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Once upon a morning dreary, while I slumbered weak and weary, Slumbered sweetly to the music of a most harmonious snore,

Suddenly there came a blowing, like a cyclone fiercely flowing. Or a hurricane a-going, going past my chamber door :

" 'Tis the devil, sure," I muttered, "come from night's Plutonian shore. After me and nothing more."


Presently my soul grew stronger hesitating then no longer:

" Mr. Devil," said I, " truly your forgiveness I implore

But the truth is I was sleeping " then, through transom-light a-peeping I could see no evil spirit, in the air or on the floor ;

But I saw the bugler creeping, creeping from my chamber door Simply this, and nothing more.


And the bugle still is blowing, still is blowing, still is blowing,

Every solitary morning, just outside my chamber door ; And the sound has all the seeming, to a man who still is dreaming Of a screeching fiend of hades, just outside my chamber door— And I cuss the blasted bugle as I jump upon the floor REVEILLE, forever more !

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Cdwptd^in Cloug'h Overton.

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CAPTAIN CLOUGH OVERTON, of the Fiftecntli Cavalry, who was killed on May 14th hy being cut to ])icces hy the Philipjiine insurgents at Sucatlan, was a native of Indiana but was ajiijointed to West Point from Texas. After gradu- ation he was recommended for the Artillery Init selected the Cavalry and was assigned to the Fouitli Cavalry, with which regiment he w^as very ]i()])u- lar. While stationed in Aiizona he made a special study of heliograiihic signaling and irrigation. In 1893 he organized the relief expedition which rescued the Carlin party of hunters who were lost in the snows of Idaho. For this he received "recommendation in orders." Later he was commandant at the Maryland Agricultural College, but gave up this detail to join his regi- ment in the Cuban campaign. He led a trooj) at San Juan, in Wheeler'.s brigade, and was recommended for brevet for bravery m action. Capt. Overton was of a literary disposition, and his short stories of Mexican frontier life, i)ubHshed througliout the country, attracted consideralile attention. James Gordon Bennett thought so well of his st^de that he wanted him to act as war correspondent to the Herald in the Chinese-Japanese war. He had man)- friends in New York, Philadelphia, and Washington, as w-ell as Texas and California, ami throughout the army.

Capt. Overton came of good fighting stock. His father, a gallant Confederate Cavalr\nian, led the charge at Fort Donelson. He was from Kentucky, and raised and ei|uippeil, at his own exjjcnse, the Twelfth Ken- tucky Cavalry, the first troop that ever marched out of that state to hght for the Confederacy.

The members of the faculty of the Maryland Agricultural College, nearly all of whom were associated with Capt. Overton during the period of his detail as Commandant at the College from j<Sq5 to i8g8, were much shocked and grie\'eil to hear of his untimelv death.

Captain (Jverfon was an accomjilished o^entleman and a thoroxigh soldier. He practically reorCTanizeil the military discipline at the College, and his jjohcy, though strict, was soon recognized by the cadets as lair, and the effects of his influence are even yet apparent in the cadet battalion. He directed the military encampments held by our battalion, in i8g6 and 1S97, both of which he conducted with signal success and with marked bcnclit to the discipline of the cadet corps.

No cadet came within the sphere of Capt. Overton's influence without becoming imbued with that sense of honor and bravery which goes to make a good soldier and a capable officer; when war was declared with Spain, a large number of our cadets enlisted, and were soon promoted for their excellent military training.

Capt. Overton scorned a lie and all subterfuge, and his fearless bravery, which oftentimes approached reck- less daring, was an inspiration to those who were with him or under his command.

As this hero lies dead, shrouded in his country's flag, he is mourned by none more sincerely than his former oolleagues and students of the Agricultural College of Maryland.

Henry T. Harrison, Sec't. of Faculty.

Editorial Bo&rd.


Arthtr Roscok Hikst, Editor-in-Chief. Associjs.te Editors.

John Darby Bowmax. KoiiERT Laurie Mitcheel.

<K * »< *


Athletics. Literary. Humeroui.

Luther Eugene ALvckai.l. Joseph Coudon, Jr. vSamuel Porter Darby.

Rossbourg Club. Class i».nd Historical.

Thomas Baddeley Symons. Arthur Roscoe Hirst.

*< * *

Board of Mana.,gers.

Harry Nelson Lansdai.e, Ihisincss Manager.

Assistant Business Managers.

Williaji Samuel Kendall. John Irving Wisner.


\ Z. 3 A 5,6 7 I


Sf H I

|E, in making our initial, and doubtless, final bow to an indulgent public, do not intend to inflict upon them a long recital of the reasons why ' ' The Reveille ' ' of Nineteen Hundred and Two is not all that it should be. Against many difficulties we have labored and struggled to make it at least as good as its prede- cessors. We hope that we have succeeded. If so, we are more than repaid for our labors; if not, we have only the consciousness of an effort to do our best, to console us.

A college annual is more or less, from necessity, mainly of interest only to those connected with the College itself. Therefore, if our work may seem mediocre, and our jokes pointless, to other readers, we hope that they will find some consolation in our sketches, of which we are really proud. We give most hearty thanks to all those who have so kindly assisted us in the literary and ar- tistic work incident to the preparation of "Reveille," and frankly confess that, if the book has any points of merit, it is due mainly to their efforts.

Hoping that a perusal of the following pages will be of some interest to those for whom it was prepared, our friends, and that its contents may add something to the laurels won by the five pre- ceeding volumes, we subscribe ourselves.

Yours most truly,

The Board of Editors.


Mrs. a. U. ^ilbrstfr.


ic AXE D BV The Oi_ass or Nineteen


TVRE <z> R American \A/omanmood and as a mark or our aprreciation or manv kindnesses rendered us v\/ h i 1_ e Students at the Marvland Aqricuu-




Officers &.nd Faculty of Instruction.

o o o

R. W. vSii.vKSTEK, Prt-sidc?!/. Thomas H. Spence, A. M., I'icc-Prcsidnit.

Professor of Mathematics. Professor of Languages,

Maj. J. C. ScANTi.iNc;, U. S. A. Retired, Coiiniiandant of Cadets. W. T. L. Taliai'Kkko, a. B., J. Hanson MitciikiJv, M. E.,

Professor of Agriculture. Professor of Mechanical Engineering.

H. B. McDoNNKi.L, M. D., B. S., Professor of Chemistry. Henry Lanahan, A. B., James S. Rohinson,

Profes.sor of Civics and Civil Engineering. Professor of Horticulture.

A. L. QUAINTANCK, M. S., Professor of Entomology. J. B. S. Norton, M. S., K. B. Bomberger, A. M.,

Professor of Pathology and Botany. Professor of English and Civics.

Samuei- S. Buckley, M. S., D. V. S., Professor of Veterinary Science.

Henry T. Harrison, Ch.\s. vS. Richardson,

Principal of Preparator\- Department. Director of Physical Culture and

Instructor in Public Speaking.

J. C. Hl.ANDI'ORlJ, B. S.,

Assistant in Mechanical Engineering. E. P. San.sten, M. S., E. H. Bi.odoett, M. S.,

Associate in Horticulture. Assistant in Patholog>- and Piotany.

R. I. Smith, B. S., M. N. Straughn, M.S., J. B. Kohh, B. S., T. R. Gough, B. S.,

Assistant in Pjitomology. A.ssistant in Chemistry. Assistant in Chemistry. Assi.stant in Chenii.stry.

C. G. CiiuKCii, M. S., W. H. VVhigand, B. S.,

Assistant in Chemistry. Assistant in Chemistry.

Jos. R. OwKNS, M. D., Regi.strar and Treasurer. W. O. I^VERSi'iEi.n, M. D., Phy.sician in Charge.

Miss M. E. Si'KNCE, Stenographer and Typewriter.

Cdwlender for 19OM902.


September 19th, 20th and 2i.st Kntrance Examinations.

Monday, September 23rd, 9 A. M College Work Begins.

Friday, October nth Meeting of Board of Trustees.

Friday, December 13th Meeting of Board of Trustees.

Friday, December 20th Fall Term Ends.

Friday, December 2otli, noon, to Friday January 3d, 9A.M. Christmas Hollidays.


Friday, January 3d, 9 A. M Winter Term Begins.

Friday, March 14th Meeting of Board of Trustees.

Thursday, March 27th Winter Term Ends.

Thursday, March 27th, noon, to Tuesday, April ist. 9 A. M . Easter Hollidays.


Tuesday, April i.st, 9 A. M Spring Term Begins.

June 2d to 7th Final E.xaminations.

Sunday, June 8th, 4 P. M Baccalaureate Sermon.

Monday, June 9th Class Day.

Tuesday, June loth Alumni Day.

Wednesday, June iith, 11 A. M Commencement Day Exercises.

Friday, June 13th Meeting of Board of Trustees.

Stdwnding Committees of the Fd^culty.



Prof. Bt:cKij':v.

bomberger. Sandsten.


Major Scantung.


Prof. Spence.


Prof. Spen'ce.

Taliaferro, bomberger. Richardson.


Prof. McDonnell. Spence. bomberger. T.^liaferro. Blodgett. Lanahan.


Prof. Bomberger. Buckley. Straughn. Sandsten.

collegiate routine.

Prof. Spence.





]VIitchf;ll. Bomberger.



Dr. Ever.sfield. McDonnell. Owens Buckley.


Prof. Harrlson. Spence. Bomberger. Blandford. Richardson.


Pkoi'. Rich.vrdson. Bo.mberger.


Prof. Mitchell. Spence. Taliaferro. Norton. McDonnell. Harrison.



Prof. Bojiberger. Buckley. Robb. Straughn.


Prof. Richardso.n'.





The New Infirmd^ry:

\°Ali id I lupjpil!

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The Development of the M. A. C.

By Frank Byers Bomberger, '94.

EARLY a half century ago, "certain wise and virtuous citizens of Maryland, being desirous of establishing an agricultural col- lege and model farm, in which those arts and sciences indispensable to successful agricultural pursuits may be taught," applied to the State Legislature for a charter incorporating the Mary- land Agricultural College. The Legislature, in 1S58, not only granted the charter as applied for, but actuated by a spirit of liberality in harmony with the motives of the advocates of the new educational movement, granted an annual appropriation of $6000 ' ' for such purposes as shall promote the welfare and success of the said College."

This movement to establish a .school for instruction in the art and .science of agriculture in the State of Mary- land was, at that time, very popular ; and, under the charter granted by the legislature, stock to the amount of nearly $50,000 was sub.scribed and paid for by nearly four hundred persons residing in Marylaijd or the District

of Columbia. The plan was especiallj' popular among the agricultural population, which, at that time, exer- cised such complete control over legislation in this State. Hence the liberality in the provisions of the legislative grant.

Land having been secured and proper buildings erected, the Maryland Agricultural College opened her doors to students on October 5, 1859. Then began the career of this new departure in educational work. Being a pioneer in this field (for only one other agricultural college that of Michigan takes precedence over the Maryland Col- lege in point of age ) the success of the institution was naturally problematical. But every circumstance seemed to point to a successful career. Her estate was ample ; her buildings were adequate for her immediate needs ; she was under the fostering care of a liberal legislature ; her directors were men of broad mind and sterling integ- rity ; she was supported by a wide clientele of patriotic citizens ; while her aims and aspirations received the sympathy of the mo.st influential class of the people of the State.



The College rejoiced "as the young giant to run a race." Her loins were girded up for victory. Pros- perity smiled upon her ; no prophet could have predicted aught but a useful and successful future. But it was then, when all the present was secure and all the future .seemed bright, that the awful storm of civil war burst over this fair land. We shall not trace the vicissitudes of that dark and dreary period. But when, at length, the war-cloud lifted, and the light of peace shone over the land, it .showed the College crippled, burdened by debt, the fortunes of many of its founders wrecked bj' the tide of war, and the great agricultural class of Maryland, upon whom it had depended mainly for its sympathj' and support, impoverished and weakened in political power.

But the need for such an institution in this State, ajiparent to the people before the ravages of war had left their mark upon our land, was now so urgent that again the State came to the aid of the struggling school. In iS66 the Legislature, in return for a half interest in the estate of the College, and on condition that the State should enjoy representation on the Board of Tru.stees, appropriated $45,000 for the u.se of the College, such sum representing approximately the value of the College estate at the time. This grant having lieen accepted by a majority of the stockholders, the career of the College as a private institution was ended ; and, instead of having onh' a nominal interest in th.e school, the State came to be the main factor in the development of its destiny.

Under the new regime, the College did not progress as its founders had hoped and expected. The Trustees having failed to carry out the main idea of its e.stablish- nient the maintenance of a .school for instruction in agriculture the Legislature refused to make the annual appropriation of $6000, which the College had hitherto enjoyed. The darkest period in the history of the insti- tution followed the withdrawal of the aid of the State ; and it was not until the )-ear 1888 that interest in the school began to revive.

In that year the Congress of the United .States, by the so-called Hatch Act, established in each State and terri- tory of the Union an agricultural experiment station. That of Maryland was fixed upon the estate of the Mary- land Agricultural College. Two years later, under the provisions of the second Morrill Act, the Congress appro- priated $15,000, this sum to be increased by $1000 aiuuially until the sum of $25,000 should be reached, to provide for ' ' the salaries of instructors and facilities for instruction," in each of the agricultural colleges in the I'nited States. ITnder the provisions of the first Morrill Act, the original Land Grant Act, by which the various agricultural colleges of the different States had been brought into existence, the ^laryland College had been a beneficiary since 1862. The lands donated by the Federal Government to the State, had been sold by the State, and the proceeds of the .sales had been invested as a permanent fund, the income from which, about $5,760 annually, can be used for no other purpose than for the support of the Agricultural College.


The Maryland College has enjoyed these liberal pro- visions made by the Congress until the present time ; and by this means has been enabled to secure the ser\'ices of a staff of instructors competent to take charge of many times the number of students for which the State has provided accommodations. On its part the State has granted an annual appropriation of $9000 to provide for the general expenses of carrying on the college work.

The interposition of the liberal hand of the Federal Government began a new career for the College. Since the passage of the .second Morrill Act the institution has gone .steadily forward, increasing its efficiency, multi- plying the number of students receiving the benefit of its courses of instruction, and greatly extending the scope of its influence on the agricultural development of the State.

This latter growth may be noted by a mere reference to the following lines of work in which the College is the leading factor. Under the terms of the Hatch Act above referred to, the College entered into a mutually beneficial cooperation with the Experiment vStation. On the one hand, the College profits by having available, for pur- poses of instruction, the various experiments, methods of investigation and scientific research, carried on by the Experiment Station ; on the other hand, the latter, by reason of similarity of aims in many particulars, is enabled to have the .services of certain members of the College Faculty ; while together both institutions work for the dissemination of information valuable to the

great agricultural interests of the State. There is al.so a verj' great benefit to these interests resulting from the establishment of the State Fertilizer In.spection, the Department of Farmers Institutes and the vState Horti- cultural Department, all of which are the results of the effort on the part of the College to extend its usefulness within the sphere of its allotted work.

But the influence of the College on the agricultural development of the State does not end here. Recent 3'ears have witnessed a great extension of its scope of usefulness by its cooperation with the State Highway Commission and the local Road Commissions, under whose management the roads of the State are being gradually but surely placed on a better basis. All of these evident efforts on the part of the College to make felt its influence for the betterment of the agricultural interests of the State have not been made by it unaided by any other force. On the contrary, it has ever been the aim of the College to recognize and cooperate with the various agricultural organizations existing throughout the State, and to further in every way possible the com- pleteness of such organization. It is, indeed, by an intelligent recognition, on the part of such organizations, of the usefulness of the work which the College has been trying to perform, that has made possible the above extensions of its sphere of influence. Upon this recog- nition, and the .sympathy and support resulting there- from, the College has relied in the past and will continue to rely in the future. And there should be required no better evidence of the fact that the College has been




doing a useful work, than that todaj^ it has the almost unanimous indorsement of the agricultural organizations of the State. That this should be true augurs well for the future career of the College ; and we think that it presages still greater benefit to those interests upon which so largely rests the prosperity of our people.

Resting here the discussion of the extension of the scope of the College work in the line of the practical application of scientific principles to the development of the agricultural interests of the State, we proceed to a consideration of the question of the development of the school as a source of technical instruction in agriculture and the mechanic arts.

We have seen that it was the intention of the founders of this College to establish a school for training young men in scientific agriculture ; that, after the vState had interposed to aid the College in its recuperation from the vicissitudes incident to civil war, such idea was widely departed from by the existing management of the insti- tution ; and that such practice, after a number of years, resulted in the withdrawal of the financial support of the State. When the Federal Government extended its aid to agricultural education throughout the United States, a new feature was established in the work of colleges receiving such support. Under the provisions of the Morrill Act of 1890, such schools must provide for tech- nical instruction in agriculture and the meehanic arts.

This period marks a new epoch in the development of the Maryland Agricultural College. From this time it has been an agricultural and tncchanical school, though

the original name has not been changed to conform to the change in the scope of its work. This fact should not be lost sight of ; for, in the itUention of the author of the Morrill Act, and of those by whose support it became a law, this additional feature was deemed of equal importance to the instruction in the art and science of agriculture.

In conformity with the spirit of the above-mentioned act, b}' which the institution receives by far the most important part of its financial support, the College at once began to make provision for the additional feature of the work. But, in order to give instruction in the mechanic arts, there must be available a building and equipment suffi- cient for the purpo.se. This the College could not, out of any fund available, provide ; for the State appropriation, though not required by law to be so used, was necessar}' to provide for the twenty-six scholarships which the lib- erality of the Board of Trustees bad provided for the benefit of the people of the State ; for books and tuition free to all students, and for repairs and insurance on the buildings already provided. Moreover, by the terms of the grant, not one cent of the federal appropriations might be di- verted to the procurement of any permanent plant or building, or for any purpose other than for the salaries of instructors and facilities for instruction. In 1894, however, by careful husbandry of its resources, the College was enabled to use enough of its general appropriation to erect a building and to purchase a partial equipment ; and, for the time being, the Department of Mechanical Engineer- ing was provided for. The Maryland Agricultural Col- lege had become an agriculturaland mechanical school.


It might be well, if space permitted, to show here that a course of instruction, such as that intended by the author of the Morrill Act, is the ideal course, viewed as an aid to the agricultural development of a nation. The comparativelj- recent introduction to this country of the idea, following the German method, of training the hand while educating the brain, working upward from the kindergarten to the Manual Training School, is yet a most important advance over old methods of instruction. He who, while acquiring a principle, is taught the prac- tical application of that principal, whether it be of mathematics, or of agriculture, or of mechanics, is better equipped for his life work than is he whose mind is .stored with facts, the true relation and value of which are lost to him. The hand occupies such an important place in giving expression to ideas of the mind, that in an age of specialization as is this, the manual training becomes a prime necessity. The College is, therefore, not only acting in conformity with the ideas of its founders, but it has also caught the inspiration of the modern idea in education.

But while provision was being made for the establish- ment of the Mechanical Engineering Department, the number of students had gone on increasing from year to year, until the old main building, used as well for dormi- tory as for lecture rooms, proved inadequate to the needs of the institution. The Legislature of 1898, therefore, provided a sum of money to improve the sanitar}' condi- tion of the old building and to provide an additional building to be the home of the various scientific depart-

ments. Morrill Hall it was named in honor of the ven- erable .senator from Vermont, who.se name is indelibly written in connection with the development of agricul- tural education in the United States. In 1896 the Chemical Department had erected a new building ade- quate for its purpo.ses, the funds therefor being provided from the income of the State Fertilizer Inspection. This relief of the crowded quarters of the College was, how- ever, only temporary, for increasing attendance of stu- dents made the demand for a new dormitory building imperative. The College, therefore, went before the Legislature of 1902, a.sking for an appropriation to enable it to receive the full measure of the liberal support which the Federal Government has always granted.

It is .scarcely necessary to argue the justice of the demand made by the College. It is preeminently the State College. The need for such a school in the State of Mary- land, which has always been and will ever be an agricul- tural State, is obvious. The important agricultural and horticultural interests of the State demand careful atten- tion, and require the application of .scientific principles to their development. The College, with this fact in view, aims to provide for the practical training of the youth of Maryland. It aims to 1)e the logical climax to the Public School system of the State in so far as that sy.stem leads to scientific ends. The College does not offer a high course in belles-lettres. Other schools there are in the State which .seem better adapted to that work ; but for training in the sciences, in agriculture, and in the mechanic arts, it aims to be second to none in the Union.


And when the fact is considered that the Federal Government has provided funds sufficiently large to provide for a Faculty capable of teaching many times the number of students for which the State has provided buildings, it must be evident to every thinking per- son that the State should cooperate to the extent of putting the College in position to receive the full benefit of the federal grants. Other States, and especially those of the great West, have shown a keener appreciation of the liberality of the nation. The agricultural colleges of the West, by the fostering care and patronage of the legislatures, have become, in almost every case, the key- stone of the educational system of the State. When we see the Legislature of Wisconsin appropriating $316,000 in one year for the proper equipment of her State Col- lege, we cannot but feel that Maryland has not treated her State institution fairly.

But now, at length, it seems that a brighter light is breaking over the horizon. The Legislature of 1902 has provided for a suitable dormitory building and for an extension of the Department of Mechanical Engineering. This means more students and more effective instruction. The aid given to the Experiment Station, the State Horti- cultural Department, and to the Department of Farmers

Institutes will extend the scope of their influence, and every circumstance points to a long stride forward in the near future.

Tho.se who have followed the College through the many vicissitudes that have marked her career must feel a thrill of deep pleasure in the prospect of success thus spread before her. That much of the trouble of the pa.st has been caused by a failure to appreciate the true worth of the institution, bj' those whose welfare is greatly dependent upon its success, is undoubtedl}- true ; that the cloud of misunderstanding and doubt is gradually dissolving in the light of its real merits, must be to the friends of education, and especially to those sturdy friends of the College, who have .stood by her through adversity and defeat, a source of unfailing gratification.

These have ever believed in the success of the College. Their faith in the triumphant destiny of the school has never wavered. And now that the light is breaking, we may hope that the dream will be realized. May the forward movement never be checked. May the old Maryland Agricultural College stride onward and upward until .she becomes what her friends have always wished to .see her the crowning point in the system of Public Instruction in the State !



THE EDITOR of Reveille, in outlining his plans therefor, thought that it would be an excellent idea to allow each class, ( except the much imposed upon Preps., who need- less to say, did not furnish theirs, ) to furnish its own class heading.

But, alas! Human frality did not forsee the terrifying effects of such a course, as

evinced by the class headings following. The Seniors and Juniors, as usual, acted with great discretion, and succeeded in securing friends who kindly did the work for them, and did it excellently.

The "Sophs'' and Freshmen, however, decided to allow members of their respective classes to do their headings. Of course, such an opportunity for "kindly offices'' so often rendered be- tween the two distinguished classes could not be lost, and they proceeded to "do" each other most beautifully.

Rumors of each other's doings filled the air, and finally, when the sketches were handed in, the unoffending editor was forced to push his bed against the door, and figuratively speaking, sleep under arms, to prevent some irrepressible classman of nineteen hundred and four or of nineteen hundred and five from seizing the drawing of the other class.

They were preserved intact, however, and appear, in toto, an exhibit of the ' 'there is a friend dearer than a brother, ' ' spirit existing between the two learned classes.


9 9






Class of 1902.

Colors : Old Rose and Royal Purple.

Motto: Palma Non Sine Pulvere.

Yell .— Hickety ! Rickety ! Rah ! Rah ! Rhu ! Hociini ! Slocum ! Nineteeii-two !


John Darby Bowman, Prciidcnt .

Luther Eugene Mackall. Secretary and Treasurer.

Robert Laurie Mitchell, Mcc-President. Arthur Roscoe Hirst, Historian and Prophet.

Class Roll.

John Darby Bowman, Hyattstown, Md. Samuel Porter Darby, Sellman, Md. Arthur Roscoe Hirst, Cambridge, Md. Luther Eugene Mackall, Mackall, Md. Thomas Baddeley Symons, Easton, Md.

Joseph Coudon, Jr., Perryville, Md. William Samuel Fendall, Towson, Md. Harry Nelson Lansdale, Dama.scus, Md. Robert Laurie Mitchell, La Plata, Md. John Irving Wisner, Baltimore, Md.


JOHN DARBY BOWMAN, Captain Company "B" ' Hyattstown.


President Class of '02, '99-'02; Manager Baseball team '02; Vice-President June Ball; Treasurer Rossbourg Club ; Vice-President Athletic Association ; Tennis Champion '01 ; Associate Editor "Reveille."

" Go ! fair example of untainted youth, Of modest wisdom and pacific truth. ' ' Pope.

Alias " Bow." Born on Sugar- Loaf Mountain, and has never lost this first accession of sweetness. Has always been noted as a good little boy, receiving a book of poems as a reward for good behavior while in the schools of his native town. "He is tall and fair, with curly hair," and wears a continual smile upon his face which is not unlike the famed expression of the historical Cheshire cat, but this is only a token of his extremely good nature and sunny disposition, which have made him the most popular man in school.

He is noted for love of home, and an unconquerable propensity to pamper the inner man. A great frequenter of the theatre, where he picks up love speeches to try upon the first unsuspecting young lady he meets.

Perhaps his greatest claim to fame lies in the fact that he has never been on the sick list in a four- year's course at M. A. C.


JOSEPH COUDON, JR., 1st Lieutenant Company "A"



Chairman Invitation Committee Rossbourg Club and June Ball. Literary Editor " Reveille."

Then he will talk. Good gods ! how he will talk. ' ' Lee. "An abridgement of all that is pleasant in man. " Goldsmith.

The subject of this sketch was born at PerryviUe, Md., on the banks of the Susquehanna, the ninth of September, 1880. He graduated from Cecil High School after being twice suspended for disobeying the most stringent mandate of the school authorities forbidding the boys to walk with the fair sex. But Joe, like Love, "laughs at locksmiths." His veracity is never doubted, but on account of his many miraculous adventures many of the boys stand much in awe of him. Joe's chief delights are to plague S. P., his room- mate, and to pay extended visits to " God's own country," Southern Maryland.


SAMUEL PORTER DARBY, Captain Company "A" Sellman.


Treasurer Athletic Association; Humorous Editor "Reveille, Morrill Literary Society.

" Vice-President

The world knows nothing of its greatest men. " Taylor. Man delights not me; no, nor woman either." Shakespeare.

Alias " S. P." or " Sporter." Born at Barnesville, Montgomery County, Maryland, on the sixteenth day of April, 1881. Attended the high schools of Washington until the fall of '99. when he entered the Sophomore class at this College. A model of military propriety and a worthy successor of the preceding captains of Company "A." Does not care for society, but appears at the "hops" in the most business-like manner. Has been known to leave the hall in the height of the dance to study German, which is his first love among the languages.

Has never been known to commit any criminal act other than the procuring of a pony under false pretenses. Some suspicion aroused by his holding such an important position upon the Strategy Board.


WILLIAM SAMUEL FENDALL, 2nd Lieutenant Company "B" Towson.


Assistant Business Manager " Reveille ; " Tennis Champion '00 ; Manager Tennis Team, '02.

' A youth was there of quiet ways, A student of old books and days." Longfellow.

Alias "Billy." Was born at Towson, Md., August 23rd, 1882. Graduated from the public schools of that lovely town, and entered the Freshman class of Maryland Agricultural College September, 1898. Here we have a hard student and a popular man ; born a soldier, but never a disciplinarian. Is known as the swift man of the Senior class, and the feminine hearts which have succumbed to his fascinating arts may be counted by the score. After his return this year, having had a severe attack of typhoid fever, he threatened to wreck the Commissary department, but he has since settled down to only double the usual allowance of food.


ARTHUR ROSCOE HIRST, 2nd Lieutenant Company "A"


Editor-in-Chief of "Reveille:" Class Prophet and Historian, '02; Secretary and Treasurer Morrill Literary Society; Valedictorian, '02; Baseball team, '01-'02.


" Talent alone cannot make a writer, There must be a man behind the book.


" No wher so busy a man as he ther was, And yet he seemed busier than he was. " Chaucer.

Commonly known as "John E." Born at Elmont, L. I., on the thirty-first day of March, 1881. At the tender age of six he moved to Cambridge, Md., and attended the public schools there, graduating in 1898 with honor. Entered the Junior class of Maryland Agricul- tural College in the fall of 1900, leading that class. He is a favorite with all and a hard student, yet never failing to have a good time. The length and number of the scented billet-deux which he receives prove his ability to fascinate the unsuspecting fair sex.

Mr. Hirst has evinced great interest in literary work and in baseball, playing both years on the team, and to him may be credited a large part of its success. Noted as a "Jack of all trades" with the usual result.


HARRY NELSON LANSDALE, 1st Lieutenant Company "C"



Business Manager "Reveille:" Manager Second teams, '01-'02 ; Chairman Floor Committee June Ball ; Chairman Floor Committee Rossbourg Club ; Vice-President New Mercer Literary Society.

" My only books were woman's looks, And folly all they've taught me-" Moore.

" A lion among ladies is a most dreadful thing." Midsummer Night's Dream.

Alias "Partridge." Born at Damascus, Montgomery County, Maryland, September 30th, 1879. He attended public school at Cold Hill Academy, but has never since been frozen out. At a tender age he manifested a strong antipathy to the fair sex which he still manfully labors to overcome. He is always found present at gatherings of social kind, usually accompanied by one of the sharers of our fates. Has been known to traverse the road to Captain's on other than official business. Cause unknown.(?) In his various positions of trust he has acquitted himself most creditably. Mr. Lansdale is also noted for his ability to read German, never making less than a ten.


LUTHER EUGENE MACKALL, 1st Lieutenant and Adjutant Mackall.


Manager '01 Football team ; Vice-President Rossbourg Club ; Athletic Editor "Reveille;" Chairman Refreshment Committee June Ball; Class Historian '98-' 01.

' ' A fiery soul which, working out its way, Fretted the pigmy body to decay. And o'er-informed the tenement of clay. " Dryden.

Alias "Rat." Born in Calvert County, December 8th, 1882. Graduated from the public schools there and entered the Freshman class of Maryland Agricultural College in the fall of '98. He is a man of great possibilities, and has already refused several fine pecuniary offers from circus companies to appear as a "Living Skeleton." Impulsive to the last degree, there has been much danger of losing him from the class, but by dint of much persuasion he decided not to enter the Hymeneal state until after graduation.

In jockeying he is a veritable Tod Sloane, having ridden successfully, as well as prudently, for two years, to the extreme satisfaction of the Chair of Classics.


ROBERT LAURIE MITCHELL, Captain Company " C " La Plata.


President Rossbourg Club ; President New Mercer Literary Society; Associate Editor "Reveille; " Salutatorian, 1902,

' ' A man of ready smile and facile tear, Improvised hopes, despairs at nod and beck, And language ah, the gift of eloquence ! " Browning.

Alias "Mitch."— Born at La Plata, Md., August 13, 1883. Graduated a Hanson Hill Academy, and entered Maryland Agricultural College in September, 1898. Independent in the extreme, afraid of no one, and consistent in all his duties, is the best description possible of his character. Is known to be the only man in his class, except Wisner, who has never been beguiled into falling in love by the alluring ways of " woman, lovely woman."

Mr. Mitchell is famed as an orator, and has been known to bring tears even into his own eyes by his eloquence. He is also noted as a financier, having once even gotten a dime from Professor Pond for the Junior Hop. His natural talent for law will undoubtedly make for him a high place in that profession.


THOMAS BADDELEY SYMONS, Major Cadet Battalion Easton.


President Athletic Association ; President June Ball Organization ; President Reception Committee Rossbourg Club ; President Morrill Literary Society ; Editor Rossbour^ Club, "Reveille."

" A huge idolator of monosyllables. " Swift.

Upon what meat does this, our Caesar, feed, That he has grown so great F ' ' Shakespeare.

Alias " Sy." Easily distinguished as the finest specimen of physical man- hood in College. " Sy " is English to the core and, therefore, never fails to appreciate a good joke. Bugs are his hobby and he will never tire of astonishing one with words of infinite length, culled from his Entomological vocabulary. With the ladies he is "Major " as well as with his battalion, and makes with them an infinite number of conquests. " Sy " can often, on Sundays, be seen wending his way to town in quest of two o'clock dinners with " his own bestest." " And that is a picture no artist can paint."

To Major Symons belongs much of the credit for the almost perfectly drilled cadet battalion of this year.


JOHN IRVING WISNER, 1st Lieutenant Company" B" Baltimore.


Chairman Refreshment Commintee Rossbourg Club; Assistant Business Manager "Reveille;" Chairman Programme Committee Morrill Literary Society.

' For he, by geometric scale, Could take the size of pots of ale . And wisely tell what hour o' day The clock does strike by Algebra. '


Alias "Billy," also "Ikey." Born at Martinsburg, West Virginia, but moved to Baltimore while still in kilts. Attended the Baltimore public schools until 1896, when he became industrious for three years. Entered the Sophomore class, Maryland Agricultural College, in 1899. Wisner was never known to hurry, being best known by the cognomen of " old cow's tail." Is a slow but sure thinker, and bears all the ear marks of some day being a great professor of higher mathematics. Has been known to fall from virtue on one or two occasions but, fasted, prayed and read Scripture all day Sunday in expiation. Has a tender spot in his heart for the ladies, but it has never been touched.



Ye olden heralds, grim and grave, Blew loudly when a blast they made To usher in a knight of old, When bent on some great action bold.


But I, a simple maiden, blow. For acts of peace and conflicts slow ; The past and future of Nineteen Two, Whose deeds I now proclaim to you.


History of the Cl&ss of Nineteen-Two.

T is needless to recite the history of our vari- ous trials and tribulations since we, as the class of 1902, entered the portals of Mar)-land Agricultural College, some four years ago. Sufficient is to saj-.that as Freshmen we re- ceived the necessary, or more than necessary, amount of "fanning," usually inflicted upon that unsophisticated class ; and that, as Sophomores, we endeavored, without malice, to return the favor in kind. In the Freshman year we numbered thirty-four members ; but each year has served only to decrease our number, and tonight we stand before you reduced to ten. However, we have done re- markably well since the beginning of the Junior year, losing only three men, one, much to our regret, leaving in his Senior year.

Since our first organization we have stood together as a class with a solidarity and an unanimity of aims which has been the keynote of our collegiate career. No trace of dissen.sion of any kind has been present, and we stand as united in views and purposes today as we did at our first class meeting.

The class has taken a determined stand against hazing and we think we can say that, .second only to our hon- ored President and F'aculty, do we deserve the credit for the reform which has taken place along this line during the last year.

The social features of the college have more than been kept up to their old state of enjoyableness, (if we may coin a word,) while under our charge; and never have the dances been more select and more pleasant than they have been this last season.

In athletics, including tennis, we have furnished many men who have done both their class and the college credit on the field of sport : and, perhaps, the loss of one of our number had much to do with our football team's lack of success during the past season.

The class has also adopted a school pin which would do credit to any college, and which is a vast improvement on anything we have as yet had. "The Reveille" too, has received a .share of our attention, and we hope that the resumption of the old form and the minor changes which we have made will meet with general approval.


The j^ear of 1902, such an eventful one to us, has passed, it seems now, as swiftly as the cloud of a summer da\'. In vain are regrets! Time has turned once more his hour glass and Fate, in its remorseless decree, hassaid that we have finished. Classmates, schoolmates, teach- ers, all, must separate, perhaps never again to meet on this side of the bourne, toward which all of us are wend- ing our ways.

But, classmates, as we part, let us gird ourselves for the impending battle, and let each of us enter it with a determination to conquer in the strife. May we all make

lasting impressions in our own lines of work, andmeetin the great beyond to attend the final roll call, and to receive our just reward for dut}' well performed.

L,et us trust that our loved Alma Mater will ever press upward and onward until she shall reach the position due her in the niche of fame, side by side with the great uni- versities of America ; and may she ever send out into the world classes which have as deep an appreciation of her services and as great a desire for her advancement as has the class of 1902,




I tune my lyre, the muse attend,

And to my aid her efforts lend; Inspire my pen to sweeter strain

Than e'er issued from mortal brain. For a subject now consumes my time

For whom the most impassioned line; But shadows forth the charming grace

That changeth not for time nor place.


In nature, sweet as the gentle dove;

Her smile, a glimpse of Heaven above. Her teeth, so small and pearly white.

Shame the poor sheet on which I write. Her form, the perfection of airy grace,

As 'twould have to be to match her face. In her, the graces all unite.

To dance with her is rare delight.

II Born in the purple, sweet as the rose.

She rules the world where'er she goes. Her beauty! Words can't tell the tale!

Immortal poets e'n would fail To tell one half the charms that grace

Her blushing, ever changing face. In form, now large and now petite

But never aught but dear and sweet.

IV To complete the picture, add a vim

To drive a man to any sin; Or to live anew to win one smile.

From lips so free from sin or guile. She is the bulwark of our might.

The champion of all that's right. Long may she live beloved and true,

Is the wish of the Class of Nineteen-two.

—A. R. H.


Class Prophecy, Nineteen-Two.

"A Prophet is noi without honour, save in his own eouiitiy.'

NE evening in early June, nineteen, twenty- one, I was sitting in the greatest ease and comfort in my office, the inevitable cigar in my mouth, and with my feet resting com- fortably on the desk before me. The time being so near that of my graduation, nineteen j'ears be- fore, my thoughts naturally turned to old Maryland Agri- cultural College ; and, half asleep and half awake, I was dreaming of old times and the many merry days of long ago at the college. Recollections, some almost tragic, but for the most part merry, thronged upon me ; and, as I lived anew the old life, one by one the old faces seemed to pass before my eyes, filling me with a vain desire to pass again through those days and see the boys as they used to be.

Suddenly there came a knock at my door, disturbing my musings, and in answer to my inquiry: "Who's out?" there entered a man, bearing all the awe-inspiring ear

marks of a book agent. He had the usual affable, oily demeanor of the clan, and carried his propaganda in a huge ca.se. I anticipated him by saying: "I don't care for any book or books to-day. I have an Encyclopedia, a 'History of the United States Empire,' and an 'Ever\' Man His Own Physician,' and I have no desire to hire any storage room just at present."

Of course this had no more effect upon him than did the report of the Schley Court of Inquiry have on the mind of the American public. In a beautifully worded speech he informed me that he was selling a history of all the men composing the classes which had graduated from the Maryland Agricultural College since the century began. Of cour.se, my interest being aroused, I ordered a copy.

After waiting the usual long period between the time of ordering and of receiving subscription books, my copy did finally arive. With what impatience did I await the


opening of the case, and how eagerly I turned the pages to find the histories of my old classmates! Ah! here it is in large sized type, as the subject deserves: "The History of the Class of Nineteen Hundred AND Two, Since Its Graduation."

Arranged alphabetically, I read the following entries :

John Darby Bowman, Mechanical.

Soon after graduation Mr. Bowman returned to Mary- land Agricultural College as the head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, made vacant by the resigna- tion of Professor Mitchell, '98, to accept a position at Cornell Universitj'.

In nineteen hundred and three he married the noted belle, Miss Blank, of Washington.

Professor Bowman is noted for his always smiling de- meanor and an unfailing good nature, having even been known to meet the Sophomore class in "Applied Mechan- ics" without losing his temper.

He employs two French chefs in his immense establish- ment, and has gotten out of the habit acquired while a student of making a daily kick on the menu.

ITnder his care the mechanical department has more than kept pace with improvements in the other depart- ments of the college, and is today sending out j'early dozens of graduates who easily obtain the best positions.

Joseph Condon, Jr., Agricultural.

Became a farmer on a large scale on leaving college, and now owns one of the largest stock and wheat farms in the East. Mr. Coudon was nearl)' ruined bj- numerous breach of promise suits in the five years following his graduation;

but in nineteen hundred and six he finally married and has .since, by compulsion, settled down.

The Pennsylvania Railroad runs a special mail to Cou- dontown, Cecil Count)', Maryland, to accommodate his immense correspondence from people seeking advice in love affairs.

During his leisure hours he writes fairy tales ; first for the edification of his children, and afterwards in respon.se to a universal demand for publication. These have an im- mense sale, and Mr. Coudon is known as "The Grim of America." Among these "The Hyatt.sville Nights;" "Girls Who Have Loved Me," and "I'm Giving It To You Straight," are the most read. The proceeds of their sale Mr. Coudon has generously donated for the support of the Coudontown Free Library.

S. Porter Darby, Agricultural.

He too, became a farmer on a large .scale, settling in "Old Montgomery." Has never married, as he says it was easier to keep Companj' "A" in order than it would be to manage one woman. He keeps "Liberty Hall" on a large scale, and some exciting tales of the jolly times there are extant in his county. His fine figure and military bearing are so fascinating to the fair sex, that he has been forced to build a six foot wall around his demesne to de- fend himself from their importunities. Rumors of his final capture are now current, but his friends hope for the best.

The time Mr. Darbj' can spare from his ponies he spends in writing for "The Montgomerj- Egg Producer" and "Rockville Hayseed." His most noted works are "How


to be a Successful Farmer Without Labor," "German Without a Pony," and "M3' Experiences on the Strategy Board."

William S. Kendall, Mechanical.

Entered the drafting department of the Bureau of Naval

Construction of the United States in the fall of nineteen hundred and two, and has since become head of his de- partment, as well as of an interesting family. He is noted for his proficiency in mathematics; and, for recreation, has written "A Discussion of my Limits in Integral Cal- calus.'' He is champion tennis player of America, and is especially fond of high balls and low twisters. Has been proposed (nineteen hundred and twenty) as Secre- tary of the Navy, but the appointment has not yet been made. His natural antipathy for water maj' lead him to refuse the honor.

Mr. Fendall designed, by himself, all the parts of the great battleship, Maryland Agricultural College, which has revolutionized naval construction. There seems to be no limit to his powers, and his friends confidently ex- pect him to become a second Roosevelt.

Arthur Roscoe Hirst, Physical Scientific.

Could not tear him.self away from the garden spot of the world for some time after graduation.

Finally however, he went aboard to .study mathematics and physics at Leipzig. Remained there some time, and while there "buncoed" a lovely young hieress from America into marrying him. He obtained a Ph. D. in Physics, and has been for several years Professor of Physics at Columbia Universit}'.

Owns a large wholesale tobacco store in New York City; but it has never declared a dividend, since the pro- prietor uses so much of its stock of trade. His friends fear he will be as unfortunate as Grant, but his wife haS so much of his heart that there .seems to be no danger.


Dr. Hirst writes when he is not sleeping, and some- times writes as if he were asleep. Is dramatic editor of "The Broadway Magazine," and is verj- fond of chorus girls. His books "Some Ca.ses I Have Had," "The Curve of Sheer Nonsense" and "The Carrying Capacity of Man" have been printed.

As a member of Tammany Hall hea.'^sists Mr. Mitchell in his crusade against the saloon.

During his spare time he endeavors' with great success to teach a minature Hirst some of the rudiments of base- ball.

Harry Nelson Lansdale, Chemical.

Succeeded Dr. Remsen as Profes.sor of Chemistry at Hopkins in nineteen hundred and ten, after successfully holding professorships in minor colleges. He is noted for an unusually affable manner which makes him ex- tremely popular with the boys; and for the number of "cases" through which he has successfully passed. Was finally captured in nineteen hundred and five by a charm- ing young ladj' who graces his palatial home on North Charles Street, Baltimore. Dr. Lansdale is a great pat- ron of the drama and owns several theatres, since he finds that the cheapest waj- to pay his ticket bills. Is the author of several exhaustive works on Chemistrj-, includ- ing "How to Make Theory and Practice Agree in Chem- ical Experiments." "The Minimizing of Errors," and several standard text books.

He is a noted society man, and spends much of his time in New York, where he has succeeded the great Harry Lehr in the management of society functions. "Lans-

dale on Etiquette" and "Lansdale on How to Disembark From Street Cars" are widely read.

Luther Eugene Mackall, Classical.

Married as soon as he left college, and soon after at- tended Maryland ITuiversity Law School, from which he graduated, nineteen hundred and four. Has a large practice in Baltimore where he put out his shingle upon receiving his degree. He is especially sought after to conduct breach of promise suits and divorce ca.ses, in the successful conduct of which he has gained an interna- tional reputation.

As an auxiliary, he owns an immense livery stable, which is noted for sheltering the finest horses and ponies and equipages in the city.

It is his chief recreation to take an evening drive with his family on some of the fine boulevards of Druid Hill Park, where his masterly driving of his four horses, Horace, Livy, Lacitus and Juvenal, excites much favor- able comment. Hon. Mr. Mackall also derives a large income by his lectures at the various ITniversities. His best known efforts in this direction are "How to Mini- mize Brain Effort" and "Why a College Man Should Love."

Robert Laurie Mitchell, Chemical.

Graduated from Vale Law School with high honors in nineteen hundred and five. Is now a lawyer of large practice in New York City, where his office is beseiged with a ceaseless flow of clients. Judge Mitchell, (for he has risen to that distinction, ) has won manj^ cases now


famous in law annals, by his eloquence and combative powers.

He married earl}- in life and says he has never regretted the step. As captain of Company "C" Seventy-first New York Volunteers, he is vastly popular with his men who admire grit, as do all Americans.

All the spare time left to him after the demands of his practice are met, he devotes to the study of higher physics, which is his hobby now as at Maryland Agricul- tural College. His work, "The Delight of Physical Science." with an introduction by Professor Lanahan, made an immense hit. Mr. Mitchell is a prominent Tammany leader, and has won great commendation by his energetic crusade against the saloon outrage, in which he has eclipsed even the famous Dr. Parkhurst.

Thomas Baddeley Symons, Biological Scientific.

Soon after graduation accepted a position at Cornell, where he has since risen to be the head of the Entomological Department and State Entomologist of New York. Pro- fessor Symons has a slight impediment in his speech, due to using too many pollysyllabic words in his youth. His home is presided over by a lovely Englishwoman, whom he won while she was on an American tour.

Mr. Symons is the beau ideal of a military man, and is Colonel of the Two Hundred and Fiftieth New York Regiment. Colonel Symons is also a writer of great prominence, both in the scientific papers and as the author of several books. His works, "Some Bugs I Have Known" and "A Journey Into the Unpronouncable," are justly famous. Indeed, so great have been their suc-

cess, that he is thinking of retiring soon and devoting himself solely to letters. His fame as a dancer is well up- held b}- his children, who are prominent in the social life of Ithaca.

John Irving Wisner, Physical Scientific.

Became interested in railroad engineering upon gradu- ation, and by perseverance and engineering talent has risen to be chief engineer of the great Morgan System of railroads.

He has never married, but still enjoys life greatly as a member of the S. P. Darby Bachelor's Club. He is also a fencer of no mean ability, and has been known to foil many feminine intentions.

Mr. Wisner is head of the "Society for the Relief of the Maryland Agricultural College Students Financially Em- barassed," which has been known to render aid to the whole student body during the weeks following Christmas.

Mr. Wisner also is the chairman of the Republican State Central Committee, and it is mainly due to his efforts that the party still lives in Maryland.

Like most of the cla.ss he has literary tendencies which have for the mo.st part been exhibited in the form of fiction. His "Some Sports at Maryland Agricultural College," "The Fast Set," "He Fell in Love' With His Grand-daughter," are among the best sellers of the day.

Here ended the entries.

You can only half imagine the joy I felt in reading of the triumphs and fame of all of my classmates, and as I saw that all of our most sanguine dreams were more than realized, I could not refrain from once more waving my old cane above my head and giving the well loved class yell:

Hickety! Rickety! Rah! Rah!Rhu! Hocum! Slocum! Nineteen Two!

July I, 1921.





I. II.

Four fleeting years of happy life For us no more the whispering oaks

Close o'er us here to-day. Shall wave above the throng,

And from this marge their freighted cnarge That long delayed l)eneath their shade

Is floating fast away; To join the swelling song.

True friends and tried, we, side by side. The old, old Ijugle ne'er shall tell

To this last hour have come, Of anj- student care.

When we must part with saddened heart. Nor one old hall shall e'er recall

From our old College Home. The steps that echoed there.

in. IV.

Ah! sweet the hours when we shall turn Farewell though change shall mark our path.

To these last parting tears. And gray become each brow;

And sweet the times when memory's chimes Though bitter care may be the share

Ring from this aisle of years, Of those we're leaving now.

When we shall trace each friendly face Vet while the tide of life shall glide,

Set in the golden past. And till its course is through,

And thoughts shall rise of tenderest ties, Each heart shall find its love enshrined

That bound us firm and fast. In M. A. C. and Nineteen Two.



I CiioRis:

I'pon the patli of knowledge steep O Class of Nineteen Hundred Two!

The junior Class li;is nianhed along; With valient niemljers twelve and one.

The ohstncles lieneatli their feet The M. A. C. expects from you

Have all been crushed liy courage strong. The highest duties to be done.

II. With lamps of wisdom Ijurning liright

Tlie Junior Class has come at last. To reach the dignity to-night With noble Seniors to lie classed.


in. The path of knowledge still before,

The lamp of wisdom shall make bright, Until the journey shall be o'er

And all the darkness turned to light.

Chori's —H. K. Bradford.


Progress in Horticultural Education.


O discover facts, to draw conclusions from data collected, in a manner that will evince our intimac\- with Nature's processes, is the goal of every progressive horticulturist. The rule of thumb methods, the imperious rul- ings of a narrow and self-inflated tradition, are not methods calculated to mark a man as either progressive or competent in any profession. These times call for a reverence for the past as containing sacred memories and grievous mistakes. The former should keep us true to ourselves, and the latter be guide posts to direct our future progress. In this future near at hand is an awaken- ing, portentous in the extreme, in all matters bearing upon horticulture and its kindred professions. There are men who.se whole time is employed in yearning for the days of yore; who can see nothing substantial in their day and generation. Such beings are clogs upon the wheels of progress; they are tied to the past, and hence dead to the future. They are unable to see aught of worth in the present, and the future is teeming with eter- nal ruin for man and all of his systems built upon the ac- cumulated wisdom of the age. These men are not built after the type of Whitney, Fulton, Field, Cooper, Gray,

Darwin, Agassiz, Bailey, Kerr, Emory, Harris, Harrison, Hale, Morrill and a host of others, the roots of whose lives reach deep down into the past and partake of the fertilizing power of its wisdom, in order that the blossom- ing of their present lives may promise a fruitage rich and rare to their posterity.

These are the men who with one accord join in the acclaim:

"We are marching, we are living. In a grand and awful time : In an age on ages telling, To Ije living is sublime."

These lines are applicable to horticultural education. Never perhaps, in the history of the world, have so many problems presented themselves for consideration as horti- culturists have before them today. Plant breeding, and the working out of the many problems which it presents; the philosoph}' of variation, whether the phenomena observed are accidental, or are built upon a great under- lying principle as inviolate in its action as the laws of gravity, are some of the problems inviting attention. The latter conclusion seems inevitable in view of the fact every-


where obsen-ed, that in every living thing or being an individiiaHty marks its existence. This individuality rests upon the unshaken fact of the power of adaptability to environment, and this environment is man's handiwork. Do not understand that it is conceived bj- this statement that in this adaptability characteristics are not changed. Every characteristic, desirable or undesirable, rests upon the resultant force of favoring or unfavoring causes. Man's power to direct these is self confessed.

Major John Adlum's name is a household word to hor- ticulturists. His close study of our native American grapes; his keenly trained mind and eye, analyzing exist- ing conditions, reduced the power of unfavorable forces and emphasized by his masterful control, favorable condi- tions, until he had a product to pre,sent to the American people, in the great "Catawba" grape, which Bailey claims leads all successful northern varieties in its wine making qualities. To men of the Adlum kind we trace all progress. Men with one idea, men with lives concen- trated to a single purpo.se, and anchored to it with the chain of an invincible purpose which no vicissitude can weaken and no obstacle break. His faith in his founda- tion principle, that successful grape culture must rest upon our native stock, was the one idea that animated his life, and led to a final recognition of the truth in the minds of all grape culturists. Like every other funda- mental principle, it did not rest with this one product. Upon the same lines and out of the same conditions, Ephraim W. Bull gave to the world that wonderful vari- ety which is still so largely cultivated and known as the

"Concord." Commercially, it stands "primus inter pares." Numerous other instances, such as the "Wor- den" and "Moore's Early" may be taken as striking evi- dences of finding a principle and following it in its adjust- ment to surrounding conditions, noting carefully the re- sulting evolutions. I know of no other instance in which modern horticulture can find evidence of progress more strongh' emphasized than is to be found in the care and culture of this fruit. The same reward must have at- tended every patient investigator in everj' other line of horticultural development.

The centur)' just closed is full of victories. The edu- cational features were of a trying character. The inves- tigators blazed the way to their ends. Through many failures and much tribulation they reached the goals they .sought. Out of an abundance of thought an ideal was born, and patient work produced its material counterpart. In this opening of the Twentieth Centur}-, how different the conditions. We face the future; it contains full hope and most favorable promises. In every State of our llnion, trained and eager men stand at their laboratory tables and in the fields, conversant with all the past con- tains, and collecting all that the present gives birth to, ready to announce to a listening multitude the solutions of the problems which must come as the result of such well directed effort. The one imminent danger is the im- patience of a restless American public. "Rome was not built in a day," nor can the solutions of problems which affect the lives of those engaged in agriculture in its broadest or highlj- specialized sense, be expected in a few


months or years. Nature is an imperious, j^et trutliful mistress. Her answer to queries when properly placed are given in her own good time, unerringly answered. The responsibility for their proper translation, rests upon tho.se who attend her ways. These attendants look to practical men in the field to make provision for their best work. How can this be done?

First, from a full realization that the work in which they are engaged requires a storehouse of knowledge, as complex as that which must be possessed by a successful man engaged in any of the so-called "learned" pro- fessions. This is a truism not realized by many. It is the sheet anchor of our hopes, and the touchstone of every pronounced success. Progress in any of the vocations of man is generally' born of a necessity strongly realized. In the business world, this is the lever that has raised the extraordinary activity which we witness on the great plane of human endeavor. Agriculture in its widest sense, as well as in its highly specialized departments, is beginning to feel this necessity. Everywhere in the orchard, in the garden, the green hou.se and the fields men are turning their attention to the solution of the problems which confront them. Tradition, the method of thumb and mere mechanical proce.sses, are giving place to the more rational conception that man's dominion over matter and force, is dependent upon a trained head.

With a few exceptions, the birth of this thought can be placed at about the year 1888, when our experiment stations were born. It was still further emphasized in 1890, when the Second Morrill Act came into existance.

The.se two agencies mark the nativitj' of progress in agri- cultural and horticultural education. The march of this progress is shown Isy the evident appreciation of the efforts made by the Department of Agriculture in Washington, and the still more pronounced support in many States, of the institutions devoting their energies to the exten- sion of the idea that training is necessary to equip a man for horticultural or agricultural work. Men of rural com- munities are realizing that the curriculm of our public .schools must be changed in order that thosewho.se educa- tional possibilities are limited to a public school cour.se, may have at least an insight into the great fundamental principles which underlie their future work.

Our short winter courses and nature study leaflets came into existence to supply a demand from those who now realize that their public school courses failed to direct their attention to the elements necessary to success in modern horticulture. It needs only a little time for the cultivation of a public sentiment, which which will rem- edy this evil from the standpoint of the public schools. It is not to be understood that it is claimed that the short courses are equal to the task of giving a man that train- ing of either head or hand, which will equip him for the work in hand.

Our progressive horticulturists see the dawning of a brighter day, and some of the more progressive ones are even now living in the morning of that day, and are reap- ing the fruits of its blessings. The evolution of all pro- fessions takes place along identically the same lines. First, a literature is evolved; secondly, the reduction of


this to a pedagogic forin; and thirdly, the training of men to apply this form to the practical affairs of the class rooms and fields. The first condition is supplied. A lit- erature ricli in data and conclusion is at hand. From the Department in Washington, from the colleges and exper- iment stations of the Union, and from the fields of the country, a literature wealthy in data and recorded results, is our heritage. This is the strongest evidence of progress in horticultural education. The progress of reduction to a pedagogic form has not been as rapid as the average

American wishes. The American type of life wants re- sults right now; impatience is our one besetting sin.

The same may be said of the third step in this evolu- tion. It is gratifying, however, to realize that there is a leaven of con.servatism in American life, which finally works it way through the mass of hasty, sensational and ephemeral progress, and gives us a final result which connuands the respect, admiration and acceptance of the civili/.ed world.

February, 1902. R. W. Silvester.


£*;''•& fi'^J^Sl ^\"^ 3>



Class Motto :

Esse Quam Videre.

Class Colors.

Violet-bli'.e and White.


Class Yell :

Rah ! rah ! rhi ! Rah I rah ! rhi ! Heigh-ho ! Heigh-ho !

Nineteen Three !

Edgar P. Walls, President. Preston L. Peach, \'ice-President. John P. Coelier, Secretary and Treasurer. Caevin P. Page, Historian. Emmons B. Dunbar, Sergeant-at-Arnis.

C1&.SS Roll.

■K St X

Charles H. Bouic, Rockville, Md. Enoch F. Garner, Duley, Md.

Horatio K. Bradford, Washington, D.C. J. Marsh Matthews, Dulaney's Valley, Md.

George W. Cairnes, Jarrettsville, Md. Simon B. Nicholls, Germantown, Md.

John P. Collier, EUicott City, Md. Calvin P. Page, Frederick, Md.

Emmons B. Dunbar, Springville, N. Y. Edgar P. Walls, Barclay, Md.

Joshua H. Warfield, Florence, Md.



History of the Cld^ss of Nineteen-Three.

THE world is moving on, and time in her hurried perambulations has brought us to another epoch-making date, the appearance of the Reveille by the class of 1902 of the Maryland Agricultural College. To allow the Reveille to be published without con- taining a brief history of the class of 1903 would be nothing less than a calamity.

This class has a mo.st interesting history. It entered these ancient walls in September, 1899, with thirty- seven (37 ) members on the class roll. What a wonder- ful gathering of humanity this class started out with It contained boys from every part of Maryland, and from all the walks of life. But the .strictly military rule here soon moulded them into men, who realized that they were here laying the foundation for their future life, and had at heart not only their own advancement, but also that of the institution which they hoped would be their Alma Mater.

After we matriculated we soon settled down to our duties. In our class was a number of athletes, and as coming events cast their shadows before, so we .soon saw-

that 1903 would become famous as an athletic class.

Several of our men made the football team after hard training, and whenever old Maryland Agricultural Col- lege had to depend upon the meiL then it was that the sons of " 1903" came to her re.scue and pushed her on to victor)-.

Here we entered upon the mid-winter examinations with a steady nerve, and, thanks to the professors' noble work, we nearly all passed.

We continued on with our work, and soon June rolled around, and we were then to take our examinations for promotion to Sophomores.

I must not fail to mention here that we had a success- ful ba.seball team, and .several members of our class were on it.

June finally arrived, and after all its pleasures we were to leave old Maryland Agricultural College, after our first year here, for our homes to spend a pleasant summer and return as Sophomores.

In September we returned to take up our new duties and studies. Some of our last year classmates decided to follow different pursuits in life than studying, .so thej-


departed for other fields of duty. Althougli we lose some old boys, quite a number of new ones entered the class, and when the roll was called twenty-seven worthy Sophomores answered to their names.

We entered upon our duties with a spirit, and when a call was made for the football team our class responded nobly. After hard and .scientific training we were repre- sented by five of our men filling positions on the team. We helped old Maryland Agricultural College to add many a victory to her long list, and to bring her forward in athletics.

We all passed through our mid-winter examinations and were eager to return to our studies after a pleasant Christmas holiday. It was at this time our President was called away from us to his home. How well do I remember the parting of our President, and how sad we all were for a long time.

We continued to work hard through the Spring at our studies, and the only thing that distracted our minds was baseball. Old 1903 was represented there, and her sons, as well as the whole team, made an enviable record.

At last June came upon us w'ith its pleasures, exam- inations and promotions. Luckily we all survived the.se, and once more we went home after putting in a good year of studying.

In September we once more returned to find only twelve members present to take up the duties and respon- sibilities of Juniors. What was lost in quantity was

made up in quality, .so we decided once more to put our shoulders to the ta.sk and work hard for Senior glory and graduation.

Once again our class had its full quota on the field for football, and when the .squad was formed we heard with much pleasure that one of our classmates had been elected Captain.

Once more our class was without a President, as the one elected last year having failed to return to carry on his studies. We at once elected a new one, and we all hope he will not meet with the same misfortune as his predecessors.

After Christmas we were joined by an old last year boy, so we now have a class of unlucky thirteen.

We all .studied hard, and after the Easter holidays returned to continue our good work.

Baseball was the favorite .sport and was deep in the hearts of "old 1903," as she has a son who is Captain of the nine.

June finally came with its examinations. We all met them as men, and after a delightful Commencement work returned to our homes now Seniors.

Let us drink to the health of "old 1903," and may she ever be the brightest, be.st, and most learned cla.ss of her Alma Mater. May its members grow ever to be patriotic, loyal and worthy men of the State of Mary- land, with this their motto, as ours Esse qua in vidcre.



Music by H. K. BRADFORD.



Come, gather classmates all, once more.

The milestones swiftly pass And standing at the Senior door

We find our noble class; While peering through the mist we see On the next stone written— 1903.

Chori's: Another year is gone,

Another trophy won, And, in the volume of our deeds, Another chapter done.

Come, boys, let's pledge ourselves to try

A brilliant race to run. Then on to glorious heights to fly,

In friendship, still as one: And proudly then to take our stand As valiant sons of Maryland.— Chorus.

III. Come, rally, boys, let's win a name !

That makes the ages wonder That speaks through all the halls of fame

Like through the clouds the thunder; A model through the years we'll be, O, noble Class of 1903 I— Chorvs.

-P. L. P.


Boric " Religion does not censure or exclude

Unnumbered pleasures, harmlessly pursued." G.\R.NER " What sweet delight a quiet life affords." Mayo "Nemo in sese tentat descendere" Walls "You sun-burned sickle man, of August weary. Come hither from the furrow and be merry." Cair.nes "Chaste as the icicle that hangs on Dian's Temple." Matthews "Tidings do I bring, and lucky joys, and golden times." Page "Silence, beautiful voice." Warfield "The ladies call him sweet;

The stairs, as he treads upon them, kiss his feet." NiCHOLLS S " Sweet are the slumliers of the virtuous man." Collier "Sweet bells jangled, out of tune and harsh." Peach "There is no true orator who is not a hero." Di'nbar " It is a great plague to be too handsome a man." Bradford " I to myself am dearer than a friend."



Class of Nineteen-Four.

Class Colors: Violet and Maroon. Class Motto: "Labor Omnia Vincet."

Class Officers.

Jas. a. AtiUTS.RSO'N, President.

Walter R. Mitchell, Secretary and Treasurer.

Class Roll.

Class Yell : Hi yackety yak ! Hi j-ackety j^or ! Yackety ! yackety ! 1904

Hknry D. Watts, \lce-Presidcnt. Fred A. Jones, Historian.

Jas. A. Ander.son, Deal's Island, Md. Edward D. Brown, Lakeland, Md. Thos. E. Bryan, Centreville, Md. Harold W. Burnside, Hyattsville, Md. Y. V. Caiidamo, Lima, Peru. Rich. P. Clioate, Randallstown, Md. John C. Cockey, Gwyniibrook, Md. Lewis W. Cruikshank, Cecilton, Md. T. A. P. Deaner, Boonsboro, Md. Joshua G. Ensof, Belfast, Md. Laurence M. Ewell, Baltimore, Md. Thomas A. Gourley, Burch, Md.

Percy J. Grey, Glyndon, Md. Ralph Hamblin, Wango, Md. Fred A. Jones, Beallsville, Md. John R. Lewis, Clark.sburg, Md. E. C. Mayo, Hyattsville, Md. E. W. Merryman, Baltimore, Md. Robt. J. Meikle, Baltimore, Md. Jas. M. Merritt, Easton, Md. J. E. Moran, Washington, D. C. Walter R. Mitchell, La Plata, Md. Thos. B. Mullendore, Trego, Md.


Geo. R. Ogier, Baltimore, Md.

P. W. Rolph, Beltsville, Md.

E. Ralph Sasscer, La Plata, Md.

S. B. Shaw, Rehobeth, Md.

Geo. L. Sincell, Oakland, Md.

Ernest W. Stoll, Brookland, Md.

J. McL. Street, Rocks, Md.

J. McLeod Turner, Taylor, Md.

Harry D. Watts, Belair, Md.

Fletcher O. Webster, Baltimore, Md.

G. L. Wentworth, Washington, D. C.


History of the Class of Nineteen-Four.

As Gibbons delighted in writing the history of the Roniam Empire as Hume reveled in a de-^cription of the English people as Ban- croft devoted himself to the pleasant task of placing upon history's pages the great achievemei.ts of our own glorious country and the names of her inunortal heroes so the class historian is equally inspired to record the names and deeds of the class of 1904.

True, we cannot boast, as could ancient Rome, of an eloquent Cicero : but we can point with pride to the silver-tongued Sincell, who holds an exalted position among the orators of our class. We have not, as had England, a Macauley, with a giant intellect and facile

pen ; but we have the illustrious Cockey, whose powers of imagination and composition are marvels to his class- mates. Indeed, we have not, like America, a Washing- ton, noted for his genius in military affairs; but the honor of the class in this respect is upheld by cla.ssmate Deaner, who seems to combine in his soldier-like being the wonderful faculties of all the greatest generals of the world.

But the duty of the historian is to go back to the beginning and trace the course of the class to the present time, recording all the important events incident to the subject in hand.

The class of 1904 ! What a noble bunch of boys thej^ were, who, something le.'-s than two j-ears ago, forty-nine


strong, passed through the portals of these classic halls and began their career as Freshmen. As the poet says of man, "How rich, how poor, how abject, how august, how complicated, how wonderful," was this class. But notwithstanding the great diversit}- of faces and forms, and the wonderful combinations and exhibitions of dif- ferent natures and qualities, they were, after all, a pretty fine lot of fellows ; and the cla.ss had hardly been organ- ized before the strongest feelings of fraternity and friend- ship sprang up among the members. And so it was that with the kindest feelings, one to the other, we began our career as students of the Maryland Agricultural College.

From the very beginning the strong enthusia.sms and class spirit which has distinguished our class was made manifest. True, the first few weeks of our college life was made almost unbearable by the dreaded Sophomores, but we soon rallied together, and by the time football was in its glory the flag of \'iolet and Maroon could be seen waving complacently from the side lines a privilege seldom allowed a Freshman.

Our collegiate work began almost immediately after reaching the halls of this hi.storic institution ; and from that time on there was little to interrupt the general routine of our studies until ChrLstmas. Then came the happiest period of our Freshman year. I am sure everj' man of our class has fond recollections of a fat turkey, numerous gifts, and last, but not least, the parting with some dear little girl.

Like every other pleasure in life, the few days of holi- day soon passed, and, before we realized it, we were back

again at our post ready for duty. Little can be said of the time between Christmas and Easter, except that we studied hard, and the class as a whole made an excellent record. School was clo.sed a few days at Ea.ster on account of scarlet fever. When it had subsided we came back determined to make our year's work a success.

At last the final examinations came, and 1 am proud to say that nearly every man was transformed from a timid Freshman to a worthy Sophomore.

Then came vacation, towards which our thoughts had been so often turned. But as we cast a parting glance at old Maryland Agricultural College in all her so'.enm grandeur, the more thoughtful of us could not repress a feeling of sadness at parting from our schoolmates and throwing off those environments and influences so instru- mental in preparing us for our future life. But we soon realized that we were free from school duties. New scenes attracted our attention. We so thoroughly enjoyed our vacation that we felt a reluctance in returning for the resumption of duties. But this, our Sophomore year, opened with much brighter prospects than our Freshman year. Many had resolved at the beginning of the Sopho- more year to help to in.stall the strangers into member- ship; but a timely "reception" by the President causes each and every man to break his hostile resolution.

We greatly lament that our ranks have been thinned by the loss of nineteen members ; but the remaining thirty have worked energetically to establish a class average which does great credit to our beloved institu- tion. It is u.seless to sav that our enthusiasm will cau.se


us to strive for greater gain. We have this year mani- fested great interest in athletics, and while we have developed no phenomenal men in this line, we have greatly assisted in maintaining our College record against competitors. In various other ways we have rendered assistance in the general progress of the institution.

At the Christmas and April examinations our colors still waved ; for our progress during the first part of the year made it an easy matter to pass them. Now, as the year is drawing to a close, we are unable to comprehend the changes that may be wrought in the remaining

inter\'al, but trust that the results will be the same as have characterized us in bygone times. During our sojourn here we have constantly been harrassed by the difficulties of student life, but have been able to ward off these blows by our class organization. We feel glad that verjr few have fallen by the wayside.

Maj' we continue, as we ascend the ladder of fame, to add many fresh laurels to those already won. And may the class of 1904 prove by its industry and integrity the fitness of its motto, Labor omnia vmcif.



Freshman Class.

Class Colors : Blue and Gold.

Motto : ViNCEMUS.

Class Yell:-

-Yok-ko-me, yok-ko-me, Yok-ko-me, yive ! Higho, heiglio, nineteen-five I

J. H. Gassoway, President, Darnestown, Md. H. H. Evans, Secretary, Rolph's, Md.


R. E. N.WLOR, Vice-President, Washington, D. C. W. S. Hull, Treasurer, Lansdowne, Md.

J. H. Bay, Garrettsville, Md. W. H. Byron, Williamsport, Md. H. J. Caul, Buffalo, N. Y. T. Coburn, Garrett Park, Md. W. M. Crone, St. Michaels, Md. W. P. Dent, Oakley, Md. B. S. Dorsey, Mt. Airy, Md. W.B. Doub, Hagenstown, Md. F. "m. Duckett, Bladensburg, Md. T. C. Farrall, La Plata, Md. W. W. Femby, Westminster, Md. B. Goddard, William.sport, Md. E. F. Green, Wye Mills, Md.

T. L. HiNES, Historian, Baltimore, Md.

Class Roll.

y IK

W. G. Hardesty, Willows, Md.

C. G. Hines, Chestertown, Md. T. H. Horner, Ashland, Md. R. D. Hooper, Bynum, Md.

B. Judd, Washington, D. C. J. N. Mackall, Mackall, Md. G. M. Mayer, Frostburg, Md. R. D. Nichols, Germantown, Md. A. C. Parker, Pocomoke, Md. F. F. Phillips, Centreville, Md. L. Price, Hyattstown, Md. J. M. Pophani, Washington, D. C.

D. Riggs, lyaytonsville, Md.

W. P. Roberts, Landover, Md. E. L. Shepherd, Bristol, Md.

E. H. Snavely, Sparrows Point, Md. W. P. Smith, Ridgely, Md.

J. W. P. Somerville, Frostburg, Md.

H. Stanley, Laurel, Md.

H. T. Watts, Belair, Md.

H. A. Weiller, Catonsville, Md.

T. West, Howardville, Md.

C. R. W. Whiteford, Whiteford, Md.

L. Whiting, Hyattsville, Md.

R. V. L. Wright, Williamsport, Md.

F. Zerkel, Luray, Va.



History of the Class of Nineteen-Five.



WE all remember the day we entered the portals of this institution, most of us did so with heavy hearts, but I must say we have had a most enjoyable year.

Our class is composed of forty-four mem- bers, who, I think, can hold their own in athletics, gal- lantry, and studies.

The first time that our class really got together was All Halloween, but our achievements of that night are best left unrecorded.

Football being the prevailing sport of the fall, we naturally directed our attention to that game for amuse- ment and exercise. Our class was well represented in this sport, and the members that played on the team certainly did uphold the honor and motto of the class of

1905- As the enthusiasm for football became less ardent, and

winter with its long and dreary days came on, we were closely confined and had little to occupy our minds ex- cept our studies ; so, in.spired by the glory of excelling, we bent our energies to our work. Time wore on slowly until we began to think of the Christmas holidays. Nor were we sorry ; for who is he that is not anxious to go home after his first few months at college?

The ne.xt event to present itself was the time for exam- inations. As everyone deemed it a serious matter, it was decided to make as good an examination as possible. I am proud to say we conquered this difficulty and made a most enviable record.

The next day we found ourselves homeward bound with glad hearts. But these days of pleasure were hardly begun before it was time for us to return to our studies. For a while after we returned we all felt more or less homesick, but we soon settled down to work.


The time sped swiftly on now, and as sprinj^ opened up with all its verdure and our surroundings became more and more beautiful, we became inspired bj' new feelings. After being confined all winter, both mind and body busied with study and care, we needed some recreation of a new kind.

Following in the steps of balmy spring came baseball enthusing the student body. Between the games with other colleges, inter-class teams took up the gauntlet and strove for the championship. We held our own in these games and also were well represented on the first team. At this time of tlie year, from 4 to 6 o'clock in the afternoon, the campus presented a lively appearance ; everybody either training for the team or simply deriving all the fun they could out of it, each for himself.

As spring grew into summer we were cheerily plod- ding, each on his own busy way, meeting with reverses and good fortune as the Fates decreed.

Again our spirits seemed to be depressed. Why? Because, as coming events cast their shadows before, so we could di.scern in the dim future examinations .slowly

but, as death, surely, approaching. We feared them becau.se we thought they might have a tendency to lower our excellent year's record, and cause that which was a delightful reflection to be but a painful memory.

At last we came to the end of our studies for the first year, and were face to face with the final examinations. With renewed energy we set to work to accompli.sh that which must prove our fitness to enter a higher cla.ss. We all passed an excellent examination and added still another laurel to the honors of our cla.ss.

This year we did not organize a Cla.ss Literary Society, but all of us were admitted to the College Societies, from which we derived much benefit.

During our years' cour.se we have had our disappoint- ments. In these we stood united. What change there may be in the future we are unable to comprehend. Still we trust that our efforts in the past may reap their reward in the future, and that every member of the class of 1905 may look upon his career at Maryland Agri- cultural College as a few years spent in profit as well as in pleasure.





H. D. WiLLiAR, Jr., lice- President.

R. Alfert, Sagua la Grande, Cuba. C. O. BiRCKHEAD, Friendship, Md. A. D. CocKEY, Owings Mills, Md. C. S. Councilman, Mt. Wilson, Md. C. W. Councilman, Mt. Wilson, Md. T. A. Depkin, Baltimore, Md. G. C. Door, Hyattsville, Md.

H. A. Duffy, Webster Mills, Pa A. C. DuGANNE, Washington, D. C. A. T. EwELL, Baltimore, Md. C. R. Fesmyer, Centreville, Md. J. T. Friend, Hagerstown, Md. S. C. Grason, Towson, Md. H. A. PoSTLY, Baltimore, Md. E. Power, Rockville, Md.


A. D. CoCKEY, President.

J. C. RuTLEDGE, Secretary.

A. C. DuggannE, Treasurer.

Class Colors .—Blue and Grey.

E. H. Plumacher, Maracaibo, Venezuela. M. C. Plumacher, Maracaibo, Venezuela. J. R. Ramonett, Puerto Principe, Cuba. R. W. Rice, Jr., Baltimore, Md. RiNCK, Lakeland, Md.

J. C. RuTLEDGE, Rutledge, Md. R. S. Ruiz, Puerto Principe, Cuba. A. T. SCHENCK, Fort Sheridan, 111. J. E. Tate, Grand Rapids, Mich. J. B. Towner, Perryman, Md.

H. E. Tarrington, New York, N. Y. R. J. TiLLSON, Davis, W. Va. J. C. Verona, Havana, Cuba. R. V. Wood, Barnesville, Md. H. D. WiLLiAR, Jr., Ruxton, Md.


Nursery Rhymes for Prep. Classmen.

By Father Goose.

A Is for Anderson, he of red hair;

King of the Sophomores, he's a ruler for fair.

]^ Is for Bowman, famed as a sport;

Free with his money, which never runs .short.

^ Is for Condon, the great ladies' beau;

He loves all the girls or would love to do so.

^ Is for Darbj', as captain he's stellar;

If 3'ou beat him at cards he'll say "j'ou're a heller."

£^ Is for Ewell, a big man on the Staff;

When his girl shook him we gave him the laugh.

p* Is for Fendall, the great mathematician;

In Integral Calculus he's generally missing.

fl Is for Garner, of the Junior Class;

He's noted for being as tall as Spring grass.

JJ Is for Hirst, who never grows wise;

He smokes so much that he injures his eyes.

J Is for Idiot, there are so many of the.se;

You can't fail to hit them, try as you please.

1 Is for Jones, one of the Agricultural men; He laughs like the cackle of a jubilant hen.

j^ Is for Kettle, and a kettle of fish;

We fear that the author has entered b}- this.

I Is for Lansdale, the great heavy lover ; His rule for success we'd like to discover.

[^ Is for Mackall, whose specialty's love

He falls in so often that he fails in his grub.

^ Is for Nichols, our great baseball player; At banquets and feasts he's also a stayer.

Q Is for Ogier, with the babyish smile,

And a countenance open, free from all guile.

p Is for Popham, a man from the West;

In working the sick list he ranks with the best.




Is for Quiet which is not to be found Except when the O. D. or Sy. is around.

Is for Riggs, a tall slender boy ;

Playing " Sweet Home " is his chief earthly joy.

Is for Symons, our most worthy major ;

At chinning the girls he's a noted old stager.

Is for Turner, at football a horse,

If he hits the line he'll pass it, of course.

Is for useful, which surely means " rats,"

If they don't work properly, why tickle their .slats.

W Is for virtue, we're entirely at loss

"We'll publish an ad and find it, of course.

^V Is for Warfield, a favorite with all,

Also a wonder when it comes to football.

Y is for Cross, the best we can find,

Is the Professor of Physics when a class is behind.

"Y Is for You, who have followed this screed,

'Twas inserted to fill space, not for people to read.

y Is for Zenith there's no more to be preached, The printer in frenzy, says finis is reached.


Hits &.nd Misses.


Prof. Spence:

"High erected thoughts, seated in the heart of

courtesy." Commandant:

"Backward flow backward, O tide of the j-ears; I am so weary of toil and of tears, Toil without recompense, tears all in vain Take them and give me ni^- childhood again !" Prof. Lanahan:

"The lion is not so fierce as they paint him." Prof Bomberger:

"Who climbs the grammar tree, distinctly knows, Where noun or verb or participle grows." Prof Richardson:^

"Hear me, for I a'/// speak." Prof Mitchell:

"Virture is a stronger guard than bra.ss." Reveille:

"The foolishest book is a kind of a leaky boat

upon a sea of wisdom. Some of the wisdom will

get in anyhow."


"At my feet the city slumbered." Cl.\ssic.\l Course:

"He has strangled his language in his tears." Physical-Scientific Course:

"Who enters here leaves hope behind ! " Agricultural Course:

"Absence of occupation is not rest, A mind quite vacant is a mind distres.sed." Mechanical Course:

"In other parts stood one who, at the forge labor- ing, two ma.ssy clods of iron and brass had melted. ' ' Chemical Course:

"The starving chemist in his golden views supremely blest." Biological Scientific:

"So naturalists observe, a flea Has smaller fleas that on him prey; And these have smaller still to bite 'em, And so proceed ad infinitum."


The Maryland Agricultural College Summer School for Te&.chers.

THE SUMMER SCHOOL FOR TEACHERS, opened by the College last summer, proved to be most successful. Nearlj' a score of teachers took courses of instruction, and both students and faculty enjoyed the summer's work.

A number of receptions at the homes of the members of the faculty afforded no small amount of social pleas- ure. A very creditable paper, "The Summer School JouRN.VL," was published by the school.

The purpose of the school is to give an opportunity to teachers to pursue courses in those branches included under the term " Nature Studies." While the school is primarily designed for teachers, it is open to all persons who desire instruction in Botany, Horticulture, Soil-

Physics, Entomology, Anatomy, Chemistry, Drawing, Literature, Mathematics or Physical Culture. The feature which especially commends the course is the ver}' low cost of tuition and board.

The Summer School is, undoubtedly, a permanent organization of the college work, but owing to progress of work on the College buildings the session for the present summer has been abandoned. The officers are:

Capt. R. W. Silvester,

Director. Prof. C. S. Richardson,

Secretary. Dr. Joseph R. Owens,

Registrar and Treasurer.


Militd^ry Depd^rtment.

J. C. SCANTLING, Major, U. S. A., Commandant of Cadds.

T B. SYMONS, Cadet Major.

Staff and Non-Commissioned Staff.

L. E. Mackall, 1st. Lieutenant and Adjutant.

R. Hamblin, Sergeant- Major.

R. E. Naylor, Corporal.

Acting Color Guard.

V C. N. Bouic, Sergeant.

W. S. Huij,, Chief Bugler.


F. C. Farrall, Corporal.

Army Org'&niz&tions.


By Major J. C. Scantling, U. S. Army.

Comi)ia)ida)i/ of Cadcls.

AN ARMY is a collection of troops organized into companies, battalions and regiments of infantry; troops, squadrons and regiments of cavalry; batteries and battalions of horse and light artillery; and consolidated, separately, into brigades, divisions and corps; the latter being the field units of organization in time of war.

The companies, troops, batteries and regiments are or- ganizations established by law, and are the administrative and tactical units of a standing army, as maintaince in time of peace the brigades, divisions and corps are units of organization established by a system of drill regulations, approved by the General Commanding and sanctioned by

the Commander-in-Chief for the convenience of adminis- tration and command of an army in the field.

The regiments of infantry and of calvary are composed of twelve companies and troops, respectively; and for tact- ical purposes, are formed into divisions of three Ijattalions of four companies and troops each. The artillery, since February .second, nineteen hundred and one, has no regi- mental organization, but a battalion organization. The enlisted strength of the regiments of infantry and calvary is in accordance with the authorized enlisted strength of the companies and troops, the law making the strength of these elastic, to suit peace and war.

In time of war the companies of infantry and troops of


cavalry consist of one hundred each, and the batteries of horse and light artiller}- one hundred and seventy-five men each, which in practice settles down to about one thous- and men to all well organized regiments of infantrj' and calvary, and six hundred men to battalions of horse and light artillery.

The brigades of infantry and of calvary are each com- posed of three regiments, the regiments by battalions are the tactical units of the brigades, which in practice should muster three thousand men.

The brigades of horse and light artillery the largest unit of organization for this arm are composed of five battalions of four batteries each, the battalions are the tactical units of the brigades, which in practice should muster three thousand men or one hundred and twenty guns.

The divisions of infantry and calvary are each composed of three brigades, the brigades are the tactical units of the division, which in practice should muster nine thousand men.

The divisions in their staff organization are both admin- istrative and tactical. The}' provide and return for all field transportation, clothing, rations, ammunition and equipage for their own units of organization.

T lie corps of infantry and calvary are each compo,sed of three divisions; one brigade of light, and one of horse artillery, respectively. The brigades of light and horse artillery are integral parts of the corps to which they are assigned, each is commanded In' a Colonel of artiller)', who is a member of the corps staff, and has with him his

commissioned and non-commissioned staff.

The corps in their staff organization are supervisor}' in the administration of their own units of organization. They direct the march of their own divisions, supply all river and railroad transportation, collect the sick and wounded, and take charge of all prisoners and contra- bands of war.

An army is compo.sed of four corps of infantry, one of calvary, and four brigades of light and one of horse artil- lery, the former acting in conjunction with the infantry, and the latter with the calvary.

Armies are designated b}' name, as "The Army of the Potomac," "The Army of the Ohio," "The Army of Virginia." The brigades and divisions of an army are designated by numbers, as the First Brigade, First Divis- ion, Army of the Potomac, etc., etc.

In organization, the infantry is the great ma.ss of an army. The proportionate strength is about seventy per cent, of infantrx', twenty per cent, for calvarj' an dten per cent, for artillery.

The brigades, divisions, corps and armies are command- ed, respectivel}', b}- Brigadier-Generals, Major-Generals, Lieutenant-Generals and Generals, in theory, but not al- ways so in practice.

Our standing army never attains complete army organ- ization, but remains at all times a nucleus to the state troops. Its brigades and divisions in time of war are in- termixed with like volunteer organizations, and organ- ized into corps and armies.

In times of peace a limited number of state troops are


f i i"^''

lii f :iip»f|'^r.ti




organized into regiments of infantry, squadrons of calvary, and batteries of artillery, under the orders of the Gov- ernor of the State, and all equipped and drilled in a like manner with the standing arm}-. These constitute a nu- cleus in their respective States for a volunteer force in time of war,

When war breaks out the President issues a proclama- tion, stating the nature of the war, and the number of volunteers necessary to sustain the Government. The Secretary of War under the proclamation of the President, makes requisition on the Governors of the States for their quota of the number of volunteers called by the President, based on the population of their respective States, with instructions as to where the troops already organized shall report for duty, and muster into the service of the United States.

The Adjutant-Generals of the States make .similar re- quisitions on the Sheriffs of the counties in their respect- ive States for the quota of the counties. The Governors commission all field and company officers of their respect- ive States. The President appoints all general officers of volunteers, the number of each grade appointed from any State being equal to the number of brigades and divisions furnished by that State.

For campaign and battle the four infantry corps of the army are designated, respectively, the right wing, the center, the left wing, and the reserve. To each divi.sion of infantry and of calvary is assigned a battalion of light and horse artillery, respectively; and to each infantry corps headquarters is attached a regiment of calvary, to

serve as couriers and headquarter guard during the cam- paign.

The calvary corps is first to break camp, and by bri- gades and divisions prepares the wa}' of the march, cover- ing the movements of the army, while constantly feeling the eneni}' and reporting his movements.

The reserve corps is last to break camp, and follows in the march of one of the leading corps of infantry, as may be directed in the order of the campaign.

Armies are designated according to their objects and duties in the field as armies of invasion, defensive armies, armies of observation and armies of occupation.

The army of invasion is to destroy the defensive arm 3% and take possession of the hostile countrj' until peace is signed and indemity paid, or until a settled and respon- sible government is established. When successful, the army of invasion becomes the army of occupation, as is now the case with our armies in Cuba and the Philippines. The Army of the Potomac was the principal armj' in the east during the Civil War; while the Army of the James on its left, and the Army of Virginia on its right, were armies of observation. In the west the Army of the Ten- nessee was the invading or principal army, while the Army of the Missouri on the right, and the Armj' of the Ohio on the left, were the armies of obsen'ation.

In eighteen hundred and sixty-two, when Halleck was assignedto command all the armies of the North, in addi- tion to the six armies then in the field, he placed newly organized brigades and divisions, by departments, en cordon along the extensive frontier of the Northern


States, extending from Newberne, N. C, to Norfolk, Va., thence to Washington, Baltimore, Wheeling, Cin- cinnati, Cairo, Memphis, and finally, to New Orleans. This cordon was called, in derision, "A School for Bri- gadiers," so numerous were the soldiers of the north.

Under Halleck we see the system of army organization practiced during the French revolution. From the cor. don established by the French at the breaking out of the revolution, sprang the finest body of army officers known to history. We see them when the French assume the offensive, and in Carnots army in .seventeen hundred and ninety-three and four, and also with Napoleon and

Moreau in .seventeen hundred and ninety-six to eighteen hundred and one, and finally with Napoleon throughout his brilliant career.

In McClellan's organization of the armies of the ea.st, we see Emperor Napoleon at the head of his grand arnn- of corps organization within adaj's march of the channel to invade England, but turning on her allies, and defeat- ing their combined forces at Austerlitz, December second, eighteen hundred and five. It was Napoleon's first great battle, and the first under his new system of army organ- ization, which all nations have copied.


Officers of the Companies.


S. p. Darby, Captain.

J. CouDON, Jr., nt Lieutenant.

A. R. Hirst, 2nd Lieutenant.

J. M. Matthews, ist Sergeant.

R. E. Mayo, 2nd Sergeant.

J. C. CocKEY', 3rd Sergeant.

E. B. Dunbar, 4.th Sergeant. Corpor&Is : J. McL. Turner. G. L. Sincell. F. A. Jones. F. C. Farrall.


J. D. Bowman, Captain.

J. I. WiSNER, 1st Lieutenant.

W. S. Fendall, 2nd Lieutenant.

E. P. Walls, 1st. Sergeant.

S. B. NiCHOLLS, 2nd Sergeant.

C. P. Page, 3rd Sergeant.

C. W. Boric, 4th Sergeant.

Corpor&.ls :

R. P. Choate. J. P. Collier. R. E. Naylor. E. R. Sasscer.


R. L. Mitchell, Captain.

H. N. Lansd.\le, 1st Lieutenant.

P. E. Peach, ist Sergeant.

H. D. Watts, 2nd Sergeant.

J. N. W.\RFIELD, 3rd Sergeant.

W. R. Mitchell, 4tk Sergeant.


E. F. Garner. D. E. Brown. T. A. Gourley, G. W. Cairnes.



Comp&.ny "A."

S. P. Darby, Captain.

J. Coudon.Jk., isl I.icutcnayit.

A. R. Hirst, 2mi Lieutenant.

J. Mc. Turner.

J. M. Matthews, ist Sergeant.

R. B. Mayo, 2nd Sergeant.

J. C. Q.oz^^y ,3rd Sergeant.

E. B. Dunbar, 4th Sergeant_


G. L. Sincell. F. A. Jones. F. C. Fariall.

R. Alfert,

H. J. Caul,

T. Coburn,

W. M. Crone,

L. W. Cruikshank,

G. F. A. Depkin,

B. S. Dorsey, M. B. Doub,

M. Duckett,

J. G. Ensor,

J. B. Goddard,

P. C. Gray,

T. L. Hines,

T. H. Horner

Prlvzwtes :

G. M. Mayer,

F;. W. Merryman,

A. A. Parker,

M. Phimacher, L. Price,

R. S. Ruiz,

E. H. Suavely, A. T. Sclienck,

S. B. Shaw,

E. T. Shepherd,

J. M. Street,

F. O. Webster,

C. P. Whiteford,

H. D. Williar,


H. A. Postley,




(tn >>

Company "B.

J. D. Bowman, Captain.

J.I. WiSNER, rst Lieutenant.

W. S. Fendall, 2nd Lieutenant.

E. P. Walls, ist Seroeant.

S. B. NiCHOLLS, 2nd Sergeant.

C. P. PAGU,jrd Sergeant.

C. N. Bouic, ^t/i Sergeant.


R. P. Choate.

J. P. Collier.

J. H. Bay

H. K. Bradford,

H. W. Burnside,

Y. V. Candamo,

A. D. Cockey,

T. P. Deaner, Door,

A. T. Ewell,

C. R. Fesmyer,

J. T. Friend,

J. H. Gassaway,

S. C. Grason,

E. T. Green,

R. J. Tillson,

R. E. Naylor.

E. R. Sasscer.


W. G. Hardesty,

B. S. Judd,

J. N. Mackall,

J. B. Merritt,

G. R. Ogier,

J. N. Popham,

R. W. Rice,

D. Riggs,

C. R. Rutledge,

J. W. P. Somerville,

G. L. Wentworth, L. F. Zerkel.





Company "C."

R. L. Mitchell, Captain.

H. N. LansdalE, ist Lieutenant.

P. L. Peach, ist Sergea^it.

H. D. Watts, Seeo7id Sergeant.

J. N. Warfield, 3rd Sergeant.

W. R. Mitchell, 4.th Sergeant.


E. F. Garner. D. E. Brown. T. A. Gourley. G. \V. Cairnes.

Privates :

J. A. Anderson, J- Ramonet,

W.H.Byron, W.P.Roberts

W. P. Dent, W. T. Smith,

H.A.Duffy, "-^^^K ^^ Q, n

A. C. Duganne, ^- W. ^toll,

W. W. Fembv, J- E.Tate,

C. G. Hines, H. E. Tarnngton.

R. D. Hooper, J- B. Tomier

jj. c. Mayo, J- C Varona,

J. E.Moran, ^- ^- ^"""a"' ,,r n

T. B. Mullendore, H. A. Weiller

Nicholls, 1^- H. West

F. F. Phillips, R- V. Wood

E. H. Plumacher, R- V. L. Wright.

Trumpeters :

C. S. Councilman, C. W. Councilman,



New Mercer Literary Society.

R. L. Mitchell, Preside?!/.

H. N. Lansdalk, I'ice-Pirsldent.

L. E. Mackall, Seeretarv and Treasurer. C. P. Page, l-:dilor.

J. M. Turner, Sergeant-al-Arms.

Program Committee :

L. E. Mackall, Chairman. P. L. Peach. C. P. Page.


Bowman, Byron, Cairiies, Cockey, A., Coimcilmaii, W., Deaiier, Dorsey, Dunbar, Duffy, Ewell, T.,

Friend, Gassaway, Goddard, Hamblin, Hardesty,

Hine.s, T., Hine.s, C, Lansdale, Matthews, Mackall, J. N.,

Mackall, L. E., Merryman, Merritt, Mitchell, R. L., Naylor, Nicholls, R., Page, Parker, Peach, Plumacher, M., Popham, Phillip.s, Rip^g.s, Rice, Robert.s,

Rutledge, Ruiz, Sasscer, Schenck, Sincell, .Smith, Stanley, Turner, Varona, West, Webster,

Weiller, Whiteford, Williar, Wood. Zerkel.


The New Mercer Literary Society.

"As the grace of man is in mind, so the beauty of the )nind is eloquence.


THK NEW MERCER LITERARY SOCIETY was organized in 1861 by Dr. W. N. Mercer of New Orleans. Dr. Mercer manifested a great deal of interest in behalf of this Society-, and presented it with a sum of mone}' and a large collection of books. Interest in the literary lines began to go down after his death, and in 1889 the New Mercer Literary Society was no more.

Three years passed and no desire to brush the dust from the record of the old and honored Society was .shown b}' the students. But in 1S92 it was reorganized by some of the most appreciative students and started out with some of its pristine glory, The New Mercer Literary Society.

Short lived societies have sprung up and faded by its side; yet on and on it goes, honoring the name it bears, throw^ing in here and there a pleasant and instructive evening for its members and adding interest to the College.

Among the names of these who deserve a special place upon the roll of honor are F. B. Bomberger and W. S. Weedon. The former was the factor in its reorganiza- tion in '92, and the latter was the centre of its interest and instnictiveness during his two years' stay at the Col- lege, '96 and '97.

A more elaborate hi.story of the society may be found in other volumes of the REVEILLE, so we deem this suffi- cient. Its past we know is resplendent with glory its future is what we shall make it.

Membership to the society is purely vohuitary, hence it should be the Faculty and student body to make the society so instructive and interesting as to make the new student feel that, though not compuLsor}', he cannot afford to omit this from his scheduled work. One of the great ends of the society is to bring the minds of the .student out into the forum of discussion, to put them again.st each other in the arena of debate, and to make them free and easy in giving forth their views in the


teeth of opposition: for it is an uiicheckered life indeed into which there does not come some time when, to rise and give a clear expression of the thoughts and ideas, is certainl\- necessary. And who can sa}' that the discus- sion on the floors of our societies may not some day kin- dle a spark such as smouldered in the mind of a Clay, a Webster, a Fox, a Pitt, a Demosthenes, or a Cicero ?

The society being a student organization, credit is due the students who take the lead. However, it must not be forgotten that the President and the Faculty have also striven to raise it to a standard of excellence. They have done much, and though the members of the society may not see it now, they will appreciate that help in future years and silently thank those who furthered the interest of the I^iterary Societies.

And while we speak of those who aid the societies wc

should not forget the Alumni Association. The hand- some medal they offer to the finest debater in the school is a great incentive to the upholding of the societies, let those who yet have the time think on that.

The progress of the society during this scholastic year has been very encouraging; the President, Mr. R. L. Mitchell, has done his duty, as have all the officers, and time will show it.

The New Mercer Literary Society furnished the prin- cipal Orator for the Intercollegiate Association last year P. L. Peach. Maj' it go on furnishing those who will not only speak in oratorical associations, but who will fearlessly advocate the best principles in places of high honor, and reflect honor upon the forum of their first arguments.

P. L. P.



r^ ;#.^.^.^ il.^l^i^l;^^-^:^:!:!:^^;!-.!^




Morrill Literary Society.

T. B. Symons, Prcsideni.

S. P. Darby, ] 'ice- President.

A. R. Hirst, Secretary and Treasurer.

J. I. WiSNER, Editor.

E. P. Walls, Sergeant-at-Arms.

J. WiSNER, Chairman.

Program Committee:

J. P. Collier.

E. P. Walls.


Anderson, Bay, Bouic, Bryan, Choate, Condon,

Cockey, J.: Collier, Councilman, S.: Cruikshank, Crone, Coburn, Darby, Dent, Depkins, Duganne, Ewell, L.; Farrall, Fenby, Fesmyer, Gourley, Gra)-, Green,

Grayson, Hirst, Horner, Judd, I^ewis,

L,evy, Mayer, Mitchell, W.; Moran, Mullendore,

Nicholls, S.; Ogier, Palmer, Postley, Plumacher, E. ; Ramonet, Symons, Shepherd, Street, Shaw,

Suavely, vSonimerville, Stoll, Tarrington, Towner,

Walls, Watts, H. D.; Warfield, Wisner, Wright.


The Morrill Litera^ry Society.

" The seeds of kfiowledge may be planted in solitude, but must be eultivated in publie." Dr. Johnson.

" Eloquenee comes, if it comes at all, like the outbreak of a fountain from the earth, or the bursting forth of volcanic fires, with spontaneous, original, native force ." Daniel Wkbstek.

|^^^|F the different classes of discipline which a I WJ I man is expected to acquire at college, kfiaaaBMl what is more often called into exercise l^^^^l throughout life than the abilit.v to express ^OJS^Um ljj>^ thoughts? It is to meet this important requirement that literary societies are organized in our institutions of learning.

It was the response to this demand in the early days of this College that caused a flourishing literary society to be founded.

In 1894, Professor R. H. Alvey felt that the literary work would be improved by introducing an element of competition in the formation of another literary society in this College.

The Morrill Literary vSociety was, therefore, organized and named in honor of Senator Morrill, who did so much to advance the cause of land-grant Agricultural Colleges in this country. After the brief life of a single year, however, the Morrill Society was absorbed by the other literary organization of the College.

The action of its founder was a step in the right direction, however, for during the .season of 1899-igoo the society was re-organized by Mr. H. J. Kefauver, president of the New Mercer Society. Mr. W. H. Weigand was the first president, and through his efforts the Morrill Society became firmly established in the independent existence which it has since enjoyed.

This society has held many very interesting and pleasing programs have been presented. The .several joint meetings held between the two societies have been marked with sharp competition which has proved bene- ficial to the work of both societies. The two annual events of especial importance for the Literary Societies during each season, are the competitive oritorical contest in the winter and the competitive debate in June.

The oratorical contest is for the selection of a stu- dent to represent the College in the annual contest of the Oratorical Association of Maryland Colleges. This year both principal and alternate were sele<5ted from the Morrill Societ\'. The prize debate in June forms an


interesting part of the exercises during commencement week, and is entered into with great enthusiasm by the candidates elected from both societies.

The success of the Literary Societies is largely due to the encouraging efforts of Professor Charles R. Richard- son, the efficient instructor in public speaking, who has general oversight of the work of both societies.

The Program Committee also deserves thanks for their successful efforts in the preparation of interesting and enjoyable programs for each meeting.

Maj' the members of the Morrill Society continue their interest in this important work, and their enthusiasm for

the success of the .society. It is impossible to estimate the influence which might develoji from training received in this society. In years to come it is more than probable that the memories of many men may turn backward to its meetings, as seasons when there was enkindled the flame of eloquence which afterwards became the living fire shining from some pulpit, bench or hall of legLslation.

If so, this sentiment will rise in their minds though unexpressed by words.

"May continued enthusiastic effort be the inspiration which will crown with still further victories the Morrill Literary Society of the Maryland Agricultural College."

//. A'. B.



Glee Club.

T. B. Symons,


Manager. Director.


S. B. Shaw, '04.

S. B. Nichols, '03.

C. N. Bouic, '03.


J. P. Collier, '03.

P. L. Peach, '03.

T. L. HiNES, '05.


T. B. Symons, '02.

E. W. Stoll, '04.

F. O. Webster, '04.


J. E. Tate. '05.

F. H. We.st, '05.

G. Iv. SiXCELL, '04.




Tis commencement day, and calm and clear

The bugle notes sound through the air; Past the old oak tree that crowns the hill, In a final call for parade and drill.


They soon come forth in happy pairs. Light hearted youths who have no cares;

Yet some there are, who' re not so glad, The seniors all feel somewhat sad.


The roll is called, reports are made. The sword is drawn, whose shining blade;

Reflects the radiant June day sun.

As at command the squads march on.


The major gives his loud command.

Each man keeps time with the playing band; Until at last the drill is o'er,

And holidays begin once more.


Each Senior drops his sword to rest. Strive though he may his very best;

He cannot check a falling tear.

For he sees the end of his college career.

R. L.



The Young Men*s Christian Association.


C. N. Bouic, President.

ly. E. Mackall, \ Icc-Presidcnt.

P. L. Peach, Secretary.

T. B. Symons, Treasurer.

Prof. C. S. Richardson, Advisory Officer.


THE work accomplished by the Young Men's Christian Association during the past year has demonstrated the usefuhiess of this Societ)- among us.

In addition to the regular Sunday evening meetings and Bible Class meetings, social features are enjoyed. A room has been opened by the memliers, with tables and games, and many pleasant hours are spent in innocent amusement. The membership of the association has greatly increased, a large percentage of the students having joined, and there seems to be before it a long life of usefulness and of uplifting the .standard of college life.



Hulla-ba-loo! hooray! hooray! Hulla-ba-loo! hooray! hooray!

Hooray! Hooray!

M. A. C. A. A.

Fee ! fie ! fo ! f um ! Bim! l)aiii! bim! bum!

Hi! M.

yi! ip! see! A. C.

Chee hitig! chee hing! Chee ha! ha! ha! Maryland Agricultural College! Sis! Boom! Bah!

Holy Gee!

Who are we ?

We're the boys of M. A. C!

Chick-a-chick-a-boom Chick-a-chick-a-boom Chick-a-chick-a-chick-a-chick-a! Boom! Boom! Boom! Rah! rah! rah! Rah! rah! rah! Maryland Agricultural College! Sis! Boom! Ah!





Maiden of the dear old days,

With your curls and flounces gay,

With your little winsome ways, You were passing sweet they say.


But the maidens of to-day They are just as sweet as you,

'Spite of all our grandma's say Of the awful things they do.

III. Girls are girls no matter when

Dearest creatures 'neath the sun. Priceless gift of God to men, And we love them every one.

—C. S. R.



The Rossbourg' Club.


R. L. Mitchell, President.

L. E. Mackall \'iec- President.

J. D. Bowman, ...... Seeretary and Treasurer.

H. N. Landsdale, T. B. Symons, Joseph Coudon, Jr.


Chainiiaii of Floor Committee.

Chairman of Reception Committee.

Chairman of Programme Committee.

Chairman of Refreshment Committee.


Rossbourg Club.

' ' 77^1? hidden soul of harmony,

Music arose ivith its voliiptiiozis stvell;

Soft eyes looked love to eyes zchich spake again.

And all icent merry as a marriage bell."

QK LIFE were all work and no play, this world would be a dull place indeed. * Something must be radically wrong with that man who scoffs at pleasure, and pro- nounces as trival and unworthy the innocent amusements and diversions of life.

College life is a laborious existence, if the student fully and completely discharges his duty; but along the rugged road there are some flowers of pleasure which may be plucked by the weary plodder and how beautiful and fragrant are the.se flowers.

Well, the Rossbourg Club is a whole flower garden rich in roses of love, dotted with blue forget-me-nots and fragrant with the pure lilies of peace.

In the College sometime we find work in abundance. Worry is not a stranger. Anxiety is a frequent guest. Long evenings of study, long days of recitations, are nec- essary for succe.ss; and oh! Work! Work!! Work!!! is written all over our college walls in letters of living light. Well, we know this is necessary; and only the trifler and the sluggard fail to do their share.

But, oh, how gladly w^ hail the dance night! All


work is laid aside, all care forgotten, and we revel in the glory of youth and health and the sight of woman's eyes.

Woman's eyes! What man has yei lived who could resist them? They speak a language of poetrj' above, and yet, at times, this language kills our happiness and blights our hopes.

But fear not; a cadet's happiness is hard to kill, and his hopes are hard to blight.

The dance is on. The music thrills the soul; the fairy form is gently guided through the mystic mazes of the waltz; eyes meet eyes in glances of devotion; and tender words are trembling on the lips. The cup of joy is filled to overflowing, and from its golden rim is quaffed the

sweetest nectar life can give. How lucky, young man, that you are a member of the Rossbourg Club.

Five or six dances a j'ear; five or six glimpses of Heaven! Well! well! life is not so bad at Maryland Agricultural College!

The Rossbourg Club! It is the origin of love, pro- moter of matrimony, and the furnisher of that heavenly alchemy which turns the dross of life into gold. Long may the Rossbourg Club live and prosper; and long may its garlands of pleasure adorn the halls of Maryland Agricultural College, is the sincere wish of the Class of Nineteen Hundred and Two.




As far back as history dates, athletics have been one of the chief amusements of young men. The greatest athletic games of ancient times were the famous Olympic games which were first held in Greece about 884 B. C. Here on the "stadium," or racecourse, men trained for months, nay, even years, for the honor of winning the simple little olive branch, cut from the sacred tree; but that little branch carried with it more honor than the best gold medal ever won by any of the famous athletes of today. It was here that the strong men of ancient Greece were developed the men who formed her famous armies. Here, too, though not to such a great extent, her great orators and statesmen, in their boyhood, devel- oped their physical strength along with their intellectual beings ; and so it is today. Athletics, in a great measure, go to make up the man. No mind can be properl_\- developed unless the body is developed along with it.

Now let us come to the point and show that the Mary- land Agricultural College is .sending out into the world

men who are developed fully and completely, in body as well as in mind, and I know no better way to do this than by setting before you a few of her records along the line of athletics.

In viewing this subject at Maryland Agricultural Col- lege, let us take it up where the editor of last year left off. First on the list is the famous baseball team of 1901. Although the baseball record of this College shows many excellent teams, some of which have championship ban- ners as mementoes of their success, yet, probably, none ever surpassed the team of last year. A majority of the games were on our grounds, and, with the single excep- tion of Georgetown University, every one of them was crowned with success.

We were not a member of the so-called ' ' Intercol- legiate League of Maiylaiid," which was composed of two of Maryland's many colleges, yet we think that our record will allow us to sa}' that our team was inferior to no college team in tlie State. I will not leave you to take our word for this, but will give you our .scores against


the principal colleges of the State, so that every one may be fully convinced of this fact. They are as follows, viz. :

St. John's College 9 7

Western Maryland College 7 5

Washington College, 7 3

Gallaudet College 7 2

It might be worth mentioning that Johns Hopkins Uni- versity, who, in athletics, usually clas.ses herself among the colleges, was unable to put a team in the field able to compete with her sister colleges.

Last year tennis received more than the usual amount of attention. In the contest for the championship, the four who came up for the finals were; Choate '04, McCubbin '04, Fendall '02, and Bowman '02. Of these four the latter two were chosen and the contest between them was a hard fought battle, but it was finally decided in favor of J. D. Bowman '02.

Track athletics, too, received no small amount of attention, and some good records were made in the final contest in June. The athletic committee arranged a series of records which had to be surpassed before the medal would be given. This led to a great deal of addi- tional training, because the records were rather hard to beat; in fact, some of our champions failed to get the medal on account of it The successful ones were as follows, viz. :

100-yard da.sh J. M. Matthews.

220-yard dash Iv D. Dickey,

440-yard dash H. K. Bradford.

SSo-yard run K. I). Dickey.

120-yard hurdle U.K. Bradford.

High jnni]) J. M. Matthews.

Broad jump F. H. Peters.

Let us now turn to 1901-02. The football team of this year, although light, was very good and played plucky football to the last. There was scarcely a team on our schedule that did not outweigh us. Probably the game which the team was most desirous of winning, and the one in which every man used his utmost powers to win, was the one with Hopkins ; but weight alone con- quered, and Maryland Agricultural College was forced to suffer defeat, but it was gratifying to know that Hop- kins made but one touch down. It was beautiful to .see how our little men held the wild plunges of the big Hopkin.sonians.

From present prospects the ba.seball team of 1902 will surpass even that of last year. A number of the old players are back, and the places left vacant are to be filled by probably even better men than those of last year. A ver}' fine schedule has been arranged by Man- ager Bowman.

Now, in conclusion, let us hope that the baseball team of 1902 will be a success, and that its record will be one worthv of our glorious Alma Malir.


^ <>(?« g======S (?====5:S g====~S (?====s5 g===^


T. B. Symons, J. D. Bowman, P. L. Peach,


S. P. Darby,

L. E. Mackall, J. D. Bowman,


J. D. Bowman, S. B. Nicholls,

L. E. Mackall. - J. McLeod Turner,

W. S. Fendall, -

Athletic Association.




Recording Secretary.

Corresponding Secretary.



Assistant Manager.






T. B. Symons, Chairman.

S. P. Darby,

H. N. Lansdale,

Prof. C. S. Richardson, Prof. H. T. Harrison.

Prof. Bomberger.


R. L. Mitchell.

Manager. Captain-

Manager. Captain.


A. R. Hirst.


Football Team of Nineteen-One.

E. B. Dunbar, Captain.

L. E. Mackali., Manager. W. R. Mitchell, Center.

E. B. Dunbar (Capt.), Right Guard. C. R. Fesmeyer, Left Guard.

R. E. Naylor, Right Tackle.

E. W. Stoll, Left Tackle.

W. T. Smith, Right End.

C. P. Page, Left End.

T. E. Bryan, Quarterback.

J. M. Turner, Right Halfback.

D. E. Brown, Left Halfback.

J. N. Warfield, Fullback.



J. M. Matthews,

F. O. Webster,

E. F. Garner,

H. D. Watts.


October 5. Delaware College. November 2. Central High School.

October 16. Gallaudet College. November 9. Rock Hill College.

October 19. Johns Hopkins Univer.sit)'. November 12. U. S. Marines, of Washington.

October 26.— Rock Hill College. November 16.— Walbrook Athletic Club.

November 23. Western Marj'land College.



Baseball Team of Nineteen-Two

J. D. Bowman, Manager

W. T. Smith,' Catcher.

D. E. Brown and F. C.

A. R. Hirst


S. B. Nichols, Captain.

J. M.

Farr.vll, Pitchers. First Base. V. Wood, Second Base.

R. D. HooPES, Third Base.

S. B. Nichols, Short Stop.

J. H. Gassaway, Left Field.

C. R. Fesmyer, Centre Field.

E. R. Sasscer, Right Field. SUBSTITUTES. Matthews, P. L. Peach.


March 19. Georgetown, at College Park. Ma}- 7.-

March 22. Technical High School, at College Park. May 10

April 5. Naval Academ}^ at Annapolis. May 14

April 9. May 17

April 12. Baltimore City College, at College Park. May 23

April 16. Gallaudett, at College Park. May 24

April 19. Western Maryland College, at Westminster. May 28

April 23. Columbian University, at College Park. May 31

April 26. Johns Hopkins, at College Park. June 4

May I. University of West Va., at College Park. June 7.-

May 3. St. John's College, at College Park. June 10

-Business High School, at College Park.

Gallaudett, at Kendall Green.

Marine Corps, at Corege Park.

Walbrook A. C, at Baltimore.

Washington College, at College Park.

Mt. St. Mary's, at Enimittsburg.

Delaware College, at College Park.

—Washington College, at Chestertown. Alumni Association, at College Park.



Track and Field Team,

L. I',. Mackai.i., Maii:iKer. J- M. Tuknkk, Captain.


likADi'oki), Tuknkk, Mackaij,, Mattiiicws.


Hkadi-okd, Mackai.i,, Stdi.i., Hines, T. 1^., Grkkn.




liKAi.i'C.ui), Mackai.i,. Mattiiicws, TiiKiN'iCK, .Stoi.i., IIik.st.


SvMoN.s, 1m;smvi;k, Stoi.i., Niciiom.s, Hkown, I-akkam,

I 12

Oritoric&l Associd^tion of M&.ryland Colleges.

Colleges Constituting the Association.

St. Jdlms ColloiL^f, .\!ina]i()Iis.

M.irslaiul A};iiriiUural Collc^i.-, C<illt.-);f Park.

Weslcrn MaiNiaiul College, Wcstiiiiiii.ster.

WasliiiiKt'iii Colk-gi-, Chestertown. Officers: I'koi'. CiiAS. vS. Kicii.\i<i).S().\, /'rcsii/ni/, iMarslaiul Af;ii(niUni .il College.

I'Koi'. Iv. J. ClakkI'., Sidiiary, Wasliin;;l<)ii College.

Pkoi'. J. W. C.\i.\, 'I'lrdsiiiri , St. Johns College.

Programme Third Annual Contest.

MAKvi.AM) A<;Kicri.'riikAi. C()i.i.i;(;i;, i'riday, ,mav 3, lyot, S p. m.

OvivKTiKi: lly.ilt.s\ille Orchestra.

Wklco-mic to Associ.vtion President U. W. Sylvester, Maryland Agricultural College.

Rkply Prof. Iv. J. Clarke.

Ski.KCTIDN I lyatlsville Orchestra.

iNTKOnrCToKV Rkmakks Prof. C. S. Richardson.

Oration: "The .Self- Realization of the Race" George I laniniond Myers, Western Maryland College.

.Si-;i.i;cTioN Ilyattsville Orchestra.

Oration: " Unselfishness the Mother of Liberty" Oscar P.. Cohlent/, St. Johns College.

Ski.KCTIon Ilyattsville Orchestra.

Oration: "Political Despotism" iJaniel O. Anderson, W.ishingtou College.

Ski.KCTION Ilyattsville Orchestra.

Oration: "The Requirements of the Age " Preston M. Peach, Maryland Agricultural College.

Ski.KCTION Ilyattsville Orchestra.

DiX'ISION Ol' ■i'lll'. JlIKJKS.

Ski.KCTION Ilyattsville Orchestra.

' 1,^

Program of Public Exercises of Nineteen-One.

Saturday, June 15.

8 P. M.— Annual Meeting of Y. M. C. A., in College Hall.

Sunday, June I6.

3.30 P. M. Baccalaureate Sermon, by Rev. Wm. R. Tuknek, of Washington, D. C.

Monday, June 17.

9.00 A. M. Field and Track Events on College Campus. 6.30 P. M. Drill and Battalion Parade.

1.00 P. M. Tennis Tournament. 8.30 P. M. Class Day Exercises in College Hall.

3.30 P. M. Base Ball, Alumni Game. Address by Judge J. W. Bl.\ckistone, of Virginia.

Tuesday, June I8.

10.30 A.M. Annual Meeting of Alumni Association. S.30 P. M. Society Night Joint Meeting of Literary

2.00 P.M. Base Ball, Alumni vs. College. Societies. Debate for Alumni Medal.

4.30 P. M. Review of Battalion and Inspection. Address by Pre.sident R. W. Silvester.

Wednesdjk.y, June 19.

10.30 A.M. Commencement Exercises. . 4.30 P. M. Exhibition Drill.

Address by Hon. Oi.ix Brvan, of Baltimore, Md. 9.00 P. M. to i.oo A. M. Commencement Ball.

Music furnished by Naval Academy Band. 114

Class Da^y Exercises, Monday, June 17.

Exi-KcisES 8.30 P. M.

Music Overture, " Lust spiel," Keler Bela.

Entry of Senior Class.

Class History and Prophecy Captain H. C. Whiteford.

Music March, "Emblem of Liberty."

Announcement, Senior Lictor Major \V. W. Cohey.

Address, Junior Orator Captain J. T. Hakdisty.

Presentation of Class Shield and Fasces.

Senior Armor Bearers Captains McDonnell and W'hitekord.

Junior Armor Bearers Sergeants Coudon and Mackall.

Address, Junior Orator Lieutenant J. D. Bowman.

Music "War Songs."


Song, " Auld Lang Sync." Classes.

Announcement, Junior Lictor Lieutenant F. H. Peters.

Installation of New Senior C1&.SS.


.\ddress I'pon Resolutions Sergeant Major R. L. Mitchell.

Class Ode of 1902 Words by H. (C. Bradeurd, 1902.

Formal Adjournment.

Mu>ic, Ragtime " Phoebe Johnson's Cake Walk."

Address to Classes Judge J. W. G. Blacristone, of Virginia.

Music " Greater America."

Music furnished lj\- Hyatts\-ille Orchestra.


Joint Meeting' Literary Societies, Tuesday, June l8.

Debate for Alumni Gold Medal.

"Morrill vs. " New Mercer."

Exercises 8. 30 P. M.

Music, " M. A. C." Mandolin Club.

Address President R. W. Silvester.

Debate Resolved ,

That the Treatment of the Chinese Nation by the Civilized Nations of the World during the Past Centurj' Has Been Justifiable.

I. Affirmative Mr. A. R. Hirst.

Music, " M. A. C." Quartette.

1. Negative Mr. F. V. McDonnell.

Music, Instrumental Solo, Mr. C. N. Bohic.

2. Affirmative Mr. E. C. P.'M.mer.

Music Mr. J. A. E. Evster.

2. Negative Mr. R. L. Mitchell.

Music, " M. A. C." Quartette.

Declamation, Original Verses Professor C. S. Rich.vrdson.

Decision of Judges. Music " M. A. C." Mandolin Club.


Maryl&.nd Agricultural College.

Commencement Exercises.

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19, 10.30 A. M.

Invocation Rev. J. C. S. Mayo.


Address to Graduates By Hon. Oun Bryan, of Baltimore, Md.


Salutatory F. V. McDonnell.

" The Dawn of the Century."

Valedictory . . W. W. Cobey.

" The Conflict of the Anglo-Saxon and the Slav." Music.

Presentation of Diplom&s.

By His Excellency, Governor John Walter Smith.

Benediction Kev. J. E. Grammer, D. D.

Music furnished by Naval Academy Band.


Hdwps d^nd Mishd^ps.


Mciklc : "Hlection day comes on Thursday this year,

don't it?" Roberts : ' ' No ; on Friday . ' '

Palmer : "Miss S. is going to join the Colonial Dames." La7isdalc : "My uncle fought in the war; I think I will join too."

Couneilman 11': "Captain, do I have to salute the Major-Sergeant ? "

/'ro/'. LanahiDi : (in surveying class) "Mr. Bouic, in what direction does the needle of this compass point ? ' '

Bouic: (after due deliberation; finalh' pointing due south) "Out there, Professor."

Circcn: "Why, by gum; they used to wear shoulder straps on their arms."

Warficld : (reading invitation) "Lansdale, this is the

first verbal invitation I e\-er saw."

Fenby : "I have a fine uuiini bridge dictionary np in my room."

Prof. Lanahan : "Mr. Kendall, you have said as much nonsense in as few words, as it was possible for you to say."

Peach: "Professor, I can't find the temperature of this water at o°."

Hirst : "Say " Bow," there is the store where they sell antiquaries."

Hull: "They say so much about Booker T. Washing- ton, but I bet three quarters of the negroes in this countr}' never heard of him 'till he dined with Roo.sevelt."

Evans : "That's right; I never did."


June Ball Org'aniz&tion.


Major Thomas B. Symons, Captain J. D. Bowman, Captain R. L. Mitchell,

. President.


Secretary and Treasurer.

Captain R. L. Mitchell, Sergeant J. C. Cockey, Corporal J. P. Collier,

Floor Committee.

1st. LiEt'TENANT H. N. Lansdale, Chairman. Adjutant L E. Mackall, 1st. Sergeant P. L. Peach,

Sergeant W. S. Hull, Sergeant J. N. Warfield,

Corporal G. \V. Cairnes, Cadet W. R. Roberts,

Sergeant H. D. Watts,

Sergeant E. B. Dunbar,

Cadet T. L. Hincs.

Major T. B. Symons.

1st. Sergeant J. M. Matthews,

Captain ]. D. Bowman, Sergeant W. S. Hull,

Major T. B. Symons, 1st. Sergeant P. L. Peach, Corporal J. M. Turner,

Reception Committee.

Captain S. P. Darry, Chairman. Captain J. D. Bowman, Sergeant-Major Ralph Hamblin,

Sergeant H. D. Watts, Sergeant J. C. Cockey,

Corporal J. P. Collier.

Refreshment Committee.

Adjutant L. E. Mackall, Chairman. 2nd. Lieutenant A. R Hirst, Sergeant VV. R. B. Mayo,

Corporal D E. Brown, Cadet R. Rice,

Cadet Bernard judd.

Invitation Committee.

1st. LiEi'TENANT Joseph Corxws., ]r., Chairman. Captain S. P. Darby, Captain R L. Mitchell,

Sergeant J. N. Warfield, Sergeant W. R. Mitchell,

Cadet L. VV. Cruikshank, Corporal F. C. Farrall,

1st. Sergeant E. P. Walls, Sergeant C. P. Page.

Sergeant S. B. Nicholls, Cadet A. T. Schenck.

1st. Sergeant J. M. Matthews,

Sergeant E. B. Dunbar,

Cadet A. A. Parker.





, .. I .:j^;^^%]^4;r-;<-g<^<-^;^^<fr<>y^^--^^^^

Gredwt Men of M. A. C, 2wnd Their Specid^lties.


Astronomy S. P. Darby.

Agriculture Walls.

Botany "Sy."

Bores Bradford.

Brass Shaw.

Bugling Councilman.

Bungling Kendall.

Chemistry Sophomore Cla.ss.

Cooking Ewell T.

College Grove Jones.

Dancing Rutledge.

Disorder Non-Commissioned Officers.

English Ramonet.


Baseball The whole team.

Lc)VE Lansdale, of course.

Military Aff.virs Doub and Rincks.

Oratory Cairnes.

Ponies Bouic.

Physics Collier.

Prof,\nity All except Y. M. C. A. members.

Pe.\rs Anderson.

Sporting Wisner.

Tobacco vSincell, { es]ieciall_\- borrowed leaf).

Tonsori.vl Art Ruiz.

Ver.vcity vSincell.


The Great M. A. C. Vaudevillians,

First and Probably L2>.st Appearance.

30— Wonderful Artists.— 30

College Hall, Friday, February 30th, 1902.



In liis great song hit, "I Nevek Saw the Streets ov Cairo;" assisted by Mr. Bradford, who will carry the bass.


Will show how one can hold lovely hands without the necessity of ])laying cards.

The tiianajj;cmciit olVcrs $ioo to the l.idy bold enough to assist him in the act.


(Especially imported for this one appearance)

Will tell a few V. M C. A. jokes. (Anyone laughing will be expelled.)


Will give his great tragedy, "How I Became a Soldier;" closing with the ])athetic ballad, "I'd Hate to be a Military Man."


Our mighty shortstop.

Will demonstnite how he hits high balls. This act cost the manageincnt $3.?4 I'or the materials.


Will demonstrate his ability to classify bugs. Big bugs, bug- houses and bug juice included.


Will do his lightning change act, "Love at First Sight."


will show the projjer method of taking temperatures in all appli cable cases.


The Great,

In his ancient farce, "How to Work the Sick List."

The whole to conclude with the laughable farce by


"Two Weeks in College Grove."


The Inevitable Statistics.




Favorite Expression.

Where From.

Reason for Being Here.

Famed For

Highest Ambition.



"Oh, I don't know."

Sugar Loaf" Mountain.

To prevent the hashing process.

Good nature and



To go home to

get something

to eat.


Cow. Joe.

" You may not believe it."

Lately, Charles County.

To carry on an im- mense correspon- dence with girls.

Miraculous anecdotes.

To get married.


S. P. Speed le.

"She's a heller."

Porters ville.

To help Collier

hold up the

Republican party.


To read "The

one else has it.



Dosen't own one.

Heart of Towson.

To talk much

nonsense in few


Proficiency in Mathematics.

To graduate

June 11, 1902.


John E. A. Roscoe.

"Great Ca;sar's Ghost."

Cambridge Lowlands.

To be near Washington.

Devotion to tobacco.

To skip




" I'm in love."

Usually College Hill.

To learn to love and equivocate.

Suavity and

geniality when

occasion requires.

To visit The Hill



"You're a liar."

Near Rennert's, Baltimore.

To get "jollied."

His record in love affairs, 1900-02.

To "do" the

other man.



"Ah, hush."

In the tobacco region.

To live and learn.

Love of Physics.

Has a new one every week.


Sy. John Bull.

"I'm from the Eastern Shure."

"God's country."

To study bugs.




To become a "big

hug" in



Ikey. Billy.

"Oh, go 'way!"

Some place in Baltimore.

To guard the premises.

Being always on time.

To fan "Pike "

The Inevitable Statistics.





Favorite Expression.

Where From.

Reason for Being Heki-;.

Famed For

Highest Ambition.


Horatio. Knight.


He would say Heaven.

To save the School.


To visit Hyattsville.




Senator Bouic's home.

To institute the reformation.


Tohold Y.M.C.A.




Usually inaudible.

Rabbit's burrow.

To get a bugle Sergeantcy.


To loom near a Bay.


Booker T. Poodle.

"You know that's right."


To talk about

Roosevelt and his guest.


To be a Republican




"Gol darn it."

Snow banks of New York.

To play foot— ball.


To " kid " Bouic.



"Great Jehovah!"

Swamps of Piscataway.

To "rush" the ladies.

To become a mechanic.



"Let nie talk."

Green Spring Valli-y.

To make the second teams.


To get out of



Long Tom.

"Hello, Rat!"

Phcebus, Va.

To become a polyglot.


To relate his achievements.




Baseball regions.

To join the Agricultural flock.


To win the batting medals.


Rolph. Scaljby.

"She's gone on me."

Braddock Heights.

To make a noise.


To become a talking machine.



"You're a fool, man."

Some peachy place.

To become an orator.


To put 'Dr. Doty"

out of business.



"I don't care a cuss."

Off the Farm.

To wall in Agriculture.


To lead the

promotion list

June 11th.



"Ain't he sweet."


To knock down plastering in 41.


Has none.

The Morning After the June Ball.


A man, a girl, a lot of traps,—

What can this picture be ? We'll take a closer view, perhaps

The meaning we can see.

Let's guess; Oh, yes.

A man, a girl, a distant look, A lover's quarrel, that's certain;

Last night, the ball, a secret nook- But let us draw the curtain,

C. S. R.


The Empty Pocket Club.

J. Cockev,

J/oZ/o.—y Got no money but I will have some." Co/ors. Green and Blue.

Pass U on/. '■ Come around next week."

JFon/s o//?trog„//w».~"Und me a dollar." Coimtersicrn. I. O U ToRRiNGTON, President.

Phiixips, \ 'icc-Prcsident.

PasTLEY, Secretary and Treasurer. {?) Members in Good Standing.










Occasional Honorary Members.




AK.„ -c Mackall.

Also, ,f appearances are to be believed, some niembers of the facultj-.


standing Committees of the Student Body.

Elected by Themselves.



Deaner, Chairman,

Fenby ,



Dorsey, Chairman,




Evans, Chairman,




List too large for insertion. Also suppressed.


Gassaway, Chairman.




Sincell, Chairman.




Ensor, Chairman.




Wisner, Chairman.




Lansdale, Chairman.




Mackall, Chairman.




Synions, Chairman.




Hull, Chairman .


Ewell, A. T.


Dunbar, Chairman.




Phillips, Chairman.



Y. M. C. A.

Naylor, Chairman.




Green, Chairman.




Darby, Chairman.




The Last Straw.


Tp XHIBITOR ( to gaping crowd ) : "Gentlemen, ^^^1 we have here the wonderful Slocum, the Human 2ffi2J Billy-Goat, who chews and swallows nails, glass, spikes, lamp chimneys, tin cans and, in fact, any- thing or everything that would kill an ordinarj' man."

" If any lady or gent in this intelligent and accom- plished audience has anything with them which the}' would like to see the wonder swallow let them come forward and test Klocuni's marvelous powers. He will

digest it without a qualm. His digestive apparatus is indestructible."

William Jones pushes his way forward, bearing a plate of Johnny Green's celebrated breakfast cakes. " Here's some of our dis mawnin's brekfas I would like to see him try."

Exhibitor grows pale, cries: " We are undone! " (like the cakes), and faints. The Human Billy Goat goes into spa.sms. Curt.vin!

Higher Chemistry.



R. JAMEvS McLEOD TURNER, who is without a peer in chemical astuteness, handed in the following notes on one of the interesting experiments in Rem.sen's Chemistry.


Treat six-penny wire nails with sulphuric acid. Eet action continue until you have five-penny nails.

Equation: Nails + Acid = a commotion.

If the nails are dropped into a test tube they go on through.

Warm and filter solution and set away to crystallize. I expect to find cigar box nails when the solution does crvstallize.


Our Fswculty.


First comes our President, R. W. S.;

The one who is loved by far the best.

A'ick-President Spence who when he doth speak: Putteth forth phrases of Latin and Greek.

Major John Scantlinc; a fighter, they say; Commands our young army, hot for the fray.

W. L. Taliaferro, agriculture doth teach How to grow all the fruits from banana to peach.

H. B. McDonnell, a chemist well known; Can teach you to soften the hardest of stone.

Henry Lanahax, it docs really appear; Is Civil in one thing, to wit: Engineer.

A. L. Qr.viN"T.\.\CK, bug man of renown; Cock-roaches can no longer linger 'round.

F. B. BoMBERGER can explain, 'tis true; All English and Civics quite plainly to you.

Samuel S. Buckley, the veterinary man; An expert with bea.sts of ever}' clan.

Henry T. Harrison, in charge of the "Prep; " His teaching ability has gained him a "rep."

Ch.\rles S. Rich.^rdson, an orator bold; Long speeches to you will gladly unfold.

J. H. Mitchell, professor of machines; Teaches to draw mechanical scenes.

J. B. Norton, who understands Botany; Will sharpen your senses, if you've got any

Assistant ]irofessors from Sandston to Ronn: Ye Gods! What a mob I What a mob I What a mob!!!

A'. L. M.


Wise and Otherwise.


Sy:moxs. ( Making annouiiceiiient liefore battalion. "We will have dinner to-morrow morning at eleven- thirty p. m."

Profkssok Lanahax. " Mr. Gourley, what is accel- eration ? "

Mr. GoiTRLKv. "Acceleration i.s the increase of a body during a unit of time."

Professor Lanahax. " Mr. Gourley, do you mean that a body swells up during a unit of time? "

Andersox. "She had one of those clarionettes (lorgnettes?) in her hand."

Greex. " Old ' rats ' don't have to pa>' the initiation fee, do they? "

W.ARFIELD. " Lansdale, when I went wrong this morning, I thought you gave ' right flood into line.' "

Symons. "I would have thrown this book, but ill f /link told me not to."

N. B. The Professor of English and Civics will not meet his clas.ses to-day, owing to illness.

Dice. 12, 1901. (Signed) F. B. Bomberger.

TiRXER (reading above notice). " Cockey, what does N. B. mean? "

CocKEY, J. " No Bomberger, of course, youdummyl"

Ode written by one of the love-sick )Oiuig men of College to his best girl. Metre copyrighted:

In the Spring a young man's fancy

Lightly turns to thoughts of love; Which predominates immensely

Over everything save "grub." And he's thinking, as he listens.

To the birdlets cheerful song. If the other one is loving

Half as ardently or strong. But he knows that she is not,

For to-day she wanders wide ; With some other luckier devil

By her sweetly charming side. While he sits disconsolate.

Chewing fingers, pad and pen, For he knows that he will see her

Heaven only knows when! "

N. B. Since the above was written the poet has been deported to Bayview, where he occupies his spare time in perpetrating poetry and manufacturing cla.ss yells. Eds.







^ \%

Why are the Commandant's whiskers hke the United

States flag ?

Long do they wave.

Why is Bowman's smile hke a brood\- hen ? Because its set.

Wliy are class pins like the High Tariff? The}' are for the classes and not for the masses.

Wh)' are the oy.sters in our soup like W. J. Bryan ? They're both "not in it."

Why is Grason like Washington's Monument? Both smallest at the top.

Why is Bouic's hair like his Bible ? They are both very much re( a )d.

Why is Torrington like an auger ? Both are bores.

Why is Mackall like the letter O ? Both always come .second in love.

W'hy is Wisner like the Athletic Association's debt? Neither ever leaves the College.

Why is our appropriation like Heaven ? In the Sweet Bye and Bye.

Why is our football team like a postage stamp ? Always being "licked."

Why is Lansdale like our "Gym ? " Usually found on the road to Captains.

Why are "sticks" like our worst dinners? Both are served on Saturdaj-.

Why are our clothes like a black-board ? When washed they become blacker than ever.

Wh)' is Levy like a mule ? His feet are his strongest point.

Why is the top hall like a sheep in bed ? Bedlam.


Rag-Time Verse in Gas Metre.


Tell me not of Romeo, Hamlet, Leander, or Othello, Of cases hard and loves severe from Rome to Buffalo ; Of all the men beneath the sun, the lovers fond and true Are those of the heavy lover class of Nineteen Hundred-Two.


There's Symons, who's a mighty man at loving as at drilling. And likes to " kid " the pretty girls, who seem to be most willing. He goes to town six times a week sometimes more or less. And every time he cometh back " She " has a new address. III.

And Bowman, who for constancy is most model. He's loved the same girl ever since they both began to toddle ; But yet, 'tis said, his heart has fled to nearer regions now. And has pledged itself, in ecstasy, in love's eternal vow.


S, Porter seemed a modest boy when first he came to College, And cared not for woman's looks, and was only bent on knowledge. But though he studies hard and well his " Zoo " and Trigonometry, His thoughts have lately turned, full tilt, to the study of Astronomy.


Coudon is known throughout the state for movements new and hours late ;

His calling list is long and choice, his girls are simply great.

He has one in Charles, in Hyattsville, and yet one more in Cecil.

His postage bills and lovers' pills would surely cause a whistle.



Mackall's love is like the wind, the dews, the rain, the flowers. Dispelled with time, soon out of line, and quickly dimmed with hours. The Rennert is his hostelry for reasons that we know full well ; His wandering footsteps lead him there by some far-reaching spell.


Lansdale is " a peach," they say, with truth, when it comes to courting And has broken ( ? i many a feminine heart in his course of sporting. Theatre, flowers, cab and all appear as if by magic trick ; 'Tis slyly hinted by the boys that he soon appears a benedict.


Hirst, who so modest, and blushing, and bashful did seem. When he appeared last year a down- trodden rat in sixteen. Has quite budded out, and has many a troublesome case. And can scare up a girl at most any time, in any old place.


Fendall is quiet, and studies as if grinding was a perennial joy ; But when he gets out he makes things hum with most any man or boy. Our Billy meek doth there waste his class ring, ribbons, pins, and flags ; The girl gets them, but carries home a heart just done to rags.

Mitchell and Wisner are either too young, or too bashful, or unwilling to know; But if they did, the rest of us would not have a ghost of a show. Let us hope they enter the lists ere they be crowded or 'tis too late, And preserve for themselves a sweeter, truer, more blissful estate.


Neither Rhyme Nor Reason.


Dear Sir: I was tailing in all mj' "exams" and ;?s a last resort sent for your book on Hypnotism. After reading a few pages I am now able to make passes most beautifully. If you have any work on causing loss of memory, please send me a copy,

on credit, as I would like to use it on Professor B .

Yours truly,

Sergeant J. C. C.


Baltimore, Md. :

Dear Sirs : Thanks for money lent on expectation account. Think you could do a lucrative loan business if you established a branch at this College. Guarantee could also be made a specialty, as most of the boys seem to be very suspicious.

I. O. U., Harold.



Boston, Mass.:

Dear Sirs: I have Ijccii giving your food for several months past to my kid brother wiih great success. No mother should be without it. When I began to use it he cried all the time Ijut now he only cries when he gets "stuck" or falls down in lessons. I shall recommend it on all occasions. It is also efficient in cases of love-sickness, as I have found b)' personal experience.

Yours thankfully, L. E. M.


Sirs: I formerly had to take Turkish and Russian liaths to induce perspiration. After using one of your famous padded blouses I find there is nothing left to perspire. Would suggest them for third degree torture in extreme cases cjf crime.

Yours for anti-fat, F. W .


Dear Sir :—l had a severely swollen head, on account of my proficiency in mathematics, before entering your class. After taking two of your noted examinations I have entirely recovered. Yours gratefully, George L. W.



Wonderful Sirs : I had six hairs on the right side of ray face and two on the left when I commenced to use your wonderful remedy. 1 have used twelve bottles, and now have twenty well- developed hairs on my countenance Please send down a carload of your valued Circassian Frizzle for my lovely locks, as the damp atmosphere keeps them out of curl.

Yours owingly, H. D. W.


Yearly Report M. A. C. Sartorial Club.

The Shirt:

" I have been on and oflf for t\^o months."

The Collar Button :

" I have just come out of Schenck's band; I've been in a hole for some time."

The Suspenders:

" I'm still holding an important position."

The Socks:

" I've been near the sole for some time and have determined to take holy orders; but if I do, I'll be darned.' '

The Shoes :

" I've been tied up for some time but expect to go higher, as a ballet girl has just bought me."

The Collar :

" I gave it to my owner in the neck, last night, but he soon wilted me down."

The Cuffs:

" I'm always around when good hands are being dealt out."

The Belt:

" I'm usuall\' in the winning position, too."

The Trousers:

"I, also, go around the waist."

The Vest:

" I can keep time with any of 3'ou."

The Coat:

" I'd 's leave back myself as anyone el.se."

The Head Covering :

" I don't care, I cap the climax."

The Top Coat :

"I, unlike other peaches, spring in the autumn and blossom in winter."

The Cane :

" None of you are in it I carry off the ribbons."

The Looking Glass :

■' But I am usuall}- the end in(g) view."













okken pea« claket kancy ices assorted <akes




June 14, inoi.


Toastmaster, LIE.UTE.NANT J. D. BOWMAN, '02.


" An Ornament in Peace, a Guard in War."

ATH L-E-rlCS : l_IEUX. R. H. PETERS, 'o:

"As runners with a race, I lay me down a little while to breathe "


"Go on with the dance, let joy be unconfined."

THE l_ADIESl SERC3T. H. N. 1_A N S D A l_E, '02

" He that hath no Lady, can'st not fight." 140

"Footprints on the Sands of Time."

IY N the collection of .souvenirs, the delight and 1 past time of many college students, the

M^J boys of Company "A" hall have had a store- house containing an inexhaustible supply. When we remember the summer school which occupied the rooms on that hall during last summer there can be no doubt as to the origin of the following articles, found September 20th, and now held and prized by the many lucky ones. 2 silver buckles. 7 side combs. I gross hair pins. I box of rouge ( appropriated by Sergeant Page. )

1 pair of curling irons, (used with great success by Lieutenant Hirst. )

2 powder puffs.

I life size sketch of Professor Richardson, (much prized by Sergeant Cockey.)

22 pictures of " Billy " Fendall (Price 24 for ten cents.)

663 "Hunks" of chewing gum, much the worse for

wear, varying in size from one-half pound to two ounces.

66 safety pins ( unanimously donated to the " Preps.")

32 notes from H. N. Lansdale upon every subject

under the sun except chemistry.

22,562 curl papers.


A Quiz in Economics.

PROF. BOMBERGER.— Mr, Wisner, what do you mean by pauperism?

MR. W. Why, it is that state in which we find our- selves after having had a visit from the treasurers of the Athletic Association, June Ball Organization, Rossbourg Club. Y. M. C, A. and " Reveille."

PROF. B.— Mr. Fendall, what was the first state of pauperism?

Mr. F. The state of a new boy shortly after he enters M. A. C.

PROF. B.— Why so?

MR. F. Because when he first enters he is confronted Dy about " forty-leven " boys selling old uniforms, caps, pieces of chairs and college pins, as well as others who want to give him dancing lessons. Consequently, when he has given each of these his share, he realizes that he has become almost a pauper.

PROF. B. You seem to understand the subject fairly well.

PROF. B.— Mr. Hirst, define labor.

MR. H. Briefly speaking, it is that which a "Rat" goes through during his first year at college.

PROF. B. Mr. Bowman, what is the productive capability of a community.

MR. B. Do you mean any special community?

PROF. B. You may take a special one if you wish.

MR. B. It is the amount of noise which the boys are capable of producing when they sweep out on Thursday night. I think this would equal the racket at the Zoo if all the animals should set up a howl at the same time.

PROF. B.— Mr. Mitchell, what is the theory of inter- national exchange?

MR. M.— Itis the new theory, that it is beneficial to education and international speech, to put a foreigner (a Cuban or Venezuelan > in every other room in place of one Maryland boy.

PROF. B. Mr. Lansdale, what is meant by debased coin?

MR. L. A coin used for a bad purpose, as the pur- chase of tobacco, liquor, etc.

PROF. B.— Mr. Mackall, Mr. Mitchell has explained international exchange, what is the effect of this exchange upon production?

MR. M. The effect appears to be an evil one, it pro- duces a mongrel speech, which no one can understand, not even those who are speaking it.

PROF. B. Mr. Wisner, What can you say of the parties to the distribution of wealth?

MR. W. They are usually members of corporations, for instance, those who shared in the wealth reaped from the dancing class, were Mackall, Lansdale and Bowman,


those of the ' ' Consolidated College Pin Trust, ' ' were the two last-named gentlemen, Symons and Mitchell.

PROF. B.— Mr, Fendall, what is interest?

MR. F. That which a cadet pays for leaving College without permission, a privilege which he has borrowed. The interest on this is usually two weeks membership in the College Grove Club.

PROF. B. Mr. Hirst, what can you say of subsistance?

MR. H. It is usually some form of beef and cold bread.

PROF. B. Mr. Bowman, what are profits?

MR. B, There are two kinds. First, those zeroes which you often make on Monday as a consequence of going to town Friday, Saturday and Sunday night. Second, three-fourths of that which you pay for every article pur- chased from the store at College Park.

PROF. B.— Mr. Mitchell, tell us something of trade unions and strikes.

Mr. M. Trade unions are those unions formed in the dead of night to exchange a note with "Johnny Green," for twenty or thirty loaves of bread or a few pounds of sugar. Strikers are those members of the base-ball team who fan at the ball and never hit it.

PROF. B. Mr. Lansdale, what is bimetalism?

MR. L. It is a combination of the indestructible brass of the Juniors and the soft steal of the Sophomores.

PROF. B. Mr. Mackall. can you say anything about the principles of taxation?

Mr. M. Not much, there seems to be very little princi- ple about it. Every one is taxed for all that can be gotten out of him.

PROF. B. Mr. Wisner, what is the standard of deferred payments?

MR. W. It is a practice among some who continually put off paying their dues to the Athletic Association, and their other debts.

PROF B.— Mr. Fendall, what are hard times?

MR. F. They are the times when we "flunk" in an "exam." get licked in athletic games, reported for mis- demeaners, etc.

PROF. B. Mr. Hirst, what can you say of the destruc- tion of wealth?

MR. H. In the language of the President it is the waste and abuse of College property.

PROF. B. I think there will be no trouble for any of you to pass the examination, in fact, most of you should make a hundred. The examination will cover everything in the book, and as it is now ten minutes after time, the class is excused.


The Alumni Association.

IV N spite of the difficulties which have attended X the organization and growth of the Alumni gr=a^^ Association of the Maryland Agricultural

^/^^J College, the interest in the welfare of the College manifested by its members has not abated. In fact, it grows stronger from day to day.

There have been many expres.sions of this interest. The first evidence of it was shown when the Alumni Association provided for three medals, which were to be awarded annually for excellence in three of the depart- ments of college work. The first was a recognition of the chief aim of the establishment of the Agricultural College, being awarded to that member of the Senior Class who should prepare the best essay, representing some original research, on some subject pertaining to scientific agriculture.

The second aimed to make prominent that other feature of college work, which goes to make the Maryland Agri- cultural College distinctively the State School of Tech- nology, the Mechanical Engineering Department. The awarding of this medal is decided by competition among

the members of the Senior Class, and is fixed on the principle of excellence.

In connection with the foregoing medals, it may be said that the Alumni Association has been very jealous in guarding the granting of them. In order to insure a high standard of excellence, it was formally ordered by the Association that no medals should be given unless there were competition ; or unless, in the discretion of the Executive Committee, the character of the work was so high as to justif}' the waiving of the rule.

The influence exerted by the granting of these medals has undoubtedlj' done much to direct the attention of the students to the Agricultural and Mechanical Courses. This, we believe, is the true policy ; and that the Alumni A.ssociation has so deemed it, may be evident from the fact that it was in accordance with a recommendation to that effect by the Association, that the Board of Trustees established the regulation requiring scholar.ship students to enter the Agricultural or the Mechanical Course. This regulation has made these departments very prom- inent ; and the condition resulting therefrom will un-


doubtedly prove the MarN-land Agricultural College to be in fact an Agricultural and Mechanical College a School of Modern Technology.

The third medal above referred to, has been awarded for excellence in debate. This medal is probably more eagerly .sought after than any other, as it is open to all classes. There being two literary societies in the College, they usually divide on the question ; and the contest becomes not only a means of determining the best indi- vidual debater, but it affords an opportunity for friendl\ rivalry between the societies. The debate is judged by members of the Alumni Association; and, as the contest is held on Alumni Day the day preceding Conmience- ment Day many of the Alumni attend the exerci-ses.

In the matter of aiding the College in .securing aid from the State, individual and organized effort on the part of the Alumni has undoubtedlj- proved very effec- tive; and, it must be remembered, that this is a factor in the growth of the College which will grow stronger from )'ear to )'ear.

Recently an effort has been made to arouse among the AUnnni additional interest in college athletics, and alread}- a great measure of success has been attained. For the past two years there have been held competitions

in baseball between the College teams and teams com- posed of alumni. Though the regular teams have appropriately been successful, yet the contests have been exciting and clo.se.

This year competition has been arranged in track athletics as well as in baseball, and a great deal of interest has been aroused. Undoubtedly these arrange- ments are all means to one end the increase of interest in the welfare of the College. And when we add to this the fact that the association is increasing in strength daily, and that by holding the lianquets and annual meetings at the College, the associations of the alumni are more and more closel\- identified with the interests of the College, we feel safe in predicting more power and pre.stige to the Alumni Association, and a greater degree of success to the College. These are the true aims of every alumnus of the Maryland Agricultural College. The officers of the Association for tlie past year were :

President F. B. Bomberger, '94.

Viec- President J. Enos R.w, '92.

Seeretary- Treasurer J. R. Lai"c;hlix, '96.

Members of Ji.xeeutive Connnitlee F. B. Veitch, 'gr, T. M. Price, '99.


An Intercepted Letter.


September 23rd., 1904.

My Dear Monimer,

I arrived here all ris^ht, and was met at the station by a little boy they call Mack, who walks like a Gordian knot Ijefore it was cut, and who took nie and my trunk up to the College behind a black horse with no tail, who travels about as fast as I used to when you called me up to spank me.

On arriving, a pompous man with a bay window who they call Mr. Green, escorted me to the president's office, but he was not in; had gone to Annapolis on appropria- tion business, so they said, though what he is appropri- ating there I don't know. I hope he leaves the State House.

I was next taken in charge by a big fat man they called Cythe, as far as I could catch it. He wore straps on his shoulders not like the ones pa use.s and had on a big curved tin sword, which almost tripped him when he walked, and had on white gloves, which were not white only meant to he. Mr. Green called hini the O. D., but

I guess that don't mean old Nick. He took me to pro- fes.sor Spence's, the vice-president's, room. Say, I used to think old deacon Brown was tall, but may, he is only a fence post beside a telephone pole to Mr. Spence. Pro- fessor Spence .seemed mighty nice, however, and told me that I ought to be a Senior, but that my age was too small and he would have to assign me to the Freshmen Class; but that I could be a Junior in the agricultural or biolog- ical course if I wanted to. I took the Fre.shman, 'cause I came to school to learn something, and be a credit to the old Frogville Academy.

Major Sy. then escorted me upstairs and put me in a room with a couple of other new boys, who seemed almost as scared as I was.

After four o'clock I was allowed to help lay off the football field, which is a lovely job, and assist greatly in the preparation for Geometry next year. Finally, after becoming as white all over as a white rat, I was allowed to retire, and some Sophomores and Fre.shmen kindly came in and dusted the lime off. They didn't use clothes brushes, but something still more effective. I expect to


thank them some day when I can move around comfort- ably.

After supper I went down to the store at College Park. There is a lovely old man there whose chief delight seems to be to treat the Maryland Agricultural College boys nicel}'.

At half-past seven they have what they call "call to quarters," after which only the non-sufficient officers visit, and I had peace for three hours. The Seniors seem awfully kind and friendly like, and most all of them called on me, and for the most part a.sked me for money for one thing or another before they left. I must have hdd some more visitors after eleven o'clock, however, as when I woke up my face was blacker than it ought to be, and there was an extinct cat tied to my toe.

I am to be a Company "B." man, and room about seventeen stories above ground on a hall that they call Buzzard's Roost.

Captain Bowman is mj' captain and he is awfully hand- some, and grins all the time, 'cept when he is eating and that is pretty often.

I'm going to take the electrical engineering course, 'cause there isn't any here yet, and besides, I like to be

shocked. If Ti'c get the appropriation, they are going to build a big new building with all tlie dynamics, insulta- tors, currents, reduction coils, etc., in it.

I expect to play football, as it is a nice game and I will be plentj' tough enough, in parts, to stand all the shocks. Besides, I can save my hair cutting bill and spend the mone)' in tobacco, as Mr. Sincell and Mr. Evans use an awful lot.

Some of the boys take an interest in our drilling, and let us drill overtime after supper on "B." hall. I expect to get a sergeancy next year, at least, as Captain Phillips says I am a fine soldier.

My paper has run out, as Lieutenant Condon borrowed twenty sheets to write a letter with last night.

Please send me ten dollars to get .some stamps and paper with, as club dues have broke me entireh*. Write soon and send a box up by the first mail. I will write again as soon as the money comes, so I can buy a stamp. Your loving son,

P. S. Tell Mamie I will write as soon as I can sit down comfortably for a definite period,



For Sale, Rent, Lease, Loan or Give Away.

Oy the Buzzard's Roost

** Social Club.— 76 pie plates (unwashed), 3 cork screws, 2 can openers, i whiskey glass ( never been used ), i egg beater, "silverware," too numerous to mention, i set of burglar's tools, 2 poker chips, i "deck" of 16 cards, i rat trap, i shin guard, (useful on fire escapes), besides other articles which can'/ be enumerated. Will sell cheap, as the Club is in debt.

By the Adjutant.— A Noble Stable of Blue Ribbon Win- ners, all broken to harness and will stand hard driving. Most of them sired by Harper & Bros, and darned (no profanity in- tended), by the Professor of Classics. Being some of the famouslast vear'sstableof T-T.H.

Dy The Sophomore Class.

** Complete Synopsis of all Studies pursued by the class this year. ALso a Microscope to de- cipher same, as paper was scarce and cut in thin strips when the synopsis was made. Freshman Class have the refusal. Also some elegant "flunks" in Ger- man, and Mathematics of all kinds. Will trade for Junior Certificate.

II y Coudon. Several Books " on the Art of Letter Writing. Also, several hundred letters, varying in size from six letters ( g. w. b. & s. d. )* to thirty .sheets. Will sell cheaply to some fair maiden of a love-lorn turn of mind, who.se epistolatory burdens are onerous. *(i() wav back and sit down. Ei).

O y Room 24. Several Rats of " fairsize.good squeaky voices, and generally prepos.ses.sing ap- pearance. Sold to make room fornext Fall's crop, which prom- ises to be large and clamorous.

Oy The Junior Class. A

" Class Yell which sounds like a buzz saw striking a nail in a log; also .several Enlarged Cra- niums. Sold on account of diffi- culty in getting summer tiles for same.

Dy the Senior Cl&ss. Senior ** Respon.sil)ilities at a discount. Senior privileges mo.st of the other clas.ses have tried to as- sume for themseh-es.





By The Faculty :

A boy with all the cardinal virtues.

In Room 42 :

A cage for the ape.

By Capt. S. Porter :

Standard works on Astronomy and Shooting Stars ; Price not to exceed three cents per copy.

By Capt. Bowman :

Mess call six times a day.

By "Tessie:"

A batting average and a medal offered for the same.

By Several "Rats:"

Good " fannings."

By Room 4I :

Reveille at 11-30 A. M.

By "Sy:"

A professor of Hieroglyphics to decipher his writ- ing for him when he gets twisted up ' 'on the same. ' '

By Sergeant Cockey :

The earth.

By Horner and Schenck :

Cu.shion or pneumatic tires on persuaders.

By College Grove Club :

The limits of College Grove extended in an east- erly direction so as to include all that property known as ' ' The Pie Factory ' ' lying in College Park.

By Captain :

Lock and chains to attach to current magazines.

By " the Student body : "

A mint started on the College premises.

By Mr. Thomas, Sr. :

Repeating Colt revolver of long range, and an in- strument to estimate the pressure of water when falling from the different dormitory halls.

By Wisner :

Several cases.

By Coudon :

An occupation.

By the Football contingent :

\'ictories. By Matthews :

A gag. By Bay :

Corporals chevrons. By the kind reader :

A rest.


"And That's the Sweetest Story Ever Told."

Only the old, old story,

The story of human hearts, Of Cupid's wiles and his subtle smiles.

As he smites with his merciless darts.

Only the old, old story.

First told in Eden's bowers, Yet ever new as the morning's dew,

And sweet as the fragrance of flowers.

Only the old, old story.

Repeated again and again. Of Cupid's wiles and subtle smiles,

As he pierces the hearts of men.

—C- S. R.


Some T&».med "Birds" We Have Known.



Jiknuary lOth, 1902.

Mk. Anthony Comstock, President Society for Prcven- tation of Cruelty to Animals.

New York, N. Y. Honored Sir:

In pursuance with your valued instructions, I

have made an exhaustive investigation of the conditions

existing at Maryland Agricultural College, in regard to

our friends and allies, the animals residing in the College.

I have to report as follows:

I find an immense number of rats running at large, and though some of them are treated ver)' nicely and are allowed to improve their physical condition bj- carrying water, making beds, chasing balls, and by taking nice long walks to College Park; others are much impo.sed upon by boys who take the stamps of government ap-

proval and thus entail lo.ss upon them. On the whole, however, their condition is ver^' fair ; and if things con- tinue to improve, their state will be all that can be desired by next year.

There is an unfortunate Ape in room fourty-two, who is forced to make up beds and sweep out in fourty-one for public amusement, who is still too j'oung for such trials. W'e should suggest that he lie sent to some country asylum until he becomes of proper age to appear in public.

There are several horses and ponies kept in a confined .state on one of the upper halls, and though they have reached maturity' having been several hundred years in translation it is feared that they will break down under the fearful strain to which they are subjected. Measures should immediately be taken to remove them to healthier quarters.

There is also a Rabbit and a Monk on the second hall.


Tlie former is quiet, but the latter niakesenoughnoi.se for both, and sometimes strays away disturbing the ladies in nearby towns^

There is a Bay in the room with the Bunnie, and it is feared that the latter will fall overboard some night. Removal to room thirty-two where there is a verdant W'ood is advised.

The Monk rooms with a Jap, and the latter threatens to devour him in some of his hungry moments. The Ape and the monk should be caged togetlier.

There is also a Chicken on the next roost to Buzzard's Roost, which is in dangerous proximity to a boy, who, like the coon, enjoys salad on all occasions. If not moved to other quarters it is feared that some night the Chick will be absent from reveille in the president's barn-yard.

There are two Cows stabled on a hall, one of which fares ver\- well, since she rooms with an agricultural man; but the other is a little "ratty," and suffers accordingly. If

not treated lietter she will kick the bucket and America will lose a highly prized &\\\»iii/c'. Removal to padded quarters is requested.

This is a brief nsiiiiu- of the needed reforms, and we hope that they will be attended toby your puissant honor.

Please send me money for a new S. P. C. A. uniform, as it rains all the time here, sometimes out of a clear sky. Al.so some cash on expense account, as most of the boys are usually out of tobacco.

Your humble .servant,

A. Fake Seekerout,

vSpecial Agent, S. P. C. A.

P. S. There is :ilso a large Porcupine here with briijht red quills and as the variety is most rare, we suggest that "Sallie," as the gifted animal is called, be placed in cither the New York or Deal's Island /Coloogical Gardens.

A. F. S.


Final Examination in Senior Agriculture.

Show that an immense correspondence is requisite to occupy the mind of one pursuing this course.

If a potato tuber contains seven eyes, how many eyes will Coudon cast on the fair sex on the way to Washington?

If a practical farmer makes $i,ooo a year on a certain farm, show how you could increase the yield to $15,000 per year on the same farm by a careful study of " Grimm's Fairy Tales."

If Coudon studies two hours in four months prove that his term average will be 99.99.

If it takes an hour for the class to reach a burdock plant on Berwyn Hill, and one and a quarter houns to return, how much work will the class do in three periods of three quarters of an hour each.

6. If we plant beans and corn in alternate rows and

cross breed, prove that in six generations succotash will result.

7. If there are ten ripe tomatoes in the green-house

when the Freshman Class enters it, how much of the vines will be left when the period is over?

8. If a colt has bone spavin prove that his great, great

grandmother was fed on an excessive diet of ground bone meal.

9. If a plant grows in the sun, state why its leaves are

as green as the Agricultural Course students.

10. If one acre of strawberries will yield 1,250 quarts at Laurel, wh)- does the M. A. C. Experiment Station bed of three acres only produce 300 quarts?

N. B. Number of students at College 130; height of fire- escape 90 feet.

Note. One perfect answer gives a mark of 100.


All Hallowe'en.

AND it came to pass at a certain season of the the year that there came a day on the one and thirtieth day of October, yclept, in ordinary parlance, Hallowe'en. And it also came to pass that early in the day, yea, before the sun had finished his course, certain wise men did put their heads together and did decide that the several and respective lower classes should, that night, make much iioise and raise hob, generally, before the face of all the people.

Captain, being a wise man and skilled in all know- ledge, did retire early after stuffing cotton batten in his ears and turning all of the genus dog obtainable loose upon his premises. And it also came to pa.ss that the Seniors being virtuous men and addicted to much work of the brain, and being exceeding tired, did also retire earh' and left the l)uilding to stand on its own founda- tion.

The watchman, however, being a man of exceeding great courage and long whiskers, did gird his loins for the fray, and did jirepare many blank cartridges.

And it came to pass about the twelfth hour of the night that many shrouded forms did jiroceed from the various rooms and proceed to make a slow and cautious way down the fire e.scapes. When they had reached the ground they made a large noi.se, yea, a mighty racket, yelling with one discord many frightful class j'ells. They did then proceed to raise cain, generally, about the temple of wisdom, and did move many strange and various vehicles up to the temple door, and did even im- plant one of them at the very door of the president's sanctum, yea, on the president's hall, itself.

While the.se strange doings were going on one of the classes did feloniouslj' and with malice prepense, extract and purloin the bones of an extinct man from the higher temple of knowlege and placing it in the toga of the mighty captain, who rules our mili- tary life, did hang it upon the chanda- ^ •'J'^ Her, in the latter's office. Whereat they laughed and clapped their jM hands and were exceeding glad. And it further came


to pass that one of the more have brained classes did un- lawfully extract the chairs from the hall of the inner man, and did remove them to a distant place upon the campus ; and early in the morning, when the first meal was served, all the boys, except the Seniors, were forced to eat manna in an upright position, yea, standing upon their feet, though there had been no punishment to bring forth such a state of affairs.

These and many other things did these peaceful peoples do; and after much noise of singing (?), and divers other noises, they did finally enter again the temple of Morpheus, and did snore prodigiously.

And it came to pass the next morning that captain rose with the sun and did look in the direction of college to see if the barracks were .still there, and seeing it, re- joiced exceedingly and was glad.

And it still further came to pass that the mighty cap- tain having cau.se to enter the chief centurion's office, did open the door with the assistance of the janitor, and did start back exceeding frightened at the sight of the skeleton in the closet there.

And it is further recorded that the janitor, being a Gentile, did allow strange language to escape him, and did swear exceeding much, whereat he was condemmed to keep " B " hall clean, all day, for all time.

And it is now captain's intention to lock up the high temple and send home the inhabitants thereof to Hal- lowe'en, in their own land, when the season shall be upon us again.

We have spoken.

__gu g^ 1^^


Base Hits

&.nd Strikes.

"By Necessity, by Proclivity and by Delight We Quote:"

Rutledge. ' 'The best of men liave even loved repose. ' '

Sincell. "Lest men suspect your tale untrue, keep probability in view."

Goddard. "Mine hours were nice and lucky.""'

Farr&U. "The fire i' the flint shows not, 'till it be struck."

Anderson. "Comb down his hair; look! it stands upright."

Cockey. J. "Let none presume to wear an un- deserved dignity."

Phillips. "Neither a borrower nor a lender be."

Gassaway. "How pretty her blushing was, and how .she blushed again!."

Wa^tts, H. D. "What, is the jay more precious than the lark, because his feathers are more l)eautiful?"

Ba>.y. "Thou, who hast the fatal gift of beaut\-,"

Horner. "The elephant has joints l)ul none for courtesy: his legs are for necessity- not for flexure."

Alfert. "The soul of this man is his clothes."


Room 43. "Temple and tower went down nor left a site. Chaos of ruins!"

Whiteford. "He was not merely a chip of the old block but the old block itself."

Hatnblin. "They look into the beauty of thy mind, and that, in guess, they measure by thy deeds."

West. "Quoth Hudibras, I .smell a rat."

Smith. "His fame was great in all the land."

Brown. "A face with gladness overspread; Soft smiles, by human kindness bred!"

Jones. "Fie, my lord, fie! a soldier and afear'd?"

"Johnny" Green. "What say you to a piece of beef and mustard?"

Ewell, T. "Unquiet meals make ill digestion."

The Waiters. "But by the barber's razor best subdued."

ShSkW. "The labor we delight in, Physics pain."

Green. "When a gentleman is disposed to swear, it is not for slanders by to curtail his oaths."

Roberts. "Alas, the love of women! it is known to be a lovely and a fearful thing."

Schenck. "As merry as the day is long."

Popham. "He trudges along, unknowing what he sought; and whi.stled as he went for want of thought."

Weiller. "Think you a little din can daunt my ears?"

Hines, T. "I have a passion for ballads."

Evak.ns. "The artillery of words."

The Juniors. "Why then the world's my oyster which I with my sword will open.

Dorsey. "The jsink, in truth, we should not slight.

Parker. "Feet that run on willing errands."

Turner. "Wisely and slow; they stumble that run fast."

C!vul. Ask me no questions, and I'l tell you no fibs.

Webster. "Great things astonish us."

Fesmeyer. "A stirring dwarf we do allowance give before a sleeping giant."


Hull. "The still .small voice is wanted."

Wentworth. "I have a good eye, uncle; I caii see a

church liy day light."

Powers. "Thanks to the gods! My boy has done his duty."

Ensor. "What man! defy the devil; consider, he's an enemy to mankind.''

Choate. "vStruck me very much like a steam engine in trou.sers."

Postley. "Sweet childish days that were as long as twenty days are now."

Naylor. "None but himself can be his parallell."

The Compiler. "O weary heart! O slumbering eyes."



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Copyright Acting Edition. Scene: Little Store at College Park, Store Closed. 10 P. M.

Hirst ( Outside door. ) "Hello, I say, open up!"

Muffled voice from within "What do you want?"

Bowman "Something to eat."

M. \. F. W "How much do you want?"

Hirst and Bowman (in chorus) "Oh, about ten cents


M. V. F. W "I won't come down for that."

Great consternation on the outside and .sound of

snoring within. After a long consultation H. and B.

conclude to rai.se their bid to twenty cents apiece. Hirst "Hello, tip there." M. V. F. W— Um— m— ni— ni. Hirst "We want twenty cents worth apiece." M. V. F. W (with great energy) "All right, I'l be

down in a second."

Bowman and Hirst do a war dance. Curtain.

A Rhapsody.

Poets tell, in dulcet strains, the tales.

Of birds and flowers and sunny Spring; 'Till language, e.xhausted, nearly fails

To pay its due reward to everything. But still theres one song has not been told,

'Tis not of a girl most transcluding fair Nor yet of Free Silver or of unlimited gold,

'Tis sim[)ly of hash and the hair that is there.

A Ratty Episode.


Amid ray dreams of home and friends

There comes a fearful din, That makes my hair stand up on end

And shivers creep o'er my skin.


Obi Can it be some awful foe

Steals on me unwares.' Or is it some dread Sophomore

Come raging up our stairs?


Or can it be, worst fate of all

That I hear Bouic in a rage; And, being moved to the top hall.

Suffer the ancient jokes of "Scabby" Page?


Or is it that dread Judgment day

Has caught me in my bed? Oh, nol It's just the Reveille,

And my room-mate at my head.

From the Bulletin Board.

Lost, Strayed, or Stolen, Capt. J. D. B. A letter addre-ssed to him three months ago having remained un- answered, it is feared that too much study has effected his brain. Any information as to his whereabouts or condition will be thankfully received by


Washington, D. C.

1 60

The True Artist.

Evening's sombre shades were gathering,

Fast the daylight passing by, While the sun, the magic artist,

Painted bright the western sky Painted, too, the rippling waters

With a brush of golden light: 'Twas indeed a lovely picture

Nature furnished to the sight. And the last remaining sunbeams

Fell upon a maiden fair. Played around her noble forehead.

Gilded bright her raven hair. And the maiden stood in silence

Gazing on the scene around. In her heart a wistful longing.

On her face a look profound. "Oh, that I could paint a picture,"

Thus the maiden breathed aloud, ^ " Like the path upon the water.

Like the golden-tinted cloud: I would be a mighty artist,

I would win a lasting fame. Sweet, indeed, would he the honor,

Of a great immortal name." Then a sound so sweet and soothing

Gently fell upon her ear. And a low mysterious answer

Came to her in accents clear: " You, indeed, can paint a picture

Life is but a canvas spread To receive the lines and colors

That will last when you are dead. You can fringe your clouds with sunshine,

You can mark your path with light, Virtue is a lovely coloring,

Truth and Honor always bright. Make your life itself a picture,

And the beauty it will show Will surpass the water's lustre

And the sunset's brilliant glow.

Then the maiden's heart grew lighter,

Vanished each regretful sigh She would make her own life's picture

Grander than the sunset sky.

C. 5. Richardson.


Delinquency List.

Bowman. Not using Friday night requests. Mitchell, R. L. Devotion to ph3\sics. Gassawak.y. Not making a sufBcieut number of kicks. Shaw. vSame. Bowman. Same.

Hirst. No smoke in room at inspection. Lansd&le. Out of thirty-eight at in.spection. Sophomore Class. Not endeavoring to obtain examin- ation papers in advance. Alfert. Murdering the King's English. Football TeB..m. Excessive number of victories. Tarrington. Taking Sunday dinners at Hyattsville. Cockey, J. Not "Flunking" in "exams." Page. Appropriation of red paint.

Sincell. Not "exaggerating."

Non-Commissioned Officers. Not visiting during

study hours. Horner. Excessively clean hands. Gassaway. Winning the batting medal. Byron. Assuming military attitude. Phillips. Not at Hyattsville at inspection. Nicholls, S.— Talking baseball. Horner, Silence during study hours. Schenck. Same. Farrall, Same. Mackall.— Detailing the O. D. Wisner. Excessive promptness at classes. Cairnes. I disturbing the neighbors.



Bureau of Information.

-Some niissiiiled persons, under the impression, perhaps, that the Editor was a miniature bureau of information, have besieged him with numerous questions regarding College subjects, which, since the supply of stamps was small and the number of vacant pages large, he has decided to answer in " Reveille."

" Frederick." Yes, Mr. L. did take one bath while at College, appearances to the contrary notwith-standing.

' ' The Sun. ' ' No sirs, Captain has not subscribed for extra copies of your " Sand's Issues."

"Zoo." Yes, we have a Monk, but don't think he could be confined in a smaller-sized cage than College Grove.

"Cornell." Yes, we do know that Sy attended Cornell, as he has often told us al)Out the "Cornell Indians."

" Mr. Sands." No, we do not plow, dig fence posts and hoe for recreation. Thanks for your suggestions, however.

" Elkridge Kennels." No, there are no dogs around the premises. The location is unhealthy and Johnny Green's minions are swift of foot.

" \\'.\R I)ep.\rtm]';nt." Artillery drill only occurs at night and then only in extended disorder.

M.\RBrRG Bros. No sirs, you are incorrect, Mr. Sincell never bought a package of your tobacco in his life.

"Post Office." By clo.se observation of Mr. Condon's movements we think you could locate the lost stamps.

" Pins." Yes, there is a fortune in the College pin business here, but a trust controls it.

Bell Photo. Co." The Sophomore Class must have broken the instrument.

" Ordnancic." Not by a mile, the biscuits are needed in base-ball practice.

"Smith & Wesson." Yes, Mr. Hines, the watch- man, has oiie of your revolvers. .Should advise not sell- ing such weapons to minors.

"Ad,a:\is E.xpress." We received no Christmas box from the Washington High Schools. Look it up.

"Dicad Letter Oi-fice." You can kee^i all of Mr. Mackall's returned letters.

"Laurel." The noise you heard nuist have been made by Mr. Ensor at dinner.

" Nu.MEROUS Inoi'irers." 133'-?% of the students enrolled take the Agriculture Course.

" Irrig.\tion." Mackall, Jr.'s tears are not used to water the State celerv bed.



For the Benefit of the Uninitiated.


Buzzard's Roost. Tlieskj-most story of the barracks; location of the peacefully disposed.

Bum. To obtain necessities without paying cash therefor.

Bluff. To convince a professor, when unprepared, that you have made a careful study of the subject.

Crib. ( v). To make u.se of purloined statistics.

Crib. (h). A piece of paper covered with micro- scopic characters, used in examinations.

Cinch. The Agricultural and Biological Courses.

Cab. The ruler of our College destinies.

Commie. The be-whiskered gentleman who directs the military department.

Confinements. A state of rest on Saturdays.

Fake.— To bluff.

Flunk. Chronic deed of the Sophs.

Kid. (V). To jolly; («),aPrep.

Lanahan's Delight. See Zip.

List. The krank-roller, presided over by the .sergeant- major. A means of escaping too onerous duties.

Mess Hall. Cxreen's Hotel. Bowman's Delight.

O. D. The dignified Senior who, for the time being, is monarch of all he surveys.

Persuader. A paddle of various sizes, varying from a baseball bat to a hair brush.

Pony. Ask the Classical Course men.

Prep. (a). A member of the Kindergarden; (b), the Kindergarden itself.

Revielle. (a). A disturber of rest; 6.25 a. m. call to a day of trouble; {b), the brilliant book published by the Senior Cla.ss.

R.VCK. To get warm around the collar. See Tom Hot.

R.\T. One of the unsophiscated. A new boy.

Skip. To forget to report to class. Also, Mr. Evan's cognomen.

Stick. ( v). To report for an offence.

Stick. ( n). The result of the above.

Swipe. To purloin without ceremony.

Slats. Tho.se things from which Eve was made.

Tom Hot. One of the irascible Juniors.

Taps. 11 o'clock call to the arms of Morpheus. Also gentle strokes of the persuader.

Work the List. To convince the Dr. that you are on the verge of collapse, after a night off.

Zip. {a). A circular mark too often described by the faculty pencils, (b). A mighty member of the Prep. Cla.ss.


Application Form for Would-Be Teachers.


What can you teach ? First Reader, Jography, Spell-

ing, " Fanning," Music (to rats), Jew's Harp, Cribbing, Mathematics (?), Ritin and Rithniatic.

When and where did you graduate ? Expect to at M. A. C, 1910.

Of what grade is your certificate ? High Grade.

How long have you taught? Five feet eight inches.

Do you wish a position as superintendent, princippl or as.sistant ? President.

What grade of work preferred ? High grade, mild.

Anj- preference as to locality? Girl's Boarding School.

What church do yon attend? The only church.

Are you a member of this church ? Used to be.

Name any secret society to which you belong ? Col- lege Cribber's League.

What educational papers do you take ? Nick Carter and Diamond Dick.

Do you play the piano or organ for singing ? No, for pleasure.

What other instruments? Wind In.strumments. Do you sing at all ? My friends say I don't. Have you determined to leave your present position whether you get a better one or not ? Yes.

Where have you taught? vSquash Hollow. In what grades ? Primer.

Where last engaged ? To Miss .

Where were }'ou born ? Podunk.

What is your age? Sweet sixteen.

Your w eight ? 350 pounds.

Your height ? 5 feet 8 inches.

Are you married? No, thank goodness!

Have you good health ? Weak heart and colic.

What .salary do you expect ? $500,000.00.

Least salary you would probably accept? $000.02.

Your present salary ? Less than o.

Are vou successful in discipline? Never been mar-


When will you be ready to take a position? June,


*The fcinii lielnw was made out liy oneofour learned and energetic Juniors. We wish him complete success in his, prolialily already secured position. Editors.


Morn on the Mountains.


There is beauty in this world of ours for him with eyes to

see; There is beauty smiles at harvest on the prairies broad and

free; There is beauty in the forest; there is beauty on the hills; There is beauty in the mottled light that gleams along the

rills, And a beauty out of heaven over all the landscape spills When the sun shines on the mountains in the morning.

There is beauty where the ocean rolls majestic on the shore; There is beauty in the moonlight as it gleams the waters

o'er; There is beauty in the sunrise, where the clouds blush rosy

red; There is beauty in the sunset, with its banners trailed o'er-

head. And a beauty past expression o'er the snowy peaks is shed When the sun shines on the mountains in the morning.

There is beauty when the green returns and glistens in the

showers; There is beauty in the Summer as she garlands earth with

flowers; There is beauty in the Autumn in the mellow after-glow;

There is beauty in the winter, with his diadem of snow; But a beauty more enchanting than the seasons ever knew Gilds the sunshine on the mountains in the morning.

There is beauty in the rainbow as it gleams above the

storm; There is beauty in the sculptor's vision frozen into form; There is beauty in the prophet's dream and the poet's

thought; There is beauty in the artist's rapture on the canvas wrought; But a beauty more divine than art can ever tell is caught From the sunshine on the mountains in the morning.

Oh, the sunshine on the mountains! How a golden web is

spun O'er the topmost peaks that glisten from the yet unrisen

sun, With their bases still in shadow, but their faces glowing

bright. With their forehead turned to heaven and their locks so

snowy white; They are high priests of the sunrise, they are prophets of

the light. With the sunshine smiling o'er them in the morning.





23. School opened. Companies formed. Meeting of 27. Meeting of two debating clubs and election of offi-

old members of the Athletic Association and elec- cers.

tion of officers. Two rats blow out the gas. 28. Company " F," Captain Dorsey, drills with great 24. Election of officers of Rossburg Club by old mem- unction.

bers. "Nervy" Mitchell president. 29. Everybody goes to church. The rest go to sleep, 25. Setting up exercises commence. while Palmer tells some jokes.

26. Election of staffs of Reveille. 30. Matthews falls from grace footballically speaking.


I. Webster puts the heated end of his blow-pipe in his mouth at the Chemical Laboratory. Dr. .says "someone is burning sulphur; the air seems sul- phurous. ' '

2. We didn't have a football game.

3. Commandant finds difficulty in obtaining recruits for his finest the bugle corps.

4. Commandant did not publish an order.

5. Delaware College, 24. Maryland Agricultural Col- lege, 6. " There .shall be weeping and wailing and knashing of teeth." A day of arrest.


A day of rest.

Several boys go in for raising pears via the fire- escape.

"Commie" .says " Mackall has a bad case of that tired feeling."

Church attempts to kick a football and succeeds in throwing du.st in Professor Blandford's eyes.

Palmer argues long and warmly on the "coon" question.

Board of Trustees meet. Half-holiday. "From great men great favors are expected."


12. Second football team, i8. Laurel, o. Incidentally a free fight thrown in, " vSoft " cider produces some hard cases.

13. And the next day it rained.

14. Charlotte Hall football team couldn't come, as they were too young to stay out over night.

15. Temporary captain of the ba.seball team elected.

16. Gallaudet "Reserves," (?) 11. Maryland Agri- cultural College, 10. Andrea shows how easy it is to " beat " if one has only had sufficient practice.

17. The vSenior and Junior "Farmers" go to "The Great Hagerstown Fair" and S. P. does some "powerful heavy" flirting with .some damosels in distress.

iS. We had oyster soup for dinner. Query. Who found an oyster ?

19. Hopkins, 6. Maryland Agricultural College, o. ' Tis better to have played and lost than ne'er to have played at all.

20. Black eyes among the football contingent the chief characteristic.

21. Schenck gives a concert to anon-appreciative au- dience at 10.30 1'. M.

22. Bowman and "Johnny" Green have a " run in " about " too much hash." Johnny " cu.s.ses a f ew " and Bow says he's going home to get something to eat.

23. We fail to have hash !

24. Richardson fails to go to sleep in class.

25. Some one maliciously and feloniou.sly extracts a cake from S. Porter's box. Great indignation in Room 47 caused thereby.

26. Rock Hill, II. Maryland Agricultural College, 6. Words fail.

27. Great indignation. Some chickens old enough to vote are ruthlessl}' slaughtered for dinner. Fears expressed that it may change the result in the State election.

28. First platoon drill for years at Maryland Agricultural College.

2y. Ye boys practice diligently ye Terpsichorean art. 30. We won't mention the game.

31. The boys "Halloween" some. As a result every- body, except a lucky few, stand up at breakfast ; Commie finds a skeleton dres.sed in his best Sunday clothes, ' ' Mac ' ' finds the mail wagon .stabled on the president's hall, besides sundry other turn-arounds. S. P., however, holds the trump card a bugle.



I. Class of igo2 makes her debut in College Hall.

2. Reserves defeat Gonzagas, 20 to o.

3. The Janitor, carrying two buckets of water, is ' ' accidentalh- on purpose ' ' tripped by some one and falls down stairs, taking an unexpected shower bath.

4. " Commy " requests the First Sergeants to teach their men to execute right shoulder arms from se- cure.

5. Election Day and holiday. Nearly every one goes with Reserves to see them play Gonzaga. Score : Reserves, 6. Gonzaga, o.

6. John Collier hears that State went Democratic, is taken deathl}' sick ; later Baltimore American reports "State Republican," Collier rapidly improves.

7. Bowman goes to the board to work Calculus ; Pro- fessor Lanahan requests him to wake up.

8. " Josh " uses the thermometer in determining tem- perature for the first time.

9. Rockhill comes to Maryland Agricultural College.


10. General rough house in nearly every room. II. " Sy " distinguishes himself in church.

12. Wisner slides down the .steps most gracefully. 13. At last the first team wins a game.

14. " Johnny Green " establishes a precedent of turkey dinner for Thursday. "Commy" regrets that he cannot come to dine.

' ' Commy ' ' takes two pairs of glasses to see a pic- ture in Page's room.


i6.-^First team continues its previous record.

17. College receives invitation to join Berwyn Sunday School. Bouic accepts.

18. Mackall returns from Baltimore, probably to go on sick list.

19. Bowman appears with a new pipe, and indulges in pipe dreams.

"Partridge" gets "balled" at drill.

Senior Class, after holding a class meeting, decides it is best to attend reveille.

—Commandant of Laurel High School, Major Sy- monds, shows his cadets how to execute a backward somersault in double time.

—Hirst and Darby discuss reveille ; final agreement, Hirst gets reported.

20 21




24- We were busily engaged in a great work and could not come down to write.

25. Gassaway assures himself that a ventriloquist is one that can change a tune.

26. Horatio Knight appears upon the scene. 27. School closes for Thanksgiving Holiday.


2. Students return to books and hash.

3. Major " Sy " announces that the tailor will be here tomorrow morning at 8.00 p. m.

4. Warfield gets bill for medical attendance from his sweetheart's father for allowing the former to take cold while out with him.

5. Symons says he is perspiring. "Billy" Fendall requests that he use a more .scientific term and say ' ' sweating. ' '

6. Great rejoicing on President's Hall. Profe.s.sor Tom fails to meet Sr. Dutch Class.

7. Webster takes an unexpected cold bath. Bow- man comes back from town with a new pipe.

8. Sunday, scarcely any one at school. Where have the boys gone ; to church ?

9. Lansdale describes petroleum ; it is a yellowish green liquid in the ntdc state.

10. "Johnny ' ' Green cooks the usual quantity of meat, yet everj' one leaves the dining room hungry.

1 1.- The mother of one of our buglers comes to College and plies the hickory.

12. Lansdale gets from his best girl a letter, in which the love is so warm it scorches the envelope.

13. General stir and grand preparations, new banisters on front steps, and a real dinner of oysters instead of the usual lunch, as a consequence of the Trustees' meeting.

14. "Bow" calls on a fair friend. Lady from sofa: "Mr. Bowman, your chair is breaking." Bow: "It is, is it? I'll take another."


15- Sj'mons, about to sign his name in a letter to his grandmother, asks of his class-mate, "What am I to her, grand-son?" Laughter. Sy : "Oh! no, I am auisi?t, aint I ?"



—The bugle blows the classes go to exams.

flunk ' ' march and the

-The Senior Chemical has a daj- ofi'.

i8. S. S. C. C. eat Organic Chemistry up.

19. An eventful day. In the morning it snows. the afternoon the Seniors sail through Dutch, night an unequalled Christmas Hop.



20. Some one mentions Booker Washington. Dan Jenifer wants to know who he is, he has never heard of him before. Maybe Teddy can tell you, Dan?



6. School opens after holiday's. Bravest members of Senior Class make New Year resolution ; decide not to go to Reveille. 7. Joe Condon was really studying. 8. Y. M. C. A. room is opened. Everybody enjoys old maids, dominoes, and carroms. Checkers are also favorites. 9. Boys in bad humor ; have lunch. 10. Captain returns on night previous. Lansdale goes

to Reveille. Lansdale gets 9 in " Dutch." II. Arthur R. paints Washington red. Bryan goes to

guard mount, two da}\s late. 12. Lansdale makes a call "on the Hill." Y. M. C. A. holds an interesting meeting.

13 15

18 20

—Unlucky number. Nothing doing.

Commy decides to open a broom factorj'. Orders a

number of broom handles. —Major gives command for a battalion movement at

drill and S. P. proceeds to have company drill.

" Billy" Wisner submits request to go to town.

—"Pike" Ewell fails to make caramels. Charles Rutledge borrows some sugar from the table.

—"Scabby" Page returns to College. —Rough house in 17. Ewell sees ghosts.

—Commy decides to give the battalion instruction in .signaling. We proceed to the chapel. We are dis- missed.

21. There is a general "rough house. placed on halls. Rats delighted.

Guards are

22. Professor Richardson makes an address to the Freshman Class and enumerates the advantages to be derived from their subscribing to the Snn in his name.

23. "Rat" receives a letter. Is very despondent. 24. Partridge makes his debut at the National. 25. Why did Sy wait .so long at the Ebbitt House ?

26. "Rat" spends the day in answering the letter re- ceived on the 23rd.

Captain discovers that S. P. has lost forty-five minutes of very valuable time.

27. Professor of Physics is in a good humor. Juniors have not yet been in to recite.

28. Professor Blodgett decides to keep up membership in Rossbourg Club. Pays Treasurer one-half initia- tion fee.

29. "Slum in F'uU Dress" for dinner.

30. J. Ike}' Wisner actually decides to go to town. Blizzard looked for.

31. Ensor fails to make double the usual amount of noi.se at table.



I. Wisner does Washington in great style. " Oh, go way !"

2. Peach goes to sleep in chapel and snores the Dox- ology in B flat.

3. Baseball team begins practice. Good prospects, as usual.

4. The boys skate on the surface of the snow, and Tillson decides he doesn't need the skin on his face.

5. Commie instructs the Commissioned Officers in the court martial. No prisoner, the only difficulty.

6. Dorsey plays "knuckles down" with the ice and also loses some of /its cuticle.

7. The largest mid-season dance ever given at Mary- land Agricultural College. Everybody has a good time and steps on everybody's else toes.


8. Captain gives the Seniors a reception and dance. S. P. eats too much chicken salad for his health. Billy and John E. fall in love.

9. The whole school sleepeth in peace.

10. S. P. and Sy tear their most important garment while out sledding.

ir. Profes.sor Bomberger returns to College after his unfortunate illness with typhoid fever.

12. Captain surprises the Sophomores by meeting them in Geometry. Fifty o's made.

13. Lansdale takes a constitutional.

14. Hirst and Bowman become heavy lovers.

15. Josh calls on his girl and she skips around the cor- ner with the other fellow. Josh goes to Kernan's. Rest suppressed.

16. Fendall deals Sam Peach a heavy blow.

17. Split in the Chemical Scientific section. " Cher- chez la femme ! ' '

18. Trouble in the air. Professors put the wrong foot out of bed first.

19. The new Cuban thinks the vinegar cruet contains wine and drinks it accordingly. Result : Castilian profanit}-.

20. Coudon again discovered studying. 21. "Variety is the spice of life." Snow, rain and hail unite to make things agreeable.

22. Maryland Agricultural College does Washington and Washington does some of her choicest cadets.

23. "Not a soul was stirring, not even a mouse," or Rat.

24. Gentle .spring appeareth.

25. Gentle spring disappeareth.

26. Room 47 declares war upon the invading tribes.

27. Lord help us, rain again !

28.— Wonder of wonders, the whole Freshman Class pass an examination I

I. First ba.seball practice on campus.


2. -Captain says there's Right again. Captain.

a devil in the school."

3. Reported that Po.stley has mumps. "Bow" com- mences to pack his trunk.

4. Profes.sor Lanahan compliments ( ? ) the Senior Class upon its record in Graphic Statics.


5- Commie makes a hreak in court martial.

6. Several hampers arrive from Washington. Scrub- liing-, par excellence, in expectation of the Legisla- tive Committee.

7. The committee came, saw and were conquered. Six quarts, two turkeys, six terrapin were also con- quered.

8. The College rests from its labors. It also rained.

9. Bowman receives company. No wonder the sun smiles, not in vain.

10. Picture of Warfield for sale cheap in 41. Same of Hirst in 21.

1 1 . Schenck and Horner fail to create disorder. It is believed that they were either asleep or eating.

12. The "peepers" begin to "peep."

13. A name found for the new infirmary. One of the professors designates it " The Loafers' Retreat."

14. Trustees meet, and the first team celebrates the usual half holiday by beating the Reserves 21 to o.

15. Bowman and Hirst bud out into true "dead game .sports. ' '

16. " Rain, rain, go away,

and come again some other day."

17. John Irving Wisner actually gets to a class on time.

18. Lansdale di.sconsolate. He has no beau on "The Hill."


-We decide to go skating instead of playing ball.

20. Profe.ssor Bomberger fails to change his necktie every period.

21. Georgetown is afraid (?) to play us at baseball.

22. Maryland Agricultural College, 23. Technical High School, o. Enough said.

23. Bouic comes home with the scent of sen-sen on his breath.

24. " Exams" come up once again.

25. The Sophomores break their necks going up and down the fire-escape in search of knowledge.

26. Rocked in the cradle of the "cribs."

27. All go home for Ea.ster except the financially em- barrassed.



I Captain receives an April Fool, as most of the boys fail to return.

2. We try to settle down to work once more.

3. Schenck and Horner fail to get their usual daily " fan."

4. 1902 excels with another dance.

5. Navy, 10. Maryland Agricultural College, i. ' ' What might have been had we ' ' !

6. The baseball team explain how it happened.

7. Bowman returns, after visiting Washington, with- out his class ring. Married or only engaged ?

8. Reports reach College that S. P. studied astronomy on the way to the car tracks on Friday night.

9. Conmiandant gets " obstreperous."

10. Commandant cools down again.

1 1. Arbor Day and we all plant birch trees for the bene- fit of the coming clas.ses at Maryland Agricultural College. Bouic and the Y. M. C. A. give a vaude- ville show entitled " Tom Hot's Minstrels."








—Baltimore City College, 6. Maryland Agricultural College, 27. The baseball team all order hats of larger size.

—Josh appears in a white vest and ' ' kills the boys dead." He calls on a \'oung lady and sends up one of Lansdale's cards, and, of course, is denied admit- tance.

—The Freshman Class have a bad half hour in Alge- bra examination. It is reported that two out of forty-three passed.

—"Billy" Fendall and "Commie" get tangled up in court martial. "Billy" nearly gets "stuck" for disrespect.

—Maryland Agricultural College, 5. Gallaudett, 4. Gallaudett's supporters break several fingers while indulging in class yells.

—Officers of Y. M. C. A. elected for next year. Schenck and Weiller l)oth decline the presidency, and Bradford is elected.

Hir.st, being O. D., manages to get to breakfast on time.

—Western Mar\-land, 10. Maryland Agricultural College, 9. (10 innings.) " How have the mighty fallen !"


20. Mackall falls in love again and "Bow" is led to Washington.

21. Hirst's ankle has a peculiar relapse at drill time, recovering only at 4 o'clock.

22. Evans' voice fails him for lack of exercise. Jones fears that there will be " a squab" (.squib?) on him in " Reveille."

23. Boys have artillery drill at 11.30 p. m. Mr. Thomas does .some drilling with small arms, but only hits the leaves on the trees and not the boys out without leaves.

24. Two members of the baseball team report for prac- tice: the remainder have sprained ankles or hurt fingers.

25. Bradford wins third place in the oratorical contest. Hard luck !

26. Maryland Agricultural College, 3. Hopkins, 2. "There'll come a time some day.'' See entry of October 19th.

27. "The Sun" in high disfavor.

28. Juniors all make lo's in Calculus. The Professor faints.

29. L,ansdale returns after doing Montgomery County and Dr. ' ' Mack ' ' at the same time.

30. The printer tells us ' tis time to .stop. Good-bye.


I'R task is done. With a sigh of relief, we hiy down our pen and prepare to pumice off the ink-stains which have disfigured our fingers these many moons. For the first time we have tasted the bitter and the sweet of an editor's life and have emerged, we hope, none tlie worse for the experience. If we have offended any one by too great directness we are truly .sorry and most humbly beg his pardon, assuring him that it was not done with malace aforethought.

We .see now, when too late, many errors of commission and, perhaps, more of omission, and the onl}^ plea we have to make is the time-worn one of inexperience.

We owe many thanks to those who have so kindly assisted us with articles and also to Prof. Charles S. Richardson for the many excellent poems which he has written for us. To the artists who have so generously

lent us their time and talent we wish to give all credit for the artistic in the make-up of the book. We, as a small token of our appreciation, most gladlj' present each of them with a copy of the " Revp:ii,le."

If this book adds anything to the high reputation of the previous volumes of ' ' REVEILLE ' ' we are doubly repaid for our labors. We hope that it may, and that a persual of its pages may give a pleasant hour to all who are or have been, connected with this college.

Fnally, we say good-bj'e to a, we trust, indulgent public, with the praj-er that for many Junes to come " Reveille:" may continue to proceed from the ancient portals of M. A. C, a perennial incentive to still higher achievements bv her students.


The Class of 1902.


The end of this, our Reveille; Our day of toil is past; The star-crowned angel of the night Now brings us rest at last.






Frontispiece 1

Reveille 2

Board of Editors 3-4

Preface 5

Dedication 6

Faculty 7

Calender 1901-1902 S

Standing Committees 9

The Development of M. A. C. (Illustrated) 11

Explanation of Class Headings 19

Heading 1902 2o

Class of 1902 21-41

Progress in Horticultural Education 42

Class of 1903 46

Classofl904 51

Class of 1905 57

Class of 1906 62

Nursery Rhymes for Prep. Classmen 65

Maryland Summer School 68

Military Organization 69

Army Organizations 71

Officers of the Companies 76

Staff Picture 77

Company "A" 78-79

Company " B" 80-81

Company "C" 82-83

New Mercer Literary Society 84

Morrill Literary- Society 88

Glee Club ' ." 92

Commencement Day 95

Y. M. C. A ' 96

College Yells 97

The Old Fashioned Girl 98

Kossbourg Club 99

Athletic Department 103

Public Exercises, 1901 1 13-117

June Ball Organization 119

End of the Serious 120

Miscellaneous 121

Statistics 124-125

The Morning After the June Ball 126

Happenings in the Infirmary 132

Rag-Time Verse 134

Junior Ban(|uet 138

Alumni Association 144

And Thats the Sweetest Story Ever Told 1 50-151

Base Hits and Strikes 151

Glossary- 164

Diary 168

L'Envoi . 178

Poem, The End 179

Tailpiece 180

Advertisements. . . 182


BSTABLlStlED 1872.


G. M. Bell Photographic Go.

463 and 465 Pennsylvania Avenue, WAShlNGTON, D. G.



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