


3 1833 01643 0578

Qc 977.202 F77SC 1910-11 Saturday Cl-UB (Fort Wayne?

Ind. ) The Saturday Club

J4N ■'

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in 2010 with funding from

Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center

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(Hinh Joints

Crimson and Cream

Roses Red and White

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C - [Upon request of hostess, any club meeting may ■^ become * ' Guest Day . " ]

October 10— With Mrs. Detzer

Medieval and Modern Morality Plays.

Mrs. Jacobs

October 24— With Mrs. Jacobs

Moliere's Misanthrope.

Mrs. Geo. Kvans

November 7 With Mrs. L/umbard

Shakespeare's Othello.

Mrs. Jones

November 21— With Mrs. C. T. Lane

The Technique of the Drama.

Mrs. Detzer

December 5— With Mrs. Perfect

Scenes from Some Good Old Plays. She Stoops to Conquer The Rivals Ivady of Ivvons Richelieu

Mrs. Emmons Mrs, Jackson

January 9— With Mrs. Porter

Operas, Old and New. Quo Vadis

Mrs. Fisher

January 23 -With Mrs. C. R. I^ane

Rostand's "Chantecler"— Act III.

Mrs. Wilding

February 6 With Mrs. Bmmons

Shaw's "Arms and the Man."

Mrs. Sale

February 20— With Mrs. Geo. Evans Hauptmann's "Sunken Bell."

Mrs. C. R. Iwane Mrs. Corey

March 6— With Mrs. Sale

Maeterlinck's "Blue Bird"

Mrs. Porter

March 20— With Mrs. John Kvans

The Art of Ibsen and "The Doll's House."

Mrs. C. T. Lane

April 3 With Mrs. Leonard

Besier's "Don"

Mrs. Voorhees Mrs. Parker

April 17— With Mrs. R. S. Taylor

Galsworthy ' s " Strife . ' '

Mrs. Leonard

May 1 Mith Mrs. Jones Our Players

Mrs. Lumbard

jiHag 15 T^ttixbtixi*^ ^ag

President Mrs. Fisher

Vice-President Mrs. Ivumbard '

Secretary and Treasurer Mrs. Voorhees

Mrs. Jones

Mrs. Jacobs

Mrs. Detzer

^ciiiic ^cmhevB

Mrs. D. A. Corey Mrs A. J. Detzer Cor. Mrs. Geo. Evans Mrs. John Evans Mrs. C. D. Emmons Mrs. M. B. Fisher Mrs. Thos. Jackson Mrs. John Jacobs Mrs. Z. T. Jones Mrs. Chas. R. Lane Mrs. Chester T. Lane Mrs. Ivers Leonard Mrs. S. C. Lumbard Mrs. Mary L. Parker Mrs. Arthur Perfect Mrs. M. F. Porter Mrs. Brooke Sale Mrs. R. S. Taylor Mrs. H. S. Voorhees Mrs: Ella Wilding

East DeWald Street

Clinton and Montgomery Street

West Berry Street

Old Fort Place

- South Fairfield Ave.

West Berry Street

- West Suttenfield Street

Spy Run Avenue

South Lafayette Street

Maple Avenue

- South Calhoun Street

West Wayne Street

West Wayne Street

West Wayne Street

West Berry Street

South Fairfield Avenue

Hoagland Avenue

East Pontiac Street


^^sttchxtt Mtmhtvs

Mrs. David Creighton Mrs. T. E. Ellison Mrs. E. G. Jessup Mrs. Alex. Lauferty Mrs. Frank Murdock Mrs. Frank Sessions

Chicago, 111.

West Wayne Street, City

Petoskey, Mich.

Boston, Mass.

Glenwoo?^, la.

Columbus, Ohio

^oitnrarg ^tmhevs

Mrs Geo. Felts Mrs. W. J. McCune Mrs. Samuel Wagenhals

Portland, Oregon

Petoskey, Mich.

E. Wayne Street, City

