'■■:■' SCANNING ELECTRON MICROSCOPE OBSERVATIONS OF MARINE MICRO- ORGANISMS ON SURFACES COATED WITH ANTIFOULING PAINTS Patrick R. Kelly NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL Monterey, California THESIS SCANNING ELECTRON MICROSCOPE OF MARINE MICROORGANISMS ON COATED WITH ANTIFOULING OBSERVATIONS SURFACES PAINTS by Patrick R. Kelly June 1981 Thesis Advisor : E . C. Haderlie Approved for public release; distribution unlimited Tl r UNCLASSIFIED SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PACE (Whan Dili Enlarod) REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE I REPORT NUMItf* READ INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE COMPLETING FORM 2. GOVT ACCESSION NO J. RECIPIENT'S CATALOG NUMBER 4. TITLE (and Subllllm) Scanning Electron Microscope Observations of Marine Microorganisms on Surfaces Coated with Antifouling Paints S. TYPE OF REPORT 4 PERIOO COVERED Master's thesis; June 1981 • ■ PERFORMING ORG. REPORT NUMBER 7. AUTHORfU • • CONTRACT OR GRANT NUMBERft,) Patrick R. Kelly • ■ PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME ANO AOORESS Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93940 10. PROGRAM ELEMENT. PROJECT, TASK AREA 4 WORK UNIT NUMBERS 11. CONTROLLING OFFICE NAME ANO ADDRESS Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93940 12. REPORT DATE June 1981 IS. NUMBER OF PAGES 131 14. MONITORING AGENCY NAME * ADORESSfl/ liittrtnt from Controlling OUlca) IS. SECURITY CLASS, (e( thlt riporl) Unclassified Hi. DECLASSIFICATION/ DOWNGRADING SCHEDULE 1«. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT (of thlt Kapotl) Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. 17. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT (ol Ihm abstract «ni»rtd In Block 30. II dltlarant tram Report) It. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES K. KEY WOROS fCanilnu* on ravaraa tlda II nacaataty and Idantlty by block nianbar) Electron Microscopy Marine microfouling Marine fouling Marine microorganisms Primary film Slime film Microbial film Antifouling paints 20. ABSTRACT (Conllnua on ravaraa alda li nacaaaawy and Idantlty oy block itumbar) Scanning electron microscopy was used to observe microbiological primary fouling of glass slides and slides coated with U. S. Navy antifouling paints exposed in Monterey harbor. Four paints were tested, three of which contained copper or tin as their toxic ingredient and one which used a chlorinated pesticide, an organic compound, as the anti-fouling ingredient. Samples removed at regular intervals, of days up to several weeks, showed that DO , :°r7, 1473 (Page 1) EDITION OF 1 NOV SS IS OBSOLETE S/N 0102-014- 6401 | UNCLASSIFIED SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE (Whan Data Kntarad) UNCLASSIFIED (teuwTj cmii>'C"ie< ag Twit mtfuw n»<« >>«•»«« r #2 0 - ABSTRACT - CONTINUED bacterial slimes populated the glass and heavy-metal based paints early and in great numbers throughout the study, but the surfaces painted with the organic compound toxicant were free of all microfouling organisms. A succession of periphytic microorganisms was observed on glass and the heavy- metal based painted surfaces which began with bacteria followed by diatoms and later by protozoans. >D 1 J_aOj3_.14!-.. o UNCLASSIFIED S/N 0102-014-6601 z iicu»if« CL*uine*TiON o' tmii »»oir**« o.u »«-»'» o Pi 2 W w 00 D CQ C o w oo H 2 W 2 W J H E-i W 00 A A A A A ^r ILO W CD < M Pi w Eh O < CO oo £ O < I— I 00' £ CO H 2 < CD Ci O o Pi CJ> oo D O Eh W £ < H oo Q H O Pi Q >h s: oo w H O o CJ < o N O p: CQ CO S < o o Eh O Pi PL, w H < Pi oo H oo 00 < CQ J D CD CO A A Pi w Eh U < oo £ o Eh < H a 00 £ CO I— I < CD Pi O O Pi o 00 o H z w £ < < D Q £ CD Pi CD O ^ H C£ Q CQ _J CD T3 c •H ■(-> c o o LO 00 w 2 w pa < Eh w I— ICO CM W Eh < QC Eh 00 CQ D 00 < -J D * S H Pi rH >1 -O H> HI •H C ^ sali erim CN c w (T3 o &i ro CU G H -H o 3 H CO CO ■U 3 CN en o • Z kO CN CN CD H 3 O c^ CN •H fa 3dYH0ILN30 NI S3HnLYH3dWai, 50 GO S GO H 2 < CD Pi O CD 2 H CM J D H O 2 &H W s Eh H 2 Pi < W 2 cu H X s: w o Q 2 H tn O o w H > O 04 2 W W 00 D PQ c O w 00 H 2 W s w J H H W 00 oo (N Eh < 04 Eh 00 CQ D CO 00 S (— i 00 < CD Pi O o 04 O 00 2 < o N O JH A A A A J oo 2 < O [SI o Eh O Pi A A J oo r o Eh < M Q 00 2 < o IS1 o H o Pi 00 00 < CD 00 2 o Eh < H Q < 3 Q Pi CD O > w < >. pe; > •CM ■P D •H H H l— i OO rH c •H rH W S 'CM CO IS Dh M CD CO s J rH w < CO "O E-h 00 "Csl P4 o c J" < CD "csj CM 'oj o C4 W P. 0 P rrj CD ft 6 1 1 i . , i 1 i 'CNI a; » 1 1 1 1 1 i CO LO o \j-> o lO o 0) • • • • • • f_i J- J- co en OJ OJ 3 r-i !— 1 rH tH H rH ia vx; DIXN30 NI sztfOLVxadwai •H 60 V. DISCUSSION The glass surfaces tested in both Experiments 1 and 2 showed what may be considered typical microfouling sequences. The succession included rod-shaped bacteria followed by fila- mentous microorganisms, diatoms, protozoa, and finally bryozoans. Similar sequences and times of initial settlement of fouling organisms on glass have been reported by other investigators including Corpe (1970a, 1972), Dempsey (1981), Dexter (1976), Gerchakov et al., (1976), Marshall et al., (1971), O'Neill (1971), and O'Neill and Wilcox (1971). It was desired to compare the number of bacteria seen on glass in Experiments 1 and 2 with the results of similar work by other researchers. Figure 9 displays bacterial counts made on glass from Experiments 1 and 2 and the results of counts of bacteria made on glass or plexiglass from research conducted by Dexter (1976), O'Neill (1977, unpublished), and O'Neill and Wilcox (1971) . O'Neill's unpublished research was conducted in Monterey harbor from December 1976 to January 19 77 using polymethylmeth- acrylate (plexiglass) as the test substrate. Dexter conducted his tests using a variety of substrates including glass immers- ed in Woods Hole harbor, Massachusetts, from July through August 1975, during the peak of the fouling season at that location. The average sea surface temperature was 22.6°C. O'Neill and Wilcox conducted their bacterial counts using a 61 10 CN 2 O PS w w H O < pa IX, o Pi w PQ 2 10 "I 10 -: 10 10 O GLASS - EXPERIMENT 1 n 0 A GLASS - EXPERIMENT 2 GLASS - O'Neill S Wilcox (1971) Glass - DEXTER (1976) PLEXIGLASS - O'Neill (1977 unpublished) 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 NUMBER OF DAYS EXPOSURE Figure 9. Results of bacterial attachment seen on glass in Experiments 1 and 2 and results of similiar tests made on glass or plexiglass by three different research groups . 62 variety of substrates including glass immersed in the harbor at Port Hueneme, California from July to September 1965. The water temperature at the time of their test ranged from 13.0 to 18.0 °C. Although there is a large difference in the number of bacteria noted in corresponding periods, all three research results showed an initial rapid growth period followed by a leveling off and then a slowly increasing or decreasing popu- lation. The growth trend exhibited by Experiments 1 and 2 agrees well with these research results. This trend is the only common factor between all these curves. The bacterial counts of Dexter, made in Woods Hole harbor, and O'Neill and Wilcox made in Port Hueneme harbor agree more with the results of Experiments 1 and 2 than that of O'Neill which was conducted in Monterey harbor. The factors influ- encing bacteria settlement are many. It is not possible here to evaluate these factors in explaining the agreement or dis- agreement of these research results with Experiments 1 and 2. The graphed data from the three researchers was provided only to give a general view of the number of bacteria which may sorb to glass surfaces, the variability of bacterial popu- lations with location and time of year, and some typical growth profiles . Microfouling seen on all but one of the antifouling paints followed a similar succession sequence to that observed on glass. Formula 196D, tested in both experiments, along with Formula 170 and Formula 121, tested in Experiment 2, exhibited 63 a fouling sequence which included bacteria, followed by diatoms, and finally protozoa. These coatings appeared to have altered the times for the initial settlement of these organisms as well as their abundance. Although bacteria were not seen until 48 hours of immersion on the Formula 19 6D sur- face and after 4 days on the slides painted with Formula 170 and Formula 121, their numbers quickly increased to the point where they were significantly more abundant than the bacteria on glass slides. Paint Formula 1114, however, showed no se- quence of organisms and was free of bacteria throughout both experiments. The only microfoulers observed on this paint were diatoms. To explain the bacterial numbers and the microfouling sequences it was necessary to discuss the toxicants used in each paint formulation and their effects on microorganisms. The paints tested and their toxic ingredients are summarized below: Formula 196D - Tributyltin Formula 170 - Tributyltin oxide and Tributyltin fluoride Formula 121 - Cuprous oxide Formula 1114 - Nopcocide N-9 6 There has been some discussion by various researchers con- cerning the effects that paints containing tributyltin and copper have on microfouling. O'Neill (1975) tested an anti- fouling paint containing tributyltin oxide (TBTO) against the settlement of bacteria, diatoms, and barnacles under controlled 64 laboratory conditions. He concluded that the presence of TBTO appears to inhibit the development of a primary film of bac- teria and diatoms and does hinder later barnacle attachment. A different result was reported by Dempsey (1981) who said that tolerance to heavy metal poisons is a common phenomenon in microorganisms. He stated that organotin antifouling paints are not effective against gram-negative bacteria, although they are highly toxic to gram-positive species. Furthermore, in laboratory tests of another tin-based antifouling paint containing triphenyl tin fluoride (TPTF) , Dempsey found that extensive bacterial communities developed on the TPTF paint after 4 weeks of exposure. Corpe (1977) also reported that primary film forming bac- teria are little affected by metallic paints or other toxic coatings such as organotin. In tests conducted on slides sub- merged in the sea for 2 4 and 9 6 hours, Corpe indicated that the same kinds and numbers of bacteria were isolated from the test surfaces whether they were cotaed with copper and mercury paint, tributyltin, or uncoated. The sorption of microorganisms observed on Formula 196D, Formula 170, and Formula 121, seem to agree with the results of Corpe and Dempsey. Not only did these paints appear to have very little effect on these microfoulers in general, but they appear to actually stimulate the growth or attraction of bac- teria. An explanation of these results is provided by Corpe (1975) who reported that copper or lead in a concentration of 65 -4 4 x 10 M actually stimulated growth of bacteria when the nutrient concentration was high. Approximately 85 to 95 percent of fouling bacteria are gram-negative (Corpe, 1973) . A major characteristic of these bacteria is the presence of a lipopolysaccharide (LPS) outer cell layer which may act as a penetration barrier, especially to hydrophobic compounds (Dempsey, 1981; Corpe, 1977). Therefore, tolerance to antifouling paints containing metals such as copper, tin, lead, or mercury probably results from the LPS layer acting as a penetration barrier. Evaluation of the presence of such an outer cell layer was beyond the laboratory capabilities used in Experiments 1 and 2. However, many of the bacteria, on glass and painted surfaces, exhibited holdfast structures known as polymeric fibrils (Marshall et al., 1971). The extracellular appendages were more evident from bacteria on the heavy metal paints than from those sorbed to glass. No macrofouling organisms (i.e., bryozoans) were seen on any of the antifouling paints for the first 30 days in either experiment. However, after 83 days of exposure, Formula 1114 had many well developed bryozoan colonies scattered across the painted surface. The toxicant used in Formula 1114 was Nopcocide N-96. This compound is a chlorinated pesticide and is considered to be organic in nature containing no heavy metals. The results of Experiments 1 and 2 suggest that this substance may be effective in controlling or preventing 66 marine bacterial settlement and/or growth. However, the establishment of the bryozoan colonies on this paint may indicate that Nopcocide is not as effective in preventing macrof ouling. 67 VI . CONCLUSIONS Of the four paints tested in this study only Formula 1114 can be said to be effective in preventing and limiting the early development of microfouling organisms. This paint, however, may not be as effective in limiting the sorption of macroorganisms such as bryozoans . The results of Experi- ments 1 and 2 also suggest that the establishment of a com- plete microfouling community which includes bacteria, diatoms, and protozoa is not a necessary precursor to the settlement of macrof oulers . The other three paints with copper or tin as their toxic ingredient only delayed the onset of microfouling by a few days. The bacterial populations seemed to thrive on these heavy metal paints, achieving populations greater than those observed on glass. Much circumstantial evidence has been gathered to support the possibility that bacterial fouling layers with their extracellular mucilage secretions may render antifouling paints less efficient. It has been recognized that Formula 121, for example, is effective in preventing the settlement of barnacles and other macrof ouling organisms. However, the effective life of the paint may be shortened by microf oulers . If the experimental paints, Formula 170 and Formula 196D prove to be effective in combating macrof ouling, their surfaces will most likely be covered with bacteria and 68 other microfouling organisms, a condition which may also shorten their service life. This study also established that there is a definite sequence to the sorption of marine microfoulers on glass and even on some antifouling paints. This sequence begins with the settlement of bacteria and is followed by filamentous microorganisms, diatoms, and finally protozoa. Future research in this area should concentrate on longer exposure periods ranging from 6 months to several years . Test substrates should include hull steel and glass reinforced plastic and any other surfaces for which the end application is intended. 69 APPENDIX A NAVY STANDARD FORMULA 121 RED VINYL ANTIFOULING PAINT INGREDIENTS AMOUNT IN POUNDS1 Cuprous oxide 144 0 Rosin 215 2 Vinyl resin 55 Tricresyl phosphate 50 Methyl isobutyl ketone 165 Xylene 115 Antisettling Agent 5 to 9 Source: Department of the Navy Military Specification Mil-P-15931C, Paint, Antifouling, Vinyl (Formula Numbers 121 and 129) Notes: 1. The formula, given slightly in excess of 100 gallons to allow for manufacturing loss, may be proportioned to the size batch desired. 2. The resin shall be a vinyl chloride-vinyl acetate copolymer. It shall contain 85 to 88 percent vinyl chloride and 12 to 15 percent vinyl acetate. The resin shall have a specific gravity of 1.35 to 1.37. 70 APPENDIX B NAVY STANDARD FORMULA 17 0 BLACK CAMOUFLAGE VINYL ANTIFOULING PAINT INGREDIENTS AMOUNT (parts by mass)1 2 Vinyl resin -. 150 Bis (tributyltin) oxide (TBTO) 36 Tributyltin fluoride (TBTF) J 155 Carbon black 18 Titanium dioxide 6 Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether acetate . 2 6 4 Normal propanol 9 5 Normal butyl acetate 370 856 Source: Department of the Navy Military Specification DOD-P-24588, Paint, Antifouling Vinyl, Camouflage (Formula numbers 170, 171, 172, and 173), 2 May 1979. Notes: 1. Use of kilograms as mass units results in a volume slightly in excess of 833 liters. Use of pounds as mass units results in a volume slightly in excess of 100 gallons . 2. The resin shall be a copolymer of vinyl acetate and another monomer which contains carboxyl groups. It is manufactured by Air Products Chemical Company, Allen- town, Pennsylvania under the name VINAC ASB-516. 3. Manufactured by M&T Chemicals Incorporated, Rahway, New Jersey, or by Cincinnati Milacron Chemicals Incorporated, 500 Jersey Avenue, New Brunswick, New Jersey. 4. This material contains a minimum of 9 7 percent normal propanol with a minimum boiling point of 9 5 degrees centigrade . 71 APPENDIX C DTNSRDC EXPERIMENTAL ANTIFOULING PAINT FORMULA 2844-1114 INGREDIENTS POUNDS GALLON PER 103 PER 103 GALLONS GALLONS COMPONENT A Liquid polysulfide polymer (Thiokol LP-2) 1 Toxic (Nopococide N-96) (2,4,5,6- tetrachloroisophthalonitrile) 2 Carbon black .. Adhesion promoter (Durez 10694) Thixotrope (Cabosil M-5) 4 Solvent (Xylene) 385 35.9 385 26.7 11.6 0.8 19.2 1.8 11.6 0.6 269.4 37.2 1081.6 102.9 COMPONENT B Lead paste Mixture for 103 gallons of component A^ 80.83 5.29 Source: David Taylor Naval Ship Research and Development Center Purchase Description (draft) , Antifouling Paint, DTNSRDC Experimental Formula 2844-1114, December 1980. Notes: 1. Thiokol LP-2, manufactured by Thiokol Chemical Company, 93 0 Lower Ferry Road, P. 0. Box 129 6, Trenton, New Jersey. 2. Nopcocide N-9 6 is manufactured by the Diamond Shamrock Chemical Company, process chemicals division, 350 Kemble Avenue, Morristown, New Jersey. 3. Durex 10 69 4 is manufactured by the Hooker Chemical Corporation, durez plastics division, 14120 Walck Road, North Tonawanda, New Jersey. 4. CAB-O-SIL M-5 is manufactured by Cabot Corpora- tion, 125 High Street, Boston, Massachusetts. 5. Lead Paste Mixture: Parts by Lbs. to make Gal. to make wt. 1 Gal. 1 Gal. Lead Peroxide 90-95% PB02 Plasticizer (Thiokol TP-680) Stearic acid 112.5 7.64 0.10 109.5 7.44 0.87 3.0 0.20 0.03 215.1 15.28 1.00 72 APPENDIX D ORGANOTIN EPOXY GEL FORMULA 19 6D DTNSRDC EXPERIMENTAL ANTIFOULING PAINT INGREDIENTS AMOUNT (parts by weight) COMPONENT A EPON 8282 - 30 EPI-REZ 505 50 60% Tributyltin ester of SMA 10004 160 Lampblack 2.2 6 Titanium dioxide 0.52 COMPONENT B DMP-305 8 Source: David W. Taylor Naval Ship Research and Develop- ment Center Technical Manual TM-28-80-105, Investigation of the Sprayability of Organotin Epoxy Gel Coats, by J. A. Montemarano, S. A. Cohen, A. M. Ross, and A. R. Parks, 27 June 1980. Notes: 1. Use of kilograms as mass units results in a volume of approximately 232 liters. Use of pounds as mass units results in a volume of approximately 28 gallons of paint. 2. EPON 828 is an epoxy resin with a density of 1.15 g/cc . It is manufactured by the Shell Chemical Company. 3. EPI-REZ 505 is an epoxy resin with a density of 1.01 g/cc. It is manufactured by the Celanese Corporation. 4. The organotin component of this formulation is the 60 percent tributyltin ester of SMA 1000. The SMA 1000 is a copolymer of styrene: maleic anhydride (1:1 molar ratio), manufactured by the Atlantic Richfield Corporation. 5 . This is a curing agent known as TRIS ( dimethyl aminomethyl) Phenol, distributed by Miller-Stephenson Company . 73 APPENDIX E Plate 1. Glass coated with paint Formula 196D immersed 6 days, 3000X. Rod-shaped bacteria, some showing hold-fast structures . 74 Plate 2. Glass immersed 6 days, 3C00X. Rod-shaped and ring-forming bacteria. Ring-forming bacteria (possibly Flectobacillus) (Sieburth, 1975) Diatom frustle fragment Rod-shaped bacteria 75 Plate 3. Glass immersed 8 days, 1500X. Two centric diatoms, filamentous microorganisms, and rod-shaped bacteria . Centric diatom Coscinodiscus (possibly C. marginatus; (Cupp, 1943) Rod-shaped bacteria Centric diatom Thalassiosira (Cupp, 1943) Filamentous microorganism (Sieburth, 1975) 76 Plate 4. Glass immersed 14 days, 5QQQX. Two vorti< cellid protozoans CI. Abbott, personal communicat- ion) . 77 Plate 5. Glass immersed 33 days, 2000X. Close-up of a spiral-stalked protozoan. Note the cilia extended from the top of the organism. It moves these fine hair-like structures in a rhymthic manner creating a vortex thus drawing food into itself CCupp, 1943). 78 Plate 6. Glass immersed 25 days, 1500X. Pennate diatom, protozoan, filamentous microorganisms, bacteria and debris Pennate diatom Navicula (Cupp, 194 3) Rod-shaped bacteria Debris Filamentous microorganisms (Sieburth, 1975) Ciliated protozoan Carchesium or Ephelota (T. B. O'Neill, personal communication) 79 Plate 7. Glass immersed 22 days, 15Q0X. This unusual mass of cylindrical objects was identified as possibly being the exogenus buds of a ciliated protozoan, Ephelota gemminif era (T. 3. O'Neill, personal commun- ication) . 80 Plate 8. Glass immersed M-9 days, .5 0QX, protozoan, Zoothamnium (Sieburth, 1975 Th.e colonial 19.79) . 81 Plate a. Glass immersed 83 days, 5QQX. Two shelled protozoans called foraminifera CStinemeyer and Reiter, 195 8). 82 Plate 1Q . Glass immersed 49 days, 3QX. Bryozoan colony surrounded by many microscopic protozoans CMorris et. al., 1930). 83 Plate 11. Glass immersed 49 days, 150X. Close-up of a bryozoan colony showing four opercula. 84 Plate 12. Glass immersed 33 days, 3Q0QX. Centric diatom with a coccolith plate on the surface CCupp, 194 3) . 85 Plate 13. Glass immersed 49 days, 280X. Zoothamnium colony and some singular protozoans. Zoothamnium colony (Sieburth, 1979) Stalked lorica housing peritrichous ciliate (Sieburth, 1979) Protozoan, Acineta tuberosa (T. 3. O'Neill, personal communication) 86 ■ >v^8sca Plate 14. Glass immersed 49 days, 70 OX. The protozoan Acineta tuberosa CT. 3. O'Neill, personal communicat- ion; Sieburth, 1279). 87 Plate 15. Glass immersed 43 days, 940.X. A solitary protozoan, possibly Acineta CT. 3. O'Neill, personal communication-, Sieburth, 1979). 88 PfP!k i •fiiMBIMlHi'TiJiS Plate 16. Glass immersed 4 9. days, 110X. Two hydroids of the genus Obelia surrounded by protozoans. Two hydroids, genus Obelia (Sieburth, 1975). Protozoan, Acineta tuberosa (T. 3. O'Neill personal communication) Zoothamnium colony (Sieburth, 1979)" ^k hi 89 "^-%^«l&gg3f$ ! V -V .4, » ' ' H 'S:/:.;?i-i° ^ ^ Plate 17. Glass immersed 49 days, 250X. Close-up of the hydroid Obelia. Mote what appear to be spikes which cover the surface of the tentacles. These are the triggering mechanisms for the stinging cells or the nematocysts (Sieburth, 1975). 90 Plate 18. Glass immersed 49 days, 13QX. Large unknown organism surrounded by orotozoans . Unknown organism Zoothamnium colony (Sieburth, 1979) Vorticellid protozoans (Sieburth, 1975) V 91 ^■:., Plate IS. Glass immersed 33 days, 1630X. T^ie planl< diatom Mitzschia closterium CCupp , 1943). :omc 92 ■S& m^* t :,*ft>f^&; Plate 20. Glass immersed 33 days, 200CX. The skeleton of a single-celled flagellated plant known as a silicof lagellate Cl. Abbott, personal communication; Sieburth, 1975) . 93 *f^'"',*afl£i WE-W*%, ^ Mey? '*m M .*■ K* Plate 21. Glass immersed 3 3 days, 300X. Several peritrichous ciliates within protective Icricas cr houses and two unknown ciliated bodies. Loricas housing peritrichous ciliates (Sieburth, 1979) Unknown ciliated organisms 94 - .> ' • ■> mm0&m ^'i' ■■■•' ' -'<''- '■ Plate 22. Glass immersed 33 days, 27Q0X. Close-iio of an unknown ciliated body. 95 Plate 23. Glass coated with paint Formula 196D immersed 30 days, 15C0X. Rod-shaped bacteria, debris, and a filamentous microorganism. 96 Plate 24. Glass coated with paint Formula 19-6 D immersed 10 days, 15 OCX. Two planktonic diatoms, bacteria, and debris . Rod-shaped bacteria Planktonic diatoms Chaetoceros (Cupp, 1943) Debris 97 Plate 25. Glass coated with paint Formula 196B immersed 8 3 days, 800X. Several centric diatoms, a broken coccolithophorid , and debris. Centric diatoms, Thalassiosira (Cupp, 1943) Centric diatom dividing (E. C. Haderlie, personal communication) Broken coccolithophorid (Sieburth, 1979) 98 HHS^ '-ItHH ■^flliPP 4!^% v^ *:.;.'■:■: «*~1s i;0^»^ ^^^^^^la^A^^I^.-te^-w^^^^^^^jy^^^ya^. Plate ed 33 26. Glass coated with paint Formula 19.6 D iminers days, 150QX. Unknown bulbous-like organism. 99 Plate 27. Glass coated with paint Formula 196D immers ed 33 days, 10.0 QX. Sponge spicule possibly from the genus Leucosolenia (Light 1975). 100 Plate 23. Glass coated with paint Formula 1114 immers- ed 4 days, 1500X. Surface composed of paint artifacts, salt crystals, and some debris . 101 Plate 29. Glass coated with, paint Formula 1114 immerS' ed 33 days, 10GQX. The planktonic diatom, Biddulphia Ion gri cruris CCupp , 1943). 102 IP I ISP s# •**■ ^"s.- ,\! '•" *#:; ;*'V--S5S^^r.^Y±?,^i^^.^M^K£. .'•; .^L-.-iV Plate 30. Glass coated with paint Formula 1114 immers^ ed 3 3 days, 4QQ0X. Close-up of the diatom Biddulphia longicruris CCupp, 1343). 103 ■■ v/."-"^--^'.--";^-;"- cr Plate 31. Glass coated with paint Formula 1114 immers- ed 33 days, 150.0X. Several broken diatoms of the genus Thalassios ira CCupp , 19 43). 104 Plate 32. Glass immersed 14 days, 500X. Linked rec- tangular diatoms of the genus Th-alassionema CI. Abbott, personal communication; Cupp, 13 4 3) . 105 Vi* tllPlls*! V tw .',:& >,>» si#P"* 111* !,W* ^*--f«**.^ K HI y-mmasak ^-mm Plate 33. Glass immersed 14 days, 300X. Centric diatoms, entangled with debris on the surface of a worm casing. Centric diatoms, Skeletonema costatum (Cupp, 1943) Worm tube casing 106 v '• m >. W^^^^^m^M Plate 34. Glass immersed 14 days, 1500X. Unknown object, oossiBly a transparent sack containing eo-o-s 107 ,.;Wr Wmsmisgiki; °<- *■■■ >*■'"'■. &aS ifefcs&is&fesffii; Plate 35. Glass immersed 14 days, 7G0X. Unknown attach' ed organism. Mote the hold-fast structures. 108 ^Mw WsSm 5-'*s|' «m^ •.•;>■'.'** ^-.,:.«&, .>' ,,-,,1 wmmk 3 !/i ^S3%sk%i w MrM '$ isJI Plate 36. Glass immersed 30 days, 300X. One colonial protozoan surrounded by several solitary protozoans . Vorticellid protozoans (Sieburth, 1975) Zoothamnium colony (Sieburth, 1979) "V .rf° 109 Plate 37. Glass immersed 30 days, 1500X. Several stalked protozoans known as choanof lagellates CSieburth, 19 79) . 110 ■ ";* Ml ■» "jiijs^ >C# Plate 33. Glass immersed 3Q days, 330X ciliated organism. Unknown 111 S&SS$?5£1?^CS!.; , "'' t::' ■:;«:.";:'-'■-:- wBB W 1 5%' ■■."'.-;i* &■? ,wa£J .1 •i .i; -V-.f i;p ■ weT ^x*vv-i-\;. £ - Plate 39. Glass coated with paint Formula 19.SD immers- ed 24 hours, 400.X. Salt and other crystals forming an unusual geometric oatter-n 112 Plate 40. , Glass coated with, paint Formula 12L6B immers- ed 30 days, 1500X. A foraminifera surrounded By broken diatoms CStinemeyer and Reiter, 1953). 113 Plate 41. Glass coated with paint Formula 19.6D imme.rS' ed 30 days, 100X. Worm tubes CHaderlie, personal communication) . 114 Plate 42. Glass coated with paint Formula 170 immers- ed 4 days, 1500X. The irregular surface is the texture of the oaint itself. The oaint is ccmDletely covered £ £ £ by rod-shaped bacteria. 115 Plate 43. Glass coated with paint Formula 170 immers^ ed 8 days, S00X. A long chain of the centric diatom Skeletonema costatum Cdupp , 134 3) 116 Plate 1+1+ . Glass coated with paint Formula 170 immersed 30 days, 1500X. A coccolithophorid with a few plates missing Broken coccolithophorid (Sieburth, 1979) 117 m^^^^^^mi^m^'^^^m ■■ &*&mm&iagm Plate 45. Glass coated with paint Formula 121 immerS' ed 6 days, 5G0OX, Pennate diatom, possibly of the genus Amphora CI. Abbott, personal communication). 118 Plate 46. Glass coated with, oaint Formula 121 imners- 4- ed 6 days, 30Q3.X. Close-up of the centric diatom Skeletcnema costatum. Note the rod-shaoed Bacteria on the surface of the diatom. 119 ■-■3HHBHH6^'''':';: "'■?> v";^«"V".' ■3^E^^^S*!S5s??*jG!':??"-'"Tr'.-"''"Ji" ;'^:''. ;.*?*<;^: —.'""> : ^^^ f ■ ft «&• : w Plate 47. Glass coated with paint Formula 121 immers- ed 5 days, 400QX. The planktonic diatom Chaetoceros radicans CCupp, ISM-SI. 120 «^^!^^^^ai^^^^^E^p^y:y^^^"';;i:?^f^ 'Oilf j^^^^^^^^^^^P^ Plate 4 3. Glass coated with paint Formula 121 immersed 1M- days, 500X. Diatoms, protozoans, and some debris. Pennate diatoms (Cupp, 1943) Lorica housing a protozoan (Sieburth, 1979) Centric diatom, girdle view (Cupp, 194 3) 121 v# Plate 49. ed 30 days .ass coated with, paint Formula 121 immers- 40CQX. Stalked, ciliated protozoan. 122 Plate 50. Glass coated with paint Formula 121 immers< ed 30 days, 3Q0.Q.X. Coccolithophorid (.Sieburth, 13 79) 123 Plate 51. Glass coated with paint Formula 121 immers- ed 30 days, 12.QQ0X. Coccolithophorid CSieburth, ia79) 124 ^^^Sm^^f^mi^mismsmii^mt^smii^SmSS mmfm Plate 52. Glass coated with paint Formula 121 immers- ed 30 days, 10,QQ0X. Coc'colithophorid CSieburth., 197 9) 125 LITERATURE CITED Baier, R. E. 1973. Influence of the initial surface condition of materials on bioadhesion. pp. 633-639. In: Acker, R. F., et al . , (eds . ) , Proceedings of the Third Inter- national Congress on Marine Corrosion and Fouling. Northwestern University Press, Evanston, 111. 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Library, Code 0142 2 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93940 3. Department Chairman, Code 68Mr 1 Department of Oceanography Naval Postgraduate School 93940 4. Professor Eugene C. Haderlie, Code 68Hc 1 Department of Oceanography Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93940 5. LCDR Patrick R. Kelly 2 NOCD, Box 6302 APO San Francisco, CA 96519 6. Dr. Thomas B. O'Neill, Code L52 1 Naval Civil Engineering Laboratory Port Hueneme, California 93043 7. Mrs. Jean Montemarino, Code 2 844 2 David W. Taylor Naval Ship Research and Development Center Annapolis, Maryland 21402 8. Mr. Steve Rogers, Code 2841 1 David W. Taylor Naval Ship Research and Development Center Annapolis, Maryland 21402 9. Miss Bonnie Hunter, Code 68 1 Department of Oceanography Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93940 10. Mr. Dana Austin, Code 68 1 Department of Oceanography Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93940 130 11. Professor Isabella A. Abbott Hopkins Marine Station Pacific Grove, California 93950 12. Mr. Chris Patton Hopkins Marine Station Pacific Grove, California 93950 13. Mrs. Anne Harrington Hopkins Marine Station Pacific Grove, California 93950 14. Library Hopkins Marine Station Pacific Grove, California 93950 15. LCDR C. R. Dunlap, Code 68DU Assistant Professor Department of Oceanography Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93940 131 / L_ Thesis K2863 Kelly 193240 Scanning electron microscope observa- tions of marine microorganisms on surfaces coated with antifouling paints. Thesis K2863 Kelly 193240 c-l Scanning electron microscope observa- tions of marine microorganisms on surfaces coated with antifouling paints. JS•l«w■*w»E!iSSS, 3 2768 002 11245 0 DUDLEY KNOX LIBRARY