LIBRARY OF CONGRESS WMA | | err oy = — . Gy ah ea ers | Seer yee ‘i 55TH CONGRESS, } HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. { DOCUMENT 3d Session. § U No. 181. i ee © BE UPON THE FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS OF THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. 1877-1898. By B. E. FERNOW, A FORMERLY CHIEF OF THE DIVISION OF FORESTRY, U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRIOULTURE. [PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH A PROVISION IN THE ACT MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1899.) WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1899. D’01 MESSAGE. To the Senate and House of Representatives: In accordance with a provision in the act making appropriations for the Department ot Agriculture for the fiscal year ending June 30,1899, I transmit herewith a report of the Secretary of Agriculture “upon the forestry investigations and work of the Department of Agriculture.” WILLIAM McKINLEY. EXECUTIVE MANSION, January 27, 1899. LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY, Washington, D. C., January 24, 1899. Mr. PRESIDENT: In the act making appropriations for the Department of Agriculture for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1899, under the heading “ Forestry investigations,” the following provision occurs: Provided, That the Secretary of Agriculture shall make a special and detailed report at the beginning of the next session of Congress upon the forestry investigations and work of the Department of Agriculture, showing the results obtained and the practical utility of the investigations. In accordance with the above provision, which is mandatory in its character, I herewith submit for transmission to the Congress of the United States “a special and detailed report” “upon the forestry investigations and work of the Department of Agriculture, showing the results obtained and the practical utility of the investigations.” The extremely wide scope to be covered by the report, as indicated by the language of the provision, has necessitated a voluminous report, and this fact, together with the change in the Chief of the Forestry Division, which took place July 1, 1898, will explain why the report was not presented at the beginning of the present session of Congress. The report was necessarily prepared by the former chief, Dr. B. E. Fernow, now of the New York State College of Forestry, and I desire, in submitting it as covering the past work of the Division of Forestry of this Department, to call special attention to the fact that since the appointment of Mr. Gifford Pinchot, the present Chief, the work of the Division has been directed in distinctly different channels, which may be briefly indicated by the following summary taken from Mr. Pinchot’s annual report for 1898: (1) To introduce in practice better methods of handling forest lands of private owners, including both wood lots and large areas chiefly held for lumber, and afterwards to spread a knowledge of what has been accomplished ; (2) to assist the Western farmer to plant better trees in better ways; (3) to reduce the loss from forest fires, the reported amount of which reaches a yearly average of not less than $20,000,000; (4) and, if future appropriations will permit the necessary investigations, to inform our citizens regarding the extent and value of new opportunities for forest enterprises in Alaska, Cuba, and Puerto Rico. These'objects can be pursued only so far as appropriations will permit. The present resources of the division are utterly inadequate to meet the pressing and steadily growing demands already made upon it. These plans meet with my full approval. I have the honor to be, Mr. President, very respectfully, JAMES WILSON, Secretary of Agriculture. 3 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS AND WORK OF THE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. REPORT BY DR. B. E. FERNOW. New YorRK STATE COLLEGE OF FORESTRY, CORNELL UNIVERSITY, Tthaca, N. Y., December 1, 1898. Hon. JAMES WILSON, Secretary of Agriculture. Sir: It is with great satisfaction that the writer embraces the opportunity kindly afforded by you to prepare, in answer to the inquiry of Congress, a report on the work of the Division of Forestry in the United States Department of Agriculture in the past, which is to show the results and the practical utility of the investigations of the same. Having directed the work of the Division of Forestry for more than twelve years consecu- tively, the writer may claim to possess intimate knowledge not only of its work, but of the aims and objects, the policy and the reasons for it, which have actuated its administration during the larger part of its existence. If the appreciation of the public, expressed by letter and by print, can be considered as an indication of the value and utility of its work and satisfaction in the existence of the Division, it would only be necessary to inspect the files of the Division or the public prints, especially the extracts from the journals which represent the interests of forest exploitation and of the lumber trade, and are, therefore, most prominently interested in the subject for which the Division stands. While twelve years ago these publications had only ridicule and opprobrium for those who advo- cated the application of forestry methods in the use of our forest resources, giving them the title of ‘‘denudatics,” under which the Division of Forestry was included, to-day there is no utterance of the Division which does not receive respectful hearing and full appreciation and praise in their columns, the shorter and even:some of the longer publications of the Division being frequently reprinted in full. It will, however, be more useful, as the provision of Congress calling for this report requires, to explain the work of the Division more fully. I propose, therefore, in the followimg pages to treat the subject in three parts: (1) Giving a brief historical sketch of the administrative features of the Division, together with the reasons for its establishment; (2) discussing the character of the work done, with the reasons for undertaking the precise kind of work which was done; (3) giving a résumé of the status of the forestry movement in the United States and the relation which the Division has had to it; placing in appendixes the more detailed facts and information of importance which the Division has collected or secured. From this account, then, it is hoped that the value of the work of the Division, the propriety of its existence, and not only of its continuance but also of the extension of its work and functions — in the future may appear. Certain it is that so far the Division has not been properly considered and endowed, and its usefulness has been impaired by insufficient appropriations and consequently limited functions. The time has come when it should not only more vigorously pursue technical investigations, but when it should have charge of the public timber lands, and especially the public forest reser- vations, which will never answer their purpose until controlled by systematic management, such as all other civilized nations apply to their forest property. a 6 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. 8S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. HISTORICAL. The establishment of the Division of Forestry can be traced to the action of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, which at its annual meeting at Portland in August, 1873, appointed a committee ““to memorialize Congress and the several State legislatures upon the importance of promoting the cultivation of timber and the preservation of forests and to recommend proper legislation for securing these objects.” A subcommittee of this committee, consisting of Mr. George B. Emerson, a well-known educator and naturalist, and Dr. F. B. Hough, prepared the memorial! and furthered its consider- ation by the Forty-third Congress, the memorial having been transmitted to the Congress with a special message by President Grant and referred to the Committee on Public Lands in both House and Senate. Although as a result a bill was favorably reported ” by the Committee of the House providing for the appointment of a Commissioner of Forestry, similar to the Commissioner of Fisheries, no action was taken by the Forty-third Congress, nor did the Forty-fourth Congress act on a Similar bill introduced by Hon. Mark H. Dunnell, M.C. Instead an amendment was adopted to the act making appropriations for the legislative, executive, and judicial expenses of the Government for the year ending June 30, 1877, which was approved August 15, 1876, and required that the Commissioner of Agriculture “appoint a man of approved attainments and practically well acquainted with the methods of statistical inquiry, * * * with the view of ascertaining the annual amount of consumption, importation, and exportation of timber and other forest products; the probable supply for future wants, the means best adapted to the preservation and renewal of forests, the influence of forests on climate, and the measures that have been successfully applied in foreign countries or that may be deemed applicable in this country for the preservation and restoration or planting of forests, and to report upon the same to the Commis- sioner of Agriculture, to be by him in a separate report transmitted to Congress.” Curiously and significantly enough this clause and the appropriation of $2,000 for the purpose appears as a part of the provisions for the distribution of seeds. In obedience to this law the then Commissioner of Agriculture, the Hon. Frederick Watts, appointed, on August 30, 1876, Dr. Franklin B. Hough, of Lowville, Lewis County, N. Y., as an agent to prepare such report, Dr. Hough not only having been most instrumental in bringing about the legislation leading to his appointment, but also being well known as a writer of local histories and gatherer of statistical material. This appointment was continued from year to year without further special appropriation by Congress; since 1881, however, under a special appropriation as chief of an established administra- tive division in the Department of Agriculture.’ Dr. Hough produced three voluminous reports, transmitted to and published by Congress in separate volumes in 1877, 1880, and 1882, and compris- ing in all 1,586 pages of information on a wide range of subjects. The appropriations being extremely limited, special original research was excluded, and Dr. Hough being acquainted with the subject as an interested layman only and not as a professional forester, these reports, while valuable compilations of existing facts from various sources, natu- rally did not contain any original matter, except such suggestions as Dr. Hough could make with regard to the duties of the Government with reference to the forestry interests of the country and especially of the public domain. In 1883 Dr. Hough was displaced as chief of the administrative division, although retained as an agent under the new chief, Mr. N. H. Eggleston, from Stockbridge, Mass. During Mr. Eggle- ston’s incumbency one report was issued in 1884—the first published directly from the Department of Agriculture—comprising 462 pages. It concerned itself largely with tree-planting interests in the prairies and plains; it reported also on the decrease of woodlands in the State of Ohio and the forest conditions in some other States; it adduced statistics on the kinds and quantity of railroad ties used in the country and discussed the production of maple sugar. In a briefer report (24 pp.) embodied in the Report of the Commissioner of Agriculture for 1885 various other questions were also touched upon. ‘See Appendix (copy from Sen. Ex. Doc. 23, first session Forty-third Congress). 2 Report No. 259, H. R., first session Forty third Congress. 3 See ‘Readings of appropriations” further on. HISTORICAL. 7 On March 15, 1886, the writer assumed the position of chief of the Division of Forestry, which on July 1, by the act of Congress making provision for the expenditures of the Department for the year ending June 30, 1887, approved August 15, 1886, became a permanent statutory part of the organization of the Department. The writer may be justified in stating here that he is a forester by profession, having received his technical education at a professional school and having been employed in the Prussian State Forestry Department. He was able, therefore, to direct the work of the Division with a profes- sional knowledge of the requirements of the subject and from the standpoint of the forester. His appointment having been preceded by a residence of nearly ten years ip this country, he had also enjoyed ample opportunity during varied occupation in city and country, and espe- cially as secretary of the American Forestry Association since 1883, to become acquainted with American conditions, institutions, and requirements, and to fully appreciate climatic, floral, social, and economic differences. With gradually increased appropriations during the following years, not only was the propa- ganda for more rational treatment of our forest resources continued, but in addition, technical and original investigations were instituted. With the growing interest in the subject, the correspondence with those seeking technical advice grew. As a result, besides the printed publications of the Division there are recorded in letter-press books nearly 20,000 pages of matter, largely containing specific advice given to correspondents during the twelve years of the writer’s administration. While during the years from 1876 to 1886 the aggregate of appropriations for the investiga- tions in forestry amounted to somewhat less than $60,000, the aggregate of expenditures during the twelve years following has been, in round numbers, $230,000, excluding an appropriation of $17,000 for the artificial production of rain, which being not germane to the work of the Division and not expended under its direction, is not properly chargeable to it. The printed intormation issued during this time, besides some unpublished manuscripts, com- prises about 6,000 pages. It is published in four different forms, namely: annual reports contained in the reports of the Secretary of Agriculture and in the Yearbook of the Department of Agricul- ture: bulletins, in which more exhaustive and more or less complete investigations of any one subject are recorded; circulars of information, in which information that could be treated| more briefly or preliminary announcements of results in some one line of investigation are communi- cated; reports to Congress, in response to calls for special information. A list of the publications of the Division is appended. It can be claimed that at least one-half of the amount of the printed matter is original, i. e., recording results of investigations, being of an independent character and containing new truths, while for the other half originality of form or presentation of statement can at least be claimed, being compilations of facts which can not be found elsewhere in the same shape. This means that if the money value of the manuscript pages of advice be added to that of the printed pages at a fair ratio, the information has been secured during the last period at an average price of less than $24 per page, which is hardly a fair charge for expert writing; while during the preceding period of nonprofessional writing the cost was about $30 per page. And if only the truly original information covering new additions to our knowledge is included, it has cost less than $75 per page. As to its money value to the people, which is hardly capable of expression in dollars and cents, some calculations will be found in later pages of this report when discussing the character of the work. From these it will appear that enough new information has been secured through the Division of a kind which can be translated into money through savings in useful forest materials amounting to millions of dollars and paying fifty fold for the expenditures. The indirect value, however, in awakening an interest and proper conception of the subject, which can not be expressed in money, is infinitely greater and more important. 8 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. 8. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Appropriations, Division of Forestry, 1877 to 1897. Salaries, Investigation| Total appro-| Unexpended Year. statutory. funds. priation. balances. TA loin aeseonsan neo apa nonnougoooscoD oN Srgdoc De NSsOURCOsOcRSoccaoesISOOs oACodenasnascSeod|lesoasosaSece|scemamnsocsons a$2, 000. 00 10, 000. 00 163.17 oud Seley 60, 000. 00 | 2, 683. 60 $8, 000. 00 10, 000. 00 46.50 8,000 00 10, 000. 00 3.90 8, 000. 00 10, 000. 00 -97 8, 000. 00 10, 000. 00 04 610, 000. 00 617, 820. 00 214. 01 e135, 056. 85 C22) SURES |msacocsesesose 12, 000. 00 19. 820. 00 66. 61 c 20, 000. 00 € 27, 820. 00 4,04 20, U00. 00 28,320. 00 91.77 25, 000. 00 33, 520. 00 6, 601. 88 20, 000. 00 28, 520. 00 487.12 20, 000. 0 28, 520. 00 275. 67 Total second period (12 years)-..--.----------.-------------- SeOSSOSOaSOREOOIOODO 73, 160. 00 174, 056. 85 PA PAGER |losocmocaessss5 a Not especially appropriated, but disbursed from other funds for forestry investigations. b Increase for experiments in the production of rainfall. ce Increase for investigations in timber physics, although not specially so expressed in appropriation clause until following years. These appropriations represent not much over 1 per cent of the appropriations for the entire Department of Agriculture during the same years, a ridiculously small and disproportionate amount when the relative magnitude of the agricultural and the forestry interests are considered. REASONS FOR CREATING A DIVISION OF FORESTRY. The reason for establishing a Government agency where one of the largest interests in the country, the forestry interest, should find consideration and at least partial representation seems obvious if we acknowledge merely the educational function of government. This we have practically acknowledged as legitimate in the maintenance of the Department of Agriculture itself and of schools of various descriptions, experimental stations, etc. There would seem to be no need for other reasons than the fact that the absence of the art of forestry, which is practiced by other civilized nations, calls for the exercise of this educational function. But this interest has more need for governmental consideration than many others for reasons which may need fuller discussion. They are (1) the magnitude of the manufacturing interests which rely upon the exploitation and on the continuance of the forest resources; (2) the widespread influence which forest areas, their presence or absence, and their condition have upon water flow, upon soil and climate, hence influencing navigation, damage by floods, and changes in agricultural conditions, thereby impart- ing to the forest cover a particular communal interest; (3) the peculiar technical and economic aspects of the art of forestry which, dealing with long time periods, does not readily recommend itself to private enterprise and needs the fostering care of the government to guard the communal interest in the forest cover. The magnitude of the mere industrial and commercial interests which are subserved by forest growth is best expressed by a comparison with other industries, as is done in the subjoined table, from which it appears that the aggregate value of products of the industries relying for their existence on wood as raw material amounts to at least two billion dollars, second only in value to that of agricultural products. In capital and labor employed and in wages paid and value of product the forest industries and wood-manufacturing establishments outrank by far any other group of industries which may rationally be considered together. Even if the entire group of industries relying upon mineral products is considered together, it falls in value of product at least 25 per cent below that of the wood products of the country. REASONS FOR CREATING A DIVISION OF FORESTRY. 9 Leading industries compared. {Data from Census 1890, in round numbers.] 4 Sea Capua Employees. Wages. ’ Tay ma; Products. | | Millions. | Thousands. Millions. Millions. Millions. Agriculture ...-..... DO BOROODDOMDOROnaOnO Son cooSS0eneo005 15, 982 8, 286 |---- 2.460 Forest products, total..---------... 1,044 Forest industries, enumerated . 446 Forest products, not enumerated (estimated) 598 Manufactures using wood (see table below) - 907 Forest products and wood manufactures, total -- 1,951 Mineral products, total..........-.... gs Cae ~-25--css0osentcese Seance sssssscosnetosesc¢ 16u Gold and silver. oediesdoosss2se2s9se0990059 99 IGYON OGLE! osesscocedseo cto scbessossenoos eae 479 Manufactures of iron and steel. -.--.-.-.---.------ 131 Teather -------------------. Boascdooaoeessasssocesceses 178 Deather manufactures---..-----.-2.-22-- 2-22... -.-- 289 Woolen manufactures..--.--.--.---.-----------.---- 338 (Cottonkmanntac nines pense: aeeer oe eee ae sete eee eraser nei 268 | In the following table the industries using wood in part have been classified according to an estimated per cent of wood values entering into the finished product. and a proportionate allowance has been made in capital, number, wages of employees, and raw material. Since probably more labor is employed in shaping wood than metals, the figures relating to that portion are probably under the truth. Forest industries and manufactures using wood. Articles. Capital. EKnnployees. Wages. | J, as ; of eae | | Forest industries enumerated : Thousands. | Hundreds. | Thousands. | Thousands. | Thousands. Ibe ere Hin MONI FORO CHTCAIS ccoscesceesscecaee cnsaceTeDeceoscsoacass $496, 340 2, 862 | $87, 784 | $231, 556 $403, 668 Timber products not manufactured at mill. ..- 61, 541 461 11, 354 11, 007 34, 290 WENO RDS oc so scosmeconsnote oocec co ccosonemcoonadaosescsecas00a7 4, 063 153 2, 933 3, 506 8, 077 WN cmccgonaenc cceeoc nol sodSesecestbos enescobeHoconoscetoosse 561, 943 3, 477 102, 071 245, 169 446, 034 Manufactures practically all wood: Citariboxesieee eee eee neeees aaa nencnce 3, 3874 55 | 2,134 3, 567 7, 092 Packing boxes .--..----. -- 13, 018 140 | 6,477 14, 245 25, 513 Carriage and wagon stock . 13, 028 109 | 5, 208 1, 188 16, 262 Carpentering- 81, 543 1,409 | 94, 524 137, 847 | 281, 195 Cooperage--------.-.-...--... 17, 817 247 | 11, 665 2, 637 38, 618 Furniture factory products 66, 394 639 34,471 38, 796 94, 871 Kindling wood ..-....--.-.- 1, 300 18 772 1, 187 2, 402 IWEISIG) Seasescoceesiace=eanene 907 | 8 | 572 331 1,239 Planing-mill products--.---- 120, 271 869 48, 970 104, 927 183, 682 WWE 5A ocegsossoeeeanoce 1, 941 | 18 | 344 935 2,194 Wood, turned and carved... 7, 826 | 84 4, 267 3, 947 10, 940 Wooden ware 2, 712 81 1, 237 1, 499 | 3, 598 Wood pulp..--- | 7, 455 28 1, 229 2, 005 4, 628 Wood carpet.........- SSS Reet coe de see Seine ae ve SeeS eee ee gees 333 | 3 | 155 | 214 | 512 = | geo ee NE conc condos os caccoS DSO eSTeOL OT TONDORNE TSC CO NBDE SOS OISRSISS 337, 908 3, GOU 212, 027 331, 523 | 672, 750 Manufactures in which wood represents about 50 per cent of the raw | | materials: a | | 169, 983 | 1,356 | 714,460 | 114, 383 229, 408 89, 991 | 678 35, 730 57, 192 | 114, 704 Manufactures in which wood represents about 334 per cent: b | | | | ERG Caterers ate meee ee oe siete erecta claw lic cos omen | 321, 059 2,143 | 123, 588 148, 578 318, 218 MV@UGL ORECTNINED Sodenesa scone cecnee noc OEE eoOoE OHO DU ELOKCH eS OSOaanS | 107, 619 | 714 41, 196 49, 526 106, 072 Manufactures in which wood represents about i0 per cent: ¢ | | | Total | 76, 841 | 915 | 46, 854 49, 291 131, 820 Wood percentage ........--. 2-2-2 een ones poectscosspeon essocce> 7, 684 | 92 4, 685 4,929 | 13, 182 Manufactures of wood: | | | | TYG oe ca cog Tonsdtecoonearos as sone poets oceebbosccoemectede sand) 543, 402 5, 1384 293, 638 | 443,170 906, 708 i} a Includes carriages and wagon factory product, children’s carriages and sleds, steam and street cars, coffins and burial caskets, chairs, wheelbarrows, sewing-machine cases, artificial limbs, and refrigerators, and shipbuilding. b Includes agricultural implements, billiard tables, railroad and street car repairs, furniture repairs, washing machines and wringers, organs and pianos. ¢ lucludes blacksmithing and wheelwrighting, bridges, brooms and brushes, gunpowder, artist’s materials, windmills, toys and games, sporting goods, lead pencils, pipes and pumps. While these values are produced by the mere exploitation of the natural resource and their conversion into useful articles, it has been believed, predicted, and feared that, under the treatment which this resource receives at present, the natural supplies would sooner or later give out, and without attention to regrowth this large line of industries would find it difficult to secure the raw material and would thus be crippled, and hence the work of the Division was called for, in the first place, to investigate the truth of this assertion. 10 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. While by the methods and on the basis of the census it is possible to arrive at an approximate statement of the consumption, it is much more difficult to arrive at a statement of the quantity growing in the virgin forest, especially since with the reduction of supplies the method of use changes, and what was not marketable before becomes available. The really valuable portion of the natural forest growth forms only a fraction of the whole wood growth, and the amounts of such valuable material per acre vary within exceedingly wide limits, from nothing at all to the 200,000 feet B. M. or more per acre occasionally to be found in the Pacific coast forests. The acreage, therefore, under forest cover gives no idea of the available supplies; the condition of this cover is the important factor. There was never at any time sufficient money appropriated to the Division to venture even on a partial investigation of this condition, except in one case, when circumstances made it possible to ascertain with tolerable precision the forest conditions of Wisconsin. Nothing less than a thoroughly organized canvass, which might cost $250,000 to $300,000, would promise any reliable, practically exhaustive information. In the absence of such a canvass a very rough and probably very liberal estimate of the amount of the timber standing in the various regions of the country ready for the ax would give the following figures: FEET B. M. SoutherniS tateshee cisco cays ae eee ere eee te eee ee ee ae ae eee eee 700, 000, 000, 000 NorthernsS tates:eo = 7 ese see sets dee lerstars Genes rets uid Seeeor ini ceu ae mena cele eee 500, 000, 000, 000 Pacific coastias Sa houceeee an ae oe ene een ac ome ase seer nee eaatthascaes Seen 1, 000, 000, 000, 000 Rocky Mountains oe sot pated so tesa eee per cae eee Se Ee Len Say at Care ae ee 100, 000, 000, 000 MO balls sehe)s Swiesues ese se elec aines ce ames Seyi Wom ae a elm atee Sie 2, 300, 000, 000, 000 - In comparison with the supply on hand we must place the total annual cut of material requir- ing bolt or log size, which is estimated at about 40,000,000,000 teet B. M., more or less. That is to Say, there is at best not sixty years’ supply in sight, a shorter time than it takes to grow a tree suitable for milling purposes. In this cut the various regions participate in about the following proportions: FEET B. M. New, Wuclandvand) North Atlanticistatess=-eess- sleeee esse e ne eee eee eeeon ones 6, 080, 000, 000 CentraltStateses saseoe ic seciee eras Sees = wie eit Sree Soe ee eee Sete mete roneete 5, 000, 000, 000 Wake COTO) 2 tse ese ee tions eeletepeela aie ene clare a= amie aie Om crete yo epaele aan a wel berarali ea 13, 000, 000, 000 Southern States 24- Skee e bse cen Sane os SEA Ne eh re lage ne Me a ae ee Se 10, 000, 000, 000 PaAGLiie 3S Lait OST asset at Hah ops is ele Sie wi see RS ORS etna ape Ee OE Fete ee ra 4, 000, 000, 000 Miscellaneous! 2 222c: ssn etteeec ily, \Wanrlani@m @iF Summ WOO! 6 sesosa costs secoso sods assed SoS Ses SoS205 95oSce OSE BES senses Sere OsarcoEsEs Th, Ween non Oe SpaeOUHO (ENA oa oqo5 os soog aS coe ozeeUaDooS DeNSbo OotdoS SoDOSG Op Oned OSS DSS KBSeoRnObe Se HOM Vanrationtot Summ enw OC specs COM tp esate ee ee eter eee etal ate fate tele te eee . Schematic representation of coniferous wood structure.....-......-.|...-..----.--------------..----. 2 (Chall! @aaliingys in Pent). so565 oses soos ce oSecue cossee esones Foes beco code sos oeo cos ceS Sonses oes Sesscoctesce . Cross section of normal and stunted growth in longleaf pine -..-.......-.-.-.----.-----.------------ ; Diagram showing arrangement of age classes-------. -------- 3. 8 ne en we wee . Diagram showing comparative progress of yields of spruce, fir, pine, and beech .----_..--....._-_.-- . Iron dibble used in setting out small pine seedlings. .----....--.-...------.------------- ..---------- . Tree classes: Classification according to crown development -...-..-...---.--------------------.----- . Physiological importance of different parts of the tree; pathways of water and food materials. ...--- 5 eel clexy@lloyaneinG OF WEBCO poco sco chaos cs00 e509 oSc0005955 S259 DOES 50 2aeSE5 DODGED casos CHOe boas cosdeS BHI Ost Wavy DIS 26 ces bseen6 5 aboot oho sone sc50 o205 0006 coo Rou aueD Sead.coun cou sEb dopSceobes Séon otacoaeR bt bw bd bw bw wb bo tb “IO OF Hm So Nt Re OS bo bw cS CO = 30s Dormant budrontall 2-year oldsbranchtotibeechvee=es == seer == eee === lease eee (Sv) = . Section through a 12-year-old stem of beech, showing manner of bud and limb formation. .-...-.--.. . Section through a partly decayed knot in oak wood. ---...-__.....---..--.---- ---------- ------------ a Developmentrnyandvouib, Of Ne OReS Gere sete teratee eee setae aia ele aa lel eae eee 5 AMREGS tin, Ain! Oli OLE WING) MORES. soso sooss6 dada.0500 Saee 5050 5900 500005 soBSns SasSeo sea Saos DSSS ooSH OSes . Sections of logs showing the relative development of knots. ....---.---.---.------ ---.-------------- mocheme oul mstrateyueranniialyor ow hese eer elser aerate -ciseeelenemiceeniceei scence eee eee 3 ORME THRE) GARONA TN WAG) ODE 6350 os06 S505 sde6 cndoao ouES ab dd 655500 CoN 4056 HONS Goad HbO5 Kdas Sees scod ocue j Maple treevorowmintthertorestic 5) oemicpacos oan se sleeiseio merce om ins ccc e nisin on io cs alos aae Some nee eee . Showing plan of group system in regenerating a forest crop --...-----.--------------+-------------- A0SPAip pearance OtsreseneraulOny Divs ec OU pene L100 weet sat ete ate ttata Patent aaa ele - Method of Jayerins to produce new, stocks in coppice wood -------- 222 = 22.2 2 a ene eee ee eee Sy) i) eo G> Go SG OD & OO OO oO AIS OT Re Ww i Ss 42. Differences of mean annual temperatures of soil (W—O) ..--..--..-------- ---- ---2 ---- --2-- --0- == 43, Difference of temperature (W—O) at the depth of 4 feet ............---.-.-.---.---------------- +e 44, Differences of soil temperature (woods and open fields). Comparison of deciduous and evergreen trees (QW O)) ch edes sescodse esas ean BOR bGde SES uated HOSE Ed Hab OSd Be SCSH MESES BaOSoseebS Secondo aadesoosess 45. Difference of soil temperature (W—O), all stations—German observatories...-.....--.-.----.-------- 46. Differences of soil temperature (woods and open fields). Comparison of elevations above sea level (QWE= OWN eee eto tre is Seiteieine aces Se elon aren wk Meese wletoeie Inia ae aiatera ota Slaainte ssa eie SSeS eee ee eee 47. Differences of temperature for young trees, Lintzel Station, woods and open fields (W—O) ..--.----- 48. Effects of litter on soil temperature (littered surface—bare). (W—O) ..-------.---.---..--.-------- 49. Difference of soil temperature, under sod and bare surface (sod—bare). Becquerel’s observations. --- 50, 51, and 52. Forest air temperature, difference of woods and open fields (W—O), deciduous trees, everprecnytrees randpyounestoresh (uintzel) pee seerehaee en eeee eee eee errr ees cee se eee eee eee eee 53. Worest air temperature differences, W—O. German stations ............--..----.----2--------2 5, --- 54, 55, 56, 57, and 58. Forest air temperature differences, woods and open fields (W—O), at Friedrichsrode, Hagenau, Sonnenberg, Eberswalde, Schoo, Marienthal, Hadersleben, and average ....-.-.---.---- 59, 60, 61, 62, and 63. Forest air temperature differences, woods and open fields (W—O) at Marienthal, Hadersleden, elevated stations, near sea level—average....-.....--.---.-------------------------- 64. Forest air temperature differences for the year at height of the tree top (W—O) 65. Average differences of tree-top temperature, sixteen German stations (W—O)..---..--..---.---.---. 66, 67, 68, 69, and 70. Tree-top temperature, differences (W—O) at Friedrichsrode, Eberswalde, St. Johann, Chis nome, GmnGl ONO 5 ssc6 2 cose e555 S550 anon boSSSs SscHOs Soeos6 Stso Seno come UNS SSeS SessmeScessece 71, 72, 73, 74, and 75. Tree-top temperature differences, German stations (W—O), Sonnenberg, Kurwien, Hagenan and Neumath—Gecidiousitrees. aes rsa ee eee eee laee eee eee ee eee iseaze 76. Tree-top temperature differences, German stations, evergreen trees---.--..-.-.-.-----.-------------- 77. Vertical temperature, gradient in woods, degrees Fahrenheit, for a hundred feet 78. Vertical temperature gradients from observations above trees. .-...--.---..----- -------------------- 79. Forest temperature differences above trees, from Fautrat’s observations COME WVaporacioniandsprecipibablONwe ss eteae me a= 2) esas) niece ares eee Renee eee RES eee eee eee 81. Monthly evaporation in the fields (upper curve) and woods (lower curve), in inches 82. Percentage of evaporation in the woods as compared with that in open fields 83. Ratio of evaporation from water surface in fields and forest to precipitation 84. Percentage of evaporation in woods to that in the open air..--.--...-..-- Soe Methodiotchemicalranallysision oun penvinle sees eee een esses eee eee eer Eee ee nee eee eee eee 86a Methodionidishllationiofs turpentine ss esesseeeseeeriessee a aaa en ee eee eet eee eee eee Rea SieDistributLonopeurpentinen ny ~prees esses eee ee sae see eee eee en eee ee eee 323 Fia. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92° 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. ILLUSTRATIONS. Relationship of different parts of same BRAS oc susu sdse pace 2090 6o00 cong oa09 509.9995 REGS aPRo pS ps Sah Yield of volatile oil from constant quantity of turpentine... ---- =.= ---- 22-2203 noe a Diagram of detail analyses, representing radial dimensions of test pieces in each GHSI coos does cosesks SToneCyitora. Oe CHANG TKN INGUIN OE THE) o> o aecieces MogQ.SCOn aRoS SSeS ROGET Sas SCS eo Schematic section through stem of longleaf pine, showing variation of weight with height, diameter, FTG OGD Jaupoceie cena ceed BAU agee CSBP een LGC? EEM Aen O* Gplabivegi: caer | agosianns econ ede eneos Variation of compression strength SATA TAOSUIIND conc ooaee 2255 oos0 2050 Soon snes HOSS 8N5R ROAD SOR] O9COTH Loss of water in kiln drying and reabsorption in air, shrinking and swelling .----------------------" Relation of strength in compression endwise to weight of material---.---------------++2--77 0007077 Relation of weight to bending SPAREN WE G15 HONOUR 2 or oe sooo n29903 696059 SRS 898 963508 BER FISD SSA Strength of contiguous blocks, showing maximum uniformity of select quarter-sawed material in com- RGERIOR On hyd @eons cone o3u5 ode saan soce RoR sess aa CHOS OCS Hae aa pT | nisdeconsadads Relation of fiber stresses and ANRIO RHO 5256 odes coca ocana5osds oSe09 BaSCEsCORG panans pods QUae SASF SoRG Distribution of internal stresses in a beam ath TAU MUN sno So oos0 ss eSeo so cond cea 5509 sen ERA Ea To BTe2075 Position of neutral axis and internal stresses at rupture of beam.------------------------2-77- Fiber distortion in unit length of beam at GIRS HI Iii aca deoo cade aosdooe 3 o2e5 Coad sore men” Sa0R0cFI5 Toor OYE MOMMA joLENAG G15 TAUNAIIEE): coo coco cece 80 82H Bees C095 S280 AEIS SSS ISS SATIS series? NEV ARGULG? CERTAIN HOS 1OPBico6 cade saad cond anes seddacn eheosnnco Sess GecuSs os oe se eee ss ee eos | Apparatus for Aloierarotiniiaye RROCING GRANTGY ss 2500 028s saps Bade aces ae Se5s HS0S ESOS SSS SINS SIS SIS Result of physical examination (GEmmTIAII) soso Seo Saaded 2905 cbs o2e5 2863 22822080 82 2289809 Sass OAT OSS A. MEMORIAL TO CONGRESS. MEMORIAL OF A COMMITTEE OF THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE ON BEHALF OF FOREST PRESERVATION, LEADING TO THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE DIVISION OF FORESTRY. [From Senate Ex. Doe. 28, first Session Forty-third Congress, or Report No. 259, H. R., first Session Forty-third Congress. | At the meeting of the Association for the Advancement of Science held at Portland, Me., on the 22d day of August, 1873, the following resolution was passed: Resolved, That a committee be appointed by this association to memorialize Congress and the several State legis- latures on the importance of promoting the cultivation of timber and the preservation of forests, and to recommend such legislation as may be deemed proper for securing these objects. Also, that this committee be instructed to cooperate with national associations for a similar object. The committee appointed consisted of Franklin B. Hough, Lowville, N. Y.; George B. Emerson, Boston, Mass.; Prof. Asa Gray, Cambridge, Mass.; Prof. J. D. Whitney, San Francisco, Cal.; Prof. J.S. Newberry, New York City; Hon. Lewis H. Morgan, Rochester, N. Y.; Col. Charles Whittlesey, Cleveland, Ohio; Prof. William H. Brewer, New Haven, Conn., and Prof. H.W. Hilgard, Ann Arbor, Mich. Under this appointment consultation has been had among members of this committee, who have requested the undersigned, on their behalf, to represent as follows: That the preservation and growth of timber is a subject of great practical importance to the people of the United States, and is becoming every year of more and more consequence, from the increasing demand for its use; and that while this rapid exhaustion is taking place, there is no effectual provision against waste or the renewal of supply. We apprehend that the time is not distant when great public injury must result from this cause, and we deem it to be our duty to urge upon the Government the importance of taking timely action in providing against the evils that must otherwise follow. Besides the economical value of timber for construction, fuel, and the arts, which is obvious without suggestion, and must increase with the growth of the nation, there are questions of climate that appear to have a close relation to the presence or absence of woodland shade. The drying up of rivulets, which feed our mill streams and navigable rivers and supply our canals, the failure of the sources which supply our cities with pure water, and the growing tendency to floods and drought resulting from the unequal distribution of the rainfalls since the cutting off of our forests are subjects of common observation. In European countries, especially in Italy, Germany, Austria, and France, where the injuries resulting from the cutting off of timber have long since been realized, the attention of govern- ments has been turned to this subject by the necessities of the case, and conservative measures have in many instances been successfully applied, so that a supply of timber has been obtained by cultivation, and other benefits resulting from this measure have been realized. Special schools of forestry have been established under the auspices of government, and the practical applications of science in the selection of soil and conditions favorable for particular species, and in the planting, care, and removal of timber, are taught and applied, with the view of realizing the greatest benefits at the least expense. 37 38 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. 8S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. There is great danger that, if not provided against, the fearful changes may happen to our largest rivers which have taken place on the Po and other large rivers of Italy, France, and Spain, caused by the destruction of the forests from which came their tributaries. These forests had retained. the water from the snows and rains of winter and spring, and supplied it gradually during the summer. Since their destruction the rain falling in the rainy season comes down almost at once, bringing with it earth and stones, deluging the banks of the larger streams, but leaving a very insufficient provision for evaporation and against the consequent drought of summer. Thus, when the forests about the sources of our great rivers shall be cut away, the water from the melting snows and early rains will be liable to come down in vast floods, overflowing the banks and carrying ruin and destruction in their course, while the affluent streams in summer will diminish or disappear, to the great injury of the country through which they flow. We deem it highly important that the true condition and wants of the country in this regard, and the injuries that may result from the destruction of the forests and the exhaustion of our supplies of timber, should be known in time to provide a remedy before the evils are severely felt. There are facts of the greatest importance in relation to the past and present destruction of forests, the pressing want of timber trees in States without natural forests, and the changes that have taken place, or are taking place, in consequence of the destruction of the forests, that should be carefully collected and be widely and familiarly known. A knowledge of these facts would be everywhere of great value. They should be gathered, arranged, and so widely published as to reach the intelligent inhabitants of all the States. There is not a State or Territory without a direct interest in the subject. We should know the experi- ence of other countries and be able to apply whatever may be found therein suited to our soil and climate and consistent with the plan of our government and the theory of our laws. Individual or associated effort, unless organized and directed by authority, could not be expected to conduct these inquiries or make known the results with that fullness which the investigation would require. We therefore recommend them as worthy of the attention of Con- gress, as the immediate guardian of the Territories and the proper source of power in whatever concerns the interest of the whole country. We would therefore respectfully request the passage of a law creating a commission of forestry, to be appointed by the President and Senate, and that it should be required to ascertain, from the most effectual and reliable means within its power, and to report to Congress upon the following subjects: First. Upon the amount and distribution of woodlands in the United States, the rate of con- sumption and waste, and the measures that should be adopted to provide against the future wants of the country in the preservation and planting of timber. With this there should be an inquiry concerning the importation and exportation of lumber and other forest property. Second. The influence of forests upon the climate, and especially as to what extent their presence or absence tends to affect the gemperature, rainfall, and other atmospheric conditions upon which agricultural success depends. Third. A full statement of the methods practiced in Europe in relation to the planting and management of forests, and an account of the special schools of forestry that have been estab- lished in foreign countries. Respectfully submitted. “ FRANKLIN B. Hoven, GzEo. B. EMERSON, On Behalf of the Committee of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. WASHINGTON, D. C., February 6, 1874. JOINT RESOLUTION FOR APPOINTMENT OF COMMISSION. 39 JOINT RESOLUTION for the appointment of a commission for inquiry into the destruction of forests and into the measures necessary for the preservation of timber. Whereas it is asserted that the supply of timber within the United States is rapidly diminishing, and that great public injury must result from its continued waste, without adequate means being taken for its preservation and production: Therefore, Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the President be, and he is hereby, authorized and required to appoint, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, aman of approved scientific and practical acquaintance with statistical inquiries, to be commissioner of forestry. Suc. 2. And be it further resolved, That it shall be the duty of said commissioner to prosecute investigations and inquiries on the subject with the view of ascertaining the annual amount of consumption, importation, and exporta- tion of timber and other forest products; the probable supply for future wants; the means best adapted to its pres- ervation and@ renewal; the influence of forests upon climate, and the measures that have been successfully applied in foreign countries for the preservation and restoration of forests; and to report upon the same to Congress. Sno. 3. And be it further resolved, That the heads of the Executive Departments be, and they are hereby, directed to cause to be rendered all necessary and practicable aid to the said commissioner, by access to the public records and otherwise, in the prosecution of the investigations and inquiries aforesaid. B. LIST. OF PUBLICATIONS S REV ATING 10 FORESMRNGiS sup FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE SINCE 187%. BULLETINS. No. 1. Report on the Relations of Railroads to Forest Supplies and Forestry, together with appendices on the structure of some timber ties, the behavior and the cause of their decay in the roadbed, on wood preservation, on metal ties, and on the use of spark arresters, by B. H. Fernow. Pp. 149, pls. 7, figs. 7. 1887. No. 2. Report on the Forest Conditions of the Rocky Mountains, with a map showing the loca- tion of forest areas on the Rocky Mountain range, and other papers. Pp. 252, map, 1, diagr., 1. 1888. Contents: Extracts from Reports of the Commissioners of the Land Office—The Government in its relation to forests, by Prof. E. J. James—Report on the forest conditions of the Rocky Mountains, by Col. Edgar T. Ensign— Map showing the location of forest areas and principal irrigation ditches in the Rocky Mountain region—Forest flora of the Rocky Mountains. by George B. Sudworth—Report on the forests of Los Angeles, San Bernardino, and San Diego counties, Cal., by Abbott Kinney—Trees and shrubs of San Diego County, Cal.—The needs of the Yellow- stone National Park, by Arnold Hague, geologist in charge—Summary of legislation for the preservation of timber or forests on the public domain, by N. H. Egleston—The climate of Colorado and its effects upon trees, by George H. Parsons—Snow slides or avalanches, their formation and prevention, by B. E. Fernow. No. 3. Preliminary Report on the Use of Metal Track on Railways as a Substitute for Wooden Ties, by H. E. Russell Tratman, C. E., to which is added a report of experiments in wood season- ing by the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad Company, and other notes. Compiled by B. HE. Fernow. Pp. 79, diagr.6. 1889. No. 4. Report on the Substitution of Metal for Wood in Railroad Ties, by EH. E. Russell Trat- man, C. E., together with a discussion on practicable economies in the use of wood for railway purposes, by B. H. Fernow. Pp. 363, pls. 30. 1890. No. 5. What is Forestry, by B. E. Fernow, Chief of Division of Forestry. Pp.52. 1891. No. 6. Timber Physics. Part I. Preliminary Report. Compiled by B. KE. Fernow, Chief of Division of Forestry. Pp. 61, pls. 6, figs. 12. 1892. 4°. 1. Need of investigation. 2. Scope and historical development of the science of ‘‘timber physics.” 3. Organi- zation and methods of the timber examinations in the Division of Forestry. No. 7. Forest Influences. Pp. 197, figs. 63. 1893. 1. Introduction and summary of conclusions, by B. E. Fernow. 2. Review of forest meteorological observa- tions, a study preliminary to the discussion of the relations of forest to climate, by M. W. Harrington. 3. Relation of forest to water supplies, by B. IE. Fernow. 4. Notes on the sanitary siznificance of forests, by B. E. Fernow. Appendices: 1. Determination of the true amount of precipitation and its bearing on theories of forest influences, by Cleveland Abbe. 2. Analysis of rainfall with relation to surface conditions, by George H. Curtis. No. 8. Timber Physics. Part 2. Pp. 92, pls. 12, figs. 22. 1893. Progress report: Results of investigations on long-leaf pine. Contents: Mechanical tests made at Washington University testing laboratory, St. Louis, by J. B. Johnson— Field report on turpentine timber, by F. Roth—Resinous contents and their distribution in the long-leaf pine, by M. Gomberg—Field records of test material, by C. Mohr. No. 9. Report on the Use of Metal Railroad Ties and on Preservation Processes and Metal Tie-plates for Wooden Ties. By H. HE. Russell Tratman, A. M., Am. Soc. C. H. (supplementary to report on the Substitution of Metal for Wood in Railroad Ties, 1890). Prepared under the direc- tion of B. EH. Fernow, Chief of Division of Forestry. Pp. 363, pls. 5. 1894. 40 LIST OF FORESTRY PUBLICATIONS. Al No. 10. Timber: An Elementary Discussion of the Characteristics and Properties of Wood. By Filibert Roth, special agent in charge of Timber Physics. Under the direction of B. K. Fernow, Chief of Division of Forestry. Pp. 88, figs. 49. 1895. No. 11. Some Foreign Trees for the Southern States. (Cork, Wattle Tree, Kucalyptus, Bamboo.) Prepared under direction of B. H. Fernow, Chief of Division of Forestry. Pp.32, pls. 3. 1895. No. 12. Economic Designing of Timber Trestle Bridges, by A. L. Johnson, ©. E. Pp. 57, figs. 7. 1896. No. 13. The Timber Pines of the Southern United States, by Chas. Mohr, Ph. D. Together with a Discussion of the Structure of their Wood, by Filibert Roth. Prepared under the direction of B. EH. Fernow, Chief of Division of Forestry. Pp. 160, pls. 27, figs.18. 1896. No. 14. Nomenclature of the Arborescent Flora of the United States, by George B. Sudworth, dendrologist of the Division of Forestry. Prepared under the direction and with an Introduction by B. E. Fernow, Chief of Division of Forestry. Pp. 8, 419. 1897. No. 15. Forest Growth and Sheep Grazing in the Cascade Mountains of Oregon, by Frederick V. Coville. Pp. 54. 1898. No. 16. Forestry Conditions and Interests of Wisconsin, by Filibert Roth, special agent. With a discussion of objects and methods of ascertaining forest statistics, ete., by B. KH. Fernow, Chief of Division of Forestry. Pp. 76, map of forest distribution in Wisconsin. 1898. No. 17. Check List of the Forest Trees of the United States, their Names and Ranges, by George B. Sudworth, dendrologist of the Division of Forestry. Prepared under the direction of B. K. Fernow, Chief of Division of Forestry. Pp. 144. 1898. No. 18. Experimental Tree Planting in the Plains, by Charles A. Keffer, assistant chief of the Division. Prepared under thesdirection of B. EK. Fernow, Chief of Division of Forestry. Pp. 94, pls. 5, figs. 1. 1898. No. 19. Osier Culture, by John M. Simpson. Prepared under the direction of B. EK. Fernow, Chief of Division of Forestry. Pp. 27. 1898. No. 20. Measuring the Forest Crop, by A. K. Mlodziansky. Prepared under the direction of B. E. Fernow, Chief of Division of Forestry. Pp. 70, figs. 16. 1898. No. 21. Systematic Plant Introduction, by David A. Fairchild, special agent. Prepared under the direction of B. E. Fernow, Chief of Division of Forestry. Pp. 24. 1898. No. 22. The White Pine, a monograph, by V. M. Spaulding. Revised and enlarged by B. EH. Fernow, with contributions by Filibert Roth and F.A.Chittenden. (In press.) No. 23. The Uses of Wood in Mining and in the Charcoal Ivon Industries, by John Birkinbine, C. E. With a discussion of methods of forest management applicable to woodlands subserving these industries by B. H. Fernow, Chief of Division of Forestry. (In press.) CIRCULARS OF INFORMATION. No. 1. Request to Educators for Cooperation. No. 2. A Cireular to Educational Men. No. 53. Increasing the Durability of Timber (information to wood consumers). Pp. 4. 8°. No. 4. For Information of Railroad Managers (use of chestnut oak for railroad ties). Pp.3. 4°. . Arbor Day Planting in Kastern States. Pp.4. 4°. . Instructions for Growing Tree Seedlings. Pp.4. 4°. The Government Timber Tests. Pp. 4. 8°. No. 8. Strength of “Boxed” or “Turpentine” Timber. Pp. 4. 8°. No. 9. Effect of Turpentine Gathering on the Timber of Longleaf Pine. P.1. 8°. No. 10. Suggestions to the Lumbermen of the United States in Behalf of More Rational Forest Management. Pp.8. 8°. No. 11. Facts and Figures Regarding Our Forest Resources, Briefly Stated. Pp.8. 8°. No. 12. Southern Pine: Mechanical and Physical Properties. Pp. 12. 4°. ; No. 15. Forest Fire Legislation in the United States. Pp.8. 8°. No. 14. Is Protection Against Forest Fires Practicable? Pp. 4. 8°. No. 15. Summary of Mechanical Tests on Thirty-two Species of American Woods. Pp. 12. 49° No. 16. Age of Trees and Time of Blazing Determined by Annual Rings. Pp.11. 8°. 1A, QOS mlm oH 42 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. 8. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. No. 17. Recent Legislation on State Forestry Commissions and Forest Reserves. Pp.16. 8°. No. 18. Progress in Timber Physics: Influence of Size on Test Results; Distribution and Effect on Strength of Moisture; Maximum Uniformity of Wood; Relation of Compression End- wise Strength to Breaking Load of Beam. Pp. 20, 4°. No. 19. Progress in Timber Physics: Bald Cypress. Pp. 24. 4°. No. 20. Increasing the Durability of Timber. Pp. 5. 8°. | CHARTS. The lessons of erosion due to forest destruction. Three colored charts, 304 by 484 inches, showing: (1) How the farm is lost; (2) how the farm is regained; (3) how the farm is retained. 1896. REPORTS ON FORESTRY. Vol. I. Report upon Forestry, prepared under the direction of the Commissioner of Agricul- ture, in pursuance of an act of Congress approved August 15, 1876. By Franklin B. Hough. Pp. 650. Index. 1878. Vol. IJ. Report upon Forestry, prepared under the direction of the Commissioner of Agricul- ture, in pursuance of an act of Congress approved August 15, 1876. By Franklin B. Hough. Pp. 618. Index. 1880. Vol. III. Report upon Forestry, prepared under the direction of the Commissioner of A gri- culture, in pursuance of an act of Congress approved August 15, 1876. By Franklin B. Hough. Pp. 318. Index. 1882. : Vol. LY. Report upon Forestry, prepared by N. H. Eggleston. Pp.421. Index. 1map. 1884. ANNUAL REPORTS OF CHIEF OF DIVISION OF FORESTRY. [For years 1884-1893, inclusive, in annual reports of the Secretary of Agriculture for those years. For years 1894-1896, inclusive, in messages and documents for those years. Tor 1897, in annual reports of Department of Agriculture for 1897. Same, issued separately in pamphlet form for the years 1886, 1887, 1888, 1889, 1890, 1891, 1892, 1893, 1894, 1895, 1896, 1897. From 1894 these reports refer only to administrative business; before that year they contain technical matter.] The following subjects are more fully treated in these reports: Report for 1886— Forestry problems of the United States. General principles of forestry. List of ninety most important timber trees of the United States. Osier culture. Report for 1887. (Special, not printed in report of Department of Agriculture)— Trade notes and tariff on lumber—mill capacity of United States. Systematic plan of forestry work. Tree notes. , Condition of forestry interests in the States. Report for 1888— Forest influences. Cultural and trade notes. Report for 1889— Seedling distribution. Timber-culture acts. Osier culture. Influence of forests on water supplies. Report for 1890— Wood-pulp industry. Tests of Northern and Southern oak. Forestry education. Artificial rainfall. LIST OF FORESTRY PUBLICATIONS. 43 Report for 1891— Forestry lectures. Poisoning of street trees. Bamboo as substitute for wood. Forest-planting experiments in Nebraska. Southern lumber pines. Forest reservations and their management. Report for 1892— Forest conditions of the United States and the forestry movement. Forest-fire legislation. Report on Chickamauga National Park. The naval-store industry. Report for 1893— Methods of forest measurement. Consumption and supply of forest products in the United States. German forest management. ARTICLES REPRINTED FROM YEARBOOKS. From Yearbook, 1894: Forestry for farmers. By B. H. Fernow. Pp. 40, figs. 15. From Yearbook, 1895: The relation of forest to farms. By B. KE. Fernow. Pp. 8. Tree planting on the Western plains. By Chas. A. Keffer. Pp. 20. From Yearbook, 1896: Tree planting in waste places on the farm. By Chas. A. Keffer. Pp. 18. The uses of wood. By Filibert Roth. Pp. 30, figs. 7. From Yearbook, 1897: Division of forestry; relation of its work to the farmer. By B. E. Fernow, chief. Pp. 20. Trees of the United States important in Forestry. By Geo. B. Sudworth. Pp. 26. FARMERS’ BULLETIN. No. 67. Forestry for farmers. Pp. 48, figs. 15. MISCELLANEOUS PUBLICATIONS. Catalogue of the Forest Trees of the United States which usually attain a height of 16 feet or more, with notes and brief descriptions of the more important species. 1876. Pp. 38. Preliminary Report on the Forestry of the Mississippi Valley and Tree Planting on the Plains. By F. P. Baker and R. W. Furnas. Pp. 45. 1883. Arbor Day, its History and Observance. By N. H. Egleston. Pp. 80, figs. 12. 1896. Miscellaneous Special Report No. 5. The proper value and management of Government timber lands and the distribution of North American forest trees, being papers read at the United States Department of Agriculture May 7 and 8, 1884. Pp. 47. 1884. Miscellaneous Report No. 10. A descriptive catalogue of manufactures from native woods, as shown in the exhibit of the United States Department of Agriculture at the World’s Industrial and Cotton Exposition at New Orleans, La. By Charles Richards Dodge. Pp. 81. 1886. Trees of Washington, D.C. By B. E. Fernow and Geo. B. Sudworth. 1891. Forestry in the United States. By B. HE. Fernow. Report of United States commissioners to the Universal Exposition of 1889 at Paris. Vol. V, pp. 747-777, pls. 6. 1891. Timber physics.—Preliminary report: Need of investigation. By B. EH. Fernow. (Irom For- estry Bul. No. 6.) Quarto, 16 pp. 1892. Letter to the Secretary of Agriculture regarding Forest Growth and Timber Consumption. By b. E.Fernow. Pp. 3. 1893. Instructions for the Collection of Test Pieces of Pines for Timber Investigations. n.d. Pp. 4. List of Publications relating to Forestry in the Department Library. Prepared under the direction of the Librarian. Pp. 93. 1898. 44 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. 5. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. STATEMENTS BEFORE CONGRESSIONAL COMMITTEES AND IN ANSWER TO SENATE RESOLUTIONS. Statement on the relation of irrigation problems to forest conditions by Bb. E. Fernow, before Special Senate Committee on Irrigation and Reclamation of Arid Lands. Fifty-first Congress, first session. Senate Report No. 928, vol. 4,1890. Pp. 112-124. Statements in Report No. 1002, Fifty-second Congress, first session. (To accompany S. 3235) “to provide for the establishment, protection, and administration of public forest reservation, and for other purposes.” Pp.12. 1892. Senate Document No. 172, Fifty-third Congress, second session. Letter from the Secretary of Agriculture . . . transmitting information in relation to investigations and experiments in the planting of native pine seed in the sand hills of the Northwest. Pp.14. 8° 1894. Statements in House Report No. 1442, Fifty-third Congress, second session. Investigations and Tests of American Timbers. Pp. 4. 1894. Statements in House Report No. 897. Public Forest Reservations. Pp. 25. 1894. Statement of B. HK. Fernow, Chief of Forestry Division, to the Committee on Agriculture, House of Representatives, [in support of H. R. 8389, and H. R. 8390, providing for forestry schools] February 16, 1895. Pp4. Senate Document No. 40, Fifty-fifth Congress, first session: White-Pine Timber Supplies. Statement prepared by the chief of the division. Letter of the Secretary of Agriculture. Pp. 21. 1897. CRORES SAND AFORESPRY I THE UNITED ST AMS: The following brief account of the forest conditions of the United States; of the trees of economic value which compose its forests; of the materials in kind and quantity which they furnish; and of the status of the movement for the introduction of forestry principles in their use, is brought together mainly from scattered data published by the Division of Forestry and from other sources. ORIGINAL CONDITION OF FOREST AREAS. The territorial distribution of forest areas in the United States, and indeed on the whole continent, can be divided with more or less precision into three grand divisions: (1) The Atlantic forest, covering mountains and valleys in the Hast, reaching westward to the Mississippi River and beyond to the Indian Territory and south into Texas, an area of about 1,361,330 square miles, mostly of mixed growth, hard woods and conifers, with here and there large areas of coniferous growth alone—a vast and continuous forest. (2) The mountain forest of the West, or Pacific forest, covering the higher elevations below timber line of the Rocky Mountains, Sierra Nevada, and Coast Range, which may be estimated at 181,015 square miles, almost exclusively of coniferous growth, of enormous development on the northern Pacific coast, more or less scattered in the interior and to the south. (3) The prairies, plains, lower elevations, and valleys of the West, with a scattered tree growth, on which, whether from climatic, geologic, or other causes, forest growth is confined mostly to the river bottoms or other favorable situations, an area of about 1,427,055 square miles, of which 276,965 square miles may be considered under forest cover of deciduous species east of the Rockies and of coniferous and deciduous species in the west of this divide. Until the present century, in fact until nearly the last half of it, the activity of man on this continent has practically been confined to the eastern portion, which, as stated, was originally covered with a dense or at least continuous forest. The substructure of the entire civilization of the United States was hewn out of these primeval woodlands. Out of the vast virgin forest area of the eastern half of the country there have been cleared for farm use during this time 250,000,000 acres, or 400,000 square miles, leaving about 961,330 square miles covered actually or nominally with forest growth or waste. Timber being a great obstacle to the settlement of the land, and the market for it until recently being confined and limited, a large amount had to be wasted and disposed of in the log pile, where the flames made quick work of the scrub as well as of the finest walnut trees. The settlement of the western mountain country, although emigration to Oregon began in 1842, assumed proportions of practical importance only when the gold fever took many travelers over the plains and mountains to California in 1819 and the following years. If only the legiti- mate need of the population of this region for cleared land and for timber had made drafts upon the forest resources, the change in forest conditions would have been insignificant, but the recklessness which the carelessness of pioneer life and seemingly inexhaustible resources engender has resulted in the absolute destruction by fire of many thousand square miles of forest growth and the deterioration in quality and future promise of as many thousands more. The third region, the so-called ‘treeless area,” has experienced, since the advent of the white settlers and the driving out of the Indians, changes which are almost marvelous. The prairies were reached by settlers in any considerable number only as late as the third and fourth decades 45 46 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. 8. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. of this century, but they and their successors have not only occupied a farm area of 80,000,000 productive acres, but they have also dotted the open country with groves, smaller or larger, either by planting them or, by keeping out fire and cattle, aiding the natural reforestation. PRESENT CONDITION. The requirements of the settlement of agricultural lands, then, have necessitated the removal of the forest from about 250,000,000 acres. But in additicn two other causes—fire and wood con- sumption—have reduced the really forest-bearing area still further. While the larger amount of . wood products is not secured by clearing lands, but inostly by culling the virgin forest of the best kinds and the best individual trees, so that at least a woodgrowth more or less valuable continues to occupy the ground, many of these areas are so severely culled that they are of no economic value. Especially when, as is often the case, fires follow the operations of the lumber- men, not only the old timber and the young growth, but the mold, the fertility of the soil, a product of centuries of decaying vegetation, is also destroyed and the ground is occupied by weeds and useless brush. If left to itself and no fires recurring, these wastes may again become valu- able forests, but this recuperation will take generations if not centuries before an economic value attaches to the area. Thus in Wisconsin, as we will see further on, at least 4,000,000 acres have been turned into veritable desert by these processes. It will be readily understood that if we consider forests from the economic point of view as wood- lands either containing or promising for the future wood of useful kinds, not merely tree weeds and brush, we must classify and distinguish with more precision than merely into farm and forest. The farm areas are ascertained by the census. But of the balance of areas we have no precise knowledge as to its condition, whether virgin and valuable forest growth or a useless and more than useless brush growth occupies them, preventing reestablishment of desirable growth, or whether it is waste, but open country. Not only should we know the timber areas which contain supplies ready for the ax and for present consumption, but in the so-called second growth we must distinguish the areas which promise new supplies of value and those brush lands which are not only not growing a new timber crop, but, on the contrary, prevent the growth of timber and will for generations to come be mere waste lands. The census authorities have never had a conception of these differences, hence we are without precise knowledge of the condition of things. It is to be hoped that for the next census, in the year 1900, provision will be made to arrive at this knowledge with some precision, under such a plan as outlined in Bulletin 16 of the Division of Forestry, the results of which for the State of Wisconsin appear at the end of this report. Meanwhile, a canvass of the available information has enabled the Division of Forestry to estimate the present conditions (1893), as represented by the following tabulation, giving the approximated relation of improved land, forest, and waste land: Improved and forest land in the United States. Area. Per cent. Brush, Total land Tape oved Improved forest, Probably | Brush Open surface. (eames Jand. and waste forest, Jand. | country. STS: land. : Acres. Acres. LORS) SWAMIES 6 ssosassnecetes noodaposcomoseecss 1, 900, 800, 000 | 357, 616, 000 18 82 PAD) SeesboOS5el labsocassea HIGMMNE) . «so scngsoohagegnoossasconte sesso eeresocsanos 19, 132, 000 3, 044, 000 15 j 85 New Hampshire. - 2 a 5 5, 783, 000 1, 727, 000 29 71 Vermont -......-.- ses soos 2 5, 846, 000 2, 655. 000 45 55 Massachusetts - 5, 155, 000 1, 657, 000 32 68 Rhode Island .- ace 694, 000 274, 000 39 60 GConnecticutsews-. ceoroe cee eee onan soe ee aneee ne 3,100, 000 1, 379, 000 44 5a | New England States ------- ee 39, 710, 000 10, 736, 000 27 73 BP ees i ewer New York... 30,876,000 | 16, 389, 000 54 46 Pennsylvania 28, 790, 000 13, 210, 000 45 65 New Jersey -- 4, 671, 000 1, 999, 000 42 58 Delaware... Q 1, 254, 000 762, 000 60 40 Maryland coos x 6, 310, 000 3, 412, 000 54 » 46 Middle Atlantic States.............-..--...--...- 71, 401, 000 | 35, 772, 000 50 50 23! |bossesosodeesceness i oo Ee SS PRESENT CONDITION OF FOREST AREAS. Improved and forest land in the United States—Continued, 47 Nore.—The authority for the area of improved farm land is furnished by the census of 1890. Area. Per cent. Brush, Total land TOE, Ned Improved forest, Probably Brush Open surface. ti land. and waste forest. land. | country. Eeah land. Acres. Acres. AWARE, cococau pongo secu poetence acscoanecbososedocace 25, 680, 000 9, 125, 000 385 65 North Carolina. 31, 089, 000 7, 828, 000 25 75 South Carolina - - 19, 308, 000 5, 255, 000 2 73 (EKCOWBE) coco6b cos2oe soemsdabsece uneosdSReeSrSEosaSsasE 38, 647, COO 9, 582, 000 24 76 Southern Atlantic States. .....-...--.--.--------- 114, 724, 000 31, 790, 000 27 73 ON Seocisenosd locosequeas JNA) COASM Soosda osecdooassonocesdd wosospens 225, 835, 000 78, 298, 000 35 65 £8} |lncososcdse||socosaqsas IND) cecseeqoonostocoendoedopeasscoboswocosscsnrse 34, 713, 000 1, 145, 000 3 OW. Alabama .-. 32, 986, 000 7, 698, 000 23 77 Mississippi- 2 29, 658, 000 6, 849, 000 23 17 TEOU ERENT des aecbar nce Danner Eee ane enero aaa 29, 069, 000 3, 775, 000 13 87 (Giol? QUAMIOS scesaoacotmacdbosoeeacosos sosobn opened 126, 426, 000 19, 467, 000 16 84 | Bil) |scsa5o5ess esso090C59 TIERS an. ce cas OUD UEEEo aT ERE ERE C BREE See eeBErscetee 167, 808, 000 | 20, 746, 000 12 88 93) eae ee cena ea ica toe IMIG hie antes er sae nc sd is Mae aa eee artes 36, 755, 000 9, 865, 000 26 74 Wisconsin. - 3 34, 848, 000 9, 793, 000 28 712 AVEIMIMGS O balers tsetse eee niet eles sisienele ele eines eisai 50, 691, 000 11, 128, 000 21 79 Northern lumbering States....-.------.---.----.- 122, 294, 000 30, 786, 000 25 75 (QMM= 60, 518, 000 3, 516, 000 6 94 34 28 32 WESTON scoop sosonnSotossesososnEaTapDoTSaeDaS 42, 708, 000 1, 820, 000 4 96 55 21 20 TENG COAEH onan sa codes cenaccacmbsoacedasontedcss 2038, 048, 000 17, 558, 000 8 92 30 27 35 The areas of forest, brush, and waste lands were ascertained by subtracting the area of cultivated land from the total land areas of the several States, and are placed as per cent of the total areas in column 4. The part of these supposed to be forest is estimated on information obtained by various agencies. For the western section of the country the further subdivision into forest, brush, and open country is based partly on statistics gathered by Colonel Ensign and published in Bulletin 2 of the Division o Forestry, and partly on the map republished from the report of the Division for 1892. These figures would indicate that, in round numbers, less than 350,000,000 acres are turned into farm Jands, more than two-thirds of which was hewn out of the forest; that the productive area of forest growth, by no means all virgin, falls somewhat below 500,000,000 acres; that nearly 450,000,000 acres are open country, which is presumably incapable of producing any valuable forest growth on account of climatic deficiencies, leaving a balance of over 600,000,000 acres as waste and brush land, of which at least three-fourths have been made so by the combined efforts of ax and fire. 48 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. 8S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Tt will appear astonishing to those who have not paid attention to the question of the settle- ment of this country to learn from the above table that while of the total country only 18 per cent is improved, and for every acre of farm land in the forested country we have destroyed nearly three acres of forest growth, the better developed eastern part (east of Colorado) shows only 29 per cent improved, and even the long-settled Atlantic coast, which we are apt to consider fully occupied, still possesses 65 per cent of unimproved land, of which we estimate 43 per cent as woodland, while the percentage of woodland for the whole country is 26. There would be wood- land enough to satisfy our needs for many decades if attention were but paid to its rational use and to the recuperation of the cut-over areas; but the condition of the wooded areas, which have been culled, is well known to be so poor, as far as market supplies are concerned, that for genera- tions to come they must be left out of consideration. The accompanying map (PI. Ll) shows by various grades of color the approximate relative proportion of forest to total area, and the character of the merchantable kinds of lumber that are derived from the different regions is indicated. A second map (PI. Il) shows more in detail the condition of that section of the country west of the ninety-seventh degree of longitude, which, being largely situated in the dry region, requires greatest attention to conservative forest use aud contains still large areas of public timber lands. The information is derived from members of the United States Geological Survey and others acquainted with the region. It must not be overlooked, however, that these are not accurate surveys, but approximations, and that a large per cent, often from 25 to 50 per cent of the area falling within the timber land or brush-land area, is prairie, open country, waste land, or in culti- vation. The location and size of the national forest reservations, first made under the act of March 3, 1891, have also been outlined on this map, suggesting a desirable extension of this policy which has since been had. The figures and maps show the very uneven distribution of the forest areas, which is an important fact from an economic point of view. Seven-tenths are found on the Atlantic side of the continent, only one-tenth on the Pacific coast, another tenth on the Rocky Mountains, the balance being scattered over the interior of the Western States. Both the New England States and the Southern States have still 50 per cent of their area, more or less, under forest cover, but in the former the merchantable timber has been largely removed. The prairie States, with an area in round numbers of 400,000 square miles, contain hardly 4 per cent of forest growth, and the 1,330,000 square miles—more than one-third of the whole country—of arid or semiarid character in the interior contain practically no forest growth, economically speaking. The character of the forest growth also varies in the different regions, as we will presently see more in detail. On the Pacific coast, hard woods are rare, the principal growth being coniferous and of extraordinary development. Besides gigantic redwoods, the soft sugar pine and the hard bull pine, various spruces and firs, cedars, hemlocks, and larch form the valuable supplies. In the Rocky Mountains no hard woods of commercial value occur, the growth being mainly of spruces, firs, and bull pine, with other pines and cedars of more or less value. The Southern States contain in their more southern section large areas occupied almost exclusively by pine forests, with the cypress in the bottom lands; the more northern portions are covered with hard woods almost exclusively, and intervening is a region of mixed hard-wood and coniferous growth. Spruces, firs, and hemlocks are found in small quantities confined to the mountain regions. The Northern States are mainly occupied by hard-wood growths, with conifers intermixed, sometimes the latter becoming entirely dominant, as in the spruce forests of Maine, New Hamp- shire, or the Adirondacks, and here and there in the pineries of Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota, or in the hemlock regions of Pennsylvania and New York. ForEst BoTANICGAL DESCRIPTION. As stated before, we may divide the North American forest according to its botanical features into two great forest regions, namely, the Atlantic, which is in the main characterized by broad- leaved trees, and the Pacific, which is made up almost wholly of coniferous species. (See Pl. III.) In the Atlantic forest, going from the south to the north, we can again discern several floral JN 00 8 N38 Sno ie SS} Jes7e DOL IAL = BivilS HOW] 40 VaYV GNV1 TWVWLOL OL JLVISYH S3OVLINIOY3Ad osprey 05203 a0} r STW vLs 007 SChEV.LS Gibling) UA YOO UNV (NWT ES CaO AO NOLLOAGTHLSTIC GH DNIMOHS AVIN “SNVM J(HLNON) ANid WOV18 WVGaD gay T-anqvaqviowawwoo / [20 sisaHos LNOHLIM! A 1VIOY3 WWOl 93G amy. eg | $3341 Snood | Ald ONOTV SFSYNOD Ya ee a ee en! Oe Lt lea ee acne te ee ‘Sr tye aela Gaga psoh oats 4a a i Py i mine tt “ill a ; ‘ aa showing DISTRIBUTION OF FOREST-LAND, BRUSH-LAND AND OPEN COUNTRY WEST OF LONGITUDE 97 7) NATIONAL FOREST RESERVATIONS Pau the Division of Forestry .S.Department of Asricuiture. _ |ForestLand 4 3 1 -La =| aa prushstand ie Open Country | FH vin Parks vee L —— ==] National Forost Reservations ur ir ur JULIUS BIEN & CO. NY. H Doc..181..55 =e 66. [6 ‘soOC H H. Doe. 181. PLATE lil. MAP SHOWING THE TYPES of me NoRTH AMERICAN FORESTS EXCLUSIVE OF MEXICO. al AMPED Nf? at pes, egg PRE ; rd FOREST. a) PRESENT CONDITION OF FOREST AREAS. 49 subdivisions, each of which shows special characteristics. The southernmost coast and keys of Florida, although several degrees north of the geographical limit of the Tropics, present a truly tropical forest, rich in the species of the West Indian flora, which here finds a most northern extension. There is no good reason for calling this outpost semitropical, as is done on Professor Sargent’s map in the work for the Tenth Census. With the mahogany, the mastic, the royal palm, the inangrove, the sea grape and some sixty more West India species represented, it is tropical in all but its geographical position. That the northern flora joins the tropic forest here, and thus brings together on this insignificant spot some hundred species, nearly one-quarter of all the species found in the Atlantic forest, does not detract from its tropical character. On the other hand, we may speak with good reason of a subtropical forest north of this region; for here, where the live oak and water oak, the magnolias, the bay tree, and holly, and many other broad-leaved trees, mixed with the sabal and dwarf palmetto, retain their green foliage all through winter, we are forcibly impressed with the semitropic character of this region, which, under the influence of the Gulf stream, extends in a narrow belt of some 20 or 25 miles width along the the coast as far north as North Carolina. While this evergreen broad-leaved forest is more or less confined to the rich hammocks and moister situations, the poor sand soils of this as well as of the more northern region are occupied by pines; and as these, especially the long-leaf pine, are celebrated all over the world and give the great mercantile significance to these forests, we may well speak of this region from an economic point of view as the “‘great southern pine belt.” North of the “‘winter-green,” subtropic forest stretches the vast deciduous-leaved forest of the Atlantic, nowhere equaled in the temperate regions of the world in extent and perfection of form, and hardly in the number of species. This designation applies to the entire area up to the northern forest belt, for again the region formerly segregated on the census map as the northern pine belt is still in the main the dominion of the deciduous-leaved forest, with the pines, and in some parts spruces, intermixed, or on certain soils, especially on the gravelly drifts and drier sands, become gregarious, even to the exclusion of other species, as on the pine barrens of northern Michigan and the pineries of Wisconsin and Minne- sota, which are occupied by two or three species of pine exclusively (white pine, red pine, jack pine). This deciduous-leaved forest may, however, be divided by a line ranning somewhere below the fortieth degree of latitude, where, with the northern limits of the southern magnolias and other species, we may locate in general the northern limit of the southern forest flora. Northward from here, in what we may call the ‘Middle Atlantic forest,” the deciduous species become less numerous and coniferous growth becomes soon more so, until we arrive at the broad belt of the northern forest, which, crossing from the Atlantic to the Pacific, composed of only 8 hardy species, takes its stand against the frigid breath and icy hands of Boreas. Abounding in streams, lakes, and swampy areas, the low divides of this region are occupied by an open stunted forest of black and white spruce, while the bottoms are held by balsam firs, larch or tamarack, poplars, dwarf birches, and willows. The white spruce, paper or canoe birch, balsam, poplar, and aspen find congenial conditions, from the Atlantic to the Pacific, over the whole continent. On the Pacific side the subdivisions of the coniferous forest are rather ranked from west to east. The Pacific interior forest on the Rocky Mountains is wrestling with the drougthy atmos- phere of the plains and Interior Basin. Here on the driest parts, where the sage brush finds its home, the ponderous bull pine is the foremost tree, and where even this hardy tree can not succeed in the Interior Basin an eastern ally, the red cedar (now differentiated into different species), holds the fort in company -with the nut pine, small and stunted, covering with an open growth the mesas and lower mountain slopes. On the higher and therefore moister and cooler elevations, and especially northern and north- western exposures, and in the narrow canyons where evaporation is diminished and the soil is fresher, the somber Douglas, Engelmann, and blue spruces and the silver-foliaged white fir join the pines or take their place. With few exceptions the same species, only of better development, are found in the second parallel which occupies the western slopes of the Sierra Nevada. Additional forces here strengthen the ranks; the great sugar pine, two noble firs, a mighty larch, hemlocks and cedars, arborvites, and the big sequoias. The third parallel, the forest of the Coast Range, the most wonderfully H. Doe. 181 —4 50 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. developed although far from being the most varied of this continent, is characterized by the red- wood, the tideland or Sitka spruce, hemlock, and giant arborvite. Broad-leaved trees are not absent, but so little developed in comparison with the mighty conifers that they play no conspicuous part except along the river bottoms, where maples, cottonwood, ash, and alder thrive, and in the narrow interior valleys and slopes an open growth of oak is found. Toward the south and on the lower levels the broad-leaved trees again become evergreen as on the Atlantic side, and with a new tribe of pines, with large hooked cones added, form a subtropic flora. Finally to the south, analogously to the extension of the tropical West Indian flora in Florida, we find a northern extension of the Mexican forest, mingled with which species from the Pacific forest on the west and from the Atlantic on the east. The mesquite and some acacias, the tree yuccas, and the giant or tree cactus are perhaps the most characteristic and remarkable species of the deserts of this region, while the high mountains support dense forests of firs and pines. This distribution of forest types is exhibited on the accompanying map. Besides the botanical and geographical interest it has an eminently practical interest to the forester, because it shows him the limits within which he may expect to produce satisfactory results with the species of trees composing the forest in each section. While a vast territory on the Atlantic side and a narrower belt on the Pacific coast, connected by a broad belt through the northern latitudes, bears the forest growth thus differentiated, with the crest and slopes of the Rocky Mountains forming an intermediate extension from the Northern belt, there is a vast empire in the interior without forest growth, although not entirely without tree growth, the prairies and plains. Of parts of this territory we feel reasonably certain from strong evidences that the forest once occupied them, but has been driven off by aboriginal man, the firebrand taking sides with the grasses, and the buffalo probably being a potent element in preventing reestablishment. In other parts it is questionable whether the lines along the river courses, the straggling trees on the pla- teaus and slopes, are remnants of a vanquished army or outposts of an advancing one. In some parts, like the dry mesas, plateaus, and arroyos of the interior basin, and the desert-like valleys toward the southern frontiers, it may reasonably be doubted whether arborescent flora has more than begun its slow advance from the outskirts of the established territory. Certain it is that climatic conditions in these forestless regions are most unfavorable to tree growth, and it may well be questioned whether in some parts the odds are not entirely against the progress of the forest. . Temperature and moisture conditions of air and soil determine ultimately the character of vegetation, and these are dependent not only on latitude, but largely on configuration of the land, and especially on the direction of moisture-bearing winds with reference to the trend of mountains. The winds from the Pacific Ocean striking against the Coast Range are forced by the compres- sion and subsequent cooling to give up much of their moisture on the windward side; a second impact and further condensation of the moisture takes place on the Cascade Range and Sierra Nevada. On descending, with consequent expansion, the wind becomes warmer and drier, so that the interior basin, without additional sources of moisture and no additional cause for condensation, is left without much rainfall and with a very low relative humidity, namely, below 50 per cent. The Rocky Mountains finally squeeze out whatever moisture remains in the air currents, which arrive proportionally drier on the eastern slope. This dry condition extends over the plains until the moist currents from the Gulf of Mexico modify it. Somewhat corresponding, yet not quite, to this distribution of moisture, the western slopes are found to be better wooded than the eastern, and the greater difficulty of establishing a forest cover here must be admitted; yet since the forest has the capacity of creating its own conditions of existence by increasing the most important factor of its life, the relative humidity, the extension of the Same may only be a question of time. - - Temperature extremes, to be sure, also set a limit to tree growth, and hence the so-called tim- ber line of high mountains, which changes in altitude according to the latitude. If, now, we turn our attention from the phyto-geographic consideration of the forest cover to the botanical features, we may claim that the North American forest, with 450 or more arborescent species, belonging to 158 genera, many of which are truly endemic, surpasses in variety of useful species and magnificent development any other forest of the temperate zone, Japan hardly excepted, TREES OF THE UNITED STATES IMPORTANT IN FORESTRY. 51 In addition there are probably nowhere to be seen such extensive fields of distribution of single species. These two facts are probably explained by the north-and-south direction of the mountain ranges, which permitted a reestablishment after the Ice age of many species farther northward, while in Europe and the main part of Asia the east-west direction of the mountains offered an effectual barrier to such reestablishment, and reduced the number of species and their field of distribution; nor are the climatic differences of different latitudes in North America as great as in Burope, which again predicates greater extent in the fields of distribution north and south. On the other hand, the differences east and west in floral composition of the American forest are greater than if an ocean had separated the two parts instead of the prairie and plains. This fact would militate against our theory that the intermediate forestless region was or would be eventu- ally forested with species from both the established forest regions, if we did not find some species represented in both regions and a junction of the two floras in the very region of the forestless areas. In the sand hills which traverse Nebraska from east to west there are now found in eastern counties the sand-drowned trunks of the western bull pine, and the same pine belonging to the Pacific flora is found associated with the black walnut of the eastern region along the Niobrara River. Of the many species which in each of the forest regions compose the forest, only a limited number can be classed as economically valuable, although the question as to what is valuable is not one readily answered, since many trees which appeared valueless at first have proved their usefulness when better known or when the more serviceable timbers became scarcer. The trade papers quote at best only 35 to 40 kinds, of which only 10 to 12 are regular staples. In addition, some species possess value to the forester in his silvicultural operations, as nurses, soil cover, etc., which tothe wood consumer appear only as tree-weeds. Finally, some species, like the lodgepole pine of the Northern Rocky Mountains, are most valuable from the national economic point of view, because covering large areas of mountain slopes, thereby not only furnishing wood supplies, albeit of an inferior character, to the resident population, but covering the watersheds and favorably influencing soil and water conditions. The selection of species to be considered economically valuable, therefore, must be, to some extent, arbitrary, and be guided by a variety of considerations in which those of the present may vary from those of the future. The relative value of those selected may also change from time to time and from locality to locality. Thus for the present we can dismiss from consideration the 60 to 70 species of tropical origin, importations from the West Indies, found along the coast and keys of Florida in small quantities, as economically of little consequence on account of the small area which they do and can occupy. Another similar exclusion may be made of some species which overlap from the Mexican flora, some 26 or 27, with but a confined distribution in the United States. There remain then about 360 species which call for a discriminating classification, and if we exclude all species which, as a rule, do not exceed 1 foot in diameter, we decrease this number again to, say, 235 species, which, possibly, may enter into the consideration of forest management and are of economic value. A full checklist of the eutire arborescent flora is to be found (besides the magnificent work, the Silva, by Prof. C. 8S. Sargent, which describes this flora fully by word and picture) in Bulletin 14 of the Division of Forestry, and a more condensed statement in Bulletin 18. For the present report, which is to consider economic questions mainly, the list given in the next few pages, being reproduced from the Annual Report of the Division for 1886, somewhat revised, may suffice. TREES OF THE UNITED STATES IMPORTANT IN FORESTRY. [Lhe relative value of the different species here enumerated is indicated in three classés by difference in type, as follows: First grade, WHITE PINE; second grade, JEFFREY PINE; third grade, PITCH PINE. The size stated refers to averages of mature trees; the + sign denoting that larger dimensions are not uncommon. | A. CONIFERS. (Evergreen and needle-leafed trees, with a few exceptions. ) The most valuable forest trees, as well on account of their usefulness as for their effects in forestry, due to the evergreen foliage of most of them persistent through several years; most capable of covering extensive areas exclu- sively, and with deciduous trees most excellent aids in forestry on account of their habit of growth and their soil- 52 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. improving qualities; practically not capable of reproduction by sprouting from the stocks or cuttings; mostly periodical seeders; persistent growers. t Pines.—The most useful conifers and most important forest trees, mostly of the plain; reaching desirable development in comparatively dry, even barren, situations. on light sandy soils with clay subsoil. Characteristics.—Leaves arranged in twos, threes, or fives in one sheath; cones with thickened scales: seeds almond-shaped, nut-like, of mottled appearance, with their wings only lightly attached; maturing the second year, and preserving their germinating power well. United States. Mostly needing light; tolerably rapid growers; best Sixty to seventy species, of which thirty-five are indigenous to the Wood.—Very variable, very light and soft in “soft” pine, such as white pine; of medium weight to heavy and quite hard in ‘‘hard” pine, of which Longleaf or Georgia pine is the extreme form. of even texture, and more or less resinous. The sapwood is yellowish-white; the heartwood, orange-brown. Usually it is stiff, quite strong, Pine shrinks moderately, seasons rapidly and without much injury; it works easily; is never too hard to nail (unlike oak or hickory); it is mostly quite durable, and if well seasoned is not subject to the attacks of boring insects. The heavier the wood, the darker, stronger, and harder it is, and the more it shrinks and checks. It is the principal wood in common carpentry, as well as in all heavy It is also used in almost every other wood industry, for spars, masts, planks, extensively than any other kind of wood. construction, bridges, trestles, etc. Pine is used more and timbers in shipbuilding, in car and wagon construction, in cooperage, for crates and boxes, in furniture work, for toys and patterns, railway ties, water pipes, excelsior, ete. straight, cylindrical, useful stem forming by far the greatest part of the tree; they occur in vast forests, a fact which greatly facilitates their utilization. Pines are usually large trees with few branches, the List of one hundred species of trees of the United States most valuable for timber, with notes on their range of distribution, cultural requirements, and the character and uses of their wood. Name of species and limit of size. Regions of abundant growth. Soil and climate, and characteristics of growth. 1. WHITE PINE (Pinus strobus Linn.) Height, 120 feet + ; diameter, 3 feet +. 2. RED PINE (NORWAY PINE.) (Pinus resinosa Ait.) Height, 100 feet + ; diametir 2 feet +. Bh TIN CVE 2M ID) = sacacccasesosncedses (Pinus rigida Miller.) Height, 50 feet+; diameter, 14 feet +. Gh, ALAM OIE TRIED) ence socnacaaeseerecess (SCRUB PINE. PRINCE'S PINE.) (Pinus divaricata (Ait.) Gord.) Height, 60 feet + ; diameter, 1 foot +. 5. SCRUB PINE (Pinus virginiana Mill.) Height, 80 feet +; diameter, 2 teet +. 6. LONGLEAF PINE (SOUTHERN PINE, YELLOW Pine. GEORGIA PINE. HaArpD PINE.) (Pinus palustris Miller.) Height, 100 feet+: diam- eter, 24 feet +. 7. SHORTLEAEF PINE......-. (BuLL PINE. YELLOW PINE. SPRUCE PINE.) (Pinus echinata Miller.) Height, 90 feet +-; diameter, 2 feet +. Northern; wide range, forming forests to Southern mountaius. Best development in region of the Great Lakes. Northern; associated mostly with White Pine. Greatest development from Michi- gan to Minnesota. Northeastern and Middle Atlantic States. Northern (in United States), form- ing forests far north. Greatest development north of Lake Superior. ~ Middle Atlantic region ....-...-..- South Atlantic and Gulf States... Middle Atlantic and Southern States; associated mostly with hardwood trees. Best development in western Lou- isiana, southern Arkansas, and eastern Texas. Best on light, sandy, fresh, deep soil, but successful on a large range of svils from dry to moist. Rapid grower; endures some shade; hardy, but little tolerant of drought. The most important conifer of the United States; good quality, however, only in centenarians. Is best mixed with deciduous trees; of rather slow, but high percentage of germination; plant one or two-year-old transplanted seedlings, or sow. Soils like those of White Pine; adapted to many soils, but best quality of timber produced in well-drained sands, Extremely hardy; vigorous and rapid grower. Should be favored in northern and northeastern planting with White Pine and deciduous trees. So far, seed very expensive and difficult to obtain. Best on fresh to moist sand, but will succeed on dry, barren, sandy, or rocky soils, and even on wet, cold, swampy ground, or seacoasts liable to floods. A rapid grower, and when young hardy and indifferent® to drought; light-needing; an early seeder; sprouts from the stump; not easily transplanted; best and easily propagated from seed; mainly for seacoast planting. Common on sandy, barren soil. Valuable only as first cover for northern pine-barrens. Rapid grower in its youth and easily handled; very hardy, enduring heat and cold well; successful on the plains. Common on poor, dry, sandy, gravelly, and clayey soils; less frequent in rich soils. Moderately rapid grower, quickly taking possession of old, worn-out fields and washed lauds. Well-drained, loose, deep sandy loam.or grayel. The slow growth of first five years (quasi-endogenous) makes its forestry problematic; development dependent on atmos- pheric moisture; least shade-enduring of pines. Rare, but plentiful seeder; germinates freely; can therefore be propagated by sowing seed in permanent place. Most valuable pine of the South, but for best quality requires long period of growth (two hundred years’). : More common on light sandy soil than on low borders of swamps. A rather slow grower; will succeed on the poorest soil. Easily reproduced; good seeder; light-needing. LIST OF ONE HUNDRED TREES MOST VALUABLE FOR TIMBER. 53 List of one hundred species of trees of the United States most valuable for timber, with notes on their range of distribution , cultural requirements, and the character and uses of their wood—Continued. Name of species and limit of size. Regions of abundant growth. Soil and climate, and characteristics of growth. 8. 10. 11. 13. 14. 15. . LOBLOLLY PINE . BRISTLE-CONE PINE CUBAN PINE (SPLASH PINE. BASTARD PINE.) (Pinus heterophylla Sudw.) (E11.) Height, 90 feet + ; diameter, 2 feet+. (OLD-FIELD PINE.) (Pinus teda Linn.) Height, 100 feet + ; diameter, 2% feet +. SPRUCE PINE (OLD-FIELD PINE OF FLORIDA. CEDAR PINE. WHITE PINE.) (Pinus glabra Walter.) Height, 80 feet +; diameter, 2 feet +. BULL PINE (YELLOW PINE. HEAVY-WOODED PINE.) (Pinus ponderosa Douglas.) Height, 200 feet+ ; diameter, 12 feet +. Pinus aristata Engelm.) s Height, 100 feet; diameter, 4 feet. SUGAR PINE...............-- (Pinus lambertiana Doug.) Height, 150 feet + ; diameter, 4 feet +. SILVER PINE (MOUNTAIN PINK. GAR PINE.) LITTLE Su- (Pinus monticola.) Height, 100 feet+ ; diameter, 4 feet+. MONTEREY PINE............--. (Pinus radiata Don.) Height, 80 feet +; diameter, 2 feet +. Swamp PINE. | | Greatest development in Virginia Southern and southeastern coast; local in swamps and near water courses. Best development in eastern Flor- ida. Southeastern and North Carolina. Southeastern States .....--...-.... Best development in Alabama and Mississippi. Rocky Mountains to the Pacific, up to high elevations; forming forests. Best developed on western slope of Sierras of northern and central California. Local-—Rocky Mountains and southeastern California; above 7,500 feet. Western Pacific slope.-----.--..--. Best development in Sierras of central and northern California above 4,000 feet; lower in Ore- gon. Northern Rocky Mountains and Western Pacific slope. Best development numerically in northern Idaho. Local—California coast, south of San Francisco. Light sandy soil; somewhat indifferent to drainage. Rapid grower,; easily reproduced ; matures seed yearly ; compet- ing with the Longleaf Pine on wet sags; light-needing. Low, moist, or dry sandy soils and abandoned fields. Adapted to a wide range of sites. Rapid grower; light-needing ; seeds persistently and plentifully. A useful concomitant of Southern forestry. Grows on better and moister soils than Pinus teda, especially on hummocks and rich bottom lands; rare; usually isolated or in groups. A rapid grower; shade-enduring. Dry rocky ridges and prairies, sometimes in swamps; but best in deep loamy sand. Vigorons, rapid grower; very hardy, except when quite young. Well adapted to dry, windy, exposed places; succeeds on West- ern prairies. The pine for reforesting southern exposures of the Western mountain regions. Dry, gravelly ridges. The White Pine for cover of high elevations in southern Rocky Mountains. Very rapid grower. Quite hardy in the East. Best Pine for reforestation in its native habitat. Similar to Sugar Pine, which it accompanies on the Pacific slope. Light, well-drained soils, and on drifting sands. Easily propagated; seed of very high percentage of germina- tion; very rapid grower. Useful for reforesting Western barrens. abundantly; crown pyramidal; about twelve species, of which five are indigenous. II. Spruces.—Next in importance to the pines, though the wood is less resinous, weaker, and not so durable. Of northern or mountain habitat, in cool situations and moist soils; endures shade, and grows mostly with rapidity and persistency. The Norway Spruce of Europe appears, so far, superior for forestry to the native species. Characteristics.—Leaves single, rigid, sharp-pointed, four-cornered, bristling mostly all around the twigs; cones oblong, hanging, with thin, persistent scales; seeds resembling those of the pines, but usually smaller, more uniform in color, and angular; mature the first year, and preserve power of germination well; mostly periodical, but seeds Spruce wood resembles soft pine, is light, soft, stiff, moderately strong, less resinous than pine; has no distinct heartwood, and is of whitish color; used like soft pine, but also employed as resonance wood, and preferred for paper pulp. Spruces, like pines, form extensive forests. more humid climate. rin ged forms of the Black Spruce (Picea mariana). They are more frugal, thrive on thinner soils, and bear more shade, but usually require a “Black” and ‘“‘white” spruce, as applied by lumbermen, usually refer to narrow and wide 5 4 ‘FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. 8S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. List of one hundred species of trees of the United States most valuable for timber, with notes on their range of distribution, cultural requirements, and the character and uses of their wood—Continued. 16. BLACK SPRUCE! 17. 18 Name of species and limit of size. Regions of abundant growth. Soil and climate, and characteristics of growth. (Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S. P.)-- Height, 80 feet; diameter, 1h feet +. . WHITE SPRUCE (Picea canadensis (Mill.) B.S. P.) Height, 100 feet; 13 feet +. . ENGELMANN SPRUCE.......-.- (WHITE SPRUCE.) diameter, (Picea engelmanni Engelm.) Height, 100 feet+ ; diameter, 3 feet +. 1), SPGIEKON SUED CI 9) Sonos saeseensne (TIDE-LAND SPRUCE.) (Picea sitchensis Carriére.) Height, 150 feet + ; diameter, 6 teet +. Mainly forests. northeastern; forming Best development north of lati- tude 50°. Mainly northeastern and extend- ing into Rocky Mountains; forming forests. Western mountain regions and northward; high elevation. Best developmentin central Rocky Mountain region, between 9,000 and 10,000 feet. Alaska and Northwestern coast; low elevations. Light, dry, stony soils; much smaller in cold, wet swamps. Rapid grower. Like Black Spruce, but probably better adapted to western planting, being hardier. Dry, gravelly slopes, 5,000 to 11,500 feet. A tree for reforestation of mountain slopes along water courses. Moist soil and climate, at least a moist subsoil, shady situ- ations. Itapid grower. Probably hardy in Northeastern and Middle States, in shaded positions. ‘Includes also the Red Spruce (Picea rubra), this being the principal timber spruce of the region. III. Firs.—Important to forestry mainly on account of their great endurance of shade. Ofnorthern and moun- tain distribution; still more dependent on moisture of climate and cool or at least evenly tempered situations than the spruces, and in their youth mostly less hardy; usually grow slowly, but persistently. Some exotics seem to be of more value than the native species (Abies nordmanniana). Characteristics.—Leaves single, flat, rather blunt, arranged somewhat comb-like on the twigs. Cones cylindrical, standing erect on the branches; scales thin, and falling away when mature; seeds triangular, partly inclesed by a more or less persistent wing; mature first year, but do not preserve their power of germination well. abundant seeders. About eighteen species, of which eight are indigenous. especially in English markets, to pine. Crown conical. Frequent and The name is frequently applied to wood and to trees which are not fir; most commonly to spruce, but also, The wood resembles spruce in color, quality, and uses, but is easily distin- guished from it, as well as from pine and larch, by the absence of resin ducts. Name of species and limit of size. Regions of abundant growth. Soil and climate, and characteristics of growth. 20 21 23 . WHITE FIR (BALSAM Fir. BLAcK BALSAM.) (Abies concolor (Gord.) Parry.) Height, 100 fect + ; diameter, 4 feet +. SUB AN SAUER en eee ene sean a (BALM OF GILEAD Fir.) (Abies balsamea Miller.) Height, 70 feet +; diameter, 1s feet +. . GREAT SILVER FIR.......--.-- (WHITE FIR.) (Abies grandis Lindl.) Height, 200 feet; diameter, 5 feet +. . NOBLE FIR (Abies nobilis Lindl.) Height, 200 feet + ; diameter, 5 feet -+. Southwestern mountains and Pa- cific slope; high elevations. Best development in Sierras of California. Northeastern States and north- ward. Northwestern coast..----.--------. Best development in western Washington and Oregon, along river bottoms. Northwestern coast; wide range; always near mountain tops and high elevations; found often in groves dispersed through exten- Sive forrests. Best development in Sierra Nevada, from Columbia River to northern California. Moist slopes and canyons, between 3,000 and 9,000 feet; cool and shady situations. Cold, damp woods and swamps. Rapid grower. Valuable only as undergrowth or as nurse, and in imperfectly drained situations. Bottom lands; rich, moist soil. Very hardy and rapid grower; affected Jess by late frosts and occasional droughts than most firs. Probably hardy east of the Rocky Mountains, with proper protection. : Requiring moist atmosphere for best development. LIST OF ONE HUNDRED TREES MOST VALUABLE FOR TIMBER. 55 List of one hundred species of trees of the United States most valuable for timber, with notes on their range of distribution, cultural requirements, and the character aud uses of their wood—Continued. Name of species and limit of size. Regions of abundant growth. Soil and climate, and characteristics of growth. 24. AMABILIS FIR (Abies amabilis (Loud.) Forbes.) Height, 100 feet + ; diameter, 4 feet +. According to others, 250 feet high and5 feet in diameter. Northwestern coast, mostly asso- ciated with the preceding species. Best development on mountains south of the Columbia River; 3,000 to 4,000 feet. Gravelly soils. Will probably prove hardy in Eastern States. IV. BasTarD SpRUCES.—Under this name may be grouped the Hemlocks and Douglas Spruce, formerly classed with the spruces and firs proper. situations; enduring considerable shade. Mostly of northern distribution, and therefore best adapted to cool, moist Some of the species grow very rapidly. Characteristics.—Leaves single, flat, linear, with distinct stalks (petioles) somewhat comb-like in their arrange- ment on the twigs. Cones usually small, with thin scales, hanging from the ends of the branches. Seeds partly inclosed in a persistent wing; resemble those of the firs, but of smaller size; mature the first year; donot keep well; Branches pendant; crown spindle-like in form. Two genera, comprising seven species, five of which are indigenous. The wood of the Douglas Spruce resembles the common ‘‘hard pine” (Red, Loblolly, etc.) in texture and erain, resembles the larch in color, and is used for all purposes for which pine is employed, the excellent dimensions low percentage of germination. naturally leading to its preferen ce for many purposes. The wood of the Eastern Hemlock is used chiefly for dimension stuff, also for boards, and recently for pulp; but it has been well demonstrated that the wood is well suited even for finishing lumber, and that the prevailing prejudice against it is as unwarranted in the case of the Eastern as in that of the Western Hemlock. appearance of the wood in oil finish is very satisfactory. The Name of species and limit of size. Regions of abundant growth. Soil and climate, and characteristics of growth. 25, DOUGLAS SPRUCE (Rep Fir., YELLOW Fir. ORE- GON PINE.) (Pseudotsuga taxifolia (Poir.) Britt.) Height, 300 feet +; diame- ter, 10 feet +. 26) HEMLOCK ~~... -.--- (Tsuga canadensis (Linn.) Carr.) Height, 80 feet +; diame- ter, 3 feet +. 27. WESTERN HEMLOCK (Tsuga mertensiana (Bong.) Carr.) Height, 180 feet +; diame- ter, 6 feet +. Rocky Mountain region to Pacific; wide range; forming forests. Best development in Western Ore- gon and Washington. Northern and Eastern States, form- ing forests. Best development probably in Canada. | Northwestern States, between 1,000 and 4,000 feet. Best development in western Ore- gon and Washington. Accommodates itself to many soils, but prefers a deep and moist cool and well-drained one; succeeds well on a dry, slaty soil, aud on sand dunes and exposed situations. Surpasses almost all of the conifers in the rapidity of its growth, and endures drought better than most of them; shade-endwr- img. One of the largest and most important forest trees of the West. For Eastern planting seed should be procured trom Colorado or Montana. Repairs damage very readily. Light, alluvial loam, well-drained, but cool and moist situa- tions. Grows slowly when young, but tolerably rapidly after four or five years; endures shade. Excellent nurse tree for White Pine, with which it is usually associated. A substitute for the above species on the Pacific coast. | An exceedingly rapid grower, even on poor soils. Very shade-enduring, forming large part of the undergrowth in its habitat. VY. Drecrpuous Contrers.—Thongh botanically not classed together, yet in forestry they may be considered allied, as the yearly fall of leaves improves the soil, while the absence of foliage during the winter and early spring distinguishes them from the evergreens, and their extreme need of light requires similar forest management. The Larches are of Northern or mountain habitat and the Bald Cypress of local southern distribution; but are all adapted to various situations. thin scales. abundantly. The European Larch probably surpasses the Northeastern Tamarack in every respect. Characteristics.—Larches: Leaves in clusters, slender, and soft. Seeds small, triangular, nut-like in shape; mature the first year. Seeds keep well, but are of low percentage of germination. Cones small, egg-shaped, or elongated, with Produces seed frequently and Bald Cypress: Leaves single, sharp-pointed, very small and scanty, comb-like in the arrangement on the young twigs. Cones ball-like, with thick, woody scales, falling apart when mature. Seeds irregularly triangular-shaped, with hard, thick, wood-like shell; mature yearly abundantly, and keep well. 56 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. List of one hundred species of trees of the United States most valuable for timber, with notes on their range of distribution, cultural requirements, and the character and use of their wood—Continued. Name of species and limit of size. Regions of abundant growth. Soil and climate, and characteristics of growth. 6 23. BALD CYPRESS...........) South Atlantic and Gulf States, | Indifferent to imperfect drainage and flooding, but capable of forming forests in swamps and rapid growth on well-drained, moist, sandy soils, and hardy (Laxodium distichwm Rich.) pine-barren ponds. as far north as latitude 39° and 40°, and even on Western prairies. Positively light-needing. To be recommended for Height, 150 feet; diameter, extensive planting im favorable situations, where even, supe- 8 feet. rior lumber may be expected. 29) UTVAUVCANIVA OUKG. 22 = atees = ante sae Northeastern (in United States)---| North of United States boundary, found on moist uplands; south in United States, in cold, wet swamps; but probably of (BLACK LARCH. HacKMATACK.) | Best development probably north more value when grown on deep, moist, well-drained soils, in of the United States boundary. cool situations. (Laria laricina (Du Roi) Koch.) Rapid and persistent grower; light-needing. Deserves attention Height, 80 feet; diameter, in Northern forestry, but only in mixed growths. 1 foot +. 30. WESTERN LARCHI........ Northwestern; elevations between | An important tree as a Western representative of the foregoing 2,500 and 5,000 feet. species, occupying dry slopes in dry climate. (TAMARACK,) Best development in valley of Flat- (Laria occidentalis Nutt.) head River, Montana. Height, 100 feet +; diame- ter, 4 feet +. VI. Cypress Famity.—Under this head may well be grouped the junipers and so-called cedars, to which can be added the California redwoods. Characterized mostly by the shingle-like arrangement of their small, scaly leaves, the small, roundish fruit (a cone, or berry-like), and by the usually upright habit of the branches and scanty fall of leaves. Their great endurance of shade makes them valuable adjuncts to forestry; otherwise of only secondary impor- tance. Of the many species contained in seven genera, but fourteen are found in the United States. Wood light, soft, stiff, not strong, of fine texture; sap and heartwood distinct, the former lighter, the latter a dull, grayish brown, or red. The wood seasons rapidly, shrinks and cheeks but little, and is very durable. Used like soft pine, but owing to its great durability preferred for shingles, ete. Small sizes used for posts, ties, etc. Cedars usually occur scattered, but they form in certain localities forests of considerable extent. 2 Name of species and limit of size. Regions of abundant growth. Soil and climate, and characteristics of growth. 31. RED JUNIPER...........--- | Eastern United States. Prefers a mild climate; deep swamps, borders of streams, ridges, hills; will thrive on a rather dry, loose soil. Easily (SAVIN.) propagated from seed and cuttings. Perhaps the most im- Best development in valley of Red portant conifer for Southwestern praiie planting, enduring (Juniperus virginiana Linn.) River, Texas. drought and partial shade. Tolerably rapid grower. Height, 50 feet + ; diameter, 14 feet +. 32. WHITE CEDAR Atlantic and Gulf States to cen- | Always in low, marshy, or wet ground, where it thrives well tral Mississippi. and grows rapidly. Endures moist, upland soils, but with (Chamecyparis thyoides (Linn.), slow growth. Very shade-enduring; easy to propagate from B.S. P.) Most abundant and best developed seed or cuttings. Height, 70 feet + ; diameter, in Virginia and North Carolina. 14 feet. +. 33. PORT ORFORD CEDAR....--.--- | Smallrange; in Oregon along west- | Commonly in low, moist, rich soil. Apparently hardy in the ern coast from Coos Bay, Oregon, Northeastern States and succeeds on deep, rich, upland soils (Chamcecyparis lawsoniana to Crescent City, Cal. and maintains itself in clay loam. (Maurr.) Parl.) Height, 150 feet + ; diameter, 8 feet +. 34. VWELLOW CEDAR .........| Northwest coast region, from Mt..| Like Arbor Vitex. Jetterson northward. Most com- (Chamecyparis nootkatensis | mon on the seacoast north of (Lamb.) Spach.) United States boundary. Height, 150 feet + ; diameter, | 5 feet +. Shs UPTO VWAUUL oom sp Rosoaesseer Northeastern States and north- | Will grow well in any soil not too stiff; often forming dense, ward. pure growths in wet, boggy swamps. Rapid grower; easily (WHITE CEDAR.) propagated; desirable for undergrowth and to fill out places where other trees fail to come. (Thuja occidentalis Linn.) Height, 50 feet +; diameter, 1} feet. o | 36. GIANT ARBOR VIT@ ..---...-.. | Northwestern coastand from Hum- | Like the above species, on Pacific coast. | boldt, Cal., to British Columbia. | Best development north of Seattle. (RED CEDAR. YELLOW CEDAR.) (Thuja plicata Don.) Height, 150 feet + ; diameter, 9 teet +. LIST OF ONE HUNDRED TREES MOST VALUABLE FOR TIMBER. 57 List of one hundred species of trees of the United States most valuable for timber, with notes on their range of distribution, cultural requirements, and the character and use of their wood—Continued. Name of species anid limit of size. Regions of abundant growth. Soil and climate, and characteristics of growth. . INCENSE CEDAR (BASTARD CEDAR. Post CEDAR. | In interior valley between Coast Range and Sierra from middle Oregon to California (between | Slopes and valleys, in well-drained and dry soils. Rapid grower: of excellent :ppearance. In the East probably adapted only to Southern States; succeeds excellently at Washington, D.C. INCENSE CEDAR.) 3,000 and 8,500). (Libocedrus decurrens Torr.) Height, 100 feet + ; diameter, 6 feet +. 38. REDWOOD California coast from Oregon L “ Low, moist, well-drained situations and damp climate; not on southward; forest-forming. dry hillsides. (Sequoia sempervirens Endl.) | Vigorous and persistent grower; shade-enduring; sprouts from the stump. Highly important for California forestry; per- haps also for that of Southern States. Height, 300 feet + ; diameter, 20 feet +. SY), JBIKCRIO ON enema oncocSoeeaGoeneoo California; very localandisolated. | Moist situations, between 4,000 and 6,000 feet. (Sequoia washingtoniana | Probably only of historical interest. (Winsl.) Sudw.) Height, 350 feet +; diameter, \ 35 feet +. B. BROAD-LEAFED TREES. (With few exceptions these trees are deciduous.) Neither a strictly botanical nor a strictly practical classifi- cation in large groups has been attempted, but a sequence within botanical relations, and an arrangement according to the nature of the seed has been more or less observed, placing first the acorn and nut-bearing trees, next those with hard, wingless seeds, and lastly, those with soft and winged seeds. Tue OaKks.—Wood very variable, usually very heavy and hard, very strong and tough, porous. and of coarse texture; the sapwood whitish, the heart ‘‘oak” brown to reddish brown. It shrinks and checks badly, giving trouble in seasoning, but stands well, is durable, and little subject to attacks of insects. Oak is used for many purposes: In shipbuilding, for heavy construction, in common carpentry, in furniture, car, and wagon work, cooperage, turnery, and even in wood carving; also in the manufacture of all kinds of farm implements, wooden mill machinery, for piles and wharves, railway ties, etc. ‘The oaks are medium to large-sized trees, forming the predominant part of a large portion of our broad-leafed forests, so that these are generally “oak forests,” though they always contain a considerable proportion of other kinds of trees. Three well-marked kinds—white, red, and live oak—are dis- tinguished and kept separate in the market. Of the two principal kinds white oak is the stronger, tougher, less porous, and more durable. Red oak is usually of coarser texture, more porous, often brittle, less durable, and even more troublesome in seasoning than white oak. In carpentry and furniture work, red oak brings about the same price at present as white oak. The red oaks everywhere accompany the white oaks, and, like the latter, are usually represented by several species in any given locality. Live oak, once largely employed in shipbuilding, possesses all the good qualities (except that of size) of white oak, even to a greater degree. It isone of the heaviest, hardest, and most durable building timbers of this country; in structure it resembles the red oaks, but is much less porous. Name of species and limit of size. Regions of abundant growth. Soil and climate, and characteristics of growth. 40. WHITE OAK (Quercus alba Linn.) Height, 100 feet + ; diameter, 3 feet +. 41. COW OAK (Swame CHESTNUT OAK, BASKET OAK.) (Quercus michauxti Nutt.) Height, 100 feet + ; diameter, 3 feet +. 42. CHINQUAPIN OAK (Quercus acuminata (Michx.) ouba.) Height, 80 feet +; diameter, 3 feet +. 43. LIVE OAK (Quercus virginiana Miller.) Height, 80 feet +; diameter, 3 feet +. North Central, Central and East- ern States. Best development ‘on western slopes of Allegheny Mountains and valley of Ohio River. Southeastern Best development on the rich bot- tom lands of southeastern Ar- kansas and Louisiana. Central and Middle Atlantic re- gion. Largest growth in lower Ohio Val- ley- Southern States Greatest development in southern Atlantic States. Grows well ona great variety of soils, but best on deep, mod- erately moist, well-drained, loamy sand, and in warm situa- tions. Slow but persistent grower; light-needing; capable of enduring shade, but not with advantage. Most valuable of the American oaks. -| Moist, rich soil; will endure flooding. The most valuable of the White Oaks for the Gulf States. Best in deep, rich, moist, well-drained bottom lands, but grows well and is not uncommon on dry, fertile, limestone soils; it also succeeds on clayey and sandy soils of uplands. -| Warm, loamy soil, retentive of moisture, and free from over flow. One of the most rapid growers of all the oaks; most shade- enduring; evergreen foliage. Especially desirable for South- ern forestry. 58 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. List of one hundred species of trees of the United States most valuable for timber, with notes on their range of distribution, cultural requirements, and the character and uses of their wood—Continued. Name of species and limit of size. Regions of abundant growth. Soil and climate, and characteristics of growth. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. OANON LIVE OAK...--.-------- (MAUL OAK. VALPARAISO OAK.) (Quercus chrysolepis Liebm.) Height, 80 feet +; diameter, 5 feet +. TAN-BARK OAK (PEACH OAK.) (Quercus densiflora Hook. & Arnott.) Height, 60 feet-++ ; diameter, 2 teet+. CHESTNUT OAK .-...-._-...---. (Rock CHESTNUT OAK.) (Quercus prinus Linn.) Height, 80 feet +; diameter, | 3 feet +. BUR OAK (Mossy-cup OAK. OVERCUP OAK.) (Quercus macrocarpa Michx.) Height, 100 feet+ ; diameter, 3} feet+. POST OAK .........-.--.-.---: (TRON OAK.) (Quercus minor (Marsh.) Sarg.) Height, 80 feet +; diameter, 24 feet +. @OWASIRCWIP OAK case nsesas Sass (Quercus lyrata Walt.) Height, 80 feet + ; diameter, 2 feet +. SWAMP WHITE OAK (Quercus platanoides (Lam.) Sudw.) Height, 90 feet +; diameter, 2 feet +. RED OAK ...........-..--.---. (Quercus rubra Linn.) Height, 100feet +; diameter, 34 feet +. BLACK OAK (YELLOW-BARK OAK. YELLOW OAK. QUERCITRON OAK.) (Quercus velutina Lam.) Height, 80 feet +; diameter, 3 feet +. SPANISH OAK) 2..--.2-222-2---- (RED OAK.) (Quercus (Marsh.) Sudw.) digitata Height, 80 feet+; diameter, 3 feet +. WATER OAK (Duck OAK. PossuM OAK. SPowreD OAK.) (Quercus nigra Linn.) Height, 75 feet +; diameter, 3 feet +. Pacific States, 3,000 to 8,000 feet elevation. Pacific coast. --.-...-..-...--...--- Best development in redwood belt on California coast. Northeastern Best development in southern Al- legheny Mountains. Mainly Northeastern United States; extends farthest west and northwest of any of the Eastern oaks. East of the Rocky Mountains Southeastern United States Best developed in Arkansas and adjacent Texas. Northeastern United States Best development in region south of the Great Lakes. East of Rocky Mountains Most northerly of Atlantic oaks... Best development in Massachu- setts. East of longitude 96°, United States. Best development in North At- lantic States. Central, Southeastern, and South- ern States. Best development in South At- lantic and Gult States. Central, Southern, and Southeast ern States. Greatest development in eastern Gulf region. Warm, dry, sunny exposures. Foliage evergreen. Well drained, rich soils. Shade-enduring. Foliage evergreen. For planting on rocky banks and hillsides; never in any but well-drained situations. Requires better soil than White Oak—deep, rich loam; more shade-enduring. A Western substitute for White Oak, and especially recom- mended for prairie planting. well-drained gravelly uplands, clay barrens, and poor sandy oams. Recommended for Western planting. Chiefly in wet or submerged swamps, but grows well in well- drained bottom lands and on rich, gravelly, or sandy loam uplands. In deep moist or inundated swamps and low banks of water courses. Succeeds in all loose, rich, fairly moist upland soils. Thrives in all soils, except an undrained one, The most rapid in growth of all the oaks. Sprouts vigorously trom stump; of importance for tan-bark coppices.” Gravelly uplands; poorer soils than White Oak requires. Next to the Red Oak in rapidity of growth. Dry, barren soils; rapid grower. Heavy undrained soil; exceedingly rapid grower. A useful concomitant in Southern planting. LIST OF ONE HUNDRED TREES MOST VALUABLE FOR TIMBER. yg) List of one hundred species of trees of the United States most valuable for timber, with notes on their range of distribution, ‘ cultural requirements, and the character and uses of their wood—Continued. Name of species and limit of size. Regions of abundant growth. Soil and climate, and characteristics of growth (Fagus atyopunicea (Marsh.) Sucw.) Height, 100 feet + ; diameter, 3 feet +. 56. CHESTNUT...........---.-------- (Oastanea dentata (Marsh.) Borkh.) Height, 90 feet +; diameter, 14 feet +. 67. BLACK WALNUT... .....-. (Juglans nigra Linn.) Height, 100 feet + ; diameter, 4 feet +. DB re OIUIE Fe NO Metatatata alatatetaineetl=tstetsia p08 (WHITE WALNUT.) (Juglans cinerea Linn.) Height, 80 feet +; diameter, 2 feet +. East of Mississippi and Missouri rivers. Best development probably on “bluff” formations of Lower Mississippi basin. Northeastern and Middle Atlantic States. Best development on western slopes of Allegheny Mountains. Northeastern, Central, and South- eastern States. Best development on southern slopes of Allegheny Mountains and in bottom lands of south- western Arkansas and Indian ‘Territory. Northeastern States -...........-.. Best development in basin of Ohio River. , Fresh, rich, but not necessarily a deep soil; limestone soils. For rocky, exposed situations. Rapid grower and enduring shade exceedingly well, a fact which renders it one of the most valuable aids in forestry. Well drained gravelly soils; succeeds on rocky hillsides with soil of sufficient looseress and depth; on northern and eastern exposures; will thrive on rather poor sand; slow and uncer- tain in stiff, clayey soil; on limestone only when well fissured. Exceedingly rapid grower; moderately shade-enduring; sprouts most vigorously and persistently from the stump; large yield per acre. Deep, loose, fresh to moist, warm, and sandy loam; will grow in a dry and compact soil, but not in a wet one. Hardy and rapid grower, especially in height; only centena- rians produce first-class quality of lumber, but useful timber may be produced in 40 to 60 years. Sprouts freely from the stump: Not recommended for arid or subarid regions nor for uplands. Prefers a deep, rich, cool loam; suited to cooler sites and colder climate than the foregoing species. Rapid grower when young. THE HICKORIES, AND OTHER HARD-SEEDED VARIETIES.—The Hickories.—Wood very heavy, hard, and strong, tough, of rather coarse texture, smooth, and of straight grain. brown. The broad sapwood white, the heart reddish nut It dries slowly, shrinks and checks considerably; is not durable in the ground, or if exposed, and, especially the sapwood, is always subject to the inroads of boring insects. Hickory excels as carriage and wagon stock, but is also extensively used in the manufacture of implements and machinery, for tool handles, timber pins, for harness work, and cooperage. The hickories are tall trees with slender stems, never form forests, occasionally small groves, but usually occur scattered among other broad-leafed trees in suitable localities. ute more or less to the hickory of the markets: The following species all contrib- . Name of species and limit of size. Regions of abundant growth. Soil and climate, and characteristics of growth. 59. SHAGBARK HICKORY. (SHELLBARK HICKORY.) (Hicoria ovata (Mill.) Britt.) Height, 100 feet + ; diameter, 2 feet +. (Hf), BME WD oc caaasoomacecinesseo (PianuT. Swamp HIckory., (Hicoria minima (Marsh.) Britt.) Height, 80 feet +; diameter, 2 feet +. 61. MOCKERNUT (BuLtnuT. Kinenut. BLack Hickory. Briespup Hickory. WHITEHEART HICKORY.) (Hicoria alba (Linn.) Britt.) Height, 90 feet +; diameter, 3 feet+. 62. SHELLBARK HICKORY ........ (Borrom SHELLBARK.) (Hicoria laciniosa (Michx. f.) Sarg.) Height, 70 feet + ; diameter, 3 feet +. Eastern United States; wide range. Best development west of the A lle- gheny Mountains. Eastern United States; widerange. Eastern United States; wide range- Most abundant and generally dis- tributed in the Southern States. Central United States; local Deep, fresh soil; a compact soil not objectionable; not on poor, dry, or wet soils. | At first slow, but afterwards rapid grower; sprouts well from the stump. Moderately shade enduring. Somewhat liable to injury by frost. To replace Shagbark Hickory on low, moist, or wet ground. Sprouts well from the stump. Less liable to frost than Shagbark Hickory, but more subject to the ravages of insects. To replace Shagbark Hickory on poorer and drier soils; will succeed even on barrens. Sprouts well from the stump, but slow grower; liable toattacks of insects. Rich, deep soil; especially adapted to well-drained bottom lands, but succeeds with slower growth on drier uplands. Climatically confined. v 60 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. 8S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. List of one hundred species of trees of the United States most valuable for timber, with notes on their range of distribution, cultural requirements, and the character and uses of their wood—Continued. Name of species and limit of size. 63. PECAN ... (ILuinois Nut.) (Hicoria pecan (Marsh.) Britt.) ! Height, 75 feet +4 2 feet +-. ; diameter, 64. BLACK CHERRY (Rum CHERRY.) (Prunus serotina Whrhart.) Height, 90 feet + ; diameter, 2 teet -++. 65. SWEET GUM RED GUM. BILSTED.) (LIQUIDAMBER. STAR-LEAVED GUM- (Liquidambar styraciflua Linn.) Height, 100 feet + ; diameter, 3 fect +. (Hi, IOLOIOISHY .2 ee ssc concn accsesmesosos (Locust. YELLOW Locust.) (Robinia pseudacacia Linn.) Height, 80 teet +; diameter, 1h feet +. 67. HONEY LOCUST (Sweet Locust. HONEY SHUCKS. THREE-THORNED ACACIA. BuLAck Locwusr.) (Gledilsia triacanthos Linn.) Height, 90 feet +-; diameter, 2 feet +. 68. HACKBERRY.......------------- (NETTLE-TREE.) (Celtis occidentalis Linn.) Height, 80 feet +; diameter, 3 feet +. 69. RED MULBERRY.....--.---.--. (Morus rubra Linn.) Height, 60 feet + ; diameter, 2 feet +. 70. MAGNOLIA (SOUTHERN EVERGREEN. LAUREL. Buu Bay.) (Magnolia fetida (Linn) Sarg.) Height, 70 feet +; diameter, 2 feet. 71. CUCUMBER TREE...----.-...--. (Magnolia acuminata Linn.) Height, 90 feet +; diameter, 3 feet +. 72. TULEIP-TREE (WHITE Woop.) YELLOW Pop- LAR.) (Liriodendron tulipifera Linn.) Height, 120 feet +; diameter, 4 feet +. Legions of abundant growth. Soil and climate, and characteristics of growth. Southwestern, but widely culti- vated in Southern States. Best development in Arkansas and Indian Territory. Eastern United States; range. wide Sontheastern States. .-------------- Greatest development in basin of Mississippi River. Southern Allegheny region Allegheny Mountains; local; but by cultivation widely distributed east of Rocky Mountains. CentraliStates) 22 =---e22==-r =e a= Best development in bottom land of lower Ohio River basin. Wide- ly cultivated for hedges and or- nament. Northern and mainly east of the Rocky Mountains. Best development in basin of Ohio River. East of longitude 98° Best development in basins of lower Ohio and Mississippi rivers. Southern and Gulf States..-..-.-.- Best development along Missis- sippi in Gulf region. Mainly Middle Atlantic region. Best development in the southern Allegheny Mountain region. Hastern States.-----..----.-.-..... Greatest development in valley of lower Wabash River, and on western slope of Allegheny Mountains in Tennessee, North Carolina, and the Virginias. Deep, rich bottom land, but succeeds fairly on upland soils of moderate richness. Rapid grower; for Southwestern planting. More valuable perhaps for production of fruit than for timber purposes. Adapted to almost any soil and sitnation; best in deep, well- drained soil; will succeed also on dry soil. Very rapid grower, very soon reaching a useful size for cabinet wood. Endures considerable shade when young. The wide range of sites to which it is adapted, its rapid growth and endurance of shade place it among the most valuable forest trees of the United States, especially for Western planting. Not infected by caterpillars in forest plantations. Succeeds on a great variety of soils; a tree of the swamp as well as of dry soils; best on light, dry, sandy, and soils re- tentive of moisture. Rapid grower. Insect proof and generally healthy. Poor, loose sands give best quality of timber; not succeeding well in compact soils, bit will thrive on athin one, and grows quickest on a rich, sandy loam. Very rapid grower while young; needs light very much; sprouts persistently and vigorousty from theroots. To be only sparingly dispersed among shady companions, which will afford protection against the attacks of borers. Easily propagated from seed, also by cuttings, suckers, and stakes. Wor short rotations and coppice management. Low, rich bottom land; rarely on high, dry, sterile hills; but often common on rich uplands, where it grows rapidly. Very rapid grower; needs light. Easily grown from seed, but not from cuttings. Less liable to insect ravages; otherwise to be treated like Black Locust, which it is recommended to replace in Southern localities. Will grow tolerably well on the most barren and poorest soils, but best in a fertile one, cool and moist, where it is of rapid growth. In Western planting recommended only as an adjunct. Peon. rch loam, but grows well on yoorer dry soil; endures shade. For Southwestern planting. Cool, moist hammocks, with rich, deep, loose soil. Not hardy in Northern States; for strictly Southern climate. In cool, moist, deep, rich soils of mountain slopes, valleys. and “coves.” Succeeds also in fresh sandy or gravelly soils of moderate richness. Deep, light, loamy, sandy, or clayey soils, in cool, moist situa- tions. Tolerably rapid and persistent grower. Needs light very much; hardy. Poor seeder, and low percentage of germination; seed to ‘‘lie over.’’ Sprouts fairly from stump. One of the largest and most valuable of the deciduous soft woods. LIST OF ONE HUNDRED TREES MOST VALUABLE FOR TIMBER. 61 List of one hundred species of trees of the United States most valuable for timber, with notes on their range of distribution. cultural requirements, and the character and uses of their wood—Continued. Name of species and limit of size. Regions of abundant growth. Soil and climate, and characteristics of growth. 73 74. COMMON CATALPA...- . HARDY CATALPA....-.--...--. (Catalpa speciosa Warder.) Height, 80 feet + ; diameter, 3 feet +. (Catalpa catalpa (Tinn.) Karst.) Height, 40 teet +; diameter, 14 feet -F. South Central States; rare, but widely cultivated for ornament. Best development in valley of lower Wabash River. Gulf States, but widely cultivated for ornament. Adapted toa great variety of soils; best on Jow, rich bottom lands. Very rapid grower; sprouts vigorously from the stump; shade enduring. Good seeder and keeper. Readily propagated from seed, cuttings, and layers. Desirable treefor Western planting. Foliage subject to ravages of insects. Like the preceding, to be used in Southwestern planting, to which it is best adapted. in contact with soil, straight grained, rough on the split surface, and coarse in texture. ately, seasons with little injury, “stands” well, and takes a good polish. Tus AsuEs, MAPLES, ELMS, ETC.—The wood of the ashes is heavy, hard, strong, stiff, quite tough, not durable The wood shrinks moder- In carpentry ash is used for finishing lumber, stairways, panels, etc.; it is used in shipbuilding, in the construction of cars, wagons, carriages, etc., in the manu- facture of farm implements, machinery, and especially of furniture of all kinds,and also for harness work; for barrels, baskets, oars, tool handles, hoops, clothespins, and toys. The trees of the several species of ash are rapid growers, of small to medium height, with stont trunks; they form no forests, but occur scattered in almost all our broad-leaved fcrests. Regions of abundant growth. Soil and climate, and characteristics of growth. Name of species and limit of size. 75. WHEETE ASH.........--..--- (Praxinus anericana Linn.) Height, 100 feet + ; diameter, 3 feet +. 76. BLACK ASEE..........---.... | (Hoop AsH. GROUND ASH.) | (Fraxinus nigra Marsh.) Height, 90 feet +; diameter, 24 feet +. | Tila (CHEN DVOINS INSEE Soe o see seosppssccoss5 | (Fraxinus lanceolata Borkh.) | Height, 50 feet +; diameter, | 14 feet +. | Thy BAOOD) JASE {os s5ecsorosseacss5es (Fraxinus quadrangulata Michx.). Height, 70 feet +; diameter, | 2 feet +. | 79. OREGON ASH.....---...--....-.- | (Fraxinus oregona Nutt.) Height, 60 feet +; diameter, | 14 feet 4-. 80. SUGAR WAPLE...........--. | (HARD MAPLE. SUGAR-TREE.) | (Acer saccharwm Marsh.) Height, 100 feet + ; diameter, 3 feet +. 81. SILVER MAPLE................. (WHITE Mapie. Sorr MapLe.) (Acer saccharinum Linn.) Height, 90 feet +; diameter, 3 feet +. e Eastern; wide range .----.---.-.-- Depth. looseness, and moisture of soil of most importance. Best development in lower Obio | basin. Northern and Northeastern States - The most northerly of the ashes. Western States east of Rocky Mountains and South; most com- mon and best developed in the Mississippi Valley. Central States Bestdevelopment in basin of lower | Wabash River. Northwestern coust region ---..--. Best development in bottom lands ot southwestern Oregon. Eastern United States and north- ward. Best development in region of the Great Lakes. Eastern United States Best development in basin of lower Ohio River. Best in moist atmosphere of northern and eastern exposures. Will succeed in wet and compact soilif well drained, but maintains itself with slow growth in a light and dry one. ; light needing, thinning out rapidly, and therefore ly, slower-growing companions. Sprouts vigor- stently from the stump. Often a poor seeder; y kept, tending to ‘‘lie over.” Liable 10 attacks of borer and to frost when young. Rapid grower Soils like those for F. americana, but indifferent to drainage, and more dependent on moisture; therefore well adapted to un- drained situations in cool climate; otherwise hike americana. Less dependent on humidity of soil than the White Asb, but prefers a deep, cool, moist soil, and will succeed even on inun- dated lands. Rapid but not persistent grower. Seed germinates readily. | The ash for Western planting. Less dependent on moisture than other ashes; prefers a rich, deep, moist soil, and grows well on dry limestone soils. Recommended for Western planting. | Moist soils and climate. Best on moderately deep, loose, well-drained, strong, loamy, and caleareous soil, in moist, cool position; will grow also on stiff clay, if not too wet, and on stony hillsides, if not too dry. Tolerably rapid and persistent grower; moderately shade endur- ing; does not sprout well from the stump. Not well adapted to dry regions. Adapted to a variety of soils and climates, but best on rich, moist soil. Very rapid but not persistent grower; light needing; sprouts vigorous!y from the stump; liable to injury from winds; com- paratively free from insects. Especially recommended as a nurse in Western planting. 6 5) a FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. List of one hundred species of trees of the United States most valuable for timber, with notes on ther range of distribution, cultural requirements, and the character and uses of their wood—Continued. Name of species and limit of size. Regions of abundant growth. Soil and climate, and characteristics of growth. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 89. 90. 91. 92. . SLIPPERY ELM RED MAPLE..........-.--------- (Sorr Mapie, WATER MAPLE. Swamp MAPLE.) (Acer rubrum Linn.) Height, 90 feet +; diameter, 3 feet +. OREGON MAPLE.......--..----- (CALIFORNIA MAPLE. BROAD- LEAFED MAPLE.) (Acer macrophyllum Pursh.) Height, 90 feet +; diameter, 4 feet +. TH OD.€ JHITDIO 20 co 35020200000 (ASH-LEAVED MAPLE.) (Acer negundo Linn.) Height, 50 feet + ; diameter, 2 feet +. WHITE ELMWIL.......-..-..-.-- (AmERIcAN ELM. WATER ELM.) (Ulmus americana Linn.) Height, 100 feet +; diameter, 3k. CORK ELMI.........--.--.---. (Hickory ELM. WHuiItE ELM. Curr ELM.) (Ulmus racemosa Thomas.) Height, 90 feet + ; diameter, 2 feet +. 4 WING ELM............-...------- (Ulmus alata Michx.) - Height, 80 feet +; diameter, 2 feet +. (RED ELM. Moose EuM.) - (Ulmus pubescens Thomas.) Height, 60 feet +; diameter, 2 feet +. YELLOW BIRCH (GRAY BIRcB.) (Betula lutea Michx. f.) Height, 80 feet + ; diameter, 3 feet +. SWEET BIRCH (CHERRY BIRCH. BIRCH.) (Betula lenta Linn.) Height, 60 feet + ; diameter, 3 feet +. RIVER BIRCH MAHOGANY (Betula nigra Linn.) Height, 80 feet + ; diameter, 3 feet. OANOE BIRCH. ....---------.-0- (WHITE BircH. PAPER BIRCH.) (Betula papyrifera Marshall.) Height, 60 feet +; diameter, 2 feet +, Eastern United States and north- ward; wide range. Greatest development in valleys of lower Wabash and Yazoo rivers. Pacific slope.------..-------------- Best development on rich bottom lands of southern Oregon. East of Rocky Mountains, rather Southern and Western. Best development in valleys of Wabash and Cumberland rivers. East of the Rocky Mountains-.... Probably attains its best develop- . ments near its northern limits. Northeastern United States Best development in southern On- tario and Michigan. Southeastern United States........ Best development west of the Mississippi River. Northern Atlantic and Gulf States - Best development in Western States. Northeastern United States and northward. Best development north of the Great Lakes. 5 Same range as Yellow Birch......-. Eastern States..-.-...-.---.------. Best development in the South Atlantic and Lower Mississippi Valley regions. Northwestern, Northern, and Northeastern in United States. Reaches a higher latitude than any other American deciduous tree. Best on low, wet soils, but will thrive in moderately dry situations. Rapid, but moderately persistent grower; endures more shade than A. saccharinum L.; sprouts vigorously from the stump. Usefulness in dry climates questionable. Rich bottom lands. Rapid grower in moist climate. Important on the Pacific slope. Best on low, rich ground, but will succeed on upland. Rapid but not persistent grower; sprouts well from the stump; hardy. Hasily propagated. For forestry purposes, imported only as nurse and soil cover, especially in Western planting. Adapted to a great variety of soils, but best on a rich, loose, moist one; requires less moisture than the ashes; bears occasional flooding. Hapid-and persistent grower; sprouts well; endures moderate shade. Important in forestry mainly as a nurse and for soil cover. Recommended for Western planting. Rich, moist, heavy, loamy soils. Probably to take the place of the White Elm in forestry. Most commonly on dry, gravelly uplands, but frequently in moist bottoms and along water courses. Very adaptive, and Ho be used in Southwestern planting in place of the White m. Rich, moist, well-drained soil; much like that of the White Elm, but will bear drier and more elevated situations. Rapid but not persistent grower. Easily propagated. Cool, moist atmosphere preferable. Capable of thriving on poor, but best on a moderately deep, loose, moist sand; hardy and very adaptive as to soils. Rapid and tolerably persistent grower; sprouting qualities vreatly dependent on site. Vigorously in moist soils. Light needing. Easily propagated. Same as above species, but apparently not as rapid nor as per sistent a grower. Almost exclusively on moist or inundated bottoms, along streams, and near ponds. Succeeds very well on moist, rich, porvus, upland soils. Important as a substitute for Northern birches in Southwestern planting. Mostly on sandy soils in northern climates. Not on clay lands where the Yellow Birch thrives. LIST OF ONE HUNDRED TREES MOST VALUABLE FOR TIMBER. 63 List of one hundred species of trees of the United States most valuable for timber, with notes on their range of distribution, cultural requirements, and the character and. uses of their wood—Continued. Name of species and limit of size. Regions of abundant growth. Soil and climate, and characteristics of growth. 938. WHITE BIRCH......------.----- (OLD-FIELD BIRCH. GRAY BIRCH.) (Betula populifolia Marsh.) Height 30 feet + ; diameter, 1 foot +. 94. BASSWOOD (AMERICAN LINDEN. BEE-TREE. LIME-TREE.) (Tilia americana Linn.) Height, 100 feet + ; diameter, 3 feet+. 95. WHITE BASSWOOD (Lilia heterophylla Vent.) Height, 60 feet + ; diameter, 3 feet+. 96. SYCAMORE (BUTTONWOOD. BUTTONBALL- TREE. WATER BEECH.) (Platanus occidentalis Linn.) Height, 120 feet + ; diameter, 6 feet +. 97. COTTONWOOD....-.....-...----- (CAROLINA PopPLAR. Bia Cor- TONWOOD. NECKLACE POP- LAR.) (Populus deltoides Marsh.) Height, 100 feet + ; diameter, 4 feet +. 98. LARGE-TOOTH ASPEN......-.. (WHITE POPLAR.) (Populus grandidentata Michx.) Height, 60 feet +; diameter, 2 feet +. 99. BALM OF GILEAD.........-.-- (BALSAM POPLAR. TACAMAHAC.) (Populus balsamifera Linn.) Height, 70 feet + ; diameter, 3 feet +. 10M), AUSZIONN. ooecSsbsasondocenoecedesss (AMERICAN ASPEN.) ~ (Populus tremuloides Michx.) Height, 50 feet -+ ; diameter, 14 feet +. Northeastern coast region...-..---. East of the Mississippi and Mis- souri rivers; wide range. Greatest development in valley of Lower Wabash River. Middle and South Atlantic re- gion. : Best development in southern Al- leghenies. East of the Mississippi and Mis- souri rivers. Best development in bottom lands of the Ohio and Mississippi rivers. East of the Rocky Mountains Northern and Northeastern States - Northern United States Northern and Southwestern (in United States) ; in Pacific re- gion, from 6,000 to 19,000 feet ele- vation. Adapted to drier and poorer soils than other birches. Short-lived; rapid grower; sprouts readily from the stump. Probably least important of the birches. Deep, moderately loose, and somewhat moist soil; can endure a wet soil, but will not thrive on a dry one. Rapid and persistent grower; sprouts vigorously from the stump; endures moderate shade. Not very hardy, but in cool situations a desirable adjunct in forestry. Deep, rich, moist, well-drained soils of mountain coves, lower slopes, and on the banks of streams; frequent also on rich limestone soils of the plain, and succeeds on dry, gravelly, clayey, and sandy soils of moderate richness; important for Southern planting in place of the Northern basswood. Rich, moist soil, low ground, thriving in swamps subject to overflow; grows well on moist upland. Wide climatic range, but liable to frost when young; light needing; secondary in forestry. Adapted to a variety of soils, but best in a moist, strong, loamy one. Exceedingly rapid grower; sprouts vigorously from the stump; light needing; thinning out rapidly; short-lived and exhaust- ive to the soil; most readily propagated. Has been recommended for planting on Western prairies, chiefly on account of its rapidity of growth, ease of procuring plant material, and of propagation. In forestry should be used only as a nurse with better and shady kinds. Northern States, in moist situations; grows well in all fresh upland soils. A substitute for cottonwood in the most northern localities. Thrives in moist, rich, well-drained soils. Of value mainly as a tree naturally covering denuded mountain sides and as a quick-growing nurse for better kinds. Note 1.—Trees which may be looked to as capable of enduring more or less unfavorable sites: Dry to barren soils: Nos. 2, 3, 4,5, 11, 15, 30, 31, 47, 48, 53, 64, 66, 68, 82, 87, 93. Insufiiciently drained soils: Nos. 3, 9, 21, 28, 31, 32, 41, 50, 54, 65, 76, 82, 85, 86, 91, 96. Stiff soils: Nos. 31, 32, 53, 54, 67, 73, 74, 77, 84, 85. Prairie planting: Tried, Nos. 1, 4, 17, 25, 30, 31, 47, 51, 57, 59, 60, 62, 63, 64, 66, 67, 68, 70, 73, 75, 77, 78, 79, 81, 82, 84, 85, 87,89. Worthy of trial, Nos. 2, 7, 11, 31, 40, 48, 69. Note 2.—Of exotics which have been successfully introduced for forest culture, the following may be cited as deserving more or less attention: Conifers: Scotch Pine (Pinus sylvestris, L.), Austrian Pine (Pinus austriaca, Hoss.), Corsican Pine (Pinus laricio, Poir.), Norway Spruce (Picea excelsa, D. C.), Nordmann’s Fir (Abies Nordmanniana, Link.), European Larch (Larix Europea, D. C.). Broad-leafed trees: English Oak (Quercus robur, L.), Cork Oak (Quercus suber, Linn.), Black Alder (Alnus gluti- nosa, Gaertn.), Ailanthus (dilanthus glandulosus, Desf.), Black Mulberry (Morus nigra, L.). Australian Gum Trees: Eucalyptus globulus, Labil., E. rostrata, Cay. Australian Wattle Trees: Acacia decurrens, Willd., 4. pycnantha, Benth, Gray Poplar (Populus canescens, Smith), ; 64 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. 8S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. BIOLOGICAL STUDIES. As we shall see further on in this report the most important part of our forest resource is in the coniferous supplies, and among these especially in the pines, the white pine of the North and the yellow pine of the South. These latter covering vast areas, not less than 100,000,000 acres, furnish now, and will still more in the near future, the most important staples of our lumber industry, as the white pine supplies are giving out. There is still a possibility of treating the uncut balance of these pineries in such a manner as to secure their continued productiveness. The Division of Forestry, therefore, devoted much time and attention to the study of the economic, botanical, silvicultural, and technological features of these pines. The results have been embodied in a magnificent monograph (Bulletin 13), prepared by Dr. Charles A. Mohr, of Mobile, Ala. To give an idea of the character of this work and at the same time a conception of the nature and development of these pines the following extracts and condensed statements are presented: SOUTHERN LUMBER PINES. The Southern States abound in those sandy soils which are the home of the pine tribes, and were once covered with seemingly boundless forests of the same. There are still large areas untouched, yet the greater portion of the primeval forest has not only been culled of its best timber, but the repeated conflagrations which follow the lumbering and, still more disastrously, the turpentine gatherers’ operations have destroyed not only the remainder of the original growth, but the vegetable mold and the young aftergrowth, leaving thousands of square miles as blackened wastes, devoid of usefulness, and reducing by so much the potential wealth of the South. There are, in general, four belts of pine forest of different types recognizable, their boundaries running in general direction somewhat parallel to the coast line: (1) The coast plain, or pine-barren flats, within the tidewater region, 10 to 30 miles wide, once occupied mainly by the most valuable of Southern timbers, the longleaf pine, now being replaced by Cuban and loblolly pines; (2) the rolling pine hills, or pine barrens proper, with a width of 50 to 120 miles, the true home of the longleaf pine, which occupies it almost by itself; (3) the belt of mixed growth of 20 to 60 miles in width, in which the longleaf pine loses its predominance, the shortleaf, the loblolly, and the hard woods associating and disputing territory with it; and (4) the shortleaf pine belt, where this species predominates on the sandy soils, the longleaf being entirely absent and the loblolly only a feeble competitor, hard woods being interspersed or occupying the better sites. Within the terri- tory the species that occur occupy different situations. Thus the Cuban, which accompanies the longleaf, usually occupies the less well-drained situations, together with the loblolly, which, although it can accommodate itself to all soils, reaches its best development in the rich lowlands and is specially well developed in the flat woods which border the coast marshes of eastern Texas; where it associates with the shortleaf pine it also seeks the moister situation. The longleaf and shortleaf pines are, in quantity and quality combined, the most important, while the loblolly or oldfield pine, as yet not fully appreciated, comes next, occupying large areas. The Cuban pine, usually known as slash pine—always cut and sold without distinction with the longleaf pine—a tree of as fine quality and of more rapid growth than the longleaf pine, is associ- ated with the latter in the coast pine belt, scattered in single individuals or groups, but appears to increase in greater proportion in the young growth, being by its manner of development in early life better fitted to escape the dangers to which the aftergrowth is exposed. Besides these four most important pines there are a number of others of less significance. The white pine (Pinus strobus) of the North extends its reign along the higher mountain regions of North Carolina into Georgia, forming a valuable timber tree, but of small extent. The spruce pine (P. glabra) develops into timber size, but is found only in small quantities and mostly scat- . tered, and has therefore as yet not received attention in lumber markets; but its qualities, and especially its forestal value, being a pine which endures shade, will probably be appreciated in the future. The other four species of pine found in the South, namely, the black pine (P. rigida), the Jersey or scrub pine (P. virginiana), the spruce pine (P. clausa), the pond pine (P. serotina), do not or only rarely develop into timber trees of value, excepting that the scrub pine, occupying large areas of abandoned fields in Virginia, furnishes a considerable amount of firewood. The greatest confusion exists in the names that are applied to these four lumber pines promiscuously. PLATE IV a <= 2) 2) > 12) < Ww GS re Ss a [a} ui a6 Oo c fe) (3) >) z oO oe > a = < =I LL xt Zz x 2 =) fe) 4 LONGLEAF PINE FOREST AFTER REMOVAL OF MERCHANTABLE TIMBER. —LONGLEAF PINE FOREST IN FG. 2 Fig. 1 H. Doe. 181. SOUTHERN LUMBER PINES. 65 MARKET NAMES. The various names under which Southern pine lumber appears in the market are either general or specific; the former being more or Jess general in application to lumber manufactured in the South, without reference to special localities, the latter referring to special localities from which the lumber is actually or presumably derived. In regard to the latter class of names it is to be regretted, perhaps, that they have been found necessary, the more because through their use not a few misconceptions and difficulties have arisen between consumers, manufacturers, and wholesale dealers, owing to the difficulty in defining what tree species furnish lumber included by such name or names. The uninitiated may not understand that the various kinds of pine lumber manufactured in different States, although called by a specific name, may, after all, be of the same species and the saine in all respects. ‘Florida long-leaved yellow pine” or “Florida pine” is in no way different from that cut and manufactured in Georgia under the distinctive name of ‘Georgia long-leaved yellow pine” or ‘‘Georgia pine.” The question as to any difference of quality dependent upon locality of growth is as yet undecided. The market names given to the various pines, uncertain as to their precise application in the minds of those that use them, or at least at variance with the conception of other authorities, are the following: General—Yellow pine, Southern yellow pine, Southern pine, long-leaved yellow pine, long- leaved pine, hard pine, pitch-pine. Specific—Virginia yellow pine, Virginia pine, North Carolina yellow pine, North Carolina pine, Georgia yellow pine, Georgia pitch: pine, Georgia pine, Georgia longleaf yellow, Georgia long-leaved pine, Florida yellow pine, Florida pine, Florida long-leaved pine, Texas yellow pine, Texas long- leaved pine. The names ‘yellow pine,” “Southern pine,” seem first of all to be used as generic names, without distinction as to species. In the quotations from Western markets only “yellow pine” and “long-leaved yellow pine” or “long-leaved pine” are distinguished; the first name seemingly being now always used when “‘shortleaf” is meant, although it is also applied by advertisers from the longleaf-pine region to their product. In a market report of a leading lumber journal we find that ‘in the yellow pine line, longleaf, shortleaf, and curly pine can be bought,” which would show that the attempt to distinguish the two kinds by their proper names is made. Curly pine, how- ever, is in most cases longleaf pine with a wavy or curly grain, a sport, which is also found in the shortleaf species. Loblolly seems not to be quoted in the Western markets. Formerly, while the longleaf pine was the only pine reaching the markets, it was commonly known under the name of ‘yellow pine,” but now the supply under this name may be made up of all the species indiscriminately. In Texas and Louisiana ‘‘yellow pine” designates the longleaf species, in Arkansas and Missouri the shortleaf, while there the name “longleaf” is applied to the “loblolly,” which is rarely cut. In Florida, the Carolinas, and Georgia the name “yellow pine” is also used with less distinctive application. In Florida, besides the Cuban pine, which is never distinguished on the market, loblolly may also appear in the lumber pile. In Georgia and the Carolinas, although locally the » name ‘yellow pine” is most frequently applied to the shortleaf, in the market a mixture of long- leaf, shortleaf, loblolly, and Cuban pine satisfies the name. In England, where probably nothing but longleaf pine is handled, the current name is “ pitch- pine,” and this name is also most commonly used in Georgia and North and South Carolina, strictly applying to longleaf pine. In Boston only Southern and hard pine is mentioned without dis- tinction. It is in New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and other Atlantic markets that the greatest variety of names is used, with an attempt to distinguish two kinds, the longleaf and shortleaf, by using the name of the State from which the lumber is supposed to come, but neither the name nor the lumber pile agree always with the species that was to be represented. “North Carolina pine,” which is supposed to apply specifically to shortleaf, will be found to include in the pile also better qualities of loblolly, sometimes to the amount of 50 per cent. Long- leaf forms only very occasionally a part of the supplies from this section. “Georgia pine” is meant to designate the longleaf species, and, like “Florida pine,” does mostly conform to this designation except as noted before under the name of yellow pine. H. Doc. 181—_5 66 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. 8. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. “Virginia pine” or ‘Virginia yellow pine” are names hardly known elsewhere than in the markets of Baltimore and Washington, where the bulk of the common building timber consists of it. It applies in the main to the loblolly, with a very small percentage of shortleaf making its way into the pile. While this is mostly coarse-grained inferior material, selected stuff, when well seasoned, furnishes good finishing and flooring material. FIELD NAMES. Field names are those applied to the four Southern pine lumber species in the tree and logs. Such names are usually more or less known to dealers and manufacturers, but, aside from the market names already discussed, have only lately been applied to lumber in the market. Of the three pines, longleaf, shortleaf, and loblolly, the first alone is perfectly known by lumbermen and woodmen as a distinct ‘‘ variety” (species). The remaining species, presenting to the lumberman’s eye various forms according to the site producing the timber, are commonly supposed ‘‘varieties” or ‘‘crosses” more or less related to the longleaf pine. Specific differences in the lumber, both in appearance and quality, form, however, a sufficient basis of distinction as far as lumber is concerned, although this distinction is not necessarily carried out in putting lumber on the market. A few of the names in common use are frequently applied by Jumbermen to entirely different species from those usually known to botanists by thesame name. The perplexity thus arising, upon the supposition that the common names of our botanical text-books are applied to the species by lumbermen, is not inconsiderable, and can doubtless be avoided only by a more careful attention on the wets of the people to real specific distinctions. The confusion in names is such that it is almost impossible to analyze sareayaauly the use of these names in the various regions. In the tabulated account of names on the next page, a geographical distribution has been given, as far as possible. Here only a few of the names are to be discussed. ‘‘ Pitch-pine” is the name most commonly applied to the longleaf in the Atlantic regions, and where it occurs associated with the shortleaf and loblolly the former is called “yellow pine” and the latter is called “‘shortleaf.” The name “longleaf or long-leaved pine” is rarely heard in the field, “‘longstraw” being substituted. The greatest difference of names and consequent confusion exists in the case of the loblolly, due no doubt to the great variety of localities which it occupies and consequent variety of habit of growth and quality. “Swamp” and “sap-pine” refer to comparatively young growth of the loblolly, coarse-grained, recognized by the rather deep longitudinal ridges of the bark, growing on low ground. “Slash-pine”in Virginia and North Carolina is applied to old well-developed trees of both lobloily and shortleaf; in Florida it is exclusively applied to the Cuban pine. When applied to the loblolly it designates a tree of fine grain, one half to two-thirds sap, recognized by the bark being broken into large, broad, smooth plates. This same form is also called “shortleaf pine” in North Carolina. “ Rosemary-pine” is a name peculiar to a growth of loblolly in the swamp region of the Gana: ; linas, representing fully grown trees, fine grained, large amount of heart, and excellent quality, now nearly exhausted. “t Loblolly” or “‘old-field pine,” as applied to Pinus teda, is a name given to the second growth springing up on old fields in the North and South Carolinas, while in Alabama and Mississippi, ete., the ‘‘old-field” pine is applied to Pinus echinata. The confusion arises mainly from an indiscriminate use of local names and from ignorance as to the differences in characteristics of their lumber, as well as the difficulty in describing these. Besides the names used in designating different species, there are names used by lumbermen to desiguate differences of quality in the same species and, in addition, names used in the markets without good distinction, until it becomes almost impossible to unravel the multiplicity of desig- nations and define their meaning. Architects are apt to specify “Southern pine,” not knowing that the greatest range of qualities can be supplied under that name; or refuse to accept “Texas” or ‘“‘ North Carolina pine” for “‘Georgia pine,” although the same pine and quality can be furnished from either State. Dealers handle ‘“‘longleaf pine” from Arkansas, where the timber that is understood by that name never grew. Millmen fill their orders for this pine, either overlooking differences or without knowing them. VGI¥O14 JO SGOOMLV14 ANIG NvanO H. Doe. 181. PLATE V. FIELD NAMES OF PINES. 67 The following table of common names, which have been found applied to the four species furnishing Southern pine lumber, will most readily exhibit the difficulty arising from misappre- hension of names. home of the trees. brackets by the side of the name. Names of Southern lumber pin These names are used in the various markets and in various localities in the Where possible the locality in which the name is used has been placed in res in USE. Botanical names. Pinus palustris Miller. Syn. P. australis Michx. Pinus echinata Miller. Syn. Pinus mitis Michx. Pinus virginiana var. echinata Du Roi. P. Teda var. variabilis Aiton. P. variabilus Lamb. P. rigida Porcher. Best common names. Local, market, and lumbermen’s names. LONGLEAF PINE: Southern yellow pine. Southern hard pine. Southern heart-pine. Southern pitch-pine. Hard pine (Miss., La.). Heart pine (N.C. and So. Atlantic). | Pitch-pine (Atlantic). Long-leaved yellow pine (Atlantic). Long-leaved pine (Atlantic). Long-leaved pitch-pine (Atlantic). Long-straw pine (Atlantic). North Carolina pitch-pine. Georgia yellow pine. Georgia pine. Georgia heart-pine. Georgia long-leaved pine. Georgia piteh-pine. Florida yellow pine. Florida pine. Florida long-leaved pine. Texas yellow pine. Texas long-leaved pine. SHORTLEAF PINE: Yellow pine (N.C., Va.). Short-leaved yellow pine. Short-leaved pine. Virginia yellow pine (in part). North Carolina yellow pine (in part). North Carolina pine (in part). Slash-pine (N.C., Va.), in part. Old-field pine (Ala., Miss.). Bull-pine (?). Spruce-pine. Botanical names. Pinus teda Linn. Syn. Pinus Teda var. tenuifolia Aiton. Best common names. Local, market, and lumbermen's names. Pinus cubensis Griesebach. Syn. Pinus Veda vav. heterophylla Ell. P. elliotii Engelm. P. cubensis var. terthrocarpa Wright. LOBLOLLY-PINE : Slash-pine (Va., N. C.), in part. | Loblolly-pine (Gulf Region). Old-field pme (Gulf Region). Rousemary-pine (N. C., Va.). Short-leaved pine (Va. N. €., S. C.). Bull-pine (Texas and Gulf Region). Virginia pine. Sap-pine (Va., N. C.). Meadow pine (Fla.). Cornstalk pine (Va.). Black pine (Va.). Fox-tail pine (Va., Md.). Indian pine (Va., N. C.). Spruce-pine (Va.), in part. Bastard pine (Va., N. C.). Yellow pine (No Ala., N.C.). Swamp pine (Va. N.C.). Long-straw pine (Va., N.C.), in part. CUBAN PINE : Slash-pine (Ga., Fla.). Swamp pine (Fla. and Ala.), in part. Bastard pine (Fla., Ala.). Meadow pine (Fla., E. Miss.), in part. She pitch-pine (Ga.). The botanical distinctions can be briefly tabulated as follows: Botanical diagnosis. Species. Pinus palustris Miller. Pinus cubensis Griseb. eaves ee seeeaaos aa i 3 in a bundle, 9 to 12 (exceptionally 14 to 15) inches long..| 2 and 3 in a bundle; 7 to 12 (usually 9 to 10) inches long. Cones (open)..-.------ 6 to 9 inches long, 4% to 5 inches in diameter..-..---.----- 4 to 64 (usually 4 to 5) inches long; 3 to 43 inches in diameter. SHHIGS asocnscssstes0ce % to 1 inch broad; tips much wrinkled. light chestnut | }} to % inch broad; tips, wrinkled; deep russet brown; brown, gray with age. shiny. IBrickles\e=seer(ess--—e Wery/short, delicate, incurved --.------------.-2-------=--- Very short; straight; declined, IBTOE) gsocoscede 2os0ee5 { inch long, $ inch in diameter; silver white.--.----.--.-. About 4 inch long; 4 inch in diameter; brownish. Species. Pinus echinata Miller. Pinus teda Linn. Theaves-.-----..--.-... 2 and 3 in abundle; 13 to 4 inches long; commonly 23 to | 3in a bundle; 5 to 8 inches long. Cones (open) - es Scales 4 inches. 1} to 2 inches long; 14 to 13 inches in diameter-----.-.--.- yg to § (exceptionally about 4) inch broad; tips light yellow-brown. Exceedingly short (;5 inch) delicate; straight, declined -. § to dinch long; about } inch in diameter; ‘brownish 24 to 44 inches long; 13 to 3 inches in diameter. % to {inch broad; tips smooth; dull yellow-brown. Short; stont at base. 4 to $ inch long; 4 inch in diameter; brownish. 68 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. 8. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. In aspect and habit the longleaf and Cuban pine somewhat resemble each other. The large silvery white buds of the longleaf pine, which constitutes its most striking character, and the candelabra-like naked branches with brush-like tufts of foliage at the end readily distinguish it from the Cuban pine, which bears a fuller and denser crown. The dark-green, glossy, and heavy foliage of the latter readily distinguishes this again from the loblolly, where these may appear associated, the latter having sea-green and thinner foliage. As arule, the Cuban pine grows taller (up to 110 or 115 feet, with a diameter of 24 to 3 feet) than the longleaf, which rarely exceeds 105 feet and 20 to 36 inches in diameter. The Cuban pine forms massive horizontally spreading limbs, and at maturity a crown with rounded outlines. The longleaf pine forms a more flattened crown with massive but twisted gnarled limbs, which are sparingly branched. The thin bark of the longleaf (only one-quarter to one-half inch thick), of uniform reddish brown color throughout, exfoliates in thin, almost transparent, rhombic flakes; the thick bark of the Cuban pine of the same color exfoliates in very thin, broad, purplish flakes. The shortleaf pine is readily distinguished by the comparatively shorter and more scant appearance of its foliage. Moreover, this species is at once recognized by its characteristically small cones, Its habit is spreading, if compared with the more ascending, compact habit of the loblolly. At maturity the shortleaf has a much shorter bole (85 to 95 feet, diameter 14 to 2 feet) than the loblolly (125 to 150 feet, diameter 4 to 5 feet), with which it is often associated, and a . more pyramid-shaped crown. The reddish bark of the shortleaf in mature trees is broken into long plates, while the loblolly bark appears of grayish color and breaks into broader, larger, and more deeply fissured plates. DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT. The geographical distribution of the areas within which these four pines occur and their commercial development in them are shown in the accompanying maps, prepared by Dr. Charles Mohr for the monograph referred to. It is to be understood that not all the land within the boundaries indicated in the maps has been or is now covered by pine growth, but simply that within the lines the pines are found growing naturally. Nor is it to be understood that the areas which are indicated as producing a certain cut per acre do not contain places on which much more or much less lumber could be cut than the average figures given. These represent only a very general average for the region, based on conservative estimates, made for the purpose of showing more clearly the distribution in masses through the entire field of botanical distribution. These approximations do not pretend to serve as guides to the purchaser of timber lands further than to indicate in what regions he is likely to find the pine sought for in greatest abun- dance and best development. A lumber dealer may also learn at one glance that he can not possibly be supplied with longleaf pine from a mill in Arkansas, nor with shortleaf pine from a mill on the Gulf coast, unless it be supplied with logs from inland. Within the boundaries of geographical distribution each species is found to occupy certain soils and sites, which form its habitat. The habitat of the pines in general is found on sandy and mostly well-drained soils. In regard to moisture conditions of the soil, the different species adjust themselves differently. The longleaf pine is found (only exceptionally otherwise) on the best- drained, deep, sandy, siliceous alluvium, while the Cuban pine is confined to the moister flats ‘or - pine meadows of the coast, and will grow closely down to the sandy swamps, not objecting to clayey admixtures in the soil, but shunning the dry, sandy pine hills. The shortleaf pine prefers a well-drained, light, sandy or gravelly clay soil or warm light loam, while the loblolly, often struggling with the shortleaf for the possession of the soil, can adapt itself to wetter situations. EXTENT OF MERCHANTABLE PINE. The entire region within which these pines occur in merchantable condition comprises about 230,000 square miles or, in round numbers, 147,000,000 acres; for land in farms, etc., 10,000,000 acres must be deducted, and allowing as much as two-thirds of the remainder as representing pine lands (the other to hard woods), we would have abou t 90,000,000 acres on which pine may occur. An average growth of 3,000 feet per acre—an extravagant figure when referred to such an area— SO[TN 009 (Oc sane OO) mETOOS eeeooc OO a) OOT ‘ MHOW ‘SVHO Aq posederg | (ata NYGQ9) SISNEANO SONIA | enn | aNv | Le (anid aYaTONXOT) STHESATVd SONIA | WO NOLLAGIMISIG DNIMORS, eo : Re Seas 2 oo} payor ons es Wooo pew 2 shina 9H \ ce cd seo ee ‘8108 tod JOAO PUB "PL “| 9993 0009 0F ODOT PIOLA arag| 9108 I9d “WW "A 499T O00F 09 000% DIOLA ane am i ooo yor uf by ae ; 4 “poyenerxe Ajoyo[d Moo Jo ssompy on 4 “toed = ; = i 5 “a10’ TOM "PL “ef 9207 0008 OF GOOT PIOLA ve aa ‘SISMIQNO SNUT JO PTA] WAONWON wewwwwe *P9.1999'208 81090 HOTINdS O44 YOTTA UO svary ) ‘A013 pexrar so uopFor Jo any Aavpunog “44444u | les Bera ee g 5 . janie lh ‘HOMNQLQSTP OIULOMODS [VUOLF9I Jo sau] Arwpunog -------- “MOWNGTAISTp [eopwe4og Jo seuT] Acepanog “CNGODH'T wars WASTE) a ASSO BUNTY w ches agers “A'N 09 8 N3IG SNinne “ques y ‘“THOW ‘SvHO 4q posederg (Nid SVATLEOHS) V.LVNIHOW SONId JO NOILAGIALSIG NNIAOHS ‘WIMOLS SNONPIOIP WIT PaXTA ‘9108 JOd 12AO PUG “WA 999F OOOF OF 0008 PIOTA “yBo puv ould WIM spuridn oy} uO ‘paqaneyxe ATegied ‘o10¢@ tod "WW "| 9907 000% 09 000T PIPTA *pe19qjv08 10 4YQMOIS [ snonploep pue oud Jeorsuo7T ‘ATorqoy gym pox & *PpoHsNVyxXe CSIMIENIO *897%Ig TIOqINoS JO - spusldn [v1jyu90 10 o10¥ dod “WW “| 3007 OOOT 0} 009 PISIA "po10}}808 SINOD0 sojoads ON} OITA Wo SvETY | ‘MOINGIISTp OTMOMODe [eUO]Fea Jo souT, Avepunog -----—- “TOUNALYSIp [eajUeJ0G Jo seat, AZepunog ———— “CNGDET ms S108 799: Bake A Sas a te 4 feet 1. ae Pa aa 4G MOITVEIRTELa DuTWwORE . (anit tasoriona) ATAWIBOd A2UVIA poh 2a yd bereqerd ——————————— ——-—— + = SSS — —— | SOTA 009 oo¢ ooF 008 00g “AN 00 8 NAIS Soar “ques ‘aHOW ‘SvHQ 4q porrderg (GNId ATTOTIOT) VORVL SANId 40 NOILAGIMLSIG PNIMOBRS ‘Supyeaoid wIMois puooeg paysneqxo ATwou 4so10J youduIOD JO MOIS [VUISLIO '@ “‘qu010J youdu0D ‘9108 Jod I0AO pus ‘Wl ‘@ 4007 0007 0} 0008 PIOIA "PD ‘T9M019 snonpjoep pus ould yeoT}LOYS WIT spuelysIy UO “¢ ‘YT A.013 SNONppOop TILA poxur 4joq ould yeorsuo0] Joddn uy ‘7, “W "@ 399F 000% 0} 000T PISLA ‘Y] M013 snonpyoop pue ould Feey, 4AIOYS WTA poxEAL ‘odo’ Jed eset pus “WL ‘A 9903 OOOT DITA “419q OUTd FUS[F UOT J9MO] UT soBINOD ‘HOBNGLYSIp O}UloMONe [eUOPFe Jo souT, Alepunog “CNUDAT -19}8M SuoTe polez}e0os sm000 sejoeds oy} WOT uo svery “MOYNALIASIp [s0yUsI0q Jo sou, Alepunog ———— te = a teres Tussi. Nenad sere tt achbonoriabe * - 20 WOTruUAIs Tee ouayone rt kd (xuId WiaoOasea) AIHAT. BUKIT ree (gaara Wa ao gand vd hotagerd ‘ . ete eer CHARACTERISTICS OF DISTRIBUTION IN DIFFERENT REGIONS. 69 would make the possible stand 270,000,000,000 feet, provided it was in virgin condition and not mostly culled or cut. The probability is that the amount of standing timber of such sizes as are at present market- able will fall far below 200,000,000, although by a reduction of the standard of marketable logs, which is now 8 to 10 inch as lowest diameters, it may be increased to 300,000,000 feet B. M., of which one-third may be accredited to the most valuable—the longleaf pine. The annual cut of these pines exceeds at present 7,000,000,000 feet B. M. Those who rely upon the spontaneous natural reproduction of these pines to fill the gaps made in the virgin timber will do well to read the chapters on natural reproduction in Dr. Mohr’s mono- graph on these pines, and the incidental remarks regarding the conditions for renewal and the appearance of the-aftergrowth. If, in addition, they study the chapters on conditions of develop- ment, they will realize that the longleaf pine is bound to disappear largely even in the regions where it reigned supreme; that the Cuban pine, no despicable substitute, will take its place in the lower pine belt if allowed to propagate at all; but on large burnt areas the growth of scrubby oaks and brush will forever exclude this species, which eminently needs light. Loblolly and shortleaf, better fitted for warfare with other species, will do much in their respective habitats to recuperate, except in the mixed forest, where they are culled and the hard woods are left to shade out the after- growth, or where the continuous conflagrations have destroyed the mold and aftergrowth and given over the soil to scrubby brush growth, which for ages will either prevent the gradual return of the pines or impede their renewal and growth. Considering that the timber on which we now rely and on which we base our standards comes from trees usually from one hundred and fifty to two hundred years or more old, and that none of these pines makes respectable timber in less than from sixty to one hundred and twenty-five years, the necessity of timely atteution to their renewal is further emphasized. CHARACTERISTICS OF DISTRIBUTION IN DIFFERENT REGIONS. LONGLEAF PINE. This pine occurs in all the South Atlantic and Gulf States at some distance from the coast, covering a belt of about 125 miles in width, interrupted only by the alluvial plains of the Missis- sippi and Red rivers in Louisiana and Texas. In addition, there is found in western Georgia and Alabama an extension in islands or patches northward to latitude 34.5°. Within this range, going from the shore inland, the following divisions can be made: First, the coast plain, from 10 to 30 miles from seashore, contains only scattered growth on the grassy flats—the higher leveis on which this pine prevailed are now mostly occupied by loblolly and Cuban pine; second, the rolling pine lands or pine barrens proper, covered with alluvial sands, are occupied almost entirely by this tree in perfection; third, the region of mixed growth, where this pine occupies in the main only the drift-covered ridges and is associated with the loblolly and shortleaf pines. Here it attains a larger size, with more full-sized trees per acre. In Virginia this pine is almost extinct and replaced by loblolly. In North Carolina, through the agricultural district, this pine is mixed with loblolly and shortleaf and is of little importance down to the Neuse River. The forests exclusively of longleaf pine begin below Bogue Inlet, with a width of 95 to 125 miles inland, reaching down to the State line, covering about 6,500,000 acres; very largely tapped for turpentine. In South Carolina the pine belt is about 150 miles wide; is mainly occupied by this pine, but on the hill lands is intermixed with the shortleaf. The southwestern plateau, with a porous sand soil, furnishes timber of excellent quality, much of which is still untouched. In Georgia the flat woods of the shore are mostly stripped of this pine; the vast interior plain of about 17,000 square miles is almost exclusively covered with this tree. In Florida the belt of longleaf pine of the Atlantic coast may be traced as far south as St. Augustine, being thence southward largely replaced by the Cuban pine. On the Gulf side more important longleaf growth is found farther southward, until the savannas and everglades are reached, where again the Cuban pine replaces it. In western Florida large areas are pretty well exhausted. The Gulf coast pine belt, covering some 40,000 square miles to the Mississippi River basin, shows no difference from the Atlautic forest. : 70 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. The upper division of the pine belt or region of mixed growth in Alabama ona broken sur- face covers about 23,000 square miles, while the belt of drift deposit which crosses the State contains about 1,000 square miles, covered with longleaf pine of excellent quality and large yield per acre. The drift deposits along the Coosa River, covering about 300,000 acres, and a detached portion of drift in Walker County of 60,000 acres, are covered with pine of fine quality hardly yet touched. Toward the west, in Louisiana, the coast-pine belt gradually passes into a mixed growth of shortleaf pine, oaks, and hickories on the uplands bordering the Mississippi. The slightly undu- lating flat woods of Louisiana support a better timber growth than is generally found in the upland pine barrens; but this forest has been largely invaded, while the pine-hill region of Louisiana has remained almost untouched. The pine region west of the Mississippi River, limited. to the sands and gravels of the region, follows on their eastern boundary the valley of the Ouachita River for 150 miles. In the center of the region above the Red River pine ridges alternate with tracts of oak and hickory. Toward the Red River the forests covering the undulating pine lands remain practically unbroken to the Sabine River. On the eastern side of the Red River the area is estimated at 1,625,000 acres, extending northward an average distance of 55 miles, cutting from 4,000 to 6,000 feet per acre, with no change in character to the Trinity River in Texas. In that State the forests of longleaf pine cover about 5,000 square miles, merging toward the north into the region of shortleaf, toward the south into vast forests of loblolly pine. The fact that but little tapping for turpentine has been practiced in this region may be of importance from a market point of view. CUBAN PINE. This tree, which occurs mainly in the West Indies and South America, is confined within narrow limits in the United States, occupying the low coast plain of the Gulf States west of the Mississippi to a short distance beyond Pearl River, and of the Atlantic coast as far north as lower South Carolina, near Charleston. It is rarely found more than 40 or 50 miles inland, on the so-called pine flats or pine meadows. Only in southern Florida does it cross from Gulf to Ocean on the low ridges through the everglades. It occurs either scattered through other forest growth of the swamps or in groves along the borders of sandy swamps above perpetual overflow, mixed with longleaf or, more rarely, loblolly pine, excepting south of Cape Canaveral and Biscayne Bay, where it forms open forests by itself. Being able to thrive on pure sand as well as on the clay soils with poorer drainage, it is apt to crowd out the young growth of longleaf pine when the old trees of the latter have been cut. It is indiscriminately cut and made into lumber together with the longleaf pine without distinction. Its field of distribution is indicated on the map of the longleaf pine by patched area. SHORTLEAF PINE. This tree is more widely distributed than any of the other pines, namely, from the southern shores of Connecticut, where it occurs only scattered, to the treeless plains of Kansas and south- ward in the main to the northern line of the main body of the longleaf forests. It is mostly associated with ‘deciduous-leaved trees, becoming the predominant forest growth in parts of northern Alabama, Mississippi, and western Louisiana. In northeastern Texas and southern Arkansas it covers large areas, to the exclusion of almost every other tree. While in the early history of this country this pine seems to have beeen a staple along the Atlantic coast up to New York, it oceurs now only scattered and in commercially unimportant quantities north of Virginia. From here southward it covers large areas, occupying the higher inland parts of the maritime pine belt, mixed with other coniferous and deciduous growth, and throughout the interior of the Southern States into the mountainous region. In North Carolina it is found from the coast to the mountains, and once formed about 25 per cent of the forest growth, now largely reduced. In South Carolina and Georgia it is similarly mixed in the upland forests of oak and hickory. In Florida it is confined along the northern border of the State to a narrow strip of uplands, with a mixed growth of longleaf and hard-wood timber; in western Florida, where it is more rare, approaching the Gulf within 25 miles. CHARACTERISTICS OF THE WOOD? 71 In Alabama and Mississippi it forms the larger part of the interior upland forest, in some sections becoming the prevailing tree, especially in the Warrior coal fields and in the northern part of the central drift belt to northeastern Mississippi, while it is more sparsely scattered through the growth of the upper coast pine belt. But its best development evidently lies west of the Mississippi, oceurring in greatest abundance and perfection in northeastern Texas, northwestern Louisiana, and southern Arkansas. In Texas, east of the Trinity River, it forms dense forests almost entirely by itself. North of the Arkansas River it is found in smaller or larger areas, scattered through the upland regions to central Missouri. It is the pine of the Indian Territory, where large bodies oceur, and of southwestern Missouri, and occurs also in Kansas as far north as the Osage River. It is less frequent in Kentucky and Tennessee, being more confined to the eastern portions of those States. Only a single station is reported from southern Illinois, and its occurrence in the other parts of the field of distribution is mainly of botanical interest. Since this tree occurs mainly in mixtures of different degree with other timbers, it is impos- sible to state yield per acre in general. In its western range. where it predominates, a cut of 3,500 to 4,000 feet B. M. per acre may be assumed. On the Atlantic coast supplies are largely reduced. A rough guess places the possible standing timber of this species at 160,000,000,000 feet B. M. LOBLOLLY PINE. This pine is found in all the Southern States excepting Kentucky and Missouri, with its northernmost limit on the banks of the Rappahannock, below Washington, D. 0. On the Atlantic slope it occupies the flat lands of the tide-water districts, either mixed with other species or forming compact bodies of timber. In Virginia it forms about 75 per cent of the timber standing east of the Richmond-Petersburg line, rapidly taking possession of abandoned fields. In North Carolina it associates with the longleaf pine, and is especially well developed in the low rich soil of the swamp borders, but here largely exhausted. Farther south in the pine barrens the longleaf pine prevails, and the loblolly is found only on the low borders of swamps and streams. In the Carolinas and Georgia it is also found inland to the foot of the mountains. In Florida it is rare, except in the northern part, being replaced southward by the Florida old-field pine (P. elausa). About one-half of the pine timber on the flat, badly drained table-lands of the Warrior coal field in north Alabama consists of this pine, forming compact bodies of heavy timber or associated with hard woods. It abounds in Louisiana and southern Texas, in the flat woods bordering the coast marshes, and in the latter State an area of fully 6,800 square miles, south of the shortleaf pine uplands and west of the longleaf area, is covered by an almost continuous forest of the loblolly, of excellent growth, yielding from 4,500 to 5,000 feet per acre on the average. CHARACTERISTICS OF THE Woop. No more difficult task could be set than to describe on paper the wood of these pines, or to give the distinctive features so that the kinds can be distinguished and recognized by the uninitiated. Only the combined simultaneous impressions upon all the senses permit the expert to make sure of distinguishing these woods without being able to analyze in detail the characters by which he so distinguishes them. While in many cases there would be no hesitation in referring a given stick to one or the other species, others may be found in which the resemblance to more than one species is so close as to make them hardly distinguishable. The following attempt to diagnose these woods must, therefore, be taken only as an imperfect general guide. So far, even microscopic examination has not furnished unfailing signs. Color is so variable that it can hardly Serve as a distinguishing feature. The direction of the cut, roughness of surface, exudation of resin, condition of health, width of grain, moisture condition, even the mode of drying, exposure, etc., all have their share in giving color to the wood. Bearing in mind this great complication of color effects, it will be granted that descriptions of the same, disturbed by peculiarities of each separate observer, will aid but little in identifying the woods. The sapwood of all the pines looks very nearly alike, and so does the heartwood. The color of the spring wood in the sap is a light yellowish with a shade of brown; the summer wood contains more brown, variable with the density of the cells and appearing darker when the bands ( FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. are more abruptly separated from the spring wood. The heartwood shows a markedly darker color with a reddish flesh-color tinge added. Itis perhaps easiest to distinguish the wood of the longleaf and Cuban pines from that of the shortleaf and loblolly. It is also possible to keep apart the longleaf from the Cuban; but while, in general, the shortleaf and loblolly can be more or less easily distinguished by color or grain, some forms of the latter (rosemary pine) so nearly resemble the former that no distinguishing teature is apparent. The most ready means for distinguishing the four seems to be the specific gravity or weight in connection with the grain. The proportion of sap and heartwood will also be an aid in recognizing a log or log-run lumber in the pile. These distinctive features are tabulated as follows, the figures representing average conditions of merchantable timber and mature trees: Diagnostic features of the wood. Namo F Longleaf pine. Cuban pine. ame of species. (Pinus palustris Miller.) (Pinus heterophylia (Eli) Sudw.). Specifie gravity of f Possible range .---.------ - 50 to .90 - 50 to . 90 kiln-dried wood. | Most frequent range - --- .55 to . 65 .55 to .70 Weight, pounds per cubic foot, kiln-dried 36 37 wood, average. 4 ; ie E 4 Character of grain seen in cross section ------ Fine and even; annual rings quite uniformly | Variable and coarse; rings mostly wide, | narrow on large logs, averaging generally averaging on larger logs 10 to 20 rings to the |) _ 20 to 25 rings to the inch. inch. Color, general appearance ---.-------.-------- | Even dark reddish-yellow to reddish-brown --| Dark straw color, with tinge of flesh color. Sapwood, proportion .| Litile; rarely over 2 to 3 inches of radius----- Broad, 3 to 6 inches. PREQIMN ae sec eee soon ce eee ce eee neater sae Very abundant; parts often turning into | Abundant, sometimes yielding more pitch ‘light wood;”’ pitchy throughout. than Longleaf; ‘‘bleeds” treely, yielding little scrape. - Bee Shortleaf pine. Loblolly pine. Name of species. (Pinus echinata Miller.) (Pinus teda Linn.). Specific gravity of f Possible range ---..----- - 40 to .80 - 40 to. 80 kiln-dried wood. | Most frequent range ---- -45 to .55 -45 to.55 Weight, pounds per cubic foot, kiln-dried 30 31 wood, average. Character of grain seen in cross-section ..---- Very variable; medium coarse; rings wide | Variable, mostly very coarse; 3 to 12 rings to near heart, followed by zone of narrow the inch, generally wider than in shortleaf. rings; not less than 4 (mostly about 10 to 15) rings to the inch, but often very fine- Tained. Color, general appearance .-..-..------------- Whitish to reddish-brown. Yellowish to reddish and orange brown. Sapwood, proportion Commonly 2 to 4 inches of radius -.----..----- Very variable, 3 to 6 inches of the radius. ISGEFIN - | .0 Sones oe cagsosbanssSeennoosseaasosedas Moderately abundant, least pitchy; only near | Abundant; more than Shortleaf, less than stumps, knots, and limbs. Longleaf and Cuban, but does not ‘‘ bleed”’ if tapped. QUALITY AND ADAPTATION OF WOODS. The exhaustive research described in another part of this report has given a full answer to this part of the inquiry. The longleaf pine is superior wherever strength and durability are required. In tensile strength it approaches, and may surpass, cast iron. In cross-breaking strength it rivals the oaks, requiring 10,000 pounds per square inch on the average to break it, while in stiffness it is superior , to the oak by from 50 to 100 per cent. It is best adapted for principal members of heavy con- struction, for naval architecture, for bridges, trestles, viaducts, and house building. The finer- grained, and especially the curly, timber is much sought for finishing wood. Its hardness fits it for planks and flooring, but unless quarter-sawed it is apt to “peel out.” Being very resinous, it is sometimes difficult to handle in dry kilns, nor does it take paint readily; its hardness also makes it difficult to work, wearing out tools and muscles. The curly grained lumber, which is found quite frequently, makes an elegant finishing and furniture wood. It is an excellent fuel, and its resinous products supply the world with pitch, resin, and turpentine. Contrary to common belief, the tapping for turpentine was found, by a large number of tests lately made under direction of this division, not to weaken but to strengthen the timber in cross-breaking and compression and to inerease its stiffness. (See full discussion in report on timber physics.) The Cuban pine, mostly known locally as slash pine, is generally cut and sold without distine- tion from the longleaf, and its wood, if not superior in some respects, is probably not inferior in any to the latter, except as far as its coarser grain and larger amount of sapwood may influence USE OF WOOD. 13 its usefulness. The tests of the Tenth Census would make its mechanical properties even superior to those of the longleaf. The shortleaf pine, comparatively free from resinous matter, softer, capable of good finish, and more easily worked, furnishes a lumber better adapted to the use of the joiner, cabinetmaker, and carpenter than the other two. There being more sapwood in the log-run lumber and greater variation in its growth, more need for grading exists. Until within two decades or so this lumber did not find ready market outside of its home, because the sapwood was apt to “blue;” but with the dry kiln these objections have been overcome, and it now finds wide application for lighter framework, weatherboarding (taking paint more readily than the longleaf pine), for flooring, ceiling, wainscoting, window casings, and sash and doors, and for shingles. It is also adapted for building of railroad cars and manufacture of furniture. In cross-breaking strength it is‘at least 25 per cent weaker than the longleaf, although occasional sticks are found as strong. In stiffness the difference is not so great on the average, but the best stick so far tested falls 20 per cent below the best longleaf. In shearing strength, however, it seems to equal the latter, showing that, although weaker, its cell elements are as firmly knit together. The loblolly pine varies still more greatly in quality than the shortleaf pine, growing as it does under the most varied conditions. Hence opinions as to its value vary widely, and its use- fulness is but imperfectly understood, except perhaps in some parts of its home, like lower Virginia, where most of the houses were built of this pine. Grown slowly on the poorer or wetter soils, at higher elevations and in a more northern climate, it produces more heartwood and better quality, while the rank growth on better soils presents a sappy, light, coarse-grained wood, soft, and quick to decay. In North Carolina, where it occupies the swamp borders, the variety, or rather the “quality,” known as “rosemary” or “slash” pine, now nearly exhausted, furnishes a timber from long and large old trees in no way inferior to the shortleaf, which it closely resembles, and approaching even the longleaf. Strength and durability it does not possess in great measure, but, properly seasoned, it fur- nishes a timber suitable for many purposes. Yet the timber tested from north Alabama seems to equal, if not surpass, in strength and stiffness the shortleaf from the same region. It is perfectly suited for rough work, joists and scantling, studding, and common boards, and about 75 per cent of the material for this purpose used in the markets of Baltimore and Washington comes from this pine, and the bulk is sawed in Caroline County, Va. Much is also used in Philadelphia. The best grades are selected for flooring, siding, and inside finish, although its liability to shrink, unless thoroughly seasoned, makes the propriety of this use doubtful. As cord wood it reaches also more northern markets (New York), and where a brisk flame with quick heat is desired, as in bakeries, brickyards, and potteries, it is very good. The name under which this lumber goes is Virginia pine, although I have found builders calling it “yellow pine” and “ North Carolina” pine. Since this pine is of rapid growth, quickly occupying old abandoned fields and making saw logs in fifty years, it promises to become one of the prominent staples of our lumber market. In North Carolina only the better quality is cut and sold indiscriminately with the shortleaf as “ North Carolina” pine, while in the Gulf States east of the Mississippi but little is eut, and that only on special orders for inferior work (except in north Alabama). In Texas, however, where this pine abounds in perfection, 25 and more per cent of the lumber handled is loblolly, although at Beaumont, the principal point of lumber production, but little of this material was found at the mills. In Arkansas it is called “longleaf pine,” and some Northern lumber yards which must have longleaf pine from Arkansas seem to supply themselves with this material. It is tapped for turpentine wherever found in the turpentine orchard, yielding a more fluid resin than the longleaf pine. A fuller statement of the quality of the wood of these pines will be found in another part of this report. Use or Woop. In its use the wood of all four species is applied much alike. The coarse-grained, heavy, resinous forms are especially suited for timbers and dimension stuff; while the fine-grained wood, whatever species it may come from, is used for a great variety of finishing purposes. 74 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Formerly these pines, except for local and house use, were mostly cut or hewn into timbers, but now especially since the introduction of dry kilns, Southern pine is cut into every form and grade of lumber. Nevertheless a large proportion of the total cut, especially of the longleaf pine, is still sawed to order in sizes above 6 by 6 inches and lengths above 20 feet for timbers, for which the longleaf and Cuban pine furnish the ideal materials. The resinous conditions of these two pines make them also most desirable for railway ties of lasting quality. Since the custom of painting and graining woodwork has given way to natural grain with oil finish, the wood of these hard pines is becoming very popular for inside finish. Kiln-drying is successfully practiced with all four species, but especially with the Shortleaf and Loblolly pines which, if not artificially seasoned, are liable to ‘‘blue.” The wood can be dried without great injury at high temperatures. GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT. LONGLEAF PINE. In a fruitful year, before the close of the season, with the advent of spring, a dry and sunny state of the atmosphere favoring the fall of the seed, the seedlings are found to come up abun- dantly in every opening of the forest where the rays of the sun strike the dry ground. The lower (hypocotyledonary) part of the axis of the plantlet is close to the ground, with eight to ten erect cotyledons from 1 to 14 inches in length, their tips inclosed in the shell of the seed, with the long wing persistent and borne banuer-like at the top of the plantlet. (See Pl. X, a.) The elongation of the ascending axis proceeds slowly, growth in length being retarded until a certain thickness has been attained, resembling in this respect the growth of the stem of endogenous trees. Upon examination of a seedling in the latter part of April the cotyledons had disappeared and the ecaulicle was found to be from one-eighth to one-fourth of an inch long, its length not exceeding its diameter, hidden by a dense tuft of the needle-shaped primary leaves, which closely invest the terminal bud. At this stage a few fascicles of secondary leaves are already showing themselves, still inclosed in their sheaths. During the first three or four years its energy of growth is mainly expended upon the development of its powerful root system. (See Pl. X, ce.) Before the first spring season has passed, the stout spindle-shaped taproot of the seedling is found to be over 3 inches in length and provided with several fine lateral rootlets, sometimes nearly as long as the main root. With the opening of June the primary leaves covering the axis are nearly all withered, only a few remaining to the end of the season. With the development of the suppressed secondary axes from which the foliage leaves proceed, the primary leaves are reduced to chaffy fimbriate bracts. Only afew of these primary leaves retain the needle-shaped form and green color, namely, those from which no leaf-bearing branchlets were developed. During the first season many of the fascicles of the foliage leaves contain only two leaves, and sheaths inclosing only one leaf are frequently observed. By the end of the first year the stem of the plantlet is rarely over three-fourths of an inch in length, the main root having attained a length of from 8 to 10 inches. Having reached the end of the second year the taproot is found from 2 to 3 feet in length, the stem scarcely 14 inches long, with an increase of diameter hardly perceptible. ‘The conical ter- mination of the spring shoot is now densely covered with the delicately fringed bracts inclosing the buds of the foliage leaves, which impart to it the appearance of a silvery white tuft, by which this species is recognized at first sight. During the following two years the growth proceeds but slowly, the length by the end of the fourth year averaging not more than 5 inches with a thickness of three-fourths to seven-eighths of aninch. During the same time the taproot is found to gain constantly both in thickness and length. (See Pl. X,e.) A few single branches now make their appearance on the main axis. The increase of growth from one season to another up to the seventh or eighth year is difficult to follow, since the difference in the appearance of the spring and summer wood cells in the spongy wood of young trees is hardly perceptible, and the rings of annual growth, even as seen in cross sections prepared for microscopical examination, are mostly too indistinct to afford a safe criterion _ PLATE IX. 181. H. Doe. BEN" ~ aa et LONGLEAF PINE (PINUS PALUSTRIS) TYPICAL TREE. PLATE X. H. Doe. 181. D.0Cageurske, ff PINUS PALUSTRIS: SEEDLINGS AND YOUNG PLANT. e, young tree, 3 to 4 years old; a, germinating seed; b, young seedling just unfolded; c, seedling unfolding primary leaves; d, foliage leaves at end of season; one-third natural size. Rg an ‘ or, ni ae GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT. 15 of their age. As far as could be observe the growth proceeds equally slowly during the fifth and sixth years, the plant at the end of that period being from 5 to 7 or 74 inches in length. Stage of rapid growth.—With its seventh year the tree may be said to enter on its most vigorous growth. Henceforth the stem (primary axis) increases rapidly in length, and the development of branches (lateral axes) proceeds at an equal rate in regular whorls, to which the symmetry of the tree in that stage of its development isdue. During the seventh year, geverally, the tree doubles its length, and during a number of successive years the rate of growth in that direction varies between 10 and 20 inches annually, as is clearly shown by the length of the internodes separating the whorls. As the branches increase in length they produce, in the same order mostly, two opposite secondary branches. With the rapid expansion of the leaf surface, the formation of wood keeps pace. The rate of growth in diameter, as well as in height, during this period is, of course, variable according to differences in the physical condition of the soil, as well as in the available amount of plant food and moisture it contains, and no less upon differences in temperature and of exposure to light and air. When the tree has reached its second decade it begins to produce flowers and fruit. Having during the course of the following fifteen years reached a length of from 40 to 45 feet, with the main stem clear of limbs, the growth of branches does not proceed with the same regularity; consequently they are no longer arranged in regular whorls, but appear irregularly, and thus the symmetry of the tree is lost. Stage of slow growth.—Rapid as is the increase in length of the primary axis or trunk, amount- ing during the first half century, in the average, to 14 or 15 inches annually. the rate is subse- quently greatly diminished, averaging from the fiftieth to about the one hundred and fifteenth year but from 4 to 5 inches, and from this time to the age of two hundred and fifty years only 14 inches—that is, at a relative rate of 10, 3, and i in the three successive periods. The decrease in the accretion of wood corresponds with the reduction in the growth of the branches and conse- quent. reduction of foliage. From what has been said, it is seen that the longleaf pine attains maturity of growth, with the best qualities of its timber, at an age of from one hundred and eighty to two hundred years. After having passed the second century the trees are found frequently to be wind shaken and otherwise defective. The deterioration of the weather-beaten crown lessens the vitality of the tree, and the soil, under prevailing conditions, becomes less and less favorable. In consequence, the trees become liable to disease aid mostly fall prey to the attacks of parasitic fungi (red heart). Instances of trees which have reached the maximum age of two hundred and seventy-five or three hundred years are exceptional. In order to ascertain the age required to furnish merchantable timber of first quality, meas- urements were made of a number of logs in a log camp in the rolling pine uplands of the lower division of the coastal pine belt near Lumberton, Washington County, Ala. [From the results obtained it appears that in this section of the eastern Gulf region, at the lowest figure, two hundred years are requisite to produce logs of the dimensions at present cut at the sawmills. Demands upon soil and climate.—In its demands upon the soil this pine is to be counted among the most frugal, as far as mineral constituents, which are considered as plant food, are concerned, if only the mechanical conditions which influence favorable soil moisture are not wanting. It thrives best on a light siliceous soil, loamy sand or pebbles or light sandy loam, with a slightly clayey subsoil sufficiently porous to insure at least a partial underdrainage and to permit unim- peded development of the long taproot. Whenever the tree meets an obstacle to the development of this root it remains more or less stunted. The luxuriance of the growth and increase in size of the timber, however, is greatly influ- enced by the quantity of clay present, particularly in the deep subsoil, which improves mechanical and moisture conditions. This is strikingly exhibited in the timber of the level pine flats west of the Mississippi River, although the surface drainage is almost wanting and the underdrainage through the loamy strata slow, so that the surface of the soil remains damp or water-soaked for the greater part of the year; the stand of timber of first-class dimensions exceeds considerably that of the rolling pine uplands on the Atlantic slope and the lower part of the pine belt in the eastern Gulf region, which are poorer in clay. Evidently, although the underdrainage is less perfect, the moisture conditions during the dry season of the year, the time of most active growth, must be most favorable. The same fact is apparent in the upper part of the coast pine belt in WO. FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Alabama and Mississippi, where, upon the same area, with a smaller number of trees, the crop of timber may be considered almost twice as heavy as that found on the pine barrens proper farther south. On the soil of fine, closely compacted sand, entirely deficient in drainage as found in the so-called pine meadows along the coast of western Florida, Alabama, and Mississippi, as well as on the siliceous rocky ridges of central and northern Alabama, the tree is so stunted as to be of little or no value for its timber. “Tt is neither temperature alone, nor rainfall and moisture conditions of the atmosphere alone, ‘that influence tree growth, but the relation of these two climatic factors, which determines the amount of transpiration to be performed by the foliage, and again with most species we must place this transpiration movement into relation with available soil moisture, in order to determine what the requirements and the most suitable habitat of the species are” (B. E. Fernow). Hence we find that east of the Mississippi River the longleaf pine occurs in greatest frequency along the isotherm of 60° F. ranging to 34° north latitude, while west of the Mississippi it follows a line between the isotherms of 63° and 64° F. and is scarcely found north of the thirty-second parallel of north latitude. Within this area of its distribution it is exposed to wide variation of temperature and moisture conditions. Under the influence of the vapor-laden breezes from the Mexican Gulf and an evenly dis- tributed rainfall ranging from 42 to 63 inches during the year, the longleaf pine appears of the same thrift and vigor of growth in the interior of Alabama under 34° to 35° north latitude, with the thermometer falling as low as 4° F. (16° C.) and a range of temperature of 93° (at Tusca- loosa), as it is found in the subtropical belt of the coast with a maximum temperature of 105° F. (40° C.) and a range of temperature of 94° west of the Mississippi River, although the temperature reaches rarely a minimum of 15° and 12°, respectively, at the northern limit of the tree in these States, the diminished humidity of the atmosphere and lesser rainfall, particularly during the warmer season, account for its absence. There can be no doubt that the greater exposure to the violence of the sudden gusts of dry and cold wind known in Texas as “dry northers” exercises also no small influence in limiting the longleaf pine. Associated species.—The longleaf pine is eminently a gregarious tree, covering areas of wide extent, to the almost complete exclusion of any other species. In the flat woods of the coastal plain, particularly near its northern limit on the Atlantic slope, it is not infrequently associated with the loblolly pine; farther south and along the Gulf coast to the Mississippi River, more or less fre- quently with this tree and the Cuban pine. In the upper part of the maritime pine belt it not rarely occurs together with the shortleaf pine and the loblolly pine intermixed with the deciduous trees of the uplands, viz, the black oak, Spanish oak, black-jack, bitternut, mockernut hickories, and black gum. It will be apparent, from what has been said regarding the demands for light, that the asso- ciated species must be either slower growers or later comers, if the longleaf pine is to survive in the mixture. As has been pointed out elsewhere, with the culling of the longleaf pine from the mixed growths it must soon cease to play a part in them, since its renewal under the shade of the remaining associates is impossible. Enemies.—The greatest danger threatening the existence of the forests of longleaf pine must be ascribed to the agency of man, since their destruction is caused chiefly by the reckless manner in which they are depleted without heed to recuperation. The right of ownership has been gen- erally acquired on such low terms that since no value has been attached to the land without the timber, despoliation has been carried on with no other object than the quickest return of pecuniary profits. Exploitation.—Such management could not but entail tremendous waste, a large percentage of the body of the trees felled being left on the ground to rot or to serve as fuel for the conflagrations which scour these woods almost every year. Infinitely greater than the injuries inflicted upon the forest by the logger and by getting out cross-ties and hewn square timber, which consist chiefly in the. accumulation of combustible waste, are those caused by the production of naval stores. When the fact is considered that the production of the 40,000 barrels of spirits of turpentine, which on an average during the latter half of this decade annually reached the market of Mobile alone, implies the devastation of about 70,000 acres of virgin forest, the destruction caused by this industry appears in its full enormity. Under the management of the turpentine orchards H. Doe. 181. Plate XI. D OLSZEWSKI] dog. Q. HEIDEMANH,SC LONGLEAF PINE (PINUS PALUSTRIS Mill.): BUD AND LEarF. a, branch with terminal bud; &, leaf bundle: e, d, primary leaf bracts (magnified); e, cross section through base of leaf bundle (magnified); f, g, cross sections (magnified) of leaves; h, longitudinal section through leaf. H. Doe. 181. PLATE XII. Pe. 2} oe Ae ee ae, OM LYS LONGLEAF PINE (PINUS PALUSTRIS): MALE AND FEMALE FLOWERS. a, fruiting branch with female aments at tip, and one and two seasons’ cones; b, maleaments; c, female ament; d, seed-bearing scales; e, f, male aments; g, detached anthers; h, 2, detached female flowers. ao he Ties Nis H. Doc. 181. PLaTe XIII. a LONGLEAF PINE (PINUS PALUSTRIS Mill.): FRUIT. a, open cone, natural size; b, c, detached scales, dorsal and ventral; d, e, f, g, seeds with wings. men bearabin e + ath a CUBAN PINE. hal prevailing at present, trees of such small size are tapped that they are unable to resist the force of the winds, and in a few years are inevitably prostrated, while the larger trees, weakened by the severe gashes on almost every side, become largely wind-shaken and the timber after a few years almost worthless. While a judicious tapping is not only justified, but demanded, by an economic system of exploitation, the prevailing methods of orcharding are unnecessarily destructive. The tapping of sapling timber not yet ripe for the saw, and the destructive fires started in connection with this industry, annihilating all young growth, prevent any renewal of the forest, while the working of large bodies of timber years before milling facilities are available leads often to a loss of 20 per cent and more in both quality and quantity of the merchantable product. Fires.—The greatest injury to which the pine forests are subject in consequence of turpentine orcharding arises from the fires which are started every spring for the purpose of getting rid of the combustible matter raked from around the tapped trees in order to protect them from accidental conflagrations while they are worked. These forest fires, spreading far beyond their intended limits, destroy entirelythe youngest progeny of the pines, stunt the growth of the more advanced trees, and cause the ruin of a large number of older ones in the abandoned turpentine orchards. Burning deeply into the gashes and other exposed surfaces of the tapped trees, these fires hasten their prostration by the gales. Moreover, the fire causes cracks in the surfaces laid bare by the ax and the puller occasions greater exposure to atmospheric action, thus inducing more or less rapid decay. A test, made by sawing through twenty-two logs taken at random from a turpentine orchard after it had been abandoned for a period of sixteen to eighteen years, showed that about one-half of the timber was partially decayed and shaky. Besides the production of naval stores as a cause of forest fires, there is another scarcely less potent. This is the practice prevailing among the settlers of burning the woods upon the approach of every spring in order to hasten the growth of grass for their famished stock. Fires are also frequently started through the carelessness of loggers and hunters, in the preparation of the ground for tillage, and by sparks from locomotives. These fires, occurring at least once during every year, cause the total destruction of the young growth of the longleaf pine. The danger to this species is much greater than to any other Southern wood, because of the greater length of time it requires to reach a size at which it can offer some resistance to fire. In the open forest of longleaf pine the fires are not so destructive to the larger timber as in the dense forests of coniferous trees further north, trees of larger size being, with some exceptions, but slightly, if at all, directly damaged. Another serious damage, however, resulting from the frequent recurrence of fires is the destruction of all vegetable matter in the soil. Deprived of the mulching needed for the retention of moisture, the naturally porous and dry soil, now rendered absolutely arid and barren, is no longer capable of supporting any larger tree growth or other useful vegetation. Live stock.—Of no less danger to the existence of the forests of longleaf pine is the injury ‘caused by live stock. This agency, slow in its action, is sure to lead to their destruction unless restricted to some extent. Beside the damage due to the trampling down and mutilation of the young growth by herds of cattle roaming through the woods, the smaller domestic animals—goats and sheep—eat the tufts of the tender foliage of the seedlings, while hogs are seen digging up and chewing the spongy and tender roots of the young plants. As a further agency in the way of the renewal of this species, the destruction of the mature cones might be mentioned, caused principally by the squirrels, which peel off the scales clean to the core in search of the sweet, nutritious seed. Storms.—F ull-grown trees are frequently uprooted by the hurricanes which from time to time pass through the pine belt. Those having the taproot shortened by impenetrable layers of indurated clay, interposed in the subsoil at varying depths, are invariably the first victims of the high winds. In trees grown in such places the taproot is found with a tumid and round base as smooth as if polished. CUBAN PINE. This is the earliest flowering of the Southern pines. The buds of the male flowers make their appearance in the early part of December, and the flowers open during the last days of January and during the first week of February. This species produces abundant crops of cones every year, . 78 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. 8S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. almost without failure; they ripen in the fall of the second year; the seeds are discharged through the winter of the second year until spring. Germinating easily, their seedlings are found to come up copiously from early in the spring to the beginning of the summer in old fields and on every opening in the vicinity of the parent trees, wherever the rays of the sun reach the ground. The plantlets bear six to seven seed-leaves (cotyledons). As soon as these have fairly expanded the terminal bud develops rapidly, and the first internode of the stem, increasing quickly in length, is densely covered with the soft, narrow, linear, pointed, primary leaves, which are fully an inch long. Before the end of the second month, in the axils of some of the leaves, the undeveloped branchlets, bearing the fascicle of the foliage leaves, make their appearance. With the further development of the foliage leaves, increasing in number during the growing season, the primary leaves wither away. By the close of the first season the plantlets are from 8 to 9 inches high, with a very slender taproot and many lateral rootlets near its upper end. After the beginning of the second season but few of the primary leaves are found to support the buds of the foliage leaves. The tendency to the production of secondary axes becomes manifest by the appearance of a single branchlet; on having reached the end of their second year the plants awe from 12 to 15 inches high, with a taproot not more than 4 inches long; at the end of their third year they average little less than 2 feet in height, with the taproot 6 inches long—the laterals being much longer. The crown from this period develops in regular whorls for a long succession of years. The Cuban pine, in its rate of growth and when fully grown, exceeds in its dimensions the longleaf pine. The taproot, less powerful than in its allies, is assisted by mighty lateral roots running near the surface of the ground to support the tall, sturdy trunk, rising to a height of 110 or 115 feet, with a diameter of 24, not unfrequently exceeding 3, feet, clear of limbs for a height of from 60 to 70 feet above the ground. The heavy limbs are horizontally spreading, from 22 to 24 feet at their greatest length, somewhat irregularly disposed; they form in the trees of full growth a rather dense crown of rounded outline. Trees of the dimensions mentioned, having passed the fullness of their growth, are found to be from one hundred to one hundred and forty years old, according to the surrounding conditions. The thick bark is of a clear, reddish color, laminated, and exfoliating in thin, broad, purplish flakes. Seedlings of the longleaf pine, which those of the Cuban pine somewhat resemble, can be readily distinguished at this period by the disproportion of height and diameter and absence of branch growth in the former. The rate of growth differs, of course, according to the conditions of soil and exposure. Saplings showing five rings of annual growth were found from 43 to nearly 6 feet in height, with a diameter of from three-fourths to seveu-eighths of an inch; between the age of from ten to twelve years the trees measure from 10 to 18 feet in height, with the stem clear for over half its length—even when grown in the open—and from 2 up to 4 inches in diameter. From this stage on the rate of growth proceeds most rapidly. At eighteen and twenty years heights of 40 to 50 feet and over, and diameters from 9 to 10 inches across the stump, cut close to the ground, are attained. Soil.—For its best development the Cuban pine requires a light, sandy, but constantly damp soil, which is attained where the sandy surface is underlaid by a loamy subsoil retentive of moisture but sufficiently Joose to give the roots unhindered access. Such conditions are found on the lands rising above the perpetually wet swamps. On the flats, with a soil of fine, compact sand, devoid of all drainage and underlaid by a hardpan, where nothing but the saw palmetto appears to thrive, the tree remains of low, stunted growth, scarcely ever reaching medium size. In the depth of the swamp, with the soil wet and slushy throughout the year, where the tree is commonly met with, closely surrounded by white bay, red bay, black gum, titi, and white cedar towering high above it, it is of slow growth and frequently affected by red heart or red rot, partic- ularly near its northern limit. It is never found in alluvial bottoms, and eschews the dry, pine- barren hills, requiring a moderate but sure and even supply of soil moisture. Climate.—The range of its distribution coincides with the area of greatest rainfall in the Southern States, which, evenly distributed through all seasons, amounts for the year, in the mean, to 60 and 64 inches. The Cuban pine demands a warm climate, free from excesses in the range of temperature, as is afforded by the vicinity of the sea. It is found in greatest abundance and most perfect within H. Doe. 18}. PLATE XIV. a “ \ = aK VONSHEWSRI sae, Ra O.HEIDEMAN, Sc CUBAN PINE (PINUS HETEROPHYLLA (Ell.) Sudw.). a, closed cone; b, open cone; c, apophyses; d, cone scales, dorsal and ventral view; e, f, g, seed and seed wings, dorsal and ventral view. +, one alba cea in A aes Re SHORTLEAF PINE. 19 the isothermal lines of 64° and 68° F., with a minimum of but a few degrees below the freezing point. The tree, as observed at Mobile, has escaped uninjured the severe and unprecedented long spell of ice and snow during the latter part of January and first week of February, 1895, when the thermometer fell as low as 11° F., the flowers unfolding unimpaired by frost during the succeeding first days of milder weather. In its dependence on light it is less exacting than either the longleaf pine or the loblolly pine. It appears to thrive, from the earliest stage of its development, as well when partially shaded as in the open, in this respect resembling the Southern spruce pine. It is due to these facts, com- bined with the rapid progress of its growth from the earliest stage, that the Cuban pine is gaining the upper hand over the offspring of the light-requiring longleaf pine, which, on the damp soil of the coast plain, is soon outstripped and finally almost completely suppressed by the seedlings of this tree. In the inherent capacity for natural reproduction, or in the advantages for the renewal of its forests by man, the Cuban pine is not surpassed by any other of the species with which it is found associated. This tree.commends itself strongly to the tree planter in the coast plain of the lower South. Producing seeds in abundance regularly and with certainty, being less exacting in its demands for direct sunlight, and hence successfully resisting the encroachment of competing species, being less liable to succumb to the destructive agencies of fire on account of its more rapid development in early life, it has greater promise of success than the others. If to this is added the rapid rate of growth, the great value of its timber, being equal to the longleaf, if not superior, and the abundant yield of its valuable resinous product, it becomes evident that in the reforestation of the low pine lands of the Southern coast region the Cuban pine is to be preferred to any other, not only within its original boundaries, but as far beyond its range of natural distribution as the climatic requirements of the tree will permit. SHORTLEAF PINE. The seeds begin to swell and to germinate in the early days of spring. In Mobile County, on the end of the first week of March, the plantlets had their cotyledons fully unfolded, which were found to vary from six to seven in number, with the lower (hypocotyledonary) part of the axis from 1$ to 2 inches long, the rootlets being somewhat less in length (Pl. XVI, e, g). The development of the upper part of the axis (caulicle) from the terminal budlet and of the primary acerose leaves proceeds now rapidly. These primary leaves succeeding the cotyledons are stiff and spreading, about three-fourths of an inch long and covering the stem densely (Pl. XVI, g), remain during the first season, withering from below during the warmer part of the season. By the close of the first season the caulicle or first shoot has attained a length of from 3 to 4 inches. On the shoot of the second season (rarely before) the secondary leaves, which constitute the foliage, make their appearance from the undeveloped branchlets in the axis of the primary leaves (Pl. XVI, g). At the end of the second year the plants are 7 to 8 inches high, with a taproot 2 to 3 inches long. During this season adventitious buds appear at the collar of the stem, which bring forth vigorous sprouts, particularly if the stem has sustained the slightest injury. These shoots are covered with primary leaves, which are retained for one season. They are apt to form strong branches before the tree has reached its fourth or fifth year; such branches, which are produced profusely from the stumps of larger trees, scarcely survive another season. It is rarely that branches are produced in the second year, the first branches appearing generally in the third season in whorls of three to four. In the third year foliage leaves alone are produced in the axils of scales with their bases close to the stem. At the close of the third year the plants are from 12 to 18 inches high. Now the development of the root system advances rapidly, the taproot being hy this time about 8 or 10 inches long, with strong lateral roots often double that length. Both taproot and lateral roots are finally vigorously developed, penetrating deep into the ground, so that trees of this species are rarely blown down by winds. At the end of the fourth year the plants are from 2 to 3 feet high, with the stem at best from five-eighths to seven-eighths of an inch thick. The branches of the whorls begin now in their turn to develop branchlets in whorls of secondary order. The development of the primary axis and its branch system proceeds henceforth in the regular acropetal order. As in all pines, the shoot of the main axis takes the lead in rapidity and 80 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. 8S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. vigor of growth. By a number of measurements made at Cullman, north Alabama, of trees from the openings in the forest, as well as from clearings, it was found that by the end of the fifth year they had attained a height varying between 3 and 5 feet, rarely over, the stem being from five-eighths to seven-eighths of an inch in thickness; by the end of the sixth year, from 6 to 9 feet high and from one-half to 2 inches in diameter; and at the tenth year, from 10 to 16 feet high and trom 2 to 24 inches in diameter. At the age of fifteen to twenty years, with a total height of from 20 to 30 feet and a diameter, breast high, of 4 to 5 inches, the crown of the tree occupies from one-half to five-eighths of its height. Henceforth throughout the period of quickest growth its rate is greatly influenced by conditions of light and soil. At the age of fifty years the height of the trees varies between 40 and 60 feet and the diameter, breast high, between 10 and 14 inches. About this age, or perhaps a short time before, the height growth begins to decline and the branches become somewhat reclining below and spreading toward the top, and consequently the head of the tree becomes more rounded in outline. Between the ages of sixty and seventy years the trees are from 50 to 70 feet high and from 12 to 15 inches in diameter, with the trunk clear of limbs for 30 to rarely over 40 feet. From this period on the growth proceeds at a slower rate. On reaching its one hundredth year the tree has attained a height between 90 and 95 feet and a diameter of from 16 to 19 inches at most. Having now passed its period of vigorous life, the growth is henceforth insignificant. Between the ages of one hundred and twenty and one hundred and thirty years trees were found 90 to 110 feet high and from 18 to 24 inches in diameter. The oldest tree encountered in the measurements, with two hundred and eight rings of annual growth in the stump, scarcely exceeded 109 feet in height and measured 24 inches in diameter. The largest tree felled was 117 feet high and 25 inches in diameter, with one hundred and forty-three rings in the stump. Occasionally trees are found of a diameter exceeding 3 feet, but such are exceptional. Soil and climate-—The shortleaf pine prefers a well-drained, light sandy or gravelly clay soil or warm loam, even if deficient in the elements of plant food. Soils of this character which are found widely prevailing over the undulating or broken uplands, if only of sufficient depth, will produce this tree in greatest perfection. It avoids the strongly calcareous and the rich alluvial soils, as well as purely siliceous, being dependent on the presence of a certain amount of clay by which the mechanical condition of the soil is improved, rendering it more compact and more retentive of moisture. That a purely sandy and highly porous soil is not favorable to this tree is shown by the stunted growth of the waifS sometimes found in the openings of the forests of longleaf pine on the sandy, arid uplands in the lower part of the coast pine belt. Distributed in its range over 10 degrees of latitude and exposed tov wide differences of temperature, it shows almost the same thrift of growth near its northern limits under the isotherm of 50° F. and in regions where the thermometer falls to near 20° below zero as in lower latitudes with a mean annual temperature of 64° F. It can, therefore, endure a considerable range of temperature. The conditions of atmospheric moisture evidently exercise a much more decided influence over its distribution, and, without doubt, upon its individual development. ‘The tree is found in greatest abundance and of best growth where, within the limits of its distribution, the annual rainfall varies between 48 to 52 inches, is less frequent in the districts where the precipitation exceeds 56 inches, still scarcer where the annual rainfall averages below 44 inches, and entirely wanting where this is less than 40 inches. Hence it is found best developed in the upper part of the Gulf States and west of the Mississippi River in adjacent northern districts from the interior of Georgia to northeastern Texas, where the most favorable conditions in regard to atmospheric precipitation prevail. The tree seems to avoid the humid air of the coast along the Gulf, as well as along the seashore of the Southern Atlantic States, nor does it ascend the mountains in these States above an altitude of 2,500 feet. Relation to light and associated species.—The shortleaf pine, like most pines, is a light-needing species, being, however, less sensitive to a deficiency in this direction than the longleaf and Cuban pines, which latter succumb in competition with the shortleaf pine. Originally the shortleaf pine is found more or less associated with various oaks (Spanish oak, blackjack, scarlet oak, post oak, and black oak), the mockernut and the pignut hickory, and more rarely with the chestnut, the mountain oak, and the scrub pine. All of these species prefer the warm, lighter soils of the uplands. These companions of the shortleaf pine are joined in the lower Southern States by H. Doe. 181. PLATE XV. fo: =] SHORTLEAF PINE (PINUS ECHINATA), FOREST-GROWN SPECIMENS IN MISSOURI. u a} fet ean ores H. Doe. 181. PLATE XVI. 9). Olsxewelir del SHORTLEAF PINE (PINUS ECHINATA Mill.). Cone, seed, and leaves. ree) annie 3 Cal “TARE as : PLATE XVII. H. Doe. 181. SEL EZA Fl Sn fE = ASF SSS . Sea) = = OMEIDEMAN SE. SHORTLEAF PINE (PINUS ECHINATA Mill.), a, branch with male aments; b, branch with female aments at tip and one season’s cones at c; d, male flowers; e, f, g, development of seedling; h, 7, sections through leaf bundle. Vy fesaaan | Posh ce he Ti theese Rar LOBLOLLY PINE. 81 the loblolly and longleaf pine. Wherever in these upland forests an opening is made the short- leaf pine gains over its associates, finding its only successful rival in the loblolly pine. It is in the Southern States proverbial that in the upland forests “‘ the pine is crowding out the hard-wood timber,” a fact early observed. The displacement is effected either gradually in the course of time, or instantly when the removal of the original timber growth has been sudden. In the upper part of the maritime pine belt, where it is associated with the longleaf pine, the latter is sure to be replaced by the shortleaf species, often joined in the course of such invasion by the loblolly pine. LOBLOLLY PINE. The crops of seed are produced quite abundantly every year and copiously dispersed over the vicinity of the mother trees by the wind, the offspring quickly taking possession of old fields and clearings in the forest. The seeds germinate in the early spring. The ends of the cotyledons remain for a short time after germination inclosed in the endosperm. The number of the germinal leaves (cotyledons) is mostly six, rarely seven. At the time of the unfolding of the cotyledons the lower (hypocotyle- donary) part of the axis of the plant is about 1 inch in length. The rootlets are half that length, and are provided with several acropetal secondary rootlets. The caulicle grows rapidly, and is soon covered with the stiff, needle-shaped, and strongly serrulated primary leaves. Before the spring season has passed the bundles of secondary or foliage leaves make their appearance in the axils of the former. At the close of the summer season the plantlet has attained a height of from 6 to 8 inches, the upper part of the stem covered with foliage leaves, the acerose primary . leaves of the lower part having completely withered. In examining a large number of young plants never less than three leaves in a bundle have been found during this or any subsequent stage of the growth. With the second year the primary leaves have all become reduced to the ordinary form of the leaf bract—lanceolate, acuminate, with fimbriate white hyaline edges and tips. In all the specimens examined it was found that the growth of the main axis proceeded less rapidly during the second season, but produced a regular whorl of from three to four lateral axes. At the close of the second year the main stem rarely exceeds 10 inches in height. At the end of their third year the plants are from 18 to 20 inches high, the stem being from one-fourth to five-sixteenths of an inch in thickness. The branches, forming regular whorls, are erect and produce in their turn whorls of secondary order. The root system shows a correspond- ing increase, the taproot being from 6 to 8 inches long, with numerous stout lateral roots. With the fourth year the loblolly pine enters seemingly upon the period of quickest growth. As ascertained by many measurements, the trees at the end of their fourth year average 3 feet in height and from one-half to seven-eighths of an inch in diameter, and at the end of the fifth year measure nearly 5 feet and from 1 to 1} inches in diameter. At the beginning of the seventh year the tree attains a height of 10 feet, and with the close of the first decade trees are found 12 to 16 feet high and from 23 to 3 inches in diameter. Some trees begin to mature their first cones by the tenth year. The above measurements were made in 1890 in the vicinity of Cullman, Ala., on trees taken indiscriminately from the midst and near the border of a dense pine thicket covering a field plowed for the last time in 1882, and from an adjoining opening in the forest protected from fire and but rarely used for pasture. According to a number of measurements made of trees in the southern Atlantic States, the Gulf region, and southern Arkansas, the loblolly pine reaches at the tenth year, on the average, a height of 20 feet, doubling this height during the succeeding decade. During this period of quickest growth the increase in height proceeds at the rate of 2 feet per annum, and trees twenty years old average 44 inches in diameter breast high. At the age of fifty years the trees are from 65 to 75 feet in height (average about 70 feet) and 15 inches in diameter breast high. The annual increase for this period of thirty years is about 1 foot in height and 0.35 inch in diameter. From numerous observations it appears that the loblolly pine attains the fullness of its growth at the age of one hundred years, with a height, on the average, of 110 feet and a diameter breast high of 2 feet, the length of merchantable timber varying between 50 and 60 feet. The annual rate of height growth during the second half century is about eight-tenths of a foot, and the diameter H. Doe. 181——6 j 82 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. growth eighteen one-hundredths of an inch. Henceforth the growth in height remains almost stationary. A dozen trees from one hundred to one hundred and fifty years old were found to vary from 99 to 125 feet in height, with a length of trunk free from limbs of from 60 to 68 feet and from 19 to 27 inches in diameter at breast height. From tabulated records of growth it becomes evident that under similar conditions of soil and exposure the rate of increase for the various stages of growth show but slight differences in localities widely distant from each other. Soil and climate-—The loblolly pine prefers a moist, cool, sandy, or light loamy soil, which if not always moist, should have greater retentiveness for moisture than is required by most of the other upland pines. It reaches its greatest perfection in the perpetually moist or fresh forest lands with a soil of a sandy loam, rich in vegetable mold which border the swamps of the coast ° region. The tree is not found on the porous highly silicious soils of the more elevated uplands, where the longleaf pine almost exclusively prevails. It also avoids heavy clay and calcareous soils of the uplands and the alluvial lands. The loblolly pine is a tree of austral regions confined to the humid belt of the austro-riparian or Louisianian zone and the lower border of the Carolinian life zone, which on the Atlantic coast follows quite closely the isothermal line of 56° F.; westward, in the direction of the Gulf coast, the isothermal line of 60°. The mean temperature of the winter along the northern limit is about 45°, with the lowest temperature only occasionally falling below 10° F. This tree approaches the Appalachian zone only under the influence of a peninsular clime between the Delaware and Chesapeake bays. The loblolly appears to be indifferent to the wide differences in the amount of atmospheric precipitation existing within the vast range of its distribution. Hxtending from Florida (isotherm, 70°) to the thirty-ninth degree of north latitude on the Atlantic coast (isotherm, 56°), it is found of equal thrift on the Gulf shore, with its damp air and annual rainfall exceeding 64 inches, and in the flat woods of Texas, where the mean annual precipitation is only one-half that amount, with a mean of 6 inches during the winter months. In fact, the loblolly pine is found most frequently and is more widely distributed in the districts of lesser precipitation. It is certainly more dependent on the supplies of soil moisture than upon atmospheric humidity. Relation to light and associated species.—This species is less exacting in its demands for direct sunlight than the kindred species within its range. To this relation may be ascribed the success which it achieves in the struggle for the possession of the soil with the shortleaf pine. Observing this contest as itis going on between the competing species in the forest, the conditions of the soil being equally favorable, the loblolly pine, under the cover of shade, outstrips the shortleaf pine under the same conditions; and, on the other hand, where the sunlight has had unhindered access, it gives way to its competitor, being then subjected to the disadvantage resulting from a speedier desiccation of the soil. Through such influences it is that, under conditions seemingly equally fayorable to either one of these pines, now the one and now the other is found to predominate. In the deep forests covering the rich swampy lands of the coast regions, the loblolly pine forms comparatively a small part of the rich and varied growth consisting chiefly of deciduous trees, black gum, sweet or red gum, water oak, and mockernut, to which in the lower South the magnolia, sweet bay, red bay, and Cuban pine are to be added. Although requiring less sunlight than most pines, in the gloomy impenetrable shade of these dense forests the progeny of the loblolly pine has no future, especially as these lands once cleared are devoted to tillage, being of great agricultural value. On the lands of a poorer, more exposed soil in the maritime plain of the southern Atlantic States, in Virginia and North Carolina, and in southwestern Texas, this pine forms more or less compact forests. In these forests the tree is always succeeded by its own progeny, either in the course of nature or after the artificial removal of the original forest growth. On the coast of Georgia, in Florida, and in the coast plain of the eastern Gulf States, the loblolly pine is scattered among the Cuban and the longleaf pine; there its second growth meets a formidable competitor in the first named of these species. In the flat woods, deprived of drainage, the Cuban pine is always found to vastly outnumber the loblolly among the young forest growth. In the upper part of the great maritime pine belt the loblolly pine is frequently found among the mixed growth of magnolia, Spanish, red, post, and blackjack oaks, mockernut and pignut hickory, shortleaf pine, a PLate XVIII. H. Doe. 181. TYPICAL TREES. LOBLOLLY PINE (PINUS TADA), PLATE XIX. Il. Doe. 181 P. Olszewski del. a 4 QHEIDEMAN. 5c. LOBLOLLY PINE (PINUS TADA L.). a, aments of female flowers; lL, immature cone, one season’s growth; ec, mature cone; d, open cone; e, f, cone seales, outer and inner side; g, seed and wing. LOBLOLLY PINE. : 83 and southern spruce pine. Throughout this region the tree takes almost undisputed possession of the old fields. In the interior, on the uplands of oaks and shortleaf pine, the loblolly is sure to gain the upper hand and to retain its hold among the young forest growth, giving way to its most aggressive competitor, the shortleaf pine, only when under the disadvantage of a greater exposure and a greater lack of moisture in the soil. Hnemies.—Principally confined to low, damp localities, not easily liable to invasion by the frequent conflagrations which scour the southern pine forests, the loblolly pine suffers less from destruction by fire than any other species. In virtue of the inherent facilities for its natural renewal resulting from its fecundity and from the rapidity of its development from the earliest stages of growth, any damages inflicted by that agency are more easily repaired. The same causes afford it also greater protection against incursions of live stock. As also observed in the short- leaf pine, the rapidly growing seedlings form, after a few years, thickets of such density as to be avoided by the larger quadrupeds, and by the time such thickets, in the course of natural thinning out have become more open, the trees have reached dimensions which place them beyond the danger of being tramped down or otherwise injured by live stock. The rapid spread and thrift of the second growth, unprotected and uncared for, observed everywhere within the range of the distribution of this pine, are witnesses to its greater immunity from such dangers. Owing to the large amount of sapwood, the timber of the loblolly is more liable to the attacks of fungi and to the ravages of insects. The mycelium (spawn) of large polyporous fungi is found frequently infesting the woody tissue of the living tree, the hyphe (filaments) of the spawn destroying the walls of the wood cells, causing the wood to assume a reddish color and rerdering it brittle in the same way as is observed in the living longleaf-pine timber affected with the disease called “red heart.” It seems that the destruction caused by this disease in the loblolly pine is from the start more rapid in consequence of the larger proportions of sapwood, and perhaps also on account of the broader bands of soft spring wood naturally accompanying wood of rapid growth. In a piece of wood examined in north Alabama, the filaments of the spawn of one of these fungi crossing each other in every direction were found to form a dense film interposed between the spring and summer wood, causing its easy separation in the direction of the concentric rings. and, as the destruction of the wood proceeds, forming finally a compact layer of the nature of amadou, or tinder. In the longitudinal section the rays were found full of cayities, caused by the breaking down of the cell walls, and these cavities were filled with the white film of these - filaments, which similarly affected the adjoining tracheids of the resinous summer wood. The felled timber left on the ground is soon infested by a host of fungi of the genera Agaricus, Tramites, Lentinus, Polyporus, and others, the nearer identification of which has not been undertaken. From the very limited observations that have been made it clearly appears that this pine suffers equally as much, if not more, than the other pines of Southern growth from insect enemies of various kinds. The larvee of the same capricorn beetles (Cerambicid@) burrow in the body of the timber. Those of the roundheaded borers (Coleophora) dig their channels in the sapwood, as is indicated by the occurrence of several species of jumping beetles (Buprestidw) which are found clinging to the leaves and branches of this tree. The most fatal injury it sustains is caused by the bark borers (Tomicide), this pest particularly affecting the trees during the formation of the last cambium layer in the later summer months. Trees felled in August are immediately infested by multitudes of these destroyers. Favored by a high temperature and an abundance of nourishment, several generations of them succeed each other before the close of the season, the countless broods soon infesting every tree in the vicinity and carrying their work of destrue- tion over the full expanse of the young forest growth. Under this affliction the forests often present, by their drooping rusty-colored foliage, a sad picture of disease and decay. Weevils (Curculionidea) deposit their eggs in the youngest tender shoots; the larvie which hatch from them eat their way into these shoots, causing their decay, and thus destroy the symmetry of the tree and impair the usefulness of the resulting timber. Other species of the same family puncture the older branches, lay their eggs in the exuded resin, their larve injuring the tree in a similar way. The larve of spittle insects injure the terminal buds, which are also found infested by the larvee of pitch moths (Retiniw), causing them to wither. The foliage seems to be less frequently 84 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. attacked by sawflies (Lophyrus) than the tender young leaves of the longleaf pine, as by the rapidity of their growth the young leaves sooner harden, and are therefore Jess relished by these depredators. The evidences of the work of the pine leaf miners (caterpillar of Gelechia) have been frequently observed in Alabama, and everywhere are seen the deformities caused by gallilies and scale insects. Natural reproduction.—If the shortleaf pine has been spoken of emphatically as the future timber tree of the light-rolling uplands of the interior, the loblolly pine might be fitly designated as the timber tree of greatest promise in a large part of the coast plain from the Middle Atlantic States to the limits of compact forest growth beyond the Mississippi River. The promptness with which it colonizes the old fields and other clearings, and the tenacity with which it retains from one generation to another the ground once taken possession of, clearly point to the important part this tree is to take when the ruthless stripping of timber lands practiced at present gives place to the management of the forests under a system of fostering care, tending to their future maintenance and to the disposal of their resources on the principle of true economy with an eye to the future welfare of the country. No timber tree will be found better adapted for forest planting in the southern part of the Atlantic forest division. It is only in the narrow belt of flat woods along the shores of Florida, Georgia, and the eastern Gulf region that it is likely to find its superior in the Cuban pine (Pinus heterophylla). Besides the advantages of adaptability to varied soil and climate it excels in rapidity of growth during the earliest stages, and the copious production of seeds which, almost without fail, are plentifully distributed every year over the vicinity of the parent trees. As an evidence of the facility with which the reproduction of a compact forest by this pine is effected, it is only necessary to point out the spontaneous groves near the settlements, representing, as they do, every stage of development. In the coast region the second growth, if not interfered with under proper soil conditions, yields in fifty to sixty years timber of dimensions rendering it fit to be sawn into lumber well adapted for various uses, as already mentioned. Conclusion.—In this attempt at a sketch of the life history of this tree, the object was constantly kept in view of placing its value among the products of the Southern forests in the proper light. From the consideration of the structure of the wood and its physical properties, it clearly appears that although inferior to the wood of the longleaf and Cuban pines, the timber of this species - fully equals that of shortleaf pine, and that the present practice of treating them as equivalent seems therefore justified. As an abundant and cheap source of timber of inferior grades, and especially when the rapidity of its growth is considered, the loblolly pine is of no less economic importance than the other timber trees of the same section. At present held in low esteem in the great lumbering districts of the lower South, where the supplies of the superior timber of the longleaf pine still abound and receive the preference, the value of the timber of the loblolly pine is quickly recog- nized in other districts which, but a short while ago boasting of large resources, are now stripped of them. Its physiological peculiarities make it an important factor in the future forestry of this section. Its propagation is successful over a vast expanse in the southern section of the Atlantic forest region, and by its productive capacity, mode of development, and behavior toward com- peting species in the struggle for existence, the loblolly pine possesses great advantages for its natural and artificial renewal, adapting it particularly for the restoration of the forests on the lowlands of the maritime region. COMPARATIVE RATE OF GROWTH. The species naturally develop somewhat differently, according to the soil conditions in which they occur. Without going into a detailed discussion, which may be found in the bulletin referred to, a comparison of the rate of growth of the four species, based on a large number of measure- ments, gave, for average trees and average conditions, the results shown in the accompanying diagrams (figs. 1 to 3), which permit the determination of the rate of growth at different periods of their life. From these it appears that the Cuban pine is by far the most rapid grower, while the longleaf pine, which usually grows associated with the former, is the slowest, loblolly and shortleaf occupying a position between the two. RATE OF GROWTH. 85 The longleaf shows for the first five to seven years hardly any development in height, and begins then to grow rapidly and evenly to the fiftieth or seventieth year, and even after that period, though the rate is somewhat diminished, progresses evenly and steadily, giving to the height curve a smooth and persistent character. The diameter growth shows the same even and persistent progress from the start, and the volume growth also progresses evenly after the rapid height-growth rate is passed at seventy years. The Cuban pine ceases in its maximum rate of height growth at thirty years, starts with its diameter growth at about the rate of the loblolly, but after the twenty-fifth year leaves the latter behind for the next twenty-five to thirty years, then proceeds at about the same rate, but persisting longer than the loblolly. At the age of fifty years the Cuban pine with 46 cubic feet has made nearly twice the amount of the loblolly and more than four times that of the longleaf; us _ = gage Se or ee tek Fig. 1—Diagram showing comparative progress of height growth in average trees. im (= fo) 14) Ui but at one hundred years the difference is reduced, being then 115, 90, and 55 cubic feet, respec- tively, for the three species. Both loblolly and shortleaf pine reach their maximum growth sooner than the other two species. While these still show a persistently ascending line at one hundred and twenty to one hundred and forty years, the rate of growth in the loblolly shows a decline after the one-hundredth year, and the shortleaf has done its best by the eightieth year. These facts give indications as to the rotation under which these various species may be managed. As stated before, the growth of trees, especially in the virgin forest, is quite variable even for the same species and same soil conditions. An average, therefore, like the one presented in the diagrams, however perfect, could apply only when large numbers are considered. Thus there are fast-growing trees of longleaf and slow growing of Cuban or loblolly pine. Yet the diagrams will fairly well represent the average growth, with the possible exception of the Cuban pine, for which the number of measurements was too small to furnish reliable data. 86 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. AMERICAN WOODS. The great variety of trees already enumerated furnishes almost as great a variety of charac- teristic woods. There is, perhaps, no country in the world which can command such a wealth of woods for strictly useful purposes, although the Tropics may yield a larger variety of ornamental woods. The work of the Division of Forestry has concerned itself largely with the study of American woods, the crop of American forests. It is, therefore, appropriate to include in this report a brief résumé, giving a description of the various kinds of wood and their present application in the arts, reproduced from Bulletin 10. In the countries of Europe the kinds of wood used in construction and manufacture are so few that there is but little difficulty in distinguishing them. In our own country the great variety of woods, and of useful woods at that, often makes the mere distinction of the kind or species of i) Fic. 2—Diagram showing comparative progress of diameter growth in average trees. tree most difficult. Thus there are at least eight pines (of the thirty-five native ones) in the mar ket, some of which so closely resemble each other in their minute structure that they can hardly be told apart; and yet they differ in quality and should be used separately, although they are often mixed or confounded in the trade. Of the thirty-six oaks, of which probably not less than six or eight are marketed, we can readily recognize by means of their minute anatomy at least two tribes—the white and the black oaks. The distinction of the species is, however, as yet uncertain. The same is true as to the eight kinds of hickory, the six kinds of ash, etc. Before we shall be able to distinguish the wood of these species unfailingly more study will be neces. sary. The key given in the present publication, therefore, is by necessity only provisional, requir- ing further elaboration. It unfortunately had to be based largely on external appearances, which are not always reliable. Sometimes, for general practical purposes, this mere appearance, with AMERICAN WOODS. 87 some minor attributes, such as color, taste, etc., are together sufficient, especially when the locality is known from which the species came, and in the log pile the determination may by these means be rendered possible when a single detached piece will leave us doubtful as to the species. In the market the distinctions are often most uncertain, and a promiscuous application of names adds to the confusion. To be sure, there is not much virtue in knowing the correct name, except that it assists us in describing the exact kind of material we desire to obtain. Nor is there always much gained in being able to identify the species of wood, but that it predicates certain qualities which are usually found in the species. In selecting material, then, for special purposes we first determine what species to use as having either one quality which is foremost in our requirements, or several qualities in combina- tion, as shown by actual experience or by experiment. Fig. 3—Diagram showing comparative progress of volume growth in average trees. The uses of the various woods depend on a variety of conditions. The carpenter and builder, using large quantities of material and bestowing a minimum amount of labor on the greater part of the same, uses those kinds which are abundant, and hence cheap, to be had in large dimensions, light to ship, soft to work and to nail, and fairly stiff and insect proof—a combination represented in the conifers. They need not be handsome, hard, tough, or very strong, and may shrink even after they are in place. When it comes to finishing-woods, more stress is laid on color and grain and that the wood shall shrink as little as possible. The furniture maker, who bestows a maximum amount of work on his material, needs a wood that combines strength, and sometimes toughness, with beauty and hardness, that takes a good polish, keeps joint, and does not easily indent. It must not warp or shrink when once in place, but it need not be light or soft or insect proof or abundant in any one kind, and in large dimen sions, nor yet particularly cheap. 88 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. 8. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Toughness, strength, and hardness combined are sought by the wagon maker. The carriage builder, cooper, and shingle maker look for straight-grained, easy-splitting woods, and for a long fiber, the absence of disturbing resinous and coloring matter, knots, ete. Durability under exposure to the weather, resistance to indentation, and the holding of spikes are required for a good railroad tie; lasting qualities, elasticity, and proportionate dimensions of length and diameter for telegraph poles. ; Sometimes in practice it is immaterial whether the stick be of white oak or red oak, and many wood yards ake no distinction, in fact do not know any, but the experienced cooper will quickly distinguish, not by pame, perhaps, but by quality, the more porous red or black oak from the less porous white species. On the other hand, the very same white oak—Quercus alba, usually a superior article—may furnish so poor material for a handle or a plow beam that a stick of red oak would be preferable. The inspection, then, must be made not only for the species but for the quality, with reference to the purpose for which the stick is to be used. LIST OF THE MORE IMPORTANT WOODS OF THE UNITED STATES. A. CONIFEROUS WOODS. Woods of simple and uniform structure, generally light, soft but stiff; abundant in suitable dimensions and forming by far the greatest part of all the lumber used. Cedar.—Light, soft, stiff, not strong, of fine texture; sap and heartwood distinct, the former lighter, the latter a dull grayish brown, or red. The wood seasons rapidly, shrinks and checks but little, and is very durable. Used like soft pine, bnt owing to its great durability preferred for shingles, ete. Small sizes used for posts, ties, etc.! Cedars usually occur scattered, but they form, in certain localities, forests of considerable extent. a. White cedars.—Heartwood a light grayish brown. 1. White cedar (Lhuya occidentalis) (Arborvits): Scattered along streams and lakes, frequently covering exten- sive Swamps; rarely large enough for lumber, but commonly used for posts, ties, etc. Maine to Minnesota and northward. . Canoe cedar (Thuya plicata) (red cedar of the West): In Oregon and Washington a very large tree, covering extensive Swamps; in the mountains much smaller, skirting the water courses; an important lumber tree. Washington to northern California and eastward to Montana. 3. White cedar (Chamecyparis thyoides): Medium-sized tree, wood very light and soft. Along the coast from Maine to Mississippi. 4. White cedar (Chamecyparis lawsoniana) (Port Orford cedar, Oregon cedar, Lawson’s cypress, ginger pine): A very large tree, extensively cut for lumber; heavier and stronger than the preceding. Along the coast line of Oregon. . White cedar (Libocedrus decurrens) (incense cedar): A large tree, abundantly scattered among pine and fir; wood fine grained. Cascades and Sierra Nevada of Oregon and California. b. Red cedars.—Heartwood red. 6. Red cedar (Juniperus virginiana) (Savin juniper): Similar to white cedar, but of somewhat finer texture. Used in cabinetwork in cooperage, for veneers, and especially for lead pencils, for which purpose alone several million feet are cut each year. A small to medium sized tree scattered through the forests, or, in the West, sparsely covering extensive areas (cedar brakes). The red cedar is the most widely distributed conifer of the United States, occurring from the Atlantic to the Pacific and from Florida to Minnesota, but attains a suitable size for lumber only in the Southern, and more especially the Gulf, States. 7. Redwood (Sequoia sempervirens): Wood in its quality and uses like white cedar; the narrow sapwood whitish; the heartwood light red, soon turning to brownish red when exposed. A very large tree, limited to the coast ranges of California, and forming considerable forests, which are rapidly being converted into lumber. Cypress. 8. Cypress (Taxodium distichum) (bald eypress; black, white, and red cypress): Wood in appearance, quality, and uses similar to white cedar. ‘‘Black cypress” and ‘‘ white cypress” are heavy and light forms of the same species. The cypress is a large deciduous tree, occupying much of the swamp and overflow land along the coast and rivers of the Southern States. Fir.—This name is frequently applied to wood and to trees which are not fir; most commonly to spruce, but also, especially in English markets, to pine. It resembles spruce, but is easily distinguished from it, as well as from pine and larch, by the absence of resin ducts. Quality, uses, and habits similar to spruce. 9. Balsam fir (Abies balsamea): A medium-sized tree scattered throughout the northern pineries; cut, in lumber operations whenever of sufficient size, and sold with pine or spruce. Minnesota to Maine and northward. 10. White fir (Abies grandis and Abies concoior): Medium to very large sized trees, forming an important part of most of the Western mountain forests, and furnishing much of the lumber of the respective regions. The former occurs from Vancouver to central California and eastward to Montana; the latter from Oregon to Arizona and eastward to Colorado and New Mexico. bo cr 1 Since almost all kinds of woods are used for fuel and charcoal, and in the construction of fences, sheds, barns, — etc., the enumeration of these uses has been omitted in this list. AMERICAN WOODS. 89 11. White fir (Abies amabilis): Good-sized tree, often forming extensive mountain forests. Cascade Mountains of Washington and Oregon. 12. Red fir (Abies nobilis) (not to be confounded with Douglas fir; see No. 37): Large to very large tree, forming, : with 4. amabilis, extensive forests on the slope of the ane between 3,000 and 4,000 feet elevation. Cascade Mountains of Oregon. 13. Red fir (Abies magnifica): Very large tree, forming forests about the base of Mount Shasta. Sierra Nevada of California, from Mount Shasta southward. Hemlock.—Light to medium weight, soft, stiff but brittle, commonly crossgrained, rough and splintery; sapwood and heartwood not well defined; the wood of a light, reddish-gray color, free from resin ducts, moderately durable, shrinks and warps considerably, wears rough, retains nails firmly. Used principally for dimension stuff and timbers. Hemlocks are medium to large sized trees, commonly scattered among broad-leaved trees and conifers, but often forming forests of almost pure growth. 14. Hemlock (Tsuga canadensis): Medium-sized tree, furnishes almost all the hemlock of the Eastern market. Maine to Wisconsin; also following the Alleghanies southward to Georgia and Alabama. 15. Hemlock (Tsuga mertensiana): Large-sized tree, wood claimed to be heavier and harder than the Eastern form and of superior quality. Washington to California and eastward to Montana. Larch or tamarack.—Wood like the best of hard pine, both in appearance, quality, and uses, and owing to its great durability, somewhat preferred in shipbuilding, for telegraph poles, and railroad ties. In its structure it resembles spruce. The larches are deciduous trees, occasionally covering considerable areas, but usually scat- tered among other conifers. 16. Tamarack (Larix laricina) (Hackmatack): Medium-sized tree, often covering swamps, in which case it is smaller and of poor quality. Maine to Minnesota and southward to Pennsylvania. 17. Tamarack (L. occidentalis): Large-sized trees, scattered, locally abundant. Washington and Oregon to Montana. Pine.—Very variable, very light and soft in “soft” pine, such as white pine; of medium weight to heav. y and quite hard in “hard” pine, of which longleaf or Georgia pine is the extreme form. Usually it is stiff, quite strong, of even texture, and more or less resinous. The sapwood is yellowish white; the heartwood orange-brown. Pine shrinks moderately, seasons rapidly, and without much injury; it works easily; is never too hard to nail (unlike oak or hickory); it is mostly quite durable, and if well seasoned is not subject to the attacks of boring insects. The heavier the wood, the darker, stronger, and harder it is, and the more it shrinks and checks. Pine is used more extensively than any other kind of wood. It is the principal wood in common carpentry, as well as in all heavy construction, bridges, trestles, etc. It is also used in almost every other wood industry, for spars, masts, planks, and timbers in shipbuilding, in car and wagon construction, in cooperage, for crates und boxes, in furni- ture work, for toys and patterns, railway ties, water pipes, excelsior, etc. Pines are usually large trees with few branches, the straight, cylindrical, useful stem forming by far the greatest part of the tree; they occur gre- gariously, forming vast forests, a fact which greatly facilitates their exploitation. Of the many special terms applied to pine as lumber, denoting sometimes differences in quality, the following deserve attention: “White pine,” ‘pumpkin pine,” ‘‘soft pine,” in the Eastern markets, refer to the wood of the white pine (Pinus strobus), and on the Pacific coast to that of the sugar pine (Pinus lambertiana). “Yellow pine” is applied in the trade to all the Southern lumber pines; in the Northeast it is also applied to the pitch pine (P. rigida); in the West it refers mostly to bull pine (P. ponderosa). “Yellow longleaf pine,” ‘‘Georgia pine,” chiefly used in advertisement, refers to longleaf pine (P. palustr 5) “Ward pine” is a common term in carpentry, and applies to everything except white pine. “Pitch pine” includes all Southern pines and also the true pitch pine (P. rigida), but is mostly applied, especially in foreign markets, to the wood of the longleaf pine (P. palustris), For the great variety of confusing local names applied to the Southern pines in their homes, part of which have been adopted in the markets of the Atlantic seaboard, see report of Chief of Division of Forestry for 1891, page 212, etc., and also the list below: a. Soft pines. 18. White pine (Pinus strobus): Large to very large size tree; for the last fifty years the most important timber tree of the Union, furnishing the best quality of soft pine. Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, New England, along the Alleghanies to Georgia. 19. Sugar pine (Pinus lambertiana): A very large tree, together with Abies concolor, forming extensive forests; important lumber tree. Oregon and California. 20. White pine (Pinus inonticola): A large tree, at home in Montana, Idaho, and the Pacific States; most common and locally used in northern Idaho. 21. White pine (Pinus flewilis): A small tree, forming mountain forests of considerable extent and locally used; eastern Rocky Mountain slopes; Montana to New Mexico. b. Hard pines. 22. Longleaf pine ( Pinus palustris) (Georgia pine, yellow pine, long-straw pine, etc.): Large tree; forms exten- sive forests, and furnishes the hardest and strongest pine lumber in the market. Coast region from North Carolina to Texas. 23. Bull pine (Pinus ponderosa) (yellow pine): Medium to very large sized tree, forming extensive forests in Pacific and Rocky Mountain regions; furnishes most of the hard pine of the West; sapwood wide; wood very variable. 90) FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. 24. Loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) (slash pine, old-field pine, rosemary pine, sap pine, short-straw pine, etc.): Large- sized tree; forms extensive forests; wider-ringed, coarser, lighter, softer, with more sapwood than the long- leaf pine, but the two often confounded. This is the common lumber pine from Virginia to South Carolina, and is found extensively in Arkansas and Texas. Southern States; Virginia to Texas and Arkansas. 25. Norway pine (Pinus resinosa): Large-sized tree, never forming forests, usually scattered or in small groves, together with white pine; largely sapwood and hence not durable. Minnesota to Michigan; also in New England to Pennsylvania. 26. Shortleaf pine (Pinus echinata) (slash pine, Carolina pine, yellow pine, old field pine, etc.): Resembles lob- lolly pine; often approaches in its wood the Norway pine. The common lumber pine of Missouri and Arkansas. North Carolina to Texas and Missouri. 27. Cuban pine (Pinns helerophylla) (slash pine, swamp pine, bastard pine, meadow pine): Resembles longleaf pine, but commonly has wider sapwood and coarser grain; does not enter the markets to any great extent. Along the coast from South Carolina to Louisiana. 28. Bull pine (Pinus jefreyi) (black pine): Large-sized tree, wood resembling bull pine (P. ponderosa); used locally in California, replacing P. ponderosa at high altitudes. The following are small to medium sized pines, not commonly offered as lumber in the market; used locally for timber, ties, etc. : 29, Black pine (Pinus murrayana) (lodge-pole pine, tamarack): Rock Mountains and Pacific regions. 30. Pitch pine (Pinis rigida): Along the coast from New York to Georgia and along the senombcisainas to Kentucky. 31. Jersey pine (Pinus virginiana) (scrub pine): As before. 32. Gray pine (Pinus divaricata) (scrub pine): Maine, Vermont, and Michigan to Minnesota. Redwood. (See Cedar.) Spruce.—Resembles soft pine, is light, very soft, stiff, moderately strong, less resinous than pine; has no distinet heartwood, and is of whitish color. Used like soft pine, but also employed as resonance wood and preferred for paper pulp. Spruces, like pines, form extensive forests; they are more frugal, thrive on thinner soils, and bear more shade, but usually require a more humid climate. ‘‘Black” and ‘‘white spruce,” as applied by lumbermen, usually refer to narrow and wide ringed forms of the black spruce (Picea nigra.) 33. Black spruce (Picea mariana): Medium-sized tree, forms extensive forests in northeastern United States and in British America; occurs scattered’ or in groves, especially in lowlands throughout the Northern pineries. Important lumber tree in Eastern United States. Maine to Minnesota, British America, and on the Alleghanies to North Carolina. ; 34. White spruce (Picea alba): Generally associated with the preceding; most abundant along streams and lakes, grows largest in Montana, and forms the most important tree of the subarctic forest of British America. northern United States, from Maine to Minnesota, also from Montana to Pacific, British America. 35. White spruce (Piceu engelmanni): Medium to large sized tree, forming extensive forests at elevations from 5,000 to 10,000 feet above sea level; resembles the preceding, but occupies a different station. A very important timber tree in the central and southern parts of the Rocky Mountains. Rocky Mountains from Mexico to Montana. 36. Tide-land spruce (Picea sitchensis): A large-sized tree, forming an extensive coast-belt forest. Along the seacoast from Alaska to Central California. Bastard Spruce.—Spruce, or fir in name, but resembling hard pine or larch in the appearance, quality, and uses of its wood. : 37. Douglas spruce (Pseudotsuga taxifolia) (yellow fir, red fir, Oregon pine): One of the most important trees of the Western United States; grows very large in the Pacific States, to fair size in all parts of the moun- tains, in Colorado up to about 10,000 feet above sea level; forms extensive forests, often of pure growth. Wood very variable, usually coarse grained and heavy, with very pronounced summer wood, hard and strong (‘‘red” fir), but often fine grained and light (‘‘yellow” fir). It replaces hard pine and is especially suited to heavy construction. From the plains to the Pacific Ocean; from Mexico to British America. Tamarack. (See Larch.) Yew.—Wood heavy, hard, extremely stiff, and strong, of fine texture, with a pale yellow sapwood, and an orange-red. heart; seasons well and is quite durable. Yew is extensively used for archery, bows, turner’s ware, ete. The yews form no forests, but occur scattered with other conifers. 38. Yew (Zaxus brevifolia): A small to medium sized tree of the Pacific region. B. BROAD-LEAVED WoOoDs (Hardwoods). Woods of complex and very variable structure, and therefore differing widely in quality, behavior, and conse- quently in applicability to the arts. Ash.—Wood heavy, hard, strong, stiff, quite tough, not durable in contact with soil, straight-grained, ots on the split surface, and coarse in texture. The wood shrinks moderately, seasons with little injury, stands well, and takes a good polish. In carpentry ash is used for finishing lumber, stairways, panels, etc. It is used in ship- building, in the construction of cars, wagons, carriages, etc., in the manufacture of farm implements, machinery, and especially of furniture of all kinds, and also for harness work; for barrels, baskets, oars, tool handles, hoops, clothespins, and toys. The trees of the several species of ash are rapid growers, of small to medium height, with stout trunks; they form no forests, but occur scattered in almost all our broad-leaved forests. 39. White ash (raxinus americana): Medium, sometimes large-sized tree. Basin of the Ohio, but found from Maine to Minnesota and Texas. 40. Red ash ( Fraxinus pennsylvanica): Small sized tree. North Atlantic States, but extends to the Mississippi. AMERICAN WOODS. shit 41. Black ash (Fraxinus nigra) (hoop ash, ground ash): Medium-sized tree, very common. Maine to Minnesota and southward to Virginia and Arkansas. 42. Blue ash (Fraxinus quadrangulata): Small to medium sized. Indiana and, Illinois; occurs from Michigan to Minnesota and southward to Alabama, 43. Green ash (Lraxinus viridis): Small-sized tree. New York to the Rocky Mountains and southward to Florida and Arizona. 44, Oregon ash (Fraxinus oregana): Medium-sized tree. Western Washington to California. Aspen. (See Poplar.) Basswood. 45. Basswood (Tilia americana) (lime tree, American linden, lin, bee tree): Wood light, soft, stiff but not strong, of fine texture, and white to light brown color. The wood shrinks considerably in drying, works and stands well; it is used in carpentry, in the manufacture of furniture and wooden ware, both turned and carved, in cooperage, for toys, also for paneling of car and carriage bodies. Medium to large sized tree, common in all Northern broad-leaved forests; found throughout the Eastern United States. 46. White basswood ( Tilia heterophylla): A small-sized tree most abundant in the Allegheny region. Beech. 47. Beech (Fagus latifolia): Wood heavy, hard, stiff, strong, of rather coarse texture, white to light brown, not durable in the ground, and subject to the inroads of boring insects; it shrinks and checks considerably in dry- ing, works and stands well and takes a good polish. Used for furniture, in turnery, for handles, lasts, ete. Abroad it is very extensively employed by the carpenter, millwright, and wagon maker, in turnery as well as wood carving. The beech is a medium-sized tree, common, sometimes forming forest; most abundant in the Ohio and Mississippi basin, but found from Maine to Wisconsin and southward to Florida. Birch.—Wood heavy, hard, strong, of fine texture; sapwood whitish, heartwood in shades of brown with red and yellow; very handsome, with satiny luster, equaling cherry. The wood shrinks considerably in drying, works and stands well and takes a good polish, but is not durable if exposed. Birch is used for finishing lumber in building, in the manufacture of furniture, in wood turnery for spools, boxes, wooden shoes, etc., for shoe lasts and pegs, for wagon hubs, ox yokes, etc., also in wood carving. The birches are medium-sized trees, form extensive forests northward, and occur scattered in all broad-leaved forests of the Eastern United States. 48. Cherry birch (Betula lenta) (black birch, sweet birch, mahogany birch): Small to medium-sized tree; very common. Maine to Michigan and to Tennessee. : 49. Yellow birch (Betula lutea) (gray birch): Medium-sized tree; common. Maine to Minnesota and southward to Tennessee. 50. Red birch (Betula nigra) (river birch): Small to medium sized tree; very common; lighter and less valuable than the preceding. New England to Texas and Missouri. 51. Canoe birch (Betula papyrifera) (white birch, paper birch): Generally a small tree; common, forming forests; wood of good quality but lighter. All along the northern boundary of United States and north- ward, from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Black walnut. (See Walnut.) Blue beech. 52. Blue beech (Carpinus caroliniana) (hornbeam, water beech, ironwood): Wood very heavy, hard, strong, very stiff, of rather fine texture and white color; not durable in the ground; shrinks and checks greatly, but works and stands well. Used chiefly in turnery for tool handles, ete. Abroad, much used by mill and wheet wrights. A small tree, largest in the Southwest, but found in nearly all parts of the Hastern United States. Bois Ware. (See Osage orange.) Buckeye—horse chestnut.—W ood light, soft, not strong, often quite tough, of fine and uniform texture and creamy white color. It shrinks considerably, but works and stands well. Used for wooden ware, artificial limbs, paper pulp, and locally also for building lumber. Small-sized trees, scattered. 53. Ohio buckeye ((sculus glabra) (fetid buckeye): Alleghenies, Pennsylvania to Indian Territory 54, Sweet buckeye (Wsculus octandra): Alleghenies, Pennsylvania to Texas. Butternut. 55. Butternut (Juglans cinerea) (white walnut): Wood very similar to black walnut, but light, quite soft, not strong and of light brown color. Used chiefly for finishing lumber, cabinetwork, and cooperage. Medium-sized tree, largest and most common in the Ohio basin; Maine to Minnesota and southward to Georgia and Alabama, Catalpa. 56. Catalpa (Catalpa speciosa): Wood light, soft, not strong, brittle, durable, of coarse texture and brown color; used for ties and posts, but well suited for a great variety of uses. Medium-sized tree; lower basin of the Ohio River, locally common. Extensively planted, and therefore promising to become of some importance. Cherry. 57. Cherry (Prunus serotina): Wood heavy, hard, strong, of fine texture; sapwood yellowish white, heartwood reddish to brown. The wood shrinks considerably in drying, works and stands well, takes a good polish, and is much esteemed for its beauty. Cherry is chiefly used as a decorative finishing lumber for buildings, cars, and boats, also for furniture and in turnery. It is becoming too costly for many purposes for which it is naturally well suited. The lumber-furnishing cherry of this country, the wild black cherry (Primus serotina), is a small to medium sized tree, scattered through many of the broad-leaved woods of the western slope of the Alleghenies, but found from Michigan to Florida and west to Texas. Other species of this genus, as well as the hawthorns (Oratwgus) and wild apple (Pyrus), are not commonly offered in the market. Their wood is of the same character as cherry, often even finer, but in small dimensions. 92 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. 8. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Chesinut. 58. Chestnut (Castanea dentata): Wood light, moderately soft, stiff, not strong, of coarse texture; the sapwood light, the heartwood darker brown. It shrinks and checks consider, ably in drying, works easily, stands well, and is very durable. Used in cabinetwork, cooperage, for railway ties, telegraph poles, and locally in heavy construction. Medium-sized tree, very common in the Alleghenies, occurs from Maine to Michigan and southward to Alabama. ; 59. Chinquapm (Castanea pumila): A small-sized tree, with wood slightly heavier but otherwise similar to the preceding ; most common in Arkansas, but with nearly the same range as the chestnut. 60. Chinquapin (Castanopsis chrysophylla): A medium-sized tree of the western ranges of California and Oregon. Coffee tree. 61. Coffee tree (Gymnocladus canadensis) (coffee nut): Wood heavy, hard, strong, very stiff, of coarse texture, durable; the sapwood yellow, the heartwood reddish brown; shrinks and checks considerably in drying; works and stands well and takes a good polish. It is used to a limited extent in cabinetwork. A medium to large sized tree; not common. Pennsylvania to Minnesota and Arkansas. Cottonwood. (See Poplar.) Cucumber tree. (See Tulip.) : Elm.—Wood heavy, hard, strong, very tough; moderately durable in contact with the soil; commonly crossgrained, difficult to split and shape, warps and checks considerably in drying, but stands well if properly handled. The broad sapwood whitish, heart brown, both with shades of gray and red; on split surface rough; texture coarse to fine; capable of high polish. Elm is used in the construction of cars, wagons, etc., in boat and ship building, for agricultural implements and machinery; in rough cooperage, saddlery and harness work, but particularly in the manufacture of all kinds of furniture, where the beautiful figures, especially those of the tangential or bastard sections, are just beginning to be duly appreciated. ‘The elms are medium to large sized trees, of fairly rapid growth, with stout trunk, form no forests of pure growth, but are found scattered in all the broad-leaved woods of our country, sometimes forming a considerable portion of the arborescent growth. 62. White elm (Uimus americana) (American elm, water elm): Medium to large sized tree, common. Maine to Minnesota, southward to Florida and Texas. 63. Rock elm (Ulmus racemosa) (cork elm, hickory elm, white elm, cliff elm): Medium to large sized tree. Michigan, Ohio, from Vermont to Iowa, southward to Kentucky. 64. Red elm (Ulmus pubescens) (slippery elm, moose elm): Small-sized tree, found chiefly along water courses. New York to Minnesota, and southward to Florida and Texas. ! 65. Cedar elm (Ulmus crassifolia): Small-sized tree, quite common. Arkansas and Texas. 66. Winged elm (Ulmus alata) (Wahoo): Small-sized tree, locally quite common. Arkansas, Missouri, and eastern Virginia. A ; Gum.—This general term refers to two kinds of wood usually distinguished as sweet or red gum, and sour, black, or tupelo gum, the former being a relative of the witch-hazel, the latter belonging to the dogwood family. 67. Tupelo (Nyssa sylvatica) (sour gum, black gum): Maine to Michigan, and southward to Florida and Texas. Wood heavy, hard, strong, tough, of fine texture, frequently crossgrained, of yellowish or grayish white color, hard to split and work, troublesome in seasoning, warps and checks considerably, and is not durable if exposed; used for wagon hubs, wooden ware, handles, wooden shoes, etc. Medium to large sized trees, with straight, clear trunks; locally quite abundant, but never forming forests of pure growth. 68. Tupelo gum (Nyssa aquatica) (cotton gum): Lower Mississippi basin, northward to Illinois and eastward to Virginia, otherwise like preceding species. 69. Sweet gum (Liquidambar styraciflua) (red gum, liquidambar, bilsted): Wood rather heavy, rather soft, quite stiff and strong, tough, commonly crossgrained, of fine texture; the broad sapwood whitish, the heartwood reddish brown; the wood shrinks and warps considerably, but does not check badly, stands well when fully seasoned, and takes good polish. Sweet gum is used in carpentry, in the manuiacture of furniture, for cut veneer, for wooden plates, plaques, baskets, etc.,'also for wagon hubs, hat blocks, ete. A large-sized tree, very abundant, often the principal tree in the swampy parts of the bottoms of the Laman Mississippi Vanes occurs from New York to Texas and from Indiana to Florida. Hackberry. 70. Hackberry (Celtis occidentalis) (sugar berry): The handsome wood, heavy, hard, strong, quite tough, of moderately fine texture, and greenish or yellowish white color; shrinks moderately, works well, and takes a good polish. So far but little used in the manufacture of furniture. Medium to large sized tree, locally quite common, largest in the Lower Mississippi Valley; occurs in nearly all parts of the Eastern United States. Hickory.—Wood very heavy, hard, and strong, proverbially tough, of rather coarse texture, smooth and of straight grain. The broad sapwood white, the heart reddishnut brown. It dries slowly, shrinks and checks considerably ; is not durable in the ground, or if exposed, and, especially the sapwood, is always subject to the inroads of boring insects. Hickory excels as carriage and wagon stock, but is also extensively used in the manufacture of implements and machinery, for tool handles, timber pins, for harness work, and cooperage. The hickorics are tall trees with slender stems, never form forests, occasionally small groves, but usually occur scattered among other broad-leaved trees in suitable localities. The following species all contribute more or less to the hickory of the markets: 71. Shagbark hickory (Hicoria ovata and H. lacimosa). Shellbark hickory: Medium to large sized trees, quite common; the favorite among hickories; best developed in the Ohio and Mississippi basins; from Lake Ontario to Texas, Minnesota to Florida. Shellbark more local. AMERICAN WOODS. 93 72. Mockernut hickory (Hicoria alba) (black hickory, bull and black nut, big bud, and white-heart hickory): A medium to large-sized tree, with the same range as the foregoing; common, especially in the South. 73. Pignut hickory (Hicoria glabra) (brown hickory, black hickory, switch-bud hickory): Medium to large sized tree, abundant; all eastern United States. 74. Bitternut hickory (Hicoria minima) (swamp hickory): A medium-sized tree, favoring wet localities, with the same range as the preceding. 75. Pecan ( Hicoria pecan) (Illinois nut): A large tree, very common in the fertile bottoms of the Western streams; Indiana to Nebraska and southward to Louisiana and Texas. 76. Holly (Ilex opaca): Wood of medium weight, hard, strong, tough, of fine texture and white color; works and stands well; used for cabinetwork and turnery. Asmall tree, most abundant in the Lower Mississippi Valley and Gulf States, but occurring eastward to Massachusetts and northward to Indiana. Horse-chestnut. (See Buckeye.) Ironwood. (See Blue beech.) Locust.—This name applies to both of the following: 77. Black locust (Robinia pseudacacia) (black locust, yellow locust): Wood very heavy, hard, strong, and tough, of coarse texture, very durable in contact with the soil, shrinks considerably and suffers in seasoning; the very narrow sapwood yellowish, the heartwood brown, with shades of red and green. Used for wagon hubs, tree nails or pins, but especially for ties, posts, ete. Abroad it is much used for furniture and farm implements and also in turnery. Small to medium sized tree, at home in the Alleghenies; extensively planted, especially in the West. 78. Honey locust (Gleditsia triacanthos) (black locust, sweet locust, three-thorned acacia): Wood heavy, hard, strong, tough, of coarse texture, susceptible of a good polish, the narrow sapwood yellow, the heartwood brownish red. So far, but little appreciated except for fencing and (uel; used to some extent for wagon hubs and in rough construction. A medium-sized tree, found from Pennsylvania to Nebraska, and southward to Florida and Texas; locally quite abundant. Magnolia. (See Tulip.) Maple.—Wood heavy, hard, strong, stiff, and tough, of fine texture, frequently wavy-grained, this giving rise to “curly” and ‘‘blister” figures; not durable in the ground or otherwise exposed. Maple is creamy white, with shades of light brown in the heart; shrinks moderately, seasons, works and stands well, wears smoothly, and takes a fine polish. The wood is used for ceiling, flooring, paneling, stairway, and other finishing lumber in house, ship, and car construction; it is used for the keels of bouts and ships, in the manufacture of implements and machinery, but especially for furniture, where entire chamber sets of maple rival those of oak. Maple is also used for shoe lasts and other form blocks, for shoe pegs, for piano actions, school apparatus, for wood type in show-bill printing, tool handles, in wood carving, turnery, and scroll work. The maples are medium-sized trees, of fairly rapid growth; sometimes form forests and frequently constitute a large proportion of the arbo- rescent growth. 79. Sugar maple (Acer saccharwm) (hard maple, rock maple): Medium to large sized tree, very common, forms considerable forests. Maine to Minnesota, abundant, with birch, in parts of the pineries; southward to northern Ilorida; most abundant in the region of the Great Lakes. 80. Red maple (Acer rubrum) (swamp or water maple): Medium-sized tree. Like the preceding, but scattered along water courses and other moist localities. 81. Silver maple (Acer saccharinum) (soft maple, silver maple): Medium-sized, common; wood lighter, softer, inferior to hard maple, and usually offered in small quantities and held separate in the market. Valley of the Ohio, but occurs from Maine to Dakota and southward to Florida. 82. Broad-leafed maple (Acer macrophyllum): Medium-sized tree, forms considerable forests, and, like the pre- ceding, has a lighter, softer, and less valuable wood. Pacific Coast. Mulberry. 83. Red mulberry (Morus rubra): Wood moderately heavy, hard, strong, rather tough, of coarse texture, durable; sapwood whitish, heart yellow to orange brown; shrinks and checks considerably in drying; works and stands well. Used in cooperage and locally in shipbuilding and in the manufacture of farm implements. A small-sized tree, common in the Ohio and Mississippi valleys, but widely distributed in the eastern United States. Oak.—W ood very variable, usually very heavy and hard, very strong and tough, porous, and of coarse texture; the sapwood whitish, the heart “oak” brown to reddish brown. It shrinks and checks badly, giving trouble in seasoning, but stands well, is durable, and little subject to attacks of insects. Oak is used for many purposes— in shipbuilding, for heavy construction, in common carpentry, in furniture, car, and wagon work, cooperage, turning, and even in wood carving; also in the manufacture of all kinds of farm implements, wooden mill machinery, for piles and wharves, railway ties, ete. The oaks are medium to large sized trees, forming the predominant part of a large portion of our broad-leayed forests, so that these are generally ‘oak forests” though they always contain a considerable proportion of other kinds of trees. Three well-marked kinds, white, red, and live oak, are distinguished and kept separate in the market. Of the two principal kinds white oak is the stronger, tougher, less porous, and more durable. Red oak is usnally of coarser texture, more porous, often brittle, less durable, and even more troublesome in seasoning than white oak. In carpentry and furniture worl red oak brings about the same price at present as white oak. The red oaks everywhere accompany the white oaks, and, like the latter, are usually represented by several species in any given locality. Live oak, once 94 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. 8. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. largely employed in shipbuilding, possesses all the good qualities (except that of size) of white oak, even to a greater degree. It is one of the heaviest, hardest, and most durable building timbers of this country; in struc- ture it resembles the red oaks, but is much less porous. 84. White oak (Quercus alba): Medium to large sized tree, common in the Eastern States, Ohio and Mississippi valleys; occurs throughout eastern United States. 85. Bur oak (Quercus macrocarpa) (mossy-cup oak, over-cup oak): Large-sized tree, locally abundant, common. Bottoms west of Mississippi; range farther west than preceding. 86. Swamp white oak (Quercus platanoides): Large-sized tree, common. Most abundant in the Lake States, but with range as in white oak. 87. Chinquapin oak (Quercus acuminata) (chestnut oak): Medium-sized tree. Southern Alleghenies, eastward to Massachusetts. 88. Basket oak (Quercus michawrii) (cow oak): Large-sized tree, locally abundant; Lower Mississippi and eastward to Delaware. 89. Over-cup oak (Quercus lyrata) (swamp white oak, swamp post oak): Medium to large sized tree, rather restricted; ranges as in the preceding. 90. Post oak (Quercus minor) (iron oak): Medium to large sized tree. Arkansas to Texas, eastward to New England and northward to Michigan. 91. Chestnut oak (Quercus prinus): Medium to large sized tree. Throughout the Allegheny Mountains. 92. White oak (Quercus garryana): Medium to large sized tree. Washington to California. 93. White oak (Quercus lobata): Medium to large sized tree; largest oak on the Pacific coast; California. 94. Red oak (Quercus rubra) (black oak): Medium to large sized tree; common in all parts of its range. Maine to Minnesota, and southward to the Gulf. 95. Black oak (Quercus velutina) (yellow oak): Medium to large sized tree; very common in the Southern States, but occurring north as far as Minnesota, and eastward to Maine. 96. Spanish oak (Quercus digitata) (ved oak): Medium-sized tree, common in the South Atlantic and Gulf region, but found from Texas to New York, and north to Missouri and Kentucky. 97. Scarlet oak (Quercus coccinea): Medium to large sized tree; best developed in the lower basin of the Ohio, but found from Maine to Missouri, and from Minnesota to Florida. 98. Pin oak (Quercus palustris) (swamp Spanish oak, water oak): Medium to large sized tree, common along borders of streams and swamps. Arkansas to Wisconsin, and eastward to the Alleghenies. 99. Willow oak (Quercus phellos) (peach oak): Small to medium sized tree. New York to Texas, and northward to Kentucky. is 100. Water oak (Quercus nigra) (duck oak, possum oak, punk oak): Medium to large sized tree, of extremely rapid growth. Eastern Gulf States, eastward to Delaware and northward to Missouri and Kentucky. 101. Live oak (Quercus virginiana): Small-sized tree, scattered along the coast from Virginia to Texas. 102. Live oak (Quercus chrysolepis) (maul oak, Valparaiso oak): Medium-sized tree; California. Osage orange. 103. Osage orange (Toxylon pomiferum)(Bois d’Are): Wood very heavy, exceedingly hard, strong, not tough, of moderately coarse texture, and very durable; sapwood yellow, heart brown on the end, yellow on longitudi- nal faces, soon turning grayish brown if exposed; it shrinks considerably in drying, but once dry it stands unusually well. Formerly much used for wheel stock in the dry regions of Texas; otherwise employed for posts, railway ties, ete. Seems too little appreciated; it is well suited for turned ware and especially for wook carving. A small-sized tree of fairly rapid growth, scattered through the rich bottoms of Arkansas and Texas. Persimmon. 104. Persimmon (Diospyros virginiana): Wood very heavy and hard, strong and tough; resembles hickory, but is of finer texture; the broad sapwood cream color, the heart black; used in turnery for shuttles, plane stocks, shoe lasts, ete. Small to medium sized tree, common and best developed in the lower Ohio Valley, but occurs from New York to Texas and Missouri. Poplar and cottonweod (see also Tulip wood).—Wood light, very soft, not strong, of fine texture and whitish, grayish to yellowish color, usually with a satiny luster. The wook shrinks moderately (some crossgrained forms warp excessively), but checks little; is easily worked, but is not durable. Used as building and furniture lumber, in cooperage for sugar and flour barrels, for crates and boxes (especially cracker boxes), for wooden ware and paper pulp. 105. Cottonwood (Populus deltoides): Large-sized tree; forms considerable forests along many of the Western streams, and furnishes most of the cottonwood of the market. Mississippi Valley and west; New England to the Rocky Mountains. 106. Balsam (Populus balsamifera) (balm of Gilead): Medium to large-sized tree; common all along the northern boundary of the United States. : 107. Black cottonwood (Populus trichocarpa): The largest deciduous tree of Washington; very common. North- ern Rocky Mountains and Pacific region. 108. Cottonwood (Populus fremontii var. wislizeni): Medium to large-sized tree; common. Texas to California. 109. Poplar (Populus grandidentata): Medium-sized tree, chiefly used for pulp. Maine to Minnesota and south- ward along the Alleghenies. 110. Aspen (Populus tremuloides): Small to medium-sized tree, often forming extensive forests and covering burned areas. Maine to Washington and northward; south in the Western mountains to California and New Mexico. AMERICAN WOODS. 95 Sour gum. (See Gum.) Red gum. (See Gum.) Sassafras. 111. Sassafras (Sassafras sassafras): Wood light, soft, not strong, brittle, of coarse texture, durable; sapwood yellow, heart orange brown. Used in cooperage, for skiffs, fencing, etc. Medium-sized tree, largest in the Lower Mississippi Valley. From New England to Texas and from Michigan to Florida. Sweet gun. (See Gum.) Sycamore. 112. Sycamore (Platanus occidentalis) (buttonwood, buttonball tree, water beech): Wood moderately heavy, quite hard, stiff, strong, tough, usually crossgrained, of coarse texture, and white to light brown color; the wood is hard to split and work, shrinks moderately, warps, and checks considerably, but stands well. It is used extensively for drawers, backs, bottoms, etc., in cabinetwork, for tobacco boxes, in cooperage, and also for finishing lumber where it has too long been underrated. A large tree of rapid growth, common and largest in the Ohio and Mississippi valleys, at home in nearly all parts of the Eastern United States. The California species— : 113. Platanus racemosa resembles in its wood the Eastern form. Tulip wood. 114. Tulip tree (Liriodendron tulipifera) (yellow poplar, whitewood): Wood quite variable in weight, usually light, soft, stiff but not strong, of fine texture, and yellowish color; the wood shrinks considerably, but seasons without much injury; works and stands remarkably well. Used for siding, for paneling, and fin- ishing lumber in house, car, and ship building, for sideboards and panels of wagons and carriages; also in the manufacture of furniture, implements, and machinery, for pump logs, and almost every kind of common wooden ware, boxes, shelving, drawers, ete. An ideal wood for the carver and toy man. A large tree, does not form forests, but is quite common, especially in the Ohio basin; occurs from New England to Missouri and southward to Florida. 115. Cucumber tree (Magnolia acuminata): A medium-sized tree, most common in the southern Alleghenies, but distributed from New York to Arkansas, southward to Alabama and northward to Illinois. Resembling and probably confounded with tulip wood in the markets. Tupelo. (See Gum.) Walnut. 116. Black walnut (Juglans nigra): Wood heavy, hard, strong, of coarse texture; the narrow sapwood whitish, the heartwood chocolate brown.* The wood shrinks moderately in drying, works and stands well, takes a good polish, is quite handsome, and has been for a long time the favorite cabinet wood in this country. Walnut, formerly used even for fencing, has become too costly for ordinary uses, and is to-day employed largely as a veneer for inside finish and cabinetwork, also in turnery, for gunstocks, ete. Black walnut is a large tree with stout trunk, of rapid growth, and was formerly quite abundant throughout the Allegheny region, occurring from New England to Texas, and from Michigan to Florida. White walnut. (See Butternut.) White wood. (See Tulip and also Basswood.) Yellow poplar. (See Tulip.) COMPARATIVE STATEMENTS OF PROPERTIES OF AMERICAN WOODS. Weight of kiln-dried wood of different species. Approximate. Weight of— Specific mo. weight. Leubic |} ae feet foot. Oh um ber. (a) Very heavy woods: Pounds. | Pounds. Hickory, oak, persimmon, osage orange, black locust, hackberry, blue beech, best of elm, and ash.----- 0. 70-0. 80 42-48 3, 700 (b) Heavy woods: Ash, elm, cherry, birch, maple, beech, walnut, sour gum, coffee tree, honey locust, best of Southern pine, and tamarack: -----.. 0122.0. -- ee ee ee ne ne ee ne ee eee nee cece anaes . 60- .70 36-42 3, 200 (ec) Woods of medium weight: : Southern pine, pitch pine, tamarack, Douglas spruce, western hemlock, sweet gum, soft maple, syca- more, sassafras, mulberry, light grades of birch and cherry --.--.-----------------------+---+---------- .50— . 60 30-36 2, 700 (d) Light woods: Norway and bull pine, red cedar, cypress, hemlock, the heavier spruce and fir, redwood. basswood, hestnut, butternut, tulip, catalpa, buckeye, heavier grades of poplar ----.--.----..--------------+---- -40-— .50 24-30 2, 200 . (e) Very light woods: ° White pine, spruce, fir, white cedar, poplar-...... Gocanos sosdadoodacbscocoodoseoSpsdonsaeancmcomaspacedoe -30- . 40 18-24 1, 800 For scientific names see list above. 96 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Since the proportion of sap and heart wood varies with size, age, species, and individual, the following figures must be regarded as mere approximations: Pounds of water lost in drying 100 pounds of green wood in the kiln. ¥ Sapwood or) Heartwood outer part. | or interior. (1) Pines, cedars, spruces, and firs..----.--------------------- 22+ +222 nee enn een eee 45-65 16-25 (2) Cypress, extremely variable ---- 50-65 18-60 (3) Poplar, cottonwood, basswood..--.-...-----------------+----------+---------- < 50-65 40-60 (4) Oak, beech, ash, elm, maple, birch, hickory, chestnut, walnut, and sycamore ...---.---.-----------+------------- 40-50 30-40 The lighter kinds haye the most water in the sapwood, thus sycamore has more than hickory. Since the shrinkage of our woods has never been carefully studied, and since wood, even from the same tree, varies within considerable limits, the figures given in the following table are to be regarded as mere approximations. The shrinkage along the radius and that along the tangent (parallel to the rings) are not stated separately in the, following table, and the figures represent an average of the shrinkage in the two directions. Thus, if the shrinkage of soft pine is given at 3 inches per hundred, it means that the sum of radial and tangential shrinkage is about 6 inches, of which about 4 inches fall to the tangent and 2 inches to the radius, the ratio between these varying from 3 to 2, a ratio which practically prevails in most of our woods. Since only an insignificant longitudinal shrinkage takes place (being commonly less than 0.1 inch per hundred), the change in volume during drying is about equal to the sum of the radial and tangential shrinkage, or twice the amount of linear shrinkage indicated in the table. Thus, if the linear average shrinkage of soft pine is 3 inches per hundred, the shrinkage in volume is about 6 cubic inches for each 100 cubic inches of fresh wood. Approximate shrinkage of a board, or set of boards, 100 inches wide, drying in the open air. Shrink- age. (1) Alllight conifers (soft pine, spruce, cedar, cypress). -----.----------------~---- == 202-2 enn ee eee ee cee eee enn ee (2) Heavy conifers (hard pine, tamarack, yew), honey locust, box elder, wood of old oaks - (3) Ash, elm, walnut, poplar, maple, beech, syeamore, cherry, black locust...----------- (4) Basswood, birch, chestnut, horse-chestnut, blue beech, young locust - (5) Hickory, young oak, especially red oak .-.----------+------ 22-222 += 22 een ee eee ee en eee ene eee eee Strength in compression of common American woods in well-seasoned selected pieces. [Approximate weight per square inch of cross section requisite to crush a piece of wood endwise.] (1) Black locust, yellow and cherry birch, hard maple, best hickory, longleaf and Cuban pines, an ee UP RMEAR AKO) es ooo eseeeede cece Gees a5ee sone cae coucas goc0 sees Soe Jooondcsoo ssa esceus soeeo5 codes Saad oes 9, 000-4- (2) Common hickory, oak, birch, soft maple, walnut, good elm, best ash, shortleaf and loblolly pines, western lngyanllorelte, yavel WYNNE IOP oe Coo ese Seog ceesco bors cas osecor Sao Ssc osHS oss pec ssa esRonese meso nsocer 7, 000-++ (3) Ash, sycamore, beech, inferior oak, Pacifie white cedar, canoe cedar, Lawson’s cypress, common red cedar, cypress, Norway and superior spruces, and fir ......-.---.------------------------------------ 6, 0004 (4) Tulip, basswood, butternut, chestnut, good poplar, white and other common soft pines, hemlock, spruce, ape SokcooSoesaecsaan Sane pace P66 be soba Ses Gansu SuSe sasoouscaoSo pads ondacena aadocodsaoeere tose 5, COO-++ (5) Soft poplar, white cedar, and some Western soft pines, and firs ...-..---- .--..------------------------- 4, 000-++ Strength in cross-breaking of well-seasoned, select pieces. Strength of Approximate weight theextreme | which breaks a stick— fiber 3Wl SS55 1 by linch | 2 by 2 inches a'ba* and 12inches| and 40 feet e) are P arch 4 long. long. (1) Robinia (locust), hard maple, hickory, oak, birch, best ash and elm, longleaf, shortleaf, and Pounds. Pounds. Pounds. Cuban pines, tamarack 18, 000 720 570 (2) Soft maple, cherry, ash, elm, walnut, inferior oak, and birch, best poplar, Norway, loblolly, and pitch pines, black and white spruce, hemlock, and good cedar .........-----.------------ 10, 000 550 440 (3) Tulip, basswood, sycamore, butternut, poplars, white and other soft pines, firs, and cedars---- 6, 500 350 4 280 AMERICAN WOODS. Oe From the following table of strength in tension and compression it will be seen that these two are not always proportional, the stiffer conifers excelling in the latter, the tougher hardwoods in the former: Ratio of strength in tension and compression, showing the difference between rigid conifers and tough hard woods. Ratio: A stick 1 square inch Tensile in cross section. strength. Weight required to — comprehensive | Crush strength. | Pull apart. endwise. teh Ra emer | Pounds. Pounds. LUO ECR oasasccensc nao oos sanabo HoQdObESESSNeTSoa5 se obese dooonoToEHatloscODEQUpHAASHMEDEaATseOReOHsS 3.7 32, 000 8, 500 Elm .--.-- HScOwos ore cuDessibsongs ososso yoLboosoSsTedcooeodeoonde cod sobecsodensnccuaRecaeAsHaaS 3.8 | 29, 000 7, 500 TROD, coco acaen ansona sconce 5:2 I Sc URGU= REC sac anossomnS debsouascoes seuDES gesoeonecoase ‘eonnsssees 23) 19,400 8, 600 JOO TNEIGENE TOS Caan oce GOO CLUS DGOSOU HOE SEO BEE te baSH BO aan CBSE aSriod ReGosE DoE Esa esocEd saad ssnatacdcsal| 2.2) | 17, 300 7, 400 Table of stiffness (modulus of elasticity) of dry wood.—General averages. ~ =! as is Modulus of | Approximate weight which elasticity | deflects by 1 inch a piece— i _ we Sveti 2 TaMGGs || a py Wsman | Sige Osmo per square |and12inches} and 10 feet inch. long. ' long. (1) Live oak, good tamarack, longleaf, Cuban, and shortleaf pine, good Douglas spruce, western Pounds. Pounds. Pounds. hemlock, yellow and cherry | birch, hard maple, beech, locust, and the best of oak and hickory - 1, 680, 000 3, 900 62 (2) Birch, common oak, hickory, white and black spruce, loblolly and red pine, cypress, best of ash, elm, and poplar andlblackawaln ate emanate a Gh iy SMe el oan ee 82 eR Ee 1, 400, 000 3, 200 51 (3) Maples, cherry, ash, elm, sycamore, sweet gum, butt ‘bull pine, cedars, serub pine, hemlock, and fi firs cee 1, 100, 000 2,500 40 (4) Box elder, horse chestnut, a number of western soft pines, 1, 100, 000 12,500 40 1 Less than. In general wet or green wood shears about one-third more easily than dry wood; a surface parallel to the rings (tangent) shears more easily than one parallel to the medullary rays. The lighter conifers and hard woods offer less resistance than the heavier kinds, but the best of pine Shears one-third to one-half more readily than oak or hickory, indicating that great shearing strength is characteristic of “tough” woods. Resistance to shearing along the fiber. Per square inch. Pounds. (1) Locust, oak, hickory, elm, maple, ash, birch ein Gee njato no ere er arele erclale aye oe ie are a ate nl stele ates cles Some ei farclats aerbieins States Seca oce 11, 000 (2) Sycamore, longleat, Cuban, and shortleaf Pine yANnditamarac kiss wee Meme aE ee ne eter See et tates te sleet ae aor 5 600 (3) Tulip, basswood, better class of poplar, Norway, loblolly, and white pine, spruce, red cedar------.-..---..---------- <| 400 (4) Soft poplar, hemlock, WHIiLG COUALtiTr et ssos ce sabe ses Mcafee 2 sek oc oeeiae tke ous Skee soerok cen cad ste iines a aenis eens een ee eke 2400 1 Over. 2Less than. Nore.—Resistance to shearing, although a most important quality in wood, has not been satisfactorily studied. The values in the above table, taken from various authors, lack a reliable experimental basis and can be considered as only a little better than guesswork. The following indicates the hardness of our common woods: 1. Very hard woods requiring over 3,200 pounds per square inch to produce an indentation of one-twentieth inch: Hickory, hard maple, osage orange, black locust, persimmon, and the best of oak, elm, and hackberry. 2. Hard woods requiring over 2,400 pounds per square inch to produce an indentation of one- twentieth inch: Oak, elm, ash, cherry, birch, black walnut, beech, blue beech, mulberry, soft maple, holly, sour gum, honey locust, coffee tree, and sycamore. 3. Middling hard woods, requiring over 1,600 pounds per square inch to produce an indentation of one-twentieth inch: The better qualities of Southern and Western hard pine, tamarack, and Douglas spruce, sweet gum, and the lighter qualities of birch. 4, Soft woods requiring less than 1,600 pounds per square inch to produce an indentation of one-twentieth inch: The greater mass of coniferous wood; pine, spruce, fir, hemlock, cedar, cypress, and redwood; poplar, tulip, basswood, butternut, chestnut, buckeye, and catalpa. H. Doe. No. 181——7 98 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Tange of durability in railroad ties. Wears. | Years. White oak and chestnut oak_.-.-_-------- 8) Redwood 2 eee cees eer see seer eee eee 12 @hestnite ese eee Sas ee eee eee 8 | Cypress'and red! cedar2=2- -- 22-54-5522 25. 10 Blackilocusteeee eases ce aceee ee eee eee LOR Ramianale eee cae coer ere eee eee 7to8 Cherry, black walnut, locust.-.....-.-.--- (el lion gleatpineeeeseee een ee ene eee eee 6 SB Ga) = tials cere: ee oie eer ore 6:t0 7; Hemlock sess saan eee cree meee cease cer 4to06 iRedvandtblacksoaks = sees —een— eee eee eee A COD SPLUCO een eee sai sears ese ana eere 5 Ash, beech maples esses. seeaseeeee- eens 4 | HOW TO DISTINGUISH THE DIFFERENT KINDS OF WOOD. The carpenter or other artisan who handles different woods becomes familiar with those he employs frequently, and learns to distinguish them through this familiarity, without usually being able to state the points of distinction, If a wood comes before him with which he is not familiar, he has, of course, no means of determining what it is, and it is possible to select pieces even of those with which he is well acquainted, different in appearance from the general run, that will make him doubtful as to their identification. Furthermore, he may distinguish between hard and soft pines, between oak and ash, or between maple and birch, which are characteristically different; but when it comes to distinguishing between the several species of pine or oak or ash or birch, the absence of readily recognizable characters is such that but few practitioners can be relied upon to do it. Hence, in the market we find many species mixed and sold indiscriminately. To identify the different woods it is necessary to have a knowledge of the definite, invariable differences in their structure, besides that of the often variable differences in their ap- pearance. These structural differ- Fic. 4.—'‘Non-porous”’ woods. | A, fir; B, ‘‘hard” pine; 0, soft pine; ar, annual ences may either be readily visible to a atc ae ace Seis inner edge of Ting; Ss. w., summer wood; the naked eye or with a magnifier, or they may require a microscopical examination. In some cases such an examination can not be dispensed with, if we would make absolutely sure. There are instances, as in the pines, where even our knowledge of the minute anatomical structure is not yet sufficient to make a sure identification. In the following key an attempt has been made—the first, so far as we know, in English literature—to give a synoptical view of the distinctive features of the commoner woods of the United States which are found in the markets or are used in the arts. It will be observed that the distinction has been carried in most instances no further than to genera or classes of woods, since the distinction of species can hardly be accomplished without elaborate microscopic study, and also that, as far as possible, reliance has been placed only on such characteristics as can be distinguished with the naked eye or a simple magnifying glass, in order to make the key useful to the largest number. Recourse has also been taken for the same reason to the less reliable and more variable general external appearance, color, taste, smell, weight, etc. The user of the key must, however, realize that external appearance, such, for example, as color, is not only very variable but also very difficult to describe, individual observers differing especially in seeing and describing shades of color. The same is true of statements of size, when relative, and not accurately measured, while weight and hardness can perhaps be more readily approximated. Whether any feature is distinctly or only indistinctly seen will also depend some- what on individual eyesight, opinion, or practice. In some cases the resemblance of different species is so close that only one other expedient will make distinction possible, namely, a knowl]- edge of the region from which the wood has come. We know, for instance, that no longleaf pine grows in Arkansas, and that no white pine can come from Alabama, and we can separate the white cedar, giant arbor vite of the West and the arbor vite of the Northeast only by the difference of the locality from which the specimen comes. With all these limitations properly AMERICAN WOODS. 99 appreciated, the key will be found helpful toward greater familiarity with the woods which are more commonly met with. The features which have been utilized in the key and with which—their names as well as their appearance—therefore, the reader must familiarize himself before attempting to use the key, are mostly described as they appear in cross section. They are: (1) Sapwood and heartwood, the former being the wood from thé outer and the latter from the inner part of the tree. In some cases they differ only in shade, and in others in kind of color, the heartwood exhibiting either a darker shade or a pronounced color. Since one can not always have the two together, or be certain whether he has sapwood or heartwood, reliance upon this feature is, to be sure, unsatisfactory, yet sometimes it is the only general characteristic that can be relied upon. If further assurance is desired, microscopic structure must be examined; in such cases reference has i lo Isao) : lol] been made to the presence or absence : y H A all of tracheids in pith rays and the struce- rea ture of their walls, especially projec- ? Bae ions and spirals. iY. (2) Annual rings. They are more H or less distinctly marked, and by means of such marking a classification of three Fic. 5.—“* Ring-porous”’ woods—white oak and hickory. a.r., annual ring; su. great groups of wood is possible. w., Summer wood; sp. w., spring wood; v, vessels or pores; Go Ver “concentric” (3) Spring wood and summer wood, lines; rt, darker tracts of hard fibers forming the firm part of oak wood; p7, pith rays. the former being the interior (first formed wood of the year), the latter the exterior (last formed) part of the ring. The proportion of each and the manner in which the one merges into the other ave sometimes used, but more frequently the manner in which the pores appear distributed in either. (4) Pores, which are vessels cut through, appearing as holes in cross section, in longitudinal section as channels, scratches, or indentations. They appear only in the broad-leaved, so called, hard woods; their relative size (large, medium, small, minute, and indistinct, when they cease to be visible individually by the naked eye) and manner of distribution in the ring being of much importance, and especially in the summer wood, where they appear singly, in groups, or short broken lines, in continuous concentric, often wavy, lines, or in radial branching lines. (5) Resin duets (see fig. 4), which appear very much like pores in cross section, namely, as holes or lighter or darker colored dots, but much more scattered. They occur only in coniferous woods, and _ their presence or absence, size, num- ber, and distribution are an important distinction in these FiG. 6.—‘‘ Diffuse-porous” woods. a, annual ring; pr, pith rays, which are ‘‘ broad” at a, woods. 4 “fine” at b, “indistinct” at d. (6) Pith rays (see fig. 6), which in cross section appear as radial lines, and in radial section as interrupted bands of varying breadth, impart a peculiar luster to that section in some woods. They are most readily visible with the naked eye or with a magnifier in the broad-leaved woods. In coniferous woods they are usually so fine and closely packed that to the casual observer they do not appear. Their breadth and their greater or less distinctness are used as distinguishing marks, being styled fine, broad, distinct, very distinct, conspicuous, and indistinct when no longer visible by the naked (strong) eye. (7) Concentric lines, appearing in the summer wood of certain species more or less distinct, resembling distantly the lines of pores but much finer and not consisting of pores. (See fig. 5). Of microscopic features, the following only have been referred to: (8) Tracheids. 100 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. (9) Pits, simple and bordered, especially the number of simple pits in the cells of the pith rays, which lead into each of the adjoining tracheids. For standards of weight, consult table on page 95; for standards of hardness, statement on page 97. Unless otherwise stated the color refers always to the fresh cross section of a piece of dry wood; sometimes distinct kinds of color, sometimes only shades, and often only general color effects appear. HOW TO USE THE KEY. Nobody need expect to be able to use successfully any key for the distinction of woods or of any other class of natural objects without some practice. This is especially true with regard to woods, which are apt to vary much, and when the key is based on such meager general data as the present. The best course to adopt is to supply one’s self with a small sample collection of woods accurately named. Small, polished tablets are of little use for this purpose. The pieces should be large enough, if possible, to include pith and bark, and of sufficient width to permit ready inspection of the cross section. By examining these with the aid of the key, beginning with the better-known woods, one will soon learn to see the features described and to form an idea of the relative standards which the maker of the key had in mind. To aid in this, the accom- panying illustrations will be of advantage. When the reader becomes familiar with the key, the work of identifying any given piece will be comparatively easy. The material to be examined must; of course, be suitably prepared. It should be moistened; all cuts should be made with a very sharp knife or razor and be clean and smooth, for a bruised surface reveals but little struc- ture. The most useful cut may be made along one of the edges. Instructive, thin, small sections may be made with a sharp penknife or razor, and when placed on a piece of thin glass, moistened and covered with another piece of glass, they may be examined by holding them toward the light. Finding, on examination with the magnifier, that it contains pores, we know it is not conifer- ous or nonporous. Finding no pores collected in the spring-wood portion of the annual ring, but all scattered (diffused) through the ring, we turn at once to the class of “ Diffuse-porous woods.” We now note the size and manner in which the pores are distributed through the ring. Finding them very small and neither conspicuously grouped, nor larger nor more abundant in the spring wood, we turn to the third group of this class. We now note the pith rays, and finding them neither broad nor conspicuous, but difficult to distinguish, even with the magnifier, we at once exclude the wood from the first two sections of this group and place it in the third, which is repre- sented by only one kind, cottonwood. Finding the wood very soft, white, and on the longitudinal section with a silky luster, we are further assured that our determination is correct. We may now turn to the list of woods and obtain further information regarding the occurrence, qualities, and uses of the wood. Sometimes our progress is not so easy; we may waver in what group or section to place the wood before us. In such cases we may try each of the doubtful roads until we reach a point where we find ourselves entirely wrong, and then return and take up another line; or we may anticipate some of the later-mentioned features and finding them apply to our specimen, gain additional assurance of the direction we ought to travel. Color will often help us to arrive at a speedy decision. In many cases, especially with conifers, which are rather difficult to distinguish, a knowledge of the locality from which the specimen comes is at once decisive. Thus, northern white cedar, and bald cypress, and the cedar of the Pacific will be identified, even without the somewhat indefinite criteria given in the key. KEY TO THE MORE IMPORTANT WOODS OF NORTH AMERICA. IT. Nonporous woods.—Pores not visible or conspicuous on cross section, even with magnifier. Annual rings distinct by denser (dark-colored) bands of summer wood (fig. 37). II. Ring-porous woods.—Pores numerous, usually visible on cross section without magnifier. Annual rings distinct by a zone of large pores collected in the spring wood, alternating with the denser summer wood (fig. 5). TIT. Diffuse-porous woods.—Pores numerous, usually not plainly visible on cross section withont magnifier. Annual rings distinct by a fine line of denser sammer-wood cells, often*quite indistinct; pores scattered through annual ring; no zone of collected pores in spring wood (fig. 6). Notr.—The above-described three groups are exogenous, i. e., they grow by adding annually wood on their circumference. A fourth group is formed by the endogenous woods, like yuceas and palms, which do not grow by such additions. AMERICAN WOODS. 101 I. Nonrorous Woops. (Includes all coniferous woods.) A. Resin ducts wanting.! 1. No distinct heartwood. a. Color effect yellowish white; summer wood darker yellowish (under microscope pith ray without bE ACHEIGS) pre resse ye eet are ae ee ero CP a etapa eo Se we ee steer oe a momen mee N Le Mage: b. Color effect reddish (roseate) (under microscope pith ray with tracheids) ......-..-----.------ Hemlock. 2. Heartwood present, color decidedly different in kind from sapwood. a. Heartwood light orange red; sapwood pale lemon; wood heavy and hard .......-...----.-------- Yew. b. Heartwood purplish to brownish red; sapwood yellowish white; wood soft to medium hard light, usuallyswithvaromaticiodorescset eer sss eee sees sie eee ee ee eee eee teres o eee ees Red cedar. c. Heartwood maroon to terra cotta or deep brownish red; sapwood light orange to dark amber, very soft and light, no odor; pith rays very distinct, specially pronounced on radial section...-..---. Redwood. 3. Heartwood present, color only different in shade from sapwood, dingy-yellowish brown. Gz OGlomless pingl WAOIS ccocéas sass scocse soskee sens geHSne Sande oHde Sea nos Heep sHed sgaane ocd Bald cypress. by Woodtwith mildiresinousodor buttastelesss-sss-—se- ee se see eee eeeeeee sees eee cee ieee White cedar. c. Wood with strong resinous odor and peppery taste when freshly cut ...--..-.----2.------ Incense cedar. B. Resin ducts present. 1. No distinct heartwood; color white; resin ducts very small, not numerous.-..-----..---.-----.------ Spruce. 2. Distinct heartwood present. a. Resin ducts numerous, evenly scattered through the ring. a’. Transition from spring wood to summer wood gradual; annual ring distinguished by a fine line of dense summer-wood cells; color white to yellowish red; wood soft and light-.-..-.. Soft pines.? b’. Transition from spring wood to summer wood more or less abrupt; broad bands of dark-colored summer wood; color from light to deep orange; wood medium hard and heayvy.... - Hard pines.” b. Resin ducts not numerous nor evenly distributed. a’. Color of heartwood orange-reddish; sapwood yellowish (same as hard pine) ; resin ducts frequently combined in groups of 8 to 30, forming lines on the cross section (tracheids with spirals), Douglas spruce. b’. Color of heartwood light russet brown; of sapwood yellowish brown; resin ducts very few, irregu- larly scattered (tracheids without spirals) -.-.-./.--.----.--.--<..-----.---.-------- Tamarack. ADDITIONAL NOTES FOR DISTINCTIONS IN THE GROUP. Spruce is hardly distinguishable from fir except by the existence of the resin ducts, and microscopically by the presence of tracheids in the medullary rays. Spruce may also be confounded with soft pine, except for the heart- wood color of the latter and the larger, more frequent, and more readily visible resin ducts. In the lumber yard, hemlock is usually recognized by color and the slivery character of its surface. Western hemlocks partake of this last character to a less degree. Microscopically the white pine can be distinguished by having usually only one large pit, while spruce shows three to five very small pits in the parenchyma cells of the pith ray communicating with the tracheid. The distinction of the pines is possible only by microscopic examination. The following distinctive features may assist in recognizing, when in the log or lumber pile, those usually found in the market: The light straw color, combined with great lightness and softness, distinguishes the white pines (white pine and sugar pine) from the hard pines (all others in the market), which may also be recognized by the gradual change of spring wood into summer wood. This change in hard pines is abrupt, making the summer wood appear as a sharply defined and more or less broad band. The Norway pine, which may be confounded with the shortleaf pine, can be distinguished by being much lighter and softer. It may also, but more rarely, be confounded with heavier white pine but for the sharper defini- tion of the annual ring, weight, and hardness. The longleaf pine is strikingly heavy, hard, and resinous, and usually very regular and narrow ringed, showing little sapwood, and differing in this respect from the shortleaf pine and loblolly pine, which usually have wider rings and more sapwood, the latter excelling in that respect. The following convenient and useful classification of pines into four groups, proposed by Dr. H. Mayr, is based on the appearance of the pith ray as seen in a radial section of the spring wood of any ring: Section I. Walls of the tracheids of the pith ray with dentate projections. a. One to two large, simple pits to each tracheid on the radial walls of the cells of the pith ray.—Group 1. Represented in this country only by P. resinosa. b. Three to six simple pits to each tracheid, on the walls of the cells of the pithray. Group 2. P. taeda, palustris, etc., including most of our ‘‘ hard” and ‘‘ yeliow” pines. 'To discover the resin ducts a very smooth surface is necessary, since resin ducts are frequently seen only with difficulty, appearing on the cross section as fine whiter or darker spots, normally scattered singly, rarely in groups, usually in the summer wood of the annual ring. They are often much more easily seen on radial, and still more so on tangential sections, appearing there as fine lines or dots of open structure of different color or as indentations or pin scratches in a longitudinal direction. 2Soft and hard pines are arbitrary distinctions and the two not distinguishable at the limit. 102 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Section II. Walls of tracheids of pith ray smooth, without dentate projections. a. One or two large pits to each tracheid on the radial walls of each cell of the pith ray. lambertiana, and other true white pines. b. Three to six small pits on the radial walls of each cell of the pith ray.—Group 4. P. parryana, and other nut pines, including also P. balfouriana. Group 3. P. strobus, II. RiyG-porous Woops. [Some of Group D and cedar elm imperfectly ring-porons.} A. Pores in the summer wood minute, scattered singly or in groups, or in short broken lines, the course of which is never radial. 1. Pith rays minute, scarcely distinct. a. Wood heavy and hard; pores in the summer wood not in clusters. aeaColomormad1altseenlOnen ObRieULO yee ete ee eee eee ee ee eee ee Ash. b’. Color of radial section light yellow; by which, together with its hardness and weight, this species iis CHIN MOC ORME. 35 - So SeSs oes soe. sssdssmcoo oases soto S256) > -.----- Osage orange. b. Wood light and soft; pores in the summer wood in clusters of 10 to 30..---..-.---...---..----- Oatalpa. 2. Pith rays very fine, yet distinct; pores in summer wood usually single or in short lines; color of heartwood reddish brown, of sapwood yellowish white; peculiar odor on fresh section ---..---...---.-.. -- Sassafras. 3. Pith rays fine, but distinct. a. Very heavy and hard; heartwood yellowish brown -.-.----------------------------.----- - Black locust. b, Heavy; medium hard to hard. a. Pores in summer wood very minute, usually in small clusters of 3 to 8; heartwood light orange TARO sege4 Docs sesd SaQHbeHG Baaciasce Hose Sone ceoo Sood can dagsacta Sacks esas sone -ouo/ MAN TUBS Db’. Pores in summer wood small to minute, usually isolated; heartwood cherry red...-.-... Coffee tree. 4, Pith rays fine but very conspicuous, even without magnifier; color of heartwood red, of sapwood pale lemon Honey locust. B. Pores of summer wood minute or small, in concentric wavy and sometimes branching lines, appearing as finely feathered hatchings on tangential section. 1. Pith rays fine, but very distinct; color greenish white; heartwood absent or imperfectly developed. Hackberry. 2. Pith rays indistinct; color of heartwood reddish brown, sapwood grayish to reddish white C. Pores of summer wood arranged in radial branching lines (when very crowded radial arrangement somewhat obscured). 1. Pith rays very minute, hardly visible - Chestnut. BD DML VE DYS) WEL WORKGl Bioudl OMS MIOMONIS |= 4-565 so Sood Sacces tS sSsa ns desa steeds HoSS00 Uscodesessecesse costes Oak. D. Pores of summer wood mostly but little smaller than those of the spring wood, isolated and scattered; very heavy and hard woods. ‘The poresof the spring wood sometimes form bhutan imperfect zone. (Some diffuse- porous woods of groups A and B may seem to belong here.) 1. Fine concentric lines (not of pores) as distinct, or nearly so, as the very fine pith rays; outer summer wood Witla tinceonm ned) heartwood ich med clishy mows = eee see a eee ernie ete Hickory. 2. Fine concentric lines, much finer than the pith rays; no reddish tinge in summer wood, sapwood white, es eT np, Len 9 es 3 sn ese Persimmon. ADDITIONAL NOTES FOR DISTINCTIONS IN THE GROUP. Sassafras and mulberry may be confounded but for the greater weight and hardness and the absence of odor in the mulberry; the radial section of mulberry also shows the pith rays conspicuously. Honey locust, coffee tree, and black locust are also very similar in appearance. The honey locust stands out by the conspicuousness of the pith rays, especially on radial sections, on account of their height, while the black locust is distinguished by the extremely great weight andhardness, together with its darker brown color, AMERICAN WOODS. 103 The ashes, elms, hickories, and oaks may, on casual observation, appear to resemble one another on account of the pronounced zone of porous spring wood. The sharply defined large pith rays of the oak exclude these at once; the wavy lines of pores in the summer wood, appearing as conspicuous, finely feathered hatchings on tangential section, distinguish the elms; while the ashes differ from the hickory by the very conspicuously defined zone of spring-wood pores, which in hickory appear more or less interrupted. The reddish hue of the hickory and the more or less brown hue of the ash may also aid in ready recognition. The smooth, radial surface of split hickory will readily separate it from the rest. tt roar os Sook ar wa) Fic. 10.—Wood of chestnut. The different species of ash may be identified as follows: 1. Pores in the summer wood more or less united into lines. ; a. The lines short and broken, occurring mostly near the limit of the ring-.-...--..-..---------- White ash. b, The lines quite long and conspicuous in most parts of the summer wood.....-.-.--.-.--..-..-. (rreen ash, 104 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. 8. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. 2. Pores in the summer wood not united into lines, or rarely so. a. Heartwood reddish brown and very firm. -..---..-.---.-------.--+--------------------.-------.- hed ash. b. Heartwood grayish brown, and much more porous---.-...---..-------------------------------Black ash. In the oaks, two groups can be readily distinguished by the manner in which the pores are distributed in the summer wood. In the white oaks the pores are very fine and numerous and crowded in the outer part of the summer wood, while in the black or red oaks the pores are larger, few in number, and mostly isolated. The live oaks, as far as structure is concerned, belong to the black oaks, but are much less porous, and are exceedingly heavy and hard. Ill. DirrusEe-Pporous Woops. [A few indistinetly ring-porous woods of Group II, D, and cedar elm may seem to belong here.] A. Pores varying in size from large to minute; largest in spring wood, thereby giving sometimes the appearance of a ring-porous arrangement. 1. Heavy and hard; color of heartwood (especially on longitudinal section) chocolate brown--.. Black walnut. 2. Light and soft; color of heartwood light reddish brown .----..-----..._...----...-------------- Butternut. B. Pores all minute and indistinct; most numerous in spring wood, giving rise to a lighter colored zone or line (especially on longitudinal section), thereby appearing sometimes ring porous; wood hard, heartwood vinous reddish; pith rays very fine, but very distinct. (See also the sometimes indistinct ring-porous cedar elm, and occasionally winged elm, which are readily distinguished by the concentric wavy lines of pores in the summer WOE) soesepodnbossssoor saceRbcaS seo Sts aA SSsanSesoODgRCOD ons 568 SoDeSsondace00 nese sa cess ceoroanaHsaosesos Cherry. a i 01 iD o}./9 () 0 ) lo Wf) ARE old 70 0 019) (0) (0/0) 010) =. = ==: GC 0. ==: a 5 011% |%0) [ol (G90 wel Og 9% ololololy 0}0|0. WO) = = = = Ss F a 0; 0 10. Xo! fo) 9) 9) 0} Ook C)\0lg(0 do lolol§ Doro Olo 9010, revel ) i) = 4 9 -[ 9) Fic. 11.—Wood of hickory. C. Pores-minute or indistinct, neither conspicuously larger nor more numerous in. the spring wood and evenly distributed. 1. Broad pith rays present. a. All or most pith rays broad, numerous, and crowded, especially on tangential Sections, medium heavy andvhard\difti culitstorsp litt eyetaes se soso ee eon ae ee ees ee ee Spares yer cre emirate Sycamore. b. Only part of the pith rays broad. ; a. Broad pith rays well defined, quite numerous; wood reddish-white to reddish ........-..--- Beech. b’. Broad pith rays not sharply defined, made up of many small rays, not numerous. Stem fur- rowed, and therefore the periphery of section, and with it the annual rings, sinuons, bending in and out, and the large pith rays generally limited to the furrows or concave portions. Wood white, MOU: TEM GUS Wisse aS Re we peat ete ee ee ge Pape sta soc aero a erate tater Blue beech. 2. No broad pith rays present. a, Pith rays small to very small, but quite distinct. a’. Wood hard. al! pie olor reddish white, with dark reddish tinge in outer summer wood...- ----------------Maple. -.Color whites wiathoutmeddushi tinges sass ae ee eee ee eee eee OULT: vb’. wie soft to very soft. a’. Pores crowded, occupying nearly all the space between pith rays. a", Color qari white, often with a greenish tinge in heartwood .--.-.--.--. Tulip poplar, Cucumber tree. b’. Color of sapwood grayish, of heartwood light to dark reddish brown... -- -- -- -- Sweet gum. 6’. Pores not crowded, oceupying not over one-third the space between pith rays; heartwood brownish white to very light brown -...-..--.---.-----------------------=--- -------- Basswood. b. Pith rays scarcely distinct, yet if viewed with ordinary magnifier, shes visible. a’. Pores indistinct to the naked eye. a’, Color uniform pale yellow; pith rays not conspicuous even on the radial section - .. .. Buckeye. bo’. Sapwood yellowish gray, heartwood grayish brown; pith rays conspicuous on the radial sec- LOM oi weet a Se spare e ee bE ele Ane ye eee ee et ae eee sie | Pra mey OO TAC ITI) b'. Pores sean distinct, Bae mostly sive as grayish specks on the cross section; sapwood whit- ish; heartwoodhmaddishy i: (reece cto ears slo Selec nla arene een ee ae eretniatein ne lee Un UICe AMERICAN WOODS. 105 D. Pith rays not visible or else indistinct, even if viewed with magnifier. 1. Wood very soft, white, or in shades of brown, usually with a silky luster ---..-----. Cottonwood (poplar). ADDITIONAL NOTES FOR DISTINCTIONS IN THE GROUP. Cherry and birch are sometimes confounded. The high pith rays on the cherry on radial sections readily distin- guish it; distinct pores on birch and spring-wood zone in cherry as well as the darker vinous-brown color of the latter will prove helpful. : Fia.14.—Wood of elm. ared elm; b white elm; ¢ winged elm. Two groups of birches can be readily distinguished, though specific distinction is not always possible. 1. Pith rays fairly distinct, the pores rather few and not more abundant in the spring wood; wood heavy, usually darker.-..-_--..---------------------- -------- ---5 202-257 -------- Cherry birch and yellow birch. 2, Pith rays barely distinct, pores more numerous and commonly forming a more porous spring-wood zone; wood of medium weight......------.-----------. ------------ +----- -----+-----+---- Canoe or paper birch. The species of maple may be distinguished as follows: 1. Most of the pith rays broader than the pores and yery conspicuous........---+--+---------------- Sugar maple, 106 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. 2. Pith rays not or rarely broader than the pores, fine but conspicuous. a. Wood heavy and hard, usually of darker reddish color and commonly spotted on cross section .. Red maple. b. Wood of medium weight and hardness, usually light colored-------.--.--------------------- Silver maple. Red maple is not always safely distinguished from soft maple. In box elder the pores are finer and more numerous than in soft maple. The various species of elm may be distinguished as follows: 1. Pores of spring wood form a broad band of several rows; easy splitting, dark brown heart..---.---. Red elm. 2. Pores of spring wood usually in a single row, or nearly so. a. Pores of spring wood large, conspicuously so. -.-.-----------------------.--..-----------.---- White elm. b. Pores of spring wood small to minute. a’. Lines of pores in summer wood fine, not as wide as the intermediate spaces, giving rise to very COMM NACI GREW. sosccse sso oases cheese Soes case Soo Sods eseg ONES Sose so3S CoSe rose Oboes OeEs o2e8 Rock elm. b’. Lines of pores broad, commonly as wide as the intermediate spaces ....-...---..-.----.- Winged elm. c. Pores in spring wood indistinct, and therefore hardly a ring-porous wood -._...-..-.----------- Cedar elm. Pp 5 Vi A Fic. 15.—Wood of walnut. p. 7., pith rays; Fic. 16.—Wood of cherry. c. l., concentriclines; v, vessels or pores; su. wW., Summer wood; sp. w., spring wood. STRUCTURE OF THE WOOD OF THE FIVE SOUTHERN PINES.! The wood of these pines is so much alike in appearance and even in minute structure that it can be discussed largely without distinction of species. The distinctions, as far as there are any, have been pointed out in the introduction. Here itis proposed to give in more detail the characteristics of the wood structure. SAP AND HEART WOOD. : All five species have a distinct sap and heart wood, the sap being light yellow to whitish, the heart yellowish to reddish or orange brown. The line of demarcation between the two is well defined, without any visible transition stage. The location of this line does not as a rule coincide with the line of any annual ring, so that the wood of the same year’s growth may be sap on one side of the treeand heart on the other. The difference in this condition may amount to ten or twenty rings, which on one side of the same section will be heart, on the other side sap. ’ There is considerable variation in the relative width of the two zones as well as the number of rings involved in either and also in the age at which the transition from sap to heart-wood begins. This age was rarely found to be below twenty years; as a rule the transformation begins in young trees when the particular section of the tree is between twenty and twenty-five years old, but the progress of heart formation does not keep pace with the annual growth, being more and more retarded as the tree grows older, so that while ina section twenty-five years old twenty- two rings may be sapwood, at thirty-five years the sapwood will comprise only thirty rings; at forty-five years, forty rings; at eighty years, fifty rings; and in sections two hundred years old the outer eighty to one hundred rings will still be sap. A young tree of longleaf pine (No. 22) was, for instance, found to show the foliowing relations: Height | Section. from 2 pele mings of | stump. ss ue | | | Feet. | Years. Number. 6 40 46 | 14 38 33 | 22, 30 27 30 24 23 42 18 : 17 ! Reprinted from Bulletin 13, WOOD OF SOUTHERN PINES. 107 The change from sap to heart wood begins earlier in young trees than in the younger portions of older trees; in these latter, sections thirty-six and forty years old are quite commonly found still entirely made up of sapwood, while in young trees, as stated above, the change begins before the age of thirty years. The progress of the transformation is somewhat influenced by the rate of growth; it is slower in slow-growing trees and usually also on the slower-growing radius, i. e., there are more rings of sapwood. The width of the sapwood, on the other hand, stands in relation to the rate of growth in an opposite manner; it is wider in young and thrifty than in old and stunted trees, and widest along the greatest radius of any section; similarly, it is wider in the faster-growing loblolly, Cuban, and spruce pines than in the slow-growing longleaf. Besides being of a lighter color the sapwood differs from the heartwood in several respects. Its resin is limpid and oozes out of the pores or resin ducts of any fresh cut; that of the heartwood does not flow, except in rare cases, from saturated pieces or “light wood.” The sapwood contains much less rosin—both rosin and turpentine—than the heartwood. Thus in a section of longleaf the sapwood contained only 0.2 per cent of turpentine and 1 per cent of rosin, while the heart contained from 2 to 4 per cent of turpentine and 12 to 24 per cent of rosin, and though this is an extreme case the heart generally has three to five times as much resinous matter as the sap. The fresh sapwood contains three to five times as much free water as the heartwood and is, even when seasoned, more hygroscopic and subject to relatively greater shrinkage than the heart. This capacity for taking up water readily is probably one of the reasons why sapwood decays more readily. In addition, the parenchyma cells of the medullary rays and resin ducts (see further on) contain, at least in the outer parts of the sapwood, living protoplasm and reserve food materials which are readily seized upon by fungi which cause “‘bluing” and decay. Such living tissue does not exist in the heartwood. The heartwood in old logs generally is heavier than the sapwood. This is not due to any later thickening or growth of its cell walls, after their original formation, but is due chiefly to two causes: 1. The heartwood of old logs was formed when the tree was younger, and made, naturally, heavier wood. 2. The accumulation of resin in the heart already referred to increases often very considerably the weight of the heartwood. In the same way the sapwood of old logs, such as supply the sawmills, is weaker than the heartwood of the same logs, but this is not because the wood is in the sapwood condition, but because it is lighter and its summerwood per cent smaller, being, as stated before, the product of old age, when heavy and strong wood is no longer formed. Chemically the wood substance of sapwood is practically like that of heartwood; the coloring substances which permeate the cell walls in heartwood appear to be infiltrations, i. e., deposited in the walls from solutions; they are insignificant in amount, and their true nature, especially the processes leading to their formation, are not yet fully understood. The most modern views which consider these coloring bodies or heartwood substances as products of oxidation of tannin still require confirmation. ANNUAL RINGS. The layers of growth, known and appearing on any cross section as annual rings, show very distinctly in the wood of these pines. In a section 8 or 10 feet from the ground the rings are widest at the center, of considerable width for the first thirty to fifty rings, the period of most rapid growth in height; then they grow more and more narrow toward the periphery. In the last sixty to one hundred rings of very old logs the decrease is very small, the rings remaining practically of the same width. The same year’s growth is usually wider in the upper part of the stem, both in young and old trees, but the average width of the rings is naturally greater in the upper part ouly of young trees; in old and also in stunted trees it is smaller, since in these the upper portions do not share in the more rapid growth of the early years. Rings over half an inch wide are frequently seen in loblolly and occur in spruce pine; rings one-fourth of an inch in width occur in very thrifty saplings of all five species, but the average width of the rings for sapling timber is usually less than one-fourth of an inch, commonly one-eighth. In trees over one hundred years old it drops to one-twelfth of an inch and even below. The average 108 ‘FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. width of the rings is normally smallest in longleaf pine, being one-twenty-fifth of an inch and less. (See also tables and diagrams of rate of growth in the introduction, as well as in the several monographs.) The influence of orientation on the width of the rings is completely obscured by other, more potent influences, so that sometimes the radius on the north side, other times that of some other side, is the greatest; and it is a common observation to see this relation vary within wide limits, even in the trunk of the same tree. Stunted trees of longleaf pine over one hundred years old with an average width of ring of one-fiftieth of an inch are frequently met with in old timber; of the other species no such trees were observed. The decrease of the width of the rings from center to periphery is never perfectly uniform. Not only do consecutive rings differ within considerable limits, but frequently zones of narrower rings, including thirty or more years’ growth, disturb the general regularity. Where these zones consist of very narrow rings, one-fiftieth of an inch or less, the wood is of distinctly lighter color and weight. Since the value of this class of wood depends not only on its strength and stiffness but also on the fineness of its rings (grain), in so far as the grain influences both the appearance and the ease of shaping as well as other mechanical properties, the width of the annual ring is of great importance, from a technical point of view, the finer-ringed (grained) wood of the same weight always deserving and mostly receiving preference. The rings of the limbs are narrower than the corresponding rings of the stem. Moreover, they are usually of different widths on the upper and lower side of the same branch, those of the latter excelling in width those of the former. Frequently the wider lower part of a ring of a branch appears like a ‘‘lune” on the cross section, quite wide (one-eighth of an inch and more) in its lower median part, and scarcely visible, often entirely fading out on the upper side. This difference is commonly accentuated by the appearance of the wood itself. In the upper part the wood of the wing is normal and light colored, owing to a very small summerwood per cent; on the lower wide part, the “lune,” the wood is commonly of reddish color, either even ghaarethant the entire width of the ring, or else in several varicolored bands, which give the appearance of two or more separate ill-defined rings. Sometimes the earliest formed springwood is included in this unusual coloration, at other times only the median portion of the ring. This “(red wood,” as it has been termed by the French and German writers, is composed of very thick walled cells and increases markedly the weight of the wood, so that the wood of the side containing it is usually much the heaviest. It is of interest that the several “lunes” in any eross section occur rarely, if ever, exactly one above the other, but commonly the radius passing through the middle of one “lune” makes an angle of 20 to 40 degrees with the radius passing through the middle of another “lune.” Often successive “lunes” show considerable deviation in position and commonly differ in width or degree of development. Accepting the most recent explanation of this phenomenon as expressed by Hartig and Cieslar,' it would appear that the formation of these broad “lunes” of especially strong cells is due to pressure-stimulus on the growing cambium, caused by the weight of the limb and its peculiar position, increased at all times by movements of the limb due to the wind. More- over it seems that the formation of one well-developed “lune” relieves for a time the pressure, and with it the necessity for a repetition of this formation. These “lunes” are most conspicuous in the limbs of these pines near the trunk, and disappear at variable distances from the trunk and with them disappears the eccentricity and the difference in appearance and weight of the wood of the limbs. Immediately at the junction of limb and stem the pressure is constant, and the result is the formation of almost uniformly thick-walled tissue in all parts of the ring, giving to the “‘knot” its great weight and hardness. Lunes similar to those of the limb are frequently observed in the stems of small trees; wherever this has been noted it was found on the underside of a leaning or curved portion. 2 Occasionally such a ‘‘lune” extends for 12 and more feet up and down. Quite distinct from this modification of the annual ring is another modification frequently seen, especially in young trees, giving rise to so-called “‘false” rings. It consists in the appearance of 1A. Cieslar, ‘‘Rotholz al Fichte,” Centralblatt f. d. g. Forstwesen 1896, p. 149, and Robert Hartig “Das Rothholz der Fichte” in Forstlich-naturwissenschaftliche Zeitschrift, 1896, p. 165. *Cieslar produced them at will by bending young spruce saplings. WOOD OF SOUTHERN PINES. 109 one or more, rarely two, dark-colored lines, which precede the true summerwood band of the ring. These lines, resembling the summerwood in color and composed like it of think-walled cells, follow the true springwood of the year and are separated from the summerwood and from each other (if there are more than one) by a light-colored line resembling springwood. While occasionally this is somewhat misleading in counting the rings, a moderate magnification usually suffices to distinguish the real character of the tissues, as described later on. A more serious difficulty arises in very old, slowly growing trees, where the ring sometimes is represented by only one to three cells (see fig. 18) and occasionally disappears, i. e., is entirely wanting in some. parts of the cross section. Generally these cases, due to various causes, are too rare to seriously interfere in the establishment of the age of a tree. SPRING AND SUMMER WOOD. The difference between spring and summer wood is strongly marked in these pines, the transition from the former to the latter being normally abrupt and giving: to the annual ring the appearance of two sharply defined bands. (See figs. 17 and 22.) In wide rings the transition \ k-LAST 50-%-2N0 50 RINGS. —- — — —- 380 50 RINGS.- — — — f — — = ail 50 RINGS: = = —P CENTRAL 28 RINGS (RINGS OR 50! ! 1YRS. GROWTH: t | (SUMMER WOOD! SUMMER wooD. | SUMMER WOOD, SUMMER WOOD, SUMMER WOOD, see 2.74 i 207 45%. 52%. 7. j ! i} | | | | | | t | | | | | | | | | | Fic. 17—Variation of summerwood per cent from pith to bark. is sometimes gradual. The springwood is light colored, has a specific gravity of about 0.40, and thus weighs somewhat less than half as much as the darker summerwood, with a specific gravity of about 0.90 to 1.05, so that the weight and with it the strength of the wood is greater, the larger the amount of summerwood. (See figs. 17 and 19.) The absolute width of the summerwood varies generally with the width of the ring (see diagram, fig. 19), i. e., the wider the ring the wider the summerwood band. It decreases in a cross section of an old log from near the pith to the periphery, and in the same layer, from the stump to the top of the tree. Where the growth of the stem is very eccentric, the wood along the greater radius has the greatest proportion of summerwood; thus, in a disk of longleaf, for instance, there is on the north side a radius of 152 mm. with 27 per cent summerwood; on the south side a radius of 98:mm. and a summerwood per cent of only 20 per cent. In the stump section the great irregularity in the contour of the rings is accompanied by a corresponding irregularity in the outline of the summerwood. The summerwood generally forms less than half of the total volume of the whole log (see fig. 17); it forms a greater part of the coarse-grained wood which was grown while the tree was young than in the fine-ringed outer parts of the log, grown in the old age period. It also forms a greater 110 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. part in the volume of the butt than of the top log, and thus fully explains the well-known difference in the weight, strength, and value of the various parts of the tree. The following table serves to illustrate this point. The numbers in each line refer to the average values for the same ten annual layers through three sections of the tree at varying height. The figures in italics below refer to specific gravity for the same layer. The valués for specific gravity were calculated on the basis of allowing a specific gravity of 0.40 for springwood and 0.90 for summerwood, the values for the entire disks as actually observed being given below: Summerwood per cent and specifie gravity in various parts of a tree of longleaf pine. ee — a = —<——— = | | es l Sie ese ) a | an} 21 | 31 | 41 | 51 | 61 | 71 $1) 91 | 101} 111] 121) 181] 141) 151) 161} 171] 181] 191] 201| 211] 221 | 231 yer Rings from periphery. | to | to | to | to | to | to | to | to to | to! 10 | to | to | to | to | to | to | to] to | to | to | to | to | to for iY ~ | 10 | 20) 80 | 40 | 50 | 60 | 70 | 80 90 100/110) 120130 | 140) 150) 160) 170 | 180) 190} 200) 210} 220| 230/236 | fou } || | i i | al Soni seal ize eI a pes : a = aa; mera keesa| | | | | | Section I, 3 feet from ground. 39 | 44 | hy 42) 38) 35| 45) 32) 44 a 43) 43! 52| 56] 48| 46) 48) 43] 47) 47] 52] 45] 42 |a15 45 : 59) .62| 60 | 61) .59| 57) 62) 56) 62) .73| 61) .61| 66) 68} G4) 63) 64) 61) .63| 63) 66) 62) 61) .47| .625 Section IV, 35 feet from | | | | {Sal eal sTround 26 25| 34] 28) 24! 2: 35| 49) 31} 33} 43) 34] 40) 31). 34] 33] 33] 31) 22] D6].-_-].... 29 a | 02 | 07 | .d4 | .52 52) .5Y| 64) .55| 56) .61| .57| 60) 55) .57| .56') .56) .55| 51) .49)....)..-.] 545 Section VII, 70 feet from | | | PTOUN Geen eee ee 2 16} 17) 18} 18) 20, 18} 26) 21) 24) 19) 19) 22) 16) 18) ¢2)}.._.|.-- |... ital Weta aaa 18 z 51| 48 | 48 | .49 2 10 | 4S). 49 203 | 00) 52) 49) 49) 51 | 48)| 49) (47) =~ | oo sonalloceolloosl|> acl) | | | a@ Six rings next to pith. b Two rings. c One ring. The observed values of specific gravity for the three sections are 0.700, 0.56), and 0.490, respectively. Tt will be noticed that the greatest difference between the calculated and the actual value of specific gravity occurs in the section at the stump. This is fully accounted for by the fact that large amounts of resin, not considered in the values of summerwood per cent, always occur in this portion, adding from 5 to 20 per cent to the weight of the wood. iB Slice S 4 SS 8 x 8 ce Py fs OS € 28 iS, SSS oe A Ne) > 8) iO i 7B IR GIB ie 3) BD Decades of Rings from periphery 4 Fig. 18—Variation of specific gravity with summerwood per cent and age of section in longleaf pine, the solid lines referring to a section 3 feet from the ground, the dotted lines to one 14 feet from the ground. (Specific gravity as actually observed on pieces of 1 inch radia extent.) In stunted trees the summerwood forms nearly as great a per cent of the total volume for the whole tree as in thrifty trees of the same age, but in the stunted growth, or extremely narrow ringed portion of otherwise normal trees, the per cent of summerwood is markedly decreased, a feature which becomes conspicuous in the lighter color of the wood of such portions. (See diagram, fig. 22, A.) Where, on the other hand, the rate of growth in an old tree is suddenly increased by the accessibility of more light, for instance, the summerwood per cent also is disproportionately increased, but this disproportion appears to be more transient, i. e., a decrease in the summerwood per cent sets in sooner than for the rate of growth or the width of the rings. (See fig. 19.) In some of the rapidly grown loblolly and spruce pine the summerwood forms but a small part of the WOOD OF SOUTHERN PINES. 111 first ten to twenty years’ growth, and in all cases the first few rings about the pith have but little summerwood. In general, the summerwood per cent varies in the several species as well as in the individual with the weight of the wood, which is least in the spruce pine, greatest in Cuban and longleaf pine, and stands between these in loblolly and shortleaf. It furnishes a very useful criterion to distinguish between these groups, and especially to select strong timber. In the limb, the summerwood is most abundant in the knot (all wood practically partaking of the character of summerwood, at least as far as the thickness of cell walls is concerned) and in the I 150 ue W.itl . ay 100 71t » a Ss Ss \ 1 al 50 t Summer-wood per. ce Width of Rings and of Summer-wood in 1 2 3 4 5 6 Uf 8 Ha) Lk WG JB) TEE TB HG i} I) A) al 9 Decades of Rings from periphery : Ww sewoue oe Fig. 19.—Variation of summerwood per cent with rate of growth (width of ring) in tree No. 3, longleaf pine. Nove.—Only the heavy line represents summerwood per cent; the others indicate the actual width of the rings (upper pair) and of the band of summerwood (lower pair). part next to the stem, decreasing with thé distance from the trunk. As might be expected, it also forms a larger per cent of the wood of the underside of limbs and the concave portions of bent trunks. GRAIN OF THE WOOD. Though usually quite straight grained, the wood of these species is by no means always So. Spiral growth, leading to “‘ cross-grained” lumber, occurs frequently, is usually more pronounced in the basal portions of the tree, and commonly varies from pith to bark in the same log. Wavy grain resembling that of the maple (curly maple) has not been observed, but an irregular wavy grain, due to the fact that the surface of the trunk for many years is covered with small, low eminences, 1 to a few inches across, is frequently seen, especially in longleaf pine, and leads to remarkably pretty patterns. Unfortunately the contrast of spring and summer wood being so very pronounced, the figures are somewhat obtrusive and therefore not fully appreciated. 112 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. MINUTE ANATOMY. The minute structure or histology of the wood of the five species under consideration is that of a group whose position in a general classification of the wood of pines is indicated in the follow- ing scheme, suggested by Dr. J. Schroeder, and more completely by Dr. H. Mayr,' in which they appear as part of group 2 of Section I. Section I. Walls of the tracheids of the pith ray, with dentate projections. a. One to two large, simple pits to each tracheid on the radial walls of the cells of the pith ray.—Group 1. Represented in this country by P. resinosa. b. Three to six simple pits to each tracheid on the walls of the cells of the pith ray.—Group 2. P. teda, palustris, etc., including most of our ‘‘hard” and “yellow” pines. Section II. Walls of tracheids of pith ray smooth, without dentate projections. a. One or two large pits to each tracheid on the radial walls of each cell of the pith ray.—Group 3. P. strobus lambertiana, and other true white pines. b. Three to six smell pits on the radial walls of each cell of the pith ray. eiGroun 4. P. parryana, and other nut pines, including also P. balfouriana. The general features of structure of coniferous woods are represented in the accompanying cut (fig. 20). The structural elements, as in all pine, are few and simple, and consist of (a) tracheids, the common wood fibers, forming over 90 per cent of the volume; (>) medullary or pith rays, minute 2 Alo O op P I] « VOC We JO le as Fic. 20.—Schematic representation of coniferous wood struc. * ture: wood of spruce—1, natural size; 2, small part of one ring magnified 100 times. The vertical tubes are wood fibers, in this case all ‘‘tracheids;” m, medullary or pith ray; n transverse tracheids of pith ray; a, 6, and c, bordered pits of the tracheids more enlarged. Fia, 21.—Cell endings in pine. cell aggregates composed of two kinds of cells, scarcely visible without magnifier and then only on the radial section, yet forming about 7 to 8 per cent of the volume and weight of the wood in these species; (¢) resin ducts, small passages of irregular length surrounded by resin-secreting cells scattered through the wood, but forming two more or less connected systems, one running in the direction of the fibers, the other at right angles to the first, the individual ducts of the latter system always occupying the middle portion of medullary rays. The tracheids, or common wood fibers, are alike in all five species, and resemble those of otlrer pines: they are slender tubes, 4.5 to 6 mm. (about one-fourth inch) long, forty to one hundred times as long as thick, usually hexagonal in cross section, with sharp or more or less rounded outlines (see PJ. XX), flattened in tangential direction at both ends (see Pl. XX, Af), the diameter in radial direction being 45 to 55 4 (about 0.002 inch) in the springwood, and about half that, or 21 to 25 ju, in the summerwood, and in pore ential direction loons 40 us, on the average in ihe 1Dr. J. Schroeder, Holz der Ganiknen, Draaden, 1872, p. 65; Dr. H. vie, Walteueenn yon Wm Wemtioroniie, Miin- chen, 1890, p. 426. WOOD OF SOUTHERN PINES. 113 middle. They are arranged in regular radial rows (see Pl. XX), which are continuous through an indefinite number of rings, but the number of rows increasing every year to accommodate the increasing circumference of the growing stem. (See Pl. XX,Cc.) The fibers of the same row are practically conterminous, i. e., they all have about the same length, though at their ends they aré often bent, slightly distorted, and usually separated (see Pl. XX, B ¢; also fig. 21), their neighbors filling out the interspaces. There is no constant difference in the dimensions of these fibers in the different species here considered. In every tree the fibers are shortest and smallest 1 J SS Fic. 22.—Cross section of normal and stunted growth in Longleaf Pine. near the pith of any section, rapidly increasing in size from the pith outward, and reaching their full size in about the tenth to twentieth ring from the pith. ‘To illustrate: In a section of longleaf pine, 10 feet from the ground, the diameter of the tracheids in radial direction is in ~=0.001 mm.: Number of . Spring- | Summer- Fines fron wood wood. |*verage. Me MK 1 24 15 24 2 34 23 32 3 45 24 40 4 43 26 36 7 50 26 38 0 52 28 36 24-33 52 28 36 44-53 52 27 37 H. Doe. 181——8 114 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. As usual in conifers, the tracheids are largest in the roots and smallest in the limbs. In these, pines, especially in longleaf pine, they are larger in well-grown wood than in that of extremely stunted trees, though very narrow rings in otherwise normal trees do not share this diminutive size of the tracheids. (See fig. 22, A and B, where afew very narrow rings are made up of elements of normal size.) , The following average figures illustrate the difference between wood from very stunted trees and that of normal trees in longleaf pine, of which we give an average from an extensive series examined: Radial diam- ter of tra- > Number of Average c saa 8 Character of Age. . tian cheids in tree. & width of ring. spring wood tree. »=0.001 mm, Millimeters. 4 86 0. 4-0.5 31-36 | Stunted. 5 60 4 30-36 Do. 6 70 A 33-38 Do. 7 68 2.0 52 | Normal.: As soon as the average width of the annual rings gets above 0.5 mm. the dimensions of the elements approach the normal. Thus, in trees Nos. 1 and 2, with average width of annual rings 0.5 to 0.6 mm., the average diameter of the tracheids in radial direction is 35 to 48 yu. Normally, the diameter in radial direction is greatest in the first-formed or inner part of any ring, and decreases even before the summerwood is reached. In narrow rings with an abrupt beginning of the summerwood, so common in these Southern pines, the diameter is quite constant throughout the springwood, but changes, together with the thickness of the wall, quite suddenly with the beginning of the summerwood, thus adding to the sharpness of the outlines of the two parts. (See Pl. XX; also fig. 22, B.) In nearly all sections there is an additional marked decrease in radial diameter in the last 3 to 5 cells of each row, which helps to emphasize the limits of the ring. In the so-called “false” rings, mentioned before, the cells of the false sammerwood part resemble those of the normal summerwood. The recognition of the false ring as such rests upon the difference in shape and dimensions of the last cell rows in comparison with those adjoining. In the true summerwood the last cells are much flattened, with small lumen and somewhat reduced walls making a sharp definition toward the springwood of the next ring, which is still further accentuated by the wide lumen and thin wall of the cells of the latter. In the “false” summer- wood, on the contrary, the end cells are not flattened, and the cells of the light-colored adjoining zone of wood have but a moderately wide lumen and comparatively thick walls. The fact that the outline is less regular and commonly incomplete—i. e., it does not extend around the entire section—also aidsin recognizing the falserings. In the “lunes” of both limb and stem referred to above the fibers are smaller, more rounded in cross section, and commonly exhibit conspicuous intercellular spaces between them. The walls of these are often much thicker than those of the summerwood of the same ring at this point. Since the radial diameter of the fibers of the summer- wood is only about half as great as that of the springwood, it is clear that the number of fibers of the summerwood forms a much greater per cent of the total number of fibers than is indicated in the per cent of summerwood given above and based upon its relative width. Thus, in wood having 50 per cent of summerwood there are, in number, twice as many tracheids in the summer- wood as in the springwood. : The walls of the cells are generally about 3 to 34 yw thick in the springwood, while in the summerwood they are 6 to 7 « thick on the tangential side and 8 to 11 » thick on the radial side of the fiber. Generally it may be said that the thickness varies inversely as the extent of the wall, i. e., the greater any diameter the thinner the walls parallel to this diameter, which gives the impression that each cell is furnished an equal quantum of material out of which to construct its house and had the tendency of giving an equal amount to each of its four or six sides. Generally the absolute width of the ring does not affect the thickness of the cell walls, the fibers of wide rings having no thicker walls than those of narrow rings; but when the growth of a tree is unusually suppressed, so that the rings are less than 0.5 mm. (0.02 inch) wide and each row consists of only a few fibers, the walls of the fibers of the summerwood, like those of the last- H. Doe. 181. PLATE XX. IC L Ch ee eee ioe ‘oa ia © @ Boo ‘0 anTRBONUE | r Ol a i i : | a Cl I Oa =| Pegsee or ess nl Beoee eh SSS See! | Bibecest SE SSeS! | eieseaco age =\5co sie e522q)05= oye | ehre! Sana G Ley ei (oles ifopoy [el ola} Lo fo le) isfoyal GEoo INOUOVEERE at (jefe) yaggs sla nd i wn Tele . © S ema _ beni So ar - (IC Typical Cross SECTIONS OF PINUS TAEDA, HETEROPHYLLA, AND GLABRA. r. d., resin duets; s. ¢., secreting cells; m. 7., medullary rays; sp. w., spring wood; sw. w.,summer wood. A, Pinus r=pA: a-b, transverse tracheids; c, simple pits; d-e, row of tracheids; f, flattened terminal of tracheid. B, PINUS HETEROPHYLLA: a-b, row of tracheids; ¢, terminal of tracheid; d-e, bordered pits. C. Pinus GLABRA: a-b, single row of tracheids; c-b, same row doubled. H. Doe. 181. PLATE XXI. i ly ni iy t CH a hin Velo} INS) @ ©) ae IC] cS a) s : Se : —INo = OZ i —= c Ve i 7 Ok (Sy) 5 = : Sez LJ ‘s ee ae = = == Pee () @ ma ss as Tair ( ee ee eee ( (we LA [@ @ non 0 i (old om [ofofojal ch ta oS Poe lojo\s ao Siossmecn misesnunaa aden Joe s3 6 a — —-Sp.We- — Sno aSaS SaaS TYPICAL CROSS SECTIONS OF PINUS PALUSTRIS AND ECHINATA, AND RADIAL SECTIONS OF PINUS PALUSTRIS AND GLABRA. A, Pinus ecuinaTa. Cross section of two rings; sp. w., Springwood, sw. w., summerwood. B, Pincus pauusrris. Cross section of avery narrow ring. Of the two medullary rays one is cut through a row of parenchyma, the other through a row of tracheids. Gand D, Pryus Guapra. Radial sections; m. r., medullary rays; tr., tracheids of the medullary rays; p., parenchyma of the same; s. p., simple pits leading from the parenchyma to the neighboring tracheids or common fibers c. tr.; b. p., bordered pit. The ray at Cis made up of tracheids ~ only. E, Pinus pauustris. Radial section; lettering as in D. Originals magnified: 4, ®9°, the rest °°: illustrations: A, '4°, the rest *4°. ar if ae i ae PLATE XXII. H. Doe. 181. , ©) ve : i aoe a S58 GOR RON CBA |e 6 A SOS OO NN CB = | Se ee | Se re ns eee rays; s. p., simple pits; b p., bordered RADIAL SECTIONS OF PINUS ECHINATA AND HETEROPHYLLA. Aand B, PINUS ECHINATA. 10. 1., medullary rays; p.,parenchyina of same; tr., transverse tracheids of pits; c. tr., common tracheids. su. w., Summerwood; other letters as in 4. C, PINUS HETEROPHYLLA. Originals magnified °{°; illustrations, *{°. H. Doe. 181. PLATE XXIII. oo S ak 1 [ i fH | OW: 3) RADIAL SECTIONS OF PINUS TADA AND TANGENTIAL SECTIONS OF PINUS PALUSTRIS AND ECHINATA. Aand B, Pinus Tapa. Radial sections: nm. 7., medullary rays; tr., tracheids; p., parenchyma of the rays; s. p., simple pit: b. p., bordered pit; c. tr., common tracheids. C-B, tangential sections. C, Pinus pALusrris. Left-hand part in springwood, right-band portion in sammerweood. D-E, Pinus Ecarnata. D, section in springwood; a-c, medullary rays; «@, a small ray composed of tracheids only: ¢, a “triple” ray; d, bordered pit showing the membrane in place. £, section in summerwood; a, bordered pit, other letters as in 4 and B. Magnification of originals, °$°; of illustrations: 4 and B, 7°; C-H, 39°. PLATE XXIV. H. Doe. 181. e Zise:-- W, S y Stas ea: Ch a 5 A© NS OS SS | 00 | SS eo PKS tr--= we : BOER Ie. ee zs lolé lool ctr = NS as =sow_ eos C3 TANGENTIAL SECTIONS OF PINUS TADA, HETEROPHYLLA, AND GLABRA. A, PINUS HETEROPHYLLA. Radial and tangential sections of a transverse resin duct; r. d., resin duct; m. 7. medullary ray; tr., tracheids of the medullary ray; p., parenchyma cells of the same; ec. tr., common tracheids or wood fibers. B-G, Pints GLABRA. 8B, tangential section of a transverse resin duct and parts of three fibers; b. p., bordered pit; other letters as above; C-G, tangential sections of medullary rays, of which F is made up of tracheids only. while D is a “ triple” ray, H, Pinus tapas. Tangential sections of medullary rays in spring and suramer wood. io $°, Original magnified *2°, illustrations about * Rh al ' eens PLATE XXV. H. Doe. 181. a H eae 0 ee A\ || 8 » | 4 i\\ fi ) BABES : | HB 4 8) ie] A 8 9 ; y y ; ia Ie I | te i f a | | a Ae 7 ofl] B A : on BMA WN TY Ae y rd.-- y fl 0 A A \ " a Ie y p 4 a\ \0 0 i (0) a A 5 os ; 6 A y | Nes Wy fo NM: i ; a | fa A N A (a) io) 12) Oo 0 VIE i TT A i i , ‘ qi LL a Hines I i 6 F Q a 4 y 0 Pi | | 0) (| H {0} D ; Q ; E ES GCS OO < Smo ase— = — 2 76 1,183 293 4, 707 6, 259 STVANES 2, so osecaecoecoonso SouronessacscaccossanenoNeosED 5, 841 39, 671 13, 171 29, 309 87, 992 Shooks saa 691, 867 46, 052 1, 899 41,719 781, 537 Stayves..--------- 946, 210 709, 952 551, 578 3, 976 2; 211, 716 All other lumber 4 657, 304 29, 651 250, 687 118, 755 1, 051, 397 Timber (sawed) -.- paceeneocaocoossoasccontios 37, 235 259, 653 1, 844, 333 531, 933 2, 673, 154 “bibraleiere (Nh) Sagem ecicnemercosomoreocasccosecosso seocous 3 242, 770 57, 986 (ERPS lloansbecccos+e4 983, 574 Logs and other round timber ---...---.---..---.----------- 2 875, 371 740, 502 268, 985 38, 746 1, 923, 604 Rien 7OOE! ooonss cnosososaRths soonsmonIoTaDNSSRSeSenSSoRESS C 1 QW ones ao zsonsso0||>seccee ses 2e=|sonesszeosorec 1, 604 INGEN = os onsoogeMOUSsSnOcOCcosSapOceoucs oc omoneenosEDeS 3 652, 777 2,755, 811 8, 123 1, 748 3, 418, 459 GIRS 8A Tn ce Ah ON te a RN Rr BURL A CAE DN Se ak (ONL g 38, 534 12, 078 226 1, 679 52, 417 Muarpentine ands pibC he este eas ee eae eee ee = 15, 965 2; 217 38 116 18, 336 Somalis) OP (wb Ney ENS) | S65 Secs pepo oseoesoennos ossosceeas a 445, 249 4, 050, 533 429 4,510 4, 500, 721 Bark and bark extract..--...-..----- : 84, 268 555440 meme artemis ese ese 239, 708 Aton) | ney CARICA soe canssocammeSnoeon eo etemonondooncesosoocased 7, 878, 102 11, 251, 732 6, 621, 671 2, 198, 018 27, 957, 423 Manufactures: Wericultunalimplements | =.= een mane me el 3, 682, 784 _ 19,042 65, 753 27, 404 3, 794, 983 Carriages and horse cars .------.--..-----------.-------+-- a 1, 799, 844 550 73, 954 70, 322 1, 944, 170 Cars, passenger and freight. --.-...-.--.....-..------.-.--- 1, 145, 473 95, 419 56, 565 22,808 |} 1,320, 265 WIENKONO a ssa mosacds case oes Socepsnacs “ 5 48, 657 76 8, 395 21, 537 73, 666 Onpanseeee seer a 748, 938 19, 970 1,573 2, 101 772, 582 Doors, sash, and blinds -- 191, 045 633 12, 124 92, 116 295, 918 Moldings, trimmings, etc ---.--.-...-.......--.....---......- 3 169, 623 14, 592 1, 423 16, 951 202,589 | Hogsheads and barrels, empty. SEiabe sus fds ceed aoe 5 281, 533 326 5, 162 3, 092 290,113 Household nin LO Ose e ee enema anaes eee irae 3 2, 7ol, 111 48,114 112, 261 178, 660 3, 090, 146 WYGOGE WEG nsomceaa5 bo epssonedaouticosoasazemonecdeancaosshS 2 326, 991 27, 197 2, 289 76 356, 553 All other wood manutactones sane seas tee= =n wi = ie eine 1, 551, 013 134, 626 54, 647 87, 182 1, 827, 470 Ato we ATE KE UES, 6 ocodons caesar seco CoonnooNeSnoo0sce0D00R00n9 12, 696, 514 360, 545 389, 146 522, 249 13, 968, 455 MUsy GM OREM e =o = cocc sono rae SEs Seossasessctonssosese ctapesaarscss 20, 569, 217 11, 612, 277 7, 010, 817 2,720, 267 | 41, 925, 878 a District No. 1 ineludes all of the United States north of Baltimore and east of the Rocky Mountains. District No. 2 includes the terri- tory haying its outlet by the South Atlantic ports. District No.3 includes the territory adjacent to the Gulf ports. District No.4 embraces that portion of the United States bordering on the Pacific Ocean. WOOD EXPORTS. 23 The following diagram shows graphically the changes in export during the last thirty-two years: Range of exports of forest products for twenty-five years from 1865 to 1889, and 1897. I. All forest products, crude and manufactured. II. Lumber, timber, and partly manufactured wood products. | Million Dollars. Hoop bbb! 4 sciit Baga Bees II. Naval stores. IV. Wood manufactures, wholly of wood. Y. Manufactures partly of wood. Norr.—The above summary of exports, in addition to the materials given in the summary of the Bureau of Statistics as ‘Wood and its manufactures,” properly includes the following prodycts, being entirely or in their 124 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. 8. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. material largely derived from the forest: Naval stores, bark and tanning extracts, ashes, ginseng, sumac, together with matches, agricultural implements, carriages, cars, and musical instruments. During the last two years a notable increase in exports has taken place, which brings the figures for wood products and wood manufactures, with nearly $60,000,000, to more than double the amount of ten years ago, and 40 per cent more than five years ago, when the exports amounted to nearly $43,000,000. This increase unfortunately is mostly in raw materials, logs, and lumber, and is probably due to a very active export trade, especially in oak, with Germany. The naval store industry has also considerably increased in exports. To show how the various articles of export compare the following table will serve, in which the exports of 1890 and 1897 are recorded: Dxports of wood and wood products from the United States for the years ending June 30, 1890 and 1897. 1890. 1897. Products. Quantity. Value. Quantity. Value. Agricultural implements: LEIQUR(2 MOVES) sco 5 = ceoe oo cososo OSHS SSoDsTEo pee nee Soe TsOSSEHanccecOsseEseseSsensocosss GSAT AN Pee ace Some = ween eee ee IMowersandireap ers eases saat aan setae see eee ae een Seine ee eee eee PEP CRY) ee Sseeescssuse $3, 127, 415 Plows ands Cultivatorseecccn soe acs ceisce sees esate cee ee rates else cle oiteiast a sreia ne eer ST SRS Tae | Meee seers 590, 779 JNU One, aml PRIMI OH oosescosssescces sr ccoras cor onsessesd ssssssosssca900 lescosece B84 288) | eee asses 1, 522, 492 Bark, and extract of, for tanning noveooserssc25Seo55¢ PAB Tavs seek BE Rohe 241, 979 (CERES Mal NOSE CHWs oooc ao sos ooessooos Sosec oa Ses se oseesasHoaeoseeEoONSoasoDSSSoose Wats. CEM |iccoccssoecdone 1, 955, 760 Cars for steam railroads. - --number.. Bh (|| 25 Gs GINS ese cosescecons 990, 950 Ginseng. ------.------- --pounds. . 223,113 605, 233 179, 573 840, 686 Organs. ESo06 -humber-. 11, 490 750, 583 13, 725 799, 132 WIENCNES + snocasomososs sae sonessasog08 cose are osssOo oS opSassonsceSsossosboncoscosonsseseag|eosesezocozas (HY, A! ||scoteseesce see 70, 988 ROS eee ee --barrels 1,601,377 | 2, 762, 373 2, 429, 116 4, 688, 163 WUE n oe ecco osm ad cc oneanbooaomeD Doon O ATS EaaDHDScOSeaseED Edouee 28, 806 96, 105 17, 640 34, 878 Turpentine and pitch ----...-...--....----..---- do... 18, 327 35, 037 18, 920 44, 366 Spirits of turpentine. --........-.-.--.-----.---.- -gallons-. 11, 248,920 | 4,590, 931 17, 302, 823 4, 447, 551 Wirewood2-- eee s--- =a == -cords 7, 648 WEG Necassonecossee a) Boards, deals, and planks...-..--.-.-.--..------.--------------- M feet 612,814 | 9, 974, 888 876,689 | 13, 076, 247 Joists and scantling.--.- =O.25 26, 684 381, 610 36, 253 423, 875 LAK ayo SS DING! I(AYay) TP ESsccadctosseasosohasens ossoeoHScoaceose seoeeSco Se coseSroseesec Reto PeSeSsoSScacos 59, 978 (a) athaster siete beeen et oas ..M.. 10, 491 24, 951 (a) Palings, pickets, and bed slats-.-----.- sooltle. 2, 981 30, 653 (a) FSV AST yas teh a us 9 ee are eo ae Re eA OTH yes a Ree re RE M.. 36, 527 111, 926 103, 231 Shooks: TBO see ere ate ew er seca orslminre Sib sree ee ake ee eesrcie a aia atalela stetetstorate atepasinte sina te mage e slatate steneeie/eteyall erate erereatctanets WING, FE |cconcaseconese 529, 492 (QING BeOS CB BESO ESCO ESB EL ne SCO oo caHi Ge eb OnE eBEe COS SencoaAS seam asaSsnces number. 534, 190 766, 607 698, 858 597, 606 SHONGIS GaG! INGAChINGS .—cosccnbe nas onoscse SuOoSoOs SoondS One conn OooSasSooceSse Sestenocetasa|Scossscecce nse NAG SD | eee 3, 922, 931 All OW NOw in erp aaocc boone ndedecsasaesoabees ce acon seus s6cscdsesdo soos eooseasoe pacbopEd lboscoasesouass Up ehiayWwal ees esocoscedce 3, 162, 470 ROE CORR GUOSE ORE AAC AG SAS URES ae DOSEN OBC Sohe anCROS SEECGSaCSbebEacomnecscd M feet. 270,984 | 3, 384, 847 391, 291 4, 036, 214 -cubic feet... 8, 732, 761 | 1, 381, 747 6, 406, 824 1, 236. 112 oye) Erna] DN NGe wo AGL HANNO Saeco ce ssacses sade asco cas se Sasso sss sonsesSnosesasedoso0cs) 1, G30, 82 eagssseoeesods 3, 945, 106 Doors, sash, and blinds .--..-.-.---_.--.--. 320, 840 |- 857, 401 Moldings, trimmings, and other house finishings.---.......-..---------------------.---- 116, 25 197, 934 Hogsheads and barrels, empty----.-------- 425,278 |__ 267, 345 Household furniture....---.--.-- 3, 088, 902 |. -| 3,785, 143 Wooden ware.-.-..--------------- 360,515 3 531, 480 All other wood manufactures......-...--- BOeeBe DOH SisaSa US bob on POS na nEacenESosseseconDoulscose Pra ACE emo sacccsoacs |} 3,253) 110, ARON Sx SoSgeageanodO ceOOC BOOS OSS COOSEadS SHEE HOSE Coca ao DMD OO CDS SoSHeSbenSCESbaSBoT God bosaSacooseSeo AD OW, TEM |oonccodaconess 59, 329, 936 a Not specified. While undoubtedly increase in prices influences somewhat these figures, the following diagram, showing the range of prices for export materials, would indicate that this influence has not been appreciable, the prices remaining remarkably even, with the exception of the period after the war, and lately showing even a sinking tendency, although probably only temporarily. Annual average export prices of wood and certain wood products for each of the ten years ending June 30 from 1882 to 1891, and 1897. Articles. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1887. 1888. 1889. 1890. 1891. 1897. Wood, and manufactures of: Boards, deals, and plauks.-----...--- $16.90 | $16.78 | $17.06 | $15.93 | $15.20 | $15.38 | $16.39 | $16.99 | $16.28 | $16.17 | $14.90 Joists and Scantling eer es eeeee ees (esa) paosoooad eaaacces 15.44 | 14.06] 18.97] 14.67] 15.16] 13.37] 14.30) 13.70 11. 70 Laths, palings, pickets, bed slats, etc ...--M_.|.-...-.-)2-----.- 2. 43 2.13 2.71 2.39 2. 57 2.44 2.38 Zo Hib |Keacosen SUMNER) co see Ssososscocmenososessoce = 3. 07 3. OL 2.96 2.90 2.45 2. 63 3. 07 2.89 3.06 2.75 1.76 Firewood ...... SePECOLa 3. 99 3. 60 3.58 3.20 8.15 3.10 3. 32 2.72 2.27 a eee oaces Timber, sawed. - ceo cE TERMG 5|ooocoes||-soacecs 11.17 10. 50 10. 82 11.79 12.41 | 12.38 | 12.49 11. 88 10. 30 Tuimberhewi ecvesseces a= eeene GH NOs Cerio borssecel borasend . 16 15 .16 -16 17 .18 .15 18 -19 Naval stores: (Rosin Pace cece eee rae cece 1. 83 1.73 1.74 1. 69 1.53 1,49 1.72 1.94 1.96 DEES Sas oma cannes -soGedao 2.10 ali 1.90 1. 94 1. 96 il, Gl) 1.95 2.26 1.98 Turpentine and pitch 2.23 1.85 2.48 2. 08 1.74 1. 81 il, Gil 2.01 2.35 Spirits of turpentine -....-..-....--gallons.. 47 44 34 - 30 34 34 34 39 pea -38 25 We find also by inspection of trade journals that, although many of the great staples have in some regions been entirely exhausted and in others approach exhaustion, prices of lumber have not PRICES OF WOOD. 125 advanced in proportion for various reasons. Competition, stimulated by active railroad building, opening up of virgin fields of supply, improved machinery, systematized methods of logging and of handling and marketing material have tended to keep the price down. Meanwhile stumpage has increased rapidly for such kinds as show rapid decrease in supply. Thus white pine stumpage more than doubled in ten years, while walnut, tulip poplar, and ash stumpage has increased manyfold as the supply has grown scarcer. In the markets, while the average price for lumber has advanced but little, the better grades have appreciated disproportionately. From the carefully collected census statistics for ship- Export price of lumber from 1855 to 1595. [The prices given represent market value at time of exportation in the ports whence the lumber was exported, averaged for all ports.] 1855 7860 1865 1870 1875 1880 1885 1890 —— Boards, jo/sts and scantlings, M ft. —~~——Timber, 100 cubic ft -=-------— Shingles, M. building, which requires all first-class material, the average price per 1,000 feet, B. M., for the country at large for the following kinds appears: Kind. Average. Lowest. Highest. WAN@ ONE cc caccesocenssneressossecsce $30.70 | $19.00 (Imdiana).-.---..-----------------------+-+---+0---->- $125. 00 (California). Othe nod hSeee= ==. eee 34.90 | 20.00 (Indiana, Kentucky, West Virginia) ..| 102.00 (California). Hard pine -.-..------------------------ 24.40 | 12.00 (Alabama) --.---------------------------------- ..-| 42.00 (Lowa). WY) ING) 55 - ae secoosoessosebEesss 34.70 | 20.00 (Minnesota) -----.-----------------+-----+------- .--| 100.00 (Georgia). IMO -ooeaoseesecos 21.00 | 15.00 (Washington) ------.---------------------------- ...| 80.00 (Massachusetts). SDNUC Onmeeenee eee E 20.00 | 12.00 (Delaware) ..--------------------+-2------------2----- 50. 00 (Washington). Cod anenereceereaee 40.00 | 17.00 (Missouri).-------------------------------+----------+ 55.00 (Connecticut). Cypress---.-.---.-- ee 31.60 | 18,00 (Mississippi) -.-.------------------2+- +220 rene ee eee: 50. 00 (Delaware). Average of alll. ----- === = 2 =~ nnn. 30. 00 Firewood, even in the densely settled parts, remains stationary in price, on account of aban- doned farms and culled woodlands producing it in abundance; in fact, in many sections its value has decreased, competition of coal aiding in its reduction. Prices for lumber and stumpage of white pine. [Compiled from report of Saginaw Board of Trade.] Lumber, per 1,000 |Stumpage, per 1,000 Lumber, per 1,000 | Stumpage, per 1,000 MOE fect B. M. seal: GER feet B. M. feet UTS a coneocecsorideeseciecccas $11.50 to $12.00 $1.00 to $1.25 $9.25 to $9.75 $2.25 to $2.75 25 oS 12. 00 12, 50 1.25 1.50 9.50 10. 00 2.25 2.795 12. 00 12. 50 1.50 1.75 10. 50 11. 00 2.50 2.75 12.50 13. 00 2.00 2. 50 11.50 12. 00 2.75 3.00 12. 00 12.50 2.00 2.50 12.50 13. 00 3. 00 4.00 12.50 13. 00 2.00 2.50 14. 00 14. 50 3. 50 4.50 13. 00 12.00 2.00 2.50 13. 50 14. 00 4.00 5. 00 11.50 11. 00 2.00 2.50 12. 50 13. 00 4.90 5. 00 10. 50 10. 00 2.00 2.50 12. 50 13. 00 4.50 6. 50 9. 50 10. 00 25,25 2.75 12.50 13. 00 4,50 6.50 9. 00 9.50 2.25 2.75 12. 50 13. 00 4.50 6. 50 126 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. 8. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. To show what position we occupy as exporters of forest products the following tabulations reproduced from the report of the Division of Forestry for 1887 will be of interest, placing the United States fourth among the seven or eight great exporters, the general position having hardly changed to date. Austria-Hungary should have been included in this comparison; it would not, however, materially change the relations. Review of the timber export trade of the principal exporting countries. (a) FS _ Countries. 1885. 1886. 1887. : Cubie feet. Cubic feet. Cubic feet. SOO oc ain sLiceicie octeeig haU SE RRSELSS seas mie Sis alate dae aie ae See eo noes eR eels nels pomama 119, 588, 040 113, 805, 285, 121, 966, 020 INOL WAY ogee een nee cee ee eee ee a ee eee leprae enim terete eee ee ee 67, 600, 500 64, 812, 000 65, 455, 500 inland ise. 2ncns- ce see eee shale sane eee eae ees cee onan sees ee tues Ses pene abeean heer ne nenameee 46, 246, 860 39, 480, 725 42, (095, 625 Russia (imperfect) -------.----- - <== =n a ne a ne 148, 691, 400 146, 352, 340 149, G09, 955 Germany (official). ----.----------.-------- +--+ - == 2-22 2 en nn = ne ee 62, 927, 700 54, 287, 000 63, 153, 100 Italy (oak staves) -.--------------------- = 25 222 ne en ene ee en ng ene ne enn . 507, 390 357, 400 717, 850 OPMeGE) (OitGEN) -cocese noscosccesesosensendocesenSocononenaoconeso csoUsseedannocoscoossésoa: 159, 658, 880 172, 910, 890 168, 028, 850 LOapireral SERIES) (OHO) — soos osccnacosaon copD Sap Ond SS Oso TOSS ONES cao doomESrncooHODSOOGOr=S 127, 372, 930 122, 178, 650 114, 074, 370 otal... cic. 232s ee dese ee ee See Son rete oon stan s ote eaapan eee eepetraneeaeeoed 732, 593, 700 714, 179, 280 744, 901, 270 Amount and prices of hewn and sawn wood (exclusive of staves and furniture wood) imported into Great Britain, and proportion furnished by various countries. (a) : Approximate percentages. wa A t dies bic ear. mount. cubic J . 2 = Norway, a8 = United Other feet. aiaratsea Russia. Canada. | Germany. States. Games. | Cubic feet. | 276, 757, 300 $2. 72 36 20 23 4 7 9 309, 758, 350 2, 54 36 24 2 5 6 8 322, 811, 900 2.42 36 20 26 5 6 7 299, 863, 750 2.26 37 22, 20 5 7 9 308, 248, 950 2. 2 37 23 20 5 6 9 268, 059, 960 2.11 38 23 21 3 1 8 275, 451, 000 (?) 38. 7 23.7 19 3.6 7 8 294, 421, 600 2.38 3618 22.3 21.5 | Bal Ra a3 " a These two tables have been compiled partly from reports given by the Timber Trade Journal, of London, England, and partly from other sources. As to imports, the changes from year to year are also comparatively trifling, though, of course, in the direction of increase, remaining also for the last ten years below $30,000,000 and ranging within $10,000,000 to $14,000,000. In these imports about one-fifth represents materials which we do not or can not produce in our country—such as certain cabinet woods, mahogany, ebony, etc., cork, and certain dye and tanning materials. The other four-fifths is material which comes into competition with our own products, and the bulk of this comes from Canada. Yet, balancing our imports with exports from and to that country, we do not get more than about $10,000,000 worth from our neighbor, an insignificant percentage of the one-billion dollar annual home product. ‘This will appear from the following tables: Value of imports of wood and wood manufactures from Canada to the United States. [United States Bureau of Statistics.] From— 1892. 1893. 1894. 1895. 1896. Nova Scotia and New Brunswick: MMW) cemnoossscsseasercsss $413, 536 $340, 680 $334, 267 $1,972,885 | $2, 762, 630 Dutiable --- 742, 875 888, 789 68, 806 179, 489 85, 056 Quebec and Ontario: 1, 640, 804 2, 642, 094 3, 415, 403 9, 240,665 | 11, 700, 851 9, 012, 215 9, 974, 274 7, 735, 856 950, 778 19, 969 pacoosbostonod|socess2s-2s500\|-onassonssese9 fi 108, 179 133, 148 WEN pSceconmeaeqorsocsvanoscoodooe: ceases sanedaasoELeosconss cu 11, 809, 430 13, 845, 837 12, 144, 332 12,451,996 | 14, 701, 694 WOOD IMPORTS. 127 Value of exports of wood and wood manufactures from the United States to Canada. [United States Bureau of Statistics ] To— 1892. 1893. 1894. 1895. | 1896. Nova Scotia and New Brunswick..--....--..-.,.--.---.----.-----.-..--- $115, 110 $92, 208 $208, 737 $190, 196 $216, 977 Quebee and Ontario 1, 746, 867 1, 990, 831 2, 740, 868 2, 416, 728 2, 723, 459 British Columbia-.......- 100, 743 100, 012 111, 914 146, 423 152, 079 ARIE Ee gompnemocoticcasacosSqaE casa de betinOC CHORD DE SA ERC COBOEEBOONEE 1, 962, 720 2,188, 051 8, 061, 519 2, 753, 347 | 3, 092, 515 The character and relative proportion of the imports will appear from the following tabulation, in which the segregation of articles free of duty 1892 and 1893; while in 1897 the bulk of lumber woods and their extracts, sumac and other tannin and dutiable refers to conditions prevailing in and timber was on the free list. Adding dye- g materials, and such smaller wood products as form an inconspicuous part in manufactures, the amount of imports would be increased by about $1,500,000. Imports of wood and wood products for home consumption during the years ending June 80, 1892, 1893, and 1897. Articles. Free of duty. Firewood Logs and round timber Railroad ties Shingle and stave bolts - Handle and head bolts - - Ship timber Ship planking. - Hop poles Wood for pulp making. - Charcoal Cabinet woods—cedar, ebony, mahogany, etc - Cork bark Hemlock bark Bamboos, rattans, canes, Cidsaeen eee Briar root or briar wood, and the like, par wally, manufactured --- Ashes.-.------- = Fence posts Tar and pitch of wi a - barrels... ‘Turpentine, spirits of -gallons.. Turpentine, Venice - - pounds. . IEEON, IBOME WONG, soonce =e so pceood soc od maeeoonreaodon oUsebasaGS0o" do..-. ANGEL Fee) pee in a sSooSodie SomooesrHae KonSEe COCO RSO REO SSSHETCOSEISS Dutiable. Wood unmanufactured not specially provided for ‘Timber: Used for spars, wharves, ete Hewn and sawed Squared or sided not specially provided for Lumber: Boards, planks, deals, and other sawed lumber Sawed lumber, not otherwise specified Sawed boards, ‘planks, deals—cedar, ebony, etc Clapboards Hubs, posts, laths, and other rough bloc Laths Pickets and palings Cedar poles, posts, , and railroad ties- Shingles Shooks -- Staves Manufactures, all others: Barrels or boxes containing) oranges, lemons, etc., apart from con- USNS sessesceuocadeo Casks and barrels, emp Chair cane or reeds manufactured..... Cabinetware and household furniture Osier or willow, prepared for manufacture. Osier or willow, manufactures of. Wood pulp Veneers of wood .- Bark extract, for tanning Sumac Corks and cork ba f 2 INTENONGR asesbe5 cousesoHeEsEOaeCoeS Frames and sticks for umbrellas- . All other manufactures of wood or of which wood is the component Or GiiGyt Vem) eedooeeeccaccooce socom doosessersobastseoness aocenss> Total dutiable Total imports 1892. 1893. 1897. Quantity. Value. Quantity. Value. Value. 198, 850 $411, 482 199, 187 $403, 601 $252, 352 Saceosessso000 1, 188, 797 2,164, 273 2, 616, 397 748, 520 131, 295 97, 857 244, 817 ose 44, 387 53, 505 (a) 59, 573 53, 129 39, 924 31, 721 29, 865 (a) 79, 622 8,404 342, 320 18, 412 38, 968 (a) 230,959 |. 332, 244 651, 897 48, 395 |. 51, 634 (a) 2, 234, 003 |. 2, 662, 658 1, 273, 101 1, 868, 244 1, 641, 294 1, 323, 409 256, 346 241, 244 133, 051 1, 198, 813 922, 529 806, 703 2 39, 185 |. 40, 470 54, 342 54, 855 76, 306 (a) oe5e 31, 351 31, 051 (a) 768 3, 352 6, 376 262, 928 9, 3837 3,470 4, 077 1, 936 36, 642 3, 992 2, 365 3, 013 281, 430 4, 386 3, 958 3, 248 sensosedecseos 744256400 Reese sence eee 8, 365, 408 7, 309, 438 pemstoacadeoeal| 321000) See eeee eee 25, 952 (a) 12, 295 2, 301 9, 432 943 (a) 2 445, 804 54, 570 1, 419, 484 62, 868 251, 624 14, 036 1, 392 65, 139 492 (a) 482, 339 5, 588, 948 529, 263 §, 283, 805 9, 075, 981 150, 184 1, 416, 331 162, 955 1, 5338, 274 (a) 222 5, 117 366 24, 205 (a) 6, 259 99, 187 7, 072 113, 988 (a) occsanosspstos PEEP casas miscogsed 28, 227 4, 721, 000 259, 157 327, 309 827, 442 462, 140 469, 563 3, 157 22, 679 5, 183 36, 700 27, 024 2, 115, 986 259, 583 1, 815, 949 271, 236 172, 812 362, 551 731, 299 470, 001 916, 759 1, 296, 502 Dea eae eae 625108 ty Beeson 45, 746 (a) eee ee eeeeee EW GBM | seosooesced 646, 613 632, 584 467, 514 535, 987 609, 700 919 |. 531 (a) 181, 337 |. 1738, 967 205, 242, 411, 712 |. 382, 199 272, 166 82, 633 |. 64, 427 13, 047 123, 820 125, 916 100, 672 41,141 1, 831, 231 63, 633 2, 909, 097 800, 886 peransoRos5qc6 852049 | Perens 759 (a) 12, 973 408 672 71 (a) 12, 724, 703 294, 744 7, 244, 132 398, 400 (a) 671, 064 321, 480 703, 063 351, 731 461, 413 PATTI Genesee aa 133, 152 207, 671 WO EO eccasboncices 55 0117, 258 (a) Sristee BeESed WPA Ge ee seconesconEs 1, 397, 155 1, 769, 624 secaeoacasecan NAR OOS LOOM eee ete eal 17, 163,589 | 21, 087, 311 s2os5 qagneacos 21, 806, 740 |-----...--.... 26, 028,997 | 28, 396, 749 a Not specified, included in other items. b Including other materials. 128 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. 8. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. In former years the imports were more closely differentiated in the reports of the Statistical Bureau, especially as to the kinds of cabinet woods. To show this differentiation, and also to enable us to form an idea of the amount of wood represented in the importations of materials which we could produce, and in our exports, an estimate of their cubic contents was made in the report of the Division of Forestry for 1887. A portion of the tables, which covered the period from 1880 to 1887, is here reproduced. It appears from these that our imports represent in the neighborhood of 100,000,000 cubic feet of wood, while our exports, worth nearly $60,000,000, must at present amount to probably 200,000,000 cubic feet. From these tabulations we also see that we pay for imports at the rate of 15 to 16 cents per cubie foot, while our exports are figured at between 11 and 12 cents. Exports of wood and wood products, 1883-1887. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1887. Articles. Cubic feet.| Value. | Cubic feet.|, Value. | Cubic feet.| Value. | Cubic feet.) Value. | Cubic feet.| Value. Hirewood --------------- 432, 600) $15, 552 254, 016 $9, 464 209, 376 $6, 985 261, 408 $8, 568 160, 600: $4, 975 Boards, deals, and 9 = 5 5 = s ey ¥ 4 7 |f 34, 438, 360) 7,079,701) 34,231,192) 6,570,576) 36,155,464) 6,620,911) 35, 396, 666) 6, 531, 144 aia. ee ; 41, 617,166) 8;377, 908), “1’q48, 456| 195)043| 1,081, 324| 183, 166 898,143) 151, 119 717,250) | 126,284 E Boas Hoops and hooppoles, etc... 1, 737, 300 138,983) 4, 455, 900 256,470) 4, 332, 450) 346,598) 2, 804, 850 224,385) 2,673,150} 218, 852 Laths --- 153, 000 22, 295) 158, 617 20, 277 295, 855 48, 377 221, 008 32, 940 Palings, pickets, an i} a 301, 100 45, 168 bedslatsweese esos 114, 540) 15, 615 174, 881 28, 515 150, 645 10, 544 109, 680 13, 853 Slinples eee ee sen ne 938, 826 203, 779 857, 141 183, 521 637, 042 132, 976 581, 996) 103, 049 541,016) 101, 282 Shooks, box.--..-------- 397, 332 89, 333 653, 985 186, 853 720, 426 205, 836) 604, 498; 174, 723 547,016) 136,754 Shooks, other ..-..----- \Vq.48, 674, 010| 4, 867, 401// 4,579,311) 1,526,437) 4,396,395) 1,465,465) 3,295,041) 1,198,444) 2, 815,515) 938, 505 Staves and headings---f yeeces eee \ 40, 297, 200) 2,686,473) 29,261,100} 1,950,794) 30,451,500) 2,030,097) 30, 089, 325) 2, 005, 955 All other lumber .------ 13, 063, 660) 1,567,631) 8, 135, 000 976,191) 9,841,200} 1,182,142) 9,792,500) 1,175,099) 10, 036, 600) 1, 204, 392 Timber, sawed. ...----- \} 49. 913, 220] 3, 102, 2a2!/ 16 704, 331| 2, 247,328) 12,770, 667| 1,609,485} 16.112,000 2, 092,557| 13, 967, 410) 1, 976, 750 Timber, hewed -------- J tela, y*)\ 10, 615, 065) 1, 735, 382) 8, 411, 066) 1,289,281) 5, 037, 612 829,019) 4,260,639) 697,915 D) Logs and other timber--| 31,757, 962) 1,540,637) 21, 307, 900) 1, 704,635) 21,147, 200) 1,691,780) 15,732,100) 1, 258,575) 13, 015, 975} 1, 041, 278 Total unmanufac- tured ceeeeneaees 158, 793, 116) 20, 948, 624 148, 614, 205) 18, 925, 408) 127, 372, 936) 16, 683, 878] 122, 173, 652) 15, 934, 467) 114, 551, 850/15, 065, 879 Manufactures of— Doors, sash, and blinds}.----.------|----------- 393, 256) 294, 942 378, 688) 284, 016 356, 007 267, 005 364,437, 273, 328 Moldings, trimmings, Q@2aS02 soc ceases esos) |asooegeesoe||ecescacscas 231, 548 173, 661 175, 204 131, 403 189, 913 104, 935 152,080) 114, 061 Hogsheads and bar- | rels, empty --------- 401, 645 301, 234 426, 912) $20, 184 432, 275) 324, 206 663, 277 497, 458 609, 333) 456, 992 Household furniture. - 3, 489, 158] 2,579,369) 3,239,775) 2,429, 831 2, 838, 256) 2,128,692) 2,829,083) 2,121,812) 2, 638, 327) 1,978, 745 Woodenware -..-.---- 689, 072 516,770 541, 685: 406, 264 428, 619 321, 464 441, 647 331, 235 434, 648) 325, 986 All other manufac- IPRS) soc oosescossee= 3, 263, 615) 2,447,711) 2, 290, 784) 1, 724, 838) 2,120,952) 1,590,714 1, 848, 531! 1,386,398) 1,973, 257| 1, 479, 943 Total manufactures - 7, 793, 445) 5,845,084) 7,132, 960) 5, 349, 720 6, 378, 994) 4, 780, 495) 6, 278, 458) 4, 708, 843 6, 172, 082) 4, 629, 055 = - SiS | Naval stores: INO scocensobeanoss 2, 909, O74 PG AY ee sonenoco 1, 963, 091 2, 301, 636 AUG. SEseaaooosbeeS 4 ponossecesoc 3, 242, 818). ---- ==. 91, 248. 66, 449)..----...-.. 36, 208) 39, 772 Turpentine and pitel 118, 842). ONS sal eee ater 32, 999) 29, 270 Spirits of turpentiue--|.----------- 4,366; 229). _--- 72 == 3, 885, 500: Pa OE PBS a ee esse 2, 811, 777) 3, 489, 985 Total naval stores =i and spirits of tur- OMG) oo-cotteces|sceseareosce 7 GOD 04 | heme (rere O04 5 7.00) Bese nee 4, 984, 794)..-..-..._.- 4, 844, 075).------.---- 5, 860, 663 Bark and tanning ex- rae UES onacce ssesscns aellosoeosesose= GVijbRt|--ssocessese 20248 ill ae eeeeeeee 346, 218)..---.--.--- CEB VED -sosen osso8e 239, 700 IMERTONGS) sc escacassone 41, 499 124, 499 35, 603 106, 809 23, 280) 69, 840 27, 401 82, 204 25, 793 77,379 Agriculturalimplements'.--.-..---.- 38835919 eee ee eee 3, 442, Gy eae a eee 28D OL GD2| pee eeeee 2367, 208) oo tae a= 2, 138. 398 Sewing machines --.---- 122, 466) 3, 061, 639) 142,112) 3, 552, 814 115, 944) 2, 898, 698 LOS OSS] ey oO ted | entail eitet er Musical instruments..-.!.-..-.-..--- D208 5610 | Sees ens see i One) i) pacseemoaces OGRA | eee eee 871, 446 831, 837 EE =} ——— 2 ee ——<<—<_—— _——— Miscellaneous --..-.. 163,965) 3, 361, 197 177, 715) 8, 474, 359 129, 224) 6, 817, 702 130, 789} 6; 188, 724 25, 793) 3, 287, 314 Motalissn.teencasees 166, 750, 526) 42, 763, 952) 150, 924, 880] 39, 754, 187] 133, 886, 154) 33, 266, 869) 128, 582, 899| 31, 676, 109) 120, 749, 725/28, 842, 881 a The estimates of cubic feet marked (a) are based upon the values given and not upon official reports of quantity, and are therefore to- be taken as only approximately correct. CONIFEROUS SUPPLIES. 129 Imports of wood and wood products, 1885-1887. 1883. 1884. 1885. | 1886. 1887. Articles. ji = | Cubic feet.| Value. | Cubic feet.| Value. | Cubicfeet.| Value. | Cubic feet. Value. | Cubic feet.| Value. Free of duty. | | | | | Wood, unmanufactured, | an elsewhere speci- | fied: Wirewood -..-..----.-.. 16, 260, 864 | $397,391 | 16,249,824 | $373,912 |15,597, 216 | $338, 806 | 16,910,400 | $349,134 | 16,464,288 | $327, 349 Logs androundtimber.| 7, 673, 100 613, 847 5, 617, 300 449, 382 | 4,811, 800 384,948 | 5,748, 000 459, 843 7, 338, 400 587, 073 Railroad ties----------- 10,377,617 622, 657 6, 764, 359 382,719 | 3, 850, 301 187,168 | 7, 265, 685 377, 443 | 8, 424, 833 484, 945 Shingle and stave bolts.) 7, 456, 080 186, 402 9, 933, 680 248, 342 | 4, 847, 080 121,177 | 5, 374, 280 134, 357 5, 254, 800 131, 370 Ship timber. ---.------- 202, 468 50, 617 190, 016 47, 504 | 58, 652 14, 663 | 156, 076 39, 019 181, 988 45, 497 Ship planking. 86, 436 28, 812 125, 829 41, 943 | 63, 369 22, 123 | 56, 571 18, 857 98, 094 32, 698 Hop poles. .- callososoocaxee 323, 200 40, 399 150, 200 18, 780 | 100, 000 12,511 26, 224 3, 278 Wood pulp. - 19, 132 |. 6, 941 |. 9, 637 | 0 5, 897 |. 7, 381 Charcoal .-.---. allososessscealle - 56, 765 47, 334 |. 36, 849 |. 47, 353 Hemlock bark .--...-..|.-----..---. 343, 559 364, 410 | 288, 979 |. 236, 198 272, 956 : | Dutiable. | | |- Wood, unmanufactured, | | not elsewhere specified-| 2, 593, 616 324, 202 647, 688 80,961 | 311, 680 38, 960 206, 616 25, 827 142, 896 17, 862 Sim DOL yee ate a selele =o 156, 556 13, 990 71, 812 8, 512 73, 290 | 11,712 | 20, 231 2, 221 9, 967 1, 025 Lumber: | | | Boards, planks, deals, | GMiG-sscaotesSepcessc|es 43, 754, 061 | 7, 009, 644 | 44,725,966 | 6, 987, 694 41, 854, 165 | 6, 189, 781 | 39,933, 981 | 5,639,813 | 40,297, 865 | 5, 825, 320 Clapboards ..- 918, 933 30, 224 841, 253 28,785 | 998,807 | 41,827 | 1,303,413 59,389 | 1,397,450 | 58,953 Hubs, posts, last | | | | : rough blocks ---.---- 370, 111 66, 620 337, 167 60, 690 327, 993 | 59, 029 337, 161 60, 615 | 260, 867 46, 956 IPRA Ne soceesecwas --| 2,779, 648 205, 513 2, 982, 784 257, 529 | 2,477, 008 199,819 | 2,457, 216 198,756 | 3,051,728 | 241,077 Pickets and palings. 510, 400 60, 494 375, 920 57,596 | 375, 920 51, 027 406, 080 61, 318 388, 800 32, 907 SIN ANES ~455o+ss5co8c~ 1, 469, 650 281, 831 1, 206, 282 215, 454 976, 556 | 158,043 | 1,107, 414 171,523 | 1, 254,176 185, 611 Shooks and packing | | | boxes _ 149, 784 37, 446 336, 264 84,066 | 280, 060 | 70, 015 | 421, 796 105, 449 463, 996 115, 999 SANGE sosonsonpaneosess 109, 538 27,410 | 1,040, 546 280,150 | 942,318 253,703 | 1,002,716 269, 961 1, 129; 258 304, 031 Bark extracts, chiefly | | ING YES = Sacco ssodecea||lbseosesosese WE GD | se sccoceces SIN GSOn peat =rs= | 19, 656 |. 9, 273 51 Sumac CBSE TEL) ||s2cosc5esene 668; 440) }- === - 22 | 504,289 564, 276 466, 378 Cork and cork bark, | manufactured b () Benes ceocossce 163.251 ep se=ecceo WEY RSBPA a Seesessoos WT} GD llssc0656se066 209, 532 Walking sticks.....-.-..|.-----------|-----------|----------- 14, 560 E Til, GRAN |leemoegas2co5 9, 079 | 8, 101 Mat Che sean -2 =e sete telat 4, 064 12, 192 116, 018 348, 055 | 35, 465 106, 395 | 11, 396 34, 187 8, 486 25, 458 Manufactures: @ Casks and barrels. --- -- 2,576 ( 1, 896 1,494 1,224 | 1,780 Cabinet ware and fur- | | TMNUPNTS) Seas sa scoscs 283, 291 295, 064 268, 810 308, 191 387, 234 Osiers and willows, | | peeled and dried... -. 1, 957, 208 54,424 |) 1,591, 322 51,691 }1,411, 916 98,665 |) 1,367,690 |, 15, 164 |} 1, 602, 744 18, 516 Osier and willow bas- | H TRGUE! sessoencotostece! 268, 055 || 237, 834 202, 663 238, 380 | 312, 179 All other manufac- | (MOE) cosdesccosecaces 865, 559 \ 607, 007 | 597, 305 462, 809 | || 482, 349 \ Free of duty. Cabinet woods: b | | | Ife ccc escesssecnossed loesnssecaocs) 38, 953 83,921 |------- a 223, 015 72, 403 35, 202 Cedar + 424, 058 |- 568, 866 | -- 520, 605 2 520, 184 263, 825 Ebony - 3 47, 824 |-= 63, 614 |-- 26, 311 |. z 69, 043 51, 211 Granadilla --- 3 814 |. 365 |-- 432 |. 6 2, 807 1, 685 Lancewood .--- e 12, 336 | -- We Voile e= UsaHlyy tle o 16, 910 |.- 23,975 Lignum-vit® 101, 305 |. 45, 206 | z 8, 698 |- é 42, 362 |. 66, 513 Mahogany - a 466, 809 |. 772,710 |. 592,771 |- 479, 861 |. 653, 473 Rose sez seen soos saeeel ee -| 313,348 | z 157, 266 }.- 52,306 |. Zi 46, 957 |-- 62, 308 Sandal - Sods 4,009 |. 654 |. - 6 2,598 1, 339 Satin EB cosséod 2 Bye! |eosacesceso 12, 641 9, 528 All other cabinet TNO eats oogocdlrecesenntosd AGB EEL | a nocooseees | BIB BY | sos sescsese PG WA9 ln esoet tetas OHI) GE leconcacesenn 252, 084 Cork wood or bark, un- | Ianutactured -...-.---|------.----- GBY CO ||. emcinincdecs CER EYAL eee oct ee sed Oh 74 Sy poe sedeaco GON BER) esse ccomsace 1, 239, 247. Motalbens-\-j-s eI 96, 830, 134 |15, 299, 481 | 93, 477, 230 |15, 447,292 79, 446, 796 |12, 893, 405 | 84, 186,712 |12, 461,985 | 87, 796, 860 13, 341, 609 a Estimated from valnes reported, actual measurements not being given. The principal object in the compilation of these tables has been to show the quantity of forest material involved in our exports and imports. All estimates of quantity are made on the basis of the cubic foot as acommon standard. Where the reports from which these tables are c ympiled do not give quantities, but only values, the quantities have been estimated from the values. In the case of manufactures, such as barrels, cabinet ware, etc., articles are estimated to have one- third of their value in material, and this is reckoned as worth 25 cents per cubic foot. Round timber is reckoned at 8 cents per cubic foot, ship timber at 25. Shingles are estimated at 14 enbie feet per 1,000, and lath at 16 feet per 1,000. : ; } It will be seen by a comparison of figures that only about one-fifth in value of all importations of wood and wood products consists of articles not producible in this country. From the preceding tabulation of the annual cut of timber it appears that about three- fourths of our consumption comes from coniferous growth—pines, spruces, firs, hemlock, red- woods, cedar, ete. This particular portion of our resource is, therefore, the most important, and again the white pine has so far formed the bulk of these supplies. It will, therefore, appear appropriate to reproduce such portions of Senate Document No. 40, furnished by the Division of Forestry, as will elucidate the economic condition of this particular part of our resource. H. Doe. 181——_9 130 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. CONSUMPTION AND SUPPLIES OF CONIFEROUS WOODS. Ever since the publication of the statistics of the Tenth Census regarding the white pine timber standing—nearly fifteen years—there has been a contention as to their correctness. Time has proven their extreme inaccuracy, for, while then only eight years’ supply was supposed to be standing when the annual cut was 10,000,000,000 feet, we have, with an increased cut, lumbered ” white pine for sixteen years and still there is a considerable quantity left. Yet at last the end is visible, and even the most sanguine can not longer hide the truth that within the next decade we shall witness the practical exhaustion of this greatest staple of our lumber market. As stated before, even now there are really no statistics upon which to base a correct prog- nostication as to the date of this exhaustion. Estimates only are available, and estimates of standing timber are proverbially unreliable, mostly underestimates, and always to be taken with caution. Furthermore, if an estimate of the duration of supplies of a special kind is to be made, it is necessary not only to know the supplies and the present cut, but also to foresee the changes in the cut, the replacement in the market by other kinds, and the economies that may be prac- ticed in the methods of logging; as, for instance, by the reduction in the size acceptable for saw logs, by cutting smaller trees, by the use of band saws, and by closer utilization generally, whereby the duration of supplies can be lengthened. Thus, while the estimates of the Tenth Census were based on a minimum log of, say, 10 or even 12 inches diameter, in the present practice 8-inch and even 5-inch logs are used; while in 1880 hemlock went begging and whitewood had not yet been found to answer as a good substitute for white pine, and Southern pine had not yet begun to compete, the interchangeableness of all these species in the market now renders the forecast still more complicated. Nevertheless, it has become apparent that while white pine will be cut in the United States for many decades, as owners of the stumpage control their holdings, the enormous amounts which have hitherto been cut annually can not be had beyond the next five or six years, even with Canada to help in eking out our deficiencies. CONSUMPTION. From the statistics of the cut since 1873, compiled by the Northwestern Lumberman, it appears that since that year the stupendous amount of 154,000,000,000 feet, B. M., and 83,000,000,000 shingles, or altogether in round numbers 165,000,000,000 feet of white pine has been cut in the States of Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota; and this total may be readily increased, by allowing for cuts in other parts of the country, to over 200,000,000,000 feet, B. M., which this single species has yielded to build up our civilization in the last twenty-three years, or in the last ten years at the rate of eight to nine billion feet, an amount to produce which continuously at least 30,000,000 acres of well-stocked and well-kept pine forest would be required. Divided for convenience and comparison into six-year periods, the cut in the Northwest appears to have been as follows, according to the source cited: White pine sawed by mills of Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota. {In billion feet, B. M., round numbers.] | 1873-1878. | 1879-1884. 1885-1890. | 1891-1896. | Mumbertsyno2 <2 a2 ste te ee eee 23 40 48 44 Shingles (1,000=100 feet, B.M.) .---......-...---- 2 3 | —— ee ee eS | 25 43 | 51 a A total of 165,000,000 feet, B. M. From 1873, when the cut was about 4,000,000,000 feet, the draft on this resource was con- stantly increased until 1892, when it reached its maximum, nearly 9,000,000,000 feet, B. M., and 4,500,000,000 shingles. Then a gradual decline began to 7,600,000,000 feet in 1893, 6,750,000,000 feet in 1894, rising once more to over 7,000,000,000 in 1895, and reaching the lowest output in 1896, with 5,500,000,000 feet; shingle production declining similarly to 1,500,000,000, which, translated CONIFEROUS SUPPLIES. 131 into board measure, raises the requirements for that year to little less than 7,500,000,000 feet. This decline does not necessarily indicate any giving out of the supply, but might have been due, and probably was due, to business depression generally and to the competition of other kinds of lumber and shingles. The total output of white pine in 1890, before the maximum was reached and when the cut of the Northwest was recorded for lumber and shingles as a little over 9,000,000,000 feet, was placed by the competent agent of the Hleventh Census, in charge of the statistics of lumber manufacture, at 11,300,000,000 feet of white pine and Norway pine, or about 25 per cent as coming from other regions, while hemlock, spruce, and fir were estimated as furnishing 7,900,000,000 feet, so that our requirements of these classes of timber may for ordinary years be placed in round numbers at 20,009,000,000 feet. In discussing the question of duration of supplies it can, as stated before, be reasonably done only by considering at the same time all supplies of a similar nature—namely, of the white pine, Norway pine, spruce, and hemlock at least—which can be and are used more or less inter- changeably, and will be still more so in the future, to meet our immense requirements for this class of material. That these requirements are not to remain stationary, but have a tendency to increase, may be seen from the development of the wood-pulp industry. While in 1881 the daily capacity of wood-pulp mills was less than 750,000 pounds, it had more than doubled in 1887, and then increased steadily, doubling almost every three or four years, as follows: Pounds. Pounds. LISTSH pas eee eee eat eee Te eka 8 cle TGS TROOO MT ROS! ens aeaa sien tarts en me 5, 136, 300 IGS reer as oaks Reet Oke ee 215 341500)|| eT SOS et ee LE 6, 495, 400 TSS ONpHeaN eabyrey ase 3 SAC g FE ls 1 SLE THe ee SAAT AUT OO pA SOM es. etal WUT a hed ONNes koe Ska 7, 231, 900 1SO0 pea Renae eat | eae ke sea AMID RO OO SOB mass” eek aa aecnae este mea 9, 027, 000 POON saa aeteessmes Sass swesiees osetesss 4,497, 200 | This last figure may be conservatively estimated to correspond to an annual consumption of probably 800,000,000 feet, B. M., of material. There was imported from 1891 to 1896 wood pulp tothe value of $10,337,659, as follows: 1S osgdls co Ae ere ROS ROO SCOTS GAM ES Se SIS at ee Nat a te ny eS Ara es eae $1, 902, 689 GOH e ceadbodecanekou chop eetesacceDed Baa GemB ene SE eed Oae nere UR eaayieeeeeaGmmaedicr Saeacelecae 1, 820, 143 OE Bie code oatisoc GSEbe5 BASE AS Case Gene duc SE Sac beAUeee SBEEoeE 3 RAR SISA HORE Haao Seebre SHakicc 2, 908, 884 1S eee 5 Sema Scene eo a Sena BO BEES PES e NEB oS eer ee CE eS Fe Re Eo sre Her eererae saccec et 1, 664, 547 MCB e peocaoppeaes THOS CHOSE CHP Oo SREP ab oUB CREE Pot BemESeC Eee Soca see ESE ee secede Bene 984, 692 IRR ee posed ese nho Same BOCES Banche DEE OS er CEE See orn ae Sea SUES Eee BeBe ere eB enaT 1, 056, 704 INOUE Gp popdouecienosgeasoo: QEcsetn st Gne Seo See aE Ct hc areeemnen Garon en ents 10, 337, 659 SUPPLIES. While the above figure of 20,000,000,000 feet, B. M., gives a fair idea as to average consump- tion, which may vary perhaps by 10 per cent one way or the other, we are much less certain as to supplies standing. For Minnesota the chief fire warden of the State has attempted a canvass, the result of which would indicate nearly 18,000,000,000 feet as standing in the State, including Norway pine, the estimate having been made for 1895. This has been criticised by competent judges as much too high; nevertheless, adding the estimates of all other kinds of coniferous wood, some of which as yet remains unused, it is thought that a statement in round numbers of 20,000,000,000 feet of coniferous wood in Minnesota fit for lumbering, though large, would be reasonably enough near the truth for our purposes in forecasting the probabilities. For Wisconsin we have a very close estimate, made by the Division of Forestry in 1897 and fully described in Bulletin No. 16 of that Division. According to this canvass the amount of white pine standing is still 15,000,000,000 feet, B. M., and of all coniferous wood 29,000,000,000 feet, while the writer in the Senate document had estimated it at 30,000,000,000 feet. For Michigan a canvass from township to township has been made by the commissioner of labor of the State for 1896, which develops an area of 2,250,000 acres in pine and hemlock. If the average stand per acre, which the census of 1890 showed as 6,000 feet for white pine, is _ applied to the whole area, the amount of timber standing would be 15,000,000,000 feet, which, for 132 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. safety, we may increase by 20 per cent, or say 18,000,000,000 feet, of which 6,000,000,000 would be white pine. For Pennsylvania the partial returns of the commissioner of forestry would make an estimate of 10,000,000,000 feet pine and hemlock appear highly extravagant. In a private communication he estimates the standing timber of white pine at 500,000,000, of spruce at 70,000,000, and of hem- lock at 5,000,000,000 feet, B. M. For New York, without much basis, 5,000,000,000 may be allowed as an extravagant figure, with a cut of not less than 500,000,000 feet; another 3,000,000,000 for New Hampshire; and, with a closer estimate, based on figures given by the forest commissioner of Maine, that State may be given at best not to exceed 10,000,000,000 feet of spruce, pine, and hemlock. It is well known that in the “Pine Tree” State the white pine is long since reduced to a small proportion of the coniferous wood standing. The spruce country is confined to the ele- vated northern half of the State, north of a line from the White Mountains to Mars Hill, with a spruce-bearing area of probably less than 6,000 square miles. The stand on the two main spruce-producing drainage basins, the Kennebec and Androscoggin, has been estimated at round 5,000,000,000 feet, B. M., with a present cut of round 350,000,000 feet. Partial statistics of the cut would indicate a total cut of coniferous woods in Maine of not far from 500,000,000 feet in 1895 and preceding years. In all these estimates of standing timber the writer has leaned toward extravagance rather than understatement, and thus the total is found to add up 100,000,000,000 feet of coniferous growth in the Northern States, of which less than half is pine, to satisfy a cut of at least 18,000,000,000 to 20,000,000,000 feet per annum. The writer does not say that in less than six years every stick of pine, spruce, and hemlock will be cut, for such figures as these do not admit of mathematical deductions, but the gravity of the question of supply is certainly apparent. Hven doubling the estimates, it is found that, with the present rate and method of cutting, ten years would exhaust our virgin timber of these classes. We should add that much more intimate knowledge exists now regarding these supplies than was possible in 1880, when much of the country was still unopened and unknown. OTHER CONIFEROUS SUPPLIES. The Southern pines, to be sure, will enter more largely into competition, as also the cypress and other coniferous woods of the South. The entire region within which pines occur in the South in merchantable condition comprises about 230,000 square miles, or, in round numbers, 147,000,000 acres; for land in farms, 10,000,000 acres must be deducted, and allowing as much as two-thirds of the remainder as representing pine lands (the other to hard woods), we would have about 90,000,000 acres on which pine may occur. An average growth of 3,000 feet per acre—an extravagant figure when referred to such an area— would make the possible stand 270,000,000,000 feet, provided it was in virgin condition and not largely cut out or culled. Altogether, the writer has reached the conclusion that, adding all other coniferous wood in the South, an estimate of 300,000,000,000 feet would be extravagant, which, added to the Northern supply of coniferous wood, gives a total supply of 400,000,000,000 feet to draw from in the Hastern United States; and as the entire cut of these classes of wood appears now to be not less than 25,000,000,000 feet a year, and probably is nearer 30,000,000,000, it may be stated with some degree of certainty that not fifteen to twenty years’ supply of coniferous timber can. be on hand in the Hastern States. In 1886 the writer ventured a statement that there was 600,000,000,000 feet of coniferous growth in the Hastern States; the cut was then estimated at 12,000,000,000 feet. If an average cut of 20,000,000,000 for the last ten years be allowed, which is reasonable, the present estimate of 400,000,000,000 standing would lend color to the approximate correctness of these figures. If the inquiry is extended to the coniferous growth of the Pacific coast, which, in spite of the distance, must finally come to our aid, only partial comfort will be found. The writer’s estimate of 1,000,000,000,000 feet standing has been by competent judges declared extravagant. The annual cut on the Pacific coast approaches certainly 4,000,000,000 feet; hence, adding these figures to those obtained for the East, with 1,400,000,000,000 feet standing at best, and a cut of at least, 30,000,000,000 feet per annum, there would appear to be, under most favorable contingencies, not CANADIAN SUPPLIES. 133 more than forty to fifty years of this most necessary part of our wood supply in sight if the same lavishness in the use of it is continued. To be sure, there is some new growth and reproduction going on. The probability as to the former is that decay and destruction by fire offset the accretion on the old timber of coniferous growth, and no one familiar with our forest conditions and present methods will indulge in a hope that the reproduction and young growth can materially change the results. Long before any new reproduction can have attained log size we will have got rid of the virgin supplies. CANADIAN SUPPLIES. As to importations, there is practically only one country from which such timber can be obtained—Canada. The statistician of the department of agriculture of the Dominion of Canada in 1895 estimated the white pine standing at 37,300,000,000 feet, with an annual cut of nearly 2,000,000,000 feet, including spars, masts, shingles, etc., which, as will readily be seen, can not materially change the position stated before, namely, that the next decade may witness the practical exhaustion of this greatest lumber staple. Even allowing 10,000,000,000 feet of merchantable spruce, which may be found in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, such allowance can not appreciably retard this exhaustion, since the total annual cut of Canadian coniferous wood exceeds 5,000,000,000 feet. Fifty per cent may be readily added to the estimates of standing timber in eastern Canada, thus assuming 75,900,000,000 feet as on hand, and still Canada’s cut alone will exhaust her resources in fifteen years, and this country will assist her to get rid of it in less time. So far the importations from Canada, although rapidly increasing, have been insignificant when compared with our home consumption. The importations of all kinds of forest products and wood manufactures have been hardly over 1 per cent of our own production, and, if we confine the inquiry to coniferous material only, the proportion of the importation of this class of materials rises to hardly 5 per cent of our home production of the same kinds. To arrive at an idea of the extent to which we have so far drawn on our neighbors for conif- erous supplies, an attempt has been made in the following table to segregate from the trade and navigation reports of the Dominion of Canada those items which have reference to this discussion, translating into board measure approximately the returns given in other measures. These figures are probably somewhat below the truth, but are sufficiently accurate for the present purpose, and are moreover the only ones available. Exports of coniferous products from Canada to United States. {In millions of feet, B. M., rounded off.] Coniferous products. 1877-1882. | 1883-1888. | 1889-1894. 1892. 1893. 1894. 1895. 1896. Rel pe rs | Logs: 6 years. 6 years. 6 years. | Vem oc emery ese isatenae eee eee coe eee 6.5 | 9.5 20. 0 5.0 5.9 5.2 2.2 4.8 SPLucee--- 1-2. = 3 . 0 26. 6 86. 9 | 23.0 21.0 17.9 25.0 15.2 Les) s-emaceecace Br 4.6 504.5 74.0 127.0 277.9 212, 2 157.7 Total logs La 40.7 611 4 | 102.0 153.9 301.0 239.4 177.7 Lumber: 4 % | WERE sonoandanoaccsdnos oscoadonsoosonensas cenonSoose 31.5 108. 7 204.5 | 53.0 51.0 42.5 44.2 48.8 hath Senet resect et iS 43.5 64.8 250. 7 | 38.7 89.4 42.8 44.0 52.3 Boards, scantling, ete 965.8 1, 132.9 3, 098. 1 | 651. 4 7D9Ay |) 01883, 549.5 720.5 Masts, spars, and other S 1.4 -8 otf | 67a edo ose eel MSOs Seen EE SeCEeRae opcSoneee Shinglesmepe eee eeesee eters s ad 14.9 21.8 132.2 | 33.4 40.3 36.5 65.8 45.7 Mimbers\-es2- ee Bae 5 3.9 1.6 UGG |scastcaccdfoosssic onsdlscsoeuscodloscassansafeoscobanne ‘Pulp woodsblockstscas: cers sete eco re eee te oeeeer (a) (a) | (a) | 30. 0 62. 0 61.5 76.3 100.0 Total manufactured wood ....-.------.-.---.----- 1, 061.0 1, 330. 6 3,851.7 | 806.7 | 1,001.8 1, 201.6 779.8 967.3 Total coniferous products.........---------------- 10777 | 373 | 4,463.1] 908.7) 1,155.7] 1,502.6] 1,019.2) 1,145.0 | It will be seen that each six years’ period shows an increase, and that the exports of the last three years were only 25 per cent lower than those of the six preceding years. The largest imports were recorded for 1894, when nearly 1,250,000,000 feet partly manufactured coniferous wood and 300,000,000 feet of logs of conifers were imported. This latter importation increased steadily up 134 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. 8. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. to that time, furnishing raw material mainly to our Michigan mills, whose home supply is largely gone. Regarding the importations of logs, it is interesting to observe that they increased in quantity, without reference to the existence or absence of the export duty which the Canadian Government imposed in 1886 and abolished in 1891, and the price per M feet also seems uninfluenced. The necessity for these supplies to our mills, especially the mills of the Saginaw (Michigan) district, began to assert itself in 1886, the very year the export duty was imposed to prevent, if possible, these exports of raw material, and has grown constantly, the decline in 1895 and 1896 simply marking the general business depression. Logs imported from Canada. Pine logs. Spruce logs. | Hemlock logs. Year. ee | Price a ene Price Pi Price Quantity ‘| Value. | per M euanEaEY | Value. | per M Quantity | Walue. | per M feet teet feet. } — | 974 | $8,012 | $8.23 6, 820 $31,793 | $4. 66 4, 818 $19, 168 $3. 98 380 2, 300 6. 05 11, 165 49, 449 4.43 3, 629 14, 752 4.07 2, 869 24, 452 8. 52 17, 541 81, 874 4. 67 6, 881 28, 076 4.08 6, 350 49, 242 7.75 17, 526 88, 773 5. 65 4, 206 17, 447 4.15 468 3, 875 8. 28 20, 714 ai 4. 80 4,512 18, 383 4.07 10, 839 94, 287 8.70 20, 360 137, 298 6.74 6, 420 24, 261 3.78 32, 144 261, 626 8.14 ! 26, 073 156, 898 6. 02 2, 952 12, 288 4.17 36, 699 318, 281 8. 54 28, 494 158, 334 5. 56 2, 210 9, 802 4.44 738, 963 651, 540 8. 81 23, 404 141,168} 6.02 5, 057 21, 426 4.24 127, 084 1, 056, 355 8.32 21, 103 123, 254 5, 84 5, 880 26, 036 4,43 277, 947 2, 359, 951 8.49 17, 926 107.250 | 6.00 5, 217 19, 713 3.77 212, 231 1, 860, 319 8.77 25, 095 90, 990 3. 64 2, 217 9, 017 4. 06 157,400 | 1,423, 489 9.06 | 15, 182 86, 075 5, 67 4,761 18, 607 3. 90 Tt will be evident from these statements that our virgin coniferous supplies must share the fate which the butfalo has experienced, unless a practical application of rational forestry methods and a more economic use of supplies is presently inaugurated. Since coniferous wood represents two-thirds to three-fourths of our entire lumber-wood consumption, and its reproduction requires more care and lofiger time than that of hard woods, the urgency of changing methods in its use and treatment will be apparent. No more striking statement of the decline in white-pine supplies could be made than to cite the number of feet in logs which passed the nine leading booms in the lower peninsula in Michigan in 1887, namely 2,217,104,985 as against 505,134,656 feet in 1893, a decrease of nearly 80 per cent, chargeable no doubt in part to other modes of transportation, but nevertheless foreshadowing unmistakably the practical exhaustion of supplies. Another indication of the waning of supplies may be found in the increase of prices paid for stumpage. While, owing to improvement in means of transportion machinery and mill practice and to the close. competition of mills, the increase in the price of lumber has been comparatively small except for the best grades, which are becoming scarcer with the reduction in the size of the average log than the poorer grades, the prices paid for the trees in the woods, the stumpage has more than doubled for each decade from 1866 to 1886, as appears from the table given above. At present it would probably be difficult to find any stumpage desirably located at the highest price prevailing in 1887, and this year (1898) stumpage even of the southern pine has gone up to $4.00 and $6.00 per M feet. Returning now to a consideration of the consumption of wood materials in general we can summarize with the statement that our consumption at present of all kinds, sizes, and description, including the enormous firewood supplies of a round 180,000,000 cords, can not fall short of 25,000,000,000 cubic feet of forest-grown material, counting in the waste in the woods and the mills and loss by fire. That means a consumption of 50 cubic feet per acre of forest, or 350 cubic feet per capita.* Considering that in the well-kept forests of Germany, where reproduction is secured by *The largest part of this consumption is for firewood. According to the census of 1880 the consumption of firewood must then have been 280 cubic feet per capita (figuring 100 cubic feet solid to the cord), and this amount has probably not been reduced during the last decade. This firewood is not, as in older countries, made up of inferior material—brush and small fagots—but is, to a large extent, split hody wood of the best class of trees. FOREST FIRES. 135 skillful management, the total growth per acre, brush and branch wood included, averages only 55 cubie feet, it needs no argument to prove that we are cutting yearly far more than can be reproduced, especially when we consider that while in Germany all inferior material is utilized, we use even for firewood purposes good-sized material, body wood, hardly inferior to saw timber, so that the comparison should be rather with the production of what the Germans call “‘derbholz,” including all material over 3 inches, which averages hardly 38 cubic feet per acre and year. The inadequacy of our supplies for continuous use at the present rate, it must appear, is unquestionable, unless we apply more rational methods of treating our forest areas. That for a time at least decrease of consumption is not likely to occur we may learn from a comparison of figures of consumption from decade to decade, which indicate an increase of 30 per cent or more. Estimates of value of forest products used in 1860, 1870, 1880, and 1890. {Including all raw, partially manufactured, wholly manufactured wood products, fuel, and naval stores; estimated upon the basis of census figures, and other sources of information. ] Articles. 1860. 1876. 1880. 1890. | Mill products, rough and partly finished --.-.--.-- ooodeobogedoocoesaseTSaad | $155, 000, 000 | $340, 000, 000 | $400, 000, 000 $438, 000, 000 Cut on farms for home use .--.---------- --| 45,000, 000 52, 000, 000 55, 000, 000 50, 000, 000 In manufactures using wood..--..- ae 50, 000, 000 100, 000. 000 110, 000, 000 150, 000, 000 Ibe DO abe cog nces ane se ancocaGoQ seo donSbS aadiae Cie sean encode asosRse nts =el| 6, 000. 000 14, 000, 000 | 30, 000, 000 40, 000; 000 OWE wcemoo beesBooenobTcceSoncanoSbOTmeT HoEO CO SoaC TO ScOOKoOCadEDcecoodoseennESerenad | 135,000, 000 | 210,000,000 | 328, 000, 0c0 350, 000, 000 St MeN = ccc onboonecnanbanc coacaesscne cost sonconsocosessCnasobiasHoogescseoned @391, 000,000 | 716, 000, 000 | 923, 000,000 | 1, 028, 000, 000 a Probably 25 per cent underestimate. Considering the consumption in relation to the population, we find by comparison with other nations of equally civilized conditions that, if our figures are approximately correct, our per capita consumption is from eight to twenty times more than the per capita consumption of Germany, France, or England. For while we figure 350 cubic feet of all kinds for our people, Germany uses 44, France 32, and England 15 cubic feet per capita. And if we exclude the more uncertain firewood consumption and estimates of waste, and compare only the most important part of the consumption, we find the relation not less striking; for while we consume nearly 80 cubic feet of log timber, equal to 50 cubic feet of sawed goods, or between 500 and 600 feet B. M., per capita annually, Germany requires only 15 cubic feet of sawed material, or about 150 feet B. M.; France 8.3 cubic feet, and England, importing nearly all her wood materials, can get along with one-quarter of our consumption. We see, then, that there is a wide margin for saving in wood supplies by substituting iron and stone in our structures; by using preservative processes with our railroad ties and other timbers; by using our wood materials with more discretion and knowledge. Our enormous annual loss by fires, largely due to the many wooden structures, and giving rise to a destruction of property estimated at $100,000,000, constitutes a drain on our forest supplies which can be largely avoided. FOREST FIRES. Another cause of useless and wasteful decimation of forest supplies is occasioned by the yearly conflagrations, which destroy not acres but square miles of standing timber and the young growth, and even the soil, the fertility, an accumulation of centuries of decaying leaf mold. Regarding the loss by fire no adequate conception can be formed. Fires are of such general occurrence that only the larger conflagrations are noticed, and it is difficult to obtain reports as to their extent and destructiveness. In the South the foolish custom of annually burning off the old grass in order to gain a fort- night’s earlier pasturage still prevails and gives rise to widespread destruction, which is increased by the coniferous composition of the larger part of these areas and the additional danger occasioned by turpentine orchards. In the West carelessness of campers seems to be the principal cause of fires, which, owing to the dryness of the climate and absence of population interested in stopping the conflagrations, assume frightful dimensions and often not only destroy square miles of timber, but endanger the lives and property of settlers. 136 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. From locomotives without spark arresters or carelessly handled at the ash pit comes the greatest danger in the Hast. To estimate even the direct loss or damage from this source is well- nigh impossible, much less the indirect loss, which consists in the destruction of the forest floor, the handing over of the ground to worthless brush, brambles, and inferior tree growth, or, as happens in some regions, the burning of the soil down to the rock, leaving an irredeemable waste. Thus the accumulation of centuries—it takes from three to five centuries to make a humus soil 1 foot in depth—is destroyed in one brief season by carelessness. In the census of 1880 an attempt was made to ascertain the extent of the fires and the conse- quent loss in money value. Upon unsatisfactory and partial returns a total of over 10,000,000 acres was reported burned, with a loss of over $25,000,000 in value. A canvass made by the Division of Forestry some years ago, which was highly unsatisfac- tory in its returns, these being vague and reporting only very partially, shows that in the districts reporting more than 12,000,000 acres of woodland were burned over during 1891. The report showed log timber killed 473,387,000 feet B. M. and damage from forest fires to other than forest property to the extent of $503,590, besides injury to valuable forest growth difficult to estimate. What proportion of the actual destruction these reports represent it is impossible to tell. They show, however, that in spite of the growing sentiment against such useless waste the nuisance has hardly abated in the last ten years. The loss from prairie fires to crops, tree growth, build- ings, and other property was reported by the same correspondents at $1,633,525. In some years these losses by fire are, to be sure, much greater than in others, especially for » given localities. Thus the fire which raged around Green Bay, in Wisconsin, during the Jatter part of September and beginning of October, 1871, is reported to have utterly devastated 400 square miles of territory, several villages being wiped out, at least 1,000 people perishing, and 3,000 being left destitute; the damage being estimated at $3,000,000, not including that of the thriving village of Peshtigo, with 2,000 inhabitants. Another fire in Wisconsin (around Phillips) and in neighboring Minnesota, still in our memory, occurred during the drought of July and August, 1894, the latter known as the great Hinckley fire, when the estimate of loss of life exceeded 1,000, although it is only known that 437 were surely lost, while over 2,000 were made homeless, the material loss, not including the timber, being estimated at $750,000. Another most destructive fire occurred in 1881 in Michigan, when the fire ran over forty-eight townships in the peninsula between Lake Huron and Saginaw Bay, and a belt of timber country, partly settled, 60 miles in length and 10 to 30 miles in width, comprising a round million acres, was absolutely destroyed. The number of people killed was 138 and the value of property destroyed $2,000,000, not taking into account the timber and the loss to the future, for this region remains still to a large extent a mere brush waste. In comparison with our figures of bona fide consumption the direct loss in material is but a small matter, perhaps 2 to 3 per cent of the total value of forest products, but the indirect loss can hardly be overestimated. This lies not only in the destruction of the fertility of the soil, but in discouraging more conservative forest management on the part of forest owners, while the constant risk from fire is an incentive to turn into cash as quickly as possible what is valuable in the forest growth, leaving the balance to its fate. There is a crying need in the United States for economic reform in this matter of playing with fire. If the fire nuisance could be reduced to the unavoidable proportion, half the forestry problem would be solved. FOREST SUPPLIES. Having traced our consumption of forest supplies, it remains to consider the condition of the resource from which this consumption is to be drawn. We have to distinguish here between ‘virgin supplies now ready for the ax—the standing timber—and new growth to supply future wants. Again we have, unfortunately, no statistics which would permit us to speak with assurance on this question. As regards the coniferous supplies of standing timber we have already made computations, showing that 100,000,000,000 feet for the North, 300,000,000,000 feet for the South, and less than 1,000,000,000,000 for the West, or altogether about 1,400,000,000,000 feet B. M., would have to be considered an extravagant estimate to meet the estimated cut of this class of materials of 30,000,000,000 feet per annum. FORESTS OF WISCONSIN, ‘ 137 An estimate based on reported average cut per acre—which, to be sure, is extremely variable, not only from acre to acre but also from time to time as the standard of marketable logs changes—would bring the total of the timber standing ready for the ax to about the following figures as very rough and probably very liberal approximations: Feet B. M. Ramiihern KHAHGS scosco cosoce esuodoqseeon San peoeoq on ecaa cesESFOTeOs SSO N SHS SORGSs 700, 000, 000, 000 Toman RMMIES ceocces ocosooceone9 goesod sda ens Soqcot neass BSGESs BOGSS= SSO E25 OFS 500, 000, 000, 000 TEAGHAG C@DTinn danas ecoo0S cososs oosesd cen eogticerrn Ser bre GecGro bel eoeseore 255535 1, 000, 000, 000, 000 Rociey, Mountains eee eac ese m acc ococen coat ays eo ane emai 100, 000, 000, 000 Gini acac sooo eceo Sado se 3ace 3500 3as0 HUbU SERS endo. 26bb be SHES Saeo race sao Socs 2, 300, 000, 000, 000 To arrive at these figures we have assumed that the amount of timber to be found on the total forest area reported, as given in the preceding table, may be set, as an average for every acre, at 4,000 feet B. M. for the Southern States, 6,000 feet for the Northern States, somewhat less than 20,000 feet for the Pacific coast States, and 2,000 feet for the Rocky Mountains. We admit that these are only guesses based upon personal observation, conversation with lumbermen, and such incomplete records as could be inspected. It is believed that the figures are leaning toward overstatement rather than the other way. For the purpose of estimating thé likelihood of continued supplies these figures will suffice to show that the resource is easily exhaustible. When it is considered that the bulk of the most important supplies (the coniferous trees) is to be found in the far West, thousands of miles away from our centers of civilization, the aspect of the economic conditions is not assuring. As to replacement, by young growth, of supplies cut, the possibility of estimate even is pre- cluded, and we can only state in general that by culling the valuable kinds and leaving the tree weeds to occupy and shade the ground, as is done through all the hard-wood region, the reproduc- tion of valuable species is almost prevented; that the reproduction from the stump in the coppice, which occupies the largest share of the forest area of New England and the Eastern Atlantic States, does not furnish saw material, but only firewood and small-dimension stuff; that much of the young growth of valuable kinds, especially the pines in the South, which, if left undisturbed, would readily and rapidly fill the gaps, is burnt again and again by recurring fires, the same cause sweeping out of existence not only the young growth but the standing timber on the Pacific slope and the Rocky Mountains. For a more complete description of a specific area, the State of Wisconsin, its past and present forest conditions and future promises, we refer to the following extracts from Bulletin No. 16 of the Division of Forestry, giving in detail the results of a survey of the forestry conditions and interests of that State by Prof. Filibert Roth, made in 1898. It is a typical picture, which will serve in its general aspects for the entire great lumbering section of the Northwest. FOREST CONDITIONS OF WISCONSIN. PHYSIOGRAPHY. The part of the State lying north of a line from Green Bay to St. Croix, with the counties of Portage, Wood, and Jackson as southern outposts, contains practically the entire stand of lumber- size timber of both pine and hardwoods in Wisconsin. Nine-tenths of the area presents a broad slope rising from southeast, south, and southwest to a flat divide which runs east and west close to Lake Superior, and one-tenth is occupied by a steeper slope from this divide to the lake. About 43 per cent of this area is formed by an upland plain with low flats, not over 5 per cent is hilly, and the rest is ordinary rolling country with considerable areas of low but steep rolling, ‘< choppy,” <¢ pot hole,” or “ kettle ”Jand. The drainage is mostly excellent in spite of the fact that this area contains over a thousand lakes and is nearly 12 per cent swamp land. Over a large part of the territory it is impossible to get 5 miles away from a driving stream, and nearly all creeks have ample fall. Over 25 per cent of the area is drained by the Chippewa and its tributaries, about 21 per cent by the Wisconsin, and 14 per cent by the St. Croix. The soil and subsoil of about 56 per cent of this territory is a deep gray loam, more or less mixed with gravel; a deep fertile red clay skirts Lake Superior and sandy lands fringe its southern and southwestern edge, while three large islands of sandy land, one on the upper St. Croix, another on the head waters of the Wisconsin, and the third stretching from the Menominee to 138 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Lake Shawano, interrupt the loam land area. Classed from the farmer’s standpoint, about 22 per cent of the land must be called good farm land, about 40 per cent medium, while fully 37 per cent should never be cleared of woods. The climate is cold, winters long, spring nearly wanting, summer short but warm, and fall long and cool. As indication of the climate it may be said that hickories practically do not occur; that white oaks are restricted to the southern and drier western parts; ordinary corn does not usually ripen in the greater portion of the territory, and apple trees have so far largely failed even in the more southern counties. OWNERSHIP. Of the 18,500,000 acres of territory under consideration less than 7 per cent is cultivated, about 24 per cent held by actual settlers, little more than 1.5 per cent belongs to the State, nearly 5 per cent to the United States (2 per cent to Indians), little over 5 per cent to railway companies, and hardly 1 per cent is held by the counties, who are all anxious to rid themselves even of this small bit of communal property. Of the remaining 63 per cent lumbermen own about 80 per cent, i. e., 50 per cent of the entire area, or about 25 per cent of the area of the entire State belongs to them. THE FOREST AS IT WAS. Formerly nearly all of the 27 counties were covered with one uninterrupted forest, and only along the southern and southwestern limits did this forest give way to oak and jack pine openings and brush prairies. On the gray loam lands was a mixed forest of hardwoods and white pine; on all sandy lands and also on most of the red clays of Lake Superior it was pinery proper, i. e., a forest of pines, principally white pine, some Norway, and small amount of jack pine, without hardwoods of lumber size. In the eastern half, which is more humid, the hemlock grew among the hardwoods on most of the gravelly clay and loam lands, but, like white pine under these same conditions, it was found chiefly as mature timber, often nothing bué old large trees scattered among the hardwoods, or here and there in compact bodies or groves, without any young growth to indicate active reproduction. Evidently both were here losers in the general struggle for posses- sion of the ground. Besides these three main conifers the balsam and spruce occurred thinly scattered, the latter chiefly in swamps. Most swamps were then timbered, the cedar prevailing in those of the Green Bay region; both cedar and tamarack together, one or the other alone, but more commonly mixed, occupied the majority of swamps, while the tamarack, commonly as a pure but small growth, occupied all those of the southern and southwestern part, and even stocked the openings. The hardwood forest, heavier, denser, and composed of larger trees in the southern part, and on better soils, while quite thin and scrubby northward and on the lighter gravel lands, was made up of a small number of kinds. Its character varies on the two sides of nearly the same line which limits the hemlock. On the south and west of this line it was an oak forest in which both white and red oak were abundant, oak was predominant, and the birch scarce or wanting; on the north and east of the line birch was the principal hardwood; the white oak was almost wanting, the red oak scattering, and often for many miles the forest was without an oak of any kind or size. Of the other hardwoods, basswood and maple were generally and rather evenly distributed; elm in very variable proportions occurred in most hardwood forests, while ash, generally black ash, was mostly confined to the low flats and swamps. THE FOREST AS IT IS. At present the pine is largely cut both from the mixed forests and in the pinery; entire uncut or virgin townships scarcely exist, and in every county large and small] ‘pine slashings” or “‘stump prairies” are met. In the hardwoods, the oak and basswood, and to some extent the elm, have been culled over large tracts, and entire counties, like Wood and Barron, have been logged over (not logged clean). Besides this the hardwood and still more the hemlock, about most pine slashings, but especially on all lighter soils where the pine predominated, have suttered from fire, and over large areas they are entirely fire killed. Many if not most of the swamps have been burned over, and present all stages from the dense green swamp forest to a bewildering tangle ot charred masses of dead and down timber. It is estimated that about 8,500,000 acres, or 45 per cent of the total area, is cut-over land, most of which is also burned over and largely waste, ‘SiS ese DOC Int AVN 00.8 N3Ia Solon Aeguge os ae ATS V Ss Set LU olLB HAXX ALWid fees + cae _ _Qinynosy jo jusujredeq "Ss *Q ‘k1ysa10g JO UOIsIAIg JetyD ‘MONYHA “HA “a jo uoljeirp sopun queasy yenedg ‘yoy yequa Aq papidwop “NISNOOSIM NYHHIYON SNOILIGNOD LSHYOA Yeo qnios WIIK ssuimedg 0&6 ‘yeo Aq poovidor BI old of} pue ‘oome} -IOdWI [BVIOLoNINIOD JO YOu Sf YooTMeY oa ‘ou sity TO 480A pue INOS 94} OF ‘gaed @.19}989 9} U1 9no pemiva = -_ jou vore) HooTUIEY Jo gry | _—_d *BPOOAL *SDOOM AA eurd Hoel WTA ssuruedO ‘SULYSBIS OUI Vv JO qeqy Sst MO eoUBIveddE ou} puw 4nd MOM ST 4uq poyeujuopoid AjyaLeu107 auld QcoyAL gxozOy pox L “sroard Suryqmosor quor0y 0m) ‘yuemImOopsd fog S] ould o1OTA ‘4Se10J poxtW | ‘soig fq poseuep Io qno wesq Alosr1e] GACT _oo[moey pus pooampaey | YOR Ulery 480107 poxXtpT | — ‘gno m0eg Ajosre( seg curd =f orgs Glory Yeetoy PaxtAl (—— ‘omid 91qe -JueyoIeul Surpurys oiqe [| aa) -AOPISMOD TFTM JHILOJ POT |= — "a9re poyoojs JO 910% 10d yooTMeT pue poompareg jo joo oo0's | FAO Y4IM ysoroy poxmA | “BOL POHIO}S Jo 010% 19d yoolmiey pue poomprey Jo 400% 000'9 0} 000° WALA YBoTO, paxtnL ‘e918 PIey00}s JO axe 19d HooTMIeg puv pooapwzer JO 4997 000's UBYI SSO/ TATM *yOOTOLOY WII fous] por jo WjL0n pun qevo ied oqiut‘pus‘euid | ‘spooMpivYy JO 489105 POXTPT ‘ould Hoel o[qeaopisioo U3 poxooss Ajos 18] Arosa *1@A0 9nd Ajegue 10 Ayeou ATOULy ‘IOUT eTqeyueyI.oUL e1qe.tepismo0o WIA ALouTT "svO18 po1oz}20S Tiems or ydeoxes spoom -pisy, eTqvjuego10ur 4n0 -(T A ‘pure Apaes to ‘Ar00rg ‘aNGDaT fy gts ee yea 6 Ao ke adnate DE ath A teat bs BM ey onan ase rai} ay Say setioinds Via skier + epee. tA Wisk ub tet un Se! peste ikl ha FA phe tails w Khe wing: ape gel Poy OL Seay Meera De Ae ioe" FH p ty Poe Uh Cos LS: Ee HSER... eume Pore | fe *. FORESTS OF WISCONSIN. 139 PRESENT SUPPLIES. Considering present supplies of pine, over 80 per cent of which are owned by Jumbermen, it must be borne in mind that in spite of many years of logging but few townships of the better stocked regions, outside of settlements, are logged clean, and counties like Chippewa, Clark, Wood, and Marathon still continue to furnish large quantities of pine logs of all sizes, for it is not so much a lack of good logs as the fact that of late everything is cut clean which has reduced the average size of log to nearly half what it was twenty years ago. It is especially the fragmentary condition of the forest which makes general or wholesale estimates difficult, and causes the opinions on pine supplies to vary within such wide limits. ‘Most men know little about what their neighbors have,” and ‘‘the man whose pine supply is nearly at an end, and who finds it hard to buy more stumpage, thinks that everybody shares his trouble.” These two statements, vari- ously expressed, may be heard in many places, and fully indicate the difficulty. The following figures of merchantable supplies still standing, secured by the methods above indicated, are probably quite near the truth, though the total appears still somewhat conservative: Standing pine, hemlock, and hardwood saw timber in the State of Wisconsin in 1898. | 7 Million feet B. M. | | Million feet B. M. County = | County. | Pine. Hemlock. | Hardwood. Pine. | Hemlock. | Hardwood. | JAS MEME no cooscacosoaonccocesssce 300 300 600 || Marinette.......-.....-....-.... 1, 500 240 240 IVAN. anon macesseboccesooc sesece 1G) Ee cemandcoss 260 || Oconto --.---- ee 100 320 280 LPI ~ comenatesocoscencocodsss 000 Oneida. .-.-.- - 1, 000 10 24 IOMNti=cconacocecQSoabocoeoaan[s Polke eeea= PW) \oodosbeeeae 300 Chippewaene eee eee Portage. .-.- 50 50 50 100 Olena - -cesdonasesteaacbancooEdens Price-....- 200 500 500 DOWER) sgecacosnascosccoscsssce5 Sawyer -- 1, 500 480 960 WH scoSésocosacseeseoaceroosaccs Shawano 300 550 550 Eau Claire a - Taylor. 200 950 950 Florence -.- Wailasinasen 1, 500 120 350 Forest Washburn Ba) loscoddadéoas 220 Tron ..- Wood..-- 100 40 300 Jackson - Pierce and St. Croixa........---|------------ |------------ 300 Langlade — 7 Lincoln Total seesssoe ee eae 16, 665 | 7, 640 18, 889 Marathon a Eau Claire is only considered for its pine and St. Croix and Pierce only for hardwoods—the three counties being really outside of the scope of this work. The detailed estimates given by woodsmen of hemlock and still more of hard woods, vary much more than those of pine. Lack of experience in hard wood, custom of estimating only certain kinds, and discriminating selections in the hardwood markets, which consider only the better sizes or qualities, have led to great differences in figures on yield. The general results above given are very conservative for both hemlock and hard woods in spite of the fact that they represent rather the higher than the average estimates. A more correct view of present supplies may be obtained from a study of the following figures, in which all the woed supplies are arranged in three classes, a portion of the hemlock which, at present rating, is not real saw timber being thrown together with the cedar and part of tamarack and jack pine as a second class. Of these figures it may be said that of the 92,000,000 cords of hardwood fully one-third, or 30,000,000 cords, an equivalent of 15,000,000,000 feet B. M., might still be placed with saw timber. Wood supplies classified. Secondary | Secongary q, P timber. PRE ante imber. Character of wood. Soy uit Bolt sizes, | Cord wood Character of wood. Sen Bolt sizes, | Cord wood. ib post, poles, | g post, poles, ties, etc. | | ties, etc. enews | ~ as = | = — = Million Million | Million Million CONMEBOL fect BOM. | feeteBeM. || Mattions. | feet B.M. | feet B. M. | Millions. White pine -...--.-.- | 14, 500 1) Oakes tectioe se seacisaesets a there 0 ' 2, 200 Basswood me 5 seseeee| Birch IDEN Sooo 92, 000 PAS Dee |, Maple --- Sprnee J Soastesnna Otherseeeeeeee eee ear eee eri 1 BESO dob CB EE coco CRCEaas| HEC aDE EE Eee —_|-—_ ate —_—. Motalieeass sete saeco ae 14, 000 }.----.------ 92, 000 WUE ~ sec snoecbaoceescaenss 24, 500 = = | Grand total.--.-.----..--- 38, 500 6, 900 104, 000 140 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. The above estimates of jack pine, spruce, balsam, tamarack, and cedar must be regarded as rough approximations, since the areas stocked with these timbers are very difficult to ascertain. What these supplies of pine have been in the past may be inferred from the following caleu- lations, the basis for which have been verified for large areas on the Chippewa, Black, Wisconsin, and Wolf rivers, and may be supposed to understate the truth by at least 10 to 15 per cent. Probable original stand and present stand of merchantable pine in the State of Wisconsin. Number |yielaper| Vieldon | river im | Prosent = P eld per ie! ver - liver basin. of tomas hea are. per cent | stand. temarks. SURE, of total. | | Million feet. Millionft. THEO Reagonoeceningcasodioorasesnccesancoseacgsose2 40 225 8), 6.9 270 St. Cro 100 125 12, 500 10.7 3,560 | Contains much jack-pine barrens. Red Ceda: Stes 40 200 8, 000 6.1 475 Chippewa . SSsoqseneceoconanaat oon desocosecs 175 200 35, 000 26.7 3, 000 WAGE 6 occas sssceascsesosesdpsossseracse2er5 172 175 30, 100 22.9 2,575 | Includes heavy hardwood forest. A /Oeesean Ses U psoas seodenaeesoaSe chocdacesosue 60 125 7, 500 by, Uf 470 | Much hardwood forest. OW cacaseceosa ceases stoosose once eoSscsoNTs 28 125 3, 500 2.3 150 Do. Peshtigo Bodsacsotsnon ae 27 150 4, 050 3 500 Menominee -.--.---- 9 47 150 7, 050 5.4 1,500 | Only Wisconsin side. Rivers to Lake Sup a 76 150 11, 400 8.7 4, 200 Rivers to Green Bay 7 200 1, 400 La Barer DUH. ceo socennnocetosnacos Sodesssesbecse4 WZ ||sssencoacs 1295 5000 See ea 16, 700 Of these 129,500,000,000 feet there is approximately— Billion feet. Standing at present....-...----.------------------------------------------------+----------- 16.7 (Clritn lose INE) ere WER io cas cease conanoeneeseecosen seccosecseth cseseotesosb sousca cesens 66 ee ein THO iy UE 2. coe sbs be casseneseoensesd oSsn SosSne osceds cobece sceoosoaESse oSoess 20 “ual rou uOGl IRD Hag oe sesmoboadodacse Son SRS saoSsoGhosoo asaacs seasSn Senses NSESododse 102.7 Leaving a balance of nearly 27,000,000,000 feet wasted, to which must be added several billions as growth since 1840. Of this enormous waste certainly more than 60 per cent, or about 20,000,000,000 feet, is due to fire, the rest falling to storms, old age, and waste in cutting. This is white pine only. Besides this injury to pine, fire has killed more than 5,000,000,000 feet of hemlock, at least 1,000,000,000 feet of cedar, and several billions of hard woods, besides large quantities of tama- rack, and in addition has killed stands of young sapling pine (under 8 inches diameter) covering many thousand acres which to-day would furnish 5,000,000,000 feet and more of merchantable material. PRESENT GROWTH. The amount of timber which at the present time is growing each year on the stocked portion of this area may very safely be placed at about 925,000,000 feet Bb. M., and is distributed among the several kinds of timber as follows: Million feet. Wihite;and Norwarys pines sss sae = ee sees ee ee ee eee erie eae fae eee a aie ole ete eee eee 250 VEO Win ps ABE ae RRS eee Bee ane Sones Ao sa Beas nabs Hep peniconSae dansbecbopse s4ypeso ooeHESeeise 30 15 Kai) (oe) gaa ee ey hn ia are hea Shs eer ien Soo tetio Sane HOSS 75 Mama arae eee 25 wars oe Seis, 5 Se tec Ree Sea ers ten I oS ee a 30 Cedar eae PADS Les ~~ ankh, (4 —~- “ssaadi cele, Llip~r~ ~~~, Fic. 1.—TURPENTINE ORCHARDING IN FRANCE. Fic. 2.—TOOLS USED IN FRENCH PRACTICE OF TURPENTINE ORCHARDING. PLATE XXXI. H. Doe. 181. Fic. 1.—TURPENTINE GATHERING (HUGUES SYSTEM), TILL AND Pot. Fig. 2.-Cross SECTION THROUGH BLED TREE. Fic. 4.—Cross SECTION THROUGH BLED TREE. A 4) FRENCH PRACTICE IN BLEEDING TREES. 159 age and the number of trees bled “to death” and bled ‘“‘alive,” as well as on the nature of the soil—the sand soil of the dunes produces more than the gravel and limestone soil. The weather and the care of the workman also influences the yield, so that the product per acre varies between 200 pounds of resin in younger (30 to 35 years old) growths to 400 pounds in older growths. The yield is said to be greatest in trees about 16 inches in diameter. If bled “to death,” 200 to 250 pines, 8 inches in diameter, will yield about 500 pounds each year for three years. M. Bagueris mentions a pine about 50 inches in diameter which had 10 chips working simultaneously and yielded 12 to 14 pounds of resin annually. The men are paid by the cask of 517 pounds from $6 to $7, which allows them to earn about 80 cents to $1 per day. The price of the crude turpentine varies considerably from $8 per cask of 517 pounds. It reached the enormous figure of $58 during the American civil war. Orcharding in France is usually carried on on half shares between timber-land owner and orchardist. EXPLANATION OF PLATES. PLATE XXX.—Tools used in French practice. The tools employed in the French method of orcharding are: An ax (la cognee) for cutting trees and for remov- ing the course for the chip and for opening the lower cuts. An ax with a concave blade and a curved handle (Vabchot); this is the principal tool of the orchardist, and it serves exclusively for the opening of the chips. The blade is razor-like in order to make a sharp and smooth cut through the resin ducts. ‘he irregular form of its handle and of its sharp edge make it an instrument difficult to manufacture and particularly difficult to use, and it is only after a long apprenticeship that it can be used with exactness and dexterity. (Fig. 1.) A scoop (la pelle) is made of iron, with an edge of steel. It is fixed at the end of a wooden handle about 3 feet in length. This serves to clean the bottom part of the chip and particularly to draw out the resin from the reservoirs. Fig. 2.) The barker (la barrasquite) has a blade, steel-plated, narrow, and curved, and is furnished with a handle 5 feet long. ‘This instrument is used for barking the trees at the highest point where it is impossible to use the ax, and for gathering the resin from such places. (Fig. 4.) Another kind of barker (le rasclet), much edged, having a handle 6 feet long, which is furnished with a step, is used in certain regions to continue the chip above the height of aman. Often the orchardist holds on by the handle of the ‘‘rasclet” and works with the hatchet. (Fig. 3.) A third form of scraper (la pousse), having a handle 8 feet long, used for the same purpose, has the blade so bent as to permit the worker to stand at a distance from the tree, thereby avoiding, while working, the falling bark and dripping resin. (Fig. 5.) A shorter scraper (le palot), with a handle only 3 feet long, replaces the scoop every where where the Hugues system does away with the dirt. It is used for cleaning, and is also used like a dibble at planting time for planting the acorns. (Fig. 6.) | A ladder made by cutting steps into a pine sapling, each step being held by a nail to prevent breaking, is used to reach the higher points. The products are gathered from the chips or pots to a reservoir established in the forest, in a sort of basket with a capacity of about 20 quarts. It is formed by a cylinder of rough cork surrounded with wood, the bottom being a round slab, made fast with pegs. The handle is of willow. A spatula (l’espatula) is used to remove the resin that adheres to the sides of the pots or transporting vessels. (Fig. 7.) PLATE XXXI.—Turpentine gathering—Hugues system. Jn this plate fig. 1 exhibits the method of gathering turpentine by the Hugues system, and the use of the till and pot. While formerly the resin was allowed to run into a hole in the sand at the foot of the tree, since 1860, when the production was stimulated by the closing of the American sources of supply, an improvement on the crude method of collecting came into use, It consists in fixing a bent zine collar or gutter cut from sheet zinc 8 inches long and 2 inches wide, with teeth (see figure) across the chip, which acts as a lip, and conducts the liquid resin into a gluzed earthen pot or a zine vessel of conival shape suspended below the lip. ‘Vhe pots are 6 inches high, 4} inches at the opening, and 3 inches at the bottom, and hold about 1 quart. At first placed on-the ground they are fastened each season above the old chip by means of a nail through a hole or otherwise (see figure). In this way, by shortening the distance over which the resin has to flow, the evaporation of the oil is reduced, and there is less liability of impurities to fall into the receiver. A cover over the pot is also sometimes used. The pots are emptied every fifteen or twenty days with the aid of a spatula (see Pl. XXX, fig. 7). The scrape is collected only twice in the season, in June and November. Another improvement which reduces the amount of evaporation and assures cleaner resin consistsin covering the chip with a board. This improvement (Hugues system) is said to yield more and purer resin; the yield is claimed to be about one-third larger, and the difference in price, on account of purity, 80 to 90 cents a barrel, while the cost per tree per year is figured at about 1 cent; besides, the proportion of scrape is considerabiy reduced. This (called galipot) is collected by hand, except the hardest impure parts (called barras), of which there is hardly any 160 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. in this system of collection. Not more than 17.9 per cent of scrape is expected, as against 29 in the American practice. Figures 2, 3,4 show cross sections of trees bled through several periods of years; also the manner in which chips are distributed, and healed scars. MANAGEMENT OF TURPENTINE PINERIES. When the yield of turpentine falls below a certain minimum, the time has arrived when the growth must be regenerated. All trees are then bled “to death” and cut as they give out, and the openings are seeded with pine seed and the reproduction is completed in four or five years. The young forest grows up uniformly, densely, and quickly, and when 10 or 12 years old it becomes necessary to thin out and to repeat the operation every five or six years, so that at the age of 20 the pines are nearly isolated. Then there are about 250 to 280 trees per acre, and bleeding “to death” is commenced at the rate of, say, 80 or 85 trees, which are to be taken out during the next four or five years. At the age of 25 another 80 are subjected to the operation, and at the age of 30 there may be left 100 to 125 trees per acre. At this age, when the trees are about 1 foot in diameter, bleeding “alive” is commenced on all trees. At the age of 60 to 80 years this number has dwindled down by casualties to 80 or even 65. If well managed these trees may last 120 to 130 years; otherwise, it bled too much, they will succumb in half the time. A rest of a year or more every fifth year is necessary to recuperate the trees. When the circumference of the tree has been all chipped, the old chips may be opened again. In order to produce resin abundantly the trees must stand isolated, their crowns well exposed to the sunlight; but it is only necessary that the crowns should just touch, when the trees are sufficiently isolated. The best producers are the short, stout trees, with well-developed crown and well set with branches. ‘To endure tapping without injury, they should be at least 14 inches in diameter, with a bole of 20 to 26 feet to the first limb on the dunes and 40 to 50 feet in the landes. There is no definite relation between volume and resin production. In fact, there is but little known as to the conditions and physiological processes which give rise to the formation of resin, except that full, active foliage and heat seem to be essential factors. GATHERING OF SPRUCE TURPENTINE. The wood of the spruce contains few and rather narrow longitudinal resin ducts, but wider lateral ducts, which are strongly developed in the liber or new wood fibers. It is these that farnish the flow. Hence the methods of extraction used on the pines must be modified. In growths 80 to 100 years old the yield is about 127 pounds of scrape and 40 pounds of dip per acre. Here the scrape is the purer material, and, therefore, more expensive, the dip being more or less impure. The operation is harmful to the trees, as it is apt to induce red rot. The pitch known as Burgundy pitch is derived from the resin of this species. The resin of the spruce has also the property of hardening very quickly on exposure to the air; therefore it does not flow readily enough from the chip to permit the methods used in the pines. In May or June two chips are made at the same time, 3 to 33 feet in height and only half an inch in breadth, on opposite sides of the tree. They are cut with a specially curved sharp knife, and deep into the sapwood. In order to prevent stagnant water from collecting at the bottom, this is made pointed. The sides of the chip soon form callous, which would prevent the flow, and therefore the sides must be renewed every two or three years, or yearly, gradually widening the chip, so that after a series of years only two small strips of bark remain between the two chips. The renewing of the sides is done in summer, so that they may protect themselves before winter sets in by forming new callous. In some localities alternate chips are made every two years, instead of enlarging the original one. The bleeding is continued for ten to fifteen years, and the yield per tree and year averages 1 pound scrape and 14 pounds of dip. GATHERING OF LARCH TURPENTINE. The larch contains resin ducts of very large diameter, and the resinous contents are found mainly in the heartwood. The trees very often contain frost splits in the heart, in which the resin collects. The trees are bored into about a foot above the ground in horizontal direction. The EFFECT OF BLEEDING ON TIMBER. 161 bore-hole, being 1 inch in diameter and reaching into the center, is closed with a wooden stopper. This hole fills up during the summer and the resin is taken out with a half-cylindrical iron and then closed up. One tree will furnish per year one-fourth to three-eighths of a pound (120 to 180 grams) of resin. If the bore-holes were left open from spring to fall, the yield could be increased to 1 pound, but the resin would be impure, would contain less spirits of turpentine, and the tree would be damaged. One bore-hole suffices for the whole period of orcharding, which is usually carried on for thirty years. With small amount of work and with a price two to three times that of the black pine turpentine, and no injury to the trees, this industry is quite profitable in spite of the small yield. GATHERING FIR TURPENTINE. The resin of the firs occurring mainly in isolated resin vesicles or cells and most abundantly near the bark (blisters), this is gathered by means of an iron pot with sharp-pointed till, with which the vesicles are pierced. From the European fir in this way the Strasburg turpentine used to be gathered; now the practice is nearly abandoned. The Canada balsam is gathered similarly from our own fir, Abies balsamea. EFFECTS OF TURPENTINE ORCHARDING ON TIMBER, TREE, AND FOREST, AND SUGGESTIONS FOR IMPROVEMENT ON AMERICAN PRACTICE. The turpentine industry can be carried on, but usually is not, without detriment to the value of the timber, to the life of the tree, and to the condition of the forest. The present practice, how- ever, in the United States is not only wasteful but highly prejudicial to present and future forestry interests. Effect on the timber.—As far as the timber of bled trees is concerned, it has been shown by the work of the Division of Forestry that the heartwood, the only part of the tree which is used for lumber, is in no way affected directly by the process of tapping. Not only has its strength been shown to be in no wise diminished, but since the resin of the heartwood does not participate in the flow, being nonfluid, the durability of the timber, as far as it depends on the resinous contents, can not be impaired by bleeding. Indirectly, however, by the boxes and large-sized chips, a con- siderable loss of timber in the best part of the tree, the butt log, occurs, which is avoidable. The parts surrounding the scar are furthermore rendered somewhat harder to work by an excess of resin which accumulates on and near the wound, tending to “‘gum up” tools. Indirectly, also, a considerable proportion of boxed timber becomes defective if not used at once or, if left on the stocks exposed for a series of years to destructive agencies, such as fires, followed by fungus growth and attack of beetles. The larvie of large capricorn beetles bore their way through the soft wood formed in the shape of callous surrounding the borders of the chip and through and beyond the sapwood. Through the innumerable fissures which are caused by repeated fires, air and water charged with spores of fungi find entrance into the body of the tree, causing decay, the damage increasing every year, so that from this cause alone the timber from a turpentine orchard abandoned for ten or fifteen years was at the sawmill found damaged to the extent of fully 20 per cent. Another prospective loss in timber is occasioned by the tapping of undersized trees which are not ready for the saw. Even if the tree survived all the changes of the years following the bleeding and healed over the wound, the timber formed after the process, at least in the portion of the tree which carried the chip, is inferior and not fit for sawmill purposes on account of malformations and change of grain. The loss of timber by fire is also only an incidental effect of careless managemert. Effect on trees.—No doubt the normal life of the tree is interfered with by bleeding; not that the resin is of any physiological significance to the life of the tree, but the wound inflicted in the tapping, like any other wound, interferes with and reduces the area of water-conducting tissue. This interference may be so slight as practically to have no effect, or so great as to kill the tree sooner or later if other conditions are unfavorable. The experience in France shows that with care (narrow chips and periods of rest, which permit callousing of the scar) trees may ve bled for long periods and attain old age (see p. 158); it also shows how fast a tree may be bled to death, if this is desired. (See Pl. XXX.) H. Doe. 181—11 162 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. While the exudation of the resin covering the excoriated surface and the accumulation of resin in the wood near the surface act as an efficient antiseptic and firm protection against atmospheric influences, access of fungi and of insects to the interior of the tree—superior to any callous—it also endangers the life of the tree if exposed to fire, since the resin is highly inflammable, and the heat produced by its flame is capable of killing the trees outright. It is, therefore, again, this indirect effect which exposes the trees of the turpentine orchard to extra risk, even though the operation was carried on with due care and consideration for the vitality of the tree. Effect upon the forest—What has been said regarding the effects upon timber and trees applies naturally to the forest as a whole. With proper methods and proper care the turpentine industry need not be detrimental to the full and profitable utilization or the successful regeneration of the forest. In France the turpentine orchard is generally as well managed—with exceptions, of course—as any other forest property. Unfortunately, the ignorance and carelessness of our turpentine gatherers, as well as of the entire community regarding forestry matters, lead to most disastrous results. The coarse, irrational manner of cutting boxes into the tree for gathering the dip, while reducing the yield of the valuable oil, weakens the foot of the tree, and those receiving more than one box or being of small size are generally sooner or later blown down; the broad chips, out of proportion to the size and vitality of the tree, cause many to die before they have yielded what they could; the same charge of wastefulness may be made against the methods of chipping and of collecting the resin, both of which reduce the yield considerably. But the greatest loss is that occasioned by the fires, carelessly handled by the orchardist himself in trying to protect himself, and still more carelessly allowed by the community to rage over large areas one season after another. In the orchard their destructiveness is increased by the broad resinous surfaces at the butt of the trees by the blown-down trees and the débris of the dead trees standing or lying on the ground. Dr. Mohr observes— The trees which have not been killed outright by the fire, or have altogether escaped this danger, are doomed to speedy destruction by bark beetles and pineborers, which find a breeding place in the living trees blown down during the summer months, the broods of which rapidly infest the standing trees, which invariably succumb to the pest in the same season. Hence, the forests invaded by the turpentine men present, in five or six years after they are abandoned, a picture of ruin and desolation painful to behold; and in view of the destruction of the seedlings and younger growth, and of the vegetable mold, season after season, all hope for the restoration of forest life is excluded. ‘SUGGESTIONS FOR IMPROVEMENT. No radical improvement on existing practice can, of course, be expected until the turpentine orchardists themselves can see that present conditions and methods are detrimental to their business, and can persuade the community that it is to the mutual interest of both community and orchardist to allay the fire nuisance. Forestry—that is, rational use and management for perpetuity of our forest resources—will never succeed in our country until our communities discountenance the habits of the savages in the use of fire and learn that civilization consists in making nature do more than she voluntarily gives; in fact, that it consists in management, not in destruction, of natural resources. It is the duty as well as the self-interest of the community to do all in its power to make rational management for continuity practicable, and the first step is to insure protection of indi- vidual property against loss, be it by depredation or by other preventable causes. Hence, protec- tion against fire is a conditio sine qua non, if we would have rational and systematic management of our forest resources; for so long as forest property is made extra hazardous by lack of proper protection against fire the inducement to rob it of its best parts in the shortest time and then abandon it to its fate is too great. i I would refer here to another part of this report, in which the general legislation for fire protection has been outlined (pp. 183-188). In the States or portions of States in which turpentine orcharding is practiced additional provisions would be necessary. Regarding the practice in the technical operation of tapping, legislative regulations are prob- ably out of the question, the spirit of our institutions being against interference in the use of private property except where such use is directly injurious to other persons. Otherwise it would be desirable, for the indirect benefit of the community, and especially its future, to pre- scribe lowest size of trees to be tapped and broadest chip permissible. IMPROVEMENT IN TURPENTINE ORCHARDS. 163 The orchardist’s own interest, if he owns the forest and proposes to make the most of it, or the owner’s interest, if he leases it for turpentine orchard, would dictate the following considera- tions, which I have formulated into a set of instructions: (1) Attend to the firing of the brush, when preparing for orcharding, at a season and time when a smoldering fire can be kept up which will not kill young growth and will not consume to ashes the vegetable mold. (2) Abandon the “boxing” system and substitute the movable pot with cover and lip.' (See Pl. XXX, fig. 1.) By this the tree is less injured or liable to injury, and a larger amount of valuable dip and a smaller proportion of scrape is insured. The cost of making and cornering boxes—a wasteful operation—averages about 14 cents per box, while the cost of pots is very much higher (heavy tin or zinc iron pots might be used more cheaply); but if the orchard is worked for longer time, as proposed in the following, the cost per year will be reduced and amply repaid by better yield. (3) Tap only trees large enough to make a good saw log, not less than 12 inches at the butt. Not only will such trees yield in better proportion to the labor expended, but the younger trees when left, after the saw timber fit for the saw has been taken, will assist in the reforestation by shedding their seed, and will in a few years have grown to proper size both for profitable tapping and profitable lumberirg. (4) Reduce the chip in breadth to not over 3 inches, and rather work more chips at a time on the same tree, if good sized; not more, however, than one for each foot in circumference simul- taneously, so that a tree 1 foot in diameter would carry, say, three of these narrow chips, evenly distributed. Thus the tree will be kept in full activity and yield more turpentine for a longer time. (5) Before starting the chip remove the rough bark down to a thin (reddish) skin for the breadth of 4 inches and, say, 2 feet in height, or a little wider than the chip is to be, and as high as it is to be worked for the season; this is for the purpose of keeping your pots clean of bark particles. Start the chip with as small an opening and as low down at the foot of the tree as is practicable for attaching the pot, and cut it triangular at the base, so as to allow any water to readily flow off, preventing its collection and consequent fungus growth. (6) Do the chipping as gradually as possible, remembering that the flow depends mainly upon the number of longitudinal ducts cut through transversely and kept open. A rapid increase in height of the chip is a useless waste; the chipping is done simply to remove the clogged-up ends of the ducts; the removal of one-fourth to one-third or at most one-half inch of new wood every five to eight days, according to the weather, will accomplish this end. As to depth, it is useless to cut deeper than the sapwood, since the heart does not yield any resin. Whether the I'rench method of deepening the chip gradually and only to a depth of one-half inch at most or a cut through the entire sapwood at once is, on the the whole, more profitable, comparing labor and yield, remains to be ascertained by trial. Where trees are not to be managed for continuous bleeding, but are to be exhausted prior to their cutting for saw logs, it would appear proper to cut at once through the entire sapwood, using perhaps a sharp chisel for the work of chipping. When we have arrived at a time when the orcharding is done in young plantations managed for the purpose the more careful chipping of the French may be indicated. (7) Do not collect the scrape more than once a year, in August or September, or early enough to give the trees a chance to protect their scars before winter sets in; but reduce the amount of serape by using pots and lips and keeping these as close as practicable to the top of the chip. In this way the superior yield will pay for the greater care. / (8) Remember that it is more profitable to prepare for operating a given area for ten to fifteen years instead of three to four years, since many necessary expenditures remain the same whether the operation is carried on for the shorter or longer period, and hence in the latter case are dis- tributed through a longer term. With the above methods and proper care an orchard may be 1 Since the above was written (in 1892) the pot or cup system has been experimentally tried by J. C. Schuler of West Lake, La., the patentee of a special pot, described in Bulletin 19, Division of Forestry. The patentee admits the extra cost for a crop of 10,000 cups for two seasons as $460 against $190 under the old system, but the increased yield of crude turpentine for the two years is claimed as 195 barrels at $3.50 per barrel or $410 in favor of the cup system. 164 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. worked profitably four or five times as long as under present methods, and hence many precau- tions, especially against fire, such as ditches, roads, ete., to arrest the fire, too expensive if the orchard is soon to be abandoned, may be employed with advantage. (9) If present methods must prevail and protection against fires can not be had, because the community is still too uncivilized or blind to its interests, do not subject your valuable timber to turpentine orcharding unless you can dispose of it to a sawmill immediately after the orchard is abandoned. Otherwise the loss of timber by fire is apt to wipe out all profits made by the orchard. IMPROVEMENTS IN THE DISTILLATION OF THE CRUDE TURPENTINE BY THE APPLICATION OF STEAM. In the ordinary way, the distillation of the crude turpentine, yielding the largest quantity of spirits of turpentine and finest quality of rosin, can not be carried to the total extraction of the volatile oil without impairing the quality of the residuary product. The higher grades of rosin are still retaining a considerable amount of spirits. To prevent such loss distillation by steam has been resorted to. This innovation seems, however, not to have received the deserved attention. From the latest information it appears that this method has proved completely successful at a turpentine distillery in New Orleans; there, by its introduction, an increase of fully 30 per cent is claimed over the yield of spirits of turpentine obtained by distillation with the open fire, the grade of rosin remaining unaffected. PRODUCTS OF THE DESTRUCTIVE DISTILLATION OF THE WOOD OF THE LONGLEAF PINE. The air-dried wood of the longleaf pine in its normal condition has been found to contain from 2 to 22 per cent of volatile oil, taking the specific gravity of spirits of turpentine at 0.87 and the weight of 1 cubic foot of the air-dried wood at 43 pounds. The spirits is obtained by subjecting the wood to the action of superkeated steam in the same retorts in which its destructive distilla- tion is carried on, a process with which its production direct from the wood is invariably connected, and of which it forms the first step. The quantity of spirits of turpentine obtained varies largely. As stated by one operator, it differs all the way from 5 to 18 per cent, according to the wood being fresh cut or dry, and to the different parts of the tree from which it is taken. From the results of numerous experiments made on a large scale in different parts of the longleaf-pine region, it can be assumed that 1 cord of wood, green and of different degrees of dryness, yields, on the average, about 15 gallons of an impure spirits of turpentine. Owing to the presence of empyreumatic substances of yellow color it becomes darker on exposure to air and of an empyreumatic odor. It is easily freed from its impurities by redistillation; thus rectified, the product is perfectly clear, colorless, aud almost odorless, save a faint woody smell, answering all the purposes for which the spirits of turpentine obtained from the rosin is used. In 1881 Mr. William Mepan, of Georgia, secured a patent for the utilization of the wood wasted at the sawmills, of the refuse left on the ground in the logging camp and in the turpentine orchard, for the production of spirits of turpen- tine, pyroligneous acid, tar, and charcoal. By the operation of the apparatus of the patentee, on exhibition at the Atlanta International Exposition (in 1882), 600 pounds of dry, highly resinous wood, so-called lightwood, yielded— Pounds SOREL OP WUE) s2o2o6 sosocd Seccoe soe cee eHcisnS cdots Goss ccesed dees Cueess soccer eccees Stee 214 Pyrola Os MOL - 522cse secs cs0sos cosses Ss 4e9e Hees ObeSo0 sso S9OSoS Stes bag ace Sstece socer5c52= 95 Heavy oils and tar. ..---- BEES Pn bms SOE SC CoISB OBE BOONE Sun Cnetopconconsas soasceETe cat aanosssa ~ 150 Cleameouill sossos escnss oessee core cass sod seo cag seH Soames Soscasose ese cosas asso se cee eee SSSeen sess 127 Vania GHG! EIS) 2oscos Goose peccog pase ce peSOdE odd sooo See Comoe coe oSE osecee spboSe Cossse ssecce 206% UD conse ssodes see sonsosces costo se sces onsen seas HoceSe Sbo0 SDSS SeOSSN sUSe eSeSEE cose 600 Amounting to a yield by the cord of 24 gallons of spirits of turpentine, 88 gallons of pyrolig- neous acid, 120 gallons tarry and heavier oily products, and 56 bushels of charcoal.' In several experiments made at the same place slabs taken from the sawmill yielded (to the cord) from 12 to 14 gallons of spirits of turpentine, 200 to 250 gallons of weak pyroligneous acid, from 64 to 108 gallons of tar and heavier oils, and from 50 to 60 bushels of charcoal. The opera- tions subsequently carried on by the same parties in retorts of a capacity of about 6 cords of 1 Report of awards at the Atlanta International Exposition in 1882. DISTILLING WOOD OF PINE. ; 165 wood showed similar results. In the attempt made at Mobile by Mr. Maas, about fifteen years past, in connection with a sawmill—soon abandoned, however—the results were about the same. From a cord of green slabs 12 gallons of turpentine were distilled and 150 gallons of tarry and oily substances. The rectified spirits of turpentine was found not to differ sensibly from the product of the rosin. At the works of the Yellow Pine Wood Distilling Company at New Orleans, worked under the patent and superintendence of Mr. E. Koch, every kind of mill refuse, pine knots, stumps, branches, ete., are used. The patentee has kindly furnished the following infor- mation about the apparatus employed and the way it is being worked: The material is cut in short pieces, loaded in iron cars, which are run into steel retorts, 20 feet long and 8 feet in diameter, provided with rails, and holding 3 cords of wood; doors are closed tight, superheated steam is let in, and at the same time a moderate fire is started in the furnace. The distillation proper of the spirits begins in about six hours at a temperature of 300°, increasing during the next four hours to 350°, until the distillate ceases to run; at this stage the steam is shut off and the destructive distillation by the open fire is proceeded with; under the gradual increase of the temperature from 350 to 900 degrees the distillation is continued through the following fifteen hours, the whole operation consuming about twenty-four hours. The residue in the retort is a charcoal of good quality. The quantity of spirits of turpentine obtained from 1 cord varies from 5 to 18 gallons, of heavier oils and tarry products known as dead oil or creosote from 60 to 100 gallons, and of stronger acid (of a specific gravity 1.02) 60 gallons, or of weaker acids 120 gallons. The gas produced is used for fuel. The capacity of this plant is 6 cords of wood in twenty-four hours. By the increase in the value of dead oil that has taken place during the past five or six years the destructive distillation of the wood of the longleaf pine is placed financially on a more promising basis than ever before. Ifthe enormous amount of raw material be considered, which has hereto- fore gone to waste at the sawmills and in the forest, but by this process may be turned to a profit- able use, this industry is capable of the widest extension, and can not fail to add other resources of income to those already derived from the forests of longleaf pine. With the augmenting demand for the mixture of heavier hydrocarbons and chryselic (phenylic) compounds known in the trade as dead oil, creosote, or pine oil for the impregnation of timber for the purpose of preventing its decay and destruction by the teredo, the distillation of the wood of the longleaf pine is at present carried on with the main object of securing the largest yield of dead oil. According to the statements of Mr. Franklin Clark (see Columbia College Quarterly), made in his paper on the subject, for this purpose the most resinous wood is preferred with which the retorts are charged. ; These retorts, cylindrical in shape, made of wrought-iron or steel plates, and about three times as long as they are wide, are of a capacity to receive little over a cord of the perfectly air-dried wood. The distillation is effected by the open fire and the condensation of the distillate by the ordinary worm condenser. The light oils running over first at a temperature of from 350 to 500 degrees, of a specific gravity of 0.88 to 0.90, are of a dark-red color; as soon as their density has increased to the latter figure they are caught separately. After twelve or fifteen hours, when the temperature has reached 600 degrees and the density of the oil is 0.98, with the formation of the chryselic compounds the aqueous distillate at this stage shows a higher percentage of acetic acid, increasing with the rise of the specific gravity of the oil. The operation is generally finished at a temperature not exceeding 900 degrees. The process is terminated at the end of twenty-four hours. The charge of the retort, averaging 4,575 pounds of resinous, air-dried wood (little-more than a cord), yields— Ibrealinn Onl (ie Gyo) Spe ONS WO WE) coenebecee conc cane cdonos asacee Sac ssose5 asco eesone gallons.. 13 Heavy pine oil or dead oil (sp. gr. 0.95 to 1.04) ........-.------.------------------------ dotese (ax ROI OWS AOI (Gas GION) sosodscoas ceaecolsceasuases pono sone seem oasecs FES ECOL eer @Ososq Mek) Or a mean yield of— } Pyroligneous acid (sp. gr. 1.02) ....-..----.------------ soisnaee 1,527 pounds, or 34.37 per cent. Taal Of Cuby ROGWONS --costtenscoscqoos sesosc scuudaceac sassc0S - 729 pounds, or 15.94 per cent. (CINARCOA sooccs e555 ose genese aa coos sdSees cooceS oseSeecansesee 1,511 pounds, or 33.04 per cent. GR co ben Gantt OSS CSE EE COD EeE CER OROn ane sa seacuneeecosasers 761 pounds, or 16.64 per cent. On settling, the pine oil—that is, the whole of the oily products of the wood—separates from the acid as a black or red oil, with a specific gravity from 0.97 to 1.30. For the purpose of 166 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. 8S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. creosoting it is subjected to a process of partial distillation, by which the separation of the lighter oil is effected, and the percentage of the phenylic compounds and of the heavy hydro- carbons to which the creosoting process owes its merits is increased. The pyroligneous acid is of a yellowish or reddish color and contains 4 per cent of hydrated acetic acid. In its crude state it serves for the manufacture of pyroligneate of iron, the so-called black dye, and for the preparation of acetate of lime, acetate of lead, and pure acetic acid. The light oil is used for dark paints, fit to cover metals and stone. It does not work well, however, on wood. DEVELOPMENT OF A FOREST POLICY. HISTORICAL. The recognition that attention to satisfactory forest conditions is as necessary as to other economic conditions, has existed among a few wise heads since the beginning of the settlement of the country. Thus William Penn, the founder and first legislator of Pennsylvania, as early as 1682, in his ordinances regarding the disposal of lands, stipulated that to every 5 acres cleared of forest growth 1 acre of trees should be reserved for forest growths by those who took title from him, a provision which was probably soon forgotten. In 1640, only two years after its settlement, the inhabitants of Exeter, N. H., adopted a general order for the regulation of the cutting of oak timber, a precaution een cae towns followed. In 1708 the provincial assembly of New Hampshire forbade the cutting of mast trees on ungranted lands, under a penalty of £100, and at that early time the province had a surveyor- general of forests, appointed by royal authority, for the purpose of preventing depredations upon timber. A noteworthy effort to inculcate rational treatment of our forest resources, which took at least its incentive in these earlier times, although it came to a result much later, is that made by two noble Frenchmen, botanists, André Michaux and his son André Francois, who between the years 1785 and 1805 explored and studied the forest flora of the United States, and, besides shorter _ discussions on the subject, published a magnificent work on the same, the North American Sylva, in three volumes. The latter, André Francois Michaux, translated his love and zeal for this study into practical action by leaving two legacies for the study of silviculture in the United States. In his will, dated September 4, 1855, A. F. Michaux made the following provision : Wishing to recognize the services and good reception which my father and myself, together and separately, have received during our long and often perilous travels in all the extent of the United States, as a mark of my lively gratitude, and also to contribute in that country to the extension and progress of agriculture, and more especially of silviculture in the United States, I give and bequeath to the American Philosophical Society of Philadelphia, of which T have the honor to be a member, the sum of $12,000; I give and bequeath to the Society of Agriculture and Arts in the State of Massachusetts, of which I have the honor to be a member, the sum of $8,000; these two sums making 180,000 franes, or, again, $20,000. I give and bequeath the sole ownership to these two abovesaid societies, and the usufruct to my wife for her life. This bequest did not become available until 1870. The American Philosophical Society at Philadelphia, being the trustee of one of the Michaux legacies, has devoted part of its income from this fund to aid in the beautification of Fairmount Park, especially by the propagation of various species of oaks; another part is devoted to popular lectures on subjects relating to forest botany and forestry. The bequest to the Massachusetts Society for the Promotion of Agriculture is applied to aid the botanical garden at Harvard and the Arnold Arboretum, and to the occasional publication of pamphlets on forestry subjects. This society, founded in 1792, has also occasionally tried to encourage forest culture by paying premiums for successful forest plantations (especially in 1876). As early as 1804 such prizes were offered. A similar society—the Society for Promotion of Agriculture, Arts, and Manufactures—in New York, founded in 1791, also considered it among its functions to foster forest culture by publishing in 1795 a report on the best mode of preserving and increasing growth of timber, an outcome of an inquiry by circular letter issued in 1791. FORESTRY MOVEMENT IN UNITED. STATES. 167 The Federal Government recognized the need of action as early as 1799—to be sure, only with reference to a certain kind of supplies, namely, for naval construction—by an act approved February 25, 1799, appropriating $200,000 for the purchase of growing or other timber, or of lands on which timber is growing suitable for the Navy, and for its preservation for future use. Small purchases were made on the Georgia coast, but nothing of importance beyond this was done until 1817, when, on March 1, another act was passed renewing the act of 1799, directing a reservation of such public lands, having a growth of live-oak or cedar timber suitable for the Navy, as might be selected by the President. Under this act a reservation of 19,000 acres was made on Commissioners, Cypress, and Six islands, in Louisiana. Another appropriation of $10,000 was made in 1828, and some lands were purchased on Santa Rosa Sound, where during a few years an attempt at cultivation— clearing the ground of roots of other trees, sawing and transplanting and pruning—was made. This was done under the more general act of March 3, 1827, by which the President was authorized to take proper measures to preserve the live-oak timber growing on the lands of the United States. Provision was furthermore made, by an act approved March 2, 1831, for the punish- ment of persons cutting or destroying any live oak, red cedar, or other trees growing on any lands of the United States, by a fine of not less than thrice the value of the timber cut and imprisonment not exceeding twelve months. Under these acts some 244,000 acres of forest land were reserved in Alabama, Florida, Louisiana, and Mississippi. (See Report on Forestry, Vol. I.) It will be noted that no general conception of the need of a forest policy underlay these attempts at securing sufficient material for a special purpose; material of a kind which was not plentiful and was then believed a continued necessity for the building of war ships. We can now smile at the concern expressed so early by writers in public prints with regard to the threatened exhaustion of forest supplies. The extent of our forest domain was then entirely unknown, and in the absence of railroad communication the location of supplies near the centers of civilization was of more moment. Logging then was carried on only along the coast and the Eastern river courses. Small country mills sawed to order for home consumption or sent material to the mouth of the river to be carried by vessel to home and foreign markets. The mills were run in the manner of the country gristmills, often in connection with them. This petty method of doing business lasted until the middle of this century, as is evidenced by the census of 1840, which reports 31,560 lumber mills, with a total product valued at $12,943,507, or a little over $400 per mill. By 1870 a change had already become apparent, when the product per mill was $6,500, which in 1890 had become $19,000, or about three times the value for 1870, with only 21,011 mills reported. Besides the concentration of the lumber business into large establishments, which these figures show, there are other interesting changes indicated in the census figures, which we may briefly note here as having a bearing upon the question of the need of a forest policy and the cause for its development. While in 1890 the efficiency of the mill establishments had increased to three times what it was in 1870 and nearly fifty times that of 1840, the total product had also increased in the twenty years from 1870 to 1890, nearly three times. The capital employed in the lumber industry had increased four and one-third times, showing that, while capital became less efficient with concentration, the unit product of labor also became less efficient, in spite of the improvement in machinery. While every dollar of capital produced less result, by over 40 per cent in 1890, in the value of the product, every dollar of wages also produced less result, by over 12 per cent, than it did in 1870; but the cost of raw material had increased over 16 per cent. All these are signs of the deterioration and exhaustion of supplies. It would be difficult to set a date or mark an event from which the change in the methods of the lumber industry, which is now such a stupendous factor in forest decimation, might be reck- oned. It came as gradually or as fast as the railway systems expanded and made accessible the vast fields of supply in the Northwest, while the supplies of the Hast were being exhausted. 1 Hspecially after the war the settlements of the West grew as if by magic; the railroad mile- age more than doubled in the decade from 1865 to 1875, and with it the lumber industry developed 1See “American lumber,” by B. E. Fernow, in One Hundred Years of American Commerce: D. O. Haynes Co., 1895. 168 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. by rapid strides into its modern methods and volume. In 1865 the State of New York still fur- nished more lumber than any other State; now it supplies only insignificant amounts. - In 1868 the golden age of lumbering had arrived in Michigan; in 1871 rafts filled the Wiscon- sin; in 1875 Hau Claire had 30, Marathon 30, and Fond du Lac 20 sawmills, now all gone; and mills at La Crosse, which were cutting millions of feet annually, are now closed. By 1882 the Saginaw Valley had reached the climax of its production, and the lumber industry of the great Northwest, with a cut of 8,000,000,000 feet of white pine alone, was in full blast. Southern devel- opment began much later to assume large proportions, but by the present time the lumber product of the Southern States has grown to proportions equal to those of the Northern States or the Great Lakes States, each of the three sections furnishing about equal shares in the enormous total cut. No wonder that those observing this rapid decimation of our forest supplies and the incredible wastefulness and additional destruction by fire, with no attention to the aftergrowth, began again to sound the note of alarm. Besides the writings in the daily press and other non-official publica- tions, we find the reports of the Department of Agriculture more and more frequently calling attention to the subject. In the report issued by the Patent Office as early as 1849, we find the following significant language in a discussion on the influence of forests on water flow and their rapid destruction : The waste of valuable timber in the United States, to say nothing of firewood, will hardly begin to be appre- ciated until our population reaches 50,000,000. Then the folly and shortsightedness of this age will meet with a degree of censure and reproach not pleasant to contemplate. The report for 1860 contains a long article by J. G. Cooper on “The forests and trees of northern America as connected with climate and agriculture.” In 1865 the Rey. Frederic Starr discussed fully and forcibly the ‘“ American forests, their destruction and preservation,” in which, with truly prophetic vision, he says: It is feared it will be long, perhaps a full century, before the results at which we ought to aim as a nation will be realized by our whole country, to wit, that we should raise an adequate supply of wood and timber for all our wants. The evils. which are anticipated will probably increase upon us for thirty years to come with tenfold the rapidity with which restoring or ameliorating measures shall be adopted. And again: Like a cloud no bigger than a man’s hand just rising from the sea, an awakening interest begins to come in sight on this subject, which as a question of political economy will place the interests of cotton, wool, coal, iron, meat, and even grain beneath its feet. Some of these, according to the demand, can be produced in a few days, others in a few months or in a few years, but timber in not less than one generation, The nation has slept because the gnawing of want has not awakened her. She has had plenty and to spare, but within thirty years she will be conscious that not only individual want is present, but that it comes to each from permanent national famine of wood. The article is full of interesting detail, and may be said to be the starting basis for the cam- paign for better methods which followed. Another unquestionably most influential official report was that upon Forests and Forestry of Germany, by Dr. John A. Warder, United States commissioner to the World’s Fair at Vienna in 1873. Dr. Warder set forth clearly and correctly the methods employed abroad in the use of forests, and became himself one of the most prominent propagandists for their adoption in his own country. About the same time appeared the classical work of George P. Marsh, our minister to Italy, “The Earth as Modified by Human Action,” in which the evil effects on cultural conditions of forest destruction were ably and forcibly pointed out. The census of 1870 also for the first time attempted a canvass of our forest resources under Prof, F. W. Brewer, and the relatively small area of forest became known. All these publica- tions had their influence in educating a larger number to a conception and consideration of the importance of the subject, so that when, in 1873, the committee on forestry of the American Association for the Advancement of Science was formed and presented its memorial to Congress, there existed already an intelligent audience, and, although a considerable amount of lethargy and lack of interest was exhibited, Congress could be persuaded, in 1876, to establish the agency TIMBER CULTURE LAWS. 169 in the United States Department of Agriculture out of which grew the Division of Forestry, as described in the body of the report, a bureau of information on forestry matters. While these were the beginnings of an official recognition of the subject by the Federal Government, private enterprise and the separate States started also about the same time to forward the movement. In 1867 the agricultural and horticultural societies of Wisconsin appointed a committee to report on the disastrous effects of forest destruction. In 1869 the Maine Board of Agriculture appointed a committee to report on a forest policy for the State, leading to the act of 1872 “for the encouragement of the growth of trees,” exempting from taxation for twenty years lands planted to trees, which law, as far as we know, remained without result. Abcut the same time a real wave of enthusiasm with regard to planting of timber seems to have pervaded the country, and especially the Western prairie States. In addition to laws regarding the planting of trees on highways, laws for the encouragement of timber planting, either under bounty or exemption from taxation, were passed in Iowa, Kansas, and Wisconsin in 1868, in Nebraska and in New York in 1869, in Missouri in 1870, in Minnesota in 1871, in Iowa in 1872, in Illinois in 1874, in Nevada, Dakota, and Connecticut in 1872, and finally the Federal Gov- ernment joined in this kind of legislation by the so-called timber-culture acts of 1873 and 1874, amended in 1876 and 1877. For the most part these laws remained a dead letter. The encouragement by release from taxes, except in the case of the Federal Government, was not much of an inducement, nor does the bounty provision seem to have had greater success, except in taking money out of the treasuries. Finally these laws were in many cases repealed. The timber-culture act was passed by Congress on March 3, 1873, by which the planting of timber on 40 acres of land, or a proportionate area in the treeless territory, conferred the title to 160 acres or a proportionate amount of the public domain. This law had not been in existence ten years when its repeal was demanded, and this was finally secured in 1891, the reason being that, partly owing to the crude provisions of the law and partly to the lack of proper supervision, it had been abused and had given rise to much fraud in obtaining title to lands under false pretenses. It is difficut to say how much impetus the law gave to bona fide forest planting and how much timber-growth has resulted from it. Unfavorable climate, lack of satisfactory plant material, and lack of knowledge as to proper methods led to many failures. In 1889 the Division of Forestry made an analysis of the figures furnished by the General Land Office, which shows that 38,080,506 acres were entered under the timber-culture act up to June 30, 1888. This should represent a planted area of 2,380,030 acres if the law were.complied with and the entries not changed. Allowing ten years for timber-claim planters to prove up their entries (the law places it at eight years, allowing extensions on account of failures), the’ entries of the first six years, 1873 to 1878, alone give us some points of comparison for the estimation of results. During that time 3,821,843 acres had been entered, representing a supposed area of less than 50,000 acres planted to timber. But in 1888, ten years later, the acreage proved up was only 779,582 acres, or about 20 per cent of the land entered, representing perhaps 175,000 acres planted, if the original plantations persisted. From this it would appear that the timber-culture act has been a failure so far as the creating of forests is concerned. It is asserted that a better percentage will be obtained from the entries of later years, because more experience has been gained, and timber-claim planting was done under contract by persons who make a business of it. Yet the consensus of unbiased testimony goes to show that timber- claim planting, as a rule, did not produce the results sought after, and has mostly been used as a means for speculation in Government lands, partly with that design from the beginning, partly as a necessity after failure to obtain the land by timber planting. There is also considerable planting of wind-breaks and groves done on homesteads, which is said to be attended with better results. Altogether, however, the amount of tree planting is infinitesimal, if compared with what is necessary for climatic amelioration; and it may be admitted, now as well as later, that the reforestation of the plains must be a matter of cooperative if not of national enterprise. 170 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Original and final entries under timber-culture acts until 1888. State or Territory. Original entries. Final entries. No. Acres. No. Acres. JME Blnncoasccennannasecsseaaeaacooag7ecsesase0ncas0qD B60 puininoelnaaclalesnianise a nenaensasannennann-- 856 122, 570 4 Arkansa --- E 39 NU oe memameal becaccdeanaes (CA meh sass sao ae ecole ened odebno anos oooNseoosdetssacoes 6, 671 856, 076 7 889 COMED ~ 555-2 5cc eset o tse e sess seer ect sore ss sssess ss seosesesssssseesesascssses02 23, 650 3, 498, 351 18 2,278 JOBING) le ecco se soneccons seoe sos sss oe Saecastene scence sesso sncecsaneasascoceos=ca 63, 647 | 11, 500, 026 1, 306 185, 064 UENO seeneccossse sed s3s2 race Ss2 seocccowedssoneesonoseesserssnesessoscsszesons=5 3, 257 27, 017 15 1, 711 TO Wa Oraracs gs cc nd on tee 2 See ae ee ne eee eee oie eee 931 75, 514 124 11, 505 IRAN SAB ES =o. ores mae oes Sepik EE as a IRL NOI 58,183 | 8, 738, 944 1, 544 206, 146 TL OTHE 3 pec aoe meocissace tec OIS eco Come oS SSHSRe moos poososeos Senos eHiosonootosse sescosostesesesese 672 965 342% | SaSsea ae | Seen Minnesota -- 14,377 | 1,882, 030 781 104, 758 Montana --. 2, 555 39, 998 4 Nebraska - 48,589 | 7, 780, 825 1, 753 237, 657 Nevada--.- 42 D810) See eccaes passe New Mexico 1, 059 146, 928 3 826 Oregon..-- 6, 128 908, 248 AT 6, 796 Utah .... 1, 048 128, 188 6 660 Washington. 7,673 | 1,114, 761 194 20, 673 Watt S = = sco sce aac osesssscootinoss cane ne Sanson sso sessed one teesarescesssescosssceotonesooosrons 2, 401 HOWE SEBS | oceceocosd|=-ecesssc5r0 UD) EM ee cece oes scna Seo Scoaso nose tes secdios Se iceneotinccoanascoso sascanenootessenseese ses 241,778 | 38, 080, 506 5, 806 779, 582 Private interest of homesteaders and settlers without these aids has probably been as effective. In this direction the establishment of arbor days throughout the States has been a stimulating influence. From its inception by Governor J. Sterling Morton and first inauguration by the State board of agriculture of Nebraska in 1872, it has become a day of observance in nearly every State, until its adoption as a national holiday may be shortly expected. While with the exception of the so-called treeless States, perhaps not much planting of eco- nomic value is done, the observance of the day in schools as one set apart for the discussion of the importance of trees, forests, and forestry, has been productive of an increased interest in the subject. To be sure, arbor days have had also a retarding influence upon the practical forestry move- ment in leading people into the misconception that forestry consists in tree planting, in diverting attention from the economic question of the proper use of existing forest areas, in bringing into the discussion poetry and emotions, which have clouded the hardheaded practical issues and delayed the earnest attention of practical business men. The following table exhibits the condition of the Arbor-day movement at the present time: Arbor-day observance in the United States. First observed. When States and Territories. legally Legal holiday. | Date of oun observ- By whom fixed. Date. By whose appointment. shed : INV INO, -Sasoqsecmasoes 1887 | Superintendent of education.......---..|-.--.---|----.--...------ Hebruary22)----------- INVADE) Sse oneennee 1890-91 | Legislature -------.--.--.----------._-.. 1891 | Yes-------_-.- First Friday after Feb- | Legislature. Tuary 1. JARED nso sas 6case Sed soconeéellassesoteessooncsas2onhne sscossoenocanaades California ---..-...--.- 1886 Colorado’ eeeeee eee 1885 -| Third Friday in ‘April. Do. Connecticut ..--------- 1887 In spring .--.--- Governor. ING SCE -essatcnescoccar 1886 Bo) Demy ts} 5a sem sosene 0, Georgia.-----.------_-- 1891 .| First Friday in Decem- ! Legislature. ber. UGE) oseespas5sseq006 1887 ‘Last Monday in April. Do. UMNO) --Seonsenccossss 1888 Governor. Indiana -2-- 222252. - 22. 1884 Superintendent of public in- struction. Inaba AeAtY scccns| Loscanes|ls- soem copaaqpooacaDAaesaoonoseSconasosos6 Ce adosnaonagnococsnons VOWE) qonconcnesnoesesee Superintendent of public instruction. Variable Do. Kansas se seep eee oe Mayor of Topeka Governor. Kentucky -.------- Lb epaeI ENS) coos see ose sccosasosasacced| THAD |lossosnosagessseq|pssorasrecess veeseessetce Do. Lonisiana....-.-.-- State superintendent of schools - Maine = 21-2222 Merislature sss see een eee Do. Wikia dbn Gl scenanscoceos) IGE) |leoscs dG eek ese ior Ree Do. Massachusetts - - Village Improvement Society-- 2 -) Legislature, Michigan ..-..-..-. Gowermore soe seen eee Governor. Minnesota ----_-- State Forestry Association -.....-.-...-|-------- Do. : Mississippi Statemboard Of educatiomece ee ce cme cee | LO el eee ee ee ees ene reer ee State board of education. WEEEO DA cae coosessoobe 1886 | Superintendent of schools .....ceceve=-=- 1889 | For schools..-| First Friday after | Legislature. First Tuesday in April. Montana ees =)siel=l UB || MGS EMT soaearacososeponosacecanceacs 1887 Third Tuesday in April Do. Nebraska -. 1872 | Board of agriculture. 1885 ---| April 22 Do. Nevada ---2-2=- -| 1887 i 1887 | For schools---|--22--------- Governor. New Hampshire - --| 1886 NETS Betas secianeccioa| |pmeasonoscoscecaoseceere] Do. New dlersey-- 2+ see ee 1884 UGEEL Wes escnacausaocss ANelll - conoscegsosane 22 Do. FORESTRY MOVEMENT IN UNITED STATES. Arbor-day observance in the United States—Continued. Seen ee ee EE First observed. When States and Territories. legally Legal holiday. Date of annual observ- By whom fixed. Date By whose appointment. ehed. eo ished. New Mexico..-....-.--- 1890 | Legislature...--......------------------ 1891 | For schools---| 5 ae ond Friday in } Legislature. arch. New York .........---- 1889 |....- Ge RBpesicee SoocsoooSoceenaeeeODuGood IIEET || Hoedemnocecoasea First Friday after Do. May 1. North Carolina -..----- Do. North Dakota -. Governor. Ohio ..-.-.-.. 205 Do. Oklahoma.........-.--- .| Superintendent of public in- struction. Oregon ....-. Legislature. Pennsylvan IEEY. |eacon lo Governor. Rhode Island 1887 |.--.- do Do. South Carolina - (a) Individual action... - South Dakota 188 Governor -.-.......- sSco0ss0¢ Do. Tennessee -.-.--..-.--- 1875 | Normal College..---.--.---------------- County superin- tendent. MOSER -Sossosssoseesa00q 1890 | Legislature Legislature. Utah ..-..- 1892 |----= GO soscec s520 Do. Vermont. -. 1885 | Governor Governor. Virginia -.- 1892 | Village Improvement Society - . Washington -.-- ...| 1892. | Agricultural College.--.--------.------- West Virginia-.--.--.. 1883 | Superintendent of public instruction. -- .| Superintendent of schools. Wisconsin 1889 | Legislature Governor. Wyeming...- 1888 |.--.- do .--.. Do. a@ Uncertain. Private efforts in the Hast in the way of fostering and carrying on economic timber planting should not be forgotten, such as the prizes offered by the Society for the Promotion of Agriculture, the planting done by the private landholders at Cape Cod, in Rhode Island, Virginia, and else- where. Altogether, however, these efforts have been sporadic and unsystematic, and not on any scale commensurate with the destruction of virgin forest resources. ASSOCIATED PROPAGANDA. The first forestry association organized for the purpose of advancing forestry interests was formed on January 12, 1876, in St. Paul, Minn., largely through the efforts of Leonard B. Hodges. This association was aided by State appropriations, which enabled it to offer premiums for the setting out of plantations, and also to publish and distribute widely a Tree Planters’ Manual. Revised editions are issued from time to time, and a distribution of plant material is also occasion- ally attempted, the State aiding to the extent of $1,000 to $2,000 annually. In 1875 Dr. John A. Warder issued a call for a convention in Chicago to form a national forestry association. This association was completed in 1876 at Philadelphia, but never showed any life or growth. In 1882 a number of patriotic citizens at Cincinnati called together a forestry congress, incited thereto by the visit and representations of Baron von Steuben, a Prussian forest official, when visiting this country on the occasion of the centennial celebration of the surrender of Yorktown. A yery enthusiastic and representative gathering, on April 25, was the result, lasting through the week, which led to the formation of the American Forestry Association. This association, holding yearly and intermediate meetings in different parts of the States, has become the center of all private efforts to advance the forestry movement. Twelve volumes of its pro- ceedings contain not only the history of progress in establishing a forest policy, but also much other information of value on forestry subjects. It now publishes a monthly journal, The Forester. It is unaided by government, its efforts being entirely borne by private means and the annual dues of its membership, its officers doing gratuitous work. It has been especially instrumental in bringing about the establishment of the Federal forest reservation policy, which we will note further on in detail. Other local or State forestry associations were formed more or less under the lead of the national association, and exist now in Maine, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, North Carolina, South Carolina, Ohio, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Dakota, Colorado, and Washington, while several other societies, like the Sierra Nevada Club and the Mazamas of 172 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. the Pacific coast, and State -horticultural societies in various States, make the subject one to be discussed and to be fostered. The most active of these associations, publishing also, since its formation in 1886, a bimonthly journal, Forest Leaves (at first less frequently), is the Pennsylvania State Iorestry Association, which has succeeded in thoroughly committing its State to a proper forest policy, as far as official recognition is concerned. FORESTRY COMMISSIONS. Usually as a result of this associated private effort various States have appointed forestry commissions or commissioners. These commissions were at first for the most part instituted for inquiry and to make a report, upon which a forest policy for the State might be framed. Others have become permanent parts of the State organization with executive or educational functions. Such commissions of inquiry were appointed at various times in Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, North Dakota, Colorado, California; while commissioners or commissions with executive duties exist now or did exist for a time in Maine, New Hampshire, New York, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Colorado, and California. Maine has an efficient forest-fire law (chap. 26 of Revised Statutes) based on that of the State of New York, and a forest commissioner (created in 1891, Public Laws, chap. 100)—the State land agent of the State being ex officio designated as such—to look to its execution. The forest commissioner has in addition annually a small amount of money appropriated to satisfy the requirements of the following two sections of the law: Suc. 15. The forest commissioner shall take such measures as the State superintendent of public schools and the president of the State college of agriculture and the mechanic arts may approve for awakening an interest in behalf of forestry in the public schools, academies, and colleges of the State, and of imparting some degree of elementary instruction upon this subject therein. Src. 16. The forest commissioner shall prepare tracts or circulars of information, giving plain and concise advice for the care of wood lands and for the preservation of forest growth. These publications shall be furnished to any citizen of the State upon application. Two very interesting and instructive reports on the growth of the spruce and on allied subjects are the result. New Hampshire had a temporary commission of inquiry, appointed in 1881 and reporting in 1885; and another such commission in 1889, reporting in 1593, when the permanent forestry commission was created (March 29, 1893) with a paid secretary, who publishes an annual report. The main function of the commission is one of inquiry and suggestion, besides partial supervision of the forest-fire law. The acquisition of public parks, if private munificence should be found willing to furnish the necessary funds, is also made a part of the function of the commission. Two small areas have been donated..: In Massachusetts no special public officers are charged with the care of forestry interests, and hence the otherwise useful legislation is probably of only partial effect. Its best feature is perhaps that of encouraging communities to become owners of forest tracts (chap. 255, acts of 1882). The city of Boston has made special efforts in this direction, having set aside more than 7,000 acres for forest parks. The State board of agriculture was, in 1890, ordered to inquire “into the consideration of the forests of the State, the need and methods of their protection,” and report thereon, which order did not produce anything of value. A bill to secure such forest survey, introduced into the legislature in the year 1897, failed of passage. In Vermont a commission of inquiry was instituted in 1882, reporting in 1884 without any * practical result, the proposed legislation remaining unconsidered. In New York a law was passed in 1872 naming seven citizens, with Horatio Seymour, chairman, as a State park commission, instructed to make inquiries with the view of reserving or appropriating the wild lands lying northward of the Mohawk or so much thereof as might be deemed expedient, for a State park. The commission, finding that the State then owned only 40,000 acres in that region, and that there was a tendency on the part of the holders of the rest to combine for the enhancement of values should the State want to buy, recommended a law forbidding further sales of State lands and their retention when forfeited for the nonpayment of taxes. FORESTRY COMMISSIONS—NEW YORK. 173 Tt was eleven years later, in 1883, that this recommendation was acted upon, when the State through the nonpayment of taxes by the owners had become possessed of 600,000 acres. In 1884 the comptroller was authorized to employ ‘“‘such experts as he may deem necessary to investigate and report a system of forest preservation.” The report of a commission of four members was made in 1885, but the legislation proposed was antagonized by the lumbering interests. The legislature finally passed a compromise bill entitled “An act establishing a forest commission, and to define its powers, and for the preservation of forests.” This legislation, afterward amended, is the most comprehensive of that of any State in the Union. The original forest commission, appointed under the act of May 15, 1885, was superseded in 1895 by the commission of fisheries, game, and forests, under the law of April 25, 1895. This law is a comprehensive measure in which allied interests are brought under the control of a single board. Under this law the commission consists of five members appointed by the governor with consent of the senate, the term of office being five years. The president, who is designated as such by the governor, receives a salary of $5,000 per year and traveling expenses, and devotes all his time to the work of his office. The remaining four commissioners each receive $1,000 per year and traveling expenses. The board holds at least four meetings on designated days each year. It has a secretary at $2,000 per year, and necessary clerical force. The duties of the board are to propagate and distribute food, fish, and game; to enforce all laws for the protection of fish and game, and for the protection and preservation of the forest reserve. It has full control of the Adirondack Park and forest reserve, and is authorized to make rules for its care and safety. The commission appoints thirty-five “fish and game protectors and foresters” (hereafter called foresters), one of whom is to be known as chief, and two others as his assistants, the chief to have direction and control of the entire force. The foresters give bonds for the proper discharge of their duty. The chief forester receives $2,000 per year and traveling expenses; the assistant foresters $1,200 each; and the remaining foresters $500 each: all have an extra allowance for traveling expenses and each of them receives one-half of all fines collected in actions brought upon information furnished by them. It is their duty to enforce all laws and regulations of the commission for the protection of fish and game and for the protection and preservation of the forest reserve and all rules and regulations for the care of the Adirondack Park. They haye full power to execute all warrants and search warrants and to serve subpcenas. Hach forester keeps a record of his official acts and reports a summary of it, with important details, monthly to his chief. The monthly paymeut of salary is contingent upon the receipt of this report. The chief forester reports to the commission all cases of neglect of duty or negligence on the part of the foresters, and he also makes a monthly report of the operations of his departiment. The commission may, in its discretion, appoint or remove special foresters recommended by any board of supervisors, but such special foresters receive no compensation from the State. All peace officers have the same powers as foresters in the enforcement of the fisheries, game, and forest law. Article XII, chapter 395, Laws of 1895, describes the forest preserve (sec. 270), and defines the powers and duties of the commission (sec. 271), whose duty it is to (1) have the care, custody, control, and superintendence of the forest preserve; (2) maintain, protect, and promote the growth of the forests in the preserve; (3) have charge of the public interests of the State in regard to forestry and tree planting, and especially with reference to forest fires in every part of the State; (4) possess all the powers relating to the preserve which were vested in the comiissioners of the land office and in the comptroller on May 15, 1885; (5) prescribe rules and regulations affecting the whole or any part of the preserve for its use, care, and administration, and alter or amend the same; but neither such rules or regulations nor anything contained in this article shall prevent or operate to prevent the free use of any road, stream, or water as the same may have been heretofore used, or as may be reasonably required in the prosecution of any lawful business; (6) take measures for the awakening of an interest in forestry in the schools and the imparting of elementary instruction on such subject therein, and issue tracts and circulars for the care of private woodlands, etc.; (7) print and post rules for the prevention and suppression of forest fires. 174 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. 8. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Section 272 provides that all income from the State forest lands, including receipts for tres- passes, shall be paid into the State treasury and constitute a fund for the purchase of lands within the Adirondack Park. The comptroller shall audit the accounts of the board, and an annual report of all its doings shall be made in January of each year. Section 273 provides for the divi- sion of lands within the forest preserve in which the State owns an undivided interest, with indi- viduals. Section 274 provides for the taxation of the forest preserve. All wild or forest land within the forest preserve shall be assessed and taxed at a like valuation and rate as similar lands of individuals within the counties where situated. The assessors shall file with the commission and the comptroller a copy of the assessment roll of their towns, and shall state (under oath) which and how much of the lands assessed are forest lands and which are lands belonging to the State. The comptroller, after hearings, shall “correct or reduce any assessment of State land which may be, in his judgment, an unfair proportion to the remaining assessment of land within the town,” and shall otherwise approve the assessment. No such assessment shall be valid with- out the approval of the comptroller. No tax for the erection of schoolhouses or road opening shall be valid unless such erection or opening is first approved by the board. Payment of taxes on State lands shall be made by the State treasurer crediting the county treasurer with the amount of such taxes due on such lands payable on the State tax of the year. Sections 275-279 and 281 provide for protection against fire, with penalties for violation of same. Section 280 pro- vides for actions for trespasses upon the forest preserve. In addition to authorizing the board to bring suits for trespass on the lands of the forest preserve the same as a citizen may bring for trespass on private lands, it makes the cutting of trees or removal of any tree, timber, or bark from any portion of the preserve a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of $25 for every tree so cut or removed. The board is empowered to employ attorneys, with the consent of the attorney- general and comptroller, to prosecute offenders against this act, and such offenders may be arrested without warrant (sec. 282). Article XIII refers to the Adirondack Park; section 290 defines its limits and adds: “Such park shall be forever reserved, maintained, and cared for as ground open to the free use of all the people for their health and pleasure, and as forest lands, necessary to the preservation of the headwaters of the chief rivers of the State, and a future timber supply; and shall remain part of the forest preserve.” The park is placed in the control and custody of the board of fisheries, game, and forest, which is empowered (1) to contract for the purchase of land within the limits of the park; (2) to contract with owners of land situated within the park limits that such lands may become part of the park and subject to the provisions of this article in consideration of the exemption of such lands from taxation for State and county purposes, provided that the owners or their grantors shall refrain forever from removing any timber except spruce, tamarack, or poplar, 12 inches in diameter at three feet from the ground, or fallen, burned, or blighted timber, and obey such other conditions of occupancy as may be equitable. Owners may also clear land for agricultural or domestic purposes, at the rate of not more than 1 acre within the boundary of each 100 acres covered by such contract; (3) to prescribe and enforce rules for the licensing or regulation of guides and other persons engaged in business therein; (4) to lay out roads and paths in the park. Contracts mentioned in this article require the approval of the commissioners of the land office, and every conveyance mentioned in this article shall be certified by the attorney-general to be in conformity with the contract, and approved by him as to form before acceptance or delivery. The law further provides that the board include in its annual report an account of its proceedings with reference to the park. The legislature of 1897 passed the following important act (approved April 8, 1897), which is quoted entire: i AN ACT to provide for the acquisition of land in the territory embraced in the Adirondack Park, and making an appropriation therefor. The people of the State of New York, represented in senate and assembly, do enact as follows: Srcrion 1. The governor, within twenty days after this act takes effect, shall appoint from the commissioners of fisheries, game, and forest, and the commissioners of the land office, by and with the advice and consent of the senate, three persons to constitute a board to be known as ‘‘the forest preserve board.” The members of such board may be removed by the governor at his pleasure. Vacancies shall be filled in like manner as an original appointment. The members of the board shall not receive any compensation for their services under this act, but FORESTRY LEGISLATION IN NEW YORK. 175 shall receive their actual and necessary expenses, to be audited by the comptroller. The board may employ such clerical and other assistants as it may deem necessary. ‘The forest preserve board annually in the month of January shall make a written report to the governor showing in detail all its transactions under this act during the preceding calendar year. Src. 2. It shall be the duty of the forest preserve board, and it is hereby authorized, to acquire for the State, by purchase or otherwise, land, structures, or waters, or such portion thereof in the territory embraced in the Adiron- dack Park, as defined and limited by the fisheries, game, and forest law, as it may deem advisable for the interests of the State. Src. 3. The forest preserve board may enter on and take possession of any land, structures, and waters in the territory embraced in the Adirondack Park, the appropriation of which in its judgment shall be necessary for the purposes specified in section two hundred and ninety of the fisheries, game, and forest law, and in section seven of article seven of the constitution. Src. 4. Upon the request of the forest preserve board an accurate description of such lands so to be appro- priated shall be made by the State engineer and surveyor, or the superintendent of the State land survey, and certified by him to be correct, and such board or a majority thereof shall indorse on such description a certiticate stating that the lands described therein have been appropriated by the State for the purpose of making them a part of the Adirondack Park; and such description and certificate shall be filed in the office of the secretary of state. The forest preserve board shall thereupon serve on the owner of any real property so appropriated a notice of the filing and the date of filing of such description containing a general description of the real property belonging to such owner which has been so appropriated; and from the time of such service the entry upon and appropriation by the State of the real property described in such notice for the uses and purposes above specified shall be deemed complete, and thereupon such property shall be deemed and be the property of the State. Such notice shall be conclusive evidence of an entry and appropriation by the State. The forest preserve board may cause duplicates of such notice with an aftidavit of due service thereof on such owner to be recorded in the books used for recording deeds in the office of the clerk of any county of this State where any of the property described therein may be situated, and the record of such notice and such proof of service shall be evidence of the due service thereof. Src. 5. Claims for the value of the property taken and for damages caused by any such appropriation may be adjusted by the forest preserve board if the amount thereof can be agreed upon with the owners of the land appro- priated. The board may enter into an agreement with the owner of any land so taken and appropriated for the value thereof and for any damages resulting from such appropriation. Upon making such agreement the board shall deliver to the owner a certificate stating the amount due to him on account of such appropriation of his lands, and a duplicate of such certificate shall also be delivered to the comptroller. The amount so fixed shall be paid by the treasurer upon the warrant of the comptroller. Src. 6. If the forest preserve board is unable to agree with the owner for the value of the property so taken or appropriated, or on the amount of damages resulting therefrom, such owner, within two years after the service upon him of the notice of appropriation as above specified, may present to the court of claims a claim for the value of such land and for such damages, and the court of claims shall have jurisdiction to hear and determine such claim and render judgment thereon. Upon filing in the office of the comptroller a certified copy of the final judgment of the court of claims, and a certificate of the attorney-general that no appeal from such judgment has been or will be taken by the State, or, if an appeal has been taken, a certified copy of the final judgment of the appellate court, affirming in whole or in part the judgment of the court of claims, the comptroller shall issue his warrant for the payment of the amount due the claimant by such judgment, with interest from the date of the judgment until the thirtieth day after the entry of such final judgment, and such amount shall be paid by the treasurer. Src. 7. The owner of land to be taken under this act may, at his option, within the limitations hereinafter prescribed, reserve the spruce timber thereon ten inches or more in diameter at a height of three feet above the ground. Such option must be exercised within six months after the service upon him of a notice of the appropriation of such land by the forest preserve board, by serving upon such board a written notice that he elects to reserve the spruce timber thereon. If such a notice be not served by the owner within the time above specified, he shall be deemed to have waived his right to such reservation, and such timber shall thereupon become and be the property of the State. In case land is acquired by purchase, the spruce timber and no other may be reserved by agreement between the board and the owner, subject to all the provisions of this act in relation to timber reserved after an appropriation of land by the forest preserve board. ‘The presentation of a claim to the court of claims before the service of a notice of reservation shall be deemed a waiver of the right to such reservation. Src. 8. The reservation of timber and the manner of exercising and consummating such right are subject to the following restrictions, limitations, and conditions: 1. The reservation does not include or affect timber within twenty rods of a lake, pond, or river, and such timber can not be reserved. Roads may be cut or built across or through such reserved space of twenty rods, under the supervision of the forest preserve board, for the purpose of removing spruce timber from adjoining land, and the reservation of spruce timber within such space shall be deemed a reservation by the owner, his assignee, or representative, of the right to cut other timber necessary in constructing such road, but such reservation does not confer a right to remove such other timber so cut, or to use it otherwise than in constructing a road. 2. The timber reserved must be removed from the land within fifteen years after the service of notice of reser- vation, or the making of an agreement subject to regulations to be prescribed by the forest preserve board; but such land shall not be cut over more than once, and the said board may prescribe regulations for the purpose of entorcing this limitation. All timber reserved and not remvuved from the land within such time shall thereupon 176 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. 8. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. become and be the property of the State, and all the title or claim thereto by the original owner, his assigns or representatives, shall thereupon be deemed abandoned. Src. 9. A person who reserves timber as herein provided is not entitled to any compensation for the value of the land purchased or taken and appropriated by the State, nor for any damages caused thereby, until: 1. The timber so reserved is all removed and the object of the reservation fully consummated; or 2. The time limited for the removal of such timber has fully elapsed, or the right to remove any more timber is waived by a written instrument filed with the forest preserve board; and 3. The forest preserve board is satisfied that no trespass on State lands has been committed by such owner or his assigns or representatives; that no timber or other property of the State not so reserved has been taken, removed, destroyed, or injured by him or them, and that a cause of action in behalf of the State does not exist against him or them for any alleged trespass or other injury to the property or interests of the State; and 4. That the owner, his assignee, or other representative has fully complied with all rules, regulations, and requirements of the forest preserve board concerning the use of streams or other property of the State for the pur- pose of removing such timber. Src. 10. A warrant shall not be drawn by the comptroller for the amount of compensation agreed upon between the owner and the forest preserve board, nor for the amount of a judgment rendered by the court of claims, until a further certificate by the board is filed with him to the effect that the owner has not reserved any timber or that he, his assignee, or other representative, has complied with the provisions of this act, or has otherwise become entitled to receive the amount of the purchase price, award, or judgment. Suc. 11. The forest preserve board may settle and adjust any claims for damages due to the State on account of any trespasses or other injuries to property or interests of the State, or penalties incurred by reason of such tres- passes or otherwise, and the amount of such damages or penalties so adjusted shall be deducted from the original compensation agreed to be paid for the lands, or for damages, or from a judgment rendered by the court of claims on account of the appropriation of such land. A judgment recovered by the State for such a trespass or for a penalty shall likewise be deducted from the amount of such compensation or judgment. Src. 12. If timber is reserved upon land purchased or appropriated as provided by this act, interest is not payable upon the purchase price or the compensation which may be awarded for the value of such land or for damages caused by such appropriation, except as provided in section six. Suc. 13. Persons entitled to cut and remove timber under this act may use streams or other waters belonging to the State within the forest preserve for the purpose of removing such timber, under such regulations and condi- tions as may be prescribed or imposed by the forest preserve board. The persons using such waters shall be liable for all damages caused by such use. 5 Src. 14. If timber be reserved, its value at the time of making an agreement between the owner and the forest preserve board for the value of the land so appropriated aud the damages caused thereby, or at the time of the presentation to the court of claims of a claim for such value and damages, shall be taken into consideration in determining the compensation to be awarded to the owner on account of such appropriation either by such agree- ment or by the judgment rendered upon such a claim. Src. 15. The forest preserve board may appoint inspectors to examine the lands upon which timber is reserved and ascertain and report to the board, from time to time, or whenever required, whether such timber is being removed in accordance with the provisions of this act, whether any trespasses or other violations of this act are being committed, and whether the persons entitled to the use of such waters for the purpose of removing timber have complied with the regulations and conditions relating thereto prescribed or imposed by the board. Src. 16. The forest preserve board shall fix the compensation of all clerks, inspectors, or other assistants employed by it, which compensation shall be paid by the treasurer, upon the certificate of the board and the audit and warrant of the comptroller. A person so appointed may be removed at the pleasure of the board. Src. 17. The forest preserve board shall take such measures as may be necessary or proper to perfect the title to any lands in the forest preserve now held by the State, and for that purpose may pay and discharge any valid lien or incumbrance upon such land, or may acquire any outstanding or apparent right, title, claim, or interest which, in its judgment, constitutes a cloud on such title. The amounts necessary for the purpose of this section shall be paid by the treasurer upon the certificate of the board and the audit and warrant of the comptroller. Src. 18. If an offer is made by the forest preserve board for the value of land appropriated, or for damages caused by such appropriation, and such offer is not accepted, and the recovery in the court of claims exceeds the offer, the claimant is entitled to costs and disbursements as in an action in the supreme court, which shall be allowed and taxed by the court of claims and included in its judgment. If in such a case the recovery in the court of claims does not exceed the offer, costs, and disbursements to be taxed shall be awarded in favor of the State against the claimant and deducted from the amount awarded to him, or if no amount is awarded judgment shall be entered in favor of the State against the claimant for such costs and disbursements. If an offer is not accepted, it can not be given in evidence on the trial. Src. 19. When a judgment for damages is rendered for the appropriation of any lands or waters for the pur- poses specified in this act, and it appears that there is any lien or incumbrance upon the property so appropriated, the amount of such lien shall be stated in the judgment, and the comptrolier may deposit the amount awarded to the claimant in any bank in which moneys belonging to the State may be deposited to the account of such judgment, to be paid and distributed to the persons entitled to the same as directed by the judgment. Suc. 20. If a person cuts down or carries off any wood, bark, underwood, trees, or timber, or any part thereof, or girdles or otherwise despoils a tree in the forest preserve, without the permission of the forest preserve board, an action may be maintained against him by the board in its name of office and in such an action the board may recover € FORESTRY COMMISSIONS—PENNSYLVANIA. IEA treble damages if demanded in the complaint. Every such person also forfeits to the State the sum of twenty-five dollars for every tree cut down or carried away by him or under his direction, to be recovered in a like action by the forest preserve board. All sums recovered in any such action shall be paid by the board to the State treasurer and credited to the general fund. SEC. 21. Service of a notice by the forest preserve board under section four must be personal if the person to be served can be found in the State. The provisions of the code of civil procedure relating to the service of a summons in an action in the supreme court, except as to publication, apply, so far as practicable, to the service of such a notice. If a person to be served can not with due diligence be found in the State, a justice of the supreme court may, by order, direct the manner of such service, and service shall be made accordingly. Src. 22. The court of claims, if requested by the claimant or the attorney-general, shall examine the real property affected by the claim and take the testimony in relation thereto in the county where such property or part thereof is situated. The actual and necessary expenses of such judge and of each officer of the court in making such examination and in so taking testimony shall be audited by the comptroller and paid from the money appro- priated for the purposes of this act. Src. 23. The power to appropriate real property, vested in the forest preserve board by section four, is subject to the following limitations: Such real property must adjoin land already owned or appropriated by the State at the time the description and certificate are filed in the office of the secretary of state, except that timber land not so adjoining State land may be appropriated whenever in the judgment of the board timber thereon other than spruce, pine, or hemlock is being cut or removed to the detriment of the forest or the interests of the State. Src. 24. The sum of six hundred thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropri- ated for the purposes specified in this act, out of any moneys in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. In addition to the amount above appropriated, the comptroller, upon the written request of the forest preserve board, is hereby authorized and directed to borrow, from time to time, not exceeding in the aggregate the sum of four hundred thousand dollars for the purposes specified in this act, and to issue bonds or certificates therefor payable within ten years from their date, bearing interest at a rate not exceeding five per centum pcr annum, and which shall not be sold at less than par. The sums so borrowed are hereby appropriated, payable out of the moneys realized from the sale of such bonds or certificates, to be expended under the direction of the forest preserve board for the purposes of this act, and to be paid by the treasurer on the warrant of the comptroller. Sec. 25. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent with this act are hereby repealed. Src. 26. This act shall take effect immediately. Under this act the State spent last year $1,000,000 in purchasing forest lands to the amount of over 250,000 acres, so that the total holdings comprise now over 1,000,000 acres; and during the present year (1898) another half million dollars is being disbursed for the same purpose. In New Jersey the appropriations for the State geological survey have since 1894 contained a clause which provides that the State geologist shall make (1) a survey to ascertain the extent, location, and character of the wild lands or forest lands of the State, and the advantages of their retention in forestry; (2) a survey of the more inportant watersheds or drainage basins and their forested areas, with reference to the protective measures needed to save this forest cover and thereby maintain the purity of the water, as well as promote the more equable flow of the streams; (3) a study of the relations of forests as climatic factors, and particularly to the rainfall; (4) a compilation of the forest legislation in other States and countries in so far as it may be applicable to conditions in New Jersey. Two reports have been published discussing forest conditions in various parts of the State, effects of forest fires, relation of forests to stream-flow, ete. In Pennsylvania, through the efforts of the State forestry association, a commission of inquiry was first created by the following act on May 23, 1893: AW ACT relative to a forestry commission. Be it enacted, ete. : Srcrion 1. That the governor be authorized to appoint two persons as a commission, one of. whom is to be a competent enginecr, one a botanist, practically acquainted with the forest trees of the Commonwealth, whose duty it shall be to examine and report upon the conditions of the slopes and summits of the important watersheds of the State, for the purpose of determining how far the presence or absence of the forest cover may be influential in producing high and low-water stages in the various river ‘basins; and to report how much timber remains standing of such kinds as have special commercial value, how much there is of each kind; as well, also, as to indicate the part or parts of the State where each grows naturally, and what measures, if any, are being taken to secure a supply of timber for the future. It shall further be the duty of said commission to suggest such measures in this connection as have been found of practical service elsewhere in maintaining a proper timber supply, and to ascertain, as nearly as practicable, what proportion of the State not now recognized as mineral land is unfit for remunerative agriculture and could with advantage be devoted to the growth of trees. Src. 2. The said commission shall also ascertain what wild lands, if any, now belong to the Commonwealth, their extent, character, and location, and report the same, together with a statement of what part or parts of such H. Doe. 181 12 178 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. 8S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. lands would be suitable for a State forest reserve; and further, shonld the lands belonging to the Commonwealth be insufficient for such purpose, then to ascertain and report what other suitable lands there may be within the State, their extent, character, and value. The final report of the said commission shall be presented to the legislature not later than March 15, 1895. Src. 3. The said commission shall have power to appoint one competent person to act as statistician, whose duty it shall be'to compile the statistics collected by said commission, under their direction and supervision, whose salary shall be one thousand dollars per annum, with necessary expenses, to be paid in the same manner as is hereinafter provided for the payment of the forestry commission. Src. 4. The commissioners appointed hereunder shall be entitled to receive by quarterly payments a compen- sation as follows: The engineer, twenty-five hundred dollars ($2,500) per annum; the botanist, twenty-five hundred dollars ($2,500) per annum, with necessary expenses; and the sum of twenty thousand dollars ($20,000) is hereby appropriated out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to be paid by warrant drawn by the auditor-general, Before the report of this commission was published the legislature of 1895 provided for an executive department of agriculture, and included in its organization a provision for a division of forestry, the botanist member of the previous commission, Dr. J. T. Rothrock, being appointed commissioner of forestry: The law creating a department of agriculture was approved by the governor March 13, 1895. The chapters referring to forestry are as follows: Be it enacted by the senate and house of representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in general assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by authority of the same: Section 1. That there be, and hereby is, established a department of agriculture, to be organized and admin- istered by an officer who shall be known as the secretary of agriculture, who shall be appointed by the governor, by and with the advice and consent of the senate, for the term of four years, at an annual salary of three thousand five hundred dollars, and who, before entering upon the duties of his office, shall take and subscribe the oath pre- scribed in article seven of the constitution. Said secretary shall be ex officio secretary of the State board of agri- culture, and shall succeed to all the powers and duties now conferred by law upon the secretary of said board. Src. 2. That it shall be the duty of the secretary of agriculture, in such ways as he may deem fit and proper to encourage and promote the development of agriculture, horticulture, forestry, and kindred industries, to collect and publish statistics and other information in regard to the agricultural industries and interests of the State. *~ ~*~ * In the performance of the duties prescribed by this act the secretary of agriculture shall, as far as practicable, * * * enlist the aid of the State geological survey for the purpose of obtaining and publishing useful information respecting the economical relations of geology to agriculture, forestry, and kindred industries. He shall make an annual report to the governor, and shall publish from time to time such bulletins of information as he may deem useful and advisable. Said report and bulletins shall be printed by the State printer in the same manner as other public documents, not exceeding five thousand copies of any one bulletin. Src. 3. That it shall be the duty of the secretary to obtain and publish information respecting the extent and condition of forest lands in this State, to make and carry out rules and regulations for the enforcement of all laws designed to protect forests from fires and from all illegal depredations and destruction, and report the same annu- ally to the governor, and, as far as practicable, to give information and advice respecting the best methods of pre- serving woodlands and starting new plantations. He shall also, as far as practicable, procure statistics of the amount of timber cut during each year, the purposes for which it is used, and the amount of timber Jand thus cleared as compared with the amount of land newly brought under timber cultivation, and shall in general adopt all such measures as, in his judgment, may, be desirable and effective for the preservation and increase of the timber lands of this State, and shall have direct charge and control of the management of all forest lauds belonging to the Commonwealth, subject to the provision of law relative thereto. ~ ~ * q Src. 4. There shall be one deputy secretary, who shall be appointed by the governor for the term of four years, at a salary of three thousand dollars a year, who shall also be director of farmers’ institutes. ‘The other officers of the department shall be appointed by the governor for the term of four years, and shall be an economic zoologist, a commissioner of forestry, a dairy and food commissioner, who shall have practical experience in the manufacture of dairy products, and a State veterinarian, who shall be a graduate of some reputable veterinary college, who shall receive an annua! salary of twenty-five hundred dollars each. *~ * * The governor is hereby authorized to appoint one chief clerk of the department, at an annual salary of sixteen hundred dollars, a stenographer, at a salary of eight hundred dollars a year, and one messenger, at a salary of six hundred dollars a year, and the dairy and food commissioner, the commissioner of forestry, and the economic zoologist shall each have a clerk, who shall be appointed by the governor and who shall serve under the direction of the respective commissioners aforesaid and receive a salary of fifteen hundred dollars a year each. c, » * Src. 6. That the secretary may, at his discretion, employ experts for special examinations or investigations, the expenses of which shall be paid by the State treasurer in the same manner as like expenses are provided by law, but not more than five thousand dollars shall be so expended in any one year. In this annual report to the governor he may include so much of the reports of other organizations as he shall deem proper, which shall take the place of the present agricultural reports and of which thirty-one thousand six hundred copies shall be published and distributed as follows: To the senate, nine thousand copies; to the house of representatives, twenty thousand FORESTRY COMMISSIONS—-PENNSYLVANIA. 179 copies; to the secretary of agriculture, two thousand copies; to the State librarian, for distribution among public libraries and for reserve work, five hundred copies; and to the State agricultural experiment station, one hundred copies. : Src. 7. That the secretary of agriculture shall have an office at the State capitol, and it is hereby made the duty of the commissioners of public buildings and grounds to provide the necessary rooms, furniture, and apparatus for the use of the department. Sec. 8. That all acts or parts of acts inconsistent herewith be, and the same are hereby, repealed. The legislature of 1897, in addition to passing— An act making constables of townships ex officio fire wardens for the extinction of forest fires, and for reporting to the court of quarter sessions violations of the laws for the protection of forests from fire, prescribing the duties of such fire wardens and their punishment for failure to perform the same, and empowering them to require, under penalty, the assistance of other persons in the extinction of such fires; and An act to amend the first section of an act entitled ‘“‘An act to protect timber lands from fire,” approved the second day of June, anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and seventy, providing for a penalty in case of the failure of county commissioners to comply with the terms of said act, after demand made upon them by the commissioner of forestry, and providing for the Commonwealth bearing part of the expenses incurred under said act; also, x An act to authorize constables and other peace officers, without first procuring a warrant, to arrest persons reasonably suspected by them of offending against the laws protecting timber lands— enacted the following laws, thus firmly establishing a forest policy for the State. AN ACT for the preservation of forests and partially relieving forest lands from taxation. Be it enacted, etc.: 5 SECTION 1. That in consideration of the public benefit to be derived from the retention of forest or timber trees, the owner or owners of land in this Commonwealth having on it forest or timber trees of not less than fifty trees to the acre, and each of said trees to measure at least eight inches in diameter at a height of six feet above the surface of the ground, with no portion of the said land absolutely cleared of the said trees, shall, on making due proof thereof, be entitled to receive annually from the commissioners of their respective counties during the period that the said trees are maintained in sound condition upon the said land a sum equal to eighty per centum of all taxes annually assessed and paid upon the said land, or so much of the said eighty per centum as shall not exceed the sum of forty-five cents per acre: Provided, however, That no one property owner shall be entitled to receive said sum on more than fifty acres. Sec. 2. All acts or parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. AN ACT authorizing the purchase by the Commonwealth of unseated lands for the nonpayment of taxes for the purpose of creating a State forest reservation. Be it enacted, etc.: Section 1. That from and after the first day of January, anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and ninety-eight, whenever any unseated lands within this Commonwealth shall, under existing laws, become liable to sale by the respective county treasurers or the county commissioners for non-payment of taxes, it shall be the duty of such treasurers and commissioners to publish a notice once a week for six successive weeks in at least two newspapers of general circulation within the county in which the lands lie, and if two newspapers be not published in said county, then in one newspaper in or nearest to the same, which notice shall contain the names of the owners when known, the warrant numbers, names of warrantees when known, the number of acres contained in each tract, the township in which the same is located, and the sums due upon each tract for taxes, and, further, to mail to the secretary of agriculture and the commissioner of forestry each ten copies of such printed advertisement immediately upon the publication thereof. Src. 2. It shall be the duty of the commissioner of forestry to inquire into and examine the location and character of the lands so advertised, and if in his judgment the same are so located and are of such a character as to make them desirable to the Commonwealth for the purpose of creating and maintaining a forestry reservation, he shall have power, at his discretion, to purchase any such lands for and in behalf of the Commonwealth at such tax sales, subject to the right of redemption under existing laws: Provided, however, That the bid made and the price paid for said lands shall in no case exceed the amount of taxes for the nonpayment of which the same are being sold, and the costs. For all purchases so made in behalf of the Commonwealth the auditor-general shall draw his warrant upon the State treasurer to the order of the county treasurer, upon certificate filed by the commissioner of forestry with the said auditor-general. Suc. 3. In the event of redemption of said lands, the redemption money paid shall be remitted to the State treasurer by the county treasurer, with a statement describing the tract of land so redeemed. Src. 4. The title to all lands so purchased, and not redeemed after the expiration of the time limited for redemption, shall be taken as vested in the Commonwealth to the same extent and witb like effect as though such purchase had been made by an individual at such sale, and the county treasurer shall certify to the secretary of agriculture lists of all lands purchased in behalf of the Commonwealth and not redeemed within the time limited 180 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. 8. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. for such redemption, with a description of each tract as required by section one of this act, and thereafter such lands shall not be subject to further taxation while the same are owned by the Commonwealth. 1t shall be the duty of the secretary of agriculture to keep a record in a book, to be especially provided for that purpose, of all the lands so acquired by the “Commonwealth, with full description of each tract, the character of the same, the date of purchase, the price paid, when the title became absolute, or, if redeemed, the date of redemption. Src. 5. The lands so acquired by the Commonwealth shall be under the control and management of the department of agriculture, but assigned to the care of the division of forestry, and shall become part of a forestry reservation system having in view the preservation of the water supply at the sources of the rivers of the State, and for the protection of the people of the Commonwealth and their property from destructive floods. Suc. 6. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. Approved the 30th day of March, A. D. 1897. AN ACT to secure State forestry reservations, and providing for the expenses thereof. Be it enacted, etc.: Srcrion 1. That a commission, to be composed of the commissioner of forestry, the chairman of the State board of health, the deputy secretary of internal affairs, and two other persons, one of whom shall be a lawyer or conveyancer of at least ten years’ professional experience, and the other one a practical surveyor, to be appointed by the governor, be hereby created. Src. 2. The said commission shall, after examination, locate and report to the governor, or to the legislature if it be in session, the following forestry reservations: (1) One of not less than forty thousand acres upon waters which drain mainly into the Delaware River. (2) One of not Jess than forty thousand acres upon waters which drain mainly into the Susquehanna River (3) One of not less than forty thousand acres upon waters which drain mainly into the Ohio River. Provided, That each of these reservations shall be in one continuous area so far as the same is practicable. Src. 8. That the lands selected shall be of a character better suited to the growth of trees than to mining or agriculture, and that at least fifty per centum of the area of each HE NEOe shall have an average altitude of not less than six hundred feet above the level of the sea. Src. 4. That the said commission shall have full power to take by right of eminent domain and condemn the lands it has selected for the purposes aforesaid as State reservations for the use and behoof of the Commonwealth, and wherever it shall be necessary to have a recourse to a jury to assess the damages for any property to be taken as aforesaid the said jury shall consist of such number and shall proceed, and their award shall be reviewed and enforced, in the same manner as now provided by law for the taking of land for the opening of roads in the respective counties in which said property is situated. And all the lands acquired by the State for public reserva- tions by the action of said commission shall be paid for by the State treasurer, upon a warrant drawn by the auditor- general of the Commonwealth, after approval by the governor. Sec. 5. The commissioners appointed under this act shall serve without compensation, except so far as the officials designated hereby are compensated by the continuance of their salaries as such officials while serving as commissioners; but the necessary expenses of travel and all other necessary expenses incurred under the provisions of this act shall be paid by the State treasurer, on the warrant of the auditor-general, after due certification. Src. 6. Provided, That nothing herein contained shall authorize the taking, for the purpose of this act, of any land held by any corporation created for the purpose of the preservation of forests. Approved the 25th day of May, A. D. 1897. The forest reservations provided by this law have been in part and will soon be all located. It is already being realized that their area is too small and that increase at once is indicated. In North Carolina a similar provision to that in New Jersey has existed since 1891 in the laws appropriating for the State geological survey, requiring of the same reports on the forest resources. Three’ bulletins (Nos. 5, 6, and 7) have been published, one on the ‘“Torest, forest lands, and forest products of eastern North Carolina,” another on ‘Forest fires: Their destructive work, causes and prevention,” and the third giving a comprehensive survey of the “‘ Timber trees and forests of North Carolina.” In the West Virginia legislature a well-considered bill was introduced last year providing for a forest commission and State forest reserves. The State geological survey has functions similar to that of North Carolina. 3 In Ohio a forestry bureau was instituted in 1885, its functions being of an educational and advisory nature. It published four or five annual reports containing information on a variety of subjects, but for a number of years these reports, and probably the bureau, have been discontinued. Michigan had a commission of inquiry, created in June, 1887, by constituting the State board of agriculture a forestry commission for the purpose of formulating the needed legislation. The report of this commission, published in 1888, remained without any active measure as a consequence. FORESTRY COMMISSIONS—WISCONSIN. 181 The latest legislation for a commission of inquiry was enacted in Wisconsin in 1897: AN ACT to provide for a committee to.draw up a plan to protect and utilize the forest resources of the State of Wisconsin. The people of the State of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do enact as follows: SrcTION. 1. The governor is hereby authorized to appoint a commission consisting of three members who shall devise and draw up.a plan for the organization of a forestry department, which shall have the management of such State lands as may be suitable for timber culture and forestry. The said commissioners shall embody in their plan provisions for the classification of the lands now owned by the State and the reservation to the State of all lands which are better fitted for the growing of timber than for agricultural purposes; the purchase of similar lands which may have been abandoned by their owners, or may have been struck off to counties for unpaid taxes; the management of the forests existing on such lands according to the principles of scientific forestry; the replanting of forests on such lands, as far as they have been denuded of their timber; and such other provisions as may be deemed advisable. They shall aim at devising the best means by which the forest resources of the State can be utilized for the people and preserved for future generations without retarding the development of the agricultural, manufacturing, and mining industries; shall have regard to the influence which the maintaining of forests has upon the climate and water supply of the State; and shall draw up a plan by which the forestry department may be from the first self- supporting and in time become a source of revenue to the State. The report of said commissioners shall be submitted to the legislature of the State at its next regular session, within the first ten days after the beginning thereof, in the form of a bill or bills. Src, 2. Said bill or bills may be accompanied by a report explaining the provisions of such bill or bills and giving the reasons for any of the provisions contained therein. The said bill or bills, together with such report, shall be printed by the State printer at the expense of the State in not more than five hundred copies, and shall be distributed to such persons as the governor may direct. Sec. 3. The said commissioners shall receive no compensation for their services, but shall be entitled to their actual and necessary expenses, including clerk hire, which expenses and clerk hire shall not, in the aggregate, exceed two hundred and fifty dollars, to be paid by the State treasurer upon warrants drawn by the secretary of state, upon verified statements made by the chairman of such commission. The superintendent of public property shall furnish such commission with the suitable and necessary stationery for the performance of such work. Sec. 4. There is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, a sufficient sum to carry out the provisions of this bill. Sec. 5. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Approved April 14, 1897. The commission appointed by the governor sought the cooperation of the Division of Forestry of the Department of Agriculture, whose experts, in cooperation with the State geological survey, made a comprehensive forest survey of the forested counties of the State, upon the basis of which the commission is framing its propositions. The State also has an effective forest-fire law, which is in charge of a special commissioner, as will be shown later. In Minnesota, as a consequence of the terrible warning by the fires of 1894, on April 18, 1895, the legislature passed ‘‘an act to provide for the preservation of forests and for the prevention and suppression of forest fires,” under which the State auditor was made ex officio forest com- missioner, with a chief fire warden as executive officer in charge of the organized service to combat forest fires. Beyond these duties the latter officer is only required to add to his report “suggestions relative to the preservation of the forests of the State and to the prevention and extinguishment of forest and prairie fire.” Three annual reports have so far appeared and show the wisdom of the legislation. An effort was made during the legislative session of 1897 to secure the enactment of the following bill, which passed the house but failed to reach a vote inthe senate. The bill is included here, notwithstanding its failure to become a law, because it embraces a novel and interesting method of securing to the State the benefits of a forest reservation. AN ACT to encourage the growing and preservation of forests, and to create forest boards and forest reserve areas. (Sections 1 to 8 provide for the acquirement of forest reserve areas, the appointment of a forestry board of nine members, who shall serve without pay other than the reimbursement of actual expenses incurred, and who shall have a secretary, and elect a president and vice-president. The State treasurer is made treasurer of the board, and county commissioners and town supervisors are made county and town forestry boards. The duties of the boards are defined, and the remainder of the bill, embracing its unique features, is as follows:) Sec. 9. Any person or corporation being the owner in fee simple of any cutover or denuded, or partially cutover or partially denuded, natural forest lands, which will not probably be utilized for many years for agricultural purposes, or any bare or waste, or partially bare or waste, rough prairie lands, or any very sandy, very rough, or 182 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. very rocky lands in this State, or any lands deemed absolutely necessary for the preservation of water courses (all to be determined ly said State forestry board) may deed the same to the State of Minnesota for forestry purposes; ‘all lands so deeded to the State for forestry purposes by any person or corporation are hereby forever dedicated for forestry purposes. Before such deed shall be made and delivered a proposition in writing shall be made by such owner or owners to said State forestry board to so deed the same for forestry purposes, under the terms of this act and amendments thereof, made prior to such offer, and the question of the acceptance thereof shall be referred to the town or county forestry board where the land is situated (or both such town and county forestry boards) for its adyice on the question of accepting the same; and said State forestry board, or its executive committee, may hear the person offering so to deed, or his or her representative, and also may hear such town or county forestry board or its repre- sentative, both sides in person, or by written reasons submitted, why such deed should or should not be received, and the decision of the State forestry board to receive or reject such offer and deed shall be final. Such deed may be made by quitclaim, where by the advice of the attorney-general, or by the advice of its attorney, if said board have one, said Jands are clear of liens except for taxes and tax sales still owned by the State. The board may appoint an executive committee annually, on which it may confer authority to perform any executive act, and to exercise its judgment in minor details which can not conveniently be acted upon by the board. Suc. 10. At least once in every five (5) years, and as much oftener as the State forestry board may decide, the accumulated income from each tract of land so deeded by persons or corporations for State forestry purposes shall be divided by the State forestry board and disposed of as follows, to wit: 1st. One-third (4) shall belong to the State, to reimburse the State for the care and protection of the forests thereon, and for the nonpayment of taxes thereon to the State, county, and town, which third (4) shall be divided between the State, county, and town where the land is situated as follows, to wit: One-half (4+) to the State, one- fourth (4) to the county, and one-fourth (+) to the town. 2d. Two-thirds (#) shall be paid to such publie educational institution or system in the State as the grantor may designate in the deed of conveyance, or in a separate instrument executed as deeds of land are required to be executed and recorded in the office of the register of deeds of the county where the land is situated, or by will. But in case the grantor fail to so designate such institution or system, or if for any reason such institution or system fails to exist. then the same shall paid to the proper officer or officers or boards for the benefit of the public school system of the State and the University of Minnesota, the public school system to have three-fourths (#) thereof, and the said university to have one-fourth (+) thereof. Src. 11. The State, by and through said State forestry board, shall have full power and authority to lease for revenue, or for protection from fire, trespassers, or otherwise, low meadow tracts, or other tracts for pasture, when the same will not interfere with the growth of forest trees, and to sell dead and down timber and mature timber, and to deed said tracts or parcels or parts of the same, where the growth of towns, the building of railroads, water powers, or other public improvements may demand alienation by the State, and said State forestry board may cause to be cut and sold, or sold with the right to cut and haul away, forests or trees when said board may determine that the State’s and the beneficiaries’ interests will be subserved by so doing, but all proceeds of such sales or leases shall be divided as is the income therefrom as above provided. Sec. 12. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. In North Dakota the office of commissioner of irrigation and forestry was created in 1890, seemingly mainly for educational purposes. In Kansas for some time the educational campaign for timber planting of the State horticultural society was supplemented by the State in the estab- lishment of two experimental tree stations, under a superintendent, from which plant material is distributed to intending planters. ; The State of Colorado was the first to recognize in her constitution the existence of a duty on the part of the government with regard to her forestry interests. Article XVIII of the constitution, adopted in convention March 14, 1876, contains the follow- ing clauses: Src. 6. The general assembly shall enact laws in order to prevent the destruction of and to keep in good pres- ervation the forests upon the lands of the State or upon lands of the public domain, the control of which shall he conferred by Congress upon the State. : Sec. 7. The general assembly may provide that the increase in the value of private lands caused by the plant- ing of hedges, orchards, and forests thereon shall not, for a limited time, to be fixed by law, be taken into account in assessing such lands for taxation. The constitutional convention also presented a memorial to Congress asking for the transfer of the public-timber lands in the then Territory to the care and custody of the State, which remained, however, without attention. The intentions of the constitution to take care of the forestry interests of the State were, however, not carried into effect until 1885, when a law was passed creating the office of a forest commissioner and constituting the county commissioners and road overseers throughout the State, forest officers in their respective localities, to act as a police force in preventing depredation FOREST-FIRE LEGISLATION. 183 and fire, and to encourage and promote forest culture. But the provisions to carry out this laudable work were from the start insufficient, and the office of forest commissioner finally remaining without a salary became vacant, the law ineffective. A new departure, however, was made in 1897. In that year a department of forestry, game, and fish was created. The salaried officers provided are a commissioner and three wardens, and the commissioner may appoint deputy wardens without pay. Section 9 of the law provides that— Said commissioner shall, as much as possible, promote the growth and extension of the forest areas of the State, and encourage the planting of trees and the preservation of the sources of water supply, but nothing in this act contained shall authorize the commissioner to interfere with the use of timber for domestic, mining, or agricultural purposes, in accordance with existing laws. He shall have the care of all woodlands and forests which may at any time be controlled by the State, and shall cause all such lands to be located and recorded in a book to be kept for the purpose. Section 10 prohibits the appointment to any office created by this act of any person directly or indirectly engaged in the manufacture of lumber, railroad ties, telegraph poles or any business requiring a large use of wood. The law makes it a misdemeanor to cause fires to be set without a guard, or to cut coniferous timber from public or State lands for shipment outside the State. The remainder of the law provides for the protection of fish and game. California began its course for the establishment of a forest policy in the most promising manner in 1885, March 3, by creating a State board of forestry. At first it was mainly a commission of inquiry with educational functions; police powers were conferred upon it in 1887 “for the purpose of making arrests for any violation of any law applying to forest and brush lands within the State, or prohibiting the destruction thereof,” with an appropriation of $30,000 for the two years following, but by 1891 political complications and perversion of the moneys appropriated undid the good work of the first board, and the office, as well as the functions, were abolished. Besides three valuable reports on the forest conditions and forest trees of the State, the board left as an inheritance two experiment stations, where exotic trees are being tested, now under charge of the University of California. FOREST-FIRE LEGISLATION. Besides this legislation regarding forest commissions, by which the interest and duty of the State is recognized with regard to forest conditions, laws recognizing the duty and necessity of protecting forest property more efficiently against fire have been enacted in several States since 1885, when, in New York in connection with the establishment of the forest commission, the first comprehensive forest-fire law, drafted by the writer, was enacted. Laws against willful and malicious firing existed then on the statute books of nearly every State, but they were ineffective for lack of responsibility for their execution. The New York law for the first time recognized the need of officers responsible for the execution of the law and of the organization of an army of firewardens throughout the State. The States of Maine, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Minnesota followed, with some modifications, this example of New York. The principles most needful to keep in view when formulating legislation for protection against forest fires are— (1) No legislation is effective unless well-organized machinery for its enforcement is provided. The damage done by forest fires being in many cases far-reaching beyond the immediate private personal loss, the State must be prominently represented in such organization. (2) Responsibility for the execution of the law must be clearly defined and ultimately rest upon one person, and every facility for ready prosecution of offenders must be at the command of the responsible officer. (3) None but paid officials can be expected to do efficient service, and financial responsibility in all directions must be recognized as alone productive of care in the performance of duties as well as in the obedience to regulations. In the case of corporations the officer most directly responsible for any damage must be amenable to law in addition to the corporation itself. (4) Recognition of common interest in the protection of property can also be established only by the creation of financial liability on the part of the community and all its members. 184 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. i The following is the draft of an ideal comprehensive bill which embodies the principal features of the desired legislation and has served as a basis for the existing laws: AN ACT for the protection of forest property. FOREST COMMISSIONER. Section 1 creates a forest commissioner, whose office may be either an enlargement of some existing office or, much better, a separate one, with adequate compensation in either case, to be appointed by and reporting directly to the governor. Section 2 prescribes the duties of the forest commissioner, namely, tol organize, supervise, and be responsible, under the provisions of this act, for the protection of forest property in the State against fire. In addition he is to collect statistics and other information regarding the forest areas in the State, and the commerce of wood and allied interests, especially such information as will explain the distribution, condition, value, and ownership of the woodland; this information and the results of the operation of this act, together with suggestions for further legislative action, to be embodied in annual reports. Section 3 provides for the giving of a bond by the forest commissioner for the faithful performance of his duties, and fixes fines for such neglect in performing the duties of the office as may be proven, and explains the manner of imposing and collecting such fines. : ORGANIZATION OF FIRE SERVICE. Section 4 constitutes the selectmen of towns, or the sheriffs, deputies, constables, supervisors, or similar officers as firewardens. If preferred, special fire commissioners may be appointed by the forest commissioner, with the advice of county commissioners, or both methods of providing firewardens may be employed together. The towns are to be divided into fire districts, the number and boundaries to be governed by the exigencies in each case, and each district to be under the charge and oversight of one district firewarden. One of these should be designated as town firewarden, to take command in ease of large conflagrations. The town firewarden and at least 50 per cent of the district firewardens should be property owners in the county, unless a sufficient number of such can not be found or residents refuse to serve. A description of each district and the name of its firewarden are to be recorded with the forest commissioner and the town clerk or similar officer. Section 5 provides for employment of special fire patrols in unorganized places in any county and during the dangerous season, especially in lumbering districts, and for co-operation of forest owners. Wherever unorginized places exist in a county or so far distant from settlements as to make discovery of fires and speedy arrival of regular firewardens impossible, or wherever forest owners whose property is specially endangered require, the forest com- missioner may annually appoint special fire patrols, to be paid at daily rates, the owner paying one-half the expense and the State the other half; such patrols to be under the regulations of this law and to report to the nearest fire- wardens. The manner of appointment and the matter of compensation and duties are to be formulated by the forest commissioner. Section 6 defines the power and duties of firewardens: To take measures necessary for the control and extinction of fires; to post notices of regulations provided in this law and furnished by the forest commissioner; to ascertain the cause of fires and prepare evidence in case of suits; to report each fire at once to the forest commissioner on blanks furnished, giving area burned over, damage, owner, probable origin, measures adopted, and cost of extinguish- ing; to have authority to call upon any persons in their district for assistance, such persons to receive compensation as determined by the selectmen or county commissioners at the rate of not to exceed 15 cents per hour and to be paid by the town or county upon certification by the forest commissioner. Persons refusing, when not excused, to assist or to comply with orders, shall forfeit the sum of $10, the same to be recovered in an action for debt in the name and to the use of the town or county, or for the fire-protection fund. Firewardens shall be paid $10 a year as a retainer besides day’s wages at the same rates as sheriffs or similar officers for as many days as they are actually on duty, and shall be responsible for prompt extinction of fires and be amenable to law for neglect of duty. The district firewarden shall call on the town firewarden in case of inability to control fires, and the town firewarden shall have sherift’s power to enlist assistance, as is provided in case of a mob. FIRE-INDEMNITY FUND. Section 7 provides for the creation of a fire-indemnity fund, each county to pay into the State treasury $1 for each acre burnt over each year, the special fund so constituted to be applied in the maintenance of the system provided by this act and for the payment of damages to those whose forest property has been burned without neglect on their part or on that of their agents. The burned areas shall be ascertained by the county surveyor and shall be checked from the reports of fire- wardens by the forest commissioner. All fines collected under the provisions of this law shall also accrue to the fire fund. JURISDICTION AND LEGAL REMEDIES. Section 8 establishes jurisdiction and legal proceedings in each case of prosecution of incendiaries and adjustment of damages, and imposes upon every district judge the duty in charging the grand juries of his district to call special attention to the penal provisions of this act and of any similar acts providing for offenses against forest property. FOREST-FIRE LEGISLATION. 185 Section 9 charges the forest commissioner to issue and publish, by posters and otherwise, reasonable regulations regarding the use of fires; such regulations to contain special consideration of campers, hunters, lumbermen, settlers, colliers, turpentine men, railroads, etc., and to be approved by the governor. Section 10 makes it a misdemeanor to disobey the posted regulations of the forest commissioner, or to destroy posters, or to originate fires by neglect of the same; provides that the prosecution shall be prepared by the forest commissioner, and imposes fines and imprisonment in addition to damages. Fines should be double the actual damages, one-half to go to the fire fund, one-half to the damaged person. Section 11 makes it a criminal act, subject to indictment, to willfully set fires, and imposes fine and imprisonment. Section 12 provides that any person whose forest property is damaged by fire not originated by his own neglect, and who is able to prove neglect on the part of the firewarden, may call on the forest commissioner for award of damage, whereupon the forest commissioner, in conjunction with the county authorities, shall investigate the case and refer his findings to the judicial officer of the district, who shall charge the grand jury to indict any offender against this act and aujudge any neglectful firewarden or other officer or any person refusing to act upon orders of the firewarden. Any neglect on the part of the forest commissioner to investigate and find in each case within one year from the appeal of the owner shall be followed by dismissal unless reasonable cause for failure be shown. LIABILITY OF RAILROADS. Section 13 charges railroad companies to keep their right of way free from inflammable material by burning, under proper care, before certain dates to be established by the forest commissioner. Failure to do so upon notification by the commissioner shall be followed by the arrest of the superintendent of the section, who shall be liable prima facie to procedure under section 10. Section 14 provides for the use of spark arresters, failure to comply with this provision to be followed by arrest of the superintendent or other officer in charge of the motive power and hy procedure under section 10. Section 15 provides that fires originating from the tracks of a railroad company shall be prima facie evidence of neglect on the part of the company, and the engineer and firemen shall be liable to arrest and procedure under section 10. , Section 16 provides that in all cases where a fire originates through neglect of a railroad company or its agents, both the company and its officers shall be liable for damages under the provisions of section 12. Section 17 establishes special liabilities for damage by fires in case of railroads under construction. FIRE INSURANCE AND STOCK LAWS. Section 18 provides for the incorporation of forest fire insurance companies. In States where cattle are allowed to roam, provisions to stop this practice should be enacted. . FURTHER DUTIES OF FOREST COMMISSIONERS. Section 19 defines minor duties of forest commissioners, namely, to co-operate with superintendents of schools and other educational institutions in awakening an interest in behalf of forestry and rational forest use. Section 20 provides for salary and other expenses of the office of forest commissioner, which should be liberal in proportion to the responsibility of the office. Section 21 repeals all acts and parts of acts inconsistent with provisions of this act. How near to this ideal we come in practice may appear from the legislation enacted for Minnesota in 1895, which is still only partially effective on account of deficient appropriations and limited functions of the commissioner or chief firewarden. AN ACT to provide for the preservation of forests of this State and for the prevention and suppression of forest and prairie fires. Be it enacted by the legislature of the State of Minnesota: SEcTron 1. The State auditor shall be forest commissioner of this State, and his orders shall be supreme in all matters relating to the preservation of the forests of this State and to the prevention and suppression of forest and prairie fires as hereinafter provided. The supervisors of towns, mayors of cities, and presidents of village councils are hereby constituted firewardens of their respective towns, cities, and villages in the State, and the chief fire- warden may appoint as firewardens such other persons as he may deem necessary, living in or near to unorganized territory in this State, whose districts, to be known as fire districts, he may determine. Src. 2. The aforesaid forest commissioner shall appoint a competent deputy to be known as chief firewarden, who, from personal experience, is familiar with the conditions of the forest and methods by which fires may be controlled. Said chief firewarden shall receive a salary of twelve hundred ($1,200) dollars per year, and shall hold his office during the pleasure of the forest commissioner. He shall represent the authority of the forest commis- sioner, and it shall be his duty to enforce the provisions of this act throughout the State. Suc. 3. The chief firewarden shall have general charge of the firewarden force of the State, and shall have authority to mass such firewarden force as may be available at any special point to suppress fires. In case the fire- warden force of any locality is deemed by said chief firewarden inadequate to prevent or suppress forest or prairie: 186 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. fires, he may appoint, temporarily, needed firewardens, whose duties and authority shall be the same as herein given to town supervisors acting as firewardens. He shall properly divide into fire districts all unorganized territory in this State and appoint competent firewardens therein; he shall co-operate with any police or military force of the United States Government which may be detailed to guard the national domain from fire; he shall investigate the extent of the forests in the State, together with the amounts and varieties of the wood and timber growing therein, the damages done to them from time to time by forest fires and the causes of such fires, the method used, if any, to promote the regrowth of timber, and any other important facts relating to forest interests which may be required by the forest commissioner. The information so gathered, with his suggestions relative thereto, shall be included in a report to be made by him annually to the forest commissioner. Src. 4. The forest commissioner shall provide and officially sign an abstract of the penal laws of this act, with such rules and regulations in accord therewith as he may deem necessary, and on or before the first day of April of each year he shall forward as many copies as he considers needful to the chairman of each town board of supervisors and presidents of villages, to the forest firewardens that he has appointed, and to all railroad companies and to the chairman of each board of county commissioners in this State, and it shall be the duty of said firewardens to post up such abstract as warning placards in conspicuous places in their respective districts, and it shall be the duty of the county commissioners of each county to cause the said abstract to be published in at least three issues of the official papers in their respective counties during the fire-dangerous season of each year, which shall be reckoned from the 15th of April to the Ist of November. Src. 5. During a dry and dangerous season, when forest and prairie nee are prevailing or are liable to break out, the chief firewarden shall use such means under his command as he may deem necessary to prevent or suppress such fires, and his expenses shall be paid by the State, which expenditures in one year shall not exceed five thousand dollars, to be paid for out of the general revenue fund, upon the order of the forest commissioner. Src. 6. It shall be the duty of each fire warden to take precautions to prevent the setting of forest or prairie fires, and when his district is suffering or threatened with fire, to go to the place of danger to control such fires, and each forest firewarden shall have authority to call to his assistance in emergencies any able-bodied male person over eighteen years of age, and if such person refuses, without reasonable justification or excuse, to assist, or if any firewarden refuses or neglects to perform the duties assigned him in this act, such officer or person shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall upon conviction thereof be punished by a fine of not more than one hundred ($100) dollars, or imprisonment in the county jail not to exceed three (3) months. Src. 7. The chief firewarden and the several firewardens created by this act shall have authority to enforce the provisions of this act, and it shall be their duty to co-operate with the firewarden of any adjoining district, and in the absence of such firewardens to direct the work of control and extinguishment of forest or prairie fires in such district, and to arrest, without warrant, every person violating any provisions of this act, and to forthwith take the offender before a magistrate and make complaint against such person. The chairmen of boards of township supervisors, presidents of villages, and firewardens appointed by the chief firewarden shall inquire into the cause of each forest or prairie fire within their districts and shall report the same to the chief firewarden and the methods used to control or extinguish such fires and the amount of property destroyed and the number of lives lost, if any, and report such other facts in regard to said fires as said chief firewarden may require. During the more dangerous season of the year the chief firewarden may require frequent reports from the chairmen of township beards, or in unorganized towns from firewardens appointed by the said chief firewarden, as to condition of forest and prairie fires and as to what is being done to control the same. Src. 8. Each firewarden shall receive for his actual services rendered under this act two ($2) dollars per day, two-thirds of which shall be paid by the county where such service is performed and one-third by the State; and any employee engaged in like service shall receive at the rate of one and fifty one-hundredths ($1.50) dollars per day, and said expense shall also be paid, two-thirds by the county where such service is rendered and one-third by the State, as hereinafter provided; but no payment shall be made to any claimant under this act until he shall have presented an itemized account and made oath or affirmation that said account is just and correct, which account shall be approved by the board of township supervisors and shall be andited by the county commissioners, when satisfied of the justice of the claim, and left on file with the county auditor; in case of unorganized townships the board of county commissioners alone shall approve and audit such accounts. The county auditor shall thereupon issue to each claimant his warrant upon the county treasurer for the entire sum to which such claimant is entitled, and the treasurer shall pay the same. Such county auditor shall transmit the original oath and copy of the warrant to the State auditor, who shall audit such claim, and one-third thereof shall be paid out of the State treasury from the general reyenue fund by warrant issued by the State auditor upon the State treasury in favor of the counuy thereof paying the same, and forward the same to the auditor of said county: Provided, That no firewarden shall be paid in any one year for more than ten (10) days’ service in extinguishing and preventing forest or prairie fires, nor for more than five (5) days’ service in each year in posting notices and making the reports required by this act, nor in the aggregate for more than fifteen (15) days’ service, of whatever character, in any one year; nor shall any one person employed by firewardens to assist in extinguishing or preventing forest or prairie fires be paid for more than five (5) days of such service in any one year. No county shall expend more than five hundred (#500) dollars of public money in any one year under this act. Src. 9. Any person who willfully, negligently, or carelessly sets on fire, or causes to be set on fire, any woods, prairies, or other combustible material, whether or not on his own Jands, by means whereof the property of another is injured or endangered, or any person who willfully, negligently, or carelessly suffers any fire set by himself to damage the property of another, is guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished by a fine not exceeding one hun- dred ($100) dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail not exceeding three months. Any person who maliciously FOREST-FIRE LEGISLATION. 187 sets on fire, or causes to be set on fire, any woods, prairies, or other combustible material whereby the property of another is destroyed and life is sacrificed shall be punished with a fine of not over five hundred ($500) dollars, or be imprisoned in the State prison for a term of not over ten (10) years, or both such fine and imprisonment. Src. 10. Any person who shall kindle a fire on or dangerously near to forest or prairie land and leave it unquenched, or shall be a party thereto, and every person who shall use other than incombustible wads for firearms, or who shall carry a naked torch, firebrand or other exposed light in or dangerously near to forest land, causing risk of accidental fire, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding one hundred ($100) dollars, or imprisonment in the county jail not exceeding three (3) months. Src. 11. Every person who shall willfully or heedlessly deface, destroy, or remove any warning placard posted under the requirements of this act shall be liable to a fine not exceeding one hundred ($100) dollars for each such offense, or imprisonment in the county jail not exceeding three (3) months. Src. 12. It shall be the duty of all railroad companies operating any railroad within this State to use efficient spark arresters on all their engines and to keep their right of way to the width of fifty (50) feet on each side of the center of the main track cleared of all combustible materials and safely dispose of the same within said limits of their right of way between the 15th day of April and the 1st day of December. No railroad company shall permit its employees to leave a deposit of fire or live coals, or hot ashes, in the immediate vicinity of woodland, or lands liable to be overrun by fires, and where engineers, conductors, or train men discover that fences or other materials along the right of way or woodland adjacent to the railroad are burning, or in danger from fire, they shall report the same promptly at the next telegraph station that they may pass. In seasons of drought railroad companies shall give particular instructions to their employees for the prevention and prompt extinguishment of fires, and they shall cause warning placards furnished by the forest commissioner to be posted at their stations in the vicinity of forest and prairie grass lands, and where a fire occurs along the line of their road they shall concentrate such help and adopt such measures as shall be available to effectively extinguish it. Any railroad company willfully violating the requirements of this act shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and be punished by a fine not exceeding one hundred (#100) dollars for each such offense, and railroad employees willfully violating the requirements of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and be punished by a fine of not less than five (#5) dollars nor more than fifty ($50) dollars. But this section shall not be construed to prohibit or prevent any railroad company from piling or keeping upon the right of way cross-ties or other material necessary in the operation or maintenance of such railroad. Src. 13. It shall be the duty of each and every owner of thrashing or other portable steam engines to have efficient spark arresters on their engines at all times when in use, and no person in charge of any thrashing engine shall deposit live coals or hot ashes from his engine in any place without putting them out or covering them with at least three inches of earth before leaving them. All persons violating the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not less than five (#5) dollars nor more than fifty ($50) dollars. Suc. 14. Nothing in this act shall be construed as affecting any right of action for damages. Sec. 15. Woodland territory within the terms of this act shall be construed to mean bodies of forest and brush land. : Src. 16. All moneys received as penalties for violating the provisions of this act shall be paid into the county treasury of the county wherein the offense occurred, to be known as the county fire fund, and used under the direction of the county board in defraying the expenses of enforcing the provisions of this act within such county. Suc. 17. The forest commissioner shall annually, on or before the first day of December, make a written report to the governor of his doings in respect to the duties herein assigned him, together with an itemized account of the expenses incurred in carrying out the provisions of this act, which report shall include such statistics and facts as he has obtained from the chief fire warden and from the several fire wardens of the State and from other sources, together with his suggestions relative to the preservation of the forests of the State and to the prevention and extinguishment of forest and prairie fires. Sno. 18. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent with this act are hereby repealed. Src. 19. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved April 18, 1895. The Wisconsin law (chapter 266, Laws of 1895) is similar in general character to the Minnesota law, except that the chief clerk of the State land office and his deputy are made State forest warden and deputy forest warden, respectively, without additional salary. ‘Towns are limited to $100 per year expenditure in extinguishing fires. The Maine law (chapter 100, Public Laws of 1891) makes the State land agent the forest commissioner. The selectmen of towns are made fire wardens and their duties are to post copies of the law in conspicuous places and to superintend the work of extinguishing fires. ‘They are empowered to call upon any person for assistance, and a refusal makes the party liable to $10 fine. The county commissioners in counties where there are unorganized places may appoint not to exceed ten fire wardens. No town shall expend for extinguishing fires more than 2 per cent of its valuation for purposes of taxation. Anyone who neglects to extinguish a camp fire is liable to a fine not exceeding $100 or imprisonment in the county jail one month, or both. Non-combustible wads must be used by hunters. Municipal officers (and county commissioners in unorganized 188 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. places) shall make strict inquiry into the causes of fires within wooded lands, and prosecute the offender without delay. Town selectmen shall, where a forest fire of more than one acre has oceurred, report to the forest commissioner the extent of fire and the amount of loss, and the measures found efficient in subduing fire, for which purpose blanks shall be furnished by the forest commissioner. Railroad companies are required to have their employees burn or cut and remove all grass, etc., from their right-of-way once a year; to use spark arresters on their locomotives; to refrain from depositing live coals, fire, or ashes on their track; and to report fires along right-of-way at the next stopping place that is a telegraph station. Railroad companies are held liable for all damage to forest growth by any person in their employ during road construction. During con- struction of such roads through woodland, abstracts of the laws relating to forest fires shall be posted along the roadway at distances of 200 feet. Anyone so employed who fails to extinguish a fire made by him is liable to a fine not exceeding $500 or imprisonment not exceeding sixty days, or both, and it is made the duty of all persons having charge of men in such railroad construction to see that the provisions of this act are complied with, any negligence subjecting them to the punishment above named. Violations of this act by railroads are punishable by a fine of $100 for each offense. The forest commissioner shall encourage an interest in forestry in the public schools, and shall prepare circulars of information giving advice for the care of woodlands. He shall have copies of this chapter and all other laws of the State relating to forest fires printed and freely distributed to the selectmen of all the towns of the State, who shall post them up in schoolhouses, sawmills, logging camps, and other places, and to forest owners, who may post them at their own expense. Anyone defacing or destroying such notices is liable to a fine of $5. Reports of the commissioners all bear testimony to the beneficent effect of the legislation, especially in educating people to consider the value of forest property, although the execution of the laws is still difficult and unsatisfactory. That it is not necessary to have forest fires, or that they can be at least reduced to insignificant dimensions, may be learned from the experiences of other nations, who exercise the first function of the State, namely, the more thorough protection of life and property of its citizens. In a recent report we read that in 1896 ‘‘very considerable damage by fire” occurred in the Prussian State forests (some 6,000,000 acres), and then the reporter brings a table showing that altogether less than 2,500 acres were burnt over. One “extensive” fire is reported as destroying 1,000 acres of “hopeful” pine and spruce plantation 20 to 25 years old, the result of incendiarism. In the following year (1897) the entire loss was not over 100 acres. During the ten years 1882 to 1891 there were 156 cases of fire reported: 96 from negligence, 53 from malice, 3 from lightning, and only 4 from Jocomotives; and seven years out of the ten are without any record of fire due to this last cause. And this on an area of 6,000,000 acres, of which more than half is on dry sandy soil stocked with pure pine forest, where the pine litter is never burned or removed, and with large bodies of sapling timber and young growth interspersed. Comment is unnecessary as to the possibility of protecting forest property from fire. The Indian forest administration, under circumstances not less difficult, nay, perhaps, more difficult than those prevailing in the United States, still more strongly refutes the assertion that forest fires may not be suppressed. Not only have the people of all timbered parts of India practiced the firing of woods for many centuries, both for purposes of agriculture and pasture, but the natural conditions in most of the Indian forests are such as to discourage the most sanguine. In most parts the forest is a mixed growth, of which a considerable portion is valueless and is left to die and litter the ground with dry and decaying timber, furnishing ready fuel. ‘To this is added a mass of creeping and climbing vegetation,a dense undergrowth, largely composed of giant grasses and bamboos, covering the ground with standing or fallen canes, green and dry. It is a dangerous forest; and yet the forest department fights and prevents fires, and succeeds. The number of fires has been diminished to an astonishing degree, the efficiency has grown with perfection of methods, and the expenses have been constantly reduced, and have never been over $10 per square mile in any year. And this in a country where heat and moisture stimulate a rank growth, where a clearing will be covered in one year with grass in which an elephant can hide, and where hot, dry winds make a most dangerous forest-fire combination every year, FORESTRY EDUCATION. 189 There is no insuperable difficulty in stopping the fire nuisance in this country, provided the moral obligation is recognized, the will is there, and the necessary organization is provided. FORESTRY EDUCATION. The New York legislature of 1898 made provision for the establishment of a college of forestry in Cornell University, and provided for the purchase of a school forest of 30,000 acres to be used as an experimental demonstration area for iliustrating the principles and practice of scientific forest management. ‘The school was organized in April, 1898, with Dr. B. E. Fernow as director and dean. Its first session opened in September, with the beginning of the collegiate year 1899. This is the first professional school of forestry established in America which offers in its courses the same full complement of studies to be found in European institutions of similar kind. As indicating the scope of the subject and the requirements for a fully educated forester of highest degree, the following schedule of studies announced by the college is reproduced. This step firmly establishes the forest policy of the State of New York, eventually to place its large forest property under the management of technically educated foresters issuing from this State college. Schedule of the courses leading to the degree of Bachelor of the Science of Forestry (B.S. I.). {Courses in parentheses are elective in whole or in part.] alae | apsee j | Designa-| First | Second | Third || |Designa-| irst | Second | Third coursest term. term. term. | | courses. | term. | term. | term. | fi | | | FRESHMAN YEAR. | JUNIOR YEAR. | | Mathematics ...........----- 7 Chemistry) ---------- -)-=— == 21b Doles Sese cigs | Weed hoetios O ---------------------- 10 | Botany -.--------- 1L 3 Physics = ssebobed 2a | Geology 20 3. | DO Peet eee tece nc oeee 2b Dove aes soecece 22 (3) | (3) | (3) Chemistryaeeeeee eee reas ir | Engineering -.-.-. iii that Lychee pa aa | 1 2 Invertebrate zoology.--.---- 1 Political economy --- 9 Bil |ocesesiscss | 3 | 3 Vertebrate zoology 2 -|| Pisciculture and vene coocosgssel| Cl ERS ae Bena Entomolog 3 || Forestry 3 | Botany 1 Do 4 ‘0 2 Do .. 6 Geolog 10 Doses seees 7 | Do 23 | Forestry 1 SENIOR YEAR. | SOPHOMORE YEAR. Chemistrygermeees ssa eee ee 16 Entomology .--..------.----- 2 US. Ot am ygee nite misters stata eieiesia 9 DX) scocesonsoas sssesc050° 5 (Geolopyeeeereeeeeaseeeemes 1 Do. 21 a Do ..-- 32 Engineering 4 Sign Ou eer ee 5 8 | Political economy .-.-------- | 34 3 IEHAA adonscoccodosesecene 2 || (8) | (3) 1(3) | The resources of the entire university, with its library, laboratories, museums, and collections, are practically at the disposal of the college by the action of the board of trustees, and hence, besides the required courses, any additional courses offered by the various departments which are thought to be of especial value to forestry students may be elected by them whenever they have satisfied the requirements. The courses in fundamental and supplementary branches, which are needful and required for the three or four year forestry courses and for graduation, are selected from those offered in the departments of the university. -The courses in forestry are briefly described as follows: 1. Synoptical course in forestry. Economic nature and political aspects. Designed especially for students of political economy, agriculture, engineering, and freshmen in the college of forestry, to acquaint the student in a brief manner with the several subjects comprising the field of forestry. Lectures only. Two hours, fall or spring. 2. One-year course in forestry, with special reference to silviculture. Designed especially for agriculturists and others who desire a brief study of the technicalities of woodcraft and silviculture. Lectures and demonstrations. Three hours, through the year. ‘ 3. Silviculture. Principles of arboriculture, application of dendrology to crop production, methods of 190 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. 8S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. reproduction, improvement of the crop, nursery practice, and forest planting. Lectures, recitations, and field demonstrations. Three hours, through the year. ! 4. Forest protection, Methods of guarding against trespass, loss from fires, insects, and diseases; measures to prevent erosion, washing, and detericration of soils. Lectures and recitations. Three hours, spring term. 5. Timber physics and wood technology. Technical properties of wood and its uses. The course is arranged to meet also the needs of students in civil engineering and architecture, and others interested in the properties and uses of wood. Lectures, recitations, and laboratory work. Three hours, fall and winter. 6. Exploitation. Methods and means employed in the harvest of forest products, logging, transportation, mill- ing, and preparation of wood for market. Lectures and recitations. Three hours, winter term. Excursions to actual operations and points of manufacture. 7. Forest mensuration. Methods of ascertaining volume of felled and standing trees, of whole forest growths, timber estimating, determining accretion of trees and stands. Lectures, recitations, and field work. Three hours, winter and spring. 8. Forest regulation. Principles and methods underlying the preparation of plans of management for contin- uous wood and revenue production. Lectures and recitations. Four hours, fall term. Field work in summer. 9. Forest administration. Organizing a forestry service, manner of employing and supervising labor, business methods as applied to forest management. Lectures and recitations. Two hours, spring term. 10. Forest valuation. Principles and methods of ascertaining the money value of forest growths at different ages for purposes of sales, exchanges, damage suits, ete. “Lectures. Two hours, spring term. 11. Forestry statics and finance. Application of the principles of finance to forest management; methods of finding the most profitable form of management, determining rotation and expenditures with reference to revenue. Lectures and recitations. ‘Three hours, winter term. 12. Forestry history and politics. Historical development of the economic and technical features of modern forestry; forestry conditions at home and abroad; forests and forestry as factors in the household of the community and nation; basis and principles underlying forest policies of the State. The course will prove of value and interest to students of political economy. Lectures only. Two hours, wintcr and spring. The only other institutions in the country which have given any attention to instruction in forestry heretofore have been the land-grant colleges of the several States. Of these, twenty-two have offered courses varying in length from a brief series of lectures to two full terms’ work. These are the agricultural colleges of Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut, Iowa, Idaho, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Texas, Vermont, Washington, and West Virginia. Nine colleges touch upon forestry incidentally in connection with instruction in other branches, such as botany and horticulture, namely, those of Virginia, North Carolina, Georgia, Mississippi, Colorado, Oklahoma, Indiana, and Maine. Ten institutions report no reference to the subject whatever. As to the character of the instruction in the courses in forestry, it varies greatly in the several institutions. The usual purpose is to give the students a general idea of the influence of forests upon climate and water flow and of forest geography, with more specific training in identification of trees and in propagation and planting. It is evident that considered as a part of a general course in agriculture it is not feasible or desirable to make forestry the major subject, as is necessary in a technical school; but the brief courses offered in the agricultural colleges have been very successful in promoting public interest in forest protection and silviculture. ; In 1895 there were introduced into Congress two bills providing for forestry education, one (H. R. 8389) providing an appropriation of $5,000 to each of the agricultural colleges, to be devoted either to instruction or providing object-lessons in the field; the other (H. R. 8390) providing for a post-graduate school—a national school of forestry—in connection with the Department of Agriculture and its Division of Forestry. No action beyond hearings before the Committee on Agriculture, to which the bills were referred, resulted. FEDERAL FOREST POLICY. The most important development in establishing a forest policy in the United States has been the change in the disposition of its public timber lands as a result of the educational campaign of the American Forestry Association. This association in 1888 presented a comprehensive bill, drawn by the chief of the Division of Forestry, providing for the withdrawal from entry or sale of all public, timber lands not fit for agricultural use, and for their proper administration under technical advice (S. 1476 and 8.1779, Fiftieth Congress, first session). Modifications of this bill were introduced from year to year and their enactment urged. In FEDERAL FOREST POLICY. 19M the Fifty-first Congress, through the earnest insistence of Secretary of the Interior John W. Noble, who was fully imbued with the necessity of some action such as was advocated by the association, the following section was added to the act entitled “An act to repeal timber-culture laws, and for other purposes,” approved March 3, 1891: Snc. 24. That the President of the United States may, from time to time, set apart and reserve, in any State or Territory having public lands bearing forests, any part of the public lands wholly or in part covered with timber or undergrowth, whether of commercial value or not, as public reservations, and the President shall, by public proclamation, declare the establishment of such reservations and the limit thereof. 7 Acting upon this authority, Presidents Cleveland and Harrison established seventeen forest reservations, with a total estimated area of 17,500,000 acres previous to 1894. These forest reservations, together with the national parks which were established before, to be sure for quite different purposes, made thus the forest lands reserved by the (Government aggregate over 20,000,000 acres as follows: No.a Forest reservations. Established. Area. Acres. 1 | Yellowstone National Park timber-land reserve (Wyo.) Sept. 10, 1891 1, 239, 040 2 | White River Plateau timber-land reserve (Colo.). ---| Oct. 16,1891 1, 198, 080 3 | Pecos River forest reserve (N. Mex.) .------ -| Jan. 11, 1892 311, 040 4 | Sierra forest reserve (Cal.) .------ -| Feb. 14, 1893 4, 096, 000 5 | Pacific forest reserve (Wash.) -.-- -| Feb. 20, 1893 967, 680 6 | Pikes Peak timber-land reserve (C .| Mar, 18, 1892 184, 320 7 | Bull Run timber-land reserve (Oreg. .| June 17, 1892 142, 080 8 | Plum Creek timber-land reserve (Col --| June 23, 1892 179, 200 9 | South Platte forest reserve (Colo.) -| Dec. 9, 1892 683, 520 10 | San Gabriel timber-land reserve (Ca 2 .-| Dec. 29, 1892 555, 520 11 | Battlement Mesa forest reserve (Colo --| Dec. 24, 1892 858, 240 12 | Afognak forest and fish culture reserve (Alaska) -------------- elbsecs GW) ceases Unknown. 13 | Grand Canyon forest reserve (Ariz.) ----------------------- eae --| Feb. 20, 1893 1, 851, 520 14 | Trabuco Canyon forest reserve (Cal.) .| Feb. 25, 1893 49, 920 15 | San Bernardino forest reserve (Cal.)..----------- ----------------- = === = 0222 nn nnn nnn nnn () sooss0> 737, 280 16 | Ashland forest reserve (Oreg.) ------ Sept. 28, 1893 18, 560 17 | Cascade Range forest reserve (Oreg.)------------------------- = eee ences neces a lanes GQ -sa5000 4, 492, 800 Total acreage of forest reserves --..--.---2- == -- <= === = == = = =m ww nnn 17, 564, 800 18 | Yellowstone National Park 2, 142, 720 19 | Yosemite National Park at. , 1890 967, 680 20 | Sequoia National Park ------ d 161, 280 21 | General Grant National Park J | 2, 560 aThe numbers refer to those used on map, Plate IT. The reservations were established usually upon the petition of citizens residing in the respec- tive States and after due examination, the forestry association acting as intermediary. Meanwhile the legislation devised for the administration of the forest reserves, existing or to be established, specially urged by Representative McRae, chairman of Public Lands Committee, failed to be enacted, although in the Fifty-third Congress it was passed by both Houses, but failed in conference. Secretary Hoke Smith, of the Department of the Interior, impressed with the importance of devising some adequate system of protection and management of the forests, both within the reserves and in the public domain, and urged by the committee of the Forestry Association, under date of February 15, 1896, requested the National Academy of Sciences, the legally constituted adviser of the Government in scientific matters, to investigate and report ‘upon the inauguration of a rational forest policy for the forested lands of the United States.” He especially desired an official expression as to the desirability and practicability of preserving the forests from fire and maintaining as forested lands portions of the public domain now bearing wood growth; as to how far the influence of forests on climate, soil, and water conditions warranted a policy of forest conservation in regions where the public domain is principally situated; and what specific legislation should be enacted to remedy existing evils. Under date of February 1, 1897, the academy submitted to Secretary Francis a preliminary report recommending the creation of thirteen additional forest reserves with a total area of 21,379,840 acres. These reserves were proclaimed, as recommended, by the President February 22, 1897. On May 1, 1897, the president of tie academy submitted his complete report, embodying 192 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. 8. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. a comprehensive review of the subject, with recommendations and bills for the establishment of a bureau of forestry in the Department of the Interior. This report has been printed as Senate Document No. 105. The following forest reservations were created, upon the recommendation of the committee of the National Academy of Sciences, their status‘as to final extent and retention as reserves being still in doubt: Acres. Tl, IOs ISHWNG) Mase tin SON DEIR. cacose sacesgeeases SseSe0 025555 s2e5 coos Sekese Soasse soscasossese 967, 680 2a Big Orn) FRESOL Ve} 11) \VV py iO LOUD ee ete ela ll ee 1, 198, 080 Sh Wao Pleas WIESE) Thal WS 7OUN oo c555 compass conSes sede case Ss00 Dons SOOE aeoSd Bore DasSonod sans Oceore 829, 440 Ae Plathead) Horestshesenveimny Mio mbamajeet =i e ae le alee ial eee ela ere ee 1, 382, 400 5: (Lewis ane Clarke) Horest:heservein Montanala-s-)-s5-e-- =o) se eee eee eee ee eae. Cole eee Pees 2, 926, 080 6. Priest River Forest Reserve in Idaho and Washington --..-......---.-.---..--..--1-------.---------- 645, 120 7. Bitter Root Forest Reserve in Montana and Idaho .-...-...-........---..---...---------.----------- 4, 147, 200 8. Washington Forest Reserve in Washington....-..--...--...-...----.------------------------------- 3, 594, 240 8h Ollyarajiore IMonesin EEA wa \We COMA OM oo6 3250 ore sass oeoc soos oSe5 OOS S56 Sant ao05 chen soso sees Sosa aes 2, 188, 800 10; Mountihainier Honesi#eserye nna Washi eo hO Neer ata == ares ae ae le se eee ee ee 1, 267, 200 Hey Stanislaus} Horestesenveyin Californias seem eat ase esse eeeteea = eee ee eae ee eee eee 691, 200 124 SantJiacintonorestpresctv.en’ Gait orn aes eee ee eae ee eee ee etee aes ene ann re 737, 280 TS Wubi JBOWESH INGE 5050 sosss0 co0s08 050509 ShoSds cobs HoSo0o So0 CO08 Saas ON SSHy DSoSsONHOHEDS SosoDeeese 705, 120 Motallestimated aredee nese sae eee scene eee eae = Waotis elsjnse Wee eeeas «meisneateee eee ose eee 21, 379, 840 The sundry civil appropriation bill passed June 4, 1897 (see Senate Doc. No. 102), set aside the proclamations of February 22, 1897, suspending the reservations, which were made upon the recommendation of the committee of the academy, until March 1, 1898, presumably to give time for the adjustment of private claims and to more carefully delimit the reservations, an appropria- tion of $150,000 for the survey of the reservations under the supervision of the Director of the Geological Survey being made. The provisos attached to this appropriation embody the most important forestry legislation thus far enacted by Congress. These provisos had been in the main formulated in a bill known as the McRae bill (H. BR. 119), which was passed by the House of Representatives and the Senate of the Fifty-third Congress—without, however, becoming a law; and again had passed the House in the Fifty-fourth Congress, it being the legislation advocated by the American Forestry Association as a first step toward a more elaborate forest administration of the public timber lands. Excluding minor items, the law provides that— All public lands heretofore designated and reserved by the President of the United States under the provisions of the act approved March third, eighteen hundred and ninety-one, the orders for which shall be and remain in force and effect, unsuspended and unrevoked, and all public lands that may hereafter be set aside and reserved as public forest reserves under said act, shall be as far as practicable controlled and administered in accordance with the following provisions: “No public forest reservation shall be established, except to improve and protect the forest within the reserva- tion, or for the purpose of securing favo able conditions of water flow, and to furnish a continuous supply of timber for the use and necessities of citizens of the United States; but it is not the purpose or intent of these provisions or of the act providing for such reservations to authorize the inclusion therein of lands more valuable for the mineral therein or for agricultural purposes than for forest purposes. “For the purpose of preserving the living and growing timber and promoting the younger growth on forest reservations, the Secretary of the Interior, under such rules and regulations as he shall prescribe, may cause to be designated and appraised so much of the dead, matured, or large growth of trees found on such forest reservations as may be compatible with the proper utilization of the forests thereon, and may sell the same for not less than the appraised value in such quantities to each purchaser as he shall prescribe, to be used in the State or Territory in which such timber reservation may be situated, respectively, but not for export therefrom. Before such sale shall take place, notice thereof shall be given by the Commissioner of the General Land Office for not less than sixty days, by publication in a newspaper of general circulation, published in the county in which the timber is situated, if any is therein published, and if not, then in a newspaper of general circulation published nearest to the reservation, and also in a newspaper of general circulation published at the capital of the State or Territory where such reservation exists; payments for such timber to be made to the receiver of the local land office of the district wherein said timber may be sold, under such rules and regulations as the Secretary of the Interior may prescribe; and the moneys arising therefrom shall be accounted for by the receiver of such land office to the Commissioner of the General Land Office in a separate account, and shall be covered into the Treasury. Such timber, before being sold, shall be marked and designated, and shall be cut and removed under the supervision of some person appointed for that purpose by the Secretary of the Interior, not interested in the purchase or remoyal of such timber nor in the employment of the purchaser thereof. Such supervisor shall make a report in writing to the Commissioner of FEDERAL FOREST POLICY. 193 the General Land Office and to the receiver in the land office in which such reservation shall be located of his doings in the premises. “Upon the recommendation of the Secretary of the Interior, with the approval of the President, after sixty days’ notice thereof, published in two papers of general circulation in the State or Territory wherein any forest reservation is situated and near the said reservation, any public lands embraced within the limits of any forest reservation which, after due examination by personal inspection of a competent person appointed for that purpose by the Secretary of the Interior, shall be found better adapted for mining or for agricultural purposes than for forest usage, may be restored to the public domain. And any mineral lands in any forest reservation which have been or which may be shown to be such, and subject to entry under the existing mining laws of the United States and the rules and regulations applying thereto, shall continue to be subject to such location and entry, notwithstanding any provisions herein contained.” The law authorizes the Secretary of the Interior to permit the use of timber and stone by bona fide settlers, miners, etc., for firewood, fencing, buildings, mining, prospecting, and other domestic purposes. It protects the rights of actual settlers within the reservations, empowers them to build wagon roads to their holdings, enables them to build schools and churches, and ‘provides for the exchange of such for allotments outside the reservation limits. The State within which a reservation is located maintains its jurisdiction over all persons within the boundaries of the reserve. Under the above enactment, the Commissioner of the General Land Office has formulated rules and regulations for the forest reservations, and a survey of the reserves last proclaimed is being made by the United States Geological Survey, the appropriations for such a survey having been continued for the year 1898; and the date for the segregation of agricultural lands and their return to the public domain open for entry having been deferred. The appointment of forest superintendents, rangers etc., although not with technical knowl- edge, to take charge of the reservations marks the beginning of a settled policy of the United States Government to take care of its long-neglected forest lands. In this connection it will be interesting to show that the agitation for rational treatment of the public-timber domain is by no means of recent date, but may be said to celebrate this very year its silver jubilee. A quarter century ago exactly the first true forestry bill was introduced by Mr. Haldeman in the Forty-second Congress and was lost. It provided that in the disposal of the public domain the conditiou be inserted into the patents that 10 per cent of the land shall be kept in timber, or, if not timbered, shall be planted to timber. The subjoined table exhibits the long struggle for some kind of legislation; the failure of the numerous bills introduced, and the inactivity of committees and legislatures. It was originally printed in Bulletin 2 of the Division of Forestry, Department of Agriculture, in 1887, and has been here brought up to date. It will be seen that hardly any kind of legislation which could be suggested has been over- looked, from the creation of forest commissions to investigate the subject to providing for fully organized forest administrations and the establishment of forestry schools. The earliest action of the General Government having regard to the preservation of timber was in 1799, when Congress appropriated $200,000 for “‘the purchase of growing or other timber, or of lands on which timber is growing, suitable for the Navy, and for its preservation for future use.” The special object of this legislation was to secure a supply of live-oak timber, which was considered peculiarly valuable for shipbuilding, and was in great demand for that purpose, both at home and abroad, while its growth was confined to a limited portion of our territory in the vicinity of the Gulf. Two small islands on the coast of Georgia, containing together about 2,000 acres, were purchased under the act of 1799. Another act (Rev. Stat., sec. 2458), having the same object in view, was passed in 1817, by which the Secretary of the Navy was directed to cause lands producing live oak or red cedar to be explored, and to have selections made of tracts necessary to furnish for the Navy a sufficient supply of such timbers. Under this act 19,000 acres in Louisiana, which had recently become ours by purchase from France, were reserved. Additional enactments were made in 1820 and 1827, by which the selection of lands to be reserved was intrusted to the surveyor of public lands in place of agents appointed by the Secretary of the Navy, and the President was authorized to withhold such lands from sale. In 1822 an act was passed (Rev. Stat., sec. 2460) authorizing the President to employ the land and naval forces, so far as necessary, effectually to prevent the felling or other destraction EEE Doe Now leila 194 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. of timber in Florida, and to take such other measures as might be deemed advisable for the preservation of timber there. (Florida had recently been ceded to the United States by Spain, and was known to abound in live-oak timber.) In 1831 an act was passed (Rey. Stat., secs. 2461, 2462, and 2463) of wider scope than that of 1822. This made it a felony, with penalty of fine and imprisonment, to cut or remove timber from any of the public lands, whether reserved or not, except for the use of the Navy, and subjected any vessel transporting such timber without proper authority and for any other purpose than for the use of the Navy, to confiscation, and the master of the vessel to a fine. This act is the one under which, up to the present time, all the protection they have had has been secured to the public forests, the Supreme Court having construed the act (9 How., 351) as authorizing the protection of all timber on the public lands and punishment for trespass upon the same. Under the act of 1831 the Treasury Department undertook a partial oversight and protection of timber on the public lands through its ordinary agents. In 1855 this oversight was transferred to agents of the Land Department, registers and receivers being instructed to act also as timber agents, but without any additional compensation. Where trespass was willfully committed, payment of stumpage was demanded or the timber was seized and sold and the proceeds paid into the Treasury. Where the trespass was committed ignorantly, actual entry of the land only was required, with payment of the usual entry charges. The first appropriation for the payment of agents specially employed for the protection of timber on the public lands was made in 1872, when $5,000 were appropriated. A like sum was appropriated annually thereafter for five years. In 1875, to meet expenses for suppressing depre- dations upon timber on the public lands, $25,000 were appropriated, and subsequently these appropriations were increased until in 1893 they reached the limit of $120,000, then to be reduced to $40,000, $60,000, and $90,000, for 1894, 1895, and 1896 respectively. House in 5 ; Year. Congress. which origi- Object of bill. Action taken. nated. 1871 | 41st, 3d sess-.----- H. R. 2930 ...| For the sale of timber lands in California and Oregon--.-.- eferrad to Committee on Public ands. .3005...| Vo authorize the sale of timber lands in California, Oregon, | Passed in House. In Senate, referred and Washington Territory, not exceeding 640 acres to to Committee on Public Lands. one person or association, without residence, at $2.50 per acre. 1871 | 42d, Ist sess.....-.. 38b, IRV oan sieterred to Committee on Public ands. 1872 | 42d, 2d sess .....-- H.R. 2197 ...| To encourage the planting of trees and the preservation | Referred to Committee on Agriculture. of woods on the public domain. (The first real and com- Reported favorably. Faiied of pas- prehensive forestry bill.) sage—81 yeas, 87 nays. 1872) |-.-.- - CO casccocnccaa|lossosooccssse Resolution that the Committee on Agriculture inquire | No action. whether a certain percentage of each quarter section of public lands sold must be planted with trees or a certain percentage of existing forests preserved for the purpose of preventing or remedying drouth. 1873 | 48d, 1st sess......- H.R. 410....| Same as Gartield bill (274) above.......--------------------- Referred to Committee on Public Lands. June 3, reported back with amendments and recommitted. De- cember, 1874, H. R. bill 4194 reported by committee as substitute. Passed February 22, 1875. In Senate, Feb- ruary 22, referred to Committee on Public Lands. 1874 | 48d, 1st sess..-.-.- Senate 471 -.| For the survey and disposal of the timber lands of the | Referred to Committee on Public United States. Miners may buy stumpage, not more Lands. Reported with amend- than 160 acres, till that is cut, at $2.56 per acre. Home- iwents. steaders may buy 40 acres of timber land near agricul- tural land at same price. 1874 |..--. QW ssoreacacnse H. R. 2497...| For the appointment of a commission for inquiry into the | Referred to Committee on Public destruction of forests and into the measures necessary Lands. Reported back with H. BR. for the preservation of timber. 2510 as a substitute. 1874 |----- GW) seeonasescse H.R. 2540 ...| For the appointment of a commission to inquire into the | Reported by Committee on Public destruction of forests and into the measures necessary Lands as a substitute for preceding for the preservation of timber. bill, H. R. 2497. 1875 | 43d, 2d sess ...-..- H. Rt. 4480...| To regulate the survey and sale of the timber lands of the | Referred to Committee on Public United States. Commissioner of the Land Office to sur- Lands. vey and appraise lands more valuable for their timber than for agricultural use. Such lands not to be entered under homestead or preémption laws, but appraised and offered at public sale, and if not sold then to be open to private entry at a price not less than the appraisal. 1875 | 44th, Ist sess...-.- H. Ri. 323 ..2.| To regulate the survey and sale of the timber lands of the Do. United States. Same bill as the preceding. ‘ UGB) jeose- WD ssascqcocn08 Senate 2 ....| To repeal section 2303 of the Revised Statutes, thereby | Referred to Committee on Public opening timber lands in Southern States to private entry Lands. Reported back and passed. im unlimited quantities and at the reduced price of $1.25 In House referred to Committee on per acre. Public Lands. Passed House and became a law July 4, 1876, through inaction of the President. Year. FEDERAL FORESTRY LEGISLATION. Congress. House in- which origi- nated. 195 Object of bill. 1875 1876 1876 1876 1876 1877 1877 1877 1878 1878 1878 1878 1878 1873 1879 1879 1880 1880 1880 1880 1880 1882 44th, Ist sess ..--. 46th, 1st sess 46th, 2d sess 47th, lst sess...... Senate 6 .... - KR. 660... pibiet . R.1310--. R. 2075 - - - . 2658 - - - H. R. 3981... Senate 926 -- H. R. 3800... . Senate 20... H. R. 6087... H. R. 1164... H. R. 6321. -- H. R, 6430... Senate 1812 - H. R. 6371--- H. R. 1846... Senate 760 -. For sale of timber lands in California, Oregon, and the Ter- ritories. Same as previous bills with similar title. For the sale of the timber lands in the Territories. Lands valuable for timber, but not for cultivation, to be sold at $2.50 per acre, not more than 40 acres to one person. To regulate the survey and sale of the timber lands of the United States. Lands valuable chiefly for timber not to be subject to entry under preemption or homestead laws, but to be appraised and sold at not less than the ap- praised value. Tor the appointment of a commission, etc. Same as pre- ceding bill (H. R, 2540). For the preservation of the forests adjacent to the sources of navigable rivers and other streams. Such timber lands to be withdrawn from sale and a commission to de- termine what should be reserved so as to prevent scanty supply of water. For the sale of timber lands in the Territories. bill (H. R. 660) in Forty-fourth Congress. To regulate the survey and sale of timber lands of the United States. Same as bills in the Forty-third and Forty-fourth Congresses. To put into market certain timber lands of the United States. Declaring subject to entry, in any quantity, all public timber lands in Alabama, Louisiana, and Minnesota which have been subject to entry in limited quantities for twenty years, and after entry of such lands to be no prosecution for trespass or timber cutting. To provide for the entry of unsurveyed timber lands. Allowing the owner of a mine to take 160 acres of timber land for every 20 acres of mineral land owned by him, and the owner of agricultural land 40 acres for every quarter section, and for every $20,000 expended on a mill or furnace 640 acres may be taken at $2.50 per acre. Withdrawing lands chiefly valuable for timber from entry under preémption or homestead laws. Such lands to be surveyed and divided into ‘timber lands” and ‘‘ min- eral timber lands.” On the latter the timber only to be sold. Timberlands to be appraised and sold by commis- sioners. Such lands as are needed for irrigation pur- poses to be withheld from sale. ate appropriated to suppress depredations on public timber. Allowing sale of timber lands unfit for cultivation in Cali- fornia, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory at $2.50 per acre. No one person or association to enter more than 160 acres. Bill/similar ito next DelOWy= <- eee nem am i ee = Same as Allowing residents of Colorado, Nevada, and other Terri- tories and all mineral districts to fell and remove, for building and other domestic purposes, trees on mineral lands. - To regulate the survey and sale of timber lands. Same as bill presented December, 1875 (H. R.323), providing that timber lands more valuable for lumber than for agricul- tural purposes be reserved from entry under homestead or preemption laws, appraised, and sold to highest bidder, but not for less than appraisement. To regulate the survey and sale of timber lands of the United States. Same as last bill above. To prevent depredations upon timber in the Indian Terri- tory. Authorizing citizens of Colorado, Nevada, and the Terri- tories, to fell and remove timber on the public domain, for mining and domestic purposes. Extending the act of June, 1878. To prevent depredations upon timber on Indian reserva- tions. To prevent depredations upon timber on the Indian res- ervations. Same as last bill above. Act condoning trespass on public lands prior to March, 1879. Persons against whom suits were pending prior to that date to enter lands trespassed upon and pay accrued costs, thereupon suits to be discontinued. At same time price to be paid for lands to be reduced from $2.50 to $1.25. For the classification of the public lands in Coloraro and the sale of timber thereon. ‘he Secretary of the Interior to regulate the sale, and reserve timber on head waters of streams and on mountains. Action taken. Referred to Committee on Public Lands. Passed Senate February, 1876. In House February, 1876, re- ferred to Committee on Public Lands. March, 1877, House refused to sus- pend rules and pass the bill. Referred to Committee on Pubke Lands. ; Referred to Committee on Public Lands. Reported with amendments and recommitted. Referred to Committee on Public Lands. No opportunity was af- forded for regular action on the bill, but, on motion of Mr. Dunnell, the substance of it was added as an amendment to the general appropri- ation bill, and becamealaw August- 1877.4 Referred to Committee on Public Lands. Reported by Committee on Public Lands as a substitute for several bills. Recommitted. Referred to Committee on Public Lands. Passed Senate. Reported to and passed House. Approved by President June 3. Referred to Committee on Public Lands. Referred to Committee Lands. Amended and Senate. Pussed House by President June 3. Reterred to Committee Lands. on Public passed by and signed on Public Do. Referred to Committee on Indian Affairs. Referred to Committee Lands. on Public Reported from the Committee on Indian Affairs. Referred to Committee on Indian Affairs. Approved by the President June 15, 1880. : Referred to Committee on Public Lands. 5 a By this enactment the Commissioner of Agriculture was directed to appoint a competent person to make the contemplated inquiries and investigations. 196 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. 8S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. House in which origi- nated. Object of bill. Action taken. Year. Congress. 1882 | 47th, Ist sess 1882 |.-.-- GO casss6 1882 |}. --.- does 1882 | 47th, 2d sess 1883 |-.-.- do ..---- 1883 |.-..- GG ssdc05 1883 |.-..- do ..-..- 1883 | 48th, 1st sess 1883 }..... do ..--.. 1883 1883 |. 1884 1884 |..... GD cacocio 1884 |.-..- GO Lsesss 1884 | 48th, 2d sess- 1885 | 49th, Ist sess 1885 |-.-.. GO ecooes 1885 |--... doy ---= 1885 1886 |- 1887 | 49th, 2d sess 1888 | 50th, Ist sess 1888 |...-- do ....-. 1888 |....- GD) atone 1888 |..-.- (WD sacocs Senate 1641 - Senate 1826 - H. Kt. 6315 - -- H. RK. 6997... H. R. 7509... - Senate 2496 - H. R. 4757 - -- H. R. 832.-.-- Senate 1258 - H. fi. 4811. - H. R. 5206 -- Senate 1544 - Senate 1188 - Senate 1824 - Senate 2451 - Senate 581 --| H.R. 379... H. R. 2946... Senate 551 _. H.R. 5556. .| H. R. 10430. . Senate 16... Senate 196 -. Senate 540 -. Senate 596 -- To amend act of 1878, so as to allow any one in Western States and Territories to remove timber from mineral lands for any purpose, under rules and regulations of the Secretary of the literior and payment of $2.50 per acre for the timber. No timber to be cut by mill owners or lumber manufacturers. For the preservation of woods and forests adjacent to sources of navigable rivers. Same as bill introduced in House, First session, Forty-fourth Congress. For the preservation of woods, etc. Same as Senate bill next above. To provide for the classification and disposition of pine- timber lands. Such lands, chiefly valuable for their tim- ber, not to be subject to préémption or homestead entry, but to be appraised by the Secretary of the Interior, and sold trom time to time at public sale, for not less than two-thirds the appraisement. Mineral lands exempt from the act. To regulate the sale of the timber lands of the United States. Similar to last bill above, but lands remaining nnsold) to be subject to private entry at the appraised value. For the protection and preservation of the forests of the United States. One hundred thousand dollars to be appropriated to Colorado for the establishment of an experiment station under the direction of the Depart- ment of Agriculture. Act to exclude the public lands in Alabama from the oper- ation of laws relating to mineral lands. (In reality an act to sell all mineral lands in Alabama as agricultural lands, at private sale, in unlimited quantities, and at the reduced rate of $1.25 per acre, to citizens or aliens.) For the classification and disposition of pine-timber lands. Same as above bill presented in Forty-seventh Congress. Tor the preservation of woods and forests adjacent to sources of navigable rivers, etc. Same as bill in Forty- seventh Congress. -do .- = -do To prevent cutting of timber on military or Indian reserva- | tions. For the protection, preservation, and extension of the for- ests of the United States. To establish an experiment station in connection with the Department of Agricul- ture west of the Mississippi River. To propagate and distribute forest trees, investigate qualities, time of growing, profit, ete. One hundred thousand dollars ap- propriated. Act to establish a forest reservation on the head waters of the Missouri and Columbia Rivers. For the protection of forests on the public domain. With- draws all tintber land from sale under existing laws. Forest commission to be appointed to examine and class- ify forest lands and determine what should be perma- nently reserved. Timber on reserved lands to be sold under direction of the Commissioner of the Land Office. To establish a forest reservation in Montana. Same as bill 8. 1824, in Forty-eighth Congress. To repeal act of 1878 for the sale of timber lands in Cali- fornia, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory. For the preservation of woods and forests adjacent to sources of navigable rivers, etc. Same as bill offered in Ory ee Congress. () o define and punish the offense of setting fire to woods or forests belonging to the United States. For the protection of forests in California. To withdraw from sale Government forest lands in California not suited to agriculture. Such lands not to be alienated from the Government, but to be placed temporarily under the management of the forest commissioners of Califor- nia. Fifty thousand dollars appropriated to carry out the act. To set apart from the public domain in the State of Ore- | son, as a public park for the benefit of the people of the nited States, townships 27, 28, 29, 30, and 31,in ranges 5 and 6 east of the Willamette meridian, in the State of | Oregon. To cancel certain reservations of lands on account of live oak in the southwestern land district of the State of Louisiana. To establish a forest reservation on the headwaters of the Missouri River and the headwaters of Clarks Fork of the Columbia River. For the preservation of the woods and forests of the national domain adjacent to the sources of the naviga- ble rivers and their affluents in the United States. Referred to Committee on Public Lands. Referred to Committee on Agriculture. Do. Referred to Committee on Public Lands. Do. Referred to Committee on Appropria- tions. Approved by the President March 3, 1883. Referred to Committee on Public Lands. Referred to Committee on Agriculture. Do. Do. Referred to Committee on Indian Af- fairs. Passed in Senate April 23; in House of Representatives referred to Committee on Indian Affairs. Referred to Committee on Agricul- ture and Forestry. Passed Senate June, i884. In House printed. Referred to Committee on Agricul- ture. Reported favorably. Referred to Committee on Agricul- ture. Reported favorably. Passed Senate. In House on calendar. Referred to Committee on Public Lands. Referred to Committee on Agriculture. Do. Referred to Committee on Judiciary. Reported at second session, with amendments, and placed on the Cal- endar. Referred to Committee on Public » Lands. Reported favorably. Reported back adversely and indefi- nitely postponed. Referred to Committee on Public Lands. Reported back. Passed Sen- ate. Referred to House Committee on Public Lands. Reported back. Amended and passed House. Sen- ate concurs in House amendment. Examined and signed. Approved by President. Reterred to Committee on Agriculture and Forestry. Do. FEDERAL FORESTRY LEGISLATION. 197 House in Year. Congress. which origi- Object of bill. Action taken. nated. 1888 | 50th, Ist sess.....- Senate 957.--| To establish a public park at Pagosa Springs, in the State | Referred to Committee on Public of Colorado. Lands. Reported back with amend- ments. Amended and passed Sen- ate. Referred to House Committee on Public Lands. 1888 |.-... GW ssceacdosces Senate1476..| For the protection and administration of the forests of the | Referred to Committee on Agriculture public domain. and Forestry. WEES |e con GM) ccoasbescone Senate1779..|....- Debated and referred to the Commit- tee on Agriculture and Forestry. 1888 |....- Gh) gosceacecone Senate1817..| To grant the State of Oregon townships 27, 28, 29, 30, and | Referred to Committee on Public 31 south, in ranges 5 and 6 east of the Willamette merid- Lands. Reported back with amend- ian, in the State of Oregon, for a public park. ment. Amended and passed Senate. Referred to House Committee on Public Lands. 1888 |....-. GIO sococcos80se Senate 2427..| To establish a public park to be called and known as the | Referred to Committee on Public Royal Arch Park. Lands. Reported back with amend- ments. Amended and passed Senate. Referred to House Committee on Public Lands. 1888 |..... GOsaacoososasa Senate2510..| To amend act authorizing citizens of Colorado, Nevada, | Referred to Committee on Public and the Territories to fell and remove timber on the pub- Lands. lic domain for mining and domestic purposes. 1888 |..:.. dote-eaciee= ce Senate 2877..| Authorizing citizens of Colorado, Nevada, and the Terri- Do. : tories to tell and remove timber on the public domain for mining and domestic purposes. THERES eco (0) canscosccood H. R, 1225 For the protection of forest lands belonging to the United Do. States and California. * 0. 1888 1888 1888 1888 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 1890 * 1890 1890 - R. 7901 --- . R. 8006 --- Hi. R. 9055 - - - Hi. R. 11087 -. Senate549-.. Senate 1394-. Senate 1523... Senate3199-. . Senate 4156-. To establish a public park at pease Springs, Colo. une 3, 1878...-.... ‘Lo repeal the timber-land act of To further amend the public-land laws, and for the preser- vation of natural forests on the public domain, the pro- tection of water supply, and for other purposes. To set apart a certain tract of land situated on the head- waters of the Pecos River, in New Mexico, as a public park. For the preservation of the woods and forests of the na- tional domain adjacent to the sources of navigable rivers and their affiuents in the United States. To define and punish the offense of setting fire to and burn- ing woods, grass, or forests on lands belonging to the United States. For the protection and the administratiou of the forests on the public domain. For the preservation of the woods and forests of the na- tional domain adjacent to the sources of the navigable rivers and their affluents in the United States. For the protection and administration of the forests of the public domain. To amend an act entitled “An act authorizing the citizens of Colorado, Nevada, and the ‘Lerritories to fell and re- move timber on the public domain for mining and domes- tic purposes,’ approved June 3, 1878. To secure to actual settlers the public lands adapted to agriculture, to protect the forests on the public domain, and for other purposes. To amend section 5388 of the Revised Statutes of the United States in relation to timber depredations. To establish a public park to be called and known as the Royal Arch Park. To set apart a certain tract of land in the Verritory of New Mexico as a public reservation. For the protection and administration of the forests on the public domain, Authorizing the citizens of Colorado, North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, Nevada, and the Territories to fell and remove timber on the public domain for mining and domestic purposes. For the preservation of the woods and forests of the na- tional domain adjacent to the sources of the navigable rivers and their aftluents in the United States. Lo authorize the entry of the public lands by incorporated towns for cemetery and park purposes. Yor the protection of trees and other growth on the public domain from destruction by fire. For the preservation of the woods and forests of the na- tional domain adjacent to the sources of the navigable rivers and their affluents in the United States. To amend an act entitled ‘‘An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, and Nevada, and in Washington Territory,’ approved June 3, 1878. To dispose of the timber lands of the State of Arkansas at cash entry. For the reservation and preservation of forest lands on the public domain and to establish a commission to examine into the condition of the said lands, and to report a plan for their permanent management. Referred to Committee on Public Lands. Laid on table. Referred to Committee on Public Lands. Do. Referred to Committee on Agriculture. Referred to Committee on Revision of Laws. Reported back. Referred to Committee on Public Lands. Laid on table. Referred to Committee on Agriculture. Referred to Committee on Public Lands. Laid on table. Referred to Committee on Public Lands. Reported by Committee on Public Lands as a substitute for H. R. bill No. 6045 and other bills relating to the public lands. Passed. In Sen- ate referred to Committee on Public Lands. Passed House. Referred to Senate Committee on Indian Affairs. Re- ported back. Passed Senate. Ex- amined and signed. Approved by President. Referred to Committee on Public Lands. Do. Referred to Committee on Agriculture and Forestry. ferred to Committee on Public Lands. Referred to Committee on Agriculture and Forestry. Referred to Committee on Public Lands. Introduced by Committee on Agricul- ture and Forestry. Debated, amended, and passed Senate. Re- ferred tv House Committee on Pub- lic Lands. Referred to Committee on Public Lands. Do. Do. Do. 198 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. House in : Year. Congress. | which origi- Object of bill. Action taken. | mated. 1890 | 51st, Ist sess------ H. R. 8247...) I'o authorize entry of the public lands by incorporated | Referred to Committee on Public cities and towns for cemetery and park purposes. Lands. Reported back. Passed House. Referred to Senate Com- mittee on Public Lands. Reported back with amendment. Amended and passed Senate. House noncon curs in Senate amendment. Confer- : ence appointed. Conference report ‘ made and agreed to. Examined and signed. Approved by President. 1890 |.-..- GO sosesescssss H. R. 8459 .--| For the protection of watersheds and irrigation systems | Referred to Committee on Irrigation and for the establishment of a forest administration on of Arid Lands in the United States. | the Western mountains and plains. 1890 |_.... Nee eaeaccc H.R. 10715 .-| To provide for the sale of timber and stone lands and the | Referred to Committee on Public timber thereon. Lands. 1891 | 5lst, 2d sess-.-.--- H. R. 12750.-| To dispose of the timber lands of the State of Arkansas | Referred to Committee on Public | at cash entry. Lands. Reported back. TEAM | begce do)2 2-0 tees H. R. 13390--| To amend ‘‘An act to set apart certain tracts of land in the Do. | State of California as forest reservations, approved Octo- ber 1, 1890.” 1892 | 52d, Ist sess .----- Senate 382 --| For the protection of trees and other growth on the public | Referred to Committee on Agriculture domain from destruction by fire. and Forestry. Reported back ad- | versely and indefinitely postponed. TERY) ecco G@ 72 12 | 14 True average for the whole area.........-----..-.-----.--------- _ 78.5 | 12.7 8.4 The principal forest trees are the conifers, chiefly spruce. Of the total, about 46.2 per cent is spruce and fir, 30 per cent pine, 9.7 per cent beech, 4 per cent oak (two-thirds oak-bark coppice), 2.3 per cent other hard-wood timber, 6.8 per cent other hard-wood coppice. Thus, conifers represent about 77 per cent, the hard woods 23 per cent. The conifers are primarily the trees of the mountains, the hard woods, beech particularly, being most abundant in 230 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. 8. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULUURE. the valley of the Rhine, the Palatinate, and Lower Franconia, where the beech forests cover as high as 80 per cent of the forest area. In 1860 the total cut for the kingdom was 275 million cubie feet of stem wood, 35 million cubic feet of branch wood, 30 million cubic feet of stump wood, making a total of 340 rainen cubic feet, and was divided as follows: | Per cent | ~- | of total | Yield per eut. 3 : Z. |—— | Cubic ft. SUERTE Re peor corasonad aedooc Caabndboocne SsoacscnssococeunooadoncaanSascecegee 39 58 Corporation forests) es oees one ee ue eee ee a eee eee eee coe ae eee cere 14 46 LEXENVENIG) ATONE sooo cog ncnanen ov oeadda mada se cotoosacbinanntbecogsonSHancaoDesoESSS 46.5 | mel Motall ss seve Leese seen uae ee See AEE cee ie sea neese | 100 51 For the State forests alone the cut in 1894 of wood over 3 inches, excluding branch and stump wood, was 55 cubic feet per acre, and included saw and other timber, 55 million cubic feet; cord wood (exclusive of branches and stumps), 64 million cubic feet. The financial results for the 2.16 million acres of State forests were, in 1894: Total income, $8,100,000, or $3.71 per acre; total expense, $3,881,000, or $1.78 per acre; net income, $4,219,000, or $1.93 per acre. Compared to other small States of Germany, particularly Saxony and Wurttemberg, the net revenue per acre of forest is decidedly low; but it must not be forgotten that a considerable part of these State forests is situated in the high Alps, where the difficulties of removing the timber have so far been very great, and the value of timber consequently very small. Thus, fine timber trees, worth $50 to $100 on the markets of the lower Rhine, are worth little over $1 apiece in these Alpine districts. As might be expected, the permanent improvements of the forests, particularly the construc- tion of highways and roads, still require large sums every year. Thus, in 1894, Bavaria spent over 1,000,000 marks ($250,000) on road construction. The management of the forests is quite similar to that of the other German States. The Revierforster, corresponding to the Prussian Oberforster, is the responsible manager of each district. The districts are quite large; they include usually about 5,000 acres of State forest, so that one Revierforster is usually 6 to 10 miles from his neighbor. For all State and corporation forests, an area of a little over 3 million acres, there are 609 Revierforster or managers, 1,589 guards and assistants, besides 175 accountants and 107 superior officials. The manager or Revierforster makes and executes the plans and keeps the records for the woods of his district. As in Wurttemberg, rational measures for the proper use and treatment of forests of Bavaria date back to the beginning of the seventeenth century. As early as 1616 a forest law was passed which embodied all that seemed at that time desirable. This law was modified, some complications arising from the change of size and form of the kingdom, and also through the radical views promulgated during the second half of the eighteenth century. On the whole, however, Bavaria remained conservative, which in view of its large mountain forests must be regarded as particularly fortunate. The establishment of the forest school at Munich took place about 1789, when a general reorganization occurred, and the functions of the forester changed from those of a hunter to those of a producer of amalnen. WURTTEMBERG. This little State, with an area of about 4,820,000 acres, or about one-seventh that of Wisconsin, and a population of little over 2,000,000 people, ranks among the most conservative as well as the most successful among the commonwealths of Europe. In matters of forestry this State began proper measures as early as 1614, when laws were inaugurated for the proper treatment of forest properties, which remain fundamental to this day. ‘These early laws, which made the proper care of forests obligatory to all and forbade both forest devastation and clearing (the latter possible only on permit), were properly enforced and maintained even through the GERMAN FOREST MANAGEMENT——-WURTTEMBERG. 231 troublesome times of the end of the eighteenth century. They were remodeled and perfected to suit modern conditions in 1875 and 1879 the law of the former date dealing with the forests of public corporations, the latter with State and private forests in general. The “forest police law” of 1879 requires: (a) Clearing of forest requires a State permit; illegal clearing is punished with a fine. (b) A neglected piece of forest shall not become waste land; the State authority sees to its reforestation, with or without help of owner, the expenses to be charged to the forest. (c) If the forester is convinced that a private owner cuts too much wood or otherwise mismanages his forest, he is to warn the owner, and if this warning is not heeded the forest authority may take in hand and manage the particular tract. (ad) Owners of small tracts of forest can combine into associations and can place their properties with municipal or even State forests for protection and management. In the latter case they share the advantages of part of the municipal or communal forests which are managed by State authorities. The law of 1875 relating to the management and supervision of forests belonging to villages, towns, and other public corporations places the forests under this category all under direct State supervision; there being a special division of corporation or municipal forests in connection with the State forest bureau. The law demands that all corporation forests be managed in accordance with the principles of a continued supply, the same as the State forests. The corporation may employ its own foresters, but these must be approved by the forest bureau and are responsible for the proper execution of the plans of management. These plans are prepared by the foresters and must be approved by the State forest authorities. If preferred, the corporation may leave the management of its forests entirely to the State authorities. This is always done if a corporation neglects to fill the position of its forester within a certain period after it becomes vacant. Where the State forest authorities manage either corporation or private forest, the forest is charged with 8 cents per acre and year for this administration. This fee is generally less than it costs, so that the State really has been making a sacrifice so far in providing a satisfactory TARE BEMSTE for these forests. As in all other German States, nearly every piece of forest land was formerly encumbered with certain rights which entitled the holders to certain fixed amounts of firewood, timber, to pasture live stock, ete. The law of 1848 obliges the holders of these rights to part with them if the proprietor pays the value of the rights, the manner of ascertaining the value being set forth in the law itself. Thus, for the right of cutting his supply of firewood in a forest the holder of the right is paid a sum which if placed at 4 per cent interest will purchase as much wood as the holder of the right used per year, the average of twelve seasons being the criterion. Of the different rights or privileges, those concerning pasturage and the cutting of hay in the forests are practically settled, and the State paid between 1873 and 1880 about 2,445,000 marks, or $611,000, for these rights. For privileges of cutting wood and timber the State has expended large sums. Even prior to 1848, between 1825 and 1850, forest land valued in the aggregate at about $3,000,000, and between 1850 and 1880 over $500,000 more have been paid out to rid the woods of these pestiferous rights, and yet as late as 1873 these rights were worth $32,000 per year, or a capital (at 4 per cent interest) of $800,000. In matters of taxation all forests are assessed according to the net revenue which aay produce. Of the total area of the land, about 42 per cent is plow land, 18 per cent meadows and pastures, 31 per cent forest, 3 per cent gardens and vineyards, and 2 per cent roads. In its distribution over the State the forest forms 27 per cent of the area of the Nekar Kreis, 39 per cent of the area of the Schwarzwald Kreis, 31 per cent of the area of the Jaxt Kreis, and 25 per cent of the area of the Donau Kreis. Of the total of about 1,470,000 acres of forest, 480,000, or 52 per cent, belong to the State; 470,000, or 32 per cent, to corporations, and 530,000, or 36 per cent, to individuals. Of the corporation forests, nearly 360,000 acres are managed by State foresters; of the private forests, 200,000 acres are held by the nobility, including the royal family. Accurate statistics have been prepared so far only for the State forests and of late also for the corporation forest, so that a more detailed description of these classes must serve as bly Sisson for the whole. MB FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. The State forests of 480,000 acres oceupy parts of all four provinces of the country. About 92 per cent lie between 900 and 2,400 feet altitude; 42 per cent are stocked on leyel ground, 29 per cent on gentle slopes, and about the same amount on steep declines. Over 40 per cent of these forests are situated on sandy soils, and the rest are largely on the poor limestone soils of the Jura, and only a small part on the drift formation skirting the north side of the Alps. Of the State forest area there is covered by a pine growth of spruce, 28 per cent; beech, 20 per cent; fir, 9 per cent; pine, 7 per cent; mixed growth of conifers, 14 per cent; conifers and hardwoods, 9 per cent; mixed hardwoods with oak, 7 per cent; mixed hardwoods without oak, 2 percent. Thus about 60 per cent is coniferous growth and only 30 per cent hardwoods, with about 9 per cent mixed timber. f Fully 97 per cent of the State forests are managed by the timber forest system. The rotation is for timber forest, 100 years for 74 per cent of the area; 80 years for 24 per cent of the area, and 120 years for 2 per cent of the area. At the present (1894) the areas containing timber over 100 years old cover 11 per cent of the area; $1 to 100 years old cover 15 per cent of the area; 61 to 80 years old, 15 per cent; 41 to 60 years old, 17 per cent; 21 to 40 years old, 19 per cent; 1 to 20 years old, 23 per cent; so that a fairly regular distribution for a 100-year rotation exists. These timber forests yield about 56! cubic feet per acre of timber from the main cut or harvest and 11 cubic feet per acre from thinnings, making in all 67 cubic feet per acre and year for the entire area. The 3 per cent managed in coppice and standard coppice cut only about 14 cubic feet per acre and year. The total cut for 1894 was, for wood over 3 inches thick: Oak, 1,200,000 cubic feet, or 3.9 per cent; beech and some other hard woods, 7,900,000 cubic feet, or 26 per cent; conifers, 21,500,000 cubic feet, or 70 per cent. This cut was composed of— A.—Timber generally over 6 inches at the top end. Amount. | Per cent. Cubie fect. | Oak 560, 000 3.8 420, 000 2.8 13, 800, 000 94 Total. seer eee seco ees 14, 780, 000 100 B.—Poles 2-6 inches, 3 feet from butt end. Amount. /|Per cent. Cubie feet. JER Omits ete here te ene te onesie 1, 500 0.2 Beech and other hard woods. ------ 6, 400 -9 Conifersiaseenneee eee e eee cee 685, 000 99 Rotaleas seen ssoeecceee 692, 900 100 C.—Cordwood. For wooden | For firewood. ware. Oubicfeet.| Cubic fect. OEM oconttanosoo nse secnrcssessosos 46, 000 590, 000 Beech and other hard woods --| 78,000 7, 400, 000 Conifers ia. e coerce enact ie ne ae ences 295, 000 6, 450, 000 The above figures, especially those for the yield in saw and other timber, clearly point out the great advantage of the conifers over the hard woods. The same is also clearly illustrated by the fact that the material sold as firewood forms only 40 per cent in conifers, but 94 per cent in ‘This means that if the timber is 100 years old, as most of it is, each acre of forest cuts 5,600 cubic feet of wood at time of harvest. GERMAN FOREST MANAGEMENT—WURTTEMBERG. 23 beech and other hard woods, leaving out the oak. Moreover, the yields have been much greater for conifers than beech. Thus the yield for material over 3 inches thick in the hard woods was only 51 cubic feet per acre and conifers 74 cubic feet per acre, while the average value of the two is about as 5 for beech and other hard woods, leaving out oak, to 8 for coniferous wood, so that the yield in money per acre for the two was more nearly 2.4 times as great for conifers as for hard woods. The prices obtained for wood, generally delivered at the main roads, was: Timber, oak (white oak), 25 cents per cubic foot; conifers, 11.7 cents per cubic foot. Cord wood, beech, 4.9 cents per cubic foot, or $6.30 per cord; conifers, 3.6 cents per cubic foot, or $4.60 per cord. The money results were for 1894 as follows: (Grosssin COMe Ems e reese eee eee eee eee eee cee eee eee oO Lo O00 orm O0Iperscent Motaliexsp ensemes-esrneree sees hese eae ct cease see eee eee eee eee 224 O00mors4 Opericent ING ball COMO yaaa) sae a Macnee A acis oe een mee acini dels oan See eisisce = secede 1, 795, 000, or 60 per cent or per acre of forest area: (CARDED WAGON Go s5 sootSeusa S655 Kdag eon sede BGGes cdo pasa Coes. daue deaD boSa pean Sascce DA Rees aaae $5. 20 TI XPSNSES!s)ser rations eae ate) Mae any ee eae one Woe Speer Be Saas oleae wie aise 2.51 ING teIN COMME wer am atte eek le an bile la Se seen fas etmatey Sie ast eye eeea as cjeers al ein cS oe os aay ate emis OU OG) this latter forming 59 per cent of the gross revenue. Among the expenses were conspicuous: Bellin oxo febim Were setaoi sew oys oe = Sac ieee rae Oe ee eee eee Scene ne se eeieeaie oad een oe eas 000 Aaminisiranonvandsprotecuioniee essere seeseeeee see eee ea oaaiee nese cineca eee eee sooo O00 Roads, new, and repair ----..-.. - 300 ea90.0050 25c0 dose oo00 Sd00.5890 Sega asco OSes ang s2es soa0RC 163, 000 SEBEGE Soe cesnesasteens Seco SER eRe eee ac Cce eee Coder ne SoCs e esac ie SAM ECS re GEBaNaaarcca = 103, 000 JPlonnhies CONNEC Onsos Sago aaseecnes Gsao sos Gaon es sECoOs ase SAS tose Ssoe SHecsaauSeeeretise 91, 000 The following figures illustrate the progress of the last eighty years, and at the same time indicate how steadily this small area of otherwise almost valueless land has been made to furnish an ample supply of timber and a handsome revenue: Results of forest management in the State forests of Wurttemberg. era > AL year.a Wsguaver ia acre and year.a Forest | 3 inches rice per . MCPS area. | thick cut |cubicfoot.| Net Cutwood | each year. income. ancien M acres. |Mcubicfeet.| Cents. Cubicfeet. Peete ary BISA) |[Ssdcodeues sacsonstesas 02 ogscossaaas 15, 200 ~52 33 17, 200 - 64 37 17, 700 85 39 25, 000 1.78 55 25, 400 1.93 55 23, 800 1.11 52 26, 600 4.3 1.42 58 | 28, 400 7.5 3. 22 61 25, 300 9.7 3.54 54 26, 600 Whe) 2. 62 57 28, 800 10.7 4.21 61 28, 700 8.0 2. 66 60 29, 400 8.1 2. 90 61 30. 200 8.7 3. 33 63 30.600 | 9.3 3. 69 63 l a Refers to entire forest area—swamp, water, surfaces, and all. Most of the logging is done by the cubic foot or cord, and the prices are about 60 to 65 cents per 100 cubic feet of coniferous and 80 cents per 100 for hard-wood timber, while cord wood is generally worked up for about $1 per cord, including piling at roadway. All cut-over land is at once reforested. During 1894, 275 acres were thus recovered by seeding and about 6,000 acres by planting, the latter being thus generally the rule, especially in the coniferous districts. The total expenses of cultural work were $88,000, or less than 3 per cent of the gross income. The thinnings of the dense sapling timber involved during the year about 20,000 acres and furnished about 240 cubic feet of wood per acre. Most of this material in the hard-wood district has to be eut into inferior firewood, but the spruce, fir, and pine can usually be sold as poles and pulp stuff, ete. 234 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Though largely stocked on sandy soils and composed of pine and other conifers, there are no forest fires reported for the year. The administration of forests is in the hands of “ Revierfoerster,” corresponding to the Prussian “Oberfoerster,” who prepare the plans and execute them, being assisted by a body of subalterns. The district of a Revierfoerster covers about 10,000 acres of forest, while the range or “hut” of the forest guard is generally about one-tenth of this. These guards also serve as foremen in all cultural and felling operations, but the Revierfoerster is supposed to keep fully informed on all details and preserve accurate record. Besides their duties as State forest officers, it is expected that these men also keep themselves informed as to the condition of private and other forests. BADEN. In this intensively cultivated little State, with a total area of only about 3,720,000 acres, supporting a population of 1,656,000, the forests occupy over 37 per cent of the entire land surface. The forest area has increased between 1880 and 1895 by over 50,000 acres, being in the latter year 550,891 hectares, or about 1,360,000 acres. These forests were owned as follows: Owner. | 1895. 1880. SUAIG) cAceaconsseesiocs Villages and towns - Other corporations ....----.------------=+-------------- Private persons: | 237, 000 232, 000 620, 000 610, 000 47, 000 33, 000 | Acres. Acres. Nobility ---.--.-----------------------------+------ QIGhiibe smb qaSces Scores ecessacsoccmeccamarosasaac 147,000 | 147, 000 310,000 | 285, 000 The forest policy of Baden has been conservative and there is no State in Germany where the general conditions of the forests are better. Since all municipal and corporation forests are under direct State control, being managed by the State forest authorities, about 910,000 acres, or over 60 per cent of all forests, enjoy a careful, conservative treatment, which insures to them the largest possible return in wood and money. But even the private forests are under the supervision of the State authorities, and though the private owner may use his forest very much as he pleases he can in no way devastate or seriously injure it. Clearing requires a permit, also a complete clear- ing cut, which latter is permitted only if the owner guarantees the reforestation of the denuded area within a given time. Bare and neglected spots in forests must be restocked, and failure of private owners to comply with the forest rules and laws leads to temporary management of the forest by the State authorities, such management never to continue less than ten years. Of the State forests there are about 93 per cent timber forest with a rotation of eighty to one hundred and twenty years and only 7 per cent coppice and standard coppice intended to produce tanbark and firewood. Of the corporation forests about 83 per cent are timber forest, so that of all the forests under State management about 85 per cent are timber forest managed on long rotations and furnishing large returns. Of the State forests, 21 per cent are hardwoods, with little or no conifers; 30 per cent are mixed forests, hardwoods, and conifers in about equal parts; 49 per cent are coniferous forests, the bulk being stocked with spruce and fir, while only about 4 per cent of the total is stocked with pine alone. Full and accurate statistics existing only for the State forests, and, as far as the annual cut is concerned, for corporation forests, the following figures apply only to about 60 per cent of the forests of the country. The eut for 1894 was in— Corporation State forests. forests. A. From timber forests: Cubic feet. Cubic feet. Main crop ---- 11, 100, 000 29,100, 000 Thinnings 4,500, 000 9, 800, 000 Stumps --------- 150, 000 330, 000 B. From coppice and standard coppice: : WENN ONG) coeetbercaanecesadeccacsessozend 780, 000 7, 600, 000 UNIS) nage mescoadacaose sb cossescscess 30. 000 120, 000 Sint Shes aeace eo eseco sesso cesebaccedeer+|paeecorosuecos 50, 000 16, 560, 000 47, 000, 000 GERMAN FOREST MANAGEMENT—BADEN. 235 This same cut per acre of total forest area is— Timber forest: Cubic feet. PU Tp Se Abo S60 Sans COUR CHER Oas DEN AACISSS MOOSE REISE OSCR SE BAT eras is oo ea is aee Ie Ie Ri ge 74. (Corporatlonpeeminee a eia ns misses ieien Savese ater eri epsieiain Gals Sree Senta ene arte lseeie ele ciais cay 71 Coppice and standard coppice: _ PUNO Sr eise Bee O DM GOO COCCI OSI RECS Hea eee aetna a a iP Sa OE Ee ate ae 53 Corporationwereercr tee cea ees Soc sae ie cio ee Se See cin eee wee EOE PER Ee ey ree certs 66 This enormous yield of nearly 64 million cubic feet of wood Baden has obtained from this small area for many years without in the least decreasing the amount of standing timber or wood capital. In the State forest the cut per acre since 1867 has never been less than 57 cubic feet per year, or since 1885 has never fallen below 71 cubic feet, while twice since 1870 it has been over 85 cubic feet per acre and year. Of the total of nearly 64 million cubic feet, 19,200,000 cubic feet are timber and other wood not sold as fire or cord wood, and 29,100,000 cubic feet are cord wood over 3 inches. The forests of Baden are generally well located, and the State has long realized the great importance of good highways, so that the prices for timber are generally good and the income from the woods correspondingly high. The following prices in the woods were obtained in 1894: or round timber long lengths and saw logs (per cubic foot) : QOalkes. Saccfe see ee cele sae eae een se is Ce ae oes Sie Se in cieewpactein Geb at eecie ds $0.16 to $0. 39 BOO CN sce mses = Smee eee ee aaa cenle eiape neers se ee Seas eesees Shocmo ssa caseeakesed 5 165 ‘Ash and maplereoseee ssa sas te see koarac aayes eects sais PaSuee den SSH OSSeOnOeS 24 Birch. f2'252 shes. same etesas alsesei oaisohie saevsacecasaeceesesees Seen checbeecesed . 08 IN en aac te eae See ae see mectnae es meena Some Se Sa ue cee .23 Otherihardwoo0dsisto-22 aa ase soso ae eas ase ee eeee ae aee Sanise ue scemerescne - 16 Conifers Mone istemsrac nase sions =) sesetaee ela ane seep ace oe ne eee eee nate e ate are -O7to .13 Conifers as aiwel 0 osm ey eee ee antec em ine ie net are eA etie Mgt nenU Sere irapalaes -llto .14 Coniferssmallwiary tlesiasce sacs telseiete claws oer cloaa ee ietete sacle ase -erecearasee - 08 For cord wood (per cord): BEC ChE ewe cers aoa oat Mse metne aeree ne bter hee oh ease Mazak aia bslte ie yee eeeioaee cette 6.50 to 8.40 CBee ya eae Pte SR SC a) sae A RTE a ee a eR re Re 5. 80 to 10. 80 Otherthardwoodse 2252 eae sacra se ae sae nessa eleeee see eae eee eestor eles se 6.30 to 7.80 Coniferso- a2 aoe te saaen eats a gepeiniais s sleet Sa ernc einen se bate eoerescn escelseice 4.00to 4.80 The financial results in the State forests were as follows: For the year 1894— Moan Comepensaen teense ae eee elements sats cee cto cee esete aie Seite roe a ee ce cis (steiserm ites ate $1, 337, 000 Motaliexpenses!: ace seca sss aeee ts oc aaeeiee Tit I TV II | ii V It I L — — —— Fic. 23.—Diagram showing arrangement of age classes. In mountainous districts, where the topography influences the expense of transportation, fellings are often more concentrated and the higher parcels used and reproduced before the lower, in order to avoid injury to the young growth by a reversed condition when the material from above would have to pass through the young growth below. Various minor points may also dictate exceptional arrangement. In coppice growth, needed protection of the stocks against cold north 244 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. 8. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. winds makes it desirable to have the fellings progress from the south and west toward north and east. Altogether it will have become apparent that the distribution of successive fellings is an important matter, not only from the standpoint of regulated administration, but also of successful culture. In the accompanying map (Pl. XXXII) we have attempted to give an idea of the matter on which a “‘manager’s map” is constructed, and how ideally in a forest of the plain the arrangement of age classes would appear when the forest regulation is perfected. YIELD CALCULATIONS. When the distribution of areas has been effected in accordance with the considerations set forth, the yield calculations are made. These are computed after careful measurements and by various methods of calculation, which have been developed after much experience during more than one hundred years. ; Since the different compartments are cut at different times, not only the present ‘stock on HUNDRED ¢ HUNDRED CUBIC FT. CUBIC FT. 180 180 160 160 140 Zz 140 | pea Sings ws Beech. 120 120 100 100 80 80 60 60 40 40 20 20 a re 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120YEARS Tic. 24—Diagram showing comparative progress of yields of spruce, fir, pine, and beech on best and poorest site classes. hand” needs to be measured, but also the accretion for each age class from the present to the middle of the period in which it is to be utilized as to total quantity (decreasing in arithmetical proportion as the stock on hand is diminished by fellings), when by adding the two quantities and dividing the total by the number of years in the rotation or time of regulation the equalized yearly quota to be utilized, or “ felling budget” (Haubarkeitsertrag or etat), can be calculated. The determination of existing stock is made by measuring diameter breast high by means of calipers, estimating the average height, and calculating contents with the aid of tables which give the corresponding volumes of timber wood (above 3 inches diameter). These tables are constructed after numberless detail measurements, frem which the “factor of shape” for each species, soil, or climate is derived, for, since the tree is neither a cylinder nor a cone, which could be calculated from the base and height, the modification from either of these two forms, the “factor of shape” must be determined experimentally in order to arrive at the approximately true contents. In very irregular growths and with skillful valuators a simple estimating of contents or the use of so-called normal yield or “experience tables,” which give for the various species, soils, and climates the amount of wood that would normally be produced per acre at a given period, is not excluded. GERMAN FOREST MANAGEMENT—FOREST REGULATION. 245 Normal yield table for spruce. [Main growth (exclusive of thinnings) per acre. ] Cross- | Cross- : Num- | Section | 4 ey Wood Wood, | Num- section Aver- Wood Wood Age. ber of area of: age above’ total Age. | ber of area or age | sbones total’ trees. Benet height. diameter.| ™2SS- trees. | “breast height. diameter.| ™288- high. | high. Site class T. | Site clase IIT. | Sq. ft. Feet. Cu. ft. Ou. ft. | Sq. ft. Feet. Ou. ft. Cu. ft. 0 WA GEN HSI os soseq5coco0 \|Soooseer 49,2 4.9 86 TG) I) WO GER oscoccbsssesa|lboaseccs 18.3 1,9) |lsskaucsaoe 200 20 years.- | 2,591 114.4} 16.7 1,101 OHA OWS coaosoosSanellaoonesos 53.7 6.6 100 T712 30 vears.- 1, 700 159.5 29. 2 2, 603 4, 204 30 years.....-..- 3, 732 86.6 15.7 | 472 1, 617 40 years. 1, 065 188. 4 47.6 4,748 6,378 || 40 years......- | 2,412 130.1 25.6 1, 244 2, 760 50 years. 724 209.7 62.6 1, PRB 8, 623 50 years......- --| 1,580 154.9 36.7 2, 574 4, 247 60 years. - 515 225.8 76.7 9, 209 10, 625 || 60 years......... --| 1,056 171.8 48.2 4, 004 5, 634 70 years... 390 237. 1 88. 2 10, 582 12,198 || 70 years...--..-- 724 185. 3 59.0 5, 219 6, 893 80 years. - 321 244.9 97.4 11, 655 13, 213 || 80 year: 500 196, 2 67.9 6, 220 7,994 90 years. - 269 250.9 105.3 12,555 14, 043 || 90 years..-..-- 424 205. 2 74.1 7, 093 8, 866 100 years. - - 243 258.4 | 112.5 13, 299 14, 715 || 100 years.....-- : 380 214.9 79.4 7, 922 9, 638 110 years... oss 229 264.5 | 117.7 13, 971 15, 272 |) 110 years.....-. 30 346 223. 2 88. 0 8, 694 10, 296 120;years.---.-........ 226 269.7 121.4 14, 586 15, 730 | IPA) CRS 655055 canes 320 230. 6 85.6 9, 324 10, 725 | Site class IT. | Site class IV. | Osyenrsteeeee terres 26.1 BuO eae yal ANB ||| WW) 3CETS-casscccocode|b=55500- 11.3 UGS ee, 157 20 years.-......--.... a ToS) || ile) 315 WGP AD SEER beagaeocoauellobesaoue 36.5 ONO scbosdsane 500 30 yea 3a 89. 9 22.6 1,187 2, 460 CU WWENES 35 GeeSadeosollooeooane 12.2 10.5 140 | 1, 044 40 years. 151.8 35.1 2, 502 4,018 || 40 years..... 3, 164 107.9 18.0 515 | 1, 830 50 years. - 180/01} 472. 4,176 5,191 |) 50 yeans)-- 222222 1, 968 130. 1 26: 2) 1, 287 2, 788 60 years. - 200. 1 | 59: 7 6, 220 7, 851 60 years 1, 276 143.5 30.1 2, 231 3, 761 70 years. - 213.6 71.8 7, 808 9, 481 70}years---2- 2. -- 864 154.9 42.6 3, 089 4,519 80 years. - 222.7 83.0 9, 295 10,725 || 80 years........- 648 162. 6 51.5 3,790 5, 248 90 years - - 231.5 91.5 10, 339 11, 683 SO }yearstese seen renee 554 172.3 57.1 4, 361 5, 763 100 years. - 239.2) 97.7 11, 125 12, 398 | 100syears=-- <2 --- ===. 500 181.5 61.3 4, 848 6, 249 110 years... 4 246.5 | 103.0 11, 740 13,013 || 110 years..-..-.--...- 464 187.0 63.3 5, 305 6, 707 120}hyears. 5.2 2s--5- = - 252.3 | 106. 6 12, 269 16} GB |) WPA) ES socoss5Satec|lbonncsss 191.4 66. 6 5, 720 7, 150 In very regular growths trial areas only are measured. The more usual manner of deter- mining the rate of accretion, however, for purposes of yield calculation, is by felling sample trees of each class, dissecting and measuring the accretions of past periods. In modern times the exact measurements are mostly confined to the growths that are utilized during the first or first two periods of twenty years. FELLING BUDGET. After all these data for each compartment have been booked, and the yield of branchwood and roots—for even these are mostly utilized—as well as the probabie amounts to be taken out in thinnings, have been estimated and recorded, and after the likelihood of decreased accretion in the different compartments has also been determined from measurements and experience, the “felling budget” is determined as a sum of the stock on hand and the amount of annual accretion multiplied by the time, during which it is allowed to grow, i. e., in the average to the middle of the period in which the compartment is placed, divided by the period of rotation. Thus a growth of eighty-five years, which showed a stock on hand of 3,825 cubic feet per acre, and hence bad an average accretion hitherto of 3,825 + 85 = 45 cubic feet per year, which is likely to be reduced on account of gradual reduction in stock and other untoward conditions to 30 cubic feet, would yield during the first period 3,825 + 30 x10 = 4,125 cubic feet. And if the compartment contained 50 acres it should be credited in the working plan in the column for the period I with 4,125 x 50 = 206,250 cubic feet. By adding up the amounts of the yield of all the compartments placed in the first period and dividing by 20 (the length of the period) the annual budget which should be felled during the period is found. If, however, it is desired to equalize the fellings more or less through a longer period— for instance, the time of rotation—then the amounts in all the periods must be summed up, and these sums as nearly as possible equalized by shifting the position of the com- partments from one period into another (necessitating always new calculations of the accretion) until the equalization in the periodic sums is effected. Kyen then, however, before finally determining the annual budget, a calculation is made to see whether the area contains as much timber as it normally should; if more, the budget may be increased; if less, a saving must be made in order to bring up the stock on hand to the normal. If, for instance, we know from the experience tables that our forest should normally yield 50 cubic feet per acre a year in a 100-year rotation, then the normal stock would be 100 x 50—2—2,500 cubic 246 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. feet per acre. This is the average amount of wood per acre which we should strive to keep in stock in order to get the full benefit of the productive capacity of the soil and insure an equal growth and equal annual cut for all time. In reality this ideal is, of course, never reached, but this so-called normal forest, conceived in ideal condition, serves as a guide in the working plans, and the conception is a most useful and important one. To put it into practice we must either save at first on the annual cut until normal condition is attained, or we may increase the cut if more old timber than necessary for normal stock is on the ground. Additional reserves may also be provided for to avoid any unforeseen shortcomings in the budget due to insect ravages, mis- takes in calculations, etc. We can not here enter into the details of all the work of the valuator, being satisfied with having indicated in general the methods pursued. In coppice management, of course, all these fine calculations become unnecessary, and the periodical or annual cut is determined by area mainly. From the general plan thus elaborated the special plan for the first period or half period of the management is worked out in detail both for fellings, cultures, and other work, road building, drainage, etc. This special plan, then, is the basis on which the local manager finally makes out the annual plans of work, which are submitted for revision and approval to the controlling officers. Thus, while the general and special working plans lay down the general principles, the annual plans, into which enter considerations of immediate needs and financial adjustments, permit such deviations from the general plans as may appear needful from year to year. very ten or twelve years, or at other stated periods, a careful revision of the whole regulation work is made, in which the carefully noted experiences of the manager are utilized to correct and perfect the plans. FOREST PROTECTION. In this country the greatest danger to the forest, besides the indiscriminate cutting, is to be found in fires. How little this scourge of American forests is known in Germany may appear from the statistics of fires in the Government forests of Prussia (representing 60 per cent of the German forest area), 56 per cent of which are coniferous, which show that railroading may be carried on without the necessity of extra risks, if proper precautions are provided. During the years 1882-1891 there had occurred 156 larger conflagrations—96 from negligence, 53 from ill will, 3 from lightning, and only 4 from locomotives. Seven years out of ten are without any record of fire due to this last cause. From 1884 to 1887 fires occurred in Prussia on 3,100 acres, but only 1,450 were wholly destroyed, i. e., 380 acres per year, or 0.005 per cent of the total area of Government forests. In Bavaria during the years 1877-1881 only 0.007 per cent of the forest area was damaged by fire, and the loss represented only 0.02 per cent of the forest revenues. During the unusually hot and dry summer of 1892 only 49 fires, damaging more or less 5,000 acres, occurred. Besides the thorough police organization and the compartment system, which permits not only ready patrolling but also ready control of any fire, the system of safety strips, described in the report of this division for 1892, where a fuller discussion of this subject may be found, prevents the spread of fire from locomotives. A much more fruitful cause of damage to the cultivated forests of Germany is found in insect ravages. The annual expenditures in fighting and preventing these in the Prussian Government forests in ordinary times amount to about $50,000. Caterpillars and beetles eat the leaves, and thereby reduce the amount of wood produced and the vitality of the tree; bark beetles follow and kill it; borers of all kinds injure the timber. Hence entomology, the study of life habits of the injurious insects and the methods of checking their increase, forms part of the forester’s work. Fungus growth and decay kill the standing tree and injure the cut timber. The study and methods of counteracting this injury form, therefore, part of the work of the forester. FOREST CROP PRODUCTION OR SILVICULTURE. While we have so far considered mainly the administrative and managerial features of German forestry practice, we come now to the most important and truly technical branch of the art, namely, the forest crop production or forest culture. This part we may call forestry proper, for while the methods of forest regulation, forest utilization, and forest protection, which may be GERMAN FOREST MANAGEMENT—SILVICULTURE. 247 comprised in the one name, “forest economics,” are incidental, and may differ even in principle in various countries and conditions, the methods of crop production or forest culture, being based on the natural laws of the interrelations of plants to soil and climate, must, at least in principle, be alike all over the world. Here pure forestry science finds its application and development. These principles have been elucidated more fully in the next chapter. We will, therefore, here only briefly restate the more important ones with some of their applications in German practice. PLANTING. Seemingly the simplest and easiest way of reproducing the crop is that practiced in agricul- ture, namely, removing the entire mature crop and sowing or planting a new crop. But this method, which has been so largely practiced in Europe and admired by our countrymen and writers on forestry, has its great drawbacks, which have of late become more and more apparent, and the tendency now is to return more and more to the “natural reproduction.” While the simplicity of the method of clearing and planting recommends itself for a routine or stereotype management, it has not always proved as successful as would be expected. The large clearings which the young planted seedlings are unable to protect from the drying influences of sun and Fic. 25.—Iron dibble used in setting out small pine seedlings. wind bring about a desiccation and deterioration of the forest soil and an enormous increase of insect pests, while other dangers in later life from wind and disease have been largely the result of these uniform growths. And when it is understood that to secure a desirable stand the plantings must be gone over and fail places replanted five, six, and more times, it becomes apparent that the method is extremely expensive, and hence the proper treatment of the natural crop with a view to its reproduction by natural seeding is the most important part of forest culture. Yet under certain conditions, and where no natural crop to manage is found, planting or sowing becomes a necessity, and various methods and tools have been developed to meet various conditions. It would exceed the limits of this report to describe these various methods; we can refer to only one of the simplest and cheapest with which every year many millions of small 1 or 2 year old pine seedlings are set out in soils which do not need or do not admit of preparation by plow or spade. The instrument used is an iron dibble (fig. 25); the shoe, with one rounded and one flat side, in shape like a half cone, 8 inches long with 35-inch base; the handle, a five-eighths-inch rod, 34 feet long, is screwed into the base of the shoe and carries a wooden crossbar, by which the instrument is handled. The modus operandi is to thrust this iron dibble into the ground; then by moving it lightly back and forth to somewhat enlarge the hole and withdraw it; a boy or girl 248 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. §S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. puts the plantlet in the hole to the flat side; the dibble is thrust again into the ground 1 to 14 inches back of the first hole somewhat slantingly toward the bottom, and pressed forward to fasten the plant in its stand; then by irregular thrusts the last-made hole is obliterated. Two planters with a boy, carrying the plants in a mixture of loam and water to keep the roots moist and also heavy for better dropping, may set 5,000 plants in a day. INTRODUCTION OF EXOTICS—WHITE PINE YIELDS. The valuable species of trees indigenous to Germany which are subject to special consideration in forest management are but few. The most important forest-forming ones are 1 pine, 1 spruce, 1 fir, 1 larch, 1 oak, 1 beech, 1 alder. In addition we find of broad-leaved trees a blue beech, 1 ash, 3 kinds each of elm, maple, and poplar, in some parts a chestnut, and 2 kinds of birch and linden, and several willows, together with some 8 or 10 kinds of minor importance, while of conifers in certain regions 4 other species of pines are found. Some years ago the attention of European foresters was forcibly turned to the richness of the American forest flora, and a movement set in to introduce exotic tree species which might be more productive or show better qualities than the native. Our white pine, a good-sized section of which was exhibited, had been quite extensively planted in the beginning. of this century, and these plantations, some 80 or 9\) years old, are now coming into use. The quality of the wood, however, has not as yet found much favor, but the quantity per acre exceeds that of any of the native species. Records are extant which show, at 70 years of age, a yield of 14,000 cubic feet of wood containing about 70,000 feet of lumber B. M. per acre. On moderately good forest soil in Saxony a stand 78 years old contained over 400 trees per acre, of which three-fourths were white pine, the rest spruce, larch, beech, and oak. Only 5 white pine trees were under 70 feet high, the majority over 80. Notwithstanding the crowded position, only 45 trees were under 8 inches diameter, the majority over 12 inches, the best 28 inches. The total yield was 12,880 cubic feet of wood per acre, besides the proceeds of previous thinnings. The rate of annual accretion in cubic feet of wood for white pine in the last years amounted to 2.5 per cent of the totai contents of the trees, or about 0.4 cubic foot per tree. Of the trunk wood at least 90 per cent could be utilized for lumber, since the shape of these trunks was so nearly cylindrical as to be equal in contents to one-half a perfect cylinder of the height and diameter of the trees taken breast high. A stand 82 years old on poor land produced 12,500 cubic feet of wood, indicating an average yield for the eighty-two years of 212 cubic feet of wood per annum, of which about 700 feet of lumber B. M. could be calculated. On very poor soil and planted very thick without admixture of hard woods it produced trees 24 feet high and 5 inches thick in twenty years; and on fairly good soil trees 54 feet high, 114 inches thick, in thirty to thirty-five years, excelling in either case _ the native spruce (P. excelsa) both in height and thickness. It is also of interest to mention in this connection that a plantation of about 7 acres in the city forest of Frankfort-on-the-Main during the eighteen years ending 1881 brought $115 rent per year for the privilege of seed collecting alone: failing to produce seed only three out of the eighteen years and yielding a maximum of $500 rent during one of the eighteen years; much of the seed finding a market in the United States. Besides the white pine, the black locust has also for quite a long time found a home in the plantations of Kurope, but the species which are now propagated in large quantities, having after trial shown superior advantages in behavior and growth, are our Pacific coast conifers, the Sitka spruce, the Douglas spruce, the Lawsons cypress, and the Port Orford cedar, sections and photo- graphs of which, grown in Germany, were exhibited, as well as of black walnut and hickory. These trees are now used to plant into fail places or openings, in groups or single individuals, and are especially prized for their soil-improving qualities and their rapid growth. The methods of management for natural reproduction are generally divided into three classes, namely, the coppice, when reproduction is expected from the stumps; the standard coppice, when part of the growth consists of sprouts from the stump and another part of seedling trees; and the timber or high forest, when trees are grown to maturity and, unless harvested and replanted, reproduction is effected entirely by natural sowing. GERMAN FOREST MANAGEMENT—SILVICULTURE. : 249 COPPICE MANAGEMENT. This practice is employed for the production of firewood, tanbark, eharcoal, and wood of small dimensions, and is mostly applicable only to deciduous trees. The eapacity of reproduction from the stump is possessed by different species in different degrees, and depends also on climate and soil; shallow soil produces weaker but more numerous shoots than a deep, rich soil, and a mild climate is most favorable to a continuance of the reproductive power. With most trees this capacity decreases after the period of greatest height-growth; they should therefore be cut before the thirtieth year, in order not to exhaust the stock too much. The oak coppices for tan bark are managed in a rotation of from ten to twenty years. Regard to the preservation of reproductivity makes it necessary to avoid cutting during heavy frost, to make a smooth cut without severing the bark from the stem, and to make it as low as possible, thus reducing liability to injuries of the stump and inducing the formation of independent roots by the sprouts. It will be found often that on poor and shallow soil trees will cease to thrive, their tops dying. In such cases it is a wise policy to cut them down, thus getting new, thrifty shoots, for which the larger root system of the old tree can more readily provide. This practice may also be resorted to in order to get a quick, straight growth, as sprouts grow more rapidly than seedlings, the increased proportion of root to the part above ground giving more favorable conditions of food supply. It must not be forgotten, however, that this advantage has to be compensated somewhere else by a disadvantage; sprouts, though growing fast in their youth, cease to grow in height at a compara- tively early period, and for the production of long timber such practice would be detrimental. Regard to the preservation of favorable soil conditions, which suffer by oft-repeated clearing, requires the planting of new stocks where old ones have failed. Mixed growth, as everywhere, gives the best result. Oaks, walnut, hickory, chestnut, elm, maples, birch, cherry, linden, catalpa, and the locust also, with its root-sprouting habit, can be used for such purpose. If when cutting off the sprouts, at the age of from 10 to 20 years, some trees are left to grow to larger size, thus combining the coppice with timber forest, a management results which the Germans call “ Mittelwald,” and which we may call standard coppice management. STANDARD COPPICE. This is the method of management which in our country deserves most attention by farmers, especially in the Western prairie States, where the production of firewood and timber of small dimensions is of first importance, while the timber forest, for the production of larger and stronger timbers, can alone satisfy the lumber market. The advantages of this method of management, combining those of the coppice and of the timber forest, are: (1) A larger yield of wood per acre in a short time. (2) A better quality of wood. (3) A production of wood of valuable and various dimensions in the shortest time with hardly any additional cost. ; (4) The possibility of giving closer attention to the growth and requirements of single individuals and of each species. (5) A ready and certain reproduction. (6) The possibility of collecting or using for reforestation, in addition to the coppice stocks, the seeds of the standards. The objections to this mode of treatment are the production of branches on the standards when freed from surrounding growth, and the fact that the standards act more or less injuriously on the underwood which they overtop. The first objection can be overcome to a certain extent by pruning, and the second by proper selection and adjustment of coppice wood and standards. The selection of standards—which preferably should be seedlings, as coppice shoots are more likely to deteriorate in later life—must be not only from such species as by isolation will grow into more useful timber, but if possible from those which have thin foliage, thus causing the least injury by their cover to the underwood. The latter should, of course, be taken from those kinds that will best endure shade. Oaks, ashes, maples, locust, honey locust, larch, bald cypress, a few birches, and perhaps an occasional aspen, answer well for the standards; the selection for such should naturally be from the best-grown 250 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. 8. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. straight trees. The number of standards to be held over for timber depends upon the species and upon the amount of undergrowth which the forester desires to secure. The shadier and the more numerous the standards the more will the growth of the coppice be suppressed. From a first plantation one would naturally be inclined to reserve and hold over all tho well-grown valuable saplings. The coppice is, of course, treated as described above. As before mentioned, on account of the free enjoyment of light which the standards have they not only develop larger diameters, but also furnish quicker-grown wood (which in deciduous trees is usually the best) and bear seed earlier, by which the reproduction of the forest from the stump is supplemented and assisted. Any failing plantation of mixed growth, consisting of trees capable of reproduction by coppice, may be recuperated by cutting the larger part back to the stump and reserving only the most promising trees for standards. If equally weil-grown coppice and standards are desired, a regular distribution of the standards, mostly of the light-needing, thin-foliaged kinds, should be made. If prominence is given to the production of useful sizes, the standards may be held over in groups and in regularly distributed specimens, in which case those of the shade-enduring kinds are best in groups. THE TIMBER FOREST. In the timber-forest management we may note various methods: The method of selection (Plenterwald), in accordance with which only trees of certain size are cut throughout the whole forest, and the openings are expected to fill up with an after-growth sown by the remaining trees. This method prevailed in former ages, but was finally almost everywhere abandoned because of the difficulty of organized administration and control of such an irregular forest containing trees of all ages, and because the after-growth is apt to progress but slowly with fore-grown trees sur- rounding and overshadowing it, or may consist of worthless kinds. Of late a revival of this method with various modifications designed to meet the objections is noticeable; the advantage of keeping the soil constantly shaded and thereby preserving the soil moisture also recommending this method. More uniform growths, more regular distribution of age elasses, and a more regu- lated administration was possible by various “regeneration methods,” by which a certain area— a compartment—would be taken in hand and the cutting so systematically directed that not only a uniform young growth would spring up through the whole compartment, but by the gradual ‘removal of the mother trees light would be given to the young growth as needed for its best development. This method (Femelschlag) is practiced almost exclusively in the extensive beech forests, somewhat in the following manner: REGENERATION METHODS. In the first place it is necessary to know the period at which a full seed year may be expected. This differs according to locality and kind. One or more years before such a seed year is expected the hitherto dense crown cover is broken by a preparatory cutting of the inferior timber, enough being taken out to Jet in some light, or rather warm sunshine, which favors a fuller development of seed, the increased circulation of air and light at the same time hastening the decomposition of the leaf-mold and thus forming an acceptable seed bed. As soon as the seed has dropped to the soil, and perhaps, in the case of acorns and nuts, been covered by allowing pigs to run where it has fallen, a second cutting takes place uniformly over the area to be regenerated, in order that the seeds may have the best chance for germination— air, moisture, and heat to some degree being necessary—and that the seedlings may have a proper enjoyment of light for their best development and yet not be exposed too much to the hot rays of the sun, which, by producing too rapid evaporation and drying up the needful soil moisture, would endanger the tender seedlings. This cutting requires the nicest adjustment, according to the state of the soil, climatic conditions, and the requirements of seedlings of different kinds. While the beech requires the darkest shade, the pine tribe and the oaks demand more light, and should, by the successive cuttings, be early freed from the shade of the mother trees. Beech seedlings are more tender, and only by the gradual removal (often protracted through many years) of the shelter of the parent trees can they be accustomed to shift for themse!ves without GERMAN FOREST MANAGEMENT—SILVICULTURE. 251 liability of being killed by frost. The final cutting of the former generation of trees leaves many thousand little seedlings closely covering the soil with a dense shade. That the method of management must differ according to species and local conditions is evident; and in a mixed forest especially are the best skill and judgment of the forester required to insure favorable conditions for each kind to be reproduced. It is to be expected that such seedlings are rarely satisfactory over the whole area, and that bare places of too large extent must be artificially sown or planted. Another method is the “management in echelons” (Coulissen, Saumschlag), which consists in making the clearings in strips, and awaiting the seeding of the clearing from the neighboring growth. It is applicable to species with light seeds, which the wind can carry over the area to be seeded, such as larches, firs, spruces, most pines, etc. The cuttings are made as much as possible in an oblong shape, with the longest side at right angles to the direction of the prevailing winds. The breadth of the clearing, on which occasional reserves of not too spreading crowns may be left, depends of course on the distance to which the wind can easily carry the seed which is to cover the cleared area. Observation and experience will determine the distance. In Germany, for spruce and pine, this has been found to be twice the height of the tree; for larch, five or six times the height; for fir, not more than one shaft’s length. From 200 to 360 feet is perhaps the range over which seeding may be thus expected. One year rarely suffices to cover the cleared area with young growth, and it takes longer in proportion to the breadth of the cutting. This method is very much less certain in its forestal results than the next named, and more often requires the helping hand of the planter to fill out bare places left uncovered by the natural seeding. But it is the one that seems to interfere least with our present habits of lumbering, and with it eventually the first elements of forestry may be introduced into lumbering operations. To be sure, it requires from three to eight times the area usually brought under operation, but instead of going over the whole area every year it may be operated in a number of small camps systematically placed along a central road connecting the different camps or cuttings with the mill. As a rule the pine forests in Germany are reproduced by artificial plantations, the spruce forests by either natural or artificial regeneration, or both combined, while the beech forests are entirely reproduced as described above, oaks and other hard woods being usually planted, although a return to a more extended use of natural reproduction is noticeable. IMPROVEMENT CUTTINGS—THINNINGS. The principles which underlie the practice of thinning out young growths in order to accel- erate their development have been theoretically well developed, but the practice in Germany remains behind the theory. The difficulty of disposing of the material taken out in the thinnings discourages the practitioner, and the financial value of the operation in the acceleration of the remaining crop is not fully appreciated. A few results of German practice in thinning may serve to give an indication of its value. A natural growth of pine (Scotch) which was thinned when six years old showed an increased rate of accretion three times as great as that of the part not thinned, which was also deficient in height growth. A 50-year-old spruce (Norway) growth, having been twice thinned, showed an average accretion 22 per cent greater than the part not thinned. A growth of spruce (natural sowing), slightly mixed with maple, aspen, willow, and ironwood, when 15 years old was opened to the poor population to take out firewood; thus one-half of the growth for a few years was thinned out irregularly. The part thus thinned eighteen years later contained four and one-half times more wood than the undisturbed part; the former contained trees of from 1 to 9 inches in diameter and 15 to 65 feet in height; the latter did not produce any above 5 inches in diameter and 48 feet in height. Another experiment, made upon a pine growth 50 years old, showed that by interlucation the rate of growth within eleven years stood three to one and three-fourths in favor of the thinned part. Another writer planted Scotch pine 6 feet apart; two years later he planted the same ground 252 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. 8S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. ° to bring the stand to 3 feet apart; he thinned when fifteen years old, and carefully measured contents when twenty years old. Although the plantation was stocked on poor soil, yet the average annual accretion was found to be 2.43 cords (Austrian) per acre, a yield “‘which is unexcelled.” The writer adds that “if in such growths the number of trees is reduced in the fifteenth to twentieth years to 280 trees per acre, the yield in sixty years might equal that obtained in one hundred or one hundred and fifty years in the old manner.” A plantation of Norway spruce, made with seed, was when thirty-three years old still so dense that it was impenetrable; hardly any increase was noticeable and the trees were covered with lichens. When thirty-five years old it was thinned, and again, when forty-two years old the condition of the growth was such as to make a thinning appear desirable; between the two thinnings, within seven years, the accretion had increased by 160 per cent, or 27 per cent yearly in the average, and the appearance of the trees had changed for the better. ; A coppice of tanbark oak was thinned when fifteen years old on half the area; when twenty years old both parts were cut, and it was found that the thinned part yielded more wood and more and better bark than the unthinned part, and yielded in money 14.5 per cent more, although no higher price was asked for the better bark. An area of 12 acres was planted, one-half with 2-year-old pine seedlings from the forest, the other half with seed. Three thinnings were made with the following yield of round firewood (cut to billet length and over 23 inches in diameter) and brushwood (less than 23 inches in diameter). The planted part yielded at the thinnings: | When— Firewood. | Brush. Cords. | Cords. | lO years/olilizs 2280 Sele bec: op asec conn seem etek aa | 1.4 | j 15 years (0) (REL oe eect teree oe ee ee en nots lal 4.9 PIE alsa Gea Wee S28 ose Sea soacecoenanecanaebed abou mocSoe | 4.5 2.8 | ies ee | Total noes sce 6. sm un! Se Ee Seas ee eee | 10.8 7 The sowing was first thinned when 8 years old, yielding: | When— | | iirewonil Brush. ai a bas | Cords. i Cords. 8 years old .-- | 2.8 | 10 years old... 3.6 20 years old... | 1.4 Total See) tes sone ask: Se 5: leah ed Mead een ese | 32 | 7.8 | \ In twenty-four years the total yield, inclusive of thinning, was: Cubie feet of solid wood. PlaniGedpanyt ae ne aS eiclme s Ses tee ret ee tea a oS ae ne PS a ae a ee ee oe 3, 495 Sowedspantions fess Ses 5 SE SSA ae NERS EE Si ee tL Red TEA Sea TRL Cs Meee yet op ee MS ROY ES es Eee aE 1, 998 In;favoriof planted part: :. . o2<)2 25. -\cedaseesaee sects Males ee Ne SEES Ree oe en ee ew eR OTH Thinnings are usually made for the following purposes: (1) Improvement cuttings, to improve the composition of the forest and give advantage to the better kinds. (2) Interlucations, to improve the form and hasten development of young timber. (3) Regeneration cuttings, to produce favorable conditions for seed formation and reproduc- tion of the forest. (4) Accretion cuttings, to improve rate of diameter growth in older timber. Thinnings are to open the crown-cover, giving access to light and air, their object being to accelerate decomposition of the litter and turn it into available plant food; to improve the form and hasten the development of the remaining growth. The degree of thinning depends on soil, species, and age, and is best determined as a proportion between the present growth and that which is to remain with reference either to crown-cover, mass, or diameter. GERMAN FOREST MANAGEMENT SILVICULTURE. 253 Since it is observed that in the struggle for existence among the individual trees there are quite early some trees getting the advantage and becoming dominant, it is inferred that thinnings are most effective in the earlier period of the crop. In discussing the degree to which the thinning is to be made, a classification of the trees according to the character of their development is made by German foresters as follows: Class 1.—Predominant trees with highly developed crowns. Class 2.—Codominant trees with tolerably well developed crowns. Class 3.—Subdominant trees with normal crowns, but poorly developed and crowded above. Class 4.—Dominated trees with crowns poorly developed and crowdeil laterally. (a) Crowns wedged in laterally, yet not overtopped. Re oe eater iuifarion crow the ye ene Cronin’ compressed soeE ay overtopped. Class 5.—Suppressed trees, entirely overtopped. (a) Crowns still having vitality (shade enduring species). (b) Crowns dying or dead. Dominant or superior growth. | The following illustration of the appearance of these tree classes will be found serviceable in understanding these relations. ’ a Pie Bs, Ot Fic. 26.—Tree classes: Classification according to crown development. Schematic. Class 1 (predominant) : Nos. 1, 3,6, 11, 16,20; class (codominant): Nos. 8, 13, 18; class 3 (subdominant): Nos. 9, 14,17; class 4 (oppressed): Nos. 5,7, 12; class 5 (suppressed, a): Nos. 2,19; class (suppressed, b): Nos. 4, 10, 15. 2 5 The degrees of thinning usually resorted to are the following: (1) Slight thinning takes out trees of class 5. (2) Moderate thinning takes out trees of class 5 and 4b. (3) Severe thinning takes out trees of class 5, 4, and sometimes 3. The time when the first thinning should take place is generally determined by the possibility of marketing the extracted material at a price which will cover at least the expense of the operation. This is, however, not always possible, and the consideration of the increase in value of the remaining growth, or rather of the detriment to the same by omission of timely thinning, may then be conclusive. On good soil and on mild exposures interlucation may take place earliest, because here the growth is rankest and a difference in the development of the different stems is soonest noticeable. 254 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. 8S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Light-needing and quicker-growing kinds show similar conditions to those grown on good soil, and here, therefore, early thinnings are desirable. In these cases the thinnings have also to be repeated oftenest, especially during the period of prevalent height accretion. Absolute rules as to the time for interlucations and their periodical repetition evidently can not be given. The peculiar conditions of each individual case alone can determine this. The golden rule, however, is early, often, moderately. The right time for the beginning of these regular and periodical interlucations is generally considered to have arrived when the natural thinning out before mentioned commences and shows the need of the operation. This occurs generally when the crop has attained the size of hop poles. At this stage the well-marked difference in size of the suppressed trees will point them out as having to fall, and there will not be much risk of making any gross mistakes. Until the trees have attained their full height the thinning should remain moderate. From this time forward it will prove expedient to open out the stock more’ freely without ever going so far as to thin severely. Within the last few years new and revolutionary ideas regarding principles and methods to prevail in thinnings are gaining ground, which we have not space here to discuss. UNDER-PLANTING. All these manipulations experience modifications according to circumstances, different species and soil conditions requiring different treatment. One of the most interesting modifications, the results of which in a given district were fully exhibited, is the v. Seebach management in beech forests. Such a management, vhich contemplates the production of heavier timber in the shortest time, tries to take advantage of the increase in accretion due to an increase of light which is secured by severe thinning, and in order to prevent the drying out of the soil by such severe thinning a cover of some shady kind is established by sowing or planting. This cover gradually dies off under the shade of the old timber, the crowns closing again after a number of years. The rate of growth in a stand of 70 to 80 years was thereby increased from 51 cubic feet per acre and year to 77 cubic feet per acre and year, while a neighboring stand, otherwise the same but not so treated, increased by only 60 cubic feet, distributed over a larger number of trees. The same method is applied to the production of heavy oak timber. In this case the oak growth is thinned out when about 60 years old and ‘“underplanted” with beech. It may also be applied to older growths with advantage, as appears from the following results: A stand of oaks 150 to 160 years old in 1846 was thinned to 96 trees per acre, averaging 37 cubic feet of wood per tree, the cleared space being ‘‘underplanted” with beech and spruce. In 1887 the oaks, now 190 to 200 years old, of which 59 trees only were left, contained 56 cubic feet in the average, thus growing during the last forty years more than one-half as much as during the one hundred and fifty to one hundred and sixty years previous to the operation, i. e., doubling the rate of growth. In this case, under the light-foliaged oaks, some of the beech and spruce developed sufficiently to furnish marketable material. With Scotch pine it has been found in one case that while the average accretion of a stand 120 years old under ordinary condition was about 59 cubie feet per acre and year—the yield by thinning included—a stand underplanted with beech showed an accretion of 100 cubic feet per acre and year, besides much better log sizes and earlier supply of saw timber. Translated into money an example from Bavaria may be cited as follows: On 1 acre of pine 80 years old, underplanted at a cost of $2.85 per acre with beech now 40 years old, there were found— Average Yield of | annual wood. accretion per acre. Cubic ft. | Cubic ft. IKDS OES acpsosSaeoomS assess cscose ashcanminocdbocseacee nes 322 40 2,300 beech 156 39 Supposing this stand to be left forty years longer, it may be figured that the pine would bring $650 and the beech $120; total per acre, $770, of which $49 was yielded in thinnings. White pine without undergrowings is expected to produce only $520 per acre when 120 years old. GERMAN FOREST MANAGEMENT—ADMINISTRATION. 255 FORESTERS, FORESTRY EDUCATION, AND FORESTRY LITERATURE. To be sure, the highly elaborate system of forest administration and forest management here outlined could not be developed or maintained without a special high-grade education of those who direct the work. This education is provided for in the most ample manner, and consists not only in theoretical studies at schools, academies, and universities, but also in practical studies in the forest itself under the guidance of competent and experienced forest managers. The course which applicants for positions in the higher administrative forestry service are expected to follow, with more or less modification in the different states, may be briefly outlined here: After promotion from college the student goes into the woods for a short period (one-half to one year) to acquaint himself, under the guidance of a district manager, with the general features of the business he proposes to engage in, and thereby tests his probable fitness for it. He then visits for two and one-half or three years a forestry school (called academy when by itself, when at a university it is connected with the ‘‘taculty” for national economy), wkere theoretical studies with demonstrations in the forest are pursued. After examination and promotion the applicant is bound at his own expense to occupy himself for two years at least in studying the practice in various districts, changing from place to place. If occupation can be found for him he is employed at small daily wages on some scientific or administrative work, always keeping an official diary of his doings and observations, certified to by the district manager with whom he stays, and which forms part of his final examination. lor nine months during this time he must continuously perform all the duties of a lower ofticial—a ranger—for a whole or part of a range, and sometimes also for a given time certain functions of a district manager. Then, after two years of law studies at a university, he enters into a close and difficult examination for a position as district manager, lasting eight to ten days. By passing this he is placed on the list of eligibles, and has thereby secured a right, enforcible in the courts if need be, to a position when a vacancy arises and his name is reached in the order of the list. This, in Prussia, may now be within eight or ten years after listing. During the interval he may be, and mostly is, employed on daily wages in various sorts of scientific and administrative work, such as revising and making new valuations, laying out roads, acting as tutor at the academies or as assistant to district managers, or else taking the place of a manager temporarily, etc. The higher administrative offices are filled by selections from the managers, length of service counting only when special fitness for the kind of work required accompanies it; so that, as in the army, the highest officer has been through all the grades below, and is conversant with every detail of the service. The pay is small, graded in each kind of position according to length of service and somewhat according to the cost of living in different places. The honor of the position, to which usually other honors are added, its permanency, and the assurance of a pension, graded according to length of service, in case of disability or age, make up for small salaries. The salaries, subject to change from time to time, without adding the value of perquisites like houses, farm lands, etc., range about as follows in Prussia: ikdinector (@Oberlandiorstmeisten) pee ss-seee es acleer eee oe ais ete eee cine ene noe eee een eeieecie $3, 600 Astoresticouncilorsy@uandforsimeister eseseese ee eeekeee esas eee eee eee eee eee $1, 800 to 2, 400 33 chief inspectors (Oberforstmeister) (with additions for house and traveling up to $1,100) .--. - 1, 050 1, 500 89 inspectors (Forstmeister) (with additions for house and traveling up to $1,100) ....-...-.----- 900 1,500 679 district managers (Oberfoerster) (with additions up to $825 and house and field)..--.....----- 500 900 3, 390 rangers (Foerster) (with house and additions up to $110) -.....--...----.-----..-------------- 260 360 BES) MAOIs) (AIG EIB) ooccss popes cen sed sordsn coso00 d0Scs Seeees oaSoES sSoboN Sotess cHeSbo Coos 100 200 The rangers (Foerster) follow different courses of instruction, part of which they receive in subordinate positions under district managers; while serving in the army in special battalions (chasseurs) they receive also theoretical instruction, which is supplemented in special schools. When finally promoted to the responsible position of rangers, in which much discretion and latitude are given them, their pay amounts to from $260 to $360, with a house and field, with the assurance of pension on withdrawal. 256 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. S$. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. The following schools are provided for the higher grades of foresters: Higher forestry schools in Germany for the education of forest managers. [Austria and Switzerland included. ] \Instructors | | Average | 7 | Length : : Total Name of place. State. | When | of course hoe forestry | number of attendance founded. | ~/_ branches |. ‘inet of forestry | (years). | proper. tustructors.| students. At universitie | (GIES GE soccinecactecese so stoootantoseescesonerersoses)) IER Osassso-eseccecses 1825 | 3 | 3 (a) 40-50 Tiibingen - Wurttemberg.- 1818 (b) 3 (a) 50-60 Munich------ Bavaria. ----2---- 1878 | (b) | 8 | ais c 90-100 At polytechnicum : | | IKGISATING | soso ssncsc sens coor ese cess eosescersseses Bad ene eee 1832 3 2 19 | 15-30 Ziirich - -- | Switzerland - 1855 3 3 «20 15-30 Vienna ------ \eAn striae sss eeeeeeel 1875 3 6 43 | 130-140 Separate academies i | Aschaffenburg - Bavaria. --.----------- 1807 2 2 9 | 90-100 Tharandt --.--- -| Saxony -..--.- -| 1811 24 3 10 100-135 Hisenach. -- Saxe Weimar | 1830 2 3 8 65-75 Eberswalde e|Perossiaeeeees 1831 24 ot 14 140-150 WATE Na sSoncoossescosss 1868 | ae 5 13 40-60 | a The entire corps of professors of the university. estry students; in Ziirich, 20 professors. In Munich 18 professors are engaged in lecturing on subjects which concern for- In Munich all studies can be followed in any year, as the students may select. The attendance : varies, of course, widely in different years, having been as high as 216 in Eberswalde and 120 in Minden. The above figures are for 1835-86. b Not prescribed. c During the winter of 1898 there were 140 students at Munich out of 527 forestry students at all forestry schools. The following table will serve to give an idea of what instruction is to be had at these institutions: Plan of studies at Forest Academy Lberswalde. Whole | Whole Subjects of instruction. number Subjects of instruction. number of hours. || | of hours. FUNDAMENTAL SCIENCES. PRINCIPAL SCIENCES. Natural sciences. Caltivationjofforestsee- scree eae eee nee eae eae 80 Forest implements....--.---- 20 General and theoretic chemistry.-.-..............----------- 3 Geographical forest botany - - 48 Special inorganic and organic chemistry applied - 80 || Protection of forests-.-.-.------- 32 Physics and meteorology -.- 80 || Forest usufruct and technology - 80 Mineralogy and geognosy -.- GO |) Forest surveying 20 Definition of minerals and rocks--- 20 || Appraising forests --. co5 80 Reviews for organic natural sciences -- - 16 || Calculation of the value of forests and forest statistics --- 32 Botany in general and forest botany in particular -----.- 64 || Administration of forest and hunting. --- 48 Anatomy of plants, vegetable physiology and pathology 60 || Redemption of rights of usage -..--.--- 32 Microscopy ---------------------------------------------- 20 || Forest history -.-----------.-.- 40 Botanical reviews .---------------- 20 || Forest statistics 20 Botanical excursions, each 24 hours 80 || Review of various forest matters- _ General zoology - eso 16 |) Bxaminations.2-22--/---.-2---- Vertebrates 80 | Forest excursions, each 4 hours Invertebrates, with special reference to forest insects - 80 | Zoological preparations Bees 16 | Lota is Saas ene oo eect aoe eee Zoological reviews--.----------------- 20 | Zoological excursions, each 3 hours..-.. GeccecosadoseTosoeas 96 | SECONDARY SCIENCES. TotalanshuraléscienGeSs a= scsse see aCe eaer reece 840 | Jurisprudence. Mathematics. | (CGMIGERY coccscopssa5cSeese SSbendasese SONIOba Ose ooosSosose=o5 72 | Interest and rent account 20 Wood-measuring --------- 20 Mathematical reviews and exercises - 56 Total = 3 180 Surveying and leveling exercises, ez 192 || Construction of roa 32 Plan-drawing exercises, 24 hours..........-.------+--------- SOM) | Eton tin cee eee eee ene 32 ——-—\_|| Shooting exercises, 2 hours each.............-.------------ 96 Totalimathematics ea. =a = «eee = one eee ae 440 a == Total sum of hours for secondary sciences. -.----.--. 340 Economic sciences. ee Grand total :2t25¢ Sec. aeeseee se see eee eee 2, 648 Public economy and finances .---..--..--.----.-.---..------ 48 ‘ ———— Total sum of hours for fundamental sciences. ---.---- 1, 328 Fundamental sciences Principal sciences Secondary sciences Average per instruction week (21 weeks in winter, 17 during summer; 2 winter courses, $ summer courses) : 2618, 93 ~ = 28.5 hours, or per day, 4.9 hours. SYSTEM OF FORESTRY KNOWLEDGE. 257 If we were to codify into a system the science of forestry as developed in Germany we might come to the following scheme, which exhibits the various branches in which a well-educated forester must be versed: SYSTEM OF FORESTRY KNOWLEDGE, I. FOREST POLICY—ECONOMIC BASIS OF FORESTRY (THE CONDITION). Aspects. 1. Forestry statistics. (Areas, forest conditions; products. By-products: Trade; supply and demand; prices; substitutes. ) 2. Forestry economics. (a. Study of relation of forests on climate, soil, water, health, ethics, etc. b. Study of commercial peculiarities and position of forests, and forestry in political economy.) 3. History of forestry. Application. 4, Forestry politics. (Formulation of rights and duties of the State and of its methods in developing forestry; legis- lation, State forest administration, education.) Ii. FOREST PRODUCTION TECHNICAL BASIS OF FORESTRY (THE CROP). Aspects. 5. Forest botany. (Systematic botany of arborescent flora; forest geography; plant and climate; biology of trees in their individual and aggregate life; forest weeds. 6. Soil physics and soil chemistry with special reference to forest growth. 7. Timber physics. (Anatomy of woods; chemical physiology and physical properties of woods. Influences deter- mining same; diseases and faults. ) 8. Technology. (Application of wood in the arts; requirements and behavior; mechanical and working properties; durability; special needs of consumers; use of by-products, waste materials, minor forest products. ) Application. 9. Silviculture. (Methods of growing the crop.) a. Natural reforestation; cutting for reproduction. b. Artificial afforestation; procurement of plant material; nursery practice, choice of plant material, methods of soil preparation, of forest planting. - c. Improving and accelerating the crop. Cultivation, filling, thinning, pruning, undergrowing. d. Systems of management. Timber forest, standard coppice, coppice, ete. 10. Forest protection. (Against insects, climatic injuries, fire, cattle, etc.) 11. Forest improvement and engineering. (Treatment of denuded mountain slopes, shifting sands, barrens, swamp and moors, road building, etc.) 12. Forest utilization. (Methods of harvesting, transporting, preparation for market.) II. FOREST ORGANIZATION—ADMINISTRATIVE AND FINANCIAL BASIS (THE REVENUE). Aspects. 13. Forest survey. Ascertaining area and condition of the forest; ascertaining rate of accretion, yield. 14. Forest valuation and statics. Ascertaining money value of forest soil and forest growth as capital of the manage- ment and comparing financial results of various kinds of management. Application. 15. Forest regulation. Ustablishing units of management and administration; determining working plans, distri- buting yearly or periodical cut, ete. 16. Forest administration. Routine methods, business practice, personnel, organization of service and mechanical operations. LITERATURE. In addition to the live teachings, which an able corps of professors impart at these institutions and that which competent managers are ready to impart to the young students in the forest itself, a large number of weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annual journals and publications are keeping the foresters and forestry students aw courant with the progress of forestry science and forestry technique. Adding the publications of this nature which appear in Austria and Switzerland in the German language, and which have their constituency in Germany as well, we can make the H. Doe. 181 17 258 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. following respectable list, not counting the journals of the lumber trade and other related publications. Those marked with an asterisk (*) are to be found in the library of the Division of Forestry; those marked (t) are considered the best or are most comprehensive; those marked (?) have been discontinued. German forestry periodicals. = ome 3 ‘oe | = Estab- Name of publication. Published at | Issued lished. — —— | Allgemeine Forst-u. Jagdzeitnng * t.-...ssese0.eeee cece e eee nnn nn eee ween eee ee Frankfort on the Main .---. Monthly 1824 amie WEG sa s3s2- 52 stescgnescsssese0> oacc ee 2q\| BEM @esessoscnosososccsses Irregularly ee 1865 Aus dem Walde.....--.-------- Boos soe eee Weekly.-..... (2) Deutsche Forst-u. Jagdzeitung -----.---------------------- =| d Semimonthly - sese (2) Forstliche Blaetter----------.------------------------------ =| i ---| Monthly 1863 Forstlich-naturwissenschaftliche Zeitschrift *1.- ASHE bs 5) i Bl Peers do .. 1892 Forstwissenschaftliches Centralblatt *t------- 2208 imieees Pa Seca do ..- 1856 Jabresbericht des schlesischen Forstvereins-.-------------- -| Annually 1841 Jahresbericht der preussischen F. u. J. Gesetzbegung.- - a I pogsoonooeoacicebcosacslloor ad do..- 1868 Land-u. Forst-wirthschaftliche Zeitschrift i Quarterly 1886 Muendener forstliche Hefte* ...- Irregularl: 1892 Oesterreichische Forst zeitung * Rediced aris. sncsense acs Sek seees ees 22 wielate cinteinitaye Soto aretha sts clay yale ater aisle ayorererstahee Meee eer 302 P= Wihitespine seen eee ee Sane ines Se Sees als SLE DSS REA Sleep men Spee S Seas Eee ame om 303 Motalee eases saacjee oe Sees seat ewe woe se el ave esen eee er ee Eos eS eeee cee Solace cere eeeeeee 4, 840 This plan illustrates the use of a rapid-growing light-demanding species (aspen) as a protection for several conifers which are difficult to establish in the open, especially in the plains. It will be noticed that two of the conifers, the spruce and cedar, are shade-enduring species, and that the light-demanding pines will be surrounded by the shaders when the aspen has been cut out. This use of the aspen as a soil cover was suggested by an examination of cut-over pine land in northern Minnesota, where the aspen quickly takes the ground when the pine is removed, and the pine seedlings appear thickly under its protection. It will be observed that, taking out the aspen, the plan is based on the same principles of light influence as is the plan above. PLANTING IN WASTE PLACES. Aside from the fence rows, which are usually the worst weed beds of the farm, there are many small areas in the average farm which from a variety of causes are unprofitable for cropping. These may well be planted to trees. In the most favored region the farm “of which every foot is arable” is seldom seen. Even on the richest of prairie farms the crests of the rolling surface are apt to become impoverished after years of tillage in spite of the best efforts of the farmer, and when the erops fail to pay for the labor expended on them the land is as surely ‘“‘waste” as though it were undrained swamp or rocky hillside. In the less densely populated parts of the country, where land is cheap, the fields are abandoned when this stage is reached. In the Hast and South, where the entire country was once covered with forest, natural reforestation soon takes place, and in a few years the old fields are clothed with pines, spruces, and deciduous trees, the varieties being dependent upon the adjacent growth. Within this area the farmer can always control the character of the forest growths on the waste lands of his farm, either by planting or by use of the ax, or both, and there is oftentimes great need of good judgment in cutting out inferior trees or undesirable varieties. Few farmers seem to have realized the great value of a close-planted, dense-foliaged grove as a conservator of moisture. The snows accumulating in such groves are shaded from the sun, and long after the adjacent fields are bare the snow is slowly melting and the water trickling down over the plowed fields, which are thus thoroughly saturated. The summer rains are also saved fo the farm by the same means. Following the deep-descending roots of the trees, they are PLANTING WASTE PLACES. 283 retained in the lower strata of the soil and then pass to the adjoining lands and are brought within reach of the growing plants. Jt is not to be supposed that limited plantations, confined to the waste places of the farm, would have an appreciable effect on the general climate of a region, for the influences must be ereat that can affect atmospheric conditions over a wide area. Locally, however, the planting of hilltops and the consequent heightening of elevations will often result in the creation of air currents that will prevent cold air from settling in the lowlands between, thus obviating late spring and early autumn frosts, and this protection can be made more efficient if the configuration of the neighboring lands be studied with a view to creating the strongest possible draft. In regions where tender vegetables and fruits are largely cultivated such protection may be of primary importance, and the clearing of adjoining hill crests and slopes will often result in serious disturbance of the local climate. In general, the climatic conditions of the forested area of the country are less extreme than those of the plains, but with the record of the three recent drought years the need of moisture conservation is apparent alike in the Kast and West. While in the West the thin-soiled ridges are best devoted to tree growth for wind-breaks and snow catches, throughout the Eastern and Southern States such localities should be kept in trees for the prevention of erosion or gullying, one of the most troublesome results of tillage. The general action of the elements in uneven or rolling surfaces invariably tends to carry the more fertile top mold of the higher ground, or at least the decaying vegetation on the surface, to the lower levels, which thus relatively increase in fertility at the expense of the elevations above them. In addition to this genéral tendency there have been deposited throughout the North- western States, by glacial and water action, drift soils containing a great quantity of bowlders, which are especially thick on the high ridges, making their cultivation very expensive. In many localities throughout the Mississippi Valley the trend of the underlying strata of rocks is upward, often coming so close to the surface in the ridge lands as to render them worthless for cultivation. Along many river and creek valleys the hills which confine the lowlands rise so abruptly as to make cultivation impracticable. These and many other special cases which might be nentioned constitute the waste highlands of farms, all of which should be devoted to forest-tree culture. Trees, as has been seen, can exist and make a profitable growth on lands too poor to support farm crops, if the leaves, twigs, and fruit be permitted to lie on the ground and decay. When planted in the thin soil of a limestone hill crest, they may make very slow growth during the first few years; but as the soil becomes shaded by the tree tops the growth becomes more rapid, and when the trees have attained a strong foothold, their roots penetrating the crevices of the rocks to the water below, they grow with additional vigor. Yet, it is not to be expected that as vigorous growth can be secured in these high waste places as in the lower, moist, and deep soils. One has only to recall the general character of the waste places of the farm to realize how little can be gained from cropping them. The ridge soils are too thin to support a growth of cereal crops; the swamp soils are too wet for tillage; the cultivation of irregular plats of small extent becomes too expensive, by reason of the difficulties of plowing, seeding, and harvesting. Once in trees, these difficulties are reduced toa minimum. ‘The thin soils of the ridges are protected from the weather by the tree crowns, and their decaying foliage gradually increases the fertility of the soil. The odd corners and fence rows of American farms represent in the aggregate a great quantity of unproductive land, which might be planted to trees. Such limited areas, often composed of but afew square rods or very narrow strips, can not be treated as forests, but trees must be grown on them for special purposes, in which timber production will hardly be considered. The highways throughout the farming districts of the United States may be bordered with trees, which, while giving shade, may be used as living fence posts, or may become valuable nut orchards, but in any event will afford protection, in winter and summer alike, to the traveler and to the adjacent fields. In Minnesota, Wyoming, and other Western States the highways are at least 66 feet wide, and often a hundred. These tracts, separated only by wire fences from the cultivated fields, are not merely waste lands, but for the most part veritable propigating beds for noxious weeds, which cause much loss to the farmer. Try as he may, he can not protect his lands from Russian thistle, mustard, and the numerous other weed pests so long as these broad highways exist as a seeding ground for them, If they were planted to trees, with a vigorous 284 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. undergrowth to protect the surface of the soil, they would not only make any weed growth impossible, but would also be a potent means of preventing the dissemination of weeds from one section to another, by arresting them when carried by the winds. In many of the Western States the farmer is permitted by law thus to plant a portion of the highway with trees. Yet another form of waste land is to be considered, and here the farmer living within the forest area is much more concerned than the prairie dweller. Had the adaptability of soils to tillage been made the basis of clearing lands in the early days, there would be less talk of “thin” soils now, for on many farms lands were cleared which should never have been stripped of their first cover. Steep hillsides, rocky slopes, highlands with hardly a foot of soil between the surface and the underlying rock, have been denuded of their forest cover, and their subsequent tillage has been all but profitless to the farmer. With constant cropping they have become so impover- ished that their cultivation has been abandoned. Yet they have still enough fertility to support a vigorous tree growth. On many New England farms such thin lands have been planted to white pine with the most encouraging results. In many rocky, drift, eroded, and exhausted hill farms there is a depth of soil sufficient for the requirements of all varieties of trees, and the farmer within the forest area has thus a wide range of choice in the selection of trees. He may grow timber for railroad ties, for posts, for telegraph poles, for lumber, and for many other purposes, using the species that is best adapted to his need and to his locality. In the Southern States the loblolly and short-leaf pines can be quite as readily grown as the white pine at the North. The loblolly seems to consider the abandoned fields its heritage, for throughout the lower Atlantic and Gulf States it quickly covers the old fields with its seedlings, which grow rapidly. THE FARM NURSERY. When such species as catalpa, box elder, black locust, green ash, white elm, and silver maple can be bought for less than $2 per thousand for strong 1-year-old plants, it would seem cheaper to purchase than to grow from seed. But with land, tools, and teams at hand, a forest-tree nursery can be cultivated at very little expense, and the farmer, by gathering seed of the native trees, and purchasing desirable seeds not to be had at home, can grow on a fraction of an acre seedlings enough for an extensive plantation. Of the broad-leafed trees, the silver maples, elms, poplars, cottonwood, aspen, and willows ripen their seeds before midsummer. These should be planted as soon as ripe, care being taken not to cover the small seeds too deep. They will germinate in a few days, and by autumn will be of a size suitable for transplanting. Of the species whose seeds ripen in autumn, those of the tulip, catalpa, honey locust, black locust, and Kentucky coffee tree should be thrashed from their pods when gathered and kept over winter in a cool place where they will neither dry out nor mold. Birch seeds soon lose their vitality if permitted to dry, and they should be stored in close boxes or jars and kept over winter in a cool cellar. When the soil is moist in the fall, birch may be sown before the ground freezes, but in the dry soil of the plains the seeds should be kept over winter. They must be sown in beds shaded as for conifers, and covered very lightly. The seed usually ripens in August in the Northern woods, and should be gathered at once, separated, and stored until planting time. The sprouting of the seeds of other broad-leafed trees of the Northern forest flora is hastened by subjecting them to the action of frost. This is accomplished either by fall planting or by mixing the seeds with sand and placing them in boxes on the north side of an outbuilding or other protection from the sun, whence they should be planted as soon as possible in the spring, or even, when the ground is sufficiently thawed out, in late winter. The nuts and acorns may be simply spread on a well-drained surface and protected from drying by a few inches of leaves held down by boards; but they are more subject to the depredations of rodents when thus disposed of. The seeds of fruit trees, such as cherry, mulberry, osage orange, wild crab apple, and hawthorn, should be separated from the pulp by maceration and washing before storing. Cherry and mulberry seeds ripen during the summer, and as the fruit is much relished by birds, watchfulness is necessary to get them. They may be slightly dried after washing, and then mixed with sand. Some seeds, notably those of the hawthorns, are apt to lie over two or more years. Germination of such refractory seeds is hastened by soaking in water continuously for a week or more before planting. THE FARM NURSERY. 225 When the soil is moist in the fall, the seeds of all trees which ripen after midsummer may be planted, and thus the labor of storing is saved. But spring planting is usually more satisfactory, because uniform conditions ean be better maintained where the seeds have been properly stored. -The soil is also usually in the best condition for receiving the seeds in the spring, and lighter covering is possible. Tt must be remembered that the seed of the oaks, nuts, and cherries must not be permitted to become thoroughly dry. Chestnut, beech, and the oaks are especially delicate in this respect, so that with these species it is always safest to plant as soon as the seed is ripe. The forest-tree nursery should be placed in deep, moist, well-drained loam, and should be thoroughly cultivated. It should be so arranged as to reduce hand work toa minimum. All the tree seeds except birch and the conifers, which must be grown under screens, can be sown in drills, 3 or 4 feet apart, thus making horse cultivation possible. Hand weeding is important, for the tiny seedlings of many trees are very delicate, and the more vigorous grasses will quickly choke them out if left unprotected. Where a large nursery is made, frequent use of the harrow-toothed cultivator is most desirable, for it keeps a dust blanket on the surface of the soil which prevents excessive evaporation and insures the most perfect soil conditions obtainable through culture. Prompt attention is a requisite of successful nursery management. Seedlings of box elder, silver maple, red maple, catalpa, black locust, and cottonwood are rampant growers the first season, and their growth may be checked, to make transplanting less difficult, by sowing the seed thick in broad drills. Black wild cherry, the elm, the ‘ash, honey locust, black walnut, tulip, crab apple, hackberry, linden, and coffee tree are of moderate growth and easily attain transplanting size the first year. The oaks and the nut trees generally, hard maple, beech, and hawthorn will usually be benefited by remaining two or three years in the nursery. The birches should be transplanted from the seed bed to the nursery row the second year, and set in permanent forest the third. While the cone bearing trees are more difficult to manage than the broad-leafed species, it will be found advantageous to the farmer to grow his own conifers. Not only are coniferous trees (pines, spruces, cedars, larches, etc.) more difficult to transplant, but they are disastrously affected by the drying of their roots; and in the operations of commercial nurseries—digging, storing, and packing—as well as in transit, there is more or less danger from this cause. It will frequently happen, too, that plants thus injured, unless the injury be very severe indeed, will appear in good condition when received, so that the purchaser accepting them will be disappointed in his stand, whatever care he takes in planting the stock. Even should the cost of growing the cone-bearing trees be more than it would cost to purchase them, as will often be the case if the time of the grower be considered, the trees will prove cheaper in the end, because favorable weather can be chosen for transplanting them; they can be dug as needed, and absolutely protected from drying out during the brief interval between digging and planting. Farmers living adjacent to the pineries can easily secure seed by gathering the cones just before they burst open and spreading them in a thin layer until sufficiently dry to open, when the seed will fall out. The same method is used in securing all seeds save the red cedar, the fruit of which is a gummy berry. The berries of the cedar should be soaked for several days in water, then rubbed together to remove as much of the gum as possible, when they may be planted or mixed in sand and kept frozen during winter. A bath in weak lye will hasten the cleaning process. The seeds of the remaining conifers are kept dry over winter. They can be purchased of leading seedsmen throughout the country, and, as a rule, come true to name, though difficulty regarding the Rocky Mountain species is sometimes experienced. As seeds lose their vitality to a consider- able degree the second year, and to a much greater degree thereafter, it is important to secure them fresh. A well-drained, preferably sandy, loam should be chosen and the seed bed prepared as is usual for cold frames, so that as soon as the seed is planted the bed can beshaded. It should be open to the air on all sides, and the seed may be sown broadeast in the bed, or in drills a few inches apart. The seed should be covered but little, if any, more than its own depth. Pine, spruce, and Douglas spruce seed usually germinates in eighteen to twenty days, red cedar in two to six months, and 286 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. larch in twenty to thirty days. Shortly after the trees are up, or at any time during the first sum- mer, a disease called ‘damping off” is liable to attack them. This is a fungous growth, and results in the decay of the tiny seedlings at the ground. It is often very destructive. The only remedy is to sow clean dry sand among the seedlings and withhold water for a few days. This is not always effective, but it will usually check the disease. The shade for the seed bed is variously made. In the large nurseries it is usually a shed, roofed and sided with laths, but this would be too expensive for a farm nursery. Useful shades are made by laying brush across supports or by bunches of rushes or swamp grass similarly placed, but of course these are more difficult to keep in order. Where proper attention is paid to ventil- ation, an inexpensive shade can be made by tacking cheap sheeting to a frame to rest upon supports running along the side of the bed. It may be advisable sometimes to purchase one or two year old seedlings from reliable growers. They should be planted, in shaded beds, about 3 inches apart, in rows 6 to 12 inches apart. it will be necessary to keep them shaded one to three years, according to their rate of growth. The oftener the cone-bearing trees are transplanted before being set permanently the better, as by this process the growth of fibrous roots close to the collar is encouraged. Especial care must be taken in handling conifers to prevent their roots from drying in the least, as whenever the roots dry it is almost impossible to make the trees live. The seedlings should be packed in damp moss at the nursery, and as soon as received the roots should be puddled in liquid mud and heeled in in a shaded place. The heeling in should be carefully done, the fine soil pressing close upon the roots, but not covering the tops. Ina shaded place the trees may be left thus until the roots begin erowth. In planting it is best to carry the trees in a bucket, with just enough water to cover the roots. They should be planted firmly and be well trampled, and a little loose soil dusted over the trampled surface to prevent baking. No tree should be set much deeper than it stood before, and this is specially important in transplanting conifers. Conifers are ready for setting in plantations when from two to six years old. Marches can usually be set when two or three years old, the pines and cedars when from three to five years old, and the spruces when from four to six years. How to TREAT THE Woop Lov. In the northeastern States it is the custom to have connected with the farm a piece of virgin woodland, commonly called the wood lot. Its object primarily is to supply the farmer with the firewoed, fence material, and such dimension timbers as he may need from time to time for repairs on buildings, wagons, ete. As a rule, the wood lot occupies, as it ought to, the poorer part of the farm, the rocky or stony, the dry or the wet portions, which are not well fitted for agricultural crops. As a rule, it is treated as it ought not to be, if the intention is to have it serve its purpose continuously; it is cut and culled without regard to its reproduction. As far as firewood supplies go, the careful farmer will first use the dead and dying trees, broken limbs, and leavings, which is quite proper. The careless man avoids the extra labor which such material requires, and takes whatever splits best, no matter whether the material could be used for better purposes or not. When it comes to the cutting of other material, fence rails, posts, or dimension timber, the general rule is to go into the lot and select the best trees of the best kind for the purpose. This looks at first sight like the natural, most practical way of doing. It is the method which the lumberman pursues when he “culls” the forest, and is, from his point of view perhaps, justifiable, for he only desires to secure at once what is most profitable in the forest. But for the farmer who proposes to use his wood lot continuously for supplies of this kind, it is a method detrimental to his object, and in time it leaves him with a lot of poor, useless timber which encumbers the ground and prevents the growth of a better crop. Our woods are mostly composed of many species of trees; they are mixed woods. Some of the species are valuable for some special purposes, others are applicable to a variety of purposes, and again others furnish but poor material for anything but firewood, and even for that use they may not be of the best. IMPROVING THE CROP. 287 Among the most valuable in the northeastern woods we should mention the white pine—king of all—the white ash, white and chestnut oak, hickories, tulip tree, black walnut, and black cherry, the last three being now nearly exhausted; next, spruce and hemlock, red pine, sugar maple, chestnut, various oaks of the black or red oak tribe, several species of ash and birch, black locust; lastly, elms and soft maples, basswood, poplars, and sycamore. Now, by the common practice of culling the best it is evident that gradually all the best trees of the best kinds are taken out, leaving only inferior trees or inferior kinds—the weeds among trees, if one may call them such—and thus the wood lot becomes well-nigh useless. It does not supply that for which it was intended; the soil, which was of little use for anything but a timber crop before, is still further deteriorated under this treatinent, and being compacted by the constant running of cattle, the starting of a crop of seedlings is made nearly impossible. It would not pay to turn it into tillage ground or pasture; the farm has by so much lost in value. In other words, instead of using the interest on his capital, interest and capital have been used up together; the goose that laid the golden egg has been killed. This is not necessary if only a little system is brought into the management of the wood lot and the smallest care is taken to avoid deterioration and secure reproduction. IMPROVEMENT CUTTINGS. The first care should be to improve the crop in its composition. Instead of culling it of its best material, it should be culled of its weeds, the poor kinds, which we do not care to reproduce, and which, like all other weeds, propagate themselves only too readily. This weeding must not, however, be done all at once, as it could be in a field crop, for in a full-grown piece of woodland each tree has a value, even the weed trees, as soil cover. The great secret of success in all crop production lies in the regulating of water supplies; the manuring in part and the cultivating entirely, as well as drainage and irrigation, are means to this end. In forestry these means are usually not practicable, and hence other means are resorted to. The principal of these is to keep the soil as much as possible under cover, either by the shade which the foliage of the tall trees furnishes, or by that from the underbrush, or by the litter which accumulates and in decaying forms a humus cover, a most excellent mulch. A combination of these three conditions, viz, a dense crown cover, woody underbrush where the crown cover is interrupted, and a heavy layer of well-decomposed humus, gives the best result. Under such conditions, first of all, the rain, being intercepted by the foliage and litter, reaches the ground only gradually, and therefore does not compact the soil as it does in the open field, but leaves it granular and open, so that the water can readily penetrate and move in the soil. Secondly, the surface evaporation is considerably reduced by the shade and lack of air circulation in the dense woods, so that more moisture remains for the use of the trees. When the shade of the crowns overhead (the so-called “crown cover,” or ‘““eanopy,”) is perfect but little undergrowth will be seen; but where the crown cover is interrupted or imperfect an undergrowth will appear. If this is composed of young trees, or even shrubs, it is an advantage, but if of weeds, and especially grass, itis a misfortune, because these transpire a great deal more water than the woody plants and allow the soil to deteriorate in structure and therefore in water capacity. Some weeds and grasses, to be sure, are capable of existing where but little light reaches the soil. When they appear it is a sign to tke forester that he must be careful not to thin out the crown cover any more. When the more light-needing weeds and grasses appear it is a sign that too much light reaches the ground, and that the soil is already deteriorated. If this state continues, the heavy drain which the transpiration of these weeds makes upon the soil moisture, without any appreciable conservative action by their shade, will injure the soil still further. The overhead shade or crown cover may be imperfect because there are not enough trees on the ground to close up the interspaces with their crowns, or else because the kinds of trees which make up the forest do not yield much shade; thus it can easily be observed that a beech, a sugar maple, a hemlock is so densely foliaged that but little light reaches the soil through its crown canopy, while am ash, an oak, a larch, when full grown, in the forest, allows a good deal of light to penetrate. j Hence, in our weeding process for the improvement of the wood crop, we must be careful not to interrupt the crown cover too much, and thereby deteriorate the soil conditions. And for the 288 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. same reason, in the selection of the kinds that are to be left or to be taken out, we shall not only consider their use value, but also their shading value, trying to bring about such a mixture of shady and less shady kinds as will insure a continuously satisfactory crown cover, the shade- enduring kinds to oecupy the lower stratum in the crown canopy, and to be more numerous than the light-needing. ' The forester, therefore, watches first the conditions of his soil cover, and his next care is for the condition of the overhead shade, the ‘“‘crown cover;” for a change in the condition of the latter brings change into his soil conditions, and, inversely, from the changes in the plant cover of the soil he judges whether he may or may not change the light conditions. The changes of the soil cover teach him more often when ‘“ to let alone” than when to go on with his operations of thinning out; that is to say, he can rarely stop short of that condition which is most favorable. Hence the improvement cuttings must be made with caution and only very gradually, so that no deterioration of the soil conditions be invited. We have repeated this injunction again and again, because all success in the management of future wood crops depends upon the care bestowed upon the maintenance of favorable soil conditions. : As the object of this weeding is not only to remove the undesirable kinds from the present crop, but to prevent as much as possible their reappearance in subsequent crops, it may be advisable to cut such kinds as sprout readily from the stump in summer time—June or July— when the stumps are likely to die without sprouting. It may take several years’ cutting to bring the composition of the main crop into such a condition as to satisfy us. METHODS OF REPRODUCING THE WOOD CROP. Then comes the period of utilizing the main crop. As we propose to keep the wood lot as such, and desire to reproduce a satisfactory wood crop in place of the old one, this latter must be cut always with a view to that reproduction. There are various methods pursued for this purpose in large forestry operations which are not practicable on small areas, especially when these are expected to yield only small amounts of timber, and these little by little as required. It is possible, to be sure, to cut the entire crop and replant a new one, or else to use the ax skillfully and bring about a natural reproduction in a few years; but we want in the present case to lengthen out the period during which the old crop is cut, and hence must resort to other methods. There are three methods practicable. We inay clear narrow strips or bands entirely, expecting the neighboring growth to furnish the seed for covering the strip with a new crop—“the strip method;” or we can take out single trees here and there, relying again on an aftergrowth from seed shed by the surrounding trees— the ‘selection method;” or, finally, instead of single trees, we may cut entire groups of trees here and there in the same manner, the gaps to be filled, as in the other cases, with a young crop from the seed of the surrounding trees, and this we may call the “ group method.” In the strip method, in order to secure sufficient seeding of the cleared strip, the latter must not be so broad that the seed from the neighboring growth can not be carried over it by the wind. In order to get the best results from the carrying power of the wind (as well as to avoid windfalls when the old growth is suddenly opened on the windward side) the strips should be located on the side opposite the prevailing winds. Oaks, beech, hickory, and nut trees in general with heavy seeds will not seed over any considerable breadth of strip, while with maple and ash the breadth may be made twice as great as the height of the timber, and the mother trees with lighter seeds, like spruce and pine, or birch and elm, may be able to cover strips of a breadth of three or four and even eight times their height. But such broad strips are hazardous, since with insufficient seed fall, or fail years in the seed, the strip may remain exposed to sun and wind for several years without a good cover and deteriorate. It is safer, therefore, to make the strips no broader than just the height of the neighboring timber, in which case not only has the seed better chance of covering the ground, but the soil and seedlings have more protection from the mother crop. In hilly country the strips must not be made in the direction of the slope, for the water would wash out soil and seed. Every year, then, or from time to time, a new strip is to be cleared and “regenerated.” But REPRODUCING THE WOOD LOT. if the first strip failed to cover itself satisfactorily the operation is unwise to remove the seed trees further by an additional clearing. should be used only where the kinds composing 289 stopped, for it would be Accordingly, this method the mother crop are frequent and abundant seeders and give assurance of reseeding the strips quickly and successfully. The other two methods have greater chances of success in that they preserve the soil conditions more surely, and there is more assurance of seeding from the neighboring trees on all sides. The selection method, by which single trees are taken out all over the forest, is the same as has been practiced by the farmer and lumberman hitherto, only they have forgotten to look after the young crop. excessive shade of the mother trees. will be necessary to be ready with the ax all the time and give light as needed by the young crop. The openings madeby taking out single trees are so small that there is great danger of the young crop being lost, or at least impeded in its development, because it is im- practicable to come in time to its relief with the ax. The best method, therefore, in all respects, is the yroup method, which not only secures continuous soil cover, chances for full seeding, and more satisfactory light condi- tions, but requires less careful at- tention, or at least permits more freedom of movement and adapta- tion to local conditions (fig. 39). It is especially adapted to mixed woods, as it permits securing for each species the most desirable light conditions by making the openings larger or smaller, accord- ing as the species we wish to favor ina particular group demand more or less shade. Further, when dif- ferent species are ripe for regener- ation at different times, this plan makes it possible to take them in hand as needed. Again, we can begin with one group or we can Millions of seed may fall to the ground and germinate, but perish from the If we wish to be successful in establishing a new crop it SY ATU Fia. 39.—Showing plan of group system in regenerating a forest crop. 1,2, 3, 4, suc- cessive groups of young timber, 1 being the oldest, 4 the youngest, 5 old timber; @, wind mantle, specially managed to secure protection. take in hand several groups simultaneously, as may be desirable and practicable. We start our groups of new crop either where a young growth is already on the ground, enlarging around it, or where old timber has reached its highest usefulness and should be cut in order that we may not lose the larger growth which young trees would make; or else we choose a place which is but poorly stocked, where, if it is not regenerated, the soil is likely to deteriorate further. The choice is affected further by the consideration that dry situations should be taken in hand earlier than those in which the soil and site are more favorable, and that some species reach maturity and highest use value earlier than others and should therefore be reproduced earlier. In short, we begin the regeneration when and where the necessity for it exists, or where the young crop has the best chance to start most satisfactorily with the least artificial aid. Of course advantage should be taken of the occurrence of seed years, which come at different inter- vals with different species. H. Doe. 181——19 290 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. 8. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. If we begin with a group of young growth already on the ground, our plan is to remove gradually the old trees standing over them when no longer required for shade, and then to cut away the adjoining old growth and enlarge the opening in successive narrow bands around the young growth. When the first band has seeded itself satisfactorily, and the young growth has come to require more light (which may take several years), we remove another band around it, and thus the regeneration progresses. Where no young growth already exists, of course the first opening is made to afford a start, and afterwards the enlargement follows as occasion requires. SIZE OF OPENINGS. The size of the openings and the rapidity with which they should be enlarged vary, of course, with local conditions and the species which is to be favored, the light-needing species requiring larger openings and quicker light additions than the shade-enduring. It is difficult to give any a nC hi i SN Old timber. 3d. 2d. Ist cutting. 2a. 3d. Old timber. Fie. 40.—A ppearance of regeneration by group method. rules, since the modifications due to local conditions.are so manifold, requiring observation and judgment. Caution in not opening too much at a time and too quickly may avoid failure in securing good stands. In general, the first openings may contain from one-fourth to one-half an acre or more, and the gradual enlarging may progress by clearing bands of a breadth not to exceed the height of the surrounding timber. The time of the year when the cutting is to be done is naturally in winter, when the farmer has the most leisure, and when the wood seasons best after felling and is also most readily moved. Since it is expected that the seed fallen in the autumn will sprout in the spring, all wood should, of course, be removed from the seed ground. The first opening, as well as the enlargement of the groups, should not be made at once, but by gradual thinning out, if the soil is not in good condition to receive and germinate the seed and it is impracticable to put it in such condition by artificial means—hoeing or plowing. It is, of course, quite practicable—nay, sometimes very desirable—to prepare the soil for the reception and germination of the seed. Where undesirable undergrowth has started it should be REPRODUCING THE WOOD LOT. 291 cut out, and where the soil is deteriorated with weed growth or compacted by the tramping of cattle it should be hoed or otherwise scarified, so that the seed may find favorable conditions. To let pigs do the plowing and the covering of acorns is not an uncommon practice abroad. It is also quite proper, if the reproduction from the seed of the surrounding mother trees does not progress satisfactorily, to assist, when an opportunity is afforded, by planting such desirable species as were or were not in the composition of the original crop. It may require ten, twenty, or forty years or more to secure the reproduction of a wood lot in this way. A new growth, denser and better than the old, with timber of varying age, will be the result. The progress of the regeneration in groups is shown on the accompanying plan, the different shadings showing the successive additions of young crop, the darkest denoting the oldest parts, first regenerated. If we should make a section through any one of the groups, this, ideally represented, would be like fig. 40, the old growth on the outside, the youngest new crop adjoining it, and tiers of older growths of varying height toward the center of the group. WIND MANTLE. On tie plan there will be noted a strip specially shaded surrounding the entire plat (fig. 39, a), representing a strip of timber which should surround the farmer’s wood lot, and which he should keep as dense as possible, especially favoring undergrowth. This part, if practicable, should be kept reproduced as coppice or by the method of selection, i. e., by taking out trees here and there. When gaps are made, they should be filled, if possible, by introducing shade-enduring kinds, which, like the spruces and firs and beech, retain their branches down to the foot for a long time. This mantle is intended to protect the interior against the drying influence of winds, which are bound to enter the small wood lot and deteriorate the soil. The smaller the lot the more necessary and desirable it is to maintain such a protective cover or windbreak. COPPICE. Besides reproducing a wood crop from the seed of mother trees or by planting, there is another reproduction possible by sprouts from the stump. This, to be sure, can be done only with broad- leafed species, since conifers, with but few exceptions, do not sprout from the stump. When a wood lot is cut over and over again, the reproduction taking place by such sprouts we call “ coppice.” Most wooded areas in the Eastern States have been so cut that reproduction from seed could not take place, and hence we have large areas of coppice, with very few seedling trees interspersed. As we have seen in the chapter on “ How trees grow,” the sprouts do not develop into as good trees as the seedlings. They grow faster, to be sure, in the beginning, but do not grow as tall and are apt to be shorter lived. For the production of firewood, fence, and post material, coppice management may suffice, but not for dimension timber. And even to keep the coppice in good reproductive condition care should be taken to secure a certain proportion of seedling trees, since the old stumps, after repeated cutting, fail to sprout and die out. Soil and climate influence the success of the coppice; shallow soils produce weaker but more numerous sprouts, and are more readily deteriorated by the repeated laying bare of the soil; a mild climate is most favorable to a continuance of the reproductive power of the stump. Some species sprout more readily than others; hence the composition of the crop will change unless attention is paid to it. In the coppice, as in any other management of a natural wood crop, a desirable composition must first be secured, which is done by timely improvement cuttings, as described in a previous section. The best trees for coppice in the Northeastern States are the chestnut, various oaks, hickory, ash, elm, maples, basswood, and black locust, which are all good sprouters. When cutting is done for reproduction the time and manner are the main care. The best results are probably obtained, both financially and with regard to satisfactory reproduction, when the coppice is cut between the twentieth and thirtieth year. All cutting must be done in early spring or in winter, avoiding, however, days of severe frost, which is apt to sever the bark from the trunk and to kill the cambium. Cutting in summer kills the stump, as arule. The cut should 292 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. 8. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. be made slanting downward, and as smooth as possible, to prevent collection of moisture on the stump and the resulting decay, and as close as possible to the ground, where the stump is less exposed to injuries, and the new sprouts, starting close to the ground, may strike independent roots. Fail places or gaps should be filled by planting. This can be readily done by bending to the ground some of the neighboring sprouts, when 2 to 3 years old, notching, fastening them down with a wooden hook or a stone, and covering them with soil a short distance (4 to 6 inches) from the end. The sprout will then strike root, and after a year or so may be severed from the mother stock by a sharp cut (fig. 41). For the recuperation of the crop, it is desirable to maintain a supply of seedling trees, which may be secured either by the natural seeding of a few mother trees of the old crop which are left, or by planting. This kind of management, coppice with seedling or standard trees intermixed, if the latter are left regularly and well distributed over the wood Jot, leads to a management called “standard coppice.” In this it is attempted to avoid the drawbacks of the coppice, viz, failure to produce dimension material and running out of the stocks. The former object is, however, only partially accomplished, as the trees grown without sufficient side shading are apt to produce branchy boles and hence We J knotty timber, besides in- [\/ e juring the coppice by their | / VY shade. PLAN OF MANAGEMENT. In order to harmon- ize the requirements of the wood lot from a sylvi- cultural point of view and the needs of the farmer: for wood supplies, the cut- ting must follow some sys- tematic plan. Theimprovementcut- tings need not, in point of time, have been made all over the lot before be- ginning the cuttings for regeneration, provided they have been made in those parts which are to be regenerated. Both the cuttings may go on simultaneously, and this enables the farmer to gauge the amount of cutting to his consumption. According to the amount of wood needed, one or more groups may be started at the same time. It is, however, desirable, for the sake of renewing the crop systematically, to arrange the groups in a regular order over the lot. Fic. 41,—Method of layering to produce new stocks in coppice wood. How TO CULTIVATE THE Woop CRop. Where only firewood is desired—i. e., wood without special form, size, or quality—no attention to the crop is necessary, except to insure that it covers the ground completely. Nevertheless, even in such a crop, which is usually managed as a coppice, some of the operations described in this chapter may prove advantageous. Where, however, not only quantity but useful quality of the crop is also to be secured, the development of the wood crop may be advantageously influenced by controlling the supply of light available to the individual trees. It may be proper to repeat here briefly what has been explained in previous pages regarding the influence of light on tree development. EFFECT OF LIGHT ON WOOD PRODUCTION. Dense shade preserves soil moisture, the most essential element for wood production; a close stand of suitable kinds of trees secures this shading and prevents the surface evaporation of soil moisture, making it available for wood production. But a close stand also cuts off side light and IMPROVING THE CROP. 293 confines the lateral growing space, and hence prevents the development of side branches and forces the growth energy of the soil to expend itself in height growth; the crown is carried up, and long, cylindrical shafts, clear of branches, are developed. A close stand thus secures desir- able form and quality. Yet, since the quality of wood production or accretion (other things being equal) is in direct proportion to the amount of foliage and the available light, and since an open * position promotes the development of a larger crown and of more foliage, an open stand tends to secure a larger amount of wood accretion on each tree. On the other hand, a tree grown in the open, besides producing more branches, deposits a larger proportion of wood at the base, so that the shape of the bole becomes more conical, a form which in sawing proves unprofitable; whereas a tree grown in the dense forest both lengthens its shaft at the expense of branch growth and makes a more even deposit of wood over the whole trunk, thus attaining a more cylindvical form. While, then, the total amount of wood production per acre may be as large in a close stand of trees as in an open one (within limits), the distribution of this amount among a larger or smaller number of individual trees produces different results in the quality of the crop. And since the size of a tree or log is important in determining its usefulness and value, the sooner the individual trees reach useful size, without suffering in other points of quality, the more profitable the whole crop. NUMBER OF TREES PER ACRE. The care of the forester, then, should be to maintain the smallest number of individuals on the ground which will secure the greatest amount of wood growth in the most desirable form of which the soil and climate are capable, without deteriorating the soil conditions. He tries to secure the most advantageous individual development of single trees without suffering the disad- vantages resulting from too open stand. The solution of this problem requires the greatest skill and judgment, and rules can hardly be formulated with precision, since for every species or combi- nation of species and conditions these rules must be modified. In a well-established young crop the number of seedlings per acre varies greatly, from 3,000 to 100,000, according to soil, species, and the manner in which it originated, whether planted, sown, or seeded naturally.| Left to themselves, the seedlings, as they develop, begin to crowd each other. At first this crowding results only in increasing the height growth and in preventing the spread and full development of side branches; by and by the lower branches failing to receive sufficient light finally die and break off—the shaft ‘clears itself.” Then a distinct development of definite crowns takes place, and after some years a difference of height growth in different indi- viduals becomes marked. Not a few trees fail to reach the general upper crown surface, and being more or less overtopped, we can readily classify them according to height and development of crown, the superior or “dominating” ones growing more and more vigorously, the inferior or “dominated” trees falling more and more behind, and finally dying for lack of light, and thus a natural reduction in numbers, or thinning, takes place. This natural thinning goes on with vary- ing rates at different ages, continuing through the entire life of the crop; so that, while only 4,000 trees per acre may be required in the tenth year to make a dense crown cover or normally close stand, untouched by man, in the fortieth year 1,200 would suffice to make the same dense cover, in the eightieth year 350 would be a full stand, and in the one hundredth not more than 250, accord- ing to soil and species, more or less. AS we can discern three stages in the development of a single tree—the juvenile, adolescent, and mature—so, in the development of a forest growth, we nay distinguish three corresponding stages, namely, the “thicket” or brushwood, the “‘pole-wood” or sapling, and the “timber” stage. During the thicket stage, in which the trees have a bushy appearance, allowing hardly any distinction of stem and crown, the height growth is most rapid. This period may last, according to conditions and species, from five or ten to thirty and even forty years—longer on poor soils and with shade-enduring species, shorter with light-needing species on good soils—and, while it lasts, it is in the interest of the wood grower to maintain the close stand, which produces the long shaft, clear of branches, on which at a later period the wood that makes valuable clear timber may accumulate. Form development is now most important. The lower branches are to die and break off before they, become too large. With light-needing species and 1Tf the crop does not, at 3 to 5 years of age, shade the ground well, with a complete crown cover or canopy, it can not be said to be well established and should be filled out by planting. 294 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. 8. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. with deciduous trees generally this dying off is accomplished more easily than with conifers. The spruces and even the white pine require very dense shading to “clear” the shaft. During this period it is only necessary to weed out the undesirable kinds, such as trees infested by insect and fungus, shrubs, sickly, stunted, or bushy trees which are apt to overtop and prevent the develop- ment of their better neighbors. In short, our attention is now devoted mainly to improving the composition of the crop. WEEDING AND CLEANING THE CROP. This weeding or cleaning is easily done with shears when the crop is from 3 to 5 years old. Later, mere cutting back of the undesirable trees with a knife or hatchet may be practiced. In well-made artificial plantations this weeding is rarely needed until about the eighth or tenth year. But in natural growths the young crop is sometimes so dense as to inordinately interfere with the development of the individual trees. The stems then remain so slender that there is danger of their being bent or broken by storm or snow when the growth is thinned out later. In such cases timely thinning is indicated to stimulate*more rapid development of the rest of the crop. This can be done most cheaply by cutting swaths or lanes 1 yard wide and as far apart through the crop, leaving strips standing. The outer trees of the strip, at least, will then shoot ahead and become the main crop. These weeding or improvement cuttings, which must be made gradually and be repeated every two or three years, are best performed during the summer months, or in August and September, when it is easy to judge what should be taken out. METHODS OF THINNING. During the “thicket” stage, then, which may last from 10 to 25 and more years, the crop is gradually brought into proper composition and condition. When the ‘‘pole-wood” stage is reached, most of the saplings being now from 3 to 6 inches in diameter and from 15 to 25 feet in height, the variation in sizes and in appearance becomes more and more marked. Some of the taller trees begin to show a long, clear shaft and a definite crown. The trees can be more or less readily classified into height and size classes. The rate at which the height growth has progressed begins to fall off and diameter growth increases. Now comes the time when attention must be given to increasing this diameter growth by reducing the number of individuals, and thus having all the wood which the soil can produce deposited on fewer individuals. This is done by judicious and often repeated thinning, taking out some of the trees, and thereby giving more light and increasing the foliage of those remaining; and as the crowns expand, so do the trunks increase their diameter in direct proportion. These thinnings must, however, be made cautiously lest at the same time the soil is exposed tao much, or the branch growth of those trees which are to become timber wood is too much stimulated. So varying are the conditions to be considered, according to soil, site, species, and development of the crop, that it is well-nigh impossible, without a long and detailed discussion, to lay down rules for the proper procedure. In addition the opinions of authorities differ largely both as to manner and degree of thinning, the old school advising moderate and the new school severer thinnings. For the farmer, who can give personal attention to detail and whose object is to grow a variety of sizes and kinds of wood, the following general method may perhaps be most useful. _ First determine which trees are to be treated as the main crop or “final-harvest” crop. For this, 300 to 500 trees per acre of the best grown and most useful kinds may be selected, which should be distributed as uniformly as possible over the acre. These, then—or as many aS may live till the final harvest—are destined to grow into timber and are to form the special favorites as much as possible. They may at first be marked to insure recognition; later on they will be readily distinguished by their superior development. The rest, which we will call the “subordinate” crop, is then to serve merely as filler, nurse, and soil cover. WHAT TREES TO REMOVE. {t is now necessary, by careful observation of the surroundings of each of the “ final-harvest” crop trees, or “superiors,” as we may call them, to determine what trees of the “subordinate” crop trees, or “‘inferiors,” must be removed. AJlnurse trees that threaten to overtop the superiors THINNING THE WOOD CROP. 295 must either be cut out or cut back and topped, if that is practicable, so that the crown of the superiors can develop freely. Those that are only narrowing in the superiors from the side, with- out preventing their free top development, need not be interfered with, especially while they are still useful in preventing the formation and spreading of side branches on the superiors. As soon as the latter have fully cleared their shafts, these crowding inferiors must be removed. Care must be taken, however, not to remove too many at a time, thus opening the crown cover too severely and thereby exposing the soil to the drying influence of the sun. Gradually, as the crowns of inferiors standing farther away begin to interfere with those of the superiors, the inferiors are removed, and thus the full effect of the light is secured in the accretion of the main harvest crop; at the same time the branch growth has been prevented and the soil has been kept shaded. Meanwhile thinnings may also be made in the subordinate crop, in order to secure also the most material from this part of the crop. This is done by cutting out all trees that threaten to be killed by their neighbors. In this way many a useful stick is saved and the dead material, only good for firewood, lessened. It is evident that trees which in the struggle for existence have fallen behind, so as to be overtopped by their neighbors, can not, either by their presence or by their removal, influence the remaining growth. They are removed only in order to utilize their wood before it decays. It may be well to remark again that an undergrowth of woody plants interferes in no way with the devolopment of the main crop; on the contrary, aids by its shade in preserving favorable moisture conditions. Its existence, however, shows in most cases that the crown cover is not as dense as it should be, and hence that thinning is not required. Grass and weed growth, on the other hand, is emphatically disadvantageous and shows that the crown cover is dangerously open. The answer to the three questions, when to begin the thinnings, how severely to thin, and how often to repeat the operation, must always depend upon the varying appearance of the growth and the necessities in each case. The first necessity for interference may arise with light-needing species as early as the twelfth or fifteenth year; with shade-enduring, not before the twentieth or twenty-fifth year. The necessary severity of the thinning and the repetition are somewhat inter- dependent. It is better to thin carefully atfd repeat the operation oftener than to open up so severely at once as to jeopardize the soil conditions. Especially in younger growths and on poorer soil, it is best never to open a continuous crown cover so that it could not close up again within three to five years; rather repeat the operation oftener. Later, when the trees have attained heights of 50 to 60 feet and clear boles (which may be in forty to fifty years, according to soil and kind) the thinning may be more severe, so as to require repetition only every six to ten years. The condition of the crown cover, then, is the criterion which directs the ax. As soon as the crowns again touch or interlace the time has arrived to thin again. In mixed growths it must not be overlooked that light-needing species must be specially protected against shadier neighbors. Shade-enduring trees, such as the spruces, beech, sugar maple, and hickories, bear overtopping for a time and will then grow vigorously when more light is given, while light-needing species, like the pines, larch, oaks, and ash, when once suppressed, may never be able to recover. Particular attention is called to the necessity of leaving a rather denser ‘wind mantle” all around small groves. In this part of the grove the thinning must be less severe, unless coniferous trees on the outside can be encouraged by severe thinning to hold their branches low down, thus increasing their value as windbreaks. The thinnings, then, while giving to the ‘“final-harvest” crop all the advantage of light for promoting its rapid development into serviceable timber size, furnish also better material from the subordinate crop. At 60 to 70 years of age the latter may have been entirely removed and only the originally selected ‘“‘superiors” remain on the ground, or as many of them as have not died and been removed; 250 to 400 of these per acre will make a perfect stand of most valuable form and size, ready for the final harvest, which should be made as indicated in the preceding chapter. \ THE RELATION OF FORESTS TO FARMS. That all things in nature are related to each other and interdependent is a common saying, a fact doubted by nobody, yet often forgotten or neglected in practical life. The reason is partly indifference and partly ignorance as to the actual nature of the relationship; hence we suffer, deservedly or not. 296 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. 8S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. — The farmer’s business, more than any other perhaps, depends for its success upon a true estimate of and careful regard for this interrelation. He adapts hiscrop to the nature of the soil, the manner of its cultivation to the changes of the seasons, and altogether he shapes conditions and places them in their proper relations to each other and adapts himself to them. Soil, moisture, and heat are the three factors which, if properly related and utilized, combine to produce his crops. In some directions he can control these factors more or less readily; in others they are withdrawn from his immediate influence, and he is seemingly helpless. He can maintain the fertility of the soil by manuring, by proper rotation of crops, and by deep culture; he can remove surplus moisture by ditching and draining; he can, by irrigation systems, bring water to his crops, and by timely cultivation prevent excessive evaporation, thereby rendering more water available to the crop; but he can not control the rainfall nor the temperature changes of the sea- sons. Recent attempts to control the rainfall by direct means exhibit one of the greatest follies and misconceptions of natural forces we have witnessed during thisage. Nevertheless, by indirect means the farmer has it in his power to exercise much greater control over these forces than he has attempted hitherto. He can prevent or reduce the unfavorable effects of temperature changes; he ean increase the available water supplies, and prevent the evil effects of excessive rainfall; he can so manage the waters which fall as to get the most benefit from them and avoid the harm which they are able to inflict. Before attempting to control the rainfall itself by artifice, we should study how to secure the best use of that which falls as it comes within reach of human agencies and becomes available by natural causes. How poorly we understand the use of these water supplies is evidenced yearly by destructive freshets and floods, with the accompanying washing of soil, followed by droughts, low waters, and deterioration of agricultural lands. It is claimed that annually in the United States about 200 square miles of fertile soil are washed into brooks and rivers, a loss of soil capital which can not be repaired for centuries. Atthe same time millions of dollars are appropriated yearly in the river and harbor bills to dig out the lost farms from the rivers, and many thousands of dollars’ worth of crops and other property are destroyed by floods aifd overflows; not to count the large loss from droughts which this country suffers yearly in one part or the other, and which, undoubtedly, could be largely avoided, if we knew how to manage the available water supplies. The regulation, proper distribution, and utilization of the rain waters in humid as well as in arid regions—water management—is to be the great problem of successful agriculture in the future. One of the most powerful means for such water management lies in the proper distribution and maintenance of forest areas. Nay, we can say that the most successful water management is not possible without forest management. THE FOREST WATERS THE FARM. Whether forests increase the amount of precipitation within or near their limits is still an open question, although there are indications that under certain conditions large, dense forest areas may have such an effect. At any rate, the water transpired by the foliage is certain, in some degree, to increase the relative humidity near the forest, and thereby increase directly or indirectly the water supplies in its neighborhood. This much we can assert, also, that while extended plains and fields, heated by the sun, and hence giving rise to warm currents of air, have the tendency to prevent condensation of the passing moisture-bearing currents, forest areas, with their cooler, moister air strata, do not have such a tendency, and local showers may therefore become more frequent in their neighborhood. But, though no increase in the amount of rainfall may be secured by forest areas, the availability of whatever falls is increased for the locality by a well- kept and properly located forest growth. The foliage, twigs, and branches break the fall of the raindrops, and so does the litter of the forest floor; hence the soil under this cover is not com- pacted as in the open field, but kept loose and granular, so that the water can readily penetrate and percolate. The water thus reaches the ground more slowly, dripping gradually from the leaves, branches, and trunks, and allowing more time for it to sink into the soil. This percolation is also made easier by the channels along the many roots. Similarly, on account of the open structure of the soil and the slower melting of the snow under a forest cover in spring, where it FARM AND FOREST. 297 lies a fortnight to a month longer than in exposed positions and melts with less waste from evaporation, the snow waters more fully penetrate the ground. Again, more snow is caught and preserved under the forest cover than on the wind-swept fields and prairies. All these conditions operate together, with the result that larger amounts of the water sink into the forest soil and to greater depths than in open fields. This moisture is conserved because of the reduced evaporation in the cool and still forest air, being protected from the two great moisture-dissipating agents, sun and wind. By these conditions alone the water supplies available in the soil are increased from 50 to 60 per cent over those available on the open field. Owing to these two causes, then—increased percolation and decreased evaporation—larger amounts of moisture become available to feed the springs and subsoil waters, and these become finally available to the farm, if the forest is located at a higher elevation than the fleld. The great importance of the subsoil water especially and the influence of forest areas upon it has so far received too little attention and appreciation. It is the subsoil water that is capable of supplying the needed moisture in times of drought. THE FOREST TEMPERS THE FARM. Another method by which a forest belt becomes a conservator of moisture lies in its wind- breaking capacity, by which both velocity and temperature of winds are modified and evaporation from the fields to the leeward is reduced. On the prairie, wind swept every day and every hour, the farmer has learned to plant a wind-break around his buildings and orchards, often ouly a single row of trees, and finds even that a desirable shelter, tempering both the hot winds of summer and the cold blasts of winter. The fields he usually leaves unprotected; yet a wind-break around his crops to the windward would bring him increased yield, and a timber belt would act still more effectively. Says a farmer from Illinois: My experience is that now in cold and stormy winters fields protected by timber belts yield full crops, while fields not protected yield only one-third of a crop. Twenty-five or thirty years ago we never had any wheat killed by winter frost, and every year we had a full crop of peaches, which is now very rare. At that time we had plenty of timber around our fields and orchards, now cleared away. Not only is the temperature of the winds modified by passing over and through the shaded and cooler spaces of protecting timber belts disposed toward the windward and alternating with the fields, but their velocity is broken and moderated, and since with reduced velocity the evaporative power of the winds is very greatly reduced, so more water is left available for crops. Every foot in height of a forest growth will protect 1 rod in distance, and several belts in succession would probably greatly increase the effective distance. By preventing deep freezing of the soil the winter cold is not so much prolonged, and the frequent fogs and mists that hover near forest areas prevent many frosts. That stock will thrive better where it can find protection from the cold blasts of winter and from the heat of the sun in summer is a well-established fact. THE FOREST PROTECTS THE FARM. On the sandy plains, where the winds are apt to blow the sand, shifting it hither and thither, a forest belt to the windward is the only means to keep the farm protected. In the mountain and hill country the farms are apt to suffer from heavy rains washing away the soil. Where the tops and slopes are bared of their forest cover, the litter of the forest floor burnt up, the soil trampled and compacted by cattle and by the patter of the raindrops, the water can not penetrate the soil readily, but is carried off superficially, especially when the soil is ot clay and naturally compact. As a result the waters, rushing over the surface down the hill, run together in rivulets and streams and acquire such a force as to be able to move loose particles and even stones; the ground becomes furrowed with gullies and runs; the fertile soil is washed away; the fields below are covered with silt; the roads are damaged; the water courses tear their - banks, and later run dry, because the waters that should feed them by subterranean channels have been carried away in the flood. The torest cover on the hilltops and steep hillsides which are not fit for cultivation prevents this erosive action of the waters by the same influence by which it increases available water supplies. The important effects of a forest cover, then, are retention of larger quantities of water 298 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. 8. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. and carrying them off under ground and giving them up gradually, thus extending the time of their usefulness and preventing their destructive action. In order to be thoroughly effective, the forest growth must be dense, and, especially, the forest floor must not be robbed of its accumulations of foliage, surface mulch, and litter, or its under- brush by fire, nor must it be compacted by the trampling of cattle. On the gentler slopes, which are devoted to cultivation, methods of underdraining, such as horizontal ditches partly filled with stones and covered with soil, terracing, and contour plowing, deep cultivation, sodding, and proper rotation of crops must be employed to prevent damage from surface waters. THE FOREST SUPPLIES THE FARM WITH USEFUL MATERIAL. All the benefits derived from the favorable influence of forest belts upon water conditions can be had without losing any of the useful material that the forest produces. The forest grows to be eat and to be utilized; it is a crop to be harvested. It is a crop which, if properly managed, does not need to be replanted; it reproduces itself. When once established, the ax, if properly guided by skillful hands, is the only tool necessary to cultivate it and to reproduce it. Thereis no necessity of planting unless the wood lot has been mismanaged. The wood lot, then, if properly managed, is not only the guardian of the farm, but it is the savings bank from which fair interest can be annually drawn, utilizing for the purpose the poorest part of the farm. Nor does the wood lot require much attention; it is to the farm what the workbasket is to the good housewife—a means with which to improve the odds and ends of time, especially during the winter, when other farm business is at a standstill. It may be added that the material which the farmer can secure from the wood lot, besides the other advantages recited above, is of far greater importance and value than is generally admitted. On a well-regulated farm of 160 acres, with its 4 miles and more of fencing and with its wood fires in range and stove, at least 25 cords of wood are required annually, besides material for repair of buildings, or altogether the annual product of probably 40 to 50 acres of well-stocked forest is needed. The product may represent, according to location, an actual stumpage value of from $1 to $3 per acre, a sure crop coming every year without regard to weather, without trouble and work, and raised on the poorest part of the farm. It is questionable whether such net results could be secured with the same steadiness from any other crop. Nor must it be overlooked that the work in harvesting this crop falls into a time when little else could be done. Wire fences and coal fires are, no doubt, good substitutes, but they require ready cash, and often the distance of haulage makes them rather expensive. Presently, too, when the virgin woods have been still further culled of their valuable stores, the farmer who has preserved a sufficiently large and well-tended wood lot will be able to derive a comfortable money revenue from it by supplying the market with wood of various kinds and sizes. The German State forests, with their complicated administrations, which eat up 4 per cent of the gross income, yield, with prices of wood about the same as in our country, an annual net revenue of from $1 to $4 and more per acre. Why should not the farmer, who does not pay salaries to managers, overseers, and forest guards, make at least as much money out of this crop when he is within reach of a market? With varying conditions the methods would of course vary. In a general way, if he happens to have avirgin growth of mixed woods, the first care would be to improve the composition of the wood lot by cutting out the less desirable kinds, the weeds of tree growth, and the poorly grown trees which impede the development of more deserving neighbors. The wood thus cut he will use as firewood or in any other way, and even if he could not use it at all and had to burn it up the operation would pay indirectly by leaving him a better crop. Then he may use the rest of the crop, gradually cutting the trees as needed, but he must take care that the openings are not made too large, so that they can readily fill out with young growth from the seed of the remaining trees, and he must also pay attention to the young aftergrowth, giving it light as needed. Thus without ever resorting to planting he may harvest the old timber and have a new crop taking its place and perpetuate the wood lot without in any way curtailing his use of the same. G ERINCIELES OF FOREST ECONOMY: It is possible to carry on forest production, to grow and market forest products, without making a special business of it. The farmer can manage his wood lot so as to produce and reproduce a valuable wood crop, applying all the art of silviculture without any special bookkeeping or other business organization. If he performs his own labor and counts it nothing, and if he use his own wood crop in his buildings, fences, or in his stove, or can sell it to his neighbors, and if he keep his wood lot on the rocky part of his farm or where it serves as protection against damage from winds or waters, he can make forest growing at least indirectly profitable without much effort. The case is different when we go into forest growing as a business for the market and for revenue, for profit on an invested capital, and on expenditures. Then it becomes necessary to adopt more systematic procedures, to organize, as in a large mercantile establishment, the business in detail, to adopt proper methods of bookkeeping, to keep control of income and outgo, so as to insure the profitable running of the business; and, as in all properly conducted business enter- prises, the adequacy of the capital employed and of the margin realized must enter into consideration. Besides the purely technical care of the productive forces to secure the best quantitative ‘and qualitative production of material—the highest “gross” yield—there must be exercised a managerial care to secure the most favorable relations of expenditure and income, the highest “net” yield, a surplus of money results without which the industry would appear purposeless, at least from the standpoint of private enterprise and investment. Carried on by government activity for reasons of general cultural advantages, the “net yield” or money profits may be considered secondary, perhaps be dispensed with, and it may even appear rational to carry on this industry like any other form of public works, at a loss. Nevertheless, even in that case, it would be desirable to organize and systematically carry on the business, to keep account, compare, and bring into relation the results with the efforts; to measure the cost. The manner in which such systematic business organization and accounting is done must vary according to the conditions and peculiarities of the industry, and hence it differs widely in the different industries. Thus, although agriculture and forestry, both having to do with productions of the soil, would appear of similar nature, yet the conditions of production vary so widely that their methods and problems of management and of accounting must also differ considerably. In both these industries there is required a fixed and a working capital; but while the agriculturist has this outside of land and houses, in movable condition, or can in a short time—at the end of each season—make most of it movable, the forest manager has his working capital mostly bound up, immovable, represented in the growing timber, the accumulation of many years’ growth, which may or may not be ready for harvest. The length of time with which forestry has to caleulate in the creation of its products is an element which introduces problems into the calculation of future yields, both gross and net, unknown to most other industries and difficult to solve. A further difficulty, also peculiar to the industry, is the fact that it can not be readily determined what part of the forest ought to be left as working capital and what part should be harvested; there is no definite time, naturally determined, when the harvest is ready, and the question as to which part of the growing timber should be left standing for further accumulation of products to be harvested involves compli- cated technical as well as financial and managerial considerations. Furthermore, there are difficulties arising from the manner in which forest growth develops, in estimating or determining the accretions in quantity and value of the crop, and difficulties in sey 299 300. FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. determining the value of forest soil and in predicting the market value of the products at future times when they will be ready for harvest. All these difficulties, which are peculiar to the forestry business, at least to a much greater degree than to any other business, require much more careful planning and systematic procedure than is usually necessary with other industries in which the product is sold or expected to be turned to account within a short time from its production and in which the cost of production and the price of products can be more readily ascertained, the methods of carrying on the business more readily changed or adapted to changing market conditions, and the fixed capital more readily liquidated. This branch of the forestry business, therefore, in countries where the industry is developed, has experienced very elaborate treatment, the purely economic or managerial problems—forest economy or forest management—being sharply distinguished from the problems of technical forest production, forestry technique. While this latter branch deals with the questions of silviculture, forest protection, and forest utilization—how to grow, protect, and use to best advantage the forest products—the former, forest economy, deals with the questions of forest valuation, forestal statics, and forest regulation, how to determine the quantity of production, how to compare expenditure and result, how to dispose of the forces of production, regulate orderly, and systematically manage the forest property so as to produce continuously the most satisfactory money results. We speak now, it must not be forgotten, not of the business of chopping down and turning into cash virgin forest growth, a mere crude exploitation of the natural forest resources in which the present lumber industry is concerned, but we propose to outline the considerations which are needful when we desire to engage in the business of producing the supplies for the lumber industry after virgin supplies are exhausted, an industry which so far has remained undeveloped in the United States. In the lumber industry of to-day the business methods, as far as the accounting of forest supplies are concerned, are of the crudest. It consists in ascertaining roughly the amount of timber! which could at once be readily utilized with profit, and no account is made of any tuture values, or rarely so. The forest is treated like a quarry or mine from which the pay ore is removed, then to be abandoned. If there should be anything of value left or developed later, this is worked out in the same way, like working over the dump of an abandoned mine. In other words, the lumber industry is not a productive but a transformative industry, preparing the product for market; it st nds in relation to the forestry industry as that of the cattle breeder to that of the butcher, and wood production is not a part of it. The lumbering industry, concerned in the utilization of forest products, is only the tail end of the forestry industry, which latter begins with the systematic management of the forest resources for reproduction and continued revenue. Tn the forestry business we consider the forest somewhat like an orchard from which we only reap the fruit annually, or like a herd of cattle kept for breeding purposes when we may slaughter the old but look for a constant supply of young eattle, growing and maintaining a due proportion of calves and heifers. Thus the forester proposes to use annually or periodically only as much as has annually or periodically grown. If, for instance, he had found that on his 1,000 acres the average annual wood production was 50 cubic feet per acre he would be entitled to cut 50 x 1,000 = 50,000 cubic feet yearly. In order to produce this amount continuously and in such form and size as to be useful, and to permit a harvesting every year, there would have to be a certain amount of wood stored up and distributed over younger and older trees or stands of trees, which are maintained as stock 1The ascertainment of the amount of standing timber is done in various ways. Usually the judgment of a more or less experienced expert, a ‘‘ timber looker,” is taken, who by riding or walking through the woods mentally forms an idea of the number of logs that could be got from the land, and of the cost of moving them to the mill. An improvement consists in making at least a few trial measurements either of the contents of average acres, or else counting and measuring the trees of certain kinds which constitute the main value. This is done especially with walnut, cherry, or yellow poplar, and other kinds which are especially valuable and occur scattered through the woods; these are now often sold by the tree instead of by the acre or by the M feet B. M. A fair method also practiced is to sell by the “scaling” when the logs are cut and collected on ‘‘skidways,” where they are measured and paid for by the M feet B. M. PRINCIPLES OF FOREST ECONOMY. 301 on which the annual growth takes place (the wood capital), just as in the herd a certain number of cows and bulls and heifers of various ages must be kept to secure a continuous supply of cattle and a tolerably uniform revenue on the investment. In order to be able to determine what this wood capital is to be and how much the yield or revenue that can be expected the manager must have knowledge of the manner and rapidity with which the crop develops. It is not necessary to go into details of the methods developed to ascertain the amount of wood growing per acre at different ages, or how to determine the rate of gzowth and the quanti- tative as well as qualitative accretion. It will, however, be needful to indicate briefly what in general the results of such measurements would be in order to get an insight as to how these will influence the methods of management. While individual trees of the same species may develop very differently and seemingly without law, when we deal with larger numbers under forest conditions we may more readily discern that amore or less precise law and rate of growth can be established for each species and condition. Of course different soil and climatic conditions and the character of the site influence the rate of development of forest growth, yet on all sites the relative rate at various periods remains more or less constant. Thus for a given species and site we will be able to discern after a brief seeding stage a juvenile stage, when trees develop in height growth at the expense of diameter growth; an adolescent stage, when height growth decreases and diameter growth accelerates, and a mature stage, when height growth practically ceases and diameter growth, although persisting, declines. The growth in volume progresses differently because the very wide rings or layers which are laid on in early life, and which denote rapid diameter growth, cover only a small circumference, while the much narrower ring of a later period laid on over a much thicker stem represents a much larger volume. Thus the rate of growth in white pine decreases in height and thickness practically from the polewood stage forward, while the rate of growth in volume increases up to the sixtieth or eightieth year, and then continues uniformly for a century or more before it declines. Or to illustrate in figures, a white pine seedling only 1 foot high and one-half inch in diameter, with hardly an appreciable volume of stem, will have reached a height of 30 feet in twenty years, 60 feet in forty years, 100 feet in one hundred years; the width of the rings will have averaged one-eighth to one-sixth inch during the first thirty years, while at one hundred years the average will have come down to one-twelfth inch; but the volume growth, which during the first thirty years was but a fraction of a cubic foot, has after sixty years attained a rate of 1 to 2 cubie feet per year, and is kept at that rate to a great age—two hundred and fifty to three hundred years. If we substitute the red or Norway pine we will find the progress quite different. It may start out at about the same rate as the white pine, and at sixty years may also have attained a rate of 2 cubic feet per year, but soon the rate begins to decline, and in the one hundred and twentieth year with a volume of 80 cubic feet the average accretion is only two-thirds cubic foot per year. Its average growth for the one hundred and twenty years has now become equal to the current rate of growth. The tree then passes its maximum capacity of wood production, for from this time on its current growth falls behind its average, and from the standpoint of quantitative production the tree should now be cut. But there is a growth in value which does not progress continuously and proportionately with the growth in yolume, and which is also an important factor in deciding when a tree is to be cut. Generally in all lumber and timber markets the prices are classified, and sticks, boards, ete., are priced according to size as well as freedom from defects and knots. For instance, poplar logs under 12 inches may have no price at all, logs of 16 to 20 inches may bring $15, those of 20 to 29 inches may bring $20, and if over 30 inches $25 may be paid per 1,000 feet B. M. contained in the log. Hence, although the quantitative development may have decreased in the log of 29 inches, it may still pay to hold it over until the better-paying size is attained. 302 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. In a stand of trees, an acre of forest growth, the progress of wood production is, to be sure, different from that in the individual tree, for here the amount of wood to the acre at any time depends on the number of trees as well as their volume. And this number, as we have seen, rapidly decreases as the trees grow older and crowd each other, when some are killed and eliminated from taking part in the total wood production, while the remaining, with the increase in light and food supplies, increase their production. This increase in the rate of volume growth per acre is very rapid in young woods and on good soil; it reaches a maximum and then declines more or less rapidly according to species and site, very much according to the diameter growth of the individual. The question as to the number of trees which should be allowed to grow per acre, so as to produce not only the largest amount of wood, but of useful sizes and best quality, which means freedom from knots and technically most serviceable in form and grain, is one of the foremost problems of both the technicist and the manager. The capacity of our unmanaged virgin forests in this respect is no criterion of the possibili- ties, and on the other hand the experience of other countries is only partially applicable to our conditions. But as an example of what our white pine forests, for instance, may eventually produce, we may cite the experience with spruce in Germany, which on good soil is capable of producing at the rate of 40 cubic feet per acre each year during the first decade, as much as 120 cubic feet in the second decade, and at the rate of 200 cubic feet at the age of 40, while at one hundred and fifty it shows only an average of 80 cubic feet per acre annually; having declined from about the seventieth year on. On poorer soils about one-half of this production may be expected, and if we inquire into the total quantity per acre we may find at thirty years 4,200 cubic feet of wood, more than twice that amount at sixty years, and 14,000 cubic feet at one hundred years, which appears an enormous yield compared to those of our virgin forests, whose yield is depressed by the presence of much valueless material and lack of density, and which would in double the time hardly have produced such amount. With other species, to be sure, entirely different ag ggregate amounts would result, but in general, the march of progress would be in a similar proportion. If, however, we have to deal not with seedling trees, but with coppice growth like the sprout lands of our New England States, the progress is entirely different. There are several million acres of hard-wood coppice in these States, which, when fairly stocked, produce annually for the first twenty-five to thirty years at the rate of a cord or a little less (i. e., about 100 cubic feet solid) per acre, but after that time very rapidly decline in production without an equivalent value increase, and hence must be cut when the maximum amount of wood production has been attained ; this is also necessary from silvicultural reasons, as the stacks if left too long, are impaired in reproductive power. To be sure, such woods yield hardly any other material than firewood and fence rails. There are many trees to the acre, 1,500 to 2,000 at least, but each one is small, not more than 10 to 12 inches in diameter at best, hence the supply of firewood is in excess of the home demand and the price obtained hardly covers the expense of getting the material to market. To produce materials of size and quality such as we now require in the lumber market, nature has taken from one hundred and fifty to five hundred years, and for the giants of the Pacific, two thousand years anid more. Even with the best skill in managing the crop, not less than seventy- five to one hundred years from the seed will be required to produce logs fit for the mill, such as are now considered hardly worth sawing. From such measurements and considerations of the quantitative and qualitative development of the crop, the economist will learn that the time at which a forest growth is utilized has an important bearing on the more or less intensive and profitable use of the resource. When the crop, accumulated during a longer or shorter period, is ripe for the ax depends not only upon silvicultural and forest-technical considerations influenced by soil and climatic condi- tions and the species composing the forest, but, from a business point of view, upon market con- ditions and financial considerations. The material would hardly be useful for anything but firewood or small posts and fencing material at best before twenty years, and again for lumber or purposes of construction it may be considered fit for use not before one hundred and more years. PRINCIPLES OF FOREST ECONOMY. 303 Market conditions may be such that the small demand for the first-mentioned class of products would make it unprofitable to cut the growth, and again while, other things being equal, the larger dimensions are not only more valuable and in greater demand, but permit a greater and greater intensity of exploitation,’ yet the long time during which the capital represented in the standing timber is tied up, and must therefore produce at compound interest, may have a disadvantageous influence upon the balance sheet. The determination, therefore, of the length of time during which the growth is to be allowed to accumulate, which is called rotation, requires not only consideration by the technicist, but very close and complicated calculations by the manager. According to the point of view from which this period of rotation is determined, we can distinguish and designate these time periods by various names which explain themselves, namely, as silvicultural rotation, rotation of greatest material production, financial rotation of highest harvest value, rotation of highest forest rey- enue, ete.” Now, if an owner of land should stock it all with forest growth at the same time, he would have to wait twenty, forty, sixty, one hundred years or more, according to the rotation which he has recognized as most desirable, before he would have any returns, or else, if he should have a tract of virgin growth, all ripe for the ax, and cut it all, he would again have to wait many decades without income until the new growth can be profitably cut. Such an intermittent revenue is not only undesirable for private enterprise, but also impracti- cable, since the cost of caring for the property would have to be provided for without any direct income during a long period. For small holdings, such as the wood lot of a farmer, attached to the farm and readily super- vised by him while attending to his regular business, the objection to the intermission of revenue is not serious altogether he manages his wood lot mainly for his own use. But in growing wood crops for the market as a business it is necessary to change the intermittent into an annual revenue, or at least one returning in short periods. This is done by gradually bringing the forest into such condition that each year, or at least during each short period of the rotation, a portion or parcel, as nearly as possible producing the same amount of material or revenue, becomes ready for the harvest, until finally the whole forest area assumes the condition of what may be called the normal forest, or at least a regulated forest Ideally such a forest when so regulated would yield every year or short period of years the same amount of material and approximately the same money revenue, the amount to be cut annually or periodically being as nearly as possible the amount annually growing. If, for instance, we have a pine forest which we propose to manage under a rotation of one hundred years, which means that we expect to return for a new crop within one hundred years to the same acre we have just cut, and finding from our measurements that all our acres are of a uniformly producing capacity, we would have it divided into 100 equally large compartments, each stocked with trees just one year older than the preceding, and successfully representing 100 age classes, so that we could cut each year one compartment with the same amount of wood just one hundred years old. ! How, with the increase in the size of the log, the amount of lumber that can be obtained from it increases or the necessary waste decreases disproportionately may be seen from the subjoined table of output, based upon the results of the average sawmill practice: ae ic gntents Contents in | Waste as a B. Meor One feet| per cent of Diameter of log (10 feet long)— twelfth eubie| Pex Scribner | real contents Hoots allows or Doyle's | deduced by } ing no waste. rules. Doyle. 10 inches 65 23 65 14 inche 127 62 51 16 inche 167 90 46 18 inche 211 122 42 20 inches. 261 160 39 CENTENONED) oo ososacansaaeses as 376 250 3: BU SHANE osscenoecaodsoans ec 588 429 28 SOM CHES teenies ere malate el dg 847 640 25 AD TANG .ocaSecoccemosnece as 1, 046 810 23 RM) TN coacssobodeseccqsctonadesead 1, 635 1, 322 20 2 Note from page 332, Report 1893, ‘‘Determining rotation.” 304 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. 8S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. The total amount of wood standing in such a forest at the time of entering upon the work would represent the normal stock—the wood capital which must be maintained in order to insure au equal annual yield. The average difference of the amounts of wood standing in any two compartments would represent the normal annual accretion—the amount of wood which we are entitled to harvest if we desire to secure a continuous revenue in equal annual amounts. If, for example, on our 100 acres managed with a 100-year rotation we found the average annual accretion per acre to be 50 cubic feet, the normal stock—the wood capital—which must be maintained on the acre would be found by the addition of the contents of all compartments, 100 x 50 no : F : 5 00) 250,000 cubic feet. The total normal yield which we are entitled to harvest would be represented by the oldest 100 year-old compartment, containing, naturally, 50 x 100 = 5,000 cubic feet, or 2 per cent of the normal stock. If we were to cut more than this normal yield in any year, we would be trenching on the capital stock and disturb the attempted equalization of income. If we were to cut less, we would unnecessarily accumulate capital in the wood, which would be lying idle and be for the time unremunerative. The conception of a normal forest, with normal stock, normal accretion, normal distribution of age classes, and normal yield, first taught in 1758, is a most useful one, representing an ideal or standard which, although in practice never attained and hardly fully attempted, serves nevertheless as a guide in calculation and working plans. In practice the growths of different age may be distributed in compartments of separate areas or they may be distributed in single trees over the entire area or in groups of trees, and thus many variations of the method may occur, but they are all based on the same principle of maintaining a wood capital distributed over a number of age classes in such amounts that the oldest classes always represent what may be cut as the annual or periodic revenue which has accumulated on the entire capital. Before even an approach to such ideal and systematic condition can be secured in our virgin woods a long time must elapse—the period during which the regulation is gradually perfected, the length of which depends upon the condition of the forest area. If begun with a well-stocked virgin forest composed of old and young timber of varying age, the conditions are most favorable, and a systematic management can be instituted in a comparatively short time and with a revenue from the start. In any case it requires a strong mind and persistent effort on the part of the owner to accumulate the wood capital, to forego, if need be, present revenue for future profits and to keep capital and interest account in the growing crop clearly separate, and to abstain from cutting into the wood capital before it has done its full duty when tempting opportunity arises for liquidating it. This fact, namely, that a differentiation into fixed capital and interest as represented in the growing timber and the harvest is not readily recognizable—that the choice of when to harvest the growth is not based on natural conditions so much as on the opinion and pecuniary interest of the owner, and in addition that there is a long time during which he could if he chose turn the accumulated fixed capital into cash—may sometimes, to be sure, appear as an advantage from the standpoint of private industry, but from that of national economy it is fraught with danger, as it is apt to lead to uneconomical use of the forest resource whenever the owner finds himself in difficulties or sees a temporary advantage in reducing this capital, which can be restituted only by the expenditure of a long time. If a farmer sells his cattle, horses, plows, etc., and leaves the ground to fallow, he may suffer loss individually, but the community does not, or at least only to a slight (legree; for while, to be sure, the land does not produce, it accumulates in the fallow conditions the elements of fertility, and as a rule is not long allowed to remain unused and can in a Sseason’s time be made to produce again. On the other hand, if a forest growth is removed without reference to the requirements of a regulated management, namely, without leaving a wood capital of useful kinds upon which a new growth can accumulate, not only is the area of wood production reduced, but in the new spon- taneous growth of undesirable kinds which, as a rule, come in, an impediment to useful occupation PRINCIPLES OF FOREST ECONOMY. 305 of the soil is invited, while by the sudden excessive offer of material followed by corresponding decrease of supplies the market and prices are disturbed and the rational management (if existing) of neighboring forest areas unfavorably influenced. Such disturbances leading to trade depressions, while in the end they are equalized by trade booms, are never desirable, and especially not in an industry which requires such a long time to gain an equilibrium. To be sure, the growing of wood crops, as in agriculture may be carried on in a small way with a small wood capital, or else in a large way with a large wood capital, but it will be readily seen that since the most useful, most necessary, and most valuable sizes of timber upon which the lumber industry of the country is based requires not less than a century for their production, this industry must finally be carried on by large capital, preferably by corporations, which have in them the elements of perpetuity, and eventually by the Government. The present consumption, for instance, of the lumber industry in the United States may be set at 40,000,000,000 feet B. M. annually, which corresponds to about 5,000,000,000 cubic feet of log timber in the woods; the normal wood reserve, which under first-class management could be expected to furnish such amounts continuously, would figure up to at least 1,000 billion cubie feet, which would require 400,000,000 acres fully stocked in good condition to be constantly kept in wood. Figuring the stumpage value somewhat like the present average rates at 2 cents per cubic foot it appears that a eapital of at least $20,000,000,000 would have to be tied up in the wood capital which is capable of furnishing continuously the present requirements of our lumber market. In this calculation we assume that our requirements for firewood and other forest prod- ucts, not lumber and timber, can be satisfied by the inferior material remaining over after the log timber has been taken out, which is not now the case. The experience of Huropean nations has amply demonstrated that the small forest owner soon tires of the burden of maintaining the wood capital; he reduces it by shortening the rotation more and more, confining himself finally to the production of firewood and inferior sizes, and being unable to acquire or employ the skill necessary to carry on a systematic forestry business, his wood lots deteriorate more and more and play no role in the supplies for the lumber market which are furnished by the State forests and the large landed proprietors, who can keep up well-stocked areas of large enough size to pay for the employment of competent managers and skilled labor and the maintenance of a business organization; who can leave the large wood capital intact, which with the long rotation is necessary to produce sizable material, and who are satisfied with the low but steady and safe interest which their capital produces. H. Doe. 181—— 20 H. FOREST INFLUENCES. [Condensed from Bulletin 7, Forest Influences, pp. 191, 1893, with additional notes.] One of the arguments upon which a change of policy in regard to our forests, and especially on the part of the National Government, is demanded, refers to the influence which it is claimed forest areas exert upon climate and water flow. It is argued that the wholesale removal and devastation of forests affects climate and water flow unfavorably. Popular writers on forestry, friends of forestry reform, and the public mind have readily taken hold of this proposition, enlarged upon it, and generalized without sufficient and relevant premises, and before it was possible for science and systematic observations to furnish grounds or sound deductions; hence we have had only presumptions supported by superficial reasoning and ocea- sional experiences. Even scientific writers have discussed the question without proper bases, and have sought to reason out the existence or absence of such an influence upon general premises and such evidence as the history of the world seemed to furnish, or else upon observations which were either of too short duration to allow elimination of other disturbing factors or else were otherwise unreliable. From the complication of causes which produce climatic conditions it has always been difficult to prove, when changes of these conditions in a given region were observed, that they are perma- nent and not due merely to the general periodic variations which have been noted in all climates of the earth, or that they are due to a change of forest conditions and to no other causes; hence some climatologists have thought proper to deny such influences entirely. On the other hand there are as trustworthy and careful observers who maintain the existence of such influences; but only of late has the question been removed from the battlefield of opinions, scientific and unscientific, to the field of experiment and scientific research, and from the field of mere specu- lation to that of exact deduction. But the crop of incontrovertible facts is still scanty, and further cultivation will be necessary to gather a fuller harvest and then to set clear the many coniplicated questions connected with this inquiry. Meanwhile a thorough beginning with a view to settle the question by scientific methods and careful systematic measurements and observations has been made in Europe, where the existence of well-established forest administrations, manned with trained observers, has rendered practicable the institution of such work on an extensive scale—the only one which can yield adequate results. Nevertheless, the results of these experiments, cited below, have so far failed to advance materially our positive knowledge regarding the relation of forest growth and meteorological phenomena. The reason for this failure is to be sought, first, in the complexity of the problem, which ren- ders any experimentation difficult, and, secondly, in the deficiency in appliances and methods of meteorological observations. : Not only is it difficult to analyze or control the various causes that may influence climatic. variations from year to year, but we are not yet prepared to determine the uniformity of the local distribution of meteorological phenomena or of the measurements of the same by our instruments. Hence some of the small, though well-defined differences in rainfall and temperature observed over forest and open country in earlier experiments may be attributed to the nonconformity of the natural local distribution of these phenomena or to lack of uniformity in instruments and methods. It may be proper to call attention to and accentuate the fact that the question of practical importance is not so much as to the effects upon the general climate, but as to the local modification of climatic conditions which a forest area may produce. 306 FOREST INFLUENCES. 307 It can not be too strongly impressed upon those who disclaim any influence of forest cover on climate, because the cosmic causes by which this is produced are immeasurably greater, that there are two classes of climate always to be considered separately, namely, the general climate and the local climate. The latter is of most importance to us, and alone can be modified by small causes. We modify it by building a house around us, thus altering the temperature aud moisture conditions of the atmosphere so inclosed; but the question is, whether we can alter these conditions on a larger scale by such means as alternating forest areas and fields or by large bodies of forest. We are not so much concerned as to whether the total rainfall over the continent is increased, but whether the distribution of precipitation in time and quantity over and near a forest area is influenced by its existence; whether we or our crops feel its absence or presence in our immediate neighborhood; whether the protection it seems to afford and the changes it seems to produce in the meteorological phenomena are or are not real and of sufficient magnitude to influence our forest policy. We can understand readily that if any influence exists it must be due, in the first place, to the mechanical obstruction which the forest cover presents to the passage of air currents and to the action of the sun’s rays upon the soil—it must result from a difference in insolation, and consequent differences in temperature and evaporation over forest and field. It is also readily understood that the influence can become appreciable only when large enough areas exhibiting such differences are opposed to each other, capable of producing local currents of air which may intercommunicate the characteristics of the one area to the other. ‘The size and character of the forest growth, its density, height, situation, and composition are, therefore, much more important in determining its influence than has been hitherto supposed. It is not trees, but masses of foliage which may be effective. A large sheet covering an extended area from the influence of the sun would produce almost the same differences in meterological conditions that a forest cover is expected to produce. While, then, we may admit a priori that extent or area and condition of the forest cover are important, we have as yet no data from which to caleulate any proper size or proportion, and the attempts to fix a certain percentage of forest cover needed for favorable climatic conditions of a country are devoid of all rational basis. Leaving the question of forest influences upon climate as still awaiting final solution, we may speak with much more confidence of the effect which forest cover exerts upon the disposal of water supplies. This effect can be much more readily studied and shows itself much more conspicuously. It is perhaps also much more important to human economy, for it is becoming more and mere apparent that our agricultural production is dependent not so much upon the amount of rainfall as upon the proper disposal of the waters that fall. Recognizing this truth, the American Association for the Advancement of Science in 1891 sent the following resolution to the Secretary of Agriculture: The American Association for the Advancement of Science respectfully submits for the consideration of the Secretary of Agriculture that the future of successful and more productive agriculture depends very largely upon a rational water management, meaning thereby not only the use of water for irrigation in the arid and subarid regions, but the rational distribution and use in the humid regions of available water supplies by means of horizontal ditches and irrigation systems, combined with proper mechanical preparation of the soil, and with drainage systems, with the object of fully utilizing the water for plant production and providing for the safe and harmless removal of the surplus. ! The present policy of forest production and of allowing our waters to run to waste not only entails the loss of their beneficial influence upon plant production, but permits them to injure crops, to wash the fertile mold from the soil, and even to erase and carry away the soil itself. It is upon these considerations that the association respectfully suggests to the honorable Secretary the desirability of utilizing the Weather Bureau, the various agricultural experiment stations, and other forces, in forming a systematic service of water statistics, and in making a careful survey of the condition of water supplies, which may serve as a basis for the application of rational principles of water management. ~ How poorly we understand the use of these supplies is evidenced yearly by destructive freshets and floods, with the accompanying washing of soil, followed by droughts, low water, and deterioration of agricultural lands. It may be thought heterodox, but it is nevertheless true, that the manner in which most of the water of the atmosphere becomes available for human use (namely, in the form of rain) is by no 308 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. 8. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. means the most satisfactory, not only on account of its irregularity in time and quantity, but also on account of its detrimental mechanical action in falling; for in its fall it compacts the ground, impeding percolation. A large amount of what would be carried off by underground drainage is thus changed into surface drainage waters. At the same time, by this compacting of the soil, capillary action is increased and evaporation thereby accelerated. These surface waters also loosen rocks and soil, carrying these in their descent into the river courses and valleys, thus increasing dangers of high floods and destroying favorable cultural conditions. Here it is that water management and, in connection with it or as a part of it, forest manage- ment should be studied; for without forest management no rational water management is possible. The forest floor reduces or prevents the injurious mechanical action of the rain and acts as a regulator of water flow. Hitherto water management in rainy districts has mainly concerned itself with getting rid of the water as fast as possible, instead of making it do service during its temporary availability by means of proper soil management, horizontal ditches and reservoirs— drainage and irrigation systems combined. It seems to have been entirely overlooked that irriga- tion, which has been considered only for arid and subarid regions, is to be applied for plant production in well-watered regions with equal benefit and profit, if combined with proper drainage systems and forest management. The experimental demonstration of this influence of forests and water flow is also still in doubt, and the problem is as difficult and complex as that regarding the influence on temperature and rainfall. Nevertheless, sufficient experience exists to sustain the general philosophy, to which a close student of nature is forced, long before he can demonstrate the qualitative and quantitative character of an important influence of forests on water conditions. SUMMARY OF CONCLUSIONS. For those who wish to know only what the present state of the question of forest influences is, we have summarized what conclusions may be drawn from the facts presented in Bulletin 7, referring them to that report for the basis of these conclusions and the discussion in extenso. For easy reference the pages of the bulletin containing the data upon which each conclusion is reached are given in parentheses at the end of each paragraph, and the diagrams which show in graphic manner the result of the observations upon which the conclusions are mainly based are repro- duced. ‘Fhere are also added to this summary some references to later developments in this subject, GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS. (1) We must keep separate two main questions, namely, What is the difference of conditions within and without the forest? and How far is the difference of conditions within the forest com- municated to the outside, i. e., how far does the forest influence the conditions outside? (Pp. 23-40, Bul. 7.) (2) The general climatic conditions in which the forest is situated as well as its situation with reference to elevation and exposure, furthermore its composition, whether evergreen or deciduous, its density, its height and extent, the character of the forest floor, and other features which determine its quality, must all combine in producing variety, at least quantitatively, both as to difference of conditions within and without the forest and as to possible exchange of the same, and hence the question of forest influences can be properly discussea only with reference to these other conditions. We must refrain from generalizing too readily from one set of conditions to another set of conditions. (Pp. 40-121, Bul. 7.) (3) In the matter of forest influence upon water flow, besides the above mentioned, other conditions, the topography and geology or stratification of soil, must also be taken into account and generalizations without regard to these must be avoided. (Pp. 123-157, Bul. 7.) (4) No influence upon the general climate which depends upon cosmic causes can in reason be expected from a forest cover. Only local modifications of climatic conditions may be anticipated ; but these modifications, if they exist, are of great practical value, for upon them rest success or failure in agricultural pursuits and comfort or discomfort of life within the given cosmic climate. The same condition must be insisted upon with reference to forest influences upon water flow, which can exist only as local modifications of general water conditions, which are due in the first place to climatic, geologic, and topographic conditions. (Pp. 157-170, Bul. 7.) FOREST INFLUENCES. 309 DIFFERENCE OF METEOROLOGICAL CONDITIONS WITHIN AND WITHOUT THE FOREST. (1) Soil temperatures.—The general influence of the forest on soil temperatures is a cooling one, due to the shade and to the longer retention of moisture in the forest floor as well as in the forest air, which must be evaporated before the ground can be warmed. As a consequence, the extremes of high and low temperature within the forest soil occur much later than in the open, and both extremes are reduced, but the extreme summer temperatures much more than the winter temperatures. (Pp. 40-46, Bul. 7.) The difference between evergreen and deciduous forests, which almost vanishes in the winter time, is in favor of the deciduous as a cooling element in summer and autumn, while during spring the soil is cooler under evergreens. The effect increases naturally with the age and height of the trees. (Pp. 46-50, Bul. 7.) (2) Air temperatures under the crowns.—The annual range of air temperature is smaller in the forest than in the open; the effect upon the minimum temperature (i. e., the effect in winter) is less than on the maximum temperature (i.e., the effect in summer.) The combined effect is a cooling one. The range of temperature is more affected than the average absolute temperature, or, in other words, the moderating influence is greater than the cooling effect. (Pp. 51-53, Bul. 7.) The monthly minima for middle latitudes are uniformly reduced during the year, and the monthly maxima are much more reduced during the summer than during the winter. On the average the forest is cooler than the open country in summer, but about the same in winter, with a slight warming effect in spring. (Pp. 53-58, Bul. 7.) The difference between the mean monthly air temperatures in the woods and in the open varies with the kind of forest much more than is the case for soil temperatures. The evergreen forest shows a symmetrical increase and decrease throughout the year. The deciduous forest shows a variable influence which diminishes from the midwinter to springtime, but increases rapidly as the leaves appear and grow, becoming a maximum in June and July and then diminishing rapidly until November. The annual average effect is about the same both for evergreens and deciduous forests. (Pp. 58-60, Bul. 7.) ; Forests situated at a considerable elevation above the sea have sensibly the same influence on the reduction of the mean temperature as do forests that are at a low level. (P. 60, Bul. 7.) Young forests affect the air temperature very differently from mature forests; in the former the minimum temperatures are always reduced, but the maxima are exaggerated. The observa- tions on which this conclusion is based ought, perhaps, to be considered as pertaining rather to the case of temperatures in the tree tops. (P. 60, Bul. 7.) (3) Air temperatures within the crowns.—The mean temperature of the air in the tree tops, after correcting for elevation above ground, is rather higher than over open fields. The effect of tree tops does not appreciably depend upon the height of the station above ground. ‘The effect upon the minima is generally greater than on the maxima, the total effect being a warming one. A tree-top station is in general intermediate, as to temperature, between a station near the ground in the forest and one in the open field. (Pp. 61-66, Bul. 7.) Evergreen forests show less difference between the temperature in the crown and below, and altogether more uniformity in temperature changes throughout the year, than deciduous growth. (P. 67, Bul. 7.) The vertical gradient for temperature within the forest on the average of all stations and all kinds of forest trees is large, varying from 0.61° F. per 100 feet in April to 2.50° F. in July. (P. 68, Bul. 7.) A reversal of the vertical gradient, namely, a higher temperature above than below, occurs in the wood, especially in the summer time. It also occurs in the open air regularly at night, and may be three or four times as large as that just mentioned. In general, the action of the forest tends to produce a vertical distribution of temperature like that over snow or level fields on clear nights. (P. 69, Bul. 7.) (4) Air temperature above the crowns.—The temperature, at considerable heights above the forest, appears to be slightly affected by the forest, and more so with evergreens than with deciduous growth. The vertical gradients of temperature within 30 feet above the tops of the trees are all reversed throughout the leafy season; the gradients are also greater above the tree crown than below, at least during the clear sky and calm air. The wind affects the temperature 310 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. 8. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. under and within the crowns, but makes little difference above them. The surface of the forest crown appears meteorologically much like the surface of the meadow or cornfield. It is as if the soil surface has been raised to the height of the trees. (Pp. 69-72, Bul. 7.) (5) Air temperature in general.—From the preceding generalizations it appears that the forest affects the temperature just as any collection of inorganic obstacles to sunshine and wind; but as an organic being the forest may be also an independent source of heat. Careful observations of the temperature within the trunk of the tree and of the leaves of the tree show that the tree temperature is affected somewhat by the fact that the water rising brings up the temperature ot the roots, while the food material from the leaves brings their temperature down, and the tree temperature, considered as the result of the complex adjustment, is not appreciably affected by any heat that may be evolved by the chemical processes on which its growth depends. It is not yet clear as to whether the chemical changes that take place at the surface of the leaves should give out any heat; it is more likely that heat is absorbed, namely, rendered latent, especially in the formation of the seed; the process of germination usually evolves this latent heat; the immense quantity of water transpired and evaporated by the forests tends to keep the leaves at the same temperature as that of the surface of water or moist soil. (Pp. 73-95, Bul. 7.) (6) Humidity of air.—The annual evaporation within the forests is about one-half of that in the open field; not only is the evaporation within a forest greatest in May and June, but the difference between this and the evaporation in the open field is also then a maximum, which is the saving due to the presence of the woods. The average annual evaporation within the woods is about 44 per cent of that in the field. Fully half of the field evaporation is saved by the presence of the forest. (P. 96, Bul. 7.) The quantity of moisture thrown into the air by transpiration from the leaves in the forest is sometimes three times that from a horizontal water surface of the same extent, and at other times it is less than that of the water. The transpiration from leaves in full sunshine is decidedly greater than from leaves in the diffused daylight or darkness. The absolute amount of annual transpiration, as observed in forests of mature oaks and beeches in central Europe, is about one- quarter of the total annual precipitation. (Pp. 77-80, Bul. 7.) The percentage of rainfall, evaporated at the surface of the ground, is about 40 per cent for the whole year in the open field and about 12 per cent for the forest, and is greater under deciduous than under evergreen forests. (P. 98, Bul. 7.) The evaporation from a saturated bare soilin the forest is about the same as that from a water surface in the forest, other conditions being the same. (P. 99, Bul. 7.) The presence of forest litter like that lying naturally in undisturbed forests hinders the evaporation from the soil to a remarkable extent, since it saves seven-eighths of what would otherwise be lost. (P. 100, Bul. 7.) The total quantity of moisture returned into the atmosphere from a forest by transpiration and evaporation from the trees and the soil is about 75 per cent of the precipitation. For other forms of vegetation it is about the same or sometimes larger, varying between 70 per cent and 90 per cent; in this respect the forest is surpassed by the cereals and grasses, while, on the other hand, the evaporation from a bare soil is scarcely 30 per cent of the precipitation. (P.101, Bul. 7.) The absolute humidity within a forest exceeds that of the glades and the plains by a small quantity. The relative humidity in the forest is also larger than in the glades or plains by 2 per cent to 4 per cent. Forests of evergreens have from two to four times the influence in increasing relative humidity than do forests of deciduous trees. (Pp. 102-105, Bul. 7.) The gauges in European forest stations catch from 75 to 85 per cent when placed under the trees, the balance representing that which passes through the foliage and drips to the ground or runs down along the trunks of trees, or else is intercepted and evaporated. ‘The percentage withheld by the trees, and which either evaporates from their surface or trickles along the trunk to the ground, is somewhat greater in the leafy season, though the difference is not great. Deciduous and evergreen trees show but slight differences in this respect. More rain is usually caught by gauges at a given height above the forest crown than at the same height in open fields, but it still remains doubtful whether the rainfall itself is really larger over the forests, since the recorded catch of the rain gauge still requires a correction for the influence of the force of the wind at the gauge. (Pp. 106-110, Bul. 7). In such cases, where over a large area deforestation and reforestation have seemingly gone FOREST INFLUENCES. 311 hand in hand with decrease and increase of rainfall, the possible secular change in rainfall must also be considered. Yet the experience of increased rainfall over the station at Lintzel, with increase of forest area, points strongly toward a possible interdependence under given conditions. (Pp. 111-118, Bul. 7.) By condensing dew, hoar frost, and ice on their branches, trees add thereby a little to the precipitation which reaches the ground, and by preventing the rapid melting of snow more water remains available under forest cover. (P. 121, Bul. 7.) The question as to the march of destructive hailstorms with reference to forest areas, which seems settled for some regions in France, remains in doubt for other, especially mountain, regions. (Pp. 121-129, Bul. 7.) From these statements we would expect as a consequence of deforestation an effect on the climate of the deforested area in three directions, namely: (a) extremes of temperature of air as well as soil are aggravated; (b) the average humidity of the air is lessened; and possibly (c) the distribution of precipitation throughout the year, if not its quantity, is changed. INFLUENCE OF FORESTS UPON THE CLIMATE OF THE SURROUNDING COUNTRY. (1) An influence of the forest upon the climate of its surroundings can only take place by means of diffusion of the vapor which is transpired and evaporated by the crowns and by means of air currents passing through and above the forests being modified in temperature and moisture conditions; the mechanical effect upon such air currents by which they are retarded in their progress may also be effective in changing their climatic value. (2) Local air currents are set up by the difference in temperature of the air within and without the forest, analogously to those of a lake or pond, cooler currents coming from the forest during the day in the lower strata and warmer currents during the night in the upper strata. The latter currents, being warmer and moister, can be of influence on the temperature and moisture con- ditions of a neighboring field by moderating temperature extremes and increasing the humidity of the air. ; This local circulation is the one most important difference between forest and other vegetation. How far away from the forest this circulation becomes sensible is not ascertained. In winter time, when the temperature differences become small, no such circulation is noticeable. (P.120, Bul. 7.) (3) The general air currents in their lower portions are cut off entirely by the forest, which acts as a wind break. This influence can of course be experienced only on the leeward side. How far this protection reaches it is difficult to estimate, but it certainly reaches farther than that of a mere wind break, since by the friction of the air moving over the crowns a retardation must be experienced that would be noticeable for a considerable distance beyond the mere wind-break effect. Deforestation on a large scale would permit uninterrupted sweep of the winds, a change more detrimental where the configuration of the ground does not fulfill a similar function—in large plains more than in hilly and mountainous regions, and at the seashore more than in the interior. (Pp. 118-120, 153, Bul. 7.) The upper air strata can be modified only by the conditions existing near and above the crowns. At the same time they must carry away the cooler and moister air there and create an upward movement of the forest air, and thereby in part the conditions of this become also active in modifying air currents. The greater humidity immediately above the crowns is imparted to the air currents, if warm and dry, and becomes visible at night in the form of mists resting above and near forest areas. These strata protect the open at least against insolation and loss of water by evaporation, and have also a greater tendency to condensation as dew or light rain if conditions for such condensation exist. ‘[his influence can be felt only to the leeward in summer time, and with dry, warm winds, while the cooling winter effect upon comparatively warmer moist winds is not noticeable. Theoretical considerations lead to the conclusion that in mountain regions only the forest on the leeward slope can possibly add moisture to a wind coming over the mountain, but this does not necessarily increase the precipitation on the field beyond. Altogether, the theoretical considerations are as yet neither proved nor disproved by actual observations, and as to rainfall the question of influence on the neighborhood is stil] less settled than that of precipita- tion upon forest areas themselves. Wherever moisture-laden winds pass over extensive forest areas the cooler and moister condition of the atmosphere may at least not reduce the possibility 312 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. of condensation, which a heated plain would do; but observations so far give no conclusive evidence that neighboring fields receive more rain than they otherwise would. (Pp. 76, 83, 89, 103, Bul. 7.) ; (4) With regard to comparative temperatures in forest stations and open stations that are situated not far apart from each other, it would appear that the forest exerts a cooling influence, but that more detailed conclusions are hindered by the consideration that the ordinary meteoro- logical station itself is somewhat affected by neighboring trees. The study of the stations in Asiatic and European Russia seems to show that in the western part of the Old World the presence of large forests has a very sensible influence on the tempera- ture. Similar studies for stations in the United States seem to show that our thin forests have a slight effeet in December, but a more decided one in June. It appears also that our wooded regions are warmer than the open plains, but there is no positive evidence that this difference of temperature is dependent upon the quantity or distribution of forests or that changes in tempera- ture have occurred from this cause. (Pp. 94, 95, Bul. 7.) (5) When a forest incloses a small area of land, forming a glade, its inclosed position brings about special phenomena of reflection of heat, local winds, and a large amount of shade. For such situations it is found that the mean range of temperature is larger in the glade than in the open; the glade climate is more rigorous than the climate of open plains; the glade is cooler and its diurnal range larger during the spring, summer, and autumn. (Pp. 84-88, Bul. 7.) Favorable influences upon moisture conditions of the air are most noticeable in localities where much water is stored in underground with overlying strata which are apt to dry when our summer drought prevails. Here the forest growth is able to draw water from greater depths and by transpiration return it to the atmosphere, thereby reducing the dryness and possibly inducing precipitation. In most climates this action would be less effective or of no use. Hence in regions with oceanic climate, with moist sea winds, like England and the west coasts of Kurope or of the northern United States, deforestation from a climatic point of view may make no appreciable difference, such as it would make in continental climates like the interior of our country, the Rocky Mountains, and southern California. Whether large or small areas of forest and open fields alternating or what percentage of forest is most favorable can not as yet be discussed, since we are not clearly informed even as to the manner and the amount of influence which forest cover exercises. In general, we may expect that an alternation of large forested and unforested areas in regions which on account of their geographic situation have a dry and rigorous climate is more beneficial than large uninterrupted forest areas, which would fail to set up that local circulation which is brought about by differences in temperature and permits an exchange of the forest climate to the neighboring field. More recent experiments tend to modify somewhat the conclusions arrived at heretofore, and indicate, as has been suggested, that the differences in temperature and humidity of woods and of open land that have been recorded are largely to be attributed to variability of instruments and of readings, and to nonconformity of conditions. Even the well-planned Austrian experiments have produced neither striking nor consistent results. In 1893, Dr. Lorentz Liburnau concluded that forests did not cool the air of the surrounding country, and that temperature extremes were even heightened in the immediate vicinity of the woods. Concerning humidity, it was found that while with one set of stations this appeared increased by an uncertain trifle through the proximity of the forest, in another set no influence was observed, and in one case the air current from the woods was positively drier at noon time than that of the open country, and even though Lorentz Liburnau is still hopeful in the matter he felt compelled to admit that a “distance effect” of forest influence was so far not demonstrated. ; Schubert, in 1895 and again in 1897, published results of extensive temperature measurements which point to an entire absence of influence in this respect, the air of the forest being in no case sufficiently cooler to warrant a decision. His experiments gave a difference of only 5° F. in favor of the pine woods. This author came to practically the same conclusion regarding the humidity of the forest and the open country. Miittrich, in 1896, comparing different modes of placing the thermometers found that these thermometers side by side varied by as much as 1.2° F. In a recent investigation of the methods employed in investigations of this character Hoppe FOREST INFLUENCES. oilee arrived at the following results: A number of the most approved instruments placed side by side and read at the same time of day gave readings differing by as high as 1.6° F., and usually by as much as 0.7° F., thus indicating clearly that such differences of temperature as had hitherto been considered real or valid differences were possibly nothing more than inaccuracies or insufficiencies of observation or due to nonuniformity of conditions. Nevertheless, having thus ascertained the difficulties and errors of instruments, Hoppe proceeded to investigate the influence of soil covers and found that even over the sod of a poor meadow the temperature is lower and the humidity greater than over a piece of rocky bare land, temperature and humidity being measured by the same instruments in both cases. He finds that this is still more constant and pronounced when forest and bare land are compared. The differences were small, however, the average of his results for sixty-six days being a difference in temperature of 3.2° F., and in relative humidity of 7 per cent. His results would seem to indicate a great uniformity of difference, and that the differences in temperature and humidity are nearly as great at night as during the day. A point of great interest is also brought out prominently by these experiments, namely, the need of a large number of observations. Thus, Hoppe found that the same instrument (an Assmann aspiration psychrometer) varied from minute to minute often with the slightest changes in cloudiness, so that during noonday and in one minute the relative humidity fell from 47.4 per cent to 41.2 per cent, and the temperature rose from 73.5 to 75° I’., and within five minutes the humidity rose from 43.8 to 50.9, fell to 48.8 and rose again to 52.2. WIND-BREAK EFFECTS. Prof. F. W. King, of the University of Wisconsin, has made an investigation into the protec- tion afforded by wind breaks, and records his observations in Bulletin 42 of that institution. The following extracts show the general character of his observations: Lying to the eastward of a field of clover, seeded last year, is a piece of oats,seeded to clover, and here the catch is very much better close to the grass, and is evidently so as far out in the field as 2 rods. A north-and-south road, fenced with wire and 2 rods wide, has scattering trees from 10 to 18 feet high, together with a scanty growth of hazel on both sides. To the east of this is a field of oats badly damaged by the winds at a distance from the shelter, but a strip 2 rods wide adjoining that seems wholly to have escaped injury. A level field seeded to clover and timothy last year is bounded on the north by a road and a strip of woods. Here the clover has a much thicker stand and ranker growth in a belt alongside than it has to the southward. Coming next to a field of oats some 60 rods from east to west and 30 rods north to south, lying east of a piece of woods, we find its whole eastern two-thirds so completely ruined that it is scarcely more than a naked field, while the western third is fresh and green. Another piece of oats seeded to clover, and lying on the south side of a wooded pasture, has a length of 80 rods from east to west, but a width of only 15 rods. This field is fresh and green throughout its whole extent and has a good catch of clover, but the patch is best and thickest in the strip 3 rods wide along the wooded pasture. Influence of woods on the rate of evaporation to the leeward.—To study the rate evaporation at different distances from groves, six evaporimeters were used made after the plan of the Piche evaporimeter, but with the evaporating surface much larger, while the graduated tubes were the same size, the object being to make the instruments more sensitive. Sheets of chemical filter paper were used as the evaporating surfaces, all from the same packages and having a diameter of 5.9 inches; this gives an area, after deducting that covered by the graduated tube, of 27.06 square inches. The first experiment was made to the northwest of Plainfield on a piece of ground planted to corn, lying to the south of a grove of black oaks having a mean height not far from 12 to 15 feet. At the time there was a gentle breeze from a little west of north. The instruments were all suspended at a height of 1 foot above the surface of the ground and unsheltered in any way from the wind or sun, and in the first trial they were placed at intervals of 20 feet along a line at right angles to the south margin of the woods. The amount of evaporation at the six stations between 11.30 a. m. and 12.30 p. m., is given in the following tables: Cubie centimeters. At Station’ A, 20 feet from woods, the evaporation was-:-2-- -----+ 2-6-6 cesencccenessss+ eee ene Tal, 55 At/Station B) 40 feet from woods, the evaporation was----2-------- 22-24 ec. eee ene een ee == 11.6 AtiStation ©) 60! feet from woods, the evaporation was. 2. -2-2-25-- 22226 22 -o-- ose ee eee eon 11.9 SIUM es Sine pode as 6 coo=bameORSU Gono oN oeoseo boSGES CqOGeR Ont ooe Agaced cna oSp GES ESU See see naSe 35.0 At Station D, 280 feet from woods, the evaporation was. ---- .:-.--.----- we e- eee ne ween ene iss At Station HE, 300\feet from woods, the evaporation waS.----.-.----.------ ----<- ---- -------eee 14,2 At Station F, 320 feet from woods, the evaporation was.-.-....--.-- -------+ «+--+ s<-e-- = -e--- 14.7 314 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. 8. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. These are the amounts of evaporation in one hour, and they show that the difference between 20 to 60 feet from the woods and that between 280 to 320 feet was 43.4—35.0=—8.4 c. c., and this is 24 per cent greater evaporation at the three outer stations than at the three inner ones. On May 31 another trial was made in the town of Almond, to the south of an oak grove 80 rods square, in a field sowed to oats and wheat mixed. Here the first instrument was placed 20 feet from the margin of the grove, the second 100 feet distant, the third 200 feet, ete. ‘The first two instruments stood upon ground seeded last year to clover and timothy, but only timothy was growing where the second instrument stood. The grain upon the field had a fair stand where the observations were made, and was about 4 inches high. There was at the time a fair wind from nearly due north and the day was clear. As in the former triais the evaporometers were suspended at a height of 1 foot above the ground and were unsheltered in any way. The following table expresses the results obtained: Cubic centimeters. At Station A, 20 feet from woods, the evaporation was..-.--.---------------------------------- Tul, a At Station B, 100 feet from woods, the evaporation was. ..-.-.-------------------------------- 14.3 At Station C, 200 feet from woods, the evaporation was. .-.-.-------.-------------------------- 15.7 At Station D, 300 feet from woods, the evaporation was. -.-.---------------------------------- 18.5 At Station E, 400 feet from woods, the evaporation was--------------------------------------- 18.5 At Station F, 500 feet from woods, the evaporation was------.-------------------------------- 18.3 From this table it will be seen there is an increasing amount of evaporation until 300 feet from the woods is reached, and that beyond and including this the rate is practically the same, but at 300 feet the evaporation is 17.7 per cent greater than at 200 feet and 66.6 per cent greater than at 20 feet from the woods. Influence of a hedgerow on the rate of evaporation to the leeward.—On May 30 three of the instruments were set up to the south of a very scanty hedgerow, consisting of a strip of blue grass 16 feet wide in which there are scattering black and burr oaks from 6 to 8 feet in height, with a few attaining a height of 12 feet. This hedge has yery many open gaps in it, and the first instrument is set up behind a clump of six trees, spanning a length of 40 feet, there being a gap of nearly the same width on both sides of it. To the north of this, in the direction from which the wind was blowing, there is a broad naked field being planted to potatoes, which has a width of about 80 rods, while the instruments hung over a field of oats in which the grain was about 4 inches high. After the instru- ments were set up it became cloudy and sprinkled a very little at times, the wind being from a little east of north, rather strong and chilly. Herg again the instruments hung one foot above the surface, and the resuits obtained are given below: : Cubic centimeters. At Station A, 20 feet from hedge, the evaporation was ...--....-..---------------------------- 10.3 At Station B, 150 feet from hedge, thelevaporabion was: 2-2. 2-2. 2s = eee ee ae 12.5 At Station C, 300 feet from hedge, the evaporation was -..--..---.---------------------------- 13.4 Here it will be seen the evaporation at 300 feet from the hedgerow was 3.1 ¢.c., or 30.1 per cent greater than at 20 feet distant, and at 150 feet the difference was 0.9 c.c., or 7.2 per cent less than 300 feet. It is evident, therefore, that even such a hedgerow does exert an influence upon the rate of evaporation which is readily measured. INFLUENCE OF FORESTS UPON WATER AND SOIL CONDITIONS. (1) In consequence of deforestation, evaporation from the soil is augmented and accelerated, resulting in unfavorable conditions of soil humidity and affecting unfavorably the size and con- tinuity of springs. The influence of forest cover upon the flow of springs is due to this reduced evaporation as well as to the fact that by the protecting forest cover the soil is kept granular and allows more water tu penetrate and percolate than would otherwise. In this connection, however, it is the condition of the forest floor that is of greatest importance. Where the litter and humus mold is burned up, as in many if not most of our mountain forests, this favorable influence is largely destroyed, although the trees are still standing. (Pp. 130-137, Bul. 7.) (2) Snow is held longer in the forest and its melting is retarded, giving longer time for filtra- tion into the ground, which also being frozen to less depth is more apt to be open for subter- ranean drainage. Altogether forest conditions favor in general larger subterranean and less surface drainage, yet the moss or litter of the forest floor retains a large part of the precipitation and prevents its filtration to the soil, and thus may diminish the supply to springs. This is especially possible with small precipitations. Of copious rains and large amounts of snow water, quantities, greater or less, penetrate the soil, and according to its nature into lower strata and to springs. This drainage is facilitated not only by the numerous channels furnished by dead and living roots, but also by the influence of the forest cover in preserving the loose and porous structure of the soil. Although the quantity of water offered for drainage on naked soil is larger, and although a large quantity is utilized by the trees in the process of growth, yet the influence of the soil coyer in retarding evaporation is liable to offset this loss, as the soil coyer is nop itself dried ont, FOREST INFLUENCES. 315 The forest, then, even if under unfavorable topographical and soil conditions (steep slopes and impermeable soils) it may not permit larger quantities of water to drain off underground and in springs, can yet influence their constancy and equable flow by preventing loss from evaporation. (Pp. 137-140, Bul. 7.) (3) The surface drainage is retarded by the uneven forest floor more than by any other kind of soil cover. Small precipitations are apt to be prevented from running off superficially through absorption by the forest floor. In case of heavy rainfalls this mechanical retardation in connection with greater subterranean drainage may reduce the danger from freshets by preventing the rapid collection into runs. Yet in regions with steep declivities and impermeable soil such rains may be shed superficially and produce freshets in spite of the forest floor, and an effect upon water conditions can exist only from the following consideration. (Pp. 140-159, Bul. 7.) (4) The well-kept forest floor, better than even the close sod of a meadow, prevents erosion and abrasion of the soil and the washing of soil and detritus into brooks and rivers. This erosion is especially detrimental to agricultural interests as well as water flow in regions with this surface and impenetrable subsoils, and where rains are apt to be explosive in their occurrence, as in our western and southern country. The best soil of the farms is often washed into the rivers, and the water stages of the latter by the accumulations of this soil are influenced unfavorably. (Pp. 159-162, Bul. 7.) (5) Water stages in rivers and streams which move outside the mountain valleys are dependent upon such a complication of climatic, topographic, geological, and geographical conditions at the head waters of their affluents that they withdraw themselves from a direct correlation to surface conditions alone. Yet it stands to reason that the conditions at the head waters of each affluent must ultimately be reflected in the flow of the main river. The temporary retention of large amounts of water and eventual change into subterranean drainage which the well-kept forest floor produces, the consequent lengthening in the time of flow, and especially the prevention of accumulation and carrying of soil and detritus which are deposited in :the river and change its bed, would at least tend to alleviate the dangers from abnormal floods and reduce the number and height of regular floods. (Pp. 162-170, Bul. 7.) Nore.—Concerning the moisture of the soil the results of the most recent experiments differ. Ramann, in 1895, published a series of results which indicated that the soil of the forest may be even drier than that of the neighbor- ing open land. This view he finds strengthened by experiments made in small clearings within the forest, where he finds the soil of the sunny side of the clearing and that of the old forest itself decidedly drier than the soil of the shaded part of the clearing, though he also finds the soil under a young bush cover more moist than that under old timber. Whether a forest cover aids in the accumulation of ground water by improving the permeability of the soil was made the object of an experiment by Wollny in a series of inconclusive small pot experiments which led this investigator to the questionable result that bare land was more conductive to percolation than ground covered either by grass or trees. This would surely be true only if the bare ground, as in the experiments, is kept in an artificial, not natural condition. Attempts to deduce the influence of forest on water flow from wholesale measurements and observations have been made in this country by Vermeule, of New Jersey (see Proceedings American Forestry Association, Vol. XI, p). 130-137, and report of N. J. Geological Survey, 1894), and Rafter, of New York (Proceedings of American Forestry Association, Vol. 12, pp. 139-165, and report of State engineer and surveyor of New York, 1896), the former claiming that no appreciable influence existed, the latter calculating the influence of the forest to be equal in value to 5 or 6 inches of rainfall, this amount of moisture being saved by its presence. Among recent papers which possess the highest value in describing the movements of water in the ground, and thus throw light on a most important phase of the whole subject, Bulletin 32 of the Experiment Station, Fort Collins, Colo., by Prof. L. G. Carpenter, is noteworthy. Professor Carpenter shows that it is possible by mechanical means (ditches in this case) to prevent the rapid run off in high-water time and thus produce a steadier flow of a stream and also raise the level of the ground water, as well as saturate large areas of otherwise aridland. In other words, he shows that in Colorado the work of irrigation has resulted in a rise in the level of the ground water, changing deep wells into shallow ones; that it has taken water out of the Platte and Cache la Poudre rivers and saturated thousands of acres of formerly arid land, the seepage of which has changed dry branches into steady rivulets and supplies already a steady inflow into the rivers, from which the water is taken above the fields. This inflow tends to make these rivers steady and uniform sources of water supply and makes irrigation possible at points below where in former times such irrigation would have been out of the question, i @ 316 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. SANITARY INFLUENCE. (1) The claimed influence of greater purity of the air due to greater oxygen and ozone pro- duction does not seem to be significant. (P. 171, Bul. 7.) (2) The protection against sun and wind and consequent absence of extreme conditions may be considered favorable. (P.171, Bul. 7.) (3) The soil conditions of the forest are unfavorable to the production and existence of patho- genic microbes, especially those of the cholera and yellow fever, and the comparative absence of wind and dust, in which such microbes are carried into the air, may be considered as the principal claim for the hygienic significance of the forest. (P.172, Bul. 7.) We may summarize that the position of the forest as a climatic factor is still uncertain, at least as to its practical and quantitative importance, but that its relation to water and soil condi- tions is well established. As a climatic factor, it would appear that the forest of the plain is of more importance than that of the mountains, where the more potent influence of elevation obscures and reduces in significance the influence of their cover; as a regulator of water condi- tions, the forest of the mountains is the important factor; and since this influence makes itself- felt far distant from the location of the forest, the claim for attention of Government activity and for statesmanlike policy with reference to this factor of national welfare may be considered as well founded. Every civilized government must in time own or control the forest cover of the moun- tains in order to secure desirable water conditions. In conclusion, I may urge that systematic observations bearing on the subject of forest influ- ences should be instituted in this country by a Government agency, perhaps under the authority of the Weather Bureau and with the cooperation of the agricultural experiment stations. No other country is so well adapted for the study of this question as the United States, offering all the varying climatic conditions of a whole continent under one government, with changes in forest conditions constantly progressing. GRAPHIC ILLUSTRATIONS. The following diagrams, reproduced from Bulletin 7, represent more in detail, yet in a succinct manner, the results of the long-extended series of observations by the Prussian forest-meteoro- logical stations. These stations were double stations; i. e., one set of instruments was placed in the forest and a corresponding set at some distance from the forest in open fields. The stations represent varying conditions in geographical and topographical location and in character of forest erowth. At Lintzel there was only one station, originally in an extensive open heath, which was gradually planted to forest, allowing an observation of changes due to these changed conditions. The conditions at the various stations were as follows: German stations for forest meteorology. | | Distance to margin | Longi- | pyeya.| Kind of trees and of forest. Beginning Station. Latitude. tude east) rate age at founding |—_—_——____|__ of obser- of Ferro.) “0™ of station. Forest Field vations. | | station. | station. | wl OS eieer: Feet. Feet. IMB a aoSosecesod 54 50 38 13 128 | 45-year spruce ...--. 262 459 | 1873, x, i. Kurwien. ----- aoe 53 34 39) (9 423 | 80-140-year pines -.--} 679 433 | 1873, xii, i. Carlsberg. ---- 50 28 34 0} 2,484 | 45-year spruce -.--.- 591 869 | 1874, xi, i. Eberswalde--- 52 50 31 29 79 | 45-year pines -.-- 410 591 | 1875, xii, i. Schmiedefeld - 50 36 28 28 | 2,349 | 60-70-year spruce 984 492 | 1881, x,i. Friedrichsrode 51 52 28 14 | 1,296 | 65-85-year beeche 367 | 1,138 | 1874, x, i. Sonnenberg - 51 45 2810} 2,549 | 45-year spruce 328 650 | 1877, vi, i- Marienthal 52 16 28 38 420 | 60-year beeches 984 656 | 1878, v,i. Lintzel .--.- 5259) 2755 | 325 |. 1881, iui, 7. Hadersleben 55 16 27 9 125 1875, x,i. Schoo. ---.-- 53 36 25 14 10 | 20-year pines --.----- 656 1, 640 | 1876, x, i. Lahnhof -- 50 53 25 54} 1,998 | 70-year beeches ----- 2, 461° 640 | 1877, vi, i. Hollerath ..- ass 50 27 24 3 2,024 | 45-year spruces ----- 361 328 | 1874, x, i. St. Johann-.---..-.--- 48 29 26 59 2,493 | 50-year spruces ----- 1, 640 656 ¥ Hagenau ..-------- 48 50 25 28 499 | 55-65-year pines ....| 4, 167 2,192 | 1875, v, i. Neumath .----:-... 48 59 24 57 | 1,158 | 45-year beeches ----- 820 820 | 1875, v, i. Melkerei .......--- 48 25 24 57 | 3,064 | 60-80-year beeches -- 3, 937 | 5,249 | 1875, v,1. | ] ® FOREST INFLUENCES. Ile The compilation of the records at these stations into the ingenious graphic form here presented was made by Mr. Mark W. Harrington, formerly Chief of the United States Weather Bureau; they explain themselves without the need of additional text to any one who will learn to read them with the aid of the following explanation and show at a glance the difference of meteoro- logical conditions prevailing in the forest and in the open. NOTE ON THE CONSTRUCTION AND READING OF THE DIAGRAMS. The horizontal lines (ordinates) above or below the zero line represent values or amounts, degrees of tempera- ture, inches of precipitation or evaporation, percentages, etc. The vertical lines (abscissa) represent time, dividing the field into twelve seasonal divisions corresponding to the twelve months of the year, the outer lines both stand- ing for the month of December or commencement of winter. The curye lines are constructed by noting on each monthly line the values found for the month, and then connecting these points by either straight or rounded-off lines. Unless otherwise noted, the values so plotted are the differences between the readings under two sets of condi- tions, namely, in most cases the values which were found for the stations in the woods (W) diminished by the values found for the stations in the open field (O), or 7— 0. The value of this difference is positive, if the curve runs above the zero line—that is to say, the records for the woods (J) showed higher values than for the open field (0); it is negative, i. e., the record for the woods was lower, if the curve line runs below the zero line. The greater, therefore, the vertical distance of any point in the curve from zero line, the greater is the influence of thé woods. In temperature readings, for instance, the curve above the zero line would denote that the woods were warmer; below the zero line, that the woods were cooler than the open field by as many degrees as the curve runs above or below the zero line, the latter representing that state of conditions when W—O, i. e., when there is no difference in the readings for the two sets of conditions. Where values for each set of conditions are plotted separately, the area included within the two curve lines (hatched) exhibits the difierence between the woods and open field. To exhibit more readily the amount of influence of the forest, the areas included by the zero line and the curve for mean values is also hatched in most cases. 318 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. §. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Soil temperatures. Average; iS), 20] a Hadersleben, - - - - - - = - - = - - - Wit 2s oo 2s ae a Fee eo SB 6 Holler dt). en Ue ewe see ab Uhm CHU, Soa jae Se 6 a 6 Se a Seene lighiiif, 2 5 6 pe a ee e's Bee S Moricnihd a IV LEZEN Ae Ree tel) neh =) eer Gee pedi WE, = «2 o 2 oe eo oo se 8 Si dui, = 6 6 3 = & evafeq i= oe 5 IRIN, = Be Be ee eee a ae a Bo Cmts 2 se sa Sle a oe Se eB 6 Eberswalde, - - cheat pt LOM a est nt cosly et Ue Sehmiedefeld, aD AU De ROR rie Sant 1k Feces (Hagenc SOTENUET C= RGR, 6 2 op eo oe es ee oe se WAR Ss = Ss = se SS Se a Scale of degrees. Scale of degrees. At surface. ——————- At six inches, -=======— At four feet. Fic. 42 —Differences of mean annual temperatures of soil (W—Q). FOREST INFLUENCES. Soil temperatures—Continued. ue De == = + aunt WADERSLEBEN, ___ Soars coe aoe en SL CARLSBERG. ERI ZEN DEGREES OF FAHRENHEIT. of a station is its zero line. or dotted line like that in the margin.) \ Fia. 43.—Difference of temperature (W—O) at the depth of 4 feet. (The line running under the name The curve for the station is represented by the nearest broken, unbroken, 1s Le Sy rn ea ri ae SSS oe N © -2 5 “a °o = ‘o}— ——_— —— — | — — - — 7 SS = Se Se ey ——— 2 = SIS z Efe 4 Sal A +1° | Se 0 SSeS BSS —— = (fF AN 2 B|_ 2 Oh Z r < 2 = ay \ 3G x - 4 \, a 7) 0 E —§5 ex “a EG + 1° SES 0 a a - 1 S | na 2° Be] ig al Y) ¥ x Ae S -3 y ° * = |-4 i 3 |-s9 : Z & [6 CoE A —7° Ny eae A a 3° S| nt WINTER SPRING. SUMMER. AUTUMN. a DECIDUOUS TREES. EVERGREEN emREEG: Fia. 44.Differences of soil temperature (woods and open fields). Comparison of deciduous and evergreen trees (W—QO). 319 320 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. 8. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Soil temperatures—Continued. Fe ul re cc 2 oO we EF < AT SIX INCHES. AT SURFACE, Fie. 46.—Differences of soil temperature (woods and open fields). Comparison of ele- vations above sea level ()V/—QO). WINTER. At surface. —— — — — AtG inches below surface. ------.--- At 4 feet below surface. Fig. 47.—Differences of temperature for young trees, Lintzel Station, woods and open fields (1W—0O). FOREST INFLUENCES. Soil temperatures—C ontinued. WINTER. : AUTUMN. Average results. —— — — Results on loam BOB saseodasose= Results on quartz soil. Fic. 48.—Effects of litter on soil temperature (littered surface—bare). (Ww—o.) WINTER. SPRING. SUMMER. AUTUMN. Depth of 0.8 inch. ———— Depth of 4.6 inches. ..-.-.------ Depth of 9.3 inches. Fic. 49,—Difference of soil temperature, under sod, and bare surface (sod—bare). Becquerel’s observations. = eae eI =m 7 ZZ SS ee | winter. | SPRING Fie. 50.—Under decidnous trees. MMMM Yul VY4- 08 SSI ILE SSL ISLPLED CSTE LE —— ae SPRING. SUMMER. AUTUMN. Fic. 51,—Under evergreen trees. eA CU Uy Yy es WINTER: Sus en ess ee es uae ve | eee eee P| winter, [SPRING [SUMMER | AUTUMN | wee -e eee -- MINIMA. MEAN 1 MAXIMA. Fic. 52.—Under young forest (Lintzel). H. Doe. 181——21 321 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. 8. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Air temperatures in forests and open fields. Minimum. Maximum. JNA 93 2 sa KGW, = 2) 2 = = Gmbh, 2 2 2 = = Eberswalde, - - - - Schmiedefeld, - - - - Friedrichsrode, - — = SOU ETLUCT On Wirngadtil, 2 = 5 = TintZe rae ee elas, 2 = = s SAM, 2 = ss 2 5 Kilian, 2 2 5 5° Hollerath, - Qe dO, = = = = Lif, 2 = = > = NED, 2 2 2 2 3 WAG 2 5 se = 5 AUG 2 2 2 2 - Seale. Fic. 53.—Forest air temperature differences (W—O). German stations. Mean annual (cross- bar), maxima (below zero line), minima (above zero line), and range (length of lines). FOREST INFLUENCES. . 323 Air temperatures in forests and open jfields—Continued. MEAN Se re ys Oe inact MAXIMA. “> YY) LIZ Ly Gj WY) See ear eZ WINTER. SPRING. SUMMER. Fia. 54.—Friedrichsrode. =Sso=_ ae La" Z ele ase WINTER. SPRING. SUMMER. AUTUMN. Fia. 56.—Sonnenberg. 5 19 oy esos ere QO |-----|---- aaoe= = Z x oe ie : = a = 2 [oS2=4 =n Z =isic = se = ae WINTER SPRING SUMMER AUTUMN. Fie. 57.—Eberswalde. LU thy =z a eee Yt fii za as Fig. 58.—Schoo, 324 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Air temperature in forests and open jfields—Continued. cree en ena MINIMA. ae MEAN. ————— MAXIMA. 7 ea ees J ° J——— 4-— WINTER. SPRING. ; SUMMER. AUTUMN. Fig. 61.—Average. eer Ee +12 ——— ons : =) @=2“nyyy YY IJMYPoP_ ees Se “MLL | WINTER. Fic.—62.—Blevated stations. |. “HY YWIv@@$ YGF Z_ me LL Ages == N || WINTER. SPRING. Fie. 63.—Near sea level. FOREST INFLUENCES Tree-top temperature differences, woods and open-fields. Minimum. Maximum. Average, = ose = > ES Ste JONGNI = =n = Oo Melkereit, - - - 26. is@iapthi, 2 as 2S. Schmiedefeld, - - Sl. Sonnenberg, a= 1S. Ms Marienthal,- - - 38. NTA, = SS ADs HOw, 5 5 = A MONO) = BRS IHRM, = os IL Friedrichsrode,- - 26. Eberswalde,=- - - 39. Carlsberg, = = = 36. Hadersleben, - - 41. Neumath; - - - 386. Ndi, os = 2 2 Is, io) an & io) % w i) “i + AF + | ! | Scalers (2222 ee eee ee eee Fig. 64.—Forest temperature differences for the year at height of the tree top (W—9O). YUU al ssa WINTER. SPRING. SUMMER. , AUTUMN. Fia. 65,—A verage differences of tree-top temperature, sixteen German stations (W—O). 325 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. 8. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Tree-top temperature differences, woods and open fields—Continued. weecnerenees MINIMA, rer! MEAN. ————— MAXIMA, QI SALE” | WINTER. SPRING. Fie. 66.—Friedrichsrode. al WINTER. AUTUMN. WINTER. SPRING. SUMMER. Fie. 68.—St. Johann. ee | =o25== Fie. 70.—Schoo. AUTUMN. FOREST INFLUENCES. Tree-lop temperature differences, woods and open jsields—Continued. MEANS ee re MAXIMA. SeCONGCENeEE MINIMA. — SPRING |. __ SUMMER. Fie. 72.—Kurwien. WINTER. ce SUMMER, AUTUMN. lig, 75.—Deciduous trees, 327 328 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. 8. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. pa aa SUMMER. AUTUMN. — — — — Deciduous trees. -........-lMvergreen trees. ——Areraye of all. Fig. 77.—Vertical temperature, gradient in woods, degrees Fahrenheit for 100 feet. wees WINTER. SPRING. — = -— — EVERGREEN TREES., AVERAGE OF BOTH. —___--_ DECIDUOUS TREES, Fic. 78.—Vertical temperature gradients from observations above trees. DECIDUOUS TREES. WINTER. SPRING. SUMMER. AUTUMN. _—_...-.... MINIMA. SEEN EAN ______ MAXIMA, Fie. 79.—Forest temperature, differences above trees—from Fautrat’s observations. FOREST INFLUENCES. ouocos = eg | 7 oa oa tee ot ee ee ee a aa ot Fic. 80.—Evaporation and precipitation. a a Jy 47 7 >| | a YY O>, || Be oo a n= “ora WINTER. SPRING. SUMMER. |_t— . 81.—Monthly evaporation in the fields (upper ve) and woods (lower curve). rime NYIOZ 777 Heeececeeeees LE, VM); Yl. Yd WZZZz4 ar aw a Pa winter | seni, | sumer | _auTuMn Fic. 82.—Percentage of evaporation in the woods as compar ed with that in open fields. ——— EVERGREEN TREES») 6G see DECIDUOUS TREES YOUNG TREES, Fia. 84,—Percentage of evaporation in woods to that in the open air I. THE WORK IN TIMBER PHYSICS IN THE DIVISION OF FORESTRY: By Fininerr Rovru, Late Assistant in the Division of Worestry. HISTORICAL. As in the case of other materials, exact investigation of the properties of wood did not.begin until the latter part of the eighteenth and the beginning of the nineteenth century, when Girard Buffon and Duhamel du Monceau in France, and Peter Barlow, the nestor of engineering in England, laid the foundation for this inquiry by devising suitable methods and working out correct formule for the computation of the results. As might be expected, the results of this pioneer work, particularly that of the French investigators, were often contradictory, and have to-day little more than historical value. Subsequently our knowledge of wood in general, and that of Kuropean species in particular, was increased by a number of experimenters. Among these, Chevandier and Wertheim in France, and Nordlinger in Germany, stand out conspicuous. Unfortunately, their apparatus was crude and, in the case of the French workers, the series was too small to satisfy so complicated a problem, while Nérdlinger was obliged to content himself with small and few specimens, owing to a want of proper equipment. In England considerable money was expended from time to time both by Government and private enterprise, but the eagerness of making the matter as practicable as possible led, unfortu- nately, to much testing of large sizes and to the employment of insufficient (because unsystematic) methods, so that such extreme experiments as those of Kowke and others have really neither furthered science nor helped the practice. In this country the engineering world for a long time relied largely on the results of European testing, and the wood consumers in general depended on a meager accumulation of experience and crude observation concerning most of the fine array of valuable and abundant kinds of timber offered in our markets. Ignorance and prejudice had their way. Chestnut oak was pronounced unfit for railway ties, and thus millions of logs were left rotting in the woods, though this prejudice had not a single fair trial to support it. “Bled” longleaf, or Georgia pine, was considered weaker and less durable, millers and dealers were obliged to misrepresent their goods, causing unnecessary loss and litiga- tion, and yet there existed not a single record of a properly conducted experiment to substantiate these views. Gum was of no value, Southern oak was publicly proclaimed as unfit for carriage builders, and the views as to the usefulness of different timbers were almost as numerous as the inen expounding them. The engineering world was the first to realize this deficiency, and: men like Hatfield, Lanza, Thurston, and others attempted to replace the few antiquated and unreliable tables of alien text- books by ‘he results performed on American woods and with modern appliances. In addition to these efforts of engineers, Sharples, under Sargent’s direction, in his great work for the Tenth Census of 1880, subjected samples of all our timber trees to mechanical tests, but, since in these tests only a few select pieces represented each species, the engineering world never ventured to use the results. As regards the rest of the wood testing in our country, it may be said that it generally possessed two serious defects: (1) the wood was not properly chosen, and (2) the methods of testing were defective, especially with respect to the various states of seasoning, wood being tested in almost eyery state from green to dry, without distinetion, This is the more 330 TIMBER PHYSICS. 331 remarkable since the important influence of moisture was recognized and emphasized by both French and German experimenters more than forty years ago.' These facts were fully appreciated by the engineers of our country, as is well shown by the numerous, often emphatic, approvals and recommendations of the timber-physics work undertaken by the Division of Forestry, and by the eagerness with which wood consumers generally seized on all information of this kind as fast as the Division of Forestry could supply the same. SOUTHERN AND NORTHERN OAK. Though fully planned before, the work in timber physics was really begun in order to decide an important controversy as to the relative value of Southern and Northern grown oak. A representative committee of the Carriage Builders’ Association had publicly declared that this important industry could not depend upon the supplies of Southern timber, as the oak grown in the South lacked the necessary qualities demanded in carriage construction. Without experiment this statement could be little better than a guess,” and was doubly unwarranted, since it condemned al enormous amount of material, and one produced under a great variety of conditions and by at least a dozen different species of trees, involving, therefore, a complexity of problems difficult enough for the careful investigator, and entirely beyond the few unsystematic observations of the members of a committee on a flying trip through one of the greatest timber regions of the world. A number of samples were at once collected (part of them supplied by the carriage builders’ comuittee) and the fallacy of the broad statement mentioned was fully demonstrated by a short series of tests and a more extensive study into structure and weight of these materials. From these tests it appears that pieces of white oak from Arkansas excelled well-selected pieces from Connecticut both in stiffness and endwise compression (the two most important forms of resistance). Results of tests on Northern and Southern white oak made in Washington University Laboratory, St. Louis, Mo., by Prof. J. B. Johnson, 1889. | Bending and cross breaking. Size of test piece 1§ by | 1g by 24. Compression. | Shearing. Test piece. = = == Stiffness. | eae Resistence Ww Endwise. Transverse. Longitudinal. | | 8Modulus | Modulus | | Modulus | | ‘ of elas- 3. W. L. Modulus pounds Modulus Modulus ere ticity, || CEE geeaen || ote So per xanga | Pounds |p... | pounds Where procured. | No. Hanee pounds uate | pounds nee pounds ane square Han ee per | Hange per AO: per ; per “~”’ | per eubie ; inch. e square | * | square sqnare | square inch. Size 1§ by inch. inch. inch. | inch. | 5 inches. | Tot fal ere Pace ae eae . ah ea| A.a. I 1 9 990, 000 | 3) 13,760 4 59 6 6, 160 | 1 3, 400 3 1, 875 | 24 5 1, 280, 000 | 1 | 18, 500 1 92 7 | 5, 480 | 3 | 3, 100 1 1, 560 Average ...--.|.-.-.- 3 1,185, 000 | 1| 16,130 | il | 76 | 3) 5 820 Lj 3,250 | 1 1, 468 A.b. iw 8 6 | 1,120,000 | 8| 12,300 6 | q7 | ll 4,740 7 2, 500 Cy see 4 10 920, 000 | 5} 12,700 5 55 9 4,980 | £ 2, 800 T 1, 225 | \ Average -.--.-|--.--- 4| 1,020, 000 | 3} 12,500 | 3 51 5| 4,860 2 2, 650 | 3 1, 225 } — —— | 5 11 850, 000 | 9 | 11,400 2 83 | 8 | 5,230 5 | 2,700} 4 1, 875 6 7 1, 140, 000 | 7 12, 300 7 45 10 | 4, 820 8 | 2,500 | 2) 1,540 Average ...-.-|--.--- 5 995, 000 5 | 11,850 2 64 | 4 5,025 | 3) | 2) 600 2 | 1, 458 | ! | | | | | 13 pooctosedorsoceseas Size: 1§ by 1§ by 18 inches. | Size: 1 cube. ens ial eee Sn a = ae | = = == == | | | | | | | T 3 | 1,570,000 | 6} 12,380 9 27 | 4 6, 800 11 2,000 10 860 8 8 1, 100, 000 | 2| 14, 690 3 | 82 | 1 7, 800 2 3,200 | 5 1, 260 9 4 1, 385, 000 | 11; 1, 240 | 11 | 19 5 6, 800 9} 2, 300 di 825 Arerage ..2-24|-2-2== 2 1,351, 667 2 | 12, 70 | 4) 43 | | Thies 4} 2,500 5 | 982 — | —_— | = 10 1 1,653, 000 | 4 | 13, 030 8 30 | 3 6, 900 6| 2,600 8 ||) 1,050 11 2 | 1,581, 000 | 10 11, 590 10 | 22 | 2 | 7, 700 | 10 2, 100 9 | 940 \- | } ——_—. =| = — Average -..--.|.----- 1, 1,617, 000 4| 12,310 5 | 26 | 1 | 7, 300 5 2, 350 | 4 | 995 | | | 1 For a more complete history see Bulletin 6 of Division of Forestry. ° 2See Report of the Division of Forestry, 1890, page 209. W.= total load at center in pounds W.L.3 where | L. =length in inches. 3 Young's modulus of elasticity: E=7p.v he . D. = deflection in inches. Bes b. = breadth jn inches. h. = height in inches, 332 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U, 8. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Description of test material and results of physical examination. Notation as to station, site, and tree.---....... smeiSaeaieaes A. a. I. Connecti- | A, b. If. Conneec-| B. Arkansas. cut upland. | ticut lowland. Number of test piece...--..----....-..----..---------- ee Ns 3. ORG HORE IN We) so50 copeess Res soa eseoasenensoasscosos North. Southwest. Meightin tree. <.--20)-cisd cases ces ee cee ene eee “Butt cut.” “ Butt cut." Position in tree (with reference to periphery) .-------.----- Not known. | Not known. Size of test material: | WGN. 55 coe asecccosesssessoSsceseeseesenecsccsscess | 4 4 WN oon occe se eessanesees assess soceretsssssoosS: 13 inch. | 1g inch. Depth (measured across rings)-....------------------- 13 inch. 13 inch. Notispecitied INN OP MUSE. 32 se sce ssdts So asogseossoscopeesosasseo5 Width of rings (average) --| 2.7 millimeters. 1.5 millimeters. Summer wood as a whole... ---| 80 per cent. 04 per cent. Firm bast tissue..--.-----.- ---| 60 per cent. 37.5 per cent. Space lost by large vessels ------ .--| 14.7 percent. 24.9 per cent. Moisture conditions when tested...-...--..--------------- Nearly seasoned. | Half seasoned. IDENT coco ssdoconnoos seooneic acts ocooconooaceroenoessecses 84 17 These particular tests can hardly settle definitely any question. Samples 1 and 2 being selected stock, second growth, can not be used for comparison with samples of B, except to show that for stiffness the unselected Southern stock is superior to the best Northern growth, as also in resistance to endwise compression. The samples 3, 4,5, and 6 are probably more nearly compara- ble to samples of B, and here we find the Southern oak very much superior, not only in stiffness and columnar strength, but also in ultimate cross-breaking strength, while for resistance to shock, at least one sample of Southern oak is superior to three samples of forest-grown Northern, and even to one of the best Northern second growth. This piece (No. 8) exhibits, altogether, qualities which render the verdict tenable that Southern oak is not necessarily inferior to Northern oak in any of its qualities. Beyond this it would not be safe to use these figures for generalizations. In 1888 the really first beginning in timber physics was made in the form of a preliminary physical and structural examination of a set of trees representing the more important lumber pines of the South and of the lake region, as well as of bald cypress. A comprehensive plan was fully worked out and the mistakes of former methods were carefully avoided. In 1891 amore extensive study of the four great Southern timber pines, the longleaf, Cuban, loblolly, and shortleaf, was begun, and the material was at the same time collected in such a manner as to enable a detailed inquiry into the relative merits of timber bled or tapped for turpentine as compared with unbled timber. The trees were collected by Dr. Charles Mohr, of Mobile, Ala., an acknowledged authority on the botany of the region, and thus a correct identification was assured. Of each tree entire cross sections as well as the intervening logs were utilized, the former being subjected to examinations into their specific weight (the acknowledged indicator of many valuable technical properties), into the amount of moisture contained, into the shrinkage consequent on drying, and into the strue- tural peculiarities, particularly those structural features which are readily visible and may be utilized in practice for purposes of timber inspection. The logs were sawed and tested according to definite plans in the well-equipped test laboratory of the Washington University, St. Louis, Mo., under the direction of Prof. J. B. Johnson, a recog- nized authority in engineering. The first series of test results are embodied in Bulletin No. 8 of the division, where the strength values for the longleaf pine are fully tabulated and discussed. So eagerly was this bulletin sought by wood consumers, that an edition of 5,000 copies was exhausted in a short time. BLED AND UNBLED PINE. In addition, this series of tests together with an extensive chemical analysis and physical and structural examination of material from unbled and bled trees, as well as from trees bled and abandoned for five years, re-enforced by an extended study of bled and unbled timber at various points of manufacture, proved conclusively that the discrimination against bled timber was unwarranted, since the bled timber was neither distinct in appearance, behavior, nor strength. To avoid error in so important a matter, and also for a comparison of the three most important turpentine trees—the Cuban and longleaf with the loblolly pine—the extensive chemical! analyses of Dr. M. Gomberg, of the Michigan University, were repeated and extended by Mr. O. Carr, of the Chemical Division of the Department of Agriculture, This series of additional chemical RESINOUS CONTENTS OF PINE. 333 analyses fully substantiated Dr. Gomberg’s work, so that it was safe to announce that: (1) Bled timber is as strong as unbled timber; and (2) that it contains the resinous substances in the same amounts and similarly distributed as the wood of unbled timber, so that it seemed to follow as a simple corollary that bled timber is also as durable as unbled, and hence equal to the latter in every respect. The importance of this fact was quite fully realized. Trautwine, in his standard work, the Engineers’ Pocketbook, at once placed the fact on eminent record, and the lumbermen of the South, as well as all trades journals, spread the welcome news in every paper and at every opportunity. . The work of Mr. Gomberg in determining the distribution of the resin through the different parts of the tree is unique in method and classical in its clear scientific procedure and statement. Since the publication in which it first appeared was at once exhausted, it appears proper to repro- duce it in full, leaving out only a few tables, as a part of the most valuable work in timber physics performed under direction of the Division of Forestry: A CHEMICAL STUDY OF THE RESINOUS CONTENTS AND THEIR DISTRIBUTION IN TREES OF THE LONGLEAF PINE BEFORE AND AFTER TAPPING FOR TURPENTINE. [By M. GomMBERG. j Botanists tell us that resins are produced by the disorganization of cell walls and by the breaking down of starch granules of cells. Chemists believe that resins are oxidation products of volatile oils, the change being expressed by formula as follows: 2C,)H\+30=C.)H)0.+ HO. Whatever view be correct,' one thing is certain, and that is that the formation of either resins or essential oils requires the presence in the tree of those peculiar conditions which we call vital. The tree must live, must be active, must assimilate carbon dioxide and imbibe moisture, in order that oil of turpentine and rosin be formed. The heart of the tree is the dead part of it. It does not manufacture any turpentine. — Fic. 85.—Method of chemical analysis of turpentine. of purity without loss of turpentine. The evaporation of ether in a stream of dry air, as proposed by Dragendorf, for the estimation of essential oils in general, does not give satisfactory results with turpentine oil, as Dragendorf himself observed. A weighed quantity of a mixture of rosin and oil, made up in about the same proportions as they exist in erude turpentine, was dissolved in a suitable amount of ether. The latter was then evaporated in a current of dry air till the odor of ether was hardly noticeable. The mixture was found to have gained considerably in weight by retaining ether in the thick sirupy oleorosin. It was only by heating at 100° C. for some time that all of the solvent could be driven off, and then the mixture was found to have lost in weight. Repeated trials proved that this method could not be used safely. ; An attempt was then made to determine the quantities H and R, and thus find 7 by difference A weighed quantity of wood shavings was placed in a small flask a. The latter was connected on one side with a tray of drying bottles, on the other two CaCl, tubes ) and ¢, similar in size and form. ‘The flask is immersed in boiling water and a current of dry air is passed through the whole apparatus for one and one-half hours. The flask is then cooled and air is passed for one and one-half hours longer. It was thought that while ) would retain all the moisture and a portion of the volatile com- pounds, c would retain about the same amount of the volatile products only. Gain in weight of INVESTIGATIONS INTO RESINS. Doe ce subtracted from that of ) would then give the moisture H. The sample of wood shavings is then exhausted with ether, the latter evaporated, and the residue heated at about 140° to 150° to constant weight; this gives the rosin Rk. If L be the total loss by extraction with ether, we have D—H+kR=T. But it was soon found by experiments upon pure turpentine oil that the two CaCl, tubes did not retain an equal amount of volatile oil. The quantity retained depended upon many circum- stances, the chief one being the amount of moisture already present in the CaCl, tubes. Even had the tubes retained quantities of turpentine oil, this method would still have the objection that one of the constituents was to be determined by difference—an objection especially serious when the ingredient to be so determined is small in comparison with the materials to be weighed. The writer has therefore attempted to make use of a somewhat different principle. 53 1V,2h, 3h, 4h. The piece richest in oleoresin is generally th |2h Sh 4h the poorest in moisture. But this is by no means a universal rule. Some trees show about the same per cent of moisture Fis. 88—Relationship of different parts of same 12 parts widely differing from each other in the amounts of disk. turpentine, and in many instances a smaller amount of tur- pentine is associated with a smaller per cent of moisture. Sapwood and heartwood.—All the analyses, detail and average, show conclusively that the sapwood is comparatively very poor in turpentine; it is immaterial whether it comes from a rich tree or a poor one, from a tapped tree or an untapped one. The turpentine in sapwood reaches 3 to 4 per cent in very rich trees, as in Nos. 53, 61, and 2; in the remaining trees it is 2 to 3 per cent. Consequently the results obtained for sapwood are not taken into account in the following paragraphs. When differences between trees are spoken of, it applies entirely to heartwood. The different parts of the same disk show a constant relation in nearly all instances. In most cases 1h is the richest, and thé heartwood grows poorer as we approach the pith of the tree. In a few cases, as in 1 III and in 1 LV, 1h and 2h are practically identical, while in some instances, in 2 III, 61 II, 61 Il, and 53 II, 1h is poorer than 2h. In nearly all cases the decline is marked in 3h, and 4h is usually found to be the poorest part of the disk. This relationship can be represented in a general way by the following curve: Relation of volatile hydrocarbons to rosin.—As the turpentine in the tree is a solution of rosin in an essen- tial oil, it will follow that the richer a tree is in tur- pentine the richer it will be in the constituents that go to make up this mixture. One would also expect that the ratio between the volatile hydrocarbons and rosin would be tolerably constant in the different parts of ; ; the same tree, but the results of analysis do not indi- Vic. 89.—Yield of ae aa constant quantity of cate it. They show that this ratio increases with the ‘ amount of rosin. A part of heartwood having twice as much rosin as another part will contain more than twice as much volatile products as the second part. This is true in a general sense of parts of the same disk, of parts of different disks in the same tree, and parts from different trees. There is no distinction in that respect between bled and unbled trees. This relationship can be formulated in the following way: The crude turpentine from heartwood rich in oleoresin will yield a comparatively larger amount of turpentine oil than the turpentine from heartwood poor in oleoresin. INVESTIGATIONS INTO RESINS. 341 It has been shown that the heartwood grows poorer from 1h toward the pith of the tree. It Bie will therefore follow from what has been said in the preceding paragraph that R will also grow smaller from 1h to the pith. The yield of volatile oil from a constant quantity of turpentine can be expressed in a general way by a graphic illustration similar to that which expresses the yield of total oleoresin from different parts of the disk. lt : It is difficult to explain satisfactorily this decrease of 7. The two parts of the radial sec- tions that have been the longest exposed to air are 1s and the last h. The question naturally : uel : : arises, May not the decrease of R be due to a greater evaporation of volatile hydrocarbons from these two ends? But this can hardly be so. No. 53, II, 4h was analyzed at intervals of two months and furnished the following data: | I, Sept. 28. In, Noy. 27. | H,O=11. 23 7.24 ie — ele) 1. 34 lee 8.12 | F Caleulated for wood free from moisture: ee | T—1.30 ae 1.30 R—8.96 | 8.75 Sufficient experimental data are lacking to prove conclusively that the volatile hydrocarbons do not evaporate to any extent from the heartwood except from freshly cut surfaces of it. Relation between different disks of the same tree.—There is no constant relation between the different disks of the same tree so far as the amount of oleoresin is concerned. Although the disks do vary from each other, the variation can not be connected with gravitation, by virtue of which the lower disks would contain a larger amount of turpentine than‘the upper ones; for dif- ferent trees vary from cach other considerably in this respect, the variation being apparent in both bled and unbled trees. If a, b, ¢ stand for the amounts of oleoresin in disks denoted by Roman numerals, the relative magnitudes being represented by the letters in the alphabetic order, then the results of analysis can be condensed in the following table for the trees denoted in Arabic numbers: | | Ean eeoob er | 1 | 2 | | ‘ Tvs CAN ENG s ast G@ || @ WOE 55 b | c @ |) © b | 10 aaa e | w | oi a | | | It is evident that no constant relation as to amounts of oleoresin exists between the disks of the same tree. Comparison of tree 52 with 53.—These two trees were both supposed to have been sound, healthy trees at the time of felling, and yet they differ from each other as much as two trees could differ. The heartwood of one is very rich in turpentine; that of the other contains comparatively very small quantities—only a trace. How to explain the difference? Previous to felling they had both been tapped for four consecutive years; consequently both must have contained considerable amounts of turpentine. Since the last tapping they stood for five years side by side, both exposed to the same influences. This great difference can not be traced directly to tapping, for the latter, itmay be assumed, would have afteeted both treesequally. Thecause of the difference between 53 and 52 ought to be looked for, rather, in the condition of the two trees before tapping. In connection with this it would be interesting to know how much turpentine each tree had yielded when tapped. Comparison of trees 60 and 61.—There is a decided difference between the two trees. The high- est numbers in 60 are 0.84 per cent for volatile hydrocarbons and 5.35 for rosin, while in 61 0.75 342 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. §S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. and 5.67 are the lowest numbers for the corresponding constituents, the highest being 3.49 and 16.29, respectively. Here again we have two trees of about the same age, under apparently the same conditions of growth, tapped at the same time and abandoned for the same length of time before felling, and yet differing very widely from each other. It is difficult to conceive why tap- ping should have affected the heartwood of these two trees in such a strikingly different manner. If the assumption is made that the tapping had drained both trees equally, what explanation can be given for the fact that within one year of abandonment one tree is very rich in turpentine while the other has less than one-fourth as much? Comparison of trees 52 and 53 with GO and 61.—Compare 53 and 61. Here we have two trees both very rich in turpentine, but while 53 had five years of rest after tapping, 61 had only one year. Had the tapping forced the trees to pour out their oleoresin previously stored up in the heart, we should expect to find in the time of rest the prime factor for the tree in resuming its natural condition; but, on the contrary, results of analysis show that time of abandonment before felling is of little importance. While we can have a tree very rich in turpentine within five years after tapping, we can also have trees rich and poor even within one year, and trees almost totally deprived of turpentine in the heartwood within five years after tapping. Comparison of 1 with 2.—These two trees had never been tapped, and yet neither is rich in turpentine. No. 2 contains about twice as much turpentine as No. 1, the difference becoming smaller as we go up the tree. The highest numbers for 2 are 1.93 and 14.19 for T and R, respec- tively, the lowest 0.86 and 5.89, with an average of about 1 and 7. We can say that there is as much difference between untapped trees as there is between trees that have been tapped. Average analyses.—The average analyses cover 16 trees. Thirteen trees furnish four sets of analyses of tapped trees and 3 trees furnish one set of untapped. The results obtained are summarized in the following table: ; 10, Til. TreeNo.| a ¥} iehemisknl «y T Remarks. T. Te. =5 X< 100: Te RR. > «100. ! I | R Per cent.| Per cent. Per cent.| Per cent. | 54-57 0.93 5. 88 15. 58 0.58 3.98 | 14.04 | Abandoned 5 years. 57-59 - 80 4.06 19. 63 . 82 4,29 | 19. 10 0. 63-65 -91 5.32 Wig nae ossJaedlsoca5o255- Jneeeeeee ee Abandoned 1 year. 66-69 . 89 4.95 Te ae SA lien aS eta Do. 17-19 64 2.98} 21.37 7 3.21 | 21.76. | Not tapped. These results show a pretty constant average number for turpentine in tapped trees. The heartwood of untapped trees is poorer in both volatile oil and rosin than that of tapped trees. And here again it is worthy of notice that time of abandonment is of little importance to tapped trees. The trees that had been abandoned for one year are fully as rich as those that had five years to recover from tapping. Comparison of tapped with untapped trees.—If now the heartwood of tapped trees be compared with that of untapped, one is at a loss as to what conclusions should be drawn from so few analytical data. It is remarkable that the two richest trees and the poorest tree are among those that had been tapped. Of the remaining 19 trees, there is no difference between the 14 tapped and 5 untapped. Whatever differences are found among bled trees are equally found among those that have not been tapped. Indeed, from the study of the results of analyses the writer is of the opinion that the difference in untapped trees is due to the same cause as the difference in trees that have been tapped. As stated above, the cause of the difference among tapped trees can not be traced directly to tapping; it ought to be looked for, rather, in the condition of the trees previous to tapping. The difference between trees 52 and 53 can be explained on the foliowing hypothesis: 53 had been a rich tree from early growth and had a large amount of turpentine stored up in the heart- wood; 52 for some reason or other had very little stored away. When the two trees were sub- jected to tapping they gave up whatever turpentine they had in the sapwood and whatever they could produce from season to season, till at the end of four years the production became too smalj in amount and too poor in quality. The trees were then abandoned. But tree No. 53 had its oleoresin in the heartwood untouched, while No. 52 had hardly any before tapping, and for the same unknown cause did not store away any in the heartwood after the tree had been abandoned. RESIN IN BLED AND UNBLED TREES. 843 The explanation offered in the preceding paragraph gains still more probability when trees 60 and 61 are compared with each other and also with 52 and 53. The difference between 1 and 2, the results of average analyses—all these are very suggestive of the theory that the sap, and not the heart of the tree, supplies the turpentine when the tree is tapped. The fact that the heartwood of trees felled one year after tapping is fully as rich or as poor as that of trees felled five years after tapping, seems to the writer of especial significance, for it shows that the richness of the heart- wood in a tapped tree is independent of time of rest before felling. It is a well-known fact that when a pine tree is cut transversely, liquid turpentine immedi- ately appears on the fresh surface of the sapwood, while the heartwood remains perfectly clear. It would seem as if the turpentine in the sap is far less viscid than that in the heart of a tree. It is probable that the turpentine in the sap is richer in volatile hydrocarbons than that in the heart. (A difference of cell structure and manner of existence of oleoresins may also account for this difference in part.—B. E. F.) It is generally stated that crude turpentine as obtained on a large scale yields from 10 to 25 per cent of volatile oil. This gives a= 11.11 to 30, with an average of over 20. This average is somewhat higher than that for the z as found for the turpentine from heartwood of the 21 trees analyzed. Although experimental data are wanting to show conclusively that the difference in the consistency of the oleoresin from sapwood and heartwood is due to a difference in the relative amount of volatile oil, yet it is quite probable that this should be the cause. The oleoresin in the heartwood of trees has been produced for the most part when the sheartwood was yet sapwood. Therefore that part of turpentine which is found in the heartwood is the oldest in age and consequently has been exposed the longest to oxidizing influences of air, which gradually replace the water when the sapwood changes to heartwood. It is the same kind of oxidation and of thickening which takes place when crude turpentine is exposed to the air and sun, or when a 7 : ‘ : : ; 1 fresh cut is made in the bark of a tree. It is probably for the same reason that R becomes smaller as we approach the pith of the tree, because the parts nearest the pith are the oldest. It is difficult to conceive how the thick oleoresin of the heartwood could be made to flow toward the incision when a tree is tapped. It is also difficult to explain by what means the tree could change this thick turpentine into a less viscid solution in order that it may flow toward the wound. One would judge, a priori, from the great difference in the consistency of the turpentine in the heart and sap that only the liquid turpentine will flow when a tree is tapped. Tapping will then have little effect, if any, upon the oleoresin stored up in the heartwood of the tree. A tree whose heartwood is rich in turpentine will remain so after tapping. The writer is not willing to generalize too hastily from so few results and consider them as a solution of the problem. A large number of analyses, devoid of the possibility of chance selection of samples, is necessary before a positive or a negative answer can be given to the question, does the tapping of trees for turpentine affect the subsequent chemical composition of the heartwood? But, however few in number the results are, they admit of the following conclusions: (1) Trees that have been tapped can still contain very much turpentine in the heartwood. (2) Trees that have been abandoned for only one year before felling can contain fully as much turpentine in the heartwood as trees that have been abandoned for five years. (3) Trees that have not been tapped at all do not necessarily contain more turpentine in the heartwood than trees that have been tapped. The following diagram serves to show what proportion of each disk was involved in each of the detail analyses, and the results in each case. The right-hand vertical line represents the pith of the tree, the horizontal lines represent the radical extension of each disk, as numbered by roman number, the position of the disk in the tree being maintained as in nature, IV being the top, II the lower, and ITI the intervening disk. The subdivisions of radii represent the actual divisions of the disk to scale of one-half natural size, the portions to the left of the heavy subdivision line representing sapwood s 1 and s 2; the portions to the right heartwood h, h, divided according to the method as indicated above. The four columns of figures over each disk piece represent results pertaining to that piece; they stand in order from the top for (1) number of rings, (2) volatile 344 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. 8S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. hydrocarbons, (3) rosin, (4) ratio Ri (2) and (3) as caleulated on wood free from moisture. For instance, for tree No. 53, disk IV, s2, we find— 40— Number of rings. 0.40— Per cent of volatile hydrocarbons. 3. 81— Per cent of rosin. uh 10), B/== =o R 40. 30. 34, 33. 31. 35. 0.40 0.46 4.56 4.49 3. 86 2. 66 3.81 ‘ 3.96 24, 01 22, 23 17.74 15.19 Tree (LOSSY {11.60 119.02 | 20.12 (Oval i eae IV. No. 53. 40. 37. 35 38. 30. 18. 0.39 0.42 3. 87 3.81 2.10 1.25 2.96 3.02 21.77 20. 09 11.97 9.71 [13.01 | 13.82 | 17.85 | 18.94 {17.58 | 13.10 Ti. 37. 40. 33. 32. 32, 28. 0.18 0.19 2.56 4.39 2.22 1.46 0.97 0.96 12. 02 24.70 12.30 8.96 {| 18.39 LOA 1 21.93 | 22.43 | 18.29 | 16.33 Il. 40. 35. 32. 34. 30. 30. $ 0.26 0.34 0.15 0.22 0.23 0.26 iilae 1.40 1.34 1.65 1.97 1.72 1.92 Tree Wo. 52. | = 18.78 (Leo [he Oise bi cate | 18.38 et aoe Iv. 30. 40. 30. 30. 32. 27. 11. 0.25 0.25 0.15 0.20 0.14 0.18 0.18 1.99 1.87 1.77 1.87 1.86 1.60 1.53 inet os | 13.67 8. 64 | 10.51 {7.65 | 9.65 | 9.26 Tot, 40. 40. 36. 32. 35. 24. 0.30 0.31 0.30 0. 26 0.17 0.17 2.19 2,01 2.17 1.88 3.98 1.51 13. 64 | 15.48 [14.14 | 14.38 i 8S | 11.60 TI. 30. 36. 40. 33. 35. 30. 0.22 0.28 3.07 3.49 3.14 1.08 3.01 2.75 13. 55 16.29 14, 18 8.04 Tree (eee 10. 20 | 22.65 | 21.42 [21.42 | 13.39 Tit. No. 61. 35. 35. 36. 33. 30. 35. 0.20 0.26 1.57 2. 69 2.92 0.75 3.01 3.11 7.88 13.57 11. 34 5. 67 | 6.50 bo Re 1 19.85 19. 86 | 25.81 | 13.28 Il. 30. 27. 28. 36. 40. 0.16 0. 24 0, 84 0.41 2.32 2. 66 5. 85 3.13 | 7.02 | 9.09 1 15.59 [12.85 Iv. 30. 34. 30. 36. 36. 20. 0.28 0.35 0.58 0.40 0.42 0.50 Tree No. 60. 2. 65 2. 88 3. 60 2.99 2.42 3.3 | 10.33 | 12.16 Bist 59> 7 [tee 5723 ee | e702 | 14,70 TIT. 30. 35. 37. 33. 35. 27. 0.29 0.33 0.71 0.51 0.73 0.47 2.26 2, 63 5.03 2.71 5.19 3. 62 Le es | 12.56 Or | 13.00 Ii. 30. 28. 32. 19. 0.22 0.25 1.07 1.06 1.43 1.57 7.61 6.62 er ef] em | 16.04 Iv. 30. 33. 30. 25. 13. 0.32 0.34 0.94 0.73 0.40 2,25 9,25 4,90 5.12 3.57 Tree No.1. | 14.49 | 13.90 [eee ON te eso 11. 20 Til. 30. 35 35. 34. 15. 0.20 0.17 0.18 0. 66 0.37 1.06 1.32 6.57 3.92 2,28 [PREIS ASS [18872 Ne 1 7k97 eel] eNO: 16.50 II. 30. 36. 30. 30. 0.31 0.34 1.13 0.87 2,52 2.71 8.10 6.41 [deine 1286) tsi98 | a3) 53 Iv. 30. 36. 33 98. 17. 0.18 0.24 1.37 0.92 0. 86 1.95 2, 24 9.14 5. 89 7.40 Tree No.2. On OS ae Te III. 30. 26. 34. 30. 30. ll. 0.20 0.31 1.55 1.93 1.39 1.16 4,29 3.05 10. 10 14.19 8.78 8. 94 | 4.56 | 10.00 | 15.35 | 14.4 | 15.75 | 12.99 II. Fia. 90.—Diagram of detail analyses, representing radial dimensions of test pieces in each disk. Scale, one-half natural size. DISTRIBUTION OF RESINOUS CONTENTS. TABLE I.—TREE No. 53. Calculated on wood free Volatil from moisture. al The 7 olatile ol. hydroc. No. of disk. Eartet N ae of Width. Water. hydro- Rosin. Volatile Se ~100 carbone hydro- Rosin. carbon. Cm. Per cent. | Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. | Per cent. 1s 37 3.3 10. 51 0.16 0. 87 0.1 0. 97 18.39 2s 40 4.0 10. 05 0.17 0. 86 0.19 0. 96 19.77 Ir 1h 33 3.0 9.11 2.32 10. 93 2.56 12. 02 21.23 pierces gs Gari calcards 2h 32 2.9 8.79 4.00 17. 83 4.39 24.70 22.43 3h 32 5.0 8.47 2. 03 11. 26 2. 22 12. 30 18. 29 4h 28 10.0 *11.23 1.30 7.96 1.46 8. 96 16. 33 1s 40 2.7 9. 08 0.35 2. 69 0.39 2.96 13. 01 28 37 2.6 8. 90 0.38 2.75 0. 42 3. 02 13. 82 Tit lh 35 3.5 7.89 3.57 20. 05 3. 87 21.77 17. 85 FO i en are 2h 38 4.1 8. 04 3.50 18. 48 3.81 20. 09 18. 94 3h 30 5.5 8.55 1.92 10. 95 2.10 11. 97 17.53 4h 18 7.0 8.79 1.14 8. 86 1.25 oa 13. 10 1s 40 4.0 8. 96 0. 36 3. 47 0. 40 3. 81 10. 37 2s 30 3.0 8. 67 0. 42 3. 62 0.46 3. 96 11. 60 Iv 1h 34 3.9 8. 04 4.20 22. 08 4.56 24. 01 19. 02 et ac cat Ae LT 2h 33 3.0 7.93 4.13 20. 56 4.49 22. 33 20.12 3h 31 5.8 8. 65 3.53 16, 21 3. 86 17.74 21.77 4h 15 5.3 9.55 2.41 13.74 2. 66 15.19 17.53 *53, II, 4h has been analyzed some three weeks earlier than the remaining parts of this tree, hence a large per cent of moisture. TABLE II.—TREE No. 52. 1s 40 3.1 9. 72 0. 27 1.98 0. 30 2.19 13. 64 2s 40 3.9 9.77 0. 28 1. 81 0.31 2.01 15. 47 tI 1h 36 4.6 8. 67 0. 28 1.98 0.30 2.17 14, 14 CSCC Sa eee ota 2h 82 3.0 8. 44 0. 24 1. 68 0. 26 1.83 14. 38 3h 35 6.8 8. 80 0.16 1.81 0.17 1.98 8, 83 4h 24 7.4 8.55 0.16 1.38 0.17 1.51 11. 60 ls 30 3.0 9.12 0. 23 1.81 0. 25 1.99 12.71 2s 40 3.5 9.00 0. 23 1. 68 0.25 1.87 13. 67 1h 30 3.4 8.44 0.14 1. 62 0.15 Uti 8. 64 IDO Ceepgegcesecaosassoscs 2h 30 3.0 8.51 0.18 1,71 0.20 1.89 10.51 3h 32 4.8 8.37 0.13 1.70 0.14 1.86 7.65 4h 27 6.9 9. 35 0.14 1.45 0.15 1. 60 9. 65 5h 11 5.0 9.21 0.13 1.39 0. 14 1.53 9, 26 1s 40 3.5 8. 88 0. 24 1.28 0. 26 1.40 18.78 2s 35 3.3 8.49 0.31 1, 23 0. 34 1.34 25, 20 Iv lh 32 3.0 9. 08 0.14 1.50 0.15 1. 65 9.33 Og Gi alae an OT 2h 34 2.8 8. 86 0. 20 1.80 0. 22 1.97 11.11 3h 30 3.6 8.48 0. 21 1.57 0. 23 1.72 13.38 4h 30 6.8 8.10 0. 24 1.76 0. 26 1.92 13. 64 TABLE III.—TREE No. 61. 1s Bi) 3.0 7. 94 0.18 2017 0. 20 3.01 |» 6.50 28 35 3.0 7.90 0. 24 2.87 0. 26 3.11 8.36 Ir dh 36 2.8 7.35 1,45 7.30 1.57 7. 88 19. 85 a raed arn i a reer ene 2h 33 3,2 7.58 2.49 12. 54 2. 69 13. 57 19. 86 3h 30 4.5 7. 64 2.70 10. 46 2.92 11, 34 25, 81 4h 35 9.5 7.10 0.70 5. 27 0.75 5. 67 18. 28 1s 30 3.0 7. 65 0. 20 2.78 0. 22 3.01 7.35 28 36 2.7 7.43 0. 26 2.55 0. 28 2.75 10. 20 OI dh 40 3.1 7.14 2.85 12.58 3.07 13.55 22. 65 My NEES SE ae ce 2h 33 3.2 7.46 3, 23 15. 08 3.49 16. 29 21.42 3h 35 6.0 7.41 2. 91 13.59 3. 14 14.18 21,42 4h 30 8.0 7.09 1, 00 7.47 1,08 8. 04 13. 39 TABLE IV.—TREE No. 60. 1s 30 2.7 9. 91 0, 26 2. 04 0. 29 2. 26 12. 74 2s 35 2.8 9.34 0.30 2.39 0. 33 2. 63 12. 56 nae 1h 37 3.5 8.72 0. 65 4, 62 0.7L 5. 03 14. 07 POC SR a rota ro 2h 33 4.5 9.15 0. 46 2.47 0.51 2.71 18. 62 3h 35 4.6 8. 01 0. 67 4.71 0.73 5.19 14. 02 4h 27 6.5 8. 45 0.43 3.31 0. 47 3. 62 13. 00 1g 30 3.1 8. 74 0. 25 2.42 0. 28 2. 65 10. 33 28 34 2.8 8. 60 0. 32 2. 63 0. 35 2.88 12.16 TI lh 30 3.2 8. 68 0.53 3.47 0.58 3. 80 15. 27 MAME Ce Se 2h 36 4.4 9. 02 0. 36 2.72 0. 40 2.99 13. 23 3h 36 4.5 7.73 0. 38 2,23 0. 42 2.42 17.04 4h 20 6.0 7.73 0. 46 3.13 0.50 3.39 14.70 1s 30 2.6 7.51 0.15 2.15 0.16 2. 32 7.02 2s 27 2.6 7. 84 0.22 2.45 0. 24 2. 66 9.09 IN ssccedscecenocesosse4 1h 28 3.7 7.77 0.77 4,94 0. 84 5.35 15.59 2h 36 5.0 8.12 0. 37 2. 88 0.41 3.13 12. 85 3h 40 8.0 7.92 0. 26 2. 81 0. 28 3.05 9.18 346 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. TABLE V.—TREE No. 1. | Calenlated on woed free Volatile from moisture. Soa < Part of | Number ef = NS A Vol. hydroc. | No. of disk. baal: rings. Width. Water. | yar oe Rosin. Volatile ham, <100 va on: hydro- Rosin. carbon. Cm. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. 1s 30 2.0 8. 67 0,18 0.97 0.20 1.06 18. 55 28 35 3.0 8.77 0. 16 1.21 0.17 1.32 13. 72 Tiles ete Sear Pape Ih 35 3.6 8. 56 1.08 6.01 1.18 6.57 i7. 97 2h 34 6.5 8. 39 0. 60 3. 60 0. 66 3. 92 16. 67 3h 14 3.0 7.67 0. 34 2.06 0. 37 2. 23 16.50 Is 30 2.8 7.94 0. 30 2.07 0.32 2. 25 14.49 28 33 3.0 7.92 0.31 2.23 0. 34 2.42 13.90 Pessoa 1h 30 3.8 8.13 0.86 4.50 0. 94 4.90 19.11 2h 25 4.2 7.7 0. 67 4.72 0.73 5. 12 14.21 3h 13 oh) 7.57 0.37 3. 30 0. 40 3.57 11. 22 1s 30 2.2 8.33 0. 20 1.31 0. 22 1.48 15. 27 Iv 28 28 2.8 8.12 0. 23 1. 44 0.25 1.57 15. 97 Scena tie aa we ecco aaa gist lh 32 5.0 7. 94 0. 99 7.01 1.07 7. 61 14.12 2h 19 5.2 7.73 0. 98 6.11 1.06 6. 62 16, 04 TABLE VI.—TREE No. 2. 1s 30 3.0 7. 65 0.18 3. 95 0. 20 4,29 4.56 28) 26 2.7 8.19 0. 28 2. 80 0.31 3.05 10. 00 IL 1h 34 3.5 7:31 1. 44 9,25 1.55 10.10 15. 35 Se ae ae Aa has oh 2h 30 5.0 8.11 1.77 13.05 | 1.93 14. 19 14. 41 3h 30 6.0 8.16 1.27) 8. 06 1.39 8.7 15.75 4h 11 4.2 7.88 Heyl &, 24 1.16 8. 94 12.99 1s 30 2.7 8.00 0.16 1.79 | 0.18 1.95 8.94 | 28 36 3.0 8.0L 0, 22 2.06 0. 24 2. 24 10. 06 THD See Bsesacnoeoee saca5 | 1h 33 3.2 7. 44 1.25 8. 46 1.37 9.14 14.77 | 2h 28 5.5 7.78 0. 85 5. 44 0. 92 5. 89 15. 61 | 3h 17 4.3 Tei 0. 80 6. 87 0. 86 7.40 11. 64 1s 30 Qt 8. 20 0.28 2.31 0. 31 2.02) 12.12 Iv | 2s 36 3.0 8. 08 0.31 2.49 0. 34 PAYAL 12.36 is ial cas agin Dabo oc 1h 30 3.6 8.10 1. 04 7.44 1.13 8.10 | 13.98 | Qh 30 7.6 7.81 | 0.80 5.91 0.87 6.41 | 13.53 TaBLE VII—SumMMARY OF RESULTS OF TREES Nos. 54 '1o 69 AnD Nos. 17 To 19. Disk I. Disk III. Seri 1 s. t of disk. ke i ae 7 i Serial number of trees Part of dis Volatile hy- re Vol. hydr. a Volatile hy- ike Vol-hyar. ae drocarbons. SD Rosin. * drocarbons. MOBLIN. Rosin. * Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. | 8 0.18 1.48 13.14 0. 26 1. 93 13. 33 AUG Ben GbTiccs aes eee ee ae eee th PIO) te SENS ae Ui) ea 4. 5. aay Mtl or of-98 ql ars? 88 4] a4, np 9-58 2, 2 ‘ 9 a rm f 8 0.28 1.76 15 1: BS EW) 292 seceee ea sacstesetopscoanesce \ h 0.80 4. uo | s 0.18 il CON Hoes ae yg a ter aea sors alae | qh (| 0.81, | 4.8 ; | ont B® {] roof {| ea: CALE Co) eee eet Alyy oy Selon He Re Le s 0. 14, | 1. 49 M7 Seal Of re seek ee ees key th {| 0.78 3. ! ay DB {| -gos0-8£ {1 | | TIMBER PHYSICS WORK. The timber physics work was continued actively and the investigation extended to other kinds of timber, both conifers and hard woods. In 1896 the Division was in position to announce its findings with regard to the mechanical, physical, and structural study of the four principal Southern pines (Circular 12). Based, as these results are, on over 20,000 mechanical tests and over 50,000 weighings and measurements, they may fairly be regarded as final, and thus avoid future discus- sion and much fruitless and expensive private testing. According to this exhaustive study, the Cuban and long-leaf pine rank foremost among our timber pines, and are fully 20 to 25 per cent stronger than had previously been assumed. It also appeared that the wood of these species varies in strength directly as the weight (little discrepancies being well accounted for by varia- tions in resin contents, which add only to weight and not to strength); that in the same tree the wood varies according to certain definite laws, being heaviest at butt, lightest in top, heavier in the interior, and lighter and weaker in the outer parts of saw-size timber; that thus the age when formed, as well as the position in the tree, exercises a definite influence which is generally far greater than the much-quoted influences of soil, locality, ete. In this latter respect it was clear TIMBER PHYSICS—SOUTHERN PINE. 347 from the results that the oft-claimed superiority of the timber of certain localities is not substantiated by experiment, but that there is heavy and strong as well as lighter and weaker timber in every locality throughout the range of these species. The all-important effect of moisture was carefully considered throughout the work, and it was established that in general an increase in strength of at least 50 to 75 per cent takes place during ordinary seasoning, so that: for all designing of covered work, as in ordinary architecture, this improvement may be depended upon and considered in the proportioning of the timbers. The manner in which the valuable information was secured and communicated will appear from the following reprint of Circulars 12 and 15, issued in 1896 and 1897: SOUTHERN PINE—MECHANICAL AND PHYSICAL PROPERTIES. THE MATERIAL UNDER CONSIDERATION. The importance of reliable information regarding the pines of the South is evident from the fact that they furnish the bulk of the hard-pine material used for constructive purposes with an annual cut hardly short of 7,000,000,000 feet B. M., which, with the decline of the soft-pine supplies in the North, is bound to increase rapidly. Although covering the largest area of coniferous growth in the country (about 230,000 square miles), proper economies in their use are nevertheless most needful, since much of this area is already severely culled and the cut per acre has never been very large. Hence the demonstration (a result of the investigations in this Division) that bled pine is as strong and useful as unbled, and the assurance that long-leaf pine is in the average 25 per cent stronger than it is often supposed to be, and therefore can be used in smaller sizes than customary at present, must be welcome as permitting a saying in forest resources which may readily be estimated at from eight to ten million dollars annually, due to this information. The pines under consideration, often but imperfectly distinguished by consumers in name of substance, are: (1) The long-leaf pine (Pinus palustris), also known as Georgia or yellow pine, and in England as ‘‘pitch pine,” and by a number of other names, is to be found in a belt of 100 to 150 miles in width along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts from North Carolina to Texas, furnishing over 50 per cent of the pine timber cut in the South—the timber par excellence for heavy construction, but also useful for flooring and in other directions where strength and Wearing qualities are required. r (2) The Cuban pine (Pinus heterophylla), found especially in the southern portions of the long-leaf pine belt, known to woodsmen commonly as ‘‘slash pine,” but not distinguished in the lumber market. It is usually mixed in with long leaf, which it closely resembles, although it is wider ringed (coarse grained), and to which it is equal if not superior in weight and strength. (3) The short-leaf pine (Pinus echinata), also known, besides many other names, as yellow pine and as North Carolina pine, but growing through all the Southern States generally north of the long-leaf pine region; much softer and with much more sapwood than the former two, useful mainly for small dimensions and as finishing wood, being about 20 per cent weaker than the long-leaf pine. (4) The loblolly or old-field pine (Pinus taeda), of similar although more Southern range than the short leaf. also known as Virginia pine, much used locally and in Washington and Baltimore, destined to find more extensive application. At present largely cut together with short leaf and sold with it as ‘‘ yellow pine,” or North Carolina pine, without distinction, although sometimes far superior, approaching long-leaf pine in strength and general qualities. The names in the market are often used interchangeably and the materials in the yard mixed. All four species grow into tall but slender trunks, as a 1ule not exceeding 30 inches in diameter and 100 feet in height; the bulk of the logs cut at present fall below 20 inches. The sapwood forms in old trees of long leaf (with 2 to 4 inches) about 40 per cent of the total log volume; in Cuban, short leaf, and loblolly 60 per cent and over. A reliable microscopic distinction of the wood of the four species has not yet been found. As a rule long leaf contains much less sapwood than the other three. The narrow-ringed wood of long leaf (averaging 20 to 25 rings to the inch) usually separates it also from the other three, while the especially broad-ringed Cuban excels usually also by broader summer-wood bands. In the log short leaf and loblolly may usually be recognized as distinguished from the former by the greater proportion of sapwood and lighter color due to smaller proportion of summer wood. The general appearance of the wood of all four species is, however, quite similar. The annual rings (grain) are sharply defined; the light yellowish spring wood and the dark orange-brown summer wood of each ring being strongly contrasted produce a pronounced pattern, which, although pleasing, especially in the curly forms (which occur occasionally), may become obtrusive when massed. 348 The following diagnosis may prove helpful in the distinction of the. wood: Diagnostic features of the wood. FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. 8S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Name of species. Long-leaf pine (Pinus palustris Miller). Cuban pine (Pinus heterophylla (Ell) Sud). Short-leaf pine (Pinus echinata Miller). Loblolly vine (Pinus teda Linn.). Specific gravity of kiln-fPossible range \Most frequent range. Weight, pounds per cubic foot, kiln-dried (ASverg 26) eeree aera eee Character of grain seen in cross section dried wood. wood. os - 50 to . 90 .55 to .65 36 Fineand even; annual rings quite uni- formly narrow; on large logs averag- ing generally 20 to 25 rings to the inch. Even dark reddish | yellow to reddish brown. . Little; rarely over 2to 3 inches of radins. Very abundant; parts often turning into ‘“Vight wood;’’ - 50 to .90 -99 to .70 37 Variable and coarse, rings mostly wide; averaging on large Jogs 10 to 20 rings to the inch. Dark straw color with tinge of flesh color. Broad; 3 to 6 inches -- Abundant, sometimes yielding more pitch than long leaf; “bleeds” freely, - 40 to . 80 -45 to .d5 30 Very variable; me- dium, coarse; rings wide near heart, fol- lowed by zone of narrow rings; not less than 4 (mostly about 10 to 15) rings to the inch, but often very fine grained. Whitish to reddish or yellowish brown. Commonly over 4 inches of radius. Moderately abundant, least pitchy; only near stumps, knots, and limbs. - 40 to .80 -45 to .55 31 Variable, mostly very coarse; 3 to 12 rings to the inch, gener- ally wider than in the short leat. Yellowish to orange brown. Very variable, 3 to 6 inches of the radius. Abundant; more than short leaf, less than long Jeaf and Cuban, but does not “bleed” pitchy throughout. yielding little scrape. if tapped. The sapling timber of all four species is coarse grained, that of loblolly exceeding the rest in this respect. The grain varies most in the butt, least in the top, is very fine in the outer portions of all old trees. Loblolly in the center of the log frequently shows rings over one-half inch wide, and timber averaging eight rings to the inch is not rare, while short leaf will average 10 to 15 rings to the inch. The greater or less proportion of the sharply defined dark-colored bands of summer wood of the ring furnish the most reliable and ready means of determining quality. At present distinction is but rarely made in the species and in their use. All four species are used much alike, although differentiation is very desirable on account of the difference in quality. Formerly these pines, except for local use, were mostly cut or hewn into timbers, but especially since the use of dry kilns has become general and the simple oil finish has displaced the unsightly painting and ‘‘graining” of wood Southern pine is cut into every form and grade of lumber. Nevertheless, a large proportion of the total cut is still being sawed to order in sizes above 6 by 6 inches, and lengths above 20 feet for timbers, for which the long leaf and Cuban furnish ideal material. The resinous condition of these two pines make them also desirable for railway ties of lasting quality. MECHANICAL PROPERTIES. In general the wood of all these pines is heavy for pine (31 to 40 pounds per cubic foot, when dry); soft to moderately hard (hard for pine), requiring about 1,000 pounds per square inch to indent one-twentieth inch; stiff, the modulus of elasticity being from 1,500,000 upward; strong, requiring from 7,000 pounds per square inch and upward to break in bending, and over 5,000 pounds in compression when yard-dry. The values given in this cireular are averages based ona large number of tests, from which only defective pieces are excluded. In all cases where the contrary is not stated the weight of the wood refers to kiln-dried material and the strength of wood containing 15 per cent moisture, which may be conceived as just on the border of air-dried condition. The first table gives fairly well the range of strength of commercial timber. Average strength of Southern pine. Air-dry material (about 15 per cent moisture). Compression strength. Bending strength. . At rupture With grain. dul 3 Wl 5 modulus 2 bie Across At elastic, Elasticity -_,{ Tensile |! Shearing Name. Acer Average grain. Average limit | (stiffness) Relative strensth ‘strength. of aaciia for the weakest,3 per cent} oer for the weakest) modulus | modulus elastle Fae ; oats one-teuth indenta- eaane " one-tenth 3 Wl 3 Wi ence 2 of all the tests.| tion. = of all the tests.) 9 p72 4A bh ? Rela- |Rela- Rela- Rela. Absolute.|;— 3. Absolute. tive. Absolute.|/;., |Absolute. 45. Lbs. per | Lbs. per Ibs. per | Lbs. per Lbs. per Dbs.per | Ibs.per | In.-lbs. | Lbs. per | Lbs. per sq. inch. sq. inch. sq.inch. | sq. inch. sq. inch. sq.imch. | sq.inch. |per| sq. inch. | sq. inch. Cuban pine --.- 7, 850 | 100 6,500 | 100 1, 050 11, 950 | 100 8,750 | 100 9,450 | 2, 305, 000 2.5 14, 300 680 Longleaf pine. - 6,850 | 87 5,650 | 87 1, 060 10,900 | 91 8, 800 | 101 8,500 | 1, 890, 000 2.3 15, 200 706 Loblolly pine -. 6,500 | 83 5,350 | 8&2 990 10,100 | 84 8,100 | 92 8,150 | 1, 950, 000 2,20 14, 400 690 Shortleaf pine - 5,900 | 75 4,800 | 74 940 9,230 | 77 7,000 | 80 7,200 | 1, 600, 000 2.05 13, 400 688 TIMBER PHYSICS SOUTHERN PINE. 349 RELATION OF STRENGTH TO WEIGHT. The intimate relation of strength and specific weight has been well established by the experiments. The aver- age results obtained in connection with the tests themselves were as follows: | Cuban. Longleaf. | Loblolly. | Shortleaf. | | FLransVersOls Glen po theme eee eae sola cane ee see ae eecee eet 100 91 84 7 | Specific weight of test pieces-----..--.-.--..-..--..-..--.-------.... 100 94 82 vik | Since in the determination of the specific gravity above given, wood of the same per cent of moisture (as is the case of the values of strength) was not always involved, and also since the test pieces, owing to size and shape, can not perfectly represent the wood of the entire stem, the following results of a special inquiry into the weight of the wood represents probably more accurately the weight and with it the strength-relations of the four species. WEIGHT RELATIONS. [These data refer to the average specific weight for all the wood of each tree, only trees of approximately the same age being involved.] Cuban. Longleaf. | Loblolly. | Shortleaf. ANGIE ENO UGE oo saoocoqse aqgobpodd go aSonsqoSbosRss cooaDoRseade 171 127 137 131 Number of trees involved .-- = 6 22 14 10 | Specific gravity of dry wood. 0. 63 0. 61 0. 53 0.51 Weight per cubic foot.-.--- < 39 38 33 32 Relative weight---...-.-- d 100 97 84 81 (@iransversestren ethid) ese se eeo cena cece te clement aeine eae niseela (100) (91) (84) | (77) a The values of strength refer to all tests and therefore involve trees of wide range of age and consequently of quality, especially those of longleaf, involve much wood of old trees, hence the relation of weight and strength appears less distinct. From these results, although slightly at variance, we are justified in concluding that Cuban and longleaf pine are nearly alike in strength and weight and excel loblolly and shortleaf by about 20 per cent. Of these latter, contrary to common belief, the loblolly is the heavier and stronger. The weakest material would differ from the average material in transverse strength by about 20 per cent and in compression strength by about 30 to 35 per cent, except Cuban pine, for which the difference appears greater in transverse and smaller in compression strength. It must, of course, not be overlooked that these figures are obtained from full-grown trees of the virgin forest, that strength varies with physical conditions of the material and that, therefore, an intelligent inspection of the stick is always necessary before applying the values in practice. They can only represent the average conditions for a large amount of material. DISTRIBUTION OF WEIGHT AND STRENGTH THROUGHOUT THE TREE, In any one tree the wood is lighter and weaker as we pass from the base to the top. This is true of every tree and of all four species. The decrease in weight and strength is most pronounced in the first 20 feet from the stump and grows smaller upward. (See fig. 91.) This great difference in weight and strength between butt and top finds explanation in the relative width of the summerwood. Since the specific weight of the dark summerwood band in each ring is in thrifty growth from -90 to 1.00, while that of the springwood is only about .40, the relative amount of summerwood furnishes altogether the most delicate and accurate measure of these differences of weight as well as strength, and hence is the surest criterion for ocular inspection of quality, especially since this relation is free from the disturbing influence of both resin and moisture contents of the wood, so conspicuous in weight determinations. The following figures show the distribution of the summerwood in a single tree of longleaf pine, as an example of this relation: Tn the 10 2 In the 10 | rings, Nos. | AVem@8e | Specific rings next 100 to 110 for entire Tera tothe bark.) ¢, disk. oon | from bark. | | | | | Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. ING UTE) EMT) ceicicnsssa65s- Gasecoonesbacooe sss cemsaosececeasoocsoosce | 37 52 50 0.73 32 feet from stump eal 25 38 33 | 59 87 feet from stump-.- 15 37 26 55 | Specific Weight. FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. 8. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Weight and strength of wood at different heights in the tree. Strength of longleaf pine (pounds per Specific weight. Relative square inch). Meanof | strength of = all three longleaf Jompres- species. pine. Bendi Com eit Relative |Mean ofcom- pou ae wise Longleaf. | Loblolly. | Shortleaf. | weight. | pression and rength. (with bending. grain). Number trees nsed.------.-..- 06 22 14 12 48 56 Average age of trees----.-.--. 150 (over) 127 113 131 tae Number of feet from stump: erncadtoncaseuoesod osetcallsoSsoc scent eazobecsseso 751 - 629 614 { 106 106 105 HOB Nsgccsadoccesos Bocsoseeeees -eepestcetaes 12, 100 | 7, 850 705 595 585 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Wc nsec chastotseoscootecas | 11, 650 7,200 | 674 578 565 96 98 96 7 I7 g7 m7 PAW ncosocscoStescasces2esced 10, 700 6, 800 624 534 523 88 93 89 90 90 90 90 A) ose scessocesecoesscocces 10, 100 | 6, 500 590 508 496 84 89 84 86 85 85 56 iM) --osesccosossstssoesssecc| 9,500 6, 300 560 491 472 7 86 80 53 81 $1 82 OW) ssascsodsoncescenoscassce 9, 000 6, 150 539 476 455 78 83 77 80 78 78 79 (i) -neseseczesossesotoc tease 8, 600 6, 050 528 470 454 71 2 7d 7. 78 77 76 Feet from Stump. Fic. 91.—Variation of weight with height of tree. Pounds per Cubic Foot. TIMBER PHYSICS—-SOUTHERN PINE. 351 Logs from the top can usually be recognized by the larger percentage of sapwood and the smaller proportion and more regular outlines of the bands of summer wood, which are more or less wavy in the butt logs. The variation of weight is well illustrated in the foregoing table, in which the relative values are indicated in italics. For comparison the figures for strength of long-leaf pine are added. Both weight and strength vary in-the different parts of the same cross section from center to periphery, and though the variations appear frequently irregular in single individuals, a definite law of relation is nevertheless discernible in large averages, and once determined is readily observable in every tree. A separate inquiry, avoiding the many variables which enter in the mechanical tests, permits the following deduc- tions for the wood of these pines, and especially for Jong leaf, the data referring to weight, but by inference also to strength: 1. The variation is greatest in the butt log (the heaviest part) and least in the top logs. OFT. 2. The variation in weight, hence also in strength, from center to periphery depends on the rate of growth, the heavier, stronger wood being formed during the period of most rapid growth, lighter and weaker wood in old age. 3. Aberrations from the normal growth, due to unusual seasons and other disturbing canses, cloud the uniformity ofthe S077 law of variation, thus occasionally leading to the formation of heavier, broad-ringed wood in old, and lighter, narrow-ringed wood in young trees. 4, Slow-growing trees (with narrow rings) do not make less heavy, nor heavier, wood than thriftily grown trees (with wide rings) of the same age. (See fig. 92.) 4OFT EFFECT OF AGE, The interior of the butt log, representing the young sap- ling of less than 15 or 20 years of age, and the central portion of all logs containing the pith and 2 to 5 rings adjoining is always light and weak. SOFT The heaviest wood in long-leaf and Cuban pine is formed between the ages of 15 and 120 years, with a specific weight of over 0.60 and a maximum of 0.66 to 0.68 between the ages of 40 and 60 years. The wood formed at the age of about 100 years — will have a specific weight of 0.62 to 0.63, which is also the average weight for the entire wood of old trees. The wood formed after this age is lighter, but does not fall below 0.50 up to the two hundredth year; the strength varies in the same ratio. In the shorter-lived loblolly and short leaf the period for the formation of the heaviest wood is between the ages of 15 and 80, the average weight being then over 0.50, with a maximum of 0.57 at the age of 30 to 40. The average weight for old trees (0.51 to 0.52) lies about the seyenty-tifth year, the weight then falling off to about 0.45 at the age of 140, and continuing to decrease to below 0.38 as the trees grow older. That these statements refer only to the clear portions of each log, and are variably affected at each whorl of knots (every 10 to 30 inches) according to their size, and also by the variable amounts of resin (up to 20 per cent cf the dry weight), must be self-evident. ; : ayeee A a 0 Fic. 92.Schematic section through stem of long-leaf pine, Sapwood is not necessarily weaker than heartwood, only showing variation of specific weight, with height, diame- usually the sapwood of the large-sized trees we are now using ter, and age, at 20 (aba), 60 (ded), 120 (eece), 200 (fff) is represented by the narrow-ringed outer part, which was years. formed during the old-age period of growth, when naturally lighter and weaker wood is made; but the wood formed during the more thrifty diameter growth of the first eighty or one hundred years—sapwood at the time, changed into heartwood later—was, even as sapwood, the heaviest and strongest. ¢ eof FS s : pes ei SQ) SPECIIC WEIGHT —---3>-—--s45 SPECIAIC WEIGHT s N AIS -=- 200 720 60 20 C20 60 120 200 SCALE VERTICAL [9 IN. =1FT, » HORIZONTAL 181M G7 sti eee ete ee eat aes ee 60.9 Long-leaf pine--..-- 13 100-150 | 59 66 57 62 66 58 59 57 57 66 59 62 57 60.5 Loblolly mine sess 10 TESA) || Syl Gl GS fil Gh Ge} Be Ai oH Ge 2 of 52.8 Short-leaf pine ----. 12 100-150 | 45 47 58 47 50 51 55 55 53 51 50 53 50.8 From this table it would appear that single individuals of one species would approximate single individuals of another species so closely that the weight distinction seems to fail, but in large numbers—for instance, carloads of material—the averages above given will prevail. INFLUENCE OF LOCALITY. In both the Cuban and long-leaf pine the locality where grown appears to have but little influence on weight or strength, and there is no reason to believe that the long-leaf pine from one State is better than that from any other, since such variations as are claimed can be found on any 40-acre lot of timber in any State. But with loblolly, and still more with short leaf, this seems not to be the case. Being widely distributed over many localities different in soil and climate, the growth of the short-Jeaf pine seems materially influenced by location. The wood from the Southern coast and Gulf region, and even Arkansas, is generally heavier than the wood from localities farther north. Very light and fine-grained wood is seldom met near the southern limit of the range, while it is almost the rule in Missouri, where forms resembling the Norway pine are by no means rare. The loblolly, occupying both wet and dry soils, varies accordingly. INFLUENCE OF MOISTURE. This influence is among the most important; hence all tests have been made with due regard to moisture contents. Seasoned wood is stronger than green and moist wood. The difference between green and seasoned wood may amount to 50 and even 100 per cent. The influence of seasoning consists in (1) bringing by means of shrinkage about 10 per cent more fibers into the same square inch of cross section than are contained in the wet wood; (2) shrinking the cell wall itself by about 50 per cent of its cross section, and thus hardening it, just as the cow skin becomes thinner and harder by drying. In the following tables and diagram this is fully illustrated. The values presented in these tables and diagrams are based on large numbers of tests and are fairly safe for ordinary use. They still require further revision, since the relations to density, etc., have had to be neglected in this study. TIMBER PHYSICS—-SOUTHERN PINE. 353 Influence of moisture on strength. Average of all yalid tests. Relative values. Ten cent | ‘ Percent] a Nees: ae Pas Cu- Long- | Lob- | Short- peat Cu- | Long-| Lob- |Short-) Aver- of moist-

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H 4 o ° oo re ¢ ° e ae *m01410} | *w019.10} a8 5 eS E S o |e B eS 5 8 2 a ae -ST -SIp “qour $8 3 = = ml om S Nc) o o & S £ 26 tp Tp nw . or 3 = ail + = r=! ae = l= l= -¢ ee quae aad | 49ua0 aed 4 = “Syn eivubs red “TOUT ae a o 2 a eh g | Fe |) z FA ry Sey |) Sietee )) feewer =& ALT) 0) aaasearg acs oeeoes ga |g E: & 3180} “doraus Poli aa ) om 2 © ® = mn oe sn[upoyy 3 U J ous) a = a2 | ip pue wees | pues suyyno © EP es Ls) a a (= in pan Me Ue t8/5 0 SSDI DOIN: 55 03 £ Be Jo sale jo so1uq Ze 5 52 = 5 5 i z is) Ee snupoyy | Paes ° a a ay = Fe 5 =) 52 a Ca reg os. = = a Z = ret eo S = S ae = | | nea | 8 @: ie zt Sa es | ee = a 8 25 2, eo |e e a 4 ee 5 ep 3 3 ae “tour erenbs aad g 5 S$ iS 2 aes =P es & 5 Tie Uleis 943 Ssor0R 8180} SUIPMeq-ssorp 22 a = () ard a oe S o, Yjsu9a}8 Samsnay) rm 3 ip & £ : io e : 3 s 0@ Le SE LE oT cl i aa | Sr aE ime oT 6 | 8 Ai 9 ¢ r £ z c { 1 ABVAID OY} UD 87)N89.L 10.13098 AYR fsabpzuaowad ay) au adh, paowf-.yhy we wah svequirw yz ‘ponUyUuOj—ANIG JVAIONOT IO SHAUN], INTUATIG JO HIDNAULY AAILVaVdNoOD *penurjyu0j—ssn)9 ny2 fo ))p fo aungsvow quad sad ef 0} paonpat yun. aa. fo yaaf og 18.uf Wout Uuayp, suauroady TIMBER PHYSICS—BEAMS AND COLUMNS. 309 SIZE OF TEST MATERIAL. The long-standing idea of engineers and other consumers to have wood tested more nearly in the sizes used in ordinary practice led to the adoption of test sizes, generally varying from 3 by 3 inches to 4 by 4 inches. Besides this, special inquiries with different kinds of timber into the relation of large and small tests were instituted to ascertain the correctness of the general dogma which claimed that tests on small pieces could not be utilized, since such pieces for their very size gave higher values of strength. This investigation involved full-size columns as well as beams, and was continued throughout the entire period of the timber-physics work. It led to a number ot the most interesting and highly valuable results, as will appear from the following statements: Selected tests of columns and compression pieces from the same trees compared. Ratio |Smallpieces| Large Number ena (average of} columns. Relative value. Deflec- Wailure of tree. ues GE whole tree). tion. a ; (a) (b) (a) (d) Pounds per | Pounds per Feet. sq-tnch. sq. inch. Inch. 239 12 14 6, 700 6,100 100 91 0.7 | Sheared. 240 12 14 7, 000 6, 960 100 99 0.1 | Compression. 241 12 15 6, 900 6, 500 100 94 0.7 Do. 309 12 12 6, 800 6, 500 100 96 0.4 Do. 312 12 16 6, 100 6, 300 100 103 0.4 Do. | In these columns (nearly one-tenth of all longleaf pine columns tested) the strength was 80 nearly the same as that of the short pieces that it appears as if flexure had but little to do with the failure, the small differences being amply accounted for by a larger number of defects in the columns. Should this prove true in general for wooden columns as ordinarily designed, the problem would become simply a study of the influence of defects and of proper inspection. The nature of the failures would also point in this direction: Of 86 columns 32 failed normally, i. e., in simple compression; 22 were crushed near the end; 14 failed at knots, and 19 by shearing, the rupture usually beginning at or near the ends; a small knot proved sufficient to causo a large column, 20 times as long as its diameter, to fail at 14 inches from the end. The deflection in the average for all columns (12 to 20 feet long) was only about 1 inch for the maximum load, when, to be sure, destruction had progressed for some time; at the elastic limit the deflection was only about one-half as much. These results would seem to warrant the statement that for pine columns at least, in which the ratio of height to least diameter does not exceed 1 in 20, none of the accepted column formule are applicable, the nature of the failure being mostly in simple compression, and depending more on specific defects than on the design of the column. F STRENGTH OF LARGE BEAMS AND COLUMNS. Owing to the fact that much wood testing has been done on small, select, and perfectly seasoned pieces, usually from butt logs, the values thus obtained seemed to differ very markedly from the results on large timbers usually very imperfectly seasoned, and it was claimed that tests on small sizes always furnished too high values, just as if the differences were due to sizes alone. While, to be sure, a small piece may be so selected that defects are excluded, the grain straight and in the most favorable position with regard to the load, the assumption of the difference in strength of small pieces from that of large-sized sticks has never been made good experimentally. Since it appears desirable to compare the results from large beams and columns not only with the average data obtained from the general test scries on small 4 by 4 material, but also with the average strength of small pieces cut from the same beams and columns, a special inquiry into the legitimacy of such a comparison was made. This study involved over 100 separate tests, and proved the very important fact that uninjured parts of broken beams and columns do not suffer in the test. The large-sized beams varied from 4 by 4 to 8 by 16 inches. Tests of large and small beams—Bending strength. Large beams. Small beams eut from Small beams, 3 y} Sir general Beams from test series. Total. saebiel af large beams. were cut. Number of tests involved ----.--. 1, 986 127 57 | 236 “Lbs. per sq-in. | Lbs. per | Lbs. per 3q. in. | Lbs. per sq. in. on cleatesene eee caeee ase se eee ener 11, 300 11, 9, 800 10, 100 Loblolly ..---- ¢ 10, 000 10, 800 10, 300 10, 000 Shortleaf 9, 300 9, 200 8, 700 8, 700 From the preceding table it would appear that large timbers, when symmetrically cut (i. e., with the center of the log as center of the beam), develop as beams practically the same strength as the average of the small pieces that may be cut from them, and sometimes even higher values; the explanation being that cut in this manner the extreme fibers which are tested in a beam come to lie in that part of the tree which, as a rule, contains the strongest timber. 360 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. §. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Results discordant from these may be explained by differences in the degree of seasoning of the outer layers and also by the fact that especially in the northern pineries timbers are often cut from the top logs, which are weaker and more defective. Test of large and small columns—Compression strength. Regular series gs Columns (sim- Small pieces fromsametrees| ple compres- cut from as the columns. sion). columns. Number of tests involved -.----.-..---.-----.----- 949 95 97 ‘Ls. per sq. in.| Lbs. per sq. in.| Lbs. per sq.m. WO A) ENE Sonenc sscoca sss sone sass cesseroccossSesess 6, 600 5, 300 7,100 Loblolly -- 6, 800 4,700 6, 300 Shortleat 2 5, 900 4,100 6, 200 Cuban ease Sie eck aoe eo oe oslo ae eee neon 7, 400 5, 000 8, 700 The square columns were mostly 8 by 8 inches, some 10 by 10 inches, a few of larger and also some of smaller dimen- sions. Theratioof length to width varied from 12 to 27, about one-half being under and the other halfover 18 to1. The compression pieces of the regular series, and those cut from the broken columns, were in general about 4 by 4 by 6 inches. It will appear from this statement of average results that columns develop only from 62 per cent (in Cuban) to 78 per cent (longleaf) of the compression strength of ordinary short pieces. ‘The explanation may be due to several reasons, natural and mechanical. In a column, unlike a beam, all the fibers are under great strain; hence all the defects, which are by necessity found in every column, influence the results; the flexure of a column under strain is an element of weakness, to which the short compression piece is not subject. In addition the difficulty of determin- ing the average moisture condition of the large timber throughout the cross section and that of the small pieces cut from them afterwards would render this method for columns less satisfactory; a larger number of tests will still be required to establish comparable average conditions in the two kinds of tests. It would, therefore, be unsafe to generalize too hastily from these average figures, at least as to the numerical difference, for there are remarkable individual exceptions. Not only do individual columns show differences in strength 50 per cent and more lower than the compression pieces from the same log, but sometimes they show practically the same or even a higher value of strength, as will appear from the following selected cases, in which the data for the columns are placed in com- parison with those obtained on compression pieces from the same tree. ADDITIONAL SERIES ON BEAMS AND COLUMNS. 2 A series more extended as regards beams, involving 68 large and 777 small beams, besides over 1,000 compression tests on the same material on which the beam tests were made, and tests on 6 large columns, has fully confirmed the indications of the previous experiments. TESTS ON COLUMNS. The colunms were 12 by 12 inches and 8 by 12 inches in cross section, with a length of 182 to 168 inches. From these were cut, as near as possible from the place of failure, two blocks 24 inches long, and these blocks were tested on the same large testing machine (described in Bulletin 6), so that inaccuracies of machinery do not enter into consideration. The results, tabulated as follows, prove conclusively the statement made upon the former more extensive series (see Circular 12), that wooden columns in which the diameter and length are to each other as 1 to 18 or less behave like short blocks and fail in simple compression. The four columns of long-leaf pine exhibit- practically the same strength as the short blocks—i. e., within 10 per cent—which, as has been shown above, is within the limits of maximum uniformity. Strength of large columns and short (24-inch) blocks cut from these columns. Compression z strength in pounds 5 : Dimensions | Moisture | Modulus of Raper Kind of wood. of columns | of wood elasticity Ue el pamaanaes (inches). (per cent).| (pounds). Short Columns. hiocks 144 | 12 | 12 14.2 2, 274, 000 4, 840 6, 090 132 | 12 | 12 12:9 1, 740, 000 4, 840 5, 660 168 |12| 8 ~~ 30.9 1, 628, 000 2, 940 2, 950 168 | 12] 8 32.3 1, 570, 000 3,170 3, 530 Pee Loon elon maS 40.8 1, 764, 000 3, 030 3, 310 ID asseaecaboesncaceascsccotesod| Ma Ry 3 29.7 1, 776, 000 3, 710 3, 780 BEAM TESTS. The experiments, of which the following tables contain the principal results, were performed on beams generally 8 by 12 by 192 inches. After breaking the large beam 12 small beams were cut from the uninjured portion of the large beam' in such a way that the entire cross section of the large piece was represented by two sets of 6 small beams each. Besides these tests on small beams, the compression strength of part of the material was tested on small blocks, part of which was sawed and part split from portions of the large beam. (See diagram at head of 'The legitimacy of using such material for such purpose has been fully established by a long series of experi- ments. (See Circular 12, Division of Forestry, p. 11.) TIMBER PHYSICS—SIZE OF TEST MATERIAL. table.) To avoid any complications due to differences or changes in moisture, the tests on large and small beams were performed the same day. Strength of large beams and of small beams, and of compression pieces cut from them. [Usually 12 small beams cut from the uninjured part of each large beam.] SAWED. SPLIT 19\20 aie 7|5| aba 2de0 3/ [avaaaei) P | Compression, / Strength | AveT#ee Moisture, endwise strength. Kind of wood. Ninm Den of larse) |eenen of Dean. peams. % an | Large | Small | Sawed Split * | beams. | beams. | pieces. pieces. \ | | | Lbs. per | Lbs. per Lbs. per | Lbs. per sq. in. | Per cent.| Per cent.| sq. tn. OFS Scccemnccssadececccacs w 7,400 8, 560 69.5 68.5 3, 960 4,120 2 5, 880 8, 660 70.3 69. 0 4,340 4,700 3 6,570 6, 220 75.3 15.2 3, 030 3, 190 4 8, 640 8, 800 66.6 67.6 4, 0S0 4, 460 5 8, 150 7,710 64.8 65.8 3, 680 3, 750 6 7,450 6, 910 63. 0 66.6 3, 330 3, 330 | 8 6, 870 6, 890 67.4 70.5 3, 470 3, 190 Shortleaf pine..-...-..--- 9 8, 300 7, 950 48.1 Be 7/ 4, 030 4, 160 10 7, 440 7, 250 42.1 56.3 3, 840 3, 850 11 5, 110 6, 760 38.9 33.3 3, 870 3, 630 12 7,360 6, 930 35. 2 33.5 3, 890 3, 850 13 7, 320 7, 300 37.4 40.6 4, 090 3, 800 iWihiteypineseesseeeeeee aa: | 14 3,110 8, 560 84.9 83.6 2, 440 2, 500 | 15 | 4, 280 4,340 43.8 41.2 2,710 2, 840 | 16 3,770 4,590 50.7 50.5 2, 660 2, 760 17 3, 460 3, 590 60.0 48.6 2,410 2,570 18 3, 990 3, 640 42.8 43.0 2, 800 2, 620 19 4, 040 4,400 62.4 60. 4 2, 760 2,780 20 4,410 4,180 53. 6 51.8 2, 680 2, 700 21 4,900 4, 320 50.1 51.0 3, 010 2, 900 22 3, 860 4,320 50. 2 60.8 2, 500 2, 430 22 4, 660 4, 890 52.0 58. 2 2, 850 2, 880 24 3, 960 4,440 76.3 71.5 2, 520 2,710 25 3, 920 4,410 53.6 60.5 2, 84¢ 2, 730 Shortleaf pine...--.....-- 26 4, 560 6, 290 31.2 30.5 3, 660 3, 850 27 4, 390 5, 610 33.9 36. 0 2, 830 3,110 28 6, 670 6, 830 28.6 28.9 3, 540 3, 590 29 7,410 | 7, 630 28.6 29.0 4, 450 4, 250 30 6, 600 7, 160 28.3 28.9 4, 200 4,190 31 5, 750 6, 000 34.3 35.5 3, 630 3, 530 32 6, 210° 7, 500 26.4 27.2 3, 940 4, 050 33 7, 450 8, 390 29.5 30.1 4, 350 4, 220 34 7, 000 7, 800 28. 4 29.5 4, 070 4,120 35 6, 030 6, 740 28.8 29. 4 3, 810 3, 640 36 6, 520 6, 890 31.6 31.6 4, 320 4, 370 37 7, 030 7, 890 29. 2 29.9 4, 380 4,920 38 7,710 8, 510 26.2 25.4 4, 500 4, 610 39 8, 090 8, 210 32.5 31.9 4, 550 4, 670 40 7, 680 7,980 31.1 32.3 4, 290 4, 380 ays 41 7, 330 8, 230 31.7 31.5 4, 680 4, 820 Longleaf pine ........---- 42 7, 290 8,740 30.9 31.2 4,950 5, 120 43 8, 850 9,720 28.1 28.9 5, 300 5, 440 44 8, 040 8, 870 26.3 26.9 4,730 5, 070 45 8, 090 8, 850 25.8 25.4 5, 000 5, 050 46 7, 620 7, 670 32.6 33.9 4,730 4, 830 47 6, 710 7, 610 33.0 33.4 4, 200 4, 520 | 48 8, 480 8, 300 29.3 29.3 4, 870 4, 890 i 4 } 49 5, 630 6, 250 34.5 33.7 3, 600 3, 630 iWhite\ypines=aaee reese 50 4, 900 5, 020 87.2 75.7 2,970 3, 200 | 51 5, 300 5, 210 71.4 | 69.6 3, 330 3, 240 52 4, 810 4,470 T.2 64.7 2, 940 3,100 53 3, 610 3, 610 54.5 58. 2 2,400 2,550 a 54 4,440 4,720 97. 6 | 94.9 2, 710 2, 900 Shortleaf pine.-.......-.. 55 6, 400 7, 610 27.0 27.2 4,340 4, 500 56 6, 690 6, 880 28,4 26. 6 4, 050 4, 210 | 7 6, 670 6, 990 27.0 26.4 4,100 4,340 Q i 58 7, 310 7, 490 28.5 26.8 4,100 4, 030 White pine..---.-........ 101 5, 070 7, 200 15. 4 16.2 5, 410 5, 720 102 6, 340 6, 890 11.0 11.7 4,920 5, 520 103 7, 070 8, 750 12.2 10.5 5, 140 5, 760 104 4, 900 6, 680 12.1 8.2 4, 360 4, 700 105 6, 640 6, 890 10.6 11.2 5, 450 5, 310 106 6, 180 7, 650 11.6 11.3 5, 190 5, 420 107 6, 080 6, 090 11.5 11.5 4, 810 5,170 108 5, 510 5, 810 11.1 10.7 5, 100 4,710 109 6, 930 7, 300 11.4" 10.5 5, 330 5, 080 110 5, 930 6, 010 12.1 11.6 4, 600 4, 670 111 4,010 5, 040 13.0 13.0 4, 270 4, 390 362 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. OBSERVATIONS AND DEDUCTIONS. (a) The difference between the values for the large beam and the average for the small beams is not at all constant, either in character or quantity; the large beam may be stronger (20 per cent of the cases) or practically as strong—i. e., within 10 per cent (57 per cent of the cases)—or it may be weaker, and vary often considerably from the average (23 per cent of the cases). , Of 696 tests on small beams 235 furnished results smaller than that of the large beam. Again, out of 396 small beams fully 40 per cent were weaker that the large beam, while of another series of 300 only 24 per cent gave lower values. (b) There are in every case some small beams which far excel in strength the large beam; even in such cases, where the average strength of the small beams is practically the same as that of the large beam, some small beams show values 25 to 30 per cent greater than the large beam. (c) In only 6 per cent of the cases each of the small pieces gave a higher result than was obtained from the large beam, but in these cases the latter was evidently defective. (d) In all beams the differences observed between the several small beams themselves are far greater than that between the average value of the small beams and the value of the large beam from which they are cut. From these observations, which are fnlly in accord with the observations on the numerous tests of the large general series, it would appear that— (1) Size alone can not account for the differences-observed; and, therefore, also that a small beam is not propor- tionately stronger because it is smaller, for it may be either stronger or weaker; but that if it is stronger, the cause of this lies in the fact that the larger beam contains weak as well as strong wood, besides other defects, which may or may uot appear in the small stick. (2) Generally, but not always, a large timber gives values nearer the average, since it contains, naturally, a larger quantity as well as a greater variety of the wood of the tree; and, therefore, also—- (3) Small beams, for the very reason of their smallness, containing, as they do, both a smaller quantity and variety of the material, give results which vary more from the average than results from large beams, and, there- fore, can be utilized only if a sufficient number be tested; but it also appears that— ; (4) To obtain an average value, even a very moderate number of smaller pieces, if they fairly represent the wood of the entire stem, give fully as reliable data as values derived from a large beam. (5) Average values derived from a large series of tests on small but representative material may be used in practice with perfect safety, and these averages are not likely to be modified by tests on large material. It might be added that both the practicability and need of establishing a coefficient or ratio between results from tests on large and small beams or columns falls away. To deserve any confidence at all, only a large series of tests on either large or small beams would satisfy the requirement of estabiishing standard values, while a series of small pieces has the preference, not only on account of greater cheapness and convenience in establishing the values, but still more for the reason that only by the use of small, properly chosen material is it possible to obtain a sufficiently complete representation of the entire log. Before these results, part of which were published by installments, had all been computed and arranged, the results of the work made it possible to publish, for the first time in the English language, a brief exposition of the technical properties of wood in general, which appeared as Bulletin 10 of the Division. This little booklet was copied verbatim several times by different tech- nical journals of this country, was embodied in toto in one of the best works on the materials of engineering, and was even translated into French by one of the foremost publishers of France, besides being used itself as a text-book by several of our largest colleges. In addition to the discussions of the several technical properties of wood, this booklet contains the first attempt in the English language at a key by which our common woods may be safely recognized from their structure alone. The key and some of the tables in this bulletin have been reproduced in an earlier part of this report. By this time, when the work was interrupted by superior orders, there were brought together the strength values for the wood of 32 species, of which 26 were represented by more than 200 tests each (the longleaf pine by over 6,000), 17 of them by over 400 tests per species, and seven by over 1,000 tests. These results were published in full in Circular No. 15 of the Division, from which the following extract is here repeated: SUMMARY OF MECHANICAL TESTS ON THIRTY-TWO SPECIES OF AMERICAN WOODS. GENERAL REMARKS. The chief points of superiority of the data obtained in these investigations lie in, (1) Correct identification of the material, it being collected by a competent botanist in the woods; (2) selection of representative trees with record of age, development, place and soil where grown, etc.; (3) determination of moisture conditions and specific gravity and record of position in the tree of the test pieces; (4) large number of trees and of test pieces from each tree; (5) employment of large and small-sized test material from the same trees; (6) uniformity of method for an unusally large number of tests. The entire work of the mechanical test series, carried on through nearly six years intermittently as funds TIMBER PHYSICS—-STRENGTH OF SPECIES. 363 were available, comprises so far 32 species with 308 test trees, furnishing over 6,000 test pieces, supplying material for 45,336 tests in all, of which 16,767 were moisture and specific gravity determinations on the test material. In addition to the material for mechanical tests, about 20,000 pieces have been collected from 780 trees (including the 308 trees used in mechanical tests) for physical examination to determine structure, character of growth, specific gravity of green and dry wood, shrinkage, moisture conditions, and other properties and behavior. In addition to the regular series of tests, the results of which are recorded in the subjoined tables, special series, to determine certain questions were planned and carried out in part or to finish, adding 4,325 tests to the above number. Account of test material. Average Num- omber specific No. Name of species. ber of | chanical | gravity Localities and number of trees from each. trees. ee of dry tests. wood. 1 | Longleaf pine --.--......-.--. 68 6, 478 0.61 | Alabama, coast plain (22) a; uplands (6); hill district (6); Georgia, undulat- (Pinus palustris.) ing uplands (6); South Carolina, coast plain (7); Mississippi, low coast plain (2); Louisiana, low coast plain, gravelly soil (7); sandy loam (6); Texas, low coast plain (6). 2) | Cuban\pine...5--2----- 22... 12 2,113 -63 | Alabama, coast plain (6); Georgia, uplands (1); South Carolina, coast (5). (Pinus heterophylla.) 3 | Shortleaf pine-.-......--.-.-.. 22 1, 831 -51 | Alabama, uplands (4); Missouri, low hilly uplands (6); Arkansas, low hilly (Pinus echinata.) uplands (6); Texas, uplands (6). 4 | Loblolly pine. ------.-.------- 32 38, 335 -53 | Alabama, mountainous plateau (8); low coast plain (6); Arkansas, level flood (Pinus tieda.) plain (5); Georgia, level coast plain (6); South Carolina, low coast plain (7). 5 | White pine-.--..----.--...... 17 540 .38 | Wisconsin, clay uplands (5); sandy soils (4); sandy loam (5); Michigan, level (Pinus strobus.) drift lands (3). GhieRedipineeess------ ===> -—— 8 412 -50 | Wisconsin, drift (5); Michigan (3). (Pinus resinosa.) Walt PLUCO DIN Gee esis lalallala 4 696 -44 | Alabama, low coast plain. (Pinus glabra.) 8 | Bald cypress 20 3, 396 -46 | South Caroiina, pine barren (6); river bottom (4); Louisiana, coast plain, (Laxodium distichum. border of lake (4); Mississippi, Yazoo bottom (8); upland (3). OV iWihite ced arse- ese ese ase 4 354 .387 | Mississippi, low plain. (Chamecy paris thyoides.) 10 | Douglas spruce..--.-...-.-.-.|.-...--. 225 51 | (From lumber yard.) (Pseudotsuga taxifolia.) 8 Til || WMO Ce Soacssercepeuccasca 12 1, 009 -80 | Alabama, ridges of Tennessee Valley (5); Mississippi, low plain (7). (Quercus alba.) 12 | Overcup oak..-...-......-.---. 10 911 -74 | Mississippi, low plain (7); Arkansas, Mississippi bottoms (3). (Quercus lyrata.) 13) | Postioake. 9-222 — nae. sseta 8 256 -80 | Alabama, Tennessee Valley (5); Arkansas, Mississippi bottom (3). (Quercus minor.) 14) |) Cowloak = ose on 11 935 -74 | Alabama, Tennessee Valley (4); Arkansas, Mississippi bottoms (3); Missis- (Quercus michauxii.) sippi, low plain (4). 1 |) ING (EUS -o0cos6 cesccnasescseo ia 299 -73 | Alabama, Tennessee Valley (5); Arkansas, Mississippi bottom (2).b / (Quercus rubra.) 15) Ge ysen OF) ee Speccnc Gacmoncoseca 3 479 73 | Arkansas, Mississippi bottom. (Quercus texana.) 17 | Yellow oak-.-.--.---.....---- 5 222, .72 | Alabama, Tennessee Valley (5). (Quercus velutina.) 18) | Water/oak -2--2-- 2-22 ------- 4 132 .73 | Mississippi, low plain (4). (Quercus nigra.) HOR Wallowa oases eerie eal 12 649 72 | Alabama, Tennessee Valley (5); Arkansas, Mississippi bottom (8); Missis- (Quercus phellos.) sippi, low plain (4). 20 | Spanish oak =.-..-2....--.-.- 11 1, 035 .73 | Alabama, Tennessee Valley (5); Arkansas, Mississippi bottom (3); Missis- : (Quercus digitata.) sippi, low plain (3). 21 | Shagbark hickory-...-.------- 6 794 -81 | Mississippi, alluvial plain (3); limestone (3). (Hicoria ovata.) 22 | Mockernut hickory .--------- 4 300 -85 | Mississippi, low plain. (Hicoria alba.) | 23 | Water hickory...-..-..-----. 2 197 ores) Do. (Hicoria aquatica.) 24 | Bitternut hickory-..-.------- 4 100 77 | Do. (Hicoria minima.) | 25 | Nutmeg hickory -..--.------- 3 294 -78 | Do. (Hicoria myristicweformis.) 26 | Pecan hickory ..........----- 2 172 -78 Do. (Hicoria pecan.) 27 | Pignut hickory ---..--.------ 3 84 89 Do. (Hicoria glabra.) | 28) eWabitele Meee e= eaten 2 91 54 | Mississippi, bottom. (Ulmus americana.) 29) | Cedarielm=s.="--2-2-----.---- 3 201 .74 | Arkansas, bottom. (Ulmus crassifolia.) 30] White ash ---2---------...-.- 3 476 -62 Mississippi, bottom. (Fraxinus americana.) Gil || CnC COM ecesosecaceosescoase 1 45 - 62 Do. (Fraxinus lanceolata.) 32|| Sweet gum-.--------..-...-.- 7 508 .59 | Arkansas, bottom (3); Mississippi, low plain (4). (Liquidambar styraciflua.) a Sixteen of these were bled trees to study the effects of boxing. ‘ b These two should probably be classed as Southern red oak. They were collected before the distinction was finally decided upon. ) Nore.—The values for specific gravity here given refer to ‘‘dry’’ wood of test material—i. e., wood containing variable: amounts of moisture below 15 per cent; the moisture effect ‘has therefore not been taken into account, but more careful experiments indicate that its nfluence on specific gravity at such low per cent is so small that it may be neglected for practical purposes. on these (which have been published more in detail in Circular No. 12) may be taken as authoritative. As will be observed, some species, notably the Southern pines, have been more fully investigated, and the results With those species of which only a small number of trees have been tested this can be claimed only within limits and in proportion to the number of tests. 364 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. The great variation in strength which is noticeable in timber of the same species makes it necessary to accept with caution the result of a limited number of tests as representing the average for the species, for it may have happened that only all superior or all inferior material has been used in the tests. Hence we would not be entitled to conclude, for instance, that pignut hickory is 14 per cent stronger than shagbark, as it would appear in the table, for the 30 test pieces of the former may easily have been superior material. Only a detailed examination of the test pieces or a fuller series of tests would enlighten us as to the comparative value of the results. The following data, therefore, are not to be considered as in any sense final values for the species, except where the number of trees and tests is very large: Results of tests in compression endwise. [Pounds per square inch.] | Proportion | Proportion Average | Average No Saawics Number} Highest Lowest | highest10 | lowest 10 | Average oe eete oes Oe P a of tests. | single test.| single test.| percent | percent | ofall tests. n f NED | of tests. of tests. per cent of | per cent of average. average. Reduced to 15 per cent moisture. | Per cent. | Per cent. 1 | Longleaf pine----------- =e | 1, 230 11. 900 3, 400 8, 600 5, 700 6, 900 53 2 | Cuban pine ---.- - 410 10, 600 2, 800 9, 500 6,500 7, 900 61 93 3 | Shortleaf pine- q| 330 8, 500 4,500 7, 600 4, 800 5, 900 47 90 4 | Loblolly pine. --.---.---.-.......----__- | 660 11, 200 3, 900 8, 700 5, 400 6, 500 49 84 | Reduced to 12 per cent moisture. By || WANE) WO ccconascosssooposooemencesen 130 8, 500 38, 200 6, 800 4, 000 5, 400 49 93 6 | Red pine- sod 100 8, 200 | 4, 300 8, 100 4, 900 6, 700 54 96 7 | Spruce pine. ooo 170 10, 000 | 4, 400 8, 800 5, 600 7, 300 66 95 8 | Bald cypress-- sie 655 9,900 | 2, 900 8, 500 4, 200 6, 000 31 74 9 | White cedar.------ 3 87 6, 200 3, 200 6, 000 4, 400 5, 200 79 99 10 | Douglas spruce a aoe 41 | 8, 900 4,100 8,100 4, 200 5, 700 28 65 11 | White oak .---.-. -- 218 12, 500 5, 100 11, 300 6, 300 8, 500 40 81 12 | Overcup oak S 216 9,100 3, 700 8, 600 6, 000 7, 300 70 95 13 | Post oak - 49 8, 200 | 5, 900 8, 100 6, 000 7, 100 58 100 14 | Cow oak 256 11, 560 | 4, 600 9, 800 5, 600 7, 400 51 89 15 | Red oak.- <= 57 9, 700 | 5, 400 9, 200 5, 500 7, 200 36 94 16 | Texan oak -- = 117 11, 300 | 5, 800 9, 800 6, 900 8, 100 62 98 17 | Yellow oak =: 40 8, 600 5, 500 8, 300 5, 800 7, 300 58 100 18 | Water oak... 31 9, 200 6, 200 9, 000 6, 300 7, 800 75 100 19 | Willow oak. 153 11, 000 4,200 8, 700 5, 500 7, 200 51 88 20 | Spanish oak --. 251 10, 600 3, 700 9,500 5,100 7, 700 61 94 21 | Shagbark hickory. 137 13, 700 5, 800 10, 900 7, 500 9, 500 79 97 22 | Mockernut hickory~ 2s: 75 12, 200 | 6, 200 11, 600 8, 000 1¢, 100 65 99 23 | Water hickory-.-- ae 14 10, 000 6, 700 9, 600 7, 000 8, 400 71 100 24 | Bitternut hickory- = 25 11, 500 7, 300 11, 200 7, 800 9, 600 60 100 25 | Nutmeg hickory ae 12, 12, 300 6, 400 11, 000 7,100 8, 800 79 97 26 | Pecan hickory. - z 37 10, 500 5, 800 10, 400 7, 300 9, 100 51 95 27 | Pignut hickory. - oe 30 13, 000 8, 700 12, 700 8, 900 10, 900 12 100 28 | Whiteelm...-- ass 18 8, 800 4,900 8, 800 5, 000 6, 500 a 88 29 | Cedar elm. = 44 10, 600 6, 200 10, 100 6, 500 8, 000 66 95 30 | White ash. 260 87 9, 600 5, 000 8, 700 5,700 7. 200 48 96 31 | Green ash. sec 10 9, 800 6, 600 9, 800 6, 600 8, 000 29 100 32 | Sweet gum 118 8, 900 4, 600 8, 500 5, 600 7, 100 60 97 a Actual tests on ‘‘dry’’ material not reduced for moisture. The variation in strength in wood of the virgin forest, as will be seen from the tables, is in some species so great that by proper inspection and selection values differing by 25 to 50 per cent may be obtained from different parts of the same tree, and values differing 100 to 200 per cent within the same species. These differences have all their definite recognizable causes, to find and formulate which is the final aim of these investigations. The tests are intentionally not made on selected material (except to discard absolutely defective pieces), but on material as it comes from the trees, so as to arrive at an average statement for the species, when a sufficient number of trees has beer tested. How urgent is the need for data of inspection as above indicated will appear from the wide range of results recorded. To enable any engineer to use the data here given with due caution and judgment, not only the ranges of values and the average of all values obtained, but also the proportion of tests which came near the average values, have been stated, as well as the average results of the highest and lowest values of 10 per cent of the tests. With this information and a statement of the actual number of tests involved, the comparative merit of the stated values can be judged. With a large number of tests, to be sure, it is more likely that an average value of the species has been found. The actual test results have been rounded off to even hundreds in the tables. FACTORS OF SAFETY. With such lowest standard values, also lowest factors of safety could be employed. As to factors of safety, it may be proper to state that the final aims of the present investigations may be summed up in one proposition, namely, to establish rational factors of safety. It will be admitted by all engineers that the factors of safety as used at present can hardly be claimed to be more than guesswork. There is not an engineer who could give account as to the basis upon which numerically the factors of safety for wood have been established as ‘‘8 for steady stress; 10 for varying stress; 15 for shocks” (see Merriman’s Testbook on the Mechanics of Materials); or as 4 to 5 for “dead” load and 5 to 10 for “live” load (see Rankine’s Handbook of Civil Engineering). TIMBER PHYSICS—FACTOR OF SAFETY. 365 The directions for using these indeterminate factors of safety given in the text-books would imply that the student or engineer is, after all, to rely on his judgment as to the modification of the factor, i. e., he is to add to this general guess his own particular guess. The factor of safety is in the main an expression of ignorance or lack of confidence in the reliability of values of strength, upon which the designing proceeds, together with an absence of data upon which to inspect the material. With a larger number of well-conducted tests, coupled with a knowledge of the quantitative as well as qualitative influences of various factors upon strength, and with definite data of inspection which allow ready sorting of material, the factor of safety, as far as it denotes the residuum of ignorance which may be assumed to remain, as to the character and behavior of the material, may be reduced to a minimum, restricting itself mainly to the consideration of the indeterminable variation in the actual and legitimate application of load. Results of tests in compression endwise on green wood (above 40 per cent moisture, not reduced). [Pounds per square inch.] ar | Highest | Lowest | Average No.) Species. Number single single of all ; *| test. test. tests. Ae ongleafipines.s-ncc.cestces-s eons ste eases eeaem ser oee veces coseent a tee we suune ees etek hse 86 7,300} 2, 800 4,300 2 | Cuban pine -- a 38 6, 100 3, 500 4, 800 3 | Shortleaf pine. . 8 4, 000 3, 000 3, 300 4 | Loblolly pine 69 | 5, 500 | 2, 600 4,100 7 | Spruce pine -- 71 | 4,700 | 2, 800 3, 900 8 | Bald cypress. 280 8, 200 1, 800 4, 200 9 | White cedar. - 34 | 3, 400 2,300 2, 900 11 | White oak - 25 7, 000 3, 200 5, 300 12 | Overcup oak - 45 4, 900 2, 800 3, 800 14 | Cow oak --- 58 4,900 2, 300 3, 800 16 | Texan oak ..- 39 6, 000 3,100 5, 200 19 | Willow oak .- 49 5, 500 2, 300 3, 800 20 | Spanish oak---- 52 | 5, 100 2,500 3, 900 21 | Shagbark hickory. -- 22 | 6, 900 3,500 5, 700 22 | Mockernut hickory- 18 ! 7, 200 | 4,500 6, 100 23 | Water hickory. .---- 4 | 5, 600 4, 700 5, 200 25 | Nutmeg hickory 26 | 5, 500 3, 700 4, 500 26 | Pecan hickory. -- 4) 3, 800 3, 300 3, 600 27 | Pignut hickory - zs 5 | 6, 200 4, 700 5, 400 Dy || Shiai fabbisoseon vbacoonodocsoddasscosnoSaS BoodaboaaSoAde aueeSnScooRsuESbEeoooS agsboqassosce sane 6 | 3, 600 3, 000 3, 300 | ! | While the values given in these tables may claim to contain more elements of reliability than most of those published hitherto, much more work will have to be done before the above-stated aim will be satisfied. In explanation of the table recording tests in bending at relative clastic limits it should be stated that since an elastic limit in the sense in which the term is used for metals, namely, as a point at which distortion becomes disproportionate to load and a permanent injury and set results, can not be readily determined for wood, Prof. J. B. Johnson has proposed to utilize a point where the rate of distortion becomes 50 per cent greater for the amount of load than it was for the initial’ load, which point can be tolerably accurately determined (see Bull. 8, p. 9). This point he has called the ‘‘relative elastic limit.” The assumption is that such a point would be near the limit to which the material can he strained without permanent injury, and the strength values obtained at that point would serve for indications of safe loads. The practical utility of determining this point and the strength values relating to it remains, however, still open for discussion. A comparison of the values obtained for the strength at rupture and at relative elastic limit shows a parallelism which would make it questionable whether much is gained by the use of that point, which in reality lies beyond the limit where practical injury has begun, as indicated by the increased distortion. We would be inclined to consider that point more serviceable where the curve begins to deviate from the straight line, at which point we may assume no permanent injury has as yet been experienced. This point we may call provisionally the ‘‘safe limit.” Objection has been made to utilizing this point because it can not be located with as much nicety and mathe- matical precision as the point of ‘relative elastic limit.” But even this point is only approximately definable; and since no strength values can claim to be more than approximately correct, it would suffice to determine the safe- limit point and the correspondent strength values also only approximately. This point has the advantage that it lies on the safe side. Special series of tests to investigate the legitimacy of the use of any of these limits for practical purposes were designed, but have as yet not been taken up, and hence the values in the table on p. 367 are given only as suggestions for what they are worth. 366, FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Results of tests in bending, at rupture. [Pounds per square inch.] | Gi R Number Highest Lowest pas 10 ee A f vo tests eee Seas er Hig es highes owes verage 0: Pyene Chater No. Species. of tests. | single test. | single test. per cent of | per centof| all feats Rhian Ue: | WEEMS Gae8: average. | average. © Reduced to 15 per cent moisture. ) A! Per cent. | Per cent. 16 one leatipinese= === a= see =H eee 1, 160 | 17, 800 3, 300 14, 200 8, 800 10, 900 41 2 | Cuban pine. _.-- 390 17, 000 2,900 14, 600 8, 800 11, 900 46 83 3 | Shortleaf pine-- 5 330 15, 300 5, 000 12, 400 7, 000 9, 200 40 79 20 Swoblollyipines= sees ==se—e tee eee 650 14, 800 3, 900 13, 100 8, 100 10, 100 44 84 Reduced to 12 per cent moisture. Gy AMMEN oes eseeoonaesecoesbesces se 120 11, 100 4, 600 10, 100 5, 000 7, 900 43 81 6 | Red pine --- ¢ 95 12, 900 3, 100 12, 300 4, 900 9, 100 28 60 7 | Spruce pine -- 170 16, 300 3, 100 13, 600 5, 800 10, 000 43 81 8 | Bald cypress - 655 14, 800 | 2, 300 11, 700 5, 000 7, 900 25 69 9 | White cedar.----- 87 9,100 | 3,500 8, 400 4, 000 6, 300 32 78 10 | Douglas spruce a - 3 41 13, 000 38, 800 12, 000 4,100 7, 900 22 58 11 | White oak. ------- ae) 218 20, 300 5, 700 18, 500 7, 600 13, 100 39 75 12 | Overcup oak - || 216 19, 600 | 4,900 |_ 14, 900 6, 300 11, 300 AT 81 13 | Post oak -- a 49 16, 400 | 5, 100 15, 300 7, 400 12, 300 AT 92 14 | Cow oak. 4 256 23, 000 | 3, 300 12, 500 6, 500 11, 500 32, 68 15 | Red oak - 57 16, 500 5, 700 15, 400 9,100 11, 400 46 84 16 | Texan 0a. 117 19, 500 8, 200 16, 900 10, 000 13, 100 64 86 17 | Yellow oak 40 15, 000 5, 100 14, 600 5,700 10, 800 28 65 18 | Water oak. =e 31 16, 000 5, 800 15, 700 7, 200 12, 400 40 76 19 | Willow oak eel) 153 16, 000 3, 200 18, 800 5, 400 10, 400 33 70 20 | Spanish oak-.-.-- | 257 17, 300 5, 000 15, 600 6, 900 12, 000 40 72 21 | Shagbark hickory 187 23, 300 5, 700 20, 300 9, 400 16, 000 46 84 22 | Mockernut hickory 1D 20, 700 5, 300 19, 700 7, 900 15, 200 45 78 23 | Water hickory --- 14 18, 000 5, 300 17, 800 5, 400 12, 500 21 64 24 | Bitternut hickory 2! 19, 500 7, 000 19, 300 8, 700 15, 000 28 60 25 | Nutmeg hickory - 72 16, 600 6, 700 15, 600 8, 100 12, 500 40 88 26 | Pecan hickory---- 37 18, 300 5, 600 18, 100 10, 300 15, 300 38 95 27 | Pignut hickory- a 30 25, 000 11, 100 24,300} , 11,500 18, 700 43 W7 98 | White elm------ 18 14, 000 7, 200 13, 600 7, 300 10, 300 44 72 29 | Cedar elm - d4 19, 200 6, 600 17, 300 8, 500 138, 500 50 86 30 | White ash.- 87 15, 000 5, 000 14, 200 6, 300 10, 800 37 G7 31 | Green ash -- 10 16, 000 5, 100 16, 000 5, 100 11, 600 20 60 SP) || SGC SIN S525 ss Sass assccsaSssoasacad 118 14, 400 5, 100 12, 700 6, 000 9,500 39 719 a Actual tests on ‘‘dry”’ material not reduced for moisture. . RELATIONS OF WEIGHT AND STRENGTH. That within the same species the strength of wood varied with the dry weight (specific gravity), i. e., that the heavier stick is the stronger, has been known for some time. That this law of variation held good not only for a given species, but irrespective of species for the four principal pines of our Southern States was indicated in Cireular 12 of this Division. This fact becomes the more important in practical application, as the wood of these species of pines so far can not be distinguished at all by its anatomical structure and only with difficulty and uncertainty by other appearances, while in the lumber market substitution is not infrequent. It will therefore be best with these pines, where strength alone is desired, to inspect the material by weight (specific), other things being equal, disregarding species determination. While this result of the exhaustive series of tests reasonably well demonstrated for these pines may be considered of great practical value, we can now extend the application of the law of relation between weight and streneth a step farther, and state as an indication of our tests that probably in woods of uniform structure strength increases with specific weight, independently of species and genus distinction, i. e., other things being equal, the heavier wood is the stronger. We are at present inclined to state this important result with caution, only as a probability or indication, until either the test material and tests can be more closely scanned, or more carefully planned and minutely executed series of detail tests can be carried on to confirm the truth of what the wholesale tests seem to have developed. ; In the following two diagrams the average strength of the different species in compression endwise and bending, as found in the preceding tables, has been plotted with reference to the dry weight as given in preceding table. Considering that these tests and weight determinations (especially the latter) were not carried on with that finesse which would be required for a scientific demonstration of a natural law, that other influences, as crossgrain, unknown defects, and moisture conditions may cloud the results, and that in the averaging of results undue consid- eration may have been given to weaker or stronger, heavier or lighter, material, the relaxation is exhibited even by this wholesale method with a remarkable degree of uniformity borderirg on demonstration. An exception is apparent in the oaks in that they do not exhibit this relation of weight and strength with reference to other species, and also with less definiteness among the various species of oak in themselves. The structure of oak wood being exceedingly complicated and essentially different from that of the wood of all other species under consideration, it may reasonably be expected that it will not range itself with these. TIMBER PHYSICS—STRENGTH AND WEIGHT. Results of tests in bending, at relative elastic limit. [Pounds per square inch.] 367 Average | Average Proportion ; Proportion > : iNamaee Highest | Lowest | of high- |of lowest) Average| of tests of tests any of No Species. mptonte single single |est10per| 10 per of all within 10 | within 25 (auetacoe R test. test. cent of | cent of tests. | per cent of | per cent of all Peat tests. tests. average. average. be Bs) Reduced to 15 per cent moisture. Pericents mericents Longleaf pine------.----------------- 1, 160 13, 500 2, 400 11, 100 5, 400 8, 500 43 81 1, 890, 000 2 | Cuban pine ---- 390 12, 900 2, 200 11, 500 5, 600 9, 500 42 83 2, 300, 000 3 | Shortleaf pine - 330_ 11, 900 2, 900 9, 700 4, 800 7, 200 48 81 1, 600, 000 4 | Loblolly pine 650 12, 700 3, 100 10, 800 5, 400 8, 200 46 85 1, 950, 000 Reduced to 12 per cent moisture. | 5 | White pine -- 000 130 10, 000 4, 100 8, 200 4, 500 6, 400 58 85 1, 390, 000 6 | Red pine-- 95 11, 300 3, 100 10, 300 4, 500 7, 700 38 73 1, 620, 000 7 | Spruce pine-- 170 13, 700 3, 000 11, 200 5, 000 8, 400 51 82 1, 640, 000 8 | Bald cypress- 655 12, 000 2, 200 9, 900 4, 200 6, 600 25 66 1, 290, 000 9 | White cedar ----- 87 |. 8, 200 3.400 7,390 4, 000 5, 800 44 86 910, 000 10 | Douglas sprucea 41 13, 700 2, 800 9, 600 3, 400 6, 400 32 56 1, 680, 000 11 | White oak.-.----- 218 15, 700 4,400 14, 100 6, 100 9, 600 37 73 2, 090, 000 12 | Overcup oak - 216 11, 600 4,000 9,500 5, 400 7,500 47 91 1, 620, 000 13 | Postoak..-..- 49 10, 600 5, 100 9, 600 6, 000 8, 400 Bd 76 2, 030, 000 14 | Cow oak - 256 14, 200 3,400 11, 600 5, 000 7, 600 50 95 1, 610, 000 15 | Red oak .- 57 14, 500 5, 100 13, 600 5, 600 9, 200 15 49 1, 970, 000 16 | Texan oak - 117 12, v00 5, 900 11, 400 7, 800 9, 400 62 94 1, 860, 000 17 | Yellow oaik -- 40 11, 800 4,900 11, 100 5, 100 8, 100 39 75 1, 740, 000 18 | Water vak .- 31 11, 800 4, 500 11, 400 5, 500 8, 800 40 84 2, 000, 000 19 | Willow oak. - 153 13, 100 2,700 10, 000 4,300 7,400 42 81 1, 750, 000 20 | Spanish oak -...---. 257 18, 500 5, 100 11, 600 6, 600 8, 600 41 80 1, 930, 000 21 | Shagbark hickory -- 187 16, 100 5, 400 14, 200 7, 700 1), 200 50 89 2, 390, 000 22 | Mockernut hickory - 75 15, 400 4, 300 14, 600 7, 800 11, 700 39 83 2, 320, 000 23 | Water hickory ---.- 14 11, 900 4,100 11, 800 4, 800 9, 800 21 86 2, 080, 000 24 | Bitternut hickory 25, 14, 300 7, 500 14, 000 7, 600 11, 100 44 84 2, 280, 000 25 | Nutmeg hickory 72 12, 200 4, 200 11, 200 6, 400 9, 300 46 93 1, 940, 000 26 | Pecan hickory. - 37 15, 000 5, 800 14, 400 7, 900 11, 500 65 89 2,536, 900 27 | Pignut hickory - 30 17, 500 7, 400 16, 400 8, 300 12, 600 40 88 2, 730, 000 28 | White elm--- 5 18 9, 700 5, 300 9, 600 5, 400 7, 300 33 71 1, 540, 000 29 | Cedar elm - 3 44 10, 700 4,700 10, 100 5, 800 8, 000 57 91 1, 700, 000 30 | White ash . F 87 14, 500 3, 600 10, 400 5, 200 7, 900 43 83 1, 640, v00 31 | Green ash ~ < 10 13, 200 3, 200 13, 200 3, 200 8, 900 40 70 2, 050, 000 32 | Sweet gum ...---.--.-------.-------- 118 11, 000 3,500 10, 100 | 5, 100 7, 800 46 82 1, 700, 000 a Actual tests on ‘‘ dry” material not reduced for moisture. 1000 O NN SS S ~ 3000 Compression endwise; pounds per square inch. 8000 | 7000 6000 eae dO GS 40 45 30 ID 60 Weight per cubic foot in pounds. Fic. 95.—Relation of strength in compression endwise to weight of material. The figure at each point indicates the species thereby represented. 368 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. /9000 18000 /7000 1G000 $000 14000 13000 7 12000 H000 Bending strength at rupture in pounds per square inch. /Q000 9000 8000 7000 6000 ZO JO BS 40 45 32 IS 60 Weight per cubic foot in pounds. Fic. 96.—Relation of weight to bending strength at rupture. The figure at each point indicates the species thereby represented. TIMBER PHYSICS—UNIFORMITY OF STRENGTH. 369 In addition, the difficulty of seasoning oak without defects or even securing perfect material may have influenced the results of tests so as to cloud the relationship with the genus. If further close study, supplemented by additional series of tests carefully devised to investigate this relation- ship, should uphold the truth of it, this result may be set down as the most important practical one that could be reached by these tests, for it would at once give into the hands of the wood consumer a means of determining the relative value of his material as to strength and all allied properties by a simple process of weighing the dry material; of course with due regard to the other disturbing factors like crossgrain, defects, coarseness of grain, ete. Results of tests in compression across grain (a) and shearing with grain. {Pounds per square inch. ] a | SETS | Shearing Num- | OLNEY | wit \| Monn Compres-|} with a tes sion | grain not es sion grain not No. Species. Det of ACrOsei imedinced po: Species. der of aCLOSaMlinaduced ests. sai oan tests. Hi grain. for | grain. for moisture. || moisture. | |. | | Reduced to 15 per cent moisture. | Reduced to 12 per cent moisture— Continued. 1 | Longleaf pine 1, 000 700 |) 2 || Cuban'pine. --------.--.- 50 1, 000 700 || 16 | Southern red oak...-.--.-...--.---- 117 2,000 900 3 | Shortleaf pine ao 3 900 AND) Wee || IE GA. Sos cnescerosconenosesnad 40 1, 800 1, 100 AS PMoblollivapineaseser eset eraser ae 1, 000 OOH! el Sk MWiateroalkweeaassscee ee eemen ase 30 2, 000 1, 100 (el 9) |PSWallowAoa kee ss eee name aerate cient 153 1, 600 900 Reduced to 12 per cent moisture | 20 | Spanish oak... a5¢ 255 1, 800 900 21 | Shagback hick 135 2,700 1, 100 5 | White pine 130 700 400 || 22 | White hickory 75 | 3, 100 1,100 6 | Red piue -- 100 1, 000 500 || 23 | Water hickory -- 14 | 2, 400 1, 000 7 | Spruce pin 175 1, 200 800 || 24 | Bitternut hickor: 25 2, 200 1, 000 8 | Bald cypress 650 800 500 |! 25 | Nutmeg hickory 72 2, 700 1,100 9 | White cedar... 87 700 400 || 26 | Pecan hickory..- 37 2, 800 1, 200 10 | Douglas spruce b. - 41 800 500 || 27 | Pignut hickory 3 30 3, 200 1, 200 US Wabi teloa eee eee eee see as 218 2, 200 OOO N||h28h |imvvaliterel names eeeer tee nemeen esa} 1S 1, 200 800 12 | Overcup oak -.--..---. 216 1, 900 MO008) 29) Cedarielmeessssee conten eeseeeee 44 2, 100 1,300 116} |) TRUE OHS oe ceesoo5 49 3, 000 1631) |) 80] WANUOP Ne oo osacedocdasosossocse $7 1, 900 1, 100 WAS RC Oa Of keeeensee ee aaets =e 256 1,900 S00} |eoile | Greentasha=ssesee see een ease eae 10 1, 700 1, 000 16) |) INCRL CH koeconcicssonssgaconcawanccaos 57 2, 300 Te TON) |B 1) NEG SU a ccecenocHsenneosson[s 118 1, 400 800 aTo an indentation of 3 per cent of the height of the specimen. b Actual tests on ‘‘dry ”’ material not reduced for moisture. Having fully established the great influence of moisture on the strength of wood, the practi- tioner still needed information as to the rate and manner of drying and as to the way in which moisture is distributed during seasoning. Several thousand moisture determinations were made and it was established beyond doubt that moisture is generally least abundant at the ends, is quite evenly distributed throughout the length, but is not always uniform in different parts of the - same cross section, often varying in this respect within astonishing ranges, so that the use of timber in a half-seasoned condition, and where uniform seasoning can not be obtained by the material, requires that these facts be duly considered in designing. TESTS OF MAximum UNIFORMITY. Both in this country and abroad small differences in strength values were often interpreted as deciding for or against any given material. This same problem arose also in every case where many results were to be compiled, and it seemed especially desirable once for all to find just how much uniformity could be expected of wood materials. From a large series of well-selected quarter-sawed pieces representing several kinds of pine, cypress, and hardwoods it was found that even contiguous blocks, 24 inches long, may differ by as much aS 2 to 4 per cent in conifers and as much as 13 per cent in oak, and that in a scantling only 6 feet long the butt might differ from the top by 10 to 20 per cent in conifers and over 35 per cent in oak. This extremely valuable set of results throws much light upon discussions of the past, and is well suited to show that many boastful claims rested on very flimsy and entirely unreliable differences, such as might well be accounted for by a little more extended examination of materials. It will also assist in judging test results in the future and help to avoid useless controversy and prejudice. The following more fully illustrates the results of this series: Scantlings of air-dry material, 6 to 10 feet Jong, of white pine, longleaf pine, tuliptree (poplar), and white oak, and of perfectly green material of loblolly pine and cypress, fresh from the saw, were cut partly into blocks 2 by 2 by 22 inches, but mostly into cubes of 2% inches. All material was quarter sawed, carefully prepared, and in all cases treated alike, either perfectly green or dried together at the same temperature. Altogether 529 tests in endwise compression were made, namely, 100 on white pine, 72 on longleaf pine, 99 on loblolly pine, 40 on white oak, 115 on tuliptree (poplar), 103 on cypress. H. Doe. 181——24 370 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. From these tests the following table of averages is derived, together with fig. 97: Average of tests for maximum wniformity. Greatest dif- Average Greatest difference in| ference in en- Name. Moisture. strength of strength between adjoin. | tire scantling, all pieces. ing pieces. i.e., 6-10 foot piece. Per cent. Lbs. per | Lbs. per| Per cent. Per cent. White pine (Pinus strobus) -.--------------++-eeeeeesanenccenn ee 8 4,900 190 3.8 18 Longleaf pine (Pious palustris) - Bes Sop 7.8 10, 800 380 335) 10 Tuliptree (poplar) (iiriogendren tulipi € a). 8 6, 010 480 8.3 20 White oak (Quercus alba) - Yard dry. 8, 300 1,110 13.4 87 Loblolly pine (Pinus treda).. 125+ (green). 2, 670 130 4.8 20 Cypress (Taxodium distichum 125 + (green). 4, 090 70 1.8 15 It will be observed that green cypress excelled in its uniformity; that green loblolly proves not more uniform than dry white and longleaf pine; that wood of the conifers far excel even the tuliptree (poplar) with its uniform grain and texture; and that oak, as might be expected, is the least uniform. It will also be noticed that even in one and the same short scantling (6 to 10 feet) of select quarter-sawed longleaf pine differences of 10 per cent may occur, and that in all others these differences were even greater. Incidentally in this and the following experiment a small number of the blocks were thoroughly oven-dried (to about 2 per cent moisture), and it was found that the strength of both cypress and loblolly was increased by about 150 per cent during drying, so that wood at 2 per cent is about two and one-half times as strong as perfectly green or soaked material; and also that drying from 8 to 10 per cent to the lowest attainable moisture condition (1 to 2 per cent) still adds about 25 per cent to the strength of the wood. In the following diagram and table a part of the results are presented in detail: ZO00 BLOCH NUMBER S os Va g // 13 VE UG 42 EL REV AS Fia. 97.—Strength of contiguous blocks, showing maximum uniformity of select quarter-sawed material in compression endwise. TIMBER PHYSICS—VARIATION IN STRENGTH. 371 Strength of contiguous blocks of the same scantling, select material, in compression endwise. [Dimensions generally, 2.76 by 2.76 by 2.76 inches. ] Kind of wood. White |Longleaf Ta Tulip: | pine (8 | pine (8 5 tree (8 a Number of blocks. per cent | per cent a5 oper Cypress Oe Ney per cent| (yard mois- mois- aOR ; mois- dry). S ture). ture). ture) ture). Pounds per square inch. | 4, 850 11, 580 2, 330 2, 720 4,170 5, 740 4, 860 11, 530 2, 380 2, 700 4,190 5, 700 4, 690 11, 310 2, 380 2.720 4,170 5, 770. 4, 840 11, 060 2, 450 2, 680 4,180 5, 700 4, 760 8, 250 a5, 700 2, 680 4, 200 5, 4380 4,720 | 10,740 2, 600 4,730 | 11, 180 2, 680 4,760 | 11, 220 2, 640 4,750 | 10, 980 2,720 4,770 | 11,130 | @6,970 4,730 | 11,510 2,770 4,760 | 11,490 2,730 3, 070 4,180 6, 030 4,770 | 11,320 2,780 3, 099 4, 130 6,170 4,670 | 11, 220 2) 800 3, 120 4, 160 5, 840 4,600 | 11,320) @5,840 3, 170 4, 160 5, 440 4, 660 11, 340 2, 880 3,140 4,160 5, 360 4,590 11, 470 2, 870 3, 090 EE IND |joesesosose 4,600 | 10,790 OF GD \lsaooaecaes 4,090 5, 530 4,610 | 10,740 2, 860 3, 120 4, 070 5, 530 ZAC) TORO || @BA30 |loocen-B sae] bosnSeccce a6, 880 4,920 | 11, 110 2, 760 ahi 0)) | Seen 5, 920 4,870 | 11, 450 2, 760 Fh PPD |lscoccossce 5, 930 4,970 | 12, 250 2,720 Eur (ilseeccsanes 5, 770 4,940 | 12, 760 2, 640 By Spi) |losacnesaoe 5, 780 Raia ao 10,740 | a@7,050 BOTW |esnccosol| GE 5,070 | 10, 350 PACH) | Stoceeaees beoeresaae 6, 480 4,940 | 10, 280 2, 650 8) BM) Ilsenousaece 6, 310 5,020 | 10, 150 2) 650 BL STAD |oocacocese 6, 220 5, 110 9, 860 2,780 3, 420 5, 020 10, 900 OU AM |sacsss-305 4,950 | 10,120 2, 730 4, 820 10, 370 2, 780 4,950 10, 320 2; 720 4,900 10, 250 2, 660 5, 040 10, 400 a5, 360 5, 160 10, 050 PBN ocncce 5,120 10, 050 2, 560 |--- 5, 100 10, 350 2, 580 |- 5, 230 10, 100 2, 580 |-- 5, 280 10, 030 @5, 220 |-- 5, 260 9, 970 2, 620 |.-- 5, 280 9, 880 2, 600 |. 5, 300 10. 050 2,640 |.- 5, 310 10, 220 2,610 |- 5,300 | 10,470 | a@6, 440 |. 5, 350 10, 860 2, 620 5, 400 10, 590 2, 620 |-- 5, 360 10, 350 2, 600 |. 5, 360 11, 150 2; 680 |-- 5, 510 10,970 | a6, 440 |.- 5,070 10, 890 2,710 |.- 5, 150 10, 790 2,750 | 22 5, 020 10, 970 2, 760 4,770 11, 040 2,720 |. 4,770 10,940 | @6,850 |.- 4,920 | 10,970 2,710. |. 4, 950 10, 840 2, 680 |_- 4, 840 10,710 2, 660 |. 4,860 | 10, 890 2, 660 |. a6,460 | 10,710 27,030 |---------. - a Dried to about 2 per cent moisture before testing. As was indicated at the outset and is fully explained in Bulletins 6 and 8, the plan of this investigation also included among the objects to be sought the establishment of the following: (1) The relative value of each species. (2) The outward signs or physical and structural properties, easily used in inspection. (3) The relation of the properties among themselves; and (4) Their relation to the conditions under which the wood is formed, such, for instance, as the age of the tree when wood is laid on, influences of soil, climate, ete. As has been explained, some of these relations were more or less fully determined, at least, qualitatively; nevertheless, the relation of the several forms of resistance, as well as the mutual relations of the properties in general, seemed to escape observation in the manner of inquiry generally pursued. It became clear before long that these laws must be established by special series, planned each to seek answer to some specific question. Several of these were carried out, 372 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. and, thougn little more was accomplished than to find proper ways, the study of these results, amplified by the large ordinary series, led to several interesting discoveries, the most important of which is the discovery of the relation between the strength in cross bending at elastic limit and the compression endwise, this latter being equal to the fiber stress of the former. Though still requiring special experiments to become convincing, it is fair to state at this point that a great deal of useless testing will be saved in the future, since the test in compression is by all means the simplest, the selection and treatment of the material for it the easiest, and the result the most satisfactory. The importance of this discovery by Mr. 8. T. Neely is such that a reprint of Mr. Neely’s discussion here will be found justified. RELATION OF COMPRESSION-ENDWISE STRENGTH TO BREAKING LOAD OF BEAM. In testing timber to obtain its various coefficients of strength, the test which is at once the simplest, most expedient, satisfactory, and reliable is the ‘‘compression-endwise test,” which is made by crushing a specimen parallel to the fibers. All other tests are either mechanically less easily performed, or else, as in the case of cross- bending, the stresses are complex, and the unit coefficient can be expressed only by reliance upon a theoretical formula, the correctness of which is in doubt. It would, therefore, be of great practical value to find a relation between the cross-bending strength, the most important coefficient for the practitioner, and the compression strength, when the study of wood would not only be greatly simplified and cheapened, but the data could be applied with much greater satisfaction and safety. The consideration of such a relation resolves itself naturally into two parts, namely, a study of the relation of the internal stresses in a beam to the external load which produces them, and a study of the relation of the internal stresses in a beam to the compression-endwise strength of the material of which the beam is made. The first relationhas been a subject of study for more than two centuries, and from the time of Galileo down to the present day the theory of beams has been gradually evolved. Within recent years several eminent physicists and engineers have given a true analysis of both the elastic and ultimate strength of a beam, a clear exposition of which is made by Prof. J. B. Johnson in his work on Modern Framed Structures. He points out that the “ordinary equation” for obtaining the extreme fiber stresses, when the external load and dimensions of the beam are given, is not applicable to a beam strained beyond its elastic limit; and he follows this statement with a discussion of the true distribution of internal stresses in a beam at time of rupture, and with a ‘‘ Rational equation for the moment of resistance at rupture,” devised by M. Saint-Venant, which really does connect the extreme fiber stress in a bent beam with the compression-endwise strength and also with the tension strength. Professor Johnson’s final conclusion, however, is that for practical use the “‘ ordinary formula” may be applied to a beam at rupture, providing the fiber stress involved is obtained from cross-bending tests; and this is the present practice among engineers. RELATION OF INTERNAL STRESSES. Assume for the discussion of the relation of internal stresses to external load the simple conditions of a beam of rectangular cross section loaded at the middle. Regarding the distribution of, internal stresses, it must be agreed that the neutral plane lies in the center of the beam so long as the beam is loaded within the elastic limit; this follows from the fact that the modulus of elasticity is the same whether derived from compression tests or from tension tests (i. e., H.—= Et), a8 proved by experiments of Nérdlinger, Bauschinger, Tetmayer, and others. Since the distortion of any given fiber in the beam is proportional to its distance from the neutral plane, the distribution of stresses in a longitudinal section of a beam loaded up to its elastic limit may be represented by the following diagram, in which the vertical scale represents increments of distortion and the horizontal scale the fiber stresses. : In this diagram the angle a = angle b, since E, = Hy; and furthermore, since these latter quantities are each equal to the modulus of elasticity obtained from cross-bending tests (according to the same authorities), this angle a (or b) can be obtained by platting the results of the cross-bending test itself. 5 - It is a well-established fact that the tension strength of wood is much greater than the compression strength, and also, as shown by the German experimenters quoted, that the elastic limit in either case is not reached until shortly bofore the ultimate strength. Furthermore, it seems reasonable to suppose, and is essential to the construc- tion of the above diagram, that the true elastic limit of the beam (shown on the strain diagram of a beam at the point where it ceases to be a straight line) is reached at the same instant that the elastic limit of the extreme com- pression fiber is reached; for when the loading is continued beyond this latter condition the line OC must begin to curye upward (since the proportion of load to distortion on that side begins to increase more rapidly), while the line OT continues in its original direction. Therefore, in order to maintain the equilibrium, the whole distribution of stresses will necessarily be changed, the position of the neutral axis will be lowered, and these changes will, of course, show an effect on the deflection of the beam. Now, even at rupture the proportionality of fiber distortion to distance from neutral axis is maintained (because a plane cross section will always remain a plane), and therefore the distribution of internal stresses just at the point of rupture can be represented by a diagram similar to fig. 99, in which, as before, the vertical scale represents incre. ments of distortion and the horizontal scale fiber stresses. The fibers on either side of the neutral plane are under stresses which vary from zero at the neutral plane to the maximum stress in the extreme fiber, changing in proportion TIMBER PHYSICS—RELATION OF CRUSHING TO BENDING. 373 as the increments of load in the test machine vary. Therefore, the distribution of stresses on the compression side of the neutral plane will be shown by an ordinary strain diagram for compression, and on the tension side by a similar tension-strain diagram. Unfortunately there are no reliable diagrams of these kinds now on record. The compression pieces tested have usually been too short to afford reliable measurements of distortion, and, owing to structural and mechanical difficulties, satisfactory tension tests seem to be impossible. STHESSES /NV (000 LBS. STHESSES, IM KIBO Wp ti Bs AGS BE BYE AE FO TGS! LBS. L, 9 JO _/0 H/2 <2) Yy 8 LO SG © - Se y Se ~ Q QF SS Si = Z, - NEUTRAL _AX/S = = O A LS 4 S iS SB & S) @) S a WW 58 % S “a 70 Q ™ LU BVT E SVE 6 BS ZS CGT ya Fic. 98.—Relation of fiber stresses and distortions. Fig. 99.—Distribution of internal stresses ina beam at rupture. Experience in testing, however, has taught that when a piece of green wood is tested in sompression it will undergo a great distortion after the maximum load has been applied without actually breaking down—in fact, while sustaining the sameload. A piece tested in tension, on the other hand, breaks suddenly as 3oon 1s the maximum load is applied. A beam in failing may, therefore, sustain an increasing load long after the extreme compression fiber has been loaded to its ultimate strength; the fibers on the compression side continue to be mashed down, while the neutral plane is lowered and the stress in the tension fiber increases until, very oftenin practice, the beam “fails in tension.” With these facts and observations before us it is possible to con- FORCES struct a diagram so that it will represent, VIA RD ANTE 5 Gi approximately, at least, the distribution of internal stresses in a beam at rupture. (See fig. 100.) In this figure OA represents the position of neutral plane at time of rupture, OU the distortion in the extreme compression fiber, UC the stress on same fiber, OL the distor- tion in extreme tension fiber, and LT the stress on that fiber. It can readily be seen that the manner of breaking will influence slightly the form of this diagram. If the beam fails in com- pression before the tension fiber reaches its elastic limit the line OT will be straight as shown, otherwise the line will assume some such position as O1,T, (diagram 99), in which J, is the elastic limit in tension. From the approximate distribution of internal stresses their relation to the external load may be determined. The two funda- UB EA EO FE OVD Ue mental equations—(1) that the sum of inter- Fig. 100.—Position of neutral axis and internal stresses at rupture of beam. nal stresses on the tension side equals the sum of internal stresses on the compression side, and (2) that the sum of the external moments equals the sum of the inter- nal moments—apply at the time of rupture as well as at the elastic limit. From (1) it follows that area OUCI— area OLT, and the position of the neutral plane at rupture is thereby fixed. If now the line LU be assumed to represent the depth of the beam in inches instead of indicating the distortion of the fibers, the sum of the internal moments about the point O is found by multiplying the area of either the compression or tension diagram by the sum of the distances of their respective centers of gravity from the neutral plane. By putting this sum equal to the moment of the external load about the same point O the first relation is established. 4M 4000 LBS, Seep ©). MW se 0 INCHES. ® § 4 7000 KR OD DISTORTION 1 % A} S 374 : FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. RELATION OF CRUSHING-ENDWISE STRENGTH. The second relation (that of crushing-endwise strength to internal stresses) was touched upon in discussing the first, when it was stated: (1) That the true elastic limit of the beam is probably reached at the same instant that the extreme fibers on the compression side reach their elastic limit in compression. (2) That this latter limit lies close to the ultimate compression-end wise strength (so close that former experimenters have been unable satisfactorily to separate them). (3) That a piece of green wood will stand a great deal of distortion after the ultimate load is applied before actually failing. And to these statements may be added the evident fact (4) that the stress on any fiber on the compression side can not exceed the compression-endwise strength of the material. (5) Finally and most important it appears from (1) and (2), but especially from an examination of the several thousand test results on the several species of conifers made by the Division of Forestry, that the extreme fiber stress at the true elastic limit of a beam is practically identical with the compression-endwise strength of the material. (This last observa- tion, which was forced upon the writer by its continual repetition in the large series of tests under review, lies at the basis of this discussion.) The obseryation of this identity makes the distribution of internal stresses appear more simple than was hitherto assumed, and the desired relation between compression and cross-bending strength capable of mathematical expression. DEVELOPMENT OF FORMULA. From these considerations the distance UC in fig. 100, which represents the ultimate compression-endwise strength of the material, becomes practically equal to the distance el, which represents the compression strength at the true elastic limit, and hence the line IC straight and vertical; and if OT is taken as straight, the diagram will be made up of simple geometric figures, as in fig. 100. The line LU will represent the total fiber distortion at time of rupture, and is equal to the sum of the amounts by which the extreme compression fibers shorten and the extreme tension fibers elongate. Let a test in which the following quantities have been observed and recorded be considered: Let P,—the external load at rupture (pounds). A,=the corresponding deflection of the beam (inches). C=compression-endwise strength of the material (pounds). E=modulus of elasticity (pounds). d—depth of beam (inches). b=breadth of beam (inches). 1—length of beam (inches). A.= deflection at true elastic limit. Then, based upon the above statements, by means of formulas derived from the geometric relations of the diagram and the fundamental equations of equilibrium, the following quantities can be calculated: Let E.—total fiber distortion due to bending at true elastic limit (inches). E,= total fiber distortion due to bending at rupture = LU (inches). d, = distortion in extreme tension fiber at rupture— LO (inches); also the ieopantional dis- tance of neutral plane from tension side of beam. d,—real distance of neutral plane at rupture trom tension side of beam (inches). de—real distance of neutral plane at rupture from that fiber on compression side which has just reached the elastic limit, in inches = Oe. T =stress in extreme tension fiber (pounds). T,—=sum of forces on tension side—=area OLT (pounds). C,—sum of forces on compression side = area OUC/ (pounds). d,= distance of center of gravity of tension area from neutral plane (inches). d-—= distance of center of gravity of compression area from neutral plane (inches). M,—=sum of the internal moments about the point O (inch-pounds). The formulas connecting these quantities are derived as follows: To find EF, let fig. 101 represent a portion of the beam one unit in length bent to its elastic limit; then, Fie. 10].—Fiber dis- 1 tortion in unit e Me eae, ‘length of beam, at where r is the radius of curvature, but from fundamental formulas true at elastic limit elastic limit. A i ; ik Pl 1124. E __ 124d =a Rlngs SET eyo) oe Since this involves only geometric relations, it is true also at rupture (since the beam preserves its original form). _ 124,d (2) Ey= Ee: To find d, and T: Since the sum of stresses on the tension side —sum of stresses on compression side, d d,C the area OLT = area OUCI.-. 3g T=(E;—4) C= — Seri T=3R, TIMBER PHYSICS—-RELATION OF CRUSHING TO BENDING. 375 from the similar triangle OLT and Oel (fig. 100), dg Ee x ve =E,— dy) C— "20, whence, : SE ial (3) dp=V ELX oF Gy? and after d, is found, T can be obtained : aC Fee Now, when the vertical line LU is assumed to represent the real depth of the beam in inches= d, every verti- 4 T= d : cal measure will be changed in the ratio E (see fig. 102); whence, hy! @ a=2a, Yh iS EY (real distance of neutral plane from tension side). d (6) d= + ie E, (4 because E. total distortion, while d, is the distance on one side of the neutral plane). The area OLT would then become: r T d, (7) eee and the area OUCl—= - QR www eee ee C WEY TRAL PLANE i (8) Ca=(d—d,) C—(F x €) O (Ca must equal T,). The distance of centers of gravity would be: (9) d&=3 dr, d—d, , de (10) dd=—g—+ 4) es iv--=- and the sum of internal moments. é Fig. 102.—Position of neutral plane at rupture. (11) M.= (Cade + Tadi)b, and since C,=T,, hence M,;=C,(de-+ dt)b. But since the sum of internal moments equals the sum of external moments: Pr fp —=M—=Ca(d-+ ayo. And since P, is the breaking load of the beam, and C, involves only the compression end wise strength and lineal dimensions, we have a formula directly connecting the breaking load of a beam with the compression strength.! Application of these formule.—Unfortunately no tests have been made to study the application of these formule directly and in particular. The tests on beams published in this circular were made for a different purpose. For the purpose of ascertaining the correctness of the formule only the tests made on large beams have been utilized, since in these the deflections were specially accurately measured. In addition to the quantities to be calculated already given in this discussion, the fiber stress at the true elastic limit is also calculated, and called &, to be compared with C, and the load producing it, Pe, is also set down as an observed quantity. If the modulus of . P ny fo 112 rupture, R, has already been calculated by the ‘ordinary formula,” S. can be obtained from the relation =p- and dy ‘ Pe (12) S.=p_k. The modulus of elasticity at true elastic limit E. is recomputed as a check, and of course is: » _ Se (13) Bey," Since P, is an arbitrary quantity within certain limits, and can not be determined with any degree of accuracy, S. will be found to differ more or less from C. For these reasons, however, C is a more reliable value for the true elastic limit than §, itself, and in the formul is used as such; for instance, H/, is the fiber distortion produced by the same load which produces a fiber stress—C, not by the load which produces &.. The following table exhibits the results of applying the formulx to the data from these tests: ['The factors d-+d;, within such limits as the cross-bending strength is constant, are constants; they will have to be ascertained by actual experiment for each species and quality, and might then be expressed as a proportion of the depth. In the material used, pine as well as oak, it appears to be about 3/5. The material on which this rela- tionship has been mainly studied was green wood, and it may be questioned whether the factors d, and d; would remain the same in material of all moisture conditions, There is no logic which would lead us to expect a difference greater than the limits of “‘maximum uniformity,” i. e., 10 per cent, A few comparisons of data obtained from material of other species with varying moisture percentage indicate that a difference does not exist,—B, E, F.] “191130.0T1} TTA OO poavdutoo or oF od.A9 OAOUTYSIP OUIES UT seANSY Jo summlog—aLON FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. 8. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. 376 Te" | LO’G | 009% | 006 ‘Ez | OOF ‘OT | €9°T | 09°F | $2000 | O8F'T | 0020" | 0900°0 | a02 's AEP T|| FORE) TL°T | 000'PE | Le°8 | Ga"or | 097 | 04°9 | e8FST| 000 (9% | OLB'9 | OlF'g | 8 |i---*-=*s-o@ eL'F | Ze’ | 001 ‘8a | OOL'SG | 0&8 ‘IT | 96°T | 86°F | 9L00°0 | Sa8°L | L8T0‘0 | 0900'0 | OsF‘¢ | G2O*T|| i OL'1 06 'L | 000 (06 0°8 | GGL | 0'91G | €6°S SB8°1 00g (Lé 09 '8 | 09% i ¥ “---0q €¢°7 | 8L°% | 002 ‘az | 00S ‘ca | 000‘IT | FL“ | OTF | 9010'0 | BEO‘T | OLEG'0 | 6S00'0 | oos's | GEST Sia 0 0ST | 000 6 08} OGL | O'GGL | F6°L 9F9 1 008 ‘SZ | OLG'9 | oso's | ¢ “" 80 poy cor | eS" | 000'ST | 000‘8T | 084'9 | 09°32 | 08'S | TS00°0 | OFBST | 9ITO'0 | 0¢0°0 | OOF ‘Es 80° E|| GOO'T) 69°T | 000 '@T | 96° TGT | 0916 | SL°€ | OGE'T} 002 81 008's | ose's | Tg |----- our OF AN OL'® | #S°E | 00G ‘0s | 00S ‘0s | 00S ‘TT | 9F°Z | GE" | 4900°0 | SEL*L | SoT0 "0 | 2900°0 | 086‘? | £88°E)| LES‘B| 261 | 000 0G T8| Gr | 0912 | 06°F SILT ogg ‘ss | 0G8'8 | 0og‘¢ | gb |---outd juopsu07 €0°— | 92° | 009 ‘2% | 009 ‘Le | 008 ‘TT | Z6'T | 06°F | 69000 | OL9‘T | ZLT0°0 | Sc00"0 | 06g i EAGT! OLP'E| 421 | 000'9T | G62 | O'@L | 091% | 2g STL 1 OG ie OTL: L | 00°F | 88 |72277=>---0og 60°F | €9'E | 009 ‘22 | 00L ‘2a | 0S8'8 | #8°S | Sh°S | L000 | OOO*S | F010'0 | 94000 | 029'F | FGE'D|| Gaw‘T) BFL | 000 ‘91 0°8 | 90°@L | 091% | 9E°E | 21 0% OOF ‘92 | OSF'L | O98'F | EE |---7"-----0g $6'E | FES | 006 ‘FZ | 009 FG | 028 6 12°% | 10°S | ¥900'0 | &02‘T | 0ST0'0 | 8600'0 | 008'F | OWE'T|| GSSR‘T| 26°L | 000 ‘91 6°L | SLIT | 0916 | 98°F 802 1 00g 'tG OIF L | OSF'F | 66 €0°F | &8°E | OT0 ‘Ss | 008 ‘Fa | 0266 106 | 00S 6900 OLGT 8S10 0 | £400°0 | OST ‘F | OMFS T| OF PS E| 98°T | 000 ‘LI 18 L‘GL | 0261 | 90°F OFS. T} 00862 | 028 °L | OOL 'F tas GO'F | #2's | 000 ‘FG | 000 ‘Fa | 0086 | &6°L | 98°F | 8900°0 | OOF'T | 89100 | #2000 | 00g i GOS" B|| DUEST! 6E°T | 000 '2zT 0S} OGL | 0'C6L | 1&8’ | OFE*L) OOF dtd OFF i 006'E | OT FL'® | 16°C | OOF ‘LG | OOL ‘LG | 000 ‘ZL | LET | SF'F | 68000 | OFT | 0FZO0 | GS00°0 | O08 & TPS‘ PAGE) 0s T | 900 ‘6T 0°8 |} OCI | 0°G6L | 919 089° T} 008 (os 006 8 | 0&0 Hi 6 £0'P | €L'€ | 094 ‘2s | 8908s | O18 6 | FPS | 04°F | SLN0°0 S181 6100 | 9000 | O84's | OCE'V|| GOS‘L| 08'T } 008 ‘gL 68} 6 IL | 0°91@ | F469 SSF 1 00g ‘64 | 0L9'9 | 069's | 8% “0d 66'€ | &2'€ | 008 ‘sz | OOF'ea | 0OL'G | 98'E | 98°F | 6FOO'0 | BELT | OZLO 0 | GE00'0 | Océ | PEE'L|| PHS‘ co. | 000‘sr | L8°L | ALBEE | O's6L | OLE | TEASE! o00'8a | o98'2 | ose ‘g GI |~* ourd yeoyaoqg F *000'T || ‘000‘T 3 Src ne iS) . q ‘ur'bs : 8q, Pes ; ae a 5 F ~ sqr |. ur‘bs | ‘ur‘bs | 5 soyqouy 8q'T rod‘sq7q soljouy anit soqouy Bq T ae | a youl sq 7 soqouy 000'T 8q'T rod‘sqy zad"sqry 5 : ; = 7 = °p ‘p *0 “EL L “=p ‘p p TL ‘lee oe *S “W La Ay q 12 1 7 ag *d. 6 0 z =] i= 17) i B SSS |e se Sera es Se ee SE ee) ee 2 a ee ° + ° + oO Oes-si) 1g > ei 4 o 5 B ef =] £ g “ot 5 =] a = 5 5 Q ® ® a |PpOB) 8 5 = = — ion =I o i=) r fan 9 ® =] ina i =] ot et |e 2 2 ieee a Et e| € 2 E ©, See ce iar jae | eel Be | 5 2 | I a. 3 Z. B |o2e) @ = a = st 09 ue |e ee Be o 6 ee B - oy i © ¢| 38 a 5 See 5 A 5 S 2 Et g 5 I e 5 ° EI w z | Blige (ae 2 z 222) ¢ & E> ely el Sesh Bi & ea ee a See zp a a BS 3 |225) 2 ei ie =. 5 3 Epes a © ‘3 =I 5 5 ‘ 8 B £ ® Se Alar eich ® & . & 0g pe, & 5 ee a = bet 33 5 pooA Jo puryy ; r BE logo] a HH 2 ‘ = S g = @ Ls} ct § = a i 2 2, aa loess! & | ae | pe > | we QEE || © s. Ee ee 2 4 o a =a yall © 36 == S gs 2 oO 2 ° 5 Ge a iD & eo /S59| = ag Paso Ge Se are S ee a Ff a mre ISB Bl o AS eh ¢ ao ae a ey : - 5 t | iz 5 62 ct ao [.-) oo ic) ® =| A Gg =e Bo aL 4a ea a 2 ® in Ss iS Gs 4g g qe SI sr oy © Bo I= i=] g | Bg B a oq gle | 2 “Kya ® | -omgdux 2 5 = ES ee te s Jo 1030109 Fo “meal JO + 4v ouvy th is “Surpueqd = c=} @ “smv0q oueyd [vr} | Y9prAi yun ao0F is] [eqqynou & 5 | 0} onp w0ry107 iF =, 3 BISUOTEEG EH “neu Wo1f } seoloy Jo Ng io jo 900R) zd @ |-sipdeqy[ejog, | = a | i) J v Hae eouey st. 3 | -stp leo EI ce : S | zs “etnutoy §,{joaNy Aq poywnoyeo sypnsexy | *sporjour yensn Aq poyepnoyeo pue poaresqo vywq ‘aynuof s.fijaanr fq payojnojvo sz)nsau pup spoyjow yonsn fig payn)nopno pun paawosqo szynsax fo wounpaar TIMBER PHYSICS—METHODS. 377 Tn order to see how far the formule may be applicable to beams of the same material the data obtained on the small beams cut from one of the large beams were subjected to scrutiny, basing the calculations on the data from the adjoining compression block. The calculated result compared with the actual breaking load showed a most convincing similarity, as will be apparent from the table herewith presented: Strength of small beams, calculated by Neely’s formule from compression strength, on the assumption that the relative position of the neutral plane at rupture is the same as found in large beams. {Shortleaf pine, large beam No. 13, special series.] Data observed in testing. | Results calculated by Neely’s formulx. el ma RQ Bs Real dis- a F Distance is) omen ae a od 7” tance of oA Sums of forces | from neu- o=) pumensions O! 3 bp p # neutral a for unit width | tral plane 4 . ; as ag bey plane at a) of beam. of center of) 3, Zz ile P= rupture. © gravity. 2 : g aie 2 FI 5 5 cae oa & a res 2 2 g sa : Be 2 El Ie +S om a = Pe 2 Se 72 a ae |e so i) | ag 5 =} 50 S B Ey to 88 fz ae ° a Oo 2 = & | ~ Ran SH “ “ ge “= n ES) z Si Se) 2 ‘Ss SEH SS 3 a = i = an 5 5 a 3 oS STs | c=! 2 or 2 os) ab E im 26 a ° laa} on = i AA 6 o SH ics} = 2S) w=} xs! oo°0 3 O 3 s rey nD = oo S A 3 oa 5) i Ses) 45 o f= a qd aa & = Bo so Be be Pe Beebe og pe | ee eo ae | hus é E E Bel | & | S laze & a Ae ee 2 3 ; a Ba = Ba @ Barr] as A ie A 2 = & A 5 a en a Es Ae a0 5 |Sa2| & “7 = oe a un! 2S By 3 || =! a = a H S es a + |S _a A g 2 g oI a 2 EP Sil see | | & is =I a laa] 2 8 3 Bee he = 3 Eenieeuleeeles By ees | BP Or eset ag ap) ahs ane Seale anes ala} Aa | a fa iS) S) A f=) AIA n iS) iS Seon ica A A Sue [eee Roses ailel a |e R C Dp | eB S ae | wes GW OR GAG ok Ih ates | REI AN | me : 5 Inches. Lbs. per sq. in. Lbs ae a Inches. ae Lbs. Lbs. Inches. Laasasl Lbs. | Inch 2! 50 | 3.51 | 3.56! 7,350 | 4,480 | 4,300 || 4,708 ' 3,760 ' 1.46 | 1.23 | 10,517 | 7,677! 7,719 | 0.97 | 1.18 | 58,760 2,200 | 0. 296 3 | 50 | 3.75 | 3.37 | 7,910 | 4,610 | 5,000 || 5,390 | 4,430 | 1.56 | 1.31 | 10,979 | 8,564 | 8,552 | 1.04 | 1.26 | 66,380 | 2,800 | 0.391 4 | 50 | 3.55 | 3.60) 7,790 | 4,560 | 4,710 | 5,057 3,969 | 1.48 | 1.24 | 10,885} 8,055 | 8,026 | 0.99 | 1.19 | 63,216 | 2,400 |} 0.413 5 | 50 | 3.49 | 2.50) 8,230 | 4,070 | 4,680 || 4,203 | 4,220 | 1.45 | 1.22) 9,675) 7,014) 7,061 | 0.97 | 1.17 | 52,535 | 2,400 | 0.345 6 | 50 | 3.58 | 3.54) 7,750 | 4,150 | 4,690 4,570 | 4,296 | 1.49 | 1.25) 9,894] 7,371 7,376 | 0.99 | 1.20 | 57,144 | 2,600 | 0.356 7 | 50) 3.53 | 3.50 | 7,810 | 4,160 | 4,540 | 4,420 4,129 | 1.47 | 1.23 | 9,943 |} 7,308 | 7,290 | 0.98 | 1.18 |) 55,248 | 2,400 | 0.431 8 | 50 | 3.56 | 3.54) 7,470 | 3,870 | 4,470 | 4,6 7S | 4,178 | 1.48 | 1.25 | 9,164] 7,381 | 6,840 | 0.99 | 1.20 | 57,222 | 2,500 | 0. 440 a9 | 50 | 3.52 | 3.54 |) 5,130 | 3,880 | 3,000 | 4,169 | 3,078 | 1.47 | 1.23 | 9,274 | 6,816 | 6,751 | 0.98 | 1.18 | 52,118 | 1,800 | 0.328 10 | 50 | 3.52 | 3.45 | 7,510 | 3,680 | 4,280 | 3,854 | 3,860 | 1.47 | 1.23 | 8,796 | 6,465 | 6,403 | 0.98 | 1.18 | 48,177 | 2,200 | 0.387 11 | 50 | 3.47 | 3.52 | 6,370 | 3,750 | 3,600 | 3,342 | 3,893 | 1.44 | 1.21) 8,926) 6,427) 6,485 | 0.96 | 0.87 | 41,400 | 2,200 | 0.372 12 | 50 | 3.48 | 3.54 | 6,580 | 3,540 | 3,760 | 3,697 | 3,395 | 1.45 | 1.22 | 8,415} 6,101 | 6,124 | 0.97 | 1.17 | 46,219 | 1,940 | 0.300 ) i a Failed, due to knot. Nore.—Columns of figures in same distinctive type to be compared one with the other. On the whole, it is in no way boastful to assert that this work has already furnished prac- tical data enough to more than pay the expenses incurred ten times over; that its fruits are not, half gathered, and that for more than a quarter of a century its results will serve as a basis for the user of wood and as the guide to the teacher and experimenter. DEVELOPMENT OF THE SCIENCE OF TIMBER PHYSICS AND METHODS EMPLOYED IN THE INVESTIGATION. ; Since the elaborate plan and methods of this study of our woods denotes an entirely new departure in timber investigations, at least in our country, it is only fitting to place the credit for its conception, for the elaboration of the plan, the organization of the work, and the persistent prosecution of the same in spite of many drawbacks and lack of support. This credit belongs to Dr. B. E. Fernow, chief of the Division of Forestry. The plan was first foreshadowed in his second report (1887, p. 37) as chief of that division, and the word “timber physics” was there used for the first time, and the essentials of the future plan were there discussed. In asmall tentative manner the first steps to put it in operation were made in 1888. In.the report for 1889 we read: The investigations into the technology of our timbers and especially into the conditions upon which the qual- ities of our timbers depend—for which Mr. Roth of Ann Arbor has begun preliminary studies—has also made but slow progress for lack of means. In the report for 1890 we find, besides an account of the tests on Northern and Southern oaks referred to before, the statement that ‘‘by the increase of appropriations the forest technological investigations referred to in former reports have become possible on a scale which was hitherto unattainable,” and a description of the plans is given. But the first fuller statement of the 378 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. development of the investigation and its methods was not published until 1892, in Bulletin 6, in which Mr. Fernow described the aims, objects, and methods at length. In the report for 1890 the following language is used: TIMBER TESTS. While the use of wood pulp and other substitutes may displace in many ways the use of wood in its natura) state, there will always be desirable qualities inherent in the latter that make its use indispensable. Hence the desirability of knowing the qualities of our timbers and, if possible, of knowing the conditions under which the wood crop will develop the desirable qualities. Much work and useful work is done in the world by the rule of thumb. All such work is not reliable and certainly not economical. With the need of greater economy in production, the need of more accurate measuring arises, and with that the need of more specific knowledge of the materials to be measured. Wood is one of the materials which has been measured by the rule of thumb longer than others. Iron and other metals used in the arts have their properties much more accurately determined than wood material. Especially in the United States, when we speak of quality of our timbers, it can only be in general terms; we lack definite data. One difficulty in determining reliably the qualities of our timbers lies in the fact that living things are rarely precisely alike. Lvery tree differs from every other tree, and the material taken from the one has a different value from that taken from the other of the same species. Yet every tree has some characteristics in common with all those grown under similar conditions. But even these common properties differ in degree in different individuals. Individual variation tends to obscure relationship. The factors which determine the quality of timbers are found directly in the structure of the wood, and it is possible from a mere ocular examination to judge to some extent what qualities may be expected from a given piece of timber, although even in this direction our knowledge is very incomplete, and but few definite relations between structure and quality, or between physical and mechanical properties, are established. We know that the width of the annual rings, their even growth, the closeness of grain, the length, number, thickness, and distribution of the various cell elements, the weight, and many other physical appearances and properties of the wood influence its quality, yet the exact relation of these is but little studied. Conjectures more or less plausible, suppositions, and a few practical experiences preponderate over positive knowledge and results of experiments. Again we know, ina general way, that structure and composition of the wood must depend upon the conditions of soil, climate, and surroundings under which the tree is grown, but there are only few definite relations established. We are largely ignorant as to the nature of our wood crop, and still more so as to the conditions necessary to produce desirable qualities, and since forestry is not so much concerned in producing trees as in producing quality in trees, to acquire or at least enlarge this knowledge must be one of the first and most desirable undertakings in which this Division can engage. Accordingly a comprehensive plan has been put into operation to study systematically our more important timber trees. It will at once be understood that as long as the qualities are to be referred to the conditions under which the tree is grown, the collection of the study material must be made with the greatest care, and the material must be accompanied with an exhaustive description of these conditions. Since, further, so much individual variation seems to exist in trees grown under seemingly the same conditions, a large number must be studied in order to arrive at reliable average values. For the present it has been decided to study the pines, especially the white pine and the three Southern lumber pines. In selecting localities for collecting specimens, a distinction is made between station and site. By station is understood a section of country (or any places within that section) which is characterized in a general way by similar climatic conditions and geological formation. Station, then, refers mainly to the general geographical situation. Site refers to the local conditions and surroundings within the station, such as difference of elevation, of exposure, of physical properties and depth of the soil, nature of subsoil, and forest conditions, such as mixed or pure growth, open or close stand, ete. The selection of characteristic sites in each station requires considerable judgment. On each site five full-grown trees are to be taken, four of which are to be representative average trees; the fifth or “check” tree, however, should be the best developed tree that can be found on the site. Some additional test trees will be taken from the open and also a few younger trees. The trees are cut into varying lengths, and from each log a disk of 6-inch height is secured, after having marked the north and south sides and noted the position of the log in the tree. The disks are sent for examination of the physical and physiological features to the Michigan University, while the logs, and later_on special parts of the disks are to be sent to the test laboratory of the Washington University of St.Louis. Here, for the first time, a systematic series of beam tests will be made and compared with the tests on the usual small laboratory test pieces. Such tests with full-length beams in comparison with tests on small speci- mens promise important practical results, for a few tests have lately developed that large timbers seem to have but little more than one-half the strength they were credited with by standard authorities, who relied upon the tests on small specimens. From the “check” tree mentioned before only clear timber is to be chosen, in order to ascertain the possibilities of the species and also to establish, if possible, a relation between such clear timber and that used in general practice, where elements of weakness are introduced by knots and other blemishes, TIMBER PHYSICS—-METHODS AND AIMS,” _ 379 An authority on engineering matters writes regarding this work: “Tnasmuch as what passes current among engineers and architects as information on the strength of timber is really misinformation, and that no rational designing in timber can be done until something more reliable is furnished in this direction, the necessity for making a competent and trustworthy series of such tests is apparent. This isa work which the Government should undertake if it is to be impartial and general.” A careful record of all that pertains to the history and conditions of the growth from which the test pieces come, and of their minute physical examination, will distinguish these tests from any hitherto undertaken on American timbers. , The disk pieces will be studied to ascertain the form and dimensions of the trunk, the rate and mode of its growth, the density of the wood, the amount of water in the fresh wood, the shrinkage consequent upon drying, the structure of the wood in greatest detail, the strength, resistance, and working qualities of the wood, and lastly, its chemical constituents, fuel value, and composition of the ash. In Bulletin 6 we are introduced to the science of ‘‘timber physics” in the following language: Whenever human knowledge in any particular direction has grown to such an extent and complexity as to make it desirable for greater convenience and better comprehension to group it, correlate its parts, and organize it into asystematic whole, we may dignify such knowledge by a collective name as a new science or branch of science. The need of such organization is especially felt when a more systematic progress in accumulating new knowledge is contemplated. In devising, therefore, the plans for a systematic and comprehensive examination of our woods it has appeared desirable to establish a system under which is to be organized all the knowledge we have or may acquire of the nature and behavior of wood. To this new branch of natural science I propose to give the name of “timber physics,” a term which I have used first in my report for 1887, when, in devising a systematic plan of forestry science the absence of a collective name for this class of knowledge became apparent. While forest biology contemplates the forest and its components in their living condition, we comprise in timber physics all phenomena exhibited in the dead material of forest production. The practical application of timber or wood for human use, its technology, is based upon the knowledge of timber physics, and under this term we comprise not only the anatomy, the chemical composition, the physical and mechanical properties of wood, but also its diseases and defects, and a knowledge of the influences and conditions which determine structure, physical, chemical, mechanical, or technical properties and defects. This comprehensive science, conceived under the name here chosen, although developed more or less in some of its parts, has never yet been dignified by a special name, nor has asystematic arrangement of its parts been attempted before. It comprises various groups of knowledge derived from other sections of science, which are neither in themselves nor in their relations to each other fully developed. While plant physiology, biology, chemistry, anatomy, and especially xylotomy, or the science of wood structure, are more or less developed and contribute toward building up this new branch of science, but little knowledge exists in regard to the interrelation between the properties of wood on one side and the modifications in “its composition and structure on the other. Even the relation of tbe properties of various woods, as compared with each other, and their distinct specitic peculiarities are but little explored and established. Less knowledge still exists as to the relation of the conditions which surround the living tree to the properties which are exhibited in its wood as a result of its life functions. Suppositions and conjectures more or less plausible preponderate over positive knowledge derived from exact observation and from the results of experiments. Still less complete is our knowledge in regard to the relation of properties and the methods and means used for shaping or working the wood. The close interrelation of all branches of natural science is now so well recognized that I need not remind my readers that hard and fast lines can not be drawn whereby each field of inquiry is confined and limited; there must necessarily be an overlapping from one to the other. Any system, therefore, of dividing a larger field of inquiry into parts is only a matter of convenience; its divisions and correlations must be tosome extent arbitrary and varied according to the point of view from which we proceed to divide and cerrelate. There are two definite and separate directions in which this branch of natural science needs to be developed, and the knowledge comprised in it may be divided accordingly. On one side it draws its substance largely from the more comprehensive fields of botany, molecular physics, and chemistry, and on the other side it rests upon investi- gations of the wood material from the point of view of mechanics or dynamies. In the first direction we are led to deal with the wood material as it is, its nature or appearance and conditions; in the second direction we consider the wood material in relation to external mechanical forces, its behavior under stress. The first part is largely descriptive, concerned in examining gross and minute structures, physical and chemical conditions and properties, and ultimately attempting to explain these by referring to causes and conditions which produce them. This is a field for investigation and research by the plant physiologist in the laboratory in connec- tion with studies of environment in the forest. The second part, which relies for its deyelopment mainly upon experiment by the engineer, deals with the properties which are a natural consequence of the structure, physical condition, and chemical composition of the wood as exhibited under the application of external mechanical forces. It comprises, therefore, those studies which contemplate the wood substance, with special reference to the uses of man, and forms ultimately the basis for the mechanical technology of wood or the methods of its use in the arts. The correlation of the results of these two directious of study as cause and effect is the highest aim and ultimate goal, the philosophy of the science of timber physics. Timber physics, in short, is to furnish all necessary knowledge of the rational application of wood in the arts, and at the same time, by retrospection, such knowledge will enable us to produce in our own forest growth qualities of given character, 380 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Conceived in this manner it becomes the pivotal science of the art of forestry, around which the practice both of the consumer and producer of forest growth moves. The first part of our science would require a study into gross and minute anatomy, the structure of the wood, form, dimensions, distribution, and arrangement of its cell elements and of groups of structural parts, not only in order to distinguish the different woods, but also to furnish the basis for an explanation of their physical and mechanical properties. We next would class here all investigations into the physical nature or properties of the wood material, which necessarily also involves an investigation into the change of these properties under varying conditions and influences. A third chapter would occupy itself with the chemical composition and properties of woods and their changes in the natural process of life, which predicate the fuel value and durability as well as the use of the wood in chemical technology. Although, philosophically speaking, it would hardly seem admissible to distinguish between physical and mechanical properties or to speak of ‘‘mechanical” forces, for the sake of convenience and practical purposes it is desirable to make the distinction and to classify all phenomena and changes of nonliving bodies, or bodies without reference to life functions, into chemical, physical, and mechanical phenomena and changes. As chemical phenomena or changes, and therefore also conditions or properties, we class, then, those which have reference to atomic struc- ture; as physical phenomena, changes, and properties those which refer to and depend on molecular arrangement, and as mechanical (molar) changes and properties those which concern the masses of bodies, as exhibited under the influence of external forces, without altering their physical or chemical constitution. There is no doubt that this division is somewhat forced, since not only most or all mechanical (as here ecneesvenn changes are accompanied or preceded by certain alterations of the interior molecular arrangement of the mass, but also many physical phenomena or properties, like density, weight, shrinkage, having reference to the mass, might be classed as mechanical; yet if we conceive that physical phenomena are always concerned with the ‘‘quantity of matter in molecular arrangement” and with the changes produced by interior forces, while the latter are concerned rather with the “position of matter in molecular arrangement” and with changes under application of exterior forces, the distinction assumes a practical value. Our conception of these distinctions will be aided if we refer to the physical laboratory as furnishing the evidence of physical phenomena and to the mechanical laboratory as furnishing evidence of mechanical phenomena. These latter, then, form the subject of our second or dynamic part of timber physics, which concerns itself to ascertain mainly by experiment, called tests, under application of the laws of elasticity, the strength of the material and other properties which are exhibited as reactions to the influence of applied stresses, and those which need consideration in the mechanical use of the material in the various arts. Having investigated the material in its normal condition, we would necessarily come to a consideration of _ such physical and chemical conditions of the material as are abnormal and known as disease, decay, or defects. Finally, having determined the properties and their changes as exhibited in material produced under changing conditions or differing in physical and structural respects, it would remain the crowning success and goal of this science to relate mechanical and physical properties with anatomical and physiological development of the wood substance. The subject-matter comprised in this branch of applied natural science, then, may be brought into the following schematic view : TIMBER PHYSICS, OR THE SCIENCE OF WOOD. I.—Wo0oD STRUCTURE OR XYLOTOMY. (a) Exterior form. Here would be described the form development of timber in the standing tree, differentiated into root system, root collar, bole or trunk crown, branches, twigs; relative amounts of material furnished by each. (b) Interior structural appearance; differentiation and arrangement of groups of structural elements. Here would he described the gross structural features of the wood, the distribution and size of medul- lary rays, vessels, fibro-vascular bundles, as exhibited to the naked eye or under the magnifying glass on tangential, radial, and transverse sections; the appearance of the annual rings, their size, regularity, dif- ferentiation into summer and spring wood, and all distinguishing features due to the arrangement and proportion of the tissues composing the wood. (c) Minute anatomy or histology; differentiation and arrangement of structural elements. Here the revelations of the microscope are recorded, especially the form, dimensions, and structure of the different kinds of cells, their arrangement, proportion, and relative importance in the resulting tissues. (d) Comparative classification of woods, according to structural features. (é) Laws of wood growth with reference to structural results. Discussion of the factors that influence the formation of wood in the standing tree. (f) Abnormal formations. Burls, bird’s eye, curly, wavy, and other structural abnormities and their causes. II._PHYSICAL PROPERTIES, i. e., properties based on molecular (physical) constitution. (a) Exterior appearance. Such properties as can be observed through the unaided senses, as color, gloss, grain, texture, smell, resonance. (6) Material condition. Such properties or changes as are determined by measurements, as density or weight, water contents and their distribution, volume, and its changes by shrinkage and swelling. TIMBER PHYSICS—EARLIER WORK. 381 (ce) Classification of woods according to physico-technical properties, i. e., such physical properties as determine their application in the arts. III.—CHEMICAL PROPERTIES, i. e., properties based on atomic (chemical) constitution. (a) General chemical analysis of wood (qualitative and quantitative). Here would be discussed the chemical constitution of different woods and different parts of trees and their changes due to physiological processes, age, conditions of growth, etc. (b) Carbohydrates of the wood. Here would be more specially discussed cellulose and lignin, cork formations, organic contents and their changes, and such properties as predicate the fuel value of woods, their manufacture into charcoal, their food value, pulping qualities, etc. (ce) Extractive materials. A knowledge of these underlies the application of wood in the manufacture of tan extracts, resin, and turpentine, tar, gas, alcohol, acids, vanillin, etc. (d) Antiseptic materials. A knowledge of those chemical properties which predicate durability and underlie processes of increasing the same. (e) Mineral constituents. A knowledge of these in particular will establish the relation of wood growth to mineral constituents of the soil and also serve as basis for certain technical uses (potash). IV.—MECHANICAL PROPERTIES, i. e., properties based on elastic conditions exhibited by the aggregate mass under influence of exterior (mechanical) forces. (a) Form changes without destruction of cohesion, commonly called elasticity, flexibility, toughness. (b) Form changes with destruction of cohesion, commonly called strength (tensile, compressive, torsional, shearing), cleavability, hardness. V.—TECHNICAL PROPERTIES, i. e., properties in combination. Here would be considered the woods with reference to their technical use, their application in the arts, which is invariably based upon a combination of several physical or mechanical properties. VI.—DISEASES AND FAULTS. Here would be treated the changes in structure and properties from the normal to abnormal conditions, due to influences acting upon the tree during its life or upon the timber during its use. VII.—RELATION OF PROPERTIES TO EACH OTHER. Here would be discussed the connection which may be established between structure, physical, chemical, and mechanical properties, and also between these and the conditions of growth under which the material was produced. The philosophy of the entire preceding knowledge would here be brought together. To contribute toward this important branch of human knowledge and to help in the building of its foundation, the work undertaken by the Division of Forestry described in this bulletin was designed by the writer; and, in order to build with a knowledge of what has been done before on this structure, a brief review of the progress in the development of timber physics seemed advisable. : This historical review is then given. From this we deem it appropriate to quote the portion which refers to efforts in the United States up to the time of the writing to establish data regarding the mechanical properties of our timber: AMERICAN WORK. ‘While it may be possible to work out the general laws of relation between physical and mechanical properties on material of European origin, for practical purposes we can not rely upon any other data than those ascertained from American timbers, and so far as dependence of quality on conditions of growth are concerned this truth is just as patent. Although in the United States probably more timber has been and is being used than in any other country, but little work has been done in the domain of timber physics. Among the earliest American experiments falling in the domain of timber physics may be cited those of Marcus Bull to determine ‘‘the comparative quantities of heat evolved in the combustion of the principal varieties of wood and coal used in the United States for fuel,” made in the years 1823 to 1825 and published in 1826. Here the experiments of Lavoisier, Crawford and Dalton, and Count Rumford on similar lines are discussed and followed by. an able series of experiments and discussion on American woods and coals. The only comprehensive work in timber physics ever undertaken on American timbers is that of Mr. T. P. Sharples, in connection with the Tenth Census, and published in 1884, Vol. IX, on the Forests of North America. Comprehensiveness, however, has been sought rather in trying to bring under examination all the arborescent species than in furnishing fuller data of practical applicability on those from which the bulk of our useful material is derived. ‘The results obtained,” the author says, ‘‘are highly suggestive; they must not, however, be considered conclusive, but rather valuable as indicating what lines of research should be followed in a more thorough study of this subject.” Not less than 412 species were examined in over 1,200 specimens. The results are given in five tables, besides four comparative tables of range, relative values, averages, etc. The specimens were taken ‘in most cases from the butt cut and free from sap and knots;” the locality and soil from which the tree came are given in most cases, and in some its diameter and layers of heart and sapwood; determinations were made of specific gravity, mineral ash per cent, and from these data fuel values were calculated. (Se) () i) FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. 8. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. The specimens tested were ‘carefully seasoned.” For transverse strain they were made 4 centimeters (1.57 inches) square, and a few of double these dimensions, with 1 meter (3.28 feet) span. One table illustrates ‘‘the relation between the specific gravity and the transverse strength of the wood of species, upon which a sufficient number of tests has been made to render such a comparison valuable.” This table seems to show that in perfect specimens weight and strength stand in close relation. A few tanning determinations on the bark of a few species are also given. The object of the work as stated, namely, to be suggestive of a more thorough study of the subject, has certainly been fully and creditably attained. Of compilatory works, for use in practice and for reference, the following, published in the United States, may be cited: De Volson Wood: Resistance of Materials (1871), containing rather scanty references to the work of Chevandier and Wertheim. R. G. Hatfield: Theory of Transverse Strain (1877), which, besides other references, contains also twenty-three tables of the author's own test on white pine, Georgia pine, hemlock, spruce, white ash, and black locust, on sticks 1 by 1 inch by 1.6 feet in length. William H. Burr: The Elasticity and Resistance of Materials of Engineering, third edition, 1890, a compre- hensive work, in which many references are made to the work of various American experimenters. Gaetano Lanza, in Applied Mechanies, 1885, lays especial stress on the fact that tests on small select pieces give too high values, and quotes the following experiments on long pieces. He refers to the work of Capt. T. J. Rodman, United States Army, published in Ordnance Manual, who used test pieces 24 by 5} inches and 5 feet length, without giving any reference to density or other facts concerning the wood; and to Col. Laidley’s United States Navy test (Senate Ex. Doe. 12, Forty-seventh Congress, first session, 1881), who conducted a series of experiments on Pacifie slope timbers, ewphite and yellow pine,” 12 eet long and 4 to 5 by 11 to 12 inches square, giving also account of density and average width of rings. Lastly, the author’s own experiments, made at the Watertown Arsenal for the Boston Manufacturers’ Mutual Fire Insurance Company, on the columnar strength of ‘ yellow pine” and white oak, 12 feet long and 6 to 10 inches thick, are brought in support of the claim that such tests show less than half the unit strength of those on small pieces. Data as to density, moisture, or life history of the specimens are everywhere lacking. R. H. Thurston, Materials of Engineering, 1882, contains, perhaps, more than any other American work on the snbject, devoting, in Chapters II and III, 117 pages to timber and its strength, and in the chapter on Fuel several pages to wood and charcoal, and the products of distillation. It also gives a description of some twenty-five kinds of American and of a few foreign timber trees, with a description of the structure and their wood in general; directions for felling and seasoning; discusses briefly shrinkage, characteristics of good timber, the influence of soil and climate on trees and their wood, and of the various forms of decay of timber, methods of preservation and adaptation of various woods for various uses, much in the same manner as Rankine’s Manual of Civil Engineering, from which many conclusions are adopted. The author refers, besides foreign authorities, to the following American investigators : G. H. Corliss (unpublished?) is quoted as claiming that proper seasoning of hickory wood increases its strength by 15 per cent. R. G. Hatfield is credited with some of the best experiments on shearing strength, published in the American House Carpenter. Prof. G. Lanza’s experiments are lemaeily reproduced, also Trautwine’s on shearing, and some of the author’s own work on California spruce, Oregon pine, and others, especially in torsion, with a specially constructed machine, an interesting plate of strain diagrams accompanying the discussion. In connection with the discussion by the author on the influence of prolonged stress, there is quoted as one of the older investigators, Herman Haupt, whose results on yellow pine were published in 1871 (Bridge Construction). Experiments at the Stevens Institute of Technology are related, with the important conclusion that a load of 60.per cent of the ultimate strength will break a stick if left loaded (one small test piece having been left loaded fifteen months with this result). in addition the following list of references to American work in timber physics is here inserted, with a regret that it has not been possible to include all the stray notes which may be in existence but were not accessible. Those able to add further notes are invited to aid in making this reference list complete: Abbott, Arthur V. Testing machines, their history, construction, and use. With illustrations of machines, includ- ing that at Watertown Arsenal. Van Nostrand’s Magazine, 1883, vol. 30, pp. 204, 325, 382, 477. Day, Frank M., University of Pennsylvania. The microscopic examination of timber with regard to its strength. Read before American Philosophical Society, 1883. Estrada, KE. D. Hxperiments on the strength and other properties of Cuban woods. Investigations carried on in the laboratory of the Stevens Institute. Van Nostrand’s Magazine, 1885, vol. 29, pp. 417, 441. Flint, ——. Report of tests of Nicaraguan woods. Journal of Franklin Institute, October, 1887, pp. 289-315. Goodale, Prof. George L., Harvard University. Physiological Botany, 1885, chapters 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 11, and 12. Thlseng, Magnus C., Ph. D. On the modulus of elasticity in some American woods, determined by vibration. Van Nostrand’s Magazine, 1878, 19. On a mode of measuring the velocity of sounds in woods. Read before the National Academy of Science, 1877; published in American Journal of Science and Arts, 1879, vol. 17. Johnson, Thomas H. On the strength of columns. Paper read at annual convention of American Society of Civil Engineers, 1885. Transactions of the Society, vol. 15. TIMBER PHYSICS—EARLIER WORK. 383 Kidder, F.E. Experiments at Maine State College on transverse strength of southern and white pine. Van Nostrand’s Magazine, 1879, vol. 22. Experiments with yellow and white pine. Van Nostrand’s Magazine, 1880, vol. 23. Experiments on the strength and stiffness of small spruce beams. Van Nostrand’s Magazine, 1880, vol. 24. Influence of time on bending ae and elasticity. Journal of Franklin Institute, 1882. Proceedings Institute of Civil Engineering, vol. 7 Lanza, Gaetano, professor ieee ae of Technology. Address before American Society of Mec Hensel Engineers, describing the 50,000-pound testing machine at Watertown Arsenal and tests of strength of large spruce beams. Journal of Franklin Institute, 1883. teport of Boston Manufacturers’ Mutual Fire Insurance Company of tests made with Watertown machine on columns of pine, whitewood, and oak of dimensions used in cotton and woolen mills. See summary and tables of same in Burr’s Elasticity and Resistance of the Materials of Engineering, p. 480. Macdonald, Charles. Necessity of government aid in making tests of materials for structural purposes. Paper read before the American Institute of Mining Engineers. Van Nostrand’s Magazine, 1882, vol. 27, p. 177. Norton, Prof. W. A., Yale College. Results of experiments on the set of bars of wood, iron, and steel after a transverse set. Experiments discussed in two papers read before the National Academy of Science, 1874 and 1875. Published in Van Nostrand’s Magazine, 1887, vol. 17, p. 531. Description of machine used is given in proceedings of the A-A. A.S., eighteenth meeting, 1869. Parker, Lieut. Col. I’. H., United States Ordnance Department. Report of tests of American crete by the testing machine, United States Arsenal, Watertown, under supervision of Prof.C.S.Sargent, for the Census Report, 1880. Senate Ex. Doc. No.5, Forty-eighth Congress, first session, 1882-83. Report of experiments on the adhesion of nails, spikes, and screws in various woods, as made at Watertown Arsenal. Senate Ex. Doc. No. 35, Forty-ninth Congress, first session, 1883-84, and in report on tests of metals and other materials for industrial purposes at Watertown Arsenal, 1888-89. Also in report on tests of iron, steel, and other materials for industrial purposes at Watertown Arsenal, 1886-87, pp. 188, 189. Report on cubie compression of various woods, as shown by tests at Watertown Arsenal, 1885-86, in report on tests of metals, etc., for industrial purposes. Philbrick, Professor, lowa University. New practical formulas for the resistance of solid and built beams, girders, ete., with problems and designs. Van Nostrand’s Magazine, 1886, vol. 35. Pike, Prof. W. A. Tests of white pine, made in the testing laboratory of the University of Minnesota. Van Nos- trand’s Magazine, 1885, vol. 34, p. 472. Rothrock, Prof. J. T., University of Pennsylvania. Some microscopic distinctions between good and bad timber of the same species. Read before American Philosophie Society. Smith, C. Shaler, C. E. Summary of results of 1,200 tests of full-size yellow-pine columns. See W. I. Burr’s Elasticity and Resistance of the Materials of Engineering, pp. 485-490. Thurston, Prof. R. H., Cornell University. The torsional resistance of materials. Journal of Franklin Institute, 1873, vol. 65. Experiments on torsion. Van Nostrand’s Magazine, July, 1873. Experiments on the strength, elasticity, ductility, etc., of materials, as shown by a new testing machine. Van Nostrand’s Magazine, 1874, vol. 10. The relation of ultimate resistance to tension and torsion. Proceedings of Institute of Civil Engineers, vol. 7, 1878. The strength of American timber. Experiments at Stevens Institute. Paper before A. A. A. S., 1879. Journal of Franklin Institute, vol. 78, 1879. Effect of prolonged stress upon the strength and elasticity of pine timber. Journal of Franklin Institute. vol. 80, 1880. | Influence of time on bending strength and elasticity. Proceedings A. A. A. S., 1881. Proceedings Institute of Civil Engineers, vol. 71. Watertown Arsenal. Summary of results of tests of timber at, in Ex. Doc, No. 1, Forty-seventh Congress, second session. See Burr’s Elasticity and Resistance of Materials of Engineering, pp. 486 and 535. Wellington, A. M., c. =. Experiments on impregnated timber. Railroad Gazette, 1880. ORGANIZATION AND METHODS. Although in the course of the investigations many minor and some more important changes in methods became necessary, the general plan was in the main adhered to. We consider it, therefore, desirable to restate from the same bulletin such portions as will explain the methods pursued. The work at the test laboratory at St. Louis, Mo., was described in full by Prof. J. B. Johnson, in charge, and the methods in the examination of the physical properties of the test material by the writer. There are four departments necessary to carry on the work as at present organized, namely: (1) The collecting department. (2) The department of mechanical tests. 384 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. (3) The department of physical and microscopic examination of the test material. (4) The department of compilation and final discussion of results. The region of botanical distribution of any one species that is to be investigated is divided into as many stations as there seem to be widely different climatic or geological differences in its habitat. In each station are selected as many sites as there seem widely different soils, elevations, exposures, or other striking conditions oceupied by the species. An expert collector describes carefully the conditions of station and site, under instructions and on blanks appended to this report. From each site five mature trees of any one species are chosen, four of which are average representatives of the general growth, the fifth, or “check” tree, the best developed that can be found. The trees are felled and cut into logs of merchantable size, and from the butt end of each log a disk 6 inches in height is sawed. Logs and disks are marked with numbers to indicate number of tree and number of log or disk, and their north and south sides are marked; their height in the tree from the ground is noted in the record. The disks are also weighed immediately, then wrapped in oiled paper and packing paper, and sent by mail or express to the laboratory, to serve the purpose of physical and structural examination. Some disks of the limbwood and of younger trees are also collected for other physical and physiological investigations, and to serve with the disks of the older trees in studying the rate of growth and other problems. The logs are shipped to the test laboratory, there sawed and prepared for testing, carefully marked, and tested for strength. The fact that tests on large pieces give. inten values from those obtained from small pieces being fully established, a number of large sticks of each species and site will be tested full length in order to establish a ratio between the values obtained from the different sizes. Part of the material is tested. green, another part when seasoned by various methods. Finally, tests which are to determine other working qualities of the various timbers, such as adapt them to various uses, are contemplated, The disks cut from each log and correspondingly marked are examined at the botanical labora- tory. An endless amount of weighings, measurings, countings, computings, microscopic examina- tions, and drawings is required here, and recording of the observed facts in such a manner that they can be handled. Chemical investigations have also been begun in the Division of Chemistry of the Department of Agriculture, the tannic contents of the woods, their distribution through the tree and their relation to the conditions of growth forming the first series of these investigations. It is evident that in these investigations, carried on by competent observers, besides the main object of the work, much new and valuable knowledge unsought for must come to light if the investigations are carried on systematically and in the comprehensive plan laid out. Since every stick and every disk is marked in such a manner that its absolute position in the tree and almost the absolute position of the tree itself or at least its general condition and surroundings are known and recorded, this collection will be one of the most valuable working collections ever made, allow- ing later investigators to verify or extend the studies. This significant prophetic language also occurs in this connection, which has finally been realized by the discovery of the relation between compression and beam strength: By and by it is expected that the number of tests necessary may be reduced considerably, when for each species the relation of the different exhibitions of strength can be sufficiently established, and perhaps a test for compres- sion alone furnish sufficient data to compute the strength in other directions. WORK AT THE TEST LABORATORY AT ST. LOUIS, MO. SAWING, STORING, AND SEASONING. On arrival of the logs in St. Louis they are sent to a sawmill and cut into sticks, as shown in fig. 103. In all cases the arrangements shown in Nos. 1 and 2 are used, except when a detailed study of the timber in all parts of the cross section of the log is intended. A few of the most perfect logs of each species are cut up into small sticks, as shown in Nos. 3and4, The logs tested for determining the effects of extracting the turpentine from the Southern pitch pines were all cut into small sticks. In all cases a ‘small stick” is nominally 4 inches square, but when dressed down for testing may be as small as 3h inches square. The “large sticks” vary from 6 by 12 to 8 by 16 inches in cross section. All logs vary from 12 to 18 feet in length. They all have a north and south diametral line, together with the number of the tree and of the log plainly marked on their larger or lower ends. The stenciled lines for sawing are TIMBER PHYSICS—TESTING. 385 adjusted to this north and south line, as shown in the figures. Each space is then branded by deep dies with three 25 numbers, as, for instance, thus: 2, which signifies that this stick was number 4, in log 2, of tree 25. A facsimile of 4 the stenciling is recorded in the log book, and the sticks there numbered to correspond with the numbering on the logs. After sawing, each stick can be identified and its exact origin determined. These three numbers, then, become the identification marks for all speciniens cut from this stick, and they accompany the results of tests in all the records. The methods of sawing shown in Nos. 2 and 4 are called “boxing the heart;” that is, all the heart portion is thrown into one small stick, which in practice may be thrown away or put into a lower grade without serious loss. In important bridge, floor, or roof timbers, the heart should always he either excluded or “boxed” in this way, since its presence leads to checking and impairs the strength of the stick. After sawing, the timbers are stored in the laboratory until they are tested. The ‘‘green tests” are made usually within two months after sawing, while the “dry tests” are made at various subsequent times. One end (60 inches) of each small stick is tested green, and the other end reserved and tested after seasoning. The seasoning is hastened in some cases by means of a drying box. The temperature of the inflowing air in this drying box is kept at about 100° F., with suitable precaution against checking of the wood, and the air is exhausted by means of a fan. The air is, therefore, somewhat rarefied in the box. The temperature is at all times under control. It operates whei the fan is running, and this is only during working hours. The mechanical and moisture test are then made according to known methods. ° Ss No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. Fie. 103.—Method of sawing test logs. EXAMINATION INTO THE PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF TEST MA'TERIAL. The physical examination consists in ascertaining the specific weight of the dried material, and incidentally the progress and amount of shrinkage due to seasoning; the counting and measuring of the annual rings, and noting other microscopic appearances in the growth; the microscopi¢e investigation into the relation of spring and summer wood from ring to ring; the frequency and size of medullary rays; the number of cells and thickness of their walls; and, in short, the consideration of any and all elements which may elucidate the structure and may have influence upon the properties of the test piece. The rate of growth and other biological facts which may lead to the finding of relation between physical appearance, conditions of growth, and mechanical properties are also studied incidentally. SHAPING AND MARKING OF THE MATERIAL, The object of this work being in part the discovery of the differences that exist in the wood, not only in trees of different species or of the same species from various localities, but even in the wood of the same tree and from the same cross section, a careful marking of each piece is necessary. The disks are split, first into a north and south piece, and each of these into smaller pieces of variable size. In one tree all pieces were made but 3 em. thick radially, in another 4 ¢m., in still others 5 em., while in some trees, especially wide-ringed oaks, the pieces were ieft still larger. In the conifers the outer or first piece was nade to contain only sapwood. Desirable as it appeared to have each piece contain a certain number of rings, and thus to represent a fixed period of growth, it proved impracticable, at least in the very narrow-ringed disks of the pines, where sometimes the width of a ring is less than 5 mm. (0.2 inch). H. Doce. 181——25 386 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. §. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. Some of the disks were split to a wedge shape from center to periphery, so that each smaller piece not only represents a certain period of growth in quality, but also in quantity, thus simplify- ing the calculations for the entire piece or disk. Other pieces were left in their prismatic form, when to calculate the average density of the entire piece the density of each smaller piece is multiplied by the mean distance of this smaller piece from the center, and the sum of the products divided by the sum of the distances. _ Hach piece is marked, first by the number of the tree, in Arabic; second, by the number of the disk, in Roman numbers; and if split into small pieces, each smaller piece by a letter of the alphabet, the piece at the periphery in all cases bearing the letter a. Besides the number and letters mentioned, each piece bears either the letter N or S, to indicate its orientation on the north or south side of the tree. To illustrate: 5—vyr1 N a means that the piece bearing the label belongs to tree 5 and disk vir comes from the north side of the tree, and is the peripheral part of this disk piece. From the collector’s notes the exact position of this piece in the tree can readily be ascertained. The entire prisms sent by freight are left in the original form, unless used for special purposes, and are stored in a dry room for future use. WEIGHING AND MEASURING. The weighing is done on an apothecary’s balance, readily sensitive to 0.1 gram with a load of more than 200 grams. Dealing with pieces of 200 to 1,000 grams in weight, the accuracy of weigh- ing is always within 1 gram. The measuring is done by immersion in an instrument illustrated in the following design: Vis a vessel of iron; S represents one of two iron standards attached to the vessel and projecting Fia. 104.—Apparatus for determining specific gravity. above its top; B is a metal bar fastened to the cup A, which serves as guard to the cup and pre- vents it going down farther at one time than another by coming to rest on the standards S. The cup A dips down one-sixteenth to one-eighth of an inch below the edge of the knee-like spout. In working, the cup is lifted out by the handle which the bar B forms, water is poured into the vessel until it overflows through the spout, then the cup is set down, replacing the mobile and fickle natural water level by a constant artificial one. Now the instrument is set, the pan P is placed under the spout, the cup is lifted out and held over the vessel, so that the drippings fall back into the latter, the piece of wood to be measured is put into the vessel and the cup replaced, and pressed down until the bar B rests on the standards §. This is done gently to prevent the water from rising above the rim of the vessel. This latter precaution is superfluo us where the cup fits closely, as it TIMBER PHYSICS—PHYSICAL EXAMINATION. 387 does in one of the instruments thus far used. ‘Che pan with water is then weighed, the pan itself being tared by a bag of shot. ‘The water is poured out, the pan wiped dry, and the process begins anew. ‘To work well it takes two persons, one to weigh and record. The water pan is a seamless tin pan, holding about 1,500 cc. of water and weighing only 144 grams. The temperature as well as density of the water are ascertained, the latter, of course, omitted when distilled water is used. To maintain the water at the same temperature it requires frequent changing. DRYING. After marking, the pieces are left to dry at ordinary temperature. Then they are placed in a dry kiln and dried at 100° C. The drying box used is a double-walled sheet-iron case, lined with asbestus paper, and heated with gasoline. The air enters below and has two outlets on top. The temperature is indicated by a thermometer and maintained fairly constant. ~ After being dried, the pieces of wood are weighed and measured, in the same way as described for the fresh wood, and from the data thus gathered the density, shrinkage, and moisture per cent are derived in the usual manner. The formule employed are: (1) Density ef fresh wood— Vcisht oF uesin Weal, Volume of fresh wood. 5) : oe _ Weight of dry wood. , Cy CIS IYy OIL Ygioed vc trrafor dry wood. Fresh volume—dry volume. : Fresh volume. Fresh weight—dry weight. Fresh weight. In presenting these values they are always multiplied by 100, so that the density expresses the weight of 100 em.’ of wood; thus the shrinkage and the amount of moisture become the shrinkage and moisture per cent. (3) Shrinkage= (4) Moisture in wood= SHRINKAGE EXPERIMENTS. To discover more fully the relations of weight, humidity, and shrinkage, as well as “checking” or cracking of the wood, a number of separate experiments were made. A number of the fresh specimens were weighed and measured at variable intervals until perfectly dry. Some dry pieces were placed in water and kept immersed until the maximum volume was attained. Without describing more in detail these tests and their results, it may be mentioned that in the immersed pieces studied the final maximum volume differed very little, in some cases not at all, from the original volume of the wood when fresh; and also that in a piece of white pine only 15 em. long and weighing but 97 gs. when dry, it required a week before the swelling ceased. To determine the shrinkage in different directions a number of measurements are made in pieces of various sizes and shapes. In most cases pins were driven into the wood to furnish a firm metal point of contact for the caliper. A number of pieces of oak were cut in various ways to study the effect of size, form, and relative position of the grain on checking. WOOD STRUCTURE. The most time-robbing, but also the most fascinating, part of the work consists in the study of the wood as an important tissue of a living organism; a tissue where all favorable and unfavorable changes experienced by the tree during its long lifetime find a permanent record. GENERAL APPEARANCE. For this study all the specimens from one tree are brought together and arranged in the same order in which they occurred in the tree. This furnishes a general view of the appearance of the stem; any striking peculiarities, such as great eccentricity of growth, unusual color, abundance of resin in any part of the stem, are seen at a glance and are noted down. A table is prepared with separate columns, indicating— (1) Height of the disk in the tree (this being furnished by the collector’s notes) ; (2) Radius of the section; 388 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. 8. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. (3) Number of rings from periphery to center; (4) Number of rings in the sapwood ; (5) Width of the sapwood; and (6) Remarks on color, grain, ete. The results from each disk oceupy two lines, one for the pieces from the.north side and one for those of the south side. The radius is measured correct to one-half millimeter (0.02 inch), and the figures refer to the air-dry wood. To count the rings, the piece is smoothed with a sharp knife or plane, the cut being made : oblique, i.e., not quite across the grain, nor yet longitudinal. Beginning at the periphery, each ring is marked with a dot of ink, and each tenth one with a line to distinguish it from the rest. After counting, the rings are measured in groups of ten, twenty, thirty, rarely more, and these meas- urements entered in separate subcolumns. In this way the rate of growth of the last ten, twenty, or thirty years throughout the tree is found, also that of similar periods previous to the last; in short, a fairly complete history of the rate of growth of the tree from the time when it had reached the height of the stump to the day when felled is thus obtained. Not only do these rings furnish information concerning the growth in thickness, but indicating the age of the tree when it had grown to the height, from which the second, third, etc., disks were taken, the rate of growth in height, as well as that of thickness, is determined, any unfavorable season of growth or any series of such seasons are found faithfully recorded in these rings, and the influence of such seasons, whatever their cause, both on the quantity and on the quality or properties of the wood, can thus be ascertained. 3 In many cases, especially in the specimens from the longleaf pine, and from the limbs of all pines, the study of these rings is somewhat difficult. Zones of a centimeter and more exist where the width of the rings is such that the magnifier has to be used to distinguish them. In some cases this difficulty is increased by the fact that the last cells of one year’s growth differ from the first cells of the next year’s ring: only in form and not in the thickness of their walls, and therefore produce the same color effect. Such cases frequently occur in the wood of the upper half of the disks from limbs (the limb supported horizontally and in its natural position), and often the magnifier has to be reenforced by the microscope to furnish the desired information. For this purpose the wood is treated as in all microscopic work, being first soaked in water and then sectioned with a sharp knife or razor and examined on the usual slide in water or glycerin. The reason for beginning the counting of rings at the periphery is the same which suggested the marking of all peripheral pieces by the letter a. It is convenient, almost essential, to have, for instance, the thirty-fifth ring in Section II represent the same year’s growth as the thirty-fifth ring in Section X. The width of the sapwood, the number of annual rings composing it, as well as the clearness and uniformity of the line separating the sapwood from the heartwood, are carefully recorded. In the columns of “remarks” any peculiarities which distinguish the particular piece of wood, such as defects of any kind, the presence of knots, abundance of resin, nature of the grain, etc., are set down. When finished, a variable number, commonly 3 to 6 small pieces, fairly representing the wood of the tree, are split off, marked with the numbers of their respective disks, and set aside for the microscopic study, which is to tell us of the cell itself, the very element of structure, and of its share in all the properties of wood. The small pieces are soaked in water, cut with a sharp knife or razor, and examined in water, glycerin, or chloriodide of zinc. The relative amount of the thick-walled, dark-colored bands of summer wood, the resin ducts, the dimensions of the common tracheids and their walls, both in spring and summer wood, the medullary rays, their distribution and their elements, are the principal subjects in dealing with coniferous woods; the quantitative distribution of tissues, or how much space is occupied by the thick-walled bast, how much by vessels, how much by thin- walled, pitted tracheids and parenchyma, and how much by the medullary rays; what is the relative value of each as a strength-giving element; what is the space occupied by the lumina, what by the cell walls,in each of these tissues—these are among the important points in the study of the oaks. Continued sections from center to periphery, magnified 25 diameters, are employed in finding the relative amount of the summer wood; the limits of the entire ring and that of spring and TIMBER PHYSICS X} 48 |54\7..56 RWS ger, \Ie45% S.6.9% RW..721.™m. D..52 |87 105mm\D..57 W. 447) FT. WW. 38 % S.8% Shy eth iS. 8% ‘VIL D..49 {108 _ 145 mm.\D..64 W397 7) (WHER S. 9.3% 94% * VI D..52_ |98 __|_ _2mm.|D..51 W. 30% 179 Rincs |\W.337 S. 8.4% S.8.6% RW.54 W..84mm. v.49 |127_ _V|_152mm.|D..53 WAGES! ~~ Tatlin WE GIO S.10% S.9.2% D..57 [156 WL) 175mm. |D..59 W. 35% inte hora WW. 33% 11% 12% W. 34% W. 3025 8.127, 16)GT. S.12% 4 D..64. W3sz186_ DISKI | _zo7mm|% 30% ULL 3)FT. 229 RINGS\BW..9m.m. RW.8, SW.43% STATEMENT OF RESULTS. 389 I D..37 _Vullginas\ D.. 34 W. 402/87 90\FT. 67\W.39.% S.7.67, MIMS. 6.2% RW.7 B.W..59m.m. D.36 | _ VIN/46Rines\D...38 W. 38% 117 78\FT. 115 \W.40% S.7.2% mm. \5.7.3% RW.79 R.W..79m.m- D.37 | _ NT 74Rines \D..36 W.4A5% |133 -135mam\" 38% S.7% OB)FT. 135mm) 6% RW.77 FLW. 77mm. D..36| ___V|_ 189 Rincs \D..36 WA52|q4p SB/FT, 155 mm. |W 40% S.817, S.7.9% RWATS R.W..82m.m. D..38 | __ __ __—AY| 205 RINGS _|D..37 W.46% |175 . 170mm. \W. 34% 3.8% BOL G SOO NS os RW.85 B.W..83 mam. D..38| ____4l| _ 2/8 kines \p..39 B.W..80)176 207m: WW. 41% 31) FT. O07 mam. S Oye ; RW. 957M. D.41|_____U| _222Res__\p.43 W. 51% 170 25/FT. 217mm. |W 39% S. 8.8%, S.9.4% ELW..76 RW. 97mm, D.41 | __ DISK I) _197Rines_|p..44 WAS 2/195 \2|FT. 1807h.m. \B-W. 91mm. S.107, Tia. 105.—Result of physical examination. (Sample.) LONGLEAF PINE (P. palustris), tree 3. Locality: Wallace, Ala. Site: Upland forest, quite dense. Soil: Sandy. WHITE PINE (P. Strobus), tree 116. Locality: Marathon County, Wis. Site: Grown in dense mixed forest. Soil: Sandy, with sandy subsoil. Legend. D. Denotes density or specific gravity of the dry wood. W. Denotes percentage of water in the fresh wood, related to its weight. S. Denotes percentage of shrinkage in kiln drying. R. W. Denotes width of ring (average) in millimeters (25 mm.—1 inch). S. W. Denotes percentage of summer wood as related to total wood. Roman numbers refer to number of disk, placed in position of disk. Height is given in feet from the ground; scale, 10 feet — 2 inches. Radius, north and south (dotted line), in millimeters; scale, 10 mm.— 0.1 inch. Median line represents the pith. Right-hand numbers relate to north side, left-hand numbers to south side. Outer lines represent outlines of trees, a pe SRE SN MP SS NEE ESI ACOA 390 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. summer wood are marked on paper with the aid of the camera, and thus a panorama of the entire section is brought before the eye. The histology of the wood, the resin ducts, the tracheids and medullary rays, their form and dimensions, are studied in thin sections magnified 580 diameters and even more. Any peculiarity in form or arrangement is drawn with the camera and thus graphically recorded; the dimensions are measured in the manner described for the measurement of the summer wood, or with the ocular micrometer. In measuring cell walls the entire distance between two neighboring lumina is taken as a “double wall,” the thickness of the wall of either of the two cells being one-half of this. The advantage of this way of measuring is apparent, since the two points to be marked are in all cases perfectly clear and no arbitrary positions involved. The length of the cells is found in the usual way by separating the elements with Schultze’s solution (nitric acid, chlorate of potassium). All results tabulated are averages of not less than ten, often of more than one hundred, measurements. In the attempt to find the quantitative relations of the different tissues, as well as the density of each tissue, various ways have been followed. In some cases drawings of magnified sections were made on good, even paper, the different parts cut out, and the paper weighed. In other cases numerous measurements and computations were resorted to. Though none of the results of these attempts can be regarded as perfectly reliable, they have done much to point out the relative importance of different constituents of the wood structure, and also the possibility and practica- bility, and even the necessity, of this line of investigation. INSTRUCTIONS AND BLANK FORMS, WITH ILLUSTRATIVE RECORDS. INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE COLLECTION OF TEST PIncES OF PINES FOR TIMBER INVESTIGATIONS. A.—OBJECT OF WORK. The collector chould understand that the ultimate object of these investigations is, if possible, to establish the relation of quality of timber to the conditions under which it is grown. To accomplish this object he is expected to furnish a very careful description of the conditions under which the test trees have grown, from which test pieces are taken. Care in ascertaining these and minuteness and accuracy of description are all-important in assuring proper results. It is also necessary to select and prepare the test pieces exactly as described and to make the records perfect as nearly as possible, since the history of the material is of as much importance as the determination in the laboratory. B.—LOCALITIES FOR COLLECTING. As to the locality from which test trees are to be taken, a distinction is made into station and site. By station is to be understood a section of country (or any places within that section) which is charactorized in a general way by similar climatic conditions and geological formation. ‘‘Station,” then, refers to the general geographical situation. ‘‘Site” refers to the local conditions and surroundings within the station from which test . trees are selected. For example, the drift deposits of the Gulf Coast plain may be taken for one station; the limestone country of northern Alabama for a second. But a limestone formation in West-Virginia, which differs climatically, would necessitate another station. Within the first station a rich, moist hummock may furnish one site, a sandy piece of upland another, and a wet savannah a third. Within the second or third station a valley might furnish one site, the top of a hill another, a different exposure may call for a third, a drift-capped ledge with deeper soil may warrant the selection of another. Choice of stations.—F or each species a special selection of stations from which test pieces are to be collected is necessary. These will be determined, in each case separately as to number and location, from this office. It is proposed to cover the field of geographical distribution of a given species in such a manner as to take in stations of climatic difference and different geological horizon, neglecting, however, for the present, stations from extreme limits of distribution. Another factor which will determine choice is character of soil, as dependent upon geological formations. Stations which promise a variety of sites will be preferably chosen. Choice of site.—Such sites will be chosen at each station as are usually occupied by the species at any one of the stations. If unusual sites are found occupied by the species at any one of the stations it will be determined by special correspondence whether test pieces are to be collected from it. The determination of the number of sites at each station must be left to the judgment of the collector after inspection of the localities; but before determining the number of sites the reasons for their selection must be reported to this office. The sites are characterized and selected by differences of elevation, exposure, soil conditions, and forest conditions. The difference of elevation which may distinguish a site is provisionally set at 500 feet; that is, with elevation as the criterion for choice of stations the difference must be at least 500 feet. Where differences of exposure occur a site should be chosen on each of the exposures present, keeping as much as possible at the same elevation and under other similar conditions. Soil conditions may vary in a number of directions, in mineral composition, physical properties, depth, and nature of the subsoil. For the present, only extreme differences in depth or in moisture conditions (drainage) and decided difference in mineral composition will be considered in making selection of sites, TIMBER PHYSICS—COLLECTING MATERIAL. Big) Forest conditions refer, in the first place, te mixed or pure forest, open or close stand, and should be chosen as near as possible to the normal character prevailing in the region. If what, in the judgment of the collector, consti- tutes normal conditions are not found, the history of the forest and the points wherein it differs from normai conditions must be specially noted. C.—CHOICE OF TREES. On each site five trees are to be taken, one of which is to serve as ‘‘check tree.” None of these trees are to be taken from the roadside or open field, nor from the outskirts, but all from the interior of the forest. They are to be representative average trees—neither the largest or best nor the smallest or worst, preferably old trees and such as are not overtopped by neighbors. The ‘‘check tree,” however, should be selected with special care, and should represent the best-developed tree that can be found, judged by relative height and diameter development and perfect crown. The distance between the selected trees is to be not less than 100 feet or thereabout, yet care must be exercised that all are found under precisely the same conditions for which the site was chosen. There are also to be taken six young trees as prescribed under E. If to be had within the station, select two trees from 30 to 60 years old or older, which are known to have grown up inthe open, and two trees which are known to have grown up in the forest, but have been isolated for a known time of ten to twenty years. D.—PROCEDURE AND OUTFIT. The station determined upon, the collector will proceed to examine it for the selection of sites. After having selected the sites, he will at once communicate the selection, with description and justification, to this office, negotiate with the owners of the timber (which might be done conditionally during the first examination) for the purchase or donation of test trees; and the latter arrangements completed, without waiting reply from this office, he will at once proceed to collect test pieces on one of the sites in regard to the selection of which he is not in doubt. To properly carry out the instructions, the following assistants and outfit may be required: (1) Two men! with ax and saw; a boy also may be of use. (2) Team, wagon, and log trucks for moving test pieces and logs to station. (3) Frow or sharp hacking knife for splitting disks. Heavy mallet or medium-sized “‘maul” to be used with frow. (4) A handsaw. (5) Red chalk for marking. (A special marking hammer will be substituted. ) (6) Tape line and 2-foot rule or calipers. (7) Tags (specially furnished). (8) Tacks (12-ounce) to fasten tags. (9) Wrapping paper and twine. 2 (10) Franks for mailing test pieces (specially furnished). (11) Shipping tags for logs. (12) Seales, with weight power not less than 30 pounds. (13) Barometer for ascertaining elevations. (14) Compass to ascertain exposures. (15) Spade and pick to ascertain soil conditions. (16) Bags for shipping disks. E.—METHOD OF MAKING TEST PIECES. (a) Mature trees. (1) Before felling the tree, blaze and mark the north side. (2) Fell tree with the saw as near the ground as practicable, avoiding the flare of the butt and making the usual kerf with the ax opposite to the saw, if possible, so as to avoid north and south side. If necessary, square off the butt end. (8) Before cutting off the butt log mark the north side on the second, third, and further log lengths. (4) Measure off and cut logs of merchantable length and diameters, beginning from the butt, noting the length and diameters in the record. Should knots or other imperfections, externally visible, oceur within 8 inches of the log mark, make the cut lower down or higher up to avoid the imperfection. (5) Continue measuring the full length of the tree and record its ila. Note also distance from the ground and position on the tree (whether to the north, south, west, cast) of one large sound limb. Mark its lower side and saw it off close to the trunk and measure its length and record it, the limb to be utilized as described later. If the tree after felling prove unsound at the butt, it will be permissible to cut off as much or as little as necessary within the first log length. If sound timber is not found in the first log, the tree must be discarded. Only sound timber must be shipped. Any logs showing imperfections may be shortened. Be careful to note change in position of test pieces. (6) Mark butt end of each log with a large N on north side. Saw off squarely from the bottom end of each log a disk 6 inches long, and beyond the log measure cut off disks every 10 feet up to 2-inch diameter. Place eack disk 1 Only men familiar with felling and cutting timber should be chosen, 392 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE on its bottom end, and after having ascertained and marked the north and south line on top end. Split the disk with a sharp hacking knife and mallet along this line. Split from outside of the west half of the disk enough wood to leave a prism4 inches thick. Split from the east half two wedges with one plane in the south-north line and with their wedge line through the heart of the disk; the outer are to be about 4 inches. Mark each piece as split off on top side with number of the tree (Arabic), the serial number (Roman) of the disk in the tree, beginning with No. 1 at butt log, and with a distinct N orS, the north or south position of the piece as in the tree. Write the same data on a card and tack it to the piece to which they belong. Whenever disk pieces are small enough for mailing, leave them entire. Whenever they can not be shipped by mail, Tee disks entire, wrap in paper, and ship by express. (7). Weigh each piece and record weight in notebook, using the same marks as 5 appear on the pieces. (8) Wrap each piece in two sheets of heavy wrapping paper and tie securely. (9) Mark on the newly cut bottom end of each log with a heavy pencil a north and south line, writing N on the north and § on the south side of the log, large and distinct. Also mark centrally with an Arabic number on each log the number of the tree in the series, and with a distinct Roman number the serial number of the log in the tree, counting the butt log as first. Tack to the butt end of each log securely a card (centrally), on which is written name of tree, species, locality from which tree is taken, denoted by the letter corresponding to that used in the notebook, number of tree, and section. This card or oe is intended to insure a record of each log in addition to the marking already made. (10) Limb wood.—Having, as before noted, selected a limb, measured and recorded its distance from the butt and position on the trunk, and marked its lower side and sawed it off close to the latter, now take a disk 6 inches long from the butt end and others every 5 feet up to 2-inch diameter at-the top. Number these consecutively with Roman number, calling the butt disk No, 1. Note by letters L and U the lower and upper side, as the limb appeared on the tree, and place the (Arabic) number of tree from which the limb came on each. Enforce the record by cards containing the same information, as done in case of other disk pieces. 0 Weigh and wrap and mail in the same manner as the other pieces. (11) Check trees.—From the “check tree,” which is to be the very best to be found, only three disks or three logs are to be secured, from the butt, middle, and top part of the tree Absolutely clear timber, free from all knots and blemishes, is to be chosen. The disk pieces are to be of the same size, and to be secured in the same manner as those described before; the logs to be not necessarily more than 6 feet; less if not enough clear timber can be found. Note the position of each piece din, in the tree by measuring from the butt — cut to the butt end of the piece. Prepare and mark all pieces in the same manner as those from other trees, adding, however, to each piece a X mark to denote it as coming from the ‘‘ check tree.” (12) Young trees.—Select six trees from each site approximately of fol- lowing sizes: Two, 6-inch diameter, breast high; two, 4-inch diameter, breast high; two, 2-inch diameter, breast high. Mark north and south sides and chop or saw all close to the ground and cut each tree into following lengths: First stick, 2 feet long; second stick, 4 feet long; the remaining cuts 4 feet long up to a top end diameter of about 1 inch. Cut from the basal end of each log a disk 6 inches long. Mark and ticket butt end of each log as in case of large trees. Mark a north and south line on top end of each disk, with N and § at extremities to denote north and south sides; and also ticket with same data as given on large disk pieces. Weigh and wrap as before. Of these trees only the disk pieces are to be mailed. a il, —— es i 6in. 6in. ¥.—SHIPPING TEST PIECES. Ship all pieces without delay. To each log tack securely a shipping card (furnished), so as to cover the marking tag. The logs will go to J.B. Johnson, St. Louis, Mo. The disks and other pieces are to be mailed to F. Roth, Ann Arbor, Mich., using franks, securely pasted, for mailing, unless, as noted before, they must be sent by express. Mail at once to the above addresses notice of each shipment, and a transcript of notes and full description to this office, from which copies will be forwarded to the recipients of the test pieces. If free transportation is obtained from the railroad companies, special additional instructions will be given under this head. G.—RECORDS. Careful and accurate records are most essential to secure the success of this work. A set of specially prepared record sheets will be furnished, with instructions for their use. A transcript of the record must be sent to this office at the time of making shipment; also such notes as may seem desirable to complete the record and to give additional explanations in regard to the record and suggestions respecting the work of collecting. Original records and notes must be preserved, to avoid loss in transmission by mail. TIMBER PHYSICS—COLLECTING MATERIAL. 393 FORM OF FIELD RECORD. ? (Folder.) Name of collector: (Charles Mohr.) Species: Pinus palustris. STATION (denoted by capital letter): A. State: Alabama. County: Escambia. Town: Wallace. Longitude: 86° 12’. Latitude: 31915’. Average altitude: 75 to 100 feet. General configuration: Plain—hills—plateau—mountainous. General trend of valleys or hills. .-..........-- Climatic features: Subtropical; mean annual temperature, 65°; mean annual rainfall, 62 inches. SiTE (denoted by small letter): a. Aspect: Leyel—ravine—cove—bench—slope (angle approximately). Wxip OSUTC CN ee seas cee eee eis eer Elevation (above average station altitude): 125 feet. Soil conditions: (1) Geological formation (if known): Southern stratified drift. (2) Mineral composition: Clay—limestone—loam—marl—sandy loam—loamy sand—sand. (38) Surface cover: Bare—grassy—mossy. Leaf cover: Abundant—scanty—lacking. (4) Depth of vegetable mold (humus): Absent—moderate—plenty—or give depth in inches. (5) Grain, consistency, and admixtures: Very fine—fine—medium—coarse—p or ous—light—loose— moderately loose—compact—binding—stones or rock, size of. ....-.-.--..---.-------------------- (6) Moisture conditions: Wet—moist—fresh—dry—arid—well drained—liable to overflow—swampy—near Sireamonisprincionotner kind ot water SUpplysesss sees ee eee eae eee sei e eae ee (7) Color: Ashy-gray. (8) Depth to subsoil (if known): Shallow, 3 to 4 inches to 1 foot—1 foot to 4 feet, deep—over 4 feet, very © deep—shifting. (9) Nature of subsoil (if ascertainable): Red, ferruginous sandy loam; moderately loose, or rather slightly binding; always of some degree of dampness; of great depth. Forest conditions: Mixed timber—pure—dense growth—moderately dense to open.......-......--...--.--... Associated species: None. Proportionsrofiuhesessseentcesete erecta seein Sg eodo cons Sede socoSs coos sosS Dass cons bocD CEES OSes , Average height: 90 feet. Undergrowth: Scanty; in the original forest often none. Conditions in the open: Field—pasture—lawn—clearing (how long cleared): In natural clearings untouched by fire, dense groves of second growth of the species. ‘ Nature of soil cover (if any): Weeds—brush—sod. (Inside of folder.) STATION: A. SITE: a. Species: P. palustris. TrEE No. 3. POSITION of tree (if any special point notable not appearing in general description of site, exceptional exposure to light or dense position, etc., protected by buildings, note on back of sheet): In rather dense position. ORIGIN of tree (if ascertainable): Natural seedling, sprout from stump, artificial planting. DIAMETER breast high: 16 inches. HeErGur of stump: 20 inches. HEIGHT to first limb: 53 feet. LenetH of felled tree: 110 feet 4 inches. AGE (annual rings on stump): 183. Tora. height: 111 feet 8 inches. . Weight of : Ae 7 cae Distance i 7 : r ~ | Distance | Length of | Diameter, Noxofidisls. from butt. onbace Remarks: No. of log. | som butt. log. | butt end. Feet. Pounds. | Ft. In. Ft. In. | Inches. 0 27 | Crown touching those Weesone 8 0 12 4 163 13 20 of nearest trees to the Messe 13 8 5 4 144 19 20 N. and NE. Open || M1...... 19 8 12 4 14 32 18 toward SW. INV eccooe 32 8 14 4 134 47 16 Wieceeee 47 8 9 4 124 57 14 Wileccads 57 8 9 4 11} 67 17 WANE, ae 67 8 9 4 92 17 14 WiGB cece id 9 4 8% 87 94 97 6 LIMBWoopD: . DISTANCE from butt: POSITION on trunk: Tora length: NUMBER of disks taken: Nore.—As much as possible make description by underscoring terms used above, Add other descriptive terms if necessary. 394 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. 8S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. SAMPLE RECORDS OF TESTS. CROSS BREAKING TEST. Strength of extreme fiber, 116. Mark, a White pine. where f=5 > 7—5,660 pounds per squareinch. | Length, 60.0 inches. Modulus of elasticity =1,320,000 pounds per square inch. Height, 3.74 inches. Total resilience =3,460 inch-pounds. El. Res., 550. Breadth, 3.75 inches. Resilience, per cubic inch =4.11 inch-pounds. EI. Res., 0.65. (Number annual rings per inch =19.] ouly As, Load. Deflection. | Micrometer. Remarks. h. m. 4 24 200 042 0.757 | 25 1, 000 211 0. 926 26 1, 600 - 300 1. 065 G 27 2, 000 454 1.169 28 2, 200 511 1. 226 29 2, 400 595, 1.310 31 2, 600 690 1.405 Ye 33 2, 800 853 1.568 Z| 35 3, 000 1.015 1.730 a 37 3, 200 1.276 1.991 40 3, 300 1.521 2.236 | Maximum load. i ' | ( | { | ' | | | | { | O'S | Deflection in inches. LY S Nae eens Soe ea eee eee |S (3. Mark, +3. li. Length, 60.0 inches. Height, 3.50 inches. Breadth, 3.72 inches. Longleaf pine. [Number annual rings per inch =23.] TIMBER PHYSICS—-METHODS. CROSS BREAKING TEST. 6000 Strength of extreme fiber, Modulus of elasticity Wt BU where f=9> P= 10,230 pounds per square inch, Total resilience | Resilience, per cubic inch =6.54 inch-pounds. bh =1,760,000 pounds per square inch. =5,110inch-pounds. El. Res., 1,780. El. Res., 2.28. July | Deflec- | Micro- r : 20,1891. Load.| tion. | meter.) Remarks. h. m. | 2 58; 200 - 042 | 0.958 3 0 /| 1,000 .208 | 1.124 nl 1 1,600 -324 | 1.240 2) 2, 000 -404 | 1.320 3) 2,400 -481 | 1.397 4 | 2,800 -058 | 1.474 5 | 3, 200 - 640} 1.556 6 | 3, 600 -721 | 1.637 7 | 4,000 -815 | 1.731 8 4,400 -926 | 1.842 9 | 4,800 | 1.074] 1.990 13 | 5,180 | 1.544] 2.460 | Maximumload i Ry Oo i) 8 8 Q Deflection in inches. FINAL RECORD OF TIMBER TESTS. Cross bending test. Percent- Dimensions. | Resilience Mark. age of le A Strength | ytodulus | in inch- moisture. ; . Time. | Load. Amal nea of elas- | poundsper Length. | Height. | Breadth. inch. (f) | ety: (@) ; ae Inches. | Inches. | Inches. | Min. |Pounds.| Inches.| Pounds. | Pounds. 16.8 60.0 3.50 3.72 15 | 5,180] 1,544 10, 230 | 1, 760, 000 6.54 ING. ssscocomsosoonsSsossosorccaesooess | 54.3 60.0 3.74 3.75 16} 3,300} 1,521 5, 660 | 1, 320, 000 4.11 Crushing endwise. Crushing across grain. Mark. Dimensions. ¢ Strength Dimensions. i Strength Area. Crushing per ¢ Area, Crushing per square Height. Cross Eto square | Height. TORR aC. inch. = section. inch. section. Inches.| Inches. || Pounds.| Pownds. | Inches. | Inches. | Sq.inch.| Pownds.| Pounds. f 3. 46 on 3.47 B1\{ 37 \ 12.87 | 77,700} 6, 040 3.73 { nica } 13.63 | 10, 400 760 Hii coccesssoceansesnoanmyessaecan99s0 f 3.73 |\ 3.72 5 3 | 7.6|{ 3-45 |) 13.91 | 48,400 | 3, 480 372 3°93 \ 14.62) 5,200 60 ‘Tension tests. Shearing tests. Mark. Size of re- | P Strength | Total | . Sheari duced sec- Area. Breaking per square shearing B reaing: Seeewath tion. . inch. area. Sq.inch. | Sq. inch. Pounds. Pounds. | Sq.tnch. Pounds. Pounds. 2.38 f 4.14 2, 280 551 i Fay Ene 11, 400 11,680 /{ 397 2580 650 2 6 1, 700 409 222 1134 |) 1, 200 95880) Miz eGs ech aa J—METAL TIES FOR RAILWAYS AND ECONOMIES IN Orie ask OF WOODEN TIES. E. E. RussELL TRATMAN, C. E. 2 Assoc. Mem. Am. Soc. Civ. Yngs.—Mem. Am. Inst. Min. Engs. The use of metal ties as a substitute for wooden ties in railway track has been practiced in foreign countries for many years on a very extensive scale and with great success, but though the matter has been given some attention in this country, very little has been done except in the way of a few small experiments. This is due in part to the general, though erroneous, idea that our still abundant timber resources are inexhaustible; and also to the comparatively high first cost of metal ties (the possible future economy resulting from their use being frequently overlooked). In fact the matter is, on the whole, regarded with indifference. Another reason for this is, perhaps, a tendency to question the application of foreign experience to American railways. There is, too, a wide impression that the use of metal ties in other countries is merely experimental and on a small scale, whereas in point of fact they have been extensively adopted for main lines carrying heavy traffic, as well as for lighter lines, and they have certainly long since passed the experi- mental stage. Nearly 35,000 miles of track are now laid with metal ties. The writer has given the subject considerable attention for several years past, and in 1887 was requested by Mr. B. KH. Fernow, then chief of the Division of Forestry, to make a special investigation and report thereon to the Division in the interests of the preservation of the timber resources of the country. Three reports have since been made, forming Bulletins No. 3, No. 4, and No. 9 of the Division of Forestry. The first, in 1889, was a preliminary report of progress. The second and third, issued in 1890 and 1894, were comprehensive reports, giving full particulars of foreign practice and discussing the entire subject. In both of these reports very full details were given of: (1) various forms of metal ties and their fastenings, as well as of the track of which they form a part; (2) the character of the rolling stock and traffic; (3) the results obtained from their use. As there was then no comprehensive work on the subject, special attention was given to describing the ties, fastenings, etc., in detail. The third report (1894) had a somewhat wider scope and included the use of metal tie-plates and preservative processes for increasing the life and efficiency of wooden ties. On foreign railways the many improvements in shape, material, and manufacture of steel ties and their fastenings, and the careful investigation as to the work of maintenance, particularly since 1880, are now showing results in decidedly favorable estimates as to maintenance and renewals on railways where steel ties have been extensively and intelligently used. A large number of the important patents on steel ties have now expired and have no longer an influence on the cost of manufacture, so that the various systems can be considered purely on their merits. The consideration of the respective merits of metal and wooden ties is a very important matter in many European and other countries, where, owing to conditions of climate or to the relative cost of timber and steel, the use of metal ties may effect a direct financial economy as well as a general improvement in the track. The subject is, perhaps, not of such immediate interest or importance in this country, where timber is still comparatively plentiful. The use of protective steel tie-plates has made the cheaper and inferior qualities of timber largely available for railway service, while the use of preservative 396 METAL RAILWAY TIES. 397 processes of chemical treatment has not yet been developed to any great extent. Nevertheless, in view of the great and steady demand for timber for railway and other purposes, and in view also of the steady reduction in the timber resources by legitimate consumption and various destructive agencies, it seems inevitable that the price of wooden ties will continue to increase. Such an increase in the price of timber, with a reduction in the price of steel, may introduce in this country conditious approximately similar to those which have led to the extensive introduction of steel ties in other countries. The relation of this question to the forestry interests, however,is not the only one to be considered. In many instances the use of metal ties may effect a decided improvement in the track and an economy in the expenses for track maintenance. In fact there are probably many places in this country now where metal ties might be used with advantage. For these reasons therefore it may be said that it will be well for progressive railway men to begin to consider the conditions under which metal ties have been used abroad and the results of experience with these ties, with a view to the possibilities of their introduction upon American railways. ‘ In discussions upon the metal-tie question two extreme arguments are frequently put forward, One of these is to the effect that the use of such ties is merely a fad and an unsuccessful experi- ment, while the other is to the effect that metal ties are essential for a safe and substantial track. The abandonment of some experiments on the Pennsylvania Railroad a few years ago was made the basis of conclusions, which were widely circulated, to the effect that metal ties as a whole were a complete failure. As a matter of fact the very limited trials on that road and the styles of ties used did not warrant any general conclusions; on the other hand, legislative action to compel the use of metal ties has even been advocated. The introduction of good metal ties, however, is a matter of development and not of arbitrary action; of evolution rather than of revolution. It must be remembered also that while innumer- able forms and modifications of metal ties have been devised only a very limited proportion of these are such as to warrant trial, while the ties which have been most extensively and successfully used comprise but a very few general types. Among the 750 patents taken out in this country and recorded in my reports very few are at all practicable or, show ‘any qualifications on the part of the inventor for designing such an article as a railway tie. The same remarks apply to the fastenings of the rails to metal ties. The necessity for economy in the use of our timber resources is due to the fact that the con- sumption has for a long time been excessive as compared with reproduction, and that ties are largely obtained from young trees, thereby reducing the supplies needful for the future. Taking the low average of 2,500 ties per mile, the 240,000 miles of railway track represent 600,000,000 ties in service. The average life is but seven years, and renewals require at least 85,000,000 ties per annum, while about 7,500,000 are required for new construction. The 16,500 miles of street railway represent about 33,000,000 ties, and require about 4,000,000 per year for renewals and 2,500,000 for new construction. This gives a total annual consumption of about 100,000,000 ties, equivalent to 500,000,000 cubic feet of forest timber. _ A very serious natter is that the proper consumption of timber represents but a part of the total amount of standing timber removed. The constant troubles from reckless and wasteful methods of cutting, the wholesale illegal cutting of timber on Government and private lands, and the destruction due to forest fires, sheep herding, ete., point to the necessity of protecting the timber resources and economizing in the use of timber. The treatment of these resources in other countries as a source of revenue to the government, by placing them in charge of skilied men under a government department, has been so markedly successful that I have been impelled to strongly support the movement in favor of a similar system of forest regulation and administration by the Government of the United States. Apart from the desirability of obtaining a substitute for wooden ties, in the interests of forest preservation, there is another very important point, and one which is really of more direct importance to American raiiways. This is the reduction in annual renewals of ties, due to the longer life of metal ties, and this again effects a consequent reduction in labor expenses. It also results in a better and more permanent condition of the track, due to the less frequent disturbance of the ballast and roadbed. The general experience is that while the expense of maintenance of track with metal ties is at first equal to, or even greater than, that for track with wooden ties, 398 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. yet that after three or four years the cost becomes rapidly less, while for wooden ties the expense increases year by year until renewals are necessary. As a result of the investigations, the following general conclusions may be presented: First. Métal ties are used very extensively, and their use is being continually extended. Second. While different results are reported, the experience is usually favorable, particularly where well-designed ties have been used. Third. The introduction of metal ties effects an appreciable economy in timber, and may lead to an important development of the iron and steel industries. Fourth. Among the advantages of metal ties over wooden ties the following may be noted: (a) Reduction in the annual consumption of timber. (b) Greater length of life, with consequent saving in renewal expenses, and a general economy in track work. (¢) Maintaining a better and more uniform track for a longer time and with less work upon the track. (d) Reduced expenses for maintenance and renewals, owing to the greater durability of the track. (e) Increased safety, owing to the more efficient fastenings and the more permanent character of the ties. In view of the durability of the track and the economy in track work which result from the use of an efficient system of metal ties, it would seem that there are already many special locations in this country where such ties might now be used with financial and practical advantage. This is particularly the case on busy main lines near large cities and terminals, where the continued traffic not only makes constant work necessary, but makes it difficult and expensive to carry on the work. For street railway track metal ties are particularly well adapted. They are extensively used for this purpose abroad, and in this country they are used much more for such track than for steam-railway track. The following tabular summary, which is condensed from tables given in my report of 1894, shows what an important extent of the railway’s throughout the world is laid with metal ties. Such ties were then in use on 35,000 miles of track, or nearly 10 per cent of the total railway mileage, or on nearly 20 per cent, if we exclude the mileage of the United States and Canada, whose railways have but an infinitesimal percentage of metal track. At the present time the percentage is probably about the same or even somewhat higher, the use of metal ties having increased more rapidly than the construction of new railways. Statistics of metal track. SECTION NO. 1.—EUROPE. Miles. Miles. Wingdeyil so6550 can aasoone sso aseoooenedes 78) || Sywedlem Gingl MOM iVosco sss cossossagce 2 WAN COjst Aweleicae ose Soees Ses Sao eee 128) (| Denmarkhs. -2syatesias cnaeeeeee as ee ree 18 Holand iss coc cssseecssesee ste sec eee S22! || RUSsiaies.c28 Sid se ehescw ces eneeseee cus 9 BeloiumMi so jess oceecicae eee seeeeeee 16) ehorkeya(HuTrope) passes ee eee eee 71 Germamyeet ose Ste ee see eee eee AISIGO5) a) Mur keyg (Asa) ae eee eee eee eee eee 309 Austria and Hungary..--..---.---.---- 21645 || Greece ese aae ee eee erase eee eee 28 IBOSNIT a) oa re aja == Satersis a ts Biss ia teat nce 12 —_——- Swiozerlandiets js: - suc c\ss Saou cease ee 480 Total metal track -22-2----2-.s2--" 13, 404 S Paine se ae eae See oe ee cisemaset ieee 264 Totalltrack, 225. eee secon ae ee 137, 000 Portugal se Js occ Spence ce oeceeceeses 1 SECTION NO. 2.—AFRICA. BS Shy Dip annem ee meee ae ciaenie ele ae 866 | South Africa (Portuguese)....-..-.----- 48 {MG TROVE A oo sae sociodo Acc see ARS 1649 |(@ape Colony sass sea OED. oO 906 AND VSS TDM Aaa. lege ete a ee ere ck o' Sr 14 |) Mast: Coast. 5-240 .52 2 554.035. eee ease 125 Sudanss 22ers ee eee eee eaeeror aes 5 2) PREUDIONE eee cea eee ae eee eee 62 Senepall es! ee neesae cee see ccersce eo =e 30 —_— Kono (Rotinsuese) sees eres asennioe ae 5 Total metal track................ 2,401 INGE) (TINGE) SEE) oo 455 sssemsche case 64 Dota ttrackyeaesesseesee eee ena 5, 675 South African Republic. -..-.--.---.---- 115 METAL RAILWAY TIES. 399 Statistics of metal track—Continued. SECTION NO. 3.—AUSTRALASIA. Miles. Q@ueensland sa -2. 5-2 a aa a= oe iw ee a en menm onlin mesic anim ane ei nin 82 Ran ARMIN 5. ooS0 oooene peceon e550 650609 6o6665 8505" SsudSs SAEs S00gCe SanodSCRSaecsoEceS 55 152 Aa RETA! IMAM. cgoone ce zesc GoQaeS S050be e905 os0s seSS Saboss Sooace oseSed cpeSaE csosc6 234 Taal tA (Y COMMIS) = .cosss 625565 865550 co5es5 os suns euseSs SeO5E0 SsaceSoSscEoN SSBESS 12, 000 SECTION NO. 4.—ASTA. Miles Miles. TEAMS TENGE. an conesosocoag seen sae Sce0 1B} GSS |) VERE. cece ssadco cones osedsoocceseseoNs0 5 Sumatraies soos eee eicceeemecbeseeecerines 90) AsiarMinor 225.22 2os5scoecene ce see nce 309 PAV ae oo satoeecere earns ey eeta oars ete 500 - Straits Settlements..-...-.----.--.------ 25 Total metal track -...-.-.........- 14, 586 ClO). cogdno cdados soeoes SooscoSesScesseC 2 ANOUOU MEO consceosaotoncess ended] 22, 000 SECTION NO. 5._SOUTH AMERICA, ETC. Argentine Republic.......-.----.-- ne Ese 3, (Gis) |) WMIGMNOD ot ose nese nden ces aoococd ooSHes seea 220 Ohi ete eee = sols seeeie ete eect 1 = Brazileyecn: Sass sebei so-so osceeecereaces 135 Motalimetalairac kiss een eee 4,416 WGG@RTOIE) cooose cose caso osc0 sacs cecones¢ 218 DOE UREA. Ss nocca5 sce0 scan esos nace 21, 500 Wiestiln dieses eneeee eee eine eeeeiene 204 SECTION NO. 6.—NORTH AMERICA. Wont SERIE Baseeeclocdoodcoosos ca celoc. cooddo ogenad cousde coonenddanepceps GoubSo DsGaGE BsaBane 12 CRAG s seco. cece dodecdec aonoos G606 sdodec eabGEe SsoncHSoRoaa coSSoy BoSpeese EecOSHSEDSEs sacoes 0 “TRE L WAU TREO ex Soadeo Geao eases doocas Saas Onn eecs mNbS C00 SuODCODSLO Sse eeseeSacus 12 Total track (United! Statesyands © anada) sees elaine alae eee eee eee 190, 000 Percentage of metal track mileage. P Per cent of Metal track. | Total track. aaGHieNl Gwe. Miles. Miles. Seema INOS le opeesorenscoossooecnscns 18, 404 137, 000 10 Section No. 2....--.--- 30 2, 326 5, 600 40 Section No.3...----.-- 234 12, 000 2 Section No. 4..-..--... 14, 586 22,000 66.3 Section No. 5........-- aS 4,416 21, 500 21 Section No.6......--.- oa 12 190, 000 0 DM <- cecenacmosedosascncsssos 34, 863 388, 100 9 Total mileage of railways with metal track .........---.----.------ miles.. 34, 863 Total mileage of railways of the world (exclusive of United States and CORMAGE)) --cccscoccccsséso ons oos cos Seonanancascoatanonasoacsssenas miles.. 198, 000 Percentage of railways with metal track (exclusive of United States and (CRIN HVE) ~ Snoin enccoric enon Stee se nosoocsaSSsecaseesccocasncseces per cent. - 17.6 It is not necessary in this general review of the subject to go into the details of the practice and experience of foreign railways, as such details have been given very fully in the reports already referred to. As the latest examples of this experience, however, it will be of interest to present some particulars from reports recently made by Mr. Renson, resident engineer of the Netherlands State railways (Holland), and Mr. Schrafl, engineer of the Gotthard Railway (Switzerland). On both of these lines metal ties have been in use for several years, and have been improved upon from time to time in the light of practical experience, while very careful investi- gations have been made as to their efficiency and economy. On the Netherlands State railways the first metal ties were laid in 1865, and are still in good condition. They are, in fact, expected to last from three to eight years more. In 1880, however, Mr. J. W. Post was commissioned to make an investigation of the subject. This resulted in a series of extensive and practical tests on main lines, the design of the ties being modified and improved from time to time. The first ties of this series (1881) were the lightest and least successful, but they lasted longer than good oak ties, while the annual charge for their renewal was only half that for the oak ties. The maintenance expenses were higher, but, on allowing for 400 FORESTRY INVESTIGATIONS U. 8. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. the difference in the renewal charges, there was actually a balance of about $43 per mile of track per year in favor of the metal ties. With the later forms of ties the maintenance expenses were steadily reduced, and with the latest forms now in use these expenses are less than for oak ties. Rusting and wear of the bolt holes have been insignificant, and it has been found that, by inserting renewable tie plates between the rail and the tie, the life of the latter can be extended almost indefinitely. The results of the seventeen years’ experience have been entirely satisfactory, and Mr. Renson closes his report with the following statement: Iam glad to state that the result of our seventeen years’ work fully confirms the favorable opinion of many engineers who have specially studied the metal-track question, particularly Messrs. Ch. Bricka, J. W. Post, A. M. Kowalski, E. E. Russell Tratman, Ch. Lebon, and Dietler. Our results quite agree also with the favorable results onsome of those railways on which the question has been investigated extensively and with perseverance, by giving different systems a fair trial, uninfluenced by preconceived ideas. On the Gotthard Railway metal ties have been in use since 1882, and the experience with them has been such as to lead the road to introduce them very extensively. They now represent 70 per cent of the ties in main track and 359 per cent of those on sidings, or 65 per cent for the entire line. The cost at the present time is $1.72 per tie, as against $1.20 for oak. If the fastenings are included, the costs are $1.96 and $1.61 respectively. Adding the cost of laying, however, and then deducting the value of the old material, the net result shows only $1.60 for the steel tie, as compared with $1.66 for the oak tie. For the first year or two the expenses for ordinary main- tenance of track are about the same for both steel and wooden ties, but after that period the expenses become materially lower for the metal track. This railway has 43 per cent of its length on curves and has grades of 2.7 per cent, while the traffic is heavy and includes express trains running at 40 to 53 miles per hour. In the numerous long tunnels the ties are subject to rust, and last only eight to ten years, which is about the same life as that of the oak ties. Elsewhere, however, the rusting and wear of the ties are so slight that the ties are expected to last as long as the rails. The general result, in point of durability, is that the steel ties have proved to be more economical than the oak ties. The report further states that even if they were less economical, the railway would still feel obliged to use the steel ties on account of the greater safety and security of the track. One other case may be cited as an example of the common use of metal ties on foreign railways. During the years 1895-1898, about 160 miles of metal track on the Wurttemberg State railways were renewed at a reported cost of about $1,750,000, in order to provide for increased weight and amount of traffic. The old track consisted of 66-pound rails, 29 feet 6 inches long, with 10 or 12 ties per rail, the ties weighing 114 pounds each, and being spaced 30 and 36 inches center to center. The new track consists of 87-pound rails, 39 feet 4 inches long, with 16 or 17 ties per rail, the weight of the ties being 155 pounds, and the spacing 28 and 30 inches. The old track weighed 266 to 278 pounds per yard, while the new track weighs 408 to 422 pounds per yard. This report would not be complete without some reference to means of effecting economies in the use of wooden ties, as this is a matter of immediate importance to American railways. Wooden ties will undoubtedly continue to be generally used in this country for many years to come, and itis important that railway officers shouid without delay give attention to the advantages of increasing the efficiency and economy of such ties by protecting them from decay and wear. The use of preservative processes to prevent decay and the use of protective metal tie plates to prevent wear and disintegration under the rails may be made to effect a marked economy in the track work by increasing the life of the ties, reducing the expense of renewals, and enabling the cheaper and inferior timbers to be effectively used for ties. The ties so treated and protected also make a better track and one which requires less work for maintenance. The renewing of ties is too often considered as a comparatively unimportant item in the maintenance expenses, but in point of fact the average cost of tie renewals very frequently exceeds that of rail renewals, and the cost also has a-continual tendency to increase. The cost may often be materially reduced by careful methods of checking to prevent the premature remoyal of comparatively sound ties and by the more general use of preservative treatment and metal tie plates. It must be remembered that a road which has to renew its ties in six years is at a great disadvantage as compared with another whose ties last twelve years. The former must figure into METAL RAILWAY TIES. AOL its expense account almost double the cost for material, besides the additional track labor required to do the work, while during the interval it can not have as good a track as the latter. Although the practical economies resulting from the use of preservative processes have been amply proved, both in this country and abroad, and although such processes are very extensively employed abroad, they have been but indifferently regarded here by railway officers, with some important exceptions: The economy results not only from the increased life of the ties and the possibility of making cheaper and inferior timber give as good service as the higher grades of timber, but also from the reduced labor and cost of maintenance and the improved surface of track due to reduction in tie renewals. Under ordinary conditions the track has hardly been got into good surface on a settled roadbed before it is disturbed again by renewing ties. In view of these facts, and of the further fact that so many important railways are now spending enormous sums of money in the improvement of their lines, it is strange that so few railways have taken up this matter on a large scale. One of the most important and practical of modern improvemeuts in American railway track has been the wide introduction of metal tie plates, which are placed between the rail and the tie. Their purpose is to prevent the cutting and wearing of the tie, which frequently necessitate the removal of sound ties from the track. The small cost of these plates and the undoubted advan- tages which they insure in economy in ties and in track work have led to their use on many hundreds of miles of track. They not only lengthen the life of the ties, but also give a better and more permanent bearing for the rails: Similar plates, but of much heavier construction and secured by bolts or spikes, have for many years been used in EHurope. The special feature of the small and light American plates is that they have ribs or points which are pressed into the wood, so that the plate becomes practically a part of the tie, independent of the rail fastenings. The greatest economy in track with wooden ties will in general be insured by protecting the ties from (lecay by means of a chemical treatment, and protecting them from abrasion or wear by means of the application of metal tie plates. In conclusion, two. statements may be presented, based upon the information given in my reports and upon the present review of the situation. First. The advantages and economies resulting from the use of metal ties are such as to make it advisable to consider their application to American railways (in special cases, at least) in the near future. Second. The advantages and economies which may be obtained by the application of tie plates and preservative processes to wooden ties are so great that the use of such methods should be considered as a matter of immediate importance. H. 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