segment between elytrophores and branchial tubercles respectively. Palps, antennae, tentacle and cirri smooth ; first ventral cirrus long, the rest short, with swollen basal portion and terminal flagellum. Dorsal cirri dark brown, tapering to a pale blunt point which may be slightly swollen, but without subterminal dilatation. The setae are pale ; dorsal setae, about 8, broad parce-serrulate, much shorter than the ventral setae ; superior ventral setae obliquely laciniate towards apex, giving the appearance of alternate serrulations, inferior ventral setae with subterminal dilatation, curved simple tip and normal fringes (Plate I., figs. 17 to 19). This species is one of those which easily undergo fragmentation, so that the length cannot be given ; the width is 2 millims. P0LYC1LETA. '253 Gastrolepidia clavigera, Schmarda. (SCHMARDA, 1861, 'Neue Wirhellose Thiere,' ii., p. 159.) Gastrolepidia arablyphyllus, Grube, 'Ann. Semp.,' 1878, p. 46. Gastrolepidia clavigera, Herdman, ' Ceylon Pearl Oyster Report,' Part I., 1903, pp. 29, 79. Localities :— Station XVIII. , off" Bameswaram, 7 to 8 fathoms; Station LXL, oft Periya Paar, 12 to 14 fathoms. The lateral portions of the sterna of the segments are produced into conspicuous imbricating lamellae, arching helow the bases of the parapodia. They are semilunar folds, hut if a segment is detached from the body and looked at from behind, they appear to be subcordate, as figured by Schmarda. The dorsal elytra are inserted upon segments II., IV., V., VII. **##*## XXIII., XXVI. , XXIX, XXXIL, XXXV., XXXVI, XXXVIII. , XXXIX, XLL, XLIIL, XLV., this enumeration being based upon one specimen from which all the elytra had fallen off'; the other specimens were smaller and showed fewer elytrophores, so that the peculiar distribution of the posterior elytra could not be confirmed. Dorsal setae curved, stout, shorter than the ventral seta?, with as many as forty serrulations along the convex border ; superior ventral seta? with not less than fifteen laciniate fringes ; inferior ventral setae stronger than the rest, with curved simple tips, subterminal dilatations and about eight fringes. The antenna? are inserted at a slightly lower level than the tentaculum. Dorsal cirri clavate, mostly lost. Beyond the club there is a terminal flagellum shown by Guube, omitted by Schmarda. Family: ACOETID^. Panthalis, Kinberg. This is a genus of Acoetidae characterised by the reversed imbrication ot the anterior scales. The family to which it belongs agrees with the Aphroditidae (s.str.) in having pedunculate eyes ; with the Sigalionidaa in the polymeric body ; with Polynoidae in having only setae simplices ; with Iphionidae in having serrated jaws. It is clearly a family of composite affinities and its members possess an extraordinary interest, regarded from bioiiomical and anatomical points of view. They manufacture a felted tube woven from chitinous silken fibres which appear to be homologous with the fibres composing the dorsal felt of Aphrodite, that is to say, modified setas which issue from the dorsal ramus of the parapodium and are contained within a convoluted sac intruding into the body cavity. The tube-forming habits of Panthalis cerstedi have been admirably described by Mr. Arnold T. Watson in the ' Transactions of the Liverpool Biological Society,' vol. ix., 1895, pp. 169 to 188. Two species of Panthalis were described by Grube from the Philippines, and very fortunately both of these are represented in Professor Herdman's material from Ceylon, so that I am able to supplement Grube's diagnoses with additional facts and figures. 254 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. Panthalis melanonotus, Grube — Plate I., figs. 21 to 27. Grube, ' Ann. Semp.,' 1878, p. 48 ; also Part I., ' Ceylon Pearl Oyster Report,' p. 71. Locality : — Station LIV., south of Rameswaram, 40 fathoms. One specimen. A typical cirrus-bearing parapodium from the anterior region has the following structure : — (i.) A short dorsal cirrus consisting of a stout basal portion and an acuminate apical portion ; (ii.) the dorsal ramus supported by a flexible acicula and penetrated by the tomentose seta? which are employed in weaving the tube ; (iii.) the ventral ramus with four kinds of setae, dorsally a small bundle of very fine serrulate seta?, then a bundle of long delicate penicillate setse, then a central group of stout so- called aristate setse ; lastly, a ventral bundle of long spinulose setae (Plate II., figs. 24 to 27). At the tip of the aristate setae there is an alveolus. From the 28th segment the peduncle upon which the dorsal cirrus is inserted acquires a geniculate appendix, containing a prolongation of the internal tissues, possibly a diverticulum of the gut, but of this I cannot be certain without transverse sections. A few segments farther back an ovate or subcylindrical appendix appears on the squamiferous segments, in the same position as that occupied by the cirriform branchia of the Sigalionidae, also containing the same kind of tissue as that which occurs in the geniculate process above described. The surface of these processes is not ciliated (Plate I., figs. 22 and 23). Panthalis melanonotus appears to be an Indo-Pacific representative of the Mediter- ranean and Atlantic P. oerstedi. The accounts given of the eyes of the latter are rather puzzling. Von Marenzeller* denies the existence of eyes, although the ocular peduncles are present. Mr. Watson, in the article referred to above, has omitted to note the presence or absence of black pigment, t stating that the sight of the animal is good, each reddish-coloured eyestalk being faced with a clear lens, and having at its tip a rounded papillated appearance. In Panthalis melanonotus the stalked eyes are very large and provided with abundant black pigment, in the centre of which is a lens ; the eyes are subspherical, occupying the extremity of the clavate peduncles. In addition there is, as described by Grube, an eye-spot on each side of the prostomium behind the ocular peduncle ; between and slightly behind the sessile eye-spots the median tentacle arises. The antennae are small and largely concealed by the eye-stalks and were not seen by Grube (Plate I., fig. 21). The extruded pharynx bears distally thirteen papillae above and the same number below, forming a terminal crown ; the median dorsal papilla is enlarged and the median ventral is lost from the specimen. The palps show pigment spots and appear glabrous with a simple lens, although minute papillae can be found with the microscope, especially towards the apex, but there is no marked distinction between apical and * V. Marenzeller, 'Polychseten des Grundes,' Vienna, 1893, p. 28. t Mr. Watson informs me that no black pigment is visible in the eyes of the specimens of P. cerstedi now in his possession. — W. A. Herdman. POLYCH^TA. 255 * basal portions, such as occurs in the next species. The body is incomplete behind, upwards of fifty segments being preserved ; total width of anterior region 6 millims. The specimen is well preserved. Panthalis nigroinaculata, Grube — Plate I., figs. 28 to 32. (Grube, 'Ann. Semp.,' 1878, p. 50.) Locality : — Station II., North of Negombo, 9 fathoms. One specimen. Antennae arising from the frontal margin of the prostomium ; the tentaculum impar of about the same length, from the occipital margin. Only one pair of eyes observed on the slightly protuberant lateral borders. Palps short and stout, the anterior half densely fimbriate. Dorsal cirri short, ventral cirri subarticulate at tip. Each foot (after the first few pairs) is provided with a silk-producing gland which is apt to remain iu the body after the extraction of the parapodium, the silken strands being drawn through the orifice of the notopodium. The anterior elytra are inversely imbricate, inserted upon the elytrophores near the posterior border ; the third elytra touch in the middle line behind the head (Plate I., figs. 28 to 31). The elytra were observed on segments II., IV., V., VII. and all subsequent odd segments up to XXXI., after which the body was quite flaccid and collapsed, full of the gold-coloured glistening silken coils and firmly attached to the tube at the posterior end. The anterior portion of the tube was mostly free from the body of the worm, thougb slightly connected therewith by loose silken strands. The elytra are sub- translucent, colourless. The extruded proboscis carries a crown of marginal papillae, eleven above, thirteen below ; the median dorsal papilla is barely larger than the others. The setae differ from those of P. melanonotus considerably. The dorsal group of setae in the ventral ramus consists of small spinulose setae, the spinules arranged in three remote whorls, below which the seta is slightly dilated ; next a few fringed setae ; then the strong aristate setae in two groups above and below the acicula ; finally the ventral group of spinose setae (Plate I., fig. 32). There are no penicillate setae. Length of anterior portion, including the proboscis, 13 millims. ; width about 3 millims. Length of the posterior flaccid portion about 13 millims. Family : SIGALIONID.E. Psammolyce zeylanica, n. sp. — Plates I. and II., figs. 33 to 43. Locality : — Ceylon Seas. One specimen, incomplete. A fragment comprising about thirty setigerous segments, length 17 millims., body width 5 millims., 8 millims. over the setae. The dorsum is completely encrusted with fine particles, chiefly calcareous debris, leaving the setae exposed at the sides. The elytra are thin, transparent and triangular, the base of the triangle directed forwards. The basal area is clear, but the hinder area bears a luxurious growth of club-shaped 256 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. and capitate papillae to which the foreign particles adhere. The anterior pair of elytra probably meet or overlap, but in general the elytra are confined to the sides of the body, leaving the mid-dorsum free. Nevertheless the latter is covered with sand grains which adhere to dermal capitate papillae (Plate I., fig. 33). The prostomium, carrying two pairs of eyes, is overshadowed by the massive ceratophore. There are no paired antennae on the prostomium, these having become adnate to the cirrophores of the buccal segment which carry the tentacular cirri and bundles of plumose setae (Plate I., fig. 34). The lower side of the ceratophore carries a pair of dermal folds or lobes, which project from the sides below and inwards. The ventral surface is not encrusted, but is thickly beset in each segment with transverse rows of not very long acuminate papillae which are continued upon the ventral surface of the parapodia. The ventral middle line is depressed. Amongst the bases of the acuminate papillae are scattered minute globular papillae reminding of those present in Hermione. The cirrophores (appendages of buccal segment) lie between the palps and the head, so that it is difficult to remove a cirrophore without the palp of the same side ; the palps are glabrous. The simple plumose setae of the buccal segment have been mentioned above. In the second segment in addition to the plumose setae there are compound setae of the form represented in Plate II., fig. 36, with filiform apex of the appendix, the shaft being plumose. The ventral cirrus of the second segment is stout and long, nearly twice as long as the parapodium, and arises from a distinct basal joint. In the third segment compound setae of more usual form appear, the shafts being stout and smooth except towards the extremity where they are squamose (Plate II., fig. 37) ; the appendices are lost. The dorsal cirrus of this segment has the articulated structure shown in Plate II., fig. 35. In the fourth segment the shafts of the compound setae are still squamose distally ; the appendix is elongated, curved at apex with a slight truncation jutting out below the apex. In a parapodium of a normal body-segment (anterior third of body) there is a dense dorsal fascicle of finely plumose capillary setae, followed by a superior ventral group of moderately stout compound falcigerous setae with subelongate appendices ; then a central group of stout compound setae with shorter appendices ; finally an inferior ventral group of slender setae with elongate appendices (Plate II., figs. 38 and 39). Sometimes the apex of the appendix is clearly bidentate, varying from this condition to smooth (Plate II., fig. 40). The ventral border of the parapodium is beset with acuminate filiform papillae and some spheroidal papillae (Plate II., fig. 41). The elytra are notched and lobed, especially at the inner border (Plate II., fig. 42). Psammolyce rigida, Grube — Plate II., figs. 44 to 47. GRUBE, 1868, ' Ann. Roth. Meer.' (Frauenfeld) ; ' Verh. zool.-botan. Ges. Wien,' p. 631, 1878 ; ' Ann. Semp.' (Philippines), p. 55. Locality: — Station LIIL, 10 miles north of West Cheval Paar. Three specimens, POLYGH^TA. 257 one complete, 115 millims. long, tapering gradually behind; 8 millims. wide over the seta?. This species has the same general appearance as the Psammolyce arenosa of the Mediterranean. It is probably distinct in minor points, though I cannot specify what these points are without comparing actual specimens. It differs from the preceding species in the following superficial respects :— Ps. seylanica. 1. Colour fuscous. 2. Calcareous grains predominate. 3. Venter beset with capillary papillse, i.e., Venter hairy. 4. Terminal portion of dorsal cirrus of third segment slenderer and shorter than its peduncle. Ps. riffida. Colour fulvous. Quartz grains predominate. Venter beset with globular papillse, i.e., Venter tuberous. Terminal portion of same cirrus tapering and longer than its peduncle. The parapodial armature of the two species shows such close correspondence that the slight differences which are observable could easily be attributed to individual variation, but the differences noted above under Nos. 3 and 4 would seem to preclude the possibility of regarding them as co-specific. Unfortunately I have no information as to the precise locality of the Psammolyce zeylanica. In Professor Herdman's ' Narrative ' of his expedition, Psammolyce is recorded from two stations, LII. and LIU. The latter is that from which the present species was dredged in 7|- to 9 fathoms, " bottom muddy sand with some dead shells ; " the former station may be the locality of the other species, "between north of Cheval Paar and Vankali reef; depth 3 to 6 fathoms ; bottom sand." The difference noted above in respect of the adventitious coating of sand-grains is only of local significance as indicating a difference of habitat. The tuberculation of the ventral surface of the body is the most obvious character of this species. The low rounded dermal tubercles are placed close together without reference to segmental limits and not in rows, forming an even, elastic sole on each side of the depressed neural tract. The dermal tubercles are continued upon the parapodia, especially in the posterior two-thirds of the body, where they are thickly covered. Besides these spheroidal dermal tubercles there are tufts of filiform papillse like those shown on Plate II., fig. 41. These occur on the base and summit of the parapodia, at the base of the ventral cirrus, and there is a ventro-lateral tuft on each segment between the tubercular tract and the parapodia. Other substantial differences between the two species are shown in the figures. The elytra are formed upon the same model in both, and they are not safe objects for comparison, since they vary from segment to segment. Those of Ps. rigida have a concave anterior border, those of Ps. zeylanica are straight. The scar of insertion is short in the former, elongated in the latter (Plate II., fig. 46). The setse of the second segment have a shorter appendix (Plate II., fig. 47). An important difference 2 L 258 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. appears in the stout setae from the centre of the ventral fascicle. In Plate II., figs. 43 and 44, two of these setae, one from the right sixteenth foot of each species, are shown side hy side. In Ps. zeylanica the declivity of the articular surface of the shaft is greater, and below the apex of the shaft there is a very distinct semilunar cusp which is not present in the seta of the same order in Ps. rigida. The other setae show close correspondence, and here, as there, some of them are distinctly bidentate, but the difference noted appears to be constant. Sthenelais zeylanica, n. sp. — Plate II., fig. 48. A fragment with extruded proboscis, 15 millims. long, 5 millims. wide, in company with Hyalinoecia camiguina, was dredged off Foul Point, Trincomalee, Station XXV., 8 fathoms. This species is closely allied to Sthenelais boa, but differs in several well-marked points. The prostomium carries four eyes in front, two on either side of the stout ceratophore with its aliform lobes (characteristic of the genus) ; the tentaculum impar borne upon the ceratophore is not very long, about as long as the ceratophore and the prostomium together ; the palps are long, nearly as long as the extruded proboscis. The free margin of the latter carries both dorsally and ventrally a row of eleven evenly disposed papillae. The scales are carried on the usual segments II., IV., V., VII., IX * * # * XXVII. , XXVIII. , XXIX., &c, becoming consecutive at segment XXVII. In the condition of extruded proboscis the dorsum of the third segment hardly shows, and the first two scales appear to occur on consecutive segments until they are pressed apart. The general character of the scales (their pronounced reniform shape, the tuberculation of the surface and the fimbriation of the margin) resembles that described and figured by Professor McIntosh for Sthenelais boa (' Ray Soc. Mon.,' 1900) ; the fimbriae of the outer margin are acuminate, others which occur on the posterior margin are blunt ; the tubercles are thickly scattered over the whole surface except near the anterior border of the inner lobe and near the corresponding border of the outer lobe ; brownish pigment occurs all over the exposed portion of the scale. The characters upon which I rely for specific differentiation are presented by the parapodia of the body-segments. In Sthenelais boa there are four principal groups of setae, the dorsal plumose capillary setae, the superior ventral plumose spiniform setae, the mid-ventral compound bidentate falcigerous setae, and the inferior ventral com- pound setae with articulate bidentate appendix (cf. McIntosh, op. cit., 1900). In Sth. zeylanica instead of the group of superior ventral spiniform setae we have, composing this group, a few of the same kind of slender compound setae with articulate appendix as occur in the inferior ventral group, and the spiniform setae are not represented in the ventral ramus of the parapodium. The setae themselves are not sensibly different from those of the corresponding forms in Sth. boa (Plate II., POLYCrLETA. 259 fig. 48). The ciliated cushions or cteuidia (McIntosh) on the upper surface of the foot beneath the cirriform branchia are the same as in Sth. boa, but the disposition ot stvlodes is different, particularly as regards the two long stylodes which proceed from the base of the ventral cirrus in Sth. zeylanica (Plate II., fig. 48). Sthenolepis, n. gen. The genera Thalenessa and Leanira are characterised by the presence of a very small teutaculum impar inserted directly upon the prostomium, not borne upon a ceratophore. The compound setaa of Thalenessa are a variety of the falcigerous type with bidentate appendices; those of Leanira are spinigerous. Sthenelais and Sthenolepis, n. gen., are characterised by the presence of a long tentaculum impar borne upon a ceratophore which is provided with a pair of spatulate appendages. The compound setas of Sthenelais are falcigerous like those of Thalenessa ; those of Sthenolepis are spinigerous as in Leanira. All the species of Leanira described by Professor McIntosh in the " Challenger" collection are to be ranged in the genus Sthenolepis. In this genus the scales are generally smooth. Sthenolepis japonica (McIntosh) — Plate II., fig. 49. Leanira japonica, McIntosh, ' "Challenger" Polychseta,' 1885, p. 154. A headless posterior fragment of a Sigalionid worm, labelled " L,eanira sp.," was dredged at Station XXXV., off Galle, 7 fathoms. An anterior fragment of the same species with same locality and date was contained in another bottle in company with < rlycera lancadivcp. The different preservation of the two pieces gives them a different aspect, but the structure of the parapodia shows that they belong to the same species. The thin translucent smooth elytra embrace the body so closely as to be inconspicuous ; in front they meet in the middle line and overhang the head ; further back they leave the mid-dorsum exposed and then approximate again. The long tentaculum, accompanied by a pair of equally long tentacular cirri, projects straightly and stiffly forwards ; the spatulate appendages are nearly as long as the ceratophore ; at the base of the latter on each side of the prostomium a small eye is visible from above. The ends of the parapodial rami are furnished with a rich growth of stvlodes ; the dorsal setce are very numerous, long, slender, and transversely fringed ; from the dorsal end of the ventral ramus a compact tuft of about 20 spinulose simple setse issues ; the rest of the ventral setae are compound spinigerous, the appendices are not very long and present a peculiar intrinsic laminated structure. Between the cirriform gill and the dorsal fascicle are three ctenidia. The ventral cirrus has a rounded protuberance some distance beyond its insertion (Plate II., fig. 49). The body is slender, the anterior region having a width of 2-5 minims. across the body, 4 millims. across the setaa. 2 L 2 2(50 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. A much smaller complete specimen from the same locality is also contained in the collection and shows to perfection a feature which is present in the larger individual. The anterior setae of the buccal segment are exceedingly long and slender, as long as the tentaculum and tentacular cirri, and they embrace these appendages in such a manner that the whole complex bears the appearance of a compact flabellum. There is a great quantity of mucus surrounding the specimens which was apparently produced by the Glycerids with which they were preserved, and this no doubt binds the setae and tentacles fortuitously together, but the extremely delicate porrect fascicles of long hair-like setae are highly characteristic. Another point which should be noted is the greater length of the appendices of the compound setae in the anterior segments. In the smaller specimen there are fewer spinulose or verticillate setae in the superior fascicle of the ventral ramus, and the stylodes appear to be less numerous ; in fact, in a parapodium from the mid-body I only see one verticillate seta as in Leanira japonica, McInt. Although the Japanese worm retained no scales, yet it seems probable that the Ceylon specimens are co- specific. In these the scales adhere firmly to the body. Thalenessa digitata, McIntosh — Plate II., figs. 50 to 52. Thalenessa digitata, McIntosh, " Polychoeta," '"Challenger" Rep.,' 1885, p. 140 (off the Admiralty Islands in 16-25 fathoms). Thalenessa im-tlnirni, Hornell, ' Ceylon Pearl Oyster Report,' Part I., 1903, pp. 16, 49, and 52. Taken off Galle (Station XXXVIII.) and off Panadure (Station XLV.) down to 25 fathoms. Three small frontal antennae ; the lips of the anterior four pairs of setigerous parapodia are produced into conspicuous membranellai and also carry numerous stylodes ; the first five setigers contain setae with long, jointed appendices, such setae being numerous in the first four feet, scarce in the fifth, and thereafter absent, only setae with unjointed appendices being found (Plate II., fig. 50). All these points correspond closely with Professor McIntosh's description and figures. The elytra do not cover the back ; the first two elytra are smaller than the rest, and the first has a smooth margin, destitute of fimbriae ; a typical elytron is sub- triangular in shape, the outer border provided with about a dozen compound fimbriae, more frequently with four divisions each (Plate II., fig. 51), but there may be as many as six branches, or only three, two, or one. The elytra are attached to seg- ments II., IV., V, VII. , IX., ****** * XXV, XXVII. , XXVIII. , XXIX., &c, becoming continuous at segment XXVII. Cirriform branchiae are present in all setigerous segments, two clear ctenidia on the dorsal surface of the foot, one attached to the peduncle of the gill. Ventral cirrus long, projecting beyond the foot. No papillae on the ventral division of a typical foot from the middle region. Tlmlenessa oculata, McIntosh, is apparently another form of digitata, slightly differing from the type. It is interesting to take note of the differential shifting of POLYCH^TA. 261 parts which has taken place, for example in such genera as Thalenessa and Iphione. In the former the palps are concealed below the cirrophores of the tentacular cirri (Plate II., fig. 52) ; in the latter the cirrophores of the tentacular cirri are concealed below the palps (Plate I., fig. 6). Thalenessa stylolepis, n. sp. — Plate III., figs. 53 to 56. Localities: — Station LVIL, llj to 36 fathoms; and Station LVL, Dutch Modragam Paar, 9 fathoms ; specimen incomplete behind ; taken out of coral block. This must be the worm referred to on p. 74 of the ' Ceylon Pearl Oyster Report,' Part I., as Sigalion mathildee.* The chief characters, which typify a new section of the genus Thalenessa, are the possession of a pair of small frontal antennae and an equally small median occipital antenna ; the insertion of the elytra upon high peduncles ; and, in the anterior region, the absence of the cirriform branchiae from the scaleless segments. Prostomium large, flattened, shield-shaped, with three notches or emarginations, two at the frontal border from which the paired antennae arise, one at the occipital border from which the tentaculum impar arises (Plate III., fig. 53). Only one pair of eyes was observed occupying a central position behind the frontal emarginations. The cirrophores of the buccal segment are porrect, sub-median and adnate to the prostomium. The line of division between the frontal border and the cirrophores is at the same time the line of concrescence of these structures, so that the antennae are virtually inserted into the base of the cirrophores, a condition leading to that found in Sthenelais, Sthenolepis and Psammolyce. The palps are long and smooth. The elytra are pedunculate, the elytrophores rising like stout pillars from the dorsum, as in Eulepis ; the elytra are firmly attached to the elytrophores ; proceeding outwards from the latter below each elytron is a rather long cirriform appendage which does not occur on the intervening segments (segmenta nuda) ; the latter show a small tubercle in the line of the elytrophores. The elytra are placed on the usual segments up to the 27th, when they begin to be continuously successive. They carry 12 to 13 (or fewer) plumose fimbriae (Plate III., fig. 56), which project straight outwards from the outer border, followed by a few simple filiform papillae. The elytra of the first pair are smaller than the following, rounded, not accompanied by cirriform appendage. The remaining elytra cover the dorsum, their inner borders meeting so as to form a tunnel along the length of the body ; on the inner side of each elytrophore a small ctenidium projects into the tunnel, a pair of these ctenidia being inclined towards one another in each body-segment (Plate III., fig. 54). As mentioned above, the cirriform branchiae of Thalenessa stylolepis are confined to the elytrophores. The dorsal ramus of the parapodium (Plate III., fig. 54) carries a bundle of numerous long simple fringed setae, the fringes appearing in side view as a * The plumose fimbriae of the elytra exactly resemble those of Sigalion Mathilda' as figured by Professor McIxtosh (1900). 262 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. series of projecting overlapping scales ; mediae! of the dorsal fascicle the simple setae are shorter and hyaline. The ventral ramus carries a superior bundle of simple whorled seta?, the verticillate tract short. All the remaining ventral setae are of the compound falcigerous type, bearing very long, many-jointed, tapering, bidentate appendices, the number of joints being as many as ten. The compound setae of the middle group are characterised by the possession of squamose (fringed) shafts, while the more slender setae of the inferior group have plain shafts. A parapodium from the posterior region (near the 60th segment) shows the dorsal ramus projecting clearly beyond the ventral, and in the ventral fascicle, in addition to the compound setae with the long, jointed, flexible appendices, there are two stout setae with short unjointed appendices provided with a gaping beak (Plate III., fig. 55). Between 50 and 60 segments are present in the imperfect sjsecimen described above, which is 35 millims. long with width of 3 millims. without the setae, 4 millims. over the setae. Family: PHYLLODOGID^. Anaitis zeylanica, n. sp. — Plate III., figs. 57 to 60. Locality : — South of Manaar Island, 8 to 9 fathoms. One specimen, proboscis retracted. The dorsal phyllodes are broadly ovate (cordate-lanceolate) and pedunculate, as they are in a dozen other species. Head rounded ; eyes large ; tentacular cirri normal, elongate. Proboscis (dissected) consists of two well-separated portions, a thin-walled proximal or adoral portion densely crowded with papillae not serially disposed ; a thick-walled distal portion with six prominent rows of large subtriangular papillae, six or seven in a row. Setae, ten in a parapodium, the shaft terminating in a triangular apex fringed at the sides and articulating on one side with a long flagelliform strongly serrulate appendix (Plate III., fig. 57). Anal cirri (one preserved) of moderate length, acuminate with stout basal portion. Body slender, length 38 millims. ; total width under 2 millims. The setae appear heterogomph in side view, homogomph in frontal view (Plate III., fig. 58). I am afraid they offer no reliable diagnostic character, unless it is their size. In this, however, as in other points they resemble the setae of Phyllodoce sancti- josephi. The shape of the head and of the phyllodes is shown on Plate III., figs. 59 and 60. Carobia castanea, Marenzeller. Marenzeller, 'Siidjapan. Ann.,' i., 1879, p. 127 (p. 19 of reprint). This species is distinguished from other Oriental Phyllodocidae by its deep red colour. The red dorsal phyllodes are cordate and the setae are distinguished from all others POLYCH/ETA. 263 in this collection by their rather short appendices destitute of serrulations and the wide, nearly horizontal articular end of the shaft, as figured by VON Marenzeller. Notophyllum laciniatum, n. sp. — Plate III., figs. 61 and 62. Station V., oft' Chilaw Paar, Gvdf of Manaar, 1 I fathoms. One specimen. This Phyllodoceid worm is characterised by a relatively short and thick body and by the possession of broad closely imbricating scales or phyllodes (foliaceous dorsal cirri) ; the anterior phyllodes conceal the occipital region of the head, meeting across the middle line, the rest leave the mid-dorsum exposed. There are as many as ninety segments. The specimen measures about 20 millims. in length and 3 millims. in breadth. The head is simple, with two large eyes in the posterior half, between which arises a brown-tinted tentaculum impar. The somewhat fusiform antennas arise between the eye-region and the anterior border, and the fusiform palps, with rather long terminal flagellum, arise nearer the middle line from the under side of the frontal region. The left antenna was lost from the specimen. The four pairs of tentacular cirri are closely aggregated in the cephalic region, only two of them are seen from above, the second and fourth, the latter being the longest. The first cirrus is more massive thau the others. The great character of the species is given by the presence of three cirriform occipital or nuchal lappets, which hang backwards on each side from the back of the head (Plate III., fig. 61). This feature also occurs in Phyllodoce multicirris, Grube ('Ann. Semp.,' p. 100), which is clearly a closely allied species, differing in the structure of the head, especially in the decided possession of four eyes. The seta? and phyllodes also exhibit minor differences. Each occipital lappet has a pale border and a brown centre. The dorsal phyllodes have the same shape and arrangement as figured by Grube for Ph. multicirris, but they do not show the round surface markings of that species. The ventral phyllodes also have the same peculiar disposition, inserted high up near the extremity of the parapodium and lying out- spread behind the pharetra setarum. In the seta? the articular end of the shaft shows a character of its own. There are as many as 21 setaa in a ventral fascicle from the anterior region; most of them are broken. In optical section the ends of the shafts appear deeply excavate, the articular fossa bounded by stout refringent walls (Plate III., fig. 62). The dorsal ramus is represented by the lobe upon the summit of which the dorsal phyllode is inserted ; it is penetrated by a single slender acicula. The appendices of the compound setae are rather long and minutely serrulate. Phyllodoce dissotyla, n. sp. — Plate III., figs. 63 to 66. Station V., oft* Chilaw Paar, Gulf of Manaar, 11 fathoms. One specimen, 25 millims. long by 1 millim. broad ; proboscis not extruded. 264 CEYLON FEARL OYSTER REPORT. The head is longer than broad ; the antennae do not stretch back to the eyes ; the eye shows a clear lens (Plate III., fig. 63). There are four pairs of long tentacular cirri of normal form. The dorsal phyllodes are rounded, not lanceolate, and strongly pedunculate. The setae, 18 in a fascicle, are heterogomph, the articulation of the appendix distinct; the appendix with serrulate edge (Plate III., figs. 64 and 65). The dominant specific character was ascertained by removing and opening the retracted proboscis, the adoral portion of which is beset with longitudinal rows of rounded normal papillae ; in two of the rows, probably median dorsal and median ventral (since they are separated from one another by normal rows), there are three large triangular papillae placed one behind the other, with normal papillae in front and behind in the same rows. These modified papillae are denser than the rest and are noticeable under low magnification with a simple lens (Plate III., fig. 66). They are quite definite, two sets of three on opposite sides of the proboscis. The phyllodes aud setae are also characteristic, but the determining character is given by the papillae of the proboscis. Phyllodoce foliosopapillata, Hornell — Plate III., figs. 67 to 69. 'Ceylon Pearl Oyster Report,' Part I., 1903, p. 16 and p. 28, " Yellowish green Phyllodocid." Station XVII., outside Periya Paar, 11 fathoms. The specimen, which is incomplete behind, has a length of 135 millims. (141 millims. with extruded proboscis) ; about 207 segments ; ventral width between the parapodia 2 millims. ; over the parapodia 5 millims. The proboscis is firm and sexangulate ; towards the base it is traversed by transverse rugae, and behind these, at the level of the head on each side, there are six rows of transversely elongate, foliate papillae, 5 or 6 in the first row, 8 or !) in the second, 10 in the third, and again decreasing below; at the free margin I counted 14 or 15 rounded papillae (Plate III., fig. 67). The foliaceous dorsal cirri, which may be called phyllodes to distinguish them from the elytra of the Aphroditidae, are borne upon broad peduncles to which they are strongly adherent. In this specimen the phyllophores are filled with ova (Plate III., fig. 68). There are as many as 25 compound setae in a parapodium. The long flexible spiniform appendices are serrulate along one border, but in some of them the serru- lations are obscure or even obsolete. The setae differ from those of other species in the presence of a long stout spur at the head of the shaft, which sometimes projects considerably beyond the neighbouring denticulations, even more so than in the example figured (Plate III., fig. 69). Closely apposed to the sides of the prostomium is a pair of lateral nuchal organs (Plate III., fig. 67). The prostomium is broader than long, deeply emarginate behind, and in the notch there is an occipital papilla, such as occurs also in Phyllodoce madeirensis and other species. P0IATH7ETA. '265 The insertion of the four pairs of tentacular cirri is the same as in Ph. madeirensis, namely, on each side : — Segment I., one tentacular cirrus ; ,, IT., two tentacular cirri ; „ III., one tentacular cirrus and a cirrus ventralis foliaceus. Tlu1 first appearance presented is that of two cirri in the first segment, but closer examination showed that this appearance is deceptive. The longest is the dorsal cirrus of the second segment, stretching back over eleven segments. Phyllodoce macrolepidota, Schmarda — Plate III., figs. 70 and 71. Schmarda, 'Neue Wirbellose Thiere,' ii., 1861, p. 83, Taf. xxix., fig. 229. Phyllodoce tenuissima, Grube, 'Ann. Semp.,' 1878, p. 95. Locality : — Galle Habour, on oyster cage. One specimen. Body very long and slender, 200 millims., with a width of 3 millims. in front, over the setae ; more than 350 segments. The proboscis is only half extruded, and this portion is inflated and soft ; it carries six longitudinal rows of broad, flattened, arcuate, dark-coloured papillae on each side in front of the head-region, 8 to 10 papillae in a row, and, in addition, a median dorsal row of six papillae. The general arrangement of the papillae and the presence of the median row are features which characterise Ph. madeirensis, Langerhans, of which this may be an Oriental repre- sentative, but it has nearly three times the length and about twice as many segments as in the type-species of Langerhans. There are 17 setae in a parapodium (Plate III., fig. 70) ; they do not offer any striking character (Plate III., fig. 71). The head is about as long as it is broad, with rather large eyes in the centre of the posterior cephalic convexity on each side ; it is acutely notched behind, but the specimen does not show a nuchal papilla. There are two rather short, stout, subulate anal cirri. Phyllodoce sancti-josephi, Gravier — Plate III., figs. 72 and 73. (Iravier, "Ann. Polychetes de la Mer Rouge," 'Arch. Mus. Paris (4 ser.), ii., 1900, p. 196. Station V., off Chilaw Paar, Gulf of Manaar, 11 fathoms. Two sj)ecimens. These worms differ from the type in the shape of the head and in the apparent absence of an occipital papilla. The widening of the head is correlated with the extrusion of the proboscis, and the occlusion of the papilla may be due to the same cause. One of the specimens has a length of 55 millims. and a total width in front of 2 millims. The proboscis in its general consistency and in the presence of a posterior rugose portion resembles that of Ph. foliosojMpillata, but the papillae, of which there are six rows on each side, extend over the rugose region in front of the head (Plate III., fig. 72). In the second specimen the proboscis shows six prominent angulations in front of the rugose portion. 2 M 2G6 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. The head itself, under the condition of extruded pi'oboscis, is about as broad as long and not deeply notched behind. On each side of the prostomium there is a prominent lateral nuchal papilla. The phyllodes resemble those of Ph. macrolepidota in shape and proportion, the dorsal phyllode being distinctly pedunculate and its axis occupied by a rete mirabile, from which radial vessels proceed to the margins. The parapodium carries twelve setae of normal type (Plate III., fig. 73), though, as shown by M. Gravier, the number varies within narrow limits in different regions of the body. The number which I have given holds good for the mid-region. A foot from the posterior region has sixteen setae. Pterocirrus ceylonicus, Mtchaelsen. This species is well characterised by the five long slender subequal prostomial appendages, longer than the prostomium. The remarkable winged ventral cirrus of the second segment which, seen from above along its thickened dorsal border, looks like an ordinary tentacular cirrus, is a generic feature of first importance. The dorsal phyllodes are more lanceolate than that shown in Dr. Michaelsen's figure, "Polychiiten von Ceylon," ' Jahrb. Hamburg. Wiss. Anstalt,' 1892, ix., 2, p. 103, otherwise I have nothing to add to his description. The colour of the preserved specimens is dark greenish-brown. Locality : — Ceylon Seas. Family : HESIONID/E. Hesione ceylonica, Grube. Grube, "Ann. Ceylon" (Holdsworth coll,) ' P. Zool. Soc. London,' 1874, p, 327. Locality : — Numerous specimens from various stations. This is probably a geographical form of Hesione splendida, Savigny, which is characterised by the possession of one pair oi frontal antenna? ; eight pairs ot tentacular cirri ; sixteen pairs of uniramous parapodia ; four distinct eyes ; pigment disposed more or less in longitudinal bands or streaks. Savigny was in error regard- ing the minute antennae, and the illustrations do not correspond with the text in certain particulars, hence confusion has arisen. The Ceylon specimens range in length of body from 9 millims. to 3G millims. ; in the latter case the ventral width between the parapodia is 4 millims., over the setae 11 millims. In all cases the full number of setigerous segments, namely 16, is present. The extruded proboscis shows a median dorsal callosity or hard papilla (not seen in the smallest specimen) a short distance from the base, like that figured by Audouin and Milne-Edwards (1834) in 11. pantherina. The compound falcigerous setae have bidentate appendices with a spiniform guard arising below the denticulations. The guard may be worn away. A specimen of 14 millims. length had a ventral width between the parapodia of 2 millims., over the setae nearly 5 millims. I'OLYCILKTA. 267 Hesione genetta, Grtjbe. (See Grube, 'Ann. Semp.,' 1878, p. 104.) One specimen from Chilaw Paar, Station LXIX. This species is distinguished from the members of the splendida group by its very characteristic and enduring pigmentation. At the junction of the tirst and second setigerous segments there is a broad dark transverse band passing from one side to the other across the convex dorsum. Behind this band the segments are marked by transverse brown spots which are sometimes confluent. The cuticle is highly iridescent ; the body flexed ventrally and the ventro-lateral borders elevated, leaving a median neural groove between them. The prostomium is quadratic ; two frontal notches from which the minute antennae arise ; eyes barely visible. The body is shaped like that of H. reticulata, von Maeenzeller (South Japan), and resembles the body of a caterpillar, as remarked by vox Marenzeller. Length 13 millims., inclusive width 3 millims. Irma limicola, n. sp. — Plate III., figs. 74 to 76. This species is founded upon a single example which occurred in one of the mud- tubes of Loimia montagui from Palk Bay. It is not very well preserved in consequence of having been trapped in such a narrow recess. Its length is 20 millims., width 3 millims., with upwards of 50 segments. The head is transverse, the eyes widely separated, the anterior and posterior eyes of each couple crescentic and closely approximated. From the frontal border of the prostomium on each side two equal cephalic appendages (antennas and palps) curve backwards, lying over the eyes and sides of the prostomium. The biannulate proboscis is extruded. No tentaculum impar could be observed. Six tentacular cirri are present on each side of the buccal segment, placed in a dorsi-ventral manner, the upper and lower of the group being shorter than the intermediate. The dorsal ramus of the parapodium is intimately connate with the cirrophore of the dorsal cirrus into which an acicula extends, and from a slight protuberance on the lower side of the cirrophore a bundle of very fine capillary setae emerges (Plate III., fig. 74). The compound setae of the ventral ramus are numerous, about fifty in each fascicle. They are falcigerous, carrying very long appendices curved at the tip and bidentate, the apical tooth frequently connected with the minor tooth by a limbus. The superior setae of the ventral ramus have appendices about one-half shorter than the average ; the inferior setae, i.e., the most ventrally placed seta?, carry quarter-sized appendices (Plate III., figs. 75 and 76). The relations of the dorsal and ventral cirri and the lip of the parapodium are shown in the figure (Plate III., fig. 74). Repeated examination failed to reveal any trace of a tentaculum impar in Irma limicola. In this respect it approaches the genus Castalia, Sav., as amended by M. Sars ('Christ. Vid. Selsk. Forh.,' 1861, p. 88), but there are no coronary papilke on the proboscis and no jaws. 2 m 2 2 (58 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. The definition of Irma should be modified as follows : — Proboscis nuda ; palpi biarticulati ; antennas 3 (interdum 2 observatse) ; oculi 4 ; cirri tentaculares 12 ; pedes quasi biremes ; ramus dorsalis vestigialis cum articulo basali cirri dorsalis connatus, setas dorsales capillares gerens aut nullus ; seta? ven- trales composite falcigerse ; acicula? binse. The fact of an acicula passing into the cirrophore indicates the primitive biramous nature of the foot in those species where dorsal capillary setse do not occur, exactly as in the analogous case of Podarke, Ehlers. The absence of a median antenna in /. limicola is puzzling, and will remain so until more material is obtained. The species described by me as Oxydromus aucklandicus (' "Southern Cross" Collections,' London, 1902, p. 281) should be transferred to the genus Irma as now defined. Family: SYLLIDiE. Typosyllis taprobanensis, n. sp. — Plate III., figs. 77 and 78. Localities : — East side of Cheval Paar ; and South-west Cheval Paar, Gulf of Manaar. This is a variable species, one specimen seemed to resemble T. variegata, the next T. krohni, the differences being in part substantial, in part due to the fact that the pharynx of the one was on the point of being projected, that of the other was retracted completely. Antennae and cirri moniliform ; in the first specimen (length 19 millims., width 1'5 millims.) the paired and unpaired antennae were about equal in length to each other and to the palps, the paired rather slenderer than the hnpar, shorter than the d< irsal cirri ; the latter, not deciduous, longer alternating with shorter and slenderer ; the first ventral tentacular cirrus slender, not much longer than the palps ; head transverse, partially concealed below the buccal segment ; pharynx, on the point of projection from the mouth, lined by thick dark-brown cuticle (showing dark purplish- black through the skin) carrying a subtermmal dorsal tooth coloured the same as the chitinous intima ; proventriculus, with about 37 rows, finely tessellated, glistening whitish with delicate flush. In the second specimen the median antenna was long, showing 36 joints ; most of the dorsal cirri were lost, that of the 5th setiger showed 42 joints, that of the 64th setiger upwards of 30 joints ; the pharynx and proventriculus, seen by trans- parency, exactly resembled those of the first specimen and decided the specific identity, but were differently placed, being retracted ; the pharynx extended from the 7th to the 15th setigerous segment, the proventriculus from the 15th to the 25th setigerous segment ; colour of the first 24 setigerous segments : — two brown transverse bands in each segment; total number of segments 150 ; length 30 millims. The setas of both corresponded in general characters, differing in a manner shown in the figures (Plate III., figs. 77 and 78). In the anterior segments there are about POLYCH^ETA. 269 12 to 16 compound falcigeroua bidentate setae lying below 5 acicula? ; the aciculae become reduced to 3 and posteriorly to 2 ; the setae also undergo changes, the shaft becoming stouter and the appendix shorter ; the shaft further assumes a characteristic dilatation of varying intensity below the joint (Plate III., figs. 77 and 78). The anal cirri showed 24 joints ; no median caudal process was observed. The head of the second specimen was normal, rounded, not transversely elongate, the latter condition apparently resulting from the commencing extrusion of the pharynx. The palps are quite separate, with distinct subfrontal insertions, a wide proximal half and a narrower distal hah. In Typosyllis rarityata, according to von Marenzeller," the palps are fused together at the base. The Ceylon species would appear to be related to T. hrohni, as described by Langerhans. t The difference noted above in respect of the shafts of the setae may be correlated with the difference of age and size of the specimens of T. taprobanensis. Haplosyllis spongicola (Grube) — Plate III., figs. 79 and 80. Gkube, 'Arch. Naturg.,' 1855, p. 104; Marion et Bobketzky, 1875, 'Ann. Marseilles,' p. 2-i. Syllis haniata, Claparede, 1868; Langerhans, Madeira, 1879, ' Z. f. w. Z.,' xxxii., p. 527; St. Joseph, ' Dinard,' 1886, part i., p. 142; 1895, part iv\, p. 185. Syllis violaceo-flava, Grube, 'Ann. Semp.,' 1878, p. 115; see also Langerhans, Madeira, part iii., ' Z. f. w. Z.,' xxxiv., p. 128. A small specimen, 4 '5 millims. long, was takeu from between the whorls of the operculum of a large Serpulid [Pomatostegus actiuocc7vs^, off Panadure, Station XLV., 25 fathoms. Over 40 setigerous segments ; setae brittle, many of them with the tips broken off. The proventriculus is long, occupying segments 13-25, but the body is contracted. On examining the specimen in toto. it is common to see two hamate unguarded acicular setae projecting from a parapodium, one of which is stronger than the other ; both of these seta? have a bidenticulate apical tooth as figured by Marion and Bobretzky, and by Langerhans. (In Haplosyllis djiboutiensis,\ Gravier found, in one individual, the apical tooth of the stronger seta simple. ) The pharynx is armed in front with a single conical tooth surrounded by a crown often soft papilla? (Plate III., fig. 80). The head is shown in Plate III., fig. 79. Syllis gracilis, Grube (1840). (Of. St. Joseph, "Ann. de Dinard," part i., 'Ann. Sei. Nat.' (7) i., 1886, p. 158; part iv., t. xx., 1895, p. 190.) Locality : — South-west Cheval Paar. Three specimens. 1. About 180 segments ; length 45 millims. ; body contorted ; diameter uniform, * ' Adriat. Ann.,' ii., 1875, p. 147. t •' Wurmfauna Madeira," i., ' Zeit. f. wiss. Zool.,' xxxii., 1879, p. 529. | Gravier, "Ann. Mer Rouge," 1900, 'Arch. Mus. Paris' (4) ii., p. 117. 270 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. about 1 milliin. without feet, 2 millims. inclusive. Anterior setae compound, falcigerous, bidentate, in about 30 segments ; thereafter simple furciform setae ; in the posterior segments some of the furciform setae become quasi-compound. Dorsal cirri of about 40 anterior segments long, with a tendency to alternate longer and shorter ; afterwards they become shorter, subfusiforni, still alternating. Tentaculum impar with 27 joints ; paired antennae, about 10 joints; dorsal tentacular cirrus, 18-20 joints; first dorsal cirrus, 34 joints ; posterior dorsal cirri, 8-12 joints. Pharynx black in segments 3-20 ; proventriculus in segments 20-28. 2. Length 15 millims., 83 segments followed by about a dozen regenerating segments showing small compound setae of the usual type. Compound setae in anterior 28 segments. 3. Length 22 millims. ; segments 118 ; compound setae in 28 anterior segments; in segments 29-90 simple furciform setae ; in segments 91-118 the falcigerous bidentate setae re-appear. Pharynx brown in segments 1-13 ; proventriculus 14-20. Tentaculum impar moniliform, 18 joints; dorsal cirrus of first setiger longest, with 20 joints. Autolytus orientalis, n. sp. — Plate IV., figs. 81 to 84. Locality: — Found in plankton, 2nd and 3rd March, 1903, North-east Cheval. Several stoloniferous specimens; total length 10 to 20 millims. In the example figured (Plate IV., fig. 81) there are 29 setigerous segments in the anterior or parent individual. The parapodia contain two aciculae and numerous, upwards of 20, compound falcigerous setae ; the head of the shaft is laciniate and the appendix is minutely bidentate and minutely fringed (Plate IV., tig. 84). The dorsal cirri are rather short, lanceolate, petaloid, with strong basal articulation. The second dorsal cirrus, i.e., the cirrus of the first setiger, is the longest. The rounded reduced palps, joined together in the middle line along their own length, are only visible from below (Plate IV., fig. 83). The pharynx is long and has a sigmoid flexure ; it is armed in front with a circle of 44 denticles, larger and smaller irregularly alternating (Plate IV., fig. 82). The proventriculus shows 28 glandular rows. Family: NEREID^E. Nereis indica, Kinbekg. KlNBEKG, ' Ainmlata nova — Nereidum dispositio nova,' ' Ofv. Akad. Forh.,' 1865, p. 169. Locality : — Galle, from buoy ; one female containing ova. Length 50 millims., inclusive width 4"5 millims. Tentacular cirri not long, reaching to third segment ; antennae f length of prostomium ; palps long with narrow terminal appendix ; eyes large, equal, the posterior rather closer together. Body incomplete behind, 77 setigerous segments. Feet subequal ; dorsal cirri of anterior segments about twice as long as the blunt dorsal ligule ; ventral cirrus not reaching the trp of the ventral ligule ; in the middle segments the neuropodia and the bases of the cirri become membranous, the dorsal P0LYCH7ETA. 271 ligule becomes elongate and acuminate,* the dorsal cirrus exceeding it by about one- fifth only ; in the posterior segments the dorsal cirri are upwards of four times the length of the dorsal ligule. Dorsal setae homogomph spinigerous ; superior ventral setae homogomph spinigerous and heterogomph falcigerous ; inferior ventral setae heterogomph spinigerous and heterogomph falcigerous. The shafts of all the setae are striated and all the appendices are strongly fringed (setulose) ; the falciform appendices art' entire at the apex, not bidentate. The proboscis was retracted and was dissected out: — I., 1; II., 12-12 (oblique acervi) ; TIL, 10 (triangular acervus) ; IV., 15-15 (three unequal rows); V., 0; VI., 6-6 (irregular); VII. and VITL, biserial, anterior row large alternating paragnaths ; paragnaths of the posterior row half as large and one and a half times as uumerous as those of the front row. Nereis unifasciata, n. sp. — Plate IV., tigs. 85 to 88. Locality : — South-east Cheval Paar. A small Nereid (length 11 millims., incomplete behind) characterised by the presence of a dark brown collar across the whole of the dorsum of the second setigerous segment. The buccal and the first setigerous segments are pale brownish at the sides, but there is no band across them. Commencing from the intersegmental groove between the fourth and fifth setigerous segments there are about twelve pairs of small intersegmental brown spots on the back. The feet are equal and resemble those of Ceratonereis pectinifera (p. 272) in the general proportions of parts (Plate IV., figs. 85 and 86). The two worms were collected at the same time and place. The distribution of the setae in the foot is as follows : — Dorsal, homogomph spinigers ; superior ventral, homogomph spinigers and heterogomph falcigers ; inferior ventral, heterogomph spinigers and falcigers. The heterogomph spinigers are not completely heterogomph, but, at least in the middle and posterior segments, present a condition which might be described as hemigomph (Plate IV, figs. 87 and 88). This small detail affords the only real distinction between the armature of the feet of this species and that of Ceratonereis pectinifera. The proboscis was not extruded, and, although as a rule I do not attempt the description of small Nereids unless the proboscis is extruded, I was anxious to test the specific value of the colour- markings and of the setae. The dissected proboscis showed paragnaths in the adoral division, those of the order VI. in small acervi, of VII. and VIII. in a single row as in Nereis trifasciata, Grube. It is therefore not a Ceratonereis. I cannot state any differences between the armature of the proboscis of this species and that of Nereis trifnsci'. 177a. Cf. Quatrefages, 1865, ' Hist. nat. des. Ann.,' ii., p. 432. A specimen from the pearl banks, upwards of 40 millims. long (without the gills) by 7 millims. wide, inhabited a tube nearly twice its own length encrusted with sand. The deciduous branchial crown together with the tentacular lacinise was present, but thrown off. Projecting beyond the collar are two collapsible buccal lobes, evidently protruded by fluid pressure from within. At the ventral sides of the thoracic tori purple streaks occur, and similar streaks occur towards the dorsal border of the tori. In the abdominal region these streaks are replaced by minute spots. The gills are banded. The thorax is composed of eight segments with seven pairs of tori ; the setse, of all the fascicles alike, are limbate capillaries. Another specimen labelled "No. 80, Sabella fusca, Grube, orange-bodied Sabella, on under side of boulder, Galle lagoon, off Breffit, 7th June, 1902," is larger and darker; 100 millims. long (without the gills), 10 millims. wide; body subcylindrical in front, more flattened behind. Gills very dark ; inner surface of collar with black- purple band and a patch of the same colour on the outer surface of the dorsal portions of the collar.* In frontal view of the buccal crown the two buccal lobes described above are seen, though not protruding to the same extent (Plate VII., fig. 177a). Sabellastarte indica, var. quinquevalens, nov. — Plate VII., fig. 177. Another specimen, brought up by the divers from Muttuvaratu Paar, inhabited a membranous tube coated with fine mud. Total length 100 millims., of which 35 millims. belong to the branchiae; more than 140 segments. The thorax is composed of six segments with five pairs of uncinigerous tori. The uncini are uniserial and show numerous denticles above the main tooth, presenting, in frontal view, a finely cross-hatched appearance, in side view a series of 8-10 minute rows on the vertex of the hook (Plate VII., fig. 177). Width of the thorax 8 o millims., of the anterior abdominal region 7 millims. Branchiae banded with purple, the radioles or stipes in two rows, but the bases of all show through the basal membrane. The radioles of the two rows are roughly alternate, though the outer row contains more than the inner. Terminal filaments of gill-stipes short ; gill-filaments biserial. Collar with broad purple submarginal band on inner surface, as in the typical examples. It seems likely that S. indica is co-specific with Grube's S. spectabilis ('Ann. Semp.,' p. 253) and even with Marenzeller's Laonome japonica (' Siidjapan. Ann.,' ii., 1884, p. 16). See also St. Joseph, "Ann. de Dinard," 'Ann. Sci. Nat,,' xvii., 1894, p. 249. The number of thoracic segments is known to be subject to individual variations. The collar is notched below by a median incisura ventralis. * Similar colour-markings occur on the collar of the first example. 312 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. Jasmineira caducibranchiata, a. sp. — Plate VII. , figs. 178 and 179. Locality : — East side of Cheval Paar. A small slender worm of nearly even diameter, gently tapering behind, 22 millims. long, 1*5 millims. wide; eight thoracic segments, 36 abdominal segments with anal groove passing obliquely across the first abdominal (9th body-segment) to the right side and on to the dorsal surface. The thoracic segments do not differ macroscopically from the anterior abdominal segments ; there are 8 dorsal capillary fascicles, and 7 ventral tori carrying a single row of rostrate uncini with long manubrium (Plate VII., fig. 178). The abdominal uncini are avicular (Plate VII., fig. 179). The buccal segment carries the first capillary fascicle near its hinder border and towards the dorsal side ; the collar is rounded and slightly projecting forwards below, with a median notch or incisura dividing the two low rounded lobes, and a shallow impression on each side of the notch. On the dorsal side the collar stands out at right angles to the body and is then inflected at an acute angle, to be inserted on either side of the anal groove in this region. The gill-radioles are lost, but their carriers are retained and show the scars of about a dozen radioles each. Inside the gill-crown there is a pair of broad, pinkish-white lacinise, and below these there is a group of about six slender tentacular cirri attached to the lower ends of the gill- carriers. Family: SEEPULID^E. Eupomatus albiceps, Ehrb., Grube — Plate VII, figs. 180, 180a, and 181. Grube, ' Monatsber. Berlin. Akad.,' 1869, p. 520 (p. 40 of reprint). One specimen inhabiting a quadrilateral tube winding round a tube of Phyllo- chcBtopterus ramosus from Galle. The worm only measured 7 millims. in length including the branchiae, and a fraction of a millimetre in diameter. Grube's example was rather larger. The operculum gives the character of the species. In this case there are eight nearly erect, slightly curved virgulse and a laterally compressed ovate lamina dorsalis, the latter being a direct continuation of the columella and bearing a pair of broad dorso- lateral chitinous hamuli. The marginal teeth of the opercular disc are blunt. Thoracic uncini, as stated by Grube, show about nine teeth. Another specimen, growing upon the tube of a larger species from South-east Cheval Paar, has length of about 20 millims. by width of 1*5 millims. There are seven virgulse on the operculum, and the lamina dorsalis is quite flattened except at the back (Plate VII., figs. 180 and 180a). The uncini from the last thoracic torus show seven teeth. The bayonet setse of the first thoracic fascicle show two clear spines at the base of the terminal process (Plate VII., fig. 181). Eupomatus exaltatus, Marenz. — Plate VII., fig. 182. VON, 'Siidjap. Ann.,' ii., 1884, p. 217. Station V., off Chilaw, Gulf of Mauaar, 11 fathoms; one specimen without tube. POLYCH^ETA. 313 Differs from E. heteroceros in the structure of the operculum, other characters being approximately the same. The branchiae are rather short, the stems stout and close together in a digitate manner, about 16 stems in each gill; terminal filaments slender, flagelliform. Thoracic uncini with six teeth, some with five only. The opercular style is stout, slightly flattened ; the margin of the opercular cup carries 23 denticulations ; from the centre of the cup a stout columella rises carrying a circle of eight large hooks, of which the dorsal one is larger than the rest and somewhat scythe-shaped, with a long hook directed ventrally and mesially ; the seven smaller hooks have curved extremities directed outwards and are destitute of accessory processes (Plate VII., fig. 182). The operculum is associated with the right gill ; no rudiment could be found on the left side. The first fascicle contains besides a few simple capillary sctse a bundle of strong unequally bifid setae, the terminal process long and acuminate, the subterminal process very short and obtuse ; these are called bayonet setse (von Marenzeller). The Ceylon specimen varies from the type, in which there is a crown of nine hooks instead of eight, and the thoracic uncini show seven or eight denticulations. In spite of these differences, which are not outside a possible range of variation,* the character of the crown of hooks is so distinctive as to leave no doubt as to the identification, notwithstanding the fact that von Marenzeller unfortunately omitted to state explicitly that the hooks of the crown, except the dorsal hook, are directed outwards ; this is left to be inferred, and it is an important inference, since it decides the species. Eupomatus heteroceros, Grube. Grube, 'Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien,' 1868, p. 639, Taf. 7, fig. 8. Locality : — Several specimens from South-west Cheval and East Cheval, 8 fathoms. Tube round, except flattened surface of attachment, doubled upon itself, U-shaped, or slightly convoluted and faintly ridged ; it shows coarse growth rings and is overgrown with Bryozoa and pearl-oyster byssus. Thoracic uncini sexdentate. The opercular disc carries a crown of seven hooks turned inwards, of which one is larger and plain, the others equal among themselves and each provided with a pair of accessory lateral hamuli, and an inwardly directed basal process. The lateral hamuli are inserted lower down the shafts of the coronal hooks than in Grube's figures, and the basal hamules appear less upturned. The latter can hardly be seen without bisecting the operculum. The bayonet seta? of the first fascicle have bicuspidate processes as figured by Grube. The uniserial thoracic uncini, not observed by Grube, show five and six teeth, rarely seven. The marginal denticulations of the opercular disc end in rounded spatulate expansions. The collection contains many examples of this species. In one series of seven individuals from the South-west Cheval, 13th November, 1902, one specimen has eight hamuliferous hooks on the operculum, in addition to the great hook instead of * Compare E. albiceps. 2 s 314 CEYLON PEAEL OYSTER REPORT. the typical six. Two others have seven such hooks in addition to the simple hook. Meristic variations affecting a specialised organ composed of a limited number of parts are of considerable interest, especially in view of the analogy presented by Eupomatus exaltatus in this respect. Compare also the thoracic segments of Sabellastarte indica. Examples from East Cheval show six, seven and eight hamuliferous hooks respectively, in addition to the main hook. The collar-margin is plain ventrally, not projecting forwards between the gills. The anterior free flap of the collar (seen from below) can be distinguished by a transverse groove from the posterior portion of the buccal segment, and at the sides of this groove there is a pair of thoracic organs analogous to those observed in Pomatostegus actinoceros. The orifice is guarded by a small triangular papilla which occurs at the level of the incisura lateralis of the collar. Eupomatus minax (Grube). Locality : — South-west Cheval Paar. Small involved round tubes showing coarse growth-rings ; pearl-oyster byssus sometimes attached to the tube. The marginal spines of the opercular disc vary between 19 and 21. The columellar spines are more erect than in Grube's figure ('Ann. Semp.,' 1878, p. 269): the large dorsal spine is vertical and has a strong recurved hook and two lateral accessory hooks. Pomatostegus actinoceros, Morch — Plate VIII., figs. 3 and 4. Morch, Otto A. L., 'Revisio critica Serpulidarum,' Copenhagen, 1863, p. 400, plate xi., fig. 16 ; Grube, 'Ann. Semp.,' 1878, p. 271. This is an extremely variable species in regard to the structure of the operculum, and on the other hand it is the exact Indo-Pacific counterpart of the Antillean species Pomatostegus stellatus, Abildgaard (see Ehlers, ' Florida-Anneliden,' 1887, p. 296). This species and Eupomatus hetc.rocerus are the most abundant Serpulids in Professor Hekdman's collection, and they must play an important part in consolidating the pearl banks as well as serving as a base for the attachment of the pearl oysters. This is proved by the byssi which still cling to many of the calcareous tubes secreted by these worms. The tube is massive, coarsely rounded or trigonal, rugged and overgrown. Sometimes the tube is provided with a high laciniate keel. The branchiae are spirally rolled and banded. Their appearance varies according to the preservation. The transverse striation sometimes indicated is due to contraction, which causes wrinkling of the strong cuticle which covers the outer surface of the gills. The radioles have an internal septate structure, but the superficial wrinkles are not related to it, and the surface may be quite smooth. In one specimen from the Muttuvaratu Paar, brought up by the divers, I counted 36 radioles in one of the gills. The thoracic uncini showed as many as twelve teeth in addition to the basal, transversely expanded, POLYCTLF-TA. 315 scalprate process which von Marenzeller calls the " Meisselzahn." In the last thoracic torus the teeth of the uncini were not 80 numerous as in the preceding segments, not exceeding nine. The collar is approximately as long as the rest of the thorax, entire below and at the sides, open above and continuous with the thoracic membrane on each side. The operculiferous style carries a broad wing-like membrane on each side which terminates above in a short free simple lobe. This membrane can embrace and protect the gills when retracted within the tube. The disc of the operculum is covered with a chitinous cuticle and carries a long narrow columella arising excentrically near the dorsal side and furnished with circlets of spines at intervals (Plate VIII., fig. 4). The circlets of spines may be webbed or free. In the former case the chitinous membrane which they support projects beyond the spines and forms a stage or disc equal in diameter to the actual basal disc of the operculum. In the specimen before me the columella carries four stages above the opercular disc and two circlets of spines above the topmost stage. Another from the same locality shows two stages above the disc and three free circlets of spines above. A third has one stage above the disc and six circlets of free spines beyond. A fourth has three stages above the disc and two circlets beyond. A fifth has one stage above the disc, then two free circlets, then two more, narrower, stages followed by a terminal circlet. The abdominal seta?, as mentioned by Grube, have the apical portion slightly marked off. They closely resemble the abdominal setae of Omphalopoma langerhansii figured by Marenzeller (' Siidjap. Ann.'). In another example taken from the Muttuvaratu Paar the opercular style retains a roseate flush in the preserved state. The tube has a low dorsal keel. The columella of the operculum carries two corneous stages over the disc, surmounted by five circlets of spines. The radioles of the gills are disposed in a simple spiral, about 27 in each gill ; they are slender and the surface is smooth. Thoracic uncini from the sixth (last thoracic) torus show 7 to 9 teeth in addition to the scalprate process. A specimen from the South-west Cheval Paar shows three stages above the opercular disc followed by three circlets. Others were obtained from the East Cheval Paar in 8 fathoms. The buccal setae of this species are delicate, forming a small, frequently incon- spicuous bundle of about a dozen setae, among which may be found some slightly distinguished as bayonet setae. On each side of the buccal segment, on its ventral aspect, there is a large orifice bounded by prominent lips (Plate VIII., fig. 3). The collar-margin projects forwards as a tongue between the gills ventrally as in Spirobranchus cervicornis. An individual was taken off Panadure, Station XLV., 25 fathoms, measuring 20 millims. in side view from the free edge of the collar to the posterior extremity of the body; the collar and thorax 7 millims. ; the operculum projects 7 '5 millims. beyond the collar; width of thorax 4 5 millims. The brachysomatic condition of the 2 s 2 316 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. abdomen may be due to regeneration. Between the whorls of the operculum a small Annelid was found by Mr. Hornell (see Haplosyllis spongicola). Protulopsis palliata, n. sp. — Plate VII., figs. 183 to 185. Associated in the trawl with PhyllochcBtopterus ramosus from Galle, Station XXXIX., 16 to 30 fathoms. A round, slightly curved calcareous tube, attenuated behind, widened in front. The body without the gills is 19 millims. long, 3 millims. maximum diameter. Gills with between 30 and 40 radioles on each side, rolled inwards in a single spiral turn ; no operculum. Thorax consists of seven segments carrying seven pairs of capillary fascicles, but I do not find the uncini commencing before the fourth segment. The first fascicle contains numerous limbate capillary setae of the usual form. In the fourth fascicle, in addition to the ordinary setae, there is a group of salmacine seta? (Plate VII., fig. 183). There are about twelve of this kind of setae in the fascicle, characterised by a short normally limbate tract followed by a clear striated border extending to the tip of the seta. The striated border is not limited by a refringent edge ; the latter ceases suddenly at the upper end of the limbus. The uncini show about twenty equal denticulations ; the last tooth at the base of the uncinus is followed by a long characteristic spur (Plate VII., fig. 184). The abdominal setae occur to the number of five in a fascicle (Plate VII. , fig. 185). The collar, in com- bination with the thoracic membrane, shows a remarkable development dorsally, where it is produced forwards on each side into a wide lappet, which is rolled upon itself and is probably able to follow the branchial spire to its termination ; the ventral portion of the collar is marked off from the dorsal portion by an incisura lateralis, and its ventral border is slightly concave. Serpula granulosa, Marenz. — Plate VII., figs. 186 and 186a. Von Marenzei.ler, ' Siidjapan. Ann.,' ii., 1884, p. 215 (p. 19 of reprint). Locality : South-west Cheval Paar ; several specimens. Tube round, subcristate to cristate ; fila branchialia (radioles) about 26 on each side* ; operculum shallowly concave, with 46-52 rays which project as denticulations at the margin. The grooves which separate the rays do not all reach to the centre of the disc ; they are the superficial indications of dissepiments which project vertically with a free inner border into the substance of the operculum (Plate VII. , fig. 186a). Seven thoracic segments ; modified setae of the first segment unequally bifurcate ; capillary setae of the other thoracic segments simple, limbate ; thoracic uncini 5-dentate. Serpula granulosa differs from S. yervaisii, Qfg., by its cristate tube and the shallow cup of the operculum. The degree of concavity can be varied, sometimes the disc is nearly flat, sometimes slightly convex, but it does not seem likely that it could be deepened to the extent which characterises S. gervaisii.f * Vo\ Marenzeller gives 35 for the type. t Cf. Grtjbe, 'Ann. Roth. Meer.' (Frauenfeld), 1868, p. 640. POLYCH^ETA. 317 In a typical example such as that figured on Plate VII., fig. 186, the total height of the tube in the region of the orifice is about 6 millims., of which the crest occupies 1 millim. The operculum is sometimes dextral, sometimes sinistral in position, and at the corresponding point on the other side, as noted by von Marenzeller, there is usually a rudimentary operculum. Minute tubercles are sparsely distributed on the concave opercular disc. Serpula watsoni, n. sp. — Plate VII., fig. 187, and Plate VIII., fig. 6. Locality : — Trincomalee, February, 1902. I have much pleasure in dedicating this species to Mr. Arnold T. Watson, whose drawing illustrates it (Plate VIII., fig. 6). It is characterised by the great length of the ampulla of the operculum, 3 millims., slightly exceeding the length of the style, the total length of the operculum being 5-5 millims. The ampulla is about twice the length of that portion of the style which rises above the collar. The disc of the ampulla is traversed by about 25 rays. There are about 30 radioles in each gill. The collar is entire below, divided on each side by an incisura lateralis. Uncini from the last thoracic torus with 5 and 6 teeth (Plate VII., fig. 187). Spirobranchus cervicornis, n. sp. — Plate VII., figs. 188 to 192. One specimen in bottle with Loimia vaiiegata, Dasyckone cingulata, &c. [? Gheval]. Total length 22 millims., made up as follows : — Gill-apparatus (including operculum) 7 millims., thorax 5 millims., abdomen 10 millims. Width of thorax 4 '5 millims. The gills diverge outwards ; the gill-rays (radioles) are rolled inwards at the top and are disposed in a spiral of one turn and a half, about 30 in each gill. The thorax consists of seven setigerous segments with six pairs of uncinigerous tori. The first segment is produced into a capacious collar open above, its dorsal ends overlapping and covering the expanded style of the operculum, nearly reaching to the disc (Plate VII., fig. 188). Ventrally the collar-membrane is produced forwards as a tongue-like process between the gills (Plate VII., fig. 189). The buccal seta? (of the first fascicle) are of two kinds, long, slender, capillary setse fringed with hair-like striae though without a definite limbus ; towards the tips of the setae the marginal hairs project; secondly, stouter bayonet setse with pilose extremities (Plate VII. , fig. 191). The remaining thoracic setse are of the common limbate type and call for no remark ; there are two groups of different sizes, more slender and stouter, in each fascicle. Thoracic uncini with fifteen teeth and a basal T-shaped mucro (Plate VII., fig. 192). The abdominal setse are of the kind called " Dutenborsten " [geniculate setse] by von Marenzeller (' Siidjap. Ann.,' ii., Taf. iv., fig. 46). In S. cervicornis the horns of the operculum resemble a pair of antlers, of which the dorsal tine is half the length of the main tine (Plate VII., fig. 190). They only differ in proportion from the horns of Spirobranchus giganteus as figured by Morch (1803) and Ehlehs (1887). m 8 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. It is not easy to define the limits of the genera Pomatoceros, Phtlippi (1844) and Spirobranchus, Blainville (1818). Grube uses Pomatoceros in an extended sense and appears to disregard the prior claims of Spirobranclius ; the latter is retained by Ehlee*s (1887) and St. Joseph (1894). The genus Pomatoceros s. str. comprises the species crucigera, Grube (Ked Sea, 1869), helicoides, Marenzeller (Japan, 1884), triqueter, L. (Europe, Morch, 1863, St. Joseph, 1894), and bucephalus, Morch (Philippines, 1863). Grube's Serpula quadricornis ('Ann. Semp.,' p. 275) appears to me to be probably co-specific with Morch's Spirobranchus semperi (' Kevisio Serpulidarum,' 1863, p. 405). The species of Pomatoceros named above practically resolve themselves into two main groups represented respectively by the European P. triqueter and the Oriental P. bucephalus. Spirobranclius semperi, Morch. Morch, 'Revisio Serpulidarum,' Copenhagen, 1863, p. 405. Serpula quadricornis, Grube, 'Ann. Semp.,' 1878, p. 275. Opercular style with wing-like expansions as in the preceding species, opercular disc flat, carrying four distinct horns. Uncini from the last thoracic torus with 12 to 13 teeth. Spirobranchus semperi, var. acroceros, no v. — Plate VII., fig. 193. This variety is represented by several specimens apparently only differing from the typical form in the fact that the opercular disc is cone-shaped, carrying the horns at the top (Plate VII., fig. 193). Length 12-5 millims. (up to nearly 20 millims.) ; about 50 abdominal segments ; gill with 1 8 radioles. Spirobranchus tricornigerus (Grube). Serpula tricornigera, Grube, 'Ann. Semp.,' 1878, p. 273. A small specimen from the pearl banks. The great feature of this species is the horizontal branching of the horns of the operculum, the main branches very slightly elevated and the ultimate ramifications lying approximately in one plane. The horns are very pale, calcareous, slightly chitinised. It is possible to distinguish three main branches proceeding from a common centre, but not so equilateral as in Grube's figure. Grube assigns 20 teeth to the larger thoracic uncini. I only see the usual 1 2 teeth in the uncini of the last thoracic torus. The buccal setae forming the first thoracic fascicle are of two kinds, simple capillary and bayonet setae, both kinds with serrulate border. The gills are traversed by a strong, nearly black fascia a short distance in front of the basal membrane. Vermilia pygidialis, n. sp. — Plate VII., figs. 194 to 196. Locality : — South-west Cheval Paar. Distinguished by the long, brown, horny, ringed, conoidal operculum, and by the obtuse posterior end of the body, which is furnished dorsally with an oval purplish- POLYCH^ETA. 319 crimson cushion and long hair-like setae (Plate VII., figs. 194 and 196). Ten radioles in the left gill ; nine and the operculum in the right. Uncini from last thoracic torus with eleven teeth and a scalprate process (Plate VII., fig. 195). Capillary setae of first thoracic segment not distinguished from the rest ; simple limhate, accompanied by slender non-limbate setae. Mid-abdominal region with dorsal uncini and ventral fascicles containing three geniculate setas. Total length of operculum 5 millims., the style 2'5 millims., the ampulla and columella 2'5 millims. Length of gills 4 millims., of thorax 4 millims., of abdomen 1T5 millims. The terminal filaments of the gill- radioles are clubbed ; in one specimen the clubs have a pinkish colour (Plate VII., fig. 194). The closeness of the intersegmental grooves gives the pygidium a foliate appearance. The tube is coiled horizontally upon itself, widens out in front, and presents 4 or 5 low longitudinal keels. EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. PLATE I. Fig. 1. Chlceia flam. Dorsal barbed bayonet seta. Zeiss 3 C. „ 2. „ Ventral furcate seta. Z. 3 C. „ 3. Hermione malleata. Dorsal glochideal seta ; the point is broken. Z. 3 C „ 4. „ Ventral furcate seta showing accessory tooth. Z. 3 0. „ 5. Pontogenia indica. Anterior end. „ 6. Iphione muricata. Anterior end. „ 7. Lepidonotus carinulatus. Prostomium. „ 8. „ Carinulate papillae of elytron arising from clear areoles. „ 9. „ Echinulate papilla. „ 10. ,, Stellate papilla. 11. ,, Ventral seta. Z. 3 C. „ 12. Halosydna zeylanica. Parapodium. „ 13. „ Ventral seta. Z. 3 D. „ 14. Harmothoe dictyophora. Elytron ; the superficial filiform papillae occurring on the larger shields are omitted. „ 15. Harmothoe dictyophora. Head. „ 16. „ Ventral seta. Z. 3 C. „ 17. Hololepidella commeiisalis. Dorsal seta. Z. 3 C. fi 18. „ Superior ventral seta. Z. 3 C. n 19. ,, Inferior ventral seta. Z. 3 C. ,. 20. „ Head and proboscis. „ 21. Panthalis melanonotux. Head and proboscis. n 22. „ Fifty-fourth parapodium. a, geniculate appendix; b, dorsal cirrus; c, silken threads (tomcntose setse) ; d, notopodium ; e, notopodial acicula ; /, neuropodium ; g, neuropodial acicula ; h, ventral cirrus ; i, coil of threads inside the body. 320 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. Fig. 23. Panthalis melanonoius. Lateral processes of four successive segments after the 28th, showing dorsal cirri with geniculate appendices, alternating with elytrophores and ovate processes ; seen from above. „ 24. Panthalis melanonoius. Superior ventral seta. 25. ,, Penicillate seta. 26. „ Aristate seta. ,, 27. ,, Inferior ventral seta. ,, 28. Panthalis nigromaculata. Anterior end. _,, 29. „ Head. „ 30. „ Jaws. ,,31. „ Third elytron. „ 32. ,, Parapodium. ,, 33. Psammolyce zeylanica. Two of the dorsal dermal papillae „ 34. „ Head and portion of the anterior segments. PLATE II. Psammolyce zeylanica. Dorsal cirrus of third segment. Z. 3 a.* ,, Compound seta from second segment. Z. 3 C. „ Shaft of compound seta from third segment. Z. 3 C. ,, Seta from central fascicle of neuropodium. „ Inferior ventral seta. „ Appendices of bidentate seta?. „ Lower border of parapodium with ventral cirrus. „ An elytron. ,, Seta from central fascicle of 16th foot with cusp on shaft. Psammolyce rinida. Seta from central fascicle of 16th foot with plain shaft. ,, Dorsal cirrus of third segment. Z. 3 a.* ,, An elytron. ,, Compound seta from second segment. Z. 3 C. Sthenelais zeylanica. Parapodium: — v.c, ventral cirrus with its associated stylodes; 1, 1, 1, superior dorsal seta? (numerous, forming a dense tuft) ; 2, 2, inferior dorsal seta?, slender, striated ; 3, superior ventral seta ; 4, seta of the central group ; 5, inferior ventral seta. Sthenolepis japonica. Parapodium. Tkalenessa digitata. Superior ventral seta ; the upper end of the shaft is faintly fringed. Z. 3 D. ,, One of the digitate fimbria? of an elytron. ,, Anterior end : — e., first elytrophore ; p., palp ; x., semilunar process of the second foot arching over the prostomiuni. The porrect cirrophores carry no visible seta?. PLATE III. Thalenessa stylolepis. Head. ,, Parapodium showing the ctenidium on the medial surface of the elytro- phore and the cirriform branchia below the elytron ; the marginal fimbria? of the latter are concealed in this preparation. Thalenessa stylolepis. Compound seta from the 60th segment. Z. 3 C. ,, Marginal plumose fimbria of an elytron. Z. 3 A. Fig. 35. J J 36. 3) 37. 11 38. 11 39. 11 40. 11 41. 11 42, 11 43. 11 44. 11 45. 11 46. 11 47. 11 48. 11 49. 11 50. U 51, 11 52 Fig. 53. )J 54. 11 55. 11 56. POLYCPUETA. 321 Anaitis a ylaaiea. Seta in side view. „ Articular portion of seta from above. Z. 3 D. „ Prostomium. „ Dorsal phvllode. NiotophyUwm laciniatum. Head, as seen after removal of the anterior phyllodes. „ End of shaft of seta showing the articular fossa. I'hiillodoce dissotyla. Head. ,, Parapodium. „ Portion of seta. Z. 3 D. „ The two kinds of papilla? on the proboscis. PhijUodori ftilinsiijHijiillafa. Head and proboscis. ,, Parapodium. Seta. Z. 3 D. Phyllodoce macrolepidota. Parapodium. Seta. Z. 3 D. Phyllodoce sanctijosephi. Head. Seta. Z. 3 D. Iinia limicola. Parapodium; the bundle of fine dorsal seta? proceeding from the cirrophore is seen crossing the basal portions of the superior ventral seta;. Z. 3 a.* Trma limicola. Average compound seta. ,, Inferior ventral seta. Typosyllis taprdbanensis. Seta from posterior region of larger specimen. Z. 3 D. ,, Posterior seta of smaller specimen. Z. 3 D. Haplosyllis spongicola. Head. „ Pharyngeal orifice and tooth. PLATE IV. Fig. 81. Autolytus orientalis. Magnified about 1 1 times. „ 82. „ Fore-gut removed from body. „ 83. ,, Palps, mouth and tentacular cirri from below. „ 84. „ Seta. Z. 3 J. water imm. ., 85. Nereis unifasciata. Outline of 8th parapodium of right side seen from behind. „ 86. „ Similar outline of 31st parapodium. „ 87. „ Heterogomph spinigerous seta from 8th foot. Z. 3 D. „ 88. „ Hemigomph seta from 18th foot. Z. 3 D. „ 89. Ceratonereis falcaria. Dorsal seta from 27th foot. Z. 3 D. „ 90. Ceratonereis pectinifera. Outline of 8th foot of right side. „ 91. ,, Outline of 32nd foot. „ 92. Platynereis bengalensis. Dorsal falcigerous seta of 44th foot. Z. 3 D. „ 93. „ Superior ventral falcigerous seta of same foot. Z. 3 D. „ 94. „ Acervus of paragnaths of group IV., and maxilla. „ 95. Diopatra amioimensis. Jaws protruding, seen from below. 1, 1, mandibles or forcipate jaws; 2, 2, serrse or saws; 3, impar; 4, 4, arcs; 5, 5, lamina; ventrales; b.s., buccal segment. „ 96. Diopatra amboim n.» 58. )» 59, JJ 60. H 61, )J 62. »J 63. »1 64. a 65, )» ijG. J) 67. j» $$. )» 69, )j 70. 'J 71. )» 72. n 73. yy 74. jj 75. )j 76, 77. >> 78. >» 79 80. 322 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. Fig. 100. Onuphis dihanchiata. Acicular seta from first foot. Z. 3 D. „ 101. Onuphis hohh ranch lata. Tube about natural size. „ 102. Eunice martensi. Right 46th foot. „ 103. „ Compound seta from 168th foot. „ 104. „ Acicular seta from same foot. „ 105. Paramarphysa mientalis. Compound seta from anterior region. „ 106. Aglaurides fulgida. Head removed, showing submedian eyes in groups, two large lateral eyes and three occipital antenna?. PLATE V. Fig. 107. Aglaurides fulgida. Right set of upper jaw-pieces from the side. ,, 108. Aracoda obscura. A jaw-piece of the first pair (left side). „ 109. ,, Jaw-piece of the second pair (left side); fracture at the point marked *. ,, 110. ,, Right set of jaw-pieces. ,,111. ,, Anterior end. ,,112. „ Ventral seta. Z. 3 C. ,, 113. Glycera Iwncadivce. Articular ends of shafts of compound setae, of form A. Z. 3 D. ,, 114. ,, Portion of a seta of form B. Z. 3 D. ,, 115. ,, Parapodial ligules of form A. Z. 3 A. ,, 116. ,, Parapodial ligules of form B. Z. 3 A. „ 117. Polijdura hornelli. One of the modified acicular setae of the fifth segment. Z. 3 D. ,, 118. Nbtomastus zeylanicus. Anterior end in left side view showing the half -retracted prostomium, the " tongue " below it, the first and second achastous segments, and the first setigerous segment. „ 119. Notornastus zeylanicus. Unciniform or acicular seta. Z. 3 J. water iuim. ,, 120. Armandia lanceolata. Anterior end from above; 1, tentaculum impar ; 2, nuchal organ; 3, rostrum ; 4, anterior portion of metapleural fold. 121. Pohjophthalmus australis. Anterior end from above showing pigment tracks and nuchal organs. „ 122. Nicomache truncata. Anterior fragment from the left side. Actual length 47 millims. ; width 5 millims. ,, 123. Nicomache truncata. Frontal view of head. ,, 124. Ammochares mientalis. Anterior end from below. ,, 125. ,, From above (dorso-lateral), showing three capillary fascicles in front of the first pair of tori. ,, 126. Ghatopferus appendiculatus. Modified seta from 4th foot. Z. 3 C. ,, 127. Phyllocha'topterus herdmani. Anterior end from above. First pair of spirally coiled tentacles are lost. ,, 128. Phyllocha'topterus herdmani. Modified seta from 4th foot. Z. 3 C. „ 129. ,, Modified seta from 3rd foot of an aberrant individual. Z. 3 C. ,, 130. ,, Plan of one of the branchial segments. ,, 131. „ Spatulate seta from first parapodium. Z. 3 C. ,, 132. „ Abdominal uncinus. Z. 3 D. ,, 133. Phyllocha'topterus ramosus. Branching tube. ,, 134. ,, Modified seta from 4th foot in side view. Z. 3 A. „ 135. ,, Modified seta from 4th foot of another specimen in back view. Z. 3 A. ,. 136. „ Lower portion of an uncinus from a branchial segment. ., 137. Pectinaria panava. Uncinus from a posterior torus. ,, 138. Hetcrocirrus typhhps. Anterior region from above. POLYCTLETA. 323 PLATE VI. Pig. L39. Cirrahihts cylindricus. Anterior region from above. ,. 140. „ Head and mouth from below. ., 141. Leprea inversa. Capillary seta from second setiger. „ 142. ,, Geniculate seta from 45th setiger. .. 143. Polymnia labiata. Anterior end from below ; the bases of the tentacular cirri are indicated in front of the labium (= 1st and 2nd segments); the lateral lobes of the 3rd segment project beyond. „ 144. Polymnia labiata. Thoracic uncinus in front view. Z. 3 D. ,, 145. „ Uncinus from 9th torus in side view. Z. 3 D. ., 14G. Polymnia socialis. Anterior region from below ; the epistome projects in front ; tentacles omitted. „ 147. ,, Front view of a thoracic uncinus. ,, 148. „ Side view of thoracic uncinus. Z. ■"> 1). ,, 149. Polymnia triplicata. Anterior region from the right side; ep., epistome ; lab., labium. „ 150. „ Epistome (ep.), labium (lab.), and mouth in frontal view. „ 151. „ Uncinus in three-quarter view. Z. 3 J>. ,. 152. „ Uncinus in side view. Z. 3 D. „ 153. Loimia ammilifilis. Uncinus from third torus. Z. 3 D. „ 1 r» 1 . „ Anterior region from below, tentacles omitted; in front is the epistome, then the labium, then the lateral lobes. ,, 155. Loimia medusa. Anterior region from below. ,, 156. ,, var. angustescutata, showing additional tori and capillary fascicles. ,, 157. ,, Uncinus from first torus. Z. 3 D. „ 158. ,, Uncinus from fourth torus. Z. 3 D. „ 159. ,, Abdominal uncinus. Z. 3 D. ,, 160. Loimia montagui. Anterior region from below. „ 161. „ Quinquedentate uncinus from first torus. Z. 3 D. ,, 162. „ Sexdentate uncinus from first torus. Z. 3 D. „ 163. „ Uncinus from 13th torus. Z. 3 D. PLATE VII. Fig. 1G4. Grynuea cespitosa. Anterior end from the right side. The small circles in the first branchial acervus are the scars of branchial filaments. ,. 165. Grynuea cespitosa. Uncinus. Z. 3 D. „ 166. Branchiomma acrophthahnos. Spatulate seta from thorax. „ 167. ,, Anterior end from above. In front the gill-bases are shown on each side, the radioles being omitted. / '■' ■■!.. ■■■■''/ ■■■■ithitinn. Buccal segment and cephalic complex from below. „ 169. „ Uncinus. Z. 3 D. „ 170. Dasychone cingulaia. Average superior thoracic capillary seta. Z. 3 C. „ 171. „ Thoracic uncinus. Z. 3 D. ,,172. „ Portion of a gill-radiole showing stylodes and eyes and the bases of the gill-filaments. „ 173. Ewato porifera. Anterior thoracic region from above. 2 T 2 324 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT. Fig. 174. Ewrato notata. Thoracic uncinus. Z. 3 D. ,, 175. „ Thoracic capillary, broadly limbate seta. Z. 3 D. „ 176. „ Thoracic capillary seta with the shaft broken and the limbus projecting. „ 177. Sabellastark indica. Thoracic uncinus. Z. 3 C. „ 177«. ,, Frontal view of cephalic crown; rf., dorsal side; /., antenna or tentacular lacinia. ,, 178. Jasmineira cadudhranchiata. Thoracic rostrate uncinus. Z. 3 C. ,, 179. „ Abdominal uncinus. Z. 3 D. „ 180. Enpomatus aibirepn. Operculum in side view. „ 180«. ,, Dorsal view of operculum. „ 181. „ Bayonet seta from first thoracic fascicle. 182. Enpniititliix rsaltutiix. Oblique lateral view of operculum. „ 183. Protulopsis paUiata. Salmacine seta from fourth thoracic fascicle. ,,184. ,, Base of uncinus. ,, 185. „ Abdominal seta. ,, 186. Serpula granulosa. View of orifice of tube with operculum in situ. „ 186a. ,, Operculum bisected. ,, 187 Serpula watsoni, Uncinus from last thoracic torus. Z. 3 D. ,, 188. Spirdbranch/as cervicornis. Cephalic crown in dorsal view: c, collar flap turned aside. ,, 1S9. ,, Cephalic crown obliquely from below. ,, 190. ,, One of the opercular horns in side view. ,, 191. ,, Bayonet seta from buccal segment. 192. „ Base of uncinus in side view and in frontal view. 193. Spiivbranrhus semperi, var. aeroceros. Operculum from below. ,, 194. Vermilia pygidialis. Anterior region from dorsal side. ,, 195. „ Uncinus from last thoracic torus. ,, 196. ,, Posterior end. „ 197. Leprea inversa. Posterior abdominal uncinus. Z. 3 J. water imm. From one of the last three or four segments. PLATE VIII. The figures on this plate were drawn by Mr. Arnold T. Watson, to whom the identification of the " building organs " of Palladia pennata is due. Fig. 1. Pailasia pennata. Side view of anterior region. /., retracted tentacles; 6, white portion of peristome; c, brown portion; NT PEARL OYSTER REPORT. POLYCHAETA PLATE 111 . CEYLON l'KANI, OYSTER REPORT POLYCHAETA I'l.A I'K IV pooc . .;;"■; o ".uco doooooooooooo 300000 j 3C 0 ■ - 3QOOOOOOOOOOC 3 ) JOOOO 3QOOOC ,n 300000C : "- 3C ioooouooooooc ,(jC 1 ■ CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT POLYCHAETA- PLATE V 129 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER KEI'OKT IMU.YCHAKTA PLATE VI 160 CEYLON PEARL OYSTER REPORT POLYCHAETA- PLATE VH E Wilson , Cembndqe (KYI, ON' PEARL OYSTER REPORT. I'OI.YHIA ETA -PLATEV1II. CD @ ■ y ^ t 325 ] NOTE ON POLYDORA ARM ATA, Lnghs.* BY ARNOLD T. WATSON, F.L.S. The specimens referred to in this note were found living commensally with a sponge, Aulospongus tubvlatus, which is very common on the pearl banks, and is mentioned by Professor Dendy in his Report upon the Sponges in this series (' Ceylon Pearl I »\ ster Report,' Part III., p. 176). A fuller description, with a figure showing the tubes piercing the sponge radially and the worms in situ, had previously been given by Dendy in his " Report on Sponges from the Gulf of Manaar" ('Ann. and Mag. Nat, Hist.' (6), hi., p. 73, 1889). The general characteristics of the species are well described by Mesnil (' Bull. Sci. France et Belgique,' tome xxix., 1896, p. 203), and I have but few points of difference to note. Of these the most important, perhaps, relates to habitat. The specimens described by Mesnil were obtained from Lithothamnion, through which they had pierced and in which they had formed tubes of calcareous sediment ; while Carazzi and Lo Bianco report these worms as living in the shells of Venus and therein forming U-shaped tubes. A similar variation in habitat occurs in another closely allied species of this genus, Polydora cceca, which sometimes lives commensally with the sponge Microciona plumosa, as described by Hornell (' Nature,' vol. 47, 1892, p. 78). Owing to the difficulty of separating the worms uninjured from the sponge, it has only been possible to secure one or two fairly perfect specimens. The following notes, therefore, may be incomplete. The Ceylon worm is apparently a smaller form of the species Polydora arrnata, Langerhans. The length varies from 2 to 3 millims. and the number of setigerous segments from 22 to 26. The branchiae, of which I find four pairs, commence, as usual, on the 7th setigerous segment. They are comparatively broad and sometimes, but not always, of equal length. In one instance they gradually lengthen, the first being only half the length of the fourth. Eye-spots may or may not be present ; most frequently they are invisible, but, after special treatment, in one case, I detected one pair. The tentacles are fairly long, reaching, in one specimen (though bent and twisted), to the 7th setigerous segment, The setae of the 5th segment, each with a characteristic hook, arising from an upright collar, which terminates on either side in a prominent pointed process projecting in the same direction as the hook (the whole having somewhat the appearance of an articulated seta), correspond well with Mesnil's figure. They number two, or sometimes three, in each parapodium. * Langerhans, ' Zeitschr. f. Wiss. Zool.,' 34, 1880, p. 93. 32G CEYLON PEAEL OYSTEE REPORT. Each parapodium of the 7th and following segments bears two or three hooded ventral uncinigerous setae. The general outline of the worm is noticeable. The caruncle is slightly bilobed in front and extends backwards to about the 2nd /! Polydora armata, Lnghs. — Posterior part in dorsal view, x 75 ; part of a dorsal posterior fascicle ; and seven dorsal seta? from a posterior fascicle, x 375. setigerous segment : the anterior ten or eleven segments (except the 5th) are nearly equal to one another in length and breadth ; they are followed by seven or eight segments, which are much larger, being nearly double the length and breadth of the former ; in the hinder part of the worm the proportions of the segments become somewhat similar to those at the anterior end. The anal segment is broader than the preanal (see fig. in text). It is somewhat reniform in outline, the indent being dorsal. The segmental divisions in the anterior part, although fairly clear, are not deep, but commencing with about the 13th seti- gerous segment the separation becomes more and more distinct, until the last four or five preanal segments, in which it is very marked. This marked separation is further accentuated by the presence in the parapodia of these last segments of a fascicle of from 15 to 18 stout brown setae, which vary greatly in form, size and proportion, a fact which was not shown by Mesnil. The forms comprised are acicular, lanceolate and scimitar-like (see tig. in text). These setae, which are more numerous than in Mesntl's examples, have usually their points drawn together in preserved specimens, forming a hollow, subspiral, truncate cone ; but in several cases I have found the fascicle opened out, the points of the setae being widely directed outwards, an arrangement extending over three parts of a circle, the central convexity of which is directed antero-laterally. By dissection the fascicle can be unrolled, when the setae of which it is composed are seen to be arranged symmetrically side by side, the longest in the centre and the smallest at the outer edges. Probably in life the fascicle is expanded with a sweeping action. The forms of the setae seem admirably adapted to the function described, the swollen parts, some distance from the base of the seta, doubtless acting as fulcra and rendering mutual support and aid in the action I have suggested. The distribution of the species as noted by Mesnil is : Atlantic Ocean (Madeira), Mediterranean (Naples), British Channel (Manche : " Anse St. Martin"), to which we now add the Gulf of Manaar. HARRISON AND SONS, PRINTERS IN ORDINARY TO HIS MAJESTY, ST. MARTINS LANE. • r Ymii i*H<" ••IBKARY WH IflTZ loqcj