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- o u.iC I.Ii o si ox. .

RE: VEt>. fgm:

-st UG f '~x“- x> ,^XJVG~ Jfi)E'i

oLll') fly,lGl‘.. A

"'uur rvich*-:

FFB 13 1914

D;\ Brown.

MAR 2)

i repor i il o following as the vote of the Upmoi*

Oil j-ij'* 0 o j Oiil* *4. ^ 0 G j.Oia^ . 0 sj <-x -L *A 3 , 3 On u ij Q j1 Oil xj 0 0* 1 sj , X ifx. o ^

fhere ui'j uG vexing members Oxi she field. '

10*51 . --remission to sol-, ^oroan building, Ando ng ‘rasing proceeds to fit

x.ot voting 7.

UO jJUj 3 oCi.QG-L

n e g * .

10. 12 . --don j . ..dams xx*avellinc expenses to America.

aXa x w /


V x<

ot votings G.

10. Go. : lakin g Ch_iryung iVeli i^em l 575. oc an emergency item, x.ff. oG . i,eg. Hot voting 7.

10.54. —Transfer x'usun hospital .equipment to faika hospital.

iii i . * sj % xi e g . w. xiO u vo <x 1 ng 9

oo.ee in Pyongyang and Pusan ask- "why iaiku only" ana

suggest kau^-kei's need is greater.

isC oo *• a o w ... w * * i

..if .

w f ...i so ^ ^apk jn for .7 oman * s Academy Pyengy aug .

foe votin;

x.G.-.o* .la-.i/'g.x.j.x.x^ w..^jhou j ii.wuit .oLoidc.iti— o kj ss me w o j c.mrc n colxeo*-

w 1 Ullw

V-*. 0. K~t *J m 1 1 \

_ . x.ot voting lu« negative voxo ,nangkeif Pyongyang and Ghairyung leach and o

xl'OS i J.iKU*

in attending Presbytery and General Assembly a proper? charge on itineration.

Gy w / .*p ^ io iuX S3 lorn -x x o o

..ot voting 3.

.Negative votes, iCangkei G, Giyenchun 2.

AO. .>8. xnx crmnxioa c one e mr ng ii.o orpoi*^ *. io**.

a. x . 5 ! . a. eg. G . ».Gu voti G *

x?0.C9. x-xeo. oom to a«ioot xv us toes to form Property holding oorpora-

t XOix.

.-iff. 57. «eto. *.wt voting 3.

i*v. cC. Mission to supply superintendent for V.ork for Lepers in faiku.

AX x

55. *.eg.


x.Ot V

l w 0

select site

f or


Af 1'

0 sJ m Xi Q


. i.Ot

x.k . -.-2. --dr. ..dams as Principal axis- nr. Glark as Alternate fraternal Del- egate to Gup am mission Annual meeting.

. Got voting o.

Ai x « Go. I* e ^ »WW» .A-A*^

AG. 45. --hr. 7,'hi 1 1 emore x t o attend Ccpttish kanchurian fission to present project of joint $ lath



Rff 4 . _i*


* "

t •; . jjq . v*. r '■'y*G"rr: '“c* -TV"' vr*- . ■»-*r

_’^*'**'*'iX * "-*xt wsi.^Ci'^ io •- . .

-0£;a:xvo vo tea i'w° /U:inu 15.

r:,: tt g ;-;r'r:r-- '‘1 1 ::i"1 2 *■**•••■■*

., 011 at is {o prepare Tor ao_

'.~aco »y last letter ~r n - - lVl11 De at *&&<*-

—air^iiof :7 - , , 1 * . ail - * -i’s. Gillis ;11Tr,

i.issio^ i.A aoc:i‘-': - '-'-2 -netting or t,C-la- "0 ??Qn2y**3, the

J? ----- bo th i,u § s r ut t f -■ - «id Qt ^derated

healti *..,A ® .' Mills of odd—. ^iGltt#aad word

*<o other sooci ~ ^ " a prospects for roster-"

X.lV ifl 0Ur «“* PoSSf"* M ideate Oo,a

*»iii iaeahors of •"v

iiir as i ^ Oui. p j.easv ^ •. »*•*

BU1 trobaU* -- f“’ a Maet.


' ' ' -.. .. : ' . .



V s'".


FER 13 1914

Office of Chairman

iC* i\ %j j... J?0 ■/» i i

-X •> v-*

^ ••-// r 1/




Presbyterian CWObch in the U.S. A.

*) sj

F l Li MG) DEF^r,

MAR 28 19M/


UH ' J , 11 , x j 1 S

,.v'i iUI - .

near ur . l. r o .. .. :

. no U 0 r G w i 0 u

opioo of two litters to the Mission

vV fi 1 C il g X V 6 t L-ii

the Mission o.i tk : so...

. Jo:., i.eco . . ....lotions i os . 31-43. and the vote of

».> . ly?; '

. vl i.~ seen adopted ]Jj the : is "ion.


V ~ -

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Board act


or a


iv o .

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jo if* o

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in 1 1 1 i s y e ct a o -a * . o . x . i Ono x ^ s t x 1 x h v. x x ^ s o me /> nn o o o t _x in

health nxil ' -ih- j.s-lij rcxiiviau ..isa 3nooh by jiving half time to She dchool .

xi0.3o> is in iiOCOi . i ti. tne auviwt of the American lonsul-denerai ,and

s e . 1 ..s to oc necessary j a s o . . s i u i.ws c ex n in c a pan .

•j o ix o o i x n Li t: ., ii u * u i i.o .u o .Oil v> . . . . . x l ^ Ox uxie xjOar a m e a n o 1 n a . o a x 1 . .i u..

j x c». i ini. xi. . ,±osioix u s x -so la t tie x orui/rn x unis

^ L ^ 4 * « .

*J *. ^ l/d U iUli > V 1. vi iilo

fox -vangelistic wo.lv, an expense of this kind deemed so absolutely nec-

e scaip '.y tiie n. iss ion simuxu oe ci i i o w s x

xi. i espoo t v o i'.c c nda t i on n «C will you Kindly give xe inf onuntion a3 to the source of the gifts for equipment of the f’usan uirls ' School

aid ,.s to tx.e expressed desires (if any) .of the donors us to their dis-

jG jwii

.. x w0i:i .enlation A 31 neons that we want a larger measure of cooperation wi.x .vustrctiians a ill grant it.

.1-1. jV'jif wish that the few le.-h* ..ay bring you great joy and blessing,

v b* a. ^ >-L*xw wio'-L^‘ 1 O wll J |


10 A -0 p

d for tempo yar "building x Lr

the board bo re t rave Hi ng e xp e <3 . /yrt h>.

.• r* t y y o 1 n ^rrre st Ig&fci o.rillingV:^omns is no\

lx as soOxjl as ^^^3 Sinoxi*

. i*v.s their two wells is

. t j.n be cosies an emorgoxxc

/hrt 7

ins Ter oi the

x - jcj Oxi&en&

hospital. ^ <




onur Cxi

X ‘vX^lOilo w

he e^puixsc

tliU t x Ox*


c our (is at i or



S X , .. ... L. J.% .. L J

nix o .

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_ o- iiui1 turiri- Jiiasionm y x-e iation,

or th

.. HkjL'Q sv3 ■> vj k,'olic / « vi -..o ooiktwiUw On isiloSe 0bV£x‘ iiSji.6 y 3L&y 0 1 t Ql nOCOS—

,>• ^u- voi'j i.u-.oA‘Lauw o:n t or our i tinerj tin^work, in the esfcabiishiien

sax*y w*n.. vOi’j iiu,-ui‘ ociiio nix u Uj. ou. x o mer

i'Cii |

iiOGOi. v o

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titate conditions not con-


^ ^i»w\ t C Jllij X U U 1 el itA u U L i 0 ij 3

t exip i_v u w wi x*u.ioj

.liXK’ji.vj.i •-» w nv.. -i'-'-j coasiaer travel expeusocx its i&ouodi’s t w Presbytery an.. ju.'orai accu..,..^ ut a oroper charje on' the station1 sac ora

i. *- V 1 ^ ii A O X Xv -la.* *SS X J.C 1*^ ( X.*^wG. .. J

t w X* .

^ui-xv IX J\. Lj _1 \^s . _ x.O*

t ..a wiiaix’iAari ox uho Ooin.xtto - ana ^xio j.i v^

.. x . w ... i 0 O i w xX v. x. x«tu oi j jw to 0 0 0 Ur 0 a Ojl uilO 1 a h/ OX XUw OjT jw' o

raiicnTux* i'oreiwu coii^aaies; and in general to ascertain the necess&rt

3 t Ov 0 xUi’ hi v jl ls x nix x 1(, Ox 0 1 0 - - a vs g ii^any

(hT*.- J“7. A^J.. O At£ irf&A &.

^ ivu 0 v</*xii*i'w a lttci u i Oil *< o o w

Cj iii«i when the facts concerning stops necessary

* or inoox’pox*.. wlw>; .re a sc tx- t<..J.aei>the Executive Cojuaittee be empowered to select th: xruste jsto for . such a body for the holding or hoard pro*— ertj in uGrvn, . ihiiw t..- cion Treasurer the Secretary and Treasurox’ Oa Li x * o sa.uO , _ i i i a U ixvsj i. . . iiu i> l s u a r ^ stepo uo or^anXxiO a n. <. ap j. v . u ^


^r- ^7. ,WT -z^y a

i i. w o o.^iiie n j. ... s a On i. w . 'xv.'^*”"-

ihat , in the event or the ftission to Ls^oro ..xx, willing to w w w ui\\ in xrtxxvii ciriO. to ninintniii sljLLl tlio onpenoOh> oi tno

Suiuiw^ ox. j i'.a.x s o x o iiLmo.e i* o .xihO v-» o o c»iio np Oi.' i ii o onu.3 iic^f Ox i u o ax’ pn^tj

OiCxClii locate p'

Ay. a. A^r ^7

xiecoiinenoation x*»o« . i

xx.a: iiie q,ues tioix of a site for the work ox the x.ission to xjo^. wi*^ xi. Juiw„ ^ e referred to x sii/vU MbatiOii to report a wajg

XkGh W nuil v 1 Oil x* m tt*J “*

xi. at ..-r.Ada.is be appointed Fraternal Lole^ate ire

O-xX* *.iiS JiC»A t#v/ 'vx*-/ Os » .*x ,xi ^oi'Jn Jo U «L J b x^vil* iol J> *»*5^ *j J~ i I *<• 1 h ~ i X ^ <i»wlA Xv

XO ii X. 'o vs i'ilwhu

VS V'A^V^. Ay. a. a* ^ ^

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*1 , t,

XXAXixU^J- iii6 w wiii, Ox Ux- ^

xhut ...x1. /hit teiiox’e be I’e^ueotewl to at tensx t.*o cot wioxx */*auciiUX‘ian Mission, ana repx-oseut uo »»*x.

wi.e .outfox* Ox vS.ak/Xliui.lj

oxi.is uLv.uio.i at *0X1^ x.w a Aiya.x,

QA£c . ¥f. />Y- ^ ^7 /J '

.;4vi folio;.' i.ijj t.;o rocoiiaendat xons were auopt j-l

.si Oil x Ox1 uiiO i iif Ol’iiia t i On Ox tilQ iviiSoiOii*

ana are trxiiSiiii o t> dx. xs-wx c*-

nOc o in. uo iiutA t i On 4»o “*

liiat oiie vs^iv

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)e rociues:c *. :o <-vi

.esii'-s Wiii cx. .Ixl^ iiV’./c isu-.i o..

h.sir u'if t J,and what those jilts _ . v. w o.i.. : .v . . i . x Oil . - . . ~~

an invexxto.

xiooi,anu that i»e also as cor tain

uo.iors “0 «/xxe xiopocvxi ox

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i’O ..

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ooiiaerniiio th-- replies reoeivea ti*.o queswioii Oju ' vou

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ConcQ/tJ/ Cafija/irua/

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\j^y \/\^







Office of Chairman



*2 191^


L ar<i? “It, iil4.

Re v. A. J. Hr own D.D.

156 Fifth A vj New-

Dear Dr. Drowns


The Exec. Com.

Church' in th|&). S. a,

■just held a meeting and even be-


, ^

nas y .. „iw - -...0

fore the Lission acts upon the Recommekdations sent to it for a votethore

are a number of items upon which I TRANSFER OF FUSAN TO AUSTRALIAN LI

am to write you at once


The Com. endorsedthe letter1 the Chairman dated Feb. 14, to the Board on this subject.

It was passed that this Committee having examined the statement of cost and estimate of valuation of Fusan and Lilyang property, as prepared by Mr. Geo. H. w inn, and modified and endorsed by the i ission Property Com. , ap- prove of the same.

It was passed that we recommend to the Board that our work inf South Lyeng Jang Province be turned over to the Australian Lission <5n the con- n dition that they guarantee for the Fuaan property YEN43,S03.00 the total

original cost of the board's land and property. 1 - 1 *

The present valuation of the property in Fusan by members of tne miasiex Proper tv Jo, a. is «ui Y35,7CC.OO and Land YC0,500.00.

The cost of the property in Lilyang v>as^Y5J59. CO and present valuation is made the same as no notice need be taken UT"(T5preciat ion in value of the buildings or of Jbe increase of value of the land since the Australia Lission wish to take it over at its original cost.

After myletter of Feb. 14th enclosing Lr inn's/statement as to the property I received another letter from/iim saying that he had evidently erred as 4r to the value of the land, and'stating that further investigation together*} / with estimates from possible purchasers showed the value to be mueh les:

^than his former estimate.

rVo p-^TtT^CTrrrrr^T s o iTTcon junction with the Exec. Com. considered the whole matter with the result that the enclosed st-atement is sent you .

This is in accord with your request in Letter No. 181.

,Ve shall therefore look fox. .a., definite decision on the *part of the Board with authorization and "Tns true t ions as to the sale of Lfcf^^oporty .

The Australians are impatiently awaiting a definite decision as all theit


Pending word from the Board approving Incorpo- F ration, preliminary steps and preparations only can be undertaken, but the Committee in accord with Lission action has selected the following as the persons to form the Incorporating Trustees ;-

Secretary and Treasurer, J.F.Genso,; other members, -H.G. Underwood, Z.K. kil- ler , A. L. Sharrocks , R.C. Reiner, Alex. A. ieters/ S. A. Moffett, J .G.Koldcrof t and Z.fagin.

iv.ost of these are the men vfno have had to do with all property matters and Deeds in their respective Stations.

Incorporation seems to us a necessity as without it we shall have many complications in the future as we may now have if the strict letter of the law is followed, which however is not likely as the authorities recog- nize the impossibility of having all deeds in regular form under previous administrations. _Fusan deeds are still in names of Baird, Sidebothara ,and

. Sgu. t h al t h ou gh all KitVBr’f eraqve d~*ancT,"Uim" it * dTSHSTT* * !T *■»'.

./e should get all property in the name of the one Board of Trustees as


Office of Chairman


Korea Mission






soon as possible vhich is of

Presbyterian Church in the U. S. A.

, but when we come to do it another considerable importance to the Board, and

iuestion will arise of that 1 now write






7 pr?:r o

The present law 1 believe provides for a stamp tax 'in case of sale and of 1/2,* in case of transfer without price.

Roughly estimating Board property in Korea 1 suppose transfers to .vMue of at least a killion of Yen worth of land aside from the ’taust be made when the Trustees are incorporated.

If regarded as sales the tax would be someY20 JOOG. CO or some Y5,G0C.CC would have to be paid.

It will be unjust to require the Board to pay such sums reason deeds to property are held as they are i.s that the government has never given any facilities for the proper recording <bf deeds although we and tha American Ministers and Consuls have for over 2C years been requesting such facilities and if granted the property would long since

if as transfers

because the only

have been in Mow that the the Board prr I raised the

the Board's name value of land is r recording fees, question with i».r

so much greater



t be j u 3 1 to make

no satisfactory reply, he postponi fers should be made. jk.

This is to acquaint you with the situation matter as to how best to deal with it and


cidmore former Gonsijl-^bnor^l but received ing u 0% ti p' time the trans-

for advice in the

be requi

Passed ^that the Chairman be 'requested to inform thg__Board on the subject of the Increased taxes for the present year ,( beginning a/tII 1st. 1914) an estimated increase of possibly Yen 5 ,CC^7CCT which itK^s ^evident- ly impossible to meet from the budget, and must be met as anfem^r^ency

Heretofore in Seoul, Taiku and ryengyang we fchave paid bract loAlly no taxes but with the abolition of the foreign Corkers ion a anfd.\ the' -'adopt ion of a new system of taxation all foreign is ni6b ftjn, be taxed

Here in Pyengyang we are to pay an Adbihist^

. t i on!kf.

a iviunicipal Tax,an*(

a Provincial Tax.

The first two will tax each of our houses Y each, the Administration

tax on land will be7/lC00 of the assessed valuation per tsubo,the munici- pal tax may be l/2 of that and the Provincial tax l/lC .

1 do not know that the tax is especially high, but where for years we have ?paid nothing, it seems a large sum to pay although it is perfectly just ithut we should pay taxes.

'WF he point is that the budget cannot furnish the amount needed. Vie shall 0 Jjst you know as^soop as we know_ the exact amount. As yet it is not settled

property used" rdr ‘CHuVcn an^'^TSTtool is to be taxed.



assed that in view

that iur.IacCune has probably received funds for the support of an industrial Yorker in the Hugh O'Neill Academy we trust that the Board will not cause the preferred list of seven workers which thi3 Com- mit teepre pared as representing our greatest- needs to militate against the securing and sending of this man also.




_fi of chairman


Korea Mission


Presbyterian Church in the U. S. A.

rhe Com. instructed me to give to the Board the fact 3 in reference to thi^ as we felt that you ought not to he ignorant of them.

The Japanese Congeregat ionalist -hurch has begun a mission here for work among Koreans and kr.Aatase the Superintendent has recently endeavored to raise Yloo,ooo.oo in Japan for an aggressive movement .This I understand he has been raising largely from non-Christians, prominent business men like Baron 5hihusaw8 , the Mitsui Company &c.

"epo^ts some SCO'' *';',roan converts o~* adherents .‘"ost of these were so- cured by taking over disaffected groups fro** *>e s or Presbyter-

ians, vy receiving suspended or excommunicated people from our churches, and through the efforts of men deposed from the rainist-y or dropped . from employment by the Methodists or Presbyter ians . 3o we are led to believe from the reports from the southern Presbyterians ,the Methodists g the 1mw=i Kang-kei and Cyen-chun missionaries.

They are reported to be paying large salaries , more than our Korean es are giving their pastors and evangelists, and also to attempt

of our members become dissatisfied over local

church- work chmrch dis-

wnerever any turbances .

The koreans look upon it as a nationalist movement rather than a relig- ious one, and it certainly looks as though it has in it considerable in the way of difficulties for our work, and it promises to raise many delicate questions.

Cf course any thing we may say or do in the matter will be interpreted as anti-Japanese feeling rather than as concern for the interests of the church, and we are .not saying anything publicly f but wo think you should b be made acquainted with what promises to Tsecomc a factor in the work in Korea.

American Board missionaries in Japan have frequently asked about this worTTIEnd^fte "Tiave * frank lv exolained the situation. Thev aooarentlv do not .approve the .Japanese entering the f ield^but-_t,hey can -- -- J ap aneinT^Kurc^ decides and it has determined to push'

The English Church Mission also to a less degree proselytes and avowed- ly r e c ognlz e’s^no obligation to do otherwise. Co far as i learn they ac- complish but little along this line but occasionally are a disturbing inf luence .History leads us to expect nothing else from them as yet.






have pursued the same

The Seventh Bay adventists

Congregat fonal isls^amT’haTve secured a number of su cated people from i-ethodists and Presbyterians and astray some weak members.

They are so aggressive in their attacks upon the members

policy as the Japanese pended and excommuni- occasionally have led

of our churches

arises as to the y the Edinburgh :


justice of according them the conference and Committee and of admit- rducational Institutions the men who to overthrow the work we are try-

that the question tion given them b

ting to our Conferences and to our in tho eyes of the Koreans are seeking 4n g to establish.

Vie think this whole question of proselytism is one for you to know and i^think over as a member of the Edinburgh Continuation Committee , but this cojnmynicat ion is not to that 0 orami 1 1 (^IKuT^TcT 3’ou as our Secretary.


/. - . - - 1 1 . ^ The artiCi0 from the Seoul Press which

1 enclose will give you an idea of the question raised.1 I wrote Dr. Mills oec'y of Medical Assoc, asking if there was anything for the Cxec, om. to .do and _he replied'- that there was nothing, that the physicians arc 11T1 *v' 0 ** ^ re st ri c 1 1 o^na^f^t^dv e r n physicians in U . S .A.

to get t'empor a ry''"pehmil ts^'t^^ra-ctrictrTidTe ‘"TSt?



under the _same lei that they aFe~ITkeTy"

. c n* '

executive; committee


Korea Mission

p/enq yang, *©kfa

Presbyterian Church in the U. S A

?^yar;kia»aexiSi™?i5r?“2,r^Ui prspects °p renewal except ice anywhere for an u , U J llX” JaP^^o license ?o £mc-

&t?r *"*™*»n z, hae

‘1XeC- v'orai feels ^at you should be



of securing


tress Law provides th^t a* copies of the boo; tn t} ? foreigner who is an tne date of publication, i°f ig f0UP

f /^author must submit '-''flays before

they will then exercise the 'rlrhtTr '.TV18 coraPlete printed forrabnri"


OOO sheet tract

g». «*U confiscate &!** *? 3^** «“* °- f ate . n°'"n la" ^-•fasoare'm'iy' prifwSST 'Srtt “void’®*’ h* Vio'

S&? *i“l0“ °r -

Previously ! ^ tU^a<^ lp®aa°^®ahGd^by'ithe'>rrac t "'5T* '

Consuls and "our Go ve rnment I*kn l Do our

r .;th?f.thJ ri* °f conbs cation 'an^'t hat 1f .ons *SS£.ot print

oil f- 1- i —i— be confiscated until tney CQnnot know wheth-

patting injro print?''- f te^pne to the expenseof

inis seems to be an ,, ':<■'*£ ■xl.lwj,,^.[^eor

. ® lixec . ^Com ^as noi

bT i'Sr£i SSS^"1®0"6 any^ssrt^Tyj! it wall, to

- X<

w avoid such

confiscated, “How

it rras con society for






your letter with refer jv'^e* suppose that

nation was made TKaT these""cTo years. That letter was ^nswlred

was sucked at the ,

'' ^ e iact thal Soard action on it

remarks in

'nvi v. . . ^ x ff <■* O Cii

continuation Cora. meet ing. Dr .Folwell .

The Committee on this subject

you had not seen ny lett“"r°“t wMch™^'

by°ErrrrLand extend over three f J Dr .Reed as you were absenTat the



f ii**

wUh/ho^ squipment^for^is^wor^that^^0^6^ here in py«ngyang so lonr to fvlission work. ^ol ian and roan and one who

pri»^ not ap.

Dr.Polwell. tnere is any objection to nn r* m a "it

our Liission, ought not to be lo:


about this our making overtures


Office OF Chairman




Korea Mission


Presbyterian Church in the U.S. A,



The Com. heard kr . Gen30 ' s letter to you on ‘this sub- and asked the Chairnman to speak informally to Chairmen of Language expressing the feeling that the examinations have become too exact- ,?o feel too that hr . Genso has been faithful in his work and the that he has just passeTfTTs second year pv^innMr.r^np^ no

as to his acquisation of the language.Kis necessary duties have






imped ed niST^To gr

In addition to the above subjects there is one among the recoi; mendations 3ent to hiss ion for vote upon which I should write you without waiting for hission action so that a mi suhderstanding may be cly ur upA






f X h X

,i e

page9G, Sec

ing 1913(kinutes was not mandatory but advisory, and tha proceed with the erection of the entire


O' with

•A Piis'j

recommend that the action 6 Annual heet- 14) bs-xescindej^ as we understand that it Andong Station be authorized to plant of the Hospital.

reference to the above and your to quote Dr .n .K. Smith’ s letter to

letter No. 187 £xe c . com ;


extracts only.

on the subject 1 should Th full but WyiU g3,ve *

W8 Uafi/Sjfi ”et fpd P


He writes- "Your request for my views relative to the Board le ting the Ex. Com. to do something abfout the Andong Hospital, can b with the one statement that I think Dr.Br&wn has been so swamped w work and worries that he has forgotten the difficulties under whi in the inland stations labor. In the first place I can hardly believe that , i.irs . Schauf f ler expected to see a picture of the completed building^ f t

she asked for it, because I have written to her within the past year" tell* ing her of the delays and difficulties and sending pictures of buildings, site , etc . In the second place Dr. Brown should have told haT.’,,a£,

1 have no doubt he did, of the necessity for slow movement."

Dr. Smith then explains that he was sent to Andong Oct . 1912 , that the pupsfc r- chase of the site was then in progress and not yet fully completed al*- though enough is bought to go ahead with building; that in order to burn brick he bought brushwood all through the winter and spring each market d- -/ day in order to get enough; that the brick burners worked from April isv to N'w.uth for his house and dispensary, having now on hand 9oooo brick; that lumber native and foreign ha' to be bought ; that standing timber was bought, men sent up in the winter to f«l A tMt these had to be

floate'1 down stream waiting for the fail ^ains as the Spring rise was not sufficient and that even then some of the timbers were stranded and still waiting for more rain than last year; that some lumber had to come from th Yalu fiver North and then brought up the river to Andong; that lumber and hardware had to be ordered ftom America which they hope to get in time to come up the river at the Spring rise; thatthe roofing was bought in Shanghai China last Summer, but has


lain for months in

was storehou se

nearest B.R. station waiting to come up the riverjthat the Chinese work- men secure! have worked all Summer and Fall on houses for ,,r. Brothers and himself and have the contract for the dispensary buildings ; tha t there have been difficulties and delays over plans with the Property Com. etc. all of which seems sufficient to show why we are not able to send photos graphs of the completed plant.


' * '* V> V,



Office of Chairman




s' Korea Mission


Presbyterian Church in the U. S. a.

dat ion J^w ill ^remove lany resale t ion-^o^r^r^ as £xec-Com- recomaen-

stauon °aiugct wh^f **

^'ther r e c o mme ndaTTon ft ®T**ao m n T ~~~~ ;

vote on same is received. ' *S 111 be 8ent ^ou as so°n as Mission

a^ain " this °y ear Gectl0ns lndlcabe P'ea fc, .Ingatherings into the churches

^liedmandSraoreSco>nin^in 3esrAon is tho larSest we have ever had, 614 en-

In closing 1 want your sreat sorrow

and anxiety.

Very Sincerely,

X XX't

Chairman Executive Committee


Property Con.-'-eport on Pusan Property .endorsed by ibcec.Com. Seoul Press article on Physlolano* Licenses.




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m ^ 11 Ed.

Letters: &. A. Moffett

To Dr. Moffett, Pyongyang Korea from Yoshltaka Arima, No. 18, 3-chome Ham i wake- dor i, Fukiai, Kobe (Postcard)

Date: March 31, 1914

Kobe, March 31, 1914

My Dear Dr. Moffett

The other day I sent the copies of the "Conspiracy Case” to you and the others whom you pointed out. Did you -ret them?

I have not received acknowledgment from any others, but I believe trey have got them. As I told you, the other day I left the Chronicle and entered a business firm, but I am sorry to find

the position unpleasant. I am determined to resign. In this

connection might I ask you to secure me a position In any schools

or other institutions under your care in Korea. As teacher, I

have experience in Japanese middle schools. I taught there

English and history. As for the other qualifications of mine,

X was an assistant to the Manager in a Japanese and a German

firms. Please be kino enough to enable me to find myself in

Korea again.

Yours faithfully,

Y. Arima

Letters: &. A. Moffett

To Dr. Moffett, Pyongyang Korea from Yoshitaka Arima, No. 18, 3-chome Kamiwaka-dori , Fukiai, Kobe (Postcard)

Date: March 31> 191^

Kobe, March 31> 191^

My Dear Dr. Moffett--

The other day I sent the copies of the "Conspiracy Case" to you and the others whom you pointed out. Did you get them"

I have not received acknowledgment from any others, but I believe they have e:ot them. As I told you, the other day I left the Chronicle and entered a business firm, but I am sorry to find

the position unpleasant. I am determined to resign. In this

connection might I ask you to secure me a position in any schools

or other institutions under your care in Korea. As teacher, I

have experience in Japanese middle schools. I taught there

English and history. As for the other qualifications of mine,

I was an assistant to the Manager in a Japanese and a German

firms. Please be kind enough to enable me to find myself in

Korea apcain.

Yours faithfully,

Y. Arima