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Given by Rev. Levin Wilson, Septemher 24, 1896, at

THE Knou'les Reunion, Near Mounts,

Gibson CoUxNtv, Indiana.

Princeton, Indiana: PRESS OF THE CLARION. ' 1898.







|X THE WINTER of 1S95 and 1S96. Eli W. Knowles, * of Mounts, conceived the idea of a reunion of the Knowles fanrilv som.,- time in 1S96, and talked the mattcr

over with the relatives living in tliis section of our coun- trv. And finallv a meeting was called at the residence of Enos A. Kninvles. A dozen or more m<'t and formed an organization. Eli W. KnowU's was chosen chairman of the organiza- tion and John \V. Knowles j secretary. It was vot^d ! that some able man be se- lected to deliver a historical address. Rev. Levin Wil- son was unanimousl}' se- lected tor that duty. This was a high compliment to his unequaled historical knowledge of the Knowles family ol North America. Tlie woodland of John L. Knowles, a halt


*JonN W. Knowles.— Democrat. Abolition, last a Republican. Mv

'reli-ion is, be honest and truthful, do unto others as you would have them

do t'o vou, read the Bible and let vour dailv walk conform to its teaching.

Born "in Gibson countv. Indiana. August iSth, 182^.. Married Rachel C.

Carter. ]uuc .Mst. 1^5;,.


mile west of Mounts Station, on branch of E. &: T. H. R. R., was selected as the place to hold the reunion, and September 24th the time.

Everything necessary for the occasion was arranged and every Knowles whose address we could ascertain had been notified. The 24th of September came and was as beautiful a day as could he desired. By ten o'clock one thousand or more people were on the ground. Eight states were repre- sented. A half hour was spent in social chat and hand- shaking, when it was presumed time to commence the pro- gram that had been arranged. The audience was called to order by the chairman and the choir rendered some nice and appropriate music. Then Uncle Asa Knowles, of Kan- sas, offered a fervent prayer, after which the moderator made a verv touching- address of welcome and the origin and importance of family reunions. Aa the close of the chairman's very able address, Rev. Levin Wilson was called who responded to the call by stepping to the front of the platform, and, in one of his most happy and pleasing moods, delivered the following historical address.

John W. Knowles.



Abolitionist, Prohibitioni-^t, and minister of the Gospel. Was born januarv 6th, 1S20.



Given' i;v Rev. Le\'ix Wilson, Sei'Temt-ek 24, 1896, at


GiHSoN CouN TV, Indiana.

Mr. /^rcs/doit ^ Kuozj/rs and Friends:

I teel lionoretl \o appear upon this plattoi'in as youv speaker, thoui^h feeling mv incomj:>etencv.

It lias often been said there is nothing in a name. But this is not alwavs true. Some names have much sijTnifi- cance as showing the ch;iracter or condition of the person or persons to whom it was tu'st applied. This is true of the name Knowles, thi^ proper orthographv of whicli is K-N-o-w-i.-E-s, not as som<\ K-n-o-l-e-s. aiul otlu-rs, N-o-l-e-s, and hail its existence in the formation of the English language, and from it the woi'd knowledge draws its primarv make-up. The word Knowles having formerly represented the great and wise, has lai'gely contributed to the present signitlcation of know^ledge. The name ante- dates historv and was evidently tlrst given to a class or pro- fession, and not to a family or individual, conveying the pertinent signification of "knowing ones." «

As civilization advanced and its elevating influence spread over the country, and the light of the sun of righteousness had illuminated the minds of the people, and barbarism had passed away and the roasting of war victims ceased, the Knowles family diflused themselves through the country, each seeking the locality best adapted to his avocation. Some came to America at an earlv dav, one familv, at



least, settling in Connecticut ; and some years ago we had a New England Knowlcs to preacli in this section of country!

At this point in the telling of our story, mention will be made of several persons wearing the honored name of Knowles. James Sheridan Knowles was a noted author and dramatist. He, however, performed the noble act of forsaking the stage for the pulpit. His father, James, was master of lano-uaire. an eminent teacher of elocution, and author of a dictionarv. Mr. Simon Knf)wles was born in Connecticut in 17S6. He married in 1S02 a girl of tlfteen, and lived in Meredith, N. Y.. from iSiS up to the time that he was ninet^'-nine years of age, at which_ time lie could half-sole a shoe as quickly and neatlv as any man. He served through the war of 1S12, fur which he received a pension of eight dollars a month. His wife, after having lived with him eicrlitv vears, died at the age of ninety-five. The name shows that Richard Knowles. of T^Iarietta, Ohio, was a member in common of the great lamily of Knowles. He was a sliip carpenter and kcelboater. He was at New INf;idrid when it sunk during the great earthquake of iSii and saved his life bv clinging to the branches of a tree. He afterwards became a farmer and settled near Fairfield, 111., where he died not many years since. I will mention John H. Knowles, who had a common origin with us all, a prominent business man of Fremont, Neb., wiio is now East attendincr to business affairs.

I now brincr before your minds Tames D. Knowles, who was pastor for seven years in Boston. His preaching was of a sublime as well as edifying character. He was pro- fessor of sacred rhetoric for some tim.e in Newton, Mass. And last, but not least in this miscellany of names, I call up the natural and true poet, Herbert Knowles, who died before his feet had walked through his twentieth year, and give a sample of his composition :

"The first tabernacle to hope we will build, And look for the sleepers around us to r)«e ! The second to faith which insures it fuKiIled; And the third to the Lamb of the preat sacrifice. Who bequeathed u;- them both when he rose to ihe skies."


In giving the histor}- of any family the surroundings make it necessary to give a partial history of other families. Especially is this true in America, where they marr}' and intermarry in all families and amono- all nationalities.

The Knowles and Marvel families have loner been con- nected. Both were English. Andrew ^Marvel was a mem- ber of Parliament about the middle of the seventeenth cen- tury and did his whole duty. There was not gold enough in the Kino-'s exchequer to make him swerve from the right. He was an author and poet of considerable note. It is a well known fact that the ^Marvels and Knowles came at or about the same .time, constituting a part of the colony of Sussex county, Delaware. The Marvels turned tlieir atten- tion to the raising of peaches and fine horses. From the first they made their brandy which became an indispensible article for the tamily and for public gatherings. They were fond of a well-trained saddle horse and in their esti- mation speed was an addition to his other good qualities. And no youno- man in all that country rode a finer horse and more richly mounted saddle than did David Marvel, who was himself dressed in the finest blue broadcloth.

There was also living in the same country a wealthy French family bv the name of Prettyman, whose daughter was the prettiest girl in all the land. To her, after obtaining the consent of her parents, young David made suit and Miss Comfort Prettyman became the wife of David Marvel. Their family occupied the front in society, being composed of dau'j-hters, with only one son who was born in 1760, and they named him Prettyman. This boy when he grew to manhood was very small and an expert rider of race horses which he made profitable as a business. And when he wished a wife he sought and obtained the hand of Miss Lavina Rogers, whose near relative was Governor of Dela- ware. His cousin Elisha married her sister Orpha.

All \yho have tried it will agree that finding dates for the past happenings is not only a tedious but a laborious busi- ness. We have readily arrived at tlie fact that a large fam-



ily ot Knowles' mij^rated from England to Delaware durincr the first part of the eighteenth century. So far anything more definite has not been obtained. After a careful research the first name of the head of the famih' remains in obscurity. However, there was a son in this famih- who was strong and ambitious and by his recklessness got a name which has come down throui{h the <renerations to the present time. Dissatisfied with the peaceable surroundings, and feeling as if he were the equal of half a dozen Indians in morlal combat, he crossed over and joined the \'irginia

ai'm\- in a war ot exttM^mina- lion of tlic Indians. lint h" soon returni'd >alistied v>ith his sojourn in the vir- irin land, leaving for a nis^mento a piece of his brain covering, and had inserted instead llu-rrof a sheet of silver. lie stands first in the historv of the family with a given name, and there are none of his numer- ous descendants but what will remember to refer back to old Silicr/iead Kiunvhs. After his Virginia lesson he became more sober in his habits and proved himself worthy of the respect and confidence of all who knew him. Me was noted for intelligence and integrity. He married a lady of distinction, said to be of Swedish extraction. She was an excellent wife and he proved to be a worthy husband. They raised a lamily of honorable notoriety. Thev had a son of whom it was said that he was

*Nathan Knowles. Democrat; b-.-k)n.u'ed to no c'.iurcli orc.xnization, believed them all wrong. Born June 17, 179.V in Delaware. Married Tem- perance Boren in 1S22. Died at Knowles Station. Indiana. February 2. 1S92.



a perfect pattern of humanity, not onl}^ in the figure and make of his body, but in a well-balanced mind and sterling moral qualities. His name was Richard. He obtained one of those hardy, energetic Finnish ladies for a wife. She possessed a large portion of that religious culture for which the people of her country were noted at that time. She bore him several children, named Richard, Zechariah, Edmund, and Prudence. (The Noles of Posey county, Indiana, are descendants of Zechariah). After her death he married a second wife, said to be a sister of his former one. She bore him Thomas and James. The last men- tioned was born May 9th, 1757. In him is first manifested' the head of this grand and happy throng before me to-day. Richard and boys joined to their larming the business of logging, which gave them plent}- of work at all seasons ot the year and added something to tlieir yearly income.

Youno- lames, when he arrived at manhood, looked upon Patience, a d^iuo-hler of David Marvel, who was born Jan- uarv ^i, I7=i8, a o'ood iivA and one who was admired bv all that were so fortunate as to obtain her acquaintance, and loved her. And by the consrnt of her parents she becam-^ his wife in the twenty-first year of his age. For about seventeen years, in the land of their nativity, they lived happily and toiled hard for a plentiful support. There was born unto them six sons and one daughter who were named Preltvman, James, Eddy, Jesse, Comfort Marvel (for her grandmother) , and Nathan, who died in infancy and was buried in Delaware. There followed June 17, 1795, the birth of another son and they called him Nathan. They now had upon their hands an increasing family, with enlarged expenses, without the corresponding growth of an income.

The unsurpassable climate of Georgia and the adaptability of her soil to the cotton plant was everywhere known. The excitement- produced by the invention of Eli Whitney m 1793 of the famous saw cotton gin, was well-nigh universal. The crlow of cotton enamored the farmers. They saw



tlirou£[-h it the sure and immediate way to wealth. Amoncr those affected were Prett3'man ^Marvel and James Knowles ; these determined to leave the Diamond state for the Empire state of the South.

During the summer of 1795, James and Patience prepared to leave the land of their nativity, and when the autumn leaves had changed their hues and the noon rays tell more obliquely, they packed their goods and at the appointed time their wagon moved off through the adjacent part of MarN'land to the Chesapeake Ijay. They boarded a schooner which had been previously engaged. The Captain said, "I insure safe passage to all."' So, according to promise, he landed them safely on the \^irginia shore. An incident occurred on board the vessel which was alarming. Jesse, who was always a venturesome and risky tellow, beincr about seven years of ag'e, was missed, which created some excitement ; but lie was discovered standing outside ol the boat on a margin of less than a foot. One of the sailors ordered all to keep quiet and said he would save the child. He approached him by saying, "Little boy, yoa have a pretty place I will go and stand with you," and when near enough he took hold of him and took him into the ship. They took their long and tedious journey through Virginia and the Carolinas into Greene county, Georgia, hfteen miles from Greensborough, the county seat, and sixty miles north of west from Augusta.

James and his taithful wife settled down apparently satis- fied for life. They found many things plenty and conven- ient. But he, being a Presbyterian of the strictest and purest type, had no church privileges nearer than the county seat, where, however, he often spent the Sabbath "with a multitude that kept holy day." Patience, his loved and loving wife, was never known to utter a word against his theory of religion ; but could, as she conceived, see much in the various church organizations which was contrary to the spirit of Christ, and of a selfish character. She preferred not to join any of them, feeling that slie had "joined herself

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to the Lord in a perpetual covenant that shall not be for- gotten " She was baptized in infancy and was fully satis- fied with her relations to the new Covenant.

Their surroundings as well as the pleasantness of the famih' rendered all happy. And in the midst of general prosperity, on the 25th of October, 1797, another son came and they called him Ephraim, a name properly applied, for it signifies fruitful. James and Patience were faithtul in their house, for notwithstanding tlie great pressure upon their time to provide for so large a family, they remembered the moral and spiritual need of their children and gave them all to the Lord in the holy ordinance of baptism, and as regular and certain as the first day of the week came they were thorouirhlv catechised. Bv this means they had stored in memory a tair knowledge of the scriptures and a strong system of theology, which no doubt exerted a wonderful influence in giving to all these sons and the daughter the unprecedentedly high moral characters which diey pos- sessed.

Time passed on and there was added to their family two more boys, Eli and Asa, which made eight living sons. Yet they became somewhat dissatisfied, which feeling daih' increased. For they very soon, to their sorrow, learned that they had made a poor exchange of countries. Dela- ware was a plain without hills and retained the fertility ot her soil with an increasing ratio, while Georgia was hills without a plain and two or three years' cultivation exhausted her soil.

Prettyman Marvel and James Knowles were not only near relatives by marriage, but great friends, diflering somewhat in their religious views, yet they were just what the spirit of Christ always makes, ov?^;^ men. They had the utmost confidence in each other and did not wish to be far separated. So we find that Prettyman, with his increasing family, tinder like influences with those of James and actuated by similar motives, went down into Georgia, taking with him David, the son of his sister. Prudence, and Richard


Knowles. junior. Tlie two friends were neighbors in Geortfia.

David Knowles was small and resembled his uncle, ph3'S- icallv and mentally. There was in that countr}^ a ^^oung ladv bv the name ot Xancy Piper whose industr}-, energy, and perseverance knew no bounds. David formed her acquaintance and she beeame his wife. Unto them were born two sons. After this, under the influence of his uncle, whom he lo^•ed and obeved as a father, lie gathered liis stulT and familv and left with him for Indiana J^ut v>hen in

Kentuckv, unpleasant ru- mors met them from beyond the Ohio River. So they hailed and remained until two more sons were gi\en unto tliem, and in the spring of 1812 the\' came into In- diana, stopping tor a lew \-ears in another locality, and then came into this neighborhood and made their final home upon the Fisher farm, near where the Black Ri\'er f^^chool house now stands. In this state thev had an addition to their familv o( four boys girls, making twelve in all. named ^Villiam, (for his grandfather, Richard Knowles), Archibal. Betsv, Comfort, John, David, TIenrv. Permelia, and Logan, These all grew to manliood and wom;inliood and liad families ot their oun, except Permelia, who died a maiden lady. This lamih- helped largely to remove the wilderness of the


and t'oni Ricliard Marvel, Lavina,

*.^SA Knowi-fs. Democr.it; Cumberland Preshvtcrian; of almost tinboimdec] ambitions and firmness. When ho formed his opinions lie was immovable. 15orn March ;th. iSo:;, in Georgia. Xow lives near Q^iincv, Kansas.


I country, for they were industrious to a fault. They, how-

l ever, scattered into various parts of the country. But I

I rejoice with you to knov/ that a number of their descendants

I are with us to-day.

I Prettyman was like James things were not satisfactory,

and, to use his own language, he "had enough of Georgia." I l^hey heard niiinv things favorable of Indiana, which at that

! time embraced Illinois. After a lono- and serious consulta-

I tion, circumstances being such that James could not leave

I at that time, it was determined that Prett\'man should make

the venture, fullv assured that if their circumstances were I not bettered thev would not be worsted. So he gathered

up his goods and family and left for the Northern wilder- ness, meeting with many trials and hardships such as bear heavil}^ upon the very soul of man. Yet this man of taith as well as works pressed forward through all obstacles, tor morniniT and evenin<f the sweet incense of prayer arose trom 1 his tent to God. But evil tidin(js came out of the North.

( and floods of water retarded their journev. ^o to be sate

i - ,

I every way the}- stopped through the summer ot 1809 in

j Kentucky. But in the fall thev came over into Indiana

j and pitched their tent near "Old l-'ort Branch," where they

i remained until the spring of 1S12, when they, atier having

I first prepared a cabin, came upon the tarm now owned b\'

our worthy citizen, Samuel Mar\el, just across the wa\' south

of where we now are.

Prettyman, having left some business unfinished, in the

fall of 1810 returned to Georgia, settled up his affairs,

arranged with James to come the next fall, and came back,

Jesse Knowles and wife coming with him. Their goods

were all packed upon the back of an old horse ; the wife,

with a babe in her arms, was seated on top of them, while

Jesse walked in front. Thus they made their way through

to this country. On their leaving, James took his boy by

tlie hand and said: "Jesse, be a good boy and always do

as your uncle tells you, for he will tell you nothing wrong."

I And some account for his strong prejudice in tavor of the



Methodists upon this ground, his uncle being one. The children of Prettj^man and Lavina were John, Patience, Comfort, Prettyman, James, Wile}-, Elizabeth, Nancy, and Georcre.

Now there was a certain Robert Montgomery, a good- hearted Presbyterian, who attended the same church in Georgia that James Knowlcs did. He came over to Indiana in advance and was making his home with a Mr. Moore, near Patoka River, but when he heard of the arrival of the Knowles' and Marvel's, lie came down amon^f them He was one t)f those tellows who was alwavs handy when about and would as soon help the girls milk as not. So, being at Prettyman Marvel's, he was out assisting the girls in milking and, without seeking an}- particular opportunity, when seated upon a stump, holding the calf bv the ears while Patience milked, he poj^ped the question b}^ saving, "Pacie, will you milk my cows?" She answered, "No, I won't m.ilk your cows, Yobin." But iifler a more sober thought she was hot satisfied with her answer, and she said, "Say that agahi, Yobin." "Say what?" he replied. "That you said awhile ago." "Pacie, will you milk mv cows?" "Yes, Yobin, I will milk your cows." So in a few weeks the Methodist preacher came around and, without legal authority, they were made husband and wife. This took place in 1S12 and was the iirst marriage in the neighbor- hood, and the only one which was whollv in the Lord. Robert was a soldier in the v/ar of 1S12, and in after vears when his widow applied for a pension she failed, because no record of their marriage could be found ; until Nathan Knowles, the only li\ing witness, went forward and testified to the above facts.

Prettyman, the oldest son of James, accompanied his father to a meeting about forty miles f-om their hom.e, and while there he saw and made the acquaintance of a INIiss Martha Greer, who was said to be the prettiest girl in the state. This was before Daguerreian picture-taking was in fashion, therefore they could not exchange. Nevertheless,


I ;

the image of Miss Greer was so implanted upon the very

soul of Prett\'man that he could look no way but what she

was facing him ; in short, he loved her. And as he took

much pride in having the prettiest as well as the best, m a

proper manner he privately signified the desires of his heart

to her. And when she looked upon his manly form, his

beautiful blue eyes, fair complexion, and ivory teeth, she

neither had nor wished for power of resistance, and he

became her husband. They constituted the head of a large

family. There was born unto them in Georgia three sons

and one daugliter.

There is a crreat difference in the circumstances which are

brought to bear upon men, causing them to choose their

destinv for life. Miss Anna Reed came to James Knowles'

to assist Comfort in doing the work, and a noble hand she

was. She also understood the art of being attractive without

any great ctTort, and in the eyes of young James she was

truly lovely. She became his wife and to them were born

- - *

a son and daughter in the state of Georgia.

Eddy Knowles disliked a little stingy act, especially if he was the sufferer. It came to pass that he and one ot his brothers were working for some well-to-do people and tliey gave them very fat meat and sour milk to eat. The tolks were very religious and always had "grace" at the table. So it came around Eddy's time to say "grace" and he did what verv few could do. In a very solemn way he raised his hand and said : "Glory be to thee, oh fat. The fat has lost its lean, and I will swear, by my old hat, the milk has lost its cream. Amen." The grace had the desired etTect, for without an apology lean meat and sweet milk were served at the next meal.

p:ddy married Miss Nancy Fitzpatrick. She proved to be a woman of much endurance, for she walked all the way from Georgia to this country. It became necessary for them to start for the North before the others were ready. So they packed their goods upon the back of a horse and the shoulders of a negro, and for their defence he took his

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gun upon his shoulder. His wife walked by his side, the negro and horse in front, and a big dog behind. It was after this style they made their wa}^ to Indiana and settled the quarter section of land upon which Mr. Lemuel Weldon now lives. It was here he made the model red elm pole lence. He sold this improvement to Mr. Samuel Mont- gomery, who was afterwards justice. He then bought the tract southwest of Black River scliool house, where he raised a famiU^ of nine children : Ezekiel, Solomon, Patience, Jackson, Patsy, Lorenzo D.. Ruth Ann, John R.,

and Priscilla. He cut some timber upon a little girl and killed her, and in after years his son, Solomon, killed his little brother after the same manner. Two sad acci- dents in the same family.

Comfort M., the only daughter of James and Pa- I ticnce, was married to Joshua Wilson on the gth of April, 1S07. He was a farm superintendent and had but few equals in his business To them were born a daughter and a son in Georo-ia. In irettinsr


ready to come to this country he swapped a woman and child for a horse to work in his cart. The woman was con- sidered of more value than the horse ; the remainder was paid in money years afterward.

All things being ready, about November 1st, iSii, James and Patience Knowlcs, having condensed their propert}-, procuring all the money possible Patience, with the liousc-

*JoHX L. Knowles. Democrat; no church member, but a firm beh'ever in the Christian reh"gion: a hard worker; a mar. who alwavs attended strictiv to his own business and left' evervone free to do the same thino-.




hold goods, in the wagon, the tour boys afoot, and James on "the near horse" moved otT and left Georgia forever.- Then followed Pretty man with his cart, wife and tour chil- dren. After them came James with his cart, wife and two children. The son-in-law brought up the rear with his cart, wife and two children. Besides this family of twenty, two or three young m.en came with them. The\- traveled slowly, but each day shortened the distance. They passed through the Cherokee Indian country and found them friendly, willingly furnishing them with all the provision needed. The Indians were "sharp" and as well posted in reo-ard to the value of eatables as the Knowles\

They met with som.c mishaps in the mountain region by turnincr over and breakincj down carts. I'ut thev were pre- pared for almost anv emergency with tools and a knowledge of how to use them. They were an independent traveling communitv, doing their own cooking, sleeping on their own beds, Iraving their own camp-tires. They were not destitute of morals, for their head was a Presbyterian elder and the Sabbath was remembered by them. However, one Sunday as they were camped some wild fowls settled on a tree near by, and he said, "Nathan, get the gun and shoot one." He obeyed and down came the bird. The boy, with fowl in hand, approached his father and said, "This will be good, for I killed it on Sunday." Thus the old man was reproved, for he had given the order without thinking it was the Sabbath.

They had two objective points, Nashville and the Red Banks. Before reaching the first, upon Lookout Mountain, part of their company were below in the midst of a hard rain storm while the others were above in the beautiful sunshine. Having reached Nashville, they replenished their stock of provisions, crossed the Cumberland River, .and for many miles had a fine road which was highly appreciated by them. The weather was mild and pleasant and they were healthy, full of life and hope.

However, the warmth of their glee was cooled on hearing




of the battle of Tippecanoe, on November 5th, where many were slaughtered while it was yet dark, b\' Tecumseh's Indian warriors, marshaled under the Prophet ; and the herald reported that "it was owing to the imbecilit}^ of General Harrison who was made the dupe of the Prophet." Some one brought up a proposition to stop in Kentucky, but it was at once voted down, sa^-ing, "We started for Indiana and to Indiana we will go." They slowly but perseveringh' traveled on until the Red Banks were reached and in full force the Oliio River was crossed, and at evening tide ot December i6th thev encamped upon its northern shore, the very bordc-j- of the "promised land."

That night they were called lo\vitness, as a remembrance, the earth reel to and fro like a drunken man. It was the time of tlie great earthquake of 181 1. James, senior, as he la}- in his wagon, wa^ aroused h\ the shaking and, hearing others up, said, "Jimmy, I wisli y(^u would scare the hogs awa}' from my wagon, for thev are sliaking it ternblv." A young Mr. Reed, wlio was sleeping b}- the lire, on awaking cried out, "The chairs are at it, too." Thi^ was one of the times tlie Knowles' were much frightened, but soon prepared and ate their first breakfast in Indiana, and with jrreater haste tlian usual took up the line of march.

A few miles brought them to a i\Ir. Wagoner's, where to their great joy the}' met Jesse Knowles and John Marvel, who came to micet them and pilot them. to Old Fort Branch, and late in the day of the 17th of December, 181 1, to the jov of all, they arrived at Prettyman Marvel's. Alter a dav's rest they came down here, by way of Mr. Walter Montgom- ery's, and about eighty rods from where we are to-dav^ on this quarter section of land, they built their cabin of poles, of which there were plentv, and procured some provisions irom Mr. Nicholson, who resided where our esteemed friend and relative, John L. Knowles, now lives. Pie gave them all the pumpkins they- wished, of which he had plenty uninjured by the frost. It was here in a dense forest, sur- rounded by howling wolves, screaming panthers and grunt-

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ing bears, they spent their first Christmas in Hoosier land, with thoughts running back to the Cross and the redemption of the world by it,

James and bovs cleared some ground and in the spring planted it in corn, which produced a large crop, and trom straw brought with them a grain of wheat was taken and planted, which yielded many fold, and in a few years of careful planting and harvesting gave them all the wheat they wanted and supplied the whole tamih'. The grain was verv small, almost round and white. It was a small begin- ning, but, like the Knowles', increased prodigously. They built a better round lotr cabin, in which thev were more comfortable, and at"terwards a neat hewed log house, with a good and nice iloor made of white wood puncheons, dressed -and prepared by Nathan, who was an expert with the broadax. The root" was made of shingles eighteen inches lon<r, rived and sluived bv hand, each one fastened with a wooden pin. All the holes for the pins were bored with a bit owned bv Josiuui Wilson. The house had a porch on the south side. Thev made brick and built th.e chimney.

They were now fixed for comfortable living, but PatiePiCe, who had svmptoms of consumption years before leaving Geortfia, fell a victim to that dreadful disease Mav ^\.h, 1817. Siie was placed in a coffin of' native black walnut, the lumber of which was sawed by hand. The lid was self- fasteninu". The cotbn was made bv that expert workman. Judge Thomas Alcorn, and in ever\' respect neatly finished, for which he chartred three dollars. Her funeral was preached by the Rev. James McGready, an eminent, vigor- ous and zealous minister of the Gospel, who resided at the Red Banks. His text was "Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth ; yea, saith the spirit, that !he\' may rest from their labours ; and their works do follow


"Her flesh shall slumber in the ground 'Till the last trumpet's jovful sound: Then burst the grave with sweet surprise. And in her Saviour's image rise."



Happ}^ is the true way of life, serene, ever brightening as it nears the clearing of all clouds, the ceasing of all storms as it more and more clearly sees the Author of all life. Patience had never suffered herself to be drawn away from the great central truth of Christianity, "Christ the hope of glory," by the advocates of external churchanity. Her christianit}' was of the generic kind and her piety of the purest type.

James was left without a wife and the bo3's without a mother and there was no woman to keep the house. How- ever, Nathan, who was now a full-grown man and capable of turning his liand to anj'thing needed, was very soon ready to contend with any woman for the mastery in getting up an elegant meal. Yet that wav of living was not satis- tactorv to James, for lie realized the truth of what God had said, "It is not good that the man should be alone." So he married Mrs. Clark, wliose maiden name was Elizabeth Smith. She liad live children, two sons and three daugh- ters. She was careful, full of business, and knew nothing else but to be industrious. Elizabeth bore James two chil- dren : Prudence, who died in infimcy, and our own John Lowery, who by industry and econoni}'^ has accumulated a large land property.

James Knowles, in connection with Samuel Montgomer}-, who was also an elder in the Presbyterian Church, con- sented, through the urgent entreaties of the Rev. William Barnett, to become a basis for the organization of a Cumber- land Presbj'terian Church, without reordination or relin- quishing any part of their former faith, "For the sole pur- pose of advancing the cause of Christ." Around these men was gathered the first Cumberland Presbyterian society in Indiana in the autumn of 1S14. James never changed his theolocrical views, but remained a staunch Presbvterian to the day of his death.

James passed the meridian line of life. His head was frosted, the activity of youth had departed, and he was an old man. It was at this period of his life that he saw fit to



1^2)1 I^Cfl^

divide his farm with his son, Ephraim, retaining the western half, with the houses, for himself. Slowly his strength failed and his pov/ers were broken down, and having lived more than four score years in this world, he bid adieu to all earthly things and yielded up the ghost and was gathered unto his fathers October 23d, 1S39. He was of the good of earth and was taken a\\'ay from the evil of this world to an inheritance incorruptable and undefiled, one which will remain forever. His bod\- was laid to rest beside that of his beloved Patience, not far from their residence. His funeral sermon was preached h\ Rev. Wm. McClusky to a large con- course of people.

Prett^'man and Martha raised the tV)llo\vin(»-


named children : Bur- ton, James, Elizabetli Ann, Wiley, ?>Iartin, Allen, Asa, I5err\ , Craw- ford, and Susanna, six of them born in this conn- try. Prettvman, b\- the advice of his uncle, bought the quarier sec- tion of land joining his on the south, which was considered a "first-rate tract of land." Here he built his cabin and lived in it. He, however, made a division with his brother, Jesse, giving him all the land on the east side of Black River. Some vears afterward he bought Jesse out, but sold twenty-five acres off of the north side of his land to his uncle. Pretty-man Marvel.

Prettyman obtained some knowledge of the coopers' trade

*Prettymax Knowlks. Democrat; Cumberland Presbyterian; Elder in Mount Zion Church; tor many vears conducted a weekly prayer meeting and Sabbath school. Born 17S0 in Delaware. Died near Petersburg. Ills., in 1S71.

KX / 111!!. *PRETTYM.\X KNO\VL?:S.

. .lmjE by state library

through his brother-in-law, Joshua Wilson, which was worth something to him. When he had opened out a farm he put together a massive pile of hewed logs for a dwelling, with two huge brick tireplaces, and became one of the most pros- perous farmers of the neighborhood lie and his faithful wife went into the organization of the first C. P. congrega- tion called "Hope Well." He soon became an elder and remained one as long as he lived in the country. Wiien he was old, through the inlluence of his sons, he disposed of the farm he had made and loved so well and moved to central Illinois, vliere. after liaving well served his generation in a long life, he was called to the home of his fathers, r^Iarch, 1871. lie was born in Delaware, the i6th of Septt'mber^ 1 7S0 : h< died in Illinois, and onlv two of his children are alive to-dav, Martin and Allen. Two of his grandsons became ministers ^James, son of llurton, and Wilev, son ot Martin and two, attornevs vSamuel and Thomas, both sons of ^\sa. Anyone, whether he wears the name Knowles or some other, may justlv be proud to know tliat Prett\-man was his ancestor.

James and Anna designed to- 'nuild a cabin on the quarter section north of his lather's, u'itii th.e intention of buving it, but being necessarily slow, a IMr. Sharp bought the land and so notified Jam.es with orders to leave, but on measure- ment it was found that his cabin was on his lather's land, lie linally bought some live miles east of where we are to-dav, made a farm and a comfortable livinor. He learned the cooper's business under his brother-in-law and it proved to be of advantacre to him. Ilis honestv insured good work. He professed to be a Christian and became a member of the first C. P. societ}' in the state, and an elder. The church was a great gainer bv his membership and Christianity hon- ored b}" his profession.

James was highlv esteemed hv his neighbors and his influence over them was great. His example and precepts wei'e onh' good. His noble wife was trulv a help in every good thing. James spent a dozen vears of his earlv life in


the state of Delaware and more than that number in Georo-ia.

He was born August 3, 1783, and al'ter living in Indiana

about fift}' years he closed his e}-es upon all the loveliness of

earih and entered into that rest prepared for him, March i,

1861. James and Anna raised nine children: Rhesa,

Nancy, Patience, Sarah, Alberry, Comfort, Marticia,

Keturah and Barnett ; onK' one-third are alive to-day,

namelv, Keturaii, ?vlarticia and Barnett.

Jesse married a Miss Elizabeth Reed. Thev raised nine

children, named Emilv,

f"-" ' ~ 1

Reubin, Eli, Jesse, l-.liza i

Ann, Samuel II., Maitha, [

Eucilla and I'vlizabeth. r

Onl\' hrmiU' remair.s on |

earth and we rejoice to [

know lluit we are iaxored

with her presence to-day. |

Jesse, at'ter dispc)^ing ot ;

his Black River pro[HM-ty, '.

bought and lived on a firm

a few miles east ot this

place, which he sold to tlie [

late Warrick Monto;omerv I t. - I

and m<)\ed to cenlrah I Hi- [ , , _ nois after his famil\- were all grown.

Jesse imbibed tiie piinciples of the M. E. Church and became an enthusiastic religionist, had preaching in his house, gave land for a church and camp-meeting ground. He took a lively interest in the prosperity of /i/s cliurch. He tilled the responsible place of "class leader." He was a man who read his Bible daily and gave his own interpre- tation, tVomi which he was not easily swerved, and seemed to take much comfort in the application of its truths. Jesse was very decided in his convictions and uncompromising

"Lewis Wilson Minister of the Gospel and foremost in everv reform. Was born October 15. 1S14. and died Jidv 22, 1S90.



with what he conceived to be wrong, and the last man in the world to cover up or hide sin or shield and fellowship* the sinner. A ver}- true illustration of his characteristics may be drawn from the following incident: A Mr. Bl3^the, a prominent INIethodist, and Jesse got so situated that things looked verv ditTerent to them, which resulted in alienation and almost a state of irrcconciliation which made matters in the class unpleasant and things in general disagreeable^ so the "circuit rider" went to work to fix things up. He was successful in getting the two brothers in meeting before him. Wlien he called upon them to "arise" they each obeyed. He then requested tlu-m to go forward. They moved ii few steps toward each other \\ lien the preacher said, "Now, Brotlier Blvthe, shake hands with Knowles." He reached out his hand. "Brother Knowles, take the hand of Brother Blythe." But Brother Knowles looked' into the face of his pre<icher with a defiant sternness and s;iid, "Xo, sir; I would iis soon shake hands with the devil as his imps."

Jesse never lost sight of his Bible nor swerved from his Methodism, but took both with him into Illinois. How- ever, he was not long in that state before the Divine mes- senger came for him. He was born in Delaware, July lO, 1787. and died in Illinois, ^Marcli 14, 1S52. He was the first of the nine children of James and Patience that came from Georgia to die and his life was the shortest.

Comlort M. was born February 14, 1790, in the state ot Delaware, and was married to Joshua Vv^ilson, iApril 9, 1S07, and died December 31, 1S6S. Joshua was born June iS, 1775, and after a protracted sickness of winter fever died April II, 1S39. His father's name was Joshua and was of Scotch descent, and from either ^Maryland or Virginia. He moved into North Carolina when his son was but a babe, where he died, leaving a wife and several children, among them his namesake. Joshua worked at the cooper's trade for several years in North Carolina. He spent a few j'ears in Georgia, where he was farm overseer. He returned to



his old home and friends in North Carolina. But they ofFered him better wages in Georgia, so he went back and several years he was the superintendent of I\Ir. Amasa Palmer's farms previous to his coming to Indiana. On their arrival in this country he bought the quarter section of land adjoining' Prett^'man Knowles on the south, where Tvlrs. Elinor "VVilson now lives. Four years later he bought the quarter section west. He afterwards bought two other quarter sections and the eastern half of the Daniel Fisher quarter section. They were living on the first named land at Christmas, iSii, in a camp m.ade by placing one end oi poles in forks and the otlier on the irround, with cross poles upon which the cov- ering of boards was laid. There were boards set up on end at the sides. The beds were where the roof came near the ground and the fire in the opposite end. They remained there all winter and were comfort- able and happy. It was in this tenement their third

child was born March 12, 181 2. That spring they put up a neat house of round logs and lived in it until the year 1S22. Joshua put up a shop at the west end of the cabin and there plied his trade with success. About seventy rods south from where he first settled he built three large rooms of hewed log's and lived in them until the day of his death.


*Ephr.mm Knowlf.s was born October 25th, 1797, in Green county, Georgia. Moved to Gibson county, Indiana, December, iSd. Married Cynihia Kimball, October 20th, 1S25. In politics was a Whig, then an Abolitionist, and later a Republican. Was a member of the Congregational Church at his death, which occurred August 17th, 1SS2.




Joshua and Comfort raised nine children, their names as follows: Asenath, James, Elizabeth, Lewis, Nathan, Levin, Anna, Henrietta and Amasa Palmer. These all lived to have families of their own. Joshua and Comfort were very strict with their children ; however, they gave them the utmost libertv in the right, but none in the wrong. Not one of these children at any time of their lives was heard to swear an oath. The Bible was made the source of council from their vouth all through life. James, Lewis and Amasa were popular school teachers in their young days. James was associate judge for some years, lie studied medicine and practiced for several years. Lewis represented Pike county in the state legislature. Lewis and Levin turned their at- tention to the study of theology and became noted ministers of tlie gospel through their strong opposition to slaverv and received their share of persecution. Nathan was accidently killed by the falling of a log at a house-raising. x\masa was an excellent mathematician ; he died before he was old. They are all dead but Levin and lie has lived longer than any one of the otliers.

Nathan was born in the state of Dehuvare, June 17, 1795, and was married to Miss Temperance, the daughter of Nich- olson Boren (who was from Tennessee,) January 31, 1822, by Samuel INIontgomery, Esq. She was the mother of seven children, all of whom are alive to-day. She died Septem- ber 13, 1S35. Nathan lived until Febuary 2, 1S92.

Nathan bought land joining Joshua Wilso.n on the south in 1S17. He cleared two acres in iSiS and built around it the strontTcst fence ever seen on Black River. It was m almost ever}' respect proof against the depredations of the wild animals. The deer were numerous at that tim.e. Nathan planted an orchard in 1S19. He cultivated his two- acre farm in potatoes the summer of 1S20 and the next year in' tobacco. In 1S21 he built the best log house in the neighborhood and had it ready for the reception of his wife when he married, and without dela}' the}^ commenced house- keeping. They were happy in each other's society, their



seven children were health}- and strong fellows and were named Serelda, Enos, JohnW., Asbery, Louisa, Martha and Melissa. In process of time he added the quarter section of land west to his farm and also eighty acres on the east which made him 400 acres of farm which he managed successtully. Nathan when more than eighty years of age cut the timber and made fence rails. He said that an old man was under as much obligations to work as a young one. Nathan took the position that a mian ought never to marry but one time ; he proved his faith by his



works, and as he had studied the subject thor- oughlv and argued fiom a moral standpoint he could make a plain case. He was fond ot reading the Bible ; he took a peculiar delight in Christ's sermon on the mount, because he said it told him just how to live. He planted a vine- yard and drank of the wine, but whatever may have been the influence left upon others he kept himself from the awful curse of drunken- ness and was largely a

model citizen. He possessed the ability of generally letting people manage their own affairs while he claimed the rip-ht to look after his own business. To him the need}^ never applied in vain nor suffering humanit}- turned

*Eli Knowles, the subject of the above sketch, taught the first school of the community about midway between Cynthiana and Owensville, when only thirteen years of age. From early youth he was a close and diligent student, and was one of the foremost mathematicians in the state. He was an Eclectic medical practitioner for the last thirty -five years of his life and met with eminent success. Politically he was a Whig until the formation of the Republican party, casting his fortunes with it. He first united with the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, but afterwards attached himself to the Congregationalists.




away without relief. His rule of life was "All things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you do 3-6 even so to them ; " there was little or no deviation from this rule during a long life. After the death of his wife Nathan had to assume all inside work as well as that without, also the care of seven small clildren. In the midst of these hcav}^ demands upon his time and labors, he was frequcntlv called to assist his neighbors in work they could not do of themselves. "The old settlers" could not do well without liim and the next generation was equally dependent upon him. He was a man of peace and his upright life in- sured the good will of all his neighbors. His children are living monuments "seen and read of all men" of the success with which lie performed tlie ofllce of both father and mother. Thcv are all with, us to-day, but Asberry, in the enjoyment of this fTcUul TC union of K)iozi'lcs\ Where everyone can shake hands to his or her full satisfaction. Yom" speaker never knew a better man than y a than Knozi'Ies.

b^phraim was the eighth child and seventh son, was born in Green county, Georgia, October 25, 1797. He was a bov of fourteen vears when he came with his father to this state in the f:dl of iSii. He grew to lull six feet in bight, bein*'- the tallest Knowles in Hoosier land.

Before the surve^'or's marks on the trees were dry Jesse Kimball, a live and intelligent Yankee fresh from Connecti- cut, had made his home near what was afterwards called "Kimball's big spring." He was a man of genius and very useful in a new countr}'. He cut the first road from the "Red Banks" to his spring and rolled a set of mill stones like a cart over it from Kentucky to his place. He made for himself the first ' fanning mill known in this countr}'. Unto him was born April 1st, 1S09, a daughter named Cyn- thia. In her characteristics she displayed much of the Ger- man mother as well as the Yankee father. On the 20th of October, 1S25, she married Ephraim Knowles and to them were born fourteen children, eight daughters and six sons. One died in infancy. The others were nam.ed William,



Mary, Lucintla, James, Elizabeth, Patience, Mahala, Jessie, Eli (our worthy and noble president before us here) , Lamira, Cynthia, Franklin and Eliza. Nine of them are now living, namel}', Lucinda, James, Elizabeth, Jesse, Eli, Patience, Lamira, Cynthia and Eliza. They are all here to-day to help increase the numbers, form the guiding power and aid in giving the finishing touch to this grand reunion of Knowles'. Ephraim. obtained the east half of his father's farm, upon which he lived and died. He added more to his farm on the north. Cynthia died October 4,

1865, and to her memory a sermon was preaclied bv Rev. Lewis Wilson and ht r body deposited in the x\nti- och cemeterv, there to re- main until the resurrection. About the year 1857 Eph- raim fell upon ice and was so injured that he never fulh' recovered. Oct. 28,

1866, he was married to Mrs. Louisa Fairchilds, a well known and respectable lady.

Ephraim held to the grand truths of the bible and the christian religion and said "I have never in a single instance doubted the truths of the bible or the realities of Christianity." He believed in the eternal sovereignty of God and his un-

f .





. v


■*■■;■■" , ' -"


''\ v..

. 'A


*F. D. S. Knowles -was born in Gibson countv, Indiana, Julv 13th, 1S42. He enlisted in Co. E, 24th Ind. Vols., on Julv 6th, 1S61. and "served as a private in said company until September 30th, "1S62, when he was discharged bv reason of a wound "received in the battle of Grand Prairie, Arkansas, July 6th, 1S6::. After returning home he taught in the public schools for a number of years. October 20th. 1S70. he married Miss Ellen S. Scudder, of Daviess countv, Indiana. Four children were born unto this union, of whom two sons, only, are living: Fonuan E. and Lawrence A. The first men- tioned enlisted in Co. K, ist Reg., I. N. G., when war was declared against Spain by the United States.



cliangable purposes and that an upright life is the onl}' evi- dence of a pure licart. Ephraim was afflicted for along time and suffered much but his days were numbered and the end came August 17, 1S82. Ilis funeral discourse was delivered by Rev. Levin Wilson and his bod}' deposited beside his wife in the Antioch cemetery. The narrow way which chris- tians travel is a high way resting upon the strong foimdation of love. Tlie narrowness of the road makes it a perfect guide and insures perfect safety to the traveler.

It was the second da\- of September, 1799, in Green count\', Cioorgia, that Eli Knowles was born. lie was very small, Init well proportioned, and was a real beauty. From childhood lie \\as lond of books and read so as to understand them. Ilis knowledcre was such that the "settlers" induced him to teach his prst school in the fall of 1S12, when but a bo}' of thirteen, in a cabin north of the house where Henry Knowles lives. Mis next school was two 3'ears later. He used all the helps within his reach. His motto was "what otliers have done I can do." By consecutive thinking he formed a masterl}- mind that gave him superior power as a logician. I^crh;ips tlie prime reason of his wonderful suc- cess as a student grew out of the fact that he thoroughly mastered ever3'thing he undertook. He delighted in the study of mathematics and philosophy and in them he excelled. Eli was in a great measure "a self-made man," and the more thoroufjh for that because he studied the collaterals. He taught school for a number of years.

John Scott was born in South Carolina, 1775, and Mar}'- Dodds was born in the same state in 177S. They married and lived in Wilson county, Tennessee. From there they came to Indiana. Elizabeth, one of their daughters, was born in Tennessee, April 2, 1S03, and was married to Eli Knowles October 7th, 1S24, Rev. Joseph Wasson officiating. She died October 22, 1S5S. Eli and wife went to "house- keeping" in Cynthiana, where he vvas teaching school. He afterward boug-ht the farm and made it their home, where their son, F. D. S. Knowles, now lives. Ell for years com-





bined teaching and farmiiijT. He never ceased to be a student. His knowledge of the human system, its needs and adaptiveness, was good. He made himself acquainted with the science of medicine. So thorough was he in these things that his friends entreated him to become "a Doctor." He did and was successful in his practice. Eli filled official positions in the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, but when the Indiana Presbytery joined affinity with the demoralizing institution of slavery, he withdrew from that body. Four ot the nine chiklred raised by Eli and Elizabeth are alive to-day, namely, Arminda, Nancy, Lydia and F. D. S. The dead are Mary Jane, James W., 'Ephraim, Al- bert and Chark'^s.

Eli did not seem to have the full enjoyment of life. He married a^rain, but youth was gone, old age was upon him, and a com- bination of circumstances with which he was sur- rounded was calculated to render him uncomfortable. What the mind had to do is not known in bringing

on the lingering and singular disease which terminated in his death February 15th, 1868, and he was buried by the side of his Elizabeth, near where his father's home and his grave were. The following shows the firmness of purpose of the man : As Eli was return- ing from meditation and pra3-er he was called by


*Eli W. Knowlf.s was born in Gibson county, InJiana. July 23d. 1S44. Was a member of Compaiiv F, Soth Ind. Infty., durinij the war of the rebellion of 1S61 to 1S65 Married Fanny Blythe, Sepi ember 13th, iS66_. ^ Is a deacon in Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Is Republican in politics. Is engaged in rpcrchandise, and "is postmaster ami railroad agent at Mounts, Indiana.





one at his side, "Eli Knowlcs." At the second call he answered and said, "here am I; what is wantedr" The voice replied, '•'■Eli Knowlcs, you are acting the h3-pocrite and you know it." Eli turned his face towards the voice and answered quickly, '■'•yoii arc a liar, sir/' Eli was troubled no more with that fellow. Surely it is true, "Resist the Devil and he will ilee from you."

It was the 5th da}' of March, 1S02, that James and Patience had born unto them their ninth son, and they called him Asa ; and it was said that his mother so petted and spoiled him that he passed the point of being humored. He always had great respect for his parents. In his ^-oung days he was frequently found with those who, for tlie want of a more appropriate term, were designated as rowdies, and it will do the man or name no injustice to state he was a fair practitioner of rowdyism. Asa, after he had pledged his word to his l"jtther that he would horse race no more, was sorely tempted, but the lixed principle of truth triumphed and he kept his pledge. Asa thought there was a right way of doing a wrong thing, so \\ hen two men were hghting, a third party, a large man, showed "foul play." Asa stepped up and knocked lum down, with the remark, "now, behave your- self." Asa called upon a man in Kentucky to collect a note which he held against him. A young lady wisiicd to see it and as soon as it was in her hands she cast it into the fire. Asa snatched it out and hurled the ii'nl to the back of the room, followed b}' impleasant imprecations.

Asa married Walter IMontgomery's amiable daughter, Matilda. A noble wife she was and a woman above reproach. !>he did much to soften the impetuous and somewhat rough wav of Asa, producing in him an easy and pleasant manner of 1 f^\ But b«'vond a beloved wife came the voice of a d3'ing mother, "As;i vour mother is going to die and leave 3'ou. Be a ijfood bov and meet me in heaven." With these came th'^ fai'lif 1 wa'uings of a ta'her's love. The spirit of God fastened all these good things upon the niind of Asa and he became a CJiridian. All his former habits and wrong prac-




tices were sacrificed for Christ. He put on the new man. Asa and Matilda raised seven daucfhters, and they were proud of their girls. The wife and mother was faitliful in her family and served her generation well and was called to receive her revvard of eternal life. Four of their daucrhters


are alive to-day, namely, Sally, Martha, Elizabeth and Patience. Those who are dead, America, Nancy, and Serelda. Asa was not content to live alone so he married the second woman, Mrs. Susan Warmick, who was Miss Prown, ;md siie bore him four children, Jam.es, Clin- ton, Viola and Enos, all livincf.

Asa, beinor in his ninety- liflh year, came all the way from Kansas alone to be with you to drink in the joys and pleasures ot" this the tirst re u n i o n of Knowles' in the United States. His feet press hard upon the threshold of the century, his hands reach forward to take hold of the knob of the door that opens into the next. Asa is realizinjr that the weitjht of his many years is a burden beneath which he bows his former strong and stately form. He gives evidence of being an old man. Asa takes an interest in public aflairs, both civil and religious. He recently wrote an argument on baptism which shows the clearness of his perceptions. During a long life Asa has kept clear of alcoholic poisons. The nauseous scent of tobacco is not emitted from his


*James Wilson. Second child of Joshua and Comfort M. Wilson. Associate Judge of Gibson county, Indiana, and successful physician. Born in Green county, Georgia, December 31st. 1S09. Died in Illinois, November 26th, 18S:.


. 34

person. Of him it can trul}' be said, he shows his faith by his works.

John Lowery Knowles received his middle name from an eminent Cumberhmd Presbyterian minister and one of the founders of that denomination. J. Lowery was the tenth son of his father and the only one by his second wife and twenty- one years youni^er than the younLiCst of his nine brothers on liis fathers side. Lowery was born March i, 1S23, and married to Miss Pats\% the daughter of William Montgomery and his wite, Margeret (Stone), November 5, 1S46 Patsy was b())-n Mnx 4, 1S28. Tier father and mother were of large and influential families. ]\[r. Montgomer\- represented Gibson count}' in the legislature, which position he lillcd with liDuor to himself and satisfaction to the people.

J. Lower}' and Pats}' were the parents of a large famil}'. There names are here given : Lucinda, Serelda, Isaac Newton, Calvin, Charitv, Cordelia, Georcre Alvin, William Ht-nry. Samuel Nathan, lillis, Francis Marion, ^Lartha Wilmina, James, Cvnthia and Sarah Ellen. There are five sons and two daugliters living. All have families of their own and are prosperous and respectable citizens. Three of those who are dfad left families. Lower}'^ an(a Patsy have been industiious and their motto lias been "success." They have made considerable propert}' and have plent}' and more in their old age.

This, the Knowles' first reunion, is a grand afiair and their history instead of being compressed into an hour's talk \yould do credit to a large volume.

I now wish you all long lives, witli plent)^ of the good things of this world, and that all in whom is found any Knowles blood, and all others, may be prepared for that reunion when Christ shall make up his yczvels.

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