Science Policy: USA /USSR volume II: Science Policy in the Soviet union Report prepared for National Science Foundation Directorate for Scientific, Technological and international Affairs Division of international Programs This research was conducted with support from the Division of International Programs, National Science Foundation. However, any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommen- dations expressed in this document are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the view of the National Science Foundation. I* u s SCIENCE POLICY: USA/USSR Volume II Science Policy in the Soviet Union Paul M. Cocks of si i ^ a xr S nj = a- Z CD : o I ° I f-=i i o : m o CD For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 TABLE OF CONTENTS VII BACKGROUND AND APPROACH TO SCIENCE POLICY IN THE U.S.S.R 1 The Soviet Commitment to Science and Technology 1 Centralization of R&D Planning and Management 4 The Separation of Science and Industry 9 The Systems for Guiding Technical Progress 13 VIII THE ORGANIZATION OF R&D 18 Overall Structure and Institutional Setting 18 The Top Governing Machinery 22 The Three Institutional Subsystems Performing R&D 45 The Basic Units 64 The Organizational System: Whole and Parts 76 IX THE FORMULATION OF R&D PLANS AND PROGRAMS 83 Overview of Science and Technology Planning 83 Resource Planning and Allocation for Research and Development 92 The Selection of Research Topics and Tasks 106 in The Disaggregation and Assignment of Research Tasks 128 The Decision to Import Technology . . 149 The Structure and Content of R&D Plans 155 The Planning System and Its Parts . . 159 X THE EXECUTION OF R&D PLANS AND THE UTILIZATION OF RESULTS 176 Managing the Research-to-Production Cycle: An Overview 177 Organization of the R&D Center .... 181 Conduct of R&D 184 Utilization of R&D Results 197 Evaluation of R&D Results and Performers 234 Diffusion of R&D Results 238 XI CURRENT ISSUES AND TRENDS IN SOVIET SCIENCE POLICY 251 The Contemporary Science Policy Debate: Context and Content 251 Integrating Science Policy and Economic Policy 255 Switching to an Intensive Growth Strategy for Science and Technology . 258 Achieving Organizational Flexibility and Institutional Restructuring . . . 262 Improving Planning and Resource Allocation 269 Raising Management Effectiveness . . . 275 Strengthening the Bonds of Motivation 281 Science Policy Reforms: A Balance Sheet 284 IV XII A COMPARISON OF SCIENCE POLICY IN THE U.S. AND U.S.S.R 298 The Science Policy Environment .... 298 Relationship of Scientific R&D to Industry 304 Selection of S&T Goals and Evaluation of Results 311 Incentives and Obstacles to Innovation 322 Institutional Responses to New Complexity of S&T Problems 328 LIST OF FIGURES 8-1 Overall Structure of the Soviet System of R&D Planning and Management 19 8-2 Top Level Governmental Organizations Responsible for Science Policy Making in the USSR 27 8-3 Organizational Structure of Science Policy at the Union Republic Level .... 33 8-4 Structure of the USSR State Committee for Science and Technology 39 8-5 General Organization of the USSR State Planning Committee (Gosplan) 42 8-6 Structure of the USSR Academy of Sciences 48 8-7 Organization and Management of R&D in a Union Level Industrial Ministry .... 58 8-8 The Administrative Network of the USSR Ministry of Higher and Specialized Secondary Education (MinVUZ) 63 8-9 Organizational Structure of a Research Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences 66 v 8-10 Organizational Structure of a Research Institute of an Industrial Ministry ... 67 8-11 Organization and Management of R&D in a Higher Educational Institution (VUZ) 69 8-12 Organization and Management of R&D in an Industrial Enterprise 72 8-13 Management Structure for a Typical Science-Production Association (NPO) ... 75 9-1 Overview of the Content and Network of Soviet Economic Planning 85 9-2 Structure of Soviet Research, Develop- ment and Innovation Plans and Forecasts . 87 9-3 Components of the System of Research, Development, and Innovation Planning in the USSR 115 9-4 Organization of R&D for the Solution of an Important S&T Problem 141 9-5 Organizations Involved in the Develop- ment of the T-250/300-240 Thermal Electric Turbine 145 10-1 The System of Material Stimulation of Scientific and Technical Progress in the USSR 193 10-2 Exemplary Planning Chart for Techno- logical Preparation for Production in the USSR Ministry of the Automobile Industry 200 10-3 Organizational Structure of the Svetlana Production Association 205 10-4 Basic Scheme of the System of Planning, Financing, and Economic Stimulation of S&T Development in the Soviet Electri- cal Engineering Industry 233 VI LIST OF TABLES 8-1 USSR, Union Republic, and Branch Academies of Sciences (at the end of 1976) 51 8-2 Regional Affiliates and Scientific Centers of the USSR Academy of Sciences (at the end of 1976) 54 8-3 Distribution of Scientific Workers by Branch of Science: 1973 (Scientific Research Institutes and Higher Educa- tional Institutions) 61 10-1 The Structure of Bonus Awards for Technological Innovation in the USSR . . . 196 10-2 Structural Makeup of Science- Production Associations 213 VII INTRODUCTION Beginning in 1972 the Governments of the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics signed a series of bilateral agreements for cooperation in various areas of science and technology, of which there are now eleven in number. The senior of these, the Agreement on Cooperation in Fields of Science and Technology, was signed by President Nixon and General Secretary Brezhnev in May 1972 and is implemented through a U.S.-U.S.S.R. Joint Commission on Scientific and Technical Cooper- ation, chaired on the U.S. Side by the President's Science and Technology Advisor. One of the twelve active Working Groups carrying out cooperative research under the Joint Commission is in the area of Science Policy, which in turn focuses on two major areas of mutual interest: the Planning and Manage- ment of Research and Development, and Fundamental Research Systems. The present two-volume study, Science Policy: USA/USSR, prepared by members of the U.S. side of the working group, is based on the first phase of work in Science Policy by the group concerned with R&D Planning and Management, which lasted from approximately 1973 to 1977. The goal of this phase was to build a base of information which could then serve to orient U.S. participants to more discrete and sophisticated analyses of the policy-making sys- tems in the respective countries concerned with scientific and technical research; the principal mode of operation during this phase was exchange of visits, written information, reports, and specific questions and answers between the U.S. and Soviet members of the group. It became quickly apparent, although not to anyone's great surprise, that there Vlll would be a number of problems in emerging with satis- factory products, from information access and admin- istrative difficulties to, perhaps most significantly, entirely different perceptions of the content of the study of science policy, incompatible terminology, and divergent analytical traditions, not to mention the important substantative differences in the making of science policy in the two countries. In many senses, we were speaking entirely different languages to one another and for this reason our initial prog- ress was often slow and painful. By 1976-1977, however, enough progress had been made to encourage U.S. participants to think about compiling what we had learned, both about ourselves and the Soviet Union, into monograph form in order to make this information accessible to the public at large. Again, not surprisingly, the job of compila- tion was beset by many of the same difficulties men- tioned above. An initial summary prepared by Bat telle Columbus Laboratories was reviewed and commented upon by U.S. participants, after which Mr. Nat C. Robertson, a distinguished technical administrator and research scientist with broad experience in the U.S. industrial sector, and Dr. Paul M. Cocks, a leading specialist on science policy in the U.S.S.R., utilized the data pre- pared by Battelle in writing the present volumes. The results, I believe, merit close examination by schol- ars, scientists, government and industrial officials, and the lay public. The time and effort of an unusually large number of individuals went into vaious phases of this project. Nat Robertson and Paul Cocks deserve special praise for taking on the extremely challenging task of sift- ing through the mass of accumulated material, verifying data, and integrating it with their own expert knowl- edge to yield an intelligent and illuminating final product. The initial summary by Battelle Columbus Laboratories was, of course, highly instrumental in getting the study off the ground and the contributions of the Battelle staff are gratefully acknowledged. The information contained in the volume on the U.S.S.R. could not have been obtained in the first place were IX it not for the enthusiastic participation — which was severely tested at times — by the U.S. members of the Science Policy Working Group, most particularly its former U.S. Chairman, Dr. David Z. Beckler, and of the members of the Subgroup on R&D Planning and Management who participated in the project's first phase (in alphabetical order), Joseph Berliner, Lewis M. Branscomb, Paul M. Cocks, Murray Feshbach, Richard T. Gray, Herbert Levine, Franklin A. Long, Nat C. Robertson, Lowell W. Steele, and Robert L. Stern. The staff of the Arlington, Virginia office of SRI Interna- tional assisted with the final editing and preparation of the manuscript. Although these studies are not official publications of the U.S. side of the working group and only their authors are responsible for their content, I wish to take this opportunity to thank all those who assisted in their preparation. Financial support for the project was provided through the National Science Foundation. William D. Carey U.S. Chairman, U.S.-U.S.S.R. Working Group on Science Policy June 1980 -'■Until 1979 there were four subgroups of the Science Policy Working Group : R&D Planning and Manage- ment, R&D Financing, Training and Management of S&T Manpower, and Systems for Stimulating the Development of Fundamental Research. Other publications resulting from the Working Group's efforts include Louvan E. Nolting and Murray Feshbach, "R&D Employment in the U.S.S.R.," Science, v. 207 (February 1, 1980), pp. 493- 503; and Systems for Stimulating the Development of Fundamental Research (Report prepared by the U.S.- U.S.S.R. Working Subgroup on Systems for Stimulating the Development of Fundamental Research of the National Academy of Sciences /National Research Council) , NTIS Order Number PB80-162316. AUTHOR'S ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS In the preparation of this volume, I wish to acknowledge the contribution by John P. Young, Alvin M. White, Hugh L. Shaffer, and L. Ben Freudenreich, who wrote the initial draft report for Battelle Columbus Laboratories on which this study is based. Although I have added a few new chapters and altered others, I have retained much of the information and insight included in their original analysis. At the same time, I have drawn heavily on other source material, especi- ally the rich and extensive science policy literature that has evolved in the USSR since the late 1960s. In discussing the Kremlin's policy problems and practices, I have also tried, where possible, to cite self-critical Soviet studies in order to illuminate Russian percep- tions and problem-solving approaches. I am deeply indebted to Murray Feshbach, Louvan Nolting, Joseph Berliner, and Herbert Levine for sharing their expertise on the USSR and for offering helpful criticisms, comments, and suggestions. I am equally grateful to the Soviet members of the Science Policy Working Group for the opportunity to interact in this common effort to enhance our mutual knowledge and under- standing of the other's system, though we may disagree in our views and conclusions. My warm thanks also go to my American colleagues on the Working Group for providing me with a tremendous learning experience and "short course" on US R&D plan- ning and management that proved invaluable in preparing the chapter on comparative American and Soviet approach- es to S&T policy. Special thanks in this regard are due to Nat Robertson, Bill Carey, and Lowell Steele for their analytical leads and thoughtful advice. xi Lastly, I also wish to thank Deborah C. Andrews for editing the manuscript and making it far more readable than it otherwise would have been. Paul M. Cocks August 22, 1980 xn VII BACKGROUND AND APPROACH TO SCIENCE POLICY IN THE USSR Science policy in the USSR, as in the United States, is significantly shaped by its national con- text. While American science and engineering reflect the conditions of a competitive market economy and pluralist politics, Soviet R&D takes place against the background of a centrally planned economy and society. The differences between the two countries in science and technology, however, go beyond the differences between capitalism and communism as po- litical ideologies and systems of government. Even before the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917, Russia had a pattern of scientific, educational, and industrial development that was different from that of Western Europe and the United States. The role of the state in running society had always loomed much larger and the autonomy of individuals and institutions was ac- cordingly much more constrained. The evolution of the organizational structure and mechanisms of R&D in the USSR has been a complex process shaped by a mixture of factors. Current policies and practices reflect not only distinctive Soviet influences but also the continuing effects of inherited Russian scientific traditions and patterns. An awareness of these elements of continuity is essential to under- standing the nature of R&D planning and management in the USSR today as well as the basic dissimilari- ties between the Soviet and American approaches. THE SOVIET COMMITMENT TO SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY No government has been as explicitly committed to science and technical progress as that of the USSR. The Soviet Union was the first nation to recognize science as a natural resource, to commit systemati- cally large shares of its budget to the promotion of research, and to try., to plan the development of sci- ence and technology. Kremlin leaders see their ideology as being syn- onymous with science, and they have long regarded the latter as an indispensable tool for modernizing Rus- sia. The early Bolsheviks believed that science would "conquer Russia both as a state of mind and as a state of nature." Lenin's definition of Communism as "Soviet power plus electrification of the whole country" captures well the enthusiasm of the times for science and technology during the formative stage of Soviet rule. More than half a century later, Leonid Brezhnev reaffirmed this basic commitment on the 250th Anniversary of the USSR Academy of Sciences "Socialism and science are indivisible," he empha- sized. "Only by relying on the latest achievements of science and technology is it possible to build so- cialism and communism successfully." Throughout the period of Soviet rule, Kremlin spokesmen have tended to claim practically unlimited potentialities for science. Indeed, the regime has gone through a long line of technological panaceas upon which, at one time or another, everything was supposed to depend — electrification, mechanization, chemicalization, etc. Today the "technological fix" appears to be centered on computerization and auto- mation. This almost eternally optimistic attitude of the government and society toward science as a progressive force of great untapped potential re- flects the scientific optimism to which Marxism was heir. In fact, a defense of science in 18th century enlightenment terms, Loren Graham observes, is prob- ably more popular today among intellectuals in the Soviet Union than in Western states, where the ap- peal of this model has diminished. Moreover, the USSR Academy of Sciences is the only one of the 18th century European academies of sciences which still dominates the science of its nation. The importance attached to scientific and techni- cal progress in Soviet ideology has encouraged the acceptance of large expenditures on R&D, especially in the postwar period. The rate of growth of expend- itures on science for the past 25 years, in fact, has outstripped the rate of increase of both national in- come and industrial production. Unlike the United States, there has been no "flight from science" dur- ing the past decade. While allocations for R&D rose in the US to 2.5 percent of the GNP in 1965 and have fallen ever since, official expenditures on science as a portion of national income have risen in the So- viet Union from 1.3 percent in 1950, to 2.7 percent in 1960, to 4.8 percent in 1975. If we add develop- ment activity at the enterprise level, which is not included in "official" science figures, then the to- tal share of national income has probably been about 7 or 8 percent throughout the 1970s. While official allocations for science have tended to stabilize in recent years at around 5 percent of the national in- come, this rate is still significantly higher than that of any nation in the Western world. At the same time, certain tensions and conflicts between science and ideology impede scientific and technological developments. The commitment to sci- ence is "conditional." The Soviet government, like its Tsarist predecessor, has been ambivalent toward science. On the one hand, it sees science as indis- pensable for economic modernization and for enhancing Soviet military power; on the other hand, the regime distrusts the scientific spirit with its critical at- titude towards authority and individualistic approach to problem-solving. The evolution of science as an autonomous social activity carries the dangers of professional exclusiveness, elitism, and the asser- tion of rationalistic modes of thought. Manifesta- tions of dissent in recent years among scientists testify to the reality of these dangers and make ide- ological problems a continuing basic concern of So- viet science policy. Dzherman Gvishiani, a deputy chairman of the USSR State Committee for Science and Technology, emphasizes that "all socialist states cannot but grant great significance to the mastering by scientists of Marxist-Leninist methodology, and to the struggle against manifestations of bourgeois ideology and bourgeois objectivism and subjectiv- ism." Political and ideological constraints have varied over time, however. Under Stalin, control extended to scientific theory itself, and particular inter- pretations of theory were forced upon scientists. As a result some scientific fields, like biology and cybernetics, were deliberately suppressed or retard- ed. The social sciences in particular have suffered from the encounter with ideology. While the bound- aries of intellectual freedom to pursue research have been extended in the post-Stalin period, science has not been freed from political influence. Soviet auth- orities still make demands upon the scientists, al- though frequently different ones than they made in the past. Controls over scientists have not really been relaxed, but the goals of such controls have been redefined in accord with changing official per- ceptions of national needs. Today it is the problems of a more sophisticated society and industrial order than those of the steel age of industrial expansion that Soviet scientists andoengineers are under pres- sure to address and solve. CENTRALIZATION OF R&D PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT The conduct of scientific research and development in the USSR is subordinate, at least in principle and aspiration, to strong central planning and manage- ment. R&D shares this characteristic with other broad areas of economic and social activity in a sys- tem wherein the vast majority of the means of produc- tion is owned and managed by the state. Accordingly, it is impossible to distinguish between purely gov- ernmental or public and purely industrial or private sectors. Rather, there is simply one giant public sector. At no point in R&D decision making is there an apparent juncture of the kind visible in the Amer- ican pluralistic setting when government policy im- pacts on thousands of semi- independent private deci- sion makers. Rather, the transition in the Soviet Union from central policy to individual decisions follows a continuum. Given the particular shape and ethos of the system the claim is frequently made in Moscow that Kremlin leaders are able to pursue a comprehensive and coher- ent national science and technology policy, and this is the image of Soviet policy that generally exists abroad. It contrasts sharply with the situation in the United States where there is no formal, broadly based, and unified policy for R&D (especially outside of defense and space) but rather a confusing mixture of policies, a diffusion of responsibility, and a fragmentation of administration. At the outset, however, it is important to empha- size that this popular Western image of a tightly centralized and coordinated Soviet S&T effort has never corresponded with reality. Central planning and management of R&D is still highly imperfect. S&T planning has always been much more rudimentary than economic planning. Although much more centralized and comprehensive than the American system, the So- viet approach is far from the holistic model that it is sometimes portrayed to be. The Kremlin's reach in science policy continues to exceed its grasp. Aspira- tions outdistance capabilities. There are still many holes in the whole. The interplay of multiple agen- cies with diverse perspectives, different wills, and competing interests continues to constrain the ac- tions and to limit the capabilities of central auth- orities to formulate and implement coherent policies in science and technology. To be sure, the idea of central planning of sci- ence was established early in the life of the Soviet regime. Centralization of R&D was regarded not only as a means of eliminating the duplication of effort and secrecy that were characteristic of capitalist states but also of making the most effective use of Russia's scarce S&T resources. Tradition as well as ideology fed the propensity for central planning. Throughout Russian history, science and education, with only a few exceptions, had been subject to cen- tral, state control. Private initiative was resented by the rulers of imperial Russia in any field, includ- ing science and learning. In any case, the Soviet Union became in the 1920s the first nation in history to attempt to formulate a policy towards science and technology as a whole. It began conducting statisti- cal and organizational surveys of scientific person- nel and institutions a decade before other countries, including the United States. Despite all the talk about science planning and policy during the twenties, however, little action was actually taken in this direction. The first na- tional conference on planning of scientific research did not meet until 1931. A member of the Communist Party was not elected to the Academy of Sciences un- til 1929, and only in the thirties did the scientific affairs of the Academy begin to reflect Party desires. Actually, the innovative posture of the government in this policy sphere in the 1920s gave way to a sterile approach under Stalin. From the early 1930s until Stalin's death little was done about the formulation of science policy and the planning of science. Though research organizations, like all Soviet institutions, drew up annual plans, these were not meaningful. Ser- ious attention began to be given to the planning and management of R&D only after the mid-1950s. By then, the USSR, the initial pioneer in national science planning, lagged behind a. number of Western industri- al nations in this area. Similarly, the search for one central coordinating agency to oversee the development of science and tech- nology was gradually abandoned by the mid-1930s. No Commissariat of Science was ever created. Instead, responsibility for R&D planning and management rested for the next 20 years primarily with the industrial commissariats and later ministries as well as several central departments. Much like the American pattern, the Soviet R&D effort was structurally and adminis- tratively fragmented among multiple mission-oriented agencies with conflicting jurisdictions and interests. Though formal control existed at the all-Union level, there was no effective coordination of policy at the center. Basically, there were four main organiza- tional actors in science and technology policy: the USSR Academy of Sciences, the State Planning Commit- tee, the industrial commissariats or ministries, and the commissariats or ministries of education. Of these four the most important was the Academy. While indus- trial R&D was formally coordinated by the State Plan- ning Committee, each ministry in reality looked after its own research needs until 1957 when the minister- ial system was substantially reorganized. " Thus, national science planning and policy as such is as much a postwar phenomenon in the USSR as it is in the United States. The development of science and technology began to be planned on a general state ba- sis rather than on the level of separate institutions only in 1949, when an annual plan for the introduc- tion of new technology was formulated for the first time. 13 Only in 1956, however, did the plans begin to include assignments for scientific research. Sec- tions on the financing of research and on the provi- sion of materials and equipment were not added to the plans for science and technology until 1962. Also at this time plans for training scientific manpower be- gan to be compiled. In 1967, for the first time, tar- gets for the application of computer technology and management information systems were included in the annual plan for S&T. The following year the All- Union Scientific and Technical Information Center began recording all research projects in the country. Efforts to develop a comprehensive plan for nation- wide technical standards did not start until 1971. The state registration of all experimental design projects did not begin until 1973. Moreover, the planning of science remained con- fined to a one year time frame until the mid-1960s. In 1966, for the first time, a list of 250-odd prior- ity R&D problems was drawn up and included in the five year macroeconomic development plan. Only toward the end of the 1960s did systematic long-range (10/15 years) studies begin to be organized in scientific forecasting and technology assessment on the develop- ment of industrial branches and on national problems such as the future fuel and energy balance, develop- ment of the transport system, the use of metal and lumber, and the provision of an adequate food supply. Work on a "Comprehensive Development Program for Sci- ence and Technology and Its Social and Economic Con- sequences" up to 1990 started in 1972, and a draft of this program was largely completed by the fall of 1975. The issue of ecological development has only recently become an object of central planning. Thus the current Tenth Five Year Plan (1976-1980) includes for the first time a separate chapter on the rational utilization of natural resources and environmental protection. Organizationally, too, the first real step towards an overall coordination of R&D was taken only in 1961 with the creation of the State Committee for Coordi- nation of Scientific Research. In 1965 this body was reorganized into the present State Committee for Sci- ence and Technology. Taken together, then, all these measures give substance to the statement by Gvishiani in early 1972 that "the various forms of state activ- ity in the sphere of science are, on the whole, still in the formative stage. While some of them have been applied for decades, others have emerged relatively recently."1^ Inspite of some advances, however, the Soviet S&T establishment remains highly deficient as a model of effective systems planning, management, and control. Research and development continues to be housed in a myriad of institutions and fenced off by strong de- partmental barriers that slow and impede the innova- tion process. Efforts to strengthen integrating structures and functions have met with only partial success. The whole system still bears the heavy chalk marks left by the branch ministries and cen- tral agencies which participate in and share respon- sibility for science policy. 8 It is important to stress that Kremlin authorities have not abandoned their basically centralized ap- proach and holistic perspective toward science policy, even in face of the growing size and complexity of their R&D effort. On the contrary, a perceived need to accelerate science and technology has led them to press all the more strongly in the 1970s for new tech- niques of systems planning and management . Their com- mitment to central planning remains firm. "The scale and complexity of these problems," says Gvishiani, "are such that in present-day conditions they can be tackled only on the level of state policy. "^5 Today, modern systems technology and terminology have become the fashion of the times in Soviet dis- cussions of science policy. The new systems movement and management mentality are very much in keeping with the conventional centralized approach to sci- ence policy. At the same time, however, the new sys- tems rhetoric continues to suggest an image of unity, coherence, and wholeness that are still lacking in reality. THE SEPARATION OF SCIENCE AND INDUSTRY Science and industry in the USSR have always been largely separate worlds, more coexisting apart than mutually cooperating and pulling in the same direc- tion. They are, to use Pravda' s recent imagery, like "two flagships proceeding on different courses, in different seas. "16 Or, to phrase the analogy slightly differently, they often appear like two ships "pass- ing in the night," unaware of the other's presence and activity. This basic and persistent feature of the system forms an essential background to an under- standing of the Soviet situation, especially the ser- ious interface problems involved in technological de- velopment and delivery. On the one hand, a bias in favor of theoretical work pervades the world of scientific research and 9 development. Lacking usually their own experimental facilities and generally neither rewarded nor penal- ized for the success or failure of their results, re- search scientists and design engineers tend to do their work with little reference to its practical ap- plication. Development work does not usually hold the excitement and drama of fundamental research, particularly in the civilian sector. Soviet higher educational establishments offer practically no spe- cialization for designers and technologists. The no- tion that "small is beautiful" remains overshadowed by an infatuation with "big science" and "big tech- nology." Historically, too, Russian science has been known for its strong theoretical orientation. Its greatest figures were theoreticians, such as M. Lomonosov and D. I. Mendeleyev in chemistry, P. N. Lebedev in phys- ics, and N. I. Lobachevsky and P. L. Chebyshev in mathematics. In contrast to American culture little place or prestige was given to the practical tinkerer and innovator, much less the technological entrepre- neur. The Imperial Academy of Sciences, from the time of its foundation in 1725, was primarily theoretical in orientation and relatively isolated from industry. The continuing predominance of the Academy as the or- ganizational center of Soviet science assures the theoretical bias of the national scientific tradi- tion. In general, both pre- and post-revolutionary scientific R&D have not affected contemporary econo- mic life significantly. 17 Since the earliest days of Soviet rule efforts have been made to bring science closer to practical matters and social concerns. Scientists have been constantly instructed to serve socialism and to help solve problems facing society and the economy. The R&D establishment has been repeatedly reorganized to achieve a better coupling between research and pro- duction. Nonetheless, the translation of scientific ideas into use remains a major problem to this day. The bias of the official ideology and of the regime for applied science and technology still acts as an ineffective corrective to older entrenched scientif- ic traditions. 10 Industry, on the other hand, has traditionally had a strong production bias and discriminates against new technology "like the devil shies away from holy water," to use Brezhnev's words. 1° The short time horizon of planning, the general low quality of pre- production work, the absence of adequate in-house R&D services, and all the uncertainties surrounding ma- terial supply and financing for new technology tend to make enterprise managers concentrate on current production operations and minimize the rate of inno- vation. Given the balance of relative risks and re- wards, they find it more advantageous to expand ex- isting production lines than to establish new prod- ucts and processes. In short, the present invariably drives out the future. 19 The weakness of applied R&D can also be traced to historical and structural factors. Industrial re- search was largely lacking in prerevolutionary Rus- sia, which derived much of its technology and indus- trial capital from the West. The Soviet regime de- cided early to organize and promote applied scien- fic R&D in specialized institutes subordinate direct- ly to the industrial commissariats. The creation of such large, central institutes serving particular branches of Soviet industry as a whole rather than individual plants, it was believed, would build a more effective industrial research establishment than in capitalist states where R&D was fragmented among numerous firms which competed with each other and concealed their innovations if possible. 20 Since the mid-1960s this pattern of insulating R&D from the normal economic processes has been sub- ject: to mounting criticism. Although the separation of science from production was once seen as playing a positive role in allowing the USSR to develop a strong and autonomous research sector unfettered by excessive industrial claims and demands, it is now perceived as contradicting the interests of both science and production. Today, science, technology, and production are said to be increasingly interact- ing and interdependent processes that develop not in isolation and by themselves but through their linkage 11 with one another. The coupling processes must ac- cordingly be organized "so as to achieve a fast and effective flow of scientific and technological ideas into industry and an equally fast and effective coun- terflow of orders from industry to science." Only by building better structural crosslinks can production be made "to soak up new scientific ideas like a sponge."22 While the interactions between science and industry have indeed become more direct and com- plicated in recent years, organizational and motiva- tional bonds have not yet been formed that are capa- ble of breaking down the barriers separating these two worlds. The strong military orientation of scientific R&D, along with the secrecy that surrounds it, has con- tributed to the underdevelopment of industrial tech- nology. Much like the United States, the Soviet re- gime has spent enormous sums on defense, aerospace, and nuclear R&D while under investing in industrial R&D. Nor has there been any substantial spin-off from these national security and high technology re- lated projects in terms of civilian applications to national needs and improvements in the quality of life. The resulting pattern has been a high con- centration of talent and money in defense and space and a seriously distorted deployment of S&T resources, This pattern is not new to the Kremlin. A preoccupa- tion with defense technology and the political-mili- tary orientation of the state-directed effort are deeply rooted in Russian history. From the time of Peter the Great Tsarist governments were interested in applying technology largely to military purposes. Still another thread of continuity in the Russian/ Soviet complex of science and technology deserves mention: the role of external influences in Russia's development. Throughout its history, Russia's scien- tific and technical ties with foreign countries, es- pecially the Western world, have been limited and in- termittent, if at times quite energetic. Internal regime attitudes, Tsarist and Soviet, have fluctuat- ed between two extremes. At times the government re- sorted to artificial and imposed isolation. At other 12 times, it actively sought international cooperation and exchange. Since Russian science was tradition- ally in advance of Russian technology, the breakdown of foreign contacts tended to intensify, in particu- lar, Russia's technological lag. 23 Consequently, the government would periodically rely upon heavy doses of imported foreign technology to strengthen its mil- itary power and to help overcome Russia's economic and technological backwardness. From this perspec- tive, Moscow's intensified efforts in the 1970s to expand scientific cooperation and technology trans- fer, especially with the nations of Western Europe and the United States, should be seen as part of an older tradition and development strategy. TWO SYSTEMS FOR GUIDING TECHNICAL PROGRESS As a result of the particular course followed by the Soviet Union in science, technology, and economic growth essentially two systems have evolved for guid- ing technical progress. The primary line of influence is the basic economic system. This structure was cre- ated in the prewar years and evolved in response to the demands of rapid industrialization. Science and technology did not provide the principal motive force for its operation. Bearing a strong ant i- innovation bias, this system remains fundamentally oriented to the expansion of existing patterns of production and technology. A secondary line of influence is exer- cised by a special set of structures and mechanisms which began to take shape around the mid-1950s with the burgeoning growth of the Soviet R&D effort. This supplementary system attends to the problems of sci- ence and technology policy and performance. Accel- eration of the rate of innovation is one of its main goals. Each system has its own plans, budgetary practices, incentive schemes, and integrating admin- istrative organs. Typically, however, there is lack of coordination between the basic and supplementary systems. Indeed, they frequently work at cross pur- poses to each other. 13 In general, the focus of Soviet S&T policy in the 1970s centered largely on how to improve these two guidance systems. As regards the supplementary ma- chinery, some elements are still lacking. Among them are effective procedures and organizational solutions for creating and applying new technology that involves the joint cooperation of multiple ministries and agen- cies. Second, some elements of the supplementary sys- tem, such as the policy of pricing new technology, need to be improved. Third, the separate parts of this system are not well coordinated. Finally, the supplementary system for scientific research, devel- opment, and innovation needs to be better integrated with the general system of economic planning and man- agement. Controversies abound over how to solve these problems. 24 As yet, no grand systems solution has been found, though the search goes on. We can be sure, then, that these issues will continue to occupy a prominent place on the Kremlin's S&T agenda for the 1980s (see chapter 12) . In sum, these are some of the basic features and underlying traditions of the contemporary science and technology establishment in the USSR. An awareness of them adds to our understanding of particular So- viet patterns and problems of organizing, planning, and managing R&D, which are discussed in more detail in the following pages. 14 FOOTNOTES 1. Loren R. Graham, "The Development of Science Policy in the Soviet Union," in T. Dixon Long and Christopher Wright, eds., Science Policies in Indus- trial Nations (New York: Praeger Publishers, 1975), p. 13. 2. Ibid., p. 19. 3. Prayda, October 8, 1975. 4. Loren Graham, "The Place of the Academy of Sci- ences in the Overall Organization of Soviet Science," in John R. Thomas and Ursula M. Kruse-Vaucienne, eds., Soviet Science and Technology: Domestic and Foreign Perspectives (Washington, D.C.: George Washington Uni- versity, 1977), pp. 44, 56. See also Raymond Hutch- ings, Soviet Science, Technology, Design: Interaction and Convergence (London and New York: Oxford Univer- sity Press, 1976), pp. 116-119. 5. E. I. Valuev, L. S. Glyazer, V. P. Groshev, V. I. Kushlin, M. P. Kokonina, G. A. Lakhtin, V. G. Leb- edev, Yu. K. Petrov, S. V. Pirogov, and S. M. Ryumin, "Osobennosti f inansirovaniya nauki v SSSR (Unique Characteristics of the Financing of Science in the USSR)" (Moscow, December 1976), p. 7. Report prepared for the US-USSR Joint Working Group in the Field of Science Policy, Subgroup IV: Financing of Research and Development. 6. See Julian N. Cooper, "The Organization and Plan- ning of Research and Development in the USSR," Paper prepared for the Conference on Technology and Commu- nist Culture, Bellagio, Italy, August 22-28, 1975. See also Alexander Vucinich, Science in Russian Culture, 1861-1917 (Stanford, California: Stanford University Press, 1970), p. xi. 7. D. M. Gvishiani and A. A. Zvorykin, eds., Osnov- nyye printsipy i obshchiye problemy upravleniya naukoi (Moscow: Nauka, 1973), p. 39. 15 8. Graham, "The Development of Science Policy in the Soviet Union," pp. 38-41. 9. Ibid., pp. 12-13, 22-23. 10. Ibid., pp. 23-24, 27-29. 11. E. Zaleski, J. P. Kozlowski, H. Wiennert, R. W. Davies, M. J. Berry, and R. Amann, Science Policy in USSR (Paris: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, 1969), p. 25. 12. Graham, "The Development of Science Policy in the Soviet Union," pp. 29-30. 13. Prior to this time, the USSR and republic state planning committees and the USSR and republic acade- mies of sciences did little more than tabulate re- search plans submitted by performing institutions. They made no effort to pass on priorities, to coordi- nate the plans and to eliminate duplication, or to link them to national and branch plans for industrial production and capital investment. Before 1949 no consolidated plan sections for R&D existed in the gen- eral annual and five year plans for development of the national economy. Though expansion of production fa- cilities entailed planning new technology, most of the technology was acquired from abroad and the planning was submerged in the production plans of branches and enterprises. See Louvan E. Nolting, The Planning of Research, Development, and Innovation in U.S.S.R, U.S. Department of Commerce, Foreign Economic Reports, No. 14 (Washington, D.C., 1978), p. 7. 14. D. M. Gvishiani, "Centralized Management of Sci- ence: Advantages and Problems," Impact of Science on Society, XXII (January- June 1972), p. 97. 15. D. Gvishiani, "The Scientific and Technological Revolution and Scientific Problems," Social Sciences (Moscow), I (7) (1972), p. 47. 16. Pravda, July 3, 1977. 16 17. Hutchings, Soviet Science, Technology, Design, pp. 4-5. See also Ronald Amann, "The Soviet Research and Development System: The Pressures of Academic tra- dition and Rapid Industrialization," Minerva, VIII (1970), pp. 221-224. 18. Pravda, March 31, 1971. 19. For the best discussion of the problems of in- novation, see Joseph Berliner, The Innovation Decision in Soviet Industry (Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press, 1976). 20. Graham, "The Development of Science Policy in the Soviet Union," pp. 25-27. See also his excellent essay, "The Formation of Soviet Research Institutes: A Combination of Revolutionary Innovation and Inter- national Borrowing," Social Studies of Science, No. 5 (1975), pp. 303-329. 21. L. S. Blyakhman and A. F. Ivanov, "Nauchno-pro- izvodstvennoye obedineniye kak forma sistemnoi organ- izatsii tsikla issledovaniye-proizvodstvo," Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, seriya ekonomicheskaya, 6 (1971), p. 39. 22. V. G. Afanasyev, Nauchno-tekhnicheskaya revolyu- tsiya, upravleniye, obrazovaniye (Moscow: Politizdat, 1972), pp. 26-27, 312-313. 23. See the discussion by Hutchings, Soviet Science, Technology, Design, pp. 9-11 and the three volume study by Anthony C. Sutton, Western Technology and So- viet Economic Development, 1930-1965 (Stanford: Hoover Institution Press, 1971-1973). 24. On these two guidance systems, see G. Kh. Popov, Effektivnoye upravleniye (Moscow: Ekonomika, 1976) , pp. 128-136. 17 VIII THE ORGANIZATION OF R&D OVERALL STRUCTURE AND INSTITUTIONAL SETTING In keeping with the Kremlin's basically central- ized approach to science policy, the organization and conduct of R&D in the USSR are highly structured along strong hierarchical lines. Soviet authorities attempt to plan and manage the research-to-production process as a single unit. Accordingly, the institu- tional structure that has been created to promote the process is regarded as an integrated "organizational system" with relatively detailed formal roles and re- sponsibilities assigned to the vast array of individ- ual actors and special agencies that make up its con- stituent parts. Generally speaking, as many observers have noted, the overall institutional framework resembles the in- ternal organization of a large business enterprise that operates on mainly three levels (Figure 9-1) . At the top or apex of the pyramid is the corporate "head- quarters" that includes the chief executives and their main staff assistants and offices. Their task is to develop broad strategy and to set organizational pol- icy and procedure. In the USSR the central decision making authorities include both Communist Party and governmental units at the all-union or national level as well as the republic level. There are also what we may term "functional" agencies which are responsible for the formulation, coordination, and monitoring of policy in a given area for all establishments in the economy. Most of these agencies are designated "state committees" and report directly to the central governmental policy-making organs. Such functions as planning, finance, and supply are the responsibility of bodies of this type. 18 2 m H >> H CO Z td H S H O > < o z S Q H Z O O Z Ed M ofS z 3 Z H < o h3 P 0- H P — > o i 00 w p O P - - 1 ■j a ill 1 = a. en — a mm mm J C 12 m m- a i ! - !i> < < = a, « : ii > y - — e f* u x o j e - 51 — a - a x -j - - - (fl •» ** -* 3 "* r CD • "■ O * ■ — - M mm m- mm i a : < i '-> .* a a a o> 3 — a — hi u m* Of ac 01 w c > _ " w a 9 - en a > u 3 M S Z m\ Ul M -■ s a w 1 1 - J. U 0 s ■; = | * 50 5 * ' y 3 •* ^ V "5 v 1 ac U - ■rf y, - 3 w • -9 a w Z en a 0 *J3 u e a «■ a a 3 3 -* "3 3 3 a ■a — - - ; • U o i. — "3 3 19 Below this top governing structure, on a second level, are the specialized and relatively autonomous "product" divisions and "line" agencies which are re- sponsible for directing all activities of a collec- tion of performing establishments which operate in a particular area. In the Soviet context there are three such major divisions or institutional subsys- tems. Each tends to concentrate on specific stages of the R&D process. Academies of sciences special- ize in basic research while industrial branch minis- tries focus on applied research, design, development, and production assimilation. The Ministry of Higher and Specialized Secondary Education constitutes the third performing network and includes universities and independent R&D facilities. Such organizations engage in fundamental or applied research, depending upon the orientation of the facility or individual researcher. Finally, at the base of the structure are the individual units which actually conduct re- search, development, education, and production ac- tivities. At each level operating policy tends to be set with the direct or indirect participation of the functional agencies in their respective domains. The nature and role(s) of pertinent specific or generic types of organs noted in Figure 9-1 are described briefly in the following discussion. To be sure, the highly centralized pattern of or- ganization and conduct of R&D is the most distinctive feature of Soviet science policy. This characteris- tic also clearly distinguishes the Kremlin's approach from the American format. However, our understanding of the basic functioning and fundamental problems of scientific R&D in the USSR will be imperfect if we see only the dominant hierarchical lines of the for- mal organizational blueprint. Though strongly centralized, the Soviet system is far from being a monolith. The institutional world of R&D is, indeed, a highly complex and compartmen- talized structure. Power is dispersed and authority is divided among a myriad of organizational centers. 20 In 1972, for example, nearly 140 ministries on either an all-union or union republic level had under their jurisdiction R&D establishments. *■ This fragmented administrative structure, in turn, influences — if not dictates — the fundamentally bureaucratic character of science policy making and implementation. Adhering to the principle that "science cannot be administered exclusively from a single center," Kremlin authori- ties emphasize the joint realization of planning and management functions. 2 That is, the basic modus ope- randi in Soviet R&D revolves around joint decision making, power sharing, and cooperative actions in a multi-organizational context. To a large extent, the overall structure itself generates certain "pluralist" forces and tendencies in Soviet R&D. Though admittedly of a different kind and degree than in America, organizational pluralism exists and exerts substantial influence on the policy process. The research-to-production cycle must pass through a variety of decision paths and clearance points. Disagreements and delays over choices and strategies occur at every turn. Cooperation is achieved and maintained with great difficulty. Noth- ing works smoothly. Given this context, a heavy burden falls particularly on those agencies responsi- ble for coordinating R&D. As the principal referees and synthesizers, they are the ones who must develop and display effective managerial abilities in balanc- ing mixed coalitions of opinion, criticism, and advo- cacy in the pursuit of national goals. While these behavioral features of Soviet R&D planning and management are treated in more detail in subsequent chapters, we mention them here because they are largely rooted in and shaped by organiza- tional factors. Moreover, structure per se is inher- ently static. In any brief description of formal in- frastructure it is easy to lose sight of the organi- zational dynamics around which the whole machinery turns. It is also important to note that the Soviet S&T establishment has evolved over several decades. There 21 is no evidence that the distribution of power among the central agencies concerned with administering R&D has changed significantly during the last 10 years. At the performing level, on the other hand, consider- able experimentation and some change have taken place in the organization of R&D in this interval. In gen- eral, though, institutional continuity and stability have been distinct hallmarks of Soviet science and technology. At the same time, science analysts and political leaders in Moscow have begun increasingly to take a second look at basic organizational approaches in re- sponse to complaints that R&D institutions suffer from too much stability, that they have become struc- turally rigid and unresponsive to changing conditions and new demands. Subsequently, some efforts are un- derway to create new, or at least modified, institu- tional arrangements and more effective organizational forms linking and integrating the innovation process. We return to a discussion of these contemporary or- ganizational issues in the final part of this study. For the moment, our task is to present the formal organizational chart and to outline the main entities managing and supporting Soviet research and develop- ment. This panoramic sketch helps orient subsequent discussions of the formulation and implementation of R&D plans. The latter, in turn, provide explanations of the terminology employed in the brief descriptions of the roles of the participating organizations. THE TOP GOVERNING MACHINERY All threads of decision making in science policy, as in other major issue areas, come together at the peak of the Soviet political pyramid. Though power tends to be highly concentrated, there is, even at the top, structural and functional differentiation, which is reflected in separate institutions charged with executive, legislative, and administrative func- 22 tions. Thus, the organization of authority continues to take the form of an intricate, weblike structure of specialized agencies, divided responsibilities, and complex relationships. Central Policy-Making Organs At the Ail-Union and Republic Levels Policy-making authority is formally exercised by three organs at the all-union and republic levels. These are (1) the leadership elements of the Commu- nist Party, at the all-union level the Central Com- mittee and its elected Politburo and Secretariat; (2) the legislative organ, at the all-union level the Supreme Soviet; and (3) the Councils of Ministers. The authority wielded by the Party derives from its status as the only ruling party and sole repository of legitimacy in the system rather than from any for- mal responsibility within the Soviet governmental hi- erarchy. The highest organ of state authority, as specified in the Soviet constitution, is the Supreme Soviet, while the USSR Council of Ministers, report- ing to the Supreme Soviet, is the central administra- tive organ of the government. There are counterpart bodies for the Supreme Soviet, the Council of Minis- ters, and the Central Committee of the Party in each of the 15 republics of the Union* with the exception of the Russian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic, where there is no republic Central Committee. This general tripartite division of institutions and functions, however, should not be taken to imply a genuine separation of powers or checks and balances along American lines. In actuality, it has always been clear that final authority in the USSR rests with the Communist Party and its own executive ap- paratus. The legislative and executive branches of government are of secondary importance in the formu- lation of fundamental policy, and, sometimes, in de- _ _ These are the Russian, Estonian, Latvian, Lithu- anian, Belorussian, Ukrainian, Moldavian, Armenian, Georgian, Azerbaidzhan, Kazakh, Turkmen, Tadzhik, Uzbek, and Kirgiz Soviet Socialist Republics. 23 ciding even operational questions. Though a more ra- tional division of decision making responsibility has recently evolved, the real political bargaining over basic policy still occurs within the executive organs of the Communist Party. The Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU) Although the Party has no formal responsibility in R&D planning and management, the de facto authority of the Party is extensive. The highest organs of the Party — the Politburo and the Secretariat — generally are acknowledged to be, respectively, the leading de- cision-making body and chief executive arm in the So- viet Union. The Politburo defines national priori- ties and determines the broad contours of policy for the economy, science, and technology. Directives of the Politburo, in turn, are reflected in the policy deliberations and formulations of the USSR Council of Ministers; indeed, questions of fundamental impor- tance are decided jointly by the Central Committee and the Council and are published as joint decrees. As evidence of the close working relationship between the Party and government leadership elements, virtu- ally all members of the USSR Council of Ministers are also members of the Central Committee and, in some cases, also of the Politburo. The Central Committee Secretariat is the chief ex- ecutive body of the Party charged with operational coordination and day-to-day decision making. The Sec- retariat reserves the right to intervene in the work- ings of the ministries and other government agencies to enforce priorities. Its Department of Science and Higher Educational Institutions exercises broad over- sight responsibilities in science-related matters. In addition, this department has been a major training ground for high level science and educational admin- istrators. For example, M. A. Prokofiev, the Minis- ter of Education, was at one time its head as was V. A. Kirillin, the Chairman of the State Committee for Science and Technology. Other departments of the Secretariat that appear to play important roles in S&T policy are those of Defense Industry, Heavy 24 Industry, Chemical Industry, and Planning and Fi- nance. In general, though, pur knowledge of the na- ture and distribution of functions within the appa- ratus of the Central Committee in this policy sphere is very limited. It is clear that considerable influence is exer- cised by the Party machinery through its general con- trol of personnel selection. All major appointments in scientific and educational institutions are first screened and approved by the Central Committee or its local counterparts, depending upon the significance of the post. Below the level of the Central Committee, Party organization to a large degree parallels the organi- zation of the government and economy. Party organs are established on a territorial basis (republic* province, and city). Party cells or at least repre- sentatives are also created in all significant per- forming establishments. Down the hierarchies of pub- lic administration, Party officials supervise and penetrate the legislative and executive organs of government, in a complex pattern of cooptation and interdependence. A principal reason for this kind of organizational arrangement is to enable Party authorities to monitor economic and technical plan- ning and performance through channels independent of the government hierarchy and, when necessary, to fa- cilitate plan fulfillment with such measures as Party assistance in resource allocation. In general, Party organs have a pronounced impact on science policy formulation and implementation, particularly at the highest levels of the Party. While the informal or unstated nature of the impact renders it difficult to document systematically, the Party remains a potent force. The Supreme Soviet of the USSR The Supreme Soviet is the highest legislative body in the Soviet government. About 1500 deputies are elected to this "parliament," usually every five 25 years, from among the "leading elements" of Soviet society. As. a general estimate, about 35 percent of the deputies are "outstanding" workers and peasants by occupation, 35 percent are Party officials and government administrators, and the remainder are var- ious kinds of professionals, including scientists and engineers . Though membership in the Communist Party is not required for election, about three quarters of the deputies elected to the Supreme Soviet in 1974 were Party members. The internal organization of the Supreme Soviet and the relationship of the Soviet to the Council of Ministers is illustrated in Figure 9-2, The Supreme Soviet generally meets in full session no more than six to seven days a year. During these sessions the deputies briefly discuss and approve legislation formulated and presented by the Council of Ministers and the Party Central Committee. Between meetings, the authority of the Supreme Soviet is ex- ercised by its Presidium. This body includes 39 mem- bers: a chairman, a first deputy chairman, 15 deputy chairmen (comprised of the chairmen of the supreme Soviets of the 15 union republics), a secretary, and 21 ordinary members. Of the latter group elected to the Presidium in 1974, 11, including Brezhnev and 5 other members of the Politburo and Secretariat, were members or candidates of the CPSU Central Committee. The composition of the membership again shows the in- terlocking character of Party and government authori- ties at the top of the political command structure. The Chairman of the Supreme Soviet Presidium, it may be noted, is referred to as the president of the USSR, In June 1977 Leonid Brezhnev assumed this post in ad- dition to his position as General Secretary of the Party. In general, the Supreme Soviet has great constitu- tional authority but little effective political pow- er. While the Soviet is officially the head of the government, the sessions of the Soviet are too short to permit meaningful deliberation of policy. Its pri- mary concern is to legitimize and propagandize poli- cies made elsewhere. 26 w H co 25 O 0- co CO CO w > w o H CM I oo 3 W H CO O H H H << OJ O H 2 a OS o H 2 O M ■J o Z w > o o o CO a as o ft, . JS 0) oi -0 u cue 1 -H O C (0 a 3 ■H 0) o CO -H 60 O T3 M CJ C 01 •H CO 1-1 u > I C C M >> 4) O U O C CO C > -H O O -4 CO C H Tt 0u 1 t-l O 4J *J C ou C <0 « 0) CO 01 CJ 0) C 3 M W PL, C 01 o cj CO T3 3 it M T-t C a W U 60 01 to 0) JS CO i-t 0) C 3 3 4J -H U PL, O O CO o a co CO 0) •H u i-l l-l CO c o ■H u CO z OS l-t CO 3 u i-t u ■H • JS o I U CO 1 X 3 u-i 01 i-i •3 js s > 0 ) "4-4 0) o js CO u-i o o 0 i o a 4-1 0) O to L 1 0) r-l u i-H c a ■ a. •H IM PL, l-t 0) o 3 CJ O CJ a •H co c a 01 e 3 3 u 3 O o a. u u 3 CO 0) JS *J <4-t o •H CJ C 3 O u sions ience , g and Com- d with co cj c i-l CO ■H 0) 4J > a c C H 5s 1 - c OI o CJ o e co C > "H CJ O ,-t 4 CH ■h a. e m o u u U PL, C cfl « 0) CO 0) CJ 01 PL, C 0) C 3 t-i *-> O cj CO "3 3 0» U i-l c S U U U C ^ T3 0) CO 01 JS 0) iH 0) Q T3 C CO 43 O i-t cO CO CO c Cfl cO 5 00 C 4-1 •H M fl O e J3 CO CO rH PL4 ffj CO 4-1 CO c D CU e • • CU o >-4 3 o CO 27 The de jure functions of the Supreme Soviet rela- ting to R&D planning and management include discus- sion and approval of national plans and of legisla- tion regarding the organization of state administra- tion of science and technology. Overall, the in- volvement— if not influence — of the Supreme Soviet in policy making may have increased somewhat in 1966 with the creation of permanent standing commissions for such matters as education, science, and culture; planning and budget; industry; agriculture; and transportation and communications. These commissions have the formal authority to do the following: 1. Supervise activities of organs of state ad- ministration in appropriate fields 2 . Make preliminary studies of appropriate sec- tions of the national economic plan 3. Present findings on matters submitted for their consideration 4. Initiate legislation and present it to the full Soviet? The Council of Ministers of the USSR The Council of Ministers is the most powerful or- gan of state administration and the final authority on the organization of Soviet ministries. Composed of nearly 100 members, the Council includes the heads of the most important government agencies, and ex of- ficio, the 15 chairmen of the councils of ministers of the constituent union republics. With the excep- tion of the latter group, each member of the Council is responsible for administering specific sectors of the nation's economic, political, military, or so- cial-cultural life. His administrative domain may include, for example, a branch of industry; a nation- al level or interrepublic service, such as the run- ning of the railroads; a functional area, such as planning or finance; or such agencies as the Minis- tries of Foreign Trade, Education, and Justice. 28 Ministries are basically of three kinds: all- union, union-republic, and republic. All-union ministries are established for sectors of national importance and priority with no clear republic ori- entation; examples are the chemical and aviation in- dustries. These ministries, which are highly cen- tralized in Moscow, directly administer activities and facilities under their jurisdiction, regardless of their geographical location. Union-republic min- istries are- established for sectors where there is significant intrarepublic activity. Union-republic ministries may administer a few activities directly, but they ordinarily operate through counterpart min- istries bearing the same name in each of the repub- lics. Thus the USSR Ministry of Health transmits its directives for implementation by the ministries of health in each republic. Legally, union-republic ministries in the republic are responsible to the re- public councils of ministers and legislative organs as well as to their parent ministry in Moscow. Exam- ples of union-republic ministries with counterpart ministries in all republics are Agriculture, Con- struction Materials, and Culture. Examples with min- istries in only selected republics are the Coal In- dustry and Ferrous Metallurgy. Republic ministries, the third type, generally are concerned with ser- vices, such as automotive transport or local indus- try. Republic ministries are not represented in the USSR Council of Ministers, but operate under the im- mediate supervision of the councils of ministers and legislative organs of the individual republics. Chairmen of state committees sit on the USSR Coun- cil of Ministers and are accorded the same status as ministers. State committees deal primarily with mat- ters that cut across the jurisdictions of convention- al departments. Those prominent state committees, which significantly influence the development of science and technology, include: 1. The State Planning Committee (Gosplan) 2. The State Committee for Science and Tech- nology (GKNT) 29 3. The State Committee for Material and Technical Supp ly (Go s snab) 4. The State Committee for Construction Affairs (Gosstroy) 5. The State Committee for Inventions and Dis- coveries (Goskomizobreteniya) 6. The State Committee for Standards (Gos- standart) 7. The State Bank (Gosbank) 8. The Central Statistical Administration (TsSU) Other minor agencies of the Council whose activities relate to science and technology are: 1. The State Committee for Utilization of Atomic Energy 2. The Main Administration for Geodesy and Car- tography 3. The State Committee on Hydrometeorology and Environment 4. The Main Administration of Microbiological Industry 5. The Committee for Lenin and State Prizes in Science and Technology Given the unwieldy size of the Council of Minis- ters, cohesion and coordination are provided by its Presidium, a kind of inner cabinet. The Presidium includes the chairman, two first deputy chairmen, and about 10 deputy chairmen. Among the deputy chairmen are the heads of four state committees which inter- face most importantly with S&T policy (the GKNT, Gos- plan, Gossnab, and Gosstroy). The Chairman of the USSR Council of Ministers is designated "Premier" and is the effective, operational leader of the govern- ment. 30 The Council of Ministers, as the principal policy- making organ of the government, has general responsi- bility for organizing and administering all scientif- ic, technical, and production activities in the So- viet economy. As illustrated in Figure 9-1, all state facilities ultimately report to the Council. Overseeing the critical planning function is a ma- jor occupation of the Council. Plans for all sub- ordinate organs and facilities are derived from the national plan, which is inspired, prepared under the guidance of, and approved by the Council of Minis- ters. In the sphere of R&D planning and management, the scope and breadth of the Council's ultimate auth- ority are illustrated by the following Soviet enu- meration of pertinent Council responsibilities: 1. General administration of R&D 2. Resolution of all questions concerning the or- ganization and administration of R&D 3. Development of measures to improve the manage- ment of R&D 4. Examination and approval of the "main direc- tions" of R&D 5. Establishment of procedures for developing R&D plans and for introducing research results in- to the national economy 6. Development of the plan for S&T progress 7. Organization of S&T information 8. Finance of R&D 9. Resolution of questions on wages and working conditions of scientists and engineers 10. Training of scientific and engineering person- nel 11. Resolution of questions about copyright, pa- tents, and laws on invention and discovery. 31 Each of these responsibilities forms the basic work- ing orientation for one or more of the Council's state committees or specialized agencies. Policy-Making Organs of the Union-Republic Governments The governments of the union republics are pat- terned after the central government establishment, with a Supreme Soviet and a Council of Ministers in each republic. As with the central government, real administrative authority rests with the councils of ministers and, ultimately, the republic Communist Parties. The membership of a republic council of ministers consists of the heads of about 30 republic and republic-level union-republic ministries as well as republic counterparts to state committees and oth- er specialized agencies. Republic ministries are directly the province of the republic council of ministers. However, under the principle of "dual subordination" a union-repub- lic ministry or agency is subordinate to both its respective republic council of ministers and its su- perior ministry in Moscow. Figure 9-3 illustrates the interrelationships between ministries and agen- cies of this type and all-union and republic policy- making organs. Note that each of the three types of institutional hierarchies concerned with science and technology — the academies of sciences, the industrial branch ministries, and the ministries of higher and specialized secondary education — is characterized in part by conditions of dual subordination. The republic councils of ministers have authority over a broad range of issues pertaining to the di- rection of scientific and technical progress in the institutes and enterprises of the republic. Relevant functions include: 1. Consideration of draft plans developed by the central ministries for their subordinate or- ganizations in the republic 32 FIGURE 8-3 ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE OF SCIENCE POLICY AT THE UNION REPUBLIC LEVEL USSR Council of Ministers USSR State Committee for Science and Technology USSR Academy of Sciences State State Planning Committee Union Republic Council of Ministers Union Republic Academy of Sciences USSR Ministry of Higher and Specialized Secondary Education Union Republic State Planning Committee Union Republic Ministry of Higher and Specialized Secondary Education Union Republic Ministries, Agencies, and Committees for Management of the Union Republic Economy by Branch Links between union and union-republic organs of administration and Che Academy of Sciences, and organs of state administration in a union republic Links between organs of state administration at the all-union and republic levels Source: "USSR Short Answers," p. 2. 33 2. Submission of proposals to the USSR Gosplan and Council of Ministers 3. Establishment of procedures for organizing and administering scientific institutions of the republic 4. Establishment of new scientific institutions 5. Allocation of funds for scientific institu- tions 6. Coordination of republic activities with the appropriate all-union agencies 7. Determination of the competence of union-re- public administrative organs to which scien- tific institutions are subordinate^ In general, the functions of the republic councils of ministers resemble and complement functions of the USSR Council of Ministers. According to some Soviet science analysts, there is much more diversity and greater deficiencies in the organization, planning, and management of R&D on the republic level than at the center. The plural- ization of institutions and fragmentation of admin- istration are more pronounced on the republic level where there is no counterpart to the State Committee for Science and Technology, except in Georgia. In most republics, the leading role in R&D administra- tion has passed to the republic state planning com- mittee. Still there is no uniformity of procedure or operation at this level. Even the name of the special departments handling S&T matters at the gos- plan and council of ministers varies from one repub- lic to another, each reflecting its own particular focus and priorities. Existing gaps and neglect, not to mention conflicts, in the allocation and exercise of R&D administrative responsibilities in the repub- lics cause difficulties and delays in the organiza- tion and flow of information to and from the Gorky Street headquarters of the USSR GKNT in Moscow. In 34 the words of one Russian critic, the whole decision process, becomes, "overloaded and frozen." According to another, such an arrangement of structures and functions contradicts the demands for an optimal system of S&T planning and management." Functional Agencies Engaged in R&D Planning and Management The role of state committees and other agencies depicted in Figure 9-1 essentially is to manage a subset of policy mechanisms on behalf of the Council of Ministers of the USSR and the republic councils. Administration of branch scientific and production activities, which is the responsibility of the min- istries, depends upon provision of a number of com- mon services, such as planning, finance, and supply. The Soviet leadership has chosen to concentrate pro- vision of these services in particular state commit- tees and functional ministries. Of these services, planning has the most immediate and widespread im- pact. Agencies concerned with planning of R&D and related activities are the State Committee for Sci- ence and Technology, the State Planning Committee, and the USSR Academy of Sciences. Other agencies manage complementary activities, such as finance and supply, or specialized operations which support plan- ning and management, such as the maintenance of stan- dards. While there are few R&D and production facil- ities administratively subordinate to these agencies, the agencies have broad powers to establish proce- dures and to issue binding orders on matters within their competence. These orders significantly influ- ence the operation of all facilities throughout the Soviet economy. The basic task of this network of functional in- terbranch agencies is to coordinate the vast and di- verse Soviet R&D effort. On paper, these organiza- tions possess formidable powers to enforce central priorities and to facilitate uniform S&T policies. In practice, however, they frequently lack the auth- ority and means necessary to perform their integrat- ing functions. Instead of regulating developments 35 in their tangled branch constituencies, they are themselves at times b.eing regulated and ignored. The ministries do not always accept the recommendations of these central agencies; instead, they pursue their own ways and wishes. To be sure, the actual workings of this machinery of coordination are much more complex than implied by the formal organization chart. The key to under- standing Soviet policies lies not so much in the structure of institutions as in the fundamentally bu- reaucratic context in which they operate. The auth- ority and activity of state committees are frequently circumscribed. Caught in a constant cross fire of pressures from competing and powerful organizations, each promoting its own interests and R&D goals, the committees find themselves challenged and constrained at every turn. Given the nature of their overlapping and shared responsibilities for R&D planning and man- agement, the state committees are frequently forced to seek the approval of and some kind of accommoda- tion with various branch ministries, government de- partments, and other state committees, not to mention Party agencies. They are integral parts of a giant maze of bureaucratic subsystems and circles of admin- istrative confusion, rather than standing apart from it. As a result the state committees are forced to perform a continuous and difficult balancing act in which national goals and priorities are reconciled with the special interests of the numerous organiza- tions that comprise and conduct the Soviet R&D ef- fort. This process inevitably involves them in heavy political conflict, bargaining, and compromise. Al- though we still know little about the actual mechan- ics of power and processes of negotiation within the Soviet system, the reality of bureaucratic politics and its imprint on science policy are unmistakable. With these caveats in mind, we can now briefly describe the formal functions of the major agencies involved in R&D planning and management at the cen- tral level. Discussion of the Academy of Sciences is taken up in the next section, as the Academy combines 36 general planning and cqordina.ting activities with ad- ministrative responsibility for a large number of R&D facilities. The State Committee for Science and Technology (GKNT) Within this governmental structure the State Com- mittee for Science and Technology occupies a pivotal role. It acts as a "special balancing mechanism" for the USSR Council of Ministers, providing cohesion and coordination among the state committees and central departments. ° That is, the GKNT is the agency that bears primary responsibility for ensuring the formu- lation and conduct of a unified S&T policy. The GKNT, an all-union agency, was formed in 1965, replacing the union-republic State Committee for the Coordination of Scientific Research, Other predeces- sor organizations of the GKNT performing a similar function were the State Scientific and Technical Com- mittee (1957-1961) , the State Committee for New Tech- nology (1955-1957), Gosplan (1951-1955), and the State Committee for the Introduction of Advanced Technology into the National Economy (1947-1951) . Un- til 1947 the planning of science and technology was handled within Gosplan. ° The State Committee itself consists of about 70 members, about a third of whom are members of the USSR Academy of Sciences and other academies. Some Government ministers and prominent industrial leaders sit on the GKNT. Among the ex officio members are the President of the USSR Academy of Sciences, the Chairman of the State Committee for Standards, the Chairman of the State Committee for Inventions and Discoveries, the Minister of Higher and Specialized Secondary Education, and a deputy chairman of Gos- plan. Some top executives from the Committee staff are also members of the GKNT. The State Committee, as such, meets only once or twice a year to consider the main directions for the development of science and technology as well as to approve the list of pri- ority R&D problems to be included in the five year plan. 37 The executive body of the GKNT is the Collegium, composed of fewer than 2Q members and chaired by G.I. Marchuk, the Chairman of the State Committee. Be- sides the various deputy chairmen, the heads of cer- tain departments and divisions plus a few Academi- cians make up the membership. The Collegium meets weekly and examines all problems that come before the GKNT. Though the Collegium acts as an advisory body, its decisions become decrees signed by Kirillin, and its orders are followed by all departments of the State Committee. A simplified scheme of the internal organization of the GKNT is presented in Figure 9-4. In addition to various functional divisions charged with hand- ling international liaison, information dissemina- tion, science organization, and other tasks, depart- ments have been established to monitor S&T develop- ments in particular branches of industry, such as chemicals and machine building. Functioning under the GKNT is also an elaborate network of advisory bodies which assist in the analysis of institutional and policy problems of science and technology. Inte- gral to this special consultative machinery are more than 60 scientific councils on major interbranch S&T problems, such as oceanography, new welding proces- ses, and catalysis and its industrial utilization. Some 5,500 persons participate in the work of these councils, including nearly 160 academicians and cor- responding members of the USSR and republic academies of sciences, more than 1000 doctors of science and about 1600 candidates of science. 10 The councils monitor and forecast developments in a particular field of science and technology, and/or progress in solving important, national engineering and economic problems . The GKNT, as suggested by the above description, is the principal state agency concerned with overall S&T policy and performance. While possessing limited direct authority over the actual conduct of research, development, and innovation, the GKNT exercises im- portant guidance and liaison functions for other min- istries and agencies in R&D planning, coordination, and performance. 38 FIGURE 8-4 STRUCTURE OF THE USSR STATE COMMITTEE FOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Advisory Groups Scientific Councils for Major Intarbranch S&T ? rob Loos Scientific and __ Technical ::3au8ioni Expert Groups — .'nified Interaepaxt- i«ntii Council for Coordination of Scientific Research on Major Complex Problems in Agri- culture, Water ■j sources, end Forestry n Scientific Council on Organization and economics of Scientific and Technical ?>esearcr. and Development 3ranch Departments J Electric Power _ and Equipment Chemistry Mineral Resources Agriculture Metallurgy 1- Precis ion Instrument -bull ding and Sadioelectronics Machine 3uilding n rnmyttrmr Technology j and Management System* ' Scientific Equips Transportation >1 Light and Food Industries Timber and Construction Industry functional Divisions Departments Science Organization Financing and Capital Investments H Summary Scientific and Technical ?lan n i Organization and Economics of Scientific and Technical Research Environmental Protection [—1 International Economic and Sclent if ic -Technical Organizations Foreign Travel and Assignments Personnel Administrative Services Administrations S&T Information and Propaganda Foreign Contacts S&T Cooperation with Socialise Countries source: Louvan E. Nolting, The Structure and Functions of the U.S.S.R. State Committee for Science and Technology (Washington, D.C., 1979), p. 21. 39 With respect to R&D planning and interagency co- ordination, the GKNT 1. Prepares S&T forecasts and approves procedures for developing such forecasts 2. Draws up proposals for the main directions of R&D 3. Drafts a list of major S&T problems to be solved during the next five year plan 4. Cooperates with Gosplan, Gosstroy, and the Academy of Sciences in developing proposals for the five year plans for S&T 5. Cooperates with Gosplan and the Academy in proposals for introducing R&D results into the economy.1 The planning and coordination functions are particu- larly apparent on large, important projects which ex- tend beyond the boundaries of a particular ministry, i.e., so-called "interbranch" problems. Such pro- jects proposed by the ministries or other agencies are submitted to the GKNT for approval. The GKNT controls an important share of the financing of such projects and tries to settle disputes between parti- cipating organizations. The State Committee also oversees the implementation of these projects. The GKNT also has a significant role in support- ing and monitoring ongoing R&D. The GKNT works on the development of indicators to measure S&T progress and exercises control over development of the R&D re- source base. It may decree the establishment or closing of institutions, and it approves overall re- quirements for machinery and equipment in the draft enterprise plans. Together with Gosplan and Gossnab it participates in supplying equipment to priority projects. With Gossnab it plans the financing of material and technical supply and finances the dis- tribution of materials and equipment. In collabo- ration with the State Committee for Labor and Social 40 Problems, the GKNT develops proposals regarding the payment of scientists,. Operationally, the committee has. the authority to review important research being conducted at institutes, and it may issue binding di- rectives to" cease R&D work which is redundant or of no value. " The State Planning Committee (Gosplan) Gosplan has overall responsibility for the formu- lation of economic plans which guide the activities of middle-level management organs and their subordi- nate facilities in pursuit of the objectives laid down by the central leadership. Functioning essen- tially as the "nerve center" of the Soviet economy, Gosplan possesses considerable power over establish- ments in every field. As a union-republic agency, Gosplan' s authority extends to activities throughout the economy. A simplified internal organizational chart for Gosplan is provided in Figure 9-5. Gosplan maintains departments for at least 30 different branches of the economy and also has departments con- cerned with general policy matters. One of the latter is the Department for Comprehen- sive Planning of the Introduction of New Technology into the National Economy, established in 1966. The concern of this department is indicative of the ori- entation of Gosplan in R&D planning and management. While general R&D planning is primarily the respon- sibility of the GKNT and of the Academy of Sciences, Gosplan cooperates with these agencies in planning the introduction of R&D results into the economy. Specifically the pertinent functions of Gosplan in- clude: 1. Collaboration with the GKNT in consideration of large interbranch (interministerial) S&T projects 2. Planning the introduction of new technology 3. Consideration of the overall volume of capital investment for S&T 41 FIGURE 8-5 GENERAL ORGANIZATION OF THE USSR STATE PLANNING COMMITTEE (GOSPLAN) Chairman Collegium Staff Organizations Administrative Legal Financial General Administration of Affairs Party Committee Main Computer Center Main Administrations and Departments Branches of the National Economy Councils and Commissions 1 Institutes Attached to Gosplan 42 4. Collaboration with the Ministry of Finance and the GKNT to determine the levels, of fund- ing for S&T projects 5. Collaboration with Gossnab on planning materi- al and technical supplies for R&D institutions 6. Participation in developing plans for training scientific manpower 7. Collaboration with the State Committee on la- bor and Social Problems and with the Ail-Union Council of Trade Unions on wages and working conditions for scientific personnel. 13 Overall, a major concern of Gosplan is the integra- tion of technical plan targets with Gosplan1 s princi- pal concern, production plan targets. The State Committee for Material and Technical Supply (Gossnab) In the Soviet Union the allocation of commodities is centrally planned in accordance with the output targets specified by Gosplan. Supply of the most im- portant articles is planned by Gosplan itself while supply of the remainder is planned by all-union or territorial organs of Gossnab, a union-republic agen- cy. Inputs for industrial R&D are included in the overall material and technical supply system, while special provision has been made for acquisition of inputs by Academy and university facilities. Facilities requiring inputs submit their requests to Gossnab, manager of the material and technical supply system. The transfer of items takes place only when Gossnab issues orders for their delivery. In general, Gossnab' s authority is used to resolve conflicting demands on supply and to balance the ma- terial needs of producers and consumers,!^ The State Committee for Construction Affairs (Gosstroy) Gosstroy, a union-republic agency, plans and mon- itors capital construction and major renovation of 43 facilities in the USSR. In §&T, Gosstroy develops and implements, uniform policies directed at acceler- ating technical progress in construction to raise the effectiveness of this branch of industry. Specifically, Gosstroy is charged with identifying basic S&T problems in construction, construction ma- terials, and architecture; with developing plans for research to address such problems; and with coordi- nating the relevant R&D. Gosstroy1 s S&T plans are developed in collaboration with the GKNT and minis- tries as well as other agencies of the Council of Ministers .15 The State Committee for Standards (Gosstandart) Gosstandart, an all-union body, assigns and di- rects work on the development of technical and eco- nomic standards, approves new standards that have been developed, and conducts statewide inspections to assure introduction of and adherence to approved standards.^" Recently, Gosstandart has become in- creasingly concerned with the elaboration of uniform procedures for such activities as design and produc- tion assimilation. The growing importance attached to standardization relates to stepped-up efforts to improve product quality as well as to economize on design resources. The State Committee for Inventions and Discoveries (Goskomizobreteniya) The State Committee for Inventions and Discoveries maintains the state register of inventions and dis- coveries and seeks to promote innovation in Soviet science and industry. Among the responsibilities of the Committee are the issuance of "author certifi- cates" and patents, the introduction of inventions into the economy, and the protection of state inter- ests in inventions. Scientific discoveries are recog- nized through the issuance of diplomas. Author cer- tificates, the most common form of recognition, dif- fer from patents in that the rights to the invention accrue to the state, rather than to the inventors. 44 The certificates give the inventors/authors public acknowledgment, and if use of the invention or inno- vation results in production cost savings, monetary rewards often are given to the inventors. 1? An important function of the Committee is the na- tional dissemination of information about inventions. This is accomplished through the Committee* s Central Scientific Research Institute of Patent Information and Technical Economic Investigation and through the journal Discoveries, Inventions, Industrial Proto- types, and Trade Marks (Otkrytiya, izobreteniya, pro- myshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki) . The Higher Certification Commission (VAK) The Higher Certification Commission approves the awarding of advanced degrees, makes all appointments to senior academic positions, and selects the higher educational institutions for advanced training in re- search. The Commission also has the authority to re- voke degrees. The Commission is made up of profes- sors, doctors of science, and members of the USSR and republic academies of sciences. Since 1974 VAK has been an agency of the USSR Council of Ministers. Pre- viously, it was subordinate to the USSR Ministry of Higher and Specialized Secondary Education. THE THREE INSTITUTIONAL SUBSYSTEMS PERFORMING R&D Structurally, scientific R&D in the USSR is based within three different institutional subsystems: (1) academies of sciences; (2) industrial branch minis- tries; and (3) higher educational institutions or VUZy. The terms "academy science," "branch sci- ence," and "VUZ science" are commonly used in re- ferring to this tripartite division of the research sector. Indeed, Soviet science is divided predomi- nantly along institutional and administrative lines rather than according to different kinds of activity, 45 such as "basic research," "applied research," or "in- novation." The planning and financing of R&D are also conducted primarily on an institutional basis rather than by stages, projects, or programs. Each of these subsystems has a distinct orienta- tion. According to Nolting's estimates, fundamental research is concentrated overwhelmingly in the acad- emy system, which accounts for roughly 67 to 79 per- cent of the total. About 10 to 13 percent is per- formed in the VUZy and from 8 to 23 percent in branch R&D organizations. The latter, however, conduct the vast bulk (90 to 95 percent) of officially reported applied scientific research and development. Only about 5 to 10 percent of official applied R&D is done by the academies of sciences and the VUZy together. ^° Though the amount of R&D performed in the VUZy has grown recently, higher educational institutions re- main preoccupied with pedagogical functions. This predominantly teaching orientation reflects the So- viet pattern of research and education which has long been based on a degree of separation of the two that is much greater than in the United States. In terms of expenditures and manpower, the academy system employs 9 percent of all scientific workers and receives 8 percent of official allocations for R&D. Branch scientific institutions of all kinds have 58 percent of the scientific workers and 80 per- cent of the official science budget. Higher educa- tional institutions account for 28 percent and 9 per- cent, respectively. Only 3 percent of all scientific personnel and 2 percent of official science expendi- tures are concentrated in production enterprises and organizations . -*-° Organizational dissociation and administrative fragmentation are important features — and conse- quences— of this tripartite division of the R&D sys- tem. Each of these institutional networks is a re- latively independent administrative hierarchy. Each has its own distinct focus, set of interests, reward structure, and approaches to the R&D function. All three subsystems, moreover, are separated generally 46 not only from each other but from the world of pro- duction as well. In short, structural features help create and reinforce functional autonomy and nonin- tegrative attitudes throughout the Soviet R&D commu- nity. The following sections present the composition and organization of these three hierarchical subsystems, and briefly describe the R&D planning and management functions undertaken by the central management organ. The structure and functions of a typical industrial ministry are also outlined. Academies of Sciences The academies of sciences are prestigious organi- zations composed of scientists and engineers who are selected for membership in recognition of their pro- fessional competence and achievement. There are three types of academies — the all-union academy, re- public academies, and branch academies. Subordinate to each academy are a number of institutes, labora- tories, observatories, experimental stations, librar- ies, museums, and research ships. Most are organized around scientific or technical disciplines. As a rule, academy institutes tend to concentrate on fun- damental research and generally constitute the lead- ing Soviet facility in the particular scientific field. This scientific leadership is particularly true of the facilities of the USSR Academy of Sciences. The internal organization of this Academy is illustrated in Figure 9-6. All full and corresponding members constitute the General Assembly of the Academy. Be- tween sessions of the General Assembly, a Presidium consisting of elected full members of the Academy (Academicians) administers the Academy's affairs. The Presidium supervises 16 discipline-oriented divi- sions. These divisions oversee the activities of the Academy's research institutions. Between sessions of the Assembly, each Division is run by a Bureau headed by the Scientific-Secretary of the Division. Members of the Bureaus and the directors of research insti- 47 FIGURE 8-6 STRUCTURE OF THE USSR ACADEMY OF SCIENCES General Assembly Presidium — Organizations, Councils and Commissions Attached to the Presidium Siberian Division 1 Affiliaces Institutes Councils Institutes -cnmi ssions Council for Coordi- nation of Scientific Activities of the Republic Academies Republic Academies of Sciences Regional Amliates and Scientific Centers Institutes Councils Commissions The Administrative Apparatus of the Presidium X Physical-Technical and Mathematical Sciences Section Chemical-Technical and 3iological Sciences Section §■ -r Divisions Mathematics General Physics and Astronomy Nuclear Physics Physical-Technical Prob- lems of Energetics Mechanics and Control Processes -arta sciences Section 5 Social Sciences Section Scientific Councils for Problems Attached to Sections Divisions General and Tech- nical Chemistry Physical Chemistry and Technology of Inorganic Materials Biochemistry, Biophys- ics and Chemistry of Physiologically Active Compounds Physiology General 3iology §■ T Divisions Geology, Geophys- ics and Geochem- istry Oceanography, Physics of the Atmosphere and Geography Divisions Scientific Institutions a. Scientific Councils of Divisions §■ History Philosophy and Law Economics Literature and Languages Scientific Institutions Scientific Institutions Scientific Institutions Source: Gvishiani et al, Osnovnyye printsipy i obshchiye problemy upravleniya naukoy, pp. 182-183; Nolting, The Structure and Functions of the USSR State Com- mittee for Science and Technology, p. 28. 48 tutes are elected by the Assembly of the Academy. The institutes of the Academy tend to be centered in Moscow and in the Leningrad and Novosibirsk Divi- sions. However, the Academy has established a number of affiliates and scientific centers to promote the scientific and economic development of various re- gions. Their expressed purpose is to advance sci- entific progress on specific topics of more local im- portance so that the area can develop economically. The Soviet Academy has 8 affiliates and centers: Bashkir, Dagestan, Karelian, Kazan, Kola, Komi, the Far East, and the Urals. Each affiliate or center is managed by a presidium, consisting of heads of insti- tutes and affiliate subdivisions, plant managers, and representatives from higher educational institutions in the region. The Siberian Division of the Soviet Academy is unique in the Academy system. Unlike the discipline- oriented departments, it is governed by its own gen- eral assembly and presidium. It is administratively subordinate to both the USSR Academy and the Council of Ministers of the Russian Republic (RSFSR) . Funding is provided by the RSFSR, which has no republic acad- emy of its own. Thus, the Siberian Division has a certain measure of independence vis-a-vis the Soviet Academy. The principal facilities of the Siberian Division are located in Novosibirsk in what is known as Akademgorodok, or the Academy City. The republic academies are dually subordinate to the USSR Academy and to their respective republic councils of ministers. Funding and administrative supervision are the responsibility of the councils of ministers; technical and functional supervision is provided by the USSR Academy. The republic academies are more oriented toward solving industrial problems of their respective re- public than is the Soviet Academy. To avoid dupli- cation of effort, republic academies tend to be some- what specialized and limited in scope. In a number of cases, however, the institutes of republic acad- 49 emies are on a par with those of the USSR Academy, and some, like the Paton Institute of Electric Weld- ing of the Ukrainian Academy, are recognized as the leading Soviet institutions in their fields. Despite efforts to decentralize and disperse sci- entific resources, however, Soviet science remains highly concentrated in a few large urban centers. Moscow alone boasts one-fourth of all scientific workers, 34 percent of all doctors of science and 26 percent of all candidates of science. Here also are the most qualified researchers: 45 percent of all scientists with the title of professor; 72 percent of all full members and 64 percent of all correspond- ing members of the USSR Academy. In just three cit- ies— Moscow, Leningrad, and Kiev — are concentrated one fourth of all scientific institutions, nearly 40 percent of all R&D being performed in the country, and more than 45 percent of the total allocations to scientific research and development.^0 Finally, in addition to the Soviet and republic academies of sciences, there are several specialized branch academies under the ministries of their re- spective fields. Some significant research facili- ties are subordinate to these academies, particularly in biomedicine. The specialized academies of inter- est in R&D planning and management are the Academy of Medical Sciences under the USSR Ministry of Health, the Academy of Agricultural Sciences under the USSR Ministry of Agriculture, and the Academy of Pedagog- ical Sciences under the USSR Ministry of Higher and Specialized Secondary Education. It may be noted that the branch academy system was considerably re- duced in the 1960s and many of its institutions transferred to the republic academies. Table 9-1 supplies data concerning the size and composition of the all-union, republic, and branch academies. Table 9-2 provides data on the scientific centers of the USSR Academy of Sciences. The planning and managerial authority of the USSR Academy in fundamental research is extensive. Report- ing directly to the USSR Council of Ministers, the 50 u CO W CO W H W a CJ O Ed Q O M -l tD o En w m v£> vO m m CO <*• CO m On CM r^ m r^ CO ft *i VI 0k •N # CM CM -i cd M % P < C cd m-i •H O CO CO >> 3 6 M CU O T3 rH cd CU O PQ tf *tf % b cd b 6 ^ B •H s ^ CU ^ cu 00 CU CU Tj cd Tj U X) ,Q cd N cd o cd N o cd CJ CU u P <3 Ni - m m cr. -a- m cr. o o> vO CO rH CM o en vO m 00 00 vO vO o> 00 m CM m CO KD CM XI 0) C •H 4J e o O CO CM ON vO CO rH cn en I oo w rJ < CM o o> m oo oo CM m rH tH vO -vT rH cn rH vO «sf «tf vO <■ m m d- o> cr> o> o> o> o> CX> CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO cu CU CU 0) CU CU CU CU H CO H CO > >> c ^ •H >1 a >> >> AJ >% cd >^ c p^ cd K*. cd 6 cd 6 > e cd s N 6 •H B •H 6 (1) s •H g X> CU 3 CU cd CU •H CU •H CU ,c CU a CU J CU c CU 5-1 X X! X XI X > X) 00 X N X CU X X O X CU Cd ■u cd rH cd 4-> cd H cd X cd cd u cd 4J cd N CJ •H o o o cd o •H o cd O p o 3 o CO o hJ <3 s ^s m vD vO O o ^! ^5 rH CM co 00 CM •H d O 00 CJ Xi N CJ o o n cO CJ rH vO r^ cr> 00 o >. CO tH CM ON CM tH rH •H CO CJ a o •H 4J CO •H 4J CO 4J CT> m 00 r^» 00 •H OO >cf rH 00 00 CM 4-> co en H tH CO 4J CO d CJ CJ rH •H X d • • CO o oo >. u tH CM tH m oo OS CO CJ U d CJ •H CJ oo rH CJ tH •H X • #» 4J CJ rH O cO CJ o vD U O «4-4 Pi OO oo r-» CO E tf CM cr> CM o CO d • tH CO »H iH rH rH tH d •H CJ cO r>> cO >> N o X O (X o w « rH P«» cO r^ IH cj CO tj a M d o> 4-1 o o CJ CJ < O H M d o CO d >-. CJ •rl <3 K^ a) d o CJ a) CM >> 4J « g •H CO CJ IH •H exx P o CO > <4-l CJ a 4-1 a) IH -H o 6 o H > d 53 O o -a OO o o o a o t3 CJ ccj d 00 >^ d >1 *s CM o CJ CO >t u rH > CJ >> 6 o & v£> r-l £ 5 B d Z v-x V T3 d d d TJ 00 T3 O CO CO rH •rl CO o 4-1 cu CO CO H O rH O T3 CJ •H rH ►J O rH O 00 fa r^. H fa CT\ CM 1 O CO o iH 00 p g M-l o w § P •d hJ «3 4 fa 525 o O M o w PS5 fa CO H fa CO CJ o w 9 O P M CJ CO P4 w CQ fa CJ M CO fa Prf H 53 fa M CJ CO fa O t3 CO 53 « S H H PQ fa p S O H P M 53 H CO 53 CM m no CN1 00 o> H ^ CN r*» CN vO in co O 00 CO i-H in cm r^ »d- o> lO 00 r-H vD 00 00 vD H r>- CM cm o m CT» v£> CT> <3- CT\ vO o> OJ OJ CO 43 w A oj CO 4-) OJ ■u o a) CJ C 4-1 cd <4-l fi U-J oj cd •H O OJ O -H •H 5-1 •H CJ iH a) w CJ C CO •H ^3 M CO C o <4-l •H OJ M •H IH •4-1 CO 4-> IH OJ W O < C o 4-) •H C M 0) W > b GO 4-1 S-l CO CJ P-. cd •H 6 c cd OJ •u n fa P 0) •H >> 4-> 3 o OJ T3 nd u CO ^ •H nd u CJ cfl a 3 Cd cd 14-1 cd cd cd O .H pq w >H •H o fa •H <3 CJ 4J < M e d h h« m -j vo •H o CT> i—i m oo cm cm m d o vO CM rH rH CM rH CM T3 O 00 a) N a) M CO 0) >H rH CO o CM o cm r^ m rH >> •H o CO rH rH rH CO •H 4J rH ^! CO CU jd O •H 4J CO •H 4-» CO 4J CO >1 CO •H 4-1 CO 4-) CO d »-3 CT> rH co o co r*. r^ >. • • r»» O vD vO vO O rH d CO r^ m co co r^ co m K*. u #i CU cO rH rH •H d • <* 4-> CU rH o CO N 03 CU o vO u o <4-l (X CO CO £3 CU ja 4-1 m oo 4-1 CO > CO N Economy of ), p. 145. PCS CO O rH r-. .d co i-* co rSS d o> p CO O rH cu CU •H 0) o > , 4J « X! d o cO £ 4-1 cu d JS o •H c c T3 o «4— 1 o U cO cd o H nj 53 v_^ s_/ cd a) o CO GO U rH g N M 4-1 cO cd ct) O O cd p co >> PQ Q ^ ^ ^ £ • • •H 6 cu rH a) o •H *d M 14-4 ccJ d <4-4 o o TPO Ochar Functloaal Administrations All-tfnion Industrial Association (V?0) or Main Administration (Glavk) R&D, Production and Design Organ- izations Science-Production Association (NPO) Head R&D Organization R&D, Production and Design Organizations of Head Institute R&D. Production and Design Organizations ot" the X?0 Production Association PC) Head Production Plant R&D, Production and Design Organizations ot' Head Plant Production Association (PO) Head Production Plant R&D. Production and Design Organizations of Head Plant R&D, Production and Design Organizations of tha PO R&D, Production and Design Organizations of the PO Source: Adapted from "USSR Short Answers," p. 44 and Eugene Zaleski, "Planning and Financing of Research and Development in the U.S.S.R.," in John R. Thomas and Ursula M. Kruse-Vau- cienne, eds., Soviet Science and Technology: Domestic and Foreign Perspectives (Washington, D.C., 1977), p. 304. 58 es. These were grouped by product line and subordi- nated to units of their respective ministries known as chief directorates or main administrations (Glav- ki) . After many years of experimentation with dif- ferent management forms, the USSR Council of Minis- ters decreed in 1973 that the industrial ministries would switch to a "2-link" or "3-linkM management structure in which the production main administra- tions would be abolished and replaced by industrial associations. Under this new format the basic units are to be production and science-production associa- tions which consist of groups of production enter- prises and R&D institutions. Production and science- production associations are to be subordinate either to industrial associations or directly to the cen- tral ministry apparatus. The alternative structures are illustrated in Figure 9-7. At present, most in- dustrial ministries have made or are making the transition to the new system. Perhaps the most important structural feature of branch science is that R&D and production activities have for a long time been organizationally separate from each other . Even within the same ministry re- search and development establishments and production units have come under different channels of planning, management, finance, and supply. This pattern of or- ganization has tended to create strong departmental barriers against effective linking of research with production. A major purpose, in fact, of the manage- ment restructuring now underway at the ministries is to break down some of these obstacles that are rooted largely in basic structural design. An industrial ministry has broad responsibilities in planning and managing R&D in its special area. The ministry is responsible for evaluating the economic and technological level of production and of product output. It determines the best ways of utilizing R&D results and of raising the level of development of the branch on the basis of S&T achievements both at home and abroad. Ministerial authorities not only plan and oversee the solution of the most important branch S&T problems but they also participate — some- 59 times as the lead agency — in the solution of compre- hensive interbranch problems. In cooperation with appropriate USSR ministries and agencies the ministry resolves questions regarding the withdrawal of obso- lete products from production and use. Supervision over the observance of standards and the status of means of measurement and tests falls within its com- petence. For individual types of products for which there are no state standards the ministry approves branch technical norms. Each ministry also prepares recommendations concerning the patenting of inven- tions abroad as well as the purchase of foreign li- censes for the latest machinery, equipment, mater- ials, and technological processes. As illustra- ted, responsibilities include those of "line" plan- ning and administration of branch facilities and pro- grams, along with interaction between the ministry and state organs on functional issues, such as stan- dards and invention policies. The Ministry of Higher and Specialized Secondary Education Institutions of higher education (VUZy) , their teaching staffs, and their students constitute an im- portant R&D resource and the third relatively inde- pendent subsystem. For example, Moscow State Uni- versity alone has four subordinate research insti- tutes, 33 basic science and industrial laboratories, 200 laboratories in the teaching departments, and 9 teaching-research stations. More than 4,000 of its teaching staff participate in research activities. In total, there were more than 800 civilian higher educational institutions in the Soviet Union in 1972. Some 60 percent of the daytime students in the VUZy reportedly participate in research. Table 9-3 provides data on the distribution of scientific work- ers by branch of science in 1970 and permits a com- parison of the numbers in VUZy with those in scien- tific research institutes. Fully one-third of the scientific workers are in the VUZy, though they ac- count for less than five percent of all R&D performed in the country. Nonetheless, about 70 percent of all research conducted on the basis of economic contracts with industry is performed at the VUZy. 23 60 CO z o m h r- h CT\ S3 rH H M •• H Id CO O Z SB H Id H O CO fa O z CO »> «e p^ • c • •r <0 C (Nj < 1^ ps © C V e»- •3 «ff « K- O ^ p* f-\ t». *. C r«» o p^ ^. e ^> e»- *• e IN « r* w« P» •» «n PI c m e c *■ «M •n in *" m o •— C c K) •> 5 V fa u * ' c «o * «>- ^1 •^ ^ ve »• e ce pri « •w o « ■pi mm i"i w w c m c- W ** e> c ^ — •c •» ff- tc p* p^ «T rm\ •r c c — - r« «*1 ** WD a v. ~«2 c w c is, *£ o- «D M e r* vS e rv. e« «e e m m ♦s * %l e* IM O fs, tn ■«: r« H r~ #«. •j> O c »n pw p* •PI p* » c — _x m ^ © v c •7 •D p» •n v£> &• *p. p« #p, m t> fa *£> tA »■ n m c> f^ *y •— rs r<« p* VT e ^ ^ pfa m E * * V r- C 3 m © © ^>* to »■ e» ro p^ •e » e p-, SI |9 fa> C p. *■ U r-i O sC « •^ - c •^ e» C «r U : «i| «. * • c « f*\ ^ rw fNk •« — »»> o- O » — ■m o> p* « V P* « T c o CO * *ff M ^> vr rNi — ^* e &■ <•* «e ^ «s P« o w sT rv ^\ ^~ © C- f^ ve r-i •r •n r« •B p* IPV e»- 1 "0("C c fc r* r*, f^ **» ^» «• ^^ *ff e- r» IN •J pi v» e c ^i e-» ^ e ^ ^ r^ VS 1 t C rs P- . CIC V « fa*l \r> 1 *- m 1 c r* in rs f*l © vC p^ • ■— ^< &■ vs p* » c «Tl •n *■» © o- V* r% *«. OD P** *• ** Ov P4 P* ^ o r* t r t »> «QT r^ r« © n m •^ •J »-i •» »* pn PV : K <• ►~ CK «-* ■c • X- K « O E c w • V •— ■" c s V «•* • v • f c fa fa ■* c b • * V n PB ■ M i C 'C « ■•• X V * — • c £ X «• Vi X X ■ •a • *. >s t> ^» • w £ ^3 • w. ^ c e W t — > C h o C « • 9 >» t V •* • •** — u • fa M u «e JZ 3 K • V O «J « a — >- V ^ U *K •w 0 c L. « c » mm «c U u ■£ •c — * 2 C - E •" « & O •a *- e V — c o c u u O o e » • m C «« X b. mm c • C — ~f «c ■a V 44 c •• w •" c ** X t «- m ■ >s *. e o V fa > • c •■ e u T5 'B W u >s JE m> fa X X wa V * M md V X •, S C «, w b> • mj 0 m 6- u •o u H < = ki c~ o n t- X < < «a O H 0) -c u o pQ CO M CO > 4-1 CO o > N •H O n CO o > s 0) 4J CO •H CO CO o p^ pC CO CO a >, m CO r^. CTn CO rH CO >, » > 5 o »■ o > CO o 0 .* s C cm cu CO E CO CU CO Pi > 2 >s pH • •H CQ CO cu CJ -- O CO 61 The structure of the Soviet system of higher edu- cation is complex, involving many ministries, agen- cies, and Communist party organizations at both the union and republic levels. The Ministry of Higher and Specialized Secondary Education (MinVUZ) , which has direct administrative authority over the vast majority of VUZy, is preeminent, however. In addi- tion, this Ministry maintains a number of indepen- dent research and experimental facilities. Because the Ministry is a union-republic ministry and be- cause it administers research ranging from funda- mental to narrowly applied, the relationship of Min- VUZ to superior, subordinate, and other organs is complex. This relationship is depicted in Figure 9-8 In general, the plans of the Academy and Gosplan concerned, respectively, with fundamental research and innovation must be accommodated in MinVUZ plan- ning. However, the Ministry of Higher and Special- ized Secondary Education as a rule administers di- rectly the scientific work of the majority of VUZy except for those establishments whose specialty has made it more logical to place them under the juris- diction— or partial jurisdiction — of a branch min- istry. The administrative functions of MinVUZ in- clude examination and approval of subordinate fa- cility R&D plans and control over certain aspects of funding. As previously noted, however, higher educational institutions have been assigned primarily a pedagog- ical function, while the Academy and ministerial sub- systems have been the main centers for advanced R&D. Though the separation of research from teaching was never absolute, the separation of the two realms was striking, particularly compared to the United States. Since the 1950s the Soviet leadership has taken steps to build closer links between education and research, between the VUZy and Academy insti- tutes, on the one hand, and between the VUZy and the world of industrial R&D and production, on the other. Indeed, various research complexes have been formed in some areas which seek to bring all three institu- tional subsystems into intimate contact and joint action. 62 y i-t to •H JZ 01 4-1 41 pd y y c y w •H C 01 <41 — < X, i-l 11 -< O i-4 J3 -H U £ -3 o 3 O co y ca 3 l—l a. co u c Q. X 0) OS U-i o u cfl O 0) s oi i-t as y w u f*H /^N e T3 y 3 c O N o >> c as 41 o •H S C 01 4) i-l ii 3. 41 C >* > =3 -3 CO O O) 91 3 H -H DO < t-i CO s O u H w 53 •^ to H Z 2 O — i — — c 3 -H J*~\ i— i - Z y i-l Ss OS H 01 OS <4-i CO N C 3 y co <3 0 JZ O > ■-4 CO U c 0 — ' Q, m — w f 1 X 3 -4 t* 0) 3 co to y 3 OJ Q c U 03 > y c j= a. 3 W W 3 C C 3 O -J y > i-i^ 3 C -H -3 -^ 2S c OF Tl NDARY 0 O o z Cll 4-1 Hi 3 O M 41 c z 3 c ill = I-t «-4 y -4 •H 01 jj CO OS y co n CO CO y c -• o — 4J oo to -H C e 3 u « o o w C 2 C "H 3 i-i bile Comm y tsi y 3 H > Si C M y 3 p y > H y c S CO H W Q 3 — ao C "C3 *H J3 i-l -3 *-> Z C co u-i y 02 -4 = z CO i^ 9s vO Z Cd e Ul O -H CO CM <• M c c y o y »h C 3 OS W M O CO •— * •1 f4 ^ O > CO 14 .-1 ■— — <4i ii 3 ii w c/J • > hJ e — ii —4 •h y a. 41 3 a M < H H 3 •u u 4j c y Cfl tfl 1) C 3 C 3 OS y c c-J (9 0) 3 ii O y o 3 O 3 •O ii > «■ <5 CJ m « W 41 cj O y UiC ca CO CO CO 3 — > H CU U 41 S y n M CO CO d) h-l Z Q as CO J3 41 141 CO CA O 5 CO M Z 2 < CO 3 = M 5 Q M > <3 y 4J W ■rt ii 01 O H f z Sclentlf titution USSR CO CO i CO Aj tO M 41 C 3 p C M > •> u y c Oi ■O J5 -H M«k C y Z 3 y i cu O C CO 141 o M y y o 13 to M ESi c y 3 M as O I CO 63 THE BASIC UNITS At the base of the Soviet S&T establishment is a vast array of organizations that actually conduct research, development, and innovation activities. Below we list and briefly describe these basic units which include the research institute, design bureau, higher educational institution, enterprise, and as- sociation. As noted earlier, examples of each are found under the respective hierarchical subsystems although the organizations concerned mainly with pro- duction, the enterprise and association, are almost exclusively the province of industrial ministries. For each of these basic units a simplified chart of the internal organization is provided. At this point, we do not elaborate on their R&D planning and management functions, in part because this is dis- cussed later in the study and in part because the organizations are mainly concerned with the conduct of R&D and not the formulation of policy. In general, the organization of Soviet R&D is a network of highly specialized establishments, each concentrating only on a specific stage or stages of the research-to-production process. Furthermore, functional performers have also traditionally been separate from each other both organizationally and geographically . With the growth in complexity of Soviet science and technology, however, conventional patterns and underlying principles have been undergoing change, both by default and by design. Institutional evo- lution has resulted in a variety of structures. To- day there are over 100 designations of scientific organizations in the USSR. However, the correspon- dence between designation and function is generally poor. One American authority observes: The nomenclature of scientific organiza- tions has become for the most part a hodge- podge rather than an indication of func- tional type. Today numerous scientific 64 research institutes do only design or prototype work and no research, others do only research and no development, some research institutes concentrate almost entirely on experimental testing or assisting industrial plants in in- novation, and many design agencies have large research subdivisions, some of them operating primarily as research or- ganizations. 24 At the same time, S&T activity is becoming stead- ily integrated with industrial production. Organi- zational dissociation of functional performers is in- creasingly giving way to new, more integrated struc- tures, like the associations. The whole organiza- tional edifice, particularly at the lower levels, is in motion. This point should be kept in mind when reading the following descriptions of the basic units performing R&D. Research Institutes Basic and applied scientific research and a number of design tasks are accomplished at institutes under academies of sciences, MinVUZ, and the branch minis- tries. While some institutes are quite small with no more than 40 to 50 persons, others are major research organizations with several hundred, or even thou- sands, of scientists and engineers. Institutes vary widely in the presence or absence of design, techni- cal drafting, and testing facilities. Some research institutes are "broad-profile," engaging in all stag- es of R&D, and others are "specialized," limited to applied research, to development, or to testing pro- totypes. Some also act as "head" institutes deter- mining technical policies and research assignments for a group of institutes, and others operate inde- pendently or subordinately. The internal structure of a typical research in- stitute of the Academy of Sciences is depicted in Figure 9-9. Similarly, Figure 9-10 provides an over- view of the organizational structure of a research 65 FIGURE 8-9 ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE OF A RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF THE USSR ACADEMY OF SCIENCES i Deputy Director Deputy Director Experimental Stations i Observatories Design Project and 3ureau LI Scientific Experimental Exploitations Director Specialized Research Groups Department of Research Laboratories Research Groups and Sectors Laboratory Research Groups and Sectors Academic Council 4 Communist Party Section Department of Education Librarv Archives Information Section > Source Eugene Zaleski et al, eds . , Science Policy in the USSR (Paris, 1969), p. 220. 66 w H H H H CO 2 3- U o- < w CO w OS [X- O ta o :=> OS H co < o KH H < o OS o I oo w OS u • c c - a — - C a a fa *> — i >. 0 c -1 - ~ — - $ u a u 3 o c S 3 o 3. 9 fa — -3 -< 9 w i> o e u I - a a a 3. o. - ha It — a fa —i a & a. i W fa a a a fa • fa c a 3 o «n -j — — : i s 9 -D — £ » >• • - - c c z - - c fa a fa * — -" — 3 r ■ fa e > mm s >- c a c 3 I u a c 9 ■o 3 5 C 3 C1 at 9 I z z » - — — u 3 — oi«j c S a H C U 9 9 •» U - r a c — c « -x — <; S ; z j. — c ^ a fa o — - - 0. c -» 9 t e r o u C fa 3 9 u a fa -fa >. c a — — c 3 a fa c a. ■ e b a fa w a C — fa S 9 l i c - S fa a a fa a 9 9 a c — ■ 5 ■ — G fa — O) 5 * «- £ - a. a a 9 • fa — - e 9 t — ' fa 9 e. a S a - r s fa. o c — fa 3 -* 9 -fa c a a I e — at B 9 O S — in S a > a a - -< a 3 o fa c a. a o a 9 fa fa. — ■ a — o — i -i 3 - U — I I L fa. J OwC fa «x — — 3> cue -* — >. fa. — — *- r - o o. e — O 9 — O — fa) U -j m 9 •fa u o fa. fa -fa C a a • o — — o a o a -« ui x O ic 13 o a -> - fa. — c ri.2 C o a S 9 -fa -fa ^ a u -• c 0 3 -fa fa fa fa 3 -fa 3 9 it 9 9 3 a £. C 9 — » 9 C U 3 OS 9 U •» C — — 3 3 0 al 3 9 3 3. a — c _ 1 .3 J S 3 9 — — fa 1/1 — — -3 U 9 fa 9 fa -fa 3 fa 9 —> 9 3a r. 9 9 C -3 9 J 9 m> a w 9 5 a 5 o a. fa fa 9 3 rs C 9 -fa 9 X C 9 fa. 9 J a x - 1 — fa. 3 in 0 C a a a 0 - — c 5 1 U 3 1 e a C 9 3 9 •• a a u a — C 9 1 3 0 3» S 0 — i C u -* w o e -71 — _ 4 — c * >. - - *- ^ — c — -* — - o — U*""0«9 »"■ 0 tBhaoaaafaJ ccp-co— ca.roj — . •• — — — — t- ■ •« c y 5> b t : .' c ; - : - tSi f— -ji -Cb. C ■(/> o z w « •• cd >> •H c 0) > ^^ CO a) V-i o Cfa c 3 cu •H >. o E CO 0) !-) U-l ^5 o o M -j C-, c 0) (D e >> 0) •H1 D£J J= CO 0 C JS co w s U2 o •H — ^. C &, "H •H CO to 4J e c cu •H rH U X5 o- 1 ° 0) Pi ?► •» > .-H 1 1 CO M 0 CU c G to cu o o -•o • c to CO 13 o) to cy • * -H vO rH D « CN! CO -H CN1 a 4J C • Q) T-t a u •H Pm M c ^-s CO U ro •H «H r^ JS to o> to CC rH •h ec > s- ' » o 5 > -, O • c o X # to i o • cc s o c : ^ » » 0) u u 3 0 67 institute attached to an industrial branch ministry. In general, the structural format of an Academy in- stitute is less complex than that of a branch insti- tute. The Academy system as a whole, in fact, is less bureaucratically organized and run than the R&D subsystem of the ministries. Design Bureaus Design and development engineering tasks are car- ried out by organizations known as design bureaus or institutes. The design bureaus range in size from small groups within production enterprises to large independent organizations of several hundred design engineers and technologists known as experimental plants. While some design facilities limit their work to designing new products and machines, others build and test prototypes as well. Still other or- ganizations are primarily engaged in process design- ing, or designing of machinery and installations, and development of processes for the manufacture of new products or the modernization of production. They are variously titled design-technological bu- reaus, project-design and technological bureaus, or scientific research project-technological institutes, In addition, there are so-called project institutes that specialize in the designing and planning of new plants or renovation of old enterprises. Although scientific research is conducted at design bureaus, it is of secondary importance to work on product and process development and the building of prototypes. Some design bureaus, however, do extensive industri- al research and are often indistinguishable from research institutes .26 Higher Educational Institutions Most educational institutions conduct research of some kind. These include (1) comprehensive univer- sities, such as Moscow State University, where a broad curriculum of natural sciences and humanities is offered; (2) higher schools such as the Bauman Moscow Higher Technical School and the polytechnic institutes, where a variety of engineering courses 68 FIGURE 8-11 ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT OF R&D IN A HIGHER EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION (VUZ) Administrative Divisions of the VUZ Scientific Research Laboratories of the VUZ J_ Other Facilities! Deputy Dean of I the Facultv \— — for R&D Dean of the Facultv £ Scientific Research Laboratories of the Facultv Other Departments Problem Scientific Research Laboratories Rector Faculty Department Head of the Department I Learned Council of the VUZ Deputy Rector for R&D Office of the Deputy Rector ZL Scientific Research Institutes of the VUZ Faculty Learned Council T_ Scientific Research Institutes of the Facultv Scientific Council of the Department T_ Branch Scientific Research Laboratories Source: "USSR Short Answers," p. 88 69 may be pursued; and (3) a large number of specialized single-curriculum institutes, such as the Leningrad Institute for Aviation Instrument Construction and the Mendeleyev Moscow Chemical Technical Institute. The institutes concentrate on applied research, most of which is funded through contracts with industry. University research generally is conducted within de- partmental structures by an individual professor; but in some universities special scientific research in- stitutes have been formed. Figure 9-11 presents a generalized organizational chart of the administration of scientific research work in VUZy. As the chart illustrates, a VUZ sci- entific research institute may be subordinate to a related faculty of the VUZ or to the VUZ as a whole. The research laboratories may be similarly subordi- nated. VUZ labs may be branch laboratories or prob- lem laboratories. The former conduct research on an industrial organizations needs for new materials, processes, and equipment, whereas problem laborato- ries are created for the execution of major scien- tific, engineering, and experimental design pro- jects. In VUZy under the USSR Ministry of Higher and Specialized Secondary Education at the end of 1971 there were 55 scientific research institutes, A19 problem laboratories, and 528 branch laborato- 27 ries/' Industrial Enterprises An enterprise is a legally independent entity con- cerned almost exclusively with production. It has its own technical, production, and financial plan (tekhpromf inplan) containing production, organiza- tional, and technical chapters and targets, in principle well integrated. It has its own assets, including working capital. When on an independent balance sheet, it has an account in the State Bank. It most frequently includes a single plant. The term enterprise (predpriyatiye) is also a ge- neric term that covers a number of forms of produc- tion organization. One is the plant (zavod) , which 70 is an industrial enterprise with mechanized means of production. The term factory (fabrika) is used pri- marily for plants in light industry and for plants engaged in the initial processing of raw materials. When several technologically related production ac- tivities are combined, the resulting enterprise is called a combine (kombinat) . A combine may consist of a lead plant with several subordinate ones, or it may be a single plant. Such enterprises have exis- ted in metallurgy, chemicals, textiles, food, and some other branches of industry for many years . The firm (f irma) is an early type of production associa- tion in which the management of the lead plant serves as the management of a firm consisting of several plants. When a firm is organized no new management structure is set up. Usually the enterprises that make up the firm are located in a single geographi- cal area around a major city. Firms are most often found in the light and food industries. Today, the "independent" enterprise operates under a principle of economic management known as khozras- chet, which is variously translated as self-suppor- ting or economic accountability. In the broadest sense, the term implies that the organization is to operate and be evaluated on the basis of economic criteria. It is expected to cover current operating expenses by revenue from the sale of its output, and to finance internally or by credit a significant part of its capital investment. To reinforce this econom- ic orientation, success indicators for the facility, which determine the size of bonuses for its person- nel, are economic, including profitability, sales, and measures of input productivity. Concomitant with the economic orientation, the directors of establish- ments operating under the khozraschet principle are accorded greater authority to make decisions at the operational level. With the number of official tar- gets specified by middle- and upper-level management organs restricted, as well as the degree of unoffi- cial interference, the focus of decision-making re- sponsibility has shifted downward in Soviet industry, without challenging the ultimate supremacy of the central leadership . 71 H PC Ed W < rH H in e 2 < 2 Q c E- W a w o < Q < O I— i E-< < I—! < o CN H I 00 w o M c — o re £ U o> o L 0! 01 01 X c u *-« '_ oc u_ c c 0 2 u b2 0 Si 4-1 e- a> w *- c oi 0! ■— — 2 1 QC 0 U — c ^B h X Ed eg u ^ - c, a •mi c X l- \u — IW n o re IW X u S U u C ■*■ 1 ^ a - X z r EU'C J-i X vw 1- 6) (j SI r. X 0 ••* - - z g 0 u c _ a 1 /—. ■*• o- ; oc a a 0 o> *™< — - 0 re - c V B X — -i •^ u so 01 O *J f- •- B 0 Oi '— C E 01 X — •M U h X oi a u H 0. Li 1 0) u /~. C >- 3 QO re re ^* C 01 (0 c s s a PQ £ '*-' VM OC 01 ■»« — ' — < to e X 01 & ^ a e 3 "O c z re c — C S 0 N cere 0» V c s > o u e «h L. — _' re re CL — zc O * a *- c 0> a E 0 «« X u trt 01 X u 1 > CO M a 3 >*. E 0) rH .O O M a (D >» •H 4= U JZ CO X) 0 ■H >^ C>i •H DO 4J C •H M a a) >> • >>' c c m > CN 0 c • CO a o M •> /— s • <-> CO r» •a o> CU rH »> * rH 5 CO O U ■U CO cy c s •H w c CO ^ •H 0 JC -^ co 3 •H CO > C o CO • >, S *H CI • a) Q rH • • o o u 3 O m 72 In general, "factory science" has not been a prom- inent feature of the Soviet industrial order. Histo- rically, the organizational approach has emphasized the separation of industrial research from production as well as the centralization of R&D forces in insti- tutes designed to serve the needs of the branch as a whole rather than of individual enterprises. Conse- quently, most enterprises lack adequate in-house R&D facilities. The enterprise-level R&D system of fac- tory laboratories, design offices, experimental shops, and other scientific subdivisions serves primarily the needs of current production. In fact, enterprise scientific subdivisions are not classified under the "science and science services sector" category of economic and social organizations, and their activity is not included in the national plan section for fi- nancing research and design work. The organization and structure of technical management within a typi- cal enterprise is presented in Figure 9-12 . In many instances, however, the enterprise R&D system does play a vital role in the application of new technol- ogy, in the creation of new products and processes, the improvement of product quality or production ef- ficiency, and the maintenance of quality control or technological control of operations. 2° Associations Production associations (proizvodstvennyye obyed- ineniya — POs) and science-production associations (nauchno-proizvodstvennyye obyedineniya — NPOs) are two entities replacing the independent enterprises as the basic units of industrial organization. Even- tually, almost all of Soviet industry will be con- verted to the associational form of management. By the fall of 1976 there were more than 3000 POs in industry. Though they incorporated less than 10 per- cent of all enterprises, production associations al- ready accounted for nearly 40 percent of total in- dustrial output. At the same time, NPOs — a more se- lective form of organization — numbered less than 120. The associations were created in part to acceler- ate technological progress and to reduce the lead times in the implementation of new technology. There- 73 fore, both the PO and NPO forms may include insti- tutes and design bureaus. In the production asso- ciation, scientific organizations are usually of lo- cal significance and confine their research-develop- ment-innovation activity primarily to the production needs of the association. In the NPO, on the other hand, these units are expected to conduct general- purpose or branch-wide R&D, developing innovations for the branch as a whole. The "head" organization also differs. While this role belongs to an indus- trial enterprise in the production association, it is performed generally by a powerful research insti- tute in the science-production association. The NPO fulfills the functions of a branch scien- tific-technical center. Its chief task is to create and apply new technology within the shortest possible time. It is not predominantly a producing organiza- tion but is intended primarily to carry out R&D on new products and processes. Ideally, when a new product has been brought successfully through its first production runs by an NPO, the mass production of the article is taken up by the production asso- ciations. In line with their concern for the entire research-to-production cycle, several NPOs have spe- cial start-up plants and installation units which as- sist other production facilities in introducing and debugging new technology. Some NPOs specialize in the creation of new prod- ucts. Others develop production technology and con- trol systems. Still others concentrate on the de- velopment and assimilation of new technological pro- cesses. Among the most important tasks of NPOs are reported to be the installation and adjustment of new technology, the conduct of patent/license work, the maintenance of S&T information services, the fore- casting of new product demand, and the development of estimates of labor and materials requirements. In internal organization and management the asso- ciations exhibit a range of alternative formats. The degree to which the enterprises in a production as- sociation lose their autonomy varies widely. For ex- 74 FIGURE 8-13 MANAGEMENT STRUCTURE FOR A TYPICAL SCIENCE-PRODUCTION ASSOCIATION (NPO) Council of Directors of che MPO Director of the MPO Deputy Director for Science Research Departmencs Technological Department Computer Center Department ot Standardization i Nora-setting Project Design Department Department of S4T Information, Patents i Licenses Scientific-Technical Council Deputy to the Deputy Director for Science Main Office Division of Cost/Effect- iveness Analysis Departaent of Management Rationalization Departaent of Technical Control Chief 3oc«tkeeoer Department of Technical Documentation Laboratory for Tests S Measureaent Technical Departaent Department of the Chief Mechanic and Power Engineer 3ureau for Technical Security Deputy Director for Innovation I Innovacion Departaenc Engineering Department Production Control Departaent ixper^mental Workshops Experimental Plant Shop of Technological Equipment i Instruments Deputy Director for Economic "r Depucy Direccor for Ceueral Questions Planning and Economics Departaent Department of Laoor and Wages "iaance and Department :SClAaCS3 3ookkeeping Department Department of Middle- range Planning for Devel- opment of che 3ranch and of Technical i Economic Research Deparcmenc of Capical Cons tract ion Departaent of Material- Technical Supplies and Dao.1/ Services Personnel Department { Department of Administra* | tion and Economic Manage- ! ment Legal 3ureau Source: A. I. Bogdanov, Problemy upravleniya nauchno- tekhnicheskim progressom: obzor (Moscow, 1977), p. 54. 75 ample, in the Leningrad Optical-Mechanical Associa- tion the general management of the PO fully replaces the plant managements. At the Svetlana Association each enterprise retains a measure of autonomy, and only the basic management functions are centralized. The management of the PO is the same as the manage- ment of the largest and most modern of the plants in the association, i.e., the "head" organization of the PO. The other plants are organized as branches of this leading plant. At the Elektrosila Association some of the plants are fully merged with the PO, whereas others have retained some autonomy. A sim- ilar pattern of structural diversity also character- izes the science-production associations. According to a model organizational statute on the NPO, issued by the central leadership at the end of 1975, how- ever, all units joining the association lose their independence. Nonetheless, practice continues to diverge from this uniform pattern. Figure 9-13 il- lustrates the model management structure for a sci- ence-production association. THE ORGANIZATIONAL SYSTEM: WHOLE AND PARTS The previous discussion of the organization of R&D in the USSR suggests certain features and themes that deserve emphasis. Most basic, of course, is the for- mal design of the whole edifice for science and tech- nology as an "organizational system" of multiple and well integrated parts, with elaborate but generally internally consistent assignments and responsibil- ities. This image of a highly centralized and coor- dinated Soviet system that is able to pursue compre- hensive and coherent S&T policies often prevails abroad. The image, however, conceals as much as it re- veals. Though highly centralized, the organizational structure of Soviet science and technology is far from monolithic. On the contrary, it is highly frag- mented. An official at the top feels sometimes, in 76 fact, that he sits at the apex of an "inverted pyra- mid," that the vast bulk of decisions and actions are beyond his influence, much less his control. Among the prominent structural properties of the system is the segregation of activities by level in the respective hierarchies. Although there are ex- ceptions to the general pattern, the focus of plan- ning and managerial responsibility is centered at three levels: (1) all-union or national; (2) branch or ministry, Academy, or republic; and (3) performer organization (research, design, educational, and pro- duction establishment) . When a republic organization or element of local industry is involved, a fourth or fifth level of planning responsibility may be in- terjected accordingly, but in general the three enu- merated levels designate the three types of relevant plans. For example, while republic councils of min- isters are subordinate to the USSR Council of Min- isters, their plans have similar orientation and for- mat. There is similar correspondence in the branch plans at the union and republic levels of a union- republic ministry, although the superior-subordinate relationship is clear, with plans at the subordinate levels incorporating directives of the superior lev- el. There is a clear intent to delineate organization- ally line (or administrative) and staff (or function- al) activities at each of the three levels. Certain organs, such as the ministries, are responsible ad- ministratively for all activities of a subset of eco- nomic and technical establishments, usually in a par- ticular industry. Other organs, such as the state committees, are responsible for at least the formu- lation and monitoring of a functionally oriented set of policies for all Soviet establishments. The dis- tinction is carried through to the branch and per- former organization levels as well. Within the min- istry and performer organizations, certain adminis- trations, departments, or individuals are responsible for overall performance of the organization as a whole or for particular subdivisions, whereas plan- ning, finance, supply, and other departments manage 77 their respective functions for the organization as a whole. The distinction between line and staff functions in the academies of sciences is somewhat less clear, due in part to their relative autonomy which in turn is related to the nature of fundamental research. The academies themselves conduct a rela- tively large share of the planning and other func- tional activities for their subordinate facilities, although academy facilities are also subject to the policy formulated by the various specialized state committees and, overall, by the GKNT. Within this context the three principal central management agencies which are concerned with R&D planning and administration are the GKNT, the USSR Academy of Sciences, and Gosplan. Of these, the GKNT's functions may be described as comprehensive, incorporating overall managerial responsibility for Soviet S&T policy and particular concern with inter- branch coordination problems and with facilitating integration between academy, university, and indus- trial R&D. The Academy and Gosplan are more special- ized, concentrating respectively on fundamental re- search and on industrial R&D and technology utiliza- tion. They, in turn, are more heavily involved in operational management in their respective areas, either by formal administrative responsibility in the Academy's case or by the significant de facto authority of Gosplan in managing the economic and technical activities of industrial establishments. The three organs jointly issue many position or pol- icy statements setting forth regulations and guide- lines on one or another aspect of R&D planning and management . In general, the basic principles which underlie the organizational structure also tend to undermine its "systemic" character and cohesiveness . The key to effective organization in the Soviet Union, just as in the United States, lies not in structure but in relationships between individuals and institu- tions. With parts but no couplings between the parts there can be no system. The traditional design principles of extreme functional specialization by 78 organizations and of institutional dissociation have created structural barriers rather than bonds between the various organizational actors at all levels of the Soviet S&T establishment. As we have seen, the structure of decision making is predominantly verti- cal and thus substantially inhibits lateral communi- cation, cooperation, and coordination. Similarly, structural features help create and re- inforce functional autonomy and non- integrative atti- tudes among the organizational parts to the detriment of the whole. With parts and no common purpose there can be no coupling and no system. Soviet authorities naturally intend that the various organizations and agencies complement each other in pursuit of objec- tives specified by the leadership. In practice, how- ever, the parochial aims and special interests of the parts frequently prevail over the centrally defined purposes and needs of the nation or "system" as a whole. Soviet organizations have been built largely on the principle of total or near total self-suffi- ciency. Each ministry is an empire of its own, oper- ating almost independently of the others. Each of the central administrative and functional agencies has acquired entrenched bureaucracies which compete with and frustrate each other. The very structure and nature of the R&D administrative system — with its emphasis on multiple authorities, mixed sovereign- ties, and incomplete functional mandates — inevitably exert their influence on the policy process and on performance. Though of a different kind perhaps than exists in the United States, bureaucratic politics — with all the realities of interagency power, clashes of priorities, and conflicts of interests — nonethe- less is a prominent and permanent feature of the "or- ganizational system" for science and technology in the USSR. It is no accident that better "linkage" and "integration" are important organizational issues in Soviet science policy today. 79 FOOTNOTES 1. G. A. Dorokhova, "Sovershenstvovaniye sistemy organov upravleniya naukoy," Sovetskoye gosudarstvo i pravo, 6 (1972), p. 60fn. 2. M. I. Piskotin, V. A. Rassudovskiy , and M. P. Ring, eds., Organizatsionno-pravovyye voprosy ruko- vodtsva naukoy v SSSR (Moscow: Nauka, 1973), p. 141. 3. US-USSR Joint Working Group in the Field of Science Policy, Subgroup 1 — Planning and Management of Research and Development, "USSR Short Answers to US Questions Relating to USSR Research and Develop- ment Planning and Management," Washington, D.C., National Science Foundation, February 20, 1976, pp. 3-4. 4. Ibid. , pp. 4-5 . 5. Ibid. , pp. 12-14. 6. Dorokhova, "Sovershenstvovaniye sistemy organov upravleniya naukoy," pp. 64-65; Piskotin et al, Organ- izatsionno-pravovyye rukovodstva naukoy v SSSR, pp. 187-192, 205. It is not surprising that the idea of creating state committees for science and technology in various republics, modeled after the Moscow body, has been urged and discussed, apparently at the high- est levels. See Dorokhova, "Sovershenstvovaniye sis- temy organov upravleniya naukoy," p. 65. There is a state committee for science and technology in Georgia, but it is subordinate to the Georgian republic Coun- cil of Ministers, not to the USSR GKNT. 7. For example, the USSR State Committee on Inven- tions and Discoveries is "predominantly oriented to regulating the initiatives and proposals coming from below." Only 30 percent of its recommendations are accepted by the ministries and departments. See Ye. Artemyev and L. Kravets, Izobreteniya — novaya tekh- nika — upravleniye (Moscow: Ekonomika, 1974), pp. 63, 179-180. Another Soviet critic similarly notes that 80 the state committee does not possess the authority and means necessary to fulfill its functions. See A. A. Podoprigora, Pravovyye voprosy sozdaniya i vne- dreniya novoy tekhniki (Kiev, 1975), p. 85. In draw- ing up the annual economic plan for 1975 the State Committee on Inventions and Discoveries recommended that 90 inventions and innovations be adopted but the ministries accepted only 9 or 10 percent. See G. Alekseyev, "The Effect Derived from Production," Pravda, September 13, 1976. 8. Dorokhova, "Sovershenstvovaniye sistemy organov upravleniya naukoy," p. 61. For a more detailed dis- cussion of the GKNT, see the excellent study by Lou- van E. Nolting, The Structure and Functions of the USSR State Committee for Science and Technology, U.S. Bureau of the Census, Foreign Economic Reports, No. (Washington, D.C., 1979). 9. Zaleski et al, Science Policy in the USSR, p. 54, 10. B. F. Zaitsev, "Struktura organov upravleniya naukoy i tekhnikoy v usloviyakh nauchno-tekhnicheskoy revolyutsii," in Organizatsiya upravleniya (Moscow, 1975), p. 36 and V. Disson, "Primeneniye programmno- tselevogo metoda pri reshenii nauchno-tekhnicheskikh problem," Planovoye khozyaystvo, 7 (1977), p. 82. 11. "USSR Short Answers," pp. 5-7. 12. Ibid. 13. Ibid., p. 8. 14. Zaleski et al, Science Policy in the USSR, pp. 83-88. 15. V. A. Rassudovskiy, Gosudarstvennaya organiza- tsiya nauki v SSSR (Moscow: Yuridicheskaya literatura, 1971), p. 30 and G. T. Prokhotskiy and V. G. Khryachen- ko, Effektivnost raboty nauchno-issledovatelskikh or- ganizatsii (Minsk, 1973), p. 31. 16. "USSR Short Answers," p. 8. 81 17. Ibid. , p. 7. 18. Louvan E. Nolting, The Financing of Research, Development, and Innovation in the USSR, By Type of Performer, U.S. Department of Commerce, Foreign Eco- nomic Reports, No. 9 (Washington, D.C., 1976), pp. 3-4. 19. A. I. Shcherbakov, Sotsialno-ekonomicheskiye problemy ef fektivnosti nauchnogo truda (Novosibirsk, 1975), p. 48. 20. V. I. Duzhenkov, "Problemy territorialnoy organ- izatsii nauchnoy deyatelnosti," in Problemy deyatel- nosti uchenogo i nauchnykh kollektivov (Moscow-Lenin- grad, 1977), VI, pp. 48-49. 21. "USSR Short Answers," pp. 42-45. 22. I. D. Ivanov, "Preodoleniye prepyatsviy i stimu- lirovaniye pri vnedrenii novoy tekhniki i novykh me- todov upravleniya" (Overcoming Obstacles and Improving Incentives in the Introduction of New Technology and New Methods of Management"), p. 20. Soviet Side of the Joint US-USSR Subgroup on Planning and Management of Research and Development. Unpublished (draft) pa- per, 1976; V. G. Shorin and A. A. Popova, "Organiza- tsiya nauchnoy raboty v vuzakh," in Gvishiani et al, Osnovnyye printsipy i obshchiye problemy upravleniya naukoy , p. 200. 23. Ibid., pp. 203-204; Nolting, The Financing of- Research, Development, and Innovation in the USSR, pp. 13-14. 24. Ibid., p. 8. 25. Ibid. 26. Ibid. , pp. 8-9; Zaleski et al, Science Policy in the USSR, pp. 406-408, 541-546. 27. "Shorin and Popova, "Organizatsiya nauchnoy ra- boty v vuzakh," p. 203. 28. Nolting, The Financing of Research, Develop- ment, and Innovation in the USSR, pp. 14-15. 82 IX THE FORMULATION OF R&D PLANS AND PROGRAMS OVERVIEW OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY PLANNING Plans in the Soviet Union are the fundamental in- strument for integrating and controlling production activities of all kinds and at all levels of aggre- gation, ranging from the state as a whole through a variety of economic units to the individual. By as- suming this burden, plans must be not only directive, conveying the wishes of the leadership, but also suf- ficiently informative on factors external to the plan- ning unit to permit effective coordination. Plans must also incorporate a system of incentives and pen- alties to insure the accomplishment of assigned tasks. By its very nature, R&D seems incompatible with this type of planning. Optimally, plans predetermine results, while R&D in varying degrees involves explo- ration of unknown or uncertain territory. Problems of uncertainty and risk are particularly great at the fundamental research stage and subside increasingly with movement toward the development end of the R&D spectrum and the more deterministic world of produc- tion. In general, this factor is recognized in So- viet science policy. Larichev, for example, notes that "formulation of the goals of planning depends substantially on the means of determining with a suf- ficient degree of certainty the expected final re- sults of R&D."1 Because of the difficulties of pre- dicting and evaluating R&D results, their aggregation is also appreciably harder than the aggregation of production targets. Indeed, until well into the 1950s activities under research, development, and innova- tion in the USSR were seen as "too complex and numer- ous and the results too unpredictable and indefinite to be worth the effort of joining them into a single coherent plan. "2 For that matter, R&D was still re- 83 garded as being too aloof from general economic prob- lems and processes to permit any convergence of sci- ence policy with economic policy. Increasingly, however, the planning of science and technology has become a separate and consolidated ac- tivity in the Soviet Union, especially since the late 1960s. Like the basic approach to organization and structure, the orientation in planning is to treat the research-to-production cycle as a single complex of activity integrated along highly formal and hier- archical lines. Containing a variety of individual and sequential components that together constitute an integrated unit, the R&D plan itself is but one ele- ment of a larger plan governing all aspects of pro- duction activity. In the State Plan for the Develop- ment of the National Economy, the chapter incorpora- ting the Plan for the Development of Science and Tech- nology is accompanied by chapters devoted to planning sectoral development (including industry, agriculture, transport and communications) and capital construc- tion, as well as to planning functional areas, such as labor and manpower, various financial indicators, and foreign trade. There are similar collections of targets at all plan levels, and each collection for all types of indicators in principle is mutually re- inforcing and internally consistent. Figure 10-1 demonstrates the interrelatedness of the separate features of the various plans as well as the hierarchical structure of plans described in chap- ter 9. At the national level, S&T problems are clear- ly one of the several types of national problems. The problem orientation of the plans must be rendered con- sistent with the task of establishing the appropriate "proportions" in the national economy, or in other words, ensuring that sectoral and regional develop- ment is proceeding as intended and that the plan as a whole is internally consistent. At the intermedi- ate level, the task of reconciling plans with differ- ent orientations — branch of the national economy or industry, program, and geographical region — is illus- trated. At the level of the performing organization, the establishment generally must be responsive to the 84 o 2 o l-l s o o a w H w H > O CO fa o ^ o H W 2 n H 2 u H O a fa H fa O w l-l g > o I CTi w o l-l fa tn „ £ o -J - « tm £*1 U Wui O X X O u y £ £ -4 .j — y} i _ u — — ffl - o Kg z — — u tn #^ c t/i — _ C a _ c g U § £ "J u <=: z C z z 3 « z a 3 u u*) *■ C u £ 53 s a ss z a in as u ■ E H Z a: — z UJ — us u un — — u. e Ui y a w - £ § IS s ^M _ • W 5 z a 5 x a — * X o u ~J — u. E a SS5 Ul a o <- < — -J in z y uj u - — o 3 < « -1 s s a c o E 3 — in z * £i a > c CO > o M •H c CO rH o 00 o c e > ■u en CO >> N o ^ o c T3 O l-l CO c CO •H 00 o rH o o ■M 0) 2 o (3 0) • O <■ a CO • > a 2 m • ON CO O O CO 85 demands of each of the intermediate level plans. At all levels, the economic, technical, and social ob- jectives imposed upon the planning unit are alike, accounting for the generally similar structure of the plans at each level. In addition, the mechanisms for plan expression and enforcement, such as indicators, norms, standards, and incentives, are similar at all levels. It is by these mechanisms that the state committees and other functional agencies generally impose requirements on planning authorities and there- by relate to the vertical and administrative orienta- tion shown in Figure 10-1. In addition to the hierarchical and functional seg- regation of plans depicted in Figure 10-1, plans are also segregated temporally. At each of the levels and by each of the responsible planning units, plans are formulated which correspond to three time frames: perspective or long-term plans; five-year plans; and annual plans. Long-term plans are largely forecasts of alternate trends in science and technology and in the development of specific new products and proces- ses over a period of from 5 to more than 20 years. Perspective plans and forecasts are not really bind- ing or operational documents; they serve primarily as guidelines to orient economic strategy and science policy. In general, the five-year and annual plans incorporate relevant targets specified, respectively, in the long-term and five-year plans, and they are also made more "concrete" or detailed. In recent years, the five-year plan has become more important than the annual plan, as authorities have placed in- creased emphasis on careful and comprehensive formu- lation of goals over longer periods in order to con- centrate resources more effectively on priority pro- jects and to provide greater direction and control over the nation's R&D effort. The connection between the various kinds of R&D plans, segregated by admin- istrative hierarchy, by function or program, and by duration of operation, is illustrated in Fugure 10-2. Despite the very formal and all-embracing charac- ter of plans, the analytical base underpinning sci- ence policy and planning is weakly developed. Advan- ces in conceptualization of the R&D process have gen- 86 53 O M > O H w O > o CO H CO CJ o P- o o 33 w CO CO W H > O CO Pn O W H CJ B H CO CM I W PS P o H Ph i-H cd c o •H C u « CO rH Z C- u o 01 F s^ O 1 c m o u oi u to to 3 X u c u CO a> cr. 1-1 P< CO CO •O rH -c C Cu B CO co 0) to > o JJ iH •H (0 4J ^H co o -o U 0) 3 a> ex a »H CO 01 0 tx ft 4 •0 e (0 c 09 18 U H V. P- re CJ 01 CJ > s- ■H c *j u. u a) r- a -5 n to M 0J 0. FW CQ CO 3 X. CJ d m CO O CO T3 d d CO CO iH ft. u •H In .-H CO x ai 3 >. o. i oj ui Bfi U c 0/ u to >— o o d 4-1 O d c CD H E Cw-0 O d rH CO > 0) o 01 CJ X. c u 01 e w tH p^ CO 0 CJ OC - VM tr. 0 ec H co Uj C -a c 0 c c a) j= CO H u CJ P- c l) o 01 H •H -1 E rH CO Q.-0 X 3 o c 3 C rH « a C OJ 01 < > bs 0) Q ^ 4J 01 u i- d 0 01 <4H TH >% S cj 00 en d to o e CO CO iH i— 1 Uh O (H o- o d M O' JS 1- H U |H co d oi Cm 0) 01 H >> E H i a. -o «5 to ui o e rH CO a. o > to > to 01 3 a u CO 01 I in c CO oc oi U CO U I a i- i 01 I -> I d W d CO V u -T5" ■H Uh O O d ■C iJ V d ai oi H E O d rH CO 0) > 01 a c 0 M •H CO 4H 0) re J-, N | •H m c re oi co M to c - ■H CO C (H rH 0. P- u u ---1 01 rH UH JJ Q •H d cc J-l w c 01 T3 1-1 d u CO to I CO > o 1 CCJ Ch 0) B o rH a) > cu Q 00 CT. rC a M CO 0) W 0) tin o ool o co rH a) rC H rC CO r2 PCH 00 CO C •H CO 4J • O S a; rd c CO > O rJ d) O M § CO •H C o •H 4-> 87 erally lagged. Such notions as "innovation process," "technology transfer," and "commercialization cycle," which figure prominently in Western writings, are re- latively unknown in the USSR. Soviet analysts, on the contrary, tend to use terms like "research-produc- tion cycle," "scientific and technological complex of work," and "complex of preproduction work" to des- cribe the sequencing, organization, and stimulation of scientific R&D. For the most part, their concepts have revolved around phase-dominant models of innova- tion with emphasis on separate functions and individ- ual work efforts performed in isolation from one an- other and cut off from the application of results in- to production. Only recently have they begun to take a more process view of innovation with the focus on final results and overall integration. Also only recently has a predominantly linear-caus- al view of innovation been called into question. This model emphasizes a relatively simple and orderly for- ward flow of work from theoretical conception to practical use. The notion that innovation involves a complex and helix-like stream of events and stages with significant feedback coupling is not commonly held. Accordingly, various stages of work are planned predominantly in sequence rather than simultaneously and in parallel. The result is significant losses of time between different phases and a lengthening of the process as a whole. 3 Though important strides have been made in recon- ceptualizing R&D and in moving toward a more sophis- ticated analytical base for deciding problems of sci- entific choice, deficiencies remain. As two experts on R&D note, "a number of questions in this complex process have not yet been studied, and some have not even been posed in the literature. "^ There is still considerable ambiguity and inconsistency among Soviet writers who describe and label the stages of the R&D cycle. "No official methodological instructions by Gosplan or the Central Statistical Administration are available which delineate the precise stages," Nol- ting points out. Moreover, he adds, the conceptual division of stages is not necessarily followed in 88 planning, financing, and reporting of R&D. The basis for planning and financing remains primarily the "in- stitutional performer," not the stages of the research- to-production cycle. 5 Again the heavy organizational bias of the system is evident. Planning and the al- location of resources are organized mainly around in- stitutions rather than projects and programs. Furthermore, R&D has been perceived and planned in rather narrow terms and time frames. The planning process has usually ended with the creation of exper- imental prototypes or at best with small batch pro- duction of new products. The actual introduction of R&D results has been beyond the boundaries of science planning. The focus has been on building up scien- tific and technological "potential." The Russian word for the latter, zadel, means literally a stock of semi-finished articles waiting to be processed. A short time horizon, usually only a year, has also pre- vailed. Only since the late 1960s has attention been given to developing the concept of scientific and technical progress, to elaborating its meaning and implications for both the research sector and the in- dustrial sphere, and to making it the object of plan- ning. Such an extension of the boundaries of plan- ning complicates the task considerably. V. Yu. Buda- vey and M. I. Panova observe, "The essence of the matter is that the problem involves drawing up not just a separate section of the national economic plan but a second plan." Yet, they add, "Without global evaluations of scientific and technical progress for the long term it is impossible to work out a strate- gic planning policy in this area and to determine correctly the tasks of a uniform technology policy."" No uniform conception of the future shape of science, technology, or of the economy has emerged to guide the planners, however. Science policy analysis and planning still suffer from inadequate indicators, norms, and information. By 1974 nearly 300 different indicators were used that directly or indirectly characterized scientific and technical progress. However, they did not form a sufficiently goal-oriented system of indicators to 89 insure the integrated planning of science, technol- ogy, and economic growth. In addition, their appli- cation was usually not concerned with the planning and evaluation of production efficiency.' Scientif- ically-based norms are still lacking for financing research and for supplying it with human and material resources. Norms governing the performance of R&D are absent, as are norms regulating the length of projects and their stages. When schedules are in- cluded in planned assignments, they are often fixed arbitrarily without any sufficient basis." Nobel lau- reat and Academician Kantorovich noted in 1976 that "in practice consideration of the time factor is not systematic and is frequently non-existent" in R&D de- cision making. " Yet, without taking time into ac- count, all Soviet science analysts agree, it is vir- tually impossible to evaluate any other indicators, such as the technological novelty or economic advan- tages of an idea. All depend directly on "time," on how rapidly scientific ideas move from the laboratory into use. Serious deficiencies also exist in the data base for planning and evaluating R&D. Decision makers are frequently faced with fragmentary and contradictory information. Statistics on expenditures for funda- mental research, for applied research, and for de- velopment are not regularly collected and reported. The absence of standard concepts for various stages and categories of R&D results in unsystematic infor- mation and conflicting calculations. The information gap is particularly glaring with respect to expendi- tures for innovation and the introduction of new technology. Since most R&D units at industrial en- terprises and associations are not formally classi- fied as "scientific institutions," statistics on R&D performed at production establishments are not sys- tematically gathered, nor are they included in "of- ficial" science allocations. The lack of accounting and reporting of these expenditures seriously "ham- pers the objective measurement of inputs on scientif- ic and technical progress," note S. Golosovsky and G. Yeremenko.10 Essentially, the later stages of the research-to-production cycle fall outside — or, more 90 accurately speaking, "between the cracks" of — the system of planning and control. Finally, a constant flow of operational information is lacking on the course of plan implementation. Information comes at regular reporting periods which may not coincide with the planned completion of projects and tasks. Thus, the information may come too late to permit timely corrective act ion. H It is also important to note that the "technology" of Soviet planning is still relatively primitive. Simple and semi- intuitive methods of evaluation and manual calculations predominate. The inadequacy of technique becomes all the more apparent in the light of the increasing scale and complexity of the task it must tackle. In preparing the annual plan alone Gos- plan works up 47 million indicators. One variant of the national macroeconomic plan requires 83 billion separate calculations. At present nearly four bil- lion documents circulate on various levels of the planning and management hierarchy. Within industrial enterprises, associations, and other economic organ- izations almost five billion work orders and more than two billion supplementary requests are formula- ted each year. 12 The head of the Main Computer Cen- ter at the USSR Gosplan reported with some pride that about 20 percent of the Tenth Five Year Plan (1976- 1980) was prepared on the basis of computer tech- niques. On the eve of the 1980s the pocket calcu- lator has not yet arrived in the Soviet Union, and the dominant tool at hand remains the abacus. "It is no accident," observes Boris Milner, now of the In- stitute for Systems Studies, "that a serious contra- diction has developed between the growth of the vol- ume of information and the traditional methods of da- ta collection and processing."1 The need for more "science" in R&D planning and management is generally recognized among Soviet auth- orities today. Defects in the conduct of analytical work in scientific organizations are decried at all levels of the planning ladder. 15 Special attention is being given to enhancing integrative capabilities, both analytical and administrative, of central deci- 91 sion makers to formulate comprehensive and coherent policies. Accordingly, interest is increasing of late in developing and applying the modern tools of systems planning and management and more sophistica- ted decision aids in this area. Indeed, "systems analysis" and "the systems approach" have become fa- vorite terms as the regime seeks to build a more ef- fective conceptual framework for R&D problem-solving. These underlying aspects of S&T planning are im- portant to note at the outset, because the formal structure and procedures of planning tend to dominate Soviet discussions of science policy and sometimes overshadow these dimensions, which not only impact upon the structure but, more importantly, influence appreciably the quality of R&D decision making. RESOURCE PLANNING AND ALLOCATION FOR RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT In a centrally planned economy like that of the Soviet Union, control over real resources, and not merely the availability of funds, is the essential prerequisite for the conduct of R&D.1^ In other words, work undertaken at the initiative of the per- forming or sponsoring organization depends in large part upon whether the activity itself and the expec- ted capital, labor, and material inputs are each ac- counted for in respective plan chapters. Ruble val- ues serve as the principal means of measuring and ag- gregating performance, but in most cases it is not possible to bid resources away from other organiza- tions as a means of expanding the scope of work. At the least, then, funding serves as an essential if passive indicator of the magnitudes of various cate- gories of R&D. Whether funding can serve as an ac- tive control mechanism, furnishing command over real resources, is a function of the level of aggregation of the decision, the specific fund and/or organiza- tion involved, and the priority and nature of the re- search. 92 While characteristics of the "concrete" project may predominate in decision making at the level of the performer organization, with funding a secondary consideration, high-level decision making in prac- tice cannot be made entirely dependent on a careful study and aggregation of the characteristics of spe- cific projects. At the highest level, when estima- ting the total share of national income and determi- ning the total share of the state budget which will be devoted to science, the Council of Ministers must consider not only the potential for scientific ad- vance in necessarily broad categories of research and development but also the impact of expanded tech- nical advances on economic and social developments . ' The growth rate of expenditures on science is gener- ally set somewhat higher than the growth rate for na- tional income and industrial production to insure scientific and technical progress.-'-" Indeed the very rapid and sustained rise in total official Soviet al- locations for science, equal to 2.4 billion rubles in 1958 and 17.4 billion rubles in 1975, is indicative of the leadership's awareness of the growing relative importance of technological development as a factor contributing to economic growth. The sum allocated to science, as well as its in- tended breakdown by user category and purpose, is specified in a chapter of the annual and five-year State Plans for Development of the National Economy. Here the total volume of outlays for scientific re- search projects and the sources of financing are stipulated, along with the overall wage fund for workers at scientific institutions. J-" These indices, in effect, determine the extent of money, manpower, and materials for conducting R&D. Provisions for capital investments for the construction, expansion, and renovation of scientific facilities are also in- cluded in another chapter of the macroeconomic plans as part of the total volume of capital investments for the development of various sectors of industry and the economy. 0 The science expenditure plans are formulated by the GKNT in collaboration with Gosplan, the Academy of Sciences, and the Ministry of Finance, on the basis of proposals submitted by the USSR min- 93 istries and departments as well as the union republic councils of ministers. The plans emphasize, then, both the association of financial and real resources and the relationship of broad aggregates to the rec- ommendations of intermediate level management organs and institutional subsystems. There are two broad sources of financing R&D: (1) the State Budget and (2) the fiscal resources at the disposal of ministries and agencies at the intermedi- ate level and of enterprises and scientific organiza- tions at the performer level. In Soviet terminology the second source is designated "own funds." Most own funds are, in fact, centralized by the ministry that administers them. Only a portion are decentral- ized and used directly by enterprises and organiza- tions to contract for R&D with scientific institu- tions. ^J- The amount of these resources for each min- istry and agency is stipulated in the plan for finan- cing scientific research projects as a source of fi- nancing. Slightly less than one-half of all science expen- ditures is financed by the State Budget. Budgetary allocations encompass, first, R&D aimed at solving national priority or so-called "basic scientific and technical problems" specified in the macroeconomic plan. These "basic problems" are usually interbranch, involving the joint efforts of multiple ministries and agencies. The State Budget also finances re- search in the natural and social sciences as well as R&D projects linked to the solution of the most im- portant branch-wide tasks. As a rule, State Budget grants are heavily used in the financing of theoretical or exploratory scientif- ic research where R&D results cannot be closely asso- ciated with ultimate economic savings. In 1975, for example, 97 percent of expenditures by research in- stitutes specializing in public health, 90 percent of expenditures by those in agriculture, and 80 percent of expenditures by the USSR and republic academies of sciences were financed through the state and republic budgets. 22 These same sources generally seem to fund 94 a much smaller portion of the activities of industri- al applied R&D institutes. According to one recent estimate, central budgetary allocations cover, on the average, only about 20 to 25 percent of the work of branch scientific organizations and about 15 percent of the expenditures of industrial enterprises related to "scientific and technical progress. ZJ Budget grants are made directly to the intermedi- ate level management organs — the academies of sci- ences, the Ministry of Higher and Specialized Second- ary Education, the branch ministries, and the GKNT. The size of the grants is negotiated and coordinated by the GKNT. In recent years, about 30 percent of the budgetary allocations for science has been ear- marked for the "basic S&T problems," which fall un- der the general responsibility of the GKNT. The re- maining 70 percent has been distributed to the min- istries and other major agencies to be used at their discretion. The "discretion" of these organs in dis- tributing the funds — also largely in the form of block grants — to performer organizations depends upon the extent to which the latter' s activities are ac- counted for in the all-union, branch, and republic plans. In such instances, the funds may be "desig- nated" and the intermediate level management organ serves merely as a conduit. Sometimes, the facility itself proposes these projects. In any case the to- tal size of a facility's budget allocation is not likely to fluctuate widely as a consequence of vari- ation in the number and size of projects of all-union and branch importance. In other words, work not ac- counted for in all-union and branch tasking in total tends to fluctuate in size and accordingly is funded to furnish stability to facility activities. The experience of the Ukrainian Academy of Sci- ences in the 1960s illustrates this phenomenon as well as the hierarchical funding procedure: At the beginning of each year, the State Com- mittee for Science and Technology negotiates with the Ministry of Finance an overall pre- liminary sum. On the basis of the proposal 95 made by the State Committee, Gosplan fixes a global sum for the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences for the coming year. This sum in- creases from year to year at a more or less standard rate of four to six percent. Once the global sum has been fixed, the in- stitutes of the Ukrainian Academy forward their claims to their Division and to the Presidium, which is aided in its delibera- tion by a special department broken down in- to a subdepartment for overall planning. The Presidium has a number of other special de- partments for finance, capital construction, equipment and accounting. Figures are then prepared for each of the three Sections of the Academy which indicate the provisional sum to be made available to them for equipment and for other expenditures. The Vice President of the Academy, responsi- ble for each section, decides on the distri- but ion of funds among the institutes concerned. The experience, particularly the virtually automatic increase in annual funding, also demonstrates that budgetary allocations play an important active role at higher levels of aggregation and particularly in Academy fundamental research. There are similar ac- counts regarding research conducted in higher educa- tional institutions. In the 1960s, Wienert notes, there was no relation between the nature of research projects and the available financial means. Research funds were distributed to the VUZy according to the number of departments.^" In general, Zaleski con- cludes that the traditional criteria for allocation are the gross value of work on an historical basis and/or the number of research topics. 27 Evidence suggests that institutional funding rath- er than project funding is still the predominant prac- tice in Soviet R&D, as is the tendency toward simple aggregate planning and incremental planning "from the achieved level." P. N. Zavlin and a group of science 96 analysts in Novosibirsk attribute the persistence of these practices to the absence of formal criteria for planning science and allocating resources. The lack of any precise norms has allowed personal in- fluence and establishment reputation to carry undue weight. Dissatisfaction with existing methods causes G. Pospelov, a Corresponding Member of the USSR Acad- emy, to declare, "We must finance not only organiza- tions, enterprises, and associations but also goals and tasks, projects and programs. "29 The system of institutional funding is also seen as a cause of in- definite fixing of responsibility and poor coordina- tion among R&D stages and projects. Still other Soviet writers point to the contra- diction between the conservative structure of expen- ditures based on financing of immobile scientific or- ganizations and the inherently dynamic character of science. 30 The inertia of existing institutions and ongoing projects is hard to break. Indeed, it is al- most impossible, it seems, to "shut off" any unsuc- cessful program, much less "shut down" an unproduc- tive institution. As A. M. Birman notes, "While pro- viding ostensible regulation and supervision, the present system of financing research allows some in- stitutions to go for years without producing any sig- nificant results. "31 At the same time, it is diffi- cult to get new ideas and projects accepted. Mount- ing concern over these defects of the existing system led to rising emphasis in the 1970s on the need to expand application of a "programmed-goals approach" to planning and financing of R&D. Such an approach oriented toward projects and end results is frequent- ly used in the military and space sectors. Praising this method, Pospelov notes, "The new will not have to 'fight its way up' from below, proving its right to exist. Under such a system of financing, all shoots of the new will be visible from above and can always be given timely assistance. "32 But program planning and zero-based budgeting have not yet become dominant forces in Soviet civilian R&D activities. To return to the issue of budgetary distribution, industrial R&D conducted within the ministerial sys- tem has a heavy component of state and ministry bud- 97 get financing, but often for a somewhat different reason than at Academy and VUZy facilities. The con- duct of fundamental research in the latter establish- ments renders it difficult to relate research to prac- tical results and link compensation accordingly. In- dustrial research is generally applied, sometimes narrowly so, creating the potential for direct com- pensation based on results. The benefits of certain R&D, however, may extend beyond the bounds of the sponsoring and/or performing facility, and in princi- ple this facility should consider such "external" benefits in making its decision to undertake the pro- ject. To consider the benefits when the facility is evaluated on the basis of economic performance, a way must be found for the facility to capture a portion of the benefits. In the United States, a facility might achieve this end through patents and subsequent licensing agreements, but legally granted proprietary rights of this type on a facility basis are severely restricted in the USSR. In the Soviet system a State Budget grant is used for this purpose. A case in point is the large project to mechanize production operations at the ZIL automobile plant: The program was accomplished at the initiative of the ZIL Association, but taking into account its important national economic value, the State also took part in its financing. Fifty percent of ZIL's expenditures were covered by the State Budget, and fifty percent were covered by pro- fits of the association. The resources of the association which were intended for improvement of current production were not touched (the fund for the development of production) .33 In general, State Budget grants to industrial facili- ties are more likely to be tied to such specific pro- jects of "important national economic value" than is the case for Academy and university facilities. Both at the central and intermediate management level, small but significant reserve funds are re- tained to finance R&D. The significance of the funds derives from their reserve status and their priority, 98 or, in other words, from the flexible and discretion- ary way in which they may be used. This is particu- larly important in an economy where activities and requisite inputs are tautly planned for in advance, as in much centralized funding. The GKNT, for exam- ple, retains as a reserve a modest fraction (1.5 to 2 percent) of the annual budget allocation to science. The State Committee can distribute these funds as needs arise during the year for important scientific research work not included in the approved plan. In the period 1971 to 1975, for example, research insti- tutes under the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences com- pleted 354 additional projects for which the GKNT al- located 37 million rubles from its reserve fund. 34 Industrial ministries and other major agencies may also keep at their disposal up to 2 percent of their budget allocations for science for special use. The "active" role of such funds is bolstered by their high priority, especially in the case of the GKNT fund. They are able to command real resources at short notice for use in urgent and unanticipated pro- jects. Financing of R&D at the level of the performer or- ganization, or decentrally financed R&D, is accounted for either by contract with a sponsoring organization or by revenue generated by the performer organiza- tion's own economic activity. Research institutes and design bureaus, of course, depend almost entirely upon contract research for this financing, and the importance of contract research in the total financ- ing of their activities is naturally closely related to the extent to which their work is directed at sat- isfying the requirements of industry. In some minis- tries, such as those machine-building ministries with a pronounced "systems" or end product orientation (e.g., motor vehicles, aircraft), certain R&D facili- ties finance the majority of their work on the basis of contracts. In institutes of the academies of sci- ences contracting naturally is far less significant. For the USSR Academy as a whole, by 1975 about 12 percent of the total work was financed by contract receipts. In the Siberian Division and in the Ukrai- nian Academy, which have more extensive ties with in- 99 dustry, the share of contract financing had climbed to roughly 20 percent and 38 percent, respectively. In some academy facilities in the Ukraine this figure is much higher. In the Institute for Superhard Ma- terials and the Physico-Mechanical Institute, for ex- ample, contracts accounted in 1975 for 69 percent and 70 percent, respectively, of the total work.3-> The degree of contract financing in university fa- cilities also varies considerably. In some technical schools and departments, the share is extremely high. Overall, in fact, contracts account for about 80 per- cent of all VUZy R&D. This high share reflects the concentration of VUZy research and development in branch laboratories, which are entirely financed through contracts made with the branch ministries. 3° During the period 1971 through 1975 the volume of R&D financed through the State Budget rose by 38 percent while contract receipts increased by 78 percent.-*' In the enterprise or production association sever- al sources of funds are available for financing inno- vation and R&D-related work. These include the Spe- cial Fund for Financing Scientific Research of its parent ministry as well as State Bank credits. The largest source of financing is its own special pur- pose funds: (1) the Unified Fund for the Development of Science and Technology; (2) the Fund for Assimila- tion of New Technology; (3) the Fund for Development of Production. These funds are used to finance re- search, development, and innovation conducted both by enterprise scientific subdivisions and by outside performers under contract. 3° In general, Berliner concludes that "the organization of the supply of fi- nancial resources for R&D appears to be no problem for the innovating enterprise."-^ The real problem is to create the will to innovate. Human motivation is the commodity in short supply, not material and fiscal resources. On the whole, financial allotments at this level of R&D tend to be passive. Decisions at the level of the institute, design bureau, enterprise, and asso- ciation can be related more easily to specific pro- 100 jects and input requirements without the necessity of allocation by lump sum. Similarly, the lesser prior- ity attached to decisions at this level implies that funding is by no means a guarantee that real resour- ces can be commanded if not allotted in production and distribution plans. Thus, the importance and priority of the particular input in question deter- mines the extent to which funding decisions can have an active role, especially at this level. Taken together, then, these various factors and considerations illustrate that the allocation of fi- nancial resources to research and development is an integral feature of Soviet planning. They also de- monstrate the predominantly hierarchical nature of financial planning as well as the relative importance of various sources of funding. The degree to which financial mechanisms are an "active" planning control instrument is largely a function of the level and priority of the decision and decision maker. In addition to these features, a few other basic points about Soviet resource planning and allocation merit brief mention. First, insufficient attention is given to the utilization of resources. Only since the late 1960s have authorities gradually become aware of constraints on resources and concerned about the effectiveness of their use. However, analytical work is still defi- cient in this sphere, in large part because the whole system of planning, financing, and management of R&D remains basically input-oriented rather than output- oriented. A major aim, in fact, of the increased stress on the programmed-goals approach is to help shift the focus of planning, policy, and performance toward end results. "By directly connecting goals and resources, expenditures and output, programming methods of plan- ning create a real basis for objectively evaluating the effectiveness of resource utilization, for choos- ing rational decisions, and for optimizing inter- branch proportions," according to one group of So- ld viet decision analysts. 40 Academician Fedorenko also describes this as an effective method of "dovetailing goals and resources and of coordinating regional, branch, and programmatic aspects of the plan for the development of the national economy. "^ That is, program planning is regarded by some Soviet writers to be not only a more effective analytical device for problem-solving, but also a better way of allocating resources and balancing expenditures so as to insure the appropriate "proportions," noted earlier in our discussion, between the solution of key national S&T problems and the development of various economic sec- tors and regions. The preponderant weight of the ex- isting branch approach to planning and financing makes it difficult to concentrate R&D resources on priority interbranch projects, to eliminate waste, and to accelerate innovation. Second, the State Budget in the Soviet Union is an annual budget. There is no five-year budget that can be linked to the five-year macroeconomic plan. Funds — as the basis for obtaining material and technical re- sources— are distributed only for one-year periods. Such a short time horizon prevents the development of a genuine investment mentality toward R&D outlays that is oriented to long-term returns. On the con- trary, it reinforces the dominant tendency to plan "from the achieved level" and to focus on inputs rath- er than results. Since unspent funds revert back to the budget, there is a strong tendency for R&D per- formers to use up all resources and thus "zero out" at the end of the year. There is little incentive to reduce expenses and to economize on materials and labor under the existing system. Third, there is the problem of coordinating fi- nancing with material and technical supply. In prin- ciple, each financial flow is to be matched by a cor- responding physical flow, and whenever possible both are to be planned. In practice, however, the linkage rarely works smoothly and rapidly, and sometimes it is not made at all. Part of the problem is that R&D organizations frequently cannot anticipate their re- quirements for materials, equipment, and scientific 102 instruments, and some delays are unavoidable. But the main trouble lies in the notorious inefficiencies of the Soviet supply system. Supply needs are not automatically met through the allocation of financial resources or through inclusion of R&D targets into the S&T plans. Instead, these requirements are writ- ten into the Plan for Material Supplies which is a separate chapter of the state economic plan but not always well integrated with it. If an item is not included in the supply plan its procurement is always protracted, if not impossible. This is especially true for R&D facilities at production establishments which lack priority status on the distribution list. In general, though, scientific and engineering sup- plies are scarce. Not only modern sophisticated hard- ware but even simple articles, like test tubes and measuring jars, are hard to come by. The whole sci- entific instruments industry in the USSR is still backward and undeveloped . In recent years, several steps have been taken to remedy the supply problems of R&D organizations. Sev- enty Moscow research institutes and design bureaus belonging to 13 different ministries have been trans- ferred— on an experimental basis — to nonallocated supply status for the entire so-called "interminis- try itemized list" of some 25,000 products through the wholesale trade system. These facilities can ap- parently now satisfy their supply needs much more quickly than before. ^3 Efforts have also been made to expand the circula- tion and use of scarce equipment through the intro- duction of a rental supply system on a limited re- gional basis. At some R&D centers expensive measur- ing or testing devices sit around in warehouses after being used only once. Equipment and instruments pile up in labs. Meanwhile, other organizations with less political influence or professional prestige, like the VUZy, plant labs, and design bureaus, are unable to acquire the necessary apparatus and scientific supplies to conduct their R&D projects. This is in part due to defects in amortization procedures for scientific equipment. A more important factor, how- 103 ever, is that scientific institutions have engaged in much the same kind of hoarding practices as industri- al enterprises. They are reluctant to share, much less give up, valuable and scarce resources, even if they do not use them. The establishment of a rental system is a means by which to free the quantity of little used, highly expensive, greatly needed, but essentially "frozen" equipment that is growing at an appreciable rate. It represents a device by which to break down some of the institutional barriers between the "haves" and the "have nots," to bring together the demand of some organizations and the supply of others. Suffice it to note that in the early 1970s the rental of scientific instruments and lab equipment began to be organized, initially in the Leningrad re- gion. Plans have been worked out to develop such rental services in a number of major scientific cen- ters throughout the USSR, such as Moscow, Minsk, Tbi- lisi, Kiev, and Irkutsk. Along with filling one-time orders, the servicing of customers on the basis of long-term contracts has begun to be practiced. Rent- al arrangements sometimes involve the provision not only of equipment and supplies but also of important services, such as testing and measurement. This is particularly important for extremely complex and costly instruments, which can be easily damaged if not handled properly. Given the present shortage of technicians, this is a good way to maximize the ser- vices and skills of existing specialists and to main- tain quality control. Interestingly, other organiza- tions like the USSR State Committee on Standards, the USSR Ministry of Chemical Industry, and the USSR Academy of Sciences have also begun to set up rental services involving very sophisticated equipment and precision instruments.^ Nonetheless, the inadequacy of supplies and the inefficiency of their administration remain constant complaints in the Soviet press. Here it is important to bear in mind that the supply function, like plan- ning and financing, is fragmented among numerous or- ganizations. There is no single master and alloca- 104 tion holder of material resources, though the State Committee for Material and Technical Supply (Gossnab) presides over one of the most extensive and powerful bureaucratic empires in the country. Still, more than 75 percent of the 7000 supply and marketing or- ganizations belongs to various ministries and depart- ments. "Subdividing supply functions," an article in Pravda notes, "has the undesired consequence that each branch of the economy strives to supply 'its own' enterprises first, frequently to the detriment of the state as a whole. "^5 The cumbersome multi- level and multi-agency distribution system gives rise to poor coordination in planning, complicates work, and impedes the solution of even routine matters. Describing the defects of the system, the head manag- er of supplies for the Moscow region observed re- cently: The organizational structure of the USSR Gos- snab and its agencies does not yet fully meet the demands of the national economy in as much as the share of material resources sold through this system is low, not over 50 percent. The nationwide system has still not become the basic, prevailing system of supply either at the center or in local areas. As a result, production associations, enterprises, construc- tion and research organizations are compelled to use numerous additional channels to find and acquire the materials and equipment they need to fulfill their plans and meet their commitments. At present there are no firmly established procedures for planning and distributing the goods on the itemized lists stipulated by the USSR Gosplan and by the state economic plan. Naturally, this makes for considerable du- plication in the work of the USSR Gosplan and Gossnab. ^6 Largely because of the difficulties in obtaining ma- terials and equipment through Gossnab, R&D facilities and production units continue to bypass the whole ma- 105 terial supplies system and try to satisfy their needs illegally and by direct acquisition from producing organizations. THE SELECTION OF RESEARCH TOPICS AND TASKS Program and project selection in Soviet R&D facil- ities reflects the combined impact of possibilities and objectives. Important factors influencing tech- nical possibilities are current Soviet state-of-the- art; the state-of-the-art abroad and potential for foreign technology acquisition; and the quality and quantity of material, labor, and capital inputs that can be directed to technology generation and acqui- sition. Important factors influencing objectives are the level of the decision maker, his independent or derived aspirations, and the urgency of the technical problem at hand in comparison to other claimants on resources. Influencing both possibilities and ob- jectives is the productivity of investment in partic- ular programs and projects, or in other words, the value of the results which may be expected from a given amount of inputs. While the selection proce- dures and criteria clearly differ depending upon the agency and type of R&D, and though our knowledge of the details of Soviet decision making is still limit- ed at all levels, the following description supplies the important principles and general procedures. In all organizations and at all levels of the hi- erarchies the selection generally proceeds in three stages: (1) an evaluation of where the organization or entity (the nation as a whole, republic, or branch of the economy) is at a particular time; (2) an as- sessment of where the organization or entity is like- ly to be under the assumptions of combining possibil- ities with several variants of objectives; and (3) a selection of alternatives. The chief concern in the first stage is the set of indicators employed to evaluate status; in the second, techniques of fore- casting; and in the third, the designation and hier- archy of plans, programs, and projects and the cri- 106 teria of choice. The hierarchy of plans has already been described. Briefly, for definitional purposes, the program-oriented hierarchy is as follows. Im- portant, complex S&T problems are broken down into targets, which in turn are subdivided into projects, operationally the basic unit of research. These may be further subdivided into tasks and even stages. Examples of each generally do not appear simultane- ously in the same plan. Highly aggregated indicators tend to correspond to all-union and branch plans, while detailed indicators are found in plans of per- former organizations. Indicators of current technical or economic status are particularly important because they form the ba- sis for all subsequent policy actions. Pertinent in- dicators, of course, reflect the R&D orientation of the particular decision -making unit, but they also show what the decision maker believes to be impor- tant. There is, then, a kind of circularity here: indicators which the performer knows to be evaluative influence his project selection and conduct. In general, Soviet planning of science and tech- nology has lacked until recently any formalized and uniform set of indicators to guide strategy and pol- icy development. Individual ministries have followed different and often outdated regulations as well as specific orders and sometimes contradictory explana- tions of various agencies. Even the names and struc- ture of R&D plans have varied from one branch to an- other. Among 20 ministries and departments in the Ukraine in 1973, for example, only three used the same indicators in the R&D divisions of their plans. 47 Also absent have been any guidelines for effectively linking the planning of R&D to the planning of indus- trial production. Significantly, new planning instructions issued by Gosplan in 1974 seek to provide some systematic cri- teria for scientific choice. The instructions stip- ulate that the planning of S&T is an integral part of the planning of scientific and technical progress. Thus, the formulation of five-year and annual plans 107 is to be oriented to accelerating the rates of scien- tific and technical advance and to raising the effi- ciency of production along the following broad lines: 1. The creation and introduction of fundamental- ly new tools, materials, and technological processes which surpass the best domestic and world standards 2 . The comprehensive improvement of product qual- ity in all sectors of the national economy 3. A rapid rise in the technical level of the stock of technological equipment and a faster pace of replacement and modernization of ob- solete machines and units 4. A reduction in the amount of materials con- sumed in production by improving the product mix and the design of machinery, by using ad- vanced technology, and by utilizing more ful- ly raw and other materials 5. A rise in the level of electrification of pro- duction and in the efficiency of energy use 6. The creation of machine systems for complete mechanization and automation of the most im- portant production processes in industry, construction, agriculture, and transportation 7. The renovation of existing and introduction of progressive standards and specifications for achieving a high technological level and quality of output 8. The broad introduction of modern methods of planning, organizing, and managing production, including the use of up-to-date business mach- ines and computer technology. ^ These broad directions, expressed in terms of appro- priate volumes, rates, and proportions, have subse- quently been referred to by Soviet science policy of- ficials as "basic indicators" for measuring scientif- ic and technical progress. ^9 108 In fact, the 1974 planning instructions included, for the first time, a list of "basic technical and economic indicators" for industrial production, which are directly related to the broad evaluative consid- erations noted above. Constituting a new subdivision of the plan for the development of science and tech- nology, these technical standards are designed to serve several purposes. First, they provide crite- ria for determining the usefulness and desirability of proposed research, development, and innovation measures, and in particular for calculating the re- turn on investment. Second, they induce enterprises to enhance technological performance, raise economic efficiency, and improve product quality. Third, they aim at enforcing the utilization of R&D results in production. ->0 In effect, these technical standards are to serve as the basic indicators for evaluating status and for determining technological advance throughout the plan- ing hierarchy. The indicators are couched in general terms for application to the economy as a whole and to the republics, in intermediate terms for the var- ious branches of the economy, and in highly specific terms for separate production units. The general in- dicators include, for example, the following: 1. The proportion of products matching or exceed- ing the best world standards 2. The volume of sales of such products 3. Changes in proportion and volume of substan- dard and obsolete products 4. The proportion of obsolete products withdrawn from manufacture to total products 5. The amount of production assimilated for the first time or assimilated in less than 3 years time 6. The degree of mechanization and automation of labor 109 7. Relative reductions in the labor force due to the rising technical level of production 8. Increases in labor productivity 9. Economies in the use of materials 10. Reducations in cost. Indicators for each branch or enterprise specify the production standards required to meet the general in- dicators, such as, the average content of nutrients in chemical fertilizers, the drilling speed of oil and gas drilling equipment, and the proportion of to- tal steel output per plant produced by the continuous smelting method. 51 The orientation of these indica- tors is clearly economic and demonstrates that pres- sure on the scientific community is strong and grow- ing to induce all researchers, designers, and engi- neers to serve the needs of the economy. It is of course difficult to conceive of a set of concrete indicators which might represent the level of achievement in a particular scientific discipline, especially in fundamental research. This is also at- tributable to the fact that no single organizational unit is held responsible for advance in a specific field, though leading Academy of Sciences departments, councils, and facilities would come closer to assum- ing this role than any comparable American facility. Accordingly, the state of advance in a scientific discipline is evaluated in informal discussion within the relevant scientific community and more formal de- liberation in a scientific problem council of the Academy or of the GKNT responsible for the area. So- viet status relative to the rest of the world is also certainly an important consideration. Prospective paths of scientific and technical ad- vance are determined through forecasts, a procedure which really constitutes the first stage of planning. Much attention has been given in the USSR in recent years to S&T forecasting. Its development has been encouraged in large part to broaden the short time 110 horizon and to alter the incremental style of Soviet decision making and thereby improve strategic plan- ning in both science policy and economic policy. S&T forecasts are projections of alternate trends in major areas of science and technology. The vari- ants ultimately selected as a basis for planning re- flect established priorities and preferred options, ideally arrived at by comparative evaluation of ex- pediency, costs, and benefits. The approved fore- casts are the foundation for so-called "basic direc- tions in the development of science and technology during the five-year plan period." The incorpora- tion in forecasts of the combined impact of possibil- ities and objectives is reflected in the fact that subsequent "basic directions" are designated as the framework for addressing the "basic S&T problems" listed in the five-year plan. Forecasts may be short term (5-7 years) , medium term (10-15 years) , and long term (20 years and over) and impact on the respective plan periods according- ly. Short-term forecasts are used in machine build- ing and metalworking to project new models of machin- ery and equipment. The longer term forecasts are used to project new types of products or engineering systems. They are commonly made for problems or ar- eas of national importance, and sometimes for branch- es when the problem is clearly within the confines of a particular branch. Long-term forecats have been prepared, for example, for the fuel and energy balance up to the year 2000, for hydro-electric pow- er, long-term chemicalization, and development of branches of heavy industry. 52 Though more than 150 different forecasting methods have been developed, they fall generally into three major types: extrapolation, expert judgment, and mod- eling. Techniques of extrapolation are usually used in areas where changes are gradual and not disrupted by radically new discoveries. The future is projec- ted largely on the basis of the continuation of pre- sent tendencies of development. In expert judgment, forecasting involves analysis of trends by groups of 111 experts in particular fields and the weighing of opin- ions as to predominant probabilities in science and technology. The method of modeling consists of build- ing information models, games models, mathematical models, and other systems of logic incorporating pre- sent and future technical and economic characteris- tics in particular fields of R&D." In general, methods of collective expertise and evaluation are most frequently used, particularly when broad or nebulous questions are under examina- tion, such as prospective advance in an area of fun- damental science. Modeling is least used. This is certainly in part due to the heavy demands placed on extensive and consistent data panels and on careful specification of parameters. Modeling is more ame- nable to such tasks as the projection of performance characteristics for certain categories of machinery and the development of branch-of-the-economy fore- casts. On the procedural side, the forecasting of R&D of national or interbranch scope is directed and moni- tored by the "Big Four" planning agencies: the USSR Academy of Sciences, the GKNT, Gosplan, and Gosstroy (the USSR State Committee for Construction Affairs) . The Academy and the GKNT, in particular, are the main agencies in this activity. Each maintains an elabo- rate structure of special problem councils and expert groups which separately and jointly conduct forecast- ing studies. S&T forecasting that is limited to an intrabranch focus is the province of relevant branch ministries, though subject to constraints imposed by central forecasts. Branch-wide forecasts selected by the ministries are also submitted to the "big four" agencies for review and approval. ->5 It needs to be noted, however, that the whole area of scientific forecasting and technology assessment continues to suffer from serious deficiencies. Long- range planning and forecasting are still relatively undeveloped on the branch level. Some branches, Nol- ting points out, do not even bother to draw up fore- casts or perspective plans of intrabranch R&D. Fore- 112 casting in these ministries is confined to that por- tion of R&D conducted in connection with major inter- branch S&T programs. 5" Serious complaints are regis- tered regarding the quality of forecasts. The latter frequently do not take into account economic return, social consequences, the dynamics of prices, etc." The real problem is that no universally acceptable methods have been found for evaluating these factors, nor is there any agreement on how they interface . Be- cause of these general evaluative deficiencies, fore- casting continues to have so-called "black spots" that reduce its value as an instrument of Soviet plan- ning and analytical tool for deciding problems of choice. Nonetheless, with evaluations of current sta- tus and forecasts in hand, planners are prepared to select programs and projects. The selection of programs is an iterative process among experts and councils in a position to know the constraints placed on R&D by the availability of in- tellectual, human, and material resources, on the one hand, and the economic and political authorities who provide the objectives and orientation for science on the other. The selection of programs and projects and their subsequent disaggregation generally follow administrative lines corresponding to the infrastruc- ture depicted in chapter 9. In important instances, however, problems are of interbranch significance, and R&D conducted on the problem requires coordina- tion between Academy, university, and/or industrial facilities of several ministries. Similar, multi-fa- cility programs are developed within ministries. The delegation and management of programs and projects, both administratively and functionally oriented, is discussed in greater detail later in this chapter. For now, attention is given only to the selection of original projects at various levels and particularly the criteria of selection. National and branch long-range plans for S&T are essentially a bridge between forecasts and the five- year plan. The long-range plan is "apparently a ten- tative selection of the variants of basic directions yielded by the forecasts and sets forth in broad 113 terms the new technology to be developed."" Five- year and annual plans are the operational periods for program selection and control, and the basic S&T prob- lems that are included in the national economic plan form the orientation for much of the R&D performed in the Soviet Union, both because of their magnitude and the high priority attached to their solution. In the Eighth (1966-1970) and Ninth (1971-1975) Five- Year Plans the basic problems reportedly consumed about 40 percent of the allocations to science, while in the Tenth Plan (1976-1980) they garnered about 25 percent of the official science budget. The number of problems has also been reduced from nearly 250 to around 200. The links between S&T forecasts, basic directions, and basic problems as well as the lat- ter' s subsequent breakdown into programs and pro- jects are depicted in Figure 10-3. The list of basic S&T problems is prepared by the State Committee for Science and Technology in collab- oration with Gosplan and the Academy of Sciences. Ap- parently only about 10 percent of the problems — the most important — actually go to the Council of Minis- ters (and most likely the Politburo) for approval at the highest level, but this portion probably absorbs more than half of all expenditures. The rest are more likely then approved on the spot by the "Big Four" central planning agencies. ->" The largest of the work programs associated with these problems un- dergo expert evaluation at the State Expert Commis- sion of the USSR Gosplan. For individual programs, the GKNT organizes the expert judgment. The basic criteria for the selection of these problems of na- tional priority are their interbranch importance, their social significance, and the technical-economic benefit to be derived from their solution. The list of basic problems reportedly contains no military projects. "0 A basic S&T problem is defined as a complex of in- terrelated tasks, the fulfillment of which plays an important role in accelerating technological modern- ization of the national economy as a whole. The "so- lution" of a problem takes generally one of the fol- 114 FIGURE 9-3 COMPONENTS OF THE SYSTEM OF RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT, AND INNOVATION PLANNING IN THE USSR Variants of Scientific Technical Forecast «-H 3asic Direction in RDI for Perspective or 5-year Period (chosen variant) Party and Government Economic Decisions economic ana aociax Forecasts Scientific and Technical Expertise and Information 3asic Directions in Development of the National Economy For Perspective and 5-vear Periods 3asic S&T Problem of 5-vear Period 3asic SiT Problem of 5-vear Period S6.T Program or 5-vear Period JZ General Assignment or Target 3*. General Assignment or Target Specific (Project or Job) Specific Pro-ect or Job Source: Louvan E. Nolting, The Planning of Research, Development, and Innovation in the U.S.S.R., p. 20. 115 lowing forms: 1. Development and assimilation of new systems of machines, new equipment for mechanization and automation, and new materials and products 2. Development and assimilation of improved tech- nological processes and methods of reducing environmental pollution 3. Improvements in production organization and management, including the introduction of au- tomated control and management information systems 4. Work on problems in the fields of construc- tion, architecture, agriculture, and public health. To solve the 200 basic S&T problems in the current Tenth Plan, nearly 1900 new kinds of machines, in- struments, and products, 900 new economical materi- als, more than 1000 new technological processes, and about 700 automated control systems are slated for development . "-'■ In general, fundamental research problems are not included among the basic S&T problems but are listed among the problems in the natural and social scien- ces, which are also funded from the State Budget. For example, only six percent of the basic problems in the Eighth Plan incorporated the fundamental re- search stage, but none was limited to it. More than half of the problems were confined to areas of ap- plied research and/or development. Only about 40 percent of the problems extended through the stage of innovation and production assimilation. °^ In ac- cord with the increasing emphasis in science policy on the need to utilize R&D results in the economy, the list of 200 basic problems in the Tenth Plan con- tains a greater proportion of innovation-directed projects. More than half of the new hardware, tech- nology, and materials in development are planned to be carried through to the phase of trial lot produc- 116 tion or to the successful operation of production processes. 63 To illustrate the nature and variety of basic S&T problems, let us offer the following examples from the Tenth Plan. There are programs devoted to the development and expanded use of numerically-controlled machine tools and the development of modern equipment for mechanizing and automating local materials han- dling and warehouse operations as well as timber cut- ting. Other programs focus on raising the unit ca- pacity of machines and equipment, especially for the chemical, power, and ferrous metallurgical industries. These include building large ammonia producing plants, and turbines and generators with a capacity of 500, 800, and 1000-1200 megawatts; developing ultra-long 1500 kV DC and 1150 kV AC transmission lines and nu- clear power plants equipped with 1500 megawatt reac- tors; and designing special excavating machines with 40, 65, and 180 cubic meter bucket draglines for coal mining. On another level are basic problems in the devel- opment of furnaceless metallurgy, spindleless spin- ning, and shuttleless weaving. New methods of pro- ducing metal and high-grade steels, including oxygen converters and electric smelting, are the subjects of other programs. At the Oskol Electrometallurgical Combine technology will be introduced for the produc- tion of steel by direct reduction of iron ore without blast furnace processing. Still other programs con- centrate on the production of more efficient materi- als, such as synthetic resins and plastics. Develop- ments in laser technology and in industrial robots also figure among the basic S&T problems. Finally, problems in applied research — rather than development or innovation — include programs on the use of scientific principles of superconductivity and magneto-hydrodynamics, space and oceans research, mo- lecular biology, and seismology. A basic S&T problem in the field of public health concerns the develop- ment of methods and means for the prevention, diagno- sis, and treatment of cardiovascular disorders. Other 117 programs deal with ways to protect the soil against erosion as well as research on plant nutrition and ways of raising soil fertility. 64 The procedure for project selection at lower lev- els of the hierarchy is similar, although correspon- dingly shorter and simpler with fewer organizations involved. In Academy and university facilities, "initiative" fundamental research not associated with problems of superior bodies or contractual obliga- tions materially reflects the professional interests of the individual or research collectives. In indus- try, ministries define problems of branch importance in the same way that all-union R&D problems are de- fined. The ministry scientific-technical council is the chief consultative body. Large production asso- ciations and other establishments may engage in a similar procedure. In general, while personnel in industrial institutes, design bureaus, and produc- tion establishments may have some latitude to pursue their professional interests, the heavily applied na- ture of the work at these facilities severely limits the scope of R&D. Indeed, the selection process itself is influenced by the character of the R&D in question. While the consumer of the results frequently influences project selection in industrial R&D, the resource base — the qualifications, creative potential, and experience — of the fundamental research organization also tends to limit the scope of its work. In planning funda- mental research, Larichev notes that "the resources of the executors predetermine to a considerable de- gree the goals that are achieved." On the other hand, for predominantly development-oriented projects "the composition of the performers has comparatively small influence on the goals that are achieved; the same R&D can be assigned to different groups of perform- ers." Applied R&D occupies an intermediate position in this regard. "5 Academician Kapitsa also observes that with fundamental research planning "the choice of talented individuals should have priority, even over the choice of subjects." As he points out, "A lame man cannot be taught to run however much money is spent on him. "66 118 Precise figures are not available on the propor- tions of R&D directly planned by central authorities, the branch ministries, and local R&D performers. Al- though the 200 basic S&T problems account for only about 25 percent of total official R&D, central plan- ning is not limited to these programs and may approach 40 to 50 percent, in Nolting's opinion. Ministerial- ly planned R&D activities constitute probably about 30 percent of the total effort while lower level per- formers account for the remainder."' Throughout the discussion of selection, we have referred to the pertinent criteria. In general, at all levels and in all organizations criteria may be grouped in three categories — economic, technical, and social — with emphasis on the first. The criteria themselves also are similar throughout the economy, with allowance for the pertinent arena of the deci- sion maker. Both the problems and the answers should generally be formulated in a language appropriate for the given planning environment. That is, scientific evaluation, Larichev explains, "in spirit should be a concrete response to problems of the planning or- ganization." "Logical models of information conver- sion which use verbal definitions of qualities are more practical than mathematical ones," he adds. 68 In general, strong preference exists for relatively simple evaluative methods and indicators rather than for highly sophisticated analytical techniques and complex quantitative formulas. For the most part, R&D questions are seen by Larichev and other Soviet science analysts to fall into the class of "weakly structured decision problems," for which modern sys- tems analytic techniques, including cost /effective- ness methods, are not very useful. Only in the more deterministic world of production-oriented develop- ment projects are these conceptual aids deemed to be of value in planning and deciding problems of choice and uncertainty .69 Also as a general rule, Kapitsa notes that the figures to be watched in project plan- ning are not the absolute ones but the relative in- dices— the percentages of the total used for sala- ries, for administration, for scientific equipment, etc. 70 119 Until the late 1960s, economic criteria did not figure prominently in Soviet R&D decision making. Scientists and engineers were generally not sensitive to parameters of "cost" and to constraints on re- sources. Their dominant attitude, as expressed in the Academy's main journal, was that "there is no un- equivocal criterion for the resources that should be allocated to science. All of us must try to obtain the greatest amount of resources possible."'-'- Once when commenting upon the difficulties the leadership faced in drawing up the first list of basic S&T prob- lems, Academician Kirillin, Chairman of the GKNT, ob- served that scientists did not always help policyma- kers resolve the problems of choice. They willingly gave positive endorsements and sometimes were indeci- sive about a particular problem. But almost never did they render negative opinions. '2 Similarly, the economic benefit or return of pro- posed R&D was not always considered, much less cal- culated, in the selection process. In 1968, for ex- ample, the branch plan for the development of new technology prepared by the Ministry of Instrument Ma- king, Automation Equipment, and Control Systems in- cluded estimates of the economic return for only six percent of its applied research work, for about 30 percent of the undertakings devoted to the creation of management information systems, and for about 60 percent of the projects dealing with the development of new instruments and means of automation. The absence of calculations of economic return is ex- plained in large part by the fact that they were not obligatory at this time. "Without estimates of eco- nomic return," E. V. Kosov notes, "It is impossible to evaluate and compare the activity of organizations working in the field of science and technology."'^ Suffice it to say that since the late 1960s Krem- lin authorities have mandated that all R&D projects in the plan must be supported by calculations of eco- nomic return redounding to the users of the new tech- nology and to the economy as a whole. The main aim of this requirement is to weed out nonpaying, imprac- tical R&D, to promote technological innovation, and 120 to raise the general cost-effectiveness consciousness of the R&D sector. For basic S&T problems of nation- al priority, the prescribed indicators of economic effectiveness include specific capital investments, labor costs, expenditures on materials, electric pow- er per unit of increase in production capacity, and general expenditures in terms of cost. For each prob- lem there is also compiled a technical level chart which compares the projected new technology with the best domestic and foreign technology, indicates the branches of the economy in which the new technology is to be applied, and gives rough projections of the demand and export potential for the new or improved technology. 75 The economic orientation of the cri- teria and their similarity to the indicators of de- velopment described earlier are apparent. Nonetheless, the requirement to include calcula- tions of economic return in R&D planning is not uni- versally observed and enforced. Basic science ap- pears generally to be excluded from this policy and from the subject matter of the "economics of re- search," a special field of study that has emerged in the USSR since the mid-1960s. As one of its lead- ing experts observes, It is not possible to reduce the labor embodied in Mendeleyev's discovery of the periodic table to the cost of the cards on which the atomic weights of chemical elements are entered and to the cost of the sheets of paper on which Mende- leyev recorded his idea of the periodic law. 76 More broadly, too, cost /effectiveness estimates tend to be neglected or are elaborated pro forma simply to justify decisions already made. The crux of the mat- ter is that no uniform set of procedures has been es- tablished for defining and calculating economic re- turn applicable to individual branches and enterpris- es. In general, L. Gliazer notes, "Almost all eco- nomic calculations that are presently made in science have a low degree of reliability. Here broad use is made of various kinds of analytical techniques that impart the appearance of objectivity to all manner of 121 subjective constructions."" S. M. Yampolskiy also concludes that the calculation of economic return has been made mandatory, in effect, only for projects of major importance approved by the USSR Council of Min- isters or for special bonus projects in which an en- terprise assimilates a technology new to the USSR. 78 Even for the highest priority basic S&T problems, however, economic analysis has limitations and defi- ciencies. Among the current 200 basic problems eco- nomic return was not determined in a number of cases, nor were the technical level charts always complete and accurate. In some instances, information was lacking on important indicators. Analogies were some- times used and not the latest achievements in compar- ing technological merit. As a GKNT official notes, "All this prevented the conduct of careful analysis and expert review for all the problems. It is neces- sary to give more attention to analysis and evalua- tion of new technology, to make more precise the in- formation on the technical level charts. "79 Studies by Soviet science policy specialists in the early 1970s exposed a number of analytical and methodological deficiencies in the handling of this special class of decision problems. Commenting on the experience of cost overruns — sometimes quite stag- gering— among the 246 basic S&T problems during the Eighth Five Year Plan, Kosov and Popov concluded that "cost" was not, in fact, substantiated in the system of coordination plans for these problems. No relia- ble or universal methodology was used in calculating the cost of either individual projects or programs as a whole. Nor was there any consistent effort to relate cost to economic return. Economic return was not an important or obligatory object of planning. There was also some duplication among the problems so that parallel programs existed, for example, on de- veloping new kinds of paper, new types of irrigation systems for agriculture, and data processing systems for handling S&T information. 80 Other specialists, including 0. I. Volkov, Boris Zaitsev, and Boris La- pin, also conclude that the coordination plans for 1966-1970 were deficient in "economic effective- ness.""1 For the most part, the methods of planning 122 basic problems did not change until the Tenth Plan, when central authorities tightened up on procedures and laid down the "basic technical-economic indica- tors" to guide the selection process. All the same, despite improvements in calculating effectiveness, economic return on R&D is not an ab- solute criterion for selection of basic problems. There are other factors, such as national prestige, defense, social and even technological goals, that may override considerations of economic benefit and cost /effectiveness ratio. V. N. Arkhangelskiy, a ma- jor authority on the planning and financing of R&D, labels this the "criterion of necessity." In cases where this criterion applies, he writes, only the cost and not the economic return need be estimated."^ Though he gives no specific examples of basic S&T problems that fit this category, we can surmise that "necessity" may have determined the choice of some of the research-oriented problems in the areas of space, oceanography, public health, and atomic ener- gy. Examples of past technology-oriented basic prob- lems that may have been perceived in these terms were the development of the Soviet supersonic transport plane, the TU-144, and the new series of Arktik class atomic ice breakers. Even more difficult to quantify than economic cri- teria are the two others, technical and particularly social criteria. But these exert significant influ- ence on project selection. The project to mechanize production operations at the large ZIL truck plant is a case in point. As a Soviet case study of the deci- sion-making process that underlay this modernization program notes: The program of reconstruction had great economic, technical, and social significance. The economic significance of the program consisted in that it was viewed as the creation of signifi- cant economic return: the growth of labor produc- tivity, increase of profitability of production, and guaranteeing stability of quality production. 123 The technical significance of the program consis- ted in the changeover to a new base model of truck, the ZIL-130, instead of the ZIL-150, in simultane- ously increasing production from 100 to 200 thou- sand trucks per year, and in the introduction of basically new technical solutions in the areas of welding, forging, assembly, transport, and other technological processes. The social significance of the program consisted in that it was viewed as a first order mechaniza- tion and automation of labor intensive and heavy work, as well as of unattractive or harmful opera- tions. Significantly improved were the working conditions. Social significance of the program also consisted in the fact that it can be seen as the accomplishment of large social measures in the localities of the main plant and its branch facil- ity: large residential and cultural construction, including the building of health and sports facil- ities, nursery schools and pioneer camps, etc.°3 Though automation brings obvious economic benefits in higher productivity, the social consequences asso- ciated with alleviating or eliminating heavy physical labor appear to be further considerations behind at least two of the current basic S&T problems. One of these deals with the development of modern machinery for handling materials and mechanizing warehouse op- erations; the other focuses on equipment to mechanize the process of timber cutting. The social signifi- cance of these programs lies in the fact that one- third of all Soviet industrial workers are still en- gaged in manual labor and 16 percent do heavy physi- cal labor. 8^ In another example, ecological factors are said to have been of importance in the development of the 250,000 kilowatt thermal-electric turbine, one of the early "basic S&T problems" selected by the regime: Combined heat and power supply also has great so- cial significance, since it facilitates an increase in the purity of the atmosphere, a reduction in 124 thermal pollution of reservoirs and an improvement in the comfort of industrial buildings. Combined heat and power supply eliminates the re- quirement for individual, small fuel-consuming heaters. The use of powerful sources for the com- bined generation of heat and electricity makes it possible more effectively to organize purification of the smokestack gases of steam generators of fly-ash particles, which, for the small or even large urban boilers, is difficult to accomplish in terms of both the volume of work and capital in- vestments required. As a result, the number of harmful discharges of ash, sulfur oxides and nitrous oxides into the at- mosphere is sharply reduced. 85 We noted earlier that the list of 200 priority S&T problems in the Tenth Five Year Plan includes R&D programs in environmental protection. While "envi- ronmental impact statements" have not yet become man- datory in Soviet R&D planning, the importance of eco- logical factors is definitely rising. Academician N. P. Fedorenko writes, "Most economists now share the opinion that purely economic criteria are becoming increasingly inadequate as indicators of the optimal- ity of economic growth and should be supplemented with social and ecological indicators.""6 In general, though, there is still much room for improvement in the selection of R&D programs. The so- cial impact of new technology has only recently be- come an object of planning, and the methods of eval- uating "social effectiveness" are still undeveloped. The new technical-economic indicators established by Gosplan in 1974 have not yet become a firm basis for standardizing the calculation of economic return and technological level of prospective R&D. Their appli- cation is still experimental, and opposition runs strong in the ministries against centralization of technical decision making. Given these circumstances, Louvan Nolting concludes, "As in other countries, rough rule-of-thumb balancing of economic and societ- 125 al interests will probably continue to be the princi- pal method of regulating technical progress in the Soviet Union."87 As regards the most important S&T problems in par- ticular, deficiencies in decision making and adminis- tration persist despite recent efforts to wrap these processes in more modern clothes. To be sure, some progress has been made in conceptualization of what should be the parameters of a basic S&T problem. The initial list, hastily formulated in 1965, displayed a 5000 percent difference in the cost range between the least and the most expensive problems, suggesting substantial weaknesses in defining the criteria of choice for including a particular topic on the prior- ity list.88 Nonetheless, there are still no uniform criteria or adequate procedures for screening this class of problem, and it remains a general catchall category. Not all really important problems are put on the list, and some topics are included at the sug- gestion and under pressure of ministries and depart- ments although they are, in fact, not of major impor- tance. Not all the basic problems are interbranch or of national significance. 89 Finally, special mention must be made of the role of "inertia" in the selection and retention of Soviet R&D programs. Investments already made and projects in progress predetermine to a large extent the con- tent of future plans. They constrain the options and possibilities of planners to undertake new starts. The task of preparing the five-year plan has been li- kened by one Soviet observer to the problem of trying to buy new furniture for an apartment when one-third of the pieces are already there and another third is on order. 90 Indeed, almost two-thirds of the current 200 top priority S&T programs have been carried over from the Ninth Plan.^l The basic problems in the Ninth Plan, in turn, were mostly continuations of projects that were begun in the Eighth Plan when the list of basic S&T problems was first established. This continuity in Soviet planning is characteris- tic more generally of a fundamentally conservative 126 approach to technological and economic development. The tendency to plan "from the achieved level," which holds sway throughout the system, reflects what has been called an "add on" philosophy of design and mode of advance. Strong preference and aptitude exist for improving and scaling up existing processes rather than for developing basically new processes and prod- ucts. This is seen in the scaling up of blast fur- naces in the iron and steel industry and of gas and electric turbines and generators in the power indus- try. In aviation, the development of a new aircraft tends to incorporate existing technology rather than depend upon successful new advances in airframe, en- gine, and avionics. Similarly, the Soviet space pro- gram has relied heavily for a long time on the Vostok launch vehicle, and spacecraft have been developed not by designing a new craft for each mission but by building on to a standard craft. By contrast, there have been great technological differences in the American program among the Atlas, Thor, Titan, and Saturn rockets, as well as among the Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo spacecraft. "2 In addition, the rate of diffusion of new technol- ogy in the Soviet Union is comparatively slower than that in most industrial capitalist countries. During the past 20 years, some major traditional industries have continued to expand rapidly while in other coun- tries their rate of growth has slowed appreciably. In the steel industry, for example, production by tradi- tional methods continued to grow even after the in- troduction of oxygen smelting and continuous casting, while in the West the new processes have tended to drive out the old. The diffusion of synthetic fibers has also been distinctly slower. As a general rule, the rate of capital retirement is much lower in So- viet industry, and new products and processes take longer to capture a significant share of total out- put.93 While these features of Soviet development reflect in part a more conservative pattern and structure of industrial production, they are also due, it seems, to insufficient attention to alternative or more re- 127 cent processes at the R&D planning stage. This is the conclusion of a group of Western scholars at the University of Birmingham. In their recent study of the technological level of industry in the USSR, they note that Soviet authorities almost ignored alterna- tives to their own SKB process for the manufacture of synthetic rubber. New processes for making alloy and quality steel other than electric slag remelting also received inadequate attention. 94 As we have seen, the basic Soviet organizational approach has been to concentrate responsibility for industrial R&D in large branch institutes and design bureaus under min- isterial control. Complaints are frequently voiced in the Soviet press that these units display monopo- listic attitudes and an aversion to experimentation. Interestingly, the new basic technical-economic in- dicators, laid down in 1974 to guide R&D decision ma- king, have also been criticized on the grounds that they essentially preserve existing production methods with only marginal improvements and tend to preclude radical technological change. 95 Overall, as the Bir- mingham study concludes, the Soviet pattern of inno- vation and philosophy of design have been responsible for the incremental and conservative mode of technol- ogical advance in the USSR, as well as for the loss of tempo and of technological lead, at least in some areas, in relation to the United States over the past two decades. 96 THE DISAGGREGATION AND ASSIGNMENT OF RESEARCH TASKS A large and frequently major share of the content of the research plan of a management organ or research establishment is composed of assignments specified by a superior agency and/or contractual obligations re- sulting from negotiations with organizations sponsor- ing R&D. Earlier in this chapter, it was noted that Soviet research assignments are delegated both on an administrative basis, with a hierarchy of tasks cor- responding to organizational affiliation, and on a 128 program basis, where problems and programs cross for- mal departmental boundaries. In this part, we first briefly describe the traditional process of vertical disaggregation of plan tasks, and then discuss hori- zontal relationships among performing and sponsoring organizations on the same level. We then focus on interbranch S&T problems . Vertical Relationships Disaggregation of plan assignments along vertical administrative lines still constitutes the basic framework for planning research, development, and the implementation of results. In large part, this is because most such assignments fall naturally within the purview of a traditional organizational entity, such as a ministry, which generally is constituted on thematic grounds. In addition, other chapters of the overall plans, including those concerned with produc- tion, supply, and finance, are formed even more com- pletely by vertical disaggregation of assignments. Because R&D-related targets must be well coordinated with other targets, there is a strong case for simi- larly managing plan formulation. This rationale sug- gests the most telling reason for the maintenance of the vertical relationship: the process is already so complex and demands the integration of so many par- ticipants that to require the performer to synthesize and establish priorities for directives coming from several sources would bring the system to a grinding halt. Accordingly, even priority directives origi- nating from interbranch programs must be incorporated in the traditional vertical planning process at the level of the intermediate management organ, such as the ministry. The R&D planning process follows, on the whole, the main lines of the overall planning process. The formal procedure occurs in four stages: (1) transmis- sion of directives to lower organs; (2) presentation of draft plans to higher authorities; (3) approval of the plan and its transmission; and (4) adjustments to the plan. These distinctions or stages represent on- ly a first approximation, however. As Zaleski ex- 129 plains, "In fact, planning done by higher and lower organs is generally simultaneous, and the directives and approvals are often replaced by bargaining and mutual agreement."" Chronologically, for the annual plan, general di- rectives for the plan year should be formulated early in the preceding year by the Politburo and Council of Ministers. The Academy of Sciences, Gosplan, and the GKNT, representing their respective areas of R&D, co- ordinate and establish the basic objectives, render- ing them more detailed and comprehensive. The GKNT, in particular, has overall responsibility for plan formulation on the functionally oriented program plans. "Control figures," or preliminary plan as- signments, are transmitted down the respective hier- archies— Academy, ministry, republic — to the perform- ing organizations. This stage should be completed by the middle of the year. Establishments prepare draft plans which are rout- ed up through the hierarchy, aggregated at each stage. They are considered and reconciled (with bargaining) by the triad of central management organs noted above. This stage should be completed by the end of Septem- ber. Plans are then approved by the Council of Min- isters and the Politburo, approved by the Supreme So- viet, and transmitted down the administrative ladder with formal and official plan assignments specified at each level. Preparation of five-year plans pro- ceeds in a similar fashion with, of course, a differ- ent time frame. Integration of the various sets of plan targets contained in the separate plan chapters is highly im- portant and sometimes essential. At the least, for example, supply and production targets must be large- ly consistent, but the same is true for R&D and es- pecially innovation targets. The latter assignments generally disrupt normal establishment operations and, if not accounted for in the plan, may thereafter threaten fulfillment of primary production tasks. On the positive side, primary production assignments can function as a strong stimulus to innovation if they 130 are predicated upon successful innovation, such as the assimilation of a new process which economizes on inputs. In other words, meeting production targets may require that an innovation be completed. Accord- ingly, it is expected — though not always realized — that targets for R&D and especially innovation be for- mulated in advance of production targets. Specific procedures in different administrative hierarchies vary as a function of the orientation of the hierarchy and the nature of R&D activity. In the Academy of Sciences, for example, R&D is the central activity, and the uncertainty of fundamental research renders it difficult to formulate "hard" target indi- cators and thereby places a premium on expert consul- tation and evaluation. Also because of the long-term nature of basic research, five-year plan assignments for fundamental research in the natural and social sciences, though they do specify projected results, performers, and schedules, are not formally elaborat- ed into annual components; and they are treated more as recommendations than as requirements.^" In gener- al, basic research is planned as part of the formula- tion of long-term trends and forecasts. The Academy of Sciences has also been delegated responsibility for its own planning. Not surprisingly, this tends to be much less bureaucratically oriented than in the branch ministries. There is broad participation through an elaborate network of consultative and eval- uative councils throughout the Academy structure. Indeed, the contrast in the roles of the various scientific problem councils of the Academy and the official planning agencies is worthy of emphasis and elaboration. The councils are consultative bodies composed of leading experts in different fields of science and technology. They have no formal adminis- trative authority and their roles are somewhat ill- defined, yet they frequently exert considerable in- fluence over the course of research. They not only examine general themes of research, but they may also recommend divisions of assignments among institutes and departments of institutions. The councils care- fully review draft plans and suggest changes. Con- 131 versely, the role of planning agencies, certainly Gosplan and probably to some extent the GKNT, is lim- ited. While their formal powers are well-defined, they normally function in the more deterministic world of production and innovation. The relative au- tonomy enjoyed by the Academy system clearly is at- tributable more to the nature of fundamental research than to any conscious decision on the part of the re- gime. Indeed, any degree of autonomy is likely to be granted grudgingly. This leaves open the question of how the leader- ship influences the course of Academy and university fundamental research. While certainly not well de- fined, the process of issuing "basic directions" for science and technology appears to be significant. Un- like plan targets, basic directions do not have the force of law. In an important way, however, they partly substitute for plan targets in areas where (1) superior agencies are not qualified to fix de- tailed plan assignments, or (2) superior agencies are not administratively capable of determining appropri- ate targets. The former concerns situations where the performers themselves are uniquely capable of de- termining the specific course of their work (e.g., Academy departments). Political authorities, for ex- ample, would not regularly presume to judge the mer- its of this or that research project in theoretical physics, but, by specifying the broad objectives to which a department's research program should contrib- ute, the leadership guides the selection of assign- ments. The second condition is more interesting because it is pervasive in science and the economy. Optimal- ly, decision making at all levels should be channeled by a combination of specific orders, incentives, and penalties to assure that all activities contribute to the accomplishment of goals set by the central lead- ers. In fact, decision makers frequently have sub- stantial autonomy, either because activities under their jurisdiction have not been adequately encom- passed by the instructions of superiors or because elements of these instructions may conflict. In such 132 instances, the basic directions provide a set of highly visible priorities to which decision makers can flexibly relate in deciding problems of choice. Basic directions facilitate the practice described by American observers as "decentralizing through prior- ities." In an important way, then, they form "a parallel mechanism to the plan, ideally correcting for the plan's limitations and contradictions. "100 Finally, the significance of the "basic directions" has been attested to in a message by General Secre- tary Brezhnev to the Academy of Sciences on its 250th Birthday: Scientists and specialists in the various branches of the natural sciences, technol- ogy, and the social sciences have given and are continuing to give the Party enormous help in accomplishing all these tasks and in working out plans and implementing them. For this, the Party gives them all heartfelt thanks . However, comrades, in the future you will have to work even harder, more persistently and more effectively. We have no intention of dictating to you the details of research topics — that is a matter for the scientists themselves. But the basic directions of the development of science, the main tasks that life poses, will be determined jointly. ^01 In the industrial ministry hierarchy, research, development, and innovation objectives must be incor- porated with other economic goals. The character of R&D at this stage, especially the increased predict- ability of results, eases the task somewhat. The dis- aggregation is usually straight-forward, although dif- ficult to realize in practice. Targets of all-union importance, by way of the GKNT, are included in plans of ministries along with tasks of branch significance initiated at that level. As a rule, the technical administration of the ministry is charged with formu- lating branch targets, a process which in principle is conducted in close coordination with the economic- 133 planning, supply, finance, and other administrations. Targets are subsequently transmitted to the institute, design bureau, association, and enterprise, and form the core of plans at that level. There, too, respon- sibility is similarly distributed. R&D and innova- tion plans are the province of technical departments which similarly cooperate and coordinate with other functional departments. We know relatively little about the criteria for selection of a particular facility to conduct a given project. According to Soviet science policy experts, the main factors that govern the distribution of as- signments in the Academy, for example, are the gener- al specialized profile of an institute, the qualifi- cations of scientific personnel, and the potential of an organization "to deliver."102 Other evidence sug- gests that the nature of the task and the responsible management organ virtually predetermine facility se- lection. The Soviets have long stressed extreme spe- cialization by institutional performer to eliminate "wasteful" duplication of effort. Hence, the optimal facility may be apparent. If several facilities should be attractive candidates, another criterion takes over. The "autarchy" of Soviet bureaucracies has long been noted. If facility selection is not made at the highest levels, delegation of the task to an Academy department, industrial ministry, or the Ministry of Higher and Specialized Secondary Educa- tion probably settles the matter. Given the strong sense of "branch patriotism" and jealously guarded departmental domains, the advantage of an "outside" facility must be very great before a management organ will choose it over one of its own organizations. In some instances, tasks are assigned and conducted on the basis of "competition," and two or more facili- ties are enlisted to work on a particular problem. In general, competition is resorted to only when there are very great complexities and uncertainties sur- rounding a given problem. The military sector has been known to use this device, as has the aviation industry in the design of new aircraft. 134 In summary, the planning process is highly struc- tured with only a little room for flexibility. Yet, it is apparent that the leadership has no intention of drastically weakening or confusing the somewhat ponderous vertical chain of command. The use of the GKNT and increased autonomy accorded to facility man- agement do represent, however, efforts to enhance flexibility and responsiveness at, respectively, the highest and lowest levels. Recent Soviet develop- ments in the application of integrated planning and control techniques at the branch level are discussed shortly in connection with multi-agency programs. Horizontal Relationships Horizontal relationships among facilities at com- parable levels within and across the various bureau- cratic subsystems, of course, are essential for the functioning of any economic system. At the very least, supplier-customer relations must be well elab- orated, including those for which the product is R&D results. Traditionally in the Soviet system, how- ever, the arrangement of such relations has not been handled directly by the facilities involved, at least not formally, but rather by officials in the facili- ties' parent management organs. For example, with transmission of technical documentation and other "disembodied" technology, Academy departments and ministry technical administrations would be expected at least to approve and possibly to plan the trans- fer. For a new project used as capital equipment by a second facility, the transfer would be more com- plex. The producing ministry's technical and econom- ic-planning administrations would jointly plan the production. They in turn would coordinate with their ministry's Main Administration for Sales (Glavsbyt) , which would arrange the transaction with the consumer ministry's Main Administration for Supply (Glavsnab) . The latter, in turn, would represent and interact with the consumer establishment. In practice, of course, the procedure has neces- sarily been more flexible, with substantial formal and informal interaction between producer and consum- 135 er organizations. Still, it generally does not ap- proach the degree of freedom enjoyed by American businesses in extrafirm negotiations. All Soviet middle-level management agencies still retain these functional administrations with unchanged formal re- sponsibilities. It may be expected that projects and transactions of an all-union and branch signifi- cance are carefully planned and negotiated in the traditional fashion. Nonetheless, one of the important managerial in- novations in recent years is the expansion of con- tract R&D. While generally incorporated in plans for formal approval, contract research may be arranged at the initiative of the performing establishments large- ly free of excessive restrictions or petty tutelage of superior organs. The primary motivation behind the change is the leadership's desire that indepen- dent research facilities better serve the needs of the economy. The motivation was imposed on many R&D facilities. In 1962, independent industrial research units began to be transferred to khozraschet operat- ing principles, a transfer which, as previously noted, implies that they must support themselves on the bas- is of revenue earned from the sale of research. Of course, the state and ministry are still major pur- chasers, but the change means that budget grants are no longer readily awarded to account for excess ca- pacity. Several features of contract research merit atten- tion. Though contract regulations usually contain elaborate provisions regarding the costing of work, there is room for maneuver. If during the course of the work unanticipated expenditures arise, supple- mentary arrangements may be negotiated to a total value of up to 50 percent more than the originally agreed sum. On the other hand, if an R&D organiza- tion manages to complete a contract for less than the fixed sum, it may retain the balance . l^-* This pros- pect of acquiring extra discretionary funds, which can be used to buy equipment and thus broaden their own experimental facilities, acts as a strong incen- tive for research establishments, especially in the 136 Academy and the VUZy, to undertake contract research. Another attraction of contracts for the VUZy is that staff members working on contract R&D receive addi- tional pay (up to half of their base salary) . Those working on state budget-financed projects — no matter how important they may be — get no extra money. -*-"^ These important incentives also increase the leverage of the consumer organization to obtain quality work on time and within cost. Today, contractual research is well entrenched in Soviet industry, particularly within the confines of individual ministries. R&D facilities in various sectors of machine building are particularly known for contract research. This form of financing and distribution of assignments is also employed in in- terbranch industrial R&D projects. Contract research has also expanded recently between industry and both Academy and university facilities. While contrac- tual R&D negotiated between performer establishments clearly must take second place to budget-financed tasks of all-union and branch importance, it does create flexibility in the system and promote linkage among the diverse participants in the research-to- production cycle. At the same time, there are still serious defi- ciencies in the whole system of economic contracts that limit the effectiveness of this managerial mech- anism of assigning and coordinating plan tasks. The crux of the matter is that contractual commitments are not really binding and cannot guarantee the ac- complishment of fixed assignments. As a worker at the Academy1 s Institute of Organic Chemistry recently observed, "Experience shows that the partner from in- dustry can at any time and for any reason terminate a contract without assuming any material or moral re- sponsibility for this. "105 xhe monetary sanctions for failure to meet contractual obligations are mini- mal. They are sometimes even paid for out of state budget funds. More important, violations of con- tracts do not adversely affect the evaluation of the offending organization's economic performance, nor do they impact in any meaningful way upon the latter' s 137 incentive funds. In short, contractual conduct is not a primary performance indicator for Soviet insti- tutions or a significant force in Soviet economic life. Furthermore, contractual relationships and commitments between performer and consumer establish- ments do not include supply organizations and hence do not influence the latter' s behavior in meeting the needs of contracting parties. 106 The system of con- tracts as such does not and cannot insure the mutual responsibility for the fulfillment of assumed tasks. It is not an effective legal instrument for conduc- ting business. Its basic deficiencies are a contin- ual reminder that the Soviet system is fundamentally a system of administrative rules and plans, not a system of law, at least in the Western sense of the term. Multiagency Programs Earlier in this chapter we discussed the procedure and criteria for designating important S&T problems. By design, all elements of the problems are delineat- ed with relatively little consideration of the organ- izational infrastructure supporting research and de- velopment. The leadership intends that the problems be defined on technical and economic grounds and not be artificially circumscribed by organizational con- siderations. Partly as a result, most problems are of interbranch importance, sometimes involving facil- ities from all of the R&D hierarchies. Hence, spe- cial plans or programs are developed to direct work on such problems. In the Eighth (1966-1970) and Ninth (1971-1975) Five-Year Plans the main managerial device for inte- grating the whole complex of tasks and projects in- volved in solving a priority S&T problem was called a "coordination plan." In the Tenth Plan coordination plans have been replaced by "scientific and technical programs," which are generally more comprehensive and specify more clearly the introduction of results. There were approximately 240 coordination plans and are now about 200 programs, the reduction in number largely accounted for by the greater comprehensive- 138 ness of programs. Responsibility for a particular basic problem is assigned by the GKNT to the most ap- priate ministry or department, designated the "head ministry" or lead agency. As a rule, the latter is the main consumer of the results of the solution to the problem. By their nature, basic S&T problems are large- scale, complex science policy efforts. The 246 prob- lems in the Eighth Plan, for example, were broken down by the lead agencies into over 3000 assignments and projects and distributed to appropriate perform- ers. The USSR Ministry of the Chemical Industry, for example, acted as the head ministry for 14 basic prob- lems. R&D organizations and production units from more than 20 different ministries and departments were enlisted to work on them. At the same time, R&D fa- cilities of the Ministry of the Chemical Industry participated as coperformers in nearly 150 projects for 51 problems under the auspices of 27 ministries and departments. Similarly, the USSR Ministry of Heavy, Power, and Transport Machine Building was re- sponsible for solving 10 basic problems in which 23 other ministries took part. This ministry, in turn, worked on more than 240 projects dealing with differ- ent priority problems for which other ministries were in charge. In total, more than 65 all-union and union-republic ministries and agencies as well as over 350 performing organizations were involved in the activity related to this select list of problems. Some problems alone had as many as 50 or more insti- tutional participants.-^' The overall magnitude of effort remains about the same for the current 200 basic S&T problems. The to- tal number of ministries and departments has climbed to over 70 while the number of performing establish- ments exceeds 400. With the transfer to more compre- hensive work programs that extend through the innova- tion stage, the average number of organizational ac- tors engaged on a given problem has grown. In addi- tion, the USSR Academy of Sciences is involved on more than half of the 200 programs. About one-third of the basic problems also entail the participation 139 of various East European states who are members of the Soviet-led Council for Mutual Economic Assis- tance.108 While the GKNT has a central role in establishing methodology for program formulation, in approval of draft plans, in authorization of funding, and in mon- itoring implementation, the branch ministry or organ- ization selected as the lead agency is accorded pri- mary operational authority and responsibility. The lead agency drafts the plan or work program for the problem, distributes specific assignments, arranges for financial and material support, and accepts the completed work from the various performers. In pre- paring the plan, the head ministry creates a commis- sion of experts from various organizations which works in close collaboration with the scientific- technical council and the technical administration of the ministry as well as the R&D facility selected by the ministry to be the lead scientific organiza- tion for the problem. Through the expert commission, the ministry sets preliminary assignments, determines possible performers, including organizations under its own jurisdiction and subordinate to other minis- tries to whom certain portions of the work can be contracted out, and fixes approximate deadlines for implementation. These are then sent to the appro- priate ministries and agencies which, directly with their R&D units, consider the possibility of meeting the targeted technical goals within suggested time and cost constraints. Some performers come back with counterproposals regarding deadlines, financing, and technical criteria. To settle unclear issues and to facilitate final agreement, the head ministry organ- izes bilateral and multilateral discussions. Any dis- putes that cannot be resolved by interagency bargain- ing are arbitrated at the GKNT. The final draft ver- sion of the plan or program is also sent to the GKNT for adjustment and approval. The organization of work on a basic S&T problem is illustrated in Fig- ure 10-4. One issue which is still not settled is the extent to which the lead agency can impose its authority over the facilities of another ministry in the event 140 FIGURE 9-4 ORGANIZATION OF R&D FOR THE SOLUTION OF AN IMPORTANT S&T PROBLEM i i USSR Stace Planning Committee Scace Committee for Science and Technology Scientific Council for the 5&T Problem Ministry Responsible for Solution of the S&T Problem Scientific-Technical Council of the Ministry Ministry Technical Administration Lead R&D Organization for the Problem Ministries and Agencies of the USSR and Union Republics, R&D Organizations, and Industrial Enterprises Participating in the Solution of the S&T Problem 1 R&D Organizations and Industrial Enterprises Participating in Solution of the Problem :ne Administrative Links Functional Links Source: "USSR Short Answers to US Questions," p. 17. 141 of conflict between program and branch assignments. Clearly, the authorities attempt to preempt such. oc- currences by requiring that program assignments be fully incorporated in branch and establishment plans. Presumably, this is an area where the authority of the GKNT can be exerted. Interestingly, one of the developments in the transfer from coordination plans to programs is enhancement of the role of the GKNT. Where a single ministry does not dominate in a pro- gram, the State Committee can assume the responsibil- ity of project distribution and direction. Examples of such areas among the current 200 programs are com- puter technology and environmental protection. " To illustrate both the size and complexity of such plans and programs, it is of interest to recount in some detail the experience of developing the advanced thermo-electric turbine. Each of the involved organ- izations is represented in Figure 10-5 by administra- tive affiliation. The prototype T-250/300-240 tur- bine was created as part of the solution to the prob- lem, "To Develop and Take Measures to Ensure the Fur- ther Development of Centralized Heat Supply for Cit- ies and Industrial Enterprises." The latter was one of the 246 basic S&T problems included in the Eighth Five Year Plan. The lead agency in this instance was the Ministry of Power and Electrification. The fol- lowing tasks were included in the coordination plan for this particular project : HO No. Nature of Tasks Responsible Performer 1. Issuance of the tech- The scientif ic-techni- nical tasking for the cal council of the Min- design of the turbinea istry of Power and Elec- trification 2. Examination and ap- The scientif ic-techni- proval of the prelim- cal council of the Min- inary project design istry of Power and Elec- of the turbine instal- trification lation" 3. Approval of the tech- The scientif ic-techni- nical project design cal council of the Min- of the turbine0 istry of Power and Elec- trification 142 Outfitting the primary The Urals Turbine Motor test bench for the as- Plant (UTMZ) and the sembly and testing of Ministry of Construc- the turbine tion of the RSFSR Building the prototype UTMZ of the turbine genera- tor Manufacturing the feed- The "Ekonomayzer" Plant er turbine pump for the and the Kaluga turbine turbine installation plant 7. Constructing the test stands for full-scale trials at the Sredne- Urals combined heat and power supply station 8. Assembly of the pri- mary and auxiliary equipment for the Mos- energo electric power station 9. Conducting start-up operations and testing the blocks with the T-250/300-240 turbine at the Mosenergo elec- tric power station The USSR Ministry of Power and Electrifica- tion The Mosenergo electric power station, the Mos- energomontazh trust, UTMZ, and the Taganrog boiler factory The National Trust for the organization and rationalization of re- gional electric power stations and systems (ORGRES) , Mosenergo, UTMZ, TKZ 10. Checking the vibration ORGRES, Mosenergo, the condition of the ro- tors, stresses in the vanes, temperature fields and transfer- ences under different conditions of turbine operation, and check- ing the system of con- trol and oil supply, the economy of the tur- All-Union Thermotech- nical Institute, UTMZ, TsKTI 143 bine generator, and char- acteristics of the heat exchangers in different operating regimes The technical tasking is compiled by the organi- zations that order the equipment for the manu- facturer and contains all of the basic require- ments of the consignee: unit power, basic steam parameters (pressure, temperature); parameters of the extracted steam (pressure, temperature, amount), the magnitude of vacuum, assigned tem- perature and amount of cooler water, specific ex- penditure of heat per generated kilowatt hour, etc. °The preliminary project design is compiled by the manufacturer of the equipment and serves as the basis for developing several variants of the or- dered turbine. The elaboration of several vari- ants is required for the final choice of the tur- bine by the consignee. cThe technical project design serves as the basis for the final development of the thermal and de- sign system of the turbine and is done in accord with the approved draft design based on the va- riant selected by the consignee. In the techni- cal design all of the basic qualitative indica- tors of the turbine are finally refined: the spe- cific flow rate of heat, vacuum, internal effi- ciency of the cylinders, etc. The technical de- sign is examined by experts of the consignee and is approved by the latter. The technical design also determines the manufactured price of the turbine and is the basis for drafting the working blueprints and other technical documentation of the plant which is manufacturing the turbine. Each task was also divided into separate work stages and projects. Later, in the course of installing and adopting the turbine it became necessary to make certain changes both in the design of the turbine and in the thermal 144 o at o in i BO so is O -H JS J) O "H ^s ■pi um y w u u o £ -4 M . 3 "9 41 M U >> HI M W CQ E B 0 II TJ — g u in w re u *j o C u o 4) -> 3 U o a c _ o — _ u >. u 7] — — _ v ft = Z re u u re 00 o o 3 — u 41 -4 — g - = = 5 ~ o — 11 u o S- O J) ^v (0 u c a. O C i b a) v4 x — o en w c a u u r c ^j i — x u — re >h w O F— o N U n - — - > oi u* oo*- ' o s N — — I re sec o re c ■H SO — M W 4-1 10 1/1 E 1) 3 oo o - C -3 1, — C/5 Z X x ac >- a; c/i c o ~ -> c x u: 5! c1 - - •H 0) O 01 "H — 5- w .— £ — i c e- i re — > -IE *-" < ii re — u — 1/3 c C E ~ < I 0£ 00 p-n it l4j > c x — e u x U CO a: o z => c u a: in t/5 > - i «/ e i =.%o 1 u: oi i en '•5 | I 'J 'O . 41 U ' C 11 3 U *■* O 2 \T — — • r*. _3 ^~ • u iA >. n > ^_ pad re — u u 4. u ta» 0 3 — r_. *^ 0 IB B oc >. C B 4. w ■N *j f- ■O 0) — — -3 — s 6 3 3 X Z u — — re w u - 0 £ >• O 4J >s tl 0] „U - 3 -> O t Ma c ii re Ca o a e Ed -< pi H c a u — 3 — — < o o - \ a 3 tt( Z — -j 3 K -< t/3 4) <— C a u 2 O — re — >> >• c te t c 00 u c X — 4. o e- 01 c — = _. [— w ^: C re < oo— h w - — z 0 — re C s a C -j re e c BJ pal — !C z e. j- I- z c < — ^ S r- \i- re < — C 5 c — c 3 o£ u re u O — i. ■/, ac U 01 3 r> 3 - Z — — H — u a 3 0) 3 u - CO E- o x _ — a c - =. re < u — "8 — < re 3 ■4- -- ^ b = z w u ■3 C u 4) is — u 4J u w re 3 w N < g ig c 01 01 3 ■■! >. CQ J3 a — — e H CL r; re > — - ■- — < 3 0 0 « -H s 3 c CC — •P- 4- u to •- CO 0. 3 .* g c -< 0 3 B J5 -»»-l T3 u re 4J — O B ~ < B H 0 re j. 11 0) =3 Z M od > ___ J3 1 | | 1 1 re 3 r H co d •u o 4J •H cd 4J 5 a. o o rH •a •H < U T3 o d o cd o ♦s 4-» o d m QJ CN 6 a* m-4 o O rH d) >x > U Q) •H a O £ cd a. n cd i-i o CO cd 4J •H JO H • 3 H H • >% > -H a ^ a -a 3 C/3 ^ T3 M 3 0J 4J 5 (0 O (U » £ ji a 9 9 «.3 3 C S 3 2 9 £ 3 4 Suoolaa»ntary Saymant to uorkars Tor incraaainq tna ihara of Maw Product oro- ductian P^ymont of 'iaqea taking into account jotk on 'Jaw Tacnnoioqy Eatadlianinq Suoolaiaantary lalaxiaa for anginaaring and iaennieal workara talcing into account advancaa in tha teen- loiogicai lavai of aroduction Ganaral Gavarrmant Sonuaaa for S4T Acniawamanta Sonuaao far Aaaiatanea in tha introduction of Inwantiona Sonuaaa for Activa Participation on Praoaxation and 5 alas of l-icanaing Aqraawants Sonuaaa awaxoad in coopatitiona for the organisation of displays and axnioitiona Remuneration for Invention and Rationalization Reiaunaretion for Inuantiona Soaclal Retnuneretion to Authora of Inventione uaad in iicanaing aqraawants i Reawneretion for Inventions concalwad aa part of work btiesl . Remuneration for Rationalization and Cfficiancy proooaaia Sonuaaa froaj tna) notarial Incantivaa. fund Other Type* of Sonueee froa) tna ~und far natarial Ineentiuea Sonuaaa for acniaving aavinga in production eoata Goal Encouragement of worker* froa special funda Sonuaaa for tna Creation and Introduction of Ma* Tacnnoioqy and Tacnnlquaa Sonuaaa by Soaclal Government Oeeree for stimulating tha advantageous development of specific oraaonaa Sonuaaa for tna production of qooda of national daaand Sonuaaa for raola— ntation of laaaauraa for tha conaarvatlon of fuel, alactric sowar, and farroua and nonferroue aatala W 0J >> O c ed •H U CU 4J eg ■2 2 t3 C cd > o M oj W Pi D O H CD O U 3 O. an 193 of special awards has been set up. Thus, 100 bonuses have been established for the solution of the most important problems in chemistry (25,000 to 150,000 rubles) ; 15 bonuses for putting into production new models of tractors, agricultural and land reclamation machines, etc. 27 Finally, in each independent R&D organization, a bonus fund is provided for the "suc- cessful solution of scientific problems." The size of the fund is equal to 2-3 percent of the establish- ment's total wage fund, and is allotted by the man- agement of the establishment for high quality work, for projects completed on or ahead of schedule, and for R&D results that find practical application. Man- agement also may tie a portion of the fund to espe- cially important projects. 2° While monetary incentive programs are important economic levers, Soviet authorities also put consid- erable stock in "moral" incentives, which include a wide range of prizes, awards, commendations, medals, and special titles. Of course, several material in- centive programs, particularly the prizes, carry with them important public and professional recognition and commendation. Individuals who are actively en- gaged in S&T developments are awarded honorary ti- tles, such as "meritorious inventor" and "meritori- ous efficiency expert," and they are given some priv- ileges in getting apartments, vacations and travel, etc. Individuals who distinguish themselves in some special way earn the prestigious title of "Hero of Socialist Labor." S&T achievements may also be pre- requisites for promotion of specialists and bestowing of scientific degrees and titles. It is equally ap- parent that moral incentives have an indirect, al- though possibly belated, material incentive content. Each of these elements of the incentive programs for R&D personnel is more or less independent of the ultimate application or use of R&D results. Intro- duction or utilization of results is stipulated as an important reason for bonuses under each of the incen- tive mechanisms, but it is generally not an absolute requirement . 194 Finally, there is one incentive program that mer- its special mention because it aims at stimulating the interests of researchers, design engineers, and producers alike in the entire research-to-production cycle, in the economic aplication of R&D, and in the reliability and performance of new technology. The source of this program is the Fund for the Creation and Introduction of New Technology. At industrial plants, this fund is generated through deductions from the cost of production amounting to 0.2 to 1 percent of the wage funds of industrial production personnel. At research institutes and design bureaus these funds are specially provided for in their bud- gets and range from 4 to 10 percent of the annual wage fund. Enterprises retain 25 to 50 percent and R&D facilities retain up to 50 percent of these funds and divert the rest into centralized incentive funds at their respective ministries which are used to re- ward work on especially massive and important pro- jects. 9 The size of bonus awards depends on the annual economic savings due to technological innovation and is determined on the basis of the scale presented in Table 11-1. Staff members of research institutes and design bureaus can claim 30 to 50 percent of the bo- nus, technology developers 20 to 35 percent, and pro- duction workers 25 to 40 percent. Ninety percent of the incentive funds should be used to reward those who directly participate in the work and 10 percent should go to those who assist in innovation and util- ization. For completion of projects ahead of time, the size of the bonus is increased by 25 percent. Interesting features of this system are (1) the association of rewards with results regardless of the organizational affiliation of the participants, (2) the flexibility intended by the centralization of a large share of the fund, (3) the rigid and somewhat arbitrary character of the shares of bonuses as a function of the stage of R&D, and (4) the reliance on the ubiquitous measure of "economic return." The un- reliability of this measure, the decline in the bonus share with rising benefits, and misapplication of 195 I o ►J < CO CO p 3 O M H > o CJ l-H o o rJ o o w H o CO Q I CO p o O W P£i P H CJ) § H CO w p H CO CO co CO CO 0J OJ a) OJ OJ rH rH CO CO CO H rH rH rQ rQ aj a) 0J rfJ ja rQ 3 3 rH rH iH 3 3 3 J-i U ,q ,Q rO S-i M S-i 0) 3 3 3 3 O O 00 U U M M o O o O o 03 3 o o o O o 4-1 4-> o O O o o o #\ »* 3 0) o O O n A rt o o CD P3 o > > > > > > > CO 3 o o o o o o o o cO O CJ 4-» 4-1 •u 4-1 4-> 4-1 4-1 4J CO w o o o o o o o o 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 a iH o CO 4-i 4-1 4-> 4-1 4-1 4J 4-1 4-1 pq 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 rQ rQ rQ rQ rQ rQ rQ rQ «4-l o 5 u OJ &•« &~S S-2 e^s &>5 6^2 &>5 r>8 3 rC m O r» CM o t"^ ^t CO 3 u CM CM rH rH rH o g U-l o O O O O O o o < o j-i u 4-1 4-> 4-1 4J 4-1 4J vD m rH o CO rQ 3 > 3 O 3 O M CJ U 3 W 3 3 T3 4-> M 3 rH OJ CO CO P4 OJ CO 3 r3 3 3 4-1 O 5 m r3 4J o Sw' o rH o 4J o o cm m o o 4-> 4-) o o o o o o o o o o m cm m o 4-1 a, o o o P rH cm m o 4-1 o o o 4-> o o m o 4-1 o o o CM O O O m OJ > o rQ CO 3 O •H 4J CJ 3 T3 O U 4-> • 3 rH r-H rH OJ • r3 Q« 4J 00 #\ 3 >> o 00 ^ o rH r\ O > 3 o r3 3 a CO OJ > H IH £ • OJ Q 53 • 14-1 M o • • OJ CJ u 3 O CO 196 funds have diminished the effectiveness of this pro- gram. Yet there is potential in this and other pro- grams to redirect the attention of scientists and engineers to economic application, which is perhaps the major theme of all current developments in Soviet program management and control mechanisms regulating the conduct of R&D. UTILIZATION OF R&D RESULTS The growing Soviet concern, reflected throughout this study, for effective application of R&D results in production and use is a consequence of two trends: (1) the rising dependence of continuing Soviet eco- nomic growth on technological innovation; and (2) re- latively poor Soviet performance in translating sci- entific ideas into new products and processes. The first necessitates improved performance in the entire R&D sector. The second focuses on the greatest prob- lem within that sector. As General Secretary Brezh- nev phrased the issue in 1971, "If one examines all the links of the complex chain uniting science with production, it is not too difficult to see that the links connected with the practical realization of scientific achievements and their adoption in mass production are the weakest. "31 The overriding reason for this deficiency is the absence, under traditional Soviet operating practices, of individuals and organizations that are both capa- ble of and interested in effecting the transition to application. In principle, the independent research, design, and development organizations are obligated to supply the production establishment with technical documentation, working blueprints, and/or prototypes of new products and processes ostensibly ready for utilization. But the effective judge of the "readi- ness" of an innovation is the designer or developer himself, and he has little incentive to undertake gratuitously activities which will only help the pro- ducer. The latter, in turn, receives little or no 197 credit for doing design or development work that should already have been completed satisfactorily, and he recognizes that demonstrating culpability is most difficult. Innovation to the factory is almost always a nuisance. It frequently involves substan- tial redevelopment, if not wholesale scrapping of received results and starting anew. In various sec- tors of machine building more than half of the plan tasks for the assimilation of new technology are in- complete due to deficiencies and errors at the re- search, development, and design stages. 32 To facilitate the transition, Soviet authorities have recently taken several reform measures. These may be grouped into plan-related, organizational, and financial measures. Plan-Related Developments The fundamental means of accounting for introduc- tion of R&D results, as we have seen, is specifica- tion of all pertinent variables in the plan of the R&D organization. Scheduled completion dates and ex- pected manufacturing establishments are required, in principle, to be designated in R&D project plans. Difficulties in making these assignments effective, however, include the problem of forecasting results accurately at the initiation of R&D work and of elic- iting the cooperation of the manufacturing enterprise, In addition, it is unclear whether the manufacturer subsequently is obligated to accept the innovation, and the nonbinding character of many R&D plan tasks combined with the difficulty of determining culpabil- ity tend to vitiate the potency of plan stipulation. Most important, however, mere stipulation does little to alleviate the underlying causes contributing to reluctance to innovate . And Soviet managers have proven to be adept at modifying plans "from below" and frustrating the real intent of central authori- ties when their interests are threatened. Other plan-related developments involve an exten- sion of the systems approach to include the utiliza- tion stage. This may involve little more than devel- 198 oping network models and grid schedules to include steps related to application, but even this extension can force consideration of the entire research-to- production cycle as an integral unit. With clear de- lineation of responsibility, culpability for failure is easier to fix. Network approaches also require careful scheduling and provide a framework for ac- commodating unanticipated developments. All of these elements reduce project uncertainty and risk and ben- efit considerably the production establishment, which must function in an environment hostile to "slack" and uncertainty. An interesting policy development is the creation of standard "systems" for regulating activities. The State Committee for Standards is responsible for de- veloping methodologies for technical norms, standards, and quality certification programs, and for oversee- ing application of such methodologies. Such functions are of course essential in any industrial economy, but particularly so in the Soviet Union where the absence of an effective market mechanism means that the state must ensure that common design, development, and pro- duction practices are utilized where such commonality is advantageous. This is particularly useful in avoiding unnecessary duplication of effort in design. In recent years, Gosstandart has developed certain families of procedures to ensure that standards for- mulated in a decentralized manner will be comparable and transferable throughout the economy. The first such system was the Unified System of Design Documen- tation (YESKO) , intended to unify design approaches. Other unified systems since developed include those for standardizing data processing techniques (YESSTEM) , classification and coding (YESKK) , computer languages (YESPD) , and procedures for evaluating product qual- ity (YESKAP) . The most ambitious system is the Uni- fied System for Technological Preparation for Produc- tion (YESTPP) , directly aimed at the problem of in- troducing R&D results. It incorporates elements of the other special systems and in total contains 3500 state standards on all phases of the preparation of new products and processes, including design, devel- 199 >* H CO a 55 W M M o s o H W H O a* H H Oi CO o 2 i-i S OS CO CO D w H > e M o 1-1 u 4-4 3 <-> M a X l-( Ed M t-4 i—4 CO 3 4-4 4J o < > 1-1 a cd ■H 4-4 PM CM M O u X *H o> H 00 5 i-l t-l •n M u o u u > •< c t-t o r-4 •H l-l 4-1 u M (9 X u a ON 4-4 l-t 4-1 /— \ M CO CJ H O *—* Id Ml J o hJ cj o CO 01 U V 00 o o U-I U-I 41 4) -H iH O. "H a. 00 CO CO 41 CO 41 0) X X g H H J3 H J= .3 J3 Q U w a Ed Cd 4-4 Cd u O CJ (0 s 1 41 0 i 1-1 1 n_i 60 a> ■H 3 M 3 I O co s U .* O 41 41 to o jj o (3 u o p. a 3 U 3 CO i-l U O TJ X i-l oO O. H o u a 3 41 U i-l c0 Tin fl a. 114 01 (0 i-l O 3 4-1 "J W 01 c o y u oo O to X T3 4J 00 i-i c s a. O) iH U r-4 41 c O <-• oo v > U o. U 4U •H 41 4J • O 4) 3 "J 3 CO r^ IM O • ■< U Q 41 a* ^ a U 41 »< a 41 CO 4) 3 3 OS -H *T3 (23 a) M-_ O >>T3 « a , # 2 -a u O i-t pg r^ »* 200 c o a a W < G •O *T3 a) 3 C ■H 4-1 a o u CM I o w a c U O O u < c o x ON c 00 o C i-l 1-1 JJ g(3 N O -H 4-, a u n 'J CO o CO ai •4-1 oo CO O CO 3 « O £ W -H O 4J iH i-t C8 *j co u -3 4J "J sea. 00 y o ■H S CS (J -o y "a e oca 3 CO u •rl 00 O CO i-H U hi 11 u 4 y c .3 (J A 4-4 i-t •— i y o C 9 CI o y H ■H O c c J2 J= y y y y 3 CO co •« y a ~> u 3 3 a oa S u eg co o H IH a.i-< C o ■H 4-1 y 3 -3 O U a. CO I i-t I o co a. vj >» O Q. 3 =5 CU u o en 4-1 4-1 M CO CO - J3 . CO -j &0 CO U-4 00 C Q. O o iH 3 o co U-4 C o o a £ ti u u a y IU 4-1 H O c y o V 3 JS I 4-1 I l-l C CO oo a. ■H 01 CO T3 CO CO « BB <" Q, o o J= C 01 o ■H O -4 _l CO y » w O 4-1 4J rH C C i—l 01 41 < a a o c J= o 01 4-1 I u u O Q '4-1 V4-| • « 0) CO ^ y co en co 0 31 01 u 4-1 y '4-1 a 0 Q 3 1-1 a Q. C o. 0 0 — 1 •H 1-1 to 4-1 11 y 13 > ■H 1-1 01 CO 3 Q o a y cfl y «T3 3 ^co >-i CO O 'J u s 4-i a. H C y vm a o . — a i-t co 3 c u-i cr co o y y 3 -S 00 co U ■H i—l 01 CO O ,3 y o 4-i i-i •O 4J O 4-1 01 A 4J I 3 01 O 4-1 T3 IH O 4-1 3 -0 (I l-l 3 3 na y a y 3 "O O l-l D. 4J • 3 oo y s a ■H a. a 3 4J 00 l-i 1-4 CO CO G, 00 3 y oi -h cr Q to co y 3 O y 3 o hi o o H 3 0 "4-1 3 O O CO U c y CO 3 oi -a a o u co o. co c y ■H 00 co 3 3 co 00 "W 01 CO O II o Q 4J 3 CO ■H r-l J3 O y o CO 4J a ■4-1 i-l O 3 y s a o a. iH i-l 4-1 3 co y i-i y co a. - y >n u u o- y C4 201 «• CM I O 3 O > 1— 1 e o •H t-l 4i m 1— 1 3 1-1 U X X ON M H f— 1 I-l 1— 1 CO I-l 3 4J u < > t-l m c to 1— 1 t-( CM h- 1 a. HI o X u i-l (-1 (-1 CO c 1-1 M •o o u > u M c I-l o i-l )-> u BO t-l !^ ON I-l J f— 1 1— 1 o h+ a j3 —< u c 1 • i-l <8 (0 CO to £. r-t Q. Q. CO y i-l o tn t* 'i-i 01 CO — -H eo 5 O B 4-1 OI OJ -3 C i-l to cj 1 ■fl i-i 4-1 ■ C i-l C - i-i 2 a C U 1-1 >. o o c 1-1 N 01 3 1 u i-l -W 01 O -H e i> 4-1 OI 4-1 U S «-" G u e O 10 0 cj u U fO u a. OI 3 3»-i oi to (0 -H i-i a T3 T3 to Cu m Q. 3 o o O O Q. O OI O" U -H U M 01 Q 01 Oh 4J cu o. -a 1 <4-l •o ca aj O .as C 1 >» 0) .H u a o ■H ja >*-< oo a> i-l Q, O M fO o « c tQ 3 3 4-1 Q. ■H CO 4J o 4J 1 C U 01 C W i-t (0 i-i <4-l 01 U-l 4-i i-i Ji -a 14 4) O >* T3 • • • Z J ^ u"> vO n* o 1 0) o •H d O o e •H o 4J 4-1 a) 3 N < ■H d 0£ 4J CO C o r* •H 3 as > T3 ■-I O O s— / h 'i-i a a. i3" S M H * " 0 4J <4-l CD A O > d d o 0 d en •H CU 4-1 4-1 iH 1»4 cd 43 o u 03 T3 cfl >> 0) cu £ fe iH CO • CO >> Pti O CO •H d H3 OO T-H d O •H CO iH 42 0 O X d a o J3 o •H O 4J > o H <\ <4- 1 3 >4-l 03 o 3 «\ >-" 00 ?s d U • ■H 4J * d 3 CO T3 • H d 09 a- H • • (1) a u 3 O C/3 202 opment engineering, testing, and introduction as well as the associated process, equipment, and tooling re- quirements. An example of the YESTPP system as envisioned for the automobile industry is depicted in Figure 11-2. Subsumed under each activity are instructions regula- ting its conduct. As may be seen, the system is par- ticularly advantageous in permitting parallel work on separate design and development stages. This is es- pecially important in the mass production of a com- plex product where the development of process tech- nology may be extensive and time consuming. Numerous Soviet statements indicate that YESTPP and other sys- tems approaches have reduced significantly the lead time required for innovation. In general, these efforts seek to alter the tradi- tional perspectives and motivational bases of Soviet design engineers and developers of new technology. Designers have tended to use heavy metals and rein- forced concrete articles that are expensive because they are profitable for those creating new devices and erecting new installations since they are evalua- ted in terms of the cost of structures and models. In addition, designers of new technology are also paid more if their blueprints are "original" and require nonstandard equipment. Thus, it has not been advan- tageous for design organizations to include in their drawings and models standard parts and components for this reduces the cost of designs and subsequently their bonuses. It is these practices and procedures that account for the great volume of unique and small batch production in the USSR, especially in machine- building and instrument -making. 33 Organizational Developments Organizational measures designed to facilitate the implementation of R&D results include manipulation of the internal make-up of the basic operating units and the creation of entirely new types of organizations. These measures are premised on the plausible belief that applied R&D personnel and facilities will better serve the interests of production if they are brought 203 into closer association with, if not formally incor- porated into, establishments for which production is a primary mission. In this context, we discuss production associa- tions (POs) and science-production associations (NPOs) . These new complexes represent an attempt to build unified organizational systems rather than un- related or disjointed arrays of tasks, functions, and individual efforts. Such integrated structures are designed to give institutional expression and coher- ence to the innovation process. Some science policy experts in Moscow argue, in fact, that only through research and development complexes can the "research to production" cycle be effectively carried out from beginning to end. 34 The move to create special or- ganizations concerned with applications engineering and diffusion is less well advanced, and only brief attention is given to them. As noted previously, the Soviet enterprise typi- cally corresponds to a single-plant Western company with extremely limited design, development, and ex- perimental capabilities. The production association, combining formerly independent R&D and production units, is fast becoming the basic economic organiza- tion of Soviet industry. A major aim of establish- ing POs is to insure that series or mass production of the most advanced items is set up for the internal market and for export. The POs are comprised of tech- nologically integrated production enterprises with re- search institutes and design bureaus attached to them. For example, the Leningrad instrument manufacturing production association Svetlana has experimental re- search and design divisions that work closely with its production facilities in developing new hardware models, a special design bureau for creating technol- ogical equipment for their industrial testing, and shops for manufacturing this equipment. The organi- zational structure of this association is depicted in Figure 11-3. Note the experimental design bureaus (OKBs) which are subordinate to two of the associa- tion's plants. The presence of a comprehensive ex- perimental research facility is characteristic of POs especially in machine building, and the metallurgical, 204 o M H < M CJ O co to < o M H U Q O fa H fa > CO w PC H fa o w si H CJ cs H CO O M H < SI o o CO I o w OS! D O i-i fa 205 chemical, and oil refining industries. A number of large POs even have research centers of all-union im- portance, such as the R&D service of the KAMAZ, and the scientific research and experimental design cen- ter of Elektrosila, which occupies a leading position in the world in turbine construction.^-* A distinguishing characteristic of the PO is the clear emphasis on production at large-scale, effi- cient rates of output. A production facility, in fact, is the lead unit. Thus, while improved innova- tive performance is an important objective, other standard economic benefits of such larger units also are expected. These include economies of large scale production, specialization of subordinate units, and wider application of advanced managerial practices. The use of integrated planning techniques, computer- ized data processing systems, and organizational de- signs based on principles of purely project or matrix management has allegedly been instrumental in accel- erating innovation in these new structures. Accord- ing to Ivanov, the research-to-production cycle has been reduced for certain products by 50 to 75 percent in the Uralelektrotyazhmash Production Association. In the L'vov Instrument Manufacturing PO imeni V. I. Lenin this cycle was cut on an average by 50 percent, and the degree of interchangeability of assemblies was boosted to 80 percent while their weight was re- duced by half and their reliability was raised by a factor of 3 or 4. In the Svetlana and Elektrosila production associations almost all development pro- jects reach the production stage. The most significant organizational development, from "the long range view of scientific and technical progress," is the creation of science-production as- sociations. ' Set up in the late 1960s explicitly to organize innovation as a distinct and major task, NPOs function as special nurseries for the rapid gen- eration and application of new technology. Though they exist in nearly all branches of industry, they are concentrated mainly in machine building, espe- cially in the electrotechnical, electronics, instru- ment manufacture, and aviation sectors, as well as in the chemical and petrochemical industries. 206 Within industry, three basic types of NPO may be differentiated according to their final product: (1) those that specialize in developing primarily new products and technological equipment for their manu- facture; (2) those that concentrate on creating new means of mechanization and automation of production, including management information systems; and (3) those that engage in the development of new materi- als and technological processes. The third type is less prevalent than the other two associations. A few NPOs, like Mikrobioprom (microbiological industry), Soiuznauchp litprom (wood processing) , and Plastpoli- mer (chemical industry) , engage simultaneously in de- veloping new products, new processes, and new kinds of equipment and automated devices. NPOs differ also in terms of the scope of their specialization and product use. The majority are of branch importance. However, some NPOs like Plastpol- imer are primarily subbranch while still others are essentially interbranch. The latter include Soiuzna- uchplitprom and Soiuzsteklomash (glass machine build- ing) , which develop articles used in construction, electronics, and defense as well as in the automobile, electrical engineering, instrument manufacture, light, food, chemical, and medical industries. Similarly, the Ail-Union NPO Soiuztranspr ogress was formed in 1974 to design, develop, and install transport con- tainer systems throughout the country. 39 Numerous benefits are ascribed to these new inte- grated and integrating structures. The process of creating and applying new technology has been reduced in many NPOs by two and even three times. The qual- ity of research, development, and innovation is also higher. In the electrical engineering industry the share of output stamped with the seal of highest qual- ity is 1.5 to 2.5 times greater in the NPOs than in the branch as a whole. *■*■ In the associations from 40 to 50 percent (and climbing to 80 and 90 percent) of completed R&D is actually introduced while in autono- mous scientific and technological organizations only 15 percent is successfully utilized. Labor and ma- terial costs are also reduced because of less dupli- 207 cation, greater specialization, better organization of design work, fewer documentation errors, greater standardization of parts, and more extensive automa- tion of work processes. In addition, NPOs are cred- ited with harmonizing the actions, goals, and inter- ests of different performers and with creating a more favorable climate for innovation. They enjoy greater possibilities of applying network planning methods and computer techniques to the innovation cycle, of using matrix organization and project management to improve the decision process and to build more dynam- ic and flexible structures. Above all, they are said to generate favorable conditions for the conduct of uniform policies and integrated leadership throughout the associations.^ As Berliner notes, however, much of the evidence on NPOs deals with the performance of individual or groups of associations. Aggregate data in systematic form are still lacking. 43 Nonetheless, there is sufficient fragmentary information and critical anal- ysis to suggest a mixed record of performance and di- verse development. Not all associations have been resounding successes. Even those NPOs that have been held up as stellar examples, like Pozitron and Plast- polimer, have important problems. Despite individual accomplishments and some remarkable gains, deficien- cies persist in both the theory and practice of sci- ence-production associations. One area of criticism and controversy concerns the optimal structure and composition of NPOs. Basically at issue are conflicting views about the essential purpose and function of the NPO. There is general consensus that in promoting the rapid creation and smooth transfer of technology the associations are to encompass the entire research-to-production cycle. The precise role and form of participation of the NPO in the initial and concluding phases of the cycle are debatable, however. There are two main schools of thought. One holds that the task of the association should be limited essentially to the development and testing of prototypes. According to this view, the business of series and mass production of new tech- nology belongs not to the NPO but to the production 208 associations and enterprises. If these two tasks are not delimited organizationally between science-pro- duction and production associations but are done with- in the NPO, then confusion and a distortion of func- tions takes place. The inclusion of enterprises en- gaged in series production leads to an expansion of manufacturing operations to the detriment of scientif- ic R&D activity. The main function of the NPO — proto- type development — becomes subordinate to the task of fulfilling current production programs. Indeed the claims and fears of those adopting this view are confirmed by experience. In several NPOs the share of scientific research and experimental de- sign comprises only 5 to 15 percent of the volume of industrial production activity. Some of these NPOs have, in fact, been subsequently renamed POs. In oth- ers, R&D results are accumulating and cannot find an outlet either at the association or at other enter- prises of the branch. The share of new products orig- inating in the NPO and assimilated into series produc- tion has also declined in recent years at Elektroap- parat and Kondensator . More than half of the work of series production facilities at some NPOs deals with assignments that have nothing to do with the activi- ties of their own R&D units and sometimes even fall outside the specialized profiles of the associations. NPOs having major enterprises of series and mass pro- duction have shown a strong tendency to become inter- ested mainly in improving production indicators and not in accelerating innovation. To weaken the desire to maintain production runs of the same items and to encourage greater product mix and renewal, a new rule has recently been introduced. If an NPO issues a par- ticular product more than three years, deductions to its incentive funds are then reduced by 50 percent. ^ On the other hand, many specialists insist equal- ly strongly that series or batch production jls_ an in- tegral part of the NPO. The role of series produc- tion facilities is not to increase industrial output but to serve as an arena within which the NPO can test and perfect its innovations under actual produc- tion conditions. If NPOs lack series production ca- pability, this forces them to transfer the assimila- 209 tion of new products and processes to other organi- zations. That prolongs the process and reduces the quality of innovation. In effect, the NPO is exclud- ed from the most important stage connected with the introduction of R&D results into the economy and can- not perform its role of connecting link between sci- ence and industry. When the NPO concentrates mainly on "preproduction" work, it cannot really qualify as a "science-production" association.^ Views also differ concerning the place of the NPO at the research end of the innovation process. For that matter, there is no agreement in the Soviet Union about the place and role of basic research more gen- erally in the research-to-production cycle. ^ Until recently, major NPOs like Pozitron themselves per- formed fundamental research equal to nearly 10 per- cent of their total scientific research effort. It became necessary to abandon this practice by the mid 1970s, however. While a few NPOs still engage in some exploratory research, the majority contract with institutes of the Academy of Sciences to conduct fun- damental research for them. ' Befitting their role and development as "branch" institutions, NPOs focus predominantly on applied R&D. At the same time, the scope and volume of scien- tific research and development vary widely among NPOs. In some associations the share of R&D may be less than 10 percent of the total cost of production activity while in others it may account for as much as 50 per- cent. ^8 Some Soviet specialists believe that a fixed percentage should be established for the ratio of "science" and "production" activity as a mandatory condition for the functioning of an NPO. Though he disagrees with this view, Taksir notes that when a complex is headed by a small research institute which conducts an insignificant volume of R&D (less than 10-12 percent) , then the NPO is generally unable to direct effectively the research-to-production cycle. Arkhangelskiy also demonstrates that the capacity of the R&D center must be nearly 20 percent of the pro- duction capacity for an NPO to perform successfully its various functions. ^ 210 This aspect acquires special importance because the NPO is intended to serve as the S&T center for the branch or subbranch in its specialty. In fact, this is seen as a distinguishing feature of the NPO, differentiating it from a production association and other research and production complexes which may also contain R&D units. As branch S&T centers, NPOs are assigned several important tasks: long-range planning of the main directions of research; devel- oping forecasts and programs to solve basic S&T prob- lems in the branch, especially those related to im- proving production efficiency and product quality; and making recommendations about the use of R&D re- sults in both the branch and the economy as a whole. NPOs are expected to coordinate scientific research, experimental design, and engineering work done by other organizations and production associations, re- gardless of the departmental subordination of these units. In addition, they perform other branchwide services, such as supplying S&T information, doing economic analysis and engineering feasibility stud- ies, col -toting work on patents and licensing, set- ting branchwide technical standards, forecasting the demand for new products and processes, and providing management training and advice on production organi- zation with respect to new technology. The associa- tions are also expected to develop and provide spe- cial services for introducing new technology, its as- sembly, start-up, and adjustment at other enterprises and organizations.-^ In providing these functions, the NPO clearly assumes (or shares) certain of the responsibilities formerly held by the ministry tech- nical administration and other staff agencies. To be sure, several NPOs do perform these tasks and act as the principal organizers of technical prog- ress in their branches. Soiuznauchplitprom plays this role in the woodprocessing industry. One hundred and five enterprises of the USSR Ministry of Timber and Wood Processing Industry and 67 enterprises of other ministries produce items developed by the NPO. Mikro- bioprom is the S&T headquarters for the microbiologi- cal industry. More than 70 enterprises work on pro- jects originating at the association. Plastpolimer 211 is the leading center for plastics and has overall responsibility for high pressure polyethelenes, poly- styrenes, f luoro-plastics, and polyvinylacetates . Be- tween 1969 and 1973 the NPO introduced 117 innovations into Soviet industry. In the cryogenic engineering industry nearly 90 percent of all machinery and equip- ment produced is based on designs developed at the in- dustry' s NPO Kriogenmash. In radio electronics Pozi- tron is the S&T center. 51 At the same time, it is also clear that not all NPOs serve as S&T centers for their branches. Some associations serve only a few enterprises and contain very small R&D units. Others that do exercise branch- wide functions do not provide all the special services mentioned above. Some NPOs are unable to perform broad S&T tasks either because they lack a research institute or the one they have is not the leading link in the association.-^ These basic differences in perception and practice determine the structure of science-production asso- ciations. Table 11-2 shows the structural makeup of 15 leading NPOs. All these associations contain both a scientific research institute and a series produc- tion unit. Thirteen have an experimental production capability. Other evidence suggests, however, a less uniform picture for the NPOs as a whole. In a study of 40 NPOs, Kushlin notes that 10 percent had no se- ries production unit while 8 percent lacked a scien- tific research subdivision. Eighteen or 45 percent of the NPOs had no experimental production or testing fa- cility .53 Particularly absent, it seems, are facilities such as start-up and adaptation organizations and training centers which can promote more rapidly and effective- ly the utilization of R&D results. A few NPOs, like Pishchepr omav t oma t ika (food processing) , Soiuznauch- plitprom, and Impuls (computers) , have established special services that help introduce new products and processes directly at client enterprises and train their personnel in the use and repair of equipment. At series plants of their branches other associations 212 TABLE 10-2 STRUCTURAL MAKEUP OF SCIENCE-PRODUCTION ASSOCIATIONS Nana of Che N?0 Subdivisions included in the Association 3 3 *J u ■ e ■»* *h .3 ■•* o *i u 3 3 y 3 f* 3 •j «) 03 =S 3 3 » 3 3 ■2 — — « = 33 ■J -i 3 n n so 3 3- <: m a A Training und Methods Center Agropribor SoiuCTanchylic?roa Sikh ax Siscema Istochni3t Mikxobioprcm Soiuzscakloraaah Znanria Truda* Plascpoliaer ?o2icrott Pishchepromavto- aatika Soiozavtomats Crom Turan J. + + + + ■fc + + + + + + + + + 4> + + + + + + + -r J. + + + + + + a. + + + + + + + + + + ■i + * The head unit of the NPO is the Central Design Bu- reau for Construction Engineering which is essen- a scientific research institute Source: K. I. Taksir, Nauchno-proizvodstvennyye obedi- neniya (Moscow, 1977), p. 34. 213 have created special departments (affiliate services of the NPO) which include design engineers and tech- nologists who assist the plants in retooling and man- ufacturing new products. 54 In general, though, this set of important functions is not yet being performed by the majority of NPOs. Underlying these issues of the optimal structure, composition, and functions of the science-production association is the problem of what in American busi- ness terminology is called "product differentiation." Given the array of new structural designs and asso- ciational forms that have evolved since the late 1960s, the NPO has had difficulty in gaining and maintaining a distinct identity. Lacking a precise definition of the NPO, some ministries have arbitrarily classified the new complexes. What are labeled NPOs are, in fact, production associations or complex scientific insti- tutions. Some NPOs have experienced problems in pre- serving their fundamental dual character. Overdevel- opment of their scientific functions turns the NPO into a traditional research institute, only larger. Hypertrophy of production operations, on the other hand, transforms the complex into a production asso- ciation. The difficulties of maintaining a "dialec- tical unity" of functions have led some experts to press for a fixed ratio or at least minimum levels regulating these activities. " The problem of product differentiation is made all the more difficult because in some instances it is practically impossible to distinguish between an NPO and a PO which contains its own large R&D complex. For example, the Uralmash Production Association in- cludes a scientific research and engineering design institute of heavy machine-building which has more than 6000 workers and does business by contract with more than 60 R&D establishments in the country. Dur- ing the Ninth Plan the PO developed more than 100 prototypes of new machines and equipment. 56 The dis- tinction becomes especially fine when a production association creates new products in small series or single lots and is one of the major producers of this type of product, as with Elektrosila. 214 On another level, the relations of science-produc- tion associations with higher ministerial authorities are not uniform and regularized. In some branches there is no permanent body to lead NPOs . Where such organs exist they sometimes fail to take into account the distinct features of individual associations and regard them all as alike. Some ministries and agen- cies approach NPOs as ordinary research institutes or industrial enterprises. The lines of subordination also vary. A few NPOs, such as Soiuznauchplitprom and Mikrobioprom, report directly to the ministry (fre- quently to a deputy minister). The majority, however, operate on a three-link system (NPO — glavk/industrial association — ministry) . They report either to one of the glavki or main administrations in their respec- tive ministry or to an all-union industrial associa- tion. Plastpolimer provides an example of the latter pattern, which will probably become more common as the ministries reorganize and the glavki are liquida- ted or transformed into industrial associations. The majority of NPOs function as the first link of manage- ment. Yet a number of them conduct from 30 to 100 percent of all R&D done in the branch. In addition some NPOs are essentially all-union associations. These differences are not reflected in their legal status, however. This causes some specialists to ar- gue that certain NPOs should have additional powers and prerogatives compared to other NP0s.->° Internal organizational development has also been marked by problems and diversity. The key issue has been the degree of legal authority to be exercised by the central management or head organization as against that retained by the constituent units. "The criter- ia for establishing a happy median between loose or formal merger and over centralization of decision ma- king are apparently difficult to arrive at," observes Nolting.5° The aim of creating these new complexes, it will be recalled, is to break down structural frag- mentation, to bring the multiple participants in inno- vation into closer association and even under common administration. Meanwhile, the evolution of NPOs up to 1976 shows two negative tendencies. On the one hand, integra- 215 tion stopped far short of the goal of a unified and organic system. Amounting to little more than a me- chanical conglomerate of autonomous units, the NPO was transformed into "an administrative superstruc- ture, a superficial link on the path from the minis- try and glavk to science and production. "60 Even among the earliest and most tauted NPOs institutional consolidation was slow and incomplete. An investiga- tion of nine major NPOs of this kind by the Academy's Institute of Economics in 1974 found that a council of directors had not yet been formed in three of the complexes. One still lacked a scientific-technical council for the association. 61 On the other hand, centralization was sometimes carried to an extreme. Constituent units of an NPO were denied any autonomy, even in operational manage- ment and control. This situation proved especially debilitating when the association contained subdivi- sions that were highly diverse and geographically dispersed. As a result the NPO became unmanageable. The decision process became frozen as each unit was forced to go to the highest levels and much time was lost in getting agreements and approvals. In short, association members became caught in the familiar bu- reaucratic chain from which they were supposedly to be liberated. Of these two tendencies, the first was the most dominant. The retention of autonomy by components almost everywhere impeded, if not prevented, the de- velopment of an integrated planning and management structure for the association as a whole. Pressure subsequently mounted on Moscow authorities to impose greater centralization. Significantly, the official statute on the NPO, which was finally approved by the Council of Ministers on December 30, 1975, stipulates that all units joining an NPO are denied any legal autonomy. At the same time, the ministries and re- public officials have been given some discretion in applying this ruling and making exceptions .62 intra- associational relations are likely to continue to re- flect substantial diversity in practice, if not in form. How successful the 1975 statute will be in overcoming formal merger without leading at the same 216 time to excessive centralization still remains to be seen. Writing in the Academy's main economic jour- nal a year after passage of the statute, two Soviet science experts admit, "While some services are cen- tralized, a system has still not been found of organ- izing the mutual relations of structural units and the machinery of management for the complex as a whole. "63 indeed until 1976 NPOs were not even reg- istered as an independent institutional category at the USSR Central Statistical Administration. All ac- counting was done strictly in terms of their individ- ual structural components. 6^ Underlying these problems of the continuing frag- mentation of planning, financing, and management of NPOs are serious and unresolved methodological issues. New integrated performance criteria have not yet been devised. This explains partly, in fact, why minis- tries and higher planning and financial agencies per- sist in issuing plans and funds to separate NPO sub- divisions. Many performance indicators still relate to the activities of R&D and production units in their previously independent status. Existing indi- cators do not differentiate between R&D subdivisions that belong to NPOs and those that do not. According to current methods of accounting and reporting, it is not possible to aggregate the activity of organiza- tions that relate to material production and to the world of nonproduction.6-> To be sure, some efforts are being made in this di- rection. Some norms have been devised for determining the average length of the research-to-production cycle and are used in measuring the performance of some NPOs , According to Tabachnikas and Skliar, however, these norms are established rather arbitrarily, largely "by eye." No fixed and uniform methodology exists yet for this purpose. In other associations indicators are used to determine the degree to which the research- to-production process has been reduced over time. Tak- sir points out, however, this kind of norm is of dubi- ous value because reduction of the innovation cycle obviously has a limit. 66 What methodological progress has been made in developing integrated evaluative in- 217 dicators and norms for NPOs is still largely experi- mental. Not everyone realizes yet that the NPO is not simply the sum of its parts but represents a qualitatively new type of organization. Looking back on the first decade of its life, then, we can say that this new institutional form has still not found its proper place in the Soviet scheme. Very few NPOs have approached — much less achieved — the goal of creating an organizationally, technological- ly, and economically integrated system for promoting innovation. In most, "science" and "production" con- tinue to lead separate lives. The administrative barriers between them have not been effectively bro- ken down. Organization-building has been marked by much confusion and diversity, not to mention bureau- cratic opposition and lethargy. In the absence of clear guidelines from the center, branch ministries created NPOs as they saw fit, often obliterating the boundaries between different kinds of research and production complexes. Sometimes NPOs were put to- gether without any systematic research and analysis of design and development problems. Little consid- eration was given to their place in the context of future directions and needs of the branch as a whole.67 Initially, the lack of a formal statute permitted needed flexibility and experimentation. It also re- duced the danger of putting these new structures in- to an organizational strait jacket and monolithic mold. More and more, however, the absence of a document es- tablishing the legal status of the NPO and defining its basic functions and principles of organization had prevented the solution of a number of complex problems. The associations were recognized as being frozen in their units, forms, and relations. A new stage of development came in 1976. After confirma- tion of the NPO statute, Kremlin authorities stepped up efforts to impose greater clarity, order, and di- rection in the affairs of the associations. The ef- fect of these measures remains to be seen. Taken to- gether they form part of a broader drive to make the Tenth Plan a period of "development not only in breadth but also in depth" for research and produc- tion complexes of all kinds, and not just NPOs. As for the latter specifically, they are expected to grow to 200 to 250 by 1980. 68 218 At the same time, expectations for the NPOs seem to have cooled. Much of the initial optimism that surrounded them has dissipated. As one Soviet observ- er noted in the summer of 1976, "One can hardly find now defenders for the view that every branch insti- tute should be turned into an NPO. The opinion is growing slowly but steadily that the number of NPOs in industry cannot be big, perhaps three or four in one ministry." "And if this is so," he continued, "then it is necessary to recognize directly that the NPO is a partial solution to the problem of strength- ening the ties between science and production.""" V. G. Shteingauz also concludes, "The NPO must be re- garded as a successful but far from the only form of integrating research with production. "70 The NPO is still expected to play an important — and even increas- ing— role in accelerating innovation and technical progress, but other integrating structures will have to be developed. In this light, the growing Soviet interest in es- tablishing specialized introduction organizations whose task is explicitly the implementation and dif- fusion of new technology and production techniques merits brief discussion. Since this function is not the main job of either scientific or production or- ganizations, a new type of institution is needed for this purpose that is neither a research institute nor an industrial enterprise, some specialists argue. They see innovation — the exploitation and application of new ideas and designs — as a distinct activity that is fundamentally different from both research and production. Hence, they maintain that new technology transfer vehicles are required to perform vital but neglected innovation functions. Such specialized or- ganizations are depicted as the new connecting links between science and industry which serve as important "middlemen" facilitating and mediating the research- to-production process. 71 Attention to these new structural forms has grown in part because the science-production associations have proven to be more successful at creating new technology than at applying it. While a few NPOs conduct extensive innovation activities, they are the 219 exception rather than the rule. The majority of as- sociations lack the services and staff needed to per- form these functions on any meaningful scale. NPOs have other limitations as well that prevent them from acting as significant forces for the mass introduc- tion and diffusion of R&D results. The creation of NPOs strengthens the production ties of only a few research institutes. It does nothing for other branch R&D units that do not belong to the NPOs. They remain as isolated and insulated as before. Moreover, even the most specialized enterprise cannot be satisfied with the services of only one scientific organization to solve all the problems of its technological devel- opment. Since NPOs generally produce new items at best in small batches of a 100 or so, their volume of output is clearly insufficient for the needs of the branch as a whole. In addition, the NPOs are obliged to implement their own R&D. Their experimental pro- duction capacity is usually too small to handle S&T results produced by outside organizations. In short, the NPOs are closed and relatively confined complexes, walled off from many R&D organizations and production establishments in their branches. What is needed are organizations specializing exclusively in translating R&D into practical use. They must be distinguished by their universality and capability of introducing ideas generated by many sources; they must be places where any R&D unit or industrial plant can turn for assistance. '2 Actually, the idea of innovation firms is not new. Taksir describes five kinds of organizations that have evolved since the late 1960s and are oriented specifically to the utilization of new technology .73 One type includes institutions like Energotekhprom within the USSR Ministry of Power and Electrifica- tion that are fully geared to develop and transfer R&D results into application. Established in 1965, this experimental production and engineering facility provides a broad array of innovation services in the amount of more than 14 million rubles a year. Besides installing and debugging new products and processes, Energotekhprom trains personnel at client enterprises The firm also helps scientific institutes formulate 220 their research agendas to incorporate specific re- quests from industry. A second type of adaptation-diffusion organization is of a more mixed profile. Along with introducing new technology, it also engages in repair and con- struction work. Examples include several associa- tions that have been set up by the USSR Ministry of Non Ferrous Metallurgy. Enterprises in this branch are generally not able to conduct technological mo- dernization and improvements on their own. Some of these "introducing" associations have a specific en- gineering specialty; Uralenergotsvetmet , for example, installs evaporative cooling equipment for metallur- gical plants, pneumatic transport systems for loose and pulverized materials, and special pneumatic dust collecting devices. Economic savings from innova- tions by this one association alone are estimated to have been about 30 million rubles for the period 1971 to 1975. Soiuztekhosnastika represents the third variety of introduction organization. This association deals mainly in the installation of different interbranch engineering devices. One of its chief tasks is the creation and broad dissemination of a uniform system of standardized multipurpose assembly and readjusta- ble equipment. Soiuztekhosnastika contains several regional divisions that service plants in Moscow, Novosibirsk, Kiev, and other major industrial cities. A fourth group of innovation organizations is made up of the Centers for Scientific Organization of La- bor at various research institutes. Conducting all their work through economic contracts, these centers resemble, to a certain extent, management consulting firms in the West. They serve essentially as organ- izational intermediaries between R&D establishments and the world of production. Their business involves not only the introduction and diffusion of new tech- nology but also the propagation of knowledge and mo- dern production experience. The Center for Scientific Organization of Labor and Production Management under the All-Union Institute of Economics and Labor Organ- ization in the oil and gas industry falls into this classification. 221 From a Western perspective, the fifth category of innovation organization identified by Taksir is per- haps the most interesting. This group is comprised of what can best be described as profit maximizing engineering or management consultant firms. They are created and sustained through the private initiative of technological entrepreneurs seeking to exploit S&T advances. Offering a broad profile of services, these organizations exist essentially outside the formal economic system and beyond official planning and con- trol. Paradoxically, this is both their greatest strength and their greatest weakness. In accord with the initial decentralizing spirit of the 1965 econom- ic reform, more than a dozen of these new technical firms sprung up across the USSR. They included, for example, Fakel (The Torch) in Novosibirsk, Novator (Innovator) in Baku, Iskra (The Spark) in Tomsk, Po- isk (Search) in Severodonetsk, and Temp (Tempo) in Moscow. By the early 1970s, however, most of them were forced to close their doors. Others continue to lead a semi-legal life. In general, these institu- tions have not been stable and surviving additions to the Soviet S&T establishment. This is not because they have been inefficient but, on the contrary, be- cause their success and viability have not been ac- ceptable in ideological and political terms. Indicative of the nature and fate of these entre- preneurial ventures is the "tale of the Torch. "7^ Fakel was set up by a few young scientists-entrepre- neurs in 1966. It had no budget, no material sup- plies, no paid staff, and no office space. After compiling a list of prospective consultants and their specialties, the founders simply set up headquarters in a dormitory of the University of Novosibirsk and began soliciting contracts. Consultants would be se- lected to work on problems in their spare time. Var- ious organizations were paid for the use of their equipment and facilities during non-working hours. The Torch received 3.5 million rubles from 263 con- tracts for the period up to June 1970. Allegedly, the innovations introduced by it resulted in a sav- ings of 35 million rubles. These included the devel- opment of an optimal plan for forest exploitation in 222 Novosibirsk Province, a system of computer analysis of seismic materials for a local geographical expedi- tion, and an experimental model of a Torch-built swamp vehicle for oil exploration in Western Siberia. Other projects were in such fields as gold extraction, the use of manure, and the development of control de- vices for the Novosibirsk Power Station. Despite support from the Presidium of the Siberian Division of the Academy of Sciences, not to mention the local Komsomol authorities under whose wing Fakel formally operated, however, this efficient but unconventional organization came under strong attack and eventually closed down in May 1971. '^ One of the few firms of this kind to have survived (in modified form) is Novator . Formed in 1967 and re- organized by leaders of the Azerbaidzhan Republic in 1971, it has since been put under dual subordination to the Azerbaidzhan Ministry of Local Economy and the State Committee on Inventions and Discoveries. Basi- cally, the firms seeks and screens relatively simple "orphaned inventions" from institutes throughout the USSR that cannot exploit them. By 1976 Novator was doing an annual business of over a million rubles. Since its creation the firm has developed and dissem- inated more than 120 innovations. Some of these have been awarded state medals, and others have been dis- played at the Leipzig international trade fair.'" Scientists in particular attempt recurrently to revitalize and legitimize these entrepreneurial firms. Recently in the Academy's main economic journal Tak- sir and M. Krasnokutskiy argued that these institu- tions were viable and desirable. They urged that these products of private initiative be turned into state organizations with a firm legal basis.'' The central issue is the institutionalization, if not bu- reaucratization, of entrepreneurship . The problem is how to preserve these efficient innovating forms with- out destroying their spontaneity, independence, and elan vital — the very foundation of their success. Some Soviet specialists recognize that entrepreneur- ship is frequently associated with specific and spe- cial personality traits. Like R. M. Shteinbok, they 223 reason then, "If there are people, there can be or- ganizations as well. "78 The fundamental and prob- lematical elements involved in institutionalizing the innovative spirit are not fully appreciated or addressed. In general, all five types of introduction organ- izations are severely limited in their capacity for introducing innovations. There are very few of them. Their legal status remains ill-defined. No formal statute establishes their goals and functions, rights and responsibilities, organizational and administra- tive relations. Their activity is not properly stim- ulated, planned, or monitored. 79 Though there has been renewed interest recently in expanding and developing this net of organizations, Soviet opinion remains hotly divided. Some commenta- tors feel that structures specializing exclusively in innovation have a "right to exist." Given the con- straints on existing research and production units, many recognize that new instrumentalities can be use- ful. Others stress that innovation is the proper function of production units. What is needed is a more favorable climate for innovation at plants. In- deed, the formation of special introduction bodies carries the possible danger that they, like R&D units in the past and even still today, will become organi- zationally separate from the production sector. As a result, a set of superficial links may be created. Innovation functions themselves may become distorted and exaggerated. The vital interface problems that plague the research-to-production process today would not only persist but be compounded by still another set of administrative barriers. As one observer ex- plains, "Until the economy itself begins to work ful- ly for the introduction of new technology, no organi- zational structures by themselves will guarantee suc- cess."80 While there is growing awareness that new approaches and perhaps even radical restructuring are needed to provide the stimuli and the opportunities for innovation, there is no clear consensus about what shape these solutions should take. 224 Financial Developments In the operating environment of the production es- tablishment, implementation of R&D results is only one of many necessary activities. Because implemen- tation tends to divert physical and financial resour- ces from primary production, and because establish- ment plans are almost universally ambitious and gen- erally do not include innovation as a primary success indicator, innovation must compete directly with al- ternative activities. The terms of the competition are increasingly financial. Primary establishment success indicators now are profitability, growth in sales volume, and, to a lesser extent, measures of input productivity and the quality mix of output. Fulfillment and over fulfillment of these target indi- cators lead to substantial financial bonuses and, less formally, managerial careers. In general, primary production activities have outrun innovation activities. First, the disruption in normal operations that accompanies the assimilation of new products and processes has not been accounted for, in part because of inadequate preparation at ear- lier stages of the R&D process. This threatens out- put and corresponding sales targets. Second, assim- ilation expenses associated with readying the product for series or mass production are often unanticipated and reduce establishment profitability. For new prod- ucts in particular, the actual input requirements or costs tend to exceed the planned or projected level. Because prices are generally set administratively in relation to planned cost, sales and profitability performance is lowered, often for years. Ivanov ob- serves that the returns on putting new technological hardware into operation are on the average 55 percent lower than on continued production of old items. °1 As a consequence, plan fulfillment is threatened and per- formance frequently falls below levels which might have been achieved in the absence of innovation. To remedy the situation, programs have been devel- oped to accomplish three tasks: (1) compensation for increased costs incurred by the enterprise during the 225 period of retooling and start-up production of new technology; (2) reimbursement of the collectives of the enterprises for losses to the incentive fund due to reduced profitability during the period of assim- ilation of new products and processes; and (3) re- wards for workers at enterprises, assembly and ad- justment organizations, and other technology transfer facilities for the development and adoption of new technology ,°2 while special financing arrangements have been instituted to achieve the first task, a combination of special incentive programs and alter- ation in the basic conditions and evaluative crite- ria influencing motivation have been developed to ad- dress the other two. Brief attention is given to several of these programs . When the producer does face high start-up costs, the superior administrative organ is required to stipulate in the plan adequate sources to cover these costs. ** First, for "one-off" or very small lot pro- duction, expenses may be covered in the price of the product. Second, although increasingly rare, the es- tablishment may receive budget grants comparable to budget grants for R&D projects of especially high priority. The GKNT may be expected to have an impor- tant role in administering such grants. A third source is the Fund for the Assimilation of New Tech- nology or the New Products Fund, formed by ministries on the basis of a deduction from total cost of pro- duct ion. OH Part of this Fund is held by the minis- try for application where needs are the greatest. A fourth source is the Fund for the Development of Pro- duction, formed at industrial establishments on the basis of their performance. It is used mainly for modernization, automation, and the introduction of new products. Improvements in the performance of the enterprise which lead to better labor productivity, cost reduction, improved quality, and a higher rate of profit can also be financed from this Fund. The bulk of the Fund is used to purchase capital equip- ment and does not form part of R&D expenditure. It does, however, ipso facto promote the process of in- novation. The Fund for the Development of Production is formed from three sources: deductions from enter- 226 prise profits; 30 to 50 percent of amortization al- lowances used for the replacement of capital and dif- ferentiated by branches of industry; and receipts from sales by the enterprise of unused and superflu- ous equipment."-5 Finally, the introduction of new technology and renovation of plants may be financed through bank loans. Such loans are made available for a period of up to six years under the condition that the costs will be recouped within the indicated time. 86 in gen- eral, the New Products Fund, Development Fund, and bank credit account for a large and increasing share of the overall compensation for start-up expenses. However, complaints are frequently voiced in the So- viet press about the administration of each of these programs, and a general consensus seems to prevail that all justifiable if unanticipated start-up costs still are not adequately covered. When any enterprise "auxiliary" activity, such as innovation, tends to impact adversely on primary in- dicators of establishment performance, Soviet author- ities have often tried to counter this effect with a special incentive program. By doing this, they admit implicitly that parameters such as prices, which in- directly influence the size of basic bonuses, do not reflect accurately the true social benefits of the activity. For example, a new product which initially earns losses may signal a problem in the pricing sys- tem rather than an inherently uneconomical product. Rather than address the complex, interrelated factors at the root of the problem, authorities add special programs sequentially as a somewhat crude attempt to compensate for these deficiencies. Approximately 30 such programs, several of which impact on new technology, are currently in operation. The most important of these, the Fund for the Creation and Introduction of New Technology, has already been described. Other examples are special incentives for the export of Soviet technology abroad and for putting foreign technology into operation. When technology is exported, the Ministry of Foreign Trade allots to 227 science and industry 80 percent of the licenses in foreign currency. Of this amount 30 percent is put at the disposal of the branch ministry (agency) and 50 percent is given to the enterprise (or scientific research institute) . These funds can be freely used outside the current state import plan to purchase foreign technology and equipment as well as to ac- quire technical literature and to finance business trips of experts abroad.0' In most cases, (1) a portion of the funds is held by the superior management organ; (2) the size of the fund and its distribution are determined according to formulas, whenever possible related to economic re- turn; and (3) conscious efforts are made to reward only those who actually participate in the introduc- tion of the innovation. The last point has caused dissension. While innovation can be remunerative for the participant, because of the special programs, it can reduce or eliminate the bonuses of the nonpartic- ipant by adversely affecting primary establishment success indicators. Overall, for the establishment manager, Berliner has demonstrated under plausible assumptions that special incentive programs in gener- al will not compensate for the decline in primary bo- nuses associated with innovation."8 And should inno- vation threaten plan fulfillment, resistance to inno- vation will be extreme. In recent years, Soviet authorities increasingly have chosen to attack the problem directly by addres- sing those factors which influence the formation and disbursement of the primary bonus fund. An important factor in formation of the fund is economic substan- tiation of the parameters which are used to measure performance and, optimally, to guide decision makers. Of these, price formation methodology has drawn the most interest. Industrial wholesale prices in the Soviet Union are set administratively and left unchanged for vary- ing periods. This facilitates planning and evalua- tion across periods, but in any case continuous ad- justment is administratively impossible. Yet to function as a signal to decision makers, prices also 228 must reflect "socially necessary expenditures of pro- duction." With new product innovation, the problem with the traditional system is as simple as it is se- vere. As cumulative output increases, cost declines for a host of reasons which collectively may be la- belled "learning curve effects." While market compe- tition acts to force corresponding declines in prices, fixed prices will yield larger profits as the product becomes increasingly dated. Formulating price-setting methodology and monitor- ing its application are the responsibility of the State Committee for Prices. Fairly recently, the Com- mittee has begun to implement measures for introducing at least step-wise or staged price flexibility. The essence of the new techniques is described by Ivanov: One of the rules of price formation is that the savings obtained by an innovating enterprise should not exceed 50 percent of the total eco- nomic gains. Prices on new articles may change with time, assuring the producer fast write-off of initial start-up costs as well as reasonable profitability of production at all stages of the 'market cycle1 of the innovation. Specifically, prices for items which make only minor improvements or changes in existing prod- ducts are established in conformity with the price level of their prototypes with adjustments made for the savings effected by the product im- provements. Prices for radically new items are established in stages. First, temporary prices are fixed which include planned cost of produc- tion of the new article plus a profit margin that is based on the norm of profitability of the enterprise for a given year for its basic output. However, it should not exceed 20 percent or be less than 10 percent of the planned cost of production. After the expiration date of tem- porary prices (when the initial costs for new production have been written off) , permanent wholesale prices are established for new prod- ucts. In case of high quality products which 229 have been awarded the State 'Seal of Quality," prices may include a special incentive markup amounting to 0.5 to 1.0 percent of the prof- itability norm, but under the condition that this does not increase the producer's share of economic returns by more than 50 percent. This markup is established for a period of 3 years and can be lifted if the article does not meet high quality standards during the next certification. In turn, permanent wholesale prices on new products may be fixed for a limited period of time and in stages. Such differentiation has the goal of imparting to price formation additional effectiveness as a weapon for re- moving from the market obsolete products, as well as preserving the fair distribution of economic gains produced by the application of new technology between the producer and the consumer as the cost of production de- creases. Step-like, sequentially lowered prices are therefore established for prod- ucts whose costs are particularly elastic in relation to the volume of the series which saturates the internal market to a high de- gree and also for products with high rates of obsolescence. °9 Important elements of this description are the at- tempt to tie product prices to a measure of quality and the intent to divide the "benefits" or economic returns on a new product between the producer and the consumer, thereby rendering the product advantageous to both. This benefit is transmitted through the ef- fect of higher prices on establishment success indi- cators and, hence, on the primary bonus fund. And, finally, the step-wise character of pricing is in- tended to promote product turnover. Imparting price flexibility by administrative means is costly and cumbersome, but promises benefits. Other recent efforts relate the size of primary bonus funds to technological advance and the evalua- 230 tion of measures of labor productivity and product quality to primary success indicators. Encouraging growth in labor productivity is designed to induce the establishment to seek out process innovations. Greater emphasis on product quality indicators is in- tended to promote product innovation. Again both these measures depend on administrative evaluation procedures. Ivanov describes the system as follows: Fulfilling plans for the introduction of new technology at enterprises has a direct effect on the financial indicators of their economic activity, and in particular on the generation of incentive funds and funds for social-cul- tural and housing programs. This link is real- ized by means of periodic certification of prod- ucts manufactured by plants. The results of this certification are used to adjust the base standards for forming these funds. During the Ninth Five Year Plan, for example, enterprises which set for themselves higher targets than those of the plan were permitted to increase their allocations to the incentive funds by 2 to 9 percent for each one percent increase in the production of high quality output, calcu- lated on the basis of its total output. Also if the output of high quality products exceeded the norms of the plan, they could increase the allocations by 1 to 4 percent depending upon the share of this production to total output. Conversely, incentive allocations were reduced by 3 to 10 percent for each one percent decrease of high quality production as compared with planned targets. In addition, for each one percent increase in the volume of low quality output above the permitted norm, these alloca- tions were cut by 1 to 10 percent depending on the share of low quality production in the total output .90 Such procedures are also costly to administer but al- legedly have worked. Finally, Soviet authorities have introduced a pro- vision which stipulates that a portion of the primary 231 bonus fund is to be used for lump sum payments to in- dividuals or collectives as a reward for particularly noteworthy achievements. Innovation is prominent on the list of such achievements. We do not know the extent to which such payments are actually made to reward innovation activity, but they do offer the po- tential of a flexible and effective stimulus, at least from the perspective of the recipient. However, the caveat applicable to the Fund for the Creation and Introduction of New Technology is also pertinent here. A lump sum payment may make the participant better off, but if the innovation should cause the entire bonus fund to shrink, the labor force as a whole will suffer. Indeed, the motivating effect of all these special incentives for innovation is limited. The statutory ceilings on individual bonus earnings are such that no person may receive an excess of 90 to 110 percent of his base salary in bonuses of all kinds. The relative balance of risk and reward as- sociated with innovation, Berliner concludes, still tends to motivate Soviet decision makers and managers to discriminate against innovation in favor of alter- natives that involve no change in products or proces- ses. In sum, throughout this section we have described briefly (and incompletely) elements of Soviet plan- ning, managerial, and financial policy which influ- ence the degree and rate of new technology utiliza- tion. While noting that the system must in fact be formulated and set in operation as an integral unit, we have been forced to analyze each unit separately. Yet, for traditional practice, this approach does not severely distort reality, since the stages of R&D, the participants, and the various policy makers all tend to be disjointed. However, we note in passing that experiments are underway in certain ministries to "unify" not only the stages of R&D but also the entire policy-making process. The system, depicted schematically in Figure 11-4, originated in the elec- trical engineering industry. Planning is to be "con- tinuous," accounting for all stages of the innovation process. Similarly, financing originates in a Uni- fied Fund for the Development of Science and Technol- 232 Z O M H < .-J g M H H CO CO 3 a u z l-l M s o o 2 z o M CJ Cd w w w a z § 1-4 o z A w o Z hJ M <: U u § M as z H M u fc « ■J A w a z H M w Z M § > o .J CO P- w fe ffi o H 2 z W M H CO H >"" Z CO W 2 w 0-! S3 o H rJ w fe > O w a g H W M CO <3 « o- 1 o 1—1 w & d o oO e -H 4-1 o a a a CO c a. •H o r*i i-t o aj <4H a e H cO "3 .—1 CO (X Q en 4J o 3 -a /-^ o (0 14 c a- 75 o S •H 3 N -H O W C c 4J 1-1 O <*4 (0 S ■H O ■H TJ c •< -H v 4J (0 r-l r-l co S r-1 ■H > fl S 0 c ■H S O in a) •H 0) OS 4-1 < -c 'O 4J CO SI « A JS CJ CO CV5 ■H >N c X 4-1 0 •H fl r-l 4-1 fl (0 C 3 01 Ul c>* S — i c CJ 4-1 00 3 CO ■H ■O 0) 03 O 3 CO l-i O < 0- -J Q OS oQ c i-l u c <0 c c o ■H 4J 3 CO s u oo CU fl o o 1— 1 QJ i-t o J3 4-» c u cj fL 3 a 00 TJ CD fl O H •H )-i •J (U c CO l-i fl O i-( <4-t ft. » I CO JS r-l C CJ O O >-i q -h CO .2 4J a a co en cu m > 4-1 C -H O r-l •H CO U 3 CO O* cj -r4 4J <4-l CJ i-l 3 4J TJ >-< o J 1-1 L. _ (J en C Cu TJ 4J 0) fl a Q H Ed pi ON o a en o S s o en w a) rl o r-l CO cu rfi CJ cu •H *j en T) d c rC 0 3 *. 4J rfa CU co CU 4-1 c > | o ■H o 4J C c CJ CU X 3 g CJ C r-l O 3 Q C CU rH d CU iH > CO r-l CM > o CO > CO rd N Q cs o a cu a d o co 233 ogy, again accounting for all stages. Within this system planning, finance, management, incentives, and other elements are to be closely integrated. This sys- tem does represent a radical departure from tradition- al practice and has been successful, though it has been slow to diffuse. The pattern and impact of its broadening application in Soviet industry should be followed carefully. EVALUATION OF R&D RESULTS AND PERFORMERS The basic notion of comprehensive planning of R&D and economic activities implies the ability to prede- termine results in some detail. Thus, in the plan- ning process, a set of evaluative criteria, the tar- gets themselves, are generated and in fact are used in assessment at designated plan deadlines. Because the resulting performance rewards, such as the size of bonus funds, sometimes are planned, it may even be said that evaluation itself to some extent is pre- determined. Of course, the accuracy of this characterization increases as the precision and detail of planning in- crease, which occurs as R&D approaches the production assimilation stage. Thus, for design, development, and production establishments formal evaluative cri- teria are utilized which, whenever possible, incorpo- rate quantitative measures. Indicators employed in plan formulation (volume of work, number of projects completed) and project selection (economic return, technical measures, social criteria) are also used in evaluating the establishment. Though calculations of actual or realized economic return are, in principle, to be made following the application of R&D results in production or use, they are in practice rarely computed or recorded. Decisions regarding evaluation and incentives are taken predominantly on the basis of planned or projected estimates of return, not on real results and savings. 234 The fact that individual compensation to some ex- tent is tied to plan and project measures implies that evaluation of employees and participants pro- ceeds in similar fashion. Of course, subjective judgment always enters into personnel evaluation, but attempts are made to maximize reliance on ob- jective criteria. Performance in meeting quantita- tive plan targets affects not only income but also careers of production managers, for example, and thus is held to be an indicator of general managerial capability. As planning becomes less precise and detailed in applied and fundamental research, there is a commen- surate increase in reliance on subjective evaluation. In practice, a mix of objective and subjective crite- ria is employed to take into account the originality and long-range promise of R&D, its economic and so- cial usefulness, etc. ^ At the same time, the pro- cedure for performance evaluation tends naturally to be internalized in research facilities, as the re- searcher's professional colleagues may be the only group qualified to judge performance. Still, though, the formality and hierarchical procedures character- istic of most Soviet bureaucracies are also present in the research evaluation process . The results of the evaluation, in turn, are an important input in the decision to continue, modify, or terminate pro- jects which extend beyond standard plan periods. Rec- ommendations of consultative organs and expert groups are transmitted up the hierarchy to respective GKNT, Academy, and Ministry authorities for official deter- mination of future establishment and project direc- 92 tions. 7A Relatively little information is available concern- ing performance evaluation criteria and procedures for individual scientists. Presumably, they differ across facilities. We briefly describe below the example of the evaluation system developed and used at the Sci- entific Research Institute of Physical Chemistry imeni L. Ya. Karpov.93 The Karpov system, as it has come to be known, is gradually being adopted in other Soviet research facilities. 235 Salary at the Karpov Institute depends on academic degree attained, length of service, and results of work. To evaluate the last element, a "certifica- tion" commission convenes which includes leading sci- entists and representatives of management and social organizations. The commission evaluates employees not less than once every three years. A 10 point ra- ting system is used, and the following criteria are employed to evaluate the individual: 1. Professional qualifications 2. Diligence at work 3. Prospects for further activity 4. Originality of research 5. Theoretical level of research 6. Experimental level of research 7. Value of research for theory 8. Value of work for practice 9. Ability to work independently 10. Ability to organize work for subordinates 11. Participation in work of technology utilization 12. Participation in social activities 13. Direct participation in experiment work^4 The commission makes two kinds of recommendations as a result of its assessment: (1) maintain or modify job tasks; and (2) increase or decrease salary or keep it at the present level. The results of the evaluation are approved by the learned council of the institute. The decision of the council is final. 95 236 In general, Soviet procedures for evaluating R&D results and performers tend to be formal and highly structured. The work of both individuals and insti- tutions is evaluated primarily in terms of their for- mal fulfillment of thematic and financial plans, not on the basis of the real value of their S&T achieve- ments. There is a strong tendency therefore to pro- pose "safe" and relatively minor themes, whose param- eters are fairly well known and results more certain. As Academician Ya. Kolotyrkin comments, "An institute can fulfill its subject and financial plans year af- ter year without contributing anything to technical progress. "9" Recently efforts to tie R&D planning and resource allocation, management and incentive programs to end results — the ultimate application of technology in new products and processes — have mounted. Throughout this study we have mentioned the increasingly ubiqui- tous though still ambiguous measure of "economic re- turn or effectiveness." If the utilization of R&D was almost ignored in science policy in the past, then since the late 1960s it has come to have almost exag- gerated emphasis. There are important limitations, however, on the utility of practical application as a criterion for evaluating R&D results and performers. Some science specialists contend that R&D organiza- tions should not be evaluated in terms of the final stages of the innovation process in which they still have little direct participation, much less control. Furthermore, the evaluation of results and real re- turns must be long range because of the necessarily protracted process of moving results from the lab in- to use. Hence, the operational character of evalua- tion is lost, and its motivating role is diminished.9' As 0. I. Volkov notes, scientific R&D organizations cannot be evaluated by the same criteria as production establishments. They require an independent system of indicators, instruments, and special organization of management which, though closely linked with the eco- nomy, possesses at the same time necessary autonomy.98 Science has its own internal development needs which must be attended to, besides its external relations and linkages with production. 237 DIFFUSION OF R&D RESULTS In the Soviet economy, under traditional organiza- tional and operating principles, diffusion of new technology should not differ markedly from innovation. That is, the first introduction and subsequent intro- duction are not so sharply distinguished in the USSR as in the West. Part of the reason for this is organ- izational. When branch institutes or design bureaus are independent, they are meant to serve impartially all production facilities in the branch, and proprie- tary rights over innovations are not associated with the first introduction or use. Innovation may be in- troduced simultaneously or sequentially in facilities, with little advantage accruing to the first user. The absence of competitive pressures in the Soviet economy also means that the economic viability of the noninnovator is not automatically threatened by its failure to act. The production facility in the USSR is responsible to its administrative superiors. For the most part the facility is competing not against other facilities but instead against its own perfor- mance in previous periods. Because targets tend to be set in relation to earlier own-facility results, and because of conditions of general excess demand, facilities of widely differing productivity levels and innovative postures can coexist in the Soviet eco- nomy for indefinite periods. Today these situations are changing somewhat, in part because of a conscious desire of the Soviet lead- ship to encourage more rapid technology diffusion. Or- ganizationally, the affiliation of R&D and production establishments, as in the science-production associa- tion, tends to distinguish an innovation from a dif- fusion process. Innovation may be thought of as oc- curring when the NPO plant successfully introduces the technology, while the NPO leaves the problem of diffusion to other branch plants. Similarly, to gen- erate pressure for more rapid process innovation, So- viet authorities are attempting to rely as much as possible on branch-wide performance criteria for tar- get formulation. Of course, branch standards have al- 238 ways been the ideal, and the process is slowed by the fact that inefficient plants are not placed in a se- verely disadvantageous position. Yet the greater ac- cent now placed on branch-wide performance compari- sons may ultimately have a favorable impact on tech- nology diffusion. In large part, however, the factors outlined pre- viously which influence technology delivery and uti- lization by the first producer similarly influence succeeding adopters. Plans may stipulate introduc- tion and in general are the basic coordinating and motivating mechanism for diffusion. Organizational and financial mechanisms may be employed to create a favorable disposition toward innovation in all po- tential adopters. The impact of clearly superior economic performance is exemplified by the experi- ence of developing new ceramic tile manufacturing technology: In this case it is also vital to note that the socio-economic consequences of replacing the old technology of producing ceramic tiles in tunnel kilns with a new technology using auto- mated conveyer assembly lines with slit kilns were so obvious that adoption of the new meth- od in industry . . . not only encountered no re- sistance, but, on the contrary, a whole number of enterprises and agencies sought additional ways to move up the fixed schedule for putting this system into operation. 99 In certain instances, however, the age of a product determines the applicability of a special innovation- related program. For example, compensation for high start-up costs from the Fund for Assimilation of New Technology is only permitted for new products, where "newness" is defined bureaucrat ically to apply "if (a) it is the first instance of the product's pro- duction in the USSR, or (b) no more than two years have elapsed since it was first introduced in the USSR."10t) Special Soviet programs to facilitate diffusion resemble those in any advanced industrial country. 239 Technical information services, managed by the All- Union Institute for Scientific and Technical Infor- mation (VINITI) , are among the best in the world. VINITI disseminates Soviet journals, translation journals, and comprehensive abstracts of foreign and domestic publications, and assists in publicizing patents. Most industrial ministries have similar agencies. Academy, university, ministries, and S&T societies host frequent technical conferences which facilitate personal interaction, a potent means of technology transfer. Actual transfer of personnel with the direct or indirect intent of transferring technology tends to occur less frequently, and is particularly rare across ministerial boundaries. Standardization programs, such as those concerning design documentation, facilitate transfer but are a relatively recent development. Finally, a common Soviet technique of technology diffusion which avoids many of the administrative problems described previ- ously is the construction of entirely new facilities which "embody" the new technology. However, the per- formance of the Soviet construction industry is it- self quite poor, especially concerning lead times, and the shift of investment funds away from new con- struction to reconstruction of facilities reduces the scope for this approach. In sum, the Soviet innovation and diffusion pro- cesses are rendered similar, if not indistinguishable, by the nature of Soviet economic organization and ad- ministration. The general absence of competitive pressures in particular is a severe deterrent to rap- id diffusion. Special programs designed to encourage internal technology transfer, particularly relating to information and (potentially) standardization, can alleviate some of the problems but are not, in our view, sufficiently effective to overcome barriers to innovation created by fundamental attributes of the Soviet economic mechanism. 240 FOOTNOTES 1. See L. S. Blyakhman, ed., Voprosy ekonomiki i planirovaniya nauchnykh issledovaniy (Leningrad, 1968), p. 93; N. I. Dryakhlov, S. I. Nikishov, Yu. K. Plet- nikov, and S. V. Shakhardin, eds., Nauchno-tekhni- cheskaya revolyutsiya i obshchestvo (Moscow, 1973) , p. 446; V. P. Aleksandrova, ed., Problemy planirovan- iya i effektivnosti razvitiya nauki i tekhniki v ukrainskoy SSR (Kiev, 1976), p. 50; V. Sominskiy and L. Blyakhman, eds., Ekonomicheskiye problemy povyshen- iya effektivnosti nauchnykh razrabotok (Leningrad : Lenizdat, 1972), p. 177; V. N. Arkhangel'skiy , Organ- izatsionno-ekonomicheskiye problemy upravleniya nauch- nymi issledovaniyami (Moscow, 1977), p. 33; V. I. Kushlin, Uskoreniye vnedreniya nauchnykh dostizheniy v proizvodstvo (Moscow: Ekonomika, 1977), p. 3; Nolt- ing, Sources of Financing the States of the Research, Development, and Innovation Cycle in the USSR, p. 3. 2. Kanygin, Nauchno-tekhnicheskiy potentsial , p. 225. 3. L. S. Blyakhman, "Nauka kak otrasl proizvodst- vennoy deyatel'nosti," in Blyakhman, ed., Voprosy eko- nomiki i planirovaniya nauchnykh issledovaniy, p . 15 . 4. Berliner, The Innovation Decision in Soviet In- dustry, pp. 103-104. 5. K. I. Taksir, Integratsiya nauki i proizvodstva pri sotsializme (Moscow: Znaniye, 1975), p. 14; Kush- lin, op. cit., p. 122. 6. V. G. Shteingauz, Ekonomicheskiye problemy re- alizatsii nauchno-tekhnicheskikh razrabotok (Moscow. 1976), p. 118. 7. A. Zalkind, "Akademiya dlia 'neakademicheskikh' nauk," Literaturnaya gazeta, 12 (March 24, 1976), p. 11. 241 8. A. N. Bortnyakh, ed., KPSS i sovremennaya nauch- no-tekhnicheskaya revolyutsiya (Kiev, 1974), pp. 379 380. 9. Zalkind, op. cit. 10. See Tom Burns, "Models, Images, and Myths," in William H. Gruber and Donald G. Marques, eds., Factors in the Transfer of Technology (Cambridge, Massachu- setts: MIT Press, 1969), pp. 11-23. One of the best discussions of Soviet views of innovation is by Kany- gin. See his Nauchno-tekhnicheskiy potentsial , pp. 151-213. 11. V. I. Berlozertsev, "Soedineniye nauchno-tekh- nicheskoy revolyutsii s preimushchestvami sotsializ- ma," in Problemy soyedineniya dostizheniy nauchno- tekhnicheskoy revolyutsii s preimushchestvami sots- ializma (Voronezh, 1974), pp. 11-12. 12. Kanygin, Nauchno-tekhnicheskiy potentsial, p. 222. 13. Berliner, op. cit. , p. 140. 14. Zavlin et al, Trud v sfere nauki (Moscow, 1973, 2nd edition), pp. 123-125, 129, 206-207. 15. Ibid. (First edition), p. 16. Berliner, op. cit. , p. 116. 17. Zaleski et al, Science Policy in the USSR, p. 93. 18. D. Bobryshev and Ye. Nisevich, Setevyye metody v upravlenii (Moscow, 1973), p. 14. 19. See Robert W. Campbell, "Management Spillovers from Soviet Space and Military Programs," Soviet Studies, XXIII, 4 (1972), pp. 586-607. 20. See Yu. I. Maksimov, "Second Wind for Network Methods," Ekonomika i organizatsiya promyshlennogo 242 proizvodstva, 4 (July-August 1976), pp. 205-211; V. G. Afanasyev and V. S. Chesnokov, "Sistemy tselevogo planirovaniya — instrument effektivnogo upravleniya nauchnymi issledovaniyami," in Nauchnoye upravleniye obshchestvom (Moscow: Mysl1 , 1972), VI, pp. 268-331; D. M. Gvishiani, ed., Voprosy teorii i praktiki uprav- leniya i organizatsii nauki (Moscow: Nauka, 1975), pp. 17-22, 82-95; G. M. Dobrov et al, Programmno- tselevoy metod upravleniya v nauke, pp. 24-27. 21. V. I. Dobuzhinskiy, D. D. Katanov, and E. L. Rokhvarger, "Razrabotka novoy tekhnologii keramiches- kikh plitok" (Development of A New Technology of Cer- amic Tiles), p. 7. Soviet Side of the Joint Soviet- American forking Subgroup on Planning and Management of Scientific Research and Development. Unpublished (draft) paper, 1976. 22. Yefimov et al, "Development and Realization of A Program of Comprehensive Mechanization of Funda- mental and Auxiliary Processes of Production at the Moscow Production Association ZIL," pp. 7-8. 23. Zaleski et al, Science Policy in the USSR, p. 280. 24. Gvishiani, "Centralized Management of Science: Advantages and Problems," p. 103. 25. Ivanov, "Preodoleniye prepyatstviy i stimuli- rovaniye pri vnedrenii novoy tekhniki i novykh metod- ov upravleniya," p. 10. 26. Ibid. 27. Ibid., p. 12. 28. A. G. Orlov, Oplata truda rabotnikov nauki (Moscow: Nauka, 1973), p. 52. 29. Ivanov, op. cit. , p. 11. 30. Ibid. 243 31. XXIV Syezd KPSS: Stenograficheskii otchet (Mos- cow: Politizdat, 1971), I, pp. 80-81. 32. L. M. Bashin, "Ekonomicheskiye problemy vnedren- iya novoy tekhniki," Voprosy izobretatel'stva, 7 (1975), p. 12. 33. See G. D. Anisimov, L. S. Glyazer, A. M. Omarov, V. G. Pankratyev, and M. P. Ring, Nauchno-tekhnicheskiy progress i khozyaystvennaya reforma (Moscow: Nauka, 1969), pp. 119-127; "The Quality of Designs," Pravda editorial, May 13, 1977. 34. L. S. Blyakhman, "The Association: Experience and Prospects," Pravda, December 1, 1971. 35. Ivanov, op. cit., p. 21. 36. Ibid. 37. Ibid. , p. 22. 38. K. I. Taksir, Nauchno-proizvodstvennyye ob"yedi- neniya (Moscow: Nauka, 1977), pp. 42-53, 57-58; Yu. Subotskiy, Novyi etap razvitiya ob"yedineniy v pro- myshlennosti (Moscow: Znaniye, 1973), p. 26; E. I. Gavrilov, Ekonomika i ef fektivnost [ nauchno-tekhni- cheskogo progressa (Minsk: Vyshaya shkola, 1975), p. 290; L. N. Andrukhovich , Upravleniye kachestvom (Mos- cow: Znaniye, 1976), p. 47. 39. Taksir, Nauchno-proizvodstvennyye ob"yedineniya , p. 57; G. A. Dzhavadov, Upravleniye nauchno-tekhni- cheskim progressom (Moscow: Znaniye, 1976), p. 23. 40. Taksir, op. cit., p. 132. 41. V. Pokrovskiy, "Peres traivayas' na marshe," Sotsialisticheskaya industriya, July 13, 1977, p. 2. 42. Taksir, op. cit., pp. 125-154; Louvan E. Nolt- ing, The 1968 Reform of Scientific Research, Develop- ment, and Innovation in the USSR, U.S. Department of Commerce, Foreign Economic Report No. 11 (Washington D.C., 1976), p. 16; Shteingauz, op. cit. , pp. 120- 244 122, 127 and her "Novye organizatsionnyye formy svya- zi nauki s proizvodstvom," in Ekonomika i organizatsi- ya promyshlennogo proizvodstva, 3 (1973), pp. 46-47; M. A. Yudelevich and M. A. Gusakov, "Puti sokrashchenii tsikla ' issledovaniye-proizvodstvo, "' in Blyakhman, ed. , Voprosy ekonomiki i planirovaniya nauchnykh is- sledovaniy (Leningrad: Lenizdat, 1968), pp. 93-95; G. A. Dzhavadov, "Nauchno-proizvodstvennyye ob"yedineni- ya — forma integratsii nauki, tekhniki, proizvodstva," Sovetskoye gosudarstvo i pravo, 1 (1975), p. 37, 43- 44; Andrukhovich, op. cit., pp. 48-50; Sominskiy and Blyakhman, Ekonomicheskiye problemy povysheniya ef- fektivnosti nauchnykh razrabotok, pp. 179-180. 43. Berliner, op. cit. , p. 135. 44. See Dzhavadov, "NPO — forma integratsii nauki, tekhniki, proizvodstva," p. 37; Yu. V. Subotskiy, Raz- vitiye ob"yedineniy v promyshlennosti: Voprosy teorii i metodologii (Moscow, 1977), pp. 66-67; V. Kochikyan and V. Kushkin, "Osnovy khozyaystvennogo rascheta v nauchno-proizvodstvennykh ob"yedineniyakh," Planovoye khozyaystvo, 7 (1977), pp. 25-26; K. I. Taksir, "Nau- chno-proizvodstvennyye ob"yedineniya," Voprosy ekono- miki, 11 (1972), pp. 48-49 and his Nauchno-proizvodst- vennyye ob"yedineniya, p. 39; Pokrovskiy, "Perestrai- vayas' na marshe," p. 2. 45. Taksir, Nauchno-proizvodstvennyye ob"yedineniya , pp. 35, 39-40; Shteingauz, Ekonomicheskiye problemy realizatsii nauchno-tekhnicheskikh razrabotok, p. 124; V. N. Arkhangel'skiy, Planirovaniye i finansirovaniye nauchnykh issledovaniy (Moscow: Finansy, 1976), pp. 158-160; Kochikyan and Kushkin, op. cit., p. 26. 46. Yu. Kanygin and S. Kostanyan, "Nauchno-proiz- vodstvennyi tsikl," Voprosy ekonomiki, 12 (1976), p. 61. 47. Yu. M. Mikhnevich, Ekonomicheskiye problemy upravleniya nauchno-tekhnicheskim progressom (Lenin- grad, 1974), p. 57. 48. Taksir, Nauchno-proizvodstvennyye ob"yedineniya, p. 110. 245 49. Ibid. , p. Ill and Arkhangel'skiy, Planirovaniye i f inansirovaniye nauchnykh issledovaniy, p. 162. 50. These tasks are listed in the statute on the NPO. See "Polozheniye o nauchno-proizvodstvennom ob"- yedinenii," Sobraniye postanovleniy pravitel' stva SSSR, 2 (1976), pp. 24-25. See also Subotskiy, Raz- vitiye ob"yedineniy v promyshlennosti, p. 67 and Dzhavadov, "NPO — forma integratsii nauki, tekhniki, proizvodstva," pp. 38-39. 51. Taksir, Nauchno-proizvodstvennyye ob"yedineni- ya, pp. 43-79. 52. Ibid., pp. 38-39, 74-79; Kushlin, Uskoreniye vnedreniya nauchnykh dostizheniy v proizvodstvo, p. 111. 53. Ibid. See also Pokrovskiy, "Peretraivayas' na marshe," p. 2. 54. Taksir, Nauchno-proizvodstvennyye ob"yedineni- ja, pp. 48-49, 139-140. 55. Ibid., pp. 32, 37 and L. A. Bulochnikova et al, eds., Problemy sovershenstvovaniya upravleniya sots- ialisticheskoy ekonomikoy (Moscow: Mysl', 1976), pp. 135-136. 56. Taksir, Nauchno-proizvodstvennyye ob"yedineni- _ya, pp. 17-22. 57. K. I. Taksir, "Nauchno-proizvodstvennyye ob"ye- dineniya," Voprosy ekonomiki, 11 (1972), p. 50. 58. Taksir, Nauchno-proizvodstvennyye ob"yedineni- ja, pp. 36, 55-56, 78, 157-158 and Shteingauz, Eko- nomicheskiye problemy realizatsii nauchno-tekhniches- kikh razrabotok, p. 124. 59. Nolting, The 1968 Reform, p. 16. 60. Sominskiy and Blyakhman, Ekonomicheskiye prob- 246 lemy povysheniya effektivnosti nauchnykh razrabotok, pp. 188-189 and Dzhavadov, "NPO — forma integratsii nauki, tekhniki, proizvodstva," p. 40. 61. Taksir, Nauchno-proizvodstvennyye ob"yedineni- y_a, pp. 54-55. 62. "Polozheniye o NPO," p. 23. 63. B. Tabachnikas and M. Sklyar, "Khozyaystvennyy raschet nauchno-proizvodstvennykh ob"yedineniy," Vo- prosy ekonomiki, 12 (1976), p. 73. 64. Kushlin, Uskoreniye vnedreniya, p. 112. In its decision approving the NPO statute the USSR Council of Ministers stipulated that the USSR Ministry of Fi- nance and the Central Statistical Administration had to draw up within six months appropriate bookkeeping and statistical reporting forms for the NPOs. 65. See Nolting, The 1968 Reform, p. 16; Gavrilov, Ekonomika i ef fektivnost ' nauchno-tekhnicheskogo , pp. 297-305; B. Tabachnikas and M. Sklyar, "Otsenka raboty i printsipy obrazovaniya fonda material'nogo pooshchreniya nauchno-proizvodstvennykh ob"yedineniy," Planovoye khozyaystvo, 2 (1974), pp. 123-124. 66. Tabachnikas and Sklyar, "Khozyaystvennyy ras- chet NPO," p. 77 and Taksir, Nauchno-proizvodstven- nyye ob"yedineniya, pp. 101-112. 67. Gavrilov, op. cit., pp. 294-295; Mikhnevich, op. cit. , pp. 71, 85. 68. Subotskiy, Razvitiye ob"yedineniy v promysh- lennosti, p. 5 and Taksir, Nauchno-proizvodstvennyye ob"yedineniya, p. 158. 69. R. M. Shteinbok, "Komu vnedryat' novuyu tekh- niku?" Ekonomika i organizatsiya promyshlennogo pro- izvodstva, 6 (1976), pp. 78-79. 70. Shteingauz, Ekonomicheskiye problemy realiza- 247 tsii nauchno-tekhnicheskikh razrabotok, p. 125. 71. See Taksir, Sushchnost' i formy soyedineniya nauki s proizvodstvom pri sotsializme (Moscow: Vys- shaya Shkola, 1974), pp. 92-104; V. Pavlyuchenko , "Ot stola konstruktura do zavodskogo konveiera," Pravda, June 13, 1971 and his Ekonomicheskiye problemy uprav- leniya nauchno-tekhnicheskim- progressom (Moscow: Nau- ka, 1973), pp. 202-213; Shteinbok, op. cit. , pp. 76- 85; Kanygin, Nauchno-tekhnicheskiy potentsial, pp. 237-241. 72. See Shteinbok, op. cit., pp. 79-80 and L. Davy- dov and R. Shteinbok, "Formy organizatsii vnedreniya novoy tekhniki," Voprosy ekonomiki, 9 (1977), p. 134. 73. See Taksir, Sushchnost* i formy soyedineniya nauki s proizvodstvom pri sotsializme, pp. 92-104 and his Nauchno-proizvodstvennyye ob"yedineniya, pp. 24- 25. 74. See the excellent article by John Lowenhardt, "The Tale of the Torch: Scientists-Entrepreneurs in the Soviet Union," Survey, XX, 4 (93) (Autumn 1974), pp. 113-121. 75. Ibid., pp. 117-118. 76. K. Taksir and M. Krasnokutskiy, "Formy organi- zatsii vnedreniya novoy tekhniki," Voprosy ekonomiki, 1 (1977), p. 50; V. Pokrovskiy, "Novaya tekhnika: Dorogi i porogi," Ekonomicheskaya gazeta, 10 (March 10, 1976), p. 10. 77. Taksir and Krasnokutskiy, op. cit., p. 50. 78. Shteinbok, "Komu vnedryat' novuyu tekhniku," p. 80. 79. K. I. Taksir, Integratsiya nauki i proizvodstva pri sotsializme (Moscow: Znaniye, 1975), pp. 47-48. 80. Ekonomika i organizatsiya promyshlennogo pro- 248 izvodstva, 5 (1977), p. 160. These difference of view were expressed in the debate in this issue of EKO (pp. 143-146) under the subject, "Komu vnedryat' novuyu tekhniku?" (To Whom Should the Introduction of New Technology Be Entrusted?) This was the title of Shteinbok's essay that appeared in the journal the year before. The discussion in the May 1977 issue contains reactions to Shteinbok's article and call for specialized introduction organizations for new technology. 81. Ivanov, op. cit., p. 7. 82. L. M. Gatovskiy, Nauchno-tekhnicheskiy progress i ekonomika razvitogo sotsializma (Moscow: Nauka, 1974), p. 202. 83. "USSR Short Answers," p. 57. 84. Berliner, The Innovation Decision in Soviet In- dustry, p. 271. 85. Zaleski et al, Science Policy in the USSR, p. 119. 86. Ivanov, op. cit., p. 8. 87. Berliner, op. cit., p. 493 and Ivanov, op. cit., pp. 8-9. 88. Berliner, op. cit. , p. 488. 89. Ivanov, op. cit. , p. 7. 90. Ibid. 91. "USSR Short Answers," p. 25. 92. Ibid., p. 29. 93. P. A. Sedlov, Material' noye stimulirovaniye ra- botnikov za sozdaniye i osvoyeniye novoy tekhniki (Moscow: Ekonomika, 1975), p. 55. 249 94. Ibid., p. 56. 95. Orlov, Oplata truda rabotnikov nauki, p. 118. 96. Ya. Kolotyrkin, "0 rezervakh uvelicheniya ot- dachi ot nauchnogo potentsiala," Kommunist , 8 (1974), p. 53. 97. A. Konson, "Pokazateli nauchno-tekhnicheskoy deyatel'nosti Nil, KB, i NPO i proizvoditel'nosti truda nauchnykh rabotnikov," Planovoye khozyaystvo, 3 (1976), pp. 133-140. 98. 0. I. Volkov, Planovoye upravleniye nauchno- tekhnicheskim progressom (Moscow: Nauka, 1975), p. 157 99. Dobuzhinskiy et al, op. cit. , p. 12. 100. Berliner, op. cit., p. 200. 250 XI CURRENT ISSUES AND TRENDS IN SOVIET SCIENCE POLICY Science policy has become a subject of continuous discussion and vigorous debate in the USSR since at least the mid-1960s. Indeed, the great attention giv- en to S&T issues in domestic and foreign policy re- flects the extent to which a perceived "technological imperative" has come to dominate and divide the Krem- lin leadership. While many of the basic problems themselves are not new, Soviet perceptions of them have broadened and changed along with the scope of official motivation to use science and technology more effectively as an instrument of policy and tool of economic progress. As a result the political lead- ership has begun to reexamine some of the fundamental assumptions, managerial attitudes, and organizational arrangements which underlay science policy in the past and to adopt some new approaches and directions for the future. THE CONTEMPORARY SCIENCE POLICY DEBATE: CONTEXT AND CONTENT The current debate has been prompted by two impor- tant cognitive discoveries. First is the rather be- lated awakening of the ruling elite to the full sig- nificance of the development and role of science and technology in the world, roughly since mid-century. These changes have been dubbed the "contemporary sci- entific and technological revolution" (hereafter ab- breviated as STR) , largely a euphemism for the com- puter age. The changing conditions and new demands associated with this new stage of industrial revolu- tion are seen as placing unprecedented importance on scientific and technical progress. Such progress be- 251 comes not only the key force driving modern society forward but also a major arena of competition between the world's two opposing social systems. Underlying the notion of the STR is also implicit — and sometimes explicit — recognition of Russia's relative backward- ness and growing technology gap with the West, espe- cially the United States. As a letter of appeal from dissident but concerned Soviet scientists to Party and government leaders in March 1970 noted frankly, with respect to the computer age: "We are simply liv- ing in a different era. The second industrial revo- lution came along and now, at the onset of the seven- ties, we see that far from having overtaken America, we are dropping further and further behind. "1 Thus, a "historic" task facing the USSR today, as defined by General Secretary Brezhnev at the 1971 Party con- gress and reaffirmed by the 1976 congress, is "to combine organically the achievements of the STR with the advantages of the socialist economic system, to unfold more broadly our own, intrinsically socialist forms of fusing science with production. "2 Second, there has also been growing realization that the Soviet economy is approaching the limits of "extensive" growth and entering a new era that calls for more "intensive" methods of development. Declin- ing supplies of manpower and material resources re- quire a basic shift in development strategy and great- er emphasis on qualitative improvements rather than quantitative increases of inputs as the main source of future growth. Already at the end of the 1960s, Brezhnev declared firmly that intensification "be- comes not only the main way but the only way of de- veloping our economy." Moreover, in this approach he told the 1971 Party congress, "the acceleration of S&T progress forges into first place both from the point of view of current tasks and of the long-term future." Premier Kosygin similarly insisted at the 1976 congress that without faster translation of S&T into production "the economy can no longer success- fully advance along the path of intensification and quality improvement ."3 252 International and domestic pressures have combined, therefore, to make the accleration of S&T progress a major issue of the 1970s and beyond. Just as he had defined this to be the "key task" of economic policy in 1971, Brezhnev also listed it first among the "key problems" of the period of the Tenth Five Year Plan (1976-1980). Indeed, the General Secretary affirmed, "In our entire economic development perhaps no tasks today are more urgent and more important . '"* There is also enhanced awareness in Moscow of the need to raise the quality of R&D planning and manage- ment. No longer can science policy afford to be built on the basis of "subjective evaluations and wishes," contends V. A. Trapeznikov, a first deputy chairman of the GKNT. Gvishiani describes as a major task of the day, "To put the development of science itself on a strictly scientific basis." Dr. Semyon Mikulinsky, a leading science policy expert, similarly stresses, "The whole point is that science must be brought to bear on the management of science itself. "5 Accordingly, there has been a proliferation of science policy studies and "research on research" in the USSR during the last decade. Virtually the en- tire social science research sector has been put to work on the problems of acclerating S&T progress. The main purpose of such studies, Gvishiani notes, is to provide a strong "theoretical basis on which the fun- damentals of science policy are worked out." Under- lying the growth of the "science of science" movement is an intrinsic belief in and professed need "to study science as a controllable system and to attempt a more thorough exploration of the interrelationship of dif- ferent aspects of this system with a view to increas- ing the efficiency with which it functions."" In line with the basic Soviet approach to science and technology generally, the dominant emphasis in both theoretical study and practical policy has been on the need for a "systems approach." As Gennady Do- brov explains, "More than half a century of experi- ence in the formulation and implementation of Soviet State science policy shows that one cannot expect to 253 be consistently successful in science management if one pursues only one part of the system of goals."' Official Soviet claims to the contrary notwithstand- ing, the Kremlin still lacks comprehensive and coher- ent S&T policies. This is especially true in the civilian sector where capabilities for problem de- finition and systems management have been much more deficient than in the military and space areas. On both the theoretical and practical levels recent ef- forts point to the need and determination of Soviet leaders to develop a greater integrative capability, analytical and administrative, in order to apply more effectively a systems approach to S&T policy. While there are still many loose ends and untreat- ed questions in the literature, nonetheless the work of Soviet specialists in wrestling with complex S&T issues is impressive. A new sophistication is evi- dent. More and more, new ideas and attitudes are be- ginning to penetrate and shape S&T thinking and pol- icy making in the Kremlin. Much of the debate on how to improve performance and to promote S&T progress has centered on six is- sues. One prominent set of concerns relates to the question of expanding the boundaries of science pol- icy and of integrating science policy with economic policy. A second major theme is the need to move to an intensive growth strategy for science and technol- ogy with an emphasis on increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of R&D. The four remaining issues are essentially subsets of the latter problem. Taken to- gether, they deal with ways of raising overall per- formance through greater organizational flexibility and institutional restructuring, improved planning and resource allocation, and more effective manage- ment and motivation throughout the research-to-pro- duction process. A common theme punctuating and dom- inating discussion in all these issues is the need to apply a systems approach to contemporary problem solving. The whole thrust and tone of the debate are in line with the intrinsically comprehensive and cen- tralized approach of Kremlin decision makers. It is also not accidental that "linkage" and "integration" 254 have become the key terms of the debate. They point clearly to the major interface difficulties and de- ficiencies that underlie such an approach in general and the Soviet R&D system in particular. Behind So- viet thought and action is the hope that "the holes in the whole" can be filled and more effective cou- pling can be achieved in the creation and application of new technology. INTEGRATING SCIENCE POLICY AND ECONOMIC POLICY An implicit feature of Soviet thought in the 1970s was the movement towards a broader concept of science policy and the closer integration of R&D with the to- tality of domestic and foreign policy. Traditional- ly, scientific R&D has been conceived apart from the wider political and economic context rather than as an organic part of it. In fact, science has often been viewed more as an appendage of social and cul- tural policy than as an aspect of economic policy. Increasingly, however, attention is being given to its status as a direct force of production and key source of economic growth in the era of the STR. The focus is on relating S&T to a much broader range of national aims and activities, on the role of R&D in solving contemporary economic and social problems . In line with this more strategic approach is the emphasis on external rather than internal criteria in science policy. By the end of the 1960s Gvishiani had sounded the new line. He noted that R&D planning and management was no longer simply a question of the rational planning of science expenditures, of the training of scientific manpower, of the allocation of resources, or of the supply of scientific instruments, "The issue is broader and deeper," the deputy chair- man of the GKNT affirmed, It is about the future, about the long-term development of socialist countries, about the very fate of the world and of socialism. 255 For now only that system can win which is able to assure itself a vanguard position in scientific and technical progress. ° To phrase the issue somewhat differently, the ob- ject of planning has gradually shifted from primarily "new technology" to "scientific and technical prog- ress" more broadly. Prior to the Eighth Five Year Plan (1966-1970), planning agencies operated with on- ly the concept of new technology. The notion of tech- nical progress was confined to theoretical social and economic literature. Brezhnev himself observed in 1971, however, that the demands of the times required a change of focus: "In an age when the role of sci- ence as a direct force of production keeps growing, separate scientific achievements, no matter how bril- liant, are no longer the central issue. What is cen- tral," the General Secretary asserted, "is a high S&T level of production as a whole."" However, there is no consensus in the Soviet Union regarding the definition of "new technology," "the technical development of production," or "scientific and technical progress. "10 To a large extent, disa- greements about the meaning of "managing S&T progress" replicates the ongoing disputes about the general con- cept of "management." A semantic jungle exists in both spheres. 11 In essence, the issue is how to make the concept operational, how to designate the bound- aries of S&T progress — its structure, content, and component elements — as an object of planning. Without a precise definition it is extremely hard to estab- lish the place and role of the concept in the general system of economic planning and management.-^ Acade- mician Fedorenko admits, in regard to the prolem of modeling technical progress and its economic, social, and ecological consequences, "we are only at the very beginning of complex and arduous research." Signifi- cantly, with the Tenth Five Year Plan a new subdivi- sion on basic indicators of S&T progress was added to the plan for the development of science and technolor gy. It represents the first attempt to define some basic technical and economic parameters characteriz-. ing the level of production and the manufacture of 256 output. However, in the words of one high Gosplan official, the choice of appropriate indicators re- mains problematic, because "there is essentially no experience in this area. "13 As Kremlin policy makers have focused less and less on R&D as a relatively isolated entity and more and more on the interplay of R&D with industry, of- ficial insistence grows that R&D and its applications be closely linked. The aim of policy cannot be sole- ly the expansion of S&T per se or "science for sci- ence' s sake" but must include its use as an instru- ment for economic growth and industrialization. "Rel- evance" has become a big issue, if not the fad of the day, as the Soviet leadership seeks greater and fast- er payoffs from the nation's substantial investment in scientific R&D. Indeed, a major challenge con- sists in formulating a science policy to promote in- novation, to build an effective strategy of research utilization. In the early 1970s Brezhnev, in fact, singled out the application of R&D results as the most important but also the most deficient aspect of S&T policy. "If we examine all the links of the in- tricate chain that binds science to production, we shall easily see the weakest links are those relating to the practical realization of scientific achieve- ments, to their adoption in mass production." It was necessary, the General Secretary stressed, "to create conditions compelling enterprises to manufacture the latest types of products, literally to chase after S&T novelties, and not to shy away from them, figura- tively speaking, as the devil shies away from holy water. "1* Despite the espoused need for more effective cou- pling, however, the integration of science policy and economic policy has been slow and difficult to achieve in practice. In May 1974 the Chairman of Gosplan still noted, "It is urgently necessary to shift from the planning of S&T potential, which is what the S&T plan is at present, to planning the mass production and diffusion of new technology ."!-> Planning R&D re- mains geared to the creation of new technology and 257 advances in science rather than to the application of existing knowledge and achievements. This causes one analyst to complain: The system of managing S&T progress is con- centrated on the means for achieving goals and not on the goals themselves, for the sake of which new technology is being de- veloped and introduced. Thus, the plan is drafted and accounting is conducted not ac- cording to the results of technical progress but only in terms of the means for achieving them.16 Research and production continue to coexist as large- ly autonomous worlds. "Basic economic activity" is still generally planned separately from "technical progress." The whole research-production cycle is not yet unified. Above all, views continue to dif- fer over how to achieve the interfacing of science and industry. SWITCHING TO AN INTENSIVE GROWTH STRATEGY FOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Another major theme of the 1970s was, to use Do- brov's words, "the shift in emphasis in national sci- ence policy from a quantitative to a qualitative ap- proach. "17 Since 1955 the number of scientists in the USSR has doubled nearly every five years, growing six times faster than the country's total work force. Official expenditures on science have also expanded at the same rapid pace, climbing from 1.7 billion ru- bles in 1955 to 17.5 billion 20 years later. Accord- ing to Soviet estimates, if these high growth rates are sustained, then by the year 2000 there will be approximately 21 million scientists and 85 million persons working in the general sphere of science and science services! Similarly, the share of alloca- tions to R&D would consume 60 percent of the total 258 national budget ! 1° This has given rise to the feel- ing, at least in some Moscow circles, that the satu- ration point has been reached and that limits need to be imposed on the growth of scientific manpower and expenditures. 19 Alternatively, the need for greater productivity in the R&D sector has become increasingly apparent. As long as science and technology developed predomi- nantly through extensive means — by exponential in- creases in the number of scientists, the size of bud- gets, the amount of equipment, the number of facili- ties, etc. — there was no particular need to analyze, much less improve, organizational structures and per- formance, observes G. N. Volkov. The switch to an intensive path of development, however, requires greater attention to the effective use of available S&T resources and achievements. 20 Under these modi- fied conditions, a major aim of science policy, Do- brov notes, "is to ensure a rate of growth in the performance of science which keeps ahead of the high absolute rates of growth of resources and organiza- tional parameters of scientific systems. "21 Just as for broader economic policy, therefore, the question of rational resource allocation for sci- ence policy has become dominant. At the 1971 Party congress Premier Kosygin signaled explicitly the need for a general turn of course: Realization of the possibilities of the STR requires more and more expenditures. How- ever, at each stage of its development the state has available only a fixed amount of resources that it can allocate for these purposes. Thus the need arises for choice and for the preferential development of the most important directions of S&T progress, for the formulation and implementation of a uniform national science policy. 22 To dispel any lingering doubts about the continuing importance of this course, Brezhnev told the Twenty- Fifth Congress five years later, "Emphasis on effi- 259 ciency — and this must be said again and again — is the most important component of our entire economic strat- egy. In the 1980s accomplishment of this task will become especially urgent. "23 Under these conditions, problems of choice, prior- ity, and policy have become increasingly important. In turn, they have fed the quest for relevance and the drive to weed out unpromising and unimportant lines of research. That much still remains to be done in this regard, however, is evident from Brezh- nev's remarks to the presidents of the academies of sciences of several socialist states in February 1977, "But why not admit it," he said frankly. "The live and healthy tree of science sometimes has dry and even barren branches. It still happens sometimes that re- search is conducted in completely peripheral or even in simply fruitless directions. "24 Unfortunately, there are no reliable statistics that show the impact of the government pressure for technology development and delivery on the actual structure of R&D expenditures. It appears, however, that the commitment to fundamental research remains firm and that there has been no significant shift of funds away from basic science. Indeed, the budget of the USSR Academy, the citadel of basic science, has reportedly grown faster in recent years than the na- tional budget for R&D as a whole. 25 These pressures for economy in R&D and for improv- ing research utilization, in turn, have generated ris- ing interest in cost effectiveness studies. An in- tense search is underway for criteria and ways by which to measure the return on investment in new tech- nology. Opinions differ greatly and obstacles abound, however. A number of specialists caution against ad- hering too stringently to economic cost alone in as- sessing new technology. Some stress the need to take into account "social effectiveness," as expressed in improved social relations or better working conditions, Similarly, a few champion what is sometimes called "ecological" or "wasteless" technology, such as pol- lution control devices. Adopting yet a different 260 view, others argue that "science is not a lottery with guaranteed prizes. Many lines of research pro- duce no profits, or at least none measurable in terms of money." There are also some who emphasize that the magnitude of the socio-economic return depends not only on the result itself, but also on the speed and scale of its application. Many a good scientif- ic idea or engineering solution quickly becomes ob- solete. 26 In addition to this diversity of opinion about the efficiency of technology, various procedures have been developed for calculating its effectiveness. Un- til recently, each ministry and state committee used its own method and set of indicators. Without uni- form methodology, however, any comparative evalua- tion and choice among alternative S&T designs is im- possible. Significantly in February 1977, a unified methodology for the calculation of the economic re- turn of new technology, inventions, and efficiency proposals was made compulsory for all branches of the economy. The procedures contained in the methodology had been tested since 1971 in the unified fund minis- tries. However, in spite of the comprehensiveness of the methodology and the extensive preparation and ex- perimentation behind it, the individual ministries are still required to devise instructions for adap- ting it to their own accounting practices and cate- gories of output. 27 In general, past procedures for measuring economic return have had major deficiencies. The anticipated effect has been systematically exaggerated, and the actual return is not properly considered or monitored. In fact, no statistics are kept in this regard. The system of incentives is also pegged to the calcula- ted return. Not surprisingly, therefore, Lev Gatov- sky, a prominent authority on the subject, confirms frankly, "Up to now the economic effectiveness of new technology has not been a leading principle in econom- ic management or an object of planning. "2° V. S. Ta- rasovich and Yu. B. Kliuka add, 261 Calculations of effectiveness, as a rule, are made only after basic work is completed, that is, when expenditures have already been made and time and resources are spent. Con- sequently, these calculations essentially are directed not to substantiating the ex- pediency of conducting work but to the 'just- ification' of costs already incurred. "2° At a national round table on S&T progress, held in Moscow in the fall of 1975, it was noted that the dominant engineering thought of the country remains: "I create technology and leave the effectiveness of production to others. "30 Thus, much remains to be done before substantial progress can be made in mov- ing towards an intensive mode of growth and before an effective strategy for using S&T can be worked out ACHIEVING ORGANIZATIONAL FLEXIBILITY AND INSTITUTIONAL RESTRUCTURING In seeking ways to improve effectiveness of R&D, Soviet analysts and policy makers have begun to think seriously, really for the first time, about Organiza- tion. Basic concepts related to organization and the structural requirements of technical progress are be- ing reexamined and revised. A relatively static view of organizational structure as an immutable given is being replaced by a more dynamic conception of organ- ization as a set of complex variables about which con- siderable choice can be exercised. Organizational design itself is becoming recog- nized as a distinct and important area of expert anal- ysis and management specialization. To be sure, there has long been a penchant for organizational engineer- ing. Almost by reflex the remedy for any problem has been "to reorganize" — often without organization stud- ies. Until recently, the political command simply did not see any need to do anything about organiza- tion, to think about organization, much less to think 262 through to a new structure for science, technology, and production. In general, old managerial forms were mechanically carried over to new organizational structures without eliminating their deficiencies or examining their suitability under changed conditions and goals. To perform these tasks today, Boris Mil- ner, the foremost Soviet authority on industrial de- sign, insists, "trained organization specialists are needed, not reorganizers who are able only by intui- tion to put together new combinations from old admin- istrative elements." Indicating there is political support for this view, Brezhnev has also emphasized the need for a more scientific approach to organiza- tion-building and administrative restructuring. Talk- ing about these issues in Alma Ata in March 1974, he said, "We must act not by eye, not by intuition but be led by experience, experiments, and the conclu- sions of modern management science."-5 Above all, a change of focus is called for. In the past those who worked on problems of structural de^- sign concentrated on current tasks. They dealt, as Milner puts it, "in statics, not in dynamics." Struc- tures were interpreted predominantly as variations on a common theme, namely the division and evolution of line and staff functions. To quote Milner, struc- tures were regarded "as a permanent collection of line and staff services, formed over a period of 30 years without showing any developmental tendencies or taking into account new tasks." "The basic focus," he adds, "was on the differentiation and specializa- tion of functions, not on their integration and joint actions with respect to common goals. "32 The "new school" of organization theorists, on the other hand, adopt a systems approach to structural design. They see structure not as an aggregate of universal functions carried out by separate and dis- tinct agencies but as a means for achieving organiza- tional goals. Goals are to be made the chief deter- minant of organizational structure and processes by which tasks are allocated and performance motivated, rewarded, and controlled. As Milner says, "Thus, in the beginning is the goal; then comes the mechanism 263 for achieving it." The emphasis in designing struc- tures must be on flexibility rather than permanence of relationships. "The task is to ensure dynamism, flexibility, and adaptability in systems of manage- ment," writes Milner. "The issue," he explains, "is about introducing organizational structures that are able to respond rapidly to changes in external tech- nological and economic conditions, that can ensure long-range planning, improvement of production organ- ization, a rise in product quality, better ties with consumers, study of product demand, efficient utili- zation of resources, and the organization of effec- tive financial and credit relations ."33 As conven- tional organizational approaches have become ineffec- tive in dealing with problems, the systems view has emerged as a way of coping with complexity and change. On another level, there is enhanced awareness of a direct correlation between technology and structure. Technical progress and organizational development are seen increasingly as being interrelated and interde- pendent. Kalita and Mantsurov, for example, observe, "The level of organization and management of produc- tion to a significant — if not decisive — degree now predetermines the rates of S&T progress." They ac- knowledge "a direct dependence between organizational and technical factors of production, between the na- ture of its structure and the rates of technical ad- vance." Milner also notes that qualitative changes in organization and management "are becoming a premise and a result of progress in science and technology ."34 Accordingly, the adoption of a new strategy for technological innovation and development is seen by some to require organizational adaptation as well. As Brezhnev observed in 1971, the new demands on organi- zation and management "do not allow us to be satis- fied with existing forms and methods, even where they have served us well in the past." P. M. Masherov, a candidate member of the Politburo, told the Party congress in 1971, "Still not all of our executives fully understand that it is impossible to 'squeeze' the revolution in science and technology into the framework of old methods and organizational forms of 264 work." Two specialists, on innovation, P. Danilovtsev and Yu. Kanygin, similarly insist, "To attempt to put the research-production cycle into traditional forms of organization and management is like trying to use a steam-boiler to harness thermonuclear energy. "35 Experience has also demonstrated the difficulties of applying new methods of planning and management, in- cluding computer-based information and control sys- tems, within established structures. More and more, then, there is movement toward the view, advanced by numerous Western writers, that "structure follows strategy," that organizational forms, to be effec- tive and sound, must adapt to changes in technology strategy. In the process of rethinking organization, some of the deficiencies of the pattern and consequences of structural evolution in R&D have become steadily ap- parent. As often happens with rapid growth, the bur- geoning development of the Soviet S&T establishment, especially since the mid-1950s, has been a disorgan- izing and disorganized process. Little thought or analysis was given to organizational design and de- velopment. There was no conceptualization, measure- ment, or assessment of organizational effectiveness. Organizations simply "evolved," largely in an un- planned and unsystematic fashion. Today, as a result, even the names of some facilities bear little resem- blance to their actual activity. Speaking about this pattern of growth, Mikulinsky writes, Old institutes gradually tend to spawn a great many diverse extensions and superstructures, swelling out into an agglomeration of numerous laboratories, departments, sectors and groups which frequently have no more than administra- tive or organizational links. As they grow, such institutes cease to be manageable, lose their character of being a definite creative collective, and this has a negative effect on the solution of major problems calling for concentrated efforts. 3° 265 Sheinin also notes that many R&D institutions "con- tinue to exist largely by inertia, become preoccupied with far fetched or secondary problems, and avoid new directions and new questions, becoming ends in them- selves. "37 Two major organizational deficiencies in science and technology come in for particular criticism. The first is the relative rigidity and bureaucratic char- acter of R&D institutions. E. I. Gavrilov faults these organizations for "their slow response to chang- ing goals, tasks, and projects, their incapacity for extensive integration and cooperation, and their in- effectiveness in resolving scientific and production tasks." V. N. Arkhangelsky sees the main weaknesses of R&D structures as their "static quality" and "or- ganizational exclusiveness." In the same vein, Mi- kulinsky writes, "New lines of research find it ever harder to find their place within the framework of established collectives and crystallized organiza- tional forms." Gvishiani, too, speaks about science having "a surplus of stability and in some instances even of conservatism." One of the main demands be- ing made on science, he stresses, "is that it should become much more flexible and mobile and capable of much easier and faster reorganization and even of to- tal restructuring, when the need arises. "3° At the same time, organizational change is recog- nized as being a formidable task. Gvishiani himself admits, "It is extremely hard to recast the structure of a scientific establishment that has taken decades to shape." In practice, it is easier to create a new R&D facility than to transform an old one. This op- tion, however, which has been frequently used, is less viable today given the constraints on resources and need for intensive development of both science and industry. Moreover, restructuring involves build- ing organizations that are not only more fluid but al- so both flexible and stable. Yet finding the right blend of adaptability and stability is the "main dif- ficulty" in the organization of Soviet S&T today, Gvishiani emphasizes. * The deputy chairman of the GKNT and others also acknowledge that the major prob- 266 lems in restructuring frequently revolve around the inability and unwillingness of scientists and engi- neers to switch from one field or project to another. The creation of large integrated research and pro- duction complexes requires a corresponding psycho- logical remolding of collectives which are used to working in isolated groups. ^0 in short, institution- al restructuring involves considerable behavioral en- gineering and attitudinal change. The organizational issues, therefore, go beyond strictly structural and technical factors, a point that some — but not all — organizational reformers and "enthusiasts" realize. The second major deficiency concerns the organiza- tional dissociation of R&D participants and the se- vere coupling problems that this creates in moving ideas from the lab into use. The traditional ap- proach to innovation, based upon extreme functional specialization by institutional performers, has left the process structurally fragmented and shapeless. Structural barriers have been created all along the innovation chain. In essence, the process has been unorganized and unmanaged. To overcome this fragmentation, special emphasis is now being put on the need to apply a systems mod- el of organization to innovation. Virtually every major writer on science policy in the 1970s, in fact, joined — if not led — the burgeoning systems movement in the USSR today. Because it focuses attention on interrelationships, interdependencies, and integra- tion, the systems approach is regarded by many to be a viable conceptual framework for analyzing and solv- ing structural design problems. Its emphasis on study of organization of the research-to-production cycle as a total system is new and underscores the emerging broader view of organizational structure as a means of facilitating decision making, motivation, and control. The application of a systems model transforms the innovation process allegedly into "a unified and self -regulating dynamic system." The re- search cycle becomes "a continuous and goal-directed process."^! Recent organizational policy aims, then, at making the process both managed and manageable. 267 Practical manifestations of the systems approach to organization are seen in the variety of integra- ted structures and new associational forms linking research, development, and production activities that have arisen in recent years. Research and production complexes have indeed become a phenomenon of the times. Regional R&D centers, modeled somewhat after American research and industrial parks, have sprung up in a number of areas and join industry and educa- tional institutions or academy institutes and exper- imental production facilities. Wrestling with the problems of innovation, Kremlin authorities have become increasingly aware of the im- portance of linkage and of the need to structure more explicitly and effectively the vital interfaces in the transfer process. Accordingly, linkage is a prom- inent feature in the designing of new structures or modification of established arrangements. The search for more effective and flexible designs has also led to rising interest in project and matrix forms of or- ganization and management. Indeed, the matrix model is seen by some analysts to be the ideal structure for R&D in the future. It is regarded as an effec- tive way of institutionalizing flexibility and sta- bility. 42 At present, however, matrix organization is still used on a limited and experimental basis in civilian R&D. Nonetheless, current organizational thought, at least in some prominent Soviet circles, points to an expansion of the matrix and of other shapes for R&D management in the 1980s. In sum, a new and more sophisticated style of thinking about organization and the structural re- quirements of technical progress has recently devel- oped in the USSR. New attitudes and approaches are emerging as the leadership begins to address some of the fundamental structural problems impeding S&T per- formance and capacity. Both foreign and domestic ex- perience have convinced some segments of the ruling elite that "the management structure of economic or- ganizations should be designed no less carefully than new technology," according to Georgy Arbatov, Direc- tor of the Institute for the Study of the USA and Can- 268 ada.^3 Monolithic organizational perspectives are gradually giving way to multi-institutional views as the Kremlin seeks to cope more effectively with advancing technology and complexity. To be sure, practice lags behind conceptual ad- vances. V. A. Trapeznikov of the GKNT admits that in structuring and managing large complexes and or- ganizational S&T systems "we are essentially only be- ginning work."^ Organizational experimentation and structural change have been limited. Nonetheless, the leadership appears increasingly serious about helping make organization itself a positive force for, rather than impediment to, innovation. Given the heavy emphasis on organizational issues and approach- es, in fact, the key to innovation seems, at times, to be simply "management by structure." In any case, it is important to note that the basic building blocks are beginning to assume new shapes. Integrat- ed research and production complexes are coming into being. Organizational arrangements are being repat- terned and authority lines recycled. The Soviet S&T establishment is in motion and in transition. IMPROVING PLANNING AND RESOURCE ALLOCATION There is also enhanced awareness of the complexity of planning and stimulating S&T progress. Some of the shortcomings and disincentives of the planning system with respect to innovation have become steadi- ly apparent, as has also the need for greater initia- tive and user-stimulated innovation in R&D. "We can- not divide the 'plan-stimulation1 formula into two parts and subordinate one to the other," some spe- cialists argue. "We all realize," they add, "that it is impossible to solve the whole problem by moving just one lever alone. "45 Thus considerable attention was given in the last decade to strengthening the role of "economic mechanisms" (e.g., prices, credit, profitability) and of various incentive schemes in promoting scientific research, development, and de- livery . 269 The dominant approach to S&T policy, however, re- mains fundamentally management-centered rather than entrepreneur- or market-centered. V. M. Ivanchenko, an official of the USSR Gosplan, expresses the pre- vailing view: "It is impossible to transfer problems pertaining to the acceleration of S&T progress to economic levers and stimuli alone." The predilection for central planning persists. The commitment to central planning remains firm. Indeed, it is said, "The management of technical progress needs to be centralized more than any other area of economic man- agement." The national economic plan proper, conclud- ed the recent round table of experts, "must be the main link that we must grip in order to pull the en- tire research-to-production chain. "^6 In the sphere of S&T planning, attention has fo- cused largely on two needs: long-range forecasting and planning geared to the ultimate utilization of research results; and more integrated program-type planning and effective project control. To meet the first need, Soviet authorities have pressed the cam- paign to extend the horizons of planning beyond the prevailing short-term incremental mold in order to accommodate the kind of decision making and long lead times inherent in the development of science and tech- nology. For all practical purposes, Soviet economic planning is an annual matter. The dominant tendency is to plan "from the achieved level." The expansion of existing production patterns prevails over the development and introduction of new products and pro- cesses based upon S&T. As a result the plan for S&T has remained largely "an appendage of the general economic plan, an independent chapter insufficiently integrated with the whole. "^7 Significantly, in 1971 Brezhnev stressed that a new approach was needed to make the macroeconomic plan a powerful lever of S&T progress, to ensure the rational management of both economic growth and new technology. He called for the formulation of a com- prehensive program for the development of science and technology that could then be used as the basis upon which to build a 15 year general economic development 270 plan. Such a program, he told the Party congress five years later, "provides points of reference and orientation without knowledge of which it is impos- sible to manage the economy successfully."^ Since 1973, in fact, work on such a general devel- opment plan that would extend to 1990 has been under- way. Given the tremendous and recurring difficulties the leaders have in trying to devise even feasible five year plans, however, it is no wonder that such long-range planning has encountered stiff resistance and serious methodological obstacles. The Academy and the GKNT completed a partial draft of a "Compre- hensive Program of S&T Progress and Its Social and Economic Consequences for 1976-1990" by the fall of 1975. Indicating that this effort did not yet meet with full approval, the Party Congress in February 1976 instructed the Academy and the State Committee "to continue" their work on this subject and "to see to it" that the forecasts "are better grounded. "^9 Preparation of a general 15 year development plan for the country continues to encounter delays and difficulties. Though we still know very little about the details of the Comprehensive Program for S&T, it is possible to glimpse from available information at least a few of the central concerns surrounding this endeavor. In general, the more than 150 forecasts prepared for var- ious fields of science and technology before drawing up the Comprehensive Program were only partial fore- casts. They focused on the development and production of only a few select products and processes. In ad- dition, each forecast was developed predominantly on a branch basis, separate from the rest in material and labor resources. The lack of a "systems approach" to planning and resource allocation admittedly dimin- ishes the value of the forecasts. 50 Particularly significant, the major projects in- cluded in the Comprehensive Program are based only upon S&T achievements that have already found prac- tical application. "This reduces, of course, the 271 possibilities for technical progress posed in the Comprehensive Program but, at the same time, makes the general targets and indicators realistic and re- liable," claims a study produced by the Higher Party School under the CPSU Central Committee.51 Nonethe- less, there are some, like A. S. Gusarov of the Acad- emy's Institute of Economics, who disagrees with this approach to planning, uncertainty, and risk. He em- phasized at the 1975 round table, "After all, we must be concerned not only with mastering the experience that has been amassed in the course of S&T progress, but also with mastering the ongoing revolution in science and technology." Gusarov and others apparent- ly fear that this conservative approach to building the future entirely on the accomplishments of today, no matter how high, will only lead to "planned obso- lescence." As a recent major Soviet work on science policy put it, such planning amounts essentially to "programming backwardness, not progress."-^ it also does not constitute a viable strategy for closing the technology gap with the West. On the contrary, it carries the possible danger that the USSR will fall even further behind. As Gusarov observes, "After all, it is possible to lag even while moving forward."5-^ To meet the second need, continuing emphasis has been placed on broadening the application of a "pro- grammed-goals approach" to planning and management. A kind of "programmitis" has gripped the Kremlin as many have fastened on this management-integrative tool with high hopes of solving the mounting problems of complexity and change. Its use is being urged for major construction projects, like the territorial- production complexes being built in Siberia, Central Asia, and the Far East, as well as for large-scale R&D programs. Calling for comprehensive programs centering on key scientific, engineering, economic, and social problems, Premier Kosygin at the 1976 Par- ty congress singled out as priority tasks the devel- opment of the nuclear power industry and the mechan- ization of manual and heavy physical labor. A. P. Aleksandrov, President of the Academy of Sciences, suggested that the modernization of agriculture and 272 development of computer technology be raised to this special national program status. Brezhnev, on the other hand, stressed to the congress the importance of formulating comprehensive programs for the devel- opment of the fuel and power complex, metallurgy, and the leading branches of machine building. As regards science policy specifically, movement towards programmed-goals planning is most evident in the switch from "coordination plans" to "integrated programs" for high priority S&T problems. The number of basic problems has also been reduced to around 200. Much more than before, the accent is on the actual in- troduction of R&D results into the economy, on inte- grating science, technology, and production. This follows Brezhnev's own stress at the 1976 congress on the need to focus planning and management more on "end results." "This approach becomes especially ur- gent," he explained, "as the economy grows and be- comes more complex, when these end results come to depend more and more on a multitude of intermediate units, on an intricate system of intrabranch and in- terbranch ties." "In these conditions," Brezhnev in- sisted, "It is easy to overlook the most important thing — the end results."5^ Scientific R&D has in particular frequently been caught in "the activity trap," when activities become an end in themselves and their end results are lost to sight. As we have noted, even the coordination plans for priority S&T problems have tended to end with the experimental de- sign and testing stage and, in exceptional cases, with the production of prototypes. For all practical purposes, the planning process has stopped short of series production. Scientific R&D thus has failed to produce substantial practical results, to follow through to industrial assimilation. Suffice it to note that another important aim of the new integrated S&T programs is to facilitate more effective coordi- nation of R&D plans with investment plans and with the allocation of material and technical resources. Thus, the change in planning involves more detailed control and managerial surveillance, not just the in- troduction of R&D results. 273 Underlying this heavy accent on the systems ap- proach to planning is the need to deal more effec- tively with major interbranch problems that cut across ministerial lines. Brezhnev particularly complained to the 1976 congress about too many "nursemaids," about the fragmentation of decision making and administration, leading to unwarranted cost overruns and protracted delays. "What is re- quired here," he told the congress, "are integrated and centralized programs embracing all stages of work, from project design to practical implementa- tion." Lending his support to the systems movement, the General Secretary charged that "the question of improving the methods of solving major interbranch and territorial problems of state importance cannot be put off."-* M. P. Ring, a prominent science pol- icy expert, also emphasizes that the Soviet govern- ment cannot continue to solve major complex S&T prob- lems incrementally "by pieces," and by means of ter- ritorial and branch planning alone. Such a policy leads to "slow, incomplete, and insufficient solu- tions."56 It is important to mention again that, despite the long tradition of central economic planning, Soviet authorities have lacked until relatively recently the necessary organization, techniques, authority, and experience to plan and manage R&D on a comprehensive level. This is particularly true for the civilian sector with the exception of a few crash development and high priority programs, like chemical technology or atomic energy. Planning of R&D has been — and still predominantly is — conducted on an institutional basis. Given the extreme functional specialization of institutional performers and the structural frag- mentation of the innovation process, it has not been possible to plan and manage projects within the framework of one or two organizations. A major aim of the drive to create large research and production complexes is to build an organizational basis for broader program planning. Such structures permit the development and use of more sophisticated techniques of systems management and project control. 274 Thus, systems planning and programming is seen by many to offer a remedy — if not a panacea — by which to overcome existing deficiencies. But experience re- mains limited in this area. As Academician T. S. Kha- chaturov, editor-in-chief of the main Soviet economic journal, cautioned the 1975 round table on S&T prog- ress, "This is indeed an enticing prospect, but to what degree has the ground been laid for program-in- tegrated planning?" Indeed he reminded them, "It is appropriate to remember that work is only now begin- ning on questions pertaining to planning based on com- plexes and programs."" There are still many unre- solved issues not only about programming per se but also about how to fit programming techniques into the general system of Soviet planning. The issues here are far from purely methodological. RAISING MANAGEMENT EFFECTIVENESS Problems of choice, priority, and policy are, above all, management problems. Indeed it is possi- ble to say that management has emerged as the "cen- tral issue" in Soviet science policy and development strategy today. A. V. Sobrovin of Moscow University expresses the prevailing official view: "The problem of technical progress is first and foremost a ques- tion of management ."58 in june 1970 Brezhnev ob- served, "The solution to many of our economic prob- lems should now be sought at the junctures between progress in science and technology and progress in management . "59 Gvishiani writes similarly: It is no exaggeration to say that the pace of our advance hinges on organization and capabilities in the system of management. Fusion of the latest achievements in science and technology with the most up-to-date achievements in organization and management is an imperative of the contemporary STR.60 275 Growing appreciation of the critical role of man- agement, in turn, has brought enhanced awareness of the need for more effective R&D administration. So- brovin says frankly, "Let us build a modern system of management of technical progress. If we do not do this, we will accomplish nothing. "°1 Stating what has since become a slogan of the times, Brezhnev de- clared in June 1970 that "the science of victory in building communism is in essence the science of man- agement." The linchpins of his grand strategy have become the "management of science" and the "science of management . " A critical "management gap" therefore is an inte- gral part of the perceived "technology gap" in the USSR. Soviet authorities have come to recognize more and more that the existing technology of management is increasingly inadequate in coping with modern R&D problems. Innovations in planning, organizing, and controlling activities have lagged along with advanc- es in technological hardware. There exists a new level of awareness of the need to develop and to ap- ply modern dec is ion -making techniques and management attitudes toward S&T policy. Indeed underlying these concerns, it seems, is the idea that perhaps the fast- est and most effective means of overcoming Russia's technological backwardness in modern hardware is through a great leap forward in "software" and man- agement know-how . Again, as in organization and planning, the major problems in management lie in the fragmentation of R&D decision making and administration. This results in poor direction and integration of effort — the heart of management functions. Integrative capabil- ities are, moreover, becoming increasingly important in S&T policy. "The problem of ensuring continuity of the process at every stage of R&D, including the introduction of results into mass production," writes Gvishiani, "is now being brought to the fore as the most complex organizational task. It is absolutely ob- vious that this process requires integrated manage- ment." Professor G. Kh. Popov, Dean of the Economics 276 Faculty at Moscow University, also notes, "Today vir- tually all questions of any importance — and above all the key problems of S&T progress — have become inter- branch in nature." "This is why," he explains, "im- provement of the mechanism of interbranch coordina- tion is one of the core problems of management." As regards this problem, Politburo member M. S. Solomen- tsev, who is also Premier of the Russian Republic, acknowledges flatly, "There is nothing of greater ur- gency.""-^ Indeed, the administrative machinery en- counters its greatest challenges in dealing with com- plex S&T problems. At a time when the importance of this class of management problems is rising, the de- ficiencies of the existing system of coordination are becoming all the more apparent. Official concern with surmounting these shortcom- ings provides, in fact, the impetus behind the grow- ing systems movement in the Soviet Union today. Sys- tems technology is fast becoming the final word in organization, planning, and management as the leader- ship seeks more effective methods of integration and control. Taken together, developments in the areas of or- ganization, planning, and management indicate, to a large extent, the efforts being made to bring space- age management perspective and technique to the Krem- lin. The current emphasis on setting objectives, de- veloping action plans, determining the means to ac- complish them, and appraising performance on the ba- sis of results is the essence of modern management. The "programmed-goals approach" is basically Soviet- style "management by objectives," "results management," and "systems planning, programming, and budgeting," to use equivalent Western terms. Much like leaders of complex organizations the world over today, in gov- ernment and business, Brezhnev and company are at- tempting to use these tools to improve managerial performance and effectiveness as well as to ensure Party control. In the organization of management, two problems in particular are being singled out. The first is the 277 need to separate strategic and coordinating functions from operating management and control. The failure of existing management structures to incorporate and maintain this division of tasks has caused them "to freeze the development of technology and the effi- ciency of production," writes Milner. In practice, both strategic and operational functions are concen- trated at the highest levels of management. Conse- quently, the command channels become overloaded as problems are constantly referred upward. Top execu- tives become absorbed in current operations and di- verted from strategic concerns. Second, there is need to formalize and expand hor- izontal patterns of management as well as to combine vertical and horizontal channels of administration. Integration can take place only at the apex of the organizational pyramid. Thus, top management becomes heavily involved in securing horizontal joint actions and coordinating goal achievement by various func- tional units at lower levels. Again the result is the overload described above and the failure of or- ganizational leaders to conduct strategic planning and decision making for the future. At the same time, the number of complex problems demanding team work and joint effort is growing daily. Numerous attempts have been made at plants and associations to create special bodies responsible for coordinating and har- monizing lateral ties at all levels of management. However, they have proven to be ineffective, Milner points out, "because they try basically to adapt the line and staff structure to solve tasks for which it is not suitable." Such problems can be solved most effectively, he adds, "within the framework of a spe- cial structure, one that cooperates with a line and staff structure, supplements it but is not identical to it. "65 Basically, the Soviet structural response to these needs has followed closely the pattern of organiza- tional and managerial adaptation in the United States. During the 1960s many American business firms found that well-known and well-tested structural designs 278 and management shapes were inadequate in coping with complex problems of advancing technology. They faced many of the same pressures and design problems that preoccupy the Kremlin today. Similarly, interest in the design of strategic planning systems mushroomed as ways were sought to free top executives from oper- ational worries. Differentiation and integration concepts were applied to structural design to achieve greater organizational flexibility and management ef- fectiveness. Additional managerial roles were creat- ed to provide horizontal coordination across function- al lines and vertical flows of authority. Among the most important structural innovations to emerge out of the 1960s were project management and matrix or- ganization. Significantly, these same two concepts lay at the basis of Soviet structural refinements and managerial reforms in the 1970s. According to Milner, they pro- vide for "a flexible and dynamic system of interfunc- tional coordination and subordination of diverse ef- forts of individual links for accomplishing set ob- jectives.""" "Project teams overcome intraorganiza- tional barriers and therefore avoid the basic contra- dictions of a functional structure," writes Taksir."' N. E. Drogichinsky notes, "In the matrix structure are optimally combined vertical and horizontal flows of leadership, the management of current production and scientific research, the development of new tech- nology and retooling for manufacturing new products without violating the rhythm of production. ""° The main advantage of matrix organization, Gavrilov ex- plains, is that it makes possible the transfer of operational management to lower levels and thus per- mits top management to step out of day-to-day deci- sion making and to concentrate on strategy develop- ment .69 Accordingly, the concepts of project and matrix management are beginning to find application in the development and introduction of new technology in the civilian sector. Science-production associations in particular have become crucibles for experimentation 279 with these new management modes. These design con- cepts are also being applied at higher levels of the administrative structure as part of the process of ministerial restructuring. The radio, chemical, and electrical engineering industries are on the frontier of experimentation in this area. Nonetheless, it is difficult at present to assess the impact and future of these changes. Detailed in- formation is lacking about the actual practice of pro- ject and matrix management. Evidence suggests, how- ever, that these organizational innovations are not easily or rapidly assimilated. They challenge the way organizations are structured and the way people are managed.70 The conversion to matrix management and more sophisticated administrative arrangements will necessarily be slow and difficult, as has also been the transition to new management forms in the United States. Finally, it is important to mention the growing recognition in the Soviet Union of the need to make R&D management a distinct and separate form of man- agerial action and specialization. In the past inno- vation was not made a managerial responsibility. Both the researcher and manager have been characterized by non-innovative role definitions. The introduction of new technology fell entirely outside the normal duties of enterprise executives and workers. Manage- ment was geared to repetitive and unchanging produc- tion operations.71 To accommodate a more rapid rate of technological growth, however, Prof. Popov and others argue that a new kind of management is needed that is oriented to innovation. The management of R&D must be developed and included as an integral part of the system of managing the enterprise, the branch, and the economy as a whole. In addition, this new managerial function must be put on a par with the management of production, of finance, and of supply.7 More and more, then, Soviet specialists appear to be coming around to the view shared by nu- merous American analysts that innovation cannot be a subordinate and part-time task. The problems are too obstinate to yield to only occasional attention and half-hearted action. 280 STRENGTHENING THE BONDS OF MOTIVATION The motivational and collaborative issues left un- attended by previous approaches to innovation are al- so receiving greater attention today. On one level, efforts have been made to strengthen the role of eco- nomic stimuli. Some specialists feel, in fact, that too much emphasis is being placed on this direction. According to Gusarov, "Essentially the system of stim- ulation has been reduced to a system of material in- centives, and this is not correct." Others argue, "We must not fear the creation of large incentive funds at enterprises producing high quality products: they pay for themselves entirely by eliminating los- ses due to low quality production." New incentive funds have been established at R&D organizations, and steps have been taken to tie the funding and awarding of bonuses more closely to the return that R&D re- sults yield the consumer and the economy. A number of experiments are also underway that seek to relate salary levels to productivity and to the results of work of research personnel. In general, though, there remain a number of trou- blesome and unresolved issues surrounding this whole question. Yu . V. Borozdin notes, "The fact of the matter is that to date there is still a certain gap between the system of planning, the system of incen- tives, and the system of price formation." The award- ing of incentives is based upon faulty and obsolete (1968) methods of pricing new products and of equally ineffective and outdated (1961) methods of determin- ing economic return on new technology. Two systems of incentives still exist at production enterprises: one is geared to the fulfillment of basic economic activ- ity and the other to the application of new technol- ogy. Not only do the two frequently contradict each other, but the latter system, according to M. I. Vol- kov, "is easily overshadowed" by the former. Lev Gatovsky similarly writes that the stimuli for new technology cannot serve as a real "counterweight" to the rewards for basic production. "Methods of cost 281 accounting, the evaluation of economic activity, and the system of material incentives are too little ori- ented toward national economic effectiveness based on S&T progress," he affirms. 7^ Despite the strong ac- cent since the late 1960s on the importance of accel- erating innovation, in fact, the relative share of in- centive funds for applying new technology compared to the bonuses for fulfilling basic production targets has actually declined over the years. Writing in the Academy's economic journal in May 1977, Gatovsky asserts that the innovating enterprise still finds that it does not occupy an advantageous and privileged position. On the contrary, this is still held by en- terprises producing old and obsolete technology .76 In addition, the development of a unified incen- tive structure has been a special problem at all lev- els of the administrative hierarchy. Just as in R&D planning and management generally, divided authority and fragmented administration have been the rule in this sphere as well. Only recently have a few min- istries switched to a system of unified funds for planning and stimulating the research-to-production process within the branch as a whole. Only in 1976 were guidelines laid down for the science-production associations on the formation and utilization of uni- fied incentive funds. Previously, the central man- agement or head organization of the NPO lacked au- thority to redistribute assets, investments, and funds of the constituent units. Each subdivision formed and spent its own fund for material incen- tives, and the NPO did not have any right to these funds. As a result top management could not utilize these resources or part of them as an economic in- strument. The absence of unified funds and uniform rates for bonuses has prevented NPOs from using mon- etary incentives to encourage association members to pull in the same direction. A similar problem exists with respect to the use of incentives across minis- terial lines to stimulate interbranch R&D. Scientific R&D organizations receive deductions for their mater- ial incentives fund from profits of individual enter- prises only in their own branch. This dampens their 282 interest in doing work of an interbranch character. At present there are no procedures that permit an easy transfer of bonus and wage funds, capital in- vestments, and material resources from one branch to another to stimulate organizations, regardless of their departmental affiliation. 77 On another level, strong emphasis has been placed on strengthening motivational bonds through the cre- ation of a unifying goals framework. This tendency to view questions pertaining to incentives through the prism of the plan is in keeping with the basic centralized approach to S&T policy. Because the re- search-to-production process has basically lacked an integrating goals structure, the focus has not been on final results and overall integration but on separate functions and individual work efforts per- formed in isolation from one another. Coupling has been loose and disjointed. Individual and institu- tional participants are not fully aware that they are involved in a connected process. The whole ac- tivity chain moves through different links without the integrating force of common purpose and sense of teamwork. Through more explicit use of a goals-oriented sci- ence policy and purposive technological innovation, the leadership is trying to build a more effective framework for cooperation and interorganizational collaboration. The accent on objectives and end re- sults in programmed-goals planning and systems man- agement approaches currently in vogue is designed to help build commitment and common purpose that can fuse structure and people in joint action. Through research and production complexes and associations the authorities hope to reshape the attitudes of R&D personnel and to create a coincidence of interest among all participants in the smooth and rapid trans- fer of technology. Instead of being guided by its own special interests and parochial views, each unit is to be motivated by common objectives, by "only one concept: ours." The new complexes are seen as means by which to transform "awkward external cooperation 283 into harmonious intrafirm cooperation. "78 Such inte- grating structures are expected to build a more ap- propriate climate for innovation and to help get needed team play. Indeed, the Russian term most fre- quently used to describe these complexes and associa- tions— obedineniye — comes from the verb "to unite" or "to join." It captures the explicit design emphasis on integration and cooperation. To be sure, efforts are being made on a variety of fronts to strengthen motivational bonds all along the research-to-production cycle. Current approaches focus almost entirely on the creation of positive in- centives to promote and reward innovation. Little attention, much less emphasis, is being given to the creation and use of negative incentives or sanctions that punish non-innovative behavior, such as are pro- vided by a competitive market economy. In general, though, motivational bonds are difficult to assess until there is greater knowledge and understanding of the nature of anti-innovation attitudes and re- sistance to new technology in the Soviet Union. In- deed, this point was made by Sobrovin at the 1975 na- tional round table on S&T progress: "We still do not know the reasons for the slow introduction of S&T ad- vances by enterprises, and hence we do not know the objective base for searching for new forms and meth- ods of stimulation."'" SCIENCE POLICY REFORMS: A BALANCE SHEET Following Soviet S&T policies over the last decade, one is struck by a number of features. First, the growing sophistication of research and analysis in this area is amply evident. Important steps are be- ing taken to advance understanding as a first step toward improving the practice of scientific R&D. The proliferation of "research on research" has led to greater awareness of the multiplicity of factors in- 284 volved in moving ideas from the laboratory into use, along with greater appreciation of the importance of effective coupling throughout the process. Nonethe- less, understanding of the innovation cycle remains incomplete. Many questions still lack adequate an- swers; some important issues have not yet even been raised in the literature. At the same time, practice continues to lag appre- ciably behind perception. Just as in modern technol- ogical hardware, so also in modern software the im- plementation and diffusion of innovations in R&D planning and management remains a critical problem. Indeed, the ongoing science policy debate is replete with complaints that progress in introducing reforms is slow. Brezhnev observed at the 1976 congress, "The improvement of planning, the restructuring of the economic mechanism, and the policy of intensifying production proceeded slower than planned." He par- ticularly lamented, "Despite the fact that this ques- tion was raised repeatedly and insistently, the ap- plication of S&T achievements is still a bottleneck in many branches. "°^ Even more outspoken is L. A. Vaag of the State Committee for Science and Technol- ogy, who told the national round table on S&T prog- ress in the fall of 1975, "Five years have passed and there have been no major changes. "°1 Though the Kremlin's new strategy for science and technology stresses the need for a total systems out- look and approach to remedy the problems of incom- plete planning and disjointed administration of R&D, reforms themselves have been adopted in a piecemeal, experimental, and incremental fashion. Despite some steady gains made in the 1970s, a great gap persists between the aspirations of Soviet authorities for comprehensive and coherent S&T policies and their abilities to implement these wishes. In short, the Kremlin's reach still exceeds its grasp in this pol- icy sphere. The two systems for guiding S&T progress still prevail, and opinions continue to differ over how to 285 improve and how to integrate them. The basic system of economic planning and management is oriented to- ward the expansion of production and today's technol- ogy, while the supplementary system is concerned with the planning and management of R&D toward the tech- nology of tomorrow. For the most part, the target of attention and action has been the supplementary sys- tem. This prompts Vaag to exclaim, "We must think of improvements in the basic system and must not confine ourselves to improving supplementary systems for the stimulation of S&T progress."82 At issue is largely the role and future of the supplementary system. On one side are those who ques- tion the need to improve and to preserve this second- ary line of influence. For them the central issue is making the basic system work for science and technol- ogy. If the economy as a whole is not altered to in- spire and promote technological innovation, then im- provements in the supplementary system, no matter what, will be of no avail. If the fundamental work- ings of the economy can be so modified, then a sup- plementary set of S&T mechanisms will be unnecessary. On the other side, there are some who focus almost exclusively on improving the latter machinery. They tend to inflate its role in and potential for accel- erating S&T progress while downplaying the need for general system reorientation and change. A middle position on this issue is held by Profes- sor Popov of Moscow University. His views also prob- ably represent the majority opinion among the Soviet ruling group at this time. Given the complexity of science and technology under modern conditions, Popov contends that it is necessary to retain, even in the future, two channels of influence. In describing the specific task of the supplementary system, he draws an analogy with modern aviation. Just as some ad- vanced aircraft require an initial booster engine in order to accelerate to a certain level before the main engines cut in and take over flight control, so a modern economy needs a supplementary booster sup- port system for the development and acceleration of 286 science and technology. This secondary system of spe- cial mechanisms for R&D planning and management can fulfill its role only when it is closely integrated with and subordinated to the basic links of economic management. "It is impossible for this supplementary system alone to solve all the problems of managing S&T progress," Popov emphasizes. 83 While everyone generally agrees that both the ba- sic system and the supplementary system need to be improved, there is considerable dispute about what to improve and how. According to Popov, it is possible to identify three main schools of reform. One group focuses on improvements in planning, the search for better indicators, more sophisticated analytical tech- niques, etc. A second favors structural approaches and organizational solutions. A third school empha- sizes the importance of improved economic mechanisms, such as more effective material incentives, better pricing policies, integrated financing, etc. The "best" policy, in Popov's opinion, is to pursue im- provements along all three avenues, to unite all links of the supplementary system, and to integrate this system with the basic economic mechanism. Indeed, this multi-dimensional approach has been generally the path of reform in recent years. On a broader level, developments in the 1970s con- firm that in the Soviet Union, as elsewhere, the for- mulation and implementation of science policies de- pend not only on their substantive effectiveness but on their political feasibility as well. Suffice it to say that substantial disagreement persists within the leadership about the intensity of the "technolog- ical imperative." Opinions differ over the urgency of making the transition to more intensive growth in general and more rapid technological advance in par- ticular. Political differences and conflict among the major elite groups constrain action in this pol- icy sphere. Indeed it is politics that accounts largely for the basic discrepancy between the es- poused strategy for S&T with its emphasis on the need for a systems perspective and approach to problem- 287 solving and the tactics of implementation which rec- ognize the need for a cautious, experimental, and in- cremental mode of reform. At the same time, it is inaccurate to attribute the slow pace of science policy reform simply or sole- ly to bureaucratic resistance and political conser- vatism, The responses of Soviet leaders to the man- ifold problems at hand appear to be based on a more complex calculus of decision. Not only do they rec- ognize some of the fundamental — and not just politi- cal— constraints at work in the Soviet system. They also are more aware of the complexities of modern science, technology, and development. To be sure, some still cling to the hope of simplistic solutions. But solutions to complex problems are themselves usu- ally complex. While this is not always understood, some Soviet specialists and political leaders are fully aware of the difficulties of effecting organi- zational and behavioral change. Milner himself ar- ticulates well the basic dilemma that confronts So- viet policy makers in science and technology as the USSR moves into the 1980s. There is no doubt, he says, that modern systems approaches and more sophis- ticated techniques make R&D planning and management more difficult. They bring it "into a new class, in- to a new situation." "But it is not possible by any other way," he emphasizes, "to solve the new and com- plex problems of development of the national economy, which have no precedent in our past experience."8^ Perhaps the greatest stride in contemporary Soviet S&T policy has been the discovery that there are no simple or final answers to the problems of advancing technology and change. 288 FOOTNOTES 1. See Andrei Sakharov, Roy Medvedev, and V. F. Turchin, "Letter of Appeal of Soviet Scientists to Party and Government Leaders of the USSR," March 19, 1970, reprinted in Survey, No. 76 (Summer 1970), pp. 161-170. 2. XXIV S"yezd KPSS: Stenograf icheskii otchet (Moscow: Politizdat, 1971), I, p. 82 and XXV S"yezd KPSS: Stenograf icheskii otchet (Moscow: Politizdat, 1976), II, p. 237. 3. L. I. Brezhnev, Ob osnovnykh voprosakh ekonomi- cheskoy politiki KPSS na sovremennom etape: Rechi i doklady (Moscow: Politizdat, 1975), I, p. 418; XXIV S"yezd KPSS, I, p. 80; XXV S"yezd KPSS, II, p. 24. 4. XXV S"yezd KPSS, I, p. 73. 5. V. A. Trapeznikov, "Upravleniye naukoy kak or- ganizatsionnoy sistemoy," in Gvishiani et al, eds., Osnovnyye printsipy i obshchiye problemy upravleniya naukoy (Moscow: Nauka, 1973), p. 39; Gvishiani, "The Scientific and Technological Revolution and Scientif- ic Problems," Social Sciences, I (1972), p. 49; Vla- dislav Kelle and Semyon Mikulinsky, "Sociology of Science," ibid., 3 (1977), p. 86. 6. Gvishiani, "The Scientific and Technological Revolution and Scientific Problems," p. 48; Gennady M. Dobrov, "Science Policy and Assessment in the So- viet Union," International Social Science Journal, XXV, 3 (1973), p. 322. 7. Ibid., p. 318. 8. Quoted in L. V. Golovanov, "Sistema upravleni- ya naukoy v SSSR i voprosy ee sovershenstvovaniya," in Nauchnoye upravleniye obshchestvom (Moscow: Mysl1, 19-69), III, p. 35. 289 9. XXIV S"yezd KPSS, I, p. 80. 10. See K. Yefimov, "Nauchno-tekhnicheskiy progress: organizatsiya i planirovaniye," Voprosy ekonomiki, 12 (1974), pp. 22-23; A. A. Podoprigora, Pravovyye vopro- sy sozdaniya i vnedreniya novoy tekhniki (Kiev, 1975), pp. 14-32; 0. I. Volkov, Planovoye upravleniye nauchno- tekhnicheskim progressom (Moscow: Nauka, 1975), pp. 12- 16; V. D. Volkova, Sovershenstvovaniye metodologii planirovaniya nauchno-tekhnicheskogo progressa v uslo- viyakh razvitogo sotsialisticheskogo obshchestva (Sverdlovsk, 1975), pp. 6-9; V. I. Pavlyuchenko, Eko- nomicheskiye problemy upravleniya nauchno-tekhniches- kim progressom (Moscow: Nauka, 1973), pp. 9-37. 11. Yu. M. Sheinin, "Osnovnyye ponyatiya organiza- tsii i upravleniya nauchnoy deyatel'nostyu," in Uprav- leniye, planirovaniye i organizatsiya nauchnykh i tekhnicheskikh issledovaniy (Moscow: VINITI, 1970), II, p. 178; M. I. Piskotin, V. A. Rassudovskiy , and M. P. Ring, eds., Organizatsionno-pravovyye voprosy ruko- vodstva naukoy v SSSR (Moscow: Nauka, 1973), p. 31. 12. See M. A. Vilenskiy, "Nauchno-tekhnicheskiy pro- gress kak ob"yekt planirovaniya (voprosy metodologii)," Voprosy ekonomiki, 12 (1973), pp. 71-81; S. M. Yam- polskiy, "Ekonomicheskiye granitsy -proizvodstva i pri- meniye novoy tekhniki pri sotsializme," in L. M. Ga- tovskiy, ed., Ekonomicheskiye problemy nauchno-tekhni- cheskoy revolyutsii pri sotsializme (Moscow: Ekonomi- ka, 1975), pp. 128-137. 13. N. P. Fedorenko, "Urgent Tasks of Economic Sci- ence," Ekonomicheskaya gazeta, 21 (May 1976), p. 10; Yefimov, "Nauchno-tekhnicheskiy progress: organizatsi- ya i planirovaniye," p. 26. 14. XXIV S"yezd KPSS, I, pp. 80-81. 15. Trud, May 23, 1974. See also Yefimov, "Nauchno- tekhnicheskiy progress: organizatsiya i planirovani- ya," p. 24. 290 16. Volkov, Planovoye upravleniye nauchno-tekhni- cheskim progressom, pp. 17, 19. Emphasis added. 17. Dobrov, "Science Policy and Assessment in the Soviet Union," p. 308. 18. L. Blyakhman commented on the increasing number of scientists in Neva, 1 (January 1973), pp. 173-181. See also K. L. Gorfan, N. I. Komkov, and L. E. Minde- li, Planirovaniye i upravleniye nauchnymi issledovan- iyami (Moscow: Nauka, 1971), p. 8. For the budgetary projections, see E. Kosov, "Ekonomicheskiye problemy upravleniya nauchno-tekhnicheskim progressom," Ekono- micheskiye nauki, 7 (1971), p. 51. 19. See S. Mikulinskiy, "Problema nauchnykh kadrov v usloviyakh nauchno-tekhnicheskoy revolyutsii," Kom- munist, 5 (1973), pp. 76-88; Zavlin et al, Trud v sfere nauki (Moscow, 1973), pp. 123-124. 20. G. N. Volkov, Sotsiologiya nauki: Sotsiologi- cheskiye ocherki nauchno-tekhnicheskoy deyatel'nosti (Moscow: Politizdat, 1968), p. 216. 21. Dobrov, "Science Policy and Assessment in the Soviet Union," p. 309. 22. XXIV S"yezd KPSS, II, p. 19. 23. XXV S"yezd KPSS, I, p. 67. 24. Pravda, February 19, 1977. 25. Statement by E. I. Sklyarov of the State Com- mittee for Science and Technology as reported by Loren Graham in his "The Place of the Academy of Sciences System in the Overall Organization of Soviet Science," in Thomas and Kruse-Vaucienne, op. cit . , p. 55. 26. See M. A. Vilenskiy, "Sotsial'no-ekonomiches- kaya ef fektivnost' nauchno-tekhnicheskogo progressa," in Gatovskiy, Ekonomicheskiye problemy nauchno-tekh- nicheskoy revolyutsii pri sotsializme, pp. 138-146; 291 V. Yu. Budavey and M. I. Panova, Ekonomicheskiye prob- lemy tekhnicheskogo progressa (Moscow: Mysl1 , 1974), p. 26. Statement about the lack of profit in research made by Alexander Birman, cited in Science and Public Policy, III, 4 (August 1976), p. 367. 27. Louvan Nolting, The Planning of Research, De- velopment, and Innovation in the USSR, U.S. Depart- ment of Commerce, Foreign Economic Report No. 14 (Wash- ington, D.C., 1978), pp. 12-13. 28. Lev Gatovskiy, "Ef fektivnost T novoy tekhniki kak ob"yekt upravleniya nauchno-tekhnicheskim progressom," in Organizatsiya upravleniya (Moscow, 1975), pp. 63- 71 and his article, "0 kompleksnom upravlenii effek- tivnost'yu tekhniki," Kommunist, 14 (September 1973), pp. 60-73. See also Gatovskiy 's remarks in "Planiro- vaniye i upravleniye nauchno-tekhnicheskim progressom v X pyatiletke," Voprosy ekonomiki, 8 (1975), p. 128. 29. V. S. Tarasovich and Yu. B. Kliuka, "Organiza- tsionnyye formy tekhniko-ekonomicheskogo obosnovaniya nauchnykh issledovaniy i razrabotok," in V. P. Alek- sandrova, ed., Problemy planirovaniya i ef fektivnosti razvitiya nauki i tekhniki v Ukrainskoy SSSR (Kiev, 1976), p. 44. 30. "Planirovaniye i upravleniye nauchno-tekhni- cheskim progressom v X pyatiletke," p. 117. 31. Boriz Z. Milner, ed., Organizatsionnyye struk- tury upravleniya proizvodstvom (Moscow: Ekonomika, 1975), pp. 4-5 and Brezhnev, Ob osnovnykh voprosakh ekonomicheskoy politiki KPSS na sovremennom etape, II, p. 386. 32. B. Z. Milner, "Formirovaniye organizatsionnykh struktur upravleniya," Ekonomika i organizatsiya pro- myshlennogo proizvodstva, 6 (1975), pp. 4-5. 33. Milner, Organizatsionnyye struktury, pp. 5, 6, 16-17, 37. 34. N. S. Kalita and G. I. Mantsurov, Sotsialisti- 292 cheskiye proizvodstvennyye ob"yedineniya (Moscow: Ekonomika, 1972), pp. 3-4 and Boris Milner, "Organi- ization of the Management of Production," Social Sci- ences, VII, 3 (1976), p. 48. 35. XXIV S"yezd KPSS, I, 90, 179-180; P. Danilov- tsev and Yu. Kanygin, Ot laboratorii do zavoda (Novo- sibirsk: Nauka, 1971), p. 40. 36. Kelle and Mikulinskiy, "Sociology of Science," p. 87. 37. Yu. M. Sheinin, "Nauka i organizatsiya," in E. A. Belyayev, S. P. Mikulinskiy, and Yu. M. Shei- nin, eds., Organizatsiya nauchnoy deyatel1 nosti (Mos- cow, 1968), p. 114. 38. E. I. Gavrilov, Ekonomika i ef fektivnost f nau- chno-tekhnicheskogo progressa (Minsk, 1975), p. 277; Kelle and Mikulinskiy, op. cit., p. 87; D. M. Gvishi- ani, "Sotsial'naya rol' nauki i politika gosudarstva v oblasti nauki," in V. Zh. Kelle and S. P. Mikulin- skiy, eds., Sotsiologicheskiye problemy nauki (Mos- cow: Nauka, 1974), p. 215. 39. Gvishiani, "Sotsial'naya rol' nauki i politika gosudarstva v oblasti nauki," pp. 213-215. 40. Ibid., p. 213; Kelle and Mikulinskiy, "Sociol- ogy of Science," pp. 88-89; I. A. Turchaninov, "Ten- dentsii i formy vzaimosvyazi nauki i proizvodstva na sovremennom etape," in Problemy deyatel 'nosti uche- nogo i nauchnykh kollektivov (Leningrad and Moscow: Nauka, 1977), p. 9. 41. L. S. Blyakhman and A. F. Ivanov, "Nauchno- proizvodstvennoye ob"yedineniye kak forma sistemnoy organizatsii tsikla issledovaniye-proizvodstvo," Iz- vestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, seriya ekonomicheskaya, 6 (1971), p. 39 and K. I. Taksir, Nauchno-proizvodst- vennyye ob"yedineniya (Moscow: Nauka, 1977), p. 16. 42. See Milner, Organizatsionnyye struktury uprav- 293 leniya proizvodstvom, pp. 7, 9, 108-111; N. E. Drogi- chenskiy, ed., Sovershenstvovaniye mekhanizma khozya- ystvovaniya v usloviyakh razvitogo sotsializma (Moscow, 1975), pp. 160-170; D. M. Gvishiani et al, eds., Vo- prosy teorii i praktiki upravleniya i organizatsii nauki (Moscow: Nauka, 1975), pp. 14-15. 43. G. Arbatov, "Proektirovaniye organizatsii krup- nykh proizvodstvenno-khozyaystvennykh kompleksov i upravleniya imi," Planovoye khozyaystvo, 5 (1975), p. 2 . This article was also republished as "Sistemy up- ravleniya krupnymi proizvodstvenno-khozyaystvennymi kompleksami , " in Vestnik Akademii Nauk SSSR, 10 (1975), pp. 46-53. 44. Trapeznikov, "Upravleniye naukoy kak organiza- tsionnoy sistemoy," p. 24. 45 . "Planirovaniye i upravleniye nauchno-tekhni- cheskim progressom v X pyatiletke," p. 120. 46. Ibid., pp. 119-122; G. Kh. Popov, Effektivnoye upravleniye (Moscow: Ekonomika, 1976), p. 136. 47. A. V. Bachurin, Planovo-ekonomicheskiye metody upravleniya (Moscow: Ekonomika, 1973), pp. 385-386. 48. XXV S"yezd KPSS, I, p. 72. 49. Ibid., II, p. 239. 50. Nauchno-tekhnicheskaya revolyutsiya: Ekonomika i upravleniye sotsialisticheskim proizvodstvom (Mos- cow: Mysl.% 1976), p. 28. 51. Ibid., p. 29. 52. M. I. Piskotin et al, eds., Organizatsionno- pravovyye voprosy rukovodstva naukoy v SSSR, pp. 388- 53. "Planirovaniye i upravleniye nauchno-tekhni- cheskim progressom v X pyatiletke," p. 117. 54. XXV S"yezd KPSS, I, p. 83. 294 55. Ibid., p. 85. 56. M. P. Ring, "Prohlemnoye upravleniye v nauke," Vestnik Akademii Nauk SSSR, 7 (1976), pp. 12-14. 57. "Planirovaniye i upravleniye nauchno-tekhni- cheskim progressom v X pyatiletke," p. 115. 58. Ibid., p. 121. 59. Pravda, June 13, 1970. 60. D. M. Gvishiani, Organization and Management: A Sociological Analysis of Western Theories (Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1972), p. 172. 61. "Planirovaniye i upravleniye nauchno-tekhni- cheskim progressom v X pyatiletke," p. 121. 62. Pravda, June 13, 1960. 63. Gvishiani, "The Scientific and Technological Revolution and Scientific Problems," p. 52; G. Popov, "How Reliable Are the Interfaces?" Pravda, July 27, 1976; XXV S"yezd KPSS, I, p. 164. 64. Milner, "Formirovaniye organizatsionnykh struk- tur upravleniya , " p. 8 and his Organizatsionnyye struktury upravleniya. proizvodstvom, p . 7 . 65. Ibid. , pp. 7, 8, 16, 108 and his "Formirovani- ye organizatsionnykh struktur upravleniya," pp. 8-9. 66. Milner, Organizatsionnyye struktury upravleniya proizvodstvom, p. 108. 67. Taksir, Nauchno-proizvodstvennyye ob"yedineniya , p. 85. 68. Drogichenskiy, op. cit . , p. 169. 69. Gavrilov, op. cit., p. 280. 295 70. See Ekonomika i organizatsiya promyshlennogo proizvodstva, 6 (1975), pp. 36-37. 71. Popov, Effektivnoye upravleniye, pp. 12-13. 72. Ibid. , p. 13; G. A. Dzhavadov, V. N. Varvarov, and A. V. Sobrovin, "Organizatsiya ratsionalizatsii upravleniya nauchno-tekhnicheskim progressom v otras- li," in G. Kh. Popov, ed., Problemy organizatsii so- vershenstvovaniya upravleniya sotsialisticheskim pro- izvodstvom (Seminar g. Kalinin 1-10 fevralya 1974g) (Moscow: Izdatel'stvo Moskovskogo Universiteta, 1975), p. 253. 73. "Planirovaniye i upravleniye nauchno-tekhni- cheskim progressom v X pyatiletke," pp. 118, 121. 74. Ibid., pp. 120-122, 128. 75. V. Ya. Elmeyev, E. F. Denisov, and S. F. Zotov, "Ekonomicheskiye usloviya soyedineniya nauki s proiz- vodstvom," Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, seriya eko- nomicheskaya, 3 (1976), p. 56. 76. L. Gatovskiy, "Usileniye orientatsii planov i stimulov na vysoko effektivnuyu tekhniku," Voprosy ekonomiki , 5 (1977), p. 123. 77. See V. N. Arkhangel'skiy, Planirovaniye i finan- sirovaniye nauchnykh issledovaniy, p. 162; A. Vershin- ina, "Nauchno-proizvodstvennyye ob"yedineniya i sti- mulirovaniye tekhnicheskogo progressa," Sotsialisti- cheskiy trud, 7 (1976), pp. 32-36; V. Pokrovskiy, "Upravleniye ef fektivnost 'yu nauki i tekhniki," Eko- nomicheskaya gazeta, 32 (1977), p. 10. 78. A. Bachurin, "Promyshlennoye ob"yedineniye i tekhnicheskiy progress," ibid. , 43 (1970), pp. 5-6. 79. "Planirovaniye i upravleniye nauchno-tekhni- cheskim progressom v X pyatiletke," p. 121. 80. XXV S"yezd KPSS, I, pp. 62-63. 296 81. "Planirovaniye i upravleniye nauchno-tekhni- cheskim progressom v X pyatiletke," p. 122. 82. Ibid. 83. See Popov, Effektivnoye upravleniye, pp. 128- 136. 84. B. Z. Milner, "Sovershenstvovaniye organiza- tsionnykh struktur upravleniya," in Sovremennyye me- tody upravleniya narodnym khozyaystvom (Vilnius, 1974), p. 22. 297 XII A COMPARISON OF SCIENCE POLICY IN THE US AND USSR THE SCIENCE POLICY ENVIRONMENT In science and technology the United States and the Soviet Union are truly superpowers. The massive scientific and engineering enterprises in motion to- day in the two nations together account for roughly two-thirds of the world's scientific research and development. Both countries have recognized that science and technology play an important role in the improvement of the human condition in their own so- cieties and in the world as a whole. Both countries have recognized that science and technology are fun- damental to their security; and, further, that the foundation for S&T advancement lies in a strong edu- cational system for training scientists and engineers. In addition to sharing a strong S&T orientation, the US and USSR exhibit striking similarities in the evolution of their science policies. In both nations R&D has burgeoned after World War II. Each has built within the last three decades an elaborate network of government agencies and special mechanisms to attend to the problems and consequences of scientific and technological advance. Despite different operating conditions and organizational approaches, both coun- tries determine science policy at the apex of the governmental structure. In the US the states parti- cipate in S&T activities in only a minor role. They are neither significant performers nor significant sponsors of R&D, though the states do perform a vi- tal role in funding and maintaining the educational system. In the Soviet Union the republics are more directly in the line of command of the S&T process. Forming the second level of territorial responsibil- 298 ity and authority for major segments of the R&D ef- fort, the republics act as a conduit and interpreter of S&T policy and directives of central bodies. Given the highly centralized Soviet system and its distinct set of R&D priorities, however, republic and local involvement in science planning and management remains substantially circumscribed. With the exception of Georgia there are no counterparts to the USSR State Committee for Science and Technology on the republic level. "All-union," rather than "union-republic," much less "republic," ministries and agencies shape S&T policy and direct the national R&D effort, just as they do in economic policy and development more generally. On the whole, both countries have made inordinate- ly high investments in defense, aerospace, and nucle- ar R&D while under investing in technology for econom- ic growth. Though technological innovation has cer- tainly been a more prominent and widespread feature of the American economy than of the Soviet, still 80 percent of all US R&D has been concentrated in just five "intensively engineered" industries. Further- more, 80 percent of federally supported R&D goes to just two of these sectors — aircraft and missiles, and electrical equipment and communications. In both nations, scientific R&D remains highly concentrated geographically in a few major urban cen- ters and is performed by a few large institutions. The Soviet penchant for large-scale organization and functional specialization is well known. Tradition- ally, head research institutes and design bureaus have been given primary responsibility for developing the main thrusts in science and technology. They are organized to serve whole branches of industry rather than individual production facilities. The small business firm and individual entrepreneur do play an important role in American science and technology, especially in innovation, that is virtually absent in the Soviet system. But even in the United States, in- dustrial R&D is dominated by a small number of large corporations. Just 10 R&D performing firms account 299 for more than a third of all expenditures, while the top 100 companies spend about two-thirds of the total. During the past decade, moreover, both superpowers have been forced to adjust their S&T policies to meet broader national goals and new requirements. Many of the same concerns that have motivated policy makers and animated debate in Washington have also been keen- ly felt in Moscow. Primary preoccupation with ques- tions of national security, which underlay the science policy efforts of both countries in the 1950s and the 1960s, has given way, more or less, to greater con- cern with applying science and technology to solve domestic civil sector problems. "Research applied to national needs" has become a new buzzword in American and Soviet official circles alike. The development of natural recources, energy, and the environment have emerged as major issues on the S&T agendas to an ex- tent unanticipated in either country just a few years ago. Low economic growth and lagging productivity in both the US and USSR have stimulated increasing in- terest in formulating science policies oriented to industrial innovation. Indeed, the use of R&D, which both governments practically ignored in science pol- icy in the past, is finally coming into focus in the US federal government and is assuming almost exagger- ated emphasis in the Soviet Union. In face of these changing conditions and new de- mands the adequacy of traditional policies and mech- anisms is being increasingly questioned. In the US a new partnership in S&T is being called for between public and private R&D performers. Similarly, the Soviet regime has been pressing for a closer relation- ship between research and industry to achieve a more coordinated effort in the national interest. Both countries share a concern with the health of science and technology and debate how to improve capacity and performance. In spite of some patterns in common, however, the science policy environments in the US and USSR are fundamentally different. Even apparent structural equivalents may mask basic differences in underlying 300 philosophy, purpose, and operation. For example, the National Science Foundation, as a general f under and caretaker of basic science, resembles the USSR Academy of Sciences. There are strong parallels be- tween the budgetary process, which is the main tool for planning, review, and control — at least in the public sector — in the United States, and the plan- ning process in the Soviet system; and between the OMB and the GKNT in their executive management over- sight and mediating functions in S&T matters. As the principal advisory arms in science policy at the apex of the two respective governmental structures, the OSTP and the GKNT play somewhat analogous roles. In interagency R&D coordination, the FCCSET is a kind of American functional counterpart to the GKNT. On a more general level, certain parallels may even be drawn between Congress and the Supreme Soviet as in- stitutional arenas where S&T policies are publicly debated and legislated. But such national compari- sons do not really take us far . Though some proce- dures or institutions look the same, their effects and significance may be quite different because they operate in different environments, each shaped by its own national traditions, values, and circumstances. The main characteristics that distinguish the American and Soviet environments are rooted in the fundamental differences between a competitive market economy and political pluralism, on the one hand, and a centrally planned economy and political cen- tralism, on the other. It is these underlying sys- temic dissimilarities that account for and shape the alternative approaches to science and technology in the two nations. In the United States the S&T policy process is diffuse. The organizational structure of the federal government is highly fragmented and diversified with a multitude of crosscutting and competing agencies in both the Executive and Legislative branches con- cerned with S&T matters. In most of these bodies R&D is only an activity in support of a broader set of roles and missions. In the American framework no 301 real mechanism exists to guide policy making and pri- ority-setting, much less to blueprint and administer the whole enterprise. Science policy emerges not as a grand design but rather as the end product of a com- plex interaction of diverse and partial wills. The overall set of S&T policies lacks unity and coherence. In the Soviet Union, on the contrary, there is a much more formal process, structure, and policy for science and technology. The set of institutions re- sponsible for R&D planning and management is more ex- plicit and functionally specialized; procedures are more uniform and clearly defined; and authority is hierarchical and centralized at the top. The whole system is built, in principle and aspiration, to pro- duce comprehensive and unified S&T policies that are an integral part of overall macroeconomic plans and development strategies. The roles and responsibilities of government, in particular, are perceptibly different. In the Amer- ican setting government plays primarily an indirect and supporting role, serving as a catalyst to create a climate favorable to science and its applications. The system is premised upon a basic division of labor between public and private institutions as well as the belief that whenever possible private incentives and the normal play of market mechanisms should be relied on to generate relevant R&D and technological innovation. Only in those areas where market forces are deficient or where it has major responsibilities, such as defense and space, does government take a di- rect administrative role. The difference between federal markets and competitive private markets must be recognized. In the former the government frequent- ly plans, funds, and manages directly the R&D and is also the principal customer of the results. The whole process is heavily authoritarian with strong emphasis on roles and controls, resembling that of the USSR with its one giant public sector and command economy. In the latter, the competitive private market, the government's role is only indirect. This is the ma- jor American market. 302 By contrast, the Soviet government takes generally an active and directing role in S&T policy and devel- opment. Just as industrial advance is the product of state initiative and administration, the spur to in- novation also comes from central political authori- ties. Through state ownership of R&D results and de- tailed plans the government intervenes directly from beginning to end of the research-to-production cycle. Administrative bodies deliberately plan and introduce new products and processes. The mode of advance is predominantly innovation by order from the top down; administrative levers and bureaucratic instruments are relied on to drive the whole process. Thus the Soviet government stresses organizational and proce- dural solutions to science and technology problems. It is important not to overdraw the image of two sharply dichotomous models of science and technology for the US and USSR. The Soviet system is neither as unique nor as monolithic as it is sometimes assumed to be. Though highly centralized, the S&T establish- ment is also heavily compartmentalized among numerous functional agencies and institutional subsystems. Al- though military R&D is systematically managed, Soviet civilian S&T is less centralized. The GKNT has only partially succeeded as general overseer by concentra- ting on a limited number of priority areas rather than all R&D activities. Nor is the American system as anarchic and freewheeling as it seems at first glance. Government regulation of innovation dampens the entrepreneurial spirit. Contradictory impulses and policies coexist in both environments. Each sys- tem excels in certain respects and falls short in others. To underline the comparative dimensions of Ameri- can and Soviet approaches, the following discussion focuses on three major areas of S&T policy: (1) rela- tionship of scientific R&D to industry; (2) the use of indicators and measurement techniques in policy planning and management; and (3) incentives and ob- stacles to innovation. Finally, the new complexity barriers that both countries face today in framing 303 effective policies will be briefly discussed. On both sides the problems promise to tax the imagina- tion and ingenuity of political leaders and the broad- er scientific and engineering communities alike. RELATIONSHIP OF SCIENTIFIC R&D TO INDUSTRY The relationship of industry to scientific R&D differs significantly in the US and USSR. This indus- trial connection, moreover, affects appreciably the problems of innovation and diffusion in the two coun- tries. In the United States industry plays two roles in influencing the conduct of R&D. On the one hand, industry sponsors, selects, performs, and utilizes the results of R&D. On the other hand, industry is the performer and user of R&D sponsored by federal government agencies. In a lesser role, industry in- fluences what R&D is sponsored by the federal govern- ment through submission of unsolicited proposals and through the use of lobbyists to influence legislation. In the Soviet Union, industrial enterprises per- form little R&D; they influence the selection of only a small portion of the R&D, and directly sponsor only a minority share of R&D. Except in the newly devel- oping associations, most scientific R&D is conducted in institutions independent of the production enter- prises which ultimately use the results. Industrial enterprises do not appear to influence directly the State's selection of R&D to be performed, although they may influence their own industry R&D facilities through the intercession of central ministry manage- ment organs. In general, scientific R&D is an auton- omous and closed subsystem in the USSR. The dominant focus has been on R&D as a relatively isolated entity rather than on the interplay of R&D with industry. R&D planning has been geared largely to the develop- ment of scientific and technical potential, that is, to the expansion of science and technology themselves rather than to the application of existing knowledge. 304 The creation and use of new technology is fenced off from general economic activity. Each sphere proceeds more or less on its own. Organizational structure and the overall planning process continue to reflect the fact that science and industry are still largely separate worlds, coexisting rather than interacting. American R&D, on the contrary, is more closely coupled to other subsystems of society. Science for science's sake has not been an aim of public policy. Rather, like everything else, science should pay off if it is to merit public support. In government agencies, R&D is not considered in isolation but as part of their broad mission. In industry, management works on the principle that R&D of itself is not enough; it must ultimately be exploited in the mar- ketplace. Thus, R&D is made a component of overall business strategy and operations. A major consequence of the greater insulation of science in Soviet society is that R&D enjoys far more stability and continuity in the USSR than in the US. Kremlin policy makers have much more of an investment mentality toward S&T as growth enterprises than their American counterparts. The mode of incremental plan- ning "from the achieved level" provides the Soviet S&T establishment an assured and rising level of fund- ing that contrasts sharply with the variability of American R&D funding patterns. Neither the federal government nor industry in the US is officially com- mitted to a base level of funding nor to standard levels of increase. On the contrary, R&D funding by industry varies widely with current economic condi- tions as does federal spending. In both the public and private sectors the vulnerability of R&D as dis- cretionary outlays makes difficult the formulation of durable science policies. In addition, the Soviet practice of institutional bloc funding, as opposed to the American system of project funding, makes for much greater stability at the level of the R&D per- former . At the same time, this high degree of stability characteristic of Soviet science exacts its price. 305 Conservative tendencies stifle creativity and change. The inertia of institutions and projects is hard to break. R&D facilities and programs can go for years without producing any significant results. Above all, the isolation of research from production decreases technological innovation and causes problems in de- livery. The American S&T structure, though not as stable, is more flexible and dynamic. The greater stress on results and ultimate use as well as the closer industrial connection keeps research and de- velopment both responsive and relevant to the chang- ing demands of the customer. Though it does not per- mit the same security for performers and continuity for projects that institutional funding does in the USSR, the American mode of project funding coupled with external peer review provides a more independent and flexible instrument for terminating unproductive R&D and initiating new programs. In general, the market environment causes the research sector to make painful adjustments from time to time to direct capa- bilities to where they are needed. The two systems differ fundamentally in their ap- proaches to integrating research, development, and innovation. In the USSR integration is a bureaucrat- ic function assigned to a hierarchy of special agen- cies. There is little direct collaboration among in- stitutional R&D performers. Most external transac- tions are managed through superior ministerial offi- ces and departments. Interorganizational linkages, therefore, are essentially administrative. The ac- cent throughout is on hierarchical organization, ex- tensive use of rules, multiple clearances, and long approval routes. Coordination across organizational boundaries and functional subsystems is particularly complex and difficult. In the US the conduct and coupling of R&D take place under different operating conditions. The ver- tical relationship between organizations and plans for S&T activities is abbreviated because there are few steps in the chain of command between the setting of goals and the performance of R&D. Further, there 306 is little coordination by the government between the determination of goals and objectives for departments and agencies and production activities in the private sector. Private firms compete for R&D contracts from government agencies and offer services that compete with those provided by the agencies themselves. The actors in American R&D are separate institutions, mostly nonhierarchical and relatively autonomous. They act independently and competitively, and come together by agreement in mutual self-interest. Link- age does not occur through directives and approvals but on the basis of competition and pluralism. Such cooperation of public and private institutions is one of the most original characteristics of the American science and technology enterprise. These systemic differences underlying the archi- tecture of linkage, in turn, shape attitudes of R&D personnel. In the USSR innovation by order and top down planning and management causes R&D performers as well as their supervisory ministries to look upward. They are oriented primarily to pleasing their own ad- ministrative superiors in the hierarchy. Since they are not concerned with the distribution and use of their results, producers all along the innovation chain are not output-oriented. They are, on the con- trary, keenly concerned with inputs on the supply side because this is where major uncertainties and problems in innovation lie in the Soviet system. Furthermore, the emphasis on functional specialization and organi- zational separation tends to direct the vision of in- dividuals and management bodies toward separate ef- forts rather than the overall enterprise. As a re- sult the whole S&T establishment is inward-looking. Each performer takes a narrow view of his responsi- bilities, tasks, and interests. In the American milieu of a highly consumer-orien- ted society generally and with market pull a major driving force for successful innovation, R&D perform- ers are oriented outward, to satisfying their custom- ers. Competition for customers on the basis of price and quality makes output and use important considera- 307 tions. Supply is generally not a problem. Abundant resources are usually available, given sufficient capital. Rather, attention is directed to the demand side where in the American setting the basic uncer- tainties and risks are lodged. Individual and inst- tutional actors focus on environmental externalities that may stimulate or constrain innovation, especial- ly S&T activities beyond their own in-house efforts that may pose new opportunities or competitive threats, Given these divergent orientations, R&D personnel maintain different patterns of communication and in- teraction. In the USSR functional performers tend to be separate from each other organizationally and spa- tially. The predominantly vertical structure of de- cision making inhibits lateral interaction. Working contact between R&D specialists and user or client groups is weak. The later links of the innovation chain — the introduction and debugging of new technol- ogy— are in particular poorly developed. Throughout there is little real interplay, much less team play, to integrate individual efforts. Self-sufficiency rather than cooperation is the goal. The accent in American R&D is on direct interaction and interdependence among major performers. Continuing communication among the various participants promotes mutual understanding, trust, and acceptance. Though the "not-invented-here" sentiment exists, it is not so pervasive an attitude as it seems to be in the So- viet system. In the US personnel also move more both within and among the different sectors of academe, industry, and government. Close contact between gen- erators and users of research is another important feature. Industry particularly stresses linkage not just in R&D but also between R&D and manufacturing, marketing, sales, and services. These connections help assure the viability of new products and proces- ses. Some firms organize R&D to involve the user early in the development of innovations and clients also participate at critical points. Good will and good customer relations, it is said, do more for tech- nological utilization than almost anything. 308 Taken together these features point to different approaches to technology transfer. In the USSR com- munication takes primarily the form of the transmis- sion of documents and routing of information through formal administrative channels. The main interactions are between functional performers and higher ministry authorities who serve as administrative gatekeepers at critical transfer points. The whole activity chain moves through different links and stages by hierarchi- cal referral and bureaucratic relay. In general, the research-to-production cycle is not an integrated or integrating process. In the American framework emphasis is on person- to-person contact rather than reliance upon printed information and communication through a middleman. Informal and oral sources provide key communications about both needs and technical opportunities. Bridg- ing roles are played by "technological gatekeepers," "market gatekeepers," and "manufacturing gatekeepers," all of whom provide information about environmental conditions that can influence the flow of action. This close linkage allows scientists and engineers to co- operate in shaping technical programs and an informa- tion base. Feedback from the market plays a self- correcting role and keeps R&D responsive to the user. This brings us to the question of technology util- ization and delivery mechanisms. These mechanisms differ between the private and government sectors in the US. The federal government, despite its large investment in R&D, does not take an active role in R&D diffusion and has not, with a few notable exceptions, been effective in promoting it. Diffusion is largely the province of the private sector. Most federal agencies do not have explicit policies or special pro- grams for promoting technology transfer. Those that do usually fall short of the utilization stage. Among the mechanisms used by federal agencies the most com- mon and expensive are the S&T information dissemina- tion services. They are also judged to have the low- est impact, reflecting the general ineffectiveness of written communication as a means of technology trans- fer in the American setting. The most successful ap- 309 proach, on the other hand, has been the highly active Agricultural Extension Service where field agents know well the local users and serve, in effect, as salespeople for new technology. All these governmental programs encourage research utilization only after the R&D results have been gen- erated. Most effective industrial approaches to tech- nology utilization, however, begin much earlier in the innovation process. Industry also provides an inte- grated and coordinated system from conceptualization to commercialization that does not exist in the gov- ernmental sector. Indeed such an approach is used in the public sector only in areas like defense or space when the federal government both creates and defines the market and is the principal customer itself. Even here, however, systems planning and management is not always efficient or economical. The practical translation of R&D results is one of the most deficient areas of S&T policy in the USSR. Traditionally, Soviet economic policy has minimized investment in an experimental base and scientific in- struments industry in favor of investment in on-line production facilities. The development sector, the crucial intermediary between research and production, tends to be neglected. The share of expenditures on development and engineering applications has been on- ly about two-thirds that in the United States. As a result there continues to be a scarcity of experimen- tal facilities to develop and test prototypes. In general, the vital interfaces in the transfer process have not been explicitly and effectively structured or linked. The utilization of R&D has fal- len outside the bounds of both science planning and production planning. Innovation or the introduction stage has not been an organic part of the system of planning and administration. There is no special pur- pose organization charged with managing diffusion in the Soviet Union. For the most part, extensive — but ineffective — S&T information storage and retrieval systems have been relied on. These services, which 310 are managed and coordinated centrally, befit the gen- eral pattern of Soviet communications. Since the late 1960s Kremlin authorities have shifted from passive mechanisms to more active strat- egies of technology transfer to enhance industrial research utilization. Adopting a process view of in- novation, they have established new institutional ar- rangements and organizational forms that seek to span and integrate the multiple participants and stages in the innovation cycle. The development of research complexes along the lines of some American industrial research parks has been emphasized in the belief that the desired benefits of cross-fertilization, sharing of facilities and interdisciplinary cooperation are better achieved through such close association. Dif- ferent types of research complexes have evolved, in- cluding (1) formal incorporation of research, design, and production facilities in single organizations, such as the production and science-production asso- ciations, and (2) more recently, geographic colloca- tion of R&D facilities. The creation of special or- ganizations concerned with the introduction of new technology is less well advanced. Forms of project management and matrix organization used in American R&D are, however, being modified and tried in the So- viet context. SELECTION OF S&T GOALS AND EVALUATION OF RESULTS In the United States major goals (problems) need- ing S&T solutions are selected not as a formal plan- ning activity but through a complex political-economic process that is not well understood or economically efficient. No formal procedure or time schedule exists for such selection, no one body to establish goals and to measure results. Both the Executive and Legislative branches have identified such major goals as space exploration, cancer research, improved envi- ronmental protection, and energy research and devel- 311 opment. In general, the mission agencies of govern- ment have assumed responsibility and authority for recognizing scientific opportunities and for steward- ship. Given the decentralized nature of American R&D neither the selection of topics nor the allocation of funds is a simple process in government. The fragmen- tation of structure and competence mediates against comprehensive policy planning and analysis. In the US the budget process represents the clos- est thing in government to a systematic effort at re- source planning, program evaluation, and integration. But it is a highly imperfect tool. There is no spe- cial budget or special budget process to integrate R&D into a broad S&T policy or national goals. Rather, the budget is prepared and judged on a departmental basis; the total federal R&D budget is largely an af- ter-the-fact-summary of the R&D budgets requested by each agency and justified in terms of their separate missions. The multitude of agencies in the Executive Branch concerned with S&T matters is matched by a multitude of committees in Congress that share re- sponsibility for budgetary analysis and appropriation. This pluralistic method of budgeting for R&D makes difficult the formulation of policies and coordina- tion of activities across traditional government sec- tors and independent agency lines. Although some ef- forts are made — largely by the OMB and, to a lesser extent, by the OSTP — to ensure priorities and balance in S&T programs, no integrative mechanism draws sci- ence policy toward a rational approach to problems of choice, of costs and benefits, of needs and opportu- nities. To be sure, the need is generally recognized for some central focus and oversight to ensure great- er consistency and coordination among plans and agen- cies. Regardless of how compelling the case seems for more systematic S&T planning and evaluation, how- ever, the basic fact remains that such a planning and analysis function does not fit easily into the plural- istic form and competitive ethos of American govern- ment with its fundamental emphasis on political advo- cacy, bargaining, and compromise in reaching public 312 decisions. The capability for such policy analysis and integrated systems management exists only in ex- ceptional instances where the nation has been galva- nized towards a single goal or where a single nation- al project has the general consent of the populace. For the most part, decisions are made piecemeal. Throughout the process there is considerable confu- sion and disagreement, but the nation accepts these inefficiencies and imbalances as the cost of diversi- ty and of decision making that values open markets, adversarial relations, and consensus building in pub- lic policy. In the Soviet Union the planning of R&D is highly structured in a top down manner. Most important S&T goals are formally identified and selected. Current- ly, this list consists of approximately 200 major problems. The solutions to these problems are sched- uled over periods of from one to three five-year in- crements and are incorporated into the macroeconomic plans for the USSR as a whole. Not only do plans specify general objectives, but they also detail all measures necessary for the attainment of goals, such as requisite resources and their interrelationship, experimental design, assignments for output and tech- nology transfer, construction of new facilities. In addition, the mechanisms for plan expression and en- forcement, such as indicators, norms, standards, and incentives, are similar at all levels and in princi- ple are mutually reinforcing and internally consis- tent. In the USSR, then, the whole structure of hi- erarchical relationships is designed to integrate the various activities of different units around central- ly determined general goals. Thus, in principle at least, the Soviet system offers great potential for comprehensive planning, coherent analysis, and balanc- ing assessments in S&T policies. In practice, however, Soviet R&D planning suffers from serious deficiencies. Some of these result from the inherent uncertainties and unpredictability of innovation itself. Others are deeply rooted, however, in Soviet organization and procedure. Though highly 313 centralized, policy planning and analysis is heavily compartmentalized not only in vertical branch minis- tries but also in the numerous special functional agencies. The innovation cycle is fractured in time, task, and territory. The basis of planning, financ- ing, and management is still primarily the functional- institutional performer rather than programs, pro- jects, and work stages. Furthermore, S&T planning is also separate from and insufficiently coordinated with the planning of production. Much as in the US, therefore, it is difficult for central S&T policy makers in the USSR to exert inte- grating influence upon a basically pluralistic admin- istrative structure. The heavy chalk marks which de- lineate different bureaucratic subsystems and insti- tutional domains are not easily erased. To be sure, there are more deliberate attempts than in the US at overall priority-setting, program assessment, and co- ordination. But the capabilities of the GKNT — the main balancing wheel of the Soviet S&T mechanism — and other functional agencies to analyze and evaluate al- ternative program goals, costs, and benefits are con- strained at every turn. They frequently lack the authority and means to perform their integrating func- tions. Given the nature of their overlapping and shared responsibilities for R&D planning and manage- ment, the state committees are often forced to seek the approval of and accommodate themselves to various ministries, departments, and other state committees, not to mention Party agencies. As a result they per- form a continuous and difficult balancing act in which national goals and priorities are reconciled with the special interests of the numerous organizations that conduct the national R&D effort. The Soviet planning process, then, like the Ameri- can budget process is salted with bureaucratic rival- ries. Though calls are periodically heard to strength- en the integrative capabilities of the GKNT, there is still little inclination to give the State Committee or any other body the clout necessary to forge coher- ent, focused programs across ministerial and depart- 314 mental lines. To do so would require an accommoda- tion with Gosplan, the Academy of Sciences, and the whole machinery of government that could not easily be achieved. Problems of interagency coordination and cooperation therefore remain unsolved. The Krem- lin continues to experience considerable difficulty in building a uniform national S&T strategy, unity of purpose, and commitment that transcend the paro- chial preferences of each player. Generally speaking, both nations have been unable to impose a long-term view on R&D planning and analy- sis. In the United States the annual budget and a four-year Presidential term make long-range projec- tions in the public sector difficult. Lacking as- sured R&D funding, individual agencies tend to re- spond to short-term needs and pressures and to ne- glect long-term programs. American industry, too, operates on a short time horizon. Industrial manage- ment is largely preoccupied with immediate markets and short-term profits as distinct from longer range payoffs from R&D with its attendant risks and uncer- tainties. Long-range, dedicated innovation often oc- curs by accident through the actions of deviants. Despite explicit emphasis on and formal procedure for long-range planning and forecasting in the Soviet Union, Kremlin authorities have also not been able to develop a strategic approach to S&T policy. The plan- ning of R&D has been oriented to building up S&T po- tential; a focus on specific goals and end use has been lacking. The planning of technological innova- tion and utilization has been geared to solving cur- rent production tasks. The two spheres of activity generally are decoupled. The R&D plan has been es- sentially an appendage of the general macroeconomic plan, and insufficiently integrated with it. Though we tend to associate Soviet economic decision making with "five year plans," planning in the USSR really proceeds in one year intervals. The Soviet budget is also an annual budget. A tendency to plan from the achieved level and a predominantly incremental style of decision making hold sway throughout the system. 315 In the USSR, too, the present tends to drive out the future. Steps have been taken in recent years to broaden the vision of Soviet S&T planners. The five year plan has indeed resumed importance as authorities have put increased stress on careful and comprehensive formu- lation of goals over longer periods to concentrate resources better on priority projects and provide greater direction and control over the nation 's R&D effort. A fifteen-year program has also been drafted for the development of science and technology for the period 1976 to 1990. This program is designed to serve as the organizing framework for a broad 15-year development plan for the economy as a whole. This general macroeconomic plan has not yet appeared, how- ever, testifying to the continuing difficulties that beset the drafting of feasible long-range Soviet plans, The framers of the S&T program, moreover, have also been ordered to rework their forecasts. Obviously, the proper formula, political and analytical, has not yet been found for striking a balance between present interests and future needs. By and large, then, the science and technology en- terprises in both the US and USSR run on momentum and incrementalism. With tight constraints on zero-based budgeting and programming and a short time horizon, these tendencies cause both systems to remain input- oriented rather than output-oriented. The Soviet system is particularly incremental. The tendency to plan from the achieved level reflects an "add on" approach to design that encourages scaling up existing processes rather than developing new ones and sees continuity as the best guarantee of meeting planned output goals. The S&T plans themselves en- dorse incrementalism. These plans, once approved, carry the force of law; there is little flexibility between planning periods and the cumbersome process of revising plans produces rigidity and little oppor- tunity for quick remedial action within the periods. The plans are most rigid at the higher levels, with 316 only limited flexibility at the level of the insti- tute, design bureau, and individual researcher. In the US, however, S&T activities are highly flexible, responding to changing conditions at all levels from the national to the individual research scientists The innovation cycle is more sequential and dynamic than in the Soviet Union, with more review and re- evaluation as development proceeds. Neither the US nor the Soviet Union has mapped any firm normative rules or fixed indicators to guide strategy and policy development in science and tech- nology. Until recently in both countries, science and technology had generally unrestrained standards and unlimited drawing accounts. The need for con- straint was seen in the US in the 1960s. In the 1970s, the Soviets tried to define a set of "basic indicators," such as the technical and economic indi- cators established by Gosplan in 1974, but these are incomplete. The measure of inputs remains by default simultaneously the measure of output because of the absence of any precise norms for planning and alloca- tion. Yet the need for standards is real. Three general criteria are being used: technical, economic, and social. Technical considerations have been fore- most in both the US and the USSR. The S&T effort has focused on big military, space, and nuclear programs. With such programs, science policy has enjoyed the advantage of being stable and specific, limited to a small domain of government activity and particular projects. Increasingly, however, science policy has needed to reflect the social and economic effects of techni- cal progress. In particular, national attention in the US is focusing on the implications of technologi- cal change for the environment, health, and public safety. Government regulation in these areas has ex- panded greatly, to the point where private industry feels a threat to its own S&T initiatives. The eco- nomics of S&T are also being stressed, although no clear market or economic criteria for federal funding of civilian scientific R&D have been developed. A gov- 317 eminent agency's relative isolation from the market- place also suggests the need for new mechanisms to link more effectively the funders, performers, and users of R&D. By comparison, the Soviet system responds even less to popular attitudes and market forces. Faith in the intrinsic desirability of science and technical prog- ress has not diminished in the USSR as it has in the US. Consequently, Soviet policy may pursue projects like the TU-144 supersonic transport and a continuing large-scale space program which embody advanced sci- entific, technological, or design solutions that might be vetoed in the American setting by commercial con- siderations or popular demand. Nonetheless, since the late 1960s Kremlin authori- ties have become more aware of constraints on resour- ces and concerned about effectiveness of their use. While environmental impact statements have not yet become mandatory in R&D planning, the importance of ecological factors is on the rise. Above all, econom- ic considerations have become prominent; all proposals for R&D projects must be supported by calculations of economic return redounding to the users of the new technology and to the economy as a whole. The main aim of this requirement is to weed out nonpaying, im- practical R&D and to raise the cost-effectiveness con- sciousness of the S&T establishment. (The requirement, however, is often not observed) The economic orienta- tion of the basic indicators for planning S&T prog- ress, issued in 1974, is also clear. With emphasis on accelerating technological innovation and raising production efficiency, these indicators seek explic- itly to couple more effectively S&T policy with eco- nomic policy, the planning of R&D with the planning of production. Of course, economic return has long been the main criterion used by American industry in selecting R&D pursuits. For industry the problem is chiefly one of assessing the long-term potential of a product line. This typically involves such factors as actions of 318 competitors, market size and segmentation, government regulatory policies, image, corporate objectives, bud- getary limitations, needs of production operations, and definitions of the lines of business in addition to purely technical considerations. Market research and information on user needs are essential elements in effective research planning; industry remains con- vinced that reliance on strictly rational components and technological opportunities are doomed to failure. Although the criteria for both countries can be grouped as technical, social, and economic, they are defined differently in the two systems, and thus have different practical significance. The differences in S&T policy are rooted in the difference between a bu- reaucratic system of planning and evaluation and a market system. In the USSR an administrative bureau- cracy defines the relevant criteria and judges suc- cess on the basis of how well organizations meet mul- tiple plan targets for output, costs, and profits as defined by formal rules. In practice, these rules have no necessary relation to the efficient use of resources, which are economized only incidentally in response to explicit instructions and definitions. Prices are also set administratively in an arbitrary and autonomous manner. In effect, Soviet R&D perform- ers face neither true output markets nor true input markets. An organization's performance is not eval- uated in any market external to the organization but directly and immediately by administrative superiors on the basis of how well it seems to be meeting planned objectives. In the United States the market largely determines choices especially in industry. Specifications for success are set by the customer, not by an adminis- trative boss in some government office. The market test is a comparison of one firm with another in the same field. Success depends on the behavior of one's competitors as well as one's own performance. Thus, a private firm may achieve its production, sales, and cost goals and lose money, or it may fail to meet its goals and yet do better than its competitors. The ul- 319 timate test is survival in the market. Conversely, a Soviet organization may meet its plans and be re- warded but be less profitable and innovative than other organizations. It may underfulfill its plans but be more efficient than other organizations. In American business evaluation rests largely at the bottom line: profit in the market. In government there is no comparable bottom line. To a large ex- tent, it is the appearance of success that counts, much as in the Soviet environment generally. Soviet criteria have, then, an artificial quality. Though several economic levers, such as cost, price, and profitability, are used, they become transformed essentially into administrative levers. There is al- so no acceptable criterion of fulfillment, no entire- ly satisfactory measure of research and innovative output. The economic effectiveness of proposed R&D is calculated mainly to award bonuses rather than to decide whether to undertake the R&D in the first place, Decisions regarding evaluation and incentives, more- over, are taken predominantly on the basis of planned or estimated economic return, not on real results and savings. The link between economic benefit and bonus awarded is tenuous. Though calculations of the ac- tual economic return are, in principle, to be made following the application of R&D results, they are in practice rarely computed or recorded. The quality of planning and performance are judged only in terms of the plan itself; the planned targets become the evaluative criteria. Hence, a real need exists to build evaluation and adaptation into the Soviet plan- ning and assessment process. In sum, both countries have made progress in broad- ening and refining the criteria for planning and man- aging R&D. There are still difficulties — the uncer- tainties inherent in the R&D process; the lack of gen- erally accepted methods of evaluating the results, effects, or benefits of R&D; gaps in information; loopholes in procedure; the growing complexity of R&D projects. American and Soviet decision makers alike are reaching for more sophisticated analytic tech- niques to improve planning and resource allocation, 320 to specify objectives, and to evaluate alternative ways of accomplishing these goals. In the United States several specialized planning (e.g., PPBS) and project management (e.g., PERT and CPM) methods came into use during the 1960s. They were designed primarily for large development programs in aerospace and defense-related fields — that is, in sectors which operate much like command economies. The magnitude and complexity of these programs demanded sophisticated and high-capacity management control systems. Although only the largest companies and the military use PERT techniques and only on the most com- plex projects, systems thinking is a prominent feature of the research management environment in general in the United States. The inherent uncertainties in R&D and the difficulties of trying to quantify social ben- efits, however, generally rule out the application of highly quantitative systems planning and management techniques. In the USSR a similar systems movement burgeoned in the 1970s. The demand for techniques which view projects in a total systems perspective began to be clearly felt as the regime launched a number of crash development programs to speed technological innova- tion. Formal program-type planning methods appeared along the lines of PERT and other sophisticated Amer- ican models. These techniques were developed, in par- ticular, for application in the complex interbranch S&T programs of national priority, which previously suffered from faulty systems planning and management, and to improve management effectiveness in general. Such sophisticated planning and control techniques are compatible with the Soviet predilection for high- ly structured activities. Used for some time in the defense sector, such methods have not generally been applied in civilian R&D which is constrained by the structural and administrative fragmentation of the re- search-to-production cycle. Formal procedures for multiagency planning, financing, and management are still confined largely to the interbranch programs and complex projects, although a few ministries have 321 also introduced systems planning and programming into their intrabranch operations. Simple evaluative meth- ods and manual calculations are on the whole preferred over highly sophisticated analytic techniques and com- plex mathematical formulas. By and large, the abacus, not the computer, remains the standard tool. In both countries, then, scientific R&D still falls generally into the realm of poorly structured decision problems for which modern systems analysis and scien- tific management techniques are not very useful. Such formal methods have been mainly reserved for massive development projects, especially those resulting in the production and operation of advanced hardware. The unpredictability of fundamental and some applied re- search resists planning and control by such methods. Decision makers in both countries will continue to re- ly on a mix of formal and informal instruments, eval- uation by colleagues, and subjective experience. In short, science policy in both nations will remain an inexact science. INCENTIVES AND OBSTACLES TO INNOVATION The basic systemic differences between the two na- tions foster divergent approaches to another important area of science policy: incentives and obstacles to innovation. Though the United States and the Soviet Union both have special policies and mechanisms in di- rect support of innovation, indirect influences are probably more significant. Forces and government policies bearing on basic economic activity have an effect as well on R&D, whether intentionally or not. By shaping the general economic climate and value sys- tem of management, broadly aimed government actions can stimulate or constrain innovation. Policies de- vised explicitly to promote technological advance or to guide its direction may, in fact, have relatively small influence. 322 This trend holds for both countries but for very different reasons. In the US innovation is more closely woven into the whole economic fabric and cul- ture of the nation than it is in the Soviet Union. The industrial connection is a close one, and Ameri- can R&D, therefore, is powerfully influenced by the general condition of industry. In the USSR general economic policies are of overriding importance pre- cisely because of the separation of R&D from produc- tion. Science and technology have not been driving forces of the Soviet industrial machine. Indeed, the production sector strongly discriminates against in- novation. The supplementary guidance system of spe- cial agencies, plans, budgets, and incentives orien- ted to the advance of S&T still stands largely apart from the primary guidance system for basic economic activity. Science policy continues to have little appreciable impact on the normal processes of econom- ic life in the USSR. At issue in both systems is the problem of balanc- ing the risks and rewards associated with innovation. The balance rests on profits tied to the market in the American setting and bonuses tied to plan fulfill- ment in the Soviet. Both company profits and enter- prise bonuses vary with general organizational perfor- mance, as do the rewards to management. Hence, Soviet industrial managers tend to maximize bonuses as their American counterparts maximize profits. In neither country is the management reward structure attuned to the pace of innovation. Both American and Soviet man- agement work with a short time horizon, and each tends to fall into a profit-^NOW and bonus-NOW syndrome. Ori- entation to production means that innovation consists largely in the adoption of less risky, small size cost-reducing processes rather than the creation of basically new products. Moreover, the problems of in- novation in both countries lie not so much in internal management as in relations with outside organizations, principally with suppliers in the Soviet Union and with customers in the United States. On the whole, the balance of risk and reward in the USSR still tends to work against innovation. Al- 323 though the bonus indicators and decision time frame have been modified recently to make them more hospi- table to innovation, these adjustments have not yet significantly altered the rules structure in favor of technological change. Indeed, the new incentive system itself has become so complex that management is probably more uncertain than before about just what consequences and rewards may be expected from alternative choices. There are still no precise rules to guide decision making. The problem remains one of trying to decide which of the many assigned tasks car- ry the most weight in the minds of one's superiors and must be attended to. In general, the primary success indicators still revolve around the fulfillment of output-related rather than innovation-related tasks. Innovation continues to risk failure to meet the ful- fillment of plan targets for output and brings few rewards for success. Indeed, bonuses for new technol- ogy usually do not compensate for the decline in pri- mary bonuses that inevitably comes with innovation, at least not in the short run. In sum, the special incentive programs -for innovation in the USSR still do not provide a real counterweight to the general incentive structure designed to support current eco- nomic production and technology. The two incentive systems continue to coexist and to contradict each other. In the United States as well innovation continues to be a difficult and dangerous business with a high failure rate. Indeed the balance of risk and reward seems to have settled increasingly on the side of constraint as the general rate of innovation fell in the 1970s. The major barriers are still market-rela- ted uncertainties. Increasing uncertainties about government regulatory policies and future rulings al- so adversely influence market behavior and private S&T initiatives. The growing burden of regulation over the past decade, in fact, has perceptibly slowed the process and increased the cost of innovation in several areas. Given these uncertainties, management usually finds alternative investments that can yield a potential return equivalent to that of R&D and at far less risk. Nonetheless, the rewards for success- 324 ful innovation are substantially greater in the Uni- ted States. . The American system provides better the opportunity, the capacity, and the pressure to inno- vate than the Soviet system in which innovation con- tinues to be looked on mostly as a burden or unneces- sary nuisance. Each system, to be sure, offers certain intangible benefits, but even in the USSR the terms of competi- tion between innovational activity and other alterna- tives are increasingly economic. Indeed, the share of bonuses in managerial income has been steadily ri- sing since the mid-1960s and are a stronger incentive in decision making today than ever before. Differ- ences in national attitudes towards property, however, affect significantly the structure of economic rewards for innovation in the two systems. In the United States private ownership of the results of R&D — and the associated opportunity for major economic gain — creates a powerful incentive to the individual and to the firm. The American patent system, moreover, con- fers a temporary monopoly during which time the in- ventor or innovator can exploit his ideas and protect his competitive edge. Indeed without the protection provided by patent rights many entrepreneurs and in- dustrial firms will simply not take the risks involved in innovation. By contrast proprietary rights over all R&D results in the USSR are held by the State. The inventor or innovator is compensated with a lump sum payment which cannot exceed some fixed maximum. For a single invention the upper limit is 20,000 rubles. Statutory ceilings are also fixed on individual bonus earnings of all kinds so that a person may not re- ceive more than a certain percentage of his base sal- ary. Nor can a person receive in innovation bonuses in any one year more than 1200 rubles. Only planned innovations, moreover, not unplanned ones, are eligi- ble for bonus awards. Indeed there are upper limits on virtually every part of the incentive structure in the Soviet Union. Bonuses for innovation relative to rewards for non- innovation alternatives are also not sufficiently large to provide an effective incentive for a high rate of technological change. In general, 325 the incentive system still rewards competent but con- servative management and offers little for innovation. On the other hand, penalties for non-innovative be- havior are also much greater in the US than in the So- viet Union. Part of the reason lies in the basic dis- similarities between a competitive market economy and a centrally planned economy. In the US, competitive market pressure is a principal driving force behind innovation. If a firm does not respond to the threat posed by the introduction of new technology by com- petitors, it may not only lose its share of the mar- ket but indeed be eliminated altogether. In the US technological change is a major cause of dissolution or bankruptcy of firms. As we have noted, a firm's performance is ultimately judged on the basis of not only its own innovative behavior but that of its com- petitors as well. The need to keep up with, if not ahead of, innovating competitors literally forces American business to innovate. The Soviet system, however, lacks strong sanctions for failure to innovate. The kinds of built-in com- petitive pressures that exist in the American market economy are not present. There is competition, it is true, but socialist competition is a carefully con- trolled exercise in which everyone competes according to plan. There are only winners — and no losers, since losers really lose nothing. Today sanctions imposed when plans are not fulfilled are rarely more severe than modest monetary penalties. The plan for new tech- nology continues to be the one plan in the USSR that is consistently underfulf illed. The economic viabil- ity of the non- innovating enterprise is not automati- cally threatened by the decision not to innovate. So- viet enterprises do not go bankrupt or out of busi- ness. Inefficient plants are not placed in a severe- ly disadvantageous position in relation to innovating establishments. On the contrary, the opposite holds. Just as there is a ceiling on the available rewards for successful innovation, there is also a floor to cushion the risks of failure. The organizational structure protects producers against losses from both 326 their own unsuccessful innovations and the successful innovations of others. Fundamentally, a Soviet organ- ization competes not against other facilities but in- stead against its own past performance record. In ac- cord with the principle of planning from the achieved level, its targets are set predominantly in relation to its own earlier institutional results. This also explains in part why the rate of diffusion of innova- tions is also lower in the USSR than in the United States. New products simply do not drive out old technology under Soviet operating conditions as rapid- ly as they do in a competitive market. Finally, the two systems differ in their capacity to accommodate and discharge the innovation function. In the US large companies are frequently not good at innovation. They exhibit, in fact, the same kinds of vested interests in and preferences for established products and processes, set styles of organizational behavior, and conservative management outlook that characterizes many Soviet organizations. The key role in innovation is played by the small company or tech- nological entrepreneur that is able, again and again, to break into the system with new technology and tech- niques. Although relatively good at innovation, the entrepreneur or small business, however, generally lacks the capabilities to mass produce and market the innovation. These skills lie with the large companies that often become major customers for the high tech- nology products of the small ones. The large compa- nies may also buy the small company since the risk of the established new technology is now diminished. Such a merger permits the parent company to evolve and re- new itself. In general, then, the small innovating firm introduces a healthy competition to established companies. In the USSR such a healthy symbiotic relationship does not exist. Indeed, the system does not provide the conditions of entry whereby the technological en- trepreneur can easily emerge, much less succeed, out- side the network of established institutions and ar- rangements. Under traditional operating practices individuals and organizations who are both capable of 327 and interested in effecting the transition of scien- tific results into application have been lacking. The task of innovation has generally fallen outside the domain of either R&D or production facilities. The critical functions have not received the management attention they deserve. To be sure, the Soviet Union has demonstrated the ability to innovate, but usu- ally in a few select priority areas. It has not de- monstrated a capacity for technological innovation along a broad front. In general, the development of a new product requires either breaking into the sys- tem with the support of higher authorities or creat- ing new organizations outside the regular channels. On the one hand, the rigidities of the existing sys- tem of planning and management are eased by the pri- ority attached to the innovation; on the other hand, they are bypassed altogether. The system simply does not accommodate easily unplanned and unsponsored in- novations from without and from below. INSTITUTIONAL RESPONSES TO NEW COMPLEXITY OF S&T PROBLEMS Science policy is acquiring enhanced importance in both the US and the USSR as each rests its future largely on progress in science and technology. Many of the pressing problems, facing both countries today have strong S&T components as part either of their cause or of their solution. Science and technology are giving new direction and shape not only to nation- al policies but to the international relations of the two superpowers as well. What stands out about the interactions of science, technology, and society is that they are becoming increasingly complex and high- ly contingent in both systems. The major challenge before American and Soviet policy makers alike, then, is how to integrate their science and technology en- terprises to match the complexity of problems to be solved. 328 In neither system, however, are present mechanisms well suited to solve contemporary S&T problems. Each nation has evolved over the years a relatively set- tled division of responsibility among an array of spe- cial administrative agencies and separate performing institutions. But the problems and the solutions in science policy today cut across established bound- aries. Effective problem-solving requires a high lev- el of coordination and cooperation. The multiple par- ticipants in the innovation process need closer rela- tions that still recognize their distinct roles. The creation and administration of such linkages, in turn, demand of both systems a new level of management and of imagination. Though both nations are beset by the mounting com- plexity of S&T problems, the nature and source of com- plexity differ in the two systems as do their evolving institutional responses to overcome the new barriers. In the United States both the public and the private sectors — and their interaction — are growing more com- plex. This complexity acquires added significance as science policy focuses increasingly on solutions of domestic civil sector problems, requiring a more di- verse and less centralized approach than military and space problems. The role of the federal government and of industry in public technology and methods for stimulating innovation to improve the quality and ef- ficiency of public services are unclear. In particu- lar, government regulation has grown as a national concern. The proliferating demands and standards im- posed by government and the costs of regulation are beginning to inhibit seriously both university re- search and industrial innovation. Reform efforts are underway to rationalize the whole regulatory process and to make regulation itself cost-effective by in- troducing and requiring economic analysis and atten- tion to costs in regulation. Underpinning regulatory revision is the need for new approaches to achieving a better balance between risk and benefit. Nonethe- less, basic knowledge about the factors involved is still weak, and there is no agreement about how to measure the costs and benefits associated with this new set of S&T problems. 329 The Soviet Union also faces new complexities in creating an integrated approach to technological in- novation in the domestic civil sector, especially the economy. Integrative capabilities, both analytical and administrative, are much more deficient in civil- ian than in military R&D. The problems of securing collaborative and coordinated actions across depart- mental boundaries are particularly complex and dif- ficult because of the strongly vertical axis of the Soviet system. Yet such cooperation will be neces- sary to accomplish the numerous interbranch develop- ment projects and massive modernization programs re- quired to solve domestic problems. The bureaucracy of government is not congruent with contemporary S&T problems. But Kremlin authorities hope that modern management methods and systems engineering can pro- vide solutions. Given the importance of bureaucratic levers in driving the Soviet innovation process, im- provements are being sought through new administra- tive measures. Although the project planning ap- proach might be good for certain specific programs, it does not seem to be suitable for R&D as a whole. The relevance of R&D to achieving industrial effi- ciency and quality must be assured; at the same time, the general health of science and technology must be maintained. Soviet science policy simply did not have to address these issues, at least not in present terms, earlier. In their approaches to contemporary problems of science policy design and management, both superpow- ers seem to be experimenting to some extent with practices of the other. In the US there is growing concern with centralizing certain functions, such as data storage, while in the USSR attempts are being made to introduce some form of competitive pressure and greater local initiative to stimulate decentral- ized innovation and diffusion. Each system is seek- ing a new balance between centralized and decentral- ized modes of operation without altering, however, its basic system design and approach. As we have seen, many differences between the two systems are rooted in fundamental differences in management phi- 330 losophy, property relations, and social values. These factors tend to rule out certain practices altogether and circumscribe the possibilities of change. It is evident, however, that improved understanding in each country of the other country's approaches is valuable in its own right and creates the opportunity for each to benefit from the other1 s experience and collective knowledge of its citizenry. And with greater mutual understanding it may be possible for both giants to cooperate in solving some of their mutual transnation- al problems through science and technology. 331 * U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1980 327-927/6532 'J