^ iK '. ■r MBLAXHOI Library RESEARCHES ON FUNGI VOLUME VI RESEARCHES Sf^' ONFUNGI ^^ VOLUME VI THE BIOLOGY AND TAXONOMY OF PILOBOLUS, THE PRODUCTION AND LIBERATION OF SPORES IN THE DISCOMYCETES, AND PSEUDORHIZAE AND GEMMIFERS AS ORGANS OF CERTAIN HYMENOMYCETES BY A. H. REGINALD BULLER, F.R.S. B.Sc. (LoND.) ; D.Sc. (BtRM.) ; Ph.D. (Leip.) ; LL.D. (Manitoba) LL.D. (Saskatchewan) ; D.Sc. (Pennsylvania) ; F.R.S.C. MEMBRE ASSOCIE DE LA SOCIETE ROYALE DE BOTANIQUE DE BELGIQUE PROFESSOR OF BOTANY AT THE UNTVERSITY OF MANITOBA WITH TWO HUNDRED AND THIRTY-ONE FIGURES IN THE TEXT B HAFNER PUBLISHING CO. NEW YORK 1958 Reprinted by arrangement Published by HAFNER PUBLISHING CO., INC. 31 East 10th Street New York 3, N. Y. Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 57-11755 MANUFACTURED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA NOBLE OFFSET PRINTERS, INC., 400 LAFAYETTE ST., NEW YORK, N. Y. TO E. J. BUTLER . THE DISTINGUISHED DIRECTOR OF THE IMPERIAL MYCOLOGICAL INSTITUTE IN RECOGNITION OF HIS CONTRIBUTIONS TO OUR KNOWLEDGE OF FUNGI AND OF HIS HELPFULNESS TO FELLOW" WORKERS PREFACE The object of this volume is to make contributions to our knowledge of certain Phycomycetes, Ascomycetes, and Basidiomycetes. Part I is devoted to a study of Pilobolus. The ocellus function of the subsporangial swelling has been treated of in detail. A new species of Pilobolus has been described, and a final Chapter on the Systematics of the Pilobolidae has been contributed by my friend, Mr. W. B. Grove. Part II is concerned with the production and liberation of spores in the Discomycetes. The phenomenon of puffing has been discussed ; and attention has been called to the fact that the asci of many Discomycetes are heliotropic, so that light is of great importance in directing the ascus guns toward the mouths of cup-shaped fruit-bodies and toward the openings of the hymenial depressions in Morchellae. Finally, a simple method for making audible the puffing of Discomycetes has been described. The first two Chapters of Part III treat of the pseudorhizae of Collybia radicata, C. fusipes, Coprinus macrorhizus , and other Hymenomycetes, while the final Chapter treats of Omphalia flavida as a luminous and gemmiferous Coffee leaf-spot fungus. The gemmae of this fungus are unique, for they appear to have been derived from pilei which have become sterile and detachable. With a view to enabling the reader to compare the gemmifers of 0. flavida with those of Sderotium coffeicola (another Coffee leaf-spot fungus), a brief account of S. coffeicola based in the main on Stahel's investigations has been appended. This volume contains two hundred and thirty-one illustrations vii viii PREFACE in the text, including one hundred and thirty-four drawings and ninety-seven photographs. Forty of the drawings have been borrowed from other authors. The other drawings were executed by my own hand or in conjunction with Miss Ruth Macrae. Of the ninety-seven photographs fifty-six were made under my direction, ten have been borrowed from other authors, and the rest were kindly contributed by friends and correspondents : one each by S. F. Ashby. Jessie S. Bayliss Elliott, W. S. Odell, and H. H. Thornbury, two by F. Dickson and W. R. Fisher, two by Somerville Hastings, three each by B. 0. Dodge, G. L. Fawcett, and W. H. Long, five by A. E. Peck, and nine by the Photographic Division of the Geological Survey of Canada. The source of each borrowed illustration is acknowledged in the text. For the session 1933-1934 I was granted leave of absence from the University of Manitoba, and this period has been spent at the Herbarium of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, in completing for the press the MS. and illustrations of Volumes V and VI of these Researches. For the facilities placed at my disposal for carrying out this work I here desire to express to Sir Arthur Hill, Director of Kew Gardens, and Mr. A. D. Cotton, Keeper of the Herbarium, my hearty appreciation. My best thanks are due once more to the Canadian National Research Council for grants in aid of the work. These grants have enabled me to employ in succession two research assistants, Miss Ruth Macrae, M.Sc. (McGill), and Miss Eleanor S. Dowding, Ph.D. (Manitoba). The investigations on the gemmifers of Omphalia flavida and on the heliotropism of the asci of Ascobolus magnificus were carried out in conjunction with Miss Macrae, and certain investigations upon the life-history and structure of Pilobolus in conjunction wdth Dr. Dowding. I here desire to express my indebtedness to these two ladies for their valuable services. Once again Mr. W. B. Grove, M.A., has been kind enough to give me the benefit of his assistance in reading the proofs. A. H. REGINALD BULLER. Kew, August 19, 1934. TABLE OF CONTENTS TAtlE Preface ............. vii PART I THE BIOLOGY AND TAXONOMY OF PILOBOLUS CHAPTER I INTRODUCTORY AND HISTORICAL Pilobolus and its Subsporangial Swelling — The Discovery, Structure, Tax- onomy, and Life-history of Pilobolus — Sex in the Pilobolidae — The Cytology of Pilobolus — Crystalloids — The Orange-red Pigment- Parasites of Pilobolus — The Excretion of Drops by the Sporangiophore and its Cause — Premature Discharge of the Sporangia — Influence of External Conditions on the Breadth of the Subsporangial Swelling — The Ballistics of the Projectile — Pilobolus in its Relations with Light — The Effect of Light on Fruit-body Development — The Heliotropic Response of the Fruit- body to Light of Various Colours — Allen and Jolivette's Investiga- tions— The Subsporangial Swelling as an Ocellus — The Solution of the Problem of the Non-resultant Heliotropic Reaction of Pilobolus to Two Beams of Light — The Discharge of the Sporangium .... CHAPTER II PILOBOLUS AND THE OCELLUS FUNCTION OF ITS SUBSPORANGIAL SWELLING Culture Methods — Germination of Spores, Growth of Mycelium, and Forma- tion of Primordia of Fruit -bodies — A Colourless Sporangial Wall as an Abnormality in Pilobolus longipes — Species observed — General Description of the Pilobolus Gun and its Projectile — The Discharge of the Projectile — Development of the Pilobolus Gun and its Projectile — The Heliotro{)ism of the Pilobolus Gun demonstrated by a Simple Experiment — The Range of the Pilobolus Gun — The Structure of the Sporangiophore and Spoian- gium illustrated by Pilobolus Kleinii and P. lo?igipes — The Two Functions of the Subsporangial Swelling — The Heliotropism of the Sporangiophore with Special Reference to the Ocellus Function of the Subsporangial ix TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Swelling — The Mechanism of Heliotropic Response in Pilobolus and in the Leaves of Certain Flowering Plants — The Ocellus of Pilobolus and the Eye-spots of Volvox — The Ocellus of Pilobolus and the Human Eye — A Heliotropic Experiment made on Pilobolus longipes — A Solution of the Problem of the Reaction of the Sporangiophore of Pilobolus to Two Equal Beams of White Light— A Model for illustrating the Pilobolus Fruit-body in its Relations with Light — The Periodicity in the Develop- ment of Pilobolus Fruit-bodies — The Subsporangial Swelling and the Dis- charge of the Pilobolus Gun— The Osmotic Pressure of the Cell-sap of Pilobolus— Factors in the Efficient Working of the Pilobolus Gun— An Analysis of the Cell-sap of Pilobolus longipes— The Landing of the Pilobolus Projectile and the Attachment of the Sporangium to Herbage — The Relations of Pilobolus w ith Flowering Plants and with Herbivorous Animals 47 CHAPTER III PILOBOLUS UMBONATUS, A NEW SPECIES, WITH REMARKS ON THE PILOBOLIDAE Introduction — General Description— Taxonomic Description and Latin Diagnosis — Remarks on the Pilobolidae . . . . • .169 CHAPTER IV A SYSTEMATIC ACCOUNT AND ARRANGEMENT OF THE PILOBOLIDAE Contributed by W. B. Grove Introductory Remarks— Historical Account — Systematic Arrangement- Bibliography .......••• PART II THE PRODUCTION AND LIBERATION OF SPORES IN THE DISCOMYCETES CHAPTER I THE PHENOMENON OF PUFFING IN SARCOSCYPHA PROTRACTA AND OTHER DISCOMYCETES Introduction— Historical Remarks— Puffing illustrated by Photography— The Significance of Puffing— The Genus ^a,Tcoscy^h?i—8arcoscyp}ui protracta — The Perennial Pseudorhiza — The Direction of Puffing and the Campanulat« Form of the Apothecium— The Ascus as an Explosive Mechanism— Radial- longitudinal Sections and Surface Views of the 190 TABLE OF CONTENTS xi PACE Hymeniuin — Correlations and Fruit-body Efficiency— What Factor determines the Oblique Position of the Opening of each Ascus ? — Experi- mental Proof that a Fruit-body, when it puffs, produces a Blast of Air — The Cause of the Blast of Air — The Blast of Air and the Dispersal of the Spores — Concluding Remarks ........ 227 CHAPTER II THE HELIOTROPISM OF THE ASCI AND THE DISCHARGE OF THE SPORES IN ASCOBOLI, CILIARIA SCUTELLATA, ALEURIA VESICULOSA, THE MORCHEL- LACEAE, AND OTHER DISCOMYCETES Introduction — The Heliotropism of the Asci of Ascobolus magnificus—Ascobolus stercorarius — Our Present Knowledge of Ciliaria scutdlata — The Helio- tropism of the Asci of Ciliaria scutellata — The Heliotropism of the Asci of Melastiza miniata and Cheilymenia vinacea — Aleuria vesiculosa and its Identification — Results of a Previous Investigation on Aleuria vesiculosa — The Heliotropism of the Asci and the Discharge of the Spores in Aleuria vesiculosa — Puffing of Aleuria vesiculosa under Natural Conditions — The Heliotropism of the Asci and the Discharge of the Spores in Galactinia badia — Urnula Craterium — Otidea onotica and O. leporina — The Helio- tropism of the Asci and the Discharge of the Spores in the Morchellaceae — The Helvellaceae — Concluding Remarks ...... 264 CHAPTER III THE SOUND MADE BY FUNGUS GUNS AND A SIMPLE METHOD FOR RENDERING AUDIBLE THE PUFFING OF DISCOMYCETES Fungus Projectiles— Type I : Sphaerobolus— Type II : Pilobolus— Type III : Ascobolus— Type IV : Peziza— A Simple Method for Rendering Audible the Puffing of Discomycetes — Tj-pe V : Empusa and Entomophthora, Uredmeae and Hymenomycetes — Sounds Made by Fungus Guns are of No Biological Significance .....•••• 325 PART III PSEUDORHIZAE AND GEMMIFERS AS ORGANS OF CERTAIN HYMENOMYCETES CHAPTER I THE PSEUDORHIZA Introductory B.ema,rks—Collybia radicata—Mycena gakriculata—Coprtnus ruacrorhizus .....•••••• 347 xii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER II THE PERENNIAL PSEUDORHIZA OF COLLYBIA FUSIPES PAGE Introduction — Historical Remarks — Fruit-body Clusters and their Pseudo- rhizae — The Supposed Sclerotium — Evidence that the Pseudorhiza Persists — Mode of Development of a Compound Pseudorhiza — Lateral Grafting — Healing of Pseudorhizal Wounds — The Mycelium and the Problem of Parasitism — The Functions of the Pseudorhiza and the Significance of its Persistency — Sarcoscypha protracta .... 374 CHAPTER III OMPHALIA FLAVIDA, A GEMMIFEROUS AND LUMINOUS LEAF-SPOT FUNGUS Introduction — Omphalia flavida and the American Coffee-leaf Disease — Stilbum flavidum as a Stage in the Life-history of OmpJmlia flavida — The Structure of the so-called Stilbum-hody — The Omphalia flavida Sporophore — The Origin of the Stilbum-hodies — The Stilbum-hody as a Gemmifer — The Basal Curvature of the Pedicel and its Significance — The Sigmoid Curvature of the Pedicel and the Abscission of the Gemma — The Detach- ment of a Gemma from its Pedicel — The Attachment of a Gemma to a Leaf — Mode of Germination of a Gemma — The Effect of Desiccation on the Vitality of a Gemma — Inoculation Experiments with Living Leaves — Omphalia flavida as a Non-specialised Parasite — Sterility of the Mycelium Induced by Prolonged Cultivation on Artificial Media — The Effect of Light on the Formation of Gemmifers — Luminescence of the Mycelium and its ^'alue as a Diagnostic Character of the Coffee-leaf Disease — Tlie Gemmifers of Sclerotiutn coffeicola ....... 397 GENERAL SUMMARY : Part I ........... . 455 Part II . 462 Part III 408 GENERAL INDEX 473 PART I THE BIOLOGY AND TAXONOMY OF PILOBOLUS RESEARCHES ON EUNGI CHAPTER I INTRODUCTORY AND HISTORICAL Pilobolus and its Subsporangial Swelling — The Discovery, Structure, Taxonomy, and Life-history of Pilobolus — Sex in the Pilobolidae — The Cytology of Pilobolus — Crystalloids — The Orange-red Pigment — Parasites of Pilobolus — The Excre- tion of Drops by the Sporangiophore and its Cause — Premature Discharge of the Sporangia — Influence of External Conditions on the Breadth of the Sub- sporangial Swelling — The Ballistics of the Projectile — Pilobolus in its Relations with Light — The Effect of Light on Fruit-body Development — The Holio- tropic Response of the Fruit-body to Light of Various Colours — Allen and Jolivette's Investigations — The Subsporangial Swelling as an Ocellus — The Solution of the Problem of the Non-resultant Heliotropic Reaction of Pilobolus to Two Beams of Light — The Discharge of the Sporangium. Pilobolus and its Subsporangial Swelling. — The genus Pilobolus belongs to the Phycomycetes, is a close relative of Mucor, and includes about sixteen species. Most of these species come up along with those of Mucor and other moulds upon the solid excrement of herbivorous animals, such as the horse and the cow, while one species occurs upon river mud. The general appearance of a Pilobolus, when growing on horse dung, is shown in Figs. 1, 5 (pp. 2, 8), and 13 (p. 37). Pilobolus differs from Mucor in that, as a prehminary to the dissemination of the spores, the sporangium is shot away from the sporangiophore, whereas in Mucor this does not take place. The sporangiophore of Mucor is an organ which serves merely to raise the sporangium above the substratum, and thus to put it in a favourable position for the passive dispersion of the spores by insects and other agencies. On the other hand, the sporangiophore VOL. VI. B RESEARCHES ON FUNGI < Wtf^Lj^f^ ^J^^^^^^Bj^^a^^^D ^^^^^^^Hibie^'> . jrY¥j|fffi|J^^^^^^^^^^^^^^OB ^^^^■^"/-'' fll^^^^^^^H^ of Pilobolus not only raises the sporangium above the substratum but is also adapted for shooting the sporangium away to a consider- able distance. With this difference of function is associated a very marked difference in the structure of the two sporangiophores, that of Pilobolus being morphologically much more highly speciahsed than that of Mucor. Pilobolus, owing to its very common occurrence, the beauty of its form, its unique subsporangial swelling, its very pronounced heliotropism, the beads of water with which its sporangio- phore is usually orna- mented, and the great distance to which its sporangium is dis- charged, has attracted the attention of my- cologists for more than two centuries, and to-day it is de- scribed in many text- books of Botany. As a contribution to our knowledge of a fungus which is of such per- ennial interest, there will be presented : in this Chapter a historical review of the literature on Pilobolus ; in Chapter II an account of the author's researches on Pilobolus, of which a brief report ^ was made in 1921 ; in Chapter III a description of a new species, Pilobolus umbonatus ; and in Chapter IV a taxonoraic description of all the known species of Pilobolus, drawn up by Mr. W. B. Grove. In Chapter II, from the point of view of the organism as a whole, it will be shown : (1) that the subsporangial swelling, in addition to acting as part of a squirting apparatus, has the function 1 A. H. R. Buller, " Upon the Ocellus Function of the Subsporangial Swelling of Pilobolus," Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc, Vol. VII, 1921, pp. 61-64. Fig. 1 . — Pilobolus longipes. A group of sporangiophores which came up spontaneously on horse dung in the laboratory at Winnipeg. They were all directed toward the source of brightest daylight. Natural size. HISTORY OF PILOBOLUS 3 of an optical sense-organ or simple eye (ocellus) ; (2) that this simple eye, owing to the manner in which it responds to heUo- tropic stimuli, causes the Pilobolus gun to be so laid that the sporangium with its load of spores is shot away as far as possible into an open space ; (3) that this mode of discharge causes the sporangium to lodge on herbage where it may be swallowed with the herbage by some grazing herbivorous animal ; and (4) that the sporangium fastens itself to a grass-stem or grass-leaf, etc., in such a way that it cannot be washed away from its place of attachment even during a heavy shower of rain. The Discovery, Structure, Taxonomy, and Life-history of Pilobolus. — The earliest record of Pilobolus appears to have been made in 1688 by John Ray ^ in his Historia Plantarum from a description sent to him from Virginia by John Banister. The fungus was illustrated (Fig. 97, p. l^d'l) by Plukenet ^ in 1691, was "observed on horse dung about London" by Petiver ^ in 1696, and was observed again by Henry Baker * in 1 744 on mud brought from the Thames.^ In 1778, and more fully in 1782, Otto F. Miiller,^ a Danish zoologist who studied the lower animals, described a Pilobolus as a new kind of zoophyte. He regarded the ghstening subsporangial swelling as a crystalline body, and a little worm which, doubtless, was crawling over its outside he thought was inside, swimming 1 John Ray, Historia Plantarum, Vol. II, 1688, p. 1928. ^ L. Plukenet, Alinagentum butanicum, London, 1696, p. 164 ; also Phytographia, London, 1691, Plate CXVI, Fig. 7. There can be but little doubt that this Figure is a reproduction of Banister's original drawing made in Virginia. ^ In John Ray's Synopsis methodiai stirpium hritannicarum, London, ed. II, 1696, p. 322. 4 Henry Raker, Xatural History of the Polype Insect, 1744, Chap. XI, Plate XXII, Figs. 9, 10. ^ Coemans, in liis Monograph ie du genre Pilobolus (p. 1), remarks that Baker's description and illustrations leave no doubt that his Pilobolus was P. oedipus, this conclusion being strengthened by the fact that the fungus was found on mud, a substratum \ipon which P. oedipus has often been observed. Nising (Coemans' Monographic, p. 6U) observed it on mud of the river Oder, and I have observed it on mud obtained from the Rod River at Wimiipeg. *• Otto F. Miiller, " Von dor Entdeckung eines neuen Geschlechts von Thier- pflanze," Berlinische Sanniihaigen zur Beforderung der Arzneiu'issenscluift, Stiiek I, 1778, pp. 41-52 ; also " Von einem Kristallschwammchen," Kleine Schriflen a.d, Naturhistorie, herausg. v. J. A. E. Goeze, Bd. I, 1782, pp. 122-132. RESEARCHES ON FUNGI about in any direction it pleased '' as if in a tiny ocean " (c/. Fig. 2). Hence Miiller described his Pilo- bolus as a plant which enclosed a living worm in a crystalhne body and he, therefore, regarded the fungus as a marvellous organism combining characteristics of all the three realms of nature — animal, vegetable, and mineral. Midler's conception of Pilobolus, which is reminiscent of the fabulous mon- sters of antiquity, received wide- spread attention ; but it was shown by later workers to have been based on erroneous obser- vation. Tode, Persoon, Currey, and Coemans all found the worms on the outside of the sporangio- phore and never inside as Miiller and his followers Durieu de Maisonneuve and Leveille had supposed. 1 Curiously enough, Miiller's error about the position of the Fig. 2. — Pilobolus Kleinii. A, a rudimen- tary sporangiophore : a, the rnj-celium ; b, tlie basal reservoir ; c, the stipe elongating apically ; the whole filled with dense orange-red protoplasm. B, a mature sjiorangiophore : a, the mycelium ; b, the basal reservoir ; c, the stipe now fully elongated ; d, the subsporangial swelling, erroneously supposed to contain two worms swim- ming in its vacuole ; e, the sporan- gium about to be discharged. L)rawn by ]5. Boudier ; photographically copied from Plate 582 of his Icones Mycologiaie ; letters added by the autlior. Magnification, 25. ^ For the literature on this controversy vide Coemans, Monographie, pp. 48^9. HISTORY OF PILOBOLUS 5 worm has been repeated in recent years by Boudier ^ who, in one of the Plates of his splendid Icones Mycologicae (1905-1910), illustrates Pilobohis Kleinii in colours and shows us two worms in the middle of a subsporangial swelling enlarged twenty-five times (Fig. 2). The worms look as though they might have been on the exterior of the under side of the swelling, but that Boudier intended us to think that they were inside the great vacuole is shown by his description of the drawing : " Autre adulte, on remarque dans la vesicule superieure 2 anguillules qui s'y sont introduites." A priori it seems most unhkely that two worms should succeed in penetrating into a sporangiophore without injuring or killing it or leaving any trace of their mode of entrance ; and, in view of the critical observa- tions of Tode, Persoon, Currey, and Coemans, already cited, it must be concluded that Boudier, like Miiller one hundred and thirty years earlier, was the victim of an optical illusion. When a fruit-body of a Pilobolus has been removed from its substratum and has been placed horizontally on a glass slide, any worm which may be in the film of moisture where the subsporangial swelling is in contact with the slide is magnified by the swelling which acts as a lens. It may well be that this optical effect originally suggested the idea that a AVTiggling worm, which in reality is on the exterior of the swelling, seems to be moving about inside. Miiller's worm was probably a larval Roundworm (one of the Nematoda) and, if it was, it may have belonged to a species of the genus Strongylus. There are several species of Strongylus, e.g. S. vulgaris, which are parasites of horses. They deposit their eggs in great numbers in the caecum and colon of the alimentary canal of the horses concerned, and the eggs pass to the exterior in the faeces. After a mass of dung has been dropped upon the ground, the eggs hatch within twenty-four hours and, after seven days, the larvae (Fig. 3), which have fed on the faecal matter, begin to swarm on to grass blades, etc., where they pass through a few moults and are in a favourable position to be swallowed by grazing horses. Within these animals they grow to a length of two inches or more and become sexually mature. In unsterilised horse-dung cultures, such as are 1 E. Boudier, Icones Mycologicae on Icoiiographie dcs Cliampignons dc France principedcmcnt Discomycetcs, Paris, 1905-191U, PI. 582, e. 6 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI so often made in mycological laboratories, it is during the swarming time that the larvae of Strongylus species find their way on to Pilobolus fruit-bodies, up bits of straw, the tips of which they often cover, and up the sides of the dish upon which, when very numerous, they may arrange themselves so as to form a curious retiform pattern (Fig. 4). Persoon, Tode, Grove, the writer, and many others have seen one or more of the little worms wriggling about in drops or films of moisture on the exterior of a subsporangial swelling ; Fig. 3. — Strongylus larvae (Nematode worms) which swarmed up the side of a glass culture-dish from horse dung, about seven days after the dung (fresh) was placed in the dish (c/. Fig. 4). They were separated from one another by immersing them in water on a slide, where they wriggled violently. With the addition of iodine, they came to rest, straightened, died, and took on a yellow colour, whereupon they were photographed. Magnification, 51. but, hitherto, mycologists may not have realised that the worms are but larvae and that, when climbing on to a Pilobolus or up the side of a dish, they are only following a swarming instinct which, when it leads them under natural conditions to ascend grass-blades, gives them a chance to be swallowed by a horse and thus to enter an animal in which they may continue their development.^ When a Pilobolus fruit-body explodes, any Strongylus larvae which may be present on the sporangiophore must be thrown down violently on to the surface of the dung, while, if a larva should happen to be on the sporangium, it will be carried away with the projectile. 0. F. ^ For the facts concerning the life-history of the Roundworms of the horse, I am indebted to Dr. G. Hadwen of the Ontario National Research Foundation. HISTORY OF PILOBOLUS 7 Miiller, according to Coemans,i depicts along with a discharged sporangium a worm. This may have been carried with the projectile during its flight through the air. To test the supposition that Nematode worms may travel through the air upon a discharged sporangium, I placed a sheet of Fig. 4. — Strongylus larvae (Nematode worms) swarming up the side of a glass culture-dish from horse dung, seven days after the dung (fresh) was placed in the dish. Fruit-bodies of Pilobolus longipcs appeared on the dung a few days before and, to the left, some of their black dis- charged sporangia can be faintly seen sticking to the surface of the glass^ Some of the larvae swarmed up the sporangiophore.s, and tlio.se which reached the sporangia may have been shot away with the sporangia when these were discharged. At Winnipeg. Natural size. clean dry glass in front of a large number of fruit-bodies of Pilobolus longipes that had appeared on horse dung infected with Nematodes which had begun to swarm. Soon fifty or more sporangia struck and stuck to the glass plate. On examining the discharged sporangia I found that worms were associated with two of them. Under the free turned-out edge of one of these sporangia two worms were partly hidden. The other sporangium was in contact with one end 1 E. Coemans, Monographie, p. 49. 8 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI of a worm which was freely exposed in the liquid drop that had accompanied the sporangium during its flight. Thus conclusive evidence was obtained that Nematode larval worms may occasionally be shot through the air along with a Pilobolus projectile. In 1772 Scopoli ^ recognised the true affinities of Pilobolus, as is indicated by the fact that he gave the name Mucor obliquus to the species which he studied. The first good description * • *^- ' ■ "*''»: 1' '$:-^^ -.". ''"^ - ' .3 ,1 CT-. '4 - ^ ,^ • - Fig. 5. — Pilobolus (Kleinii ?). A photomicrograph of a group of fruit-bodies growing on dung in the laboratory, showing black sporangia, subsporan- gial swellings, stipes, and drops of mucilaginous fluid excreted on the swellings and stipes. Photo- graphed by B. O. Dodge. Magnification,about 3 • 5. of the genus was given in 1784 by Tode,^ who named one of its species Pilobolus crystallinus — a name which is still retained. Among the later observers who contributed most to our know- ledge of the species of Pilobolus are Persoon,^ Montagne,* Cohn,^ 1 J. A. Scopoli, Flora CarnioHca, Vienna, ed. II, 1772, Vol. II, p. 494. 2 H. J. Tode, " Beschreibung des Hutwerfers (Pilobolus)," Schrift. der Naturf. Berlin. GeselL, Bd. V, 1784, p. 46, Plate I. ^ C. H. Persoon, Synopsis method ica fungorum, 1801, Part I, pp. 117-118. * J. F. C. Montagne, " Note sur le genre Pilobolus et description d'une espece nouvelle," Mem. de la Soc. Linn, de Lyon, 1836, 7 pp., 1 Plate. The species described was P. oedipus. ^ Ferdinand Cohn, " Die Entwicklungsgeschichte des Pilobolus crystallinus," Nova Ada Acad. Caes. Leop., Bd. XXIII, 1851, pp. 495-534, Taf. LI and LII. HISTORY OF PILOBOLUS 9 Coemans,^ Klein,^ van Tieghem,^ Bainier,'* Grove,^ Palla,® and Morini.' In 1875 van Tieghem ^ founded the genus Pilaira on two mould- species which have simple cylindrical non-exploding sporangiophores, like those of Mucor, and dehiscent adhesive sporangia, like those of Pilobolus. The genus Pilaira, as is evident, serves to connect Pilobolus with Mucor .^ In 1884 appeared Grove's Monograph of the Pilobolidae,^^ which contained a history of the family, a full discussion of the synonymy involved, and a key to the ten species then known. The species were arranged as follows : Order, MUCORINI, de Bary. Family, PILOBOLIDAE, van Tieghem. Genus I — Pilobolus, Tode. 1. Pilobolus oedipus, Montague. 2. ,, exiguus, Bainier. 1 E. Coemans, " Monographic du genre Pilobolus Tode, specialement etudie au point de vue anatomique et physiologique." Mem. cour. et des Sav. etrang. Acad, roy. de Belgique, T. XXX, 1861, 68 pp., 3 tab. 2 J. Klein, " Zur Kenntnis des Pilobolus," Pringsh. Jahrb.f. wiss. BoL, Bd. VIII, 1872, pp. 305-381, Taf. XXIII-XXX. 3 P. van Tieghem : (1) " Sur la structure et le mode de dehiscence du sporange des Pilobolees et sur deux especes nouvelles de Pilobolus," Bull. Soc. Bot. France, T. XXII, 1875, p. 274 ; (2) " Nouvelles recherches sur les Mucorinees," Ann. Sci. Nat., 6 ser, T. I., 1875, pp. 41-61 ; (3) " Observations au sujet d'un nouveau travail de M. Brefeld sur les Mucorinees et en particulier sur les Pilobolus," Bull. Soc. Bot. France, T. XXIII, 1876, p. 35 ; (4) "Troisieme memoire sur les Mucorinees," Ann. Sci. Nat., 6 ser., T. IV, 1876, pp. 335-349. * G. Bainier, jStude sur les Mucorinees, Paris, 1882, 126 pp., 11 tab. 5 W. B. Grove, " Monograph of the Pilobolidae," The Midland Naturalist, Birmingham, England, 1884. Reprint, pp. 1-39, PI. IV and VI. « E. Palla, " Zur Kenntniss der Pilobolus-Arten," Oesterr. bot. Zeitschr., Bd. L, 1900, pp. 349-370, 397^01, tab. col. Under the title " Contribution a la connais- sance des especes du genre Pilobolus " Palla's paper is reviewed and translated by R. Ferry in Eev. Mycol., T. XXVI, 1904, pp. 19-33, tab. ' F. Morini, " Materiali per una monografia delle Pilobolee," Mem. delta R. Accad. delle Sci. delVIstituto di Bologna, ser. VI, T. Ill, 1906 ; T. VI, 1909. ^ P. van Tieghem, loc. cit., pp. 51-61. * The name Pilobolus is derived from Tciloq, a hat, and [iaXXco, I throw ; while Pilaira is derived from ttTXoi;, and aipw, I raise. ^^ W. B. Grove, loc. cit. The arrangement of the species of Pilobolus in Saccardo is based on Grove's Monograph. 10 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI 3. Pilobolus crystallinus, van Tieghem. 4. ,, Kleinii, van Tieghem. 5. ,, longipes, vari Tieghem. 6. ,, roridus, Persoon. 7. „ nanus, van Tieghem. Genus II — Pilaira, van Tieghem. 1. Pilaira Cesatii, van Tieghem.^ 2. ,, nigrescens, van Tieghem. 3. ,, dimidiata, Grove. Cohn 2 (1851) traced the life-history of Pilobolus oedijms (his P. crystallinus). He observed the germination of the spores, the branched unicellular mycelium, the basal swelling cut off from the rest of the mycelium by a wall, stages in the development of the stipe, sporangium, and subsporangial swelling, the formation of the columella, the ripening of the spores, and the discharge of the sporangia. He estimated the number of spores in a sporangium at 15,000-30 000. Further observations on the life-history of Pilobolus oedipus and P. crystallinus were made by Coemans ^ (1861). He observed that some of the sporangia were shot to a height of 105 cm. ( = 3 feet 5-3 inches), 4 and he was the first to perceive that the violent dis- charge of the sporangia and their adhesion to grass by means of their gelatinous base provide for the swallowing of the spores by herbivorous animals and lead to the germination of the spores in dung-plats. He says : " But do not believe that the discharged globule is left to chance, its fall is calculated and everything is provided for : nature has endowed it with an adhesive wall which permits of its attaching itself to anything on which it alights. As Pilobolus in the open grows in meadows or in the midst of herbage frequented by herbivora, its sporangia naturally attach themselves to the surrounding grass ; if there comes along a cow or any other 1 According to the modern rules of nomenclature, this species is now known as Pilaira anomala (Cesati) Schroter. 2 F. Cohn, loc. cit. ^ E. Coemans, loc. cit. 4 Ihid., p. 39. HISTORY OF PILOBOLUS ii herbivorous animal which eats the herbage and sporangia together, the reproduction of the fungus is assured. The sporangia open in the stomach, the spores are mixed with the food, the heat of the animal favours their germination, and the spores, on passing out with the residue of digestion, thus find themselves germinating in a substratum indispensable for their development. Throughout the summer of 1860, I thus saw two cows, which I had at my dis- posal, quite unknown to themselves sow and propagate Pilobolus crysiallinus and spread it in all the meadows into which I had them driven ; it is beautiful to see here the two organic realms acting together and assisting one another to assure the reproduction and conservation of a delicate little fungus." ^ Both Cohn and Coemans, as indeed all later workers, were im- pressed with the periodic development of Pilobolus, and with the fact that each fruit-body grows to maturity and discharges its sporangium within twenty-four hours. Grove (1884)2 remarks with truth that " Pilobolus is the Ephemeron of plant life," and he adds, a propos of the diurnal succession of crops of fruit-bodies : " While contemplating the saucer in which I grew my specimens, after Hstening to the mimic bombardment which raged so furiously an hour before, standing as it were on the field of battle with nothing but dead and dying soldiers stretched around me, I have felt as Welhngton might have felt after Waterloo, but with a consolation denied to that gallant hero. I knew that even then around my feet another army was growing up among the mangled remains without any help from me, and would be ready the next day wdth full equipment to march with me to victory again." Brefeld,^ in 1881, as a result of investigations made upon pure cultures, described and illustrated the hfe-history of a Pilaira— then known as Pilobolus anomalus Ces. but subsequently as Pilaira Cesatii van T.— and of four species of Pilobolus. As Grove * has pointed out, none of these four species was correctly named ; Brefeld's P. crystallinus is P. Kleinii van T. ; his P. oedipus is 1 E. Coemans, loc. cit., p. 53. ^ w. B. Grove, he. cit., p. 18. 3 O. Brefeld, Untersuchnngen iiber Schimmelpilze, Heft IV, Leipzig, 1881, pp. 60-80, Taf. Ill and IV. * W. B. Grove, loc. cit., p. 30. 12 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI P. Kleinii forma sphaerospora Grove ; his P. microsporus is P. crystallinus Tode ; and his P. rorichis is P. longipes van T. Sex in the Pilobolidae. — We still know comparatively little about sex in the Pilobohdae. Van Tieghem ^ (1875) found the zygospores of Pilaira anomala (Cesati) Schroter in two of his cell-cultures, in one of which three spores had been sown and in the other five, while Brefeld^ (1881) found about fifty zygospores of the same fungus on Fig. 6. — Pilobolus crystallinus. Stages in tlie formation of a zygospore. A, two aerial zygophores from two different hyphae have approached one another and have come into contact. B, the zygophores are increasing in size and have become progametes. C, the progametes have each become divided by a septum into a terminal gamete c and a proximal suspensor. D, the gametes have fused and have become converted into a large, thick-walled, oil- bearing zygospore to which the enlarged suspensors are still attached. Drawn by W. Zopf. From his Die PtVze (1890, p. 84). Magnification : A, B, and C, 160 ; D, 165. horse dung. Zopf ^ (1888) observed the formation of the zygospores of Pilobolus crystallinus (Fig. 6) and (1892) of P. Kleinii in cultures in which the Piloboli were attacked by parasites * and suggested that their formation was due to the action of the parasites ; but this 1 P. van Tieghem, " Nouvelles recherches sur las Mucorinees," Ann. Sci. Nat., 6 ser., T. I, 1875, pp. 57-58. - O. Brefeld, loc. cit., p. 65. 3 W. Zopf, " Zur Kennt. d. Infectionskrankh. nied. Thiere u. Pflanzen," Nova Acta Acad. Leop., Bd. LIT, Nr. 7, 1888, pp. 352-358, Taf. VI, Figs. 8-17 ; Beitrdge z. Morph. u. Physiol, niederer Organismen, Heft II, 1892, pp. 5-10, Taf. I, Figs. 4-7. 4 P. crystallinus and P. Kleinii were both attacked by Pkotrachelus fulgens, and the former species also by an undetermined species of Syncephalis. HISTORY OF PILOBOLUS 13 view, according to Blakeslee/ cannot be accepted, because Thaxter subsequently found the zygospores of P. Kleinii on sheep dung but without the parasites. Morini ^ (1906) observed zygospores in a species which he has named P. Borzianus. He found them a httle below the surface in cultures several months old. From Blakeslee's discussion^ (1904) of the conditions under which zygospores have been observed in Pilaira anornala, P. crystallinus, and P. Kleinii, it is clear that at that time we did not know whether these species are homothallic or heterothallic and that exact experiment alone could throw light on this problem. The thick- walled tuberculate "spores durables" which van Tieghem* described as developing terminally on short curved stalks from the mycelium of Pilobolus nanus (Fig. 106, G, p. 212), are regarded by Fischer ^ as azygospores. Recently (1931), Krafczyk ^ has solved the problem of the condi- tions required for the formation of zygospores in Pilobolus crystal- linus. He isolated single sporangia from goat dung and made pure cultures from each one on a decoction of hay and dung solidified with agar.'^ Then he paired mycelia obtained from different sporangia, two by two, and soon found a pair which yielded zygospores along the line where they met. Then, using the ( + ) and ( — ) strains as testers, he was able to determine the sexual nature of a large number of other mycelia derived from sporangia collected in various localities. Thus he has shown conclusively that P. crystallinus is heterothallic.^ 1 A. F. Blakeslee, " Sexual Reproduction in the Mucorineae," Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts and Sci., Vol. XL, 1904, p. 238. 2 F. Morini, " Materiali per una monografia delle Pilobolee," Memorie della R. Accad. delle Sci. delVIst. di Bologna, Ser. VI, T. Ill, 1906, pp. 120-123. 3 A. F. Blakeslee, loc. cit., pp. 238-239. * P. van Tieghem, " Troisieme memoire sur les Mucorinees," Ann. Sci. Nat., 6 ser., T. IV, 1876, pp. 312-398, PI. X-XIII. 5 A. Fischer, in Rabenhorst's Kryptogamen Flora von Deutschland, Bd. I, Abt. IV, p. 268. ^ H. Krafczyk, " Die Zygosporenbildung bei Pilobolus cristallinus," Ber. d. D. hot. Gesell, Bd. XLIX, 1931, pp. 141-146, Figs. 1 and 2. 7 This medium was suggested by the work of E. Bersa (" Kultur und Ernah- rungsphysiologie der Gattung Pilobolus," Sitzungsber. Akad. Wissensch. in Wien, math.-nat. Kksse, Bd. CXXXIX, 1930, pp. 355-371) who cultivated Pilobolus Kleinii and P. sphaerosporus on various media and found that they would grow very easily on horse -dung agar. 8 Krafczyk holds that, judging by his illustrations, Zopf did not find zygospores in Pilobolus crystallinus, but in P. Kleinii. Loc. cit., p. 141, 14 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI The Cytology of Pilobolus. — Harper ^ in 1899, as the result of an investigation made with modern technical methods, gave an account of the cytological changes which take place during the formation of the sporangiophore and sporangium of Pilobolus crystallinus, P. oedipus, and P. microsporus. His observations were as follows. In seven to eight days after the spores have been sown on steri- Used horse dung, the sporangiophores begin to appear. The yellow bulb-like swelUng of the mycehum, from which a sporangiophore arises, appears in the afternoon and at that time the vegetative nuclei within it divide rapidly. After these divisions have been completed, the sporangiophore grows out from the swelHng and most of the cytoplasm flows upwards into the sporangiophore carrying nuclei with it. The end of the sporangiophore swells up to form the sporangium, and cytoplasm and nuclei pass upwards into it (Fig. 7, A-C). The protoplasm in the sporangium at first forms a spongy framework in whose meshes is a considerable amount of cell-sap ; but, later, it becomes truly vacuolated in that it comes to contain rounded cavities whose outUnes are determined by surface tension. A layer of larger flattened vacuoles comes to lie in the curved surface which marks the outUne of the future columefla (Fig. 7, D, v). Then protoplasmic cleavage starts from the edge of the sporangiophore and pushes upwards (Fig. 7, D, c c) ; and this cleavage, aided by the fusion of certain of the flattened vacuoles, results in the formation of a dome-shaped furrow (Fig. 7, E, c) which separates the sporangium from the sporangiophore. The cell- wall is then deposited in the cleft between the two membranes. A jelly-hke substance is excreted by the spore-plasma and is deposited as a layer on the inside of the lower part of the wall of the sporangium, and there is an extension of it up the wall of the columella (Fig. 7, E, b, and H, a, and Fig. 8, D, d). The sub- sporangial swelling begins to be formed beneath the sporangium late in the afternoon. When full-grown its wall is Hned by a thin layer of protoplasm containing many nuclei. Cleavage of the spore-plasma begins shortly after the columella is complete (Fig. 7, E). The protoplasm becomes somewhat vacuolar and the nuclei are rather evenly distributed through its mass. Cleavage 1 R. A. Harper, "Cell-Division in Sporangia and Asci," Annals of Botany, Vol. XIII, 1899, pp. 490-503, Plates XXIV-XXVI. B )-.;: : e H Fig. 7. — Pilobolus crystallinus. Cytology of the sporangivim. A, median longi- tudinal section of a sporangiophore bearing a yoiuig sporangium ; the cyto- plasm is vacuolated and contains numerous nuclei, n, shown as dots. B, median section of an older sporangimn showing the course of protoplasmic flow from the mouth of the sporangiophore ; protoplasm highly vacuolated and containing many nuclei, n. C, section of sporangial wall it' and spore-plasma p just before cleavage begins ; n, the nuclei. D, median section of a sporangium at a stage when the columella is forming, showing cleavage furrows c c at the base and flattened vacuoles v above ; /(, the nuclei ; small rounded vacuoles throughout the cytoplasm. E, section of spore-plasma e from base of sporangium during cleavage, showing : a, the sporangial wall ; b, the gelatinous collar ; c, the columella-cleft between thecoKnnella and the spore-plasma; d, tlie protoplasmic lining of the columella ; c, the s[)ore-plasma undergoing cleavage to form pro- tospores ; /, superficial cleavage furrows ; g, an angular vacuole of the spore- plasma ; h, nuclei. F, section through upper part of a sporangium showing sporangial wall w and irregular sausage-shapeil bodies *• formed by cleavage of the spore-plasma, a little older than E. G, similar to F but older, showing uninucleate protospores p formed by cleavage of the spore-plasma ; «', spo- rangial wall. H, protospores p witli dividing nuclei, young daughter nuclei connected by remains of spindle fibrils ; o, gelatinous collar ; b, protoplasm of columella. Magnification : A, B, D, not stated ; C, S"J4 ; E-H, 500. Copied by tlie author from R. Harper's CcU-Diri.sioii in Sporaiiijia and Asci {Annuls of Botany, Vol. XIII, 1899, Plates XXIV and XXV). i6 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI Fig. 8. — Pilobolus crystallinus. Cytology of the sporangium (continued) and of ger- minating spores. A, a multinuclear cell (embryonic cell) developed from a protospore, about to undergo constric- tion ; nuclei arranging themselves in two groups and a central zone be- coming hyaline. B, a similar cell, slightly older. C, a still older cell undergoing constriction into two halves. D, outline drawing of part of a median section through a sporangium with binucleated spores (formed by growth and constriction of proto- spores) : a, wall of columella; 6, proto- plasm of columella containing many nuclei ; c, sporangial wall ; d, gela- tinous collar with extension upwards on the columella ; e, binucleated spor- angiospores; and/, intersporal homo- geneous slime. E, living spore about to germinate in a nutrient medium. F, spore swollen and germinating in a nutrient medium. G, germinated spore with its germ-tvibe, with numerous nuclei. Magiiification : A-C, E-G, 824; D, not stated. Copied by the author from R. Harper's Cell- Division in Sporangia and Asci (Annals of Botany, Vol. XIII, 1899, Plate XXV). furrows then appear around the base of the sporangium (/) cutting the surface of the protoplasm into irregular poly- gonal areas. The rounded vacuoles in the interior of the protoplasm become angular (g), and their edges cut through the protoplasm to meet similar cleavage furrows from adjacent vacuoles. The surface furrows grow deeper and meet and be- come continuous with the edges of the vacuoles. The spore- plasma thus becomes roughly marked into blocks of irregular size containing a variable num- ber of nuclei. Further furrowing cuts these first-formed blocks into oblong rounded sausage- shaped masses generally con- taining two to four nuclei in a row (Fig. 7,F). These oblong bodies are now divided transversely to form rounded or spherical masses each with one or a few nuclfei (Fig. 7, G). The protospores so formed now begin to grow, and their nuclei divide rapidly (Fig. 7, H) so that the masses once more become multinucle- ated (Fig. 8, A). Then each cell divides by constriction, the nuclei being separated into two groups in the halves so formed (Fig. 8, A-C). The nuclei may then divide further, their division being followed by further cell- HISTORY OF PILOBOLUS 17 divisions but, finally, nuclear division ceases. Cell-division, however, continues until the masses are cut up into regular oblong binucleate cells (Fig. 8, D). The primary cleavage resulting in protospores is complete about 4 a.m., and the period of embryonic growth and divi- sion lasts until about 7 a.m. The binucleated spores (e), which at first are naked masses of protoplasm, soon be- come covered by a wall, and drops of oil appear in their interior. The ripe spores lie embedded in a shining mass of intersporal substance (/) which can be stained readily with gentian violet and which appears to be nothing more than an excretion of the protoplasm made during the ripening of the spores. The spores (Fig. 8, E), when sown, swell tremendously (Fig. 8, F) before pushing out a germ-tube, and the two nuclei soon divide to form eight or more which may be seen in the sporeling when the germ- tube is still very short (Fig. 8, G). The mycelium is unicellular and multinucleate. When a sporangio- phore is to be formed, the protoplasm collects at a point in the mycelium and there forms a barrel-shaped swelling. This swollen portion is cut off from the rest of the mycelium (in the species studied) by both peripheral and proxi- mal walls. The division of the protoplasm is accomplished by simple constriction furrows ; and in the bulb so formed, as already mentioned, a rapid multiplication of nuclei takes place. Crystalloids.— In 1872, Klein ^ discovered crystalloids in the sporangiophore of Pilobolus ; and, in 1875, van Tieghem 2 found that these bodies are present not only in Piloboli (Fig. 9) but in a large number of other Phycomycetes, e.g. Phycomycetes nitens, 1 J. Klein, he. cit., p. 337, Taf. XXIV, Fig. 23. 2 P. van Tieghem, " Nouvelles recherches sur les Mucorinees," Ann. Sci. Nat., 6ser.,T. I, 1875, pp. 24-32. VOL. VI. 0 Fig. 9. — Pilobolus roridus. Dia- grammatic representation of octohedral crystalloids in the stipe of a fruit-body : a, the cell -wall ; b, the parietal protoplasm ; cc, the cell-sap of the great vacuole ; d, a crystalloid in the cytoplasm ; e e, crystalloids in the cell- sap ; /, a crystalloid which is hollow in the centre. Some of the crystalloids have con- cave faces. Magnification not stated. Copied by the author from P. van Tieghem's Nouvelles recherches sur les Mucorinees {Ann. Sci. Nat., T. I, 1875, Plate I) and re- produced on a larger scale. i8 RESEARCHES ON FUNGT Spinellus fusiger, Mucor plasmaticus, and Sporodinia grandis. There is no evidence that van Tieghem used a camera lucida in making his drawings and, doubtless, he represented the crystalloids shown in his diagrammatic illustration reproduced in Fig. 9 as being larger, relatively to the diameter of the stipe, than they are in nature. The Orange-red Pig-ment. — In 1892 Zopf ^ investigated the orange-red pigment which colours the protoplasm of Pilobolus and found that it consists of carotin which is held within minute oil- drops. Zopf expressed the opinion that the carotin is merely a reserve food-substance ; but, as we shall see later, in the mature sporangioj)hore carotin is especially concentrated in the mass of protoplasm which forms a perforated septum at the base of the sub- sporangial swelling and which is intensely illuminated when the sporangiophore is in heliotropic equilibrium. It is therefore possible that the carotin plays some part in the response of the sporangiophore to heliotropic stimuli. Parasites of Pilobolus. — The Piloboli, when growing wild on horse dung, etc., are not infrequently attacked by parasitic fungi which may attach themselves to or enter the young sporangiophores, stop their growth, and entirely prevent the production of sporangia and spores. Among these parasites, as shown in the accompanying Table, are species of Pleotrachelus, Piptocephalis, Syncephalis,Mortie- rella, and Dimargaris. Parasites of Pilobolus Group Parasite Host Pilobolus Authority Chytridiales . Pleotrachelus fulgens . P. Kleinii . , Zopf. / Piptocephalis microcephala . Piptocephalis arrhiza . • Syncephalis reflexa P. roridus P. oedipus . P. roridus P. crystallinus • van Tieghem van Tieghem van Tieghem Mucoraceae < Syncephalis nodosa P. roridus van Tieghem P. longipes P. Kleinii . Buller Syncephalis sp. . Mortierella polycephala P. crystallinus P. roridus P. crystallinus 1 Zopf van Tieghem Dimargaris crystalligena P. sp. • van Tieghem 1 W. Zopf, " Zur Kenntniss der Farbungsursachen niederer Organismen, No. III. Phycomyceten-Farbungen," Beitrdge zur Physiologie und Morphologie niederer Organismen, Leipzig, Heft II, 1892, pp. 3-12. HISTORY OF PILOBOLUS 19 The mode of attack of crystallinus (Fig. 10) was described by Zopf.i The same author ^ discovered Pleotrachelus fulgens, a chytridiaceous spe- cies, in P. Kleinii and showed that, in its turn, the Pleotra- chelus is attacked by a minute parasite which he called Endo- biella destruens. The parasitism of Piptocephalis micro- cephala,^ P. arrhiza* Syncephalis reflexa,^ S. nodosa,^ Mortie- rella polycephala,'^ and Dimargaris crystalli- gena ^ on Pilobolus species was observed by van Tieghem in the course of his re- searches on the Mucor- aceae. In treating of the genus Mortierella, he states that the species grow very vigorously as saprophytes an unnamed Syncephalis on Pilobolus A ^ B Fig. 10. — Tlie sporangiophore of a fruit-body of Pilobohis crystallinus parasitised by the mycelium of a Syncephalis. A, the mycelium of the parasite m has grown over the sporangiophore and has produced club-shaped appressoria a a o at its surface. Beneath each appressorium inside the sporangiophore is a haustorial bladder b from which haustorial hyphae have been produced. B, a piece of a large sporangiophore : a, an appres- sorium of the Syncephalis ; b, haustorial bladders ; c, haustorial hyphae. Drawn by W. Zopf . From his Die PiYse (1890, p. 15). Magnification: A, 250 ; B, 900. on sterilised dung, but that when ^ W. Zopf, " Zur Kenntniss der Infectionskrankheiten niederer Thiere und Pflanzen. No. IV. Einfluss von Parasitismus auf Zygosporenbildung bei Pilobolus crystallinus,'' Nova Acta Acad. Caes. L.-C. Nat. Cur., Bd. LII, 1888, pp. 352-358. ^ W. Zopf, " Zur Kenntniss der Farbungsursachen niederer Organismen," 1892, loc. cit., pp. 7-8. 3 P. van Tieghem, loc. cit., p. 148. ^ Ibid., p. 138. ^ Ihid., p. 136. 6 Ibid., p. 118. ' Ibid., p. 97. « Ihid., p. 157. 20 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI they meet with a Pilobokis or a Mucor they at once parasitise it. Thus the parasitism of Mortierella, so far as Pilobolus and Mucor are concerned, is purely facultative.^ Syncephalis ^ is also a facultative parasite, while the parasitism of Piptocephalis ^ and Dimargaris * is obligatory. At Winnipeg, cultures of Pilobolus longipes and P. Kleinii in some years are much parasitised by Syncephalis nodosa. This species, originally described by van Tieghem ^ in 1875 and recorded by Seymour ^ as a parasite on undetermined Mucorineae in North America, is characterised by having two or three nodular thickenings on the mature and collapsed sporangiophore. My own observations on Syncephalis nodosa as a parasite of Pilobolus may be here briefly recorded. The spores of *S^. nodosa germinate readily in hanging drops of dung-agar. The mycelium, as found on young Pilobolus sporangiophores, consists of very fine hyphae which by means of hyphal fusions form a reticulum with enlargements where two or more hyphae are joined together (Fig. 11, C-E).' It creeps over the surface of a Pilobolus stipe and there forms irregularly swollen appressoria {cf. Fig. 10, a). From an appressorium one or sometimes two hyphae are sent into the interior of the stipe. These hyphae, which may have haustorial swelhngs just inside the wall of the stipe, form a mycelium which grows within the interior of the stipe, soon invades the subsporangial swelling if this has been formed and, finally, stops the growth of the host-plant (Fig. 11, A and B). The interior mycehum at various points then makes its way out of the stipe. On the surface of the stipe, here and there, a hypha swells up, branches and rebranches, and forms what we may call a mat of basal hyphae (D and E). From these thickened hyphae cylindrical sporangiophores grow outwards into the air. When the sporangiophores have attained a height of about 0-2 mm., each of them becomes clavately swollen at its apex and then sends out terminally three or four processes which become 1 P. van Tieghem, loc. cit., p. 97. ^ Ihid., p. 116. 3 Ibid., p. 138. " Ibid., p. 157. ^ Ibid., pp. 131-133. ^ A. B. Seymour, Host Index of the Fungi of North America, Cambridge, Mass., U.S.A., 1929, p. 5. ' Cotton-blue dissolved in lactic acid was used as a stain to show up the Syncephalis mycelium against the stipe of the Pilobolus. HISTORY OF PILOBOLUS 21 branched (E and F). Each final branch develops into a cylindrical sporangium, and each sporangium forms within itself a chain of Fig. 11. — Syncephalis nodosa as a parasite on Pilobolus Kleinii and P. longipes. A, an immature fruit-body of P. Kleinii attacked by S. nodosa ; the subsporan- gial swelling has ceased to develop, and the fruit-body is dying or already dead ; the parasite has produced sporangiophores on the basal swelling and stipe. B, another young fruit-body of which the subsporangial swelling ceased to de- velop owing to the invasion of the fruit-body by S. nodosa; hyphae of the para- site are growing upwards inside the stipe and subsporangial swelling. C, mycelium of TU I^IGl TE N \ ... -o -- NE RN 5T V \ > k \ \ s. — \ \ \ \ \ '< \ \ \ -n V > ^ — \ >\ > \ >\ — \ ' \ V \ rs f\ \ > V * \ ^ V \ '"' \ < 1 \ \ \ 1 — \ \ > \ ^ * o z \ i 1 3 \ ' ' \ UJ a } V > "^ \ \ o \ ' \ \ V — «! \ A \ y, i \ V p BE Vi JAI lOf^ 1 IM^ ( M^ \n ES _ _ — BO 55 60 65 70 75 Fig. 14. — Graph showing presentation times in relation to frequency (not wave-length) of light waves in heliotropic experiments on Pilobolus. The time required to cause one-half of the spor- angiophores in a culture to bend toward the light is seen to decrease as the light employed changes from red (long waves with Zow fre- quency) through orange, yellow, green, blue, and indigo to violet (short waves with high frequency). The graph also shows that Pilobolus responds heliotropically to the light of all the regions of the visible spectrum. Reproduced from Rosalie Parr's The Response of Pilobolus to Light (Annals of Botany, Vol. XXXIT, 1918). 40 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI 612 (orange) ; 589 and 585 (yellow) ; 540 and 525 (green) ; 496 and 470 (blue) ; 465 and 438 (indigo) ; 414 and 398 (violet). Miss Parr's investigation, carried out with so much care and precision, yielded a series of important results (Fig. 14), some of which may be summarised as follows. (1) Pilobolus responds heUotropically to the hght of all the regions of the visible spectrum from red to violet. (2) The presentation time required to produce a heliotropic curvature decreases gradually from red to violet or, conversely, the hehotropic response of the fungus increases gradually from red to violet. The minimum response is in the red and the maximum in the blue. There are no intermediate maxima or minima such as others have supposed to exist. (3) The presentation time does not vary in direct ratio with the measured value of the energy of the Ught in the different regions of the spectrum. (4) The presentation time varies in inverse ratio to the square roots of the wave frequency. (5) While light energy is a factor in the relative time required for hehotropic excitation, yet the quality of the hght, i.e. the frequency of the waves, is of more importance. (6) The divergent views held by previous investigators regarding the spectral region of maximum response may be explained on the basis of the energy value and frequency of the light employed.^ Allen and Jolivette's Investigations. — A series of interesting experiments upon the reactions of Pilobolus to light were described by Allen and Jolivette ^ in 1914. They studied the accuracy of aim of the fungus when influenced by (1) a single source of white light, (2) two sources of white light used simultaneously or suc- cessively, and (3) two sources of hght differing in colour. 1 Miss Parr {loc. cit., p. 203) summarised her results in seven paragraphs, the first four of which are substantially identical with (1) to (4) as given above. Her other paragraphs were as follows. (5) The product of the square root of the frequency times the presentation time decreases with the decrease in the energy value of the spectral regions, and is an approximate constant for a given light source. (6) The spectral energy in its relation to the presentation time may be expressed approxi- mately in the Weber-Fechner formula, if the wave-frequencies be made a function of the constant. (7) The relation of the spectral energy to the presentation time may also be approximately expressed in the Trondle formula, the wave-frequencies being a function of the constant. 2 Ruth F. Allen and Hally D. M. Jolivette, " A Study of the Light Reactions of Pilobolus," Trans. Wis. Acad., Vol. XVII, 1914, pp. 533-598. HISTORY OF PILOBOLUS 41 Allen and Jolivette remark : " Whatever the mechanism in Pilobolus for the perception of hght may be. it is certainly efficient. For example, in the white hght 95 per cent, of the sporangia struck a four-centimeter (circular) opening (in the dark chamber) when the culture was twenty centimeters distant from the light ; and, with one or two exceptions, the remaining 5 per cent, struck within one or two centimeters of the opening. It is plain that the aiming has been done with remarkable precision." Among the conclusions of AUen and Jolivette are the following. (1) Pilobolus aims point blank at a hght and makes no allowance for the distance through which the sporangia must travel. (2) Pilo- bolus fires its sporangia very accurately toward white and blue hght, much less accurately toward yellow hght, and very inaccurately at red light. Allen and Johvette also made the following interesting, un- expected, and important discovery : when a culture is exposed to two eqvAil beams of white light coming from two sufficiently different directions (angle between the two beams greater than about 10°), the sporangium of each Pilobolus fruit-body is aimed at one or the other source of light and the aim is as accurate at the source of light chosen as if the other source did not exist [cf. Fig. 15). The authors were at a loss to explain their discovery and remark "apparently there is nothing to prevent these simultaneous stimuh from acting together to produce a resultant reaction. But this does not occur. The visible reaction is to one and one only of the two possible sources of illumination." That a Pilobolus fruit-body aims at one or the other of two equal well-separated sources of light and not midway between them is due, as we shall see shortly, to the pecuhar properties of the subsporangial swelling. The Subsporangial Swelling as an Ocellus. — In 1921, 1 ^ published a short paper entitled " Upon the Ocellus Function of the Sub- sporangial Swelhng of Pilobolus " in which it was pointed out that the subsporangial swelling acts not only as part of a squirting apparatus but as a lens and thereby plays an important part in heliotropic response. A model of a Pilobolus fruit body, which can 1 A. H. R. Buller, " Upon the Ocellus Function of the Subsporangial Swelling of Pilobolus," Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc, Vol. VII, 1921, pp. 61-64. 42 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI be used for demonstrating the way in which light is refracted through a subsporangial sweUing, was also described, and it was announced that a fuller description of my observations, accompanied by illus- trations, was in preparation for the press. The more elaborate Fig. 15. — Pilobolus Kleinii. Result of a heliotropic experiment in which the sporangiophores were illuminated with two equal beams of white light which converged on each fruit-body at a relatively wide angle (about 25°). Natural-size reproduction of a photographic print made directly from a sheet of glass which covered two openings in the side of a dark chamber. The positions of the openings, each 1-0 X 0-5 cm., have been indicated by white lines. The discharged sporangia, which adhered to the sheet of glass and were black, appear as white dots. Direction of shooting was horizontal. Distance of the vertically placed surface of the culture medium from the glass plate was 12 cm. The distance between the two windows, measured from centre to centre, was 5 • 5 cm. The sporangiophores were continuously lighted during the whole course of their development. From the dis- tribution of the discharged sporangia it is evident that the spor- angiophores directed themselves toward one or other source of light and not in the resultant direction midway between them. Photo- graph bv Van der Wev (Proc. K. Akad. v. Wetensch. te Amsterdam, Vol. XXXII, 1929, Plate I, Fig. 5). treatment of the ocellus function of the subsporangial swelling promised thirteen years ago was completed at that time ; but, owing to my pre-occupation with other investigations, its pubUca- tion has been delayed until now : it will be found in the next chapter of this book. The Solution of the Problem of the Non-resultant Heliotropic Reaction of Pilobolus to Two Beams of Light.— In 1927, Pringsheim HISTORY OF PILOBOLUS 43 and Czurda ^ repeated the experiments of Allen and Jolivette and confirmed their statement that, when the fruit-bodies of Pilobolus are exposed to two beams of light coming from sufficiently different directions, the sporangia are shot to one or other of the two sources of light and not in an intermediate direction. They also observed that, before the development of the sporangium and the sub- sporangial swelling, the young pointed stipe, when subjected to two beams of light coming from different directions, is affected by both beams and takes up a resultant phototropic position. In attempt- ing to explain the non-resultant response of a mature fruit-body to two beams of light, Pringsheim and Czurda made two assumptions : (1) light here hinders growth, and (2) the refraction of the light that enters the subsporangial swelling at a small angle on one side is such that the waU on the same side at the base of the swelling is brightly lighted. As Van der Wey has rightly pointed out, the first of these assumptions is unjustifiable and the second is contrary to facts. Van der Wey,2 dissatisfied with the conclusions of Pringsheim and Czurda, re-investigated the response of mature fruit-bodies of Pilobolus Kleinii to two beams of light and, in 1929, in a paper containing numerous statistical observations, graphs, reproductions of photographs, and a construction diagram very similar to one of my own {vide infra. Fig. 59, p. 124), gave an explanation of the phenomenon which seems to be very satisfactory. He states that we know : (1) that the orientation of the ripe sporangiophores does not follow the resultant law (Fig. 15), and (2) that light falhng at an acute angle on the subsporangial swelling has a greater heliotropic influence the smaller the angle ; and he assumes that the pigment zone at the base of the subsporangial swelling is the region of the protoplasm where perception of the light takes place. He then presents a picture of the course of the reaction of Pilobolus to two beams of light as follows. " Let us suppose that a sporangiophore during its first 1 E. G. Pringsheim and V. Czurda, " Phototropische und ballistische Probleme bei Pilobolus," Jakrh. f. tviss. BoL, Bd. LXVI, 1927, pp. 863-901. 2 H. G. Van der Wey, " Ueber die phototropische Reaktion von Pilobolus," Proceedings, Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen te Amsterdam, Vol. XXXII, 1929, pp. 1-13. 44 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI development has grown in a resultant direction between two direc- tions of light, A and B. What must happen in the second period of reaction ? Let us assume that the subsporangial swelling has then beome fully developed. So long as the sporangiophore stands in the resultant direction, the distribution of light is quite symmetrical ; the light cannot therefore cause a reaction. The sporangiophore is in a condition of equilibrium which, however, is unstable. For, as soon as it inclines towards A, it receives the light of A at a smaller angle and that of B at a greater angle, in consequence of which the in- fluence of A becomes greater and that of B smaller. As a result of this the sporangiophore will bend toward A until finally a position of stable equilibrium has been attained. This final position is expressed in illustrations of the results of shooting-experiments {Schuss-hilder) and in Figs. 8 and 9 (graphs) can be read for every angle." Van der Wey has also shown : (1) that, when the angle between the two beams of light is small (about 7 °- 1 0 ° ) , the sporangiophores take up a position which indicates that they are influenced strongly by one beam of light and also to a shght degree by the other beam, and (2) that, as the angle becomes very small (2°-4°), the effect of the two beams becomes more and more nearly equalised. Evidence of the almost equal effect of the two beams converging on the fruit- bodies at an angle of about 4-5° is shown in the photograph reproduced in Fig. 16. Already, in 1920, I had solved the problem of the non-resultant reaction of Pilobolus to two beams of white light in essentially the Fig. 16. — Pilobolus Kleinii. Result of another heliotrojiic experiment in which tlie sporophores were illu- minated with two equal beams of white light, but here the beams converged on each fruit-body at a relatively narrow angle (about 4-5^). Conditions otherwise the same as given in the description of Fig. 15. The sporangia are most densely disposed between the two windows, from which it is evident that the sporangia directed them- selves not toward the one or the other source of light but in directions between the two sources of light. Photograph by Van der Wey (loc. cit.. Fig. 2). HISTORY OF PILOBOLUS 45 same manner as Van der Wey has done in his recent paper, and my solution was included in an address on the heliotropism of Pilobolus which I gave in Canada ^ and in the United States ^ in 1920 and in England^ in 1921. The address was accompanied by lantern slides, among which were the construction diagrams shown in Figs. 46, 47, and 59 (pp. 91, 92, and 124). In my paper ^ on Pilobolus published in 1921 I treated of the heliotropic reaction of the sporangiophore to one beam of light only and, in the expectation of publishing a much fuller account of the fungus in the near future, did not even mention my solution of the two-beam problem. Since 1921 until now I have published nothing further on Pilobolus. Thus Van der Wey, through the publication of his excellent paper in 1929, has rightly obtained the credit for being the first to solve the two-beam problem. My own solution of the two-beam problem was written several years before Van der Wey\s paper came into my hands, and I have therefore included it without alteration in a section of the next chapter. The Discharge of the Sporangium.— In 1932, Ingold,^ in a brief paper on the sporangiophore of Pilobolus Kleiiiii, described the mode of discharge of the sporangium. He rightly affirmed that the columella is shot away with the sporangium and that a drop of cell- sap is attached to the gelatinous side of the sporangium as this travels through the air. However, he failed to account correctly for the fact that a sporangium becomes attached by its gelatinous side to anij object that it strikes. He says : " The columella probably begins to tear away at a point on the circumference of the line of dehiscence, and the tear rapidly spreads. Through the aperture thus produced water exudes, forming a drop which, as it grows, increases the tear. This drop is moving with great velocity and 1 At Guelph, at the second annual meeting of the Canadian Branch of the American Phytopathological Society, Dec. 10, 1920. 2 At Chicago, before the Physiological Section of the Botanical Society of America, Dec. 28, 1920. 3 At London, before the Linnean Society of London, June 16, 1921 {vide Proceed- ings of the Linn. Soc, 1921, p. 63). * Loc. cit. 5 C. T. Ingold, " The Sporangiophore of Pilobolus," The Neio Phytologist, Vol. XXXI, 1932, pp. 58-63. 46 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI as it rounds off, in separating from the sporangiophore, tears away the sporangium completely, so that in the projectile the sporangium is at the bottom of the drop with the black cap undermost forming an unwetted base to the drop." Thus Ingold holds that, from the moment the sporangium is discharged, it trails behind the drop which carries it forward. It seems most unlikely that the projectile should rotate through 1 80° and no further. Rather we must suppose that the sporangium and the drop begin to rotate at the moment of discharge and continue to rotate as they progress through the air. To become stuck to an obstacle by its gelatinous side it is not necessary for the sporangium to strike the obstacle by that side. As will be explained more fvilly in the next Chapter, the sporangium is forced round into its final position — wettable gelatinous side toward the obstacle and unwettable black convex side away from the obstacle — by the drop at the moment the drop strikes the obstacle and flattens out upon it. Ingold says that " the stalk and upper bulb of the sporangio- phore contain a clear liquid except where the stalk joins the bulb ; here a conspicuous zone of oil is invariably found. This oil appears to the naked eye as a minute orange spot at the base of the sub- sporangial swelling." These statements give the impression that the oil, hke the cell-sap, is contained within the vacuole. As a matter of fact the oil is located in a biconcave mass of protoplasm {vide infra. Fig. 28, g), and it consists not of one large drop but of numerous very tiny drops embedded in the protoplasm. Ingold also states that, when the sporangium is discharged, the lower part of the sporangium- wall " partially breaks down." My own observations do not support this view. Ingold failed to notice that, when the sporangium dehisces, its wall spUts transversely into two pieces : (1) a lower narrow band which remains attached to the columella, and (2) a much larger convex cap {vide infra, Figs. 29 and 30). He correctly illustrated the lower band of sporan- gium-wall attached to a columella isolated from a discharged sporangium, but failed to recognise it as such. CHAPTER II PILOBOLUS AND THE OCELLUS FUNCTION OF ITS SUBSPORANGIAL SWELLING Culture Methods — Germination of Spores, Growth of Mycelium, .and Formation of Primordia of Fruit-bodies — A Colourless S^wrangial Wall as an Abnormality in Pilobolus longipes — Species observed — General Description of the Pilobolus Gun and its Projectile — The Discharge of the Projectile — ^Development of the Pilobolus Gun and its Projectile — The Heliotropism of the Pilobolus Gun demonstrated by a Simple Experiment — The Range of the Pilobolus Gun — The Structure of the Sporangiophore and Sporangium illustrated by Pilobolus Kleinii and P. longipes — The Two Functions of the Subsporangial Swelling — The Heliotropism of the SporangiojAore with special reference to the Ocellus Function of the Subsporangial Swelling — The Mechanism of Heliotropic Response in Pilobolus and in the Leaves of certain Flowering Plants — The Ocellus of Pilobolus and the Eye-spots of Volvox — The Ocellus of Pilobolus and the Human Eye — ^A Heliotropic Experiment made on Pilobolus longipes^ A Solution of the Problem of the Reaction of the Sporangiophore of Pilobolus to Two Equal Beams of White Light — A Model for illustrating the Pilobolus Fruit-body in its Relations with Light — The Periodicity in the Development of Pilobolus Fruit-bodies — The Subsporangial Swelling and the Discharge of the Pilobolus Gun — The Osmotic Pressure of the Cell-sap of Pilobolus — Factors in the Efficient Working of the Pilobolus Gun — An Analysis of the Cell-sap of Pilobolus longipes — The Landing of the Pilobolus Projectile and the Attach- ment of the Sporangium to Herbage — The Relations of Pilobolus with Flowering Plants and with Herbivorous Animals. Culture Methods. — At Winnipeg, during the winter months, Pilobolus was usually obtained as follows. Horse-dung balls, collected in the frozen condition from the streets or obtained fresh from a stable, were placed unbroken in a compact layer on the floor of a large culture chamber which was exposed to daylight on a table in the laboratory. The chamber was 3 feet long, 1 • 5 feet wide, and 2 feet high, its four sides and its roof were made of glass, while its floor was covered with a sheet of zinc having upturned edges. The air of the chamber was kept moist by means of a standing beaker 47 48 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI of water and also by occasionally spraying the dung-balls or pouring water on the zinc floor. After the dung had been in the chamber for a few days, usually but not always Piloboli began to appear upon it ; and often many hundreds or even thousands of fruiting structures came to maturity each day for several days in succession. The sporangiophores exhibited the usual positive heliotropism, in consequence of which '. , .•■ .•♦,« •."• •••♦• . •.•*./. • .-. /•.: • . •.. ... ..-...• ... •» • . • •.••. .*. -^ • • . • *' .•••■ • . ^ \ . • •••••. "i ■ ' .♦ .• .• . •. ■• . • • • •;.».••••. '^^ ... • • • .• . • • .. .• • •••••■ • •* . • ;.-.». u'.' •• . ,, . . * •, • . . • . • . • • • .•..•-•• I •••■•.. • . • .• • • • ' • . . • • . '»•••; . • • . • . • . . V i • ' :• •. • . • • • • ■ ■ . • . • ,. • » Fig. 17. — Sporangia of Pilobolus longipes which were shot on to a sheet of white paper set against the best-ilkiminated side of a large glass chamber in which numerous fruit-bodies had come up on dung introduced there a few days before. The large drop of cell-sap which accompanied each spor- angium was absorbed by the paper, so that the sporangia have not run together in groups as they do on a glass surface but have remained where they landed. Natural size. they shot off their sporangia toward the side of the chamber through which the strongest light entered. These projectiles adhered to the glass where they struck, and thus a very large number of them came to dot its surface (Fig. 17). In other cultures horse-dung balls were spread over the floor of an almost cubical glass chamber (base 20 X 21 inches, height 24 inches). Here, as in the other large glass chamber, there was a considerable body of air above the culture medium, and thus aeration of the dung was provided for. The cultures in this chamber were very successful. As an example one may be described. On THE PILOBOLUS GUN AND ITS PROJECTILE 49 February 13, 1929, fresh horse-dung balls taken from a stable were spread over about three square feet of the chamber floor. Four days later, upwards of twenty thousand fruit-bodies of Piloholus longipes had appeared — every dung ball was covered with them. At 2 P.M. I put my ear to the glass wall of the chamber nearest to the source of daylight, and I could hear more than one hundred sporangia strike the glass per minute. This miniature bombard- ment had been in progress for some time and it persisted through the mid-day hours until every Pilobolus gun had exploded. Still other cultures were made by placing dung-balls in large crystallising dishes (10 X 3 inches) each covered with a glass plate (c/. Fig. 26, A, c, p. 64). A slight space was provided between each dish and its plate, so as to permit deleterious gases emanat- ing from the dung to escape from the chamber and fresh air to enter. It was observed that dung-balls which produced Mucors freely usually produced but relatively few Piloboli, and vice versa, and also that promising-looking crops of Piloboli were sometimes utterly ruined by the attacks of parasitic moulds of which one sj^ecies proved to be Syncephalis nodosa.^ The natural cultures of Pilobolus just described were so successful that they were used to provide the supply of normal mature fruit- bodies required for the study of (1) the structure, heliotropism, and explosion of the Pilobolus gun and (2) the structure and character- istics of the Pilobolus projectile. A iew pure cultiu-es were also made. Sporangia of Pilobolus longvpes were caught on sterilised slides or cover-glasses and then sown on sterilised horse dung in a large crystallising dish covered with a glass plate. The spores germinated, and, after a few days, a crop of fruit-bodies began to appear. Similar results were obtained when sporangia or isolated spores were sown on sterilised dung- agar ^ in Petri dishes. The pure cultures on horse dung were employed merely for the study of the production of abnormal fruit-bodies {vide iyifra), while the dung-agar cultures were used to permit of observations on the germination of the spores, the 1 Cf. p. 21. 2 For the technique of making dung-agar vide Vol. IV, 1931, pp. 195-197. VOL. VI. E 50 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI development of the mycelium, and the early stages in the forma- tion and growth of the fruit-body. Germination of Spores, Growth of Mycelium, and Formation of Primordia of Fruit-bodies. — Sporangia of Pilobolus longipes {cf. Fig. 18) were caught on a clean glass plate and then crushed in warm water, and some of the spores were then trans- ferred with the help of a platinum loop to a drop of dung-agar hanging in a van- Tieghem cell. In other cultures the powder from crushed sporangia was sown and, in still other cultures, sporangia were sown as wholes. In each culture, at room temperatures, a small percentage of the spores germinated. On germinating, a spore swells up considerably and then puts out one or sometimes two germ-tubes (Figs. 19 and 20, A-G). The germ- tube then grows rapidly in length and branches mono- podially. A well-grown mycelium has rather thick main hyphae from which come off lateral hyphae which are much thinner and which in their turn give rise to still thinner branches (Fig. 20, G). The main hyphae (Fig. 21, A) come to contain numerous red particles, doubtless oil-drops containing carotin, and it is these branches alone which are destined to form the primordia of fruit-bodies. Two days after the spores have been sown, here and there in a well-grown my- celium a thick main branch for some distance along its length begins to swell laterally ; and, in the course of a few hours, the swelling develops into a fruit-body primordium or tuber (Figs. 20, H, and 21, B-D). As the primordium develops, protoplasm flows into it from the apical and basal portions of the main hypha and from all the adjacent smaller lateral hyphae. As a result of this flow, the tuber Fig. 18. — Pilobolus longipes. A group of fruit-bodies in air, just before the disi'liarge of tlie spor- angia. In each fruit- body are shown the iqjper part of the slender stipe, the large .subsporaTigial swelling fille(l with cell-sap, and the terminal black sporangium. The red protoplasm at the junction of the stipe and su bspo rangial swelling appears black and may be readily ob- served in the fruit-body on the right. Magnifi- cation, 20. THEPILOBOLUS GUN AND ITS PROJECTILE 51 Fig. 19. — Pilobolus longipes. Photomicrograph of .spores sown in dung-agar. Left, three spores which have not germinated. Right, a spore which swelled up and germinated. There are red particles in it and in the mycelium. Magnification, about 400. Fig. 20. — Pilobolus longipes. Germination of sj)ores in cleared dung-agar and the production of mj'celia. A, spores, just placed in the culture medium ; they are reddish-yellow, owing to the presence of carotin dissolved in oil-drops. B, one of the spores which has been crushed, to .show the thick cell-wall. C, 14 hours after sowing, two spores which have swollen. D, 24 hours after sowing, three spores which have emitted germ-tubes. E, 25 hours after sowing, a young mycelium produced from a single germ-tube. F, 25 hours after sowing, a young mycelium produced from two germ-tubes. G, 26 hours after sowing, a more advanced mycelium developed from a single germ-tube. H, 03 hours after sowing the spores, part of a mycelium showing a thick main hypha and slender secondary hyphae. The main hypha has swollen locally and has formed a fruit-bodj' primordium (tuber or trophocyst) filled with dense red protoplasm. Magnification : A-F, 293 ; G and H, 60. 52 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI THE PILOBOLUS GUN AND ITS PROJECTILE 53 comes to contain a considerable mass of red protoplasm. This protoplasm contains vacuoles, and a streaming movement can be readily observed in it. As a tuber is forming, the main hypha adjacent to the tuber may become somewhat moniliform in outline (Fig. 21, C-G, m). On attaining maturity, each tuber becomes separated from the rest of the main hypha on which it is situated by two septa, one at each of its ends (Fig. 21, E-G). The lateral hyphae attached to a tuber were produced by the mycelium before the tuber came into existence and are therefore not comparable to rhizoids. Each of them eventually becomes separated from the tuber by a septum. As shown by Lepeschkin's experiments with isolated tubers, a mature tuber contains all the materials, except sufficient water, necessary for the formation of a fruit-body.^ On this account Morini has called it a trophocyst.^ Soon after a tuber has been formed and cut off from the hypha with which it is connected, it begins to germinate : at one end it develops a coarse hypha which grows up into the air (Fig. 21, E-G) and eventually becomes differentiated into the stipe, the sub- sporangial swelling, and the sporangium. The tuber itself becomes Fig. 21.- — Pilobolus longipes. Origin and early development of the fruit-body primordium (tuber or trophocyst). Culture medium, cleared dung-agar. A, part of a thick main hypha of a well-developed mycelium ; it is reddened with carotin. B, another main hypha which is forming a fruit- body primordium by swelling laterally for some distance along its length ; red protoplasm is collecting in the swelling. C, a primordium, }3, which has attained full size, it is filled with red protoplasm ; one of the main hyphae, in, which has passed its contents into the primordium, has become moniliform. D, a primordium which has developed to full size in the middle of a main hypha ; the inain hypha has become moniliform at m ; the secondary branched hyphae have ceased to grow in length. E, a primordium, cut off from the rest of a main hypha by the cross-walls w w ; it has begun to form a fruit-body and is now differentiated into a basal swelling b tuid a young stipe s. F, similar to E, but more advanced ; at m the main hypha, which has now lost most of its contents, has become moniliform. G, similar to E and F, but more advanced : w w, two cross-walls which separated the fruit-body primordium from the rest of the main hypha ; m, a part of the main hypha which has become moniliform ; b, the basal swelling of the fruit-body ; s, the young stipe with red protoplasm densely aggregated at its apex which is still imnaersed in the culture medium ; the basal swelling and stipe contain a large central vacuole. The basal swelling of G is about 0-25 mm. long. Under natural conditions on horse dung, basal swellings often attain a length of 1-2 mm. Magnification, 240. ^ Cf. supra, p. 26. 2 r. Morini, " Ricerche sopra una nuova Pilobolea," Mem. R. Accad. Sci. 1st. Bologna, ser. 5, Vol. VIII, 1900, p. 86. Vide also his " Materiali per una monografia delle Pilobolee," ibid., ser. 6, Vol. Ill, 1906, p. 118. 54 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI the basal swelling or basal reservoir of the fruit-body and, owing to its mode of origin, it is usually much elongated (under natural conditions on horse dung 1-2 mm. long). It is on account of the unusual length of the basal swelhng that P. longipes has received its specific name. As the coarse hypha grows into the air, most of the protoplasmic contents of the basal swelhng flow into it, and a thick mass of red protoplasm always accumulates at the growing point (Fig. 21, F, G). As soon as the hypha has attained a length of several millimetres (under natural conditions on horse dung often 2-3 cm.), it ceases to grow in length and develops a sporangium at its apex, and thereafter it develops a subsporangial swelling. Thus the order of formation of the four parts of the fruit-body is as follows : basal swelhng, stipe, sporangium, and subsporangial swelling. A Colourless Sporangial Wall as an Abnormality in Pilobolus longipes. — Some normal fruit-bodies of Pilobolus longipes, having the usual long cylindrical foot, rounded spores, and black sporangial wall, came up on horse dung spontaneously in the laboratory ; and some of the sporangia, after they had landed on a sterilised glass slide, were used to inoculate sterilised horse-dung balls contained in a large crystallising dish. The dung consisted of fresh balls obtained from a stable and it covered the base and filled up about half the space in the dish. The dish, after the dung had been inoculated, was closed by means of a well-fitting glass plate. About a week after inoculation, fruit-bodies of P. longipes began to appear on the dung. They had the characteristic cyhndrical foot and rounded spores, but many of them, although by no means all, were otherwise abnormal. The development of the abnormal fruit-bodies took place so slowly that the sporangia were not ripe in the mornings and many of them were not discharged. The subsporangial swelhngs and sporangia were remarkably small — not much more and very often less than one-half the usual size ; and many of the sporangia never turned black and remained bright orange-yellow. The persistent orange colour of the sporangia was due to the fact that the sporangial wall had failed to develop any black pigment, so that it was colourless, thus permitting the orange-yellow spores to show their colour through it. Many of the orange-yellow sporangia were discharged, so that they struck and stuck to the side of the dish THE PILOBOLUS GUN AND ITS PROJECTILE 55 nearest to the light. Some of these discharged sporangia were mounted in water on a sUde, and then the individual spores could be seen through the colourless sporangial wall. Suspecting that the abnormal development of the fruit-bodies was due to the fumes emitted by the sterilised dung-balls, which were unable to escape from the crystallising disb, I removed the covering plate and set the dish under a large bell-jar. As a result of the change in external conditions, the succeeding crops of fruit- bodies became quite normal in time of development, in the size of the subsporangial swellings and sporangia, and in the development of the intensely black pigment in the sporangial wall. Thus the supposition that the abnormal development of the fruit-bodies in the pure culture of P. longipes was due to gaseous emanations from the horse dung seems to have been well founded. As supporting this view it may be mentioned that fruit-bodies of Coprinus curtus became sterile when subjected to the fumes of fresh horse dung.^ In 1876, van Tieghem remarked that he had observed fruit-bodies of Pilobolus oedipus in which the sporangium-wall had failed to blacken, so that, just as in the abnormal P. longipes fruit-bodies described above, the orange-yellow spores showed through the uncoloured sporangium-wall and thus gave to the sporangium as a whole an orange-yellow appearance. ^ Van Tieghem,^ also in 1876, gave the name Pilobolus nanus to a minute species, not more than 1 mm. high, which he found on rat dung (Fig. 106, p. 212). This species, according to van Tieghem, differs from all other Piloboh in having a yelloiv (not black) sporan- gium-wall when the sporangium is projected. P. nanus has not been seen again since 1876. For the present, therefore, the possi- bility is not excluded that the yellowness of the sporangium-wall in this species may have been abnormal. Species observed. — Among the species of Pilobolus which occur at Winnipeg the following have been identified : P. longipes (Figs. 18 and 24), P. Kleinii (Fig. 27), and P. umhonatus nov. sp. (Fig. 105, 1 These Researches, Vol. IV, 1931, p. 9. 2 P. van Tieghem, " Troisieme Memoire sur les Mucorin^es," Ann. Sci. Nat., 6 86r., T. IV, 1876, p. 342. 3 Ihid., pp. 340-342, PI. X, Figs. 16-22. 56 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI p. 210), all of which came up in the horse-dung cultures just described, and P. oedipus which fruited freely on a cake of drying mud brought to the laboratory from the banks of the Red River. The species chiefly used for observation were P. Kleinii and P. longipes. Pilo- bolus umbonatus will be described in Chapter III. Pilobolus crystallinus, so far as I know, has never come up in any of my cultures. General Description of the Pilobolus Gun and its Projectile. — As is well known, the sporangiophore of Pilobolus shoots away its sporangium to a distance of several feet and therefore acts as a gun. The gun, as shown in Fig. 2 (p. 4), consists of three parts : (1) a basal swelling which, with the aid of mycelial hyphae, serves to fix the gun firmly to the substratum ; (2) a slender cylindrical stipe, several millimetres long, which by means of a heliotropic response serves to lay the gun in the direction in which it is to be discharged ; and (3) a large oval subsporangial swelling which acts as part of a squirting apparatus and also, as will be shown later, as an ocellus which perceives the direction of the incident light and thereby assists the stipe in its heliotropic movements. The projectile — the sporangium — is seated on the free end of the subsporangial swelling, is discoid, is covered with an intensely black membrane, and con- tains many thousands of spores. Photographs of some Pilobolus guns which are about to discharge their projectiles are shown in Figs. 5, 13, and 18 (pp. 8, 37, and 50). In every species of Pilobolus, the diameter of the subsporangial swelling much exceeds that of the sporangium and still more that of the stipe. This may be realised by reference to Fig. 22 which shows a plan of cross-sections of these parts for typical large fruit- bodies of Pilobolus longipes and P. Kleinii. The Discharge of the Projectile. — Pilobolus Kleiriii and P. longipes can both shoot their largest sporangia vertically upwards to a maximum height just exceeding six feet and to a maximum horizontal distance just exceeding eight feet. It is therefore evident that the Pilobolus gun gives its projectile a high initial velocity. When a Pilobolus gun is fully developed and ready to discharge its projectile (Fig. 18, p. 50), the wall of the sporangiophore, i.e. of the basal reservoir, stipe, and subsporangial swelling, is greatly THE PILOBOLUS GUN AND ITS PROJECTILE 57 distended by the osmotic (turgor) pressure exerted by the cell-sap in the large central vacuole. This pressure, as will be shown subsequently, is equal to that of about 5-5 atmospheres. Since the inward pressure of the cell-wall must be equal to the outward pressure of the cell-sap, we must suppose that, when a Pilobolus gun is about to be discharged, the distended cell-wall of the OS mml Fig. 22. — To show the relative diameters of the black sporangium a, the subspor- angial swelling 6, and the stipe c in two large wild fruit-bodies of two species of Pilobolus. A, Pilobolus longipes (same fruit-body as that in Fig. 57). B, P. Kleinii. In each drawing is represented an apical view of a fruit-body facing the strongest rays of light and a cross-section of the stipe. In A the radius of the sporangium is 56 per cent, of the radius of the subsporangial swelling and in B 64 per cent. The light rays which strike the surface h are refracted into the subsporangial swelling and form a spot of light which, when the fruit-body is in heliotropic equilibrium, rests symmetrically upon the ring of red protoplasm at the top of the stipe (c/. Fig. 50, D). As may be seen by reference to the mm. scale, the diameters of the sporangium, subsporangial swelling, and stipe in A are 0-58, 1-03, and 0-21 mm. respectively. sporangiophore is compressing the cell-sap with a pressure equal to that of about 5-5 atmospheres. When discharge of a sporangium takes place, the neck of the subsporangial swelling just beneath the sporangium is ruptured transversely {vide the dotted line a in Fig. 28, p. 70), the wall of the swelling and the stipe contracts elastically, and the cell-sap is squirted out of the top of the swelling, with the result that a large drop of sap carries the sporangium with it through the air. As the projectile begins to describe its trajectory, the collapsing gun (since action and reaction are equal and opposite) flies backwards and immediately strikes the dung-ball to which it is attached. 58 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI However rapidly the projectile may be travelling, on striking a blade of grass or any other obstacle, it always sticks where it strikes. Under natural conditions, Pilobolus guns are usually situated on the dung of herbivorous animals in pastures, etc., in consequence of which the projectiles usually land on, and adhere to, the surrounding herbage. Development of the Pilobolus Gun and its Projectile. — In a good natural culture of Pilobolus a crop of Pilobolus guns and projectiles is produced daily for several days in succession. Each crop takes about 24 hours for its development which culminates in the discharge of the sporangia between 9 a.m. and early afternoon. In the late afternoon a new crop can be seen beginning to develop. The successive development of the stipe, the sporangium, and the subsporangial swelling of Pilobolus Kleinii is shown on a larger scale in Fig. 23, while a series of successive stages in the develop- ment of a diurnal crop of fruit-bodies of P. longipes, as affected by external conditions, particularly light and darkness, is represented diagrammatically on a smaller scale in Fig. 24. The primordia of a new crop of Pilobolus guns and projectiles consist of much swollen cells which are filled with dense orange-red protoplasm and look like little tubers. These primordia, the trophocysts of Morini,^ are formed in the mycelium at the surface of the substratum by mid-day (Fig. 24, A). During the afternoon, each primordium puts out a coarse cylindrical hypha which grows away from the substratum into the air (Fig. 23, A). The red protoplasm of the primordium flows up into the hypha which thereby becomes reddened in its turn, particularly at its free end just below the apical growing-point (Fig. 12, a, p. 23). The primordium becomes the basal swelling of the new sporangiophore and the coarse hypha the stipe. From the first the young sporangiophore is positively heliotropic, and from early afternoon to dark, as it grows in length, it keeps its long axis parallel to the strongest incident rays of light (Fig. 24, B and C). If, as happens in the depth of winter, darkness supervenes before the sporangium begins to develop, the sporangiophore continues to grow in length orthotropically (Fig. 24, C and D). Toward evening, the end of ^ Vide supra, p. 53. THE PILOBOLUS GUN AND ITS PROJECTILE 59 the sporangiophore begins to develop into a sporangium (Figs. 12, Fig. 23. — Pilobolus Kleinii, wild, on uii sterilised horse dung in a culture chamber. Stages in the development of a fruit- body and, in particular, of the subsporangial swelling : a, basal swelling ; b, stipe ; c, sporangium ; d, subsporangial swelling. A, in the afternoon : a tuber (trophocyst) has begun to develop into a fruit-body : the tuber a is now to be regarded as a basal swelling and its apical outgrowth 6 as a stipe. B, at 6 p.m., a very short fruit-body : a sporangium c has developed at the end of the stipe ; as yet there is no trace of a subsporangial swelling. C and D at 12.20 a.m. and E at 9 a.m., showing successive stages in the development of the subsporangial swelling. Magnification, 27. 6, 23, B, and 24, D). The sporangium attains its full size before midnight. At first, it is orange owing to its content of orange- 6o RESEARCHES ON FUNGI T^ ^?\. f^v.'' ■ j^ >t; < *j-tr.-.,-. ■ . \ la^^ '.;•-■■•-- A K S>vt THE PILOBOLUS GUN AND ITS PROJECTILE 6i coloured protoplasm ; but, subsequently, as its wall matures and becomes pigmented, it turns black (Figs. 12, c, and 23, C-E). The conical columella, which separates the sporangium from the stipe, is developed early in the evening ; but the spores are not formed until after midnight. Shortly after midnight, the top of the stipe immediately under the sporangium begins to become transformed into a subsporangial swelling. The development of the swelling and the ripening of the spores take place simultaneously between 12 midnight and 6 a.m., i.e. while in winter it is still dark (Figs. 23, C-E, and 24, D-F). In the morning, after daylight has appeared, the top of the stipe just beneath the subsporangial swelling bends heliotropically, so that the sporangium comes to face the strongest incident rays of light with great precision (c/. Figs. 13, p. 37, and Fig. 24. — Pilobolvs longipes. Rhythmic development and heUotropism of the fruit- bodies, represented diagrammatically. In tlie right-top comer of a drawing, arrows indicate daylight and the direction of the strongest incident rays, and black triangles indicate night and the absence of effective heliotropic radiation. A-H, successive stages in the development of three fruit-bodies of the first diurnal generation ; I-K, successive stages in the early development of six fruit-bodies of the second diurnal generation. The fruit-bodies are supposed to be developing on a horse-dung ball in a field. The times given are those which were observed in a laboratory culture (fresh unsterilised horse dung) late in November. A, at 3 p.m. ; three red tubers (trophocysts) have appeared on the surface of the dung-ball. B, at 4 p.m. ; each tuber, now to be regarded as a basal swelling of a fruit-body, has given rise to a stipe which is elongating apically and is positively heliotropic. C, at 6 p.m. ; darkness has set in ; the stipes are still elongating ; in the absence of light they are growing straight forward in the direction they took up in the afternoon. D, at 10 p.m. ; the stipes temporarily have ceased to elongate ; each of them has given rise to a terminal sporangium. E, at 12.30 a.m. (midnight) ; each fruit-body has now developed a subsporangial swelling ; the stipes are about to resume their growth in length. F, at 4 a.m. (still dark) ; the stipes have elongated con- siderably. G, at 12 A.M. (noon) ; the direction of the strongest incident rays of light, as indicated by the arrows, has changed since the previous afternoon ; as daylight dawned, the fruit-bodies, with the help of their subsporangial swellings, readjusted themselves heliotropically and so their stipes are now curved. H, at 1 p.m. ; the climax of development has arrived ; two of the fruit-bodies have discharged their sporangia in the directions indicated by the long curved arrows ; the discharged sporangia have struck and stuck to near-by grass ; the third fruit-body has just exploded ; the jet of sap squirted out from the mouth of the subsporangial swelling has broken up into a series of drops of which the largest is attached to the wettable gelatinous under side of the sporangium ; the projectile (sporangium and sap-drop) may be rotating in its flight ; the two sporangiophores which have discharged their projectiles are lying on the dung-ball ; owing to action and reaction being equal and opposite, they were of necessity forced backwards as the projectiles were forced forwards. I, at 3 P.M. ; the three discharged fruit-bodies of the first diurnal generation can be seen lying on the surface of the dung-ball where they are rapidly dis- integrating ; six new tubers (trophocysts) of the second diurnal generation have now appeared (c/. A). J, at 4 p.m., and K, at 6 p.m., show stages in the development of the second diurnal generation of fruit-bodies resembling stages B and C for the first diurnal generation. Magnification, 1 • 5. 62 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI / 24, G). The Pilobolus gun continues to mature (Fig. 12, c), until at last it explodes (Figs. 12, d, and 24, H). When this happens, the gun dies instantly and is thrown backwards on to the sub- stratum of dung, while the projectile, with its freight of living spores, travels forward, describes a parabolic trajectory, and lands safely on some object which may be several feet away from the gun which has dis- charged it (Fig. 24, H). As soon as one crop of fruit-bodies becomes exhausted, another be- gins its development (Fig. 24, I-K). The Heliotropism of the Pilobolus Gun demonstrated by a Simple Experiment. — ;x ■ ■■■v-.'iH'-:--/- / Fig. 25. — Result of a simple heliotropic experiment with Pilobolus Kleinii. The fvmgus came up on dung balls spread on the floor of a large dark chamber which was illuminated with daylight solely by a circular glass wall-window one inch in diameter. The photograph here reproduced shows the window and part of the surrounding interior wall, after the end of the experiment. Most of the projectiles hit the window as if it were a target. The local aggregations of the sporangia in the centre of the window were caused by sporangia running together in the drops of cell- sap which were shot on to the glass with the sporangia. Natural size. Some fresh dung baUs were spread over the surface of a large cubi- cal culture chamber which was illuminated with daylight solely by means of a circu- lar glass wall-window one inch in diameter. After a few days, a number of fruit-bodies of Pilobolus Kleinii appeared on the dung about a foot from the window. The spor- angiophores bent heliotropicaUy toward the source of light and discharged their sporangia at the window. The photograph repro- duced in Fig. 25 shows the window and part of the surrounding interior wall of the chamber at the end of the experiment, after the chamber wall had been illuminated to enable the photograph THE PILOBOLUS GUN AND ITS PROJECTILE 63 to be made. An inspection of the photograph shows that most of the projectiles hit the window as if it had been a target. The local aggregations of sporangia in the central part of the window were caused by sporangia running together in the drops of cell-sap which were shot on to the glass with the sporangia. The Range of the Pilobolus Gun. — Experiments on the range of the Pilobolus gun have been recorded by Coemans ^ in 1861, by Grove 2 in 1884. by myself ^ in 1909, and by Pringsheim and Czurda^ in 1927. Coemans observed a maximum vertical range for P. oedipus of just over one metre (107 cm.) ; Grove observed a maximum horizontal range for P. Kleinii of 4 feet 2 inches ; 1 observed a maximum horizontal range for P. longipes of 6 feet 2 inches, whilst Pringsheim and Czurda observed a maximum horizontal range for P. sp. (? P. crystallinus) of 2 metres (6 feet, 7 inches). All these records have been broken in a series of experi- ments which I have made since 1909 and which will now be described. The vertical range of Pilobolus longipes and P. Kleinii was determined with the help of the apparatus shown in Fig. 26. The chamber A, made of beaver-board attached to a wooden frame and painted black within, was so constructed that its upper part a, which had a large round hole h in its roof, surrounded and enclosed the upper half of the lower part b above which it could be raised to various heights by inserting within it at its corners sticks of various lengths such as those shown at I. To change a set of four shorter sticks for four longer ones, the panel d was first removed, the part a was then raised to the desired height, then the four shorter sticks which had stood vertically between the corner frame- posts of 6 and the roof of a were removed and the four longer sticks were inserted in their place. To permit of a culture dish containing dung balls bearing Piloboli (A, c) being put into or taken out of ^ E. Coemans, " Monographic du genre Pilobolus, specialement etudie au point de vue anatomique et physiologique," Mem cour. et des Sav. etrang. Acad. Roy. de Belgique, T. XXX, 1861, p. 39. 2 W. B. Grove, " Monograph of the Pilobolidae," The Midland Naturalist, Birmingham, England, 1884, p. 16. 3 A. H. R. BuUer, these Researches, Vol. I, 1909, p. 259. * E. C Pringsheim and V. Czurda, " Phototropische und ballistische Probleme bei Pilobolus," Jahrb.f. wiss. Bot., Bd. LXVI, 1927, p. 873. 64 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI Fig 26. — Experimental chamber used for finding the greatest height of projection of the sporangia of Pilobolus longipes and of P. Kleinii. A, a case constructed of beaver-board and wood, the upper part of which, a, can be moved up or down about the lower part, b, which it partly encloses and conceals. B, a panel which has been removed from the base of A, so as to show the culture-dish containing horse-dung balls beset with Pilobolus fruit-bodies. C, three Pilobolus loyigipes fruit-bodies which were looking upwards on the dung-balls in the dish at the base of A : in one fruit-body the long basal swelling at the base of the stipe can be seen. In the roof of the case A is a large circular aperture, h. D, a circular sheet of glass which can be set over the top of A so as to cover the aperture and catch any projectiles which may strike it from below. E, a piece of beaver-board with a central rectangular aperture h over which can be set a rectangular sheet of glass. E can be used instead of D to cover the aperture in the roof of A and catch projectiles. When E has been set on the top of A, light is reflected vertically downwards through its sheet of glass by means of a mirror. The vertical section F shows in detail how the light is reflected : a, a window facing a clear sky ; 6, black paper ; c, a block of wood to which is fixed (by lateral attachment not here shown) the mirror d which reflects light, as shown by the arrows e e, through the sheet of glass, i, at the top of the case vertically downwards to the Pilobolus fruit-bodies on the dung in the dish ; /, a cardboard box open above and below (shown separately THE PILOBOLUS GUN AND ITS PROJECTILE 65 the chamber, the lower part of the chamber was provided with a removable panel shown at B. To catch any Pilobolus projectiles that might be shot vertically upwards, the hole h in the top of the chamber was covered either with a circular sheet of glass (like that shown at D) or with a sheet of beaver-board (like that shown at E) having a slotted rectangular aperture in its centre into which could be inserted a sheet of glass of the same size as a photographic half-plate. In the critical experiments the cover E was always used in preference to D. To ensure that bright light rays should pass vertically down- wards through the sheet of glass on the top of the chamber, a four-sided box G without top or bottom was set over the sheet of glass as shown at/ in F, and then light coming from the sky through a window a was reflected by means of a mirror d vertically down- wards through the sheet of glass as indicated by the arrow e. About 10 A.M. on the day on which an experiment was to be made, the air of the experimental chamber was first moistened by spraying it with water and by enclosing in the chamber dishes of water and wet sheets of blotting paper. As soon as the air of the chamber had become sufficiently laden with water-vapour, the panel B was removed, a culture dish (A, c) was set in the middle of the floor of the chamber, and then the panel B was put back in its place. The Pilobolus guns growing on the dung-balls in the culture dish were then illuminated solely by rays of light coming vertically downwards to them through the sheet of glass at the top of the chamber. Under these conditions the guns adjusted themselves heliotropically and soon came to look vertically upwards in the manner shown at C. Later in the morning the guns discharged their sporangia vertically upwards toward the glass window at the top of the chamber. Since every sporangium sticks to glass where it comes into contact with it, it was always possible to tell whether Fig. 2() — cont. at (ji) ; g, the top of the case A ; h, the beaver-board cover containing in its slot a slieet of glass i. H, a cros.s-section of the lower part of the case A seen from aVjove when the upper part a lias been removed : a, beaver-board ; b, wood ; c, air. In A the roof of the upper part a rests on four sticks of equal length (c/. a in 1) which in turn rest on the four wooden corners cf the lower part b (cf. b in H). To enable one to change four sticks of the length a (in I) to four of the length b, and so raise the height of the case, one takes away the panel d in A. VOL. VI. F 66 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI or not any sporangia had been shot up as high as the sheet of glass or the beaver-board sheet holding the glass by simply examining the under surfaces of these structures and noting whether or not any sporangia had become attached there. As a rule, not more than one experiment was made on any one day. In a series of experiments in which the top of the experimental chamber was raised by successive increments (usually of 6 inches each) from 3 feet to 6 feet 6 inches, it was found that the sporangia of Pilo- bolus Kleinii and of P. longipes were shot from the top of the dung- baUs vertically upwards : in considerable numbers to a height of 4 feet ; in smaller numbers to a height of 5 feet ; and in still smaller numbers to a maximum height of 6 feet 0 • 5 inch. We may conclude, therefore, that both P. Kleinii and P. longipes can shoot up their sporangia to a maximum height greater than the average height of a man. In one experiment with P. Kleinii, the total number of sporangia which were shot upwards from the top of the dung-balls to a height of 5 feet 6-5 inches exceeded one hundred and twenty. Of these sporangia fifteen had struck and stuck to the plate of glass (Fig. 26, F, i) and over one hundred had struck and stuck to the sheet of beaver-board {h) which held the glass and covered much of the hole in the roof of the chamber. The total number of P. Kleinii sporangia which were shot up to a height of 6 feet 0 • 5 inch in the course of three successive daily experiments was twenty. All of the twenty sporangia were found to be of the largest size ^ and, from the unusually large diameters of the haloes of precipitated matter by which they were surrounded, it was evident that each one of them had been carried from its sporangiophore to the roof of the experimental chamber by a very large drop of expelled cell-sap. That the largest Pilobolus projectiles should be shot to the greatest height was to be expected from dynamical considerations ; for, the initial velocities being equal, the larger the projectile, the greater is its momentum when shot away and the higher will it be carried upwards through the air. From the equation : v^ = 2gs where v = the initial velocity, g = the acceleration due to gravity, 1 One of them had a diameter of 0-54 mm. THEPILOBOLUS GUN AND ITS PROJECTILE 67 and s = the vertical height to which a projectile is discharged when shot vertically upwards, neglecting the resistance offered by the air it can be calculated that a Pilobolus projectile, if shot vertically upwards to a maximum height of 6 feet, has an initial velocity of 19-6 feet per second. .When the resistance offered by the air to the flight of a Pilobolus projectile is taken into account, it is clear that the projectiles of P. Kleinii and of P. longipes which were shot up to a height of 6 feet 0-5 inch must have had an initial velocity which exceeded 20 feet per second. Employing the equation : s = Igt^ where s = the vertical distance of rise or fall, g = the acceleration due to gravity, and t = the time of rise or fall in seconds, neglecting the resistance offered by the air it can be calculated that, when a body is shot up from rest to a height of 6 feet so that it falls back again to where it started from, the total time of rise and fall = 2t = 2 x 0-61 =1-22 seconds. Because of the resistance of the air, the projectiles of P. Kleinii and of P. longipes which rise to a height of 6 feet and then tall to earth must take upwards of 1-22 seconds to complete their movement. The horizontal range of the guns of P. Kleinii and of P. longipes was investigated by putting the culture dish in a special experi- mental chamber 12 feet long and 3 feet wide built of beaver-board about a window in the laboratory. The culture dish was placed on the floor under the window and tilted to an angle of 45°-50° from the horizontal and light from an upper window-pane was re- flected to it at an angle of about 40°-45° from the vertical by means of a vertical mirror hanging four feet above the floor. The chamber was painted black inside and its air was moistened by spraying it with water. The floor of the chamber was covered with sheets of white paper to receive any sporangia which might fall on it. The sporangiophores, in consequence of their heliotropism, became directed toward the light at an angle of 40°-45° with the horizontal before they began to discharge their sporangia. In a series of experiments made in the chamber just described, the maximum horizontal distance to which any sporangium was 68 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI discharged was observed to be : for P. Kleinii, 8 feet 0 • 5 inch ; and for P. lo7igipes, 8 feet 7-5 inches. Theoretically, if the resistance due to the air be neglected, a gun can shoot a projectile twice as far horizontally as it can vertically. If, therefore, a Pilobolus gun could shoot a projectile in a vacuum to a height of 6 feet, it would be able to shoot it under the same conditions to a maximum horizontal distance of 12 feet.^ In actu- ality, however, the air offers a considerable resistance to the flight of a projectile less than 1 mm. in diameter ; and it is on account of air-resistance that P. Kleinii and P. longipes, which shoot their sporangia to a maximum height of about 6 feet, shoot their sporangia to a maximum horizontal distance of only about 8 feet instead of 12 feet.2 Since the calculations just recorded were made, Pringsheim and Czurda,3 from measurements made with the help of a pair of rotating slotted discs, have calculated that the velocity of the pro- jectiles of the Pilobolus used in their experiments, just after discharge, is approximately 46 feet per second (14 metres per second). Using the equation given on page 66, it can be calculated that, if the air offered no resistance, the height to which a projectile having an initial velocity of 46 feet per second would rise, if shot verti- cally upwards, is 33 feet. Since my own observations show that the strongest Pilobolus guns shoot their projectiles vertically upwards to a height of only 6 feet, it is obvious that, assuming the correctness of Pringsheim and Czurda's observations and calculations, the air must offer a very considerable resistance to the flight of the Pilobolus projectile. The Structure of the Sporangiophore and Sporangium illustrated by Pilobolus Kleinii and P. longipes. — The sporangiophore of P. Kleinii, like that of other Piloboli, consists of a basal swelling (which differs from that of P. longipes in being bulbous instead of much 1 Cf. these Researches, Vol. V, 1933, Fig. 163, p. 328. ^ The smaller the projectile, the more nearly equal to the vertical range does the horizontal range of the gun become. It is for this reason that the vertical and horizontal ranges of a hymenomycetous basidium, which shoots away four tiny basidiospores, are approximately equal. Cf. these Researches, Vol. I, 1909, p. 186 and Fig. 65. 3 E. G. Pringsheim and V. Czurda, loc. cit., pp. 879-882. THE PILOBOLUS GUN AND ITS PROJECTILE 69 elongated), a cylindrical stipe, a large pear-shaped subsporangial swelling, and a columella which is surrounded and hidden from external view by the sporangium (Fig. 27). The sporangium is a black discoid body filled with thousands of orange-yellow oval spores. A fruit-body of Pilobolus Kleinii, which was of typical form, full-grown, and just about to shoot away its sporangium, was placed on a slide in water under a raised cover-glass, and its upper part was care- fully drawn with the camera lucida. With the help of this drawing, a median ver- tical section of the upper part of a typical fruit-body was constructed semi-diagram- matically, and the drawing which resulted is reproduced in Fig. 28. As shown in Fig. 27, the basal swell- ing, the stipe, the subsporangial swelling, Fig. 27. — Pilobolus Kleinii. Diagram of an optical longitudinal section of a living fruit-body, togetlier with part of the mycelium to which the fruit- body is attached in the substratum. The sub- stratum (dung, dung-agar, etc.), s. The my- celium : a-6, a main hypha from which the fruit- body originated ; c c, thinner secondary hyphae, branches of the main hypha ; d, an apophysis (swelling on the main hyplia), separated from the fruit-body by a septum. The fruit-body consists of a unicellular sporangiophore e, f, g, h and of a sporangium ni, )i, o. The sporangiophore : e, the basal swelling ; /, the cylindrical stipe ; (j, the pyriform subsporangial swelling ; h, the columella ; i, the great vacuole of the sporangiophore filled with clear cell-sap ; _/, drops of clear mucilaginous licjuid excreted from the sporangiophore and spor- angium ; k, a red, carotin-containing, biconcave, perforate, protoplasmic septum at the top of the stipe ; /, a shallow reddish ring of protoplasm at the top of the subsporangial swelling. The sporangium : 7U, the black sporangial wall ; )i, colourless jelly situated in the lower part of the sporangium between the spore-mass and the wall of the sporangium and columella ; o, numerous oval orange-yellow spores. Magnifica- tion, about 23. c o o 70 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI and the columella are four parts of a single cell. Their wall is ex- ceedingly thin, so thin indeed that, even in so large an illustration as Fig. 28, it has to be represented by a single thin black line. The wall is Uned by a layer of protoplasm which encloses a huge vacuole filled with perfectly clear cell-sap. The protoplasm of the basal swelHng, subsporangial swelhng, and columella is in general colourless and disposed in a layer which is no thicker than, or scarcely thicker than, the cell- wall against which it presses ; but, around the top of the subsporangial swelling (Fig. 28, /) and around the top of the stipe where this passes into Fig. 28. — Pilobolus Kleinii. A median- longitudinal section through the upper part of a fruit-body, just before the discharge of the pro- jectile : a, the stipe ; 6, the subspor- angial swelling ; and c, the spor- angium. The sporangium is filled with spores and covered with an intensely black wall d which has split open circumscissilely, and has thus allowed a thick gelatinous inner ring e, present only arovind the base of the sporangium, to bulge out- wards. The subsporangial swell- ing, which is pyriform, has a thin elastic wall lined by a layer of proto- plasm which is very thin except at/ where it is slightly thickened and at g where it bulges inwards so as to form a large biconcave septum which is perforated in the centre. The protoplasm at /is reddish and at g, as indicated by the shading, very red, especially on its upper side. The subsporangial swelling is continued above into a conical columella and below into the cylindrical stipe. The protoplasm of the stipe, swelling, and columella contains one large continuous vacuole h filled with clear cell-sap. The broken line i passes through the plane of abscission and indicateswhere the Pilobolus projec- tile, consisting of the sporangium and columella, separates from its attachment when the Pilobolus gun is discharged. Magnification, 69. THE PILOBOLUS GUN AND ITS PROJECTILE 71 the subsporangial swelling (Fig. 28, g), it is coloured red and heaped up. The redness of these thicker masses of protoplasm, as Zopf ^ has pointed out, is due to their containing carotin held within minute oil-drops. The upper heap of protoplasm (Fig. 28, /) is relatively shallow and pale red in colour. It is so situated that, when the Pilobolus gun faces the light, it receives the full force of the incident rays. It is probably photosensitive, and it is possible that its photochemical reactions may serve to bring about chemical changes which increase the osmotic pressure of the cell-sap or weaken the wall of the sub- sporangial swelhng at the place {Riss-slelle) where it is to be ruptured transversely when the projectile is shot away. Since Coemans published his Monographic in 1861, it has been known that, when maturing Pilobolus fruit-bodies are placed in the dark, the discharge of their sporangia is delayed for several hours. ^ There must be some photochemical mechanism by which the light of the sun is employed in preparing the Pilobolus gun for discharge, and it is possible that in the working of this mechanism the upper heap of protoplasm plays an important part. The lower heap of protopjasm, shortly before the discharge of the sporangium, usually has the form of a biconcave lens with a rounded vacuolar passage-way in its centre, as shown at g in Fig. 28. The passage-way varies in width but is never absent, so that the protoplasTn at the top of the stipe never forms a complete septum and the vacuole of the subsporangial swelling is always continuous with that of the stipe. The lower heap of protoplasm contains numerous oil-drops, with carotin dissolved in them, which, as indicated by shading at g in Fig. 28, are : (1) very densely packed in its upper surface layer which, in consequence, is coloured bright orange-red ; (2) are sparsely distributed in its lower surface layer which, in consequence, is coloured very pale orange-red ; and (3) are practically absent from its inner core which, in consequence, is colourless. ^ W. Zopf, " Zur Kenntniss der Farbungsursachen niederer Organismen, No. Ill, Phycomyceten-Farbungen," Beitrdge zur Physiologic und Morphologie niederer Organismen, Leipzig, Heft II, 1892, pp. 3-12. 2 E. Coemans, "Monographic du genre Pilobolus," 1861, loc. cit., pp. 45-46. 72 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI The function of the lower heap of protoplasm will be discussed in the Section which treats of the heliotropism of the sporangiophore. A sporangium which is still young and intact (Fig. 27) is covered externally on its upper and outer sides by a thin black convex cell- wall which is continuous with the cell-wall of the top of the sub- sporangial swelUng, while below it is separated from the columella by the wall of the columella, which is a thin, almost colourless, convex septum. The wall of the sporangium is remarkable for three special quaUties : (1) its toughness and persistence as compared with the sporangium- wall of Mucor, which is diffluent ; (2) its intense Fig. 29. — Pilobolus Kleinii. Dehiscence of the sporangium. A, a ripe sporangium shortly before dehiscence ; it crowns the top of a subsporangial sweUing s and is covered by a black wall w. B, the sporangium just after dehiscence : a layer of jelly a lining the interior of the lower part and sides of the sporangial wall has swollen and thereby caused the sporangium -wall to break transversely into two parts, an upper cap-like parti) and a basal band c ; d, spores which can be seen through the protruding jelly. C, what is left of B after the sporangium has been stroked away under water with a needle : s, the subsporangial swelling ; e, the columella ; and c, the band of sporangium-wall encircling the base of the columella. Magnification, 66. blackness ; and (3) its complete resistance to being wetted by water. As we shall see later, all these quaUties are biologically significant. The contents of a sporangium which is still young and intact are two : (1) a mass of several thousand orange-yellow oval spores packed closely together and embedded in a matrix that swells up somewhat when brought into contact with water ; and (2) a sohd transparent mass of jelly which is disposed in the form of a ring around the base of the columella between the sporangium-wall and the spores (Figs. 27 and 30, A). The spores are dichroic : when mounted in water under a cover- glass and viewed with the low-power objective of a microscope, they are orange-yellow in transmitted light and greenish in reflected Ught. THE PILOBOLUS GUN AND ITS PROJECTILE ^z Shortly before the sporangium is to be discharged, the gelatinous ring absorbs water, swells up considerably, presses strongly against the sporangium-wall, and thus causes the wall to split transversely into two very unequal parts : ( 1 ) a relatively small lower part in the form of a narrow band which remains attached to the columella and the subsporangial swelUng (Figs. 29, B, c, and 30, B) ; and (2) a relatively large upper part in the form of a free convex cap. The gelatinous ring pushes the sides of this cap outwards and somewhat Fig. 30. — Pilobolus Kleinii. Dehiscence and discharge of a sporangium, illustrated semi-diagrammatically with median vertical sections. A, before dehiscence : a, the top of a subsporangial swelling and b, the columella, both lined with a thin layer of protoplasm and having the great central vacuole filled with cell-sap ; c, the black sporangial wall ; d, the spores ; and e, a layer of jelly between the spores and the wall of the sporangium and columella, now swelling and about to cause the dehiscence of the sporangium. B, after dehiscence : the layer of jelly e has swollen to such an extent that it has caused the sporangium -wall to break transversely into two parts, an upper cap-like part and a basal band (c/. Fig. 29, B) ; the jelly now protrudes through the gap in the wall ; the broken transverse line at the top of the subsporangial swellmg indicates where abscission will take place when the sporangium is discharged. C, the sporangium just after it has been shot into the air : e, the protruding jelly which will serve to attach the sporangium to some substratum ; s, part of a globule of cell-sap which has been shot out of the subsporangial swelling and is attached to the gelatinous, wettable, under side of the sporangium. Magnification, 66. upwards and thus itself becomes exposed to view. After the sporangium- wall has thus been pushed outwards and broken, the sporangium has the appearance shown in Figs. 28, 29, B, and 30, B. The breaking of the sporangium-wall into two parts a short distance above its base and the exposure of the gelatinous ring has been referred to by van Tieghem and other systematists as a process of dehiscence. Usually, when a sporangium dehisces, e.g. in Mucor, Saprolegnia, and Ascobolus, its spores are immediately Hberated, but this is not so in Pilobolus ; for, when the sporangium- wall of Pilobolus breaks, the spores are prevented from escaping from the sporangium by the gelatinous ring which fills the gap between the 74 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI edge of the wall and the columella (Fig. 30, B and C). The real significance of dehiscence in Pilobolus Ues in this : that, whereas it does not permit of the escape of the spores from the sporangium, it leads to the exposure of the gelatinous ring which, as wie shall see later, has the function of attaching the sporangium with its enclosed spores to the herbage on which herbivorous animals feed. The escape of the spores from a Pilobolus sporangium does not take place when the sporangium dehisces but only when the sporangium, having been eaten with grass by horses or cows, etc., is moistened and compressed in an aUmentary canal. It is of interest to note that the swelhng up and exposure of the gelatinous ring on the outside of the sporangium is beautifully timed, for it takes place only a few minutes before the sporangium is discharged and the ring is to function in the service of spore-dispersion. It was observed that, when a pane of glass is set just in front of a large number of fruit-bodies of Pilobolus longipes, so that the sporangia are shot against it, the force of the impact is so great that sometimes a sporangium is sUghtly shattered to the extent that (1) a few spores may be forced out of the sporangium owing to the displacement of the gelatinous ring and (2) fragments of the peri- pheral less darkly-coloured portion of the black sporangial wall may be broken away from the main mass of the wall. The escaped spores and the broken wall-fragments can then be seen lying in the drop of cell-sap which forms a halo around the sporangium (c/. Fig. 33). Under natural conditions in the open, the sporangia are shot not against substances as hard and inelastic as glass but on to herbage and, normally, after they have landed they contain their full complement of spores. There is every reason to suppose that, in pastures and woods, the partial rupture of a Pilobolus sporangium due to impact on landing occurs either not at all or only as a rare accident. The number of spores contained in the sporangium of Pilobolus oedipus (Cohn's P. crystallinus) was estimated by Cohn ^ to be 15,000-30,000, and Coemans ^ remarked that this estimate did not 1 Ferdinand Cohn, " Die Entwicklungsgeschichte des Pilobolus crystallinus," Nova Acta Acad. Caes. Leop., Bd. XXIII, 1851, p. 513. 2 E. Coemans, " Monographic du genre Pilobolus," 1861, loc. cit., p. 25. THE PILOBOLUS GUN AND ITS PROJECTILE 75 appear to him to be too large. I have estimated the number of spores in a very large sporangium of P. Kleinii, which was 0- 54 mm. in diameter and had been shot up to a height of 6 feet 0* 5 inch, as follows. The sporangium was mounted in water and the cover-glass was rubbed over it in such a way that the spores were arranged approxi- mately in a layer two spores thick. Then the area occupied by this Fig. 31. — Pilobolus longipes. Two fruit-bodies from which the sporangium has been pulled off under water, so as to expose the columella. The columella crowns thesub- sporangial swelling and has a central peak. One of the black sporangia is seen to the right below. Magnifi- cation, 51. spore-layer was measured and the upper spores occupying one-four- hundredth of one square mm. were drawn and counted. With the help of these data it was estimated that the sporangium had contained approximately 90,000 spores. Smaller sporangia oi P. Kleinii probably contain not more than half this number. In P. Kleinii, therefore, the number of spores contained within the sporangium varies with the size of the sporangium from about 30,000 to about 90,000. A sporangium which has dehisced and has its gelatinous ring protruding around its base can be stroked away from the sporangio- 76 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI phore under water with the help of a needle without much difficulty. After such an operation has been effected, the columella, while still attached to the subsporangial swelling, becomes exposed to view as shown in Figs. 29, C, and 31. The narrow band of sporangium-wall, left attached to the columella and subsporangial swelhng and sur- rounding the base of the columella when the sporangium dehisced, can then be clearly seen (Fig. 29, C, c). It has a dark appearance owing to its being covered externally with numerous minute Fig. .32. — Pilobolus Kleinii. Level of abscission of the sporangium indicated by a broken line. A, the top of a subsporangial swelling crowned by a ripe sporangium which has dehisced ; the sporangium -wall has split transversely into a convex upper portion b and a lower band c, and in the gap one can observe the jelly a and the spores d. B, like A, but the sporangium has been stroked off imder water, leaving behind the columella e and the basal band of the sporangium- wall c ; s, the subsporangial swelling. C, like A, but with the sporangium shown separate from the subsporangial swelling ; the separation has been effected at the level of abscission ; the drawing serves to indicate that the basal band of the sporangium -wall remains attached to the sporangium as a whole when this is shot away. Magnification, 66. particles which, as shown by microchemical reactions, are crystals of calcium oxalate. The particles extend over the surface of the subsporangial swelling below the band of the sporangium- wall, but are less closely packed and less conspicuous there. At the moment when a sporangium is discharged from the sporangiophore, the wall of the subsporangial swelhng just under the junction of the band of sporangium-wall and the columella suddenly spHts transversely, so that the sporangium and the columella are shot away together. The level of abscission of the sporangium is indicated by a broken hne in Figs. 28 (p. 70), 30, B (p. 73), and 32. A large drop of cell-sap remains attached to the gelatinous ring and the columella as the projectile travels through THE PILOBOLUS GUN AND ITS PROJECTILE j^ the air {vide infra), and the projectile, after landing, has the appear- ance shown in Figs. 33-35, An upper view of two projectiles which have settled on glass is Fig. 33. — Pilobolus longipes. Pliotoinicrograph of the upper side of a discharged sporangium and of the drop of cell-sap (now dried) which accompanied it. The projectile struck and stuck to a sheet of glass. No. 1, the precipitate of the cell-sap, in part crystalline ; No. 2, a broad ring-layer of jelly in contact with the glass ; No. 3, the peripheral part of the sporangium-wall which is now radially split and flattened out above the ring of jelly, isolated bits of it can be seen at the periphery of the drop to the left ; No. 4, the convex, very black, main portion of the sporangium-wall covering many thousands of spores ; No. 5, two of four spores which were forced out of the sporangium as this struck the glass. Magnification, 51. shown in Figs. 33 and 34. Here one can distinguish : No. 1, a precipitate of amorphous granules and small crystals produced by 78 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI the drying of the cell-sap ; No. 2, the gelatinous ring which causes the sporangium to adhere tightly to its substratum ; No. 3, the paler peripheral part of the cap-like portion of the sporangium-wall, now flattened, radially spUt, and in part fragmented ; No. 4, the intensely black convex main part of the cap-like portion of the Fig. 34. — Piloholus longipes. Photomicrograph of the upper side of another discharged sporangium and of the drop of cell-sap (now dried) which accompanied it. No. 1, the precipitate of the cell-sap ; No. 2, a broad clear ring-layer of jelly in contact with the glass ; No. 3, the peripheral part of the sporangium - wall, now flattened and broken and overlying the jelly ; No. 4, the convex, very black, main portion of the sporangium-wall covering many thousands of spores ; No. 5, a few isolated spores lying under the jelly ; they were forced out of the sporangium when this struck the glass. Magnification, 51. sporangium- wall, which covers and hides many thousands of spores ; and No. 5, a few spores which, owing to the violence with which the projectile impinged on a rigid piece of glass, were pressed out of the sporangium between the wall and the gelatinous ring. A lower view of a projectile obtained through a cover-glass to which the projectile is attached is shown in Fig. 35. Here one can distinguish : No. 1, a precipitate of amorphous granules and large branched crystals produced by the drying-up of the cell-sap ; No. 2, the gelatinous ring, the outer hmit of which is more easily seen here THE PILOBOLUS GUN AND ITS PROJECTILE 79 than in Figs. 33 and 34 ; No. 3, the peripheral paler part of the cap- like portion of the sporangium-wall, now flattened, more or less radially spht and in part fragmented ; No. 4, the black tuck of the Fig. 35. — Pilobolus longipes.. Photomicrograph ut Lh« under side of a discharged sporangium and of the drop of cell- sap (now dried) which accompanied it, taken through a cover-glass to which the sporangium was attached. No. 1, dried cell-sap containing long branched crystals ; No. 2, a broad ring-layer of jelly attached to the glass and covering a few isolated spores. No. 7, which were forced out of the sporangium when this struck the glass ; No. 3, the flattened peripheral part of the sporangivmi- wall, seen through the jelly, a piece of which, No. 8, broke away as the sporangium hit the glass ; No. 4, the black flattened tuck of the sporangium-wall obscuring spores from view (c/. Fig. 41, gr) ; No. 5, the main mass of the spores, seen through the inner zone of the ring of jelly ; No. 6, the columella flattened down on to the glass, its peripheral band No. 9 (part of the sporangium-wall) now forming a pentagon. Magnification, 51. sporangium-wall (c/. Fig. 41, g, p. 85), seen through the inner zone of the gelatinous ring ; No. 5, thousands of spores massed together ; No. 6, the columella pressed down on to the glass, with its periphery now pentagonal in form ; No. 7, a few spores which, owing to the violence with which the projectile impinged on the cover-glass, were pressed out of the sporangium so that they lie between the 8o RESEARCHES ON FUNGI gelatinous ring and the surface of the cover-glass ; No. 8, a fragment of the peripheral paler part of the cap-like portion of the sporangium- wall (No. 3) ; and No. 9, a narrow band of sporangium-wall attached to the rim of the columella. The somewhat brittle, paler, radiately split, outer portion of the sporangial wall of a discharged sporangium (No. 3 in Figs. 33, 34, and 35) may be conveniently referred to as the fringe of the spor- angium. It is to be noted in a dried-up discharged sporangium that the pale fringe rests directly on the film of jelly and that the Fig. 36. — Pilobolus longipes. Photomicrograph of a discharged spor- angium which has been rubbed laterally in water under a cover- glass : w, a mass of orange-red spores pressed out from under the black sporangium-wall ; s, single spores ; in the centre the isolated cap -shaped columella consisting of apeak a, a brim h, and a marginal band (part of the sporangial wall) c. Magnification, 105. covering of the spores and their protection from hght-rays, etc., is restricted to that part of the sporangium-wall which is very tough and intenselv black. Cohn,^ in 1851, thought that, when a Pilobolus gun is discharged, the wall of the columella does not travel with the sporangium but remains behind upon the top of the subsporangial swelling ; but this view was shown to be erroneous by Coemans ^ in 1861. That, normally, the columella remains attached to the sporangium when this is discharged can be readily proved by breaking up a dis- 1 Ferdinand Cohn, " Die Entwicklungsgescliichte des Pilobolus crj^stallinus," Nova Acta Cues. Leop., Bd. XXIII, 1851, pp. 516-517, Taf. LII, Figs. 12, 13. 2 E. Coemans, loc. cit., pp. 42-43, Plate II, Fig. 8. THE PILOBOLUS GUN AND ITS PROJECTILE 8i charged sporangium and examining the fragments under the microscope. If one mounts a newly discharged moist sporangium in water on a slide and then presses on the cover-glass so as to give it a lateral movement, one can often separate the sporangium into its component parts, namely : (1) the orange-yellow spores ; (2) the intensely black, free, convex, cap-like portion of the sporangium- wall ; (3) the annular mass of jelly ; and (4) the obtusely conical wall of the columella, to the rim of which is attached the narrow band of sporangium- wall (covered with fine par- ticles) which separated from the cap-like portion of the sporangium-w^aU when the wall, owing to pressure from the annular mass of jelly, was split transversely into two parts. Photomicrographs of columellae isolated in the manner just described are shown in Figs. 36 and 37. An examination of isolated columellae in side view, like that shown in Fig. 36, revealed the fact that each columella Fig. 37. — Pilobolus longipes. Photomicro- graph of a columella and some isolated spores obtained bj' rubbing a discharged sporangium laterally in water under a cover-glass. The columella is cap- shaped : a, its central peak, here flattened irregularly ; b, its brim ; and c, its marginal band (part of the spor- angialwall). Isolated spores, d. Mag- nification, 105. is shaped like a cap and that, whereas the wall of the brim (6) is relatively thin, the wall of the peak (a) is thick and apparently gelatinously swollen. There can be but little doubt that, as a discharged projectile dries up and the columella comes to press against the substratum, the wall of the columella assists the annular mass of jelly in causing the spor- angium to become adherent to the substratum. That the mass of jelly produced within a sporangium is truly in the form of a hollow ring was established by dissection carried out as follows. A ripe fruit-body of Pilobolus longipes was submerged in a drop of water, and its sporangium was pulled away from the colu- mella with the help of a needle. A cover-glass was then placed over VOL. VI. 82 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI the sporangium and moved laterally so as to disperse the spores in the water. The cover-glass was now removed. Then pieces of the sporangial wall were lifted from the jelly and the jelly was moved about until it was free from spores. From three of the sporangia treated in this way as many complete rings of jelly were obtained (Fig. 38). It is clear that in a sporangium the jelly does not extend over the top of the columella but is annular in form. At the moment a sporangium with an attached drop lands upon a grass-leaf or other object, its ring of jelly is fully distended, the cavity of the cone-shaped columella is filled with cell-sap, and the con- tents of the sporangium (spores and substance lying between them) are very watery. Immediately there- after, the drop and the sporangium begin to lose water by evaporation and, in the course of a few minutes, they become air-dried. From the flattened drop there are deposited on the substratum amorphous par- ticles and branched crystals, which form a halo around the sporangium (Figs. 33-35, pp. 77-79). As the sporangium dries, the gelatinous ring contracts to a very thin hard flat film (Fig. 35, No. 2, and Fig. 41,6) which sticks the sporangium tightly to the surface of the object on which it lies. As the gelatinous ring dries and flattens, the pale radiately-split fringe of the sporangial wall settles down on the top of the jelly and thus comes to lie parallel to the surface of the sub- stratum (Figs. 39 and 41). The cell-sap in the cavity of the colu- mella is bounded by the conical wall of the columella and the surface of the substratum, and it is free from air-bubbles As this ceU-sap evaporates, the columella cavity (into which air cannot enter) necessarily becomes more and more contracted, with the result that the columella becomes compressed both laterally and from above downwards. The lateral compression results in the free edge of the Fig. 38. — Pilobolus longipes. A gelatinous ring isolated from a sporangium that had been stroked away from the spor- angiophore and columella under water. Magnification, 75. THE PILOBOLUS GUN AND ITS PROJECTILE 83 columella becoming more or less drawn together or becoming polygonal (Fig. 35), while the compression from above downwards causes the more or less swollen conical wall of the columella to flatten and to come directly into contact with the surface of the substratum. The columella-wall, when dry, adheres to the sub- stratum (Fig. 41, c), and thus to some extent assists the gelatinous ring in attaching the sporangium to a grass-leaf or other object. Fig. 39. — Pilobolus Klein ii. Discharged sporangia, from a pure culture, attached to a sheet of glass, photographed by reflected light. To show the characteristic rounded depressions (dimples) which were developed in the sporangium -wall as the sporangia dried up. Magnification, 60. The sporangium as a whole, as it dries after discharge, contracts considerably, perhaps to one-quarter of its original volume. This contraction is due in part to the shrinkage and disappearance of the large central columella cavity, as already described, and in part to the loss of water from the spores and from the substance lying between them. Loss of water from the interior of the sporangium results in : (1) a flattening of a lower zone of the originally convex part of the sporangium-wall, so that this zone becomes added to the fringe {vide Figs. 33 and 34, between Nos. 3 and 4, and Fig. 41, 84 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI between / and g) ; (2) the formation of a tuck in the wall beneath the edge of the convex part of the sporangium ; (3) the formation of depressions or dimples in the upper part of the sporangium-wall (Figs. 39 and 40) ; and (4) the contraction of the spore-mass, the adherence of the spores to one another, and a change of the shape of each spore from rounded to polygonal (Fig. 41). The existence of a tuck in the sporangium-wall of a dried sporangium (Fig. 41, gr) has not been previously recorded by any other observer, and it was discovered only as a result of a detailed Fig. 40. — Pilobolus longipes. Discharged sporangia, from a pure culture, attached to a sheet of glass, photographed by reflected light. To show the characteristic wrinkles developed in the sporangium-wall as the sporangia dried up, Mag- nification, 60. investigation on dried and drying sporangia. If a sporangium which has dried on a glass surface is pried loose from its substratum, the fringe of the sporangial wall and the gelatinous ring are left behind on the glass, but the wall- tuck remains attached to the under side of the sporangium. The tuck extends centripetally to a distance of about one-fifth to one-quarter the radius of the sporangium as a whole. A sporangium was allowed to land on a cover-glass and dry there, and then the cover-glass, with the sporangium beneath, was set on a drop of sulphuric acid on a glass slide (c/. Fig. 35). With the microscope the action of the sulphuric acid could be followed. The acid dissolved away the sporangium- wall progressively from the free edge inwards, until the whole wall disappeared leaving the mass of spores behind. The fringe of the wall disappeared first, and soon. THE PILOBOLUS GUN AND ITS PROJECTILE 85 as the acid made the re- maining part of the wall more and more translucent, the tuck of the wall under the edge of the convex sporangium became clearly revealed. The depressions or dim- ples formed in the upper black portion of the sporan- gial wall as the sporangium dries up vary in number with the size of the sporan- gium and in pattern with the species. As a rule, the larger the sporangium, the more numerous are the de- pressions. The difference between the pattern of the depressions on the sporangia of P. Kleinii and that on the sporangia of P. longipes can be readily reaUsed by comparing Fig. 39 with Fig. 40 : the depressions of P. Kleinii are rounded, those of P. longipes irregu- lar and somewhat gyrose. As a fruit-body from which the sporangium has been stroked off (Fig. 31, p. 75) loses its turgidity, the wall of the subsporangial swelling just beneath the columella contracts and becomes very thick, whereas the wall of the columella % a !* g (C D C O ■r *- " ^ S _r ® o o -2 -c 5r * c3 ±1 T^ ^ •- C '3) 3 S S S i| 5:; £ c8.: -^ o o ° a. D _2 '~ o — s: CO ^ O +^ C i-H O -rt -C — « * O O .=; S o o ® S cr ^ o t- & -3 £-*- ^ c S o be c 'E S g c § =- _ Co " -tr SC . , -y^ .2 2 ti«.S «:.SiJ o * 'W o - ° £••■§* &S 39 o '& H-a" ® .5 i5 ffl a. o 03 ^ c I- go i= o 3 o ^ ..£3.24 t: ® o ^ 00 ^J A ® 0) -'^ c8 ^ ^uA > ^ ^ u .giCS &,->^ O aj coQ CD 0 ^ -C ti t. c t. .s o > oj 3 o c • ■ +j — < DC ^^ .3 CB S * fe i 2 -^S o I C cj C X ■" t. O I .3 .c =s g- . ^ M CO -n o^ ? c a, o 86 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI Fig. 42. — Pilobolus Kleinii. The excretion and drying of drops. A, the upper part of a young fruit-body : a, tlie sporangium ; 6, the subsporangial swelling beginning to expand. Numerous small drops have been excreted by the sporangium, and two very large drops have appeared at the junction of the sporangium and the subsporangial swelling. B, another young fruit-body, similar to A, but seen from above. The drops attached at the junction of the sporangium and the young subsjjorangial swelling are of the maximum size. C, amaturefruit-bodyshortly before the discharge of the sporangium. The drops on the sporangium a and the upper part of the subsporangial swelling b are drying up and in doing so are becoming irregular in form, thus revealing the fact that they contain a gelatinous substance. The excretion of drops has been especially active in the lower part of the subsporangial swelling, but the largest drops are on the stipe, c. Drawings made with the help of a camera lucida. Magnification, 90. THE PILOBOLUS GUN AND ITS PROJECTILE 87 does not. This indicates that the upper part of the wall of the subsporangial swelling, just under what is normally the line of rupture when the sporangium is shot away, is highly elastic whereas the wall of the columella is not. It may be added that with iodine the thickened wall of the subsporangial swelling takes on a much deeper red colour than the relatively thin wall of the columella. The globular watery drops which are formed in large numbers on the sporangium and sporangiophores are well shown in Boudier's drawing reproduced in Fig. 12 (p. 23), and they are also shown freshly excreted and uncontracted in the diagrammatic Fig. 27 (p. 69). These drops, as Knoll ^ discovered, resemble those on the pileal hairs of Coprinus ephemerus and Psathyrella disseminata, etc., and on the gills of various Hymenomycetes, in that they contain a Fig. 43. — Pilobolus longipes. From left to right, diagrammatic representa- tion of two drop.s excreted from a sporangium, and of successive stages in their d rying up. As the drops dry, they shrink in size, become irregular in form (owing to their gelatinous contents), and finally become as black as the sporangium-wall. Magnification, 100. pellucid colloidal substance or slime — readily soluble in water but insoluble in alcohol— which gives to the surface of the drops, as these dry up, an irregularly wrinkled appearance. ^ With the help of the microscope I myself have often observed the wrinkling of the drops of Pilobolus as they lose water by evaporation (Figs. 42, C, and 43). The drops on the sporangium and upper part of the subsporangial swelling usually dry up, leaving in their places tiny irregular gela- tinous masses, before the sporangium is discharged (Fig. 42, C), Doubtless, whilst they exist as large watery spheres, they interfere to some extent with the course of the rays of light entering the subsporangial swelling. Their early disappearance must therefore be of advantage in that it enables the sporangiophore to direct the ^ F. Knoll, " Untersuchungen iiber den Bau und die Funktion der Cystiden und verwandter Organe," Jahrb.f. wiss. Bot., Bd. L, 1912, pp. 453-501. ^ For drops. on the pileal hairs of Coprinus curtus and their mode of drying vide these Researches, Vol. IV, 1931, Fig. 12, p. 18. 88 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI , <^Va_tj^tjLi_t_L-LDjj_|Jl_Q_ij_l J > ■ fi ■ ■ . 4 sporangium with greater accuracy toward the source of brightest light. The drops excreted by the sporangium differ from those excreted by the sporangiophore in that as they dry up they become brown and ultimately as black as the subjacent sporangial wall (Fig. 43). This fact, which does not seem to have been previously recorded, lends support to Knoll's view that the mucilage in the drops excreted by the pileal hairs and cystidia of Hymenomycetes, the fruit-bodies of Pilobolus, etc., is produced as a result of local mucilaginisation of the cell-wall. Knoll 1 supposed that the drops are forced out of the sporangiophore of Pilobolus chiefly by turgor pressure, and he suggested that their excretion is a result of the operation of a mechanism of the nature of a valve which serves to prevent the continual rise of the turgor pressure and thereby to prevent a premature discharge of the sporangium. It may well be that the excretion of drops is concerned with the regulation of the water and salt content and the pressure equilibrium of the sporangiophore ; but that it is specially concerned with preventing the premature discharge of the sporangium seems very doubtful, for the drops begin to be excreted on the naked stipe of the very young fruit-body long before the sporangium or subsporangial swelling has been formed and some twenty hours before the sporangium is to be discharged (Fig. 12, a and b, p. 23). Moreover, similar drops are commonly excreted 1 F. Knoll, loc. cit., p. 489. D f ■ ■ • « • • • • Q Fig. 44. — Pilobolus longipes. Crystals of calcium oxalate on : A, a piece of the fringe of the wall of a dis- charged sporangium, seen in face view ; B, the black part of the spor- angium-wall, seen in tangential view ; C and D, the wall of the subsporangial swelling and of the stipe respectively, seen in face view. Magnification, 1130. THE PILOBOLUS GUN AND ITS PROJECTILE 89 from the sporangiophores of other Mucorineae which do not dis- charge their sporangia, e.g. Mucor Mucedo ^ and Sporodinia grandis. The wall of a Pilobolus fruit-body bears numerous very minute crystals of calcium oxalate. In P. longipes these crystals are arranged : most densely on the sporangium- wall, less densely on the wall of the subsporangial swelling, and far less densely on the wall of the stipe (Fig. 44, A, C, and D). They can be most readily observed on the translucent fringe (c/. Fig. 33, No. 3, p. 77) of a discharged spor- angium mounted in chloral hydrate. On the wall of a piece of fringe, in face view (Fig. 44, A), the crystals can be seen to be of two sizes : (1) less numerous larger crystals of various shapes, and (2) far more numerous smaller columnar crystals. Some of these crystals are shown in profile in Fig. 44, B. The larger crystals are 2-3 [J, high and the smaller ones about 1 y. high. Van Tieghem, Brefeld, Zopf , and others, in their somewhat diagrammatic drawings of Pilobolus sporangia (Figs. 100, 101, 106, 107, and 110, pp. 203-219), have represented the crystals projecting from the sporangium-wall as being much longer than they actually are. It may well be that the unwettability of the sporangium- wall is due to the numerous, closely-set crystals imprisoning air and thus preventing water from coming into contact with the wall's surface (Fig. 45, A). It is also probable that the drops excreted from the sporangium, 1 O. Brefeld, Untersuchungen uber Pike, Heft I, Leipzig, 1872, p. 12. Brefeld remarks that the numerous drops excreted from the surface of the young sporangio- phore of Mucor Mucedo have a weak acid reaction. Fig. 45. — Pilobolus longipes. Water and the cell-wall. A, diagram showing : a, the black sporangial wall ; b, crystals of calcium oxalate protruding from the wall ; and c, water in which the sporangium has been immersed. Owing to the presence of the crystals and the surface tension of the .water, it is supposed, as here represented, that a layer of air is held between the water and the cell -wall so that the latter cannot readily be wetted. B, diagram .showing : d, the wall of a subsporangial swelling ; e, crystals protruding from the wall ; and /, a drop of water, still very small, which is being excreted. The drop has a very small base and it is supposed that it touches the crystals in the manner shown. Mag- nification, about 2250. go RESEARCHES ON FUNGI subsporangial swelling, and stipe, as they grow larger, come to touch the crystals in the manner shown in Fig. 45, B. The Two Functions of the Subsporang-ial Swelling. — The sub- sporangial swelling of the Pilobolus gun functions in two entirely different ways : (!) as an ocellus which receives the heliotropic stimulus which causes the stipe to direct the free end of the gun toward the source of the brightest light ; and (2) as part of a squirting apparatus which, by violently expelling cell-sap, shoots away the sporangium from the sporangiophore. The squirting function of the subsporangial swelling was recog- nised by Link ^ as long ago as 1809, but the ocellus function remained unknown until I ^ called attention to it in a brief paper published in 1921. In what follows these functions will be treated of in detail. The Heliotropism of the Sporangiophore with Special Reference to the Ocellus Function of the Subsporangial Swelling. — When a Pilobolus fruit-body is exposed to unilateral light, the upper part of its stipe just beneath the subsporangial swelling makes a positively heliotropic curvature, with the result that, within about an hour, the free end of the fruit-body, i.e. the subsporangial swelling and sporangium, comes to point in the direction of the brightest incident rays of light. The heliotropic reaction of the stipe, as we shall see, is controlled by the subsporangial swelling which, in its mode of refracting and collecting light, acts as a lens. One morning in February, 1919, on looking at a large number of fruit-bodies of Pilokolus longipes which were growing on horse dung in a culture chamber, I observed that, although they all pointed toward a distant window so that their free ends were parallel to the incident rays of light (c/. Fig. 46), the top of each stipe glowed with a reddish light. It at once became obvious in respect to each fruit-body : (1) that, but for the existence of the subsporangial swelling, the top of the stipe would be in the shadow of the black sporangium directly in front of it ; and (2) that the glow must be ^ H. F. Link, " Observationes in Ordines plantarum naturales," Magaz. d. Ges. naturf. Freunde, Berlin, Bd. Ill, 1809, p. 32. 2 A. H. R. BuUer, " Upon the Ocellus Function of the Subsporangial Swelling of Pilobolus," Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc., Vol. VII, 1921, pp. 61-64, no illustrations. THE PII.OBOLUS GUN AND ITS PROJECTILE 91 Fig. 46.- — A median longitudinal section through the upper part of a fruit-body of Pilobolus Kleinii, just before the dis- charge of the projectile. The gun is shown directed toward the source of the brightest light, in which position it is, heliotropically (or photo- chemically), in a condition of physiological equilibrium. The sporangium is filled with spores and covered with an outer intensely black wall o which is now broken below, thus allowing a thick gelati- nous inner ring, g, which is only present around the base of the sporangium, to bulge out- wards. The subsporangial swelling, which is pear-shaped, has a thin elastic wall lined by a layer of protoplasm which is very thin everywhere except at r, where it is slightly thickened, and at p, where it bulges inwards so as to form a large biconcave septuni which is perforated in the centre. The protoplasm at r is reddish and at p, as indicated by the shading, very red, especially on its upper side where it receives the light rays. The subsporangial swelling is con- tinued above into a conical columella c, and below into the upper part of the cylindrical stipe or shaft sh. The proto- plasm of the stipe, swelling, and columella contains one large continuous vacuole filled with clear cell-sap. The broken line a passes through the plane of abscission and indicates where the Pilobolus projectile, con- sisting of the sporangium and the columella, separates from its attachment when the Pilo- bolus gun is discharged. Twenty-one parallel rays of light are shown diagram - A.aR.B. matically, by means of arrows, striking the fruit-body head-on in a direction parallel to the longitudinal axis of the subsporangial swelling. Nine of these rays strike the black cell-wall of the sporangium, which they cannot penetrate. The other twelve rays strike the vipper surface of the subsporangial swelling and are there refracted through the wall into the interior of the swelling and, as shown by the arrows, converge upon the red perforated protoplasmic septum. The septum, like the retina of an ocellus, comes to be lit up with a spot of light, in consequence of which it gives out a red glow which in living fruit-bodies can be seen with the naked eye. s, s, s are parts of the subsporangial swelling which are not pierced by any direct rays of light and are therefore in the shade. Some of the light of all of the rays Nos. 1-6 is reflected at the surface of the wall of the subsporangial swelling ; and, in passing in succession from ray No. 1 to No. 6, more and more light is reflected and less and less refracted. The size of every part is shown by the scale. Magnification, (59. 92 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI due to light refracted through the subsporangial swelling and focussed on the mass of red proto- plasm heaped up in the stipe just where the stipe joins the swelling (Fig. 46, p). The discovery that the subsporangial swelling acts as a lens and that, when the fruit-body is in heliotropic equili- brium, it focusses its light on the mass of red proto- plasm at its base formed the basis of all my further studies on the heliotropism of Pilobolus. The lens action of the subsporangial swelUng was further investigated by means of construction diagrams which, as a result of precise mathe- matical calculations, show how the swelHng refracts light (1) when its axis is parallel to the direction of the incident rays of Fig. 47. — A median longitudinal section through the upper part of a fruit-body of Pilobolus Kleinii, just before the discharge of the projectile. The gun is shown directed not toward the sourc§ of light but at an angle of 19° thereto, in which position it is not, heliotropically (or photochemically), in a condition of physiological equilibrium. The section is exactly the same as that shown in Fig. 46 and there fully described. Again we have : the sporangium filled with spores and covered by an outer black cell-wall o, now broken and allowing an inner basally-situated thick gelatinous ring i to bulge outwards ; the subsporangial swelling, capped by the columella c and passing below into the stipe, its thin cell-wall covered by a layer of protoplasm which is everywhere thin except at r where THEPILOBOLUS GUN AND ITS PROJECTILE 93 light (Fig. 46) and (2) when its axis is inchned to the direction of the incident rays at an angle of 19° (Fig. 47). In constructing Figs. 46 and 47, an outline of a typical fruit- body of Pilobolus Kleinii was first very carefully drawn with the camera lucida. Then the parallel hues Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, etc., were added to represent the paths of a few rays of light directed toward the fruit-body. Each ray was now treated separately : its angle of incidence at the surface of the subsporangial swelling or stipe was measured with instruments ; its angle of refraction into the swelling or stipe was then calculated ; and, finally, the angle of refraction being known, a line representing the path of the ray through the interior of the subsporangial swelling or stipe was drawn. In calculating the paths of the refracted rays of light, the following refractive indices were used : air into cell-sap, ^ 1 • 34 ; air into cell- wall and protoplasm taken together,^ 1 • 5 ; cell- wall and Fig. 47 — cotit. it is somewhat thickened and at p where it bulges inwards to form a large biconcave perforate septum containing red particles massed especially near its \]pper surface : the stipe ; the large clear vacuole enclosed by the protoplasm of the stipe, subsporangial swelling, and columella ; and the abscission line a. Twenty-three parallel rays of light are shown diagrammatically, by means of arrows, all inclined at an angle of 19" to the axis of the subsporangial swelling. Of these rays : eight strike the black cell-wall of the sporangium, which they cannot penetrate ; eight strike the right-hand wall of the subsporangial swelling and are there refracted through the wall into the interior of the swelling, so that, as shown by the arrows, they converge to form a spot of light on the left-hand wall at st ; and six strike the right-hand wall of the stipe and are there refracted as shown by the arrows, s, s, s are areas in the subsporangial swelling which are not pierced by any of the rays of light and which therefore are in the shade. The concentration of the rays of light at the spot s< presumably gives a photochemical stimulus to the protoplasm, which stimulus is conducted down to m, the motor region of the stipe. The stipe grows faster on the side TO than on the opposite side, with the result that the subsporangial swelling and the sporangium are turned about the top of the stipe through an angle of 19-", i.e. until their axis becomes parallel to the direction of the incident rays of light. As the subsporangial swelling and sporangium are turned, the spot of light st descends to the base of the swelling until, finally, it comes to rest symmetrically upon the red perforate protoplasmic septum, as shown in Fig. 46. Heliotropically (or photochemically) the position of stable physiological equi- librium has then been reached and no more turning takes place. The part of the stipe below the motor region r«, at and below u, does not alter its position whilst the motor region is making its curvature. The scale serves to indicate the size of each part. Magnification, 69. 1 The cell-sap was regarded as pure water. The refractive index from air to water is 1-34. 2 The refractive index 1 • 5 here used is the same as that found by Senn for the refraction from air into the cell-wall of Vaucheria, etc. Vide G. Senn, Die Gestalts- und Lageverdnderung der Pflanzen-Chromatophoren, Leipzig, 1908, pp. 363-366. 94 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI protoplasm taken together into cell-sap/ 0-893. Where the proto-- plasm formed a thin even layer on the cell-wall, the cell-wall and protoplasm were treated as forming a very thin negligible plate, and the rays were regarded as being refracted directly from the air into the cell-sap (refractive index 1-34). On the other hand, where the protoplasm was heaped up around the top of the subsporangial swelhng (rays 1,2, and 3 in Figs. 46 and 47), the path of each ray was calculated first from the air into the cell-wall and protoplasm taken together (refractive index 1 • 5) and then from the cell- wall and protoplasm taken together into the cell-sap (refractive index 0-893). An experiment which proves that the refractive index from air into the cell- sap of Pilobolus is, as assumed above, approximately equal to the refractive index from air into water, namely, 1 • 34, was made by comparing the actual width with the calculated width of the central illuminated part of a median cross-section of a sub- sporangial swelhng when the swelling is placed with its axis hori- zontal in air under the microscope, is illuminated from below with a beam of parallel light rays, and is viewed from above. In Fig. 48, the cross-section of the swelhng is represented by a circle, and the observer is supposed to be looking downwards on it in the direction shown by the arrow o and to be observing the width of its illuminated central part. When an actual beam of parallel light rays was reflected upwards from the mirror, the illuminated central part of the median cross-section of the swelhng had a width of k-l and the lateral dark parts widths of i-k and l-j. When a theoretical beam of parallel Ught rays was represented as being refracted into the interior of the swelling and when, in calculating the paths of the rays through the cross-section, 1 • 34 was used as the refractive index from the air into the cell-sap, the illuminated central part of 1 Knowing the refractive index from air into cell-wall and protoplasm and from air into cell-sap, the refractive index from cell-wall and protoplasm into cell- sap can be readily calculated from the equation : a X fc X c = 1 where a ^ the refractive index from air into cell-wall and protoplasm (1-5), b = the refractive index from cell-wall and protoplasm into cell-sap, and C — the refractive index from cell-sap into air (1/1-34). THE PILOBOLUS GUN AND ITS PROJECTILE 0 95 Fig. 48.- — Diagram showing how a beam of parallel light-rays is refracted within the subsporangial swelling of Piloholus Kleinii. The disc represents a much enlarged transverse section of a swelling which had its axis horizon- tally directed. The rays of light 1-7 are passing upwards from the plane mirror of a microscope. The rays on entering the swelling, assuming the refractive index from the air to the cell-sap is 1 • 34, must be refracted as shown, so that they all emerge between c and d, the parts of the swelling s and s receiving no light whatever. An observer looking down the microscope in the direction of the arrow o should, therefore, theoretically, perceive the upper wall of the swelling brightly lighted between c and d and black between a and c and between b and d. The lighted and unlighted portions of the wall are shown projected above, the dark regions being represented by e-g and h-f and the illuminated one by g-h. When actual observations were made with a beam of parallel light rays, it was found that the dark regions of the wall were as projected at i-k arid l-j and the illuminated one as projected at k-l. The theoretical results showTi in the line e-J agree very well with the practical results shown in the line i-j. This agreement justifies one of the assumptions underlying tlie construction of Figs. 46, 47, and 59, namely, that the refractive index for light in passing from air to cell-sap is approximately 1 • 34. 96 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI the median cross-section had a width g-h (corresponding to o-d in the constructional diagram below) and the lateral dark parts had widths of e-g (corresponding to a-c) and h-f (corresponding to d-h). It will be seen by inspection that the actual illuminated central part of the cross-section, namely, k-l, is approximately equal to the calculated, namely, g-h ; and this equaUty may be taken as justifying the assumption that the refractive index from air into cell-sap is approximately the same as that from air into water, namely, 1-34. The subsporangial swelling has the optical properties of a bi- convex lens. When sunlight strikes upon one side of it, the rays are refracted through it and converge so as to form a spot of light on the opposite side. The spot can be seen under the microscope in living fruit-bodies which are unilaterally illuminated and its mode of formation can readily be inferred from a study of the diagrams reproduced in Figs. 46, 47, and 48. When the incident rays of Ught strike the sporangium and sub- sporangial swelling head on and are exactly parallel to the long axis of the sweUing as shown in Fig. 46, the spot of Ught which is formed by the rays entering that part of the swelling which bulges out beyond and around the sporangium is symmetrically placed at the base of the swelling. Under these conditions the sporangiophore is in physiological equihbrium and no heliotropic reaction is possible. When, however, the incident rays of light strike a sporangium and subsporangial swelling obHquely, say at an angle of 19° as shown in Fig. 47, the spot of Ught is formed on one side of the wall of the swelling in a manner which is asymmetrical for the swelling as a whole. Under these conditions the sporangiophore is in physiological inequilibrium, in consequence of which it reacts heliotropically : the top of the stipe bends toward the source of the hght and swings the subsporangial sweUing and sporangium round until they face the light head on. The heliotropic reaction just described may be explained as follows. The patch of protoplasm which is strongly illuminated by the spot of light [st in Fig. 47) undergoes a photochemical change, in consequence of which it sends out a stimulus which travels down the protoplasm Uning the wall of the base of the subsporangial swelhng to the protoplasm surrounding the top of the stipe. The THE PILOBOLUS GUN AND ITS PROJECTILE 97 stimulus may be nothing more or less than a diffusible growth- promoting substance ; but, whatever it is, in response to it the top of the stipe (m in Fig. 47), which is the motor region of the sporangiophore, reacts by growing in length and by growing in length most rapidly on the side which is nearest to the spot of hght, i.e. on the side which receives the strongest stimulus. As a result of this differential growth-reaction of the stipe, the sub- sporangial swelling is turned about its base through an angle, and the spot of light gradually passes downwards on the wall of the swelling until it comes to be symmetrically placed at the base of the swelhng, as shown in Fig. 46. As soon as the spot of light reaches this symmetrical position, a physiological state of equilibrium becomes established in the sporangiophore and a further heliotropic reaction of the stipe is impossible. At the end of the turning movement the Pilobolus gun is directed toward the source of the brightest light. In support of the explanation of the heliotropic reaction of the sporangiophore just given, which involves the passage of a stimulus from the rigid subsporangial swelling to the plastic motor region of the stipe, may be cited the fact (1) that, under conditions like those represented in Fig. 47, the motor region of the stipe, m, when the heliotropic reaction begins, is in a shadow, s, and receives no direct rays of light whatever, and (2) that the most strongly illuminated protoplasm is the patch shown at st which receives the light concentrated upon it by the body of the subsporangial swelling which acts as a lens. We may noAv enquire to what degree, if any, the light falling on the stipe acts as a stimulus which assists in bringing about the heliotropic reaction of the stipe. It is true that in such a tilted fruit-body as that shown in Fig. 47 the rays of light falling on the stipe (rays 9-14) converge so as to form a bright band of light along the middle of the back of the stipe ; but, as shown in Fig. 47, the highest ray strikes the stipe at u some distance below the motor region m ; and, as may be inferred by comparing Fig. 47 with Fig. 46, as heliotropic bending takes place and becomes more and more complete, the subsporangial swelling shades the upper part of the stipe to a greater and greater degree from the direct rays of the sun, VOL. VI. H 98 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI so that during the last stages of the bending, in such a fruit-body as that shown in Fig. 46, the upper part of the stipe for some distance back from the motor region receives no direct rays of light what- ever. It is further to be emphasised that, as the heliotropic re- action of the sporangiophore becomes more and more complete, whereas the spot of light in the subsporangial swelling approaches nearer and nearer to the motor region of the stipe until finally it comes to rest upon the annular heap of protoplasm just above it, the band of light in the stipe recedes more and more from the motor region. The facts brought forward in the above discussion justify the conclusion that the heliotropic reaction of the sporangiophore of Pilobolus, at least in its final stages, is not due to the action of the light which falls on the motor region or any other part of the stipe but to the action of the light which falls on the subsporangial swelling and, in particular, to the action of the light which forms an asymmetrically situated light-spot on the protoplasm lining the cell-wall of the swelling. In Pilobolus Kleinii the protoplasm in the lower part of the subsporangial sweUing and at the top of the stipe, as shown in Figs. 46 and 47 by shading, is strongly pigmented with carotin ; and, as we have seen, at the top of the stipe just above the stipe's motor region, the protoplasm is usually heaped up so as to form a strongly biconcave, very red, centrally perforated septum. Direct observa- tions with the microscope and a study of the course of the rays of light represented in Fig. 46 make it clear that the protoplasmic septum, owing to its peculiar shape and to its distance from the top of the subsporangial swelling, is admirably adapted for receiving the rays of light as they begin to diverge from one another after coming to a focus in the cell-sap when the sporangiophore is in a position of complete or almost complete physiological equilibrium. From the point of view of general structure and function, the layer of protoplasm lining the lower part of the subsporangial swelling and forming the incomplete septum at the top of the stipe — in its concave shape, its strong pigmentation, its position in respect to the subsporangial lens, and its mode of functioning by sending a stimulus to the motor region of the stipe — is comparable with the THE PILOBOLUS GUN AND ITS PROJECTILE 99 retina, while the pear-shaped body of the subsporangial sweUing is comparable with the lens, of the eye of certain Mollusca. In this connexion one may compare Fig. 46 which shows a median vertical section through a subsporangial swelling and stipe of Pilobolus Kleinii with Fig. 49 which shows a median vertical section through the ocellus of a Snail, Helix pomatia. Since the subsporangial swelling is so like the ocellus of a Mollusc and is used as an organ for detecting the direction of the incident rays of light, there seems no reason why we should not regard it as a very simple eye which functions like an ocellus. The fact that the photochemically sensi- tive protoplasm in the basal part of the subsporangial swelling and at the top of the stipe is so rich in carotin and that this pig- ment is so densely aggregated in the upper surface layer of the perforate protoplasmic septum (Fig. 46, p) suggests that the carotin absorbs light and thereby plays an important part in the heliotropic reaction of the spor- angiophore. Zopf came to the conclusion that the carotin of Pilobolus is simply a reserve food material, but this explanation does not account for the aggregation of the carotin particles around the base of the sub- sporangial swelling and at the top of the stipe nor for the fact that the pigment persists in this position until the Pilobolus gun is discharged. When discharge of the gun takes place in water on a slide under a cover-glass, the ring-like mass of orange-red protoplasm at the top of the stipe is often shot out through the mouth of the subsporangial swelling, and I have several times identified it as it lay some distance from the mouth of the sporangiophore not merely by its form but by its high content of carotin (Fig. 65, D-F, p. 137). The diameters of the sporangium, the subsporangial swelling, and the motor region of the stipe below the swelling in a typical large fruit-body of Pilobolus Kleinii (the one shown in Fig. 46) were Fig. 49.^The eye of a snail, Helix pomatia, retracted : ep, epider- mis ; c, cornea ; I, lens ; r, retina ; op. n., optic nerve. For comparison with the subsporangial swell- ing of Pilobolus. From Vol. Ill of the Cam- bridge Natural History. By courtesy of Macmillan and Co. 100 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI observed to be 0-43 mm., 0-76 mm., and 0-16 mm. respectively. A simple calculation based on these data shows that the sporangium, when head on to a beam of parallel light rays, casts a shadow which has an area 7* 2 times that of a cross-section of the stipe. If there were no subsporangial swelling, the shadow of the sporangium would cut off the light from the top of the stipe before the ortho- heliotropic position had been completely attained. This would prevent the gun from being accurately directed toward the source of the strongest light. Evidently, the difficulty of supplying the stipe with the delicate heliotropic stimulus which it requires has been overcome in the course of evolution by the intercalation, between the sporangium and the stipe, of the large light-collecting subsporangial swelling. That part of the swelling which bulges out laterally beyond the black sporangium receives the light and, by refraction, concentrates it upon the base of the swelling. The asymmetrical position of the spot of light so produced provides the condition for the despatch of a stimulus from the swelling to the motor region of the stipe, and to this stimulus the motor region of the stipe can react with great precision, even when it lies in the shadow of the sporangium and subsporangial swelling and is receiving, as shown in Fig. 47, no direct rays of light whatever. The spot of light which is formed within the subsporangial swelling by sunlight and is of so much physiological importance for the heliotropic reaction of the sporangiophore is not constant in size, shape, and brightness, but varies in all these qualities with the position in which it happens to be formed. A study of this variability will now be attempted. When the incident rays of light strike the subsporangial swelling transversely, i.e. perpendicularly to its long axis, the spot of light formed by the convergence of the rays on the back wall of the swelling is oval in outline, of maximum size, and of minimum brightness (Figs. 50, A, and 51, p. 105). Its oval shape is due to the fact that the main mass of the swelling is oval like an egg, its relatively large size to the fact that the swelling is not nearly so wide as it is long, and its paleness to the fact that the rays of light fall on the back wall of the swelling at a considerable distance in front of their focal point. As may be seen by reference to Figs. 48 THE PILOBOLUS GUN AND ITS PROJECTILE loi (p. 95) and 51 (p. 105), the width of the oval spot of light is about equal to one- third of the width of the swelling. When the incident rays of light strike the sporangium and the subsporangial swelUng head on and are exactly parallel to the long axis of the swelling as shown in Fig. 46 (p. 91), the spot of light rests symmetri- cally on the perforate protoplasmic septum at the top of the stipe, is round in outline, relatively small, and of maximum bright- ness (Fig. 50, C and D). Its roundness is due to the fact that the top of the swelling through which the rays are refracted is round. Its relatively small size and its brightness are due to the fact that the rays of light reach their focal point and begin to diverge just above the protoplasmic septum on which the spot of light is formed. A study of the course of the rays of light represented in Fig. 46 shows that at the level jp in the particular fruit-body drawn no direct rays pass through the main central portion of the perforation of the septum, so that a spot of light formed on a trans- verse surface placed at the level of p would have a small dark centre. It is of interest to note that the length of the subsporangial swelling is equal to, or only just exceeds, its focal length, with the result that the rays of light diverge before they reach the perforate protoplasmic septum and so strike the concave surface of the septum almost perpendicularly, i.e. in the most effective manner for acting on the protoplasm and causing it to undergo a photochemical change. The fact that the subsporangial swelling is shaped like a pear is, therefore, from an optical point of view, highly significant. For the further discussion of the nature of the spot of light formed at the base of the subsporangial swelling of Pilobolus Fig. 50. — Pilobolus Klcinii. Variation in shape of a spot of light produced by a beam of parallel liglit rays in a subspor- angial swelling. Light in A transverse to axis (cf. Fig. 51), in B oblique {cf. Fig. 47), and in C and D vertical (cf. Fig. 4G). D, whole of underside of .swell- ing, stipe represented by dotted circle. Mag- nification, 38. 102 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI Kleinii. it is necessary to take into account the laws relating to the reflection of light at the surface of a transparent medium. When a ray of light strikes the surface of a transparent medium such as water, glass, or the cell-wall bounding the subsporangial swelling of Pilobolus, part of it is reflected from the medium and part of it is refracted into the medium. The percentage of light reflected varies with the refractive index from air into the medium and with the angle of incidence. The higher the refractive index, the greater the percentage of light reflected. Also the greater the angle of incidence, the greater the percentage of light reflected. The percentage of light reflected for various angles of incidence at the surface of a transparent medium when the refractive index from air into the medium is 1* 55 is given in Table I.^ Table I Light reflected at the Surface of a Transparent Medium when the Index of Refraction is 1 • 55 Angle of Incidence Percentage of Light reflected 0° 4-65 5° 4-65 10° 4-66 15° 4-66 20° 4-68 25° 4-73 30° 4-82 35° 4-98 40° 5-26 45° 5-73 50° 6-50 55° 7-74 Angle of Percentage of InciJeiice Light reflected 60° 9-73 65° 12-91 70° 18-00 75° 26-19 80° 39-54 82° 30' 49-22 85° 61-77 86° 67-82 87° 74-56 88° 82-10 89° 90-54 90° 100-00 1 F. E. Fowle, Smithsonian Physical Tables, Ed. 5, 1910, Washington, p. 191. In tlie original Table the percentage of light reflected is set down as -^ (A + B). According to Fresnel the amount of light reflected at the surface of a transparent sin ^ {i — r) , tan ^ (i — r) ' medium = ^ (A + B) sin -U {i + r) tan ^ {i + r) \ where A is the amount of light polarised in the plane of incidence, B that polarised perpendicular to this, i the angle of incidence, and r the angle of refraction. THE PILOBOLUS GUN AND ITS PROJECTILE 103 Since the refractive index for light passing from air into the cell- wall of Pilobolus, namely, 1-5, is approximately equal to the refractive index from air into a transparent medium given in Table I, namely, 1 • 55, we may apply the data embodied in Table I in our study of Pilobolus. The angle of incidence for each of the six rays, Nos. 1-6, repre- sented as striking the subsporangial sweUing in Fig. 46 (p. 91) was carefuUy measured, and then the percentage of light reflected from each ray at the surface of the swelling was estimated approxi- mately from the data given in Table I, with the result shown in Table II. Table II Light reflected at the Surface of the Subsporangial Swelling of Pilobolus Eay shown in Angle of rercentaRC of Pig. 46 Incidence Light reflected No. 1 40° 30' 5-5 No. 2 46° 45' 6 No. 3 55° 45' 8 No. 4 67° 30' 15 No. 5 75° 30' 27 No. 6 90° 100 The greater the percentage of the light reflected, the feebler will be any ray after refraction. From the data embodied in Table II, therefore, we may draw the conclusion that the rays refracted through the subsporangial swelling shown in Fig. 46 diminish in brightness in order from No. 1 to No. 6, the brightest ray being No. 1, and the dullest ray being No. 6 (theoretically this ray is not refracted at all since its angle of incidence is not less than 90°). Since, as shown in Fig. 46, the refracted rays diverge before impinging upon the basal protoplasm, it is evident that the brightest part of the spot of light produced at the base of the sub- sporangial swelhng is centrally situated and rests on the inner edge of the protoplasmic septum ; and that the brightness of the spot of light diminishes centrifugally. The protoplasmic septum pro- trudes so far into the vacuole that it is just able to catch most, or 104 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI possibly all, of the strongest rays of light which come to it through the subsporangial swelling. Assuming that the pigmented proto- plasm of which the septum is composed is photochemically sensitive, this arrangement provides us with another beautiful example of the way in which structure and function are correlated. When bright sunlight strikes a Pilobolus fruit-body head on and forms a concentrated spot of light at the base of the sub- sporangial sweUing in the manner shown in Fig. 46, the protoplasmic septum, owing to its high content of carotin particles, glows with a rich orange-yellow light. The glow can be readily seen with the naked eye when a fruit-body which faces the sun is viewed from the side. If, when a fruit-body is facing the sun as shown in Fig. 46, one looks at the top of the fruit-body so as to see it almost in face view, one observes that the fruit-body has the appearance of a lurid red disc with a black spot in the centre. The black spot is formed by the intensely black sporangium and the red zone which surrounds it is formed by the subsporangial swelling at the surface of which red light, emitted by the glowing carotin in the protoplasmic septum and passing upwards through the swelHng's great vacuole, is refracted to the eye. At first sight such an apical view of a Pilobolus fruit- body as that just described reminds one of the pink eyes of certain albino animals. We have seen that, when the incident rays of light strike the subsporangial swelling transversely, the spot of light is oval ; and that, when they strike the sporangium and the subsporangial swelling head on and are parallel to the long axis of the swelling, the spot of light is round. It remains to add that, when the incident rays of Hght strike the subsporangial swelling obliquely, say at an angle of 19° as shown in Fig. 47 (p. 92), the spot of light formed on the back wall of the swelling is neither oval nor round but, owing to the shadow cast by the black sporangium, convexo-concave or crescentic with the two horns looking upwards toward the sporangium (Fig. 50, B, p. 101). Such a convexo-concave spot of light can be perceived when one looks down a microscope at a fruit-body which is directed obliquely downwards in the air and is illuminated from below \vith parallel rays coming from a plane mirror. THE PILOBOLUS GUN AND ITS PROJECTILE 105 The subsporangial swelling is capable of producing not only a spot of light but also a more or less well-defined image of the source of light or of an illuminated object. Such images were observed under conditions which will now be described. A fruit-body of Pilobolus Kleinii was fixed in air over a shde on the stage of a microscope, so that the long axis of the subspor- angial swelling was horizontal and so that the swelling was illuminated from below by means of parallel rays reflected upwards from a plane mirror. On looking down at the swelhng, I observed on its upper wall an oval spot of light like that already described. When the microscope was placed at a distance of fourteen feet from a window, the spot of Ught was found to contain an image of the window-bars ; and, when a hand was held three feet in front of the microscope between the mirror and the window, the spot of light was found to contain a black image of the hand. Subsequently, images formed by the sub- sporangial swelhng of Pilobolus longipes were photographed, and two of the photographs are reproduced in Figs. 51 and 52. Fig. 51 shows a daylight shadow-photo- graph of a hand. The microscope was pre- pared by removing the condenser and turning on the plane mirror. The fruit-body to be used to form the image, together with a Uttle dung on which it was growing, was taken from a culture dish and set in a closed com- pressor cell (c/. Fig. 14, Vol. II, p. 45) so that its apical portion projected freely in the air in a horizontal direction. The moist air of the chamber prevented the fruit-body from drying up. The com- pressor cell was placed on the stage of the microscope. Daylight from a window was employed. Parallel rays were reflected upwards from the flat mirror to the subsporangial swelling of the fruit-body in the compressor cell. The hand was held one foot in front of the Fig. 51.^ — Pilobolus longi- pes. Photomicro- graph of the image of a hand. Fide text. Magnification, 40. io6 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI mirror of the microscope and the image of its shadow as produced on the wall of the upper side of the subsporangial swelling was then focussed with the low power (ocular No. 10, objective No. 16 with the end-lens removed, Bausch and Lomb system). The exposure of the plate was for twenty seconds and the magnification of the fruit-body on the plate was forty diameters. In the photomicro- graph the oval spot of hght and the image of the shadow of four fingers and part of the thumb of the hand, which could be seen with the eye on the upper wall of the subspor- angial swelhng, are clearly visible. In Fig. 52 is shown a photograph of a white card bearing a black printed letter A. The card was 4-1 cm. long and 3-5 cm. wide, and the letter A was 2-5 cm. long. The condenser and the mirror were removed from the microscope and the card was placed on the dark table within the horse-shoe base of the microscope, so that it was visible when the eye looked down the micro- scope tube. The card was illuminated by direct sunlight. The fruit-body, as before, was con- tained in a compressor cell set on the stage of the microscope. The exposure of the plate was for a few seconds and the magnification of the fruit-body on the plate was about thirty diameters (ocular No. 5, objective No. 16 with the end-lens removed, Bausch and Lomb system). In the photomicrograph the image of the card with its letter A, which could be seen with the eye on the upper wall of the subsporangial swelhng, is clearly visible ; and, again, we have conclusive evidence that the sub- sporangial swelling can act like a lens. Although, hke other more or less globular lenses, the subspor- angial swelhng of Pilobolus is able to form images of objects — albeit rather imperfect ones — it must not be supposed that Pilobolus can see hke an animal. The simple eye or ocellus of Pilobolus is specially adapted not for the perception of images but for the mechanical perception of the direction of the strongest incident rays of light by means of photochemical reactions. Fig. 52.^ — Pilobolus longipes. Image of letter A. Vide text. Magnifi- cation, about 30. THE PILOBOLUS GUN AND ITS PROJECTILE 107 According to the modern conception of heliotropism, for which Blaauw ^ is chiefly responsible, an organ, such as the sporangiophore of Phy corny ces nitens or the coleoptile of Avena sativa, turns toward or turns away from a source of Hght because its sides are at first un- equally lighted and because, as a result of this unequal illumination, one of the sides grows more rapidly than the other until the illumina- tion of the two sides has become equalised. The turning of an organ until it points toward a source of light is therefore in itself a secondary phenomenon which results from unequal light-growth reactions. The explanation of the heliotropism of Pilobolus which I have already given is in reality but an extension of Blaauw's general theory of hehotropism to the special case of a fungus provided with an ocellus. In Phycomyces nitens, so thoroughly investigated by Blaauw, the sporangiophore is a simple cylinder and therefore relatively undifferentiated, and its upper part, when unequally lighted, is the part which reacts by unequal growth. In Pilobolus, on the other hand, the sporangiophore is differentiated into a sub- sporangial swelhng and a stipe, and there is a division of labour between these two structures of such a kind that, when the sporan- giophore is bending hehotropically, the subsporangial swelhng receives the rays of hght and becomes unequally illuminated but does not alter in form, while the top of the stipe, which hes below the swelhng and may or may not be illuminated, reacts to the unequal lighting of the subsporangial swelhng by unequal growth. In the sporangiophore of Phycomyces nitens one and the same part both receives the light and responds to it, whereas in that of Pilobolus one part receives the light but another part responds to it. That the decisive condition for hehotropic response in Phycomyces nitens is not the direction of the rays of light but unequal illumination is shown by the results of a beautiful experiment made by Buder.^ 1 A. H. Blaauw, " Licht und Wachstum," I and II in Zeitschrift fiir Botanik, Jahrg. VI, 1914, and VII, 1915 ; III (" Die Erklarungdes Phototropismus") in part XV of Mededeelingen van de Landbouwhoogeschool, Wageningen, 1918. 2 J. Buder, " Die Inversion des Phototropismus bei Phycomyces," Ber. d. D. Bot. Gesellschaft, Bd. XXXVI, 1918, pp. 104-105. Some other ingenious experi- ments made by Buder demonstrate that it is not the direction of the light but imequal lighting that is responsible for the heliotropism of the coleoptile of Avena. Ibid., Bd. XXXVIU, 1920, pp. 14-19. io8 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI Buder placed P. rtitens in two parallel-sided chambers with the sporangiophores directed vertically upwards. In one chamber the sporangiophores were, as usual, surrounded by air. The other chamber Fig. 53. — Phycomyces iiitens. Diagrams to illustrate two com- parative experiments on heliotropi.sm. The arrow indicates the direction of the incident rays of light. In A the sporangiophores developed in the air and have turned toward the source of light. In B the spor- angiophores developed in paraffimmi Uquidum (paraffin oil) and have turned away from the source of light. After J. Buder (Ber. d. D. Bot. Ge.sell., Bd. XXXVI, 1918, p. 104). Re-drawn by the author. was filled with paraffinum liquidum so that the sporangiophores were immersed in it. Both chambers were then illuminated on one side with equal intensity, with the result that the sporangio- phores which were in the air turned toivard the light, while those which were in the paraffin turned away from the light (Fig. 53). The explanation of this difference in reaction is simple. In a THE PILOBOLUS GUN AND ITS PROJECTILE 109 sporangiophore growing in air, since air is a less dense medium than a sporangiophore and its contents, the rays of hght after refraction converge and form a bright band of hght on the side turned away from the hght. Hence the back of the growing zone of the sporan- giophore is hghted more intensely than the front and consequently grows faster, with the result that the end of the sporangiophore is turned toward the light. In a sporangiophore growing in paraffinum liquidum, since paraffin (refractive index 1-47) is a denser medium than a sporangiophore and its contents, the rays of light after refraction diverge from one another and, therefore, do not form a bright band on the side turned away from the light. Hence the front of the growing zone of the sporangiophore is lighted more intensely than the back and consequently grows faster, with the result that the end of the sporangiophore is turned away from the light. In a letter ^ to the author, Buder states that he has experi- mented with Pilobolus and has found that it reacts to unilateral hght in air and in paraffin in exactly the same way as Phycomyces. We thus have evidence which supports the view that the heho- tropism of Pilobolus is due to light-growth reactions and not primarily to the direction of the incident rays of light. Assuming that a Pilobolus sporangiophore, when growing in paraffin, turns away from the light, instead of toward the light as it does when it is growing in air, the explanation of the phenomenon, presumably, is as follows. The subsporangial swelhng, when immersed in paraffin, owing to the divergence of the hght rays after refraction, cannot form a spot of light on its wall away from the source of light. Hence the side of the swelling toward the light is more intensely illuminated than the side away from the light. Hence the stimulus sent to the stipe from the front of the subspor- angial swelhng is greater than that sent from the back. Hence, therefore, the stipe grows faster in front than behind and so turns the subsporangial swelling and the sporangium away from the source of the light. The Mechanism of Heliotropic Response in Pilobolus and in the Leaves of Certain Flowering Plants. — The mechanism of hehotropic response in Pilobolus is not necessarily unique in the plant world ; 1 Dated Sept. 12, 1921. no RESEARCHES ON FUNGI for, in general principle, it may be similar to that of the leaves of many flowering plants. As is well known, there are many shade-plants of which the laminae are in a condition of heliotropic equiUbrium only when they are placed at right angles to the direction of the most intense diffuse illumination. These diaheliotropic leaves assume their heliotropically fixed positions by means of appropriate curvatures or torsions of the whole petiole or of a pulvinoid portion of the petiole or of a typically developed pulvinus. It was suggested by Dutrochet 1 in 1837 that the leaf -blade of the leaves in question perceives the direction of the hght and exerts a directive influence upon the petiole ; and Vochting,^ in 1888, by means of carefully thought-out experiments, proved that this is so for Malva verticillata. Haberlandt,3 in 1905, succeeded in demonstrating a similar directive influence of the lamina in several other plants. Thus he found that : in Begonia discolor the petiole, even when completely darkened by a sheath of tin-foil, turns the lamina into its heliotropically fixed position ; and that in Monstera deliciosa the upper region of the petiole, which is developed as a pulvinus, even when completely darkened by a sheath of tin-foil, executes the curvature or the torsion necessary to restore the lamina to the position of heliotropic equilibrium with the greatest possible precision. To explain the diaheliotropism of the leaves of shade-plants, etc., Haberlandt^ has put forward his ocellar theory, according to which : (1) the power of perceiving photic stimuli is vested in the upper epidermis ; (2) the epidermis sends a stimulus to the petiole ; (3) the stimulus causes the petiole or its pulvinus to curve or tmst until the lamina comes to be at right angles to the direction of the strongest incident rays of light ; and (4) each cell of the epidermis acts as a light-perceiving organ or ocellus and is only in a position 1 H. J. Dutrochet, Memoires pour servir a Vhistoire anatomique et physiologique des Vegekmx et des Animaux, Paris, 1837, T. II, p. 107. 2 H. Vochting, " Ueber die Lichtstellung der Laubblatter," Botanische Zeitung, Jahrg. XLVI, 1888, pp. 519-523. Vochting showed that the lamina, when obliquely illuminated, forces the petiole to execute movements, when the petiole is kept in the dark or, if it is lighted, in opposition to its own heliotropic tendencies. 3 G. Haberlandt, Die Lichtsinnesorgane der Laubblatter, Leipzig, 1905, pp. 17-19. * G. Haberlandt, ibid., pp. 120-122 ; also Physiological Plant Anatomy, trans- lated by M. Drummond, London, 1914, pp. 613-630. THE PILOBOLUS GUN AND ITS PROJECTILE iii of photic equilibrium when the protoplasm lining its inner wall, which is sensitive to photic stimuli, is symmetrically illuminated with the brightest light at its centre. Haberlandt showed that the epidermal cells of the leaves of many plants have a more or less rounded or convex external wall and act as lenses, so that the rays of hght which enter them are refracted and condensed and form a bright spot of light on their inner wall. My own ocellar theory of the heliotropic mechanism of the sporangiophore of Pilobolus is essentially similar to Haberlandt's ocellar theory for the heliotropic mechanism of certain leaves. The lens-like subsporangial swelling of Pilobolus corresponds in a leaf to the thousands of lens-like epidermal cells ; and the stipe of Pilobolus, which receives a stimulus from the photically sensitive subsporangial swelling in consequence of which it bends the swelling around until the spot of light within the swelling is symmetrically situated at its base, corresponds in a leaf to the multicellular petiole, which receives a collective stimulus from the thousands of photically sensitive epidermal cells in consequence of which it bends or twists until the thousands of spots of light in the epidermal cells, on the average, have come to be symmetrically situated on their basal walls. In the heliotropic reaction of Pilobolus, which is caused by the asymmetrical position of a spot of light in the subsporangial swelling with a consequent bending of the stipe, we have clear proof of the theory, first suggested by Haberlandt, that heliotropic reactions may take place in plants through ocellus action. The sporangiophore of Pilobolus is the only ortho-heliotropic plant organ known which takes up its positively heliotropic position owing to the possession of a special light-perceiving cell structure. Pilobolus may well be described as a fungus with an optical sense organ or simple eye (ocellus) ; and, in using its eye for laying its gun, it is unique in the plant world. The Ocellus of Pilobolus and the Eye-spots of Volvox. — As is well known, red eye-spots are present in many Protozoa, e.g. Euglena, and in the Volvocaceae, e.g. Gonium, Pandorina, PJeodorina, Eudorina, and Volvox ; and it is therefore not without interest to enquire whether or not the ocellus of Pilobolus and the eye-spots of these other organisms work on the same principle. According 112 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI to Mast,^ the eye-spot in the zooid of a Gonium or a Volvox (Fig. 54) consists of three parts : a pigment-cup, a lens which is situated at the opening of the cup, and a photosensitive substance which is located within the cup. Mast ^ regards these eye-spots as " primitive eyes " and, in connexion with Volvox, explains their action as follows. 3 Volvox swims in the direction of its axis with its anterior end forwards.* Each of the zooids of which it is composed has an Fig. 54. — Camera-lucida drawing of an optical section through the longitudinal axis of a colony of Volvox : l-a, longitudinal axis ; G, gelatinous layer surrounding the colony ; H, hyaline portion of cell ; Z, zooid ; n, nucleus ; /, flagella ; c, chloroplast ; e, eye ; p, pignaent-cup ; /, lens ; mm, scale. Note that the eyes on the two sides of the longitudinal axis face in opposite directions. Copied by the author from Fig. 6 of Mast's Reactions to Light in Volvox ivith Special Reference to the Process of Orientation. In the original Figure the chloroplasts are coloured green, and the pigment-cups red. Reduced to three-quarters. eye-spot and two cilia. The eye-spots are largest at the anterior end of the colony (about 3 jj. in diameter) and decrease in size from that end backwards so that, at the posterior end, they are so poorly differentiated as to be scarcely visible. In the eye-spots at the anterior end of the colony the lens is directed away from the axis of the colony and slightly forwards (Fig. 54). The cilia of all the 1 S. 0. Mast, " Reactions to Light in Volvox with Special Reference to the Process of Orientation," Zeitschrift fiir vergleichende Physiologie, Bd. IV, Heft V, 1926, pp. 648-649, 657. 2 Ibid., pp. 652, 657. ^ Ibid., pp. 643-657. * This statement applies only to photopositive colonies. There are also photo- negative colonies which swim away from the light. THE PILOBOLUS GUN AND ITS PROJECTILE 113 zooids becat backwards obliquely, so that the colony progresses forwards and, at the same time, rotates in a counter-clockwise direction. When a colony which is swimming toward the light with its anterior end facing the light is suddenly subjected to lateral illumination only, in the zooids on the side of the colony facing the light the hyaline portion of each eye is fully exposed to the light, while in the zooids on the side of the colony facing away from the light the hyaline portion of each eye is well-shaded by the pigment- cup, with the result that the flagella of the zooids with shaded eyes beat backwards more directly than before while the flagella of the zooids with unshaded eyes beat backwards less directly than before (Fig. 55). Owing to this change in the direction of the stroke of the flagella on the two sides of the colony, the colony gradually turns its axis until this again becomes parallel to the incident rays of light and the anterior end of the colony faces the light directly (Fig. 55). When the colony is in photic equilibrium, the incident light falls on the eye-spots of any one lateral half of the colony in the same way and with the same intensity as upon the eye-spots of the corresponding other lateral half of the colony. My own investigations on Pilobolus and those of Mast on Volvox thus seem to show in both these plants — the one a lowly and seden- tary fungus and the other a highly organised motile alga — that photic orientation is accomplished by means of optical sense organs, and that re-orientation is due in Pilobolus to the asymmetrical illumination of a single eye and in Volvox to the combined effect of the asymmetrical illumination of many eyes.^ There is a red pigment in the eyes of both Pilobolus and Volvox ; but, whereas that of Pilobolus is situated in the sensitive protoplasm and is relatively diffuse, that of Volvox is situated below the sensitive protoplasm and is aggregated into a dense and opaque cup-like 1 Pilobolus and Volvox may be compared to those mythical monsters of antiquity Cyclops and Argus : for Cyclops, like Pilobolus, looked out on the world with a single median eye ; while Argus, like Volvox, had many eyes. It is said that Argus had one hundred eyes some of which were always open and on the watch, and that they were so splendid that, when he was killed, Juno transferred them to the Peacock's tail ; but a Volvox globator, although not mentioned in the annals of Olympus, may have more than twenty thousand eyes which never close and are ever ready for service. VOL. VI. J 114 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI Fig. 55. — Diagrammatic representation of orientation during a positively heliotactic response in Volvox. A, B, C, and D, four zooids at the anterior end of the colony ; l-a, longitudinal axis ; large arrows, direction of illumination ; curved arrows, direction of rotation ; the colony is moving forward and turning so as to face the light with its anterior end ; /, flagella : e, eyes, containing a pigment- cup (represented bj^ a heavy black line) and photosensitive tissue in the concavity of the cup. Note tliat, when the colony is laterally illuminated, the photo- sensitive tissue in the eyes on the side facing the light is fully exposed to the light and the flagella on this side beat laterally, while the photosensitive tissue in the eyes on the ojjposite side is shaded by the pigment-cup and the flagella on this side beat directly backwards. The difference in the direction of the beat of tlie flagella on these two sides is due to alternate decrease and increase in the luminous intensity to which the photosensitive tissue in the eyes is exposed owing to the rotation of the colony on its longitudinal axis, an increase causing, in photopositive colonies, a change in the direction of the stroke of the flagella from backward or diagonal to lateral, and a decrease a change frorn lateral or diagonal to backward. In photonegative colonies precisely the opposite obtains. In photopositive colonies this results in turning toward and in photonegative colonies in turning from the source of light. In both the turning continues until opposite sides are equally illuminated, when changes in intensity on the photosensitive tissue are no longer produced by rotation and the orienting stimulus ceases. Reproduced from Fig. 7 of Mast's Reactions to Light in Volvox with Special Reference to the Process of Orientation. THE PILOBOLUS GUN AND ITS PROJECTILE 115 mass. In Pilobolus the absorption of light by the red pigment may possibly increase the photosensitivity of the protoplasm in which it lies, while in Volvox it seems clear that the red pigment functions by shading the sensitive protoplasm of those eyes which happen temporarily to be turned away from the light. The Ocellus of Pilobolus and the Human Eye. — The simple ocellus of a Pilobolus and the complex eye of a human being, in their heliotropic response to light, behave in essentially the same manner ; for they are both in photic equilibrium only when the spot of light formed in their interior by a luminous object, such as a candle flame, is symmetrically placed in the middle of their back wall or retina. If a man and a Pilobolus fruit-body were to be kept for some time in a dark room and then a candle flame were to be suddenly exposed in one corner of it : the man, immediately and instinctively, would turn his head until he faced the candle flame directly and, in so doing, he would unconsciously place the spot of light in each eye in the middle of the retina, i.e. in the region of the blind-spot ; while the Pilobolus fruit- body, very slowly (in the course of an hour or so), would turn its sporangium and sub- sporangial swelling until they faced the light directly and, in so doing, it would automatically place the spot of light in the subspor- angial swelling in the middle of the red protoplasm at the back of the swelling, i.e. so that the centre of the spot of light would rest on the centre of the protoplasmic septum at the top of the stipe ; and the movement of the Pilobolus fruit-body, accomplished simply by the unequal growth of the stipe, and the movement of the human being, accomplished by means of a highly complex nerve-brain- nerve-muscle mechanism, would both be caused by the same physio- logical condition, namely, the asymmetry of a spot of light at the back of a photically sensitive optical organ or eye. Thus, in respect to their behaviour in the presence of incident rays of light, the lowly cryptogam Pilobolus and Man, the lord and master of the organic world, have much in common. A Heliotropic Experiment made on Pilobolus longipes. — The heliotropic experiment about to be described was made on a fruit- body of Pilobolus longipes for the following purposes : ( 1) to determine how long it takes for a fruit-body which is illuminated by direct ii6 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI sunlight to bend heliotropically through a right angle ; (2) to determine the length of the latent period, i.e. the time which elapses from the beginning of continuous heliotropic stimulation to the beginning of heliotropic reaction as indicated by the curvature of the sporangiophore ; and (3) to observe the spot of light formed on the back wall of the subsporangial swelling move down the wall of the swelling, as the stipe bends, and finally come to rest on the perforate protoplasmic septum at the top of the stipe. The apparatus used in the experiment was a glass-ring chamber. A glass ring 3 cm. in diameter was placed on a slide and covered with a cover-glass in the manner shown in Fig. 56. To cut off undesirable light, black paper was attached : to the outer and inner surfaces of the glass ring, except for a window-slit 2 mm. wide, as shown at A, B, and C ; to the upper and lateral sides of the slide, as shown at B and C ; and to the upper surface of the cover-glass, except for a peep-hole, as shown at B and C. One morning, a large well-developed fruit-body of Pilobolus longipes which had been directed toward the source of strongest light for some hours, together with a piece of horse dung on which it was growing, was removed from a culture dish and was placed in the experimental chamber in the manner shown in Fig. 56 ; and two other pieces of horse dung were also placed in the chamber to assist in keeping its air moist ; whereupon the ring was covered with the special cover-glass which had been prepared for it. The chamber was then set on the stage of a microscope and was attached there by clips. The microscope was turned on its axis and its stage tilted until the upper surface of the stage and of the glass slide were parallel to the direct rays of the morning sun and a beam of sunlight entered the window-slit of the chamber and impinged on the sub- sporangial swelling, as indicated by the arrow in Fig. 56, A. Under these conditions, the beam of sunlight struck the subsporangial swelling transversely, and the sporangiophore was so directed that, in order to make a complete heliotropic reaction, it was obliged to bend through a right angle. After the beginning of the experiment, in order to keep the beam of sunlight on the subsporangial swelling, it was necessary (owing to the movement of the sun relatively to the earth) to revolve the microscope slightly on its axis at frequent THE PILOBOLUS GUN AND ITS PROJECTILE 117 intervals of time. The mirror of the microscope was so turned that it could not reflect any light upwards. From the beginning to the Fig. 56. — A glass-ring chamber, as used for observing the heliotropic curvature of the stipe of Pilobolus longipes. A, a plan of the chamber with the cover-glass removed, as seen from above : a, a glass slide covered with black paper ; b, a glass ring covered with black paper c within and with- out except for a slit in the front where, as indicated by the arrow, direct sunlight is entering the chamber ; d, a piece of horse dimg bearing a Pilobolus fruit-body which has just been arranged so that the axis of the subsporangial .swelling is horizontal and perpendicular to the direction of the rays of light which strike it ; the two other masses of horse dung assist in keeping the air of the chamber moist. B, a median vertical section of the chamber with the cover-glass on : a, the glass slide ; b, tlie glass ring ; c c, black paper ; d, the horse dung bearing the Pilobolus fruit -body ; e, tlie cover-glass, covered with black paper except at the very centre where there is a window through which, as indicated by the arrow, the observer watched with the low power of the microscope the heliotropic bending of the stipe of the fruit-body ; sufficient light came up from below to enable these observa- tions to be made without the use of the mirror. C, the whole apparatusseen from in front where the direct rays of sunlight are entering through the slit of glass not covered by black paper : the illuminated subsporangial swelling in the middle of the chamber can readily be observed. Enlarged to 1 ' 33 the actual size. ii8 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI end of the experiment the upper part of the fruit-body, i.e. the sporangium, the subsporangial swelling, and the top of the stipe, was observed by looking downwards upon it through the peep-hole of the cover-glass, as indicated by the arrow shown in Fig. 56, B. The experiment began on May 3 at 9 o'clock in the morning. For the first ten minutes, the fruit-body remained in its original position, as shown in Fig. 56 at A ; but, three minutes later, its stipe was observed to have turned very slightly toward the light, so that the presentation time was estimated to have been about ten minutes. Half an hour later, i.e. forty minutes after the begin- ning of the experiment, the stipe had bent toward the light through an angle of 45° ; and at the end of eighteen further minutes, i.e. approximately one hour after the beginning of the experiment, the stipe had bent through a complete right angle and had turned the subsporangial swelling and sporangium through 90° so that they now faced the sunlight head on. Immediately after the heliotropic movement had been completed, the top of the fruit-body was drawn with the camera lucida. A study of this drawing, which is reproduced in Fig. 57, shows that the motor region of the stipe, to which the turning movement of the sporangiophore was due, was situated almost at the top of the stipe, i.e. immediately under the topmost region of the stipe which is distinguished by the presence of the incomplete protoplasmic septum. A few minutes after the drawing shown in Fig. 57 had been made, the sporangiophore shot away its sporangium, and the sporangium struck and stuck to the narrow window-slit shown in Fig. 56 at A and C. At the beginning of the experiment, a beam of sunlight which fell on the subsporangial swelling formed a spot of colourless light on the colourless protoplasm lining the inner side of the back wall of the swelling. This spot of light could be observed with the microscope. As the subsporangial swelling was gradually being turned through a right angle by the growth-movement of the stipe, the spot of light was seen travelling slowly down the side of the swelling until at last it settled on the perforate protoplasmic septum at the top of the stipe. For the first twenty minutes or so of the turning movement of the stipe, the spot of light travelled THE PILOBOLUS GUN AND ITS PROJECTILE 119 on colourless protoplasm. Then it approached and travelled on the reddish protoplasm situated within and around the base of the swelling ; and, finally, about five minutes before the end of the experiment, it could be seen leaving the red- dish protoplasm on the interior of the swelling and passing on to the very red protoplasm of the protoplasmic septum at the top of the stipe. Fifty-eight minutes, or approximately one hour, after the beginning of the experiment when the spor- angium and subsporangial swell- ing had come to face the sun- light head on, the spot of light was seen resting sym- metrically on the protoplasmic . septum which, in consequence, glowed with a reddish light (cf. Fig. 46, p. 91). These obser- vations show that, in the spor- angiophore of Pilobolus, the cessation of heliotropic move- ment, or in other words the establishment of photochemical equilibrium, is correlated with the passage of a spot of bright light from one side of the subsporangial swelling to a radially symmetrical position on the red protoplasm at the base of the swelling and at the top of the stipe ; and nn Fig. 57. — Pilobolus longipes. The fruit- body shown in Fig. 56, drawn with the aid of a camera lucida one hour after the beginning of the heliotropic experiment. The subsporangial swelling s and the sporangium with its black outer cell-wall c and its bulging basal gelatinous band g, through which the spores can be seen, have been turned through a right angle owing to the unilateral growth of the motor region of the stipe, m, in response to the heliotropic stimulus. The light coming from the sun (c/. A in Fig. 56) is now refracted through the subsporangial swelling and is thereby focussed on the red bicon- cave perforate protoplasmic septum situated at p. A few minutes after this drawing was made the spor- angium was shot away toward the sun, and it struck and stuck to the 2-mm.-wide window shown in Fig. 56, A and C. The size of every part is indicated by the scale. Mag- nification, 37. they may be accepted as giving strong support to the explanation 120 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI of the mechanism of the heliotropic reaction of Pilobolus already set forth in the previous Section. A Solution of the Problem of the Reaction of the Sporangiophore of Pilobolus to Two Equal Beams of White Light. — Allen and Joli- vette ^ made a study of the reactions of Pilobolus to light, in the course of which they exposed cultures of Pilobolus at one and the same time to two equal beams of light which passed through two holes (c/. Fig. 59, A) in the wall of a dark culture chamber. They Fig. 58. — Pilobolus Kleitiii. Diagram to show the reaction of a fruit-body to two equal beams of light making a considerable angle with one another. The directions of the two beams of light are indicated by the arrows a and b. A, the beginning of the ex- periment. B and C, alternative end-results of the experiment : the stipe of the fruit-body has turned the sporangium and sub- sporangial swelling so that these have come to face either the beam-of-light a (as in B) or the beam-of-light b (as in C). Magnification, 14. observed that, when a culture is exposed to two equal beams of white light coming from two sufficiently different directions (angle between the rays converging on the fruit-bodies greater than about 10° and up to 36° and more), the sporangium of each Pilobolus fruit-body is aimed at one or the other source of light (c/. Figs. 15, p. 42, and 58) and the aim is as accurate at the source of light chosen as if the other source did not exist ; and they ^ commented upon this curious experimental result as follows : " Light rays from both sources reach the sensitive sporangiophore. Apparently there is nothing 1 Ruth F. Allen and Hally D. M. Jolivette, " A Study of the Light Reactions of Pilobolus," Trans. Wisconsin Acad., Vol. XVII, 1914, pp. 561-569, 593-594. 2 Loc. cit., p. 593. THE PILOBOT.US GUN AND ITS PROJECTILE 121 to prevent each set of rays — or each individual light ray for that matter — from setting up those changes in the protoplasm which constitute the perception of a stimulus, and nothing to prevent these simultaneous stimuli from acting together to produce a resultant reaction. But this does not occur. The visible reaction of each sporangiophore is to one and one only of the two possible sources of stimulation." The fact that a Pilobolus fruit-body, when illuminated by two equal beams of white light having sufficiently different directions, reacts apparently to one source of light and not the other, which so much puzzled Allen and Jolivette in 1914, can readily be explained on the theory already set forth : that the spot of light formed by the subsporangial swelling on the protoplasm on the wall of the swelhng farthest away from the source of light gives the illuminated patch of protoplasm a photochemical stimulus ; that the stimulus (by diffusion of a growth-promoting substance through the proto- plasm or otherwise) is conducted to the motor region of the stipe ; and that the motor region of the stipe reacts to the stimulus by growing faster on the side nearest to the source of the stimulus than on the opposite side and thus bends heliotropically. An endeavour will now be made to apply this theory to the problem in hand.^ Let us suppose that a Pilobolus fruit-body, like that shown in Fig. 47 (p. 92), is pointing vertically upwards and that it is illu- minated from above by two equal beams of white light which cross one another on their way to the fruit-body at an angle of 38° and each of which makes an angle of 19° with the axis of the subsporangial swelling. One of these beams is shown in Fig. 47 striking the right-hand side of the swelling, and the other beam which strikes the left-hand side of the swelling and is like the first but reversed in direction can be readily imagined. By reference to Fig. 47 (p. 92), it can be seen that the right- hand beam forms a spot of light st on the left-hand side of the sub- sporangial swelling at a distance of about 0- 25 mm. above the median 1 For an account ot Van der Wey's solution of this problem'and for the reason which induced me to give here my own solution, which is in conformity with his, vide Chapter I, pp. 44-45. 122 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI plane of the protoplasmic septum. A similar spot of light must be formed by the left-hand beam, also at a distance of 0* 25 mm. above the median plane of the protoplasmic septum, but on the right-hand side of the swelling exactly opposite to the first spot. Thus we have two spots of light on opposite sides of the swelling and, accord- ing to our theory, each of the spots affects the patch of protoplasm on which it rests photochemically and causes it to send a stimulus down to the motor region of the stipe. The stimulus arriving from the patch of protoplasm illuminated by the spot of light on the left-hand side of the swelling will tend to cause the motor region of the stipe to grow faster on its left-hand side than on its right-hand side ; and the stimulus arriving from the patch of protoplasm illuminated by the spot of light on the right-hand side of the swelling will tend to cause the motor region of the stipe to grow faster on its right-hand side than on its left-hand side. Now it is very un- likely that, under natural conditions, the two stimuli given by the two spots of light falling on opposite sides of the subsporangial swelling will be absolutely equal. Let us therefore suppose that one of the stimuli, say that given by the spot of light on the left- hand side of the swelling, is very slightly greater than the other stimulus produced on the right-hand side of the swelling. The two stimuli will travel downwards on opposite sides of the swelHng to the motor region of the stipe. Since, according to our assumption, the left-hand stimulus is very slightly greater than the right-hand stimulus, the left-hand side of the motor region of the stipe will be stimulated to grow a little faster than the right-hand side, with the result that the stipe will bend slowly to the right and, in so doing, turn the subsporangial swelling and sporangium to the right. As the subsporangial swelling is being bent round to the right, the left-hand spot of light must move down the side of the subsporangial swelling, while the right-hand spot of light must move up the side of the swelling ; and, doubtless, the left-hand spot of light, as it goes farther and farther down the left-hand side of the sweUing, gives a greater and greater stimulus to the left-hand side of the motor region of the stipe which it is approaching, while the right- hand spot of light, as it goes farther and farther up the right-hand side of the sweUing, gives a weaker and weaker stimulus to the THE PILOBOI.US GUN AND ITS PROJECTILE 123 right-hand side of the motor region of the stipe from which it is retreating. Thus, in the end, the stimulus given by the descending left-hand spot of light prevails over and completely dominates the stimulus given by the ascending right-hand spot of light, with the inevitable result that the motor region of the stipe bends the sub- sporangial swelling round to the right until it comes to be directed head on to the right-hand beam of light. When this position of heliotropic equilibrium has been established, what was the left-hand spot of light now rests symmetrically on the protoplasmic septum at the top of the stipe, while the right-hand spot of light rests on the right-hand side of the swelling at a distance of about 0*5 mm. from the median plane of the protoplasmic septum which is about equal to twice its original distance from the septum. If the right- hand spot of light when in its fixed position 0-5 mm. from the septum continues to cause a stimulus to be sent down to the right- hand side of the motor region of the stipe, we must suppose that this stimulus is so feeble, relatively to the powerful stimulus sent down equally to all sides of the motor region of the stipe from the septum illuminated by the other spot of light, that its effect on the stipe, so far as causing it to bend is concerned, is negligible. Thus, by taking into account the special structure and optical behaviour of a typical Pilobolus fruit-body, it has been possible to explain why it is that a Pilobolus fruit-body, when stimulated by two beams of light coming from sufficiently different directions, reacts by turning to one of the sources of light and pointing to it with as much precision as it would exhibit were the other source of hght non-existent. So far we have considered the heliotropic response of the Pilo- bolus fruit-body to two sources of light the rays of which make a relatively large angle, 10°-36° or more, where they meet at the fruit-body's surface. To complete our enquiry, we shall now consider the heliotropic response of the fruit-body to two sources of hght the rays of which make a relatively small angle, say 5° or less, where they meet at the fruit-body's surface. Let us assume that the angle between the two equal beams of white light which fall on a Pilobolus fruit-body is 5°, as shown at B in Fig. 59, and that at first the two beams fall upon one side of the 124 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI Cb CL_ Ob sq J V yv zS / Cb oc 2d B Fig. 59. — A diagram to illustrate the reaction of a fruit-body of Pilobolus Kleinii to light coming from two equal sources at the same time. A, part of the wall of a dark chamber in which are two windows, a and b, with their centres 4 cm. apart. Through these windows two beams of light THE PILOBOLUS GUN AND ITS PROJECTIT.E 125 fruit-body. Each beam, after refraction of its rays at the surface of the subsporangial swelUng, will foriu a spot of light on the proto- plasm lining the back wall of the swelling, and the two spots will overlap one another to some extent, as shown diagrammatically at D in Fig. 59. The two heho tropic stimuli produced by the over- lapping spots of light must travel down one and the same side of the swelling to the motor region of the stipe and there combine in causing the stipe to bend heliotropically in the direction of the two sources of light. As the bending of the stipe takes place, the two overlapping spots of light will descend the wall of the swelhng and take up a position on the protoplasmic septum where there is room for both of them. There are two possibilities with respect to the exact position of the two spots relatively to the septum : either (1) the spot which first comes into contact with the septum takes up an exactly symmetrical position over the septum, its centre Fig. 59 — cont. of equal intensity came and struck a Pilobolus fruit-body 42 cm. distant. The fruit-body reacted in such a way that it pointed its gun at a spot midway between the two sources of light, as indicated at B where the two outer arrows a and b show the direction of the two beams of hght and the middle arrow x the final direc- tion of the axis of the subsporangial swelling and sporangium. C shows the final position of the fruit-body. The rays a and 6 in C have all come through the window a in A and are therefore drawn parallel to a in B. They are refracted into the subsporangial swelling and fall on the protoplasmic septum at p where they form a spot of light {cf. 6 in D) slightly to the right of the centre of the septum. The corresponding rays of light coming through the window b in A, and therefore in a direction parallel with b in B, ha^'e not been represented in constructing C ; but, if they had, it would be seen that they would form a spot of light slightly to the left of the centre of the septum p, as shown at a in D. The two spots of light (cf. a and fe in D) overlap and they can and do both rest on the septmn at the same time, so that the septum is symmetrically illuminated. Hence, finally, the axis of the gim is directed, as shown at x in B, at a spot midway between the two sources of light. When the two windows in A are far apart, so that the beams of light striking the Pilobolus fruit-body are inclined to one another at a large angle, say 40°, instead of a small one, say 5°, as in the case already discussed, if the fruit-body is at first pointing at a spot midway between the two sources of light, the two spots of light formed by the two beams on the wall of the subsporangial swelling must be far apart (cf. a and 6 in E) and cannot overlap, one spot being on one side of the swelling and the other opposite to it on the other side of the swelling. Unstable physiological equilibrium must result : one spot of light will stimulate the motor region of the stipe more than the other with the result that the fruit- body will turn towacd the source of light which gives the stronger stimulus, i.e. it will come to jyoint toward one of the windows and not to a spot midway between them. At the end of the reaction, one spot of light will have moved downwards on the wall of the swelling and will have taken up a symmetrical position on the septum whilst the other will have moved upwards and have become much farther removed from the septum than it was originally. The scale F indicates the size of each part of C, D, and E : magnification, 69. In A the vertical lines divide the wall into centimetres. 126 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI coinciding with the septum's centre, in consequence of which the other spot hes excentrically over the septum ; or (2) the two spots as a whole take up a symmetrical position over the septum, so that their common centre (situated in their overlapping parts, cf. Fig. 59, D) concides with the septum's centre. If one spot only comes to lie symmetrically on the septum, the fruit-body must point to but one of the two sources of light ; whereas, if the two spots act as one and, as a whole, lie symmetrically over the septum, the fruit-body must point in a direction which bisects the directions of the two sources of light. A fruit-body which, in accordance with the possibility (2) as just described, is supposed to be directed between the two equal sources of light has been represented in Fig. 59. At B, the two beams of light which make an angle of 5° with one another are indicated by the lines a and b and the axis of the fruit-body, which bisects the angle, is indicated by the line x. At C is a construction diagram of the fruit-body having its axis x parallel to a; in B and being illuminated by one of the two beams of light, namely, the one shown by a in B. The rays of this beam, which make an angle of 2*5° with the axis of the subsporangial swelling, are shown in C in the air at a and b and, after refraction, in the swelling where they converge and form a spot of light on the septum excentrically on its right-hand side. To avoid confusion, the other beam of light with rays parallel to 6 in B has not been represented in C, but it can be readily imagined as it would be just like the beam actually represented, but reversed in position, The spot of light formed by this unrepresented right-hand beam, like the other spot, falls on the septum excentrically, but with its centre a little to the left of the septum's centre instead of a little to the right. The con- struction diagram C indicates quite clearly that the two spots of hght must overlap to some extent in the manner shown at D and that, as a whole, they can lie symmetrically on the septum with their common centre resting upon the centre of the septum. If the angle between the two beams of light were to be decreased gradually from 5° to 1° the overlapping of the two spots of hght in the subsporangial swelling would increase from that indicated in THE PILOBOLUS GUN AND ITS PROJECTILE 127 Fig. 59 at D until it was very considerable indeed. If the angle were to be further decreased from 1° to 0°, the two spots finally would coincide with one another. Allen and Jolivette ^ investigated the response of Pilobolus sporangiophores to two equal sources of light which were very close together and whose rays formed angles from about 13° to about 3° with one another and, in discussing the results of their observations, they 2 say : " When the two openings which serve as sources of illumination are close together, there are, to be sure, a small number 01 sporanges which land about midway between the openings " and " It is possible that the sporanges which fell between and below the openings came from sporangiophores which perceived and reacted to both lights at once, thus aiming at a point between the tw^o openings." Evidently they suspected that with very small angles at least some of the projectiles were aimed midway between the two sources of light although, as they intimate, to admit this as a fact would conflict with their results obtained with large angles and make the explanation of the heliotropic reaction of Pilobolus very difficult. "Why," they ^ ask, " should the resultant reaction to two simultaneous stinmli appear only when the openings are close together ? " In connexion with Fig. 50 it was shown above that, when the angles between the incident rays of light from two equal sources of light are very small, the two spots of light partly overlap and, as a whole, can take up a symmetrical position on the protoplasmic septum of the subsporangial swelling. Theoretically, therefore, when the angle between the two beams of incident light is very small, it is possible for the two stimuli produced by the two beams of light to act together and produce a resultant reaction in the motor region of the stipe. It seems to me probable that, under test conditions, such a resultant reaction would be often observed or, in other words, that with small angles between equal or almost equal beams of light the sporangiophores would be found to point more or less between the sources of light rather than at one or the 1 Ruth F. Allen and Hally D. M. Jolivette, he. cit., pp. 566-569. 2 Ibid., p. 593. 3 Ibid., pp. 593-594. 128 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI other of them ; but whether or not this supposition is a good one can only be decided by further investigation. ^ According to Haberlandt,^ as we have seen, the reaction of the leaves of the higher plants to heliotropic stimuli can be explained by assuming that the epidermal cells of the lamina act as ocelli and that heliotropic equilibrium is only attained when the spot of light formed in each cell has come to lie symmetrically on the protoplasm covering the cell's inner wall. If this theory is true, a lamina when subjected to two equal beams of white light making a wide angle with one another, say of 40°, should, like the sporangiophores of Pilobolus, turn so as to face either one or the other source of light and not show a resultant reaction by turning so as to face a point midway between the two sources of light. It will be of much interest to know what happens when such a test of Haberlandt's ocellar theory is actually made. A Model for illustrating the Pilobolus Fruit-body in its Relations with Light. — A model for illustrating the fruit-body of Pilobolus in its relations with light can be made for demonstrations to an audience as follows. Take a Florence flask or a measuring flask with a somewhat pear-shaped base and of 500 cc. capacity, fill it with water, stuff a smooth wet plug of cotton wool (free from air- bubbles) down the neck as far as the base of the neck, and then close the mouth of the neck with a cork (Fig. 60). The neck of the flask then corresponds to the stipe of Pilobolus, the bulb of the flask to the subsporangial swelling, and the cotton-wool plug to the proto- plasmic septum at the top of the stipe. To represent the opaque sporangium, stick a plano-convex mass of moulding clay covered with black tissue paper over the flat surface of the flask's base, so as just to cover it. As a source of light, use direct sunlight or a beam from the arc of a projection lantern. 1 Since this was written, Van der Wey, in a paper referred to at tlie end of the last chapter (p. 43), has shown that, with small angles between the two beams of light, both beams influence the direction in which the sporangiophores point, with the result that most of the sporangia are shot in directions between the centres of the two beams. Evidence of this fact is to be seen in one of his photographs reproduced in my Fig. 16 (p. 44). 2 G. Haberlandt, Die Lichtsinnesorgane der LaubhlitUer, Leipzig, 1905 ; also Physiological Plant Anatomy, translated by M. Drummond, London, 1914, p. 614 et seq. THE PILOBOLUS GUN AND ITS PROJECTILE 129 (1) To imitate the condition of the Pilobolus fruit-body when in a state of heUotropic eqiiihbrium. Hold the flask by its neck in the beam of Hght with its long axis parallel to the direction of the incident rays and its black basal ball facing the rays. It will now be found that the rays of light falling on that part of the flask's bulb which bulges out beyond the black ball are refracted so that they converge within the bulb and brilliantly illuminate the cotton-wool plug at the junction of the flask's bulb and neck. (2) To imitate the condition of the Pilobolus fruit-body when not in a state of heliotropic equilibrium. Hold the flask in the beam of light M'ith its long axis making a considerable angle with the direction of the incident rays, so that the rays fall obliquely on the flask's bulb and basal ball. It will now be found that the cotton- wool plug is no longer brilliantly illuminated, but that a spot of light is formed by the refracted light rays upon the side of the bulb. The spot of light can be made evident by j^lacing a sheet of white paper against it or near it. (3) To imitate the movement of the spot of light down the side of the sub- sporangial swelling of the Pilobolus fruit- body when the stipe, responding to a heliotropic stimulus, is turning the sub- sporangial swelling and sporangium through an angle. Hold the flask as just described in (2), so that the spot of light is upon one side of the bulb. Now turn the flask so that its axis gradually assumes a direction parallel VOL. VI. Fig. 60. — Diagrammatic longitudinal median sec- tion through a model used to illustrate the ocellus function of the subspor- angial swelling of Pilo- bolus Kleinii : a, a Florence flask ; b, mould- ing clay adhering to the base of the flask ; c, black tissue paper covering the ball of clay ; d d, water ; e, cotton wool ; /, a cork. When the model is pointed toward the sun or toward an artificial source of light a few feet away, the raya of light are refracted through the bulb of the flask on to the plug of cotton wool, so that this becomes brightly lighted. About one-half the natural size. 130 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI to, and its basal ball comes to face, the incident rays. During the progress of the turning movement, one can observe that the spot of light gradually moves down the side of the bulb (this can be made evident by applying a sheet of white paper to it) until finally it takes up a perfectly symmetrical position on the cotton- wool plug which, in consequence, becomes brilliantly lighted. (4) To show that, if the cell-sap in the subsporangial swelling were replaced by air, the swelling would not act as a lens. Hold the flask in the beam of light so that its basal ball faces the light, as in the first experiment. The light is refracted on to the cotton- wool plug. Remove the water from the flask without removing the plug. Now hold the flask in the beam of light in the same position as before. The light is no longer refracted on to the plug. The Periodicity in the Development of Pilobolus Fruit-bodies. — As we have seen, in a good natural horse-dung culture of Pilobolus, a crop of fruit-bodies is produced daily for several days in succession, and each crop takes about 24 hours to complete its development. An individual fruit-body consists : at mid-day, of a tuber (tropho- cyst) or swollen plasma-filled cell which becomes the basal swelhng (Fig. 24, A, p. 60) ; in the afternoon, of a basal swelhng and stipe which is growing in length (B and C) ; in the late evening, i.e. 11-12 P.M., of a basal swelhng. a stipe, and a sporangium (D) ; early next morning, i.e. about 6 a.m., of a basal swelhng, a stipe, a subsporangial swelling and a sporangium (G) ; and, finally, at or before noon, of a collapsed sporangiophore and a discharged sporangium (H). Normally the discharge of the sporangium, which marks the climax in the development of the fruit-body, takes place between 10 a.m. and early afternoon. The naked stipe, whilst growing in length during the afternoon, is positively hehotropic and always points with great precision to the source of the strongest incident rays of light (Fig. 24, B and C, p. 60). It contains a mass of colourless protoplasm at its apex, dense red protoplasm just below its apex, and less red protoplasm farther down its shaft. Doubtless, when the stipe is growing toward the Ught, the rays are refracted at its apical surface, converge, and concentrate themselves in the sub- apical dense red protoplasm ; and it may well be that this red protoplasm is THE PILOBOLUS GUN AND ITS PROJECTILE 131 photically sensitive and directs the growth of the stipe towards the Hght. The stipe is positively heHotropic so long as it is growing in length ; but, as soon as it ceases to elongate and begins to develop a sporangium at its free end, it ceases to respond to unilateral illumination. Even when it is exposed to the direct rays of the sinking sun, so that its axis is at right angles to the rays, it shows no heliotropic reaction whatever. The inability of the stipe to make heliotropic curvatures coincides roughly with the hours of darkness and lasts from about 7 o'clock in the evening until early next morning, by which time the subsporangial swelling has been developed. What advantage to Pilobolus, if any, is its periodical develop- ment which results in the production of diurnal crops of fruit-bodies and in the discharge of the sporangia between about 10 a.m. and early afternoon ? The answer to this question is not far to seek. Pilobolus uses light to direct its guns toward open spaces, with the result that its projectiles are shot away from dung-plats in pastures on to the surrounding herbage where they remain until they are swallowed by herbivorous animals. If the guns were to be developed and discharged during the night, light could not be used to lay them and the sporangia would not be scattered nearly as effectively as they actually are ; but the periodicity in the development of a single fruit-body is such that the diminishing afternoon light can be employed for directing the growth of the naked sti])e and the strong late-morning hght for the precise orientation of the mature gun just before it shoots away its sporangium. We may conclude, therefore, that the periodicity in the development of the fruit-body of a Pilobolus indirectly favours the dispersion of its sporangia and thus assists the species in maintaining its place in nature. The Subsporangial Swelling and the Discharge of the Pilobolus Gun. — The first special function of the subsporangial swelling — that of acting as an ocellus for perceiving the direction of the strongest incident rays of light and for assisting in the heliotropic laying of the Pilobolus gun — has been fully treated of in previous pages. The second special function of the subsporangial swelhng — that of acting as part of a squirting mechanism for the discharge of the sporangium — will be discussed in what follows. 132 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI The Pilobolus gun, as pointed out in an earlier Section, ^ is discharged explosively : the wall of the sporangiophore breaks across transversely just beneath the sporangium and columella [vide the dotted line a in Fig. 28, p. 70) ; the elastic wall of the subsporangial swelling, stipe, and basal swelling, which has been distended by the pressure of the cell-sap in the great vacuole, suddenly contracts ; the cell-sap is violently squirted out of the open mouth of the subsporangial swelling ; and a spherical drop of cell-sap carries away the sporangium at a speed ^ of 10-20 feet per second through the air. A contracted spor- angiophore seen in water immediately after the sporangium has been dis- charged is shown in Fig. 61. In the process of squirting away the sporangium, the subsporangial swelhng, on account of its position just beneath the sporangium, its large size, and the great elasticity of its cell-wall, plays a chief part. Its external appearance just before the discharge of the sporangium, immediately after, and during the next few minutes, is illustrated in Fig. 62. The subsporangial swelhng, as may be realised by a glance at Fig. 28 (p. 70), contains a large amount of cell-sap. Fig. 61. — Pilobolus Kleinii. The sporangiophore after the discharge of the sporangium ; seen in water with the basal swelling embedded in part of the substratum : s, the substratum ; a b c, the sporangiophore, shrunken and collapsed ; a, the basal swelling with a turgid apophysis below ; b, the stipe ; c, the sub- sporangial swelling with its open mouth to- wards the observer ; and d, the contracted collar of the subsporangial swelling now forming a lip to the mouth of the swelling. Upper half drawn with the help of the camera lucida, the lower half somewhat diagram- matic. Magnification, 53. 1 Vide p. 62. 2 Fide p. 67. THE PILOBOLUS GUN AND ITS PROJFXTILE 133 When the sporangiophore contracts during the discharge of the spor- angium, the volume of the sporangiophore decreases to at least one- half of what it was originally (c/. A and B in Fig. 62), with the result Fig. 62. — Pilobolus Klein it. Changes in the upper part of the sporangiophore immediately after the sporangium has been shot away, represented somewhat diagrammatically. A, a fruit-body just before discharge : a, the stipe ; 6, the subsporangial sweUing, crowned above the upper broken hne by a dehisced sporangium in wliicli, between tlie two parts of the sporangium-wall, can be seen tlie swollen gelatinous ring and some of the spores ; the top part of the wall of the subsporangial swelling between the two broken lines contracts at the moment of discharge and becomes the lip or collar of the swelling shown at c in B. B, the contracted sporangiophore a fraction of a second after the sporangium and a jet of cell-sap have been shot away ; the jet broke up into droplets of which the last is shown above the arrow '; a, the stipe, now contracted and bent ; b, the subsporangial swelling, contracted to about one-half its original volume and now showing the lip or collar c which appears dark owing to crystals being present on its exterior ; at the mouth of the swelling is seen a drop of cell-sap d which is growing in size owing to continued contraction of the wall of the swelling and stipe. C, about half a minute after B ; the drop has become much larger and has attained its maximum size. D, a minute or two after C ; the drop is evaporating and has almost disappeared. E, a minute or two after D ; the drop has disappeared and the stipe and swelling have collapsed irregularly ; c, the lip or collar now slightly tilted. F and G, respec- tively, an oblique and a top view of the upper half of a collapsed swelling ; c, the lip or collar still rounded and comparatively rigid. Magnification, 38. that most of, or perhaps all of, the cell-sap held in the subsporangial swelhng is shot out into the air. At the same tmie, something like one-half of the cell-sap held in the basal swelhng and stipe is forced upwards into the subsporangial swelling, so that the subsporangial 134 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI swelling, after its contraction, is filled with sap and not with air. Even after the sporangium has been shot away and the sporangio- phore has been thrown backwards on to the substratum, the wall of the sporangiophore continues to contract, although slightly, with the result that cell-sap slowly issues from the open mouth of the sporangiophore and there forms a rounded globule (Fig. 62, B andC). As soon as the contraction ceases, the globule, owing to evaporation, begins to diminish in size (D), and soon it disappears completely. As more and more of the water of the cell-sap in the contracted subsporangial chamber evaporates, the sides of the chamber fall inwards and become irregularly folded (Fig. 62, E, F, and G). The length and breadth of a subsporangial swelling of Pilobolus longipes were measured (1) when the swelling was fully turgid and (2) after the swelling had been made to contract symmetrically by rupturing the stipe below it ; and it was found that, as a result of contraction, the length of the swelling had decreased from 1-17 mm. to 0-8 mm. or by approximately 30 per cent, and that the breadth of the swelling had decreased from 0-875 mm. to 0-65 mm. or by approximately 26 per cent. These figures indicate that the cell- wall of the subsporangial swelling is highly elastic and contracts very considerably when the sporangium is discharged. The cell-wall of the subsporangial swelling, when distended by the pressure of the cell-sap, is uniformly thin right up to the columella. As it contracts and drives the cell-sap away at the moment when the sporangium is discharged, it thickens, but not uniformly : it thickens most just around the mouth of the swelhng and in a zone which stretches a short way below the mouth (c/. B with A in Fig. 63). From this differential thickening of the cell- wall on contracting and also from the external appearance of the top of a contracted swelling (Fig. 62, B-G), it may be safely inferred that the most contractile part of the wall of the swelling is that which lies immediately below the sporangium and eventually forms the lip or collar of its open mouth. The collar of the contracted subsporangial swelling is shown externally in Fig. 62 and in vertical section in Fig. 63. It is covered externally by numerous small crystals of calcium oxalate which, when it is immersed in water, give it a dark appearance, apparently THE PILOBOLUS GUN AND ITS PROJECTILE 135 by imprisoning air and thus preventing the water from coming directly into contact with its surface. The level at which the wall of the subsporangial sweUing splits across when the sporangium is discharged (called by de Bary the Riss-stelle) is indicated by a dotted hne in Figs. 28 (p. 70) and 32 (p. 76), and by the upper dotted line in Fig. ^62. The splitting is perfectly accomphshed, so that the edge of the mouth of the con- tracted subsporangial swelling is always smooth and circular (Fig. 62, B-G). Doubtless, therefore, the wall at the abscission level is Fig. 63. — Pilobolus Kleinii. Vertical median section through the top part of a sub- sporangial swelling : A, just before the discharge of the sporangium ; and B, a fraction of a second after discharge when the cell-wall has contracted. A : the upper broken line indicates the level of absci-ssion just beneath the sporangium (c/. Fig. 32) ; a, the cell-wall stretched by the pressure of the cell-contents b. B, the wall has contracted and that part between the two broken lines in A has thickened and formed the lip or collar c c (c/. c in Fig. 62). Magnification, 300. prepared for breaking whilst the wall is being formed and long before the discharge of the sporangium. Some evidence in support of this view will now be given. If one strokes a ripe sporangium off its columella (c/. Fig. 31, p. 75) and examines the wall of the turgid subsporangial swelling and columella with the microscope, the wall appears everywhere about equally thin (c/. Fig. 30, B, p. 73). If now one ruptures the stipe, so that the turgidity of the whole sporangiophore is lost, the wall of the subsporangial swelling and columella contract. It is then seen that the wall is fully twice as thick immediately under the abscission level as it is immediately above. Also, when a subsporangial swelUng and attached columella are treated with chlor-zinc iodine, the upper part of the wall of the subsporangial swelhng swells greatly except at the abscission level. 136 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI Here, as shown at e in Fig. 64, the wall remains relatively thin. It seems not unhkely that, just before abscission actually takes place, 0) o 6 0 o 0 & 3 o 0 o (3 0 0 0 o o o o o 0 Oo 6 A B c D Fig. 66. — Pilobolus longipes. A-E,five sporangia and the cell -sap shot away from five fruit-bodies, after they had struck a sheet of glass held obliquely a few inches in front of the fruit-bodies and after the sap had dried up. The jet of cell- .sap, on being squirted out from the top of the subsporangial swelling, broke up under the influence of surface tension into a series of drops. The largest drop travelled with the sporangium to the greatest distance. The smaller drops trailed behind the drop attached to the sporangium. Magnification, 2 • 6. THE PILOBOLUS GUN AND ITS PROJECTILE 139 The contracting sporangiophore, in addition to expelling from its interior a large quantity of cell-sap, sometimes also expels the proto- plasmic septum from the top of the stipe ; for, immediately after observing the discharge of a ripe fruit-body in water on a sHde under the microscope, I have occasionally found the septum, which is easily recognised by its annular shape and its red colour, lying in the water at some distance from the mouth of the collapsed sub- FiG. 67. — niobalu.s Kleiiiii. Three sporangia which were shot away with the subsporangial swelling attached to them. Magnification, 50. sporangial swelhng (Fig. 65, D-F). Furthermore, on examining the drops which have carried away sporangia through the air, immediately after they have settled on white paper placed on a table to receive them, I have sometimes observed that the drops contain a little mass of red protoplasm. There is therefore reason to suppose that, when the Pilobolus gun is discharged, the sap rushes up the stipe with such violence that it is apt to tear the protoi)lasmic septum away from the cell-wall, thus making it possible for the septum to be included in the large drop of sap which is expelled from the subsporangial swelling and carries the sporangium through the air. 140 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI In a culture of Pilobolus Kleinii about twenty among several hundred fruit-bodies that came up on fresh horse-dung balls dis- charged their sporangia abnormally ; for, as was inferred from an examination of their projectiles (Fig. 67), abscission in the spor- angiophores took place not immediately under the sporangium but at the base of the subsporangial swelHng or across the top of the stipe. The sporangia with the subsporangial swellings attached were found sticking to the under side of a glass cover situated several inches above the horse dung on which the fruit-bodies had been growing. Spores derived from the abnormal projectiles were sown and a new generation of fruit-bodies was obtained, but none of the new fruit- bodies in their mode of discharging their sporangia exhibited the abnormality of their parents. The Osmotic Pressure of the Cell-sap of Pilobolus. — The force which expands the highly elastic cell-wall of the Pilobolus gun and is primarily responsible for the explosion of the gun and for the discharge of the projectile is the osmotic pressure (turgor pressure) of the cell-sap of the sporangiophore. It is therefore of considerable interest to determine what this pressure is and how it compares with osmotic pressures known to exist in the cells of higher plants. In an endeavour to determine the osmotic pressure of the sap of Pilobolus, three methods were tried: (1) the classical plasmolytic method of NageH, Pfeffer, and de Vries ; (2) extracting the sap of Pilobolus and using it in an attempt to plasmolyse cells having a known or determinable osmotic pressure ; and (3) Barger's capillary- tube method. The freezing-point method was not employed owing to the difficulty of collecting an amount of cell-sap sufficient for the requirements of the Beckmann apparatus. (1) The plasmolytic method for determining osmotic pressures was found unsuitable in its appHcation to Pilobolus : firstly, because the sporangiophore is large and has a peculiar rounded form ; secondly, because the sporangiophore wall is highly elastic and contracts much more than the cell-walls of higher plants ; and, thirdly, because there is an optical difficulty in observing the primordial utricle just beginning to separate itself from the cell-wall. (2) Cell-sap was extracted from a number of Pilobolus fruit- bodies and then small strips of a leaf of Elodea canadensis, cut with THE PILOBOLUS GUN AND ITS PROJECTILE 141 a pair of scissors, were immersed in it. No plasmolysis took place. The Elodea cells could be plasmolysed slightly with a solution of sucrose having an osmotic pressure of 10 atmospheres but not with one having an osmotic pressure of 8 atmospheres. It therefore seemed reasonable to suppose that the osmotic pressure of the Pilobolus sap is less than 10 atmospheres, a supposition confirmed later by results obtained with the Barger method. No further work with method (2) was attempted. (3) Barger's capillary-tube method, which was described in 1904, has the merit of being applicable to cell-sap which can be z a k » M. n IT ■ H H 1 II nx: Fig. 68. — Part of the apparatus used for determining the osmotic pressure of the cell-sap of Pilobolus longipes by the Barger method. Three capillary tubes attached to a glass slide by Canada balsam. Each tube contains 7 drops : those shown in black, Nos. 1, 3, 5, and 7, are drops of sugar solution of known osmotic strength ; those lightly shaded, Nos. 2, 4, and 6, are drops of Pilobolus cell-sap. The tubes are closed at both ends. The whole was kept immersed in water in a Petri dish. Natural size. obtained only in small quantities.^ Its essence is the comparison of a solution of unknown osmotic pressure with standard solutions of known osmotic pressures made from a substance of known molecular weight, a series of drops taken alternately from the solution of unknown osmotic pressure and from a solution of known osmotic pressure being introduced into a capillary tube. The vapour pressure of the drops with the lower osmotic pressure is greater than that of the drops with the higher osmotic pressure, in consequence of which water vapour passes from the drops with the lower osmotic pressure and condenses on the drops with the higher osmotic pressure, with the result that the drops with the higher ^ G. Barger, " A Microscopical Method of Determining Molecular Weights," Journal of the Chemical Society, Transactions, Vol. LXXXV, 1904, pp. 286-324. 142 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI osmotic pressure increase in length while those with the lower osmotic pressure decrease in length. In accordance with the details of Barger's technique : the capillary tubes were made about 6-8 cm. long and with a bore about 1-0 mm. in diameter ; seven alternating drops separated by short air-spaces were introduced into each capillary tube (Fig. 68) ; the ends of the filled tubes were sealed up in a flame ; two or three tubes with like contents were attached with Canada balsam to a glass slide ; the slide was immersed in water at room temperature, the water being contained in a Petri dish ; the lengths of the five central Fig. 69. — Optical section tlirougli part of a capillary tube used for determining the osmotic pressure of the cell-sap of Pilobolus longipes by the Barger method, showing the appearance of a drop when its length is being measured with the scale of the eye-piece inicrometer of the microscope. The length of the drop here shown is 28*2 units of the scale. Magnifi- cation, 27. shorter drops (two of the standard solution, sucrose, and three of the ceU-sap of Pilobolus) were measured (Fig. 69) under the microscope with the help of an eye-piece micrometer shortly after the tubes had been placed in the water ; and the drops were measured again next day after a lapse of 30-36 hours. The sap was obtained as follows. Fresh dung from a stable was spread out on the floor of a large glass case. On the fourth day thereafter, many thousands of fruit-bodies of Pilobolus longix>es (Fig. 70) came to maturity without any admixture of Mucor, etc. When the fruit-bodies were beginning to discharge their sporangia, they were caused to burst by pressing their subsporangial swellings (c/. Fig. 18, p. 50) against a glass slide. As soon as the sap thereby set free amounted to about two drops, it was allowed to run off the slide into a test-tube. When a sufficient quantity of the sap had THE PILOBOLUS GUN AND ITS PROJECTILE 143 been harvested in this way, the sap was poured into a watch-glass and covered with a sheet of glass to check evaporation. The microscope employed had a mechanical and revolving stage and a micrometer in its eye-piece ; and it was fitted with lenses which gave a magnification of 40. The Petri dishes containing slides, tubes, and water were set on the stage of the microscope and the lengths of the five central drops in each tube were read and recorded in succession. With very little practice it was found possible to measure the lengths of the drops with accuracy and rapidity. The appear- ance of the scale of the micrometer, when applied to a drop for its measure- ment, is shown in Fig. 69. In carrying out the experiment with the Pilo bolus cell-sap, I received, and here wish to acknowledge with my best thanks, valuable assistance from my friend and former pupil. Dr. W. F. Hanna. He prepared the standard solutions of sugar and filled the capillary tubes, etc. ; I harvested the cell-sap just before it was re- quired for use and kept the watch- glass which contained it covered except when a drop was being drawn from it ; and we both took part in measuring and recording the lengths of the drops after the tubes had been sealed and placed in water. The standard solution employed for comparing with the sap was sucrose. Of this substance a stock solution of 34-2 grams in 100 cc. distilled water, i.e. a weight-normal solution, was prepared. This solution, at a temperature of 20° C, has an Fig. 70. — FUobolus longipes on horse dung. The dung, taken fresh from a stable, was placed in a covered crystallising di.sh. The pliotograph shows part of the culture four days later. There are about 500 fruit- bodies in view. Magnifica- tion, 1 • 3. 144 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI osmotic pressure of approximately 24 atmospheres,^ and from it a series of other solutions was made, these solutions having osmotic pressures of approximately 12, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, and 3 atmospheres. As a result of making five sets of experiments on five different occasions, the sugar solutions having been freshly made and the sap freshly collected on each occasion, it was found that the osmotic pressure of the cell-sap of Pilobolus longipes is less than 24, 12, 10, 9, 8, 7, and 6 atmospheres and greater than 3, 4, and 5 atmo- spheres. We may therefore take it that the osmotic pressure of the cell-sap of P. longipes is approximately equivalent to 5-5 atmospheres. The collective work of various investigators has shown that the osmotic pressure of the cell-sap of the higher plants varies from about 3-5 atmospheres in the leaves of Aloe americana grown in a green- house to upwards of 100 atmospheres in the leaves of plants growing in the rocky desert of the Sahara ^ and to a maximum of about 170 atmospheres in the leaves of Atriplex nuUallii growing in the desert areas of Utah (U.S.A. ).2 For the sake of comparison with Pilobolus, a series of osmotic pressures determined by Dixon and Atkins will now be cited. Dixon and Atkins * treated the leaves of a number of different kinds of plants with liquid air, pressed out the sap, measured the freezing point of the sap, and then calcu- lated the osmotic pressure of the sap. Their findings, showing the range of the osmotic pressures, have been embodied in the adjoining Table. Tjrp ^ This pressure was calculated from the equation : P = — — , where P is the osmotic pressure in atmospheres, R the gas constant (0-082), T the absolute temperature (293° C), g the grams of sucrose per litre of solvent (342), and M the molecular weight of sucrose (342). Vide J. C. Phillip, Physical Chemistry, Its Bearing on Biology and Medicine, London, 1925, p. 55. ^ Hans Fitting, " Die Wasserversorgung und die osmotischen Druckverhaltnisse der Wiistenpflanzen," Zeitschrift fiir Botanik; Bd. Ill, 1911, pp. 270-271. ^ J. A. Harris, R. A. Gortner, W. F. Hoffman, J. V. Lawrence and A. T, Valentine, " The Osmotic Concentration, Specific Electrical Conductivity, and Chloride Content of the Tissue Fluids of the Indicator Plants of Tooele Valley, Utah," Journal of Agricultural Research, Vol. XXVII, 1924, p. 909. * W. R. G. Atkins, Some Recent Researches in Plant Physiology, London, 1916, pp. 154-155. THE PILOBOLUS GUN AND ITS PROJECTILE 145 Osmotic Pressure of Leaves as determined by Dixon and Atkins Species and Dates Aloe americana,* Jan. 11 Saccharum officinale * Dec. 10 Monstera deliciosa* Dec. 10 . Anthiiriuin andreanum,* Jan 27 . Platyceriuni alcicorne,* Jan. 2 Wistaria sinensis, Sept. 30 Anthurium crystallinum* J an 27 . Vitis Veitchii, Oct. 2 Heliantlius multiflorus, Oct. 2 Equisetum tdmateia, lateral branch, Aug. 14 Musa sapietdum* Dec. 10 Equisetumtelmateia, main stem Aug. 14 . Agave americana * Jan. 11 Selaginella mertensii,* leaves and aerial stems, Jan. 27 Poll/podium iriodes* Jan. 27 Eucalyptus globulus, Nov. 29 Cordyline australis, Nov. 28 Passiflora quadrangular is, Dec 10 O.P. 3 52 5 83 6 64 7 49 7 51 ' 8 52 8 73 9 18 9 18 9 28 9 44 9 64 10 11 10 16 10 65 11 68 13 43 13 98 Species and Dates Ilex aquifolium, new, ultimate, Dec. 4 Uhmis campestris, Oct. 2 Fraxinus oxyphylla, Oct. 3 Ilex aquifolium, antepenult! mate, Dec. 4 . . Pinus laricio, leaves one year old, Nov. 30 Apium graveolens (etiolated bases), Dec. 5 Populus alba, spring leaves Aug. 28 . . , Chamaerops humilis, mature Nov. 28 . Hedera Helix, Nov. 29 . Populus alba, summer leaves Aug. 28 , Magnolia acuminata, Sept. 30 Cerasus laurocerasus, Nov. 28 Chamaerops humilis, just ex panded, Nov. 29 Fraxinus excelsior, Sept. 30 Syringa vulgaris, Aug. 13 Syringa vulgaris, Aug. 22 O.P. 14-65 14-88 15-06 15-14 15-50 15-66 15-95 1713 17-29 17-88 18-07 18-31 19-22 19-52 24.10 25-50 Growing in greenhouses. By reference to the Table it will be seen that in only one species, namely, Aloe americana, was the leaf sap found to have an osmotic pressure less than 5-5, i.e. less than that of Pilobolus. It is there- fore evident that the osmotic pressure of the cell-sap of Pilobolus, relatively to the osmotic pressure of the cell-sap of the leaves of most of the higher plants, is low. Factors in the Efficient Working of the Pilobolus Gun.— It may be asked : how is it that the Pilobolus gun, notwithstanding that its cell-sap has a relatively low osmotic (turgor) pressure, can shoot its projectile to a maximum measured height of six feet and a maximum measured horizontal distance of eight and a half feet ? The answer is : firstly, an osmotic pressure of 5 - 5 atmospheres is, after all, a strong pressure, for it is equal to about 82 lbs. to the square inch ; and, secondly, the action of the Pilobolus gun is VOL. VI. 146 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI dependent on several different factors of which osmotic pressure is only one, and among which we may recognise (1) the osmotic pressure of the cell-sap, (2) the great elasticity of the cell-wall, (3) the suddenness with which the aperture in the end of the sporangio- phore is formed when the explosion takes place, (4) the control of the explosion, in that the wall of the sporan- giophore breaks open not irregularly but at a single prepared place — a circular subterminal line or ring, and (5) the opening at the end of the sporangiophore having a smooth rim and being just of the right size (not too large and not too small) for permitting the cell-sap to be forced through it in sufficient quantity and with a sufficiently high initial velocity to carry off the projec- tile advantageously. It is the combination of all these factors which makes the Pilobolus gun so wonderfully Fig 71. — Pilobolus longipes. Pliotomicrograpli of the upper side of a dischaiged sporangium and of the drop of cell-sap (now dried) which accompanied it ; No. 1, the precipitate of the cell-sap, consisting of both organic and inorganic matter, in part in the form of branched crystals ; No. 2, a broad clear ring-layer of jelly in contact with the glass on which the projectile came to rest ; No. 3, the couve.x, very black, sporangium- wall covering many thousands of spores ; No. 4, a few spores lying under the jelly, they were forced out of the sporangium when this struck the glass. Magnification, 51. effective. An Analysis of the Cell-sap of Pilobolus longipes.— An inspection of a vertical section through a fruit-body of Pilobolus longipes {cf. Figs. 27 and 28, pp. 69 and 70) suggests that at least nine-tenths of the fruit-body consists of cell-sap. When the sap is in situ in the subsporangial swelling and stipe, it is a very clear fluid. Dissolved within it, however, are various crystalloidal substances ; for, when a few drops of the sap are extracted from a number of fruit-bodies THE PILOBOLUS GUN AND ITS PROJECTILE 147 and are allowed to dry up in a watch-glass, a moderately heavy white deposit is left behind. This deposit, when seen with the microscope, is found to consist of a fine flocculent precipitate through which run numerous, long, fairly thick, branched needles. A similar deposit forms the halo around a discharged sporangium (Figs. 71, 72, and 73). It is, of course, the substances dissolved in ^^^W^ ' • H- • m ^ ^% Is ■K ^ 9 ■ *t ' ' * *' . t • ■ ' * «» . .- % ., . *-" m " ' ' ' ' ' , • ' * ' , * {|^ A , • «*f • K ^^ * ^^•* "^ # m^ f- *• ^ # ** «, • ?•* «• •- < ® A » •' * « •- * « • • • • *. !, ® , ' '. -• Fiu. 72. — Filohulwi lomjipes. Sporangia whicli were shot vertically up- wards for a distance of 4 feet 7 inches on to the under surface of a horizontal glass plate. Each sporangium is surrounded by a halo made up of a precipitate of salts, etc., which were dissolved in the large drop of cell-sap which accompanied the sporangium in its flight. Photographed dry in transmitted light. Natural size. the cell-sap which enable the sap to exercise its osmotic (turgor) pressure. Since the discharge of the projectile is in large measure due to the osmotic (turgor) pressure of the cell-sap, and since this pressure is due to the sap's content of dissolved substances, it is of interest to determine what these substances are. Employing the slide-crusher method already described, and working on four cultures of Pilobolus longlpes which came to maxi- mum fruition on four different mornings, I succeeded in harvesting 148 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI about 8 cc. of cell-sap ; ^ and I gave the sap to my colleague Dr. H. P. Armes, who very kindly undertook the task of analysing it chemically in so far as that was possible with the limited amount supplied. Dr. Amies' analysis of the cell-sap of Piloholus longipes yielded the following results : Total solids (dried at 150° C.) . . .1-84 grams in 100 cc. Inorganic matter after ignition . . 1-14 grams per 100 cc. The cell-sap contains : potassium, sodium, chloride, sulphate, phosphate, and oxalate. 100 cc. contains 0-26 grams ^ phosphate ion (PO4). 100 cc. contains 0 • 14 grams ^ oxalate ion (CgO^). There are indications of a carbohydrate, as shown by the Molisch test. This carbohydrate is not a reducing sugar. Seliwanoff's test is not given, so that sucrose is not present. Boiling with dilute hydrochloric acid gives a solution which reduces Fehling's solution. This might indicate a non-reducing sugar ( ? trehalose) . From this analysis we may conclude that the osmotic (turgor) pressure of the cell-sap of Piloholus longipes is largely due to phos- phate and oxalate ions, but is also due in part to potassium, sodium, chloride, and sulphate ions, and in part to some as yet unrecognised carbohydrate, possibly a non-reducing sugar such as trehalose.* The Landing of the Pilobolus Projectile and the Attachment of the Sporangium to Herbage.— A sporangium, immediately after being squirted of! the top of its sporangiophore, is in reality a concavo- convex body which in side view (Fig. 74) has the appearance of a plano-convex disc. As may be seen by reference to Fig. 30, C (p. 73), it is bounded : (1) on its rounded upper and lateral sides by the convex cap-like portion of the sporangium-wall, which is in- tensely black except near its free margin where it is paler ; and (2) on its under side, in part by the annular mass of transparent jelly which on swelling split the sporangium-wall into two parts and thus forced its way to the exterior of the sporangium, and in part by the obtusely conical wall of the columella. To the lower margin of the 1 The harvesting process is a tedious one ; only about 1 cc. of sap was collected per hour. 2 and ^ These amounts can be regarded as approximate only. * When this Section was written Lepeschkin's analysis of the cell-sap of P. longipes, recorded in Chapter I, p. 25, was unknown to me. THE PILOBOLUS GUN AND ITS PROJECTILE 149 wall of the columella is attached, as shown in Figs. 35 (p. 79), 36 (p. 80), and 37 (p. 81), a very narrow circular collar-like band of the sporangium-wall, which was separated from the convex cap-like portion of the sporangium-wall when the pressure of the annular mass of jelly caused the sporangium to dehisce. Within the sporangium are enclosed many thousands of orange-yellow spores • • • ^ WW ^ ' •• • • • • • • •• • m 1 ^•••^•••i*« • 1 • • V •• • • • 1 •^ ft ^ • • . • t • ? A - • : Fig. 73. — Pilobolus longipcs. The projectiles, eacli consisting of a spor- angium and a large drop of cell-sap, were shot vertically upwards for a distance of 4 feet 7 inches on to the under surface of a horizontal glass plate. The drops then dried up and thus formed arovuid each sporangiimi a white lialo of ])recipitated salts, etc. The photograph is similar to tliat shown in Fig. 72, except that it was taken, not in transmitted liglit, but against a black background in reflected ligiit. Natural size. (Fig. 30, C). As we shall see shortly, the fate of the spores is in a high degree dependent on the peculiar physical properties of the membranes which bound the siDorangium at the moment of its discharge. A Pilobolus projectile, as may be ascertained by examining it immediately after it has struck a sheet of glass or paper, consists of a sporangium and a large drop of cell-sap (Fig. 33, p. 77). When the projectile strikes any object, e.g. a blade of grass, the drop of cell-sap, owing to the force of impact, flattens out, and the sporan- 150 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI gium takes up a position at or near the centre of the drop with its gelatinous side turned toward the object struck as shown in Fig. 74, B. The water in the drop and in the sporangium then evaporates, in consequence of which the sporangium becomes fixed to its sub- stratum by its gelatinous band and surrounded by a halo of tiny particles precipitated from the drop of cell-sap (Figs. 72 and 73). As the sporangium dries up, its content of spores and its band of jelly shrink to such an extent that the free pale edge of the black sporangial w^all comes into contact with the surface of the substratum. Therefore, after a sporangium has landed on a blade of grass or other herbage and has dried up, it is very firmly attached to its substratum and, at the same time, its spores are all protected from the light and from mechanical displacement by its tough black wall. The rule for the mode of landing of a sporangium, already briefly stated, may be re-stated more precisely as follows : a sporangium lands on any object which it happens to strike — no matter what may be the velocity of the sporangium when it strikes and no matter whether the surface of the object looks upwards or downwards or is vertical — so that, with rare exceptions, its under gelatinous side is turned toivard the surface of the object and its upper black convex side away from the surface of the object. This remarkable rule has long been known, for it was enunciated by Coemans^ in 18G1 and discussed by Grove ^ in 1884. Coemans examined 413 sporangia which had fallen on to a sheet of white paper set out to receive them and he found that all but three of them had their gelatinous sides turned downwards toward the paper. The three exceptional sporangia were upside down and rested on their black sporangial walls. Some observations of my own on the landing of sporangia on the under side of sheets of glass, when the sporangia were travel- ling at various speeds, will now be recorded. Some fruit-bodies of Pilobolus longipes, attached to a small mass of dung on which they were growing, were placed upright in a compressor cell, so that their sporangia were only about 5 mm. ^ E. Coemans, "Monographic du genre Pilobolus," Mem. cour. et des Sav. etrang. Acad. roy. de Belgique, T. XXX, 1861, p. 59. 2 W. B. Grove, loc. cit., j). 17. THE PILOBOLUS GUN AND ITS PROJECTILE 151 [~ Fig. 74. — Diagram to illustrate tlie manner in which a projectile of Pilobolus Kleinii strikes and adheres to an object in the path of its trajectory. A, a projectile which is being shot upwards in the direction shown by the arrow and is about to strike the cover-glass d. The projectile consists of : (1) a sporangium, filled with spores, covered in part by a black unwettable sporangium-wall a and in part by a basal gelatinous ring b and the wall of the columella (not here shown), both of which are readily wetted ; and (2) a large drop of cell-sap c which has been shot out of the subsporangial swelling of the Pilobolus gun concerned and which adheres to the wettable structures just mentioned. A point on the left side of the sporangium just below the arrow will strike the cover-glass first. There will be a moment of momentum about tliis point and the drop of cell-sap will quickly move upwards about the point, strike the cover-glass, and flatten out upon it. As the drop flattens, it must inevitably push the unwettable black wall of the sporangium away from itself and the cover-glass and drag the wettable gelatinovis cell-wall and the wall of the columella toward itself and the cover- glass. The result of all this, when the projectile has come to rest, is represented at B. In B there are shown: a, the unwettable black sporangium-wall; b, the wettable gelatinous ring surrounding the spores e ; and the drop of cell-sap c, which is now flattened out on the cover-glass d. As the whole dries up, the sporangium shrinks imtil the broken edge of the black wall touches the cover-glass, the drop c becomes a halo of precipitated particles, and the gelatinous layer causes the sporangium to adhere very firmly to the cover-glass. Magnification, G3. 152 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI away from the under surface of the cover-glass. The sporangia in due course were discharged. Although their initial velocity must have been 10-20 feet per second ^ and they must have struck the cover-glass within less than one five-hundredth of a second after leaving their sporangiophores, yet, when they landed on the cover- glass, they settled there with their gelatinous lower surfaces turned upwards and in contact with the under surface of the glass (c/. Fig. 74, B). The results of this experiment and of others ^ made when determining the vertical range of the Pilobolus gun prove that, whatever may be the speed at which it is travelling, a sporangium normally lands on any object it may strike so that its basal gelatinous surface is next to the surface of the object. An attempt to explain why a sporangium lands'with its gelatinous side toward the surface of the object struck was made by Grove ^ who says : " The upper surface of the sporangium is round and practically smooth (though not actually so), and the lower edge and face are occupied by the gelatinous substance. Now, when a sporange is thrown upwards it will certainly rotate as it flies ; if the smooth top only comes in contact with the glass (or other vertical surface) it will not adhere, and the sporange will fall down again. But, if any portion of the gelatinous substance touches the glass, the force of progressive attraction between it and the thin film of moisture which will usually cover the glass * must invariably bring the lower, somewhat plane, surface of the sporangium in close contact with the glass. In the case of the paper, the sporangia would naturally roll over, if they fell on the convex surface, and settle on their lower face." This explanation is unsatisfactory because it fails to take into account the fact that a discharged sporangium is accompanied by a large drop of cell-sap and also involves two unsound assumptions : (1) that, if a sporangium strikes a vertical surface by its smooth rounded black surface only, it will fall to the ground ; and (2) that a vertical surface must be covered by a film of moisture to enable the sporangium to stick to 1 Vide supra, p. 67. ^ Vide supra, pp. 65-66. 3 W. B. Grove, loc. cit., p. 17. * Grove covered his culture with a bell-jar, on the inner surface of which moisture was condensed. THE PILOBOLUS GUN AND ITS PROJECTILE 153 it. The assumptions are not justified : for there is no evidence to show that a sporangium ever strikes an object without sticking to it, and there is plenty of evidence to show that a sporangium will stick to the vertical surface of any object when the surface is perfectly dry. Ingold ^ has supposed that, from the moment the sporangium is discharged, it trails behind the drop which carries it forward, so that the drop always strikes the obstacle first and causes the spor- angium to settle with its gelatinous side toward the obstacle. As already pointed out in Chapter 1,2 it seems most unlikely that the projectile, on leaving the sporangiophore, should rotate through exactly 180° and no further. A satisfactory explanation of the mode of landing of a sporan- gium, as we shall see, can be made if one takes into account the fact — hitherto noticed only by Ingold — that water can adhere to the under side but not to the upper side of the sporangium or, in other words, that the lower gelatinous side of the sporangium can he wetted by water, whereas the upper convex side covered by the sporangial wall is unwettable. The resistance to being wetted offered by the sporangial wall may be due in part to the crystals of calcium oxalate which protrude in such large numbers from its surface. Some evidence to show that the sporangial wall actually is unwettable will now be brought forward. If one brings some freshly-discharged sporangia into contact with water contained in a crystallising dish, they at once float (c/. Fig. 76, B) at the surface wdth their lower gelatinous side immersed in the water and their upper black convex side standing out of the water, looking upwards, and appearing to be perfectly dry. The sporangia will float in this way for several days. If one tries to submerge the floating sporangia with a glass rod, it is difficult to drive any of them below the surface of the water, and one perceives that this is due to the resistance of the black sporangial wall to being wetted and the consequent action of the force of surface tension. When a sporangium has been submerged, one can see 1 C. T. Ingold, "The Sporangiophore of Pilobolus," The New Phylologist, Vol. XXXI, 1932, pp. 58-63. 2 This volume, p. 46. 154 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI that the surface of the black sporangial wall shines with a white light owing to its being covered by a thin film of air.^ A wide test-tube was almost filled with water and then covered with a dung-ball which bore a number of Pilobolus fruit-bodies in such a way that the fruit-bodies pointed directly downwards to the water. After a time, a number of the fruit-bodies discharged their sporangia which were shot down- wards at the surface of the water which was only one centimetre or so distant (c/. Fig. 75 in which the water is 3 cm. from the sporangia). The velocity of the sporangia was probably not less than 10-20 feet per second. Most of the sporangia were shot through the surface film of the water, descended through the water for a short distance, and then slowly rose until they again reached the surface film under which they remained without breaking through into the air. However, some of the sporangia, when shot downwards, failed to penetrate through the surface film of water. This failure was evidently due to the sporangium- wall being unwettable Fig. 75. — The discharge of Pilobolus projectiles into water. A wide test-tube was half filled with water. A piece of horse dung bearing fruit-bodies of Pilobolus longipes was then re- moved from a culture dish and placed in the mouth of the tube so that the sporangia looked downwards. When the sporangia were shot away, many of them failed to penetrate the surface film of the water, owing to the sporangial wall being unwettable. Natural size. 1 A submerged sporangium may sink to the bottom of the water or slowly rise and come to the surface, where it may either break through the surface film and resume its old position with its black wall protruding clear above the water or it may fail to break through the surface film and lie just beneath it. THE PILOBOLUS GUN AND ITS PROJECTILE 155 and to the resistance consequently offered to the j)assage of the sporangia by surface tension. A number of sporangia were floating at the surface of some water contained in a crystallising dish. With a pipette some of the water and some of the sporangia were removed from the dish, and a drop of the water bearing a sporangium was caused to hang at the end of the pipette, as shown in Fig. 76, A. The sporangium remained at the surface of the hanging drop in an inverted position, with Fig. H\.- Piloboluv loiKjipes. Diagrams sliowing sporangia in water. The vvettable annular naass of jelly of each sporangium is immer.sed in tlio surface film of water, while the black vmwettable sporangial wall protrudes into the air. A, a sporangium attached to a drop of water hanging from a pipette. B, a test-tube partly filled with water, and C another test-tube overfilled with water. Some sporangia have been placed in the water film. As indicated by the arrows, the sporangia in B move toward the centre of the surface film of water, while those in C move toward the edge. If the black sporangial wall were wettable instead of unwettable, the movements would be in directions opposite to those indicated. Somewhat enlarged. its gelatinous side submerged in the surface film of water and its unwettable black convex side protruding into the air. As is well known, glass is wettable by water and, when water is set in a glass dish, the water film bends upwards against the glass. If now tiny wettable objects which float, such as hollow glass beads, are set in a small glass vessel containing water, they move to the sides ; whereas, if similar objects but unwettable, such as hollow glass beads coated with paraffin wax, are set in the water, they move away from the sides of the vessel toward the middle of the film of water. ^ Some sporangia of Pilobolus were placed in water contained 1 C. V. Boys, Soap Bubbles and the Forces which Mould them, The Romance of Science Series, S.P.C.K., London, 1895, pp. 33-34. 156 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI in a test-tube one inch in diameter. They behaved like paraffined beads, i.e. they at once moved away from the sides of the test-tube and collected in the middle of the surface film of water (Fig. 76, B). If a small glass vessel is over-filled with water so that the surface film of water bends downwards to the glass rim, tiny wettable floating objects, such as unparaffined hollow glass beads, move from the sides of the vessel to the centre of the film of water, whereas tiny un wettable floating objects, such as paraffined hollow glass beads, move from the centre of the water film to the sides of the vessel. 1 Some sporangia of Pilobolus were placed in water which overfilled a wide test-tube one inch in diameter. They behaved like paraffined glass beads, i.e. they at once moved away from the centre of the surface film of water and came into contact with the rim of the test-tube (Fig. 76, C). The two physical experiments just described afford further evidence that the black convex sporangial wall of Pilobolus is unwettable. In the light of the observations just recorded, an attempt will now be made to explain how it is that a discharged sporangium always settles on any object it strikes so that its basal gelatinous side is turned toward the surface of the object. The Pilobolus projectile consists not of a sporangium only as Grove and others have supposed but, as we have seen, of a sporangium and a large drop of cell-sap. Owing to the fact that the gelatinous under side of the sporangium is wettable while the black convex upper side is unwettable, it is clear that, as the sporangium is travelling through the air, the drop of sap must be attached to the gelatinous side of the drop, as shown in Fig. 74, A (p. 151) ; and this view is supported by the pipette-drop observations described above. It may well be, as Grove supposed, that the projectile rotates as it travels forward, but whether it rotates or not does not make any difference to the explanation of the mode of settling of the sporangium, which is now about to be given. Let us suppose that a Pilobolus projectile is travelling vertically upwards toward a sheet of glass. As it is about to strike the surface 1 C. V. Boys, Soap Bubbles and the Forces which Mould them, The Romance of Science Series, S.P.C.K., London, 1895, pp. 33-34. THE PILOBOLUS GUN AND ITS PROJECTILE 157 of the glass there are five possible ways in which its two elements may be arranged : (1) the drop of cell-sap may be directly in front of the sporangium, so that the axis of the projectile is perpendicular to the surface of the glass ; (2) the drop of cell-sap may be more or less in front of the sporangium, so that the axis of the projectile is inclined to the surface of the glass ; (3) the sporangium and the drop of cell-sap may be side by side, so that they strike the glass simul- taneously ; (4) the sporangium may be more or less in front of the drop of cell-sap, so that the axis of the projectile is inclined to the surface of the glass ; and (5) the sporangium may be directly in front of the drop of cell-sap, so that the axis of the projectile is perpendicular to the surface of the glass. All these possible arrange- ments must now be considered and, for the sake of convenience, they will be considered in the following order: (1) and (2), (4), (3), and (5). (1) and (2). If the dro2J of cell-sap is either directly or more or less in front of the sporangium, the drop will strike the surface of the glass first, flatten out there, and so cause the sporangium, which owing to adhesion cannot leave its surface, to take up a position at or near its centre, so that the gelatinous side of the sporangium will be turned toward the surface of the glass and the unwettable convex side will be turned away from the surface of the glass and will project freely into the air, as shown in Fig. 74, B. (4). If the sporangium is more or less in front of the drop of the cell-sap, but not directly in front as in case (5), as shown in Fig. 74, A, the sporangium will strike the surface of the glass first and a moment of momentum about the point of first contact of the sporangium with the glass (to which the arrow in Fig. 74, A, points) will rotate the projectile (to the left in Fig. 74, A), with the result that the drop of cell-sap will strike the surface of the glass, spread out owing to the force of impact and, in spreading out, drag the sporangium round by its adhesive wettable side at the same time pushing away its non-adhesive unwettable side, thus forcing the sporangium to take up a position at or near the centre of the drop with its gelatinous under side toward the glass and still in contact with the water and with its black convex side projecting into the air. (3). If the sjjora7igium and the drop of cell-sap strike the surface 158 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI of the glass simultaneously, the drop will flatten out on the surface of the glass and force the sporangium to take up its characteristic position on the glass by the same means as described under (4). (5). If the sporangium is directly in front of the drojJ of cell-sap so that the axis of the projectile is perpendicular to the surface of the glass, the sporangium will strike the surface of the glass first and be momentarily overwhelmed and imprisoned between the glass and the drop ; but, immediately thereafter, owing to the lateral spreading of the drop and to the unwettability of the spor- angium-wall, it is probable that the thin water-film covering the sporangium will break in such a way as to cause the drop to pull Fig. 77. — Pilobolus longipes. Diagram showing in lateral view the position of a discharged sporangium after landing on a sub- stratum. A, normal position ; sporangium attached to the sub- stratum by its gelatinous ring. B and C, abnormal positions. B, sporangium resting on its side, gelatinous ring and spores partly displaced from their normal position. C, sporangium upside down ; it has no gelatinous ring. Magnification, about 44. the sporangium round through an angle of 180° and so cause the sporangium to reverse its former position, and take up the nor- mal position for a discharged sporangium, namely, that shown in Fig. 74, B. Summing up the explanation given above, it may be said in general terms that a sporangium settles on any object it may strike by its gelatinous side because its gelatinous side is wettable and its convex side covered by the black sporangial wall is unwettable. and because the sporangium is accompanied to its destination by a large drop of cell-sap. Very occasionally, a sporangium lands on the side of a glass plate or other object so that it comes to rest in an abnormal manner, i.e. so that its gelatinous side is not flattened out against the object struck and so that it rests on its side (Figs. 77, B, and 78, A) or on THE PILOBOLUS GUN AND ITS PROJECTILE 159 its apex (Figs. 77, C, and 78, B) or in some intermediate position. I have observed that two sporangia which had landed upside-down had lost their gelatinous ring (Figs. 77, C, and 78, B). It seems likely that the loss of this wettable substance was the cause of the sporangia coming to rest upside-down. The sporangium which had landed in such a way as to rest on its side (Figs. 77, B, and 78, A) Fig. 78. — Pilobolus longipen. Two projectiles which landed on a glas.s glide abnor- mally ; seen from above under the low power of the microscope. A, the sporangium is resting on its side : a, the sporangium -wall ; b, spores, outside the sporangium ; c, the gelatinous ring, abnormally torn and displaced ; d, pre- cipitate from the drop of sap which accompanied the sporangium. B, the sporangium is resting upside down ; it lacks its gelatinous ring : a, the sporangium-wall incurved over the spores ; b, spores inside tlie sporangium ; c, the columella through which spores can be seen ; d, precipitate of crystals and amorphous particles from the drop of sap which accompanied the sporangium ; e, the surface of the glass slide. Magnification, lUU. had its gelatinous ring broken and displaced. Here, again, the abnormal position taken up by the sporangium appears to have been caused by an accident to the gelatinous ring, in this case its displacement from its usual position. It has been shown (1) that the sporangium alights on any object it strikes so that its gelatinous side is turned toward the object struck and (2) that the ring of jelly, on drying up, attaches the sporangium to its substratum. We may now enquire into (3) the effectiveness of the attachment after it has once been accomi)lished. i6o RESEARCHES ON FUNGI The gelatinous ring of a sporangium of Pilobolus Kleinii which has dried up on a sheet of glass is so strongly attached by its lower surface to the glass and by its upper surface to the lowest layer of the spores which make up the spore-mass that, if one scrapes the sporangium off the glass with a knife, the dried-up gelatinous ring and the adherent lower halves of the walls of the lowest layer of spores are left behind together in situ. The broken walls of the spores are colourless and, in the mass, form a hexagonal pattern reminding one of honey-comb. When a drop of water is added, the jelly swells up and each hexagonal half-spore wall separates from its neighbours and comes to have an oval outline. Under natural conditions in the open, Pilobolus Kleinii, P. longipes, etc., grow in pastures on the dung-plats of horses, cows, and other herbivorous animals, and the sporangia which their guns shoot away strike and stick to the surface of leaves, stems, and inflorescences of grasses and other plants making up the surround- ing herbage (Fig. 80, p. 164) ; and the sporangia, on drying up, become very firmly attached to their substrata, so firmly indeed that the wind, however strongly it may blow, cannot dislodge them. Sporangia which have dried up are also not easily dislodged from their places of attachment by falling drops or moving films of water. Evidence of this fact was obtained from some experiments which will now be described. A plate of glass to which a number of sporangia were attached was set obliquely under a tap in such a way that six of the sporangia were struck by a rapid stream of large water drops which fell from the nozzle of the tap for a distance of about one foot. All of the six sporangia withstood the hammering of the drops unmoved for half an hour. Then one of them was washed away. The other five were washed away in the course of the next two and a half hours. A number of other sporangia which were on the plate and were washed by the stream of water running down the plate for three hours were, at the end of this time, still attached to the plate in their original positions. In another experiment, a postage stamp was stuck on a glass plate to which some sporangia were already attached and, as before, THE PILOBOLUS GUN AND ITS PROJECTILE i6i drops of water were allowed to fall from a tap on to some of the sporangia ; and the plate was so arranged that the stream of water, after leaving the sporangia, ran over the postage stamp. The postage stamp was washed off the plate in 3 • 5 minutes, whereas the sporangia withstood the impact of the drops for half an hour. The effectiveness of the gelatinous ring in enabling the sporangium to cling to its substratum even when battered by large drops of water as in the experiments just described appears to be due to the fact that the jelly, after being dried and placed in water again, swells up by the absorption of water but only to about its original volume, so that, unlike the mucilage on a postage stamp, it does not dissolve in water. From the observations just recorded we may conclude that, under natural conditions in pastures, the sporangia are so effectively attached by their gelatinous bases to the herbage on which they have alighted that, in dry weather, they cannot be detached from their substrata by the strongest winds and, in wet weather, they cannot easily be detached by prolonged rain or even by violent thunder- storms. The Relations of Pilobolus with Flowering Plants and with Herbivorous Animals. — Pilobolus is a highly specialised copro- philous fungus which is dependent for its existence : firstly, on flowering plants which provide its sporangia with a temporary but prospectively favourable lodging-place and, secondly, on herbivorous animals which swallow the sporangia and herbage together, break open the sporangia and disperse the spores within their alimentary canals, and finally extrude the spores undamaged in their solid faeces. The spores, thus sown in dung-plats in pastures, rapidly germinate, and the mycelia to which they give rise soon develop new fruit-bodies which, in their turn, shoot away their sporangia on to the surrounding herbage (Fig. 79). The smaller sporangia of Pilobolus Kleinii and of P. longipes are often shot to a horizontal distance of 3-5 feet whilst the largest ones, as we have seen, are sometimes shot a horizontal distance of about 8 feet. Therefore, when fruit-bodies of these species are growing on a dung-plat in a pasture, hundreds of sporangia may be, and often actually are, shot away so as to dot the leaves and stems of grasses VOL. VI. M 3 2:^ 3 <» 0) 03 q c3 bD i: 9. CD cl o ce a. O CO j3 0) ^ as '& 2 'i X * S >> ^ S ® 4J M .22 03 <*-'.2 o -a .-I o 5-9 01 ^ 2 _ cS ^- (4 03 ® (S O S c bC c8 ® ^ S P 0! c3 o -d bc+^ o T3-r 00 J5 T3 O (J) N c8 > to o . Oh ' IB CO SS o THE PILOBOLUS GUN AND ITS PROJECTILE 163 and other plants growing on many square feet in the neighbourhood of the dung-plat. The discharge of the Pilobolus guns brings about the dispersion of the sporangia but not of the spores ; for each sporangium, on its flight through the air, carries all its spores with it and, after it has become fixed to the leaf or the stem of a flowering plant (Fig. 80), its tough black indissoluble sporangial wall prevents the spores from escaping from its interior. When a sporangium has once become attached to a flowering plant, neither wind nor rain can dislodge it or open it, so that clearly wind and rain can have nothing to do with the dispersion of the spores. The dispersion of the spores can be effected only through the agency of herbivorous animals. The greater the horizontal range of the Pilobolus gun, the greater the number of square feet of herbage surrounding dung-plats which will become sprinkled with sporangia, and the greater the chance of the sporangia being swallowed by horses, cows, and other herbivora. Hence the great violence of discharge of the sporangia is a factor which, in the end, favours the dispersion of the spores and the persistence of Pilobolus species. The heliotropic response of the fruit-bodies of Pilobolus results in each sporangium being shot toward the source of the strongest inci- dent rays of light and, therefore, 171 the direction in which there are fewest obstacles to its flight through the air. In laying the Pilobolus gun, light is used in the most efficient manner as a directive agent. The discharge of the sporangia in the direction of least resistance to their flight favours the scattering of the sporangia on surrounding herbage and, therefore, ultimately increases the chance of the sporangia being swallowed by herbivorous animals. As a rule, only the spores of sjJorangia which are swallowed by a grazing animal find their way into a dung-plat. Hence the import- ance of the sporangia becoming firmly fixed to the flowering plants which they happen to strike and being thereby prevented from falling to the earth where they would be wasted. Hence therefore, also, the advantage of the discharged sporangium being provided with a strongly adhesive gelatinous ring, and of the sporangium always landing with the ring toward the surface of the flowering plant. It is the resistance to being wetted offered by the wall of 164 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI Fig. 80. — Living shoots of a wild grass, bearing numerous, firmly adherent sporangia of Pilobolufi longipes. The sporangia were shot on to the leaf-blades, leaf- sheaths, and st^m from fruit-bodies growing on near-by horse-dung balls contained in a large culture chamber in the laboratory. Photographed through a green screen. Natural size. THE PILOBOLUS GUN AND ITS PROJECTIT.E 165 the sporangium which enables the drop of cell-sap accompanying the discharged sporangium to turn the sporangium round at the moment of landing so that the gelatinous ring comes into contact with the surface of the object struck. The unwettability of the sporangium-wall, in promoting the fixation of the sporangium, indirectly promotes the dispersion of the spores. After a sporangium has become attached to the leaf or stem of a grass or other flowering plant, many weeks or even months must often go by before it is swallowed by a herbivorous animal. During this time it may be exposed for a great many hours to brilliant sunshine and yet (there is every reason to suppose) the spores retain their vitality unimpaired. The spores of Pilobolus have colourless spore-walls and therefore, like the colourless spores of Schizophyllum commune and Daedalea unicolor,^ they might be killed by prolonged exposure to the sun's direct rays ; but they are protected from any possibly injurious rays of light by the sporangium-wall which is so intensely black that it must absorb practically all the light which it does not reflect or diffuse.^ 1 These Researches, Vol. I, 1909, pp. 24-2G. 2 Coprinus, Panaeolus, Anellaria, Sordaria, and certain other genera of copro- philous fungi have black spores. These spores, like the black sporangia of Pilobolus, settle on and become firmly fixed to the stems and leaves of grasses and other flowering plants in pastures, and they must often wait through long periods of sunny weather before they are swallowed by herbivorous animals (c/. these Researches, Vol. Ill, pp. 229-230). While exposed to sunlight, these spores are protected from possibly injurious rays of light by their own light-screens, namely, their rather thick black walls. In Pilobolus where the spores in a sporangium are protected by a common light-screen, namely, the black sporangial wall, and the spore-walls therefore cannot function as light-screens, the spore-walls are colourless. The presence of a blackish pigment in the wall of the sporangium and the absence of such a pigment from the walls of the spores are just what might be expected if, as I think probable, the sporangial wall does actually protect the spores from injurious rays of light. While in Coprinus, Panaeolus, etc., as we may suppose, the pigment in the spore-wall enables the wall to act as a light-screen and is therefore functionally useful, in other equally coprophilous fungi, e.g. Aleuria vesiculosa, Lachnea stercorea, and Huinaria granuJata, the spore-walls are colourless. It is possible that, in these species, owing to the fact that the spore-walls are colourless and therefore cannot function as a light-screen, the spores, when exposed to sunlight, are more readily killed than the black spores of Coprinus, etc. An experimental test of this suggestion is desirable. The spores of Hypoxylon, Xylaria, Rosellinia, Bulgaria, and certain other fungi which are not normally coprophilous but live on dead wood or other plant i66 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI That the spores contained in sporangia attached to grasses, etc., do actually retain their vitahty for at least nine months may be inferred from the fact that at Winnipeg, in March and April, i.e. toward the end of the long winter, horses fed in stables on hay which has been gathered in the previous summer yield dung-balls which often produce fruit-bodies of Pilobolus Kleinii and P. longiiies in great abundance. The sporangial wall becomes impregnated with its black pigment long before the sporangium is shot away ; and, therefore, if there were no subsporangial swelling, the sporangium of an intact fruit- body would, when the fruit-body was turning toward the light, cut off light from the stipe and render an accurate heliotropic reaction to the strongest incident rays impossible. The intercalation of the subsporangial swelling, which acts as an ocellus, between the black sporangium and the stipe is an admirable arrangement which neutralises the shadowing effect of the sporangium, enables the stipe to turn the subsporangial swelling and sporangium toward the source of strongest light with a considerable amount of precision and, therefore, increases the chance of the sporangium being shot to a distance on to herbage. substances are as black as those of Ccprinus, Panaeolus, etc., although they are not of necessity exposed to sunlight for long periods of time. Their black walls must act as a light-screen to the protoplasm contained in their interior, but it is possible that the pigment is a mere by-product of the metabolism concerned with the development of the wall and, for tlie spores in question, is of little or no ecological significance. The black pigment in the walls of the outer cells of the shoe-string-like rhizomorpha subterranea of Armillaria mellea and of the cells making up the blocking layer of the mycelium of Pohjporus squamosals, Fomes applanatus, Armillaria mellea. and many other wood-destroying fungi (vide /w/ra. Vol. VII),so far as the absorption of light is concerned, can be of no possible ecological significance since the pigment is present in structures which normally are developed only in the dark. In support of the view that the black pigment of the sporangium-wall of Pilobolus and the black pigment of the spore-walls of Coprinus, etc., do actually protect the spores from injurious radiation may be cited the recent work of Rabinovitz-Sereni (" II grado di resistenza di alcuni funghi aU'azione dei raggi ultravioletti," Boll. R. Staz. Pat. Veg., N.S., XII, 1932, pp. 115-144; cited from Rcrieic of Applied Mycology, XI, 1932, pp. 737-738) who found that " dark thick-walled conidia such as those of Helminthosporium gibberosporum, Coniosporium bambusac, and Epicoccum purpurascens resisted the exposure to ultraviolet light for 180 minutes ; slightly olivaceous conidia, such as those of Microascus stysanus and Pe)iieiUium crustaeeutn withstood exposure for 25 minutes, while hyaline conidia, such as those of Clouo- slachysaravcaria, Fusariv7)i Diartii, und the pycnospores of Deuterophonia tracheiphila withstood exposure for only 10 minutes." THE PILOBOLUS GUN AND ITS PROJECTILE 167 Mucor and Pilobohis are closely related genera and it may well be that Pilobolus, through Pilaira, was evolved from a Mucor. It is therefore not without interest to compare the sporangial walls of these two genera. The sporangial wall of Mucor is wettable, non- persistent in that it is diffluent in water, and more or less colourless ; whereas the sporangial wall of Pilobolus is unwettable, persistent and not diffluent in water, and intensely black. The unwettability, persistency, and high pigmentation of the sporangial wall of Pilobolus can all be regarded as special adaptations which con- tribute to the success of Pilobolus as a coprophilous fungus ; for, as we have seen : (1) the unwettability of the wall is a prime factor in causing the sporangium to alight on any object with its gelatinous side turned toward the object : (2) the persistency of the wall enables the wall, when the sporangium is attached for weeks or months to a flowering plant, to prevent the spores from escaping from the sporangium even during rainy weather ; and (3) the intensely black pigment in the wall enables the wall to absorb sun- light and thus to act as a light-screen in cutting off injurious rays of light from the spores which lie beneath it. After swallowing a sporangium attached to a blade of grass, a herbivorous animal must often travel many miles before extruding the faeces in which the spores have become embedded. Hence it is clear that herbivorous animals are responsible for the geographical distribution of Pilobolus under natural conditions. It may also be remarked that, since the sporangia of Pilobolus cling so tenaciously to dry grass, the commercial transportation of hay must often involve the spread of Pilobolus species from one country to another. Often, on a cow dung-plat or a horse dung-plat in a field, one may observe several hundred fruit-bodies of Pilobolus producing sporangia at one and the same time. Let us suppose that the fruit- bodies of Pilobolus Kleinii produced on a single dung-plat in the course of several days have shot away 1000 sporangia on to the surrounding grass and that, on the average, each sporangium con- tains 45,000 spores. Then the total number of spores contained in the sporangia on the grass will be 45,000,000. When a horse or a cow comes and grazes near such a dung-plat as the one under con- sideration, in a few minutes it may take hundreds of sporangia into i68 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI its alimentary canal so that, in the end, its faeces— deposited several days later in various places in the pasture — will be thickly sown with hundreds of thousands, or even millions, of Pilobolus spores. Owing to (1) the very efhcient way in which the sporangia are discharged and fixed to herbage, (2) the large number of the sporangia and still larger number of the spores often produced ^on a single dung-plat, and (3) the high probability that sporangia attached to herbage will be swallowed sooner or later by a herbivorous animal, it is not surprising that Pilobolus is so successful in maintaining its existence in pastures and often flourishes there in such great abundance. Pilobolus gives to flowering plants and herbivorous animals nothing in return for their services in dispersing its spores. However, although Pilobolus does not pay for what it receives, it imposes on the organisms which assist it a burden which is so light as to be practically negligible. CHAPTER III PILOBOLUS UMBONATUS, A NEW SPECIES, WITH REMARKS ON THE PILOBOLIDAE Introduction — General Description — Taxonomic Description and Latin Diagnosis — Remarks on the Pilobolidae. Introduction. — In the winter of 1931-1932, two species of Pilo- bolus, P. longipes and P. Kleinii, were being cultivated and studied in the botanical laboratory of the University of Manitoba. These fungi commonly appeared on fresh horse dung, cow dung, etc., brought into the laboratory. Hans Ritter, a boy eleven years old, became interested in these cultures and made many similar ones for himself. His microscope was provided with a low-power objective only. With the help of this instrument he became well acquainted with P. longipes and P. Klemii. One day he observed on a horse-dung culture a Pilo- bolus which he had not previously seen (Fig. 105, A, B, C, and D, p. 210), and he at once brought it to my laboratory, where an examination showed that it was a new species not yet described by any mycologist. The new species is distinguished from all other species of the genus by its decidedly umbonate sporangium (Fig. 81) and it is on this account that I have named it u^nbonatus. Shortly after becoming acquainted with Pilobolus umhonatus, 109 Fig. 81. — Pilobolus urn- bona t us. Wild, small fruit-l)ody, in air. Magnification, Gl. 170 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI I happened to be writing to the late Dr. Roland Thaxter of Harvard University and, in the course of my letter, hoping to receive from him some comment on the matter, I mentioned the new Pilobolus and gave a brief description of it . In his reply he informed me that he had known my P. uinhonatus for forty years and that its chief sub- stratum was sheep dung.^ Thus the species occurs not only in central Canada but also in the eastern part of the United States of America, General Description. — Pilobolus umbonatus was obtained upon horse-dung balls taken from the streets of Winnipeg in mid- '*^.^ Fig. 82. — Pliotomicrogia.pli ot a mass of spores of Pilobolus umbonatus (small, ellipsoid) together with five spores of P. longipes (large, rounded-oval). Magnification, 510. winter of the years 1931-1932 and 1932-1933. The balls were brought into the laboratory and were placed in a crystalhsing dish covered with a glass plate. Soon they thawed and, after a few days, the fruit-bodies of the new species began to appear upon them. New crops of fruit-bodies came up each day for four or more days in succession. Well-grown fruit-bodies are 7-9 mm. in length but much shorter fruit-bodies have often been seen (c/. A and B in Fig. 105, p. 210). It was observed on one dung-ball that the length of the fruit-bodies diminished as successive crops appeared : on the 1 Roland Thaxter : "I have known that ' umbonate ' Pilobolus for many (40) years. You will find that on its natural substratum, which is more commonly sheep dung, it varies from a sharply pointed type to one which is quite bluntly rounded." In litt., Feb. 12, 1932. PILOBOLUS UMBONATUS 171 first day the length was about 7 mm., on the second day about 5 mm., on each of the next five days 2-3 mm., and on the next day only about 1-5 mm. The reduction in length of the fruit-bodies was chiefly due to a shortening of the stipe and, no doubt, was associated with a gradual diminution of the food supply. The sporangia were shot away in the usual manner, and sporangium- deposits were obtained upon glass slides. As compared with Pilobolus longipes and P. Kleinii, P. umbonatus Fig. 83. — Photomicrograph of spores of three species of Pilobolus ; P. umbonatus (very small, pale, ellipsoid) ; P. Kleinii (much larger, darker, ellipsoid) ; and P. longipes (three only to the right, rounded-oval, very large and dark). Magnification, 510. is to be regarded as a smaller and more dehcate species. This may per- haps be reahzed by comparing Figs. 81, 84, and 88, which respectively show a rather small, a very large, and a medium-size fruit- body of P. umbonatus, with Fig. 85, which shows a medium-size fruit-body of P. longipes, and with Fig. 86, which shows two medium-size fruit- bodies of P. Kleinii. All these Figures have the same magnification. The spores are ellipsoid and very small, their dimensions being 5- 0-6-0 X 3 -0-3 -8 \i. Singly they appear quite colourless, but in the mass they are yellow. The photomicrograph reproduced in Fig. 82 shows a mass of Pilobolus umbonatus spores together with five of the rounded-oval. 172 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI much larger, P. longipes spores ; while the photomicrograph repro- duced in Fig. 83, with the same magnification as for Fig. 82, shows spores of P. umbonatus, P. Kleinii, and P. longipes in a single field of view. In Fig. 83 one can readily distinguish the spores of P. umbo7iatus by their ellipsoid form, paleness, and very small size from those of P. Kleinii which, although also ellipsoid in form, are very much larger and darker, and from those of P. longipes (three only, to the right) which are rounded-oval in form, very much larger, and darker. Thus Figs. 82 and 83 serve to demonstrate, in respect to the nature of their spores, how very distinct from one another are P. umbo- natus, P. Kleinii, and P. longipes. At room temperatures, in hanging drops of cleared dung-agar, in the course of two days, the spores of Pilobolus umbonatus swell up greatly and put out germ- tubes (Fig. 89, A, p. 181). Thereafter the germ- tubes branch and develop into myceha (Fig. 89, B-D) with the usual two kinds of hyphae : (1) main hyphae which become very thick, contain much orange-yellow protoplasm, and give rise to basal swellings (trophocysts) of fruit-bodies ; and (2) much smaller lateral hyphae which doubtless send protoplasm and other materials into the main hyphae. The basal swellings (trophocysts) of fruit-bodies arise as rounded or oval swellings in the coarse stolon-like hyphae (Fig. 89, B-D, p. 181). They may be apparently terminal at the end of a hypha (Fig. 90, C-E, p. 182) or be obviously intercalary (Figs. 89, D, and 90, A, B). Sometimes they are dispersed at intervals along a single longer hypha (Fig. 90, G). Each basal swelling gives rise to a stipe and, as the stipe grows out from it, it usually becomes more or less turnip-shaped (Figs. 90, C-E, and 105, C, D, and H, pp. 182 and 210). Fig. 84. — Pilobolus umbo- natus. Large fruit-body from pure culture. Mag- nification, (51. PILOBOLUS UMBONATUS ^73 The stipe at its base where it adjoins the basal swelling is about 0-065 mm. thick. It increases slightly in thickness upwards until, just beneath the subsporangial swelling, it is about 0-1 mm. thick. At the top of the stipe, just beneath the sub- sporangial swelling, there is an orange band of protoplasm. The subsporangial swelling (Figs. 81, 84, 88, and 105, C-E) is ellipsoid, its greatest diameter being about the middle of its length. In well-grown fruit-bodies it is about 0-65 mm. long and 0-46 mm. wide. Like the stipe, it exudes numerous colour- less mucilaginous drops (Fig. 84). In lateral view in air, when seen with a hand-lens, its base appears very pale, thus differing from the subsporangial swellings of P. longipes and P. Kleinii in which an orange tint is readily observable. The subsporangial swelling of Pilobolus um- bo7iatus resembles that of P. longipes in being ellipsoidal and having its maximum diameter about the middle of its length, but differs from that of P. Kleinii which is distinctly pyriform (c/. Figs. 81, 84, and 88 with Figs. 85 and 86). Fig. 8.5. — Pilobolus longiprs. Upper part of a wild fruit-body of medium .size. Drops on sub.spor- angial swelling drying up, tho.se on sporangium, already dry. Transparent jelly around base of dehisced sporangium not visible in the photo- graph. Magnification, (Jl. 174 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI Pilobolus umbonatus is unique among Piloboli in having a sporangium which is more or less conical and decidedly umbonate (Figs. 81, 84, and 105, C-F). This characteristic enables one to Fig. SG.^Pilobolus Kleitiii. Two wild fruit-bodies of medium size, left with drops, right with drops removed or dried up. Trans- parent jelly around base of each dehisced sporangivim invisible in the photograph. Subsporangial swellings pyriform. Magnifi- cation, 61. recognise the species with certainty even with a hand-lens. Hundreds of sporangia have been observed and in every one a more sharply- rounded or less sharply-rounded umbo was present. The width of the sporangium in well-grown fruit-bodies varies from about 0 • 2 to 0-26 mm., and the height of the sporangium from about 0-14 mm. to 0-19 mm. PILOBOLUS UMBONATUS 175 The sporangium-wall is intensely black except below, where it is very pale-grey or colourless. After a sporangium has dehisced and just before it is discharged, one can observe the colourless lower part or fringe of the -sporangium-wall overlying the protruding jelly. The ratio of the width of the sporangium to the width of the subsporangial swelling in Pilobolus umbonatus is almost exactly |, whereas this ratio in P. longipes is about f and in P. Kleinii about f. When one looks at a living fruit- body of P. umbonatus in side view with a hand-lens, one perceives at a glance that the width of the sporangium relatively to the width of the subspor- angial swelling is much less in this species than in P. longipes and P. Kleinii. An apical view of a fruit- body showing both sporan- gium and subsporangial swelling is reproduced in Fig. 105, F (p. 210). A sporangium, after being discharged, dries and shrinks and becomes acutely pointed (Fig. 105, K). When sporangia of P. umbonatus, P. longipes, and P. Kleinii have been discharged on to the side of a glass dish and lie mixed near the top and one examines them in lateral view with a hand-lens, one can readily distinguish those of P. umbonatus from the two other species by the fact that the former are conical in shape, whereas the latter are rounded. When a sporangium which has just been discharged on to a glass sHde and has dried (Fig. 87) is examined from above with the microscope, it can be seen : (1) that the main convex portion of the sporangium-wall, which covers the spores, is intensely black and is M Ik f ! * \ « ' i r . • f '■'i i K > i i- r i J ' fl ■ 1 1 2 1 » 1 1 • P * 1 * Fig. 87. — Pilobolus umbonatus. Photomicro- graph of the upper side of a dried discliarged sporangium on a glass sHde. No. 1, tlie dried cell-sap ; No. 2, the broad fiat clear ring- layer of jelly : No. 3, the narrow transparent fringe of the sporangium -wall overlying the jelly ; and No. 4, the convex very black main portion of the sporangium -wall cover- ing the spores. Magnification, 120. 176 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI t ornamented with minute crystals of calcium oxalate ; (2) that the fringe of the sporangium-wall which overlies part of the gelatinous ring, is more or less circular at its free margin (not extended radially into broad rays),i is transparent, is largely or quite free from crystals of calcium oxalate, and is colourless or tinged very faintly with bluish-grey ; and (3) that the gelatinous ring extends radially from the black portion of the sporangium more than twice the distance of the fringe of the sporangium-wall. The fringe of the sporangium-wall of the dried discharged sporangium of Pilobolus umbonatus is so characteristic for the species that by this character alone one can readily distinguish P. u7nbonatus from P. longvpes and P. Kleinii.. In these two last-named species the fringe : (1) instead of being circular at the free margin, is siMt into broad radially-extended rays (Figs. 33, 34, and 39 ; pp. 77, 78, and 83) ; (2) instead of being largely or quite free from crystals, is finely punctate with evenly-spaced crystals, larger and smaller crystals usually forming a sort of pattern (Fig. 44, A, p. 88) ; and (3), instead of being colourless, is distinctly brownish. As a sporangium which has been dis- charged on to a glass slide dries up, the umbo becomes more prominent (Fig. 105, K) and at the same time the black part of the sporangium-wall which covers the spores contracts considerably. In some sporangia the contraction is uniform or almost so, so that the dark wall remains smooth and devoid of depressions (Fig. 105, I) ; whilst in other sporangia it is uneven, so that the wall becomes dimpled or wrinkled. The wrinkles tend to take a radial direction, so that the depressions between them are often more or less triangular in outline (Fig. 105, J). 1 It is possible that the part of the fringe corresponding to the rays of P. longipes and P. Kleinii is broken away from the fringe at the time the sporangium strikes an obstacle. Fig 88. — Pilobolus um- bonatus, after removal of sporangium. The dark, bluntly rounded coluniella crowns the subsporangial swell- ing. Magnification, Gl. PILOBOLUS UMBONATUS 177 When with the help of the microscope one looks down upon dried discharged sporangia of Pilobolus umbonatus, P. longipes, and P. Kleinii attached to a glass slide, one can at once distinguish those of P. umbonatus from those of the other two species : (1) by the presence of the umbo which in strong lateral illumination reflects the light on one side ; (2) by the smoothness or radial wrinkling of the black sporangium- wall below the umbo ; and (3) by the fringe of the sporangium- wall which, as already mentioned, is transparent, practically colourless, circular at its margin, and largely or quite devoid of crystals (Fig. 105, I and J). To observe the columella whilst this is still attached to the subsporangial swelling, one places a fruit- body in a drop of water on a slide and one then strokes away the sporangium with a needle. A columella exposed to view in this way (Fig. 88) is very bluntly conical or rounded in shape, distinctly grey or bluish-grey in colour, and connected at its base with the usual thin lower band of sporangium-wall that separated from the rest of the sporangium- wall when dehiscence of the sporangium took place. The columella in a dried discharged sporangium attached to a glass slide can be brought into view by adding water and a cover- glass, and by then pushing the cover-glass laterally. Columellae brought into view in this way reveal their grey or bluish-grey colour and also the narrow band of sporangium-wall attached to their free margin. Taxonomic Description and Latin Diagnosis. — An attempt will now be made to describe Pilobolus umbonatus for taxonomic purposes. Pilobolus umbonatus, sp. nov. Fruit-body 3-9 mm. high, arising from an oval to turnip-shaped basal swelling or trophocyst which may be terminal or intercalary, single or dispersed at intervals along a coarse stolon-like main hypha. Stipe increasing shghtly in diameter from below upwards, until just beneath the subsporangial swelhng it is about 0-1 mm. in diameter. Subsporangial swelling ellipsoid, in well-grown fruit-bodies about 0-65 mm. long and 0-46 mm. broad ; a pale orange-red band of protoplasm at the junction of the stipe and the subsporangial swelling. Sporangium decidedly umbonate and more or less conical, 0-21-0-23 mm. in VOL. VI. N 178 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI diameter or about one-half the diameter of the subsporangial swelHng, shrinking on drying after discharge and becoming acutely pointed ; columella very bluntly conical or rounded (when removed from a discharged sporangium its edge is turned inwards toward the axis), greyish, distinctly darker than the subsporangial swelling. Spores ellipsoid, singly almost colourless but yellow in mass, 5-0-6-0 X 3-0-3-8 [i.. On horse dung, Winnipeg, Canada, and, according to a communi- cation from the late Dr. Roland Thaxter (who observed the species forty years ago but did not describe it), more frequently on sheep dung, at Boston, U.S.A. Easily distinguished from all other species of Pilobolus by its decidedly umbonate sporangium and its minute elhpsoidal spores. With a hand-lens one can readily make out the acutely-pointed umbonate shape of the diied discharged sporangia when these are seen in lateral view, Latin Diagnosis Pilobolus umbonatus, sp. no v. Hyphae sporangiiferae 3-9 mm. altae, e trophocystide terminah v. intercalari ovaU v. napiformi solitaria v. in hypha crassa repenti sparsa oriundae. Stipes fihformis, circa 0 • 1 mm. diam., sursum sensim latior. Vesiculum suhsporangiale elHpsoideum, 0-65 mm. longum, 0-46 mm. latum, circa medianam partem latissimum. Sporangium eximie umbonatum, plus minusve conicum, 0-23 mm. diametro, arescendo acutius evadens, columella obtusissime conica v. convexa, cinerea, quam vesiculum obscuriore. Sporae minutae, ellipsoideae, dilutissime luteolae, ferme achroae, 5-0-6-0 X 3-0-3-8 [i. Hab. in stercore equino, Winnipeg, Canada, atque (sec. htt, Thaxteri) in stercore ovino a.pud Boston America e boreahs. Remarks on the Pilobolidae. — At my request Mr. W. B. Grove has prepared for this Volume a systematic account and an arrange- ment of the Pilobolidae. I have sought to assist him by providing the necessary illustrations and by placing at his disposal the results of my studies of Pilobolus longipes, P. Kleinii, P. umbonatus, found REMARKS ON THE PILOBOLIDAE 179 wild at Winnipeg, and of Pilaira anomala and P. Moreaui sent to me from Baarn. Piloboli commonly occur on horse dung, cow dung, etc., and are so different in appearance from all other fungi and discharge their black sporangia with such vigour that most mycologists have seen one or more of them and have recognised them for what they are. On the other hand, Pilairae are comparatively rare, may easily be mistaken by the uninitiated for Mucors, and have been less often found and studied. Hence perhaps it is that Fitzpatrick ^ in his recent book on the Phycomycetes, after remarking that " at least four species of Pilaira, all of them from dung, have been described " adds : " The possibihty that they were based on abnormal material of Pilobolus leads the writer to regard the genus as somewhat doubtful." From my own comparative studies of Piloboli and Pilairae, I have become convinced that the genus Pilaira is a good one. In the next Chapter the characteristics of Pilobolus and Pilaira have been set forth in detail. Anderson ^ has recently taken the trouble to demonstrate the stabiUty of the genus Pilaira by means of a sj^ecial investigation. He made monosporous cultures of Pilaira anomala and found that they remained true and did not give rise to a Pilobolus form. Further, he fed two rabbits, one with lettuce bearing Pilaira sporangia and the other with lettuce bearing Pilobolus sporangia. The dung of each rabbit produced the respective fungus only. As a result of these experiments Anderson concluded that the genus Pilaira van T. is a vaUd one. Our knowledge of the Pilobohdae is not as satisfactory as it should be. A number of species, more especially of Pilobolus, have been imperfectly described and illustrated. What is now required is that some systematist should take up the study of the Pilobolidae with a view to preparing a monograjih upon them, based on a comparison of as many species as could be brought together in a long term of years. The resources of photomicrography, unknown to ^ H. M. Fitzpatrick, The Louver Fungi, Phycomycetes, New York, 1930, p. 253. ^ R. S. Anderson, " Tlie Validit}' of the genus Pilaira," University of loiva Studies, Vol. XV, 1933, pp. 3-5. Cited from Journ. Roy. 3Iicros. Soc, Ser. Ill, Vol. LIII, 1933, p. 284. i8o RESEARCHES ON FUNGI the older mycologists, are now at our disposal and would facilitate the task. To the criteria so far employed by taxonomists for distinguishing species of Pilobolus should be added : (1) the exact shape of the subsporangial swelUng, whether elhpsoidal or pyriform, etc. ; (2) the ratio of the width of the sporangium to the width of the sub- sporangial swelhng ; (3) the nature of the depressions or wrinkles on dried discharged sporangia when seen in strong reflected uni- lateral light ; and (4) the nature of the fringe of the sporangium- wall of dried discharged sporangia, in respect to form, colour, and disposition of crystals. The spores of all the species of Pilobolus and Pilaira contain a carotinoid pigment which colours oil-drops held within the proto- plasm. Large spores which contain much of the pigment, e.g. those of Pilobolus longipes and P. Kleinii, when seen singly in water in transmitted hght, are orange-yellow, while small spores wliich contain very little of the pigment, e.g. those of P. umbonatus, when seen singly are almost colourless and when seen many together are yellowish. Van Tieghem ^ remarked that the spores of Pilobolus longipes, when seen in the mass, appear dull green, and he regarded this as being due to the slaty-blue colour of the spore- wall combining with the golden-yellow colour of the spore-protoplasm. When spores of P. longipes are seen in the mass, they are seen by reflected and not by transmitted light. I have observed that, if Pilobolus spores are spread out in a drop of water under a cover-glass and are looked at with the low-power objective of the microscope, they exhibit dichroism, in that they are orange-j^ellow or yellowish in transmitted light and green in reflected hght. This applies to the spores not only of P. longipes, but also of P. Kleinii ^ and P. umbonatus. It is therefore clear that a dull green colour for spores in the mass cannot be regarded as a distinctive character of P. longipes. The basal swelling (trophocyst) of Pilobolus longipes, as com- pared with that of other Piloboli, is so much elongated (Fig. 100, ^ P. van Tieghem, " Troisieme memoire sur les Mucorinees," Ann. Sci. Nat., 6 ser., T. IV, 1876, p. 339. 2 Cf. supra, p. 72. REMARKS ON THE PILOBOLIDAE i8i p. 203) that its form is a valuable aid in identifying this species. In the other Piloboli, the basal swelling as a rule is rounded, turnip- shaped, or oval. In all the species of Pilobolus, the basal swelling together with the fruit-body which grows out of it may be and usually is solitary ; but in some species, e.g. P. roridus (Fig. 101, F, p. 204) and P. nanus Fig. 89. — Pilobolus umbonatus. Gennination of spores and tlevelopnieiit of a trophocj'st (which becomes the basal swelhng of a fruit-body). Culture medium, cleared horse-dung agar. A : a, spores placed in culture medium ; b, c, and d, two days later ; b, a spore swelling ; c, two spores putting out germ-tubes ; d, a spore with a long germ-tube. B : a main hypha of a mycelium, with numerous slender brandies (secondary hyphae). C : a main hypha which has become swollen at 6 as a step toward the formation of a trophocyst. D : a main hypha in which a local swelling has become divided by two septa, so as to form a trophocyst b and two apophyses a a. Drawn by A. H. R. BuUer and E. S. Dowding. Magnification : A, 350 ; B-D, 80. (Fig. 106, C, p. 212), two or three or possibly more basal swellings, which become extended into fruit-bodies, may occur in short chains. A single basal swelling in any Pilobolus species usually arises in the middle of one of the stouter hyphae in an intercalary manner and becomes cut off from the rest of the hypha in which it has originated by two septa (Fig. 89, also Figs. 21 and 27, pp. 52 and 69). One or both of the adjacent portions of the hypha may then become swollen to form one or two so-called apophyses (Figs. 89 and 90). When one examines a mature fruit-body, if only one apophysis has been developed (Fig. 90, C-E ; also Figs. 27 and 101, l82 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI B, pp. 69 and 204), one gains the impression that the basal swelhng is terminal, whereas, if two apophyses have been developed (Figs. 80, Fig. 9U. — Pilobolus umbonatus. Variations in tlie basal swelling and its apophyses. Fruit-bodies removed from a horse-dung culture and examined in water. Outlines made with the help of the camera lucida ; protoplasm added semi- diagrammatically. In all the drawings : a is an apophysis ; b, a basal swelling ; and c, part of the stipe of a fruit-body. A : the basal swelling is evidently intercalary ; there are two apophy.ses. B : a much larger basal swelling, again evidently intercalary ; the apopliy.sis at d is smaller and less typical than that at a. C : the basal swelling lias only one apophj'sis, a ; it is not terminal bvit intercalary, as it and its apophysis were developed from a local enlargement on the hypha d e. D : a basal swelling with one apophysis ; it is apparently terminal, but at e a slender continuation of the hypha d may have been torn away in removing the basal swelling from the sul)stratum ; if such a continuation existed, the basal swelling nuist have dexelojied in an intercalary manner ; at / and g are two hyphae with club-shaped ends which possibly might have given rise to truly terminal basal swellings. E : a slightly elongated basal swelling without airy typical apo]ihysos ; it is possible that a continuation of the hypha a was broken away at e when tlie fruit-body was removed from the substratum ; if such a continuation existed, the basal swelling was intercalary and not terminal in its mode of origin. F : a basal swelling with three apophyses. C. : two basal swellings which have arisen on the same main hypha, d e f ; each has a single apophysis on one side of it and an imswollen part of the main hypha on the other side. Drawn by A. H. R. Duller and E. S. Dowding. INIagnification, 62. D, and 90, A and B ; also Fig. 101. G). one readily perceives that the basal swelling at its origin was intercalary. Although most REMARKS ON THE PILOBOLIDAE 183 apparently terminal basal swellings in reality have originated in an intercalary manner (Fig. 90, C ; also Fig. 21, E-G, p. 52), yet it may well be that now and again some basal swellings originate in a truly terminal manner, for Cohn ^ (1851) observed in Pilobolus oedipus certain club-shaped hyphae coming off from stout hyphae, which he considered to be the possible beginnings of new fruit- bodies, and I have observed exactly similar club-shaped hyphae in the mycelium of P. umbonatus (Fig. 90, D, / and g). The ratio of the width of the sporangium to the width of the subsporangial swelling in the fruit-body of a Pilobolus may be called the width-ratio. To obtain the data for this ratio, all that one needs to do is to remove a fruit-body from a culture, to lay it horizontally in a drop of water on a glass slide, and then to measure in succession the width of the sporangium and the width of the subsporangial swelling. A preliminary study of the width-ratio of three species of Pilo- bolus wac^ made under my direction by Dr. Dowding, and the results of it are embodied in the diagram reproduced in Fig. 91. The upper five drawings at A show in top view the sporangia of five wild fruit- bodies of Pilobolus longipes ; their average width-ratio was found to be approximately f . The lower five drawings at B show five sporangia obtained from a pure culture of P. Kleinii ; their average width-ratio was found to be approximately f. The drawing C shows a single sporangium of a wild fruit-body of P. umbonatus ; its ratio was found to be — as in other fruit-bodies of this species — approximately J. Thus the average ratio of the width of the sporangium to the width of the subsporangial swelling appears to differ appreciably in the three species of Pilobolus which have been investigated. Lepeschkin ^ found that the width of the subsporangial swelling in a Pilobolus is determined in part by the osmotic value of the substances dissolved in the water permeating the substratum. On ^ F. Cohn, " Die Entwicklungsgeschichte des Pilobolus crystallinus," Nova Acta Acad. Cues. Leop., Bd. XXIII, 1851, Plate LII, Figs. 14 and 16. His P. crystallinus was in reality P. oedipus. 2 W. W. Lepeschkin, " Zur Kenntnis des Mechanismus der aktiven Wasseraus- scheidung der Pflanzen," Beihefte z. Bot. Centralb., Bd. XIX, 1906, p. 423. Also vide supra, p. 34. 1 84 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI this account, in determining the width-ratio of fruit-bodies of any species of Pilobolus, it is advisable to use wild fruit-bodies obtained from their natural substratum. Unfortunately, the sporangia of Pilobolus Kleinii shown at B in Fig. 91 were obtained from a pure culture. Had they been obtained from a wild culture, it is possible that their average width-ratio would have been slightly smaller, perhaps f instead of f , as wild fruit-bodies of P. Kleinii with a width-ratio of about f have been observed. In concluding this Section, we may enquire to what extent, if Fig. 91. — Diagram illustrating a study of the ratio of the width of the sporangium to the width of the subsporangial swelHng in three species of Pilobolus. Each fruit-body is shown in top view ; the black area represents the sporangium, the pale area the subsporangial swelUng. A, five wild fruit-bodies of Pilobolus longipes (average width-ratio approx. f). B, five fruit-bodies from a pure culture of P. Kleinii (average width-ratio approx. |). C, a wild fruit-body of P. umbonatus (width-ratio ^). Magnification, 30. any, the patterns that can be found on the dried discharged sporangia of certain Piloboli are of diagnostic value. Coemans,! in 1861, observed some curious markings on the sporangium of Pilobolus crystallinus (Fig. 92). He says : " In Pilobolus oedipus the tint of the coloration is uniform, but in P. crystallinus it sometimes exhibits beautiful hexagonal patterns which have a close analogy with the hexagonal cells of the choroid ^ E. Coemans, " Monographic du genre Pilobolus Tode, specialement etudie au point de vue anatomique et physiologique," Mem. cour. et des Sav. etrang. Acad. roy. de Belgique, T. XXX, 1861, pp. 23-24. REMARKS ON THE PILOBOLIDAE 185 of the higher animals. These patterns are very regular ; a chief alveolus occupies the centre at the top of the globule (sporangium) and six other exactly similar cells are placed around the sides of the principal polyhedron. These alveoli have shades of coloration, their centre is usually pale, and a colourless or paler streak separates them from one another. I have noticed similar patterns, but ovoid in form, on the sporangium of Ascophora Cesatii ^' {= Pilaira anomala). " It is remarkable that these patterns are not produced regularly each year. In 1859, in a hot summer, they ornamented all the globules of Pilobolus crystallinus that I observed ; in 1860, the summer being cold and wet, I found them very rarely and always faintly indicated. The cause of these variations is probably connected with the effects of light and heat. It may also be noted that, the irregularity of the appear- ance of these patterns being proved, they Fig. 92.— Pt/ofco^ws crys- ^ o J. ' »/ talhnus. Sporangium cannot have any diagnostic value." flattened out and seen _. . 1 • -n i i • 1 l^ from above. Copied Coemans m his illustrations shows the by the author from pattern on a discharged sporangium (Fig. 92), ^^^/raleif Mag! but not on sporangia still seated on sub- nification increased ,,. rru • A from 220 to 293. sporangial swellings. Ihere is good reason to suppose, therefore, that Coemans saw the pattern on discharged sporangia only. Van Tieghem,^ in his description of Pilobolus crystallinus, says : " A white network with the meshes most often hexagonal ornaments the upper surface of the cuticularised hemisphere (sporangium) ; there is a hexagon at the top and six other hexagons arranged in a circle around the first with their free sides rounded below. Some- times the central polygon has four, five, seven, or eight sides. This regular system of white lines, left untouched by the coloration which affects all the rest of the cuticularised hemisphere, is quite charac- teristic of this species." Van Tieghem, in a foot-note, adds : that he has found the network in all the sporangia of P. crystallinus 1 P. van Tieghem, " Troisieme m^moire sur les Mucorinees," Ann. Sci. Nat., 6 ser., T. Ill, 1876, p. 336. i86 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI that he has seen both in winter and summer in numerous generations obtained in cultures ; and that the reason why Coemans did not always find them in this species was that he, Coemans, had some- times had P. Kleinii, which has no network, under his eyes instead of P. crystallinus. Van Tieghem, in a diagrammatic illustration of the network (Fig. 93), shows the top of a discharged sporangium in the form of a black disc marked out with white lines. Still later Zopf,^ in a study of the parasites of Pilobolus, illus- trated the supposedly normal fruit-bodies of P. crystallinus. He shows not only a discharged sporangium with polygonal markings on its upper surface, but also intact fruit- B bodies bearing undischarged sporangia with 0 ^ similar markings. Subsequently, he repro- ^ 0 duced two of these illustrations in the form G) of wood-cuts in his text-book of mycology .^ Fig. qz. — Pilobolus My own studies of the patterns on the crystallinus A, sporangia of p. Kleinii, P. lonqipes, and P. upper view oi spor- x o -j j. angiiim showing a umbonatus have led me to the following con- white network. B, . / 1 \ . u j.i. j. spores. Copied by clusions : (1) the patterns are never present the author^ Jrom on sporangia seated on their sporangiophores, Troisiime Memoire but only on discharged sporangia ; and (2) the (1876). Magnifi- cation, not given. patterns develop on discharged sporangia as these dry up and flatten down. I am there- fore of the opinion that Zopf was in error in representing a pattern on the undischarged sporangia of P. crystallinus. The netted pattern on a dried sporangium is due merely to the ^VTinkling of the hemispherical sporangium-wall as this settles down on the drying mass of spores. This mass, as it loses water by evaporation, shrinks to less than one-half of its original volume. The white Unes represented by Coemans and van Tieghem in their drawings of Pilobolus crystallinus (Figs. 92 and 93) were doubtless ridges around depressions. Sometimes, as I have observed in a large flattened sporangium of P. Kleinii, the sporangium-wall ^ W. Zopf, " Ziir Keiintniss der Infectionskrankheiten niederer Tliiere und Pflanzen. No. IV. Einfluss von Parasitismus auf Zygosporenbildung bei Pilobolus crystallinus," Nova Acta Acad. Cues. Leop. Nat. Cur., Bd. LII, 1888, Plate XXII, Figs. 1-3. 2 W. Zopf, Die Pilze, Breslau, 1890, Fig. 54, Nos. 2 and 3, p. 84. REMARKS ON THE PILOBOLIDAE 187 becomes cracked along these ridges and then the cracks appear as Hnes which are whitish when contrasted with the dark sporangium- wall. The formation of a jDattern on a discharged sporangium, con- trary to the view expressed by van Tieghem, is not limited to Pilobolus crystallinus, for I have observed patterns on the discharged sporangia of P. Kleinii (Fig. 39, p. 83), P. longipes (Fig. 40, p. 84). and P. umbonatus (Fig. 105, J, p. 210). While the existence of a pattern on a discharged and dried sporangium cannot be held to be a diagnostic character for Pilobolus crystallinus, yet differences in pattern are displayed by different species. Thus a well-developed, discharged, and dried sporangium exhibits : in P. Kleinii a few rounded regular dimples, one of which Fig. 94. — Pilobolus Kleinii. Diagram showing variations in tlie pattern on dried discharged sporangia obtained ivom. a pure culture. A and B, sporangia with a smooth wall. C-G, sporangia with one dimple, two, three, four, and five dimples respectively. H, a sporangium with six dimples, one central. I, a sporangium with six dimples in a circle. Magnification, 47. often holds a central position (Fig. 39) ; in P. longipes numerous irregular somewhat gyrose depressions (Fig. 40) ; and in P. um- bonatus, a central umbo with lateral more or less radial depressions (Fig. 105, J). These differences in sporangial pattern are un- doubtedly of diagnostic value and I have often used them in the laboratory for distinguishing P. Kleinii, P. longipes and P. umbonatus from one another. The pattern made by the dimples in the sporangial wall of dried discharged sporangia of Pilobolus Kleinii varies considerably in detail, as will appear in what follows. A pure culture of P. Kleinii was obtained by inoculating sterilised horse dung with a single sporangium. As soon as new sporangia began to be discharged, they were caught on glass slides and examined under the microscope. Whilst still wet, their sporangial walls were perfectly smooth ; but, as they dried up, in the course of about two minutes, it was observed that certain circular areas of the walls sank inwards and so formed i88 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI crater-like depressions. Fifty dried discharged sporangia were selected at random and were observed under the low power of the microscope by reflected light, and it was found that the number of depressions in the sporangial wall varied from none at all to six (Fig. 94), as indicated in the accompanying Table. Fifty dried discharged sporangia of Pilobolus Kleinii No depressions or faint traces One central depression . Two depressions .... Three depressions Four depressions .... Five depressions .... Six depressions, one central . Six depressions, irregularly arranged 12 sporangia 8 sporangia 5 sporangia 7 sporangia 11 sporangia 4 sporangia 2 sporangia 1 sporangium Further observation showed that in dried discharged sporangia of Pilobolus Kleinii, as a general rule, the number of depressions in the sporangial wall varies directly with the diameter of the spor- angium, the smallest sporangia having the fewest depressions and the largest sporangia the greatest number „ Ar D-7 I, 7 t-; ••• rru of dcprcssions. In Fig. 95. — Pilobolus Kletnii. The upper convex ^ surfaces of two large dried discharged sporangia wild cultures where produced by wild fruit -bodies, each with a larger central dimple surrounded by smaller dimoles. the sporangia were In A there ar3 ten smaller dimples and in j ^^ ^j^ ^^ B nine. Magnincation, 100. & the artificial pure culture from which the fifty sporangia were obtained, it was observed that the number of depressions in a sporangial wall was often nine or ten and that, as a rule, there was one larger central polygonal depression surrounded by a ring of small depressions (Fig. 95). An investigation similar to that just described was made on REMARKS ON THE PILOBOLIDAE 189 Piloholus longipes. Of sixty- two sporangia twelve showed no depressions, whilst in the other fifty the depressions in the form of elongated, meandering, irregularly arranged furrows (Fig. 96) varied from ten to twenty in number. Of seventy-five sporangia derived from a pure culture only three or four small sporangia Fig. 96. — Pilobolus longipes. A and B, the upper convex surfaces of two large dried discharged sporangia, produced by wild fruit- bodie.«, each showing a pattern of irregular depressions or furrows. Magnification, 100. could be found which possessed in their walls depressions that more or less resembled the rounded depressions of P. Kleinii. From the special investigations on Pilobolus Kleinii and P. longipes that have just been recorded it is clear that the pattern on dried discharged sporangia, while fairly constant in its general aspect for each species, is subject within each species to a large amount of variation in detail. The typical pattern for any particular species ought to be sought for in the larger sporangia rather than in the smaller ones. CHAPTER IV A SYSTEMATIC ACCOUNT AND ARRANGEMENT OF the pilobolidae Contributed by W. B. Grove Introductory Remarks — Historical Account — Systematic Arrangement — - Bibliography Introductory Remarks. — The section of the Mucorini entitled Pilobolidae includes only two genera, Pilobolus and Pilaira. In 1884 the writer of this chapter published a Monograph of the Pilo- bolidae, in which he gave a systematic arrangement of the ten species which had been up to that time described. This arrangement was followed by Saccardo in the seventh volume of his Sylloge Fungorum, pp. 184-189, and has since been revised by Palla and Morini.^ The writer's personal knowledge of the Pilobolidae in England is based upon the forms called Pilobolus crystallinus, P. Kleinii, P. sphaerosporus , P. oedipus, and Pilaira anomala, and in addition he has seen Pilobolus longipes and P. umbonatus, which have been found in Canada as shown by Professor Buller in preceding chapters of this volume. The six forms of Pilobolus just mentioned, as well as Pilaira anomala, P. nigrescens, P. Saccardiana, and P. Moreaui, may probably be regarded as definitely established species ; in regard to most of the others there remains a certain doubt which can only be removed when some one has devoted to the group ^ This account of the Pilobolidae, written at the request of my friend Professor Buller, may be considered to be a revision of the systematic part of the Monograph of the Pilobolidae which I published in the Midland Naturalist exactly fifty years ago. Professor Buller has been good enough to give me the benefit of his assistance in defining the group and the genera, in revising the descriptions of certain species, and in preparing the illustrations. — W. B. G. 190 TAXONOMY OF THE PILOBOLIDAE 191 a large amount of time and patience. The account of those species which I have not seen is of course compiled from the pubhshed sources. The drawings of the earlier authors were but free-hand sketches, inaccurate in certain details. For instance, Bolton's figure of Pilobolus roridus (Fig. 98) makes the subsporangial swelling appear nearly twice as broad as it is high (seemingly in an attempt at perspective) ; Zopf and Klein represent the subsporangial swelling of P. Kleinii (their P. crystallinus) as hardly or not at all wider than the sporangium ; van Tieghem makes the same error in his figure of Pilobolus nanus (Fig. 106, p. 212), while in Pilobolus longipes (Fig. 100, p. 203) he draws the spores in the sporangium out of all proportion to the sporangium in which they are enclosed. By future workers pure cultures of each so-called species should be obtained and their special characteristics should be fully illustrated by photographs and carnera-lucida drawings. The Historical Account which follows is founded, with many emendations and the necessary later additions, on that given in the Monograph of 1884. Historical Account. — The earliest record I have been able to find of a species belonging to Pilobolus is in the works of the famous British botanist, John Ray. In his Historia Plantarum (1688) occurs the following passage which, on account of its importance, shall be quoted in full : — "E Catalogo hue tvanfmljfo J nno 1680, quern compojuit eruditi/Ji- mus Vir et conjummati/jimus Botanicus D. Johannes Banifter Plantarum a Jeip/o in Virginia objervatarum. " Fungus (ex /tercore equino) capillaceus capitulo rorido, nigro punctulo in Jummitate notato. Ex recenti fimo noctu exoritur cauliculis erectis, vix digitum longis, capillorum injtar tenuibus nee minus denjis /eu confertis. Singuli Cauliculi parvulo globule aqueo coronantur, qui in Jumma Jui macula parva nigra Limacis oculi Jimili in/ignitur." The same species of Pilobolus was then mentioned and figured by Plukenet (1691) as ^^ Fungus Virginianus ex /tercore equino capillaceus canus capitulo rorido, nigro punctulo in Jummitate notato, D. Bani/ter." Plukenet did not merely copy what Ray had 192 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI " canus," published, for he adds the correct descriptive word of which Ray says nothing, as well as a small but characteristic figure (Fig. 97). Both these additions he obtained from Banister's MS. From Ray's description and Plukenet's figure, it is evident that the species they had in view was similar to that which was afterwards called Mucor roridus. These two notices stimulated observation, for a few years later the first British record was published in Ray's Synopsis (1696), in a list of plants communicated by Mr. James Petiver, who remarks " This I have observed on Horse-dung about London," and refers to Plukenet's figure. This record, therefore, may be considered to belong to Pilobolus roridus. It is repeated by Ray in his Historia Plantarum in 1704, and again in his Synopsis in 1724, and by Petiver in his Gazophylacium (1711), where he gives a figure similar to that of Plukenet. Another mention of a fungus belonging to this genus (the earliest known to Coemans in his review, 1861, of the literature of the sub- ject up to his time) is due to Henry Baker, who, in his Natural History of the Polype Insect (1744), described a number of small vase-like plants, filled with a clear liquid and crowned by a black ball ; these, which he had found on mud brought from the river Thames, were undoubtedly a species of Pilobolus, presumably Pilobolus oedipus. In 1764 Otto Miiller discovered and afterwards (1782) described and figured a Pilobolus under the name of " Kristallschwammchen " ; he imagined it was in part an animal, in part a plant, and even in part a crystal, thus partaking of all the three kingdoms of nature. He thought he saw a slender worm-like body residing within the organism, which, he says, " crawled round in the crystal globe and seemed to swim at its ease in a tiny ocean." This was no doubt a species of AnguilluHdae, but outside, not within, the subsporangial swelling. The singularity of this view accounted for the wide- spread attention which was given to his discovery. It was not till 1772 that Scopoli in his Flora Carniolica first Fig. 97.— The first illustration of a Pilobolus. Ban- ister's drawing, reproduced by Plukenet (1691). TAXONOMY OF THE PILOBOLIDAE 193 gave to the plant a name which showed a recognition of its true affinities. He called it Mucor obliquus, from the oblique manner in which the stipe frequently sprang from the side of the basal reservoir, but his description, though very interesting, is insufficient to enable us to identify the species. Withering, in his Botanical Arrangement (1776), quoted Petiver's plant from Ray's Synopsis and bestowed upon it the name Mvcor roridulus. In Wiggers' Primitiae Florae Holsaticae (1780) Scopoli's plant was placed in a new genus, under the name Hydrogera crystallina suggested by his tutor Weber. But the first good description of the genus was given by Tode, who imposed upon his species the name of Pilobolus crystallinus by which it is now known. The generic name is a translation of the title " Hutwerfer," which he used in the Schrifte der Berlinsche Gesellschaft naturforschenden Freunde (1784) ; his account was repeated in his Fungi Mecklenburgenses selecti in 1790. Species of Pilobolus were then mentioned successively : by Dickson (1785), who figured one under the name Mucor urceolatus ; by Bulhard, under the same name, in his Herbier de la France (1784), with a figure added in 1789 ; by Bolton (1789), who, besides figuring under that name a form resembhng a badly grown Pilobolus Kleinii, added another supposed to be identical with Petiver's as Mucor roridus (Fig. 98) ; andby Vahl, in the Flora Danica (1792), who figured one as Pilobolus crystallinus. Persoon gives an excellent description of P. crystallirius in his Observationes Mycologicae (1796), accompanied by an imperfect figure ; and in his Synopsis methodica Fungorum (1801) he mentions both that and P. roridus, but considers the latter as doubtfully distinct. Sowerby, in his EngHsh Fungi (1803), gives a figure of Mucor urceolatus which seems to represent P. crystalli7ius . Fig. 98. — Pilobolus roridus (Bolton) Pers. A cluster of fruit-bodies on horse dung, about natural size, and two fruit-bodies much en- larged. Reproduced by photography from Bolton's History of Fungusses (1789). VOL. VI. 194 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI Link, in his First Dissertation (1809), attributed for the first time the projection of the sporangium to its true cause, namely the tension of the swelUng below the sporangium. His words are : " Explosio fieri mihi videtur, dum suprema pars stipitis bullata, sporangium inferne ambiens, contrahitur." Relhan, in his Flora Cantabrigiensis (1820), maintained that Pilobolus roridus was distinct from P. crystallinus ; but Purton, in his Midland Flora (1821), recorded both of them under one name Pilobolus urceolatus, giving detailed reasons from experiment to show that they are not distinct, and accompanying his account with " a very beautiful and accurate drawing " by his niece, " taken from the fresh plant." In 1823 Ehrenberg pubhshed in Kunze u. Schmidt's Mykologische Hefte an account of some observations he had made upon P. crys- tallinus, in which, while searching for Otto Miiller's " worm," he noticed a curious movement of yellowish particles arranged in a snake-hke form in a drop of water which occupied the summit of the sporangium. This, he thought, might be the " worm," because it moved with a " slow, steady, circling motion " which excited his wonder. All the authors mentioned so far correctly placed the genus in the immediate vicinity of Mucor. Fries, however, in 1 823, considered it as nearly alUed to Sphaerobolus and placed it in the Gasteromycetes in the section CarpoboU, but in 1829 he discovered his mistake and restored it again to the Mucorini. Nevertheless Berkeley, in Smith's English Flora (1836), incautiously repeated Fries' error, and in his Outhnes of British Fungology (1860), perhaps by reason of this confusion, he omitted Pilobolus altogether. Up to this time only the two species already mentioned, called P. crystallinus and P. roridus, were generally known, but in 1828 Montague had already described a third, to which he gave the name of P. oedipus {cf. Fig. 104, p. 209) on account of the swollen basal reservoir which is so conspicuous a feature in that species. He repeated this in his Sylloge generum specierumque cryptogamarum in 1856. In 1837 Corda instituted in his Icones Fungorum the group Pilobohdae to contain Pilobolus and Chordostylum ; in 1842 he TAXONOMY OF THE PILOBOLIDAE 195 added to the group Pycnopodium and Caiilogaster, placing in the former genus, as Pycnopodium lentigerum, a species which he had formerly included in Pilobolus and which would seem to be merely an abnormal state of P. Kleinii. After Corda's lamented early death, Zobel pubhshed (1854) from his friend's manuscript notes a sixth volume of the Icones, in which he gives a long account of Pilobolus crystallinus containing numerous errors. In his drawing (f. 32) he represents the interior of the subsporangial swelhng as hned with reticulations of orange-coloured granules such as no other author has seen, and which are probably only the meridional streams, occasionally met with but rarely figured,^ disturbed by the pressure to which the preparation had been subjected. When Cohn pubhshed, in 1851, his celebrated monograph " Die Entwicklungsgeschichte des Pilobolus crystallinus," he had before him, not that species with which he was really unacquainted, but the species of Montague. He figures the characteristic yellow, spherical, thick-walled spores of Pilobolus oedipus, and then remarks with naive surprise that Corda had represented the spores of P. crystallinus as elhptic and colourless " in contradiction to nature." Cesati discovered, in 1850, a species which he pubhshed the next year in Klotzsch's Herbarium vivum mycologicum under the name Pilobolus anoinalus, now known as Pilaira anomala Schrot. Bonorden, in his Handbuch (1851), described a species under the name of P. crystallinus, which on account of its round spores Coemans referred to P. oedipus, but which I think there is greater reason for considering as P. Kleinii, forma sphaerospora. In 1857 Currey wi'ote a note " On a species of Pilobolus " which he thought to be P. roridus, but his plate and description clearly show that the species he had in view was P. Kleinii ; according to van Tieghem, Leveillc in 1826 had fallen into the same error, giving the name of P. roridus to a form of P. Kleinii. Currey also attri- buted the projection of the sporangium to the eversion and upward pressure of the columella, which he believed not to be thrown off with the sporangium. In 1861 Coemans issued his " Monographic du genre Pilobolus," in which he summarised what he had read about this subject, and ^ I figured them in my Monograph (1884), pi. 4, f. 12. 196 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI gave a list of all the species referred by other authors to this genus. He considered P. crystalUnus and P. oedipus (Fig. 104, p. 209) to be the only certain species ; P. roridus he regarded as doubtful, P. lentiger he refers, wrongly, to P. oedipus, and P. anomalus he places in the genus Ascophora by the name of A. Cesatii. In 1871 Cooke published the Handbook of British Fungi, but, though he mentions the two conventional species, P. crystalUnus and P. roridus, it is impossible to recognise exactly what he means by the names. It was in 1872 that Klein (after a short note in 1870) gave to the world his monograph " Zur Kenntniss des Pilobolus," a monument of patient and minute investigation. In this he describes two species, " P. crystalUnus " and " P. microsporus " ; under the former name he says that he unites the P. crystalUnus and P. oedipus of former authors. But, though he records his painstaking observa- tions with great accuracy, in respect of the identification of his specimens Klein was peculiarly unfortunate. His P. microsporus is identical with P. roridus, and he was unacquainted with either the true crystalUnus or the true oedipus. He had before his eyes, without knowing it, another species hitherto undistinguished, to which van Tieghem afterwards gave in his honour the name of Pilobolus Kleinii. The spores of P. oedipus are yeUow, nearly spherical, and surrounded by a thickened epispore ; those of P. crystalUnus are ellipsoidal and nearly colourless. Now those of P. Kleinii are also ellipsoidal, but of an orange-yeUow colour and twice as long as those of P. crystalUnus ; in certain circumstances, however, P. Kleinii bears sporangia containing nearly spherical spores of the same colour but without a thickened epispore. It was this abnormal state, to which I gave in my monograph of the Pilo- bolidae the name forma sphaerospora, that led Klein erroneously to imagine that he had met with forms intermediate between oedipus and crystalUnus. The credit of clearing up this mistake was due to van Tieghem (1876). In my own cultures, on many occasions, I found that the first two or three days' crops of P. Kleinii bore small sporangia, contain- ing roundish spores, of unequal size in the same sporangium. These, however, could be distinguished at once by the want of the thickened TAXONOIMY OF THE PILOBOLIDAE 197 epispore from those of P. oedipus, and, moreover, the fungus agreed in all other respects but its minuteness with the true Kleinii into which it gradually passed on the following days. It would seem likely that the inequality of the spores in the same sporangium, together with the dwarfed size, was due to the fact that the fungus had not yet established itself, and was of weak and uncertain growth, like some of the dwarf forms of Coprinus. Brefeld, in 1872, in his Untersuchungen iiber Pilze mentions and figures a species which he assigns to the genus Pilobolus, under the name P. Mucedo, but afterwards (1881) he discovered this to be, in part at least, the same as that previously called by Cesati P. anomalus. In the same work (1881) he gives a short account of the other species assigned by him to Pilobolus, but not one of the names he uses is that to which the species is entitled, as will be seen by the following list : his P. crystallinus (Fig. 99, A) = P. Kleinii van Tiegh. P. oedipus (Fig. 102) = P. Kleinii, iovma sphaerospora Gr. P. microsporus (Fig. 99, B) = P. crystallinus Tode. P. roridus — P. longipes van Tiegh. (Fig. 100). Brefeld, however, like van Tieghem, observed zygospores in Pilo- bolus anomalus ( = Pilaira anomala). He found them on horse dung. It will be seen that in " this strange eventful history " nearly every author seemed to be fated to misunderstand in some degree the opinions of those who had preceded him. It was not until 1875 that van Tieghem succeeded in clearing up the confusion in which the subject had been plunged, especially in relation to the Mucor roridus of Bolton. Bolton expressly describes his species (Fig. 98, p. 193), which he had found in the neighbourhood of Halifax, as " four lines high, pellucid and white, sustaining a small globular head, like a minute pearly drop, with a black spot on its upper part, which gives to the globe the resemblance of an eye in miniature." No other author but Klein had been able, up to this time, to meet with a species answering to this description, and hence it was doubted by some, as by Persoon, Coemans, Greville, and Purton, whether it was really distinct ; Klein, as has been said, failed to recognise it in his microsporus, and it was reserved for van Tieghem 198 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI to describe and figure (Fig. 101, p. 204) a form which possibly is that which Bolton had found, and which is as similar as may be to Klein's microsporus. The long slender stem, the rounded subsporangial swelling, the minute sporangia, and the want of colour of van Tieghem's species, all point in this direction and agree pretty well with Bolton's figure. But it must be admitted that, since Bolton does not describe the spores, a certain amount of doubt must always attend any identification of his species ; it would, perhaps, be better to quote P. roridus van T. rather than P. roridus (Bolt.). In the same memoir (1875) van Tieghem also instituted the new genus Pilaira for the reception of the old Pilobolus anomalus of Cesati, and added a new species Pilaira nigrescens (Fig. 108, p. 218). He also discovered the zygospores of P. anomala (Fig. 107, p. 217). In 1876 van Tieghem completed his work by publishing the descriptions of two new species, P. longipes (Fig. 100, p. 203) and P. nanus (Fig. 106, p. 212), while at the same time he pointed out the error which Klein had made and bestowed the nam.e of P. Kleinii on the species with which Klein had worked. He also described the chlamydospores of P. nanus (Fig. 106, p. 212), a mode of repro- duction which had already been signalised by Roze and Cornu (1871) in P. crystallinus. Bainier, in 1882, published his " ^fitude sur les Mucorinees," in which he described specimens he had met with of P. longipes, P. oedipus, P. Kleinii, P. roridus, as well as a supposed new species, P. exiguus ; he also confirmed van Tieghem's account of Pilaira nigrescens. In 1884 my " Monograph of the Pilobolidae " was published in the Midland Naturalist, Birmingham, in which there was added to the hitherto known species the curious form of Pilobolus Kleinii to which, as already mentioned, the name forma sphaeros2)ora was affixed. A new species of Pilaira was also described, to which the name P. dimidiata (Fig. 109, p. 218) was given on account of its possessing an apophysis nearly as large as its sporangium ; unfor- tunately this has never been met with since, although at the time of publication such a sequel was not imagined possible. Dewevre, in 1894, included a good account of the species of Pilobolus in his " Contribution a I'fitude des Mucorinees." He TAXONOMY OF THE PII.OBOLIDAE 199 emphasised the distinction of P. crystallinus from P. Kleinii, with both of which he was personally acquainted. Palla, after that date, issued a long account " Zur Kenntniss der Pilobolus-Arten " (1900), in which he classified the known species in a novel way, but without adding much to what was previously discovered ; he also invented a new name, Pilobolus heterosporus (Fig. 103, p. 208), which was my P. Kleinii, forma sphaerospora, under a different designation. In the same year (1900), Morini gave a short description, without a name, of a new species of Pilobolus, to which afterwards (1905) Saccardo added the name P. Morinii. In 1906, Morini described another species of Pilobolus, P. Borzianus, of which he also dis- covered the zygospores, and in 1904 he had figured a new species of Pilaira, P. Saccardiana (Fig. 110, p. 219). But Pilobolus Morinii and P. Borzianus seem to be involved in a cloud of doubt, as do many of the others, hke those of Spegazzini and Massee, which are placed towards the end of the following systematic hsts. In 1926 Ling Yong, working in France, described a new species of Pilaira, which he named P. Moreaui (Fig. 1 1 1, p. 220), distinguished from P. anomala by its larger spores. The latest addition to our knowledge of the species of Pilobolus has been made by Buller who, in the preceding chapter of this volume, has described P. umbonatus, a new species distinguished by the possession of a remarkably umbonate sporangium (Fig. 105. p. 210). This long story of the observations made on the systematics of Pilobolus during nearly two hundred and fifty years is deeply interesting to the mycologist ; it shows how slowly and painfully a httle accurate knowledge has been accumulated. . From now on, with the modern technique of pure cultures and the art of photo- graphy at our disposal, progress should be more rapid. It is to be hoped that some younger mycologist may be stimulated by this presentation of the subject to make a life-study of the genus and give us a comparative description of all the species that can be gathered together from different parts of the world. Systematic Arrangement. — An attempt will now be made to arrange systematically all the species of the PiloboUdae and to give 200 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI to the group itself and to the two genera Pilobolus and Pilaira included within it more precise definitions than have yet appeared. PILOBOLIDAE A family of the Mucoraceae having a sporangium which contains a mass of dense jelly around its base between the sporangium-wall and the spore-mass. At maturity the mass of jelly swells up and causes the sporangium to dehisce near its base, so that the jelly protrudes between the sporangium- wall and the columella. The sporangium-wall is usually intensely black and is persistent when immersed in water. Pilobolus Tode, in Schrift. d. Berl. Gesell. naturf. Fr., vol. v, p. 46 (1784). Fruit-body consisting of a sporangiophore and a sporangium. Sporangiophore seated on a main mycehal hypha, from which it is separated by one or two septa. From below upwards, it is composed of a basal swelUng or trophocyst, a cyhndrical stipe, and a more or less ovoid subsporangial swelling, and when young it is generally ornamented by beads of moisture. Sporangium usually jet-black, seated on the apex of the subsporangial swelUng, separated from it by a columella, and having its wall highly cutinised and persistent when immersed in water. When mature the sporangium and columella are violently projected. The species usually occur on the dung of herbivorous animals. A. Sporangium black when mature ; no apophysis. 1. P. crystalUnus. 5. P. sphaerosporus. 2. P. longipes. 6. P. heterosporus. 3. P. roridus. 7. P. oedipus. 4. P. Kleinii 8. P. umbonatus. B. Sporangium yellow when projected ; provided with an apophysis. 9. P. nanus. All these species have been adequately described and figured, and (whether they are truly distinct from one another or not) may TAXONOMY OF THE PILOBOLIDAE 201 be recognised with certainty. After them are placed others which have been insufficiently or negligently described, and which are possibly nothing but variants of some of the preceding species : Doubtful Species 10. P. Morinii. 14. P. minutus. 11. P. Borzianus. 15. P. pullus. 12. P. argentinus. 16. P. Schmidtii. 13. P. roseus. 6 Key to the Species of Pilobolus (Sporangium decidedly umbonate . (Sporangium rounded above . [Trophocyst much elongated [Trophocyst ovoid or turnip-shaped Spores globose and elhpsoid in the same sporan gium ...... Spores globose or subglobose only Spores elhpsoid only .... (Spores with two coats .... (Spores with only one coat Sporangium yellow when projected Sporangium black when projected. Spores from 10 (x upwards in length Spores averaging less than 10 (x in length [Spores 5-10 x 4-6 [i ; sporangium large (Spores 6-8 x 3-4 (x ; sporangium small umbonatus 1 longipes 2 heterosporus 3 5 oedipus 4 nanus sphaerosporus Kleinii 6 crystallinus roridus (Probably crystallinus and roridus are merely forms of one species.) A. Sporangium black ivhen mature ; no apophysis. 1. Pilobolus crystallinus Tode, I.e. p. 46, pi. 1 (1784). Van Tieghem, Trois. Mem. in Ann. Sci. Nat. ser. 6, vol. iv, pp. 335-8, pi. 10, f. 4, 5, repeated from Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr. vol. xxii, pp. 283-4 202 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI (1875). Coemans, MonograpMe, pp. 57-8, pi, 2, f. 1-20. Sacc. Syll. vii. 185. Grove, Pilobolidae, p. 333 (p. 33 of Reprint), pi. 4, f. 16. Palla, Zur Kenntniss der Pilobolus-Arten, p. 399. Mucor urceolatus Dickson, Fasc. PI. Crypt, part 1, p. 25, pi. 3, f. 6 (1785). Sowerby, Evglish Fungi, pi. 300. Bolton's figure under this name {Fung. Halif. pi. 133, f. 1) is doubtful. Pilobolus urceolatus Purton, Midland Flora, vol. iii, p. 323, pi. 31 (1821). P. microsporus Brefeld, Botan. Unter such., -part 4, p. 70, pi. 4, f. 16, 19-22 (1881). Not P. crystallinus of Bonorden, or of Cohn, or of Klein, or of Brefeld, or of many others. Sporangiophore 5-12 mm. high, or even up to 2 cm., rising usually from a single, more or less erect, terminal, ovate trophocyst, which is often concealed in the sub- stratum ; occasionally the trophocyst may be intercalary. Subsporangial swelling ovoid or elliptic-ovoid, about 1 mm. high, 600-800 \l broad. Spor- angium convex above, from half as wide to nearly as wide as the subsporangial swelling, usually 350-500 \x in width ; columella conical, faintly blackish-blue ; spores ellipsoid, pale yellowish or quite colourless, 5-10 [j. long (8-10 x 5-6 \x, vanT. ; 5-12 x 3-6 [ji, Palla ; 6 x4-7pi, Brefeld; 7-11 x 4-5-7, Dewevre). Zygospores subglobose, 140-200 ]x in diameter, nearly smooth, faintly coloured, filled with oil-drops (Krafczyk. in Ber. d. D. Bot. GeseU. 1931, p. 145, f. 2). Apparently not quite mature. On dung of cows, horses, and the like. Reputed common. Europe, North and South America, Porto Rico, etc. Not seen by Buller at Winnipeg. The upper cutinised part of the sporangium, when it is dried up, is sometimes marked with a few polygonal reticulations (one central) ; Fig. 99.— Ripe fruit-body and spores : A, Pilobolus Kleinii (= Brefeld's P . crystallinus) ; B, Pilobolus crystallinus (= Brefeld's P. microsporus). Copied by A. H. R. Buller from Brefeld's Untersuch- ungen. Magnification : fruit- bodies, 20 ; spores, 200. TAXONOMY OF THE PILOBOLIDAE 203 but the reticulations are not always so geometrical as van Tieghem represents them, and they can be found also in other species. Illustration : 99, B. 2. Pilobolus longipes van Tiegh. Trois. Mem. in Ann. Sci. Nat. ser. 6, vol. iv, pp. 338-340, pi. 10, f. 11-15 (1876), repeated from Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr. vol. xxii, pp. 283-4 (1875). Grove, Pilobolidae, p. 335, pi. 6, f. 1. Sacc. Syll. vii. 185. Palla, I.e. p. 399. P. roridus Brefeld, in Bot. Zeit. 1875, p. 852 ; Botan. Untersuch. part 4, p. 70, pi. 4, f. 17. Sporangiophore 2-3 cm. high, sometimes 4-5 cm. or even 6-7 cm. ; trophocyst usually external to the substratum, elongated horizontally, 1-5-2 mm. long, golden-yellow, almost cylindrical or slightly tapering, giving rise to the stipe at one end. Subsporangial swell- ing oval, rather less than 1 mm. broad. Spor- angium globose, black, about 500 [X across ; columella broadly conical, tinged with bluish- black ; spores globose or ovoid, 12-15 X 10-12 (x, the wall rather thick and tinged (often very faintly) with bluish- black, contents yellow- orange. On dung of horses. Europe, Canada, U.S.A. Distinguished by its large roundish spores, its elongated tropho- cyst, and its height. Illustration : Fig. 100. Other illustrations in this volume : Figs. 18, 24, 40, 57, 70, 82, 83, 85, 91, and 96. >^S?^ Fig. 100.- — Pilobolus longipes v. Tiegh. A, whole fruit-body. B, trophocyst. C, basal swelling and part of stipe. D, upper part of fruit- body enlarged. E, spores : n, intact ; b, broken open. Reproduced by photography from van Tieghem's Troisieme Memoire. 204 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI 3. Pilobolus roridus (Bolt.) Pers. Syn. meth. p. 118 (1801). Coemans, Monographie, pp. 61-2, pi. 2, f. B. (copied from Bolton). VanTiegh. Nouv. Eech. Nat. in Ann. Sci. ser. 6, vol. i, pp. 46-50, pi. 1, f. 7-13. Grove, Pilobolidae, p. 336. Sacc. Syll. vii. 185. Palla, I.e. p. 398. Mucor roridus Bolton, Fung. Halif. vol. iii, pi. 132, f. 4(1789). Pilobolus microsporus Klein, Zur Kennlniss des Pilob. in Jahrb. f. wiss. Bot. vol. viii, p. 360, pi. 27, 28, f. 53-67 (1872). Not P. roridus of Brefeld, or of Currey, or of many others. Sporangiophore 1-2 cm. high, nearly colourless, the trophocyst often intercalary between two (or even three) mycelial swellings. Subsporangial swelling oval or almost globose, up to 600 or 700 (x diam. Sporangium very much less in diameter, even as little as 200 \x ; columella flatly convex or conical, tinged with bluish-black ; spores ellipsoid, nearly colourless, 6-8 X 3-4 IX (van T.). On dung of herbivorous animals, including rabbits. Not common. Distribution uncertain. This species shows generally much less of the yellow colour Fig. 101. — Pilobolus roridus (Bolt.) Pers. A, three fruit-bodies. B, whole fruit-body, shortened. CjUj^per part of fruit-body after sporangium has dehisced in water ; m, mucilage. D, spores. E, germinating spore. F, two basal swellings, a and b, inserted successively on the same apophysis c. G , an intercalary basal swelling a formed between two apophyses, c and c'. Copied by A. H. R. BuUer from van Tieghem's Nouvelles Recherches. Magnification : A, natural size ; B, 25 ; C, (55 ; D and E, 380 ; F and G, 50. TAXONOMY OF THE PILOBOLIDAE 205 (carotin) than its allies ; but there has been in most cases con- siderable doubt whether the plants entered under this name were anything but forms of P. crystallinus. The chief points which are supposed to characterise the species are the smallness of the spores and of the sporangium. The " dew-drops " which are implied in the name roridus are to be found in suitable circumstances in equal abundance on other species. It tends to excite our suspicions when we find authors recording the occurrence of P. roridus in company with P. crystallinus. Illustration : Fig. 101. 4. Pilobolus Kleinii van Tiegh. Trois. Mem. in Ann. Sci. Nat. ser. 6, vol. iv, pp. 337-8, pi. 10, f. 6-10 (1876), repeated from Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr. vol. xxii, pp. 282-3 (1875). Grove, Pilobolidae, p. 335, pi. 4, f. 1-8, 10-13, and in Journ. Bot. 1884, p. 131, pi. 245, f. 4. Sacc. Syll. vii. 185. Bainier, Etude, p. 43, pi. 2, f. 14, 15. Palla, I.e. p. 399. P. roridus Carrey, in Journ. Linn. Soc. Lend. Bot. vol. i, pp. 162-7, pi. 2, f. 1-10 (1857). Not M. roridus Bolton. P. crystallinus Klein, Zur Kenntyiiss des Pilohol. in Jahrb. f. wiss. Bot. vol. viii, p. 360, pi. 23-7, f. 1-52. Brefekl, Botan. Untersuch. part 4, p. 70, pi. 4, f. 15. Zopf, Z%ir Kcnntniss der Infectionskrank- heiten, p. 354. Not of Tode. P. Kleinii var. minor Dewevre, in Grevillea, vol. xxii, p. 74 (only 1 mm. high). Sporangiophore 2-5 mm. high^ varying up to 10-12 mm. high, rising singly from a turnip-shaped trophocyst which is often buried in the substratum. Subsporangial swelling obovoid or subellipsoid, 400-800 y. high. Sporangium black, more or less depressed or sub- globose, about two-thirds as wide as the swelling to nearly as wide ; columella sometimes with a faint blackish tinge, generally colourless, broadly conical below, but occasionally narrowed in the middle so that the apex resembles a papilla ; spores in varying shades of orange-yellow, ellipsoid, 11-20 x 6-10 \j., with a thin smooth colourless cell- wall. Zygospores thick-walled, spherical, nearly smooth, about 200 [i diani. (Zopf, I.e. pi. 6, f. 8-19). 2o6 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI On all kinds of dung. Very common. Europe, E. Africa, Canada, U.S.A., etc. This appears to be the commonest species in Europe, and perhaps in most countries where Pilobolus occurs. It has often been confounded with P. crystallinus, but is not so high, is more tinged with yellow, the thickened band of protoplasm at the top of the stipe is more brightly orange, and its spores, although of the same shape, are perceptibly larger. Trophocysts usually with a single apophysis, rarely with two. Illustration : Fig. 99, A. Other illustrations in this volume : Figs. 2, 12, 13, 22, 27, 28, 29, 32, 39, 42, 46, 61, 62, 83, 86, 91, 94, and 95. 5. Pilobolus sphaerosporus Palla, Zur Kenntniss der Pilobolns- Arten, in Oesterr. Bot. Zeitschr. vol. 50, p. 400, pi. 10 (1900). Pilobolus lentiger Corda, Icon. Fung. vol. i, p. 22, pi. 6, f. 286 (1837), including var. macwsporus Berl. & de Toni, in Sacc. Syll. vii. 188 (1888). Pycnofodium lentigerum Corda, ibid. vol. v, p. 18 (1842), an ill-nourished form. Pilobolus crystallinus Bonord. Handb. p. 128, pi. 10, f. 203 (1851). P. oedipus, var. iritermedia, Coemans, Spic. Mycol. in Bull. Acad. Belg. ser. 2, vol. xvi, p. 71 (1863). P. crystallinus (P. oedipus, forms b and c) Klein, Zur Kenntniss des PiloboL, p. 360, pi. 26, f. 40 b, 46-8 ; pi. 27, f. 49, 50 (1872). P. intermedius (Coem.) Karst. Myc. Fenn. part 4, p. 71 (1879). P. oedipus Brefeld, Botan. Untersuch. part 4, p. 69, pi. 3, f. 1-10 ; pi. 4, f. 11-14 (1881). P. exiguus Bainier, Etude, p. 47, pi. 2, f. 17 (1882). P. Kleinii, forma spluierospora, Grove, in Journ. Bot., vol. xxii, p. 132, pi. 245, f. 5 (1884) ; Pilobolidae, p. 335, pi. 4, f. 9. Similar to P. Kleinii, but usually smaller. Spores yellow or orange, more or less globose, 10-20 u. in diam., varying greatly in size, often with granular contents, diffusing very easily in water, and having a thin wall composed of only one coat. On dung of man, horse, cow, etc. Europe. The spores vary considerably in size. I have always found this in company with P. Kleinii at the beginning of its growth in a culture, but changing and passing gradually into the normal form. TAXONOMY OF THE PILOBOLIDAE 207 Palla [I.e.) says that this appearance is due to the growth of the two species in a mixed (impure) culture, but that P. sphaerosporus produces its fruit-bodies from one to several days before those of P. Kleinii show themselves. I do not entirely agree with this ; it does not explain the transition stages, which may always be found on looking for them, like those represented by Coemans' intermedia and Klein's variety c of his P. crystallinus, where both ellipsoid and round spores may be seen in the same sporangium. Illustration : Fig. 102. The figure here given, from Brefeld's Untersuchungen, is called by him P. oedipus ; it is not that species, but exactly represents my P. Kleinii forma sphaerospora. 6. Pilobolus heterosporus Palla, Zur Kenntniss der Pilobolus-Arten, in Oesterr. Bot. Zeitschr. vol. 50, p. 349, pi. 10, f. 1-5 (1900) ; a Resume of this article, with plates and descriptions, is given by R. Ferr}^ in Revue Mycologique, 1904, pp. 19-33. Sporangiophore 2-3 mm. high ; tropho- cyst usually buried in the substratum, ellipsoid, rarely globose, 300-400 fx long. Subsporangial swelhng ovoid or elhpsoid, 500-600 fx high, provided at the insertion of the columella with a thin narrow annular zone. Sporangium shaped hke a convex cap, deep-black, 400 \i broad ; columella more or less deeply constricted in the middle, rounded at the apex, reaching nearly to the top of the sporangium ; spores yelloA\ or orange-red, varying in form and size in the same sporangium, narrow- or roundish-ellipsoid, with all intermediate forms, 8-20 (or even 25) [x long, and 6-12 [x broad. On cow dung, Graz (Styria). T have drawn up this description from Palla's rambhng and diffuse account as given in his article. Palla says that he Fig. 102. — Pilobolus sphae- rosporus Palla. Fruit- body and spores. Copied by A. H. R. Buller from Brefeld's Untersuchungen (his P. oedipus) and enlarged by one-third. Magnifi- cation, 40 and 400. 208 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI cultivated his species, and fo\md that it retained its characters up to fifteen generations. But it is in no way different from my forma sphaerosjjora of Pilobolus Khinii. The irregularity of the spores is exactly what I found in my cultivations, and the retention of the characters may be due merely to the persistence of similar conditions throughout the whole series of his fifteen generations. If I am right in my opinion, the three species here numbered 4, 5, and 6 are all identical, and the variations in form are dependent upon the surround- ing circumstances. Illustration : Fig. 103. c 0, 0^g3o0o°0 D QP o Fig. 103.^ — Pilobolus heterosporus Palla. A, fruit-body, after dehiscence of the sporangium. B, fruit-body, after removal of the sporangium, showing the columella. C and D, spores. Copied by A. H. R. Buller from Palla's Zur Kenntniss der Pilobolus- Arten and reduced to two- thirds. Magnification : A and B, 30; C, 214; D, 434. 7. Pilobolus oedipus Mont. Memoire sur le genre Pilobolus, in Ann. Soc. Linn, de Lyon, pp. 1-7, f . a-i (1828). Coemans, Monograjphie, pp. 59-60, pi. 1, f. 1-20. Grove, Pilobo- lidae, p. 308, pi. 4, f. 14-15; and in Journ. Bot. vol. xxii, p. 131, pi. 245, f. 3. Sacc. Syll. vii. 186. Palla, I.e., p. 400. Bainier, Etude, pp. 43-4, pi. 2, f. 1-10. P. crystallinus Cohn, Entwicklungsgeschichte des Pilob. crystal- linus, with pi. 51, 52 (1851). P. reticulatus van Tiegh. in Ann. Sci. Nat. ser. 6, vol. iv, p. 336. Not the P. oedipus of Brefeld or of Klein, nor perhaps that of van Tieghem {Nouv. Rech. 1875, p. 43). Sporangiophores yellow or reddish, usually short and thick, about 2-3 (or even 5) mm. high, rising singly from a roundish TAXONOMY OF THE PILOBOLIDAE 209 trophocyst which projects somewhat above the substratum, but several of these are often so closely aggregated together that they form little tufts. Sporangium about 500 y. broad, not quite so broad as the ovoid subsporangial swelHng, almost hemispherical, black ; columella conical or subcyhndrical, slightly narrowed in the middle, sometimes so high that it reaches almost to the top of the sporangium ; spores globose, yellowish-red, 9-16 y. diam. ; with a wall composed of two distinct layers, of which the outer (epispore) is thick and often bluish. On dung of horses, cows, pigs, goats, and mules ; it has also been found on human excrement, and it often occurs on decaying vege- table substances such as Algae (Spirogyra, Conferva, Oscillaria, and so on), and therefore also on the mud of river-banks (Thames, Oder, Red River of Winnipeg, etc.). It has been suggested that perhaps its spores do not require to pass through the alimentary canal of an animal, but this seems unlikely, since in a discharged sporangium they adhere together just as in other species of Pilobolus easily in water. The name of this species should be spelled oedipv3 (adjectival), not OEdipus. Europe, E. Africa, N. America. Its round thick- walled spores are characteristic, also the deep colour which it displays owing to the crowded visible trophocysts. Chlamydospores [Mycogone anceps Coem.), lying in the mycelium, globose or ovoid, orange-yellow, oily-granular, 20-30 \j. in diameter, are assigned to this species by Coemans, and by Ellis, North American Fungi (no. 3360) ; these may be azygospores (cf. Fig. 106, G.). Illustration : Fig. 104. Fig. 104. — Pilobolus Oedipus Mon- tague. A, young fruit-body. B, mature fruit -body. C, another mature fruit-body, with the spor- angium more flattened than usual. D, spores. Copied by A. H. R. Buller from Coemans' Monograph ie and reduceil to two- thirds. Magnification : A, 53 ; B and C, 40 ; D, 200. They germinate, however. VOL. VI. 210 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI 8. Pilobolus umbonatus Buller, in his Researches on Fungi, vol. VI, pp. 177-17^, figs. 81-84, 87-91 (1934). Fruit-body 3-9 mm. high, arising from an oval to turnip-shaped Fig. 105.- — Pilobolus umbonatus Buller. A, well-grown fruit-bodies 7-8 mm. high. B, less well-grown fruit-bodies 1- 5-3-0 mm. high. C and D, whole fruit-bodies, showing sporangium, subsporangial swelling, stipe, and basal swelling attached to an apophysis ; C was 4 mm. high, and D 3-5 mm. high. E, the upper part of a fruit-body, showing the um- bonate sporangium, the barrel-shaped subsporangial swelling, and part of the stipe. F, the same seen from above ; ratio of width of spor- angium to width of subsporangial swelling = |. G, the greyish columella, seen after removal of the sporangium from the top of the fruit-body. H, a basal swelling a, attached to an apophysis b. I, a dis- charged sporangium : a, the black sporangium -wall ; b, the colourless fringe of the sporangium -wall ; and c, adhesive jelly. J, a similar spor- angium, but jelly is not shown ; the surface of the sporangium-wall in I was smooth, in J wrinkled. K, three discharged and dried-up sporangia seen in lateral view. L, spores. M, diagram showing a spore of P. umbonatus enclosed by a spore of P. Kleinii, in turn enclosed by a spore of P. longipcs. Drawn by A. H. R. Buller from material obtained at Winnipeg. The drawings C and D reproduced from pencil drawings made by Hans Ritter. Magnification : A and B, natural size ; C and D, 15 ; E-K, 75 ; L and M, 255. basal swelling or trophocyst which may be terminal or intercalary, single or dispersed at intervals along a coarse stolon-hke main hypha. TAXONOMY OF THE PTLOBOLIDAE 211 Stipe increasing slightly in diameter from below upwards, until just beneath the subsporangial swelhng it is about 0-1 mm. in diameter. Subsporangial swelling ellipsoid, its maximum diameter being about midway between the base of the sporangium and the top of the stipe, 0-65 mm. long and 0-4G mm. broad; a pale orange-red band of protoplasm at the junction of the stipe and the subsporangial swelling. Sporangium decidedly umbonate and more or less conical, 0-21-0 -23 mm. in diameter or about one-half the diameter of the subsporangial swelling, shrinking on drying after discharge and becoming acutely pointed ; columella very bluntly conical or rounded (when removed from a discharged sporangium its edge is turned inwards towards the axis), greyish, distinctly darker than the subsporangial swelling. Spores ellipsoid, singly almost colourless, but yellow in mass J 5- 0-6-0 x 3-0-3-8 jj^. On horse dung, Winnipeg, Canada, and, according to a communi- cation from the late Dr. Roland Thaxter (who observed the species forty years ago but did not describe it), more frequently on sheep dung, at Boston, U.S.A. Easily distinguished from all other species of Pilobolus by its decidedly umbonate sporangium and its minute ellipsoidal spores. With a hand-lens one can readily make out the acutely-pointed umbonate shape of the dried discharged sporangia when these are seen in lateral view. Illustration : Fig. 105. Other illustrations in this volume : Figs. 81, 82, 83, 84, 87, 88, 89, 90, and 91. B. Siiorangium yelloiv uihen projected ; provided with an apophysis.^ 9. Pilobolus nanus van Tiegh. Trois. Mem. in Ann. Sci. Nat. ser. 6, vol. iv, pp. 340-2, pi. 10, f. 10-22 (1876). Orove. Pilobolidae, p. 336, pi. 6, f. 2. Sacc. Syll. vii. 186. Palla, I.e., p. 398. ^ In most Piloboli, the subsporangial swelling is not constricted below the level of its attachment to the columella and the wall of tlie sporangium. In P. nanus, according to van Tieghem, the subsporangial swelling is constricted a sliort way below that level so that it is divided into two unequal parts, a lower globular sub- sporangial swelling proper and an ujjper shallower swelling — the so-called apophysis. 212 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI Sporangiophores erect, not more than 1 mm. high, collected into groups of two or three (even four or five), all rising from contiguous buried intercalary trophocysts. Subsporangial swelling subglobose, colourless. Sporangium globular, about as wide as the subsporangial swelling, with the membrane of the upper part cutinised and Fig. lOG. — Pilobolus nanus v. Tiegh. A, three fruit-bodies. B, two basal swellings p p, and C, three basal swellings p p p, between two apophyses a a. D and E, optical sections through the upper part of a fruit-body, before and after dehiscence of the sporangium respectively ; c, yellow cuticularised wall of the sporangium ; d, diffluent region ; /, limiting ring of cuticularisation ; g, jelly ; k, columella. F, spores : a, resting ; b, swollen ; c, germinating. G, resting spores (azygospores), with tuberculate membranes, on a mycelium ; o, in section to show the thick cell-wall. Copied by A. H. R. Buller from van Tieghem's Troisieme Memoirc. Magnification, not given. yellow ; columella depressed-convex ; spores globose, colourless, 3-5-4 [X in diameter. On excrement of rat. France. Not observed by anyone but van Tieghem. The protoplasm of the sporangiophores is said by him to be colourless, as is also that of the mycelium. On the mycelium grew oblong-roundish, faintly yellow, coarsely verrucose chlamydospores, 15-20 [x in diameter, resting on short curved pedicels ; these are probably azygospores. The sporangia were shot off as in other Piloboli and stuck to the surrounding objects, while still yellow. When the explosion took TAXONOMY OF THE PILOBOLIDAE 213 place, the rupture occurred at the constriction between the apophysis and the subsporangial swelling. There is a possibility that this species is an abnormal form due to the unfavourable environment in which it was growing. Sporangia with defective black pigment in their walls have been observed by van Tieghem himself in his P. oedipns and by Buller in P. longipes {vide these Researches, vol. iv, p. 9, and this volume, p. 54). Illustration : Fig. 106. Insufficiently known Species 10. Pilobolus Morinii Sacc. Syll. xvii. 505 (1905). Piloholus sp. Morini, in Mem. Accad. Sci. 1st. Bologna, ser. 5, vol. viii, p. 85, with plate (1899-1900). Sporangiophores solitary, 600-800 \x high, each rising from an erect ovoid trophocyst. Subsporangial swelling subglobose or ovoid, somewhat narrowed above, and attenuated below into the sporangio- phore, almost colourless when mature. Sporangium globular, some- what flattened above, black, 130-200 [x in diameter ; columella obtusely conical, colourless, rounded above ; spores globose, orange- yellow (not colourless), 4-5-6 /z in diameter. On dry human excrement. Montese, Bologna, Italy. Resembling P. nanus van Tiegh., except for its black sporangium and its sporangiophores not arising in groups. 11. Pilobolus Borzianus Morini, in Mem. Accad. Sci. 1st. Bologna, ser. 6, vol. iii, p. 126 (or 396), f. 3-10 (1908). Sacc. Syll. xxi. 827. Sporangiophores 2-4-5 mm. high, growing two or three together from one trophocyst, which is ovoid and often imperfectly developed. Subsporangial swelling globose or shortly ovoid, 200-360 [x high, almost colourless or quite hyaline. Sporangium globose, very much flattened from above, 160-250 [x wide, intense bluish-black ; columella hemispherical or shortly conical, without apophysis ; spores spherical, deep yellow. 16-23 (x in diameter. Oval chlamy- dospores are developed in the mycelium. Zygospores black, globose, about 180 ^ across, with a thick and glabrous epispore (Morini, I.e. f. 3, 9). 214 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI On dung in the north of Italy. Morini (in Mem. Accad. Sci. 1st. Bologna, ser. 6, vol. vi, pp. 123-4, f. 6-8, 1909) describes a var. geminata of this species. He says that the trophocyst may produce two hyphae at a time or, if one only, the one may branch into two above. He asserts that these forms remained constant in repeated artificial cultures. I suspect that the var. geminata is nothing more than an abnormal form ; for, since normally a Pilobolus sporangiophore collapses at the moment of discharging its sporangium, a forked sporangiophore can shoot away only one of its sporangia and not both. Abnormal branched spor- angiophores are occasionally met with in other species, and are figured by Coemans in P. crijstallinus, by Klein in P. Kleinii (his P. crystal- linus), and have been seen by Zopf and Grove also in P. Kleinii. 12. Pilobolus argentinus Spegazzini, Fung. Argent. I, p. 176 (1880). Sacc. Syll. vii. 187. Sporangiophores " immersed," here and there densely gregarious, 5-6 mm. high, at first cylindric-clavate, then filiform below, with a trophocyst and an ellipsoid subsporangial swelling, the whole plant entirely yellow. Sporangium globose, 100-125 \l diam., ohve- black above, greenish-yellow below ; spores spherical, 12-15 [x diam., thick-walled, filled with a greenish-yellow granular protoplasm. On horse dung, in grassy places alongside the Rio de la Plata. Judging by the description, one would consider this only a form of P. oedipus. 13. Pilobolus roseus Speg. Fung. Argent. I, p. 175 (1880). Sacc. Syll. vii. 187. Sporangiophores densely gregarious, 2-4-5 mm. high, at first clavate, rosy-orange, truncate at the rounded apex, then filiform below, ellipsoid or ventricose-spheroid above, very beautifully rosy- hyahne. Sporangium black, hemispherical, 300-400 \i diam. ; spores ellipsoid, obtusely rounded at the ends, granular within, rosy-hyaline, 12-16 x 7-8 [x. On cow dung, near the Rio de la Plata. This species might well be merely a form of P. Kleinii ; its chief distinction seems to reside in its colour, but a rosy hue is not unknown in some other species of Pilobolus. TAXONOMY OF THE PILOBOLIDAE 215 14. Pilobolus minutus Speg. Fung. Argent. 1, p. 176 (1880). Sacc. Syll. vii. 186. Sporangiophores superficial, loosely gregarious, 2-5 mm. high, at first fiUform-clavate, then ventricose and ellipsoid, above, always hyaline, more or less elongated and filiform below. Sporangium black, lenticular, 125-145 [x diam. ; spores spherical or eUipsoid, granular, hyaline or faintly greenish-yellow, 7-8 [l diam. On cow dung, in shady places near the Rio de la Plata. This species may well be only P. Kleinii var. minor Dewevre. 15. Pilobolus pullus Massee, in Kew Bulletin, 1901, p. 160. Sacc. Syll. xvii. 506. Sporangiophore about 1 mm. high, nearly colourless, inflated and ventricose above. Sporangium depressed-hemispherical, black, smooth, 250-300 \i broad ; columella convex, often constricted in the middle ; spores ellipsoid, 10-12 x 8-9 [j., with an orange epispore. On cow dung. Tasmania (Rodway). Perhaps akin to a form of P. Kleinii. Petch, in recording a species under this name in Annals Roy. Gard. Peradeniya, vol. vii, part 4, p. 297, says : " Scattered ; total height 0-6-0'8 mm., clavate, expanding almost from the base, 0-3 mm. diameter above. Sporangia oval, black, 0-25 x 0- 15-0-2 mm. ; wall black-brown, smooth, not areolated. Spores oval, pale-yellow, 8-10 x 5-6 \l. " On cow dung, Hakgala, Ceylon, December, 1917." 16. Pilobolus Schmidtii Sacc. Syll. xxiv. 11 (1926). Pilobolus sp. Alf. Schmidt, in Jahresber. d. Schles. Gesell, xc. 19 (1912). Sporangiophores standing singly ; trophocyst ovoid, yellowish, 560-720 X 340-400 [x. Stipe 4 mm. high ; subsporangial sweUing ovoid, up to 1 mm. high, 640-800 [x broad ; columella colourless, 250-370 [J. high. Sporangium hemispherical, black, 430-510 [j. broad ; spores ellipsoid, thin- walled , yellow or yellowish, 6 -5-8 -5 X 5-6 [J., not diffusing readily in water. On dung of mules. Reared at Breslau, Germany, on mule dung 2i6 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI brought from Amani, German East Africa. Allied to P. Kleinii, but differing in the dimensions of its parts. Pilaira van Tieghem, Nouv. Rech. in Ann. Sci. Nat. ser. 6, vol. i, p. 51 (1875). Fruit-body consisting of a sporangiophore and a sporangium. Sporangiophore arising from the myceUum without a septum at its base. It is evenly cyHndrical and has no basal or subsporangiai swelHng. Sporangium black, separated from the sporangiophore by a columella, and having its wall highly cutinised and persistent when immersed in water. When mature the sporangiophore collapses and there is no projection of the sporangium. The species are all coprophilous. Pilaira differs from Pilobolus in that its sporangiophore has no septum at the base, no basal sweUing, and no subsporangiai swelhng, and in that its sporangium is not violently projected. In 1930 Fitzpatrick, in his book on the Phycomycetes, suggested that the genus Pilaira is " based on abnormal material of Pilobolus." There can be no doubt that this view is erroneous. Not only van Tieghem and Brefeld but also BuUer, I myseK, and others have observed and cultivated the type of the genus, Pilaira anomala, and have found it to be quite distinct from any abnormal form of Pilobolus. Five species of Pilaira are known. The key to them, given below, is founded on that of Ling Yong. Key to the Species of Pilaira [Spores round ..... (Spores oval or elongated . I Sporangiophores branched 1 Sporangiophores simple ( Sporangiophores only about 1 mm. high (Sporangiophores up to 10 cm. high (Spores oval, up to 10 [j. long (Spores elongated, up to 22 (x long . . . Moreaui nigrescens 1 Saccardiana 2 dimidiata 3 anomala TAXONOMY OF THE PILOBOLTDAE 217 1 . Pilaira anomala (Ces.) Schroter, Pilze, in Cohn's Kryptogamen- Flora von Schlesien, vol. iii, p. 211 (1889). Sacc. Syll. vii. 188. Piloholus anom/ilus Cesati, in Klotzsch, Herh. viv. mycol., no. 1542 (1851). Brefeld, Botan. Untersuch. part 4, pp. 60-5, pi. 4, f . 18, 23-28. Ascophora Cesatii Coemans, Monoyraphie, p. 63, pi. 2, f. E (1861). Piloholus Mucedo Brefeld, Botan. Untersuch. part 1, p. 27, pi. l,f. 25, 26 (1872). Pilaira Cesatii vanTiegh. in Ann. Sci. Nat. ser. 6, vol. i, p. 52, pi. 1, f. 14-24 (1875). Bainier, Etude, pp. 29-32, pi. 1, f. 16-18. Grove, in Journ. Bot., vol. xxii, p. 132, pi. 245, f. 6 ; Pilobolidae, p. 337, pi. 6, f. 7, 8. Sporangiophore cylindrical, colourles.s, at first erect, 1-2 cm. high, then growing to a height of 9-12 (or even 20) cm., at length shrivelling and falUng down on the substratum. Sporangium at first yellow, black when mature, more or less globular, 120-250 [i diam., then hemispherical with a small granular apophysis be- low ; columella colourless, hemispherical, but somewhat depressed ; spores ovoid, nearly colourless (but yellow- ish in mass), 8-12 x 6-7 y.. Zygo.spores black, globose Fig. 107. — PiUiira anomala (Ces.) Schroter. A, three fruit -bodies, collapsing. B, longitudinal optical .section of a spor- angium. C, upper and lower part of a fruit-body, after the dehiscence of the sporangium ; m, protruding mucilage. D, sporangium in air, before dehiscence. E, coliunella, seen from below, after the fall of the sporangium. F, a similar columella, in lateral view ; there are crystalloids in both the stipe and columella. G, spores. H, I, and J, three successive stages in the formation of a zygospore. Copied by A. H. R. Buller from van Tieghem's Xouvelles Recherches. Magnification : A, natural size ; B-F, 90 ; G, 380 ; H-J, 200. or ovoid, up to 115 a diam., epispore covered with numerous minute papiUae (Brefeld. I.e. part 4, f. 26-28). On dung of sheep, goats, gazelles, hares, rabbits, goose, pig. ass, and horse. Europe, U.S.A. (Pennsylvania). Rather uncommon. 2l8 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI The zygospores were found by Brefeld on horse dung which had borne luxuriant crops of fruit bodies (c/. Fig. 107, H-J). Illustration : Fig. 107. Pilaira nigrescens van Tiegh. in vol. i Ann. Sci. Nat. ser. 6, p. 60, pi. 1, f. 25-8 (1875). Grove, Pilobolidae, p. 337. Sacc. Syll. vii. 189. Sporangiophore shorter than in the preceding species (1-5-2 cm.) and more slender. Sporangium also smaller, but having a simi- lar granular apophysis ; columella blackish-violaceous or bluish, hemispherical, and ending in a conical papilla. Spores globose, colourless, 5-6 (x in diameter. On dung of rabbit. France ; Distinguished by its size, its spores, and its conical and Fig. 108. — Pilaira nigrescens v. Tiegh. A, four fruit-bodies, collapsing. B, upper part of a fruit-body after dehiscence of the sporangiiun ; TO, protruding mucilage. C, upper part of a fruit-body after the fall of the sporangium. D, spores. Copied by A. H. R. Buller from van Tieghem's Nouvelles Re- cherches. Magnification : A, natural size; BandC, 90; D, 380. rare coloured columella. Illustration : Fig 108. 3. Pilaira dimidiata Grove, in Journ. Bot. vol. xxii, p. 132, pi. 245, f. 7 a-d (1884) ; Pilobolidae, p. 338, pi. 6, f. 10 a-c. Sacc. Syll. vii. 189. Sporangiophore slender, cylindrical, and while erect not more than 0 -5-1 -0 mm. high, then bending down towards the substratum and becoming 3-4 mm. long. Sporangium ^„^ at first yellow, then black, hemispherical, \y 100-120 (J, diam. ; immediately beneath it the sporangiophore is widened somewhat Fig. 109.- — Pilaira dimidiata Growe. A, mature fruit- body. B, columella. C, spores. DrawTi by A. H. R. Buller from sketches made by W. B. Grove in 1883 without the use of a camera lucida. Cf. Plate 245, Fig. 7, a-d, in Grove's New or Noteworthy Fungi, \%%^. Magnification: A, 116; B, 240 ; C, 660. TAXONOMY OF THE PILOBOLIDAE 219 like the apophysis of a moss-capsule (Funaria). Spores ellipsoid, almost colourless, 12-14 x 5-6 [x. On dog's dung. England (Worcestershire) ; found only once, March and April. Distinguished from Pilaira anomala not only by its much smaller size, but also by its peculiar apophysis, which is almost as large as the sporangium, but slightly less in diameter, and not granular. It was growing luxuriantly on a rich substratum. Illustration : Fig. 109. 4. Pilaira Saccardiana Morini, first mentioned in Rendic. Sess. Fig. 110. — Pilaira Saccardiana Moriai. A, fruit-bodies, spor- angiophores branched ; sporangia mature and now hanging down. B, a branched sporangiopliore bearing two spor- angia, one in side view and the other seen from above. C, a sporangium after dehiscence ; g, swollen jelly. D, optical longitudinal section of a sporangium, showing the spores and the columella. E, the sporangium has gone ; the columella remains and, about its base, can be seen a gelatinous substance derived from the liquefaction of the inferior zone of the sporangial membrane. F, spores. G, part of a sporangiopliore whose sporangium had not yet ripened ; in the protoplasm are numerous crystalloids of mucorine. Copied by A. H. R. Duller from Morini's Ricerche intorno ad una nuova forma di Pilaira. Magnifi- cation : A, natural size ; B-G, not stated. R. Accad. Sci. 1st. Bologna, 1904, with plate, and then named P. Saccardiana in Mem. R. Accad. Sci. 1st. Bologna, ser. 6, vol. iii, p. 128 (1906). Sacc. Syll. xxi. 827. 220 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI Sporangiophore rarely emerging from a rudimentary trophocyst (which is usually wanting), slender, simple or branched, with at most two branches. Sporangium globose, faintly depressed from above, 90-130 [i, in transverse diameter, brown above, then blackish, lower zone not cutinised and forming a broad annulus of the membrane by the gelatinisation of which the spores are afterwards set free ; columella shortly conical, deep-violet in colour ; spores oval, 7-10 [i long, hyaline, but with a smooth pallid violaceous membrane. On dung, in the north of Italy. Illustration: Fig. 110. 5. Pilaira Moreaui Ling, in " Etude morphologique, cytologique ff'^ Fig. 111. — Pilaira Moreaui Ling. No. 1, young sporangium. No. 2, mature sporangium, seen in moist air. No. 3, the dehiscence of the sporangium under the influence of water which swells its lower part. No. 4, columellae after the fall of the sporangium : a, in profile ; b, from below. No. 5, spores. No. 6, a germinating spore. No. 7, a germinating chlamydospore. From Ling Yong's Etude. Magnifi- cation : nos. 1-4, 60 : no. 5, 300 ; nos. 6 and 7, 70. et microchimique d'une nouvelle Mucorinee, Pilaira Moreaui " (1926). See also Rev. generale de Botanique, xlii. 743. Sporangiophores lax, hyaline, not branched, erect, soon de- cumbent, 10-12 cm. high, 30 y. broad. Sporangia at first yellow, depressed, when mature globose, intensely bluish-black, 300-400 y. TAXONOMY OF THE PILOBOLIDAE 221 in diameter (in dwarfed specimens only 80 [x), membrane encrusted, the upper zone cutinised, persistent, the lower gelatinous, de- liquescent ; columella flattened, broadly adnate, 150-180 x 90-100 [i.. Spores cylindric-ellipsoid, smooth, hyaline, 18-20 x 8-10[jt, (sometimes as much as 24 [x long), granular within, agglutinated ; chlamydospores few, intercalary in the submerged mycelium ; zygospores not seen. On dung of horses and rabbits. France. AUied to P. anomala, from which it differs chiefly in its larger spores. It forms a gall with Chaetocladium Jonesii. Illustration : Fig. 111. Bibliography. — The following list includes all those papers and books which refer more particularly to the species of the Pilobolidae and their difterentiation. Some additional works, which treat of the physiology, ecology, and other aspects of the group, are cited in the preceding Chapters written by Professor Buller. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE PILOBOLID.E. Anderson, R. S. — " The Validity of the genus Pilaira," in University of Iowa Studies, vol. XV, pp. 3-5. pi. 1 (1933). Bainier, G.— " Etude sur les Mucorinees," Paris (1882) : pp. 33-48, P. oedipus, f. 1-10, P. longipes, f. 11-13, P. Kleinii, f. 14, 15, P. roridus, f. 16, P. exiguus, f. 17 ; pp. 29-32, Pilaira Cesatii, f. 16-18 (on another plate). Baker, Henry—" Natural History of the Polype Insect," chap, xi, pi. 22, f. 9, 10 (1744). Bary, A. d^-" Vergleich. Morph. u. Biol, der Pilze," p. 77, f. 38, P. oedipus (1884). Berkeley, Rev. M. J.—" Fungi," in Smith's English Flora, vol. v, part 2, p. 231 (1836). Bolton, James — " An History of Fungusses growing about Halifax," vol. iii : pi. 132, f. 4, Mucor roridus ; pi. 133, f. 1, Mxicor urceolatus (1789). Bonorden, H. F.— " Handbuch der allgemeinen Mykologie," p. 128 (1851). His figure 203, called Pilobolus cnjstalUnus, represents a form of P. Kleinii. Brefeld, O.— Mittheilung in Sitzungsber. d. Gesellsch. naturf. Fr. zu Berlin : " Copulirende Pilze " in Bot. Zeitung, vol. xxxiii, pp. 850-3 (1875). 222 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI Brefeld, 0. — " Botanische Untersuchungen iiber Schimmelpilze," Heft 1, p. 27, pi. 1, f. 25-26, Piloholus Mucedo (1872) ; Heft 4, pp. 60-5, pi. 4, f. 18, 23-28, P. anomalus; pp. 69-70, pi. 3, f. 1-10, pi. 4, f. 11-14, "P. oedipus''; pi. 4, f. 15, "P. crystallinus'' ; i. 16, 19-22, "P. microsporus'' ; f. 17, "P. roridus" (1881). BuDer, A. H. R. — " Piloholus umhonatus, a New Species " in his Researches on Fungi, London, vol. vi, pp. 169-178 (1934). BuUiard, P.— " Herbier de la France," vol. i, p. Ill (1784), pi. 480, f. 1, Mucor urceolatus (1789). Cesati, V. de — in Klotzsch, " Herbarium vivum mycologicum," Piloholus anomalus, no. 1542 (1851). Coemans, E. — " Monographie du genre Pilobolus, Tode, specialement etudie au point de vue anatomique et physiologique," in Mem. cour. et des Sav. etrang. Acad. roy. de Belgique, vol. xxx, pp. 1-68 ; pi. 1 and 1 bis, Piloholus oedipus ; pi. 2, P. crystallinus, with fig. B. of P. roridus copied from Bolton (1861). Coemans, E. — " Spicilegium Mycologicum," in Bull. Acad. Belg., ser. 2, vol. xvi, p. 71 (1863). Cohn, F. — " Die Entwicklungsgeschichte des Pilobolus crystallinus," in Nova Acta Acad. Caes. L.-C. Nat. Cur., vol. xxiii, pp. 493-535, pi. 51-2 (1851). Corda, A. C. J. — " Anleitung zum Studium der Mycologie," pp. 71-2, and p. Ixix, pi. C, f. 25 (1842). Corda, A. C. J.- — " Icones Fungorum," vol. i, p. 22, Pilobolus lentiger, pi. vi, f. 286 (1837), afterwards placed in a new genus Pycnopodium, vol. v, p. 18 (1842). Also in vol. vi, p. 12, Pilobolus crystallinus, pi. 2, f. 32 (ed. Zobel, 1854). Currey, F. — " On a species of Pilobolus," in Journ. Linn. Soc. Lond. Bot., vol. i, pp. 162-7, pi. 2, f. 1-10 (1857). Dewevre, A. — " Contribution a I'Etude des Mucorinees : Pilobolees," in Grevillca, vol. xxii, pp. 69-79 (1894). Dickson, J.—" Fasciculi Plant. Crypt. Brit.," part 1, p. 25, pi. 3, f. 6 (1785). Fitzpatrick, H. M.— " The Lower Fungi, Phycomycetes," ed. 1, pp. 251-253 (1930). Fries, Elias M.— " Syst'ema Mycologicum," vol. ii, pp. 308-9 (1823) ; vol. iii, p. 312 (1829). In both volumes P. crystallinus and P. roridus are marked " v.v.'''' Greville, R. K.— " Flora Edinensis," p. 448, P. crystallinus (1824). Grove, W. B.— "New or Noteworthy Fungi," in Journ. Bot. (1884), p. 131, pi. 245, f. 3, P. oedipus ; p. 131, pi. 245, f. 4, P. Khinii ; p. 132, pi. 245, f. 5, P. Kleinii, forma sphaerospara ; p. 132, pi. 245, f. 6, Pilaira Cesatii ; p. 132, pi. 245, f. 7, P, dimidiata. Grove, W. B. — " On the Pilobolidae," a Monograph (reprinted from the Midland Naturalist, Birmingham, pp. 1^0, with plates IV and VI (1884). Klein, J. — " Mykologische Mittheilungen, I. Die Formen des Pilobolus," in Verhandl. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, vol. xx, pp. 547-556 (1870). Klein, J.— "Zur Kermtniss des Pilobolus," in Jahrb. f. wiss. Bot., vol.viii, pp. 305- 381, pi. 23-30, f. 1-52, P. Kleinii (miscalled "P. crystallinus''); f. 53-67, P. roridus (miscalled "P. microsporus "), (1872). Krafczyk, H. — " Die Zygosporenbildung bei Pilobolus cristalltaus," in Ber. d. Deutsch. Bot. GeseLl., vol. xlix, pp. 141-6, with two figs. (1931). Kunze u. Schmidt— " Mykologische Hefte," Heft 2, pp. 70-6 (1823). Ling, Yong. — " Etude morphologique, cytologique et microchimique d'une nouvelle Mucorinee, Pilaira Moreaui (Clermont-Ferrand, 1926). TAXONOMY OF THE PILOBOLIDAE 223 Ling, Yong. — " Etude biologique des phenomenes de la sexualite chez les Mucorin^es " in Revue generale de Botanique, vol. xlii, pp. 742-3 (1930). Link, H. F. — ^" Observationes in Ordines plantarum naturales," Diss. I, p. 32, pi. 2, f. 50, P. crystallinus (1809). Montagne, C. — " Memoire sur le genre Pilobolus," in Ann. Soc. Linn, de Lyon, pp. l-7,f. a-i(1828). Morini, F.- — ■" Ricerclie sopra una nuova Pilobolea," in Mem. R. Accad. Sci. 1st. Bologna, ser. 5, vol. viii, p. 85, with plate (1900). Morini, F. — " Ricerche intorno ad una nuova forma di Pilaira," in Rendie. Sess. R. Accad. Sci. 1st. Bologna, with plate (1904). Morini, F. — " Materiali per una Monografia delle Pilobolee," in Mem. R. Accad. Sci. 1st. Bologna, ser. 6, vol. iii, pjD. 111-129, with plate (1906). Miiller, Otto F. — "Von einem Kristallschwammchen," in Kleine Schriften aus der Naturhistorie, p. 122, pi. 7 (1782). Palla, E. — " Zur Kermtniss der Pilobolus-Arten," in Oesterr. Bot. Zeitschr., vol. 50, pp. 349-370, 397-401, pi. 10, Pilobolus heterosporus (1900). Persoon, G. H. — "Observationes Mycologicae," part 1, p. 76, pi. 4, f. 9-11, P. crystallinus (1796). Persoon, C. H. — " Synopsis methodica Fungorum," part 1, pp. 117-8, P. crystallinus, P. roridus (1801). Petiver, James — " Gazophylacium," pi. 105, f. 14, Fungus virginianus (1711). Plukenet, L.— " Phytographia," pi. 116, f. 7 (1691). " Abnagestum Botanicum," p. 164 (1696). Purton, Thomas — " A Botanical Description of British Plants," Appendix to the " Midland Flora," vol. iii, part 1, pp. 323-5, pi. 31, P. urceolatus (1821). Ray, John—" Historia Plantarum," vol. ii, p. 1928 (1688) ; vol. iii, p. 24 (1704). Ray, John — ^" Synopsis methodica," ed. 2, Appendix, p. 322, " Fungus ex stercore . . ." (1696) ; ed. 3, pi. 13 (1724). Relhan, R.— " Flora Cantabrigiensis," ed. 3, p. 579 (1820). Roze, E. et Cornu, M. — " Une culture florissante du Pilobolus crystallinus,'" in Bull. Soc. Bot. France, vol. xviii, pp. 298-9 (1871). Saccardo, P. A. — " Sylloge Fungorum," vol. vii, pp. 184-9 ; vol. xvii, pp. 505-6 ; vol. xxi, p. 827 ; vol. xxiv, p. 11. Schmidt, Alf. — " Beitrag zur Kenntnis der deutsch-ostafrikanischen Mistpilze " in Jahresber. d. Schles. Gesell., vol. xc, pp. 17-25 (1912). Scopoli, J. A. — " Flora Carniolica," ed. 2, vol. ii, p. 494, Mucor obliquus (1772). Sowerby, J.—" English Fungi," pi. 300, Mucor urceolatus (1803). Spegazzini, C. — " Fungi Argentini," pugiUus primus, in Anal, de la Sociedad Cientif. Argent., vol. ix, pp. 158-192 (1880). Tode, H. J.—" Beschreibung des Hutwerfers," in Schrift. der Berlin. Gesell. naturf. Fr., vol. V, p. 46, pi. I (1784). Tode, H. J. — " Fungi Mecklenburgenses selecti," part 1, p. 41 (1790). Vahl, Martin—" Flora Danica," vol. vi, f. 1080, Pilobolus crystallinus (1792). Van Tieghem, Ph. — " Nouvelles Recherches sur les Mucorinees," in Ann. Sci. Nat., ser. 6, vol. i, pp. 41-61, pi. 1, f . 7-13, Pilobolus roridus ; f . 14-24, Pilaira Cesatii ; f. 25-28, P. nigrescens (1875). Van Tieghem, Ph. — " Troisieme Memoire sur les Mucorinees," in Ann. Sci. Nat., ser. 6, vol. iv, pp. 335-349, pi. 10, f. 4, 5, P. crystallinus ; f. 6-10, P. Kleinii ; f. 11-15, P. longipes ; f. 16-22, P. nanus (1876). 224 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI Wiggers, F. H.— " Primitiae Florae Holsaticae," pp. 110-111 (1780). In the preface the binomial name (Hydrogera crystallina) is said to have been conferred upon the plant by his tutor, Weber. Withering, W. — " Botanical Arrangement of all the Vegetables naturally growing in Great Britain," vol. ii, p. 784, Mucor roridulus, " Ray, Syn. p. 13 " (1776). Withering, W. — "A Systematic Arrangement of British Plants," ed. 4, vol. iv, pp. 394-5, Mucor urceolat'us, M. roridus (1801) ; ed. 5, vol. iv, pp. 437-8 (1812). Zopf, W.-^" Zur Kenntniss der Infectionskrankheiten," in Xova Acta k. L.-C. Deutsch. Akad. Naturf., vol. Hi, no. 7, pp. 352-8, pi. 6, f . 1-19, " P. crystallinus " (1888). PART II THE PRODUCnON AND LIBERATION OF SPORES IN THE DISCOMYCETES VOL. VI. CHAPTER I THE PHENOMENON OF PUFFING IN SARCOSCYPHA PROTRACTA AND OTHER DISCOMYCETES Introduction — Historical Remarks — Puffing illustrated by Photography — The Significance of Puffing — The Genus Sarcoscypha — Sarcoscypha prolracta — The Perennial Pseudorhiza — The Direction of Puffing and the Campanulate Form of the Apothecium — The Ascus as an Explosive IMechanism — Radial-longi- tudinal kSections and Surface Views of the Hymenium — Correlations and Fruit- body Efficiency — What Factor determines the Oblique Position of the Opening of each Ascus ? — ^Experimental Proof that a Fruit-body, when it puflfs, pro- duces a Blast of Air — The Cause of the Blast of Air — The Blast of Air and the Dispersal of the SiX)res — Concluding Remarks. Introduction. — In all the Basidiomycetes which violently dis- charge their basidiospores, namely, the Hymenomycetes, the Uredineae, Tilletia, and the Sporobolomycetes, every basidiospore is shot away as soon as it has attained maturity ; and, since the basidiospores ripen in succession, they are discharged in succession. The result is that the liberation of basidiospores from the fruit- bodies of the Hymenomycetes, from the teleuto-sori of the Rust Fungi, from cultures of the myceHum of Tilletia, and from cultures of Sporobolomycetes is a steady and continuous process, occupying many hours, days, weeks, or even months, according to the species or the cultural conditions. Spore-deposits made from any of these fungi become denser and denser as the hours go by. Of all the numerous species included in the groups of Basidiomycetes here under discussion there is not one in which the basidiospores are given off in sudden dense clouds at intervals determined by internal organisation or external conditions. In the Discomycetes, on the other hand, as is well known, there are many species the fruit-bodies of which exhibit the phenomenon of puffing, i.e. which, when subjected to certain changed conditions, 227 228 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI pass from a quiescent to an active state and suddenly liberate a cloud of spores. Among the larger Discomycetes which puff may be mentioned such common species as Aleuria vesiculosa, Galactinia badia, and Peziza aurantia. Not only do most large Discomycetes puff but also many of the very small ones. The small ones often occur in large numbers gregariously on wood, etc., and all the fruit-bodies of a single group may puff simultaneously either when the log of wood or other sub- stratum on which they grow is disturbed or when the tin box in which they have been collected is opened subsequently in the laboratory. Dr. Jessie S. Bayhss EUiott has kindly informed me that her record of very small Discomycetes which puff includes the following species : Arachnopeziza aurata. Lachnea setosa. Ascobolus Crouani.i Mollisia cinerea. Chlorosplenium aeruginosum. OrbiHa xanthostigma. Dasyscypha virginea. Rhytisma acerinum.^ Helotium scutula. Historical Remarks. — The first reference to the phenomenon of puffing appears to be that of MicheU,^ the discoverer of reproduc- tion in fungi,* who in his celebrated Nova Plantarum Genera pub- hshed in 1729 says of Fungoides (= Peziza, etc.) : "All the Fun- goides are provided on the upper surface with very minute round or oval seeds, which are afterwards ejected upwards hke smoke or ^ The dung upon which this fungus was growing was kept in a large damp- chamber. The hymenial surface of the discs, at first pale, became black with mature asci containing the dark spores. When the door of the damp-chamber was suddenly opened, all the tiny apothecia puffed simultaneously and, in a flash, became pale again (J. S. B. Elliott in litt.). 2 In the genus Rhytisma the apothecia open by a cleft. In including Rhytisma in the Discomycetes I have followed Boudier (Histoire et Classification des Discomy- cetes d'Europe, Paris, 1907, p. 177). 3 P. A. Micheli, Nova Plantarum Genera, Florentiae, 1729, p. 204, Plate 86, Fig. 17. ^ For a discussion of Micheli's discovery of spores not only in the Discomycetes but in fungi generally and for a translation into English of the record of the experi- ments by which he proved that spores are reproductive bodies vide A. H. R. Buller, " Micheli and the Discovery of Reproduction in Fimgi," Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada (Presidential Address to Section IV), Series III, Vol. IX, 1915, pp. 1-25, Plates I-IV. PUFFING IN THE DISCOMYCETES 229 sparks, either by a contraction of the fibres while the plants are expanding or by the hghtest shake of even a gentle breeze." Micheli's illustration of a puffing Discomycete is reproduced in Fig. 112. In 1791, Bulhard 1 described the phenomenon of puffing in Helvella, Peziza, etc., and illustrated it as it occurs in a species of Otidea. He says : "If you shake these fungi or blow upon them from above, their seeds ascend like steam ; you may blow strongly afterwards, you may break the fungus into pieces, but you will not see a second jet of seeds follow the first one immediately ; to obtain a second jet there must pass an interval of some two or three hours, depending on whether the .:•:: •':::■. V'.- air is more or less free from moisture ; the parts ■.•:•■;.•■■.••;•■::•■ which compose the apparatus of the fructification ■/.'•:••;.•.■.•■:•;• are as a rule too delicate to allow one to dis- tinguish the mechanism of discharge, however carefully one observes them with the best in- struments." Bulliard's diagram with which he ,T, 1-1 nc J. i 1 Fig. 112. — Micheli's attempted to explam how puffing takes place illustration of shows that he knew nothing of the true structure puffing m the " _ Discomycetes, of asci, and Tulasne's criticism of Bulliard's views published 1729. on puffing was quite justified. Tulasne ^ says : ^ ^ Duller. " Bulliard's ideas on this point are based on an imaginary structure of the organs and the author's great want of knowledge. It is indeed doubtful whether he really knew from his own experience that the smoke rising from Pezizas consists entirely of their seeds." In 1801, Persoon^ recorded puffing in Rhytisma salicinum (his Xyloma salicinum), for he says " In spring-time, the seed-dust was blowing away from the cracks hke smoke." In 1805, during a rainy May, Albertini and Schweinitz ^ saw R. salicinum " sending up clouds 1 P. Bulliard, Histoire des Champignons dc la France, Paris, 1791, pp. 51-52, Plate II, Fig. 6. 2 L.-R. and C. Tulasne, Seleda Fvngorum Carpologia, Paris, Vol. I, 1861, p. 42 ; also in the English Translation by W. B. Grove, Oxford, Vol. I, 1931, p. 44. ^ C. H. Persoon, Synopsis metJiodica fungorum, Gottingae, Vol. I, 18U1, p. 103. * J. B. de Albertini et L. D. de Schweinitz, Conspectus fungorum in Lusatiae superioris agro Niskiensi crescentiuyn, Lipsiae, 1805, p. 62. 230 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI of smoke through the cracks of the cortex which was broken into irregular shield-hke pieces." Tulasne,i in 1865, remarked that from the ascophorous hymenium of Rhytisma acerinum, when it has dehisced in spring, " the endospores escape hke smoke." In 1817, Kunze and Schmidt ^ remarked that they had observed puffing from the apothecia of two very small Discomycetes, by them included in the genus Phacidium but now regarded as species of Coccomyces. In their description of Phacidium trigonum ( = Coc- co7nyces trigonus) they say : "When in damp weather the disc is fully exposed, there follows after the least touch, just as in P. coronatum, the ejection of the spores in the form of a fine grey-green powder." Desmazieres,^ in 1845, observed puffing in Helvella ephippium Lev. and stated that the vapour of the seeds was discharged into the air with a faint report. Tulasne * suggested that Desmazieres had " been misled. by some error " in supposing that he had heard his Helvella puff ; but, as we shall see in Chapter III, Desmazieres's observation has been supported by subsequent investigations. De Bary,^ in the first edition of his well-known text-book of mycology pubUshed in 1866, treated of puffing in the Discomycetes in a modern manner. He showed : that the asci are turgid cells ; that, when puffing of a fruit-body takes place, a large number of the asci open apically at one and the same moment ; and that the spores of each ascus are shot up into the air owing to the contraction of the elastic ascus wall. In 1909, I ^ showed that, if a section of a ripe hymenium of Aleuria vesiculosa is first submerged in water, the subsequent apphcation to it of solutions of sodium chloride, potassium nitrate, grape sugar, or glycerine, all of which withdraw water from the cell- sap of the asci, does not cause the asci to explode, but that the asci ^ L.-R. and C. Tulasne, loc. cit., Vol. Ill, 1865, p. 117 (Eng. Trans., p. 109). 2 G. Kunze und J. C. Schmidt, Mykologische Hefte, Leipzig, 1871, p. 41. ^ J. B. H. J. Desmazieres, Plant, crypt. France, 2nd ed., fasc. XIX, 18-45, No. 914. Cited from Tulasne. * L.-R. and C. Tulasne, loc. cit., p. 42 (Eng. Trans., p. 44). ^ A. de Bary, Morphologic und Physiologic der Pilze, Flechten, und Myxomyceten, Leipzig, 1866, pp. 141-143. « These Researches, Vol. I, 1909, pp. 238-241, 268. PUFFING IN THE DISCOMYCETES 231 explode readily when their tips are allowed to come into contact with iodine or certain other poisonous substances such as mercuric chloride, silver nitrate, copper sulphate, sulphuric acid, and alcohol ; and I further showed that asci which have contracted considerably owing to withdrawal of water from their vacuoles by potassium nitrate, etc., explode when brought into contact with iodine. As a result of these experiments I suggested that puffing is caused by a stimulus given to the protoplasm in contact with the ascus lid. In 1926, Ziegenspeck ^ reviewed the literature upon, and gave an account of his own investigations upon, the discharge mechanism of the asci of Ascomycetes (Discomycetes, Pyrenomycetes, Lichens). He came to the conclusion that, in fruit-bodies which puff, sudden slight changes in the environment of the asci, by setting up a sudden slight increase in the tension of the wall where the wall is weakest, cause the asci to explode. Ziegenspeck regards the breaking open of an ascus during the phenomenon of puffing not as being due to the action of a stimulus but as a |Ji(re/^ mechanical phenomenon comparable with the breaking of glass in which strains have been set up by unequal heating or cooling : there is a zone or line of weak- ness at the end of the wall of each ascus ; when the distension of an ascus wall has become great, it needs only a slight additional strain to cause the wall to break ; a very slight shaking, a very slight warming, a very slight external pressure, or a sudden withdrawal of water and therewith a reduction of elasticity, can lead to a sudden increased strain inside the membrane, with the result that the membrane relieves itself by splitting where its cohesion is least. Ziegenspeck, by employing a microscope with special optical arrangements, obtained evidence that strains are actually set up in the walls of the ends of the asci of Peziza, Ascobolus, etc., just before the asci explode. On looking down on ripe moist asci, their ends appeared smooth and shining ; but, as soon as the asci were blown upon, the ascus tips became iridescent and exhibited Newton's rings. Immediately after showing these signs of strain, the walls of the asci broke open and the spores were discharged. Ziegenspeck's explanation of the cause of the bursting of ^ H. Ziegenspeck, " Schlcuderraechanismen von Ascomyceten," Botanisches Archiv (Herausgeber, Carl Mcz), Bd. XIII, 1926, pp. 341-381. 232 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI thousands of asci at the moment when a discomj'cetous fruit-body puffs either in the field or in the laboratory is simpler than the one suggested by myself in 1909 and is in good accord with his experi- mental observations. I am therefore inclined to accept it. How- ever, that another factor, in addition to that of purely physical strains in the ascus wall, may have something to do with the bursting of an ascus seems to be shown by the ah-eady recorded results of my experiments on hymenia of Aleuria vesiculosa submerged in water. We can scarcely suppose that non-poisonous substances (sodium chloride, potassium nitrate, grape sugar, and glycerine) do not set up strains in the ascus wall whereas poisonous substances (iodine, mercuric chloride, silver nitrate, copper sulphate, sulphuric acid, and alcohol) do. The fact that poisonous substances cause sub- merged asci to burst, whereas non-poisonous substances do not, seems best explained by assuming that poisonous substances stimu- late the protoplasm at the end of each ascus to act upon the ascus wall in such a way as to cause the operculum to open outwards and that non-poisonous substances do not so stimulate the protoplasm. In recent years Richard Falck ^ has studied the conditions which affect the puffing of Discomycetes and permit of the spores escaping from the fruit-bodies ; and, as a result of his investigations, he has divided the fruit-bodies of Discomycetes into two groups : (1) the radiosensitive, i.e. those which emit spores when warmed by radiant heat given out by a lamp or the sun, etc., e.g. Morchellaceae, Gyro- mitra, and Verpa. and (2) the tactiosensitive, i.e. those which puff when touched or blown upon, e.g. Aleuria, Galactinia, Otidea, Peziza, and Pustularia. Puffing illustrated by Photography. — The spore-cloud which, at the moment of puffing, is emitted from the fruit-body of one of the larger Discomycetes, is made up of tens of thousands or even millions of spores and can readily be seen A\ith the naked eye. Dickson and Fisher,- working with Sclerotinia sclerotiorum ( = S, 1 R. Falek, " Ueber die Sporenverbrcitung bei don Asoomyceten. I. Die radio- sensiblen Discomycctcn," Mycologische Untersuchungen iind Berichte von R. Falck, Jena, Bd. I, Heft II, lOK),])}). 77-144 ; " Ueber die Sporenverbreitung bei den Asoo- myceten. II. Die taktiosensiblcn Discomyceten," ibid.. Heft III, 1923, pp. 370^03. 2 L. F. Dickson and W. R. Fisher, " A Method of Photographing Spore Dis- charge from Apothecia," Phytopathology, Vol. XIII, 1923, pp. 30-32. PUFFING IN THE DISCOMYCETES 233 libertiana), have succeeded in photographing it in the following manner. Large numbers of sclerotia were germinated and, as soon as the stipitate apothecia had attained full size, some scores of the Fig. 113. — Arrangement ot apparatus in preparation tor photographing a cloud of spores liberated during the puffing of the apotliecia of Sclerotlnia sclerotiorum (= S. libertiana). An inverted glass dish, 6 inches wide, on the table, covers a number of stipitate apothecia developed from sclerotia. Bright sunlight falls on the fruit-bodies, and behind them is a black back-ground. A pliotographic camera (not here shown) is focussed on the centre of the dish. By means of suitable screens, the air around the dish is kept as still as possible. When the dish was raised a cloud of spores was emitted, as shown in the next illustration. Photographed by L. V. Dickson and W. R. Fisher at Cornell University. About one-eighth the actual size. sclerotia and their apothecia were arranged upon a layer of wet cotton wool on a glass plate. The plate and fungi were then covered with an inverted crystallising dish six inches in diameter. Thereupon the whole was placed out-of-doors in a shaded spot, and it was left there for three days whilst the ascospores matured. About two hours before the photograph was to be made, the dish 234 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI containing the apothecia was taken into a corridor of the laboratory and placed in the position shown in Fig. 113. A box lined with black paper was used to provide a black back-ground. The table was so arranged that direct sunlight illuminated the apothecia without shining into the box. A small object was then placed on the Fig. 1 14. — A photograph showing spore-clouds which have been emit- ted by the puffing of numerous apothecia of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum ( = S. libertiana) grown from sclerotia. It was taken in bright sunlight with an exposure of about one-hundredth of a second about one second after tlie dish (shown in Fig. 113) covering the fruit-bodies liad been raised. The simultaneous discharge of the contents of millions of asci doubtless produced air currents which were a factor in raising the spore-clouds above the apothecia. Photographed by L. F. Dickson and W. R. Fisher at Cornell University. About two-fifths the natural size. top of the middle of the dish and focussed with the camera. When everything was prepared, the photographer stood ready at the bulb of the camera and, at a given word, the dish was quickly removed from the apothecia. Nothing happened for about one second, and then the apothecia suddenly discharged clouds of spores into the air. At the right instant an exposure of a very rapid photographic plate was made for one-hundredth of a second, with the result shown in Fig. 1 14. PUFFING IN THE DISCOMYCETES 235 The Significance of Puffing.— The puffing of Discomycetes has excited the wonder of every field mycologist and is frequently mentioned in mycological literature. Yet, hitherto, no one, except- ing Richard Falck, seems to have enquired whether or not the phenomenon is of any benefit to the fruit-bodies from the point of view of the dispersal of the spores. Conceivably, the asci of a Peziza might discharge their contents one by one in the order of ripening. Why then does a Peziza puS ? Can it be that simul- taneous ascus-discharge in the Discomycetes is more advantageous to these fungi than successive discharge ; and, if so, wherein does this advantage lie ? Falck has supposed that the dependence of Morchella, Gyromitra, Verpa, etc., on a sufficiently high temperature for the discharge of their spores causes spore-discharge to be delayed until the heat of the sun brings into existence air-currents which may assist in spore- dispersal 1 ; and he also holds that the dependence of many Pezi- zaceae on the wind for the discharge of their spores causes spore- discharge to be delayed in these fungi' until the wind is sufficiently strong to be effective in carrying away the spores. ^ In these ecolo- gical theories there may well be some truth. It was in the hope of throwing more hght on the phenomenon of puffing that the investigation on Sarcoscypha protracta about to be recorded was undertaken. The Genus Sarcoscypha. — -The genus Sarcoscypha, according to Boudier,3 is a very natural one. It includes species remarkable for their epixylous habit and the brilhant scarlet-red colour of their hymenium. The receptacles are more or less stipitate, bell-shaped, and tomentose on their outer side. The asci are very long, thin, and at their base attenuated and flexuous. The paraphyses are much branched, rather more pointed than clavate, and they contain red granules which turn green wdth iodine. The spores are large and oblong, and may or may not contain oil-drops ; in the latter case their contents are finely granular.* Boudier includes in 1 R. Falck, loc. cit., I, pp. 124-126, 134. 2 7^,-^.^ n, pp. 402-t03. ^ E!. Boudier, Histoire et Classification des Discomycetes d'Europe, Paris, 1907, p. 55. * Ibid. 236 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI Sarcoscypha nine species, among them being the well-known 8. coccinea, found on sticks in damp woods in both Europe and North America, and the much more rare S. jirofracta. Sarcoscypha protracta. — Sarcoscyj)ha jirotracta Fr. (Fig. 115), according to Saccardo,^ has various synonyms : Microstoma hiemale Milde ; Peziza mirabilis Borsz., under which name it is illustrated in M. C. Cooke's Mycographia ; Sclerotinia baccata Fuck, (the root- ing base is not a sclerotium, hence the generic name Sclerotinia was a misnomer) ; and Anthojjeziza Winteri Wettst., under which name it is illustrated in Kerner von Marilaun's Natural History of Plants. There is no description or illustration of the fungus in Boudier's I cones Fung arum. Sarcoscypha protracta occurs in both Europe and North America, and appears to be a northern species. In Europe it has been found in Scandinavia, Finland, Germany, and Austria, ^ and it was observed by the late Professor J. H. W. Trail ^ in the month of May growing in clusters of two to six fruit-bodies among grass on the banks of the Dee near Ballater in Scotland. In Canada it has been found by myseK in Manitoba and by Dr. E. H. Moss * in Alberta. Miss Hone ^ states that S. protracta is found in the State of Minnesota ; but, since her specimens were sohtary and had no guttulae in their spores, the identification seems doubtful. My own specimens agree well with the descriptions given by Fries, Rehm, and other European mycologists. Karsten,<5 in Finland, found fruit-bodies of Sarcoscypha protracta on Alder branches {Alnus incana) buried in the ground. According to Rehm,^ the asci are 250-550 [o. long and 18-24 [j. wide ; and in 1 P. A. Saccardo, SyJloge Fungorum, Vol. VIII, 1889, p. 155. 2 For literature vide H. Rehm in Rabenhorst's Kryptogamen-Flora von Deutsch- land, Oesterreich und der Schu-eiz, Die Pilze, Vol. Ill, 1896, pp. 1072-1073. 3 Vide W. Phillips, " British Discomycetes," Grevillea, Vol. XVIII, 1889-90, p. 83. ^ I have seen Dr. Moss's specimens, collected 800 miles west of Winnipeg, and they exactly resemble those found by myself. 5 Daisy S. Hone, " The Pezizales, Phacidiales and Tuberales of Minnesota," Minnesota Botanical Studies, Vol. IV, 1909, pp. 96-97. ^ P. A. Karsten, Mycologia Fennica, Helsingfors, Vol. I, 1871, p. 44. I suspect that the buried branches (ramulos) were in reality roots (f/. my own Fig. 116). ' H. Rehm, " Hysteriaceen und Discomyceten," in Rabenhorsfs Kryptogamen- Flora, 2 Aufl., Bd. I, Abt. Ill, 1896, p. 1073. PUFFING IN THE DISCOMYCETES 237 fruit-bodies found by me at Winnipeg some of the asci (Fig. 119, p. 245) just exceeded 600 [jl in length. In these very large asci are contained very large spores, so large indeed that they were regarded by Fuckel ^ as the largest spores in all the Pezizae. The size of the spores has been recorded : by Fuckel ^ as 52 x 20 [x ; by Karsten ^ as 36-58 (mostly 42-48) x 15-17 [jl ; and by Rehm * (Finnish and German specimens) as 36-40 x 15-17 [x. The size of the spores in Canadian fruit-bodies, as measured by myself, was found to agree with that given for European fruit-bodies by Karsten and Rehm. While the spores of S. protracta are very large for Pezizae, yet they are smaller than the spores of a few other Discomycetes, e.g. Ascobolus immersus in which the spores (Vol. I, Fig. 82, p. 254), exclusive of their broad gelatinous investment, measure 55-65 x 35-45 [z, and Ptychoverpa bohemica in which the spores measure 60-80 X 17-22 [JL ^ The large size of the asci and spores in Sarcoscypha jJro- tracta was a factor in making this fungus favourable material for my investigation on the phenomenon of puffing. Fruit-bodies of Sarcoscypha protracta (Fig. 115) come up singly or in clusters of two to eleven in young Poplar bush {Populus tremu- loides) at River Heights, a suburb of Winnipeg, in the last weeks of April and the first weeks of May ; and they were first found there as follows. One day near the end of April, 1925, when the winter's snow had just melted but before there were any leaves on the trees, Charles aged eleven and Dennis aged eight, sons of my former col- league. Dr. C. H. O'Donoghue, were roaming the bush when their eyes were attracted by the beautiful scarlet apothecia standing up in little groups amid the leaf -mould. They very naturally took pleasure in gathering these firstlings of the spring and in taking them home to their parents. Dr. O'Donoghue kindly brought me some of the booty. Then, on April 30, Dr. O'Donoghue, his two sons as pioneers, and I visited the Poplar woods, and together we found some hundreds of fruit-bodies scattered here and there in the leaf-mould under the trees. On this occasion and 1 L. Fuckel, Symbolae Mycologicae. Brifrrige znr Kennlni-ss der rheinischen Pilze, Wiesbaden, 1869-70, p. 331. 2 Ibid. ^ P. A. Karsten, loc. cil., p. 44. * H. Rehm, loc. cit., p. 1073. ^ Ibid., p. 1200. 238 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI subsequently, fresh material was gathered for investigation as it was required. Dr. O'Donoghue's sons discovered for themselves that the p ® 00 UTS ai &-5 flp^ O c3 03 =! £ '- O -c o o • go 2 ' £ o 3 ■*« "*- 2 ^ P 2 J3 to O 3 C £3 ^ _j -rj J3 • ^ ^^ 31^ -t^ !; d o <^ ff) r^ _- S) ! ■. ® _ a,r: 2 =" o ^ r^ ^ U-l ^ ;»> iS e8^' s o .2 .« O g be a, J>2 « s c a S -^ DO - (1 c8 '. © O -' C8-5 d ungathered fruit-bodies of Sarcoscypha protrada, when tickled hghtly with a little stick, send out a cloud Hke smoke and hiss as they do so (c/. Fig. 116) ; and Dr. O'Donoghue has informed me that he him- PUFFING IN THE DISCOMYCETES 239 self saw fruit-bodies puff on several occasions when he was picking them from the ground. We thus have good evidence that the fungus may puff under field conditions.^ The Perennial Pseudorhiza. — Investigations made in the bush convinced me that every fruit-body of Sarcoscypha protracta is epixylous. The mycehum grows in the wood of roots which are about 0' 3-1 • 5 cm. thick and buried in the leaf-mould to a depth of 1-10 cm. The roots presumably are those of Poplar. When the my- cehum in a root has progressed sufficiently, it usually gives rise to a single sohtary fruit-body which grows upwards through the leaf-mould as a slender rod or stipe terminated by a rudimentary apothecium. Tho growth in length of the stipe is intercalary and takes place just below the cup. In this way the cup is pushed up through the leaf- mould and raised somewhat above its surface. After being brought by the intercalary growth of the stipe to the surface of the ground, the apothecium expands and thus the mature fruit-body comes to resemble the one shown in Fig. 116 or the one shown on the extreme left in Fig. 115. The stipe may be considered as having two parts : (1) a subterranean part which is blackened by the soil, slender, easily broken, which corresponds exactly to the " rooting base " of such Hymenomycetes as Collybia radicata and C. fusipes, and which is best called a pseudorhiza, and (2) an aerial part, whitish and highly tomentose, which may be referred to as the aerial stipe. At the end of the first spring, the soHtary fruit-bod}^ just des- cribed does not entirely disappear. While its apothecium and its aerial stipe die and rot away, the lower part of the pseudorhiza persists in the living condition until the second spring. Then it proliferates at its upper end and gives rise not to one but to several new fruit-bodies, each of which has a pseudorhiza and aerial stipe of its own. Thus in the second year there is developed a cluster of fruit-bodies varying in number up to eleven. Three such clustered fruit-bodies are shown on the right side of Fig. 115. At the end of the second spring, the cluster may die away com- pletely, but investigation shows that sometimes at least, while the ^ An account of the investigations recorded in this Chapter was given at the International Botanical Congress, held at Ithaca, U.S.A., in August 1926. Vide the Proceedings of the Congress, Vol. II, 1929, pp. 1627-1628. 240 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI ;;V*; W r:«\ ISifc: P? secondary apothecia and aerial stipes decay and disappear, the bases of the secondary pseudorhizae persist until the third spring, when the ends of some of them proliferate and then give rise to tertiary fruit-bodies. We thus find that our original pseudorhiza produced in the first spring is either biennial or perennial. In CoUybia fusipes we have an exactly similar arrangement. It is a remarkable fact that a perennial pseudo- ."...:. .:'■■ rhiza should have been developed in two such diverse fungi as Sarcoscypha pro- tracta and CoUybia fusipes ; but both grow on buried roots, and we can only suppose that, in the course of evolution, in response to this common condition of their environment, they have reacted in a similar manner. The Direction of Puffing and the Campanulate Form of the Apothecium. — When a fruit-body puffs, the spores are shot straight outwards from the cup in directions which are parallel to the cup's longitudinal axis. If the fruit- body is upright, as shown in Fig. 116, the spore-cloud is shot up vertically into the air, but if the fruit-body is oblique the spore-cloud is shot away obliquely. A large number of fruit-bodies which were gathered at a temperature only just above the freezing-point of water, whilst occasional flakes of snow were Fig. 116. — Sarcoscypha protracta. A vertical section through leaf -mould in a Poplar wood at Winnipeg, Manitoba, to show a single fruit- body attached by its rooting base or pseudo- rhiza to a buried root. The scarlet hymenium which covers the conical interior of the cup has just puffed and the spore-stream is represented diagrammatically as rising vertically to a height of about three inches above the top of the fruit-body. Natural size. PUFFING IN THE DISCOMYCETES 241 falling, appeared to be mature but could not be caused to puff in the open, presumably owing to their being too cold. The fruit-bodies were put into a vasculum and taken to the laboratory the air of which had a temperature of about 70° F. As soon as the laboratory had been entered, the fruit-bodies were removed from the vasculum, separated from one another, and placed in a series of Petri dishes. During these operations not a single fruit- body puffed. However, after an hour, when the fruit-bodies had become warmed up to the temperature of the room, puffing occurred freely whenever a mature fruit-body was removed from a Petri dish and exposed to the relatively dry room-air. Advantage was taken of this fact to observe the direction and distance of discharge of three particular fruit-bodies. In turn, each was quickly removed from its Petri dish with the fingers and held horizontally in the air of the laboratory. Within two seconds from the beginning of this operation puffing took place. The spore-cloud produced by each fruit-body travelled forward horizontally (c/. Fig. IIG). One of the spore-clouds went 8 cm. before dispersing irregularly, another 12 cm., and another 17 cm. ( = 7 inches). The results yielded by the experiments just described prompted the following question : the apothecia being campanulate in form, how comes it that the spores are shot straight out of the cup in a direction more or less parallel to the cup's axis ? To solve this problem it was necessary to ascertain : (1) the exact shape of the apothecium at the moment of puffing, (2) the arrangement of the asci in the hymenium, and (3) the manner in which the asci open. Variations in the shape of the apothecium, nearly three times the natural size, are shown in Fig. 117. At A is an end-view and at B a vertical section of a young apothecium which is about to expand. Its hymenium, as indicated in B, was lining the cavity of the cup, but the asci had not yet developed any spores. C is a well-expanded apothecium seen from above. Its dark central cavity was hned by a deep-scarlet hymenium containing ripe ascospores, whilst the lighter marginal crenations were orange-yellow and sterile. The six draw- ings D-I show vertical sections through six apothecia which had discharged or were about to discharge their spores. The average VOL. VI. ^ 242 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI angle of aperture of these and of other mature apothecia was about 50°. Within, the apothecia are rather pointed at the base and never well-rounded hke those of Galactinia badia, Aleuria vesiculosa, etc. Fig. Ill .—Sarcoscypha protracta. To show the exact forms of the cups in particular fruit-bodies. A, a yoving unexpanded fruit-body, seen from above. B, the same, seen in vertical section : the hymenium lining the inner surface of the cavity contains young asci which as yet have not developed any spores. C, a mature fruit-body seen from above : the cup is fully expanded and the hymenium contains asci enclosing ripe spores. D-I, vertical sections through six fully expanded fruit-bodies which had discharged, or were about to discharge, their spores. D and G had already shot away all their spores. The angle of aperture of the cup is smallest in D and largest in I. Several of the fruit-bodies were observed to puf? in the laboratory. Fruit-bodies obtained in a Poplar wood at Winnipeg, Manitoba. Magnification, 2- 6 natural size. Moreover, they never open out in such a manner as to flatten the hymenium. At A and B in Fig. 118, enlarged six times, is shown a diagram- matic drawing of a vertical section through an average cup. The cup is 8 mm. deep and has an angle of aperture of 50°. The asci in the hymenium have straight shafts and are arranged perpendicularly to the surface of the hymenium. The arrows indicate in A the PUFFING IN THE DISCO]\IYCETES 243 direction in which one might expect the asci to shoot their spores, and in B the direction in which the asci actually shoot their spores. How comes it that the asci do not discharge their spores in the direc- FiG. 118. — Sarcoscypha protmctn. Two diagrammatic drawings of a vertical section through a cup, 8 mm. deep, sliowing tlie average slof)e of the liymenium and the direction of tlie long axes of tlie asci. Tiie angle of aperture of the cup is .50". The arrows indicate trajectories of tlie spores shot out by single asci. In .\ the arrows show the direction in which twenty sets of spores would be shot, if they were discharged from the ends of the asci, in the direction in which the asci point, in still air : the asci in the lower two-thirds of the cup would shoot their spores against the opposite walls of the cup ; and the spores which escaped from the cup, as shown by the arrows, would travel obliquely and not vertically upwards. In B the arrows show the general direction in which twenty sets of spores are actually shot. Owing to each ascus having its operculum on the upward-looking side of its end, all the spores escape from the cup and are shot vertically upwards. Magnificatiou, U times the natural size. tion in which their ends point 1 The answer must be sought for in a minute study of the individual ascus. The Ascus as an Explosive Mechanism. — The hymenium of Sarcoscypha protracta, like that of other Discomycetes, consists of sterile paraphyses and of asci, each ascus containing eight ascospores. 244 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI A single paraphysis (Fig. 119, d) is a thin, much branched, septate structure, the cells of which contain deep-red particles. It is these particles which give to the hymenium as a whole its fine scarlet colour. The paraphyses constitute more than one-half of the hymenium and, as shown in Figs. 120, A, and 121, A, they he between the asci and isolate them from one another. The branches of the same paraphysis or of adjacent paraphyses are closely packed together and become anastomosed with one another. Although the paraphyses tightly ensheathe each individual ascus, their walls and the ascus-wall, where they come into contact, are never fused together but are free to move over one another. This freedom is important, for it permits a young ascus to grow in length and an exploding ascus to contract in length and slide downwards in the hymenium between the paraphyses without any serious disturbance to the hymenium as a whole {cf. A and B in Fig. 120). With iodine the red particles in the paraphysal cells turn green. The ascus is a long thin cylinder with a narrower, often undulating base and a straight shaft. In Fig. 119 there are shown : at a an almost ripe ascus which as yet does not protrude beyond the general level of the hymenium as determined by the tips of the paraphyses d ; at 6 a mature, fully protuberant ascus ; and at c an ascus just after it has exploded and shot away its spores. In both a and b the cell- walls are very thin and are hned internally by an equally thin layer of cytoplasm. This cytoplasmic layer encloses a single large central vacuole, filled with colourless cell-sap, and eight spores. The spores are situated in the upper end of each ascus. They adhere to one another and to the top of the ascus, so that they cannot fall down to the bottom of the vacuole, from which position they could not be discharged when the ascus exploded. It seems probable that they are held together and are attached to the ascus-apex by cytoplasm. In any case the adhesive substance is weak ; for, when an ascus explodes, the top spore is freed from the top of the ascus and all eight spores are separated from one another. The eight spores in each ascus (Fig. 119, a, b) are long and oval or almost fusiform, and they all slope obliquely in the same direc- tion. The upper end of the top spore rests against the operculum PUFFING IN THE DISCOMYCETES 245 that is to make its ajipearance when the ascus explodes. Now since, as we shall see, each operculum is situated so that it looks toward the opening of the mouth of the apothecium, the Fig. 1 1 9. — Sarcoscypha protracta. The elements of the liyme- nium. The transverse clotted line indicates the general sur- face of the hymenium as defined by the outer ends of the paraphyses. a, a young and, as yet, non-protuberant ascus showing : a thin cell- wall lined by a thin layer of cytoplasm, a large vacuole filled with cell-sap, and eiglit spores. The wall is slightly thickened at the end of the ascus, and all the eiglit spores are sloped in the same direc- tion, the uppermost being- directed towards the future operculum. b, an older ascus with maximiun pro- tuberancy above the general level of the hymenium ; it is ripe and ready to discharge its spores, c, an exploded ascus which shot out its eight spores and niuch of its cell- sap through an obliquely situated operculate ostiole. The direction of spore-dis- charge, shown by the arrow, was parallel to the vertical axis of the cup. A compari- son of b and c shows that, owing to the elasticity of the cell-wall, the volume of the ascus c, during the ex- plosion, contracted to about one-half, e, some isolated spores shot out from an ascus : their contents include several oil-drops. ^ ^ O i^ o '-" c3 cS 't^ •- -^ O 00 ^ ■- ^ =* S !- 5 jT ® ? CO Oj - 03 ® '^ ""g-^ £ I ^-' '*-' c6 '-' -3 ' O ^ S ^ 'i 5 > ^ 1" £ i ^ b >> .'o 2 "3 CO r^ w r^ © --^ m tt, CO O C ^ -f^ -iJ * O , ^ O ^ ® ■p =; ^ £P- _r ® ^■' • ■:- -3 -ti CS . to S^ ago O © ' -9 71 t- © c3 '>,© p ^>s ~ r: o C S- ©= P — . b -^ „ _ © - c © o 2 l!^ p -p n- S tJO OS © (^ 1i >> o o 294 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI Some more or less hemispherical fruit-bodies of Aleuria vesiculosa were obtained from an open garden at the Manitoba Agricultural College in October, 1925, and they were examined in the manner just indicated. In each fruit-body, as shown in Figs. 139 and 140, it was found that the asci at the base were straight and looked directly upwards and that the asci on the sides were curved in such Fig. 141. — Aleuria vesiculosa. Semi-diagrammatic surface view of tlie hymenium half-way up the side of a cupulate fruit-body (c/. Figs. 138 and 139). Asci a and parapliyses b are turned upwards heliotropically so as to be directed toward tlie source of the strongest liglit and, therefore, toward tlie fruit-body's moutli. Magnification, 293. a way that their apices looked toward the fruit-body's mouth. Every ascus which, owing to its position of origin, had developed in unilateral light had, during its development, bent its free end toward the fruit-body's mouth, i.e. toward the source of light. Surface views of the hymenium on the sides of more or less hemispherical fruit-bodies have the appearance represented semi- diagrammatically in Fig. 141, from which one may conclude once more that all the asci point in the same general direction, namely, toward the fruit-body's mouth. Radial-longitudinal sections from the sides of a more or less HELIOTROPISM OF ASCI IN DISCOMYCETES 295 hemispherical fruit-body {cf. Fig. 140, A) were mounted in water and then a drop of iodine was run under the cover-glass so that it came into contact with the outer surface of the hymenium. The wall of the free end of each mature and projecting ascus turned blue as it absorbed the iodine, and then the ascus suddenly shot out its eight spores into the surrounding fluid. All the asci in sections of one fruit-body discharged their spores within a few seconds, so that the iodine caused the phenomenon of puffing to take place in a watery medium. Whilst the discharge of the spores was taking place, it was easy to see that each ascus shot away its spores in the direction in which it was pointing, i.e. at an angle of about 45° to the outer surface of the hymenium. This direction of discharge, had the asci been left undisturbed in their fruit-body under aerial conditions, would have enabled the asci to shoot their spores upwards and through the fruit-body's mouth. If a piece of the wall is quickly taken from the side of a mature fruit-body of Aleuria vesiculosa which has been enclosed for some time in a glass case, and is held horizontally in the air until it pufEs, since the asci are inclined in the direction of the rim, the spores should be discharged into the air in the general direction of the rim and the cloud of spores should be seen thus travelling with the naked eye. Unfortunately, when I wished to make this experiment with Aleuria vesiculosa, no more suitable fruit-bodies of that species were available ; but the proposed experiment came ofE quite success- fully with the very similar fruit-bodies of Galactinia badia (Fig. 149, p. 308) : the spores were shot toward the rim of the piece of fruit- body in a cloud at an angle of about 45° with the outer horizontally- placed surface of the hymenium. A fruit-body which developed in the large damp-chamber in the laboratory was abnormally wrinkled and flattened out in the manner shown in the transverse section in Fig. 142, A ; and it happened to be so arranged that it faced the incident light. I very carefully examined the central convex ridge both in radial-longitudinal and m surface sections, and I found that the asci at the top of the ridge were straight and faced the light while those on the sides were curved upwards so that they also faced the light, i.e. that all the asci on the convex central ridge were pointing toward the light 296 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI i 1 1 1 (Fig. 142, B). Had the hymenium of the ridge been bent concavely downwards — as it is in normal fruit-bodies — instead of convexly upwards, the asci would have looked toward the light in the manner shown in Figs. 139 and 140 ; but there is this difference between the arrangement of the asci in the concave and the convex hymenium : in the concave hymenium (Fig. 140) the asci are turned away from the centre of the hymenium, whereas in the convex hymenium (Fig. 142) they are turned toward the centre of the hymenium. The arrangement of the asci on the central convex ridge of our abnormally shaped fruit-body allows us to draw the conclusion that the asci in a normal, more or less hemi- spherical fruit-body do not turn away from the centre of the hymenium because they are influenced by the organisation of the fruit-body as a whole but because they are stimulated by light which causes them to curve heliotropically. Sufficient evidence has now been brought forward to justify the conclusion that the asci of Aleuria vesiculosa are positively heliotropic. The relations of the heliotropic asci with the paraphyses will now be discussed. The asci of Aleuria vesiculosa, when ripe, pro- trude beyond the paraphyses for a distance of not more than 30 [x (Fig. 140). Now the heliotropic curvature of an ascus on the side of a hemispherical fruit-body of A. vesiculosa is not confined as in Ciliaria scutellata, Melastiza miniata, and Cheilymenia vinacea to the very end of the ascus — the part that j^rotrudes beyond the paraphyses — but begins about the middle of the ascus, i.e. deep down in the hymenium, and includes the whole of the spore- bearing portion (Fig. 140). It may therefore be asked : how comes it that the asci, notwithstanding that they are hemmed in by para- physes, are able to bend at so great a depth in the hyme- FiG. 142. — Aleuria vesi- culosa. A, vertical section of irregular fruit-body ; arrows indicate general direction of light. B, diagrammatic repre- sentation of the central ridge of A ; the asci are heliotrop- ically directed toward the light. A, 1-3 natiH'alsize ; B,mucli enlarged. HELIOTROPISM OF ASCI IN DISCOMYCETES 297 nium ? The answer to this question is provided by a study of the paraphyses. As in other Discomycetes, the paraphyses of Aleuria vesiculosa ^;§| 1- • rv>( Y/v,-J V^'^ V Fig. 143. — Diagram of the developmeut of a gymnocarjiic apothecium, e.g. that of Ascobolu.s niagnificus or Pyroneina confluen.• • ^ " li a. ■ KkmgiiB tai^fflH ft L immediately thereafter it puffed vigorously and, in so doing, gave out an audible sound. Had the fruit-body been left undisturbed where it had developed, probably it would have puffed sooner or later owing to its being touched by a passing animal, blown upon by rising wind, or partially dried by the loss of water vapour to the surrounding atmosphere as this became less humid. Urnula Craterium. — Urnula Craterium, the Burnt-out Crater Fungus, is somewhat rare in Europe but is common in North America, and I have met with it several times in Canada on the shores of the Lake of the Woods and of Lake Winnipeg. It grows on the ground in woods and is attached to buried or partly buried sticks (Fig. 150) or to saw- dust, etc. (Figs. 169 and 170, pp. 335 and 336). The fruit-body is stipitate and the stipe is continued upwards into a deep black cup. A mature fruit-body in the open, when touched, puffs vigorously, and the spore-smoke is shot out of the mouth of the cup. Here, as in Aleuria vesi- culosa and Galactinia badia, the safe exit of the spores from the cup is due to the ends of the asci being heliotropically turned to the source of brightest light and therefore to the opening in the top of the fruit-body. The paraphyses of Urnula Craterium are thin, septate, much branched and brown above. Their end-branches are straight and show no signs of heliotropic curvature, thus contrasting with the asci. In U. Craterium, therefore, while the asci are heliotropic, the paraphyses are anheliotropic. Fig. 149. — Galactinia badia. Diagram to illus- trate an experiment on the direction of discharge of the asci. A fruit-body matured its spores in a damp-chamber. A piece of its side was then very quickly cut away, removed from the damp-chamber and, with the hymenium looking upwards, was laid flat on a sheet of glass in the laboratory. About two seconds thereafter, the piece of fruit-body puffed and the cloud of spores was shot away irom the liymenium in the manner shown : a the basal end and b the apical end of the piece of fruit-body (shown insection); c, the sheet of glass ; thearrows indicate the direction in which the asci dis- charged their spores. Natural size. HELIOTROPISM OF ASCI IN DISCOMYCETES 309 Otidea onotica and 0. leporina. — In Otidea onotica (Fig. 151) and 0. leporina (Fig. 164, p. 329), the fruit-bodies are not regularly cup- -t^ _r «j © ® 5 "S c5 .r X -^ CD ® -^ -^ =6-^ fcT;<« •1*250 a^ -k^ ._: ? s c 0 0 .2 ►; fi C/J -'-' t« North ^ inched i The a pointed lie Divi ^ .—H r- - — C tj 0 2 " ® fcc comm ity, wl f each e their Photo _g 2 0 > ® |5 ^S:S J' s--^ £ = 0 c.^ 0 -^ p s 0 s - „ -a .2 ' * ■? 2 D 1^ 0 a. cH >.2 W) — 0 -- 0 gnico lies, re ab ely he Phot ::= ^ 0 > S .2 £ ;-S _J ^' -li t^ 'cc "S S >« 05 3J 3up-like wo inch cetes, ar y W. S. 6 .2 0 ^ -^ >'Xl ^^^e« ■g 5 .5 i 8 ^? —^ ^ -O tc ^ * ^ |.£2o 2q *_g 0 ^ 03 2."^ «• * cS _- © a; 2 5 t3 03 S tK Q^ X! OJ s 0 '.4-1 0 > .. (bO 33 ^ i^^ "^ 0 3 ^-? CO ~ t- 0 ~tt S 3 u ^ 3 ■0 H a - 2 0 1 £'>^ - 'Sb 150 rare puff in 0 cup "o 0 ^ shaped but are relatively long and narrow and are characteristically split down one side. Owing to the split, the light strikes upon the 310 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI hymenium more from the side of the fruit-body than from the free end. Probably, therefore, in Otidea onotica and 0. leporina the asci are bent heliotropically toward the open side of the fruit-body rather than to the free end. The Otideae puff freely when their mature fruit-bodies are touched, and then the clouds of spores which they emit through their asymmetrical openings can be readily observed. Fig. 151. — Otidea onotica, a Disconiycete witli auriculate fruit-bodies. Tlie long lateral opening down the side of each fruit-body enabled the light to strike the hymenium more or less perpendicularly and thus, doubtless, to stimulate the asci heliotropically, so that the ends of the asci turned themselves toward the open- ing. \\'hen spore-discharge took place, therefore, the ascospores could readily be shot away from the fruit-body into the open air. Fruit-bodies shown were collected at the Experimental Farm, Ottawa, by W. S. Odell. Photographed by the Photographic Division of the Geological Survey of Canada. Natural size. The Heliotropism of the Asci and the Discharge of the Spores in the Morchellaceae. — In the Morchellaceae, which includes the genera Morchella and Mitrophora : the fruit-body or receptacle is differentiated into a stipe and a pileus ; the pileus is hollowed out externally into pits or alveoli ; the hymenium is broken up into separate portions, each of which lines the interior surface of one of the alveoli ; and the alveoli are separated from one another by ribs HELIOTROPISM OF ASCI IN DISCOMYCETES 311 Fig. 152. — Morchella esculeitld. A fruit-l)ody (receptacle) with its stipe and pileus. The pileus is hollowed out externally into pits (alveoli) each of which is lined by a hynieniinn. The various hynienia are separated from one another by ribs which are sterile aloufj their outer edges. The asci of each hynienial pit are helio- tropically curved toward the pit's mouth and, therefore, tliey shoot their spores away from the fruit-body. Thotographed in Yorkshire, England, by A. E. Peck. Natural size. 312 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI Fig. 153. — Morchella esculentn. Upper left and right-hand fruit-bodies, showing the external appearance of the hymenial pits or alveoli. Lower left fruit-body in median vertical section, showing tlie hollow structure of the stipe and pileus- flesh and the depth of the pits. Lower middle fruit-body, a median transverse section througli the pileus. Tlie asci are lieliotropically curved toward the mouths of the pits and, tlierefore, slioot their spores away from the fruit-body. Photographed by the Geological Survey of Canada. Natural size. HELIOTROPISM OF ASCI IN DISCOMYCETES 313 which are sterile exter- nally (Figs. 152 and 153). The fruit-body of the Mor- chellaceae, owing to its possessing a subdivided hymenium, is said to be compound.^ The alveoli on the exterior of the pilei of the Morchellaceae, as defined by their exterior sterile ribs, may be irregularly rounded, irregularly polygonal, or more or less longitudin- ally elongated. When the alveoli are rounded or polygonal or but slightly elongated, they remain simple, although their in- ternal lateral walls are usually plicate (Fig. 152). On the other hand, when the alveoli are much elongated longitudinally (Figs. 154 and 155), they are usually broken up by more or less well developed transverse hymenium- covered ridges. Thus a much elongated primary alveolus may be subdivided into secondary alveoli . Each species has alveoli of characteristic shape. Thus the alveoli are : in Fig. 154. — A fruit-body of Morchella deliciosa. The pits (alveoli) are much elongated and are divided transversely into secondary alveoli. Collected at Ottawa by W. S. Odeil. Photographed by the Photographic Division of the Geological Survey of Canada. Natural size. ^ E. Boudier, Histoire el Classification des Discomycetes d'' Europe, Paris, 1907, p. 30. 314 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI Morchella crassipes and M. esculenta (Fig. 152), irregularly rounded and plicate within ; in M. rotunda, irregularly quadrangular ; in M. conica, M. deliciosa (Fig. 154), M. angusticeps (Fig. 155), M. costata, M. elata, and Mitrophora hybrida, much elongated and divided transversely into secondary alveoli.^ Each hymenivfm-lined alveolus of a Morchella or of a Mitrophora, whether it be rounded, polygonal, or elongated, is com- parable with the single hymenium-lined cavity that is characteristic of cupulate Pezizeae, e.g. Galactinia hadia and Lachnea hemispherica ; and we can therefore think of such a fruit-body as that of Morchella conica or M. crassipes as being constructed, as it were, of a series of Peziza-cups which have coalesced to form a conical-ovate compound structure. To discover the secret of the escape of the spores from a Morchella fruit- body it is necessary to investigate the alveoU individually and to find out how the asci in their walls are arranged and in what direction they point. Such an investigation has been made on the fruit-bodies of both Morchella conica and M. crassipes. In June, 1925, at Winnipeg, at my re- quest, my colleague Mr. C. W. Lowe obtained some fruit-bodies of Morchella conica and investigated them whilst they were still fresh Fig. 155. — A fruit-body of Morchella angusticeps: The primary pits (alveoli) of the jiileiis are (livided transversely into secondary pits. Collected at Ottawa by W. S. Odell. Photographed by the Photographic Division of the Geological Survey of Canada. Natural size. ^ For descriptions and excellent coloured illustrations of these species, except M. deliciosa which is not illustrated and M. esculenta which he has split up into M. rotunda and M. vulgaris, vide fi. Boudier's Icones Mycologicae, Tomes II and IV, Paris, 1905-1910. HELIOTROPISM OF ASCI IN DISCOMYCETES 315 and in good condition. With a hand-razor he cut transverse sections through the alveoh, mounted them in water, and studied them under the microscope ; and he convinced himself that, in each alveolus, the asci were so arranged that their apices were turned toward the mouth of the alveolus, i.e. in the direction from which the asci had been illuminated during their development (Fig. 156). The asci on the sides of an alveolus were curved outwards often through an angle of about 45°, whilst those at the base of a chamber were straight. Subsequently, using dried and pickled material (the former cut with a hand-razor and the latter with the help of a microtome), I confirmed Mr. Lowe's observations (Figs. 157 and 158). The curvatures of the asci in an alveolus of Morchella conica are strictly comparable to the curvatures of the asci in the cup oiAleuria vesiculosa or Galactinia badia, and there can be little or no doubt that they are due to reactions to the hehotropic stimulus of Ught. A thin median- vertical section of a fruit-body of Morchella conica, such as that shown in Fig. 157, A, not only permits one to perceive the disposition of the hymenium within the alveoli, but also reveals the very light physical framework which serves to support the hymenium and to hold it in a position favourable for the discharge of the spores : the flesh of the stipe and of the pileus roughly con- stitutes a cyhnder, and the interior of the cyhnder is occupied by a relatively very large air-space. Here, as in the stipes of many Agaricaceae, e.g. Coprinus sterquilinus (Vol. IV, Fig. 66, p. 116), and as in the stems of many Phanerogams, e.g. Gramineae and UmbelHferae, the disposition of the supporting substance in the form not of a soUd cylinder but of a hollow one increases the power of the organ to withstand mechanical stresses and strains. On June 13, 1928, at Victoria Beach on Lake Winnipeg, Dr. G. R. Bisby and I hunted the woods for Morchellaceae and found several large fruit-bodies of Morchella crassijjes. With the help of a hand- razor and a travelling microscope set up in the field-station of the Manitoba Natural History Society, I examined the alveoh in cross- section and found that, just as in those of M. conica, the asci were curved towards the mouths of the alveoh. Apparently they had all responded to the hehotropic stimulus of hght. Dr. Bisby, who was good enough to examine my preparations, confirmed my observations. 3i6 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI Boudier/ in his illustrations of M . crassipes, represents four asci all of which are curved at their ends. The upper parts of two Fig. 156. — Photomicrograph of part of a transverse section through a pit (alveohis) of Morchella conica, to show tlie asci heHotropically curved toward the pit's mouth. The material was fixed, stained, and cut with a microtome. The opposing walls of the pit are nearer together than they were before the inaterial was fixed. The ends of the asci are curved through an angle of about 45°, so that the spores, if the fruit-body had not been disturbed, would have been shot away from the fruit-body without hitting any opposing hymenial wall. Photographed by C. W. Lowe at Winnipeg. Highly magnified. of the asci (Fig. 159), one containing spores and the other after dis- charge, enlarged 820 times, are both drawn with their ends curved 1 E. Boudier, loc. cit., Tome II, Plate CXCIV, b, d, e. HELIOTROPISM OF ASCI IN DISCOMYCETES 317 through an angle of about 45°. Doubtless the curvature of these asci was heliotropic in origin. Since, in a fruit-body of a Morchella. the asci in each alveolus Fig. 157. — Morchelhi conica. A, a thin meJiaii-vertical section tlirough a receptacle (fruit-body) : a, the stipe ; b, the pileus ; c, a longi- tudinally elongated alveolus (pit) seimrated from neighbouring alveoli by dissepiments d d and having transverse ridges e within. The hymenium / covers the interior surface of each alveolus and is absent only on the free edges of the dissepiments, which form sterile ribs g g. The broken line indicates the outermost limits of the alveoli. B, two alveoli of A, shown on a larger scale : a, the pileus-flesh ; b b, dissepiments ; c c, transverse ridges ; d, the hymenium covering the interior of the alveoli, but absent from the exterior edges (ribs) of the dissepiments ; e, a portion of the hymenium illustrated on a larger scale in Fig. 158. The asci are all directed toward the source of strongest light and therefore toward the mouth of each alveolus. The arrows indicate the general directions in which the spores are shot, and the clouds of spores outside the mouths of the alveoli have just been formed in consequence of the receptacle having suddenly puffed in response to the application of heat from a lamp (c/. Fig. 128). A, natural size. B, four times the natural size. point toward the mouth of the alveolus and since the operculum of each ascus is situated symmetrically at the end of the ascus, it is ii8 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI clear that, when spore-discharge takes place, the spores must all be shot through the mouths of the alveoU into the open air (Fig. 157, B). Thus, so far as the escape of the spores from a fruit-body of Morchella is concerned, we have a direct and very simple explanation, one that is in con- formity with what is known concerning the escape of the spores from the fruit- bodies of simpler Discomycetes, such as species of Ciharia, Aleuria, and Galactinia, and one which, clearly, must take the place of Falck's Temperaturstromungen theory already discussed and criticised in the Introduction to this Chapter. ^ The asci on the walls of an alveolus of a Morchella fruit-body all look toward the mouth of the alveolus and toward that part of the mouth from which come the strongest incident rays of hght. There- fore, when pufhng takes place, the spores of any single alveolus are all shot outwards in great numbers in the same general direction. This being so, the same re- sults accrue as those already experiment- ally investigated in connexion with puffing from the cup of Sarcoscypha protracta : the spores discharged from the alveolus strike the air almost simul- taneously, in the same general direction, and very violently ; they set the air in motion ; and they cause an air-current to come into existence sufficiently strong to carry them farther from the fruit-body than they could travel by their own momentum .2 It was mechanically produced air-currents of the kind just described which Falck perceived in his investigations on the discharge of spores in Morchella and its alhes and which he mistook for his " Temperaturstromungen." 1 Vide supra, pp. 268-270. ^ yide supra, pp. 257-260. Fig 158. — Morchellci conica. Semi-diagrammatic verti- cal section through the liymeniiim on the upper side of a liorizontal dis- sepiment between two alveoU(c/.einFig. 157, B). The asci, owing to their having responded to the stimulus of liglit, are all curved at their ends to- ward the movitli of the alveolus in which they grew. The arrows indicate the directions in which the sj)ores would be shot. Magnification, 293. HELIOTROPISM OF ASCI IN DISCOMYCETES 319 The formation of radially-projecting dissepiments and ridges on the exterior of a pileiis in the Morchellaceae (Fig. 157) is comparable with the formation of gills on the under side of the pileus in the Agaricaceae ; for in both groups of fungi the same mechanical advan- tage is obtained, namely, a considerable increase in the area of the spore-bearing layer or hymenium without the hymenophore losing its compactness as a whole. The gills of the Agaricaceae are often closely packed : indeed, the upper part of the interlamellar space between two adjacent gills in many agarics, e.g. Psalliota campestris [videYig. 139 in Vol. II, p. 390), is often reduced to 1 mm. or less. On the other hand, in most of the Morchellaceae, the alveolar spaces are usually several mm. in diameter. Correlated with this difference in the spatial arrangement of opposing hy menial walls is the fundamental difference in the structure and power of the guns in the two groups of fungi. The basidia of the Agaricaceae are relatively small and feeble guns with a range of only 0 • 1-0-2 mm., and the basidia on one gill cannot therefore bespatter with spores the opposing hymenium of another gill, even when the interlamellar space is only 0- 5 mm. in width {cf. Fig. 139 in Vol. II, p. 390). In contrast with such basidia, the asci of the Morchellaceae are rela- tively large and powerful guns with a range of 1-3 cm., and they therefore requh'e much more room for discharge than basidia. The actual space provided for them is what is necessary to permit of all the asci turning toward, and shooting their spores through, the mouths of the alveoli.^ 1 For other remarks on the manner in whieli the basidium lias influenced the structure of hymenomycetous fruit-bodies and the ascus has influenced the structure of discomycetous fruit-bodies vide these Researches, Vol. I, 1909, pp. 22-24 ; also cf. Vol. II, 1924, pp. 67-68. Fig. 159. — Morchella crnssipes. Asci sharply curved at tlieir ends. Mag- nification, 820. Copied by A. H. R. Bviller from Boudier's Icone-s Myco- logicac, T. II, PI. 194. 320 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI As shown by data embodied in a comparative Table ^ in Volume I, the spores of the Discomycetes and of the Agaricaceae and Polyporaceae are of the same order of size, and they therefore have about an equal chance of being dispersed by the wind when they come within its sweep. In the Agaricaceae and Polyporaceae, the spores, after discharge, fall down between the gills or down the hymenial tubes and thus leave the fruit-body ; but, as if to facilitate the spores being carried off by the wind, the pilei which produce them are usually raised up on stipes or project laterally from tree- trunks, etc., a free subpilear space for the passage of the wind and the removal of the escaping spores thus being provided. In the Discomycetes, where the asci look upwards, as in the Pezizaceae, or more or less upwards or laterally, as in the Morchellaceae, the chances that the wind will carry off the spores are enhanced : (1) by the considerable range of the individual ascus guns ; (2) in Pezizaceae, etc., by the simultaneous discharge of many of the guns — the phenomenon known as puffing ^ ; and (3), in many species of Pezizaceae and in all the Morchellaceae and Helvellaceae, by the raising of the pilei above the surface of the ground by means of stipes comparable with those of the Agaricaceae and Polyporaceae. It is characteristic of the Morchellaceae and many Helvellaceae that the fruit-bodies appear in the spring, from March to May, i.e. at a period of the year when the night temperatures are relatively low. Falck's observations in the laboratory have led him to suppose that, in a Morchella or Gyromitra growing under natural conditions : (1) at night and during the day when the sky is over- cast and the temperature is low, ripe asci accumulate in the fruit- bodies but no spores are discharged ; (2) the discharge of spores takes place only in the daytime when the fruit-bodies are warmed by the sun ; and (3), in bright sunshine lasting for some hours, the fruit-bodies discharge their spores continuously, i.e. in the order in which the asci ripen and not in intermittent clouds.^ Thus, according to Falck, normal spore-discharge in a Morchella or Gyromitra does 1 These Researches, Vol. I, 1909, p. 248. 2 Vide supra, p. 262. ^ R. Falck, " Ueber die Sporenverbrcitung bei den Ascomyceten. I. Die radio- sensiblen Disconiyceten," Mycologische Untersuckungen und Berichte von R. Falck, Bd. I, Heft II, 1916, pp. 126-127. HELIOTROPISM OF ASCI IN DISCOMYCETES 321 not take place below a certain temperature (about 10° C.) ^and, when it does take place, it is accomplished not by a series of vigorous and intermittent puffs but by the successive bursting of asci which results in the Hberation of a stream of spores Uke that which escapes from the pileus of one of the Hymenomycetes. Falck found that two fruit-bodies of Morchella esculenta lying in the shade in a cool room had a temperature of 15- 3° C. and were not discharging spores. He thereupon exposed the fruit-bodies to direct sunlight. After one minute a thermometer behind the irradiated hymenium registered 18° C. and spore-discharge had become active. After five minutes the thermometer registered 19' 8° C. and spore-discharge continued. He then placed the fruit- bodies in the shade. After four minutes the thermometer registered 16-9° C. and the discharge of the spores had ceased.^ These experi- ments strongly support Falck's conclusion that the sun, under natural conditions, must often be a prime factor in causing fruit- bodies, not only of Morchellae but of Gyromitrae, Verpae, and other vernal radiosensitive Discomycetes, to discharge their spores. Falck ^ regards the brown colour of the caps of Morchella, Gyro- mitra, etc., as an aid to the absorption of the sun's rays and therefore as advantageous for the working of the spore- discharge mechanism. The Helvellaceae. — The Helvellaceae, according to Boudier,* include the following genera : Ptychoverpa, Verpa, Gyiomitra (Figs. 160 and 161), Physomitra, Helvella (Fig. 163, p. 328), and Leptopodia. In all the species of this family the fruit- bodies are stipitate, while the j511eus is attached by its centre to the stipe, is reflexed in the form of a hood, and is more or less lobed. Several illustrations of asci of various species of Helvellaceae drawn by Boudier and reproduced in his Icones Mycologicae suggest that the asci of the Helvellaceae are heliotropic. Among these illustrations are: (1) an ascus of Gyromitra gigas ^ with ^ R. Falck, " Ueber die Sporenverbreitung bei den Ascomyceten. I. Die radio- sensiblen Discomyceten," Mycologische Untersuchungen und Berichie von R. Falck, Bd. I, Heft IT, 1916, pp. 91-92. 2 Ibid., p. 102. 3 Ibid., pp. 84, 114-115, 125. * fi. Boudier, Histoire et Classification des Discomycetes d'Europe, Paris, 1907, pp. 33-38. * E. Boudier, Icones Mycologicae, Tome II, PI. 221,/. VOL. VI. ^ 322 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI an operculum tilted at an angle of 45° to the slightly curved ascus axis ; (2) two asci out of the three of Ptychoverpa Fig. 160. — A fruit-body of Gyromitra esculenta. The hymenium covering tlie pilaus is much folded. The escape of the spores from the sides and crevices of the folds is doubtless aided, here as in the Morchellaceae, by the heliotropic curvature of the ends of the asci. Photographed in Yorkshire, England, by A. E. Peck. Natural size. HELIOTROPISM OF ASCI IN DISCOMYCETES 323 bohemica ^ sharply turned at their ends through an angle of about 45° ; (3) an enlarged outer part of an ascus of Helvella sulcata 2 turned at its end through an angle of 40° ; and Fig. 161. — Anotlier fruit-boiy of Gyromitrd eiculenta. The folds in tlie hymenium are well developed. If the asci are heliotropic, as in tlie Morchellaceae, those on the sides of tlie fokls could readily slioot their spores away fronri tlie fruit-body. Piiotographed at Ottawa by W. S. Odell in the spring, 1927. Natural size. (4) a discharged ascus of Leptopodia elastica ^ with its operculum in face view very obliquely situated on the ascus end. The only member of the Helvellaceae which so far I have in- vestigated is Ptychoverpa bohemica (Corda) Boud., often referred to as VerjM bohemica. The hymenium differs from that of the species 1 E. Boudier, 1 cones Mycolocjkne, Tome II, PI. 218, d. 2 Ibid., PI. 229, ij. 3 Ibid., PI. 232, h. 324 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI of Verpa in that it is folded into numerous longitudinal and rather freely anastomosing ribs, and the asci are remarkable in that they each contain two very large spores (15-18 X 60-80 y., Seaver i) instead of the usual eight relatively small spores. On May 21, 1932, my colleague, Dr. G. R. Bisby, kindly brought to me from the grounds of the Manitoba Agricultural College several rather old fruit-bodies of Ptychoverpa bohemica. I cut transverse sections through their pilei, examined these sections under the microscope, and at once perceived that in all the hymenial grooves and depressions the asci were curved outwards so that their oper- cula must have faced the strongest rays of light to which the ends of the asci had been subjected in the places where the fruit- bodies developed. Thus clear evidence was obtained that in the Helvellaceae, just as in the Morchellaceae, the asci are heliotropic. Concluding Remarks. — From the investigations which have been recorded in this Chapter, we may conclude that, in a large number of Discomycetes belonging to various families : (1) the asci are positively heliotropic ; and (2) this response to the stimulus of light is of biological significance in that it permits of a fruit-body pointing and discharging its asci toward open spaces, thus increasing the chances that the spores will be carried off and be dispersed by the wind. It is not without interest to note that, while in the Discomycetes heliotropism of the asci is a common phenomenon, in the Hymeno- mycetes heliotropism of the basidia is unknown. The ends of the basidia on the sides of the gills of the Agaricaceae and on the sides of the hymenial tubes of the Polyporaceae are of necessity illuminated from below, and yet they never turn downwards. Owing to the peculiar organisation of the fruit-bodies in these Hymenomycetes and to the very short range of the basidial guns, it is easy to see that a heliotropic response on the part of the basidia would not aid the escape of the spores from the hymenium into the interlamellar or tubular spaces but would actually hinder it. Thus, where a heliotropic response by a fungus gun is advantageous for spore- dispersal, as it is in the Discomycetes, it takes place ; and, where it would be disadvantageous for spore-dispersal, as in the Hymenomycetes, it does not take place. ^ F. J. Seaver, The North American Cup-fungi (Operculates), New York, 1928, p. 244. CHAPTER III THE SOUND MADE BY FUNGUS GUNS AND A SIMPLE METHOD FOR RENDERING AUDIBLE THE PUFFING OF DISCOMYCETES Fungus Projectiles — Type I : Sphaerobolus — Type II : Pilobolus — Type III : Ascobolus — Type IV : Peziza — A Simple Method for Rendering Audible the Puffing of Discomycetes — Type V : Empusa and Entomophthora, Uredineae and Hymenomycetes — Sounds Made by Fungus Guns are of No Biological Significance. Fungus Projectiles. — The various projectiles of fungi, in order of size, may be classified, as follows : I. A gleba, containing a great number of sjDores, as in Sphaero- bolus stellatus, II. A sporangium, containing about 50,000 spores, with sporangiophore-sap attached, as in Pilobolus, III. An aggregation of eight spores forming a single mass, together with ascus-sap, as in Ascobolus immersus, IV. A chain of eight spores which breaks up into its eight com- ponents on leaving the ascus, as in Peziza and Pustularia, and V. Single spores, as in the conidia of Empusa and Entomoph- thora, and as in the basidiospores of the Uredineae and Hymenomycetes. Type I : Sphaerobolus. — ^The gleba of Sjihaerobolus stellatus — the largest known fungus projectile — is a viscid, smooth, dark, spherical body, 1-1 -25 mm. in diameter (Vol. V, Fig. 145, p. 294), and it is cast out of the Sphaerobolus gun (Vol. V, Fig. 172, c, p. 361) by a catapult mechanism which has already been described.^ The gun, when about to discharge its projectile, is 2-2 • 5 mm. in diameter. Its maximum horizontal range, as measured by myself, was found 1 These Researches, Vol. V, 1933, pp. 310-325. 325 326 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI to be 18 feet 7 inches ; and its maximum vertical range, as measured by Leva B. Walker, was found to be 14 feet 5 inches. For Sphaero- holus stellatus var. giganteus and for S. iowensis Miss Walker found the maximum vertical range of the projectiles to be about 11 feet and about 12 feet respectively. ^ The sound of the discharge of the Sphaerobolus gun is quite distinct and has long been known. It was heard by E. Fischer ^ in 1884 ; and it was mentioned by de Bary ^ in 1884 and by Zopf * in 1890. I heard it as a little snap when the gun was a foot in front of my eyes.5 Of all fungus guns the Sphaerobolus gun is not only the largest and most powerful, but also the loudest. Its sound is much louder than that of the ascus of Peziza and appreciably louder than that of the sporangiophore of Pilobolus. The projectiles cf Sphaerobolus are shot away with considerable speed and, as they are of the size of very small shot, it is not sur- prising that, when they strike a hard object near their place of discharge, the impacts are audible. These impact-sounds were remarked by Micheli ^ in 1729 and have been noticed by a number of observers since. Some thirty years ago I had some Sphaerobolus fruit-bodies in a covered glass dish, and I remember very well hearing the impact of the glebae as they struck the glass cover and flattened out upon it. The sound of a glebal projectile striking against glass in this way is distinctly louder than the sound of the discharge of the gun which fires the projectile. Type II : Pilobolus. — The sporangium of the larger species of Pilobolus (Fig. 27, p. 69) and the sap of the subsporangial swelling which travels with it make up a projectile (Fig. 74, p. 151) which is nearly spherical and about 0-6 mm. in diameter. The projectile can be fired upwards from the sporangiophore a distance of 3-6 feet and horizontally 4-8 feet.'^ As with Sphaerobolus, two sounds can 1 These Researches, Vol. V, 1933, pp. 325-335. 2 E. Fischer, " Entwickhxngsgeschichte der Gastromyceten," Bot. Zeit., 1884, Nos. 28-31. ^ A. de Bary, Vergleichende Morphologie und Biologie derPihe, Leipzig, 1884, p. 353. ^ W. Zopf, Die Pilze, Breslau, 1890, p. 375. ^ These Researches, Vol. V, 1933, pp. 325 and 326. ^ P. A. Micheli, Nova Plantarum Genera, Florentiae, 1729, p. 221. ' Vide supra, pp. 66-68. THE SOUND MADE BY FUNGUS GUNS 327 be heard when a Pilobolus gun goes off : (1) the sound of the ex- ploding gun and (2) the sound of the projectile striking some object. W. B. Grove, ^ in 1884, was the first to hear the sound emitted by the gun, and in 1909 I confirmed his observations. ^ More recently, in my laboratory, I listened to the shooting away of the sporangia of Pilobolus longipes and, each time a gun went off, I distinctly heard a minute snap. I asked my colleague Mr. C. W. Lowe and my laboratory attendant to listen also, and they both declared that Fig. 1G2. — Acetabnla vulgaris. Anton de Bary records (1884) that lie lieard a very perceptible hissing sound when large specimens of tliis fungus puffed vigorously. Photographed by A. E. Peck at Scarborougli, Englan(l. Natiu-al size. the sound of each explosion was unmistakable. In Volume I of this work, I described a simple experiment which enabled a listener to hear the striking of a Piloljolus projectile on a drum when he was 21 feet away from the jilace of impact.^ Type III : Ascobolus. — In a fruit-body of Ascobolus hnmersus (Vol. I, Fig. 81, p. 252) about half a dozen asci come to maturity and explode every day about noon. The asci and ascospores are 1 W. B. Grove, " Monograpli of the Pilobolidae," The MidUtnd Naluralist, Birmingham, England, 1884, p. IT). 2 These Researches, Vol. I, 1909, p. 259. ^ Ibid., pp. 259-200. 328 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI very large. The eight ascospores of each ascus have thick gelatinous outer walls, and adhere firmly together both before discharge and when being shot through the air. The projectile — an aggre- gate of eight spores surrounded by a film of ascus-sap — is oval in form, about 0-3 mm. long, and 0-15 to 0-2 mm. wide ; and it can be shot directly upwards 10 inches or occasionally 14 inches. ^ In respect to A . immer- sus no one, as yet, has heard either the sound of an ascus exploding or the sound of the pro- jectile striking another object ; but it is prob- able that both these sounds might be de- tected by an attentive listener. Type IV : Peziza. — In Peziza, Aleuria (Fig. 140, p. 293), Galactinia (Fig. 147, p. 306), Pustularia, etc., the ascus contains eight spores, as in Asco- bolus immersus ; but the eight spores separate from one another as soon as they are shot out of the ascus (Vol. I, Fig. 78, p. 236). There are many tens of thousands of asci in each 1 Tliese Researches, Vol. I, 1909, p. 252. Fk;. 103. — Helvetia crispa. Anton de Bary records (1884) that he heard a very percejjtible liissing sound wlien largo specimens of tliis fungus puffed vigorously. Photograpliod by A. E. Peck at Scarborougli, England. Natural size. THE SOUND MADE BY FUNGUS GUNS 329 large fruit-body, and the fruit-body is usually more or less cup- shaped or wine-glass-shaped. An ascus, when exploding, makes a faint sound ; but this sound is so faint that, if each ascus were fired off in a solitary manner, it might have escaped detection. However, the fruit-bodies of Peziza, Pustularia, Urnula, Otidea, Rhizina, Helvella, and many other Discomycetes exhibit the curious phenomenon known as puffing : when certain conditions surrounding a mature fruit-body are suddenly changed, thousands of asci may explode almost simul- taneously and thus produce a cloud of white spores which can be seen floating away in the air (Fig. 114, p. 234).i The puffing of certain Discomycetes has been heard. Thus Desmazieres,2 in 1845, recorded that the spore- vapour of Helvella ephippium is discharged into the air with a faint report ; de Bary,^ in 1884, stated that he had been able to hear " a very perceptible hissing sound produced by large specimens of Peziza acetabulum (Fig. 162) and Helvella crispa (Fig. 163) " ; and Stone,* in 1920, announced that in a Fig. 164. — Some of the ear-like fruit-bodies of Otidea leporina. Tliis fungus puffs audibly, when touched. Photographed in England by Somgr- ville Hastings. Natural size. 1 Vide supra, pp. 227-234. 2 J. B. H. J. Desmazieres, Plant, crypt. France, 2nd ed., fasc. XIX, 1845, No. 914. Cited from Tulasne. ^ A. de Bary, Vergleichende Morphologie und Biologic der Pilze, Leipzig, 1884, p. 98. (English Translation, 1887, p. 89.) * R. E. Stone, " Upon the Audibility of Spore Discharge in Helvella ekislica,'' Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc, Vol. VI, 1920, p. 294. zz^ RESEARCHES ON FUNGI very quiet room at the Ontario Agricultural College at Guelph he distinctly and repeatedly heard the puffing of Helvella elastica even when the fruit-bodies were several feet distant. Observations on the audibility of spore-discharge in Discomycetes have also been made by R. B. Johnstone. ^ This observer collected fruit-bodies of Otidea leporina (Fig. 16^) at Perth, Scotland, in September, 1920, and took to Glasgow half a dozen mature Fig. 165. — Sarcoscypha coccinea, a large Discomycete wliich comes up in early spring on sticks and whicli, owing to the very pure and beautiful scarlet colour of its hymenium, is attractive even to children. The puffing of its fruit-bodies when handled was heard by the late E. J. Durand. The fruit-bodies shown were collected near Ottawa by W. S. Odell. Photographed by the Photographic Division of the Geological Survey of Canada. Natural size. specimens packed in a box, each one wrapped in paper. The box remained closed for 24 hours. " On opening the box," says John- stone, " the specimens were placed on the table, and I attended to something else. While thus engaged I heard every now and then a slight hissing sound, but, being busy, paid no attention to it, till looking by chance at the table I saw one of the Otideae puff, and ^ R. B. Johnstone, " Audibility of the Spore Discharge in Otidea leporiTia,'' Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc, Vol. VII, 1921, p. 86. THE SOUND MADE BY FUNGUS GUNS 331 immediately heard a hiss. The hiss was quite distinct, and required no effort to hear it, although I was fullj^ six feet from the plants. Mr. Stone's experience occurred to me and, placing my six specimens in a row, I sat for some time watching my miniature field-battery at work. First one fired (puffed), followed by the report (hiss), then another carried on, the others following in their turn at intervals of not more than two or three minutes. I noticed as the time passed that the intervals between the puffs increased in length. What surprised me was the frequency with which the fruit-bodies puffed." The late Professor E. J. Durand of the University of Minnesota, who studied the Discomycetes for many years, informed me that incidentally, in the course of his work, he had heard the puffing of the fruit-bodies of several species, among which were : Aleuria repanda, Sarcoscypha coccinea (Fig. 165), Aleuria vesiculosa, Sclerotinia tuberosa. A Simple Method for Rendering Audible the Puffing of Discomycetes. — I have discovered that the puffing of any Dis- comycete can be readily heard, if one listens to it in a particular manner which is now to be described ; and this discovery was com- municated to the British Mycological Society during the Minehead Foray in October, 1920.1 On August 7, 1920, in the company of Mr. W. B. Grove, I visited Queen's Cottage Grounds, Kew Gardens, and there found several cup-like fruit-bodies of Puslularia catinus (Holms.) Fuck. (Fig. 166). These were put in a small cardboard box where they remained during the night. The next morning the box was taken to the Kew Herbarium and there opened for the purpose of identifying the fruit-bodies which it contained. At once one of the fruit-bodies puffed, and a cloud of white spores could be seen escaping from the hymenium. I heard nothing, but I thought of the sound one hears when one places a sea-shell against one's ear, and I wondered whether or not I should be able to hear the puffing of the Pustularia if I put one of its little cups to my ear. No sooner thought of than done. 1 The Minehead Foray, Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc, Vol. VIT, 1921, p. 4. 332 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI I put the fruit-body which had already puffed to my ear ; it puffed again ; and I distinctly heard the puffing which was like a rush of steam from a minute jet. I tried some of the other fruit-bodies with a similar result, and Mr. W. B. Grove who was examining the fungi with me confirmed my observations. In the course of the next two days, the puffing of the Pustularia fruit-bodies was dis- tinctly heard by Miss E. M. Wakefield and by Dr. T. Fetch. The little cups puffed each morning when the box was opened, for six consecutive days. If one puts a Pustularia cup to one's ear, when it puffs one can not only hear the sound of the puffing but also feel the spray from the asci as though the ear were being sprayed by a fine atomiser. When the fungus is close to an ear, the puffing can be heard even when the room is not quiet and one is talking to friends. Using the method just described I have succeeded in hearing the puffing of the following species : Fig. 166. — Fruit-bodies of Pustularia catinus. They puff audibly. A, a whole fruit-body. B, a median- vertical section ; h, the hymenium. Copied by A. H. R. Buller from Boudier's Icones Mycologicae, Tome II, PI. 336. Natural size. Aleuria repanda, Aleuria vesiculosa, Ascobolus stercorarius, Caloscypha fulgens, Ciliaria scutellata, Galactinia badia, Peziza aurantia, Pseudoplectania nigrella, Pustularia catinus, Pyronema confluens, Rhizina inflata, Sarcoscypha protracta, Sarcosphaera coronaria, Urnula Craterium, Urnula geaster. Aleuria repanda puffs audibly in the same manner as Pustularia catinus. I gathered one of its fruit-bodies from an old log in a wood at Kenora on the Lake of the Woods, took it to Winnipeg, placed it in a closed glass dish, and kept it there undisturbed for 24 hours. I then took the cover from the dish, picked up the fruit-body, and at once placed it close to my ear. Immediately thereafter the fruit- THE SOUND MADE BY FUNGUS GUNS 333 body puffed vigorously, the puffing continuing for about 2 seconds. During this time I felt my ear being sprayed with the contents of many thousands of asci, and I distinctly heard a loud hissing sound. Then the fruit-body became quite silent. Aleuria vesiculosa (Fig. 167), which in the first volume of these Researches I incorrectly called Peziza repanda, puffs audibly like A. repanda and Pustularia catinus. SomxC horse-dung balls obtained from the streets of Winnipeg in a frozen condition were kept moist Fig. 1G7. — Aleuria vesiculosa ( = Peziza repanda of Vol. I), a Discomycete that puffs audibly. The fruit-bodies came up spontaneously on horse dung kept in a largo glass case in the laboratory at Winnipeg. They puffed only whe;i fully expanded. Natural size. in a large glass damp-chamber in the laboratory. The mycelium of Aleuria vesiculosa grew spontaneously in the dung-balls and, after about a month, gave rise to several beautiful clusters of fruit-bodies. ^ These were at first globose and closed, but they soon expanded, the extreme margins of the cups remaining more or less incurved. The discs were pallid-brown and the external surface furfuraceous, i.e. coarsely granular or warted. The discharge of the spores did not begin until the fruit-bodies had become more or less flattened out. I placed one of the flattened fruit-bodies in a small glass box. Next day I removed the lid of the box and at once put the fungus 1 The clusters resembled the one in the photograph reproduced as Fig. 432, p. 508, in M. E. Hard's The Mushroom, Edible and Otherwise, Ohio, U.S.A., 1908. 334 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI to my ear. Puffing took place almost instantly, and I distinctly heard the little blast which lasted for 1-2 seconds. The fruit-body was then put back in the box. On listening as before, I heard the fruit-body puff on each of the next two succeeding days. I found some large fruit-bodies of Peziza aurantia (Fig. 168) in Fig. 1G8. — Peziza aurantia, a well-known Discomycete with deep orange or orange-red fruit-bodies. The puffing of individual fruit-bodies when placed against an ear was heard by the author. The fruit-bodies shown were obtained from above sand below a stump at Ottawa by W. S. Odell. Photo- graphed by the Photographic Division of the Geological Survey of Canada. Natural size. September, 1921, when at the Worcester Foray of the British Mycological Society, and kept them in a vasculum for about 24 hours. During this time they were slowly drying. I then opened the vasculum and at once put one of the fruit-bodies to my ear. It puffed loudly for about 1-2 seconds in the same manner as the species of Pustularia and Aleuria already described. I succeeded in demonstrating the audibility of puffing for this species to several of my companions. During the Worcester Foray just mentioned Miss M. A. Brett THE SOUND MADE BY FUNGUS GUNS 335 found some of the subferruginous, ear-shaped fruit-bodies of Otidea leporina (Fig. 164, p. 329) growing on the ground in Ockeridge wood. When she touched them with her hand, they emitted clouds of spores. She stooped down and, on placing her ear against one of them, distinctly heard it puff. Puffing, therefore, can be heard when fruit-bodies are growing under natural conditions in the open. On September 5, 1924, in Kew Gardens, I found a cluster of fruit-bodies of Galactinia badia. On ^Jicking a large one and at once placing it against my ear, I heard it puff vigorously. Another large Discomycete which I have seen puff vigorously in the open, and have also heard, is Urnula Craterium (Figs. 169 and 170). The fruit-bodies of this fungus are black or blackish- brown and they consist of a stem 3-4 cm. long and of a cup 3-4 cm. in diameter and 4-6 cm. deep. They come up in the spring on buried or partially buried sticks in woods, and I have met with them under these conditions both in western Ontario and in Manitoba. Some twenty years ago at Kenora on the Lake of the Woods I found a group of mature U. Craterium fruit-bodies and was much impressed by seeing them, as I gathered them, shoot dense clouds of spores out from the mouths of their deep cups. Had I put one of them to my ear, doubtless I should have heard it puff loudly, but at the time I did not think of doing this. On May 8, 1933, I gathered a full-grown fruit-body of U. Craterium at Victoria Beach, Lake Winnipeg. On examining it in the laboratory I found that its asci were immature : their ends were already turned up heliotropically toward the mouth of the cup, but the spores had not Fig. 1G9. — Two fruit-bodies of Urnula Craterium growing on sawdust and chips of wood. The mature frviit- bodies of this fungus puff vigorously when touched, and tlie pufKng can readily be heard if it takes place close to the ear. Collected near Ottawa by W. S. Odell. Photo- graphed by the Photographic l^ivision of the Geological Survey of Canada. Natural size. 336 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI yet been formed. The fruit-body was kej)t moist in a glass dish. Five days after it had been gathered, I took it out of the dish, put it to my ear, and distinctly heard it puff. On the next day, by which time more asci had ripened, it puffed more vigorously and, in so doing, gave out a loud fizzing sound. The smallest Discomycetes that I have been able to hear puff are Ciliariascutellata, Pyronema confluens, and Ascobolus sterco- rarius. A fruit-body of Ciliaria scutellata, about 1 cm. in diameter (c/. Fig. 133, p. 279), was removed from a board and set in a covered dish. Four days later I opened the dish, put the fruit-body to my ear, and distinctly heard the fruit- body puff. Some fruit-bodies of Pyro- nema confluens, 1-2 mm. in diameter and more or less con- fluent (c/. Vol. V, Fig. 61, p. 112), were growing on steri- lised soil in a pot covered with a sheet of glass. On removing the glass and putting my ear down to the fruit-bodies, I at once heard them puff vigorously. A considerable number of fruit-bodies of Ascobolus stercorarius each about 2-4 mm. in diameter, had developed on a sterilised horse-dung ball in the laboratory. One afternoon between 4 and 5 p.m., on removing the dung-ball from the culture dish and bringing it close to my ear, I heard the fruit-bodies puff very clearly. Urnula geaster is a remarkable Discomycete which grows on roots of dead Elms in woods in the State of Texas, i.e. in a southern region of the United States of America. There, on account of the Fig. 170. — Another fruit-body of Urnula Crateriuvi. Collected near Ottawa by W. S. Odell along with the two shown in Fig. 169. Photograj^hed by the Photographic Division of the Geo- logical Survey of Canada. Natural size. THE SOUND MADE BY FUNGUS GUNS 337 very noticeable cloud of spore-smoke which its mature fruit-bodies emit when they are gathered in the open or jarred in the laboratory, it is popularly known as the DeviVs Cigar. ^ A well-grown fruit- FiG. 171. — Urnula geaster. To the left, a young fruit-body with the liymonial cavity still closed. To the right, a mature fruit-body beginning to expand and forming valves from above downwards. Found on roots of a dead elm, Ulmus crassijolia, at Denton, Texas, U.S.A., and photographed by W. H. Long. Natural size. body, just before opening and expanding, is club-shaped and resembles in form a stipitate Puff-ball (Fig. 171). It is about 4 inches high, velvety brown without, and leathery in consistence. The stipe is stout and about 2 inches long and continuous with it above ^ Fide personal communication by F. McAllister of the University of Texas, December, 1926. VOL. VI. z 338 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI is a hollow thin- walled chamber which is oval, 1-5-2 inches in diameter, and lined within by the hymenium. At first the hymenial chamber is quite closed but, at maturity, it becomes slit from the Fig. 172. — Urnula geaster. A fruit-body with six valves, almost fully expanded, the hymenium exposed to view. Found on a root of a dead elm, Ulrnxis crassifolia, at E)en.- ton, Texas, U.S.A., and photographed by W. H. Long. Natural size. apex downwards into about six triangular segments (Fig. 172). These segments then bend outwards and downwards, reminding one of the segments of the outer peridium of a Geaster. Hence the specific name. The puffing stage, according to information sent THE SOUND MADE BY FUNGUS GUNS 339 me by Dr. W. H. Long, is only attained when the segments have become well reflexed (Fig. 173). Professor I. M. Lewis, formerly Fig. 173. — Urnula geaster. Two fruit-bodies fully expanded, seoa from above. This is the puffing stage. Found on roots of a dead elm, Ulmus crassifolia, at Denton, Texas, U.S.A., and photographed by W. H. Long. Natural size. 340 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI of the University of Texas, told me that, when puffing takes place, vast numbers of spores are liberated and the spores rise above the hymenium to a height of several inches ; and he kindly sent me some living fruit-bodies for study. Although these fruit-bodies, packed in moss, were six days in coming from Austin, Texas, they were still alive and able to discharge spores on arrival in Winnipeg. I not only saw the puffing of some of these fruit-bodies but heard it as well. The spores appeared to me to be shot straight outwards from the hymenium to a distance of 2-3 cm., and I came to the conclusion that their further ascent above a fruit-body was simply due to their being carried upwards by air-currents. The puffing took place, just as in Aleuria vesiculosa, immediately after a fruit- body had been removed from a closed chamber where it had lain undisturbed for some hours. On removing a fruit-body from its chamber and putting it to my ear, I distinctly heard the blast as numerous asci discharged themselves during 1-3 seconds. Rhizina inflata, as is well known, has large, convex, inflated, chestnut-brown fruit-bodies which appear above the ground about the roots of certain Coniferae (Fig. 174). On September 27, 1920, at Rabbit Lake, Kenora, central Canada, I found some of these fruit-bodies growing on the surface of a sandy deposit above the roots of some Pines {Pinus Banksiana) which had been burnt and thus killed a year or two previously. I took several of the fruit- bodies to Winnipeg and, on September 28, put them in crystallising dishes covered with glass plates. On September 29, after the fruit- bodies had been kept in the dishes for about 24 hours, I took one of them out and held it in a beam of sunUght about 12 inches in front of my eyes. When thus brought into drier air, the fruit-body puffed vigorously for a few seconds and it continued to give off a few spores for more than a minute. So much I observed with my eyes, but I heard nothing. I then took another fruit-body out of one of the dishes and held it close to my ear. I distinctly heard it puff. The sound was not so loud as that made by Pustular ia catinus and Aleuria vesiculosa but it continued longer. It was loudest during the first two or three seconds and then gradually died away in the course of about a minute. It reminded me of the effervescence of freshly poured champagne or mineral waters. THE SOUND MADE BY FUNGUS GUNS 341 During the next eight days, with the exception of the seventh, I tested the fruit-bodies daily and on some days three times a day. They puffed audibly every time I tested them. Altogether, there- fore, the fruit-bodies puffed audibly for a period of nine days. The puffing was heard not only by myself but also by Professor Frank Allen of the Physics Department of the University of Manitoba, by Professor Charles H. O'Donoghue of the Zoological Department, Fig. 174. — Bhizma inflata. Large convex inflated chestnut-brown fruit- bodies on t}ie ground above t}ie roots of Coniferae. Photographed at Oxshott, England, by Somerville Hastings. Two-thirds the natural size. and by the following members of the Botanical Department : Professor H. F. Roberts, Mr. C. W. Lowe, Miss K. Scott, and Miss I. Mounce. I also succeeded in demonstrating the audibihty of the fruit-bodies to several students and to the members of the Scientific Club of Winnipeg. To hear a fruit-body of Rhizina iyijlata puff, it is necessary to place it close against one's ear. I could hear the puffing of a fruit- body very distinctly when the fruit-body was close against my ear, only faintly when the fruit-body was removed to a distance of one inch from my ear, and not at all when the fruit-body was removed to a distance of three inches from my ear. This is easily 342 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI accounted for by the smallness of the amount of energy transmitted by the sound waves coming from the exploding asci and by the well-known law of inverse squares, namely, that the intensity of the sound travelling outwards in all directions from a given source varies, when heard by the ear, inversely as the square of the distance of the source of sound from the ear. Taking advantage of the audibility of puffing in Rhizina inflata, one can tell in the dark, merely by hstening and without using one's eyes, whether or not spore-discharge is taking place. Thus I kept some fruit-bodies for three days in a dark room. When, at intervals, I took them out of their dishes in the dark and put them successively to my ear, they puffed audibly just as they had done in the light in the laboratory. I could not see the fruit-bodies, but my ears assured me that their spore-discharging function was being vigorously carried out. These experiments in the dark room show incidentally that puffing is not dependent upon light. The sound of puffing is a collective sound made up of the indi- vidual sounds produced by the explosion of the individual asci, and is comparable to the fizzing sound made by the bursting of the individual bubbles arising in freshly poured effervescent beverages. I beUeve that it is possible to hear even the individual asci explode. I put a fruit-body against my ear in a very quiet closed dark-room, and Hstened attentively to the later phases of the puffing phenomenon. The sound, after a short time, became discontinuous and comparable to the sound made by the first few large rain-drops faUing at the beginning of a thunderstorm upon a tin roof. Just as one can hear each individual drop of rain under the conditions just described, so I thought I could hear each single ascus explode as puffing was ceasing. The hissing sound produced by the puffing of Puslularia catinus, Aleuria vesiculosa, etc., is comparatively loud, but has a duration of only about two or three seconds. On the other hand, the effervescent sound produced by the puffing of Rhizina inflata is comparatively feeble, but has a duration of from about one to several minutes. Fruit-bodies of the Rhizina, kept in a closed crystalhsing dish for a day and then taken out and placed close to the ear, usually puffed audibly for upwards of a minute. One such THE SOUND MADE BY FUNGUS GUNS 343 fruit-body puffed audibly for 4- 5 minutes and another for 9 minutes. The puffing is always strongest during the first few seconds and then gradually becomes feebler and feebler until it ceases to be heard. The fruit-body which puffed for 9 minutes was hstened to by myself and Miss I. Mounce. We passed the fruit-body from one to the other at intervals, and we agreed in our observations as to the gradual dying away of the sound of the puffing and as to the approximate length of time during which it was audible. On October 9, I revisited Rabbit Lake and found some more Rhizina inflata growing about the roots of the dead Pine trees. In one place several fruit-bodies had united laterally and had formed an irregular mass covering about 25 square inches of ground. The day was remarkably warm for the time of the year (70°-80° F.) and the sun had been shining directly upon the fruit-bodies for at least two hours. I broke off a small piece of the outer part of the fungus-mass. Thereupon, the untouched but slightly shaken remaining part of the fungus-mass puffed vigorously, and the cloud of spores floated away in the sunlight. A short time thereafter I stretched myself at full length upon the ground and jolaced an ear against the upper surface of the fungus-mass, thereby touching it ; and I thought I heard the fungus-mass puff for at least two seconds ; but, unfortunately, the wind was sighing in some trees not very far off so that conditions were not so still as were desirable, and there was no opportunity of repeating the observation. However, I have no doubt, from the observations made in the open with my eyes and ears, as just recorded, that not merely visible but also audible puffing sometimes takes place in the fruit-bodies of Rhizina injiata under natural conditions. I have but little doubt that, by putting the fruit-bodies close to one's ear, one could hear the sound of spore-chscharge of most, or perhaps all, of the Discomycetes which puff strongly. My method for making explosions of asci audible is as simple as that of Columbus for making an egg stand on end ; and, now that it has been described, it is probable that the fact that ascus-guns, when firing together as huge batteries, produce an audible sound will soon be generally confirmed. Type V : Empusa and Entomophthora, Uredineae and Hymenomycetes. — Single conidia, together with conidiophore-sap, 344 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI are shot away from their conidiophores by Empusa ^ and Ento- mophthora, often to a distance of 1-2 cm. ; and single basidiospores are shot away from their sterigmata by Uredineae to a distance of 0- 4-1-0 mm., and by Hymenomycetes to a distance usually of 0- 1-0-2 mm. Up to the present, no sound has ever been heard when spore-discharge has been taking place from the fruit-bodies of these fungi ; and the projectiles are so minute and their pro- pulsion so feeble that, probably, for the unaided human ear, Empusa and Entomophthora and all Uredineae and Hymenomycetes mil for ever be silent plants. However, physicists have invented microphones which magnify sounds very greatly ; and it is possible that, with the aid of these instruments, the collective sound of the simultaneous discharge of thousands of spores from a large fruit- body of one of the Agaricaceae might be made audible. So far as I know, no one has tested this possibihty as yet. The best fruit- bodies to use with a microphone in a trial experiment would probably be a large Coprinus, such as Coprinus comatus or C. sterquilinus, which has large spores and discharges its spores only in the zones of spore-discharge bordering upon the autodigesting edges of the gills. A large fruit-body of Coprinus comatus shoots away from its gill-edges about 1,000,000 spores a minute or more than 10,000 a second, and it is just possible that a very sensitive microphone might make the collective sound of these numerous discharges faintly audible. Sounds Made by Fungus Guns are of No Biological Signifi- cance.— Finally, it may be remarked that the sound given out by fungus guns as they explode and the sound made when a fungus projectile strikes some object are merely bye-products of the process which has to do with the dispersion of the spores ; and, obviously, they are neither of advantage nor of disadvantage to the fungi concerned. While sounds are given out by, and are heard by, the Higher Animals and some Lower Animals, so far as we know plants never signal to one another by means of sound waves or respond to sounds of any kind whatsoever. ^ For a photograph sliowing how far the spores of Einpusa muscae are shot, vide Vol. I, 1909, Fig. 83, p. 255. The magnification there given should have been 1-3 and not f. PART III PSEUDORHIZAE AND GEMMIFERS AS ORGANS OF CERTAIN HYMENOMYCETES CHAPTER I THE PSEUDORHIZA Introductory Remarks — Collybia radicata — Mycena galericulata — Coprinus mdcrorhizus. Introductory Remarks. — The stipes of the fruit-bodies of certain Agaricaceae are prolonged downwards through the soil for several inches by so-called rooting bases. For rooting base Fayod ^ has substituted the excellent term pseudorhiza. Among the species having fruit-bodies with a characteristic pseudorhiza may be mentioned : Collybia radicata, C. longipes, C. pulla, Tricholoma macrorhizum, Pleurotus Ruthae, P. citrinatus, Pholiota radicosa, Flammula inopus, Coprinus macrorhizus, and Collybia fusipes. In all these species, with the exception of Collybia fusipes, the pseudo- rhiza is annual and unbranched. In Collybia fusipes, as we shall see, the pseudorhiza is perennial and branched. A pseudorhiza forms a link between a mycelium vegetating in a buried root or other buried nutrient substratum and the aerial part of the fruit-body which produces and liberates spores. In forming such a link, it is analogous to certain pseudo-sclerotia, sclerotia, and mycelial cords, but it differs from these structures in being a specialised part of a stipe of a fruit-body and not part of a mycelium. The observations on the pseudorhizae of Collybia radicata and Coprinus macrorhizus about to be recorded were made for the most part in England during the years 1910-1915, and a brief account of them was presented at the Ontario meeting of the American Phyto- pathological Society in 1919.^ 1 V. Fayod, " Prodrome d'une Histoire Naturelle des Agaricines," Ann. Sci. Nat., T. IX, 1889, p. 214. 2 A. H. R. Buller, "The Pseudorhiza of certain Saprophytic and Parasitic Agaricineae," Phytapalhology, Vol. X, 1920, p. 316. 347 348 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI CoUybia radicata. — This species appears in the late summer and autumn in woods and grassy places under certain trees, especially Beeches. In England I have found it frequently under Beeches {Fagits sylvatica) and once under a Horse Chestnut {Aesculus Hippo- castanum). In central Canada, where no species of Beech grows, it is absent,^ but it is common in the Beech woods of eastern Canada ^ and the United States.^ It occurs in Japan.* Howitt ^ observed fruit-bodies coming up annually under an Ironwood tree {Ostrya virginiana) at Guelph, Ontario, and Grove ® repeatedly has seen fruit-bodies coming up under an Oak {Quercus Robur), which was far distant from any Beech at Studley, England. CoUybia radicata, therefore, is associated not merely with Beeches, but with Oaks, Ironwoods, Horse Chestnuts and, doubtless, a number of other trees. The stipe of CoUybia radicata is peculiar in that its aerial part, which is from four to seven inches in height and somewhat thickened below, is continued downwards beneath the soil. As it passes beneath the soil, it becomes much swollen and fusiform, and it then terminates in a long tapering root-like structure. The subter- ranean " rooting base " of the stipe is often four or more inches long (Fig. 175). Fayod ' investigated the so-balled rooting base of the stipe of CoUybia radicata and found that it originated solely by intercalary growth. He discovered that the carpophores come into existence in the first instance upon roots buried to a depth of 10 cm. beneath the soil ; and he suggested that the fungus is a root-parasite. The youngest fruit-bodies which he observed were bulbous and only 2 to 3 mm. long. A longitudinal section showed him that the bulbous base of a young fruit-body is composed of large barrel- shaped cells mixed with fine filamentous hyphae, and that the two ^ G. R. Bisby, A. H. R. Buller, and J. Dearness, The Fungi of Manitoba, London, 1929, p. 32. 2 H. T. Giissow and W. S. Odell, Mushrooms and Toadstools, Ottawa, 1927, p. 116. ** C. H. Kauftmann, The Agaricaceae of Michigan, Lansing, U.S.A., 1918, Vol. I, p. 766, and Vol. II, Plate CLXVII. * M. Shirai and K. Hara, A List of Japanese Fungi, ed. 3, 1927, p. 96. ^ J. E. Howitt, personal communication. • W. B. Grove, personal communication. ' V. Fayod, loc. cit., pp. 214-215. THE PSEUDORHIZA OF COLLYBIA RADICATA 349 kinds of elements are disposed parallel to the longitudinal axis of the primordium. A study of successive stages revealed that the so-called root arises from the multiplication and elongation of the two sets of elements just mentioned. Thus, by intercalary growth, that part of the primordium which is to expand into the aerial stipe and pileus is gradually carried upwards to the surface of the soil where alone it attains its full development. Fayod's description of the development of the fruit-bodies of Collyhia radicata, unfortu- nately, was not accompanied by any illustrations. Fayod pointed out that the term root is unsatisfactory in describing the subterranean part of the stipe of such a fungus as Collyhia radicata, because the so-called root has neither root-cap nor vascular bundles and arises exclusively by intercalary growth and "not from an apical growing point. The so-called root also differs from a true root in that it grows vertically upwards instead of more or less downwards. In order to indicate that the basal subterranean part of the stipe of Collyhia radicata and other similar Agaricaceae is something different from a true root, Fayod gave to it the name jpseudorhiza.^ My own observations on Collyhia radicata, so far as th'fey have gone, confirm those made by Fayod. At Heyshott in England, in September, 1913, there were several fruit-bodies growing around the base of an old Beech tree. On carefully excavating the soil surrounding the pseudorhizae, I ascertained that each of the fruit- bodies was growing just above a Beech root. I succeeded in definitely tracing one of the pseudorhizae downwards through the soil and in making out its attachment to a buried root (Fig. 175, B). The pseudorhizae of the other fruit-bodies were traced downwards through the soil for several inches, but they broke off just before their points of connexion with a root were reached. Owing to the brittleness of the most slender and deepest part of a pseudorhiza and to the compactness of the soil, it is often not easy to free a pseudorhiza from the soil without breaking it or detaching it from the root upon which it has grown. However, in my father's garden at Birmingham, by taking more time and care than was possible at Heyshott, I succeeded in exposing two pseudorhizae 16 cm. long 1 V. Fayod, loc. cit., pp. 214-215. 4 #- ^'ViyS^\fjS««^!*?ji:^' Fig. 175. — Fruit-bodies of Collybia radicata provided with pseudorhizae attached to roots of trees, etc., beneath the surface of the soil. A, two fruit-bodies on a Horse-Chestnut root ; r, the root ; s, the soil, excavated ; each fruit-body con- sists of an aerial stipe-shaft and pileus and of a long subterranean pseudorhiza ; the spores falling from the pilei are being carried off by the wind. B, a vertical section through a fruit-body attached to a thick Beech root near the surface of the soil ; r, the root ; s, the soil ; the pseudorhiza is solid to the centre. C, a vertical section through a fruit-body attached to the top of a Beech stump covered with a thin layer of leaf-mould ; iv, wood ; I, the leaf-mould ; no pseudorhiza has been developed. D, a piece of the outer surface of a root ; the ring in its centre shows the very small point of attachment of the pseudo- rhiza of a large fruit-body. A, observed at Birmingham ; B, at Heyshott; and C, at Kew. A, B, and C, reduced to one-half the natural size ; D, natural size. THE PSEUDORHIZA OF COLLYBIA RADICATA 351 and also the root of a Horse Chestnut to which they were attached without breaking the connexions (Fig. 175, A). In Queen's Cottage Grounds, Kew Gardens, I found a fruit-body attached to the top of a Beech stump (Fig. 175, C). The length of a pseudorhiza varies with the depth of the soil overlying the infected root, through which the rudiments of the pileus and aerial part of the stipe must be pushed up. The deeper the overlying soil, the longer is the pseudorhiza, and vice versa. If a fruit-body begins to develop 16 cm. below the surface of the soil, the pseudorhiza becomes 16 cm. long (Fig. 175, A) ; if a fruit- body begins to develop 7*5 cm. below the surface of the soil, the pseudorhiza becomes 7-5 cm. long (B) ; while, if a fruit-body develops on the top of a stump where the soil is very thin, the pseudorhiza scarcely comes into existence at all (C). It is probable that here, just as in Coprinus sterquilinus} light regulates the length of the pseudorhiza by inhibiting the growth in length of the pseudo- rhiza as soon as this organ has pushed up the rudimentary pileus and aerial part of the stipe to the surface of the ground and has thus come into a position to receive a light stimulus. The pseudorhiza thickens and becomes fusoid just beneath the surface of the ground. It is this fusoid portion only which functions mechanically in supporting the weight of the whole of the subaerial part of the fruit-body. The long tapering extremity of the pseudorhiza, which is very thin and weak, merely serves for the conduction of food materials. The principle of economy in structure is here illustrated once more, for the thickening and mechanical strengthening of the pseudorhiza is limited to that part alone which has a mechanical function to perform. The pseudorhiza and the aerial stipe-shaft are both solid, their central parts being filled with white fibrils ; and both of these organs are smooth on the exterior (Fig. 175, B). The pileus has a somewhat slimy pellicle ; but, as experiment showed, drops of rain-water are not absorbed through it. The fruit-bodies persist for some time after their expansion, and the spore-discharge period probably lasts for a week or ten days. The discharge of the spores from beneath the pilei is represented in Fig. 175. 1 These Researches, Vol. IV, 1931, pp. 112-117. 352 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI I have found fruit-bodies of Collybia radicata coming up on two dead stumps. One of these stumps was at Kew Gardens and the other at Birmingham. The former was in situ where it grew, but the latter had been pulled up some two or three years previously and had been laid upon the soil to support ivy. There can be no doubt, therefore, that Collybia radicata can live as a pure saprophyte ; and it may be that, even when it grows upon the roots of living Beech trees, it is merely destroying roots which have been killed by some other agency. However, it is not unlikely that the fungus is a wound-parasite, i.e. a parasite which first invades the dead tissues exposed at the surface of a wounded root and then slowly invades and kills the living tissues adjacent to the dead tissues first entered. The facts which lead one to suspect that Collybia radicata is a parasite are : (1) the fungus grows on the roots of living Beeches, Oaks, and Horse Chestnuts, (2) the fungus comes up year after year beneath trees which have once become infected, and (3) the fungus has developed a special organ — the pseudorhiza — by means of which it successfully meets the requirements of its subterranean mode of vegetation. Whether or not the fungus is really a parasite, however, can only be decided by exact experiment, Collybia longipes ^ was found by Fayod above the roots of an Oak. 2 Its pseudorhiza is doubtless developed in the same manner as that of Collybia radicata ; and the fungus probably has relations with the Oak of the same nature as those of C. radicata. Mycena galericulata. — This species Hves on dead wood. Its fruit-bodies often develop at the surface of unburied stumps and sticks, etc. Under these conditions each fruit-body consists of a pileus and normal stipe only. However, it sometimes happens that the woody medium in which the mycehum vegetates lies several inches below the surface of the soil or vegetable mould. When this is so, the stipe of each fruit-body possesses a pseudorhizal prolongation similar to that of a stipe of Collybia radicata. The accompanying illustration. Fig. 176, shows the relation of a group of fruit-bodies to a block of wood which was buried about 4 inches below the top of a layer of leaf -mould. The three fruit-bodies 1 Vide Cooke's Illustrations of British Fungi, PI. 201. 2 V. Fayod, loc. cit., p. 215. THE PSEUDORHIZA OF MYCENA GALERICULATA 353 came into existence, in and they then grew upwards through the overlying leaf-mould. The youngest fruit- body (a), at the time the fruit- bodies were found, had not yet emerged but, by means of a pseudorhiza, was gradually pushing its pileus upwards into the light. Its pseudorhiza appeared to be increas- ing in length solely by intercalary growth just beneath the pileus and the enclosed rudiment of the aerial stipe- shaft ; and its pileus was very small, hard, and conical. The free end of the fruit-body, in form and mode of elongation, thus closely resembled the root-tip of a Phanerogam and was admirably adapted for pushing aside ob- stacles in its upward progress. It differed from the root-tip of radicles, however, in that it was growing upwards instead of downwards. We may conclude from the the first place, at the surface of the wood, VOL. VI. Fig. 176. — Mycerm galericulata. Section through leaf-mould, e, and a buried stump, d, to show origin of fruit-bodies from the wood and mode of development of the pseudorhiza ; a, a pseudorliiza which is elongating just beneath the rudimentary pileus ; b and c, f ullj' developed fruit-bodies shedding spores ; in c, the pseudo- rhiza and stipe, which are continuous with one another, are both hollow in the centre. Reduced to two -thirds natural size. 2 a 354 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI study of such a set of fruit-bodies as that shown in Fig. 176 that the pileus of Mycena galericulata remains in a very rudimentary condition whilst travelUng through the soil and only begins to expand when it has come to the soil's surface. At its point of attachment to the woody substratum, a pseudorhiza of Mycena galericulata consists of a small, firm, yellowish swelling, and the shaft of the pseudorhiza, as it passes upwards through the soil, gradually increases in diameter, and thus attains its maximum diameter just beneath the surface of the ground. The outer surface of a pseudorhiza is white and covered with fine hyphae which attach themselves to leaf-debris, etc. ; and the interior of a pseudorhiza is hollow like that of the aerial stipe-shaft with which it is continuous (Fig. 176, c). A pseudorhiza, hke an aerial stipe-shaft, grows upwards because it is negatively geotropic. Sometimes a pseudorhiza, instead of being straight, is crooked. When this is so, the crookedness has been brought about by the pseudorhiza, when pushing upwards, having encountered mechanical obstacles which could not be pene- trated and which therefore were avoided by obhque growth hke that which occurs with true roots under similar conditions. Mycena galericulata, so far as I am aware, hves only as a sapro- phyte on dead wood, and I have never seen it in any situation which would suggest that it is a parasite. The fruit-bodies illus- trated in Fig. 176 were rather large and more expanded than usual ; but, after they had been gathered a day or two, the gills turned pinkish in the usual way. The fruit-bodies of Mycena galericulata shown in Fig. 176 had bisporous basidia, which is in accord with the observations of Patouillard,^ Ricken,^ and Lange.^ Ricken * states that the bisporous basidia of M. galericulata serve to distinguish this species from the very similar but four-spored M. tintinnahulum. However, that there is a four-spored form of M. galericulata as well as a two- ^ N. Patouillard, Tabulae analyticae fungorum , Fasc. Ill, 1884, No. 214, p. 96. 2 A. Ricken, Die Bldtterpihe, Leipzig, Bd. I, 1915, p. 439. ^ J. E. Lange, " Studies in the x\garics of Denmark," Dansh Botanisk Arkiv, Copenhagen, Bd. I, No. 5, 1914, p. 33. * A. Ricken, loc. cit. THE PSEUDORHIZA OF COPRINUS MACRORHIZUS 355 spored is indicated by Rea ^ who has described the basidia of M. galericulata as " generally with 2-sterigmata only " and by Bauch ^ who, in his hst of the Hymenomycetes having two-spored forms, remarks that the fruit-bodies of M. galericulata found at Rostock were " meist zweisporig." Moreover, Rea has informed me that he has observed fruit-bodies of M. galericulata with quadrisporous basidia. It may be that, as Bauch ^ found in Camarophyllu^ virgineus (one of the Hygrophoraceae), the two-spored fruit-bodies of M. galericulata are haploid, while the four-spored are diploid. Another possibility is that both forms are diploid, but that two nuclei migrate into each spore of the two-spored form, while only one nucleus migrates into each spore of the four-spored form. The problem here suggested can be solved only by precise investigation . Coprinus macrorhizus. — This species has been confounded with Coprinus lagopus (= C. cinereus = C. fimetarius "*), and in Massee's British Fungus-Flora it is called Coprinus fimetarius, var. macro- rhizus. A comparative study of the Coprini has taught me that Coprinus lagopus and C. macrorhizus are independent species. This conclusion is based not merely on studies in the field but also on a comparison of pure cultures. The following are some of the points by which the two species may be distinguished. (1) Exterior of thepileus. The pileus of C. macrorhizus (Fig. 177) is rounded at the top, pale, and brownish-grey, the brown being particularly marked at the apex. The pileus of C. lagopus (Fig. 133, Vol. Ill, p. 305) is more conical, and ashy-grey except at the very apex which is brown. The floccose scale-hairs on the surface of the pileus of C. macrorhizus are more matted than those of C. lagopus. (2) Breadth of gills. The gills of C. macrorhizus are distinctly broader than those of C. lagopus. The more conical form of the ^ Carleton Rea, British Basidiomycetae, Cambridge, 1922, p. 384. ^ R. Bauch, " Untersuchungen iiber zweisporige Hymenomyceten. I. Haploide Parthenogenesis bei Camarophyllus virgineus," Zeitschrift f. Botanik, Bd. XVIII, 1925-1926, p. 344. 3 Ibid., pp. 354-382. ^ Cf. these Researches : Vol. Ill, 1924, pp. 301-303 ; and Vol. IV, 1931, pp. 191- 193. 356 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI pileus of the latter is associated with this fact (c/. Fig. 185, p. 367, and Fig. 138, Vol. Ill, p. 316). (3) Opening of the pileus. Before spore- discharge and auto- digestion begin, the pileus of C. lagopus opens widely and thus becomes almost flattened. The gills are therefore pulled some distance apart from one another, with the result that, during spore- discharge, the cystidia do not connect adjacent gills but simply appear as free projections or pegs on the gill-sides (Fig. 146, Vol. Ill, p. 325). On the other hand, the pileus of C. macrorhizus begins to Fig. 177. — Coprinus macrorhizus. Young fruit-bodies grow- ing on stable manure. Photographed at Birmingham, England. Natural size. shed spores while it is still campanulate, and in this species — as may be readily observed in the field with a pocket lens or even with the naked eye — the cystidia bridge the interlamellar spaces and connect adjacent gills during the whole period of spore-discharge (c/. Fig. 122, Vol. Ill, p. 287). C. lagopus belongs to the Lagopus Sub-type of fruit-body organisation, whereas C. macrorhizus belongs to the Atramentarius Sub- type. ^ (4) Shape of the spores. The spores of C. macrorhizus are dis- tinctly shorter in proportion to their width than those of C. lagopus. The spores of C. macrorhizus are oval in form and those of C. lagopus elongated-oval. 1 Cf. these Researches, Vol. Ill, 1924, pp. 296, 301-302. THE PSEUDORHIZA OF COPRINUS MACRORHIZUS 357 (5) Stipe. The aerial part of the stipe of C. macrorhizus is usually stouter and firmer than that of C. lagopus {cf. Figs. 180 and 185, pp. 360 and 367, with Fig. 133, Vol. Ill, p. 305). The stipe of C. macrorhizus frequently ends below in a long conspicuous sub- terranean " rooting base " or pseudo- rhiza. In C. lagopus such an organ is usually absent. ( 6 ) Substratum. C. lagopus is ex- tremely common on horse-dung balls, as is shown by the fact that fresh balls col- lected at Vancouver (British Columbia), Edmonton (Alberta), Shellbrook (Saskat- chewan), Winnipeg (Manitoba), and in three different places near Birmingham, England, all yielded fruit-bodies of this species.^ C. macro- rhizus, on the other hand, very rarely comes up on isolated dung-balls but is ex- tremely frequent on large masses of horse dung, such as are represented by manure piles, hot-beds, and the like. C. macrorhizus seems to be specially adapted to flourish in dung well mixed with straw and heated by the fermentation process. ^ W. F. Hanna, " The Problem of Sex in Coprinus lagopus," Annals of Botany, Vol. XXXIX, 1925, pp. 433-434. Fig. 178. — Coprinus macrorhizus. Mature fruit-bodies shedding spores, growing on stable manure. The one on the extreme right has its pseudorhiza in view. Photographed at Birmingham, England. Natural size. 358 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI (7) Cultures. C. lagopus grows well on sterilised horse-dung balls, and on this medium new fruit-bodies can be obtained with certainty in about fifteen days after the spores have been sown. On the other hand, C. macrorhizus grows relatively poorly on sterilised horse-dung balls and takes a longer time to produce fruit- bodies. Both species retain their structural peculiarities when grown in parallel cultures side by side in the same laboratory. (8) Size of fruit-bodies. The fruit-bodies of C. macrorhizus are as a rule larger and less fragile than those of C. lagopus. Both in Fig. 179. — Coprinus macrorhizus. Two fully expanded, revo- lute, and almo.st exhausted fruit-bodies, removed from stable manure. Some of tlie spores have settled on the stipes. Photographed at Birmingham, England. Natural size. the open and in culture the fruit-bodies of C. macrorhizus, if pro- duced at all, attain a certain minimum size which is considerable. On the other hand, the fruit-bodies of C. lagopus, while able to attain a large size under favourable conditions, yet on exhausted horse dung or under conditions of competition may be extra- ordinarily small. The stipes of C. lagopus vary in length from about 10 cm. down to 1-10 mm. and their expanded f)ilei from about 3 cm. in diameter down to 0- 75-3-0 mm. Thus dwarf fruit-bodies occur in C. lagopus (Fig. 138, A, B, C, Vol. Ill, p. 316) but not in C. macrorhizus. THE PSEUDORHIZA OF COPRINUS MACRORHIZUS 359 Hitherto, the pseudorhiza or rooting base of the stipe of Coprinus macrorhizus has nowhere been adequately described. In 1911, Weir gave an erroneous account of the way in which it arises. He referred to pseudorhizae definitely as roots {Wiirzeln). Translated from the German, one of his statements is as follows : " The direction of growth of the root in a homogeneous substratum is vertically dowTiwards. Hard bodies are avoided by lateral twisting." ^ Again, in describing the origin of the " roots," he says that at first a knot of hyphae comes into existence something like that of the sclerotium of Coprinus stercorarius. " The knot . . . increases in size, begins to elongate, and behaves itself in its upper and lower halves in a different manner, in that the hyphae of the under half become positively geotropic. Soon after the formation of this rudiment {Anlage), the hyphae on the under side become matted at one point and grow downwards like a root. It is remarkable that the hyphae, even in the substratum, go on growing so as to form a firm unified structure by means of which they remove them- selves more and more from the light and apparently seek the optimum conditions of moisture and food-materials." 2 His further remarks on this matter it is unnecessary to repeat as, like those just quoted, they are based on the erroneous supposition that the root-like organ of the fungus grows downwards through the sub- stratum like the root of a Phanerogam. I shall now endeavour to show : that the root-like organ is really a pseudorhiza, like that of Collybia radicata ; that, unlike a root, it comes into existence not by apical growth, as Weir supposed, but by intercalary growth ; that it is negatively geotropic and not positively geotropic ; and that, in consequence, it grows upwards and not downwards through the substratum. It is the thin lower end of the pseudorhiza which is first formed and not the thick upper end. For the purpose of my investigation, I examined a large number of fruit-bodies of Coprinus macrorhizus which were coming up on a long flat-topped pile of horse manure which had been removed from some stables and was well mixed with straw. The manure 1 J. Pv. Wrir, •■ Untersuchungen iiberdicGattung Coprinus," Flora, Bd. CIII. 1911, p. 313. - Ibid., pp. 312 313. 360 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI pile was in a state of fermentation, so that only a few inches from the surface it was decidedly hot to the hand. On digging down Fig. 180. — Coprinus macrorhizus. Fruit -l)odies in various stage.-; of development with short pseudorliizae. A and B, each with a p.seudorhiza capped by a pileiis growing upwards through the substratum. (', a fruit-body nearing the surface of the ground with an enlarging pileus. D, E, F. stages in the elongation of the stipe and the expansion of the pileus. G and H, the stipes have attained full length ; in G, the gills are disappearing through autodigestion and spores are being shed ; in H, tlie pileus has been almost completely destroyed through autodigestion, and spore-discharge has ceased. Natural size. into the manure, I found that many of the fruit-bodies had very long rooting bases. Using Fayod's terminology, we shall now THE PSEUDORHIZA OF COPRINUS MACRORHIZUS 361 refer to these rooting bases as j^seudorhizae. Illustrations of some of the fruit-bodies are shown in Figs. 177-187. I made excavations in the manure pile and discovered that Fig. 181.-('o/;///(».v ni'icrurhizits. Fniit-boclies excavated, tkuiiig tlie dovelopiuent of their pseudorhizae, froin below tlie surface of a horse-dung manure heap. Tlie position of tlie partit-ular j)iece of the substratum from which each pseutlo- rhiza was growing is shown in every case. A-F, elongation of the pseutlorhiza by intercalary growth just below the ru(Hnientary terminal pilous. C! J, pilei enlarging on being brought up to near the surface of the substratiun l)y their respective pseudorhizae. K, a pseudorhiza growing through densely matted straw some inches below the sin-face of the substratum. Natural size. young fruit-bodies, hke those shown in Fig. 180 at A, B, and C and in Fig. 181 at A, B, and C, were pushing up to the light a few inches below the general surface of the manure. From a study of 362 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI a long series of intermediate fruit-bodies, some of which are shown in Figs. 181 and 186 (p. 369), it became clear that fruit-bodies which develop pseudorhizae arise as tiny primordia not at the surface of the manure as Weir would have us suppose, but at some distance belotv it. These primordia are at first minute balls about 1 mm. across (Fig. 181, A). They are attached to more sohd parts of the substratum and frequently arise at the surface of a single straw making part of a bundle of straws. Their subse- quent growth, no doubt, is accomplished at the expense of an extensive mycelium to which they are attached by their bases. In Fig. 181, A-J, are shown pseudorhizae in various stages of de- velopment , after they had been excavated from the m anure pile . In Figs .180 and 185 (p. 367) are shown a number of fruit- bodies with shorter or longer fully developed pseudorhizae in, situ mth the surface of the manure pile indicated by means of a broken line. It was found that, when fruit-bodies arise at the surface of the manure, as they sometimes do, no pseudorhizae whatever are formed. In Fig. 182, A to D, are shown stages in the development of fruit-bodies whose origin in the manure pile was superficial. It is clear that the production of a pseudorhiza depends simply on the position of origin of the fruit-body primordium. If the primordium is developed at the top of the substratum, no pseudorhiza is produced (Fig. 182) ; if it is developed one or two inches below the surface of the substratum, the pseudorhiza becomes about one or two inches long (Fig. 180) ; and, if it is developed about four inches below the Fig. 182. — Coprinus itmcrorkizus. Fruit-bodies wliich originated at tlie surface of the sub- stratum and have therefore not developed pseudorhizae. A, B, C, E, successive stages of development. D, a section of E showing absence of pseudorhiza ; the spores on tlie gills are ripening from below upwards. Natural size. THE PSEUDORHIZA OF COPRINUS MACRORHIZUS 363 surface of the substratum, the pseudorhiza becomes about four inches long (Fig. 186, p. 369). The development of a fruit- body primordium will now be described in detail. The pseudorhiza of a fruit-body which has originated a few inches below the surface of the manure and which has shed its spores and withered away aerially sometimes develops a large number of primordia ; and, occasionally, some of these primordia develop into fruit-bodies which produce pseudorhizae of their own, come above groimd, and open out in the usual manner (Fig. 187, p. 371). The primordia arising on old pseudorhizae develop in just the same manner as those produced directly on the surface of a straw and are easier to procure. Old pseudorhizae bearing primordia were therefore used for studying the earUest stages of fruit- body development. The material was fixed ^ in Fleming's fluid (weaker solution) for 24 hours, washed for 24 hours in running water, and then placed in 30 per cent, alcohol. It was then brought up gradually to absolute alcohol and, after being passed through xylol in the usual manner, was embedded in paraffin. Sections were cut with the microtome and double-stained in iron-alum-haematoxylin ^ and Bordeaux red.^ The earliest stages in the development of the fruit-bodies of Coprinus macrorhizus are very similar to those of Psallio'a campestris described by Atkinson * in 1906. The primordium of the carpophore as a whole in its youngest state is a homogeneous body composed of slender uniform dense hyphae which are woven in a complex manner into an even meshwork, and surrounded by a thin layer of hyphae which are looser and less dense in their arrangement. This outer looser layer can be considered as a universal veil. It is quite distinct in all the youngest stages (Figs. 183 and 184) and grows for some time. Finally, it ceases to grow and, as the pileus expands, splits up and thus gives rise to the hairy scales which are such a * <'f. Chamberlain, Methods in Plant Histology, Chicaffo, 190."). p. 248. ^ This was the .same as Haidenhain's solution {vide Chamberlain, loc. cit., p. 250) except for the fact that 1 ■ 5 per cent, aqueous solution of iron alum was used instead of ferrous ammonium sulphate. ^ A 1 per cent, aqueous solution for 3 minutes. * ('•. F. Atkinson, " The Development of Agaricus campestris," Botanical Gazette, Vol. XLII, 190(j, pp. 241-264. 364 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI marked characteristic of the mature pileus. In a very young primordium there is no evidence of a differentiation into stipe and pileus : the inner mass of hyphae surrounded by the universal veil appears to be homogeneous, just as in Psalliota camjyestris . As a primordium becomes somewhat larger and older, and before there is any evidence of an external annular fitiTow differentiating pileus and stipe from one another from without, stained longitudinal sections exhibit, near the upper end of the young fruit-body and some distance in from the surface, two small deeply stained areas. These are really part of an annular area within the fruit-body, which is composed of hyphae which are densely compacted and rich in proto- plasm. These hyphae make up the primor- dium of the gills (Fig. 183). It is to be noted, therefore, that the primordium of the gills arises as in Psalliota campestris,^ i.e. that it comes into existence internally at a time when the fruit-body is homogeneous and com- pact except for the looser envelope. After the primordium of the gills has come into existence, interlamellar spaces arise within it, and the plates of tissue thus separated from one another develop into the gills (Fig. 184 and in Vol. Ill, Fig. 140, p. 318). A gill- chamber apart from these interlamellar spaces was not observed. The gills in their youngest stage have their long axes directed perpendicularly to the long axis of the carpophore (Fig. 183) ; but, with further growth, they become obliquely situated, their inner 1 Cf. G. F. Atkinson, he. cit., p. 249. Fig. 183. — Copriniis imtcrorhizus. A median-vertical section of a very young fruit-body with its hymeno- phore just becoming differentiated. As yet no pseudorhiza has been developed. Magnifi- cation, 46. THE PSEUDORHIZA OF COPRINUS MACRORHIZUS 365 edges remaining in contact with, and in continuity with, the primordium of the stipe (Fig. 184). With the differentiation of the primordium of the gills, the other parts of the young fruit-body become delimited. We can now distinguish the primordium of the pileus-flesh and the primordium of the stipe. The universal veil at this stage is seen to form a continuous layer which encloses both pileus and stipe (Fig. 184). Soon after the young gills have begun to grow downwards, a very slight annular furrow makes its appearance on the outside of the whole fruit-body (Fig. 181, B-D, p. 361). This furrow, which becomes more and more pronounced as the gills grow in size (Fig. 181, G-J), marks off the pileus which lies above it. The annular furrow, just referred to, may be considered as dividing the stipe into two parts, an upper interpilear part which is enclosed between the gills, and a lower sub- pilear part which is entirely below the gills. These two parts are con- tinuous with each other ; but, as we shall see, it is convenient to dis- tinguish between them. If a fruit-body develops directly on the surface of the substratum, as sometimes happens in nature (Fig. 182, p. 362) and in artificial cultures, the primordium of the stipe as a whole becomes differentiated into two parts. The interpilear part becomes the primordium of the shaft of the Fig. 184. — Coprinus macrorhizus. A median-vertical section through the upper part of a slender cylindrical fruit-body which was pushing its way upwards through manure (c/. Fig. 181, B and C ; also Fig. 186, h and c). The pseudorhiza is pushing up the rudimentary apical pileus by elongating in an intercalar J' zone of growth which is just below the level of the base of the gills. At this stage of development, the universal veil covering the apex of the fruit-body is compact and func- tions like a root-cap. Magnifi- cation, 19. 366 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI stipe, and the subpilear part the primordium of the base of the stipe. The various j)rimordia are then related as follows : /the primordium of ) the gills together forming the primordium of the The primordium of the fruit-body as a whole producing : the primordium of the pileus-flesh pileus , the primordium of the primordium of | the stipe-shaft the stipe pro--! , . t e - . I the primordium of \ ducmg : , . i ^ \ the stipe- base. Now, when a fruit-body is produced on the surface of the sub- stratum, the primordium of the base of the stipe gradually thickens and elongates a little, the elongation taking place chiefly in its upper part ; and that is all. The primordium of the shaft of the stipe, however, elongates after a time enormously, and so carries the pileus high into the air (Fig. 182, p. 362). When a fruit-body starts its development not at the surface of the substratum, but at some distance below it, the primordia originate in the same manner as that just described. But here the primordium of the base of the stipe becomes especially important. In its upper part, just below the annular furrow, the parallel hyphae of which it is composed grow enormously in length by intercalary growth. The result of this is that the primordium of the pileus (flesh, gills, and veil), together with the primordium of the shaft cf the stipe, is pushed upwards through the manure, and an elongating root-like structure, the pseudorhiza, comes into existence. The intercalary growth at the top of the pseudorhiza continues until the primordia of the pileus and stipe-shaft have been carried up to, or nearly up to, the surface of the substratum. It then ceases. As the pileus is carried upwards, the pseudorhiza not only elongates but, as a rule, gradually thickens, so that the diameter of the youngest and highest part is often very much greater than that of the oldest and lowest part {cf. Figs. 180 and 185, pp. 360 and 367). As the pileus approaches the loosest and uppermost layer of THE PSEUDORHIZA OF COPRINUS MACRORHIZUS 367 manure, it enlarges, and its gills become better differentiated. After the pseudorhiza has ceased its intercalary growth, the stipe-shaft Fig. 185. — Coprinus macrorhizus. Sections of finiit-bodies in various stage3 of development, all with a pseudorhiza. A, the solid pseudorhiza is capped by a very rudimentary pileus which is sliown enlarged at G ; the fruit-body had not yet reached the surface of the ground. B, a fruit-body approaching the surface of the ground : its pileus is enlarging. C, D, E, F, succei5sive stages in the development of the pileus and subaerial stipe. The dotted line shows the general level of the substratum. In C, which lias a hollow pseudorhiza, the spores have not yet been developed : the gills are white. In D, the spores are ripening from below upwards : the gills are therefore turning V)lack from below upwards. In E, black spores are present all the way vip the gills, the aerial stipe-shaft is elongating, and the pileus expanding. In F, the stipe-shaft has elongated, the gills are under- going autodigestion, and spores are being shed. In G, which is the apex of A magnified, the gills and pileus-flesh can be clearly perceived ; i, the zone of intercalary growth of the pseudorhiza. A-F, natural size ; G, magnification, 3. primordium, which has been enclosed between the gills, begins to elongate. This results in the pileus being torn away from its base. The universal veil is broken and a ring-like scar is usually left behind 368 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI at the base of the stipe {cf. Fig. 180, p. 360). As the stipe elongates, the pileus continues its development. The dimorphic basidia, the paraphyses, and the cystidia become differentiated, the cystidia grow in length, and soon the spores appear on each gill from below upwards. As the pileus, in opening out, becomes campanulate, the spores begin to fall down in the interlamellar spaces. With the production of spore-freed gill-surfaces arising from below upwards, autodigestion sets in and the gills are then gradually destroyed from below upwards in the manner which has been described for other Coprini (Figs. 180, p. 360, and 185). The pileus opens out rela- tively slowly, much more slowly than in C. lagopus. The whole of a fruit-body (pseudorhiza, stipe, and pileus) is produced at the expense of a mycelium which vegetates deep down in the manure. This mycelium is present in the hard masses of manure, on the surface of which the primordia arise in the first instance, as shown in Fig. 186. We really have an arrangement similar to that already described for CoUybia mdicata and for Mycena galericiUata, which grow on wood beneath the soil. The lower end of a pseudorhiza is remarkable for the smallness of its diameter, but it must be remembered that the only function which it has to perform, after it has pushed up the primordium of the pileus through the manure, is that of conduction. There is no need for it to be mechanically strong, as it has no weight to support. Only on nearing the surface of the ground does the pseudorhiza become thickened. There can be little doubt that this thickening is correlated with the demands for mechanical support which must subsequently be made upon the pseudorhiza by the weight of the pileus and stipe. From the surface of the pseudorhiza fine hyphae arise which pass out into the substratum and become attached to the manure. It will be remembered that similar hyphae occur on the pseudorhiza of Mycena galericulata. In all probability, these hyphae are used chiefly for fixing the pseudorhiza and thus enabling it to push the primordium at its end upwards with more ease. They may also conduct to the fruit-body a certain amount of water, but they are probably not nutritive in the sense that they collect food materials other than water. There can be but little doubt that the materials a Fig. 186. — C'oprinus macrorhizus. Development of a set of fruit-bodies with very long pseudorhizae, shown in a vertical section through a pile of stable manure. At the base of the Figure is more solid manure from which the pseudorhizae are springing ; toward the top, the manure is looser and the straw more evident. Stages in development, drawn from actual specimens, are indicated by the letters a to/. In a, b, and c, the blunt upper end of each pseudorhiza consists of a rudimentary pileus, already with tiny gills within ; ind, e, and/, tlie pseudorhiza, tlirough intercalary growth, has brought each pileus to the surface of the substratum. At d, the pileus is swelling ; at e, the pileus is expanding and the aerial stipe-shaft elongating ; at/, the stipe-shaft is fully elongated and the pileus, which has shed its spores, is now greatly reduced owing to autodigestion. Natural size. VOL. vr. 2 B 370 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI for the construction of the stipe and pileus are conducted upwards from a hard mass of manure through the base of the pseudorhiza. In support of this view may be cited the analogous case of Collybia radicata in which the whole fruit-body is produced at the expense of a mycelium vegetating in a tree-root buried several inches beneath the soil (Fig. 175, A and B, p. 350). In passing upwards through the substratum, the pseudorhiza is doubtless directed, like the stipe, by the stimulus of gravity. Harder and softer parts of the substratum must be traversed. The softer parts are directly penetrated, but the harder ones, such as dense masses of straw, can only be avoided by oblique or lateral growth. Sooner or later, often by a very tortuous course of from three to six inches, the surface of the manure is reached. The twisted pseudorhizae shown in Figs. 181 (p. 361) and 186 tell a tale of obstacles which have been encountered during upward growth and have been grown around. In general, the length of a pseudorhiza varies with the depth in the manure at which the primordium of the fruit-body has originated. The older and thinner parts of a pseudorhiza are quite solid, but the younger swollen parts, beneath the base of the stipe-shaft, although often sohd (Fig. 185, D and E, p. 367), are sometimes hollow in the centre (Fig. 185, C). The hollow space, when present, is continuous with- that of the stipe. A pseudorhiza, before the pileus has shed its spores, is usually unbranched. Occasionally, how^ever, I have observed indications of the putting out of a branch laterally (Fig. 187, E), but this is very rare. Also, before a fruit-body at the end of a pseudorhiza has shed all its spores, primordia — but primordia only — of a number of new fruit-bodies may be developed on the surface of the pseudorhiza (Fig. 187, B). Nevertheless, I have never seen any- thing corresponding to the illustration published by Weir ^ in which he shows one chief fruit-body as yet unexpanded and four long branches coming from the pseudorhiza and all bearing secondary fruit-bodies of considerable size. However, branching not in- frequently takes place from an old stout pseudorhiza when the fruit-body at its end has shed its spores and withered to the base 1 J. R. Weir, he. cit., Fig. 21, p. 317. THE PSEUDORHIZA OF COPRINUS MACRORHIZUS 371 of the stipe (Fig. 187, C). I should regard Weir's illustration as correct, so far as the branching is concerned, had the chief and oldest Fig. 187. — Coprinus macrorhizus. Branching of the pseudorhiza. The dotted line indicates the general level of the substratum. A, a young fruit-body with a very stout pseudorhiza likely to produce new fruit-bodies when the first has been exhausted. B, fruit-body begiruiing to shed spores, having a pseudorhiza which has already given rise to the rudiments of a number of new fruit-bodies. C, a very stout pseudorhiza which gave rise to a large subaerial fruit-body which shed its spores, died down, and is now represented merely by a stump. The pseudorhiza subsequently gave rise to numerous rudiments of new fruit-bodies, four of which are now developing normally. D, the terminal fruit-body was injured and has ceased to develop, and new fruit-bodies are arising on the pseudorhiza. E, the pseudorhiza which is springing from a straw, has a terminal fruit-body and two lateral rudimentary ones. Natural size. fruit-body been represented as having rotted down to the top of the pseudorhiza : but this was not done. Weir seems to have combined two stages of development in a single drawing. From Weir's illustration, as it stands, one would judge that the main axis ZT^' RESEARCHES ON FUNGI and the four chief branches had all been produced simultaneously or nearly so ; but I do not think that this happened. Rather, a single stout pseudorhiza was first produced ; then the large fruit- body at its end opened, shed its sj^ores, underwent autodigestion, and withered down to its base ; and, finally, from primordia which were produced on the pseudorhiza either whilst the first fruit-body was expanding or after it had shed its spores, new pseudorhizae and secondary pilei were subsequently developed. The normal production of a number of secondary fruit-bodies from an old and large pseudorhiza which bears the stump of a large primary fruit-body was observed several times (Fig. 187, C). Injury to a primary fruit-body, so that this withers before it has expanded, may also lead to the production of secondary fruit-bodies (Fig. 1 87, D). The development of secondary fruit-bodies upon an old pseudorhiza is no doubt correlated with the fact that the food materials contained within the pseudorhiza have not been exhausted by the formation of the primary fruit-body. New fruit-bodies, as Weir also observed, are produced until exhaustion is complete. So far as my observations have gone, it is only the larger and more vigorous pseudorhizae which jiroduce secondary fruit-bodies. Weak slender ones often show no trace of them. Doubtless, by injuring the pilei terminating pseudorhizae, one could cause secondary fruit- bodies to come into existence at will. What is the function of the pseudorhiza of Coiwinus macrorhizns ? The answer is as follows. The primordia of the fruit-bodies of C. macrorhizus are often produced on a deep-seated mycelium at a little distance below the surface of the nutrient substratum and, when this occurs, the pseudorhiza serves as an organ for pushing upwards to the surface of the substratum those parts of the fruit- body — the rudimentary pileus and the rudimentary stipe-shaft— which are destined to complete their development aerially. The frequent production of hundreds of fruit-bodies of C. macrorhizus on a manure pile where perhaps no other agaric is to be seen testifies to the success of this species in the struggle for existence. When visiting a large mushroom cave near Paris, I observed that Cojjrinus macrorhizus was growing on some of the beds. The fruit-bodies had the normal size and were provided with the THE PSEUDORHIZA OF COPRINUS MACRORHIZUS 373 characteristic pseuclorhiza. Since the beds had been left in utter darkness from the time when they had been made up, it is clear that light could have had nothing to do with the development of the fruit-bodies. In particular, the direction of the growth of the pseudorhiza could not have been influenced by a heliotropic stimulus. Among the conclusions to which Weir ^ came in his already mentioned investigations upon Coprinus macrorhizus was that this fungus possesses " a positively geotropic, root-like sclerotium {ein positiv-geotropisches, ivurze'dhnlirlies Sklerotium).''' This descrip- tion of the pseudorhiza is entirely erroneous. The pseudorhiza, as we have seen, grows upwards instead of downwards, its mode of growth is intercalary and therefore not like that of a root, and there is no ground to justify the view that it is to be regarded as a sclerotium. A sclerotium is an independent more or less compact mass of mycelium in which food materials are stored and which, after resting for a longer or shorter time, gives rise to one or more sporophores or to a new mycelium. But a pseudorhiza does not consist of mycelium, for it is part of a sporophore ; nor is it a resting body ; and the food materials which it contains are not. reserve food materials but materials in transit to the developing pileus and stipe-shaft. 1 Weir, lor. cit., p. 319. CHAPTER II THE PERENNIAL PSEUDORHIZA OF COLLYBIA FUSIPES Introduction — Historical Remarks — Fruit-body Clusters and their Pseudorhizae — The Sujiposed Sclerotium — Evidence that the Pseudorhiza Persists — Mode of Development of a Compound Pseudorhiza — Lateral Crafting — Healing of Pseudorhizal Wounds — The Mycelium and the Problem of Parasitism — The Functions of tiie Pseudorhiza and the Significance of its Persistency — Sarco- safphd prntracla. Introduction. — Collybia fusipes, one of the best-know^l of the fleshy fungi, commonly occurs on the ground near the trunks of trees, particularly those of Beeches (Fagus) and Oaks (Quercus). The fruit-bodies are sometimes solitary but they usually come up in smaller or larger clusters, and two such clusters are shown in a Beech grove at Kew Gardens in Fig. 188. The pileus, when fully expanded, is about 1-5-2 -5 inches wide, but larger ones are not rare and I have seen one six inches wide (the left fruit-body in Fig. 189). The top of the pileus, when young, is reddish-bay ; but, in age, it becomes dingy tan-colour and is often speckled with numerous small dark spots and blotches as if it had been injured in some way. The stipe varies from about 2 to 6 inches in length and from about 0 • 25 to 1 inch in thickness ; and it is usually more or less fusiform (hence the specific name), being thickest in the centre, tapering somewhat upwards toward the pileus, and tapering greatly toward its base where it is attached in the soil. Its exterior w^all is reddish-brown and cartilaginous, and within it is at first fibrously stuffed, afterwards becoming somewhat hollow. The spores are colourless, small, and thin- walled ; and each one passes through all its developmental stages from its first origin to its dis- charge from the sterigma in about one hour and five minutes.^ 1 These Researches, Vol. II, 1924, pp. 44, 49, and 54. 374 THE PERENNIAL PSEUDORHIZA 375 Collybia fusipes, whose clustered fruit-bodies are so often seen over the roots of Beeches and Oaks in Europe and England, seems to be somewhat rare in North America. Mcllvaine and Macadam ^ state that in the West Virginia mountains it is frequent, but it is not recorded as occurring in North America by such experienced mycologists as Atkinson, 2 Kauffman,^ and Murrill.* Dr. R. E. Stone has informed me that he saw fruit-bodies of C. fusipes under a Beech {Fagus grandifolia) at Guelph, Ontario, in 1920 ; but Giissow and Odell ^ do not mention C. fusipes in their account of the mush- rooms and toadstools of eastern Canada. My colleague Dr. G. R. Bisby ^ and I have never found C. fusipes in central Canada.' All of the aiithor's observations on C. fusipes, about to be recorded, were made in England. Historical Remarks. — Bulliard,^ as shown by the illustration in his Plate 106, appears to have found the fruit-bodies in a cluster attached to something looking like a small sclerotium. In 1843, Leveille,^ in his Memoire sur le genre Sclerotium, called attention to Bulliard's illustration and gave the following account of the sup- posed sclerotium and of the origin of the fruit-bodies. " Agaricus fusipes Bull, grows in summer and autumn at the foot of trees, sometimes in groups and sometimes solitarily. Its structure is most curious. It is remarkable for its fusiform stipe deeply buried in the earth. Bulliard (PI. 106) appears to have found it on a sclerotium : this is a supposition ; but, as we have met with it ^ C. Mf] lvalue and R. K. Macadam, Owe Thousand American Fiuigi, Indianapolis, 1902, p. 116, Plate XXIX, A, No. 4. 2 G. F. Atkinson, Studies of American Fungi. Mushroov},'^, edible, poisoiious, etc., Ithaca, U.S.A., IfiOO. ^ C. H. Kauffman, The Agaricaceae of Micltigan, Lansing, IT.S.A., 1918. ■* W. A. IMurrill, in "The Agaricaceae," North American Flora, Vol. IX, 1910, p. 375 ; also Edible and Poisonous Mushrooms, New York, 191G. ^ H. T. CUissoAV and W. S. Odell, Mttshrooms and Toadstools, an Account of the more Common Edible and Poisonous Fungi of Canada, Ottawa, 1927. ® G. R. Bisby, A. H. R. Buller, and J. Dearness, The Funcji of Manitoba, London, 1929, p. 32. ^ It is possible that Colhjbia fusipes does not occur in Japan, as it is not mentioned in Shirai and Hara's ^4 List of Japanese Fungi, 1927. 8 P. Bulliard, Herbier de la France, Paris, 1782, Plate CVI. ^ J. H. Leveille, " ■Memoire sur le genre Sclerotium," .4?i?j. (Sri. iVa<., ser. 2, T. XX, 1843, pp. 228-229. 376 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI Fig. 188. — Collybia fii.slpes. Two clumps of fruit -bodies coming up on grass, each developing from a subterranean persistent pseudorliiza attached to one of the roots of the Beech tree. Photographed in Kew Gardens, natural size. Much reduced from THE PERENNIAL PSEUDORHIZA -^.^^ several times in this condition, we can believe that the tubercle from which Bulliard's fungi are springing is a true sclerotium. The existence of this sclerotium, however, is not constant ; usually the stipe is attached directly to dead roots or to old pieces of wood embedded in the earth. When one has observed the fungus in a certain place one year and one returns there at about the same time the following year, one almost always again finds individuals of the same species : if one then digs up the fungus carefully, so as to obtain everything that is attached to it, one sees an elongated, irregular, spongy, black body from which spring the new fruit- bodies. This body is not a sclerotium, but rather the stipe of the fruit- body of the previous year, which has served as the root-stock (souche) for new out-growths and which has fulfilled the functions of a sclerotium. In the following year, the stipes of the fruit- bodies of the second year serve in their turn as root-stocks, and so on, successively giving rise to new fruit-bodies ; in such a manner that an Agaricus fusipes which three or four years before had its stipe deejoly buried in the earth ends up by finding itself at the surface. This is the only example of growth of this kind that we know in the numerous families of the Mushrooms and Toadstools {Cham}Agno7is).''' More than three centuries ago, in 1578, Clusius, who was living in Hungary, was preparing to write his Brevis Historia — the first monograph on fungi ever published ; ^ and he conceived the happy idea of having a series of paintings made of those species which he wished to describe. He therefore engaged an excellent artist \\ho produced a series of eighty-seven water-colour drawings which are now known as the Codex of Clusius. This Codex, after having been lost for two centuries, was discovered in the library of the University of Leyden in 1874, and was published by Istvanffi at Budapest in 1900 as a tercentenary celebration of the publication of the first monograph on fungi. ^ Plate 78 of the Codex represented ^ Clusius, Fungonnn in Pdnnuuiid obserratoriaii hreris Historia, KiOl. 2 G. Istvanffi, A Clusius-C 'ode.r myJcologiai ineltatasa addtokkdl Clusiu.s ehtrajzahoz. Etudes et Commentaires sur Ic Code de VEscluse, augynentes de quelques notices bio- grajMques. Enricliis tie 22 figures et de 91 planches chromolithograpliiees, repro- ductions du Code de I'Escluse, Budapest, 1900, pp. 1--287, publislied by the Author in Magyar and French. 378 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI to Clusius, who had no scientific names for his fungi, the sixth species of the twenty-second genus of his Fungi perriiciales. As exactly reproduced by Istvanfifi, it gives us an excellent life-size coloured illustration of a group of seven Collyhia fusipes fruit- bodies, all arising from the top of a dark, rod-like, somewhat obconical body about 1-5 inches long and 0-4 inch wide at the top. There can be no doubt whatever that this body was dug up from the ground with the fruit-bodies to which it is shown attached, and that it was simply a stipe-base which had persisted from the previous year in the manner described by Leveille. It thus appears that the persistent stipe-base of Collybia fusipes, although not recognised as such, was observed and illustrated in its natural size in an admirable coloured drawing long before the time of BuUiard and Leveille, some 350 years ago. Fruit-body Clusters and their Pseudorhizae. — Without knowing of Leveille's observations, I rediscovered the attachment of the fruit-bodies of Collybia fusipes to the roots of trees in 1912, and only subsequently was my attention called to Leveille's paper written seventy years previously.^ I shall now give an account of my own observations on Collybia fiisipes which, so far as the persistence of the stipe is concerned, confirm and extend those of the French writer. It will be shown, however, that the supposed sclerotium is only a much modified stipe or combination of stipes, and is not a structure formed by the mycelium prior to the development of fruit-bodies. In the month of July, 1912, fruit-bodies of Collybia fusipes were found in Queen's Cottage Grounds, Kew Gardens, coming up in clusters upon the vegetable mould near the trunks of certain Oaks and Beeches. Under one large Beech were found nine clusters of fruit-bodies which were distant from the tree-trunk as follows : one 2 • 5 feet, four about 3 feet, one 5 feet, one 9 feet, and two about 12 feet. In general appearance the tree seemed healthy, for it bore an abundance of green leaves and no big dead branches. One or two branches, however, had been cut away, and the largest of these, which had projected from the trunk ten feet from the ground, ^ I am indebted to Mr. J. Ramsbottom for kindly calling mj' attention to Leveille's paper. THE PERENNIAL PSEUDORHIZA 379 was six inches in diameter. There was nothing to be seen at the time above-ground to indicate that the tree was in a moribund condition ; yet moribund it actually was. In August, 1914, I revisited the tree and found that the clusters of Collybia fusipes fruit-bodies on the ground round about the trunk were even more numerous than in 1912, for there were fifteen clusters instead of nine. Ten of these clusters were within 3 feet of the trunk, two about 5 feet distant from the trunk, and one 9 feet distant. The distances of the other two groups from the trunk, owing to an over- sight, were not recorded in my notes. The tree was now evidently suffering from disease, for the bark on one side of the trunk appeared to be going rotten and adventitious roots which had grown out here and there in its cracks were already dead. There were leaves on all the chief branches, but they seemed to be fewer than on neighbouring trees of the same size. About two years later (1916 ?), during my absence from England, the tree, on account of its dying condition, was cut down and removed. As we shall see, the gradual death of this tree was accompanied by an extensive destruction of its roots by the mycelium of Collybia fusipes, and the clusters of fruit-bodies which appeared above the roots year after year were nothing but the visible 'subaerial signs of the destruction of the tree's subterranean root-wood. When, in 1912, I beheld nine clusters of Collybia fusipes fruit- bodies scattered in the leaf -mould under the Beech tree as just described, it at once occurred to me that the fungus might be a root-parasite. I therefore carefully excavated the leaf-mould and soil covering the bases of several of the clusters. As a result I found that every fruit-body cluster was attached to a root. The mycelium of Collybia fusipes growing in the forest floor, therefore, is to be sought for not in the leaf-mould but in the wood of buried roots. One of the Collybia fusipes clusters which, at a distance of 12 feet from the Beech trunk, was attached to a stout Beech root, is shown one- third its natural size in the photograph reproduced in Fig. 189. The cluster was made up of five large fruit-bodies, the smallest of which had a pileus two inches in diameter and the largest a pileus six inches in diameter. The five fruit-bodies were all connected 38o RESEARCHES ON FUNGI at their strongly tapering bases with a curious dark swollen stroma- like fungal strand ; and this strand, in its turn and at a depth of about six inches below the general surface of the ground, was Fig. 189. — CoUubia fusipes . A group of fruit-bodie.s resembling those sliown in Fig. 188, after excavation. The fruit-bodies sjiring from a bhick, swollen, subterranean, i)ersistont psouilorhiza w liirh is attac-liocl to a rotten root of a Beeeh tree antl is lUrectod vertically upwards. The top of the root was about five and a half inches below the surface of the leaf-mould and soil. I'hotographed at Kew by Miss E. M. Wakefield and the author. Reduced to one- third the natural size. attached to a horizontal Beech root. The root was 1 • 5 inches in diameter, but was so rotten that, with but little difficulty, I was able to sever it with my penknife. On examining the root in transverse section, I could see that it was infected with the mycelium THE PERENNIAL PSEUDORHIZA 381 of the Collybia. The rotten wood was white. Upon the exterior of the root, the mycelium had formed a thin black crust which was continuous with the black outer covering of the stroma-like fungal strand to which the fruit-bodies were attached. The root was traced three feet toward the tree-trunk and found to be dead and rotten throughout this distance ; but it could not be followed any further owing to difficulties of excavation. Neighbouring roots interlacing above and below the rotten one were living and quite sound. The stroma-like strand connecting the Beech root with the fruit- bodies in the manner just described (Fig. 189) was, as comparative observations made upon many similar strands has taught me, nothing more or less than a swollen sympodium of persistent stipe- bases or pseudorhizae, representing the remains of two or three crops of fruit-bodies produced in as many years. In shape it was irregularly cylindrical-obconic. Its height was about 3 inches, its diameter at its base where it was attached to the root 0-3 inch, and its maximum diameter, 2-5 inches above its base, about 2 inches. From the swollen top of the persistent pseudorhizal strand arose the newly formed fruit-bodies, all attached to it by black and remarkably attenuated stipe-bases (pseudorhizae). The extreme basal parts of the new stipes were only 0 • 1-0 • 2 inch in diameter ; but, as the stipes passed upwards through some two or three inches of leaf-mould, they thickened out and finally attained a maximum diameter of 0-5-0-75 inch. Within each stipe were wavy parallel strands of fibres. In addition to the five large fruit-bodies, the cluster contained a number of rudimentary ones, which were attached to the top of the persistent stipe-strand but which had never pushed themselves up freely into the air. The upper parts of several of these rudimentary fruit-bodies appeared to be in a state of decay. A second fruit-body cluster, younger than that just described, was situated only 1 - 5 feet from the trunk of the Beech tree (Fig. 190, to the right). After the soil about its base had been removed, it was found that the fruit-bodies were all attached by means of a persistent pseudorhizal strand to a stout root which was oval in cross-section and which measured 5 • 5 inches from above downwards and 1 - 75 inches in width. In this instance the root, which was traced 382 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI right up to the tree-trunk, proved to be a buttress-root. Never- theless, it was quite dead and rotted to a considerable extent. Neighbouring buttress-roots were quite sound. The top of the *^«^ % Fig. 190. — Collybia fusipes. To the right, a cluster of young fruit- bodies springing from a massive compound pseudorliiza wliieli was attached to the top of a large buttress-root of a Beech in Queen's Cottage Grounds, Kew. To the left (somewhat dried) two fruit- bodies attached to a long thin root-like pseudorliiza. Natural size. root to which the persistent pseudorhizal strand was attached was buried 4 inches below the surface of the leaf-mould. The persistent pseudorhizal strand much resembled the one already described, for it was obconic in form, 3 inches high, 2 inches mde above, and attached to the root by a slender base. Upon its broad top there THE PERENNIAL PSEUDORHIZA 383 were situated about forty young fruit-bodies, the largest of which had a stipe that as yet was only 1 • 5 inches long and a pileus as yet only 0-7 inch wide. Doubtless, if the cluster had been left un- disturbed, only a few of the forty fruit-bodies would have completed their development and have shed spores, for I have observed that in all large mature Collybia fusipes clusters there are a few fully Fig. 191. — Collybia fusipes. A large fruit-body with a thin pseudorhiza of its own attached to an irregularly cylindrical persistent pseudorliiza which resembled a piece of rotten wood. Obtained above a Beecli root in Queen's Cottage Grounds, Kew. Natural size. expanded fiuit-bodies and a considerable number of much smaller, imperfectly developed, fruit-body rudiments. It is the rule, here as elsewhere in the Agaricaceae, that the fruit-body rudiments largely outnumber the fruit-bodies which are destined eventually to produce spores. In some clusters the bases of those fruit-body rudiments which are inhibited in their development appear to persist through the winter and, by undergoing a certain amount of renewed thickening, to add to the mass of the persistent pseudorhizal strand from which in the next summer the new fruit-bodies arise. 384 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI The persistent ftseudorhizal strands of fruit-body clusters attached to the roots of a number of trees other than the Beech above described were also examined. Some of them were several inches long, narrowly cylindrical in shape, and scarcely or not at all swollen at their tops (Fig. 190, to the left ; also Fig. 191) ; and, when thus constructed, they usually bore only one, two, or at most Fif!. 1!)2. — Colh/hiii fusipes. A black, massivo, spongy, compound pseudorhiza broken into five pieces. It doubtless took several yoais to form. A new crop of fruit-bodies is springing from its to|i. Found almost at the surface of the ground above a buttress-root of a Beech in Queen's Cottage (j rounds, Kew. Natural size. very few fruit-bodies. These particular strands resembled thin rotten roots in their form, blackness, and consistence to such a degree that they might easily have been taken for them. Indeed, I myself was deceived by the first one I found, but soon discovered my error. The Supposed Sclerotium. — Certain other pseudorhizal strands, instead of being obconic or cylindrical, were massive and irregularly rounded ; and they were usually seated upon buttress-roots just below the surface of the ground. One of them, which was seated THE PERENNIAL PSEUDORHIZA 385 upon the buttress-root of a Beech, was as large as a child's fist, blackish both without and within, and spongy in texture. After I had excavated it, I broke it up into five pieces all of which are shown in Fig. 192. This dark body appeared to be made up of a great number of irregularly fused, rather brittle, persistent stipe- bases or pseudorhizae ; and its formation was doubtless due to several years' growth. As it was black and spongy in texture, it resembled a sclerotium not a little ; and it was probably such a large black irregular structure as this that Leveille had in mind when he stated that the fruit-bodies of Collybia fusipes sometimes spring from a sclerotium. However, we ought not to regard such a structure as a sclerotium : firstly, because it is composed of basal parts of fruit-bodies and not of mycelium ; and, secondly, because there is no evidence that, if isolated from the root to which it is attached, it could independently produce any fruit-bodies. Doubt- less it contains a certain amount of reserve food materials ; but, in the main, it is not a food reservoir but only a conductor of food materials from the mycelium in the wood of the root to the new fruit-bodies which develop at its apex. Evidence that the Pseudorhiza Persists. — The evidence that goes to prove that the stroma-like fungal strand connecting a fruit- body cluster of Collybia fusij)es with the root of a tree is really a persistent pseudorhiza or sympodium of pseudorhizae is of two kinds : (1) field observations, which show that a cluster of fruit- bodies often comes up above a root at exactly the same spot where a cluster appeared the previous year, and (2) comparative observa- tions upon the structure of pseudorhizae. (1) Field observations. In 1916, Miss E. M. Wakefield and I made careful notes upon the positions of twenty Collybia fusipes fruit-body clusters which had come up above the roots of Beeches and Oaks in Queen's Cottage Grounds, Kew Gardens ; and, in order to find out whether or not new clusters would appear in 1917 at exactly the same places as clusters had appeared in 1916, we drove into the ground alongside of each cluster a long metal skewer. In 1917, on account of the war, I was unable to return to Kew, and Miss Wakefield was able to visit the skewers only once. This visit, which was made in early autumn, yielded positive results, VOL. vr. 2 c 386 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI for Miss Wakefield reported to me that she had found six new fruit- body clusters coming up close by as many skewers in exactly the same places as those in which their predecessors had appeared the previous year. The remaining fourteen skewers, with the exception of two or three which had B A vanished, were also visited, but no fruit-body clusters had as yet appeared by any of them. The six positive observations, however, strongly support the view that the pseudo- rhizae are persistent from year to year and give rise to successive crops of fruit-bodies. (2) Comparative obser- vations on the structure of pseudorhizae. A consider- able number of stroma-like strands connecting fruit- body clusters with buried roots were unearthed and carefully examined. In every instance their struc- ture was in harmony with the view that a stroma- like strand is either a simple or compound per- sistent pseudorhiza. Mode of Development of a Compound PseTidorhiza.—In order to follow the steps by which a compound persistent pseudorhiza is gradually built up, let us assume : (1) that a stout root of a Beech or an Oak bulled some inches beneath the surface of the ground has become infected with the mj^celium of Collybia fusipes, and (2) that the fungus i)lant is fruiting for the first time. The forms of many old compound pseudorhizae seem to indicate that often, in the first Fic . lit:}. — Cullybidjusipes. A, a vertical sect ion tliioiigli leaf-mould. /, and soil, *•, showing a small Beech root, r, to which a jiersistent subterranean [xseudorhiza, p, is attached. The pseudorhiza and root are rcpiesented as cut through in a vertical plane. The substance of the pseudorhiza is continuous with the sheet of mycelium m in the rotten root ; n, another very thin sheet of mycelium in the region of the cambium. B, anotiier drawing showing the root, r, and pseudo- rhiza, p, in longitudinal .section (the pseudo- rhiza for convenience in representation lias been bent through a right angle from its natural position shown in A) ; m and )i, .sheets of mycelium in the rotten root. Found in Queen's Cottage (i rounds, Kew, by Mi.ss E. M. Wakefield. Natural size. THE PERENNIAL PSEUDORHIZA 387 fruiting year, only one large fruit-body is sent upwards from the root to the surface of the ground. Let us assume that this has happened in the theoretical case under discussion. The single fruit-body Nv'ill consist of a pseudorhiza resembling the pseudorhizae of Collybia radicata, Coprinus macrorhizus, etc., already described in previous pages, an aerial stipe-shaft, and a pileus (Fig. 194, A). A first single fruit-body of this kind I have not as yet been fortunate enough to find. However, Miss Wakefield, when excavating a large fruit-body cluster attached to a buttress-root of a tree in Queen's Cottage Grounds in August, came across the solitary, un- branched, more or less obconic structure shown in Fig. 193. There can be no doubt that this structure, which was unearthed only by accident, was nothing more than the persistent jjseudorhiza of a single fruit-body, which had developed the previous year, which had persisted in the soil for about twelve months, and the apex of which had not as yet given rise to any new fruit-bodies. The pileus and aerial stipe-shaft, which the pseudorhiza had supported, had rotted away, and the top of the pseudorhiza itself had become healed over by a protecting surface layer of tissue. From the foregoing we may assume that, in the first year of fruiting, usually or often, one large fruit-body is sent upwards from a root (Fig. 194, A), and that this fruit-body, after sporulation, dies and rots away except for its subterranean pseudorhiza which persists through the ensuing winter (B). In the second year of fruiting, it often happens that the solitary persistent pseudorhiza of the first year produces several large fruit-bodies from rudiments which arise at or near its apex (C). Each of these new fruit-bodies has a pseudorhiza. These second-year fruit-bodies, after shedding their spores, die and rot away except for their jjseudorhizae which persist. Thus, in the second winter, the persistent subterranean structure consists of a central first-year pseudorhiza bearing a number of second-year pseudorhizae (D). In the third year of fruiting, some or all of the second-year pseudorhizae, in their turn, may give rise to new fruit-bodies (E). These, after sporulation, would die down leaving their living pseudorhizae behind (F). Thus, in the suc- ceeding winter, the subterranean structure would consist of a 388 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI sympodium of the stipes produced during the three preceding summers. In the fourth year of fruiting, one or more of the per- sistent third-year pseudorhizae would give rise to new fruit-bodies (G) ; and then these fruit-bodies and the subterranean sympodium THE PERENNIAL PSEUDORHIZA 389 of pseudorhizae might have an appearance like that found for the fruit-body cluster shown in Fig. 195. It is possible that the com- pound pseudorhiza under favourable conditions might function for even one or more further years. When in the first year of fruiting, instead of one fruit-body, several fruit-bodies are produced, several pseudorhizae persist through the winter ; and in the next summer several or all of these pseudorhizae produce new fruit-bodies ; and so on from year to year (Fig. 196). If, in such a case, the buried root is only about two inches below the siu-face of the ground, the pseudorhizae are all very short ; and there may be formed, in the course of several years, a black agglomeration of very numerous more or less laterally fused pseudorhizae, which may be more or less rounded peripherally and sclerotioid in general appearance. Such, doubtless, was the origin of the massive structure shown in Fig. 192 (p. 384). Its true nature was made out from vertical and transverse sections, and by com- parison with a series of persistent pseudorhizae which led by gi'adations to the simplest and most unmistakable forms. Lateral Grafting. — In an old compound pseudorhiza, one often finds that the persistent pseudorliizae of any one year have become irregular in outline, more or less tuberculate, and fused together laterally. This natural lateral grafting of pseudorhizae which were originally distinct appears to be due to a certain amount of renewed growth taking place in summers subsequent to the one in w^hich the pseudorhizae were originally developed. It was doubtless such renewed growth and fusion of many scores of Fig. 194. — VoUybia fasipes. A diagrammatic representation of the development of a compound pseudorhiza during a series of years. A, a fruit-body in the summer of the first year ; r, a Beecli root being rotted by the myceUum ; s, the general surface of the leaf-mould ; p, tlie simple pseudorhiza passing into a, tlie aerial stipe-shaft. B, the same fruit-body in the ensuing winter : the pseudorhiza alone is persistent. C, summer of the second year : the pseudo- rhiza has given rise to several new fruit-bodies, each of which has its own pseudorliiza. D, winter condition of C : the persistent pseudorhiza is now com- pound. E, summer of tlie third year : the compound pseudorhiza has given rise to several new fruit-bodies, each of which again has its own pseudorhiza. F, winter condition of E : the persistent pseudorhiza is now made up of the pseudorhizae of three successive generations of fruit-bodies. G, summer of the fourth year : new fruit-bodies are again being produced, but only from one part of the top of the pseudorliiza ; tlie numbers 1, 2, and 3 indicate the successive annual increments of growth of the compound pseudorhiza c. About two-thirds natural size. 390 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI pseudorhizae produced in successive years that brought into being the pseudorhizal mass shown in Fig. 192 (p. 384). Healing of Pseudo- rhizal Wounds. — It was discovered that, if apseudo- rhiza which has been freshly dug up from the ground is broken across and kept in a moist place, the wound heals up within a few days. The hyphae at the wound-surface turn brown and form a dark smooth layer resembhng that which one normally finds on the pseudorhiza's exterior. Such heaUng, Fig. 195. Collybia fusipes. A much elongated compound perennial pseudorliiza arising from a deeply -buried root of a Beech in Kew Gardens. I, leaf -mould made of Beech leaves ; s, soil ; r, a deep- seated root ; a, the pseudo- rliiza of the first-year fruit- body ; b, a pseudorliiza of a second-year fruit-body ; c, a pseudorhiza of a third-year fruit-body ; and d, a pseudo- rliiza of a fourth-year fruit- body. The root in which the mycelium was vegetating is represented here, for the sake of convenience, as only about 8 inches below the surface of the leaf -mould ; but its actual depth was about 12 inches. Clouds of spores are shown escaping from the pilei and being carried away by the breeze. One-half natural size. THE PERENNIAL PSEUDORHIZA 391 doubtless, also takes place under natural conditions, whenever an Fig. 19(3. — Collybia fu.sipc.s. (1) On the right, five fruit-bodies develojiing in 191G from one of several pseudorliizae which liave persisted since the summer of 1915. The 1915 fruit-bodies arose from the persistent (and now iriegiUarly swollen) pseudorhiza of a fruit-body wliich developed in 1914. Tlie pseudorhiza of the 1914 fruit-body is shown attached to a piece of wood wliich was part of a large decaying Beech root. (2) On the left, a living fungous mass consisting prol)ably of a 1914 pseudorhiza and three 1915 p.seudorhizae. It was found in 191(5 beneath the groimd attached to a Beech root. Had it been left undis- turbed, it would have given rise, doubtless, to a new set of fruit- bodies. Photographed in August, 191(5, at Kew by Miss K. M. Wakefield. Natural size. aerial stipe-shaft dies down and rots away leaving a bare irregular exposed surface at the top of the subterranean pseudorhiza. The 392 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI wound-tissue, with which the pseudorhiza heals itself, serves to keep bacteria and other small organisms from making their way into the interhyphal air-spaces and to conserve moisture in dry weather. The Mycelium and the Problem of Parasitism. — ^The continuity of a persistent pseudorhiza with the mycelium in the root of a Beech is well shown in Fig. 193 (p. 386) which is reproduced from a sketch made by Miss E. M. Wakefield. The root contained a paper-thin sheet of mycelium between the bark and the wood {n), and a thicker sheet of mycelium in the wood itself (m). With these sheets of mycelium the base of the pseudorhiza was in direct continuity. Moreover, Miss Wakefield found long tubes containing a dense liquid and therefore resembling latex vessels, not only in the pseudorhiza but also in both of the mycelial sheets. These observa- tions, as well as others which there is no need to describe, clearly show that the mycelium of Collybia fusipes inhabits the roots above which the fruit-bodies are found. In a few cases I observed that there was a sharp line of demarca- tion between the dead part of a buttress-root upon which the mycelium of Collybia fiisipes was feeding and the living sap-filled part a few inches nearer the tree-trunk. What was observed suggested that the fungus is parasitic on Beeches and Oaks, and that its mycelium is able to kill and destroy progressively even their stoutest roots. On the other hand, it might perhaps be argued that the fungus is nothing more than a saprophyte, and that it destroys roots progressively toward the tree-trunk only after they have died from other causes. To determine mth certainty whether or not Collybia fusipes. in addition to behaving as a saprophyte, may also behave as a parasite would require a detailed investigation such as I have not been able to make. It is possible that, if one inserted small pieces of Beech wood in which the mycelium was growing into a large sound root, the mycelium might grow into the wood of the sound root and kill the root as its hyphae advanced ; and, in a few successive summers, one might observe fruit-bodies coming up above the inoculated root and attached to it by pseudorhizae. If fruit-bodies were thus produced during two or three successive summers, one wovild doubtless find at the end of this time that the root had been killed and its wood destroyed for a distance of several THE PERENNIAL PSEUDORHIZA 393 feet. The rate of progress of the mycelium along the root per annum might then be calculated. If such a series of positive observations should one day be made, there would be no alternative but to regard Collybia fusipes as a destructive root-parasite. On the other hand, if inoculation experiments were to yield only negative results, we might be obliged to consider the fungus merely as an innocent saprophytic scavenger, which rots Beech roots and Oak roots only after these have been killed by some other agency. Here, then, is an attractive problem for the phytopathologist. The Functions of the Pseudorhiza and the Significance of its Persistency. — The pseudorhiza of Collybia fusipes has the same chief function as the pseudorhiza of Collybia radicata, Coprinus macrorhizus, etc., i.e. it serves as an organ for pushing upwards from the surface of the buried nutrient substratum (here a tree- root) through a non-nutrient medium (here soil and leaf-mould) to the surface of the ground the rudimentary stipe-shaft and pileus, thus enabling these parts of the fruit-body to expand subaerially. The pseudorhiza also (1) conducts food materials from the mycelium in the buried root to the stipe-shaft and pileus whilst these are developing subaerially, and (2) gives a certain amount of mechanical support to the aerial stipe-shaft and pileus, thus assisting these organs in taking up and maintaining their proper positions in space. Just as in Collybia radicata and Coprinus macrorhizus, the pseudorhiza of Collybia fusipes increases in length bj^ intercalary growth in a subterminal axial region which lies just below the rudimentary pileus and stipe-shaft. The upward direction of growth of the pseudorhiza is doubtless due to negative geotropism ; and probably the pseudorhiza, while able to grow in length freely in the dark soil, has its growth in length inhibited by light, so that the action of light regulates the length of the pseudorhiza and prevents this organ from emerging above the surface of the ground. In Collybia radicata and C. longipes the pseudorhiza is strictly annual and dies shortly after the fruit-body of which it forms a part has shed its spores, but in Collybia fusipes it is perennial. In having a perennial pseudorhiza Collybia fusipes, so far as is at present known, is not only unique in the genus Collybia but also unique among the Agaricaceae in general. 394 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI In having a pseudorhiza which is persistent and perennial, Collybia fusipes gains a distinct advantage, for thereby it economises fruit-body material and so, in the end, increases its output of spores. As we have seen, the mycelium lives in a buried root and produces new stipe-shafts and pilei subaerially each year. If the new fruit-bodies produced in successive years by a single mycelium were each to develop a full-length pseudorhiza stretching upwards from the buried root to the surface of the soil, a great mass of fungus material would be expended in pseudorhizal production that is actually saved by the first-formed pseudorhiza and its branches being persistent and perennial {cf. Fig. 195, p. 390). There can be but little doubt that the fungus material saved by using the same pseudorhiza over and over again in successive summers is applied to the production of additional or of larger fruit-bodies and, there- fore, to the production and liberation of millions of additional spores. Thus the persistence of the pseudorhiza of Collybia fusipes is a factor of considerable importance to the fungus in its struggle for existence. The annual pseudorhiza of Collybia radicata and the perennial pseudorhiza of Collybia fusipes are comparable wdth the annual fruit-body of Polyjwrus squamosus and the perennial fruit-body of Fomes applanatus respectively. The perennial pseudorhiza and the perennial polyporous fruit-body must be considered as having been derived in the course of evolution from their annual counter- parts in allied species, and therefore, as representing advances in specialisation and adaptation of structure to function. There can be no doubt that the persistence of the fruit-body in Fomes applanatus is a great economy and enables very many more spores to be produced than would be possible were it necessary to renew the fruit-body flesh in its entirety each year. Thus the persistence of the pseudorhizal portion of the fruit-body of Collybia fusipes and the persistence of the whole fruit-body in Fomes applanatus both serve to increase the number of spores produced and liberated, and therefore make for greater efhciency in the process of reproduction. Sarcoscypha protracta. — This Discomycete (Fig. 197), as already set forth in a previous Chapter, ^ resembles Collybia fusipes 1 This volume, pp. 239-240. THE PERENNIAL PSEUDORHIZA 395 in that its mycelium vegetates in buried roots and its fruit-bodies develop a perennial pseudorhiza. Now that the mode of origin of the fruit-bodies of C. fusipes has been described in detail, a 2 X T3 .-^^ S> 1Z CO 0(3 O C -1^ " »-4 OJ •■^ 2 *:3 «■«• c3 u 3 c8 * o3 Q_Ti ® J? 4S S £ C- M ^ « " hS .2 ^ "-O O cS .S -*^ O 73 ^ oci! ,:2 : J2 o £ ,3s v^ , ' ^ ^ CO 03 !» O ^ 2.ti 3 S 03-3 -Q "^ ® — -»^ ® ^^ i- " 03 " ..73 -„ O o p ® J, 03 03 - ^ _, 03 73 ? -tn ® ^ 73 .h f=H 396 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI comparison between the fruit-bodies of S. protracta and C. fusijjes can be made more readily. A solitary fruit-body of Sarcoscypha protracta attached by a pseudorhiza to a buried Beech root is shown in Fig. 116 (p. 240) and is strictly comparable with the solitary fruit-body of Collyhia fusipe-s attached to a buried Poplar root show^n in Fig. 194, A (p. 388). A persistent pseudorhiza which has branched in the second year is shown for Sarcoscypha protracta in Fig. 197, Nos. 3, 4, 5 and 6 from the left, and a similar persistent pseudorhiza is shown for Collyhia fusipes in Fig. 194, C (p. 388). A pseudorhiza in the third year, i.e. with primary, secondary, and tertiary parts, is shown for Sarcoscypha protracta in Fig. 197, No. 2 from the left, and a similar pseudorhiza is shown for Collyhia fusipes in Fig. 194, E (p. 388). The production of a perennial pseudorhiza in Collyhia fusipes and Sarcoscypha protracta, both of which have a mycelium which vegetates in buried roots, affords another example of two very diverse plants having become adapted in the same way to meet the requirements of a similar set of external conditions. Probably there are other Agaricaceae beside Collyhia fusipes, and other Discomycetes beside Sarcoscijjyha 2^rotracta, which have a perennial pseudorhiza ; but, if so, they remain to be discovered by further field investigations. CHAPTER III OMPHALIA FLAVIDA, A GEMMIFEROUS AND LUMINOUS LEAF-SPOT FUNGUS Introduction — OmpJialia flavida and the American Coffee-leaf Disease — Stilhum flavidum as a Stage in the Life-history of Omphalia flavida — The Structure of the so-called Stilbum-hody — The Omphalia flavida Sporophore — The Origin of the Stilbum-hodies — The Stilbum-hody as a Gemmifer — The Basal Curvature of the Pedicel and its Significance — The Sigmoid Curvature of the Pedicel and the Abscission of the Gemma — The Detachment of a Gemma from its Pedicel — The Attachment of a Gemma to a Leaf — Mode of Germination of a Gemma — The Effect of Desiccation on the Vitality of a Gemma — Inoculation Experi- ments with Living Leaves — Omphalia flavida as a Non-specialised Parasite — Sterility of the Mycelium Induced by Prolonged Cultivation on Artificial Media — The Effect of Light on the Formation of Gemmifers — Luminescence of the Mycelium and its Value as a Diagnostic Character of the Coffee-leaf Disease — The Gemmifers of Sderotium coffeicola. Introduction. — Oniphalia flavida is a Hymenomycete of peculiar interest in that : ( 1) it is a parasite which is able to attack the leaves of a great variety of plants ; (2) it reproduces itself not only by means of basidiospores but also by means of gemmae of unique structure (the so-called stilbum-hesids) ; and (3) its mycelium is luminous. Omphalia flavida and the American Coflfee-leaf Disease. — Omphalia flavida first attracted attention owing to the fact that, under very moist climatic conditions, it causes a serious leaf-spot disease of the Coffee tree (Figs. 198, 199, and 200). The disease has been reported from Mexico, Central America, the Antilles, Trinidad, Venezuela, Brazil, and generally throughout the coffee- growing region of America, ^ and it has therefore been called the American Coffee-leaf disease.^ ^ G. L. Fawcett, " Fungus Diseases of Coffee in Porto Rico," Porto Rico Agri. Exp. Station, Bull. No. 17, 1915, p. 11. 2 S. F. Ashby, " The Perfect Form of Stilbum flavidum Cke. in Pure Culture," Bulletin of Miscellaneous Information, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, 1925, p. 325. 397 398 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI The American Coffee-leaf disease, as it occurs in Porto Rico, has been thus described by Fawcett.^ " The disease is characterised by the occurrence on the leaves of small spots usually circular in outline, but sometimes ovate along the veins. The newer ones are very , „ _„ dark, the older ones •^■-^ light colored. The "^ spots are usually ^'^ about 6 mm. in diameter, although many of the older ones become 12 to 13 mm. in diameter. Sometimes they fuse or give entrance to other tissue-destroy- ing fungi which infect the interven- ing tissue, producing spots of considerable size. The worst affected leaves have from 30 to 40 or even more spots, so that a large propor- tion of the leaf tissue is destroyed. On the upper surface of many of the spots and also to some extent on the lower surface may be seen hair-like projections from 1 to 4 mm. long of a yellowish color, each bearing at the end a head so that they resemble minute pins. This is the reproductive or fruiting stage of the fungus [cf. Figs. 201 and 202, pp. 402 and 403]. Each spot produces a continuous crop of these hairs so long as weather conditions are favourable. The total 1 G. L. Fawcett, loc. ciL, pp. 11-12. Fig. 198. — A Coffee tree almost defoliated by Omphalia fldvida. Only tlie youngest leaves remain on the twigs. Photographed by G. L. Fawcett at the Mayagiiez Experiment Station, Porto Rico. OMPHALIA FLAVIDA 399 number at any time is small and in an entire season but from 20 to Fig. 199. — Leaf -spots caused by the mycelium of Ompludia flavida on Coffee leaves. Photographed by G. L. Fawcett at the Mayagiiez Experiment Station, Porto Rico. Reduced to about one-half the natural size. 50 are produced in each spot, judging from the number of old filament bases. The largest number observed was 70 in a spot of 400 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI 7 mm. diameter. As the leaf-spots become older, growth having stopped for any reason, such as the advent of the dry season, the diseased tissue falls away, leaving numerous circular open- ings in the leaf. In other leaf diseases the dead tissue remains. " Sometimes the fun- gus attacks young stems, where it causes conspic- uous scars and so weakens the points affected that they are easily broken by the wind. The berries also are attacked, a slight dis- coloration of the grain being frequently caused." In Porto Rico the disease is restricted to the moister parts of the island, but there the best coffee is produced. The trees with leaf-spots yield fewer berries. " The injury to the trees," says Fawcett, " is not so much in the actual amount of the leaf tissue destroyed, although this may amount to one- fifth or even more of the entire amount in the worst cases, but in the defoliations which take place after a time. The diseased leaves drop Fig. 200. — A Coffee leaf sliowing leaf-spots caused by the mycelium of Omphalia flavida. Each spot has arisen from a gemma, pre- sumably blown on to the leaf by the wind or splashed on by the rain. The spots, apparently, have not yet produced any gemmifers. They are luminous in the dark. Photographed by G. L. Fawcett at the Mayagiiez Experiment Station, Porto Rico. About the natural size. OMPHALIA FLAVIDA 401 sooner than those not affected and, owing to the weakened condition of the tree, are not soon replaced. After the first severe attack, the base of each tree may be seen surrounded by a pile of green leaves several inches deep. The disease never kills the trees. They live on with scanty foliage and are able to put forth new growth and bear a small amount of berries each year." The tiny yellow pin-like fruiting structures described by Fawcett as projecting from the surface of the leaf-spots are the so-called stilbum-hodies. A stilbum-hody never produces any spores ; but, when fully formed, its head, often called a stilbum-head, is readily detachable (c/. Figs. 205, A, p. 408, and 213, C, p. 424). " The fungus," says Fawcett, " is distributed by the heads at the ends of the filaments being caught by the wind or rain-drops and carried to near-by leaves, a process facilitated by the heads becoming loosened in the older filaments through the formation of cavities or ' lacunae ' near the point of attachment. The head is soon fastened to the leaf on which it happens to fall by the numerous threads which it sends out at the point of contact. Within less than a week a dark circular spot is formed and new filaments appear and new loosely attached heads are formed on these by means of which the spread of the disease is continued." Recently Briton- Jones ^ has attempted to control the Coffee-leaf disease by heavy pruning followed by the removal of all the re- maining leaves and by manuring and cultivation to induce the subsequent production of vigorous new growth. Stilbum flavidum as a Stage in the Life-history of Omphalia flavida. — In 1880, some diseased Coffee leaves were sent to M. C. Cooke 2 from VenezAiela by Dr. Ernst. On some of the coloured spots Cooke found the perithecia of Sphaerella cojfeicola ^ and on others the tiny yellow Stilbum-like fruiting structures of another fungus which he called Stilbum flavidum. In some of the spots the two 1 H. R. Briton-Jones, " Control of the American Leaf Disease {Omphalia flavida) on Arabian ColTee in Trinidad," Memoirs of the Imperial College of Tropical Agri- culture, Trinidad, Mycological Series, No. 2, 1930, i^p. 1-8. 2 M. C. Cooke, " The Coffee Disease in South America," Journ. Linn. Soc, Botany, Vol. XVIII, 1881, pp. 461-467, PI. XVIII, Figs. 1, 5, 6. ^ According to E. J. Butler (Note on Cooke's type specimens at Kevv, 1915) Sphaerella coffeicola is a Didymella, for its perithecia contain paraphyses. VOL. VI. 2 D 402 RESEARCHES ON FUNGI fungi grew together. The heads of the s{ilbum-})od'iQS, as we have seen, serve to spread the American Coffee-leaf disease. Fig. 201. — Two Nerium Oleander leaves infecte;! witli tlie mycelium of 0»iph