Tke Ruffed G rouse Marine Biological Laboratory Accession Nn 60794 Given Rv The Macmillan Co. i%'' York City Place ^ Tke Ruffed G roti5e ^^ .L lie JLVulIed vx rouse ITS LIFE STORY, ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT By frank G. EDMINSTER THE MACMILLAN COMPANY • NEW YORK • 1947 Copyright, 1947, by THE MACMILLAN COMPANY All rights reserved — no part of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from the publisher, except by a re- viewer who wishes to quote brief passages in connection with a review written for inclusion in magazine or newspaper. First Printing PRINTED IN THH UNITED STATES OF AMERICA To my sons DAVE and STEVE to whom I consider my greatest duty is to help them become good sportsmen OGICyd^ Acknowledgments I wish to express my great indebtedness to the New York State Conservation Department, and particularly to (former) Commis- sioner Lithgow Osborne and Director of Fish and Game, WilHam C. Adams, for their sympathetic encouragement in this work. Full credit for data used from the New York studies rests with the Con- ser\^ation Department. All New York records cited are derived from the Conservation Department's Annual Reports, unless otherwise noted. To my former colleagues I express my unbounded gratitude for many years of stimulating and productive collaboration in "roughing it with the ruffed grouse." Those whose association with me has extended over most of the past decade or more and to whom I am most grateful are Gardiner Bump, Robert Darrow, Walter Crissey, Victor Skiff, Ben Bradley, Robert Cameron, Arthur Holweg and Asa Smith. For writing the greater part of the chapter on grouse management that deals with the propagation of woody plants, I am indebted to Robert Thornton, formerly of the U. S. Soil Conservation Service. Credit is due the U. S. Soil Conservation Service, Dr. A. A. Allen, the Pennsylvania Game Commission, and others for the use of nu- merous photographs and illustrations. For critical reading of portions of the manuscript and invaluable suggestions for its improvement, I am grateful to Dr. Paul L. Erring- ton of Iowa State College; Dr. William J. Hamilton, Jr., Prof. Ralph S. Hosmer, Dr. Philip Levine, and Dr. George M. Sutton, all of Cornell University; Professor Ralph T. King of Syracuse University; Arthur C. Mclntyre and Dr. William R. Van Dersal of the U. S. Soil Conservation Service; Dr. Neil Hosley of University of Connecticut, College of Agriculture; Richard Gerstell and James N. Morton of the Pennsylvania Game Commission; Dr. James L. Peters of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Mass.; and John E. Trainer of Muhlenberg College. vil viii Acknowledgments The pen-and-ink drawings at the chapter endings are by William Montagna of Cornell University. To W. L. McAtee of the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, I am most grateful for careful editing of the whole work. I have left for the last my deepest obligation. I want to thank Dr. Arthur A. Allen of Cornell University for his wise and kindly guidance in my chosen field for many, many years, and for his help-, ful suggestions on the organization and writing of this book. Introduction Three times since the turn of the century the ruffed grouse has suffered severe and quite sudden reduction in numbers in the north- eastern states. Similar declines occurred in the lake states and Canada. Each time it has appeared to be threatened with extinction. Each time the sporting and nature-loving public has become aroused. And following each of these occasions, there have been investiga- tions of the causes of the catastrophe. Woodruff in 1908 reported promptl}' on the severe but rather short-lived decline of 1907 in New York. Stoddart likewise pursued his questionnaire study of the 1917 scarcity promptly and published the results the next year. When the great decline of 1927 occurred (possibly the most severe of all ) , studies were already under way by Allen and Gross in New York and New England respectively. By the autumn of 1929, with two more hunting seasons passed and no apparent improvement in the numbers of grouse in New York, sportsmen urged tliat the state again undertake to determine the cause of, and cure for, the periodic decimation of the ruffed grouse. As a result the Conservation De- partment undertook a complete, scientifically conducted study of this species. I worked on this study for over seven years, mostly at the Connecticut Hill Game Refuge, near Ithaca, N. Y. These studies are the nucleus of experience about which this book is written, but insofar as possible its application has been broadened to cover the whole northeastern region. Eight years' additional work on wild life throughout the northeastern states with the Soil Conservation Serv- ice, U. S. Department of Agriculture, has aided in providing the breadth of field observation that makes this possible. Many other studies of the ruffed grouse have been carried on in recent years. I have cited freely from the reports of these in order to provide a comprehensive picture of this most fascinating bird. State game agencies and colleges in Maine, New Hampshire, Massachu- setts, Comiecticut, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Ohio, Michigan, Wis- iz X Introduction consin and Minnesota are among those reporting on various aspects of the subject. It is not intended that this book be an exhaustive treatise on all phases of study of this species. Rather it is hoped to cover the high spots of the life story, the ecology, and management of the ruffed grouse in a manner interesting to the sportsman, the nature lover and the lay reader, and at the same time be accurate and adequately documented for the technical man in the field of wild life manage- ment. I want to emphasize that the responsibility for this writing is entiiely mine and it is not sponsored by any public agency. In par- ticular, it should be understood that this is not a report of the New York State ruffed grouse investigation. Throughout, where the edi- torial we is used, it refers only to the author. Preface The ruffed grouse is a creature that has evolved over milHons of years along with thousands of contemporaries in the animal and plant world of today. The fact that the species exists at all is evi- dence of its ability to compete successfully in a world of constant strife. Like all other creatures it developed certain innate reproduc- tive abilities, together with skills of escape and concealment that enabled it to increase and maintain its numbers. Also, other condi- tions developed to offset these increases. These opposing forces that play on each species tend to preserve the status of each. In discussing this mechanics of ecology for game species these forces have come to be called the factors of abundance. These elements, or factors, that control the numbers of a species are essentially the same for all. But the different factors assume vastly different degrees of importance with different species and under varying circumstances with each species. Under any set of conditions, some one of the factors will keep grouse from increasing beyond the level it actually does; or, stated another way, will reduce grouse to the minimum numbers they decline to prior to the breed- ing season. This limiting factor does not cause all the mortality; merely the ultimate part. But if the limiting factor is reduced or eliminated, some other will take its place at a somewhat improved level of population. There will always be some factor to set the actual limit of survival for each species. And other factors, no matter what their importance or how man may affect them, cannot change the survival level of our game species. The limiting factor deter- mines the greatest number that will survive on a particular area. The eight major factors that control grouse populations may be divided into two types, as shown graphically in Fig. 1, page 3. The ones that compose the environment are in one group, while those that are inherently a part of the species are in the other. These we will describe briefly. xi xii Preface SHELTER Fundamental to the environment that supports grouse is the vegetation that provides its home. Shelter includes the trees, shrubs, and herbs that compose the crown cover, imdergrowth, and ground cover as well as the surface litter on the ground, and occasionally boulders, ground holes, and other protective materials. For the grouse, the evergreen conifers and broad-leaved trees and shrubs are important shelter, especially in the winter. Brush piles, fallen tree tops, and deep snow also furnish important winter protection. In the summer the leaf litter and vine and brier tangles are important shelter. Shelter must furnish not only protection from the elements and from mortal enemies, but the medium for all of life's functions including nesting, coiui;ing, sunning and dusting. FOOD Probably the most obvious factor affecting abundance is the food supply— an ample supply for good health at all seasons of the year. Water and grit requirements are a part of this factor. With the grouse, food as an independent factor is not often as limiting in effect as it is with many animals. Cover which furnishes adequate shelter usually possesses considerable numbers of grouse food plants. But the distribution and quality of grouse foods has a vital bearing on the distribution of the birds, even though grouse rarely succumb directly from diet deficiencies. The cover which furnishes both shelter and food for grouse is termed the habitat, and is the foundation of the environment. PREDATORS AND OTHER ANIMALS Those creatures other than man that utilize the grouse for food are its predators. Primarily mammals and birds, they are the most common immediate cause of death for adult grouse. However, in considering the importance of the predators and other animals in determining grouse abundance, the correlation with other factors must also be considered. Most of the other factors of abundance are closely associated with predation. The snow that makes the roosting grouse vulnerable for attack, the parasite that weakens its flight, Preface xiii the innate urge that forces a grouse to expose itself in order to perform for the benefit of other grouse— these and many other conditions predispose the predation which actually disposes of tlie grouse. The lack of adequate shelter in the cover, an inconvenient distribution of staple food supplies, man's sudden changes in the habitat, are examples of environmental deficiencies that may induce grouse mortality from predator attack. The density of the grouse population itself affects the degree of predation. Even under the best of physical circumstances, predators will affect grouse population to some degree, and over most of the north- eastern range they constitute one of the major factors. Many other mammals and birds that are associated with grouse habitat tend to serve as buffers for grouse by furnishing the predators with the bulk of their food. DISEASES AND PARASITES Organisms that derive both food and shelter from the grouse are parasitic upon it. Those that live upon its skin are ectoparasites and belong to the insects and other arthropoda. Endoparasites, those that live inside the body, are generally roundworms, flatworms, or free- floating protozoa or bacteria. Some of the disease-causing organisms are classed as viruses, while one is a fungus. Many are capable of causing death, either alone or in combinations. Most animals have a rather large population of parasitic organisms, even when in excellent health. This is true of grouse. Most specimens of grouse when thoroughly examined will be found to have parasites of various types. Ordinarily they do the bird no harm. When certain destructive kinds gain access, the bird may be seriously affected. Other kinds of parasites, when present in large numbers, may have serious effects. Generally a grouse, so ill from the effects of parasitic organisms that its functions are impaired, is picked off by some enemy before it can die from its affliction. Some do actually die without violence, at times in such numbers that the presence of an epidemic is in- dicated. When disease is rampant it is a grave matter. Fortunately this is not commonly the case, and the direct losses from this source are generally occasional and scattered XXV Preface WEATHER CONDITIONS Violent changes in the physical conditions surrounding grouse are exceedingly important in affecting abundance. Weather condi- tions and some of man's activities come in this category. As with ourselves, weather conditions affect the grouse's activities. The wind, rain, snow, sleet, heat, cold, and sunshine all play a part in determining where a grouse will be and what it will be doing. For the young ones, the exposure to the elements may cause death, quickly and surely. To the grownups it often makes them more vulnerable to their enemies than they might be under more favorable weather. For tlie grouse, as for most living things, the weather is of the utmost importance in their lives. man's activities Man may be either beneficial or destructive to grouse. As a hunter he is a killing agent, yet the removal of the surplus population may actually be beneficial to the species he kills. In other ways he affects the physical conditions of the environment. As a farmer he both improves and destroys habitats, through plowing, cutting, and fencing; he constantly arrests and alters the natural plant succession. His use of fire is often detrimental to wild life, yet sometimes help- ful. His livestock and pets affect both plants and animals of the wild. Man as a lumberman creates desirable openings and bushy growth by breaking up the forest cover. But by making forests into open land, he has often completely destroyed the range for grouse. As a conservationist he recreates habitat, offers protection in refuges, and makes laws to improve wild-lffe conditions. With some definite limitations, it may be said that the future of the ruffed grouse, as with all wild Iffe, rests with him. HABITS OF THE SPECIES Even as with you and me, the grouse has habits imbued in him that he could do better without, at least in some respects. Many inherent urges affect survival. With us it may be to drive automobiles at breakneck speed, to jaywalk in tra£Bc, or to eat or drink exces- sively. With the grouse it is to drum on an exposed log, to strut Preface XV around in the open to please a lady, or to fly at breakneck speed where obstacles are everywhere. But even though it is courting death to indulge in these whims, the grouse will continue to do it. REPRODUCTIVE CAPACITY The second of the major survival and increase factors that is inherently a part of each species is its innate ability to reproduce. It is elemental that, other things being equal, a bird that habitually lays eleven eggs ( like the grouse ) has a higher reproductive capacity than one that lays, let us say, four eggs (like the woodcock). Like- wise, a species that is polygamous is better fitted to assure complete fertility than is one that is monogamous; a creature that matures to breed in a single year has a higher reproductive capacity in that respect than one that cannot breed until it is two or three years old. So in these and in other reproductive constituents, the survival and population of the grouse is vitally affected. When we combine all the forces involved in these eight major factors of abundance, we have the whole ecology of the grouse and its associates with all the tragedy, pathos, drama, and comedy of their dynamic existences. Table of Contents PAGE INTRODUCnON ix PREFACE Xi Part 1— Its Life Story Chapter 1. the bird itself 1 Classification, Nomenclature 1 Description Pterylography References and Citation Sources 2 9 17 Chapter 2. chronicle of the ruffed grouse in east- ern UNl'i'ED states 19 References and Citation Sources 26 Chapter 3. biography 27 References and Citation Sources 58 Part 2— Ecology of the Rxjffed Grouse Chapter 4. shelter 60 Types of Grouse Range 60 Cover Types— Characteristics and Composi- tion 63 Interspersion of Cover Types 70 Plant Succession Changes Cover Types 71 Relation of Shelter to the Grouse Nesting 73 Relation of Shelter to Grouse Broods 77 Changes in Cover Types Utilized at Different Times of Day 79 xvii 60794 XVlll Table of Contents Chapter 5. PAGE The Effect of Slope on Selection of Cover Type 80 Cover Selection in Relation to Openings 80 Cover Types Chosen as Affected by Weather Conditions 80 Relation of Shelter to Adult Crouse 81 The Effect of Openings on Cover Selection 91 Variation in Cover Type Preference at Dff- ferent Times of Day 92 The Effect of Slope on Selection of Cover by Adult Grouse 93 Cover Types Chosen as Affected by Weather Conditions 94 References and Citation Sources 99 )OD AND WATER 101 Winter Foods 105 Spring Foods 105 Summer Foods 107 Fall Foods 110 Summary of Foods Utilized 111 The 25 Primary Grouse Foods in the North- east 113 Secondary Grouse Foods 138 Quality of Different Grouse Foods 171 Variation in Summer Food Habits of Yoimg and Adults 172 Relation of Food Supply to Cover Types 173 Distribution of Birds as Affected by Food Supply 174 Effects of Cultural Operations on the Food Supply 174 Food as a Limiting Factor 176 Economic Aspects of Grouse Food Habits 179 Use of Grit 180 Water Requirements of Grouse 182 References and Citation Sources 182 Table of Contents XIX PAGE Chapter 6. weather conditions in relation to grouse 184 Effects of Weather on the Habits and Num- bers of Grouse 184 Population Fluctuations Affected by Weather Conditions 190 References and Citation Sources 194 Chapter 7. interrelationships of ruffed grouse to mammals and to other birds 196 Species that Prey Upon Grouse Relation of Predation to Cover Types Predators as an Agent of Sanitation The Effect of Predator Control on Ruffed Grouse Populations The Abundance of "Buffer" Species as It Af- fects Predator Food Habits and Grouse Mortality Other Animals that Affect the Grouse Wel- fare Predation as a Limiting Factor References and Citation Sources 196 209 210 211 215 219 219 221 Chapter 8. the diseases and parasites of wild ruffed grouse Characteristics and Occurrence of Disease Agents Total Parasite Infestation Disease as a Limiting Factor References and Citation Sources 223 225 249 250 252 Chapter 9. man's relation to the grouse As a Hunter and Trapper As a Farmer and Lumberman As a Conservationist Man as a Limiting Factor References and Citation Sources 254 255 267 271 275 275 XX Table of Contents PAGE Chapter 10. productivity and populations 277 Potential and Actual Productivity 277 Annual Fluctuations in Grouse Numbers 278 Life Equation 284 Variation in Different Habits 286 Characteristics Inherent in the Species that Condition Productivity 286 Populations in Relation to Productivity 292 Carrying Capacity and Saturation Point 298 Environment Affects Productivity 300 Summary of Analysis of Periodic Fluctuations 322 References and Citation Sources 323 Part 3— Management of the Ruffed Grouse Chapter 11. management of the ruffed grouse 326 Extensive vs. Intensive Management 327 Development of Habitat 329 Woodland Protection 329 Improvement of Woodland Cover 331 Interplanting of Conifers 336 Improvement of Shelter by Cuttings 337 Improvement of Food by Cuttings 339 Establishing Woodland Shrub Borders 340 Use of Poison in Establishing ShiTib Borders 341 Shrubs Along the Woods Road 342 Clearings for Food and Cover Improvement 343 Selective Cutting to Improve Food Condi- tions in the Whole Woods 345 Provision of Drumming and Dusting Places 347 Plantings and Seedings 348 Propagation of Woody Plants for Plantations 356 Control of the Harvest 364 References and Citation Sources 372 index 375 List of Illustrations Figure Page 1. The twelve grouse shown represent parents and a brood of grouse 3 2. Feather tracts and spaces of ruffed grouse 13 3. Type of cover preferred by grouse. Taken from Analysis of Cer- tain Cover Requirements of the Ruffed Grouse in New York State. G. Bump, 1938. 82 4. Intensity of use of cover types by adult grouse by seasons 84 5. Cover types used by adult grouse at different seasons 87 6. Seasonal utilization of food by adult ruffed grouse according to type of food (Northeastern States) 101 7. Utilization of food by young ruffed grouse according to types of food ( Northeastern States ) 102 8. Twenty-five most important food plants used by the ruffed grouse in the northeast 112 9. New York State Game Kill Records 1930-1938 217 10. Generalized Population Trends of Ruffed Grouse, certain Preda- tors, and certain Rodents, New York State 1930-1939 (Based on State Game Kill Records and field data) 218 11. Reported take of ruffed grouse by hunters 256 12. Correlation of grouse recovery rate with breeding density, Con- necticut Hill, N. Y., 1930-1937 283 13. Life equation of grouse for an increasing population 285 14. Life equation of grouse for a stable population 285 15. Normal grouse infant mortality curve June to September 304 16. Hypothetical imit of grouse cover 333 17. Plan for cover type changes in a woodland 335 Plate 1. (Upper). When the white man came, farms were hewn out of the wilderness. (Lower). Where the land clearance work was confined to small scattered units, the range was improved for grouse. 2. (Upper left). The drumming of the cock grouse is one of the wonders of the bird world. (Upper right). Strutting before the female bird. (Lower). Young grouse in a brood dust bath. xxii List of Illustrations Plate 3. ( Upper left) . The nest was built at the base of a big tree, on the sunny side. (Upper right). Eleven eggs composed the clutch, an average number. (Lower left). The hen grouse watches carefully for enemies before stepping onto the nest. (Lower right). The chicks remain in the nest only a few hours after hatching. 4. (Upper left). Grouse chick one day old. (Upper right). At five days of age. (Lower left). Seventeen days have passed, (Lower right). At five weeks of age. 5. (Upper left). Grouse going to roost in a tree. (Upper right). Grouse just after landing in the snow. (Lower left). Pheasant and grouse eggs in one nest. ( Lower right ) . A snow roost after being vacated. 6. (Upper). Disconnected cover, woodlands separated by open fields. (Lower). Continuous cover, extensive forests found in the several mountainous areas from the Appalachians to the Adirondacks and Maine. 7. An aerial view of a portion of the Connecticut Hill sub-marginal farming area. 8. (Upper left). Open land, overgrown land and hardwood woods in close juxtaposition. (Upper right). Shrub cover next to conif- erous woods. (Lower left). Woodlands lacking a shrubby edge lose valuable interspersion. ( Lower right) . Pure alder most often occurs on moist soils, and is much used by broods. 9. ( Upper left) . Subtype of mixed hardwoods composition. ( Upper right). Mixed conifer-hardwood subtype. (Lower left). Mixed oak composition. (Lower right). Pure stand of popple along woods border. 10. (Upper). Newly cut subtype. (Lower). Old cuttings. 11. (Upper). Pure hardwoods are deficient in shelter. A scattering of conifers improves this type for grouse. (Lower). Broadleaved evergreens serve somewhat the same purpose as conifers. 12. (Upper). Small openings made by removing a large tree, or two or three in hardwood stands is the best of the many sub- types. (Lower). Tlie mixed oak association is quite unproduc- tive of grouse where it occurs in large, unbroken areas. 13. (Upper). Hardwood overstory of near-mature trees with much hemlock in lower growth. (Lower). Young stand of hemlock and hardwoods. 14. (Upper). Overstory of mature white pine with completely hardwood understory. (Lower). Hard pines (Virginia pine) and oaks compose a mixed woodland cover type. 15. (Upper). Hemlock on left has sheltering branches close to ground, white pine on right has shelter only in crown. (Lower). List of Illustrations xxiii Plate Close-up of low-hanging hemlock boughs showing their provi- sion of winter protection. 16. (Upper left). Some of the broad-leaved evergreens may sub- stitute for the conifers in furnishing winter shelter close to the ground. (Upper right). The hard pines are the predominant conifers in much of the Appalachian range. (Lower). Spruces furnish most of the winter shelter in the northernmost range. 17. (Upper). An old white pine has established the makings of a stand of sohd pine around it. (Lower left). A view of the nortli end of the Connecticut Hill area, showing how natural plant succession of hardwoods with scattered conifers is gradually changing the open fields, first to brush overgrown land, ulti- mately to forest. ( Lower right ) . Among the factors that influence plant succession is the nearness to an existing woodland or hedgerow. 18. (Upper left). Hen grouse on nest at base of a large beech. (Upper right). A successful nest showing the characteristic appearance of hatched eggs. (Lower left). Grouse incubating on nest at base of stump. (Lower right). Mother grouse brood- ing her chicks. 19. (Upper). A single grouse meal. Crop contents of a female grouse from Sulhvan County, Pennsylvania, December 13, 1940. (Lower). A grouse with a full crop, skinned out to show the immense capacity of this organ when fully distended. 20. (Upper left). Ferns, especially the woods fern, the fronds of which are eaten mostly from autumn to mid-spring. (Upper right). Sedges (Carex) are used from spring to fall. (Lower left). Important among winter foods of grouse are tree buds. (Lower right). Sheep sorrel (upper plant), a small field weed. The Canada mayflower (lower plant), a plant of the woodland floor. 21. (Upper left). Brambles. (Upper right). Blueberries. (Lower). The partridgeberry provides food all year round. 22. (Upper). Acorns. (Lower left). Cherries. (Lower right). The dogwoods. 23. (Upper left). The mapleleaf viburnum. (Upper right). The sawbrier. (Lower left). Flowering dogwood. (Lower right). Red osier. 24. (Upper left). Old apple orchards furnish excellent feeding cover all year. (Upper right). Wild apples near pine clumps are a perfect combination in autumn. (Lower left). The beech furnishes a preferred food when it has a nut crop. (Lower right). The sumacs are an important source of winter food. (R. typhina shown in center). xxiv List of Illustrations Plate 25. (Upper left). Mountain laurel, whose leaves are a staple food. (Upper right). Highbush cranberry, one of the viburnums. ( Lower left ) . Wild rose, whose hips are eaten when accessible. (Lower right). Teaberry, or wintergreen, is a small plant of the woodland floor. 26. (Upper). Wild black cherry. (Lower). Pin cherry; and choke- cherry. 27. (Upper left). Nannyberry. (Upper right). Hobblebush. (Lower left). Blackhaw. (Lower right). Arrowwood. 28. (Upper). Prolific growth of wild grape {Vitis labrusca) along a woodland edge. (Lower). Close-up of fruit. 29. (Upper left). Black chokeberry, a small bush. (Upper right). Bittersweet, a cHmbing vine. (Lower). Winterberry, one of the hollies. 30. (Upper left). Virginia creeper, vine. (Upper right). Bayberry, most prevalent near the coast. (Lower left). Elder, a common fencerow shrub. (Lower right). Mountain ash, a small wood- land tree. ( Center ) . Serviceberry, another woodland tree whose fruits ripen in early summer. 3L (Upper). Farming activities greatly affect the grouse food sup- ply. (Lower). When deep snows blanket the ground, grouse resort to buds for most of their food. 32. ( Upper ) . Feathers and tracks in the snow reveal fox evidence. (Lower). Horned owl work. 33. (Upper). Grouse nest destroyed by a horned owl killing setting hen, after which a fox ate the eggs. (Lower left). The common skunk loves eggs, and occasionally stumbles onto a grouse nest. (Lower right). Great homed owl, one of the most efficient of all predators. 34. (Upper left). The cottontail, found mainly in the disconnected cover areas of grouse range. (Upper right). The snowshoe hare, found mainly in the extensive northern forests. (Insert). The squirrels affect the grouse in two ways, as a buffer between the grouse and its enemies, and as a food competitor. (Lower). The empty shells of a walnut planting after being dug up and eaten by squirrels. 35. (Upper). Diagram of alimentary canal of the ruffed grouse showing location of some parasite infestations. (Lower left). Grouse stomachs, normal and parasitized with Dispharynx spiralis. (Lower right). Stomach worms (Dispharynx spiralis) and intestinal worm (Ascaridia lineata). 36. (Upper left). The modem hunter pursues grouse as a sport. (Upper right). A split-second shot brings a clean kill. (Lower). Man's use of well-trained pointing dogs has done as much as anything to make hunting a fine sport. List of Illustrations xxv Plate 37. Ploughing and cultivation of crop fields prevent woody cover from expanding, and at the same time maintain the valuable woodland edges next to the fields. 38. ( Upper) . Man's interest in managing the land to produce grouse is often directly affected by what he does or does not do to control other animals, such as deer. (Lower). Damage to white pine seedling from deer browsing. 39. (Upper). Overcutting destroys shelter, eliminates much of the interspersion of types, and prevents high quahty regeneration by eroding the forest floor. (Lower). Woods roads break up the cover, make valuable edges, feeding lanes, and, in summer, dust- ing and sunning spots. 40. (Upper). Seed stock refuges as a medium of hunting control are of httle value in grouse management except in the most in- tensely shot areas. ( Lower ) . The woodcock, shown on its nest, is one of the more important game birds commonly sharing range with the ruffed grouse. 41. (Upper). Protection from grazing is one of the first essentials of woodland management, whether for game or timber. ( Lower left). Overgrazing in a woodland not only prevents plant re- production, but has a detrimental effect on the soil itself. (Lower right). Fire in woodlands may destroy grouse cover almost completely for a period. 42. (Upper). Farm woodlands that have been heavily grazed by cattle can often be interplanted successfully. ( Lower left ) . Nor- way spruce interplanted in a woodland glade. (Lower right). An old field partially taken over by naturally-seeded white pine. Interplanting of other species could well be done here. 43. (Upper). Brush piles made from the waste tops and branches of cuttings serve well as temporary winter shelter. (Lower). The margin of the woodland lane is a good place to improve food conditions. 44. (Upper). Interplanting of white pine in an area of cut-over hardwoods improves the shelter value. (Lower left). Shrub border of silky dogwood planted along a woodland edge. (Lower right). Shrub borders along the woodland edge may be devel- oped by cutting out tree species and favoring the shrubs in the woods margin. 45. (Upper). A quarter-acre clearing just after cutting shows stumps, and sunshine reaching the ground. (Lower). Same after two years, showing thicket development of shrubs, and tree sprouts and seedfings. 46. (Upper). Aerial view of a Connecticut Hill woodland showing both unit and lane cuttings. (Lower left). Close-up of a one- acre clear-cutting grown to briers, elderberry and other shrubs xxvi List of Illustrations PUae and trees. (Lower right). A lane slashing, thirty feet wide, pro- viding needed brush cover and valuable edges. 47. (Upper). Clear-cut areas provide edges, so needed by game. (Lower left). An experimental slashing unit created by poison- ing the trees, leaving the dead trees standing, (Lower right). The edge of a unit slashing showing the change in the character of the cover. 48. (Upper). Contour-furrowed field being planted. (Lower). The same plantation five years later. 49. ( Upper ) . In a ten-year-old plantation, the arborvitae, while sur- viving, has grown but a very few inches due to an unsatisfactory site. (Lower). The second row in the shrub border planting is a failure because of the use of a species unsuited to the soil. 50. (Upper left). An aerial view of two fields on Connecticut Hill showing pattern of conifer and hardwood plantings. (Upper right and lower left). Same two fields from the ground. (Lower right). Field planting showing alternate bands of conifers and hardwoods. 51. (Upper). For the first few years young trees affect the old field complex very little. (Center). From about five to fifteen years of age the stand is mixed with natural reproduction, usu- ally hardwoods, and serves as overgrown land. (Lower). After the crown closes, often between fifteen and twenty-five years of age, the competing natural vegetation is rapidly driven out. 52. (Upper left). The trees gradually prune themselves and the tightly closed canopy prevents any germination of ground cover. (Upper right). At around the forty-to-fifty -year age period, the crown begins to open and the return of herbs and hardwoods begins on the woodland floor. (Lower). At maturity we find a top crown of pine, partially broken, with a complete hardwood- shrub-herb stand underneath. 53. (Upper). Mixed planting of conifers and hardwoods to provide both food and cover. ( Lower ) . Border of shrubs provides a de- sirable thicket type next to a pine planting. 54. A ten-year-old planting of northern red oak. 55. Nursery beds of seedling bayberry, one of the shrubs recom- mended for planting. 56. (Upper). Game refuges are generally associated with pub- he shooting ground areas when established on public lands. (Lower). Trapping fur-bearers such as the red fox for their pelts on a sustained-yield basis is the only predator control recommended on grouse range. Tke RuffeJ G rou5e 1 The Bird Itself CLASSIFICATION, NOMENCLATURE Bonasa umhellus (Linnaeus)/ the ruffed grouse, belongs to the great, almost cosmopolitan order Galliformes. Four families of this order are found in North America, the Cracidae, Tetraonidae, Phasianidae, and Meleagrididae— respectively the curassows, guans, and chachalacas; the grouse and ptarmigan; the pheasants and New World quail; and the turkeys. The family to which the ruffed grouse belongs, the Tetraonidae, is represented by seven genera and eleven species on the North American continent. The generic name Bonasa, derived from the Greek Bovayn^ and Latin Bonasus (classical nouns meaning "a bison") embodies the idea of a bison's bellowing, hence that of a ruffed grouse's drum- ming. The zoologist Stevens, who named the genus in Shaw's Gen- eral Zoology in 1810, may never have seen a living ruffed grouse, but he obviously had heard of its courtship performance. The specific name, umhellus, is a Latin word meaning an umbel or umbrella. It is descriptive of the bird's striking ruffs. The genus Bonasa is found only in North America (in the United States and Canada) and has but one species. The accepted common name is ruffed grouse. However, the bird is known colloquially by many other names, some of which occasion considerable confusion with other species. The various Indian tribes called it by many names, including: Wen'-gi-da-bi-ne' or Pinai (Chippewa); paupock ( Narragansett ) ; papahcogh (Mohican); cut- quass ( Pequot ) ; ohquase ( Oneida ) ; pabhackoo or mimituiis ( Dela- ware); Mutch-i-es'— "Bad Bird" because in old times he was mede- oulin, had magic power, and plotted against Gluskap, according to old stories— (Malecite, in New Brunswick); Pul-o-wetch (Micmac); Ajack, Puskee, or Pupuskee (Algonquian around Hudson Bay); Kh- ^ A.O.U. Check List No. 300. 2 The Ruffed Grouse tuk ( Esquimo ) .' Probably the first name given it by the early white men in New England was "wood hen." Today it is commonly called "partridge," "patridge," or "birch partridge" in New England, al- though it is not actually a partridge at all. In the southern Appa- lachians it is referred to as the "pheasant," but it is not a true pheas- ant either." Other names include "mountain pheasant," "fool hen," "drumming pheasant," "wood-pilequarker," "drumming grouse," "drumming partridge," "drummer," "shoulder-knot grouse," "ruffed heath-cock," "moor fowl," "tippet grouse," "carpenter-bird," "white- flesher," "hazel hen," "red-tail," "gray-tail," "silver-tail," and just plain "grouse." DESCRIPTION Adults. The grouse is a symphony of rich browns, sometimes with a grayish tendency, sometimes rufous, with plump form, medium- proportioned beak, legs and tail, and a neck ruff of varying promi- nence. Length varies from fifteen to nineteen inches, wing spread twenty-two to twenty-five, tail four and one-haff to seven and one- haff, and weight from sixteen to twenty-eight ounces. The head is topped with erectile feathers that are raised into a crest when the bird is excited. The crown is crossed with numerous lines or dabs of black and buff that gives the brown ground color a mottled appearance. There is a quite prominent buff eye-line from the base of the beak to the back of the head and a buff chin patch. The ruff feathers, which form a somewhat triangular patch on each side of the neck, are generally black with a green and purple irides- cence. Occasionally on a very reddish bird the ruff is a rich reddish brown. The ruff is carried obscurely beneath the brownish neck feathers until erected into prominence by some excitement. The browns of the neck, back, upper wings, and rump have vary- ing patterns composed by the different characters of black, buff, and white. The neck is rather prominently marked with whitish, the back and rump mottled with long, black-edged spots along the feather 1 1 am indebted to W. L. McAtee of the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service for most of the Indian names. 2 The "true partridges" and the pheasants belong to the family Phasianidae, natives of the Old World. The European ("Hungarian") Partridge (Perdix perdix) and the ring-necked pheasant (Phasianus colchicus torquatus) are well established in northern U. S. and parts of Canada. The Bird Itself 3 shafts; the rump is somewhat more rufous than the back; the wings usually show less rufous in the browns than the other upper parts, the primaries are quite dark with buff to whitish markings along the Fig. 1. The twelve grouse shown represent parents and a brood of grouse. We assume that the parents survived the vraiter on an area that has a carrying ca- pacity of but two grouse. Therefore ten of this group must die by next spring if they remain in the area vmder the same conditions. The birds are illustrated as meeting the elements that may reduce their numbers. The higher the element, the greater the toll it may possibly take. The highest element, here shown as shelter, is the hmiting factor. Only two grouse, in this instance one youngster and one parent, are able to surmount it. The reduction or eUmination of any of the other seven lower elements would not result in a greater survival but merely a delayed mortaHty, since the shelter will permit the maintenance of only two grouse. Under difFerent circumstances the eight factors might assume any order of importance, and any one might be the limiting factor. narrow outer vanes; and the secondaries and coverts are bordered with buff or whitish with occasional black spotting. The ground color of the eighteen^ tail feathers (rectrices) is a ^A few specimens having twenty rectrices have been examined, usually males, and a few with only sixteen, usually females. ''^l C/ / 4 The Ruffed Grouse clear rufous brown transversed by a series of from six to eleven thin black bars. The tip of the tail is gray, but there is a broad black subterminal band that shows clearly in flight. The band is often broken widi gray on the center feathers, especially in the females. The lower parts vary from whitish to gi'ayish or bulfy white, tend- ing mostly toward buff on the lower neck and upper breast. Numer- ous short bars of brown or blackish, daikest along the sides and fad- ing toward the center, break up the gray background. The under wings and under tail coverts are predominantly an even gray or buff. The beak is dark brown, the iris hazel, and the feet dark horn color. The tarsi are spaisely feathered above, naked below. Dirring the winter months lateral pectinations appear on the toes, commonly and aptly known as "snowshoes." When spring comes these ap- pendages are shed. Plumage Differences Between the Sexes. The full-grown male is consistently larger and heavier than tlie full-grown female, although large females may match small males in these respects. The rectrices of the male are from sLx to seven and one-haff inches long, while those of the female are from four and one-half to sLx and one-quarter, thus giving tlie male a distinctly longer tail. The ruff is relatively prominent on the male as compared with the female, always con- tinuous across the breast where that of the female fades. The broad, black subterminal tail band is always broken with gray in the fe- male, but is usuallv continuous in the male. The colors of the female are generally more subdued than those of the male and there is usually a slight pinkish wash to the brown of the forebreast. During the breeding season the male has a bright reddish naked patch over the eye that is not developed in the female. With a bird in the hand, the sex is readily perceptible in almost all cases because of one or more of these characters, even though they are not each always constant. In the field the lengdi of tail is a safe indicator most of the time, while niff and tail band will often aid in making the sex identification. Sex identity in the wild may also be aided by actions characteristic of males or females, such as broodi- ness, drumming or strutting. Color Phases. For most parts of its range, the grouse exhibits wide variation in basic ground color. Those birds with a rufous cast are The Bird Itself 5 called the "red" phase, while giayish birds are "gray" phase. Every gradation between the extremes of dichromatism may be found. Subspecies. Six subspecies are recognized by the 1931 American Ornithologists' Union Check List. The originally named form B. umbellus umbellus, has been described above. B. umbellus togata (Linn.), the Canada ruffed gi'ouse, or northern ruffed grouse (A.O.U. No. 300a), is essentially like B. u. mnhelhis, but seems to average a little larger and heavier. A very large male will sometimes scale over thiity ounces. While this subspecies has a red and gray phase, it never attains the fullness of rufous or cinnamon color of the more southern subspecies. In B. u. togata the tail is generally giayer, the upper parts are a darker and more chestnut brown, and the under parts are more heavily barred. The feathers on the tarsus are somewhat longer than in B. u. umbelltis. B. umbelltis thayeri (Bangs), the Nova Scotia ruffed grouse (A.O.U. No. 300d), is similar to togata in being two-phased but is darker gray, dusky or sooty, on the upper parts. Banding of under parts is regular and prominently dusky and more sharply contrasting against the background color. The bill is somewhat longer than in B. u. umbelltis. The color phases are both very dark and not markedly drfferent. B. timhelltis umbeUoides (Douglas), the gray ruffed grouse (A.O.U. No. 300b), is usually a gray-to-slatish colored bird with very little brown on the upper parts, although red ruffs and brown tails occur occasionally. From mid-back to the top of the tail it is veiy slate gray, the arrow-head spots on the back feathers are gray with black edging, and the tail delicately vemiiculated with iDlack. Beneath it is whitish with a tawny caste. There are several brownish crossbars on each feather, largest and most sharply de- fined on the sides. The flank and vent feathers are nearly clear white and the foreneck and scapulars are a varied mixture of grays, browns, whites and rufous shades. The wing covert feathers gener- ally have white shaft lines. The female is inclined to be more rufous than the male. The feathers on the tarsus are long, sometimes extend- ing to the base of the toes. B. umbellus sabini (Douglas), the Oregon (or red) ruffed grouse (A.O.U. No. 300c), is a large dark race. There is more blackish to the brown and tlie bruwiis often are a marked chestnut shade. Ac- 6 The Ruffed Grouse cording to Coues ( 1903 ) , this subspecies was discovered by Lewis and Clark in 1805-06 and first named Tetrao fusca by Ord ( Guthrie's Geography, 2nd Am. ed. ii, 1815, pp. 317). "In strictness . . . this bird should be called B. u. fusca Coues," but he waives the point in favor of B. u. sahini as redescribed by Douglas. B. umbellus yukonensis (Grinnell), the Yukon ruffed grouse (A.O.U. No. 300e), is the largest and grayest of the subspecies, simi- lar to B. u. umhelloides but the light colors are more ashy and the dark markings finer. While the six subspecies just described are all that were recognized ofiicially in the 1931 edition of the A.O.U. Check List of North Ameri- can Birds, several others have been described since this check list was printed.^ One, from Vancouver Island, named B. u. hrunnescens by Conover (1935), has since been accepted for the A.O.U. Check List (Auk Vol. 61, No. 3, July 1944). It is described as being most closely related to sabini but with a browner (less reddish) upper surface except for the tail. The tail is either a dull ochraceous umber instead of ferruginous in the red phase, or a clear giay without red- dish cast and without double crossbaning in the gray phase. It is much darker brown on the upper parts than either umhelloides or yu- konensis, and is more buffy below with more brown barring. It is thought to be restricted to Vancouver Island and islands adjacent to British Columbia and the mainland from Vancouver to Malaspina Inlet. Three additional subspecies are described by Todd (1940) as fol- lows: B. u. monticola, Appalachian ruffed grouse, "similar to B. u. um- bellus but general coloration darker; the under parts more regularly and more heavily barred and more strongly suffused with buff." This subspecies is ascribed to the Appalachian mountain region from West Virginia southward. According to Wetmore (1941), birds from this area are indistinguishable from B. u. togata. The second new subspecies described by Todd is B. u. medianus, Minnesota ruffed grouse, "Similar to B. u. umhelloides, but the upper parts are less grayish, more rufescent, and the under parts are more albescent and less heavily barred." Its range is given as the "Transi- tion Zone from Alberta to southeastern Minnesota (and probably farther east)." Third of Todd's new subspecies is B. u. canescens, northern ruffed 1 A subspecies, called E. u. Johdi, was described in 1871 by Jaycox from birds taken near Itliaca, N. Y. It was not accepted for the check list, however. The Bird Itself 7 grouse. "Similar to B. u. togata, but the upper parts in general are giayer, less brownish, and thus lighter in tone, particularly on the secondaries, scapulars, rump, and upper tail-coverts. The under parts are also lighter colored on the average, and the dark barring is less intense. Similar to B. u. medianus, but the upper parts are gen- erally darker, more grayish and less rufescent, and the tail is obvi- ously darker gray; the buff of the under parts as a rule is not so rich and deep. The general coloration is lighter than B. u. umbel- loides." Its range is described as "from Labrador west to James Bay and thence to eastern Manitoba." While Todd is proposing the addition of three new subspecies of Bonasa umbellus he suggests that the subspecies B. u. thayeri, ac- cepted by the A.O.U. Check List as authentic, is actually identical with B. u. togata. He also indicates his belief that B. u. brunnescens, proposed by Conover, is adequately covered by B. u. sabini. In sum- mary, Todd would recognize eight subspecies, although he says frankly, "A number of problems concerning distribution and sys- tematics are necessarily left unsettled." This is apparently the case, for only a year later Bailey ( 1941 ) de- scribes another subspecies from Long Island, N. Y. Proposed as B. m. helmet, it is described: "A small ruffed grouse . . . very light buffy throat and a light-colored upper mandible . . . more whitish belly than any of the other races, heavily baiTcd below with blackish; dark-breasted, but with more buffy breast than togata; neck ruffs and subteiTninal tail band black . . . gray-tailed type with few ex- ceptions." Recently, a complete taxonomic revision of the species was pro- posed by Aldrich and Friedmann (1943). They did not simplffy the matter, but did provide sound ecological basis for their oganiza- tion. Twelve subspecies are recognized, eight previously described and four new ones. Three of those discussed above are discarded. Those substantiated are: umbellus, togata, umbelloides, sabini, iju- konensis, brunnescens, monficoh, medianus. Discarded are: thayeri, recognized in the A.O.U. Check List but considered by these authors to be the same as togata; canescens, described by Todd but here in- cluded with umbelloides; and helmei, which is covered by the type form B. u. umbellus. The four new subspecies described are cas- taneus, affinis, phaios, and incanus. These are distinguished as follows : The Olympic ruffed grouse, B. u. castaneus, is the "darkest and 8 The Ruffed Grouse most richly colored of all the predominantly brown races of the species . . . darker than sabini and more reddish than brunnesceiis; l^rown of upper parts deep chestnut to dark auburn with no grayish mixture . . ." No gray phase is known. Its range is western Wash- ington from Puget Sound to Oregon, south of the range of brun- ncscens and north and west of sabini. The Columbian ruffed grouse, B. u. affinis, is described in both the gray and brown phases, the gray being the more prevalent. The gray birds are in ". . . general appearance intermediate between the gray phase of umbellus and that of sabini . . " Brown-phase birds are "closest to the brown phase of togata, but have the black markings less extensive." The range extends from east-central Ore- gon and southwestern Idaho northward east of the Cascades through most of eastern Washington and the interior of British Columbia, to Hazleton. The Idaho ruffed grouse, B. u. phaios, occurs in both color phases. In both it is most similar to B. u. mnbelltis. The gray birds are grayer, much darker, less brownish than the like phase of umbellus, while brown-phase birds of pJmios are ". . . much darker, less rufescent, more brownish (more like corresponding phase of brun- nescens, but with more grayish or dusky ) . . ." than their umbellus counterpart. It is found on the west slopes of the Rocky Mountains in Idaho, and in portions of northeastern Oregon, southeastern Washington, and northeastern Washington. The hoary ruffed grouse, B. u. incanus, in its brown phase, is "... a very ashy bird, similar not to brown but to gray phase of B. u. umbellus, but paler and, except for tail, less brownish, more like that of B. u. umbelloides but paler and less brownish on inter- scapulars, back, and upper surface of wings . . ." The gray phase is ". . . similar to brown phase but with tail feathers smoke gray with no buffy tone; ventral barrings duskier— light brownish olive darkening to sepia on the sides and flanks." It is found ". . . from west-central and central-northern Utah, southeastern Idaho and central- western Wyoming, northeastward across Wyoming and the Dakotas to northeastern North Dakota . . ." It is well to note that Aldrich and Friedmann indicate in many in- stances that the subspecific characters gi-ade from one to another along the boundaries of their ranges. Thus the delineation of the ranges of subspecies is somewhat arbitrary and the number recog- The Bird Itself 9 nized is dependent upon the degree of variation one requires for such distinction. I lay no claim to being an authority on the taxonomy of the ruffed grouse. Even so, having examined many hundreds of specimens of all ages and at all seasons from the northeastern states, I am thor- oughly impressed with the imending variety in pattern and colora- tion of this remarkable bird. I have also seen birds of different sub- specific pattern in single broods. How we view the question of subspecies depends upon whether we subscribe to the beliefs of the "lumpers" or the "splitters." I go along with the lumpers, for the sake of simplicity. My inclination is to go along with Todd in aban- doning B. u. thayeri and B. u. hrunnescens. But I am equally un- S}Tnpathetic to the eight new subspecies suggested by Todd, Bailey and Aldrich and Friedmann. If the authorities reconsider the sub- species of Bonasa umhellus for the next edition of the Check List, I would cast my vote for simplification to four— corresponding to the present subspecies umhellus, togata, sabini, and umbelloides. However, for the sake of those who find merit in taxonomic detail, I commend the revision of Aldrich and Friedmann. Immature. The juvenile plumage is similar to that of the adult but with less of contrasting blacks and whites, more of a pattern of somber browns. The ruffs are inconspicuous and the sexes are identi- cal. The shape of the primaries and secondaries is less attenuate than in the adult, due to the greater width of the outer vane and the more blunt tips. The upper throat and chin are whitish. The downy young are brownish buff on the upper parts mottled with pale buff, and yellowish buff below. There is a prominent black line extending behind the eye, occasionally broken. PTERYLOGRAPHY The fact that the feathers on a bird do not grow out of the skin evenly over the body, as does hair on a mammal, comes as a surprise to the average person. As every bird student soon learns, there are bare areas on the bird from which no feathers arise, and the areas from which the feathers do grow are called feather tracts. The ex- tent and arrangement of these tracts (which vary greatly among ])irds) is called pterylosis and their study is called pterylography— the geography of feathers. 10 The Ruffed Grouse Ptilosis— Types of feathers and their characteristics/ Before dis- cussing the feather tracts and spaces, let us consider the character and texture of the feathers themselves. This is known as ptilosis, or plumage: Neossoptiles make up the natal down, distinguishable from simi- lar feathers in the adult by the presence of pigment. They are the tips of the barbs of the succeeding juvenile feathers, sometimes called mesoptiles. Their length varies from six millimeters in the capital and dorsal cervical tracts to thirteen millimeters in the sternal and femoral. Filoplumes are degenerate feathers, appearing almost like hairs. They arise from the skin elevations from which come also the teleop- tiles and semiplumes. From zero to four may arise from these skin elevations. They range from half to three-quarters the length of the larger feathers. Plumulae are adult down feathers, similar to neossoptiles but without pigment. They differ from semiplumes in the absence of a rachis. Strictly speaking there are no plumulae in the grouse, but those feathers resembling plumulae but having slight pigmentation have been called by this name. Semiplumes are between plumulae and teleoptiles in character. They are always covered with other feathers, are downy, but possess a rachis. Large semiplumes, for all purposes merely downy teleop- tiles, are found on the sides of the abdomen. Smaller ones occur in the posterior part of the spinal tract, in the cervical spaces, beside the primaries and many of the secondaries, and just above and below the bases of the inner rectrices. Teleoptiles are the typical feathers of the adult— rectrices, remiges, coverts, contour feathers, and others. They vary widely according to modifications for various functions from the highly developed, almost completely pennaceous (i.e. not downy) rectrices and remiges to others difficult to distinguish from semiplumes. Some ex- tremely modified teleoptiles are those of the eyelid, the oil gland, the ear, and the anus. Some, as those of the eyelid and oil gland, are probably functional and are small and modified of necessity; the others are likely only vestigial. In these modified feathers the barbi- cels are usually absent, the rachis ( oil gland ) is sometimes missing; ^ For good photographs of several types of bird feathers, see Life magazine for July 17, 1944, pp. 8-11. The Bird ItseK 11 the barbs and barbules are few and stiff in the auriculars to allow free passage of sound; and in the anal feathers and those of the oil gland the aftershaft is practically gone. The aftershaft is well developed in the ruffed grouse in all teleop- tiles except the rectrices and functional remiges; in the anal and oil gland feathers, as noted above, it is often not distinguishable; it is rather poorly developed on the alula quills, axillaries, and the auriculars. It is always plumulaceous (i.e., downy or fuzzy) and pig- mented only at the tips of the longest barbs. Sexual Variations in Feathers. Variations in the pterylosis between the sexes are minor. The number of feathers modified to compose the ruff is greater in the male. There is a tendency for the male to have more feathers than the female, possibly due to his larger size. The size of some of the feathers, as the rectrices, is larger in the male. Snowshoes. These are cuticular outgrowths along the edges of the toes that grow in the fall and shed in the spring. Their purpose is to assist the biid in walking on snow by widening the toe area— hence the name snowshoes. Normal length is about two millimeters but in the northern subspecies tend to grow a little longer. Moult. The ruffed grouse has a single moult each year. With the immature birds this takes place in August and September when the juvenile plumage is replaced by the first adult feathers. There is some evidence that the outer primary in this first adult plumage is shorter than in subsequent years. The adults begin their annual moult in late July and continue into September. There is a period when many of the flight feathers have been dropped and the new ones are not well developed that the birds have some diflBculty with flight. At this time it is not uncom- mon to see a "tailless" grouse. It has been believed by some that a restricted pre-nuptial moult takes place in the ruffed grouse. This was originally based on two specimens of B. u. sahini described by Dwight (1900), which were collected in British Columbia in 1889, one on May 20 and the other on June 2. These specimens have been re-examined by Trainer who likewise found a few growing feathers on the head and throat regions (letter, January, 1942). He says, however, that the evidence indicates that these two birds are unusual and that the normal thing 12 The Ruffed Grouse in the ruffed grouse is a complete absence of moulting in the spring of the year. None of the thirty birds Trainer examined in the Cornell University collection that might have shown this moult did so. Pterylosis— Feather tracts and spaces. The area of skin on the ruffed grouse may be divided into ten feather tracts which are separated by twelve bare areas, or spaces ( see Fig. 2 ) . These may be described as follows ( Trainer, 1938 ) : ^ The Capital Tract includes all feathers on the head except those on the under center portion. Several isolated spaces, noted later, are found here. The feathers in this tract are all small, all point back- ward. Longest are the erectile crest feathers. Some of the feathers around the eyes are among the smallest on the body, being about two millimeters long. The feathers in this tract are divided into ten regions, named according to the part of the head: frontal, coronal, occipital, superciliary, loral, rictal, ocular, malar, auricular, and post-auricular. The Spinal Tract covers the upper surface of the body proper, from the capital tract to the caudal tract. It is divided into three regions: cervical, interscapular, and posterior. The Oil Gland Tract is at the posterior end of the spinal tract and consists of eight little (three and four-tenths millimeters) feathers arranged in a circle on the tip of the gland. The Caudal Tract consists of the rectrices (tail feathers) witli their upper and under coverts and the feathers around the anus. There are normally eighteen rectrices, although occasionally birds are found with twenty ( usually males ) or sixteen ( usually females ) . The Ventral Tract includes the whole under side of the body from the mental angle to the anal region. The foremedian portion is di- vided into the interramal region from the chin to below the eyes, the submalar region and the cervical region; the posterior median por- tion is called the abdominal region, and the lateral portions are divided into the sternal and axillar regions on each side. Most notable feathers in the cervical region are the five rows which compose the ruff. They are situated near the middle of the length of the neck. The length of the male ruff feathers increases in size from sixteen millimeters to about seventv millimeters and then ■^ The descriptions of feather tracts and spaces are derived entirely from Trainer's work. i3 a > > o Q X > a 3 O 1-1 O i±i ■XI a. -d c ci ID 6 13 14 The Ruffed Grouse decreases to fifty millimeters at the back row; the female ruff feathers average shorter. All of the ruff feathers have truncated ends made by the exceptionally long proximal barbs. The Humeral Tract bears the scapular feathers, which consist of a band of large feathers extending obliquely across the humerus. Be- giiming at the lower end of the neck they extend to the back edge of the upper ann. The Alar Tract consists of all the wing feathers other than those of the humeral tract. Many of these wing feathers are identifiable as individuals and hence are significant taxonomically. The ti-act is composed of primaries, greater primary coverts, middle primary coverts, secondaries, gi-eater secondary coverts, middle secondary coverts, carpal remex, carpal remex coverts, lesser secondary coverts, marginal coverts, alula, alula coverts, carpo-metacai-pal coverts, under gi'cater primary coverts, under middle primary coverts, under lesser primary coverts, under greater secondary coverts, under mid- dle secondary coverts, under lesser secondaiy coverts, and under carpal covert. The Femoral Tract covers most of the sides of the thighs with the rows radiating posteriorly from an apex at the anterior end, and the more posterior row curving somewhat dorsally. The Crural Tract is divided into two regions, internal and exter- nal, covering the lower leg. The feathers are rather sparse, soft and hairlike, with a plumulaceous aftershaft extending about half their length. The Pedal Tract is a continuation of the crural tract onto the tar- sus. The feathers are also similar to the crural feathers, and are even more modified in the same direction. The rachis and calamus are almost entirely gone, and the plumulaceous aftershaft is short. The spaces, or bare areas, separating these tracts are described as follows: Capital Spaces: The temporal space, in front of and above the ear, is covered by the feathers of the ocular and upper auricular regions of the capital tract. The superciliary space above tlie eye is covered by the feathers above it, while the rictal space posterior to the nos- tril is covered by feathers from the rictal region above it. Over the ramus of the lower mandible is the submalar space, covered by the adjacent feathers of the submalar and interramal regions, while be- hind the culmen the bare frontal space is located. The Bird Itself 15 The Lateral Cei-vical Space extends along each side of the neck from a point in front of the middle of the neck back to a point oppo- site the hmiieral tract. Occupying about one-sixth of the circum- ference on each side, this space lies predominantly above the median line. The Lateral Trunk Space includes all the several spaces around the v^ings and legs. At the front it is continuous with the lateral cervical space above the wing; farther back it separates the femoral tract and the posterior part of the spinal tract, and then curves medially in front of the upper tail coverts to meet its other lateral half at the oil gland. It is covered by the feathers of the back part of the spinal tract and on the sides by some of the femoral tract. It is also connected with the inferior space by narrow bands extending between the stenial-axillar and abdominal regions on the ventral side. The Spinal Space is found along the median line of the spinal tract from the middle of the interscapular region to a point opposite the middle of the femoral tract. It is covered by the adjacent feath- ers of the interscapular region. The Inferior Space lies between the two halves of the ventral tract along the medio-ventral line, beginning on the neck just in front of the ruff and extending back to within about fifteen millimeters of the end of the sternum. It is covered by feathers of the lateral cervi- cal, sternal and abdominal regions. The Upper Wing Space is the area distal to the humeral tract, bounded by the marginal feathers of the shoulder, the secondary coverts and the feathers on the posterior edge of the upper arm. It is very irregular in shape and is covered by the marginal feathers of the shoulder, the proximal lesser secondary coverts, and the distal scapulars. The Lower Wing Space is continuous with the lateral space of the trmik and extends to the underwing surface in-egularly to the base of the first primary. It is mainly covered vdth the feathers anterior to it but next to the body the adjacent body feathers cover it. The Crural Space separates the femoral tract from the lower leg plumage. It is a very small naked ring on the outer surface of the upper tibial region, continuous with the lateral trunk space. These spaces vary from being entirely bare to having a sparse covering of plumulae. Their function is to facilitate movement or 16 The Ruffed Grouse position, as flying or walking, or fitting one part of the body into another, as in roosting, and probably economy of weight. The Brood Spot: The female bird plucks the feathers from her abdominal region during incubation in order to make proper body contact with tlie large clutch of eggs. This bared area is called the brood spot. Normally all of the feathers on this spot are plucked except the filoplumes. Most of the abdominal region is plucked, as well as adjacent portions of the sternal and axillar regions and the femoral tract. The Numbers of Feathers on a bird may vary considerably. Some indication of the number of feathers (teleoptiles and semiplumes) in the various tracts may be gained from the figures of Trainer ob- tained by plucking a female weighing five hundred thirty-nine and seven-tenths grams, collected April 27, 1937. He points out that the distinction between certain tracts is indefinite owing to the indefi- niteness of some of the tract boimdaries. Number of Feathers Tract (both sides) Capital Spinal Anterior 776 197 Posterior 360 Oil gland Caudal 8 164 Ventral Cervical, submalar. interramal 241 Sternal, axillar 158 Abdominal 196 Humeral 144 Alar 1104 Femoral 284 Crural and Pedal 710 Total 4342 Range. The ruffed grouse in its six subspecies is found over most of the wooded areas of the United States and Canada. B. u. umbellus ranges from the Appalachian Mountains in northern Georgia, northern Alabama, and the Garolinas, through western Virginia and Maryland, Tennessee and Kentucky, southern Ohio, Pennsylvania and northern New Jersey, and northward approximately to a lati- tudinal line through the center of Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, New York and northern Massachusetts. Here it blends into B. u. The Bird Itself 17 togata. Scattered outposts remain in eastern Kansas, Missouri (?), Iowa, Illinois, and Indiana. B. u. togata ranges northward from the Minnesota-Massachusetts line referred to above through Ontario, Quebec, and New Brunswick provinces, practically to the limit of trees in northern Ontario and Quebec/ B. u. umbelloides is found from Alberta and west-central Macken- zie south to northern Utah, northern Colorado, and western South Dakota, including the whole of British Columbia east of the Coast and Cascade ranges (A.O.U. Check List, 1931). B. u. sahini ranges from Vancouver Island and the adjacent main- land coast of British Columbia south to Humboldt County, Calif, (op. cit. ). B.u. thayeri is restricted to Nova Scotia and probably eastern New Brunswick (op. cit.). B. u. yukonensis is found in the interior of Yukon Territory and Alaska (op. cit.). Eggs. The eggs of the ruffed grouse are oval to short ovate in shape, broad and blunt at one end and more pointed at the other. The color is grayish-white to buffy, and only occasionally speckled. After a period of incubation and exposure they often become quite stained. The size averages about thirty-eight and five-tenths by thirty milli- meters. Extremes of size of the eggs examined by Smythe (1925) were: largest, forty by thirty-two millimeters; smallest, thirty-three by twenty-five millimeters. REFERENCES AND CITATION SOURCES FOR DESCRIPTION OF THE RUFFED GROUSE Aldrich, J. W., and Friedmann, H. A Revision of the Ruffed Grouse, Condor, Vol. 45, No. 3, May-June, 1943. A.O.U. Check List of North American Birds, 4th Ed., 1931. Bailey, H. H. An Undescribed Race of Eastern Ruffed Grouse, Bull. No. 14, Bailey Mus. & Lib. of Nat. Hist. Jan. 5, 1941. Bent, A. C. Life Histories of North American Gallinaceous Birds, U. S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 162, 1927. Conover, H. B. A New Race of Ruffed Grouse from Vancouver Island, Condor, Vol. XXXVII, July, 1935. ■^ Wetmore ( 1941 ) identifies birds from the mountains sonth from West Virginia as B. u. toaata. 18 The Ruffed Grouse Coues, E. Key to North American Birds, 5th Ed., Vol. II, 1903. Jaycox, T. W. [Bonasa Jobsii, n. sp.]-The Cornell Era, Vol. 4, p. 182, Dec. 8, 1871. Smythe, T. Studies in the Life History of the Ruffed Grouse, unpublished Ph.D. thesis, Cornell University, 1925. Todd, W. E. C. Eastern Races of the Ruffed Grouse, Auk, Vol. 57, No. 3, July, 1940. Trainer, J. E. The pterylography of the Ruffed Grouse, unpublished M.S. the- sis, Cornell University, 1938. Uttal, L. J. Tarsal Feathering of RuflFed Grouse, Auk, Vol. 58, No. I, Jan., 1941. Wetmore, A. Notes on North Carolina Birds, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Vol. 90, No. 3117, Wash., 1941. 19th Supplement to the A.O.U. Check List of N. A. Birds, Auk, Vol. 63, No. 3, July, 1944. Chronicle of the Ruffed Grouse in Eastern United States During Indian times the papahcogh was an important item in the economic life of the Amerindians of the Northeast. How long this relationship had existed before the advent of the white man is not recorded, but it probably went back to an era when the aborigines were far more primitive than when first observed by the Pilgrims in 1620. It may have begun when the people first moved in from the West to settle what is now the northeastern United States. The grouse, or at least a bird very closely related to our modem species, has been recorded in remains from the Pleistocene period (circa 25,000 years ago ) from areas in both the eastern and western parts of the country. It is highly probable that the native birds and mammals were fairly stable elements in the environment of those times. At least we find no evidence that the Indians either exterminated or seriously threatened any species. Even though the giouse was a staple item of food, the proportion of game to the sparse population of humans was such that hunting was not a serious threat to it. The grouse and its natural enemies, including man, lived in a rather harmonious balance. There is evidence, however, that there were years when game was scarce, and presumably grouse were included. Indian lore tells of winters of famine, and Longfellow refers to them in his "Hia- watha." It should be stated again, though, that such temporary periods of scarcity were not likely due to overhunting. The White Men Come. When the Pilgrims came to Massachusetts they found a land abounding in game. Of course there were not many of them at that time, but still the hunting was wonderful for the few that there were. Many of the old prints of the Pilgrim days show the grouse, along with the deer and the turkey being brought 19 20 The Ruffed Grouse home, as the prize of the hunt, to the log cabin as the fitting larder for a pioneer family. It is to be expected that such a creature would quickly find its way into the writings of the time. Probably the first printed record is that of Morton in 1632, just twelve years after the initial white settlement. He was greatly impressed with the abundance of the bird, having seen as many as forty in a single tree at one time. Baron de Lahontan, in 1703, wTote of the great abundance and "comical" stupidity of the "wood hen," as he termed it. This "fool hen" charac- teristic did not detract from the high regard in which the bird was held as a table delicacy. Audubon, writing in 1856, considered it second only to the wild turkey among the upland game birds as a delectable food. A Change of Character and Economics. The journals of the early American ornithologists contain many notes on the distribution, abundance, and habits of the species. From Wilson ( 1812) in Penn- sylvania and Nuttall ( 1832 ) in New England to Bartram ( 1751 ) in Georgia, and Swainson and Richardson (1831) in Saskatchewan, the story developed until by 1849 Audubon determined that its range was the whole breadth of the continent. As the settlers ad- vanced into the wilderness, the grouse continued to play an impor- tant part in the home diet. With the forests being cleared to make way for agricultural lands, grouse range was vastly restricted. In the process, the range was temporarily improved by the vast development of edges ^ through the extensive woods, but ultimately the clearing reached such proportions that the species was eliminated from large areas and confined to a small fraction of the former range in others. Throughout the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries this process continued. Concurrently, as farming mtensified and communications developed, cities sprang up all over the nation and the grouse ceased to be of great importance as a staple food. An era of commercializa- tion developed, with professional hunters and trappers replacing the scattered pioneers. Along with the passenger pigeon and other game birds, the grouse were mostly shipped to the big city markets. The birds became scarce in the vicinity of big cities as this traffic "^ "Edge," as used in wild-life management, refers to the boundaries between dissimilar types of cover, as for example hay field and woodland. It is so significant in animal ecology that game is sometimes said to be a product of edges. Chronicle of the Ruffed Grouse in Eastern United States 21 developed. As early as 1812, Wilson records the retreat to the in- terior of the species away from the vicinity of Philadelphia. The abundance apparently fluctuated considerably in different parts of the Nortlieast and the market price varied accordingly. From twenty-five cents a brace (Boston 1831, Cincinnati 1820) in the first third of the 1800's prices ranged to as high as two dollars a bird in New York later in the century. Even when civilization pushed the species back from the cities, hope was held out for its recovery, as witness the item in the U. S. Gazette of November 18, 1832: "We are glad to perceive that the citizens of Bucks County [near Philadelphia] are giving heed to the preservation of game. . . . Few of that fine species of bird [the grouse] are to be seen. . . . Let us encourage their growth and we shall be repaid by purchasing them a few seasons hence at fifty cents per dozen." During the last two decades before 1900, the importance of the grouse in commercial channels waned with the diminishing supply, and at the same time interest in hunting as a sport was growing rapidly. Demands for the legal elimination of commercial hunting became more and more vociferous until one after another the states enacted the needed restrictive legislation early in the present cen- tury. New York's law prohibiting sale of grouse was passed in 1903, Pennsylvania's was enacted in 1897. The emphasis on grouse hunting as a sport and form of recreation has increased by leaps and bounds since the passing of the era of exploitation. Today he is called "the king of game birds" by most hunters familiar with him. In Pennsylvania it is the oflBcial state bird. That the grouse should attain such importance in the sporting field is a tribute not only to the wisdom of creating and enforcing ade- quate conservation laws but even more to the ability of the species to adjust itself to changing environment. Reference has already been made to the "fool hen" characteristic of the bird that so amused de Lahontan. One early author told of hunting grouse with dogs— the more mongrel and yappy the better- wherein the trick was to first flush a covey. They would alight in a near-by tree and watch the dogs as they gathered at the base of the tree and ran around in circles, all the while making a great noise. The hunter then picked off the birds with his rifle. So long as he was careful to pick the lowest bird each time, so that its falling did not 22 The Ruffed Grouse disturb the others, he would get them all without any flying. While I have never witnessed a phenomenon like this, I have shot gi-ouse in the deep Adirondacks with a high-powered rifle by taking their heads off, and within the past ten years. However, this is a far cry from the sporty bird of most of our Northeastern coverts today. Even those in remote mountainous areas are seldom the "fool hen" type. The abflity of the grouse to make this change is truly remarkable. Instead of a dumb biddy sitting on a limb awaiting its execution, today the normal grouse flushes so fast that a hunter hardly has time to get his gun braced to his shoulder in time to shoot, let alone to take aim. How amazing is this transformation of character may be judged by comparing it with the record of its near relative, the Canada spruce grouse ( Canachites canadensis canace ) . This grouse was unable to meet the adjustment necessary for survival. It re- mained a fool hen, and today is exterminated from all of its former range except where an area of wilderness has remained beyond the hand of man. Cycles and Surveys. When the transition from market produce to game bird extraordinary was completed, the grouse assumed a status of far greater importance to man. It is natural then that the sporting fraternity and nature lovers as well would become greatly concerned when sudden scarcity seemed to threaten the species with extinction. Then, as each crisis passed and was followed by a resurging abun- dance, the alternating periods of scarcity and plenitude appeared to possess an inexorable rhythm. Thus came the concept of the popula- tion cycle. The baffling nature of the cause of this cyclic phenomenon led many observers to the conclusion that some inscrutable, all-per- vading force must be guiding it. This led naturally to the suggestion that the cause must be ethereal, probably emanating from the sun. Concurrent investigations indicating cycles in solar conditions abet- ted this theory. This being the case, these cycles must have been going on from time immemorial. And so the search for records be- gan; records that would substantiate the existence of periods of scarcity prior to those that had been fully documented. They were not hard to find. The Indian lore telling of winters of game scarcity are probably the earliest indication of the then unrecognized cycle. It did not take the white man long, however, to register the occurrence of grouse chronicle of the Ruffed Grouse in Eastern United States 23 depletion. Nuttall, in 1832, in New Hampshire, an article in the U. S. Gazette for November 18, 1832, and an anonymous editor in New York the same year, called attention to the disappearance of the birds in the winter of 1830-31 where they had been abundant the year before. Simple explanations were offered: migrated southward and hard winter respectively. They had not learned enough of the problem to make it complicated. Written records reveal a few more so-called disappearances in the nineteenth centuiy. The most definite records of scarcity are for a few years after the Civil War in eastern New York, for 1866 in Ver- mont (but abundant in Massachusetts that year), 1877 in New York, 1883 in Ontario, and 1896-97 in Pennsylvania. After the turn of the 1900's, when the interest in sport had greatly increased, the story is far more complete. An exceedingly hard winter in 1903-04 seemed to have resulted in serious grouse losses in the Northeast. Following this, Forbush un- dertook the first of several questionnaire studies by sending out an inquiry to several hundred naturalists and sportsmen in Massachu- setts. When the very severe scarcity of 1906-07 came it was quite generally recognized throughout the Northeast. It was feared that the end of the grouse was at hand. So alarmed was the Forest, Fish and Game Commission of New York that an investigation was ordered. The questionnaire survey which resulted ( Woodruff, 1907 ) , in addition to the four standard explanations— disease, bad weather, predators, hunting— added five more to the growing list of possibili- ties. He concluded that it probably was caused by an unhappy com- bination of the first three of these four. While the meeting of the minds brought about by the 1907 survey resulted in the concept that a combination of factors may have im- pelled this gi'ouse decline, the survey covering the next great decline disclosed just how complicated the problem can become when more attention is given to it. Following the 1914-16 period of decline, the New York State Conservation Department, this time in cooperation with the American Game Protective Association, again sponsored a questionnaire survey (Stoddart, 1918) in an attempt to ferret out the cause of the decline. No less than forty-five contributing causes are listed, the most prominent being foxes, bad nesting seasons, and hawks. Great emphasis is laid on predation; there are eighteen factors within this classification. Among the also-rans are: driven out 24 The RufiFed Grouse by pheasants, shooting from autos, pasturing of cattle in woods, and summer boarders and foreigners without hcenses. It is interesting to note that disease was given relatively Httle importance in this inquiry, whereas it had been considered veiy important in the 1907 study. The note of new stock needed is the first mention we find of the inbreeding factor, destined to be highly ballyhooed a few years hence. In 1924 an out-of-step decline seemed of sufficient severity to institute another investigation. At the American Game Conference that year Dr. A. A. Allen, who had been investigating the artificial propagation of grouse since 1919, reported the discovery of the stomach worm (Disphanjnx spiralis) of such severity in New York grouse as to assume epidemic proportions. He suggested that it might be the cause of grouse cycles. At the instigation of Senator Walcott a national grouse investigation was created, with the late John B. Burnham as chairman of the committee. The work of this committee, directed by Dr. A. A. Allen, was concentrated largely on a study of grouse diseases. Specimens were received from aU parts of the Northeast. Allen meanwhile continued his studies on methods of raising grouse in captivity. The next year the New England por- tion of the work was continued independently by Dr. A. O. Gross under the New England Ruffed Grouse Investigation sponsored by the Massachusetts Fish and Game Association, and Allen continued his work in New York, examining birds from Minnesota, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey, as well as New York. The 1924 decline was short-lived in most parts of New York and the birds were again plentiful in 1925. But the gains were not held for long. Indications of decline were noted in 1926 and by 1927 the species had declined to the lowest levels known. Hunting seasons were completely closed in New York and most other near-by states for a year or more. Both Allen and Gross examined hundreds of specimens sent in by interested sportsmen and scientists from all over the Northeast. In 1929 Gross reported: "Work on all phases of the life history of the ruffed grouse will be continued, but this fall we will give special emphasis to an intensive study of Dispharynx which has been found to be the most important parasite affecting the grouse. . . ." Altogether, seven progress reports of these investi- gations were made, two by the committee of the American Game Conference and five by the New England Investigation. Chronicle of tlie Ruffed Grouse in Eastern United States 25 Chafing under the repression of two successive closed seasons on grouse in New York, leading sportsmen of the state met to consider what might be done to remedy the alanning situation. They re- quested Dr. Allen and Herbert Stoddard to draw up a compre- hensive plan for a thorough investigation of the grouse in New York State, the proposed study to be financed by the New York State Conservation Department. As a result of their recommendations the Conservation Department in 1930 entered upon a thorough scientific study of the whole problem. From 1930 to 1932 the grouse in the Northeast recovered from the depression of 1927-29. From 1932 to 1944, the population had nu- merous moderate ups and downs from a general plateau of moderate to great abundance, none of which can be compared in intensity with the 1927 crash or probably with some of the high populations of previous periods of abundance. The declines that have been ob- served in the East during the 1930's have been very spotty geo- graphically, and usually quite local. In 1945 the number of grouse in the Northeast again declined to a low level. Owing to war, no studies were in process at the time. Concurrently with the modem New York Investigation, a studv of the ruffed grouse was being made in Minnesota under the leader- ship of Dr. Ralph T, King. Begun in 1929, these studies reached a climax in 1934 when the observers witnessed a very severe grouse decline. As a result of his studies. Dr. King came to the conclusion that the cyclic decline was precipitated by an upset in the reproduc- tive functions of the female followed by an almost complete loss of young birds of the year. The imderlying force causing this condition appeared to be beyond the control of man. In the 1930's there were a number of smaller studies of the grouse, some confined to limited phases of the broad problem. C. H. D. Clarke in Ontario (1932-36), L. W. Fisher, F. W. Baumgartner and others in Michigan ( 1932-39), studied many of the factors gov- erning populations. Other studies were made in Pennsylvania, Con- necticut, Maine, Ohio, Virginia, New Hampshire, Wisconsin, and Massachusetts. And so, with scientists of all classes sitting on the sidelines waiting to examine every aspect of the long overdue cyclic decline— theoreti- cally to have occurred in 1937 in the Northeast— we find that appar- ently the phenomenon wasn't what it was thought to be after all. 26 The Riiffed Grouse REFERENCES AND CITATION SOURCES FOR THE CHRONICLE OF THE RUFFED GROUSE Audubon, J. J. The Birds of America, 1856. Audubon, J. J. Ornithological Biography, Vol. 5, 1849. Bartram, J. Observations in His Travels from Pennsylvania to Onondaga, Os- wego and Lake Ontario, 1751. Forbush, E. H. Birds of Massachusetts and Other New England States, 1929. Gross, A. O. Annual Report of New England Ruffed Grouse Investigation, 1929. Lahontan, Louis Armond deLorn d'Arce, Baron de. New Voyages to North America, 1703. Morton, Thomas. New English Ganaan, containing an Abstract of New Eng- land,' 1632. Nuttall, Thomas. A Manual of the Ornithology of the United States and Canada, 1832. Pahner, T. S. Glironology and Index of the More Important Events in Ameri- can Game Protection, 1776-1911, U.S.D.A. Biol. Surv. Bull. #41, 1912. Stoddart, A. M. Ruffed Grouse in New York State, 1918. Swainson, Wm., and Richardson, John. Fauna Boreali; Americana, Vol. II, 1831. Wilson, A. The Natural History of the Birds of the United States, Vol. VI, 1812. Woodruff, E. S. The Ruffed Groiise, a Study of the Causes of Its Scarcity in 1907, 1908. 3 Biography April Showers and May Flowers. Each dawn arrived a Uttle sooner than the day before and each dusk delayed a Uttle longer. The sun, when it shone, became wanner day by day. The winter snow had disappeared except for a few residual patches on the cool north slopes. These changes brought new experiences and sensations to the grouse that had been bom and raised on the other side of the woodlot the summer before. They had not witnessed such changes and sensations before. It was thrilling. All winter long they had lived along the hemlock ravine. They had several other companions off and on since autumn but they had not seen any of them for several weeks. One day the female felt more and more the need of solitude. The deep shelter of the ravine did not seem to fit the new feeling in the air. And so she wandered off— over near the little slash where first she had seen the light of day. There she encountered another grouse and, still wanting a place all her own, she decided to press on farther. Just beyond the slashing was a woodland of young maples and beech. A logging road traversed this woods from the slashing, and wound its way down over the hill to the farmstead in the valley be- low. As the young hen bii^d leisurely picked at fresh spring gi-eens and jumped for the first insects of the season, the sun came up higher through the lower tree branches and the old trail with its grassy edges seemed very homy. She was nervous. Something within tugged at her emotions. There was an increasing urge to respond to an un- known need. And it was not long in coming. A strange sound rent the air. Hardly had the first few beats of its thumping passed before she was tingling with anxiety to the tip of every nerve. Surely this was what she had been seeking, all unknowingly. Slowly she made her way back towards the edge of the slashing— the direction from which this strange sound had come. Stealthily she chose her footsteps so as not to expose her presence. In just a 28 The RuflFed Grouse few minutes the tlu-ihiug beats started again— slowly at first, then at an increasing tempo, until at the end they blended into an indefinite whir— as though the speed had so increased as to have passed the field of audible vibrations. The hen bird's heart was in her throat as she came closer. Then suddenly, as she peered around the end of an old windfall, she beheld the object of her search. It was the grandest grouse she had ever seen. She froze in her tracks. The Courtship. Apparently the old cock bird had spied her the in- stant she saw him. Facing her with his head turned slightly sideways he stood erect on a huge old fallen log. His tail was held high and spread into a huge fan; his wings drooped deliberately at his side, while the head was drawn stiffly back into an encircling black ruff, raised high ( see Plate 2B ) . His sharp eyes held her attention stead- fastly, as though he were attempting hypnosis. Slowly and carefully he took a stiff step forward— then another, and another. For several feet along the old log he thus slowly strutted towards her. Then he broke his gait and quickly jumped down from the log, and just as quickly regained the strutting pose again. After a moment he reached quickly down with his head and pretended to peck at each of a couple of leaves in front of him. In an almost continuous gesture, he began shaking his head forward and somewhat downward and side- ways, first on one side and then on the other, and with each shake emitting a most peculiar sound. With each headshake he made a double hiss— something like "shh— ushh," the first half with an exhale and the second with an inhale. After a few preliminary, evenly spaced hisses, the headshakes gradually became more rapid and the hisses speeded up with an increasing crescendo, finally reaching the point where it became physically impossible to shake the head any faster. A final, long, letting-oS^-steam hiss following the finish of the headshaking was accompanied by a quick little forward run toward the hen bird during which every muscle in his body relaxed in a convulsive quiver. By this time the female was so overcome with emotion at this devastating exhibition that she squatted, limp, on the giound. But when the male suddenly set upon her and struck her vicious blows about the head, she quickly regained her senses and beat a hurried retreat. This performance Allen ( 1934 ) has called the "intimidation dis- Biography 29 play" and apparently, insofar as the male is concerned, has little relation to mating. If the intruding bird had been anotlier male, the same events would have taken place except that a fight might v^ell have ensued. In this case the winner would remain in the territory and the loser would seek another location at some distance. Both the drumming and intimidation display performances are acquired by instinct. The drumming takes a little time and practice to attain proficiency— the wings make only a swisliing noise until the bird learns to make the drum sound, but it needs no guidance to know what to do. Allen ( 1934) had a captivity raised male learn to drum, never having seen or heard another grouse. The hissing performance is a fascinating display. The whole action takes almost fifty seconds, the first thirty seconds being devoted to the slow, evenly timed double-hisses, about a second or slightly less apart; then about the same number of hisses again, thirty to forty, in fifteen seconds at a rapidly increasing tempo, and finally about twenty or more hisses at top speed for about five seconds culminating in the last hiss and run act. In all, the bird makes about ninety double-hisses in each display, with the beak held wider and wider open as it progresses, and the final long hiss is emitted with the beak nearly closed. The Mating. Each day thereafter, the cock bird could be heard drumming on his log near the edge of the little slashing. From before dawn till after sun-up he was most ambitious, dmmming every few minutes. Then he would slacken ojff and little would be heard from him until along toward nightfall. In other directions, but farther away, the hen bird could hear other grouse drumming too— inviting any and all grouse to combat, as she learned to her sorrow. She wanted to seek them out too, but her first experience had taught her the wisdom of caution. After a few days had passed, she could no longer control her emotions; so off she went to meet her adversary once more. Again, as he discovered her presence, he ceased his drumming, paused for a brief moment, then slowly descended from his log. This time his tail was held low and compact, all the feathers were depressed, and the look in his eye was one of appealing gentle- ness, not of fiery defiance. He walked toward her slowly, in a some- what circuitous route, shaking his head a little, pecking at a leaf now and then. 30 The Ruffed Grouse To the hen this new advance was even more convincing than the first. His appeal was simply irresistible. He pecked gently at the base of her bill, then, placing first one foot and then the other upon her back he mounted for coition. She responded with slightly raised tail, spread wings, and body flat to the ground. Probably the most peculiar aspect of the sexual relations in the grouse ( and possibly in most birds ) is the apparent lack of recog- nition of sex, as such. Differences between birds seem to be exempli- fied as relative strength or weakness, audacity or timidity. Not only will a strong male attempt coition with any subjugated bird, whether male or female, but timid males may actually accept such advances. In captivity, and possibly in the wild, this exhibiting of physical superiority is not confined to sexual activity. Once a bird is decisively beaten, regardless of sex or by what sex, it attains an inferiority com- plex, and from then on is easily drubbed by any other bird in the pen. If not removed, it will be killed but, if placed in isolation for a time, it often will regain its self-confidence. Sex Rhythm. Why should the male bird have challenged his visitor to a duel upon the first meeting, and received her as a mate upon the second? The explanation lies in the phenomenon called by Allen (op. cit. ) "sex rhythm." Both sexes have a short, restricted mating period, which may recur several times during the spring season. Only when both birds are in the mating phase of their physiological cycles will mating take place. At other times, without this syn- chronization, and regardless of whether either bird alone is in oes- trus, mating will not take place. In these periods fighting— the working of the law that only the fittest can survive— is the order of the day. Displays that appear superficially to be courtship or mating per- formances may take place at any time of year, by birds of either sex or any age. These are primarily the manifestation of the continuous urge to show superiority. Coition is often attempted, by either sex with either sex or by chicks as young as a single week old, but these exhibitions of male behavior are in reality an attempted demonstra- tion of individual physical superiority. Drumming. The truest exhibit of the male character is in his drum- ming. At once a challenge to other males or an invitation to receptive Biography 31 females, it is the one display that sets him definitely apart from his sisters. Grouse have been known to drum during every month of the year and during every hour of the day and night. The period of really intensive drumming, however, is the early spring during late March and April. The amount of drumming begins to increase in early March and tapers off in early May. There is also a short period in midautumn when this activity increases for a few weeks. Apart from these periods drumming is only occasional and spasmodic. The act is usually performed on a log, but in the absence of appro- priate, prostrate logs, mossy mounds or boulders, stone walls, rail fences, or similar objects are sometimes used for the stage. The log, or logs, selected are usually of considerable diameter, averaging around twenty inches. They may vary greatly in length but usually are not less than ten feet, and are almost invariably long-fallen and moss-covered. Drumming always takes place at one spot. Since the same log is often used many years, this spot becomes well worn, e\'en below the moss covering and the bark. The bird roosts at vari- ous places on the log most of the nights of the spring mating season and hence a well-used log will have many droppings piled on it. Considerable drumming-log roosting is also done through the fall and winter months, and the identity of a drumming log is most easily made by the presence of piles of droppings and the telltale worn spot. Anyone who lives in grouse country can hardly be considered an experienced woodland naturalist if he has not witnessed a wild drumming grouse. It is one of those supreme thrills that makes life so surelv worth living in a world full of sadness and strife. A careful stalker may approach a bird guided by the sound of the drumming if there are enough low-hanging evergreens or other cover to obscure the approach. However, the surest way is to locate a log in regular use, then sleep near it overnight. By building a screen of evergreen boughs in front of the blanket roll, about twenty or thirty feet from the log, the thrilling sight may be obser^^ed with comparative ease. Any movement must be made with the gi'eatest of caution, for the slightest disturbance and the grouse will be gone in a flash. Before a cold April dawn in the spring of 1931 I doubled my "frozen" feet under me in the sleeping bag with slow, soundless movement so as not to disturb the cock grouse sleeping on his drum- 32 The Ruffed Grouse ming log only about fifteen feet away. I had hoped to photograph this bird and had rigged a litde hemlock blind in which the camera was ready for action. This particular log was a very old, well-rotted, mossy granddad of a log, and had been used for drumming for many years, judging by the deeply worn drumming spot. The drumming spot was quite near one end of the log, where it hung suspended a few inches off the ground. And it so happened that at this particular moment the log broke off, right at the drumming spot, and the free end fell to the ground. Of course the cock left the place in a hurry. I figured that my chance of getting a photograph, or even of seeing the grouse again at tliat place, was remote, although at the moment I was not sure just what had happened. Before completing this episode, I must note that there was a small mossy mound right next to the foot of my sleeping bag, and I went back to sleep. The next I knew I awoke suddenly just as dawn was breaking to hear the bird drumming so close it seemed to be almost on top of me. And truly, he almost was, for I could feel the wing beats against my feet at the side of the bag— he had selected the little mossy momid to drum on after having his regular log broken. To say that I thrilled to the tips of my hair is putting it mildly. In dmmming, the bird stands crosswise of the log, braces himself back on his tail, and brings the wings forward and upward with quick strokes like the beats of a well-trained crew ( see Plate 2A ) . Slowly at first, then wdth increasing speed, the beats roll on until finally ending in a rapid whir. The quality of the drmus may best be called a dull, hollow thumping. They possess a peculiar ventriloqual quality, often deceiving one as to the direction from which they come. They are also deceiving as to distance, drumming a quarter of a mile away sounding practically as loud as if only a hundred yards off. The mechanics of the sound was long in dispute. Some held that the wings struck together behind the back, others tliat they came together in front; it was believed by still others that the wings struck the breast, or the log. It remained for Allen to prove by slow-motion movies that it actually results from the cupped wings striking the air. Mathews ( 1904 ) places the pitch of the sound at from A flat to B flat. Smythe (1925) savs: "... the first tones are staccato and widely separated but the last are run together in a rapid roll . . ." (see musical expression on next page). Biography 33 The drumming characteristic has been used in bygone days by hunters to lure tlie birds to their destruction. By beating on drums made of an inflated bladder, market hmiters were able to shoot or net them. In more recent times numerous observers have noted that grouse are attracted by the sound of wood chopping. Accel, et cres. presto dim. — -^ dodo Boom - Boom Boom Boom Boo Boo Bur -r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r/ " Some male grouse apparently do not drum at all, nor do these birds establish drumming logs. Possibly there are one of two reasons for this apparently abnormal behavior. Most likely is the condition, demonstrated in captive birds, of having the need for drumming short-circuited by the ready presence of one or more female birds. The second condition might be an abnormal physiological deficiency. Many males use more than one log, but in these cases there is usually •one primary log, and one or more secondary logs which are used more or less irregularly. Some birds use the same log year after year. On an average, there are about one and one-half active drumming logs per male grouse. Location of Drumming Log. As has already been noted, the log se- lected for drumming must have certain characteristics of size and condition. The log is selected to a considerable extent on the basis of its location and smroundings. It is almost invariably inside the woods, not in the open nor on the very edge. It is also almost always very near to an edge of some type of opening, usually within two hundred feet. Very rarely is a log used that is deep in a woodland, far from a clearing. Preference seems to be for a young, second growth woodland, predominantly hardwood but with a fair scatter- ing of conifers, especially young conifers. Mature woodlands, solid coniferous stands, open slashings, and brushland seem to be avoided. The immediate location preferred is one well exposed to the sun on one side, preferably the side with a warm, morning sun. At the same time, one end on one side at least should have good escape shelter immediately at hand. This shelter is usually a clump of low hanging conifers, most often hemlock in the transition zone, spruce or balsam in the Canadian zone. 34 The Ruffed Grouse Nesting. When last we left our young hen grouse she had just re- ceived the male in coition. Following her first mating experience she made her way back to the sunny woods road in the near-by hard- woods. As she walked easily along, no doubt daydreaming of the wonderfid new world mifolding to her, she would pick up dead leaves and toss tliem over her shoulder in careless abandon. She defi- nitely was in a homemaking mood. The sunlight shining along the north side of the logging trail made it a delightful spot in the cool morning hours. There were several trees and old stumps close to the trail that offered protection for a home and she determined that she would build somewhere in this area. After looking over the various possibilities she chose an old yellow birch tree about twelve inches through. On the south side, next to the trail, a few sprigs of dead hemlock brush hung about a foot off the gi'ound, the butt end braced on the gi-ound near by. She would build her nest up against the trunk beneath this extra little sprig of camouflage, and so provide additional protection for her coming family. Scratching in the leaves, twigs and humus she dug a little hollow about eight inches in diameter and this she lined with dead leaves. Simple as it was, it would serve as home for about five or six weeks to come ( see Plate 3 ) . After completing her handiwork she went about the ordinary business of living— eating, sunning, resting, roosting— for several days. She never strayed far from her new headquarters, except for the occasion when she returned the few hundred yards to the edge of the slashing where the old cock grouse lived. As the days wore on it was apparent that a great change was taking place in her body. The region back of the legs became enlarged, and after about a week following nest making, she stayed close by the homesite, finally laying her first egg. After the egg was deposited she carefully covered it with dead leaves. Rarely did she stray from the near vicinity. Successive eggs were laid at intervals of about a day and a half. On one occasion, feeling in an adventurous mood, she barkened to the drum of another cock grouse, and set off to visit him about a quarter mile away near the opposite end of her own woods. This visit added new zest to her exciting new experiences. In a little over two weeks, eleven eggs were laid and the urge subsided. No longer did she have the desire to consort with the cock grouse, no longer did she want to add to the potential family she had already created. Now Biography 35 she wanted to take care of her eggs, to mother them on to hatching. She was broody. Incubation. Although the duty of setting on her clutch for twenty- three or twenty-four long days was bound to be somewhat of an ordeal, her devotion to the job was great enough to overcome any notion of giving up. As the days wore on, her determination to com- plete the incubation, regardless of any dangers that might arise, increased with each slowly passing hour. She had hardly begmi setting when it was apparent that she could not get all eleven eggs snugly close to her body for even warmth. So she plucked the feathers from a large part of her lower abdomen, using the feathers to make a softer lining for the nest, forming a large brood spot that enabled her to cover all the eggs evenly. Early each morning she would leave the nest soon after dawn, being careful to cover the eggs with dead leaves, to get food and exercise. Habitually she went around behind the birch tree and off down the hill. Just as regularly she returned by way of a little draw on the opposite side of the woods trail. Being anxious not to allow the eggs to chill she would take only twenty or thirty minutes for her meal and toilet. And before settling on the eggs once more she would carefully turn each one over. Late each afternoon the young hen again took time oflF from her duties to eat and relax. But apart from these two periods each day, her life was an miending and almost motionless vigil. Life continued as usual all aromid her. The ovenbird and the hermit thrush sang to their mates, who were also incubating nests of eggs among the dead leaves on the ground near by. In the trees above, the black- throated green warblers and the red-eyed vireos sang the whole day long. Squirrels and chipmunks scampered about, scolding at any other creature that came their way. Mice and shrews ran cautiously through the ground litter. Life was good. A feeling of freshness and new vitality was in the air, and it was manifest in the actions of all the woodland folk. When dusk fell, the activity of the day went too. But new creatures were abroad, many of whom she knew instinc- tively were not her friends. Now and then a waddling old skunk would amble by, seemingly not yet fully awake from his long win- ter sleep. And though he occupied himself in digging for grubs and small rodents in tlie humus of the forest floor, she would automati- 36 The Ruffed Grouse cally draw herself in rigidly if he happened to wander near to her abode. In the distance a homed owl hooted, and occasionally she would spy a fox sneaking stealthily along the lumber road. But she knew she was fairly safe if she remained motionless. She had not seen another grouse since she last visited a drum- ming log, and in recent days tlie reassuring drumming of the cock birds had almost ceased. While feeling quite alone, she became more and more anxious for the fateful time when she could leave the woods road with her owti precious little family. As the days became weeks, the dangers seemed to mount. She would often see sharp-shinned hawks darting through the trees, and soaring red-tails high in the sky renting the soft air with their screams. Then, what should come up over the hill along the road but a team of horses with a wagon. A man, queer creature she had never seen before, was on the wagon and a dog ran along beside. As they approached, her nervousness increased and she tightened her feathers against her body. Closer and closer they approached; the dog headed straight for the place where she lay. When it seemed certain that the dog would step on her the next instant, she rose from the nest with a terrific whir of wings and flurry of leaves. Luckily— or by design— the rush of wind behind her drew a flood of leaves which settled over the nest, obscur- ing the eggs from view. The dog was startled, and after turning to chase her a moment, wagged his tail in delight at the excitement and followed his master down the road. The experience was terrifying to the grouse, but she was im- mensely relieved upon returning a half hour later to find her nest all safe. Life became routine again until suddenly, just a bit over three weeks from the time she started incubating, she felt the first little pecking within the eggs. This signal that hatching was only two days off made her all the more anxious, and her mother love for the little chicks that she could not yet see surged to new heights. But her troubles were not yet over for, just as the dawTi of her twenty-third day of setting broke and she was about to go off to forage for a little food, she heard soft footsteps approaching. When it came into view it proved to be a fox. She had seen several foxes before and so she sat tight, as she always had, waiting for it to pass on. But as luck would have it, his course of travel came straight toward her as he wandered off the trail to look for mice, or a rabbit— or a grouse. At the last moment Ijefore the animal would surely grab her she de- Biography 37 cided to make her escape. But reahzing that other hves than her own were now at stake she had to be more resourceful than to merely flush quickly to her own safety. She must also draw the intruder away from her pipping eggs. Jumping off the nest and behind the birch, she ran, lamelike and with wings dragging as though mortally wounded, all the while squealing as if in terrible pain. The fox lunged at her but was just too short, and she kept on with her broken-wing performance. Again and again he sprang upon her and each time she would just barely elude him until finally, having drawn him well away from the nest, she flew away to safety. She remained away for a quarter of an hour —a lifetime it seemed— and then returned home with the greatest of apprehension. But the eggs were there untouched, and they now be- gan to show the chipping of the egg teeth of the chicks. She was lucky— lucky that the particular fox she encountered was not wise to the ways of hen grouse and the nests full of delicious food they sometimes leave behind them. A Family Is Born. The next day dawned bright and warm. This was fortunate, for many early June days are rainy and rain is apt to be lethal to tender young grouselets. All night long the nest had been a iDeehive of activity. The new mother tolerantly and tenderly shifted her weight, first one way and then another, to make room for the hatching chicks. One after another, the ring around the large end of each egg was chipped complete and the dowmy, wet little creature within pushed the cap back to enable it to shove its way free of its prenatal tomb. There was a continual, pathetic sort of peeping— in fact there had been peeping for a couple of days if one were to place his ear close to the eggs to hear it— as the whole family extricated themselves from the shells. Some of the shells got pushed clear out of the nest to make room for the expansion. The mother hovered them carefully for several hours until about noon they had become well dried. She raised herself clear of the nest for the first time since return- ing from the encounter with the fox, the sun shone in on her precious brood, and they first saw the light of day. Stepping just a few inches away, she clucked softly for them to follow. In this, their first lan- guage lesson, the chicks learned quickly for they were aided by a nivsterious and imcrring instinct to react to such sounds. With a 38 The Ruffed Grouse little necessary physical encouragement to a few, all were finally gathered about two feet out of their one and only home. As this was theii- first physical effort, they naturally tired easily; so the mother gathered them into a compact group beneath her sheltering body and hovered them for their first rest. Thus they left their home only a few short hours after birth, never to return. For such is the way of precocial birds. The First Few Weeks Are the Hardest. Birds cannot count very well, and it's probably fortunate they can't. This grouse was no ex- ception to the rule, for ff she had been able to take stock of numbers, she might well have been concerned over the egg that still remained whole in the nest. For some reason, possibly because it had been out at the edge of the clutch for much of the time and was a bit re- tarded from too much chilling, this chick was about a day behind the others in its development. Another dawn and it would have emerged from its shell, possibly as healthy as the rest. But no, it was left to die; deliberately abandoned by a mother who was following blindly those inexorable laws of nature that only the fittest sumve; and the species is what counts, not the individual. Thus, even before it embarked upon its journey into the world, this family had suffered its first casualty. This was only the beginning of unending trials and tribulations destined to reduce the number in the family again and again. With a half hour's brooding, the hen again led her young hopefuls on, away from the homesite that held memories of two narrow es- capes. They went off toward the edge of the little slashing, for there the insects would be especially plentiful and escape cover always close by. Progress was slow and the mother spent anxious and busy minutes keeping her charges from straying too far off, teaching them to obey instructions, and showing them how to catch insects. Every little while she would gather them together for brooding, but each time the space between broodings increased. By dusk they had reached the slashing, having covered the three hundred yards more or less in seven hours. Here they hovered together under their mother's protecting coat of warm feathers for their first night away from home, this time beside a tuft of grasses beneath a low hanging hemlock branch. They were up and away wnth the dawn, searching industriously Biography 39 for insects— almost any kind of crawling or flying insects tliat they could catch; scratching a little in the leaf litter on the ground, pick- ing them off the lowgrowing vegetation, or jumping for them in the air. Eating insects was mainly a question of taking those kinds that were most available and easiest to catch— flies, ants, beetles and many other insects and related forms. Only a few species, such as some lightning bugs ( Lampijridae ) and lady bird beetles ( Coccinel- lidae), are definitely avoided by some birds, apparently due to their offensive taste. While insects and other arthropods constitute almost the entire food of the chicks for a period after hatching, they soon learn to add a little fruit to their diet. A few strawberries and similar early season, soft-bodied fruits are eaten almost from the start. After the morning meal was over the brood hovered for a short time before setting forth again. Straying chicks would call a plaintive "tsee-tsee-tsee-eee" in a rising pitch (Sawyer, 1923). More practice in discipline was then in order, particularly in responding to warning calls of danger, for all giouse soon have to learn ever to be on the alert for the many forms of sudden death that may strike at any time. They quickly learn to scatter and "freeze" among the dead leaves at the first warning signal. It was not long before they had their first opportunity to test their skill in dead earnest. The alert mother spied a shadow darting through the trees in their direction. A quiet, stern "freeze" signal, a sort of low "pe-e-e-e-e-u-u-r-r-r" (Sawyer, 1923) was quickly given and the whole family squatted motionless instantly. It was too late. The female sharp-shin had spotted some movement and she plied her speed and dove earthward in what seemed to be a suicide plunge. As soon as the grouse mother realized that the attack was on she gave the violent scatter call, and herself flushed in a broken-wing act in an attempt to draw the accipiter from her young ones. But the hawk had concentrated its whole attention on the one chick whose movement it had first seen and the kill was made with little trouble. During the excitement the others had made good their escape and were perfectly concealed in the ground litter in a space about thirty feet across while the mother hung near by continuing her keep quiet instructions wdth mewing squeals and sharp "quit-quit" clucks. By this time the hawk had carried its prey to its habitual butchering log where it picked the little grouse before taking it to its young in their nest high in a near-by hemlock. 40 The Ruffed Grouse When the danger appeared to be past the grouse hen returned to their midst and gave the all-clear signal, a low "puk-puk-puk." In- stantly, as if by magic, nine little fluffy brown chicks arose from their shelter and, peeping joyously, quickly gathered beside their mother. Off they went at a quickened pace, with no thought on the part of the parent to check to see ff all were present. She had her family safe through the first skirmish and she was both thankful and anxious to put distance between them and the source of their trouble. That day and the next they traveled across their home woodland to the edge along the fields that sloped down to the farm home in the valley below. Lots of shrubs and briars grew along this margin, and it provided both plenty of food, many tangles and small hemlock clumps for escape shelter. On the way over, during one of their for- aging periods when the chicks had spread quite widely, one little fellow strayed beyond the mother s call. When it realized its predica- ment it cheeped wildly and pathetically, running first this way and then that, in an effort to locate the brood. That night it had no warm mother's breast to keep it warm, and nowhere near enough feathers of its own yet to do the job. So passed the third member of the origi- nal eleven. In but a few hours its tiny carcass disappeared into the ground as the scavenger beetles dug beneath to lower it to their ad- vantage. A week passed. The weather had been very kind, there having been only one light shower one afternoon. The chicks easily kept dry during that time beneath their mother's wings and breast. Several times predators had been sighted but attack had been avoided by freezing. The wing-flight feathers were developing rapidly and the chicks were enjoying a new half -running, half-flying type of exercise. By the middle of June, at twelve days of age, they could actually fly twenty or thirty feet if an occasion warranted real exertion. Life Without Father. The wind began to whine through the tops of the near-by hemlocks. It was still several hours before dawn, and the brood were hovered under the edge of a briar and grape thicket along the woodland border. In the distance flashes of lightning were visible and the far-off rumble of thunder gave warning of the ap- proach of a storm. It was not long in arriving. The wind whipped the trees savagely as the rain came down in sheets. The temperature had dropped to the vicinity of the lower fifties Fahrenheit. Such a turn Biography 41 of the weather is very dangerous to young grouse during the early weeks of their Hves. A single wet chilling, if not followed soon by a warm sunning, is apt to be fatal. In violent storms like this some chicks may be seriously soaked and chilled in spite of the hen's best efforts. Any abnormal exposure would lead to almost certain trouble. It was calamitous that upon such an occasion a water-soaked old skunk, caught away from his den by the storm, blundered through this particular thicket on his way home and scattered the grouse family. As quickly as possible the mother recalled her chicks and hovered them again, but the damage was done. Although the day came along bright and cheerful, three of the family failed to respond to the breakfast call. If they had been picked up by a man and taken to a game pathologist for autopsy, his report would probably read "cause of death unknown." It was soon after the encounter with the storm that proved so dis- astrous that the family met another grouse, an old cock bird. This was the first of their kind other than their mother that the chicks had ever seen. The hen had not encountered another grouse since her last visit to a drumming log before starting incubation. The chicks stayed close to the mother's side, for they were not quite certain whether the newcomer was friend or foe. The cock bird, for his part, was completely nonchalant, paying scant attention. Soon the family were on their way, the male bird following a short distance behind for a few minutes, and then disappearing. He might have been their father ( or one of their fathers ) but if so he showed no paternal in- terest or sense of duty. While famed for his magnificent courtship, the male grouse is not a good parent. Among hundreds of grouse broods observed, only about one in fifteen had the benefit of a father's presence near by, and it is doubtful if many of these asso- ciations were anything but accidental. Further, it is probable that most of the relationships of male to the brood did not involve the actual father anyway. There is little inclination on the part of the male bird to associate with the brood at any time, but what solici- tude does exist is stronger during the early weeks than during the last half of the summer. About one in ten broods up to six weeks of age are likely to be found vdth a male adult near by (within two hundred feet), whereas with older broods the ratio is only about five per cent. Each day that the ground was dry considerable time was spent in 42 The Ruffed Grouse taking dust baths. Following their mother's example, each chick would wiggle and scratch a little hollow in the dry dust of an open spot or rotted wood of an old log, whichever was most convenient at the time ( see Plate 2C ) . They would lie in their bath, first on the belly, then one side, then the other, all the while scratching and rub- bing dust with the feathers. Among them all, they kicked up quite a smoke screen. Dusting was a regular and necessary event. When handy they would use the same baths over again. It serves primarily to stimu- late proper growth of the feathers, although it may help to get rid of external parasites too. The little grouse grew rapidly. At three weeks they had become proficient flyers; at four weeks the feather coat was well enough de- veloped to make hovering by the mother no longer necessary under average conditions. By six weeks the full juvenile plumage was at- tained, and the young grouse looked very much like miniature repli- cas of the adult. By this time the family was spending its nights roost- ing in trees, usually hemlocks or other evergreens. It had experienced many critical moments when natural enemies or the elements had threatened, but no additional casualties had resulted. Every one of the five remaining youngsters was now very proficient in making its escape from running or flying predators, and had grown hardy to the vicissitudes of the weather. But they still depended very much on the mother for leadership and warnings of danger. Revolt in the Ranks. Almost as soon as the youngsters had left the nest, family squabbles began. The assertion of physical superiority, or at least equality, is a prime essential for successful survival in a grouse family or group. Often the affirmation of strength led to fights, but more often a chick would satisfy his ego by strutting to amuse or antagonize his brethren. Always the mother bird main- tained control over these trivialities, though this control became more difficult as the chicks grew older. As the summer progressed to the dog days of late July and August, a surging of insubordination was noticeable on the part of the chicks. They were now half grown and were beginning to feel a need for freedom, and resented parental control. They would stray quite far apart in foraging for raspber- ries and the other summer fruits which now furnished a good pro- portion of their diet. They would fly off, chasing each other as their Biography 43 rivalries became increasingly belligerent. In spite of the sometimes frantic orders from the mother, they would not heed her warning of impending dangers. So it was natural that the probability of addi- tional mortality in the family would rise at this time. One day a Cooper's hawk sat waiting on its perch in a dead chest- nut tree as two chicks raced recklessly up the near-by draw. In a flash the hawk plummeted earthward as they approached and with a quick sideward surge grasped the second of the chicks. Thus the family was reduced to four youngsters— only thirty-six per cent of the number in the little nest at the base of the birch tree two months before. The Family Grows Up with a Change of Clothes. The youngsters soon learned the dangers of independence and became more alert to observe dangers for themselves. Mother was more cautious than ever now because she was losing feathers and flight was not as pow- erful or accurate as usual. In the course of a few weeks she com- pleted her moult and had a full new set of feathers. No longer were her tail and wing feathers ragged at the tips; every one was as fresh as a new leaf in the spring. Before she was through with her moult, the chicks began losing their juvenile plumage. By mid-September their first adult plumage was almost complete and they could hardly be distinguished from the mother. Two of them had very rufous tails, one was mottled rufous and gray like the mother, the fourth proved to be a gray-phase bird. The family allegiance became very loose, and the mother no longer concerned herself with her children's safety. It was every one for himself now, and they were found by themselves as often as they were together. Crazy Flight and the Fall Shuffle. As the calendar turned to Octo- ber, there was a new tang in the air. Many new fruits were ripen- ing so that the grouse were to be found along woodland edges, in brush lots and even out along hedge-rows where the hawthorns, dogwoods, viburnums and other preferred fall foods were to be found. The youngsters attained their sexual maturity with an ac- companying resurgence of quarreling, more vicious than ever be- fore. Now when one of the brood was chased by another the victim was not likely to return. There was a definite antagonism on the part of most of the birds for all other giouse. It was not exactly an exhibition of territorial behavior as in the spring, but operated simi- 44 The Ruffed Grouse larly and arose from similar physiological causes. This dispersal of the family groups is called the fall shuffle. When a bird is driven from its family group it seeks its lebensraum (living room) elsewhere. However, it may soon encounter another grouse or brood of grouse, and is then more than ever likely to be driven out again. With each failure to find a fall territory it can de- fend, the bird becomes more nervous, and more desperate as a re- sult of its growing inferiority complex. It is alone in a strange and unfriendly world for the first time. Although it was brought up in an area of only forty or fifty acres and had never traveled over a half mile before, it may now find itself many miles from its summer home. Under such circumstances, a grouse often will fly far out of its normal coverts and many times come to a sudden end by flying into obstacles such as buildings.^ This phenomenon has been termed crazy flight. Various explanations have been given for these actions, such as a nervousness brought on by the leaves falling, or irritation caused by internal parasites. While the falling of the leaves may well add to the nervousness of the birds, the crazy flight is merely an aberration of the normal fall shuffle— a social phenomenon that likely occurs with most sedentary species of birds and is well known in the bob- white quail. A-Hunting We Must Go. If we may assume that the young grouse in our biography did not reside on a survey area of some ruffed grouse study, it is quite probable that they have never encountered that most formidable of adversaries, man, up to this time— mid- October. Then comes a day, according to the calendar and the laws of the state, when the status of the grouse changes from a protected bird to fair game: the hunters, who have been chafing in their anxiety for weeks, swarm over fields and woods as the hand of the clock passes the fateful point. Since our grouse famfly has now dispersed into four different coverts, with only two of them remaining together, we find it con- venient to continue the life story through the experiences of only ^ These escapades often result in human interest stories; for example, the March 27, 1942, issue of The Boston Herald headlined: "Shipyard Worker Keeps Bird Fly- ing," then recounted: "The supper which William Catterall, Fall River shipyard worker, was enjoying . . . last night, was interrupted when a grouse entered the kitchen amid a shower of broken glass. Catterall, unperturbed, patched the bird's cuts . . . and released it. . . ." Biography 45 a part of them. Let us take the two that have remained together —the mother and one young one. Not far down the hill from their home woodland toward the farm in the \ alley below, was an old apple orchard. Between it and the woods ran an overgrown fence-row, with gray dogwood, wild apple, thomapple, black cherry and wild grape growing in tangled pro- fusion. This was just the place for the grouse to be feeding this crisp, sunny October morning— either along the woods edge, in the or- chard, or in the hedge-row between. An experienced grouse hunter would recognize this almost as well as a grouse. So it was not sur- prising when two hunters, well bedecked in their red plaid hunting garments, came up the hill from the farm, straight toward the or- chard. Three beats across the orchard convinced them that no grouse were there. One of the hunters was particularly slow and deliberate, examining carefully each likely bit of cover for fresh sign. They turned up the hill again, one on each side of the hedge-row, working carefully towards the woods. Just about fifty feet along the fence-row was a clump of thorn- apple loaded with fruit, and it was here that the two grouse had been feeding. They saw the two tall creatures coming and, true to their in- stincts and experience, crouched motionless on the ground until they should go away. But these were not ordinary adversaries. Just as they were about to pass the birds, one of the men gave a kick at the low-hanging thorn branches. With a terrific whir of wings, the startled birds burst into the air. Swinging out of the obstructing hedge-row on the side opposite the hunter who had flushed them, they made a splendid shot for his companion. The gun blazed twice, and one of the birds crumpled to the ground. The other, having ex- perienced one hunting season before, had cut sharply back to the top of the hedge and on into the woods just at the critical moment, causing the shot to go wild. She flew far out of sight into the woods, coming to rest high in a clump of protecting hemlocks. From past experience, this was the safest place to avoid a repetition of the death-dealing flight of lead. With each escape from the hunters' bullets the grouse becomes more wary and more able to make a successful getaway. This ability to dodge shot and baffle hunters has been developed in a relatively short time. Wilderness grouse even today sometimes exhibit the fool-hen characteristics that most grouse possessed when the white 46 The Ruffed Grouse men first introduced them to guns. But in coverts frequented by man, the grouse is well able to hold its own, given reasonable laws, good cover, and not too great a hunting pressure. Its ability to change direction in flight, to put trees between itself and the hunter, to outwit the hunter by flushing behind him are some of the char- acteristics that endear the grouse to millions of sportsmen and earn it the title "king of the game birds." The four remaining grouse of our original brood, each in its own covert, met and evaded many hunters during the remainder of the open season. As the hunters' guns became a memory the season rap- idly changed, and with it the coverts changed too. The leaves fell from all but the evergreens, making the hardwood areas quite bare of cover. The berries on most of the fruit-bearing trees and bushes were dropping rapidly, and although much fruit remained avaflable, the birds' diet included more and more of tender buds; insects were practically gone now. Winter Comes. As the wind swung around to the northwest and the skies assumed a leaden color, the temperature dropped below freez- ing and snow began to fill the air. There had been a few snow flur- ries earlier in tlie fall but this tiine it looked Iflce more serious busi- ness. Winter had come. To many grouse this meant a change in their habitual coverts, a move to the shelter of the coniferous woodland. The hen bird returned to the hemlock ravine where she had spent the previous winter. Several other grouse had settled there too, and they banded together much of the time to form a covey. Gone was the antagonism of the early fall; no longer did each bird look upon the others as competitors. They settled down for the winter in an area particularly adapted for winter use; and since such areas were not over plentiful or too large, it was somewhat of a necessity for them to get along together if many were to survive. Snow-Roosting. The birds roosted mainly in the thick hemlocks but sometimes, when the nights were bitter cold and the wind high, they would roost in the deep snow. If it were snowing at the time, a bird might simply squat deeply into the snow and then al- low the weather to cover it up. On other occasions they would dive into a deep snowbank from the air. If the weather stayed bad, they might remain in a snow roost for several days. Occasionally it is reported that grouse are trapped in snow roosts by a quick freezing Biography 47 crust but this I have never observed. Knowing the abihty of the bird to go without food for days on end, it is doubtful if this is ever a very serious matter, although it is possible that it may actually happen. Snow roosts do make the birds quite vulnerable to attack, espe- cially by foxes. There is always a little breather hole from the birds' heads to the outside of the snow that is often easy to spot. Grouse tracks that end in a slight mound of snow are a sure indication of the birds' exact position. Even a man, if he is skillful, can catch the birds by hand under these conditions. There is good evidence that some foxes learn to catch on to these signs too. The proportion of winter roosting beneath the snow varies in dif- ferent years and also with the period of the winter. Winters with little snow will prevent the use of snow roosts to a considerable ex- tent, but other than this limitation of opportunity the degree of snow-roosting depends upon the prevalence of abnormally severe weather, low temperatures and high winds. The first severe storms of the season always induce more snow-roosting than later ones. This appears to be due to the relatively greater change from late fall weather, whereas in the later storms the change in conditions is not as marked and the birds have then become accustomed to the hibernal extremes. Gregariousness. The ruffed grouse is not a gregarious bird in the full sense of the word: living in flocks. However, it does exhibit vary- ing degrees of cohabitation with those of its kind. It has already been noted that in the early spring there is a shuffle from the winter groupings to the male and female breeding territories. Thus, in the spring there is an almost complete loss of the gregarious tendency. We have noted two females nesting concurrently within fifty feet of each other on occasion. Two females occasionally lay in the same nest although, so far as we have been able to ascertain, only one bird does the incubating. Aside from these definitely abnormal as- sociations, we may say that the species is solitary throughout the spring period. During the summer two males are quite often found together, or a male and female that has no brood. It has already been noted that a male is occasionally found associating with a brood, although this is hardly an example of flocking. Several cases were observed of 48 The Ruffed Grouse two grouse broods consociating but most of these were not regular associations. In one case two broods stayed togetlier throughout the summer. This seems to have been a true example of brood communism. It is interesting to recall the clear distinctness of the brood identi- ties in these associations. Upon one occasion of making a brood count, the observers were confused both by a poor count and an ap- parent extra female. One of the observers climbed a tree to await the regathering of the family (the chicks could not fly yet) while the other observers proceeded on out of sight. Soon one female reap- peared and, finding the danger past, called her brood from the sur- rounding vegetation. Out they trooped in perfect order, assembled their skirmish line, and off they went. A few moments later the second hen returned and she too called out her brood. From the same terrain as the first appeared another whole family with just as un- erring discipline, and they trooped off in another direction. It was clear that, even though only a week old, these chicks knew the call of their own mother as compared to other grouse and responded only to her. On some occasions, usually with birds just after hatching, there does occur some confusion in brood reassembling. The groups of grouse that are occasionally found together during the fall are usually the remnants of a family and hence are not gre- garious. But the regrouping of birds in the late fall and winter is the one strong period of communal activity they have. The usual groups run from three to six birds, the commonest numbers being in order from the lowest. Groups of from seven up to twelve or fourteen or even more are occasionally encountered, but not commonly. The period of greatest group activity is late fall to February. In late Feb- ruary and March the groups begin to break up to seek out their spring territories. The Annual Wheel of Fortune Is Completed. When last we left the grouse family, one of the young ones had fallen before a hunter's gun. There were left only four, the mother and three offspring, each in a different area of coverts. If we may add an adult male to make the full complement of our original reproductive unit, we have now carried five of the original thirteen into the winter. We have shovm some of the problems faced by them as a result of the change of seasons. Now we may see what happens to these five birds as the Biography 49 winter progresses and the story returns to the time of beginning, early spring. With each change of season the cover types used have shifted, and likewise the food habits are altered. As fall gave way to winter, the diet gradually changed from a predominance of fruits to a pre- dominance of buds. Throughout the winter some fruit is eaten, an occasional insect and a little green leaf material. But the fare is largely buds, mostly those of trees found in association with the conifers or near by— birches, hophornbeam, soft maple, popple, cherry, and others. Traveling through the woods in winter one can readily understand why the grouse resort to budding, for food in other forms is mighty scarce indeed. Yet they are very skillful in locating available fruit. Even with a deep blanket of snow on the ground, grouse will find a few cherries, dogwood fruits, and similar fare when ordinary man is entirely unable to find them. Food is not usually an important factor in limiting or reducing winter grouse numbers in coverts that are otherwise satisfactory. Shelter is very often a delimiting factor, according to the extent, type, and distribution of coniferous types and dense slashings. The winter season does bring on problems of survival in relation to the elements and to predators. While it is rare for ruffed grouse to be killed directly by freezing or exposure, the rigors of the season do increase their vulnerability to predation. Snow-roosting, the lack of protecting leaves on deciduous plants, telltale tracks in the snow, the bare snow ground cover, all contribute to this problem. Toward the end of the winter the arrival of the courtship activities greatly increases the danger of predation. So it was that in February one of our five grouse was picked out of a snow roost by a fox and early in March another was taken from its tree perch in the dead of night by a great horned owl. The three remaining birds, one the old male, the other two a young male and a young female, left the shelter of their hemlock winter homes to locate new homes for the spring. The old male reestablished his ter- ritory of the previous year and once more boomed his defiance of the rest of the grouse world from his favorite drumming log. The young female set forth to find a suitable nesting territory from which she could seek out desirable males for mating. Possibly she would return to the part of the woodland where she was bom, now left vacant by her mother's death. 50 The Ruffed Grouse Her brother ( or half brother ) also looked for an opportune drum- ming territory. Several times he was challenged by other males whose established territory he invaded and each time moved on until he finally located a desirable log that no other grouse immedi- ately claimed. This he successfully defended against later comers and displayed his superiority with all the vigor and arrogance of his father before him. One dawai while he drummed his challenge to the world and paraded his wares on his mossy stage, a little thin, mottled brown and white, hunchbacked animal crept slowly toward him through the near-by hemlocks. The weasel was unappreciative of the fine points of the grouse's art; to it this creature was just an- other opportunity for a full belly. With a final spring from behind the log the weasel sank its teeth into the grouse's neck. A hectic stmggle among flying feathers lasted but a few minutes. As we complete the wheel of fortune of our grouse for the year, we note that of thirteen grouse early in June— a father, mother, and eleven youngsters— only two remain, a male and a female. Thus, al- though eighty-five per cent of the birds have succumbed, we have as many as we started with. The species carries on as plentiful as before. What more can we ask? In recounting the biography of a grouse family around the seasons, I have attempted to cover the life history and habits of the species. Inevitably there would be some items that would not fit easily into this story. These are given below in several subheadings. Territory. The term territory has been used several times, and in two different senses. In connection with the breeding season the male bird establishes an area centering around his favorite drum- ming log, from which he will drive out all other grouse. Thus he considers this his own backyard and, except for the reception of females when he is in the mating cycle, will permit no competition therein from his ov^ai species. Nice (1941) calls this the "mating station only" type of territory, one of six types recognized. The size of this territory is difficult to ascertain and undoubtedly varies greatly, depending upon the population density and the character- istics of the habitat. The maximum average size may be derived by dividing the available covert area by the number of male terri- tories. This is no doubt too large for a true average, since much of the area, and notably the nesting localities, are often not frequented Biography 51 by the male birds. Observations show these maximum averages in various coverts to run from about ten to over a hundred acres. Cer- tainly no male bird ever tried to defend a hundred-acre territory, but what the limits of a bird's ambition would be when given full freedom to take as much territory as he wished is a matter of con- jecture. Also, some males have gotten along with considerably less than ten acres. It is my judgment that when the spacing of male territories is such that less than twenty acres are available to each bird, the pressure between them becomes continuously active. The second concept of territory is that area that an individual, or a brood, or a group, requires and uses in its year-round or seasonal activity. There is less connotation of conflict or of exclusive rights in this type of territory, although at times conflict does occur. The fall shuffle is the main occasion for this type of territorial activity. Evidence is that an average of four acres per bird is the minimum requirement. It will be noted that this figure corresponds to maxi- mum cariying capacity ( saturation point ) and roughly corresponds to the minimum average figure for male spring territories ( ten acres —or five per giouse if sexes were equally divided). This type of territory establishment does not mean a separation of area for each bird or group; rather it is the area utilized by them as a unit and only during the fall shuffle may it result in the exclusion of other birds from overlapping. An average of eight acres per bird for a group of six would indicate a forty-eight-acre territory for that season. Territory on the part of the brood is simply the area they cover during the summer. No interbrood conflict is involved and terri- tories often overlap— even occasionally are practically concurrent. The area required to raise a brood also varies— generally twenty to forty acres is utilized. Cases have been observed of broods living the entire summer in an area of about ten acres while other cases have involved in excess of a hundred acres. The latter cases are usually the result of abnormal movements resulting from disturbance. Daily and Seasonal Range. The spring range of the male corre- sponds to his territory, while the sum of the seasonal ranges of all grouse add up to their yearly territory. However, seasonal ranges vary considerably. The spring range of the female, during egg lay- ing and incubation is very restricted, often as little as three or four 52 The RufiFed Grouse acres, with travels of only one or two hundred yards, except for occasional longer trips to a drumming log. During the summer the range of the female covers the same territory as the brood, often extending half a mile or more, while males and broodless females are more restricted, often remaining within ten acres or less and travel- ing only two or three hundred yards in distance. During the fall the greatest distances are traveled. Extremes are almost always birds of the year seeking new territories. Distances ex- ceeding two miles are not uncommon, and fairly authentic records have been made of birds traveling up to twenty-two miles. Terri- tories are large and daily travels are greater than at any other time. When winter arrives the territory is more restricted. Except for occasional warm, sunny days when they may wander afield in search of berries, they remain close to the winter shelter areas. Two or three hundred yards would be a normal range on an active day and it would not greatly exceed this for the season. Daily range also varies widely, with the season, the weather, and the type of activity. Normally, the day's travels consume only one to three hundred yards, but if flushed and reflushed the bird may extend to a half mile or more. Occasionally a single flight wfll carry them a quarter of a mile. Females nesting far from a drumming male travel up to half a mile on their visits for mating. Year around range normally adds up to about three-quarters of a mile, outside measurements. Characteristics of Flight. Having short, rounded wings and power- ful muscles for rapid wing movement, the grouse is a powerful and accurate flyer. Its ability to dodge obstacles and change its course at full speed are famed. However, its accuracy in flight is sometimes exceeded by its recklessness. A grouse flushed at night will often fly off as quickly as if it were daytime, unmindful of the branches hit along the way. Occasionally one hits a tree, fence or other obstacle and closes its career with a broken neck. Probably the most marked characteristic of the grouse's flight in the mind of the average observer is the whirring, sometimes terrify- ing noise that accompanies it. Springing from the ground near by, it puts all its power into a quick getaway with the resulting loud whir. Even the most experienced woodsman wfll on occasion be so taken unawares by a grouse as to be scared nearly out of his wits. Biography 53 Few people have the opportunity of observing an unflushed grouse taking flight at its leisure. When it takes the time to do so it can fly as silently as an owl. Duration of flight varies but never very greatly. Assuming that it may make its own choice of satisfactory cover to alight in, the av- erage flight from flushing is between three hundred and six hun- dred feet. Flights made for its own purposes usually are shorter. If the same bird is flushed about three or four times in quick succes- sion it can be picked up by hand, exhausted. About half a mile is the limit of power flight (not counting long coasting) without recupera- tion of the muscles. Speed of flight varies with the cover. In woodland with an average number of trees to dodge, it will be from thirty to forty-five miles per hour according to the strength of the bird, its anxiety to escape, and the amount of dodging required. In the open it can fly con- siderably faster. I timed one bird across an open field, using a stop watch, at fifty-one miles per hour, measured from the time it left the ground on one side of the field to the time it entered the woods o on the other. Relation of Nest Location to Drumming Logs. The positional re- lation of a female nesting site to the nearest active drumming log is normally negative. If the female has a definite thought in select- ing her nest site with regard to the location of the male it is to get the nest as far away from him as practical. I have observed one drumming log fifteen feet from a nest but I was unable to check whether or not the log was used after the nest was made. Allen ( 1934 ) says that the distance between log and nest is sometimes as low as fifty feet and sometimes as far as half to three-quarters of a mile. The closest I have observed both nest and log in use at once was seventy-five feet. In this case these two birds habitually roosted in a hemlock tree over the dmmming log prior to the incubation period. This is not usual, however. In numerous cases nests have been observed half a mile from the nearest known drumming log in areas where we believed we knew the location of all active logs. The average distance is approxi- mately one-quarter mile. Nest Desertion and Renesting. Desertion of the nest is rare in the ruffed grouse. The few cases observed that appeared to be deser- 54 The Ruffed Grouse tion (as contrasted to the cases where the hen is killed away from the nest) have all been in the early stages of incubation or before egg- laying was completed. It is rarely possible conclusively to prove willful desertion since it is usually conceivable that the hen may have been killed and her remains not located. It is true, however, that the will to stay with a nest is weakest at the beginning and strengthens rapidly. It never is absolutely complete. If the setting bird is disturbed enough she may desert at any time. In oiu experi- ence in trapping and marking setting females about a week before hatching time about one bud in twenty would not return to the nest after release. Renesting is the building of a new nest and laying of a second clutch of eggs after the first nest has been destroyed. If the nest is broken up before two weeks of incubation the probability of renest- ing is fairly good. If the nest is broken up after two weeks of incu- bation, and most destroyed nests are, there is practically no possi- bility of a second nest. This is due to the loss of the urge to breed so late, by both sexes. Explamed in terms of the sex rhythm, the probability of both hen and cock reaching the mating stage of the sexual cycle together after about the third week of May is almost none. Second nests that are made following early season nest losses are always in a new location, have fewer eggs than first nests and a higher proportion of infertility. In most cases the later the second nesting, the smaller will be the clutch, and the higher the number of infertile eggs. Dust Bathing. Dust bathing by the brood has already been dis- cussed. This practice is just as necessary for the adults as it is for the chicks, for it seems to be a requisite for proper maintenance of the feather coat as well as for normal feather growth. Grouse grown or held in captivity without benefit of dusting facilities usually develop a ragged coat. Dusting is done mostly from spring to fall with the greatest activity in the summer. Little dusting is done in the winter for lack of opportunity, but if the ground allows them to do so they will dust all year round. The increase in dust bathing in the summer lends weight to the supplementary theory of need for elimination of ectoparasites, although whether this is a primary reason for dusting is doubtful. The same bath is used repeatedly although one bird may have several in different places. Biography 55 Relations of Grouse to Other Animals. Except for those animals that are recognized as enemies, grouse pay little attention to their woodland cousins. Other birds, as well as the small rodents and in- sectivores are taken for granted most of the time. Occasionally if a squirrel or chipmunk comes too close to a brood of young chicks the mother will drive off the intruder with a whirlwind attack. Some- times jays will scold at grouse, apparently for theii- own amusement. Ring-necked pheasants will occasionally parasitize a grouse nest (see Plate 5C). Grouse select their nest sites without regard for nests of other species. They occasionally will flaunt danger and locate the nest in the vicinity of an enemy. We watched one hen bring off a clutch successfully within fifty feet of an active red fox den. The fox pups had played within ten feet of the nest as evidenced by the "toys" (uneaten animal remains such as a bone or a piece of fur) left there. Another bud nested successfully almost beneath a sharp-shinned hawk's nest. Generally, however, they pay healthy respect to those creatures that they instinctively know to be dangerous. Adaptability to Changing Environment. That the grouse is to be found within a few miles of New York City and is scattered in fair abundance throughout most of the highly populated northeastern states is a tribute to its ability to adapt itself to changing conditions. There is little question but tliat certain environmental conditions combine to make optimum survival of the species. But there is hardly a single one, or gioup, of tliese conditions that the bird cannot circumvent to maintain itself in reasonable numbers. In coverts throughout its range, it is constantly facing changes: lumbering, forest fires, gi-azing, changes in populations of predators and buffer species, in unending variety and combination. Grouse populations may go down as a result of changes in environment, in some ex- tremes they are even extirpated, but as time wears on the species adapts itself and continues with surprising versatility. Adaptability to Artificial Propagation. The story of man's attempts to raise ruffed grouse in captivity is even older than the profession of game breeding itself in America. As early as 1750 Bartram (In PhU. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, 1754) wrote a friend in England to the effect that the ruffed grouse could not be tamed or raised under hens. For over 150 years every other attempt met with the same 56 The Ruffed Grouse quick failure. The first faint hope of ultimate success came in 1903 when Professor Hodge of Massachusetts's Clark University suc- ceeded in maturing several grouse from wild eggs. Two years later he passed another milestone with hatching of the first grouse from captivity-raised parents. From that time until 1916 Merrill and Tor- rey successively carried on the grouse raising experiments for the state of Massachusetts that Hodge had begun as a hobby. They proved conclusively the futility of trying to use wild-caught breed- ing stock; they succeeded in raising the first second-generation grouse, but finally became discouraged and released the seventeen birds remaining in the spring of 1916. In 1912 the American Game Protective Association became inter- ested in the problem and engaged Torrey to do their experiments. After he moved to the Massachusetts state game farm in 1914, the as- sociation encouraged other experiments. These, however, added lit- tle to the knowledge of the subject. In 1919 they persuaded Allen ( 1929 ) of Cornell to try his hand at the problem. Thus began the era of scientific fact finding in game breeding. In twelve years of alter- nating hope and despair, Allen proved that grouse could be raised in captivity with some success in small numbers. It was he who took the birds off the ground, placing them in wire-bottomed pens, thus partially solving the disease problem.^ Allen uncovered the primary essentials of a breeding technique with the captive hens and cocks, so essential in obtaining a high fertility ratio and in preventing ex- cessive mortality. And in many other aspects of grouse propagation, Allen developed the first satisfactory techniques. In 1931, Bump took up the problem in connection with the New York Grouse Investigation and for several years Allen and Bump worked cooperatively, with Allen pursuing further definite research problems and Bump attempting to develop methods for practical large-scale propagation. In the ten years of work with grouse propa- gation. Bump raised nearly 2,000 grouse, including birds of the tenth generation. However, in spite of continually improving meth- ods and a growing knowledge of the requirements of the species, grouse propagation is still not economical, dependable, or practical for restocking purposes. The vital problems that still must be solved before the raising of ^ Other breeders, with other species, developed the wire floor technique inde- pendently at about the same time. Biography 57 grouse becomes a routine success are: increase in number of eggs laid by breeders ( 10.5 to 16.9 average per hen ) ; ' reduction of inf er- tihty in eggs (27.8 to 61.9 per cent a year); ^ increase in hatchability of fertile eggs ( 58.3 to 87.5 per cent ) ; ^ increase in survival of hatched chicks (16.2 to 37.7 per cent).' In the latter case, the high mortality occurs mainly during the first two weeks after hatching. There is little question that these problems will be solved in due time, but it will likely take many more years. The difficulties in pro- ducing grouse in confinement are to a considerable extent due to the relative unadaptability of the species to artificial propagation. The exacting conditions of the oestrus cycle, the vicious nature of the bird when not in the proper physiological condition for mating, its susceptibility to diseases and parasites of many kinds, and the natural fitness of the digestive system for insects almost exclusively in the early weeks of life, all contribute to make the grouse a difficult species to rear. On the other hand, the bird is very tractable in cap- tivity, even more tame than the pheasant or bobwhite. It is poten- tially able to lay many eggs; one female examined during the egg-laying period proved to have 177 eggs visible to the naked eye, from pinhead size to one ready for laying. In spite of its tameness in captivity, man-reared grouse readily revert to natural wildness when released in good coverts. The ma- jority of game farm grouse restocked in New York became normally wild within a week after release. Some individuals do not lose their affinity for man so readily, however. I recall one bird in particular that ran up to greet a man as if he were a long lost brother, this in a woodland fairly remote from human habitation and about a month after the bird had been released. Farm-reared birds appear to have little trouble in shifting from captivity food over to their natural diet but do experience consider- able difficulty in avoiding predator attack. Probably this is as much due to unfamiliarity with the habitat as with a lack of wariness or ability. 1 These figures are taken from N. Y. S. Cons. Dept. Ann. Reports for the five-year period prior to 1941. 58 The Ruffed Grouse REFERENCES AND CITATION SOURCES FOR THE LIFE STORY OF THE RUFFED GROUSE (including general references on the species) Allen, A. A. Ten Years Experiments in the Rearing of the RuflFed Grouse in Cap- tivity, Trans. 16th Am. Game Gonf., 1929. . Sex Rhythm in the Ruffed Grouse and Other Birds, Auk, Vol. LI, No. 2, April, 1934. Breeding Season Behavior of the RuflFed Grouse, Trans. 20th Am. Game Conf., 1934. Allen, A. A., and Gross, A. O. Report of the RuflFed Grouse Investigation, Season of 1925-1926, Am. Game, Oct., 1926. Anonymous. U. S. Gazette of Nov. 18, 1832, as reprinted in Pennsylvania Game News, Feb., 1933. Bendire, C. Life Histories of North American Birds, Smithsonian Gontrib. to Knowl. XXVIII, 1892. Bent, A. C. Life Histories of North American Gallinaceous Birds, U. S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 162, 1927. Bump, Gardiner. RuflFed Grouse Studies, Trans. 17th Am. Game Gonf., 1930. . Roughing It with the Ruffed Grouse, American Forests, July, 1931. . The New York Ruffed Grouse Survey, Trans. 19th Am. Game Gonf., 1932. Ruffed Grouse in New York State During the Period of Maximum Abundance, Trans. 21st Am. Game Gonf., 1935. Clarke, C. H. D. Fluctuations in Numbers of Ruffed Grouse, Univ. of Toronto Studies No. 41, Biol. Series, Univ. of Toronto, 1936. Darling, F. F. Bird Flocks and the Breeding Cycle, 1938. Dwight, J., Jr. The Moult of North American Tetraonidae, Auk, Vol. XVII, April, 1900. Eaton, E. H. The Birds of New York, 1910. Edminster, F. C, Darrow, R., and Bump, G. The First Fifteen Months of the New York State Ruffed Grouse Investigation, Trans. 18th Am. Game Conf., 1931. Fisher, L. W. Studies of the Eastern Ruffed Grouse in Michigan, Tech. Bul- letin 106, Mich. State Coll., June, 1939. Forbush, E. H. Game Birds, Wild Fowl and Shore Birds of Mass. and Adj. States, 1916. . Birds of Massachusetts and Other New England States, Vol. II, 1929. Gross, A. O. Annual Report of New England Ruffed Grouse Investigation, 1928. . Same for 1929, 1930, and 1931. . The New England Ruffed Grouse and Wisconsin Prairie Chicken In- vestigation, Trans. 17th Am. Game Conf., 1930. . Ruffed Grouse and Prairie Chicken, Trans. 18th Am. Game Conf., 1931. Biography 59 King, R. T. Ruffed Grouse Management, Joum. Forestry, Vol. XXXV, No. 6, June, 1937. Mathews, F. S. Field Book of Wild Birds and Their Music, 1904. Nice, Margaret Morse. The Role of Territory in Bird Life, Am. Midland Natu- ralist, Vol. 26, No. 3, Nov., 1941. Reese, Staber W. Mr. Grouse Goes a Courtin', Wise. Cons. Bull., Vol. VII, No. 7, July, 1942. Sawyer, E. J. The Ruffed Grouse with Special Reference to Its Drumming, Roosevelt Wildlife Bull., Vol. I, No. 3, 1923. Smyth, Thomas. Studies in the Life History of the Ruffed Grouse, Ph.D. the- sis Cornell University, 1925. . Sexual Dimorphism in Bonasa timhclhis, Proc. Pa. Acad. Sci. 13:62-67, 1939. Stoddart, A. M. Ruffed Grouse in New York State, 1918. Studholme, A. H. Ruffed Grouse Environment in the Scrub Oak-Pitch Pine Forest Type, M.S. thesis, Penna. State College, June, 1941. Woodruff, E. S. The Ruffed Grouse, A Study of the Causes of Its Scarcity in 1907, 1908. 4 Shelter TYPES OF GROUSE RANGE Grouse range, in its broad sense, is the geographic area that the species inhabits. The types of grouse range, as used here, are the major subdivisions of the species range— divisions having common physiographic, chmatic, ecologic, and temporal factors that affect grouse populations in an extensive w^ay. Grouse range is a product of climate, soil, and time, the same as plant growth regions (Van- Dersal, 1938). On this basis, the grouse range in the northeastern states may logically be divided into three types— the northern New York-New England, northern Appalachian, and middle Appalachian. All three areas are humid and microthermal (having mean annual temperature between 14° and 0° centigiade ) . They differ primarily in the dominant plant associations, largely as regards woody plants, and character of land use as affecting the distribution of these asso- ciations. Northern New York-New England Grouse Range. This, the most northern of the grouse range types in the eastern states, is naturally the coldest. It has the greatest amount of extensive forest range and is thus most nearly a wilderness habitat. Its topography varies from rugged mountains to level, wooded plateaus, all generally well watered. The winters are very severe, with low temperatures and heavy snows. The area was almost entirely glaciated during the last ice age, only the tops of the highest mountain peaks escaped the ice sheet. Most of this range is relatively uninhabited by man, al- though practically all the forest has been lumbered at least once. The sparsity of the human population has enabled the grouse in many of these coverts to remain today the fool-hen type of bird it formerly was everywhere. 60 Shelter 61 The extensive areas of continuous forest in this northern habitat do not produce as high densities of grouse on an average as do the more southern ranges. The lack of cover type changes ("edges") well distributed over the range is without doubt one of the major factors that keeps down the grouse carrying capacity. The severe climate and the vegetative characteristics contribute importantly too. The gross vegetative characteristics of a grouse range are closely allied with forest types and may best be briefly described by the tree species associations found therein. The most indicative forest types in this northern forest range are the spruce-fir group: red spruce-sugar maple-beech (17);^ red spmce (18); red spruce-bal- sam fir ( 19 ) ; paper birch-red spruce-balsam fir ( 20 ) ; white spruce- balsam fir-paper birch (21); balsam fir (22); black spruce (23). The last is a wet soil type, the others are found on well-drained soils. The second very important group, though not as indicative of the range as the first, are the northern hardwoods types, the most preva- lent of which are: sugar maple (14); yellow birch (15); yellow birch-red spruce (16); sugar maple-beech-yellow birch (12). Other common types are: aspen (4); paper birch (6); tamarack (25); and northern white cedar (24). Associated with these key species are many more tree species, many shrubs and herbs. Those of most im- portance to giouse are given in the cover type descriptions later in this chapter. The prevalence of the above forest types in the northern range varies from area to area. Of great significance has been the changes in extent of types brought about by lumbering— mainly a change from a predominance of coniferous to hardwood types. This often resulted in the familiar pattern of hardwood ridges and coniferous bottoms. The northern range, except that part extending into Canada, con- sists of the Adirondack region of New York, the Green Mountain range in Vermont, the White Mountains in New Hampshire, and all Maine but the most southern portion. Northern Appalachian Grouse Range. This middle range extends tlirough all New York and New England not covered by the northern '•These are tlie ofBcial Forest Cover Type numbers (Forest Cover Types of the United States; SAF Committee on Forest Types, Journal of Forestry, April, 1932). This reference gives associated tree species and variants. 62 The Ruffed Grouse range, except the coastal plain of Rhode Island and Connecticut, the majority of Pennsylvania and northern New Jersey, and a few locali- ties in West Virginia and western Maryland at higher altitudes. It is faii-ly temperate in climate and has rather severe winters, with a dependable winter snow cover. Of the three ranges it is the most densely inhabited by man and, with some exceptions, the woodland is well broken up with farmland. Much of it was covered by glaciers during the last ice age. The best of the coverts in this range probably produce somewhat higher grouse densities than either the more northern or southern ranges. This is a result of good interspersion and desirable cover types and moderate climate. The major forest types found in the northern Appalachian range include: hemlock (11); sugar maple-beech-yellow birch (12); a mixture of (11) and (12), which is very common; white pine (9); white pine-red oak- white ash (8); aspen (4); pin cherry (5); gray birch-red maple (7), and a mixture of (9) and (12). To a considerable extent, this range is found on the more rugged lands, the poorly drained soils, or unproductive agricultural soils, which have been allowed to remain in woodland or to revert to woodland because of their impracticability for farming. In some areas, as in parts of northern Pennsylvania, and the Catskills of southeastern New York, this condition is so extensive as to allow almost continuous grouse coverts over many miles, resembling in this respect the more northern range. Over much of this range, the change in forest composition as a result of cuttings for lumber and other wood products has followed a trend similar to that in the North-an extension of hardwood types at the expense of the hemlock and white pine. Other changes, as the growing predominance of beech in many woodlands, are also im- portant as affecting the ruffed grouse. Middle Appalachian Grouse Range. The southern range type of the northeastern states' grouse range extends southward from southern Pennsylvania and mid-New Jersey to include most of West Virginia, western Maryland and Virginia. There are a few small areas of the northern Appalachian type at higher altitudes in this zone and a few areas of the southern type in central Pennsylvania, Long Island, and southern New England. For the most part this range type does not have a dependable shelter 63 winter snow blanket, and consequently has a moderate climate compared with the more northern ranges. It is fairly densely inhab- ited by man and quite broken up with farm land, although less so than the northern Appalachian range type. There are some areas of rather extensive forest, as in western Virginia and eastern West Vir- ginia. It was mostly untouched by the last glaciers. Its better gi'ouse coverts are highly productive but, other factors being equal, prob- ably are not quite as densely populated with grouse as are the middle range. The carrying capacity is generally somewhat higher than that of the most northern range. The more important forest types included in the southern range are: southern red oak-scarlet oak (34); bear oak (35); chestnut oak ( 36 ) ; pitch pine ( 37 ) ; shortleaf pine ( 38 ) ; shortleaf pine-southern red oak-scarlet oak ( 40 ) ; shortleaf pine-Virginia pine ( 42 ) ; Virginia pine-southern red oak (43); Virginia pine (44); eastern red cedar (46); black locust (47); white oak-black oak-red oak (49); red oak- basswood- white ash ( 51 ) ; red oak ( 52 ) ; yellow poplar- white oak- red oak ( 55 ) . It is clear that the dominant group in this part of the range are the oaks. These types, by themselves, are not veiy pro- ductive of grouse.^ The conifers are primarily the hard pines. In middle age to maturity the forest is predominantly hardwood, as these pines are all short-lived, pioneer species. The grouse range in the southern part of the Northeast, as with the middle area, is found mainly on the areas not suited to farming. To a gieater degree than in New York and Pennsylvania, the ruffed grouse is found in the mountainous country which is often continu- ous forest except for the valleys. Forest fires and livestock grazing have been more prevalent in this region than farther north. Another commonly detrimental factor to grouse here, along with other game species, has been the prevalence of continuous hillbilly hunting. COVER TYPES— CHARACTERISTICS AND COMPOSITION There is abundant evidence that grouse react to differences be- tween certain types of plant associations and between some age classes of a plant association. These constitute the cover types of ^ T. E. Clark of Virginia told the author that on the George Washington National Forest ninety per cent of the grouse are on ten per cent of the range, almost none in the extensive oak types. 64 The Ruffed Grouse grouse range, from the point of view of the grouse, insofar as we can interpret their needs as expressed by their cover choices. The types most prominent in the northeastern range may be organized as follows: Open land— predominantly herbaceous plants. Overgrown fields— predominantly shrubs and saplings, succeeding from abandoned open fields. Slashings— clearcut woodland, prior to reaching the pole stage of regeneration. Hardwood woodlands— woods composed predominantly of hard- wood species. Mixed woodland— woods composed of a balance of hardwood and conifer species. Coniferous woodland— woods composed predominantly of conifer- ous species. Many subdivisions of these major types have some importance to the grouse. These types with the more important subtypes may be described as follows: Open land: The great variety of open-field plant associations that are so vital to such species as the bobwhite quail and ring-necked pheasant make substantially one type for the grouse. They do not furnish satisfactory shelter. Some of them do furnish considerable food, particularly during the summer, but are not very important in this respect since other cover types fiunish ample food of the same type and adequate shelter as well. The greatest value of the open-land types is that they enhance the value of adjacent woody types by creating edges. The edges improve the fruiting capacity of woody plants, and many herbaceous plants from the fields will penetrate the woods edge to a short dis- tance, thereby increasing the food supply. The abundance of shrubs is usually greater along an open field edge of a woods. The edges of open fields are used some by grouse for feeding, sunning and dusting. Old fields of weeds and grasses are most desir- able. Most crop fields are of practically no use to grouse. Buckwheat is sometimes used a little in early fall for food. In forest areas, roads, lakes, streams, marshes, and beaver meadows serve the functions of the open-field tvpes. Overgrown land: Fields abandoned from agricultural use will Shelter 65 normally succeed to woody vegetation. When enough of the land is covered with a sprinkling of bushes, saplings, briars and vines to attract grouse to use it regularly, it becomes overgrown land. This point of change between open land and brush is sharpest when about forty to fifty per cent of the ground is covered with woody plants of significant size, bush size or bigger. The land remains in this cover type until it develops into a pole-stage woodland, or is set back in its development by some external action. The species that compose the overgrown land-plant association depends upon many factors: the type of soil, fertility and moisture characteristics of the site, the land use in recent years, presence of seed-producing plants near by, as well as climate and geographical location. Often a group of short-lived, light-demanding pioneers take over the area first— raspberries, poplars, "old field" pine, pin cheiTy, hardback, and gray birch are examples. These are displaced in relatively few years by longer-lived shrubs and trees. On fields of good fertility, a good seeding of subclimax species will often result with the virtual elimination of the pioneer association stage. I recall an instance of a complete establishment of red pine the year follow- ing abandonment of a potato field. Many times one may observe similar stands of maple, ash, and other long-lived species. The type of overgrown land is of considerable importance to grouse. For convenience it may be divided into three subtypes (see Plate 9). The first varies immensely but in each case is made up largely of a single species, usually a short-lived one. If the species is quaking aspen it is a high quality grouse cover type; if pin cherry, scmb oak, or alder it makes rather good cover too, but if it is gray birch or hardback it is definitely inferior. The second type may be described as a mixture of hardwood shrubs and tree saplings, with few if any conifers. The last important subtype is the same as the second except that it contains considerable conifers in the mixture, one third or more of the total. Among the more important plants found in the last two subtypes are: thomapples, hazelnut, sumacs, rose, brambles, blueberries, viburnums, grape, bayberry, huckleberry, and elder among the shrubs. White pine, red pine, and hemlock are best among the coni- fers while oaks, apple, cherry, and poplar are among the more useful trees— all, except the tree oaks, being useful as saphngs. Among the more useful herbaceous plants found in these types are sedges 66 The Ruffed Grouse (Carex), strawberry, sheep sorrel, everlasting, asters, cinquefoil, buttercups, clovers, violets, and barren strawberry. Slashings : Woodlands that have been lumbered in recent years by the clear-cutting method serve substantially the same purpose for grouse as do the overgrown-land types. These differ from over- gi-own land basically in origin, in that there is a regenerating woody plant association rather than a new seeding of woody plants in an herbaceous association. This results in a large proportion ( except in coniferous stands ) of coppice growth and a relatively small propor- tion of seedling plants. The species in a slashing association also normally vary widely from the overgrown-land groups. Both the woody species and herbaceous species in a slashing are to a consid- erable degree those that were present in the woodland before cut- ting. There are fewer shrubs and more tree saplings than in overgrown land. The newly seeded species often are quite different too. The use of fire in disposing of brush following the cutting fre- quently brings in a thick stand of Rubus, pin cherry, or other species that germinate well after burning. On the other hand, slashings have fewer of pioneer woody plants, grasses and field herbs than does overgrown land. The prime characteristic of the slashing, therefore, is that it is a woody plant association with few, if any, trees. A woodland set back in its plant succession, the few trees that may remain are usually old gnarled stubs that were not worth taking out for wood products. Another characteristic of many slashings for a few years after cut- ting, is the presence of dead brush— the tops of the cut trees. This often results in a tangle of stumps, brush, and tree tops that furnishes very desirable shelter. Slashings seem to be divided into two types, from the point of view of grouse use, primarily on the basis of age (see Plate 10). One we may call the briar-stage slashing, the other the sapling-stage. In the first instance the slashing operation removes the trees, releases many shrubs and herbs (which, however, may suffer from this re- lease), and induces the germination of new species of herbs and shrubs. Various species of blackberry and raspberry are usually prominent in this stage, hence the term briar stage. Depending on several factors, mainly the composition of the original woodland, soil type, degree of burning, and aspect, this stage lasts from three to ten or more years. As hardwood saplings develop, either as cop- Shelter 67 pice or seedlings, they gradually displace the briars and herbs and finally become a thick stand of saplings. This is the second type. It is generally somewhat less useful to grouse than the first, especially for young birds. When the saplings grow into the pole stage, about three or four inches diameter at breast height (d.b.h.) the stand becomes a woodland again. This stage generally lasts from fifteen to thirty years after cutting. The species that are prominent in slashings have already been indicated to some extent. Brambles, pin cherry, coppice of the former woodland hardwood species, and popple are among the commoner woody species. Grasses, ferns (especially bracken), fire- weed, wild lettuce, and other rank-growing tall herbs may also be prominent. The conifers are usually absent. Unless the original stand had a coniferous mixture in the understory, the slashing is apt to be all hardwoods. In many northeastern woodland areas the native conifers do not seed in readily in clearcut areas. The defi- ciency in conifers following lumbering is among the most serious problems in both forestry and vdld-life management. Hardwood woodlands: Woodlands predominating in hardwood species constitute a high proportion of northeastern gi-ouse range, particularly in the southern portion. To a degi'ce, grouse need this t\'pe of cover in their year-round life, but as a general utility type it is seriously deficient in protective shelter— that is in conifers. Hence the vast extent of this type indicates one of the major faults with the northeastern range. The hardwood woodland type may be divided into two or more major subtypes from the standpoint of grouse use; the main criterion is the age class. The mature hardwoods, averaging about twelve inches or more d.b.h., are distinguished also by the sparsity of the undergrowth. Second-growth hardwoods, those from pole stage up to the mature stands, constitute the second subtv'pe. Here the under- story is usually well balanced. Small openings scattered through make an improved subtype of either age class. The density of hardwood types varies considerably. In the mature type, the stem density is usually sparse but the crown density close, unless selective cutting or windfalls have made some openings. The younger stands are progressively more dense in stems but usually more open in the crown. In either case, those with scattered glade- like openings are best. Corollary to the crown density, the herbaceoj ^t'fLlBRARY <^ 68 The Rufted Grouse ground cover is more luxuriant when the crown allows plenty of light to penetrate to the ground. There are many other variations of the hardwood type, some of considerable importance to grouse. If the woods is pastured, the woody understory is likely to be absent; hence this factor may be important in grouse range. The species composition may be very important depending mainly upon the inclusion of staple food pro- ducers. Some of the more prevalent hardwood compositions in the Northeast are: northern hardwoods (birches, maple, serviceberries, poplar, black cherry, hophombeam); northern Appalachian hard- woods (beech, birches, maples, cherries, poplars, serviceberries, oaks, hophombeam, hornbeam); Appalachian hardwoods (oaks, hickories, gums, serviceberry, hophombeam); mixed oaks. These are the more prominent tree species in the hardwood types that occur in plant growth zones from Canada to Virginia. The shrubs found in the understory of these subtypes vary too. In the North, witchhobble {V. alnifolium) , withe rod (V. cassinoides) , nannyberry (V. lentago), are prominent; in the middle region, mapleleaf viburnum (V. acerifolitim) , poison ivy, blueberries, grape are among the commoner species; while to the south flowering dog- wood, mountain laurel, greenbrier, blueberries, honeysuckle, poison ivy, and grapes are common. There are also minor differences in the ground cover. Bunchberry [Corrms canadensis), ferns, Canada may- flower, violet, wood sorrel, jewelweed, shinleaf, miterwort, false miterwort, skunk cabbage, and hepatica are significant in the North; while to the south the ferns, lespedezas, hepatica, alumroot, skunk cabbage, wood sorrel, and false miterwort are among the more im- portant plants. Mixed woodland: The difference between the mixed woods and the hardwood types lies primarily in the tree composition, and in the proportion of conifers in the mixture. From the standpoint of grouse needs, the hardwood types are deficient in conifers. Most of the areas of the hardwood type have no conifers at all, or but a scattered few. These areas are clearly conifer-deficient, but what about stands that have five per cent, ten per cent, fifteen per cent and so on, of conifers? Since we cannot interpret the reactions of grouse to shelter with such fine accuracy, and since these reactions will vary under different conditions, we have to be somewhat arbitrary in drawing the line between the two type groups. However, twenty per cent of conifers appears to be a proper proportion. shelter 69 Of course, the value to grouse depends on the character of the coniferous element, too. Whether the conifers exist primarily in the understory as reproduction, primarily in the crown as mature trees, or in all age classes is of great significance; the latter is most satis- factory, the second class poorest ( see Plate 13 ) . Just as we find it necessary to distinguish the line between hard- woods and mixed woods, so we must also define the point of change from mixed woods to coniferous woods. This criterion appears to be about seventy per cent of conifers. The mixed woods is thus a bal- anced stand containing hardwoods and from twenty per cent to seventy per cent conifers, based on area of crown coverage. It pro- vides grouse with food and shelter for all seasons, although the cover in summer is imperfect. The subtypes of mixed woodland follow the same general distinc- tions as the hardwood types: differences in age class, in prevalence of small openings, and in species composition. The mature and second- giowth stands are distinguishable as in the hardwoods, the critical point being in the neighborhood of an average twelve inches d.b.h. The species associations follow the hardwood types with coni- fers added: in the North, spruce, red pine, and balsam fir grow in combination with the northern hardwoods; white pine, hemlock, and sometimes Banks' or other pines in combination with the beech- birch-maple group; the southern oak and hickory types contain some white pine and hemlock at higher altitudes, but, toward the south, include more of the hard pines, especially Virginia pine, pitch pine and shortleaf pine. The shrub species are substantially those in the hardwood stands. In the ground cover we find some significant variations, notably the addition of partridgeberry, wintergreen, and club mosses {Lyco- podium). Coniferous woodland: Woodland, predominately coniferous trees (excepting tamarack), having less than about thirty per cent of its crown taken up by hardwoods, constitutes the last of the important northeastern type groups. In young stands, this type is usually very deficient in food though well provided with shelter, but in mature stands there is usually a hardwood understory of significance. Sub- types, as with the last two type groups, are based on age class and species composition ( see Plate 15 ) . In addition to the mature stands and the second-growth stage, it is sometimes desirable to add a third ageclass subtype, the pure, one-species reproduction ( or reforesta- 70 The Ruffed Grouse tion) stands after the stage when briars and other hardwoods are present and before it reaches the pole size. This subtype could be considered a phase of the overgrown-land type but since its function for grouse is more associated with the coniferous woodland group it is included here. The important species subtypes are the same as given for the coni- fer element of the mixed woods subtypes, from the spiiices and fir of the North to the hard pines of the South. The understory and ground cover of the coniferous types are generally quite different, however. Shrubs are usually sparse or absent, and limited in species when present. In mature stands the understory of shrubs and hard- wood tiees is more complete and also more varied in species. The ground cover is quite scanty, too, and varies markedly from that found in the hardwood types. Amongst a heavy ground litter of needles and leaves, we find wintergreen, some ferns, partridgeberry, some orchids, bunchberry, club mosses, blueberries, polygala, and a few others. INTERSPERSION OF COVER TYPES We have discussed the character and quality of the major types of grouse cover. But regardless of quality, an extensive area of any cover type is too much. And so it is with grouse cover. Large units of a single type are relatively unproductive of grouse, no matter what the type. That fact brings us to the importance of aiTangement of types, and the need for interspersion. Interspersion as applied to cover types refers to the mixture of different types in small enough units so that the game species may conveniently make use of them day by day or season by season as needed. The need for two or more types within a short range is brought about by two basic facts in grouse ecology; the bird requires several different types for satisfac- tory year-round range and it prefers edges between woods and overgrown land or slashings, woods and open land, or between over- grown land or slashings and open land, rather than the deep interior of any cover types. These are basic requirements for most wild-lffe species. It is clear then, that the consideration of the character and carry- ing capacity of any grouse range must give full weight to the arrange- ment of the cover types and their degree of interspersion. Likewise Shelter 71 management of grouse range must take cognizance of these prin- ciples. PLANT SUCCESSION CHANGES COVER TYPES Grouse range is an unstable, ever-changing complex. The plants change with the years, and as they mature, particularly the tree spe- cies, the character of the cover types gradually changes. Not only do the plants grow, and thereby alter the physical nature of the cover, some of them die and are replaced by new plants, often different species. Thus the composition of species in a cover type changes too. This phenomenon of plant succession follows definite laws. Grouse management must be based largely on these laws. In order to understand the character of plant succession as it affects grouse habitat, let us consider the history of an abandoned farm field next to a woodland. To be specific, let it be a timothy meadow which has about run out due to lack of fertilizer and loss of topsoil by erosion. Many annual and perennial weeds have al- ready replaced a part of the timothy at the time of abandonment. Upon going wild these weeds gradually displace most of the timo- thy and the field is taken over by goldenrod, daisies, deWl's paint- brush, poverty grass, wild carrot, and associated plants. If the field had been recently ploughed before abandoimient the weeds would be primarily annuals for a time, such as ragweed, foxtail, and smart- weed, which would then be succeeded by the perennials. The decline in fertility may continue for a time after abandon- ment and portions of the field may be so poor as to be barren of vegetation, or merely support mosses. But sooner or later the first woody pioneers begin to take hold— often dewberries and blackber- ries at first, or sometimes sweet fern, or plants like quaking aspen or fire cherry. Up to the time these woody plants attain some size and a fair density, the cover is essentially of one type so far as the grouse is concerned— open land. But as the brushy type takes over, the area becomes overgrown land, with an entirely different prospect for grouse. The changes that take place during the overgrown stage depend upon the species that are initially established and, as in all stages of succession, upon the distribution of mature seeding plants in the vicinity ( see Plate 17 ) . Generally the composition gradually changes 72 The RufiFed Grouse to subclimax or climax ^ species while the pioneers are maturing and dying out or are being crowded out. Sometimes a mixture of moder- ately tolerant shrubs, like the dogwoods, viburnums, thornapples, alders, and others takes over as intennediate between the earliest woody plants and the later tree saplings. This stage is particularly useful to grouse, especially if some conifers too are in the mixture. Another alternative that occurs commonly in some portions of the Northeast is a dense stand of pine. This usually follows the weed stage, or sometimes tlie early shrubs. As the long-lived tree species gain height and crown, the shrubs and pioneer trees are replaced to form a subclimax pole-size wood- land. This is somewhere between twenty and fort)^ years, or even more, along the path of change since the field was abandoned by man. This type is again quite different from the overgrown land as grouse cover. It may be any one of the three woodland types, hard- woods, mixed woods, or coniferous woods. The rate of change in type now slows down greatly. A new stage, except for age class change, may not develop for many decades. Oft times there is a gradual change in species composition, such as the replacement of hard pines with hardwoods, or the introduction of hemlock into a stand. Thus the woodland reaches its climax type. Changes then are brought about by the dying of large trees and the ensuing plant succession from the briar stage in the small openings formed. Actually this unhampered trend of plant laws seldom runs a full course. Catastrophes occur that set back the successive stages and prevent the climax being reached. Fire, either natural or man-made, may sweep the woodland and bring the land cover back to an herb- briar stage somewhat different from that described above, one domi- nated by plants that germinate well following a burn. More com- monly, man steps in with ax and saw, and reduces the woodland to a slashing or to a spotty, small-clearing pattern if he pursues selective cutting. In either case, the succession is set back many decades, often a century or more. If he follows clear cutting with stump pulling and ploughing, or if he grazes the cutover area with livestock, the stage is placed still farther back. Then too, grazing, even without lumbering, will materially alter the character of the ''■ Climax plant associations are those that complete the stages of plant succession for an area and, unless disturbed, maintain themselves indefinitely. Subclimax species are those in the stage preceding the climax. Shelter 73 woodland, eventually reducing it to grass or weeds if continued intensi\'ely beyond the lives of the crown trees. This is just one story of plant succession, with some alternatives discussed. Many other similar trends of plant changes occur under other conditions. But whatever the conditions, the potentialities of ruffed grouse management are bound up in these principles. Thus sound management should be based upon the manipulation of plant succession by means of man's tools— axes, saws, planting irons, fire, fencing, livestock, and others. RELATION OF SHELTER TO THE GROUSE NESTING Cover Types Used for Nesting. Most hen grouse shift their scene of activity from a predominance of coniferous types in the winter and very early spring to a predominantly hardwood type in nesting season. This change to hardwood types on the part of nesting females is much more pronomiced than the same trend by other grouse. The predominantly coniferous types— most important through the winter —are practically abandoned as nesting territory. Fewer than one grouse in twenty uses a conifer type for the nest location. A medium-age stand of mixed hardwoods is the most commonly used nesting type in New York, usually with a scattering of conifers. Closely following is the medium-aged stand of mixed hardwoods and conifers. These types were selected for nesting in two thirds of the 1,270 instances observed (see Table 1) (Bump, 1938). When the records are weighted ^ to account for the variation in extent of the different cover types on tlie area, these types are still predomi- nant but the slashing types also rise to prominence. From the ratios of nests to acres of types, we conclude that the three types— predomi- nantly hardwoods, mixed woods, and slashings— are the best types for grouse nesting. The variation in acceptance between them is not significant. Open land is of no value for nesting, while the over- grown-land types and coniferous types are used only to a small extent, far less than their proportional existence. Among the desii-able hardwood t)^es and mixed hardwood-coni- fer types, the middle-aged stands are superior as nesting cover over the mature stands by a very significant margin. ''■ Number of records is divided by acres of cover type to provide comparable data. 74 The Ruffed Grouse Table 1 Cover Types Selected by Grouse for Nesting (Based on 1,270 Nests in New York, 1930-36) Percentage of Nests Ratio of Nesting Use Found in Each to Cover Type Cover Type Type Prevalence ^ Open land 1.4 .002 Overgrown (brush) land 9.8 .05 Hardwood woodland 45.2 .12 Hardwood-conifer mixed woods 21.5 .13 Coniferous woodland 4.1 .07 Slashings 9.9 .13 Cover type not ^ Norm, including open land .09 specified— 8.1 Norm, excluding open land .11 Ratios based on Connecticut Hill cover typo proportions. Specific Location of Grouse Nests. Two thirds of the nests I have observed vi^ere located at the base of trees, with about two thirds of these being hardwoods and almost all trees of considerable size ( see Plate 18 ) . Of the other third, the majority were at the base of a tree stump, with a few located beside or under logs, bushes, or brush piles. There appears to be no significant selection among tree species for nest location. The species chosen are those predominating in the woodland. These were mainly beech, maple, birch, hemlock, pine, chestnut (dead), oaks, etc. A somewhat disproportionate number of nests at the base of dead chestnuts seems to be due to the additional sunlight reaching the ground with the absence of the tree canopy rather than to the species of tree. If we may presume to interpret the desires of a hen grouse for a nesting location on the basis of having observed several hundred of their choices, the selection appears to be a compromise between ( 1 ) a position protected from attack by enemies; (2) good visibility of the immediate terrain; (3) protection from the elements; (4) desire for direct sunlight; (5) proximity to edges; (6) lack of obstructions in the way of quick escape. The result is a fairly exposed situation with a solid backing, and near the edge of a prominent cover type. A spot at the base of a tree, or near a stump or log in a relatively open woodland, and near a road, field, or thicket seems to meet requirements. Shelter 75 The setting bird always faces outward with her tail raised against the tree. From this attitude she can view her surroundings in all directions except the rear, where the tree gives protection. Usually she chooses a tree or stump that has few, if any, bushes or saplings immediately in front for several feet— thus giving an open front yard —but often a very small sprig of living or dead brush will protrude a few inches above and in front of the nest to assist in obscuring her position. The desire for sunlight results in many nests placed along old woods roads, beside stumps where the canopy has been broken by the removal of a large tree, at the base of dead trees (notably chestnut), and in similar spots where the advantages of the wood- land are combined with more than ordinary exposure to the sun. Most grouse habitat is quite free from evidences of man's civiliza- tion. However, if its cover requirements are met, the grouse pays little attention to such intrusions. Sights, sounds, or movement of mechanical objects, as long as they are regular, cause no fear. Sev- eral grouse nests I have observed bear witness to this fact. One was located on the bank of a railroad right of way, protected only by a bracken fem, and within a few feet of the track. The nest was dis- covered by a keen-eyed railroad man who spotted the bird on the nest from the train. Another nest, in the oil well region of southwest- em New York, was situated beneath the iron drive-rod that connects the powerhouse with the well. This rod, supported every little ways with tripods, was only about three inches above the bird's head. About four hours each day, when the wells were being pumped, this rod squeaked back and forth without causing the bird concern. Nests are occasionally found on the borders of public highways. The passing of speeding automobiles a few yards away does not seem to worry a grouse hen. In selecting a nest site, the bird usually chooses one with a very open undergrowth, as has already been noted. The crown density of the nest sites observed also appears to average a little on the open side but generally about in proportion to what the woods contains. A very large majority of the nests I have seen were within a hundred feet of a coniferous type, or a clump of conifers, in spite of the rela- tive unimportance of conifers to nesting. The presence of a significant amount of evergreen cover in the vicinity seems desirable for pro- tection from the weather even though coniferous cover is little used for nesting and a thick growth of conifers around the nest is avoided. 76 The Rufied Grouse Location of Nests with Respect to Openings. With the exception of slashings, which have as high a degree of nesting use as any type, the openings (cover types without crown cover) are httie used for nest locations. However, they do determine the location of nests in other types to a considerable degree. The need for "edge" places most nests close to an opening. More than half the nests observed were within fifty feet of such an opening, and almost three quarters were witliin a hundred feet. Very few were located more than three hundred feet away from an open field, brushy area, slashing, or a significant road opening. Most of the nests are nearest to an open field or slashing type of opening, and the proportion placed in or near slashings is significant. The occurrence of grouse nests close to roadway openings in the woodland, usually wagon roads, is notable. Nearly one third of all nests were within fifty feet of a road. Although it is not certain that the road location affected the nest site selection in all cases, it was the closest opening by a considerable distance for many of the nests. The woods road seemed to provide an adequate opening and still avoided the exposure of a wide open edge. Effect of Slope on Nest Location. The only effect of degree of slope on choice of nesting sites is a relative avoidance of the very steep slopes (twenty per cent and over). Only about one half of the nor- mal proportion of nests are found on steep slopes. The moderate slopes have a proportionally higher number of the nests while the flat land has its proportionate share. The slight variations in proportions of nests on the various ex- posures are not significant. Does Cover Affect Nest Mortality from Predators? The percentage of nests broken up varies slightly according to cover type, tending to be higher in slashings and conifers. Since these conclusions are based on relatively few observations, it is doubtful if tliey are dependable. It is interesting to note, though, that the seemingly safer cover types are generally the preferred types, and one type ( conffers ) with the higher mortality rate is used to a lesser degree. It is at least possible that the predation hazard may affect the choice of type of cover for nesting. There also is a possible correlation between midergrowth density and nest loss, but here again the evidence is not abundant enough shelter 77 to be fully reliable. The majority of nests are iii cover with open iinderstory and the mortality in these is average. The mortality in cases having a dense understory was very excessive. The possibility exists, and is logical, that a dense imdergrowth tends to increase nest mortality. Again, the habit of the giouse in avoiding nest sites where the understory is dense may be conditioned by the predator hazard. RELATION OF SHELTER TO GROUSE BROODS Cover Type Preferences of Grouse Broods. Families of young grouse observed up to tlie end of September may be considered as broods. Since the location of the family and its activities are deter- mined by the needs of the young birds, the mother bird is considered a part of the gioup. So many of the requirements of the young birds differ from those of the adults that it would be likely that their shelter requiiements would di£Fer; and since their food habits vary markedly from the old birds, the cover types chosen also may well vaiy considerably. What are tlie cover type preferences of the chicks as they grow up, and how do they vary from the cover chosen by adults by themselves in the summer? The records of 1,515 brood observations in New York from 1930-1936 are given in Table 2 (Bump, 1938). Table 2 Cover Types Selected by Grouse Broods in New York, 1930-1936 Flushes per Acre Reduced Percentage of Total to Part of Most Used Type Cover Type Flushes Taken as 1.00 "^ Chicks Adults Overgrown land 44.7 1,00 .61 Slashings 12.4 .65 .72 Hardwood woods 25.5 .22 1.00 Coniferous woods 4.2 .22 .17 Mixed woods 10.4 .17 ,25 Open land 2.9 .06 !o3 It is clear that the tendencies in cover type use in summer by young and old biids is similar-a definite preference for the brushy types, primarily overgrown land, followed by slashings. This tend- ^ Figiires derived from Connecticut Hill data. See Bump, 1938. 78 The Ruffed Grouse ency is very much more pronounced with the broods, however. When the figures are corrected to a per acre basis, these two types prove to be far more intensively used than all others. Correspond- ingly, the use made of the woodland types is much lower than for adults. The cover used by broods may be divided into two types of major significance, brushy cover and woodland. Differentiation in use of the several woodland types is of little significance. The greater pref- erence for overgrown land as compared with slashings is of consid- erable significance. It is one of the major explanations of the greater grouse-carrving capacity of separated coverts as compared with continuous forest cover. The extensive forest has very little of this overgrown border cover, and the only approach that the forest has in this direction is their slashings and the occasional alder runs along stream courses. The need of brushy cover for broods also poses one of the biggest problems in grouse management,— and offers one of the biggest opportunities for raising the carrying capacity in many coverts. A more detailed analysis of cover used by broods brings to hght further interesting trends, all of them consistent with the principle that hardwood bushy cover is best for broods. Of the overgrown land subtypes, that which contains a high proportion of young coni- fers is used less, the mixed hardwoods and pure stands of popple prove to be used more than the type as a whole. Likewise, hardwood woods that have been "spot-lumbered" have a use rating nearly double that for the entire type group. As would be expected, the younger woodland stands are much more used by broods than are the mature woods. In hardwoods the comparison is about four to one for stands under twelve inches d.b.h. compared to older stands, while in mixed woods the use intensity for the younger stands is over twice that for mature woods. Corollary to the predominant use of the brushy types by broods is the relation between the location of edges of brushy or open land for the broods that are actually found within woodland types. Most of them are found within fifty feet of such an edge and records of broods over a hundred feet from an edge definitely are unusual. Thus the interspersion of the more open types is of the greatest importance in determining the productivity of the range. The changes in cover type use by broods from birth to the time Shelter 79 when they reach maturity are in accordance with the relations of brood cover to adult cover. The younger the brood, the more strongly is its tendency to adhere to brood-cover selection habits, and the older the brood the greater the chance that the cover types selected will follow adult habits. The high use intensity of overgrown land is most prominent in the first six weeks, and drops off rapidly after that time. Similarly, the use of the woodland types increases after midsummer, except for that of coniferous woods, which does not increase materially in use intensity until autumn. Slashings are used rather consistently at all ages by the chicks, as would be expected since the use intensity of slashings by the adults is about the same as it is for the broods. CHANGES IN COVER TYPES UTILIZED AT DIFFERENT TIMES OF DAY As is the case with the adults, the cover types used by the broods vary considerably at different hours of the day. These changes are the result of the needs of the birds for food, for roosting cover, for dusting, or for sunny spots, all of which vary from morning to night; and in many instances are the results of reactions to weather con- ditions which vary according to time of day, notably the cold at night and the heat at midday. The most important brood-cover type, overgrown land, shows a marked increase in use intensity throughout the day, the use in early morning being a little below, and that in late afternoon cor- respondingly above, the mean. In slashings the tendency is toward highest use at midday and early afternoon, and lowest use at late afternoon. These trends in cover-type use by broods are at some variance with the habits of the adults ( see page 92 ) . The old birds use overgrown cover most in early morning, least at midday, and normally in the afternoon; and slashings least in the morning, high- est at midday. The use of hardwood woods increases from morning through mid- afternoon, then drops off at evening. The latter trend is opposite to the habit of adults of increasing the use of hardwoods towards eve- ning. With mixed woods and conifers the trend is complementary to the rest, a higher use intensity in the early day and falling off later. 80 The Ruffed Grouse THE EFFECT OF SLOPE ON SELECTION OF COVER TYPE Many factors enter into the choice of cover made by grouse broods. Under most conditions the steepness and aspect of the slope is prob- ably less important than some other factors. However, slope is of some importance, directly or indirectly, in its relation to cover, plant species, and weather (see page 93). The effect of slope on brood- cover selection is essentially the same as for adults at the same season. Steep slopes are generally avoided, even more so than with adults. COVER SELECTION IN RELATION TO OPENINGS The great importance of open cover types and openings (open land, overgrown land, slashings, and roadways are classed as open types or openings) to grouse is most strongly shown by the young birds. While grouse are usually thought of as birds of the wood- land, their need for openings and brushy cover is clearly indicated. Three quarters of all grouse broods are found in or within a few feet of an opening or open cover type, and almost all stay within fifty feet of openings. Thus the young biids utilize a relatively small proportion of the cover in most areas, especially forest areas. The need for intersper- sion of the open types with woodland types is apparent if the range is to have a high grouse production capacity. COVER TYPES CHOSEN AS AFFECTED BY W^EATHER CONDITIONS Cover-type selection by broods is somewhat more stable under varying weather conditions than is the case with the grown birds. The most important type used, overgrown land, does not vary sig- nificantly in use under any conditions of temperature, sky, or wind. It is thus an all-weather type for birds in summer, which is prob- ably one of the factors bearing on its importance. Changes in temperatures affect cover type selection the least of the three weather attributes. As usual the most significant changes occur in the use of confferous woods. These are used much more than average on hot days, and correspondingly less on cold days. Although this relative preference for conifers as a place of escape shelter 81 from the heat is significant from the standpoint of use of this type, it is of httle importance to the birds, since the type is so Uttle used. Sky conditions produce no significant changes in brood cover selections in the types most used except for a pronounced avoidance of slashings in the rain. On the other hand, there is a very pro- nounced increase in the use of coniferous woods during rain. This indicates the need for heavy shelter during summer rains. Differences in wind conditions produce several deviations in cover selections worthy of note, mainly in the use of conifers. Here we find the pines and hemlocks used primarily in windless weather, and used well below average under moderate and strong winds. The explanation probably lies in the association of windless weather with hot days in the summer, and breezy weather with cooler days. A reduction in use of slashings during strong winds and a high use intensity of hardwood woods on windless days are both significant. Probably the two most important items in these weather rela- tionships are ( 1 ) the indicated need of broods for coniferous cover, even in the summer, for escape from heat and rain; and (2) the weakness of the slashing type as an all-weather cover in compar- ison witli overgrown land. It is notably less used during rain and strong winds. RELATION OF SHELTER TO ADULT GROUSE Cover Type Preferences of Adults. The cover types in which adult grouse were flushed in the several seasons of the year on Connecticut Hill for 13,553 records taken from 1930 to 1936 are shown in Fig. 3. These do not include females with broods in summer. Let us first consider the preferences of grouse during each season. In order properly to evaluate the data it is necessary to weight them according to the availability of each of the cover types. Taking the winter (January to mid-March) records first, we find that the num- ber of records per acre of each cover type, when reduced to parts of the major type taken as 1.0, are: Coniferous woods 1.00 Mixed woods .62 Hardwoods .46 Overgrown land .38 Slashings .22 Open land .02 82 The Ruffed Grouse The preference for coniferous woods during the winter is shown to be one of the outstanding grouse cover requirements. No other consideration at this season can compare with this need for heavy protection cover. The second preference, that of mixed woods over all hardwood types is also significant, and is merely a repetition of the need for conifers. The difference between the various hardwood types— the hardwood woodland, overgrown land, and slashings— is less important, except that slashings are even less useful than the others. The open land, as at all seasons, is not significant as a cover E EH F FH TYPE OF COVER Fig. 3. Analysis of Certain Cover Requirements of the Ruffed Grouse in New York State (taken from G. Bump, 1938). Symbols used for type of cover are: A— open land; B— overgrown land, single species; C— overgrown land, mixed hardwoods; D— overgrown land, hardwoods and conifers; E— yoimg hardwood woodland; F— mature hardwoods; G— spot-lumbered woodland; EH— young mixed hardwood-conifer woodland; FH— mature mixed hardwoods and conifers; H— coniferous woods; I— briar-stage slashing; J— sapling-stage slashing. type although very important in improving adjacent types by pro- ducing edge. Thus, for the grouse, there are three distinctive win- ter cover types: First, and most vital, is the confferous woodland; second in importance comes the mixed hardwoods and conffers; and thirdly the various types, brushy and woodland, that are pre- dominantly hardwood. The latter are important in winter primarily in proportion to their proximity to coniferous or to mixed woods. Shelter 83 They are predominantly food-producing types in the winter and, except in the portions close to conifer shelter, are not used inten- sively at this season. In the spring the choice of cover types is substantially the same as in winter except for the hardwoods type as we see from the following comparison of records. In addition to the predominant use of hardwoods, the great preference for coniferous woods, in proportion to mixed woods, is much reduced. The differences be- tween the intensities of use of overgrown land and slashings is not significant. Hardwoods 1.00 Use intensity ratio Coniferous woods .73 when reduced to Mixed woods .69 parts of major type Overgrown land .55 taken as 1.0 Slashings .45 Open land .03 In comparison with the use made of the same type groups in winter, we see that both the mixed woodlands and the several hard- wood types have greatly increased in use in proportion to conifers. The coniferous woods is now second to hardwoods as the most in- tensively used type and is used much less than during the winter. The use made of overgrown land and slashings is increased con- siderably as compared with the winter period and during the last half of the spring period assumes great importance. For the spring period we may summarize by saying that an approximately equal requirement exists for coniferous types and for hardwood types, and that mixed woods is extensively used as a compromise containing both of the required elements well balanced. As has been shown elsewhere in the discussion of nesting cover, the female definitely makes use of the hardwood types for the most part after the middle of April. By the arrival of summer, the intensity of use of the various cover types has changed immensely. No longer is the coniferous element of great importance. In its place shrubby, brushy, sunny cover- the open types of overgrown land and slashings— is preferred. Coni- fers, while used less extensively than any other type group, except open land, are still used some, mainly to escape excessive sun heat and summer storms. The intensity of summer use of the type groups is as follows: 84 The Ruffed Grouse Hardwoods 1.00 Slashings .72 Overgrown land .61 Mixed woods .25 Conifers .17 Open land .03 Use intensity ratio when reduced to parts of the major type taken as 1.0 The significance of the difference in use intensity between slash- ings and overgrown land is questionable. Together they constitute the most important type of summer cover— the woody cover with- out a tree canopy or crown— although the hardwood type is most used as a single type. The difference in use made of mixed woods and conffers is probably not significant. It is worthy of note that in spite of the trend toward more open cover in the summer, the use of open land is less than at any other season. Conifers - q^ jy^^ Mixed Woods - '^•-•-. .y^ ^CX^ ^ Hardwoods >- t— cc UJ - €^^^ g Slashings o " <^ K'-^—-^ \.^^ \ "~^'~-- — Overgrown - 2^ 5PR\NG^,.\,..^' FALL ]r- = « Open -^^'^ fT^"— — — I.. . J 1 1.0 0 -1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 PROPORTION OF MOST INTENSIVELY USED TYPE (TAKEN AS 1.0) {From Connecticut Hill, N.Y. data) Fig. 4. Intensity of Use of Cover Types by Adult Grouse by Seasons. In connection with all these summer records, it should be noted again that only males and broodless females are included. The brood mothers, whose choice of cover is presumably determined by the needs of the brood, are omitted. Since the brood records are even more predominantly in the overgrown-land and slashing types, the addition of these to the adult records given here would only further accentuate the trends shown. We may sum up the summer cover requirements of the adults by dividing them into two pref- erence groups: the open types, slashings and overgrown lands, that are preferred under normal weather conditions; the crown types that shelter 85 are used some for normal conditions (mainly hardwoods), and the mixed woods and coniferous types used particularly for escape from extremes of heat or storm conditions. With the advent of autumn the choice of cover types begins the trend back toward winter conditions with a greatly increased use of coniferous and mixed woods. The slashing, with its abundance of brambles for summer food, wanes in importance but overgrown land reaches its highest degree of use due to the abundance of fall-fruiting shrubs in these types. Once more, as in spring, there is a significant increase in the use of open land although this never rises to a position of great importance. The use intensities of the cover types in the fall are: Overgrown land 1.00 Use intensity ratio Hardwoods .88 when reduced to Mixed woods .80 parts of the major Coniferous woods .76 type taken as 1.0 Slashings .52 Open land .04 The great importance of coniferous cover at this season is prob- ably a reflection that the last of the fall season as used here, all or most of December at least, is really winter so far as the grouse is concerned. The choice of cover in the early fall tends more to the hardwood groups, particularly overgrown land where such de- sirable fall foods as hawthorn are to be found. It appears that the intensity of use of cover-type groups in the fall is significant from each other except between conifers and mixed woods. However, here as in all of the cover-type records, the use of hardwood woodlands probably ranks somewhat lower than is actually warranted. The fact that the hardwood stands were by a wide margin the most extensive stands on the Connecticut Hill area, coupled with the second fact that these several stands included the largest continuous blocks, results in a lower use intensity than the character of the type itself would warrant. As with all cover types, the edges are used most, hence the types having the greatest pro- portions of area far from edges will be used less, other things bemg equal. If the prevalence of the hardwood-woodland types in an area were small in comparison, let us say, to the coniferous or overgrown- land types, then the intensity of use of the hardwoods in relation to the others would rise markedly. We have analvzed the shelter type selections of the adult grouse 86 The Ruffed Grouse during the four seasons and we find them to vary widely according to the season. These variations are exhibited graphically in Figure 4. The most marked contrast is in the summer type use intensities in comparison with the other three seasons. Now let us consider the same data from the standpoint of the variation in use made through the year of each major cover type group. Coniferous Woods: It is rash to say that one type is more im- portant than any other. The truth is that one type— any type— by itself loses much of its importance. The potential value of any type can only be attained when its quantity, quality, and distribution are in harmony with the same qualities of other important types of cover. It is likewise true that no type of cover is indispensable. Some grouse may exist within the geographical range of the species even if one type, however important, is completely absent. This is also true, but progiessively less so, if two or more types are absent. Keep- ing these generalizations in mind, it is clear that coniferous wood- land is the most intensively used type during the colder months and hence, with a reasonable balance of other types, the more important of the several type groups during the period from mid-fall through mid-spring. The marked preference for this type, especially in the winter months, was enhanced in the records given here by the mod- erate quantity and good distribution of this cover on the study area. This factor tends to widen the use intensity ratio between conifer cover and the mixed- and hardwood-woodland type groups because of the greater area and more extensive blocks of the latter. Thus, while coniferous woodland is an immensely important— almost vitally important— component type for satisfactory grouse range, it should be in moderate proportion and well distributed in order to be most effective. There were two main confferous types on the Connecticut Hill area, hemlock woods and pine (white and red) woods. The hem- lock is definitely superior to the pine type. Over the northeastern range the coniferous-type group may conveniently be divided into four types, hemlock, spruce-fir, white and red pine, hard pine (pitch, banks, or Virginia). These are arranged in order of quality, with the hard pine type definitely inferior to the other three. The qual- ity of shelter in each is affected greatly by the age class and by the amount of admixture of hardwood trees and shrubs. The highest quality is obtained in the stands having all ages of trees, including shelter 87 a moderate proportion of young reproduction. It is also desirable to have a small proportion of hardwood species. The variation in seasonal importance of coniferous types may be Winter Spring Summer Fall Fig. 5. Cover Types Used by Adult Grouse at DiflFerent Seasons. noted from the percentages of total flushes per acre in these types in each season: winter, thirty-seven per cent; fall, nineteen per cent; spring, twenty-one per cent; summer, six per cent. 88 The Ruffed Grouse Mixed Conifer-Hardwood Woods. The mixed woods is an impor- tant year-round type providing a significant amount of conifer shelter interspersed with hardwoods that furnish food and serve other pur- poses. It is the one type group that, with interspersion of open land, can support a fair grouse population without the presence of the other major types. In winter it ranks second in use intensity only to coniferous woods, and in fall and spring it ranks third behind conifers and hardwoods. In the summer it is used less intensively than any of the other crown- type groups except conifers. The primary subdivisions of the mixed-woods type on Connecticut Hill are distinguished by age class. Mature mixed woods has a high proportion of the trees in the twelve inches and above d.b.h. class, and a rather sparse understory. The submature mixed woods has a large majority of trees in the four inches to 12 inches d.b.h. class and the understory is usually well stocked. The latter is superior to the mature stands for grouse cover. The mature stands can usually be improved by selective cutting. When the density of ma- ture trees is reduced so that reproduction of both conifers and hard- woods establishes a good understory, the stand is changed to the more desirable grouse cover type. Over the northeastern states there are a number of subtypes of mixed woodland varying considerably in value as grouse cover. The subtypes are combinations of the two age classes just noted with the several types of conifer and hardwood associations that occur as mix- tures. The most important subtypes, in approximate order of value, are as follows (each of these may occur as mature or submature stands ) : Hemlock— beech, birch, maple White pine, red pine— beech, birch, maple Spruce, fir— northern hardwoods White pine— oak, hickory Hard pine— oak, hickory Hard pine— oak The seasonal use of mixed woodland varies little except in sum- mer, varying from nine per cent of all flushes per acre in summer to twenty-three per cent in winter. The percentage of flushes for each season are: winter twenty-three per cent; spring, twenty per cent; fall, twenty per cent; summer, nine per cent. Shelter 89 Hardwood Woods: The various types of hardwood stands are ratlier mediocre grouse cover unless interspersed with one or both of the conifer or mixed-woods types. Witli this interspersion, the hardwoods are important as nesting cover in tlie spring, and as feeding cover most of the year. It is not good roosting cover, except as the birds sleep on nests and drumming logs in the spring. The hardwood types are most important in spring and summer, least important in tlie winter. The proportion of use for each season on Connecticut Hill was: summer, thirty-six per cent; spring, twenty- nine per cent; fall, twenty-two per cent; winter, seventeen per cent. The hardwood group, apart from species composition, may con- veniently be composed into three types, according to age class and density: mature hardwoods, with a high proportion of the trees over twelve inches d.b.h., and sparse understory; submature stands with few trees over twelve inches, and a good understory. Either of the former may have scattered large trees recently removed leaving small openings in the crowai, usually with brambles filling in these spots. The latter may be called "spot-lumbered." The mature stands are definitely inferior to the other two as grouse cover and receive little use. Theoretically, owing to the small scattered openings, the spot-lumbered type should be superior to the subclimax hardwoods from spring to fall. This proves true in the fall, but for some reason fails in spring and summer. In the spring it proved to be less inten- sively used than the regular type. The explanation for the failure of the statistics to support logic may be inadequate data for the spot- lumbered type. The hardwood type most prevalent on Connecticut Hill was the beech-birch-maple association. This seems to be the most satisfac- tory of the hardwood types for giouse. In order of their value, the other common hardwood types in northeastern grouse range are: northern hardwoods, oak-hickory, and oak. All these types mav be subdivided according to age class and density. These hardwood types all exist extensively without appreciable conifer admixture, and as such are poor grouse range. Slashings: Areas that have been clearcut in recent years furnish excellent cover for summer use. At all other seasons it is relatively unimportant as a cover type. Slashings have a second use, however, that may be even more important than its cover use, certainly so when considered apart from summer. Within wooded areas slashings serve to create openings, hence edges, and thus serve grouse range 90 The Ruffed Grouse in the same manner as open land does. Extensive areas of con- tinuous woodland range may be greatly improved by the judicious creation of slashings in accordance with this principle. As a cover type, slashings serve somewhat the same use as over- grown land, especially in the summer. Both have an abundance of summer food of berries, largely brambles, and insects. During this season it is an intensively used cover type. In fall, winter, and spring it is the least-used type excepting open land, largely due to poor food conditions. The percentage of flushes per acre found in slashings in each season were: summer, twenty-six per cent; fall, thirteen per cent; spring, thirteen per cent; winter, eight per cent. Slashings may be conveniently divided into two subtypes as grouse cover, largely on the basis of length of time since cutting: areas cut over from five to ten years or less, depending upon rate of regeneration, that show considerable giound covered by herba- ceous species, and that have many brambles and few saplings; areas cut over five to ten years or longer, depending upon rate of regeneration, that have little open herbaceous cover, and that have many saplings both from sprouts and seedlings and relatively fewer brambles than the first. A slashing grows from the first type into the second. As cover, the type is most valuable during the lat- ter half of its first stage and for the first few years of its second stage. As an opening it is most valuable in its first stage. As the slashing grows toward the pole stage, toward becoming either a hardwood or mixed-woods type, its value as slashing cover gradually dis- appears. Overgrown Land: Shrubby areas grown up from old fields are an important cover type group from spring through fall, but definitely most important in fall. At this season it serves as a feeding ground abounding in fruits and succulent greens. During the summer this type produces an abundant supply of berries and insects and is much used. In winter it is little used, for most of the fruit is gone and winter shelter is usually lacking. The percentage per acre of flushes in this type group by season was: fall, twenty-five per cent; summer, twenty-two per cent; spring, sixteen per cent; winter, four- teen per cent. There are three primary subdivisions of this type group in the Northeast, all occurring on Connecticut Hill in significant quanti- ties. These are: pure stands of temporary hardwood species; mixed shelter 91 hardwoods, mainly climax and subclimax species; mixed hardwoods and conifers. The first category were primarily popple {P. tremuloides) al- though areas of hawthorn were common and stands of alder and pin cherry also occuned. In all of these subtypes brambles were plentiful in the ground cover. The use of these three categories varied considerably both by type and seasons. Most intensively used year round were the pure stands of short-lived species, next the mixed hardwoods and lastly the mixed hardwoods and conifers. By seasons, the popple and hawthorn stands were used most inten- sively throughout the year, except in summer. During summer the mixed hardwoods showed a little the heaviest use. The overgrown lands with mixed conifers were used more intensively than mixed hardwoods only in the spring; at all other seasons this subtype was least used of the three. This relative unimportance of the coniferous mixture in overgrown-land types as compared with woodland types is interesting and reflects the use made of the several overgrown- land types— feeding rather than shelter. The significant superiority of the pure-temporaiy stands from fall through spring is probably due to the value of the hawthorn fruit in the fall and of the popple buds in winter and spring, but there may be a further explanation. Open Land: Grouse are found in open-field cover most often in fall, and least in winter. However, open land is not an important cover type at any time for grouse. As already noted, its importance lies in creating edge, and raising the quality of adjacent coverts thereby, rather than in its own intrinsic value. A large proportion of the records of grouse actually flushed in open fields are due to the presence of a bushy fence-row, an isolated apple tree, or some sim- ilar attraction. THE EFFECT OF OPENINGS ON COVER SELECTION The grouse is well-known as a bird of the edges. We have already seen that in nesting, the grouse mother generally selects a location near the woods edge or an interior opening. Likewise the broods were found mainly in the open cover types or near the edges if in the woods. The same principle follows in the selection of cover by the old birds, although not so completely. I reported on the utiliza- tion of coniferous reforestation by grouse (Edminster, 1935) and 92 The Ruffed Grouse found a general limit of three hundred feet, beyond wliich the birds did not penetrate the solid coniferous stands. In this case, few grouse ventured more than two hundred feet from the outside edges. In ordinary range we find this three-hundred-foot distance to be a good rule of thumb for all woodland types, although most types are used regularly in the two-hundred-to-three-hundred-foot zone. Even the brushy cover types are relatively little used at a distance of more than three hundred feet from the edges when present in large uni- form blocks. We conclude that cover types should be so interspersed that no point is over three hundred feet from an edge (between open or brushy type and woodland type) if the range is to be fully and regularly used. The optimum zone of woods types is from the edge to a depth of two hundred feet. VARIATION IN COVER TYPE PREFERENCE AT DIFFERENT TIMES OF DAY There are numerous factors that combine to determine the type of cover selected by a grouse at any given time. We have just observed the marked variation in the different seasons. Less marked, but still highly significant, are the differences in cover needed at various hours of the day within the seasons. Seasonal requirements must be met within the limits of the bird's yearly range— a reasonably flex- ible limitation— but the hourly changes required must be available within the daily cruising radius. During the fall and winter the most significant trends are: a high early-morning-use intensity of coniferous woods, hardwoods, slash- ings, and overgrown land, all generally declining in use intensity through the day; a low intensity in the early morning for mixed woods, which rises through the day. All these trends are logical, except that it would seem that the trend for use of coniferous woods should parallel that for mixed woods instead of the hardwood group. The fall and winter season use of the several deciduous types at early morning feeding time, most notable in the fall, are linked with the birds' feeding habits. In spring the hourly cover-type-use trends shift somewhat from those of winter. The use of mixed woods rises from early morning until midafternoon as before, but then significantly drops again Shelter 93 toward evening. The variations in use of other types are less notable. A rise in use of conifers toward evening is contrary to the previous season's trend. Summer adjustments complete the shifts in daily cover type use. Slashings show a notable increase in use intensity from morning to night. Mixed woods has a high use intensity at midday with markedly lower use in the early day and again towards evening. This is complementary to the trend in use of overgrown land, which is high in morning and evening and low at midday. In summer, the use of conifer woods is not important. The reasons for these movements from one cover type to another during the day are linked with the birds' habits, although often conditioned by the weather. Thus the habit of feeding in early morning takes the bird from its night roost, usually conifers or mixed woods except in summer, into the types that furnish food, usually the deciduous types. However, if the weather is inclement, this nor- mal habit will likely be altered temporarily; the bird either gets some food in its protection cover or delays feeding for some hours, or even days, until tlie weather is better. The requirements for sun- ning, dusting, drumming, and nesting similarly stimulate quick movements from one cover type to another for the purpose of the moment. To provide adequately for these vai-^ing needs within easy daily range, the range must provide not only the needed types of cover, but also have them interspersed intimately enough for ready accessibility. Upon these needs must be built any effective plan for range management. THE EFFECT OF SLOPE ON SELECTION OF COVER BY ADULT GROUSE Slope bears numerous relations to cover and to the acceptability of cover under various conditions. The steepness of a slope may impede the bird's mobility, or aid it. When on level ground, a grouse moves about on the basis of its horizontal flight capability. With increasing steepness of slope, it requires more power to go uphill and maintain speed and less power to go downhill; that is, it loses speed when ascending, and gets additional velocity when "power diving." Whether a bird desires to go uphill or down when on a given slope may depend considerably on the location of cover types. 94 The Ruffed Grouse Considering these factors, it is at least possible that grouse may choose to avoid areas because of their degree of slope. Similarly, the direction of the slope may be important. A north slope, that is one sloping downward predominantly between north- west and northeast, is a cool slope, whereas the south and west slopes are comparatively warmer. Cover composition often varies considerably according to aspect, and may affect grouse distribu- tion. For example, in south-central New York, mountain laurel is found only on south slopes. When winds come predominantly from certain directions, particularly winds accompanied by storms, oppo- site slopes are tlie most protected, other things being equal. Substantially the same relationships among the slope-use inten- sities prevail at all seasons. Steep slopes are used much less than others. This partial avoidance of steep slopes— those in excess of twenty degrees— is probably due to a disinclination to climb up and down, even in flight. Just how steep a slope has to be before a grouse begins to shun it is not at all clear. The other significant preference is for east and west slopes over flat (less than five degrees), south, and north slopes. COVER TYPES CHOSEN AS AFFECTED BY WEATHER CONDITIONS Every hunter of grouse knows that the birds will be found in dff- ferent situations under varying weather conditions. It is natural that there should be differences in selection of cover with changes of temperature, sky conditions, wind, and possibly other elements. We ourselves seek the most protective abode in a storm, and are inclined to sun ourselves under clear, balmy skies. So why should not the grouse do likewise? And they do. Effect of Temperature on Cover Used. Temperature is relative as it affects grouse behavior. Fifty degrees Fahrenheit in the summer would be cold, in the winter warm, and in spring or summer it would likely be about normal. Conceivably, it would be pos- sible to record the temperature and precise measurements of other weather factors in the field as each grouse is flushed, but this is un- necessary. The temperature at the moment involved may be gauged as warm, normal, or cold, where normal means that it is within the shelter 95 regularly anticipated range of temperature for the time of year, and the others indicate an abnormal extreme in one direction or the other. Analyzed on this basis we are able to discuss numerous ejffects of temperature on selection of cover by adult grouse, but it should be made clear here that temperature is less important as the determining element of the weather than either sky condition or wind. During the fall and winter, especially in the winter, there are more shifts from the normal in cover type use as a result of temperature extremes than at any other season. Most significant are a high-use rate of overgrown land in warm weather and an avoidance of slash- ings, and an increased use of hardwood woodland and coniferous woods in cold weather. The increase in use of hardwood stands on cold days is mainly in the autumn, that of conifers in the winter. Also important are the complementary effects— an avoidance of brushland in cold weather, and of hardwoods and conifer woods in warm days. In the spring, the tendency to deviate from average habits under extremes of temperatures is less pronounced than in the winter. Par- ticularly significant at this season, however, is the marked avoidance of hardwood stands on cold days, and of coniferous woods when it is warm. Peculiarly enough, mixed woodlands are selected more than normal under both extremes, hot days and cold. Hardwood stands are used intensively in warm weather too, while slashings seem to attract most in cold weather, and less than normal in warm weather. During the summer, deviations from average are less than at other seasons. Most important is a clear trend to the use of coniferous cover on hot days (the opposite trend is true in winter), and a corresponding avoidance of hardwood stands. Of some significance is the greater-than-average use of slashings in warm weather and of mixed woods when it is cold. Thus, the other things being equal, the selection of cover type is considerably affected by temperatures. But it may be repeated that temperature is less important as a determining element than wind and sky conditions. Relation of Sky Condition to Cover Used. The condition of the sky plays a very important part in determining what cover a grouse will 96 The Ruffed Grouse utilize. While there are endless variations that might be analyzed in relation to grouse habits, the major sky conditions are predominantly sunny, cloudy, rainy, and snowing. Except for the spring, there are many marked variations in cover- type use according to atmospheric condition. In spring, the prob- lems of courtship, mating, and incubation probably have a leaven- ing effect on quick shifts in cover types used. During fall and winter, the most notable deviation from average on sunny days is a marked increase in use of slashings and a de- crease in use of confferous cover. There is no significant shift from normal during cloudy weather at these seasons, but precipitation brings the most marked changes of all. In the autumn, rain brings a strong shift to overgrown land and slashings while the heavier woodland types are ^1 used less, though the decreases are dis- tributed evenly. In winter, simny skies bring a very different shfft, an immense increase in use of coniferous cover, and reduction below average in all other types. Thus there are many extremes in cover selection at these seasons according to the sky, more than at any other season. Generally the trend is to the more protected areas in stormy weather and to the more exposed (and food-producing) coverts in mild weather. Spring is a season of more stable cover type use habits. The one really significant deviation from the norm is the gi-eat shift to conif- erous cover during snowstorms, and a corresponding reduction in all other types. The only appreciable deviation in sunny weather is a shift in use of heavy cover from conifers to mixed woods. Under cloudy skies there is an increase in use of overgrown land and conffers and a decrease in use of mixed woods. In the rain there is a general reduction in use of all types from overgrown land to mixed woods in favor of coniferous cover. During the summer the greatest deviations occur during rain- storms, and these are very pronounced; a great increase in use of mixed woodland (the heaviest protection of confferous woods is apparently unnecessary at this season ) , and a large decrease in use of overgrown land and hardwood woods. There is also a notable shift to mixed woods and overgrown land in cloudy weather and a reduction in use of slashing cover, and evergreen woods. On sunny days the deviations are not so pronounced. At all times of the year there is a generally increased rise in the Shelter 97 use of heavy shelter types in stormy weather and a greater use of the more open type^ in clear weather. Cover Type Use as Affected by Wind. The strength of wind, with- out respect to direction, may be noted as either still, moderate, or strong. When the air is entirely quiet or with just an appreciable movement, it is called still; when gusty or an average light blow, it receives the designation of moderate; when the wind rises to stormy strength, probably exceeding twenty miles per hour, it is strong. The evidence shows clearly that a strong wind, as compared to a lack of vraid, produces very significant differences in predominance of cover types selected. While it is not possible fully to separate the relative effects of the different elements of the weather, all acting at once as they do, it is probable that wind is nearly as important as sky condition in determining grouse use of cover types. Surely it is a more prominent factor than temperature at its extremes. More than that of any other factor, the effect of wind is con- sistent throughout the year. Strong winds bring an increased use of overgrown land (particularly popple stands) at all seasons and of coniferous woods from fall through spring, and lessened utiliza- tion of mixed woodland at all seasons and other types at some seasons. In still weather, especially in summer, the most notable shift is to hardwoods. In analyzing the effect of weather on cover type selection, we have separated the three most effective weather elements and con- sidered them separately. This simplified the analysis but actually, of course, the weather factors all occur together, and hence we should consider what cover is used when the several factors occur in the various combinations. To do this would require long and relativelv unproductive analysis. We have noted that sky condition appears to be the more dominating element, wind following closely, and temperature trailing. However, it is also true that extremes, whether of one factor or another, tend to be the determining element. Thus, on a clear, quiet, and hot summer day, the temperature may de- termine the cover a bird will select; or on a very windy day, with cloudy skies and normal temperatures, the wind will be the guid- ing element. When extremes of similar direction occur together, as a snowy, windy, cold day, it makes little difference which elements dominate the consideration since all bring the same result. 98 The Ruffed Grouse RELATION OF COVER TO GROUSE MORTALITY BY PREDATORS It is generally recognized diat cover conditions affect predation. Other things being equal, quality of shelter and loss from predation are inversely proportioned— the better the cover, the lower the mor- tality from this cause. It would logically follow then that different cover types, since they vary in their shelter quality, would produce different predation rates. Possibly otlier aspects of cover too may affect predation mortality. Let us consider this problem from the point of view of the locations where grouse are found killed. In the first place we must make a hazardous assumption: That the locations where grouse remains are found are the places where they were killed; or at least the occasions of difference will balance. However, that assumption is invalid. Since a large number of grouse kills are picked up in open fields, it is quite certain that the majority were carried here by the predators from the location of the kill in some other cover type. And from the habits of many of the predatory species, especially in the spring of the year, we know that it is a common habit to carry a kill some distance before consuming it, and there leaving the waste parts. While we cannot depend too much on the locations where grouse remains are found as an indication of cover type vulnerability, there are some fairly dependable conclusions that can be drawn when supported by field observations. Probably the most important cor- relations are the relatively low vulnerability of the birds in conff- erous woodland and overgrown land, in both cases a reflection of high protective character of the cover types. Shelter as a Limiting Factor. We have seen that the ruffed grouse has a rather complicated shelter requirement to satisfy its needs at all seasons, under various conditions of climate and other physical conditions and for all of its activities. Yet at the same time we are impressed repeatedly with the remarkable adaptability of the bird to different conditions and to the changes that bring about new environments. With all its flexibility in meeting successfully a variety of conditions, it is still limited very definitely by the shelter factor of the environment. Shelter is probably the limiting factor in the long run throughout most of the Northeast. shelter 99 We may better understand the importance of shelter if we con- sider the two extremes: no appreciable shelter available; and a cover composed of too-complete shelter. In the first instance we may con- sider a large area of open farmland devoid of woodland or brush. It may be of any type of fields— hay, pasture, or farm crops— they are all alike to the grouse in that they are almost completely devoid of shelter of the kind required by these birds. Of course, this type of range produces no grouse, can maintain no grouse, even though many grouse foods ( herbaceous ones ) might be present in quantity, and other needs may be present. Without shelter, grouse cannot in- habit an area. On the other extreme we have the situation where shelter cover is so dense and extensive that little of it can be utilized by grouse. Extensive areas of pure stands of some conifers at cer- tain age periods are in this condition. The birds are able to use only the exterior margins and very rarely will penetrate more than three hundred feet into such an area ( Edminster, 1935 ) . Here again shel- ter has proved to be a limiting factor for grouse, limiting by virtue of excluding other needed components of the range. Between these two extremes we have all manner of variations in shelter conditions and in the degree of limiting effect it has on grouse populations. If shelter is excellent on a piece of grouse range, food conditions may well be good also, in which case some other factor would limit the numbers of grouse, possibly the saturation point of four acres per bird. Generally this ideal state will not pre- vail and the quality, quantity, and arrangement of the shelter com- ponents of the range will play a considerable part in determining the level of grouse abundance. REFERENCES AND CITATION SOURCES ON RUFFED GROUSE SHELTER REQUIREMENTS Bump, Gardiner. Analysis of Certain Cover Requirements of the Ruffed Grouse in New York State, Trans. Third N. A. WildUfe Conf., 1938. Edminster, F. C. The Effect of Reforestation on Game, Trans. 21st Am. Game Conference, 1935. Fisher, L. W. Studies of the Eastern Ruffed Grouse in Michigan, Mich. State College, Tech. Bui. 166, 1939. Leopold, Aldo. Game Management, 1933. Palderboer, Emmett B. Cover Requirements of the Eastern Ruffed Grouse in Northeast Iowa, Iowa Bird Life, XII, pp. 50-55, 1942. 100 The Riiffed Grouse Studholme, A. H. RufiPed Groiise Environment in the Scrub Oak-Pitch Pine Forest Type, M.S. thesis, Pennsylvania State College, June, 1941. . Game Cover Types in New York State, N. Y, S. Cons. Dept., Bureau of Game Circular #4 (mimeo.), March 23, 1936. New York State Conservation Department Annual Reports for 1930 and 1933. — . Forest Cover Types of the United States, Joum. Forestry, April, 1932. (By S. A. F. Committee on Forest Types.) Food and Water Types of Food Utilized. Within tlie limits of its physical ability the rufiFed grouse may be said to be practically omnivorous in its food habits. Vegetable foods of nearly all types are taken: leaves, buds, twigs, fruits, seeds, flowers. Its animal foods are more restricted in type due to the size and structure of the bird; insects and other related invertebrates are about the only forms it can readily catch and handle. Within these limitations almost any kind of insect, spider, or similar type is accepted. Winter Spring Summer SEASON Fig. 6. Seasonal Utilization of Food by Adxilt Ru£Fed Grouse According to Type of Food (Northeastern States) For purposes of simplification we may include all animal foods as one type, twigs and buds as another, flowers and leaves as tlie third, with seeds and fruits as the fourth. Thus arranged, the sea- sonal food habits of the adult grouse according to type of food are given graphically in Fig. 6. 101 102 The Ruffed Grouse This information apphes to the northeastern states, from Viiginia and West Virginia to Maine, and is of necessity somewhat ideahzed since records for all seasons for all parts of the region are not avail- able in adequate quantity. Thus, the percentages at any exact time of the year for any specific area are not set forth as exactly correct. However, the diagram does indicate the trends in seasonal use of v^arious types of food. It is clear that animal food furnishes a significant proportion of the volume of adult food only during the summer. Leaves, includ- —1 X. ^ nn. FRUITS AND SEEDS >- QQ \ ^">^^ Q O O ANIMALS (MainI / Insects) . -LOWERS U- O Z o LEAVES AND O o cr ^"^^ BUDS June July MONTHS August September Fig. 7. Utilization of Food by Young Ruffed Grouse According to Types of Food (Northeastern States) ing fern fronds, flower parts, and other vegetative parts except buds and twigs, are by a narrow margin the most staple type of food used throughout the year, increasing considerably in the spring and sum- mer, but furnishing from fifteen per cent to forty-five per cent of the food at all times. Fruits and seeds furnish nearly as much, generally from fifteen per cent to fifty per cent, of the diet, with greatest use in summer and fall, while buds and twigs vary widely, from an almost negligible quantity in summer to nearly three quarters of all food in late winter. The types of food utilized by the immature grouse are widely at variance with the adult diet during the early summer but gradually change until by the end of the juvenile moult they agree with those taken by ad\ilts. These trends are illustrated in Fig. 7. Food and Water 103 It will be noted that the chicks start off with a full insect diet, but soon add fruit to their fare. By the time they are a month old they are consuming green food and by midsummer insects make up less than half the diet. Toward the end of the summer, buds are added to the menu and the use of insects decreases rapidly. As with the case of the diagram of adult food types utilized by seasons, the trends in food habits of the young birds had to be interpolated freely in order to get a smooth trend. Except for occasional quick changes in food habits resulting from violent weather, or the sudden ripen- ing of a certain fruit, trends through the months take place quite gradually and therefore properly appear in a graph as smooth curves. Utilization of Food Species by Seasons. Compared with that of most wild creatures, the ruffed grouse's diet in the Northeast is well- known. The records given here and the conclusions drawn are based on around 4,000 stomach analyses of birds collected from Virginia and Ohio to Maine as well as upon many supplementary observa- tions. However, because the majority of the specimens are obtained as a by-product of hunting, the records are largely from fall and early winter, and the late winter, spring, and summer material is relatively scant. The New York investigation made collections of adult birds throughout the year, except during the hunting season, in order to obtain the needed food habits information. Young birds as well as adults were collected through the summer. With a scattering of rec- ords from other sources, the year round food habits of the species are now pretty well established. The diversity of foods taken by the grouse is indicated by the some 374 kinds of plants and 131 kinds of small animal life already known to be eaten by it in measurable quantities in the Northeast. And yet this list is without doubt far from complete. The author picked up a grouse (killed by a broken neck) in Sullivan County, Pennsylvania, in December, 1940 while deer hunting. Its crop con- tained several fruits of mountain holly {Ilex montana)—a species not previously recorded as eaten by grouse. But this normally rare plant happened to be common on this particular mountain, and the adapt- able grouse appeared to be making good use of it. The number of species of insects known to be taken by grouse is doubtless only a small fraction of those that the birds actually eat. Experiments conducted by the State Conservation Department at 104 The Rufted Grouse Ithaca ill 1936 with captive grouse chicks indicate they wiU take almost any kind of insect. The main limitation is their abihty to locate the prey and then to capture it. Even though grouse eat parts of plants of hundreds of species and in many cases two or more parts in different seasons, the bulk of their food at any one season comes from a relatively small number of species. The species that are predominantly represented in the food at any given time and place depend upon availability and the degree of preference by the grouse. There is wide variation between Vir- ginia grouse food habits and those in New York, or between those in New York and those in Maine. But at the same time, insofar as staple food plants are available in each part of the range, they are consistently used. The sources of food habits records given are mainly as follows: Author Year of Publication No. of Analyses Judd, Sylvester D.^ 1905 208 adults, 18 chicks Smyth, Thomas 1923 (unpublislied thesis ) 279 adults, 8 chicks U. S. Biological Survey ^ 1933 111 adults Kelso, Leon ^ 193,5 80 adults New York State Conser\'ation De- partment's Annual Report - 1937 — Gross, A. O. 1937 1055 adults Hosley, Niel ^ 1938 (unpublished thesis ) 925 adults Nelson, A. L., Clarke, T. E., & Bailey, W. W.^ 1938 185 adults Van Dersal, W. R. 1938 — Darrow, Robert W.^ 1939 485 adults, 332 chicks Kuhn, Tracy M. 1940 230 adults Allen, A. A. not published 321 adults Kuhn, Tracy M. 1941 207 adults MacGregor, Arthur E. 1941 102 adults (some chicks included) Merritts, Helen V. 1943 112 adults GilfiUan, M. C., & Bezdek, li. 1944 42 adults Total 4300 1 adults, 358 chicks ^The records used in these studies overlap to a considerable extent; hence the totals of specimens used are not wholly original vAth each study after the first, and the grand total of analyses is larger than tlie actual nmnber of birds involved. ^ Darrow's records include all the specimens covered by the 1937 N. Y. S. Cons. Dept. Ann. Rep.; hence the number of specimens is omitted from the latter reference. By seasons, the adult records were approximately: Fall— 2,113; vvdnter— 392; spring— 125; summer— 85; fall and vdnter— 1,318. By area they were collected: Nortlieast (in general)— 319; New England— 1,818; New York-995; Pennsylvania— 642; Virguiia-205; Ohio— 42. The chicks were largely from New York. Food and Water 105 WINTER FOODS Insects are a negligible item of food during the winter months. The greatest proportion of winter food consists of buds and twigs, with fruits and mast taken as available, and a surprising amount of green leaves taken, considering the general difficulty in finding ex- posed ground vegetation. In the region from mid-Pennsylvania, northward, the buds of cherry, birch, apple, and popple are abun- dantly used, with those of hophombeam vying with them in impor- tance in New York. Fruits of dogwoods, apple, and grape are very important foods throughout the Northeast, while those of greenbriar, acorns, and laurel leaves are among the most important items of diet from Pennsylvania southward. Others indicated as of considerable importance by the leading food studies are the leaves of ferns, Can- ada mayflower, strawberry, sheep sorrel, and partridgeberry; fruits or seeds of sumac, rose, partridgeberry, hawthorn, and winter- green; and buds of maple, blueberry, and blue beech. Beechnuts are used intensively when available but have not amounted to a primary item in any recent analysis (see under relation of food to cover types ) . Taking the Northeast as a whole, the records show that from forty-seven to sixty-four per cent of the winter food normally comes from plants of twelve genera that average two per cent or more each in total volume of food taken. The remainder is derived from plants of a large number of genera. In each individual study from ten to all twelve of these genera were recorded in significant quantities, and from six to nine were found to compose two per cent or more of the total food. These twelve genera and their contribution to the winter food are summarized in Table 3. SPRING FOODS Actual analyses of spring-collected grouse are confined to those made by the New York investigation and a scattering from the rec- ords of Smyth, Judd, and others. It is, therefore, necessary to inter- pret somewhat our knowledge of foods palatable and food available in order to present a broad summary of the birds' diet at this time of year for the whole Northeast. There is a gradual transition from staple bud and twig foods available all wdnter, regardless of snow. to na ~ o o S3 o o O i-H Ctf ,— 5 rt iO q o^ q q cuq »o p^q cuq o CO CD o fe5 CO 5« CO fe5 00 OT 1> CM b^ ci d 05 t-^ T}5 CD TJH 00 "S"^ ►9 o > o £^ b? 6« q CI t^ ^o CD CD lO to ?^ 3 5: < 3 00 be 00 ^ OT CO b? b« in Tl5 ^ ^ '** CO CO c4 oi en 5^ X -2 'a S 03 "ia a ea of ation theas 3 s 3 3 s -1 ^" o 3 3"^ 3 3 is ^ s !h o o o o o o 2 '^ 0 rt 0 0 O c 'So ■5 'So :S 'Sb 'So 'bJO'5 Z 'So c3 •5)8 'tJD "So Si '■a )-l 3 o 0 ^ 3 o S 3 o I-i ^ O nd 0 Ph o a 0 ri5 2^ G >>>aiaj CvCvOo^ ft^ a; lui •2 -i 'So 3 li I to Q o a ?Xto '^ a. o >>uo 3 to o 3 S to o a, o 3 CL, "5 o 2 a - -''■v. a 3 J_^ a (U CD ^^ ,_^ .2 ^ M _ S W) C Q Apple) lax Greenb > bJO 1 Betula (Birch) Quercus (Oak) Kalmia (Laurel Ostrya ( Hopho: Gaulthcria (Winter Vaccinium (Bluebe Cornus ( Dogwc C/3 01 106 Food and Water 107 to a larger volume of succulent green-leaf food exposed by melting snow and newly sprouted with the advent of the new growing season. As spring merges into summer, buds practically disappear from the diet, fresh fruits become more important, and insects are taken to a significant extent. Flowers, particularly strawberry blossoms, are sometimes eaten in considerable quantity. In point of volume, buds of poplar, birch, cherry, hophornbeam, and blueberry continue to furnish a large per cent of the food well into May. Leaves of ferns, grass-like plants (particularly Carex), strawberr\% hawthorn, partridgeberry, sheep sorrel, wood sorrel, mountain laurel, Canada mayflower, and wintergreen are all of con- siderable importance. Owing to scarcity, relatively little fruit is eaten until the advent of summer brings on the strawberries. The fruits most commonly eaten during the spring are those of sumac (includ- ing poison ivy), rose, greenbriar, hawthorn, wintergreen, and par- tridgeberry. SUMMER FOODS The summer diet is composed mainly of fruits in season as they ripen, green leaves, and insects. For the adults the emphasis is on fruits, with green material a close second, and insects a poor third. For the chicks insects are predominant during June and part of July, with fruit second and leaves third. During the latter part of the summer the young gradually take the same proportions and types of foods as do the adults. Outstanding among the fruits eaten by adults are strawberries, raspberries (including blackberries, dewberries, etc. of genus Ruhus), cherries, sedges (seeds), and blueberries (see Plate 21). Most prominent of the plants providing green materials are poplar, touch-me-not, buttercup, apple, hawthorn, and partridgeberry. Fruits of Juneberry (Amelanchier) and some dogwoods are also eaten to a considerable extent in the summer, the former during the early part and the latter during August and September. Insects con- stitute from one per cent to three per cent of the total food. Orders of insects and related animals most commonly utilized by adult grouse in order are: Hymenoptera (mainly ants), Coleoptera (bee- tles), Arachjiida (spiders), Lepidoptera (caterpillars), Orthoptera ( largely grasshoppers ) , and Opiliones ( harvestmen ) . o o oi rt CO 65 I t)5 -' c> *=> c a cq 'H (Jj lo ^ q CO ■^ C5 CO 1^ (N o cv] (M CO o CN p^ 65 &5 1 65 1 ^ io cq cq '^ o WO o6 iO c O t^ ^ rT-65 t^ IC >-( 00 C CD o "^ 00 q CO CO CO CO c-i -^ < to J. 3 X3 en W 4-; T3 (U c > o ^ C .2 I -2 ^Z ^ u iz! ?; ti c o "5b c o •5b c 3 o 3 . ^3 .2 '=' ^ C . ^ !-< rj ■g^ rt 2 ti S -5^ a ■^'? Co tD to to C/D Q 3 to ,::;: 2 ^ ^ .to 3 ;2 o cvo>; -2 c "So c »| f^ § o >- » ft •S ^§ P S to to to to fin 1^ « j>:>!5 uddci^c^ii; c oi to CQ V4J ^ <3 ^-^ O O o t/3 Oi 0) (U -G C/3 108 -2 "a- oj^i o o O Q > o ^ S" '"- S2 CL, c? oq oj >-< cq oi c4 l'5 - o _ c C C/D C! o o o 'So "So-S 'So tu O li ;-l ^ >^^ (U -i n • rj « • r3 c C S C W w w ^ 6 c (D -^ _, rt .in "O S P-i 55 o -S -^ •§ "5 « ^ -1 ^§§_:s?^ a.- » « .i2 « 3 c •S Co Q "S .^ Co ^ Q_) CO C3 is -* Ac/2 cn H^O 2 O o o N 0) CQ S S o ^ a > T3 T3 TO I n^ (11 J oj CO > > > > > rt cd rt rt C8 OJ S »-]c/?i-JhJc/3C/:3[JHbbtL,C/2l-]V3 O to 9 <1^ CO CO "TJ "TJ "XJ "TJ CO ^"0 > > -X) T3 G a C C X! CO rt Qj (u O O O O (U H o o :S<:fecQeQOOcii0^eQc^ 148 o Pi o OOOcJdZ Jc3s o o C55 9 O OS ^ bO tiO^ , (U O ^_^ 03 O o 05 •i ■f S3 -f S 3 ■<-> L^ 4-1 S4^ s o bO O 03 fcti 2 (/) CO (/I tn i/i "^ "^ "^ ^T3 "^ QJ 4) 1) 4) 9^ 4) D D N ^ o bO O O 4) © 0) bJO bO bO bJO bO •^ "T? "^ "TD "^ ^ a a P (U OJ ^2 2 o rs 0^ -f. o s P.^Ji O PS CO C/D C/D C/i bO.S 2 3 bX) cfl 3 s a m 4= bJD ^ O (« o f^ m "*H o >-< *^ o aj rt C O C >^ S S-c 1 C 45 P O c« (A « 43 4> W) W3 O C C J3 S S 03 C C 43 43 149 a a Tj w CO FT-H i-H f— t 3=- ^ tfl V3 V3 -r; "is v5 CO to r TT 2 2 2^1^ a 'O to o-BS Its u o bJD Cfl CO (U CI ti £ fl .'S C rj Z 172 c/^ W h:l»Z W ;;§ 2 2 .2 Z c/i xn vi S S O O CO M CO CO o o r-H ■— 1 ^^ CO ., ~ CO n3 CO CO CO > > to CO CO CO co" Co 1 > > a Fruit Fruit All > Ji;' CO CO CO > '"O T3 T3 ™ T3 TJ 'U !?3 (U D 3j OJ > > rt OS cj hJc/DC/DC/Di-Ji-JhJi-J P CO CO ra (p (u C/2 C/2 CO CO > CO to to > > TS C3 C5 Oj Qj 1) ^ (U flj (P -5 hJhJ CO C/5 ■S 3 •2 3 3 CU S-. Q to »S Q V fcq fcc hs J .CO CO '2 O Co s? s 5 i o o t»C bJO o o a orrs w o s ^ w J) U3 U) of tn W) v% Q) 0) 03 C/3 43 t/5 05 tfl 03 t/5 tj ^ >,''0 > -0 3 -^ > T3 -"0 TS > T3 OJ cv. a a in rt Oi (D rt (u 03 U5 1/5 W5 U5 (/) C/5 1/5 CO 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 J^ > > > > > > > > > > > > rt C3 a rt rt CS CS c3 OS 05 c3 cs ^ W5 1 a. 03 "c^c 03 CO O •n S 03 Tl a..S o __ "^ 1-1 c T3 ^ O 03 to > __, ^ T3 .12 o fl 151 CO ^ (U t3 N 09 (U n •3 V. C^ fl •+-> rt «a t/3 — ^ « oo "±3 0 0 G O (D ■T3 T3 o 6 O rt =5 s o o bObO ^ I-i V- ■500 H.^.O S < c^ IS S TJ "^ 13 rt 0) 0) CO •^ a> u o I— ( o ;£ 1 « tn 1 CO Wi t/> C/5 CO QJ > > O (V 03 CS a on c/3 ^ Bi '2 '3 "2 ^ ^ T3 T3 TJ 13 c t/3C/)W)t/5W5a5t/!m(/)t/) > > > > > > > > 03 05 cs OS c3 c3 c3 cy ^^^^^ (U (U !U I to .a to -S^st to c ■-^ O O .- ~ r- ^^^to 2 0*000 . Ch a^ (^ ^ As ■a V. a .bJD. t/3 G o « _2 o Oh C ^ ri 03 l-c aj CL, •g 3 W) C C 1^ 03 rt ►^ _C ^ --- "^ 152 ,j= M 3 'rt 'S m H m o 1940 1940 Judd Kuhn ( Nelson Kuhn ( Nelson "^ (A 11 ■s H CO s s ^ >% >^ u o 'u -2 J> on !/3 lU 35 Q (u > > > > rt c3 rt a > > > rt c3 a d (U > > ^ > 2 8 S 3 kd HJv:iiJlH^c/^iy^i-Jh^>-]hJH^U4l^bb(2HH4HJh-]H^Hj[xHC/3i-Ji^>-) 0) 13 > a .2 5= ^ ^ O Co tuD 3 .2 ^ cc «« c;^ c;^ o o o -is . en en en c/2 CO c/3 CO 50 ♦- 3 O o CO CO f-t •2 S ---•I a. .2 ^ r! (5 e/5 O £i -§ rv^ ia -2 -S ii c g^-9 o o I - ii 1^ a -2 O W3 i-H •-n |2 CQKcnCQcncnUUcnc^O ci a d '^ (D (D O W3 M 3S 8 a^a'c >-■ o O O olom olom olom^ -flow 3^ O on CO en (yj g C ,2 § " ^ o o , ■= Q W H 0) o o 13 13 £ K ID a! -G a, '^ 09 Q> § QJ ■3 m 1- r en tf3 o 1-1 S^ O 2 a^ s^ so a o > C/5 -9 (/} en M T3 Ti TJ O O O J^ ^H !h t-l > >■ > > rt P > -M tuD J I C Co ^ > ^ N N > < 5 ^ -S .2 cu a.! ^^ E H 'TJ Ti C r^Ji ■G.'a,> -Si -^^ r^ - ^ s ^ n c/2c/:;>[JHfat-iHC/3lXK4^U 154 o -Ti. rn O (J c ffi z oz K ? o "^ o r— 1 >s >^ c 00 rS ^ v: j:3 o « C/5 0 u o o MOffiK c Sf' W3 00 CO Wl ,^ — ,j-i ^ -" _^^,_ _ 5 2 2 "^ ^ '§ "§ S ■§ ■§ 2 ■§ 2 2 I 2 2 '2 2 ^ 'B "^ 2 2 2 'B 2 2 d 2 ^ 2 c <,<^ CQ CQ SQ o UO O U O U U U U U OU UU Q hq tj fcq U N M M rt r< H 1-1 2ooooS5::t>Ch 155 t C5 (U 2 O x) « E W ZZ 1 >-^ 03 >^, >.>N JJ Q JS (U ^ W5 H en (« W5 o rt O O O K > ffi XX •"O '12 'i3 3 3 3 Xt Xi rTi n3 Tb '^ 3 3 g 3-3 -o -0 --s -^ --^ 03 03 3 3 3 4-) 4-1 -H 4-. ^ •> i. > .-'H .±i n-1 .ti ^^ i-ri > > ^ '" "^ Tj — "> .-^ "> ."tii .■^ .*i ."S n3 ."t^ (/j (/i So3Cscc;SlS2 ^'S'a 5^2'? a'? 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Q a t S to t3 ^^ s s s •^t— >C/3 CO CO & o X ^3 3 ^ vf OJ > t« rt 'X3 ^ 3 J3 J3 J3 -2 J2 J2 J2 ^3 ^O no T3 HD nD T? a 3 S 3 S =! 3 XI J3 ^ ^ ^ -Q -Q JS vit^in'AtAtAt^'A w vi v> w 3 >>>>>>>> >>>> I 5 1 1 ■§ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 % I Cu o «« a, Q -O « cc ccccoc; « « =0 5 .g-| o c o ll 13 3 0) 13 O 2C<: cS 1 00 ^1 rt 2 C p .r::; '- cQH>HcoQm<:«w 0) o -n .Si J^ -° ^ CQ c/2 U 1-1 J3 ^ .2^ bO OT ^ 3 ^ 3 W ffi VI O Vi MM ^ Q^ Q Q M C « G G O cS O c3 rt O o o Q c8 O (in M CO M TS "tS n3 S S 3 .TJ ^ JD (« c/T t/T QJ (U > > c^ rt cC •>•> *3 a; rt - — ' - rt -" 3 4= O i; O ^ S 3i 2J e oj y "O X3 ^ J2 3 o rt ^ c 11 ^ -> ,^ •g.g S i 3 I g:^2 % ^S8J^|^ S|\_^ g^^3;S'^ 5^2 g 158 "P Ji S ceo c^ K K GOO >. c ^ 'E o OJ ffi s 13 3 W5 C/3 C/3 t/5 -3 > T3 TJ ^3 13 C d) (D 0) (U 0) Q . Q ,. Q "^ h. Co -2 s •^ 2 to ^ CQCQCQBQ UUOUUtCH ^a 1^ ^ :§ i-i J) OS j3 (D S OH O ^ ^ 3 U > > §^ ^ ■^■M ^ >.-?. o 3 c o ■c (D d) -^ _S ^ O 03 O 03 05 "—1 -2 1 s «^ o -a « ^ b," 7 'S- 05 CO t-; "^ CO 00 00 00 00 c c o> ■-» "+-» ^ ° 5^ ■^►5 j^:?; o o fa. CO -^ CO fi CO r-* o CO 00 CO 1-1 CSI ''t i^ Tf in -rf t-- i> in t> v5 00 in i> i^ ■^ 05 CO p CO C ■ °0 • 03 C CO in t~l CO d in CO i> c-i cq ' oc»u ;^;§c;5 o X 168 O O > I >^ UO QO >H bO <5 PH W V5 Oi 05 • • ^ . • o ■ • a> o • o CO lO ; c4 : w . eg : q 00 ' 00 -H 00 00 00 1-H Oi 'H lO CO CO ■rr ci CO CO CO Tj; CD t-; 00 00 o> in CO oi 1-5 ,-H 05 05 CJ5 00 p '^ -Tt^ T}< -^ CD '^ -^ c4 cq oi oi i-H CDCDCDCOCDCOOOOOOOOO ^ 3 o bJD 5^ 3 •£ a. §D^ s 3 C O c 2 «3 C CO 1^ C § C<5 3 5b;s o o c 3 -i: H fe CQ Q n- cd u. hn fan U ci, a: N ^ U !5 « Bs O « O c^ cS 3 O- en 3 3 3 -2^ 3 -5 S ^ "fc 3 « 3 3 3 cj- a. is Bh CO a. ctt 3 Ci 3 3 3 50 ^3 > o U O •a -in O D ^ W H c/D c/3 CQ ■Sou q-^ o 2 -c .S3 3 e _ W3 '^ G O •-1 O 169 rt u .a 1" CU 3 PL. o ;2: « 2 2 1^ ^N. r a-,csi 00 CO I oq CO "^ 7 00 I CO 10 V. (A » cq O i-i •n (^ 0 S 0 .R a 0 ^c^ -^^ JH ^,^ ^< w 11 b^ -^ ••H (V) •A (a .5= S fes^ -§ 6^ t^ a> 0 0 0 0 »o CO (N 00 in p « .t! o a o J CQ n3 3 > CIS JO a > o "S G "^ o ° G ^ CQ ^s**.».**ww"-. •^^^-^Hv^j.- Plate 1. A (Upper). When the white man came, farms were hewn out of the wilderness. B (Lower) . Where the land clearance work was confined to small scat- tered units, the range was improved for grouse. However, extensive agricultural development gradually pushed the grouse out of much of its original range. f m pm^l Plate 2. A (Upper left). The drumming of the cock grouse is one of the wonders of the bird world. The sound is made by striking the wings against air. B (Upper right). Strutting before the female bird, the male stands stiffly with tail raised and spread, wings drooping at the side, and the head drawn back into its erected ruff. C (Lower). Young grouse in a brood dust bath. In addition to ex- posed dirt, grouse often use well-decayed wood of old stumps for dusting areas. Photos by A. A. Allen. r- -1*6 ^FC. ^ •3 > $•>- -''>^ Plate 3. A (Upper left). The nest was built at the base of a big tree, on the sunny side. B (Upper right). Eleven eggs composed the clutch, an average num- ber. C (Lower left). The hen grouse watches carefully for enemies before step- ping onto the nest to continue incubation. Can you pick out clearly the well- camouflaged bird? D (Lower right). The chicks remain in the nest only a few hours after hatching. As soon as they are dried off, and the weather is clear, they leave home, never to return. C and D photos- hij A. A, Allen, Plate 4. Grouse Chicks at Different Ages. A (Upper left). One day old-a cute, completely downy little fellow. B (Upper right). At five days of age, the chick shows marked improvement in wing feathering. C (Lower left). By the time seventeen days have passed, the wings are well developed, and it can fly short distances. D (Lower right). At five weeks of age the juvenile feathering is quite complete with tail and all. It now resembles a small edition of its parents and can night-roost by itself. Photos by A. A. Allen. // / Plate 5. Grouse roosts are likely to be almost anywhere in spring, summer or fall, but in winter they usually sleep in trees, or if the weather is bad, in the snow. A (Upper left) , Grouse going to roost in a tree. B (Upper right) . Grouse just after landing in the snow. C (Lower left ) . Pheasant and grouse eggs in one nest. This phenomenon is not common. In all cases observed, the pheasant has been the in- truder, the grouse the one imposed upon. Photo btj A. A. Allen. D (Lower right). A snow roost after being vacated, showing the usual pile of droppings. yir ':Mi Plate 6. Two Types of Grouse Range. A (Upper). Disconnected cover, wood- lands separated by open fields, typical of much of the Northeast. B (Lower) . Con- tinuous cover (beyond valley), extensive forests found in the several mountainous areas from the Appalachians to the Adirondacks and Maine. Photos Courtesy of Pennsylvania Game Commission. Plate 7. An aerial view of a portion of the Connecticut Hill submarginal farm- ing area well illustrates the broken nature of this type of grouse range. Woodland is interspersed with open fields, the fencerows and woods margins are generally brushy. Some of the abandoned fields are being reclaimed by woody vegetation. Note the woodland clearings (squares) and lanes in lower part of area. These are grouse management cuttings. Plate 8. Overgrown land as a shrubby border to woodlands provides desirable interspersion of cover types. A (Upper left) . Open land, overgrown land and hard- wood woods in close juxtaposition. B (Upper right) . Shrub cover next to coniferous woods. C (Lower left). Woodlands lacking a shrubby edge lose valuable inter- spersion; the coniferous type above has excellent shelter but is deficient in handy food cover. D (Lower right). Pure alder most often occurs on moist soils, and is much used by broods. ^-W: ■•^ r.' ''^m Plate 9. Overgrown land is of particular value as feeding cover, especially in summer and fall. A (Upper left). Subtype of mixed hardwoods composition. B (Upper right). Mixed conifer-hardwood subtype has better shelter. C (Lower left). Mixed oak composition, common from Long Island and Pennsylvania south- ward. D (Lower right) . Pure stand of popple along woods border, one of the most useful types of overgrown land. Plate 10. Slashings bring summer food cover to woodland areas. A (Upper). Newly cut subtype is characterized by rank herbaceous growth and briars, lasts from three to ten years usually. B (Lower). Old cuttings have a stand of shrubs and sapling trees, but with fewer herbs and briars. It will soon become a pole- stage woodland, and will then have a very different value as cover for grouse. Plate 11. Hardwood Woodlands. Of particular value as nesting cover, this type varies immensely. A (Upper). Pure hardwoods are deficient in shelter. B (Lower left). A scattering of conifers improves this type for grouse. C (Lower right). Broadleaved evergreens, such as mountain laurel, serve the same purpose as conifers, are food plants as well. Mature stands are less valuable to grouse than second growth. ^«> .>;■ '."^5-*'^^^^ Plate 12. A (Upper), Small openings made by removing a large tree, or two or three, here and there, known as spot lumbering, in hardwood stands is the best of the many subtypes. B (Lower). The mixed oak association, so prevalent in the middle Appalachian range, is quite unproductive of grouse where it occurs in large, unbroken areas. Plate 13. Mixed Woodland. A (Upper). Hardwood overstory of near-mahire trees with much hemlock in lower growth-of less use to grouse than the younger age class. B (Lower) . Young stand of hemlock and hardwoods, the best all-purpose type of grouse cover. Plate 14. A (Upper). Overstory of mature white pine with completely hard- wood understory. The coniferous shelter of this woodland is so high that it is largely useless to grouse. B (Lower). Hard pines (Virginia pine) and oaks com- pose a mixed woodland cover type common on sandy soils and on burned areas. ^i^j*^ .vL. Plate 15. Coniferous Cover. Hemlock, pine, spruce, fir, cedar furnish the basis of the best protective shelter for grouse. Its value depends on species, age, density mainly. A (Upper). Hemlock on left has sheltering branches close to ground, white pine on right has shelter only in crown. B (Lower). Close-up of low-hanging hemlock boughs showing their provision of winter protection. Plate 16. A (Upper left). Some of the broad-leaved evergreens, as mountain laurel, may substitute for the conifers in furnishing winter shelter close to the ground. B (Upper right). The hard pines (pitch and Virginia pines shown) are the predominant conifers in much of the Appalachian range from central Pennsyl- vania south. C (Lower) . Spruces furnish most of the winter shelter in the northern- most range, from the Adirondacks and northern New England into Canada. B and C photos by U. S. Forest Service. Plate 17. Plant succession must be one of the bases of grouse management. A (Upper). An old white pine has established the makings of a stand of solid pine around it while near by (in the foreground) the new woods will be mixed pine and hardwoods in a few years. B (Lower left). A view of the north end of the Connecticut Hill area, showing how natural plant succession of hardwoods with scattered conifers is gradually changing the open fields, first to brush overgrown land, ultimately to forest. No planting has been done on this part of the area. Management must maintain openings and overgrown land with ax and plow. C ( Lower right ) . Among the factors that influence plant succession is the nearness to an existing woodland or hedgerow. Except for light-seeded species, most plants invade an old field slowly from the edges, as the hemlock and maple are here. Plate 18. Grouse nests are usually at the base of some object, most commonly a tree. A (Upper left) . Hen grouse on nest at base of a large beech. Note the fern and dead twigs that offer some camouflage. B (Upper right). A successful nest showing the characteristic appearance of hatched eggs. Note the two unhatched eggs. C (Lower left). Grouse incubating on nest at base of stump. Photo by A. A. Allen. D. (Lower right). Grouse brooding chicks. Photo by C. W. SevcringJiaus. *^« >^v Plate 19. A (Upper). A single grouse meal. Crop contents of a female grouse from Sullivan County, Pennsylvania, December 13, 1940. Top: left, leaves of mountain laurel; right, cherry buds. Below: left, birch buds; right, fruit of moun- tain holly {Ilex monticola), the first record of this species being eaten by grouse. B (Lower). A grouse with a full crop, skinned out to show the immense capacity of this organ when fully distended. The food thus stored passes to the gizzard only as fast as it can be ground and digested. PJioto by A. A. Allen. Plate 20. Herbaceous plants provide the grouse with a considerable part of its food. Among the more important are: A (Upper left). Ferns, especially the woods fern (shown), the fronds of which are eaten mostly from autumn to mid-spring. B (Upper right). Sedges (Carex) are used from spring to fall. The leaves are eaten as long as they are green, and the seeds are taken in summer and fall. C (Lower left). Important among winter foods of grouse are tree buds. Some of the most used species are: a. Yellow Birch; b. Black Birch; c. Blue Birch; d. Hop- hornbeam; e. Trembling Aspen; f. Apple; g. Black Cherry. D (Lower right). Sheep sorrel (upper plant), a small field weed. Its sour-tasting leaves are relished by grouse. The Canada mayflower (lower plant), a plant of the woodland floor, has red berries that are eaten from fall to spring. 'I Plate 21. Summer fruits are among the most important foods of grouse for young and old alike. Two of the most important are: A (Upper left). Brambles, of which a blackberry is shown here. B (Upper right). Blueberries. The Dryland blueberry is the one illustrated. Photos by W. R. Van Dersal. C (Lower). The partridgeberry provides food all year round, but it is especially useful in the spring when fruit is scarce. Plate 22. Autumn is the season of plentiful fruits and nuts, and the grouse takes full advantage of them. Among the important fall fruits and nuts that furnish food for grouse are: A & B (upper) the acorns, of which those of the northern red oak (A) and scrub oak (B) are illustrated. C (Lower left). Cherries, the choke- cherry (illustrated) and black cherry being most important. D (Lower right). The dogwoods, among which the gray or panicled is most used. Plate 23. Other important fall food for grouse. A (Upper left). The vibur- nums. The mapleleaf viburnum is shown here. B (Upper right), Greenbriers, of which the sawbrier is illustrated. The dogwoods provide fruits for fall and early winter use. Gray dogwood is among the best (see Plate 22D). C (Lower left). Flowering dogwood is most important from southern New England and Pennsyl- vania south. D (Lower right). Red osier primarily used in northern region. X'-'^es^'V''!) Plate 24. A ( Upper left ) . Old apple orchards furnish excellent feeding cover all year, especially if close to a woodland. This orchard with its mixture of briars and other shrubs, is perfectly situated. B (Upper right). Wild apples near pine clumps are a perfect combination in autumn. C (Lower left). The beech furnishes a preferred food when it has a nut crop. It is a component of the woods next to the orchard above. If the old trees are cut out as "weeds" the food value to grouse will be lost. D (Lower right). The sumacs are an important source of winter food. The grouse feeds on the bobs of some species (R. typhina shown in center), and on the fruit of the two poisonous ones, of which the poison ivy is shown in D. Note the sumac in the foreground of the orchard above. These shrubs must have full sunlight to survive. Plate 25. Winter foods are not a serious problem to the grouse on good range except for variety. These plants help break up the predominance of buds as a winter diet. A (Upper left). Mountain laurel, whose leaves are a staple food. B (Upper right). Highbush cranberry, one of the viburnums. C (Lower left). Wild rose, whose hips are eaten when accessible. D (Lower right). Teaberry, or wintergreen, is a small plant of the woodland floor. Plate 26. The cherries are useful for both fruits and buds. Three species are used most: A (Upper). Wild black cherry. B (Lower). Pin cherry; and choke- cherry (see Plate 22C). Plate 27. The viburnums are an important group of shrubs that furnish fruit for fall and winter grouse food. Two of the more important species are tire maple- leaf viburnum (see Plate 23A), and the highbush cranberry (see Plate 25B). Among other useful viburnums are: A (Upper left). Nanny berry. B (Upper right). Hobblebush. C (Lower left). Blackhaw. D( Lower right). Arrowwood. ^^^-^e 1w^>V Plate 28. Wild grape {Vitis labrusca), in this instance, is one of the most im- portant fruits in the grouse diet in fall and early winter. A (Upper) . Prolific growth along a woodland edge. B (Lower). Close-up of fruit. Plate 29. Among the secondary grouse foods are several that furnish fruit that assumes great importance in certain regions and at some periods. Among these are; A (Upper left). Black chokeberry, a small bush. B (Upper right). Bittersweet, a climbing vine. C (Lower). Winterberry, one of the hollies. Plate 30. Other secondary grouse foods furnishing fruit are: A (Upper left). Virginia creeper, vine. B (Upper right). Bayberry, most prevalent near the coast. C (Lower left). Elder, a common fencerow shrub. D (Lower right). Mountain ash, a small woodland tree. E (Center). Serviceberry, another woodland tree whose fruits ripen in early summer. Plate 31. A (Upper), Farming activities greatly affect the grouse food sup- ply. The type of woodland cutting carried on, care of fencerows (or lack of it), pasture fencing, ploughing and cultivation all show their effects in this picture. The ploughed fields have no cover, but maintain edges against the woods. Some fencerows are clean, others brushy. Pasture is fenced, and some of the former pasture has been abandoned to grow into brushy land, then to woodland. B (Lower). When deep snows blanket the ground, grouse resort to buds for most of their food. When the day is calm, though, they wander through the snow seek- ing fruits and greens. Plate 32. The telltale marks of feathers and tracks in the snow reveal tragedies for the ruffed grouse. A (Upper). Fox evidence. B (Lower). Horned owl work (whitewash of owl droppings does not show against snow). W'-s \>?- ^■^K Plate 33. A (Upper). Grouse nest destroyed by a horned owl killing setting hen, after which a fox ate the eggs. Note feathers and broken egg shells. B (Lower left). The common skunk loves eggs, and occasionally stumbles onto a grouse nest. In some areas it may be one of the most destructive of grouse predators. C (Lower right). Great horned owl, one of the most efficient of all predators, a prime enemy of the grouse. Photo by Pennsylvania Game Commission. -«».>V«,2vi ■■ryc' >>< '• ■/■:i£S4^.^ Plate 34. The rabbits are among the rodents whose population fluctuations are correlated with those of the grouse. A (Upper left). The cottontail, found mainly in the disconnected cover areas of grouse range. Photo by A. A. Allen. B (Upper right). The snowshoe hare, found mainly in the extensive northern forests. C (In- sert). The squirrels, of which the gray squirrel is shown, affect the grouse in two ways, as a buffer between the grouse and its enemies, and as a food competitor. D (Lower). The squirrels' love for nuts, and their keen ability to find them, often make the establishment of a direct-seeded oak, walnut or other nut tree planta- tion impossible. The photograph shows the empty shells of a wahmt planting after being dug up and eaten by squirrels. CROP ESOPHAGUS PROVENTRICULUS Crop Worm (Capillaria annulata) Plate 35. A (Upper). Diagram of alimentary canal of the ruffed grouse showing location of some parasite infestations. B (Lower left). Grouse stomachs: a. normal; b. lightly parasitized with Disphanjnx spiralis; c. heavily parasitized with D. spiralis. C (Lower right). Stomach worms (Displuirynx spiralis) (small) and intestinal worm (Ascaridia lineata) (large worm), showing comparative size. Photos ]nj A. A. Allen. Plate 36. A (Upper left). The modem hunter pursues grouse as a sport. B (Upper right). To many hunters the grouse is the king of game birds. When a spht-second shot brings a clean kill, they feel a sense of real accomplishment. C (Lower). Man's use of well-trained pointing dogs has done much to make hunt- ing a fine sport. In the early part of this century most of the pointing dogs of the northern states were trained on grouse but today the majority have been "spoiled" on pheasants and a top-notch grouse dog is a rarity. Photo hij J. M. Sloan. Wfr < » 'ir ?, ■*;#«» V<»^ . %>■- ■ . ■=» ^ • « ...-..■ I * III Ih. Plate 37. Man's operations as a farmer affect gfrouse habitat in many ways. His plougfiing and cultivation of crop fields prevent woody cover from expanding, and at the same time maintain the valuable woodland edges ne,\t to the fields. ■Jmm-m a-^. ■^J Plate 38. A (Upper). Man's interest in managing the land to produce grouse is often directly affected by what he does or does not do to control other animals, such as deer. In recent years, deer populations in many areas such as parts of Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, the Pisgah National Forest, North Carolina, have been permitted to increase to such an extent that their browsing has partially destroyed the range for deer and grouse alike. B (Lower). When deer populations are too large for the carrying capacity of the range, it is impossible to establish success- ful tree plantations. Note damage to white pine seedling from deer browsing. ^^ ■ h Plate 39. As a lumberman, man sometimes improves and sometimes destroys the cover values. A (Upper). Overcutting destroys shelter, eliminates much of the interspersion of types, and prevents high quality regeneration by eroding the forest floor. B (Lower). Woods roads break up the cover, make valuable edges, feeding lanes, and, in summer, dusting and sunning spots. Plate 40. A (Upper). Seed stock refuges as a medium of hunting control are of little value in grouse management except in the most intensely shot areas. Photo shows wire bounding refuge (on right) on New York game lands. B (Lower). The woodcock, shown on its nest, is one of the more important game birds com- monly sharing range with the ruffed grouse. s-^-r^^i^^^tJik^ Plate 41. A (Upper). Protection from grazing is one of the first essentials of woodland management, whether for game or timber. Note the good understory to the right of the fence where protected, and the lack of any saplings or shrubs on the left where grazed. B (Lower left). Overgrazing in a woodland not only prevents plant reproduction, but has a detrimental effect on the soil itself. If car- ried on for many years, the effects of compaction and erosion may last a long time. C ( Lower right ) . Fire in woodlands may destroy grouse cover almost completely for a period. If an area is repeatedlv burned, as is so much of the middle Appa- lachian range, it cannot support grouse at all. -^Jr^- ■-* '•^V%\ Plate 43. A (Upper). Brush piles made from the waste tops and branches of cuttings serve well as temporary winter shelter. B (Lower). The margin of the woodland lane is a good place to improve food conditions. By releasing shrubs and herbs where the sun can reach them, fruiting and seeding will improve. ^4-m:\ '^:: : \ ■d\ ,^M h k Plate 44. Plantings may improve existing coverts for grouse. A (Upper). In- terplanting of white pine in an area of cut-over hardwoods improves the shelter value. B (Lower left). Shrub border of silky dogwood planted along a woodland edge. C (Lower right). Shrub borders along the woodland edge may be devel- oped by cutting out tree species and favoring the shrubs in the woods margin. % i ' xr :>v» v>. W*y.; r*': L4flSH[t&.^-^"-' " Plati: 55. Nursery beds of seedling bayberry, one of the shrubs recommended for planting. These plants are in a nursery of the U. S. Soil Conservation Service. ''<'^^>'^^;^'''*!:^E»'— ' // 71- /f ^^4*^. ^•r^ 7' / Plate 56. A (Upper). Game refuges are generally associated with public shoot- ing ground areas when established on public lands. The type of marker shown here is used in New York. B (Lower). Trapping fur-bearers for their pelts on a sustained-yield basis is the only predator control recommended on grouse range. The red fox shown is one of the most important ruffed grouse enemies. Interrelationships of Ruffed Grouse 197 Table 8. The More Important Pkkdators of Ruffed Grouse in the Northeast ^ Species of Important as Destroyers of: predator ~ ^gg^" Chicks Adults I. Those of Primary Importance Foxes (red and gray) x X Great horned owl X Weasels (New York and small brown) x Skunk X Goshawk X X Cooper's hawk X X Sharp-shinned hawk X II. Those of Secondary Importance Crow X Raccoon x Red squirrel x Weasels X X Great homed owl x ^ X Foxes X III. Occasional Predators Bobcat X Woodchuck X Chipmunk x Dog X Barred owl X X Black snake x X Red-tailed hawk X X Crow X House cat X X Marsh hawk X X Porcupine (rarely) x ^ "Importance" as used in this section is based on the relative number of grouse destroyed by one predator as compared to other predators, and does not imply the same significance as a limiting factor. See Chapter X for relative significance of all factors. - Man is intentionally omitted as he is treated elsewhere. ^ The horned owl does not touch the eggs but sometimes causes their loss by killing tlie nesting female. The other hawks listed may occasionally do tlie same. ondary predators are of primary importance in local areas, and vice versa. The question of the importance of the grouse in the diet of a given predator, or of a predator as a destroyer of grouse, may be ap- proached from two directions. Both are needed to bring out the 198 The Ruffed Grouse complete story. From the standpoint of the prey species, the per centage of its population that the predator takes is all that counts, regardless of its ranking in the predator's diet. As a problem in the food habits of a predator, the volume of food that a prey species furnishes is all that matters at the moment, aside from the effect on the status of the prey species. To illustrate let us take a hypothetical case. We have two situations. In the first we have one family of foxes and one hundred grouse in a covert. In the second we have one family of foxes and ten grouse. Let us assume in each case that the foxes take ten grouse. In the first instance the prey species is little affected, losing only ten per cent of its numbers; in the second it is entirely wiped out. Yet in both cases the grouse furnished the same part of a fox family's diet. Let us assume it was two per cent. It was relatively unimportant to the predator, but to the prey species in one covert it was fatal. Now let us begin over and take a different course with the same data. Say the foxes take fifty grouse in the first situation and none in the second. Then the grouse becomes a big item of food, ten per cent, to the fox in case I, without critically damaging the prey spe- cies, while in the second case, though the fox has not gained, there are fewer grouse than are left from the preyed-on population. Thus the importance of prey species as food and the importance of predators as enemies are relative matters that must be correlated with other food habits and with population data to be properly ap- praised. Since we are concerned primarily with the grouse, we will examine the effect of the predatory species on this species, even ff grouse is not an important item in their diets. We will also give some information on the part that grouse play in the subsistence of the various predators. It can be said categorically, however, that the grouse is rarely an item of vital importance in the diet of any preda- tory species, except possibly the goshawk. Red and Gray Foxes. Both species of foxes native to the Northeast commonly take grouse. As predators, one is about as efiicient as the other, and the relative importance of either one is generally in pro- portion to its abundance. The red fox is common throughout the Northeast, whereas the gray is found mainly from central-New York southward. So far as we know, their effects on grouse are much the same, therefore we will discuss them together. Interrelationships of Ruffed Grouse 199 The foxes probably warrant the title of "number one grouse enemy" over most of the Northeast. In the northernmost range they may sometimes be displaced by the goshawk, and in occasional localities by the great horned owl. Their leading position derives from their adeptness at taking grouse in all stages from the egg to the adult. As a nest predator they are by far the most destructive, and as an enemy of adult grouse they are outranked only by the homed owl and, in the northern range, by the goshawk. They are unimportant as destroyers of young grouse in summer, although they do take some. Our experience indicates that a fox is not only a connoisseur of grouse eggs but is also quite skillful in finding them. On one occa- sion an observer had been placed in a house built in a tree at some distance from an incubating grouse to make a twenty-four-hour record of her activities. Near dawn on one morning a red fox was observed at some distance coming through the woods. It disappeared from sight and returned to view several times as it coursed the cover back and forth a-hunting. Gradually it approached closer to the observer and likewise closer and closer to the setting grouse. In time it came to within a few feet of the hen, and she flushed with the usual whir of leaves. The fox sprang after her but missed and ran swiftly in the direction the bird had disappeared. Presently it returned to approximately the place of action and with deliberate efficiency sniffed the base of every tree and stump in the vicinity until it found the nest of eggs. That fox knew what it was doing. It obviously had flushed grouse before, had eaten grouse eggs before, and knew the relation be- tween them. We had evidence that a single fox broke up seven grouse nests in a woodland of about two hundred acres in one spring. Whether or not this particular evidence may be taken as the full truth, it is certain that the fox as a species is a rather efficient nest hunter and that some individuals become particularly adept. On the other hand, I recall a grouse that successfully brought off a clutch of eggs vdthin fifty feet of a red fox den in active use. The fox kits had played within twenty feet of the setting hen as evi- denced by bones and skin of kills that they had dropped there. That did not seem to indicate predatory efficiency. Foxes consistently destroy more grouse nests than do any other predators in New York. The proportion of all grouse nests taken by 200 The Ruffed Grouse foxes on Connecticut Hill has averaged about one in five. The per- centage of predator-destroyed nests attiibutable to foxes varied much from year to year but averaged forty-three and five-tenths per cent over the whole state as summarized for two hundred and thirty- nine such nests observed from 1930 to 1934 {N. Y. S. Cons. Dept. Ann. Rep., 1934). The records of foxes taking young grouse have been very few. It should be noted that until the birds are nearly half grown they are probably eaten whole, thus leaving no evidence. But even though summer food habits of the fox have not been well studied from stomach contents, circumstances indicate that foxes are not impor- tant as predators on grouse chicks at this season when other food is plentiful. With the advent of winter the fox once again becomes a serious enemy. From autumn through spring the toll of adult grouse taken by foxes is significant, the greatest numbers being captured from midwinter to midspring. The number of grouse that are killed by foxes in the winter is somewhat dependent upon the weather. With deep snows, the grouse resort more to the snow for roosting; there some of them will certainly be found by foxes. The vulnerability of grouse in snow roosts is great. One of our observers, upon noticing one day that many birds in snow roosts flushed at very close range, determined to try to catch one by hand. Of the next three birds he saw in snow roosts he was able to stalk and catch two, and the third barely escaped. A fox too can learn to locate the bird by the slight snow mound at the end of a grouse track, and surely it can outdo a man at stalking. The proportion of grouse lost through predation on Connecticut Hill that is attributed to foxes averaged twenty-one and four-tenths per cent of one hundred and ninety-one remains for which the enemy was identified {N. Y. S. Cons. Dep. Ann. Rep., 1933). The propor- tion of adult mortality ^ resulting from predation is about ninety-five per cent. As grouse mortality averages some forty per cent for the same period, foxes kill nearly ten per cent of the total population. In considering these figures we should not overlook the possibility that some of this apparent prey may have been carrion, or crippled or sick birds. However, it is our considered opinion that making such an allowance would not affect the figures materially. ^ Aside from human destruction. Interrelationships of Ruffed Grouse 201 We have seen how important the foxes are in grouse mortahty. How important is tlie grouse to the fox? The answer is that it repre- sents a food dehcacy, even as to you and me, but not a staple item of food. In following fox tracks ( mostly red ) for nearly three hun- dred miles on Connecticut Hill, no evidence was found of grouse being caught, and apparently only one attempt to catch a grouse had been made. The event, though rare, does occur. The accumu- lated animal remains at four fox dens on Connecticut Hill occupied by one pair of red foxes from March through May contained four grouse among thirty items of prey (N. Y. S. Cons. Dept. Ann. Rep., 1934). But all comprehensive records of fox food habits show the ruffed grouse to be a negligible item in the year-round food supply. Before we review some typical records of fox food habits, it may be well to consider certain factors that affect the interpretation of these records. In the first place, the fox is most destructive as a nest predator in the month of May, but few indeed are the fox stomach records representing that season. Further, as the fox eats the egg contents, taking little if any shell, the stomach and scat records do not fully bring out the extent of this food habit.^ Another important factor in food habits records that often leads to misinterpretation, is the source of material. It is obvious that foxes taken from areas that have no grouse will have no grouse remains in their stomachs. To interpret properly the importance of grouse in fox diet, we must give weight to these facts: Stomach or fecal analysis will not reveal the extent of egg-eating, even in specimens collected during the nesting season; summaries of stomach or fecal analyses will ordi- narily be conservative in revealing grouse in the diet, as a part or aU of the specimens may have been taken in localities where there were no grouse. Hamilton (1937) summarizes the food of the red fox as follows: "Investigations in the Midwest, Michigan, New England, New York, and Virginia are all in essential agreement. The studies indicate that the fox feeds chiefly upon fruit and berries, small mammals— chief among which are mice— carrion, insects, and an occasional bird. I do not doubt it prefers a tender grouse to a half-dozen mice, but the fact remains that mice are far more abundant than grouse, and much easier to catch." Examination of five hundred and thirty-seven scats ^ Of two fox scats collected in June in Centre Count)', Pa., one contained remains of grouse eggs (Kozicky, 1943). 202 The Ruffed Grouse of red foxes from eastern New York (Cook and Hamilton, 1944) revealed a frequency of occurrence of grouse averaging one and five-tenths per cent for the whole year; increasing to four per cent in winter and five per cent in April, by June the incidence fell to three per cent. No grouse parts were found in summer specimens but in autumn one per cent of the scats included some grouse re- mains. Dearborn (1932), writing of Michigan conditions, says of the ruffed grouse in the red fox diet: "Opposition to foxes is based largely on the belief that they are very destructive to game, espe- cially to game birds. The only game bird of importance where most of this fox material was gathered is the partridge, or ruffed grouse, Bonasa umhellus, which was common there both years. According to the evidence collected in this investigation, the average fox eats not more than two giouse per year." Handley (1934), in reporting on the analyses of both red and gray foxes in Virginia, lists no grouse remains in twenty-seven summer and fall collected specimens and eighty-four winter specimens. As quail were recorded in these rec- ords, it may well be that the specimens were not taken in grouse range. Errington (1935) reported on fox stomach analyses from Wisconsin and Iowa specimens. He found no ruffed grouse in the forty-six red foxes taken in fall and winter, and but one in the seventy-two gray foxes taken from fall to spring. Likewise, Erring- ton found no ruffed grouse remains at the one hundred and thirteen red fox dens studied or in one-thousand, one hundred and seventy- five feces samples. Here again the records indicate that the majority of the specimens were taken from farm land and not in grouse range. Analyses of one hundred and forty-eight stomachs (those that contained food out of a total of two hundred and twenty) from Pennsylvania (English & Bennett, 1942) showed grouse to be a fairly common item of food for the red fox. Of one hundred and thirty-six late summer and fall specimens, five contained grouse, amounting to four and four-tenths per cent of the total volume of food. In this group, grouse were exceeded in volume by six other foods, all mammals, except grasshoppers. Only eleven winter stom- achs were examined, and one of these contained a trace of grouse remains. Two of the five grouse captured from late summer to fall were in the twenty August records and constituted fifteen and six- tenths per cent of the food, ranking second to remains of wood- chuck. Two more grouse were among the forty-two October sped- Interrelationships of Ruffed Grouse 203 mens and were ninth in volume of food eaten. One November stomach out of fourteen had grouse remains, and no grouse were in the fifty-six September specimens. Bennett & English (1942) also reported on analyses of twenty-nine gray fox stomachs taken from August to February. Only one, a winter specimen, contained a trace of grouse. Of one hundred and eighty-six fox scats gathered in Huntingdon County, Pa., in the fall months, three contained grouse remains, constituting eight per cent of the volume ( Kozicky, 1943 ) . The food of the red fox in southern New Hampshire was studied through examination of two hundred and six scats covering the period from October 1 to April 30 and two hundred and seven for the May 1 to September 30 period (Eadie, 1943). The author con- cludes, in reference to the use of grouse by the fox, "Ruffed grouse were abundant during the period of collection but were only spar- ingly represented in the scats ( three per cent, winter; two per cent, summer)." An examination of food eaten by forty-one gray foxes in Ohio revealed that only one stomach contained ruffed grouse (Bezdek, 1943). From these references we can see that the ruffed grouse does not rate a high place in the scale of fox foods, even considering the con- servative nature of these records. Nevertheless, foxes are a very important enemy of the grouse. Great Horned Owl. The horned owl ( see Plate 33C ) is probably the most efficient of all grouse predators. With very powerful talons, soundless flight, a twilight-to-dawn attack, and adequate weight, it is the most capable of all the common predatory birds in taking grouse. It is widely distributed throughout the Northeast, and is generally the most serious predator on adult grouse. It ranks second to the foxes only because it is responsible for the loss of relatively few clutches of grouse eggs. On the Connecticut Hill area the gi-eat horned owl was by a wide margin the most deadly of the adult grouse predators. More than half ^ of the mature grouse killed by predators each year were taken ^ The figures given for proportions of grouse killed by the various winged predators are conservative, since a considerable number of remains were the work of hawk or owl, with the evidence inconclusive as to species. The total proportion of kills was 75 per cent by avian species, and 25 per cent by mammals. 204 The Ruffed Grouse by this bird. Since many of the signs could not be distinguished with complete accuracy from those of other hawks and owls, this figure is only approximate. It is regularly somewhat over fifty per cent of grouse adult losses from all causes. While the prominence of the homed owl as a predator of grown grouse far overshadows its indirect effect on nests, a considerable number of grouse eggs are lost due to the owls killing the mother bird. On Connecticut Hill about one in twenty-five of the nests destroyed was attributed to avian predators, largely this species of owl. We have already noted that predators are not a primary cause of mortality among the young grouse in the summer. No doubt the homed owl takes a small toll then, but the fact that feathers of very young grouse are not left in the woods but are consumed with tlie birds, makes an accmate survey of the owl predation impossible. Some remains of immature grouse have been found in horned owl pellets and the feather remains of a few have been taken as evidence of horned owl killings. It is probable that this species ranks next, after the sharp-shinned and Cooper's hawks, as a destroyer of young grouse. We have seen that the foxes, though veiy important as grouse predators, do not depend upon them for a high proportion of their food. This is also tme of the great homed owl. Although first among the predators upon adult ruffed grouse, it still does not make a very high percentage of its food of grouse. We must again conclude, therefore, that the proportion of a predator's food composed of a given prey species does not necessarily measure, or even indicate, the place that that predator plays in the ecolog)' of the prey species. Typical of the records of horned owl food habits are those sum- marized by McDowell ( 1940 ) . Ruffed giouse made up one and nine- tenths per cent of the whole diet of the nine hundred and eighty- three owls examined. They were taken between November and May. The grouse were found in only fourteen of the stomachs, or one and four-tenths per cent of the total, and were far outranked by a num- ber of other prey species, mainly rodents. Errington, Hamerstrom and Hamerstrom (1940) examined four thousand, eight hundred and thirty-eight pellets from Iowa and Wisconsin and found twenty- two of them, or five-tenths of one per cent, to contain remains of ruffed grouse. They say: "Ruffed grouse . . . populations in the Interrelationships of Ruffed Grouse 205 north-central region seem to he in many ways vulnerable to, or rela- tively secure from, predation much as are bohwhite populations," referring to the fact that predation primarily affects that portion of a population in excess of the carrying capacity of the range. New York and Small Brown Weasels. We presume that both species of weasels common in the Northeast are capable of taking grouse eggs, and occasionally grouse, although evidence is lacking to identffy the work of each. The New York weasel is probably the more destructive, owing to its larger size. Most important in grouse ecology as nest predators, the weasel is also of some significance in taking the birds too. The weasels ranked third only to the foxes and skunk in nest de- struction on Connecticut Hill. They were accounted responsible for ten per cent of the nests rifled by predators. Only three and one- tenth per cent, as an average, of the loss of adult grouse from preda- tors was attributed to weasels {N. Y, S. Cons. Dept. Ann. Rep., 1933). These animals are no doubt responsible also for the loss of a few young birds in the summer. All scientific writings on the food habits of weasels show that their food is largely rodents, mainly mice. Hamilton (1937) found that ninety-five per cent of their fall and winter food consisted of small mammals, and he does not mention grouse at all as a part of their diet. Skimk. The common skunk ( see Plate 33B ) is a remarkable, though not an efficient, predator of grouse. It is unable to prey upon the birds themselves, but often stumbles upon and robs a nest. When these animals are abundant, the number of nests broken up by them may be quite large. On Connecticut Hill the skunk ranked second among grouse nest predators, and was adjudged responsible for eleven per cent of all nests destroyed by predators ( op. cit. ) . As might be expected, studies of skunk stomachs and feces have not revealed this habit. Skunks crush the eggs thoroughly when eating them and swallow bits of shell only by accident. The proba- bility of recovering egg shells in these specimens is limited also by the short time in the spring during which they are taken. Hamilton (1936) examined five hundred and seventy fecal specimens and thirty stomachs representing the spring and summer seasons and found no remains of grouse eggs. Likewise, Dearborn (1932) says 206 The RufiFed Grouse "Not a trace of a game bird egg was found." In both of these studies no grouse either were noted. The grouse eggs that skunks eat are to them merely an occasional treat, not a dependable or sizable item of food. Goshawk. This magnificent hawk is the only one that might dis- pute the horned owl's pre-eminence as a killer of giown grouse. A daytime hunter, it has a different type of attack; it simply overtakes the grouse by superior speed and maneuverability. This is all the proof needed of this bird's hunting prowess. It may be fortunate for the grouse that the goshawk is not more generally plentiful. It is primarily found from northern New Eng- land and New York northward, although it occurs locally southward into Pennsylvania. It visited the Connecticut Hill area only in winter and then only in occasional years. From 1930 through 1933 it was not recorded at all; then a few were observed each winter for the next three years. In these winters, the goshawks levied a high toll of grouse, considering their own numbers. The proportion of all grouse killed by predators that were taken by goshawks averaged only about four per cent the first four years ( op. cit. ) . Thus it ranked fourth among predators of adult grouse, behind the horned owl, foxes, and Cooper's hawk. But in its more year-round range, the goshawk probably is the most destructive of all adult grouse enemies. No doubt where the hawks breed, they take young grouse in the summer too. The goshawk is the one species of predator for which the ruffed grouse furnishes a really big proportion of the food. McAtee ( 1935) says: Grouse, chiefly ruffed grouse, were determined in thirty-one of the stomachs out of two hundred and forty-three examined, or twelve and eight-tenths per cent. McDowell (1941), in examining one hundred and one goshawk stomachs taken from November through May in Pennsylvania, records an incidence of thirteen and nine-tenths per cent of grouse, which amounted to thirteen and two- tenths per cent of this predator's whole diet. Mendall (1944) found remains of grouse in five of thirty-one (sixteen and one-tenth per cent) of these hawks taken in Maine throughout the year. McAtee concludes: "On the economic side, there is comparatively little that can be said in its favor." In spite of its destructiveness, I still have a great admiration for the goshawk. In it, and the duck hawk, nature Interrelationships of Ruffed Grouse 207 has evoh^ed the "Spitfires," "Mustangs," and "Messerschmitts" of the bird world. Cooper's and Sharp-shinned Hawks. These two "blue darters," or "bird hawks" are generally common over the Northeast. They are substantially smaller editions of the goshawk, less powerful, and hence less able to take large prey. The Cooper's is the larger of the two and the only one that as a rule can kill an adult grouse. Both birds are notable predators of the young grouse, the sharpshin being the more important on Connecticut Hill due to its greater numbers. McAtee (1935) recorded the Cooper's hawk as having taken grouse in a few cases, but reported no grouse in the nine hundred and forty- four stomachs of the sharpshin examined. McDowell ( 1941 ) found the remains of two grouse in one hundred and eight stomachs of Cooper's hawks from Pennsylvania, these constituting one and eight- tenths per cent of the total food. On Connecticut Hill, the Cooper's hawk was third among the predators of adult grouse, averaging over five per cent of the kills made by predators {N. Y. S. Cons. Dept. Ann. Rep., 1933). The data on mortality of the young grouse caused by these hawks are too meager to summarize. The number of chicks taken by them is of some significance. They were clearly the first-ranking predators of the chicks on the study area. The number of remains found in- creased towards late July and in August, but this was at least pardy due to the larger size and more substantial nature of the feathers at that time. It is unlikely that grouse ever compose a very high proportion of the diet of the sharpshin, and only in occasional local instances of that of the Cooper's hawk. Crow. This "black marauder" is widely renowned as an egg eater. There is little doubt but that crows will raid any nest of eggs they discover, that of the grouse being no exception. The number of grouse nests broken up by crows on Connecticut Hill from 1930-34 averaged six per cent of the predator-destroyed nests, but this pro- portion declined somewhat in later years. This record entitles the crow to a place of rather limited importance as a grouse predator. On one occasion a flying crow was seen carrying a very young grouse chick. We must thus list the species among predators of the young grouse too, although this habit is surely of small importance. 208 The Ruffed Grouse While eggs of all kinds may be an appreciable part of the crow's spring food, it would be rare indeed for grouse eggs alone to amount to a very significant item. Other Mammalian Grouse Predators. Both the raccoon and the red squirrel have in some years been of considerable significance as grouse nest predators on the Connecticut Hill area. On the average, the raccoon was responsible for the destruction of about eight per cent of the nests taken by all predators, and the red squirrel for only about two per cent. The bobcat, and no doubt the Canada lynx where it occurs, are of some importance as grouse predators, pri- marily in winter. Neither of these wild cats occurred on Connecticut Hill, however. Of one hundred and forty bobcat stomachs examined by Hamilton and Hunter (1939) from animals taken from fall to late winter in Vermont, twelve contained grouse. These composed five and five-tenths per cent of the bulk of the food. The authors conclude: "It is evident the bobcat has little trouble in catching grouse. Dearborn found no evidence of grouse remains in more than three hundred feces, although grouse were abundant around the swamps where the wildcats live.'" A trace of grouse remains was found in the intestine of one mink from among one hundred and two specimens examined from southern Michigan (Sealandt, 1943). Woodchucks are known to have broken up a few nests, and the porcupine has been recorded as eating grouse eggs {Pennsylvania Game News, May, 1933 ) . Chipmunks have a habit of stealing grouse eggs and storing them in holes. King ( 1937) found this to be of con- siderable significance in Minnesota and noted that playful chip- munks used the eggs like marbles. House cats that roam grouse coverts no doubt take some grouse. Dogs, likewise, will occasionally break up a giouse nest, but rarely will catch a grown grouse. It is at least possible that shrews (Blarina) may take grouse eggs occasion- ally, since they have been recorded to have eaten whippoorwill eggs. Other Avian Grouse Predators. Several species of hawks in addi- tion to the accipitrine trio already discussed occasionally take a grouse. None are of much significance. McAtee (1935) reported grouse in three of seven hundred and fifty-four stomachs of red- tailed hawks, in four of six hundred and one marsh hawks, and, surprisingly enough, in one stomach of a broad-winged hawk. Men- dall (1944) reports the remains of one bird, "apparently a ruffed Interrelationships of Ruffed Grouse 209 grouse," in one stomach of the fourteen from red-shouldered hawks taken in Maine, and one grouse in thirty-sLx stomachs of marsh hawks. It is hkely that duck hawks and pigeon hawks may also occa- sionally get a grouse. Among the owls, the barred and snowy owls take an occasional grouse. Gross ( 1944 ) records the occurrence of grouse remains in five of one hundred and twenty-seven stomachs of snowy owls examined from birds taken in the northeastern states during winter incursions. However, none of these species are of any significance as grouse enemies. It should be noted here that while no specific instances of this latter group of hawks and owls taking grouse on Connecticut Hill were noted, it is reasonable to suppose that a few of the cases attrib- uted to the horned owl and the accipitrine hawks may have been misidentified and actually were the work of some other species. Reptilian Grouse Predators. The black snake is the only reptile that has been recorded as a grouse predator. Records of nests being destroyed by black snakes are not uncommon, and two cases of grouse chicks being killed by black snakes have been recorded (Pennsylvania Game News, August, 1935; West Virginia Conserva- tion, Dec, 1941 ) . It is probable that other snakes too may take grouse eggs, even though no records are available. In the southern Appa- lachians where snakes are numerous, they might even be of some significance in connection with grouse egg losses. T. E. Clark of Virginia advised me that snakes, including the pilot black, black racer, timber rattler, and pine snake, are important grouse nest pred- ators there and occasionally take young giouse. RELATION OF PREDATION TO COVER TYPES The concept of "escape cover" used in wild-life management indi- cates that certain cover conditions are better in preventing attack, or successful attack, by predators than others. Generally, it has been thought that dense shelter, such as that of thorny thickets and coniferous types, served this purpose best for game birds. The types of cover in which grouse remains left by predators are found as compared with the incidence of grouse in the same cover indicates that mixed woodland is the most hazardous type of cover. It is somewhat ironical that the mixed-woodland type also is the 210 The Ruffed Grouse best all-use cover for grouse. Apparently it may also serve a like purpose for some predatory animals, and in any event they would tend to hunt wherever their prey is most plentiful. Least hazardous are coniferous woods and overgrown lands, including thickets. The usual concept of safe cover, therefore, seems to hold for ruffed grouse. However, it must be remembered that factors that benefit grouse, such as escape cover, are effective only for populations well accommodated by the environment ( that is, below the thresh- old of security ) . PREDATORS AS AN AGENT OF SANITATION It is generally recognized that predators take the prey that is easi- est to get— limited, of course, by the range of their food habits. This being the case, it is reasoned that sick, injured, and weak individuals of a prey species will be the first to succumb, other things being equal. Thus the predator acts to maintain or increase the virility of its prey species. Likewise, many predators are also scavengers to a degree. They clean the range of dead animals that escaped attack before dying from some cause other than predation. How do these ideas stand analysis with respect to grouse? The ruffed grouse normally maintains its full vitality in the face of affliction until very near death. By the time a bird shows weak- ness of flight, or sluggishness of activity, it is ordinarily very near death. The time during which a predator might take a sick grouse easier than a well one is very limited. Although not very significant, the sanitation principle probably does hold with grouse within this limitation. Probably of greater significance than physical weakness, is the vulnerability of birds that are in unfamiliar habitat. Similarly, grouse living under strain of intolerance by confreres may fall vic- tim to an enemy more readily than would otherwise have been the case. When it comes to cleaning up carcasses of birds that have met death through means other than enemy attack, the scavengers are very efiicient. For example, three birds that were shot and left lying without being handled by man, were taken the first, second, and fourth nights of exposure. It is rare indeed for a grouse to lie on the ground long enough for the flesh to rot appreciably. Interrelationships of Rutfed Grouse 211 THE EFFECT OF PREDATOR CONTROL ON RUFFED GROUSE POPULATIONS ' We have aheady observed that any discussion covering the rela- tions of predators and game is most delicate. That phase of the sub- ject dealing with control of the predators, and its value, is probably the most delicate of all. Our object, therefore, must be to evaluate dispassionately the efiFectiveness of control on the prevalence of the predatoiy species themselves and the resulting efiFects on the ruffed grouse populations. Predator control studies were made on the Connecticut Hill area. New York, in 1930-32, and continued in 1933-35. Two types of con- trol experiments were made: complete control, where all predatory species were taken; and selective control, under which foxes (two species ) and weasels ( two species ) were taken. The initial experiment in 1930-32 was designed to appraise the effects of complete predator elimination. Of course this was far from accomplished, the degiee of success with any species depending upon its mobility and its susceptibility to trapping. The trapped area consisted of one thousand, four hundred and twenty-five acres of giouse coverts while the untrapped check-area covered one thou- sand, two hundred and twenty-three acres. The fact that these two tracts lay adjacent to each other, one being the northern, the other the southern part of the whole study area, unquestionably acted to reduce differentials in both grouse populations and mortality. Hence, any conclusions as to positive effectiveness of predator control in improving grouse numbers would probably be conservative. A total of five hundred and fifty-seven predators were taken by trap and shot during the first two-year period, three hundred and twenty-one the first year (October 1, 1930-September 30, 1931) and two hundred and thirty-six the second year (October 1, 1931-August 31, 1932), including fifty-six homed owls, twenty-five foxes, sixty-six skunks, forty-three weasels and twenty-two accipitrine hawks. Records of the numbers taken the second year indicate that re- duction was markedly successful with respect to the long-eared owl, red-tailed hawk, and small brown weasel; and moderately success- ^ This account is taken largely from an article of the same title, by the author, in the Journal of Wildlife Management, October, 1939. 212 The Ruffed Grouse ful with the honied owl, marsh hawk, and crow/ Species which showed httle or no reduction the second year included the Cooper's hawk, sharp-shinned hawk, sparrow hawk, red fox, gray fox, skunk, domestic cat, red squirrel, and raccoon. Considering only the more important grouse predators, control apparently showed some effect on the horned owl, crow and small brown weasel; but made little dent in the Cooper's hawk, sharp-shinned hawk, red fox, gray fox, skunk, and raccoon numbers. Even though some of the most important grouse predators re- mained as abundant the second year as the first, there may have been an immediate effect on the grouse by the temporary reduction. The data indicate that the predator control reduced the nest mortality markedly both years. During the first year the brood- and adult-mortality records show a small differential favoring the trapped sections, but in the second year the brood mortality was practically identical on the two tracts and the adult mortality was actually higher on the controlled portion. But even though the predator con- trol proved unable consistently to lower the brood or adult losses, the reduction in nest loss accomplished might produce a higher shootable fall population. In the fall of 1931, while the grouse population of the area was still well below carrying capacity, the predator-controlled portion had a markedly higher population density. These additional grouse, twenty-five per cent more than on the check area, may reasonably be credited to the control of predators. Then the second year, with a nearly peak population at hand, the effect of the predator control was negligible, although still producing a slightly more dense popu- lation than developed on the untrapped subarea. It appears then that the increase in adult mortality on the controlled portion the second year, presumably brought on by the higher population density the first fall, almost completely offset the saving in nests. That is to say, the inevitable inverse relationship of productivity to breeding density canceled any possible benefits of predator control. Thus the vital part that population level plays in determining grouse losses indicates the futility of attempts to regulate them. The value of predator control in high population seems, from this test, to be negligible. ^ Since these species are migratory, the indicated results may have resulted merely from variations in the annual flights. Interrelationships of Ruffed Grouse 213 Following the two-)'ears' study of predator control in 1931 and 1932, a year was allowed to elapse and then the experiments were resumed. With the possibility in mind that the results of the first experiments may have been affected by factors peculiar to the two subareas, the trapped and untrapped areas were reversed in the second series of tests beginning late in 1933. Trapping and shooting were carried on from October 1, 1933, to April 30, 1934, rather than for the full year as previously. The 1934 experiments continued the complete control with a no-trapping check area. A total of one hundred and one birds and ninety-four mammals were taken, including thirty-seven homed owls, fourteen foxes, nineteen skunks, ten weasels, and twenty accipitrine hawks. As in the earlier experiments, the outstanding species taken was the homed owl, which is probably the most efficient ( if not always most important) of the common grouse predators. The mammalian predators showed practically the same abundance as in the first experiments, with the two species of foxes being most important. The nest mortality on the subareas for 1934 was twenty per cent for the trapped portion and forty per cent for the untrapped. The following summer, the brood mortalities were fifty-two and three- tenths per cent and fifty-six and three-tenths per cent respectively. By calculation, the loss of adults on the trapped area was twenty- three and seven-tenths per cent and that on the untrapped thirty- two and two-tenths per cent. In reversing the trapped and untrapped areas the results, too, have been reversed. Nest mortality was decreased by one half, brood mortality slightly lessened, and adult losses lowered appreciably. We conclude that the predator-control-effect data were not seriously confused by other factors, although detailed accuracy of the results cannot be claimed. If comparability of the results of the two experi- ments was maintained, the 1934 fall population densities on the two subareas should have shown little difference, as was the case in 1932, since 1934 was another peak year. The density on September 1 on the trapped area proved to be a bird to five and six-tenths acres while on the untrapped portion the ratio was five and five-tenths acres per grouse. Thus, we find the result repeated that in a peak year even effective reduction of the nest mortalitv bv predator con- trol does not appreciably increase the fall population on unshot areas. 214 The Ruffed Grouse The main objective of the 1935 experiments on Connecticut Hill was to learn the effectiveness of fox-weasel control, these animals being the most destructive nest predators. But with the fall of 1934, a situation arose that seemed to present an unusual opportunity to get further valuable data on complete control. One section on Con- necticut Hill attained a September density of two and five-tenths acres per grouse (equivalent of one and eight-tenths acres per grouse of actual coverts, including no open land). This represented the highest population density any covert had attained. It was de- cided to subject this section alone to complete predator control to determine if by so doing this saturated population density could be maintained. Indirectly, it gave a better opportunity to obtain data on dispersion or disease that might result from this heavy popula- tion. The predatory species taken during the 1935 trapping and shoot- ing period, October 1, 1934 to April 30, 1935, totaled one hundred and twenty-one individuals, of which ninety-seven were from the complete control subarea and twenty-four from the selective control subarea. These included sixteen homed owls, twenty-five foxes, and thirteen weasels. Most significant in this record are the takes of horned owls and foxes. While the analysis of the data for 1935 is complicated by addi- tional factors, the broad effects followed the same course as in pre- vious years. Both complete and selective predator control proved effective in reducing nest losses. The selective control brought a reduction of about forty per cent in the nest mortality. Again, little or no reduction of brood losses was accomplished by either type of control— complete or selective. The adult losses ran exactly opposite to the objectives, being greatest on the complete control subarea, least on the non-control sections. Because the losses on the complete-control section were accentuated by a marked dispersal of birds from the high popula- tion of the fall of 1934, examination of the predator decimation would seem to give a fairer comparison. Based on grouse remains found, we find that nearly twenty per cent of the 1934 fall popula- tion were picked up on the complete control subarea, nearly twenty- two per cent on the selective control and only thirteen per cent on the no-control sections. Thus, despite drastic control of predators, the high population density still induced a higher rate of predation Interrelationships of Ruffed Grouse 215 than occurred without control on the areas used as a check but which had much lower populations to start with. Thus, the high decimation expected in peak populations occurred regardless of elimination of predators. From all the data on hand, we must conclude that intensive predator control of any type, while it may be markedly effective in reducing nesting loss, will not produce a higher shootable fall popu- lation of grouse during years of high abundance. During years of low grouse numbers, the evidence shows that predator control may increase appreciably the fall grouse population. But even under these conditions, with the grouse population increasing anyway, the justiiication for deliberate predator control is very doubtful. Control measures designed to benefit game populations often take the form of bounties. In this connection, Gerstell (1937), in report- ing upon the experience of the Pennsylvania Game Commission, concludes:". . . as a predator-control measure the payment of boun- ties has proven grossly inefficient ... it has been impossible to prove that the operation of the bounty system over a relatively long period of years has improved game conditions. Furthermore, it was shown that the annual amount of money expended for bounty pay- ments was controlled not by the abundance of predators, but prin- cipally by climatic and general economic conditions." What more need be added? There is no substantial evidence to justify intensive predator control for the benefit of grouse populations. THE ABUNDANCE OF BUFFER SPECIES AS IT AFFECTS PREDATOR FOOD HABITS AND GROUSE MORTALITY Buffer species are those animals that furnish the bulk of food for predatory animals. They are generally abundant, sometimes exceed- ingly so, have a high-reproductive rate, and wide distribution. They are the staple animal foods of the foxes, weasels, owls, hawks, etc. Predominantly they are rodents, and they are markedly cyclic in their population trends. In the Northeast the more prominent ones are: rabbits (cottontail rabbit, snowshoe hare) (see Plate 34A, B), squirrels (red and gray) (see Plate 34C), mice-field (Microtus), wood (Peromtjscus) , red-backed (Evotomys), and others— shrews, and woodchuck. Since they are relatively easy to catch, because of their abundance, their slowness afoot, or inability to protect 216 The Ruffed Grouse themselves, they tend to act as buffers in reducing predator pressure on other prey. If, because of a scarcity of buffers, the predatory population pursues the game birds more intensively, more game birds will succumb. Thus there is a close theoretical relationship be- tween the rodents and grouse. How does it work out actually? Determination of populations of rodent and predatory species on extensive areas is a trick still to be mastered. However, methods for determining population trends are available and, we believe, are reasonably accurate. These include state game kill records; "sign" recorded on field censuses, reduced to a number-per-man-day basis; sample-track counts taken over marked trails of standard length un- der as nearly uniform conditions as possible. All of these methods have their shortcomings, but using all of them some trends appear. Several interesting trends come to light. Beginning with the early 1930's, all of these rodents increased to an irruptive peak in numbers in 1935. Then from 1935 to 1936 they all suffered a catastrophic de- cline. Three out of four rabbits died, four of five field mice, and nine out of every ten red and gray squirrels. This fact is supported by general census data, by the game kill reports ( see Fig. 9 ) for cotton- tails and gray squirrels (although the general decline in cottontails apparently began two years before), and by the well-defined and much-publicized migration and die-off of gray squirrels in the fall of 1935. The decline in cottontails was not so complete from 1935 to 1936 as that of the other animals, but it continued for two more years while recovery of all the others began. This three-year period of cot- tontail decline is substantiated by the state game kill records. The uniformity of the rise and fall of these species from 1930 to 1936 is notable. But very significant variations in the recovery rate followed. As already pointed out, the cottontails continued to de- cline for another two years; the mice began a rapid recovery the next year, and the red squirrels a gradual one. The recovery in gray squirrels began the second year, as the mice and red squirrels com- pleted their recovery to normal abundance. Then from 1938 to 1939, as the cottontails began their increase, the others again declined, the squirrels only moderately and for a single year, the mice signifi- cantly and for at least two years. The cottontails also showed some loss in the second year of the latter period. From the standpoint of the effect of these fluctuations on the Interrelationsliips of Rufied Grouse 217 predatory species that depend upon them for food, and the indirect effects upon the ruffed grouse, two very significant facts are perti- nent. In spite of the gieat coincidence of the periods of major decline of these rodents, there is enough dissimilarity in tlieir population drops so that they are not all very scarce at once. Thus, in 1936, the cottontails had only declined part way when the others "hit bottom." 2.00 1.75 1.50 125 yi.oo |.75 .50 .25 / / \ / COnONTAIL RABBIT \ / -- / \ / \ ^ \ \ V / / A GRAY SQUIRREL / \ ^ '- ^ ^'" RUFFED GROUSE 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 YEARS (Autumn) Fic. 9. New York State Game Kill Records 1930-1938. In 1937, the mice had increased considerably above their low point and the cottontails had still not reached their low. In these two worst years for buffer foods, there were still some species in fair relative abundance. The second significant point is that even when the rodents reached the trough of their population trends there were still a lot of them, enough to support a fair number of predators. The only one of the predator groups that is recorded in the state game kill take is the foxes. We find a slight decrease indicated in these records for 1935 (see Fig. 9). 218 The Ruffed Grouse We may fairly conclude that the numbers of several of the preda- tory animals are responsive to changes in the numbers of their chief prey species. The response in decline of predators may take up to two years following marked changes in rodent numbers to become significantly apparent. PREDATORS (Primarily foxes, weasels, horned owls and hawks) RUFFED GROUSE 1930-31 1931-32 1932-33 1933-34 1934-35 YEARS 1935-36 1936-37 1937-38 1938-39 Fig. 10. Generalized Population Trends of Ruffed Grouse, certain Predators, and certain Rodents New York State 1930-1939 (Based on State Game Kill Records and field data) Turning now to the trends in ruffed grouse in comparison with those of rodents and predators, there are both correlations and lack of correlations. We find that the Connecticut Hill trends indicate that the population drop in 1933 was probably not associated with predator-buffer trends, the 1935 decline is definitely not so associ- ated, while the 1937 decline is quite probably linked with these trends. In examining the state-wide game kill records ^ there appears ^ These records are well-known to be inaccurate; but since the sources of error are the same each year, tlie trends indicated may be quite reliable. Interrelationships of Ruffed Grouse 219 to be a possible correlation in the 1936 decline in grouse take, which coincided with decreases in the take of foxes and gray squirrels and with the completion of the reduction in take of cottontails that had begun two years prior ( see Fig. 9 ) . So many factors enter into these population trends, and they are of such varying importance, that it would not be expected that the population curves of so many animals would agree in details. There is enough evidence from the data, though, to support the interrela- tion theory among these populations. In Fig. 10 we have tried to generalize the data in order to illustrate what appears to be the cor- relation. The rodents lead the parade, and change most violently; the predators and giouse follow with less marked changes. OTHER ANIMALS THAT AFFECT THE GROUSE WELFARE Predators and their usual prey, the buffer species, are not the only mammals that influence grouse. Many mammals, and birds too, compete with grouse for food, although this does not ordinarily cause much trouble ( see page 178 ) . However, those mammals that graze or browse can have a seriously detrimental effect on the wood- land cover. Over most of the grouse range, the white-tailed deer is the only one that becomes abundant enough to damage the range. The Pennsylvania deer problem, much publicized in the past two decades, will serve as an example. Leopold (1943) in discussing this situation says: "Many plants important to other game species were also depleted; thus greenbrier, on which ruffed grouse depend for cover, was nearly annihilated. Snowshoe hare and wild turkey like- wise felt the pressure of excess deer." PREDATION AS A LIMITING FACTOR Throughout the discussion of the relations of grouse populations to other animals, it has been apparent that predation is normally a constant and immediate medium of reduction of grouse, either as eggs or birds. The manifestation of predation does not, however, necessarily measure its status as a limiting factor, or potential limit- ing factor. However, it does deserve the most careful analysis in comparison with other major factors. Any group of organisms that normally destroy two eggs out of every five laid by a prey species, 220 The Ruffed Grouse and half the birds that reach maturity— and that may, under certain conditions, far exceed these rates of destruction— cannot be dis- missed hghtly, even though a part of the losses be conditioned by other factors. It may be well for us at this time to review the meaning of "Hmit- ing factor." It is that element which ultimately prevents any more of a given species from existing or surviving than actually do. To clarify the matter let us take a couple of simple, and factual, exam- ples. The Lancaster County region of southeastern Pennsylvania is an intensively farmed area. The vegetation on the land is mainly crops (com, wheat, oats, tobacco, hay) and pastures. The woodlands are small, scattered, and lacking in conifers. This range contains no grouse. Clearly the limiting factor is a lack of suitable habitat, shel- ter first, and food also but probably to a lesser degree. It is obvious that predation is not limiting the grouse here, since there are no grouse for them to capture. There are cases in the Northeast where good grouse habitat exists almost literally in the shadow of the tall buildings of large cities. Unless this habitat is protected as a virtual sanctuary, it will ordi- narily contain no grouse. Man's interference, as a hunter, or in seek- ing recreation, or cutting the underbrush for a park, or in other pursuits, eliminates gi-ouse from this potentially habitable range. These are two cases where a single element serves definitely and continuously to act as a limiting factor upon grouse— in both cases an excluding type of action. Under more normal circumstances, rec- ognition of the limiting factor is more difficult. Moreover it may change from one year to the next. It is very likely to change as the grouse population itself fluctuates. There may be times and places that predation will act as the ultimate determinant of the level of grouse population, but these will not be general. They will most commonly be where the number of birds is well below both carry- ing capacity and saturation point. There will be times at almost any density of grouse when weather conditions will act as the major brake to increase. This may merely condition predation, as in severe winters, or may act more directly, through chick mortality. When populations are high, disease may limit the birds or condition an increase in predation, or the natural intolerance of the birds for their own kind (each requiring so much territory) may be the factor that Interrelationships of Ruffed Grouse 221 prevents a higher degree of survival so that further increases are pre- vented. We have aheady seen that drastic control of predators may bring about an increase of grouse when the density is quite low, and that it fails to have that result when populations are high. When the number of grouse is more than the envii-onment can safely accommo- date, decline is inevitable. The conclusion seems to be that predators may limit grouse populations when below the peak of their upward trend, but still do not ordinarily prevent them from increasing to a greater density that permits another limiting factor to bring about declines beyond expected seasonal losses. These relations of popu- lation densities to changes in population level are fundamental and override all others including predator-prey relationship. REFERENCES AND CITATION SOURCES ON RELATIONS OF RUFFED GROUSE TO OTHER ANIMALS Bennett, L. J., and English, P. F. Food Habits of the Grey Fox in Penna., Penna. Game News, Vol. XII, No. 12, March, 1942. Bezdek, F. H. (Progress report on research into methods of increasing ruffed grouse populations), Pittman-Robertson Quarterly, Vol. 3, No. 4, Oct., 1943. Cook, D. B., and Hamilton, W. J., Jr. The Ecological Relationships of Red Fox Food in Eastern New York, Ecology, Vol. 25, No. 1, Jan., 1944. Dean, R. Unusual Abundance of American Goshawk, Auk, Vol. XXIV, No. 2, 1907. Dearborn, Ned. Foods of Some Predatory Fur-bearing Animals in Michigan, Univ. Mich., School of Forestry and Conservation Bull. No. 1, 1932. Eadie, W. Robert. Food of the Red Fox in Southern New Hampshire, Journ. Wildlife Mgt., Vol. 7, No. 1, Jan., 1943. Edminster, F. C. The Effect of Predator Control on Ruffed Grouse Populations in New York, Journ. Wildlffe Mgt., Vol. 3, No. 4, Oct., 1939. English, P. F., and Bennett, L. J. Red Fox Food Habits Study in Pennsylvania, Penna. Game News, Vol. XII, No. 11, Feb., 1942. Errington, P. L. Food Habits of Mid-west Foxes, Journ. of Mammalogy, Vol. 16, No. 3, 1935. Errington, P. L., Hamerstrom, Frances, and Hamerstrom, F. N., Jr. The Great Homed Owl and Its Prey in North-central United States, Res. Bull. 277, Iowa State College Agr. & Mech. Arts., 1940. Fisher, A. K. The Hawks and Owls of the United States in Their Relation to Agriculture, U.S.D.A. Div. Omith. & Mammal. Bull. No. 3, 1893. Gerstell, Richard. The Pennsylvania Bounty System, Res. Bull. No. 1, Pa. Game Commission, 1937. Gross, A. O. Food of the Snowy Owl, Auk, Vol. 61, No. 1, Jan., 1944. 222 The RuflFed Grouse Hamilton, W. J., Jr. Seasonal Food of Skunks in New York, Journ. Mammal- ogy, Vol. 17, No. 3, 1936. Hamilton, W. J., Jr. The Value of Predatory Animals, N. Y. Zool. Soc. Bull., Vol. XL, No. 2, 1937. Handley, C. O. Progress Report of the Study of the Food Habits of the Red and Gray Fpx in Virginia, Ann. Rep., Va. Comm. of Game and Inland Fish- eries, 1934. King, R. T. Ruffed Grouse Management, Journ. Forestry, Vol. XXXV, No. 6, June, 1937. Kozicky, Edward L. Food Habits of Foxes in Wild Turkey Territory, Pa. Game News, Vol. XIV, No. 4, July, 1943. Leopold, Aldo. Deer Irruptions, Wise. Cons. Bull., Vol. VIII, No. 8, Aug., 1943. McAtee, W. L. Food Habits of the Common Hawks, U.S.D.A. Circular No. 370, 1935. McDowell, R. D. The Great Homed Owl, Pa. Game News, Vol. XI, No. 8, 1940. McDowell, R. D. The Eastern Goshawk in Pennsylvania, Pa. Game News, Vol. XI, No. 11, 1941. McDowell, R. D. The Cooper's Hawk in Pennsylvania, Pa. Game News, Vol. XII, No. 1, 1941. Mendall, H. L. Food of Hawks and Owls in Maine, Journ. Wildlife Mgt., Vol. VIII, No. 3, July, 1944. . New York State Conservation Department Annual Reports for years 1931, 1932, 1933, and 1934. Sealander, J. A. Winter Food Habits of Mink in Southern Michigan, Journ. Wildlife Mgt., Vol. VII, No. 4, Oct., 1943. 8 The Diseases and Parasites of Wild Ruffed Grouse Most species of vertebrate animals are subject to infection by a variety of parasites, and the grouse is no exception. The proportion of grouse playing host to one or more forms of parasites varies with the seasons, in different regions or localities, and changes from one year to another. The presence of parasites is not necessarily an ill omen. How serious the infection is to the bird depends upon the kind of parasite, the number present, and the destructiveness of the species. As disease is a serious factor in the mortality rate of many animals, it has long been suspected that many grouse may die from this cause. Particular attention has been directed at the possible connection be- tween epizootic diseases and population fluctuations, or cycles. Epizootics among the red grouse ( Lagopus lagopus scoticus) in Eng- land have been shown to be caused by a nematode worm ( Tricho- strongijlus pergracilis) and Coccidia (Leslie and Shipley, 1911). One of the early reports attributing disease as a cause of ruflFed grouse scarcity was that of WoodruflF ( 1908 ) in New York. Of nine theories "offered as a possible explanation of the grouse scarcity," three re- lated to disease: "(5) An epidemic disease ... (6) An internal parasite. (7) An external parasite ('ticks')." He concluded "that it was due to an unhappy combination of three separate factors, each one of which alone was serious in its effects." Following winter predation and adverse spring weather in 1907, number three is "an epidemic of some disease or parasite, or both, just which we cannot now determine." However, the report on the next die-oflP in New York (Stoddart, 1918) deprecated disease as an important factor. After recalling the importance that Woodruff attached to disease in the earlier report, Stoddart says: "There is nothing in Mr. Woodruff's report that is 223 224 The Ruffed Grouse conclusive on this subject. Those who answered the Commission's questiomiaire are convinced that these agencies (i.e. diseases and parasites ) are playing little or no part in the present grouse shortage —'disease' being placed last on the list of causes . . ." It was not long though before the matter of grouse disease again received considerable attention. Following the secondary grouse decline in 1924, the American Game Association arranged a study of the grouse which from the start gave primary emphasis to the dis- ease factor. Led by two eminent ornithologists, A. A. Allen and A. O. Gross, this study inaugurated an era of research in the field of wild life ecology and management. In their first report Allen and Gross ( 1926), after a year's work including examination of nine hun- dred and twenty-three birds, stated that ". . . no definite conclu- sions or recommendations can yet be advanced." Nevertheless, con- siderable progress was made. "The common belief is that there is one disease responsible for the disappearance of the grouse. The investigation this year uncovered no evidence to support the belief. On the contrary over twenty different parasites and diseases were found, any one of which may prove to be important in different lo- calities. Some are abundant and of general distribution, others seem to be of only local importance as yet." Later, evidence indicated that the stomach worm {Dispharynx spiralis) might be the cause of local grouse declines. Gross (1930) found that "this parasite was respon- sible for the death of a large proportion of the birds found dead in Massachusetts and Connecticut and sent to us . . ." No other dis- eases or parasites of the wild birds showed any likelihood of causing serious mortality. When Gross reported again a year later (Gross, 1931) he said that "not a single bird was received (during the past year) which had met death through diseases or parasites." Thus was indicated the periodic nature of grouse disease as a lethal agent. In the early years of the New York study, 1930-32, not a bird found gave any indication of having serious trouble arising from disease. Then, in 1933, the first indications of possible trouble showed up at Connecticut Hill. The author found two grouse dead and in full flesh which proved to have died from Dispharynx infec- tion. Soon another bird was found which, while killed and decapi- tated by a predator, was found to have been severely affected with aspergillosis, which very likely had weakened it before the predator attack. The grouse population was high and the incidence of para- sitic infections was much higher than during the previous year. The The Diseases and Parasites of Wild Ruffed Grouse 225 bird population declined that winter more than usual, but recov- ered quickly the next year, and there was no conclusive evidence of disease being a major decimating agency. And so it has been each succeeding year since in New York. During the 1930's the results of three other investigations on the grouse disease factor were reported. Working in Ontario, Canada, Clarke (1936) concluded that a protozoan blood parasite, Leuco- cytozoon bonasae ". . . is most probably the organism responsible for the dying-off of grouse." Boughton ( 1937 ) reported on examina- tions of five hundred and sixty grouse, mainly from Minnesota, and was unable to draw definite conclusions as to the part played by disease in causing grouse mortality. He did feel that ". . . none of the parasites found during the present survey (which does not in- clude examinations of adult grouse during the months of June, July and August ) have been directly responsible for the mortality among the adult ruffed grouse during the year 1933-34, when a decrease in the grouse population was reported." However, he added that "the possibility still exists that parasitism is the cause of 'epidemics' in adult grouse during the summer months ... It appears more probable . . . , however, that any mortality that did take place might have occurred in the young grouse . . ." More than three hun- dred grouse were autopsied in connection with the Michigan grouse study by Fisher ( 1939 ) . He concluded ". . . that parasites and dis- eases of the ruffed grouse appear to be a major factor in the decima- tion of these birds in Michigan. It is evident that in order to account, if possible, for the periodic fluctuation in the population of the ruffed grouse in Michigan, it will be necessary to continue laboratory studies and field observations on these parasites that infest the species." It seems apparent that the several investigators each feel that there is something vital in the grouse's disease relationships but they are not quite sure what it is or how it works. Before considering further the epidemiology of these diseases, let us review those that are the more prevalent. CHARACTERISTICS AND OCCURRENCE OF DISEASE AGENTS The diseases and parasitic conditions in the ruffed grouse, and their causative agents, may conveniently be grouped in the follow- ing categories: 226 The Ruffed Grouse Helminths, which are internal, parasitic worms, divided into three classes, the roundworms (Nematodes), tapeworms (Cestodes), and the flukes ( Trematodes ) . Protozoa, microscopic, single-celled animals. Bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Ectoparasites, including flies, lice, ticks, fleas, and mites. The Nematode Worms (roundworms). At least fourteen species of roundworms have been found in the ruffed grouse, of which nine are known to occur in the eastern seaboard states. In the listing be- low, those of most significance are placed first. Dispharynx spiralis (Molin, 1858) Skrjabin 1916 b. This stomach worm (see Plate 35) attacks the biid's proventriculus or glandular stomach, but is also occasionally found in the gullet and the intes- tine. It affects a number of hosts in addition to the grouse, includ- ing the domestic chicken, dove, robin, turkey, and guinea fowl. It is a small, whitish worm a little less than half an inch long, which attaches itself by its head to the mucosa of the stomach, and usually rolls its body in a spiral.^ There is usually a swelling of the organ, the degree depending upon the severity of the infection. There is a small, bloody lesion of the epithelial tissue, which spreads to redden the entire mucous surface ff many worms are present. In such cases the lumen ( passage ) is reduced by swelling of the walls. In the most serious cases, the worms penetrate and destroy the gas- tric glands. This is accompanied by an excessive secretion of a white, glary mucus. In some cases the proventriculus is perforated, result- ing in a fatal peritonitis. In severe infections, the digestion is severely impaired and emacia- tion results. Death commonly results from the primary tissue de- struction and starvation. Most of the infections are produced by a few worms. AUen and Gross (1926) found the usual infection to be "from three or four up to a dozen." However, they recorded one case of two hundred and twenty-eight parasites. Evidence indicates that infections with twenty to thirty worms are suflBcient to affect the bird's health and those more severe may prove fatal. The Iffe history of the parasite begins with the eggs passing out of the grouse in its droppings. These are eaten by sowbugs (Porcellio laevis) which are the intermediate hosts. Here the embryos escape 1 See Cram ( 1927) for full description. The Diseases and Parasites of Wild Ruffed Grouse 227 and develop into infective larvae in the body cavity. The sowbugs are then eaten by grouse (or other primary host species). In the bird's digestive tract, the larvae mature and attach themselves to the proventricular wall. When mature, they lay eggs free in the digestive tract to be carried out in the droppings, thus completing the round. The occurrence of Dispharynx is quite local, and varies greatly in different years. So far as is now known, it has been a serious grouse parasite only in the area from New York and New Jersey through southern New England. Of four hundred and forty-three birds ex- amined by Allen and Gross ( 1926 ) from five states, several of which had been picked up dead, forty-nine (eleven per cent) had Dis- pharynx infestations. None of these stomach worms were found in four hundred and four birds from ten other states and provinces. Of 2,059 adult wild grouse examined during the New York study (N. Y. S. Cons. Dept. Ann. Reports 1932-42) about three hundred and fifty contained Dispharynx, an average infection of seventeen per cent. The rate of infection varied from sLx and five-tenths per cent in 1933 and seven and seven-tenths per cent in 1932 ( and prob- ably less in 1931 and 1930 ) to twenty-eight and two-tenths per cent in 1942. The rate increased generally from 1932 to 1938 when it reached twenty per cent. Then it declined to six and five-tenths per cent in 1939, whence it again increased each year until 1942. Serious cases were not uncommon, as in 1934 when eight out of eighteen cases "were thought serious enough to have caused death in due time." The parasite occurs in young grouse too. The New York State Conservation Department Annual Reports from 1933 to 1941 (ex- cept 1936 ) summarize the examinations of nine hundred and thirty- two chicks, of which fifty-four or five and eight-tenths per cent had Dispharynx. The annual rates of infection varied from zero (1933 and 1934) to ten and two-tenths per cent in 1940. Since these birds were collected from various parts of the state and at all seasons ( chicks only in summer, of course ) , the probability of obtaining a true estimate of the rate of infection from the number of cases is slight. However, there is some indication, particularly as indicated from the records of the adults, that the incidence of this parasitism fluctuates more or less periodically, building up to a large number of cases, then falling off, and so on. Further, the high in- 228 The Ruffed Grouse cidence reached in 1937 coincides with a minor decline in grouse populations. How much significance this may have is conjectural. Except for the records in New York and New England, the only instance of Dispharynx in grouse is in a single bird recorded by Fisher (1939) from Michigan. It was very heavilv infected. In do- mestic fowl this parasite is known from many parts of the world. Ascaridia honasae (Wehr, 1940). This is an intestinal worm that may be found almost anywhere in the alimentary tract, although primarily in the small gut, and occasionally free in the body cavity. Closely related species are parasites of the domestic duck and chicken. The parasite is one of the largest infecting the grouse, varying from about two to four inches in length; it is yellowish in color.^ Ordinarily it does not affect the host seriously and no gross lesions are produced in most of the cases. The life history probably parallels that of a close relative in the chicken. Infection is acquired directly, no intermediate host being necessary. Its primary effect is to deprive the host of nutrients from the digested food in the intestine. Infections often are high, two hundred or more worms occasion- ally being found in a single bird. Such numbers do not seem to affect the grouse seriously although it has been observed that in domestic chickens there may be a large enough number of worms to prevent food from moving through the intestine. If this does occur in grouse, it has not been obsei*ved and surely is rare. Allen and Gross (1926) found from one-quarter to one-third of all birds they examined from various states to be affected with from one to fifteen worms per bird. Clarke (1936) found this species to be the commonest endoparasite of Ontario grouse, with incidence ranging from zero to forty per cent in different areas and averaging twenty-one per cent. Bough ton (1937) records an incidence of thirty-seven per cent in five hundred and tl^irt^'-three Minnesota grouse, with an average number of six worms per infected bird." Erickson (1944) found eleven of twenty-six birds from Minnesota to contain this parasite. Fisher (1939) gives the rate of occurrence in Michigan grouse as from twenty to thirty-seven per cent in differ- ent years, with the number of worms averaging one to three. ^ See Cram ( 1927) for complete description. " Boughton lii>ts the species as A. galli in the text although he gives it the name A. Uneata in the first iiistence on puge 7 The Diseases and Parasites of Wild Rutfed Grouse 229 The records of the autopsies performed by the New York study from 1932 to 1942 on 2,059 adult grouse showed a great variation in incidence of Ascaridia, ranging from nine to seventy-one per cent in different years and averaging forty-one per cent. The incidence of twenty-five per cent in 1932 ( and probably less in the preceding two or more years) increased to the highest rate in 1935 and then de- creased steadily each year to the lowest rate in 1942. This steady trend may have some significance as an indicator of population re- lationships. These worms are commonly found in grouse chicks too, but are not nearly as prevalent in them as in the adults. The average incidence in nine hundred and thirty-two chicks reported by the New York study in their annual reports from 1933 to 1941 was ten and four- tenths per cent, with variations of from zero to twenty-five per cent in different years. The highest incidence of infection with this para- site in the chicks occurred in the same year that it reached a high in the adults, a year of high grouse density ( 1935 ) . Thus, while its distribution is general and its incidence high, Ascaridia is not normally a parasite of much consequence. However, as several authors have indicated, it might conceivably cause serious trouble, and may be one of the numerous parasitisms of the grouse that are associated with high population densities and may con- tribute to their decimation. Hcterakis honasae (Cram, 1927). This parasite infects the caeca, or blind gut, that forms an appendage to the intestine. It is a little less than half an inch in length. Its development is direct, eggs dis- charged from the host embryonating and infecting other birds. The occurrence of this worm has been recorded most commonly from New York and the species found here and named H. honasae is somewhat different from the species, H. gallinae, reported as com- mon to many domestic and wild gallinaceous birds and certain others throughout the world. It was found in one bird from Rhode Island and one from Nova Scotia among four hundred and seventeen examined by Dr. E. E. Tyzzer and in ten per cent of the birds from New York and fifty per cent of those from Pennsylvania studied at Ithaca (Allen and Gross, 1926). Neither Fisher nor Clarke reported any occurrences from their studies but Boughton (1937) reported three from among 230 The Ruffed Grouse five hundred and thirty-three birds (one to tliree worms each); he identified the species as H. gallinae. In the adult birds examined during the New York study, six hun- dred and thirty-two or thirty-one per cent had this parasite present. The incidence varied from zero to seventy-three per cent in different years, with 1935 to 1937 being the high period. This worm was found in only four of nine hundred and thirty-two chicks examined over a nine-year period. There is no indication that this parasite is of serious consequence to the ruffed grouse. Cheilospirura spinosa (Cram, 1927'). This is a slender, whitish worm that inhabits the gizzard between the muscular walls and chitinous lining. Its length varies from about three-quarters to one and one-half inches, and the body usually assumes a twisted shape. Its life history involves an intennediate stage in a grasshopper (Cram, 1931). Its distribution appears to be quite general in the range of the ruffed grouse. First discovered in 1925 by Stafseth and Kotlan in Michigan specimens, it was found commonly in the birds examined by Allen and Gross ( 1926) except in those from New England. They reported the highest incidence of infection from Michigan birds ( forty-two per cent ) and twenty-one per cent of those from Minne- sota, twenty-two per cent of Pennsylvania grouse, nineteen per cent of Wisconsin specimens, fourteen per cent of those from New York, and three out of eight birds examined from New Jersey, revealed them. The average number of worms was about twelve to sixteen but in some cases varied up to forty. Only in the most severe in- fections was any damage apparent— an abnormal thickening of the muscular wall, and even this seemed to cause little damage. Gross ( 1930 ) reported that "This parasite was found to be com- mon, particularly in specimens received from New England." Mueller ( 1941 ) again recorded its occurrence in New Hampshire. Clarke's ( 1936 ) records from Ontario showed an average infection of Cheilospirura of nine and two-tenths per cent, with variations at different locations of from none to fourteen and eight-tenths per cent. He found a few cases severe enough to cause serious lesions but noted that in these instances the bird's vitality must have been ^ See Cram, 1927, for complete description. The Diseases and Parasites of Wild Ruffed Grouse 231 impaired. His records showed no pronounced variation from year to year and he concluded that the parasite has no relation whatever with the cyclic dying-off. Boughton ( 1937 ) recorded an infection rate of twenty-three per cent in Minnesota grouse with an average infection of three and eight-tenths worms and a maximum of thirty. Erickson (1944) re- ported four instances among twenty-six birds also taken in Minne- sota. Boughton included this parasite among those that are poten- tially dangerous to the ruffed grouse but found no very serious cases among those examined. The grouse from Michigan reported upon by Fisher ( 1939 ) were more heavily infected than any recorded, except the Michigan specimens earlier examined by Allen and Gross. In the four years from 1933 to 1936 the rate of infection varied from twenty-eight per cent to fifty-one per cent. Fisher indicates that the species may be quite significant, for not only was it the most preva- lent parasite but "many of the grouse were so heavily infected with these parasites that part of the lining of the gizzard had been de- stroyed and there was destruction of the surrounding tissue." The autopsies of the New York study over the eleven-year period, 1932-1942, show it to have very minor importance in that state. The average infection rate for adult birds was eight per cent and for chicks two and six-tenths per cent. The annual extremes were two per cent (1932) to sixteen per cent (1941) for the adults and zero ( 1933, 38, 39) to four and five-tenths per cent ( 1941 ) for the young birds. This parasite cannot be considered to be of significance to grouse in New York on the basis of present evidence, but may be so locally, and possibly quite generally, in Michigan in some years. Capillaria annulata (Molin). A haii'-thin worm found beneath the epithelial lining in the bird's crop and gullet, this parasite is about two to three inches long. It can do serious damage by causing the walls of the crop and gullet to thicken. An anemia in a grouse para- sitized by C. annulata was described by Allen and Gross (1926). The specimens examined by these authors did not reveal this species commonly for they say "Fortunately these are apparently comparatively rare parasites, only five wild birds, all from southern New England and Columbia County, New York, were found with them." The species was not common in the birds examined during the 232 The Ruffed Grouse New York study in most years, but did reach a high incidence from 1935 to 1937. From an occasional case in the years up to 1934, the incidence rose to twenty per cent in 1935 and to forty-nine per cent in 1936. Then the rate declined to thirty-four per cent in 1937 and to unimportant numbers thereafter, with no cases at all recorded from 1940 to 1942. In the chicks, it is not common. Only in 1935, when six cases were found in one himdred and twenty-two speci- mens, did it make its appearance in more than a single bird. Except for these New York and New England records, the only other record is a single bird from Michigan ( Fisher, 1939 ) . It is an- other one of the parasites having a limited range and is not normally a serious threat to its host. Oxyspirura petrowi (Skrjabin, 1929). An eyeworm that is found mider the nictitating membrane, this parasite has been reported only from Michigan (Fisher, 1939). Here it seems to be a rather prevalent and possibly serious pest. In the three years, 1934 to 1936, the incidence in ruffed grouse examined was twenty-eight, twenty- two and five-tenths and fifteen per cent respectively. "As many as seventeen of these worms have been taken from one eye, and a number of birds developed marked cases of conjunctivitis" ( op. cit. ) . Another species of eyeworm, Oxyspirura mansoni ( Cobbold, 1879 ) , Ransom, 1904, was found in three out of one hundred and fifty-five grouse examined by Boughton (1937), there being one worm found in each case. No significance was attached to their presence. Microfilaria. These blood parasites have been found in a number of grouse, both old and young, by the New York study ( N. Y. S. Cons. Dept. Ann. Reports, 1933-39). Their numbers are not significant and the incidence only reached eleven per cent one year (1936), seven per cent in 1933 and 1934, and less in other years. Only two cases were found in the chicks. Clarke (1936) reports one occurrence of these parasites in a ruffed grouse from Ontario. None of these in- stances indicated any serious pathological trouble. Physaloptera larvae (Rudolphi, 1819). These larval nematodes have been reported by Boughton (1937) from Minnesota and Wis- consin grouse. They are described as, ". . . two to three millimeters long . . . encysted near the surface of the muscles of the breast and in the muscles of the legs. The cysts themselves usually were The Diseases and Parasites of Wild Ruffed Grouse 233 yellowish in color, measuring about two millimeters long. The num- ber found in an individual varied from one to many dozens." Only the larvae were found, and the primary host is not known. Boughton found them present in three and twenty-five hundredths per cent of the birds examined from Minnesota. However, their presence was not considered serious to the birds for, when com- paring grouse weights to analyze the effects of parasitism, those having only Physaloptera larvae ". . . were considered uninfected." These parasites have not been reported in grouse farther east than Wisconsin. Tetrameres americana ( Cram, 1927 ) . This parasite is found in the stomach ( proventriculus ) . It was first reported from ruffed grouse by the New York study in 1936 (N. Y. S. Cons. Dept. Ann. Rep., 1936) although common in poultry in the South. In 1937, it had ap- parently increased somewhat in prevalence, being found in about nine per cent of the adult birds examined. Thereafter its occurrence fell off. "Of just what significance this parasite is to game birds is unknown, but since it is a great destroyer of tissue and causes heavy losses among poultry in the South and has been found in pheasants and Hungarian partridge also, it is possible it may become impor- tant" (N. Y. S. Cons. Dept. Ann. Rep., 1937). Other Nematodes. Three other species of nematode worms have been found in ruffed grouse in the northeastern quarter of the United States and eastern Canada. None is common or of much ecological significance so far as known. The gapeworm Syngamus trachealis, Montagu (1811), was re- ported in six adult grouse out of six hundred and sixty-two examined during the New York study from 1932 to 1935, none thereafter; and in seven young grouse out of six hundred and eighty-three specimens between 1933 and 1939, none thereafter. As the name implies this parasite infects the bird's windpipe, causing it to "gape" or choke in an effort to get rid of the cause of irritation. Allen and Gross ( 1926 ) report a single case of an intestinal round worm of the genus Contracaecum. A cecal worm, Subulura strongylina (Rudolphi, 1819) Raillet and Henry, 1912, was found in a single grouse examined by Boughton (1937). The specimen was from Minnesota but the parasite is 234 The Ruffed Grouse known to infect a number of other birds elsewhere in the Western Hemisphere. The Cestodes (Tapeworms). At least seven species of tapeworms have been found in the ruffed grouse. Since many of these found in autopsies made in the course of the New York study have been listed in published ' records only by genus or simply as "cecal cestoda" or "tapeworms," it has not been possible to analyze accurately the oc- ciurence of the different species in each genus found in New York. Hyinenolepis microps (Diesing) Hymenolepis carioca (Magalhaes, 1898) (?) Hymenolepis sp. Specimens of this genus of tapeworms have been reported from New England (New Hampshire), New York, Minnesota, and On- tario. They are found in the small intestine, primarily in the duo- denum. This is the only genus of tapeworms identified in the reports of the New York study. Only a portion of the tapeworms reported were determined as Hymenolepis sp. but it seems lil^ely that at least the majority of those identified as "intestinal cestoda," or merely "tape- worms," were of this group. The prevalence of these intestinal tapeworms in adult grouse varied greatly in different years, the incidence varying from zero to twenty-three per cent, with no clear-cut trends. The average in- cidence was seven per cent; but none at all were found in four years out of eleven. The record is quite different with the chicks in which these para- sites were found every year and in consistently higher proportions. The incidence of infection averaged nineteen per cent over a nine- year period, 1933-41, with extremes of thirty-seven per cent in 1933 (based on only eight specimens, however), thirt)'-two per cent in 1934, and ten and eleven per cent respectively in 1938 and 1939. The records indicate a consistency of occurrence not usual with grouse parasites. It is notable that the greatest incidence occurred in a period when most parasites of grouse were at a low ebb. Clarke (1936) found nine cases of H. microps in Ontario grouse, eight of which were in young birds and one from an adult. All of 1 N. Y. S. Cons. Dept. Ann. Rep., 1932-42. The Diseases and Parasites of Wild Ruffed Grouse 235 the eight youngsters had minor infections and ". . . no apparent harm had resulted to the birds." The adult, however, was ". . . cap- tured alive in a weakened condition . . . There was an enormous abundance of Hymenolepis in the duodenum and the bird would probably have perished eventually from this cause." Erickson ( 1944) found a single ". . . cestode fragment, possibly Hymenolepis sp. in one bird" from Minnesota. Mueller (1941) reported the occurrence of H. carioca in New Hampshire grouse, but gave no details. These parasites are thus occasionally pathogenic but are nor- mally not a serious source of mortality as far as can now be deter- mined. Considerable evidence indicates the group to be more preva- lent in immature grouse than in adults. This may be because of the young eating more insects, which undoubtedly act as intermediate hosts. Davainea tetraoensis ( Fuhrmann, 1919 ) Staf seth and Kotlan, 1925 Davainea pwglottina (Davaine, 1860) Blanchard, 1891 These are almost-microscopic tapeworms that occur in the intes- tinal tract, especially in the duodenal region. They have been found in grouse from New England to Minnesota. Allen and Gross (1926) mentioned two specimens from New York that contained unidentified species of Davainea. At about the same time another species was described from Michigan, D. tetra- oensis. Clarke ( 1936 ) found this in fifteen out of thirty-one young grouse in Ontario in three out of five locations. At one site twelve of thirteen chicks were infected. No serious lesions resulted and Clarke concluded that this, together with its local distribution, ren- ders it of no importance in connection with the die-off. Michigan grouse examined by Fisher ( 1939 ) proved to be com- monly infected with D. tetraoensis. Of seventy-nine birds examined in 1934, fourteen contained it. Only a single case in eighty autopsies in 1935 and four out of eighty-six in 1936 completed this record. No importance was attached to these cases by the author. Another species, D. proglottijia,^ was reported from three speci- mens from Minnesota by Boughton (1937), also in three birds from Minnesota by Erickson ( 1944 ) , and from New Hampshire by Muel- ler (1941). It too is found in the small intestine and there is no ^ See Boughton ( 1937) for complete description. 236 The Ruffed Grouse indication that it is a lethal factor. It is also found in the domestic chicken, and its intermediate hosts are several species of snails. All authors in reporting on the species of Davainea note the mi- nute size of these organisms and the likelihood of overlooking light infestations. Their prevalence may, therefore, be greater than is shown by the records. Raillietina tetragona^ (Molin, 1858) Joyeux, 1927. This species of tapeworm, from two-fifths to ten inches long, occurs primarily in the small intestine, occasionally in the ceca. It was identified (as Davainea t.) in three New England grouse by Dr. Tyzzer and re- corded by Allen and Gross ( 1926 ) . It was found in five out of four- teen young Minnesota grouse by Boughton (1937), aged from a few hours to ten days, and was reported from New Hampshire grouse by Mueller (1941). The species is also known from the bobwhite and other game birds, and infects a species of snail and the domestic fly as secondary hosts. No significance is indicated for this worm as a grouse parasite. Choanotaenia infundibulum ( Bloch, 1779 ) Cohn, 1899. Another in- testinal tapeworm, from two to eight inches in length, was reported by Boughton (1937) as the most prevalent cestode in Minnesota grouse. The incidence of infection was about three per cent. It is also found in several other gallinaceous birds. The domestic fly serves as a secondary host. In spite of its widespread distribution, it has not been reported elsewhere in grouse. The Trematodes (Flukes). At least five species of flukes occur in the ruffed grouse in the northeast quarter of the United States and eastern Canada. None are knowm to be of any significance as a lethal factor. These worms are probably more prevalent than is in- dicated by the records since they commonly escape notice in routine autopsies, imbedded as they are in the bird's tissues and assuming the same color. Mueller ( 1941 ) notes that his examination of forty- six New Hampshire grouse added two new species of trematodes to the one previously known from this region and suggests this finding resulted because his birds were taken largely from low ground where snails, the intermediate hosts, are abundant. Harmostomum pellucidum ^ Werby, 1928 ^ See Boughton ( 1937 ) for complete description. The Diseases and Parasites of Wild Ruffed Grouse 237 Harmostomum sp. The fluke, H. pellucidum, is found in the ceca. It is about one- twentieth to one-tenth inch in length and one-fiftieth inch wide. Its life history is unknown. Boughton (1937) found it present in ten Minnesota grouse, or two and eight-hundredths per cent of the birds examined. The average number of parasites per bird was five and two-tenths and the maximum eighteen. This fluke has also been reported from New Hampshire grouse by Mueller (1941). Another fluke of the genus Harmostomum, species not identified, was found in four young giouse in two locations in Ontario by Clarke ( 1936 ) . The parasites were found in the anterior extremity of the rectum. Leucochloridium pricei Mcintosh, 1932. This fluke, first described from spruce grouse taken in Alaska, was first found in the ruffed grouse by Mueller ( 1941 ) . It was present in over half the grouse he examined from New Hampshire (forty-six birds), and charac- terized one of the most frequently encountered parasitisms. The worms were located "... in the bursa Fabricii, cloaca, and lower rectum . . . Heavy infections were commoner in young birds, with as many as a hundred or more worms present in a single host." The individuals were about one thirty-sixth of an inch long. The author does not mention any pathogenic effects. Prosthogonimus mucrorchis Macy, 1934. This parasite was described from the lake states and had not been reported either outside that area or at all in ruffed grouse previous to the single case found by Mueller ( 1941 ) in New Hampshire. It is about one-fifth of an inch long and lives in the cloaca. The bird from which it was recovered was a male weighing two hundred and thirty-three grams, indicat- ing it to be an immature. Agamodistomum sp. Larval forms of these flukes were found en- cysted in the subcutaneous tissue of the bird's breast, imbedded in the chest muscles, or occasionally on the outer surface of the crop (Boughton, 1937). Its cysts were pearly white and about one- fiftieth of an inch in diameter. They were in eighty Minnesota grouse, or sixteen per cent of the birds examined, and were also found in one sharp-tafled grouse. The known range is from Minne- sota east to Michigan. 238 The Ruffed Grouse BrachtjJaemus fiiscattis. This fluke was reported in one grouse from Minnesota by Erickson (1944). In the autopsies of Michigan grouse reported by Fisher (1939), trematodes were found only one year, 1933. Of seventy-three speci- mens, two and fifty-nine one hundredths per cent contained cysts of intestinal flukes. Of aU the hundreds of grouse examined by the New York study {N. Y. S. Cons. Dept. Atin. Reports, 1932-42) only one bird was found to have a fluke infection. In 1938, one bird of 69 had "cecal trematodes." However, it seems quite likely that in these studies these obscure worms may have been commonly overlooked. In no instance, however, has their presence given rise to serious pathogenic effects so far as is known. The Protozoa. Protozoans are single-celled, microscopic animals, the parasitic forms of which are found in several parts of the body. Some of these parasites cause serious disease in gallinaceous birds. At least nine species are known to infect the ruffed grouse. Eimeria angusta E. A. Allen, 1934 Eimeria honasae E. A. AUen, 1934 Eimeria dispersa Tyzzer, 1929 These protozoans are known as coccidia, and the disease they cause is coccidiosis. Allen and Gross (1926) reported one wild grouse as having a few coccidia but they found these organisms to be a serious cause of loss in young grouse in captivity. A few years later Tyzzer (1929) described E. dispersa from wild ruffed grouse. This species is found in the small intestine. It ". . . is differentiated from any other species of coccidia in gallinaceous birds by the ab- sence of any well-defined polar inclusions in the oocyst" ( Boughton, 1937). This author reports finding it in twenty-four Minnesota ruffed grouse, six and five-tentlis per cent of those examined. Two new species of coccidia in ruffed grouse were described by E. A. Allen (1934), as E. angusta and E. honasae. The former lives in the ceca and has been recovered from grouse taken in Labrador, Alaska, and Minnesota. Allen says that "quite a number of the birds examined had heavy infections . . ." Boughton ( 1937 ) found it present in four ruffed grouse, or one and one-tenth per cent of those examined and in one sharp-tailed grouse. The Diseases and Parasites of Wild Ruffed Grouse 239 E. honasae occurs in the ceca, or rarely in the small intestine. It was reported by Allen (1934) from birds taken in Massachusetts, Quebec, Labrador, and Alaska. Few of the birds examined were found to harbor this species. Coccidia were found in seventy-nine, or three and eight-tenths per cent, of the adult grouse examined during the New York study, as noted in their annual reports, but all were found between 1932 and 1937, none from 1938 to 1942. The highest rate of infection was ten and seven-tenths per cent in 1936, but this figure may have been affected by inclusion of some captive birds. Of the young grouse examined, forty, or four and three-tenths per cent, had coccidia. Again the record is erratic, varying from zero (three years out of eight ) to seventeen per cent in 1934 and thirty-seven and five-tenths per cent in 1932 ( three out of eight birds ) . Infections of coccidia in wild grouse have not been proved to be of significance as a mortality factor. However, the possibilities of this disease assuming importance at times are real, especially among the young birds. Boughton (1937) concluded that it ". . . is un- doubtedly a dangerous parasite. It is an intracellular parasite, de- veloping chiefly in the epithelial cells of the small intestine, and when present in large numbers may give rise to acute enteritis, caus- ing denudation of the intestinal epithelium, consequent digestive derangements and malnutrition, and the bird becomes emaciated and anemic." Coccidiosis has caused considerable trouble to grouse in captivity (Allen and Gross, 1926; Bump, 1935) although it does not necessarily follow that similar infections can occur in wild populations. The most that can be said is that these organisms are potentially dangerous to wild grouse, but are not yet proved to be so. Leucocytozoon honasae Clarke, 1935. This species is a blood para- site that causes a malaria-like disease. It is found in both adults and young but seems to be particularly pathogenic to the young. So far it has been found and identified only from Ontario, Minne- sota, and Michigan. So impressively did its occurrence correlate with the dying-off of grouse in Ontario in 1933 and 1934 that Clarke concluded it ". . . is most probably the organism responsible for the dying-off of grouse." It is quite possible that epizootics of this disease might 240 The Ruffed Grouse have caused local dying-off in the areas studied, but it is certain that they are not responsible for grouse declines in a broad geo- graphical sense. As species of this genus are known to be peculiarly pathogenic to the young of turkeys, ducks, geese, and ostriches ". . . this fact, together with the high incidence of the disease, especially in the single case of ... (a) sick bird ... (he men- tions ) . . . and the lack of evidence of any other disease-producing organism or parasite . . ." ( Clarke, 1936 ) led him to conclude that it was the organism responsible for sudden grouse declines. Even the assumption that the cause of grouse dying-off is some pathogenic organism is not known to be valid, even in restricted areas. Regardless of any cyclic significance this disease might have, Clarke did find it in twenty-one out of twenty-four specimens exam- ined for blood parasites ^ in the areas of dying-off in 1934. The previ- ous year, the gametocytes of the Leucoctozoon were found in four of five grouse ". . . in which they might be expected." One of these was a sick youngster, half underweight, which apparently was a re- sult of this disease. No other serious cases were noted. The only other areas from which this organism has been reported are Michigan and Minnesota. Fisher (1939) records that five grouse out of seventy-nine examined in 1934 from Michigan showed its presence in blood samples. In July, 1935, two five-weeks-old chicks out of seven collected by Dr. O'Roke contained the parasite (Fisher, 1939). Erickson (1944) found the parasite prevalent in Minnesota. The incidence among 30 specimens in 1941 was sixty- three and three-tenths per cent; of 48 specimens examined in 1942, sixty and four-tenths per cent were infected; and of twenty-four grouse taken in 1943, eighty-three and three-tenths per cent had these protozoons present. These birds were collected from Sep- tember to November. Subsequent to Clarke's pronouncement on the importance of this protozoan in 1936, others conducted a diligent search for it in other areas. None at all was found by the New York study. The Flagellates Trypanosoma gallinarum Bruce et al. Trypanosoma sp. ^ Examination for blood parasites requires the preparation of fresh blood smears in the field at the time the bird is killed. The Diseases and Parasites of Wild Ruffed Grouse 241 Ptychostoma bonasae Tyzzer, 1930 Cyathosoina striatum Tyzzer, 1930 These tliree (possibly four) species of flagellates have been de- scribed from the ruffed grouse. In no instance have they shown any indication that they might be seriously pathogenic. They apparently are a normal part of the bird's internal fauna and are not associ- ated with any disease. They were found in a large proportion of the birds examined by Dr. Tyzzer and reported upon by Allen and Gross ( 1926 ) . These flagellates they mentioned were probably the species later described by Tyzzer ( 1930 ) . Clarke ( 1936 ) reported four birds from Ontario lightly infected with a flagellate tentatively identified as Trypanosoma gallinarum. He noted that the organism is probably more prevalent than would be indicated by the small number of cases, a suggestion borne out by the prevalence reported by Tyzzer, yet passing unnoticed in several other reports on grouse parasites. Fisher (1939) reported one grouse from Michigan con- taining flagellates of the genus Trypanosoma, identified by Stafseth and Kotlan. Tyzzer ( 1930 ) found the two parasites he described as prevailing in the ceca, over the surface of the mucosa, and occasionally found in the contents of the large intestine. It appeared that of the two, Ptychostoma was preponderant near the outlet of the cecum while Cyathosoma occurred in the dilated portions. He noted that they may be in ". . . the nature of symbionts essential to the health of the mature bird . . ." but this is merely a conjecture. Histomonas m^eleagridis ( Smith, 1895 ) Tyzzer, 1920. This protozoan is the organism that causes the disease known as "blackhead," a scourge of the domestic turkey. It is a common cause of death of grouse in captivity (Allen and Gross, 1926; N. Y. S. Cons. Dept. Ann. Reports, 1933-42) but has not definitely been identified in wild grouse. Even though this chapter intends only to cover the diseases of wild grouse, this organism is included because of the great proba- bility that it actually does affect the wfld birds when they come into contact with poultry range. The action of the disease is so rapid that infected specimens in the wild would be exceedingly difficult to obtain. Any poultry range is apt to be infected with blackhead even though the chickens or turkeys themselves do not show signs of 242 The Ruffed Grouse the disease. Chickens especially are likely to be carriers. Any grouse walking over infected range may pick up the organisms from the ground. Being exceedingly susceptible, the bird would die in a short time. The organism first affects the ceca and later the liver, causing destruction of the liver parenchyma. According to Allen and Gross (1926) "One or both ceca gradually become filled with cheesy, necrotic material which is more or less bloodshot. Sometimes the young grouse and occasionally the old birds die at this stage be- fore the typical lesions appear on the liver. These lesions on the liver appear as dark depressed areas with a central light area and an outer light fringe, at first appearing as watermarks but later the white areas giow until the dark portion is entirely obliterated. There is usually also a thick straw-colored fluid in the loose tissue about the heart and sometimes in the peritoneum covering the viscera." Again it should be emphasized that this very serious disease has not yet been proved to occur in wild grouse, but the circumstances indicate that its occurrence is likely where grouse range borders the farm poultry yard. Any statement linking this disease with grouse declines would be purely conjectural. Trichomonas, species. A protozoan parasite reported by Allen and Gross ( 1926 ) as "occasionally found in small numbers by Dr. Tyz- zer." No significance was attached to its presence, nor any details given concerning its status as a grouse parasite. Infectious Diseases. The grouse is occasionally subject to infectious disease of several sorts. The disease of captive grouse called "black- head" ( and likely to occur in wild birds ) is caused by a protozoan parasite and has been discussed above. Several others known to occur in grouse are covered below. All are capable of causing death and some, as tularemia, blackhead, and aspergillosis, are potentially agents of serious epizootics. Aspergillosis. This is a disease of the lungs and air sacs caused by a fungus, Aspergillus fumigatus. Its spores generally are distributed in the soff and in such material as moldy straw. The conditions re- quired for its growth in the bird are not well understood. It has been most prevalent in captive grouse (Allen and Gross, The Diseases and Parasites of Wild Ruffed Grouse 243 1926; N. Y. S. Cons. Dept. Ann. Rep., 1933-42), but is also known to occur in wild individuals. Dr. Tyzzer found it in two such speci- mens in 1925 (Allen and Gross, 1926). The New York study re- ported twenty-seven cases in adult wild grouse from 1,816 specimens examined from 1935 to 1942 {N. Y. S. Cons. Dept. Ann. Rep. 1935- 42). No cases were listed among birds examined from 1932 to 1934, although one bird found dead by the author on Connecticut Hill, N. Y., in 1933 after decapitation by a predator, proved to have suf- fered from aspergillosis. Tularemia. This disease is caused by a bacterial organism, Pasteurella tuhrense. It has been found in wild ruffed grouse only in the Mid- west, primarily in Minnesota. Green and Shillinger (1934) reported one case among eighty-seven birds (including some sharp-tails) collected in northern Minnesota in 1932; two instances were found among seventy-one grouse taken in September 1933 (again the total included some sharp-tails); in October 1933 three cases of tularemia were noted in ruffed grouse from among twenty-six grouse of three species. They concluded ". . . that tularemia is a common disease of both ruffed and sharp-tailed grouse." They could not "... however, give any decisive judgment as to the significance of the occurrence of tularemia in grouse as a mortality factor." These birds were all collected for the study by game wardens, were all able to fly, and showed no symptoms of disease, with a single ex- ception. One of the infected birds was found in a dying condition. However, it was noted that there was little opportunity to locate sick or dead birds, hence the disease might well have been more prevalent than indicated. The tularemia organism is spread by its alternate host, the tick ( Haemaphy salts cinnaharina ) , and probably by other species of the same genus. These ticks infest numerous other birds and mammals and in some are known to spread tularemia, notably in the snow- shoe hare. The number of ticks per animal varies greatly both by season and in different years, and may well be correlated with population fluctuations. As tick numbers rise, the disease increases until finally an epizootic occurs. This reduces the host population and with it the disease, and from there the cycle builds again. This hypothesis is still just that— a theory so far as grouse are con- 244 The Ruffed Grouse cerned. Despite diligent search, no tularemia has been found in eastern grouse. The true significance of this disease in ruffed grouse therefore remains unsolved. At least, it is potentially destructive. Ulcerative Enteritis. This infection of the posterior part of the small intestine has been observed in captive ruffed grouse and bobwhite quail for several decades. Commonly called "grouse disease" or "quail disease," it caused great mortality in numerous bird-rearing ventures. Levine (1932) described an epizootic in captive ruffed grouse and showed that the causative organism was transmitted on ground infected by the birds' droppings. Morley and Wetmore (1936) proved that the organism was bacterial, similar to that which causes human diphtheria, and named it Corynehacterium perdicium. Bass (1941) later identified the organism in quail as a ". . . gram-negative, anaerobic bacillus . . . ," transmittable by coprophagy. He was able to immunize quail with killed cultures of the specific organism. It was suspected that a disease that would infect grouse so rapidly as ulcerative enteritis, would likely occur in wild birds, possibly be- coming a serious mortality factor. Green and Shillinger (1934) found it among wild grouse in Minnesota, and noted that "Occurring as a natural infection, it stands out as a disease which may play a devastating role in the periodic destruction of ruffed grouse at peak abundance." They reported three cases of the disease, one of the birds being greatly emaciated and weighing only 210 grams. For the present, we must list this disease along with tularemia as a potentially destructive force, but not yet demonstrated to be effective in wild giouse populations. Other Diseases. Wild ruffed grouse are occasional victims of vari- ous other diseases. A number of these are secondary afflictions fol- lowing wounds from accidents or gunshot. Among these may be enteritis, peritonitis, pneumonia, hepatitis, ventriculitis, ruptures, tumors, lead poisoning, septicemia, and so forth; all of these have been reported by the New York study (iV. Y. S. Cons. Dept. Ann. Rep., 19S2-41 ) . Other abnormalities reported as a result of that in- vestigation include tuberculosis ( three cases in 1937-38 ) , cloacal in- fection, egg-binding, and malnutrition. Allen and Gross ( 1926 ) recorded two cases of bird pox in grouse from Massachusetts. They described it as causing warty growths The Diseases and Parasites of Wild Ruffed Grouse 245 about the head, mouth, and tongue. Recovery probably takes place unless feeding is so interfered with as to result in starvation. Green and Shillinger ( 1936 ) have reported the occurrence of the bacterium, Fasteurella aviseptica, in wild grouse. This organism is the cause of fowl cholera in chickens. The discoverers note that "if this organism is as destructive in grouse as it is in domestic fowl, it may well be an important factor in grouse mortality." No evidence of its widespread occurrence has as yet been demonstrated. External Parasites. Ruffed grouse are known to be infested by five different types of ectoparasites, creatures which live on the body surface and mostly derive their sustenance from biting or pierc- ing the bird's skin to take its blood. An exception are the feather mites which live on the feather substance. The other four types are ticks, fleas, lice, and flies. It is also likely that grouse are attacked by "bite-and-run" insects such as mosquitoes that remain on the body only long enough to take one load of blood. These external parasites are not normally a serious threat to the bird's health. However, some carry other diseases which may be serious (see under tularemia, p. 243), and occasionally the infesta- tion may be so heavy as to be a serious drain on the vitality. In these instances it is commonly found that the bird has been weakened by other afflictions as well as the ectoparasites. Ticks ( Ixodoidea ) . Four species of ticks of the genus Haemaphy- salis are known to infest ruffed grouse. They are found on the bird in aU three stages: larva, nymph, and adult. The degree of preva- lence decreases with each older stage, the larvae being most abun- dant, n\Tnphs next, and the adults relatively scarce. The reason for this is not wholly clear but is probably due to reduction in numbers of ticks with each stage from mortality and progressively increased difficulty in locating hosts. Ticks drop off a grouse quickly upon the bird's death. The adults probably leave most quickly, due to greater agflity, and this helps to explain the difference in numbers of each stage of ticks found on birds freshly killed. They are foimd on the host from spring to fall, and pass the winter in the ground in the egg stage. Abundance seems to be greatest in late summer. Further, there is apparently a marked geographic vari- ation in abundance, the ticks being most prevalent in midwestem lake states, less in the East. 246 The Ruffed Grouse Probably the most prevalent species is H. cinnabarina Koch (1844), the common rabbit tick, found on numerous mammals, gallinaceous biids, and man. It is a carrier of the dread disease, tula- remia. Its range is wide and it is known to infest giouse in the east- em United States and Canada from Minnesota and Alberta to New England and Labrador. Another species attacking grouse over a wide range is H. leporis- palustris. Gross (1930) reported it ". . . present in considerable numbers on most of the biids collected and examined at Matamek (in Labrador, eastern Canada) in 1929." Fisher (1939) recorded 1,172 specimens taken from thirty ruffed grouse from Michigan and examined by Dr. R. G. Green of Minnesota. The average number of ticks per grouse was one hundred and sixty-seven. This species also carries tularemia. Fisher also reported one grouse from Michigan examined by Dr. H. J. Stafseth that had the tick H. punctata punc- tata, a species found on a number of mammals and birds. The fourth species, H. chordeilis, was reported from New York in 1941 (IV. Y. S. Cons. Dept. Ann. Rep., 1941). The heaviest infestations of ticks have been reported by Green from Minnesota. The average number on all Minnesota grouse ex- amined during September was six hundred and forty and in October it was one hundred and eighty (Green and Shillinger, 1934). The heaviest infestations were on two birds that yielded 2,985 and 2,468 ticks, respectively. The authors believed that the average figures were lower than the actual owing to ticks escaping before the birds were picked up and sealed in bags. Fisher (1939) quoted Green on the examinations of Michigan grouse and their ticks: "Nineteen samples of a hundred ticks each were injected into a corresponding number of guinea pigs. Two of the nineteen guinea pigs died with lesions typical of tularemia, showing that the samples of ticks obtained from grouse specimens were infected with tularemia to the extent of ten per cent. This fig- ure is probably to be considered a normal finding and does not represent an unusual situation for the present stage of the game cycle, as similar findings have been obtained in Minnesota." Infestation of ticks varies greatly in different years and probably follows a rather well-marked cycle. However, there is often marked variation in nearby localities at any given time. Numbers of ticks present are, of course, correlated with grouse abundance, there be- The Diseases and Parasites of Wild Ruffed Grouse 247 ing an increase in the rate of infestation and in the degree of infesta- tion as the birds become more numerous. The correlation is also connected with the abundance of other tick host animals, notably hares and rabbits. Clarke ( 1936 ) said that "Ticks were found on most of the speci- mens collected ..." in Ontario. Allen and Gross (1926) recorded heavy infestations on eight of fifteen birds taken in northern Maine, and stated that ticks ". . . were likewise reported on birds in Al- berta, Canada." Ticks have been found more commonly on the chicks than on the adults in the New York study {N. Y. S. Cons. Dept. Ann. Reps., 1932- 42). With both age-classes tick occurrence has varied greatly in different years, and is low judging by Midwest standards. The first instance was that of a single adult bird in 1933. No further cases of ticks infesting adults were noted until 1939. Sixteen instances in the three years, 1939-41, a negligibly low incidence, were all. None was found in 1942. The first ticks on grouse chicks were twenty-five cases in 1934, representing an incidence of fifteen per cent. They were identified as H. leporis-palustris. Next year the incidence dropped to six per cent (seven cases); then for two years the record was incomplete, although there were numerous cases of tick infestation in 1937. No chicks were found infested in 1938, but for the next three years the incidence increased yearly. From a six per cent (ten cases ) rate of infestation in 1939, it rose to twenty per cent in 1940 (twenty-eight cases) and twenty-one per cent in 1941 (twenty-four cases). The next year none was reported. From 1935 to 1940 the species was called H. cinnaharina; in 1941 it was determined as H. chordeilis. In addition to the possibility of transmitting tularemia to grouse, ticks may cause the birds considerable discomfort, and occasionally ill health. The ticks tend to congregate about the head and neck and may cause this area to be almost completely denuded of feathers. With the young birds especially, the drain of blood as the ticks engorge themselves may reduce the bird's vitality, and sometimes result in death. Louse Flies. A single species of the true flies (Diptera) is of fairly common occurrence on grouse, both young and adult. It is a hippoboscid, Lynchia americana ( Leach ) . Allen and Gross ( 1926 ) 248 The Ruffed Grouse commented: ". . . reported rather generally distributed but few specimens sent in." This may have been because the insects left the birds quickly after death, and were not caught by the collectors. Clarke ( 1936 ) reported a single case in Ontario. Nine scattered instances in eleven years were reported by the New York study on adult grouse, and twenty-two cases in ten years on chicks (N. Y. S. Cons. Dept. Ann. Reps., 1932-42). These are blood-sucking flies, but no serious significance is attached to their presence on grouse. Lice ( Mallophaga ) . Mallophagous insects of at least two species are occasional on grouse. Allen and Gross (1926) reported several on birds sent in during winter and spring. Clarke ( 1936 ) collected them "... in numbers from many of the specimens taken at the field stations." They were identified as Degeeriella camerata (Nitz). Of seventy-one occurrences of lice on adult grouse reported by the New York study, all but one were in the period 1935 to 1937. In 1936 the incidence was thirteen per cent. Only one case was re- ported for chicks, that in 1935. Wliether this erratic occurrence is actual, or the result of different methods of analysis is not clear. It hardly seems that an infestation of this type would be so highly erratic. Lice are a source of irritation to grouse but are not known to be of any significance as a mortality factor. Fleas (Siphonaptera). Two grouse having fleas were reported by Clarke ( 1936 ) . One of the parasites was identified as Ceratophyllus species. No importance was attached to its occurrence. Mites (Acarina). Feather mites of the family Analgesidae, and belonging to the genus Megninia, ". . . were found in greatly vary- ing abundance on most of the specimens examined in the field. On some young birds they were very numerous, but except as a possible source of irritation, cannot be considered as of pathological impor- tance." So reported Clarke (1936) concerning Ontario grouse. He also recorded larvae of the mite Trombicula microti, of the family Trombidiidae, on grouse, particularly in Algonquin Park, Ontario. They were not found in great numbers, and were sporadic in occur- rence. Air-sac mites {Cytoleichus nudus) were reported in seventeen The Diseases and Parasites of Wild Ruffed Grouse 249 grouse by the New York study [N. Y. S. Cons. Dept. Ann. Reps., 1935-37) in the three years 1935 to 1937. None was found in other years. No indication was given of any importance attached to these infestations. TOTAL PARASITE INFESTATION In discussing each organism that parasitizes the ruffed grouse, the conclusion was almost always reached that the species was not a very serious mortality factor. Most have not been demonstrated to be lethal even when prevalent and widespread in occurrence. None of the afflictions known to cause death commonly is widely dis- tributed. The stomach worm {Dispharynx spiralis) is apparently restricted to parts of New England and the middle Atlantic states, the blood parasite (Leucoctjtozoon bonasae) primarily to Ontario, and tularemia to the north-central states. No one disease-producing organism has been shown to cause major grouse declines over a wide range. Possibly of more significance as an indicator of the importance of disease as a mortality factor than each parasite by itself is the total prevalence of all parasites and diseases. It is entirely logical that there would be a cumulative effect when more than one organism is attacking an individual bird. The effect of several species could result in death whereas any one of them alone might not have caused trouble. The proportion of grouse having one or more parasites or disease organisms has varied with a clear-cut trend in New York in the period 1930-42. The autopsy records are not available to corrobo- rate the belief that parasitism was at a low ebb in 1930 and 1931 but circumstances indicate it to be true. Beginning with 1932 the incidence of parasitism increased steadily; forty-eight per cent in 1932; sixty-four per cent in 1933 and sixty-one per cent in 1934; then ninety-five per cent, ninety-two per cent and ninety-four per cent in 1935, 1936 and 1937, respectively. Then followed a decline in parasite incidence beginning with a seventy per cent rate in 1938, followed by fifty-five per cent in 1939 and forty per cent in 1940. The next two years indicate another period of increase, the 1941 rate being fifty per cent and that of 1942, sixty per cent. The periods of increase exactly parallel these of growth in the 250 The Ruffed Grouse grouse population, and the break in the increase phase, in 1938, came immediately after a significant reduction in grouse numbers generally in New York. While these are admittedly rough correla- tions, they almost surely carry considerable significance. With the grouse chicks, the trend of parasite incidence is not so pronounced, but rather is more consistent from year to year. Fur- ther, though there is much evidence that disease is a more efifective mortality factor among chicks than with adult grouse, the incidence of parasitism is notably lower in the young birds. This probably re- flects the fact that many of the chicks were collected when but a few days old, a time when few parasites are likely to be found. The nine-year record of nine hundred and thirty-two autopsies of grouse chicks from 1933 to 1941 ( 1936 excluded ) shows the incidence of total parasitism as follows: 1933— thirty-eight per cent; 1934— fifty- eight per cent; 1935— thirty-four per cent; 1937— forty-four per cent; 1938— seventy-five per cent; 1939— thirty-three per cent; 1940— fifty- one per cent; 1941— fifty-two per cent. The grand average was forty- three per cent, compared with an average of seventy-two per cent for all 2,059 adult birds examined {N. Y. S. Cons. Dept. Ann. Reps., 1932-42). DISEASE AS A LIMITING FACTOR Interpretation of the disease factor is among the more diJQficult of all the facets of grouse ecology. It is manifestly impossible to gather the vast amount of factual information that would be necessary to render a well-substantiated judgment. Not only must the dead and dying grouse be gathered in considerable numbers during a die-oflF period, an achievement never attained by any grouse investigation, but the related factors must be placed in their proper perspective too. Geographical distribution of disease-caused mortality, and its direction and spread are important. Correlations with grouse popu- lations must be made, and hence widespread censuses must have been made, another impossible task. The part played by secondary hosts of the parasites, their population, condition and distribution, the relation of weather (and possibly other meteorological condi- tions ) to grouse health and to the disease organisms, the part played by predation and hunting ( or lack of them ) , these and other matters may be fundamental to an adequate understanding of grouse popu- The Diseases and Parasites of Wild Ruffed Grouse 251 lation changes. So it is no wonder that we cannot yet paint a very clear picture of the significance of disease among grouse. Despite all of the defects in our knowledge, certain conclusions can be made with fair accuracy and other probabilities can be suggested. During most years, disease is not a primary mortality agency of grouse in any given area. A considerable incidence of most of the parasitic organisms that aJBFect grouse may be considered normal and not a serious threat. The incidence of disease organisms and the intensity of the indi- vidual infections and infestations are directly related to the popula- tion density of the grouse. When grouse are scarce, they will have little disease; as the numbers of grouse increase, parasitism and disease will increase, and when grouse are abundant, disease will generally become more virulent and an important cause of mortality in local areas. When grouse are abundant over a wide range, losses from disease will probably occur from a combination of several species of para- sites; and when epizootics do occur from a single species of parasitic organism, the eflFects are likely to be very local and unevenly dis- tributed. It is probable that there is a significant relationship between disease mortality in grouse and weather conditions. It is well-known that some parasites reproduce more abundantly under certain me- teorological conditions than under others, as for example in wet weather as contrasted to dry. Boughton ( 1937 ) discussed this matter at some length. He concluded, "... a definite correlation between the degree of parasitism and the meteorological and topographical factors appears to occur." When disease becomes an important mortality factor of grouse, it probably is primarily effective in killing the young birds during the summer. When serious declines in grouse populations occur over consider- able areas, declines of the type that have been called cyclic, disease almost certainly plays a part, and just as certainly shares the re- sponsibility for causing the losses with other major factors as weather conditions and predation. 252 The Rufied Grouse REFERENCES AND CITATION SOURCES FOR DISEASES AND PARASITES OF THE RUFFED GROUSE Allen, A. A. The Grouse Disease, Bull. Am. Game Protc. Ass'n, Vol. 13, No. 1, 1924. . The Grouse Disease, Am. Game, Vol. 14, No. 3, 1925. Allen, A. A., and Gross, A. O. 1926. Report of the Ruffed Grouse Investiga- tion, Season of 1925-26, Am. Game, Oct., 1926. Allen, Ena A. 1934. Eimeria angusta sp. NOV. and Eimeria honasae sp. NOV. from Grouse, with a Key to the Species of Eimeria in Birds, Trans, of the Am. Microscopical Soc, Vol. LIII, No. 1, Jan., 1934. Bass, Gharles C. Specific Cause and Nature of Ulcerative Enteritis of Quail, Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol, and Med., Vol. 46, No. 2, Feb., 1941. Boughton, Rex V. 1937. Endoparasitic Infestations in Grouse, Their Patho- genicity and Correlation With Meteoro-Topographical Conditions, Tech. Bull. 121, Univ. of Minnesota Agr. Exp. Sta., Aug., 1937. Clarke, C. H. D. The Dying Off of Ruffed Grouse, Trans. 21st Am. Game Conf., 1935. Clarke, C. H. Douglas. 1936. Fluctuations in Numbers of Ruffed Grouse, University of Toronto Studies, Biological Series No. 41, Univ. of Toronto Press, 1936. Cram, Eloise B. 1927. Bird Parasites of the Nematode Suborders Strongylata, Ascaridata, and Spirurata, U. S. Nat. Mus. Bull. No. 140, 1927. Cram, Eloise B. 1931. Developmental stages of some Nematodes of the Spiruroidea parasitic in poultry and game birds, U.S.D.A. Tech. Bull. 227, 1931. Erickson, A. B. 1944. (Wildlife restoration project progress report), Pittman- Robertson Quarterly, Vol. 4, No. 2, Apr., 1944. Fisher, Lee William. 1939. Studies of the Eastern Ruffed Grouse in Michi- gan, Tech. Bull. 166, Michigan State College Agr. Exp. Sta., June, 1939. Greene, R. G. Disease in Relation to Game Cycles, Trans. 18th Am. Game Conf., 1931. Greene, R. G., and Shillinger, J. E. Relation of Disease to Wildlife Cycles, Trans. 19th Am. Game Conf., 1932. Greene, R. G., and Shillinger, J. E. Wildlife Cycles and What They Mean to the Grouse Supply. Trans. 20th Am. Game Conf., 1934. Greene, R. G., and Shillinger, J. E. 1934. Progress Report of Wildlife Disease Studies for 1933, Trans. 20th Am. Game Conf. Greene, R. G., and Shillinger, J. E. 1936. Progress Report of WildMe Disease Studies for 1935. Proc. 1st No. Am. Wildlffe Conf. Gross, A. O. 1930. Annual Report of the New England Ruffed Grouse Investi- gation, Boston, Mass., Sept., 1930. Gross, A. O. 1931. Annual Report of the New England Ruffed Grouse In- vestigation, Boston, Mass., Oct., 1931. The Diseases and Parasites of Wild Ruffed Grouse 253 Gross, A. O. Diseases of the Ruffed Grouse Investigation, Trans. 19th Am. Game Conf., 1932. Leslie, A. S., and Shipley, A. E. 1911. The grouse in health and disease. Lon- don, 1912. Levine, P. P. 1932. A Report on an Epidemic Disease in Ruffed Grouse, Trans. 19th Am. Game Conf. Morley, L. C., and Wetmore, P. W. 1936. Discovery of the Organism of Ul- cerative Enteritis, Proc. 1st No. Am. Wildlife Conf. Mueller, Justus F. 1941. Some Parasites Newly Recorded for the Ruffed Grouse, Bonasa umbellus, in the United States, Proc. Helminthological Soc. of Wash., Vol. 8, No. 1, Jan., 1941. N. Y. S. Cons. Dept. Ann. Reports, 1932 to 1942, inclusive. Stoddart, A. M. 1918. Ruffed Grouse in New York State, Albany, N. Y. Tyzzer, Ernest E. 1930. Flaggelates from the Ruffed Grouse, Am. Journ. Hygiene, Vol. XI, Jan., 1930, No. 1. . 1929. Coccidiosis in gallinaceous birds, Amer. Journ. Hygiene, Vol. 10:269-383. Wehr, Everett E. 1940. A New Intestinal Roundworm from the Ruffed Grouse {Bonasa umbellus) in the United States, Journ. Parasitology 26(5): 1940. Woodruff, E. Seymour. 1908. The Ruffed Grouse, A Study of the Causes of its Scarcity in 1907. Albany, N. Y., 1908. Man's Relation to the Grouse The eflFect of man upon the grouse depends upon the kind of man. The American aborigines hved their hves almost hterally with these birds, in their own habitat. The numbers taken by them for food probably was no more than the excess above the winter carrying capacity, and a healthy thing for the bii'ds. The clearings and trails made by the Amerindians were improvements to the grouse range. And the bird was a fairly important item of food to these men. The early white settlers also depended upon the "partridge" for a considerable amount of food. For a time the pioneer's land clear- ing provided a beneficial interspersion of cover types over the grouse range. But in most areas it outgrew this effect and more and more excluded the grouse from the land, restricting it to the regions and cover that could not be profitably and extensively cleared. Complete extermination was the fate of this magnificent bird over much of its original range. More than half of the northeastern states comes within this category. Such is the march of civilization. Surely no further elaboration is needed to indicate the importance of man in gi'ouse ecology. In fact it may be said that the bird's future rests with him. Man's relations with grouse are many faceted, as man in the mass is many-sided. As a hunter he kills gi"ouse; as a trapper he kills the enemies of the grouse, or the food of the grouse's enemies, thus possibly adding pressure on the grouse itself. As a woodsman he sometimes improves and at other times destrovs the bird's home with saw, ax, and fire. As a farmer he protects the woods with fence or he grazes it with livestock, he clears the land and keeps it cleared, he keeps livestock and pets which may kill the grouse, trample its eggs, or transmit disease to it. As a conservationist he enacts laws, manages the land, and does other things that sometimes benefit and sometimes injure the grouse. In all these and other ways man's impact is felt, however unwittingly, by Bonasa umbcllus. 254 Man's Relation to the Grouse 255 AS A HUNTER AND TRAPPER To the early settler, the grouse was one of several game species that helped fill the family larder. Its role was purely utilitarian. As agriculture grew and cities developed, the taking of grouse turned into a commercial venture. There was little sport in hunting the "fool hen" grouse of those days. Wilson ( 1812 ) speaks of the advan- tages of a "good" dog thus ". . . the more noise he keeps up seems the more to confuse and stupify them, so that they may be shot down, one by one, till the whole are killed." It is difficult from the records of the era of commercialization of grouse to gauge how many were taken, what the populations might have been, and other relevant information. Audubon ( 1856) records their sale in the Cincinnati markets for twelve and one-half cents each in 1820, which might indicate that large numbers were avail- able. Elliott ( 1864), condemning the slaughter of the young, relates: "I know of one firm that receives sometimes, on many Saturdays in succession, five hundred pairs of these birds." Market hunting flour- ished through most of the nineteenth century, varying in intensity with the abimdance of the birds, but gradually waning wdth the more limited range, the more and more restrictive laws, and the slow change in emphasis toward hunting as a sport Monon (1875) indicated the resentment toward this business when he says: "The whole north country, from Amsterdam to Northville (New York), is infested with pot shooters who hunt (out of season) for the Sara- toga market." By the turn of the century the shift to grouse hunting as a sport was about complete, although some illegal market hunting continues even today. Forbush (1912) gives one of the few records that indicate former grouse abundance when he quotes E. F. Staples of Taunton, Mass., that in the early 1880's about one thousand birds were taken in a season on twenty thousand acres that he ranged. He comments that these were "real good" years, the last good ones that he had observed up to the time he was interviewed in 1908. With densities only equal to those of the 1930's (and former peak periods may have been higher) there could have been on such an area from four thousand to five thousand birds on the basis of a twenty to twenty-five per cent kill. 256 The Ruffed Grouse Effect of Hunting on Grouse Populations. Since hunting has been attributed by many to be a serious factor in reducing grouse num- bers ( "Its arch enemy, man, has shot and snared it almost to extinc- tion," Bent, 1927), an analysis of this problem is of utmost impor- tance. Among the means of analysis is the reported game take required of each hunter annually in some states, including New York and Pennsylvania. While these figures are open to many criticisms, they are consistently arrived at and are valuable in shov^ing trends. 425.000^°°'°22 580,000 Total Reported Kill -Pennsylvania " " " -New York Computed average Bag -New York " " -Penna. Fig. 11. Reported Take of RuflFed Grouse by Hunters Pennsylvania 1915-1943 New York 1923-1940 (The New York figures used for average seasonal bag for the years 1923—1931 obtained by multiplying take-per-licensee by 3.5 to get an estimated take-per- game-reporting licensee. Those for 1923-1925 are based on hunting licensee figures; those for 1926-1940 are based on 80 per cent of combined hunting, fish- ing and trapping licenses. Pennsylvania figures are based on numbers of hunting licenses. ) These records arc shown in Fig. 11 for the years 1915-43 in Pennsyl- vania (taken from Ryder, 1944) and 1923-40 in New York (taken from N. Y. S. Cons. Dept. Ann. Reports). Any interpretation of these figures must weigh several pertinent relations. The daily and seasonal bag limits were three per day and fifteen per season in New York, two and ten generally in Pennsyl- Man's Relation to the Grouse 257 vania. The number of Hcenses varied from less than three hundred thousand to nearly seven hundred thousand in each state in different years. Reports in New York are ordinarily received from only about three-fifths of licensees and are taken by local clerks when a new year's license is issued, which is anywhere from one to ten or more months after the game was taken. From 1923 to 1925, specific hunt- ing licenses were issued. From 1926 to 1939 the licenses covered hunting, fishing, and trapping and no separate hunting license was issued. In Pennsylvania, the figures were based on field estimates from 1915 through 1936, and on hunters' game-kill reports from 1937 through 1943, received from almost all hunters. Landowners were not required to be licensed to hunt on their own lands, nor were licenses required of women. Thus the actual total take is very much higher than that reported, probably about double. But the trends should be accurately reflected in these statistics. It has been thought by some "old timers" that the peaks of grouse abundance have gradually lessened over each previous height. This is not borne out by a comparison of the New York kill between 1923 and 1926 with those of 1935 to 1940. The author was about convinced of this contention in 1936 when the tabulation of the 1934 hunter reports was completed. It is indicated in the Pennsylvania records. From all evidence the grouse populations had been generally as high in New York from 1932 to 1934 as in 1935 to 1938. This is not reflected in the kill records. Apparently this is a product of social factors: the change in number of hunters; the unwillingness of many hunters to shoot grouse for a few years after the closed seasons of 1928-29 and the extermination scare that accompanied the major decline of that period; the shift of bird hunters to the pheasant, par- ticularly of the younger men who never knew grouse hunting, etc. Apparently these factors are gradually overcome as the good grouse years continue, and thus produce a definite lag in the giouse kill trend (as indicated by state records during the years of grouse increase) behind the actual population trend. When hunting is normal, and grouse are plentiful, hunting nowa- days in the Northeast (from Virginia northward) results in a legal bag of about eight hundred thousand birds. In the United States, all grouse were estimated to have contributed 3,864,000 pounds of meat in 1942 (S.A.F. Comm. Report, 1944). Further efforts at evaluating the importance of hunting in grouse 258 The Ruffed Grouse ecology were undertaken by field studies in 1930, 1931, and 1936. Several areas of average quality grouse coverts running from about one hundred to three hundred acres each in size in Tompkins County, N. Y, (six of them in 1930 and thirteen in 1931), v^ere cen- sused and the hunting results checked. The kill averaged ten per cent of the birds in 1930 and sixteen per cent in 1931 (Edminster, 1933), individual units of cover lost from zero to fifty per cent of their birds to the hunters. The very lov^^ return in the first year probably reflects the reluctance of the hunters to pursue grouse during the first open season after two years of closure and grouse scarcity. This feeling was somewhat abated the next year although it apparently took several years to disappear entirely. Another check on the hunting take was made in the fall of 1936 on a portion of the Connecticut Hill area not devoted to the regular studies. On a total of 1,379 acres of coverts, the hunters took fourteen per cent of the October grouse population ( N, Y. S. Cons. Dept. Ann. Rep., 1937). The highest kill on any of the three cover units involved was twenty-three per cent. During 1932 to 1935 two studies bearing on this subject were made in Minnesota and Michigan. While done under different eco- logical conditions, the results are interesting for comparison. Trip- pensee (1935) found the hunting take on national forest land in Minnesota in 1934 to vary widely. On one unit of two sections of land the kill was only nine and four-tenths per cent; on another unit of four sections it was thirty-eight and two-tenths per cent. A sum- mary of his figures for all of the 6,400 acres involved gives an average take of nineteen and seven-tenths per cent of the fall population. The study in Michigan in 1932 and in 1935 was summarized in a letter from Harry Ruhl to me in 1936. The 1932 results on the Pigeon River State Forest showed a hunter take of six and seven- tenths per cent of the September population (probably somewhat higher for the prehunting season population of mid-October ) on the four square miles censused. The 1935 studies were made on two areas. Pigeon River State Forest and Escanaba River Tract (Mich. St. Cons. Dept., Biennial Rep., 1935-36). The hunter bag on the Pigeon River area was seventeen and three-tenths per cent and on the Escanaba tract seventeen and four-tenths per cent. The Pigeon River data when developed on the basis of a September census gave a kill of only ten per cent, thus indicating that the 1932 records Man's Relation to the Grouse 259 were much lower than the actual kill. In Pennsylvania in 1940, Studholme ( 1941 ) found the hunting season loss to be twenty-three and two-tenths per cent, of which at least seventeen per cent was attributable to hunting by man. These Midwest and Pennsylvania records corroborate the New York results remarkably closely. We may conclude that the normal hunter kill is in the neighborhood of fifteen to twenty per cent of the prehunting season population. We have discussed the total kill. Now let us see what this means to the individual hunter. What is the average daily and seasonal bag of giouse? This will be a discouraging revelation to those who are considering becoming grouse hunters— and reassurance for the ex- perienced shot who may still be smarting from being unable to get his eye on 'em the last time out, for there are multitudes who have fared worse. Before revealing the shockingly low effectiveness of hunters it may be well to pause and note again that the grouse pre- sents as hard a wingshot as any American game bird. ( I know quail, woodcock, and duck hunters will rise up in wrath at that statement! ) That this creature could so develop from a "fool hen" in the space of a century is a remarkable tribute to its adaptability. High daily and seasonal bags of individual hunters are plentifully recorded in the old literature. Forbush (1912) lists a number of such occurrences from Massachusetts thus: "I can remember when a market hunter going out from the city of Worcester by train each day, walking to the covers and returning at night, killed from ten to fifteen birds daily. . . . Mr. George Howes shot and marketed three hundred and ninety-eight birds in one shooting season. . . ." With the disappearance of the market hunter went the stor)' of large individual kills. The very limit of the present-day laws, as for exam- ple two per day, ten per season in Pennsylvania, three and fifteen in New York, makes large bags legally impossible. But the hunter who attains these figures is rare indeed. On Fig. 11 is shown the seasonal take per hunter based on the number of hunters who reported taking some game.^ Of course this is very conservative since many of these hunters who reported taking game did not pursue grouse at all. For what it is worth, the average game-taking hunter in New York has bagged an annual total of from ^ This is based on actual data beginning 1932, on computed data 1923-31 using the 1932-38 average of 3.5 times as many licenses reporting as reported taking game. 260 The Ruffed Grouse less than 0.3 grouse to 1.7 grouse, not an alarming record to say the least. Leopold ( 1933 ) gives 0.3 grouse per hunter for the seasonal average in Wisconsin, M'hich checks well, since all of the Wisconsin hunters are not grouse hunters either. Other grouse-hunting states show similar records. For example, in 1938, Pennsylvania hunters averaged .3 grouse, Connecticut hunters .4, each for the season. For honest-to-goodness, dyed-in-the- wool grouse hunters, the average is very much higher. Many of my grouse-hunting friends make their daily limit several times each season, and regularly take their seasonal limit. Van Coevering (1931), in speaking of the miraculous recovery of the bird, noted that tv\^o hundred and sixty-five grouse hunters in 1930 put up 11,000 birds, and took 1,248. The average kill per hunter was 4.7, less than half the legal seasonal limit. Data on daily hunters' bags was gathered in the field studies of grouse hunting, already discussed. In New York in the 1930 and 1931 studies, it took 19.0 and 12.6 hours of hunting, respectively, to bag a grouse. The average hunting "day" was 5.75 hours in 1930 and 3.4 hours in 1931. Adjusting the take to the basis of an eight-hour day, the average daily hunter bag was .42 grouse per man in 1930 and .63 in 1931. The actual daily bag on the short hunting days was .33 and .37 respectively. This daily bag probably increased some in successive years as both grouse and grouse hunting increased. How- ever, the tendency is more marked in the increased total take than it is in the individual take; that is, the increase is mainly in more hunters taking grouse rather than the same hunters taking more grouse ( see comparison of graphs in Fig. 11). The distribution of hunting take is of interest too. Only about one- quarter of the hunters took any grouse at all. Again we see that relatively few hunters get grouse, even among those who are hunting in grouse cover. If we convert our figures to include only the approxi- mately twenty-five per cent of hunters who can hit grouse, the daily eight-hour-day bag per hunter would range from 1.6 to 2.8 birds per day. Half of these figures would give the approximate take on the basis of the length of day actually hunted. The records in Michigan in 1932 (Ruhl) indicate an average daily bag of 0.7 grouse per hunter. It may be noted that this is consider- ably lower than Van Coevering's (op. cit.) record of 4.7 birds per average three days' hunting in Michigan in 1930, or 1.6 birds per man day. Man's Relation to the Grouse 261 The complete losses in grouse tliat are attributable to hunting b\- men are larger than the actual take by the amount of the loss from crippling. This factor is di£Bcult to evaluate and has been the subject of wide differences of opinions, some observers depreciating it while others believe it to be as important as the bag itself. An exaggerated estimate of the crippling loss may be derived b\' deducting the hunter kill from the difference between the posthunt- ing season and prehunting season populations as determined by censuses. This figure will include losses from predation, disease, and accident, as well as from hunter crippling or losing. This total loss has been about equal to the hunter-take figure. The corresponding figure for the 1932 Michigan work ( Ruhl ) , was nine per cent, which was 136 per cent of the hunter take. Trippensee (1935) indicates a rather different result, his other losses amounting to only 21.6 per cent of the hunter kiU for the hunting period. The proportion of other-than-hunting-take losses of the New York studies that is actually the crippling loss cannot be accurately deter- mined, since these areas were not under intensive study. They indi- cate only the upper limit of such losses. Some information on these losses may be inferred from experience of expert hunters, aided hv trained dogs. The crippling loss averaged about one-seventh of the grouse bagged. These may be considered as minimum figures since the hunters, being experts, probably left less than the average pro- portion of cripples. Some additional light may be shed on this problem by a considera- tion of the fall losses on census areas that were not hunted. This is from natural causes but not from gunshot. The loss during hunting season on no-hunting areas is about equal to the hunter kill on a hunted area; and the loss from all causes on a hunted area about double tlie hunter take. Thus the losses other than the hunter take, whether crippling may be involved or not, are about the same. This indicates that the crippling loss is probably nearer the minimum suggested above rather than the maximum. It is my estimate that the true average loss from crippling will approximate twenty-five per cent of the hunter take, or about four per cent of the prehunting season grouse population. The total hunting kill is the hunter take plus the crippling loss. By applying the twenty-five per cent of take rule derived above for tlie New York figures we find the estimated total hunter Idll to be: 1930-twelve per cent; 19Sl~twent\' per cent; 1936- seventeen per 262 The Ruffed Grouse cent. Since these samples are only indicators of a general condition we may conveniently use twenty per cent of the prehmiting season population as the normal anticipated loss from hunting. An interesting sidelight on grouse hunting is the success ratio— the proportion of flushed birds brought to bag by the hunters. About one grouse in a dozen flushed was retrieved. This is con- siderably less tlian the success ratio of birds actually shot at, which is a more correct indication of shooting skill. This was from two to three times the ratio of flushed birds bagged, or about one bird in four or five shot at was taken. The effect of hunting on grouse populations varies with the density of the population, as well as with the local intensity of hunting pressure. Whether the hunters kill twenty per cent of the grouse, or more or less, is important mainly as it affects tlie continued abun- dance of the species. During the years of moderate-to-high abun- dance, the twenty per cent of kill effected is of little importance in changing the trend of grouse abundance. Ordinarily there are about two and a half grouse produced for each pair of grouse in the spring. Thus two and a half birds from each four and a half living in the fall may be removed and still maintain the normal number of spring breeders. If there were no other sources of loss, the hunter could thus safely take fifty-five per cent of the fall population. This represents the upper potential safe limit of kill, but actually it cannot safely be approached owing to unavoidable losses from other causes. It has already been noted that winter losses from predation are low when fall populations are low, other things being equal. Under such circumstances the probability of predation may be twenty-five per cent or less, even where no hunting has taken place. Following Errington's theory of vulner- ability, which seems to hold fairly well with grouse, hunter take would displace a loss from some other cause for all birds in an inse- cure position. This becomes effective only in years of high abun- dance. From both theory and practice we may conclude that a hunter kill of twenty-five per cent is safe in all but years of scarcity, and that this figure may be increased somewhat in years of abun- dance. Surely the record of increased take and increased populations in New York from 1930 to 1938, along with specific field data, show that hunting as currently practiced has not been a factor in causing serious grouse declines. Tlie rather small part that hunting plays in total grouse mortality Man's Relation to the Grouse 263 may be gathered by considering the fate of an average hundred grouse eggs in the spring ( see page 285 ) . Of eighty-two which may perish the first year, hunters are responsible for only five. Obviously this five per cent of eggs accounted for by hunting is the same as the twenty per cent of adults. It should be noted though that the num- ber of mature birds lost are of far greater importance than an equal number in the egg and immature stages. Predator Reduction by Hunters and Trappers. It is a sad commen- tary on our progress in conservation education that the average American hunter still considers all hawks as bad hawks, can see no good in skunks or weasels, continues to believe that if there weren't so blankety-blank many foxes there would surely be more game for him to shoot. This attitude results in the actual loss of conservation values. John Q. Hunter still takes a pot shot at every hawk, owl, fox, crow, turtle, snake, red squirrel, or whatnot that crosses his path, and believes himself to be a worker for "the cause" when he does so. Worse, he is often encouraged by the payment of bounties, or prizes offered in "veiTnin control" contests. As a fur trapper he also takes species that affect grouse populations, and some of the legitimate game animals are also in this class. The haphazard shooting of predators cannot be evaluated in its effects on grouse. We only know that by far the greater portion of this take is of species that do not prey on the grouse at all or are of no real importance to grouse. Probably the best insight into man's endeavors with respect to grouse enemies may be gained by analyzing the organized efforts which have produced tangible records. Notable among these are bounty systems, and of particu- lar significance in the Northeast is the story of the Pennsylvania bounties. Gerstell (1937) has written a fine analysis and summary of the results of bounty payments in the Keystone state, from which we will quote freely. Bounties of one kind or another have been given there since 1683 but the modem bounties that are aimed at game manage- ment began in 1915. Most of the species on which bounties have been paid in recent years are important grouse predators— red and gray foxes, weasels, goshawks, and homed owls. The bobcat and mink have also been subject to bounty but owing to their low num- bers are not of great importance to grouse. The goshawk's bounty record indicates that: (1) The hunter kill 264 The Rufled Grouse does not reduce the abundance of goshawks in tlie succeeding win- ter; (2) the number taken is but a small part of their population; (3) the kill depends mainly upon the degree of southward winter migration of the species. Gerstell summarizes: ". . . the payment of bounties for the destruction of goshawks in Pennsylvania will never result in the control of the species ... it appears most advisable to discontinue. . . ." With respect to the red fox which was removed from the list in 1929, he concludes that the record "seems to indicate that the spe- cies was not controlled by the bounty," On gray foxes, "an increase in the bounty rate (from $2 to $4 in 1923) has increased the number of gray foxes annually presented for bounty, but as yet the species shows no evidence of being controlled by the bounty." Likewise in New York, in spite of constant persecution, the gray fox contiimes to increase its range and its numbers. During the twenty-one years prior to Gerstell's writing, an average of over fifty-two thousand weasels had been presented in claim for bounty, yet "the bounty system has not to any noticeable extent, if at all, controlled the weasel even though two thirds of the system's cost has been ex- pended in payments on the species." The bobcat has reacted differendy. Subject to bounty almost con- tinually since 1819, "bounty has brought die wildcat under absolute control in Pennsylvania." In fact, it became so scarce that it was removed from the bounty list in 1937 in order to afford it some chance of preservation. "As a predator control measure, the payment of bounties has proven generally inefficient as it has placed under control only one relatively small species population, while its effect on five others has been negligible. ... It has been impossible to prove that the operation of the bounty system over a relatively long period of years has improved game conditions. Furthermore ... the annual amount of money expended for bounty payments was controlled not by the abundance of predators, but principally by climatic and general economic conditions." Trapping for fur, while undertaken as an economic enterprise, affects several important grouse predators. Of these, the take of sev- eral species in New York is reported annually. Most significant in grouse ecology are the foxes, skunk, and raccoon. Only the weasels among the more important mammalian grouse enemies are not re- Man's Relation to the Grouse 265 ported. Analysis of these records, available since 1926, fails to reveal either: (1) control of the furbearer, or (2) any correlation with grouse abundance. The take depends considerably on fur prices. Since the additional economic incentive of a bounty has failed to show^ game management results, it seems unlikely that trapping or shooting of predators for fur will have any appreciable effect on grouse populations. Organized "vermin hunts" reflect the character of the results of predator control efforts by hunters not engaged in taking furs. They are far from being a systematic control over species that may actu- ally warrant some reduction in numbers. In the first place the aver- age hunter is not very selective, especially with respect to hawks. He is unable readily to identify many kinds of predators, particu- larly the birds. He takes those easiest to get, which are usually the beneficial rather than the '^bad" kinds. The need for control must be based on a careful knowledge of the populations of both predators and game— something which the hunter rarely has. An analysis of the returns of ten sportsmen's club predator cam- paigns taken at random from published records in New York and Pennsylvania showed: (1) Three and six-tenths per cent of the victims were identified as species which are important grouse preda- tors (crows not included); (2) seventy-five per cent of the hawks were either unidentified or were identified as beneficial species, and this assumes that the Cooper's and sharp-shinned hawks were cor- rectly named, which is doubtful; (3) of the three and six-tenths per cent identified as among important grouse enemies, forty-eight per cent were submitted for bounty; (4) sixty-four per cent of all kinds taken were crows, seven per cent were starlings, seven per cent water snakes, four and five-tenths per cent rats, five per cent red squirrels; (5) of over 7,700 specimens only three were foxes, the most impor- tant grouse enemy, and thirty-six were horned owls, the nmner-up. We can only conclude that the greatest benefit from the sportsmen's nongame hunting is his ovm self-satisfaction, the economics of shot- gun shell sales and the recreation derived. He would aid conserva- tion more by shooting clay pigeons. Use of Guns, Traps, Snares, Dogs, Autos, and Roads. Man's tools of pursuit have been an interesting sidelight to his relations with the ruffed grouse, and in some respects have influenced its abundance. 266 The Ruffed Grouse Considered somewhat in chronological order, we might discuss the snare, net, deadfall, and various types of traps ahead of guns. But for the early white man all methods were fair and effective. The variety of implements utilized to catch the then unwary grouse were almost endless. Most of these tools would be quite inefficient on the "smarter" grouse of today but helped to bring untold thou- sands to the markets of the past two centuries. In the sporting era, the gun, primarily the shotgun, has been the only weapon of sig- nificance. There has been a great improvement in the effectiveness of sport- ing guns in recent decades. However there have also been changes in the hunter and in the grouse itself. Phillips (1937) says: "Techni- cal improvements in the past forty years we can set aside, for the early hammer guns, in skillful hands, were nearly as effective as the more dainty modem weapons." He goes on, ". . . ff we compare the average skill of the present-day brush shooter with the average of the market shooter of fifty years ago, the result would be highly amusing and very disastrous to the pride of the modem edition." Phillips then points out that what tlie modem hunter lacks in skill, he makes up for in numbers. It has taken increased protection as well as a constantly growing wariness on the part of the bird itself to make up for the modem army of hunters that annually takes to the field. Dogs have been used to aid man in the pursuit of grouse for a long time, but in two quite dissimilar forms. We have already noted (see page 21 ) the early use of a yipping cur dog to hold the attention of a covey of treed "fool hen" grouse while the hunter picked them off one at a time, from the lowermost up. Such a mutt is a far cry from the magnificent, staunch, and silent setters and pointers of the twentieth century. To many a sportsman the most enjoyable part of hunting is working with a good dog, and die supreme thrill is in seeing a perfect point on a closely held bird. In tlie northern states, bird dogs were mainly trained on grouse up to the last fifteen or twenty years. With the coming of a completely closed season in a period of pronounced scarcity ( 1928-29 in New York ) and the great increase in interest in pheasant hunting, it is rare today to find a really well-trained grouse dog. Most of the pointing dogs are "spoiled" on pheasants. So we find that the fai-famed grouse dog, not long ago the pride and joy of the dyed-in-the-wool grouse hunter, Man's Relation to the Grouse 267 is but a fond memory in the lore of the old timers, any one of whom will delight in "pouring it on" in front of a crackling hearth on a cold winter's night, recreating the exploits of "good old Pooch," known in more dignified circles as "Royal Master Skylark of Worthingdon." One of the most significant of recent changes in hunting problems is the advent of fast transportation for the general public— good highways and motorcars. Only three decades ago, grouse hunting by any individual was confined to the few square miles that he could reach from home on foot, or from the terminus of a short buggy or train ride. How vastly different it is today. We jump in the car and in an hour we are at coverts forty miles away. An hour's try at this locale and we are off again, and in a single day we have taken a quick course tlu^ough several coverts scattered over a hundred miles or more. This increased mobihty has aided materially in adding to the number of hunters, hence to the problem of finding good hunt- ing for all. At the same time that so many roads were becoming arterial high- ways in the Northeast, other dirt roads that proved to be back roads have become abandoned and inaccessible to modern automobiles. Thus the hunter's ability to get around to the coverts has increased in the broad sense while actually decreasing locally in many areas where there is good grouse range. The net effect of the changes in transportation are hard to sum up, but are probably not seriously affecting the grouse. Whereas formerly each hunter traveled in his own back yard, he's now in someone else's. And the increase in grouse hmiters has not kept pace with that of hunters in general, thanks to the pheasant and rabbit. AS A FARMER AND LUMBERMAN Land Clearing and Farming. When the white man first began hack- ing at the forest wilderness in the eastern states, he found game generally plentiful around the new clearings. This caused the falla- cious belief in the supposed abundance of game throughout the wilderness, for it seemed "self-evident that if wild life was abundant around the settlers' clearings, it must have been more abundant where man had not intruded" ( Edminster, 1941 ) . It did not occur to him that his very clearings were aiding in producing this game supply. 268 The Rulied Grouse As land clearing progressed, the grouse range was generally im- proved even diough the quantity of woodland was being reduced. But in the more fertile and level regions the extent of land clearing soon passed the optimum for grouse and the birds were tlien gradu- ally exterminated from these parts of their range, except for occa- sional islands of wooded swamp or rough land that remained to support some grouse. In areas of poorer fertihty and steeper slopes, as in southern New York and northern Pennsylvania, only from one third to two thirds of the woodland was ever cleared. Here the remaining grouse range is about the best in the Northeast. It is about half again as productive of grouse as the Adirondack vdlderness range even when all the open land is included, and the birds are produced on only about half the total land area. It is probable that the optimum amount of open land for grouse range would be from ten to twenty-five per cent, if it were well dis- tributed. This would not be fomid ordinarily in a regular farming setup. Hence man's land-clearing activity ordinarily falls short of meeting grouse needs in mountainous country and far exceeds it in agricultural areas. As a farmer, man maintains his open fields by cultural operations with plough, harrow, mowing machine, etc. (see Plate 37). This work serves to prevent grouse range from expanding, and at the same time it maintains the valuable woodland edges. On intensely farmed areas, cultivation prevents the grouse from reclaiming its former range; on the hill farms it maintains the land in a higher- productive condition for grouse than would ultimately result if the area were abandoned to continuous forest. Many of the poorer of the hill farms in the Northeast are being abandoned as unsuited for profitable agriculture. In New York alone there are five million acres of such lands— one sixth of the whole state. After abandonment, the open fields grow into brush and for a period better grouse range results. As natural afi^orestation progresses the range loses much of its grouse productivitv and becomes a more extensive forest area. Relations of Livestock and Pets to Grouse. Wherever hvestock farming, either for meat or dairy products, is found on areas of grouse range there is apt to be a conflict of interests. Fortunately, much of the livestock that does occur in grouse country is fenced out of the woodland areas, and much of the grazed woods are not Man's Relation to the Grouse 269 in suitable grouse range anywa}'. When woodlands are pastured it is detrimental to grouse and when this pasturing is intense enough to create a visible "cattle line" it renders the woods practically non- inhabitable to grouse regardless of its other attributes. It should be pointed out that open-field pasturing is a means of maintenance of balanced conditions almost as effective as cultural operations. When accompanied by proper pasture management measures for the prevention of woody plant encroachment, it is fully eflFective in excluding grouse and in maintaining woodland edges outside the pasture fence. Man's pets, particularly dogs and cats, are of some shght signifi- cance as grouse predators. His poultry may conceivably play a part in aiding the spread of disease in grouse but contacts between grouse and chickens are not common. In many small ways, the ani- mals that are particularly associated with man affect the lives and homes of the grouse. Man's Woodcutting Activities. Beginning after the land-clearing work has been completed and the extent of potential grouse range thus delimited, man's most significant consequence to the grouse is his work in the woods with ax and saw. Potentially he can make the area most unproductive by clearing the remainder of the woods; or poorly productive by allowing all the land to return to mature forest (see Plate 6B). Actually he does neither of these things, but many of his activities between these extremes determine the types of cover, hence the character of the grouse range. With respect to man as a woodcutter even more than man as a hunter may it be said that the future of the grouse rests with him. As a lumberman he may clear out extensive forest areas; or he may cut selectively by species, by size limit, or for certain products as tanning bark, alcohol wood, mine props, etc. Each of tliese methods affects the grouse range differently. As a farmer he may take out fuel wood, fence posts, or barn lumber, or he may contract with an operator to skin the area. Again he may be interested in the trees for themselves and not cut anything. Whatever he does fixes the value of the cover which supports the birds. We have discussed these shelter and food values in the cover in Chapters IV and V. We will consider the deliberate use of woodcutting methods as a tool in managing grouse in the last chapter. But since the ordinan 270 The Ruffed Grouse farmer or woodland operator does not make his woodland cutting plans with regard for grouse needs, it is a fact that most grouse range is the product of the haphazard results of lumbering for various and smidry individual reasons. For better or for worse, the grouse will largely depend upon man as a woodcutter for the character of its cover. Use of Fire. For various reasons men sometimes set fire to the land's vegetation. Ofttimes he does so accidentally. It takes no stretching of the imagination to realize that fire in grouse cover will materially affect the birds whatever the cause. It may burn up a nest; quite often does. It may drive the birds out of important units of range for a considerable period of time. Refening to conditions in parts of Missouri, Woodruff (1908) says that the annual burning over of forest floors has removed all tlie suitable cover and caused rapid diminution of the grouse. Forbush ( 1927 ) includes "prevalence of forest fires" among the important factors having much to do with the decrease of this bird. Describing a forest fire, Krieble ( 1941 ) said, "Grouse were incubating their eggs, and time after time we saw birds fly out ahead of the flames utterly frantic; then, completely bewildered they would wheel around and fly headlong back into the flames and perish. How many grouse, and how many clutches of grouse eggs were destroyed that day would be difficult to estimate, but it's certain a severe toll was taken." Forest fires in the Northeast today are generally so few, so well controlled and so small that tliey do not greatly affect grouse popu- lations. In fact small woods fires are not aU on the red side of the ledger so far as grouse are concerned. After a year or two of barren- ness, bums usually grow up to briars, cherry, popple, and other shrubs and trees valuable to the grouse. A change in grouse cover bringing good summer range and brood cover is effected. If not too extensive tliis may actually improve the grouse cover conditions. Phillips ( 1937 ) noted that the largest grouse population he had ever encountered was on a tract of land in western Quebec, in the autumn of 1895, which had been burned about seven or eight years pre- viously. To sum up, small fires ordinarily do grouse little damage, often benefit them materially. Large and hot fires are apt to be quite destructive and the benefits they bring in cover change are rela- Man's Relation to the Grouse 271 tively unimportant because too extensive for the birds to fully use. In some areas, such as the Adirondack Forest Park in northern New York, where fire is rigidly controlled and lumbering of any kind prohibited on public land, a little forest fire now and then is literally a godsend to the game of the area. AS A CONSERVATIONIST Laws as a Means of Conserving Grouse. Laws, like the proverbial poor, we always have with us. This is no less true of game laws than of others. For a time after the first colonists arrived in the North- east, the social organization was so loose and the supply of game so plentiful for the few men there to harvest it, that there was no need for fonnal laws to restrict man's pursuit of wild animals. But as the settlements expanded and game occasionally became scarce locally, restrictive laws were quickly enacted. Understanding man's part in reducing game populations, it was only natural that they should feel that the losses might be checked by restricting man's liberties. There were probably very local, and less formal laws in parts of the Northeast in the seventeenth century, but the first law on grouse that became a matter of permanent record was a partial closed season in New York in 1708. However an earlier law in New York in 1629 first set up the control of the hunting privilege on all game in the state. (These and most of the subsequent references to dates of laws are taken from Palmer, 1912 ) . The spread and jurisdiction of laws increased rapidly throughout the nineteenth century. Restricted seasons, curtailed bag limits, limitations on use of certain types of weapons, and the prevention of sale followed one after the other. The chronology of some of the more important of these events affecting grouse in the Northeast is as follows: 1818: Massachusetts— season closed March 1— September 1. 1820: New Jersey— season closed February 1— September 1. 1837: New York (Kings, Queens, New York, and Westchester counties)— purchase or sale prohibited out of season. 1838: New Jersey— closed season extended to January 10— No- vember 1. 1846: Rhode Island— season closed February 1— October 1. 272 The Ruffed Grouse 1851: Delaware— season closed March 1— July 1. 1858; Maine— season closed March 1— July 1. 1862; New York— sale prohibited during closed season, whole state. 1867; New York— possession permit required to keep them alive over winter. 1869: Pennsylvania— prohibited baiting, trapping, snaring; West Virginia— season closed February 14— September 1; Maine —closed season extended to February 1— September 1. 1878; District of Columbia— season closed and sale prohibited February 1— August 1. 1887; Delaware— no hunting when snow on groimd. 1897; Pennsylvania— sale prohibited. 1911; New York— sale prohibited. 1928: New York— first completely closed season (effective for two years). This list is far from a complete record of the attention given to grouse by the legislatures, but it gives the trend of events by pe- riods from complete freedom to complete closure. For a long time it was felt that game abundance could be ac- complished by the simple procedure of legislating it. As more and more restrictions successively failed to accomplish this end, various supplementary efforts were one by one brought into play. But it should be clearly recognized that even though legislation and law enforcement are not synonymous with game management, they are, ff adequate, the essential foundation of any soimd system of game management. To say that our present laws are not adequate is to state the obvious. Their immense variation from state to state is ample evidence of this. Probably the greatest weakness in the grouse laws ( as well as all other game laws ) of most of our states today is the lack of authority in the executive conservation officer to adjust seasons and bag limits without resorting to specific legislation. Legislative machinery is notoriously slow, and grouse do not wait on the good senators to undergo marked increases and decreases in numbers. If lack of con- fidence in the executive setup deters the legislature from delegating this authority, then they should readjust the system so that there are adequate safeguards. Most important, the authority is direly needed somewhere ff good game management is to result. Man's Relation to the Grouse 273 Except for the ability to adjust the annual take to the population conditions each year, the laws relating to the grouse are generally just and adequate. Restriction of weapons to modern guns and long bows, prohibition of sale and elimination of commercialization are about complete. The major field for future improvement lies with regulation of land use. Land Management for Wildlife Conservation. Within the frame- work of his laws, and apart from his control of the hunting harvest, man's primary eflForts as a conservationist are applied on the land itself: plantings or seedings to add durable elements to the habitat; cuttings to improve the existing cover and induce the growth of other desirable plants; and supplementary practices such as pro- tection from grazing, establishment of posted refuges, control of other animal populations as deer and fur-bearers (see Plate 38). For the most part we have aheady discussed the effects of these practices on the grouse. Plantings, cuttings, and protection result in various changes in cover conditions. These we have discussed at some length. The relations of grouse to predators and other animals has also been covered. We may now discuss the value of refuges and sanctuaries. The application of all of the principles involved in these relations will be treated in the chapter on management of the ruffed grouse. But before we consider the practice of establishing refuges and sanctuaries, we may pause to say that man's highest accomplish- ment as a conservationist is his care of the land. The degree to which he does this well is the measure of his success and of the endurance of his customs, his pleasures, and of his very civilization. Refuges and Sanctuaries for Grouse. In the history of man's efforts to protect and increase game for hunting, the idea of leaving cer- tain areas unhunted in order to assure the survival of at least some individuals came early. But it has become a public policy in the United States only in recent years. Pioneering in this work have been the Audubon Societies and the U. S. Biological Survey (now Fish and Wildlife Service ) in establishing sanctuaries for persecuted birds, notably those threatened with extinction by the feather trade. Of recent years the Fish and Wildlife Service has undertaken a big program of refuges for migratory waterfowl. These have been im- proved and managed (in contiast to a sanctuary which is merely protected) both for resting areas and breeding giounds. The state 274 The Ruffed Grouse of Pennsylvania has pioneered in estabhshment of refuges for up- land game, notably deer, on lands acquired for game purposes. The fever for acquiring public game lands for refuges hit New York in the mid-twenties (see Plate 40A). The slogan was "A game refuge for every county." While not the panacea it was hoped to be, the refuge still is a valuable tool of game management. The idea of the use and value of game refuges has been con- siderably confused, particularly in the minds of sportsmen. It was conceived that a game species, such as grouse, within the confines of a refuge would increase greatly and overflow the refuge bound- aries. This excess would be shot in the surrounding public hunting grounds while the breeding stock would be preserved. It was also contended that game in open-shooting cover near a refuge would seek protection there when hunted. As it turns out, these theories do not apply very well to grouse. In the first place, a clear distinction is needed between the breed- ing refuge and the protection, or "seed-stock" refuge. Breeding refuges are needed only when the breeding facilities of a specie^ are hampered or endangered. Such a case is the well-known de- struction of waterfowl breeding grounds by drainage activities. This is not the case with grouse. The change of land ownership and plac- ing of signs and a boundary wire do not help the birds' breeding one iota. Furthermore, the principle of protection refuges assumes that hunting is a vital factor in the survival of the species. Under existing practice this is not true with the ruffed grouse in most areas. The questionability of the value of refuges for ruffed grouse in- duced an evaluation of the principle in New York by censusing a 2,120-acre refuge area and a comparable public shooting area from 1935 to 1937 (Edminster, 1937). ". . . instead of producing a greater supply of grouse, (the refuge) actually had fewer birds than the check area in two of the three years . . . while analysis of the effect of the small differences in the areas may serve to ex- plain some of the variations in grouse numbers, the fact still re- mains that the protection afforded by the refuge . . . did not serve to enlarge the crop of grouse." The study concluded that refuges were not of value in increasing grouse in normally hunted areas in years when grouse are at least fairly plentiful. It indicated that refuges might be more useful in times of scarcity, and that areas of Man's Relation to the Grouse 275 abnormally heavy hunting might well have some refuges as insur- ance against total local extermination. However, it may be desirable to establish game refuges for other species in areas inhabited by grouse. MAN AS A LIMITING FACTOR In a direct sense, as a destroyer of grouse, man is seldom the limiting factor under modem conditions of hunting. Locally this may occur, and potentially he might be generally over-destructive if the legal restrictions and the restraints of hunting ethics were lifted. In an indirect sense he is the dominant limiting factor in all but wilderness areas. More vital to the grouse than man's hunting are his use of the ax, saw, plow, fence, fire, and livestock which in various combinations determine what shall constitute the grouse's "home on the range." o REFERENCES AND CITATION SOURCES ON RELATIONS OF MAN TO THE RUFFED GROUSE Audubon, J. J. The Birds of America, 1856. Bent, A. C. Life Histories of North American Gallinaceous Birds, U. S. Nat. Mus. Bull. 162, 1927. Dillin, J. G. The Effect of Forest Fires on Grouse, Bull. Am. Game Prot. Ass'n, Vol. 9, No. 3, 1920. Edminster, F, C. Man as a Predator on Ruffed Grouse Areas, Game Breeder, Vol. XXXVII, No. 4, 1933. Edminster, F. C. An Analysis of the Value of Refuges for Cychc Game Species, Joum. Wildlife Mgt., Vol. 1, No. 1-2, 1937. Edminster, F. C. Wildlife Management through Soil Conservation on Farms in the Northeast, U.S.D.A. Farmers Bull. No. 1868, 1941. Elliott, D. G. The Game Birds of the United States, U.S.D.A. Ann. Report, 1864. Forbush, E. H. Game Birds, Wild Fowl and Shore Birds of Massachusetts and Adjacent States, 1912. Forbush, E. H. Birds of Massachusetts and Other New England States, Vol. 2, 1929. Gerstell, Richard. The Pennsylvania Bounty System, Res. Bull. No. 1, Pa. Game Commission, 1937. Krieble, C. G. From Behind the Camera, Pa. Game News, Vol. 12, No. 5, August, 1941. "Monon." Shooting Out of Season, Forest & Stream, Vol. 5, No. 2, Aug. 19, 1875. 276 The Ruffed Grouse Palmer, T. S. Chronology and Index of the More Important Events in Ameri- can Game Protection, 1776-1911, U.S.D.A. Biol. Survey BuU. No. 41, 1912. Phillips, J. C. Man's Influence on Ruffed Grouse Populations, 1937. Ryder, W. C. A Review of the Ruffed Grouse, Penna. Game News, Vol. XV, No. 3, June, 1944. Studhobne, A. T. Ruffed Grouse Environment in the Scrub Oak-Pitch Pine Forest Type, M.S. tliesis, Penn. State, 1941. Trippensee, R. E. How Many Ruffed Grouse Can We Shoot? National Wal- tonian. Vol. 3, No. 4, October, 1935. Van Coevering, Jack. A Ruffed Grouse Miracle, Outdoor America, Vol. X, No. 4, Nov., 1931. Wilson, Alexander. The Natural History of the Birds of the United States, 1812. Woodruff, E. S. A Preliminary List of the Birds of Shannon and Carter Coun- ties, Missouri, Auk, Vol. 25, No. 2, April, 1908. . New York State Conservation Department Aimual Reports for the years 1931 to 1941. -. What Can Forest Wildlife Contribute to the War Program, S. A. F. Comm. Report, Joum. Forestry 42(5), May, 1944. ■fer;\T^vA^^ ^wm"^ 10 Productivity and Populations POTENTIAL AND ACTUAL PRODUCTIVITY^ Productivity is defined by Leopold ( 1933 ) as "the rate at which mature breeding stock produces other mature stock," Before an appraisal is made of this, the actual productivity, let us consider tlie potential productivity— that constant property of the species which is the theoretical rate at which the species could increase if no mor- tality occurred. From this base line, we may examine the factors that affect this theoretical possibility and derive the actual result. Being promiscuous, breeding the first year after birth and laying a large clutch of eggs (averaging over eleven eggs per clutch), the ruflFed grouse has a high-breeding potential. Like the plant aphid that we learned about in elementary biology, it would overpopulate the earth in relatively few years if nothing checked its increase. Assum- ing a balanced sex ratio, which is normal, a pair of perfectly health)' grouse producing twelve eggs would result in fourteen birds the first season; continuing with equally successful progeny, this orig- inal pair of birds becomes 110 the second year, 782 the third, 5,486 the fourth, and so on. That such productivity is never even remotely approached is due to the perpetual interplay of numerous delimiting conditions, en- vironmental influences, and decimating factors. To begin with, uni- versal breeding is rarely attained; the occurrence of a few non- nesting females, nonbreeding males, or infertile eggs makes an initial reduction in the potential. Then losses in the egg, immature and adult stages result from a never-ending gamut of hazards. Subtracting these losses from the potential productivity, we have remaining the actual. When the fall and winter losses bring the population back to the original number of breeders, we have a ^ The first portion of tliis chapter is taken largely from Productivity of the Ruffed Grouse in New York, Edminster ( 1938). 277 278 The Ruffed Grouse stable population. When the annual increment is higher we have an increasing population; and when the losses exceed the increment, the population declines. In the long run, it cannot continue to in- crease, nor can it continue to decrease without risk of extermina- tion. The wild-life manager strives to manipulate controlling factors so that annual losses equal the annual increment in an environment populated to its carrying capacity. Further, he aims to have the greatest possible part of these inevitable losses occur from hunt- ing by man rather than from other causes. This objective is not regularly attainable in the grouse for it does not have a stable productivity. Its numbers vary so widely that it has been termed a cyclic species. But even apart from its general fluctuations, the variation in the effect of many of the decimating agencies year by year cause other variations in the productivity. Marked irregularity was noted in areas and on individual coverts within areas. But it is noteworthy that the early attributes of pro- ductivity—sex ratio, breeding, number of eggs, fertility, viability of eggs, nest survival— have remained remarkably constant, while great variation occurred in both brood and adult survival. ANNUAL FLUCTUATIONS IN GROUSE NUMBERS The most complete and continuous productivity record of the New York grouse investigation was obtained on the Connecticut Hill Survey Area. The regular census units totalled two thousand three hundred four acres of coverts (other portions of the survey area which were utilized for special studies are not included here due to interruptions in the census records ) . The population changes taking place on this area for the nine-year period 1929 into 1938 are shown in Table 9. For five years out of nine the productivity resulted in a larger breeding population than the previous year and for four years in an increased crop. At the outset, shortly after the low ebb of num- bers in 1928, the population was far below carrying capacity. After three years of very low populations, conditions favored a big in- crease: Predator pressure was relatively low, disease incidence was near zero and hunting pressure was eliminated for purposes of this study. Weather conditions proved favorable too. Productivity and Populations 279 An increase of ninety-three per cent from breeding stock took place in 1930 with Httle reduction the following winter, leaving a net increase of fifty-seven per cent in the spring of 1931. The seasons of 1931 and 1932 also had high productivity, one hundred nine per cent and one hundred twenty per cent respectively, but owing to mounting winter losses the net yearly gains in breeding population dropped to fifty-three per cent in 1932 and to only twenty-six per cent in 1933. The forces of decimation were catching up, both preda- tion and disease having increased notably. Then productivity in 1933 fell way off owing to a very high brood mortality of unknown cause, resulting in a summer increase of only eighteen per cent of the spring population. This was followed by a thirty-seven per cent winter loss which, while somewhat lower both in number of birds and percentage of September population than that of the previous year, resulted for the first time in a reduction in breeding stock, amounting to a twenty-six per cent net loss for the year. Table 9 Population Changes on 2,304 Acres of Grouse Cover, Connecticut Hill Area- 1929- 1938 ^ No. No. Loss of Grouse Fall ei 222SSSSgg2 8 :J£ 3? :s :$ :S 3J 3^ S a; s: S-- :S ;s xxxxxxxxxxxxx I ic lO C c O Q o I i-i — CM rt C) C5 —I •s-g-g s a a T3 TS T3 a e a ^•€■8 a a a a •o -a 13 ts o o o '3 o 'o '0 '0 '0 '3 OG CO to OQ CO CC M CC OQ tC ,t.' oj -*-(-- • ■ • fn ^ O eooaesnc^ao)93o3s3 JC5 ja J3 JCJ j= ^ ^ J5 J3 3 "5 3 3 3 "3 "5 "3 3 aaeassce a "U t3 t3 T3 -O t3 -T3 -O T3 Cflcccccc a "o 'o 'o o 'S '0 '0 '3 "o o '0 a 0! 3 ►-5 «4 . M s a - 5 £ •= = = r = = =: =3 c8c3'cortc!irfaJ*c5 d'd rt "5 ?3 S 1 ? s 2" ? p ^ jj "O T3 13 O O '3 S o o 'i' CO r- O TO O o =3 a 3 . =2 S fe & JE & 000 00 CC K 00 CO CO &3 g u 1^ t. X Sqqq « t^ O "O M o o -^ o o u o "CQOCOOOOOl'; ooooocoooo oomooooooo t^ — OQOOOOO •* 06 t^ •>»< IN N 00 h- ■^ T»< «5 Ilool" 9^ P9^.>|99o^9 C Q Q Q Q D P Q D Q O Q Q ccccpoccccooo coooccoocoooo OOiOOOOOCOOOOOiC CO C '.-^ c c o 05 d 00 00 00 ! o o o o o o w OOOOOOiQCOOOOO fcO OOC)iOOiC-^t^iOiO»OOiOiO iC 10 __ O O C AiooooooiM^>0'r> lOlOWMfNiM^JiN^IHC^JMC^l llo9|999 ^^^ OOiJ ^OcococcOOcficEco aa « ^ s >2 £ S: C! S ; - e g a 3i fe 2 J ff ■K a .? a ^^' > fc t- a S's C M 03 o "^ 5) ^^ «^'>. s > :::: o -^ ^ o o t; =* -3 j3 O m O fe S. o ■• s .S 10 a -o a o 3 *j •9 a ^-S a P ^ * >>-w *>^ 358 The Ruffed Grouse seed trees every few days during the ripening season will assure accurate determination of the best collecting time. Cones of the pines and spruces should be taken just before they open. When squirrels begin cutting off the cones and dropping a few to the ground, maturity of seed is indicated. Red pine cones turn a deep purple, with brown on the scale tips at ripening, while those of white pine turn yellowish-green with brown scale tips. Ma- turity of these pine cones may also be ascertained by their specific gravity. When the majority of red pine cones float in kerosene, they are ready for picking. White pine cones may be picked when they float in linseed oil. The best method of verffying the maturity of spruce cones is by the general browning of the cone scales. Pine cones can be removed most easily by using either hand or pole pruners. The spruces and arborvitae are best gathered by hand pick- ing or raking onto a tarpaulin. Since maple seeds are winged and disperse quite widely upon falling it is generally advisable to collect from the tree. In towns it may be more eflBcient to collect from places of concentration such as gutters. Tree collection is done by hand stripping from ladders from the outside of tlie tree canopy. Oak acorns can easily be raked up from the ground after they have fallen. Since the acorns of white oak start germinating imme- diately after falling, they should be gathered promptly. Fruits, nuts, or seeds of most shrubs and vines may be collected with httie trouble either from the ground or from the plants by the aid of stepladders. Of the shrubs listed in Table 12 the hazelnut and dogwoods require the most careful watching. The dogwoods drop much of their fruit quickly upon maturing while the hazelnuts are gathered quickly by squirrels. Fruits of the other species remain on the plant long enough so that speed of collection is not lu-gent. Rose, bayberry, bittersweet, and the siunacs generally remain for some months while the others hang at least one or two months dur- ing which collections may be made. A word of caution in respect to handling quantities of freshly col- lected fruit. Keep them well aerated, especially when in contain- ers, in order to prevent decomposition through heating. The times for collection of seeds given in Table 12 are general and will vary some according to location and weather conditions. Management of the Ruffed Grouse 359 By keeping notes on dates of maturity for a few years, these local variations may be learned. Cleaning and Extraction of Seed. Seeds should be removed from their coverings before storing or planting.^ With the fleshy fruits this may be done by maceration and fermentation. Some kinds, how- ever, must be treated carefully. Mountain ash and crabapple de- teriorate rapidly if they remain in the fermentation bath more than forty-eight hours. Hence they should be very thoroughly macerated before being subjected to fermentation. The fermentation bath may be prepared by adding a small quantity of yeast to the water and leaving it standing in a warm room. The dry nuts are prepared by removing the husks (hazel) or cups ( oak ) . Sumac "bobs" or heads should be broken apart before removing the thin outer coat of the seeds. After separating the trash from the seeds, the outer coat may be taken off by abrasion. Extraction of seeds from cones should be done soon after collec- tion is completed. This is most true of the pines and spruces which become very pitchy ff allowed to he about. Arborvitae cones are very dry and do not form pitch. The cones are placed in thin layers on trays having screen bottoms for air circulation. They should be kept in a hot dry room (with the temperahu-e not exceeding 120° F. ) and stirred occasionally. When the cones have opened, the seed may be shaken from them. After the wings are removed they are ready for either storage or planting. Sometimes the scales will stick together through the first drying attempt. These cones should be sprinkled with water and then redried, repeating the process as many times as necessary. Care of Seed Prior to Sowing. After the seed has been cleaned and dried or extracted it is advisable to make a simple cutting or ger- mination test at once. Germination tests immediately after seed col- lection are not satisfactory for certain species having a period of seed dormancy. In the cutting test, viable seed is recognized by the clear white meat. If the interior is discolored, deep yellowish or brown, the seed is considered nonviable. The percentage of seeds that are viable as shown by cutting or by a trial germination is an indication of production that may be anticipated. The actual num- ^ This is not essential for black cherry if it is sown immediately after collection. 360 The Ruffed Grouse ber of seedlings produced, however, will be much lower than the number of viable seeds as shown in these tests. Table 12 gives average figures for viability tests and for the corresponding num- bers of resultant usable plants per pound of seed. By comparing the actual viabihty test witli the average, one may easily compute the probable seedling production per pound of the seed on hand. The rate of seeding may then be adjusted from that recommended in order to compensate for the variation in viability. Some seeds, such as tliose of the pines, spruces, arborvitae, and the maples, are capable of immediate germination after maturing. All the shrubs and vines under consideration have a period of dormancy during which certain physiological changes take place prior to the time when germination can take place. Also, some seeds have hard coats that prevent absorption of moisture and thus delay germina- tion. For those species that can be collected early enough for fall planting, the over- wintering in the seed bed provides the necessary conditions to carry them through the dormancy period. Those that are to be spring-planted must be stratified over winter to prepare them. Seeds to be stratified should first be soaked for two hours in a saturated chloride of lime solution to prevent molding. The medium for stratification may be acid peat or an equal mixture of sand and peat. The best medium for each species and the number of days of stratification needed are listed in Table 12. The desuable tem- perature for stratification is about 41° F.^ and the seeds should be placed in thin layers in the shghtly moist medium. In handling large kinds, tlie seeds may be mixed generally through the medium. For very small seeds, as bittersweet and mountain ash, it is advisable to keep a layer of cheesecloth above and below to facilitate recovery at the end of the stratification period. The hard-coated seeds of hawthorn and sumac must be scarified before planting if quick germination is desired. The seed should be thoroughly dried and then immersed in a solution of concen- trated sulphuric acid ( H2SO4 ) . The liquid should cover the seed to twice its depth and should be stirred occasionally for the twenty- minute treatment. After this the acid is poured off and large quan- tities of water are quickly added. The operator should be very care- ful when adding the water because of the violent boiling that would ^ Mountain ash seed should be kept at about 32°— 34" F. Management of the Ruffed Grouse 361 ensue if any acid remains, possibly causing acid bums. After the seeds are thoroughly washed, add one tablespoonful of washing soda for each quart of water to neutrahze the acid. Then rinse again thorouf^hly in clean water after which the seeds are ready for planting. Bayberry seed should have the outer wax coating removed just before stratification. This may be done by abrasion. Sand paper is useful for this pinpose. Separation of the cleaned seed from the granular bits of wax may be done through a screen. The seeds of the northern viburnums also require special con- sideration. They go through two stages of germination instead of one. The root develops after a period of warm weather and the leaves are not released until after a period of cold. The seeds should not be stratified but rather held in dry storage until midsummer of the year following collection when they should be sown. Preparation of the Nursery Seed Beds. Selection of suitable soils for the nursery beds is of the utmost importance. For all species the soil should be deep and well drained but not drouthy. A light sandy soil is the best for growing the conifers and small-seeded hardwoods. Heavier loam soils are better for the large-seeded hard- woods, although tight clay soils should be avoided. Location of the seed beds should be made with great care. Sites that can be worked early in the spring and soon after rains are best. Friable soils free of stones make operations easier. Fields in sod should be put through a cultivated crop before they are used for seedling beds in order to reduce the weeds and white grubs, and to eliminate clods. The area should be deep-plowed and thoroughly haiTowed a month in advance of seeding time so as to eliminate as many weeds as possible. Do not use manure in the prepaiation of the beds. After thorough disc-harrowing it is convenient to lay out the area in standard beds four feet wide and a hundred feet long. Bomiding all sides a pathway two feet wide should be left. Soil from the paths is thrown up on the beds so as to make them four to six inches higher. This insures good drainage and helps to prevent washing. When the bed has been built up, it should be raked thoroughly, filling in the low spots, and making a level surface. Beds should be raked out a little wider than the four-foot dimension so that a full four- 362 The Ruffed Grouse foot vWdth can be planted without breaking the shoulders. After it is thoroughly raked and leveled, the bed should be rolled to form a firm soil. Beds to be used for conifers should have all nutrients added prior to seeding. Never apply lime to conifer beds at any time. Those de- voted to hardwoods may be top-dressed after seeding and at inter- vals through the summer. Fertilization practices will vary with the needs of the soil in each location and the rapidity of growth, and should be about the same as for ordinary farm crops. Likewise, the need for lime will depend on the present acidity of the soil and upon the species to be grown. The conifers need an acid soil while the hardwoods mostly prefer a neutral one. Bayberry is an exception. Seeding and Seedling Culture. The time of seeding and rate of seeding are given in Table 12 for each species. It is recommended that the seed be sown by hand broadcast, mixed with sand to get an even distribution where necessary, except v^th bear oak and mountain ash. These two species should be seeded in rows about ten inches apart. The method of covering the seed of the conifers is to spread on top of the seed a layer of sand %-% inch thick. For the hardwoods the covering is either soil alone, or soil covered by a mulch. Clean grain straw is suitable for the mulch. Soil covering depth is three times diameter of clean seed or at least a quarter inch. The mulch is removed when the seeds start to germinate. Conifer beds should be covered with slat frames about a foot off the ground during the early growth period to give about half shade from the sun. The screens should be removed occasionally during cloudy damp days to prevent the "damping off" of the young plants. The frame covering is gradually abandoned after about mid- summer. One of the great problems in most nurseries is providing adequate water during the dry season. Wliere operations are large enough to warrant, an overhead irrigation system should be installed. For small nurseries hand watering or a portable irrigation system must suffice when rainfall is inadequate. Competition of weeds with the young seedlings is a big problem, especially during the first half of the summer. Continual vigilance and lots of handwork are necessary to prevent them from stifling the Management of the Ruffed Grouse 363 crop. Careful and frequent weeding during the early season will reduce the problem to minor proportions in late summer. As the seedlings develop, it is very important to reduce their density to a desirable level so that each plant will have adequate space and food. The optimum densities for each species are given in Table 12. The thinnings should be started as soon as the plants are large enough to begin crowding. For conifers this is three to four weeks after germination; for hardwoods, after they form their second true leaves. It is required to insure an evenly spaced stand. Weeding ( or cultivation if row-seeded ) and irrigation should be gradually tapered off beginning at midsummer and should be stopped completely about six weeks before frost is expected. This gives the plants an opportunity to harden before cold weather. Various species of trees and shrubs require different periods of time for the attainment of size suitable for field planting. A number of the hardwoods grow to sufficient size in a single summer. These are known as one-year seedlings and are designated "1-0," meaning one year in the seedling bed and no transplanting. All the northern conifers require more than one year and those recommended in Table 12 require three or four years, depending upon the growing conditions in the individual nursery and upon the weather. These pines, spruces, and arborvitae are usually kept in the seedling bed for two years and then transplanted in field rows. Two more years as a transplant give the young tree its final designation "2-2." When they are to be grown to usable size in three years, it is generally best not to transplant. Some of the hardwoods require two years and are designated in Table 12 as "2-0." Others may sometimes, in good years, reach usable size in one year and then in other seasons grow so slowly as to require a second year. Those hardwoods requiring a second year in the nursery may be transplanted to become 1-1 plants ff desired. This is usually done only with beds of uneven growth where some plants are ready for field use after one season while others are too small. The small ones may be saved, after the bed is dug, by transplanting. The final column of Table 12 gives the smallest size recom- mended for field-planting stock. The first figure is the height in inches above ground, the second is the diameter of the stem one- half inch above ground. In all cases it is assumed that the plants 364 The Ruffed Grouse have a good root-top ratio, that is, roots about equal to top in development. Stock may be laiger than the dimensions given as long as the plant is small enough to be easily handled in planting. CONTROL OF THE HARVEST Proper and Flexible Laws. Any sound system of game manage- ment requires a framework of good, workable laws in which to function. Since the grouse is a very dynamic resource, the laws pertaining to it should be flexible enough to provide for quick ad- justments when needed. Fundamental is the centering of discretion- ary authority for harvest limitations in the executive of the conserva- tion agency of the state. This requires the delegation of this author- ity by the state legislative body. And to be successful it requues an intelligent, responsible, and independent executive branch backed by an able staff of technical men. Most state legislative bodies up to the present have been unwill- ing to release this authority. But it is manifestly impossible for a large pohtical body to gather the necessary facts that bear upon hunting restrictions, seasons, bag hmits, and the like, or to take timely action. When changes are needed they may be required quickly and often at times when legislative action is out of the question. The only sensible system is to place the responsibility where it can be used with speed and be guided by impartial atten- tion to the biological facts. The histoiy of grouse laws, as with all game laws, is one of grad- ually increasing restrictions on the freedom of the individual to hunt. Changing conditions of habitat and human populations made these laws a necessity if the sport and species were to be preserved. However, it should be borne in mind that the purpose of game laws is fundamentally to protect a living resource and to provide for an equitable harvest of the annual crop. Both objectives are of the utmost importance, but it is also true that they tend in opposite directions. The greater the protection the smaller is likely to be the harvest; and the bigger the harvest the more likelihood of endan- gering the safety of the species. Game laws are therefore a compro- mise. They should be designed to permit the greatest possible sus- tained harvest without endangering the status of the breeding stock. In states having adequate grouse range, there should be an open Management of the Ruffed Grouse 365 season in most years. Only in years of catastrophic losses will it he necessary to close the season— but then it should be closed quickly. Ordinarily one or two years' protection are then needed to eflFect sufficient recovery to warrant renewal of open seasons. With grouse we should be able to anticipate an average of eight years or more of open seasons out of ten. The limitations on the individual in an open season must be de- termined by existing conditions. In states like New York, New Jer- sey, Connecticut and Pennsylvania where the hunting pressure is generally intense, bag limits must be low. The present New York law of three a day and fifteen a season is probably safe and yet satisfactory to the fair-minded sportsman. Length of season is the subject of divergent opinions in various states. Most experience has shown that a season of moderate length produces little, if any, more hunting than a short, intense season. In most places with good range a season of at least a month is warranted. In years of good abundance it is actually better to lengthen the season and harvest a bigger crop. Two months of continuous hunting might be war- ranted in some years, provided such a hberalization did not add unduly to problems of conservation of other species. I think we can fairly say that under modem conditions of hunt- ing the sale of grouse and taking of the birds by means other than gun or bow and arrow are definitely not warranted. Refuges. In our discussion of man as a conservationist in his re- lation to grouse, we pointed out that the refuge principle is not as applicable in grouse management as it is to that of some other species. Protection of this type during the breeding season is of little value in most grouse range; if any protection is needed then it is from cattle, fire, or lumbermen, not from the hunter. The es- tablishment of grouse (or game) refuges to protect breeding birds will rarely be justified. Protection from hunting through the means of escape, or "seed stock," refuges will only occasionally be war- ranted, and then in areas of high hunting pressure, or where there is a combination of hmiting intensity with inadequate natural escape cover. In many areas of grouse range it may be desirable to establish refuges primarily for other game species. This discus- sion does not refer to that problem. Because of the rather short daily cruising radius of grouse, any 366 The Ruffed Grouse refuges that are to benefit this bird should be small— say from ten to one hundred acres. Witliin these limitations the exact size is not of much importance. Of more import is the location of the refuge with respect to cover. It should contain the best available shelter and some good feeding area of the available fall foods. This usually means that the refuge will be in tlie outer part of a woodland. The distribution of refuges need be no more than one to three per square mile under most circumstances. In range with rough topography and variable cover, the pattern may be quite irregular. The refuges should be placed where grouse are most sure to use them regardless of whether this provides an even distribution. Most of the intensive hunting in the Northeast is in the discon- nected cover range, hence refuges wiU most often be needed on small units of land ownership— the predominant condition in this partly farmed country. A man who owns only a hundred or so acres will not be able to give much consideration to the needs of a refuge pattern. The most he is likely to require on his own land will be a single unit. It is therefore quite largely a problem for the organized sportsmen of the locality or for the state game agency to plan and organize for tlie grouse refuge needs in any particular range. The mechanism of making a refuge is simply the posting around the boundaries of a unit of signs that will legally prohibit the use of firearms therein. The type of sign, and the distance apart that they must be posted, is generally specified in the state conservation laws. When making a refuge, many states bound it v^dth a single strand of smooth wire, hung about breast height. This is not essential, but it is important that the boundary be apparent to one approaching it if it is to serve its purpose. This means tliat expediency will often alter the selection of its location and size from what might otherwise be the more ideal. Roads, trails, woods edges, fence-rows, and sim- ilar natural boundaries should be used so far as possible. When it is necessary to have the line traverse woody cover it must be kept brushed out if people are to see and respect it. Use of Censuses. A census is essentially an enumeration of a pop- ulation. In field studies of animal populations it is of fundamental importance to know the number, type (sex, age, etc.), and location of the individuals comprising the population. The greatest possible accuracy is needed, therefore time and cost are not the most im- Management of the RuflFed Grouse 367 portant considerations. The use of the census in practical wild-life management is quite a different matter. It must be simple, quick, and inexpensive. Its basic purpose is the same— to determine the size and distribution of a population— but the accuracy required is not so great and no supplementary data are needed. The use of a management census is to determine the harvestable crop. This may be the crop on a single area of cover, such as a private holding or a public hunting ground, or the crop over a whole state. In the latter case, the estimate would be based on sample censuses from representative areas and would furnish the basis for seasons and bag limits. Accurate determination of a grouse population in most of the northeastern range requires detailed coverage of the entire census area by trained observers. In most circumstances this expenditure is not warranted. The most expedient method is one of using indexes and samples. The period of census-taking for the estimation of shooting season populations is from mid-August to mid-October. The middle of this period falls in the height of the moult when the birds are difiBcult to flush. It is generally best to avoid the month of September and confine the counts to late August and early October. One of the best indexes of grouse populations is the productivity of the year. A comit of brood size in late August is a quickly available method for gauging the productivity. If the brood size, female in- cluded, averages four, the probability is for a population the same size as the year before ( if other factors are equal ) . If the brood size averages five or more, the probability is for an increasing popula- tion; if three or less, the likelihood is for a decline. The second figure needed in addition to brood size is brood den- sity. To obtain a fair index of this figure the census should be made in good weather: moderate in temperature for the season, at least partly sunny, and with little or only moderate wind. The best hours are from an hour after daylight to an horn* before sunset. The cov- erage should be confined primarily to summer cover: brushy cover, and hardwood edges. Covering fifty acres per man-day of eight hours, an average of two broods per man-day would constitute an average good year record. This, with an average unit size of five, would give a full brood count of ten birds per man-day on fifty acres. If the brood density is one per man-day on a fifty acres per 368 The Ruffed Grouse man-day coverage, or less, tlie population may be gauged as quite low, the degree by which it falls below the 1.0 average indicating how low. It is apparent that population estimates made in late August may not trutlifully portray the condition of October or November. Of course there is a normal loss during September and October that is regularly anticipated, but there may be extra losses that would make the August prediction for fall conditions invahd. However, this is not commonly the case, as most of the serious losses occur in late winter or in summer. Few serious late-summer, early-fall declines have been observed in the East. But there apparently was a serious autumn decline in at least some parts of New York in 1926, and a similar one was observed in Wisconsin in September, 1933. In view of the chance of error in depending upon an August brood count for predicting grouse shooting season populations, it is a good thing to check conditions again in October. At this season we can- not use a brood count but must depend upon a time-index of adult flushes. Again the work should be confined to balmy, calm days, and to the best early fall coverts. These are nearly the same as those used in the August count, but with more attention to the overgrown shrub cover, including adjacent orchard and hedge-rows, and a lit- tle less to the slashings. The cover should be traversed systematically, as in August, but whereas a close coverage of lines twenty-five to forty feet apart is best for checking broods, lines of fifty to seventy-five feet are more suitable for the autumn work. The cover with a normally good brood count in August (two broods per man-day vdth a ten-bird total) would ordinarily result in an average rate of grouse flushes in October of fourteen per man- day, excluding reflushes where determinable. Thus this figure may then be used as a criterion for checking the population at this season. The degree to which the average daily flush total varies from this number may be taken to indicate whether a high popu- lation or a lower-than-good population prevails. If the average flush is seven or lower, the population is low and consideration may be given to curtailment of the harvest. It should be emphasized that the validity of the indexes used will depend in good measure upon the conditions under which they are derived, the equahty used in covering the area involved, and the Management of the Ruffed Grouse 369 number of times it is covered. It is never safe to draw conclusions from a single day's census. Of course tlie more times the area is cov- ered tlie more accurate will be the average. As a general thing, four surveys should suflBce. If the area for which information on grouse populations is desired is large, it may be well to census portions as samples and then apply the data to the whole. Again, tlie accuracy will be greatest when we cover most of the area; that is, get the best sample. We well know that coverts only a mile or so apart will sometimes vary widely. In using samples of cover, we must also be careful to select imits that are fairly representative of cover conditions on the whole area. When we attempt to gauge conditions in counties or states, the dis- tribution as well as the adequacy of the samples used for censusing is very important. Representative units of all types of range and of all geographical areas must be surveyed, each with sufficient thor- oughness to yield a reliable result. What is considered "reliable" will depend upon circumstances. If a close knowledge of the population of the coverts is needed, a sample of a hundred acres or more out of each ten thousand is about the minimum. On a state-wide basis, a group of four or five samples in each range type should suflBce, if well distributed. The application of the census information to local areas is in safeguarding the grouse population during the hunting season. This means hunting control. Hunting Control. Control of hunting implies the limitation of the harvest to a predetermined number of birds— within the framework of applicable state laws, of course. Such control should be based upon a knowledge of the hunting season population based on censuses. The need for hunting control implies a very high hunt- ing pressure. Otherwise there would be no need for this particular attention. And it should be remembered that under normal circum- stances in good grouse range, no special local control is needed. The grouse is an adaptable creature an'd has a faculty for becoming more wary as hunting pressure increases. If the hunting take is to be held to a stated limit, the trespass problem must be thoroughly under control. In most instances this requires posting of the land under the legal requirements of the state. It often means patrol in order to prevent illegal poaching. 370 The Ruffed Grouse It means that some system of checking in the hunters must be maintained and records kept of their bag. It may be that the hunt- ing time or the take of each ehgible hunter will have to be appor- tioned. In any case, the take will have to be kept to the desired limit by stopping the hunting entirely when the full number of birds has been taken. If, with the approval of all these administrative problems and the expenses they entail, we still find it worth while to insure a limited grouse kill on an area, what take should be allowed? For a normally good hunting season population of about a grouse per eight acres or thereabouts, a take of twenty-five per cent is warranted. In years of high populations when densities of a bird per four acres or better are attained, the kill may safely be allowed to reach forty or even fifty per cent. In seasons of low populations the kill should be kept well below the twenty-five per cent figure, and if the density is lower than a grouse per thirty acres, no hunting at all is warranted. Predator Control. In our analysis of experimental work aimed at an appraisal of the possibilities of increasing grouse by controlling predators, the conclusion was that it not only doesn't pay; it doesn't even work. This is true of various methods that have actually been applied, especially bounty payments. When we add to this the very serious questions concerning the unfavorable effects of predator destruction on the rodent balance, the prospects for improving grouse conditions through this medium are thoroughly discourag- ing. And this in the face of the very important part that predators play in decimating grouse. Even stripping our minds of all senti- ment for the persecuted predators, we cannot honestly recommend any systematic destruction of predators in the interest of the grouse. This is especially true as regards the predatory birds, accurate con- trol of which by species is itself impossible and indiscriminate kill- ing very unwise. The mammalian predators that have valuable furs not only can, but should be, controlled (i.e., harvested) without regard to their relations to grouse. Foxes, skunks, weasels, and raccoons are among those grouse predators whose taking by trapping should be consid- ered as a part of the wild-life harvest. Here, as with game, the take should be confined to the annual increment in order that the stock may not be endangered. Management of the Ruffed Grouse 371 Restocking of Grouse. The hberation of game birds is usually done in order to build up a population that has, presumably, been over- shot, or has for some other reason been reduced below a safe sur- vival level; or at least what the sportsmen think is a safe level. There are many questions concerning the efficacy of this restocking which we may not take time to discuss now, but it is clear that it can be carried out successfully only with species that are easily produced on game farms at a low cost per head. This is not true of the ruffed grouse. It may conceivably be the case some day, but it is far from true in the present state of our knowledge of grouse propagation, and the prospects do not seem much brighter for the near future. Thus we must dispense with any notion of building up the native stock of grouse by liberations of more birds. Fortunately this is seldom needed with this species for it has a great ability to recover its numbers even when reduced to a remnant. There is one place where the stocking of grouse is warranted; namely, on areas of formerly good grouse range where the species has been extirpated, where the cause of its extirpation has been re- moved or corrected, and where there is no reasonable probability of infiltration of grouse from surrounding range. Under these circum- stances the reintroduction of grouse may prove well worth while. As an example we can cite the occasional area of hilly or moun- tainous land that has been subjected to repeated, complete burning of the forest with consequent elimination of the grouse. If, in sub- sequent years, people have left the region or have changed their habit of burning the land so that this destructive influence no longer prevails, it may be feasible to attempt the re-establishment of the ruffed grouse. In restocking such lands, either wild-trapped or hand-raised grouse may be used. They will be expensive in either case. As far as we know, either type is able to establish itself provided the speci- mens are in good health. This is absolutely essential. If the birds are even shghtly droopy or lazy when hberated they are almost surely doomed. The best time to stock grouse is at the very first break of spring. At least four pairs should be stocked together in order to give fair assurance of mating and nesting in the approaching spring season. Since the birds will inevitably move away some distance, a few hun- dred yards to several miles from the point of release, several pairs 372 The Ruffed Grouse of birds in a vicinity will be needed to give assurance of establishing a colony. REFERENCES AND CITATION SOURCES ON RUFFED GROUSE MANAGEMENT Bump, Gardiner. New York's Ruffed Grouse Survey, Game Breeder, Vol. 36, No. 2, Feb., 1932. Bump, Gardiner. Forest Cover in Relation to Upland Game Bird Management, Joum. Forestr)', Vol. XXX, p. 834, 1932. Bump, Gardiner. Wanted— More Desirable Woodlands, Outdoor America, Dec., 1935. Bump, Gardiner. P'actors to be Considered in the Location and Development of Artificial Slashings in Woodlands, Bur. of Game Circular No. 5 (mimeo.), N. Y. S. Cons. Dept., March 23, 1936. Chapman, H. H. Forestry and Game Management, Joum. Forestry, Vol. XXXIV, No. 2, 1936. Davenport, L. A. Timber vs. Wildlife, Joum. Forestry, Vol. 39, No. 8, Aug., 1941. Edminster, F. C. Man as a Predator on Ruffed Grouse Areas, Game Breeder, Vol. XXXVII, No. 4, April, 1933. Edminster, F. C. Developing Ruffed Grouse Areas, Trans. 20th Am. Game Conf., 1934. Edminster, F. C. Tlie Effect of Reforestation on Game, Trans. 21st Am. Game Conf., 1935. Edminster, F. C. An Analysis of the Value of Refuges for CycUc Game Species, Joum. Wildlife Mgt., Vol. 1, No. 1-2, July, 1937. Edminster, F. C. Improving Farm Woodland for Wildhfe, Soil Cons., Vol. IV, No. 9, March, 1939. Edminster, F. C. Wildlffe Management Through Soil Conservation on Farms in the Northeast, Farmers' Bull. No. 1868, 1941. Engstrom, H. E., and Stoeckeler, J. H. Nursery Practice for Trees and Shrubs, U.S.D.A. Misc. Public, No. 434, 1941. Forbush, E. H. Birds of Massachusetts and Other New England States, Vol. II, 1929. Gabrielson, I. N. The Correlation of Forestry and WUdlife Management, Joum. of Forestry, Vol. XXXIV, pp. 98-103, 1936. Hosley, N. W., et al. Some Preliminary Game Management Measures for New England Conditions, Report of New England Section Comm., S. A. F., Journ. Forestry, Vol. XXXII, No. 8, Nov., 1934. Hosley, N. W., et al. The Essentials of a Management Plan for Forest WildUfe in New England, Joum. Foresby, Vol. XXXIII, No, 12, December, 1935. King, R. T. Ruffed Grouse Management, Joum. Forestry, Vol. XXXV, No. 6, June, 1937. Leopold, Aldo. Game Management, 1933. Management of the Ruffed Grouse 373 McAtee, W. L. Forest Management and Wildlife Management, Trans. 1st N. A. Wildlife Conf., 1936. Miller, J. Paul. The Correlation of Game and Forest Management in New England, Trans. 21st Am. Game Gonference, 1935. Tourney, James W., and Korstian, Glarence F. Seeding and Planting in the Practice of Forestry, New York, 1931. Webb, W. L. A Method for Wildlife Management Mapping in Forested Areas, Journ. Wildlife Mgt., Vol. 6. No. 1. Jan., 1942. Index References to authors cited are printed in all capital letters. Index items, other than authors, are species of animals and plants, and subject matter. Indexed phrases of two or more words are arranged in normal order, except where tliis might make it difficult to find an item. Plants and animals are listed according to common names. Scientific names are cross-referenced for plant genera, and for orders of insects used as food by grouse. Disease agents are given by specific names. ABBOT, 311 Abies. See Balsam fir Acarina, 248 Acer. See Maples Achillea. See Yarrow Acorns, 105, 111, 128, 172 Actaea. See Cohosh, White baneberry Adaptability to artificial propagation and changing environment, 55 Agamodistomum sp., 237 Agrimonia. See Agrimony Agrimony, 148, 170 Air-sac mites, 248 Alar tract, 14 Alder, 65, 91, 139, 154, 169 ALDRICH and FRIEDMANN, 7 ALLEN, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 32, 53, 56, 104, 148, 168, 171, 188, 224, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 233, 235, 236, 238, 239, 241, 242, 243, 244, 247, 248, 287, 308, 318 ALLEN, E. A., 238 Alnus. See Alder Alula, 14; coverts, 14 Alumroot, 68, 150 Amelanchier. See Serviceberry American Game Protective Association, 23, 56 Amerindians, 1, 19, 254 Amphicarpa. See Hogpeanut Andropagan. See Broomsedge Angelica, 148 Antennaria. See Everlasting Appalachian ruffed grouse, 6 Apple, 65, 105, 106, 107, 108, 112, 122, 159, 168, 172, 180, 345, 347, 349, 355 Apple budding, 180 Apple tent caterpillar, 311 375 Aquilegia. See Coliunbine Arachnida, 107, 110, 167 Aralia. See Sarsaparilla Arborvitae, 161, 337, 348, 352, 357, 358, 359, 360 Arctic fox, 315 Arctostaphylos. See Bearberry Arrow-leaved tearthumb, 152 Arrowwood, 136, 158 Artificial propagation of grouse, 55, 371 Asarum. See Wild ginger Ascaridia: bonasae, galli, lineata, 228 Asclepias. See Milkweed Ash, 144, 161, 349, 354, 355, 357, 359, 360 Aspergillosis, 242 Aspergillus fumigatus, 242 Aster, 66, 140, 148, 169 Astilbe. See False goats beard AUDUBON, 20, 255, 287 Automobiles, related to grouse hunting, 265 Avens, 141, 169 Azalea, 157 Bacteria, 226 Bags of grouse, daily and seasonal, 259 BAILEY, 7 BAILEY, W. W., 104 BAIRD, BREWER and RIDGEWAY, 287 BALL, 314 Balsam fir, 69, 159, 337 poplar, 125, 160 Banks' pine, 69, 86, 337, 352 Barberry, 140, 155 Barren strawberry, 66, 146, 154, 170 BARTLETT, 122 BARTRAM, 20, 55 Basswood, 161, 354 376 Index BAUMGARTNER, 25 Bayberry, 65, 142, 156, 349, 354, 355, 357, 358, 361, 362 Bear oak, 127, 156, 345, 349, 355, 357 Bearberry, 155 Beaver, 114, 116, 127, 133 Bedstraw, 150 Beech, 68, 74, 88, 105, 108, 112, 118, 159, 169, 172, 174, 338, 345, 346 Beech-drops, 140, 148 Beggar-ticks, 148 Belmacanda. See Blackberry lily BENNETT, 202, 203 BENT, 256 Berberis. See Barberry Betula. See Birches BEZDEK, 203 Bidens. See Beggar-ticks Birches, 68, 74, 88, 105, 106, 107, 108, 112, 113, 159, 169, 172, 345, 346, 347 Bishop's cap, 142, 151, 169 Bitter nightshade, 144, 157, 170 Bittersweet, 140, 155, 349, 355, 357. 358, 360 Black bear, 119, 127, 128, 132, 135 birch, 113, 159 cherry, 68, 126, 160, 175, 345, 346, 348, 353, 357, 359 duck, 298 gum, 142, 160, 181 huckleberry, 156 locust, 160, 354 walnut, 353 Blackberry, 66, 107, 108, 132, 157 Blackberry lily, 148 Blackhaw, 136, 158, 349, 354, 355, 357 Blackhead. See Histoinonas meleagridis Bloodroot, 153 Blue beech. See Hornbeam cornel, 115, 155 Blueberry, 65, 68, 70, 105, 106, 107, 112, 134, 138, 158, 172, 175, 340, 345 Bluet, 150 Bobcat, 197, 208, 263, 264 Bobwhite. See Quail Bonasa umhellus: affinis, 8; brunnescens, 6; canescens, 6; castaneus, 7; helmei, 7; incanus, 8; jobsii, 6; i7iedianus, 6; monticola, 6; ■phaios, S; sabini, 5, 17; thayeri, 5, 17; togata, 5, 17; umbelloides, 5, 17; umbellus, 1, 3, 16; ijukonensis, 6, 17 Botrychium (Grape fern). See Fenis BOUGHTON, 225, 228, 229, 231, 2-32, 233, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 2.51 Bounty systems, 215, 263 Brachylaemus fuscatus, 238 BRADLEY, 171 BRAESTRIP, 318, 320 Brambles, 65, 67, 90, 112, 132, 157, 169, 172, 175, 270, 338, 340, 344 Brassica. See Wliite mustard Breeding refuge, 274 Breeding years, 289 Brome grass, 148 Bromus. See Brome grass Brood cover, related to: openings, 80; slope, 80; time of day, 79; weather, 80 Broods, number of, 291, 302; related to cover types, 77 Brood spot, 16 BROOKS, 156 Broomsedge, 148 Brush piles, 345, 347 Buckwheat, 64, 141, 150, 169 Buffalo berry, 157 Buffer species, 215, 319 Bulbous buttercup, 152 BUMP, 56, 73, 77, 82, 186, 187, 239 Bunchberry, 68, 70, 115, 149, 340 BURNHAM, 24 Burning, affecting grouse food, 175 Burning bush, 155 Bush clover, 151 honeysuckle, 155 Buttercup, 66, 107, 110, 143, 152, 153, 169 Butternut, 353 Calamint, 153 Calls of mother and young, 39 Canada blueberry, 134, 158 lynx. See Lynx mayflower, 68, 105, 107, 112, 121, 151, 189, 340 ruffed grouse, 5 spruce grouse, 22 yew, 158 Capilluria anrmlata, 231 Capital spaces, 14 tract, 12 Carex. See Sedges Carpal remex and remex coverts, 14 Carpmus. See Hornbeam Carpa-metacarpal coverts, 14 Carrion flower, 134, 153 Carrying capacity, 78, 298 Carya. See Hickory Castanea. See Chestnut Cat, 197, 208, 212, 269 Catbrier, 133, 157 Index 377 Catmint, 151 Catnip, 151 Caudal tract, 12 Ceanothus. See Jersey-tea Cedar. See Juniper Celastrus. See Bittersweet Celtis. See Hackberry Censuses of grouse, 366 Cerastium. See Mouse-ear chickweed C eratophyllus sp., 248 Cestodes, 226, 234 Chamaecyparis. See Southern white cedar CHAPMAN, 317 Cheilospirura spinosa, 230 Cherry, 105, 106, 107, 108, 110, 111, 112, 126, 160, 168, 172, 174, 270, 345, 347 Chestnut, 74, 140, 159, 169, 353 Chickweed, 153 Chicory, 149 Chiogenes. See Creeping snowberry Chipmunk, eastern, 116, 120, 127, 132, 137, 197, 208 CHITTY and CHITTY, 314 Choanotaenia infundibulum, 236 Chokeberry, 139, 155, 170 Chokecherry, 126, 156 Chrysanthemum. See Oxeye daisy Chrysogonum. See Goldenstar Chrysosplenium. See Golden saxifrage Ciclwrium. See Chicory Cinquefoil, 66, 143, 152, 156 Cirsium. See Thistle Cissus. See Heartleaf ampelopsis CLARK, 63, 104, 209 CLARKE, 25, 225, 228, 229, 230, 232, 234, 235, 237, 239, 240, 241, 247. 248, 314, 316, 318, 320 Clearings for food and cover, 343 Climbing bittersweet. See Bittersweet Cloacal infection, 244 Clover, 66, 145, 154, 169, 355 Club mosses, 69, 70, 151 Coccidia, 223, 238, 239 Cohosh, 148 Coleoptera, 107, 110, 146, 163 Columbian ruffed grouse, 8 Columbine, 148 Commercialism of grouse, 20 Common names of grouse, 2 CONOVER, 6 Contracaecum,, 233 Control of grouse harvest, 364 COOK, 202 COPE, 174 Coptis. See Tliree-leaved gold thread Coralberry, 158 Com, 154, 169 Cornus. See Dogwoods Corrodentia, 162 Corylus. See Hazelnut Corynebacterium perdicium, 244 Cottontail rabbit, 114, 116, 118, 119, 123, 124, 130, 131, 132, 135, 137, 138, 215, 314 Courtship, 28 Cover, interspersion of, 70 Cover, related to: openings, 91; predator mortality, 98; seasons, 82; slope, 93; time of day, 92; weather, 94 Cover types, 63, 73, 77; coniferous wood- land, 69, 79, 80, 81, 86, 95, 173; hardwood woodland, 67, 79, 81, 89, 95, 173; mixed woodland, 68, 79, 81, 88, 95, 173; open land, 64, 81, 91, 173; overgrown land, 64, 79, 81, 90, 95, 173; related to food supply and predation, 172, 209; slashings, 66, 79, 81, 89, 95, 173 Cowberry, 135, 158 Cow wheat, 151 Crabapple, 122, 159, 849, 357, 359 CRAM, 226, 228, 230 Cranberry, 135, 158 Cranesbill, 150 Crataegus. See Hawthorn Crazy flight, 43, 308 Creeping snowberry, 155 CRIDDLE, 313, 315, 317, 318, 321 CROSS, 316, 320 Crow, 197, 207, 212, 265 Crowberry, 155 Crucihulum. See Fungus Crural tract and space, 14, 15 Cryptogamia. See Moss Cultivation affecting grouse, 176 Cultural operations affecting grouse, 174 Cyathosoma striatum, 241 Cycles of abundance, 310, 322 Cyperus. See Galingale Cytoleichus nudus, 248 Dandelion, 153, 169 Dangleberry, 156 DARROW, 104, 122, 128, 133, 139, 140, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147 Daucus. See Wild carrot Davainea tetraoensis, 235 proglottirm, 235 DAVENPORT, 328 DAVIE, 291 DAVISON, 146 Deadnettle, 151 DEARBORN, 202, 205, 208 378 Index Decimating agencies, 300 Deer. See White-tailed deer Deerberrv, 135, 158 Deervetch, 151 Degeeriella camerata, 248 DE LAHONTAN, 20, 21 DE LURY, 311, 320 Desmodium. See Tick trefoil Dewberry, 107, 132, 157 DiervUIa. See Bush-honeysuckle DILLON, 312 Diptera, 110, 146, 165 Disease agents, characteristics of, 225 Diseases, losses from, 308, 318; of the ruffed grouse, 223, 250 Dispharynx spiralis, 24, 224, 226, 249, 308, 309, 319 Distribution of grouse, related to food supply, 174 Dog, as grouse predator, 197, 208, 269 Dogs, used in grouse hunting, 21, 205 Dogwoods, 105, 106, 107, 108, 112, 115, 155, 168, 181, 340, 349, 355, 357, 358 DOUGLAS, 6 DOUGLASS, 312 Drumming, 28, 29, 30, 32 Drumming log, 33, 53, 326, 347 Duck millet, 149 Dust bathing, 54, 326, 347 DWIGHT, 11 EADIE, 203 Eastern hemlock. See Hemlock red cedar, 159 EATON, 186 Echinochloa. See Duck millet Ectoparasites, 226, 245 Edge, 20, 61, 74, 76, 355 EDMINSTER, 91, 99, 156, 164, 258, 267, 274, 277, 283, 296, 331, 343, 344 Egg-binding, 244 Eggs, 17, 287; fertility and hatchability, 288; mortality, 301; number in first nests and renests, 287, 288 Eimeria: angusta, bonasae, and dispersa, 238 Elder, 65, 144, 157, 168 ELLIOTT, 255 Elm, 161, 346 ELTON, 314, 319, 320, 821 Empetrum. See Crowberry ENGLISH, 202, 203 Enteritis, 244 Environment, related to productivity, 300; limiting effects of, 309 Epifagus. See Beech-drops Epigaea. See Trailing arbutus Epilobium. See Willow herb Epizootics, 223, 244, 251 Equisetum. See Horsetail ERICKSON, 228, 231, 235, 238, 240 Erigeron. See Fleabane ERRINGTON, 202, 204, 262, 282, 299 Eupatorium. See Thoroughwort Evening primrose, 151 Everlasting, 139, 148, 150 Evonymus. See Strawberry bush, Burn- ing bush External parasites. See Ectoparasites Fagopyrum. See Buckwheat Fagus. See Beech FaU shuffle, 43 False goats beard, 148 miterwort, 68, 108, 145, 154 Solomon's seal, 144, 153, 170 Feathers, number of, 16 Femoral tract, 14 Fencing affecting grouse, 176 Ferns, 67, 68, 70, 105, 107, 111, 112, 124, 125, 148, 151, 152, 153, 154, 156, 169, 172, 189, 340 Feverwort, 154 Field mouse, 215, 314 penny cress, 154 Filoplumes, 10 Fir, 86, 88 Fire, affecting grouse, 270, 330 Fireweed, 67 FISHER, 25, 225, 228, 229, 231, 232, 235, 238, 240, 241, 246, 296, 297, 816, 317 Flagellates, 240 Fleabane, 150 Fleas, as ectoparasites, 226, 248 Flies, as ectoparasites, 226 Flight, 52 Flukes. See Trematodes Food, affected by snow and sleet, 189; as limiting factor, 176, 321; compe- tition for, 178; economic aspects, 179; primary, 113; quality of, 171; related to cover types, 172; related to grouse health, 178; secondary, 138; use by seasons, 103, 172; water as, 182 Food types: utilized, 101, 171; emer- gency, 172, 177; incidental, 171; occasional, 147; preferred, 171; staple, 171 FORBUSH, 23, 186, 188, 190, 191, 255, 259, 270, 287, 292, 312 Index 379 Fowl cholera, 245 Foxes, 55, 119, 138, 197, 198, 211, 213, 264, 265, 319, 370 Fragaria. See Strawberry Frontal space, 14 Frostweed, 150 Fungus as disease agent, 226; as food, 149, 150 Galiugale, 149 Galium. See Bedstraw Gallberr\', 156 Gallifonnes, 1 Gastropoda, 167 Gaultheria. See Wintergreen Gaylussacia. See Huckleberry Geranium. See Cranesbill GERSTELL, 215, 263, 264 Geum. See Avens GILFILLAN and BEZDEK, 104, 106, 116, 148 Gizzard worm. See Dispharynx spiralis Gnaphalium. See Purplish cudweed Goldenrod, 153 Golden saxifrage, 149 Goldenstar, 149 GRAHAM, 151 Grape, 65, 68, 105, 106, 108, 111, 112, 137, 157, 158, 159, 168, 172, 340, 349, 355, 357 Grasses, 150, 170 Gray birch, 65, 113, 159, 347 dogwood, 115, 155, 349, 354, 355, 357 fox, 116, 118, 123, 128, 132, 137, 138, 198, 212, 263, 264 rirffed grouse, 5 squirrel, 116, 117, 137, 215, 314 Greater primary and secondary coverts, 14 GREEN, 319 GREEN and EVANS, 317 GREEN and SHILLINGER, 243, 244, 245, 246 Greenbrier, 68, 105, 106, 107, 108, 112, 133, 134, 157, 169, 172, 181, 340 Gregariousness, 47 Grit, ingested, 180 GROSS, 24, 104, 108, 115, 142, 143, 147, 148, 162, 209, 224, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 233, 235, 236, 238, 239, 241, 242, 243, 244, 246, 247, 248, 318 Groundsel, 153 "Grouse disease,** 244 Gum, 68 Guns used in grouse hunting. 265 Habitat development, 329 Hackberry, 159 Haemaphysalis chordeilis, 2A6 cinnabarina, 243, 246 leporis-palustris, 246 punctata, 246 Hamamelis. See Witch hazel HAMERSTROM, 204, 299 HAMILTON, 201, 202, 205, 208 HANDLEY, 202 Hardback, 65 Harmostomum pellucidum, 236; sp., 237 HAWKINS, 282 Hawks, 43, 197, 206, 207, 208, 209, 211, 212, 213, 263, 264, 265, 315 Hawkweed, 150 Haws. See Hawthorn Hawthorn, 65, 91, 105, 107, 108, 111, 112, 117, 155, 168, 172, 180, 340, 349, 355, 357, 360 Hazehiut, 65, 112, 117, 155, 340. 349, 354, 355, 357, 358, 359 Heal-aU, 143, 152 Heartleaf ampelopsis, 155 Hedeomn. See Mock pennyroyal Heliantliemum. See Frostweed Helianthus. See Sunflower Hehninths, 226 Hemiptera, 110, 146, 162 Hemlock, 65, 69, 74, 86, 88, 161. 338, 352 Hepatica, 68, 150 Hepatitis, 244 Heterakis, honasae, 229 gallinae, 229 Heuchera. See Alumroot Hickory, 68, 88, 159, 353 Hieracium. See Hawkweed Highbush cranberry, 136, 158, 349, 354, 355, 357 Histomonas meleagridis, 241, 242 Hoary ruffed grouse, 8 Hobblebush, 136, 158 HODGE, 56 Hogpeanut, American, 154 Holcus. See Sorghum HoUy, 141, 156 Homoptera, 162 Honeysuckle, 68 Hophombeam, 68, 105, 106, 107, 112, 124, 160, 345, 346, 347 Hornbeam, 68, 105, 140, 159 Horsemint, 151 Horse nettle, 153 HorsetaiU 150 HOSLEY, 104, 108, 114, 116. 117, 118, 119, 120, 123, 124, 128, 129, 130, 380 Index HOSLEY, (Continued) ISl, 133, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142. 143, 144, 145 Houstonia. See Bluet Huckleberry, 65, 141, 156 Humeral tract, 14 Hungarian partridge, 135, 138, 282 HUNTER, 208 Hunting, 45, 256, 309; control, 369; sea- sons, 256, 271, 272 Hymenolepis, carioca and microps, 234 Hymenoptera, 107, 110, 146, 166 Hypericum. See St Johnswort Idaho ruffed grouse, 8 Hex. See HoUy Impatiens. See Jewelweed Improvement of woodlands, 331 Inbreeding, 24, 321 Incubation, 35, 290 Indian names, 1 Indians. See Amerindians Infectious diseases, 242 Inferior space, 15 Insects, used for food, 146, 170, 180 Interplanting conifers, 336 Interspersion of cover, 70, 326, 332 Intimidation display, 28 Ironweed, 154 Ixodoidea, 245 Jack pine. See Banks' pine Japanese honeysuckle, 156 JAYCOX, 6 Jersey-tea, 155 jewelweed, 68, 107, 110, 141, 150 JONES, 171 JUDD, 104, 105, 115, 117, 140, 147, 148, 162. 179 Juncus. See Rush Juneberrv. 107, 110, 111 Juniper, 156, 159 Juniperus. See Juniper Kalmiu. See Laurel KELSO, 104, 106, 122, 128, 140, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 162, 181 KING, 25, 208, 287. 291, 297, 315, 317, 318, 322 Knntweed, 152, 169 KOZICKY, 201, 203 KRIEBLE, 270 KUHN, 104, 108, 118, 139, 141, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 162, 181 Lactuca. See Wild lettuce Lady's thumb, 152 Lamium. See Deadnettle Laud clearing, affecting grouse, 267 Land management, for wildlife, 273 Large-tootlied aspen, 125, 160 Larix. See Tamarack Lateral cervical space, 15 Lateral trvmk space, 15 Laurel, 105, 106, 121, 156, 170, 340 Law^ relating to grouse, 271, 364 Lead poisoning, 244 Lemming, 314, 316, 319, 320 LEOPOLD, 185, 219, 260, 277, 282, 292, 298, 300, 314 Lepidium. See WHd peppergrass Lepidoptera, 107, 110, 146, 165 LESLIE and SHIPLEY, 223 Lespedeza, 68, 151 Lesser secondary coverts, 14 Leucochloridium pricei, 237 Leucocijtozuon honasae, 225, 239, 249, 318 LEVINE, 244 Lice, as ectoparasites, 226, 248 Life equation, 284 Hgustrum. See Privet Limiting factor, 98, 176, 219, 250, 275 Linnaea. See Twinflower Liverleaf. See Hepatica Livestock, affecting grouse, 175, 268, 329 Longevity, 289 Lonicera. See Japanese honeysuckle Lotus. See Deervetch Louse flies, 247 Lower wing space, 15 Lowhop clover, 154 Lumbering, affecting grouse, 174 Lycopodium. See Club moss Lynchia Americana, 247 Lynx, 208, 315, 320 MacGREGOR, 104, 139, 140, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 148 MacVICAR, 164 Maianthemum. See Canada mayflower MalUu-d, 128 MaUophaga, 248 Malnutrition, 244 Malus. See Apple Management of the ruffed grouse, 326; clearings for food and cover, 343; control of harvest, 364, 365, 366, 369; development of habitat, 329; extensive and intensive, 327; im- provement of food, shelter, and woodland cover, 331, 337, 339, 345; interplanting c-onifers, 336; open edges, 355; plantings and seedlngs. Index 381 S48, 351, 352, 354; predator control, 370; providing drumming logs and dusting places, 347; restocking grouse, 371; shrub borders, estab- shment of, 340; along woods roads, 342; woodland protection, 329 Man's relation to grouse, 254; as con- servationist, 254, 271; farmer, 254, 267; hunter, 254, 255, 263, 309; limiting factor, 275; lumberman, 2.54, 267, 269; trapper, 254, 255. 263 Mapleleaf vibvumum, 68, 136, 158 Maples, 68, 88, 105, 110, 138, 159, S38 Marginal coverts, 14 Massachusetts Fish and Game Association, 24 MATHEWS, 32 Mating, 29, 287 McATEE, 2, 206, 207, 209 McDowell, 204, 206, 207 McLULICH, 316, 320 Meadow parsnip, 153 rue, 153 Meadowsweet, 157 Mecoptera, 164 Medicago. See Medick Medick, 151 Megninia, 248 Metampyrum. See Cow wheat Melilotus. See Sweet clover MENDALL, 206, 208 Mentha. See Mint, Peppermint Menziesa. See Minnie-bush MERRILL, 56 MERRITTS, 104, 149 Mesoptiles, 10 Mice, 215, 314, 319 Microfilaria, 232 Middle primary and secondary coverts, 14 MIDDLETON, 318 Milkweed, 148 Milkwort, 143, 152 Mink, 208, 263 Minnesota ruffed grouse, 6 Minnie-bush, 142, 156 Mint, 151 Mitchella. See Partridge berry Mitella. See Bishop's cap Miterwort, 68, 108 Mites, as ectoparasites, 226, 248 Mock pennyroyal, 150 Monarda. See Horsemint Moneses. See One-flowered pyrola MONON, 255 Moose, 114, 135, 137 MORLEY and WETMORE, 244 Mortality, 76, 215, 256, 301, 303, 304, 306, 307, 308, 309 MORTON, 20 Mortis. See Mulberry Moss, 149, 151 Moult, 11, 43 Mountain ash. See Ash holly, 103, 156 laurel, 68, 107, 112, 121, 156, 338, 340 Mourning dove, 128, 130, 138, 298 Mouse-ear chickweed, 149 MOUSLEY, 189 MUELLER, 230, 235, 236, 237 Mulberry, 159 Multiflora rose, 355 MURDOCK, 171 Nannyberry, 68, 136, 158, 349, 354, 355, 357 NELSON, 104, 106, 134, 139, 140, 141, 142, 147, 148, 181 Nematodes, 223, 226, 233 Nemopanthtis. See Moimtain holly Neossoptiles, 10 Nepeta. See Catnip Nest desertion, 53 Nesting, 34, 53, 73, 74, 290; mortality, 301, 302; related to openings and slope, 76 Neuroptera, 162 New England Ruffed Grouse Investiga- tion, 24 New York game kill records, 217, 256 New York State Conservation Dept., 23, 25 NICE, 50 NICHOLSON, 314 NICHOLSON, S. B., 311 Nortliem ruffed grouse, 6 Norway spruce, 337, 348, 352, 356, 357 Nova Scotia ruffed grouse, 5 Number of grouse harvested, 255 NUTTALL, 20, 23 Nyssa. See Black gum Oaks, 65, 68, 74, 88, 106, 108, 112, 127, 156, 160, 168, 175. 338, 345, 346, 348, 353, 357, 359 Oenothera. See Evening primrose Oil gland tract. 12 Olympic ruffed grouse, 7 One-flowered pyrola, 151 Onoclea. See Ferns Openings related to grouse, 76, 80, 91 OpUiones, 107, 110, 146 382 Index Opossum, 119, 123, 128, 131, 132, 135, 138 ORD, 6 Oregon ruffed grouse, 5 O'Roke, 240 Orthoptera, 107, 110, 147, 162 Osmunda. See Ferns Ostrya. See Hophombeam Osijspirura petroioi and mansoni, 232 Owls, 197, 203, 209, 211, 212, 213, 263, 265, 315 Oxalis. See Wood sorrel Oxeye daisy, 149 PALMER, 271 Panic grass, 152 Panicum. See Switchgrass, Panic grass Parasites of ruffed grouse, 223, 249 Varthenocissus. See Virginia creeper Partridge berry, 69, 70, 105, 107, 112, 123, 156, 168, 340 Pasteurella aviseptica, 245 tularense, 243 Pasture gooseberry, 157 Peach, 126, 160 Pear, 160 Pedal tract, 14 Pennsylvania grouse kill records, 256 Peppermint, 151 Peritonitis, 244 Persicaria, 152 Phaseolus. See Wild bean Pheasant, relations to grouse, 55 PHILLIPS, 266, 270 Physaloptera, 232 Picea. See Spruce Pin cherry, 65, 66, 67, 91. 126, 160, 175, 338, 344, 345, 353 Pine, 74, 160, 358, 359, 360 Pinus. See Pine Pitch pine, 69, 86, 160, 352 Pkintago. See Plantain Plantain, 152 Plantings and seedings, 348, 350, 351, 352, 354, 355 Plant succession, 71 Platanus. See Sycamore Plum, 126, 160 Plumage, 4, 9, 11 Plumulae, 10 Pneumonia, 244 Poison ivy, 68, 107, 129, 157, 340 Poison used in silviculture, 341 Polygala, 70, 152 Polygda. See Milkwort, Polygala Polygamy of niffed grouse, 287 Polygonatum. See Solomon's seal Polygonum. See Smartweed Polypodiaciae. See Ferns Polypodium. See Ferns Polystichum. See Ferns Poplar. See Popple Popple, 67, 68, 91, 97, 105, 106, 108, 112, 125, 160, 169, 172, 174, 175, 270, 338, 345, 347, 353 Population declines, 190 Population densities: of game birds, 298; of grouse, 292, 293, 294; of nests, 292 Population, related to productivity, 292; to weather, 190, 307 Population trends of grouse, 218, 278 Populus. See Popple Porcupine, 119, 131, 137, 197, 208 Potentilla. See Cinquefoil Poultry, relations with grouse, 242, 269 Prairie chicken, 282 Predation, 196, 307, 309; as limiting factor, 219, 309, 819; related to cover types, 209 Predator control, 211, 263, 370 Predators, agent of sanitation, 210; of grouse, 197; related to nest cover, 76 Primaries, 14 Privet, 156 Productivity of grouse, 277, 281, 293; related to environment, 300 Promiscuity of ruffed grouse, 287 Propagation, artificial, of grouse, 55, 371 Propagation of woody plants, 356; age and size of stock for planting, 363; care of seed, 359; cleaning and extracting seed, 359; preparation of seed beds, 361; secairing seed, 356; seeding and seedling cvilture, 362 Prosthogonimus macrorchis, 237 Protozoa, 226, 238 Prunella. See Heal-all Prunus. See Cherry Pterylography, 9 Pterylosis, 9, 12 Ptilosis, 10 Ptycfwstoma honasae, 241 Purphsh cudweed, 150 Pyrola. See Shin leaf Pyrus. See Pear Quail, bobwhite, 116, 118, 119, 120, 123, 124, 127, 128, 130, 131, 132, 135, 137, 138, 282, 298, 317 "Quail disease," 244 Quaking aspen, 125. 160, 175 Quercus. See Oak Index 383 Rabbits, 215, 345 Raccoon, 119, 123, 127, 128, 135. 137, 138, 197, 208, 212, 264, 370 Radicula. See Water cress Raillietina tetragona, 236 Range, daily and seasonal, 51; geo- graphic, 16; types of, 60 Ranunculus. See Buttercup Raspberry, 66, 107, 108, 110 Rectrices, 3, 12 Red-backed mouse, 215 Red cedar, 339 fox, 123, 127, 128, 182, 138, 198, 212, 263, 264, 317 grouse, 223 maple, 159, 348, 353, 357 osier, 115, 155 pine, 65, 86, 88, 337, 348, 352. 357, 358 ruffed grouse, 5 spruce, 337, 348, 352, 357 squirrel, 123, 131, 132, 138, 197, 208, 212, 215, 265, 314 Reforestation, 91, 351 Refuges, 273, 365 Relations to other animals, 55 Renesting, 53, 302 Reptilia, eaten by grouse, 167 Reptilian grouse predators, 209 Restocking grouse, 371 Rhododendron, 144, 157, 338 Rhus. See Sumac Rhynchosia, 153 * Ribes. See Pasture gooseberry Ring-necked pheasant, 116, 118, 119, 120, 123, 124, 127, 128, 130, 131, 132, 135, 137, 138, 282, 298 Roads, affecting grouse, 265 ROBERTS, 303 Robinia. See Black locust Rosa. See Rose Rose, 65, 105, 107, 112, 131, 157, 169, 181, 340, 358 Roundworms. See Nematodes Rubus. See Brambles Ruff, 1, 12 RUHL, 258, 260, 261 Rumex. See Sheep sorrel Ruptures, 244 Rush, 151 RYDER, 256 St. Johnswort, 150, 156 Sale of grouse, 21, 271, 272, 273 Salix. See Willow Sahnonbeny, 132, 157 Sambucus. See Elder SAMUELS, 188 Sanctuaries, 273 SANDYS, 186, 303 Sanguinaria. See Bloodroot Sanicle, 153 Sanicula. See Sanicle Sarsaparilla, 154 Sassafras, 160 Saturation point, 298 Satureja. See Calamint Sawbrier, 133, 157 SAWYER, 39 Saxifraga. See Saxifrage Saxifrage, 153 Scapulars, 14 Scotch pine, 352 Scrub oak. See Bear oak SEALANDT, 208 Secondaries, 14 Sedges, 65, 107, 110, 112, 114, 148, 149, 172, 340 Sedum. See Stonecrop Seed-stock refuges, 274 Semiplumes, 10 Senecio. See Groimdsel Septicemia, 244 Serviceberry, 68, 139, 159 Sex ratio, 291 rhythm, 30, 287 Sexual relations, 287 Sharp-tailed grouse, 317, 321 SHAW, 1 Sheep sorrel, 66, 105, 107, 108, 110, 111, 112, 133, 153, 340 Shelter, 60; as limiting factor, 98; re- lated to adults, broods, nesting, and openings, 73, 77, 80, 81, 91; related to predation, slope, time of day and weatlier, 76, 79, 80, 92, 93, 94, 98 Shepherdia. See Buffalo berry Shin leaf, 68, 143, 152 Shortleaf pine, 69 Shrew, Blanna, 208, 215 Shrub borders, 340; established by cut- ting and planting, 354; use of poison in establishing, 341 Silky cornel, 155, 349, 354, 355, 357 Silviculture, 331, 337, 339, 341, 345 Siphonaptera, 248 Skunk, 123, 132, 135, 137, 138, 197, 205, 211, 212, 213, 264, 370 Skunk cabbage, 68, 145, 153, 169 Slope, related to adult grouse, broods, and nests, 76, 80, 93 Smartweed, 143 Smilacina. See False Solomon's seal Smilax. See Greenbrier SMITH, 287 SMITH and BYER, 175 384 Index SMYTHE, 17, 32, 104, 105, 106, 108, 115, 128, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 147, 148, 162, 181 Snakes, 197, 209 Snares, 265 Snowberry, 158 Snow-roosting, 46, 108 Snowshoe hare, 114, 123, 131, 133, 215, 319, 320 "Snowshoes," 4, 11 Society American Foresters, 257 Solanum. See Bitter nightshade. Horse nettle Solidago. See Goldenrod Solomon's seal, 152, 169 Sonchus. See Sow tliistle SoTbus. See Ash Sorghum, 150 Sorrel. See Wood sorrel Soutliem white cedar, 159 Sow bugs, 226 thistle, 153 Speedwell, 154 Spicebush, 155 Spiders, eaten by grouse, 107, 110, 167, 170 Spinal space, 15 tract, 12 Spiraea. See Meadowsweet Spotted jewelweed, 141, 150 Spruce, 69, 86, 88, 160, 358, 359, 360 Squashberry, 136, 158 Squirrels, 119, 127, 128, 215, 358 STAFSETH and KOTLAN, 230, 241, 246 Starflower, 154 Stellaria. See Chickweed STETSON, 311, 312 STEVENS, 1 STODDARD, 25 STODDART, 23, 186, 223, 312 Stonecrop, 153 Strawberr>', 66, 105, 107, 110, 112, 119, 150, 169, 172, 340 Strawberry bush, 155 Streptopus. See Twisted stalk Striped maple, 159 STUDHOLME, 259, 298, 301, 303 Submalar space, 14 Subspecies, 5, 6, 7, 8 Subulura strongylina, 233 Sudan grass, 150 Sugar maple, 159, 348, 353, 357 Sumac, 65, 105, 107, 108, 112, 129, 157, 169, 181, 340, 349, 355, 357, 358, 359, 360 Sunflower, 150 Sunshine, related to nesting, 184 Sunspots, 179, 320 Superciliary space, 14 Survival factors, 3 SWAINSON and RICHARDSON, 20 Swamp rose, 349, 354, 355, 357 SWANSON, 178 Sweet birch. See Black birch cherry, 126, 160 clover, 151, 170 Sweetfern, 142, 156 Switch grass, 151 Sycamore, 160 Symphoricarpos. See Coralberry, Snow- berry Symplocarpus. See Skunk cabbage Syngamus trachealis, 2.33 Tamarack, 159 Tapeworms. See Cestodes Taraxacum. See Dandelion Taxus. See Canada yew Teaberry, 155 Tearthumb, 152 Teleoptiles, 10 Temporal space, 14 Temperature, related to cover used, 94 Territory, 50 Tetrameres americana, 233 Tetrao fusca, 6 Tetraonidae, 1 Thalictrum. See Meadow rue Thaspium. See Meadow parsnip Thelypteris. See Ferns Thimbleberry, 132, 1.57 Thistle, 149 Tlilaspi. See Field penny cress Thomapple. See Hawthorn THORNTON, 356 Thoroughwort, 150 Three-leaved gold thread, 149 Thuja. See Arborvitae Tiarella. See False miterwort Tick trefoil, 149, 169 Ticks, as ectoparasites, 226, 245 Tilia. See Basswood TODD, 6, 7 TORREY, 56 Touch-me-not. See Jewelweed Trailing arbutus, 140, 149 TRAINER, 11, 12, 13, 16 Trapping of grouse, 265; of fur-bearers, 255 Trematodes, 226, 236, 238 Trichomonas sp., 242 Trichoptera, 164 Trientalis. See Starflower Trifolium. See Clovers Index 385 Triosteum. See Feverwort TRIPPENSEE, 258, 261 Trombicula microti, 248 Trypanosoma gaUinarum, 240, 241 sp., 240 Tsuga. See Hemlock TUBES, 313 Tularemia, 242, 243 Tulip tree, 354 Timiors, 244 Tvvinflower, 156 Twisted stalk, 153 TYZZER, 229, 2S6, 238, 241, 242, 243 Ulcerative enteritis, 244 Ulmus. See Elm Under carpal coverts: greater primary, greater secondary, lesser primary, lesser secondary, middle primary and middle secondary, 14 Upper wing space, 15 Vaccinium. See Blueberry VAN COEVERING, 260 VAN DERSAL, 60, 104, 114, 121, 148 Ventral tract, 12 Ventriculitis, 244 "Vermin" hunts, 265 Veronica. See Speedwell Vetch, 154 Viburnum, 112, 136, 157. 168, ,340, 361 Vicia. See Vetch Viola. See Violet Violet, 66, 68, 110, 111, 145, 154 Virginia creeper, 143, 156, 169, 355, 357 deer. See White-tailed deer pine, 69, 86, 352 Viruses, 226 Vitis. See Grapes Waldsteinia. See Barren strawberry Wand lespedeza, 151 Water cress, 152 Water, need for, 182 Waxmyrtle, 156 Wayfaring tree, 136, 157 Weasel, 197, 205, 211, 212, 213, 263, 264, 370 Weather, affecting grouse, 40, 46, 80, 95, 184, 185, 187, 190, 305, 307, 318, 321 Weather, related to: adult losses, 185; brood mortahty, 185, 305; cycles, 318, 321; egg losses, 185; population changes, 190, 318 WEBB, 332 Whippoorwill, 208 White avens, 150 baneberry, 148 birch. See Birches cedar. See Arborvitae clover, 154, 355 mustard, 148, 170 oak, 127, 160, 175, 348, 353, 357, 358 pine, 65, 69, 86, 88, 160, 337, 348, 352, 357, 358 spruce, 337, 352 White-tailed deer, 114, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 123, 124, 127, 128, 130, 131, 132, 135, 137, 138, 219, 330 Wild apple. See Apple bean, 152 carrot, 149 ginger, 148 grape. See Grape lettuce, 67, 151 peppergrass, 151 plum, 126, 160 raisin. 111 red raspberry, 132, 157 rose. See Rose turkey, 116, 119, 128, 130, 131. 138 Willow, 144, 160 herb, 149 WILSON, 20, 255 WING, 320 Winterberry, 141, 156 Wintergreen, 69, 70, 105, 106, 107, 112, 120, 168, 340 Winter weather, related to food supplv, 189; related to grouse, 187, 307 Witch hazel, 141, 156, 170, 181 Witchhopple, 68 Withered, 68, 136, 157 "Wolf" trees, 343, 347 Wood duck, 128 Woodland management, 326. See also Management of the ruffed grouse WOODRUFF, 23, 190, 191, 223, 270 Wood sorrel, 68, 107, 142, 151, 169 Woods roads, 76, 342, 355 WRIGHT, 129, 130, 131, 134, 138 Yarrow, 148 YEATTER, 282 Yellow avens, 150 Yukon ruffed grouse, 6 Zea. See Com Zizia, 154