im SF 285 .U5 Copy 1 Foo HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES eae | THE ROAD HORSE. WITH SPECIAL APPLICATION TO HIS SELECTION AND MANAGEMENT IN THE RURAL DELIVERY SERVICE BY PAN a APE; Animal Husbandman, Bureau of Animal Industry United States‘Department of Agriculture “wie AucusT 12, 1912.—Ordered to be printed WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1912 In THE Houst or REPRESENTATIVES, August 12, 1912. Resolved, That there be printed as a House document ninety-three thousand copies of a pamphlet entitled ‘‘The Road Horse,” as edited and prepared by the Bureau of Animal Industry of the Department of Agriculture, with special application to the selection and management of the road horse used in the Rural Delivery Service, of which fifty thousand copies shall be for the use of the House of Representatives and forty-three thousand copies for the use of the House document room. Attest: SoutH TRIMBLE, Clerk. 2 my HF NO’ Untrep States DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, Bureau oF ANIMAL INDUSTRY, Washington, D. C., February 16, 1912, Hon. P. V. Dre Graw, Fourth Assistant Postmaster General, Post Office Department, Washington, D. C. Dear Sir: I am sending you herewith manuscript entitled ‘The Road Horse,” by Mr. H. H. Reese, of the Animal icsbatidiy Divi- sion of this bureau, together with illustrations. This is for the use of your department in disseminating informa- tion concerning the selection ard management of the road horse for rural carriers. I trust that you will find the material suitable for your use. Very respectfully, A. D. MEtvin, Chief of Bureau. Approved. JamES Wixson, Secretary. 56521°—12 3 EAN oe “gears Beary Gane quart ia ene. ails le THVT DA? Heh ee Ooo ei te ela Bot ‘OY qs’ oY AN heaved janie iy re : WAL. BA ALA Tee Ribs wie a L re a ee ee ‘ pel ih NOV Ne St) ** hatin ‘) Bd hae 2 “ PUP Ceeper fy cvich, wal Ae Ag oslb- te bf (00> Se 4 i ri nf tkeit serie i ; eral Ay at mi! He i Ri! iw 2 Caley fey) ti ae tt PARE 5 . » J | aie: | 1) We Vig) b2! baba } yay it ashe eh: _" é i Worth cx: eget Ae a j ‘ | Z ra A eetas, Koma Noe re » > ay in ial 1_} THE ROAD HORSE. TYPE. The general type of horse desirable for road work is one weighing from 900 to 1,150 pounds and standing from 15 to 16 hands. AGE. A road horse should not be given heavy driving until 5 years of age. The limit of his usefulness depends upon his individuality, care, and handling. BREEDING. The Standardbred has produced far more good road horses than any other breed, although desirable ones are found with other light blood predominating. Morgans are very useful roadsters, and good road- sters are frequently found which have Thoroughbred and saddle blood. Draft blood is not desirable. DESCRIPTION. The following diagrammatic outline gives a detailed description of a road horse: General appearance—Form symmetrical, smooth, stylish. Qual- ity, hair and skin fine; bone clean, smooth. Temperameut alert, free, steady, kind. Head and neck.—Head small, neat, straight, flat between eyes. Muzzle fine; nostrils prominent; teeth sound. Eyes full, clear, prom- inent, mild. Forehead broad, full. Ears small, fine, well set. Neck muscled, graceful arch; throatlatch fine; windpine large. Fore quarters—Shoulders long, oblique; arms short. Forearms muscled, long, wide. Knees broad, prominent, strong, well sup- orted. Cannons short; bone clean; tendons prominent, straight. etlocks wide, strong, straight. Pasterns strong, medium length, angle with ground 45°. Feet medium size, almost circular; hoof smocth, dark, fine texture; sole moderately concave; frog well devel- opec, sound, large, elastic; heel wide and fairly high. Bosv.—Withers prominent, not meaty, fairly narrow. Chest deep, broad. Ribs long, well sprung, close. Back medium length, well muse —— = es ——— Sean LS 4 FS : S = Ge SS SST ok or —— <-> Se ee aeaer Ss = : Hs, FE = = < SU Seep Sis = eS ( aso) — mit Sm Pe Vid = pe ne eee = SS See [S———s CE ——— = ante a = a ehh THE ROAD HORSE. 15 iE | } | ¥ we it ji) ( “ ’ ‘ Ai \ hs ty Win TEEN Mt sl = ~ a ae Pires nee Pe “a me et The mouth is entirely made.. All the incisor teeth are ay ia thet Sah eja aor rom Goubaux and Barrier’s oe an eee ae by permission of the J. B. Lippincott LIBRARY OF CONGRESS UI 16 THE ROAD HORSE. 172 9 Pui. [V.—POINTS OF THE HORSE. 1. Muzzle. 14. Shoulder. 28. Back. 2. Nostril. 15. Point of shoulder. 29. Loin. 3. Lips. 16. Arm. 30. Hind flank. 4, Nose. 17. Elbow or elbow joint. _31. Underline. 5. Face. 18. Forearm. 32. Hip. 6. Forehead, 19. Knee. 33. Croup, or rump. 7. Eye. 20. Cannons. 34. Tail. s 8. Ears. 21. Fetlocks. 35. Buttock. 9. Angle of lower jaw. 22. Pasterns, 36. Quarter. 10. Turoatiatech, throat, or 23. Feet. 37. Thigh. throttle. 24, Breast. 88. Stifle joint. 11. Windpipe. . 25. Girth. 39. Gaskin, lower thigh stifle, 12. Crest. 26. Barrel, or ribs. or leg. 13. Withers. 27. Fore flank. 40. Hock. (From B. A. I. Bul, 61, U. S. Dept. Agr.) O Lollincer Carn.