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The vertebrate fauna of the Permian beds of North America was made known as early as 1877-78, and quickly attracted the attention of Professor Cope, who, with his wonderful acumen, saw the importance of the fauna lying so close to the beginnings of the reptilian line. From the first discovery of Permian reptiles until his death he retained his interest in the group, some of his latest papers having to do with the orders Cotylosanria and Chelydosauria. Much of the material in the collections of Professor Cope is in a very fragmentary condition, and none of it was carefully prepared while in his possession. He contented himself with the descrip- tion of new forms without detailed study or complete morphological discus- sion, and yet he based upon this material many of his most brilliant generalizations ; and it is more surprising that he should have seen so much and built so well than that he described some genera and species that will not stand and drew some conclusions that have proven incorrect. From the discovery of Permian vertebrates in Texas until his death. Cope sent parties into the field at iiTegular intervals, and the material collected by them is now preserved in the American IMuseum of Natural History in New York. These collections contain the types from Texas described by Cope. A small collection made in Vermilion county, Illinois, by Mr. William Gurley, and now in the Walker Museum of the University of Chicago, contains the types from Illinois described by Cope. Another small collection obtained from New Mexico by Professor Marsh is preserved in the Museum of Yale University. The author made two collections in Texas for the University of Chicago in 1895 and 1903 ; these are preserved in the Walker Museum and contain the specimens upon which was based the work of the late Doctor Baur and the author. In 1901 Dr. Ferdinand Broili, of IVIunich University, visited the Texas region, accompanied by Mr. Charles Sternberg, and carried home many fine speci- mens ; this, with a collection purchased by the IMunich University a few years before from the veteran collector, Mr. Charles Sternberg, constitutes 4 INTRODUCTION. the ouly other considerable collection of Permian vertebrates from the United States.* The fauna as represented in the various collections is very rich, con- taining abundant representatives of the Pisces, Amphibia, and Reptilia. The Reptilia is represented by two orders, the Cotylosauria and the Chely- dosauria^ and the suborder Pelycosarcria. The present paper has to do with the last of these only, but the author hopes to discuss the other forms in future papers. In 1904 the author received a grant from the Carnegie Institution of Washington enabling him to complete the writing and illustration of this monograph, which was already begun. To the authorities of the Insti- tution are due his thanks for aid that permitted the work to take its present form and scope. Much of the work was done at the American Aluseum, as many of the types are preserved there, where every assistance was rendered the author in the preparation of material and illustrations. For this and for many valuable suggestions as to the form of the work and the interpre- tation of specimens, the author desires to express his hearty thanks to Dr. Henry Fairfield Osborn, the curator of the department of vertebrate pale- ontology, and to Dr. W. D. Matthew of the same department. The author is painfully aware that the following pages can lay no claim to being an even approximately complete description of the Pelyco- sauria ; much work, both of collection and description, remains to be done. He has therefore refrained from much speculation, contenting himself with the hope that he has placed the classification on a sound basis for progress and has rendered the known material more available. *During the summer of 1906 the author made a third collection in Texas, which will go to the Amer- ican Museum in New York. I have just learned that there is a small collection from Texas in the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard University made by Mr. Chas. Sternberg. HISTORICAL REVIEW OF THE PELYCOSAURIA. The name Pelycosauria was first used by Cope in a description of Clepsy drops natalis ; it was given to designate a new suborder of the Rhyn- chocephalia^ based on the supposed absence of the quadrat o-ju gal arch and the peculiar form of the ischium. He considered the suborder as superior to and including the Theriodontia of Owen ; he says (44), p. 529 : "The division Pelycosauria is established primarily on the genera Clepsydrops and Dimctrodon^ but their cranial structure renders it highly probable that Edocyn- odon^ Pariotichus, and Bolosaurus belong to it. It is also probable that the genera Empedocles, Embolophorus and others determined from vertebrse belong to it, as the latter are frequently accompanied by pelvic bones of the type of that of Dimetrodon. All the genera known from teeth and crania, are of carnivorous habit, excepting Bolosaurus and Diadedes ; they may be referred to a single family on this account, which I call the Ckpsydropidcr. Bolosaurus will form the type of another family characterized by the transverse position of the crowns of the teeth, under the name Bolosaiiridcr. Prof Owen has named a group of Triassic and Permian reptiles the Theriodontia^ characterized by the mannnal-like differentiation of the incisor and canine teeth. The animals thus referred to by Prof Owen probably enter my sub- order of Pelycosauria, although the structure of their pelvis remains to be ascer- tained. If so, they correspond with my Clepsydropidcr, since Prof Owen does not include herbivorous forms in his division. As it is plain that the herbivorous and carnivorous forms belong to the same order, and probably suborder, it becomes neces- sary- to subordinate the term Theriodontia to that of Pelycosauria. To another division of reptiles from the South African Trias typified by the genus Pareiasaurus Ow., he gives a special name, expressive of the deeply impressed surfaces of the centra occupied by the remains of the chorda dorsalis. As this, or the perforate condition, is characteristic of all the Pelycosauria, it is probable that it is present in Prof Owen's Theriodontia also. It is also evident that since the dental characters of Pareiasaurus do not serve to distinguish it as an order from the genera with distinct canine teeth, this group must also be looked upon as a subdivision, perhaps of family value, of the Pelycosauria or other parts of the Rhynchocephalous order." It is evident that Cope here regards the Peiycosatiria as belonging in the order Rhynchocephalia and his classification stands as follows : Suborder: Pelycosauria. Family Clepsydropidce : Clepsydrops, Dimetrodon, Ectocynodon, Pariotichus , Embolophorus . Titer iodo7ttia = Clepsy dropidce . Family Bolosauridce : Bolosaurus, Evipedocles , Diadedes. Family Pareiasaurida (?) 6 REVISION OF THE PELYCOSAURIA. On November 7, 1878, Cope read a paper before tlie National Academy of Science, whicli was reported in the American Naturalist of that year (40). The taxonomic portion of this paper is as follows : "The structure of the scapular and pelvic arches (of the Pelycosaurid) was stated to be identical with that already described by Owen as belonging to ^y^ Ammwdontia. Several important characters distinguish this group from the Pelycosauria^ but the two together form an order, which Professor Cope would have, for the present at least, to be retained as distinct from the Rhyiichocephalia. The characters of this order, with its two suborders, were given as follows : "Theromorpha Cope. Scapidar arch consisting at least of scapula, coracoid, and epicoracoid, which are closely united. Pelvic arch consisting of the usual three elements, which are united throughout, closing the obturator foramen (f pubo- ischiatum) and acetabulum. Limbs with the phalanges as in the ambulatory types. Quadrate bone proximally united by suture with the adjacent elements. No quadrato-jugal arch. '■'•Pelycosauria. Two or three sacral vertebrse ; centra notochordal; intercentra usually present. Dentition full. '■'■ Anotnodontia. Four or five sacral vertebrse ; centra not notochordal ; no inter- centra. Dentition very imperfect or wanting. "The Rhynchocephalia have no distal ischio-pubic symphysis, and apparently no epicoracoid bone. They have an obturator foramen (foramen pubo-ischiatum) and a quadrato-jugal arch. "The order Theromorpha was regarded by Professor Cope as approximating the Mammalia more closely than any other division of the Reptilia, and as probably the ancestral group from which the latter was derived. This approximation is seen in the scapular arch and the humerus, which nearly resemble those of the Monotre- jnata, especially Echidna; and in the pelvic arch, which Owen has shown in the Aitomodotitia to resemble that of the Mammals, and, as Professor Cope pointed out, especially that of Echidna. The tarsus is also more mammalian than in an}- other division of the reptiles. In the genus Dimetrodon the coracoid is smaller than the epicoracoid, as in Monotremes. The pubis has the foramen for the internal femoral artery." The substance of the same paper was printed in 1880 (48) as a portion of the "Second Contribution to the History of the Vertebrata of the Permian Formation of Texas." In these two papers was established the order Theromorpha.^ distinct from the Rhynchocephalia., with the two suborders Pelycosauria and Anomo- doiitia. Owen's Theriodo7itia was still included in the Pelycosauria., while the Anomodontia was meant to include all other African forms. It is of interest to insert here Owen's classification of the African forms as it appears in the Catalogue of the Fossil Reptilia of South Africa in the British Museum (117). (See next page.) HISTORICAL REVIEW OF THE PELYCOSAURIA. 7 Order Dinosauria: Order Theriodontia: Order Anomodontia: Section Tretospondylia. Section Binaralia. Family Cryptodontia. Genus Tapinocephalus. Genera Lycosaurus, Genera Theriogna- Family Serratidaiiia. Tigrisuchus. thzis , Kistecephalus . Genera Pareisaurus, Family Mononaralia. ViMsX^y Endothiodontia. Ajithodon. Genera Cynodracon , Cyno- Genera Etidothiodon . suchus, Galesaurus, Nytho- saiirus, Scalaposaurus, Procolophon . Family Tedinaralia. Genera Gorgonops. In his Second Contribution to the History of the Vertebrata of the Permian Formation of Texas, p. 39, Cope discussed the relationship of the Pelycosauria to the Mammalia and Batrachia more fully; he says: "A not less remarkable characteristic of the Pelycosauria^ as represented by Clepsy- drops and Dimetrodon, is their resemblance to the Batracliin in some important respects. This is seen in the scapular and pelvic arches, which resemble very much those of the Urodela^ and of such types as Eryops. The small coossified coracoid only differs from that of Eryops in having two deep sinuses of its free border. The general fonu of the pelvis is similar, but the ilium has a special and peculiar articular face for the sacral diapophysis, which is wanting in Eryops. In the inferior arches, the absence of obturator foramen, and general boat-like form, are the same in both; but in the Pelycosauria the symphysis is not so deep, and the walls less massive. But the resemblance of these arches to those of the Batrachia in question is greater than to those of any order of reptiles. "Another point of resemblance to the Batrachia is seen in the humerus. In my previous essay on the Pelycosauria above cited, I defined six types of humerus as occurring in the Texas Pennian. Two of these were described as wanting the fora- men, while the others were stated to possess it; other differences between these types exist, but they were not mentioned. Since then Gaudray has added a third form to the fonner group, which he has ascribed to a reptile under the name of Euchiro- saurus. I have detected this form in my Texas collections together with another, which has no condyles at either extremity. Thus eight fonns of humerus are found in this formation. "That the type with the supracondylar foramen belongs to the Pelycosauria has been satisfactorily shown by its presence in the skeleton of Clepsydrops tiatalis and in Cynodraco major^ where Owen first identified it. I find the type without this foramen frequently associated with the skeletons of Eryops and other Stegocephali. There is no other element that can be regarded as the humerus of this type. It more- over has distinct points of resemblance to the humerus of existing Batrachia., parallel with similarity traceable in the femora of the e.xtinct and recent genera. There is then every reason for believing that we have in the humerus oi Eryops aud its allies, an element which approaches closely in its characters to that of the Pelycosaicria, and hence to that of the Monotre))iata. 8 REVISION OF THE PELYCOSAURIA. "There are some other peculiarities which constitute resemblances of the same kind. The tooth-bearing elements of the roof of the mouth have batrachian character. Such is the densely packed body of teeth seen in Dimetrodon ; and so are the teeth on the vomer of Empedocles. There is also a possible existence of epiphyses, judging from various specimens of humeri in my possession of both Pelycosanria and Stego- cephaloiis forms. "In spite of these approximations, the Pclycosaitria are distinctively reptilian in their single occipital condyle, ossification of the basicranial cartilage and single vomer. "Thus the reptiles and batrachia of the Permian period resembled each other and the Mammalia more closely than do the corresponding existing fonns." In the same j'car as the Second Contribution Cope described (50) a "new division of the Pelycosaiiria^'' which he called the Cotylosauria and which he evidentl}' regarded as of subordiual rank ; this suborder was founded on the supposed presence of double occipital condyles, which was later shown to be fallacious, the appearance being due to the loss of the loosely articulated basisphenoid bone. In the suborder was placed the family Diadedidce^ and to this family was ascribed a new genus, Helodedes^ described in the Second Contribution. In 1881 (5) Cope gave a catalogue of the Reptilia of the Permian for- mation in the United States in which all forms are placed in the suborder Pelycosaiiria and no mention is made of the suborder Cotylosauria. The list is as follows: Suborder Pelycosauria. ClepsydropidcB — continued. DiplocaulidcB: Theropleura uniformis Cope, Texas. Diplocaulus salaviandroides Cope, 111. triangulata Cope, Texas. ClepsydropidcB : obiusidens Cope, Texas. Pariotichus brachiops Cope, Texas. Metarmosaurus fossaius Cope, Texas. Ectocynodon ordinatus Cope, Texas. Embolophorous fritilliis Cope, Texas. Archaobolus vellicatus Cope, Illinois. Lysorophus tricarinatus Cope, Illinois. Clepsydrops colletti Cope, Illinois. Bolosauridcc: vi7islovii Cope, Illinois. Bolosanrus striahis Cope, Texas. pedunailatus Cope, 111. Diadedida: naialis Cope, Texas. Diadedes sidcfopelicus Cope, Texas. Dimetrodon i7idsivus Cope, Texas. phaseolinns Cope, Texas. rediformis Cope, Texas. Empedodes alatus Cope, Texas. biradicaius Cope, Texas. niolaris Cope, Texas. gigas Cope, Texas. laiibuccatus Cope, Texas. crudger Cope, Texas. Helodedes paridens Cope, Texas. Theropleura retroversa Cope, Texas. isadi Cope, Texas. It will be observed that in this catalogue the batrachian genus Dip- locaulus is included among the reptiles ; it was speedily removed to its proper place. In 1882 (54) the genus Edaphosaurtis was described, and a new family of the Pelycosauria, Edaphosauridce, was formed for its reception with the HISTORICAL REVIEW OF THE PELYCOSAURIA. 9 genus Pantylus. In the same paper the validity of the suborder Cotylosauria was questioned, as it already appeared that the double articular condyles were the result of the accidental loss of the basioccipital. Cope says, p. 448 : " I am still inclined to question whether the extraordinary characters of the cranio- vertebral articulation which I have described, justify the separation of the Diadectida: as a third suborder of the Theromorpka, which I have called the Cotylosauria, or whether they are not due to the loss of a loosely articulated basioccipital bone." In 1883 (56) Cope described a new species oi Parioticfnis, P. megalops, and erected a new family Pariotichidce, to contain Pariotichtis, Pantylus, and probably Ectocytwdon. In this same paper the Diadcdidcs were shown to possess a basioccipital bone with a single occipital condjde, and the sub- order Cotylosauria is not mentioned ; it had disappeared, as it was founded on the supposed double occipital condjde; all Permian reptiles of the United States were thus placed by Cope at that time in the Pelycosauria. In 1S84 (60) appeared Cope's "Fifth Contribution to the History of the Vertebrata of the Permian Formation"; the substance of the paper was also published in the Proceedings of the American Association for the Advance- ment of Science (62) in 1885. In these papers there is a further discussion of the relationship of the Pelycosauria to the mammals. " I. The relations and number of the bones of the posterior foot are those of the Mammalia much more than those of the Reptilia. "2. The relations of the astragalus and calcaneum to each other are as in the Monotreme Platypus anatinus. "3. The articulation of the fibula with both calcaneum and astragalus is as in the Monotreme order of mammals. "4. The separate articulation of the anterior part of the astragalus with the tibia is as in the same order. " 5. The presence of a facet for an articulation of a spur is as in the same order. " 6. The posterior-exterior direction of the digits is as in the known species of Monotremata. "Thus the characters of the posterior foot of the Pelycosauria confirm the evi- dences of Monotreme aflinity observed by Prof Owen and myself in the bones of the legs, especially of the anterior leg. It remains a fact that with this resemblance in the leg there is a general adherence to the reptilian type in the structure of the skull." In 1885 (64) Cope published a paper in the American Naturalist in which he derived all the reptiles with the possible exception of the Ichthy- osaurs from the Theromorpha. In 1886 (70) appeared his "Systematic Catalogue of the Species of Vertebrata found in the beds of the Permian Epoch of North America." The larger divisions stand as follows: Order Theromorpha. Suborder Pelycosauria. Families ClepsydropidcE , Pariotichidce , Bolosauridcs , Diadectidce . lO REVISION OF THE PELYCOSAURIA. It is seen tliat there is no mention of the Cotylosauria. In the same year (5) Baur published some obsen^ations on the rela- tionship of the Pelycosauria and the mammals. He says: " Cope betrachtet die Pelycosauria unter den Theroniorpha als die Ahneu der Sau- o-ethiere. Ich glaube jedoch dass dieselben schon etwas zu stark specialisirt sind, um diesen Anforderungeu eutsprecheu zu konnen. "Dariiber aber kanu kein Zweifel sein, dass die Pelycosauria den Stammeltern der Saugethiere sehr nahestehen. Beide sind vielleicht aus derselben Gruppe her\-or- gegaugen, einer Gruppe, welche zwiscben den Batracbieni und Reptilien des Perm in der mitte stehen wiirde, und welche ich Sauro-Mammalia uennen mochte, Folgen- des Schema nioge den Zusanimeuhang ausdrucken: THEROMOnPHA EUTHERIA CmONOTREMATa) AUR0-MAMMAL1A CARBONISCHE BATRftCHIER DEN EMBOLOMERI NAHESTEHENO. In the following year, 1887, Baur published a diagram in different papers (6 and 7) illustrating his views on the subject. This diagram is given at the bottom of the next page. Among the foreign writers on this group Seeley in 188S (120) gave the following an-angement as his idea of the relationships of the Pelycosauria: Subclass Anomodontia. Orders Pareiasauria, Procolophonia, Dicynodoyitia , Gennetotheria, Pflycosaiuia, Theriodontia , Cotylosauria, Placodontia . Lydekker in his Paleontology gives the following (107): Theromorous Branch. Order Ano7nodontia. Suborder Pareiasauria: Family Pareiasaiiridce . Suborder Theriodontia: Families Tapinocephalida:, Gaksaiiridce , Clepsydropidts , Bolosauridtr, Diadectidce. Suborder Dicynodontia: Family Dicyjiodontidee . Suborder Procolophonia: Family Procolophonidcs . In 1889 (134) Zittel's Handbuch gives the follo\ving classification: Order Theromorpha. Suborders Anomodontia, Placodontia, Pareiasauria, Theriodontia {Pelycosauria'). Families Cynodontia {Clepsydropidd), Pariotichidce , Diadectida, Ettdothiodontida. HISTORICAL REVIEW OF THE PELYCOSAURIA. II In the same year Seeley (i2i) proposed the following arrangement: Order Atiomodontia. Suborders Pareiasauria, Procolophoyiia ,Dicynodontia ,Gennetotheria ,Pelycosauria (?), Theriodontia, Coiylosaurta, Placodontia. In 1890 was published Lydekker's Catalogue of the Fossil Reptiles of the British Museum, Part IV (106), which has the following arrangement of the forms most closely related to the Pelycosaiiria: Theromorous Branch. Order Atiomodontia. Suborders Procolophonia, Dicytiodoniia, Theriodontia {Pelycosauria), including the families Galesaurida , Tapinoccphalida: , Diadectidce, Clepsydropidce , Gorgo7iopsidcE . Suborder Pariasauria . Diagram accompanying Baut's paper in the Journal of Morphology, illustrating his views ot the phylogeny ot the reptiles. In 1889 (74) Cope changed the name of the order from Theromorpha to Theromora^ as the former was preoccupied. In the same paper he reestab- lished the Cotylosatiria^ with a new description, as a suborder of the Thero- mora, to include the families Pareiasauridis, PariotichidcB^ and Diadedidce. 12 REVISION OF THE PELYCOSAURIA. In 1 891 {jj) appeared Cope's first "Syllabus of Lectures on Verte- brate Paleontology" ; the classification is similar to that published in the American Naturalist^ but the suborder Pelycosauria is omitted, and the Theriodontia is used for a suborder including the families Clepsydropidcs^ Bolosauridce and Pariotichidce. The suborder Cotylosauria holds only the families Pareiasajtrida; and Diadcctidce. In 1892 (79), in a discussion of the cranial arches of the reptilia, the Cotylosauria was raised to the rank of an order with the genera Chilonyx^ Pantylus^ Pariotichtis, and probably Parciasaiirus. The genera Diadcdes and Empedocles are not mentioned, but are evidently meant to be included, as the order is based on the completely roofed condition of the skull. The mem- bers of this order are never again considered as part of the Pelycosauria and so pass from farther consideration in this review. In this paper Cope called the Thero^nora a "branch" opposed to the order Cotylosauria^ evi- dently following Lydekker, with the two orders Tliei'iodontia and Anonio- dontia. The first includes the African Theriodontia of Owen as well as Cope's Pelycosauria of previous papers. In the same year Seeley (122) gave a classification of the Permian reptiles as follows: Order I. Pareiasauridce . Suborder Procolophonia. II. Theriodo7itia . Suborders Gennelotheria, Cotylosauria^ and probably Pelycosauria . III. Endothiodontia . IV. Mesosauria. V. Dicynodoyitia. VI. Pleurodojitia. In 1894 (80) Cope published a description of the Plesiosaurian skull, in which the name Pelycosatiria was again used and ranked as an order equivalent (?) to the Theriodontia and of equal rank with the Cotylosauria and Theromora. In a review of some of Seeley's paper in the same year Cope explained (81) that his use of the term Theriodontia in the former paper was inad- vertent and was meant to signify Pelycosauria ; that its use was due to the fact "of the premature assumption by the English paleontologists that the two names were s}'non3^mous." In 1895 Seeley (123) placed the Theromora doubtfully in his new order TherosucJiia^ with the Pelycosatiria and Cotylosauria as subgroups of equal rank, the whole distinct from the Theriodontia. In Bernard's Paleontologie (12) we find the following table: Order TJieromorphes {Anomodonts sens lat.'). Suborders Cotylosaurie^is {Pareiasauriens), Procolophonie?ts , Tkeriodontes , including both the Clepsydropida and the Diadectidis, Dic}'nodontes {sens slrici.), Appendice Theromorphes — Placodontes. HISTORICAL REVIEW OF THE PELYCOSAURIA. 1 3 In the same year appeared Zittel's Grundziige der Paleontologie (135). The scheme of classification is essentially the same as in the Handbuch. In 1895 (98) Haeckel published his Systematische Phylogenie der Wirbelthiere in which he gives the following classification: Legion Therotnore (Theromorpha) . Order Theriodontia. Suborders Theriodontia, Pareosauria, Pelycosauria, Palalosauria . Order Atiotnodontia. Suborders Dicynodontia, Oudenodoniia. The suborder Theriodoritia is divided into the families Cynodontia {Binaralia)^ Cynodracontia ( Uninaralia\ Gorgonopsida ( Tedinaralid). The first family contains the Clepsydropidce. In 1897 Baur and Case (9) published a preliminary account of the skull of Dimetrodon^ in which they showed that the Clcpsydropidce possessed the two temporal arches of the Rhynchocephalia and that they must be placed in that order ; they also showed that the Theromora could no longer be con- sidered as a good group and that it should be dropped from the literature. Cope replied to this paper in the same year (82) insisting on the reten- tion of the order Thcromo7-a on other grounds than that of the presence of \.\\& Pelycosanria (intending it now to include the pro-mammalian reptiles of all regions), and admitting that the Pclycosauria probably belonged to the Rhynchocephalia. Since that time the Pclycosauria have been regarded by almost all authors as belonging in the Rhynchocephalia. Compare Broili's classification below. In 1898 (83), after Cope's death, appeared the second edition of his "Syllabus of Lectures on Vertebrate Paleontology." In this the orders Theromora, Pclycosauria., and Chelydosauria are ranked as equal ; the order Pclycosauria contains the two families Bolosauridce and Clepsydropidcz. The order Chelydosauria is new, and contains the genera Otocoelus and Conodectes placed by Cope in the family Otoccelidcs and considered as ances- tral to the turtles. In 1898 Smith-Woodward's "Outlines of Vertebrate Paleontology" (127) placed the "so-called Pclycosauria'''' near the suborder Proterosauria in the order Rhynchocephalia. In the same year Gadow (90) made the Pelycosauria equal to the Theri- odontia as an order in the subclass Theromorpha. In 1899 appeared the completed paper by Baur and Case (10), in which they reaffirm the views presented in the preliminar}^ paper. In 1901 (91) Gadow's volume on the Reptiles and Amphibians in the Cambridge Natural History series repeats the views of the first classification. In 1902 (100) Hay, in his "Catalogue and Bibliography of the Verte- brata of North America," makes the Pelycosauria an order of equal rank with the Rhynchocephalia. 14 REVISION OF THE PELYCOSAURIA. In the same year the translation of Zittel's Grundziige der Paleonto- logie (136) presented the following classification: Order Rhynchoccphalia . Suborders Proterosauria, Pelycosauria , Rhynchocephalia vera. In the same year von Huene (102) described a form, Ctenosaurus, from the Triassic, which he places in his list next to the Theriodontia, but gives only the family Clepsydropidce to indicate its position. In the same year Osbom & McGregor presented their paper on the divisions of the Reptilia (112). All the reptiles were divided into sub- classes, the Diapsida and Synapsida. The Pelycosauria are placed with the Mesosauria, Proganosauria^ etc., in the order Rhynchocephalia of the Diap- sida. In the next year, 1903, appeared Osbom's Memoir on the same subject (113), in which the classification is elaborated as below with some minor changes from the original paper. Subclass Synapsida. Subclass Diapsida. Primarily with single or undivided temporal arches. Primarily with double or divided temporal arches. I. Cotylosatiria. I. Diaptosauria (Superorder). II. Anomodontia (Superorder) . I. Proterosauria. I. Theriodo7itia. 2. Pelycosauria. Cy7iodo7itia. 3. Rhynchosauria. Gomphodontia. 4. Procolophonia. 2. Dicynodontia. 5. Proganosauria. 3. Placodoiitia. 6. Chorislodera. III. Testudhiata. 7 . Rhynchocephalia . IV. Sauropterygia. II. Phytosauria (including the Belodo7its I. Nothosauria. and A'eiosatirs). 2. Plesiosaicria. III. Ichthyosauria. IV. Crocodilia. V. Dinosauria (Superorder). I. Theropoda. 2. Cetiosauria. 3. Orthopoda. VI. Squa77iaia (Superorder). I. Lacertilia. 2. Mosasauria. 3 . Ophidia. VII. Pterosauria. Giving rise to the Mammals through some unknown Giving rise to the Birds through some unknown type ancestor of Anomodonts. transitional between Proterosauria and Dino- sauria. HISTORICAL REVIEW OF THE PELYCOSAURIA. 15 In 1903 (iS) Broom published his classification of the Theriodonts and related forms. Somewhat condensed, the scheme is as follows: Rhynchocephaloid Orders. Theromorous Orders. Order Procolophonia. Order Pareiasauria. Family ProcolophonidcB. Family Pareiasaurida . Genus Procolophonia. ParioHchidcs. Order Pelycosauria. ■ Diadectida;. Family Clepsydropidce . Order Therocephalia. Genus Clepsydrops. Family ScylacosauridcE. Dimetrodon . Aelurosauridcs . Naosaurus. IclidosiichidcB. E^nbolophorus . TitanosuchidcE . ? Gorgon opsida . Order TJieriodo7iiia. Familj' Lycosaurida. GalesauridcE. Gomphognathida . Order Atio^nodontia . Family Endothiodotitidts . DicynodontidcE. Lystrosauridce. Cistecephaiida . In 1904 (13) Broili, in his work on the Permian Reptiles and Stego- cephalians from the Texas region, revives the order Theromora (using the preoccupied name Theromorpha). His classification is as follows: Order Rhynchocephalia. Family Paterosaurid' and premaxillary filled with teeth. (2) A single well-defined maxillary canine ; incisor teeth enlarged. (3) Section of teeth at base quadrate. (4) Neural arch coossified with centrum in adult. (5) No great change in length of vertebrse in different parts of the column. "As deep as long in all parts of column if measured at center." Poste- rior lumbars not greatly shortened ; without wide intercentral face. (6) Anterior dorsals without wide face on lower part of anterior face of cen- trum for the intercentrum ; without median keel. (7) Character not shown. (8) Spine of axis not elevated and broad at top. (9) Limb bones without well-developed articular faces. (10) Character not shown. (11) Abdominal ribs or scales absent ? (not observed). (12) Tail long. (13) Elongate, slender body, probably from 2 to 2.5 meters in length. The specimen was originally described as belonging to the genus Clepsy drops ; Cope, believing at the time that Clepsydrops had but a single temporal arch and fenestra, compared it directly with the Theriodonts of Africa ; when he determined that it had a double arch he removed it to a new genus, Diopeus. The discovei^y that the Clepsydropidcp are all diap- sidan removed the main distinction of Cope's classification, but other char- acters, as listed above, justify the distinction of the genus. SYSTEMATIC REVISION OF THE SUBORDER. 25 Theropleura retrovcrsa Cope. Proc. Am. Phil. Soc, vol. xvii, 1878, p. 519. Also Pal. Bull. 29. Type: Several isolated vertebrce. No. mi Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., Cope, coll.; from Texas. Original description : "Size medium, or rather larger than that of Clepsydrops natalis. A number of small vertebrae may belong to a young individual, but I regard as type a dorsal vertebra of an adult, where the suture of the neural arch is visible, but adherent. The species is characterized by the wide posterior expansion of the border of the articular face of the centrum, forming the capitular facet for the rib. It approaches near to the diapopliysis, and descends to the basal fourth of the centrum. There is an angular ridge passing backwards from the inferior border of the diapoph- ysis to the border of the articular face. Below this angle and behind the capitular costal face the centrum is deeply concave, the concavities of the opposite sides being separated below on the median line by a narrow obtuse keel. The centrum is as deep and long as wide. Measurements. m. {Antero-posterior 0.025 Vertical 025 Transverse 025 "The small specimens agree with the large one in the strong longitudinal angle connecting the diapophysis with the posterior border of the centrum, and in the wide capitular articular surface." The vertebrae described by Cope as belonging to this species are iden- tified in form with tlie anterior caudals of the form later described by him as Diopens leptocephahis, whicli shows the latter name to be a synonym. For the revised description of the vertebrae, see p. 84. No. 1 754 Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., Cope, coll., is a second specimen of this species. Theropleura retroversa Cope. Theropleura Iriang-ulala Cope. Proc. Am. Phil. Soc, vol. xvii, 1878, p. 520. Also Pal. Bull. 29. Type: A single vertebra, in a lot of five or six. No. 1107 Am. Mus. Nat. Hist, Cope, coll.; from Texas. Original description of the synojiyni : "The superior part (of the vertebrae) resembles that of the T. nniformis in lacking the angle posterior to the diapophysis seen in the T. retroversa., and in the small extent of the capitular rib-facet. The inferior part of the centrum diflfers in the presence of three longitudinal rib-like angles, separated by two latero-inferior shallowly concave faces. The median rib is not very prominent, is obtuse, and concave in profile. The articular faces are relatively rather wider than in the vertebra; described as typical of the two species preceding (7". nni- formis and T. retroversa) ; but in one vertebra the proportions are nearly the same. "In the second vertebra mentioned the neural arch is entirely preser\-ed. The diapophysis is at its base, and of small size ; the vertebra is from not behind the median dorsal region. The neural spine is compressed and elevated, and with narrow, truncate apex. The articular faces of the zygapophyses are nearly horizontal." 26 REVISION OF THE PELYCOSAURIA. Measurements. „ m. {Antero-posterior o.oiS Transverse 017 Vertical 016 ( Antero-posterior .023 Diameters of centrum No. 2 ■< Transverse 024 ( Vertical 026 Expanse of anterior zygapophyses 020 Elevation of neural spine above zygapophyses 052 Fore and aft 016 Transverse 007 Diameter of same at summit \ This vertebra is a posterior lumbar of Theropleura retroversa. Thero- pletira triangulata is therefore a synonym of Theropleura retroversa. For the revised description of the vertebrae, see p. 84. Theropleura retroversa Cope. Clefsydrofs lej>tocephalus Cope. Proc. Am. Phil. Soc, vol. xxii, 1884, p. 30. Also Pal. Bull. 39. Diofezis le^ptocefhalus Cope. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc, vol. xvii, 1892, p. 11. Type : The imperfect skull ; the nearly complete vertebral column ; the complete pelvis; both femora and tibia. No. 4155 Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., Cope, coll.; from Big Wichita river, Texas. Original description of the synonym : " While the vertebral centra of this species are rather short, the bones of the head are very much attenuated, and the jaws are long and slender. None of the four jaws is perfectly preserved, but the number of the teeth in the maxillary bone may be approximately fixed at thirty in a continuous series. One, and probably two of these, placed near the anterior part of the series, are larger than the others. They are placed at the position of the corresponding large maxillary teeth in Dimetrodon, but they do not display the dimensions seen in the species of that genus. To strengthen the jaw at this point, a rib rises from the thick- ened alveolar portion, and extends vertically on the inner side of the thin facial plate of the bone. The facial plate is double, and each lamina, except at the rib, is not thicker than wrapping paper. "The premaxillary bones are robust, and are excavated postero-laterally for a very large nostril on each side. The spine is long. The alveolar edge bears five teeth, which are followed by a diastema. These diminish in size posteriorly, the first one being the largest, and equaling the large maxillaiy teeth. The last two are quite small, less than the usual maxillary teeth. "The dentary bones are very slender, and the distal end is somewhat thickened to support two teeth larger than the others. These are the third and fourth from the extremity, and are not quite so large as the large teeth of the maxillary bone. The remaining mandibular teeth are small, and are not so much compressed as in the spe- cies of Dinietrodon. Many of them have only a posterior cutting edge, which is not denticulate. The apices are strongly turned backward in the posterior part of the series. The posterior part of the dentary bone rises and carries some of the teeth with it. " The surface of the free edge of the internal plate of the pterygoid bone is granular. The teeth on the posterior edge of the same are subconic, and in a single series. SYSTEMATIC REVISION OF THE SUBORDER. 27 "There are twenty-seven vertebrae in a continuous series from and including the axis. All bear diapophyses, and all are rib bearing, except perhaps the last two, where they are of reduced size. They are more or less opposite the neural canal as far as the twenty-second centrum. On this vertebra the superior edge is on a level with the floor of the canal, and posterior to this point the diapophyses rise from the centrum. Two sacrals and ten caudals are preserved, and all have diapophyses and neural spines. The centra in this species are rather short, being as deep as long throughout the series, if measured at the middle. The edges are not undulate, as in C. {Emholophorous) limbatus Cope. The intercentra are short and not extended upwards on the sides as in that species." Measurements. Length of the quadrate bone 0.085 Width of condyle of quadrate bone (greatest)... .037 Length from condyle of internal anterior pro- cess of do 032 Length from condyle of external anterior pro- cess of do 097 Length of squamosal bone (vertical) 124 pterygoid from palatal foramen 116 Width of pterygoid at middle 090 Length of internal dentigerous edge of do 070 posterior dentigerous edge of do 051 maxillary bone posterior to canine brace t8i Thickness of maxillary bone at canine brace... .020 Depth of maxillary bone at nostril 016 Length of premaxillary bone (posterior apex restored) 060 Width of premaxillary bone at third tooth 022 Diameter of large (first) premaxillary tooth 008 large maxillary tooth (canine) 009 small maxillary tooth 006 Length of crown of last maxillary tooth 009 twenty-seven continuous cervico- dorsal vertebrae .855 two sacrals 065 ten caudals 260 Diameters centrum of axis: Antero-posterior 034 Vertical posteriorly 031 Transverse posteriorly 030 Elevation of neural spine from centrum .071 neural arch from centrum 009 Width of postzygapophyses 030 Elevation of neural spine of fourth vertebra .05S Diameters centrum sixteenth vertebra: Antero-posterior 025 Vertical at end 035 Diameters end seventeenth centrum: Vertical 034 Transverse 030 Expanse of postzygapophyses of seventeenth vertebra 029 Diameters twentieth centrum: Vertical at end 031 Antero-posterior 027 Diameters of twenty-ninth centrum: Antero-posterior o Transverse behind Expanse of postzygapophyses of twenty-ninth vertebra Width of sacrum through fixed diapophyses Diameters centrum twentieth caudal: Antero-posterior Vertical behind Transverse behind Expanse through diapophyses Elevation of prezygapophyses (greatest) Diameters of pelvis; Antero-posterior (apex of pubis restored)-- Vertical through acetabulum Antero-posterior diameter of ilium at acetabu- lum Depth of ischium at posterior edge of acetabu- lum Length of ischium from acetabulum femur Proximal diameter of femur: .•Antero-posterior Transverse (at middle) Diameters shaft at middle: Transverse Antero-posterior Diameters of distal end: Transverse Antero-posterior: External condyle Internal condyle Length of tibia Diameters of tibia: Proximal: Antero-posterior (middle) Transverse Median: Antero-posterior Distal: Antero-posterior Transverse 024 035 024 049 025 0265 0225 047 039 235 123 080 117 179 075 025 038 031 031 045 150 040 057 026 041 28 REVISION OF THE PELYCOSAURIA. Tteropleura grandls sp. noT. Type : Twenty-two or twenty-three disconnected vertebrae representing all parts of the column. With the vertebrae are many fragments, among them an imperfect ilium which probably belongs with them, as it is covered by the same kind of matrix. Nos. 4130 and 4134 Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., Cope, coll.; from Texas. Description : In general the form is the same as Theroplenra retroversa, but is distinguished by its size, being nearly twice as large, and by the proportions of the posterior vertebrae ; these are shorter when compared with the height and breadth than vertebrae from the same region of the type species. The articular faces of the centra are separated from the sides of the centra by a distinct ridge. Genus ELCABROSAURUS noT. Elcabrosaurus taldwinl sp. nov. Type: A series of disconnected vertebrae. No. 2285 Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., Cope, coll.; from El Cabre, New Mexico. Description : This form is represented by a few imperfect ^•ertebrae only, but the characters of the posterior lumbars are totally different from those of any other members of the Poliosaiiridcr. The comparative table below best brings out the gen- eric differences. (i) Character not shown. (2) Character not shown. (3) Character not shown. (4) Neural arch coossified with centrum. (5) Posterior lumbars very much shortened and with wide facets on lower half of articular faces of centrum. (6) No wide iutercentral face on anterior face of centrum. (7) Character not shown. (8) Spine of axis elevated and strong (top broken off). (9) Character not shown. (10) Character not shown. (11) Character not shown. (12) Character not shown. (13) Small, not exceeding i meter. This species has been given the name of Mr. Baldwin, the collector of most of the material from New Mexico in the Cope collection. INCERTAE SEDIS. Archaeobelus velUcatus Cope (plate 4). "Species No. 4, " Cope. Proc. Am. Phil. Soc, vol. xvii, 1877, p. 56. ArchcEobeliis vellkatiis Cope. Proc. Am. Phil. Soc, vol. xvii, p. 192. Also Pal. Bull. 26. Type : A fragment of the right maxillary with the imperfect teeth in place. Nos. 6524 and 6525 University of Chicago, Gurley, coll.; from Vermilion county, 111. Original description 0/ genus : "The form (of the teeth) is conical, and the surface is not grooved nor furnished with prominent ridges. The interior is hollow, and the walls are composed of a few concentric layers without external enamel or SYSTEMATIC REVISION OP THE SUBORDER. 29 cementiini. The solid base to which it is attached is shallow, presenting a smooth surface on the opposite side, which is deeply impressed by a longitudinal groove at one end." Original description of species: "The crown is conic, subround in section, and curved backward. There are no cutting edges, and the base is a little flattened in front and behind. On each of the faces thus formed, there is an open, shallow groove, sometimes obsolete. There are no other grooves or sculpture on the teeth. * * * One of the specimens displays an extensive pulp cavity." Measurements, First specimen. Second specimen. Diameter of base 0.004 i'^' 'ong 0.008 m. short 0.005 m. Length of crown .010 m. .015 m. There is so little of this specimen preserved that its exact determina- tion is impossible. It belongs in the family Poliosaurida; because of the straight tootli line of the maxillary, the lack of a diastemal notch and tlie comparatively small size of the enlarged maxillary teeth. It is very possible indeed that it belongs to the genus Poliosaurus. A small vertebra in the collection No. 6578 University of Chicago, Gurley, coll., resembles the vertebrae of Theroplciira except in its smaller size (fig. 4, plate 6). It perhaps belongs with the jaw. Pleurlstion brachycoelous Case (plate i. figs. 14 and 15). Second Ann. Rpt. Dept. Geol. and Nat. Hist. Terr. Oklahoma, 1902-3, p. 67. Type : Several isolated vertebrae mingled with vertebrae of Lysoroplnts tricari- natus Cope. From near Orlando, Oklahoma Territory ; preserved in the Museum of the University of Oklahoma. Original description : The vertebrae "are chiefly characterized by the union of the parapophyses and diapophyses in a broad wing-like transverse process, and by the peculiarly broad and large neural canal. The centra are proportionately very broad and the bottom line is devoid of sculpture and with no trace of a keel. The vertebrae are deeply amphicoelous. The neural spine is low and the z}'gapophyses are relatively large and with flat faces. In some the neural arch seems to be coossified with the centrum and in others it is separated. The transverse process is broader above and becomes narrower below, where it curves forward to touch the anterior edge of the centrum. There is no evidence of the presence of an intercentrum." Meastirements. m. Breadth across transverse processes 0.0095 Height from base of centrum to top of neural spine on The position of this genus is uncertain ; it may prove to belong to the same form as Bolosaurus^ which is as yet known only by the skull, but its affinities seem rather with the Pelycosauria than with the Cotylosauria (plate I, figs. 14 and 15). Specimens of this form occur in several large lots of small bones and fragments from Texas in the American Museum collections. 30 REVISION OF THE PELYCOSAURIA. FOREIGN FORMS. CalHbrachion gaudryl Boulc aod Gleng'eaud. Bull, de la Soci^t^ d'Hist. Nat. d'Autun, t. xvi, 1893, p. i. Type : A nearly complete skeleton. From the Permian beds of Autun, France. Original description (Translated and condensed) : The pterygoid has an external process which abuts against the lower jaw. The lower edge of the maxillary is convex. The incisor teeth are large. The anterior maxillary teeth are small and grow larger in the anterior third of the maxillary, then smaller again to the pos- terior end. The teeth are conical, sharp, and placed in the alveoli. The lower jaws have a high coronoid process. The vertebrse are platycoelous or slightly proccelous. The cervicals are apparently strongly opisthocoelous. The sides of the vertebral centra are concave. No intercentrum is seen. The notochordal canal is persistent. The neural arch is free. The diapophysis is not developed (in the lumbars) and the spines are low with expanded distal ends. The cervicals are elongate. The number of cervicals and dorsals is not given. The sacrals are not seen. There are about twenty presacrals. The thoracic and lumbar vertebrae are remarkably long and sleuder. The ribs are single-headed and attached directly to the centrum. There are uo abdominal ribs or other armature. There are traces of structures that may possibly be scales. The coracoid and scapula seem to be loosely attached (the procoracoid is not mentioned). The clavicle is slender and enlarged at the distal end. The interclavicle has an enlarged head and long posterior process. The humerus has greatly expanded ends and a strong deltoid crest. The shaft is slender in the middle. The distal end is at right angles to the proximal. An epicondylar foramen is present. The ilium alone is preserved, the surface finely sculptured. There is a single impression for the attachment of the sacral ribs. The ilium is broader than long, the acetabular cavity wide, but shallow. Both pubis and ischium are lost, but they were probably loosely attached to each other. The posterior limb has the same size as the anterior. Meastirements. Total length of specimen as it lies, about 462 Humerus 70 Length, lower jaw 70 Length, fourth digit of front foot 86 The tail is absent. This specimen is placed by the authors in the Proganosauria {Prote- rosauria). It differs from the Pelycosaiiria in three points, the elongate cervicals, the opistliocoelous condition of the cervicals, and the single-headed SYSTEMATIC REVISION OF THE SUBORDER. 3I ribs. In other characters it is typically Pelycosauriau. The elongate cervicals indicate relations with the Proterosanria^ but the structure is too far advanced for that group. The bones of the girdles are well formed and the limb bones have well-developed articular extremities. The single- headed condition of the ribs may result from a rudimentary capitulum as in Anonwsaurus. Genus ANOMOSAURUS v. Huene. Geol. u. Paleont. Abhdlg. Koken. N. F., vol. vi, 1902, Hft. i, p. 33. Type : Several isolated vertebrae found with bones of Nothosaurus. From the Lower Muschelkalk near Gogoliu and Naklo in Upper Silesia and from Snlzbad in Upper Alsace ; from the Scliaumkalk (middle Muschelkalk) at Freiburg in Saxony ; from the Upper Muschelkalk at Beyreuth, in Wiirtemberg and at Miihlhausen in Thiiringia. Preserved in the Museum of the University' of Halle. Original description : " Die Wirbel aus dem unteren IMuschelkalk von Gogolin {Dadocrimiiss — Niveau, 3 m iiber dem Roth) sind den besser erhaltenen aus dem sachischen Schaumkalk so ahnlich, dass ich nur letzterenaher schildere, aber auf einige kleinere Unterscheide aufmerksam machen werde. " Der Wirbelkorper ist etwas liinger oder auch gleich lang wie hoch. Die Gelenk- facetten convergiren etwas nach unten und sind so tief amphicol, das die Hohlkegel sich beiuahe beriihren. Der tiefste Punkt der letzteren liegt bedeutend unterhalb der mediauen Liingsaxe. Bei den meisten Wirbelen ist der Riickenmarks canal sehr hoch, aber schmal, bald oben und bald unten etwas weiter. Daher hat bei manchen Wirbeln der obere Bogen unter der Diapophyse eiuer grossern Durchmesser als das Centrum. Fiir den oberen Bogen characteristisch sind die langen, am Distalende ver- dickten Querfortsatze. Der Dornfortsatz ist bei den meisten Wirbeln hoch und schmal, seine Basis ist ein wenig nach hinten geriickt, bei einigen ist er jedoch kurz und ziemlich dick; es handelt sich wohl um verscheidene Arten, zum Theil auch uur verschiedene Abschnitte der Riickenwirbelsaule. Die Pra- und Postzygapophysen sind massig schief bis ilach gestellt und sind kraftig ausgebildet. Bei einigen besitzen die Prazygapophysen deutliche Langsrilleu und eine laterale Aufbiegung des seitlichen Randes zur sicheren Fiihning des Charniers. In der Mitte hinter den Prazygapo- physen befindet sich vor der Basis des Domfortsatzes eine dreieckige Grube. Unter den Postzygapopli)-sen ist stets ein sehr starkes Hyposphen vorhanden, welches tief herabreicht und nach unten sehr breit wird. Von hinten gesehen, ist es ein fast gleichseitiges Dreieck mit der Spitze nach oben. Die Wirbel von Freyburg und Querfurt aus dem Schaumkalk wechseln in einer gesammtehohe von 6-12 cm, die grossern sind haufiger. Die Stiicke aus Gogolin sind nur 6-8 cm hoch. Bei beiden sind die Querfortsatze hohl, wie man gelegentlich an Bruchflachen sieht. Der Quer- fortsatz ist von imten her andeutungsweise doppelt verstrebt, am deutlichsten bei den Stiicken aus Gogolin. "Aus dem oberen ^Muschelkalk liegen mir 4 bedeutend grossere Wirbel vor. Die ziemlich dicken Wirbelkorper sind etwas langer als hoch. Der Rand der Gelenkflachen ist ziemlich stark nach den vSeiten umgeschlagen. Die Gelenkflachen selbst sind tief amphicol, beide Hohlkegel beriihren sich in der Mitte und communiciren ver- muthlich durch ein kleines Loch. Ueber dem Centrum baut sich der obere Bogen sehr hoch auf. Die Grenze zwischen beiden ist als deutliche Naht erkennbar. Die hintere Oeffuung des Neuralcanales ist bei einer Wirbellange von 3, 2 bis 3, 4 cm 32 REVISION OF THE PELYCOSAURIA. etwa 2, 5 cm hoch und i, 5 cm breit. Der Wirbelkorper von Neckarvaihingen hat hinten eine Breite von 3, 5 cm ; die Oberflache des Querfortsatzes ist aber von unten an erst mit 7, 8 cm erreicht, und der Dornfortsatz misst weitere 6 cm, die gesammt hohe betragt also 13, 5 cm. Bei einem der Wirbel von Bayreuth betriigt die I^ange des Querfortsatzes 6, 5 cm. Der Querfortsatz ist oben flach, beginnt sehr dick und breit mit einer nur angedeuteten zwei- oder dreifacben Verstrebung von unten (diese Fig. I . — Sketch of a slab showing ventral surface of vertebrae of Anomosaurus. After V. Huene. Fig. 2. — A vertebra of Anomosaurus sp. from the Schaumkalk, middle (lower) Muschelkalk, near Freiburg. X ^3. After v. Huene. Fig. 3. — A vertebra of Anomosaurus from same locality as figure 2. X '3. After V. Huene. Figs. 4-13. — Various verlebree of Anomosaurus strunzi. From upper Muschelkalk, Bayreuth. 4-6 dorsals, 7-9 post- dorsals or lumbars, 10-13 caudals. X /i- After v. Huene. SYSTEMATIC REVISION OF THE SUBORDER. 33 ist bei 4 Wirbeln etwas verschieden), wird dann wieder diinner mit annahrend diei- eckigem Quersclinitt, ain Distalende aber keulenformig dick. Der Processus spinosus, der nur bei einem Wirbel vou Bayreuth und deiu von Neckarvaihingen erhalten ist, ragt senkrecht uach oben, der eine ist am Distalende etwas verdickt. Beide lassen auf der Riickseite des Dornfortsatzes eine schmale vorspringende Langsleiste erkennen, wie sie sich bei Nothosaurus und Pareiasaurus findet. An der Wurzel des Dornfortsat- zes und zwischen den Postzygapophysen liegt eine tiefe Hohlung mit ganz flachen Boden. Die hinteren Zygapophysen stehen bei den verschiedenen Wirbeln in ver- scliiedenem, doch nicht hohem Grade seitlich ab, wie es Hirer Lage im Skelet ent- spricht, alle Steigen mehr oder weniger nach aussen an. In der Mitte unter ihnen befindet sich ein aussergewohnlich kraftig ausgebildetes Hyposphen. Dieses springt ebenso weit nach hinten vor wie die Postzygapophysen und hat deutlich nach oben convergirende Gelenkflachen, wie es bei Zanclodon und verwandten Dinosauriern der Trias bei den hinteren Riickenwirbeln der Fall ist. Die Prazygapophysen sind nicht erhalten, aber aus der form der Postzygapophysen ist es unschwer, auf ihre Gestalt zu schliessen." The genus was referred to the Anomodontia in the original article. Anomosaurus strunzl r. Huene. Neuen Jahrb. fiir Min., Geol., u. Pal. Beilage Bd. xx, 1905, p. 321. Type : Fragments of nine vertebrae in a block of stone and sixteen other verte- brae which have been freed from the block. From the upper Muschelkalk at Laineck near Ba)Teuth. Preserved in the private collection of Herr Chr. Stmnz, Bayreuth. Original description: In the conclusion of his description of these vertebrae V. Huene says : "Alle Wirbelkorper sind tief Amphic51 ; die lange der einzelnen Wirbelkorper uimmt von vom nach hinten ab, steigt nur bei den Sacralwirbeln nochmals um ein Weniges. An der Grenze von Riicken und Hals (die vordersten erhaltene Wirbel) besteht unter dem Ouerfortsatz eine starke horizontale \'oragung ; die Wirbelkorper sind hier und namentlich in der vordersten Brustregion mit einer seitlichen Langskante versehen, welche an der hinteren Gelenkflache in ein kleines Kuotchen iibergeht ; letzteres ist audi bei etwas weiter hinten gelgenem Wirbel noch vorhanden, wo die .Seitenkante sclion fehlt ; diese Vorragung wird mit der Articu- lation des Capitulum der Rippe zu thun haben (Parapophyse) in der Weise, dass das Knotchen mit der Rippe des nachst folgenden hinteren Wirbels articulirt, d. h. das Captulum wird auf der Grenze beider Wirbel sitzen und vielleicht liegt es nur am Erhaltung zustand, dass am Vorderrand kein ahnliches Knotchen zu sehen ist. Der obere Bogen ist sehr hoch gebaut und wird erst kurz vor dem sacrum niedriger. Die Querfotsatze sind lang und werden in der hinteren Riickenregion abwarts gerichtet und kiirzer, werden schliesslich diclit vor dem Sacrum kurz, dicke Stummel, die auch namentlich an den Sacralwirbeln selbst sehr stark sind und mit Beginn des Schwanzes ihren Ansatz hoher verlegen und kleiner werden. Ein starkes H}'posphen ist vorhanden (nur an einem Wirbel dieses Individuums beobachtet). Die Facetten der Zygapophysen stehen in der hinteren Ruckenregion, wo die Querfortsatze kurz werden, scliief." Revised description : Under this heading are grouped certain characters of the vertebrae which are comparable to those of the American Pelycosaurs. The bottom line of the lumbars is broadly rounded and slightly concave ; these are the vertebrae that V. Huene regarded as cervicals or anterior dorsals. The upper half of the side 34 REVISION OF THE PELYCOSAURIA. of the centrum is excavated by a deep longitudinal pit, which is strong on the anterior of three vertebrse, but is absent on the third. The centrum is about as high as long. The transverse processes rise from high up on the side of the neural arch and are directed obliquely downwards ; their length is from 45 to 50 mm. These are the vertebrse in block 1 1 1 of v. Huene's figure. Among the isolated vertebrae two show longitudinal ridges on the side of the centrum Cv. H. (103) plate v, figs. 7-8) and above the ridges the sides of the centrum are concave. The neurocentral suture is still traceable. Another free vertebra (v. H., plate v, fig. 9) has a slight thickening of the edge of the posterior face of the centrum. Still another (fig. 10) with a complete neural spine has an even stronger thickening of this edge. The spine is strong but thin transversely. The posterior zygapophyses are widely divergent and between them there is a strong hyposphene. A sacral vertebra has very short and strong transverse process with a rough articular face for the attachment of the ribs. Four vertebrse (v. H., plate v, figs. 13-16) regarded by v. Huene as sacrals seem to be anterior caudals. The ends of the ribs are broadly roimded into stumpy processes, and the lower face is marked on either side of the median line by two deep pits, as in the Pelycosaicria. Measurements. mm. mm. Length of each of the three lumbars 35 Height of same from bottom of centrum to top Length of vertebrae with ridges on side of cen- of spine no trum 32 Height of spine of another above prezygapophy- Diaraeter of anterior face of same : ses 60 Vertical 33 Length of the bottom line of a sacral 20 Horizontal 30 Diameter of anterior face of centrum of same : Length of vertebra with complete neural spine.- 28 Vertical 30 Diameter of posterior face of same : Horizontal 30 Vertical 25 Length of each of three caudals 25 Horizontal 32 It is pretty certain that Anomosatirus is no true Pelycosaur, because the vertebra are not notocliordal (with the exception of one specimen mentioned by v. Huene) and because the PelycosauiHa do not have a hypo- sphene. Occurring in the whole thickness of the Muschelkalk it is much later than the Poltosanridcs, the only family with which it can be connected. Many characters, as the elongate pit on the side of the centrum, and the thickening of the posterior edge of the centrum marking the position of the insertion of the head of the rib, and the nearly equal length of the vertebrse throughout the column, indicate resemblances to the genus Naosatirus, but there can be no true relationship. It is most probable that it is a persist- ent form derived from the early Pelycosaurian stem and having much the same history as Ctenosmirtis kozneni. Stereorachls domlnans Gaudry. Compt. Rendu Ac. Sc. Paris, t. 91, 1S80, p. 669. Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. (5), vol. vii, 1S81, p. 69. Type: An incomplete skeleton showing fragments of the skull, vertebral column, shoulder girdle, and humerus; from near Igornay, France. Preserv-ed in the Museum of the Jardin des Plantes, Paris. SYSTEMATIC REVISION OF THE SUBORDER. 35 Original description (taken from the Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist.): "M. Roche, director of the Iron Works at Igornay, to whom we are already indebted for several discoveries of curious fossils, has just found, in the Permian, a new genus of reptile, which he has presented to the Museum of Paris. The Igornay animal is the most perfect of those which have hitherto been met with in the Primary formations of France. I propose to name it Stereorachis dominans. " In Stereorachis the vertebrse present a striking contrast to those of the reptiles of the same deposits. While in Actinodon and Enchyrosaiirus the centra are composed of a median part, or hypocentrum, and two pleurocentra not soldered together, in Stereorachis the centra are in a single piece, which adheres to the neural arch ; the vertebral column has therefore acquired more solidity, which has led me to invent the name Stereorachis. It must, however, be noted that the centra of the vertebrae were still extremely hollow; their anterior and posterior faces were so concave that they formed two cones united end to end ; I would not even assert that there was not a perforation establishing the continuity of the notochord. This is a condition analo- gous to that of many fishes. "The new genus found by M. Roche presented another mark of superiority- over the reptiles that lived with it. Its humerus had a neuro-arterial canal in the distal part. I had already called attention, in Euchyrosaurns, to the rudiments of the arch, indicating a tendency to the formation of this canal ; in Stereorachis the fonnation is completed. When we find that, besides the neuro-arterial canal, the humerus had the epitrochlea and its epicon widened as in those animals in which the supinator and pronator muscles, the extensor and flexor muscles, are greatly developed, we are led to think that the old quadruped of Igornay had arms more perfectionated than those of existing species. " Stereorachis must have been a carnivorous animal of considerable size ; one of its mandibles, although a little broken, measures 18 cm. The upper and lower jaws are armed with conical teeth deeply immersed in the sockets ; their section is nearly circular ; they are smooth externally, with a radiate structure in the interior ; the front ones are stronger than the rest ; an inferior tooth has a crown 32 mm. high ; a superior tooth, the point of which is unfortunately broken, must have been at least 40 mm. There is an entosternum which recalls that of the Labyrinthodonts ; it is very broad in its anterior third and narrowed behind ; its length is 15 cm. Beside it there is a large nearly quadrilateral bony plate, 14 cm. long and 5 cm. broad ; I suppose this to be the homologue of the coracoid and scapula. There is also a cur\'ed bone which I believe to be the homologue of the great bone in fishes regarded by Mr. Kitchen Parker as a clavicle (epistemum of the Ganocephalus reptiles). I must also notice long and arched ribs, formed by two pieces united end to end ; and hard, brilliant, very fine, long, aciculate scales, as in Archegosaurus and Actinodon. "In some respects Stereorachis shows afifinities with the Ganocephala and Labyrinthodonts. In other respects it shows tendencies towards certain genera of the Permian of Russia and the Trias of South Africa, upon which Professor Richard Owen has made admirable investigations, and for which he has proposed the name Theriodonts. Perhaps it still more nearly approaches some North American animals, such as Enipedocles, Clepsydrops, and Dimetrodon^ ranged by Professor Cope in his group Pelycosauria ; but at present I know no genus with which it could be identified." A more complete description of this form appeared in 1883 (93) witli figures. It was placed among the Stegocephali in Zittel's Handbuch, but later was referred by Lydekker to the family Clepsydropidcs in the order 36 REVISION OF THE PELYCOSAURIA. Thcriodontia. In the translation of Zittel's Grundziige it was referred to the famil}^ Clcpsydropido' in the Pelycosauria ; it is now evident that it must be transfen-ed to the family Poliosaurida; of the Pelycosauria. The spines are short, there are abdominal ossicles, and the limb bones have well-developed articular surfaces. From the size and appearance of such bones as are preserved it is apparent that it belongs close to the genus Theropleura. Family CLEPSYDROPIDAE Cope. Proc. Am. Phil. Soc, vol. xviii, 1878, p. 529. Also Pal. Bull. 29. Original description: "The division Pelycosauria is established primarily on the genera Clepsydrops and Dimetrodon, but their cranial structure renders it highly probable that Ectocynodon, Pariotichus, and Bolosaurus belong to it. It is also prob- able that the genera Empedocles^ Embolophorus^ and others detennined from vertebrae belong to it, as the latter are frequently accompanied by pelvic bones of the t>'pe of that of Dimetrodon. All the genera known from teeth and crania are of carnivorous habit, excepting Bolosaurus and Diadectes ; they may be referred to a single family on this account, which I call the Clepsydropidcr. Bolosaurus will form the type of another famih- characterized by the transverse position of the crowns of the teeth, imder the name of the Bolosauridce.^'' It is seen from this that the family was founded simply on the carniv- orous character, but as it comprised forms now known to belong to other families and orders, and as the carnivorous character is ordinal in value, it becomes necessary to define the order from entirely different characters. Redescription of family : (i) Skull laterally compressed and facial region elevated. (2) Tooth line of skull convex. (3) Neural spines ver>' high. (4) Sacrum with three vertebrae. In 1882 (54), p. 450, the genus Edaphosaurjis was described and placed in a distinct family, Edaphosauridce, "distinguished from the Clepsydropidce by the presence of more than one series of teeth on parts of the jaws." The family included Pantylus, Edaphosanrus^ and perhaps Helodectes. In 1883 (56), p. 631, Pariotichns, Pantylus, and probably Ectocynodon are referred to a new family, PariotichidcB , "which has the teeth like the Edaphosauridce, but differs from it in the entire over-roofing of the temporal fossae." In 1888 (70) the family Edaphosauridcs was dropped and the genus Edaphosaurus was included in the Clepsydropidce. This was the last change made in the composition of the family which was considered to hold the genera fLysorophus, A^'cheobolus, Clepsydrops, Dimetrodon, Naosatu-us, Theropleura, Embolophorus, and Edaphosaurus. SYSTEMATIC REVISION OF THE SUBORDER. 37 Subfamily CLEPSYDROPINAE nov. (i) Vertebral spines simple. (2) The bottom line of the anterior dorsals and posterior lumbars greatly shortened. (3) Cer\-icals larger than anterior dorsals. (4) Crest of ilium turned to rear and prolonged. Genus CLEPSYDROPS Cope. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Phila., 1875, p. 407. Proc. Am. Phil. Soc, vol. xvii, 1878, pp. 509 and 529. Also Pal. Bull. 29. Type: Clepsydrops collet ti, a series of disconnected vertebras. No. 6530 Univer- sity of Chicago, Gurley, coll.; from Vermilion county, III. Homeotype(C «rt/rt/w): A skull and large portion of the vertebral column, imperfect scapulae, pelvis, and humeri, femora, tibia, fibula, and posterior foot and imperfect anterior foot. No. 41 10 Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. , Cope, coll. ; from Texas. This number includes fragments of at least two individuals, but it seems very probable that the skull belongs to the same individual as the main portion of the spine, which consists of the vertebral column from the fourth (or fifth) presacral to the middle of the tail, with the pelvis complete and the femora of both sides in position with their heads in the acetabula. The femur of the left side has been thrown up and backward until it points in a direction almost diametrically opposite to the natural. The tibia and fibula are attached in position to the distal end. Original description of the type, tSj^: "They (the vertebrae) are deeply biconcave, the articular cavities being funnel-shaped and continuous, thus perforating the entire length of the centrum. In a dorsal vertebra the cavities communicate by a very small orifice, while in the posterior the median contraction of the canal is less marked. The posterior cavity is more gradually contracted than the anterior ; in the latter the excavation is, in most of the vertebras, but slight (except beneath the floor of the neural arch), until it falls rather abrviptly into the axial perforation. In an (?) anterior dorsal it is as widely excavated at the border as the posterior funnel. Another pecu- liarity is the absence of the processes of the centnim ; and a small capitular articula- tion is seen sessile on the border of the cup of two of the dorsals. "The axis* has a singular form, owing to the tubular perforation w'hich continues the posterior excavation to the anterior face of the centrum. There are three articu- lar faces, a larger subroimd inferior and two smaller superior, which border the neural canal in front and below and are separated from each other and the inferior face by the perforation in question. The anterior face slopes obliquely backwards and down- wards, and is convex in transverse section. There is no facet for the free hypa- pophysis of the odontoid, but it appears that the inferior articular face was applied exclusively to the centrum of the atlas, as in Sphenodoii. But the axis differs from that of the latter genus in the absence of a coossified odontoid process. Either that element is entirely wanting or it consists of two pieces, interrupted in the middle by the notochordal foramen, and in correspondence with superior articular facets. There is no true h}papophysis of the axis, and the only indication of lateral processes is a small articular facet on each side on the lower part of the rim of the posterior funnel. These may have been related to rudimental cervical ribs. The neural arch is broken off. *This is the atlas with the intercentrum between it and the axis coossified with it. (PI. 7, figs. 9 and 10.) 38 REVISION OF THE PELYCOSAURIA. "The dorsal vertebrjE have their sides somewhat contracted ; in one specimen the inferior face is rounded; in another, which I suppose to belong to a different part of the column, it is longitudinally acute. In this and another dorsal, where the parts are exposed, the floor of the neural canal is interrupted by a deep fissure, which has a triangular shape with apex downward when seeu in profile. This is due to the fact that the opposite halves of the centrum are united by the circumferences of the artic- ular cups, which have in profile an X-shape. The diapophysis does not project far bej'ond the base of the neural arch and is compressed. The caudals are elongate, and resemble, in the forms of the centrum and neural arch, those of LcElaps. The neural spines are not preser\'ed, but if present were directed well backwards, bearing the posterior zygapophyses, since the arch stands only on the anterior three-fifths of the centrum. Chevron facets are not distinct, but two emarginations on the rim of the posterior face of one of the vertebrae indicate their existence. In other centra even these notches are wanting. The tail was evidently tapering. There is uo evidence of the transverse fissures seen in Sphenodon and many Lacertilia, nor are there any diapophyses on the caudal vertebrae preserved." Original description of the iiomeotype, iSjS. Char. Gen.^ et ccBtera: "There is no quadrato-jugal arch, but the zygomatic and postorbital arches are present. The squamosal extremity of the z}-gomatic arch descends low on the quadrate as in turtles, preventing mobility of the latter. The quadrate is not prominent in the specimen, and appears to have been a thin bone, as in Ectocynodoii. The nostril is large and latero-anterior. The symphysis of the mandible is short, and the premaxillary bones appear to be distinct ; they are separated in the specimen by displacement, with the indication that the junction was sutural. The teeth were of difterent sizes, and the premaxillaries and canines are distinguished from the others by their proportions. All are subround in section, with more or less defined anterior and posterior cutting edges. The premaxillary teeth are larger anteriorly, diminish posteriorly, and are separated by a notched diastema from the large canine. The succeeding teeth are of medium proportions. The roots are sunk in deep alveoli. There is no surface sculpture of the cranial bones, which is the character distinguishing the genus Ecto- cynodon from Clepsydrops. " The vertebrae have been described elsewhere, but important additions to our knowledge can now be made. There are mostly small intercentra throughout the dorsal and caudal series, in the latter prolonged into two processes below, constituting the chevron bones. The transverse processes on the dorsal and lumbar vertebrae are undivided, and on some of the dorsals, the ribs articulate with the centrum as well. They are present on the anterior, but wanting on the posterior caudal vertebrae. In adults the neural arch is coossified with the centrum, and on the lumbar and sacral region the neural spines are greatly elevated, indicating the presence of a fin like that of Basilisms. In one of the allied species the diapoph}ses of the three vertebrae are vertically expanded for the attachment of the ilium, but the ceutra are not coossified. "The humerus in this genus is of remarkable character. Its proximal extremity is expanded and regularl)' convex, with the articular surface at right angles to the sides of the bone, and not developing a head. There is a strong deltoid ridge or tuber- osity', not extending far from the head. The shaft is much contracted, and the distal end is more expanded than the proximal. It is flattened and supports no condyle. SYSTEMATIC REVISION OF THE SUBORDER. 39 Its outline is transverse at the middle and truncate at each lateral extremity. A. large supracondj'lar foramen pierces the basal part of the distal expansion near the inner border. The opposite edge is strongly grooved longitudinally, the groove being bounded in front by a prominent crest, which sinks just proximal of the distal border. "The ilium is a flat bone which contracts downwards and forwards to the pubis. The latter is something like the ilium in form, widening in the opposite direction, /. I?., downwards and forwards. Its fonn is something like that of the Crocodilia and it is uncertain whether those of opposite sides unite below. The ischium is a remark- able bone. It is greatly produced anteriorly and posteriorly to the acetabulum, in forming with that of the opposite side, a keeled boat-shaped body, which at its superior middle portion includes the inferior part of the acetabulum. In C. natalis the anterior apex is below the middle line of the pubes near their anterior border. In the same species there is an additional small element between the ilium aud pubis on the superior side at their junction. The acetabulum is formed by the interrupted junction of the three elements. "The fenutr possesses no third trochanter, and the head and great trochanter are not separated by a neck. The little trochanter is large, and the condyles are well defined. The head of the tibia is expanded, and the fibula is well-developed at both extremities. The phalanges are moderately elongate, and are depressed. The claws are curved and compressed below." On page 528 of the same article a table is given showing the charac- ters of the humertis of Clepsydrops in contrast with those of other animals of the same formation. Despite the frequent use of the name Clepsydrops by Cope, his numer- ous descriptions, and the labels in the collection, it is impossible to fix on any characters used by him in the identification of specimens, beyond the small size and the lack of condyles on the limbs. His frequent identifica- tions of vertebrae as belonging to this genus are not jtistified by his descrip- tions or direct comparisons. They are mostly D. incisivus. Revised description of genus : (i) Diastemal notch present, slight and filled with smaller teeth. (2) Maxillary canine and incisor teeth enlarged. (3) Teeth with cutting edge. Not crenate (?). (4) Neural arch of vertebrae free in young, coossified in adult. (5) Vertebrse with changing length in different parts of column (?). (6) Anterior dorsals with the intercentral face on the anterior face of the centrum and sharp keel. (7) Spines vertical, slightly recurved in posterior lumbar region. (8) Character not shown. (9) Limb bones without well-developed articular faces. (10) Humerus without prominent entepicondyle or ectepicondylar notch. (11) Abdominal scutes absent (not observed). (12) Tail very long and slender. (13) I to 1.3 meters long. 40 REVISION OF THE PELYCOSAURIA. C. coUettl Cope. C. collelli Cope. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc. Phila., 1875, p. 407. Case, Jnl. Geol., vol. viii, 1900, p. 711. Type : Isolated vertebrEe. Among others an atlas, an anterior dorsal, lumbars, and caudals. No. 6530 University of Chicago, Gurley, coll.; from Vermilion county, Illinois. Plate 7. Original description: "There is a shallow fossa in the entering angle between the superior and inferior articular facets of the front of the axis, and the centrum of the same is obtusely keeled below. The border of the anterior face of the dorsal vertebree with keeled centrum is undulate. The obtuse inferior face of another dorsal is rugu- lose, and the edge of the face is not undulate. The inferior faces of the two caudals are marked with fine parallel grooves, while in another caudal and the (?) sacrals the same is smooth. There are some longitudinal ridges on the upper side of the larger caudal." Measurements. m. m. Length, centrum of axis 0.006 Width, centrum, rounded dorsal, behind o.oio Width, centrum of axis at middle behind 008 Width, neural canal, behind 004 Depth, centrum of axis (oblique) 010 Length, centrum, larger caudal 014 Length, centrum of sharp-keeled dorsal 014 Width, centrum, larger caudal 008 Depth, centrum of sharp-keeled dorsal, behind.. .012 Depth, centrum, larger caudal 008 Width, centrum of sharp-keeled dorsal, behind-. .012 Length, smaller caudal 010 Length, centrum, rounded dorsal 012 Depth, centrum, smaller caudal 007 Depth, centrum, rounded dorsal, behind on Width, centrum, smaller caudal 007 The vertebra described by Cope a.s the axis is the atlas (plate 7, figs. 9 and 10) and the vertebra with an "obtuse inferior face" is a posterior dorsal or lumbar (plate 7, figs. 1-8). Other specimens regarded by Cope as belonging to the species are Nos. 6531 and 6578 University of Chicago. These vertebrae might be part of the same animal referred to as Clep- sydrops peduncnlafus, Dimetrodon obtusidens^ or Elcabrosaurus baldwini. It is indeterminate. Clepsydrops llmbatus Cope. Proc. Am. Phil. See, vol. xvii, 1877, p. 193. Also Pal. Bull. 26, p. 196. Type : Several isolated vertebrae. One showing the character described has been sawn apart longitudinally and vertically. No. 4144 Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., Cope, coll.; from Texas. Original description : "As typical of the new species I select a vertebra, which may be exactly compared with the corresponding one of C. colletii. The centrum is about as wide as long, and its sides are ver}' concave, much more so than in C. col- letii, and the rim-like borders of the articular extremities are connected by a straight compressed hypophysial keel. The sides of the foramen cJwrdo' dorsalis are convex in the longitudinal section, thus contracting the opening, as compared with the very wide flare of the border of one of the extremities of the centrum. This flare receives the wide recurved border of the opposite extremity of the adjoining centrum, forming a kind of ball and socket articulation. "This reflected surface forms a ridge with the funnel of the foramen at this extremity of the vertebra. The concave extremity is produced downwards, so that SYSTEMATIC REVISION OF THE SUBORDER. 4 1 the foramen is considerably above the middle point. The diapophysis and para- pophysis are not distinct nor elongate, but are represented by a projecting ridge in the superior part of the centrum, which is directed downwards and forwards toward the rim of the articular face. "Besides the great contraction of the centrum, its relatively shorter form distin- guishes it from that of C. coUetii. It is also much larger than that species and the C. peduiiculatiis, being the largest of the genus." 7)1 )n. mm. Length of centrum 31 Transverse diameter of centrum 33 Vertical diameter of centrum 39 Width of neural canal 6 The single vertebra that can be identified as Cope's type is an anterior dorsal of D. iiicisivus. Clepsydrops pedunculatus Cope. Cope, Proc. Am. Phil. Soc, vol. xvii, 1877, p. 62. Case, Jnl. Geol., vol. viii, 1900, p. 713. Type : A third cervical and an anterior caudal regarded by Cope as a dorsal. No. 6534 University of Chicago, Gurley, coll.; from Vermilion county, Illinois (plate 7, figs. 14 and 15). Original description : " Both differ from corresponding vertebrae of C. collet iia.-nA C. lateralis [this is evidently a slip on the part of the describer ; there is no C. late- ralis; C. vinslovii is evidently referred to, as it was the only other species of the genus described at this date] in having elongate diapophyses for the attachment of the ribs. These are present in the other species, but are either very short, or sessile. The third cervical has a broad reverted anterior lip-like margin of the anterior articular face, which resembles the corresponding part in C. lateralis (vinsloz'ii) in not being pro- duced below. The median line is keeled, and there is a shallow longitudinal groove on the upper part of the sides. The posterior articular face is regularly funnel- shaped. The diapophyses are very stout, and are directed a little downwards and strongly backwards. The articular faces are single, look downwards and outwards, and are wide above, and narrow below. The base of the neural canal is deeply incised, as in the other species. Measurements. m. m. {Antero-posterior 0.015 Length of diapophysis above 0.009 Transverse 012s t^- ^ c j- . ■ (Vertical .008 ,, . , ■' Diameter of diapophysis^ , . . . Vertical 012 r r ^ [Antero-posterior... .005 "There is no recurved rim of the articular extremities, but the surface does not pass regularly into the foramen chordse dorsalis, but by an abrupt descent at its mouth. The sides of the centrum are concave, and the inferior portion forms a prom- inent rounded rib." Measurements. m. {Antero-posterior 0.016 Vertical 016 Transverse .015 In the description of the supposed dorsal attention is called to the long and slender diapophysis ; it is evident that this is not a diapophysis, but 42 REVISION OF THE PELYCOSAURIA. an anchylosed rib with tlie distal broken portion inclined forward, as is characteristic of the anterior caudal ribs of the Rhynchocephalia. This is an anterior caudal and is indeterminate. Another specimen regarded by Cope as belonging to the species is No. 6535 University of Chicago. Clepsydrops vlnslovli Cope. Cope, Proc. Am. Phil. Soc, vol. xvii, 1877, p. 61. Case, Jnl. Geol,, igoo, vol. viii, p. 714. Type : A single cervical with other vertebrce doubtfully associated. No. 6532 University of Chicago, Gurley, coll.; from Vermilion comity, Illinois (plate 7, figs. 16 and 17). Original description : "The inferior median line is a keel; some distance above it the sides of the centrum are full, rising in a longitudinal angle. There is no constriction or fossa below the diapophysis as in C. collet ii. The latter is anterior in position, is vertically compressed, and is curved forward for a short distance below. The posterior articular face is regularly funnel-shaped from the margin ; the anterior face has a broad recurved lip. This passes around the inferior margin, which is not projected forwards as in C. colletii. The zygapophyses are well-developed and stand close together. The neural spine is compressed, and the basal portion points some- what forwards." Aleasurements. m. m. Length of centrum o.oii Vertical diameter of diapophysis 0.006 Diameter of posterior articular face: Expanse of posterior zygapophysis 009 Vertical 009 Antero-posterior diameter of base of neural spine .005 Transverse 009 Transverse diameter of neural arch 006 These are the smallest vertebrae referred by Cope to this genus. They might be the atlas and anterior cervicals of a small Clepsydrops natalis. The species is indeterminate. Another specimen referred to the same species by Cope is No. 6533 University of Chicago. Clepsydrops natalU Cope. Proc. Am. Phil. Soc, vol. xvii, 1878, pp. 509 and 529. Type: This is the homeotype of the genus Clepsydrops. See description, p. 37. No. 41 10 Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., Cope, coll.; from Texas. Original description: "The muzzle of this species is compressed and descends obtusely at the ends as Bolosajtnis striatits. The nostril and orbit are quite large. The first premaxillary tooth is the largest and has a silky striation of the enamel ; its crown is much less than that of the canine. The canine originates below a point a short distance posterior to the nostril. McasKrements. m. m. Length of skull posterior to base of quadrate. ..0.124 Length of crovifu of canine tooth 0.016 Diameter of nostril 019 Antero-posterior diameter of canine tooth 005 Depth of zygoma at orbit 012 SYSTEMATIC REVISION OF THE SUBORDER. 43 "The centra of the lumbar vertebrse are compressed, but not deeper than long, nor acute on the median line below. The diapophyses are wide, and descend towards the anterior articular border. The neural spines are compressed, and are very long. Their apices are slender and are curved backwards. The faces of the zygapophyses are oblique upwards and outwards. The caudal vertebrse have subround articular extremities anteriorly, and become more compressed posteriorly. The diapophyses are median on the former, and gradually become smaller to extinction. The zyga- pophyses are strong, and the neural spines continue long for a considerable part of the length of the entire series. The centrum is concave below the diapophyses, and has a median inferior rib. Measurements. 7)1. m. Length of centrum, fourth from last lumbar ver- Depth of pelvis 0.080 tebra 0.018 Length of femur 120 Vertical diameter of do 017 Long diameter of proximal end 041 Transverse diameter of do 018 Length of tibia 085 Elevation of neural arch and spine of last lum- Transverse width of tibia 029 bar 087 Length of eleven caudal vertebrae 172 ( Ilium 059 Length of fourth caudal vertebra 016 Antero-posterior extent of ■] Pubis 060 Length of eleventh caudal vertebra 014 Ischium 143 Transverse diameter of caudal 012 "This species differs from the C. vinsloviiin the more robust caudal vertebrse. It is also considerably larger, agreeing in this respect with the C. peduncidatus. In the latter the long transverse processes are decurved and narrowed at the extremities in a manner not seen in any of the known vertebrse of C. natalis.'''' This specimen was covered with a very refractory matrix very nearly the color of the bone, and only removed with great difficulty. The skull was uncleaned when described by Cope, which accounts for his misconcep- tion of its character. The other species of this genus are indeterminate ; probably some of them are good, but they can not be distinguished from this species or from each other. Until more material is collected this will remain the only determinable species. The redescription of the species is contained in the redescription of the genus. Genus DIMETRODON Cope. Proc. Am. Phil. Soc, vol. xvii, 1878, p. 512 and p. 529. Also Pal. Bull. 29. Proc. Am. Phil. Soc, vol. xix, 1880, p. 42. Am. Nat., vol. xx, 1886, p. 544. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc, vol. xvi, 1888, p. 292. Type: Dimetrodon incisivus. The imperfect skull, consisting of maxillaries and premaxillaries. No. 4116 Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., Cope, coll. ; from Texas. Original description : " Dentition as in Clepsydrops in the superior series. Pubic bone not distinct from ischium. Humerus with trochlear condyles and a defined proximal articular surface. " The genus Dimetrodon embraces larger forms than the known species of Clep- sydrops. It is probable that the species had the neural spines in the lumbar and dorsal regions elevated in the same way. The humerus, while of the same general character as that of Clepsydrops, differs remarkably in its more perfect articular 44 REVISION OF THE PELYCOSAURIA. surfaces, indicating a terrestrial habit as distinguished from a probably aquatic one in the former genus. The supracondylar foramen is present in this genus, and the prox- imal articular surface winds obliquely round the expanded extremity of the bone. "The separate jaws of D. incisiviis show well the character of the dental inser- tions. A strong thickening of the inner wall of the maxillary bone is all that repre- sents the palatine lamina. This enlargement does not extend to the level of the external alveolar margin, which thus forms a parapet. The roots of the teeth are long, and are contained in deep alveoli of the palatine thickening ; but the portion of them which projects beyond the alveoli is adherent to the external parapet by the side, and hence the teeth appear to be pleurodont. They are shed in after the absorp- tion of the root in consequence of the presence of the crown of the successional tooth. The process commences at the inner alveolar border, and extends inwards and upwards, invading the palatine wall of the maxillary bone." In 1880 (48) Cope added materially to his description of tlie genus Dimetrbdon. " In both specimens of D. indsivus^ portions of the palato-pteiygoid arch are attached to the maxillary bone. One of these elements is an oval plate with a thick- ening of its inferior side, so as to bevel the long border farthest from the maxillary bone. The surface thus produced is thickly studded with small conical teeth irregu- larly disposed. "A second tooth-bearing element of the palate is adjacent to the last. It is a massive plate, the ends of which are produced in opposite directions ; the one into a massive shorter prominence ; the other longer and plate-like. Between these prolon- gations, the inferior edge of the bone bears a single row of well-developed teeth. The patch of small teeth first described, commences at the extremity from which the longest process rises on the opposite side of the series of large teeth. This Z-shaped bone is, from its massive character, generally preserved. * * * "The posterior part of the skull of one of the specimens above mentioned displays typical reptilian characters. The occipital condyle is not perforated, nor divided by sutures. The exoccipital bones project well backwards. The lateral walls of the brain case are massive as far forward as the exit of the fifth pair of nerves ; anterior to this point they were thin or wanting. The basisphenoid carries two parallel descending laminae, which bound a deep median fissure, and then unite anteriorly. Posteriorly they abut on a descending process, which is followed by a lid-like element which is applied to a circular fossa with a raised border near the occipital condyle. "The articular face of the articular bone of the mandible consists of two parallel cotyli, divided by a ridge of articular surface. This part of the jaw is much depressed, as in Eryops. The large teeth of the lower jaw are at the anterior extremity. "The neural spine of the axis is flat and elongate antero-posteriorly. From this point the neural spines rise rapidly in elevation until on the dorsal region they are many times as long as the diameters of the centra. The latter are not ver}' unequal in their proportions in different parts of the column. Those from the posterior regions are less compressed than the dorsals and cervicals. The dorsals are separated by intercentra below, which are small in the D. incisivus, and larger in the D. gigas. All the ribs are two-headed, commencing with the axis. All the cervical and dorsal vertebrse have diapophyses with tubercular facets. The head of the rib is prolonged downwards and forwards to the prominent border of the anterior articular face, against which it abuts, but so far as yet observed without a corresponding facet. On the SYSTEMATIC REVISION OF THE SUBORDER. 45 caudal vertebrae the two facets of the ribs are approxiinated and finally are not distinguished. They are here coossified with the centra. " VertebrcB. * * * The dentition of these animals was of the most formid- able character, consisting of compressed, finely serrate teeth in the maxillary and dentary bones mingled with huge conic tusks on the middle of the maxillary' and anterior end of the dentar}-, and occupying the whole alveolar edge of the premax- illary. The huge neural spines formed an elevated fin on the back. In a medium- sized specimen of Dinietrodon incisivtis^ where the vertebral body is 35 mm. in length, the elevation is 900 mm., or 201^ times as great. The apex of the spine in this species is slender, and apparently was flexible." In 1888 (70) appeared descriptions of the vertebrae and shoulder girdle. '■'•Ribs. In this genus and in Naosaurus the sacral ribs are present as in Batrachia. They are short, and vertically compressed, forming a wedge-like body. '■'■ Sternum. * * * The anterior two-fifths of the bone is nearly square, and slightly concave above, with three angles, one at each side and one anterior ; the rest contracts posteriorly into a long, narrow, flattened shaft, which constitutes three- fifths of the length. This portion is depressed so that the transverse section is lentic- ular. The lateral edges are acute, and without articular facets of any kind. The distal extremity is first grooved, and then fissured, each half tenninating in an obtusely narrow apex which is applied to the other half The surface of this part of the element is longitudinally grooved both above and below. '■'■ Clavicles. The clavicles in the genus Dimctrodon are well-developed elements. They consist of a vertical narrow and a horizontal expanded portion. The anterior border of the bone is rounded ; the internal border is serrate or semidigitate. If the latter unites with the episternum by suture it must be by a very open one. This portion is more expanded than in the monotreme Mammalia ; while the episternum is more produced posteriori)'." This genus is represented by the largest ntimber of species and by the largest number of individuals in both collections. It seems to have been the most abundant animal of the Texas region. Revised description : (i) Large diastemal notch with few degenerate teeth or none. (2) Maxillary canine and incisor teeth greatly enlarged. (3) Teeth with crenate cutting edges. (4) Neural arch very early coossified with centrum. (5) Very marked change in length of bottom line of vertebne in different parts of column. Posterior lumbars shortened, but without wide faces on lower edge of articular faces of centra. (6) Anterior dorsals with sharp narrow median keel and wide intercentral face on lower edge of anterior face of centrum. (7) Spines sharply recurved in posterior lumbar and sacral region. (8) Spine of axis high and broad, reaching forward over atlas. (9) Limb bones with well-marked articular surfaces. (10) Humerus with well-developed entepicondyle and ectepicoudylar process. (11) Abdominal ribs absent (not observed). (12) Tail relatively short. (13) Size varying in diflferent species, from about 1.2 to about 3 meters. 46 REVISION OF THE PELYCOSAURIA. Dlmetrodon gig&s Cope. Clefsydrops g^S'as Cope. Am. Nat., vol. xii, 1878, p. 327. Proc. Am. Phil. See, vol. xvii, 1878, p. 515. Also Pal. Bull. 29. Proc. Am. Phil. See, vol. xix, 1880, p. 43. Also Pal. Bull. 32. Type : The head of a humerus, the pelvis, both femora, several dorsal, sacral and caudal vertebrae, and two phalanges. No. 4006 Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., Cope, coll.; from Texas. Original description : "This animal is only represented in my collection so far by a large part of the pelvis. This is of the same character as that of the C. natalis, but differs in several details of fonn and is three times as large in linear measurements. The portion anterior to the acetabulum is shorter than in the C. natalis, and relatively deeper. The raised borders of the acetabulum unite, and form a thick obtuse hori- zontal crest, which continues to the apex, which consists of a broadly expanded shovel-like projection. This symphyseal portion is quite elongate, and carries on its supero-anterior face an obtuse median keel. The opposed elements diverge above the anterior part of the acetabulum. The latter is shallow, but entire ; its most prominent borders are the anterior and postero-inferior." Measurement s. m. m. Length from posterior border of acetabulum Total vertical diameter to superior border of forward 0.200 acetabulum 0.155 Long diameter of acetabulum (right side) 100 Length of anterior symphysis 175 In 1880 Cope added to the description of D. gigas as follows : "The peh-is of the D. gigas is in general like that of Clepsy drops natalis. The elements are coossified, but the ischio-pubic symphysis is not so deep as in the Batrachia of the same beds. The ilium is shortened, and its direction is at right angles to the long axis of the inferior elements. The foramen of the internal femoral arter}^ is distinct. The femur of the same individual of D. gigas has no head, but a regular wide crescentic proximal articular surface. Below this on the posterior side is the large trochanteric fossa, which is bounded by lateral ridges, which are at first equal, but one soon exceeds the other in height, fonning a trochanteric ridge a little above the middle of the shaft. The condyles are distinct from each other and are flattened below. One of them bears a robust longitudinal crest above, which makes it much larger than the other, and causes the groove that separates them above to look outward or to the side which supports the trochanter. " Three of the species may be distinguished as follows : " Vertebral centra much compressed, acute below ; neural spines without processes D, incisivus, " Vertebral centra less compressed, obtuse below : neural spines without processes ; larger... Z>. g-ig^as. "Vertebral centra compressed, not acute below; neural spines with cross projections D-criici^er." Revised description : (i) Spines quadrangular, nearly square at base ; changing to rounded above ; large, surface not striate. (2) Third to sixth cervicals with axis through neural arch and middle of centrum vertical. (3) Intercentrum small in mid-dorsal and lumbar regions, without terminal facet for capitulum of rib. (4) Character not shown. (5) Size, largest of genus. 2.5 to 3 meters in length. SYSTEMATIC REVISION OF THE SUBORDER. 47 Dlmetrodon glg^anhomogenes sp. nov. T}'pe : Two cervicals, eleven dorsals, six lunibars, five caudals, perfect right half of pelvis. No. 112 University of Chicago ; from Coffee creek, Baylor county, Texas. Description : This species is very near Dinietrodon gigas in size and character of the vertebrae and pelvis. It differs from the other species in the shape of the spines, the character of the keels on the cervical vertebrae, and the shape of the pelvis. (i) Spines broad transversely at base ; becoming 00-sliaped above. A tendency for the ends to be tuberculate. (2) The third to the sixth cervical with axis through spine and middle of centrum vertical. (3) Intercentrum small in mid-dorsal and lumbar regions, without terminal facet for capitulum of ribs. (4) Character not shown. (5) Size nearly as great as Dinietrodon gigas^ 2.6 meters at least. D O o o o o (^00 CO C3 CD Z30mm 630mm 850mm Fig. 14. — Cross-section through the spines of various species of Dimetrodon, at approximately the same level above the neural arch. The figures give the distance above the base. a. D. macrospondyluSt No. 1019 University of Chicago. A lumbar, b. D. gigas, No. 1002 University of Chicago. The ninth dorsal, c. D. incisivus. No. 1001 University of Chicago. The fourteenth vertebra. d. D. giganhomogenes. No. 1 1 2 University of Chicago. An anterior dorsal. Dlmetrodon Inclsirus Cope. Am. Nat., vol. xii, 1878, p. 327. Proc. Am. Phil. Soc, vol. xvii, 1878, p. 512, plate vi. Type : An imperfect skull, consisting of maxillaries, premaxillaries, and frag- ments of the preorbital portion of the skull. No. 41 16 Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., Cope, coll.; from Texas. Cotype : A vertebral column complete from axis to first caudal and a fragment of the muzzle. Premaxillary and part of maxillary in position. No. 4008 Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., Cope, coll.; from Little Wichita river, Archer county, Texas. 48 REVISION OF THE PELYCOSAURIA. Original description: "This saurian is established on the nearly complete pre- maxillary and maxillary bones of the right side with the left maxillary of the same individual. Associated with these are portions of the postfrontal, frontal, and nasal bones of the right side of perhaps the same individual, but, as the pieces are loose, this relation can not be positively aflfimied. Portions of the maxillarj', premaxillary, and other bones, with isolated teeth of numerous other individuals, are in my possession. "The first-named specimens show that the mutual premaxillary and premaxillo- maxillarj' sutures are distinct. There is a deep emargination of the border of the jaw at the latter suture, and the maxillary alveolar border is gently convex downwards. The nostril is large and is directed forwards as well as outwards. The premaxillary spines are narrow. The form of the muzzle and jaws when in normal relation was vertical and compressed in front. The premaxillary border of the jaw is rounded and contracted behind the nostril ; the outline then expands backwards. There are but two incisor teeth, of which the anterior is much larger than the second. Its root is irregular in section, owing to the presence of one or more shallow longitudinal grooves. The pulp cavity of some of the larger teeth is much contracted opposite these grooves by the corresponding internal face, which is disproportionately convex. The anterior two teeth of the maxillary bone are larger than those that follow, the anterior exceeding even the first incisor. The other maxillaries are smaller and sub- equal, excepting the last two, which are the smallest. Tlie crowns of the teeth are lenticular in transverse section, the external side being much more convex than the internal. The cutting edges are defined from the convexity of the latter by a shallow groove at the base of each. The edge is not crenate as in Lt^laps and allied genera, but presents much the same appearance owing to the presence of a transverse corru- gation. There are 14 teeth and empty alveoli in the maxillary bone. Measurements. m. m. Length of premaxillary axially, to middle of Length of diastema (chord) 0.032 maxillary suture 0.040 Depth of maxillary at third tooth no Length of maxillary bone on alveolar edge from maxillary at antepenultimate tooth... .066 middle of premaxillary suture 230 Diameter of base of crown of first incisor tooth.. .015 Greatest width of the premaxillary 036 first maxillary tooth 018 Depth of face of premaxillary bone at nostril... .030 fourth maxillary tooth 009 "The portion of cranium above mentioned displays a number of peculiarities. The orbit is lateral, and has a prominent and convex superciliary border. The zygo- matic arch is so curved upward as to complete the orbit behind by the intervention of a postorbital or postfrontal bone, which separates the malar and squamosal bones from mutual contact. In front of this bone a portion of the frontal forms the super- ciliary border, and in front of this, the prefrontal sends a wide process behind the lachrymal to the orbit. This bone resembles a nasal bone in form, and extends forward, and is decurved at the extremity. The width of the descending or malar process of the postfrontal is such as to partially separate the orbit from the zygomatic fossa. The superciliary surface is swollen, and is interrupted by a transverse groove on the orbital part of the prefrontal. There is a vertical open groove on the malar process of the postfrontal. "Several large pelvic bones, corresponding with those which I have called ischia in Clepsydrops natalis, are of a size appropriate to the present species. They include both the ilia, ischia, aud pubes in one mass, forming a compressed boat-shaped body with a prominent inferior keel. SYSTEMATIC REVISION OP THE SUBORDER. 49 "The proraiueut character which distinguishes this species is the shortness of the ischiatic symph}-sis. Its extent anterior to the acetabulum is only one-half of the diameter of the latter, while it equals that diameter in the C. gigcis. It follows from this, that the crest arising from the anterior border of the acetabulum is abruptly decurved a little anterior to the latter, and descends to the inferior keel at a very steep angle. At its point of decurvature is a prominent tuberosity. The front of the sym- physis pubis presents an obtuse keel, which ternrinates short of the apex. The inferior border of the acetabulum is not sharply deiined, except at its posterior portion." Aleasuremcn/s. m. m. Total length 0.260 Total vertical diameter to superior border of Length from posterior border of acetabulum acetabulum 0.135 forward 148 Length of anterior symphysis 085 Long diameter of acetabulum 095 In 1880 (48) Cope piiblislied a figtire of the vertebral column of Dime- trodon incistvus, No. 4008 Am. Miis. Tlie description given was short and formed part of tlie description of the genus quoted above, see p. 43. Revised description : (i) Spines lateralh' flattened at bottom, changing to rounded ; finally striate. (2) Third to sixth cervicals with axis through neural arch and middle of centrum nearly vertical. (3) Intercentrum small in mid-dorsal and lumbar region, without capitular facets at end. (4) Lumbars with distinct keel. (5) Size medium. From 1.6 to 2 meters. The pelvis mentioned (No. 4165 Am. Mus.) as suitable in size to the type skull is only one side and lacks the iliac crest. The peculiar short- ness described is due to the fact that the distal portion of the ischium is also broken away. An evidence of the haste in which the description was written is seen in the fact that "anterior" is used instead of "posterior" in the description of this ischium. Dlmetrodon rectlformis Cope. Am. Nat., vol. xii, 1878, p. 327. Proc. Am. Phil. Soc, vol. xvii, 1878, p. 514. Type: Several separate vertebrse. No. 1546 Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., Cope, coll.; from Texas. Original description : " Its size exceeds considerably that of the Oepsy drops natalis equaling that of the C. ( ? Embolophoriis) limbatns Cope. * * * " In Dimetrodon rectiformis, the depth of the centra does not exceed the length. The margins of the articular faces are not twisted, and the articular faces of the zyga- pophyses are horizontal. The opposite is the case in the C. limbatus. The spaces for the intercentra are small ; they are large in C. limbatns. The vertebra described as typical is a posterior dorsal. Here the diapophysis is nearly sessile, and below the line connecting the zygapophyses. Its costal articular surface is narrowed downwards and forwards, almost reaching the recun^ed border of the anterior face. The neural spine is nmch elevated, and the sides of the centrum are concave. The inferior articular borders are connected by an acute nearly horizontal edged keel." 50 REVISION OF THE PELYCOSAURIA. Measurements, m. m. {Antero-posterior 0.031 Expanse of posterior zygapophyses 0.030 Transverse 034 Length of base of neural spine 025 Vertical 026 This is a synonym of Dinietrodoti incisivus. Dimetrodon semiradicatus Cope. Cope, Bull. U. S. Geol. and Geog. Survey Terr., vol. vi. Article 11, t88i, p. 80. Type : An imperfect skull with the bones beautifully preserved and naturally cleaned. Anterior end of skull and right niaxillar>-, orbital region, fragment of pelvis, femur, and fragments. No. 4001 Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., Cope, coll. ; Big Wichita river, Texas. Original description : "A considerable part of the skull and some limb bones represent this species. There are no vertebra: referable to the specimen, but the two maxillary and premaxillary bones support nearly all the teeth in an excellent state of preser\'ation. Continuity of the dental series is preserved by one maxillary bone or the other, excepting just at the extremity, where there is a slight interruption on both sides. On one of them it must be very slight. " There are three teeth in each premaxillary bone. In the maxillary I count seventeen, with the bare possibility of the necessity of adding one more. The first premaxillar\' and third maxillary teeth are of nearly equal size and are much larger than the others, the second premaxillary only approaching them. The section of the base of the first premaxillary is subtrifoliate, there being one groove on the inner, and two on the external face. The section of the middle of the crown is more than a semicircle, with the base convex. The two angles are the sections of two ridges, which are both presented posteriorly, the one on the inner, the other on the external face of the crown. The crown of the second premaxillary has the same form, but the base has only slight traces of the grooves. The third premaxillary is a diminutive of the second. " The crowns of the maxillarj' teeth differ from those of the premaxillaries in the opposition of the cutting edges, which present anteriorly and posteriorly. The exter- nal face is more convex than the internal. The crown of the large third tooth is not expanded above the root but its antero-posterior diameter contracts regularly to the apex. The crowns of the other teeth are wider at the base antero-posteriorly than the root. They are slightly curved backwards, and their edges are more or less regularly crenate. " Several peculiarities distinguish this species from the D. incisivus, with which it agrees in size. In the first place, the section of the root, at and below the base of the crown of the third or large maxillary tooth and of the seventh tooth posterior to it, is of the form of a figure co directed antero-posteriorly. This is due to the deep grooving of the tooth on the opposite sides at this point ; the grooves not extending on the crown. The grooves are deeper on the smaller teeth, giving it an almost biradiculate character. In D. incisivus the sections of these teeth are subquadrate. " In the second place, the section of the base of the first incisor differs from that of D. incisivus, where it is subquadrate with two opposite shallow grooves. Next, the nostril excavates the border of the maxillary bone; in D. incisivus, the nostril is separated from that bone by the intervention of the nasal. In that species there are but two premaxillary teeth; in D. semiradicatus there are three. ' * * * SYSTEMATIC REVISION OF THE SUBORDER. 5 1 Aleasurcmenis. f-. m. Length of the dental series 0.252 Diameters of third maxillary at alveolar border: premaxillary series (and bone) 049 Antero-posterior 0.020 diastema 024 Transverse 005 first premaxillary tooth from alveo- Diameters of third maxillary at base of crown: lar border 057 Antero-posterior 018 Diameters of first premaxillary tooth at alveolar Transverse 015 border: Length of seventh maxillary from alveolus 026 Antero-posterior 022 Diameters of crown at base of cutting edge: Transverse .015 Antero-posterior 012 Length of third maxillary from alveolar border .067 Transverse 009 " The approximation to a two-rooted condition in some of the teeth is a marked peculiarity of this species. The median groove is most extensive on the smaller max- illarj' tooth, extending into the base of the crown." The figure co -shaped roots of the teeth described as characteristic of the species occur in only two of the nearly complete series of teeth. An exam- ination of the broken surface of the root of the large canine with a hand lens shows that the walls have been broken and crushed in to take the figure co - shape. In the natural condition the root liad only a slight depression on either side, giving it a semiquadrangular outline. The described excavation of the nasal bones by the nostril is an error, the part considered by Cope as the end of the nasal in Dimetrodon incisivus being the septo-maxillarj'. This has fallen out in Dimetrodon seniir'adicatns. The shape of the root of the incisor teeth in the premaxillary would be different if taken at any other place ; the base of the root is semiquadran- gular as in Dimetrodon incisivus. This is a synonym of Dimetrodon incisivus. Dimetrodon dollovianus Cope. Embolophorus dollovianus Cope. Cope, Proc. Am. Phil. Soc, vol. xii, 1884, p. 43, plate i, figs. 4, 4a, and 4b. Cope, Proc. Am. Assn. Adv. Sc. Phila., 18S4, p. 471. (Same plate as preceding.) Case, Jnl. Geol., vol. xvi, 1903, p. i. 32 figs. Type : A collection of fragments of a skeleton including parts of the skull, the neural arch of the atlas, third and fourth cervicals, fragments of dorsals, an imperfect sacrum, and astragalus. The third cervical with its attached intercentrum was described as having the typical characters. No. 4064 Am. Mus. Nat. Hist, Cope, coll.; from the Indian Territory. Homeotype : A skull, nearly complete vertebral column, shoulder girdle, pelvis, and fragments of limb bones. No. 1 14 University of Chicago. From Coffee creek, a tributary of the Big Wichita river in Vernon county, Texas. Original description : In 1884 Cope read two papers (60, 66) in which an identical plate bore a figure labeled, a dorsal of a species of Embolophorus. In one of these papers (60) appears the following description of this vertebra : "The articulation of the ribs in Embolophorus. — The ribs of the Theromorpha are two-headed. While the tubercular articulation has the usual position at the ex- tremity of the diapophysis, the capitular is not distinctly, or is but partially indicated, on the auterior edge of the centrum, in Clepsydrops and Dimetrodon. ln_Eiubolopho7-us, 52 REVISION OF THE PELYCOSAURIA. as I showed in 1S69 [misprint for 1878], the capitular articulation is distinctly to the intercentrum. A second and larger species of that genus, recently come to hand, displays this character to a striking degree, since the intercentrum possesses on each side a short process with a concave articular facet for the head of the ribs. From the slight corresponding contact with the intercentrum seen in the Dimetrodon and other genera, there can be little doubt that this is the true homology of the ribs in the order Theromorpha. ' ' In 1888 (70) the specific name dolloviaims was applied to this species, biit without further description. Revised description : (i) Spines square at base, rounded above, smooth. (2) Third to sixth cervicals with axis through neural arch and middle of cen- trum inclined strongly forward. (3) Intercentrum of mid-dorsal and lumbar regions small and without tenni- nal facets for capitulum of rib. (4) Lumbars with sharp, low keel on mid line of centrum below, divided b}' longitudinal groove. (5) Size, that of/?, incisiviis^ 2 to 2.6 meters long. The original description of the species was based on the observation that the intercentrnm was large vnih. capitular faces and extended beyond the edges of the centrum. Cope had not recognized this in the cervical regions of his nncleaned specimens of D. incisiviis and others. As soon as this character was made out it became evident that the animal belonged to the genus Difucfrodon. The character of the anterior cervicals, however, demanded that it be retained in a separate species. Other characters are indicated in the morphological description below. Dimetrodon macrospondylus Cope. Clefsydrops macrospondylus Cope. Proc. Am. Phil. Soc, vol. xxii, 1884, p. 35. Also Pal. Bull. 39. Type: Twelve presacrals in series, three sacrals, and nine caudals. No. 4012 Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., Cope, coll. ; from Little Mountain, near Dundee, Archer county, Texas. Original description : " The individual by which the species is known, is repre- sented by an axis vertebra, twelve continiious dorsal vertebrae ; nine other continuous vertebrae, of which three are lumbar, two sacral, and four caudal ; also by a part of the ilium, and by the greater part of the dentarj^ bone. All of these specimens were found together, and possess an identical mineral appearance. "That this reptile belongs to a distinct species from the C. leptocephalits is readily determined by the form of the dorsal vertebrae. The centra are a little longer than those of that species, but have a smaller vertical diameter. The latter is three-fifths of the former, while in the C. leptocephahis the two dimensions are reversed, the depth being a little in excess in corresponding parts of the column. The dentary bone, on the contrary, is more robust than that of the C. leptocepJialus, and supports, probabl}-, a small number of teeth. SYSTEMATIC REVISION OF THE SUBORDER. 53 "The edges of the centra are not undulate or laterally flared. The centra are strongly compressed, and in the anterior part of the column have an obtuse hypapo- physial keel. The intercentra display equal width of the inferior surface ; and are abruptly rounded at the extremities. The last one preserved is between the second and third caudal centra. It is shorter and wider than the others, and does not display any trace of a chevron bone. The diapophyses are opposite the neural canal on the thirteen anterior vertebrae preserved. Each one sends a horizontal rib forwards to the prezygapophysis, and another obliquely forwards and downwards which stops short of the edge of the centrum. These ribs enclose a fossa in front of the diapo- physis. Posteriorly the antero-inferior rib grows more robust, and evidently supports part of the tuberculum of the rib. There is no facet for the capitulum till the ante- penultimate vertebra of the anterior series is reached. Here on the penultimate the anterior border is flattened into a facet, and on the last of the series, the facet marks the summit of a distinct tuberosity, which is produced by the cutting away of the border below it, to accommodate the intercentrum. "The three lumbar vertebrae preserved are different from the dorsals in their greater abbreviation. This character is not unknown in other species of Pelycosaiiria. The centrum is contracted, but not compressed, at the middle. The diapophysis is altogether on the centrum, and supports no rib-facet. Its antero-inferior buttress is well developed, extending to the margin of the centrum, which is cut out below it for the intercentrum. The sacrum is rather robust. Its two vertebra; are not coossified, and support well-developed neural spines, and a large free diapophysis for the ilium. The centra of the caudals, and their diapophj-ses and neural spines are well developed. There is a fossa at the base of the spine on each side, in line with the zygapophysial surfaces, equidistant between them. "The fragment of the ilium is of appropriate size, and is quite robust. It displays the fossa for the sacral diapophysis, and the acetabulum. The latter is remarkable for the prominence of the tuberosity on the superior border, which exceeds that of any spe- cies of Pelycosaiiria known to me. The section of the ilium through it is triangular. " The dentary bone is accompanied by the splenial to the middle of the symphysis. The latter is not very long. Its dentary portion turns upward. The ramus is quite robust, differing from that of C. leptocephalus. It is broken off" a little anterior to the tooth line, but the latter probably did not contain more than twenty-two teeth. These have anterior and posterior cutting edges and are denticulate. The external face of the dentary is excavated by shallow, undulating, branching grooves." Measuremetits. m. m. Total length of vertebras preseri'ed 0.640 Diameters of a lumbar centrum, cont'd: Diameters, centrum of a dorsal vertebra: Transverse at end 0.026 Antero-posterior 031 middle Vertical behind diapophysis 019 Vertical behind arch Transverse at end 021 at end middle 0115 Length of sacrum Diameters neural arch of same vertebra: Diameters of third caudal vertebra: Length with zygapophyses 041 Antero-posterior Width at prezygapophyses 022 Vertical at end Diameters neural spine of the same vertebra: Transverse at end Antero-posterior 0145 Antero-posterior diameter of acetabulum Transverse behind 007 Transverse diameter of ilium at tuberosity Diameters of intercentrum of do.: Length of dentary bone supporting twenty Antero-posterior 0052 teeth Transverse 023 Thickness at twentieth tooth Diameters of a lumbar centrum: Depth ramus at second tooth Antero-posterior 024 fifteenth tooth 023 022 029 055 024 023 022 0325 0265 044 0175 035 039 54 REVISION OF THE PELYCOSAURIA. Revised description: (i) Spines rectangular, oblong below, changing to rounded above, not striate, smooth. (2) Third to sixth cervical with axis through neural arch and middle of cen- trum vertical. (3) Intercentrum in mid-dorsal region larger and with ends enlarged forming a capitular facet. (4) Mid line of lower surface of lumbars with sharp, low keel. (5) Size smaller. 1.2 to 1.6 meters. Dimetrodon platycentrus sp. nov. Type : A portion of the vertebral column, including part of axis and third cer- vical, four posterior dorsals and two lumbars with fragments of long spines, and fragments of amphibian bones. No. 4065 Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., Cope, coll. ; from Deep river, Indian Territory. Description : (i) Spines similar to those of D. macrospondylus. (2) Cervicals with axis through neural arch and middle centrum vertical. (3) Intercentrum as in C. macrospondylus. (4) Mid line of bottom of lumbar centra not keeled, but broad, flattened, and rather rugose. (5) Size almost that of C. macrospondylus. This specimen is very close to C. macrospondylus in size and general form, but the character of the bottom of the posterior dorsals and lumbars is unmistakably different. Dimetrodon obtusidens Cope. Theropleura obtusidens Cope. Proc. Am. Phil. Soc, vol. xix, 1880, p. 41. Type: A mixed lot of bones containing many fragments. Several animals are distinguishable from Pelycosaurian, Cotylosaurian, and Amphibian remains. The parts described by Cope as typical are a mass of bones showing fragments of the two lower jaws on one side and the badly crushed posterior portion of the skull on the other, several vertebrse, two humeri, a femur, an imperfect scapula, and fragments of spines. A third humerus in the lot is that of a Cotylosaurian, and there are numerous indeterminate fragments of Amphibian bones. No. 4007 Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., Cope, coll. ; from Texas. Homeotype : There is no absolute certainty that the vertebrse and limb bones of No. 4007 American Museum go together and with the fragments of the jaw, but Cope considered and described them as so belonging and it seems probable that he was correct. A second specimen. No. 4062 American Museum, labeled Theropleura by Cope, and containing the basicranium and nearly complete vertebral column, has vertebrse identical with No. 4007 American Museum. It is evident that Cope con- sidered the two as the same, so the more perfect specimen is selected to complete the description. No. 4062 Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., Cope, coll. ; from the mouth of Beaver creek, a tributary of the Big Wichita river, Texas. Original description of the type : "This species is represented by nearly all parts of the skeleton, including jaws of both sides with teeth, numerous vertebrse, and SYSTEMATIC REVISION OF THE SUBORDER. 55 bones of the limbs. Many of these pieces are preser\'ed in continuous masses, thus greatly aiding in the identification of parts. "Although the species is not larger than the Theropleiira retroversa^ the neural arches are coossified with the centrum. "The jaws are long and rather slender, and there is no such inequality in the sizes of the maxillary teeth as in the genera Dimefrodon and Clepsydrops ; the canine being scarcely larger than the others. The crowns are elliptical in section at the base, with straight sides ; the sections of the crowns are lenticular, and the apices are not very acute. The superficial coating is striate with fifteen or sixteen rather obtuse ridges. The cutting edges are not very acute, nor are they denticulate. The number of teeth in the dentarj' bone can not be precisely stated, but it is aboiit twenty-one. " The mandibular articular face consists of two open parallel grooves, one shorter than the other, extending obliquely to the long axis of the jaw. The palatal dentig- erous bone is quite different from that of Dinietrodon. Its inferior face, instead of being narrow, is rhombic. The ascending process arises from one of the terminal angles of the rhomb, and the horizontal process continues from the opposite angle in line with the inferior surface. The borders of the rhomb next to the ascending pro- cess are dentigerous ; the one bears a single series of four large teeth ; and the adja- cent angle and side bear numerous small teeth. " The vertebrae have the elongated neural spines of the allied genera, and they are simple. The centra have curved articular margins indicating the presence of inter- centra, which are, however, not preserved. Traces of sutural articulation with the neural arch remain. Many of the centra are much compressed and have a narrow, sharp, median keel. In a few vertebrse, apparently from the posterior part of the col- umn, an angular ridge extends posteriorly from the base of the diapophysis ; this is apparent also on a caudal centrum. This point is characteristic of the T. relroversa, but I do not find the large capitular facet of that species in the T. obtusidens. The lateral ridges of the T. triangulcita are situated low dow-n on the centra. The diapo- physes supporting the tubercular articulation are frequently elongate. "The scapular and pelvic bones are of the usual type. The humeri belong to fonn second of my Pal. Bull. No. 29. They have rather slender shafts, and much expanded extremities. The proximal articular surface is well defined. The supracondylar foramen and other points are as in the Pelycosaiiria generally. There were probably distal condyles, but this is not absolutely certain." Measiiremeyits, m. m. Length of mandibular series of teeth (nearly Length of another centrum on the same block -0.020 complete) on block o. 1 10 Diameters of humerus (separate) : crown of mandibular tooth ooS Of head : Antero-posterior diameter of mandibular tooth-- .004 Larger 065 Diameters of the articular extremities of a ver- Smaller 013 tebra on the same block : Of shaft 017 Vertical 021 Transverse 020 For description of the homeotype see the morphological description. The spines and the character of the skull show that this animal was far more advanced in development than the Poliosauridcv and was a true member of the Clepsydropida;. 56 REVISION OF THE PELYCOSAURIA. Revised description : (i) Spines as in D. macrospoiidyliis^ but with very prominent and slender fore and aft ridges at the base. (2) Third to sixth cervicals with axis through neural arch and middle of cen- trum vertical. (3) Intercentrum of mid-dorsal and lumbar regions small and without promi- nent terminal facets. (4) Lumbars with keel on mid-line of centrum below. (5) Size, small, i to 1.3 meters. Dimetrodon navajovicus sp. nov. Type : A well-preserved humerus in a large number of bones belonging to differ- ent individuals under the general No. 2298 Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., Cope, coll., from which are selected certain humeri, femora, and vertebrse for description. From El Cabre, New Mexico. Description : (i) Spines unknown. (2) Cervicals unknown. (3) Intercentrum unknown. (4) Character not shown. (5) Size, small, i to 1.3 meters. (6) Humerus with entepicond)-le proportionately vev}- much longer than /«= \ ^ ^^^^ \^ I in any other species of the genus. The radial crest is separated from the proxi- mal end by a considerable space. Fig. 15. — Outline of the lower jaw of D. longiramus. No. 4091 Am. Mus. X Vi. Fig. 16. — Outline of the scapula of the same. .<<'/, scapula, to, coracoid. /c, procoracoid. X Jj. There is in the Cope collectiou a considerable quantity of material from New Mexico, El Cabre and AiToyo de Agua, names that do not appear on the maps. Among these, two Pelycosaurians are distingnishable, D. nava- jovicus and Elcabrosatirus baldwini. Tlie specimens consist of fragments only, and each, lot generally con- tains the remains of several individuals. They were preserved by Cope in small boxes and on the cover of one. No. 2299 Ameiican Museum, contain- ing a characteristic humerus is written the name "navajovicus." I shall adopt this name for the species, but another lot. No. 2298 American Mus- eum, seemingly one individiral, and containing fragments from other parts of the skeleton and in better state of preservation, is described as the type. SYSTEMATIC REVISION OF THE SUBORDER. 57 Dimetrodon longiramus sp. nov. (Text figures 15 and 16.) Cope. Name not published, but label found with a specimen. Type: A lower jaw and scapulae with a few vertebrcC. No. 4091 Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., Cope, coll.; from Texas. Homeotype: No. 4136 Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., Cope, coll. A fragmeutaiy jaw, from Texas. Tlie name " longiramus" was found written by Cope on a label with the fragmentary jaw, No. 4136. A closely similar jaw occurs witb a scapula and a few vertebras labeled D. rectiformis. A lumbar vertebra, though evi- dently belonging to Dimetrodon^ does not have the characters of the speci- men regarded by Cope as D. rectiformis. Description : The lower jaw is very long and slender and the posterior end resem- bles that of D. incisiznis in form, but the upper and lower edges are not expanded as in that species, so the jaw is not so high behind. The scapula is ver}- short and wide compared with that of D. incisivus and the articular face for the humerus \-ery small. FOREIGN FORM. Ctenosaurus Koeneni v. Huene. Geol. und Paleontolog. Abhdlg. Koken. N. F., Bd. vi, Heft I, 1902, s. 38. Type : A series of vertebrse with high spines gradually widening distally; preser\'ed in a slab of stone. From the upper part of the Buntersandstein, east of Rheinhauseu near Gottingen. Preser\'ed in the museum of the University of Gottingen. Original description (adapted from a translation) : "The specimens consist of several slabs carr>'ing a poorly preserved series of vertebrae which have been greatly compressed. One of these vertebrae with the elongate spine attached measures 600 mm. in length. The spines are so much compressed that the bases are flat, though this may not have been the original condi- tion ; the upper part of the spine is naturally flat and the whole is bent and inclined to the rear. The verte- brae are almost twice as long as high. The spine is located over the middle of the neural arch, but the pos- terior zygapophyses reach far back. v. Huene concludes that the animal is a last survival of the family Clepsydropidcv which has persisted into the Trias. "Derartige Wirbel weiss ich mit nichts besser zu vergleichen als mit den per- mischen Clepsydropiden aus Texas und Bohmen. Der Umriss des Wirbelkorpers erinnert am meisten an Naosauriis und Dimetrodon, der Bau des oberen Bogens an diese und EmhoIopJwrits. Von diesen drien aber hat Dimetrodon die grosste Aehn- lichkeit. Ob die Wirbelkorper ampicol sind wie bei den Clepsydropiden ist unmog- licli zu erkennen. Audi die abnorm ausbilduug des Dornfortsatz ist bei Clepsydrop- iden am ehesten zu erwarteu, ich brauche nur an Naosaurus und Dimetrodon zu erinnern. Bei alledem halte ich es fiir mehr als wahrscheinlich, Clepsydropideii dass Fig. \ 7. — Sketch of a slab showing ver- tebrae of Ctenosaurus koeneni, from the Middle Bunter near Gottingen. X / s about. After v. Huene. 58 REVISION OF THE PELYCOSAURIA. Ctenosaurus ein letzter Nachziigler der bisher nur aus dem Perm bekaniiten Familie der Clepsydropiden ist. Ein solches Vorkommen ist zur Vervollstandigung der triassi- schen Landfauna hochst interessant." The position of the form is uncertain, occurring as it does, widely removed, both geologically and geographically from other members of the group. The evidence is very meager upon which to assert the persistence of the suborder into a higher formation. It is probably a persistent member of the Pelycosauria^ but may be a case of parallelism in some other group. Subfamily NAOSAURINAE nov. (i) Vertebral spines with lateral processes. (2) Bottom line of anterior dorsal and posterior lumbars not greatly shortened. (3) Cervicals smaller than anterior dorsals. (4) Crest of ilium vertical and widely flared. (5) Dorsal ribs with tuberculum reduced to a tuberosity on edge of rib. Genus NAOSAURUS Cope. Am. Nat., vol. xx, 1886, p. 544. Am. Nat., vol. xii, 1878, p. 319. Proc. Am. Phil. Soc, vol. xiv, 1878, p. 44. Type: Naosaurus cruciger. A mixed lot of bones containing several imperfect centra and several incomplete spines held in their natural position by the matrix. No. 4003 Am. Mus. Nat. Hist, Cope, coll.; valley of the Little Wichita river, Texas. Original description : The specimen was originally described as a species of Dimetrodon in 1878 and 1880, see N. claviger. The original description of the genus separating it from Dhnefrodon was as follows: "Spines not quite so elevated as in the Dimetrodon incisivus ; but are more robust, and have transverse processes or branches which resemble the yard-anns of a ship's mast." Cope later described the skull of N. claviger as characteristic of the genus Naosmiriis. He regarded it as at least veiy similar to that of Dime- trodon^ for he remarks, '''' Naosaiints differs from Dimetrodon only in the presence of transverse processes on the neural spines." The description of the skull is given in the description of N. claviger below, but it is a very curious fact that neither by I'elation of bones nor by any record of number or label is there any considerable fragment of a skull unmistak- abl}' connected with spines of Naosaurus^ either in the New York or the Chicago collections. Two skulls are labeled by Cope as N. claviger and N. cruciger^ but there is to-day no record of how he determined this rela- tion. The skulls are so exactly like those of Dimetrodon and the vertebral column varies so markedlj^ from that of Dimetrodon that the assignment of these skulls to the genus seems at least worthy of resented judgment. Should the skull of Naosaurus be shown to differ from that oi Dimetrodon, the genus should be placed in a distinct family ; if the skulls are the same the differences are hardly greater than those of very distinct genera.* *Discoveries made during the summer of 1906, since this was written, seem to indicate that the skull of Dimetrodon was totally different from that of Naosaurus. See the morphological description of A^aosaurus. SYSTEMATIC REVISION OF THE SUBORDER. 59 Revised description : (i) Large diastemal notch with few degenerate teeth or none. (?) (2) Maxillar}' canine and incisor teeth greatly enlarged. (?) (3) Teeth with crenate cutting edges. (?) (4) Neural arch early coossified with centrum. (5) Change in length of bottom line of vertebrae not marked. (6) Anterior dorsals without keel or wide intercentral face. A process on lateral edge of centrum marking position of capitulum of rib. (7) Spines sharply recurved in posterior lumbar region so that the last long spine overhangs the abruptly shortened spines of the sacrals and caudals. (9) Limb bones with well-marked articular faces. (10) Humerus with well-developed entepicondyle and ectepicondylar process. (11) Abdominal scutes present. (12) Tail relatively short. (13) Size, varying in different species. From 2 to 2.6 meters long. Naosaurus clavlger Cope. Am. Nat., vol. xx, 1886, p. 544. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc, vol. xvi, 1888, pp. 287 and 293, plates 2 and 3. Type: The type is doubtful as shown below. The original description was made from a skull and vertebrae which are not connected to-day by reference or number. I shall accept the series of vertebrae as the type specimen, as it is undoubt- edly the series described by Cope, and the skull is now connected with it only by inference. 1. A series of twenty-six vertebrae comprising a nearly complete vertebral column to the first caudal, but not preserved in natural order and the spines imper- fect; the pelvis and several ribs. No. 4002 Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., Cope, coll.; from Coffee creek, a tributary- of the Big Wichita river, in Vernon count}', Texas. 2. The left half of a skull lacking the anterior end of the muzzle. (This skull very possibly belongs with No. 4002.) No. 4036 Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., Cope, coll.; from Texas. Original description : This was furnished b)- a comparative table. See the description of Naosaurus cruciger. In 1888 Cope repeated this description of the genus in an account of A^. claviger. He altered his analysis of the species of the genus somewhat, as follows: I. Neural spines distally cylindric : Distal transverse processes represented by tuberosities A', cruciger. II. Neural spines distally dilated and compressed : Palatine teeth small, widely spaced N. clarnger. Palatine teeth large, closely packed N. tnicrodus. Revised description: See Naosaurus cruciger below. As shown in the morphological description, the clavate distal end of the spines is not a specific character, but a character of the cervical vertebrae in all species. 6o REVISION OF THE PELYCOSAURIA. Naosaurus cruciger Cope. Dinu(rodon crttcigcy. Am. Nat., vol. xii, 1S78, p. 829. Dimetrodon cruciger. Proc. Am. Phil. Soc, vol. xix, 1880, p. 44. Also Pal. Bull. 32. Naosaurus cruciger. Am. Nat., vol. xx, 1886, p. 544. Type: A mixed lot of bones containing several imperfect centra and several incomplete spines preserved in natural position by the matrix. No. 4003 Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., Cope, coll.; from the valley of the Little Wichita river, Texas. The species was first regarded as a member of the genus Dimetrodon. Original description : "In this species the spine sends off, a short distance above the neural canal, a pair of opposite short branches, forming a cross. At various more elevated positions there are given off tuberosities which alternate with each other. They form on several consecutive spines oblique rows. The spines are broadly oval in section, the long axis antero-posterior, and have a shallow groove on both the anterior and posterior aspects. The centra are elongate as compared with their other diameters, and are more compressed between the articular extremities, leaving a strong inferior obtuse rib. Articular faces of zygapophyses oblique. Diapophyses short and robust, with large costal faces, and standing below the prezygapophyses." Mcasurcmoils. 7)1. m. (Antero-posterior 0.043 Expanse of cruciform process 0.048 Vertical at end 02S I Transverse at end 030 T^. . ■: ■ i. u f Antero-posterior. .030 Diameters of spine at base < ^ "^ (.Transverse 020 Elevation of posterior zygapophyses above cen- Diameters of spine at .090 m. / Antero-posterior. .016 trum 025 ■{^ above base I Transverse 016 Elevationof cruciform process above centrum... .058 Length of several pieces of neural spines 140 Expanse of posterior zygapophyses 034 The description printed in 1880 is identical with the above. In 1886 in a comparative table Cope established the name Naosaurus. A full-sized individual is said to have the lowest yard-arm 260 mm. wide and the whole spine a height of 500 mm., while the length of the vertebral centrum is 60 mm. Naosaurus differs from Dimetrodon in the transverse processes of the neural spines of the vertebrae. There are three species which differ as follows : Spines of vertebra2 cylindrical distally ; transverse processes replaced above by tuberosities... N. cruciger. Spines of vertebrae expanded and compressed above. Palatine teeth large, forming a pave- ment N. microdus (Edaf/iosaurus microdus Cope). Palatine teeth much smaller and more widely placed N. claviger. Revised description : The three species of A''(70jrrt//;v/-v are readily distinguished by the character of the spines. 1. Spines with cross pieces above the first pair reduced to tuberosities N. cruciger. 2. Spines heavy and clumsy, with cross pieces commonly double and relatively long even to the apex of the spine N. claviger. 3. Spines slender and elegant, cross pieces relatively long even to apex of spine -\'. microdus. SYSTEMATIC REVISION OF THE SUBORDER. 6l Naosaurus microdus Cope. Edap/iosaurus microdus. Proc. Am. Phil. Soc, vol. xxii, 1884, p. 37. Naosaurus microdus. Am. Nat., vol. xx, 1886, p. 544. Naosaurus microdus. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc, vol. xvi, pp. 287 and 294. Type: A number of fragmentary spines, a few vertebrse and two fragments of the dentigerous plates of the pterj-goids. No. 4014 Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., Cope, coll. Homeotype : A nearly perfect vertebral column from the third cervical to the second or third caudal. The vertebrse were numbered as collected and are partly in natural contact, so that their position is pretty certain, the spines are well preserved and some ribs are present. No. 4060 Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., Cope, coll. ; from Beaver creek. Big Wichita river, Texas. Collected by Jacob Boll in 1880. lu tlie first description tlie animal was compared with Edaphosaiinis pogonias. Original description : " The grinding teeth of this species are about as numerous as in the Edaphosaitrns pogonias., there being about seven in a transverse row on each plate. They are, however, less closely placed than in the typical species and have more conic crowns. They do not form a pavement, as they are separated by wider interspaces. "The centra are rather elongate and the foramen chordcc dorsalis is rather large. No intercentra are preserved, and if present they must have been very small, as the inferior rim of the centrum is not beveled to receive one. The neural spines have transverse processes which begin near the base, and project at intervals from the sides- The inferior ones are oval or subround in section ; those which succeed are more or less compressed. Their extremities are enlarged fore and aft so as to be claviform in outline, but are compressed except where they are thickened b}- lateral tuberosities. These are rarely symmetrical, one being larger and situated high up, sometimes giv- ing the apex an unsymmetrically bilobate fonn. Sometimes the}- project at right angles to the terminal expansion. The shaft of the spine has a rather small medullary cavity, and this issues by an open mouth at the apex without constriction. This peculiar arrangement suggests a cartilaginous continuation of the spine which retains the nutri- tive arterj' of the medullary cavity. The anterior face of the shaft is grooved from the base for some distance upwards; the posterior face is plane and then rounded above." Measureyncnls. Diameters of inferior dental patch : m. Diameters of median dorsal : m. Antero-post erior 0.043 Vertical : Transverse 024 At end 0.032 Diameters of a posterior dorsal centrum : Behind arch .025 Antero-posterior 0335 Antero-posterior .0465 Vertical at end 027 Transverse: Transverse at end 026 At end, at flare 037 middle 015 At middle 016 Measurements of piece of spine of same : Diameters of summit of spine : Length 132 Antero-posterior 032 Diameters at base: Transverse 032 Antero-posterior 023 Transverse 019 In 1 886 the specimen was placed in tlie genus Naosaurus. See table in description of A^. cruciger. In iSSS Cope published figures of the dental plate of this species. 62 REVISION OF THE PELYCOSAURIA. Revised description : See revised description of JV. cruciger. N. microdus was first described by comparison witli Edaphosaiirus^ and when the true position was recognized by Cope he attempted to retain the character of the dentigerous pterygoid plate to distinguish it from N. clavi- ger. The parts of the dentigerous plates of the two specimens were fragmentary and are of little comparative value, as the teeth vary on the pterygoid and palatine both in size and aiTangement. A comparison with the preserved vertebras of the type, however, has made it evident that the beautiful vertebral column of No. 4060 is the same species and permits a more perfect description of the species. FOREIGN FORM. Naosaurus mirabilis Fritsch. Fauna der Gaskohle, etc., vol. i, 1883, p. 29; vol. in, 1885, p. 121, fig. 309; vol. iv, p. 86, fig. 386. Type: Vertebrse with imperfect spines. From Kuonova, Bohemia (pi. 28, fig. 2). The specimen was first described as the anterior portion of the pectoral fin of a fish. In the third volume, a figure of a vertebra was given and its true position determined. In the fourth volt:me it is again figured and described. Original description: "* * * denn obzwar wit es niir mit einem fragment zu thun haben, so hat der Domfortsatz doch mehr als die Zehufachs Hohe des Wirbel- korpers. Der biconcave Wirbelkorper ist verdriicht und durch Druck und Bruck mn 45 Grad aus der Achse gedreht, wodurch sein Erkennen selir Erschwert wurde. Seine lange betragt etwa 7 mm, der hohe 6 mm. Der Erhaltene Theil der neurapophyse ist 7 mm lang und da dies beim Vergleiche mit dem Amerikanischen exemplaren etwa ^ der Gesammtlange darstellt, so durft dieselbe 10 cm betragen haben. " Die breite des Stammes betragt am Grunde 6 mm, am oberen Ende 4 mm. "Von den unregelmassig entwickelten Seitendornen sind 5 Baar vorhanden iind ihre L,ange varirt von 2-4 mm. Sie sind kurz koniscb, mit stumpfen Spitzen. " An abgebrochenen Stellen sieht man dass der Dornfortsatz innerlich hohl war denn er zeigt nur schwache Wande und der Innen raum ist mit eiuer weisen Masse erfiillt. "An der obern Halfte des Stammes verlauft eine erliabene Leiste, die etwa 1^ der breite desselben einnimmt, aber es ist schwer zu entscheiden, ob dies die vordere oder hintere flache des Fortzatze war." In 1895 Fritsch figured a vertebra and an incomplete spine of the same species (plate 28, fig. 2). The only description accompanying the figure is a statement of the length of the spine : "Dieselben besitzen eine 13 fach lange des Wirbelkorpers und erreichen eine lyange eines halben Meters." The species is very close to if not identical with N. cruciger. SYSTEMATIC REVISION OF THE SUBORDER. 63 INCERTAE SEDIS. Bathygnathus borealis Leidy. Jnl. Acad. Nat. Sc. Phila., (z) vol. 11, 1854, p. 327, plate 33. Am. Jnl. Sc, (2) vol. xiv, 1855, p. 444. Type : The left maxillary, incomplete above, but witli the alveolar edge preserved from the maxillar}'-premaxillar>' suture to near the posterior end ; several teeth pre- served entire. From the vicinity of New London, Prince Edward Island, Canada. Preserved in the museum of the Philadelphia Academy of Science. Leidy considered that the bone was the lower jaw instead of the upper; this accounts for the name and for the terminology of his description. Original description: " The specimen consists of the right dental bone consider- ably broken, attached by its inner surface to a mass of matrix of red granular sand- stone, with large, soft, angular, red chalk-like stones imbedded in it. The fossil has seven large teeth protruding beyond the alveolar edge of the jaw ; and it is hard, brittle, and cream-colored, and stands out in beautiful relief from its dark red matrix. The jaw indicates a lacertian reptile, and in comparison with that of other known extinct and recent genera is remarkable for its great depth in relation to its length. "The depth of the dental bone below the contiguous pair of equal sized teeth * * * is 4 inches, while its length in the perfect condition appears not to have been more than 7^ inches; for in the specimen the middle part of the posterior border is so thin and scale-like, that I am disposed to think it here came in contact with the supra-angular and other neighboring bones. " The outer side of the jaw is vertical and over the course of the alveolar parapet is plane; but below this posteriorly and inferiorly above the base of the bone is depressed into a moderately deep concavity. The upper or alveolar border forms a convex line descending rapidly toward the chin. The base fonns an oblique line and ascends anteriorly to the chin ; and it appears thick and rounded externally ; but on the specimen it presents an abnipt border internally, as if the inner side of the bone had been broken away, or as if the angular bone had articulated with it, much in advance of the usual position in saurians. " The external surface of the dental bone is everywhere marked by fine, reticular, vascular grooves, and in the vicinity of the alveolar border it presents numerous minute vasculo-neural foramina. There is no regular row of foramina visible in the specimen, for the transmission of terminal branches of the inferior dental nerve, such as exists in the Iguanas, Varanus, etc., but near the point of the chin there is a rela- tively very large foramen, partially filled with matrix, which appears to correspond with the internal mental foramen of the Iguana. [This is the nostril.] Just posterior to this foramen there is a deep vascular groove, which in the perfect condition of the specimen may have proceeded from another foramen. "The teeth in their relation to the dental, are placed on the inner side, and rest against the alveolar border, which rises in a parapet external to them. Whether the parapet is supported between the teeth, as in Megalosaurus, I can not certainly ascertain from the inner side of the jaw being so closely adherent to the matrix. The dental bone is to be considered complete in its length in the specimen, is capable of containing a series of 12 teeth posterior to and including that most anteriorly situated in the fossil. 64 REVISION OF THE PELYCOSAURIA. "As the teeth were worn away or broken off they were replaced by others pro- duced at their inner side, as is indicated in the specimen by a young tooth, which is situated internal to and is concealed by the largest mature tooth. The enameled crowns of the fully protruded teeth are exserted at their base for several lines above the alveolar border of the jaw. They are compressed, conical, and recurved, but com- pared with those of Megalosaiirus they are not so broad, compressed, nor recurved, and they are more convex externally and are less so internally. They resembled much more in form those of the recent Monitor or/iatus, but are less convex internally. The transverse section of the crowns of the teeth, except that of the first, is antero- posteriorly elliptical, with the inner side less convex, and the extremities acute and in most instances slightly incurved. " The anterior and posterior acute margins of the crowns are minutely crenulated and the crenulations commence just below the tip and descend as far as the enameled base. In comparison with the teeth of Clepsysaitrus Pemtsylvaniciis^ those of the fossil under examination are broader and more compressed, and except the first one of the series, present an acute, crenulated margin anteriorly and posteriorly, whilst in the fonner animal they are acute and creuulate only posteriorly. * * * " From the extraordinarj' relative depth of the dental bone above described to its length, and from its northern locality I have proposed for the carnivorous lacertian to which it belonged the name Bathygnathits borealis.''^ The true position of this animal was recognized by v. Huene (103) and independently by the author (34). It was either a large Dimetrodon or a Naosaurus^ but it is impossible to say which. The Canadian geologists had long recognized that the greater portion of eastern Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island was Permian and recorded the presence of the Triassic only because of the presence of this animal, which was regarded by Leidy and Cope as a Triassic Dinosaur. The recognition of its true position shows that Triassic deposits do not occur in the region. Tomicosaurus sp. Gen. nov. (Plate 27, figs. 8 and 9.) Generic name on Cope's label. Type : Six imperfect vertebrae and the anterior end of a lower jaw. No. 2212 Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., Cope, coll. ; from Texas. The anterior end of the lower jaw is 35 mm. long and this appears to be about one-half or one-third of the full length. The anterior end is swollen and there are alveoli for three large teeth and one or two smaller ones. Posterior to the incisor teeth are seven smaller teeth in sockets ; they are all recurved at the upper end and are of about equal height. They are not crenate. The jaw is of small vertical height and is rather thin. There is a deep groove on the inner side marking the position of the splenial which is lost. The vertebrae are crushed so that the form of the centra can not be made out. Seen from above they show the peculiar character of v^ry wide expanse of both the anterior and posterior zygapophyses, although the neural arch is not especially wide. The neural spines seem to have been short. The length of nine vertebras is 42 mm. It is impossible to locate this fonn. It may perhaps belong to the Bohsaiiridce, but the general appearance indicates the Cotylosauria less than the Pelycosaiiria. SYSTEMATIC REVISION OF THE SUBORDER. 65 Metamosaurus fossatus Cope (text-figures 18 and 19). Proc. Am. Phil. Soc. vol. xvii, 1878, p. 516. Type: Several vertebrae, one only perfect and showing characters. No. 401 1 Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., Cope, coll.; from Texas. Original description : '■'■Char. Gen. — There are numerous vertebrse in the collec- tion, from the median and anterior dorsal parts of the column, which differ from those of Clcpsydrops and Epicordylits in their small antero-posterior diameter. That these all belong to one species, or even one genus, is not probable, in view of the many differences which they present. I select one of them whose characters are most strongly marked, and designate it as above, without deciding, as yet, how many of the others which agree with it in some respects, may hereafter be associated with it as to species or genus. "The centrum is a good deal shorter than wide, and like those of all the other genera here described, is deeply biconcave. I have not yet ascertained whether it is notochordal, owing to the state of the specimens. The diapophyses project just ,g ,g below the base of the neural arch, and are short and with small tubercular facet. There is no capitular facet. The facet for the intercentrum is excavated at the anterior extremity of the base of the centrum and is quite small. The neural canal is rather large. The anterior zygapophyses have a peculiar form, their articular faces being directed downwards and outwards. This character, together with the form of the centrum and intercentrum, distinguishes this genus at once from those previously described. ,/o.,<„„. ia,e,ai "CZ/rtr. Specif.—'T\^^ posterior articular face is 1 a little deeper than wide, and has rather thick re- "' curved margins. The sides are concave, and the middle line below protuberant (in section), but not keeled. The intercentral fossa is a transversely oval pit well defined all around, and not interrupting the contour of the inferior margins of the articular faces. Measttretnents. Diameters of centrum: m. Diameters of centrum cont'd : m. Antero-posterior 0.021 Vertical in front 0.024 Transverse behind 030 Width of intercentral fossa 010 Vertical behind 030 Expanse of posterior zygapophyses 025 " About the size of the Dimetrodon rediformis.'''' This vertebra is so far from unique in its general form and proportions that it might be a posterior lumbar of two or three separate genera, but the position of the anterior zygapophyses is unlike anything else in the Permian collections. The vertebra is not crushed and the character of the zygapophysial faces seems perfectly natural. There is no appearance of a pathological condition. Embolophorus fritillus Cope (plate 27, fig. 10). Proc. Am. Phil. Soc, vol. xvii, 1878, p. 518. Type : Two minute vertebrse in position aud complete with intercentrum and ribs in position. No. 4010 Am. Mus. Nat. Hist, Cope, coll. ; from Texas. F18 18— Vectebricol ll/e/amost view No 401 I Am M Fig 19 — Anienoi view of ihesa 66 REVISION OF THE PELYCOSAURIA. Origitial description : " Generic character. The neural arch is coossified, and the zygapophyses and diapophyses are well developed ; the latter not elongate, and standing on the base of the neural arch. The centra are notochordal. The inter- centra are narrowed and transversely extended. The ribs are two-headed ; the capit- ulum is received into a fossa of the posterior border of the intercentrum in advance of the vertebra which supports the diapophysis, to which the tuberculum is attached. " Cfiar. spec. — Centra with circular section at all points, and contracted at the middle. No carinae or grooves. The intercentra project beyond the edges of the centra, giving the column the appearance of si:pporting annular ridges. Their lateral angles extend upwards nearly to the base of the neural arch. The diapophyses are short and are directed upwards and forwards ; their extremities are concave. The zygapophyses are large and their articular faces nearly horizontal. The size of this species is small, little exceeding that oi Bolosaurus striahts^ Measurements. m. m. Lengthof centrum with intercentrum attached-o. 0056 Expanse of the diapophyses 0.0080 Length of centrum 0040 heads of rib 0035 ^. ^ , ^ (Vertical 0035 Elevation to summit of neural canal 0045 Diameters of centrum \ .-, ■ ^ , (Horizontal 0035 The original description is correct. About the size of Lysorophus, the vertebrae are entirely different, lacking the deep pit and carinae on the sides ; the articular faces are rounded out convexly, leaving between them, when in position, a considerable space for the large intercentrum. The neural arches are elongate antero-posteriorly and very low ; the spines are broken, but were undoubtedly short. The articulation for the face of the rib on the inter- centrum is peculiar. One side of the end is cut away leaving a step-like facet into which the head of the rib fits. The ribs are double-headed with a strong tuberculum. The position of this form is very uncertain ; it ma}' belong to the genus Bolosaurus., of which the vertebrae are unknown, or it may be entirely new. The two vertebrae described is the only specimen in the two collections. Sphenacodon ferox Marsh. Am. ]nl. Sc, vol. xv, 1878, p. 410. Type : An imperfect lower jaw showing the anterior end. From El Cabre, New Mexico. Preserved in the Museum of Yale University. Original description : " The crowns (of the teeth) are much compressed, and have sharp cutting edges, without crenulations. In the present species the carnivorous teeth are crowded together, and the crowns are placed slightly oblique, and twisted. The jaws were comparatively short and massive. The rami of the lower jaws were apparently united by cartilage only, and the symphysis was short. The vertebrae are deeply biconcave." Measurements of the type of this species are as follows : mm. mm. Lengthof the dentary bone 150 Height above jaw of second lower tooth 15 Space occupied by the teeth 130 Depth of dentary bone at symphysis 26 Extent of four anterior caniniform teeth 25 Height of crown of compressed tooth 8 Extent of twenty compressed teeth 105 Transverse diameter 4 SYSTEMATIC REVISION OF THE SUBORDER. 67 A photograph of this specimen kindly sent me by Dr. Schuchert, the Director of the Yale Musenm, shows that this is a typical Dimetrodon jaw. The species is indeterminate. The other specimens described from the same region by Marsh belong to the Diadectidcs and the Stegocephalia as previously mentioned by Baur and Case. Geosaurus (?) cynodus Gervais. Zoologie et Paleontologie Centrales. Premifere Serie, Paris, 1867- '69, pp. 220-221, figs. 29, 30. Type : The fragment of an upper jaw of the left side. From Moissey in France. Preserved in the Museum of Besaufon. This specimen was first described by Coquant (84) and later redescribed and figured by Gervais. Original description : "La piece est longue de 0.065 m. ; elle se compose d'un fragment considerable du maxillaire gauche, portant une dent caniniforme suivie de huit cuitres dents phis petites et decroissantes dont la premiere est a quelque distance de celle qiu par sa grandeur et sa forme pent etre consid^r^e comnie une canine. Les dents sont comprim^es, subcultri formes, tres-faiblement strides longitudinale- ment, a bords anterieur et posterieur subtranchants, mais non denticul& en scie. Cette de ces dents qui occupe la position ant^rieure est aussi la plus grande et elle est comparable a une canine, distante de la pre- miere de celles qui suivent d'une longueur de 0.0 10. Sa hauteur, audessus du bord du maxillaire, est de 0.020, et sa longueur, a la base, de 0.007. La plus grande des dents qui la suivent n'a que o.oio de ftit. Les Fig. 20.— Fragment of left maxillary of Giosaams dcntS plaCCCS aprCS Cclle-la VOUt en d^Crois- cynodut. After Gervais. X }*. gj^^^. Q^ gg j-gj^j fort bieu coniptc de la disposition des dents placees en arriere de la canine et de leur grandeur d^croissante par I'iuspectiou de la contr^empreinte du meme morceau. "On y voit, en avant de la canine, I'indice de quatre autres dents sub^gals entre elles, dont la quatrieme, en comptant d'avant en arriere, est sensiblement ^cartee de la canine elle-meme, corame Test d'ailleurs la premiere des dents de I'autre serie. Les dents ^taient a pen pres, triangulaires a leur couronne, et leur forme ^tait assez peu diSerente de celle des dents placees en arriere de la canine. Les quatres empreintes de dents, celle de la canine et celles des huit dents qui suivent cette derniere, occupent ensemble, une ligne courbe dont I'arc mesure 0.085." The reference of the specimen to the Pelycosauria must remain very doubtful until more of the animal is made known, but it is certain that it has no relationship with the CrocodiHa, as pointed out by Baur and Case, and that it resembles very closely the members of the family Poliosaurtdce. Rliopalodon and Deuterosaurus. These two genera have been assigned to various positions by different authors, most placing them with the African forms, but Baur and Case (10) and later v. Huene (103) placing them with the Pelycosauria. The imper- 68 REVISION OF THE PELYCOSAURIA. fections of the specimens make it impossible to settle the matter and until the discoveries of Amalitzky in northern Russia are published it seems unprofitable to enter into a lengthy discussion. The crucial test of the con- dition of the arches can not be applied because the region is not preserved in either specimen. The points that have been cited by authors to show their relations to the Pelycosauria; the enlarged maxillary and incisor teeth with crenate edges ; the high facial region formed by the maxillary in large part ; and the curved alveolar edge of the jaws, are all points that are common to the Pelycosauria^ the ThcrocepJialia and the Theriodontia ; indeed, the wide maxillary causing an elevation of the facial region is a necessary accompaniment of the enlarged canines with their enormous roots. Deuterosaurus has no enlarged external process on the pterygoid ; Rhopalodon has such a process {vide v. Huene). The vertebrae of the two are deeply amphicoelous but not perforate. Intercentra occur only in the anterior portion of the vertebral column. They occur in connection with Pareiasaunis^ which is found with Theriodont remains, Inostvanzevia annce Amalitzky in the deposits of the North Dwina river ; Pareiasaurus^ even the Pareias ail rides ^ are never found with the Pelycosauria. All these points lead to the conclusion that they are nearer to the Theri- odont than the Pelycosaurian stem. Von Huene's conclusion was that they stood nearer to the Pelycosaurs than the Theriodonts, but were derived from the beginning of the Pelycosaurian stem. Family EDAPHOSAURIDAE Cope. Proc. Am. Phil. Soc, vol. xx, 1882, p. 450. Also Pal. Bull. 35. Proc. Am. Phil. Soc, vol. xx, 1883, p. 631. Also Pal. Bull. 36. Type: The genus Edaphosaurus described below. The family was first described as containing Pantylus and Edaphosaurus. Original description: "The two genera may be placed in a separate family of the Pelycosauria, to be called the Edaphosauridce. This family will be distinguished from the Clepsydropidce by the presence of more than one series of teeth on parts of the jaws." In 1883 Cope added the structure of the temporal region to the descrip- tion of the family. '■'■Pariotichiis, Pantylus, and probably Ectocynodon must be referred to a special family, the Pariotichidce, which has teeth like the Edaphosauridce, but differs in the entire overroofing of the temporal fossae." In 1888 (70) Cope listed the genus Edaphosaurus in the family Clepsy- dropidcs^ abandoning the Edaphosauridcs. SYSTEMATIC REVISION OF THE SUBORDER. 69 Revised description of the family: The structure of this family is so aberrant that it can not be contrasted directly with the other families. So far as the characters listed under serial numbers in the other families may be used they are as follows : (i) Skull acuminate ; higher behind and becoming lower anteriorly. (2) Tooth line straight. (3) Neural spines (probably) low. Aberrant Pelycosaurs, littoral or estuarine in habit; feeding upon moUusks and crustaceans. Skull low, wide posteriorly and tapering to the anterior end. A large superior temporal foramen and probably a smaller inferior one. Interparietal and epiotic present. Incisor teeth approaching chisel-shape ; anterior maxillary teeth broadly triangular and thin, with anterior and posterior cutting edges ; the posterior maxillary teeth conical. Post-incisor teeth of the lower jaw all conical. On the pterygoid and palatine and on the dentary large patches of stout crushing teeth. Revised description of the genus : The serial numbers can not be used in the description of the genus. As there is but a single genus and species in the family the description of the family is characteristic of the smaller groups. See the morpho- logical description. Edaphosaurus pogonias Cope. Proc. Am. Phil. Soc, vol. xx, 1882, p. 448. Also Pal. Bull. 35. Trans. Am. Phil. Soc, vol. xvii, 1892, p. 15, plate 11, figs. 5 and 5a. T\'pe : A nearly complete skull with the lower jaw of the left side and imperfect axis. No. 4009 Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., Cope, coll.; from Texas. Original description : '•'■Description of the genus. — Temporal fossse not over- roofed; surfaces of cranial bones not sculptured. Mandibular and maxillar>' teeth subequal. Posterior half of the mandibular ramus expanded inwards and supporting numerous closely arranged teeth. Pterygoid, or perhaps an internal expansion of the malar bones, supporting a dense body of teeth, corresponding to those of the lower jaw. Teeth subconical. " The single species of this genus in my possession shows the following characters of systematic importance. An arch extends from the parietal plane posteriorly and downwards to the external base of the quadrate. The specimen is not yet in a con- dition to show how much of this is parietal, and how much squamosal or opisthotic. The proximal half of the posterior part of this arch is a distinct element, perhaps a transverse process of the supraoccipital. A distinct element connects the basioc- cipital on each side of the quadrate. The articular extremity of the latter has a deep antero-posterior concave emargination. There is a flat bone extending from it ante- riorly which is apparently pter>-goid rather than quadrato-jugal. The tooth-bearing portion terminates opposite the middle of the basisphenoid. "The occipital condyle is undivided, and the basisphenoid presents the usual two divaricating protuberances to the basioccipital. '■'■Description of the species: The facial plate of the os maxillare is sub vertical, so that the orbit is lateral. The latter is rather small. The malar bone is narrow, and is continuous with the dentigerous bone of the palate. The latter has a thickened posterior edge, which commences below the anterior part of the orbit, and extends posteriorly to the middle of the basisphenoid. Thence the border turns forwards. Its anterior edge is below the anterior border of the orbit, and the general form is a longi- 70 REVISION OF THE PELYCOSAURIA. tudinal oval. The maxillary teeth are somewhat weathered and obscured by a thin layer of matrix. The posterior ones are compressed conic ; the premaxillaries are four in number on one side, and are more nearly conic, and have incur\'ed apices. The median premaxillary suture is, however, not clearly defined, so that the number of pre- maxillaries remains uncertain. The center of the probable nostril measures one-third the distance from the premaxillar}^ border to the anterior edge of the orbit. There are eight rows of (?) pterygoid teeth at the posterior fourth of the series. The teeth are subequal and obtuse, increasing a little anteriorly. "The mandibular ramus is robust, and the external face slopes inwardly and down- wards. The external border rises a little above a few of the posterior teeth, but it is injured at the posterior of the coronoid process, so that its existence can not be ascer-' tained. The border then descends and turns inwards to the articulation, which is condyloid at its internal extremity. The inferior edge of the anterior part of the ramus becomes a median ridge below the condyloid region, and terminates in a short, compressed angular process. The symphysis is not coossified, and is convex down- wards and forwards. The inferior part is subhorizontal, and forms the edge of a transverse plate which is separated from the vertical part of the ramus by a deep groove. The inner vertical face of the ramus is strongly convex, as is the corre- sponding edge of the symphysial suture. The apices of the teeth are worn, but they were probably conic, the posterior gradually smaller and more obtuse. The interior face of packed teeth begins at the posterior two-fifths of the external series, and expands inwards posteriorly. It contains six longitudinal rows opposite the ante- penultimate dentary tooth. "All the bony surfaces are smooth. Measurements. m. m. Length of mandibular ramus (straight) 0.162 Width of extremity of o. quadratum 0.024 symphysis of ramus (straight) 038 occipital condyle 018 external dental series 077 Length of superior dental pavement 065 Width of ramus at dental pavement 040 Width o£ basisphenoid posteriorly 029 skull at ends of 00. quadrata 138 "The supposed axis vertebra is longer than wide, and the centrum is deeply exca- vated posteriorly. Anteriorly it appears to have lost a piece — the centrum of the atlas — which, while fitting it closely, was not coossified with it. There is a flat hori- zontal convex ala in the place of a diapophysis, and an obtuse median hypapophysial angle. The neural spine is compressed, except posteriorly, where it is transversely expanded, tenninating above in a short obtusely acuminate apex. From this apex an obtuse rib passes down the median Hue, and disappears above the neural arch, where the spine is somewhat narrower. The postzygapophyses are well developed and look downward." Measurements of axis. m. m. Length of centrum below 0.020 Elevation of spine from postzygapophysis 0.038 Width, including diapophyses 035 Width of spine, posteriorly 020 In 1892 Cope gave a sTiort synopsis of the characters of the skull : "In Edaphosauriis Cope, the skull is of a more depressed type than in the pre- ceding genera. The postorbital is mainly preserved, and it is in contact with the frontal (postfrontal) proximally, and sends out no bar posteriorly. There was appar- SYSTEMATIC REVISION OF THE SUBORDER. 7 1 ently no supratemporal foramen, but a large infratemporal, which extends well upwards. There is no parieto-quadrate arch. An element, perhaps supraoccipital, tenninates in a free appressed apex on each side of the median posterior region. This may be homologous with the small free bone described in Naosaiirus in nearly the same position. The stapes is ver}' large, and is at least partially perforated near the expanded proximal extremity. It is probably fully perforated as I have described it in the Diopeus lepiocepkaliis." Edaphosaurus mlcrodus Cope. Proc. Am. Phil. Soc, vol. xxii, 18S4, p. 37. Also Pal. Bull. 39. This is a synonym of Naosaurus microdus Cope, which see. Table I. — Showing the Characters of the Suborder Pelycosauria. Characters common to the primitive reptiles. 1. Vertebrae notochordal. 2. Intercentra present. 3. Interclavicle, claWcle and cleithrum present. 4. Entepicondylar foramen present. 5. Pelvis narrow. 6. Five elements in the distal row of the tarsus. Characters common to the Diafsida. 1. Two lateral temporal fenestras. 2. Squamosal and prosquamosal separate, not closely united with the quadrate. 3. Opisthotic closely united with the exoccipital, but the suture distinct in some specimens. 4. Prevomers large and the vomers reduced. 5. Cranium short and the facial region elongate. 6. Axis with large free intercentra and neural arches. 7. Phalangeal formulae, probably, 2, 3, 4, 5, 3, in the pes and 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, in the manus. Characters distinctive of the Pelycosauria. 1. Typical forms terrestrial. 2. Skull becoming laterally compressed and elevated in the facial region. 3. Anterior teeth, incisors and canines, becoming elongate and tusk-like, with sharp cutting edges, sometimes even crenate. 4. Development of a toothless diastema. 5. External process of the pterygoid becoming very heavy and prominent. 6. Carpus and tarsus reaching a high stage of development. The individual bones well formed and closely interlocking without a great deal of cartilage. 7. The bones of the pelvis united into a strong basin. 8. Tail becoming short and the spines becoming enormously elongated in the most specialized forms. Table II. — Contrasting the Families of the Pelycosauria. I. Poliosauridcs. 1. Skull low and acuminate (Proterosaurian). 2. Tooth line of the maxillary straight or nearly so. Diastemal notch absent or poorly developed. 3. Neural spines short. 4. Sacrum with two vertebrae. II. ClefsydrofidcE. 1. Skull laterally compressed and the facial region elevated. 2. Tooth line of skull convex. Diastemal notch present. 3. Neural spines very high. 4. Sacrum with three vertebrae. -2 REVISION OF THE PELYCOSAURIA. Table II.— Contrasting the Families of the Pelycosaubi a— Continued. II. Clepsydrofidcc — Continued. Subfamilies. I. Clepsydropi'niE. t. Vertebral spines simple. 2. The bottom line of the anterior dorsal and posterior lumbar vertebrae greatly shortened. 3. Cervicals larger than anterior dorsals. 4. Crest of the ilium prolonged to the rear. 5. Dorsal ribs with tuberculum attached to prominent transverse process. II. Naosaurincc. 1. Vertebral spines with lateral processes. 2. Bottom line of anterior and posterior dorsal and posterior lumbar vertebrae not greatly shortened. 3. Cervicals smaller than anterior dorsal. 4. Crest of the ilium vertical and expanded. 5. Dorsal vertebrae with tuberculum reduced to a tuberosity on the edge of the rib. III. Edafhosauridce. (Possibly founded on a skull of Naosanrus.) 1. Skull acuminate, flat. Higher posteriorly. 2. Tooth line straight. 3. Neural spines (probably) low. 4. Character not shown. Table III. — Contrasting the Characters of the Genera of the Poliosaurid.e. I. Poliosaurus. 1. No diastemal notch between maxillary and premaxillary. The series of teeth uninterrupted. 2. No well-defined canine in the maxillary ; several maxillary teeth in the anterior third larger than the others. Incisor teeth enlarged. 3. Teeth with faint anterior and posterior cutting edges ; not crenate. 4. Neural arches of the vertebrae free from the centrum through life. 5. Only slight difference in the length of the bottom line of the vertebrae in different parts of the column. 6. Anterior dorsals with wide face for the intercentrum on the lower edge of the anterior face of the centrum; without sharp and deep median keel. Posterior lumbars not greatly shortened and without wide exten- sion of the inferior edges of the faces of the centra. 7. Neural spines short. 8. Spine of the axis low and broad. g. Limb bones without well-developed articular faces. 10. Character not shown. 11. Abdominal scutes present. 12. Tail long. 13. A small, probably aquatic animal, not exceeding 700 mm. in length. II. Varanosaurus. (Ribs with rudimentary capitulum.) 1. No diastemal notch between maxillary and premaxillary. 2. Two enlarged canines in maxillary. Incisor teeth enlarged. 3. Character not shown. 4. Neural arch of vertebrae coossified with centra in adult. 5. Only a slight difference in the length of the bottom line of the vertebrae in different parts of the column. Anterior dorsals with wide face on the anterior edge for the intercentrum. 6. Character not shown. 7. Spines short. 8. Spine of the axis low and broad. 9. Limb bones without well-developed articular faces. 10. Character not shown. 11. Abdominal scutes present. 12. Tail long. 13. 600 to 800 mm. long. SYSTEMATIC REVISION OF THE SUBORDER. 73 Table III. — Contrasting the Characters of the Genera of the Poliosaurid.* — Continued. III. Therofleura. 1. No well-defined diastema! space ; a faint notch between the maxillary and premaxillary, filled with teeth. 2. A single well-defined canine ; incisor teeth enlarged. 3. Section of tooth at base quadrate. Other characters not shown. 4. Neural arch coossified with the centrum in the adult. 5. No great difference in the length of the bottom line of the centra in different parts of the column ; but "as deep as long if measured at the center" (Cope). Posterior lumbars not greatly shortened and without wide face for intercentrum. 6. Anterior dorsals without wide face on the lower part of the anterior face of the centrum for the inter- centrum ; without median keel. 7. Character not shown. 8. Spine of the axis not elevated ; broadened at the top. 9. Limb bones without well-developed articular faces. 10. Character not shown. 11. Abdominal scales or scutes absent (?). Not observed. 12. Tail long. 13. Elongate slender body, probably from 2 to 2.5 meters in length. IV. Elcabrosaurus. 1. Character not shown. 2. Character not shown. 3. Character not shown. 4. Neural arch coossified with centrum. 5. Posterior lumbars very much shortened and with wide facets on the lower half of the articular faces of the centrum. 6. No wide intercentral face on the anterior face of the centrum in the anterior dorsals. 7. Character not shown. 8. Spine of the axis elevated and strong. 9. Character not shown. 10. Character not shown. 11. Character not shown. 12. Character not shown. 13. Small, not exceeding i meter. Table IV. — Contrasting the Characters of the Genera of the American Clepsydropid^e. Cle^sydrofina. I. Clefsydro-ps. *i. Diastema! notch present, but small and filled with teeth of small size. 2. Canine and incisors enlarged. 3. Teeth with fore and aft cutting edges ; not crenate in all forms. 4. Neural arches free in the young ; coossified in the adult. 5. Vertebrae with changing length of the bottom line in different parts of the column ( ?). 6. Anterior dorsals with the intercentral face on the anterior face of the centrum and with sharp keel. 7. Spines long, but probably nowhere near so elongate as in the genus Dimetrodon. 8. Character not shown. 9. Limb bones with well-developed articular condyles. 10. Humerus without prominent entepicondyle or ectepicondylar notch. 11. Abdominal scutes absent. (Not observed.) 12. Tail very long and slender. 13. From I to 1.3 meters long. *The serial numbers are the same as those used for the genera of the other families so that the forms may be contrasted directly. 74 REVISION OF THE PELYCOSAURIA. Table IV. — Contrasting the Characters of the Genera of the American Clepsydropid.^ — Continued. CUfsydrofinee — Continued. II. Dimetrodon. 1. Large diastema! notch with few degenerate teeth or none. 2. Canine and incisors greatly enlarged. 3. Teeth with crenate cutting edges. 4. Neural arch very early coossified with the centrum. 5. Very marked change in the length of the bottom line of the centrum in different parts of the ver- tebral column. Posterior lumbars shortened, but without wide faces on the lower edge of the anterior face of the centrum. 6. Anterior dorsals with a sharp median keel and wide intercentral face on the lower edge of the anterior face of the centrum. 7. Spines sharply recurved in posterior lumbar and sacral regions. 8. Spine of the axis high and broad, reaching forward over the axis, g. Limb bones with well-marked articular surfaces. 10. Humerus with well-developed entepicondyle and ectepicondylar process sheltering an ectepicon- dylar notch. 11. Abdominal ribs absent. (Not observed.) 12. Tail short and stumpy. 13. Size varying in the different species ; from about 1.2 to about 3 meters. NaosaurinCE. III. Naosaurus. 1. Large diastemal notch with few degenerate teeth or none. (?) 2. Canine and incisors greatly enlarged. (?) 3. Teeth with crenate cutting edges. (?) 4. Neural arch early coossified with centrum. 5. Change in length of the bottom line of the centrum in different parts of the column not marked. 6. Anterior dorsals without median keel or wide intercentral face. A process on the lateral edge of the centrum marking the position of the capitulum of the rib. 7. Spines sharply recurved in the posterior lumbars so that the last long spine overhangs the abruptly shortened spines of the sacrals and caudals. 8. Character not shown. 9. Limb bones with the articular face well marked. 10. Humerus with well-developed entepicondyle and ectepicondylar process sheltering an ectepicon- dylar notch. 11. Abdominal scutes present. 12. Tail short and stumpy. 13. Size varying in different species. From 2 to 2.5 meters. Table V. — Contrasting the Characters of the Different Species of the Genus Dimetrodon. D. ffi^as. 1. Spines quadrangular, nearly square at base; changing to rounded above. Large, the surface not striate. 2. Third to the sixth cervical vertebrae with the axis through neural arch and the middle of the centrum ver- tical. 3. Intercentra small in the mid-dorsal region ; without terminal facet for the capitulum of the rib. 4. Character not shown. 5. Size, largest of the genus. From 2.5 to 3 meters in length. D. ffiganhomog^enes. 1. Spines broad transversely at base; becoming 00 -shaped above. A tendency for the ends of the spine to become tuberculate. 2. The third to the sixth cervical vertebrae with the axis through the neural spine and the middle of the cen- trum vertical. 3. Intercentrum in the mid-dorsal and lumbar regions small and without terminal facets for the capitulum of the rib. 4. Character not shown. 5. Size nearly as great as that of D. gi^as, 2.6 meters at least. SYSTEMATIC REVISION OF THE SUBORDER. 75 Table V. — Contrasting the Characters of the Different Species of the Genus Dimetrodon — Cont'd. D. indsivus. 1. Spines laterally flattened at bottom, changing to rounded above ; finely striate. 2. Third to sixth cervical vertebrae with the axis through the neural spine and the middle of the centrum nearly vertical. 3. Intercentrum small in the mid-dorsal and lumbar regions ; without capitular facets at the end. 4. Lumbars with distinct keel. 5. Size medium. From 1.6 to 2 meters. D. doUoi'iamcs. 1. Spines square at base, rounded above ; smooth. 2. Third to sixth cervical vertebrae with the axis through the neural spine and the middle of the centrum inclined strongly forward. 3. Intercentra in the mid-dorsal and lumbar regions small and without terminal facets for the capitulum of the ribs. 4. Lumbars with low, sharp keel on the mid-line of centrum below, this keel divided by a shallow, longitu- dinal groove. 5. Size that of D. incishnis. 2 to 2.6 meters. D. macrosfondybis. 1. Spines rectangular, oblong below, changing to rounded above ; not striate, smooth. 2. Third to sixth cervical vertebrae with the axis through the neural spine and the middle of the centrum vertical. 3. Intercentra of the mid-dorsal and lumbar regions larger and with the ends enlarged to carry a facet for the capitulum of the rib. 4. Mid-line of the lumbars with a sharp longitudinal keel. 5. Size smaller. 1.2 to 1.6 meters. D. flatyce7Jtrits. 1. Spines similar to those of D. macrosfondylus . 2. Third to sixth cervical vertebrae with the axis through the neural spine and the middle of the centrum vertical. 3. Intercentra as D. macrosfondylus. 4. Mid-line of the lower surface of the centra of the lumbar vertebrae not keeled, but broad, flattened, and rather rugose. 5. Size almost that of D. macrosfondyhis. D. ohtiisidens. 1. Spines as in D. macrospondylus, but with very prominent and slender fore and aft ridges at the base. 2. Third to the sixth cervical vertebrae with the axis through the neural spine and the middle of the centrum vertical. 3. Intercentra of the mid-dorsal and lumbar regions small and without terminal facets for the capitulum of the rib. 4. Lumbars with keel on the mid-line of centrum below. 5. Size, small, i to 1.3 meters. D. navajoincus. Most of the characters given above not recognizable. Size small, i to 1.3 meters. Humerus with entepicondyle proportionately very much longer than in any other species of the genus. The radial crest is separated from the proximal end by a considerable space. D. lotigiramiis. New species indicated by the slender proportions of the jaw and small articular face for the head of the humerus in the scapula. Table VI. — Contrasting the Characters of the Species of the Genus Naosaurus. N. critciger. Spines with the cross pieces above the first pair reduced to tuberosities. N. claviger. Spines heavy and clumsy, with cross pieces commonly double and relatively long even to the apex of the spine. N. microdus. Spines slender and elegant, cross pieces relatively long even to the apex of the spine. MORPHOLOGICAL REVISION OF THE SUBORDER. Family POLIOSAURIDAE Case (seep. i8).* Genus POLIOSAURUS Case (see p. i8). The discussion of the genus is contained in that of the single species. Pollosaurus unlformls Cope (see p. 19). Characteristic specimen, No. 1148, the type (plate i, figs. 1-8). The original characters used by Cope have proven to be of little value, but the ones listed in the redescription of the genus show that the animal occupied a most important position in the order. As already shown by the author (29) Poliosaiirus is probably the most primitive member of the group ; the nearest to the ancestral form. Only the preorbital portion of the skull is preserved and it is so badly crushed that its original form is not easily made out, but the nasals and frontals are broad showing that the top was flattened acuminate. The orbits were large and lateral, and the nares small and anterior in position. Cope described large teeth in the premax- illary and in the anterior end of the dentary. The only evidence of them is a single large, detached tooth which looks as if it had belonged in the anterior end of the lower jaw. Cope also describes a diastema between the maxillary and premaxillary ; of this there is no trace. From the anterior end of the series the teeth gradually increase in size until near the middle and then as gradually decrease. The largest are three times the size of those at the anterior and posterior ends. The vertebrae regarded by Cope as belonging to the genus Poliosaiirus are all characteristically shortened antero-posteriorly, so that the centra are nearly as wide as long ; the articular faces of the centra are reverted on the sides and the arches are free from the centra. The shape of the articular face on the centrum for the neural arch slants gradually to the rear, growing deeper, and then rises almost vertically (see plate I, figs. 6, 9, 11), leaving a deep triangular pit. The two faces are divided by the neural canal which is much deeper in the middle than at either end, so that it is also a deep triangular pit. Cope evidently used this character of a free neural arch and the shape of the articular faces as decisive characters in determining the speci- mens labeled by him, but they are indetenninate, as in young specimens of the genera Dimetrodon and Clepsydrops the neural arch is frequently free, especially in the caudals, and their articular faces have the same characters as in Poliosaiirus. There are seven vertebrae in connected series and six more unattached, but evi- dently belonging next to those preserved. The atlas is illy preserved so that its form can not be made out; the neural arches were free and have been lost. It is evident that the form of the atlas was much as in Dimetrodon (see plate 16, figs. 5, 6). The remnants of an atlantal rib cling to the sides of the centrum. The axis is rather elongate, nearly twice as long as the atlas. The centrum has no keel, but there is a sharp, slender ridge along the mid-line of the lower surface. The anterior and posterior articular faces are only slightly reverted on the sides of the centrum. The spine is short, elongate antero-posteriorly and proportionately very heavy. The posterior zygapophyses are large, the anterior ones are very small, *Page references after names refer to Systematic Revision. 77 78 REVISION OF THE PELYCOSAURIA. but well formed. Between the lower edges of the axis and atlas is a small fragment of bone that is probably the remains of an intercentrum. It is the only fragment of an intercentrum preserved, though interceutra were present in all parts of the column. In the vertebra posterior to the axis the bottom line becomes shortened and then elongate again as in the ClepsydropidcB, but the change is very much less than in that family. In the first seven vertebrse as the centrum becomes shorter the anterior face is more and more reverted on the under surface, and the bottom line shows a tendency to develop a low, rounded keel, but this never passes the incipient stage. In the original description mention is made of " the narrow reflected portion of the anterior border for the capitular facet," but there is no distinct facet and it is prob- able that, as in the Clepsydropidce, the head of the rib articulated with the intercen- trum in the anterior portion of the vertebral column. The spines of all are short and broad antero-posteriorly ; the zygapophyses are well developed with nearly horizontal faces. (In all of the first seven vertebrse the spines and neural arches have been crushed down upon the centra, considerably reducing their apparent height.) The transverse processes are inclined to the rear. Ribs were present on all of the vertebrse. One belonging to the fourth or fifth vertebra is nearly complete ; the capitulum and tuberculum are widely separated and the distal end is widened. The separate vertebrse are longer than the anterior seven, and the anterior artic- ular face is not so much reflected on to the lower surface. Several show distinct facets on the edge of the centrum for the head of the rib. To three or four of the posterior vertebrse are attached masses of elongate, rod-like dermal scutes which probably cov- ered the abdomen (plate i, fig. 7). The single perfect limb bone preserved, a radius or fibula, shows that the ends were devoid of well-developed articular surfaces. A single phalange is short and stout. Measurements. mm. mm. Length of skull from middle of orbit to anterior Length bottom line of : end 140 8th vertebra 9 Length bottom line of : gth 10 Axis 15 loth 10 3d vertebra 13 nth 12 4th 12 12 th 12 5th 10 13th 13 6th 9 Length of rib, incomplete, attached to fourth or 7th 8 fifth vertebra 172 The animal with its long, low, acuminate head, straight tooth line, lack of enlarged incisors, and limbs without condyles approaches in a general way to the Proferosauria, but the larger teeth in the middle of the series, the method of their implantation, the shape of the ilium, and the character of the vertebrae, all point in the direction of the more specialized Pelycosaiiria. It is probably very close to the ancestral form of the Pelycosauria, but is itself so far specialized as to preclude the hope that in the Pelycosauria will be found any approach to the inception of the reptilian stem. There are in the American Museum of Natural History and the Uni- versity of Chicago collections vertebrse that indicate the possible presence of a larger species of Poliosaunis^ but they are too few and indeterminate to warrant a description (plate i, figs. 19-12). MORPHOLOGICAL REVISION OF THE SUBORDER. 79 Genus VARANOSAURUS Broili (seep. 20). Varanosaurus acutirostris Broili. ( Paleontographica, Bd. Li, plates 10-12. This volume, plate 2.) The description here given is a translation and condensation of the original description by Broili of the single known specimen. The form of the skull is an elongate triangle. The facial region is slender and the edge of the skull roof is carried out over the side of the face anterior to orbits in a sort of shelf Posterior to the orbits the parietal and superoccipital bend sharply downward, forming an abrupt termination to the skull ; the parietals extend back- ward somewhat in the median line and the posterior angles of the skull are rather prominent, so that the region has a W-like profile. The orbits are large and nearly circular. They lie in the posterior half of the skull. The anterior nares lie near the anterior end of the snout and look directly outwards. The parietal foramen is of good size and lies about opposite the posterior end of the orbits. The skull is marked by an obscure sculpture, on some bones, of fine punctse, grooves, and ridges. The premaxillaries send prominent processes backwards to unite with the nasals. The prefrontals and lachr>-mals form a prominent ridge on the side of the face from the upper anterior angle of the orbit. The temporal region is unfortunately incomplete, the posterior and lower por- tion being broken away. It shows the presence of one large opening separated by a slender bridge from the orbit. On the lower side of the skull the basisphenoid develops two strong lateral processes which extend forward inclosing a triangular space. These processes pass anteriorly into the pterygoids. The inner branches of the pterygoids inclose a vacuity and are expanded into thin plates; they are covered by a patch of small teeth. The otiter processes are slender and pressed down on the basisphenoid, somewhat out of their natural position. The columella (epipter^'goid) is perfectly preserved on one side and occupies the usual position between pterj'goid and parietal. The dentition is very characteristic. There are fift>'-four counted teeth in the upper jaw, of which there are nine in the premaxillary, the anterior four being in the position of incisors in the overhanging snout. The teeth are small, sharply conical in form, of nearly equal diameter and large pulp cavity. In the first fourth of the max- illary series are two teeth notably larger than the others, the posterior is the larger. Between the large maxillary teeth and the large incisors the teeth are smaller. The dentition of the lower jaw is unknown. VertebrcE : There are thirty -six vertebrae preserved, of which twelve are con- nected with the skull in direct series, three separate groups of three, six, and five, with the two sacrals and eight caudals. The atlas is unfortunately not made out. The axis has an enlarged neural spine and a strong diapophysis directed back- wards and outwards. The iutercentrum between axis and atlas is described as absent. The remaining vertebras are smooth with concave sides and, especially in the caudal region, have well-developed keels on the inner side of the centrum. They are deeply amphicoelous (notochordal). The neural arches are slender from side to side and have relatively large anterior and posterior zygapophyses with horizontal articular faces. The neural spines are 8o REVISION OF THE PELYCOSAURIA. slender and thin and are not elevated; on the side of the neural spines of the mid- dorsals are paired rugose tuberosities, " knotchenartige Anschwellungen," which Dr. Broili in correspondence likens to the process on the spines of Naosaiiriis. The diapophyses occur on all vertebrae ; the outer end is about level with the upper end of the intercentra. Intercentra occur between all vertebrae posterior to the axis ; they are very strong and the lower surface is broad and smooth, presenting a marked con- trast to the keels of the adjacent centra. The sacral vertebrae resemble the nearest presacrals; the diapophyses are united to the sacral ribs without suture. The caiidah bear chevron bones, but none are preserved in sufficient perfection to warrant description, though it seems probable that they lie with their anterior bor- der on the lateral and lower edges of the posterior border of the preceding vertebrae rather than to originate from intercentra. ^he^ presacral ribs were originally described as single-headed, but in response to a request Dr. Broili has most kindly reexamined his specimen of I 'araiiosaiinis and writes as follows : " Unter der Praezygapophyse entspringt eine ungemein kraftige — dornahnliche — Diapophyse, welche (bei besonders guter Erhaltung) nach iinteii in eine schmale, schwache Lamelle auslciKft. " Der Rippenkopf, der nur in einem einzigen Stiicke gut zu erkennen ist, ist demgemass ziemlich langsgestreckt. (Vergleisch S. 74 u. 75. [No. 14 in bibliog- raphy.]) " Da, wie Sie sagen, die Ihnen bekanten Pelycosaurier, alle zweikopfige Rippen besitzen, so entspricht viellicht die Leiste unter Diapophyse von Varanosaurus einem nun mehr rudimentdren Capititlum der Rippe. "Diese Leiste sowie auch die Rippe sind nur in einem Falle erhalten. (Fur die Rippen bitte ich Tafel X, Fig. 2, hinter dem Buchstaben J. zu vergleichen.) " Est diirfte daher die stellung von Varanosaurus unter den Pelycosaurier kin- swegs deshalb eine so isolierte sein." This seems to show that the capitulum, though small, is present and the ribs are truly double-headed. The anterior of the two sacral ribs has a broad, shovel-like dis- tal end, the second is inclined forward with its distal end underlying the first. The shoulder girdle is too poorly preserved to show characters of value. The pelvic girdle: The bones of the pelvis are closely united, the sutures are closed. The shape of the pelvis is surprisingly like that of Dimetrodon. The humerus is broken so that the two ends can not be placed together, but the form was evidently close to that of Labidosaurus. The proximal half is proportion- ately small, but the articular face is broad. There is a prominent deltoid crest. The lower end shows a well-developed entepicondyle (die innere (Partie) sehr flach in einem lappenformigen Fortsatz auslauft). The. femur is represented by the distal and proximal ends, but the middle por- tion is wanting, so that the true length can not be given. The proximal end has no true head, but has a rough articular area which gradually contracts toward the other side. The anterior face of the proximal end is deeply concave and there is a promi- nent trochanter. The distal end is divided by a deep cleft into two parts, both bear articular faces. The inner part is directed forwards and down for the tibia, the outer part has two faces, one directed forwards and downwards for the fibula and the back- wards and upwards for the tibia. The tibia and fbula are slender and elongate. The calcaneus is flat, five-sided, and unites with the fibula -and astragalus. The astragalus is more irregular in form than the calcaneus, but stronger and larger. The MORPHOLOGICAL REVISION OF THE SUBORDER. 8l remnants of the first and second digits show that the foot was fairly long with well- developed digits and claws. Dermal ossifications : Two or three fragments of dermal ossification remain to show that the lower surface of the body was protected b}' slender, elongate rods of bone. The only fragments preserved cling to the lower surface of the vertebral col- umn and the lower surface of the humerus. li/easu rements. mm. mm. Total length of the skull in the median line 145 Width of nares 5 Width of skull over the foramen magnum 45 Distance from posterior border of nares to an- between orbits 20 terior border of the orbit 77 between external nares 10 Height of the skull over the foramen magnum, Antero-posterior diameter of orbits 26 measured with the lower jaw 47 Width of orbits 29 Length of tibia 64 Antero-posterior diameter of nares 7 fibula 67 This animal very closely resembles Poliosanrus and was evidently closely related to it both in structure and habits. Genus THEROPLEURA Cope (see p. 22). The discussion of the genus is largely contained in that of the first species below. The animal was undoubtedly closely similar in form of body to Varanosaurus and probably had the same habits. The form of both was elongate and low ; the short legs permitted the bell}^ to drag on the ground and the tail was long and slender. The chief difference in external appear- ance was that the head of Varanosaurus was narrow and elongate, while that of TJieropleiira.^ though long, was wider and flattened. Theropleura retroversa Cope (see p. 25, plates 3-13). Thero^pleura triangulata Cope, p. 25. Clefsydrofs leftoccphalus Cope, p. 26. Diofcus leptoce- ■phalus Cope, p. 26. Characteristic specimens: No. 4155 American Museum, the type (Trans. Am. Phil. Soc, vol. XVII, plate 2, fig. 8). No. 4026 Am. Mus. Nat. Hist, Cope, coll., femora. No. 1013 University of Chicago, fragments of a skull. No. 1014 University of Chicago, left maxillaiy. The skull is unfortunately poorly presers'cd ; the bones are clean and in good condition, but many important ones are missing. Cope first recognized the double- arched character of the skull in 1892 (78), but described only the temporal region (see systematic revision, p. 26). In 1903 the author published a redescription of the skull, showing the general form and proportions ; later studies have made it necessarj' to alter somewhat the interpretation in the region of the temporal arches. The skull was elongate and low, with a broad, flat top, more like the living Varanus than Dimetrodon. The maxillary extended upward somewhat, but the facial region was not elevated ; the frontals are as broad as the maxillar}' is high ; in Dimetrodon the frontals are very narrow, not over a fourth or fifth as wide as the maxillary is high. ^he premaxillary is similar to Dimetrodon ; there is a loug median process pro- jecting backward to meet the nasals in the median line. The bones of the two sides meet by a broad and strong sutural surface. There are five teeth ; the first two were abruptly larger, the four posterior ones are small. 82 REVISION OF THE PELYCOSAURIA. The maxillary has a thickened inferior edge accommodating the sockets of the teeth and a thin superior portion as in Dimetrodon. The thin upper portion is not so high, nor is the thickened lower edge so wide or deep, for the teeth were not so large and the sockets are coixespondingly smaller. This is especially true in the region of the enlarged maxillary, which has a socket not greatly larger than the rest. The alveolar edge is straight. Anterior to the enlarged maxillary the thickened margin plays out as the teeth become smaller. There are four small teeth anterior to the enlarged maxillary and posterior to it nineteen can be counted, but a small space is covered by a fragment of the lower jaw ; allowing five teeth to this space there were twenty-four teeth posterior to the large maxillary. There are two large maxillary teeth on the right side and a single one on the left. It is probable that this genus had developed the same habit as the members of the Clepsydropido'^ of alternate fuuctioual teeth; at least it had made the preliminary step in the process by the development of two canines equal in size and abruptly larger than the others. There is a distinct upward curvature of the jaw anterior to the large maxillary, indicating Fig. 2 1 . — Restoration of skull of Theropleura relrooersa. About '4 nat. size. the first step in the development of the diastemal notch, but it is very slight and there is no interruption of the teeth, although they are smaller. The alveolar edge of the maxillary is straight. The nasals are represented by fragments only. The frontals are represented by fragments and by a cast of the lower surface so that nearly the perfect form can be made out. The cast shows the bones of the two sides in nearly the coiTcct position with relation to one another. They formed a flat shield-shaped area 146 mm. in length and 104 mm. in width. The prefrontal is represented by a fragment only, but shows the same pit just anterior to the orbit caused by the overarching of the roof of the skull that occurs in Dimetrodon and l'aranosaiirns. There is no trace of the lachrymal, j^^gnl, post/rontal, postorbital, or parietal. The outlines of the orbit are unknown. The base of the skull is lost, so there is no trace of the paroccipital, exoccipital, basioccipital, or supraoccipital. The quadrate is a thin vertical bone with paired condyles for the lower jaw. The condyles are low and far apart ; they limit the jaw to a strictly vertical motion, but could not have held it rigidly as in Dimetrodon. The upper, thin portion is bent so that it is convex outwardly. The upper side of the inner condyle is flattened, forming a shelf on which rest the quadrato-jugal (?) as in Dimetrodon., but there is no trace of a foramen quadrat 11 m. The pterygoid articulates with the inner side of the inner condyle as in Dimetrodon (plate 3, figs, i and 2). MORPHOLOGICAL REVISION OF THE SUBORDER. 83 The condition of the arches is very uncertain. In Dinietrodon there are two bones, the quadrato-jugal and prosquamosal overlying the posterior edge of the quad- rate and the upper temporal vacuity is greatly reduced in size. In this specimen there is a single bone overlapping the posterior edge of the quadrate and extending forward to join the jugal (plate 3, figs, i and 4). This occupies the position of both the quadrate and prosquamosal in Dinietrodon. A very careful search fails to reveal any suture that would indicate a division of the bone ; there are several cracks in the position of such a hypothetical suture, but they do not appear to be other than acci- dental breaks. As the anterior end of this bone without doubt joined the jugal it occupies the position of the prosquamosal in Dinietrodon, but as its posterior portion overlaps the posterior edge of the quadrate it occupies the position of the quadrato- jugal. It is hardly supposable that the two bones are united, however, for the animal is undeniably far more primitive than Dinietrodon and the two bones should be separate. There is the possibility that the quadrato-jugal was a thin, scale-like bone, as indicated by its form in Dinietrodon, and has been lost, but the condition of the bones gives little warrant for the assumption. The upper edge of the anterior portion formed the lower edge of a large inferior temporal vacuity. Above is a second bone, occupying the position of the squamosal in Sphenodon and with a similar form. The upper end is divided into two parts ; the lower extends forward, but its anterior end is broken and the connection can not be made out. The upper and lower edges of this process are thin and show that they formed the edges of the upper and lower temporal vacuities. According to this process the upper vacuity was as large as the lower. The upper end of the bone has a distinct face probably for the parietal bone. Some light seems to be thrown on the condition of the temporal region by the specimen of Varanosaiirus. It resembles the other Poliosaiiridce in so many respects that it may safely be assumed that it was similar in the temporal region as well. The postorbital region of \ 'aranosaitriis is preserved, but not the articular region ; there was a great superior temporal vacuity and probabh- an inferior one as well. Broili speaking of this region in correspondence says : "Ich kann jederseits riickwarts der Augenhohlen je eine Offnung constatiren. Da die riickwartige Begrenzung derselben fehlt, ist es immerhin noch moglich und sogar wahrscheinlich, dass noch eine 2te Offnung vorhanden war; wurde aber dann nicht wie bei Dimetrodon oben sondem an den Flanken des Schadels liegen." It seems probable that the members of this more primitive family had two wide temporal vacuities. If this be true, then the small superior temporal vacuity of the long-spined forms is an additional evidence of the extreme specialization of the order. On the lower surface of skull the basisphenoid and the pters-goids are preserved. The stapes is a slender rod of bone with an expanded proximal end. The shaft is slender and was quite elongate, but only the proximal portion is preserved. The proximal end is divided into two unequal parts by a very deep groove. Just distal to this groove the shaft is perforated by a foramen, which passes through somewhat obliquely. This bone was regarded by Baur and Case as a possible rib (9), but this seems to have been an error ; the finding of the elongate portion of the stapes in posi- tion in the skull of Dinietrodon gigas and the proximal end of a stapes with its per- foration in Edaphosauriis pogonias show that Cope was correct in his determination. The form of the bone is shown in fig. 22. Cope compared this element directly with the stapes of the Monotreme Mammalia and considered that its discover^' strengthened considerably his idea that the Pelycosauria were the ancestors of the mammals. 84 REVISION OF THE PELYCOSAURIA. The basispheiwid is quite similar to that of Dimetrodon^ but the anterior pro- cess, the parasphenoidal portion, is much longer and heavier and extends well forward in a straight line instead of being turned upward as a thin vertical plate. This is one of the most primitive characters of the skull. The pterygoids of both sides are preserved in part. The posterior half is present on both sides. There was the same division of the bone into an anterior and pos- terior and an external portion as in Dimetrodon. The anterior portion is largely missing, but enough remains to show that it was flat and covered with small teeth. The posterior portion is nearly vertical, but inclined somewhat inward, and the posterior end overlapped and articulated with the inuer side of the inner condyle of the quadrate. The external portion stood out at right angles to the other part of the bone, but was far from vertical, slanting backward at a large angle. The outer face of the ex- ternal process abutting against the lower jaw is rugose, but very thin; there are fifteen small teeth arranged in sockets on the lower side. The development of the external process of the pter3'goid from this slanting condition with a thin external face to the perfectly vertical position with the outer face broad and rugose is one of the clearest lines of development in the suborder. There is no trace of the ectopterygoid. The epipterygoid stands in the usual posi- tion on the upper edge of the pterj-goid. It is thin with an elongate base parallel to and rest- ing on the upper edge of the pterygoid. The lower jaws of both sides are represented by fragments, but these can not be fitted together so as to give an accurate estimate of the length. The jaw was much more slender than in Dimetrodon and of less width anteriorly, but was seemingly quite high behind. The articular region was attached to the inner side instead of being terminal in much the same way as in that genus, but the details can not be made out. The anterior end was very slim, only 19 mm. high, the two sides united in a long symphysis. The teeth are smaller than in the iipper jaw and more numer- ous. The anterior end of the jaw is suddenly swollen and accommodates the sockets of enlarged teeth. The first tooth is small, followed by three much larger ones, after which the teeth are abruptly smaller. There are nineteen in the first third of the jaw ; the total number can not be made out. Vertebral cohivui (plate 13) : This consists of forty vertebrce which are in connected series, except for a break just anterior to the two sacrals. The column as preserved begins with the axis and ends with the ninth caudal ; the vertebrae are held by a hard flinty scale of matrix and most are in the normal position ; but two or three are turned through 90°. As indicated in the sj'stematic revision the vertebral column differs from that of the Clepsydropida- in two points, the low neural spines and the nearly uniform length of the vertebrse in all parts of the column. Fig. 22. — Stapes of Thewpleura relroversa. X yi- After Cope. a. Proximal end of same. Fig. 23. — Lateral view of the basisphenoid of TherO' pleura relroversa showing the large parasphenoid rostrum. X I . MORPHOLOGICAL REVISION OF THE SUBORDER. 85 Atlas : The centrum of the atlas is lost, but the neural arch of one side clings to the under side of the skull ; it is very- similar to the neural arch of Dimetrodon (plate 16, figs. 3 and 4). Axis : The centrum of the axis is somewhat elongate and the bottom line fonns a sharp ridge. The sides are concave and marked below the transverse process by several longitudinal lines. Just below the transverse process of the left side is a good- sized nutrient foramen. The transverse process springs from the neural arch and is very short. The articular face is small and the distal end of the process is not free from the side of the centrum. The spine is rather high, thin, and expanded antero- posteriorly, with a wide superior edge. The anterior zygapophjses are small, but not so disproportionately small as in the Clepsydropida;. Centrosphene and centantrum (see morphological description of Dimetrodon incisiviis) are present, but small. Third vertebra (counting the atlas as first) : The bottom line of centrum has a distinct low keel, but the longitudinal lines on the sides are less definite. The dia- pophysis is longer than in the axis and inclined more sharply to the rear. The lower portion of the anterior face of the centrum is slightly cut out to accommodate an inter- centrum. The spine is of nearly the same shape as in the axis. Several small two- headed ribs, which probably belong to the anterior cer\icals, cling to the side of the skull. Fourth to seventh vertebra" : In these the diapophjses grow gradually shorter and stand out more nearly straight from the centrum. They do not originate, as in Dimetrodon^ in three processes, one each from the anterior and posterior zygapophysis and one from below, but rise directly from the neural arch below the line of the zyga- pophyses. An inferior supporting ridge is present, which at first inclines backward, but soon changes so that on the fifth and sixth vertebrae it inclines forward toward the anterior edge of the centrum. The bottom line has now a distinct keel, but is formed by a gradual contraction of the sides of the centrum (fig. 24) and not by a sudden pinching in of the sides immediately below the intercentrum as Dimetrodon (fig. 25). Eighth to eleventh vertebra" : In these the bottom Fig. 24. — Cross-section through middle of -,■ ... ,, .1 i • ^ -^ j j_i -j . , . c T-L , line IS shorter than those anterior to it and the sides a dorsal vertebra or / heropleura, showing gradual contraction ot sides ^rc soiuewliat comprcsscd below the lutercentrum, but below notochordal canal. ■; '4 . nothing like the Condition of Dimetrodon. The lower Fig. 25.— Cross-section through middle of line is a broad rouuded keel with a median longitudinal a dorsal vertebra of Dimetrodon. groovc that luakes it appear doublc ; the median groovc showing the sudden pinching in of. ii..i -jjirii i j-j L J L 1 .L . L J 1 1 IS narrowest at the middle of the centrum and widens the sides below the notochordal canal forming the narrow keel. toward cacli ciid. The sidcs of the vertcbrse are con- cave so that the edges of the articular surfaces are very prominent. This is true of all portions of the column posterior to the eighth vertebra. The diapophyses stand out straight from the upper edge of the centrum and are ver}- short ; the articular face looks directly out. The lower supporting ridge extends for- ward toward the anterior edge of the centrum, but does not reach it in any of this group of vertebrae. The change in position of the lower supporting ridge is peculiar in that it is entirely independent of the diapophysis proper ; this shows little change of form or position in the anterior two-thirds of the column. There are two or three 86 REVISION OF THE PELYCOSAURIA. large ribs with widely divided capitulum and tuberculum ; the distal end is gone from all, but enough remains to show that they were quite broad distally. Twelfth to seventeenth vertebrcB : These are verj' similar to the preceding; the centrosphene and centantra are larger than in the cervicals, but are still very small. Between the seventeenth and eighteenth there is a small intercentrum, narrow antero- posteriorly, with sharp ends not showing any face for the capitulum of the rib. Eighteenth to twenty-first vertebm : The centrum of the eighteenth has a sharp ridge on the mid-line below, but the median groove is lost. The diapophysis is short and inclined a little backward so the articular face looks slightly backward as well as outward. The diapophysis lies far forward almost directly beneath the anterior zj'ga- pophysis and the lower ridge reaches quite to the anterior edge of the centrum and has a flat articular surface on its edge showing that the capitulum and tuberculum of the rib are fast approaching each other. On the twenty-first the lower ridge has entirely disappeared as a ridge and the diapophysis is a short stub with its articular face look- ing directly out. Twenty-second to twenty-fifth vertebrce : On the twenty-third the rib is fused with the centrum. It is very thin and slender at its proximal end, differing in this respect ver}' markedly from the condition of Dinictrodon. From this point the ribs are traceable to the sacrum, but are very small and almost rudimentary. On the twenty-fourth a longitudinal ridge appears on the side of the centrum, on the succeeding one it is stronger and remains until the twenty-ninth, where it is suddenly absent. The sud- den appearance and short duration of this character is of great interest, as it was on an isolated vertebra of this region that Cope founded the species Theropleitra trian- gulata. The bottom line is a flattened keel. Twenty-sixth to thirtieth vertebm : These vertebrae immediately preceding the sacrals are slightly, but not greatly, shorter than the rest of the vertebrae. The bottom line is very concave and the keel is reduced to a low obtuse ridge. The ribs are very small, but it looks as if on the thirtieth there was a small opening between the capitulum and tuberculum and the side of the centrum. Thirty-first and thirty-second vertebrce : These are the sacrals. They are not con- nected with the anterior series, but not more than one or two vertebrae, if that many, are lost. The sacral ribs are large and strong and united solidly with the sides of the centrum. The two vertebrae are firmly connected so that the posterior and anterior zygapophyses of the first and second sacrals are greatly reduced and it seems as if the neural arches of the two were even united by anchylosis. Thirty-third to forty-first vertebrce : The nine caudals connect with the two sacrals completing the posterior series. The thirty-third, first caudal, has a well- developed rib still attached. The rib is nmcli larger than those of the lumbar series, the capitulum and tuberculum are distinct, but close to each other, and the capitulum is attached to the anterior edge of the centrum. The neural arch is quite high ; the sides of the centrum are concave antero-posteriorly, but convex vertically. The median line below is a blunt keel, but as the sides of the centrum are convex vertically, there are lacking the deep pits on either side of the mid-line of the centrum below, so characteristic of the caudals of the Clepsydropidce. The second caudal has lost the rib and the faces for the caj^itulum and tubercu- lum of the rib are shown. These are large flat facets not elevated on a process, with their long axes at right angles and separated by a very narrow space. The face for the tuberculum is on the upper edge of the centrum and the face for the capitulum is MORPHOLOGICAL REVISION OF THE SUBORDER. 87 foniied by the reverted edge of the anterior articular face. This is the characteristic feature upon which Cope founded T. retroversa. In the third caudal the faces for the capitukim and tuberculum are as in the second, but a strong ridge runs backward from the posterior edge of the capitular face on the side of the centrum ; this ridge occurs only on the single vertebra and may be only an unimportant variation. 'V^^i^ fourth to the seventh are similar to the preceding, the tubercular and capit- ular faces are united, growing smaller. The eighth shows the capitular face almost completely reduced, the rib is small and projects horizontally. The ninth has the rib reduced to a small process and the capitulum and tubercu- lum are no longer distinguishable. There are no chevrons or intercentra preserved in the caudal series, nor are the lower edges of the centra cut out for the intercentrum unless this begins to appear on the last caudal. The shoulder girdle is not preserved. The anterior limbs are not preserved. Th^ pelvic girdle (plate 3, fig. 6) is nearly perfect; both sides are preserved. The pelvis has been opened out on the ischio-pubic symphysis nearly flat, but the bones of the two sides are hardly disturbed. The distal ends of the ischia and pubis are broken away, but that is the only damage the pelvis has sustained. The iliu)n has a strong crest which is turned sharply to the rear a short distance above the acetabulum ; this portion is relatively narrow vertically ; its inner face shows a deep semilunar impression di\-ided in its upper part by a sharp ridge for the attach- ment of the sacral ribs. The ilium takes a large part in the acetabulum, sending down a wide wedge-like portion that forms much of the cavity of the acetabulum and divides the pubis and ischium except at the lower border of the acetabulum. The ischium has a heavy end which forms a prominent postero-inferior edge for the acetabulum. The distal portion extends far back and its upper edge, though not thickened, is slightly incurved. The ischia of the two sides meet in a symphysis, but the attachment was confined to the edges and did not extend to any considerable por- tion of the inner side as in the Clepsydropidoe where the sides of the pelvis were more nearly vertical. The suture line between the ischium and pubis is distinct and their point of contact on the symphysial edge is marked by a notch ; the opposition of the notches of the two sides left a small cartilage-filled space. This may be a feature of youth. Thepubis takes a relatively small part in the acetabulum. Its distal portion forms a prominent border which unites with that of the ischium so that the lower edge of the acetabulum is marked by a prominent ridge. The upper edge of the distal portion is thickened into a strong ridge which extended to the distal end. The obturator fora- men lies just below the anterior edge of the acetabulum and runs almost directly upward and inward. The posterior limbs are represented by the femora and tibia of both sides (plate 3, figs. 5, 7). The upper end of the femur is very wide so that the depression on the posterior face is relatively much wider than in Dimetrodon; it ends sharply below. The two sides of the cavity are marked by sharp ridges, but the radial process is rela- tively small. From the lower end of the cavity a sharp ridge extends to the outer con- dyle. This closely resembles the same ridge on the femur of Eryops, but starts anew 88 REVISION OF THE PELYCOSAURIA. from the end of the cavity, while in Eryops it is a direct continuation of the radial crest. The shaft is considerably contracted in the middle portion. The anterior face of the distal end is flattened and even concave ; the posterior face has a very deep groove separating the two condyles. The articular faces of the condyles look well forward and are connected by a wide area, not separate as in Dimetrodon. The outer condyle is longer than the inner. The tibia is slightly curved and has a greatly enlarged proximal end, but the articular face is not so nearly divided into two parts by a depression as in Dimetrodon. Fig. 25 a. — Sketch restoration of Theropleura relroversa. About ^. Length of maxillary (approximately) from quadrate to maxillary, estimated Total length of skull, estimated Length of premaxillary Antero-posterior diameter of : Large maxillary tooth at base Small maxillary tooth at base Approximate length of column as preserved . Length of the nine caudals Bottom line of axis Vertical diameter of axis just posterior to neu- ral arch Bottom line of : 8th, 22 mm.; vertical diameter as in axis . . Measurements. mm. 240 140 3S0 56 Bottom line of : 3th, 19 ram.; vertical diameter as in axis. . 23d, 20 mm.; vertical diameter as in axis. . 29th, 16 mm. ; vertical diameter as in axis. . Height of spine of : 9.5 Axis above base of centrum 6.5 13th above lower edge of anterior face of 1 1 75 centrum 255 Length of nearly complete pelvic symphysis. . 30 ischium 140 across distal end of ilium 91 32 Width of acetabulum 85 Length of femur 18S 30 tibia 143 30 29.5 29 96 105 205 Theropleura grandls Case (see p. 28 and text-iig. 26). Characteristic specimens : Nos. 4130 and 4134 American Museum. The type, No. 4109 Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., Cope, coll.: A lot of verte- brae, including two presacrals, two sacrals, and five caudals. Nos. 4130 and 4134. Three vertebrae are selected as character- istic. The first, fig. 26, «, is either the axis or the third cervical, the centrum is elongate with a low, sharp ridge on the median line below. The sides of the centrum are regularly convex and marked by irregular longitudinal lines as in Diopeus relroversa. The transverse process rises from high up on the side of the vertebra. The anterior articular face has fairly well-developed centantra and a broad intercentral face below. Fig. 26.— Three vertebrae of Theropleura grandis, Nos. 4130-4134 Am. Mus. Y. %. a. An anterior cervical, axis or third, b, A mid-dorsal, c, A posterior lumbar. MORPHOLOGICAL REVISION OF THE SUBORDER. 89 The second, fig. 26, b, from the mid-dorsal region, has a shorter centrum with the bottom line broadly rounded, but not keeled, and concave antero-posteriorly, not straight as in the forms with keels. The centrosphenes and centantra are present, but small. The zygapophyses differ from those of the same region in Theropleiira retroversa in being more oblique. The t/iirci, fig. 26, r, a posterior lumbar, is ver>' short and proportionately broad ; the sides are marked with longitudinal ridges as in Theropleiira retroversa. The ribs are detached, leaving separate capitular and tubercular faces. The ilium is similar to that of Theropleiira retroversa, but larger. No. 4109. The two presacrals are of the form figured in Nos. 4130 and 4134, but show a character that is hidden by the niatrix of that specimen. Instead of the articular face of the centrum being reverted and passing gradually into the side of the centrum, it is reverted, but separated from the side by a prominent narrow ridge which extends all around the centrum, leaving a wide space for the intercentrum. In the two sacrals the first has a wide recurved edge on the anterior face, but the posterior fits against the anterior face of the second sacral verj' closely, leaving a smaller interspace for a more narrow intercentrum than in Theropleiira retroversa. The rib of the first sacral extends rapidly downward rather than out and has a broad rugose distal end. The proximal end is free from the centrum, leaving an articular space extending from the neural arch almost to the mid-line below and resembles very closely the same face of Poliosaiiriis iiniforuiis (plate i, fig. 6). The anterior edge of the proximal ends does not project beyond the anterior edge of the centrum as in Dimetrodon gigas. The anterior caiidals have a similar ridge separating the articular face and the side of the centrum, but it is not so distinct as in the presacrals. The sides of the caudals are concave antero-posteriorly and vertically so there is something of a keel which is rather more sharp than in Theropleiira retroversa. The keel of one caudal has a deep, narrow longitudinal groove dividing it into two parts. The caudal ribs have the capitulum and tuberculum as in Theropleiira retroversa. Genus Elcabrosaurus baldwinl Case (see p. 28). Characteristic specimens : No. 2285 American Museum, the type (plate 4, figs. 1-5). The axis is similar to that of Dimetrodon obtiisidens, with a narrow anterior articular face and well-developed centantra. The bottom line has a sharp ridge running to the posterior edge of the centrum. An anterior dorsal has the bottom line narrow and sharp, approaching very nearly to the condition of a true keel, but the sides of the centrum are gradually com- pressed, not sharply pinched in, just below the intercentrum. The lower edge of the anterior face is not bent back nor is there a wide face, showing that the intercentrum was smaller than in Dimetrodon. The transverse process rises from high up on the neural arch. Neither this vertebra nor the more posterior dorsal have the shortening of the bottom line of the dorsals so characteristic of Dimetrodoti, but it is not certain that the most anterior dorsals are present. The more posterior dorsals have the centra relatively thin and high. The bottom line is thin and sharp but concave antero-posteriorly. An intercentrum of this region is thin antero-posteriorly and has no trace of faces for the heads of the ribs. A lumbar is shorter with rounded bottom line. The sides are narrowed by a deep pit on either side just below the transverse process. The transverse process 90 REVISION OF THE PELYCOSAURIA. rises from high on the side of the neural arch ; it is short and projects almost straight out. The side of the articular edge of the centrum is rounded as if for the beginning of a capitular facet. The base of the neural arch is elongate antero-posteriorly, between the zygapophyses. The last tzvo lumbars are notably different from Dimetrodon and show the chief distinguishing characters of the genus. The centra are exceptionally short with deeply concave sides and bottom line. The bottom line is wide and rounded. The portion of the face surrounding the intercentrum is nearly circular, but on both the anterior and posterior faces there is a wide extension of the face below the intercentrum fonning a flat face nearly as wide as the portion above. These faces are not bent back as are the intercentral faces of the anterior dorsals of Dimetrodon and seemingly fitted closely together leaving no space for an intercentrum, which probably underlay the line of meeting of the two. Measurements, nun. mm. Length bottom line of axis 23 Diameter of anterior face of centrum of same; Diameter of anterior face of centrum of same: Vertical 24.5 Vertical 25 Horizontal 21 Horizontal 19 Length bottom line of second presacral 13 Length bottom line of : Diameter of anterior face of centrum of same: Anterior dorsal (anterior face crushed) 22 Vertical 22 Posterior dorsal 21 Horizontal 21 Diameter of posterior face of centrum of same: Length bottom line of first presacral 11 Vertical 23 Diameter of anterior face of centrum of same : Horizontal 17 Vertical 26 Length bottom line of a lumbar (?) 19 Horizontal 21 Family CLEPSYDROPIDAE Cope (see p. 36). Subfamily CLEPSYDROPINAE Case (see p. 37)- Genus CLEPSYDROPS Cope (seep. 37). The single well-known and determinable species is Clepsydrops natalis. The description of the genus is embodied in the discussion of that species below. Clepsydrops natalis Cope (see p. 42 and plates 4, 5, and 6). Clepsydrops colletti Cope, partim, p. 40. Clepsydrops vinslovii, partim, p. 42. Characteristic specimens: No. 4110 American Museum, the type. No. 41 11 Am. Mus. Nat. Hist, Cope, coll.: A pelvis with femur in position (plate 6). No. 2290 Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., Cope, coll.: A front foot lacking carpale i and metacarpale i. The type specimen, No. 41 10 American Museum, has beeu repeatedly described (Cope 44, Case 29) so far as the condition of the specimen permitted, but in the prep- aration of this description the refractory matrix which previously obscured many points has been completely removed ; for this reason previous descriptions are disregarded and a complete redescription given. The skull (plate 4, figs. 7, 8) was high and narrow; this appearance is empha- sized by the crushing of the specimen from side to side in fossilization ; probably it was not so high and narrow as in Dimetrodon incisivus. The condition of the speci- men makes it impossible to trace all of the sutures in the skull, but it is evident that the skull was closely similar to that of Ditnetrodon and that the bones were of the same form and general relations. The posterior temporal region is badly crushed. MORPHOLOGICAL REVISION OF THE SUBORDER. 9I The end of the muzzle was abruptly rounded and high with the nostrils lateral, but quite near the anterior edge. The tooth line of the maxillary is convex and there is a slight diastemal notch between the maxillary and premaxillary. This is really less well-developed than appears in the figure, where it is accentuated by the crushing of the specimen ; it is most clearly indicated by the size of the teeth. The teeth are similar to those of Diinetrodoii ; as in that genus there were two large maxillary canine teeth which were alternately functional, for in each maxillary there is a large tooth and an empty alveolus. On the right side there are fifteen teeth posterior to the large canines, two canines, or rather one and an empty alveolus, and three or four teeth preceding the canine, making twenty or twent3'-one in all. On the left side the teeth are less perfectly preserved. The canine is abruptly larger tlian the others with an elliptical section and sharp anterior and posterior cutting edges, but the edges are not crenate. Posterior to the canine the teeth are gradually reduced in size until the posterior ones are very small. There were four teeth in the premaxillary ; the anterior three are larger than the posterior ones, but are not nearly so large as the maxillary teeth immediately following the canine. The posterior portion of the skull is badly crushed and only a few points can be made out with certainty. They show that the previous description of this portion of the skull by the writer was correct (29). On both sides of the skull the outline of the anterior portion of the orbit can be traced and shows that it was large, nearly cir- cular, and surrounded by a prominent rim as in Dimetrodon. A jugal can be traced below. On the left side the fractured postorbital region shows the jugal connecting with the prosquamosal (?) posteriorly and with the postorbital abo\-e, which though broken and displaced can still be traced. The edges of a large inferior temporal vacuity are distinct and the superior temporal vacuity was small. It is certain that the animal had a diaptosaurian skull closely similar to, but more primitive than Dimetrodon. The lower jaiv is ver>' similar to that of Dimetrodon incisiviis in form and pro- portions, but the sutures can not be traced. The ramus was more slender and with a longer symphysis in which the splenial takes large part. The posterior end is widened and there is no coronoid process. The articular region is hidden. The teeth are mostly hidden so the number can not be given, but on the left side there were three large teeth at the end without a smaller one preceding them, as is common in the genus Dimetrodon. The alveolar edge of the dentary is concave to correspond to the convex edge of the maxillary. The vertebral column : No vertebrae from the anterior portion of the column have been identified. The dorsals are represented b}' several loose vertebrae from the postdorsal region ; three connected vertebrae with ribs show the chief characters. The centra are relatively elongate with the base of the spine elongate antero-posteriorly and set well back over the posterior zygapophyses ; the faces of the zygapophyses are nearly horizontal. The transverse processes are very slender and stand out straight from the neural arch. The ribs are large and two-headed with a strong tuberculum and the shaft nearly straight. An anterior lumbar has the centrum and neural arch elongate antero-posteriorly; the transverse process is slender and the lower supporting ridge runs forward to the anterior edge of the centrum and joins the face for the capitulum of the rib. Of the five vertebrae in connection with the pelvis and sacrum \\\^ first tivo have the centra still rather long ; the bottom line is thinner and rounded, but not keeled. The base of the neural spine is thin, but wide antero-posteriorly. The ribs are firmly 92 REVISION OF THE PELYCOSAURIA. attached to the sides of the vertebra by capitulum and tuberculum as described in the morphological description of Dimetrodon dollovianus, No. 112 University of Chicago. They are roirnded, thin, and not very long. The third presacral has the bottom line decidedly shorter and concave. The lower edges of the articular faces of the centra are beveled, leaving wide spaces for the intercentrum. This is the first of the vertebrae in which the neural spines are pre- served. The neural arch is torn loose and displaced backward slightly, but the spine is in nearly the natural position. The base of the spine is wide antero-posteriorl}', but it rapidly narrows to a slender cylinder, tapering to the apex. It is naturally curved to the rear. The capitulum and tuberculum of the rib are united and fused with the sides of the centrum. Theyf/ji/ and second presacrals are much shortened antero-posteriorly, the spines resemble those of the third and are of nearly equal height. The ribs are small, with the capitulum and tuberculum no longer distinct and closely fused to the side of the vertebrae. The sacrals : There are three sacrals. The spines of all and the neural arch of the third are lost. The centra are largelj- hidden by the crests of the ilia which are in position, but it is seen that the ribs of the first two are verj' strong. The caitdals : The tail was very long and slender. There are seventeen caudals connected with the sacrum and many others which have been arranged as nearly as possible in position. It is evident that there are remnants of at least two tails in the lot, so the exact length can not be given. The first ten caudals bear ribs which are short but stout on the first and disappear on the tenth. All have the spines short and weak. On the second is a displaced rib head which might be mistaken for a chevron, but in common with the other members of the order the first few caudals have simple intercentra and the chevrons begin more posteriorly. Between the sixth and seventh the first chevron appears. It is represented by the proximal end only, but it shows the presence of a long distal process divided proximall}' by an elongate foramen as in Dimetrodon, No. 112 University of Chicago (plate 21, fig. 9). The lower edges of the articular faces of the centra are cut away to accommodate the wedge-like head of the intercentrum. By the thirteenth or four- teenth caudal the vertebrae have become slender and elongate. The bottom line is smooth, not marked with longitudinal lines as in some of the specimens from Illinois. Chevrons are still present. Isolated vertebrae show the tail to have been continued to very slender proportions. Shoulder girdle: The imperfect scapulae of both sides are preserved seemingly in natural position and possibly inclosing and hiding some of the anterior vertebrae. The scapula of the left side is preserved from the distal end to the center of the artic- ular face, that of the right side from the distal end nearly to the articular face. The form is in general the same as Dimetrodon. The shaft is curved and is penetrated by a foramen just distal to the articular face ; another foramen penetrates the bone just on the scapular edge of the articular face. The articular face is deep, but is straighter than in Dimetrodon in correlation with the simpler head of the humerus. The prox- imal end of a scapula in the Chicago collection, No. 6540, probably belongs to this species. On the anterior (dorsal) edge of both scapulae near the middle are fragments, which are evidently the distal ends of the clavicles. On the right scapula a thin splint of bone lies on the edge of the scapula and on the fragmentar)' end of the clavicle. This is in exactly the position of a cleithrum. In some of the scapulae of MORPHOLOGICAL REVISION OF THE SUBORDER. 93 Dimetrodon the anterior edge of the distal ends shows slight linear rugosities as if there had been a loose squamous articulation with a small bone, an appearance which suggests the possibility of a cleithrum (Nos. 4131 American Museum and looi University of Chicago). The slender element described here seems after careful study to be a distinct bone and not a splintered fragment ; if it is a distinct element it is the cleithrum. The presence of a cleithrum in just such a rudimentary condition is not surprising, but rather to be expected. The fore limb: There are several humeri in the lot, but all are of the same type. It is highly probable that they belong with the same species as the skull and pelvis. The articular ends are simple, without head or condyles, and were evidently covered with cartilage. Tlie proximal end is rounded in outline with no trace of an articular face. The articular surface is widened next to the radial crest and is con- tinued out upon it without interruption. The prominent radial crest leaves the main part of the bone almost at right angles and the point of departure is marked on the posterior side by a sharp ridge. The shaft is slender and subquadrate in section. The entepicondyle is hardly larger than the ectepicondyle ; the entepicondylar fora- men is narrow and elongate. On the anterior face of the distal end is a ridge which extends to and widens the distal surface in the position of the condyle for the radius. The radius and ulna are unknown unless a very thin fragment of a long bone with an abruptly widened end represents the distal end of the radius. The radiale has almost the same form as in D. incisivus ; it has a broad prox- imal surface for the end of the ulna and two faces meeting at an angle below for the centrale i and 2. The uluare is thin and disk-like, with two articular faces on the inner side for the intermedium and centrale i. In the specimen it is slightly turned in position, showing the facets. The iiitermediuni projects well beyond the proximal end of the radiale and ulnare. It had the same form as in Dimetrodon incisivus^ but in the specimen it is somewhat crushed. The centrale i and 2 are rather different from the same bones in Dimetrodon. Centrale i is rather more cuboid, and centrale 2 seemingly did not send a process inward to articulate with the carpale 3. Carpale 5 is absent, the others show nearly the same form and relation as in D. incisivus. The pelvis is nearly perfect ; the exact form of the acetabulum is hidden on both sides by the heads of the femora which remain in the socket. The general form of the pelvis is very similar to that of Dimetrodon incisivus., but the pubis and ischium extended farther fore and aft, so that the symphysis is longer in proportion to the height. The symphysis was quite deep and the two sides stood nearly vertical. The iliimi has a high crest with a strong posterior prolongation. The inner face of the crest can not be seen, but there was evidently a strong attachment to the sacral ribs. The upper edge of the acetabulum is rather prominent over a relatively deep cup. The pubis has the upper edge thickened into a strong ridge. The obturator for- amen is just below the anterior edge of the acetabulum. The bottom line is nearly straight and the upper edge slants rapidly downward so that the anterior end is very low and formed almost entirely by the thickened upper edge of the bone. The suture between the pubis and ischium can not be traced. 94 REVISION OF THE PELYCOSAURIA. The ischium has lost a small portion of the distal end. The upper edge slants down and back and the lower edge slowly rises so the bone ends in a blunt point. t\ve. femur is rather more elongate and slender than in Diopeiis. The posterior depression of the proximal end is deep and the inner edge is developed more as a tuberosit)' than a ridge. The shaft is rounded at the middle with a light rugose line on the posterior face. The condyles lie on the posterior face looking backward more than downward ; they are distinct, but not so clearly marked as in Dimetrodon. The tibia is about three-fourths as long as the femur, the proximal end is enlarged and the shaft is bent. The proximal face is divided by a groove as in Dime- trodon^ but the division is not nearly so prominent nor is there a cnemial crest. The distal end is broken. The: fibula is a simple flattened shaft curved like the tibia. The distal end ter- minates in two facets set at a large angle to each other. The posterior foot : The tarsus of the left foot and the proximal ends of four metacarpals. The careful cleaning of the specimen shows that the element described by Cope as the fifth metatarsal is really an element of the tarsus. The tarsus is com- plete and the bones lie in their proper places, but many of them have been slightly moved in their places so that they no longer articulate accurately. There are eight elements in the tarsus. The fibulare (calcaneum) is twisted until it lies nearly at right angles to the normal position and the faces normally applied to the tibiale are presented to the front. The main portion of the bone is flat and disk-like. On the inner edge are the faces for the tibiale; above the inner edge is beveled by a face for the fibula and distally there is a face for the intermedium (cuboid). The tibiale (astragalus) is roughly L-shaped, the two points on the inner side are applied to the fibulare and the outer part terminates in a thickened roughened surface. This lower part leaves the vertical portion more gently than in some others. The two facets of the inner side applied to the two facets of the fibulare leave between them a foramen through which a blood-vessel penetrated the foot. Below the tibiale articulated with the centrale i (navicular), and by its lateral internal corner with the intermedium + (cuboid). There are two large bones in the second row of the tarsus, the centrale i and the intermediiun +. The former is rather rectangular, longer than high and articu- lates with the tibiale above, tarsals i and 2 below and the intermedium + below. The intermedium + is a large bone evidently compounded of two or more origi- nally distinct elements. It articulates with the tibiale and fibulare above and extends distally to support the fourth metatarsal. From its position it seems that it is either the intermedium + centrale 2 + tarsale iv or intermedium + centrale 2 ; in the latter case it would be necessary to assume that the tarsale w has been lost and there is nothing in the appearance of the foot to warrant such an assumption. The bone is very long vertically and near the middle presents a sharp angle, as if two elements had fused. Tarsale i: This articulates by a broad face with the centrale i and sends a strong process laterally from the distal end which widens the end to accommodate a long and narrow facet for the head of the metatarsal 5. Tarsale 11 and iii are small elements with large facets for the corresponding metatarsals. From the dorsal side it is evident that tarsale i, 11, and iii articulate proximally with the centrale i. On the ventral side tarsale 11 is not visible having been crowded back by the crushing of the foot. MORPHOLOGICAL REVISION OF THE SUBORDER. 95 Tarsale iv is not present as a distinct element, the fifth metatarsal articulates with a broad facet on the intermedium + ; there is little doubt that the distal portion of this represents tarsale iv. Tarsale v is a small bone on the outer side of the intermedium and identified by Cope as metatarsal 5. It carries a distinct saddle-shaped facet for the fifth metatarsal. ^h& phalanges are represented by the proximal ends only. Fig. 26 a. — Sketch restoration of Clepsydrops nalalis. About J 5. Spines are restored except on the last three lumbar vertebras. Measitrements. — No. 4110. Length of lower jaw Width of anterior end of lower jaw widest part of posterior end Length of tooth line in upper jaw large maxillary tooth largest incisor maxillary next posterior to the large maxillary three posterior dorsals bottom line of anterior lumbar bottom line of posterior lumbar .... Length of first caudal 14 scapula, from distal end to center of articular face 105 Width of distal end of scapula 30 Length of humerus 82 Width of proximal end of humerus 33 distal end of humerus 42 Length of pubo-ischiatic symphysis nearly com- plete 126 Height from symphysis to top of iliac crest .... 89 Length of femur 121 The restoration of Clepsydrops na talis here given indicates the slender proportions of the body and the very long tail. The spines are restored i>i toto with the exception of the first three presacrals, which are preserved. It is believed by the author that the spines on this form had not reached the disproportionate length found in the genus Dimetrodon. Genus DIMETRODON Cope (seep. 43). Characteristic specimens: No. 41 16 Am. Mus.: The type, an incomplete skull. No. 4008 Am. Mus.: Cotype, vertical column from axis to first caudal. No. 4040 Am. Mus.: A vertebral column with axis and several precaudals, sacrum and tail to the ninth caudal. No. i University of Chicago : Pelvis, incomplete skull and vertebral column, scaptilaand humerus, femur, tibia, and fibula. No. looi University of Chicago : Nearly complete skull, anterior part of vertebral column, humeri, ulnse bones, and front feet. No. 1003 University of Chicago : A complete front foot and imperfect anterior limb bones. 96 REVISION OF THE PELYCOSAURIA. The species Dimetrodott iticisivus is tlie most common in occurrence and the best-known member of the Pelycosauria. The description and res- toration of the genus is based largely on this species ; a few points as noted below have been supplied from other species. Details of the skull have been supplied from Dimetrodon gigas, No. 1002 University of Chicago. The shoulder-girdle is described almost entirely from Dimetrodon dolloviaiius, No. 114 University of Chicago. The posterior foot has been restored from that of Clepsydrops na talis, No. 4 no Am. Mus. This is the only portion taken from another genus, but as the fore foot of Clepsydrops, No. 2290 Am. Mus., closely resembles that of Dime- trodon it is safe to assume a resemblance in the hind foot. The skull : There are three skulls in the University of Chicago collection belong- ing to the genus Dimetrodon. These supplement each other perfectly, one suppl3'ing details lacking in the other. No. I University of Chicago, D. vidsh'HS, is an imperfect skull found in a hard joint-clay with the bones disarticulated and scattered, but free from any distortion. It gives most clearly the characters of the basicranial region and the pterygoids, and afforded an opportunity to make a cast of the brain cavity. No. 1 00 1 University of Chicago, D. indsiviis, was preserved in a soft shale which was easily washed from the bones with a soft sponge, permitting the finest details to be made out. The bones were preserved in place, but badly broken and in places rotted by g}'psum. It shows the temporal and quadrate regions and the relations of the transverse, the structiire of the posterior portion of the top of the skull and the lower jaws. No. 1002 University of Chicago, D. gigas, was preserved in a compact red clay, and the bones were covered with a hard scale of calcareous material, which was removed with comparative ease, leaving the bones hard and perfect. This skull is unique in the perfection of its preservation, the only portion missing being the temporal arches, in part, of the left side and the median portion of the epipteiygoids. The skull lay on its side, and all the bones are joined in their natural relations. The whole skull has been crushed slightly from the sides, so that it appears more narrow than it really is. The bones of the top of the skull have been slightly broken and the palate has been pushed slightly downward, but on the whole the skull has been so little changed from its natural condition in life that it is easily restored. This specimen has made plain the general proportions of the skull and the bones of the vomerine and ethmoidal region. The quadrate, plate 11, figs. 1-4, is a thin plate of bone of considerable vertical extent reaching nearly half the height of the posterior portion of the skull, but not reaching such a great antero-posterior length as the same bone in Sphenodon. The articular portion consists of two condyles elongate in the antero-posterior direction and with their main axes converging slightly as they advance, so that all motion of the jaws was rigidly limited to the vertical plane. The outer condyle is the more slender and lies almost in the plane of the upper portion of the bone ; posteriorly it extends beyond the main part of the bone as a prominent process, with its upper face flattened into a sort of shelf to which is attached the lower end of the quadrato-jugal. The inner condyle is stouter and is offset from the body of the bone. The posterior edge MORPHOLOGICAL REVISION OF THE SUBORDER. 97 of the quadrate is rounded and gives attachment through its length to the quadrato- jugal, but just above where the quadrato-jugal joins the upper surface of the inner condyle the two are separated by a good-sized foramen, \h& foramen qiiadratiim. This foramen serves as an important landmark in the skull ; it is not present in the Cotylo- sauria; it is probably present in all the primitive Archosanria {^Diaptosaun'a, Osborn) although it has been demonstrated only in the Pelycosaiiria and Rhyncocephalia vera; it is present in the carnivoroits Dinosaurs, the Ichthyosaurs, and the Phyiosaiirs ; it is absent in the Crocodilia, the Pterosaurs, and the Squamata. The posterior end of the pter>'goid overlaps the quadrate on the inner side, the lower edge extends back almost to the posterior limit of the bone and is attached to the inner side of the inner condyle. The quadrato-jugal occupies a relatively unimportant position in the skull. It is a very thin plate of bone, with its lower end and posterior edge attached to the quadrate, as described above. The upper end becomes very sharp and is wedged in between the prosquamosal and squamosal and comes in contact with the parietal. It is separated from any contact with the jugal by the descending process of the prosqua- mosal, as described below, and in turn it separates the prosquamosal from the squa- mosal, thus occupying a unique position among the reptiles. The position of the quadrato-jugal is not anomalous, however, for if the upper end were withdrawn from contact with the parietal by shortening, the prosquamosal and the squamosal would come in contact, and a union of the two would produce the bone called squamosal or squamosal + prosquamosal in Sphenodon. The prosquamosal has the position usually assigned to the quadrato-jugal ; that is, it connects the jugal and the quadrate. It would have been taken for the quadrato- jugal in the present specimens if the presence of the foramen quadratum had not indicated the true position of the quadrato-jugal. (The significance of the position of the prosquamosal is discussed in the description of the temporal region below.) The prosquamosal joins the jugal in about the middle of the inferior temporal arch, the two bones narrowing somewhat as they approach, so the edges of the inferior arch are concave both above and below. Posteriorly the prosquamosal widens, forming an upper and lower process, and the bone becomes roughly T-shaped. The lower three- quarters of the posterior edge join the quadrato-jugal, and the upper quarter joins the anterior edge of the posterior process of the postorbital to form the posterior edge of the superior temporal vacuity. The posterior edge of the prosquamosal passes under the quadrato-jugal articulating with its lower surface, and finally articulates with the edge of the quadrate near the quadrato-jugal. This is shown in specimen No. 1002 University of Chicago, and Nos. 4036 and 1826 Am. Mus. The bones fonning the edges of the superior temporal vacuity are approximated, so the vacuity is very small. In the crushed specimens the sides of the upper vacuity are very close together and it seems that they must have been so in life. In No. looi University of Chicago, the edges of the bones where they would meet are very thin, and it is possible that they met over the vacuity, although there could have been no true articulation even in this case. There is a strong rugosity of the lower ends of the parietal which covers the vacuity, but this I am inclined to regard as pathological. In specimen No. 1002 Universit}' of Chicago, Dimetrodon gigas, the vacuity is open, but very small and narrow. In specimen No. 4036 Am. Mus., labeled by Cope Naosaurus claviger, the vacuity is even smaller, not over 15 mm, long. The parietal has a broadened horizontal upper portion which unites by strong suture with the frontal, postorbital, and the parietal of the opposite side, but does not 98 REVISION OF THE PELYCOSAURIA. join the postfrontal. The pineal foramen lies in about the middle of this horizontal portion and completely posterior to the orbits. The descending portion of the bone curves sharply outward and downward and joins the quadrato-jugal as described above. The squamosal lies largely on the posterior and inner (toward the median line) side of the parietal. Its lower end is widened and overhangs the distal end of the paroccipital exactly as in Sphenodon, but in larger degree. The relations of the parie- tal and squamosal are rather peculiar ; the squamosal forms the posterior side of the parietal arch and reaches almost to the median line of the skull, thus fonning the major portion of the posterior aspect of the upper part of the skull. In Sphenodon the parietal forms the posterior part of the skull in the median line and does not pass under the squamosal till about the middle of the parietal arch. This gives the squamo- sal an appearance of greater prominence on the back of the Pelycosaurian skull, but the bones have essentially the same relations in both forms. The cranial region is formed by a single complex bone composed of the closely coossified basioccipital, supraoccipital, exoccipital, paroccipital, and petrosal ; in none of these specimens are there well-defined sutures separating these bones, so that the}' must have united early in life. Plate 11, figs. 7 and 8, shows this region in No. i University of Chicago, where it was found disarticulated and complete; the same region in the other specimens has been somewhat crushed, but shows enough to make it evident that they are of the same character as specimen 1. The following description is taken from a previous paper discussing specimen i (Case 22) : "The occipital region closely resembles that of Sphenodon. The condyle is formed by the exoccipitals and basioccipital. The exoccipitals meet in the median line above, excluding the supraoccipital from any part in the foramen magnum. Laterally they join the expanded proximal ends of the opisthotics. The supraocci- pital is a triangular plate inclined forward as it ascends and joining by the base of the triangle the parietals above. Laterally it joins the opisthotics and inferiorly the exoccipitals. The opisthotics are expanded proximally, joining the supraoccijsital and exoccipitals. Distally they are elongated outwards, backwards, and downwards. The lower edge of the proximal end is marked by a notch which, in union with simi- lar notches in the basioccipital and petrosal form the fenestra ovalis. The opisthotics remained free during life or until advanced age. This feature is found only in turtles, Ichthyosaurs, and the young Sphenodon. It has been noticed in young lizards before leaving the &gg.* The basioccipital fonns the lower portion of the condyle and lies between the exoccipitals and opisthotics. The lower surface is trough-like for its posterior half and supported a posterior extension of the basisphenoid. Laterally a slight notch forms the inner wall of the fenestra ovalis. Anterior to the horizontal trough-like portion the inferior surface rises sharply ; the angle thus formed is marked by a large foramen of unknown function, perhaps the hypophysis passes into the interior of the basioccipital, plate 11, fig. 8. The petrosals join the opisthotics, exoc- cipitals, and the basioccipital, but the sutures are not distinguishable. The lower part of the anterior edges was continued forward as long processes, the anterior-inferior processes of Siebenrock.f These are partially destroyed in the specimen. A deep notch in the anterior edge of the petrosals just above the origin of these processes, * Siebenrock, F. : Das Skelet der Lacerta Simonyi Steind, und der Lacertiden familie uberhaupt ; Sitzunberichten der kaiserl. Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien. Mathm. Naturwiss. Classe., cm, Abth. I, April, 1894. tSiebenrock, F.: Zur Osteologie des Hatteria-Kopfes, ibid., Bd. cii, Abth. i, June, 1893. MORPHOLOGICAL REVISION OF THE SUBORDER. 99 the iiicisura otosphenoidea Sieb., marks the point of exit from the brain cavity of the fifth pair of nerves (trigeminus). The superior end of the anterior edge is separated from the supraoccipital by a notch which is continued on the sides of the bone as a shallow, short groove. The posterior edge contributes the last portion to the walls of the fenestra ovalis. "The basisphenoid remained free. The posterior edge is greatly thickened ver- tically, and its lower edge stood well away from the basioccipital. The otic region and the posterior edge of the basisphenoid were covered with a large mass of cartilage. The lower surface of the basisphenoid is excavated by a deep pit, plate 11, fig. 2, which opens on the posterior as well as the inferior surface of the bone and divides the posterior into two parts. The upper edge of the posterior surface, forming the base of the pit, was continued backward as a spout-like process articulating with the lower surface of the basioccipital. The anterior edge is extended forward as a para- sphenoid rostrum originating between the short and stout pterj^goid processes. "The foramina penetrating these bones are remarkably similar in position to those jDenetrating the same bones in Sp/ieiiodoii. The condylar foramen transmitting the twelfth pair (hypoglossus) penetrates the exoccipital just anterior to the edge of foramen magnum. Its outer end opens in a notch (the incisura vencr jiigularis Sieb.) in the side of the exoccipital. A little below and further forward a second and much smaller foramen opens in the same notch ; this may transmit either the ninth or tenth pair of nerves or a minor blood-vessel. Passing forward the notch deepens and is very soon converted into a foramen by the adjacent portion of the opisthotic. This is the foramen vence jiigularis of Siebenrock and transmits the jugular vein and either the ninth or tenth nerves or both of them. In Spheiiodon the foramen transmits not only these but the twelfth pair as well, the nerv^es being separated from the vein by very thin walls of bone and may be separated from each other or have a common canal. The opening of the twelfth pair into the notch which forms the beginning of the jugular foramen is then ver>' similar to the condition found in Sphenodon. "The fenestra ovalis is a single opening leading by a very short canal directly into the brain cavity, a character found in fishes and the amphibian Menopoma and existing imperfectly in some recent reptilia, as the turtles. The same thing is described by Cope as existing in another Permian reptile, from the same horizon as the present specimen, but belonging to a separate family, the Diadectidce, and his order Cotylosauria. " The foramina for the seventh (facial) pair of nerves appear on the outer surface of the petrosal just anterior to the fenestra ovalis. They are located relatively a little further back than in Sphenodon. On the inner face of the same bone the foramina appear at the side of the base of the brain cavity a little anterior to their external opening. They are located just anterior to a slight ridge which defines the limits of the tympanic cavity. In Sphenodon this is about the point of location of a foramen common to the seventh and eighth nerves, which, however, almost immediately divides, the posterior branch penetrating the inner wall of the tympanic cavity and leading the auditory nerve to the inner ear. " The foramen for the fifth (trigeminus) nerve is completed from the incisura otosphenoidea by the membranous wall of the anterior portion of the brain case, as in Sphenodon and many lizards. " A cast of the brain cavity shows fairly well all parts posterior to the fifth pair of nerves, and the hypophysis anterior to them. As is well known, the brain in the REVISION OF THE PELYCOSAURIA. reptilia does not fill the brain cavity, but is supported by a mass of connective tissue carrying lymph and fat masses ; so a cast of the brain cavity does not give an exact copy of the brain. However, many points can be brought out by such a cast. " If the cast be held with the short terminal portion of the medulla horizontal, the lower surface pitches downward at a sharp angle to a point anterior to the tympanic region, and then ascends as sharply to the point of origin of the hypophysis. The superior surface is horizontal and arched from side to side to a point over the tympanic cavity and there turns upward at an angle of 45°. The angle thus pro- duced is marked by a low, narrow ridge running across the cast and marking the position on the brain of a narrow and elevated cerebellum, fig. 27 cb^ such as occurs in Spheno- don. This region was probably the seat of a large amount of connective tissue, and it is probable that the upper surface of the medulla descended at as sharp an angle as the lower. This would make still more marked the resemblance to Sphenodon and to the cast figured by Cope. This sharp bend of the medulla downward is not found in other forms, though in the brain of Chelonia and some Lacertilia a bend is apparent. "The sides of the medulla show most pos- teriorly the beginning of the twelfth nerves, figs. 27 and 28 (12), anterior to these the cast of the jugular foramen, y«, and finally the large casts of the tympanic cavity, Ty. " Anterior to the tympanic casts a sharp con- striction marks the ridge defining the limits of the tympanic cavity, and then a sharp outswelling, the point of exit of the trigeminus nerve (5). Near where these leave the body of the cast a small stub on each side marks the origin of the seventh pair (7). " The hypophysis is the most interesting feature of the brain. Descending between the anterior-inferior process of the petrosal and turning posteriorly, it occupies a small notch in the pos- terior edge of the upper surface of the basisphenoid and then passes directly into the body of the basi- occipital through the foramen mentioned. In the Crocodilia a somewhat similar condition exists." Some additional points have been made out from specimens looi and 1002, University of Chicago. The distal ends of the paroccipitals rest on or close to the upper edges of the quadrates and are overlapped by the squamosals. On the left side of the cranial region of specimen 1002 the median portion of the stapes is preserved ; it shows that the stapes was a slender rod extending from the foramen to the quadrate just beneath the paroccipital. Unfortunately neither end is preserved. Cope speaks of both a columella auris and a stapes, but there is no evidence of more than a single bone in these specimens. The semicircular canals of both sides are fairly well pre- served and show the presence of a large ampullar space (ampullenraum, Siebenrock) Fig. 27. — A lateral view of cast of brain cavity of D. inc/sivus, No. I University of Chi- cago. X 1. eft, cerebellum ; 12, twelfth aanial nerve; ju, cast of jugular for- amen. Ty, cast of tympanic cavity ; Hy, hypophysis; 5, 7, fifth and seventh cranial nerves. Fig. 28. — Ventral view of same. Lettering as in fig. 27. MORPHOLOGICAL REVISION OF THE SUBORDER. lOI and well-developed semicircular canals. A displaced portion of the petrosal shows the penetration of the canals into its body. The jngal forms the lower half of the orbital rim. The orbital edge is widened by the development of a strong, sharp ridge on the outer side of the bone so that the socket is bordered on the lower side by a shelf of at least a centimeter in width. The lower part of the bone is very thin and the edges are without thickening rugosi- ties. On the inner side of the jugal a strong ridge extends obliquely downwards and forwards from the orbit to the antero-inferior angle of the bone ; here it leaves the bone and extends as a sessile process with a bifurcate end ; into the bifurcation of the end articulates the upper end of the transverse, fig. 29. The articulation with the maxillary is by a close interdigitating suture which locks the bones very closely together. The bones of the top of the skull have already been described from specimens Nos. I and 1002 and the separate elements figiired, but in the specimen No. looi the top of the skull is preser\'ed on one side without dis- tortion and the bones can be seen in their natural relations, plate 10, figs, i and 2. The postorbital consists of a flat ante- rior portion and two posterior branches. One of the posterior branches extends downwards to join the jugal and fdrm the upper half of 29,-Innet view ot suborbital portion of skull ot the postcHor rim of the orbit ; it passes in- a /nc«,«as, No. lOOl Umversity of Chicago. ^j^^ ^f ^j^^ j^^ j ^^^ 3^ fo„„3 ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^f Showing relations ol the transverse, pterygoid, , . , . , maxillary, and palatine. X >4. ^he Orbital rim than appears on the exterior. The second, upper, posterior process passes backward to join the prosquamosal and form the upper edge of the inferior temporal vacuitj'. The anterior portion joins the postfrontal and parietal; its outer edge is thickened and rugose and forms the posterior portion of the superorbital ridge. The postfrontal is a quadrangular bone which articulates with postorbital and frontal ; its outer edge carries forward the rugose superorbital ridge. The roof of the orbit formed by the postorbital, postfrontal, frontal, and prefrontal is rounded and vaulted so that its capacity is much increased inwardly. From the inner edges of the lower side of the postorbital and prefrontal, ridges extend inward in a curve, on the lower surfaces of the frontal aud postfrontal until they finally meet on the median line of the skull completing a perfect semicircle. This truss-like ridge surrounding the vaulted roof of the orbit adds greatly to the strength of the skull. The lachrymal is not well shown in any of the specimens nor is there a lachrymal foramen. In some of the specimens there is evidence of a faint suture on the anterior edge of the orbit indicating the possible presence of a distinct bone, but it is impos- sible to trace the suture out upon the facial portion of the skull. Howse and Swin- nerton in their discussion of the development of Sphenodon say that there is no trace of a lachrymal in that form. It may be very possible that it did not develop in the Pelycosauria; certainly, if it did, it very early coalesced with the surrounding bones. 'Vhe frontal is an elongate bone lying horizontally in the skull ; near the pos- terior end a process extends outward to the orbital rim forming the middle of the edge. The union of the bones of the two sides gives a distinct cruciform arrangement in the middle of the skuU roof. The articulations of the bone are best shown in plate lo, fig. I. REVISION OF THE PELYCOSAURIA. The prefrontal forms the superior anterior angle of the orbit and extends forward betvveeen the nasal and frontal above and the maxillary' and lachrymal (?) below. The posterior portion of the bone is bent at right angles on the antero-posterior axis, so that the upper portion of the bones is horizontal and the lower vertical. The horizontal portion forms a part of the roof of the skull and the anterior part of the superorbital ridge. On the vertical portion a strong ridge carries the superorbital ridge forward on to the facial region. Beneath the posterior end of this ridge and just anterior to the orbit is a deep pit. The presence of this ridge and pit is one of the charac- teristic features of the Pel5'cosaurian skull. The nasals are elongate bones occupying the median line of the skull and extending from a point just anterior to the orbits to the anterior nares in front. The septo-maxillary : Ante- rior to the nasal and forming the posterior edge of the narial open- ing is a singular bone, the septo- maxillary, difficult of description, but indicated in plates 17 and iS, figs. I. Each bone is bent at right angles, so that the lower half fonns the floor of the posterior half of the nares and the upper half its posterior edge. The two bones of the opposite side meet in the median line. Of the vertical portion, the inner part is only one-half so high as the outer, so that while the outer part extends to the top of the nares, the inner part reaches up only one-half the height. This forms a dam across the posterior part of the nares, so that the air in entering must first pass upward and over the dam and then downward into the mouth. On the outer side of the septo-maxillary a short pro- cess at the posterior inferior angle of the nares divides two foramina which pass between the septo- maxillary and the maxillary to the interior of the skull, problematical. The premaxillaries are heavy rounded bones uniting in the median line by a wide sutural area. The lower edge is thickened for the reception of the tooth sockets, and the outer surface of the edge is marked by deep pits and rugosities. The suture between the premaxillary and maxillary terminates below in the middle of the dias- temal notch. Superiorly the premaxillaries send upward and backward long processes, which pass between the nasals and form the upper portion of the nares. The premax- illaries always carry large tusks and smaller teeth ; the tusks lie near the median line in the fore part of the bone, but their number seems to be variable in the different species. The maxillaries are peculiar in their great vertical extent, forming the greater portion of the elevated facial region. The upper portion is remarkably thin, never Fig. 30. — Secrion of skull of D. gigas. No. 1002 University of Chicago, opposite posterior end of palate. ^/, palatine, //, slender vertical plates of pterygoid, mv, maxillary. Fig. 3 1 . — Cross-section of same skull through diastemal notch, pmx, premaxil- lary; px', prevomer : ft^ pterygoid; », nasal. Their function is entirely MORPHOLOGICAL REVISION OF THE SUBORDER. 103 exceeding 2 mm., even in the largest specimen, while the edge of the bone carrying the teeth may reach a thickness of 2 and 3 centimeters. The thinness of the upper portion of the maxillary is shared by the adjacent bones, the nasals, prefontal, jugal, and lachrymal, so that this part of the skull is almost always shattered in the processes of fossilization and lost. The lower edge of the bone is very abruptly widened into a thick dentigerous border (figs. 30 and 31 and plate 10, fig. 4), which is in strong contrast to the weak upper portion of the facial region. The width of this border is greatest opposite the enlarged canine near the anterior end of the maxillary and decreases in width toward the posterior end of the bone as the teeth become smaller. In the diastemal notch there seems to be no great wideuing of the edge, even in the fonns where teeth are present in the notch. The posterior end of the bone articu- lates with the jugal, as described above. The outer surface is marked on the lower edge with pits and rugosities. The teeth are lenticular in form, with distinct fore and aft cutting edges, which are strongly serrate. The roots of the teeth are implanted in distinct sockets which may reach a depth as great as the length of the tooth beyond the outer edge of the bone (plate 14, fig. 8). The outer edge of the bone extends much farther down than the inner, so that a good bit of the length of the tooth after it leaves the socket rests against this edge. The root of the tooth is hollow and its inner end is open, so that it is evident that the teeth were replaced by absorption of the root and continued growth of new teeth. This process is seen in actual progress in several specimens. One peculiarity of the deutition in the family Clepsydropidce is very striking. The maxillary has always two alveoli for enlarged canine teeth, but in only one or two specimens of the man)' preser\-ed are there two enlarged teeth present in the maxillary ; in all the others there is one tooth functional and either an empty alveolus or a tooth just beginning to appear from the socket. It seems that the two large canines of each side were alternately functional, one growing to full size and function as the other fell or was pushed out by the successional tooth. It is as often the anterior as the posterior tooth which is lost, and the anterior is often present on one side of the jaw while the posterior is present on the other side. Thus the animal was never deprived of its powerful tusks for any considerable interval. The number of the teeth seems to be variable in the different specimens, but was never far from 20 in the maxillary and 28 in the lower jaw. The trcvisi'erse is seen in specimens Nos. looi and 1002 University of Chicago. On the inner side of the jugal, as described above and shown in fig. 30, a strong ridge extends forward and receives into its bifurcated end the upper end of the transverse. From this point the transverse extends straight downward on the anterior and outer face of the outer process of the pter>'goid; its lower edge fuses with the pter>'goid so that it is impossible to describe its lower limit exactly, but it does not extend very far down on the pterygoid. The anterior edge of the transverse unites with the posterior end of the maxillary, so that it is held firmly in its position. The pte>y£-oid, as repeatedly described, has a distinct tripartite form, consisting of an anterior horizontal portion, a medium vertical process, and a posterior portion which joins the quadrate. The form of the bone is best shown in plate i i,figs. 5 and 6, which are from specimen i University of Chicago. The anterior plate is separated from the maxillary by the palatine and the trans- verse. These bones join the pterygoid directly, so that there are no palatine vacuities in the posterior part of the palate. The anterior processes come very close together in the median line, but it is impossible to say whether they are united throughout their length or not. It seems probable that there was a space between the posterior I04 REVISION OF THE PELYCOSAURIA. portions, but the anterior parts come close together. From the inner edges of the anterior portions of the pteiygoids vertical plates extend upward in the skull, forming a median septum in the lower part of the nasal region. Anteriorly these plates unite and below they pass into the prevomers. The suture between the plates and prevomers is visible anteriorly, but posteriorly it disappears (figs. 30 and 31, and plate 18, fig. i, //). Similar vertical plates occur on the inner edge of the pterygoids of Protersiichiis fergusi Broom. The median portions of the anterior processes were covered with small teeth that were in part, at least, implanted in shallow sockets. The median external process is a stout projection with a flat external face, which formed a buttress for the lower jaw, such as occurs in the Crocodilia and in Sp/ieiiodon. It stands much nearer the surface of the skull than in the forms mentioned, so that its outer face is in almost the same plane as the side of the skull. The upper and anterior portion of the external face of this process is certainly formed by the trans- verse, and it is marked by a sculpture of fine lines. The lower edge of the process is rounded, and carries a row of teeth in sockets. The number and size of these teeth vary, and so seem to be of value in specific determination. The posterior process is a broad plate standing nearly vertically in the skull, but inclining inward somewhat at the top. At the point of departure from the median process it is of less vertical extent and stouter, but as it passes back it becomes very thin and plate-like. It joins the quadrate as described above, and from its upper surface rises the epipterygoid. The epipterygoid is the only bone that does not have a complete representation in one of the three skulls. In No. 1002 the lower ends are still in contact with the pter>'goid, but the upper part is lost. It seems that the bone articulated loosely with the parietal by the intervention of cartilage, much as in Sphenodon. The form was that of a slender flattened pillar. The palatines are slender plates closely attached to both the maxillaries and pterygoids. The attachment to the maxillary is very firm. A vertical expansion of the bone is applied to the inner side of the alveolar edge, and from this springs the horizontal plate. The bone reaches from the posterior end of the maxillary to a point opposite the canine tooth. The anterior end forms the posterior edge of the posterior nares. The basispheiioid is best shown in plate 11, figs. 2 and 3. The posterior end is swollen, and articulates with the basioccipital. There is evidence of the presence of considerable cartilage in this region during life. On the lower surface there is a deep pit, and near the anterior end two strong articular faces. The anterior end terminates in a strong, median, vertical plate, the parasphenoidal rostrum. The deep pit excavating the lower surface of the basisphenoid is, in all proba- bility, the lower opening of the Eustachian tubes. In most reptilian forms the tubes pass into the pharynx in the neighborhood of the basioccipital-basisphenoid suture and anterior to the fenestra ovalis. In the Crocodilia and the aglossal batrachiaus they have a common opening into the mouth. In the present fonn the tubes probably penetrated the large mass of cartilage covering the otic region and the posterior end of the basisphenoid and found a common opening in the deep pit described. It is difficult to imagine the use of such an extensive cavity in the basisphenoid, but in the Teleosauria an equally large cavity is found roofed over with bone. Anterior to this pit two foramina penetrate the lower surface of the basisphenoid bone, and on its upper surface a large foramen appears just posterior to the origin of the parasphenoid rostrum. Through the pair on the lower surface the internal carotid arteries enter MORPHOLOGICAL REVISION OF THE SUBORDER. I05 the bone, and through the upper they gain access to the brain cavity by way of the pituitary fossa. On either side of the single foramen a pair of small foramina carry branches of the internal carotid. All of these foramina are very similar in position to the same ones in Spheiiodon. The two articular faces near the anterior end are the basipterygoid processes. There are no corresponding articular faces on the pterj-goid, and it is evident from the specimen No. 1002, where the bones of the palatal surface of the skull are little dis- turbed, that they did not articulate with the pterygoids on their inner side opposite the external processes, as at first supposed, but much further back. It is probable that there was a large mass of cartilage between the basipterygoid processes and the pterygoid comparable to the meniscus pterygoideiis described by Howse and Swin- nerton in the developing Sphenodon skull. The parasphenoid : From between the basipterygoid process extends anteriorly a vertical, compressed plate (plate 18, figs, i and 2, and plate 11, figs. 2 and 3), which extends directly upward in the median line of the skull. The point of union of this plate and the basisphenoid is marked on the upper edge by a deep notch. It has been shown by Parker, Siebenrock, Howse and Swiunerton, and others, that the basi- sphenoid of the adult reptiles is a compound bone, formed of the true cartilaginous basisphenoid and a dermal ossification which is the parasphenoid of the amphibians. In embry^onic, and even in early postembryonic life in Sphoiodon (according to Sieben- rock), the suture between the two is traceable. In the forms with a cartilaginous interorbital septum ( Crocodih'a, Lacertilm, and Chelonia) the cartilaginous presphenoid is not ossified, and the parasphenoid extends as a slender stylifonn process from the anterior end of the basisphenoid beneath the cartilaginous interorbital septum, and supports in embryonic life the membranous floor of the pituitary' space. There is no doubt that the anterior process of the basisphenoid in the Pelycosaiiria^ as in the Lacertilia and Rhynchocephalia vera, is the remnant of the parasphenoid united to the basisphenoid, and not the presphenoid, as first described by Baur and Case (10). The ethmoid: Instead, howe\-er, of the parasphenoid process of the Pelycosauria ending as a slender rod in the floor of the pituitary space, it extends upward as a strong slender plate, and unites above with a second plate which is in contact with the lower surface of the frontal bones. The suture between the parasphenoid and this plate is closed, but its position is marked by a low ridge, showing the point of coossifi- cation. The upper edge of the upper plate is planted finnly against the under side of the frontals, and there seems to be ample evidence of a direct sutural union ; but as the region is somewhat crushed, it is possible that the plate did not quite touch the frontal in life, but was connected with it by cartilage, and that it has been forced into close contact by the accidents of fossilization. However it may be, the relations of the bone would not be altered. The anterior edge of the plate is irregular and very thin, showing that it passed gradually into the cartilage of the interorbital septum in front. The upper portion of the posterior edge is thin, but the posterior angle is thickened and rounded. There is a deep notch between this angle and the para- sphenoid below, and this notch marks the position of the escape of the second pair of cranial nerves. There is no trace of either orbito- or alisphenoid ossification, as remarked above. There is no true median vomer. The prevomers : The specimen No. 1002 is of especial value, as it preserves the thin median plates of the skull. It clearly shows the presence of paired prevomers. The prevomers (20) are rather stout rods of bones extending from the middle of the Io6 REVISION OF THE PELYCOSAURIA. premaxillaries backward and downward in a curve to a point opposite the end of the palatine. Their form and relations are shown in plate i8, figs, i and 2, and plate 19, figs. 2 and 4. The curvature of the lower surface makes a vaulted roof to the mouth in the anterior portion. In about the middle of their course they are free from the bones on the sides, leaving a cavity which fonns the posterior nares; the sides of the prevomers at this point are marked by a prominent rugosity of the edge. Superiorl)' and posteriorly the prevomers join the vertical pterj-goid plates ; superiorly the upper edges diverge and receive between them the united plates; posteriorly they shade indefinitely into the plates, so that it is impossible to fix the exact limits of the bone. The lower jaiv : In specimen No. looi the lower jaws are preserved almost per- fectly ; the coronoid, which was a small splint bone, seems to be lost from both sides. The posterior portion of the jaw becomes ver>' high b)- the development of the posterior bones as vertical plates and from the inner side of this region the articular region projects as an almost sessile process made up of various processes from the angular, surangular, and prearticular (splenial) ; for this reason the posterior portion of the jaw is almost always shattered in the ground and the more solid articular region is the most commonly preserved. It was such an isolated mass which was interpreted by Baur and Case as the articular region of the skull. Plate 9, figs. 1-4, shows the lower jaws and the articular region in detail. The articular is a flattened disk-like bone completely inclosed on all sides but the superior. The upper surface bears two cotyli corresponding to the condyles of the quadrate. On the under side of the articular the posterior ends of the prearticular (splenial) and the angular meet in the median line and furnish the main support of the articular region ; between the articular and angular is slipped the posterior end of the surangular. This appears largely on the upper surface and fonns the inner side of the pedicle supporting the articular and its main attachment to the main por- tion of the jaw. On the outer side of the upper surface the prearticular appears and the articular sends a process forward for a short distance between this bone and the surangular. There is a deep pit extending backward and inward along the line of the articular-surangular suture. From posterior edge of articular in specimen No. looi a curious short curved process extends inward and upward (plate 11, figs. 9-1 1). The main portion of the jaw is best understood from plate 9. The articular pedicle is crushed down ; in the natural condition it stood out almost at right angles from the jaw. The surangular passes directly into a broad plate forming the posterior portion of the upper half of the bone ; it rises rapidly as it passes forward to meet the rising end of the dentary. There are impressions on the adjoining ends of these two bones indicating the loss of the coronoid. The angular forms the lower portion of the posterior half of the jaw. It is rather wide and continues the lower edge of the jaw as far downward as the coronoid carried the superior edge upward. It extends forward past the middle of the jaw, forming a good portion of the outer surface of the jaw. The prearticular extends forward between the angular and surangular till it meets the splenial (presplenial of Baur). The splenial is relatively narrow, covering the upper half of the inner face of the jaw, but does not take part in the symphysis. The dentary carries a variable number of teeth in the different species ; there are always one or two enlarged tusks near the anterior end, corresponding to the incisor tusks of the premaxillary above, but none that correspond to the canine tusks. MORPHOLOGICAL REVISION OF THE SUBORDER. 107 ^\\^ vertebral column (plate 13, fig. 2): The column contains twenty-seven pre- sacrals, three sacrals (No. 4008 Am. Mus.), and at least nine caudals (No. 4040 Am. Mus.). The atlas (Nos. i and looi University of Chicago) : Preceding the atlas is a preatlantal intercentrum ; it is larger than the second, atlas-axis one, and has well- developed tuberosities which carry faces for the head of the atlantal rib. The anterior face is the larger, is concave vertically as well as transversely, and lodges the hemi- spherical occipital condyle. The posterior face is convex vertically and fits against the saddle-shaped lower portion of the anterior articular face of the atlas. The centrum of the atlas is broad above antero-posteriorly and contracted below. The shape of the face is best seen in plate 16, figs. 5 and 6. It is elongate, heart- shaped, and partly divided into two parts by a compression near the middle ; the lower part of the face is distinctly saddle-shaped. The foramen for the exit of the inter i Fig. 32. — First intercentrum, atlas, second intercentrum, and axis of D. incisivus. No. I University of Chicago. r'«/c?/, preatlantal intercentrum, a/, atlas centrum ; inter 7., second intercentrum. X )i. ■ <', Anterior face of atlas. Fig. 33. — First intercentrum, atlas, second intercentrum, and axis of D. incisivus, No. 1001 University of Chicago, /w^c;- /, preatlantal intercentrum ; «/, atlas centrum ; inter 2, second intercentrum. •' Yz. a. Anterior face of atlas. Fig. 34. — First intercentrum, atlas, second intercenlium, and axis of D. g/gas, No. 1002 University of Chicago, inter /, preatlantal intercentrum; a/, atlas centrum: inters, second intercentrum. X K. o. Anterior face of atlas. Fig. 35. — Axis of D. dollovianus, No. 1 14 University of Chicago. X 'i. notochord is near the middle of the anterior face and is very small as compared with the deep funnel for its entrance on the posterior side. There is in the University of Chicago collection an atlas firmly fused with the preatlantal intercentrum. The neural arches of the atlas (No. lOoi University of Chicago) are semicircular flattened elements entirely free from the centrum. In the photograph, plate 15, fig. 2, they are placed as they lay on the ground with reference to the other ^•ertebr^e (one has been turned over to show the oppo- site side). On what is probably the outer surface there is a well-developed flattened surface near the middle which seems to have articulated with the prezygapophyses of io8 REVISION OF THE PELYCOSAURIA. the axis. On the opposite, inner, side is a saddle-shaped articular face wider anteriorly than posteriorly. Below this saddle face is a deep pit which communicates by a notch on the anterior edge with a deep groove below the articular face on the outer side. On the outer side of the lower end there is on some atlas arches preserved in the American Museum a small smooth facet ; this may have marked the articulation with the centrum. The arches were very loose in their position and it has been an almost unan- swerable puzzle to place them in any position that would seem the correct one; they were probably held free by a considerable mass of car- tilage and ligament. (Plate i6, figs.'3 and 4.) 36 37 38 Fig. 36. — Thiid cervical of D. giganhomogenes, No. 1 12 University of Chicago. X }i. Fig. 37.— Tfiird cervical of D. gigas, No. 1002 University of Chicago. X }i. Fig. 38. — Third cervical of D. incisivus. No. 1001 University of Chicago. X yi. Fig. 39. — Third cervical of D. dollovianus. No. 1 14 University of Chicago. X }i. The second intercentrmn is smaller than the first, but has distinct processes and facets for the head of the axial rib. The axis (No. i and No. looi University of Chicago) has the centrum somewhat elongate with the beginning of a keel on the median line below. The posterior face of the centrum is lower than the anterior face, so that a line drawn through the middle of the centrum antero-posteriorly would be inclined downward toward the rear. The transverse process rises from the side of the neural arch and curves out and downward, at the same time slanting to the rear. The process is not free from the centrum even at its distal end, being bound to it by a strong ridge below. The posterior zygapo- physes are large and well developed, but the anterior ones are very small with flat horizontal articular faces (No. lOOi University of Chicago). The spine is ver>' wide MORPHOLOGICAL REVISION OF THE SUBORDER. IO9 antero-posteriorly. The upper end has a large area for ligamentous attachment and the front edge which extends out over the atlas has rugosities for the same purpose. On the upper edge of the anterior articular face of the axis are a pair of concave facets lying at the base of the anterior zygapophyses. On the upper edge of the posterior articular face is a second pair of flattened facets which correspond to the anterior ones in posi- tion. Similar but less well-developed facets appear on the succeeding vertebrse throughout the presacral portion of the column. These facets seem to be different from any described heretofore and, as they have evidently a somewhat similar function to the zygosphene and zygantrum, they have been called by analogy centrosphene and centantrum. These are evidently imperfect in function and development and are variably developed in the different genera and species of the suborder Pelycosauria. The third cervical vertebra (description of column to first caudal from No. 4008 Am. Mus.) : The centrum is shorter than that of the axis and has the bottom line nearly straight along the edge of a well-developed keel. The posterior face is lower than the anterior, preserving the drop in the neck. The transverse process is short and inclined to the rear ; the outer end is free from the centrum and has a well- developed facet for the tuberculum. The zygapophyses are nearly horizontal and the neural spine is relatively short, but higher than that of the axis. The intercentrum has facets for the capitulum of the rib on slight prominences. In \h& fourth cen, scapula ; clt, cleith- rum. Fig. 41. — Inner surface of scapula of D. incisi- BUS, No. 41 31 Am. Mus. sc/, scapula ; CO, coracoid ; pre, procoracoid. X yi ■ The scapula is elongate with an ex- panded distal end and narrow shaft; the proximal end widens, the anterior portion is thin and unites firml)' with the procora- coid, though the suture remains traceable through life. On the posterior edge the bone is very heavy and forms the upper half of the deep cotylus. Just above the cotylus a foramen penetrates the bone and opens into a deep semilunar cavity on the inner side (fig. 41); just in front of the cotylus a foramen penetrates between the scapula and procoracoid and opens into the same cavity on the inner side. This is the homologue of the coracoid foramen of other forms. The procoracoid terminates anteriorly in a thin, straight edge, which shows signs of having borne a heavy epicoracoidal cartilage. The coracoid is a small bone, but it is very strong and forms the lower half of the humeral cotylus. The coracoidal portion of the cotylus is set at an angle to the scapular portion so that the whole face is twisted to accommodate the oblique articu- lar face on the head of the humerus. The cleithrum is doubtful, but a small bone in the Clepsydrops natalis can only be interpreted as this element and some specimens of Ditnetrodon show an indefinite MORPHOLOGICAL REVISION OF THE SUBORDER. II3 area of squamous suture which would just accommodate such a degenerate element as is indicated by the specimen of Clepsydrops. The clavicles are wide and thin anteriorly and taper to a point at the distal end ; near the middle of the lower edge there is a slight rugose prominence. It is not probable that the clavicles met on the lower side of the interclavicle, but they covered the anterior end in large measure. The interclavicle is very elongate. A separate specimen, No. 105 1 University of Chicago, is nearly perfect ; it shows that the anterior end was thickened and enlarged ; the lower surface is sharply rounded, so that it is almost hemispherical with the con- vexity downward. The lower surface is quite rough with radial sculpture ; the upper, inner, face is smooth. The edges of the anterior end are not complete, but enough remains to show that there was no articular face for the clavicles and that they over- lapped the anterior end nearly to the middle line. The posterior prolongation is nearly flat, but the midline is thicker than the edges. The posterior end is marked with rugose ridges. The total length of the specimen is 275 mm. (plate 15, fig. i). The fore limb is described from specimen No. i University of Chicago, and the fore foot from No. 1003 University of Chicago, both D. incisivus. The humerus is without prominent condyles at the proximal end. The articular face is a narrow, concave area winding obliquely across the laterally expanded proxi- mal end from behind, forward, and inward. The radial crest is very prominent ; it starts from the proximal extremity of the bone and grows to a prominent ridge which stands at almost a right angle to the rest of the bone. Culminating in a strong tuber- osity it extends downward, crossing the shaft obliquely and disappearing on the inner edge of the entepicondyle and helping to complete the entepicondylar foramen (plate 14, fig. 3). The distal end is expanded at nearly a right angle to the proximal end. The ulnar articular surface is rather saddle-shaped, and somewhat diagonally placed on the outer extremity of the distal end. There is no anconeal pit on the posterior face of the bone. The radial condyle is largely on the anterior face; it is a hemispheri- cal prominence. The entepicondylar foramen is situated near the upper part of the entepicondyle and is oval in outline. On the ectepicondyle a prominent, sharp pro- cess defines an ectepicondylar notch. The 7ilna is a slender bone, somewhat longer than the humerus, with a flattened shaft. The shaft becomes gradually smaller toward the distal end and then expands slightly again. The proximal end is excavated on its anterior face by a deep fossa looking, in the natural position of the bone, upwards as well as forwards. This cavity is divided by a low ridge into two facets, the larger looking forwards, and the smaller and external one looking slightly outwards. The proximal extremity extends above the articular face and forms the olecranon process. The outer side of the process has a convex, rugose surface. The distal end is divided into two distinct articular faces (plate 14, figs. 6 and 7). The radius is curved and rather shorter than the ulna. The shaft is lenticular in section with the edges becoming sharp and prominent toward the distal end. The proximal end is expanded and the articular face for the humerus is deeply concave and somewhat crescentic in outline. The distal end is less expanded and the single articu- lar face is a shallow pit, oblong in outline. Th& fore foot (No. 1003 University of Chicago): The length of the humerus with which this foot was found is 210 mm., while that of No. i is 181 mm., so that it belongs to a slightly larger animal. The carpus as preserved consists of eleven elements. The 114 REVISION OF THE PELYCOSAURIA. radiate is a stout bone with a wide proximal face; the distal end is divided into two articular faces which lie at an angle to each other. The iifnare is a thin disc-like bone, much larger in size than the radiale. Between the two lies the intermediiun^ which projects well beyond the proximal ends of the radiale and nlnare. Distal to the inter- medium and ulnare lie two centrale ; the distal ends of these lie almost on a line with the distal end of the radiale. On the ulnar side of the centrale 2 \s z. facet which, in the specimen No. 1003, has nothing to articulate with it, but in specimen No. 1001, where the foot bones are all present, ^\^ there is a thin disk-like sesamoid which occupied this position. The distal row consists of five bones. The articulation of the different bones is plain from fig. i, plate 16. The itliiare has on the radial side two articular facets which meet facets on the vitermediiim and centrale 2 ; the union of these four faces leaves a foramen. The first carpal projects prominently from the side of the carpus and presents a peculiar twisted surface which pennitted a considerable range of movement. The phalanges are not pre- ser\fed beyond the proximal half A little more can be made out from one or two other specimens, No. 114 and No. looi University of Chicago. The first digit had the largest of the metacarpals ; the second digit was perhaps the longest. From data derived from incomplete specimens in the American Museum the phalangeal formula seems pretty certainly to be the usual 2, 3, 4, 5, 4 of the Rhynchocephalia. The phalanges are relatively short, well-formed and with distinct articular sur- faces. They indicate, as does the carpus, a strong, flexible foot, such as would be possessed by a carnivorous, terrestrial animal. The terminal phalanges show that they were cased in strong claws. The posterior limb (No. i University of Chicago): ^ht femur is strong and hea\^-, with well-developed articular surfaces. The proximal end is rounded anteriorly and deeply excavated posteriorly so that it is crescentic in section. There is no distinct head, the whole proximal end being rounded and thickened. There is a strong rugosity near the outer part of the convex posterior surface. The shaft is roundly quadrate in section. The distal end is divided by a deep groove into two strong condyles, both bearing articular faces. The inner condyle is the shorter and extends inwards at a small angle to the shaft ; its articular face is almost entirely on the posterior surface, and looks more backwards than downwards. The outer condyle is longer than the inner and is directed downwards. It bears two articular faces; one on the posterior surface, looking almost directly backwards, is nearly square in outline ; the other is apparently for the head of the fibula ; it is largely on the lower surface of the tuber- osity and joins the posterior face by a narrow neck near its external side. Fig. 41a. — Restoration of anterior foot of Dimetrodon. >; radiale; ?', intermedium ; u, ulnare ; Ci and ^2, centrale ; /, pisiform ; '• ^. S- 4- S' carpals. Fig. 4 1 4. — Restoration of posterior foot of Dimetrodon. f, flbulare ; t, tibiale ; c, centrale ; i, intermedium ; /, 2, J, 4, ^, tarsals. MORPHOLOGICAL REVISION OF THE SUBORDER. II5 The tibia is greatly enlarged proximally. The shaft is slender and curved and the lower end is only moderately expanded. The cnemial crest is a strong ridge sepa- rated from the body of the bone by a deep fossa opening on the outer side. The fossa is continued into the upper side of the bone as a deep pit, which nearly divides the articular face into two unequal halves ; these halves are again divided by a low troch- lear ridge running fore and aft. The distal end is semicircular in outline, flattened before and rounded behind. There is no indication of a division of the distal end into articular facets. The Jib It la has not been recognized in any specimen. The posterior foot is not certainly known in the genus Dimetrodon. The foot of the restoration is taken from the hind foot from New Mexico, which is assumed to belong to D. navajovicus (plate 27); numerous isolated bones of larger animals show that the foot must have been quite similar to that of the smaller species. Restoration: In the restoration the only parts drawn without warrant from actual specimens are the number of phalanges and the number of caudal vertebrae. The ribs are not preserved in any collection, but thej^ were observed in the ground in their natural position in the specimen No. looi University of Chicago, but were so badly rotted by gypsum that they could not be preserved. The posterior foot is restored from that of the genus Clepsydrops. No trace of abdominal ribs has been found in any specimen of the genus ; it seems fair to assume that they were absent. The height of the spines, the slant to the rear, and the sudden shortening in the sacral region are all repeatedly shown in the collections. The semiupright atti- tude seems warranted by the shape and position of the humeral cotylus and the acetabulum ; in no case can the humerus or femur be fitted into such a position that the bell}' would touch the ground in walking. The legs were far from straight and the animal must have stood in a crouching, semierect position. The carnivorous dentition and strong claws both tell of a preda- tory nature that must have demanded a swifter motion than could have been attained by an animal which dragged its belly in progression. The tail was probabl)'^ rather short ; in no specimen of the many referable to the genus has a complete tail been found, but in none of these is there a vertebra of the elongate, cylindrical shape characteristic of long tails. Moreover, such vertebras of appropriate size are very scarce in beds prolific of other remains of the genus ; the few found may well belong to the genus Theropleura. The caudals preserved show a rapid diminution in size, so that vertebras as well formed as the first caudals, but only half the size, occur in the tail of Dimetrodon gigas. On the other hand, strong chevrons occur on the tail ; these usually occur in forms with long and powerful tails, but they may mean onl}' strength in a comparatively short tail. The semiupright form, the short tail, the well-developed articulations of the long bones, and the well-formed carpus and tarsus would indicate that the members of this genus were true land forms. This idea is supported Il6 REVISION OF THE PELYCOSAURIA. by the abundant occurrence of the bones as water-worn fragments in beds of limited extent mixed with pebbles and sand ; indicating that the bones have been transported a considerable distance by strong currents, perhaps of rivers, and laid down in eddies or on river bars or deltas. The occurrence of the Illinois material in what seems pretty certainly a Permian river bar in Carboniferous rocks would support this idea. Only very rarely do the bones of this genus occur in the fine clays deposited in the deeper water. In such cases the skeletons are much more nearly complete, indicating that the body of the animal floated and perhaps journeyed far to its final resting place. In external form the animal must have been sufficiently bizarre, but not more so than the living Phrynosoma or the Basiliscus of the West Indies. The latter has a fringe of spines on the back which, though dermal in origin, are nearly as high in proportion to the body as those of Dhnetro- don and originate and terminate almost as abruptly. As mentioned in the descriptions, all the high-spined forms of both subfamilies have, just above the base of the spine, a region of rugose lines of swellings and above this a sudden change in the form of the spine. It is altogether probable that the rugosity marked the termination of the muscular attachments, and that the upper portion of the spine was covered by a coating of skin which, though probably tough, was relatively thin. The outlines of the spines could very probably be easily traced through the thin covering. For the rest the body was probably not unlike that of a smooth-bodied, finely scaled lizard with a relatively large head, short body and semierect posture. Haunting the banks of the streams or the upland, it probably lay in wait and then made sudden, short, scuttling dashes upon its relatively slow- moving prey, the Cotylosaurians, armored Chelydosaurians, and Amphib- ians. That it attacked its own kind there is little doubt ; repeatedly the spines are found with great exostoses, showing that they have been broken and healed during life, evidences of sanguinary battles, perhaps in contests for captured prey or for mates, or perhaps with the single notion of a can- nibalistic meal. Dlmetrodon glgas Cope (plates 17-21). Characteristic specimens: No. 4006 Am. Mus.: The type. No. 1002 University of Chicago: A large part of the vertebral column, the nearly perfect skull, the imperfect vertebral column consisting of atlas, axis, third cervical, and another cer\'ical, probably the fourth, eight connected dorsals and ten others, posterior dorsals and lumbars, two sacrals, eighteen caudals, and the femur. No. 4034 Am. Mus. : Fragments containing a perfect neural arch of atlas. No. 1002 University of Chicago : The sktill of Dimetrodon gigas has been largely described in the characterization of the genus, but certain features distinguish it from the related species. The simple diastemal notch of Dimetrodon incisivus becomes a sharp offset, for the premaxillary is greatly shortened, and its tooth line MORPHOLOGICAL REVISION OF THE SUBORDER. 117 lies at a higher level than that of the maxillary. The change from one level to another is accomplished abruptly, just anterior to the enlarged maxillar)- tooth. All the bones of the skull are heavier, more clumsy, and are marked by rugosities and pittings more strongly than in Dimetrodon incisivus. The vertebral column : The inferior surface of the preatlautal intercentrum is rough and the facets for the capitula of the ribs are not so well marked as in Dime- trodon incisivus. The atlas is similar to that of Dimetrodon incisivus, but is proportionatelj' broader and shorter. The anterior face is nearly as broad as high. The opening for the notochord on the posterior face is notably smaller than in Dimetrodon incisivus and Dimetrodon obtusidens. Fig. 42.— Axis of D. gigai. No. 4028 Am. Mus. X Vz. Fig. 43. — Axis of D. %igas. No. 4147 Am. Mus. X Y^. Fig. 44. — Spine of axis of D. gigas (?), Nos. 4054, 4055 Am. Mus. X M. Another atlas, No. 4034 Am. Mus., has the anterior face 38 mm. high and the transverse diameter the same. The neural arch is lost in this specimen, but in a very incomplete specimen of this species, No. 4034 Am. Mus., the neural arch is preserved. It has the same form as in Dimetrodon incisivus, but in common with the rest of the skeleton is stronger and more rugose. The groove above the flat facet on the outer edge is almost con- verted into a foramen (plate 21, fig. 8). The secofid intercentrum is smaller than the first. The axis has a broad and high spine, the apex is widened and thickened for ligamentous attachment, and the anterior edge is rugose for the same purpose, but there is no distinct face on the anterior edge as in Dimetrodon dollovianus (plate 21, fig. i). There are several specimens of the axis in the two collections. No. 1002 University of Chicago, fig. 34. Height of spine above center of neural canal, 87 mm. Il8 REVISION OF THE PELYCOSAURIA. No. 4028 Am. Mus., fig. 42. Height of spine above center of neural canal, 105 mm. No. 4147 Am. Mus., fig. 43 ; Nos. 4054 and 4055 Am. Mus., fig. 44. Height of spine above center of neural canal, 104 mm. (This last is but a fragment among the fragments of a very large and rugose skull ; it maj- perhaps be a specimen of Naosau- riis claviger?^ The tltird cervical (fig. 38) is uncrushed and shows the form without distortion. The anterior and posterior zygapophyses are well developed and their articular faces are decidedly oblique with a very deep pit between them just above the origin of the diapophysis on the side of the neural arch. The pits of the two sides narrow the base of the neural spine just above the neural canal very decidedly. The anterior face of the centrum is rendered rather oval in outline by the presence of the coossified inter- centrum, but the articular part proper is nearly round. The posterior face is round and with wide flaring edges which are hardly recur^-ed. The intercentrum is so closely united with the centrum that hardly a trace of the suture remains ; the anterior portion showing on the anterior face of the centrum has an upper articular portion continuous with the articular face of the centrum proper, and below this a wide rather rugose portion. On the two sides of the lower part of the intercentrum the two faces for the capitula of the ribs are supported on prominent processes. Below, the iutercentrum is continued into a sharp median keel which is continuous with the median keel of the centrum. The latter is not over 1 mm. thick and reaches to one-third the height of the centrum. The transverse pro- cess is very stout ; it starts relatively far back and descends to the lower fourth of the centrum. The spine is very simple. The base is thickened and somewhat elliptical with the anterior and posterior ridge somewhat drawn out to an edge. Near the middle of its length the shaft contracts rapidly to a nearly circular slender rod. The upper end tapers abruptly and shows no face or roughening for ligamentous attachment. ^\\^ fourth cervical closely resembles the first but for the more elevated spine. It is not in contact with the others, so the position has been detennined by its characters. Following this two or three vertebrae seem to be missing. The dorsal vertebrer: There are eight dorsals in series and then ten which are not attached, but are easily arranged from the matrix and form. The first of the dorsals is evidently the first in number. The centrum is elongate vertically and shortened antero-posteriorly. The lower edges of the anterior face are reverted some- what on the sides of the centrum and there is a sharp median keel on the lower face of the centrum, but this latter differs from Dimetrodon iitcisivtis^ No. 146 University of Chicago, and Dimetrodon gigaiihomogeiies, No. 112 University of Chicago, in that it joins the anterior and posterior edges of the centrum abruptly and does not gradually round out before joining them. To the anterior face of the first dorsal is attached an intercentrum which still shows a parapophysial facet. The third dorsal has the neural arch and centrum ver}' high and short. The keel, which forms a straight line from the anterior to the posterior edge of the cen- trum, is not over i mm. wide in its thickest part, and maintains this thickness to one- third the height of the centrum ; there it suddenly expands into a rounded barrel surrounding the neural canal, as shown in fig. 45. The lower fourth of the anterior face is narrowed and saddle-shaped for the articulation of the large intercentrum. The diapophyses are rather more close to the body of the centrum than in No. iii University of Chicago ; they extend almost straight downward without any inclination to the rear, and the lower end reaches nearly to the lower fourth of the centrum. MORPHOLOGICAL REVISION OF THE SUBORDER. 119 Fig. 45. — Cross-section through third dorsal of D. gigas. No. 1002 University o( Chicago. X 1. Show- ing sudden contraction of sides of centrum below notochordal canal. The vertebras reckoned as the ninth dorsal, probably the fifteenth or sixteenth of the series, is similar to the posterior dorsals of Di»ietrodoii incisiviis. The keel is still narrow and sharp, but is less deep than in the anterior dorsal, being not over one-fifth the vertical height of the centrum. The centrum is longer than high or wide and the anterior and posterior faces have become rounded. The spine of this vertebra is one of the first that is nearly perfectly preserved. In comparison with the spines of the other species the spines of Dimetrodon gigas do not exhibit the swelling shortly above the base, and the point is marked by a slight rugosity of coarse striations only. Just above the rugosities the spines assume a quadrilateral or circular section, which they maintain to the tip, not showing the peculiar flat- tening of specimen No. 112 University of Chicago (fig. 14). The diapophyses have become shortened and stand out from the vertebra more than in the anterior portion of the series. A rib attached to this vertebra has a rather short tuberculum and long capitulum corresponding to the shortened diapophysis of the vertebra (fig. 47). The lumbar iiertebra- : The posterior ones of the separate vertebrse show the capitular face on the edge of the centrum characteristic of the lumbars. They are crushed too badly to admit of accurate description, but all have the general form and proportions of the same vertebrse in Dimetrodon incisiviis. The spines of the anterior ones are elongate and have much the same shape as the dorsals, but the posterior ones are shorter and with the base narrower and elongate antero-posteriorly. Near the middle the spine becomes more quadrilateral. The spine rises from the posterior portion of the neural arch. The sacrum (plate 17, figs. 3 and 4) is represented by the first two vertebrce which are closely coossified and have the sacral ribs complete. The neural arches are badly rotted and the spines are nearly gone, but enough remains to show that they are short and slender compared with those of the dorsals and anterior lumbars. This sacrum diflfers from that of Dimetrodon dol/onianns^ No. 114 Universit)- of Chicago, especially in the form of the ribs, and resembles more closely that of Dimetrodon incisiz'us, No. 4008 Am. Mus. The centra are abruptly more elongate than the posterior lumbars and are firmly attached to each other, but not coossified. The sides are concave, but there is no keel on the median line of the lower side. The firm union of the two excludes the intercentrum from between them, but it is present as a very thin and scale-like element, coossified with the posterior of the two vertebrse, and in part underlying the point of union of the two. The intercentrum between the posterior lumbar and the first sacral is firmly united with the first sacral ; it is thin and small and projects for- ward under the line of union of the two. The zygapophyses connecting the sacral vertebrse are much reduced in size and are ver>' closely united. The sacral ribs are supported on strong, short transverse processes rising from the neural arch and centra and coossified with them. The sides of the arches are swollen and expanded laterally in the position of the transverse processes to support the ribs. The rib of the first vertebra is attached to the anterior end of the vertebra in such a manner that the anterior half of the proximal end extends beyond the anterior end of the centrum as an articular process which embraced the posterior edge of the last lumbar. The ribs of the two sides form a pair of projections on the anterior I20 REVISION OF THE PELYCOSAURIA. face of the vertebra, best realized from plate 17, figs. 3 and 4. Seeley has figured the same condition in Deiderosaurus. The middle portion of the rib is sharply contracted and then widely expanded antero-posteriorly and decurved, forming a vertical face for a strong attachment to the ilium. The outer surface of this part is concave and the inner convex. Fig. 46. — Lower view of same vertebra as shown in fig. 45. Fig. 47. — Head of a dorsal rib from D. gigas. No. 1 002 University of Chicago. X 1 . Fig. 48. — f^ght side of pelvis of D. gigas, No. 4006 Am. Mm. /«, pubis ; :V, ilium ; t'scfi, ischium. X /i. The posterior end of the ilium is broken away. There are eighteen caudal vertebrae, but none showing the elongate cylindrical form that would indicate a long tail. Their general form is shown in plate 21, figs. 5, 6, 7. It does not differ materially from that of the caudals of Dimeh-odon incisivus. The anterior caudals are very short antero-posteriorly and have nearly circular articu- lar faces. The lower portion of the reverted edge is broader than the rest to accom- modate the large intercentrum. The ribs rise from very low down on the side of the centrum. In the mid-caudals the bottom line becomes very short, because the lower half of the anterior and posterior faces are bent sharply toward the middle line (plate 21, fig. 6). When two adjacent vertebrae of this region are in position the beveling of the lower edges forms a deep V-shaped notch, into which fits the proximal end of the chevron, which has the same form as described in Dimetrodon gigauhonogenes, No. 112 University of Chicago (plate 21, fig. 9). In one vertebra of the middle region, which is about half the size of the most anterior, the beveled portion of the lower edge is nearly as great as the rest of the anterior and posterior faces. The rib is reduced to a simple process from the side of the centrum. In the most posterior vertebrae the centra are more elongate, all trace of rib has disappeared and the chevron faces are smaller. Though the vertebrae are disconnected MORPHOLOGICAL REVISION OF THE SUBORDER. 121 and some are lost, it is evident that the tail did not exceed one-third of the length of the presacral vertebral column. The shoulder girdle of Dimetrodon gigas is unknown. The proximal half of the humerus is preserved in the type specimen, No. 4006 Am. Mus. It differs from Dimetrodon incisivus in the articular face, which involves the whole of the proximal end, and the radial crest, which, while very strong, is not long, beginning lower down on the head and not continuing so far distally. The edges of the proximal end are quite rugose. ^ht pelvis (No. 4006 Am. Mus.) : The crest of the ilium is broken away so that its exact form is not certain, but it projected to the rear, as in Dimetrodon incisivus. Cope, in his description of the long axis of the ilium being at right angles to the long axis of the ischium and pubis, did not recognize that the posterior end of the crest was Fig. 49. — Anterior view of the same pelvis as shown in fig. 48. Showing the narrow and high pelvic cavity and the deep symphysis, s.r, distal end of sacral rib; fii, pubis; il, ilium. X Yz. Fig. 50.— Anterior view of the femur of D. gigas. No. 4006 Am. Mus. X /4 . broken off. The face of the acetabulum is covered with matrix so that it is impossible to locate just the parts taken by the several bones, but it is evident that the ilium descended far down between the ischium and pubis. The edges of the acetabulum are not more raised than in any other species. The anterior ends of the pudis are broken away, so the full length is not known ; so far as preserved the edges of the pubes of the two sides meet in a deep symphysis. The obturator foramen is located REVISION OP THE PELYCOSAURIA. just below the anterior edge of the acetabulum. The ischium is complete ; the upper edge is slightly concave just posterior to the acetabulum, then rises to a slight rugose prominence and falls suddenly to the distal end. The ischia of the two sides meet in a deep symphysis, but this does not extend the full length of the bones, as the distal ends are separated by a slight notch. The suture between the ischium and pubis is not traceable. Viewed from either end the pelvis is seen to have been very narrow and high, fig. 49. 'V:\tfemiir of Dimetrodoti gigas differs from that of Dimetrodmt incisivus in the heavier outer condyle and the slightly curved shaft. In both the femora of this speci- men the lower end has been crushed, so that the face on the outer condyle seems to have been lost, and the groove between the condyles looks outward instead of forward. Another specimen. No. 4024 Am. Mus., of the uncrushed distal end of the femur shows that the groove between the condyles was not so definite as in Dimelrodon incisivus. Measurements.— 'Ho. 1002 University of Chicago. mm. Total length of skull 455 Third cervical : Elevation of spine above center of neural canal 172 Length base of centrum including inter- centrum 43 Anterior face ; Vertical diameter 34 Horizontal diameter 36 Posterior face : Vertical diameter 46 Horizontal diameter 46 Fourth cervical : Length of bottom line 30 Posterior face ; Vertical diameter 49 Horizontal diameter 46 First dorsal ; Length, bottom line of centrum 31.5 Anterior face : Vertical diameter 35 Horizontal diameter 37 Second dorsal : Length, bottom line of centrum 29. 5 Posterior face ; Horizontal diameter 41 Vertical diameter 49 Third dorsal : Length, bottom line of centrum 25 Anterior face : Vertical diameter 52.5 Horizontal diameter 37 Thickness of centrum : Opposite notochordal canal 17 Just below notochordal canal 2.5 Fourth dorsal : Length, bottom line of centrum 26.5 Anterior face : Horizontal diameter 35 Vertical diameter 45 Fifth dorsal : Length, bottom line of centrum 26 Sixth dorsal : Length, bottom line of centrum 32 Anterior face : Vertical diameter 42.5 Horizontal diameter 32 Seventh dorsal : Length, bottom line of centrum 32 Posterior face : Horizontal diameter 35 Vertical diameter 44 Eighth dorsal; Imperfect. Ninth dorsal ; mm. Antero-posterior distance on bottom line of centrum 34.5 Posterior face : Vertical diameter, crushed 36 Horizontal diameter 38 Anterior face : Vertical diameter 30 Horizontal diameter 38 Length of spine, incomplete 750 Probable length when complete. . 950 or 1000 Antero-posterior diameter of spine at base . 24. 5 Transverse diameter of spine at base .... 19 A lumbar vertebra : One incomplete lumbar spine 540 Length, bottom line of centrum of a lum- bar 36.5 Anterior face of same ; Vertical diameter 45 Horizontal diameter 36.5 Sacral vertebrae ; Length, bottom line of centrum of — First vertebra 32 Second vertebra 34 Anterior face of centrum of first sacral : Horizontal diameter 33 Vertical diameter 37 Posterior face of centrum of second sacral : Horizontal diameter 38 Vertical diameter 29 An anterior caudal : Length, bottom line 22 Anterior face : Vertical diameter 36 Horizontal diameter 35 Posterior face : Vertical diameter 35 Horizontal diameter 39 A median caudal : Length, bottom line 22 Length at level of neural canal of same. . . 31 Anterior face : Vertical diameter 27 Horizontal diameter 24 Posterior face : Vertical diameter 28 Horizontal diameter 21 Length of femur 263 Width of head 77 Width, lower end loi MORPHOLOGICAL REVISION OF THE SUBORDER. 123 Measurements. — No. 4006 American Museum. 7?ini. mm. Length of fragment of humerus preserved Total length of pubo-ischiatic symphyses as (about >^) 130 preserved 415 Width of proximal end 89 Total length of femur 250 Vertical diameter of acetabulum, right side ... 175 Transverse width of head 85 Other specimens of this species are: No. 4024 Am. Mus.: Caiidals, vertebras, and the lower end of the femnr. No. 1327 Am. Mus.: An axis. No. 4051 Am. Mus.: A femur, vertebrse, and fragments of spines. No. 4034 Am. Mus.: A few nearly perfect spines. No. 4050 Am. Mus.: A maxillary and premaxillary. Dimetrodon gig'anhomog'enes Case (seep. 47, plate 22). Characteristic specimens : No. 112 University of Chicago : The type. No. 4043 Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., Cope, coll.: A few vertebrte with fragments of spines and a femur. In the type the bones were covered by a thin scale, which was readily removed, leaving them in most excellent condition and undistorted. They were undisturbed in the ground, and numbered as collected, so that the relative position of the dorsals and lumbars is certain. The first vertebra preserved is evidently the third of the series. The atlas and axis are missing. The t/ii/-d cervical carries a keel on the bottom line which joins the posterior edge sharply. On the sides are two longitudinal ridges; the first starts from the anterior edge of the centrum near the middle and rises backward to near the middle of the centrum, where it disappears. This ridge does not appear on the third cervical of Diii/etrodo/i o-i^as (No. looi UniversityofCliicago),but its absence may be due to the crushed condition of the specimen. The second ridge is formed by the continuation of the inferior supporting ridge of the transverse process to the posterior edge of the centrum. Small centrosphenes and centantra are' present on the irpper edges of the articular faces. The transverse process is rather more slender than in Dimetrodon gigas and reaches nearly to the lower edge of the centrum. The base of the spine is rather elliptical in form, and terminates in anterior and posterior edges. About one- third up the length of the spine it becomes sharply rugose, and then suddenly contracts to a nearly cylindrical form. The apex is swollen and marked by vertical rugosities showing the attachment of a ligament. The processes on the intercentrum for the head of the rib are well-developed and very prominent, with the articular faces looking almost directly backward. ^\\& fourth cervical vertebra greatly resembles the third, except that the transverse processes rnn more nearly straight down, not inclined to rear. The ridge on the side of the centrum passing backward from the anterior face has disappeared. There is the same inclination of the antero-posterior axis as in the third cer\-ical, so that the posterior face is lower than the anterior. The spine is straight and has no rugosity at the tip. A median dorsal has the bottom line sharply contracted below the intercentrum to a keel not over i mm. thick and nearly one-third the height of the centrum. The bottom line is straight, but the ends are widely flared so that the sides are sharply concave. The centantra are present, but much smaller than in the cervicals. On the anterior face the opening of the notochordal funnel is surrounded by a slightly elevated ridge. The lower half of the anterior face is developed into a saddle-shaped articular surface for the intercentrum. The transverse processes rise from the neural arch above the neural canal and curve straight out and down, the lower end reaching nearly to the lower edge of the centrum. The section of the transverse process is 124 REVISION OF THE PELYCOSAURIA. triangular with the apex downward. Each edge is formed by a supporting ridge as described in Dimetrodon incisivus. The lower ridge is ver>' thin, but reaches from the suture between the neural arch and centrum well down on the centrum, fonning a peculiar thin partition between the anterior and posterior portions of the upper part of the vertebra. The base of the spine is somewhat flattened. The antero-posterior diameter is 24 mm. and the transverse 14 mm. About 70 to 80 mm. up, the spine is somewhat swollen and marked by rugose ridges ; at the swollen portion the spine becomes nearly quadrangular, but with well-developed anterior and posterior grooves ; these continue up the fore and aft faces of the spine (fig. 14). The median line of the lower portion of the anterior groove is marked by a slender ridge from the swollen portion to the upper edge of the neural canal. Above the swollen part, the spine rapidly flattens to a rough figure 00 -shape, with the deeper groove on the posterior side. About the middle of the spine this groove lessens in depth and becomes equal to or even less than that of the anterior side. The apex seems to have been simple. A posterior (the seventh) dorsal is longer, and the bottom line is sharp and thin, but the keel is largely lost, for the sides of the centrum rise gradually to the noto- chordal canal, instead of being sharply pinched in just beneath it. The anterior face is nearly circular, with only a slight face below for the intercentnim. The centro- sphenes and centantra are quite good-sized. The neural spine rises from far back, the posterior edge lying almost directly over the posterior zygapophyses. The z)-gapo- physes are far apart antero-posteriorly, with small and very oblique faces. The spine is imperfect, but resembled closely that of the last dorsal preserved, the ninth, which is shorter than in the anterior dorsal region and very thin transversely. Both the anterior and posterior edges are thin and prominent at the base; 70 or 80 mm. up, the spine is quadrangular, and then assumes the figure co -shape, but is more nearly round than the anterior ones. They?r5/ lutnbar closely resembles the posterior dorsals, except that the anterior edge of the centrum is reverted and widened into a facet for the capitulum of the rib. An intercentrum in position just touches the head of the rib (see the description of the rib articulations below). The bottom line of the centrum is rounded and concave antero-posteriorly ; all trace of the keel has disappeared. The posterior liimbars are similar in most respects to the same vertebrae of Dimetrodon mcisivus. The bottom line is concave antero-posteriorly, but is sharp instead of rounded. The intercentrum is only slightly curved and rather wide antero- posteriorly. It lies below the point of meeting of the two centra, and does not rise on the sides of the centrum above the lower fourth, but touches the lower end of the capitulum of the rib. This spine is weak at the base, but thickens at the upper end to a somewhat clavate form. The sacrals are not preserved. There are five caiedals, inclosed in a hard matrix, and not in series. These show a rapid decrease in size, with no tendency to a development of the elongate, cylindrical form indicating a long tail. There are wide intercentral spaces with the chevron bones in place. The chevrons are very wide at the top, with two facets on the proximal end almost at right angles to each other. They are both concave from side to side, to fit the corresponding portions of the vertebral centrum. If the length of the chevron is held upright, the anterior face of the two is almost horizontal and the posterior face looks nearly downward. If two adjacent vertebrae are placed in position, MORPHOLOGICAL REVISION OF THE SUBORDER. 125 it is seen that in order to make the facets in the chevrons fit the centrum, the chevron must be turned yet}' sharply to the rear. Just below the proximal end the chevron is pierced bj' an elongate foramen (plate 2 1 , fig. 9). The method of rib articulation: In the cervicals the head of the rib articulates with a distinct process on the side of the intercentrum. The capitulum and tuber- culum are widely separated; the ribs are short and not greatly curved. In the anterior dorsal region the head passes in between the two adjacent centra and touches the head of the intercentrum, but there is no articular face on the intercentrum, so it is probable that the head of the rib was united to it by cartilage. The transverse processes on the dorsals are short and grow shorter towards the rear, so that the capitulum and tuberculum of the rib grow farther apart. In the posterior dorsals the transverse process is ver>' short and stands out • tab - — V^ ■''^^ almost straight from the neural arch ; the capitu- lum and tuberculum are here farthest apart and in a nearly vertical line. In the first lumbar the head of the rib leaps suddenly from the notch between the vertebrae and the end of the inter- capi-i> — ''V^ centrum to the articular face which appears on 51 '^ b the edge of the centrum ; the head of the rib still coptt Fig. 51. — The head of a rib from the anterior lumbar region of D. giganhomogenes. No. 1 12 University of Chicago, cafit, capitulum; tub, tuberculum; a, anterior view ; b, lateral view. Fig. 52. — A mid-lumbar ot the same specimen as fig. 5 1 . a, lateral view ; b, anterior view. Showing both rib articulation and intercentrum. itc, intercentrum ; (a fit, capitulum of rib ; tub, tuberculum of rib. Fig. 53. — A posterior lumbar ot the same specimen as fig. 5 1 . a, lateral view ; b, anterior view. Lettering as in fig. 52. projects somewhat beyond the anterior edge of the centrum and retains its cartilaginous connection with the intercentn:m. In the posterior lumbars the change is progres- sive, the transverse process shortens rapidly until it becomes a mere facet on the side of the centrum and neural arch ; at the same time the facet on the edge of the centrum enlarges. The capitulum and tuberculum enlarge, with the facets approaching each other, until on the third or fourth presacral they unite into one, and the rib is reduced to a sleuder process with a wide proximal end. At first the tuberculum and capitulum lie at right angles to each other on the lumbars, and this continues until they are fused. The space between the capitulum and the tuberculum is continued as a fora- men as far back as the third or fourth presacral. The right side of the pelvis is almost perfectly preserved (plate 21, figs. 9 and 10). The three bones are united by close sutures. All the bones are very thin except the region of the acetabulum and the upper edge of the pubis, which is rounded and thickened. The S5'mphysis is very shallow, i. e., the bones of the two sides did not 126 REVISION OF THE PELYCOSAURIA. meet for more than 3 mm. in the widest part between the ischia, and between the pubes hardly more than i mm. The bones of the two sides are united through their whole length. The upper part of the ilium is ver\' thin ; the anterior end is rounded, but the posterior end extends backwards as a prominent process with a somewhat thickened lower edge. The anterior and upper edges are thin and fluted with fine grooves. The middle of the internal surface of the ilium is marked b}' deep and wide pits and by prominent angles showing the attachment of sacral ribs. The whole upper portion of the bone is bent so that the outer face is convex and the inner concave above the acetabulum. The ilium fonns the upper third of the acetabulum ; just above the edge of the cavity it is marked by a strong rugosity. On the posterior edge the ilium meets the ischium in a low prominence. The anterior edge is marked by a strong rugosity continuous with the one above the acetabulum. The ilio-pubic suture passes through the middle of this rugosity. The ischium extends posterior to the acetabulum, a distance greater than the antero-posterior width of the acetabulum, 100 to 80 mm. The posterior edge is rounded, not drawn to a point, so that the posterior end was blunt and not acuminate. The acetabular border is very prominent, making the cavity ver>' deep at this point. The lower edge is somewhat rounded, but nearly straight, and the suture between the ischium and the pubis is marked by a slight notch. The pubis has a thickened upper edge, but the lower portion is abruptly thinned, so that it is not over i or 2 mm. thick. The acetabular edge is raised, but not so much as in the ilium and ischium. Anterior to the acetabulum, the edge of the pubis is somewhat rugose, forming with the ilium a prominent rugosity. The foramen for the internal femoral artery passes obliquely upward and backward from without inward, and the internal opening is much larger than the outer. The acetabulum is deep and imperforate. The general outline is triangular, with the characteristic uotch on the posterior edge of the iliac portion. There is a promi- nence at each angle on the different bones. These promiuences are not connected by raised borders, but are separate, so that the edge of the acetabulum is flush with the bones between the prominences. Measurements. — No. 112 University of Chicago. mm. mm. Length, bottom line of third cervical, including Anterior face: intercentrum 41 Horizontal diameter (measured ^/i) 32 Anterior face: Vertical diameter 38 Vertical diameter 34 Posterior face: Horizontal diameter 41 Horizontal diameter 37 Vertical diameter 33 Length of spine of gth, nearly 500 Posterior face Vertical diameter 46 Antero-posterior diameter, base of spine 24 Horizontal diameter 42 ~ '^ ,■ . ut- ^ Transverse diameter, base of spine 7 Height of spine above center of neural canal . 180 Length, bottom line of first lumbar 35 Length, bottom line of fourth cervical 39 Anterior face: Anterior face: Horizontal diameter, distorted 31 Vertical diameter, undistorted 36 Vertical diameter 36 Horizontal diameter, undistorted 36 Posterior face: Posterior face: Horizontal diameter, true 32 Vertical diameter 41 Vertical diameter, true 32 Horizontal diameter 43 Height of spine, twisted, complete 460 TT.„i,» „f ..„,•„„ .,K« •-„„.„_ „f ., „i 1 Length, bottom line of posterior lumbar, ap- hleignt ot spine above center 01 neural canal. . 220 ■ t 1 Length, bottom line of an anterior dorsal .... 26 Anterior face proximately 24 Anterior face: , ,. ,. Horizontal diameter 33 Horizontal diameter, distorted 37 Vertical diameter 34 Vertical diameter, true 42 Posterior face: Height of complete spine above center of neu- Horizontal diameter 30 ral canal 860 Vertical diameter 30 Length, bottom line of seventh posterior dor- Spine, incomplete 322 sal 35 complete, about 375 MORPHOLOGICAL REVISION OF THE SUBORDER. 1 27 Measurements. — No. 112 University of Chicago — Continued. Dimensions of a chevron from an anterior caudal. mm. mm. Antero-posterior diameter of head 7.5 Distance from top of ilium down to edge of Transverse diameter of head 22 ischium 195 Length, distal end missing 46 Length of ilium, antero-posterior 155 Total length, pubo-ischiatic symphysis 270 Greatest length of acetabular c vity 65 Dimetrodon Inclsivus Cope (plates 12-16 and 20). Clefsydrofs limbatus Cope, p. 40. Ditnetrodon rectiformis Cope, p. 49. Dimetrodon semi- radicatus Cope, p. 50. Characteristic speciviens: No. 41 16: The type. No. 4008: Cotype. No. 4040 Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., Cope, coll. : The posterior portion of the vertebral column, including the nine anterior caudals. No. i University of Chicago : An imperfect skull, scapula, vertebral column, and humerus, femur, tibia, and fibula. No. looi University of Chicago : Skull, lower jaws, imperfect vertebral column, shoulder girdle, and fore limbs. No. 1003 University of Chicago: Imperfect fore limb with complete tarsus. No. 4093 Am. Mus. : A pelvis. No. 4092 Am. Mus. : A pelvis, sacral and caudal vertebrae, and four limb bones. No. 4089 Am. Mus. : A pelvis. No. 4039 Am. Mus. : A pelvis, sacrals, and caudals, humerus and femur. The main characters of the species have been given in the discussion of the genus. Below are noted the points in which it differs from the related species. The outer surface of the maxillary near the tooth line is very rugose and marked with oblique grooves, which run downward and forward (plate 10, fig. 3). The lower jaw is much stouter and relativeh* shorter than in some species — e. g., Dimetrodon longiramiis. The vertebrae of the cervical region are nearly upright, the neural arch lies directly over the centrum and the axis of the spine is more nearly vertical ; in Dime- trodon dollovianiis the neural arch has the appearance of having been pushed forward so that the anterior cervacals are very oblique (fig. 54). The intercentra of the anterior cervicals differ from those of other species in that they are free from the succeeding centrum, in Dimetrodon gigas the suture between the intercentrum and the lower portion of the articular face of the centrum is hardly distinguishable. In the posterior cervical series the intercentra are free in all species. The spines show a characteristic marking best shown in specimen No. lOOi Univer- sity of Chicago. The spine of the fourteenth in series, a mid-dorsal, is described as typical (plate 16, fig. 2). The base of the spine at the point of leaving the neural arch is very thin and elongate antero-posteriorly. This shape continues upward some distance (40 mm.) above the neural canal, and then there is a contraction to a nearly round or slightly transverse oval section. The contraction is sudden and from both anterior and posterior sides, so that it has the appearance of a knot or joint, which is heightened by a sculpture of deep and sharp rugose grooves and ridges. This change of shape, with its attendant rugosity, appears on all the spines at about the same height. The upper portion of the spines has grooves on the anterior and posterior side, but these are not deep and disappear half-way up. The upper fourth is very irregular in section, which is partly due to pressure, bift not entirely; the most perfect spines have a rounded oval section with low anterior and posterior edges taking the place of the grooves of the lower half Throughout their length the spines are marked by a fine sculpture of vertical lines, which become finer and more definite toward the apex. 128 REVISION OF THE PELYCOSAURIA. Specimen No. looi University of Chicago presents one difference from No. 4008 Am. Mus. that might be regarded as of specific value. In No. 4008 the spine of the third cervical curves forward and lies close against the posterior edge of the axis much as it does in Dimetrodon doUovianus, but in No. lOOi University of Chicago the spine rises vertically from the centrum ; the base is wide antero-posteriorly, the front edo-e very thin, and the posterior edge wider and grooved ; the sides are marked by coarse striations. The spine contracts near the middle through a rugose swelling to a smooth cylindrical shaft, which curves forward over the axis. The distal end of the spine is marked by a distinct pit for ligamentous attachment (plate 15, fig. 2 and text-fig. 37). The axis differs from that of No. i University of Chicago by having the posterior edge of the spine not so broad and without the great cavity just above the posterior zygapophysis. The bottom line has no well-defined keel, and the lower edge of the posterior face is much lower than the edge of the anterior face. These differences are so slight as to be possibly individual, or varietal, characters, and are accepted as such until further evidence proves their specific value. Measurements. — No. i University of Chicago. mm. mm. Total length of humerus 181 Greatest breadth Greatest breadth : Proximal end 42 T-i- .-1 .>„^ TIT Distal end 38 Poxlaiend'':':::::::::::::::::::::: 96 xotai length of femur .20 Breadth of proximal end 73 Diameter of shaft at center 24 jj^^^, ^^^ across condyles 69 Projection of deltoid ridge 35 Greatest diameter of shaft at center 36 Total length of ulna 202 ^^j^, ^^^^^^ ^j (j^,;^ j^^ Greatest breadth : Breadth, upper end from side to side 72 Distal end 37 Before back 51 Proximal end 55 Greatest diameter of shaft at center 21 Total length of radius 146 Greatest breadth at distal end 44 No. looi University of Chicago. mm. mm. Height of spine of the 14th vertebra from center Vertical height of spine of 3d cervical above of neural canal 740 center of neural canal 144 Antero-posterior diameter of spine at base 27 Length, bottom line of centrum 29 thickness of spine at middle of base 6 Antero-posterior diameter of spine at base 5 Length, bottom line of centrum 25 No. 4008 American Museum. mm. mm. Length, bottom line of I2th, a dorsal 22 Width of keel on bottom line 13 Height of centrum posterior to neural arch ... . 30 Width of centrum at notochordal canal. ...... . 12 Width of anterior face of centrum at level of Vertical diameter of anterior and posterior faces . 34 Width of keel on bottom line i Width of centrum at notochordal canal 10 notochordal canal 25 Length, bottom line of last lumbar 15 Total length of centrum 28 Width of anterior face of centrum at level of Height of centrum posterior to neural arch 29 notochordal canal 24 Vertical diameter of anterior and posterior faces . 35 Length, bottom line of iSth, the first lumbar. . . 21 No keel present. Total length of centrum 28 Width of centrum at notochordal canal 24 Height of centrum posterior to neural arch 25 Width of anterior face of centrum at level of Vertical diameter of anterior and posterior faces . 30 notochordal canal 31 Dimetrodon dollovlanus Cope (p. 51; plates 23 and 24). Emholofhorus dollovianus. Characteristic specimens: No. 4064 Am. Mus.: The type. No. 114 University of Chicago: A very complete specimen, including a skull lacking only the posterior temporal region ; the lower jaws ; thirty-five vertebras, beginning with the atlas, from the seventh presacral to the second caudal connected ; the shoulder girdle ; the fore limb and incomplete fore foot ; the pelvis. From Coffee Creek, Vernon county, MORPHOLOGICAL REVISION OF THE SUBORDER. 129 Texas. No. 4035 Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., Cope, coll. : Nine anterior vertebrse in con- nection, beginning with the axis, and after a break six posterior dorsals in connection. Spine nearly complete. No. 28 University of Chicago : A fragment of lower jaw. From Coffee Creek, Vernon county, Texas. No. 4064 Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., Cope, coll. : A fragment of the lower jaw shows that the bases of the teeth were decidedly oval in section. This is different from other species where the teeth are rounded or quadrate at base; it occurs in a second specimen, No. 28 University of Chicago. The base of the large maxillary canine is quadrate in section, but nearer the middle it is nearly hemispherical in section, the outer side being much more convex than the inner. There are two teeth in the maxillary portion of the diastemal notch. The character used by Cope to distinguish this species, the prominent intercen- truni, is common to all species of the genus, but the forward inclination of the axis and neural arch is a feature unique in the species. The more posterior vertebrse of the type specimen are closely similar to Dimetrodon incisivits. A posterior dorsal shows the low keel to be divided by a shallow longitudinal groove. The spines of the vertebrse are smooth. The astragalus is rough and rugose, much stronger than any other astragalus in the collections (plate 16, fig. 8). No. 114 University of Chicago: The skull is very similar in outline to that of Dimetrodon incisivits. The section of the teeth can not be made out, but there are three teeth in the maxillar}- portion of the diaste- mal notch. This seems to be a distinctive character of the species ; in several specimens of the genus there is a single tooth preceding the enlarged maxillary-, but in others there is none or a scar showing where a single tooth has been lost, but never more than one. The diastemal notch is nearly filled with teeth; this is a primitive character and would indi- cate that the species was perhaps the least specialized of the genus. In this skull both large maxillary teeth are functional at the same time. The vertebral column : The atlas is similar to Dimetrodon incisivus. The axis has the centrum similar to Dimetrodon incisivus, but the posterior end of the centrum is much lower than the anterior, so the whole vertebra slants down- wards to the rear, and if the bottom line of the centrum is horizontal the spine slants forward. The spine is proportionately much wider antero-posteriorly and extends farther out over the atlas ; the upper end has a triangular facet for the ligament ; the posterior edge, while wide, is not excavated by a deep groove as in Dimetrodon incisi- vus ; the anterior edge has two small surfaces for ligamentous attachment. The third cervical has the spine short and very slender; it curves sharply forward and lies close to the posterior edge of the neural spine of the axis. The whole neural arch stands far forward over the anterior part of the centrum, giving the vertebra the characteristic inclined appearance as opposed to the vertical condition of the same vertebra of Dimetrodon incisivus. 54 55 Fig. 54. — Lateral view of an anterior cervical o( D. dol- lovlanus, No. 4064 Am. Mus. :< li. Fig, 35. — Anterior view of the same vertebra as fig. 54. X I. Showing the large intercentrum and facets for the ribs, on which evidence Cope referred this species to the genus Embolophorus. itc, intercentrum. I30 REVISION OF THE PELYCOSAURIA. The vertebrae of the dorsal aud lumbar region are very similar to those of Dime- trodon iucisiviis. Centrosphenes and centantra are present on all presacral vertebrse. The neural arch is exceptionally high in the dorsals, so that the zygapophyses are farther above the centra than in other species and are very oblique. The seven posterior lumbars, the sacrals, and the first caudal are connected. They show the sudden shortening of the centrum and increasing concavity of the mid-line below in the lumbars and the sudden increase in length of the sacrals better than any other specimen. As the vertebrte become shorter the sides of the centrum are contracted by a deep pit just below the notochordal canal. The pit does not extend to the lower edge, which remains rounded and without a trace of a keel. The sides and bottom line become very concave, so the edges of the articular faces are pro- portionately much wider flared than on the more anterior vertebrse. The capitulum and tuberculum of the ribs unite and gradually grow smaller, until on the last lumbar they are simple processes. The three sacrals are abruptly longer than the last lum- bar, and the centrum is smoothly rounded, without the deep pits on the sides. The centra fit closely together, and the intercentra are reduced to thin scales anchylosed to the adjacent edges of the centra. The zygapophyses are atrophied and the spines are small and weak. The first sacral rib has a wide distal end, the posterior two are smaller. The third is inclined sharply forward and rests against the second, rather as if it acted as a support for the first than as supporting the ilium (plate 23, fig. i). The caudals are as in Dimetrodon incisivHs. The shoulder girdle: The elements of the shoulder girdle of this species have been used in the restoration of Dimetro- don incisivus. There are few points of difference between the scapula and that of other species determinable from the material at hand. The inner edge of the coracoid and procor- acoid oi Dimefrodon incisivus is nearly straight and joins the anterior edge by a sharp angle; the same edge in Dimetrodon dollovianus seems to be more rounded and to join the anterior edge in a gentle curve (plate 23, fig. 2). The fore limb is represented by the humerus, the ulna, and an imperfect foot. The ulna is more clumsy, with a heavy proximal end, a more widely open articular cavitj', and a less perfect olecranon process ; it is of the type of fig. 56. The pelvic girdle : The pelvis is of the same form as Dimetrodon incisivus. The ischium and pubis are separated in the specimen (No. 114 University of Chicago) as if they had not been so closely united as in Dimetrodon incisivus. The hind limb is represented b)- the distal end of the femur and the proximal end of the tibia only. No. 4035 Am. Mus. This specimen evidently belongs to the same species as No. 114 University of Chicago. It shows the fonn of the axis and third cervdcal (plate 24, fig. i). The sixth vertebra is the first one to take on definitely the character of the dorsals, the thin keel and shortened bottom line. The spines of the anterior vertebrse are short, becoming very slender just above the base; the spine of the seventh is abruptly higher than the others, and that of the eighth even more so. The spines of all are imperfect, but are so slender at the ends that it is evident that they are nearly complete. Only the lower portions are repre- 56 -Proximal end of an ulna oi D. dollovianus. X "3, Fig. 57. — Proximal end of an ulna oi D. incisivus. X ^3. MORPHOLOGICAL REVISION OF THE SUBORDER. 131 sented in the figure. A short distance above the base all the spines are marked by a series of short parallel rugose lines, but there is no marked swelling. The posterior series of six are posterior dorsals with longer centra and rounded bottom line. The spines have begun to bend backward, approaching the sharp incli- nation of the lumbar spines of other specimens. The fifth of the series has the bottom line sharper, with a ridge divided longitudinally by a shallow median groove, making it appear as a double ridge. Measurements. — No. 114 University of Chicago. Length of skull from anterior end to posterior edge of orbit Length, bottom line of axis Height of spine from center of neural canal . . Length, bottom line of — 3d cervical 4th 5th 6th 7th, ist dorsal 8th Length, bottom line of — 2oth, ist lumbar 28.5 gth . loth. nth. I2th. 13th. 14th. 15th . i6th. 17th. i8th. 19th. 38 38 32 29 29 25 27.5 24.5 32 31 32.5 34 35 36 37 33 30 2ISt . 22d. . 23d.. 24th. 25th. 26th. 27th . 28th, 29th . 30th . 31st, 1st caudal 20.5 32d 18 33d 15 Length of scapula 33-40 Width, opposite humeral cotylus 12 Length of interclavicle 31-32 humerus 191 ilium, antero-posteriorly 150 ischio- pubic symphysis about 276 27 26 23 22 19 16 13 ist sacral 27 32.5 30 No. 4035 American Museum. Length, bottom line of axis 34 Height of spine above neural canal, same .... 76 Length, bottom line of — 3d vertebra 32 4th vertebra 30 Height incomplete spine, same 160 Length, bottom line of 5th vertebra 26 Height incomplete spine, same 210 Length, bottom line of 6th vertebra 27 Height incomplete spine of same 200 Length, bottom line of 7th vertebra 25 Height incomplete spine, same 253 Length, bottom line of Sth vertebra 24 Height incomplete spine, same 350 Length, bottom line of gth vertebra 24 Height incomplete spine, same 450 Length, bottom line of ist posterior dorsal... 30 Height incomplete spine of ist posterior dorsal . 825 Dimetrodon macrospondylus Cope (p. 52, plates 25 and 26). Clefsydro^s macrosfondylus. Characteristic Specimens : No. 4012 Am. Mus. : The type. No. loi 9 University of Chicago : Vertebrae of the posterior dorsal and lumbar region with the intercentrum and spines almost perfectly preserved. Nos. 4054 and 4055 Am. Mus. : Axis and several other vertebrse. Nos. 4054 and 4055 Am. Mus.: The axis (figs. 58 and 59) has the usual elongate centrum, with a low, sharp ridge on the bottom line. The anterior face is nearly cir- cular, with a very prominent edge surrounding the notochordal funnel. On the upper edge are relatively large and deep centantra. The posterior face is circular and sur- rounded by a wide, flat border not recurved onto the side of the centrum. The spine is short and relatively stout. The posterior edge is grooved, but not deeply excavated as in Dimetrodon incisiviis. The upper end has an irregular face for ligamentous attachment, and there is a distinct face for the middle of the anterior edge. 132 REVISION OF THE PELYCOSAURIA. No. 4012 Am. Mus. : The first cervical preserved, the third (?) (described by Cope as the axis) has the same upright form as Dimetrodon incisivus. The centrum is rather higher than wide, so the articular faces are narrowed. The next two and a half vertebra are connected and belong in the anterior dor- sal series ; they have the same form as vertebrce of the same region in Dimetrodon incisivus ; the lower edges of the centra are recurved to accommodate the intercentrum and rib, but not nearly so much as in Dimetrodon incisivus and Dimetrodon dollo- 2>ianus, because the intercentra have already assumed the characteristic form of the species and the ends project beyond the edges of the centra with distinct tenninal facets for the capitulum of the rib. These vertebras do not connect with the series which follows, which begins with a half vertebra and contains nine whole ones of the posterior dorsal and lumbar regions. The anterior ones have a low keel on the mid-line of the centrum, but by the fifth of the series the bottom line is rounded ; on the same vertebrse is the first evidence of a broadening of the edge of the anterior articular face to form the facet for the capitulum of the rib. The advent of this face is much more gradual than in Dime- trodon incisivus, where it appears without warning. On the sixth and seventh the face is plain and the lower supporting ridge of the transverse process extends forward almost to the capitular face ; on the ninth of the series the two facets have com- pletely fused. Intercentra are present and show the characteristic form of the species ; the best view is from below. The intercentra are of nearly equal width in the whole series ; slightly concave on the mid-line, but projecting beyond the edges of the centra and the ends enlarged and flattened to accommodate the face for the capitulum of the rib. After this series are three lumbars, two free and one attached to the sacrum ; they have the shortened, wider form of the posterior lumbars of Dimetrodon incisivus. The ribs are fused to the sides of the centra, but the capitula project forward beyond the edge of the anterior articular face and into the intercentral space in a manner not seen in Dimetrodon incisivus. In these the intercentra have lost the wide-ended form and underlie the centra as in other species of the same genus. The sacrals are of the same form as Dimetrodon incisivus. Between the last sacral and the first caudal is a very narrow intercentrum, but between the first and second caudals the intercentrum is much wider. No. 1019 University of Chicago (plates 25 and 26) : The series consists of three connected posterior dorsals, a broken and disconnected vertebra, and then five more in connection. The anterior four have the spines attached, but in the posterior ones the neural arches are broken and the spines are arranged by their characters. The only spine perfect to the tip is one of the lumbars. All of the spines are somewhat twisted and bent, but this seems to be due rather to the accidents of fossilization than to any natural condition. Fig. 58. — Axis of D. macrosponJylus, Nos. 4054, 4055 Am. Mus. cs, centrosphene. X - i. Anterior view. Fig. 59. — Lateral view of the vertebra shovra in fig. 58. MORPHOLOGICAL REVISION OF THE SUBORDER. 1 33 The centra have the usual elongate fonn of this portion of the column ; the dorsals have the last traces of a keel, so the bottom line of the centrum is straight, but the lumbars have no keel, and the bottom line is concave. The transverse processes are all lost, but they originated high up on the side of the centrum and the neural arch. The intercentra have the characteristic fonn of the species and the rib-head articulated in the triangle between the upper portions of the centra and the end of the intercentra. Several rib-heads are preserved in this position. The lumbars are distinguished by the presence of the capitular facet on the side of the anterior articular edge. Between the last dorsal and the first centrum with a well-developed capitular face there is one with a somewhat imperfect face. The heads of several ribs are preserved in position in the lumbar series, showing that they touched the end of the intercentrum in the first lumbars as well as the capitular face on the edge of the centrum. The spines are very characteristic in appearance. The bases of the dorsal spines are somewhat longer antero-posteriorly than transversely, but a few centimeters from the base a notable swelling gives the spine a quadrangular section. The sides of this swelling are marked by ridges and grooves, giving it a roughly fluted appearance. Above this the spine becomes rounded and then oval (see fig. 14). A deep groove on the posterior face persists nearly to the summit, while a similar one on the anterior face disappears at about half the height of the spine. The apices of the spines are very slender ; in those most nearly complete they are not over 2 or 3 mm. in width. In the lumbars the bases of the spines are much more elongate antero-posteriorl}-. They do not swell to quadrangular shape, but pass directly to a rounded section, though there is a short region marked by rugose ridges in the position of the swelling. In one of the posterior lumbars the spine is complete and shows that the tip end was slightly enlarged and roughened. Measurements. Nos. 4054 and 4055 American Museum. mm. min. Length, bottom line of centrum 27 Height of spine above neural canal 64 No. 4012 American Museum. Length, bottom line of — Length, bottom line of — An anterior dorsal 18 5th presacral 19 I2th presacral (probably the i6th vertebra) 24 4th " 16 nth " 24 3d " 16 loth " 24 2d " 13 9th " 23 ist " 12 8th " 23 ist sacral 26 7th " 22 2d " 24 6th " 20 3d " 22.5 No. 1019 University of Chicago. mm. mm. Length, bottom line of a lumbar 32 Dorsals, continued: Anterior face ; Anterior face : ,^ . ^ , J. , c. Honzontal diameter 27 Horizontal diameter 26 Vertical diameter 33 Vertical diameter 29 Transverse diameter, base of spine 19 Transverse diameter of centrum at middle 14 Antero-posterior diameter base of spine... 14 Vertical diameter of centrum just posterior to Transverse diameter, 5 cm. above base 18.5 arch 22 Antero-posterior diameter, 5 cm. above Posterior face, vertical diameter 29.5 base 17 Length, bottom line of posterior dorsals and Length of incomplete dorsal spine of same four lumbars, each 31 vertebra, probably 100 mm. short 873 Dorsals: Length of second incomplete dorsal spine. 800 Length, bottom line 28 Length, complete lumbar spine 675 134 REVISION OF THE PELYCOSAURIA. Dimetrodon plalycentrus sp. Case (p. 54). Characteristic specimen : No. 4065 Am. Mus. The type. This species is very similar to Dimetrodon viacrospondylus, but the bottom line of the centrum of the posterior dorsals and anterior lumbars, instead of being drawn to a keel, is broad and rounded and even flattened. This is more apparent on the posterior portion of the column, so that on the second lumbar vertebra the bottom of the centrum is nearly flat transversely and is marked by rugosities which have a distinct tendency to a radial arrangement. The bottom line is concave antero- posteriorly, and the edges of the centra are very prominent. The articular surfaces are reflected on the sides of the centrum and are beveled on the lower edge, leaving a large space for the intercentrum. Measurements. mm. 7?im. Length, bottom line of— Length, bottom line of — 2d lumbar 21 Penultimate dorsal 25 ist lumbar 23 Antepenultimate dorsal 26 Last dorsal 23 Dimetrodon obtusidens Cope (p. 54, plate 25). Therofleura obtusideyis Cope. Characteristic specimens : No. 4007 Am. Mus. : The t>pe. No. 4062 Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. Cope, coll. : Homeotype. The basicraniuni and a series of twenty-one or twenty-two vertebrse, not all in series; numerous fragments of spines. From the mouth of Beaver Creek, a tributary of the Big Wichita river, Texas. No. 1060 University of Chicago : A single axis ; from Texas. No. 2152 Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., Cope, coll. : A humerus ; from Texas. The type specimen consists of a number of mixed bones. The jaws originally described by Cope are the two lower jaws, and on the other side of the mass is seen the posterior face of the skull, with the ele\-ated postorbital region of a typical Dime- trodon. The "palatal dentigerous bone" described by Cope is part of the pterygoid, but it is not at all certain that it belongs with the skull, as it seems too small. The "rhombic" form described by Cope is due to the fact that the pterj'goid approaches in form that oi t\\& Poliosauridcc ; the external process of the pterygoid does not stand upright at right angles to the main portion, but lies at a low angle to it, so that the external process of the pterygoid and the palatal portion fonn the rhombic area. The external face of the external process is very narrow, and on the lower edge there are but three teeth in sockets ; the patch of small teeth begins at the inner edge of the process, instead of after an inter\'al as in Dimetrodon incisiz'us. With the specimen are three humeri, one of which belongs to some member of the DiadedidcB ; the other two probably belong with the skull, as they are of the same size. They are of the same general form as Dimetrodon incisivus, but the radial pro- cess begins much farther down on the side of the bone and is separated from the head by a considerable interval. A scapula is also preserved in the mixture of bones, which has the same form as Dimetrodon incisivns. The vertebral column is represented by several vertebrae probably belonging with the skull. By direct comparison the vertebral column. No. 1838 Am. Mus., is seen to belong to the same species and is described as Dimetrodon obtusidens. No. 4062 : The base of the skull is nearly complete, lacking only the distal ends of the paroccipitals and a fragment just over the foramen magnum. The occipital MORPHOLOGICAL REVISION Q OF THE SUBORDER. 135 condyle is flattened and is marked by a pit for the termination of the notochord ; its section is triangular and the articular face is continued on to the lower surface. The exoccipital and supraoccipital both take part in the formation of the condyle. The exoccipital forms the sides of the foramen magnum and meets above it, shutting out the supraoccipital. The lower surface of the basicranium is the same as in Dinietro- don incisivus. The axis: The best-preserved axis is No. 1060 Universit}- of Chicago (plate 25, fig. 6). In the present specimen the spine is lost, but the centrum shows the usual elongate form, the well-developed centantra and the wide face for the intercentrum on the lower half of the anterior articular face. The transverse process rises from well below the level of the anterior zygapophyses instead of on a level with them, as in Di>netrodo)i incisivus. The third vertebra is verj' similar to the axis, but with a narrow spine ; the transverse process is longer and inclines rather more to the rear, the face for the rib looking backward as well as down- ward. There is a deep pit at the base of the spine on either side. The fourth vertebra resembles the second, but the sides of the centra are pinched in below the notochordal canal, so that there is the beginning of the narrowing of the bottom line to form a keel ; this is most prominent in the anterior half of the centrum. The fifth vertebra is joined to the second, but is com- pletely reversed in position in the specimen ; it has been placed in the correct position in the figure. This vertebra shows the typical characters of the posterior cervicals and anterior dorsals. The centrum is shortened on the bottom line by the bending back of the inferior edge of the anterior face, and the sides are sharply pinched in just below the notochordal canal, forming a high and thin keel. The anterior face of the centrum has well-developed centantra and a wide face for the intercentrum. The transverse process stands well out from the side of the centrum. The sixth to the thiiHeenth are not connected, but have been placed in position from their characters. The first three are of similar fonn ; they are imperfect, but all show the sharp keel and shortened bottom line. The transverse process stands well out, almost horizontally, from the side of the centrum. The ninth has lost the lower half of the centrum, but preserves the neural arch and the base of the spine. The anterior face of the centrum is rounded, having largely lost the face for the intercentrum, but the centantra are still evident. The neural arch is high and the faces of the zygapophyses are quite oblique, but not so much so as in Dimctrodon doUavianiis. The transverse process is short and stands out horizontally from the side of the neural arch. The base of the spine presents ver>' clearl)- some of the characters of the species. It is smooth below, but a short distance up becomes slightly rugose ; below the rugosity the spine is thin, but wide antero-posteriorh-, and Fig. 60. — Left humerus ot D. oblusidens, No. 2152 Am. Mus. en/, ent- epicondylar foramen. Fig. 61. — Posterior surface of tire skull of D. oblusU dens. No. 4062 Am. Mus. X %. 136 REVISION OF THE PELYCOSAURIA. the fore-and-aft edges are drawn out into very thin and prominent ridges ; above the rugosity the section of the spine is rounded with grooves on the anterior and posterior surfaces, and its surface is smooth as in Dimetrodon tnacrospondyliis. The tenth vertebra shows a slight decrease in the sharpness of the keel; the anterior end of the keel is rather rouuded and the posterior end is double, having a slight narrow groove dividing it longitudinally. The eleventh and tivelfth vertebra- are longer and the keel below is less strong ; the sides of the centra are regularly convex, the sudden narrowing just below the notochordal canal so characteristic of the dorsals having disappeared. The anterior face is nearly as round as the posterior, due to the loss of the face for the intercentrum on the lower edge. Looking at the vertebra from above it is seen that four strong ridges run from the base of the spine, one to the base of each of the zj'gapophyses ; this is true of the same region of all the species of the genus, but in none is it so apparent as in this specimen. The thirteenth to the sixteenth are connected. These are rather longer than the anterior dorsals, and the bottom line has a very low keel. The ends of the centra are rather abruptly flared, so that the vertebtje are concave from end to end on both sides and the bottom line. The inferior supporting ridge of the transverse process curves gradually forward in these vertebrse; by the sixteenth it reaches nearly to the anterior edge of the centrum. The seventeenth to the tiventieth are imperfect, but show the gradual elongation forward of the inferior supporting ridge of the transverse process and its growth in height; in the twentieth it is nearly as high as the transverse process itself The elevation of this ridge is accompanied by the development of a pit both behind it and above it. On the nineteenth the ridge has reached the anterior edge of the centrum, and on the twentieth the face for the capitulum appears on the edge of the centrum. The centra grow more elongate and the keel becomes lower, but does not disappear. Between the eighteenth to the twentieth there is a small intercentrum with sharp ends, lacking an articular face, as in Dimetrodon iiicisivus. The twenty-first to the tiventy-third vertebra; : The first of these is imperfect and may be the posterior half of vertebra twenty. On the twenty-second the ridge from the transverse process just touches, but does not join, the capitular face. On the twenty-third the two are rmited. There are two anterior caudals in the box with these vertebrae, but they seem entirely too large to belong to the specimen. No. 1060 University of Chicago : The axis. The upper portion of the spine is broken away, but the lower part shows that it was enlarged, having much the same form as No. 114 University of Chicago. The centrum is relatively much more elon- gate than in Dimetrodon incisivics. The lower surface is marked b}- a sharp but very low ridge, which does not reach to the anterior and posterior edges of the centrum. The under side of the two anterior zygapophyses is concave, so that as they meet they form an arch over the neural canal and extend well anterior to the edge of the cen- trum ; at the base of the z3'gapoph}'ses are well-developed centantra. The diapophj'ses slant backward, but are not at any point free from the centrum, and do not extend below its middle. The anterior face of the centrum has a well-developed face for the intercentrum, occupying nearly one-third of the height of the face. The posterior face is circular. MORPHOLOGICAL REVISION OF THE SUBORDER. 1 37 Measurements. — No. 4062 American Museum. inni . Diameter occipital condyle : Length, bottom line of — Horizontal 15 6th cervical 16.5 Vertical n nth, a dorsal ig I2th, " 20 13th, " 16.5 14th, " 20 15th, " 20 Width across occipital plate 52 Length, bottom line of — • Axis 21 3d cervical 22 i6th, 4th " 22 17th, " 21 5'h " 21 18th, " 20 Height of centrum posterior to neural arch. .. . 17.5 23d, a lumbar 17 No. 2152 American Museum. mm. mm. Length of humerus 147 Width, distal end 57 No. 1060 University of Chicago. mm. mm. Anterior face of centrum : Posterior face of centrum : Vertical diameter 12 Vertical diameter 11 Horizontal diameter 10 Horizontal diameter 12 Length, bottom line of centrum, 17 mm. Other Specimens of tliis species are Nos. 1015 and 1017 Am. Mus., and 180 University of Chicago. Dlmetrodon navajovicus Case (p. 56, plate 27). Characteristic specimens : No. 2299 Am. Mus.: The type. No. 2288 Am. Mus. Nat. Hist, Cope, coll. ; from New Mexico. No. 2285 Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., Cope, coll. : Collective number covering many lots, but mostly this species ; from New Mexico. No. 1034 University of Chicago. No. 1046 University of Chicago. There is no fragment of the skull preserved. The humerus., described from No. 2285, is most easily recognizable in this species ; it is of the general form of Dimetrodoii incisivus with well-developed articular surfaces, but the proportions are notably different. The head is broad, with the usual oblique face, but the face does not extend to the radial border as in Dimetrodoii incisivus. The radial crest joins the proximal portion of the bone at an obtuse angle, and the line of union is marked on the posterior side by a sharp ridge. The crest is ver>' short, beginning low down on the distal end and looking rather like a wide process than a ridge ; it terminates in a broadened apex with a smooth surface for ligamentous attach- ment. The upper end is separated from the articular face by a wide concave inter\-al. The shaft is more slender compared to the ends than in other species. The lower end has well-developed radial and ulnar faces. The entepicondyle is very long, extending so far inward that a line drawn straight down from the eutepicondylar fora- men would divide the distal end of the bone into two nearly equal halves. In other species there is not more than a third or fourth of the distal end inside of such a line. No. 2299: The femur has a wide proximal end, with a deep depression on the posterior face, with a prominent process on the inner side. The lower end has stout and well-developed condyles separated on the posterior side by a deep groove, but the articular faces lie so much on the posterior face that they are not separated by the distal notch. 138 REVISION OF THE PELYCOSAURIA. The vertebrce preserved are all of one type. They are short and high with the lower end broad and marked by a wide groove with sharp edges, so the vertebra has the appearance of being double keeled ; this is very different from the double keel described in Dimctrodon dollovianiis, for there it is a sharp narrow keel and the groove dividing it is verj' narrow. No vertebrae of this t}'pe have been found with any other species of Divieirodon ; they are much closer to the kind found in Theropleura^ and might well belong to such an animal, having become accidentally associated with the typical Dimetrodon humeri. On the other hand, no vertebrae of the type of Dime- trodon occur in the abundant material from New Mexico, and it seems probable that the vertebrae must belong with the humeri. As we do not know the humerus of Thcropleura^ and as it is not certain that these vertebrae had high spines, it is, of course, possible that D. iiavajoviciis may turn out to belong close to Theroplenra. There are several fragments of small skulls which may be shown later to belong here, as Archeobelus vellicatiis, or two small maxillaiy fragments, Nos. 1013 and 1014 Universit}- of Chicago, from Texas. The humerus is 92 mm. long ; the proximal end 46 mm. wide, and the distal end 70 mm. wide. The front foot : A. small front foot. No. 2290 Am. Mus., from New IMexico (plate 5, fig. 6), may possibly belong to this species. It resembles in almost every particular the front foot of D. iudsiz'us, No. 1003 University of Chicago. This foot was described by Cope (70) (plate 3, fig. 6) as posterior, but this mistake was largely due to the fact that the radiale and ceutrale were separated from the rest of the foot and were not recognized by him in the uncleaned material. Subfamily NAOSAURINAE Case (p. 58). Genus NAOSAURUS Cope. There is no certain evidence of the skull of A^iosaurus ; according to Cope's determinations the skull is not distinguishable from that of Dimctrodon^ but, as explained above (p. 58), the identifications can not now be confirmed either hy the specimens or records. (See note on p. 145.) The axis and atlas are unknown. The cervical vertebrae show a most remarkable dif- ference from those of Dimetrodon] from the fifth or sixth they decrease in size forward and the spines are at the same time enlarged. In Naosaurus claviger the section of the base of the spine of the anterior cervicals is greater than the centrum. In both Naosaurus microdus and Naosaurus claviger the distal ends of the neural spines of the cer\'icals are clavate, and this was probably true of A'', cruciger as well. The details of the column are given in the description of N. microdus. The bending of the spines to the rear, which begins in the anterior dorsal region, and becomes so acute in the presacral region, is most remarkable and was at first attributed to accident, but as it occurs so regularly and in three dis- tinct specimens, all that show this portion of the column, it may be accepted as natural. Beyond a few anterior caudals the tail is unknown. The clavicle^ No. 4037 Am. Mus., is bent at nearly a right angle in the middle- MORPHOLOGICAL REVISION OF THE SUBORDER. 1 39 A cleithruin occurs in No. 4060 Am. Mus. ; as suggested by the occurrence in C. natalis^ it is a slender, almost rudimentary element, articulating with the end of clavicle and upper (anterior) edge of the scapula. The scapula, No. 4146 Am. Mus., is larger than, but very similar to, Di)iietrodoii incisiviis. (Plate 30, fig. 2.) The humerus is of the form of Dimetrodon gigas; it is proportionately longer and more rugose. (Plate 31, fig. 2.) The anterior portion of the limb and the foot are unknown. ^\\.t pelvis is described in the discussion of Naosaiirus claviger. Abdominal ribs : In preparing the specimen of N. claviger for mounting. Dr. Matthew found traces of abdominal ribs, showing their presence in this animal. The posterior limb is unknown. Many isolated limb bones may belong to this genus, but they can not be definitely determined. There are several enormous tern:inal phalanges with the spines, which indicate that the feet were armed with powerful claws ; this animal probably greatly exceeded the genus Dimetrodon in the development of the claws. (Plate 30, fig. 3.) Naosaurus claviger Cope (p. 59; plates 28, 29, and 35). Characteristic specimens: No. 4002 Am. Mus. : The type. No. 4036 Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., Cope, coll. : The posterior half of a skull. No. 4015 Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., Cope, coll. : A vertebral column with cervicals and dorsals in fair condition, but the spines incomplete and several others in a refractor}' concretionary matrix. No. 4103 Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., Cope, coll.: An interclavicle and scapulae. No. 4146 Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., Cope, coll.: A scapula of the left side. The skull : In 1888 (70) Cope published a pretty full description of this species, evidently founded on specimens No. 4036 and No. 4002 Am. Mus. This description is accompanied by figures of the spines and the interclavicle. "The skull (No. 4036 Am. Mus.) : One of the best-preserved specimens of N. claviger includes a skull, but the extremity of the muzzle is unfortunately wanting. The median line rises forwards so that the convexity of the top of the muzzle is higher than the posterior parts of the skull, whose profile descends rapidly. This throws the orbit far back and gives the animal a peculiar appearance. "The orbit is nearly round, the superciliary border being arched. Anterior to it is a large antorbital fossa bounded by a longitudinal ridge above. Above the ridge is a longitudinal groove, which is separated from that of the opposite side by a narrow ridge only. The quadrate boue is large and laminiform, and is truucate above, having a good deal the shape of the same bone in a fish. The parietal buttress is produced downwards and backwards, and is in contact with the superior third of its posterior border. Beneath and within it is a narrow opisthotic. The pterj-goid is large, and is distally vertically compressed. Anteriorly it becomes flattened so that it is hori- zontal, and is studded with small conical teeth rather distantly placed. * * * * " Vertebra; (No. 4002 Am. Mus.): A large series of these are preserved, and they show many interesting characters. The intercentra are not distinct in the anterior part of the column, are separated posteriorly and in the sacrum. The centra are com- pressed and have an acute inferior keel. The neural spines are moderately compressed below the first transverse process; above this point they are antero-posteriorly oval in section. The distal half is compressed. They expand to a point below the apex, where the anterior edge extends obliquely backwards to the summit. A short corre- sponding oblique edge truncates the posterior superior angle. The medullar}' cavity I40 REVISION OF THE PELYCOSAURIA. of the spine is not closed at the apex. On several of the vertebrae the lowest transverse process is double, but the sides of the same vertebrae differ from each other in this respect in some instances. "The two sacral vertebrae are not coossified, and the zygapophyses are well developed and distinct, as are the intercentra. The latter are flat, and but little developed in the upward direction. The neural spines are rather elevated and slender. They are compressed without cross-processes, and the apex of the spine has small tubercles. ^'■Ribs : The ribs are long and well curved, and are moderately compressed on their proximal half, and cylindric for their distal. The head is well distinguished from the tubercle, as in the manner of a mammal. That is, the tubercular surface is sessile on the convexity of the rib, and pedunculate. In this respect these ribs differ from the usual form of two-headed reptilian ribs. The head is so long on the anterior dorsal vertebrae, as to articulate with the posterior edge of the vertebra in front of the one with which its tubercle articulates. It becomes shorter on the posterior part of the column, articulating with the edge of the rib which supports the tubercle. On the caudal series the head is retracted so as to be close to the tubercular articulation, which is the most extensive, and which is deeply notched on one of its faces. This gives the appearance of a three-headed rib in this genus and in Dimetrodou. * * * Measurements. No. I. (Skull.) m- No. 3. (Vertebras.) Depth of muzzle at sixth tooth from last 0.172 Diameters centrum dorsal vertebra : m. Length of skull posterior to same tooth 232 Antero-posterior 0.039 Diameters of orbit : Transverse 034 Antero-posterior 057 Vertical 035 Vertical 056 Expanse prezygapophyses do 041 Vertical depth from line of eyebrow to end of Diapophyses do 082 quadrate 200 Elevation of neural spine to first process 024 Width of condyles of quadrate 050 Transverse diameter of process 025 Diameters of crown of sixth tooth : Diameters of neural spine at process ; Vertical 028 Antero-posterior 030 Antero-posterior 014 Transverse • .028 Transverse...... ■• '■■".■■',■•,''■'■,■ „^, Length of the two sacral vertebrae 084 Thickness of maxillary bone at sixth tooth 022 t^, . r No. 2. (Vertebra probably of No. i.) Diameters of dorsal neural arch, with zygapo- Elevation of — Neural canal of do 010 spine of do 084 physes : r ^u t Antero-posterior 064 ^^"8'^ °*~ , . , , ,,„ Transverse (posterior) 036 R>b on outside of curve 260 Head of rib 045 Diameters of neural spine near base Antero-posterior o33 Transverse 027 Transverse diameter of rib just beyond tubercle .017 Antero-posterior do 020 In 1892 Cope gave a further description of the temporal region of the skull accompanied by a restoration. "The orbit is in the posterior part of the skull, and the nnizzle is greatly elevated and compressed. The zygomatic (quadrato-jugal) is greatly decurved posteriorly, and the supratemporal is accordingly decurved also. The postfroutal is a narrow bone, wider than long, and it has connection with the frontal, parietal and postorbital only. The postorbital is an L-shaped structure, of which the shorter limb is inferior, extending to the jngal, while the longer limb is posterior, extending to the supratemporal, in contact with the parietal. It encloses no foramen with the latter; but it encloses a larger foramen with the jugal, zygomatic and supratemporal at the other boundaries. This is the infratemporal foramen of MORPHOLOGICAL REVISION OF THE SUBORDER. 141 Baur. Posterior to the parietal is a small transverse element, which appears to be merely adherent to the former. Its determination is not easy at present. The supra- temporal is elongate vertically, and narrow antero-posteriorl}'. Beneath and towards the middle line of the skull is a part of another bone, which may be the paroccipital or even the exoccipital. The pineal foramen is distinct. No parieto-quadrate arch." This description is erroneous in making the statement that there is no superior temporal vacuit3^ The bones of the temporal region have an arrangement similar to that of Dimetrodon^ and the superior vacuity is even smaller in proportion. Other than a somewhat greater rugosity no charac- ters can be made out that will distinguish this skull from that of Dimetrodon. The vertebral column is in general similar to that of Naosaurits uiicrodiis and the vertebrae have the same modifications in the different parts of the column, but they are larger and more clumsy; this is especially true of the spines. They have the same form and origin from the centra, the same swelling out just below the first pair of processes and the same slight groove on the fore-and-aft faces disappearing about half- way up, but they are slightly rounder in section and much heavier; the processes are nodular and often double or bifid. Specimen No. 4002 shows several cases of fracture and healing of the spines during life. In neither specimen showing the vertebral column is there any cousiderable number of vertebrae in connected series, but most of them can be placed in nearly the proper position by direct comparison with Naosaurus microdus. There are twenty- five presacrals in all. ths-cervicals: In neither specimen is the atlas or axis preserved. No. 4002 has four connected cer\'icals, probably the third to the seventh, with only the lower parts of the spines ; No. 4015 has three connected cer\acals, probably the fourth to the sixth, with the spines nearly complete, figure 62. Both of these show the same decrease in the size of the centnim toward the anterior end and accompanying increase in the size of the neural spines. TheyfrjY and smallest of the series in No. 4002 Am. Mus. is probably the third. The centrum is longer than high and the sides are marked by a deep elongate pit, which extends to the anterior edge of the centrum ; the upper edge of the pit is formed by a prominent _.,._, . •,,,,,. M AMr^ ridge, which reaches to the base of the rig. 63. — 1 hree antenor cervicals ol A", c/ouiger. No. 'lUID ° Am. Mus. ^%. Showing the small centra and trausvcrsc proccss. The anterior artic- large spines and the inclination of the neck. ular face is Small and narrow. The 142 REVISION OF THE PELYCOSAURIA. transverse process is short with a verj' small articular face. The base of the spine is thin and elongate antero-posteriorly ; it stands well forward so that the posterior zygapophyses stand over the middle of the centrum. The second oi No. 4002 Am. Mus. (^the first of the three in No. 4015 Am. Mus.) is the fourth cervical. The centrum is larger than the first; the pit on the side is shorter; the transverse process is heavy, but very short, almost rudimentary'. The neural arch is high and the zygapophyses stand far above the centrum with rather oblique faces. The base of the spine in No. 4015 is nearly as large as the centrum. The lowest processes are long and decurved. The top of the spine is growing large, but the upper end is broken away, so the exact form is unknown. The whole spine is inclined forward, but as the centra were placed obliquely, rising rapidly in the neck, they were more nearly vertical than appears at first sight. The thirds No. 4002 Am. Mus. (=the second No. 4015 Am. Mus.), is the fifth cervical. The pit on the side of the centrum is less elongate; the transverse process is short and stauds out almost straight from the vertebra. In No. 4015 the anterior edges of the centrum show the irregular projection forming a face for the head of the rib. The neural arch is high and the base of the spine larger than the centrum ; the first pair of processes extends out 53 mm. from the side of the spine, two-fifths longer than the centrum itself The top of the spine is enlarged as in the fourth cervical, but is incomplete. The fourth of No. 4002 Am. Mus. (=the third No. 4015 Am. Mus.) is the sixth cervical. The pit on the side of the centrum is smaller, the angulation of the anterior edge fonning a face for the rib-head is stronger; between the third and fourth there is a wide and flat intercentrum, with its upper side divided into faces for the adjacent vertebrse. The conesponding vertebrae of No. 4015 has an incomplete spine, with the end swollen and appearing to be flattening into a clavate form. They?/?// No. 4002 is the seventh cei-vical; it has the centrum rounded on the bottom line, with the pits of the anterior vertebrae reduced to slight depressions. The tranverse process rises from high up on the neural arch, just below the base of the anterior zygapophysis, and extends almost straight out. The edge of the anterior face of the centrum is bent back in a sharp angulation for the head of the rib. There are well-developed centantra on the upper edge. The base of the spine is very large and the first processes are longer than the centrum. The eighth and ninth (?) vertebrae, first dorsals. It seems probable that the two vertebrae described by Cope as typical of the species (plate 26, fig. i) belong next in the series. They are the last with clavate apices and are probably the first dorsals. The spines of the other dorsals are roughly rounded or clubbed at the end. In the dorsals begins the backward curve that terminates so sharply in the posterior lumbars (plate 29). The succession of vertebrae posterior to the ninth is rather problematical, but they have been arranged in order by characters corresponding to the vertebrae of the column of ^V. microdus. The anterior ones show the peculiar forward inclination of the transverse process from the base of the anterior z}'gapophyses characteristic of the genus. Four connected vertebrae from specimen No. 1348, field number. Am. Mus., show the two posterior dorsals and the first two lumbars with ribs attached. The head of the rib in the dorsals is between the centra, evidently touching the end of the intercentrum and engaging the angular process on the edge of the centrum. The tuberculuni, reduced to a rugosity, touches the end of the short transverse MORPHOLOGICAL REVISION OF THE SUBORDER. 143 Fig. 64. — The two postenor dorsal and two anterior lumbars ot A^. claciger, No. 4015 Am. Mus '3 Showing the condition ot the tuber- culum ot the nb and the sudden change in position of the capitulum. process ; the ribs curve strongly backward and outward and then down. A portion of the nearly complete dorsal rib has been left ofi" in the drawing in order to reveal the condition of the posterior ones. The first lumbar rib has the head suddenly shortened so that it extends but a short distance between the vertebrae and articulates largely with the capitular face on the edge of the centrum. In the second lumbar the transverse process is very short, hardly more than a face on the neural arch ; the tubercu- lum is changed from a rugosity on the rib to a facet which artic- ulates strongly with the face for the ueural arch. The capit- ulum is much reduced in size and articulates with the face on the edge of the centrum alone. The two separate sacrals are probably the first and second. Their centra are nearly the same length as the last lumbars. The sacrum was strong, but the vertebrae were not so firmly united as in the genus Dimetrodon. The lower edges of the centra are beveled, showing that they were separated by an intercentnim instead of being fused or closely pressed together with the intercentrum anchylosed below the point of contact. The zygapophyses between the first and second sacrals are not over one-third as large as the anterior zj'gapophj'ses of the first sacral and are poorly formed, showing the degeneration due to the immobilitj' of the sacrum. The ribs are strong and closely united with the vertebrae. The capitulum of the first sacral rib projects slighth' beyond the anterior edge of the centrum to articulate with the pos- terior border of the last lumbar. The rib is in- clined sharply down and the distal end is flattened into a vertical plate to articulate with the inner surface of the ilium. The second rib is similar to the first, but rather smaller. The whole dis- tance across the sacrum is small, showing that the pelvis was narrow as in Diinctrodoii. The spines are very short and thin, but wide antero- posteriorly. No caudals are preser\'ed. The shoulder girdle : This is known only from isolated bones of different specimens. No. 4146 Am. Mus. : This is a very large scapula of the left side ; the distal end and part of the anterior edges are broken. It is ver>' similar in general form to that of Dimetrodon^ but is nearly one-third larger than Dimetrodon dolloznanus. Fig. 65. — Ribs of Naosaurus. a. An anterior dorsal of N. microdus. No. 4109 Am. Mus. All others more posterior dorsal ribsot N. claviger. No. 4002 Am. Mus. All > '4. The anterior edge of the coracoid and procoracoid was nearly straight. The coracoid suture is persistent, but the 144 REVISION OF THE PELYCOSAURIA. procoracoid-scapiilar suture is hardly traceable. The coracoid foramen and the one on the shaft are both present and in the same position as in Dimetrodon; they open into a similar crescentic cavity on the inner side. Another specimen, No. 4138 Am. Mus., has the distal end complete, but lacks the anterior portion. The clavicle is unknown (see Naosaitriis microdits No. 4060 Am. Mus.). The interclavicle is represented by a nearly perfect specimen, No. 4103 Am. Mus., preserved with two imperfect scapulae. This specimen was described by Cope as belonging to the genus Dimetrodon, and his description is quoted in the discussion of that genus. The shape is very similar to that of the intercentrum of Dimetrodon, but the scapulse accompanying it show that it belongs to the genus Naosaiinis. It is larger and stronger than the interclavicle of Dimetrodon. Tl^&fore limb is unknown. Fig. 65a. — Alternative restoration of Edaphosaums [Naosaurus). Compare plate 35. The animal is here represented with the skull ot Edaphosaurus instead ot a skull modeled on that of Dimetrodon. X about }4- The pelvis is represented by the badly broken and imperfect right half and the nearly perfect left half (plate 31, fig. i). The only parts lacking are a distal border of the ischium, which is attached to the fragment of the right side, and the distal end of the pubis. The ilium takes a large part in the acetabulum, but the sutures are not clearly traceable. The crest rises almost vertically abo^•e the acetabulum and is widely flared at the distal end. There are no distinct facets on the inner side for the sacral ribs, but a series of strong rugose lines. The ischium expands toward the distal end, so that the termination is high and wide, verj' different from the ischium of Dimetrodon. MORPHOLOGICAL REVISION OF THE SUBORDER. 145 "^he^ pubis has lost the distal end, so that its exact length can not be given, but it was evidently fully as long as the ischium. The obturator foramen is large and oval in outline and lies under the middle of the acetabulum very close to the posterior end of the pubis. The posterior limb is unknown. Naosaurits daviger was a short, stump)- animal with a round barrel and a large head. The head was proportionateh- quite large and the tail was almost rudimentary in its abbreviation. The limbs were short and robust, and the supporting pelvic and pectoral girdles were proportionately heavy. The attitude when at rest must have been with the belly on the ground, but when walking the limbs were probably straightened enough to swing the belly just free. In studying the proportions one is constantly reminded of the body of a particularly sturdy hog with strong limbs; the motion in walking must have been singularl}- like that of a hog, a waddling gait with the head held low. Compare plate 35. This restoration by the American Museum gives a good idea of the form of the animal. The anterior cervicals are restored from Di)iietrodon and are, in my opinion, wrong; the anterior cervicals were probably smaller with low spines. The skull is modeled from D. gigas^ and is wrong if, as suggested in the note below, the true skull is that of Edapliosaiiriis. The tail seems to me to be rather too long. Measurements. — No. 4002 American Museum. mm. mm. Length, bottom line of centrum of vertebrae: Length, bottom line of centrum of vertebrae : ist (3d cervical) 26 igth 38 2d 29 20th, about 41 3d 27 2ist (broken) 4th (broken) 29 22d 36 5th 34 23d 36 6th 37 24th 33 7th 36 25th (ist sacral) 25 8th (broken) 37 Total length of same 38 9th 42 Length, bottom line of centrum of 26th vertebra-. 31 loth (broken) 42 Total length of same 42 nth 41 Length of spine of — I2th 44 6th vertebra (8th from atlas, broken) about 475 13th 44 7th vertebra 485 14th 48 18th vertebra (7th presacral) 465 15th 43 2ist vertebra (4th presacral) 235 i6th 43 Length of imperfect symphysis 237 17th 39 Antero-posterior diameter of acetabulum 75 i8th 39 No. 4015 American Museum. Length, bottom lineof ist vertebra (4th cervical).- 25 Height of incomplete spine of same 178 Height of incomplete spine of same 108 Length, bottom line of 3d vertebra (6th cervical).. 28 Length, bottom lineof 2d vertebra (5th cervical).. 28 Height of incomplete spine of same 205 No. 4146 American Museum. Greatest length of incomplete scapula 335 Probable total length across curve 350 Greatest diameter of humeral cotylus 80 mm. Note. — During the past summer (1906) the author conducted an expedition into the Permian beds of Texas, and a specimen discovered suggests a rather diiierent interpretation of the position of NaosaurKS. In a bed of sandstone which had never before yielded fossils there were found several spines of A\ microdus and several fragments of a skull ; notably, the typical plate with crushing teeth from the upper or lower jaw of Edaphosaurus. From the occurrence of the specimen in a sandstone otherwise barren and far from any other remains the association seems certain, though the fragments of the skull were loose in the wash just below spines which were partly in position. It will be remembered that the type specimen of Naosaurus 146 REVISION OF THE PELYCOSAURIA. microdus has such a plate associated with the other bones and is the single other specimen of Naosaurus which has any portion of the skull associated with it. It was originally called Edaphosaurus microdus by Cope. If this association is a true one, as seems certain, the name Naosaurus must be given up, as it is preoccupied by Edaphosaurus and the subfamily Naosaurince of this paper will disappear and the members will be placed in the family Edap/iosauridic. Family : Edafhosauridcc. E. fogonias, E. microdus, E. crucigcr, E. ckiviger. It may seem that there is undue hesitancy in uniting the two genera on the evidence cited, but to any one familiar with the occurrence of bones in the Texas beds the possibility of accidental association is so evident that the greatest conservatism seems the best course. The original specimen of E. microdus is a mass of broken bones collected from the surface and there is no history of the specimen preserved; the evidence rests almost entirely on the last one (bearing the Field Number loi Coll. of E. C. C). To me it seems extremely probable that the two genera must be united. This materially alters our conception of the character of Edaphosaurus {Naosaurus). We recognize that the long-spined forms were specializing toward a diet of shell-fish and crustaceans, perhaps even toward a herbivorous diet ( Edaphosaurus), as well as toward a purely carnivorous diet and predatory nature (Dimetrodon). The suggested relationships with Placodus are somewhat strengthened, as the long-spined Cteuosaurus occurring so close to Placodus may have had a dentition similar to that of Edaphosaurus (Naosaurus). Naosaurus cruciger Cope (page 60). Characteristic specimens: No. 4003 Am. Mus. : The type. No. 4004 Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., Cope, coll. : A skull labeled by Cope N. criiciger. No. 4080 Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., Cope, coll.: A collection of mixed and broken spines and vertebrse closely similar to tlie type in appearance and matrix. No. 4004 : The skull labeled by Cope as belonging to N. claviger is imcleaued, but presents no recognizable differences from the skull of Dimetrodon. No. 4003 : No considerable portion of the type specimen can be put together, so little can be made out of its general fonn. The isolated vertebral centra strongly resemble those of N. microdus., but the fragments of spines show that above the first pair the transverse processes were not developed beyond simple nodular rugosities, never extending more than 10 mm. from the spine. The first pair is not over 20 mm. long, no longer than the spine is thick at their point of origin. The processes alter- nate above the first pair, as described by Cope, but the oblique arrangement on several adjacent vertebrae mentioned by him does not hold. One spine shows a large medullary cavit}' near the base. This does not occur in the other species, but its presence or absence may be due in large measure to the accidents of fossilization. No. 4072 : In 1888 Cope published a figure of a spine which he called N. criiciger., but it is very different from the type, resembling A'', microdus much more closely. Naosaurus microdus Cope (page 60; plates 28 and 32). Edaphosaurus microdus Cope, page 61. Characteristic specimens: No. 4014 Am. Mxis. : The t)'pe (plate 32). No. 4060 Am. IMus. : Homeot}'pe : A nearly perfect vertebral column from the third (?) cervical to the second or third caudal, twenty-nine vertebrae in all. It is probable that two or three posterior lumbars are lost. The specimen was exceptionally carefull)' collected for the time and the methods then prevailing. The vertebrae were numbered as taken up and a small sketch accompanied the specimen showing their position when found. This, and the fact that man}- of the vertebrae are in connection, makes it possible to give a nearly complete description of the column. From Paint Creek, Hardeman county, Texas. No. 4037 Am. Mus. Nat. Hist, Cope, coll. : A clavicle, vertebral spines, humerus, and terminal phalange ; from Texas. MORPHOLOGICAL REVISION OF THE SUBORDER. 147 No. 4014 : The type is represented by a fragment of the pterygoid showing teeth (which is indeterminate, for the teeth on the pter^'goid var\' in size in different parts) and by fragments of the spines and vertebrse. Direct comparison of the fragments with like parts of No. 4060 show that that specimen belongs to the same species. The type is so imperfect that the following description is taken entirely from No. 4060. The figure of the vertebral column (plate 32) very probably shows the natural curvature, for many of the vertebrae are in connection and on mounting the specimen for photographing they fell into the curves naturally. The position of the cervicals is taken from JV. claviger^ No. 4015 Am. Mus. The spines begin in the anterior dorsal region to be inclined to the rear and in the lumbar region show a sharp bending backwards. This is -increased until the posterior lumbar spines are bent so sharply back that they lie nearly parallel to the vertebral column and overarch the shortened spines of the sacral and the anterior caudal vertebrte. That this peculiar character is not due to accidental bending or crushing is evident, from i. The gradual appearance of the curvature of the spines; 2. The fact that the spines show no evidence of crushing or fracture ; 3. The fact that the same curvature occurs in two other specimens of A''. daz'ige)\ No. 4002 Am. Mus. and No. 4015 Am. Mus. The vertebrae are described in detail below. They?;-^/ vertebra is represented by the centrum and a short portion of the spine ; it may perhaps be the axis, but it seems more probable that both axis and atlas are miss- ing, and that this is the third cervical. The centrum is flattened vertically with a prominent ridge on the side from the base of the transverse process to the posterior edge of the centrum. The anterior zygapophyses are very strong. The spine is weak, and the end not clavate. The vertebra reckoned as the fourth cervical is voxy imperfect ; about half the spine is preserved, showing a beginning of a distal expansion. ^\i^ fifth is represented by the centrum only. The sixth has the spine broken, but the distal end is broadly clavate with the bases of broken processes near the apex. The sides of the clavate apex are marked with shallow grooves, which indicate the course of nutrient vessels under a covering of skin. The first pair of processes on the spine is far up, nearly half-way to the apex. The centrum is elongate without any keel on the bottom line. The seventh has a considerable portion of the spine attached to the centrum ; the first pair of processes is nearer to the centrum than on the fifth, but is still far above it. The upper portion of the spine is separated from the lower by a small break, but only a very short piece is lost. The apex is flattened and broader than the fifth. The cen- trum shows no sign of shortening nor is there any keel. The transverse process rises from the side of the neural arch just below the anterior zygapophysis. The eighth cervical has lost the lower part of the centrum, but the zygapophyses are well developed. The transverse process rises from just below the anterior zyga- pophysis and extends straight out. The spine is complete. The base is somewhat swollen just above the neural arch and slightly rugose; at the level of the first pair of processes it is slightly thicker antero-posteriorly than transversely ; above the first processes the section becomes oval with a groove on the anterior and posterior sides, which extends half-way up the spine. There are five pairs of processes on the spine ; the first pair curves out and downward and the ends are slightly expanded and rugose. The second pair are opposite each other like the first, but above the pairs are slightly displaced ; at the apex there is one odd process. The apex of the spine is clavate, but 148 REVISION OF THE PELYCOSAURIA. inclined somewhat to the rear. The first pair of processes is only a short distance above the centrum ; through the mid-dorsal region the first pair rise at this level, but in the posterior dorsal and lumbar regions they rise from farther and farther up on the spine. The ninth vertebra : The centrum is elongate with nearly round articular faces and wide notochordal funnel. The anterior face does not have a wide intercentral face below, but on the middle of each side the edge is widened by a sharp angulation, marking the point where the rib-head passes between the centra to articulate with the intercentrum. The sides of the centra are pinched in somewhat below the noto- chordal canal, constricting the lower portion into a broad obtuse ridge, which, how- ever, in no wise resembles the sharp, thin keel of the cervicals and anterior dorsals of Dimetrodon. The neurocentral suture is closed, but still clearly visible. The trans- verse process rises far up on the neural arch, almost directly below the anterior zyga- pophysis. The anterior zygapophyses have nearly horizontal faces, but they look a little in as well as up. The posterior zygapoph)ses rise from high up on the spine, well above the line of the anterior zygapophyses. This is a very distinctive character through the whole column. The spine shows the same characters as that of the seventh vertebra ; there are four pairs of processes and then four on one side and three on the other. The lower pair stood straight out from the spine, but are broken away. The apex of the spine is clavate and bent to the rear, but it is not so wide as on the seventh. The tenth vertebra {first dorsal) has the same form as the eighth. The centrum is broken and the posterior end lost. The transverse process springs from the base of the anterior zygapophj^sis as much as from the neural arch ; a strong supporting pro- cess extends from the base down toward the centrum. This origin of the transverse process seems to be peculiar to the genus ; it occurs in none of the ClepsydropincB or the Thcropleuridcc. The spine is as in the seventh and eighth vertebrae ; the pro- cesses of the first pair are opposite, the others alternate ; there are eight on each side. The apex of the spine is still clavate, but ver}- much narrower than in the preceding vertebra ; the top is marked bj' a shallow but well-defined circular pit. The eleventJi resembles the preceding one very closely. The anterior face of the centrum is broken, but the edge of the posterior face shows the expansion of the edge of the side marking the position of the capitulum of the rib. The transverse process is located well up on the base of the anterior zygapophysis with a strong supporting ridge below reaching well down onto the centrum. The first pair of processes is per- fectly preser\-ed ; they stand out almost straight from the side of the spine and the ends are expanded into rugose knobs. The apex of the spine is thin, but hardly expanded antero-posteriorly ; the processes above the first pair are much shorter, but are not reduced in size as they go up the spine, so that one process near the top is longer and stronger than any below except the first pair. The tivelfth has the centrum broken, but the transverse process of the left side is perfectly preser\'ed. This stands so far forward and is so thoroughly incorporated with the anterior zygapophysis that it is impossible to say whether the transverse process stands out from the anterior zygapophysis or the anterior zygapophysis from the trans- verse process. The supporting ridge below runs down to the centrum, but does not fuse with it, being separated from it by a sharp notch at the lower end. The trans- verse process runs straight out or even slants a little forward, so that it lies almost MORPHOLOGICAL REVISION OF THE SUBORDER. 1 49 entirely anterior to the spine. The first pair of processes stands out straight from the spine. The one on the left side has two small processes given off from its base ; above there are ten processes on each side. The apex of the spine is sharp and nearly cir- cular ; the top is marked by a shallow pit. The thirteenth has a complete centrum and more than one-half of the spine. The centrum is elongate and the articular ends are round ; the edges are not reverted except at the angulation on the middle of the edge where the capitulum of the rib enters. The sides of the centrum are contracted below the notochordal canal by an elongate depression which does not reach the ends ; this contracts the bottom line into a blunt keel with a longitudinal depression on the mid-line. The transverse pro- cess is very strong with a wide articular face for the tuberculum of the rib. The whole process is inclined forward so that nearly the whole of the process is anterior to the centrum. The spine is notably bent to the rear. T\i& fourteenth anAJifteenth are very similar to the thirteenth. The sixteenth has the depression on the side of the centrum below the noto- chordal canal smaller and more shallow, so that the keel is less apparent, but there is still a longitudinal depression on the mid-line. An attached iutercentruin is small and slender without anterior articular faces or expanded ends ; evidently the capitulum of the rib found its main articulation against the edges of the adjacent centra. The spine is bent well back and somewhat curved, the apex is slender with a shallow pit. This is the last perfect spine. The seventeenth is similar to the sixteenth ; the spine is as long as the complete spine of the eleventh. The faces for the capitulum on the centrum are very strong. The eighteenth and nineteenth are similar to the sixteenth. On the last the transverse processes are no longer inclined forward, but stand out straight from the side of the neural arch. The tzventieth has the spine very sharply bent backward. A small intercentrum lies between the nineteenth and twentieth. In the tiventy-first the inferior supporting process of the transverse process is very weak. The twenty-second is represented by a fragmentary' spine and neural arch. On the twenty-third (first lumbar ?) the expansion of the sides of the centra for the capitulum of the ribs is no longer present. On the tioenty-fourth the transverse process is very short and a face suddenly appears on the anterior edge of the centrum for the capitulum of the rib. The tu'enty-Jifth is similar to the twenty-third, the spine is bent back in a half circle overlying the sacrals and caudals. The imperfect spine measures 478 mm. The tzventy-sixth has a very short spine not more than 10 mm. long; if this spine or the spines of the succeeding vertebrae were longer they would come in contact with the overhanging spine of the twenty-fourth. T\xtjirst sacral has a short spiue with a strong rib and carries a wide distal face for the ilium. The rib rises from the neural arch alone, instead of from the centrum, in part. The ribs: There are several nearly complete ribs preserved; one from the cervical region is distinctly two-headed, the tuberculum and capitulum being widely separated. In the dorsals the rib has a distinct head and then rises sharply so that the shaft rests against the end of the transverse process and the tuberculum is repre- I50 REVISION OF THE PELYCOSAURIA. sented by a mere tuberosity on the edge of the rib ; the rib then curves sharply down- ward again. The distal ends of the ribs are slightly expanded and round in section. In the lumbar region the capitulum suddenly leaps to the edge of the centrum and the tubercular tuberosity becomes a face in the same plane as the capitulum. The two are closely united with the centrum and soon fuse together. The ribs were short and slender and stood out nearly straight from the sides of the vertebrae. Fig. 65*.— Anterior surface of the clavicle of the left side of N. microdus. aKro Tfi^-ct ^^.-cU- vertebra 34 23d vertebra 29 Ninth vertebra (first dorsal): Length of spine from bottom of centrum. . . 57S 24th vertebra 2^ Eleventh vertebra (dorsal): Vertical diameter of ilium. !....'..!!.".'.!!!."." .'.' 140 Length of spine from bottom of centrum. . . 707 Total length of clavicle 158 Length, bottom line of centrum of— Total length of scapula (exclusive of coracoid). . 165 13th %'ertebra 39 No. 4037 American Museum. 15th vertebra 40 Length of humerus 217 EDAPHOSAURIDAE Cope. Edaphosaurus pogonlas Cope (plate 34). Characteristic specimen. No. 4009 Am. Mus. The tA'pe. This specimen is unique, nothing identifiable with it occurring in either the New York or the Chicago collections. The depressed form of the skull and the sug- gestion of the axis that the vertebrae were low and broad indicates affinities with the Cotylosaiiria, but the temporal region with its enormous superior temporal vacuity and almost certain inferior vacuity indicates affinities with the Pelycosanria. As the condition of the temporal arches is of more fundamental importance than that of the shape of the skull and the vertebrse the animal is referred tentatively to the Pelycosauria in the family Edaphosaitridcv. Its habits of life must have been ver>' similar to those of Placodiis^i and if future discoveries should show that it really possessed a single temporal vacuity, or that the inferior vacuity was decadent, the kinship of Edapho- smirns with Placodiis as an ancestral form would be strongly suggested. The skull is roundly triangular and flattened above ; the temporal region is ele- vated and the upper surface descends in an almost straight line to the anterior end. The external nares are small and nearly terminal, but open laterally. The orbits are of moderate size and look nearly straight outwards. The dentition is verj' peculiar, varying from chisel-shaped incisors to thin, triangular cutting teeth in the anterior portion of the maxillary and conical teeth in its posterior portion. The pre»iaxillary is short and relatively broad, but with a long posterior prolon- gation in the median line which extends back to join the nasals. There are four 152 REVISION OF THE PELYCOSAURIA. teeth in each premaxillary which are badly worn, but were apparently furnished with a strong terminal cutting edge, something like that of the modern rodents or the ancient Placodus. The teeth projected slightly forward from the edge of the jaw. The posterior edge of the bone forms the anterior edge of the nares. The viaxillary is a broad plate extending upward somewhat obliquely and unit- ing with the nasals above and the premaxillary anteriorly. The anterior edge forms the posterior edge of the nares and the posterior end lies below the middle of the eye- socket. There are fourteen teeth in the bone ; the anterior five are thin triangular plates that had originally well-developed anterior and posterior cutting edges, but these have been largely destroyed by decay. The posterior nine teeth are conical. All the teeth are in sockets and rest against the outer edge of the bone which descends lower than the inner. The nasals are broad, flat plates, em- bracing the premaxillaries anteriorly and extending between thefrontals posteriorly. T\\Q froiitals are very broad and flat ; they meet the parietals posteriorly in a wide suture and form the major portion of the upper edge of the orbit. The prefrontals form the upper an- terior corner of the orbit. The lachrymals are short bones, rounded anteriorly and extending back on the floor of the orbit to the anterior third of the lower edge. The parietals are flat anteriorly with a good-sized parietal foramen, but the posterior portion is somewhat convex. The bones of the two sides meet in a ,auru.poson,a, ^jj , ^ dcpressiou, SO that the crown of Fig. 67. — Diagram of the lower surtace ol the same, both ° , ,, . . , the skull IS arched antero-postenorly and depressed in the mid-line. The outer edge is concave and forms the upper ^"' border of the superior temporal vacuity. From the posterior outer corner a process Fig. 66. — Diagram of the upper surface of the skull of Edapho sauTUS pogonias. xyi. pmx. premaxillary; mx. maxillary; na. nasal; /. lachrymal; pr.f. prefrontal; //■. frontal; fo.f. postfrontal; fo.o. postorbital; ju. parietal ; sq. squamosal ; qj? quadrato-jugal ; q. quadrate; /s^. 2. Posterior view of same. X J^. 3. Anterior end of lower jaw. X J^. 4. Articular region of left side with pterygoid. X Y^. 5. Femur and tibia. X y^. 6. Outer view of pelvis crushed flat. X Yi. 7. Posterior view of femur. X Y^- Plate 4. Fig. I. Lateral view of an anterior vertebra, axis ?, oi Elcabrosaurus baldwini, No. 2285 Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. X i. 2. Lateral view of a dorsal of same. X i. 3. Lateral view of a lumbar of same. X i- 4. Lateral view of a posterior lumbar of same. X i. 5. Anterior of same. X i. 6. Archeobelus vellicalus Cope. X 2. 7. Skull of Clepsydrops natalis Cope, from the right side. No. 4110 Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. X I. 8. Skull of same from left side showing the postorbital region. X i. Plate 5- Fig. I. Lumbars and anterior half of tail, Clepsydrops natalis^ No. 41 10 Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. X I. 2. Caudals from middle portion of tail, same. X i. 3. Caudals from posterior portion of tail, same. X i. 4. Upper surface of posterior foot, same. X i. 5. Lower surface of same. X i. 6. Upper surface of anterior foot of a small Dimctrodon, possibly D. navajoviais, from New Mexico, No. 2290 Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. X i. 7. Femur of Clepsydrops natalis, from Illinois, No. 6548 Univ. of Chicago. X i. 8. Vertebrae of a small 77/rro/>/«/ra, from Illinois, No. 6578 Univ. of Chicago. X i. 9. Ilium of a small Clepsydrops (?), from Illinois, No. 6556 Univ. of Chicago. X i. 10. Ilium of a small Clepsydrops (?), from Illinois, No. 6557 Univ. of Chicago. X i. Plate 6. Clepsydrops ftalalts Cope, No. 4110 Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. All figures X i. Fig. i. Humerus. 2. Scapula with clavicle and cleithrum (?). 3. Left half of pelvis with femur, tibia, and fibula; limb thrown up and back. 4. A posterior dorsal. 5. First lumbar. 6. Three anterior dorsals. description of plates. 171 Plate 7. Fig. I . Type of Clepsydrops coUetii, lumbar vertebra, lateral view, No. 6530 University of Chicago. X i>^. 2. Same, anterior view. X i^. 3. Same, posterior view. X i/^. 4. Clepsydrops sp., caudal vertebra from side. No. 6534 Univ. of Chicago. X Y^. 5. Same, from below. X i^. 6. C7(f/>5)'^;-ti/5f(?//f///, dorsal vertebra from below. No. 6534 Univ. of Chicago. X i. 7. Same, posterior view. X i. 8. Same, anterior view. X i. 9. Clepsydrops sp., atlas, anterior view. No, 6529 University of Chicago. X i}4- 10. Same, lateral view. X i)^. 11. C/5)'a';v/>5 sp., lumbar vertebra, lateral view, No. 6534 Univ. of Chicago. X i. 12. Same, anterior view. X i. 13. Clepsydrops s^., dorsal vertebra, No. 6534 University of Chicago. X i. 14. Clepsydrops pedimciilatus, posterior lumbar vertebra, posterior view. No. 6534 University of Chicago. X 1%. 15. Same, lateral view. X !%■ 16. C&/!>5)'a'/(7/!>5r7«5/,?i'//, axis, lateral view, No. 6532 University of Chicago. X 1%. 17. Same, posterior view. X 1Y2. 18. Clepsydrops s^., humerus. No. 6545 University of Chicago. X i. 19. Same, humerus turned 90°. X i. Plate 8. Fig. I. Photograph of right side of skull oi Dimetrodon incisiz'us, No. looi University of Chicago. X ^ ,.. 2. Explanatory figure of same. Plate 9 Fig. I. Lower jaw Dimetrodon t?icisivus. No. 1001 University of Chicago, inner view of left ramus. X Yij- 2. Explanatory figure of fig. i. 3. hower ja.w Bimelrodon inelsh'us, No. looi University of Chicago. Outer view of right ramus. X 7/,^. 4. Explanatory figure of fig. 3. Plate 10. Fig. I. Top of skull, Z'/;«<'/r£7a'()« ?«r«/j7M, No. looi University of Chicago. X about ^. 2. Explanatory figure of same. 3. Outer view of maxillary of Z'/wif/^W^w tncislvus, "No. 1016 University of Chicago. 4. Inner view of maxillary of Dimetrodoti incishms. No. 78 University of Chicago. 172 REVISION OF THE PELYCOSAURIA. Plate ii. Fig. I . Inner view of quadrate of Dimeirodon incisivus, No. looi University of Chicago, showing method of attachment of pterygoid and the foramen quadratum. X i. 2. Lower view of the basisphenoid of Dhnetrodon incisivus, No. i University of Chicago. X yi. 3. Lateral view of same. X }^. 4. Quadrate of same. X yi. 5. Inferior view of pterygoid of same. X ^. 6. Lateral view of pterygoid of same. X yi. 7. Superior view of basicranium of same. X %. 8. Lower view of same. X %. 9. Upper view of articular region of lower jaw of same. X yi . 10. Lower view of same. X )4 ■ 11. Lateral view of same. X %. Plate 12. K\\ Dhnefrodo7t incisivus, No. i University of Chicago. X J^. Fig. I. Lateral view of atlas and axis. 2. Anterior view of same. 3. Posterior view of same. 4. Anterior view of an anterior dorsal of same. 5. Lateral view of same. 6. Anterior view of a more posterior dorsal. 7. Lateral view of same. 8. Anterior view of same. 9. Lateral view of a lumbar. 10. Lateral view of three posterior lumbars of same. 1 1 . Anterior view of the first of the same three lumbars. 12. Inferior view of same. Plate 13. Fig. I. Vertebral column of 77/r;(;/>/ir?^ya 7r/;oi'f;-5a, No. 4155 Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. X %. la. Caudal series of same specimen shown in figure i which in the specimen con- nects with the sacrals. X }4. 2. Vertebral column of Dimeirodon incisivus, No. 4008 Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. X %. 3. Posterior portion of vertebral column of Dimclrodofi incisirits, No. 4040 Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., from the last lumbar to the ninth caudal. X }4 . Plate 14. Fig. i. Femur of Z)/w^'/^^fi^t'«?M««V?<5, No. I University of Chicago, posterior view. X }4. 2. Same, anterior view. X J^. 3. Humerus, same. X }4- 4. Tibia, same. X ]4. 5. Top view of tibia. X }4. 6. Ulna of same, anterior view. X >^. 7. Ulna of same, inner view. X }4. 8. A fragment of the maxillary Dimetrodoyi sp., showing the depth of the tooth sockets; No. 1018 University of Chicago. X about yi. 9. A fragment of the maxillary of Di^ncirodon ijicisivus showing the size of the canine; No. 78 University of Chicago. X about >^. DESCRIPTION OF PLATES. 1 73 Plate 15. Fig. I. A clavicle of right side, probably Dimetrodon, No. 1080 University of Chicago. X ^,5. 2. Anterior cervical vertebrae of Dimctrodon incisivus, No. looi University of Chicago, a, the preatlantal intercentrum ; b, the atlas ; c, the second inter- centrum ; d, the axis. The neural arches are in the position in which they were found, but one is reversed to show the opposite side. X V^. 3. United ilium and pubis of a small specimen of Dimctrodon incisivus, No. 181 University of Chicago. X about %. 4. Interclavicle of Z'/wt'/''Wt>« sp., No. 1051 University of Chicago. X ^5. 5. Scapula of left side of Dimctrodon incisivus, No. looi University of Chicago. X Vg. 5a. Fragment of right scapula of same, showing the depth of the humeral cotylus. Plate 16. Fig. I. Lower side of the forefoot of Dimctrodon incisivus, No. 1003 University of Chicago. X I. 2. Fragment of the spine of the fourteenth vertebra of Dimctrodon incisivus, No. looi University of Chicago, showing the finely striate surface. X i. 3. Outer side of neural arch of Dimctrodon incisivus, No. 1002 University of Chicago. X I. 4. Inner side of same. X i. 5. Anterior view, face of atlas of Dimctrodon incisivus. No. 1566 Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. X I. 6. Posterior view of same. X i. 7. Tibiale (astragalus) of Dimctrodon incisivus. No. 4025 Am. Mus. Nat Hist. X i . 8. Tibiale (astragalus) of Dimctrodon dollovianus. No. 1836 Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. X I. 9. Tibiale (astragalus) of (?) No. 2278 Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. X i. 10. Tibiale (astragalus) of (?) No. 4130-4 Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. X i. Plate 17. Fig. I. Skull oi Dimctrodon gigas. No. 1002 University of Chicago. X nearly Yi. 2. Explanatory figure of same. 3. Lower view of the first two sacrals of same. X Y^. 4. Anterior view of same. X Yt Plate 18. Fig. I. Skull of Dimctrodon gigas, No. 1002 University of Chicago, with the bones of the left side of the face removed, showing the ethmoid, prevomers, etc. Slightly larger than fig. i, plate 17. 2. Explanatory figure of same. Plate 19. Restoration of skull of Dimctrodon gigas. No. 1002 University of Chicago. All figures X about %. Fig. I. Lateral view. 2. Lower view. 3. Posterior view. 4. Median section. 174 REVISION OF THE PELYCOSAURIA. Plate 20. Restoration of Dimetrodon incisivus. X about Yt . Plate 21. Fig. I. First intercentrum, atlas; second intercentrum, axis, and third cervical of Dimetrodon gigas, No. 1002 University of Chicago, inter i , preatlantal inter- centrum. a/, atlas ; /«/^. 3. Two anterior dorsals of same. X ^i . 4. Anterior view of an anterior dorsal of same. X Yi . 5. 6, and 7. Three caudals of same. X Y- 8. Neural arch of atlas oi Di?nctrodon gigas, No. 4034 Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. X i. 9. Lateral view of an anterior caudal of Dimetrodon gigan/iomogenes, No. 112 University of Chicago, c, Anterior view of chevron of same. X ^3. Plate 22. Dimetrodon gigan/iomogenes, No. 112 University of Chicago. Fig. I. Fourth cervical, anterior view. X Y- 2. Anterior dorsal, anterior view. X Y- 3. A posterior dorsal, anterior view. X Y- 4. A posterior dorsal, near end of series, anterior view. X Y- 5. An anterior lumbar, anterior view. X Y- 6. A posterior lumbar, anterior view. X Y- 7. Same as figure 2, posterior view. X Y- 8. Same as figure I, posterior view. X Y- g. Outer surface of left half of pelvis. X Yi,- 10. Inner surface of same. X ^^j- Plate 23. Fig. I. Sucrnm of Dimetrodon do//ot>iaHus, "No. 114 University of Chicago. X i. 2. Scapula, coracoid and procoracoid with clavicle of same. X nearly Yi- 3. Right side of skull of Dimetrodo7i ineisivus, No. 4001 Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. X y^. 'X:y^&oi Dimetrodon semi radieatus. Plate 24. Fig. I. The anterior cervicals and posterior dorsals of Dimetrodoti dollovianus, No. 4035 Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. X Y-- 2. A dorsal vertebra and nearly complete spine of Dimetrodon gigatihomogenes , No. 112 University of Chicago. X ^S. Plate 25. Fig. I. Vertebral column of Dimetrodon macrospondylus. No. 4012 Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. X Y^- 2. Vertebral column of Dimetrodon obtusidens. No. 4062 Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. X Yi. 3. Lower view of dorsal vertebrae of Dimetrodon viacrospondylns. No. 4012 Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. To show shape of intercentra. X J^. 4. Lumbar vertebrae of Dimetrodon macrosporidylus, No. 1019 University of Chicago. X i. 5. Inferior view of same vertebrae. X i. 6. of Dimetrodon obtusidens, 'No. 1060 University of Chicago. X i. DESCRIPTION OF PLATES. 175 Plate 26. Fig. I. Dorsal and lumbar vertebrae of Dimetrodofi macrospondyhis, showing nearly perfect spines ; No. 1019 University of Chicago. X Yi. Plate 27. Fig. I. Proximal end, femur, Dimctrodon navajovicus, No. 2285 Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. X I. 2. Humerus of same. X i. 3. Lower side of lumbar vertebra of same. X i. 4. Lateral view of same vertebra. X i. 5. Two posterior dorsals or lumbars of same. X i. 6. Fibulare oi Dimctrodon tHcisiviis, No. 2275 Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. X i. 7. Tihia.\& oi Dimeirodon navajovicus^ No. 2285 Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. X i. 8. Upper view of vertebrae (?) Tomicosaurus sp.. No. 2212 Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. X I. 9. Inner side of anterior end of jaw of same, type. No. 4110 Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. X I. 10. Lateral view of vertebrae of Embolophonis fritillus, No. 4010 Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. X 2. 11. K iy^icaX ca.\xAa.\ oi Dimctrodon. X about J^. 12. A typical caudal of Dimctrodon. X about ^2 ■ 13. A typical caudal of Dimctrodon, anterior view, spine complete. X about yi,. 14. Lateral view of an anterior dorsal of Thcroplaira. X about Y^. Plate 28. Fig. I. The posterior cervicals or anterior dorsals of Naosaurus claviger. No. 4002 Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. X }i. 2. Naosaurus mi rabifis a.{ier 'Pr'xtsch. X about Ji . 3. Anterior view of eighth vertebra of Naosaurus microdus. No. 4060 Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. X Yi- Plate 29. Fig. i. Posterior lumbar and sacral region of Naosaurus claviger. No. 4002 Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. X 1/3. 2. A dorsal spine o{ Naosaurus microdus (?), No. 4072 Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. X f'z. Plate 30. Fig. i. Upper surface of interclavicle oi Naosaurus claviger (?), No. 4103 Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. X 14. 2. Scapula of right side of Naosaurus claviger (?), No. 4146 Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. .yf/, scapula; f(7, coracoid; /r, procoracoid. X >2. 3. Ungual phalanx of Naosaurus. X I. Plate 31. Fig. I. Outer side of right half of pelvis of Naosaurus claviger, No. 4002 Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. //, ilium; pu, pubis; iscli, ischium. X Y- 2. Knmeras of Naosaurus claviger. No. 4037 Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. X Y- Pl.\te 32. Vertebral colximn of Naosaurus fnicrodus, No. 4060 Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. X ^. 176 REVISION OF THE PELYCOSAURIA. Plate 33. Ends of various limb bones showing form ; see text-figures. P'iG. I . Proximal end of humerus oi Dimclrodon hic/sivits, No. 1044 University of Chicago. 2. Proximal end of humerus of Dimctrodon obtusidcns, No. 1045 University of Chicago. 3. Proximal end of humerus of Dimctrodon navajovicus. No. 1037 University of Chicago. 4. Proximal end of humerus oi Naosaiirus, No. 1038 University of Chicago. 5. Proximal end of humerus of Dimclrodon jiavajoviciis, No. 1046 University of Chicago. 6. Proximal end of humerus of Dimclrodon sp., No. 1039 University of Chicago. 7. Distal end of humerus oi JVaosaurus, No. 34 University of Chicago. 8. Distal end of humerus (?) Tlicroplciira, No. 1043 University of Chicago. 9. Distal end of humerus oi Dimetrodon incisivus, No. 1031 University of Chicago. 10. Distal end of humerus oi Dimclrodon sp., No. 1209 University of Chicago. 1 1 . Distal end of humerus oi Dimctrodon obtusidcns, No. 1028 University of Chicago. 12. Distal end of humerus oi Dimctrodon navajovicus , No. 1030 University of Chicago. 13. Proximal end of femur of (?). 14. Proximal end of femur of C/cpsj'drops, No. 1033 University of Chicago. 15. Proximal end of femur oi Dimctrodon sp., No. 1050 University of Chicago. Plate 34. Edaphosanrns pogonias. All figures X Yi. Fig. I. The upper surface of the skull. 2. The lower surface of the skull. Plate 35. Naosaurns clavigcr Cope, mounted skeleton in the Cope Collection of the American Museum of Natural History, presented by Morris K. Jesup. X about yi. The skeleton was mounted by Mr. Adam Hermann, with the assistance of Dr. W. D. Matthew, under the direction of Professor H. F. Osborn. The backbone belongs to a single individual and constitutes the type; the skull, the shoulder and pelvic girdles, limbs, and feet represent an assemblage of several individuals. The lighter areas represent the restorations in plaster, most of which are based upon actual knowledge. (See note under morphological description oi Naosaimcs claviger.') PELYCOSAURIA Figs. 1 to 8. Poljosaurus unifotmis. Figs. 9 to 13. Poliosaurus sp. Figs. 14 and 15. Pleuristion brachycoelus. PELYCOSAURIA Vatanosaurus acutirostris, after Broili. PELYCOSAURIA TTieropleura retroversa. PELYOOSAURIA Figs. I to 5. Elcabrosaurus baldwini. Fig. 6. Atcheobelus vellicatus. Figs. 7 and 8. Clepsydrops nalalis. PELYOOSAURIA ics. 1 to 5, Clepsydrops PELYCOSAURIA Clepsydrops natalis. PELYCOSAURIA Various Clepsydrops vertebrae from Illinois. PELYCOSAURIA Dimetiodon incisivus. PELYCOSAURIA Dimetrodon incisivus. PELYCOSAURIA Dimetiodon iocisivus. PELYCOSAURIA Dimetrodon incisivus. PELYCOSAURIA Dimelrodon incisivus. u:ui PELYCOS*URIA Figs. 1 and la, Theropkura reliovecsa. 2 .od 3, Dimeliodon ii PELYCOSAURIA Figs. 1 to 7, Dimetrodon incisivus. Figs. 8 and 9, Dimetiodon sp. PELYCOSAURIA Figs. I and 4, Dimetrodon sp. Figs. 2, 3, and 5, Dimetiodon incisivus. PELYCOSAURIA Figs. I lo 7, Dimetrodon incislvus. Fig. 8, Dimetiodon dollovianus. Figs. 9 and 10, Unidentified astragali PELYCOSAURIA Dimetiodon gigas. PELYCOSAURIA Dimetiodon gigas. PELYOOSAURIA Restoration of skull of Dimetrodon gigas. PELYCOSAURIA PELYCOSAURIA Figs. I to 8, Oimetiodon gigas. Fig. 9, Dimebodon giganhomogenes. PELYCOSAURIA Dimetrodon giganhomogenes. PELYCOSAURIA Figs. 1 and 2, Dimetrodon dollovianus. Fig. 3. Dimetrodon incisivus. PELYOOSAURIA Fig. I. Dimctiodon dollovanus. Fig. 2, Dimctrodon giganhomogenei m PELYOOSAURIA 3, 4, and 5. Dimeliodon msciospondylu!. Figs. 2 and 6. Dimctiodon oblusidei PELYOOSAURIA Dimetrodon macrospondylus. PELYCOSAURIA Figs. I to 5 and 7, Dimetrodon navajovicus. Figs. 8 and 9, Tomicosaunis. Fig. 6. Dimeliodon incisivus. Fig. 10, Embolophoius fritillu Figs. II to 14, Dimetrodon sp. PELYCOSAURIA Fig. I, Naosaums claviget. Fig. 2, Naosauius mirabilis. Fig. 3, Naosautus miciodus. PELYCOSAURIA Fig. I, Naosaurus claviger. Fig. 2, Naosaurus miciodus. PELYOOSAURIA Naosaurus claviger (?) PELYCOSAURIA Naosaurus claviger. PELrCOSAURI* PELYCOSAURIA Various limb bones. PELYCOSAURIA PELYCOSAURIA Date Due >/ERSITY OF B C 3 9424 03766 0948" ,ifi;|!i;!( ili-iii^'iSininiiiiiili iliiiiiliiH--' '■ '■■■•'■'"'■ iilHiJM; in!i!l! illp;liii!ii;i!i ill !!|i iiiiili!i!iti|'l'!i!|!ti|>J! illiiti uil! i|H!!!!i!iii!ili!!|Sii|feiil!tl! ii!iiiiiii|ii-Hj|il!iii!jH| mm m\ mm ■iiii