sriayd a(n @nlKNit || it \}| i Hollinger Corp. pH 8.5 B175-1115-14m BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS 1915: No. 66 NOVEMBER 25 1915 Schoolhouse Meeting Discussion of Poultry on the Farm Prepared by T. J. CONWAY Assistant Professor of Poultry Husbandry in the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas, and Cc. P. BLACKWELL Instructor in ‘Agricultural Education in ' The University of Texas Published by the University six times a month and entered as second-class matter at the postoffice at AUSTIN, TEXAS _ Momegrapn The benefits of education and of useful knowledge, generally diffused through a community, are essential to the preservation of a free gov- ernment. Sam Houston. Cultivated mind is the guardian genius of democracy. .. . It is the only dictator that freemen acknowl- edge and the only security that free- men desire. Mirabeau B. Lamar. dp. of Be JUL 1 4918 To the Chairman of the Schoolhouse Meeting: The discussions of the questions given below have been pre- pared for the meeting to be held at the schoolhouse on Friday afternoon and are for the use of the person who conducts the meeting. Usually it will be best to have the questions written upon the blackboard before the meeting opens. When the time for discussion arrives, first have the question read aloud and then call for discussion from the members present. Occasion- ally the chairman should call out someone whom he knows to be well qualified to answer the question. At times it is well to let such person know several days in advance that he or she will be called upon so that special preparation may be made by study of some of the bulletins referred to in the bibliography or of other literature. As soon as discussion has brought out whatever of interest the members present may know, then have read the discussion of the question that is given below, and, if desirable, allow discussion of that. Good judgment must be used by the chairman in calling out discussion and in stopping it before it becomes unprofitable. At times it would be well to omit or pass lightly over certain questions and con- centrate on others. Be sure to stop before the members are tired and always try to have the ideas that are brought out applied to the local conditions and needs. When a meeting results in a desire to carry out some practical plan, arrange for those interested in this plan to remain after the meeting and take the necessary steps at once. Strike while the iron is hot. Fellow Teacher and Fellow Citizens: The topic to be discused today is one of the highest importance for the prosperity of Texas farms. We have not yet begun to take poultry raising seriously in Texas. With our mild winters and continuous green throughout the year, Texas is far better situated for poultry raising at a minimum of both cost and labor than Missouri or Illinois or New York, where snow and ice covers the ground for many months each year and poultry must have expensive houses, and be fed its entire ration for six months in the year. Yet the farms in these States are making millions each year on poultry, whereas, Texas farms hardly produce enough for their home tables. Furthermore, the number of fowls on the farms in Texas actually decreased from 1900 to 1910 from 15 million to 14 million, while the fowls in Oklahoma in- creased from 5 to 9 million, in Kansas from 13 to 16 million, in Missouri from 16 to 21 million. Still worse, our poultry is of much lower grade, the average value per fowl in Texas being 36 cents, as against 44 cents in Oklahoma, 47 cents in Kansas and 57 cents in Missouri. If one does his own rough cerpentering he can build for about twenty dollars.a poultry house large enough to accommodate a hundred hens in accordance with the plans in this bulletin. The fountain feed-hoppers and watering devices can be made for a few cents out of an old goods box. With this equipment, and with the planting of a succession of small patches of wheat, oats, rape, turnips, chard, beets, sunflowers, Egyptian wheat, milo or similar crops, the poultry can be raised at almost no expense but the labor. This labor is all light and ean be done by children and by adults at odd hours. Think of what 1t would mean if every farm home in Texas would build up a flock of a hundred good hens. If these hens laid nine or ten dozen eggs each per year, the eggs would bring, at 25 cents per dozen, ninety-six million dollars, besides leaving enough eggs for hatching to keep up the supply of hens and sell off each year ten million dollars worth of surplus roosters and culled hens. This sum is more than half the value of our cotton crop and could be secured without decreasing that crop a single bale. Let us awake to our oppor- tunity. Discussion of Poultry on the Farm 5) The main obstacles to success in poultry raising thus far in Texas have been the use of scrub stock and the ravages of in- sects. Unless these problems are met properly, failure is cer- tain, for scrub poultry covered with mites, lice, or blue bugs will not pay for its keep. The discussion in this bulletin will show how these difficulties may be overcome. The methods of handling poultry here given have been worked out by the best trained scientists and tried out in successful actual experience for years by practical poultry raisers, so that there can be no doubt that if these directions are carefully followed out success must result. Let us begin to recognize poultry raising as one of the most profitable side lines on our farms, and put ourselves in position to profit from it. Not only is poultry raising profitable, but it is a fine thing for the development of a boy. It is good for a boy to have some- thing of his own to care for, and something to give him a little income of his own. The daily attention to his poultry, the study of bulletins and books on the subject, the working out of his plans and overcoming his difficulties develop his intelligence and his character. It is equally as good for a girl. There are hun- dreds of thousands of boys and girls on Texas farms that would develop themselves and the poultry industry of Texas at the same time if encouraged properly to do so. Let us give them a chance. A. CASWELL ELLIS. SCHOOLHOUSE MEETING DISCUSSION OF POULTRY ON THE FARM: QUESTIONS 1. Name some advantages that poultry offers for supplying the farm home with cheap meat, and some advantages of poul- try raising in general. 2. For the person who has no poultry at cals suggest some good methods of getting started. 3. What breeds of chickens are best adapted to this locality for egg and meat production? 4. Why should the farmer keep but one breed? 5. What is the smallest size flock a farm should have? 6. Name three systems of poultry farming which may be successful on a general farm or a poultry farm. 7. When is an incubator desirable? 8. Discuss the care of baby chicks for the first 48 or 72 hours after hatching. 9. Discuss the proper management of young chicks after the first 48 or 72 hours. 10. What are capons? 11. What are the advantages of caponizing? 12. Give some practical suggestions for the housing of chickens in Texas. 13. Discuss plans and specifications for a house that will accommodate 100 hens. 14. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of allowing hens to run on the open range. 15. How may poultry diseases best be prevented? 16. Name some means by which diseases may be spread among fowls and give some general methods of combating any contagious disease that may chance to break out among your chickens. 1The authors are indebted to Mrs. Benigna G. Kalb, Governor of Texas Farm Women, for helpful suggestions in the preparation of this bulletin. Discussion of Poultry on the Farm 7 17. What insects are troublesome in your community, and how may they be combated? 18. What is a good food ration for baby chicks? 19. What food is best for the production of eggs? How would you modify this ration to fatten fowls? 20. (a) How would you secure a pure-breed flock that averages ten to twelve dozen eggs per hen per year? (b) What are some of the points to be observed in selecting laying stock? (c) What are some of the points to be observed in egg produc- tion ? 21. How ean you have your hens lay 10 winter when the ae of eggs is high? (a) How often should eggs be gathered? (b) How may ene eggs be secured, and ce are they preferable to fertile eggs? 23. What is meant by eohaienet or egg-testing? How may a simple and inexpensive egg-tester be made? 24. How may spring eggs be preserved for winter use? 25. What are some of the causes of infertile eggs? How should eggs be selected for hatching. 26. Name some factors to be considered in marketing eggs. ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS No. 1. ¢(1) It requires only a small amount of land and eapital. (2) It offers quick. and paying returns; first, in eggs and meat for the table; second, in cash which may be had from the surplus every month in the year. (3) Eggs have the same kind of food value as meat; they offer a cheap substitute for it, and when properly cooked are more easily digested than meats; and they are better food for growing children. (4) Poultry requires less food in proportion to the return than any other form of live stock. (5) With proper equipment, it re- quires comparatively little time and labor, and, in the mild climate of Texas, but very little expense for housing. (6) It is a healthful occupation and is well adapted to either sex. (7) Poultry utilizes many of the waste products about the place and contributes much valuable fertilizer to the soil. (8) It is the most convenient source of fresh meat. (9) The products can be marketed easily and at all seasons of the year. (10) It enriches the soil. (11) It distributes the labor throughout the year and furnishes work that all members of the family can help with. (12) It is suited to either country or village conditions. No. 2. (1) Buy a few pure-hred birds of the breed pre- ferred. These need not be high-priced show birds, but should be from healthy, heavy-laying stock. A combination egg and meat breed is usually best for the farm, though as a rule one will do best with that variety he or she personally Lkes best. There are many good breeds. Good hens should lay not less than ten to twelve dozen eggs per year. It shows poor busi- ness judgment to keep hens that average much less, though the average for Texas is probably less than forty eggs per hen per year. Hens that have passed their first year of laying are better breeders than pullets, though well matured pullets may be used if older birds cannot be had. It is better to mate a well matured cockerel with hens. It is also important that the male come from a strain of heavy egg producers, as heavy lay- ing is a quality which may he transmitted through the male as well as the female. (2) If unable to buy pure-bred birds, you Discussion of Poultry on the Farm 9 may start with ordinary healthy chickens, and later buy one or more sittings of eggs from healthy, pure-bred hens, hatching them under the common hens. When matured, this new stock should be kept separated from the mixed stock, and the latter gradually disposed of, so as to leave only the pure-bred on the yard. If this separation is not practicable, kill or sell all males except those of pure breeding before the pure-bred pul- lets begin to lay, and later dispose of the birds of mixed breed- ing as soon as you can raise pure-bred hens to take their place. This method is quite satisfactory, especially since the outlay is small, and practical experience is thus gained on cheap birds. The use of an incubator is not recommended in the beginning under average farm conditions, and plans for installing an in- eubator should not be made until the flock is of sufficient size to produce within a week or ten days the number of eggs re- quired by the capacity of the machine. It is unwise to hold the eggs longer than a week or ten days before setting, and in hot weather even less time should be allowed. (3) A start with pure blood may also be made by securing day old chicks from some reliable breeder whom you know to have healthy stock. In this case, broody hens or some kind of chick hover and brooder must be provided to care for the chicks. Or one may begin by buying six or eight-weeks-old pullets, these be- ing practically past the danger period, and the male birds may be added when ready to use for breeding purposes. The greatest care should be used to secure eggs or foundation stock from breeders who breed only from healthy birds. Consti- — tutional vigor is more important than any other one factor in the selection of breeding stock. Never buy birds or eggs from diseased flocks. All things being equal, if you can find the kind of stock you want, it is better to buy in your own neighborhood where you can know just what the breeding stock is. The idea that pure-bred stock cannot be raised satisfactor- ily on the farm has long since been disproved. Pure-hbred birds require no greater care, no better housing, and no more feed than should be given to serub stock for best rsults. Good stock will give better returns for the same care, and because of the owner’s pride in them, the better breeds are more likely to receive the attention which will give the most satisfactory - 10 Bulletin of the Unwersity of Texas returns. It is folly to keep hens which lay only forty or fitty eggs per year when reasonable prices will buy good stock that will produce three or four times this number. Occasionally a serub hen may be a good layer, but as a rule scrub chickens are poor egg producers, and besides they have not the power to transmit the heavy laying quality to their offspring. No. 8. One of the egg and meat breeds, called American breeds, such as the Rhode Island Reds, Plymouth Rocks, or Wyandottes, is usually to be preferred for farm conditions. Strains of the American breeds have given as high egg yields as the Leghorns, Minoreas, and other Mediterranean breeds, and they furnish much better carcasses for the table or the market, either as broilers or roasters. However, well-bred fowls of the Mediteranean or English breeds are highly desirable. It is important to secure a good strain of whatever breed you choose, for there are great differences in strains of the same breed. Some strains of Leghorns, for example, have averaged over 200 eggs per year per hen, while other Leghorns will ave- rage hardly half that yield. ; No. 4. If a basket of eggs from a mixed flock is sent to the market it will contain some white eggs, some brown, and some cream colored. There is a great variety of sizes and shapes. This lack of uniformity is unattractive and tends to bring down the price. If the farmer had sent a basket of all white eggs or all brown eggs of uniform size, he would have received a better price for his product. To obtain these good prices, the farmers should have but one breed of chickens on his farm. Then he would have a flock in which he would take much pride and give them good attention. The eggs pro- duced from such birds would be all of the same color, size and shape, and when marketed the customers would be better pleased, since uniformity is usually much desired. When any live or dressed poultry is to be sold, the market shows a very great preference for a uniform product. A lot of yellow skin birds or white skin birds is much more desirable than is a mixture of both. In the marketing of live birds, either young or old, a one-color lot causes the buyer to feel that they must be raised by a person who takes good care of his stock, and to pay for them accordingly. It is very easy Discussion of Poultry on the Farm 11 to feed and house a flock of one breed, as their needs and wants are alike. To get the best results from a flock, the poultry- man should study the needs and requirements of breeds. If he has but one breed, his work in this respect is reduced to a minimum. For the same reason, it is easy to rear and develop chicks of one breed. In hatching, again excellent results are obtained. The eggs not only hatch more uniformly, but bet- ter and more vigorous chicks are produced, due to the excellent care given the flock because the raiser of one breed naturally takes a great interest in his stock. No. 5. As long as farmers keep small flocks they will take _ little interest in them, and the income from them will be very small. From observations in different sections the rule seems to be, the smaller the flock the less interest there is in poultry and the more mixed and mongrel is the flock. Flocks smaller than seventy-five are not considered as commercial enterprises, or important enough to recelve proper care. With a flock of one hundred hens the owner is likely to take care of them, provide a comfortable, convenient house, feed and attend to them properly and regularly, The returns from such a flock will indeed be very profitable, the number of eggs will be large and can be sold to appreciative buyers. The flock should be pure-bred, because chickens, like all other forms of live- stock, do best when properly and carefully bred. A pure-bred flock of 150 good producers, properly handled, is worth more to a farmer than five bales of cotton at ten cents per pound. No. 6. The three common systems of poultry farming which may be successful on a general farm or a poultry farm are: The ‘‘Community’’ system, in which the birds are all housed under one roof in large flocks. These houses are permanent and usually of the long house type. This method is most econ- omical of buildings and labor. The main disadvantage heing the rapid spread of disease if once introduced. “‘Semi-Community’’ is another system very similar to the Community method, the birds being housed in somewhat smaller houses grouped close together. More land and labor are required but the congestion is relieved somewhat. The ‘‘Colony’’ system is a method of dividing the birds into small flocks of twenty or thirty and housing them in small 12 Bulletin of the Unwersity of Texas colony houses scattered about the farm. The birds have the maximum amount of range and this method is very desirable and can be used where orchards are available, locating the houses through such orchards. The colony system necessitates the greatest expense for housing and labor, usually gives good results but not enough better to make up for the extra expense. No. 7. If 100 or more eggs are to be hatched. during the hatching season, then an incubator is desirable. Where 100 or more hens are kept it will usually be much more econom- ical to hatch with an incubator rather than with setting hens. In such a flock half the number should be renewed each year. That means that 50 or more pullets should go into winter quar- ters in the fall. To produce 50 or 75 pullets means the setting of at least 300 eggs. If 60 per cent of these eggs hatch there will be 180 chicks to start with and usually 75 per cent of those, or 140, are reared to maturity. Of these 140; one-half, or 70, are pullets and all these pullets will not be good ones. So that ordinarily 300 eggs or more must be hatched. To hatch these under hens would mean the services and care of a great number of chickens, while two hatches in a 150 egg in- cubator would care for-them easily. When fowls are raised to be marketed alive as meat it is desirable that they be hatched and reared in good sized flocks, and at as near the same time as possible, thus minimizing the eost of feed and labor. For this reason an incubator can be used to advantage even though the flock is small. No. 8. As soon as hatching is complete remove all un- hatched eggs and egg shells. Leave chicks in the machine for eighteen to forty-eight hours longer. Open ventilators to give plenty of fresh air and lower temperature of incubator to 95 to 100 degrees F. This is to harden the chicks. When the chicks are hatched they contain the yolk of the egg in their body, which supplies them with food for from twelve to fifty- two hours. For this reason no other food is necessary until this food has been absorbed. No. 9. (1) Provide fine grit, charcoal, shell and bone from the start. (2) Give grass range or plenty of green food. (3) Have fresh, clean water always available. (4) Feed only sweet, wholesome foods. (5) Avoid damp and soiled litter. (6) Disinfect brooders frequently. (7) Feed no spoiled meat Discussion of Poultry on the Farm 13 products. (8) Keep chicks active by allowing to become hungry once daily. (9) Feed moist mash sparingly. (10) Keep dry mash always before the chicks. No. 10. Capons are castrated male birds. This operation con- sists In removing the sex organs, and should be done when the birds are eight to twelve weeks old. This operation is performed for the same reason that we castrate pigs and calves. No. 11. (1) Larger and heavier fowls at killing time. (2) Sweeter meat of finer’ flavor. (3) A much higher selling price. (4) A lower cost, due to ease of fattening. (5) oS = th WA 2 Dig SSS eee ¢ SS see chig tac: ( Sta, ENN me . - I Ae Ee ‘y VAG oy a Ley Rls Re eo ues Ny Sou Nh) (Se ie x uw 8 ce a il { a | © ‘ ‘a pata ty ar | R Y LE | CONCRETE wm : UC EER COBBLE “6 STONE DRAINAGE eee Figure No. 1.—The above house, 14x20 feet, will accommodate 100 hens. The nests shown are alike in both ends of the house. More can be added if sixteen prove insu..cient. The concrete floor is not necessary. but highly desirable. The front should face south. The back and the west end should be boarded up. The east end and front should be made of woven wire only, except in the very cold sections of the state. For a flock of 30 to 45 fowls, the roosts may be reduced to three and the size of the house to 10x12 or 12x12 feet. Dropping boards may be added if desired. Figure No. 2.—Shows construction of front of poultry house. twice a week will give splendid results in the way of deodoriz- ing and keeping down mites, besides improving the value of the manure for fertilizing. The same powder may be used under Discussion of Poultry on the Farm : 15 the litter in the nest and likewise under the litter in the hovers for baby chicks. Painting the roost with kerosene and crude earbolic acid, especially at the points where they rest on the supports, will aid in getting rid of mites where they are bad. No. 14. Under ordinary farm conditions, in raising poultry for home use, the cheapest thing to do is to fence the garden and allow the chickens to run free. Hens on the open range get most of their food in summer, and a good share of it in winter. They are destroyers of farm insects and distributors of fertilizer. However, there are some disadvantages in having chickens — run at large: (1) Chickens are scavengers, and privy vaults and such filth should be screened from them if they run at large. When free, they drink polluted water, and feed on dead carcasses and other sources of filth, which not only lower their physical vigor but often produce disease and death. (2) mise they run at large, they are likely to roost in exposed places and be injured by weather or predatory animals. When fowls run free, they should be fed in the poultry house so that they will make their residence there instead of around and in the barn and dwelling house. (8) When chickens are at large they are often injured by stock, especially by hogs. This is largely due to the fact that many farmers feel that the chickens should obtain all their own food. Feeding the chickens a little both morning and evening eliminates this trouble somewhat so that the chickens do not go to the hog pens or get in the way of feeding sows. i No. 15. (1) Breeding only from birds of vigorous consti- tutions. (2) ‘ Be N an | re 4 Dy ge € fay Paty t Rey a eh te es / 5 > is = " Ve ed ‘ 4 ; 0 " ee aS Ts yet rm ya P] ry , teen E ’ . ie 4: aay Hf Rs 5 ay \ enue ale i Z 7. 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