=10 THE SCIENTIFIC PAPERS OF JAMES CLEKK MAXWELL CAMBRIDGE : PRINTED BY a J. CLAY, M.A. AND SONS, AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. ' 6 i - A " b' " p»~~pdydz " ~V dxdy' 201, „ 10, insert // after the differential operator in equation (18). In the Bakerian Lecture at page 18, line 21, the value of - r* is given as 11 12-8, where ] r is the radius of each of the movable discs used iu the experiments on Viscosity. But with the value of the diameter as given at page 4, line 14, this number should be 1220-8. The values of the quantity A in the fourth line of the Table given at page 19 should therefore all be increased by 108. The values of Q, the quantity in the fifth line, increase in the same proportion as the values of A. Hence according to equations (23) and (24) the values of /*, the coefficient of Viscosity, will be smaller than they appear in the text and will approximate to those obtained by more recent experiments. The above inaccuracy in the numerical reductions was pointed out by Mr Leahy, Pembroke College, Cambridge. [From the Philosophical Transactions, Vol. CLVI.] XXVII. THE BAKERIAN LECTURE. — On the Viscosity or Internal Friction of Air and other Gases. Received November 23, 1865,— Read February 8, 1866. THE gaseous form of matter is distinguished by the great simplification which occurs in the expression of the properties of matter when it passes into that state from the solid or liquid form. The simplicity of the relations between density, pressure, and temperature, and between the volume and the number of molecules, seems to indicate that the molecules of bodies, when in the gaseous state, are less impeded by any complicated mechanism than when they subside into the liquid or solid states. The investigation of other properties of matter is therefore likely to be more simple if we begin our research with matter in the form of a gas. The viscosity of a body is the resistance which it offers to a continuous change of form, depending on the rate at which that change is effected. All bodies are capable of having their form altered by the action of suf- ficient forces during a sufficient tune. M. Kohlrausch* has shewn that torsion applied to glass fibres produces a permanent set which increases with the time of action of the force, and that when the force of torsion is removed the fibre slowly untwists, so as to do away with part of the set it had acquired. Softer solids exhibit the phenomena of plasticity in a greater degree ; but the investigation of the relations between the forces and their effects is extremely difficult, as in most cases the state of the solid depends not only on the forces actually impressed on it, but on all the strains to which it has been subjected during its previous existence. * "Ueber die elastische Nachwerkung bei der Torsion," Pogg. Ann. cxix. 1863. VOL. II. 1 OK THE VISCOSITY OB INTERNAL FRICTION Professor W. Thomson • has shewn that something corresponding to internal friction take* place in the torsional vibrations of wires, but that it is much increased if the wire has been previously subjected to large vibrations. I have also found that, after heating a steel wire to a temperature below 120°, ita elasticity was permanently diminished and its internal friction increased. The viscosity of fluids has been investigated by passing them through capillary tubes t, by swinging pendulums in them*, and by the torsional vibra- tions of an immersed disk§, and of a sphere filled with the fluid ||. The method of transpiration through tubes is very convenient, especially for comparative measurements, and in the hands of Graham and Poiseuille it has given good results, but the measurement of the diameter of the tube is difficult, and on account of the smallness of the bore we cannot be certain that the action between the molecules of the gas and those of the substance of the tubes does not affect the result. The pendulum method is capable of great iiccuracy, and I believe that experiments are in progress by which its merits us a means of determining the properties of the resisting medium will be tested. The method of swinging a disk in the fluid is simple and direct. The chief difficulty is the determination of the motion of the fluid near the edge of the disk, which introduces very serious mathematical difficulties into the calculation of the result. The method with the sphere is free from the mathematical difficulty, but the weight of a properly constructed spherical shell makes it un- suitable for experiments on gases. In the experiments on the viscosity of air and other gases which I propose to describe, I have employed the method of the torsional vibrations of disks, but instead of placing them in an open space, I have placed them each between two parallel fixed disks at a small but easily measurable distance, in which case, when the period of vibration is long, the mathematical difficulties of deter- mining the motion of the fluid are greatly reduced. I have also used three * Proceedings of the Royal Society, May 18, 1865. t Liquids : Poiaeuille, Mem. de Savants Etrangert, 1846. Gases : Graham, Philosophical Transactions, 1846 and 1849. t B«ly, Phil Trans. 1832 ; Bessel, Berlin Acad. 1826 ; Dubuat, Principes ' w=Q when y=±b .............................. (11), w = Ccos nt when y = 0, and x is positive. ...(12). I have not succeeded in finding the solution of the equation as it stands, but in the actual experiments the time of oscillation is so long, and the space 1 1 between the disks is so small, that we may neglect - - , and the equation is reduced to (13) with the same conditions. For the method of treating these conditions I am indebted to Professor W. Thomson,, who has shewn me how to transform these conditions into another set with which we are more familiar, namely, u> = 0 when x = 0, and w=l when y = 0, and x is greater than +1, and w= — 1 when x is less than — 1. In this case we know that the lines of equal values of w are hyperbolas, having their foci at the points y = 0, x=±l, and that the solution of the equation is u>= -sin" rr where r,, r, are the distances from the foci. If we put then the lines for which hyperbolas, and = - log y(r, + r,)' - 4 + r, + r,}. TT (14) .(15), is constant will be ellipses orthogonal to the .(16); and the resultant of the friction on -any -arc of a curve will be proportional * Professor Stokes " On the Theories of the Internal Friction of Fluids in Motion, 0 is the value of at the beginning, and <£, at the end of the given arc. In the plane y = 0, when x is very great, be expressed in terms of x and i/ ; the differential equa- tions (13) and (16) will still be true; and when y'=±b, w = 0, and when y* = Q and x' positive, w=l. x' 2 2 When x' is great, <£ = 7- + -log4, and when x' = 0, <£ = -log2, so that the 0 TT TT whole friction on the surface is which is the same as if a portion whose breadth is : - log, 2 had been added TT to the surface at its edge. The curves of equal velocity are represented in fig. 9 at u, v, w, x, y. They pass round the edge of the moving disk AB, and have a set of asymp- totes U, V, W, X, Y, arranged at equal distances parallel to the disks. The curves of equal friction are represented at o, p, q, r, s, t. The form of these curves approximates to that of straight lines as we pass to the left of the edge of the disk. VOL. n. 3 lg ON THE VISCOSITY OB INTERNAL FRICTION The dotted vertical straight lines O, P, Q, R, S, T represent the position of the corresponding lines of equal friction if the disk AB had been accom- panied by an extension of its surface in the direction of B. The total friction on AB, or on any of the curves w, v, w, Ac., is equal to that on a surface extending to the point C, on the supposition that the moving surface has an accompanying surface which completes the infinite plane. In the actual case the moving disk is not a mere surface, but a plate of a certain thickness terminated by a slightly rounded edge. Its section may therefore be compared to the curve uu' rather than to the axis AB. The total friction on the curve is still equal to that on a straight line extending to C, but the velocity corresponding to the curve « is less than that corresponding to the line AB. If the thickness of the disk is 2$, and the distance between the fixed disks = 26, so that the distance of the surfaces is 6 — j8, the breadth of the strip which must be supposed to be added to the surface at the edge will be a = — (19). In calculating the moment of friction on this strip, we must suppose it to be at the same distance from the axis as the actual edge of the disk. Instead of A=*-r* in equation (9), we must therefore put A =-r4 + 27rr'a, aud instead t> ' LI of b we must put b — /8. The actual value of - i* for each surface in inches = 1112'8. £t The value of / in inches and grains was 175337. It was determined by comparing the times of oscillation of the axis and disks without the little magnet, with the times of the brass ring (fig. 4) and of the tube and weights (fig. 7). Four different suspension wires were used in these experiments. The following Table gives the numbers required for the calculation of each of the five Arrangements of the disks. * This result is applicable to the calculation of the electrical capacity of a condenser in the form of a dink between two larger disks at equal distance from it OF AIB AND OTHER GASES. 19 Arrangement Case 1 Case 2 CaseS Case 4 CaseS .A^— number of surfaces 2 2 6 f. c 6 - ft = distance of surfaces 1-0 0-5 0-683 0-4.2'j OOftl7 27T7*3a — effect of ed^e 446-09 235-Q OQO.QK 1 ftfi-7 ft^-1 A = whole moment of each surface . . . N A 1558-9 •003815 1347-8 •007318 1405-75 •01 M 1ft 1299-5 .noo/HQ 1198-9 ,f\A 7fi ,1 A 2/61og«10 V If I is the Napierian logarithmic decrement per second, and L the observed decrement of the common logarithm (to base 10) of the arc in tune T, then L = lT\og1 Fahrenheit is for air /x = -0000 1492 (46 1° + 0°). The value of L was then calculated for each experiment and compared with the observed value. In this way the error of mean square of a single experi- ment was found. The probable error of /x, as determined from the equations, was calculated from this and found to be 0'36 per cent, of its value. In order to estimate the value of the evidence in favour of there being a finite amount of slipping between the disks and the air in contact with them, the value of L for each of the forty experiments was found on ' the supposition that £=•0027 inch and ^ = ('000015419) (461° The error of mean square for each observation was found to be slightly greater than in the former case ; the probable error of ft was 40 per cent., and that of /t = 1 '6 per cent. I have no doubt that the true value of ft is zero, that is, there is no slipping, and that the original value of ft is the best. As the actual observations were very numerous, and the reduction of them would occupy a considerable space in this paper, I have given a specimen of the actual working of one experiment. Table I. shews the readings of the scale as taken down at the tune of observation, with the times of transit of the middle point of the scale after OF AIR AND OTHER GASES. 21 the fifth and sixth readings, with the sum of ten successive amplitudes deduced therefrom. Table II. shews the results of this operation as extended to the rest of experiment 62, and gives the logarithmic decrement for each successive period of ten semivibrations, with the mean time and corresponding mean logarithmic decrement. Table III. shews the method of combining forty experiments of different kinds. The observed decrement depends on two unknown quantities, the viscosity of air and that of the wire. The experiments are grouped together according to the coefficients of p. and K that enter into them, and when the final results have been obtained, the decrements are calculated and compared with the results of observation. The calculated sums of the decrements are given in the last column. Table IV. shews the results of the twelve experiments with the fifth arrange- ment. They are arranged in groups according to the pressure of the air, and it will be seen that the observed values of L are as independent of the pressure as the calculated values, in which the pressure is taken into account only in calculating the value of x in the fifth column. By arranging the values of L — L' in order .of temperature, it was found that within the range of atmo- spheric temperature during the course of the experiments the relation between the viscosity of air and its temperature does not perceptibly differ from that assumed in the calculation. Finally, the experiments were arranged in order of time, to determine whether the viscosity of the wire increased during the experi- ments, as it did when steam was first used to heat the apparatus. There did not appear any decided indication of any alteration in the wire. Table V. gives the resultant value of /A in terms of the different units which are employed in scientific measurements. Note, added February 6, 1866. — In the calculation of the results of the experiments, I made use of an erroneous value of the moment of inertia of the disks and axis =1 '01 2 of the true value, as determined by six series of experi- ments with four suspension wires and two kinds of auxiliary weights. The ii ON THE VISCOSITY OB INTERNAL FKICTION numbers in the coefficients of m in Table IV. are therefore all too large, and the value of p la also too large in the same proportion, and should be /i = -0000 1492 (461' The same error ran through all the absolute values in other parts of the paper afl *ent in to the Royal Society, but to save trouble to the reader I have corrected them where they occur. TABLE I. — -Experiment 62. Arrangement 5. Dry air at pressure 0'55 inch. Temperature 68" F. May 9, 1865. 0MM Male reading Time 8» + LOM scale reading Time 8309 8071 7852 7650 7460 Sam of greater readings 39342 Sam of less do. 10826 m t 1740 1968 2180 2377 2561 10826 m s 28 18-8 27 42-4 Difference 28516 = sum of 10 amplitudes. The .observations were continued in the same way till five sets of readings of this kind were obtained. The following were the results. TABLE II. Time* Stun of ten amplitudes Logarithm Log. decrement b m • 3 28 0-6 34 3-2 40 5-8 46 8-6 52 11-2 28516 19784 13734 9530 6598 4-4550886 4-2963141 4-1377970 3-9790929 3-8194123 0-1587745 0-1585171 0-1587041 0-1596806 Results of experiment 62. Mean time of ten vibrations = 362'G6 Mean log. decrement . . . = O'l 588574. OF AIE AND OTHER GASES. 23 TABLE III. Equations from which u. for air was determined ; m = „ — z . 461 + d Number of experiments Arrangement Result of observation Result of calculation 3. 1 6-3647 TO + 3^ =-00023167 •00022779 3. 2 11 -2893 m + 3^, = -00028280 •00030214 6. 4 71-2412m + 6.£=-00135467 •00133897 4. 1 8-7221 m+ ±K= -00034562 •00034127 3. 2 ll-6680m + 3^= -00031505 •00033335 12. 5 297 -7880 w + lSJT- -00511708 •00512666 3. 4 36-0551 m + 3K = -00069607 •00070159 6. 3 48-8911 m+ 6A,= -00108215 •00105333 Final result /LI* = '00001510 (46T+0) with probable error 0'36 per cent. ^, = •0000439, JTa= '0000524. TABLE IV.-~-Experiments with Arrangement 5. No. of experi- ment Absolute tempe- rature 461° + 0 Pressure, in inches of mercury Time of five double swings, in seconds Correction for inertia of air (1+x) in equation (24) £ = decrement of logarithm of arc in ten single vibrations Diff. Z,-,L' L' calculated L observed 62. 529 0-55 362-66 ) ( •15719 •15886 + 167 77. 516 0-50 362-80 J. 1 - -0000157 \ •15378 •15260 -118 80. 527 0-56 364-04 f I •15648 •15946 + 279 63. 527-5 5-57 362-72 ) ( •15680 •15628 - 52 64. 535 5-97 362-94 V 1- -000157 A •15875 •15838 - 37 81. 516 5-52 363-80 1 ( •15379 •15389 + 10 65. 524 25-58 362-64 } ( •15555 •15422 -133 71. 513 19-87 362-50 V 1 - -000486 < •15299 •15144 -155 72. 514-5 20-31 362-86 \ 1 •15338 •15269 : - 69 75. 517 29-90 363-8 ) ( •15398 •15377 - 21 76. 512-5 29-76 362-89 [ 1- -00058 ^ •15280 •15146 -134 79. 521 28-22 363-9 ) I •15502 •15510 + 8 * This is the result derived from these equations, which is 1 -2 per cent too large. 24 ON THK VISCOSITY OB INTERNAL FRICTION TABLE V. — Results. Coefficient of viscosity in dry air. Units — the inch, grain, and second, and Fahrenheit temperature, ft, = -00001 492 (461 + 6) = '006876 + '00001490. At 60* F." the mean temperature of the experiments, p = '007763. Taking the foot as unit instead of the inch, /t = '000179 (461 +6). In metrical units (metre, gramme, second, and Centigrade temperature), ,t = -01878(1 + -003650). The coefficient of viscosity of other gases is to be found from that of air by multiplying /t by the ratio of the transpiration time of the gas to that of air as determined by Graham*. f POSTSCRIPT. — Received December 7, 1865. Since the above paper was communicated to the Royal Society, Professor Stokes has directed my attention to a more recent memoir of M. O. E. Meyer, "Ueber die innere Reibung der Gase," in Poggendorffs Anncden, cxxv. (1865). M. Meyer has compared the values of the coefficient of viscosity deduced from the experiments of Baily by Stokes, with those deduced from the experiments of Bessel and of Girault. These values are '000104, '000275, and -000384 respectively, the units being the centimetre, the gramme, and the second. M. Meyer's own experiments were made by swinging three disks on a vertical axis in an air-tight vessel. The disks were sometimes placed in contact, and sometimes separate, so as to expose either two or six surfaces to the action of the air. The difference of the logarithmic decrement of oscillation in these two arrangements was employed to determine the viscosity of the air. The effects of the resistance of the air on the axis, mirror, &c., and of the viscosity of the suspending wires are thus eliminated. The calculations are made on the supposition that the moving disks are so far from each other and from the surface of the receiver which contains them, that the effect of the air upon each is the same as if it were in an infinite space. At the distance of 30 millims., and with a period of oscillation of fourteen seconds, the mutual effect of the disks would be very small in air at the * Philosophical Transactions, 1849. VOL. II PLATE IX. Fig- 1. [ S R Q P 0 To />«•" pric/r 24 Cambridge University J'ress OP AIR AND OTHER GASES. 25 ordinary pressure. In November 1863 I made a series of experiments with an arrangement of three brass disks placed on a vertical axis exactly as in M. Meyer's experiments, except that I had then no air-tight apparatus, and the disks were protected from currents of air by a wooden box only. I attempted to determine the viscosity of air by means of the observed mutual action between the disks at various distances. I obtained the values of this mutual action for distances under 2 inches, but I found that the results were so much involved with the unknown motion of the air near the edge of the disks, that I could place no dependence on the results unless I had a complete mathematical theory of the motion near the edge. In M. Meyer's experiments the time of vibration is shorter than in most of mine. This will diminish the effect of the edge in comparison with the total effect, but in rarefied air both the mutual action and the effect of the edge are much increased. In his calculations, however, the effect of the three edges of the disks is supposed to be the same, whether they are in contact or sepa- rated. This, I think, will account for the large value which he has obtained for the viscosity, and for the fact that with the brass disks which vibrate in 14 seconds, he finds the apparent viscosity diminish as the pressure diminishes, while with the glass disks which vibrate in 8 seconds it first increases and then diminishes. M. Meyer concludes that the viscosity varies much less than the pressure, and that it increases slightly with increase of temperature. He finds the value of p, in metrical units (centimetre-gramme-second) at various temperatures, Temperature. Viscosity. 8°-3 C. '000333 21'-5 C. '000323 34°-4 C. -000366 In my experiments, in which fixed disks are interposed between the moving ones, the calculation is not involved in so great difficulties ; and the value of /u, is deduced directly from the observations, whereas the experiments of M. Meyer give only the value of -J^p, from which \L must be determined. For these reasons I prefer the results deduced from experiments with fixed disks inter- posed between the moving ones. M. Meyer has also given a mathematical theory of the internal friction of gases, founded on the dynamical theory of gases. I shall not say anything of this part of his paper, as I wish to confine myself to the results of experiment. VOL. II. 4 [From the Philosophical Transactions, Vol. CLVH.] XXVIII. On the Dynamical Theory of Gases. (Received May 16,— Read May 31, 1866.) THEORIES of the constitution of bodies suppose them either to be continuous and homogeneous, or to be composed of a finite number of distinct particles or molecules. In certain applications of mathematics to physical questions, it is convenient to suppose bodies homogeneous in order to make the quantity of matter in each differential element a function of the co-ordinates, but I am not aware that any theory of this kind has been proposed to account for the different properties of bodies. Indeed the properties of a body supposed to be a uniform ^/e/iwm may be affirmed dogmatically, but cannot be explained mathematically. Molecular theories suppose that all bodies, even when they appear to our senses homogeneous, consist of a multitude of particles, or small parts the mechanical relations of which constitute the properties of the bodies. Those theories which suppose that the molecules are at rest relative to the body may be called statical theories, and those which suppose the molecules to be in motion, even while the body is apparently at rest, may be called dynamical theories. If we adopt a statical theory, and suppose the molecules of a body kept at rest in their positions of equilibrium by the action of forces in the directions of the lines joining their centres, we may determine the mechanical properties of a body so constructed, if distorted so that the displacement of each molecule is a function of its co-ordinates when in equilibrium. It appears from the mathe- matical theory of bodies of this kind, that the forces called into play by a small change of form must always bear a fixed proportion to those excited by a small change of volume. THE DYNAMICAL THEORY OF GASES. 27 Now we know that in fluids the elasticity of form is evanescent, while that of volume is considerable. Hence such theories will not apply to fluids. In solid bodies the elasticity of form appears in many cases to be smaller in proportion to that of volume than the theory gives*, so that we are forced to give up the theory of molecules whose displacements are functions of their co-ordinates when at rest, even in the case of 'solid bodies. The theory of moving molecules, on the other hand, is not open to these objections. The mathematical difficulties in applying the theory are considerable, and till they are surmounted we cannot fully decide on the applicability of the theory. We are able, however, to explain a great variety of phenomena by the dynamical theory which have not been hitherto explained otherwise. The dynamical theory supposes that the molecules of solid bodies oscillate about their positions of equilibrium, but do not travel from one position to another in the body. In fluids the molecules are supposed to be constantly moving into new relative positions, so that the same molecule may travel from one part of the fluid to any other part. In liquids the molecules are supposed to be always under the action of the forces due to neighbouring molecules throughout their course, but in gases the greater part of the path of each molecule is supposed to be sensibly rectilinear and beyond the sphere of sensible action of the neighbouring molecules. I propose in this paper to apply this theory to the explanation of various properties of gases, and to shew that, besides accounting for the relations of pressure, density, and temperature in a single gas, it affords a mechanical explanation of the known chemical relation between the density of a gas and its equivalent weight, commonly called the Law of Equivalent Volumes. It also explains the diffusion of one gas through another, the internal friction of a gass and the conduction of heat through gases. The opinion that the observed properties of visible bodies apparently at rest are due to the action of invisible molecules in rapid motion is to be found in Lucretius. In the exposition which he gives of the theories of Democritus as modified by Epicurus, he describes the invisible atoms as all moving downwards with equal velocities, which, at quite uncertain times and places, suffer an imperceptible change, just enough to allow of occasional collisions taking place * In glass, according to Dr Everett's second series of experiments (1866), the ratio of the elasticity of form to that of volume is greater than that given by the theory. In brass and steel it is less.— March 7, 1867. 4—2 28 THE DYNAMICAL THEORY OF OASES. between the atoms. These atoms he supposes to set small bodies in motion by an action of which we may form some conception by looking at the motes in a sunbeam. The language of Lucretius must of course be interpreted according to the physical ideas of his age, but we need not wonder that it suggested to Le Sage the fundamental conception of his theory of gases, as well as his doctrine of ultramundane corpuscles. Professor Clausius, to whom we owe the most extensive developments of the dynamical theory of gases, has given* a list of authors who have adopted or given countenance to any theory of invisible particles in motion. Of these, Daniel Bernoulli, in the tenth section of his Hydrodynamics, distinctly explains the pressure of air by the impact of its particles on the sides of the vessel containing it. Clausius also mentions a book entitled Deux Traites de Physique Mfoanique, publics par Pierre Prevost, comme simple Editeur du premier et comme Auteur du second, Geneve et Paris, 1818. The first memoir is by G. Le Sage, who explains gravity by the impact of " ultramundane corpuscles " on bodies. These corpuscles also set in motion the particles of light and various ethereal media, which in their turn act on the molecules of gases and keep up their motions. His theory of impact is faulty, but his explanation of the expansive force of gases is essentially the same as in the dynamical theory as it now stands. The second memoir, by Prevost, contains new applications of the principles of Le Sage to gases and to light. A more extensive application of the theory of moving molecules was made by Herapathf. His theory of the collisions of perfectly hard bodies, such as he supposes the molecules to be, is faulty, inasmuch as it makes the result of impact depend on the absolute motion of the bodies, so that by experiments on such hard bodies (if we could get them) we might determine the absolute direction and velocity of the motion of the earth J. This author, however, has applied his theory to the numerical results of experiment in many cases, and his speculations are always ingenious, and often throw much real light on the questions treated. In particular, the theory of temperature and pressure in gases and the theory of diffusion are clearly pointed out. * PoggendorflTs Annalen, Jan. 1862. Translated by G. C. Foster, B.A., Phil. Mag. June, 1862. t Mathematical Physics, t' the molecules will depend on the amount of internal energy in each molecule before the encounter, and on the particular form of that energy at every instant during the mutual action. We have no means of determining such intricate actions in the present state of our knowledge of molecules, so that we must content ourselves with the assumption that the value of 0 is, on an average, the same as for pure centres of force, and that the final velocities differ from the initial velocities only by quantities which may in each collision be neglected, although in a great many encounters the energy of translation and the internal energy of the molecules arrive, by repeated small exchanges, at a final ratio, which we shall suppose to be that of 1 to ft— 1. We may now determine the final velocity of M, after it has passed beyond the sphere of mutual action between itself and Mt. Let V be the velocity of J/, relative to Mt, then the components of V are The plane of the orbit is that containing V and b. Let this plane be inclined ^ to a plane containing V and parallel to the axis of x ; then, since the direction of V is turned round an angle 20 in the plane of the orbit, while its magnitude remains the same, we may find the value of f, after the encounter. Calling it £',, ~ sn * cos THE DYNAMICAL THEORY OF GASES. 37 There will be similar expressions for the components of the final velocity of Ml in the other coordinate directions. If we know the initial positions and velocities of Ml and Mt we can determine V, the velocity of Mr relative to Jf2; b the shortest distance between M! and Mt if they had continued to move with uniform velocity in straight lines ; and the angle which determines the plane in which V and b lie. From V and 6 we can determine 6, if we know the law of force, so that the problem is solved in the case of two molecules. When we pass from this case to that of two systems of moving molecules, we shall suppose that the time during which a molecule is beyond the action of other molecules is so great compared with the time during which it is deflected by that action, that we may neglect both the time and the distance described by the molecules during the encounter, as compared with the time and the distance described while the molecules are free from disturbing force. We may also neglect those cases in which three or more molecules are within each other's spheres of action at the same instant. On the Mutual Action of Two Systems of Moving Molecules. Let the number of molecules of the first kind in unit of volume be Nlt the mass of each being M^ The velocities of these molecules will in general be different both in magnitude and direction. Let us select those molecules the components of whose velocities lie between £ and & + d£, 17, and 17, + drjl} £, and £, + d£lt and let the number of these molecules be dN^. The velocities of these molecules will be very nearly equal and parallel. On account of the mutual actions of the molecules, the number of mole- cules which at a given instant have velocities within given limits will be definite, so that dNt*fi(fatt*t&& (a). We shall consider the form of this function afterwards. Let the number of molecules of the second kind in unit of volume be Nt, and let dN3 of these have velocities between £, and & + d£3, 77, and £, and £, + cZ£.,, where 38 TH» DYNAMICAL THEORY OF OASES. The Telocity of any of the dNt molecules of the first system relative to the dtft molecules of the second system is V, and each molecule J/, will in the time & describe a relative path F& among the molecules of the second system. Conceive a space bounded by the following surfaces. Let two cylindrical Mrfew* have the common axis F& and radii b and b + db. Let two planes be drawn through the extremities of the line V8t perpendicular to it. Finally, let two planes be drawn through VSt making angles tf> and + (/»/> with a plane through V parallel to the axis of x. Then the volume included between the four planes and the two cylindric surfaces will be Vbdbd between and + d. Since there are <&V, molecules similar to 3f, and cZiV, similar to Mt in unit of volume, the whole number of encounters of the given kind between the two systems will be Now let Q be any property of the molecule Mlt such as its velocity in a given direction, the square or cube of that velocity or any other property of the molecule which is altered in a known manner by an encounter of the given kind, so that Q becomes Qf after the encounter, then during the time 8< a certain number of the molecules of the first kind have Q changed to Q', while the remainder retain the original value of Q, so that 8QdN, = ( from = 0 to ^ = 2rr. 2nd, with respect to b from 6 = 0 to 6 = oo . These operations will give THE DYNAMICAL THEOUY OF GASES. 39 the results of the encounters of every kind between the eZ-ZV, and dNt mole- cules. 3rd, with respect to dN^, or /„ ($ai)tQ d&d^dt,,. 4th, with respect to dN1} or £ (fi^i) d^d^d^. These operations require in general a knowledge of the forms of /, and /,. 1st. Integration with respect to . Since the action between the molecules is the same in whatever plane it P* takes place, we shall first determine the value of (Q' — Q)d and Q^f^V + '?? + £?); then putting fr + ^ + tt = V?, £& + ^.1?. + O. = ^ and (£-£)' + fo - ^)2 + & -£,)'=F', we find + f ^^V (8ir 8in' 0 - STT sin' 20) 2 (£-£)( Z7- F,2 \M1 + MJ (M \" saFJ(87rsi + U»-rVr ) (Sir sins 0 - 2ir sin' 20) 2 (£ - £) Fa 40 THE DYNAMICAL THEORY OF OASES. Theae are the principal functions of (, r), f whose changes we shall have to consider; we shall indicate them by the symbols a, /8, or y, according as the function of the velocity is of one, two, or three dimensions. 2nd. Integration with respect to b. We have next to multiply these expressions by bdb, and to integrate with respect to 6 from 6 = 0 to b = . We must bear in mind that 6 is a function of 6 and V, and can only be determined when the law of force is known. In the expressions which we have to deal with, 6 occurs under two forms only, namely, sin' 6 and sin1 20. If, therefore, we can find the two values of B,= \ tirbdbBm*0, and Bt= f° irbdb sin* 26 (8), Jo Jo we can integrate all the expressions with respect to 6. Bl and Bt will be functions of V only, the form of which we can determine only in particular cases, after we have found 6 as a function of b and V. Determination of B for certain laws of Force. Let us assume that the force between the molecules Mt and Mt is repul- sive and varies inversely as the nth power of the distance between them, the value of the moving force at distance unity being K, then we find by the equation of central orbits, n-l\aj where x = - , or the ratio of b to the distance of the molecules at a given time : x is therefore a numerical quantity ; a is also a numerical quantity and is given by the equation The limits of integration are x = 0 and x = x', where x' is the least positive root of the equation THE DYNAMICAL THEORY OF GASES. 41 It is evident that 6 is a function of a and w, and when n is known 6 may be expressed as a function of a only. so that if we put r= I 4:irada sin2 0, A3= I vada sin2 20 ................ (13), Jo Jo .4! and A, will be definite numerical quantities which may be ascertained when n is given, and Bl and S, may be found by multiplying 4, and A3 by Before integrating further we have to multiply by V, so that the form in which V will enter into the expressions which have to be integrated with respect to dNt and dNt will be It will be shewn that we have reason from experiments on the viscosity of gases to believe that n = 5. In this case V will disappear from the expres- sions of the form (3), and they will be capable of immediate integration with respect to dNl and dNt. If we assume n = 5 and put a* = 2 cot" 2<^> and x = Jl — tan1 <£ cos «|>, IT /"I fijj ^-0Wcos2(f> /, . , .-s-rr 2 r J o v 1 -^ sin

....................... (30). THE DYNAMICAL THEORY OF GASES. 47 4th. The mean value of f4 is ^4 = |a4 ................................. (31). 5th. The mean value of £y is |y = ia4 ................................. (32). 6th. When there are two systems of molecules Mjaf =M& .................................. (33), whence Mj)? = Mtv; .................................. (34), or the mean vis viva of a molecule will be the same in each system. This is a very important result in the theory of gases, and it is independent of the nature of the action between the molecules, as are all the other results relating to the final distribution of velocities. We shall find that it leads to the law of gases known as that of Equivalent Volumes. Variation of Functions of the Velocity due to encounters between the Molecules. 80 We may now proceed to write down the values of -~— in the different cases. We shall indicate the mean value of any quantity for all the molecules of one kind by placing a bar over the symbol which represents that quantity for any particular molecule, but in expressions where all such quantities are to be taken at their mean values, we shall, for convenience, omit the bar. We shall use the symbols 81 and 8., to indicate the effect produced by molecules of the first kind and second kind respectively, and S3 to indicate the effect of external forces. We shall also confine ourselves to the case in which « = 5, since it is not only free from mathematical difficulty, but is the only case which is consistent with the laws of viscosity of gases. In this case V disappears, and we have for the effect of the second system on the first, where the functions of £ rj, £ in j(O/-Q)d must be put equal to their mean values for all the molecules, and A1 or A^ must be put for A according as sin* Q or sin" 20 occurs in the expressions in equations (4), (5), (6), (7). We thus obtain w "'-'*^'*-6' ................................. (36); 4g THE DYNAMICAL THEORY OP OASES. + AtMt(rh-rll + {.-£, -2£^?, (37); ( Jf, - Jf.) (f ,17, + &»,)} - 3AJI . (£ - (39), using the symbol 8, to indicate variations arising from the action of molecules of the second system. These are the values of the rate of variation of the mean values of £• f'i (itn ^d £|P?> for the molecules of the first kind due to their encounters with molecules of the second kind. In all of them we must multiply up all functions of £, 17, £, and take the mean values of the products so found. As this has to be done for all such functions, I have omitted the bar over each function in these expressions. To find the rate of variation due to the encounters among the particles of the same system, we have only to alter the suffix (t) into (J) throughout, and to change K, the coefficient of the force between Ml and Mt into Klt that of the force between two molecules of the first system. We thus find (42); THE DYNAMICAL THEORY OF GASES. 49 S£F2 f K \ i \ Pigi^ i / Jxi \ MW A Q /£ p-2_£]7 »*' 80 \2J.f7 ^ Zi'i These quantities must be added to those in equations (36) to (39) in order to get the rate of variation in the molecules of the first kind due to their encounters with molecules of both systems. When there is only one kind of molecules, the latter equations give the rates of variation at once. On the Action of External Forces on a System of Moving Molecules. We shall suppose the external force to be like the force of gravity, pro- ducing equal acceleration on all the molecules. Let the components of the force in the three coordinate directions be X, Y, Z. Then we have by dynamics for the variations of £ £2, and £F2 due to this cause, .(44); .(45); ^ = r,X+tY (46); (47); v" St where S3 refers to variations due to the action of external forces. On the Total rate of change of the different functions of the velocity of the mole- cules of the first system arising from their encounters with molecules of both systems and from the action of external forces. To find the total rate of change arising from these causes, we must add S,,~i {2Al .(53). (y) As the expressions for the variation of functions of three dimensions in mixed media are complicated, and as we shall not have occasion to use them, I shall give the case of a single medium, X (54). THE DYNAMICAL THEORY OF GASES. 51 Theory of a Medium composed of Moving Molecules. We shall suppose the position of every moving molecule referred to three rectangular axes, and that the component velocities of any one of them, resolved in the directions of x, y, z, are where u, v, w are the components of the mean velocity of all the molecules which are at a given instant in a given element of volume, and £ 77, £ are the components of the relative velocity of one of these molecules with respect to the mean velocity. The quantities u, v, w may be treated as functions of x, y, z, and t, in which case differentiation will be expressed by the symbol d. The quantities £ rj, £, being different for every molecule, must be regarded as functions of t for each molecule. Their variation with respect to t will be indicated by the symbol 8. The mean values of £* and other functions of f, 77, £ for all the molecules in the element of volume may, however, be treated as functions of x, y, z, and t. If we consider an element of volume which always moves with the velocities u, v, w, we shall find that it does not always consist of the same molecules, because molecules are continually passing through its boundary. We cannot therefore treat it as a mass moving with the velocity u, v, w, as is done in hydrodynamics, but we must consider separately the motion of each molecule. When we have occasion to consider the variation of the properties of this element during its motion as a function of the time we shall use the symbol 9. We shall call the velocities u, v, w the velocities of translation of the medium, and f, 77, £ the velocities of agitation of the molecules. Let the number of molecules in the element dx dy dz be JV dx dy dz, then we may call N the number of molecules in unit of volume. If M is the mass of each molecule, and p the density of the element, then p ....................................... (55). Transference of Quantities across a Plane Area, We must next consider the molecules which pass through a given plane of unit area in unit of time, and determine the quantity of matter, of momentum, 7—2 J3 THE DYNAMICAL THEORY OF of heat, Ac. which is transferred from the negative to the positive side of this plane in unit of time. We shall first divide the N molecules in unit of volume into classes according to the value of (, 17, and £ for each, and we shall suppose that the number of molecules in unit of volume whose velocity in the direction of x lies between £ and (+ + £)p + tEp ..................... (66). The first term gives the energy due to the motion of translation of the medium in mass, the second that due to the agitation of the centres of gravity of the molecules, and the third that due to the internal motion of the parts of each molecule. THE DYNAMICAL THEORY OP GASES. 55 If we assume with Clausius that the ratio of the mean energy of internal motion to that of agitation tends continually towards a definite value (ft — I), we may conclude that, except in very violent disturbances, this ratio is always preserved, so that E = (p-l)(?+if + ?) ........................ (67). The total energy of the invisible agitation in unit of volume will then be WP + tf + P) ................................. (68), or f£p ............................... „'..; ......... (69). This energy being in the form of invisible agitation, may be called the total heat in the unit of volume of the medium. (y) Transference of Energy across a Plane — Conduction of Heat* Putting C = i/8(p + V + p)Jf, and u = u' ........................ (70), we find for the quantity of heat carried over the unit of area by conduction in unit of time where f , &c. indicate the mean values of £*> &c> They are always small quantities. On the Rate of Variation of Q in an Element of Volume, Q being any property of the Molecules in that Element. Let Q be the value of the quantity for any particular molecule, and Q the mean value of Q for all the molecules of the same kind within the element. The quantity Q may vary from two causes. The molecules within the element may by their mutual action or by the action of external forces produce an alteration of Q, or molecules may pass into the element and out of it, and so cause an increase or diminution of the value of Q within it. If we employ the symbol 8 to denote the variation of Q due to actions of the first kind on the individual molecules, and the symbol 3 to denote the actual variation of Q in an element moving with the mean velocity of the system of molecules under 56 TOE DYNAMICAL THEORY OF OASES. uderation, then by the ordinary investigation of the increase or diminution or matter in an element of volume as contained in treatises on Hydrodynamics, (72), where the last three terms are derived from equation (59) and two similar equations, and denote the quantity of Q which flows out of an element of volume, that element moving with the velocities u', v't w'. If we perform the differen- tiations and then make u' = «, v' = v, and w' = w, then the variation will be that in an element which moves with the actual mean velocity of the system of molecules, and the equation becomes Equation of Continuity. Put Q = M the mass of a molecule ; M is unalterable, and we have, putting MN=p, (du dv dw\ <74>> which is the ordinary equation of continuity in hydrodynamics, the element being supposed to move with the velocity of the fluid. Combining this equa- tion wi£h that from which it was obtained, we find a more convenient form of the general equation. Equations of Motion (a). To obtain the Equation of Motion in the direction of x, put Q = MJ(ul + (l), the momentum of a molecule in the direction of x. 80 We obtain the value of ^ from equation (51), and the equation may be written ~ dz (P® = ^V-P. K ~ «0 + Xfr. -(76). THE DYNAMICAL THEORY OF GASES. 57 In this equation the first term denotes the efficient force per unit of volume, the second the variation of normal pressure, the third and fourth the variations of tangential pressure, the fifth the resistance due to the molecules of a different system, and the sixth the external force acting on the system. The investigation of the values of the second, third, and fourth terms must be deferred till we consider the variations of the second degree. Condition of Equilibrium of a Mixture of Gases. In a state of equilibrium u^ and Ma vanish, p^* becomes plt and the tan- gential pressures vanish, so that the equation becomes <">• which is the equation of equilibrium in ordinary hydrostatics. This equation, being true of the system of molecules forming the first medium independently of the presence of the molecules of the second system, shews that if several kinds of molecules are mixed together, placed in a vessel and acted on by gravity, the final distribution of the molecules of each kind will be the same as if none of the other kinds had been present. This is the same mode of distribution as that which Dalton considered to exist in a mixed atmosphere in equilibrium, the law of diminution of density of each constituent gas being the same as if no other gases were present. This result, however, can only take place after the gases have been left for a considerable time perfectly undisturbed. If currents arise so as to mix the strata, the composition of the gas will be made more uniform throughout. The result at which we have arrived as to the final distribution of gases, when left to themselves, is independent of the law of force between the molecules. Diffusion of Gases. If the motion of the gases is slow, we may still neglect the tangential pressures. The equation then becomes for the first system of molecules . p^ + ^kA^p^-u^ + Xp, ................... (78), VOL. II. 8 58 THE DYNAMICAL THEORY OF OASES. and for the second, (79). In all cases of quiet diffusion we may neglect the first term of each equation. If we then put Pt+p,=p, and /», + />, = /», we find by adding, (80). If we also put pltil +ptut=pu, then the volumes transferred in opposite direc- tions across a plane moving with velocity u will be equal, so that Here pt (u, — u) is the volume of the first gas transferred in unit of time across unit of area of the plane reduced to pressure unity, and at the actual temperature; and p,(u — u,) is the equal volume of the second gas transferred across the same area in the opposite direction. The external force X has very little effect on the quiet diffusion of gases in vessels of moderate size. We may therefore leave it out in our definition of the coefficient of diffusion of two gases. When two gases not acted on by gravity are placed in different parts of a vessel at equal pressures and temperatures, there will be mechanical equi- librium from the first, and u will always be zero. This will also be approxi- mately true of heavy gases, provided the denser gas is placed below the lighter. Mr Graham has described in his paper on the Mobility of Gases*, experiments which were made under these conditions. A vertical tube had its lower tenth part filled with a heavy gas, and the remaining nine-tenths with a lighter gas. After the lapse of a known time the upper tenth part of the tube was shut off, and the gas in it analyzed, so as to determine the quantity of the heavier gas which had ascended into the upper tenth of the tube during the given time. In this case we have « = 0 .................................. (82), P>P* 1 fa /Q0\ plpJcA>pdx- * Philosophical Transactions, 1863. THE DYNAMICAL THEORY OF GASES. 59 and by the equation of continuity, dp, d , 3?+sfc*>-° (84)> whence 1 dt p1pJcAl p da? or if we put D = ,\ . p dt ' The solution of this equation is If the length of the tube is a, and if it is closed at both ends, -— t TTX — t irx ** a "a -\ )' where Clt Cv (7, are to be determined by the condition that when t = Q, pl=p, from x = 0 to x = -foci, and p1 = 0 from x = -faa to x = a. The general expression for the case in which the first gas originally extends from x = 0 to x = b, and in which after a time t the gas from x = 0 to x = c is collected, is », 6 2a f -*?t . irb . ire 1 -t'-^t . 2nb . 2irc } -*-=-+- \e °' sin— sin— +—.e a" sm — sin- +&C.V (89), p a ir*c { a a 2' aa j tn where ' • is the proportion of the first gas to the whole in the portion from x = Q to x = c. In Mr Graham's experiments, in which one-tenth of the tube was filled with the first gas, and the proportion of the first gas in the tenth of the tube at the other end ascertained after a time t, this proportion will be We find for a series of values of — taken at equal intervals of time T, P m log, 10 a" where 7 = • . . . •• -^ . 8—2 (0 THE DYNAMICAL THEORY OF OASES. Time. $• 0 0 T -01193 2T '02305 3J -03376 4T -04366 5T -05267 671 '06072 -07321 -08227 -08845 oo -10000 Mr Graham's experiments on carbonic acid and air, when compared with this Table, give T=500 seconds nearly for a tube 0'57 metre long. Now log, 10 a' ,. 1 " T whence D = -0235 for carbonic acid and air, in inch-grain-second measure Definition of the Coefficient of Diffusion. D is the volume of gas reduced to unit of pressure which passes in unit of time through unit of area when the total pressure is uniform and equal to p, and the pressure of either gas increases or diminishes by unity in unit of distance. D may be called the coefficient of diffusion. It varies directly as the square of the absolute temperature, and inversely as the total pressure p. The dimensions of D are evidently DT~l, where L and T are the standards of length and time. In considering this experiment of the interdiffusion of carbonic acid and air, we have assumed that air is a simple gas. Now it is well known that the constituents of air can be separated by mechanical means, such as passing them through a porous diaphragm, as in Mr Graham's experiments on Atmolysis. THE DYNAMICAL THEORY OP GASES. 61 The discussion of the interdiffusion of three or more gases leads to a much more complicated equation than that which we have found for two gases, and it is not easy to deduce the coefficients of interdiffusion of the separate gases. It is therefore to be desired that experiments should be made on the inter- diffusion of every pair of the more important pure gases which do not act chemically on each other, the temperature and pressure of the mixture being noted at the time of experiment. Mr Graham has also published in Brande's Journal for 1829, pt. 2, p. 74, the results of experiments on the diffusion of various gases out of a vessel through a tube into air. The coefficients of diffusion deduced from these ex- periments are — Air and Hydrogen '026216 Air and Marsh-gas , '010240 Air and Ammonia... '00962 Air and Olefiant gas '00771 Air and Carbonic acid '00682 Air and Sulphurous acid '00582 Air and Chlorine '00486 The value for carbonic acid is only one third of that deduced from the experiment with the vertical column. The inequality of composition of the mixed gas in different parts of the vessel is, however, neglected ; and the dia^ meter of the tube at the middle part, where it was bent, was probably less than that given. Those experiments on diffusion which lasted ten hours, all give smaller values of D than those which lasted four hours, and this would also result from the mixture of the gases in the vessel being imperfect. Interdiffusion through a small hole. When two vessels containing different gases are connected by a small hole; the mixture of gases in each vessel will be nearly uniform except near the hole ; and the inequality of the pressure of each gas will extend to a distance from the hole depending on the diameter of the hole, and nearly proportional to that diameter. n THE DYNAMICAL THEORY OF O Henoe in the equation .(92) the term j* will vary inversely as the diameter of the hole, while «, and u, will not vary considerably with the diameter. Hence when the hole is very small the right-hand side of the equation may be neglected, and the flow of either gas through the hole will be inde- pendent of the flow of the other gas, as the term kAp1pt(ut — ut) becomes com- paratively insignificant. One gas therefore will escape through a very fine hole into another nearly as fast as into a vacuum ; and if the pressures are equal on both sides, the volumes diffused will be as the square roots of the specific gravities inversely, which is the law of diffusion of gases established by Graham*. Variation of the invisible agitation (y8). By putting for Q in equation (75) (93), and eliminating by means of equations (76) and (52), we find fdv, iT. i du\ .. fdu, dv\ _ f d .(94). In this equation the first term represents the variation of invisible agitation or heat ; the second, third, and fourth represent the cooling by expansion ; the * Trans. Royal Society of Edinburgh, Vol. XH. p. 222. THE DYNAMICAL THEORY OF GASES. 63 fifth, sixth, and seventh the heating effect of fluid friction or viscosity ; and the last the loss of heat by conduction. The quantities on the other side of the equation represent the thermal effects of diffusion, and the communication of heat from one gas to the other. The equation may be simplified in various cases, which we shall take in order. 1st. Equilibrium of Temperature between two Gases. — Law of Equivalent Volumes. We shall suppose that there is no motion of translation, and no transfer of heat by conduction through either gas. The equation (94) is then reduced to the following form, If we put W-g, ....... (%), we find (Qt-Ql)=--(M^, + MlPA}(Qt-Ql} ......... (97), 1 Q,-Q>=Ce-°<, where n = (MtpA + M^,) - ....... (98). -- If, therefore, the gases are in contact and undisturbed, Q1 and Q, will rapidly become equal. Now the state into which two bodies come by exchange of invisible agitation is called equilibrium of heat or equality of temperature- Hence when two gases are at the same temperature, Q1 = Q, .................................... (99), 64 THE DYNAMICAL THEORY OF OASES. Hence if the pressures as well as the temperatures be the same in two — = — (100), />. P. or the mnnnnn of the individual molecules are proportional to the density of the gas. This result, by which the relative masses of the molecules can be deduced from the relative densities of the gases, was first arrived at by Gay-Lussac from chemical considerations. It is here shewn to be a necessary result of the Dynamical Theory of Gases ; and it is so, whatever theory we adopt as to the nature of the action between the individual molecules, as may be seen by equation (34), which is deduced from perfectly general assumptions as to the nature of the law of force. We may therefore henceforth put - ! for -^ , where su s, are the specific Oj JU. j gravities of the gases referred to a standard gas. If we use 6 to denote the temperature reckoned from absolute zero of a gas thermometer, M, the mass of a molecule of hydrogen, F0' its mean square of velocity at temperature unity, s the specific gravity of any other gas referred to hydrogen, then the mass of a molecule of the other gas is M=M0s (101). Its mean square of velocity, V* = - V*6 (102). Pressure of the gas, P = $-0Vt* (103). We may next determine the amount of cooling by expansion. Cooling by Expansion. Let the expansion be equal in all directions, then du_dv_dw_ 1 dp and -r- and all terms of unsymmetrical form will be zero. THE DYNAMICAL THEORY OF GASES. §5 If the mass of gas is of the same temperature throughout there will be no conduction of heat, and the equation (94) will become 2-£ = 3/3-=3/3 ........................ (106), which gives the relation between the density and the temperature in a gas expanding without exchange of heat with other bodies. We also find dp _ 8p 80 P " P " e _2 + 3^9p ~W~ 7' }> which gives the relation between the pressure and the density. Specific Heat of Unit of Mass at Constant Volume. The total energy of agitation of unit of mass is £/JF3 = £Z?, or *-¥* <«>•>• If, now, additional energy in the form of heat be communicated to it without changing its density, a*. ?£ &»?££* (no). 2/3 2 p 6 Hence the specific heat of unit of mass of constant volume is in dynamical measure **.-*££. (in) ~a0 " 2 P0 VOL. II. THB DYNAMICAL THEORY OF OASBS. Sj*cijic Heat of Unit of Mass at Constant Pressure. By the addition of the heat dE the temperature was raised 30 and the pressure 9p. Now, let the gas expand without communication of heat till the pressure sinks to its former value, and let the final temperature be 0 + V0. The temperature will thus sink by a quantity dd-d'0, such that 80-3*0 __ 2_ 3p 2 W_ ~~e 2+3/s y = 2+30 e • and the specific heat of unit of mass at constant pressure is 8ff_2 + 3£ p , . 3-0- ~2~~ P0- The ratio of the specific heat at constant pressure to that of constant volume is known in several cases from experiment. We shall denote this ratio by whence 0 = f ]- ................................. (115). The specific heat of unit of volume in ordinary measure is at constant volume and at constant pressure y _ T-l JQ" where J is the mechanical equivalent of unit of heat. From these expressions Dr Rankine* has calculated the specific heat of air, and has found the result to agree with the value afterwards determined ex- perimentally by M. Regnaultt. * Transactions oflhe Royal Society of Edinburgh, Vol. XX. (1850). f CompUt Rendtu, 1853. THE DYNAMICAL THEORY OF GASES. 67 Thermal Effects of Diffusion. If two gases are diffusing into one another, then, omitting the terms rela- ting to heat generated by friction and to conduction of heat, the equation (94) gives -...(118). By comparison with equations (78), and (79), the right-hand side of this equa- tion becomes X (p,u, + pM) + Y (p^ + Piv,) + Z (Plw, + p,wt) /dpl dpt dp, \ /dp, dp., dp,, - \-±&+-£ **+-£: Vi] ~ \^r u*+ j !v, + -4-' \dx ay dz J \dx dy dz - M % (u' + v? + <) - ip, - « + v; + wfi. The equation (118) may now be written d.pW\ -- ...(119). The whole increase of energy is therefore that due to the action of the external forces minus the cooling due to the expansion of the mixed gases. If the diffusion takes place without alteration of the volume of the mixture, the heat due to the mutual action of the gases in diffusion will be exactly neutralized by the cooling of each gas as it expands in passing from places where it is dense to places where it is rare. 9—2 68 THE DYNAMICAL THKOKY OF OASES. Determination of the Inequality of Pressure in different directions due to (/,<• Motion of the Medium. Let iis put />,£,'-.?. + ?• and P&=P* + ...................... (120). Then by equation (52), (2M>A> + S ^OM. - * "''-*^^-^-^) J the last terra depending on diffusion; and if we omit in equation (75) terms of three dimensions in f, rj, £, which relate to conduction of heat, and neglect quantities of the form £rjp and pi?—p, when not multiplied by the large coeffi- cients k, kt, and i,, we get du , dv , dw\ + dy + Tz) If the motion is not subject to any very rapid changes, as in all cases except that of the propagation of sound, we may neglect ~ . In a single ot system of molecules ,; .-. ... JjU 2p (du . (du dv whence ?= __^_ |__^_ + _ + _ .................. {124). If we make ^ rj*- =/* fj. will be the coefficient of viscosity, and we shall have by equation (120), du (du dv m-*(&+3j dv . (du dv Ty-*(d-X + dy dw . (du dv THE DYNAMICAL THEORY OF GASES. 69 and by transformation of co-ordinates we obtain idv dw dw . du\ (127)_ fdu dv^ \dy dxj These are the values of the normal and tangential stresses in a simple gas when the variation of motion is not very rapid, and when p, the coefficient of viscosity, is so small that its square may be neglected. Equations of Motion corrected for Viscosity. Substituting these values in the equation of motion (76), we find du dp (d*u d*u d*ii\ ^ d (du dv dw\ with two other equations which may be written down with symmetry. The form of these equations is identical with that of those deduced by Poisson"" from the theory of elasticity, by supposing the strain to be continually relaxed at a rate proportional to its amount. The ratio of the third and fourth terms agrees with that given by Professor Stokesf. If we suppose the inequality of pressure which we have denoted by q to exist in the medium at any instant, and not to be maintained by the motion of the medium, we find, from equation (123), q^Ce-*** ..................................... (129) = <7; and by transformation of co-ordinates the tangential pressure (135). The medium has now the mechanical properties of an elastic solid, the rigidity of which is p, while the cubical elasticity is $p*. The same result and the same ratio of the elasticities would be obtained if we supposed the molecules to be at rest, and to act on one another with forces depending on the distance, as in the statical molecular theory of elas- ticity. The coincidence of the properties of a medium in which the molecules are held, in equilibrium by attractions and repulsions, and those of a medium in which the molecules move in straight lines without acting on each other at all, deserve notice from those who speculate on theories of physics. The fluidity of our medium is therefore due to the mutual action of the molecules, causing them to be deflected from their paths. The coefficient of instantaneous rigidity of a gas is therefore p •> The modulus of the time of relaxation is T 1 .... (136). The coefficient of viscosity is /* =pT Now p varies as the density and temperature conjointly, while T varies inversely as the density. Hence p. varies as the absolute temperature, and is independent of the density. « Camb. PhU. Trans. VoL Tin. (1845), p. 311, equation (29). THE DYNAMICAL THEORY OF GASES. 71 This result is confirmed by the experiments of Mr Graham on the Tran- spiration of Gases*, and by my own experiments on the Viscosity or Internal Friction of Air and other Gases f. The result that the viscosity is independent of the density, follows from the Dynamical Theory of Gases, whatever be the law of force between the molecules. It was deduced by myself J from the hypothesis of hard elastic molecules, and M. 0. E. Meyer § has given a more complete investigation on the same hypothesis. The experimental result, that the viscosity is proportional to the absolute temperature, requires us to abandon this hypothesis, which would make it vary as the square root of the absolute temperature, and to adopt the hypothesis of a repulsive force inversely as the fifth power of the distance between the molecules, which is the only law of force which gives the observed result. Using the foot, the grain, and the second as units, my experiments give for the temperature of 62* Fahrenheit, and in dry air, /* = 0-0936. If the pressure is 30 inches of mercury, we find, using the same units, p = 477360000. Since pT=fi, we find that the modulus of the time of relaxation of rigidity in air of this pressure and temperature is f a second. This time is exceedingly small, even when compared with the period of vibration of the most acute audible sounds ; so that even in the theory of sound we may consider the motion as steady during this very short time, and use the equations we have already found, as has been done by Professor Stokes ||. * Philosophical Transactions, 1846 and 1849. t Proceedings of the Royal Society, February 8, 1866 ; Philosophical Transactions, 1866, p. 249. J Philosophical Magazine, January 1860. [Vol. I. xx.] § Poggendorff'a Annalen, 1865. || " On the effect of the Internal Friction of Fluids on the motion of Pendulums," Cambridge Transac- tions, Vol. ix. (1850), art. 79. THE DYNAMICAL THEORY OF OASES. Viscosity of a Mixture of GOKS. In a complete mixture of gases, in which there is no diffusion going on, tin- velocity at any point is the same for all the gases. dv dw\ TT .>.|iiiition (122) becomes Similarly, p, U- - , ...... (139). , + 3 M^pfr -k(3At- 2At) where p and q refer to the mixture, we Since p=pi+p, and shall have where ft is the coefficient of viscosity of the mixture. If we put *, and *, for the specific gravities of the two gases, referred to a standard gas, in which the values of p and p at temperature 0, and pt and p., ' where /t is the coefficient of viscosity of the mixture, and *!+*, (141). This expression is reduced to /*, when p, = 0, and to /a,, when ^, = 0. For other values of p, and p, we require to know the value of k, the coefficient THE DYNAMICAL THEORY OF GASES. 73 of mutual Interference of the molecules of the two gases. This might be deduced from the observed values of p, for mixtures, but a better method is by making experiments on the interdiffusion of the two gases. The experi- ments of Graham on the transpiration of gases, combined with my experiments on the viscosity of air, give as values of kt for air, hydrogen, and carbonic acid, Air ............... &1= 4-81 xlO10, Hydrogen ....... &, = 1 42'8 X 1 010, Carbonic acid . . . &, = 3 • 9 x 1 010. The experiments of Graham in 1863, referred to at page 58, on the inter- diffusion of air and carbonic acid, give the coefficient of mutual interference of these gases, Air and carbonic acid ..... ,& = 5'2xl010; and by taking this as the absolute value of k, and assuming that the ratios of the coefficients of interdiffusion given at page 76 are correct, we find Air and hydrogen ...... & = 29'8 x 101 10 These numbers are to be regarded as doubtful, as we have supposed air to be a simple gas in our calculations, and we do not know the value of k between oxygen and nitrogen. It is also doubtful whether our method of calculation applies to experiments such as the earlier observations of Mr Graham. I have also examined the transpiration-tunes determined by Graham for mixtures of hydrogen and carbonic acid, and hydrogen and air, assuming a value of k roughly, to satisfy the experimental results about the middle of the scale. It will be seen that the calculated numbers for hydrogen and car- bonic acid exhibit the peculiarity observed in the experiments, that a small addition of hydrogen increases the transpiration-time of carbonic acid, and that in both series the tunes of mixtures depend more on the slower than on the quicker gas. The assumed values of k in these calculations were — For hydrogen and carbonic acid k = l2'5 x 1010, For hydrogen and air ............ k= 18'8 x 1010; and the results of observation and calculation are, for the times of transpiration of mixtures of — VOL. II. 10 74 THE DYNAMICAL THEORY OF OASES. Hyiravn tad Carbonic »eid OtMOTWl r»lrnilft*rl Hydrogen and Air ObMTOd Calculated 100 0 •4321 •4375 100 0 •4434 •4375 »?•$ a-fi •4714 •4750 95 5 •5282 •6300 95 5 •5157 •5089 90 10 •5880 •6028 90 10 •5722 •6678 75 25 •7488 •7438 75 25 •6786 •6822 50 50 •8179 •8488 50 50 •7339 •7652 25 75 •8790 -8946 25 75 •7535 •7468 10 90 •8880 •8983 10 90 •7521 •7361 5 95 •8960 -8996 0 100 •7470 7272 0 100 •9000 •9010 The numbers given are the ratios of the transpiration-times of mixtures to tliat of oxygen as determined by Mr Graham, compared with those given by the equation (140) deduced from our theory. Conduction of Heat in a Single Medium (y). The rate of conduction depends on the value of the quantity where f, £rf, and ££* denote the mean values of those functions of £ 17, £ for all the molecules in a given element of volume. As the expressions for the variations of this quantity are somewhat compli- cated in a mixture of media, and as the experimental investigation of the con- duction of heat in gases is attended with great difficulty, I shall confine myself here to the discussion of a single medium. Putting Q = M(u + t){tf + * + vf+Zu£+taHi + tool + $(? + if + ?)} ......... (142), and neglecting terms of the forms £7 and f1 and £rf when not multiplied by the large coefficient &,, we find by equations (75), (77), and (54), (143). The first term of this equation may be neglected, as the rate of conduction will rapidly establish itself. The second term contains quantities of four dimen- THE DYNAMICAL THEORY OF GASES. 75 sions in £ 77, £, whose values will depend on the distribution of velocity among the molecules. If the distribution of velocity is that which we have proved to exist when the system has no external force acting on it and has arrived at its final state, we shall have by equations (29), (31), (32), and the equation of conduction may be written (144), (145), (146); [Addition made December 17, 1866.] [Final Equilibrium of Temperature.~\ [The left-hand side of equation (147), as sent to the Royal Society, con- tained a term 2(/3 — 1)--^-, the result of which was to indicate that a column ' p dx of air, when left to itself, would assume a temperature varying with the height, and greater above than below. The mistake arose from an error* in equation (143). Equation (147), as now corrected, shews that the flow of heat depends on the variation of temperature only, and not on the direction of the variation of pressure. A vertical column would therefore, when in thermal equilibrium, have the same temperature throughout. When I first attempted this investigation I overlooked the fact that £4 is not the same as f . f ", and so obtained as a result that the temperature diminishes as the height increases at a greater rate than it does by expansion when air is carried up in mass. This leads at once to a condition of instability, * The last term on the left-hand side was not multiplied by ft. 10—2 7.-, THE DYNAMICAL THEORY OF OASES. which is inconsistent with the second law of thermodynamics. I wrote to Profewor Sir W. Thomson about this result, and the difficulty I had met with, but presently discovered one of my mistakes, and arrived at the conclusion that the temperature would increase with the height. This does not lead to mechanical instability, or to any self-acting currents of air, and I was in some degree satisfied with it. But it is equally inconsistent with the second law of thermodynamics. In fact, if the temperature of any substance, when in thermic equilibrium, is a function of the height, that of any other substance must be the same function of the height. For if not, let equal columns of the two substances be enclosed in cylinders impermeable to heat, and put in thermal communication at the bottom. If, when in thermal equilibrium, the tops of the two columns are at different temperatures, an engine might be worked by taking heat from the hotter and giving it up to the cooler, and the refuse heat would circulate round the system till it was all converted into mechanical energy, which is in contradiction to the second law of thermo- dynamics. The result as now given is, that temperature in gases, when in thermal equilibrium, is independent of height, and it follows from what has been said that temperature is independent of height in all other substances. If we accept this law of temperature as the actual one, and examine our assumptions, we shall find that unless f = 3£* . £*, we should have obtained a different result. Now this equation is derived from the law of distribution of velocities to which we were led by independent considerations. We may there- fore regard this law of temperature, if true, as in some measure a confirmation of the law of distribution of velocities.] Coefficient of Conductivity. If C is the coefficient of conductivity of the gas for heat, then the quantity of heat which passes through unit of area in unit of time measured as me- chanical energy, is by equation (147). THE DYNAMICAL THEORY OP GASES. 77 Substituting for /J its value in terms of y by equation (115), and for &, its value in terms of p. by equation (125), and calling pa, />„, and 00 the simul- taneous pressure, density, and temperature of the standard gas, and s the spe- cific gravity of the gas in question, we find °-lTFD iSt 5 <->• , For air we have y= 1*409, and at the temperature of melting ice, or 274°'6C. above absolute zero, /*- = 918*6 feet per second, and at 160>6 C., Hi = 0*0936 in foot-grain-second measure. Hence for air at 16°*6C. the conduc- tivity for heat is (7=1172 (150). That is to say, a horizontal stratum of air one foot thick, of which the upper surface is kept at 17"C., and the lower at 16° C., would in one second transmit through every square foot of horizontal surface a quantity of heat the mechanical energy of which is equal to that of 2344 grains moving at the rate of one foot per second. Principal Forbes* has deduced from his experiments on the conduction of heat in bars, that a plate of wrought iron one foot thick, with its opposite surfaces kept 1°C. different in temperature, would, when the mean temperature is 25°C., transmit in one minute through every square foot of surface as much heat as would raise one cubic foot of water 0°*0127 C. Now the dynamical equivalent in foot-grauvsecond measure of the heat required to raise a cubic foot of water 1°C. is 1*9157 x 10'°. It appears from this that iron at 25°C. conducts heat 3525 times better than air at 16°' 6 C. M. Clausius, from a different form of the theory, and from a different value of fi, found that lead should couduct heat 1400 times better than air. Now iron is twice as good a conductor of heat as lead, so that this estimate is not far different from that of M. Clausius in actual value; In reducing the value of the conductivity from one kind of measure to another, we must remember that its dimensions are MLT"3, when expressed in absolute dynamical measure. * " Experimental Inquiry into the Laws of the Conduction of Heat in Bars," Edinburgh Transactions, 1861—62. 78 THE DYNAMICAL THEORY OF GASES. Since all the quantities which enter into the expression for C are constant except p., the conductivity is subject to the same laws as the viscosity, that is, it is independent of the pressure, and varies directly as the absolute tempera- ture. The conductivity of iron diminishes as the temperature increases. Also, since y is nearly the same for air, oxygen, hydrogen, and carbonic oxide, the conductivity of these gases will vary as the ratio of the viscosity to the specific gravity. Oxygen, nitrogen, carbonic oxide, and air will have equal conductivity, while that of hydrogen will be about seven times as great. The value of y for carbonic acid is 1'27, its specific gravity is JJ- of oxygen, and its viscosity ^ of that of oxygen. The conductivity of carbonic acid for heat is therefore about $ of that of oxygen or of air. [From the Proceedings of the Royal Society, No. 91, 1867.] XXIX. On the Theory of the Maintenance of Electric Currents by Mechanical Work without the use of Permanent Magnets. THE machines lately brought before the Royal Society by Mr Siemens and Professor Wheatstone consist essentially of a fixed and a moveable electro- magnet, the coils of which are put in connexion by means of a commutator. The electromagnets in the actual machines have cores of soft iron, which greatly increase the magnetic effects due to the coils ; but, in order to simplify the expression of the theory as much as possible, I shall begin by supposing the coils to have no cores, and, to fix our ideas, we may suppose them in the form of rings, the smaller revolving within the larger on a common diameter. The equations of the currents in two neighbouring circuits are given in my paper " On the Electromagnetic Field*," and are there numbered (4) and (5), -^t ~ where x and y are the currents, £ and 77 the electromotive forces, and R and S the resistances in the two circuits respectively. L and N are the coefficients of self-induction of the two circuits, that is, their potentials on themselves when the current is unity, and M is their coefficient of mutual induction, which depends on their relative position. In the electromagnetic system of measurement, L, M, and N are of the nature of lines, and R and S are velocities. L may be metaphorically called the " electric inertia " of the first circuit, N that of the second, and L + 2M+ N that of the combined circuit. * Philosophical Transactions, 1865, p. 469. gO MAINTENANCE OF ELECTRIC CURRENTS BY MECHANICAL WORK. Let us first take the case of the two circuits thrown into one, and the two coils relatively at rest, so that M is constant. Then = Q (1), whence a-a*"™**' ................................... (2), where x. is the initial value of the current. This expression shews that the current, if left to itaelf in a closed circuit, will gradually decay. L+2M+N If we put ~ ~r .............................. ' '' then x = x.e"; ..................................... (4). The value of the time r depends on the nature of the coils. In coils of similar outward form, T varies as the square of the linear dimension, and inversely as the resistance of unit of length of a wire whose section is the sum of the sections of the wires passing through unit of section of the coil. In the large experimental coil used in determining the B.A. unit of re- sistance in 1864, T was about '01 second. In the coils of electromagnets T is much greater, and when an iron core is inserted there is a still greater in- crease. Let us next ascertain the effect of a sudden change of position in the secondary coil, which alters the value of M from M1 to Ms in a time tt — <,, during which the current changes from x, to x,. Integrating equation (1) with respect to t, we get ' l = 0 ............ (5). (R + S) f' J ti If we suppose the time so short that we may neglect the first term in com- parison with the others, we find, as the effect of a sudden change of position, (L + 2Mt + N)xt^(L+2Ml + N)xl ................... (6). This equation may be interpreted in the language of the dynamical theory, by saying that the electromagnetic momentum of the circuit remains the same after a sudden change of position. To ascertain the effect of the commutator, let us suppose that, at a given instant, currents x and y exist in the two coils, that the two coils are then made into one circuit, and that x' is the MAINTENANCE OF ELECTRIC CURRENTS BY MECHANICAL WORK. 81 current in the circuit the instant after completion; then the same equation (1) gives (L + 2M+N)x' = (L+M)x + (N+H)y (7). The equation shews that the electromagnetic momentum of the completed circuit is equal to the sum of the electromagnetic momenta of the separate coils just before completion. The commutator may belong to one of four different varieties, according to the order in which the contacts are made and broken. If A, B be the ends of the first coil, and C, D those of the second, and if we enclose in brackets the parts in electric connexion, we may express the four varieties as in the following Table : — (1) (2) (3) (4) (AC) (BD) (AC) (BD) (AC) (BD) (AC) (BD) (ABCD) (ABC) (D) (A) (BCD) (A) (B) (C) (D) (AD) (BC) (ABCD) (ABCD) (AD) (BC) (AD) (BC) (AD) (BC) In the first kind the circuit of both coils remains uninterrupted ; and when the operation is complete, two equal currents in opposite directions are com- bined into one. In this case, therefore, y= — x, and (L+ZM+N}x' = (L-N)x (8). When there are iron cores in the coils, or metallic circuits in which inde- pendent currents can be excited, the electrical equations are much more com- plicated, and contain as many independent variables as there can be independent electromagnetic quantities. I shall therefore, for the sake of preserving simplicity, avoid the consideration of the iron cores, except in so far as they simply in- crease the values of L, M, and N. I shall also suppose that the secondary coil is at first in a position in which M=0, and that it turns into a position in which M= —M, which will increase the current in the ratio of L + N to L — 2M+N. The commutator is then reversed. This will diminish the current in a ratio depending on the kind of commutator. The secondary coil is then moved so that M changes from M to 0, which will increase the current in the ratio of L + 2M+N to L + N. VOL. II. ll MAINTENANCE OF ELECTRIC CURRENTS BY MECHANICAL WORK. During the whole motion the current has also been decaying at a rate which varies according to the value of L + 2M+N; but since M varies from + .V to -J/, we may, in a rough theory, suppose that in the expression for the decay of the current J/=0. If the secondary coil makes a semirevolution in time T, then the ratio of the current XH after a semirevolution, to the current x, before the semirevolution, will be x -? '=« 'r, a; L + N where Tat R+~S ....................................... ^ '' and r is a ratio depending on the kind of commutator. For the first kind, <"»• By increasing the speed, T may be indefinitely diminished, so that the question of the maintenance of the current depends ultimately on whether r is greater or less than unity. When r is greater than 1 or less than — 1, the current may be maintained by giving a sufficient speed to the machine ; it will be always in one direction in the first case, and it will be a reciprocating current in the second. When r lies between +1 and — 1, no current can be maintained. Let there be p windings of wire in the first coil and q windings in the second, then we may write L = lp', M=mpq, N=ntxz = H, where each curve is found by putting G or H equal to a constant, and com- bining it with the equation of the surface itself, which we may denote by Now let G be made constant, and let H vary, and let dS1 be the element of length of the curve (G = constant) intercepted between the two curves for which // varies by dH, then -TTT will be a function of H and G. ao, In the same way, making dSt an element of the curve (//= constant) we may determine -j-^ as a function of H and G. Now let the element dSt experience a stress, consisting of a force X in the direction in which G increases, and Y in the direction in which H in- creases, acting on the positive side of the linear element dSu and equal and opposite forces acting on the negative side. These will constitute a longitudinal tension normal to dSlt which we shall denote by X EQUILIBRIUM OF A SPHERICAL ENVELOPE. 87 and a shearing force on the element, which we shall call T In like manner, if the element dS3 is acted on by forces Y' and X', it will experience on its positive side a tension and a shearing force, the values of which will be =Jr and =x*_ That the moments of these forces on the elements of area dS1} dSt may vanish, or the shearing force on dS^ must be equal to that on dS^. When there is no shearing force, then pn and p^ are called the principal stresses at the point, and if pa vanishes everywhere, the curves, (G = constant) and (H= constant), are called lines of principal stress. In this case the con- ditions of equilibrium of the element dS^dS^ are , , } - = () (2) dHdG+(P" p"> dGdH Py+P^^N.-N, (3). rt rt The first and second of these equations are the conditions of equilibrium in the directions of the first and second lines of principal tension respectively. The third equation is the condition of equilibrium normal to the surface ; r, and rt are the radii of curvature of normal sections touching the first and second lines of principal stress. They are not necessarily the principal radii of curvature. JV, is the normal pressure of any fluid on the surface from the side on which r, and ra are reckoned positive, and N., is the normal pressure on the other side. If the systems of curves G and H, instead of being lines of principal stress, had been lines of curvature, we should still have had the same equation (3), but rl and r, would have been the principal radii of curvature, and pn and p^ gg EQUILIBRIUM OF A SPHERICAL ENVELOPE. would have been the tensions in the principal planes of curvature, and not necessarily principal tensions. In the case of a spherical surface not acted on by any fluid pressure, rt*Tv and JV, «= A"t «= 0, so that the third equation becomes Pu+P* = 0 (-4), whence we obtain from the first and second equations where <7, is a function of H, and Ct of G. If then we draw two lines of the system (//= constant) at such a distance that pu (dS^ = (dh)* at any point where (dh)' is constant, this equation will continue true through the whole length of these lines, that is, the principal stresses will be inversely as the square of the distance between the consecutive lines of stress. Since this is true of both sets of lines, we may assume the form of the functions G and H, so that they not only indicate lines of stress, but give the value of the stress at any point by the equations /dH* dG\* where (//= constant) is a line of principal tension, and (G = constant) a line of principal pressure. If we now draw on the spherical surface lines corresponding to values of G differing ' by unity, and also lines corresponding to values of H differing by unity, these two systems of lines will intersect everywhere at right angles, and the distance between two consecutive lines of one system will be equal to the distance between two consecutive lines of the other, and the principal stresses will be in the directions of the lines, and inversely as the square of the intervals between them. Now if two systems of lines can be drawn on a surface so as to fulfil these conditions, we know from the theory of electrical conduction in a sheet of uniform conductivity, that if one set of the curves are taken as equipotential lines, the other set will be lines of flow, and that the two systems of lines will give a solution of some problem relating to the flow of electricity through a conducting sheet. But we know that unless electricity be brought to some point of the sheet, and carried off at anoUier point, there can be no flow of EQUILIBRIUM OF A SPHERICAL ENVELOPE. 89 electricity in the sheet. Hence, if such systems of lines exist, there must be some singular points, at which all the lines of flow meet, and at which dH , is infinite. ao, 7TT If -y~- is nowhere infinite, there can be no systems of lines at all, and if -TOT is infinite at any point, there is an infinite stress at that point, which can only be maintained by the action of an external force applied at that point. Hence a spherical surface, to which no external forces are applied, must be free from stress, and it can easily be shewn from this that, when the external forces are given, there can be only one system of stresses ha the surface. This is not true in the case of a plane surface. In a plane surface, equation (3) disappears, and we have only two differential equations connecting the stresses at any point, which are not sufficient to determine the distribution of stress, unless we have some other conditions, such as the equations of elas- ticity, by which the question may be rendered determinate. The simplest case of a spherical surface acted on by external forces is that in which two equal and opposite forces P are applied at the extremities of a diameter. There will evidently be a tension along the meridian lines, com- bined with an equal and opposite pressure along the parallels of latitude, and the magnitude p of either of these stresses will be p where a is the radius of the sphere, P the force at the poles, and 6 the angular distance of a point of the surface from the pole. If <£ is the longitude, and if i\ and r, are the rectilineal distances of a point from the two poles respectively, and if we make £ = log.^ and H= ........................... (8), then G and H will give the lines of principal stress, and . The angle (f> is the same as the corresponding angle in the inverse surface. The lines of pressure, being orthogonal to these, will be circles whose planes if produced pass through the polar of the chord. Let r,, r2 be the distances of any point on the sphere from the extremities of the chord, then 7* is constant for each of these circles, and has the same value as it has in ?\ the inverse surface. Hence, if we make = (10), G and H will give the lines of principal stress, and the absolute value of the stress at any point will be P sin a. (dG\* P sin a [dH\* p = — - — j~o ) = — 7T~ iFcf ) (11)- Zrra \ctOj/ 2ira \ttOj/ If we draw tangent planes to the sphere at the extremities of the chord, and if qv qt are the perpendiculars from any point of the spherical surface on these planes, it is easy to shew that at that point p = Pa^^.. ..(12). 2irq,q, If any number of forces, forming a system in equilibrium, be applied at different points of a spherical envelope, we may proceed as follows. First decompose the system of forces into a system of pairs of equal and opposite forces acting along chords of the sphere. To do this, if there are n forces applied at n points, draw a number of chords, which must be at least 3 (n — 2), so as to render all the points rigidly connected. Then determine the tension along each chord due to the external forces. If too many chords have been drawn, some of these tensions will involve unknown quantities. The n forces will now be transformed into as many pairs of equal and opposite forces as chords have been drawn. 12—2 •.}_• EQUILIBRIUM OF A SPHERICAL ENVELOPE. Next find the distribution of stress in the spherical surface due to each of these pairs of forces, and combine them at every point by the rules for the composition of stress*. The result will be the actual distribution of stress, and if any unknown forces have been introduced in the process, they will disappear from the result The calculation of the resultant stress from the component stresses, when these are given in terms of u asymmetrical spherical co-ordinates of different systems, would be very difficult; I shall therefore shew how to effect the same object by a method derived from Mr Airy's valuable paper, "On the strains in the interior of beamsf." If we place the point of inversion on the surface of the sphere, the in- verse surface is a plane, and if p^, p,^ and pn represent the components of in the plane referred to rectangular axes, we have for equilibrium > These equations are equivalent to the following : where F is any function whatever of x and y. The form of the function F cannot, in the case of a plane, be determined from the equations of equilibrium, as strains may exist independently of ex- ternal forces. To solve the question we require to know not only the original strains, but the law of elasticity of the plane sheet, whether it is uniform, or variable from point to point, and in different directions at the same point. When, however, we have found two solutions of F corresponding to different cases, we can combine the results by simple addition, as the expressions (equa- tion 15) are linear in form. In the case of two forces acting on a sphere, let A, B (fig. 29) be the points corresponding to the points of application in the inverse plane ; AP = ?•„ * Rankin's Applied Mechanics, p. 82. + Philosophical Transactions, 1863, Part I. p. 49. EQUILIBRIUM OF A SPHERICAL ENVELOPE. 93 = ru angle APB = XAT=<$>. Bisect AB in C, and draw PD perpendicular to AB. Then the Hue of tension at P is a circle through A and B, for which (£ is constant, and the line of pressure is an orthogonal circle for which the ratio of rt to r3 is constant, and the angle and the logarithms of the ratio of r, to rt differ from the corresponding quantities in the sphere only by con- stants. We may therefore put _ Psina (dG\ _ Psina tdH\ _ Pu~ ~~ '' (dSJ '' ~P*' where the values of G and H are the same as in equations (8) and (10). Transforming these principal stresses into their components, we get dx dG*\ dy .(16), Psina dGdG , } P*»~ 27ra Z~dxdy (17)> Psma/dGl" d (23). dxdy 2ira J dx dy d'F Psina 94 EQUILIBRIUM OF A SPHERICAL ENVELOPE. Since ^' + ^«0 in this case, the arbitrary functions must be zero, and djf dtf we have to find the value of F from that of G by ordinary integration of (21). The result is ..r if the co-ordinates of A and B are (au 6,) and (o» 6,), Pain a f. (2x-al-a,)(a,-a1) + (2y-6.-6,)(6.-6l) . - - ' - « g x-Oi/J If we obtain the values of F for all the different pairs of forces acting on the sphere, and add them together, we shall find a new value of F, the second differential coefficients of which, with respect to x and y will give a system of components of stress in the plane, which, being transferred to the sphere by the process of inversion, will give the complete solution of the problem in the case of the sphere. We have now solved the problem in the case of any number of forces applied to points of the spherical surface, and all other cases may be reduced to this, but it is worth while to notice certain special cases. If two equal and opposite twists be applied at any two points of the sphere, >we can determine the distribution of stress. For if we put and JT=log-1-^ ..................... (26), the equations of equilibrium will still hold, and the principal stresses at any point will be inclined 45° to those in the case already considered. If M be the moment of the couple in a plane perpendicular to the chord, the absolute value of the principal stresses at any point is In figure 30 are represented the stereographic projections of the lines of stress in the cases which we have considered. When a tension is applied along the chord AB, the lines of tension are the circles through AB, VOL. 11. PLATE X. fe Cambridge UmveriHy Prcsf EQUILIBRIUM OF A SPHERICAL ENVELOPE. 95 and the lines of pressure are the circles orthogonal to them. These circles are so drawn in the figure that the differences of the values of G and H are ^$ir. The spiral lines which pass through the intersections of these circles are the principal lines of stress in the case of twists applied to the spherical surface at the extremities of the chord AS. In the case of a sphere acted on by fluid pressure, if the pressure is a function of the distance from a given point, we may take the line joining that point with the centre of the sphere as an axis, and then the lines of equal fluid pressure will be circles, and the fluid pressure N will be a function of 6, the angular distance from the pole. If we suppose the total effect of pressure balanced ,by a single force at the opposite pole, then we shall have for the equilibrium of the segment, whose radius is 6, = a f JVsin20cZ0 ........................... (28), Jo and pa to determine pn the tension in the meridian, and pa that hi the parallels of latitude. [From the ProcMdings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Session 1867-68.] YXXT. On the best Arrangement for producing a Pure Spectrum on a Scr- IN experiments on the spectrum, it is usual to employ a slit through which the light is admitted, a prism to analyse the light, and one or more lenses to bring the rays of each distinct kind to a distinct focus on the screen. The most perfect arrangement is that adopted by M. Kirchhoff, in which two achromatic lenses are used, one before and the other after the passage of the light through the prism, so that every pencil consists of parallel rays while passing through the prism. But when the observer has not achromatic lenses at his command, or when, as in the case of the highly refrangible rays, or the rays of heat, he is re- stricted in the use of materials, it may still be useful to be able to place the lenses and prism in such a way as to bring the rays of all colours to their foci at approximately the same distance from the prism. We shall first examine the effect of the prism in changing the conver- gency or divergency of the pencils passing through it, and then that of the lens, so that by combining the prism and the lens we may cause their defects to disappear. When a pencil of light is refracted through a plane surface, its convergency or divergency is less in that medium which has the greatest refractive index ; and this change is greater as the angle of incidence is greater, and also as the index of refraction is greater. When the pencil passes through a prism its convergency or divergency will be diminished as it enters, and will be increased when it emerges, and the emergent pencil will be more or less convergent or divergent than the incident one, according as the angle of emergence is greater or less than that of THE BEST ARRANGEMENT FOR PRODUCING A PURE SPECTRUM ON A SCREEN. 97 incidence. This effect will increase with the difference of these angles and with the refractive index. When the angle of incidence is equal to that of emergence the convergence of the pencil is unaltered, but since the more refrangible rays have the greatest angle of emergence, their convergency or divergency will be greater than that of the less refrangible rays. This effect will be increased by making the angle of incidence less, and that of emergence greater ; and it will be diminished by increasing the angle of incidence, that is, by turning the prism round its edge towards the slit. If the angle of the prism is not too great, the convergency or divergency of all the pencils may be made the same (approximately) by turning the prism in this way. This correction, however, diminishes the separation of the colours. It is inapplicable to a prism of large angle, and it takes no account of the chromatic aberration of the lens. By altering the arrangement, the lens may be made to correct the prism. The effect of a convex lens is to increase the convergency, and to diminish the divergency, of every pencil ; but the change is greatest on the most refrangible rays. The prism, except when its base is very much turned towards the slit, makes the highly refrangible rays more convergent or more divergent than the less refrangible rays, according as they were convergent or divergent originally. If the rays pass through the prism before they reach the lens, the pencils will be divergent at incidence, and the more refrangible will be most divergent at emergence. If they then fall on the lens, they will be more converged than the rest ; so that by a proper arrangement all may be brought to their foci at approximately the same distance. If the violet rays come to their focus first, we must turn the base of the prism more towards the light, and vice versa. We proceed to the numerical calculation of the proper arrangement. To find the variation of position of the focus of light passed through a prism' as dependent on the nature of the light. VOL. n. 13 98 THE BEST ARRANGEMENT FOR PRODUCING Let p. be the index of refraction of the prism, a its angle, , and fa the angles of incidence and emergence, 0, and 0, the angles of the ray within the prism with the normals to the first and second surfaces, 8 the difference of these angles — then by geometry and by the law of refraction, .sin^, = fxsin 0,, sin fa = p. sin 0S, fa is constant, being the angle of incidence for all kinds of light, but the other angles vary with p., so that i i 6, sin 0, d0, _ sin 0, dfa sin a lip. p. COS 0, ' dp. p. COS 0^ ' /r { 1 — cos (a — 8)} The quantity on the right of this equation is always positive, unless the value of 8 exceeds that given by the equation (/i* — 1 ) sin a = sin 8 {1 + /*' cos (a — 8)}. A PURE SPECTRUM ON A SCREEN. 99 If fj. = 1-5 and a = 60°, then 8 = 22° 5 2', that is, the ray within the prism makes an angle of 11° 26' with the base, which corresponds to an angle of incidence 82250', or the incident ray is inclined 7° 10' to the face of the prism. If two lenses'"" are used, of the same material with the prism, we may correct the defects of the prism without turning it so far from its position of least deviation. Let a be the distance of the slit from the prism, and b that of the screen from the prism. Let /, be the focal length of the lens between the prism and slit, and f, that of the lens between the prism and the screen, then the condition of a flat image is 1 di\ 1 dv, _ 1 /i\ vt\ 7 """ "™ ~7 — " ? ( ~~f ' ? ) • V.dfJ. V3rf/A jll-1 V/ fj Let us first find the conditions of a flat spectrum S = o. When 8 = 0, vl = v,a and we obtain the conditions 1 1 1 _ 1 _ /I 1\ ( 1 + cos a)' {1 - fa* (1 - cos a)} _ A 1\ from which ft and /, may be found in terms of known quantities. When a, the angle of the prism, is 60°, then C- — •* ~ _ / i \ q 7 ~, -i \ If we now make /x = 1'5 we find c = '5025, and 1 _ -4975 _ ^025 f=~^~ b 1 _ 1-5025 ^025 • — 7 • /, b a If a = ^b, the first lens may be dispensed with, and the second lens will correct the defects of the prism. * [These lenses are supposed to be close to the edge of the prism.] 13—2 100 THE BEST ARRANGEMENT FOR PRODUCING A PURE SPECTRUM ON A SCREEN. If a is greater in proportion to b, a concave lens must be placed in front of the prism. The most convenient arrangement will be that in which tl it- prism ia placed in the position of least deviation, and the lens placed between the prism and the screen, while the distance from the slit to the prism is to that between the prism and the screen as 1 — c is to c. For quartz, in which p. = 1*58 4 for the ordinary ray, - = 2'53, so that the best arrangement is C «i=l '53 6, or the lens should be placed on the side next the screen, and the distance from the slit which admits the light to the prism should be about one and a half times the distance from the prism to the screen. [From the Proceedings of the London Mathematical- Society, Vol. n.] XXXII. The Construction of Stereograms of Surfaces. To make a surface visible, lines must be drawn upon it ; and to exhibit the nature of the surface, these lines ought to be traced on .the surface ac- cording to some principle, as for instance the contour lines and lines of greatest slope on a surface may be drawn. Monge represents surfaces to the eye by their two systems of lines of curvature, which have the advantage of being independent of the direction assumed for the co-ordinate axes. For stereoscopic representation it is necessary to choose curves which are easily followed by the eye, and which are sufficiently different in form to prevent a curve of the one figure from being visually united with any other than the corresponding curve in the other figure. I have found the best way in practice to be as follows : — First determine how many curves are to be drawn on the surface, and at what intervals, and find the numerical values of the co-ordinates of points on these curves. A convenient method of drawing the figures according to Cartesian co-ordinates is to draw an equilateral triangle, find its centre of gravity, and take a point about ^ of the side of the triangle distant hori- zontally from the centre of gravity as the origin, and the lines joining this point with the angles as unit axes. For the other figure, the point must be taken on the opposite side of the centre of gravity. I have found that this rule gives a convenient amount of relief to the figures. When the co-ordinates of a point are easily expressed in terms of tetrahedral co-ordinates x, y, z, u\ I draw the two lines (x = 0, y = 0) and (2 = 0, w = 0) in both figures. By means of a sector I. divide the first line in P in the ratio of z to w, and the second in Q in the ratio of x to y ; I then lay a rule along the line PQ (without drawing the line) and divide PQ in the ratio of x + y to z + if>, in order to find the point R in the figure. By drawing the two lines once for all in each figure, and performing the same process of finding ratios in each figure, we get each point without making any marks on the paper, which come to be very troublesome in complicated figures. In this way I have drawn the figures of cyclides, &c. [Proceedings of the Aonrfon Mathematical Society, Vol. II.] XXXIII. On Reciprocal Diagrams in Space, and their relation to Function of Stiress. LET F be any function of the co-ordinates x, y, z of a point in space, and l«'t £ *?• £ be another system of co-ordinates which we may suppose referred t«> axes parallel to the axes of x, y, z, but at such a distance (in thought) that figures referred to z, y, z do not interfere with the figures referred to f, 17, £. We shall call the figure or figures referred to x, y, z the First Diagram, and those referred to f, 77, £ the Second Diagram. Let the connection between the two diagrams be expressed thus— (IF _dF (IF *~dx' V'lly' ^~dz' When the form of F is known, £ rj and £ may be found for every value of x, y, z, and the form of the second diagram fixed. To complete the second diagram, let a function <£ of £ 77, £ be found from the equation = then it is easily shewn that (t r — tt " J ' — - Hence the first diagram is determined from the second by the same process that the second is determined from the first. They are therefore Reciprocal I>i;igrams both as regards their form and their functions. But reciprocal diagrams have a mechanical significance which is capable <•!' extensive applications, from the most elementary graphic methods for calcu- lating the stresses of a roof to the most intricate questions about the internal RECIPROCAL DIAGRAMS IN SPACE. 103 molecular forces in solid bodies. I shall indicate two independent methods of representing internal stress by means of reciprocal diagrams. First Method. Let a, b be any two contiguous points in the first diagram, and a, y8 the corresponding points in the second. Let an element of area be described about ab perpendicular to it. Then if the stress per unit of area on this surface is compounded of a tension parallel to a/8 and equal to P~ and CltV 11 7 D , a, pressure parallel to cut and equal to P ( +~r^ + -r , P being a constant introduced for the sake of homogeneity, then a state of internal stress denned in this way will keep every point of the first figure in equilibrium. The components of stress, as thus defined, will be p p ~ ' Pzx ~ ' Pxy~ dydz' zx ~ dzdx ' xy~ dxdy ' and these are easily shewn to fulfil the conditions of equilibrium. If any number of states of stress can be represented in this way, they can be combined by adding the values of their functions (F), since the quan- tities are linear. This method, however, is applicable only to certain states of stress ; but if we write _d3B &C _m>nt8 of stress as thus defined will be /•' ~&F\ d'FJF '_ F dF •//•' Here *=dx' y= dy ' and if ab and a^8 be corresponding lines, the whole stress across the lin« is perpendicular to aft and equal to Paf3. * "On Strains in the Interior of Beams." Phil. Tram. 1863. [From the Proceedings of the Royal Society, No. 100, 1868.] XXXIV. On Governors. A GOVERNOR is a part of a machine by means of which the velocity of the machine is kept nearly uniform, notwithstanding variations in the driving- power or the resistance. Most governors depend on the centrifugal force of a piece connected with a shaft of the machine. When the velocity increases, this force increases, and either increases the pressure of the piece against a surface or moves the piece, and so acts on a break or a valve. In one class of regulators of machinery, which we may call moderators*, the resistance is increased by a quantity depending on the velocity. Thus in some pieces of clockwork the moderator consists of a conical pendulum revolving within a circular case. When the velocity increases, the ball of the pendulum presses against the inside of the case, and the friction checks the increase of velocity. In Watt's governor for steam-engines the arms open outwards, and so contract the aperture of the steam-valve. In a water-break invented by Professor J. Thomson, when the velocity is increased, water is centrifugally pumped up, and overflows with a great velocity, and the work is spent in lifting and communicating this velocity to the water. In all these contrivances an increase of driving-power produces an increase of velocity, though a much smaller increase than would be produced without the moderator. But if the part acted on by centrifugal force, instead of acting directly on the machine, sets in motion a contrivance which continually increases the * See Mr C. W. Siemens "On Uniform Rotation," Phil. Trans. 1866, p. 657. VOL. II. 14 1(XJ GOVERNORS. resistance M long ss the velocity is above its normal value, and reverses its action when the velocity is below that value, the governor will bring the velocity to the same normal value whatever variation (within the working limits of the machine) be made in the driving-power or the resistance. I propose at present, without entering into any details of mechanism, to direct the attention of engineers and mathematicians to the dynamical theory of such governors. It will be seen that the motion of a machine with its governor consists in general of a uniform motion, combined with a disturbance which may be expressed as the sum of several component motions. These components may be of four different kinds : — 1. The disturbance may continually increase. 2. It may continually diminish. 8. It may be an oscillation of continually increasing amplitude. 4. It may be an oscillation of continually decreasing amplitude. The first and third cases are evidently inconsistent with the stability of the motion ; and the second and fourth alone are admissible in a good governor. This condition is mathematically equivalent to the condition that all the possible roots, and all the possible parts of the impossible roots, of a certain equation shall be negative. I have not been able completely to determine these conditions for equations •i' a higher degree than the third; but I hope that the subject will obtain the attention of mathematicians. The actual motions corresponding to these impossible roots are not generally taken notice of by the inventors of such machines, who naturally confine their attention to the way in which it is designed to act; and this is generally expressed by the real root of the equation. If, by altering the adjustments of the machine, its governing power is continually increased, there is generally ;i limit at which the disturbance, instead of subsiding more rapidly, becomes an oscillating and jerking motion, increasing in violence till it reaches the limit of action of the governor. This takes place when the possible part of one of tin- impossible roots becomes positive. The mathematical investigation of the motion may be rendered practically useful by pointing out the remedy for these distur- Itances. Tli is has been actually done in the case of a governor constructed by Mr Fleeming Jenkin, with adjustments, by which the regulating power of the GOVERNORS. 107 governor could be altered. By altering these adjustments the regulation could be made more and more rapid, till at last a dancing motion of the governor, accompanied with a jerking motion of the main shaft, shewed that an alteration had taken place among the impossible roots of the equation. I shall consider three kinds of governors, corresponding to the three kinds of moderators already referred to. In the first kind, the centrifugal piece has a constant distance from the axis of motion, but its pressure on a surface on which it rubs varies when the velocity varies. In the moderator this friction is itself the retarding force. In the governor this surface is made moveable about the axis, and the friction tends to move it ; and this motion is made to act on a break to retard the machine. A constant force acts on the moveable wheel in the opposite direction to that of the friction, which takes off the break when the friction is less than a given quantity. Mr Jenkin's governor is on this principle. It has the advantage that the centrifugal piece does not change its position, and that its pressure is always the same function of the velocity. It has the disadvantage that the normal velocity depends in some degree on the coefficient of sliding friction between two surfaces which cannot be kept always in the same condition. In the second kind of governor, the centrifugal piece is free to move further from the axis, but is restrained by a force the intensity of which varies with the position of the centrifugal piece in such a way that, if the velocity of rotation has the normal value, the centrifugal piece will be in equilibrium in every position. If the velocity is greater or less than the normal velocity, the centrifugal piece will fly out or fall in without any limit except the limits of motion of the piece. But a break is arranged so that it is made more or less powerful according to the distance of the centrifugal piece from the axis, and thus the oscillations of the centrifugal piece are restrained within narrow limits. Governors have been constructed on this principle by Sir W. Thomson and by M. Foucault. In the first, the force restraining the centrifugal piece is that of a spring acting between a point of the centrifugal piece and a fixed point at a considerable distance, and the break is a friction-break worked by the reaction of the spring on the fixed point. In M. Foucault's arrangement, the force acting on the centrifugal piece is the weight of the balls acting downward, and an upward force produced by 14—2 108 GOVERNORS. weights acting on a combination of levers and tending to raise the balls. The resultant vertical force on the balls is proportional to their depth below the centre of motion, which ensures a constant normal velocity. The break is:— in the first place, the variable friction between the combination of levers and the ring on the shaft on which the force is made to act ; and, in the second place, a centrifugal air-fan through which more or less air is allowed to pass, according to the position of the levers. Both these causes tend to regulate the velocity according to the same law. The governors designed by the Astronomer-Royal on Mr Siemens's principle for the chronograph and equatorial of Greenwich Observatory depend on nearly similar conditions. The centrifugal piece is here a long conical pendulum, not far removed from the vertical, and it is prevented from deviating much from a fixed angle by the driving- force being rendered nearly constant by means of a differential system. The break of the pendulum consists of a fan which dips into a liquid more or less, according to the angle of the pendulum with the vertical. The break of the principal shaft is worked by the differential apparatus ; and the smoothness of motion of the principal shaft is ensured by connecting it with a fly-wheel. In the third kind of governor a liquid is pumped up and thrown out over the sides of a revolving cup. In the governor on this principle, described by Mr C. W. Siemens, the cup is connected with its axis by a screw and a spring, in such a way that if the axis gets ahead of the cup the cup is lowered and more liquid is pumped up. If this adjustment can be made perfect, the normal velocity of the cup will remain the same through a considerable range of driving-power. It appears from the investigations that the oscillations in the motion must be checked by some force resisting the motion of oscillation. This may be done in some cases by connecting the oscillating body with a body hanging in a viscous liquid, so that the oscillations cause the body to rise and fall in the liquid. To check the variations of motion in a revolving shaft, a vessel filled with viscous liquid may be attached to the shaft. It will have no effect on uniform rotation, but will check periodic alterations of speed. Similar effects are produced by the viscosity of the lubricating matter in the sliding parts of the machine, and by other unavoidable resistances ; so that it is not always necessary to introduce special contrivances to check oscillations. GOVERNORS. \Q + ^ = V. ................................... (9), where V is the normal velocity. The equation of motion of the machine itself is 0, ............... (10). This must be combined with equation (7) to determine the motion of the whole apparatus. The solution is of the form x = A1e**t + A1e'* + Aten*t+ Vt ........................ (11), where nlt nn n, are the roots of the cubic equation MBnt + (l£Y+FB)n' + FYn + FG = Q .................. (12). If n be a pair of roots of this equation of the form a±J—lb, then the part of x corresponding to these roots will be of the form 112 GOVERNORS. If a is a negative quantity, this will indicate an oscillation the amplitude of which continually decreases. If a is zero, the amplitude will remain constant, and if a is positive, the amplitude will continually increase. One root of the equation (12) is evidently a real negative quantity. The condition that the real part of the other roots should be negative is Y G , then the force tending to diminish (f>, arising from the action of dP gravity, springs, &c., will be -jj . The whole energy, kinetic and potential, is , ............. (2). Differentiating with respect to tt we find d^LdAdfT dBdj* dP\ d0tW d^_d^- dt \*^ dt + *d& + cfy) 4 l Tt dt3 4 dt dt> TdQ_M/dAd0d$ A dt ~ dt \ddt dt+ dt" whence we have, by eliminating L, */»^\ i^^fo-X^®-^ dt ( dt) "* 34 dt +* (ty dt d " The first two terms on the right-hand side indicate a force tending to increase , depending on the squares of the velocities of the main shaft and of the centrifugal piece. The fca-ce indicated by these terms may be called the centrifugal force. If the apparatus is so arranged that P = ^o)2 + const ............................... (5), where w is a constant velocity, the equation becomes d VOL. II. 15 I i 4 GOVERNORS. In this case the value of cannot remain constant unless the angular velocity is equal to to. A abaft with a centrifugal piece arranged on this principle has only one velocity of rotation without disturbance. If there be a small disturbance, the equations for the disturbance 0 and may be written d>B dA < , dA d$_ - dA The period of such small disturbances is -/v (AB)~* revolutions of the shaft. They will neither increase nor diminish if there are no other terms in the equations. To convert this apparatus into a governor, let us assume viscosities X and Y in the motions of the main shaft and the centrifugal piece, and a dA resistance G applied to the main shaft. Putting -,, , $ are the angles of disturbance of the main shaft, the centrifugal arm, and the moveable wheel respectively, A, B, C their moments of inertia, X, Y, Z the viscosity of their connexions, K is what was formerly denoted by dA j-f- w, and T and J are the powers of Thomson's and Jenkin's breaks respectively. The resulting equation in n is of the form An' + Xn Kn+T J -K Bn+Y 0 0 -T Cri> = 0 (14), or n' + n'f- Y Z\ ,rXYZ/A B (7\.£*1 ] h B + cr l L^^c U"1" r+ z) + AB] JXYZ+KTC+K3^ KTZ KTJ f\ ABC )^nABCl ABC (15). I have not succeeded in determining completely the conditions of stability of the motion from this equation ; but I have found two necessary conditions, which are in fact the conditions of stability of the two governors taken separately. If we write the equation = 0 ..................... (16), then, in order that the possible parts of all the roots shall be negative, it is necessary that pq>r and ps>t ............................ (17). I am not able to shew that these conditions are sufficient. This compound governor has been constructed and used. 15—2 GOVERNORS. On the Motion of a Liquid in a Tube revolving about a Vertical Axis. C. ir. Sitmenst Liquid Governor. — Let p be the density of the fluid, k the section of the tube at a point whose distance from the origin measured iilong the tube is *, r, 0, z the co-ordinates of this point referred to axes fixed with respect to the tube, Q the volume of liquid which passes through any s<»ction in unit of time. Also let the following integrals, taken over the whole tube, be C ...................... (1), the lower end of the tube being in the axis of motion. Let ^ be the angle of position of the tube about the vertical axis, then the moment of momentum of the liquid in the tube is (2). The moment of momentum of the liquid thrown out of the tube in unit of time is ~*s*~ where r is the radius at .the orifice, k its section, and a the angle between the direction of the tube there and the direction of motion. The energy of motion of the fluid in the tube is (4). The energy of the fluid which escapes in unit of time is The work done by the prime mover in turning the shaft in unit of time is 7 I 1 I t 1 "Tf i •»•*•*. _ dH dt-dt(d The work spent on the liquid in unit of time is - If the conditions of overflow can be so arranged that the mean square of velocity, represented by w , is proportional to the spring which determines S is also arranged so that the velocity, represented by w , is proportional to Q, and if the strength of the equation will become, if 2gh = a>V, . ,«-(£ '-')+% -«(3 -) ................... <>*>• which shews that the velocity of rotation and of overflow cannot be constant unless the velocity of rotation is w. The condition about the overflow is probably difficult to obtain accurately in practice ; but very good results have been obtained within a considerable range of driving-power by a proper adjustment of the spring. If the rim is uniform, there will be a maximum velocity for a certain driving-power. This seems to be verified by the results given at p. 667 of Mr Siemens's paper. If the flow of the fluid were limited by a hole, there would be a minimum velocity instead of a maximum. The differential equation which determines the nature of small disturbances is in general of the fourth order, but may be reduced to the third by a proper choice of the value of the mean overflow. Theory of Differential Gearing. In some contrivances the main shaft is connected with the governor by a wheel or system of wheels which are capable of rotation round an axis, which is itself also capable of rotation about the axis of the main shaft. These two axes may be at right angles, as in the ordinary system of differential bevel wheels; or they may be parallel, as in several contrivances adapted to clockwork. GOVERNORS. 119 Let £ and 77 represent the angular position about each of these axes respec- tively, 0 that of the main shaft, and <£ that of the governor; then 6 and are linear functions of £ and 77, and the motion of any point of the system can be expressed in terms either of £ and 77 or of 6 and . Let the velocity of a particle whose mass is m resolved in the direction of x be dx d with similar expressions for the other co-ordinate directions, putting suffixes 2 and 3 to denote the values of p and q for these directions. Then Lagrange's equation of motion becomes where H and H are the forces tending to increase f and 77 respectively, no force being supposed to be applied at any other point. Now putting Sx=p18t; + q1§T), ................................. (3), and the equation becomes and since 8£ and 877 are independent, the coefficient of each must be zero. • If we now put 2 (rap5) = L, 2 (inpq) = M, S (rag"2) = N (6), the equations of motion will be If the apparatus is so arranged that M=0, then the two motions will be independent of each other ; and the motions indicated by f and -r\ will be about 120 conjugate axes— that is, about axes such that the rotation round one of them does not t«nd to produce a force about the other. Now let 8 be the driving-power of the shaft on the differential system, and * that of the differential system on the governor; then the equation of motion becomes -**n-<> ...... (9); r, = and if we put U = + NS1 \ (11), + NS1 the equations of motion in 9 and will be +3f-§' (12). If M' = 0, then the motions in 6 and will be independent of each oilier. If If is also 0, then we have the relation LPQ + MRS=0 ................................. (13); and if this is fulfilled, the disturbances of the motion in 6 will have no effect on the motion in tf>. The teeth of the differential system in gear with the main shaft and the governor respectively will then correspond to the centres of percussion and rotation of a simple body, and this relation will be mutual. In such differential systems a constant force, H, sufficient to keep the governor in a proper state of efficiency, is applied to the axis rj, and tin- motion of this axis is made to work a valve or a break on the main shaft of the machine. H in this case is merely the friction about the axis of £ If the moments of inertia of the different parts of the system are so arranged that J/' = 0, then the disturbance produced by a blow or a jerk on the machine will act instantaneously on the valve, but will not communicate any impulse to the governor. [From the Philosophical Magazine, for May, 1868.] XXXV. "Experiment in Magneto- Electric Induction." IN A LETTER TO W. R. GROVE, F.R.S.* 8, PALACE GARDENS TERRACE, W. March 27, 1868. DEAR SIR, Since our conversation yesterday on your experiment on magneto- electric inductionf, I have considered it mathematically, and now send you the result. I have left out of the question the secondary coil, as the peculiar effect you observed depends essentially on the strength of the current in the primary coil, and the secondary sparks merely indicate a strong alternating primary current. The phenomenon depends on the magneto-electric machine, the electro- magnet, and the condenser. The machine produces in the primary wire an alternating electromagnetic force, which we may compare to a mechanical force alternately pushing and pulling at a body. The resistance of the primary wire we may compare to the effect of a viscous fluid in which the body is made to move backwards and forwards. The electromagnetic coil, on account of its self-induction, resists the starting and stopping of the current, just as the mass of a large boat resists the efforts of a man trying to move it backwards and forwards. The condenser resists the accumulation of electricity on its surface, just as a railway-buffer resists the motion of a carriage towards a fixed obstacle. * Communicated by Mr W. R. Grove, F.R.S. t See Phil. Mag. S. 4. March 1868, p. 184. VOL. II. 16 EXPERIMENT IN MAGNETO-ELECTRIC INDUCTION. Now let us suppose a boat floating in a viscous fluid, and kept in its place by buffers fore and oft abutting against fixed obstacles, or by elastic ropes attached to fixed moorings before and behind. If the buffers were away, the mass of the boat would not prevent a man from pulling the boat along with a long-continued pull ; but if the man were to push and pull in alter- nate seconds of time, he would produce very little motion of the boat. The buffers will effectually prevent the man from moving the boat far from its position by a steady pull ; but if he pushes and pulls alternately, the period of alternation being not very different from that in which the buffers would cause the boat to vibrate about its position of equilibrium, then the force which acts in each vibration is due, partly to the efforts of the man, but chiefly to the resilience of the .buffers, and the man will be able to move the boat much further from its mean position than he would if he had pushed and pulled at tin- same rate at the same boat perfectly free. Thus, when an alternating force acts on a massive body, the extent of the displacements may be much greater when the body is attracted towards a position of equilibrium by a force depending on the displacement than when the body is perfectly free. The electricity in the primary coil when it is closed corresponds to a free body resisted only on account of its motion ; and in this case the current produced by an alternating force is small. When the primaiy coil is interrupted by a condenser, the electricity is resisted with a force proportional to the accumulation, and corresponds to a body whose motion is restrained by a spring; and in this case the motion produced by a force which alternates with sufficient rapidity may be much greater than in the former case. I enclose the mathe- matical theory of the experiment, and remain, Yours truly, J. CLERK MAXWELL. Mathematical Theory of the Experiment. Let M be the revolving armature of the magneto-electric machine, N, IS the poles of the magnets, x the current led through the coil of the electro- magnet R, and interrupted by the condenser C. Let the plates of the condenser be connected by the additional conductor y. EXPERIMENT IN MAGNETO-ELECTRIC INDUCTION. 123 Let Msmd be the value of the potential of the magnets on the coil of the armature ; then if the armature revolves with the angular velocity n, the electromotive force due to the machine is Mncosnt. Let R be the resistance of the wire which forms the coil of the armature M and that of the fixed electromagnet. Let L be the coefficient of self-induction, or the " electromagnetic mass " of these two coils taken together. Let x be the value of the current in this wire at any instant, then Lx will be its " electromagnetic momentum." Let (7 be the capacity of the condenser, and P the excess of potential of the upper plate at any instant, then the quantity of electricity on the upper plate is CP. Let p be the resistance of the additional conductor, and y the current in it. We shall neglect the self induction of this current. We have then for this conductor, (i). For the charge of the condenser, dt .(2). For the current x, If we assume we find dx Mncosnt + Rx + L -57 + P = at x — A cos (nt + a), (3). a = cot -~ Cpn 16—2 \-24 EXPERIMENT IN MAGNETO-ELECTRIC INDUCTION. The quantity of the alternating current is determined by A ; and the value of a only affects the epoch of the maximum current. If we make p = 0, the effect is that of closing the circuit of x, and we find ,. " This expression shews that the condenser has no effect when the current is closed. If we make p = <», the effect is that of removing the conductor y, and thus breaking the circuit. In this case JfV Tliis expression gives a greater value of A than when the circuit is closed, provided ZCLn* is greater than unity, which may be ensured by increasing the capacity of the condenser, the self-induction of the electromagnetic coil, or the velocity of rotation. If CL?R = \, the expression is reduced to _Mn '•~R- This is the greatest effect which can be produced with a given velocity, and is the same as if the current in the coil had no "electromagnetic momentum.' If the electromagnet has a secondary coil outside the primary coil so as to form an ordinary induction-coil, the intensity of the secondary current will depend essentially on that of the primary which has just been found. Although the reaction of the secondary current on the primary coil will introduce a greater complication in the mathematical expressions, the remarkable phenomenon described by Mr Grove does not require us to enter into this calculation, as the secondary sparks observed by him are a mere indication of what takes place in the primary coil. [From the Philosophical Transactions, Vol. CLVin.] XXXVI. On a Method of Making a Direct Comparison of Electrostatic with Electromagnetic Force; with a Note on the Electromagnetic Theory of Light. Received June 10,— Read June 18, 1868. THERE are two distinct and independent methods of measuring electrical quantities -with reference to received standards of length, time, and mass. The electrostatic method is founded on the attractions and repulsions be-, tween electrified bodies separated by a fluid dielectric medium, such as air ; and the electrical units are determined so that the repulsion between two small electrified bodies at a considerable distance may be represented numerically by the product of the quantities of electricity, divided by the square of the distance. The electromagnetic method is founded on the attractions and repulsions observed between conductors carrying electric currents, and separated by air ; and the electrical units are determined so that if two equal straight conductors are placed parallel to each other, and at a very small distance compared with their length, the attraction between them may be represented numerically by the product of the currents multiplied by the sum of the lengths of the conductors, and divided by the distance between them. These two methods lead to two different units by which the quantity of electricity is to be measured. The ratio of the two units is an important physical quantity, which we propose to measure. Let us consider the relation of these units to those of space, time, and force (that of force being a function of space, time, and mass). In the electrostatic system we have a force equal to the product of two quantities of electricity divided by the square of the distance. The unit of electricity will therefore vary directly as the unit of length, and as the square root of the unit of force. A DIRECT COMPARISON OF ELECTROSTATIC In the electromagnetic system we have a force equal to the product of two currents multiplied by the ratio of two lines. The unit of current in this system therefore varies as the square root of the unit of force; and the unit of electrical quantity, which is that which is transmitted by the unit current in unit of time, varies as the unit of time and as the square root of the unit «-f force. The ratio of the electromagnetic unit to the electrostatic unit is therefore that of a certain distance to a certain time, or, in other words, this ratio is a velocity; and this velocity will be of the same absolute magnitude, whatever standards of length, time, and mass we adopt. The electromagnetic value of the resistance of a conductor is also a quantity of the nature of a velocity, and therefore we may express the ratio of the two electrical units in terms of the resistance of a known standard coil; and this expression will be independent of the magnitude of our standards of length, time and mass. In the experiments here described no absolute measurements were made, either of length, time, or mass, the ratios only of these quantities being in- volved ; and the velocity determined is expressed in terms of the British Asso- ciation Unit of Resistance, so that whatever corrections may be discovered to be applicable to the absolute value of that unit must be also applied to the velocity here determined. A resistance-coil whose resistance is equal to about 28 '8 B. A. units would represent the velocity derived from the present experiments in a manner inde- |>endent of all particular standards of measure. The importance of the determination of this ratio in all cases in which electrostatic and electromagnetic actions are combined is obvious. Such cases occur in the ordinary working of all submarine telegraph-cables, in induction- coils, and in many other artificial arrangements. But a knowledge of this ratio is, I think, of still greater scientific importance when we consider that the velocity of propagation of electromagnetic disturbances through a dielectric medium depends on this ratio, and, according to my calculations*, is expressed by the very same number. The first numerical determination of this quantity is that of Weber and Kohlrauscht, who measured the capacity of a condenser electrostatically by * "A Dynamical Theory of the Electromagnetic Field," Philosophical Transactions, 1865. t Pogg, Ann. Aug. 1856, Bd. xcix. p. 10. WITH ELECTEOMAGNETIC FORCE. 127 comparison with the capacity of a sphere of known radius, and electromag- netically by passing the discharge from the condenser through a galvanometer. The Electrical Committee of the British Association have turned their attention to the means of obtaining an accurate measurement of this velocity, and for this purpose have devised new forms of condensers and contact-breakers ; and Sir William Thomson has obtained numerical values of continually increasing accuracy by the constant improvement of his own methods. A velocity which is so great compared with our ordinary units of space and time is probably most easily measured by steps, and by the use of several different instruments ; but as it seemed probable that the tune occupied in the construction and improvement of these instruments would be considerable, I determined to employ a more direct method of comparing electrostatic with electromagnetic effects. I should not, however, have been able to do this, had not Mr Gassiot, with his usual liberality, placed at my disposal his magnificent battery of 2600 cells charged with corrosive sublimate, with the use of his laboratory to work in. To Mr Willoughby Smith I am indebted for the use of his resistance- coils, giving a resistance of more than a million B. A. units, and to Messrs Forde and Fleeming Jenkin for the use of a galvanometer and resistance-coils, a bridge and a key for double contacts. Mr C. Hockin, who has greatly assisted me with suggestions since I first devised the experiment, undertook the whole work of the comparison of the currents by means of the galvanometer and shunts. He has also tested the resistances, and in fact done everything except the actual observation of equi- librium, which I undertook myself. The electrical balance itself was made for me by Mr Becker. The electrostatic force observed was that between two parallel disks, of which one, six inches diameter, was insulated and maintained at a high potential, while the other, four inches diameter, was at the same potential as the case of the instrument. In order to insure a known quantity of electricity on the surface of this disk, it was surrounded by the "guard-ring" introduced by Sir W. Thomson, so that the surface of the disk when in position and that of the guard-ring were in one plane, at the same potential, and separated by a very narrow space. In this way the electrical action on the small disk was equal to that due to a uniform distribution over its front surface, while no electrical action A DIRECT COMPARISON OF ELECTROSTATIC •••ultl exist at its sides or back, as these were at the same potential with the surrounding surfaces. The large disk was mounted on a slide worked by a micrometer-screw. The qmftll disk was suspended on one arm of a torsion-balance so that in its position of equilibrium its surface and that of the guard-ring were in one plane. If E is the difference of potential between the two disks in electromag- netic measure, the attraction between them is where a is the radius of the small disk, b its distance from the large one, and v is the velocity representing the ratio of the electromagnetic to the elec- trostatic unit of electricity. The electromagnetic force observed was the repulsion between two circular coils, of which one was attached to the back of the suspended disk, and the other was placed behind the large disk, being separated from it by a plate of glass and a layer of Hooper's compound. A current was made to pass through these coils in opposite directions, so as to produce a repulsion 9 A ' (2), where n and »' are the number of windings of each coil, y is the current, and «* a, and a, are the mean radii of the coils, and &' the mean distance of their planes, and Ee and Ft are the complete elliptic functions for modulus c = siny. 2 A <2d' When b' is small compared with a', -jr- becomes very nearly -p- • If we take into account the fact that the section of each coil is of sensible area, this formula would require correction; but in these coils the depth v;i* equal to the breadth of the section, whence it follows, by the differential WITH ELECTROMAGNETIC FORCE. 129 equation of the potential of two coils, given at p. 508 * of my paper on the Electromagnetic Field, d*M d*M 1 dM _| _ Q /5\ do? db* a da ('2\ 1— iV-rJ, where a is the depth a / of the coil — a correction which is in this case about 1 — "000926. A. Suspended disk and coil. A'. Counterpoise disk and coil. C. Fixed disk and coil. B,. Great battery. Ba. Small battery. G,. Primary coil of galvanometer. Secondary coil. R. Great resistance. Torsion head and tangent screw. One quarter of the micrometer-box, disks, and coils is cut away to shew the interior. The case of the instrument is not shewn. The galvanometer and shunts were 10 feet from the Electric Balance. G, T. K. Double key. g. Graduated glass scale. C'. Electrode of fixed disk. x. Current through R. x. Current through G,. x — x'. Current through S. y. Current through the three coils and G2. S. Shunt. M. Mercury cup. * [Vol. i. p. 591.] VOL. II. 17 130 A DIRBCT COMPARISON OF ELECTROSTATIC The suspended ooU, besides the repulsion due to the fixed coil, experiences a couple due to the action of terrestrial magnetism. To balance this couple, a coil exactly similar was attached to the other arm of the torsion-balance, and the current in the second coil was made to flow in the opposite direction to that in the first. When the current was made to flow through both coils, no effect of terrestrial magnetism could be observed. The torsion-balance consisted of a light brass frame, to which the suspended coils and disks were attached so that the centre of each coil was about eight inches from the vertical axis of suspension. This frame was suspended by a copper wire (No. 20), the upper end of which was attached to the centre <>t a torsion head, graduated, and provided with a tangent screw for small angular adjustments. The torsion head was supported by a hollow pillar, the base <>t which was clamped to the lid of the instrument so as to admit of sniull adjustments in every direction. The fixed disk and coil were mounted on a slide worked by a micrometer- ncrew, and were protected by a cylindrical brass box, the front of which, forming the guard-ring, 7 inches in diameter, had a circular aperture 4 '26 inches diameter, within which the suspended disk, 4'13 inches diameter, was free to move, leaving an interval of '065 of an inch between the disk and the aper- ture. A glass scale with divisions of -j-J^ of an inch was attached to the suspended disk on the side which was not electrified, and this was viewed by a microscope attached to the side of the instrument and provided with cross wires • at the focus. The disk worked by the micrometer was carefully adjusted by the maker, so as to be parallel to the inner surface of the guard-ring, or front face <>t the micrometer-box. This front face of the micrometer-box, when in position in the instrument, was made vertical by means of three adjusting screws. The suspended disk was then pressed against the fixed disk by means of a slight spring, and the fixed disk was gradually moved forward by the micro- meter-screw, while at the same time the graduated scale was observed through the microscope. In this way the graduations on the scale were compared with the readings of the micrometer. This was continued till the large disk came into contact with the guard-ring at one point, when the regularity of tin- motion was interrupted. A very small motion was then sufficient to bring the whole circumference of the disk into contact with the guard-ring, when the motion ceased altogether. This motion was not much more than one-thousandth of an inch. WITH ELECTROMAGNETIC FORCE. 131 This disk was then brought to the position of first contact, and the microscope was adjusted so that a known division of the glass scale was bisected by the cross wires. A small piece of silvered glass was fastened to the outside of the guard-ring, and another to the back of the suspended disk ; and these were adjusted so as to be in one plane, and to give a continuous image of reflected objects when the disks were in contact and the surface of the suspended disk was therefore in the plane of the surface of the guard- ring. The fixed disk was then screwed back, and the torsion-balance was adjusted so that the suspended disk when in equilibrium was in. precisely the same position as before. This was tested by observing the coincidence of the zero division of the glass scale with the cross wires of the microscope, and by examining the reflections from the two pieces of silvered glass. The torsion- balance could be moved bodily in any horizontal direction by adjusting the base of the pillar; it could be raised or lowered by a winch, and it could be turned about any horizontal axis by sliding weights, and round the vertical axis by a tangent screw of the torsion head. In this way the position of equilibrium of the suspended disk could be made to coincide with the plane of the guard-ring to the thousandth of an inch; and the adjustment when made continued very good from day to day, soft copper wire, stretched straight, not having the tendency to untwist gradually which I have observed in steel wire. The weight of the torsion piece was about 1 Ib. 3 oz., and the time of a double oscillation about fourteen seconds. The oscillations of the suspended disk, when near its sighted position, were found to subside very rapidly, the energy of the motion being expended in pumping the air through the narrow aperture between the guard-plate and the suspended disk. The electrical arrangements were as follows : — One electrode of Mr Gassiot's great battery was connected with a key. When the key was pressed connexion was made to the fixed disk, and thence, through Mr Willoughby Smith's resistance-coils, to a point where the current was divided between the principal coil of the galvanometer and a shunt, S, consisting of Mr Jenkin's resistance- coils. These partial currents reunited at a point where they were put in connexion with the other electrode of the battery, with the case of the instrument, and with the earth. Another battery was employed to send a current through the coils. One electrode of this battery was connected with a second contact piece of the 17—2 132 A DIRECT COMPARISON OF ELECTROSTATIC key, so thut. when the key was pressed, the current went first through the secondary ooil of the galvanometer, consisting of thirty windings of thick wire, then through the fixed coil, then to the suspension wire, and so through the two suspended coils to the brass frame of the torsion-balance and the suspended disk. A stout copper wire, well amalgamated, hanging from the centre of the toreinii-lnliince into a cup of mercury, made metallic communication to the case, to earth, and to the other electrode of the battery. When these arrangements had been made, the observer at the microscope, when the suspended disk was stationary at zero, made simultaneous contact with both batteries by means of the key. If the disk was attracted, the great battery was the more powerful, and the micrometer was worked so as to increase the distance of the disk. If the disk was repelled, the fixed disk had to be moved nearer to the suspended disk, till a distance was found at which, when the scale was at rest and at zero, no effect was produced by the simultaneous action of the batteries. With the forces actually employed the equilibrium of the scale at zero was unstable ; so that when the adjust- ment was nearly perfect the force was always directed from zero, and contacts had to be made as the scale was approaching zero, in such a way as to bring it to rest, if possible, at zero. In the meantime the other observer at the galvanometer was taking advantage of these contacts to alter the shunt S, till the effects of the two currents on the galvanometer-needle balanced each other. When a satisfactory case of equilibrium had been observed simultaneously at the galvanometer and at the torsion-balance, the micrometer-reading and the resistance of the shunt were set down as the results of the experiment. The chief difficulties experienced arose from the want of constancy in the batteries, the ratio of the currents varying very rapidly after first making contact. I think that by increasing considerably the resistance of the great battery-circuit, the current could be made more uniform. When a sufficient number of experiments on equilibrium had been made, a current was made to pass through the secondary coil of the galvanometer, and was then divided between a shunt of 31 units BA and the primary mil <>f the galvanometer with a resistance & added. S" was then varied till the needle was in equilibrium. In this way the magnetic effects of the two coils were compared. The resistance of the galvanometer and of all the coils were tested by WITH ELECTROMAGNETIC FORCE. 133 Mr Hockin, who also made all the observations with the galvanometer and its adjusting shunts. To determine v from these experiments, we have first, since the attraction is equal to the repulsion, ,214 If x is the current of the great battery passing through the great resistance R, and if x of this passes through the galvanometer whose resistance is G, and x — x' through the shunt S to earth, then E = Rx + Gx' .................................... (7), and Gx=S(x-x') ................................... (8). Also if g, is the magnetic effect of the principal coil of the galvanometer, and g.2 that of the secondary coil, then when the needle is in equilibrium 9iaf=ff& ....................................... (9). In the comparison of the coils of the galvanometer, if x^ and y^ are the currents through each, we have But yt is divided into two parts, of which x1 passes through the galvan- ometer G and the shunt 5", and the other, yl — x', passes through the shunt of 31 Ohms. Hence x1(G + &)=(y1-x,)3l ........................... (11). From these equations we obtain as the value of v, 1 a f~B IRQ n\ 31 V= . .—-T—J -»-+#+ G) -fr—q, -- ............ (12), -V 2^1 \ o - an equation containing only known quantities on the right-hand side. Of these, n and ri are the numbers of windings on the two coils, a is the mean of the radii of the suspended disk and the aperture, b is the distance between 2A the fixed disk and the suspended disk, -5- is found from a^ and aa, the mean radii of the coils, and b' their mean distance by equation (3). R is the great resistance, G that of the galvanometer, S that of the shunt in the principal experiment, and & that of the additional resistance in the com- parison of galvanometer-coils. A DIRKCT COMPARISON OF ELECTROSTATIC In this expression the only quantities which must be determined in absolute measure are the resistances. The other quantities which must be measured are the ratios of the radius of the disk to its distance from the fixed disk, and the ratio of the radius of the coils to the distance between them. These ratios and the number of windings in the coils are of course abstract numbers. In the experiments, n = 144 n' = 121 a = 2-0977 inches. a = I '934 inch. To determine a', the circumference of every layer of the coils was measured with watch-spring, the thickness of which was '008 inch. One turn of the micrometer-screw was found by Mr Hockin to be equal to "0202 inch. If TO is the micrometer-reading in terms of the screw, b = m -1270, &' = w + 26-31. In terms of the micrometer measure we have for a and a', a=103'85 turns, a' = 95 75 turns. The resistances were determined by Mr Hockin as follows : R=l 102 000 Ohms. G= 46 220 „ The experiments were made for two days, using a small battery charged with bichromate of potash. The current due to this battery was found to diminish so rapidly that a set of Grove's cells was used on the third day, which was found to be more constant than the great battery. A proper com- bination of the two batteries would perhaps produce a current which would diminish according to the same law as that of the great battery. Another difficulty arose from the fact that when the connexions were made, but before the key was pressed, if the micrometer was touched by the hand the disk was attracted. This I have not been able satisfactorily to account for, except by leakage of electricity from the great battery through the floor. When the micrometer was not touched, the disk remained at its proper zero. In certain experiments I kept my hand always on the micrometer in order to be able to adjust it more accurately. These experiments gave a value of v much too small, on account of the additional attraction. When I discovered the attraction, WITH ELECTROMAGNETIC FORCE. 135 I took care to make the observations without touching the micrometer, and took advantage of the attraction to check the oscillations of the disk. The experiments in which these precautions were taken agree together as well as I could expect, and lead me to think that, with the experience I have acquired, still better results might be obtained by the same method. It must be borne in mind that none of the results were calculated till after the conclusion of all the experiments, and that the rejected experiments were condemned on account of errors observed while they were being made. Any leakage arising from want of insulation of the fixed disk would introduce no error, as the difference of potentials between the two disks is measured by the current in the galvanometer, through a known resistance, independently of any leakage. All that is essential to accuracy is that the position of equilibrium before making contact should be at true zero, the same as when there is no electrical action, and that this equilibrium should not be disturbed when simultaneous contact is made with both batteries. Experiments on May 8. »S' = 1710 Ohms. Number of experiment Great battery-cells Small battery-cells Distance of disks by micrometer Resistance of shunt S Value of v in Ohms 1 1000 6 12-41 6870 28-591 2 1000 6 12-36 6940 28-430 8* 1800 8 16-99 5074 28-886 9 1800 8 17-02 5110 28-686 10 1800 8 19-91 4430 28-910 11 1800 7 20-07 4410 28-850 12 2600 9 25-08 3700 28-762 13 2600 9 25-12 3690 28-795 14 2600 9 25-29 3680 28-735 15 L'UIM) 9 25-18 3690 28-752 16 2600 9 25-19 3695 28-709 17 1800 7 19-69 4435 29-474 Mean value of v = 28798 Ohms, or B. A. units, or 288,000,000 metres per second, or 179,000 statute miles per second. The " probable error " is about one-sixth per cent. * In experiment 8 Mr Hockin and I changed places. 136 A DIRECT COMPARISON OF ELECTROSTATIC WITH ELECTROMAGNETIC FORCE. Experiments 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 were rejected on account of the micrometer being touched during the observation of equilibrium. These experiments gave an average value of t> = 27*39. The value of v derived from these experiments is considerably smaller than that which was obtained by MM. Weber and Kohlrausch, which was 31 '074 Ohms, or 310,740,000 metres per second. Their method involved the determination of the electrostatic capacity of a condenser, the electrostatic determination of its potential when charged, and the electromagnetic determination of the quantity of electricity discharged through a galvanometer. The capacity of the condenser was measured by dividing its charge repeat- edly with a sphere of known radius. Now, since all condensers made with solid dielectrics exhibit the phenomena of " electric absorption," this method would give too large a value for the capacity, as the condenser would become recharged to a certain extent after each discharge, so that the repeated division of the charge would have too small an effect on the potential. The capacity being overestimated, the number of electrostatic units in the discharge would be overestimated, and the value of v would be too great. In pointing out this as a probable source of error in the experiments of MM. Weber and Kohlrausch, I mean to indicate that I have such confidence in the ability and fidelity with which their investigation was conducted, that I am obliged to attribute the difference of their result from mine to a phe- nomenon the nature of which is now much better understood than when their experiments were made. On the other hand, the result of present experiments depends on the accuracy of the experiments of the Committee of the British Association on Electric ^Resistance. The B. A. unit is about 8 '8 per cent, larger than that determined by Weber in 1862, and about 1'2 per cent, less than that derived by Dr Joule from his experiments on the dynamical equivalent of heat by comparing the heating effects of direct mechanical agitation with those of electric currents. I believe that Sir William Thomson's experiments, not yet published, give a value of v not very different from mine. His method, I believe, also depends on the value of the B. A. unit. The lowest estimate of the velocity of light, that of the late M. Foucault, is 298,000,000 metres per second. A COMPARISON OF THE ELECTRIC UNITS, &C. 137 Note on the Electromagnetic Theory of Light. In a paper on the Electromagnetic Field* some years ago, I laid before the Royal Society the reasons which led me to believe that light is an elec- tromagnetic phenomenon, the laws of which can be deduced from those of electricity and magnetism, on the theory that all these phenomena are affections of one and the same medium. Two papers appeared in Poggendorff's Anna- len, for 1867, bearing on the same subject. The first, by the late eminent mathematician Bernhardt Eiemann, was presented in 1858 to the Royal Society of Gottingen, but was withdrawn before publication, and remained unknown till last year. Riemann shews that if for Laplace's equation we substitute 0 ........................ (13), V being the electrostatic potential, and a a velocity, the results will agree with known phenomena in all parts of electrical science. This equation is equi- valent to a statement that the potential V is propagated through space with a certain velocity. The author, however, seems to avoid making explicit mention of any medium through which the propagation takes place, but he shews that this velocity is nearly, if not absolutely, equal to the known velocity of light. The second paper, by M. Lorenz, shews that, on Weber's theory, periodic electric disturbances would be propagated with a velocity equal to that of light. The propagation of attraction through space forms part of this hypothesis also, though the medium is not explicitly recognised. From the assumptions of both these papers we may draw the conclusions, first, that action and reaction are not always equal and opposite, and second, that apparatus may be constructed to generate any amount of work from its resources. For let two oppositely electrified bodies A and B travel along the line joining them with equal velocities in the direction AB, then if either the potential or the attraction of the bodies at a given time is that due to their position at some former time (as these authors suppose), B, the foremost body, will attract A forwards more than A attracts B backwards. * Philosophical Transactions, 1865, p. 459. [Vol. I. p. 527.] VOL. II. 18 138 A COMPARISON OF THE ELECTRIC UNITS Now let A and B be kept asunder by a rigid rod. The combined system, if set in motion in the direction AB, will pull in that direction with a force which may either continually augment the velocity, or may be used as an inexhaustible source of energy. I think that these remarkable deductions from the latest developments of Weber and Neumann's theory can only be avoided by recognizing the action of a medium in electrical phenomena. The statement of the electromagnetic theory of light in my former paper was connected with several other electromagnetic investigations, and was there- fore not easily understood when taken by itself. I propose, therefore, to state it in what I think the simplest form, deducing it from admitted facts, and shewing the connexion between the experiments already described and those which determine the velocity of light. The connexion of electromagnetic phenomena may be stated in the following manner. THEOREM A. — If a closed curve be drawn embracing an electric current, then the integral of the magnetic intensity taken round the closed curve is equal to the current multiplied by 4ir. The integral of the magnetic intensity may be otherwise defined as the work done on a unit magnetic pole carried completely round the closed curve. This well-known theorem gives us the means of discovering the position and magnitude of electric currents, when we can ascertain the distribution of magnetic force in the field. It follows directly from the discovery of (Ersted. THEOREM B. — If a conducting circuit embraces a number of lines of mag- netic force, and if, from any cause whatever, the number of these lines is diminished, an electromotive force will act round the circuit, the total amount of which will be equal to the decrement of the number of lines of magnetic force in unit of time. The number of lines of magnetic force may be otherwise defined as the integral of the magnetic intensity resolved perpendicular to a surface, multiplied by the element of surface, and by the coefficient of magnetic induction, the integration being extended over any surface bounded by the conducting circuit. This theorem is due to Faraday, as the discoverer both of the facts and of this mode of expressing them, which I think the simplest and most com- prehensive. AND ON THE ELECTROMAGNETIC THEORY OF LIGHT. 139 THEOREM C. — When a dielectric is acted on by electromotive force it ex- periences what we may call electric polarization. If the direction of the elec- tromotive force is called positive, and if we suppose the dielectric bounded by two conductors, A on the negative, and B on the positive side, then the surface of the conductor A is positively electrified, and that of B negatively. If we admit that the energy of the system so electrified resides in the polarized dielectric, we must also admit that within the dielectric there is a displacement of electricity in the direction of the electromotive force, the amount of this displacement being proportional to the electromotive force at each point, and depending also on the nature of the dielectric. The energy stored up in any portion of the dielectric is half the product of the electromotive force and the electric displacement, multiplied by the volume of that portion. It may also be shewn that at every point of the dielectric there is a mechanical tension along the lines of electric force, combined with an equal pressure in all directions at right angles to these lines, the amount of this tension on unit of area being equal to the amount of energy in unit of volume. I think that these statements are an accurate rendering of the ideas of Faraday, as developed in various parts of his "Experimental Researches." THEOREM D. — When the electric displacement increases or diminishes, the effect is equivalent to that of an electric current in the positive or negative direction. Thus, if the two conductors in the last case are now joined by a wire, there will be a current in the wire from A to B. At the same time, since the electric displacement in the dielectric is diminishing, there will be an action electromagnetically equivalent to that of an electric current from B to A through the dielectric. According to this view, the current produced in discharging a condenser is a complete circuit, and might be traced within the dielectric itself by a galvanometer properly constructed. I am not aware that this has been done, so that this part of the theory, though apparently a natural consequence of the former, has not been verified by direct experiment. The experiment would certainly be a very delicate and difficult one. Let us now apply these four principles to the electromagnetic theory of light, considered as a disturbance propagated in plane waves. 18—2 140 A COMPARISON OF THE ELECTRIC UNITS Let the direction of propagation be taken as the axis of z, and let all the quant ities be functions of z and of t the time; that is, let every portion of any plane perpendicular to z be in the same condition at the same instant. Let us also suppose that the magnetic force is in the direction of the ^xyi of y, and let ft be the magnetic intensity in that direction at any point. Let the closed curve of Theorem A consist of a parallelogram in the plane yz, two of whose sides are 6 along the axis of y, and z along the axis of :. The integral of the magnetic intensity taken round this parallelogram is b(ft, — ft), where ft, is the value of ft at the origin. Now let p be the quantity of electric current in the direction of x per unit of area taken at any point, then the whole current through the parallelo- gram will be I bpdz, and we have by (A), l(ftt-ft) = 47r Plpdz. If we divide by b and differentiate with respect to z, we find Let us next consider a parallelogram in the plane of xz, two of whose sides are a along the axis of x, and z along the axis of z. If' P is the electromotive force per unit of length in the direction of x, then the total electromotive force round this parallelogram is a(P — P0). If p. is the coefficient of magnetic induction, then the number of lines of force embraced by this parallelogram will be and since by (B) the total electromotive force is equal to the rate of dimi- nution of the number of lines in unit of time, Dividing by a and differentiating with respect to z, we find dft AND ON THE ELECTROMAGNETIC THEORY OF LIGHT. 141 Let the nature of the dielectric be such that an electric displacement / is produced by an electromotive force P, P = ¥- (16), where k is a quantity depending on the particular dielectric, which may be called its "electric elasticity." Finally, let the current p, already considered, be supposed entirely due to the variation off, the electric displacement, then We have now four equations, (14), (15), (16), (17), between the four quantities /J, p, P, and f. If we eliminate p, P, and f, we find CLL 47TJLC CtfZr IfwePut G£-p (19)> the well-known solution of this equation is /3 = l(z— Vt) + (j)3(z+ Vt) (20), shewing that the disturbance is propagated with the velocity V. The other quantities p, P, and f can be deduced from /8. Thus, if /8 = c cos -r- (z - A. C 27T, T, ... - I have in the next place to shew that the velocity F is the same quantity as that found from the experiments on electricity. For this purpose let us consider a stratum of air of thickness b bounded by two parallel plane conducting surfaces of indefinite extent, the difference of whose potentials is E. 143 A COMPARISON OF THE ELECTRIC UMTS The electromotive force per unit of length between the surfaces is P = !•'.. The electric displacement is/=^P. The energy in unit of volume and the tension along the lines of force per unit of area is } Pf. The attraction X on an area ira* of either surface is .(22). If this area is separated by a small interval from the rest of the plane surface, as in the experiment, and if this interval is small compared with the radius of the disk, the lines of force belonging to the disk will be separated from those belonging to the rest of the surface by a surface of revolution, the section of which, at any sensible distance from the surface, will be a circle whose radius is a mean between those of the disk and the aperture. This radius must be taken for a in the equation (22)*. Let us next consider the magnetic force near a long straight conductor carrying a current y. The magnetic force will be in the direction of a tangent to a circle whose axis is the current ; and the intensity will be uniform round this circle. If the radius is 6, and the magnetic intensity yS, the integral round the circle will be 1irbft = ^iry by (A). Hence ^ = 2f ....................................... (23)' Let a wire carrying a current y' be placed parallel to the first at a distance 6, and let us consider a portion of this wire of length I. This portion will be urged across the lines of magnetic force, and the electromagnetic force I' will be equal to the product of the length of the portion, multiplied by * [Note added Dec. 28, 1868.— I have since found that if a, is the radius of the disk, and a, that of the aperture of the guard-ring, and 6 the distance from the large fixed disk, then we must substitute for p the more approximate expression" ' +n£- \, where a is a quantity which cannot exceed -^-(o,-o,). -J. C. M.] AND ON THE ELECTROMAGNETIC THEORY OF LIGHT. 143 the current and by the number of lines which it crosses per unit of distance through which it moves, or, in symbols, I . (24). =^~byy If the two wires instead of being straight are circular, of radius a', and if V the distance between them is very small compared with the radius, the attraction will be the same as if they were straight, and will be C)~rr,' F_ ^iTTll , = 2p-y-yy (25). When // is not very small compared with a', we must use the equation 2A (3) to calculate the value of -g- by elliptic integrals. Making X= Y and comparing with equation (6), we find but, by (19), P = I^- Hence v = pV (27), where v is the electromagnetic ratio and V is the velocity of light. But since all the experiments are made in air, for which fi is assumed equal to unity, as the standard medium with which all others are compared, we have finally v=V (28), or the number of electrostatic units in one electromagnetic unit of electricity is numerically equal to the velocity of light. [Extracted from The Quarterly Journal of Pure and Applied Ufatfiematics, No. 34, 1867.] XXXVII. On the Cyclide. l\ optical treatises, the primary and secondary foci of a small pencil are sometimes represented by two straight lines cutting the axis of the pencil at right angles in planes at right angles to each other. Every ray of the pencil is supposed to pass through these two lines, thus forming what M. Pliiker* has called a congruence of the first order. The system of rays, as thus defined, does not fulfil the essential condi- tion of all optical pencils, that the rays shall have a common wave-sur; for no surface can be drawn which shall cut all the rays of such a pencil at right angles. Sir W. R. Hamilton has shewn, that the primary and secondary foci are in general the points of contact of the ray with the surface of centres of the wave-surface, which forms a double caustic surface. If we select a pencil of rays corresponding to a given small area on the wave-surface, their points of contact will lie on two small areas on the two sheets of the caustic surface. The sections of the pencil by planes perpendicular to its axis will appear, when the pencil is small enough, as two short straight lines in pi perpendicular to each other. I propose to determine the form of the wave-surface, when one or both of the so-called focal lines is really a line, and not merely the projection of a small area of a curved surface. Let us first determine the condition that all the normals of a surface may pass through one fixed curve. Let R be a point on the surface, and RP a normal at P, meeting the fixed curve at P. Let PT be a tangent to the fixed curve at P, and HI'T a plane through R and PT. * Philosophical Transactions, 1864. THE CYCLIDE. 145 Of the two lines of curvature through R, the first touches the plane RPT, and the second is perpendicular to it. Hence, if the plane RPT turn about the tangent PT as an axis, it will always be normal to the second line of curvature. The second line of curvature is therefore a circle, and PT passes through its centre perpendicular to its plane. All the normals belonging to the second line of curvature are of equal length, and equally inclined to PT, so that they may be considered either as the generating lines of a right cone whose axis is the tangent to the fixed curve, or as the radii of a sphere whose centre is at P, and which touches the surface all along the line of curvature. The surface may therefore be defined as the envelope of a series of spheres, whose centres lie on the fixed curve, and whose radii vary according to any law. If the normal passes through two fixed curves, the surface must also be the envelope of a second series of spheres whose centres lie on the second fixed curve, and each of which touches all the spheres of the first series. If we take any three spheres of the first series, the surface may be defined as the envelope of all the spheres which touch the three given spheres in a continuous manner. This is the definition given by Dupin, in his Applications de Geometric (p. 200), of the surface of the fourth order called the Cyclide, because both series of its lines of curvature are circles. If the three fixed spheres be given, they may either be all on the same side (inside or outside) of the touching sphere, or any one of the three may be on the opposite side from the other two. There are thus four different series of spheres which may be described touching the same three spheres, but we cannot pass continuously from one series to another, and the normals to the four corresponding cyclides pass through different fixed curves. Let us next consider the nature of the two fixed curves. Since all the normals pass through both curves, and since all those which pass through a point P are equally inclined to the tangent at P, the second curve must lie on a right cone. If now the point P be taken so that its distance from a point Q in the second curve is a minimum, then PQ will be perpendicular to PT, and the right cone will become a plane, therefore the second curve is a plane conic. In the same way we may shew, that the first curve is a plane conic. VOL. n. 19 THE CYCLIDE. The two curves are therefore plane oonics, such that the cone whose base is one of the conies, and its vertex any point of the other, is a right cone. The conies are therefore in planes at right angles to each other, and the foci of one are the vertices of the transverse axis of the other. We shall call tin •>«• curves the focal conies of the cyclide. Let the equations to a point on an ellipse be a; = ccosa, y = (c1 - 6')* sin a, 2 = 0 (1), where a is the eccentric angle, and let the equations to a point on tin- hyperbola be a: = 6sec-B, y = 0, z = (c1 - &')' tan B (2), where B is an angle, then these two conies fulfil the required conditions. For uniformity, we shall sometimes make use of the hyperbolic functions cosfy8 = |(e/l + e-»), and sin/j£ = £ (« fixed while P varies, R will describe another circle, and these circles cut at right angles, and are both at right angles to PQR at their intersection, and THE CYCLIDE. 147 since P and Q are any points on the conies, the whole system of circles will form a cyclide. The circle corresponding to P a fixed point on the ellipse, is in a plane which cuts that of xz along the line br x = ~, 2/ = 0 (9), and makes with it an angle The circle corresponding to Q a fixed point in the hyperbola, is in a plane which cuts that of xy along the line * = f • * = 0 (10). and makes with it an angle Hence the planes of all the circles of either series pass through one of two fixed lines, which are at right angles to each other, and at a minimum distance The line of intersection of the planes of the two circles through the point R will therefore pass through both the fixed lines at points S and T, where the co-ordinates of S are /*1* if — ft" l* x = cr> y = (c °) iana> z = 0 (11), b o and those of T, x = — , y = Q, z= — — — sinB (12), c c and it is easily shewn that „„ 1 - T sec a o^t o ,,Q\ TR = —r —P (13)" 1 — cos B c Hence, we deduce the following : 19—2 148 THE CYCLIDE. Second Constntction by Points. Draw the two fixed lines, and find points S and T given by equations (11) iuul (12), then draw ST, and cut it in R, so that the ratio of the segments is that given by equation (13). R will be a point on the cyclide. This construction is very convenient for drawing any projection of the cyclide, as the distances are measured along the projections of the fixed lines, and the line ST can be divided in the required ratio by means of a ruler and " sector," without making any marks on the paper, except the position of the required point Jt. In this way I have drawn stereoscopic diagrams of four varieties of the cyclide, viewed from a position nearly in the line x=y = z, .shewing the circles corresponding to various values of a and B*. On the. Forms of the Cyclide. We shall suppose b and c to be given, and trace the effect of giving different values to 7*. Since the cyclides corresponding to negative values of r differ from those corresponding to equal positive values merely by having the * Arote on a Real-Image Stereoscope. In ordinary stereoscopes the virtual images of two pictures are Huper|>o»ed, and the observer, looking through two lenses, or prisms, or at two mirrors, sees the figure ;t|ij«rviitly behind the optical apparatus. In a stereoscope, which I have had made by Elliott Brothers, the observer looks at a real image of the pictures, which appears in front of the instrument, and he is not conscious of using any optical apparatus. This stereoscope consists of a frame to support the double picture, which may be a common stereoscopic •lide inverted. One foot from this a frame is placed, containing (tide by side two convex lenses of half a foot focal length, and having their centres distant one and a quarter inches horizontally. One foot 1" these U placed a convex lens of two-thirds of a foot focal length and three inches diameter. The observer stands about two feet from the large lens, so that with the right eye he sees an image of the left-hand picture, and with the left eye an image of the right-hand picture. These images are formed by pencils which pass centrically through the two small lenses respectively, so that they are free from distortion, and they appear to be nearly at the same distance as the large lens, •o that the observer fixing his eyes on the frame of the large lens sees the combined figures at once. The figures of the cyclide, though constructed for this stereoscope, may be used with an ordinary stereoscope, or they may be united by squinting, which is a very effective method. THE CYCLIDE. 149 positive and negative ends of the axis of x reversed, we need study the positive values only. (1) When r lies between zero and b, the section in the plane of the ellipse consists of two circles, whose centres are the foci, and which intersect at a point of the ellipse. The section in the plane of the hyperbola consists of two circles exterior to each other, whose centres are the vertices of the ellipse. The cyclide itself consists of two lobes exterior to each other, of which the negative one is the largest, and increases with r, while the positive lobe decreases. Each lobe terminates in two conical points, where it meets the other lobe. The cone of contact at these singular points is a right cone, whose axis is the tangent to the ellipse, and whose semi-vertical angle is The whole figure resembles two pairs of horns, each pair joined together by their bases, and the two pairs touching at the tips of the horns. Figure I.* represents a cyclide of this kind. The 'continuous curves represent the lines of curvature of both series. The dotted curves represent the ellipse and hyper- bola through which the normals pass, and the dotted straight lines repre- sent the axis of x, and the two straight lines through which the planes of the circles pass. (2) When r lies between b and c, the cyclide consists of a single sheet in the form of a ring, the section of which is greatest on the negative side. Figure II. represents a cyclide of this kind. (3) When r is greater than c, the cyclide again consists of two sheets, the one within the other, meeting each other in two Conical points which are' situated on the positive branch of the hyperbola. The semi-vertical angle at these points, is There is also in all forms of the cyclide, a singular tangent plane which touches the cyclide along a circle corresponding to B = ± - . Figure III. repre- ia * [Page 159]. |J(» THE CYCLIDE. aenta such a cyclide. The outer sheet with its circles of contact and re-entering conical points, and the inner spindle with its conical points meeting those of tlu- outer sheet, have a certain resemblance to the outer and inner sheets • •f FrvsMfl's Wave-Surface ; and, if we bear in mind that the wave-surface has four such singular points while the cyclide has only two, we may find Figure III. useful in forming an idea of the singular points of the wave-surface. If we give to r all values from -f « to — o> , the cyclide assumes the forms (3), (2), (1), (-1), (-2), (-3) in succession, and every point of space w traversed four times by the surface. For when r is infinite, any given point R is within the spindle or inner sheet of (3). As r diminishes, the spindle contracts, and when r = c it vanishes; so that for a certain value, r,, greater than c, the surface of the spindle passes through the point R. At this instant the outer sheet of the cyclide is still beyond R, but as r diminishes, the surface contracts, and finally vanishes when r = —b, before which it must have passed through a value ?•,, for which the surface passes through R. At this instant the surface may have the form either of the outer sheet of (3), or of the ring cyclide of one sheet (2), or of the negative lobe "I" (I)- The positive lobe of (1) begins to appear when r becomes less than b, and increases as ;• diminishes, till when r= — b it becomes a ring, and when r= — c it becomes the outer sheet of the cyclide ( — 3). This surface, therefore, for some value, rt, of r, passes through the point R. This value r, is necessarily less than ?v When r = — c the interior sheet of ( — 3) is developed, and increases Ln- • Infinitely as r diminishes, so that for some value, rv of r, which is less than <•„ the point R is on the surface of this interior sheet. We thus see that the cyclide may be said to have four sheets, though not more than two can be real at once. These four sheets touch at three conical points. The first sheet, corresponding to r,, is the interior lobe of the cyclide (3), ;md always touches the second sheet at a conical point on the positive branch of the hyperbola. The second sheet, corresponding to rt, has three different forms, being either the outer sheet of (3), the ring cyclide of one sheet (2), or the negative lobe of (l). When the first sheet exists, it meets it at a conical point on the |K»itive hyperbola, and when the third sheet exists, it meets it at a conical point on the ellipse. THE CYCLIDE. The third sheet, corresponding to ra, has also three different forms. It may be either the positive lobe of (l), the ring cyclide ( — 2), or the outer sheet of ( — 3). In the first case it has a conical point on the ellipse where it meets the second sheet. In the second case it has no conical point, and in the third it meets the fourth sheet in a conical point on the negative hyperbola. The fourth sheet is the interior spindle of the cyclide ( — 3), and always meets the third sheet at a conical point on the negative hyperbola. Parabolic Cyclides. When the values of b, c, r, and x are each increased by the same quan- tity, and if this quantity is indefinitely increased, the two conies become in the limit two parabolas in perpendicular planes, the focus of one being the vertex of the other, and the cyclide becomes what we may call the parabolic cyclide. When r lies between b and c, the cyclide consists of one infinite sheet, lying entirely between the planes a; = 26 — r and x = 2c — r. The portions of space on the positive and negative side of the sheet are linked together as the earth and the air are linked together by a bridge, the earth, of which the bridge forms part, embracing the air from below, and the air embracing the bridge from above. In fact the earth and bridge form a ring of which one side is much larger than the other. A parabolic ring cyclide in which 2r = b + c, is represented in Figure IV. When r does not lie between b and c, the cyclide consists of a lobe with two conical points, and an infinite sheet with two conical points meeting those of the lobe. Surfaces of Revolution. When 6 = 0, the cyclide is the surface formed by the revolution of a circle of radius r about a line in its own plane distant c from the centre. If r is less than c, the form is that of an anchor ring. If r is greater than c, the surface consists of an outer and an inner sheet, meeting in two conical points. When b = c, the cyclide resolves itself into two spheres, which touch externally if )• is less than b, and internally if r is greater than b. When b = c = 0, the two spheres become one. 152 THE CYCLIDE. If the origin be transferred to a conical point, and if the dimensions of the figure be then indefinitely increased, the cyclide becomes ultimately a right cone, having the same conical angle as the original cyclide. If b = c, the cone becomes a plane. If b remains finite, while c, r, and x are each increased by the same indefinitely great quantity, the cyclide ultimately becomes a right cylinder, whose radius is r-c. Inversion of the Cyclide. Since every sphere, when inverted by means of the reciprocals of the radii drawn to a fixed point, becomes another sphere, every cyclide similarly inverted l»ecomes another cyclide. There is, however, a certain relation between the parameters of the one cyclide and those of the other, namely or (15). If the point of inversion be taken on either of the circles c' = °> z = 0 (16), or a? + zI-2^-&'-r'-»-c1 = 0, y = 0 (17), c crx the cyclide will become a surface of revolution in which 6 = 0, and r" c'-r5 if the point of inversion be on the first circle, or if it be on the second. When r is less than c, the first circle is real; and when r is greater than 6, the second circle is real In the ring-cyclide r is between b and c, and the cyclide can be transformed into an anchor ring in two different ways. THE CYCLIDE. j 53 If the cyclide has conical points, and if one of them be made the point of inversion, the cyclide becomes a right cone, whose semi-vertical angle is (52 — •rM /yj_c2\i -j— — J if r is less than b, or cos'1 (;?— n) if r is greater than 6. If the point of inversion be at any other point of the surface, the cyclide becomes a parabolic cyclide. be If the point of inversion be x = — , y = Q, z= 0, the cyclide is inverse to itself. On the Conjugate Isothermal Functions on the Cyclide. DEFINITION. If on any surface two systems of curves be drawn, each individual curve being defined by the value of a parameter corresponding to it, and if the two systems of curves intersect everywhere at right angles, and if the intercept of a curve of the second system between two consecutive curves of the first system has the same ratio to the intercept of a curve of the first system between two consecutive curves of the second, as the difference of the parameters of the two curves of the first system has to the difference of the parameters of the two curves of the second system, then the two systems of curves are called conjugate isothermal lines, and the two parameters conjugate isothermal functions. If the surface be now supposed to be a uniform con- ducting lamina placed between non-conducting media, one set of these lines will be isothermal for heat or equipotential for electricity, and the other set will be lines of flow. (See Lame" on Isothermal Functions.) This property of lines on a surface is not changed by inversion. In the cyclide, we find the intercept ds of a line of curvature of the first system is , r — ccoshfi , „ ?ou , , . £&»- —TO , (c--b-)*da ..................... (20), c cos A/3 — o cos a v and the intercept dst of a line of curvature of the second system is (21). c cos — VOL. II. 20 154 THE CYCLIDE. If now 8 be a function of a, and of ft, such that then 6 and <£ will be conjugate isothermal functions. If 6 = k I- -and<£ = /tf -0 (22), Jr-fecoso, Jr-ccoshft the condition will be satisfied. If r is greater than 6, we find tan . = ± — (23). (r — b')* b — rcosa It is more useful to have a expressed in terms of 6, thus : 0J-&*)»sin — sin a — rcos - C0sa= - V . .............................. (24). If r is less than 6, we have only to write the hyperbolic functions of a a ,. , ,,, instead of the circular functions of /•t_j-\\ » and to write (6s — j-3)* for (,--&')'. Similarly, we obtain for the relation between ft and <£, when r is greater than c, c + r cos h -r~- r + c cos h (25). j-r —$-, (r1 — c')* When r is less than c we must substitute (c1 — r4)1 for (j-1 — c1)* and turn the hyperbolic functions into circular functions. THE CYCLIDE. 155 Having found these conjugate isothermal -functions we may deduce from them any number of other pairs, as 01 and <£„ where (26)- On Confocal Cyclides. A system of cyclides in which the focal ellipse and hyperbola remain the same, while r has various values, may be called a confocal system. This system of cyclides and the two systems of right cones which have their vertices in one conic and pass through the other, form three systems of orthogonal surfaces, and therefore intersect along their lines of curvature. By inversion we may get three systems of cyclides intersecting orthogonally. A system of confocal cyclides may also be considered as a system of wave surfaces in an isotropic medium, corresponding to a pencil of rays, each ray of which intersects the two focal conies. Each cyclide corresponds to a certain value of r, which we may call the length of the ray of that cyclide. Now let us consider the system of confocal conicoids, whose equation is of the form By putting p = c, we get the ellipse I " _1 n O ff)Q\ which are normal to four cyclides passing through the point R. 20— '2 156 THE CYCLIDE. The normal to the ellipsoid through R will be the real axis of the cone which pane* through the ellipse, and will bisect the angle between r, and r,, and also tliat between r, and r,. If the ellipsoid were reflective, a ray incident in the direction r, would be reflected in the direction of r, reversed ; hence, by the wave theory, r, + r, is constant for the ellipsoid. At the point of tin- ellipsoid (p « constant) where it is cut by the axis of z, r, = x + c, So that the equation of the ellipsoid (r = constant) may be expressed in terms of r, and r, thus : 2p ...................................... (30). The normal to the ellipsoid also bisects the angle between r, and rit whence we deduce another form of the equation of the same ellipsoid r, + rt=-2p ..................................... (31). Hence, the general relation among the values of r, 0 .............. . .................... (32). The normal to the hyperboloid of one sheet (/* = constant) bisects the angle between r, and r,, and also that between r, and rtt whence we obtain the equations ............................ (33). The normal to the hyperboloid of two sheets (v = constant) bisects the angles between r, and r,, and between r, and rt, whence (34). These are the equations to the conicoids in terms of the four rays of the pencil. The equations to the four cyclides in terms of elliptic co-ordinates are easily deduced from them (35). THE CYCLIDE. Since the quantities p> c, p, b, v, 0 are in descending order of magnitude, it is evident that ri> P, ^, r3, -p, rt are also in descending order of magnitude. The general equation to the cyclide in elliptic co-ordinates is (r-p-p. + v)(r-p + p.-v)(r + p-fJ,-v)(r + p + iJi + v) = () (36), which may be expressed in Cartesian co-ordinates thus : When b = c there are two focal points F and F' and the values of the four rays are rl= RF+c r,= RF-c\ r,= -RF+c\ <38)' rt=-RF-c. The equation of the ellipsoid 2p = r1 + r1 = RF+RF' (39) in this case expresses the property of the prolate spheroid, that the sum of the distances of any point from the two foci is constant. In like manner, the equation rt + r, = 2v = RF' — RF (40) expresses the property of the hyperboloid of revolution of two sheets, that the difference of the focal distances is constant. In order to extend a property analogous to this to the other conicoids, let us conceive the following mechanical construction : Suppose the focal ellipse and hyperbola represented by thin smooth wires, and let an indefinite thin straight rod always rest against the two curves, and let r be measured along the rod from a point fixed in the rod. Let a string whose length is b + c be fastened at one end to the negative focus of the ellipse and at the other to the point ( + b) of the rod, and let the string slide on the ellipse at the same point as the rod rests on it. To keep the string always tight let another equal string pass from the positive focus of the ellipse round 158 THE CYCLIDE. the curre to the point (-&) of the rod. These strings will determine the point of the rod which rests on any given point of the ellipse. Let the rod also rest on the hyperbola, so that either the positive portion of the rod rest* on the positive branch of the hyperbola, or the negative portion of the rod reete on the negative branch. Then the point r of the rod lies in the surface of the cyclide whose para- meter ia r, and as the rod is made to slide on the ellipse and hyperbola, the point r will explore the whole surface of the cyclide. If we consider any point of space R, the rod will pass through it in four different positions corresponding to the four intersections of the cones whose vertex is R passing through the ellipse and hyperbola. The first position, r,, corresponds to the first sheet of the cyclide wlm-li passes through R, If we denote the intersection of the rod with the ellipse by E, and its intersection with the positive and negative branches of the hyperbola by +H and — H, then the order of the intersections will be in this case E, +H, R. The second position, r,, corresponds to the second sheet, and the order of intersections is either E, R, +H or -H, E, R. The third position, rv corresponds to the third sheet, and the order of the intersections is either R, E, +H, or -//, R, E. The fourth position, rt, corresponds to the fourth sheet, and the order of the intersections is R, -H, E, the letters being always arranged in the order in which r increases. The complete system of rays is an example of a linear congruence of the fourth order. Now if two rods, each fulfilling the above conditions, intersect at R in any two of these four positions, and if a string of sufficient length be fastened to a sufficiently distant negative point of the first rod, be passed round the point /.'. and l)e fastened to a sufficiently distant negative point of the second rod, ami if THE CYCLIDE. 159 the two rods be then moved always keeping the string tight at the point of intersection R, then R will trace out a conicoid. If the rods are in the first and second positions, or in the third and fourth, the conicoid will be an ellipsoid. If the rods are in the first and third positions, or in the second and fourth, the conicoid will be an hyperboloid of one sheet. If the rods are in the first and fourth positions, or in the second and third, the conicoid will be an hyperboloid of two sheets. In the parabolic confocal system, the fourth sheet of the cyclide is a plane, and rt is parallel to the axis of x. Hence if rays parallel to the axis of a paraboloid are reflected by the surface, they will all pass through the two focal parabolas of the system, and the wave surface after reflexion will be a cyclide, and if the rays are twice reflected, they will become again parallel to the axis. [From the Edinburgh Royal Society Proceedings, Vol. VH.] XXXVIII. On a Bow seen on the Surface of Ice. UN the 26th of January, about noon, I observed the appearance of a coloured bow on the frozen surface of the ditch which surrounds S. John's C'/ollege, Cambridge. Its appearance and position seemed to correspond with those of an ordinary primary rainbow. I at once made a rough measurement of the angle on the board of a book which I had with me, and then borrowed from Dr Parkinson, President of S. John's College, a sextant with which I found that the angle between the bright red and the shadow of the large mirror was 41*50', and that for bright blue 40° 30'. The angle for the extreme red of the primary bow, as given in • Parkinson's Optics, is 42° 20', and that for violet 40* 32'. The bows formed by ice crystals are seen on the same side as the sun, and not on the opposite side. I suppose the bow which I saw to be formed by small drops of water lying on the ice. If the lower part of each drop were flattened, so as to bring the point at which the reflexion takes place nearer to the points of incidence and emergence, the effect would be of the same kind as that of a diminution of the index of refraction — that is, the angle of the bow would be increased. How a drop of water can lie upon ice without wetting it, and losing its shape altogether, I do not profess to explain. Only a small part of the ice presented this appearance. It was best seen when the incident and emergent rays were nearly equally inclined to the horizontal. The ice was very thin, and I was not able to get near enough tn the place where the bow appeared to see if the supposed water drops really existed. [From the Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Vol. xxvi.] XXXIX. On Reciprocal Figures, Frames, and Diagrams of Forces. (Received 17th Dec. 1869; read 7th Feb. 1870.) Two figures are reciprocal when the properties of the first relative to the second are the same as those of the second relative to the first. Several kinds of reciprocity are known to mathematicians, and the theories of Inverse Figures and of Polar Reciprocals have been developed at great length, and have led to remarkable results. I propose to investigate a different kind of geometrical reciprocity, which is also capable of considerable development, and can be ap- plied to the solution of mechanical problems. A Frame may be defined geometrically as a system of straight lines con- necting a number of points. In actual structures these lines are material pieces, beams, rods, or wires, and may be straight or curved ; but the force by which each piece resists any alteration of the distance between the points which it joins acts in the straight line joining those points. Hence, in studying the equilibrium of a frame, we may consider its different points as mutually acting on each other with forces whose directions are those of the lines joining each pair of points. When the forces acting between the two points tend to draw them together, or to prevent them from separating, the action along the joining line is called a Tension. When the forces tend to separate the points, or to keep them apart, the action along the joining line is called a Pressure. If we divide the piece joining the points by any imaginary section, the resultant of the whole internal force acting between the parts thus divided will be mechanically equivalent to the tension or pressure of the piece. Hence, in order to exhibit the mechanical action of the frame in the most elementary manner, we may draw it as a skeleton, in which the different points are joined VOL. II. 21 162 RECIPROCAL FIGURES, FRAMES, by straight lines, and we may indicate by numbers attached to these lines the tensions or pressures in the corresponding pieces of the frame. The diagram thus formed indicates the state of the frame in a way which is geometrical as regards the position and direction of the forces, but arith- metical as regards their magnitude. But, by assuming that a line of a certain length shall represent a force of a certain magnitude, we may represent every force completely by a line. This is done in Elementary Statics, where we are told to draw a line from the point of application of the force in the direction in which the force acts, and to cut off as many units of length from the line as there are units of force in the force, and finally to mark the end of the line with an arrow- head, to shew that it is a force and not a piece of the frame, and that it acts in that direction and not the opposite. By proceeding in this way, we should get a system of arrow-headed forces superposed on the skeleton of the frame, two equal and opposite arrows for every piece of the frame. To test the equilibrium of these forces at any point of concourse, we should proceed by the construction of the parallelogram of forces, beginning with two of the forces acting at the point, completing the parallelogram, and drawing the diagonal, and combining this with the third force in the same way, till, when all the forces had been combined, the resultant disappeared. We should thus have to draw three new lines, one of which is an arrow, in taking in each force after the first, leaving at last not only a great number of useless lines, but a number of new arrows, not belonging to the system of forces, and only confusing to any one wishing to verify the process. To simplify this process, we are told to construct the Polygon of Forces, by drawing in succession lines parallel and proportional to the different forces, each line beginning at the extremity of the last. If the forces acting at the point are in equilibrium, the polygon formed in this way will be a closed one. Here we have for the first time a true Diagram of Forces, in which every force is not only represented in magnitude and direction by a straight line, but the equilibrium of the forces is manifest by inspection, for we have only to examine whether the polygon is closed or not. To secure this advantage, however, we have given up the attempt to indicate the position of the force, for the sides of the polygon do not pass through one point as the forces do. We must, therefore, give up the plan of representing the frame and its forces AND DIAGRAMS OF FORCES. 163 in one diagram, and draw one diagram of the frame and a separate diagram of the forces. By this method we shall not only avoid confusion, but we shall greatly simplify mechanical calculations, by reducing them to operations with the parallel ruler, in which no useless lines are drawn, but every line repre- sents an actual force. A Diagram of Forces is a figure, every line of which represents in mag- nitude and direction the force acting along a piece of the frame. To express the relation between the diagram of the frame and the dia- gram of forces, the lines of the frame should each be indicated by a symbol, and the corresponding lines of the diagram of forces should be indicated by the same symbol, accented if necessary. We have supposed the corresponding lines to be parallel, and it is neces- sary that they should be parallel when the frame is not in one plane ; but if all the pieces of the frame are parallel to one plane, we may turn one of the diagrams round a right angle, and then every line will be perpendicular to the corresponding line. If any number of lines meet at the same point in the frame, the corre- sponding lines in the diagram of forces form a closed polygon. It is possible, in certain cases, to draw the diagram of forces so that if any number of lines meet in a point in the diagram of forces, the corre- sponding lines in the frame form a closed polygon. In such cases, the two diagrams are said to be reciprocal in the sense in which we use it in this paper. If either diagram be taken as representing the frame, the lines of the other diagram will represent a system of forces which, if applied along the corresponding pieces of the frame, will keep it in equi- librium. The properties of the " triangle " and " polygon " of forces have been long known, and a " diagram " of forces has been used in the case of the " funi- cular polygon," but I am not aware of any more general statement of the method of drawing diagrams of forces before Professor Rankine applied it to frames, roofs, &c., in his Applied Mechanics, p. 137, &c. The "polyhedron of forces," or the proposition that forces acting on a point perpendicular and pro- portional to the areas of the faces of a polyhedron are in equilibrium, has, I believe, been enunciated independently at various times, but the application of this principle to the construction of a diagram of forces in three dimensions was first made by Professor Rankine in the Philosophical Magazine, Feb. 1864. 21—2 164 RECIPROCAL FIGURES, FRAMES, In the Philosophical Magazine for April 1864, I stated some of the properties of reciprocal figures, and the conditions of their existence, and shewed that any plane rectilinear figure which is a perspective representation of a closed polyhedron with plane faces has a reciprocal figure. In Sept. 1867, I communi- cated to the British Association a method of drawing the reciprocal figure, founded on the theory of reciprocal polars*. I have since found that the construction of diagrams of forces in which each force is represented by one line, had been independently discovered by Mr W. P. Taylor, and had been used by him as a practical method of deter- mining the forces acting in frames for several years before I had taught it in King's College, or even studied it myself. I understand that he is preparing a statement of the application of the method to various kinds of structures in detail, so that it can be made use of by any one who is able to draw one line parallel to another. Professor Fleeming Jenkin, in a paper recently published by the Society, has fully explained the application of the method to the most important cases occurring in practice. In the present paper I propose, first, to consider plane diagrams of frames and of forces in an elementary way, as a practical method of solving questions about the stresses in actual frameworks, without the use of long calculations. I shall then discuss the subject in a theoretical point of view, and give a method of defining reciprocal diagrams analytically, which is applicable to figures either of two or of three dimensions. Lastly, I shall extend the method to the investigation of the state of stress in a continuous body, and shall point out the nature of the function of stress first discovered by the Astronomer Royal for stresses in two dimensions, extending the use of such functions to stresses in three dimensions. On Reciprocal Plane Rectilinear Figures, DEFINITION. — Two plane rectilinear figures are reciprocal when they consist of an equal number of straight lines, so that corresponding lines in the two figures are at right angles, and corresponding lines which meet in a point in the one figure form a closed polygon in the other. • [See pp. 169 and 188]. AND DIAGRAMS OP FORCES. 165 Note. — It is often convenient to turn one of the figures round in its own plane 90°. Corresponding lines are then parallel to each other, and this is sometimes more convenient in comparing the diagrams by the eye. Since every polygon in the one figure has three or more sides, every point in the other figure must have three or more lines meeting in it. Since every line in the one figure has two, and only two, extremities, every line in the other figure must be a side of two, and only two, polygons. If either of these figures be taken to represent the pieces of a frame, the other will repre- sent a system of forces such that, these forces being applied as tensions or pressures along the corresponding pieces of the frame, every point of the frame will be in equilibrium. The simplest example is that of a triangular frame without weight, ABC, jointed at the angles, and acted on by three forces, P, Q, R, applied at the angles. The directions of these three forces must meet in a point, if the frame is in equilibrium. We shall denote the lines of the figure by capital letters, and those of the reciprocal figure by the corresponding small letters ; we shall denote points by the lines which meet in them, and polygons by the lines which bound them. Here, then, are three lines, A, B, C, forming a triangle, and three other lines, P, Q, R, drawn from the angles and meeting in a point. Of these forces let that along P be given. Draw the first line p of the reciprocal diagram parallel to P, and of a length representing, on any convenient scale, the force along P. The forces along P, Q, R are in equilibrium, therefore, if from one extremity of p we draw q parallel to Q, and from the other extremity r parallel to R, so as to form a triangle pqr, then q and r will represent on the same scale the forces along Q and R. To determine whether these forces are tensions or pressures, make a point travel along p in the direction in which the force in P acts on the point of 166 RECIPROCAL FIGURES, FRAMES, concourse of PQK, and let the point travel in the same direction round the polygon pqr. Then, the direction in which the point travels along any side of the polygon will be the direction in which the force acts along the corre- sponding piece of the frame on the point of concourse. If it acts from the point of concourse, the force is a tension ; if towards it, it is a pressure. The other extremity of P meets B and C, and the forces along these three pieces are in equilibrium. Henoe, if we draw a triangle, having /> for one side and lines parallel to B and C for the others, the sides of this triangle will represent the three forces. Such a triangle may be described on either side of p, the two together would form a parallelogram of forces ; but the theory of reciprocal figures indi- cates that only one of these triangles forms part of the diagram of forces. The rule for such cases is as follows : — Of the two extremities of p, one corresponds to the closed figure PRB, and the other to the closed figure PQC, these being the polygons of which P is a side in the first figure. We must, therefore, draw b parallel to B from the intersection of p and r, and not from the other extremity, and we must draw c parallel to C from the intersection of p and q. We have now a second triangle, pbc, corresponding to the forces acting at the point of concourse of P, B, C. To determine whether these forces are tensions or pressures, we must make a point travel round pbc, so that its course along p is in the opposite direction to its course round pqr, because the piece P acts on the points PBC and PQR with equal and opposite forces. If we now consider the equilibrium of the point of concourse of QC and A, we shall find that we have determined two of these forces by the lines q and c, and that the third force must be represented by the line a which completes the triangle '/•••'. We have now constructed a complete diagram of forces, in which each force is represented by a single line, and in which the equilibrium of the forces meeting at any point is expressed visibly by the corresponding lines in the other figure forming a closed polygon. There are in this figure six lines, having four points of concourse, and forming four triangles. To determine the direction of the force along a given line at any point of concourse, we must make a point travel round the cor- responding polygon in the other figure in a direction which is positive with respect to that polygon. For this purpose it is desirable to name the polygons AND DIAGRAMS OF FOKCES. 167 in a determinate order of their sides, so arranged that, when we arrive at the same side in naming the two polygons which it divides, we travel along it in opposite directions. For instance, if pqr be one of the polygons, the others are pbc, qca, rob. Note. — It may be observed, that after drawing the lines p, q, r, b, c with the parallel ruler, the line a was drawn by joining the points of concourse of q, r and b, c ; but, since it represents the force in A, a is parallel to A. Hence the following geometrical theorem : — If the lines PQR, drawn from the angles of the triangle ABC, meet in a point, then if pqr be a triangle with its corresponding sides parallel to P, Q, R, and if a, b, c be drawn from its corresponding angles parallel to A, B, C, the lines a, b, c will meet in a point. A geometrical proof of this is easily obtained by finding the centres of the four circles circumscribing the triangles ABC, AQR, BRP, CPQ, and joining the four centres thus found by six lines. These lines meet in the four centres, and are perpendicular to the six lines, A, B, C; P, Q, R; but by turning them round 90° they become parallel to the corresponding lines in the original figure. The diagram formed in this way is definite in size and position, but any figure similar to it is a reciprocal diagram to the original figure. I have explained the construction of this, the simplest diagram of forces, more at length, as I wish to shew how, after the first line is drawn and its extremities fixed on, every other line is drawn in a perfectly definite position by means of the parallel ruler. In any complete diagram of forces, those forces which act at a given point in the frame form a closed polygon. Hence, there will be as many closed polygons in the diagram as there are points in the frame. Also, since each piece of the frame acts with equal and opposite forces on the two points which form its extremities, the force in the diagram will be a side of two different polygons. These polygons might be drawn in any positions relatively to each other ; but, in the diagrams here considered, they are placed so that each force is represented by one line, which forms the boundary between the two polygons to which it belongs. If we regard the polygons as surfaces, rather than as mere outlines, every polygon will be bounded at every point of its outline by other polygons, so ],,.; RECIPROCAL FIGURES, FRAMES, that the whole assemblage of polygons will form a continuous surface, which muat either be an infinite surface or a closed surface. The diagram cannot be infinite, because it is made up of a finite number of finite lines representing finite forces. It must, therefore, be a closed surface returning on itself, in such a way that every point in the plane of the diagram either does not belong to the diagram at all, or belongs to an even number of sheets of the diagram. Any system of polygons, which are in contact with each other externally, may be regarded as a sheet of the diagram. When two polygons are on the same side of the line, which is common to them, that line forms part of the common boundary of two sheets of the diagram. If we reckon those areas positive, the boundary of which is traced in the direction of positive rotation round the area, then all the polygons in each sheet will be of the same sign as the sheet, but those sheets which have a common boundary will be of opposite sign. At every point in the diagram there will be the same number of positive as of negative sheets, and the whole area of the positive sheets will be equal to that of the negative sheets. The diagram, therefore, may be considered as a plane projection of a closed polyhedron, the faces of the polyhedron being surfaces bounded by rectilinear polygons, which may or may not, as far as we yet know, lie each in one plane. Let us next consider the plane projection of a given closed polyhedron. If any of the faces of this polyhedron are not plane, we may, by drawing additional lines, substitute for that face a system of triangles, each of which is necessarily in a plane. We may, therefore, consider the polyhedron as bounded by plane faces. Every angular point of this polyhedron will be defined by its projection on the plane and its height above it. Let us now take a fixed point, which we shall call the origin, and draw from it a perpendicular to the plane. We shall call this line the axis. If we then draw from the origin a line perpendicular to one of the faces of the poly- hedron, it will cut the plane at a point which may be said to correspond to the projection of that face. From this point draw a line perpendicular to the plane, and take on this line a point whose distance from the plane is equal to that of the intersection of the axis with the face of the polyhedron produced, but on the other side of the plane. This point in space will correspond to the face of the polyhedron. By repeating this process for every face of the polyhedron, we shall find for every face a corresponding point with its projection on the plane. AND DIAGRAMS OF FORCES. 169 To every edge of the polyhedron will correspond the line which joins the points corresponding to the two faces which meet in that edge. Each of these lines is perpendicular to the projection of the other; for the perpendiculars from the origin to the two faces, lie in a plane perpendicular to the edge in which they meet, and the projection of the line corresponding to the edge is the intersection of this plane with the plane of projection. Hence, the edge is perpendicular to the projection of the corresponding line. The projection of the edge is therefore perpendicular to the projection of the corresponding line, and therefore to the corresponding line itself. In this way we may draw a diagram on the plane of projection, every line of which is perpendicular to the corre- sponding line in the original figure, and so that lines which meet in a point in the one figure form a closed polygon in the other. If, in a system of rectangular co-ordinates, we make z = 0 the plane of pro- jection, and x = 0, y = Q, z = c the fixed point, then if the equation of a plane be z = Ax + By+C, the co-ordinates of the corresponding point will be £=cA, v = cB, £=-C, and we may write the equation c(z + £)=xt; + yr}. If we suppose £ 17, £ given as the co-ordinates of a point, then this equa- tion, considering x, y, z as variable, is the equation of a plane corresponding to the point. If we suppose x, y, z the co-ordinates of a point, and £ 77, £ as variable, the equation will be that of a plane corresponding to that point. Hence, if a plane passes through the point xyz, the point corresponding to this plane lies in the plane corresponding to the point xyz. These points and planes are reciprocally polar in the ordinary sense with respect to the paraboloid of revolution We have thus arrived at a construction for reciprocal diagrams by con- sidering each as a plane projection of a plane-sided polyhedron, these polyhedra being reciprocal to one another, in the geometrical sense, with respect to a cer- tain paraboloid of revolution. VOL. II. 22 170 RECIPROCAL FIGURES, FRAMES, Each of the diagrams must fulfil the conditions of being a plane projection of a plane-sided polyhedron, for if any of the sides of the polyhedron of which it is the projection are not plane, there will be as many points corresponding to that side as there are different planes passing through three points of the side, and the other diagram will be indefinite. Relation between the Number of Edges, Summits, and Faces of Polyhedra. It is manifest that after a closed surface has been divided into separate faces by lines drawn upon it, every new line drawn from a point in the system. either introduces one new point into the system, or divides a face into two l>arts, according as it is drawn to an isolated point, or to a point already connected with the system. Hence the sum of points and faces is increased by one for every new line. If the closed surface is acyclic, or simply connected*, like that of a solid body without any passage through it, then, if from any point we draw a closed curve on the surface, we divide the surface into two faces. We have here one line, one point, and two faces. Hence, if c be the number of lines, s the number of points, and / the number of faces, then in general e — s —f— m * See Riemann, Crelle's Journal, 1857, Lehrsdlte aus der analysis situs, for space of two dimen- sions; .also Cayley on the Partitions of a Close, Phil. Mag. 1861; Helmholtz, Crelle's Journal, 1858, Wirbclbfwguiig, for the application of the idea of multiple continuity to space of three dimensions ; J. B. Listing, Gottingen Trans., 1861, Der Censut R¨icher Complexe, a complete treatise on the Kubject of Cyclosis and Periphraxy. On the importance of this subject see Gauss, Werke, v. 605, "Von der Geometria Situs ilir Leibnitz abnte und in die nur einem Paar Geometern (Euler und Vandermonde) einen schwachen Blick ru thun vergbnnt war, wissen und haben wir nach anderthalbhundert Jahren noch nicht vicl nifhr wie nichtfl." Note added March 14, 1870. — Since this was written, I have seen Listing's Census. In his notation, the surface of an w-ly connected body (a body with n - 1 holes through it) is (2/t-ii) cyclic. If 2n — 2 = A', expresses the degree of cyclosis, then Listing's general equation is — where « is the number of points, e the number of lines, A7", the number of endless curves, f the number of faces, A't the number of degrees of cyclosis of the faces, wt the number of periphractic or closed faces, v the number of regions of space, Kt the number of degrees of cyclosis, vr3 their number of degrees of periphraxy or the number of regions which they completely surround, and to is to be put • 1 or — 0, according as the system does or does not extend to infinity. AND DIAGRAMS OF FORCES. 171 when m remains constant, however many lines be drawn. But in the case of a simple closed surface Mi-— 2, If the closed surface is doubly connected, like that of a solid body with a hole through it, then if we draw one closed curve round the hole, and another closed curve through the hole, and round one side of the body, we shall have e = 2, s=l, f—l, so that m = 0. If the surface is n-\y connected, like that of a solid with n — 1 holes through it, then we may draw n closed curves round the n — 1 holes and the outside of the body, and n — I other closed curves each through a hole and round the outside of the body. We shall then have 4(»— 1) segments of curves terminating in 2(n— 1) points and dividing the surface into two faces, so that e = 4(n — 1), s = 2(n— 1), and /= 2, and e — s— f=2n — 4, and this is the general relation between the edges, summits, and faces of a polyhedron whose surface is n-ly connected. The plane reciprocal diagrams, considered as plane projections of such poly- hedra, have the same relation between the numbers of their lines, points, and polygons. It is manifest that since e^ = ea s, =/„ and /I = s2 , where the suffixes refer to the first and second diagrams respectively nl = na, or the two diagrams are connected to the same degree. On the Degrees of Freedom and Constraint of Frames. To determine the positions of s points in space, with reference to a given origin and given axes, 3s data are required ; but since the position of the origin and axes involve 6 data, the number of data required to determine the relative position of s points is 3s — 6. If, therefore, the lengths of 3s -6 lines joining selected pairs of a system of s points be given, and if these lengths are all independent of each other, then the distances between any other pair of points will be determinate, and the system will be rigidly connected. 22—2 172 RECIPROCAL FIGURES, FRAMES, If, however, the lines are so chosen that those which join pairs of points of a system of «' of the points are more than 3*' -6 in number, the lengths of these lines will not be independent of each other, and the lines of this partial system will only give 3s' — 6 independent data to determine the complete system. In a system of s points joined by e lines, there will in general be 3s — 6 — e »» degrees of freedom, provided that in every partial system of s' points joined by t lines, and having in itself p' degrees of freedom, p' is not negative. If in any such system p is negative, we may put q = —p, and call q the number of lingr Bi ii i of constraint, and there will be q equations connecting the lengths of the lines ; and if the system is a material one, the stress along each piece will be a function of q independent variables. Such a system may be said to have q degrees of constraint. If p' is negative in any partial system, then the de- grees of freedom of the complete system are p—p', where p and p' are got from the number of points and lines in the complete and partial systems. If .« points are connected by e lines, so as to form a polyhedron of f faces, enclosing a space n times connected, and if each of the faces has m sides, then mf=2e. We have also e — s— f=2n — 4, and 3s-e=p + Q, (c \ 2 -- }e. m/ If all the faces of the polyhedron are triangles, m = 3, and we have If n=l, or in the case of a simply connected polyhedron with triangular faces, p = o, that is to say, such a figure is a rigid system, which would be no longer rigid if any one of its lines were wanting. In such a figure, if made of material rods forming a closed web of triangles, the tensions and pressures in the rods would be completely determined by the external forces applied to the figure, and if there were no external force, there would be no stress in the rods. In a closed surface of any kind, if we cover the surface* with a system of curves which do not intersect each other, and if we draw another system * On the Bending of Surfaces, by J. Clerk Maxwell. Cambridge Transactions, 1856. [Vol. i. p. 80.] AND DIAGRAMS OP FOKCES. 173 intersecting these, and a third system passing diagonally through the intersec- tions of the other two, the whole surface will be covered with small curvilinear triangles, and if we now substitute for the surface a system of rectilinear triangles having the same angular points, we shall have a polyhedron with triangular faces differing infinitely little from the surface, and such that the length of any line on the surface differs infinitely little from that of the corre- sponding line on the polyhedron. We may, therefore, in all questions about the transformation of surfaces by bending, substitute for them such polyhedra with triangular faces. We thus find with respect to a simply connected closed inextensible surface — 1st, That it is of invariable form*; 2nd, That the stresses in the surface depend entirely on the external applied forcesf ; 3rd, That if there is no external force, there is no stress in the surface. In the limiting case of the curved surface, however, a kind of deformation is possible, which is not possible in the case of the polyhedron. Let us suppose that in some way a dimple has been formed on a convexo-convex part of the surface, so that the edge of the dimple is a plane closed curve, and the dimpled part is the reflexion in this plane of the original form of the surface. Then the length of any line drawn on the surface will remain unchanged. Now let the dimple be gradually enlarged, so that its edge continually changes its position. Every line on the surface will still remain of the same length during the whole process, so that the process is possible in the case of an inextensible surface. In this way such a surface may be gradually turned outside in, and since the dimple may be formed from a mere point, a pressure applied at a single point on the outside of an inextensible surface will not be resisted, but will form a dimple which will increase till one part of the surface comes in contact with another. In the case of closed surfaces doubly connected, p= -6, that is, such sur- faces are not only rigid, but are capable of internal stress, independent of external forces, and the expression of this stress depends on six independent variables. * This has been shewn by Professor Jellett, Trans. R.I. A., Vol. XXH. p. 377. t On the Equilibrium of a Spherical Envelope, by J. C. Maxwell. Quarterly Journal of Mathe- matics, 1867. [VoL ii. p. 86.] 174 RECIPROCAL FIGURES, FRAMES, In a polyhedron with triangular faces, if a number of the edges be taken away so as to form a hole with el sides, the number of degrees of freedom is p = e, — Gn + 3. Hence, in order to make an n-ly connected polyhedron simply rigid without stress, we may cut out the edges till we have formed a hole having 6>/-:i edges. The system will then be free from stress, but if any more edges be removed, the system will no longer be rigid. Since in the limiting case of the inextensible surface, the smallest hole may be regarded as having an infinite number of sides, the smallest hole made in a closed inextensible surface connected to any degree will destroy its rigidity. Its flexibility, however, may be confined within very narrow limits. In the case of a plane frame of * points, we have 2s data required to determine the points with reference to a given origin and axes ; but since 3 arbitrary data are involved in the choice of origin and axis, the number of data required to determine the relative position of * points in a plane is 2* — 3. If we know the lengths of e lines joining certain pairs of these points, then in general the number of degrees of freedom of the frame will be p = 2s-e-3. If, however, in any partial system of s' points connected by e' lines, the quantity p' = 2s' — e' — 3 be negative, or in other words, if a part of the frame be self-strained, this partial system will contribute only 2s' — 3 equations inde- pendent of each other to the complete system, and the whole frame will have p—p degrees of freedom. In a plane frame, consisting of a single sheet, every element of which is triangular, and in which the pieces form three systems of continuous lines, as at p. 173, if the frame contains e pieces connecting s points, s' of which arc on the circumference of the frame and s, in the interior, then 3s - s' = e + 3. Hence p= —(« — *')= — s,, a negative quantity, or such a frame is necessarily stiff; and if any of the pouits are in the interior of the frame, the frame has as many degrees of constraint as there are interior points — that is, the stresses in each piece will he AND DIAGRAMS OF FORCES. 175 functions of s, variables, and *, pieces may be removed from the frame without rendering it loose. If there are n holes in the frame, so that s' points lie on the circum- ference of the frame or on those of the holes, and s1 points lie in the interior, the degree of stiffness will be —p = sx + 3n. If a plane frame be a projection of a polyhedron of / faces, each of m sides, and enclosing a space n times connected, then mf= 2e, e — s— f=2n — 4, whence p = 5 — 4n + ( 1 -- e. If all the faces are quadrilaterals m = 4 and p = 5 — 4n, or a plane frame which is the projection of a closed polyhedron with quadrilateral faces, has one degree of freedom if the polyhedron is simply connected, as in the case of the pro- jection of the solid bounded by six quadrilaterals, but if the polyhedron be doubly connected, the frame formed by its plane projection will have three degrees of stiffness. (See Diagram II.) THEOREM. — If every one of a system of points in a plane is in equilibrium under the action of tensions and pressures acting along the lines joining the points, then if we substitute for each point a small smooth ring through which smooth thin rods of indefinite length corresponding to the lines are compelled to pass, then, if to each rod be applied a couple in the plane, whose moment is equal to the product of the length of the rod between the points multiplied by the tension or pressure in the former case, and tends to turn the rod in the positive or the negative direction, according as the force was a tension or a pressure, then every one of the system of rings will be in equilibrium. For each ring is acted on by a system of forces equal to the tensions and pres- sures in the former case, each to each, the whole system being turned round a right angle, and therefore the equilibrium of each point is undisturbed. THEOREM. — In any system of points in equilibrium in a plane under the action of repulsions and attractions, the sum of the products of each attraction 176 RECIPROCAL FIGURES, FRAMES, multiplied by the distance of the points between which it acts, is equal to the sum of the products of the repulsions multiplied each by the distance of the points between which it acts. For since each point is in equilibrium under the action of a system of attractions and repulsions in one plane, it will remain in equilibrium if the system of forces is turned through a right angle in the positive direction. If this operation is performed on the systems of forces acting on all the points, then at the extremities of each line joining two points we have two equal forces at right angles to that line and acting in opposite directions, fornnn<: a couple whose magnitude is the product of the force between the points and their distance, and whose direction is positive if the force be repulsive, and negative if it be attractive. Now since every point is in equilibrium these two systems of couples are in equilibrium, or the sum of the positive couples is equal to that of the negative couples, which proves the theorem. In a plane frame, loaded with weights in any manner, and supported by vertical thrusts, each weight must be regarded as attracted towards a horizontal base line, and each support of the frame as repelled from that line. Hence the following rule: Multiply each load by the height of the point at which it acts, and each tension by the length of the piece on which it acts, and add all these products together. Then multiply the vertical pressures on the supports of the frame each by the height at which it acts, and each pressure by the length of the piece on which it acts, and add the products together. This sum will be equal to the former sum. If the thrusts which support the frame are not vertical, their horizontal components must be treated as tensions or pressures borne by the foundations of the structure, or by the earth itself. The importance of this theorem to the engineer arises from the circum- stance that the strength of a piece is in general proportional to its section, so that if the strength of each piece is proportional to the stress which it has to bear, its weight will be proportional to the product of the stress multiplied by the length of the piece. Hence these sums of products give an estimate of the total quantity of material which must be used in sustaining tension and pressure respectively. AND DIAGRAMS OF FORCES. 177 The following method of demonstrating this theorem does not require the consideration of couples, and is applicable to frames in three dimensions. Let the system of points be caused to contract, always remaining similar to its original form, and with its pieces similarly situated, and let the same forces continue to act upon it during this operation, so that every point is always in equilibrium under the same system of forces, and therefore no work is done by the system of forces as a whole. Let the contraction proceed till the system is reduced to a point. Then the work done by each tension is equal to the product of that tension by the distance through which it has acted, namely, the original distance between the points. Also the work spent in overcoming each pressure is the product of that pressure by the original distance of the points between which it acts ; and since no work is gained or lost on the whole, the sum of the first set of products must be equal to the sum of the second set. In this demonstration it is not necessary to suppose the points all in one plane. This demonstration is mathematically equivalent to the following algebraical proof: — Let the co-ordinates of the n different points of the system be x^zu X3jfa xpypzp, &c., and let the force between any two points p, q, be Ppq, and their distance rm, and let it be reckoned positive when it is a pressure, and negative when it is a tension, then the equation of equilibrium of any point p with respect to forces parallel to x is (Xp-Xj -& + (xp-Xa) -^-f&C. + (xp-Xq)-^ + &C. = 0, rpi rpt rpq or generally, giving t all values from 1 to n, Multiply this equation by xf. There are n such equations, so that if each is multiplied by its proper co-ordinate and the sum taken, we get P and adding the corresponding equations in y and z, we get 1 1 which is the algebraic expression of the theorem. VOL. ii. 23 178 RECIPROCAL FIGURES, FRAMES, GENERAL THEORY OF DIAGRAMS OF STRESS IN THREE DIMENSIONS. ./ Method of Representing Stress in a Body. DEFINITION*. A diagram of stress is a figure having such a relation to a body under the action of internal forces, that if a surface A, limited by a closed curve, is drawn in the body, and if the corresponding limited surface a be drawn in the diagram of stress, then the resultant of the actual internal forces on the positive side of the surface A in the body is equal and parallel to the resultant of a uniform normal pressure p acting on the positive side of the surface a in the diagram of stress. Let x, y, z be the co-ordinates of any point in the body, £, 17, £ those of the corresponding point in the diagram of stress, then £ 77, £ are functions of x, y, z, the nature of which we have to ascertain, so that the internal forces in the body may be in equilibrium. For the present we suppose no external forces, such as gravity, to act on the particles of the body. We shall consider such forces afterwards. THEOREM 1. — If any closed surface is described in the body, and if the stress on any element of that surface is equal and parallel to the pressure on the corresponding element of surface in the diagram of stress, then the resultant stress on the whole closed surface will vanish ; for the corresponding surface in the diagram of stress is a closed surface, and the resultant of a uniform normal pressure p on every element of a closed surface is zero by hydrostatics. It does not, however, follow that the portion of the body within the closed surface is in equilibrium, for the stress on its surface may have a re- sultant moment. THEOREM 2. — To ensure equilibrium of every part of the body, it is neces- sary and sufficient that f_dF _dF dF *~dx' ^~dy' 4~dz' where F is any function of x, y, and z. Let us consider the elementary area in the body dydz. The stress acting on this area will be a force equal and parallel to the resultant of a pressure p acting on the corresponding element of area in the diagram of stress. Resolving AND DIAGRAMS OF FORCES. 179 this pressure in the directions of the co-ordinate axes, we find the three com- ponents of stress on dydz, which we may call p^dydz, p^dydz, and pmdydz, each equal to p multiplied by the area of the projection of the corresponding element of the diagram of stress on the three co-ordinate planes. Now, the projection on the plane yz, is dr) Hence we find for the component of stress in the direction of x Pxx~P \dydz dzdy)' which we may write for brevity at present Pzx=pJ(n, £; y, z). Similarly, P*y=PJ(t» £"> y> «), Px*=pJ(£, -n; y, z). In the same way, we may find the components of stress on the areas dzdx and dxdy — ; z> x)> PW Now, consider the equilibrium of the parallelepiped dxdydz, with respect to the moment of the tangential stresses about its axes. The moments of the forces tending to turn this elementary parallelepiped about the axis of x are dzdxp^ . dy — dxdypzy . dz. To ensure equilibrium as respects rotation about the axis of x, we must have P*-fir Similarly, for the moments about the axes of y and 2, we obtain the equa- tions Pzx=px* and Now, let us assume for the present 23—2 180 RECIPROCAL FIGURES, FRAMES, Then the equation ;>„-/>* becomes d(dr,\ n(dldt dl -3xd;)-p \dxdy Ty or Similarly, from the two other equations of equilibrium we should find From these three equations it follows that Ct = 0, C, = 0, C, = 0. drl_dC dx* ~ _ _ ~ ~P {dtf ~3£ ~ (dydz) } ' Pm =P \ dz> dx* ~ (dzdx) }'Pa~P\dy? d'/ (dxdy (d'F d'F d'F d'F \ (d'F d'F d'F d'F \ *j — ** i __ _____ ___ 1 if\ — tin i rirT I \dzdxdxdy dx* dydz/' "" "\dxdydydz dy* dzdx/' (d'F d'F d'F d'F\ P*»~P (dydz dzdx dz' dxdy) ' If -f- = z, F becomes Airy's function of stress in two dimensions, and we have d'F cTF d'F The system of stress in three dimensions deduced in this way from any function, F, satisfies the equations of equilibrium of internal stress. It is not, AND DIAGRAMS OF FORCES. 181 however, a general solution of these equations, as may be easily seen by taking the case in which p^ and pyz are both zero at all points. In this case, since there is no tangential action in planes parallel to xy, the stresses pm> p,^ and pm in each stratum must separately fulfil the conditions of equilibrium, d d d d The complete solution of these equations is, as we have seen, _df df _d*f ~ Pxy~ dxdy' Pm~ where f is any function of x and y, the form of which may be different for every different value of z, so that we may regard f as a perfectly general function of x, y, and z. Again, if we consider a cylindrical portion of the body with its generating lines parallel to z, we shall see that there is no tangential action parallel to z between this cylinder and the rest of the body. Hence the longitudinal stress in this cylinder must be constant throughout its length, and is independent of the stress in any other part of the body. Hence pa = <$>(x,y), where is a function of x and y only, but may be any such function. But expressing the stresses in terms of F under the conditions pxz = 0, pyi = Q, we find that if F is a perfectly general function of x and y , -j— r = 0, and -T— y- = , dxdz dydz d F dF whence it follows that -j— and -7— are functions of x and y only, and that dF -7- is a function of z only. Hence F=G + Z, when G is a function of x and y only, and Z a function of z only, and the components of stress are measured in directions parallel to x, y, z respectively. Let F be a quantity varying from point to point of the first figure in any continuous manner ; that is to say, if A, B are two points, and Fu Ft the values of F at those points ; then, if B approaches A without limit, the value of F, approaches that of Ft without limit. Let the co-ordinates (f, rj, £) of a point in the second diagram be determined from x, y, z, those of the corre- sponding point in the first by the equations , dF dF dF This is equivalent to the statement, that the vector (p) of any point in the second diagram represents in direction and magnitude the rate of variation of /' at the corresponding point of the first diagram. AND DIAGRAMS OF FORCES. 183 Next, let us determine another function, <£, from the equation (2), $, as thus determined, will be a function of x, y, and z, since £ 17, £ are known in terms of these quantities. But, for the same reason, is a function of £ 17, £. Differentiate <£ with respect to £, considering x, y, and z functions of £ r?, £, dxdydz dF _ . d£~ Substituting the values of £ 77, £ from (l) d with respect to 77 and £, we get the three equations ~' ~' ~ or the vector (r) of any point in the first diagram represents in direction and magnitude the rate of increase of at the corresponding point of the second diagram. Hence the first diagram may be determined from the second by the same process that the second was determined from the first, and the two diagrams, each with its own function, are reciprocal to each other. The relation (2) between the functions expresses that the sum of the func- tions for two corresponding points is equal to the product of the distances of these points from the origin multiplied by the cosine of the angle between the directions of these distances. Both these functions must be of two dimensions in space. Let F' be a linear function of xyz, which has the same value and rate of variation as F has at the point x^y^ r.^+d.-^g+Or-rt^+ti-^J ............... (4 The value of F' at the origin is found by putting x, y, and z = 0 F = Ft-x£-yn-z£=-4> ......................... (5), 184 RECIPROCAL FIGURES, FRAMES, or the value of F at the origin is equal and opposite to the value of at the point £, 17, {. If the rate of variation of F is nowhere infinite, the co-ordinates £, 77, £, of the second diagram must be everywhere finite, and vice versa. Beyond the limits of the second diagram the values of x, y, z, in terms of £, 77, £, must he impossible, and therefore the value of ^ is also impossible. Within the limits of the second diagram, the function <£ has an even number of values at every point, corresponding to an even number of points in the first diagram, which correspond to a single point in the second. To find these points in the first diagram, let p be the vector of a given point in the second diagram, and let surfaces be drawn in the first diagram for which F is constant, and let points be found in each of these surfaces at which the tangent plane is perpendicular to p, these points will form one or more curves, which must be either closed or infinite, and the points on these curves correspond to the points in the second diagram which lie in the direction of the vector p. If p be the perpendicular from a point in the first diagram on a plane through the origin perpendicular to p, then all those points on these curves at which ~r- = p correspond to the given point in the second diagram. Now, since this point is within the second diagram, there are values of p both greater and less than the given one ; and therefore -y- is neither an absolute maximum nor an absolute minimum value. Hence there are in general an even number of points on the curve or curves which correspond to the given point. Some of these points may coincide, but at least two of them must be different, unless the given point is at the limit of the second diagram. Let us now consider the two reciprocal diagrams with their functions, and ascertain in what the geometrical nature of their reciprocity consists. (1) Let the first diagram be simply the point Pu (xu yu z,), at which F=FU then in the other diagram (6), or a point in one diagram is reciprocal to a space in the other, in which the function ^ is a linear function of the co-ordinates. AND DIAGRAMS OF FORCES. 185 (2) Let the first diagram contain a second point P2, (xa yv za), at which F—F,_, then we must combine equation (6) with -F1 ............................ (7), whence eliminating <£, If r,2 is the length of the line drawn from the first point Pt to the second Pt; and if lumunn are its direction cosines, this equation becomes IJi+'mtf + nJL = -^ — ' , '13 or the reciprocal of the two points Pl and P2 is a plane, perpendicular to the line joining them, and such that the perpendicular from the origin on the plane multiplied by the length of the line PjP., is equal to the excess of Fn over F}. (3) Let there be a third point P, in the first diagram, whose co-ordinates are x3, yt, z, and for which F=FS; then we must combine with equations (6) and (7) F3 ............................ (8). The reciprocal of the three points P,, P2, P, is a straight line perpen- dicular to the plane of the three points, and such that the perpendicular on this line from the origin represents, in direction and magnitude, the rate of most rapid increase of F in the plane PfJP^, F being a linear function of the co-ordinates whose values at the three points are those given. (4) Let there be a fourth point P4 for which F=Ft. The reciprocal of the four points is a single point, and the line drawn from the origin to this point represents, in direction and magnitude, the rate of greatest increase of F, supposing F such a linear function of xyz that its values at the four points are those given. The value of at this point is that of F at the origin. Let us next suppose that the value of F is continuous, that is, that F does not vary by a finite quantity when the co-ordinates vary by infinitesimal quantities, but that the form of the function <£ is discontinuous, being a different linear function of xyz in different parts of space, bounded by definite surfaces. VOL. II. 24 186 RECIPROCAL FIGURES, FRAMES, The bounding surfaces of these parts of space must be composed of planes. For let the linear functions of xyz in contiguous portions of space be then at the bounding surface, where F1 = Ft (a,-a.)a: + (A-A)y + (y,-y,)z = *,-6 .................. (9), and this is the equation of a plane. Hence the portion of space in which any particular form of the value of F holds good must be a polyhedron or cell bounded by plane faces, and therefore having straight edges meeting in a number of points or summits. Every face is the boundary of two cells, every edge belongs to three or more cells, and to two faces of each cell. Every summit belongs to at least four cells, to at least three faces of each cell, and to two edges of each face. The whole space occupied by the diagram is divided into cells in two different ways, so that every point in it belongs to two different cells, and has two values of F and its derivatives. The reciprocal diagram is made up of cells in the same way, and tlie reciprocity of the two diagrams may be thus stated : — 1. Every summit in one diagram corresponds to a cell in the other. The radius vector of the summit represents the rate of increase of the function within the cell, both in direction and magnitude. The value of the function at the summit is equal and opposite to the value which the function in the cell would have if it were continued under the same algebraical form to the origin. 2. Every edge in the one diagram corresponds to a plane face in the other, which is the face of contact of the two cells corresponding to the two extremities of the edge. The edge in the one diagram is perpendicular to the face in the other. The distance of the plane from the origin represents the rate of increase of the function along the edge. AND DIAGRAMS OF FORCES. 187 3. Every face in the one diagram corresponds to an edge in which as many cells meet as there are angles in the face, that is, at least three. Every face must belong to two, and only two cells, because the edge to which it corresponds has two, and only two extremities. 4. Every cell in the one diagram corresponds to a summit in the other. Every face of the cell corresponds and is perpendicular to an edge having an extremity in the summit. Since every cell must have four or more faces, every summit must have four or more edges meeting there. Every edge of the cell corresponds to a face having an angle in the summit. Since every cell has at least six edges, every summit must be the point of concourse of at least six faces, which are the boundaries of cells. Every summit of the cell corresponds to a cell having a solid angle at the summit. Since every cell has at least four summits, every summit must be the meeting place of at least four cells. Mechanical Reciprocity of the Diagrams. If along each of the edges meeting in a summit forces are applied pro- portional to the areas of the corresponding faces of the cell in the reciprocal diagram, and in a direction which is always inward with respect to the cell, then these forces will be in equilibrium at the summit. This is the "Polyhedron of Forces," and may be proved by hydrostatics. If the faces of the cell form a single closed surface which does not inter- sect itself, it is easy to understand what is meant by the inside and outside of the cell ; but if the surface intersects itself, it is better to speak of the positive and negative sides of the surface. A cell, or portion of a cell, bounded by a closed surface, of which the positive side is inward, may be called a positive cell. If the surface intersects itself, and encloses another portion of space with its negative side inward, that portion of space forms a negative cell. If any portion of space is surrounded by n sheets of the surface of the same cell with their positive side inward, and by m sheets with their negative side inward, the space enclosed in this way must be reckoned n — m times. In passing to a contiguous cell, we must suppose that its face in contact with the first cell has its positive surface on the opposite side from that of 24—2 188 RECIPROCAL FIGURES, FRAMES, the first cell. In this way, by making the positive side of the surface con- tinuous throughout each cell, and by changing it when we pass to the next cell, we may settle the positive and negative side of every face of every cell, the sign of every face depending on which of the two cells it is considered for the moment to belong to. If we now suppose forces of tension or pressure applied along every edge of the first diagram, so that the force on each extremity of the edge is in the direction of the positive normal to the corresponding face of the cell corre- sponding to that extremity, and proportional to the area of the face, then these pressures and tensions along the edges will keep every point of the diagram in equilibrium. Another way of determining the nature of the force along any edge of the first diagram, is as follows : — Round any edge of the first diagram draw a closed curve, embracing it and no other edge. However small the curve is, it will enter each of the cells which meet in the edge. Hence the reciprocal of this closed curve will be a plane polygon whose angles are the points reciprocal to these cells taken in order. The area of this polygon represents, both in direction and magnitude, the whole force acting through the closed curve, that is, in this case the stress along the edge. If, therefore, in going round the angles of the polygon, w»- travel in the same direction of rotation in space as in going round the closed curve,' the stress along the edge will be a pressure ; but if the direction is opposite, the stress will be a tension. This method of expressing stresses in three dimensions comprehends all cases in which Rankine's reciprocal figures are possible, and is applicable to certain cases of continuous stress. That it is not applicable to all such cases is easily seen by the example of p (189). On Reciprocal Diagrams in two Dimensions. If we make F a function of x and y only, all the properties already deduced for figures in three dimensions will be true in two ; but we may form a more distinct geometrical conception of the theory by substituting cz for /' AND DIAGRAMS OF FORCES. 189 and c£ for and A. - ............... (20)l * Phil. Trans. 1863. AND DIAGRAMS OF FORCES. 193 where F is a function of x and y, the form of which is (as far as these equations are concerned) perfectly arbitrary, and the value of which at any point is independent of the choice of axes of co-ordinates. Since the stresses depend on the second derivatives of F, any linear function of x and y may be added to F without affecting the value of the stresses deduced from F. Also, since the stresses are linear functions of F, any two systems of stress may be mechanically compounded by adding the corresponding values of F. The importance of Airy's function in the theory of stress becomes even more manifest when we deduce from it the diagram of stress, the co-ordinates of whose points are dF dF For if s be the length of any curve in the original figure, and cr that of the corcesponding curve in the diagram of stress, and if Xds, Yds are the com- ponents of the whole stress acting on the element ds towards the right hand of the curve s dy , d'F dy 1 dg dy , dg , Xds = pxx~r-ds= -y-; -f-ds = -rL -f ds = -f- da- em ds dy2 ds dy ds da- dx , dsF dx , d-n dx , d-n and ---^ Hence the stress on the right hand side of the element ds of the original curve is represented, both in direction and magnitude, by the corresponding element da- of the curve in the diagram of stress, and, by composition, the resultant stress on any finite arc of the first curve s is represented in direction and magnitude by the straight line drawn from the beginning to the end of the corresponding curve olygon, therefore, represents the value of ^P1Ptdxdy for the point of concourse, and is to be considered positive or negative, according as the tracing point travels round it in the positive or the negative cyclical direction. Hence the following theorem, which is applicable to all plane frames, whether a diagram of forces can be drawn or not. For each point of concourse or of intersection construct a polygon, liy drawing in succession lines parallel and proportional to the forces acting on the point in the several pieces which meet in that point, taking the pieces in cyclical order round the point. The area of this polygon is to be taken positive or negative, according as it lies on the left or the right of the tracing point. If, then, a closed curve be drawn surrounding the entire frame, and a polygon be drawn by drawing in succession lines parallel and proportional to all the external forces which act on the frame in the order in which their lines of direction meet the closed curve, then the area of this polygon is equal to the algebraic sum of the areas of the polygons corresponding to the various joints of the frame. In this theorem a polygon is to be drawn for every point, whether the lines of the frame meet or intersect, whether they are really jointed together, AND DIAGRAMS OF FORCES. 197 or whether two pieces simply cross each other without mechanical connection. In the latter case the polygon is a parallelogram, whose sides are parallel and proportional to the stresses in the two pieces, and it is positive or negative according as these stresses are of the same or of opposite signs. If three or more pieces intersect, it is manifestly the same whether they intersect at one point or not, so that we have the following theorem :— The area of a polygon of an even number of sides, whose opposite sides are equal and parallel, is equal to the sum of the areas of all the different parallelograms which can be formed with their sides parallel and equal to those of the polygon. This is easily shewn by dividing the polygon into the different parallelo- grams. On the Equilibrium of Stress in a Solid Body. Let PQR be the longitudinal, and STU the tangential components of stress, as indicated in the following table of stresses and strains, taken from Thomson and Tait's Natural Philosophy, p. 511, § 669: — Components of the _ -x Planes, of which Relative Motion, or across which Force, is reckoned Direction of Relative Motion or of Force Strain Stress « P yz X / Q ZX y ff R xy z a s lyx \zx y z b T ley \xy z X c U \XZ \y« X y RECIPROCAL FIGURES, FRAMES, Then the equations of equilibrium of an element of the body are, by § 697 of that work, dP dU . dT dx dy dz JJl+dS + dR dx dy dz .(1). If we assume three functions A, B, C, such that Z=~dz' J then a sufficiently general solution of the equations of equilibrium is gi putting (2), given by p=^ dz* + dy* XA_ dz* .(3). dy* dx* I am not aware of any method of finding other relations between the com- ponents of stress without making further assumptions. The most natural assump- tion to make is that the stress arises from elasticity in the body. I shall confine myself to the case of an isotropic body, such that it can be deprived of all stress and strain by a removal of the applied forces. In this case, if y are the components of displacement, and n the coefficient of rigidity, a, the equations of tangential elasticity are, by equation (6), §§ 670 and 694 of Thomson and Tait, (I — c//8 dy I „ 1 — j— H -- j— — — O — ~~ dz dy n n 1 d*A -- i - }~ n dydz .(4). AND DIAGRAMS OF FORCES. 199 with similar equations for b and c. A sufficiently general solution of these equations is given by putting (5). _LA O/yj fi ty £4 Iv ' ' - The equations of longitudinal elasticity are of the form given in § 693, •(6), where k is the co-efficient of cubical elasticity, with similar equations for Q and R. Substituting for P, a, ft and y in equation (6) their values from (3) and (5), 1 \ a1?/2 ay dy* dz* aV dz~ / ' If we put .~ ~ (10). These equations are useful when we wish to determine the stress rather than the strain in a body. For instance, if the co-efficients of elasticity, k 200 RECIPROCAL FIGURES, FRAMES, and it, are increased in the same ratio to any extent, the displacements »i tlu- body are proportionally diminished, but the stresses remain the same, and, though their distribution depends essentially on the elasticity of the various parts of the body, the values of the internal forces do not contain the co- ••thVients of elasticity as factors. There are two cases in which the functions may be treated as functions of two variables. The first is when there is no stress, or a constant pressure in the direction of 2, as in the case of a stratum originally of uniform thickness, in the di na- tion of z, the thickness being small compared with the other dimensions of the body, and with the rate of variation of strain. The second is when there is no strain, or a uniform longitudinal strain in the direction of z, as in the case of a prismatic body whose length in the direction of z is very great, the forces on the sides being functions of x and y only. In both of these cases S=0 and T=0, so that we may write ' dxdy' This method of expressing the stresses in two dimensions was first given by the Astronomer Royal, in the Philosophical Transactions for 1863. "We shall write F instead of C, and call it Airy's Function of Stress in Two Dimensions. Let us assume two functions, G and H, such that „ d*G T, F= *** V= dxdy> dxdy then by Thomson and Tait, § 694, if a is the displacement in the direction of x (13). Case L— If # = 0 this becomes Integrating with respect to a; we find the following equation for a — 7 ............ (14), . AND DIAGRAMS OF FORCES. 201 where Y is a function of y only. Similarly for the displacement /8 in the direction of y, where X is a function of x only. Now the shearing stress U depends on the shearing strain and the rigidity, or Multiplying both sides of this equation by 2(er+l) and substituting from (11), (14), and (15), d*G d'G d'G d'G . ^ (#H d*H\ dX dY . dY Hence an equation which must be fulfilled by G when the body is originally without strain. CASE II. — In the second case, in which there is no strain in the direction of z, we have Q ............................ (19). Substituting for R in (13), and dividing by } and ^-(2p-l)0J .................... = *~l If we put q for -^ then i + 1 = 2 and (2p - 1) (2q - 1) = 1, AND DIAGRAMS OF FORCES. 203 so that if ft g, h in the diagram of stress correspond to F, G, H in the original figure, we have h=-p'1sinq (28). Case of a Uniform Horizontal Beam. As an example of the application of the condition that the stresses must be such as are consistent with an initial condition of no strain, let us take the case of a uniform rectangular beam of indefinite length placed horizontally with a load = h per unit of length placed on its upper surface, the weight of the beam being k per unit of length. Let us suppose the beam to be supported by vertical forces and couples in a vertical plane applied at the ends ; but let us consider only the middle portion of the beam, where the conditions applicable to the ends have no sensible effect. Let the horizontal distance x be reckoned from the vertical plane where there is no shearing force, and let the planes where there is no moment of bending be at distances ±«0 from the origin. Let y be reckoned from the lower edge of the beam, and let b be the depth of the beam. Then, if 17= — , , is the shearing stress, the total vertical shearing force through a vertical section at distance x is f03v-W -l^} \ fl iT I \ CM IT I and this must be equal and opposite to the weight of the beam and load from 0 to x, which is evidently (h + k)x. Hence, ^- = - (h + k) x (y), where <£(&)-<£(0) = 1 ............... (29). From this we find the vertical stress The vertical stress is therefore a function of y only. It must vanish at the lower side of the beam, where y = 0, and it must be —A on the upper side of the beam, where y = b. The shearing stress U must vanish at both sides of the beam, or '(y) = Q, when y = 0, and when y = b. 26—2 RECIPROCAL FIGURES, FRAMES, The simplest form of (y) which will satisfy these conditions is Hence we find the following expression for the function of stress by integrating (29) with respect to x, Y ...................... (30), where a is a constant introduced in integration, and depends on the manner in which the beam is supported. From this we obtain the values of the vertical, horizontal, and shearing stresses, The values of Q and of U, the vertical and the shearing stresses, as given by these equations, are perfectly definite in terms of h and k, the load and the weight of the beam per unit of length. The value of P, the hori- zontal stress, however, contains an arbitrary function Y, which we propose to find from the condition that the beam was originally unstrained. We therefore determine a and /3, the horizontal and vertical displacement of any point (x, y), by the method indicated by equations (13), (14), (15) ' (35), where X' is a function of x only, and Y' of y only. Deducing from these displacements the shearing strain, and comparing it with the value of the shearing stress, U, we find the equation (36). Hence = n (by - y.) .................................... (37), 0 ........... (38). AND DIAGRAMS OF FORCES. 205 If the total longitudinal stress across any vertical section of the beam is zero, (IF the value of -j- must be the same when y = 0 and when y = b. From this condition we find the value of P by equation (32) (39). f J« The moment of bending at any vertical section of the beam is • (40). This becomes zero when x= ±aa where «oS = «2-F (41). If we wish to compare this case with that of a beam of finite length sup- ported at both ends and loaded uniformly, we must make the moment of bending zero at the supports, and the length of the beam between the supports must therefore be 2a0. Substituting a0 for a in the value of P, we find (42). If we suppose the beam to be cut oft just beyond the supports, and sup- ported by an intense pressure over a small area, we introduce conditions into the problem which are not fulfilled by this solution, and the investigation of which requires the use of Fourier's series. In order that our result may be true, we must suppose the beam to extend to a considerable distance beyond the supports on either side, and the vertical forces to be applied by means of frames clamped to the ends of the beam, as in Diagram V«, so that the stresses arising from the discontinuity at the extremities are insensible in the part of the beam between the supports. This expression differs from that given by Mr Airy only in the terms in the longitudinal stress P depending on the function Y, which was introduced in order to fulfil the condition that, when no force is applied, the beam is unstrained. The effect of these terms is a maximum when y= '12788 b, and is then equal to (h + k) '314, or less than a third of the pressure of the beam and its load on a flat horizontal surface when laid upon it so as to produce a uniform vertical pressure 206 RECIPROCAL FIGURES, FRAMES, i:\ri. A NATION OF THE DIAGRAMS (PLATES I. II. III.). Diagrams I a. and I b. illustrate the necessity of the condition of the possibility of reciprocal diagrams, that each line must be a side of two, and only two, polygons. Diagram I a. is a skeleton of a frame »uch, that if the force along any one piece be given, the force along any other piece may be determined. But the piece N forms a side of four triangles, NFII, NGI, NJL, and NKM, so that if there could be a reciprocal diagram, the line corresponding to N would have four extremities, which is impossible. In this case we can draw a diagram of forces in which the forces //, /, J, and A' are each represented by two parallel lines. Diagrams Ila. and 116. illustrate the case of a frame consisting of thirty-two pieces, meeting four and four in sixteen points, and forming sixteen quadrilaterals. Diagram II a. may be considered as a plane projection of a polyhedron of double continuity, which we may describe as a quadrilateral frame consisting of four quadrilateral rods, of which the ends are bevelled so as to fit exactly. The projection of this frame, considered as a plane frame, has three degrees of stiffness, so that three of the forces may be arbitrarily assumed In the reciprocal diagram II b. the lines are drawn by the method given at p. 168, so that each line is perpendicular to the corresponding line in the other figure. To make the corresponding lines parallel we have only to turn one of the figures round a right angle. Diagrams III a. and III b. illustrate the principle as applied to a bridge designed by Professor F. Jenkin. The loads Qt Qs, &.C., are placed on the upper series of joints, and Jil Rf Ac., on the lower series. The diagram III 6. gives the stresses due to both sets of loads, the vertical lines of loads being different for the two series. Diagrams IV a. and IV b. illustrate the application of Airy's Function to the construction of diagrams of continuous stress. IV a. represents a cylinder exposed to pressure in a vertical and horizontal direction, and to tension in directions inclined 45* to these. The lines marked a, b, e, &c., are lines of pressure, and those marked o, p, q, are lines of tension. In this case the lines of pressure and tension are rectangular hyperbolas, the pressure is always equal to the tension, and varies inversely as the square of the distance between consecutive curves, or, what is the same thing, directly as the square of the distance from the centre. IV b. represents the reciprocal diagram corresponding to the upper quadrant of the former one. The stress on any line in the first diagram is represented in magnitude and direction by the corresponding line in the second diagram, the correspondence being ascertained by that of the corresponding systems of lines o, b, e, , ir=|plcos|(#,) & = ip!sinf<£. Diagrams V a. and V 6. illustrate Airy's theory of stress in beams. V a. is the beam supported at G and D by means of bent pieces clamped to the ends of the beam at A and B, at such a distance from G and D, that the part of the beam between G and D is free from the local effects of the pressures of the clamps at A. and B. The beam is divided into six strata by horizontal dotted lines, marked 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and into sixteen vertical slices by vertical lines marked a, b, c, &c. The corresponding lines in the diagram V b. are marked with corresponding figures and letters. The stress across any line joining any two points in V a. is represented in magnitude by the line in V 6., joining corresponding points, and is perpendicular to it in direction. These illustrations of the application of the graphic method to cases of continuous stress, are intended rather to show the mathematical meaning of the method, than as practical aids to the engineer. In calculating the stresses in frames, the graphic method is really useful, and is less liable to accidental errors than the method of trigonometrical calculation. In cases of continuous stress, however, the symbolical method of calculation is still the best, although, as I have endeavoured to show in this paper, analytical methods may be explained, illustrated, and extended by considerations derived from the graphic method. [From the London Matftematical Society's Proceedings. Vol. IIL] XL. On the Displacement in a, Case of Fluid Motion. IN most investigations of fluid motion, we consider the velocity at any point of the fluid as defined by its magnitude and direction, as a function i.i1 the coordinates of the point and of the time. We are supposed to be able to take a momentary glance at the system at any time, and to observe the velo- cities ; but are not required to be able to keep our eye on a particular molecule during its motion. This method, therefore, properly belongs to the theory of a continuous fluid alike in all its parts, in which we measure the velocity by the volume which passes through unit of area rather than by the distance travci by a molecule in unit of time. It is also the only method applicable to the case of a fluid, the motions of the individual molecules of which are not expres- sible as functions of their position, as in the motions due to heat and diffusion. When similar equations occur in the theory of the conduction of heat or elec- tricity, we are constrained to use this method, for we cannot even define what is meant by the continued identity of a portion of heat or electricity. The molecular theory, as it supposes each molecule to pi'eserve its identity, requires for its perfection a determination of the position of each molecule at any assigned time. As it is only in certain cases that our present mathematical resources can effect this, I propose to point out a very simple case, with the results. Let a cylinder of infinite length and of radius a move with its axis parallel to z, and always passing through the axis of x, with a velocity V, uniform or variable, in the direction of x, through an infinite, homogeneous, incompressilile. perfect fluid. Let r be the distance of any point in the fluid from the axis THE DISPLACEMENT IN A CASE OF FLUID MOTION. 209 of the cylinder ; then it is easy to shew that, if x0 is the value of x for the axis of the cylinder, and x that of the point, and will satisfy the conditions of the velocity-potential, and V-fy that of the stream function* ; and, since the expression for \|> does not contain the time, its value will remain constant for a molecule during the whole of its motion. If we consider the position of a particle as determined by the values of z, r, and t/f, then z and $ will remain constant during the motion, and we have only to find r in terms of the time. For this purpose we observe that, if we put i|» in polar coordinates, it becomes = ( 1 — 2 ) r sin 6, dr V d^ I a*\ and -y • = - T£ = V 1 --^ cos 0. dt r d6 \ ry Expressing cos 6 in terms of r and i/>, this becomes If we make v/(4a2 + 1/»2) + i/r = 2/3, and |-2 = c, then /8 will be the value of y when the axis of the cylinder is abreast of the particle, and and if we now use instead of r a new anular variable sucn s _ A r f The velocity-potential is a quantity such that its rate of variation along any line is equal to the velocity of the fluid resolved in the same direction. Whenever the motion of the fluid is irro- tational, there is a velocity-potential. The stream function exists in every case of the motion of an incompressible fluid in two dimen- sions, and is such that the total instantaneous flow across any curve, referred to unit of time, is equal to the difference of the values of the stream function at the extremities of the curve. VOL. II. 27 210 THE DISPLACEMENT IN A CASE OF FLUID MOTION. then we can express \Vdt or xt in terms of elliptic functions of the first and second kinds, win-re the position of the axis of the cylinder is expressed in terms of the position of a molecule with respect to it. Now let us take a molecule originally on the axis of y, at a distance ij from the origin, and let the cylinder begin to move from an infinite distance on the negative side of the axis of x\ then $ = i}, and 2/J = ,/(4af- , & and when the cylinder has passed from negative infinity to positive infinity in the direction of x, then the coordinates of the molecule will be a(l— c) -~ It appears from this expression, that after the passage of the cylinder e\vrv particle is at the same distance as at first from the plane of xz, but that it is carried forward in the direction of the motion of the cylinder by a quantity which is infinite when y = 0, but finite for all other values of y. The motion of a particle at any instant is always inclined to the axis of x at double the inclination of the line drawn to the axis of the cylinder. Hence it is in the forward direction till the inclination of this line is 45", backward from 45° to 135°, and forward again afterwards. The forward motion is slower than the backward motion, but lasts for a longer time, and it appears that the final displacement of eveiy particle is in the forward direction. It follows from this that the condition fulfilled by the fluid at an infinite distance is not that of being contained in a fixed vessel ; for in that case there would have been, on the whole, a displacement backwards equal to that of the cylinder forwards. The problem actually solved differs from this only by the application of an infinitely small forward velocity to the infinite mass of fluid such as generate a finite momentum. In drawing the accompanying figures, I began by tracing the stream-lines in Fig. 1, p. 211, by means of the intersections of a system of straight lines equi- distant and parallel to the axis, with a system of circles touching the axis at THE DISPLACEMENT IN A CASE OF FLUID MOTION. 211 FIG. 1. Fluid flowing past a fixed cylinder. 27—2 212 THE DISPLACEMENT IN A CASE OF FLUID MOTION. the origin and having their radii as the reciprocals of the natural numbers. (See Prof. Rankine's Papers on Stream-Lines in the Phil. Ti-ans.) The cylinder is f inch radius, and the stream-lines are originally ^ inch apart. I then calculated the coordinates, x and y, of the final form of a transverse straight line from the values of the complete elliptic functions for values of c corresponding to every 5*. The result is given in the continuous curve on the left of Fig. 2, p. 213. I then traced the path of a particle in contact with the cylinder from the equation where x=x9 + acos& and y = ctBm0. The form of the path is the curve nearest the axis in Fig. 3. The dots indicate the positions at equal intervals of time. The paths of particles not in contact with the cylinder might be calculated from Legendre's tables for incomplete functions, which I have not got. I have therefore drawn them by eye so as to fulfil the following con- ditions : — The radius of curvature is £ -5—. .,fi —• > which, when y is large compared ct sni. (7 ~T* y with a, becomes nearly — . 2y The paths of particles at a great distance from the axis are therefore very nearly circles. To draw the paths of intermediate particles, I observed that their two extremities must lie at the same distance from the axis of x as the asymptote of a certain stream-line, and the middle point of the path at a distance equal to that of the same stream-line when abreast of the cylinder ; and, finally, that the distance between the extremities is the same as that given in Fig. 2. In this way I drew the paths of different particles in Fig. 3. I then transferred these to Fig. 2, to shew the paths of a series of particles, originally in a straight line, and finally in the curve already described. THE DISPLACEMENT IN A CASE OF FLUID MOTION. 213 I then laid Fig. 1 on Fig. 2, and drew, through the intersections of the stream-lines and the paths of the corresponding particles in the fluid originally FIG. 2. Paths of particles of the fluid -when a cylinder moves through it. Fio. 3. Paths of particles at different distances from the cylinder: radius of cylinder, 5 inch. At great distances (ft) the path is a circle of radius ; „ and in this circle tan s = -^. *P 2 P THE DISPLACEMENT IN A CASE OF FLUID MOTION. at rest, the lines which shew the form taken by a line of particles originally Kt might as it flows past the cylinder. This method, however, does not give the jxnnt where the line crosses the axis of x. I therefore calculated this from the equation i i r — a x = r + yt log calculating r for values of x differing by J inch. The curves thus drawn appear to be as near the truth as I could get without a much greater amount of labour. If a maker of "marbled" paper were to rule the surface of his bath with straight lines of paint at right angles, and then to draw a cylindrical ruler through the bath up to the middle, and apply the painted lines to his paper, he would produce the design of Fig. 1, p. 211. [From the British Association Report, Vol. XL.] XLI. Address to the Mathematical and Physical Sections of the British Association. [Liverpool, September 15, 1870.] AT several of the recent Meetings of the British Association the varied and important business of the Mathematical and Physical Section has been introduced by an Address, the subject of which has been left to the selection of the President for the time being. The perplexing duty of choosing a subject has not, however, fallen to me. Professor Sylvester, the President of Section A at the Exeter Meeting, gave us a noble vindication of pure mathematics by laying bare, as it were, the very working of the mathematical mind, and setting before us, not the array of symbols and brackets which form the armoury of the mathematician, or the dry results which are only the monuments of his conquests, but the mathematician himself, with all his human faculties directed by his professional sagacity to the pursuit, apprehension, and exhibition of that ideal harmony which he feels to be the root of all knowledge, the fountain of all pleasure, and the condition of all action. The mathematician has, above all things, an eye for symmetry ; and Professor Sylvester has not only recognized the sym- metry formed by the combination of his own subject with those of the former Presidents, but has pointed out the duties of his successor in the following characteristic note : — " Mr Spottiswoode favoured the Section, in his opening Address, with a com- bined history of the progress of Mathematics and Physics ; Dr. Tyndall's address was virtually on the limits of Physical Philosophy ; the one here in print," says Prof. Sylvester, "is an attempted faint adumbration of the nature of Mathe- matical Science in the abstract. What is wanting (like a fourth sphere resting 216 ADDRESS TO THE MATHEMATICAL AND PHYSICAL SECTIONS cm three other* in contact) to build up the Ideal Pyramid is a discourse on the Relation of the two branches (Mathematics and Physics) to, their act inn and reaction upon, one another, a magnificent theme, with which it is to be hoped that some future President of Section A will crown the edifice and make the Tetralogy (symbolizable by A + A', A, A', AA') complete." The theme thus distinctly kid down for his successor by our late Presi IB indeed a magnificent one, far too magnificent for any efforts of mine to realize. I have endeavoured to follow Mr Spottiswoode, as with far-reaching vision he distinguishes the systems of science into which phenomena, our k: ledge of which is still in the nebulous stage, are growing. I have been carried by the penetrating insight and forcible expression of Dr Tyndall into that sanctuary of minuteness and of power where molecules obey the laws of their ••\istence, clash together in fierce collision, or grapple in yet more fierce embrace, building up in secret the forms of visible things. I have been guided by Prof. Sylvester towards those serene heights " Where never creeps a cloud, or moves a wind, Nor ever falls the least white star of snow, Nor ever lowest roll of thunder moans, Nor sound of human sorrow mounts to mar Their sacred everlasting calm." But who will lead me into that still more hidden and dimmer region where Thought weds Fact, where the mental operation of the mathematician and the physical action of the molecules are seen in their true relation ? Does not the way 'to it pass through the very den of the metaphysician, strewed with the remains of former explorers, and abhorred by every man of science ? It would indeed be a foolhardy adventure for me to take up the valuable time of the Section by leading you into those speculations which require, as we know, thousands of years even to shape themselves intelligibly. But we are met as cultivators of mathematics and physics. In our daily work we are led up to questions the same in kind with those of metaphysics ; and we approach them, not trusting to the native penetrating power of our own minds, but trained by a long- continued adjustment of our modes of thought to the facts of external nature. As mathematicians, we perform certain mental operations on the symbols of number or of quantity, and, by proceeding step by step from more simple to more complex operations, we are enabled to express the same thing in many OF THE BRITISH ASSOCIATION. 217 different forms. The equivalence of these different forms, though a necessary consequence of self-evident axioms, is not always, to our minds, self-evident; but the mathematician, who by long practice has acquired a familiarity with many of these forms, and has become expert in the processes which lead from one to another, can often transform a perplexing expression into another which explains its meaning in more intelligible language. As students of Physics we observe phenomena under varied circumstances, and endeavour to deduce the laws of their relations. Every natural phenomenon is, to our minds, the result of an infinitely complex system of conditions. What we set ourselves to do is to unravel these conditions, and by viewing the phenomenon in a way which is in itself partial and imperfect, to piece out its features one by one, beginning with that which strikes us first, and thus gradually learning how to look at the whole phenomenon so as to obtain a continually greater degree of clearness and distinctness. In this process, the feature which presents itself most forcibly to the untrained inquirer may not be that which is considered most fundamental by the experienced man of science ; for the success of any physical investigation depends on the judicious selection of what is to be observed as of primary importance, combined with a voluntary abstraction of the mind from those features which, however attractive they appear, we are not yet sufficiently advanced in science to investigate with profit. Intellectual processes of this kind have been going on since the first for- mation of language, and are going on still. No doubt the feature which strikes us first and most forcibly in any phenomenon, is the pleasure or the pain which accompanies it, and the agreeable or disagreeable results which follow after it. A theory of nature from this point of view is embodied in many of our words and phrases, and is by no means extinct even in our deliberate opinions. It was a great step in science when men became convinced that, in order to understand the nature of things, they must begin by asking, not whether a thing is good or bad, noxious or beneficial, but of what kind is it ? and how much is there of it ? Quality and Quantity were then first recognized as the primary features to be observed in scientific inquiry. As science has been developed, the domain of quantity has everywhere encroached on that of quality, till the process of scientific inquiry seems to have become simply the measurement and registration of quantities, combined with a mathematical discussion of the numbers thus obtained. It is this scientific VOL. II. 28 ADDRESS TO THE MATHEMATICAL AND PHYSICAL SECTIONS method of directing our attention to those features of phenomena which may be regarded as quantities which brings physical research under the influence of mathematical reasoning. In the work of the Section we shall have abundant examples of the successful application of this method to the most recent con- queets of science; but I wish at present to direct your attention to some of tin- reciprocal effects of the progress of science on those elementary conceptions which are sometimes thought to be beyond the reach of change. If the skill of the mathematician has enabled the experimentalist to see that the quantities which he has measured are connected by necessary n Li: the discoveries of physics have revealed to the mathematician new I'mi: quantities which he could never have imagined for himself. Of the methods by which the mathematician may make his labours useful to the student of nature, that which I think is at present most im- portant is the systematic classification of quantities. The quantities which we study in mathematics and physics may be clas> in two different ways. The student who wishes to master any particular science must make hii familiar with the various kinds of quantities which belong to that science. When lie understands all the relations between these quantities, he regards tin: forming a connected system, and he classes the whole system of quantities I as belonging to that particular science. This classification is the most natural from a physical point of view, and it is generally the first in order of time. But when the student has become acquainted with several different seic- he finds that the mathematical processes and trains of reasoning in one sc' resemble those in another so much that his knowledge of the one science may be made a most useful help in the study of the other. When he examines into the reason of this, he finds that in the t\v<. sciences he has been dealing with systems of quantities, in which the mathe- matical forms of the relations of the quantities are the same in both - though the physical nature of the quantities may be utterly different. He is thus led to recognize a classification of quantities on a new principle, according to which the physical nature of the quantity is subordinated t mathematical form. This is the point of view which is characteristic of the mathematician ; but it stands second to the physical aspect in order of time. because the human mind, in order to conceive of different kinds of quant must have them presented to it by nature. OF THE BRITISH ASSOCIATION. 219 I do not here refer to the fact that all quantities, as such, are subject to the rules of arithmetic and algebra, and are therefore capable of being sub- mitted to those dry calculations which represent, to so many minds, their only idea of mathematics. The human mind is seldom satisfied, and is certainly never exercising its highest functions, when it is doing the work of a calculating machine. What the man of science, whether he is a mathematician or a physical inquirer, aims at is, to acquire and develope clear ideas of the things he deals with. For this purpose he is willing to enter on long calculations, and, to be for a season a calculating machine, if he can only at last make his ideas clearer. But if he finds that clear ideas are not to be obtained by means of pro- cesses the steps of which he is sure to forget before he has reached the conclusion, it is much better that he should turn to another method, and try to understand the subject by means of well-chosen illustrations derived from subjects with which he is more familiar. We all know how much more popular the illustrative method of exposition is found, than that in which bare processes of reasoning and calculation form the principal subject of discourse. Now a truly scientific illustration is a method to enable the mind to grasp some conception or law in one branch of science, by placing before it a con- ception or a law in a different branch of science, and directing the mind to lay hold of that mathematical form which is common to the corresponding ideas in the two sciences, leaving out of account for the present the difference between the physical nature of the real phenomena. The correctness of such an illustration depends on whether the two systems of ideas which are compared together are really analogous in form, or whether, in other words, the corresponding physical quantities really belong to the same mathematical class. When this condition is fulfilled, the illustration is not only convenient for teaching science in a pleasant and easy manner, but the recog- nition of the formal analogy between the two systems of ideas leads to a knowledge of both, more profound than could be obtained by studying each system separately. There are men who, when any relation or law, however complex, is put before them in a symbolical form, can grasp its full meaning as a relation among abstract quantities. Such men sometimes treat with indifference the further statement that quantities actually exist in nature which fulfil this 28—2 ADDRESS TO THE MATHEMATICAL AND PHYSICAL SECTIONS relation. The mental image of the concrete reality seems rather to disturb thnn to assist their contemplations. But the great majority of mankind are utterly unable, without long training, to retain in their minds the unembodied symbols of the pure mathe- matician, so that, if science is ever to become popular, and yet remain scientific, it must be by a profound study and a copious application of those principles of the mathematical classification of quantities which, as we have seen, lie at the root of every truly scientific illustration. There are, as I have said, some minds which can go on contemplating with satisfaction pure quantities presented to the eye by symbols, and to the mind in a form which none but mathematicians can conceive. There are others who feel more enjoyment in following geometrical forms, which they draw on paper, or build up in the empty space before them. Others, again, are not content unless they can project their whole physical energies into the scene which they conjure up. They learn at what a rate the planets rush through space, and they experience a delightful feeling of exhila- ration. They calculate the forces with which the heavenly bodies pull at one another, and they feel their own muscles straining with the effort. To such men momentum, energy, mass are not mere abstract expressions of the results of scientific inquiry. They are words of power, which stir their souls like the memories of childhood. For the sake of persons of these different types, scientific truth should be presented in different forms, and should be regarded as equally scientific, whether it appears in the robust form and the vivid colouring of a physical illustration, or in the tenuity and paleness of a symbolical expression. Time would fail me if I were to attempt to illustrate by examples the scientific value of the classification of quantities. I shall only mention the name of that important class of magnitudes having direction in space which Hamilton has called vectors, and which form the subject-matter of the Calculus of Qua- ternions, a branch of mathematics which, when it shall have been thoroughly understood by men of the illustrative type, and clothed by them with physical imagery, will become, perhaps under some new name, a most powerful method of communicating truly scientific knowledge to persons apparently devoid of the calculating spirit. The mutual action and reaction between the different departments of human thought is so interesting to the student of scientific progress, that, at the risk OF THE BKITISH ASSOCIATION. £21 of still further encroaching on the valuable time of the Section, I shall say a few words on a branch of physics which not very long ago would have been considered rather a branch of metaphysics. I mean the atomic theory, or, as it is now called, the molecular theory of the constitution of bodies. Not many years ago if we had been asked in what regions of physical science the advance of discovery was least apparent, we should have pointed to the hopelessly distant fixed stars on the one hand, and to the inscrutable delicacy of the texture of material bodies on the other. Indeed, if we are to regard Comte as in any degree representing the scientific opinion of his time, the research into what takes place beyond our own solar system seemed then to be exceedingly unpromising, if not altogether illusory. The opinion that the bodies which we see and handle, which we can set in motion or leave at rest, which we can break in pieces and destroy, are composed of smaller bodies which we cannot see or handle, which are always in motion, and which can neither be stopped nor broken in pieces, nor in any way destroyed or deprived of the least of their properties, was known by the name of the Atomic theory. It was associated with the names of Democritus, Epicurus, and Lucretius, and was commonly supposed to admit the existence only of atoms and void, to the exclusion of any other basis of things from the universe. In many physical reasonings and mathematical calculations we are accustomed to argue as if such substances as air, water, or metal, which appear to our senses uniform and continuous, were strictly and mathematically uniform and continuous. We know that we can divide a pint of water into many millions of portions, each of which is as fully endowed with all the properties of water as the whole pint was ; and it seems only natural to conclude that we might go on subdividing the water for ever, just as we can never come to a limit in subdividing the space in which it is contained. We have heard how Faraday divided a grain of gold into an inconceivable number of separate particles, and we may see Dr Tyndall produce from a mere suspicion of nitrite of butyle an immense cloud, the minute visible portion of which is still cloud, and there- fore must contain many molecules of nitrite of butyle. But evidence from different and independent sources is now crowding in upon us which compels us to admit that if we could push the process of subdivision ADDRESS TO THE MATHEMATICAL AND PHYSICAL SECTIONS .-till further we should come to a limit, because each portion would then contain onlv one molecule, an individual body, one and indivisible, unalterable by any power in nature. Kven in our ordinary experiments on very finely divided matter we find that the substance is beginning to lose the properties which it exhibits when in a large mass, and that effects depending on the individual action of mole- cules are beginning to become prominent. The study of these phenomena is at present the path which leads to the development of molecular science. That superficial tension of liquids which is called capillary attraction is one of these phenomena. Another important class of phenomena are those which are due to that motion of agitation by which the molecules of a liquid or gas are continually working their way from one place to another, and continually changing their course, like people hustled in a crowd. On this depends the rate of diffusion of gases and liquids through each other, to the study of which, as one of the keys of molecular science, that unwearied inquirer into nature's secrets, the late Prof. Graham, devoted such arduous labour. The rate of electrolytic conduction is, according to Wiedemann's theory, influenced by the same cause ; and the conduction of heat in fluids depends probably on the same kind of action. In the case of gases, a molecular theory has been developed by Clausius and others, capable of mathematical treatment, and subjected to experimental investigation ; and by this theory nearly every known mechanical property of gases has been explained on dynamical principles ; so that the properties of individual gaseous molecules are in a fair way to Income objects of scientific research. Now Mr Stoney has pointed out'" that the numerical results of experiments on gases render it probable that the mean distance of their particles at the ordinary temperature and pressure is a quantity of the same order of magnitude as a millionth of a millimetre, and Sir William Thomson has sincet shewn, by several independent lines of argument, drawn from phenomena so different in themselves as the electrification of metals by contact, the tension of soap- bubbles, and the friction of air, that in ordinary solids and liquids the average distance between contiguous molecules is less than the hundred-millionth, and greater than the two-thousand-millionth of a centimetre. * Phil. Mag. Aug. 1868. t Nature, March 31, 1870. OF THE BRITISH ASSOCIATION. 223 These, of course, are exceedingly rough estimates, for they are derived from measurements some of which are still confessedly very rough ; but if, at the present time, we can form even a rough plan for arriving at results of this kind, we may hope that, as our means of experimental inquiry become more accurate and more varied, our conception of a molecule will become more definite, so that we may be able at no distant period to estimate its weight with a greater degree of precision. A theory, which Sir W. Thomson has founded on Helmholtz's splendid hydrodynamical theorems, seeks for the properties of molecules in the ring- vortices of a uniform, frictionless, incompressible fluid. Such whirling rings may l)e seen when an experienced smoker sends out a dexterous puff of smoke into the still air, but a more evanescent phenomenon it is difficult to conceive. This evanescence is owing to the viscosity of the air ; but Helmholtz has shewn that in a perfect fluid such a whirling ring, if once generated, would go on whirling for ever, would always consist of the very same portion of the fluid which was first set whirling, and could never be cut in two by any natural cause. The generation of a ring-vortex is of course equally beyond the power of natural causes, but once generated, it has the properties of individuality, permanence in quantity, and indestructibility. It is also the recipient of impulse and of energy, which is all we can affirm of matter ; and these . ring- vortices are capable of such varied connexions and knotted self-involutions, that the properties of differently knotted vortices must be as different as those of diffe- rent kinds of molecules can be. If a theory of this kind should be found, after conquering the enormous mathematical difficulties of the subject, to represent in any degree the actual properties of molecules, it will stand in a very different scientific position from those theories of molecular action which are formed by investing the molecule with an arbitrary system of central forces invented expressly to account for the observed phenomena. In the vortex theory we have nothing arbitrary, no central forces or occult properties of any other kind. We have nothing but matter and motion, and when the vortex is once started its properties are all determined from the original impetus, and no further assumptions are possible. Even in the present undeveloped state of the theory, the contemplation of the individuality and indestructibility of a ring-vortex in a perfect fluid 224 ADDRESS TO THE MATHEMATICAL AND PHYSICAL SECTIONS cannot fail to disturb the commonly received opinion that a molecule, in order to be permanent, must be a very hard body. In fact one of the first conditions which a molecule must fulfil is, ap- parently, inconsistent with its being a single hard body. We know from those spectroscopic researches which have thrown so much light on different branches of science, that a molecule can be set into a state of internal vibration, in which it gives off to the surrounding medium light of definite refrangibility — light, that is, of definite wave-length and definite period of vibration. The fact that all the molecules (say, of hydrogen) which we can procure for our experiments, when agitated by heat or by the passage of an electric spark, vibrate precisely in the same periodic time, or, to speak more accurately, that their vibrations are composed of a system of simple vibrations having always the same periods, is a very remarkable fact. I must leave it to others to describe the progress of that splendid series of spectroscopic discoveries by which the chemistry of the heavenly bodies has been brought within the range of human inquiry. I wish rather to direct your attention to the fact that, not only has every molecule of terrestrial hydrogen the same system of periods of free vibration, but that the spectro- scopic examination of the light of the sun and stars shews that, in regions the distance of which we can only feebly imagine, there are molecules vibrating in as exact unison with the molecules of terrestrial hydrogen as two tuning- forks tuned to concert pitch, or two watches regulated to solar time. Now this absolute equality in the magnitude of quantities, occurring in all parts of the universe, is worth our consideration. The dimensions of individual natural bodies are either quite indeterminate, as in the case of planets, stones, trees, &c., or they vary within moderate limits, as in the case of seeds, eggs, &c. ; but even in these cases small quanti- tative differences are met with which do not interfere with the essential properties of the body. Even crystals, which are so definite in geometrical form, are variable with respect to their absolute dimensions. Among the works of man we sometimes find a certain degree of uniformity. There is a uniformity among the different bullets which are cast in the same mould, and the different copies of a book printed from the same type. If we examine the coins, or the weights and measures, of a civilized country, we find a uniformity, which is produced by careful adjustment to OF THE BRITISH ASSOCIATION. 225 standards made and provided by the state. The degree of uniformity of these national standards is a measure of that spirit of justice in the nation which has enacted laws to regulate them and appointed officers to test them. This subject is one in which we, as a scientific body, take a warm interest ; and you are all aware of the vast amount of scientific work which has been expended, and profitably expended, in providing weights and measures for commercial and scientific purposes. The earth has been measured as a basis for a permanent standard of length, and every property of metals has been investigated to guard against any alteration of the material standards when made. To weigh or measure any thing with modern accuracy, requires a course of experiment and calculation in which almost every branch of physics and mathematics is brought into requisition. Yet, after all, the dimensions of our earth and its time of rotation, though, relatively to our present means of comparison, very permanent, are not so by any physical necessity. The earth might contract by cooling, or it might be enlarged by a layer of meteorites falling on it, or its rate of revolution might slowly slacken, and yet it would continue to be as much a planet as before. But a molecule, say of hydrogen, if either its mass or its time of vibration were to be altered in the least, would no longer be a molecule of hydrogen. If, then, we wish to obtain standards of length, time, and mass which shall be absolutely permanent, we must seek them not in the dimensions, or the motion, or the mass of our planet, but in the wave-length, the period of vibration, and the absolute mass of these imperishable and unalterable and perfectly similar molecules. When we find that here, and in the starry heavens, there are innumerable multitudes of little bodies of exactly the same mass, so many, and no more, to the grain, and vibrating in exactly the same time, so many times, and no more, in a second, and when we reflect that no power in nature can now alter in the least either the mass or the period of any one of them, we seem to have advanced along the path of natural knowledge to one of those points at which we must accept the guidance of that faith by which we understand that " that which is seen was not made of things which do appear." One of the most remarkable results of the progress of molecular science is the light it has thrown on the nature of irreversible processes — processes, that is, whidh always tend towards and never away from a certain limiting VOL. II. 29 ADDRESS TO THE MAimniATICAL AND PHYSICAL SECTIONS state. Thus, if two gasea be put into the same vessel, they become mixed, and the mixture tends continually to become more uniform. If two unequally heated portions of the same gas are put into the vessel, something of the kind takes place, and the whole tends to become of the same temperature. If two unequally heated solid bodies be placed in contact, a continual approxi- mation of both to an intermediate temperature takes place. In the case of the two gases, a separation may be effected by chemical means ; l>ut in the other two cases the former state of things cannot be restored by :iny natural process. In the case of the conduction or diffusion of heat the process is not only irreversible, but it involves the irreversible diminution of that part of the whole stock of thermal energy which is capable of being converted into mechanical work. This is Thomson's theory of the irreversible dissipation of energy, and it is equivalent to the doctrine of Clausius concerning the growth of what he calk Entropy. The irreversible character of this process is strikingly embodied in Fourier's theory of the conduction of heat, where the formulae themselves indicate, for all positive values of the time, a possible solution which continually tends to the form of a uniform diffusion of heat. But if we attempt to ascend the stream of time by giving to its symbol continually diminishing values, we are led up to a state of things in which the formula has what is called a critical value ; and if we inquire into the state of things the instant before, we find that the formula becomes absurd. We thus arrive at the conception of a state of things which, cannot be conceived as the physical result of a previous state of things, and we find that this critical condition actually existed at an epoch not in the utmost depths of a past eternity, but separated from the present time by a finite interval. This idea of a beginning is one which the physical researches of recent times have brought home to us, more than any observer of the course of scientific thought in former times would have had reason to expect. But the mind of man is not, like Fourier's heated body, continually settling down into an ultimate state of quiet uniformity, the character of which we can already predict; it is rather like a tree, shooting out branches which adapt themselves to the new aspects of the sky towards which they climb, and roots which contort themselves among the strange strata of the earth into which they delve. To us who breathe only the spirit of our own age, and know only the OF THE BRITISH ASSOCIATION. 227 characteristics of contemporary thought, it is as impossible to predict the general tone of the science of the future as it is to anticipate the particular discoveries which it will make. Physical research is continually revealing to us new features of natural processes, and we are thus compelled to search for new forms of thought appropriate to these features. Hence the importance of a careful study of those relations between Mathematics and Physics which determine the conditions under which the ideas derived from one department of physics may be safely used in forming ideas to be employed in a new department. The figure of speech or of thought by which we transfer the language and ideas of a familiar science to one with which we are less acquainted may be called Scientific Metaphor. Thus the words Velocity, Momentum, Force, &c. have acquired certain precise meanings in Elementary Dynamics. They are also employed in the Dynamics of a Connected System in a sense which, though perfectly analogous to the elementary sense, is wider and more general. These generalized forms of elementary ideas may be called metaphorical terms in the sense in which every abstract term is metaphorical. The charac- teristic of a truly scientific system of metaphors is that each term in its metaphorical use retains all the formal relations to the other terms of the system which it had in its original use. The method is then truly scientific- — that is, not only a legitimate product of science, but capable of generating science in its turn. There are certain electrical phenomena, again, which are connected together by relations of the same form as those which connect dynamical phenomena. To apply to these the phrases of dynamics with proper distinctions and pro- visional reservations is an example of a metaphor of a bolder kind ; but it is a legitimate metaphor if it conveys a true idea of the electrical relations to those who have been already trained in dynamics. Suppose, then, that we have successfully introduced certain ideas belonging to an elementary science by applying them metaphorically to some new class of phenomena. It becomes an important philosophical question to determine in what degree the applicability of the old ideas to the new subject may be taken as evidence that the new phenomena are physically similar to the old. The best instances for the determination of this question are those in which two different explanations have been given of the same thing. 29—2 Ill ADDRESS TO THE MATHEMATICAL AND PHYSICAL SECTIONS The most celebrated case of this kind is that of the corpuscular and the undulatory theories of light. Up to a certain point the phenomena of light are equally well explained by both ; beyond this point, one of them fails. To understand the true relation of these theories in that part of the field where they seem equally applicable we must look at them in the light which Hamilton has thrown upon them by his discovery that to every brachistochrone problem there corresponds a problem of free motion, involving different velocities and times, but resulting in the same geometrical path. Professor Tait has written a very interesting paper on this subject. According to a theory of electricity which is making great progress in Germany, two electrical particles act on one another directly at a distance, hut with a force which, according to Weber, depends on their relative velocity, and according to a theory hinted at by Gauss, and developed by Riemann, Lorenz, and Neumann, acts not instantaneously, but after a time depending on the distance. The power with which this theory, in the hands of these eminent men, explains every kind of electrical phenomena must be studied in order to be appreciated. Another theory of electricity, which I prefer, denies action at a distance and attributes electric action to tensions and pressures in an all-pervading medium, these stresses being the same in kind with those familiar to engineers, and the medium being identical with that in which light is supposed to be propagated. Both these theories are found to explain not only the phenomena by the aid of which they were originally constructed, but other phenomena, which were not thought of or perhaps not known at the time ; and both have inde- pendently arrived at the same numerical result, which gives the absolute velocity of light in terms of electrical quantities. That theories apparently so fundamentally opposed should have so large a field of truth common to both is a fact the philosophical importance of which we cannot fully appreciate till we have reached a scientific altitude from which the true relation between hypotheses so different can be seen. I shall only make one more remark on the relation between Mathematics and Physics. In themselves, one is an operation of the mind, the other is a dance of molecules. The molecules have laws of their own, some of which we select as most intelligible to us and most amenable to our calculation. We form a theory from these partial data, and we ascribe any deviation of the actual phenomena from this theory to disturbing causes. At the same time we OF THE BRITISH ASSOCIATION. 229 confess that what we call disturbing causes are simply those parts of the true circumstances which we do not know or have neglected, and we endeavour in future to take account of them. We thus acknowledge that the so-called dis- turbance is a mere figment of the mind, not a fact of nature, and that in natural action there is no disturbance. But this is not the only way in which the harmony of the material with the mental operation may be disturbed. The mind of the mathematician is subject to many disturbing causes, such as fatigue, loss of memory, and hasty conclusions ; and it is found that, from these and other causes, mathematicians make mistakes. I am not prepared to deny that, to some mind of a higher order than ours, each of these errors might be traced to the regular operation of the laws of actual thinking ; in fact we ourselves often do detect, not only errors of calculation, but the causes of these errors. This, however, by no means alters our conviction that they are errors, and that one process of thought is right and another process wrong. One of the most profound mathematicians and thinkers of our time, the late George Boole, when reflecting on the precise and almost mathematical character of the laws of right thinking as compared with the exceedingly per- plexing though perhaps equally determinate laws of actual and fallible thinking, was led to another of those points of view from which Science seems to look out into a region beyond her own domain. . "We must admit," he says, "that there exist laws" (of thought) "which even the rigour of their mathematical forms does not preserve from violation. We must ascribe to them an authority, the essence of which does not consist in power, a supremacy which the analogy of the inviolable order of the natural world in no way assists us to comprehend." [From the Report of the British Association, 1870.] XLII. On Colour-vision at different points of the Retina. IT haa long been known that near that point of the retina where it is intersected by the axis of the eye there is a yellowish spot, the existence of which can be shewn not only by the ophthalmoscope, but by its effect on vision. At the Cheltenham Meeting in 1856 the author pointed out a method of seeing this spot by looking at that part of a very narrow spectrum which lies near the line F. Since that time the spot has been described by Helmholtz and others ; and the author has made a number of experiments, not yet pub- lished, in order to determine its effects on colour-vision. One of the simplest methods of seeing the spot was suggested to the author by Prof. Stokes. It consists in looking at a white surface, such as that of a white cloud, through a solution of chloride of chromium made so weak that it appears of a bluish-green colour. If the observer directs his attention to what he sees before him before his eyes have got accustomed to the new tone of colour, he sees a pinkish spot like a wafer on a bluish-green ground; and this spot is always at the place he is looking at. The solution transmits the red end of the spectrum, and also a portion of bluish-green light near the line F. The latter portion is partially absorbed by the spot, so that the red light has the preponderance. Experiments of a more accurate kind were made with an instrument the original conception of which is due to Sir Isaac Newton, and is described in his Lectiones Opticce, though it does not appear to have been actually constructed till the author set it up in 1862, with a solid frame and careful adjustments. It consists of two parts, side by side. In the first part, white light is dis- persed by a prism so as to form a spectrum. Certain portions of this spectrum are selected by being allowed to pass through slits in a screen. These selected portions are made to converge on a second prism, which unites them into a COLOUR- VISION AT DIFFERENT POINTS OF THE RETINA. 231 single beam of light, in which state they enter the eye. The second part of the instrument consists of an arrangement by which a beam of light from the very same source is weakened by two reflections from glass surfaces, and enters the eye alongside of the beam of compound colours. The instrument is formed of three rectangular wooden tubes, the whole length being about nine feet. It contains two prisms, two mirrors, and six lenses, which are so adjusted that, in spite of the very different treatment to which the two portions of a beam of light are subjected, they shall enter the eye so as to form exactly equal and coincident images of the source of light. In fact, by looking through the instrument a man's face may be distinctly seen by means of the red, the green, or the blue light which it emits, or by any combination of these at pleasure. The arrangement of the three slits is made by means, of six brass slides, which can be worked with screws outside the instrument ; and the breadth of the slits can be read off with a gauge very accurately. In each observation three colours of the spectrum are mixed and so adjusted that their mixture is so exactly equivalent to the white light beside it, that the line which divides the two can no longer be seen. It is found that in certain cases, when this adjustment is made so as to satisfy one person, a second will find the mixed colour of a green hue, while to a third it will appear of a reddish colour, compared with the white beam. But, besides this, it is found that the mixed colour may be so adjusted that, if we look directly at it, it appears red, while if we direct the eye away from it, and cast a sidelong glance at it, we see it green. The cause of this is the yellow spot, which acts somewhat as a piece of yellow glass would do, absorbing certain kinds of light more than others ; and the difference between different persons arises from different intensities of the absorbing spot. It is found in persons of every nation, but generally stronger in those of dark com- plexion. The degree of intensity does not seem to depend so much on the COLOUR-VISION AT DIFFERENT POINTS OF THE RETINA. colour of the hair or the iris of the individual, as to run through families independent of outward complexion. The same difference is found between different colour-blind persons; so that in the comparison of their vision with that of the normal eye, persons should be selected for comparison who have the yellow spot of nearly the same intensity. In my own eye the part of the spectrum from A to E is seen decidedly better by the central part of the retina than by the surrounding parts. Near /' this is reversed, and the central part gives a sensation of about half the intensity of the rest. Beyond G the central part is again the most sensitive, and it is decidedly so near //. Before I conclude I wish to direct the attention of those who wish to study colour to the exceedingly simple and beautiful series of experiments described by Mr W. Benson in his works on colour. By looking through a prism at the black and white diagrams in his book, any one can see more of the true relations of colour than can be got from the most elaborately coloured theoretical arrangements of tints. [From the Philosophical Magazine for December, 1870.] XLIII. On Hills and Dales. To the Editors of the Philosophical Magazine and Journal. GENTLEMEN, I FIND that in the greater part of the substance of the following paper I have been anticipated by Professor Cayley, in a memoir " On Contour and Slope Lines," published in the Philosophical Magazine in 1859 (S. 4. Vol. xvin. p. 264). An exact knowledge of the first elements of physical geography, however, is so important, and loose notions on the subject are so prevalent, that I have no hesitation in sending you what you, I hope, will have no scruple in rejecting if you think it superfluous after what has been done by Professor Cayley. I am, Gentlemen, Your obedient Servant, J. CLERK MAXWELL. GLENLAIR, DALBEATTIE, October 12, 1870. 1. ON CONTOUR-LINES AND MEASUREMENT OF HEIGHTS. The results of the survey of the surface of a country are most conveniently exhibited by means of a map on which are traced contour-lines, each contour-line representing the intersection of a level surface with the surface of the earth, and being distinguished by a numeral which indicates the level surface to which it belongs. When the extent of country surveyed is small, the contour-lines are defined VOL. II. 30 ; • BILLS AND DALES. with sufficient accuracy by the number of feet above the mean level of the M*; but when the survey is so extensive that the variation of the force of gravity must be taken into account, we must adopt a new definition of the height of a place in order to be mathematically accurate. If we could deter- mine the exact form of the surface of equilibrium of the sea, so as to know its position in the interior of a continent, we might draw a normal to this surface from the top of a mountain, and call this the height of the mountain. Tins would be perfectly definite in the case when the surface of equilibrium is everywhere convex ; but the lines of equal height would not be level surfaces. Level surfaces are surfaces of equilibrium, and they are not equidistant. The only thing which is constant is the amount of work required to rise from one to another. Hence the only consistent definition of a level surface is obtained by assuming a standard station, say, at the mean level of the sea at a particular place, and defining every other level surface by the work required to raise unit of mass from the standard station to that level surface. This work must, of course, be expressed in absolute measure, not in local foot- pounds. At every step, therefore, in ascertaining the difference of level of two places, the surveyor should ascertain the force of gravity, and multiply the linear difference of level observed by the numerical value of the force of gravity. The height of a place, according to this system, will be defined by a number which represents, not a lineal quantity, but the half square of the velocity which an unresisted body would acquire in sliding along any path from that place to the standard station. This is the only definition of the height of a place consistent with the condition that places of equal height should be on the same level. If by any means we can ascertain the mean value of gravity along the line of force drawn from the place to the standard level surface, then, if we divide the number already found by this mean value, we shall obtain the length of this line of force, which may be called the linear height of the place. On the Forms of Contour-lines. Let us begin with a level surface entirely within the solid part of the earth, and let us suppose it to ascend till it reaches the bottom of the deepest HILLS AND DALES. 235 sea. At that point it will touch the surface of the earth; and if it continues to ascend, a contour-line will be formed surrounding this bottom (or Immit, as it is called by Professor Cayley) and enclosing a region of depression. As the level surface continues to ascend, it will reach the next deepest bottom of the sea; and as it ascends it will form another contour-line, surrounding this point, and enclosing another region of depression below the level surface. As the level surface rises these regions of depression will continually expand, and new ones will be formed corresponding to the different lowest points of the earth's surface. At first there is but one region of depression, the whole of the rest of the earth's surface forming a region of elevation surrounding it. The number of regions of elevation and depression can be altered in two ways. 1st. Two regions of depression may expand till they meet and so run into one. If a contour-line be drawn through the point where they meet, it forms a closed curve having a double point at this place. This contour-line encloses two regions of depression. We shall call the point where these two regions meet a Bar. It may happen that more than two regions run into each other at once. Such cases are singular, and we shall reserve them for separate consideration. 2ndly. A region of depression may thrust out arms, which may meet each other and thus cut off a region of elevation in the midst of the region of depression, which thus becomes a cyclic region, while a new region of elevation is introduced. The contour-line through the point of meeting cuts off two regions of elevation from one region of depression, and the point itself is called a Pass. There may be in singular cases passes between more than two regions of elevation. 3rdly. As the level surface rises, the regions of elevation contract and at last are reduced to points. These points are called Summits or Tops. Relation between the Number of Summits and Passes. At first the whole earth is a region of elevation. For every new region of elevation there is a Pass, and for every region of elevation reduced to a point there is a Summit. And at last the whole surface of the earth is a 30—2 ._-.,; BILLS AND DALES. region of depression. Hence the number of Summits is one more than the number of Passes. If S is the number of Summits and P the number of passes, Relation between the Number of Bottoms and Bars. For every new region of depression there is a Bottom, and for every diminution of the number of these regions there is a Bar. Hence the number of Bottoms is one more than the number of Bars. If / is the number of Bottoms or Immits and B the number of Bars, then From this it is plain that if, in the singular cases of passes and bars, we reckon a pass as single, double, or n-ple, according as two, three, or n + 1 regions of elevation meet at that point, and a bar as single, double, or ?«-ple, aa two, three, or n+1 regions of depression meet at that point, then the census may be taken as before, giving each singular point its proper number. If one region of depression meets another in several places at once, one of these must be taken as a bar and the rest as passes. The whole of this theory applies to the case of the maxima and minima of a function of two variables which is everywhere finite, determinate, and continuous. The summits correspond to maxima and the bottoms to minima. If there are p maxima and q minima, there must be p + q — 2 cases of stationary values which are neither maxima nor minima. If we regard those points in themselves, we cannot make any distinction among them ; but if we consider the regions cut off by the curves of constant value of the function, we may call p — 1 of them false maxima and q — 1 of them false minima. On Functions of Three Variables. If we suppose the three variables to be the three co-ordinates of a point, and the regions where the function is greater or less than a given value to be called the positive and the negative regions, then, as the given value increases, for every negative region formed there will be a minimum, and the positive region will have an increase of its periphraxy. For every junction of two dif- ferent negative regions there will be a false minimum, and the positive region HILLS AND DALES. 237 will have a diminution of its periphraxy. Hence if there are q true minima there will be q — 1 false minima. There are different orders of these stationary points according to the number of regions which meet in them. The first order is when two negative regions meet surrounded by a positive region, the second order when three negative regions meet, and so on. Points of the second order count for two, those of the third for three, and so on, in this relation between the true minima and the false ones. In like manner, when a negative region expands round a hollow part and at last surrounds it, thus cutting off a new positive region, the negative region acquires periphraxy, a new positive region is formed, and at the point of contact there is a false maximum. When any positive region is reduced to a point and vanishes, the negative region loses periphraxy and there is a true maximum. Hence if there are p maxima there are p — 1 false maxima. But these are not the only forms of stationary points ; for a negative region may thrust out arms which may meet in a stationary point. The negative and the positive region both become cyclic. Again, a cyclic region may close in so as to become acyclic, forming another kind of stationary point where the ring first fills up. If there are r points at which cyclosis is gained and r' points at which it is lost, then we know that r = r' ; but we cannot determine any relation between the number of these points and that of either the true or the false maxima and minima. If the function of three variables is a potential function, the true maxima are points of stable equilibrium, the true minima points of equilibrium unstable in every direction, and at the other stationary points the equilibrium is stable in some directions and unstable in others. On Lines of Slope. Lines drawn so as to be everywhere at right angles to the contour-lines are called lines of slope. At every point of such a line there is an upward and a downward direction. If we follow the upward direction we shall in general reach a summit, and if we follow the downward direction we shall in general reach a bottom. In particular cases, however, we may reach a pass or a bar. H0 HILLS AND DALES. On Hills and Dales. Hence each point of the earth's surface has a line of slope, which begins at a certain summit and ends in a certain bottom. Districts whose lines of slope run to the same bottom are called Basins or Dales. Those whose lines of slope come from the same summit may be called, for want of a better name, Hills. Hence the whole earth may be naturally divided into Basins or Dales, and also, by an independent division, into hills, each point of the surface belonging to a certain dale and also to a certain hill. On Watersheds and Watercourses. Dales are divided from each other by Watersheds, and Hills by Watercourses. To draw these lines, begin at a pass or a bar. Here the ground is level, so that we cannot begin to draw a line of slope ; but if we draw a very small closed curve round this point, it will have highest and lowest points, the number of maxima being equal to the number of minima, and each one more than the index number of the pass or bar. From each maximum point draw a line of slope upwards till it reaches a summit. This will be a line of Water- shed. From each minimum point draw a line of slope downwards till it reaches a bottom. This will be a line of Watercourse. Lines of Watershed are the only lines of slope which do not reach a bottom, and lines of Watercourse are the only lines of slope which do not reach a summit. All other lines of slope diverge from some summit and converge to some bottom, remaining throughout their course in the district belonging to that summit and that bottom, which is bounded by two watersheds and two watercourses. In the pure theory of surfaces there is no method of determining a line of watershed or of watercourse, except by first finding a pass or a bar and drawing the line of slope from that point. In nature, water actually trickles down the lines of slope, which generally converge towards the mathematical watercourses, though they do not actually join them ; but when the streams increase in quantity, they join and excavate courses for themselves ; and these actually run into the main watercourse which bounds the district, and so cut out a river-bed, which, whether full or empty, forms a visible mark on the HILLS AND DALES. 239 earth's surface. No such action takes place at a watershed, which therefore generally remains invisible. There is another difficulty in the application of the mathematical theory, on account of the principal regions of depression being covered with water, so that very little is known about the positions of the singular points from which the lines of watershed must be drawn to the summits of hills near the coast. A complete division of the dry land into districts, therefore, requires some knowledge of the form of the bottom of the sea and of lakes. On the Number of Natural Districts. Let p, be the number of single passes, p^ that of double passes, and so on. Let &„ &2, &c. be the numbers of single, double, &c. bars. Then the number of summits will be, by what we have proved, and the number of bottoms will be The number of watersheds will be W= 2 (b, +Pl) + 3 (b, +Pi) + &c. The number of watercourses will be the same. Now, to find the number of faces, we have by Listing's rule where P is the number of points, L that of lines, F that of faces, and R that of regions, there being in this case no instance of cyclosis or periphraxy. Here R = 2, viz. the earth and the surrounding space ; hence F=L-P + 2. If we put L equal to the number of watersheds, and P equal to that of summits, passes, and bars, then F is the number of Dales, which is evidently equal to the number of bottoms. If we put L for the number of watercourses, and P for the number of passes, bars, and bottoms, then F is the number of Hills, which is evidently equal to the number of summits. 240 HILLS AND DALES. If we put L equal to the whole number of lines, and P equal to the whole number of points, we find that F, the number of natural districts named from a hill and a dale together, is equal to W, the number of water- sheds or watercourses, or to the whole number of summits, bottoms, passes, and bars diminished by 2. Chart of an Inland Basin. /,, /,, /,, /,. Lowest points, Bottoms or Immits. St. Highest points, Tops or Summits. Bars between regions of depression. Slt *!?,, £lt £t, Bf Plt Pj Pp Pf Pf Passes between regions of elevation. /, Bt It &c. Lines of Watercourse. Sl P, St V CONVERGENCE. CURL. CONVERGENCE AND CURL. If we subtract from the general value of the vector function cr its value cr0 at the point P, then the remaining vector cr — o-0 will, when there is pure convergence, point towards P. When there is pure curl, it will point tan- gentially round P ; and when there is both convergence and curl, it will point in a spiral manner. The following statements are true : — The slope of a scalar function has no curl. The curl of a vector function has no convergence. VOL. u. 34 MATUKMATKAL CLASSIFICATION OF PHYSICAL QUANTITIES. The convergence of the slope of a scalar function is its concentration. The concentration of a vector function is the slope of its convergence, together with the curl of its curl. The quaternion expressions, of which the above statements are a transla won given by Prof. Tait, in his paper in the Proceedings of the Royal &•• of fhfinburyh, April 28th, 1862; but for the more complete mathematical treat- ment of the operator v, see a very able paper by Prof. Tait, "On Green's and other Allied Theorems" (Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinlmnjh, 1870), and another paper in the Proceedings of the Royal Society of E<1 for 1870—71, p. 318. [From the Proceedings of the Royal Institution of Great Britain, Vol. vi.] XL VII. On Colour Vision. ALL vision is colour vision, for it is only by observing differences of colour that we distinguish the forms of objects. I include differences of brightness or shade among differences of colour. It was in the Royal Institution, about the beginning of this century, that Thomas Young made the first distinct announcement of that doctrine of the vision of colours which I propose to illustrate. We may state it thus: — We are capable of feeling three different colour-sensations. Light of different kinds excites these sensations in different proportions, and it is by the different combinations of these three primary sensations that all the varieties of visible colour are produced. In this statement there is one word on which we must fix our attention. That word is, Sensation. It seems almost a truism to say that colour is a sensation ; and yet Young, by honestly recognising this ele- mentary truth, established the first consistent theory of colour. So far as I know, Thomas Young was the first who, starting from the well-known fact that there are three primary colours, sought for the explanation of this fact, not in the nature of light, but in the constitution of man. Even of those who have written on colour since the time of Young, some have supposed that they ought to study the properties of pigments, and others that they ought to analyse the rays of light. They have sought for a knowledge of colour by examining something in external nature — something out of themselves. Now, if the sensation which we call colour has any laws, it must be something in our own nature which determines the form of these laws ; and I need not tell you that the only evidence we can obtain respecting ourselves is derived from consciousness. The science of colour must therefore be regarded as essentially a mental 34—2 COLOUR VISION. tBMPOfr It differ* from the greater part of what is called mental science in the Urge uae which it makes of the physical sciences, and in particular of optics and anatomy. But it gives evidence that it is a mental science by the numerous illustrations which it furnishes of various operations of the mind. In this place we always feel on firmer ground when we are dealing with pin-weal science. I shall therefore begin by shewing how we apply the dis- coveries of Newton to the manipulation of light, so as to give you an oppor- tunity of feeling for yourselves the different sensations of colour. Before the time of Newton, white light was supposed to be of all ki things the purest. When light appears coloured, it was supposed to have baoome contaminated by coming into contact with gross bodies. We may still think white light the emblem of purity, though Newton has taught us that its purity does not consist in simplicity. We now form the prismatic spectrum on the screen [exhibited]. These are the simple colours of which white light is always made up. We can distin. a great many hues in passing from the one end to the other; but it is when we employ powerful spectroscopes, or avail ourselves of the labours of those who have mapped out the spectrum, that we become aware of the immense multitude of different kinds of light, every one of which has been the object of special study. Every increase of the power of our instruments increas- the same proportion the number of lines visible in the spectrum. All light, as Newton proved, is composed of these rays taken in difl'i proportions. Objects which we call coloured when illuminated by white light, make a selection of these rays, and our eyes receive from them only a • •I' the light which falls on them. But if they receive only the pure rays of u single colour of the spectrum they can appear only of that colour. It I place this disk, containing alternate quadrants of red and green paper, in the red rays, it appears all red, but the red quadrants brightest. If I place it in the green rays both papers appear green, but the red paper is now the dan This, then, is the optical explanation of the colours of bodies when illuminated with white light. They separate the white light into its component parts, absorbing some and scattering others. Here are two transparent solutions [exhibited]. One appears yellow, it contains bichromate of potash; the other appears blue, it contains sulphate of copper. If I transmit the light of the electric lamp through the two solutions at once, the spot on the screen appears green. By means of the spectrum we COLOUR VISION. 269 shall be able to explain this. The yellow solution cuts off the blue end of the spectrum, leaving only the red, orange, yellow, and green. The blue solution cuts off the red end, leaving only the green, blue, and violet. The only light which can get through both is the green light, as you see. In the same way most blue and yellow paints, when mixed, appear green. The light which falls on the mixture is so beaten about between the yellow particles and the blue that the only light which survives is the green. But yellow and blue light when mixed do not make green, as you will see if we allow them to fall on the same part of the screen together. It is a striking illustration of our mental processes that many persons have not only gone on believing, on the evidence of the mixture of pigments, that blue and yellow make green, but that they have even persuaded themselves that they could detect the separate sensations of blueness and of yellowness in the sensation of green. We have availed ourselves hitherto of the analysis of light by coloured substances. We must now return, still under the guidance of Newton, to the prismatic spectrum. Newton not only " Untwisted all the shining robe of day," but shewed how to put it together again. We have here a pure spectrum, but instead of catching it on a screen we allow it to pass through a lens large enough to receive all the coloured rays. These rays proceed, according to well-known principles in optics, to form an image of the prism on a screen placed at the proper distance. This image is formed by rays of all colours, and you see the result is white. But if I stop any of the coloured rays the image is no longer white, but coloured ; and if I only let through rays of one colour, the image of the prism appears of that colour. I have here an arrangement of slits by which I can select one, two, or three portions of the light of the spectrum, and allow them to form an image of the prism while all the rest are stopped. This gives me a perfect command of the colours of the spectrum, and I can produce on the screen every possible shade of colour by adjusting the breadth and the position of the slits through which the light passes. I can also, by interposing a lens in the passage of the light, shew you a magnified image of the slits, by which you will see the different kinds of light which compose the mixture. The colours are at present red, green, and blue, and the mixture of the ;;, COLOUR VISION. three colour* b, as you see, nearly white. Let us try the effect of mixing two of those colours. Red and blue form a fine purple or crimson, green and blue form a sea-green or sky-blue, red and green form a yellow. Here Again we have a fact not universally known. No painter, wishing to produce a fine yellow, mixes his red with his green. The result would be a T«T dirty drab colour. He is furnished by nature with brilliant yellow pigments, and he takes advantage of these. When he mixes red and green paint, the red light scattered by the red paint is robbed of nearly all its brightnee getting among particles of green, and the green light fares no better, fur it is sure to fall in with particles of red paint. But when the pencil with which we paint is composed of the rays of light, the effect of two coats of colour is very different. The red and the green form a yellow of great splendour, which may be shewn to be as intense as the purest yellow of the spectrum. I have now arranged the slits to transmit the yellow of the spectrum. You see it is similar in colour to the yellow formed by mixing red and gi It differs from the mixture, however, in being strictly homogeneous in a ]»hy point of view. The prism, as you see, does not divide it into two por as it did the mixture. Let us now combine this yellow with the blue of the spectrum. The result is certainly not green ; we may make it pink if our yellow is of a warm hue, but if we choose a greenish yellow we can produce a good white. You have now seen the most remarkable of the combinations of colours— the others differ from them in degree, not in kind. I must now ask you to think no more of the physical arrangements by which you were enabled to see these colours, and to concentrate your attention upon the colours you saw, that is to say on certain sensations of which you were conscious. We are here surrounded by difficulties of a kind which we do not meet with in purely physical inquiries. We can all feel these sensations, but none of us can des« them. They are not only private property, but they are incommunicable. \\ >• have names for the external objects which excite our sensations, but not for the sensations themselves. When we look at a broad field of uniform colour, whether it is really simple or compound, we find that the sensation of colour appears to our sciousness as one and indivisible. We cannot directly recognise the elemen sensations of which it is composed, as we can distinguish the component notes COLOUR VISION. 271 of a musical chord. A colour, therefore, must be regarded as a single thing, the quality of which is capable of variation. To bring a quality within the grasp of exact science, we must conceive it as depending on the values of one or more variable quantities, and the first step in our scientific progress is to determine the number of these variables which are necessary and sufficient to determine the quality of a colour. We do not require any elaborate experiments to prove that the quality of colour can vary in three and only in three independent ways. One way of expressing this is by saying, with the painters, that colour may vary in hue, tint, and shade. The finest example of a series of colours, varying in hue, is the spectrum itself. A difference in hue may be illustrated by the difference between adjoining colours in the spectrum. The series of hues in the spectrum is not complete ; for, in order to get purple hues, we must blend the red and the blue. Tint may be defined as the degree of purity of a colour. Thus, bright yellow, buff, and cream-colour, form a series of colours of nearly the same hue, but varying in tint. The tints, corresponding to any given hue, form a series, beginning with the most pronounced colour, and ending with a perfectly neutral tint. Shade may be defined as the greater or less defect of illumination. If we begin with any tint of any hue, we can form a gradation from that colour to black, and this gradation is a series of shades of that colour. Thus we may say that brown is a dark shade of orange. The quality of a colour may vary in three different and independent ways. We cannot conceive of any others. In fact, if we adjust one colour to another, so as to agree in hue, in tint, and in shade, the two colours are absolutely indistinguishable. There are therefore three, and only three, ways in which a colour can vary. I have purposely avoided introducing at this stage of our inquiry anything which may be called a scientific experiment, in order to shew that we may determine the number of quantities upon which the variation of colour depends by means of our ordinary experience alone. Here is a point in this room : if I wish to specify its position, I may do so by giving the measurements of three distances — namely, the height above the floor, the distance from the wall behind me, and the distance from the wall at my left hand. :j COLOUR M8IOX. This is only one of many ways of stating the position of a point, but it is one of the most convenient. Now, colour also depends on three things. If we call these the intensities of the three primary colour sensations, and it' we are able in any way to measure these three intensities, we may consider the colour as specified by these three measurements. Hence the specification of a colour agrees with the specification of a point in the room in depending on three measurements. Let us go a step farther and suppose the colour sensations measured on some scale of intensity, and a point found for which the three distances, or co-ordinates, contain the same number of feet as the sensations contain dcL of intensity. Then we may say, by a useful geometrical convention, that the colour is represented, to our mathematical imagination, by the point so found in the room; and if there are several colours, represented by several points, the chromatic relations of the colours will be represented by the geometrical rela- tions of the points. This method of expressing the relations of colours is a great help to the imagination. You will find these relations of colours s* in an exceedingly clear manner in Mr Benson's Manual of Colour one of the very few books on colour in which the statements are founded on legitimate experiments. There is a still more convenient method of representing the relations of colours by means of Young's triangle of colours. It is impossible to repn on a plane piece of paper every conceivable colour, to do this requires space of three dimensions. If, however, we consider only colours of the same shade — that is, colours in which the sum of the intensities of the three sensations is the same, then the variations in tint and in hue of all such colours may be represented by points on a plane. For this purpose we must draw a plane cutting off equal lengths from the three lines representing the primary sensat The part of this plane within the space in which we have been distributing our colours will be an equilateral triangle. The three primary colours will be at the three angles, white or gray will be in the middle, the tint or degree of purity of any colour will be expressed by its distance from the middle point, and its hue will depend on the angular position of the line which joins it with the middle point. Thus the ideas of tint and hue can be expressed geometrically on You triangle. To understand what is meant by shade we have only to suppose the illumination of the whole triangle increased or diminished, so that by means of COLOUR VISION. 273 this adjustment of illumination Young's triangle may be made to exhibit every variety of colour. If we now take any two colours in the triangle and mix them in any proportions, we shall find the resultant colour in the line joining the component colours at the point corresponding to their centre of gravity. I have said nothing about the nature of the three primary sensations, or what particular colours they most resemble. In order to lay down on paper the relations between actual colours, it is not necessary to know what the primary colours are. We may take any three colours, provisionally, as the angles of a triangle, and determine the position of any other observed colour with respect to these, so as to form a kind of chart of colours. Of all colours which we see, those excited by the different rays of the prismatic spectrum have the greatest scientific importance. All light consists either of some one kind of these rays, or of some combination of them. The colours of all natural bodies are compounded of the colours of the spectrum. If therefore we can form a chromatic chart of the spectrum, expressing the relations between the colours of its different portions, then the colours of all natural bodies will be found within a certain boundary on the chart defined by the positions of the colours of the spectrum. But the chart of the spectrum will also help us to the knowledge of the nature of the three primary sensations. Since every sensation is essentially a positive thing, every compound colour-sensation must be within the triangle of which the primary colours are the angles. In particular, the chart of the spec- trum must be entirely within Young's triangle of colours, so that if any colour in the spectrum is identical with one of the colour-sensations, the chart of the spectrum must be in the form of a line having a sharp angle at the point corresponding to this colour. I have already shewn you how we can make a mixture of any three of the colours of the spectrum, and vary the colour of the mixture by altering the intensity of any of the three components. If we place this compound colour side by side with any other colour, we can alter the compound colour till it appears exactly similar to the other. This can be done with the greatest exactness when the resultant colour is nearly white. I have therefore constructed an instrument which I may call a colour-box, for the purpose of making matches between two colours. It can only be used by one observer at a time, and it requires daylight, so I have not brought it with me to-night. It is nothing but the realisation of the construction of one of Newton's propositions VOL. n. 35 COLOUR VISION. in hi* Lectume* Optica, where he shews how to take a beam of light, to separate it into its components, to deal with these components as we please by means of slita, and afterwards to unite them into a beam again. The observer looks into the box through a small slit. He sees a round field of light con- sisting of two semicircles divided by a vertical diameter. The semicircle on the left consists of light which has been enfeebled by two reflexions at the surface of glass. That on the right is a mixture of colours of the spectrum, the positions and intensities of which are regulated by a system of slits. The observer forms a judgment respecting the colours of the two semicircles. Suppose he finds the one on the right hand redder than the other, he says so, and the operator, by means of screws outside the box, alters the breadth of one of the slits, so as to make the mixture less red; and so on, till the right semicircle is made exactly of the same appearance as the left, and the line of separation becomes almost invisible. When the operator and the observer have worked together for some time, they get to understand each other, and the colours are adjusted much more rapidly than at first. When the match is pronounced perfect, the positions of the slits, as indicated by a scale, are registered, and the breadth of each slit is carefully measured by means of a gauge. The registered result of an observation is called a " colour equation." It asserts that a mixture of three colours is, in the opinion of the observer (whose name is given), identical with a neutral tint, which we shall call Standard White. Each colour is specified by the position of the slit on the scale, which indicates its position in the spectrum, and by the breadth of the slit, which is a measure of its intensity. In order to make a survey of the spectrum we select three points for purposes of comparison, and we call these the three Standard Colours. The standard colours are selected on the same principles as those which guide the engineer in selecting stations for a survey. They must be conspicuous and invariable and not in the same straight line. In the chart of the spectrum you may see the relations of the various colours of the spectrum to the three standard colours, and to each other. It is manifest that the standard green which I have chosen cannot be one of the true primary colours, for the other colours do not all lie within the triangle formed by joining them. But the chart of the spectrum may be described as con- sisting of two straight lines meeting in a point. This point corresponds to a green COLOUB VISION. 275 about a fifth of the distance from 6 towards F. This green has a wave length of about 510 millionths of a millimetre by Ditscheiner's measurement. This green is either the true primary green, or at least it is the nearest approach to it which we can ever see. Proceeding from this green towards the red end of the spectrum, we find the different colours lying almost exactly in a straight line. This indicates that any colour is chromatically equivalent to a mixture of any two colours on opposite sides of it, and in the same straight line. The extreme red is considerably beyond the standard red, but it is in the same straight line, and therefore we might, if we had no other evidence, assume the extreme red as the true primary red. We shall see, however, that the true primary red is not exactly represented in colour by any part of the spectrum. It lies somewhat beyond the extreme red, but in the same straight line. On the blue side of primary green the colour equations are seldom so accurate. The colours, however, lie in a line which is nearly straight. I have not been able to detect any measurable chromatic difference between the extreme indigo and the violet. The colours of this end of the spectrum are represented by a number of points very close to each other. We may suppose that the primary blue is a sensation differing little from that excited by the parts of the spectrum near G. Now, the first thing which occurs to most people about this result is that the division of the spectrum is by no means a fair one. Between the red and the green we have a series of colours apparently very different from either, and having such marked characteristics that two of them, orange and yellow, have received separate names. The colours between the green and the blue, on the other hand, have an obvious resemblance to one or both of the extreme colours, and no distinct names for these colours have ever become popularly recognised. I do not profess to reconcile this discrepancy between ordinary and scientific experience. It only shews that it is impossible by a mere act of introspection to make a true analysis of our sensations. Consciousness is our only authority ; but consciousness must be methodically examined in order to obtain any trust- worthy results. I have here, through the kindness of Professor Huxley, a picture of the structure upon which the light falls at the back of the eye. There is a minute structure of bodies like rods and cones or pegs, and it is conceivable that the mode in which we become aware of the shapes of things is by a consciousness which differs according to the particular rods on the ends of which the light 35—2 .7''. COLOUR VISION. falls, just as the pattern on the web formed by a Jacquard loom depends on the mode in which the perforated cards act on the system of moveable rods in that machine. In the eye we have on the one hand light falling on this wonderful structure, and on the other hand we have the sensation of sight. We cannot compare these two things ; they belong to opposite categories. The whole of Metaphysics lies like a great gulf between them. It is possible that discoveries in physiology may be made by tracing the course of the nervous disturbance "Up the fine fibres to the sentient brain;" but this would make us no wiser than we are about those colour-sensations which we can only know by feeling them ourselves. Still, though it is impossible to become acquainted with a sensation by the anatomical study of the organ with which it is connected, we may make use of the sensation as a means of investigating the anatomical structure. A remarkable instance of this is the deduction of Helmholtz's theory of the structure of the retina from that of Young with respect to the sensation of colour. Young asserts that there are three elementary sensations of colour; Helmholtz asserts that there are three systems of nerves in the retina, each of which has for its function, when acted on by light or any other disturbing agent, to excite in us one of these three sensations. No anatomist has hitherto been able to distinguish these three systems of nerves by microscopic observation. But it is admitted in physiology that the only way in which the sensation excited by a particular nerve can vary is by degrees. of intensity. The intensity of the sensation may vary from the faintest impression up to an insupportable pain ; but whatever be the exciting cause, the sensation will be the same when it reaches the same intensity. If this doctrine of the function of a nerve be admitted, it is legitimate to reason from the fact that colour may vary in three different ways, to the inference that these three modes of variation arise from the independent action of three differ- ent nerves or sets of nerves. Some very remarkable observations on the sensation of colour have been made by M. Sigmund Exner in Professor Helmholtz's physiological laboratory at Heidelberg. While looking at an intense light of a brilliant colour, he exposed his eye to rapid alternations of light and darkness by waving his fingers before his eyes. Under these circumstances a peculiar minute structure made its appearance in the field of view, which many of us may have casually observed. COLOUR VISION. 277 M. Exner states that the character of this structure is different according to the colour of the light employed. When red light is used a veined structure is seen ; when the light is green, the field appears covered with minute black dots, and when the light is blue, spots are seen, of a larger size than the dots in the green, and of a lighter colour. Whether these appearances present themselves to all eyes, and whether they have for their physical cause any difference in the arrangement of the nerves of the three systems in Helmholtz's theory I cannot say, but I am sure that if these systems of nerves have a real existence, no method is more likely to demonstrate their existence than that which M. Exner has followed. Colour Blindness. The most valuable evidence which we possess with respect to colour vision is furnished to us by the colour-blind. A considerable number of persons in every large community are unable to distinguish between certain pairs of colours which to ordinary people appear in glaring contrast. Dr Dalton, the founder of the atomic theory of chemistry, has given us an account of his own case. The true nature of this peculiarity of vision was first pointed out by Sir John Herschel in a letter written to Dalton in 1832, but not known to the world till the publication of Dalton's Life by Dr Henry. The defect consists in the absence of one of the three primary sensations of colour. Colour-blind vision depends on the variable intensities of two sensations instead of three. The best description of colour-blind vision is that given by Professor Pole in his account of his own case in the Phil. Trans., 1859. In all cases which have been examined with sufficient care, the absent sensation appears to resemble that which we call red. The point P on the chart of the spectrum represents the relation of the absent sensation to the 9olours of the spectrum, deduced from observations with the colour box furnished by Professor Pole. If it were possible to exhibit the colour corresponding to this point on the chart, it would be invisible, absolutely black, to Professor Pole. As it does not lie within the range of the colours of the spectrum we cannot exhibit it ; and, in fact, colour-blind people can perceive the extreme end of the spectrum which we call red, though it appears to them much darker than to us, and does not excite in them the sensation which we call red. In the diagram of the intensities of the three sensations excited by different parts of the spectrum, r, COLOUR VISION. the upper figure, marked P, is deduced from the observations of Professor Pole ; while the lower one. marked K, is founded on observations by a very accurate observer of the normal type. The only difference between the two diagrams is that in the upper one the red curve is absent. The forms of the other two curves are nearly the same for both observers. We have great reason therefore to conclude that tin- colour sensations which Professor Pole sees are what we call green and blue. This is the result of my calculations; but Professor Pole agrees with every other colour-blind person whom I know in denying that green is one of his sensations. The colour-blind are always making mistakes about green things and confounding them with red. The colours they have no doubts about are cer- tainly blue and yellow, and they persist in saying that yellow, and not green, is the colour which they are able to see. To explain this discrepancy we must remember that colour-blind persons learn the names of colours by the same method as ourselves. They are told that the sky is blue, that grass is green, that gold is yellow, and that soldiers' coats are red. They observe difference in the colours of these objects, and they often suppose that they see the same colours as we do, only not so well. But if we look at the diagram we shall see that the brightest example of their second sensation in the spectrum is not in the green, but in the part which we call yellow, and which we teach them to call yellow. The figure of the spectrum below Professor Pole's curves is intended to represent to ordinary eyes what a colour-blind person would see in the spectrum. I hardly dare to draw your attention to it, for if you were to think that any painted picture would enable you to see with other people's vision I should certainly have lectured in vain. On the Yellow Spot. Experiments on colour indicate very considerable differences between the vision of different persons, all of whom are of the ordinary type. A colour, for instance, which one person on comparing it with white will pronounce pinkish, another person will pronounce greenish. This difference, however, does not arise from any diversity in the nature of the colour sensations in different persons. It is exactly of the same kind as would be observed if one of the persons wore yellow spectacles. In fact, most of us have near the middle of the retina a yellow spot through which the rays must pass before they reach the sensitive organ : this spot appears yellow because it absorbs the rays near COLOUR VISION. 279 the line F, which are of a greenish-blue colour. Some of us have this spot strongly developed. My own observations of the spectrum near the line F are of very little value on this account. I am indebted to Professor Stokes for the knowledge of a method by which anyone may see whether he has this yellow spot. It consists in looking at a white object through a solution of chloride of chromium, or at a screen on which light which has passed through this solution is thrown [exhibited]. This light is a mixture of red light with the light which is so strongly absorbed by the yellow spot. When it falls on the ordinary surface of the retina it is of a neutral tint, but when it falls on the yellow spot only the red light reaches the optic nerve, and we see a red spot floating like a rosy cloud over the illuminated field. Very few persons are unable to detect the yellow spot in this way. The observer K, whose colour equations have been used in preparing the chart of the spectrum, is one of the very few who do not see everything as if through yellow spectacles. As for myself, the position of white light in the chart of the spectrum is on the yellow side of true white even when I use the outer parts of the retina ; but as soon as I look direct at it, it becomes much yellower, as is shewn by the point WC. It is a curious fact that we do not see this yellow spot on every occasion, and that we do not think white objects yellow. But if we wear spectacles of any colour for some time, or if we live in a room lighted by windows all of one colour, we soon come to recognize white paper as white. This shews that it is only when some alteration takes place in our sensations, that we are conscious of their quality. There are several interesting facts about the colour sensation which I can only mention briefly. One is that the extreme parts of the retina are nearly insensible to red. If you hold a red flower and a blue flower in your hand as far back as you can see your hand, you will lose sight of the red flower, while you still see the blue one. Another is, that when the light is diminished red objects become darkened more in proportion than blue ones. The third is, that a kind of colour blindness in which blue is the absent sensation can be produced artificially by taking doses of Santonine. This kind of colour blindness is described by Dr Edmund Rose, of Berlin. It is only temporary, and does not appear to be followed by any more serious consequences than headaches. I must ask your pardon for not having undergone a course of this medicine, even for the sake of becoming able to give you information at first hand about colour blindness. [From the Transaction! of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Vol. xxvi.] XLVIII. On the Geometrical Mean Distance of Two Figures on a Pl»,>: [Received January 5th; read January 15th, 1872.] THERE are several problems of great practical importance in electro-magnetic measurements, in which the value of a quantity has to be calculated by taking the sum of the logarithms of the distances of a system of parallel wires from a given point. The calculation is in some respects analogous to that in which we find the potential at a point due to a given system of equal particles, by adding the reciprocals of the distances of the particles from the given point. There is this difference, however, that whereas the reciprocal of a line is com- pletely defined when we know the unit of length, the logarithm of a line has no meaning till we know not only the unit of length, but the modulus of the sy of logarithms. In both cases, however, an additional clearness may be given to the state- ment of the result by dividing, by the number of wires in the first case, and by the number of particles in the second. The result in the first case is the logarithm of a distance, and in the second it is the reciprocal of a distance ; and in both cases this distance is such that, if the whole system were con- centrated at this distance from the given point, it would produce the same potential as it actually does. In the first case, since the logarithm of the resultant distance is the arith- metical mean of the logarithms of the distances of the various components of the system, we may call the resultant distance the geometrical mean distance of the system from the given point. In the second case, since the reciprocal of the resultant distance is the arithmetical mean of the reciprocals of the distances of the particles, we may THE GEOMETRICAL MEAN DISTANCE OF TWO FIGURES ON A PLANE. 281 call the resultant distance the harmonic mean distance of the system from the given point. The practical use of these mean distances may be compared with that of several artificial lines and distances which are known in Dynamics as the radius of gyration, the length of the equivalent simple pendulum, and so on. The result of a process of integration is recorded, and presented to us in a form which we cannot misunderstand, and which we may substitute in those ele- mentary formulae which apply to the case of single particles. If we have any doubts about the value of the numerical co-efficients, we may test the expression for the mean distance by taking the point at a great distance from the system, in which case the mean distance must approximate to the distance of the centre of gravity. Thus it is well known that the harmonic mean distance of two spheres, each of which is external to the other, is the distance between their centres, and that the harmonic mean distance of any figure from a thin shell which completely encloses it is equal to the radius of the shell. I shall not discuss the harmonic mean distance, because the calculations which lead to it are well known, and because we can do very well without it. I shall, however, give a few examples of the geometric mean distance, in order to shew its use in electro-magnetic calculations, some of which seem to me to be rendered both easier to follow and more secure against error by a free use of this imaginary line. If the co-ordinates of a point in the first of two plane figures be x and y, and those of a point in the second £ and TJ, and if r denote the distance between these points, then R, the geometrical mean distance of the two figures, is defined by the equation log R . \\l\dxdy dgdrj = //// log r dxdydgdrj. The following are some examples of the results of this calculation : — (1) Let AB be a uniform line, and 0 a point not in the line, and let OP be the perpendicular from 0 on the line AB, produced if necessary, then if R is the geometric mean distance of 0 from the line AB, AB . (log 72+ l) = PB . log OB-PA log OA + OP. AOB. VOL. ii. 36 IM THE (JEOMETRICAL MEAN DISTANCE (2) The geometrical mean distance of P, a point in the line itself, from AB U found from the equation AB(\ogR+ l) = PB\ogPB-PA \ogPA. When P lies between A and B, PA must be taken negative, but in taking the logarithm of PA we regard PA as a positive numerical quantity. (3) If R is the geometric mean distance between two finite lines AB and CD, lying in the same straight line, AB . CD (2 log R + 8) = AD* log AD + BC1 log BC- A C' log A C- BD* log BD. (4) If AB coincides with CD, we find for the geometric mean distance of all the points of AB from each other B Q_ (5) If R is the geometric mean distance of the rectangle ABCD from the point 0 in its plane, and POR and QOS are parallel to the sides of the rectangle through O, ABCD (2 log R + 3) = 20P . OQ log OA + 20Q . OR log OB + 20R. OS log OC + 20S. OP log OD + OP*.D6A + 0&.A6B + OR* . BdC + OS1 . COD (6) If R is the geometric mean of the distances of all the points of the rectangle ABCD from each Bt other, A&, AC .5(7, AC When the rectangle is a square, whose side = a, = log a -0-8050866, R = 0-44705 a. OF TWO FIGURES ON A PLANE. 283 (7) The geometric mean distance of a circular line of radius a, from a point in its plane at a distance r from the centre, is r if the point be without the circle, and a if the point be within the circle. (8) The geometric mean distance of any figure from a circle which com- pletely encloses it is equal to the radius of the circle. The geometric mean distance of any figure from the annular space between two concentric circles, both of which completely enclose it, is R, where (a,2 - a,1) (log R + 1) = a," log a, - a/ log a2, a, being the radius of the outer circle, and «2 that of the inner. The geometric mean distance of any figure from a circle or an annular space between two concentric circles, the figure being completely external to the outer circle, is the geometric mean distance of the figure from the centre of the circle. (9) The geometric mean distance of all the points of the annular space between two concentric circles from each other is R, where (a,' - a,')' (log R - log a,) = } (3a,8 - a,') (a,' - a/) - < log J . a, When a,, the radius of the inner circle, vanishes, we find When an the radius of the inner circle, becomes nearly equal to a1} that of the outer circle, R = ar As an example of the application of this method, let us take the case of a coil of wire, in which the wires are arranged so that the transverse section of the coil exhibits the sections of the wires arranged in square order, the distance between two consecutive wires being D, and the diameter of each wire d. Let the whole section of the coil be of dimensions which are small com- pared with the radius of curvature of the wires, and let the geometrical mean distance of the section from itself be R. Let it be required to find the coefficient of induction of this coil on itself, the number of windings being n. 1st. If we begin by supposing that the wires fill up the whole section of the coil, without any interval of insulating matter, then if M is the coefficient of induc- 36—2 o o o o o o o o o THE GEOMETRICAL MEAN DISTANCE tion of a linear circuit of the same shape as the coil on a similar parallel cir- • at a distance R, the coefficient of induction of the coil on itself will be n'Jf. 2nd. The current, however, is not uniformly distributed over the section. It is confined to the wires. Now the coefficient of self-induction of a unit of length of a conductor is C-2\ogR, where C is a constant depending on the form of the axis of the conductor, and R is the mean geometric distance of the section from itself. Now for a square of side Z>, and for a circle of diameter d log Rt = log d — log 2 — ^. and the coefficient of self-induction of the cylindric wire exceeds that of the square wire by 2 {log -T + 0-1380606} cL per unit of length. 3rd. We must also compare the mutual induction between the cylindric wire and the other cylindric wires next it with that between the square wire and the neighbouring square wires. The geometric mean distance of two squares side by side is to the distance of their centres of gravity as 0"99401 is to unity. The geometric mean distance of two squares placed corner to corner is to the distance between their centres of gravity as I'OOll is to unity. Hence the correction for the eight wires nearest to the wire considered is -2 x (0-01971). OF TWO FIGURES ON A PLANE. 285 The correction for the wires at a greater distance is less than one-thousandth per unit of length. The total self-induction of the coil is therefore n'M + 21 {log -j + 0-11835}, where n is the number of windings, and I the length of wire. For a circular coil of radius = a, M = 4ira (log 8a - log R - 2), where R is the geometrical mean distance of the section of the coil from itself. [From the Proceeding of the Royal Society, No. 132, 1872.] XLIX. On the Induction of Elect™ Currents in an Infinite Plane Slifct of Uniform Conductivity. 1. WHEN, on account of the motion or the change of strength of any magnet or electro-magnet, a change takes place in the magnetic field, electro- motive forces are called into play, and, if the material in which they act is a conductor, electric currents are produced. This is the phenomenon of the induc- tion of electric currents, discovered by Faraday. I propose to investigate the case in which the conducting substance is in the form of a thin stratum or sheet, bounded by parallel planes, and of indefi- nite extent. A system of magnets or electro-magnets is supposed to exist on the positive side of this sheet, and to vary in any way by changing its position or its intensity. We have to determine the nature of the currents induced in the sheet, and their magnetic efiect at any point, and, in particular, their reaction on the electro-magnetic system which gave rise to them. The induced currents are due, partly to the direct action of the external system, and partly to their mutual inductive action ; so that the problem appears, at first sight, somewhat difficult. 2. The result of the investigation, however, may be presented in a re- markably simple form, by the aid of the principle of images which was first applied to problems in electricity and hydrokinetics by Sir W. Thomson. The essential part of this principle is, that we conceive the state of things on the positive side of a certain closed or infinite surface (which is really caused by actions having their seat on that surface) to be due to an imaginary system on the negative side of the surface, which, if it existed, and if the action of the ELECTRIC INDUCTION. 287 surface were abolished, would give rise to the actual state of things in the space on the positive side of the surface. The state of things on the positive side of the surface is expressed by a mathematical function, which is different in form from that which expresses the state of things on the negative side, but which is identical with that which would be due to the existence, on the negative side, of a certain system which is called the Image. The image, therefore, is what we should arrive at by producing, as it were, the mathematical function as far as it will go ; just as, in optics, the virtual image is found by producing the rays, in straight lines, backwards from the place where their direction has been altered by reflexion or refraction. 3. The position of the image of a point in a plane surface is found by drawing a perpendicular from the point to the surface and producing it to an equal distance on the other side of the surface. If the image is of the same sign as the point, as it is in hydrokinetics when the surface is a rigid plane, it is called a positive image. If it is of the opposite sign, as in statical electricity, when the surface is a conductor, it is called a negative image. The image of a conducting circuit is reckoned positive when the electric current flows in the corresponding directions through corresponding parts of the object and the image. The image is reckoned negative when the direction of the current is reversed. In the case of the plane conducting sheet, the imaginary system on the negative side of the sheet is not the simple image, positive or negative, of the real magnet or electro-magnet on the positive side, but consists of a moving train of images, the nature of which we now proceed to define. 4. Let the electric resistance of a rectangular portion of the sheet whose length is a, and whose breadth is 2ira, be R. R is to be measured on the electro-magnetic system, and is therefore a velocity, the value of which is independent of the magnitude of the line a. [If p denotes the specific resistance of the material of the sheet for a unit cube, and if c is the thickness of the sheet, then R = ~— ; and if cr denotes the specific resistance of the sheet for a unit (or any other) square, R = — .] •>88 ELECTRIC INDUCTION. 5. Let UB begin by dividing the time into a num- ber of equal intervals, each equal to St. The smaller we take these intervals the more accurate will be the definition of the train of images which we shall now describe. 6. At a given time t, let a positive image of the magnet or electro-magnet be formed on the negative side of the sheet. e As soon as it is formed, let this image begin to move away from the sheet in the direction of the O ^ normal, with the velocity R, its form and intensity remaining constantly the same as that which the magnet had at the time t. After an interval 8t, that is to say, at the time t + St, let a negative image, equal in magnitude and opposite in sign to this positive image, be formed in the original position of the positive image, and let it then begin to move along the normal, after the positive image, with the velocity R. The interval of time between the arrival of these images at any point will be St, and the distance between corresponding points will be RSt. 7. Leaving this pair of images to pursue their endless journey, let us attend to the real magnet, or electro-magnet, as it is at the tune t + St. At this instant let a new positive image be formed of the magnet in its new position, and let this image also travel in the direction of the normal with the velocity R, and be followed after an interval of time St by a corresponding negative image. Let these operations be repeated at equal intervals of time, each of these intervals being equal to St. 8. Thus at any given instant there will be a train or trail of images, beginning with a single positive image, and followed by an endless succession of pairs of images. This trail, when once formed, continues unchangeable in form and intensity, and moves as a whole away from the conducting sheet with the constant velocity R. 9. If we now suppose the interval of time St to be diminished without limit, and the train to be extended without limit in the negative direction, so as to include all the images which have been formed in all past time, the magnetic effect of this imaginary train at any point on the positive side of the ELECTRIC INDUCTION. 289 conducting sheet will be identical with that of the electric currents which actually exist in the sheet. Before proceeding to prove this statement, let us take notice of the form which it assumes in certain cases. 10. Let us suppose the real system to be an electro-magnet, and that its intensity, originally zero, suddenly becomes /, and then remains constant. At this instant a positive image is formed, which begins to travel along the normal with velocity R. After an interval 8t another positive image is formed ; but at the same instant a second negative image is formed at the same place, which exactly neutralizes its effect. Hence the result is, that a single positive image travels by itself along the normal with velocity R. The magnetic effect of this image on the positive side of the sheet is equivalent to that of the currents of induction actually existing in the sheet, and the diminution of this effect, as the image moves away from the sheet, accurately represents the effect of the currents of induction, which gradually decay on account of the resistance of the sheet. After a sufficient time, the image is so distant that its effects are no longer sensible on the positive side of the sheet. If the current of the electro- magnet be now broken, there will be no more images ; but the last negative image of the train will be left unneutralized, and will move away from the sheet with velocity R. The currents in the sheet will therefore be of the same magnitude as those which followed the excitement of the electro-magnet, but in the opposite direction. 11. It appears from this that, when the electro-magnet is increasing in intensity, it will be acted on by a repulsive force from the sheet, and when its intensity is diminishing, it will be attracted towards the sheet. It also appears that if any system of currents is produced in the sheet and then left to itself, the effect of the decay of the currents, as observed at a point on the positive side of the sheet, will be the same as if the sheet, with its currents remaining constant, had been carried away in the negative direction with velocity R. 12. If a magnetic pole of strength m is brought from an infinite distance along a normal to the sheet with a uniform velocity v towards the sheet, it will be repelled with a force m* v 4z> R + v' where z is the distance from the sheet at the given instant. VOL. ii. 37 i ELECTRIC DfDUCTIOX. This formula will not apply to the caae of the pole moving away from the •beet, because in that caae we must take account of the currents which are excited when the pole begins to move, wliich it does when near the sheet 13. If the magnetic pole moves in a straight line parallel to the sheet, with uniform velocity r, it will be acted on by a force in the opposite direct i to its motion, and equal to Besides this retarding force, it is acted on by a force repelling it from the sheet, equal to 14. If the pole moves uniformly in a circle, the trail is in the form of a helix, and the calculation of its effect is more difficult ; it is easy, however, to see that, besides the retarding force and the repelling force, there is also a force towards the centre of the circle. 15. It is shewn, in my treatise On Electricity and Magnetism (Vol. n. Art. 600), that the currents in any system are the same, whether the conducting system or the inducing system be in motion, provided the relative motion is the same. Hence the results already given are directly applicable to the case of Arago's rotating disk, provided the induced currents are not sensibly affected by the limitation arising from the edge of the disk. These will introduce other seta of images, which we shall not now investigate. 16. The greater the resistance of the sheet, whether from its thinness or from the low conducting-power of its material, the greater is the velocity //. Hence in most actual cases R is very great compared with v the velocity <•)' the external system, and the trail of images is nearly normal to the sheet, and the induced currents differ little from those which arise from the direct action of the external system (see § 1). 17. If the conductivity of the sheet were infinite, or its resistance zero, R would be zero. The images, once formed, would remain stationary, and all except the bat formed positive image would be neutralized. Hence the trail ELECTRIC INDUCTION. 291 would be reduced to a single positive image, and the sheet would exert a repul- ffiYi^ give force : -„ on the pole, whether the pole be in motion or at rest. 4z I need not say that this case does not occur in nature as we know it. Something of the kind is supposed to exist in the interior of molecules in Weber's Theory of Diamagnetism. Mathematical Investigation. 18. Let the conducting sheet coincide with the plane of xy, and let its thickness be so small that we may neglect the variation of magnetic force at different points of the same normal within its substance, and that, for the same reason, the only currents which can produce sensible effects are those which are parallel to the surface of the sheet. Current-function. 19. We shall define the currents in the sheet by means of the current- function . This function expresses the quantity of electricity which, in unit of time, crosses from right to left a curve drawn from a point at infinity to the point P. This quantity will be the same for any two curves drawn from this point to P, provided no electricity enters or leaves the sheet at any point between these curves. Hence ^ is a single-valued function of the position of the point P. The quantity which crosses the element ds of any curve from right to left is *+A. 1 ' ' o. as By drawing ds first perpendicular to the axis of x, and then perpendicular to the axis of y, we obtain for the components of the electric current in the directions of x and of y respectively u = f, v=-^.. (1). dy dx The curves for which is constant are called current lines. 20. The annular portion of the sheet included between the current lines $ and (f> + S(j) is a conducting circuit round which an electric current of strength 37—2 ELECTRIC INDUCTION. &£ in flowing in the positive direction, that is, from x towards y. Such a lit is equivalent in ita magnetic effects to a magnetic shell of strength 8<£, having the circuit for ita edge*. The whole system of electric currents in the sheet will therefore be equi- valent to a complex magnetic shell, consisting of all the simple shells, defined as above, into which it can be divided. The strength of the equivalent complex shell at any point will be £ We may suppose this shell to consist of two parallel plane sheets of imaginary magnetic matter at a very small distance c, the surface-density being on the positive sheet, and —-on the negative sheet. 21. To find the magnetic potential due to this complex plane shell at any point not in its substance, let us begin by finding P, the potential at the point (£, i), C) due to a plane sheet of imaginary magnetic matter whose surface- density is , and which coincides with the plane of xy. The potential due to the positive sheet whose surface-density is -, and which is at a distance £c on C the positive side of the plane of xy, is dp That due to the negative sheet, at a distance £c on the negative side of the plane .of xy is -l Hence the magnetic potential of the shell is V- -^ This, therefore, is the value of the magnetic potential of the current-sheet at any given point on the positive side of it. Within the sheet there is no magnetic potential, and at any point (f, 17, — £) on the negative side of the sheet the potential is equal and of opposite sign to that at the point (f, 77, £) on the positive side. * W. Thomson, " Mathematical Theory of Magnetism," Phil. Tram. 1850. ELECTRIC INDUCTION. 293 22. At the positive surface the magnetic potential is F=-g = 2^ ................................ (3). At the negative surface The normal component of magnetic force at the positive surface is dV In the case of the magnetic shell, the magnetic force is discontinuous at the surface ; but in the case of the current-sheet this expression gives the value of y within the sheet itself, as well as in the space outside. 23. Let F, G, H be the components of the electro-magnetic momentum at any point in the sheet, due to external electro-magnetic action as well as to that of the currents in the sheet, then the electromotive force in the direction of x is __ ~ dt dx' where »/» is the electric potential* ; and by Ohm's law this is equal to from (l), V •> = ~ ~I'A T (P» "^" P ) ~J~ ay «'<'.'/ W«B ^™ ^ " i ~ * t**c A solution of these equations is d_.p Substituting the value of in terms of P, as given in equation (4), i i The quantity — is evidently a velocity ; let us therefore for conciseness call it R, then 24. Let P.' be the value of P, at the time t — r, and at a point on the negative side of the sheet, whose co-ordinates are x, y, (z — Rr), and let f the second part of his Mdcanique Analytique. Lagrange's investigation may be regarded from a mathematical point of view as a method of reducing the dy- namical equations, of which there are originally three for every particle of the system, to a number equal to that of the degrees of freedom of the system. In other words it is a method of eliminating certain quantities called reactions from the equations. The aim of Lagrange was, as he tells us himself, to bring dynamics under the power of the calculus, and therefore he had to express dynamical relations in terms of the corresponding relations of numerical quantities. In the present day it is necessary for physical inquirers to obtain clear ideas in dynamics that they may be able to study dynamical theories of the physical sciences. We must therefore avail ourselves of the labours of the mathematician. and selecting from his symbols those which correspond to conceivable physical quantities, we must retranslate them into the language of dynamics. In this way our words will call up the mental image, not of certain operations of the calculus, but of certain characteristics of the motion of bod The nomenclature of dynamics has been greatly developed by those who in recent times have expounded the doctrine of the Conservation of Energy, and it will be seen that most of the following statement is suggested by the inv PROOF OF THE EQUATIONS OF MOTION OF A CONNECTED SYSTEM. 309 gations in Thomson and Tait's Natural Philosophy, especially the method of beginning with the case of impulsive forces. *I have applied this method in such a way as to get rid of the explicit consideration of the motion of any part of the system except the co-ordinates or variables on which the motion of the whole depends. It is important to the student to be able to trace the way in which the motion of each part is determined by that of the variables, but I think it desirable that the final equa- tions should be obtained independently of this process. That this can be done is evident from the fact that the symbols by which the dependence of the motion of the parts on that of the variables was expressed, are not found in the final equations. The whole theory of the equations of motion is no doubt familiar to mathe- maticians. It ought to be so, for it is the most important part of their science in its application to matter. But the importance of these equations does not depend on their being useful in solving problems in dynamics. A higher function which they must discharge is that of presenting to the mind in the clearest and most general form the fundamental principles of dynamical reasoning. In forming dynamical theories of the physical sciences, it has been a too frequent practice to invent a particular dynamical hypothesis and then by means of the equations of motion to deduce certain results. The agreement of these results with real phenomena has been supposed to furnish a certain amount of evidence in favour of the hypothesis. The true method of physical reasoning is to begin with the phenomena and to deduce the forces from them by a direct application of the equations of motion. The difficulty of doing so has hitherto been that we arrive, at least during the first stages of the investigation, at results which are so indefinite that we have no terms sufficiently general to express them without introducing some notion not strictly deducible from our premisses. It is therefore very desirable that men of science should invent some method of statement by which ideas, precise so far as they go, may be conveyed to the mind, and yet sufficiently general to avoid the introduction of unwarrantable details. For instance, such a method of statement is greatly needed in order to express exactly what is known about the undulatory theory of light. * [In the Author's treatise On Electricity and Magnetism, Vol. II. Part IV. Chap, v., the reader will find the subject treated at length from the point of view advocated in the text.] [From the Prootediityf of the Can&ridge Philosophical Society, Vol. IL, 1876.] LI 1 1. On « Problem in the Calculus of Variations in which the solution is discontinuous. THE rider on the third question in the Senate-House paper of Wednesday, January 15, 1J to 4, was set as an example of discontinuity introduced into a problem in a way somewhat different, I think, from any of those discussed in Mr Todhunter's essay*. In some of Mr Todhunter's cases the discontinuity was involved or its possibility implied in the statement of the problem, as when a curve is precluded from transgressing the boundary of a given region, or wheiv its curvature must not be negative. In the case of figures of revolution con- sidered as generated by a plane curve revolving about a line in its plane, this forms a boundary of the region within which the curve must lie, and therefore often forms part of the curve required for the solution. In the problem now before us there is no discontinuity in the stateu)t-nt. and it is introduced into the problem by the continuous change of the efficients of a certain equation as we pass along the curve. At a certain point the two roots of this equation which satisfy the minimum condition coalesce with, each other and with a maximum root. Beyond this point the root which formerly indicated a maximum indicates a minimum, and the other two roots become impossible. * Rtttarthft in the Calculus of Variations, ttc. [The question referred to was set in 1873, and is as follows : — If the velocity of a carriage along • roftd i» proportional to the cube of the cosine of the inclination of the road to the horizon, determine the jmth of quickest ascent from the bottom to the top of a hemispherical hill, and shew that it consist* of the spherical curve described by a point of a great circle which rolls on a small circle described about the pole with a radios ~ , together with an arc of a great circle. How is the discontinuity introdnnil into tliu problem 1] [From the . Proceedings of the Royal Institution of Great Britain, Vol. vn.] LIV. On Action at a Distance. I HAVE no new discovery to bring before you this evening. I must ask you to go over very old ground, and to turn your attention to a question which has been raised again and again ever since men began to think. The question is that of the transmission of force. We see that two bodies at a distance from each other exert a mutual influence on each other's motion. Does this mutual action depend on the existence of some third thing, some medium of communication, occupying the space between the bodies, or do the bodies act on each other immediately, without the intervention of anything else ? The mode in which Faraday was accustomed to look at phenomena of this kind diners from that adopted by many other modern inquirers, and my special aim will be to enable you to place yourselves at Faraday's point of view, and to point out the scientific value of that conception of lines of force which, in his hands, became the key to the science of electricity. When we observe one body acting on another at a distance, before we assume that this action is direct and immediate, we generally inquire whether there is any material connection between the two bodies ; and if we find strings, or rods, or mechanism of any kind, capable of accounting for the observed action between the bodies, we prefer to explain the action by means of these intermediate connections, rather than to admit the notion of direct action at a distance. Thus, wheii we ring a bell by means of a wire, the successive parts of the wire are first tightened and then moved, till at last the bell is rung at a distance by a process in which all the intermediate particles of the wire have taken part one after the other. We may ring a bell at a distance in other ways, as by forcing air into a long tube, at the other end of which is a cylinder with a piston which is made to fly out and strike the bell. We ACTION AT A DISTANCE. may also use a wire; but instead of pulling it, we may connect it at one end with a voltaic batter}', and at tbe other with an electro-magnet, and thus ring the bell by electricity. Here are three different ways of ringing a bell. They all agree, however, in the circumstance that between the ringer and the bell there is an unbroken line of communication, and that at every point of this line some physical process goes on by which the action is transmitted from one end to the other. The process of transmission is not instantaneous, but gradual ; so that then- is an interval of time after the impulse has been given to one extremity of the line of communication, during which the impulse is on its way, but has not reached the other end. It is clear, therefore, that in many cases the action between bodies , distance may be accounted for by a series of actions between each sum pair of a series of bodies which occupy the intermediate space ; and it is a- by the advocates of mediate action, whether, in those cases in which we ca perceive the intermediate agency, it is not more philosophical to admit the existence of a medium which we cannot at present perceive, than to assert a body can act at a place where it is not. To a person ignorant of the properties of air, the transmission of force by means of that invisible medium would appear as unaccountable as any • example of action at a distance, and yet in this case we can explain the whole process, and determine the rate at which the action is passed on from one portion to another of the medium. Why then should we not admit that the familiar mode of communicating motion by pushing and pulling with our hands is the type and exemplification of all action between bodies, even in cases in which we can observe nothing between the bodies which appears to take part in the action ? Here for instance is a kind of attraction with which Professor Guthrie has made us familiar. A disk is set in vibration, and is then brought m light suspended body, which immediately begins to move towards the disk, as if drawn towards it by an invisible cord. What is this cord ? Sir W. Thomson has pointed out that in a moving fluid the pressure is least where the velocity is greatest. The velocity of the vibratory motion of the air is greatest nearest the disk. Hence the pressure of the air on the suspended body is less on the side nearest the disk than on the opposite side, the body yields to the gn pressure, and moves toward the disk. ACTION AT A DISTANCE. 313 The disk, therefore, does not act where it is not. It sets the air next it in motion by pushing it, this motion is communicated to more and more distant portions of the air in turn, and thus the pressures on opposite sides of the suspended body are rendered unequal, and it moves towards the disk in conse- quence of the excess of pressure. The force is therefore a force of the old school — a case of vis a tergo — a shove from behind. The advocates of the doctrine of action at a distance, however, have not been put to silence by such arguments. What right, say they, have we to assert that a body cannot act where it is not ? Do we not see an instance of action at a distance in the case of a magnet, which acts on another magnet not only at a distance, but with the most complete indifference to the nature of the matter which occupies the intervening space ? If the action depends on something occupying the space between the two magnets, it cannot surely be a matter of indifference whether this space is filled with air or not, or whether wood, glass, or copper, be placed between the magnets. Besides this, Newton's law of gravitation, which every astronomical obser- vation only tends to establish more firmly, asserts not only that the heavenly bodies act on one another across immense intervals of space, but that two portions of matter, the one buried a thousand miles deep in the interior of the earth, and the other a hundred thousand miles deep in the body of the sun, act on one another with precisely the same force as if the strata beneath which each is buried had been non-existent. If any medium takes part in transmitting this action, it must surely make some difference whether the space between the bodies contains nothing but this medium, or whether it is occupied by the dense matter of the earth or of the sun. But the advocates of direct action at a distance are not content with instances of this kind, in which the phenomena, even at first sight, appear to favour their doctrine. They push their operations into the enemy's camp, and maintain that even when the action is apparently the pressure of contiguous portions of matter, the contiguity is only apparent — that a space always inter- venes between the bodies which act on each other. They assert, in short, that so far from action at a distance being impossible, it is the only kind of action which ever occurs, and that the favourite old vis a tergo of the schools has no existence in nature, and exists only in the imagination of schoolmen. The best way to prove that when one body pushes another it does not touch it, is to measure the distance between them. Here are two glass lenses, VOL. ii. 40 ACTION AT A DISTANCE. one of which U prewed against the other by means of a weight. By n, of the electric light we may obtain on the screen an image of the place via re the one lens presses against the other. A series of coloured rings is formed on the screen. These rings were first observed and first explained by Newton. The particular colour of any ring depends on the distance between the surfaces of the pieces of glass. Newton formed a table of the colours corresponding to different distances, so that by comparing the colour of any ring with Newton's table, we may ascertain the distance between the surfaces at that ring. The colours are arranged in rings because the surfaces are spherical, and therefore the interval between the surfaces depends on the distance from the line joining the centres of the spheres. The central spot of the rings indicates the place where the lenses are nearest together, and each successive ring corresponds to an increase of about the 4000th part of a millimetre in the distance of the surfaces. The lenses are now pressed together with a force equal to the weight of an ounce; but there is still a measurable interval between them, even at the place where they are nearest together. They are not in optical contact. To prove this, I apply a greater weight. A new colour appears at the central spot, and the diameters of all the rings increase. This shews that the sur are now nearer than at first, but they are not yet in optical contact, for if they were, the central spot would be black. I therefore increase the weights, so as to press the lenses into optical contact. But what we call optical contact is not real contact. Optical contact indi- cates ' only that the distance between the surfaces is much less than a wave- length of light. To shew that the surfaces are not in real contact, I remove the weights. The rings contract, and several of them vanish at the centre. Now it is possible to bring two pieces of glass so close together, that they will not tend to separate at all, but adhere together so firmly, that when torn asunder the glass will break, not at the surface of contact, but at some other place. The glasses must then be many degrees nearer than when in mere optical contact. Thus we have shewn that bodies begin to press against each other whilst still at a measurable distance, and that even when pressed together with u force they are not in absolute contact, but may be brought nearer still, aii'l that by many degrees. Why, then, say the advocates of direct action, should we continue to ACTION AT A DISTANCE. 315 maintain the doctrine, founded only on the rough experience of a pre-scientific age, that matter cannot act where it is not, instead of admitting that all the facts from which our ancestors concluded that contact is essential to action were in reality cases of action at a distance, the distance being too small to be measured by their imperfect means of observation ? If we are ever to discover the laws of nature, we must do so by obtaining the most accurate acquaintance with the facts of nature, and not by dressing up in philosophical language the loose opinions of men who had no know- ledge of the facts which throw most light on these laws. And as for those who introduce setherial, or other media, to account for these actions, without any direct evidence of the existence of such media, or any clear understanding of how the media do their work, and who fill all space three and four times over with aethers of different sorts, why the less these men talk about their philosophical scruples about admitting action at a distance the better. If the progress of science were regulated by Newton's first law of motion, it would be easy to cultivate opinions in advance of the age. We should only have to compare the science of to-day with that of fifty years ago ; and by producing, in the geometrical sense, the line of progress, we should obtain the science of fifty years hence. The progress of science in Newton's time consisted in getting rid of the celestial machinery with which generations of astronomers had encumbered the heavens, and thus " sweeping cobwebs off the sky." Though the planets had already got rid of their crystal spheres, they were still swimming in the vortices of Descartes. Magnets were surrounded by effluvia, and electrified bodies by atmospheres, the properties of which resembled in no respect those of ordinary effluvia and atmospheres. When Newton demonstrated that the force which acts on each of the heavenly bodies depends on its relative position with respect to the other bodies, the new theory met with violent opposition from the advanced philoso- phers of the day, who described the doctrine of gravitation as a return to the exploded method of explaining everything by occult causes, attractive virtues, and the like. Newton himself, with that wise moderation which is characteristic of all his speculations, answered that he made no pretence of explaining the mechanism by which the heavenly bodies act on each other. To determine the mode in which their mutual action depends on their relative position was a great step 40—2 ACTION AT A DISTANCE. in science, and this step Newton asserted that he had made. To explain the prooew by which this action is effected was a quite distinct step, and this step Newton, in his Principia, does not attempt to make. Bat BO far was Newton from asserting that bodies really do act on oue another at a distance, independently of anything between them, that in a letter to Bentley, which has been quoted by Faraday in this place, he says :— "It is inconceivable that inanimate brute matter should, without the media- tion of something else, which is not material, operate upon and affect other matter without mutual contact, as it must do if gravitation, in the sense of Epicurus, be essential and inherent in it That gravity should be innate, inherent, and essential to matter, so that one body can act upon anotht •: a distance, through a vacuum, without the mediation of anything else, by and through which their action and force may be conveyed from one to another, is to me so great an absurdity, that I believe no man who has in philosophical matters a competent faculty of thinking can ever fall into it." Accordingly, we find in his Optical Queries, and in his letters to P> that Newton had very early made the attempt to account for gravitation by means of the pressure of a medium, and that the reason he did not publish these investigations "proceeded from hence only, that he found he was able, from experiment and observation, to give a satisfactory account of this medium, and the manner of its operation in producing the chief phenomena of nature*." The doctrine of direct action at a distance cannot claim for its author tin- discoverer of universal gravitation. It was first asserted by Roger Cotes, in his preface to the Principia, which he edited during Newton's life. According to Cotes, it is by experience that we learn that all bodies gravitate. We do not learn in any other way that they are extended, movable, or solid. Gravi- tation, therefore, lias as much right to be considered an essential property of matter as extension, mobility, or impenetrability. And when the Newtonian philosophy gained ground in Europe, it was the opinion of Cotes rather than that of Newton that became most prevalent, till at last Boscovich propounded his theory, that matter is a congeries of mathe- matical points, each endowed with the power of attracting or repelling the others according to fixed laws. In his world, matter is unextended, and contact * Maclaurin's Account of XtwtatCs Discoveriei. ACTION AT A DISTANCE. 317 la impossible. He did not forget, however, to endow his mathematical points with inertia. In this some of the modern representatives of his school have thought that he " had not quite got so far as the strict modern view of 'matter* as being but an expression for modes or manifestations of 'force'""." But if we leave out of account for the present the development of the ideas of science, and confine our attention to the extension of its boundaries, we shall see that it was most essential that Newton's method should be extended to every branch of science to which it was applicable — that we should investi- gate the forces with which bodies act on each other in the first place, before attempting to explain how that force is transmitted. No men could be better fitted to apply themselves exclusively to the first part of the problem, than those who considered the second part quite unnecessary. Accordingly Cavendish, Coulomb, and Poisson, the founders of the exact sciences of electricity and magnetism, paid no regard to those old notions of "magnetic effluvia" and "electric atmospheres," which had been put forth in the previous century, but turned their undivided attention to the determination of the law of force, according to which electrified and magnetized bodies attract or repel each other. In this way the true laws of these actions were dis- covered, and this was done by men who never doubted that the action took place at a distance, without the intervention of any medium, and who would have regarded the discovery of such a medium as complicating rather than as explaining the undoubted phenomena of attraction. We have now arrived at the great discovery by Orsted of the connection between electricity and magnetism. Orsted found that an electric current acts on a magnetic pole, but that it neither attracts it nor repels it, but causes it to move round the current. He expressed this by saying that "the electric conflict acts hi a revolving manner." The most obvious deduction from this new fact was that the action of the current on the magnet is not a push-and-pull force, but a rotatory force, and accordingly many minds were set a-speculating on vortices and streams of sether whirling round the current. But Ampere, by a combination of mathematical skill with experimental ingenuity, first proved that two electric currents act on one another, and then analysed this action into the resultant of a system of push-and-pull forces between the elementary parts of these currents. * Review of Mrs Somerville, Saturday Review, Feb. 13, 1869. 31 g ACTION AT A DISTANCE. The formula of Ampere, however, is of extreme complexity, as compared with Newton's law of gravitation, and many attempts have been made to res..l\v it into something of greater apparent simplicity. I have no wish to lead you into a discussion of any of these attempts to improve a mathematical formula. Let us turn to the independent inethi» investigation employed by Faraday in those researches in electricity and i which have made this Institution one of the most venerable shrines of No man ever more conscientiously and systematically laboured to inn all his powers of mind than did Faraday from the very beginning of his BCTfrptifif! career. But whereas the general course of scientific method then aisted in the application of the ideas of mathematics and astronomy to each nt-\v investigation in turn, Faraday seems to have had no opportunity of acquiring a technical knowledge of mathematics, and his knowledge of astronomy mainly derived from books. Hence, though he had a profound respect for the great discovery of he regarded the attraction of gravitation as a sort of sacred mystery, which, as he was not an astronomer, he had no right to gainsay or to don! it. his duty being to believe it in the exact form in which it was delivered to Li in. Such a dead faith was not likely to lead him to explain new phenomena I>y means of direct attractions. Besides this, the treatises of Poisson and Ampere are of so technical a form, that to derive any assistance fi-om them the student must have been thoroughly trained in mathematics, and it is very doubtful if such a training can be begun with advantage in mature years. Thus Faraday, with his penetrating intellect, his devotion to science, suul his opportunities for experiments, was debarred from following the course of thought which had led to the achievements of the French philosophers, and was obliged to explain the phenomena to himself by means of a symbolism which he could understand, instead of adopting what had hitherto btvn tin- only tongue of the learned. This new symbolism consisted of those lines of force extending thems< in every direction from electrified and magnetic bodies, which Faraday in his mind's eye saw as distinctly as the solid bodies from which they emanated. The idea of lines of force and their exhibition by means of iron li! was nothing new. They had been observed repeatedly, and investigated matin ACTION AT A DISTANCE. 319 matically as an interesting curiosity of science. But let us hear Faraday himself, as he introduces to his reader the method which in his hands became so powerful*. "It would be a voluntary and unnecessary abandonment of most valuable aid if an experimentalist, who chooses to consider magnetic power as represented by lines of magnetic force, were to deny himself the use of iron filings. By their employment he may make many conditions of the power, even in com- plicated cases, visible to the eye at once, may trace the varying direction of the lines of force and determine the relative polarity, may observe in which direction the power is increasing or diminishing, and in complex systems may determine the neutral points, or places where there is neither polarity nor power, even when they occur in the midst of powerful magnets. By their use probable results may be seen at once, and many a valuable suggestion gained for future leading experiments." Experiment on Lines of Force. In this experiment each filing becomes a little magnet. The poles of oppo- site names belonging to different filings attract each other and stick together, and more filings attach themselves to the exposed poles, that is, to the ends of the row of filings. In this way the filings, instead of forming a confused system of dots over the paper, draw together, filing to filing, till long fibres of filings are formed, which indicate by their direction the lines of force in every part of the field. The mathematicians saw in this experiment nothing but a method of exhibit- ing at one view the direction in different places of the resultant of two forces, one directed to each pole of the magnet ; a somewhat complicated result of the simple law of force. But Faraday, by a series of steps as remarkable for their geometrical definiteness as for their speculative ingenuity, imparted to his conception of these lines of force a clearness and precision far in advance of that with which the mathematicians could then invest their own formulae. In the first place, Faraday's lines of force are not to be considered merely as individuals, but as forming a system, drawn in space in a definite manner * Exp. Res. 3284. , ACTION AT A DISTANCE. so that the number of the lines wliich pass through an area, say of one square inch, indicates the intensity of the force acting through the area. Tims tin- lines of force become definite in number. The strength of a magnetic pole i- mosimrH by the number of lines which proceed from it; the electro-tonic state of a circuit is measured by the number of lines which pass through it. In the second place, each individual line has a continuous existence in space and time. When a piece of steel becomes a magnet, or when an electric current begins to flow, the lines of force do not start into existence each in its own place, but as the strength increases new lines are developed within the magnet or current, and gradually grow outwards, so that the whole system expands from within, like Newton's rings in our former experiment. Thus every line of force preserves its identity during the whole course of its existence, though its shape and size may be altered to any extent. I have no time to describe the methods by which every question relating to the forces acting on magnets or on currents, or to the induction of currents in conducting circuits, may be solved by the consideration of Faraday's lines of force. In this place they can never be forgotten. By means of this ii- symbolism, Faraday defined with mathematical precision the whole theory of electro-magnetism, in language free from mathematical technicalities, and appli- cable to the most complicated as well as the simplest cases. But Faraday did not stop here. He went on from the conception of geometrical lines of force to that of physical lines of force. He observed that the motion which the magnetic or electric force tends to produce is invariably such as to shorten the lines of force and to allow them to spread out laterally from each other. He thus perceived in the medium a state of stress, consisting of a tension, like that of a rope, in the direction of the lines of force, combined with a pressure in all directions at right angles to them. This is quite a new conception of action at a distance, reducing it to a phenomenon of the same kind as that action at a distance which is exerted by means of the tension of ropes and the pressure of rods. When the muscles of our bodies are excited by that stimulus which we are able in some unknown way to apply to them, the fibres tend to shorten themselves and at the same time to expand laterally. A state of stress is produced in the muscle, and the limb moves. This explanation of muscular action is by no means complete. It gives no account of the cause of the excitement of the state of stress, nor does it even investigate those forces of cohesion which enable the muscles to ACTION AT A DISTANCE. 321 support this stress. Nevertheless, the simple fact, that it substitutes a kind of action which extends continuously along a material substance for one of which we know only a cause and an effect at a distance from each other, induces us to accept it as a real addition to our knowledge of animal mechanics. For similar reasons we may regard Faraday's conception of a state of stress in the electro-magnetic field as a method of explaining action at a distance by means of the continuous transmission of force, even though we do not know how the state of stress is produced. But one of Faraday's most pregnant discoveries, that of the magnetic rotation of polarised light, enables us to proceed a step farther. The phe- nomenon, when analysed into its simplest elements, may be described thus : — Of two circularly polarised rays of light, precisely similar in configuration, but rotating in opposite directions, that ray is propagated with the greater velocity which rotates in the same direction as the electricity of the magnetizing current. It follows from this, as Sir W. Thomson has shewn by strict dynamical reasoning, that the medium when under the action of magnetic force must be in a state of rotation — that is to say, that small portions of the medium, which we may call molecular vortices, are rotating, each on its own axis, the direction of this axis being that of the magnetic force. Here, then, we have an explanation of the tendency of the lines of mag- netic force to spread out laterally and to shorten themselves. It arises from the centrifugal force of the molecular vortices. The mode in which electromotive force acts in starting and stopping the vortices is more abstruse, though it is of course consistent with dynamical principles. We have thus found that there are several different kinds of work to be done by the electro-magnetic medium if it exists. We have also seen that magnetism has an intimate relation to light, and we know that there is a theory of light which supposes it to consist of the vibrations of a medium. How is this luminiferous medium related to our electro-magnetic medium ? It fortunately happens that electro-magnetic measurements have been made from which we can calculate by dynamical principles the velocity of progagation of small magnetic disturbances in the supposed electro-magnetic medium. This velocity is very great, from 288 to 314 millions of metres per second, according to different experiments. Now the velocity of light, according to VOL. II. 41 ACTION* AT A DISTANCE. Fooeault's experiments, is 298 millions of metres per second. In fact, the different determinations of either velocity differ from each other more than the estimated velocity of light doe* from the estimated velocity of propagation of small electro- magnetic disturbance. But if the luminiferous and the electro-magnetic media occupy the same place, and transmit disturbances with the same velocity, what nuinn have we to distinguish the one from the other? By considering them as the same, we avoid at least the reproach of filling space twice over with different kinds of tether. Besides this, the only kind of electro-magnetic disturbances which can be propagated through a non-conducting medium is a disturbance transverse to the direction of propagation, agreeing in this respect with what we know of that disturbance which we call light. Hence, for all we know, light also may be an electro-magnetic disturbance in a non-conducting medium. If we admit this, the electro-magnetic theory of light will agree in every respect with the undulatory theory, and the work of Thomas Young and Fresnel will be established on a firmer basis than ever, when joined with that of Cavendish and Coulomb by the key-stone of the combined sciences of light and electricity — Faraday's great discovery of the electro-magnetic rotation of light. The vast interplanetary and interstellar regions will no longer be regarded as waste places in the universe, which the Creator has not seen fit to fill with the symbols of the manifold order of His kingdom. We shall find them to be already full of this wonderful medium ; so full, that no human power can remove it from the smallest portion of space, or produce the slightest flaw in its infinite' continuity. It extends unbroken from star to star ; and when a molecule of hydrogen vibrates in the dog-star, the medium receives the impulses of these vibrations ; and after carrying them in its immense bosom for three years, delivers them in due course, regular order, and full tale into the spectroscope • t Mr Muggins, at Tulse HilL But the medium has other functions and operations besides bearing light from man to man, and from world to world, and giving evidence of the absolute unity of the metric system of the universe. Its minute parts may have rotatory as well as vibratory motions, and the axes of rotation form those lines of magnetic force which extend in unbroken continuity into regions which no eye has seen, and which, by their action on our magnets, are telling us in language not yet interpreted, what is going on in the hidden underworld from minute to minute and from century to century. ACTION AT A DISTANCE. 323 And these lines must not be regarded as mere mathematical absti-actions. They are the directions in which the medium is exerting a tension like that of a rope, or rather, like that of our own muscles. The tension of the medium in the direction of the earth's magnetic force is in this country one grain weight on eight square feet. In some of Dr Joule's experiments, the medium has exerted a tension of 200 Ibs. weight per square inch. But the medium, in virtue of the very same elasticity by which it is able to transmit the undulations of light, is also able to act as a spring. When properly wound up, it exerts a tension, different from the magnetic tension, by which it draws oppositely electrified bodies together, produces effects through the length of telegraph wires, and when of sufficient intensity, leads to the rupture and explosion called lightning. These are some of the already discovered properties of that which has often been called vacuum, or nothing at all. They enable us to resolve several kinds of action at a distance into actions between contiguous parts of a con- tinuous substance. Whether this resolution is of the nature of explication or complication, I must leave to the metaphysicians. 41—2 [From Mature, Vol. vn.] LV. Elements of Natural Philosophy. By Professors Sir W. Thomson and P. G. Tait. Clarendon Press Series. (Macmillan and Co., 1873.) NATURAL Philosophy, which is the good old English name for what is now called Physical Science, has been long taught in two very different ways. One method is to begin by giving the student a thorough training in pure mathematics, so that when dynamical relations are afterwards presented to him in the form of mathematical equations, he at once appreciates the language, if not the ideas, of the new subject. The progress of science, according to this method, consists in bringing the different branches of science in succession under the power of the calculus. When this has been done for any particular science, it becomes in the estimation of the mathematician like an Alpine peak which lias been scaled, retaining little to reward original explorers, though perhaps still of some use, as furnishing occupation to professional guides. The other method of diffusing physical science is to render the senses familiar with physical phenomena, and the ear with the language of science, till the student becomes at length able both to perform and to describe experiments of his own. The investigator of this type is in no danger of having no more worlds to conquer, for he can always go back to his former measurements, and carry them forward to another place of decimals. Each of these types of men of science is of service in the great work of subduing the earth to our use, but neither of them can fully accomplish the still greater work of strengthening their reason and developing new powers of thought. The pure mathematician endeavours to transfer the actual effort of thought from the natural phenomena to the symbols of his equations, and the pure experimentalist is apt to spend so much of his mental energy on matters of detail and calculation, that he has hardly any left for the higher forms of thought. Both of them are allowing themselves to acquire an unfruitful ELEMENTS OF NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 325 familiarity with the facts of nature, without taking advantage of the opportunity of awakening those powers of thought which each fresh revelation of nature is fitted to call forth. There is, however, a third method of cultivating physical science, in which each department in turn is regarded, not merely as a collection of facts to be co-ordinated by means of the formulae laid up in store by the pure mathe- maticians, but as itself a new mathesis by which new ideas may be developed. Every science must have its fundamental ideas — modes of thought by which the process of our minds is brought into the most complete harmony with the process of nature — and these ideas have not attained their most perfect form as long as they are clothed with the imagery, not of the phenomena of the science itself, but of the machinery with which mathematicians have been accustomed to work problems about pure quantities. Poinsot has pointed out several of his dynamical investigations as instances of the advantage of keeping before the mind the things themselves rather than arbitrary symbols of them ; and the mastery which Gauss displayed over every subject which he handled is, as he said himself, due to the fact that he never allowed himself to make a single step, without forming a distinct idea of the result of that step. The book before us shews that the Professors of Natural Philosophy at Glasgow and Edinburgh have adopted this third method of diffusing physical science. It appears from their preface that it has been since 1863 a text-book in then: classes, and that it is designed for use in schools and in the junior classes ha Universities. The book is therefore primarily intended for students whose mathematical training has not been carried beyond the most elementary stage. The matter of the book however bears but small resemblance to that of the treatises usually put into the hands of such students. We are very soon introduced to the combination of harmonic motions, to irrotational strains, to Hamilton's characteristic function, &c., and in every case the reasoning is con- ducted by means of dynamical ideas, and not by making use of the analysis of pure quantity. The student, if he has the opportunity of continuing his mathematical studies, may do so with greater relish when he is able to see in the mathe- matical equations the symbols of ideas which have been already presented to his mind in the more vivid colouring of dynamical phenomena. The differential OF NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. caloulu*. for example, is at once recognised ad the method of reasoning applicable to quantities in a state of continuous change. This is Newton's conception of Fluxions, and all attempts to banish the ideas of time and motion from the mind must fail, since continuity cannot be conceived by us except by following in imagination the course of a point which continues to exist while it m in "The arrangement of the book differs from that which has hitherto been adopted in text-books. It has been usual to begin with those parts of the subject in which the idea of change, though implicitly involved in the very conception of force, is not explicitly developed so as to bring into view the different configurations successively assumed by the system. For this reason, the first place has generally been assigned to the doctrine of the equilibrium of forces and the equivalence of systems of forces. The science of pure statics, as thus set forth, is conversant with the relations of forces and of systems of forces to each other, and takes no account of the nature of the material systems to which they may be applied, or whether these systems are at rest or in motion. The concrete illustrations usually given relate to systems of forces in equilibrium, acting on bodies at rest, but the equilibrium of the forces is established by reasoning which has nothing to do with the nature of the body, or with its being at rest. The practical reason for beginning with statics seems to be that the student is not supposed capable of following the changes of configuration which take place in moving systems. He is expected, however, to be able to follow trains of reasoning about forces, the idea of which can never be acquired apart from that of motion, and which can only be thought of apart from motion by a process of abstraction. Professors Thomson and Tait, on the contrary, begin with kinematics, the science of mere motion considered apart from the nature of the moving body and the causes which produce its motion. This science differs from geometry only by the explicit introduction of the idea of time as a measurable quantity. (The idea of time as a mere sequence of ideas is as necessary in geometry as in every other department of thought.) Hence kinematics, as involving the smallest number of fundamental ideas, has a metaphysical precedence over statics, which involves the idea of force, which in its turn implies the idea of m: as well as that of motion. In kinematics, the conception of displacement comes before that of velocity, ELEMENTS OF NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 327 which is the rate of displacement. And here we cannot but regret that the authors, one of whom at least is an ardent disciple of Hamilton, have not at once pointed out that every displacement is a vector, and taken the opportunity \ of explaining the addition of vectors as a process, which, applied primarily to \ displacements, is equally applicable to velocities, or the rates of change of \ displacement, and to accelerations, or the rates of change of velocities. For it is only in this way that the method of Newton, to which we are glad to see that our authors have reverted, can be fully understood, and the "parallelogram of forces" deduced from the "parallelogram of velocities." Another conception of Hamilton's, however, that of the hodograph, is early introduced and employed with great effect. The fundamental idea of the hodograph is the same as that of vectors in general. The velocity of a body, being a vector, is defined by its magnitude and direction, so that velocities may be represented by straight lines, and these straight lines may be moved parallel to themselves into whatever position is most suitable for exhibiting their geometrical relations, as for instance in the hodograph they are all drawn from one point. The same idea is made use of in the theorems of the " triangle " and the " polygon " of forces, and in the more general method of "diagrams of stress," in which the Hues which represent the stresses are drawn, not in the positions in which they actually exist, but in those positions which most fully exhibit their geometrical relations. We are sorry that a certain amount of slight is thrown on these methods in § 411, where a different proposition is called the true triangle of forces. It is when a writer proceeds to set forth the first principle of dynamics that his true character as a sound thinker or otherwise becomes conspicuous. And here we are glad to see that the authors follow Newton, whose Leges Motus, more perhaps than any other part of his great work, exhibit the unimproveable completeness of that mind without a flaw. We would particularly recommend to writers on philosophy, first to deduce from the best philosophical data at their command a definition of equal intervals of time, and then to turn to § 212, where such a definition is given as a logical conversion of Newton's First Law. But it is in the exposition of the Third Law, which affirms that the actions between bodies are mutual, that our authors have brought to light a doctrine, which, though clearly stated by Newton, remained unknown to generations of students and commentators, and even when acknowledged by the whole scientific world was not known to be contained in a paragraph of the Princima till it OF NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. pointed out by our authors in an article on "Energy" in Good 1 1".. /•\"pr 22T. ~2CT/ That the term in x may vanish, we must have & tan 0! = ft sun 0, ................................ (7), the ordinary law of refraction. Equating to zero the coefficients of x*, y\ and xy, we find cos'0, cos*0, — / , sm ^, -4, sui / ,/) ,/j\ /0\ "TlOOtft — OOtft) ..................... (8), A v p- -S-JT -fl=-i(cot^-cot(?,) ..................... (9), 6, sin P! 5., sin P, 5 v COt 0, COt 0, 3*4 FOCAL LINES OF A REFRACTED PENCIL. 3. These relations of the quantities A, B, C may be found by the ful- lowing construction : — Let IO be the incident and OR the refracted ray, and let ON be the normal to the surface; NOI=e» NOR = 6r Find the points A, B, C, whose co-ordinates are for A, for B, x=A z = 0, x=<7 cos* 0,- cos' 0. cot01-cot0, ' ',-0080. C0t0,-C0t0,' z = A z = < cos* 0. cot 0, - cos* 0. cot 0. cot 0, — cot 0, cos 0, cot 0, — cos 02 cot 0, (12); cot 0j — cot 0a The positions of these points depend only on the form of the surface and on the directions of the axes of the incident and refracted pencil. The point B is absolutely fixed, being the centre of curvature of a normal section of the surface perpendicular to the plane of refraction. Let OAt, OBlt 0(7, be the values of Au Bv (7, for the incident ray. To find the corresponding quantities for the refracted ray, draw the straight lines A A u BBlt (7(7, intersecting the refracted ray in Av Bu Ct. OA» OBV and 0(7, are the required values of Av Bv Cr When any of these quantities becomes infinite, the line must be drawn in a given direction. For At, Bu or (7, infinite, it must be parallel to the incident ray. For Av Bv or (7, infinite, it must be parallel to the refracted ray. For B infinite, it must be parallel to the normal ; for A infinite, it must make with the normal an angle whose tangent is 9,-cos*01 cos cos' 0t cot 6l — cos8 0, cot 0, ' FOCAL LINES OF A EEFRACTED PENCIL. 335 and for C infinite the tangent of the angle must be cos ! — cos ,(15). COS #jCOt 0j — COS #2 COt ft, ' ' If the plane of refraction cuts the surface along a line of curvature, C= so , and if one of the focal lines of the incident pencil is in the plane of refraction, Cl = oo . The points At, Bl then coincide with the focal lines of the incident pencil, and A*, B3 with those of the refracted pencil. That A! may coincide with Bv and A3 with Blf the line joining both pairs of points must be on the line AB. There is therefore one, and only one, point on the axis of the incident pencil from which a pencil may diverge so that, after refraction, it still diverges from or converges to a single point. 4. When the quantity C has a finite value, the plane of refraction is not a plane of symmetry, and we have to deduce the quantities a, 6, <£ from A, B, C. The following construction enables us to pass from either of these systems to the other : — Let OA, OB, OC be the values of A, B, C. Draw A A' perpendicular and equal to AO. Join BA', and produce to D, a point on the perpendicular to OA through 0. Cut off OD' equal to OD, ;,, JOCAL LINES OF A REFRACTED PENCIL. but in the opposite direction. Join Z>% and produce to P, where VA meets BD. Join CD, and draw OQ perpendicular to CD from 0. Make Od, OtT each equal to OQ. Draw dP, d'P cutting OA in b and a. Bisect the angle DOQ by 0£. Tlu-n Oa*o, 06 = 6, and DOE=, the angle which the first focal line makes with the plane of xz. 5. If a, b, and are given, the construction is easily reversed, thus : Let Oa = fi, 06 = 6, and DOE=. Draw aa' perpendicular and equal to aO. Draw ba cutting OD, the per- pendicular to nO from 0 in d. Cut off Od' equal and opposite to Od. I -/'•« cutting bd in P. Draw OQ=Od so that the angle DOE=OEQ. Draw CO.Z) perpendicular to 00., cutting Oa in (7 and Od in D. Make OZX equal and opposite to OD. Draw DP, Z>'P cutting Oa in />' and - J. Then OA = A, OB = B, and OC=C. 6. If therefore the given data be the radii of curvature of the refra. surface and the angle, , which the plane of incidence makes with the prin- cipal section whose curvature is a, we may determine A, B, C for the refracting surface. Then from a, and bu the distances of the focal lines of the incident pencil, and ^, the angle which a, makes with the plane of incidence, we must find A., BI, Ct for the incident pencil. From these data, by § 4, we must determine At, Blt Ct for the refracted pencil, and from these a,, 6,, and <£,. I have not been able to obtain any simpler construction for the general case of a refracted pencil. 7. For a pencil after passing through any series of surfaces the construction is necessarily more complex, as ten constants are involved in the general term of the second degree of the characteristic function, which is of the form V= ^a^ + Iby? + clx^l + iajX,' + £&#,' + c^, +pxtxt + qxyt + rt/.x, FOCAL LINES OF A REFRACTED PENCIL. 337 and if Vl = and V3 and we put D = (A, + a,) (B, + bi)-(C1 + c,)*, (At - o») D + p* (B1 + bl) + ri(Al + a,) - 2pr ( Ci + cx) = 0, (O, - c.) D +pq (B, + b,) + rs (A, + a,) - ( ps + qr) (C, + c.) = 0. These equations enable us to determine Aly Bt, C2 when Alf Bv C, are given. Here we must observe that the quantities A, B, C, &c., do not represent lines, as in the first part of this paper, but the reciprocals of lines. VOL. II. 43 [From Nature, Vol. vin.] LVIII. An Fumy on the Mf which have appeared from time to time in the Philosophical Magazine, ami also in his larger work on the " Principles of Mathematics and Physics." I ; is always desirable that mathematical results should be expressed in intelligible language, as well as in the symbolic form in which they were at first obtained. and we have to thank Professor Challis for this Essay, which though, or rather liecause, it hardly contains a single equation, sets forth his system more clearly than has been done in some of his previous mathematical papers. The aim of this Essay, and of the author's long-continued labours, i advance the theoretical study of Physics. He regards the material universe as "a vast and wonderful mechanism, of which not the least wonderful qualit-. its being so constructed that we can understand it." The Book of Nature, in fact, contains elementary chapters, and, to those who know where to look for them, the mastery of one chapter is a preparation for the study of the next. The discovery of the calculation necessary to determine the acceleration <>f a particle whose position is given in terms of the time led to the Newtonian epoch of Natural Philosophy. The study from the cultivation of which our author looks for the " inauguration of a new scientific epoch," is that of tin- motion of fluids, commonly called Hydrodynamics. The scientific method \\hic-h he recommends is that described by Newton as the "foundation of all philo- sophy," namely, that the properties which we attribute to the least parts »t AN ESSAY ON THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. 339 matter must be consistent with those of which experiments on sensible bodies have made us cognizant. The world, according to Professor Challis, is made up of atoms and aether. The atoms are spheres, unalterable in magnitude, and endowed with inertia, but with no other property whatever. The aether is a perfect fluid, endowed with inertia, and exerting a pressure proportional to its density. It is truly con- tinuous (and therefore does not consist of atoms), and it fills up all the interstices of the atoms. Here, then, we have set before us with perfect clearness the two con- stituents of the universe : the atoms, which we can picture in our minds as so many marbles ; and the aether, which behaves exactly as air would do if Boyle's law were strictly accurate, if its temperature were invariable, if it were destitute of viscosity, and if gravity did not act on it. We have no difficulty, therefore, in forming an adequate conception of the properties of the elements from which we have to construct a world. The hypothesis is at least an honest one. It attributes to the elements of things no properties except those which we can clearly define. It stands, therefore, on a different scientific level from those waxen hypotheses in which the atoms are endowed with a new system of attractive or repulsive forces whenever a new phenomenon has to be explained. But the task still before us is a herculean one. It is no less than to explain all actions between bodies or parts of bodies, whether in apparent contact or at stellar distances, by the motions of this all-embracing aether, and the pressure thence resulting. One kind of motion of the aether is evidently a wave-motion, like that of sound-waves in air. How will such waves affect an atom ? Will they propel it forward like the driftwood which is flung upon the shore, or will they draw it back like the shingle which is carried out by the returning wave ? Or will they make it oscillate about a fixed position without any advance or recession on the whole ? We have no intention of going through the calculations necessary to solve this problem. They are not contained in this Essay, and Professor Challis admits that he has been unable to determine the absolute amount of the constant term which indicates the permanent effect of the waves on an atom. This is unfortunate, as it gives us no immediate prospect of making those numerical comparisons with observed facts which are necessary for the verification 43—2 340 AS ESSAY OX THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. of the theory. Let us, however, suppose this purely mathematical difficulty surmounted, and let us admit with Professor Challis that if the wave-length of the undulations is very small compared with the diameter of the atom, the atom will be urged in the direction of wave-propagation, or in other words repeUfd from the origin of the waves. If on the other liand the wave-length is very great compared with the diameter of the atom, the atom will be urged in the direction opposite to that in which the waves travel, that is, it will be atti-acted towards the source of the waves. The amount of this attraction or repulsion will depend on the mean »f the square of the velocity of the periodic motion of the particles of the aether, and since the amplitude of a diverging wave is inversely as the distance from the centre of divergence, the force will be inversely as the square of this distance, according to Newton's law. We must remember, however, that the problem is only imperfectly solved, as we do not know the absolute value of this force, and we have not yet arrived at an explanation of the fact that the attraction of gravitation is in exact proportion to the mass of the attracted body, whatever be its chemical nature. (See p. 36.) Admitting these results, and supposing the great ocean of aether to l)e traversed by waves, these waves impinge on the atoms, and are reflected in the form of diverging waves. These, in their turn, beat other atoms, and cause attraction or repulsion, according as their wave-length is great or small. Thus the waves of shortest period perform the office of repelling atom from atom, and rendering their collision for ever impossible. Other waves, somewhat longer, bind the atoms together in molecular groups. Others contribute to the elasticity of bodies of sensible size, while the long waves are the cause of universal gravitation, holding the planets in their courses, and preserving the most ancient heavens in all their freshness and strength. Then besides the waves of aether, our author contemplates its streams, spiral and otherwise, by which he accounts for electric, magnetic, and galvanic phenomena. Without pretending to have verified all or any of the calculations on which this theory is based, or to have compared the electric, magnetic, and galvanic phe- nomena, as described in the Essay, with those actually observed, we may venture to make a few remarks upon the theory of action at a distance here put forth. The explanation of any action between distant bodies by means of a clearly conceivable process going on in the intervening medium is an achievement of AN ESSAY ON THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. 341 the highest scientific value. Of all such actions, that of gravitation is the most universal and the most mysterious. Whatever theory of the constitution of bodies holds out a prospect of the ultimate explanation of the process by which gravitation is effected, men of science will be found ready to devote the whole remainder of their lives to the development of that theory. The only theory hitherto put forth as a dynamical theory of gravitation is that of Lesage, who adopts the Lucretian theory of atoms and void. Gravitation on this theory is accounted for by the impact of atoms of incalculable minuteness, which are flying through the heavens with inconceivable velocity and in every possible direction. These " ultramundane corpuscules " falling on a solitary heavenly body would strike it on every side with equal impetus, and would have no effect upon it in the way of resultant force. If, however, another heavenly body were in existence, each would screen the other from a portion of the corpuscular bombardment, and the two bodies would be attracted to each other. The merits and the defects of this theory have been recently pointed out by Sir W. Thomson. If the corpuscules are perfectly elastic one body cannot protect the other from the storm, for it will reflect exactly as many corpuscules as it intercepts. If they are inelastic, as Lesage supposes, what becomes of them after collision ? Why are not bodies always growing by the perpetual accumulation of them ? How do they get swept away ? and what becomes of their energy ? Why do they not volatilise the earth in a few minutes ? I shall not enter on Sir W. Thomson's improvement of this theory, as it involves a different kind of hydrodynamics from that cultivated in the Essay, but in whatever way we regard Lesage's theory, the cause of gravitation in the universe can be represented only as depending on an ever fresh supply of something from without. Though Professor Challis has not, as far as we can see, stated in what manner his sethereal waves are originally produced, it would seem that on his theory also the primary waves, by whose action the waves diverging from the atoms are generated, must themselves be propagated from somewhere outside the world of stars. On either theory, therefore, the universe is not even temporarily automatic, but must be fed from moment to moment by an agency external to itself. If the corpuscules of the one theory, or the aethereal waves of the other, were from any cause to be supplied at a different rate, the value of every force in the universe would suffer change. 1 .' AN ESSAY OS THE MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS. On both theories, too, the preservation of the universe is effected only by the unceasing expenditure of enormous quantities of work, so that the conservation energy in physical operations, which has been the subject of so many . ... . ; •;.. ,• ; iy of itiaA li:i- \>-<\ to so many disfovi-r'n-s, is apparent only, and is merely a kind of "moveable equilibrium" between supply nnd destruction. It may seem a sort of anticlimax to descend from these highest heavens invention down to the "equations of condition" of fluid motion. But it would not be right to pass by the fact that the fluids treated of in this Essay ore not in all respects similar to those met with elsewhere. In all their motions they obey a law, which our author was the first to lay down, in addition— or perhaps in some cases in opposition — to those prescribed for them by Lagrange, Poisson, &c. It is true that a perfect fluid, originally at rest, and afterwards acted on only by such forces as occur in nature, will freely obey this law, and that not only in the form laid down by Professor Challis, in which its rigour is partially relaxed by the introduction of an arbitrary factor, but in its original severe Minplifity, as the condition of the existence of a velocity-potential. But, on the one hand, problems in which the motion is assumed to violate this condition have been solved by Helmholtz and Sir W. Thomson, who tell us what the fluid will then do; and, on the other hand, Professor ChallisV fluid is able, in virtue of the new equation, to transmit plane waves consisting of transverse displacements. As this is what takes place in the luminiferous sether, other physicists refuse to regard that aether as a fluid, because, according to their definition, the action between any contiguous portions of a fluid is entirely normal to the surface which separates them. It is not necessary, however, for us to say any more on this subject, as the Essay before us does not contain, in an explicit form, the equation referred to, but is devoted rather to the exposition of those wider theories of the constitution of matter and the phenomena of nature, some of which we have endeavoured to describe. [From Nature, Vol. vin.] LIX. On Loschmidfs Experiments on Diffusion in relation to the Kinetic Theory of Gases. THE kinetic theory asserts that a gas consists of separate molecules, each moving with a velocity amounting, in the case of hydrogen, to 1,800 metres per second. This velocity, however, by no means determines the rate at which a group of molecules set at liberty in one part of a vessel full of the gas will make their way into other parts. In spite of the great velocity of the molecules, the direction of their course is so often altered and reversed by collision with other molecules, that the process of diffusion is comparatively a slow one. The first experiments from which a rough estimate of the rate of diffusion of one gas through another can be deduced are those of Graham "". Professor Loschmidt, of Vienna, has recently f made a series of most valuable and accurate experiments on the interdiffusion of gases in a vertical tube, from which he has deduced the coefficient of diffusion of ten pairs of gases. These results I consider to be the most valuable hitherto obtained as data for the construction of a molecular theory of gases. There are two other kinds of diffusion capable of experimental investigation, and from which the same data may be derived, but in both cases the experi- mental methods are exposed to much greater risk of error than in the case of diffusion. The first of these is the diffusion of momentum, or the lateral communication of sensible motion from one stratum of a gas to another. This is the explanation, on the kinetic theory, of the viscosity or internal friction of gases. The investigation of the viscosity of gases requires experiments of great delicacy, and involving very considerable corrections before the true * Brande's Journal for 1829, pt. ii. p. 74, "On the Mobility of Gases," Phil. Train. 1863. t Sitzb. d. L Akad. d. Wissench. 10 Marz. 1870. 344 EXPERIMENTS ON DIFFUSION IN RELATION TO of viscosity is obtained. Thus the numbers obtained by myself in 18G5 are nearly double of those calculated by Prof. Stokes from the experiments of Boily on pendulums, but not much more than half those deduced by 0. E. Meyer from his own experiments. The other kind of diffusion is that of the energy of agitation of the molecules. This is called the conduction of heat The experimental investigation of this subject is confessedly so difficult, that it is only recently that Prof. Stefan of Vienna*, by means of a very ingenious method, has obtained the first experimental determination of the conductivity of air. This result is, as he says, in striking agreement with the kinetic theory of gases. The experiments on the interdiffusion of gases, as conducted by Prof. Loachmidt and his pupils, appear to be far more independent of disturbing causes than any experiments on viscosity or conductivity. The mterdifiuamg gases are left to themselves in a vertical cylindrical vessel, the heavier gas being underneath. No disturbing effect due to currents seems to exist, and the results of different experiments with the same pair of gases appear to be consistent with each other. They prove conclusively that the coefficient of diffusion varies inversely as the pressure, a result in accordance with the kinetic theory, whatever hypo- thesis we adopt as to the nature of the mutual action of the molecules during their encounters. They also shew that the coefficient of diffusion increases as the temperature rises, but the range of temperature in the experiments appears to be too small to enable us to decide whether it varies as 2", as it should be according to the theory of a force inversely as the fifth power of the distance adopted in my paper in the Phil. Trans. 1866, or as jT* as it should do according to the theory of elastic spherical molecules, which was the hypothesis originally developed by Clausius, by myself in the Phil. Mag. 1860, and by O. E. Meyer. In comparing the coefficients of diffusion of different pairs of gases, Prof. Loschmidt has made use of a formula according to which the coefficient of diffusion should vary inversely as the geometric mean of the atomic weiglits of the two gases. I am unable to see any ground for this hypothesis in the kinetic theory, which in fact leads to a different result, involving the diameters of the molecules, as well as their masses. The numerical results obtained l>y * Sitzb. d. k. Akad. Feb. 22, 1872. THE KINETIC THEORY OF GASES. 345 Prof. Loschmidt do hot agree with his formula in a manner corresponding to the accuracy of his experiments. They agree in a very remarkable manner with the formula derived from the kinetic theory. I have recently been revising the theory of gases founded on that of the collisions of elastic spheres, using, however, the methods of my paper on the dynamical theory of gases (Phil. Trans. 1866) rather than those of my first paper in the Phil. Mag., 1860, which are more difficult of application, and which led me into great confusion, especially in treating of the diffusion of gases. The coefficient of interdiffusion of two gases, according to this theory, is D - -i=-Z where wl and wt are the molecular weights of the two gases, that of hydrogen being unity. sa is the distance between the centres of the molecules at collision in centi- metres. V is the " velocity of mean square " of a molecule of hydrogen at 0° C. r= I— = 185,900 centimetres per second. P N is the number of molecules in a cubic centimetre at 0° C. and 76 cm. B. (the same for all gases). Du is the coefficient of interdiffusion of the two gases in * — — ^ — - measure. We may simplify this expression by writing Here o is a quantity the same for all gases, but involving the unknown number N. o- is a quantity which may be deduced from the corresponding experiment of M. Loschmidt. We have thus *i» = between the centres of the molecules at collision is proportional to the quantity ' so that the following relation exists between the viscosities of two gases and their coefficient of interdiffusion— ft p. (6). Calculating from the data of Table L, the viscosities of the gases, and com- paring them with those found by 0. E. Meyer and by myself, and reducing all to centimetre, gramme, second measure, and 0°C. — TABLE II. Coefficient of Viscosity. Gas. Loschmidt. O. E. Meyer. Maxwell. H 0-000116 0-000134 0-000097 O 0 000270 0-000306 CO 0-000217 0-000266 CO, 0-000214 0-000231 0-000161 The numbers given by Meyer are greater than those derived from Loschmidt. Mine, on the other hand, are much smaller. I think, however, that of the three, Loschmidt's are to be preferred as an estimate of the absolute value of the quantities, while those of Meyer, derived from Graham's experiments, may possibly give the ratios of the viscosities of different gases more correctly. Loschmidt has also given the coefficients of interdiffusion of four other pairs of gases, but as each of these contains a gas not contained in any other pair, I have made no use of them. In the form of the theory as developed by Clausius, an important part is played by a quantity called the mean length of the uninterrupted path of a 44—2 348 KXPKRIMKNTB OS DIFFUSION IN RELATION TO nuJfculf, or, more concisely, the mean path. Its value, according to my cal- culations, is 1* Its value in tenth-metres (1 metre x 10~w) is TABLE III. For Hydrogen . . . 965 Tenth-metres at 0° C. and 760 B. For Oxygen . . . 560 For Carbonic Oxide . . 482 For Carbonic Acid . . 430 (The wave-length of the hydrogen ray F is 4,861 tenth-metres, or about ten times the mean path of a molecule of carbonic oxide.) We may now proceed for a few steps on more hazardous ground, and inquire into the actual size of the molecules. Prof. Loschmidt himself in his paper "Zur Grosse der Luftmoleciile " (Acad. Vienna, Oct. 12, 1865), was the first to make this attempt. Independently of him and of each other, Mr G. J. Stoney (Phil Mag., Aug. 1868), and Sir W. Thomson (Nature, March 31, 1870), have made similar calculations. We shall follow the track of Prof. Loschmidt. TT The volume of a spherical molecule is - s8, where s is its diameter. Hence if N is the number of molecules in unit of volume, the space actually filled by the molecules is ^Nsf. This, then, would be the volume to which a cubic centimetre of the gas would be reduced if it could be so compressed as to leave no room whatever between the molecules. This, of course, is impossible ; but we may, for the sake of clearness, call the quantity (8) • The difference between this value and that given by M. Clausius in his paper of 1858, arises from his assuming that all the molecules have equal velocities, while I suppose the velocities to be distributed according to the " law of errors." THE KINETIC THEORY OF GASES. 349 the ideal coefficient of condensation. The actual coefficient of condensation, when the gas is reduced to the liquid or even the solid form, and exposed to the greatest degree of cold and pressure, is of course greater than c. Multiplying equations (7) and (8), we find s = 6*Jzd (9), where s is the diameter of a molecule, c the coefficient of condensation, and I the mean path of a molecule. Of these quantities, we know I approximately already, but with respect to e we only know its superior limit. It is only by ascertaining whether calcu- lations of this kind, made with respect to different substances, lead to consistent results, that we can obtain any confidence in our estimates of e. M. Lorenz Meyer* has compared the " molecular volumes " of different substances, as estimated by Kopp from measurements of the density of these substances and their compounds, with the values of s3 as deduced from experi- ments on the viscosity of gases, and has shewn that there is a considerable degree of correspondence between the two sets of numbers. The "molecular volume" of a substance here spoken of is the volume in cubic centimetres of as much of the substance in the liquid state as contains as many molecules as one gramme of hydrogen. Hence if pa denote the density of hydrogen, and b the molecular volume of a substance, the actual coefficient of condensation is *' = pob (10). These "molecular volumes" of liquids are estimated at the boiling-points of the liquids, a very arbitrary condition, for this depends on the pressure, and there is no reason in the nature of things for fixing on 760 mm. B. as a standard pressure merely because it roughly represents the ordinary pressure of our atmosphere. What would be better, if it were not impossible to obtain it, would be the volume at — 273° C. and o>B. But the volume relations of potassium with its oxide and its hydrated oxide as described by Faraday seem to indicate that we have a good deal yet to learn about the volumes of atoms. * Annalen d. Chemie u. Pharmacie v. Supp. bd. 2, Heft (1867). 350 EXPERIMENTS ON DIFFUSION IN RELATION TO THE KINETIC THEORY OF GASES. If, however, for our immediate purpose, we assume the smallest molecular volume of oxygen given by Kopp as derived from a comparison of the volume of tin with that of its oxide and put b(0=16) = 27, we find for the diameters of the molecules — 4 TABLE IV. Hydrogen . . . . 5'8 tenth-metres. Oxygen 7-6 Carbonic Oxide . . 8-3 Carbonic Acid ... 9-3 The mass of a molecule of hydrogen on this assumption is 4'6 x 10"" gramme. The number of molecules in a cubic centimetre of any gas at 0"C. and 760 mm. B. is AT= 19x10". Hence the side of a cube which, on an average, would contain one molecule would be ^V"* = 37 tenth-metres. [From Nature, Vol. vm.] LX. On the Final State of a System of Molecules in motion subject to forces of any kind. LET perfectly elastic molecules of different kinds be in motion within a vessel with perfectly elastic sides, and let each kind of molecules be acted on by forces which have a potential, the form of which may be different for different kinds of molecules. Let x, y, z be the co-ordinates of a molecule, M, and f, 17, £ the com- ponents of its velocity, and let it be required to determine the number of molecules of a given kind which, on an average, have their co-ordinates between x and x + dx, y and y + dy, z and z + dz, and also their component velocities between £ and £+cZ£ 17 and -rj + d-rj, and £ and £ + d£. This number must depend on the co-ordinates and the components of velocities and on the limits of these quantities. We may therefore write it dN=f(x, y, z, £ TTJ, £) dxdydzdgdr)dt, (1). We shall begin by investigating the manner in which this quantity depends on the components of velocity, before we proceed to determine in what way it depends on the co-ordinates. If we distinguish by suffixes the quantities corresponding to different kinds of molecules, the whole number of molecules of the first and second kind within a given space which have velocities within given limits may be written /, (£, i?,, £.) dfi« dr,,. d^ = n, (2), and /s(£, 77,, £3) d^. d-r)3. d^ = n, (3). The number of pairs which can be formed by taking one molecule of each kind is nv nv 352 FINAL STATE OF A SYSTEM OF MOLECULES IN MOTION Let a pair of molecules encounter each other, and after the encounter let their component velocities be £', if,'. {,' and &', 17,', £,'. The nature of the encounter U completely defined when we know £-£„ 17, -17,, £,-£, the velocity of the second molecule relative to the first before the encounter, and SG.-X,, y,-ym «,— r, the position of the centre of the second molecule relative to the first at the instant of the encounter. When these quantities are given, £'-£,', i),'-i)' and {,' — £,', the components of the relative velocity after the encounter, are determinable. Hence putting a, ft. y for these relative velocities, and a, b, c for t Ir- relative positions, we find for the number of molecules of the first kind having velocities between the limits f, and £, + , which are of the same value in the two cases, we find /, (& *, C,)/. (& * t) -/, (£» vS, O/, (&', V. 4') (5), Anting log/(f, 17, 0 = ^^^, I, m, n) (6), where I, m, n are the direction-cosines of the velocity, F, of the molecule M. Taking the logarithm of both sides of equation (5), F, (M, F.V.m.n.) + Ft (Mt F,*/,™,*,) = F, (M, F^XV) + *\ (Mn FtX«) • • • ( 7). The only necessary rektion between the variables before and after the encounter is (8). SUBJECT TO FORCES OF ANY KIND. 353 If the right-hand side of the equations (7) and (8) are constant, the left- hand sides will also be constant ; and since lu m,, «j are independent of la mu n, we must have F^AMW and F, = AM,V? (9), where A is a quantity independent of the components of velocity, or ° (10), (n). This result as to the distribution of the velocities of the molecules at a given place is independent of the action of finite forces on the molecules during their encounter, for such forces do not affect the velocities during the infinitely short time of the encounter. We may therefore write equation (1) dN=Ceu"*+++*>d£dndldxdydz (12), where C is a function of x, y, z which may be different for different kinds of molecules, while A is the same for every kind of molecule, though it may, for aught we know as yet, vary from one place to another. Let us now suppose that the kind of molecules under consideration are acted on by a force whose potential is \j>. The variations of x, y, z arising from the motion of the molecules during a tune St are &c = £&, By = T)8t, Sz = t,St (13), and those of £ 17, £ in the same time due to the action of the force, are «—£**•—$*«:- -g* <">• If we make c = logC (15), The variation of this quantity due to the variations 8xlt Sylt 8zlt S$u Si/,, S£l( is (.. dc dc dc\ s AHflt d$ d$ r d\fi\ - dx V dy dz) \ dx ^ dy dzj .(17). VOL. ii. 45 354 FINAL STATE OF A SYSTEM OP MOLECULES IN MOTION, &C. Since the number of the molecules does not vary during their motion, this quantity ia zero, whatever the values of f, 17, £. Hence we have in virtue of the last term dA dA dA . or A is constant throughout the whole region traversed by the molecules. Next, comparing the first and second terms, we find c = AM(2$ + B) (19). We thus obtain as the complete form of dN G&zVj — c < t.i' 1 1 */ 1 iz< I c; < IT] ( ( {, • •••••••••••••• •••(20K when A is an absolute constant, the same for every kind of molecule in the vessel, but Bl belongs to the first kind only. To determine these constants, we must integrate this quantity with respect to the six variables, and equate the result to the number of molecules of the first kind. We must then, by integrating dNl^Ml (£' + •»/!* + £' + 2^,) determine the whole energy of the system, and equate it to the original energy. We shall thus obtain a sufficient number of equations to determine the constant A, common to all the molecules, and Bt, Bv &c. those belonging to each kind. The quantity A is essentially negative. Its value determines that of the mean kinetic energy of all the molecules in a given place, which is — f- -T- , and therefore, according to the kinetic theory, it also determines the temperature of the medium at that place. Hence, since Au in the permanent state of the system, is the same for every part of the system, it follows that the tempera- ture is everywhere the same, whatever forces act upon the molecules. The number of molecules of the first kind in the element dxdydz, (21). The effect of the force whose potential is ^ is therefore to cause the molecules of the first kind to accumulate in greater numbers in those parts of the vessel towards which the force acts, and the distribution of each different kind of molecules in the vessel is determined by the forces which act on them in the same way as if no other molecules were present. This agrees with Dalton's doctrine of the distribution of mixed gases. s - • • like tl. [From Nature, Vol. vin.] LXI. Faraday. [Michael Faraday, born September 22, 1791, died August 25, 1867.] WITH this number of Nature we present to our subscribers the first of what we hope will be a long series of Portraits of Eminent Men of Science. This first portrait is one of Faraday, engraved on steel, by Jeens, from a photograph by Watkins. Those who had the happiness of knowing Faraday best will best appreciate the artist's skill — he has indeed surpassed himself, for' the engraving is more life-like than the photograph. We could ill spare such a memorial of such a man, one in which all the beautiful simplicity of his life beams upon us. There is no posturing here ! There is no need that we should accompany the portrait with a memoir of Faraday. Bence Jones, Tyndall, and Gladstone have already lovingly told the story of the grand and simple life which has shed and will long continue to shed such lustre on English Science, and their books have carried the story home to millions ; nor is there any need that we should state why we have chosen to commence our series with Faraday; everybody will acknowledge the justice of our choice. But there is great need just now that some of the lessons to be learnt from Faraday's life should be insisted upon, and we regard it as a fortunate circumstance that we have thus the opportunity of insisting upon them while our Scientific Congress is in session, and before the echoes of the Address of the President of the British Association for the Advancement of Science have died away. In the first place, then, we regard Faraday at once as the most useful and the most noble type of a scientific man. The nation is bigger and stronger in that Faraday has lived, and the nation would be bigger and stronger still were there more Faraday s among us now. Professor Williamson, in his admirable 45—2 356 FARADAY. address, acknowledges that the present time is "momentous." In truth the question of the present condition of Science and the ways of improving it, is occupying men's minds more than it has ever done before ; and it is now conceded on all sides that this is a national question, and not only so, hut one of fundamental importance. Now what is the present condition of English Science? It is simply this, that while the numbers of our professors and their emoluments are increasing, while the number of students is increasing, while practical instruction is being introduced and text-books multiplied, while the number and calibre of popular lecturers and popular writers in Science is increasing, original research, the fountain-head of a nation's wealth, is decreasing. Now a scientific man is useful as such to a nation according to the amount of new knowledge with which he endows that nation. This is the test which the nation, as a whole, applies, and Faraday's national reputation rests on it. Let the nation know then that the real difficulty at present is this ; we want more Faradays ; in other words more men working at new knowledge. It is refreshing to see this want so clearly stated in the Presidential Address : "The first thing wanted for the work of advancing science is a supply of well-qualified workers. The second thing is to place and keep them under the conditions most favourable to their efficient activity. The most suitable men must be found while still young, and trained to the work. Now I know only one really effectual way of finding the youths who are best endowed by nature for the purpose ; and that is to systematise and develop the natural conditions which accidentally concur in particular cases, and enable youths to rise from the crowd. " Investigators, once found, ought to be placed in the circumstances most favourable to their efficient activity. " The first and most fundamental condition for this is, that their desire for the acquisition of knowledge be kept alive and fostered. They must not merely retain the hold which they have acquired on the general body of their science ; they ought to strengthen and extend that hold, by acquiring a more complete and accurate knowledge of its doctrines and methods ; in a word, they ought to be more thorough students than during their state of preliminary training. "They must be able to live by their work, without diverting any of their energies to other pursuits; and they must feel security against want, in the event of illness or in their old age. FARADAY. 357 "They must be supplied with intelligent and trained assistants to aid in the conduct of their researches, and whatever buildings, apparatus, and materials may be required for conducting those researches effectively. " The desired system must therefore provide arrangements favourable to the maintenance and development of the true student-spirit in investigators, while providing them with permanent means of subsistence, sufficient to enable them to feel secure and tranquil in working at science alone, yet not sufficient to neutralise their motives for exertion ; and at the same time it must give them all external aids, in proportion to their wants and powers of making good use of them." Whether the scheme proposed by Dr Williamson to bring such a state of things about will have the full success he anticipates is a matter of second- rate importance ; what is of importance is, that the need of some scheme is now fully recognised. So far the remarks we have made have been suggested by Faraday's usefulness. It is to be hoped that the nobleness of his simple, undramatic life, will live as long in men's memories as the discoveries which have immortalised his name. Here was no hunger after popular applause, no jealousy of other men's work, no swerving from the well-loved, self-imposed task of "working, finishing, publishing." " The simplicity of his heart, his candour, his ardent love of the truth, his fellow-interest in all the successes, and ingenuous admiration of all the discoveries of others, his natural modesty in regard to what he himself discovered, his noble soul — independent and bold — all these combined, gave an incomparable charm to the features of the illustrious physicist." Such was his portrait as sketched by Dumas, a man cast in the same mould. All will recognise its truth. Can men of science find a nobler exemplar on which to fashion their own life ? Nay, if it were more widely followed than it is, should we not hear less of men falling away from the " brilliant promise " of their youth, tempted by " fees," or the " applications of Science," or the advantages attendant upon a popular exposition of other men's work ? Should we not hear a little less- frequently than we do that research is a sham, and that all attempts to aid it savour of jobbery ? Lastly we may consider Faraday's place in the general history of Science ; this is far from easy. Our minds are still too much occupied with the memory of the outward form and expression of his scientific work to be able to compare FARADAY. him aright with the other great men among whom we shall have to place him. Every great man of the first rank is unique. Each has his own office and his own place in the historic procession of the sages. That office did not exist even in the imagination, till he came to fill it, and none can succeed to his place when he has passed away. Others may gain distinction by adapting the exposition of science to the varying language of each generation of students, but their true function is not so much didactic as pa3dagogic — not to teach the use of phrases which enable us to persuade ourselves that we understand a science, but to bring the student into living contact with the two main sources of mental growth, the fathers of the sciences, for whose personal influence over the opening mind there is no substitute, and the material things to which their labours first gave a meaning. Faraday is, and must always remain, the father of that enlarged science of electro-magnetism which takes in at one view, all the phenomena which former inquirers had studied separately, besides those which Faraday himself discovered by following the guidance of those convictions, which he had already obtained, of the unity of the whole science. Before him came the discovery of most of the fundamental phenomena, the electric and magnetic attractions and repulsions, the electric current and its effects. Then came Cavendish, Coulomb, and Poisson, who by following the path pointed out by Newton, and making the forces which act between bodies the principal object of their study, founded the mathematical theories of electric and magnetic forces. Then Orsted discovered the cardinal fact of electro-magnetic force, and Ampere investigated the mathematical laws of the mechanical action between electric currents. Thus the field of electro-magnetic Science was already very large when Faraday first entered upon his public career. It was so large that to take in at one view all its departments required a stretch of thought for which a special preparation was necessary. Accordingly, we find Faraday endeavouring in the first place to obtain, from each of the known sources of electric action, all the phenomena which any one of them was able to exhibit. Having thus established the unity of nature of all electric manifestations, his next aim was to form a conception of electrification, or electric action, which would embrace them all. For this purpose it was necessary that he should begin by getting rid of those parasitical ideas, which are so apt to cling to every scientific term, FARADAY. 359 and to invest it with a luxuriant crop of connotative meanings flourishing at the expense of the meaning which the word was intended to denote. He therefore endeavoured to strip all such terms as "electric fluid," "current," and "attraction" of every meaning except that which is warranted by the phenomena themselves, and to invent new terms, such as "electrolysis," "electrode," "di- electric," which suggest no other meaning than that assigned to them by their definitions. He thus undertook no less a task than the investigation of the facts, the ideas, and the scientific terms of electro-magnetism, and the result was the remodelling of the whole according to an entirely new method. That old and popular phrase, " electric fluid," which is now, we trust, banished for ever into the region of newspaper paragraphs, had done what it could to keep men's minds fixed upon those particular parts of bodies where the "fluid" was supposed to exist. Faraday, on the other hand, by inventing the word " dielectric," has encouraged us to examine all that is going on in the air or other medium between the electrified bodies. It is needless to multiply instances of this kind. The terms, field of force, lines of force, induction, &c., are sufficient to recall them. They all illustrate the general principles of the growth of science, in the particular form of which Faraday is the exponent. We have, first, the careful observation of selected phenomena, then the examination of the received ideas, and the formation, when necessary, of new ideas ; and, lastly, the invention of scientific terms adapted for the discussion of the phenomena in the light of the new ideas. The high place which we assign to Faraday in electro-magnetic science may appear to some inconsistent with the fact that electro-magnetic science is an exact science, and that in some of its branches it had already assumed a mathematical form before the tune of Faraday, whereas Faraday was not a professed mathematician, and in his writings we find none of those integrations of differential equations which are supposed to be of the very essence of an exact science. Open Poisson and Ampere, who went before him, or Weber and Neumann, who came after him, and you will find their pages full of symbols, not one of which Faraday would have understood. It is admitted that Faraday made some great discoveries, but if we put these aside, how can we rank his scientific method so high without disparaging the mathematics of these eminent men ? 360 FARADAY. It is true that no one can essentially cultivate any exact science without understanding the mathematics of that science. But we are not to suppose that the calculations and equations which mathematicians find so useful constitute the whole of mathematics. The calculus is but a part of mathematics. The geometry of position is an example of a mathematical science established without the aid of a single calculation. Now Faraday's lines of force occupy the same position in electro-magnetic science that pencils of lines do in the geometry of position. They furnish a method of building up an exact mental image of the thing we are reasoning about. The way in which Faraday made use of his idea of lines of force in co-ordinating the phenomena of magneto- electric induction* shews him to have been in reality a mathematician of a very high order— one from whom the mathematicians of the future may derive valuable and fertile methods. For the advance of the exact sciences depends upon the discovery and development of appropriate and exact ideas, by means of which we may form a mental representation of the facts, sufficiently general, on the one hand, to stand for any particular case, and sufficiently exact, on the other, to warrant the deductions we may draw from them by the application of mathematical reasoning. From the straight line of Euclid to the lines of force of Faraday this has been the character of the ideas by which science has been advanced, and by the free use of dynamical as well as geometrical ideas we may hope for a further advance. The use of mathematical calculations is to compare the results of the application of these ideas with our measurements of the quantities concerned in our experiments. Electrical science is now in the stage in which such measurements and calculations are of the greatest importance. We are probably ignorant even of the name of the science which will be developed out of the materials we are now collecting, when the great philosopher next after Faraday makes his appearance. * To estimate the intensity of Faraday's scientific power, we cannot do better than read the first and second series of his Researches and compare them, first, with the statements in Bence Jones's Lift of Faraday, which tells us the tales of the first discovery of the facts, and of the final publication of the results, and second, with the whole course of electro-magnetic science since, which has added no new idea to those set forth, but has only verified the truth and scientific value of every one of [From Nature, Vol. Till.] LXII. Molecules*. AN atom is a body which cannot be cut in two. A molecule is the smallest possible portion of a particular substance. No one has ever seen or handled a single molecule. Molecular science, therefore, is one of those branches of study which deal with things invisible and imperceptible by our senses, and which cannot be subjected to direct experiment. The mind of man has perplexed itself with many hard questions. Is space infinite, and if so in what sense ? Is the material world infinite in extent, and are all places within that extent equally full of matter ? Do atoms exist, or is matter infinitely divisible ? The discussion of questions of this kind has been going on ever since men began to reason, and to each of us, as soon as we obtain the use of our faculties, the same old questions arise as fresh as ever. They form as essential a part of the science of the nineteenth century of our era, as of that of the fifth century before it. We do not know much about the science organisation of Thrace twenty- two centuries ago, or of the machinery then employed for diffusing an interest in physical research. There were men, however, in those days, who devoted their lives to the pursuit of knowledge with an ardour worthy of the most distinguished members of the British Association ; and the lectures in which Democritus explained the atomic theory to his fellow-citizens of Abdera realised, not in golden opinions only, but in golden talents, a sum hardly equalled even in America. To another very eminent philosopher, Anaxagoras, best known to the world as the teacher of Socrates, we are indebted for the most important service to * A Lecture delivered before the British Association at Bradford. VOL. II. 46 MOLECULES. the atomic theory, which, after its statement by Democritus, remained to be done. Anaxagoras, in fact, stated a theory which so exactly contradicts the atomic theory of Democritus that the truth or falsehood of the one theory implies the falsehood or truth of the other. The question of the existence or non-existence of atoms cannot be presented to us this evening with gr. clearness than in the alternative theories of these two philosophers. Take any portion of matter, say a drop of water, and observe its properties. Like every other portion of matter we have ever seen, it is divisible. Divide it in two, each portion appears to retain all the properties of the original drop, and among others that of being divisible. The parts are similar to the whole in every respect except in absolute size. Now go on repeating the process of division till the separate portions of water are so small that we can no longer perceive or handle them. Still \ve have no doubt that the sub-division might be carried further, if our senses were more acute and our instruments more delicate. Thus far all are a^: but now the question arises, Can this sub-division be repeated for ever ? According to Democritus and the atomic school, we must answer in the negative. After a certain number of sub-divisions, the drop would be di\ into a number of parts each of which is incapable of further sub-division. We should thus, in imagination, arrive at the atom, which, as its name literally signifies, cannot be cut in two. This is the atomic doctrine of Democritus, Epicurus, and Lucretius, and, I may add, of your lecturer. . According to Anaxagoras, on the other hand, the parts into which the drop is divided are in all respects similar to the whole drop, the mere size of a body counting for nothing as regards the nature of its substance. Hence if the whole drop is divisible, so are its parts down to the minutest sub-divisions, and that without end. The essence of the doctrine of Anaxagoras is that parts of a body are in all respects similar to the whole. It was, therefore, called the doctrine of Homoiomereia. Anaxagoras did not of course assert this of the parts of organised bodies such as men and animals, but he maintained that those inor- ganic substances which appear to u's homogeneous are really so, and that the universal experience of mankind testifies that every material body, without exception, is divisible. The doctrine of atoms and that of homogeneity are thus in direct con- tradiction. MOLECULES. 363 But we must now go on to molecules. Molecule is a modern word. It does not occur in Johnson's Dictionary. The ideas it embodies are those belonging to modern chemistry. A drop of water, to return to our former example, may be divided into a certain number, and no more, of portions similar to each other. Each of these the modern chemist calls a molecule of water. But it is by no means an atom, for it contains two different substances, oxygen and hydrogen, and by a certain process the molecule may be actually divided into two parts, one consisting of oxygen and the other of hydrogen. According to the received doctrine, in each molecule of water there are two molecules of hydrogen and one of oxygen. Whether these are or are not ultimate atoms I shall not attempt to decide. We now see what a molecule is, as distinguished from an atom. A molecule of a substance is a small body such that if, on the one hand, a number of similar molecules were assembled together they would form a mass of that substance, while on the other hand, if any portion of this molecule were removed, it would no longer be able, along with an assemblage of other molecules similarly treated, to make up a mass of the original substance. Every substance, simple or compound, has its own molecule. If this molecule be divided, its parts are molecules of a different substance or substances from that of which the whole is a molecule. An atom, if there is such a thing, must be a molecule of an elementary substance. Since, therefore, every molecule is not an atom, but every atom is a molecule, I shall use the word molecule as the more general term. I have no intention of taking up your time by expounding the doctrines of modern chemistry with respect to the molecules of different substances. It is not the special but the universal interest of molecular science which encourages me to address you. It is not because we happen to be chemists or physicists or specialists of any kind that we are attracted towards this centre of all material existence, but because we all belong to a race endowed with faculties which urge us on to search deep and ever deeper into the nature of things. We find that now, as in the days of the earliest physical speculations, all physical researches appear to converge towards the same point, and every inquirer, as he looks forward into the dim region towards which the path of discovery is leading him, sees, each according to his sight, the vision of the same Quest. 46—2 364 MOLECULES. One may see the atom as a material point, invested and surrounded by potential forces. Another sees no garment of force, but only the bare and utter hardness of mere impenetrability. But though many a speculator, as he has seen the vision recede before him into the innermost sanctuary of the inconceivably little, has had to confess tliat the quest was not for him, and though philosophers in every age have been exhorting each other to direct their minds to some more useful and attainable aim, each generation, from the earliest dawn of science to the present time, has contributed a due proportion of its ablest intellects to the quest of the ultimate atom. Our business this evening is to describe some researches in molecular science, and in particular to place before you any definite information which has been obtained respecting the molecules themselves. The old atomic theory, as described by Lucretius and revived in modern times, asserts that the molecules of all bodies are in motion, even when the body itself appears to be at rest. These motions of molecules are in the case of solid bodies confined within so narrow a range that even with our best microscopes we cannot detect that they alter their places at all. In liquids and gases, however, the molecules are not confined within any definite limits, but work their way through the whole mass, even when that mass is not disturbed by any visible motion. This process of diffusion, as it is called, which goes on in gases and liquids and even in some solids, can be subjected to experiment, and forms one of the most convincing proofs of the motion of molecules. Now the recent progress of molecular science began with the study of the mechanical effect of the impact of these moving molecules when they strike against any solid body. Of course these flying molecules must beat against what- ever is placed among them, and the constant succession of these strokes is, according to our theory, the sole cause of what is called the pressure of air and other gases. This appears to have been first suspected by Daniel Bernoulli, but he had not the means which we now have of verifying the theory. The same theory was afterwards brought forward independently by Lesage, of Geneva, who, however, devoted most of his labour to the explanation of gravitation by the impact of atoms. Then Herapath, in his Mathematical Physics, published in 1847, made a much more extensive application of the theory to gases, and Dr Joule, whose absence from our meeting we must all regret, calculated the actual velocity of the molecules of hydrogen. MOLECULES. 365 The further development of the theory is generally supposed to have begun with a paper by Kro'nig, which does not, however, so far as I can see, contain any improvement on what had gone before. It seems, however, to have drawn the attention of Professor Clausius to the subject, and to him we owe a very large part of what has been since accomplished. We all know that air or any other gas placed in a vessel presses against the sides of the vessel, and against the surface of any body placed within it. On the kinetic theory this pressure is entirely due to the molecules striking against these surfaces, and thereby communicating to them a series of impulses which follow each other in such rapid succession that they produce an effect which cannot be distinguished from that of a continuous pressure. If the velocity of the molecules is given, and the number varied, then since each molecule, on an average, strikes the sides of the vessel the same number of times, and with an impulse of the same magnitude, each will contribute an equal share to the whole pressure. The pressure in a vessel of given size is therefore proportional to the number of molecules in it, that is to the quantity of gas in it. This is the complete dynamical explanation of the fact discovered by Robert Boyle, that the pressure of air is proportional to its density. It shews also that of different portions of gas forced into a vessel, each produces its own part of the pressure independently of the rest, and this whether these portions be of the same gas 'or not. Let us next suppose that the velocity of the molecules is increased. Each molecule will now strike the sides of the vessel a greater number of times in a second, but, besides this, the impulse of each blow will be increased in the same proportion, so that the part of the pressure due to each molecule will vary as the square of the velocity. Now the increase of velocity cor- responds, on our theory, to a rise of temperature, and in this way we can explain the effect of warming the gas, and also the law discovered by Charles that the proportional expansion of all gases between given temperatures is the same. The dynamical theory also tells us what will happen if molecules of different masses are allowed to knock about together. The greater masses will go slower than the smaller ones, so that, on an average, every molecule, great or small, will have the same energy of motion. The proof of this dynamical theorem, in which I claim the priority, has 366 MOLECULES. recently been greatly developed and improved by Dr Ludwig Boltzmann. The moat important consequence which flows from it is that a cubic centimetre of every gas at standard temperature and pressure contains the same number of molecules. This is the dynamical explanation of Gay Lussac's law of the equivalent volumes of gases. But we must now descend to particulars, and calculate the actual velocity of a molecule of hydrogen. A cubic centimetre of hydrogen, at the temperature of melting ice, and at a pressure of one atmosphere, weighs 0'00008954 grammes. We have to find at what rate this small mass must move (whether altogether or in separate molecules makes no difference) so as to produce the observed pressure on the sides of the cubic centimetre. This is the calculation which was first made by Dr Joule, and the result is 1,859 metres per second. This is what we are accustomed to call a great velocity. It is greater than any velocity obtained in artillery practice. The velocity of other gases is less, as you will see by the table, but in all cases it is very great as compared with that of bullets. We have now to conceive the molecules of the air in this hall flying about in all directions, at a rate of about seventeen miles in a minute. If all these molecules were flying in the same direction, they would con- stitute a wind blowing at the rate of seventeen miles a minute, and the only wind which approaches this velocity is that which proceeds from the mouth of a cannon. How, then, are you and I able to stand here ? Only because the molecules happen to be flying in different directions, so that those which strike against our backs enable us to support the storm which is beating against our faces. Indeed, if this molecular bombardment were to cease, even for an instant, our veins would swell, our breath would leave us, and we should, literally, expire. But it is not only against us or against the walls of the hall that the molecules are striking. Consider the immense number of them, and the fact that they are flying in every possible direction, and you will see that they cannot avoid striking each other. Every time that two molecules come into collision, the paths of both are changed, and they go off in new directions. Thus each molecule is continually getting its course altered, so that in spite of its great velocity it may be a long time before it reaches any great distance from the point at which it set out. I have here a bottle containing ammonia. Ammonia is a gas which you can recognise by its smell. Its molecules have a velocity of six hundred metres per second, so that if their course had not been interrupted by striking against MOLECULES. 367 the molecules of air in the hall, everyone in the most distant gallery would have smelt ammonia before I was able to pronounce the name of the gas. But instead of this, each molecule of ammonia is so jostled about by the mole- cules of air, that it is sometimes going one way and sometimes another, and like a hare which is always doubling, though it goes a great pace, it makes very little progress. Nevertheless, the smell of ammonia is now beginning to be perceptible at some distance from the bottle. The gas does diffuse itself through the air, though the process is a slow one, and if we could close up every opening of this hall so as to make it air-tight, and leave everything to itself for some weeks, the ammonia would become uniformly mixed through every part of the air in the hall. This property of gases, that they diffuse through each other, was first remarked by Priestley. Dalton shewed that it takes place quite independently of any chemical action between the inter-diffusing gases. Graham, whose researches were especially directed towards those phenomena which seem to throw light on molecular motions, made a careful study of diffusion, and obtained the first results from which the rate of diffusion can be calculated. Still more recently the rates of diffusion of gases into each other have been measured with great precision by Professor Loschmidt of Vienna. He placed the two gases in two similar vertical tubes, the lighter gas being placed above the heavier, so as to avoid the formation of currents. He then opened a sliding valve, so as to make the two tubes into one, and after leaving the gases to themselves for an hour or so, he shut the valve, and determined how much of each gas had diffused into the other. As most gases are invisible, I shall exhibit gaseous diffusion to you by means of two gases, ammonia and hydrochloric acid, which, when they meet, form a solid product. The ammonia, being the lighter gas, is placed above the hydrochloric acid, with a stratum of air between, but you will soon see that the gases can diffuse through this stratum of air, and produce a cloud of white smoke when they meet. During the whole of this process no currents or any other visible motion can be detected. Every part of the vessel appears as calm as a jar of undisturbed air. But, according to our theory, the same kind of motion is going on in calm air as in the inter-diffusing gases, the only difference being that we can trace the molecules from one place to another more easily when they are of a different nature from those through which they are diffusing. MOLECTTLES. If we wish to form a mental representation of what is going on among the molecules in calm air, we cannot do better than observe a swarm of bees, when every individual bee is flying furiously, first in one direction and then in another, while the swarm, as a whole, either remains at rest, or sails slowly through the air. In certain seasons, swarms of bees are apt to fly off to a great distance, and the owners, in order to identify their property when they find them on other people's ground, sometimes throw handfulls of flour at the swarm. Now let us suppose that the flour thrown at the flying swarm has whitened those bees only which happened to be in the lower half of the swarm, leaving those in the upper half free from flour. If the bees still go on flying hither and thither in an irregular manner, the floury bees will be found in continually increasing proportions in the upper part of the swarm, till they have become equally diffused through every part of it. But the reason of this diffusion is not because the bees were marked with flour, but because they are flying about. The only effect of the marking is to enable us to identify certain bees. We have no means of marking a select number of molecules of air, so as to trace them after they have become diffused among others, but we may communicate to them some property by which we may obtain evidence of their diffusion. For instance, if a horizontal stratum of air is moving horizontally, molecules diffusing out of this stratum into those above and below will carry their horizontal motion with them, and so tend to communicate motion to the neighbouring strata, while molecules diffusing out of the neighbouring strata into the moving one will tend to bring it to rest. The action between the strata is somewhat like that of two rough surfaces, one of which slides over the other, rubbing on it. Friction is the name given to this action between solid bodies ; hi the case of fluids it is called internal friction, or viscosity. It is, in fact, only another kind of diffusion — a lateral diffusion of momentum, and its amount can be calculated from data derived from observations of the first kind of diffusion, that of matter. The comparative values of the viscosity of different gases were determined by Graham in his researches on the tran- spiration of gases through long narrow tubes, and their absolute values have been deduced from experiments on the oscillation of discs by Oscar Meyer and myself. MOLECULES. Another way of tracing the diffusion of molecules through calm air is to heat the upper stratum of the air in a vessel, and to observe the rate at which this heat is communicated to the lower strata. This, in fact, is a third kind of diffusion — that of energy, and the rate at which it must take place was calculated from data derived from experiments on< viscosity before any direct experiments on the conduction of heat had been made. Professor Stefan, of Vienna, has recently, by a very delicate method, succeeded in determining the conductivity of air, and he finds it, as he tells us, in striking agreement with the value predicted by the theory. All these three kinds of diffusion — the diffusion of matter, of momentum, and of energy — are carried on by the motion of the molecules. The greater the velocity of the molecules and the further they travel before their paths are altered by collision with other molecules, the more rapid will be the diffusion. Now we know already the velocity of the molecules, and therefore, by experiments on diffusion, we can determine how far, on an average, a molecule travels without striking another. Professor Clausius, of Bonn, who first gave us precise ideas about the motion of agitation of molecules, calls this distance the mean path of a molecule. I have calculated, from Professor Loschmidt's diffusion experi- ments, the mean path of the molecules of four well-known gases. The average distance travelled by a molecule between one collision and another is given in the table. It is a very small distance, quite imperceptible to us even with our best microscopes. Roughly speaking, it is about the tenth part of the length of a wave of light, which you know is a very small quantity. Of course the time spent on so short a path by such swift molecules must be very small. I have calculated the number of collisions which each must undergo in a second. They are given in the table and are reckoned by thousands of mil- lions. No wonder that the travelling power of the swiftest molecule is but small, when its course is completely changed thousands of millions of times in a second. The three kinds of diffusion also take place in liquids, but the relation between the rates at which they take place is not so simple as in the case of gases. The dynamical theory of liquids is not so well understood as that of gases, but the principal difference between a gas and a liquid seems to be that in a gas each molecule spends the greater part of its time in describing its free path, and is for a very small portion of its time engaged in encounters with other molecules, whereas, in a liquid, the molecule has hardly any free path, and is always in a state of close encounter with other molecules. VOL. II. 47 370 MOLECULES. Henoe in a liquid the diffusion of motion from one molecule to another take* place much more rapidly than the diffusion of the molecules themselves, for the same reason that it is more expeditious in a dense crowd to pass on a letter from hand to hand than to give it to a special messenger to work hia way through the crowd. I have here a jar, the lower part of which contains a solution of copper sulphate, while the upper part contains pure water. It has been standing here since Friday, and you see how little progress the blue liquid has made in diffusing itself through the water above. The rate of diffusion of a solution of sugar has been carefully observed by Voit. Comparing hia results with those of Loschmidt on gases, we find that about as much diffusion takes place in a second in gases as requires a day in liquids. The rate of diffusion of momentum is also slower in liquids than in gases, but by no means in the same proportion. The same amount of motion takes about ten times as long to subside in water as in air, as you will see by what takes place when I stir these two jars, one containing water and the other air. There is still less difference between the rates at which a rise of temperature is propagated through a liquid and through a gas. In solids the molecules are still in motion, but their motions are confined within very narrow limits. Hence the diffusion of matter does not take place in solid bodies, though that of motion and heat takes place very freely. Nevertheless, certain liquids can diffuse through colloid solids, such as jelly and gum, and hydrogen can make its way through iron and palladium. We have no time to do more than mention that most wonderful molecular motion which is called electrolysis. Here is an electric current passing through acidulated water, and causing oxygen to appear at one electrode and hydrogen at the other. In the space between, the water is perfectly calm ; and yet t\vu opposite currents of oxygen and of hydrogen must be passing through it. The physical theory of this process has been studied by Clausius, who has given reasons for asserting that in ordinary water the molecules are not only moving, hut every now and then striking each other with such violence that the ox and hydrogen of the molecules part company, and dance about through tlu> crowd, seeking partners which have become dissociated in the same way. In ordinary water these exchanges produce, on the whole, no observable effect; l>ut no sooner does the electromotive force begin to act than it exerts its guiding influence on the unattached molecules, and bends the course of each toward its proper electrode, till the moment when, meeting with an unappropriated molecule MOLECULES. 371 of the opposite kind, it enters again into a more or less permanent union with it till it is again dissociated by another shock. Electrolysis, therefore, is a kind of diffusion assisted by electromotive force. Another branch of molecular science is that which relates to the exchange of molecules between a liquid and a gas. It includes the theory of evaporation and condensation, in which the gas in question is the vapour of the liquid, and also the theory of the absorption of a gas by a liquid of a different substance. The researches of Dr Andrews on the relations between the liquid and the gaseous state have shewn us that though the statements in our elementary text-books may be so neatly expressed as to appear almost self-evident, their true interpretation may involve some principle so profound that, till the right man has laid hold of it, no one ever suspects that any thing is left to be discovered. These, then, are some of the fields from which the data of molecular science are gathered. We may divide the ultimate results into three ranks, according to the completeness of our knowledge of them. To the first rank belong the relative masses of the molecules of different gases, and their velocities in metres per second. These data are obtained from experiments on the pressure and density of gases, and are known to a high degree of precision. In the second rank we must place the relative size of the molecules of different gases, the length of their mean paths, and the number of collisions in a second. These quantities are deduced from experiments on the three kinds of diffusion. Their received values must be regarded as rough approxi- mations till the methods of experimenting are greatly improved. There is another set of quantities which we must place in the third rank, because our knowledge of them is neither precise, as in the first rank, nor approximate, as in the second, but is only as yet of the nature of a probable conjecture. These are : — The absolute mass of a molecule, its absolute diameter, and the number of molecules in a cubic centimetre. We know the relative masses of different molecules with great accuracy, and we know their relative diameters approximately. From these we can deduce the relative densities of the molecules themselves. So far we are on firm ground. The great resistance of liquids to compression makes it probable that their molecules must be at about the same distance from each other as that at which two molecules of the same substance in the gaseous form act on each other 47—2 .57.' MOLECULES. during an encounter. This conjecture has been put to the test by Lorenz Mover. who baa compared the densities of different liquids with the calculated relative densities of the molecules of their vapours, and has found a remarkable cor- respondence between them. Now Loachmidt has deduced from the dynamical theory the following remarkable proportion: — As the volume of a gas is to the combined volume of all the molecules contained in it, so is the mean path of a molecule to one- eighth of the diameter of a molecule. Assuming that the volume of the substance, when reduced to the liquid form, is not much greater than the combined volume of the molecules, we obtain from this proportion the diameter of a molecule. In this way Loschmidt, in 1865, made the first estimate of the diameter of a molecule. Independently of him and of each other, Mr Stoney in 1868, and Sir W. Thomson in 1870, published results of a similar kind, those of Thomson being deduced not only in this way, but from considerations derived from the thickness of soap-bul. and from the electric properties of metals. According to the Table, which I have calculated from Loschmidt's data, the size of the molecules of hydrogen is such that about two millions of them in a row would occupy a millimetre, and a million million million millio: them would weigh between four and five grammes. In a cubic centimetre of any gas at standard pressure and temperature there are about nineteen million million million molecules. All these numbers of the third rank are, I need not tell you, to be regarded as at piv conjectural In order to warrant us in putting any confidence in nun. obtained in this way, we should have to compare together a greater number of independent data than we have as yet obtained, and to shew that they lead to consistent results. Thus far we have been considering molecular science as an inquiry natural phenomena. But though the professed aim of all scientific work is to unravel the secrets of nature, it has another effect, not less valuable, on the mind of the worker. It leaves him in possession of methods which nothing but scientific work could have led him to invent; and it places him in a position from which many regions of nature, besides that which he has been studying, appear under a new aspect. The study of molecules has developed a method of its own, and it also opened up new views of nature. MOLECULES. 373 When Lucretius wishes us to form a mental representation of the motion of atoms, he tells us to look at a sunbeam shining through a darkened room (the same instrument of research by which Dr Tyndall makes visible to us the dust we breathe), and to observe the motes which chase each other in all directions through it. This motion of the visible motes, he tells us, is but a result of the far more complicated motion of the invisible atoms which knock the motes about. In his dream of nature, as Tennyson tells us, he "Saw the flaring atom-streams And torrents of her myriad universe, Ruining along the illimitable inane, Fly on. to clash together again, and make Another and another frame of things For ever." And it is no wonder that he should ,have attempted to burst the bonds of Fate by making his atoms deviate from their courses at quite uncertain times and places, thus attributing to them a kind of irrational free will, which on his materialistic theory is the only explanation of that power of voluntary action of which we ourselves are conscious. As long as we have to deal . with only two molecules, and have all the data given us, we can calculate the result of their encounter ; but when we have to deal with millions of molecules, each of which has millions of encounters in a second, the complexity of the problem seems to shut out all hope of a legitimate solution. The modern atomists have therefore adopted a method which is, I believe, new in the department of mathematical physics, though it has long been in use in the section of Statistics. When the working members of Section F get hold of a report of the Census, or any other document containing the numerical data of Economic and Social Science, they begin by distributing the whole population into groups, according to age, income-tax, education, religious belief, or criminal convictions. The number of individuals is far too great to allow of their tracing the history of each separately, so that, in order to reduce their labour within human limits, they concentrate their attention on a small number of artificial groups. The varying number of individuals in each group, and not the varying state of each individual, is the primary datum from which they work. This, of course, is not the only method of studying human nature. We may observe the conduct of individual men and compare it with that conduct 374 MOLECULES. which their previous character and their present circumstances, according to the beat existing theory, would lead us to expect. Those who practise this method endeavour to improve their knowledge of the elements of human nature in much the same way as on astronomer corrects the elements of a planet by comparing its actual position with that deduced from the received elements. The study of human nature by parents and schoolmasters, by historians and statesmen, is therefore to be distinguished from that carried on by registrars and tabulators, and by those statesmen who put their faith in figures. The one may be called the historical, and the other the statistical method. The equations of dynamics completely express the laws of the historical method as applied to matter, but the application of these equations implies a perfect knowledge of all the data. But the smallest portion of matter which we can subject to experiment consists of millions of molecules, not one of which ever becomes individually sensible to us. We cannot, therefore, ascertain the actual motion of any one of these molecules ; so that we are obliged to abandon the strict historical method, and to adopt the statistical method of dealing with large groups of molecules. The data of the statistical method as applied to molecular science are the sums of large numbers of molecular quantities. In studying the relations between quantities of this kind, we meet with a new kind of regularity, the regularity of averages, which we can depend upon quite sufficiently for all practical purposes, but which can make no claim to that character of absolute precision which belongs to the laws of abstract dynamics. Thus molecular science teaches us that our experiments can never give us anything more than statistical information, and that no law deduced from them can pretend to absolute precision. But when we pass from the contemplation of our experiments to that of the molecules themselves, we leave the world of chance and change, and enter a region where everything is certain and im- mutable. The molecules are conformed to a constant type with a precision which is not to be found in the sensible properties of the bodies which they constitute. In the first place, the mass of each individual molecule, and all its other properties, are absolutely unalterable. In the second place, the properties of all molecules of the same kind are absolutely identical. Let us consider the properties of two kinds of molecules, those of oxygen and those of hydrogen. MOLECULES. 375 We can procure specimens of oxygen from very different sources — from the air, from water, from rocks of every geological epoch. The history of these specimens has been very different, and if, during thousands of years, difference of circumstances could produce difference of properties, these specimens of oxygen would shew it. In like manner we may procure hydrogen from water, from coal, or, as Graham did, from meteoric iron. Take two litres of any specimen of hydrogen, it will combine with exactly one litre of any specimen of oxygen, and will form exactly two litres of the vapour of water. Now if, during the whole previous history of either specimen, whether imprisoned in the rocks, flowing in the sea, or careering through unknown regions with the meteorites, any modification of the molecules had taken place, these relations would no longer be preserved. But we have another and an entirely different method of comparing the properties of molecules. The molecule, though indestructible, is not a hard rigid body, but is capable of internal movements, and when these are excited, it emits rays, the wave-length of which is a measure of the time of vibration of the molecule. By means of the spectroscope the wave-lengths of different kinds of light may be compared to within one ten-thousandth part. In this way it has been ascertained, not only that molecules taken from every specimen of hydrogen in our laboratories have the same set of periods of vibration, but that light, having the same set of periods of vibration, is emitted from the sun and from the fixed stars. We are thus assured that molecules of the same nature as those of our hydrogen exist in those distant regions, or at least did exist when the light by which we see them was emitted. From a comparison of the dimensions of the buildings of the Egyptians with those of the Greeks, it appears that they have a common measure. Hence, even if no ancient author had recorded the fact that the two nations employed the same cubit as a standard of length, we might prove it from the buildings themselves. We should also be justified in asserting that at some time or other a material standard of length must have been carried from one country to the other, or that both countries had obtained their standards from a common source. But in the heavens we discover by their light, and by their light alone, stars so distant from each other that no material thing can ever have passed 376 MOLECULES. from one to another; and yet this light, which is to us the sole evidence of the existence of these distant worlds, tells us also that each of them is built up of molecules of the same kinds as those which we find on earth. A molecule of hydrogen, for example, whether in Sirius or in Arcturus, executes its vibrations in precisely the same time. Each molecule, therefore, throughout the universe, bears impressed on it the stamp of a metric system as distinctly as does the metre of the Archives at Paris, or the double royal cubit of the Temple of Karnac. No theory of evolution can be formed to account for the similarity of molecules, for evolution necessarily implies continuous change, and the molecule is incapable of growth or decay, of generation or destruction. None of the processes of Nature, since the time when Nature began, hn produced the slightest difference in the properties of any molecule. We therefore unable to ascribe either the existence of the molecules or the identity of their properties to the operation of any of the causes which we call natural. On the other hand, the exact equality of each molecule to all others of the same kind gives it, as Sir John Herschel has well said, the essential character of a manufactured article, and precludes the idea of its being eternal and self-existent. Thus we have been led, along a strictly scientific path, very near to the point at which Science must stop. Not that Science is debarred from study i the internal mechanism of a molecule which she cannot take to pieces, any more than from investigating an organism which she cannot put together. But in tracing back the history of matter Science is arrested when she assures herself, on the one hand, that the molecule has been made, and on the other, that it has not been made by any of the processes we call natural Science is incompetent to reason upon the creation of matter itself out of nothing. We have reached the utmost limit of our thinking faculties when we have admitted that because matter cannot be eternal and self-existent it must have been created. It is only when we contemplate, not matter in itself, but the form in which it actually exists, that our mind finds something on which it can lay hold. That matter, as such, should have certain fundamental properties — that it should exist in space and be capable of motion, that its motion should be persistent, and so on, are truths which may, for anything we know, be of MOLECULES. 377 the kind which metaphysicians call necessary. We may use our knowledge of such truths for purposes of deduction, but we have no data for speculating as to their origin. But that there should be exactly so much matter and no more in every molecule of hydrogen is a fact of a very different order. We have here a particular distribution of matter — a collocation — to use the expression of Dr Chalmers, of things which we have no difficulty in imagining to have been arranged otherwise. The form and dimensions of the orbits of the planets, for instance, are not determined by any law of nature, but depend upon a particular collocation of matter. The same is the case with respect to the size of the earth, from which the standard of what is called the metrical system has been derived. But these astronomical and terrestrial magnitudes are far inferior in scientific importance to that most fundamental of all standards which forms the base of the molecular system. Natural causes, as we know, are at work, which tend to modify, if they do not at length destroy, all the arrangements and dimensions of the earth and the whole solar system. But though in the course of ages catastrophes have occurred and may yet occur in the heavens, though ancient systems may be dissolved and new systems evolved out of their ruins, the molecules out of which these systems are built — the foundation stones of the material universe — remain unbroken and unworn. They continue this day as they were created — perfect in number and measure and weight, and from the ineffaceable characters impressed on them we may learn that those aspirations after accuracy in measurement, truth in statement, and justice in action, which we reckon among our noblest attributes as men, are ours because they are essential constituents of the image of Him who in the beginning created, not only the heaven and the earth, but the materials of which heaven and earth consist. VOL. n. 48 178 MOLECULES. Table of Molecular Data. Hydrogen. Oxygen. Carbonic oxide. Carbonic acid. Mass of molecule (hydrogen = 1) 1 16 14 22 Rank I. Velocity (of mean square) metres per ) second at 0*C. j 1859 465 497 396 Mean path, tenth-metres 965 560 482 379 Rank II. Collisions in a second (millions) 17750 7646 9489 9720 Diameter, tenth-metres 5-8 7-6 8-3 9-3 Rank III. Maw, twenty-fifth grammes 46 736 644 1012 * MTWWW VI -txt/f UOlVfl. — UlCitOUlC. Second Calculated. Observed. II A- o 0-7086 0-7214\ H 4 CO 0-6519 0-6422 HA CO, 04 CO 0-5575 0-1807 0-1802 Diffusion of matter observed by Loschmidt O&CO, 0-1427 0-1409 CO 4 CO, 0-1386 0-1406' H 1-2990 1-49 \ 0 CO 0-1884 0-1748 0-213 0'912 Diffusion of momentum (Graham and Meyer). CO. 0-1087 0-117 Air 0-256J Copper Iron 1-077> Diffusion of temperature observed 0-183) by Stefan. Cane Sugar in wi (Or in a day Salt in water iter 0-00000365) „ .. 0-3144) / Volt 0-00000116 Pick. [From the Proceedings of the Royal Society, No. 148, 1873.] LXIII. On Double Refraction in a Viscous Fluid in Motion. ACCORDING to Poisson's* theory of the internal friction of fluids, a viscous fluid behaves as an elastic solid would do if it were periodically liquefied for an instant and solidified again, so that at each fresh start it becomes for the moment like an elastic solid free from strain. The state of strain of certain transparent bodies may be investigated by means of their action on polarized light. This action was observed by Brewster, and was shewn by Fresnel to be an instance of double refraction. In 1866 I made some attempts to ascertain whether the state of strain in a viscous fluid in motion could be detected by its action on polarized light. I had a cylindrical box with a glass bottom. Within this box a solid cylinder could be made to rotate. The fluid to be examined was placed in the annular space between this cylinder and the sides of the box. Polarized light was thrown up through the fluid parallel to the axis, and the inner cylinder was then made to rotate. I was unable to obtain any result with solution of gum or sirup of sugar, though I observed an effect on polarized light when I compressed some Canada balsam which had become very thick and almost solid in a bottle. It is easy, however, to observe the effect in Canada balsam, which is so fluid that it very rapidly assumes a level surface after being disturbed. Put some Canada balsam in a wide-mouthed square bottle ; let light, polarized in a vertical plane, be transmitted through the fluid ; observe the light through a Nicol's prism, and turn the prism so as to cut off the light; insert a spatula in the Canada balsam, in a vertical plane passing through the eye. Whenever the spatula is moved up or down in the fluid, the light reappears on both sides of the spatula ; this continues only so long as the spatula is in motion. As soon as the motion stops, the light disappears, and that so quickly that I have hitherto been unable to determine the rate of relaxation of that state of strain which the light indicates. If the motion of the spatula in its own plane, instead of being in the plane * Journal de VEcole Polytechnique, tome xiii. cah. xx. (1829). 48—2 380 DOUBLE REFRACTION IN A VISCOUS FLUID IN MOTION. of polarization, is inclined 45* to it, no effect is observed, shewing that the axes of strain are inclined 45* to the plane of shearing, as indicated by the theory. I am not aware that this method of rendering visible the state of strain of a viscous fluid has been hitherto employed ; but it appears capable of furnishing important information as to the nature of viscosity in different substances. Among transparent solids there is considerable diversity in their action on polarized light. If a small portion is cut from a piece of unannealed glass at a place where the strain is uniform, the effect on polarized light vanishes as soon as the glass is relieved from the stress caused by the unequal contraction of the parts surrounding it. But if a plate of gelatine is allowed to dry under longitudinal tension, a small piece cut out of it exhibits the same effect on light as it did before, shewing that a state of strain can exist without the action of stress. A film of gutta percha which has been stretched in one direction has a similar action on light. If a circular piece is cut out of such a stretched film and warmed, it contracts in the direction in which the stretching took place. The body of a sea-nettle has all the appearance of a transparent jelly ; and at one time I thought that the spontaneous contractions of the living animal might be rendered visible by means of polarized light transmitted through its body. But I found that even a very considerable pressure applied to the sides of the sea-nettle produced no effect on polarized light, and I thus found, what I might have learned by dissection, that the sea-nettle is not a true jelly, but consists of cells filled with fluid. •On the other hand, the crystalline lens of the eye, as Brewster observed, has a strong action on polarized light when strained either by external pressure or by the unequal contraction of its parts as it becomes dry. I have enumerated these instances of the application of polarized light to the study of the structure of solid bodies as suggestions with respect to the application of the same method to liquids so as to determine whether a given liquid differs from a solid in having a very small "rigidity," or in having a small "time of relaxation"*, or in both ways. Those which, like Canada balsam, act strongly on polarized light, have probably a small " rigidity," but a sensible " time of relaxation." Those which do not shew this action are probably much more " rigid," and owe their fluidity to the smallness of their " time of relaxation." * The " time of relaxation " of a substance strained in a given manner is the time required for the complete relaxation of the strain, supposing the rate of relaxation to remain the same as at the beginning of tliii time. [From the Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, Vol. vi.] LXIV. On Hamilton's Characteristic Function for a Narrow Beam of Light. [Read January 8th, 1874.] HAMILTON'S characteristic function V is an expression for the time of pro- pagation of light from the point whose co-ordinates are xlt y1} z^ to the point whose co-ordinates are xt, y3, z,. It is a function of these six co-ordinates of the two points. The axes to which the co-ordinates are referred may be different for the two points. In isotropic media the differential equation of V may be written where /i is the slowness of propagation at a point in the medium whose co" ordinates are x, y, z, and is a function of these co-ordinates. If the time of propagation through the unit of length in vacuum be taken as the unit of time, then \L is the index of refraction of the medium. The form of the equation in doubly refracting media, as given by Hamilton, is not required for our present purpose. Let OPQR be the path of a ray of light. Let the part OP be in a homo- geneous medium whose index of refraction is /*,, and let QR be in a homogeneous medium whose index r , of refraction is /n2. Between P and Q the ray may o P\ " la & pass through any combination of media, singly or doubly refracting. Let us consider the characteristic function from a point near to OP in the first medium to a point near to QR in the second. 382 HAMILTON'S CHARACTERISTIC FUNCTION Let the position of the first point be referred to rectangular axes, the origin of which is at P, and the axis of z, drawn in the direction PO. The axes of x, and y, may be turned at pleasure round that of z, into the position most suitable for our calculations. Let the position of the second point be referred to Q as origin, to QR as axis of z,, and to axes of ic, and y, the position of which is of course independent of that chosen for xlt y,. Let the ray from the first point & fa, ylt z,) to the second point R fa, y,, z,) pass through Pf(fl, 17,, 0), and + iaA1 + Si I 38-4 HAMILTON'S CHARACTERISTIC FUNCTION where « =£? — — a, % .. ., ' rfA 2z,z,A ©=- n n .c? _ i-i- z. 6,= - _Mi_ Mi '-z, z,'A .(11). This ia the most general form of Hamilton's characteristic function for a pair of points, each of which is near the principal ray. It is a homogeneous function of the second degree in x,, ylt xt> yt, the coefficients of which are functions of z, and z,. By turning the axes of re, and y, about z,, and those of , the angle which the line a makes with the plane xz, may be deduced. The quantities a1} &c., which occur as the coefficients of the characteristic function, are the reciprocals of lines. Let also let Jl] O^j 1 1 " T ' & = "2 + -R- > y, = At ±S, (15). The condition that the incident pencil defined by Alt Blt Cl should be conjugate to the emergent pencil defined by A,,, B.,, Ct, is that the value of the characteristic function must be the same for all rays of the pencil. Now a particular ray of the pencil may be defined either by the co-ordinates aj,, yl} zt of a point through which it passes in the first medium, or by ox,, y2, z2 those of a point through which it passes in the second medium. In the first case, the coefficients of x*, a^y,, and y* will vanish, and in the second those of a;/, x^. and y,\ If the one set of conditions is fulfilled, the other set will be fulfilled also. Hence we may write the conditions either in the form or in the form where da, -i- da, A= dy ,(16), W, ' dy •" l*«/l 1 a D O (18) ^^ i Jr TL y. A V Q p r Oj y, q s ya A A - cw5 + 20,7,7-5 - — 2y,y2(ps + 2r) (ps-2r)2 VOL. n. ...(19). 49 HAMILTON'S CHARACTERISTIC FUNCTION The conditions of conjugate pencils may therefore be written, either 0,8,= (20), or in a form derived from this by exchanging the suffixes t and ,. If the axes of co-ordinates are turned so that q and r vanish, A-8&-o1ag8»-2y1yjw-&&/*+j>V (21), and oA-fcp' 1 yA--r\f»[ • (22). £A = a/ J If we write al = Xli>, &=F,s, y^ a, = Xtp, A=l>. r, = then Xlt Ylt Z^ will be inverse to Xt, Ylf Zt, and will satisfy the equations xtx3+ztzt=i, zA+r.z.-oi z& + r.r,- 1, j^z.+^r,- oJ Fig. 2. Fig. 3. B i The relations between the quantities Xlt Tlt Z, and Xit Y3, Z3, are she\\n in the annexed figure (Fig. 2). Let AR = X! and RB=Yl in the same straight line, and RO = Zl perpen- dicular to AB. With 0 as centre and unity as radius describe a circle. Draw CB1 the polar of A, and C A' the polar of B, with respect to this circle. These lines meet BO and AO in B' and A' respectively. Join J'//' cutting J20 in R. Then RK = X,, RA'=Y,, and OR' = Z1. FOR A NARROW BEAM OF LIGHT. 387 Since OR is measured downwards, Z3 is negative in the ease represented by the figure. It is manifest that Xlt Ylt and Z^ may be found from X,, F2> Z2, by the same process. The relation between the quantities A, B, C and X, Y, Z is shewn in Fig. 3. Let a be one of the first three or the last three of the ten coefficients of the characteristic function Vpy. Since a is the reciprocal of a line, let BP represent the line - . GV Draw PT perpendicular to BP so that PT is to the unit line as « to p. Then, if PA=A, the line ATC will cut off from the line EC perpen- dicular to BA a part BC equal to X. For -- . p A.p p In this way X may be found when A is known, or A when X is known. The same method gives the relations between B and Y and between C and Z. The geometrical process for finding the focal lines of the emergent pencil, when those of the incident pencil are given, is therefore as follows : — From the distances at and &, of the focal lines, and the angle <^l between the first of them and the plane of x^, deduce, by the method given in a former communication (Vol. iv., p. 337), Alt Blt and Cj*. From Alt Blt Ct, find, by the construction of Fig. 3, Xlt Ylf and Z^, From Xlt Yj, Zlt find, by the construction of Fig. 2, Xt, Yt, and Z2. From X,, Y,, Z,, find At, JS19 C,. From AS, Bz, (75, find a2, 62, 2. Thus far we have been considering the most general case of a pencil passing through any number of media between P and Q, through surfaces of any form, the media before incidence at P and after emergence at Q being isotropic. When some of these media are doubly refracting, there may be two or more emergent pencils corresponding to one incident pencil. Our investigation is applicable only to one of these emergent pencils at a time. Each emergent pencil must be treated separately. * [Page 337, Vol. 11. of this Edition.] 49—2 388 HAMILTON'S CHARACTERISTIC FUNCTION In certain cases of practical importance the characteristic function may be greatly simplified. For instance, when the axis ray is refracted in one plane through the prisms of a spectroscope, the same positions of the axes of x and y which make «/ and r vanish, also make c, and c, vanish. The determinant A may now be written as the product of two factors , «•+*) («•+*)- +• ....(26). If we write MI= -r-1 -» «» = PA v,= i ~ — - — ft ^— ^_ ' * 7l s'-feA ' g*~ t-\ (27), the characteristic function becomes (28). Since in this case the terms of the characteristic function which involv,- xt and xt are separated from those which involve yl and y,, we may consider FOR A NARROW BEAM OF LIGHT. 389 either apart from the other. In the case of an optical instrument symmetrical about its axis, «,=«„ u2 = v,, fi = g» and /,=& (29). Let llt In be the tangents of the angles which the incident and emergent rays, projected on the plane of xz, make with the axis of z, dV 7 (Zl ~ Ul) Xt ~JlXl /q-|\ - -" If the incident ray is parallel to the axis, Zj = 0, and the equation of the emergent ray is (z1-ui)x1-fax1 = Q .............................. (32). The emergent ray cuts the plane of yz where z3 = tt3 ...................................... (33). This therefore is the position of the second principal focus. When z» = ut+f,> x^ = xt ................................. (34), or the ray is at the same distance from the plane of yz as before incidence. This gives the position of the second principal plane. Its distance from the second principal focus is f3, which is called the second principal focal length. When 2j = «i+/1 and xt = 0, ^ — l., .......................... (35), or every ray which passes through this point is equally inclined to the plane of yz before and after passing through the instrument. This point is called the second focal centre. The distance of the emergent ray from the axis of z, when z = z2, is given by the equation /A = (Z» - M.) *1 - *1 {(21 - «0 (Z* - «») -/I/*} .................. (36)' When k-tOk-tO-/./. = 0 ............................ (3?)> the term multiplied by ^ vanishes. Hence all the rays which pass through the point (Xj, z,) pass through (x,, z,), whatever their inclination to the axis. The points xlt z1 and x2, z, are therefore conjugate foci, and x, is the image of xv 390 HAMILTON'S CHARACTERISTIC FUNCTION FOB A NABROW BEAM OF LIGHT. <38>; or. in woixls, — The distance of the, object from the axis is to the distance of the uiHiyc from the axis as the distance of the object from the first principal focus is to the first principal focal length, or as the second principal focal length is to the distance of the image from the second principal focus. Let A, be the distance at which an object of diameter x, must be placed from the eye that it may subtend an angle equal to that which it subtends when placed at z,, and seen through the instrument by an eye at z,, /r, = TT when xt = Q, or A, = ' fU ................... (39), or The quantity /&, is that which occurs in Cotes' Theorem, and to which Smith gives the name of the "apparent distance." Differentiating ht with respect to zl and z,, we find dh_l_z,-u? dhl_z1- u, d'h, 1 , ~ - ' -- When the focal length is infinite, the instrument becomes a telescope, and the characteristic function is IT- IT- . , .1 iu,LLJlt . ., 7= F. + ^z. + f^j + l - r-^r1 + a sim Jar term in y. --*- Here m is the angular magnification, and ult w, are the co-ordinates of any two conjugate foci. The linear magnification is -^- and the elongation is -~ - [From the Cambridge Philosophical Proceedings, Vol. II.] LXV. On the Relation of Geometrical Optics to other parts of Mathematics and Physics. THE study of geometrical optics may be made more interesting to the mathematician by treating the relation between the object and the image by the methods used in the geometry of homographic figures. The whole theory of images formed by simple or compound instruments when aberration is not considered is thus reduced to simple proportion, and- this is found very con- venient in the practical work of arranging lenses for an experiment, in order to produce a given effect. As a preparation for physical optics the same elementary problems may be treated by Hamilton's method of the Characteristic Function. This function expresses, in terms of the co-ordinates of two points, the time taken by light in travelling from the one to the other, or more accurately the distance through which light would travel in a vacuum during this time, which we may call the reduced path of the light between the two points. The relation between this reduced path and the quantity which occurs in Cotes' celebrated but little known theorem, is called by Dr Smith the "apparent distance." The relations between the " apparent distance " and the positions of the foci conjugate to the two points, the principal foci and the principal focal lengths, were explained * ; and the general form of the characteristic function for a narrow pencil in the plane of xr was shewn to be V= 7i + MlrI + /v. + * -• • -' ~ + &c., * [i.e. to the Cambridge Philosophical Society at a meeting when the results of the foregoing paper LXIV. were communicated.] 392 TUB RELATION OF GEOMETRICAL OPTICS TO MATHEMATICS AND PHYSICS. where r,, r, are measured from the instrument in opposite directions along the axis of the pencil in the media /*,, j*,, respectively, and x,, o^ are perpendicular to the axis. a,, a, are the values of r,, rt, for the principal foci, and /„ /„ the prin- cipal focal lengths, and /,/t, = If V5-^-!?' /I »l — «i ^t the last term of V assumes the form - , and an infinite number of possible paths exist between the points («,, r,), and (a^, r,), which are therefore con- jugate foci. Differentiating V with respect to a^ and xt we obtain 1 Z> is the quantity in Cotes' Theorems which Dr Smith calls the Apparent Distance, or the distance at which the object must be placed that it may subtend the same angle as when viewed through the instrument. We have also dD . dD [From Nature, Vol. x.] LXVI. Plateau on Soap- Bubbles?- '. Ox an Etruscan vase in the Louvre figures of children are seen blowing bubbles. Those children probably enjoyed their occupation just as modern children do. Our admiration of the beautiful and delicate forms, growing and developing themselves, the feeling that it is our breath which is turning dirty soap-suds into spheres of splendour, the fear lest by an irreverent touch we may cause the gorgeous vision to vanish with a sputter of soapy water in our eyes, our wistful gaze as we watch the perfected bubble when it sails away from the pipe's mouth to join, somewhere in the sky, all the other beautiful things that have vanished before it, assure us that, whatever our nominal age may be we are of the same family as those Etruscan children. Here, for instance, we have a book, in two volumes, octavo, written by a distinguished man of science, and occupied for the most part with the theory and practice of bubble-blowing. Can the poetry of bubbles survive this ? Will not the lovely visions which have floated before the eyes of untold generations collapse at the rude touch of Science, and "yield their place to cold material laws " ? No, we need go no further than this book and its author to learn that the beauty and mystery of natural phenomena may make such an impres- sion on a fresh and open mind that no physical obstacle can ever check the course of thought and study which it has once called forth. M. Plateau in all his researches seems to have selected for his study those phenomena which exhibit some remarkable beauty of form or colour. In the zeal with which he devoted himself to the investigation of the laws of the subjective impressions of colour, he exposed his eyes to an excess of light, and * Slatique experimental* et tfteoriqrue des Liquides soumis aux seules Forces moleculaires. Par J. Plateau, Professeur a 1' University de Gand, r handle, but from which he gathers the materials of science as they are furnished to him by the hands, eyes, and minds of devoted friends. So perfect has been the co-operation with which these experiments have been carried out, that there is hardly a single expression in the book to indicate that the measures which he took and the colours with which he was charmed were observed by him, not in the ordinary way, but through the mediation of other persons. Which, now, is the more poetical idea — the Etruscan boy blowing bubl.Ks for himself, or the blind man of science teaching his friends how to blow tlirm, and making out by a tedious process of question and answer the conditions >»f the forms and tints which he can never see ? But we must now attempt to follow our author as he passes from phe- nomena to ideas, from experiment to theory. The surface which forms the boundary between a liquid and its vapour is the seat of phenomena on the careful study of which depends much of our future progress in the knowledge of the constitution of bodies. To take the simplest case, that of a liquid, say water, placed in a vessel which it does not fill, but which contains nothing else. The water lies at the bottom of the vessel, and the upper part, originally empty, becomes rapidly filled with the vapour of water. The temperature and the pressure — the quantities on which the thermal and statical relations of any body to external bodies depend — are the same for the water and its vapour, but the energy of a milligramme of the vapour greatly exceeds that of a milligramme of the water. Hence the energy of a milligramme of water-substance is much greater when it happens to be in the upper part of the vessel in the state of vapour, than when it hapj>en8 to be in the lower part of the vessel in the state of water. Now we find by experiment that there is no difference between the phe- nomena in one part of the liquid and those in another part except in a region close to the surface and not more than a thousandth or perhaps a millionth of a millimetre thick. In the vapour also, everything is the same, except perhaps in a very thin stratum close to the surface. The change in the value of the energy takes place in the very narrow region between water and vapour. Hence the energy of a milligramme of water is the same all through the mass PLATEAU ON SOAP-BUBBLES. 395 of the water except in a thin stratum close to the surface, where it is some- what greater ; and the energy of a milligramme of vapour is the same all through the mass of vapour except close to the surface, where it is probably less. The whole energy of the water is therefore, in the first place, that due to so many milligrammes of water ; but besides this, since the water close to the surface has an excess of energy, a correction, depending on this excess, must be added. Thus we have, besides the energy of the water reckoned per milligramme, an additional energy to be reckoned per square millimetre of surface. The energy of the vapour may be calculated in the same way at so much per milligramme, with a deduction of so much per square millimetre of surface. The quantity of vapour, however, which lies within the region in which the energy is beginning to change its value is so small that this deduction per square millimetre is always much smaller than the addition which has to be made on account of the liquid. Hence the whole energy of the system may be divided into three parts, one proportional to the mass of liquid, one to the mass of vapour, and the third proportional to the area of the surface which separates the liquid from the vapour. If the system is displaced by an external agent in such a way that the area of the surface of the liquid is increased, the energy of the system is increased, and the only source of this increase of energy is the work done by the external agent. There is therefore a resistance to any motion which causes the extension of the surface of a liquid. On the other hand, if the liquid moves in such a way that its surface diminishes, the energy of the system diminishes, and the diminution of energy appears in the form of work done on the external agent which allows the surface to diminish. Now a surface which tends to diminish in area, and which thus tends to draw together any solid framework which forms its boundary, is said to have surface-tension. Surface-tension is measured by the force acting on one millimetre of the boundary edge. In the case of water at 20°C., the tension is, according to M. Quincke, a force of 8*253 milligrammes weight per millimetre. M. Plateau hardly enters into the theoretical deduction of the surface- tension from hypotheses respecting the constitution of bodies. We have there- fore thought it desirable to point out how the fact of surface-tension may be 50—2 396 PLATEAU ON SOAP-BUBBLES. deduced from the known fact that there is a difference in energy between a liquid and its vapour, combined with the hypothesis, that as a milligramme of the substance passes from the state of a liquid within the liquid mass, to that of a vapour outside it, the change of its energy takes place, not instantaneously, but in a continuous manner. M. van der Waals, whose academic thesis, Over de Continuiteit van y its still surviving and continuing in daily use in every laboratory as the most powerful generator of electric currents, while hundreds of batteries invented since that of Grove have fallen into disuse, and become extinct in the struggle for scientific existence. The gas battery, though not of such practical importance, is still of great scientific interest, and the collection which we have before us of those contri- butions to science which took the form of papers, tempts us to indulge in speculations as to the magnitude of the results which would have accrued to science if so powerful a mind could have been continuously directed with undivided energy towards some of the great questions of physics. But the main feature of the volume is that from which it takes its name, the essay on the Correlation of Physical Forces, the views contained in which were first advanced in a lecture at the London Institution in January 1842, printed by the proprietors, and subsequently more fully developed in a course of lectures in 1843, published in abstract in the Literary Gazette. This essay has a value peculiar to itself. Though it has long ago accomplished the main point of its scientific mission to the world, it will always retain its place in * Tlte Correlation of Physical Forces. Sixth edition. With other Contributions to Science. 15y the Hon. Sir W. R. Grove, M.A., F.R.S., one of the judges of the Court of Common Pleas. (London: Longmans, 1874.) GROVES CORRELATION OP PHYSICAL FORCES. 401 the memory of the student of human thought, as one of the documents which serve for the construction of the history of science. It is not by discoveries only, and the registration of them by learned societies, that science is advanced. The true seat of science is not in the volume of Transactions, but in the living mind, and the advancement of science consists in the direction of men's minds into a scientific channel ; whether this is done by the announcement of a discovery, the assertion of a paradox, the invention of a scientific phrase, or the exposition of a system of doctrine. It is for the historian of science to determine the magnitude and direction of the impulse communicated by either of these means to human thought. But what we require at any given epoch for the advancement of science is not merely to set men thinking, but to produce a concentration of thought in that part of the field of science which at that particular season ought to be cultivated. In the history of science we find that effects of this kind have often been produced by suggestive books, which put into a definite, intelligible, and communicable form, the guiding ideas that are already working in the minds of men of science, so as to lead them to discoveries, but which they cannot yet shape into a definite statement. In the first half of the present century, when what is now called the principle of the conservation of energy was as yet unknown by name, it "flung its vague shadow back from the depths of futurity," and those who had greater or less understanding of the times sketched out with greater or less clearness their view of the form into which science was shaping itself. Some of these addressed themselves to the advanced cultivators of science, speaking, of course, in learned phraseology ; but others appealed to a larger audience, and spoke in language which they could understand. Mrs Somerville's book on the "Connection of the Physical Sciences" was published in 1834, and had reached its eighth edition in 1849. This fact is enough to shew that there already existed a widespread desire to be able to form some notion of physical science as a whole. But when we examine her book in order to find out the nature of the connexion of the physical sciences, we are at first tempted to suppose that it is due to the art of the bookbinder, who has bound into one volume such a quantity of information about each of them. What we find, in fact, is a series of expo- sitions of different sciences, but hardly a word about their connexion. The little that is said about this connexion has reference to the mutual dependence of VOL. II. 51 402 GROVE'S CORRELATION OF PHYSICAL FORCES. the different sciences on each other, a knowledge of the elements of one being essential to the successful prosecution of another. Thus physical astronomy requires a knowledge of dynamics, and the practical astronomer must learn a certain amount of optics in order to understand atmospheric refraction and the adjustment of telescopes. The sciences are also shewn to have a common method, namely, mathematical analysis ; so that analytical methods invented for the in- vestigation of one science are often useful in another. The unity shadowed forth in Mrs Somerville's book is therefore a unity of the method of science, not a unity of the processes of nature. Sir W. Grove's essay may be fairly called a popular book, as it has reached its sixth edition. It is, therefore, not merely a record of the speculations nt the author, but an index of the state of scientific thought among a large number of readers. It has not the universal facility and occasional felicity of exposition which distinguish Mrs Somerville's writings. No one could use it as a text- book of any science, or even as an aid to the cultivation of the art of scientific conversation. The design of the book is to shew that of the various forms of energy existing in nature, any one may be transformed into any other, the one form appearing as the other disappears. This is what is meant in the essay by the "correlation of the physical forces," and the whole essay is an exposition of this fact, each of the physical forces in turn being taken as the starting- point, and employed as the source of all the others. We are sorry that we are not at present able to refer to the early reviews of the essay as indicating the reception given to the doctrine by the literary and scientific public at the time of its original publication. It has certainly exercised a very considerable effect in moulding the mass of what is called scientific opinion, that is to say, the influence which determines what a scientific man shall say when he has to make a statement about a science which he does not understand. Many things in the essay which were then considered contrary to scientific opinion, and were therefore objected to, have since then become themselves part of scientific opinion, so that the objections now appear unin- telligible to the rising generation of the scientific public. Helmholtz's essay "On the Conservation of Force," published in 1847, un- doubtedly masters a far greater step in science, but the immediate influence was confined to a small number of trained men of science, and it had little direct effect on the public mind. The various papers of Mayer contain matter calculated to awaken an interest GROVE'S CORBEL ATION OF PHYSICAL FORCES. 403 in the transformation of energy even in persons not exclusively devoted to science, but they were long unknown in this country, and produced little direct effect, even in Germany, at the time of their publication. The rapid development of thermodynamics, and of other applications of the principle of the conservation of energy, at the beginning of the second half of this century, belongs to a later stage of the history of science than that with which we have to do. To form a just estimate of the value of Sir W. Grove's work we must regard it as the instrument by which certain scientific ideas were diffused over a large area, in language sufficiently appropriate to prevent misapprehension, and yet sufficiently familiar to be listened to by persons who would recoil with horror from any statement in which literary convention is sacrificed to precision. It is worth while, however, to take note of the progress of evolution by which the words of ordinary language are gradually becoming differentiated and rendered scientifically precise. The fathers of dynamical science found a number of words in common use expressive of action and the results of action, such as force, power, action, impulse, impetus, stress, strain, work, energy, &c. They also had in their minds a number of ideas to be expressed, and they appropriated these words as they best could to express these ideas. But the equivalent words Force Vis, Kraft, came most easily to hand, so that we find them com- pelled to carry almost all the ideas above mentioned, while the other words which might have borne a portion of the load were long left out of scientific language, and retained only their more or less vague meanings as ordinary words. Thus we have the expressions Vis acceleratrix, Vis motrix, Vis viva, Vis' mortua, and even Vis inertia, in every one of which, except the second and fourth, the word Vis is used in a sense radically different from that in which it is used in the other expressions. Confusion may perhaps be avoided in scientific works when read by scientific students, by means of a careful appropriation of epithets such as those which distinguish the meanings of the word Vis, but as soon as science becomes popu- larised, unless its nomenclature is reformed and arranged upon a better principle, the ideas of popular science will be more confused than those of so-called popular ignorance. Thus the " Physical Forces," whose correlation is discussed in the essay before us, are Motion, Heat, Electricity, Light, Magnetism, Chemical Affinity, and " other modes of force." According to the definition of force, as it has been 51—2 404 GROVE'S CORRELATION OF PHYSICAL FORCES. laid down during the last two centuries in treatises on dynamics, not one of these, except perhaps chemical affinity, can be admitted as a force. According to that definition, " force is that which produces change of motion, and is measured by the change of motion produced." Newton himself reminds us that force exists only so long as it acts. Its effects may remain, but the force itself is essentially transitive. Hence, when we meet with such phrases as Conservation of Force, Persistence of Force, and the like, we must suppose the word Force to be used in a sense radically different from that adopted by scientific men from Newton downwards. In all these cases, and in the phrase "The Physical Forces" as applied to heat, we are now, thanks to Dr Thomas Young, able to use the word Energy instead of Force, for this word, according to its scientific definition as " the capacity for performing work," is applicable to all these cases. The confusion has extended even to the metaphorical use of the word Force. Thus, it may be a legitimate metaphor to speak of the force of public opinion as being brought to bear on a statesman so as to exert an overpowering pressure upon him, because here we have an action tending to produce motion in a particular direction ; but when we speak of "the Queen's Forces," we use the term in a sense as unscientific as when we speak of the Physical Forces. The author, in his con- cluding remarks, points out the confusion of terms which embarrassed him in his endeavours to enunciate scientific propositions, on account of the imper- fection of scientific language. This, he tells us, " cannot be avoided without a neology which I have not the presumption to introduce or the authority to enforce." Such a confession, proceeding from so great a master of the art of " putting things," is a most valuable testimony to the importance of the study and special cultivation of scientific language ; and a comparison of many passages in the essay with the corresponding statements in more recent books of far inferior power, will shew how much may be gained by the successful introduction of appropriate neologies. What appeared mysterious and even paradoxical to the giant, labouring among rough-hewn words, dwindles into a truism in the eyes of the child, born heir to the palace of truth, for the erection of which the giant has furnished the materials. Thus the appropriation of the word " Mass " to denote the quantity of matter as defined by the amount of force required to produce a given accelera- tion, has placed the students of the present day on a very different level from CORRELATION OF PHYSICAL FORCES. 405 those who had to puzzle out the meaning of the phrase Vis inertia by com- bining the explanation of Vis as force, with that of inertia as laziness. In the same way the word " stress " as an equivalent for " action and reaction," and as a generic name for pressure, tension, &c., will save future generations a great deal of trouble ; and the distinction between the possession of energy and the act of doing work, which is now so familiar to us, would have obviated several objections to the doctrine of the essay, which are founded on statements in which the production of one form of energy and the maintenance of another are treated as if they were operations of the same kind. We read at p. 163 : — Thus, "a voltaic battery, decomposing water in a voltameter, while the same current is employed at the same time to make (maintain) an electromagnet, gives nevertheless in the voltameter an equivalent of gas, or decomposes an equivalent of an electrolyte for each equivalent of decomposition in the battery cells, and will give the same ratios if the electro-magnet be removed." Here the maintenance of a magnet is a thing of a different order from the decomposition of an electrolyte ; the first is maintenance of energy, the other is doing work. This is well explained in the essay ; but if appropriate language had been used from the first, the objection could never have been put into form. [From Mature, Vol. x.] I. XVIII. OH the application of Kirchhojfs Rules for Electric Circuit* t<> the Solution of a Geometrical Problem. THE geometrical problem is as follows : — Let it be required to arrange a system of points so that the straight lines joining them into rows and columns shall form a network such that the sum of the squares of all these joining lines shall be a minimum, the first and last points of the first and last row l»eing any four points given in space. The network may be regarded as a kind of extensible surface, each thread of which has a tension in each segment proportioned to the length of the segment. The problem is thus expressed as a statical problem, but the direct solution would involve the consideration of a large number of unknown quantities. This number may be greatly reduced by means of the analogy between this problem and the electrical problem of determining the currents and po- tentials in the case of a network of wire having square meshes, one corner of which is kept at a unit potential, while that of the other three corners is zero. This problem having been solved by KirchhofFs method, the position of any point P in the geometrical problem with reference to the given points A, B, C, D, is by finding, the values of the potentials pa, pt, pe, pd of the corre- s]x>nding point in the electric problem when the corners o, b, c, d respectively are those of unit potential. The position of P is then found by supposing Pa> Pb> Pe> Pd placed at A, B, C, D respectively, and determining P as the centre of gravity of the four masses. [From Nature, Vol. x.] LXIX. Van der Wacds on the Continuity of the Gaseous and Liquid States*. THAT the same substance at the same temperature and pressure can exist in two very different states, as a liquid and as a gas, is a fact of the highest scientific importance, for it is only by the careful study of the difference be- tween these two states, the conditions of the substance passing from one to the other, and the phenomena which occur at the surface which separates a liquid from its vapour, that we can expect to obtain a dynamical theory of liquids. A dynamical theory of " perfect " gases is already in existence ; that is to say, we can explain many of the physical properties of bodies when in an extremely rarefied state by supposing their molecules to be in rapid motion, and that they act on one another only when they come very near one another. A molecule of a gas, according to this theory, exists in two very different states during alternate intervals of time. During its encounter with another molecule, an intense force is acting between the two molecules, and producing changes in the motion of both. During the time of describing its free path, the mole- cule is at such a distance from other molecules that no sensible force acts between them, and the centre of mass of the molecule is therefore moving with constant velocity and in a straight line. If we define as a perfect gas a system of molecules so sparsely scattered that the aggregate of the time which a molecule spends in its encounters with other molecules is exceedingly small compared with the aggregate of the time which it spends in describing its free paths, it is not difficult to work out the dynamical theory of such a system. For in this case the vast majority of the molecules at any given instant are describing their free paths, and only a small * Over de Continniteit van den Gas en Vloeistofloestand. Academisch pro?fsclirift. Door Johannes Diderik van der Waals. (Leiden: A. W. Sijthoff, 1873.) 408 VAN DEU WAALS OX THE CONTINUITY fraction of them are in the act of encountering each other. We know that during an encounter action and reaction are equal and opposite, and -we assume, with Clausius, that on an average of a large number of encounters the pro- portion in which the kinetic energy of a molecule is divided between motion «.f translation of its centre of mass and motions of its parts relative to this point approaches some definite value. This amount of knowledge is by no moans sufficient as a foundation for a complete dynamical theory of what takes ]>la.o during each encounter, but it enables us to establish certain relations between the changes of velocity of two molecules before and after their encounter. While a molecule is describing its free path, its centre of mass is moving witli constant velocity in a straight line. The motions of parts of the molecule relative to the centre of mass depend, when it is describing its free path, only on the forces acting between these parts, and not on the forces acting between them and other molecules which come into play during an encounter. Hence the theory of the motion of a system of molecules is very much simplified if we suppose the space within which the molecules are free to move to be so large that the number of molecules which at any instant are in the act of encountering other molecules is exceedingly small compared with the number of molecules which are describing their free paths. The dynamical theory of such i\ system is in complete agreement with the observed properties of gases when in an extremely rare condition. But if the space occupied by a given quantity of gas is diminished more and, more, the lengths of the free paths of its molecules will also be diminished, and the number of molecules which are in the act of encounter will bear a larger proportion to the number of those Avhich are describing free paths, till at length the properties of the substance will be determined far more by the nature of the mutual action between the encountering molecules than by the nature of the motion of a molecule when describing its free path. And \\e actually find that the properties of the substance become very different alter it has reached a certain degree of condensation. In the rarefied state its pro- ])erties may be defined with considerable accuracy in terms of the laws of Boyle, Charles, Gay-Lussac, Dulong and Petit, &c., commonly called the " gaseous laws." In the condensed state the properties of the substance are entirely different, and no mode of stating these properties has yet been discovered having a simplicity and a generality at all approaching to that of the " gaseous laws." According to the dynamical theory this is to be expected, because in OF THE GASEOUS AND LIQUID STATES. 409 the condensed state the properties of the substance depend on the mutual action of molecules when engaged in close encounter, and this is determined by the particular constitution of the encountering molecules. We cannot there- fore extend the dynamical theory from the rarer to the denser state of sub- stances without at the same time obtaining some definite conception of the nature of the action between molecules when they are so closely packed that each molecule is at every instant so near to several others that forces of great intensity are acting between them. The experimental data for the study of the mutual action of molecules are principally of two kinds. In the first place we have the experiments of Regnault and others on the relation between the density, temperature, and pressure of various gases. The field of research has been recently greatly enlarged by Dr Andrews in his exploration of the properties of carbonic acid at very high pressures. Experiments of this kind, combined with experiments on specific heat, on the latent heat of expansion, or on the thermometric effect on gases passing through porous plugs, furnish us with the complete theory of the substance, so far as pure thermodynamics can carry us. For the further study of molecular action we require experiments on the rate of diffusion. There are three kinds of diffusion — that of matter, that of visible motion, and that of heat. The inter-diffusion of gases of different kinds, and the viscosity and thermal conductivity of a gaseous medium, pure or mixed, enable us to estimate the amount of deviation which each molecule experiences on account of its encounter with other molecules. M. Van der Waals, in entering on this very difficult inquiry, has shewn his appreciation of its importance in the present state of science ; many of his investigations are conducted in an extremely original and clear manner ; and he is continually throwing out new and suggestive ideas ; so that there can be no doubt that his name will soon be among the foremost in molecular science. He does not, however, seem to be equally familiar, as yet, with all parts of the subject, so that in some places, where he has borrowed results from Clausius and others, he has applied them in a manner which appears to me erroneous. He begins with the very remarkable theorem of Clausius, that in stationary motion the mean kinetic energy of the system is equal to the mean virial. As in this country the importance of this theorem seems hardly to be appre- ciated, it may be as well to explain it a little more fully. VOL. II. 52 410 VAX DKB WAALS ON THE CONTINUITY When the motion of a material system is such that the sum of the momenta of inertia of the system about three axes at right angles to each •ither through ita centre of mass does not vary by more than small quantities from a constant value, the system is said to be in a state of stationary motion. The motion of the solar system satisfies this condition, and so does the motion of the molecules of a gas contained in a vessel. The kinetic energy of a particle is half the product of its mass into the aquare of ita velocity, and the kinetic energy of a system is the sum of the kinetic energy of its parts. When an attraction or repulsion exists between two points, half the pro- duct of this stress into the distance between the two points is called the Virial of the stress, and is reckoned positive when the stress is an attraction, and negative when it is a repulsion. The virial of a system is the sum of the virial of the stresses which exist in it. If the system is subjected to the external stress of the pressure of the •ides of a vessel in which it is contained, the amount of virial due to this external stress is three halves of the product of the pressure into the volume of the vessel. The virial due to internal stresses must be added to this. The theorem of Clausius may now be written — 12 (in?) = $pV+&$(Rr). The left-hand member denotes the kinetic energy. On the right hand, in the first term, p is the external pressure on unit of area, and V is the volume of the vessel. The second term represents the virial arising from the action between every pair of particles, whether belonging to different molecules or to the same mole- cule. K is the attraction between the particles, and r is the distance between them. The double symbol of summation is used because every pair of points must be taken into account, those between which there is no stress contributing, of course, nothing to the virial. As an example of the generality of this theorem, we may mention that in any framed structure consisting of struts and ties, the sum of the products of the pressure in each strut into its length, exceeds the sum of the products of the tension of each tie into its length, by the product of the weight of the whole structure into the height of its centre of gravity above the founda- OF THE GASEOUS AND LIQUID STATES. 411 tions. (See a paper on "Reciprocal Figures, &c." Trans. R. S. Edin., Vol. xxvi. p. 14. 1870.)* In gases the virial is very small compared with the kinetic energy. Hence, if the kinetic energy is constant, the product of the pressure and the volume remains constant. This is the case for a gas at constant temperature. Hence we might be justified in conjecturing that the temperature of any one gas is determined by the kinetic energy of unit of mass. The theory of the exchange of the energy of agitation from one body to another is one of the most difficult parts of molecular science. If it were fully understood, the physical theory of temperature would be perfect. At present we know the conditions of thermal equilibrium only in the case of gases in which encounters take place between only a pair of molecules at once. In this case the condition of thermal equilibrium is that the mean kinetic energy due to the agitation of the centre of mass of a molecule is the same, whatever be the mass of the molecule, the mean velocity being consequently less for the more massive molecules. With respect to substances of more complicated constitution, we know, as yet, nothing of the physical condition on which their temperature depends, though the researches of Boltzmann on this subject are likely to result in some valuable discoveries. M. Van der Waals seems, therefore, to be somewhat too hasty in assuming that the temperature of a substance is in every case measured by the energy of agitation of its individual molecules, though this is undoubtedly the case with substances in the gaseous state. Assuming, however, for the present that the temperature is measured by the mean kinetic energy of a molecule, we obtain the means of determining the virial by observing the deviation of the product of the pressure and volume from the constant value given by Boyle's law. It appears by Dr Andrews' experiments that when the volume of carbonic acid is diminished, the temperature remaining constant, the product of the volume and pressure at first diminishes, the rate of diminution becoming more and more rapid as the density increases. Now, the virial depends on the number of pairs of molecules which are at a given instant acting on one another, and this number in unit of volume is proportional to the square of the density. Hence the part of the pressure depending on the virial increases * [Vol. n. p. 176.] 52—2 412 VAN DEB WAALS ON THB CONTINUITY aft the square of the density, and since, in the case of carbonic acid, it dimmudu* U»e pressure, it must be of the positive sign, that is, it roust arise from at I ruction between the molecules. Hut if the volume is still further diminished, at a certain point lique- faction begins, and from this point till the gas is all liquefied no increase of measure takes place. As soon, however, as the whole substance is in the liquid condition, any further diminution of volume produces a great rise of pressure, so that the product of pressure and volume increases rapidly. This indicates negative vi rial, and shews that the molecules are now acting on each other by repulsion. This is what takes place in carbonic acid below the temperature of 30'92°C. Above that temperature there is first a positive and then a negative virial, but no sudden liquefaction. Similar phenomena occur in all the liquefiable gases. In other gases we are able to trace the existence of attractive force at ordinary pressures, though the compression has not yet been carried so far as to shew any repulsive force. In hydrogen the repulsive force seems to prevail even at ordinary pressures. This gas has never been liquefied, and it is probable that it never will be liquefied, as the attractive force is so weak. We have thus evidence that the molecules of gases attract each other at a certain small distance, but when they are brought still nearer they repel each other. This is quite in accordance with Boscovich's theory of atoms as massive centres of force, the force being a function of the distance, and changing from attractive to repulsive, and back again several times, as the distance diminishes. If we suppose that when the force begins to be repulsive it increases very rapidly as the distance diminishes, so as to become enormous if the distance is less by a very small quantity than that at which the force first begins to be repulsive, the phenomena will be precisely the same as those of smooth elastic spheres. M. Van der Waals makes his molecules elastic spheres, which, when not in contact, attract each other. His treatment of the "molecular pressure" arising from their attraction seems ingenious, and on the whole satisfactory, though he has not attempted a complete calculation of the attractive virial in terms of the law of force. His treatment of the repulsive virial, however, shews a departure from the principles on which his investigation is founded. He considers the effect of the size of the molecules in diminishing the length of their "free paths," and he OF THE GASEOUS AND LIQUID STATES. 413 shews that this effect, in the case of very rare gases, is the same as if the volume of the space in which the molecules are free to move had been diminished by four times the sum of the volumes of the molecules themselves. He then substitutes for V, the volume of the vessel in Clausius' formula, this volume diminished by four times the molecular volume, and thus obtains the equation — where p is the externally applied pressure, -=j is the molecular pressure arising from attraction between the molecules, which varies as the square of the density, or inversely as the square of the volume. The first factor is thus what he considers the total effective pressure. V is the volume of the vessel, and b is four times the volume of the molecules. The second factor is there- fore the "effective volume" within which the molecules are free to move. The right-hand member expresses the kinetic energy, represented by the absolute temperature, multiplied by a quantity, R, constant for each gas. The results obtained by M. Van der Waals by a comparison of this equa- tion with the determinations of Regnault and Andrews are very striking, and would almost persuade us that the equation represents the true state of the case. But though this agreement would be strong evidence in favour of the accuracy of an empirical formula devised to represent the experimental results, the equation of M. Van der Waals, professing as it does to be derived from the dynamical theory, must be subjected to a much more severe criticism. It appears to me that the equation does not agree with the theorem of Clausius on which it is founded. In that theorem p is the pressure of the sides of the vessel, and V is the volume of the vessel. Neither of these quantities is subject to correction. The assumption that the kinetic energy is determined by the temperature is true for perfect gases, and we have no evidence that any other law holds for gases, even near their liquefying point. The only source of deviation from Boyle's law is therefore to be looked for in the term %Z2<(Rr), which expresses the virial. The effect of the repul- sion of the molecules, causing them to act like elastic spheres, is therefore to be found by calculating the virial of this repulsion. 4|4 VAN DER WAALS ON THE CONTINUITY Neglecting the effect of attraction, I find that the effect of the impulsive repulsion reduces the equation of Clausius to the form— where tr is the density of the molecules and p the mean density of the medium. The form of this equation is quite different from that of M. Van der Waala, though it indicates the effect of the impulsive force in increasing the pressure. It takes no account of the attractive force, a full discussion of which \\.iiild carry us into considerable difficulties. At a constant temperature the effect of the attractive virial is to diminish the pressure by a quantity varying as the square of the density, as long as the encounters of the molecules are, on the whole, between two at a time, and not between three or more. The effect of the attraction in deflecting the paths of the molecules is to make the number of molecules which at any given instant are at distances between r and r + dr of each other greater than the number in an equal volume at a greater distance in the proportion of the velocities corresponding to these distances. As the temperature rises, the volume being constant, the ratio of these velocities approaches to unity, so that the distribution of molecules according to distance becomes more uniform, and the virial is thus diminished. If there is a virial arising from repulsive forces acting through a finite distance, a rise of temperature will increase the amount of this kind of virial. Hence a rise of temperature at constant volume will produce a greater increase of pressure than that given by the law of Charles. The isothermal lines at higher temperatures will exhibit less of the dimi- nution of pressure due to attraction, and as the density increases will shew more of the increase of pressure due to repulsion. I must not, however, while taking exception to part of the work of M. Van der Waals, forget to add that to him alone are due the suggestions which led me to examine the theory of virial more carefully in order to explore the continuity of the liquid and the gaseous states. I cannot now enter into the comparison of his theoretical results with the experiments of Andrews, but I would call attention to the able manner in which he expounds the theory of capillarity, and to the remarkable phenomena of the surface-tension of gases which he tells (p. 38) has been observed by OF THE GASEOUS AND LIQUID STATES. 415 Bosscha in tobacco smoke. As tobacco smoke is simply warm air with a slight excess of carbonic acid carrying solid particles along with it, the change of properties at the surface of the cloud must be very slight compared with that at the surface where two really different gases first come together. If, there- fore, the phenomenon observed by Bosscha is a true instance of surface-tension, we may expect to discover much more striking phenomena at the meeting-place of different gases, if we can make our observations before the surface of dis- continuity has been obliterated by the inter-diffusion of the gases. [From Cambridge PhUotophical Society Proceedings, VoL H. 365.] LXX. On the Centre of Motion of the Eye. THE aeries of positions which the eye assumes as it is rolled horizontally have been investigated by Dondere (Donders and Doijer, Derde JaarUjlc.^/, I'rrslag betr. het Nederlandsch Gasthuis voor Ooglijders. Utrecht, 1862), and recently by Mr J. L. Tupper (Proc. R. S., June 18, 1874). The chief difficulty in the investigation consists in fixing the head while the eyeball moves. The only satisfactory method of obtaining a system of co-ordinates fixed with reference to the skull is that adopted by Hehnholtz (Handbuch der Physiolo- gixhen Optit, p. 517), and described in his Croonian Lecture. A piece of wood, part of the upper surface of which is covered with warm sealingwax, is placed between the teeth and bitten hard till the sealing- wax sets and forms a cast of the upper teeth. By inserting the teeth into their proper holes in the sealingwax the piece of wood may at any time be placed in a determinate position relatively to the skull. By this device of Helmholtz the patient is relieved from the pressure of Hcrews and clamps applied to the skin of his head, and he becomes free to move his head as he likes, provided he keeps the piece of wood between his teeth. If we can now adjust another piece of wood so that it shall always have a determinate position with respect to the eyeball, we may study the motion «>f the one piece of wood with respect to the other as the eye moves about. For this purpose a small mirror is fixed to a board, and a dot is marked on the mirror. If the eye, looking straight at the image of its own pupil in the mirror, sees the dot in the centre of the pupil, the normal to the mirror through the dot is the visual axis of the eye — a determinate line. A right-angled prism is fixed to the board near the eye in such a position that the eye sees the image of its own cornea in profile by reflexion, first THE CENTRE OF MOTION OF THE EYE. 417 at the prism, and then at the mirror. A vertical line is drawn with black sealingwax on the surface of the prism next the eye, and the board is moved towards or from the eye till this line appears as a tangent to the front of the cornea, while the dot still is seen to cover the centre of the image of the pupil. The only way in which the position of the board can now vary with respect to the eye is by turning round the line of vision as an axis, and this is prevented by the board being laid on a horizontal platform carried by the teeth. If now the eye is brought into two different positions and the board moved on the platform, so as to be always in the same position relative to the eye, we have to find the centre about which the board might have turned so as to get from one position to the other. For this purpose two holes are made in the platform, and a needle thrust through the holes is made to prick a card fastened to the upper board. We thus obtain two pairs of points, AB for the first position, and ab for the second. The ordinary rule for determining the centre of motion is to draw lines bisecting Aa and Bb at right angles. The intersection of these is the centre of motion. This construction fails when the centre of motion is in or near the line AB, for then the two lines coincide. In this case we may produce AB and ab till they meet, and draw a line bisecting the angle externally. This line will pass through the centre of motion as well as the other two, and when they coincide it intersects them at right angles. VOL. II. 53 [From Katun, Vol. xi.] LXXI. On the Dynamical Evidence of the Molecular Constitution of Bodies*. WHEN any phenomenon can be described as an example of some general principle which is applicable to other phenomena, that phenomenon is said to be explained. Explanations, however, are of very various orders, according to the degree of generality of the principle which is made use of. Thus the person who first observed the effect of throwing water into a fire would feel a certain amount of mental satisfaction when he found that the results were always similar, and that they did not depend on any temporary and capricious anti- pathy between the water and the fire. This is an explanation of the lowest order, in which the class to which the phenomenon is referred consists of other phenomena which can only be distinguished from it by the place and time of their occurrence, and the principle involved is the very general one that place and time are not among the conditions which determine natural processes. On the other hand, when a physical phenomenon can be completely described as a change in the configuration and motion of a material system, the dynamical explanation of that phenomenon is said to be complete. We cannot conceive any further explanation to be either necessary, desirable, or possible, for as soon as we know what is meant by the words configuration, motion, mass, and force, we see that the ideas which they represent are so elementary that they cannot be explained by means of anything else. The phenomena studied by chemists are, for the most part, such as have not received a complete dynamical explanation. Many diagrams and models of compound molecules have been constructed. These are the records of the efforts of chemists to imagine configurations of material systems by the geometrical relations of which chemical phenomena may • A lecture delivered at the Chemical Society, Feb. 18, by Prof. Clerk-Maxwell, F.R.S. THE DYNAMICAL EVIDENCE OF THE MOLECULAR CONSTITUTION OF BODIES. 419 be illustrated or explained. No chemist, however, professes to see in these diagrams anything more than symbolic representations of the various degrees of closeness with which the different components of the molecule are bound together. In astronomy, on the other hand, the configurations and motions of the heavenly bodies are on such a scale that we can ascertain them by direct observation. Newton proved that the observed motions indicate a continual tendency of all bodies to approach each other, and the doctrine of universal gravitation which he established not only explains the observed motions of our system, but enables us to calculate the motions of a system in which the astronomical elements may have any values whatever. When we pass from astronomical to electrical science, we can still observe the configuration and motion of electrified bodies, and thence, following the strict Newtonian path, deduce the forces with which they act on each other ; but these forces are found to depend on the distribution of what we call electricity. To form what Gauss called a " construirbar Vorstellung " of the in- visible process of electric action is the great desideratum in this part of science. In attempting the extension of dynamical methods to the explanation of chemical phenomena, we have to form an idea of the configuration and motion of a number of material systems, each of which is so small that it cannot be directly observed. We have, in fact, to determine, from the observed external actions of an unseen piece of machinery, its internal construction. The method which has been for the most part employed in conducting such inquiries is that of forming an hypothesis, and calculating what would happen if the hypothesis were true. If these results agree with the actual phenomena, the hypothesis is said to be verified, so long, at least, as some one else does not invent another hypothesis which agrees still better with the phe- nomena. The reason why so many of our physical theories have been built up by the method of hypothesis is that the speculators have not been provided with methods and terms sufficiently general to express the results of their induction in its early stages. They were thus compelled either to leave their ideas vague and therefore useless, or to present them in a form the details of which could be supplied only by the illegitimate use of the imagination. In the meantime the mathematicians, guided by that instinct which teaches them to store up for others the irrepressible secretions of their own minds, 53—2 TOE DYNAMICAL EVIDENCE OF THE had developed with the utmost generality the dynamical theory of a material •yatem. Of all hypotheses as to the constitution of bodies, that is surely the most warrantable which assumes no more than that they are material systems, and im|i|ujju to Deduce from the observed phenomena just as much information about the conditions and connections of the material system as these phenomena can legitimately furnish. When examples of this method of physical speculation have been properly act forth and explained, we shall hear fewer complaints of the looseness of the reasoning of men of science, and the method of inductive philosophy will no longer be derided as mere guess-work. It is only a small part of the theory of the constitution of bodies which has as yet been reduced to the form of accurate deductions from known facts. To conduct the operations of science in a perfectly legitimate manner, by means of methodised experiment and strict demonstration, requires a strategic skill which we must not look for, even among those to whom science is most in- debted for original observations and fertile suggestions. It does not detract from the merit of the pioneers of science that their advances, being made on unknown ground, are often cut off, for a time, from that system of communications with an established base of operations, which is the only security for any per- manent extension of science. In studying the constitution of bodies we are forced from the very be- ginning to deal with particles which we cannot observe. For whatever may be our ultimate conclusions as to molecules and atoms, we have experimental proof that bodies may be divided into parts so small that we cannot perceive them. Hence, if we are careful to remember that the word particle means a small part of a body, and that it does not involve any hypothesis as to the ultimate divisibility of matter, we may consider a body as made up of particles, and we may also assert that in bodies or parts of bodies of measurable dimensions, the number of particles is very great indeed. The next thing required is a dynamical method of studying a material system consisting of an immense number of particles, by forming an idea of their configuration and motion, and of the forces acting on the particles, and deducing from the dynamical theory those phenomena which, though depending on the configuration and motion of the invisible particles, are capable of being observed in visible portions of the system. MOLECULAR CONSTITUTION OF BODIES. 421 The dynamical principles necessary for this study were developed by the fathers of dynamics, from Galileo and Newton to Lagrange and Laplace ; but the special adaptation of these principles to molecular studies has been to a great extent the work of Prof. Clausius of Bonn, who has recently laid us under still deeper obligations by giving us, in addition to the results of his elaborate calculations, a new dynamical idea, by the aid of which I hope we shall be able to establish several important conclusions without much symbolical calculation. The equation of Clausius, to which I must now call your attention, is of the following form : Here p denotes the pressure of a fluid, and V the volume of the vessel which contains it. The product pV, in the case of gases at constant tempera- ture, remains, as Boyle's Law tells us, nearly constant for different volumes and pressures. This member of the equation, therefore, is the product of two quantities, each of which can be directly measured. The other member of the equation consists of two terms, the first depending on the motion of the particles, and the second on the forces with which they act on each other. The quantity T is the kinetic energy of the system, or, in other words, that part of the energy which is due to the motion of the parts of the system. The kinetic energy of a particle is half the product of its mass into the square of its velocity, and the kinetic energy of the system is the sum of the kinetic energy of its parts. In the second term, r is the distance between any two particles, and R is the attraction between them. (If the force is a repulsion or a pressure, R is to be reckoned negative.) The quantity $Rr, or half the product of the attraction into the distance across which the attraction is exerted, is defined by Clausius as the virial of the attraction. (In the case of pressure or repulsion, the virial is negative.) The importance of this quantity was first pointed out by Clausius, who, by giving it a name, has greatly facilitated the application of his method to phy- sical exposition. The virial of the system is the sum of the virials belonging to every pair of particles which exist in the system. This is expressed by the double sum THE DYNAMICAL EVIDENCE OF THE which indicate that the value of Jflr is to be found for every pair of particles, and the result* added together. CUuaius has established this equation by a very simple mathematical pro- CDM ^th wljich I need not trouble you, as we are not studying mathematics to-night. We may see, however, that it indicates two causes which may affect the pressure of the fluid on the vessel which contains it: the motion of its particles, which tends to increase the pressure, and the attraction of its particles, which tends to increase the pressure. We may therefore attribute the pressure of a fluid either to the motion of its particles or to a repulsion between them. Let us test by means of this result of Clausius the theory that the pres- sure of a gas arises entirely from the repulsion which one particle exerts on another, these particles, in the case of gas in a fixed vessel, being really at rest. In this case the virial must be negative, and since by Boyle's Law the product of pressure and volume is constant, the virial also must be constant, whatever the volume, in the same quantity of gas at constant temperature. It follows from this that Rr, the product of the repulsion of two particles into the distance between them, must be constant, or in other words that the repulsion must be inversely as the distance, a law which Newton has shewn to be inadmissible in the case of molecular forces, as it would make the action of the distant parts of bodies greater than that of contiguous parts. In fact, we have only to observe that if Rr is constant, the virial of every pair of particles must be the same, so that the virial of the system must be propor- tional to the number of pairs of particles in the system — that is, to the square of .the number of particles, or in other words to the square of the quantity of gas in the vessel The pressure, according to this law, would not be the same in different vessels of gas at the same density, but would be greater in a large vessel than in a small one, and greater in the open air than in any ordinary vessel. The pressure of a gas cannot therefore be explained by assuming repulsive forces between the particles. It must therefore depend, in whole or in part, on the motion of the particles. If we suppose the particles not to act on each other at all, there will be no virial, and the equation will be reduced to the form MOLECULAR CONSTITUTION OF BODIES. 423 If M is the mass of the whole quantity of gas, and c is the mean square of the velocity of a particle, we may write the equation — or in words, the product of the volume and the pressure is one-third of the mass multiplied by the mean square of the velocity. If we now assume, what we shall afterwards prove by an independent process, that the mean square of the velocity depends only on the temperature, this equation exactly represents Boyle's Law. But we know that most ordinary gases deviate from Boyle's Law, especially at low temperatures and great densities. Let us see whether the hypothesis of forces between the particles, which we rejected when brought forward as the sole cause of gaseous pressure, may not be consistent with experiment when considered as the cause of this deviation from Boyle's Law. When a gas is in an extremely rarefied condition, the number of particles within a given distance of any one particle will be proportional to the density of the gas. Hence the virial arising from the action of one particle on the rest will vary as the density, and the whole virial in unit of volume will vary as the square of the density. Calling the density p, and dividing the equation by V, we get — where A is a quantity which is nearly constant for small densities. Now, the experiments of Regnault shew that in most gases, as the density increases the pressure falls below the value calculated by Boyle's Law. Hence the virial must be positive ; that is to say, the mutual action of the particles must be in the main attractive, and the effect of this action in diminishing the pressure must be at first very nearly as the square of the density. On the other hand, when the pressure is made still greater the substance at length reaches a state in which an enormous increase of pressure produces but a very small increase of density. This indicates that the virial is now negative, or, in other words, the action between the particles is now, in the main, repulsive. We may therefore conclude that the action between two par- ticles at any sensible distance is quite insensible. As the particles approach each other the action first shews itself as an attraction, which reaches a maxi- mum, then diminishes, and at length becomes a repulsion so great that no attainable force can reduce the distance of the particles to zero. 4*4 THB DYNAMICAL EVIDENCE OF TOE The relation between pressure and density arising from such an action between the (articles is of this kind. As the density increases from zero, the pressure at first depends almost entirely on the motion of the particles, and therefore varies almost exactly as the prvwure, according to Boyle's Law. As the density continues to increase, the effect of the mutual attraction of the particles becomes sensible, and this causes the rise of pressure to be less than that given by Boyle's Law. If the temperature is low, the effect of attraction may become so large in pro- portion to the effect of motion that the pressure, instead of always rising as the density increases, may reach a maximum, and then begin to diminish. At length, however, as the average distance of the particles is still further liiminiahed, the effect of repulsion will prevail over that of attraction, and the pressure will increase so as not only to be greater than that given by Boyle's Law, but so that an exceedingly small increase of density will produce an enormous increase of pressure. Hence the relation between pressure and volume may be represented by the curve ABCDEFO, where the horizontal ordinate represents the volume, and the vertical ordinate represents the pressure. the volume diminishes, the pressure increases up to the point C, then diminishes to the point E, and finally increases without limit as the volume diminishes. We have hitherto supposed the experiment to be conducted in such a way that the density is the same in every part of the medium. This, how- ever, is impossible in practice, as the only condition we can impose on the medium from without is that the whole of the medium shall be contained MOLECULAR CONSTITUTION OF BODIES. 425 within a certain vessel. Hence, if it is possible for the medium to arrange itself so that part has one density and part another, we cannot prevent it from doing so. Now the points B and F represent two states of the medium in which the pressure is the same but the density very different. The whole of the medium may pass from the state B to the state F, not through the inter- mediate states CDE, but by small successive portions passing directly from the state B to the state F. In this way the successive states of the medium as a whole will be represented by points on the straight line BF, the point B representing it when entirely in the rarefied state, and F representing it when entirely condensed. This is what takes place when a gas or vapour is liquefied. Under ordinary circumstances, therefore, the relation between pressure and volume at constant temperature is represented by the broken line ABFG. If, however, the medium when liquefied is carefully kept from contact with vapour, it may be preserved in the liquid condition and brought into states represented by the portion of the curve between F and E. It is also possible that methods may be devised whereby the vapour may be prevented from condensing, and brought into states represented by points in BC. The portion of the hypothetical curve from C to E represents states which are essentially unstable, and which cannot therefore be realised. Now let us suppose the medium to pass from B to F along the hypo- thetical curve BCDEF in a state always homogeneous, and to return along the straight line FB in the form of a mixture of liquid and vapour. Since the temperature has been constant throughout, no heat can have been trans- formed into work. Now the heat transformed into work is represented by the excess of the area FDE over BCD. Hence the condition which determines the maximum pressure of the vapour at given temperature is that the line BF cuts off equal areas from the curve above and below. The higher the temperature, the greater the part of the pressure which depends on motion, as compared with that which depends on forces between the particles. Hence, as the temperature rises, the dip in the curve becomes less marked, and at a certain temperature the curve, instead of dipping, merely becomes horizontal at a certain point, and then slopes upward as before. This point is called the critical point. It has been determined for carbonic acid by the masterly researches of Andrews. It corresponds to a definite temperature, pressure and density. VOL. II. 54 THE DYNAMICAL EVIDENCE OF THE At higher temperatures the curve slopes upwards throughout, and there is nothing corresponding to liquefaction in passing from the rarest to the densest •fete. The molecular theory of the continuity of the liquid and gaseous states forma the subject of an exceedingly ingenious thesis by Mr Johannes Diderick ran der Waals*, a graduate of Leyden. There are certain points in which I think he has fallen into mathematical errors, and his final result is certainly not a complete expression for the interaction of real molecules, but his attack on this difficult question is so able and so brave, that it cannot fail to give a notable impulse to molecular science. It has certainly directed the attention of more than one inquirer to the study of the Low-Dutch language in which it is written. The purely thermodynamical relations of the different states of matter do not belong to our subject, as they are independent of particular theories about molecules. I must not, however, omit to mention a most important American contribution to this part of thermodynamics by Prof. Willard Gibbsf, of Yale College, U.S., who has given us a remarkably simple and thoroughly satisfactory method of representing the relations of the different states of matter by means of a model. By means of this model, problems which had long resisted the efforts of myself and others may be solved at once. Let us now return to the case of a highly rarefied gas in which the pressure is due entirely to the motion of its particles. It is easy to calculate the mean square of the velocity of the particles from the equation of Clausius, since the volume, the pressure, and the mass are all measurable quantities. Supposing the velocity of every particle the same, the velocity of a molecule of oxygen would be 461 metres per second, of nitrogen 492, and of hydrogen 1844, at the temperature of 0°C. The explanation of the pressure of a gas on the vessel which contains it by the impact of its particles on the surface of the vessel has been suggested at various times by various writers. The fact, however, that gases are not ob- served to disseminate themselves through the atmosphere with velocities at all approaching those just mentioned, remained unexplained, till Clausius, by a • Ovtr de continuitfit van den gat en vloeistoftoestand. (Leiden : A. W. Sijthoff, 1873.) t " A method of geometrical representation of the thermodynamic properties of substances by means of Burfacea." Trantactions of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences, Vol. n. Part 2. MOLECULAB, CONSTITUTION OF BODIES. 427 thorough study of the motions of an immense number of particles, developed the methods and ideas of modern molecular science. To him we are indebted for the conception of the mean length of the path of a molecule of a gas between its successive encounters with other molecules. As soon as it was seen how each molecule, after describing an exceedingly short path, encounters another, and then describes a new path in a quite different direction, it became evident that the rate of diffusion of gases depends not merely on the velocity of the molecules, but on the distance they travel between each encounter. I shall have more to say about the special contributions of Clausius to molecular science. The main fact, however, is, that he opened up a new field of mathematical physics by shewing how to deal mathematically with moving systems of innumerable molecules. Clausius, in his earlier investigations at least, did not attempt to determine whether the velocities of all the molecules of the same gas are equal, or whether, if unequal, there is any law according to which they are distributed. He therefore, as a first hypothesis, seems to have assumed that the velocities are equal. But it is easy to see that if encounters take place among a great number of molecules, their velocities, even if originally equal, will become un- equal, for, except under conditions which can be only rarely satisfied, two molecules having equal velocities before their encounter will acquire unequal velocities after the encounter. By distributing the molecules into groups ac- cording to their velocities, we may substitute for the impossible task of following every individual molecule through all its encounters, that of registering the increase or decrease of the number of molecules in the different groups. By following this method, which is the only one available either experi- mentally or mathematically, we pass from the methods of strict dynamics to those of statistics and probability. When an encounter takes place between two molecules, they are transferred from one pair of groups to another, but by the time that a great many en- counters have taken place, the number which enter each group is, on an average, neither more nor less than the number which leave it during the same time. When the system has reached this state, the numbers in each group must be distributed according to some definite law. As soon as I became acquainted with the investigations of Clausius, I endeavoured to ascertain this law. 54—2 THE DYXAJUCAL EVIDENCE OF THE The result which I published in 1860 has since been subjected to a more •trict investigation by Dr Ludwig Boltzmann, who has also applied his method the study of the motion of compound molecules. The mathematical investi- gation, though, like all part* of the science of probabilities and statistics, it is MBewhat difficult, does not appear faulty. On the physical side, however, it leads to consequences, some of which, being manifestly true, seem to indicate that the hypotheses are well chosen, while others seem to be so irreconcilable with known experimental results, that we are compelled to admit that some- thing essential to the complete statement of the physical theory of molecular encounters must have hitherto escaped us. I must now attempt to give you some account of the present state of these investigations, without, however, entering into their mathematical demonstration. I must begin by stating the general law of the distribution of velocity among molecules of the same kind. If we take a fixed point in this diagram and draw from this point a line representing in direction and magnitude the velocity of a molecule, and make a dot at the end of the line, the position of the dot will indicate the state of motion of the molecule. If we do the same for all the other molecules, the diagram will be dotted all over, the dots being more numerous in certain places than in others. The law of distribution of the dots may be shewn to be the same as that which prevails among errors of observation or of adjustment. The dots in the diagram before you may be taken to represent the velocities of molecules, the different observations of the position of the same star, or the bullet-holes round the bull's-eye of a target, all of which are distributed in the same mariner. The velocities of the molecules have values ranging from zero to infinity, so that in speaking of the average velocity of the molecules we must define what we mean. The most useful quantity for purposes of comparison and calculation is called the "velocity of mean square." It is that velocity whose square is the average of the squares of the velocities of all the molecules. This is the velocity given above as calculated from the properties of different gases. A molecule moving with the velocity of mean square has a kinetic energy equal to the average kinetic energy of all the molecules in the medium, and if a single mass equal to that of the whole quantity of gas were moving MOLECULAR CONSTITUTION OF BODIES. 429 with this velocity, it would have the same kinetic energy as the gas actually has, only it would be in a visible form and directly available for doing work. If in the same vessel there are different kinds of molecules, some of greater mass than others, it appears from this investigation that their velocities will be so distributed that the average kinetic energy of a molecule will be the same, whether its mass be great or small. Diagram of Velocities. Here we have perhaps the most important application which has yet been made of dynamical methods to chemical science. For, suppose that we have two gases in the same vessel. The ultimate distribution of agitation among the molecules is such that the average kinetic energy of an individual molecule is the same in either gas. This ultimate state is also, as we know, a state of equal temperature. Hence the condition that two gases shall have the same temperature is that the average kinetic energy of a single molecule shall be the same in the two gases. THK DYNAMICAL KVIDBNCK OF THE Now. we have already shewn that the pressure of a gas is two-thirds of the kinetic energy in unit of volume. Henoe, if the pressure as well as the tem- penUurv be the some in the two gases, the kinetic energy per unit of volume m the •"•fj, as well as the kinetic energy per molecule. There must, therefore, be the mm** number of molecules in unit of volume in the two gases. Thi« result coincides with the law of equivalent volumes established by Gay LUBMC. This law, however, lias hitherto rested on purely chemical evidence, the relative masses of the molecules of different substances having been deduced from the proportions in which the substances enter into chemical combination. It i* now demonstrated on dynamical principles. The molecule is defined as that *rn*l\ portion of the substance which moves as one lump during the motion of agitation. This is a purely dynamical definition, independent of any experi- menta on combination. The density of a gaseous medium, at standard temperature and pressure, is proportional to the mass of one of its molecules as thus defined. We have thus a safe method of estimating the relative masses of molecules of different substances when in the gaseous state. This method is more to be depended on than those founded on electrolysis or on specific heat, because our knowledge of the conditions of the motion of agitation is more complete than our knowledge of electrolysis, or of the internal motions of the constituents of a molecule. I must now say something about these internal motions, because the greatest difficulty which the kinetic theory of gases has yet encountered belongs to this part of the subject. We have hitherto considered only the motion of the centre of mass of the molecule. We have now to consider the motion of the constituents of the molecule relative to the centre of mass. If we suppose that the constituents of a molecule are atoms, and that each atom is what is called a material point, then each atom may move in three different and independent ways, corresponding to the three dimensions of space, so that the number of variables required to determine the position and con- figuration of all the atoms of the molecule is three times the number of atoms. It is not essential, however, to the mathematical investigation to assume that the molecule is made up of atoms. All that is assumed is that the position and configuration of the molecule can be completely expressed by a certain number of variables. MOLECULAR CONSTITUTION OF BODIES. 431 Let us call this number n, Of these variables, three are required to determine the position of the centre of mass of the molecule, and the remaining n — 3 to determine its con- figuration relative to its centre of mass. To each of the n variables corresponds a different kind of motion. The motion of translation of the centre of mass has three components. The motions of the parts relative to the centre of mass have n — 3 com- ponents. The kinetic energy of the molecule may be regarded as made up of two parts — that of the mass of the molecule supposed to be concentrated at its centre of mass, and that of the motions of the parts relative to the centre of mass. The first part is called the energy of translation, the second that of rotation and vibration. The sum of these is the whole energy of motion of the molecule. The pressure of the gas depends, as we have seen, on the energy of translation alone. The specific heat depends on the rate at which the whole energy, kinetic and potential, increases as the temperature rises. Clausius had long ago pointed out that the ratio of the increment of the whole energy to that of the energy of translation may be determined if we know by experiment the ratio of the specific heat at constant pressure to that at constant volume. He did not. however, attempt to determine & priori the ratio of the two parts of the energy, though he suggested, as an extremely probable hypothesis, that the average values of the two parts of the energy in a given substance always adjust themselves to the same ratio. He left the numerical value of this ratio to be determined by experiment. In 1860 I investigated the ratio of the two parts of the energy on the hypothesis that the molecules are elastic bodies of invariable form. I found, to my great surprise, that whatever be the shape of the molecules, provided they are not perfectly smooth and spherical, the ratio of the two parts of the energy must be always the same, the two parts being in fact equal. This result is confirmed by the researches of Boltzmann, who has worked out the general case of a molecule having n variables. He finds that while the average energy of translation is the same for molecules of all kinds at the same temperature, the whole energy of motion is to the energy of translation as n to 3. THB DYNAMICAL EVIDENCE OF THE For a rigid body n-6, which makes the whole energy of motion twice the w of translation. *But if the molecule is capable of changing its form under the action of impressed forces, it must be capable of storing up potential energy, and if the forces are such as to ensure the stability of the molecule, the average potential will increase when the average energy of internal motion increases. Hence, as the temperature rises, the increments of the energy of translation, the energy of internal motion, and the potential energy are as 3, (n-3), and e respectively, where e is a positive quantity of unknown value depending on the law of the force which binds together the constituents of the molecule. When the volume of the substance is maintained constant, the effect of the application of heat is to increase the whole energy. We thus find for the specific heat of a gas at constant volume— where pt and Vt are the pressure and volume of unit of mass at zero centi- grade, or 273* absolute temperature, and J is the dynamic equivalent of heat. The specific heat at constant pressure is In gases whose molecules have the same degree of complexity the value of n is the same, and that of e may be the same. If this is the case, the specific heat is inversely as the specific gravity, according to the law of Dulong and Petit, which is, to a certain degree of approximation, verified by experiment. But if we take the actual values of the specific heat as found by Regnault and compare them with this formula, we find that n + e for air and several other gases cannot be more than 4-9. For carbonic acid and steam it is greater. We obtain the same result if we compare the ratio of the calculated specific heats 2 + n + c n + e with the ratio as determined by experiment for various gases, namely, T408. MOLECULAR CONSTITUTION OF BODIES. 433 And here we are brought face to face with the greatest difficulty which the molecular theory has yet encountered, namely, the interpretation of the equation n + e = 4'9. If we suppose that the molecules are atoms — mere material points, incapable of rotatory energy or internal motion — then n is 3 and e is zero, and the ratio of the specific heats is 1*66, which is too great for any real gas. But we learn from the spectroscope that a molecule can execute vibrations of constant period. It cannot therefore be a mere material point, but a system capable of changing its form. Such a system cannot have less than six variables. This would make the greatest value of the ratio of the specific heats 1'33, which is too small for hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, carbonic oxide, nitrous oxide, and hydrochloric acid. But the spectroscope tells us that some molecules can execute a great many different kinds of vibrations. They must therefore be systems of a very con- siderable degree of complexity, having far more than six variables. Now, every additional variable introduces an additional amount of capacity for internal motion without affecting the external pressure. Every additional variable, there- fore, increases the specific heat, whether reckoned at constant pressure or at constant volume. So does any capacity which the molecule may have for storing up energy in the potential form. But the calculated specific heat is already too great when we suppose the molecule to consist of two atoms only. Hence every additional degree of complexity which we attribute to the molecule can only increase the difficulty of reconciling the observed with the calculated value of the specific heat. I have now put before you what I consider to be the greatest difficulty yet encountered by the molecular theory. Boltzmann has suggested that we are to look for the explanation in the mutual action between the molecules and the Eetherial medium which surrounds them. I am afraid, however, that if we call in the help of this medium, we shall only increase the calculated specific heat, which is already too great. The theorem of Boltzmann may be applied not only to determine the dis- tribution of velocity among the molecules, but to determine the distribution of the molecules themselves in a region in which they are acted on by external forces. It tells us that the density of distribution of the molecules at a point _! where the potential energy of a molecule is t/f, is proportional to e «» where 6 is VOL. II. 55 ; . TOT DYNAMICAL EVIDENCE OF THE the absolute temperature, and it is a constant for all gases. It follows from this, that if several gases in the same vessel are subject to an external force like that of gravity, the distribution of each gas is the same as if no other gu were present This result agrees with the law assumed by Dalton, according to which the atmosphere may be regarded as consisting of two independent atmospheres, one of oxygen, and the other of nitrogen; the density of the oxygen diminishing faster than that of the nitrogen, as we ascend. This would be the case if the atmosphere were never disturbed, but the ^jfftnfc of winds is to mix up the atmosphere and to render its composition more uniform than it would be if left at rest. Another consequence of Boltzmann's theorem is, that the temperature tends to become equal throughout a vertical column of gas at rest. In the case of the atmosphere, the effect of wind is to cause the tem- perature to vary as that of a mass of air would do if it were carried vertically upwards, expanding and cooling as it ascends. But besides these results, which I had already obtained by a less elegant method and published in 1866, Boltzmann's theorem seems to open up a path into a region more purely chemical. For if the gas consists of a number of similar systems, each of which may assume different states having different amounts of energy, the theorem tells us that the number in each state is proportional to e"s where ^ is the energy, 0 the absolute temperature, and K a constant. It is easy to see that this result ought to be applied to the theory of the states of combination which occur in a mixture of different substances. But as it is .only during the present week that I have made any attempt to do so, I shall not trouble you with my crude calculations. I have confined my remarks to a very small part of the field of molecular investigation. I have said nothing about the molecular theory of the diffusion of matter, motion, and energy, for though the results, especially in the diffusion "f matter and the transpiration of fluids are of great interest to many chemists, and though from them we deduce important molecular data, they belong to a part of our study the data of which, depending on the conditions of the en- counter of two molecules, are necessarily very hypothetical. I have thought it better to exhibit the evidence that the parts of fluids are in motion, and to describe the manner in which that motion is distributed among molecules of different masses. MOLECULAR CONSTITUTION OP BODIES. 435 To shew that all the molecules of the same substance are equal in mass, we may refer to the methods of dialysis introduced by Graham, by which two gases of different densities may be separated by percolation through a porous plug. If in a single gas there were molecules of different masses, the same process of dialysis, repeated a sufficient number of times, would furnish us with two portions of the gas, in one of which the average mass of the molecules would be greater than in the other. The density and the combining weight of these two portions would be different. Now, it may be said that no one has carried out this experiment in a sufficiently elaborate manner for every chemical sub- stance. But the processes of nature are continually carrying out experiments of the same kind ; and if there were molecules of the same substance nearly alike, but differing slightly in mass, the greater molecules would be selected in preference to form one compound, and the smaller to form another. But hy- drogen is of the same density, whether we obtain it from water or from a hydrocarbon, so that neither oxygen nor carbon can find in hydrogen molecules greater or smaller than the average. The estimates which have been made of the actual size of molecules are founded on a comparison of the volumes of bodies in the liquid or solid state, with their volumes in the gaseous state. In the study of molecular volumes we meet with "many difficulties, but at the same time there are a sufficient number of consistent results to make the study a hopeful one. The theory of the possible vibrations of a molecule has not yet been studied as it ought, with the help of a continual comparison between the dynamical theory and the evidence of the spectroscope. An intelligent student, armed with the calculus and the spectroscope, can hardly fail to discover some important fact about the internal constitution of a molecule. The observed transparency of gases may seem hardly consistent with the results of molecular investigations. A model of the molecules of a gas consisting of marbles scattered at dis- tances bearing the proper proportion to their diameters, would allow very little light to penetrate through a hundred feet. But if we remember the small size of the molecules compared with the length of a wave of light, we may apply certain theoretical investigations of Lord Kayleigh's about the mutual action between waves and small spheres, which shew that the transparency of the atmosphere, if affected only by the 55—2 . I TBK DYNAMICAL EVIDENCE OF THE tUMonoo of molecules, would be far greater than we have any reason to believe it to be. A much more difficult investigation, which has hardly yet been attempted, to the electric properties of gases. No one has yet explained why dense are such good insulators, and why, when rarefied or heated, they permit the discharge of electricity, whereas a perfect vacuum is the best of all insulators. It is true that the diffusion of molecules goes on faster in a rarefied gas, &e mean path of a molecule is inversely as the density. But the difference between dense and rare gas appears to be too great to be accounted for in this way. But while I think it right to point out the hitherto uncouquered difficulties of this molecular theory, I must not forget to remind you of the numerous farta which it satisfactorily explains. We have already mentioned the gaseous laws, as they are called, which express the relations between volume, pressure, and temperature, and Gay Lussac's very important law of equivalent volumes. The explanation of these may be regarded as complete. The law of molecular specific heats is less accurately verified by experiment, and its full explanation depends on a more perfect knowledge of the internal structure of a molecule than we as yet possess. But the most important result of these inquiries is a more distinct con- ception of thermal phenomena. In the first place, the temperature of the medium is measured by the average kinetic energy of translation of a single molecule of the medium. In two media placed in thermal communication, the temperature as thus measured tends to become equal. In the next place, we learn how to distinguish that kind of motion which we call heat from other kinds of motion. The peculiarity of the motion called heat is that it is perfectly irregular ; that is to say, that the direction and magnitude of the velocity of a molecule at a given time cannot be expressed as depending on the present position of the molecule and the time. In the visible motion of a body, on the other hand, the velocity of the re of mass of all the molecules in any visible portion of the body is the observed velocity of that portion, though the molecules may have also an irregular depending agitation on account of the body being hot. In the transmission of sound, too, the different portions of the body have a motion which is generally too minute and too rapidly alternating to be directly observed. But in the motion which constitutes the physical phenomenon of sound, MOLECULAR CONSTITUTION OP BODIES. 437 the velocity of each portion of the medium at any time can be expressed as depending on the position and the time elapsed ; so that the motion of a medium during the passage of a sound-wave is regular, and must be distinguished from that which we call heat. If, however, the sound-wave, instead of travelling onwards in an orderly manner and leaving the medium behind it at rest, meets with resistances which fritter away its motion into irregular agitations, this irregular molecular motion becomes no longer capable of being propagated swiftly in one direction as sound, but lingers in the medium in the form of heat till it is communicated to colder parts of the medium by the slow process of conduction. The motion which we call light, though still more minute and rapidly alternating than that of sound, is, like that of sound, perfectly regular, and therefore is not heat. What was formerly called Radiant Heat is a phenomenon physically identical with light. When the radiation arrives at a certain portion of the medium, it enters it and passes through it, emerging at the other side. As long as the medium is engaged in transmitting the radiation it is in a certain state of motion, but as soon as the radiation has passed through it, the medium returns to its former state, the motion being entirely transferred to a new portion of the medium. Now, the motion which we call heat can never of itself pass from one body to another unless the first body is, during the whole process, hotter than the second. The motion of radiation, therefore, which passes entirely out of one portion of the medium and enters another, cannot be properly called heat. We may apply the molecular theory of gases to test those hypotheses about the luminiferous aether which assume it to consist of atoms or molecules. Those who have ventured to describe the constitution of the luminiferous aether have sometimes assumed it to consist of atoms or molecules. The application of the molecular theory to such hypotheses leads to rather startling results. In the first place, a molecular aether would be neither more nor less than a gas. We may, if we please, assume that its molecules are each of them equal to the thousandth or the millionth part of a molecule of hydrogen, and that they can traverse freely the interspaces of all ordinary molecules. But, as we have seen, an equilibrium will establish itself between the agitation of the ordinary molecules and those of the aether. In other words, the aether and the 438 TU« DYNAMICAL 111 !»•*• OF THE MOLECULAR CONSTITUTION OF BODIES. in it will tend to equality of temperature, and the aether will be subject to the ordinary gaseous laws as to pressure and temperature. Among other properties of a gas, it will have that established by Dulong and Petit, BO that the capacity for heat of unit of volume of the aether muxt be equal to that of unit of volume of any ordinary gas at the same It* presence, therefore, could not fail to be detected in our experi- oo specific heat, and we may therefore assert that the constitution of the a-ther is not molecular. [From the Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, Vol. vi. No. 83.] LXXII. On the Application of Hamilton's Characteristic Function to the Theory of an Optical Instrument symmetrical about its axis. [Read April 8th, 1875.] WHEN a ray of light passes from the point (xlt ylt zj to the point (xv yt, z2) through any series of media, the line-integral V—\p,ds may be defined as the distance which light would travel in vacuum in the same tune as it travels from (#„ ylt z^ to (x3, y3, za). Calling this the reduced distance between (x1} ylt Zj) and (x2, y2, z2), Hamil- ton's Characteristic Function may be defined as the value of the reduced distance between two points expressed in terms of the co-ordinates of these points. It is not necessary that the co-ordinates of the two points should be referred to the same system of axes. In treating of optical instruments we shall reckon zt and za in opposite directions along the axis, and from different planes of reference. We shall, however, make the axes of xl and a?2 parallel to each other in what follows. Let a ray from the point Pi(xl, 0, zj pass through the first plane of reference at the point J2, (a,, &l} 0), through the second plane of reference at &„ 0), and reach the point P2 (a;2, 0, z2); then, putting and = (x2 — atf+bf+zf^', THE THEORY OP OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS. and the characteristic function from 72, to 72, = 7 (a function of a,, 6,, a,, &,), the reduced path from P, to P, is U=nlrl+ F+/i,r, (2). HIM quantity is stationary with respect to variations of a,, 6,, a,, 6,; therefore, differentiating with respect to these variables, we get -.SCS+SE.O u^+^-oi r' ^ r' A (3). If P, and P, are conjugate foci for rays in the plane of xz, the reduced jwth id stationary in passing from one ray to the next by simultaneous variation of a, and ' X1 = We shall next determine the relation between the curvature of the object and that of the image. VOL. IL 56 TIIK THEORY OF OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS. Let their curvatures be concave towards the instrument, their radii being , and /£, respectively, then, We must now insert these values in equation (5), but, for the sake of Minplicity, we shall suppose the planes of reference to pass through the principal • We now Hnd ft = * /, = £ Jj jj '* 2tf, °'"i+i' a'=ITi <17)- Hamilton's function for a symmetrical instrument is of the form tf+V) K + 63')' (tt.rt, + 6,6,) («,' + 6,') + ±q («,' + 6,') (a./ + 6,J) + r (ai* + 6,s) (a,a, + 6,6,) (18). hiffcrentiiiting. and making 6, and 6, zero, we find - 1 = 81 + 3«a,s + 6ra,a, + (6 + f/) «,* B-84-3fa1i+(26+2j)a1a»-J-3po,f (19), C = 6 + (6 + q) a? + 6pa,a, + Sea,1 x4' = 21 + art,1 + 2raja, + qa? \ 1? = Q + ra* + baf I (20). C = G + ^a,1 + 2paa,J + ca,' ) It' tlu- pliiiies of reference pass through the principal foci, 21 = 0 and 6 = 0 (21). Substituting in ^nations (5) and (7), and putting THE THEORY OF OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS. 443 — H W for the primary image ............ (24), p7H -- p-,= U+ W for the secondary image ........... (25). we find The condition of distinctness is U=Q. That the image of a flat object may be flat as well as distinct, U=0 and TF=0 (26). Form of the CJiaracteristic Function for a Spherical Refracting Surface. Let the planes of reference pass through the p/ principal foci. Let BC=s be the radius, then AJ}_ /M T)A . W .ii J.7 — j j^yj-2 ~~ • Li, , ™~ r*i /* ~~ /^l II n If the co-ordinates of P, are alt bl} — -, P7 P'z^ 1 » ^2> ^2> ~ > P „ a, 6, z, and if PlP = rl and PPs = r2, then F- /*!«•, under the condition that F is stationary with respect to variations of a and b, when This gives the following values of a arid b : 6 = 6, + b, + XA + XA + &c., when X, = X, = «* /*! a,* 56—2 444 THE THEORY OF OPTICAL INSTRUMENTS. whence we get, as the value of V to terms of the fourth order, ' + M.') («.«. + &&) (a,1 + 6,') ')(«.' + M(«.f + ^) fl(«tf+V)(«A+W f n • M 'e the coefficients in the general equations (18), (19), (2<>), (±2), (-2:]) are as follows : a=o, s=*^£, 6=0, [From the Encyclopaedia Britannica.] LXXIII. Atom. ATOM (aro/Ltos) is a body which cannot be cut in two. The atomic theory is a theory of the constitution of bodies, which asserts that they are made up of atoms. The opposite theory is that of the homogeneity and continuity of bodies, and asserts, at least in the case of bodies having no apparent organisa- tion, such, for instance, as water, that as we can divide a drop of water into two parts which are each of them drops of water, so we have reason to believe that these smaller drops can be divided again, and the theory goes on to assert that there is nothing in the nature of things to hinder this process of division from being repeated over and over again, times without end. This is the doctrine of the infinite divisibility of bodies, and it is in direct contradiction with the theory of atoms. The atomists assert that after a certain number of such divisions the parts would be no longer divisible, because each of them would be an atom. The advocates of the continuity of matter assert that the smallest conceivable body has parts, and that whatever has parts may be divided. In ancient times Democritus was the founder of the atomic theory, while Anaxagoras propounded that of continuity, under the name of the doctrine of homo3omeria ('Oftoio//,e)oia), or of the similarity of the parts of a body to the whole. The arguments of the atomists, and their replies to the objections of Anaxagoras, are to be found in Lucretius. In modern times the study of nature has brought to light many properties of bodies which appear to depend on the magnitude and motions of their ultimate constituents, and the question of the existence of atoms has once more become conspicuous among scientific inquiries. We shall begin by stating the opposing doctrines of atoms and of con- tinuity before giving an outline of the state of molecular science as it now exists. In the earliest times the most ancient philosophers whose speculations 446 ATOM. •i* known to us seem to have discussed the ideas of number and of continuous magnitude, of space and time, of matter and motion, with a native power of thought which haa probably never been surpassed. Their actual knowledge, however, and their scientific experience were necessarily limited, because in tin ii dar* the records of human thought were only beginning to accumulate. It is probable that the first exact notions of quantity were founded on the considera- n of number. It is by the help of numbers that concrete quantities are practically measured and calculated. Now, number is discontinuous. We pass from one numU'r to the next per WM//I. The magnitudes, on the other hand, which we meet with in geometry, are essentially continuous. The attempt to apply numerical methods to the comparison of geometrical quantities led to the doctrine of incommensurables, and to that of the infinite divisibility of space. Mtitnwhilr, the same considerations had not been applied to time, so that in the days of Zeno of Elea time was still regarded as made up of a finite number Miim-nts." while space was confessed to be divisible without limit. This was the state of opinion when the celebrated arguments against the possibility ..f in<>ti»n. of which that of Achilles and the tortoise is a specimen, were propounded by Zeno, and such, apparently, continued to be the state of opinion till Aristotle pointed out that time is divisible without limit, in precisely the aame sense that space is. And the slowness of the development of scientific ideas may be estimated from the fact that Bayle does not see any force in this statement of Aristotle, but continues to admire the paradox of Zeno. (Bayle's Dictionary, art. "Zeno".) Thus the direction of true scientific progress was for many ages towards the recognition of the infinite divisibility of space and time. It was easy to attempt to apply similar arguments to matter. If matter is extended and fills space, the same mental operation by which we recognise tin- divisibility of space may be applied, in imagination at least, to the matter which occupies space. From this point of view the atomic doctrine might be regarded as a relic of the old numerical way of conceiving magnitude, and the opposite doctrine of the infinite divisibility of matter might appear for a time the most scientific. The atomists, on the other hand, asserted very strongly th«- distinction between matter and space. The atoms, they said, do not fill up the universe; there are void spaces between them. If it were not so, Lucretius u-lls us, there could be no motion, for the atom which gives way first must have some empty place to move into. ATOM. 447 "Quapropter locus est intactus, inane, vacansque. Quod si non esset, nulla rations moveri Res possent; nainque, officium quod corporis exstat, OfEcere atque obstare, id in omni tempore adesset Omnibus : baud igitur quicquam prooedere posset, Principium quoniam cedendi nulla daret res." De Rerun, Natura, I. 335. The opposite school maintained then, as they have always done, that there is no vacuum — that every part of space is full of matter, that there is a universal plenum, and that all motion is like that of a fish in the water, which yields in front of the fish because the fish leaves room for it behind. "Cedere squamigeris latices nitentibus aiunt Et liquidas aperire vias, quia post loca pisces Linquant, quo possint cedentes confluere undse." I. 373. In modern times Descartes held that, as it is of the essence of matter to be extended in length, breadth, and thickness, so it is of the essence of extension to be occupied by matter, for extension cannot be an extension of nothing. "Ac proinde si quaeratur quid fiet, si Deus auferat omne corpus quod in aliquo vase continetur, et nullum aliud in ablati locum venire permittat? respondendum est, vasis latera sibi invicem hoc ipso fore contigua. Cum enim inter duo corpora nihil interjacet, necesse est ut se mutuo tangant, at- manifesto repugnat ut distent, sive ut inter ipsa sit distantia, et tamen ut ista distantia sit nihil ; quia ouinis distautia est modus extensionis, et ideo sine substantia extensa esse non potest." Principia, n. 18. This identification of extension with substance runs through the whole of Descartes's works, and it forms one of the ultimate foundations of the system of Spinoza. Descartes, consistently with this doctrine, denied the existence of atoms as parts of matter, which by their own nature are indivisible. He seems to admit, however, that the Deity might make certain particles of matter indivisible in this sense, that no creature should be able to divide them. These particles, however, would be still divisible by their own nature, because the Deity cannot diminish his own power, and therefore must retain his power of dividing them. Leibnitz, on the other hand, regarded his monad as the ultimate element of everything. There are thus two modes of thinking about the constitution of bodies, which have had their adherents both in ancient and in modern times. They correspond to the two methods of regarding quantity — the arithmetical and the geometrical. To the atomist the true method of estimating the quantity of •. •>:• M. matter in a body is to count the atoms in it The void spaces between the mom* count for nothing. To those who identify matter with extension, tl,«- volume of space occupied by a body is the only measure of the quantity of mutter in it Of the different forms of the atomic theory, that of Boscovich may be tak.-n M an example of the purest raonadism. According to Boscovich matter is made up of atoms. Each atom is an indivisible point, having position in space, capal.U- of motion in a continuous path, and possessing a certain mass, whereby a certain Amount of force is required to produce a given change of motion. Besides this the atom fa endowed with potential force, that is to say, that any two atoms attract or repel each other with a force depending on their distance apart. The law of this force, for all distances greater than say the thousandth of an inch, • an attraction varying as the inverse square of the distance. For smaller distances the force is an attraction for one distance and a repulsion for another, according to some law not yet discovered. Boscovich himself, in order to obviate the possibility of two atoms ever being in the same place, asserts that the ultimate force is a repulsion which increases without limit as the distance diminishes without limit, so that two atoms can never coincide. But this tflflffv an unwarrantable concession to the vulgar opinion that two bodies cannot co-exist in the same place. This opinion is deduced from our experience of the behaviour of bodies of sensible size, but we have no experimental evidence that two atoms may not sometimes coincide. For instance, if oxygen and hydrogen combine to form water, we have no experimental evidence that the molecule of oxygen is not in the very same place with the two molecules of hydrogen. Many persons1 cannot get rid of the opinion that all matter is extended in length, breadth, and depth. This is a prejudice of the same kind with the last, arising from our experience of bodies consisting of immense multitudes of atoms. The system of atoms, according to Boscovich, occupies a certain region of space in virtue of the forces acting between the component atoms of the system and any other atoms when brought near them. No other system of atoms can occupy the same region of space at the same time, because, before it could do so, the mutual action of the atoms would have caused a repulsion between the two systems insuperable by any force which we can command. Thus, a number of soldiers with firearms may occupy an extensive region to the exclusion of the enemy's armies, though the space filled by their bodies is but small. In this way Boscovich explained the apparent extension of bodies consisting of ATOM. 449 atoms, each of which is devoid of extension. According to Boscovich's theory, all action between bodies is action at a distance. There is no such thing in nature as actual contact between two bodies. When two bodies are said in ordinary language to be in contact, all that is meant is that they are so near together that the repulsion between the nearest pairs of atoms belonging to the two bodies is very great. Thus, in Boscovich's theory, the atom has continuity of existence in time and space. At any instant of time it is at some point of space, and it is never in more than one place at a time. It passes from one place to another along a continuous path. It has a definite mass which cannot be increased or di- minished. Atoms are endowed with the power of acting on one another by attraction or repulsion, the amount of the force depending on the distance between them. On the other hand, the atom itself has no parts or dimensions. In its geometrical aspect it is a mere geometrical point. It has no extension in space. It has not the so-called property of Impenetrability, for two atoms may exist in the same place. This we may regard as one extreme of the various opinions about the constitution of bodies. The opposite extreme, that of Anaxagoras — the theory that bodies apparently homogeneous and continuous are so in reality — is, in its extreme form, a theory incapable of development. To explain the properties of any substance by this theory is impossible. We can only admit the observed properties of such sub- stance as ultimate facts. There is a certain stage, however, of scientific progress in which a method corresponding to this theory is of service. In hydrostatics, for instance, we define a fluid by means of one of its known properties, and from this definition we make the system of deductions which constitutes the science of hydrostatics. In this way the science of hydrostatics may be built upon an experimental basis, without any consideration of the constitution of a fluid as to whether it is molecular or continuous. In like manner, after the French mathematicians had attempted, with more or less ingenuity, to construct a theory of elastic solids from the hypothesis that they consist of atoms in equilibrium under the action of their mutual forces, Stokes and others shewed that all the results of this hypothesis, so far at least as they agreed with facts, might be deduced from the postulate that elastic bodies exist, and from the hypothesis that the smallest portions into which we can divide them are sensibly homogeneous. In this way the principle of continuity, which is the basis of the method of Fluxions and the whole of modern mathematics, may VOL. II. 5? ATOJL be applied to the analyii* of problema connected with material bodies by •Morning tJm*t for the purpose of this analysis, to be homogeneous. All that m required to make the results applicable to the real case is that the smallest portion* of the substance of which we take any notice shall be sensibly of the ^yp^ ijjj,^ Thua, if a railway contractor has to make a tunnel through a hill of gravel, and if one cubic yard of the gravel is so like another cubic yard that for the purposes of the contract they may be taken as equivalent, then, in estimating the work required to remove the gravel from the tunnel, he may, without fear of error, make his calculations as if the gravel were a continuous But if a worm has to make his way through the gravel, it makes the greatest possible difference to him whether he tries to push right against a piece of gravel, or directs his course through one of the intervals between the pieces; to him, therefore, the gravel is by no means a homogeneous and continuous substance. In the same way, a theory that some particular substance, say water, is homogeneous and continuous may be a good working theory up to a certain point, but may fail when we come to deal with quantities so minute or so attenuated that their heterogeneity of structure comes into prominence. Whether this heterogeneity of structure is or is not consistent with homogeneity and continuity of substance is another question. The extreme form of the doctrine of continuity is that stated by Descartes, who maintains that the whole universe is equally full of matter, and that this matter is all of one kind, having no essential property besides that of extension. All the properties which we perceive in matter he reduces to its parts being movable among one another, and so capable of all the varieties which we can perceive to follow from the motion of its parts (Principia, IL 23). Descartes's own attempts to deduce the different qualities and actions of bodies in this way are not of much value. More than a century was required to invent methods of investigating the conditions of the motion of systems of bodies such as Descartes imagined. But the hydrodynamical discovery of Helmholtz that a vortex in a perfect liquid possesses certain permanent characteristics, has been applied by Sir W. Thomson to form a theory of vortex atoms in a homogeneous, incompressible, and frictionless liquid, to which we shall return at the proper time. ATOM. 451 Outline of Modern Molecular Science, and in particular of the Molecular Theory of Gases. We begin by assuming that bodies are made up of parts, each of which is capable of motion, and that these parts act on each other in a manner consistent with the principle of the conservation of energy. In making these assumptions, we are justified by the facts that bodies may be divided into smaller parts, and that all bodies with which we are acquainted are conservative systems, which would not be the case unless their parts were also conservative systems. We may also assume that these small parts are in motion. This is the most general assumption we can make, for it includes, as a particular case, the theory that the small parts are at rest. The phenomena of the diffusion of gases and liquids through each other shew that there may be a motion of the small parts of a body which is not perceptible to us. We make no assumption with respect to the nature of the small parts — whether they are all of one magnitude. We do not even assume them to have extension and figure. Each of them must be measured by its mass, and any two of them must, like visible bodies, have the power of acting on one another when they come near enough to do so. The properties of the body, or medium, are determined by the configuration and motion of its small parts. The first step in the investigation is to determine the amount of motion which exists among the small parts, independent of the visible motion of the medium as a whole. For this purpose it is convenient to make use of a general theorem in dynamics due to Clausius. When the motion of a material system is such that the time average of the quantity 2 (waf) remains constant, the state of the system is said to be that of stationary motion. When the motion of a material system is such that the sum of the moments of inertia of the system, about three axes at right angles through its centre of mass, never varies by more than small quantities from a constant value, the system is said to be in a state of stationary motion. The kinetic energy of a particle is half the product of its mass into the square of its velocity, and the kinetic energy of a system is the sum of the kinetic energy of all its parts. 57—2 . ATOM. When an attraction or repulsion exists between two points, half the product of this atwei into the distance between the two points is called the onu/ of the ihMB, and is reckoned positive when the stress is an attraction, and negative when it is a repulsion. The virial of a system is the sum of the ririala of the stresses which exist in it. If the system is subjected to the external stress of the pressure of the sides of a vessel in which it is contained, this stress will introduce an amount of virial $pV, where p is the imniiirn on unit of area and V is the volume of the vessel. The theorem of Clausius may now be stated as follows : — In a material ayvtem in ft state of stationary motion the time-average of the kinetic energy it equal to the time-average of the virial. In the case of a fluid enclosed in a where the first term denotes the kinetic energy, and is half the sum of the product of each mass into the mean square of its velocity. In the second term, p is the pressure on unit of surface of the vessel, whose volume is F, and the third term expresses the virial due to the internal actions between the parts of the system. A double symbol of summation is used, because every pair of parts between which any action exists must be taken into account. We have next to shew that in gases the principal part of the pressure arises from the motion of the small parts of the medium, and not from a repulsion between them. In the first place, if the pressure of a gas arises from the repulsion of its parts, the law of repulsion must be inversely as the distance. For, con- sider a cube filled with the gas at pressure p, and let the cube expand till each side is n times its former length. The pressure on unit of surface ac- cording to Boyle's law is now ^ , and since the area of a face of the cube is «' times what it was, the whole pressure on the face of the cube is - of n it* original value. But since everything has been expanded symmetrically, the distance between corresponding parts of the air is now n times what it was, and the force is n times less than it was. Hence the force must vary inversely as the distance. But Newton has shewn (Prindpia, Book i. Prop. 93) that this law is inadmissible, as it makes the effect of the distant parts of the medium on a ATOM. 453 particle greater than that of the neighbouring parts. Indeed, we should arrive at the conclusion that the pressure depends not only on the density of the air but on the form and dimensions of the vessel which contains it, which we know not to be the case. If, on the other hand, we suppose the pressure to arise entirely from the motion of the molecules of the gas, the interpretation of Boyle's law becomes very simple. For, in this case The first term is the product of the pressure and the volume, which ac- cording to Boyle's law is constant for the same quantity of gas at the same temperature. The second term is two-thirds of the kinetic energy of the system, and we have every reason to believe that in gases when the temperature is constant the kinetic energy of unit of mass is also constant. If we admit that the kinetic energy of unit of mass is in a given gas proportional to the absolute temperature, this equation is the expression of the law of Charles as well as of that of Boyle, and may be written — pV=Rd, where 0 is the temperature reckoned from absolute zero, and R is a constant. The fact that this equation expresses with considerable accuracy the relation between the volume, pressure, and temperature of a gas when in an extremely rarified state, and that as the gas is more and more compressed the deviation from this equation becomes more apparent, shews that the pressure of a gas is due almost entirely to the motion of its molecules when the gas is rare, and that it is only when the density of the gas is considerably increased that the effect of direct action between the molecules becomes apparent. The effect of the direct action of the molecules on each other depends on the number of pairs of molecules which at a given instant are near enough to act on one another. The number of such pairs is proportional to the square of the number of molecules in unit of volume, that is, to the square of the density of the gas. Hence, as long as the medium is so rare that the encounter between two molecules is not affected by the presence of others, the deviation from Boyle's law will be proportional to the square of the density. If the action between the molecules is on the whole repulsive, the pressure will be greater than that given by Boyle's law. If it is, on the whole, attractive, the pressure will be less than that given by Boyle's law. It appears, by the ex- 454 ATOM. perimente of Rtgnault and others, that the pressure does deviate from Boyle's kw when the density of the gas is increased. In the case of carbonic acid and other gases which are easily liquefied, this deviation is very great. In ail case*, howerer, except that of hydrogen, the pressure is less than that given by Boyle's law, shewing that the virial is on the whole due to attractive forces between the molecules. Another kind of evidence as to the nature of the action between the molecules is furnished by an experiment made by Dr Joule. Of two vessels, one was exhausted and the other filled with a gas at a pressure of 20 atmo- spheres; and both were placed side by side in a vessel of water, which was constantly stirred. The temperature of the whole was observed. Then a com- munication was opened between the vessels, the compressed gas expanded to twice its volume, and the work of expansion, which at first produced a strong current in the gas, was soon converted into heat by the internal friction of the gas. When all was again at rest, and the temperature uniform, the temperature was again observed. In Dr Joule's original experiments the ob- served temperature was the same as before. In a series of experiments, con- ducted by Dr Joule and Sir W. Thomson on a different plan, by which the thermal effect of free expansion can be more accurately measured, a slight cooling effect was observed in all the gases examined except hydrogen. Since the temperature depends on the velocity of agitation of the molecules, it appears that when a gas expands without doing external work the velocity of agitation is not much affected, but that in most cases it is slightly diminished. Now, if the molecules during their mutual separation act on each other, their velocity will increase or diminish according as the force is repulsive or attractive. It appears, therefore, from the experiments on the free expansion of gases, that the force between the molecules is small but, on the whole, attractive. Having thus justified the hypothesis that a gas consists of molecules in motion, which act on each other only when they come very close together during an encounter, but which, during the intervals between their encounters which constitute the greater part of their existence, are describing free paths, and are not acted on by any molecular force, we proceed to investigate the motion of such a system. The mathematical investigation of the properties of such a system of molecules in motion is the foundation of molecular science. Clausius was the first to express the relation between the density of the gas, the length of ATOM. 455 the free paths of its molecules, and the distance at which they encounter each other. He assumed, however, at least in his earlier investigations, that the velocities of all the molecules are equal. The mode in which the veloci- ties are distributed was first investigated by the present writer, who shewed that in the moving system the velocities of the molecules range from zero to infinity, but that the number of molecules whose velocities lie within given limits can be expressed by a formula identical with that which expresses in the theory of errors the number of errors of observation lying within corresponding limits. The proof of this theorem has been carefully investigated by Boltz- mann1, who has strengthened it where it appeared weak, and to whom the method of taking into account the action of external forces is entirely due. The mean kinetic energy of a molecule, however, has a definite value, which is easily expressed in terms of the quantities which enter into the expression for the distribution of velocities. The most important result of this investi- gation is that when several kinds of molecules are in motion and acting on one another, the mean kinetic energy of a molecule is the same whatever be its mass, the molecules of greater mass having smaller mean velocities. Now, when gases are mixed their temperatures become equal. Hence we conclude that the physical condition which determines that the temperature of two gases shall be the same is that the mean kinetic energies of agitation of the individual molecules of the two gases are equal. This result is of great im- portance in the theory of heat, though we are not yet able to establish any similar result for bodies in the liquid or solid state. In the next place, we know that in the case in which the whole pressure of the medium is due to the motion of its molecules, the pressure on unit of area is numerically equal to two-thirds of the kinetic energy in unit of volume. Hence, if equal volumes of two gases are at equal pressures the kinetic energy is the same in each. If they are also at equal temperatures the mean kinetic energy of each molecule is the same in each. If, therefore, equal volumes of two gases are at equal temperatures and pressures, the number of molecules in each is the same, and therefore, the masses of the two kinds of molecules are in the same ratio as the densities of the gases to which they belong. This statement has been believed by chemists since the time of Gay- Lussac, who first established that the weights of the chemical equivalents of * Sitzungsberichte der K. K. Akad., Wien, 8th Oct. 1868. ; ATOM. different substance* are proportional to the densities of these substances when in the form of gas. The definition of the word molecule, however, as employed in the statement of Gay-Luasac's law is by no means identical with the defi- nition of the same word as in the kinetic theory of gases. The chemists ••certain by experiment the ratios of the masses of the different substances in a compound. From these they deduce the chemical equivalents of the different substances, that of a particular substance, say hydrogen, being taken as unity. The only evidence made use of is that furnished by chemical combinations. It is also assumed, in order to account for the facts of combination, that the reason why substances combine in definite ratios is that the molecules of the substances are in the ratio of their chemical equivalents, and that what we call combination is an action which takes place by a union of a molecule of one substance to a molecule of the other. Tim kind of reasoning, when presented in a proper form and sustained by proper evidence, has a high degree of ^cogency. But it is purely chemical reasoning; it is not dynamical reasoning. It is founded on chemical experience, not on the laws of motion. Our definition of a molecule is purely dynamical. A molecule is that minute portion of a substance which moves about as a whole, so that its parts, if it has any, do not part company during the motion of agitation of the gas. The result of the kinetic theory, therefore, is to give us information about the relative masses of molecules considered as moving bodies. The con- sistency of this information with the deductions of chemists from the phenomena of combination, greatly strengthens the evidence in favour of the actual existence and motion of gaseous molecules. Another confirmation of the theory of molecules is derived from the experi- ments of Dulong and Petit on the specific heat of gases, from which they deduced the law which bears their name, and which asserts that the specific heats of equal weights of gases are inversely as their combining weights, or, in other words, that the capacities for heat of the chemical equivalents of different gases are equal. We have seen that the temperature is determined by the kinetic energy of agitation of each molecule. The molecule has also a certain amount of energy of internal motion, whether of rotation or of vibration, but the hypothesis of Clausius, that the mean value of the internal energy always bears a proportion fixed for each gas to the energy of agitation, seems highly probable and consistent with experiment The whole kinetic energy is there- ATOM. 457 fore equal to the energy of agitation multiplied by a certain factor. Thus the energy communicated to a gas by heating it is divided in a certain proportion between the energy of agitation and that of the internal motion of each molecule. For a given rise of temperature the energy of agitation, say of a million molecules, is increased by the same amount whatever be the gas. The heat spent in raising the temperature is measured by the increase of the whole kinetic energy. The thermal capacities, therefore, of equal numbers of molecules of different gases are in the ratio of the factors by which the energy of agitation must be multiplied to obtain the whole energy. As this factor appears to be nearly the same for all gases of the same degree of atomicity, Dulong and Petit's law is true for such gases. Another result of this investigation is of considerable importance in rela- tion to certain theories *, which assume the existence of aethers or rare media consisting of molecules very much smaller than those of ordinary gases. Ac- cording to our result, such a medium would be neither more nor less than a gas. Supposing its molecules so small that they can penetrate between the molecules of solid substances such as glass, a so-called vacuum would be full of this rare gas at the observed temperature, and at the pressure, whatever it may be, of the setherial medium in space. The specific heat, therefore, of the medium in the so-called vacuum will be equal to that of the same volume of any other gas at the same temperature and pressure. Now, the purpose for which this molecular sether is assumed in these theories is to act on bodies by its pressure, and for this purpose the pressure is generally assumed to be very great. Hence, according to these theories, we should find the specific heat of a so-called vacuum very considerable compared with that of a quantity of air filling the same space. We have now made a certain definite amount of progress towards a com- plete molecular theory of gases. We know the mean velocity of the molecules of each gas in metres per second, and we know the relative masses of the molecules of different gases. We also know that the molecules of one and the same gas are all equal in mass. For if they are not, the method of dialysis, as employed by Graham, would enable us to separate the molecules of smaller mass from those of greater, as they would stream through porous substances with greater velocity. We should thus be able to separate a gas, say hydrogen, into two portions, having different densities and other physical properties, * See Gustav Hausemann, Die Atome und ihre Bewegungen. 1871. (H. G. Mayer.) VOL. II. 58 . • ATOM. different combining weights, and probably different chemical properties of other k Aa no chemist has yet obtained specimens of hydrogen differing in this way faxn other •|HHff'M"-, we conclude that all the molecules of hydrogen are of wnsibly the same mass, and not merely that their mean mass is a statis- tical constant of great stability. But as yet we have not considered the phenomena which enable us to form an estimate of the actual mass and dimensions of a molecule. It is to Clau*iu* that we owe the first definite conception of the free path of a molecule and of the mean distance travelled by a molecule between successive encounters. He shewed that the number of encounters of a molecule in a given time is proportional to the velocity, to the number of molecules in unit of volume, and to the square of the distance between the centres of two molecules when they act on one another so as to have an encounter. From this it appears that if we call this distance of the centres the diameter of a molecule, and the volume of a sphere having this diameter the volume of a molecule, and the sum of the volumes of all the molecules the molecular volume of the gas, then the diameter of a molecule is a certain multiple of the quantity obtained by diminishing the free path in the ratio of the molecular volume of the gas t-i the whole volume of the gas. The numerical value of this multiple differs slightly, according to the hypothesis we assume about the law of distribution of velocities. It also depends on the definition of an encounter. When the molecules are regarded as elastic spheres we know what is meant by an encounter, but if they act on each other at a distance by attractive or repulsive forces of finite magnitude, the distance of their centres varies during an encounter, and is not a definite quantity. Nevertheless, the above state- ment of Clausius enables us, if we know the length of the mean path and the molecular volume of gas, to form a tolerably near estimate of the diameter of the sphere of the intense action of a molecule, and thence of the number • •f molecules in unit of volume and the actual mass of each molecule. To complete the investigation we have, therefore, to determine the mean path and the molecular volume. The first numerical estimate of the mean path of a gaseous molecule was made by the present writer from data derived from the internal friction of air. There are three phenomena which depend on the length of the free path of the molecules of a gas. It is evident that the greater the free path the more rapidly will the molecules travel from one part of the medium to another, because their direction will not be so often ATOM. 459 altered by encounters with other molecules. If the molecules in different parts of the medium are of different kinds, their progress from one part of the medium to another can be easily traced by analysing portions of the medium taken from different places. The rate of diffusion thus found furnishes one method of estimating the length of the free path of a molecule. This kind of diffusion goes on not only between the molecules of different gases, but among the molecules of the same gas, only in the latter case the results of the diffusion cannot be traced by analysis. But the diffusing molecules carry with them in their free paths the momentum and the energy which they happen at a given instant to have. The diffusion of momentum tends to equalise the apparent motion of different parts of the medium, and constitutes the pheno- menon called the internal friction or viscosity of gases. The diffusion of energy tends to equalise the temperature of different parts of the medium, and constitutes the phenomenon of the conduction of heat in gases. These three phenomena — the diffusion of matter, of motion, and of heat in gases — have been experimentally investigated, — the diffusion of matter by Graham and Loschmidt, the diffusion of motion by Oscar Meyer and Clerk Maxwell, and that of heat by Stefan. These three kinds of experiments give results which in the present im- perfect state of the theory and the extreme difficulty of the experiments, especially those on the conduction of heat, may be regarded as tolerably con- sistent with each other. At the pressure of our atmosphere, and at the temperature of melting ice, the mean path of a molecule of hydrogen is about the 10,000th of a millimetre, or about the fifth part of a wave-length of green light. The mean path of the molecules of other gases is shorter than that of hydrogen. The determination of the molecular volume of a gas is subject as yet to considerable uncertainty. The most obvious method is that of compressing the gas till it assumes the liquid form. It seems probable, from the great resist- ance of liquids to compression, that their molecules are about the same distance from each other as that at which two molecules of the same substance in the gaseous form act on each other during an encounter. If this is the case, the molecular volume of a gas is somewhat less than the volume of the liquid into which it would be condensed by pressure, or, in other words, the density of the molecules is somewhat greater than that of the liquid. Now, we know the relative weights of different molecules with great KQ O «J U^^Ld . aeeoracY, and. from a knowledge of the mean path, we can calculate their relative diameter* approximately. From these we can deduce the relative deneittea of different kinds of molecules. The relative densities so calculated bar* been flump***1 by Lorenz Meyer with the observed densities of the liquids into which the gases may be condensed, and he finds a remarkable correspond- ence between them. There is considerable doubt, however, as to the relation between the molecules of a liquid and those of its vapour, so that till a larger number of comparisons have been made, we must not place too much reliance on the calculated densities of molecules. Another, and perhaps a more refined, method is that adopted by M. Van der Waals, who deduces the molecular volume from the deviations of the pressure from Boyle's law as the gas is compressed. The first numerical estimate of the diameter of a molecule was that made by Losclunidt in 1865 from the mean path and the molecular volume. Inde- pendently of him and of each other, Mr Stoney, in 1868, and Sir W. Thomson, in 1870, published results of a similar kind — those of Thomson being deduced not onlv in this way, but from considerations derived from the thickness of soap bubbles, and from the electric action between zinc and copper. The diameter and the mass of a molecule, as estimated by these methods, are, of course, very small, but by no means infinitely so. About two millions of molecules of hydrogen in a row would occupy a millimetre, and about two hundred million million million of them would weigh a milligramme. These numbers must be considered as exceedingly rough guesses ; they must be corrected by more extensive and accurate experiments as science advances ; but the, main result, which appears to be well established, is that the deter- mination of the mass of a molecule is a legitimate object of scientific research, and that this mass is by no means immeasurably small. Loschmidt illustrates these molecular measurements by a comparison with the smallest magnitudes visible by means of a microscope. Nobert, he tells us, can draw 4000 lines in the breadth of a millimetre. The intervals between these lines can be observed with a good microscope. A cube, whose side is the 4000th of a millimetre, may be taken as the minimum visibile for observers of the present day. Such a cube would contain from GO to 100 million molecules of oxygen or of nitrogen; but since the molecules of organised substances contain on an average about 50 of the more elementary atoms, we may assume that the smallest organised particle visible under the microscope ATOM. 461 contains about two million molecules of organic matter. At least half of every living organism consists of water, so that the smallest living being visible under the microscope does not contain more than about a million organic molecules. Some exceedingly simple organism may be supposed built up of not more than a million similar molecules. It is impossible, however, to conceive so small a number sufficient to form a being furnished with a whole system of specialised organs. Thus molecular science sets us face to face with physiological theories. It forbids the physiologist from imagining that structural details of infinitely small dimensions can furnish an explanation of the infinite variety which exists in the properties and functions of the most minute organisms. A microscopic germ is, we know, capable of development into a highly organised animal. Another germ, equally microscopic, becomes, when developed, an animal of a totally different kind. Do all the differences, infinite in number, which distinguish the one animal from the other, arise each from some dif- ference in the structure of the respective germs ? Even if we admit this as possible, we shall be called upon by the advocates of Pangenesis to admit still greater marvels. For the microscopic germ, according to this theory, is no mere individual, but a representative body, containing members collected from every rank of the long-drawn ramification of the ancestral tree, the number of these members being amply sufficient not only to furnish the hereditary- characteristics of every organ of the body and every habit of the animal from birth to death, but also to afford a stock of latent gemmules to be passed on in an inactive state from germ to germ, till at last the ancestral peculiarity which it represents is revived in some remote descendant. Some of the exponents of this theory of heredity have attempted to elude the difficulty of placing a whole world of wonders within a body so small and so devoid of visible structure as a germ, by using the phrase structureless germs*. Now, one material system can differ from another only in the con- figuration and motion which it has at a given instant. To explain differences of function and development of a germ without assuming differences of structure is, therefore, to admit that the properties of a germ are not those of a purely material system. The evidence as to the nature and motion of molecules, with which we have hitherto been occupied, has been derived from experiments upon gaseous * See F. Galton, "On Blood Relationship," Proc. Roy. Soc., June 13, 1872. ATOM. media, the amalleflt aensible portion of which contains millions of millions of The constancy and uniformity of the properties of the gaseous medium * the direct result of the inconceivable irregularity of the motion of agitation of it« molecule*. Any cause which could introduce regularity into the motion of agitation, and marshal the molecules into order and method in tin ir vrolutiuna, might olut-k or even reverse that tendency to diffusion of matter, motion, and energy, which is one of the most invariable phenomena of nature, nnd to v hich Thomson has given the name of the dissipation of energy. Thus, when a sound-wave is passing through a mass of air, this motion is of a certain definite type, and if left to itself the whole motion is passed on to other masses of air, and the sound-wave passes on, leaving the air behind it at rest Heat, on the other hand, never passes out of a hot body except to enter a colder body, so that the energy of sound-waves, or any other form of energy which is propagated so as to pass wholly out of one portion of the medium and into another, cannot be called heat. \V-- have now to turn our attention to a class of molecular motions, which are as remarkable for their regularity as the motion of agitation is for its irregularity. It has been found, by means of the spectroscope, that the light emitted l)\- incandescent substances is different according to their state of condensation. When they are in an extremely rarefied condition the spectrum of their light consists of a set of sharply-defined bright lines. As the substance approaches a denser condition the spectrum tends to become continuous, either by the lines becoming broader and less defined, or by new lines and bands appearing between them, till the spectrum at length loses all its characteristics and becomes identical with that of solid bodies when raised to the same tem- perature. I Luce the vibrating systems, which are the source of the emitted light, must be vibrating in a different manner in these two cases. When the spectrum consists of a number of bright lines, the motion of the system must be com- pounded of a corresponding number of types of harmonic vibration. In order that a bright line may be sharply defined, the vibratory motion which produces it must be kept up in a perfectly regular manner for some hundreds or thousands of vibrations. If the motion of each of the vibrating bodies is kept up only during a small number of vibrations, then, however regular may be the vibrations of each body while it lasts, the resultant dis- ATOM. 463 turbance of the luminiferous medium, when analysed by the prism, will be found to contain, besides the part due to the regular vibrations, other motions, depending on the starting and stopping of each particular vibrating body, which will become manifest as a diffused luminosity scattered over the whole length of the spectrum. A spectrum of bright lines, therefore, indicates that the vibrating bodies when set in motion are allowed to vibrate in accordance with the conditions of their internal structure for some time before they are again interfered with by external forces. It appears, therefore, from spectroscopic evidence that each molecule of a rarefied gas is, during the greater part of its existence, at such a distance from all other molecules that it executes its vibrations in an undisturbed and regular manner. This is the same conclusion to which we were led by con- siderations of another kind at p. 452. We may therefore regard the bright lines in the spectrum of a gas as the result of the vibrations executed by the molecules while describing their free paths. When two molecules separate from one another after an encounter, each of them is in a state of vibration, arising from the unequal action on different parts of the same molecule during the encounter. Hence, though the centre of mass of the molecule describing its free path moves with uniform velocity, the parts of the molecule have a vibratory motion with respect to the centre of mass of the whole molecule, and it is the disturbance of the luminiferous medium communicated to it by the vibrating molecules which constitutes the emitted light. We may compare the vibrating molecule to a bell. When struck, the bell is set in motion. This motion is compounded of harmonic vibrations of many different periods, each of which acts on the air, producing notes of as many different pitches. As the bell communicates its motion to the air, these vibrations necessarily decay, some of them faster than others, so that the sound contains fewer and fewer notes, till at last it is reduced to the funda- mental note of the bell*. If we suppose that there are a great many bells precisely similar to each other, and that they are struck, first one and then another, in a perfectly irregular manner, yet so that, on an average, as many bells are struck in one second of time as in another, and also in such a way * Part of the energy of motion is, in the case of the bell, dissipated in the substance of the bell in virtue of the viscosity of the metal, and assumes the form of heat, but it is not necessary, for the purpose of illustration, to take this cause of the decay of vibrations into account. ATOM. on ,0 Average, any one bell is not again struck till it has ceased to vibrmtr, then the audible result will appear a continuous sound, composed of UM »ouud emitted by bells in all states of vibration, from the clang of the stroke to the final hum of the dying fundamental tone. Hut now let the number of bells be reduced while the same number of stroke* are given in a second. Each bell will now be struck before it has oeawd to vibrate, so that in the resulting sound there will be less of the fundamental tone and more of the original clang, till at last, when the peal is reduced to one bell, on which innumerable hammers are continually plying their strokes all out of time, the sound will become a mere noise, in which no inimical note can be distinguished. In the case of a gas we have an immense number of molecules, each of which is set in vibration when it encounters another molecule, and continues to vibrate as it describes its free path. The molecule is a material system, the parts of which are connected in some definite way, and from the fact that the bright lines of the emitted light have always the same wave-lengths, we learn that the vibrations corresponding to these lines are always executed in the same periodic time, and therefore the force tending to restore any part of the molecule to its position of equilibrium in the molecule must be propor- tional to its displacement relative to that position. From the mathematical theory of the motion of such a system, it appears tliat the whole motion may be analysed into the following parts, which may be considered each independently of the others : — In the first place, the centre of mass of the system moves with uniform velocity in a straight line. This velocity may have any value. In the second place, there may be a motion of rotation, the angular momentum of the system about its centre of mass re- maining during the free path constant in magnitude and direction. This angular momentum may have any value whatever, and its axis may have any direction. In the third place, the remainder of the motion is made up of a number of component motions, each of which is an harmonic vibration of a given type. In each type of vibration the periodic time of vibration is determined by the nature of the system, and is invariable for the same system. The relative amount of motion in different parts of the system is also determinate for each type, but the absolute amount of motion and the phase of the vibration of each type are determined by the particular circumstances of the last encounter, and may vary in any manner from one encounter to another. ATOM. 465 The values of the periodic times of the different types of vibration are given by the roots of a certain equation, the form of which depends on the nature of the connections of the system. In certain exceptionally simple cases, as, for instance, in that of a uniform string stretched between two fixed points, the roots of the equation are connected by simple arithmetical relations, and if the internal structure of a molecule had an analogous kind of simplicity, we might expect to find in the spectrum of the molecule a series of bright lines, whose wave-lengths are in simple arithmetical ratios. But if we suppose the molecule to be constituted according to some dif- ferent type, as, for instance, if it is an elastic sphere, or if it consists of a finite number of atoms kept in their places by attractive and repulsive forces, the roots of the equation will not be connected with each other by any simple relations, but each may be made to vary independently of the others by a suitable change of the connections of the system. Hence, we have no right to expect any definite numerical relations among the wave-lengths of the bright lines of a gas. The bright lines of the spectrum of an incandescent gas are therefore due to the harmonic vibrations of the molecules of the gas during their free paths. The only effect of the motion of the centre of mass of the molecule is to alter the time of vibration of the light as received by a stationary observer. When the molecule is coming towards the observer, each successive impulse will have a shorter distance to travel before it reaches his eye, and therefore the impulses will appear to succeed each other more rapidly than if the mole- cule were at rest, and the contrary will be the case if the molecule is receding from the observer. The bright line corresponding to the vibration will there- fore be shifted in the spectrum towards the blue end when the molecule is approaching, and towards the red end when it is receding from the observer. By observations of the displacement of certain lines in the spectrum, Dr Huggins and others have measured the rate of approach or of recession of certain stars with respect to the earth, and Mr Lockyer has determined the rate of motion of tornadoes in the sun. But Lord Rayleigh has pointed out that according to the dynamical theory of gases the molecules are moving hither and thither with so great velocity that, however narrow and sharply-defined any bright line due to a single molecule may be, the displacement of the line towards the blue by the approaching molecules, and towards the red by the receding mole- cules, will produce a certain amount of widening and blurring of the line in VOL. IL 59 . I AT.'M. the •pectrom, »o that there u ft limit to the sharpness of definition of the Ifrrcg Q[ a -^ jhe widening of the lines due to this cause will be in pro- portion to the Telocity of agitation of the molecules. It will be greatest for the molecules of smallest mass, as those of hydrogen, and it will increase with the temperature. Hence the measurement of the breadth of the hydrogen lines, such M C or /' in tin- sj>ectrum of the solar prominences, may furnish evidence that the temperature of the sun cannot exceed a certain value. On the Tfteory of Vortex Atoms. The equations which form the foundations of the mathematical theory of fluid motion were fully laid down by Lagrange and the great mathematicians of the end of last century, but the number of solutions of cases of fluid motion which had been actually worked out remained very small, and almost all of these belonged to a particular type of fluid motion, which has been since named the irrotational type. It had been shewn, indeed, by Lagrange, that a perfect fluid, if its motion is at any time irrotational, will continue in all time coming to move in an irrotational manner, so that, by assuming that the fluid was at one time at rest, the calculation of its subsequent motion may be very much simplified. It was reserved for Helmholtz to point out the very remarkable properties of rotational motion in a homogeneous incompressible fluid devoid of all viscosity. We must first define the physical properties of such a fluid. In the first place, it is a material substance. Its motion is continuous in space and time, and if we follow any portion of it as it moves, the mass of that portion remains invariable. These properties it shares with all material substances. In the next place, it is incompressible. The form of a given portion of the fluid may change, but its volume remains invariable; in other words, the density of the fluid remains the same during its motion. Besides this, the fluid is homogeneous, or the density of all parts of the fluid is the same. It is also continuous, so that the mass of the fluid contained within any closed surface is always r.r -j- ......................... (4), 8t at ax ay dz p is the pressure, and V is the potential of external forces. There are two other equations of similar form in y and z. Differentiating the equation in // with respect to z, and that in z with respect to y, and subtracting the second from the first, we find d 8v d 810 . Performing the differentiations and remembering equations (1) and also the condition of incompressibility, du dv dw we find Now, let us suppose a vortex line drawn in the fluid so as always to begin at the same particle of the fluid. The components of the velocity of this point are «, v, u>. Let us find those of a point on the moving vortex line at a distance ds from this point where ds = otda- .................................... (8). ATOM. 469 The co-ordinates of this point are x + adcr, y + ftdv, z + ydar ........................... (9), and the components of its velocity are Consider the first of these components. In virtue of equation (7) we may write it du 7 . du _ 7 du j du dx , du dy ^ du dz , /ir.v or u + -j- -j- da-+ -j- -f- d|x>rtional to the mass of the body, whether the body be large or nn«H we must admit that the size of the solid atoms of the body is exceed- ingly small compared with the distances between them, so that a very small proportion of the corpuscules are stopped even by the densest and largest bodies. W may picture to ourselves the streams of corpuscules coming in every direc- tion, like light from a uniformly illuminated sky. We may imagine a material body to consist of a congeries of atoms at considerable distances from each other, and we may represent this by a swarm of insects flying in the air. To an observer at a distance this swarm will be visible as a slight darkening of the «ky in a certain quarter. This darkening will represent the action of the material body in stopping the flight of the corpuscules. Now, if the proportion • -I* light stopped by the swarm is very small, two such swarms will stop nearly the same amount of light, whether they are in a line with the eye or not, but if one of them stops an appreciable proportion of light, there will not be so much left to be stopped by the other, and the effect of two swarms in a line with the eye will be less than the sum of the two effects separately. Now, we know that the effect of the attraction of the sun and earth on the moon is not appreciably different when the moon is eclipsed than on other occasions when full moon occurs without an eclipse. This shews that the number «.f the corpuscules which are stopped by bodies of the size and mass of the earth, and even the sun, is very small compared with the number which pass straight through the earth or the sun without striking a single molecule. To tlie streams of corpuscules the earth and the sun are mere systems of atoms scattered in space, which present far more openings than obstacles to their recti- linear flight. Such is the ingenious doctrine of Le Sage, by which he endeavours to explain universal gravitation. Let us try to form some estimate of this con- tinual bombardment of ultramundane corpuscules which is being kept up on all sides of us. ATOM. 475 We have seen that the sun stops but a very small fraction of the cor- puscules which enter it. The earth, being a smaller body, stops a still smaller proportion of them. The proportion of those which are stopped by a small body, say a 1 Ib. shot, must be smaller still in an enormous degree, because its thickness is exceedingly small compared with that of the earth. Now, the weight of the ball, or its tendency towards the earth, is produced, according to this theory, by the excess of the impacts of the corpuscules which come from above over the impacts of those which come from below, and have passed through the earth. Either of these quantities is an exceedingly small fraction of the momentum of the whole number of corpuscules which pass through the ball in a second, and their difference is a small fraction of either, and yet it is equivalent to the weight of a pound. The velocity of the corpuscules must be enormously greater than that of any of the heavenly bodies, other- wise, as may easily be shewn, they would act as a resisting medium opposing the motion of the planets. Now, the energy of a moving system is half the product of its momentum into its velocity. Hence the energy of the corpuscules, which by their impacts on the ball during one second urge it towards the earth, must be a number of foot-pounds equal to the number of feet over which a corpuscule travels in a second, that is to say, not less than thousands of millions. But this is only a small fraction of the energy of all the impacts which the atoms of the ball receive from the innumerable streams of corpuscules which fall upon it in all directions. Hence the rate at which the energy of the corpuscules is spent in order to maintain the gravitating property of a single pound, is at least millions of millions of foot-pounds per second. What becomes of this enormous quantity of energy ? If the corpuscules, after striking the atoms, fly off with a velocity equal to that which they had before, they will carry their energy away with them into the ultramundane regions. But if this be the case, then the corpuscules rebounding from the body in any given direction will be both in number and in velocity exactly equiva- lent to those which are prevented from proceeding in that direction by being deflected by the body, and it may be shewn that this will be the case what- ever be the shape of the body, and however many bodies may be present in the field. Thus, the rebounding corpuscules exactly make up for those which are deflected by the body, and there will be no excess of the impacts on any other body in one direction or another. 60—2 476 The explanation of gravitation, therefore, falls to the ground if the cor- uosouW are like perfectly elastic spheres, and rebound with a velocity of •Halation equal to that of approach. If, on the other hand, they rebound with •nailer velocity, the effect of attraction between the bodies will no doubt be produced, but then we have to find what becomes of the energy which the molecules have brought with them but have not carried away. If any appreciable fraction of this energy is communicated to the body in the form of heat, the amount of heat so generated would in a few seconds HUM it, and in like manner the whole material universe, to a white heat. It lias been suggested by Sir W. Thomson that the corpuscules may be m constructed as to carry off their energy with them, provided that part of their kinetic energy is transformed, during impact, from energy of translation to energy of rotation or vibration. For this purpose the corpuscules must be material systems, not mere points. Thomson suggests that they are vortex atoms, wliich are set into a state of vibration at impact, and go off with a smaller velocity of translation, but in a state of violent vibration. He has also suggested the possibility of the vortex corpuscule regaining its swiftness and losing part of its vibratory agitation by communion with its kindred cor- puscules in infinite space. We have devoted more space to this theory than it seems to deserve, because it is ingenious, and because it is the only theory of the cause of gravitation which has been so far developed as to be capable of being attacked and defended. It does not appear to us that it can account for the tem- |H-niture of bodies remaining moderate while their atoms are exposed to the tamhardment. The temperature of bodies must tend to approach that at which the average kinetic energy of a molecule of the body would be equal to the average kinetic energy of an ultramundane corpuscule. Now, suppose a plane surface to exist which stops all the corpuscules. The pressure on this plane will be p = NMiiP where M is the mass of a cor- puscule, N the number in unit of volume, and u its velocity normal to the plane. Now, we know that the very greatest pressure existing in the universe must be much less than the pressure p, which would be exerted against a body which stops all the corpuscules. We are also tolerably certain that N, the number of corpuscules which are at any one time within unit of volume, is small compared with the value of N for the molecules of ordinary bodies. Hence, Jfua must be enormous compared with the corresponding quantity for ATOM. 477 ordinary bodies, and it follows that the impact of the corpuscules would raise all bodies to an enormous temperature. We may also observe that according to this theory the habitable universe, which we are accustomed to regard as the scene of a magnificent illustration of the conservation of energy as the fundamental principle of all nature, is in reality maintained in working order only by an enormous expenditure of external power, which would be nothing less than ruinous if the supply were drawn from anywhere else than from the infinitude of space, and which, if the contrivances of the most eminent mathe- maticians should be found in any respect defective, might at any moment tear the whole universe atom from atom. We must now leave these speculations about the nature of molecules and the cause of gravitation, and contemplate the material universe as made up of molecules. Every molecule, so far as we know, belongs to one of a definite number of species. The list of chemical elements may be taken as repre- senting the known species which have been examined in the laboratories. Several of these have been discovered by means of the spectroscope, and more may yet remain to be discovered in the same way. The spectroscope has also been applied to analyse the light of the sun, the brighter stars, and some of the nebulae and comets, and has shewn that the character of the light emitted by these bodies is similar in some cases to that emitted by terres- trial molecules, and in others to light from which the molecules have absorbed certain rays. In this way a considerable number of coincidences have been traced between the systems of lines belonging to particular terrestrial sub- stances and corresponding lines in the spectra of the heavenly bodies. The value of the evidence furnished by such coincidences may be estimated by considering the degree of accuracy with which one such coincidence may be observed. The interval between the two lines which form Fraunhofer's line D is about the five hundredth part of the interval between B and G on Kirch- hoff's scale. A discordance between the positions of two lines amounting to the tenth part of this interval, that is to say, the five thousandth part of the length of the bright part of the spectrum, would be very perceptible in a spectroscope of moderate power. We may define the power of the spectro- scope to be the number of times which the smallest measurable interval is contained in the length of the visible spectrum. Let us denote this by p. In the case we have supposed p will be about 5000. If the spectrum of the sun contains n lines of a certain degree of inten- 471 aity, U* probability that any one line of the spectrum of a gas will coincide with oa* of these a lines is ud when p «• large compared with n, this becomes nearly -. If there are r lines in the spectrum of the gas, the probability that each and every one •hall coincide with a line in the solar spectrum is approximately — . Hence, in the case of a gas whose spectrum contains several lines, we have to com- pare the results of two hypotheses. If a large amount of the gas exists in the sun, we have the strongest reason for expecting to find all the r lines in the solar spectrum. If it does not exist, the probability that r lines out of tin* n observed lines shall coincide with the lines of the gas is exceedingly small. If, then, we find all the r lines in their proper places in the solar apectrum, we have very strong grounds for believing that the gas exists in the sun. The probability that the gas exists in the sun is greatly strengthened if the character of the lines as to relative intensity and breadth is found to correspond in the two spectra. The absence of one or more lines of the gas in the solar spectrum tends of course to weaken the probability, but the amount to be deducted from the probability must depend on what we know of the variation in the relative intensity of the lines when the temperature and the pressure of the gas are made to vary. Coincidences observed, in the case of several terrestrial substances, with several systems of lines in the spectra of the heavenly bodies, tend to increase the evidence for the doctrine that terrestrial substances exist in the heavenly bodies, while the discovery of particular lines in a celestial spectrum which do not coincide with any line in a terrestrial spectrum does not much weaken the general argument, but rather indicates either that a substance exists in the heavenly body not yet detected by chemists on earth, or that the temperature of the heavenly body is such that some substance, undecomposable by our methods, is there split up into components unknown to us in their separate state. We are thus led to believe that in widely-separated parts of the visible universe molecules exist of various kinds, the molecules of each kind having ATOM. 479 their various periods of vibration either identical, or so nearly identical that our spectroscopes cannot distinguish them. We might argue from this that these molecules are alike in all other respects, as, for instance, in mass. But it is sufficient for our present purpose to observe that the same kind of molecule, say that of hydrogen, has the same set of periods of vibration, whether we procure the hydrogen from water, from coal, or from meteoric iron, and that light, having the same set of periods of vibration, comes to us from the sun, from Sinus, and from Arcturus. The same kind of reasoning which led us to believe that hydrogen exists in the sun and stars, also leads us to believe that the molecules of hydrogen in all these bodies had a common origin. For a material system capable of vibration may have for its periods of vibration any set of values whatever. The probability, therefore, that two material systems, quite independent of each other, shall have, to the degree of accuracy of modern spectroscopic measure- ments, the same set of periods of vibration, is so very small that we are forced to believe that the two systems are not independent of each other. When, instead of two such systems, we have innumerable multitudes all having the same set of periods, the argument is immensely strengthened. Admitting, then, that there is a real relation between any two molecules of hydrogen, let us consider what this relation may be. We may conceive of a mutual action between one body and another tending to assimilate them. Two clocks, for instance, will keep time with each other if connected by a wooden rod, though they have different rates if they were disconnected. But even if the properties of a molecule were as capable of modification as those of a clock, there is no physical connection of a suffi- cient kind between Sirius and Arcturus. There are also methods by which a large number of bodies differing from each other may be sorted into sets, so that those in each set more or less resemble each other. In the manufacture of small shot this is done by making the shot roll down an inclined plane. The largest specimens acquire the greatest velocities, and are projected farther than the smaller ones. In this way the various pellets, which differ both in size and in roundness, are sorted into different kinds, those belonging to each kind being nearly of the same size, and those which are not tolerably spherical being rejected altogether. If the molecules were originally as various as these leaden pellets, arid were afterwards sorted into kinds, we should have to account for the dis- ATOM. of all the molecules which did not fall under one of the very limited of kinds known to us; and to get rid of a number of indestructible exceeding by fer the number of the molecules of all the recognised kinds, would be one of tot seraest labours ever proposed to a cosmogonist. * well known that living beings may be grouped into a certain number of species, defined with more or less precision, and that it is difficult or im- possible to find a tfltfr^ of individuals forming the links of a continuous chain holms* one species and another. In the case of living beings, however, the generation of individuals is always going on, each individual differing more or less from its parents. Each individual during its whole life is undergoing modification, and it either survives and propagates its species, or dies early, accordingly as it is more or less adapted to the circumstances of its environ- ment. Hence, it has been found possible to frame a theory of the distribution of organisms into species by means of generation, variation, and discriminative destruction. But a theory of evolution of this kind cannot be applied to the case of molecules, for the individual molecules neither are born nor die, they have neither parents nor offspring, and so far from being modified by their en- vironment, we find that two molecules of the same kind, say of hydrogen, have the same properties, though one has been compounded with carbon and buried in the earth as coal for untold ages, while the other has been "oc- cluded " in the iron of a meteorite, and after unknown wanderings in the heavens has at last fallen into the hands of some terrestrial chemist. The process by which the molecules become distributed into distinct species is not one of which we know any instances going on at present, or of which we have as yet been able to form any mental representation. If we suppose that the molecules known to us are built up each of some moderate number of atoms, these atoms being all of them exactly alike, then we may attribute the limited number of molecular species to the limited number of ways in which the primitive atoms may be combined so as to form a permanent system. But though this hypothesis gets rid of the difficulty of accounting for the independent origin of different species of molecules, it merely transfers the diffi- culty from the known molecules to the primitive atoms. How did the atoms come to be all alike in those properties which are in themselves capable of assuming any value ? If we adopt the theory of Boscovich, and assert that the primitive atom is a mere centre of force, having a certain definite mass, we may get over the ATOM. 481 difficulty about the equality of the mass of all atoms by laying it down as a doctrine which cannot be disproved by experiment, that mass is not a quantity capable of continuous increase or diminution, but that it is in its own nature discontinuous, like number, the atom being the unit, and all masses being multiples of that unit. We have no evidence that it is possible for the ratio of two masses to be an incommensurable quantity, for the incommen- surable quantities in geometry are supposed to be traced out in a continuous medium. If matter is atomic, and therefore discontinuous, it is unfitted for the construction of perfect geometrical models, but in other respects it may fulfil its functions. But even if we adopt a theory which makes the equality of the mass of different atoms a result depending on the nature of mass rather than on any quantitative adjustment, the correspondence of the periods of vibration of actual molecules is a fact of a different order. We know that radiations exist having periods of vibration of every value between those corresponding to the limits of the visible spectrum, and probably far beyond these limits on both sides. The most powerful spectroscope can detect no gap or discontinuity in the spectrum of the light emitted by incan- descent lime. The period of vibration of a luminous particle is therefore a quantity which in itself is capable of assuming any one of a series of values, which, if not mathematically continuous, is such that consecutive observed values differ from each other by less than the ten thousandth part of either. There is, therefore, nothing in the nature of time itself to prevent the period of vibration of a molecule from assuming any one of many thousand different observable values. That which determines the period of any particular kind of vibration is the relation which subsists between the corresponding type of displacement and the force of restitution thereby called into play, a relation involving constants of space and time as well as of mass. It is the equality of these space- and time-constants for all molecules of the same kind which we have next to consider. We have seen that the very different circumstances in which different molecules of the same kind have been placed have not, even in the course of many ages, produced any appreciable difference in the values of these constants. If, then, the various processes of nature to which these molecules have been subjected since the world began have not been able in all that time to produce any appreciable difference VOL. II. 61 ATOM. lula^on the oocwUnU of one molecule and those of another, we are forced •>tttrlu«lc that it u not to the operation of any of these processes that the unifurmit v of the constant* is dua The formation of the molecule is therefore an event not belonging to that tinier of nature under which we live. It is an operation of a kind which is not, *» fiu- at we are aware, going on on earth or in the sun or the stars, cither now or since these bodies began to be formed. It must be referred to the epoch, not of the formation of the earth or of the solar system, but of the estnbluihment of the existing order of nature, and till not only these n rj old r of nature tta It' i> dinolved, \\v haw no reMon to expect the occurrence of any operation of a similar kind. In the present state of science, therefore, we have strong reasons for be- liering that in a molecule, or if not hi a molecule, in one of its component atoms, we have something which has existed either from eternity or at least from times anterior to the existing order of nature. But besides this atom, there are immense numbers of other atoms of the same kind, and the constants of each of these atoms are incapable of adjustment by any process now in action. Each is physically independent of all the others. Whether or not the conception of a multitude of beings existing from all eternity is in itself self-contradictory, the conception becomes palpably absurd when we attribute a relation of quantitative equality to all these beings. We are then forced to look beyond them to some common cause or common origin to explain why this singular relation of equality exists, rather than any one of the infinite number of possible relations of inequality. Science is incompetent to reason upon the creation of matter itself out <>f nothing. We have reached the utmost limit of our thinking faculties when we have admitted that, because matter cannot be eternal and self-existent, it must have been created. It is only when we contemplate not matter in itself, but the form in which it actually exists, that our mind finds something on which it can lay hold. That matter, as such, should have certain fundamental properties, that it should have a continuous existence in space and time, that all action should he between two portions of matter, and so on, are truths which may, for aught we know, be of the kind which metaphysicians call necessary. We may uw our knowledge of such truths for purposes of deduction, but we have no data for speculating on their origin. ATOM. 483 But the equality of the constants of the molecules is a fact of a very different order. It arises from a particular distribution of matter, a collocation, to use the expression of Dr Chalmers, of things which we have no difficulty in imagining to have been arranged otherwise. But many of the ordinary instances of collocation are adjustments of constants, which are not only arbitrary in their own nature, but in which variations actually occur; and when it is pointed out that these adjustments are beneficial to living beings, and are therefore instances of benevolent design, it is replied that those variations which are not conducive to the growth and multiplication of living beings tend to their destruction, and to the removal thereby of the evidence of any adjustment not beneficial. The constitution of an atom, however, is such as to render it, so far as we can judge, independent of all the dangers arising from the struggle for existence. Plausible reasons may, no doubt, be assigned for believing that if the constants had varied from atom to atom through any sensible range, the bodies formed by aggregates of such atoms would not have been so well fitted for the construction of the world as the bodies which actually exist. But as we have no experience of bodies formed of such variable atoms this must remain a bare conjecture. Atoms have been compared by Sir J. Herschel to manufactured articles, on account of their uniformity. The uniformity of manufactured articles may be traced to very different motives on the part of the manufacturer. In certain cases it is found to be less expensive as regards trouble, as well as cost, to make a great many objects exactly alike than to adapt each to its special requirements. Thus, shoes for soldiers are made in large numbers without any designed adaptation to the feet of particular men. In another class of cases the uniformity is intentional, and is designed to make the manufactured article more valuable. Thus, Whitworth's bolts are made in a certain number of sizes, so that if one bolt is lost, another may be got at once, and accurately fitted to its place. The identity of the arrangement of the words in the different copies of a document or book is a matter of great practical importance, and it is more perfectly secured by the process of printing than by that of manuscript copying. In a third class not a part only but the whole of the value of the object arises from its exact conformity to a given standard. Weights and measures belong to this class, and the existence of many well-adjusted material standards 01—3 \I..\I. of wright and measure in any country furnishes evidence of the existence of • •jntera of Uw regulating the transactions of the inhabitants, and enjoining in all profcoMd measures a conformity to the national standard. There are thus three kinds of usefulness in manufactured articles — cheap- ntm, eerrioeableneea, and quantitative accuracy. Which of these was present to tho mind of Sir J. Herscliel we cannot now positively affirm, but it was at leact as likely to have been the last as the first, though it seems more probable that he meant to assert that a number of exactly similar things cannot be each of them eternal and self-existent, and must therefore have been made, and that he and the phrase "manufactured article" to suggest the idea of their being made in great numbers. [From the Encyclopaedia Britannica.] LXXIV. Attraction. THAT the different parts of a material system influence each other's mo- tions is a matter of daily observation. In some cases we cannot discover any material connection extending from the one body to the other. We call these cases of action at a distance, to distinguish them from those in which we can trace a continuous material bond of union between the bodies. The mutual action between two bodies is called stress. When the mutual action tends to bring the bodies nearer, or to prevent them from separating, it is called tension or attraction. When it tends to separate the bodies, or to prevent them from approaching, it is called pressure or repulsion. The names tension and pressure are used when the action is seen to take place through a medium. Attraction and repulsion are reserved for cases of action at a distance. The configuration of a material system can always be defined in terms of the mutual distances of the parts of the system. Any change of configuration must alter one or more of these distances. Hence the force which produces or resists such a change may be resolved into attractions or repulsions between those parts of the system whose distance is altered. There has been a great deal of speculation as to the cause of such forces, one of them, namely, the pressure between bodies in contact, being supposed to be more easily conceived than any other kind of stress. Many attempts have therefore been made to resolve cases of apparent attraction and repulsion at a distance into cases of pressure. At one time the possibility of attraction at a distance was supposed to be refuted by asserting that a body cannot act where it is not, and that therefore all action between different portions of matter must be by direct contact. To this it was replied that we have no evidence that real contact ever takes place between two bodies, and that, in fact, when bodies are pressed against each other and in apparent contact, we I ATTRACTION. mar •onetime* actually measure the distance between them, as when one piece of gbuB is hid on another, in which case a considerable pressure must be ap- plied to bring the surfaces near enough to shew the block spot of Newton's ring*, which indicate* a distance of about a ten thousandth of a millimetre. If, in older to get rid of the idea of action at a distance, we imagine a ma- terial medium through which the action is transmitted, all that we have done is to substitute for a single action at a great distance a series of actions at smaller distances between the parts of the medium, so that we cannot even thus get rid of action at a distance. The study of the mutual action between the parts of a material system hat, in modem tiroes, been greatly simplified by the introduction of the idea of the energy of the system. The energy of the system is measured by the amount of work which it can do in overcoming external resistances. It depends on the present configuration and motion of the system, and not on the manner in which the system has acquired that configuration and motion. A complete knowledge of the manner in which the energy of the system depends on its configuration and motion, is sufficient to determine all the forces acting between the parts of the system. For instance, if the system consists of two bodies, and if the energy depends on the distance between them, then if the energy increases when the distance increases, there must be attraction between the bodies, and if the energy diminishes when the distance increases, there must be repulsion between them. In the case of two gravitating masses m and m' at a distance r, the part of the energy which depends on r is — • - . We may therefore express the fact that there is attraction between the two bodies by saying that the energy of the system consisting of the two bodies increases when their distance increases. The question, therefore, Why do the two bodies attract each other? may be expressed in a different form. Why does the energy of the system increase when the distance increases ? But we must bear in mind that the scientific or science-producing value of the efforts made to answer these old standing questions is not to be measured by the prospect they afford us of ultimately obtaining a solution, but by their effect in stimulating men to a thorough investigation of nature. To propose a scientific question presupposes scientific knowledge, and the questions which exercise men's minds in the present state of science may very likely be such that a little more knowledge would shew us that no answer is possible. The ATTEACTION. 487 scientific value of the question, How do bodies act on one another at a dis- tance ? is to be found in the stimulus it has given to investigations into the properties of the intervening medium. Newton, in his Principia, deduces from the observed motions of the hea- venly bodies the fact that they attract one another according to a definite law. This he gives as a result of strict dynamical reasoning, and by it he shews how not only the more conspicuous phenomena, but all the apparent irregu- larities of the celestial motions are the calculable results of a single principle. In his Principia he confines himself to the demonstration and development of this great step in the science of the mutual action of bodies. He says nothing there about the means by which bodies gravitate towards each other. But his mind did not rest at this point. We know that he did not believe in the direct action of bodies at a distance. " It is inconceivable that inanimate brute matter should, without the mediation of something else which is not material, operate upon and affect other matter without mutual contact, as it must do if gravitation in the sense of Epicurus be essential and inherent in it... That gravity should be innate, inherent, and essential to matter, so that one body can act upon another at a distance, through a vacuum, without the mediation of anything else, by and through which their action and force may be conveyed from one to another, is to me so great an absurdity, that I believe no man, who has in philosophical matters a competent faculty of thinking, can ever fall into it." — Letter to Bentley. And we also know that he sought for the mechanism of gravitation in the properties of an aethereal medium diffused over the universe. " It appears, from his letters to Boyle, that this was his opinion early, and if he did not publish it sooner it proceeded from hence only, that he found he was not able, from experiment and obser- vation, to give a satisfactory account of this medium and the manner of its operation in producing the chief phenomena of nature*." In his Optical Queries, indeed, he shews that if the pressure of this medium is less in the neighbourhood of dense bodies than at great distances from them, dense bodies will be drawn towards each other, and that if the diminution of pressure is inversely as the distance from the dense body the law will be that of gravitation. The next step, as he points out, is to account for this inequality of pressure in the medium ; and as he was not able to do this, he left the explanation of the cause of gravity as a problem to succeeding ages. As regards gravitation the progress made towards the solution of the problem since the time of Newton has been almost imperceptible. Faraday * Maclaurin's account of Sir Isaac Newton's discoveries. . . , ATTRACTION. •hewed that the transmission of electric and magnetic forces is accompanied by lr1T|— occurring in every part of the intervening medium. He traced the Unas of tmse through the medium; and he ascribed to them a tendency to ^^m themselves and to separate from their neighbours, thus introducing the idea of ftnm in the medium in a different form from that suggested by Newton ; for. whereas Newton's stress was a hydrostatic pressure in every direction, Faradav's is a tension along the lines of force, combined with a pressure in all normal directions. By shewing that the plane of polarisation of a ray of light passing through a transparent medium in the direction of the magnetic force is made to rotate, Faraday not only demonstrated the action of magnetism on light, but by using light to reveal the state of magnetisation of the medium, he " illuminated," to use his own phrase, " the lines of magnetic force." From this phenomenon Thomson afterwards proved, by strict dynamical reasoning, that the transmission of magnetic force is associated with a rotatory motion of the small parts of the medium. He shewed, at the same time, how the centrifugal force due to this motion would account for magnetic attraction. A theory of this kind is worked out in greater detail in Clerk Maxwell's Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism. It is there shewn that, if we assume that the medium is in a state of stress, consisting of tension along the lines of force and pressure in all directions at right angles to the lines of force, the tension and the pressure being equal in numerical value and proportional to the square of the intensity of the field at the given point, the observed electrostatic and electromagnetic forces will be completely accounted for. The next step is to account for this state of stress in the medium. In the case of electromagnetic force we avail ourselves of Thomson's deduction from Faraday's discovery stated above. We assume that the small parts of the medium are rotating about axes parallel to the lines of force. The centrifugal force due to this rotation produces the excess of pressure perpendicular to the lines of force. The explanation of electrostatic stress is less satisfactory, but there can be no doubt that a path is now open by which we may trace to the action of a medium all forces which, like the electric and magnetic forces, vary inversely as the square of the distance, and are attractive between bodies of different names, and repulsive between bodies of the same names. The force of gravitation is also inversely as the square of the distance, but it differs from the electric and magnetic forces in this respect, that the bodies between which it acts cannot be divided into two opposite kinds, one positive ATTRACTION. 489 and the other negative, but are in respect of gravitation all of the same kind, and that the force between them is in every case attractive. To account for such a force by means of stress in an intervening medium, on the plan adopted for electric and magnetic forces, we must assume a stress of an opposite kind from that already mentioned. We must suppose that there is a pressure in the direction of the lines of force, combined with a tension in all directions at right angles to the lines of force. Such a state of stress would, no doubt, account for the observed effects of gravitation. We have not, however, been able hitherto to imagine any physical cause for such a state of stress. It is easy to calculate the amount of this stress which would be required to account for the actual effects of gravity at the surface of the earth. It would require a pressure of 37,000 tons weight on the square inch in a vertical direction, combined with a tension of the same numerical value in all horizontal directions. The state of stress, therefore, which we must suppose to exist in the invisible medium, is 3000 times greater than that which the strongest steel could sup- port. Another theory of the mechanism of gravitation, that of Le Sage, who attributes it to the impact of "ultramundane corpuscles," has been already discussed in the article Atom, supra, p. 473. Sir William Thomson* has shewn that if we suppose all space filled with a uniform incompressible fluid, and if we further suppose either that material bodies are always generating and emitting this fluid at a constant rate, the fluid flowing off to infinity, or that material bodies are always absorbing and annihilating the fluid, the deficiency flowing in from infinite space, then, in either of these cases, there would be an attraction between any two bodies inversely as the square of the distance. If, however, one of the bodies were a generator of the fluid and the other an absorber of it, the bodies would repel each other. Here, then, we have a hydrodynamical illustration of action at a distance, which is so far promising that it shews how bodies of the same kind may attract each other. But the conception of a fluid constantly flowing out of a body without any supply from without, or flowing into it without any way of escape, is so contradictory to all our experience, that an hypothesis, of which it is an essential part, cannot be called an explanation of the phenomenon of gravitation. * Proceedings of the Royal Svciety of Edinburgh, 7th Feb. 1870. VOL. II, 62 ATTRACTION*. I* Robert Hooke, a man of singular inventive power, in 1671 entUa- rouml to trace tht «*o«e of gravitation to waves propagated in a medium. II' found thH bodiM floating on water agitated by waves were drawn towards the centra of agitation*. He does not appear, however, to have followed up that observation in such a way as to determine completely the action of waves on an immened liody. Professor Challis has investigated the mathematical theory of the effect of waves of condensation and rarefaction in an elastic fluid on bodies immersed in the fluid. He found the difficulties of the investigation to be so great that he baa not been able to arrive at numerical results. He concludes, however, ^i the effect of such waves would be to attract the body towards the centre ..I" agitation, or to repel it from that centre, according as the wave's length is very large or very small compared with the dimensions of the body. Prac- tical illustrations of the effect of such waves have been given by Guyot, Schell- bach. Guthrie, and Thomson t. A tuning-fork is set in vibration, and brought near a delicately suspended iiu'lit body. The body is immediately attracted towards the tuning-fork. If the tuning-fork is itself suspended, it is seen to be attracted towards any body placed near it Sir W. Thomson has shewn that this action can in all cases be explained by the general principle that in fluid motion the average pressure is least where the average energy of motion is greatest. Now, the wave-motion is greatest nearest the tuning-fork, the pressure is therefore least there ; and the suspended body being pressed unequally on opposite sides, moves from the side of greater pressure to the side of less pressure, that is towards the tuning-fork. He has also succeeded in producing repulsion in the case of a small body lighter than the surrounding medium. It is remarkable that of the three hypotheses, which go some way towards a physical explanation of gravitation, every one involves a constant expenditure of work. Le Sage's hypothesis of ultramundane corpuscles does so, as we have shewn in the article ATOM. That of the generation or absorption of fluid requires, not only constant expenditure of work in emitting fluid under pressure, but actual creation and destruction of matter. That of waves requires some agent in a remote part of the universe capable of generating the waves. * Po»thumkical Jfayatiru, June, 1871. ATTRACTION. 491 According to such hypotheses we must regard the processes of nature not as illustrations of the great principle of the conservation of energy, but as instances in which, by a nice adjustment of powerful agencies not subject to this principle, an apparent conservation of energy is maintained. Hence, we are forced to conclude that the explanation of the cause of gravitation is not to be found in any of these hypotheses. 62—2 Gi«»*rufy» PktlotojAioal Society t Proceedings, Vol. II. 1870.] LXXV. On Bow's method of drawing diagrams in graphical statics with illustrations from Peaucellier's linkage. THE use of Diagrams is a particular instance of that method of symbols which ia so powerful an aid in the advancement of science. A diagram differs from a picture in this respect, that in a diagram no attempt is made to represent those features of the actual material system which are not the special objects of our study. Thus when we are studying the internal equilibrium of a particular piece of a structure or a machine, we require to know its shape and dimensions, and the specification of these may often be made easier by means of a drawing of the piece. But when we are studying the equilibrium of a framework composed of such pieces jointed together, in which each piece acts only by tension or by pressure between its extremities, it is not necessary to know whether a particular piece is straight or curved or what may be the form of its section. In order, therefore, to exhibit the structure of the frame in the most elementary manner we may draw it as a skeleton in which the different joints are connected by straight lines. The tension or pressure of each piece may be indicated on such a diagram by numbers attached to the line which represents that piece in the diagram. The stresses in the frame would thus be indicated in a way which is geometrical as regards the position and direction of the forces, but arithmetical as regards their magnitude. But a purely geometrical representation of a force has been made use of from the earliest beginnings of mechanics as a science. The force is represented by a straight line drawn from the point of application of the force, in the direction of the force, and containing as many units of length as there are BOW'S METHOD OF DRAWING DIAGRAMS IN GRAPHICAL STATICS. 493 units of force in the force. The end of the line is marked by an arrow-head to shew in which direction the force acts. According to this method each force is drawn in its proper position in the diagram which represents the configuration of the system. Such a diagram might be useful as a record of the results of calculation of the magnitude of the forces, but it would be of no use in enabling us to test the correctness of the calculation. It would be of less use than the diagram in which the magnitudes of the forces were indicated by numbers. . , But we have a geometrical method of testing the equilibrium of any set of forces acting at a point by drawing in series a set of lines parallel and proportional to these forces. If these lines form a closed polygon the forces are in equilibrium. We might thus form a set of polygons of forces, one for each joint of the frame. But in so doing we give up the principle of always drawing the line representing a force from its point of application, for all the sides of a polygon cannot pass through the same point as the forces do. We also represent every stress twice over, for it appears as a side of both the polygons corresponding to the two joints between which it acts. But if we can arrange the polygons in such a way that the sides of any two polygons which represent the same force coincide with each other, we may form a diagram in which every stress is represented in direction and magnitude, though not in position, by a single line, which is the common boundary of the two polygons which represent the points of concourse of the pieces of the frame. Here we have a pure diagram of forces, in which no attempt is made to represent the configuration of the material system, and in which every force is not only represented in direction and magnitude by a straight line, but the equilibrium of the forces is manifest by inspection, for we have only to examine whether each polygon is closed or not. The relations between the diagram of the frame and the diagram of stress are as follows : To every piece in the frame corresponds a line in the diagram of stress which represents in magnitude and direction the stress acting on that piece. To every joint of the frame corresponds a closed polygon in the diagram, and the forces acting at that joint are represented by the sides of the polygon taken in a certain cyclical order. The cyclical order of the sides of two adjacent polygons is such that their common side is traced in opposite directions in going round the two polygons. 'tt METHOD OF DRAWING I'lAi.KAMS IN URAPHICAL 8TATIC8. When to every point of concourse of the lines in the diagram of stress a closed polygon in the skeleton of the frame, the two diagrams are aaki to be reciprocal. The first extensions of the method of diagrams of forces to other cases than that of the funicular polygon were given by Rankine in his Applied Ifafcmtw (1857). The method was indejwndently applied to a large number of cases by Mr W. P. Taylor, a practical draughtsman in the office of the well-known con- tractor Mr J. B. Cochrane. I pointed out the reciprocal properties of the diagram in 1864, and in 1870 shewed the relations of this method to Airy's function of stress and other mathematical methods. Prof. Fleeming Jenkin has given a number of applications of the method practice. Trans. R. S. K, Vol. xxv. Cremona* has deduced the construction of the reciprocal figures from the theory of the two linear components of a wrench. Cul ma nn in his Graphiscfie Statik makes great use of diagrams of forces, some of which, however, are not reciprocal M. Maurice Levy in his Statique Graphiqw (Paris, 1874) has treated the whole subject in an elementary and complete manner. Mr R. H. Bow, C.E., F.R.S.E., in a recent work On the Economics of Construction in relation to Framed Structures (Spon, 1873), has materially simplified the process of drawing a diagram of stress reciprocal to a given frame acted on by any system of equilibrating external forces. Instead of lettering the joints of the frame as is generally done, or the pieces of the frame as was my own custom, he places a letter in each of the polygonal areas enclosed by the pieces of the frame, and also in each of the divisions of the surrounding space as separated by the lines of action of the external forces. When one piece of the frame crosses another, the point of intersection is treated as if it were a real joint, and the stresses of each of the intersecting pieces are represented twice in the diagram of stress, as the opposite sides of the parallelogram which represents the forces at the point of intersection. Thus the point V in figures 1 and 3, p. 495, is represented by the parallelogram BDCE in figure 2, and the point A in figure 2 is represented by the parallelogram PRQS in figures 1 and 3. * L» figure reciproche nella sfatica grafica (Milano, 1872). BOWS METHOD OF DRAWING DIAGRAMS IN GRAPHICAL STATICS. 495 Peaucellier's linkage consists of the four equal pieces forming the jointed rhombus PQRS together with two equal arms OS and OR. Fig 1 When these arms are longer than the sides of the rhombus the linkage is said to be positive ; when they are shorter the linkage is said to be negative. When Peancellier's linkage is employed as a machine it is acted on by three forces, applied respectively at the fulcrum 0, and the two tracing poles (J and S. 496 BOW'S MOTHOD OP DRAWING DIAGRAMS IN GRAPHICAL STATICS. These three forces, if in equilibrium, must meet in some point T. We may therefore suppose them to be stresses in three new pieces OT, QT, ST, which will complete the frame. Lei us suppose that both 0 and T are outside the rhombus, and that OS intersect* PT in the point V, and let us apply Bow's method to construct the diagram of stress reciprocal to this frame. If we letter the areas as follows, putting A for the rhombus PRQS, B for the triangle PSV, C for the triangle OTV, D for the quadrilateral ORPV, E for the quadrilateral QSVT, and F for the space outside the frame, then, in the diagram of stress, the stresses of the four sides of the rhombus will meet in A, and since the opposite sides of the rhombus are parallel, the lines EA and AD will be in one straight line, and the lines BA and AF will also be in a straight line. Also since in the frame the pieces OR and OS are equal, the angles ORP, PSV are equal, and the corresponding angles FDA, ABE must be equal, and therefore the quadrilateral BEFD can be inscribed in a circle, and therefore the angles FEA, DBA are equal, and the corresponding angles in the frame TQS, SPY are equal, and therefore PT is equal to QT. If; therefore, 0 is in one diagonal of the rhombus, T must be in the other diagonal. The diagram of stress is completed by drawing EC parallel to BD, and DC parallel to BE, and joining FC. This diagram therefore consists of a parallelogram BDCE, a diagonal ED, a point F in the circle passing through FBD, and four lines drawn from F to the angles of the parallelogram. If we now begin with the diagram of stress, and proceed to construct a frame reciprocal to it, the form of the frame will be different according to the cyclical direction in which the sides of the rhombus PRQS are lettered. If in the one case we have the points 0 and T both outside the rhombus as in fig. 1, in the other 0 and T will both be within the rhombus as in fig. 3. BOW'S METHOD OF DRAWING DIAGRAMS IN GRAPHICAL STATICS. 497 The stresses in the corresponding pieces of fig. 1 and fig. 3 are all equal if they are equal in any pair of them. If in the frames represented in fig. 1 and fig. 3, we consider that the pieces OS and TP cross one another at V without intersecting, we have six points 0, P, Q, R, S, T joined by nine lines. Now in general if p points in a plane are joined by 2p — 3 lines the figure is simply stiff, that is to say the form of the figure is determined by the lengths of the lines, and there are no necessary relations between the lengths of the lines. But in Peaucellier's linkage the length of any line, as OT, is determined when those of the other eight are given. For if a is the length of a side of the rhombus, b the length of either arm OR or OS, c the length of either arm TP or TQ, then if OT=d, Hence if any one of the nine pieces of the linkage be removed, the motion of the remaining eight will be the same as before, and a given stress in any one of the nine will produce stresses in each of the other eight which are determinate in magnitude when the configuration of the linkage is given, though they alter during the motion of the linkage. VOL. II. 63 [From the Pnc*di*9» of the Cambridge Philotophical Society, Vol. II., 1876.] LXXVI. On the Equilibrium of Heterogeneous Substances. TUB thermodynamical problem of the equilibrium of heterogeneous substances was first attacked by Kirchoff in 1855, who studied the properties of mixtures of sulphuric acid with water, and the density of the vapour in equilibrium with the mixture. His method has recently been adopted by C. Neumann in his Vorksungen fiber die mechanische Theorie der Warme (Leipzig, 1875). Neither of these writers, however, makes use of two of the most valuable concepts in Thermodynamics, namely, the intrinsic energy and the entropy of the substance. It is probably for this reason that their methods do not readily give ;m explanation of those states of equilibrium which are stable in themselves, but which the contact of certain substances may render unstable. I therefore wish to point out to the Society the methods adopted by Professor J. Willard Gibbs of Yale College, published in the Transactions of the Academy of Sciences of Connecticut, which seem to me to throw a new- light on Thermodynamics. He considers the intrinsic energy (c) of a homogeneous mass consisting of H kinds of component matter to be a function of n + 2, variables, namely, the volume of the mass v, its entropy rj, and the n masses, w,, m,...wn, of its component substances. Each of these variables represents a physical quantity, the value of which, for a material system, is the sum of its values for the parts of the system. By differentiating the energy with respect to each of these variables (con- sidered as independent), we obtain a set of n + 2 differential coefficients which represent the intensity of various properties of the substance. Thus, EQUILIBRIUM OF HETEROGENEOUS SUBSTANCES. 499 gj = -p, where p is the pressure of the substance ; j- = 0, where 0 is the temperature on the thermodynamic scale; = /i1) where p., is the potential of the component (m,) with respect to the compound mass. Each of the component substances has therefore a potential with respect to the whole mass. The idea of the potential of a substance is, I believe, due to Prof. Gibbs. His definition is as follows : — If to any homogeneous mass we suppose an infinitesimal quantity of any substance to be added, the mass remaining homogeneous, and its entropy and volume remaining unchanged, the increase of the energy of the mass, divided by the mass of the substance added, is the potential of that substance in the mass considered. The condition of the stable equilibrium of the mass is expressed by Prof. Gibbs in either of the two following ways : I. For the equilibrium of any isolated system it is necessary and sufficient that in all possible variations of the state of the system which do not alter its energy, the variation of its entropy shall either vanish or be negative. II. For the equilibrium of any isolated system it is necessary and sufficient that in all possible variations of the state of the system which do not alter its entropy, the variation of the energy shall either vanish or be positive. The variations here spoken of must not involve the transportation of any matter through any finite distance. It follows from this that the quantities 0, p, /v-/"^ must have the same values in all parts of the mass. For if not, heat will flow from places of higher to places of lower temperature, the mass as a whole will move from places of higher to places of lower pressure, and each of the several component substances will pass from places where its potential is higher to places where it is lower, if it can do so continuously. Hence Prof. Gibbs shews that if @, P, M^..Mn are the values of 0, p, ^...p,, for a given phase of the compound, and if the quantity K= e - @r? + Pv - M1m1 - &c. - Mnmnt 63—2 EQUILIBRIUM OF HETEROGENEOUS SUBSTANCES. M aero for the given fluid, and is positive for every other phase of the same component*, the condition of the given fluid will be stable. If this condition holds for all variations of the variables the fluid will be absolutely stable, but if it holds only for small variations but not for certain finite variations, then the fluid will be stable when not in contact with matter in any of those phases for which K is positive, but if matter in any one of these phases is in contact with it, its equilibrium will be destroyed, and a portion will pass into the phase of the substance with which it is in contact. Thus in Professor F. Guthrie's experiments, a solution of chloride of calcium of 37 per cent, was cooled to a temperature somewhat below — 37* C. without solidification. In this state, however, the contact of three different solids determines three different kinds of solidification. A piece of ice causes ice to separate from the fluid. A piece of the cryohydrate of cMoride of calcium determines the formation of cryohydrate from the fluid, and the anhydrous salt causes a precipitation of anhydrous salt. The phase of the fluid is such that K is positive for all phases differing slightly from its own phase, and its equilibrium is therefore stable, but for certain widely different phases, namely, ice, cryohydrate and anhydrous salt, A' is negative. If none of these substances are in contact with the fluid, the fluid cannot alter in phase without a transport of matter through a finite distance, and is therefore stable; but if any one of them is in contact with the fluid, part of the fluid is enabled to pass into a phase in which K is negative. The con- ditions of consistent phases are that the values of 0, p, ft,.../tn, and K are equal for all phases which can coexist in equilibrium, the surface of contact being plane. This was illustrated by Mr Main's experiments on co-existent phases of mixtures of chloroform, alcohol and water. [From Nature, Vol. xiv.] LXXVII. Diffusion of Gases through Absorbing Substances. THE importance of the exact study of the motions of gases, not only as a method of distinguishing one gas from another, but as likely to increase our knowledge of the dynamical theory of gases, was pointed out by Thomas Graham. Graham himself studied the most important phenomena, and distinguished from each other those in which the principal effect is due to different properties of gases. The motion of large masses of the gas approximates to that of a perfect fluid having the same density and pressure as the gas. This is the case with the motion of a single gas when it flows through a large hole in a thin plate from one vessel into another in which the pressure is less. The result in this case is found to be in accordance with the principles of the dynamics of fluids. This was approximately established by Graham, and the more accurate formula, in which the thermodynamic properties of the gas are taken into account, has been verified by the experiments of Joule and Thomson. (Proc. R. S., May, 1856.) When the orifice is exceedingly small, it appears from the molecular theory of gases that the total discharge may be calculated by supposing that there are two currents in opposite directions, the quantity flowing in each current being the same as if it had been discharged into a vacuum. For different gases the volume discharged in a given time, reduced to standard pressure and temperature, is proportional to — where p is the actual pressure, s is the specific gravity, and 6 the temperature reckoned from — 274° C. Dim-BIOS OF OAOi THBOUOH ABSORBING SUBSTANCES. When the gM« in the two vends are different, each gas is discharged according to this l»w independently of the other. Tbew phenomena, however, can be observed only when the thickness of the pkte and the diameter of the aperture are very small. When this u the case, the distance is very small between a point in the limt TOM til where the mixed gas has a certain composition, and a point in the i^yprnl reaael where the mixed gas has a quite different composition, so that the Telocity of diffusion through the hole between these two points is large r..miiared with the velocity of flow of the mixed gas arising from the difference uf tin- total pressures in the two vessels. When the hole is of sensible magnitude this distance is larger, because the region of mixed gases extends further from the hole, and the effects of diffusion become completely masked by the effect of the current of the gas in mass, arising from the difference of the total pressures in the two vessels. In this latter case the discharge depends only on the nature of the gas in the vessel of greater pressure, and on the resultant pressures in the two vessels. It consists entirely of the gas of the first vessel, and there is no appreciable o»unter current of the gas of the other vessel. Hi -nee the experiments on the double current must be made either through H single very small aperture, as in Graham's first experiment with a glass vessel accidentally cracked, or through a great number of apertures, as in Graham's later experiments with porous septa of plaster of Paris or of plumbago. With such septa the following phenomena are observed :— When the gases on the two sides of the septum are different, but have the same pressure, the reduced volumes of the gases diffused in opposite directions through the septum are inversely as the square roots of their specific gravities. If one or both of the vessels is of invariable volume, the interchange of gas will cause an inequality of pressure, the pressure becoming greater in the vessel which contains the heavier gas. If a vessel contains a mixture of gases, the gas diffused from the vessel through a porous septum will contain a larger proportion of the lighter gas, and the pro- portion of the heavier gas remaining in the vessel will increase during the process. The rate of flow of a gas through a long capillary tube depends upon the viscosity OB internal friction of the gas, a property quite independent of its specific gravity. DIFFUSION OF GASES THROUGH ABSORBING SUBSTANCES. 503 The phenomena of diffusion studied by Dr v. Wroblewski are quite distinct from any of these. The septum through which the gas is observed to pass is apparently quite free from pores, and is indeed quite impervious to certain gases, while it allows others to pass. It was the opinion of Graham that the substance of the septum is capable of entering into a more or less intimate combination with the substance of the gas ; that on the side where the gas has greatest pressure the process of combination is always going on ; that at the other side, where the pressure of the gas is smaller, the substance of the gas is always becoming dissociated from that of the septum ; while in the interior of the septum those parts which are richer in the substance of the gas are communicating it to those which are poorer. The rate at which this diffusion takes place depends therefore on the power of the gas to combine with the substance of the septum. Thus if the septum be a film of water or a soap-bubble, those gases will pass through it most rapidly which are most readily absorbed by water, but if the septum be of caoutchouc the order of the gases will be different. The fact discovered by St Claire-Deville and Troost that certain gases can pass through plates of red- hot metals, was explained by Graham in the same manner. Franz Exner * has studied the diffusion of gases through soap-bubbles, and finds the rate of diffusion is directly as the absorption-coefficient of the gas, and inversely as the square root of the specific gravity. Stefan t in his first paper on the diffusion of gases has shewn that a law of this form is to be expected, but he says that he will not go further into the problem of the motion of gases in absorbing medium, as it ought to form the subject of a separate investigation. Dr v. Wroblewski has confined himself to the investigation of the relation between the rate of diffusion and the pressure of the diffusing gas on the two sides of the membrane. The membrane was of caoutchouc, 0'0034 cm. thick. It was almost completely impervious to air. The rate at which carbonic acid diffused through the membrane was proportional to the pressure of that gas, and was independent of the pressure of the air on the other side of the * Pogg. Ann., Bd. 155. f Ueber das Gkichgeuncht u. d. Diffusion von Gasgemengen. Sitzb. der k. Akad. (Wien). Jan. 5, 1871. : niriTSION OF OABBB THROUGH ABSORBING SUBSTANCES. provided thtt air was from carbonic acid. The connexion between UIM rMok and Henry's law of absorption is pointed out. The time of diffusion of hydrogen through caoutchouc is 3*6 times that of an equal volume of carbonic acid The diffusion of a mixture of hydrogen and carbonic acid takes place as if each gas diffused independently of the other at a rate proportional to the part of the pressure which is due to that gas. We hope that Dr v. Wroblewski will continue his researches, and make a complete investigation of the phenomena of diffusion through absorbing sub- [From the Kensington Museum Handbook, pp. 1 — 21.] LXXVIII. General considerations concerning Scientific Apparatus. 1. EXPERIMENTS. THE aim of Physical Science is to observe and interpret natural phenomena. Of natural phenomena, some — as, for example, those of astronomy — are not subject to our control, and in the study of these we can make use only of the method of Observation. When, however, we can cause the phenomenon to be repeated under various conditions, we are in possession of a much more powerful method of investigation — that of Experiment. An Experiment, like every other event which takes place, is a natural phenomenon ; but in a Scientific Experiment the circumstances are so arranged that the relations between a particular set of phenomena may be studied to the best advantage. In designing an Experiment the agents and phenomena to be studied are marked off from all others and regarded as the Field of Investigation. All agents and phenomena not included within this field are called Disturbing Agents, and their effects Disturbances ; and the experiment must be so arranged that the effects of these disturbing agents on the phenomena to be investigated shall be as small as possible. We may afterwards change the field of our investigation, and include within it those phenomena which in our former investigation we regarded as disturbances. The experiments must now be designed so as to bring into prominence the phenomena which we formerly tried to get rid of. When we have in this way ascertained the laws of the disturbances, we shall be better prepared to make a more thorough investigation of what we began by regarding as the principal phenomena. VOL. II. 64 ThtM, in experiment* where we endeavour to detect or to measure a force by irfrrr-'t the motion which it produces in a movable body, we regard Friction M a disturbing agent, and we arrange the experiment so that the motion to be ob»erred may be impeded as little as possible by friction. 2. APPARATUS. Ewrthing which is required in order to make an experiment is called A piece of apparatus constructed specially for the performance of experiments is called an Instrument. Apparatus may be designed to produce and exhibit a particular phenomenon, to eliminate the effects of disturbing agents, to regulate the physical conditions of the phenomenon, or to measure the magnitude of the phenomenon itself. In many experiments, special apparatus is required for all these purposes, but certain pieces of apparatus are used in a great variety of experiments, and there are whole classes of instruments which have certain principles of COH- Ktruction in common. Thus, in all instruments in which motion is to be produced there must be a prime mover or driving power, and a train of mechanism to connect the prime mover with the body to be moved ; and in many cases additional apparatus fceasary — such as a break to destroy the superfluous energy of the prime mover, or a reservoir to store up its energy when not required; and we may liave special apparatus to measure the force transmitted, the velocity produced, or the work done, or to regulate them by automatic governors. We may make a somewhat similar classification of the functions of apparatus U-li.nging to other physical sciences — such as Electricity, Heat, Light, Sound, &c. :*. GENERAL PRINCIPLE OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF APPARATUS. There are certain primary requisites, however, which are common to all uments, and which therefore are to be carefully considered in designing or selecting them. The fundamental principle is, that the construction of the iii-trument should be adapted to the use that is to be made of it, and in (•articular, that the parts intended to be fixed should not be liable to become displaced; that those which ought to be movable should not stick fast; that CONCERNING SCIENTIFIC APPARATUS. 507 parts which have to be observed should not be covered up or kept in the dark; and that pieces intended to have a definite form should not be disfigured by warping, straining, or wearing. It is therefore desirable, before we enter on the classification of instruments according to the phenomena with which they are connected, to point out a few of the principles which must be attended to in all instruments. Each solid piece of an instrument is intended to be either fixed or movable, and to have a certain definite shape. It is acted on by its own weight, and other forces, but it ought not to be subjected to unnecessary stresses, for these not only diminish its strength, but (what for scientific purposes may be much more injurious) they alter its figure, and may, by their unexpected changes during the course of an experiment, produce disturbance or confusion in the observations we have to make. We have, therefore, to consider the methods of relieving the pieces of an instrument from unnecessary strain, of securing for the fixed parts a determinate position, and of ensuring that the movable parts shall move freely, yet without shake. This we may do by attending to the well-known fact in kinematics — " A EIGID BODY HAS Six DEGREES OF FREEDOM." A rigid body is one whose form does not vary. The pieces of our instru- ments are solid, but not rigid. They are liable to change of form under stress, but such change of form is not desirable, except in certain special parts, such as springs. Hence, if a solid piece is constrained in more than six ways it will be subject to internal stress, and will become strained or distorted, and this in a manner which, without the most exact micrometrical measurements, it would be impossible to specify. In instruments which are exposed to rough usage it may sometimes be advisable to secure a piece from becoming loose, even at the risk of straining and jamming it ; but in apparatus for accurate work it is essential that the bearings of every piece should be properly defined, both in number and in position. 4. METHODS OF PLACING AN INSTRUMENT IN A DEFINITE POSITION. When an instrument is intended to stand in a definite position on a fixed base it must have six bearings, so arranged that if one of the bearings were 64—2 GEXKRAL CONSIDERATIONS direction in which the corresponding point of the instrument would be left ftve to move by the other bearings must be as nearly as possible normal to the tangent plane at the bearing. (This condition implies that, of the normals to the tangent planes at the bearings, no two coincide; no three are in one plane, and either meet in a point or are parallel ; no four are in one plane, or meet in a point, or are parallel, or, more generally, belong to the same system of generators of an hyperboloid of one sheet. The conditions for five normals and for six are more complicated.)* These uomjiiinnt are satisfied by the well-known method of forming on the fixed base three V grooves, whose sides are inclined 45* to the base, and whose directions meet in a point at angles of 120°. The instrument has three feet ; the end of each foot is, roughly speaking, conical, but so rounded off that it bears against the two sides of the groove, and cannot reach the bottom. The instrument has thus six solid bearings, and is kept in its place by its weight, without being subjected to any unnecessary strain. Sir William Thomson, who has bestowed much attention on this subject, has adopted a somewhat different arrangement in some of his instruments. A triangular hole, like that formed by pressing an angle of a cube into a mass of clay, is formed in the base, and a V groove is cut in a direction passing through the centre of the hole. The three feet of the instrument are all rounded, but of different lengths. The longest stands in the triangular hole, and has three bearings ; the second stands in the V groove, and has two bearings ; and the third stands on the horizontal plane of the base, and has one bearing. There are, thus six bearings in all. This method, though it does not give so large a margin of stability as the method of three grooves, has this advantage, that as each of the three feet is differently formed, it is impossible to put any but the proper foot into the hole without detecting the mistake. 5. BEARINGS OF MIRRORS. In mounting mirrors it is especially important to attend to the number and position of their bearings, for any stress on the mirror spoils its figure, and renders it useless for accurate work. • See Ball on the Theory of Screwt. CONCERNING SCIENTIFIC APPARATUS. 509 For small mirrors it is best to make one face of the mirror rest against three solid bearings, and to keep it in contact with these by three spring bearings placed exactly opposite to them against the other face of the mirror. These will prevent any displacement of the mirror out of its proper plane. The bearings against the edges of the mirror, by which it is prevented from shifting in its own plane, are, in the case of small mirrors, of less importance. When the mirror is large, as in the case of the speculum of a large telescope, a greater number of bearings is required to prevent the mirror from becoming strained by its own weight ; but in all cases the number of fixed bearings at the back of the mirror must be three and only three, otherwise any warping of the framework will entirely spoil the figure of the surface. 6. BEARINGS OP STANDARDS OF LENGTH. It is of the greatest importance that the standard measure of length, by which the national unit of length is defined, should not be exposed to strain. The box in which the standard yard is kept in the Exchequer Chamber is provided with bearings, the positions of which have been arranged so that the bar may rest on them with as little strain throughout its substance as is consistent with the fact that it is a heavy body. 7. ON THE BEARINGS OF MOVABLE PARTS. The most important kinds of motion with one degree of freedom are, (1) Rotation round an axis; (2) Motion of translation without rotation; and (3) Screw motion, in which a definite rotation about an axis corresponds to a definite motion of translation along that axis. For one degree of freedom five solid bearings are required, the sixth con- dition being supplied by that part of the instrument which regulates the motion of the piece. The construction of pieces capable of rotation about an axis is better understood than any other department of mechanism. In astronomical instruments, four of the bearings are supplied by the two Y's on which the cylindrical end-pieces of the axle rest, and the fifth by the longitudinal pressure of a bearing against one end of the axle, or a shoulder formed upon it. The weight of the instrument is generally sufficient to keep COH8IDKUATIOM8 • contact with iU bearing*; but when the weight is so great that the MOTTO on the bearing* » Wcely to injure them, the greater part of the weight » mppoctad by auxiliary bearings, the pressure of which is regulated by counter- niBM w gpriogs, leaving only a moderate pressure to be borne by the true brariflft 8. TRANSLATION. Motion of translation in a fixed direction, without rotation. This kind of motion is required for pieces which slide along straight fixed pieces, as the verniers and microscopes of measuring apparatus, such as catheto- m^nrn and micrometers, the slide-rests of lathes, the pistons of steam-engines and pumps, Ac. When a tripod stand is to have a motion of this kind in a horizontal plane, two of its feet may be made to slide in a V groove, while the third rests on the horizontal plane. When a cylindrical rod is to have a longitudinal motion, it must be made to bear against two fixed Y's, and must be prevented from rotating on its axis by a bearing, connected either with the cylinder or the fixed piece, which glides on a surface whose plane passes through the axis of the cylinder. When, as in cathetometers and other measuring apparatus, a piece has to hliilo along a bar, the five bearings of the piece may be arranged so that three of them form a triangle on one face of the bar, while the two others rest against an adjacent face of the bar, the line joining these two being in the direction of motion. These bearings may be kept tight, without the possi- liility of jamming, by means of spring bearings against the other sides of the bar. 9. PARALLEL MOTIOX BY LINKWORK. In all these methods of guiding a piece by sliding contact, there is a considerable waste of energy by friction. In many cases, however, this is of little moment, compared with the errors depending on the necessary imperfection «f the guiding surfaces, arising not only from original defects of workmanship but from straining and wearing during use. It is true that great advances have been made, and notably by Sir J. Whitworth, in the art of forming truly plane and cylindric surfaces; but even CONCERNING SCIENTIFIC APPARATUS. 511 these are liable to become altered, not only by wear but by strain and by inequalities of temperature, so that it is never safe to depend upon the perfect accuracy of the fitting of a large bearing surface, except when the pressure is very great. In linkwork, on the other hand, the relative motion of any two pieces at their mutual bearing' is one of pure rotation about a well-turned axle. The extent of the sliding surfaces is thus reduced to a minimum, so that less power is lost by friction, and the workmanship .of such bearings can be brought much nearer to perfection than that of any other kind of fittings. Hence, in all prime movers and other machines, in which waste of power by friction is to be avoided, and even in those in which great accuracy is required, it is desirable, if it is possible, to guide the motion by linkwork. The so-called " Parallel Motion " invented by James Watt was the first attempt to guide a motion of translation by means of linkwork ; but though the motion as thus guided is very nearly rectilinear, it is not exactly so. Various other contrivances have been invented since the time of Watt, as, for instance, that fitted to the engines of the Gorgon by Mr Seaward ; but all of them involved either a deviation from true rectilinear motion, or a sliding contact on a plane surface, and it was generally supposed by mathematicians that a true rectilinear motion, guided by pure linkwork, was a geometrical impossibility. It was in the year 1864 that M. Peaucellier published his invention of an exact parallel motion by pure linkwork, and thus opened up the path to a very great extension of the science of mechanism, and its practical applications. The linkwork motions constructed by M. Garcia, Mr Penrose, and others, and the extensions of the theory of linkwork by Sylvester, Hart, and Kempe, are now well known, but they could not be fully described within our present limits. 10. SCREW MOTION. The adjustments of instruments are to a great extent made by means of screws. In the case of levelling screws, which bear the weight of an instru- ment, the thread of the screw is always in contact with its proper bearing in the nut; but in micrometer screws it is necessary to secure this contact by means of a spring. This spring is sometimes made to bear against the end of the screw, or a shoulder turned upon it; but this arrangement causes a I U CON8I DERATIONS variable praMure a* the screw moves forward. A much better arrangement is to make the spring bear, not against the screw itself, but against a nut which » fa* to move on the screw, but which is prevented from turning round by a proper bearing. Tliis movable nut always remains at the same distance from the fixed one, so that the pressure of the spring remains constant. This is the arnogement of the micrometer screws in Sir W. Thomson's electrometers. 11. ON CONTRIVANCES FOR SECURING FREEDOM OF MOTION. In many instruments there is a movable part or indicator, the position or motion of which is to be observed in order to deduce therefrom some conclusion with respect to the force which acts upon it. This force may be the weight of a body, or an attractive or repulsive force of any kind ; but, besides the force we are investigating, the resistance called Friction is always acting as a disturbing force. If the magnitude and direction of the force of friction were at all times accurately known, this would be of less consequence ; but the amount of friction Is liable to sudden alterations, owing to causes which we can often neither suspect nor detect, so that the only way in which we can make any approach to accuracy is by diminishing as much as possible the effect of friction. The modes by which this is effected are of two kinds. Whenever there is sliding contact, there is friction ; and wherever there is complete freedom of motion tlu-re must be sliding contact ; but by making the extent of the sliding motion small compared with the motion of the indicating part, we may reduce the effect • •f friction to a very small part of the whole effect. This is done in rotating parts by diminishing the size of the axle, and by supporting it on friction-wheels ; and in toothed wheels by keeping the bearings of the teeth as near as possible to the line of centres, or more perfectly by cutting the teeth obliquely, as in Hooke's teeth.* A compass needle is balanced on a fine point, and the extent of the bearing is so small that a very small force applied to either end of the needle is sufficient to turn it round. In all these instances the effect of friction is reduced by diminishing the extent of the sliding motion. In balances and other levers the bearing of the lever is in the form of a prism, called a knife-edge, having an angle of about 120°; the edge of this * Communicated to the Royal Society in 1666. See Willis's Principles of Mecftaiiism, 1870, p. 53. CONCERNING SCIENTIFIC APPAEATUS. 513 prism is accurately ground to a straight line, and rests on a plane horizontal surface of agate. The relative motion in this case is one of rolling contact. In another class of instruments sliding and rolling are entirely done away with, and sufficient freedom of motion is secured by the pliability of certain solid parts. Thus many pendulums are hung, not on knife-edges, but on pieces of watch-spring, and torsion balances are suspended by metallic wires or by silk fibres. The motion of the piece is then affected by the elastic force of the suspension apparatus, but this force is much more regular in its action than friction, and its effects can be accurately taken account of, and a proper cor- rection applied to the observed result. 12. THE TORSION ROD, OR BALANCE OF TORSION. The balance of torsion has been of the greatest benefit to modern science in the measurement of small forces. The first instrument of the kind was that constructed by the Rev. John Michell, formerly Woodwardian Professor of Geology at Cambridge, in order to observe the effect of the attraction of a pair of large lead balls on a pair of smaller balls hung from the extremities of the rod of the balance. Michell, however, died before he had opportunity to make the experiment, and his apparatus came into the hands of Professor F. J. H. Wollaston, and was transmitted by him to Henry Cavendish. Cavendish greatly improved the apparatus,* and successfully measured the attraction of the balls, and thus determined the density of the earth. -f- The experiment has since been repeated by Reich and Baily. In the mean- time, however, independently of Michell, and before Cavendish had actually used the instrument, Coulomb J had invented a torsion balance, by which he established the laws of the attraction and repulsion of electrified and magnetic bodies. * Cavendish's apparatus now belongs to the Royal Institution, t Philosophical Transactions, 1798. * Mem. de I' Academic, 1784, tfcc. VOL. IL 514 pf*"***- CONSIDERATIONS 13. Hi FILAR SUSPENSION. elastic force of torsion of a wire, though much more regular than the force of friction, is subject to alterations arising from hitherto unknown causes, but probably depending on facts in the previous history of the wire, such as iu baring been subjected to twists and other strains before it was hung up. it is sometimes better to employ another mode of suspension, in which force of restitution depends principally on the weight of the suspended parts. The body is suspended by two wires or fibres, which are close together and nearly vertical, and are so connected by a pulley that their tensions are equal. The body is in equilibrium when the two fibres are in the same plane. When the body is turned about a vertical axis, the tension of the fibres produces a force tending to turn the body back towards its position of equilibrium ; and this force is very regular in its action, and may be accurately determined by proper experiments. This arrangement, which is called the Bifilar suspension, was invented by Gauss and Weber for their magnetic apparatus. It was afterwards used by Baily in his experiments on the attraction of balls. 14. METHODS OF READING. The observed position of the indicating part of an instrument is recorded as the "Reading." To ascertain the position of the indicating part of the instrument various methods have been adopted. The commonest method is to make the indicating part in the form of a light needle, the point of which moves near a graduated circle. The position of the needle is estimated by observing the position of its point with respect to the divisions of the scale. By giving the needle two points at opposite extremities of a diameter, and observing the position of both points, we may eliminate the errors arising from the want of coincidence between the centre of the graduated circle and the axis of motion of the needle. This is the method adopted in ordinary magnetic compasses. As it is necessary for freedom of motion that the point of the needle should not be in ctual contact with the graduated limb, the reading will be affected by any change in the position of the eye of the observer. The error thus introduced CONCERNING SCIENTIFIC APPARATUS. 515 is called the error of Parallax. In some instruments, therefore, the observation is made through an eye-hole in a definite position. A better plan, however, is to place a plane mirror under the needle, and in taking the reading to place the eye so that the needle appears to cover its own reflexion in the mirror. 15. SPIEGEL- ABLESUNG, OR MIRROR-READING. A still more accurate method is that invented by Poggendorff, and used by Gauss and Weber in their magnetic observations. A small plane mirror is attached to the indicating piece, so as to turn with it about its axis, which we may suppose vertical. A divided scale is placed so as to be perpendicular to this axis, and so that a normal to the scale at its middle point passes through the axis. The image of this scale by reflexion in the mirror is observed by means of a telescope having a vertical wire in the plane of distinct vision. As the indicating piece turns about its axis, the image of the scale passes across the field of view of the telescope, and the coincidence of the image of any division of the scale with the vertical wire of the telescope may be observed. The error of parallax is entirely got rid of by this method, for the two optical images whose relative position is observed are in the same plane. Another method of using the mirror is to reverse the direction of the rays of light by removing the eye-piece of the telescope, and putting the flame of a lamp in its place. The light emerging from the object-glass falls on the mirror, and is reflected so as to form on the scale a somewhat confused image of the flame, with a distinct image of the vertical wire crossing it. The reading is made by observing the position on the scale of the image of the vertical wire. In many instruments the telescope is dispensed with, and the mirror is a concave one, as in Thomson's reflecting galvanometer. Some German writers distinguish this method of using the mirror and scale with a lamp as the objective method, the method in which the observer looks through the telescope being called the subjective method. The objective method is the only one adapted for the photographic registration of the readings. 16. RAMSDEN'S GHOST. To ascertain the exact position of an instrument with respect to a plumb- line without touching the line, Ramsden fixed a convex lens to a part of his 65—2 i|(J OKXKRAL CONSIDERATIONS .iirtniiiMjnt, and J*~-* a wire so that when the instrument was in its proper pOMtion the image of the plumb-line formed by the lens exactly coincided with the (bud wire. By moving the instrument till this coincidence was observed, ^ ingtrumrnt wan m«t«d to its proper position. This contrivance was long known a* "lUnuden's Ghost." It is, in fact, a simple form of the reading niiiiiiOOtlpn; »nd there is no better method of ascertaining that a delicately- oliject w exactly in its proper place. 17. COLLIMATINO TELESCOPE. If two telescopes are made to face one another, and if the cross-wires of the ftflti M M0n through the second, appear to coincide with the cross-wires of the second, the optic axes of the two instruments are parallel. This mode of ascertaining parallelism is used in practical astronomy, and is called the method of colliniating telescopes, or of collimators. It is also used in the Kew portable magnetometer. The magnet is hollow, and carries a lens at one end and a scale at the other, at the principal focus of the lens. The magnet is thus a collimating telescope, and is observed by means of a telescope mounted on a divided circle. The disadvantage of this method is, that when the magnet is deflected, the scale soon passes out of the field of view, and the observer has to shift his telescope, in order to get a new reading. 18. THREE CLASSES OF READINGS. We- may, in fact, arrange instruments in three classes, according to the method of reading them. In the self-recording class the observer leaves the instrument to itself, and examines the record at his own convenience. In those which depend on eye observations alone, the observer must be there to look at the indicator of the instrument, but he does not touch it. In the third class, which depend on eye and hand, the observer, before taking the reading, must make some adjustment of the instrument. 19. FUNCTIONS OF INSTRUMENTS. The foregoing remarks apply to the constituent parts of instruments, without reference to the special department of science to which they belong. CONCERNING SCIENTIFIC APPARATUS. 517 The classification of special instruments will be best understood if we arrange those belonging to each department of science according to their respective functions ; some of these functions having instruments corresponding to them in several departments of science, while others are peculiar to one department. All the physical sciences relate to the passage of energy, under its various forms, from one body to another ; but Optics and Acoustics are often represented as relating to the sensations of sight and hearing. These two sciences, in fact, have a physiological as well as a physical aspect, and therefore some parts of them have less analogy with the purely dynamical sciences. The most important functions belonging to instruments, or elements of instruments, are as follows : — 1. The Source of energy. The energy involved in the phenomenon we are studying is not, of course, produced from nothing, but it enters the apparatus at a particular place, which we may call the Source. 2. The channels or distributors of energy, which carry it to the places where it is required to do work. 3. The restraints, which prevent it from doing work when it is not required. 4. The reservoirs in which energy is stored up till it is required. 5. Apparatus for allowing superfluous energy to escape. 6. Regulators for equalising the rate at which work is done. 7. Indicators, or movable pieces, which are acted on by the forces under investigation. 8. Fixed scales on which the position of the indicator is read off. Thus in solid machinery we have — 1. Prime movers. 2. Trains of mechanism. 3. Fixed framework. 4. Fly-wheels, springs, weights raised. 5. Friction breaks. 6. Governors, pendulums, balance springs in watches. 7. Dynamometers, Strophometers, Watt's indicator, chronographs, &c. 8. Scales for these indicators. Standards of length and mass. Astro- nomical standard of time. - L CONSIDERATIONS tt» ph«0»«ft depending on fluid pressure we have— 1. Pump*, condensing and rarifying syringes, Orsted's Piezometer, Andrews's apparatus for high pressure. 2. Pipes and tubes. 8. Packing, washers, caoutchouc tubes, paraffin joints; fusion and other methods of making joints tight. 4. Air chambers, water reservoirs, vacuum chambers. 5. Safety valves. 6. Governors by Siemens and others, Cavailld-Col's regulator for organ blast 7. Pressure-gauges, barometers, manometers, sphygmographs, &c. ; areometers, and specific gravity bottles ; current meters, gas meters. a Scales for these gauges. For thermal phenomena — 1. Furnaces, blow-pipe flames, freezing mixtures, solar and electric heat. 2. Hot water pipes, copper conductors. 3. Non-conducting packing, cements, clothing, &c.; steam-jackets, and ice-jackets. 4. Regenerators, heaters, |Mtr*tua for determining the conditions — I. Of the audibility of sounds. '2. Of the perception of the distinction of sounds. M. Of the harmony or discord of simultaneous sounds. 4. Of the melodious succession of sounds. 5. Of the timbre of sounds, and of the distinction of vowel sounds. 6. Of the time required for the perception of the sensation of sound. RADIATION. PHYSICAL ASPECT OP OPTICS. 1. Sources of Radiation. Heated bodies, solid, liquid, and gaseous. Solid. Heated by a blow-pipe as in the oxy-hydrogen limelight. Heated by their own combustion, as in the magnesium light and glowing coals. Heated by an electric current, as the carbon electrodes of the electric lamp. Heated by concentrated radiation from other sources, as in the phenomenon called Calescence. Liquid, as in hot fused metals and other bodies. Gaseous. Heated by their own combustion, as in flames. Heated by a Bunsen burner, as the sodium light. Heated by the voltaic arc. Heated by the induction spark. •J. Distributors. Burning mirrors and lenses, condensing lenses for solar microscopes, magic lanterns, &c., lighthouse apparatus ; telescopes, microscopes, &c. M. Selectors. Absorbing media and coloured bodies in general, prisms and spectroscopes, ruled gratings, &c. : tourmalines, Nicol's prisms, and other polarizers. CONCERNING SCIENTIFIC APPARATUS. 521 4. Phosphorescent, fluorescent, and calescent bodies. 5. Opaque screens, diaphragms, and slits. 6. Regulators. The iris of the eye. 7. Photometers, photographic apparatus, actinometer, thermopile, Bunsen and Roscoe's photometer, selenium photometer, Crookes' radiometer, and other instruments. 8. Fraunhofer's lines of reference, and maps of the spectrum. Standard sperm candle, burning 120 grains of sperm per hour. SIGHT. PHYSIOLOGICAL ASPECT OF OPTICS. Apparatus for determining the conditions of — 1. The visibility of objects, with respect to size, illumination, &c. 2. The perception of the distinction of objects. 3. The perception of colour, as depending on the composition of the light coming from the object. Apparatus for comparing the intensity of luminous impressions, as depending on the intensity of the exciting cause and on the time during which it has acted, and for tracing the course of the development of a luminous impression from its first excitation to its final decay and extinction. Ophthalmometers, for measuring the dimensions of the eye and determining its motions ; and for ascertaining the two limits of distinct vision. Ophthalmoscopes, for illuminating and observing the interior of the eye. BIOLOGICAL APPARATUS. 1. For measuring the ingesta, egesta, and weight of living beings. 2. For testing the strength of animals and measuring the work done by them. 3. For measuring the heat which they generate. 4. For determining the conditions of fatigue of muscles. 5. For investigating the phenomena of the propagation of impulses through the nerves, and of the excitement of muscular action. VOL. II. 66 CONCERNING SCIENTIFIC AITAHATUS. 6. For tracing and registering the rhythmic action of the circulatory and VMpiratory operation* — cardiographs, sphygmographs, stethoscopes, &c. 7. Marey's apparatus for registering the paces of men, horses, &c., and the actions of birds and insects during flight. 8. Instrument* for illuminating and rendering visible parts within the living body— ophthalmoscopes, laryngoscopes, &c.— and arrangements for transmitting light through parts of the living body. 9. Instruments for varying the electrical state of the body— induction coils, Ac. 10. Instruments for determining the electric state of living organs— galvanometers with proper electrodes, electrometers, &c. [From the Kensington Museum Hand Booh] LXXIX. Instruments connected with Fluids. IN countries where the fertility of the soil is capable of being greatly increased by artificial irrigation, the attention of all ingenious persons is naturally directed to devising means whereby the labour of raising water may be diminished. Hence we find that in China and in India, but especially in Egypt, great progress was made in the art of producing and guiding the motion of water. The first pump worked by a piston of which we have any account seems to be that invented by Ctesibius of Alexandria, about 130 B.C. The construction of this pump, as described by Vitruvius, resembles that of the modern fire-engine. It had two barrels, which discharged the water alternately into a closed vessel, the upper part of which contained air. This air-chamber acted as a reservoir of energy, and equalised the pressure under which the water was emitted from the discharge pipe. Hero, a scholar of Ctesibius, invented a number of ingenious machines. He delighted in curious combinations of siphons, by which fountains were made to play under unusual circumstances. We should call such machines toys, but though to us they have no longer any scientific value, we must regard them as among the first instances of apparatus constructed not in order to minister directly to man's necessities or luxuries, but to excite or to satisfy his curiosity with respect to the more unusual phenomena of nature. From the time of Ctesibius and Hero to that of Galileo (1600) pumps were constructed chiefly for useful, as distinguished from scientific, purposes, and con- siderable skill was developed in the art of forming the barrel and piston so as to work with a certain degree of accuracy. Galileo shewed that the reason why water ascends in a sucking pump is not that Nature abhors a vacuum, but that the pressure of the atmosphere acts on the free surface of the water, and that this pressure will force the 66—2 t IX8TBUM*XTS OOKNKTE1) WITH H.t ll>s. water only to a height of 34 feet; for when this height is reached, the water i DO further, and thU shews either that the pressure of the atmosphere is tabooed by that of the column of water, or else thut Nature has become reconciled to a vacuum. From this time the production of a vacuum became the scientific object ^jin^d at by a greet number of inventors. Torricelli, the pupil of Galileo, in Irtl'i made the greatest step in this direction, by filling with mercury a tube cloud at one end and then inverting the tube with its open end in a vessel ef mercury. If the tube was long enough the mercury fell, leaving an empty 1PQQ* at the top of the tube. The vacuum obtained by filling a vessel with ^JJLMIIJ jfiA removing the mercury without admitting any other matter is hence called the Torricellian vacuum. Torricelli, therefore, gave us at once the mercury pump and the barometer, though the subsequent history of these two instruments w very different. A little before 1654 Otto Von Guericke, of Magdeburg, first applied the principle of the common pump to the production of a vacuum. The fitting of the pistons of the pumps of those days, however, though sufficiently water-tight, was by no means air-tight. He therefore began by filling a vessel with WUUT and then removing the water by a water-pump. In his experiments he met with many failures, but he continued to improve his apparatus till he could not only exhibit most of the phenomena now shewn in exhausted receivers, but till he had discovered the reason of the imperfection of the vacuum when water was used to keep the pump air-tight. "In the year 1658 Hooke finished an air-pump for Boyle, in whose laboratory he was . an assistant ; it was more convenient than Guericke's, but the vacuum was not so perfect ; yet Boyle's numerous and judicious experiments gave to the exliausted receiver of the air-pump the name of the Boy lean vacuum, by which it was long known in the greatest part of Europe. Hooke's air-pump had two barrels, and with some improvements by Hauksbee it remained in use until the introduction of Smeaton's pump, which, however, has not wholly superseded it*." The history of the air-pump after this time relates chiefly to the con- trivances for insuring the working of the valves when the pressure of the remaining air is no longer sufficient to effect it, and to methods of rendering * Thomas Young's Lecture* on Nat. Phil (1807). Lecture xxx INSTRUMENTS CONNECTED WITH FLUIDS. 525 the working parts air-tight without introducing substances the vapour of which would continue to fill the otherwise empty space. There is one form of air-pump, however, which we must notice, as in it all packing and lubricating substances are dispensed with. This is the air-pump constructed by M. Deleuil, of Paris*, in which the pistons are solid cylinders of considerable length, and are not made to fit tightly in the barrels of the pump. No grease or lubricating substance is used, and the pistons work easily and smoothly in. the barrels. The space between the piston and the barrel contains air, but the internal friction of the air in this narrow space is so great that the rate at which it leaks into the exhausted part of the barrel is not comparable with the rate at which the pump is exhausting the air from the receiver. It has been shewn by the present writer that the internal friction of air is not diminished even when its density is greatly reduced. It is for this reason that this pump works satisfactorily up to a very considerable degree of exhaustion. Pumps of the type already described are still used for the rapid exhaustion of large vessels, but since the physical properties of extremely rarefied gases have become the object of scientific research, the original method of Torricelli has been revived under various forms. Thus we have one set of mercury-pumps in which the mercury is alternately made to fill a certain chamber completely and to drive out whatever gas may be hi it, and then to flow back leaving the chamber empty. Sprengel's pump is the type of the other set. The working part is a vertical glass tube longer than the height of the barometer, and so narrow that a small portion of mercury placed in it is compelled by its surface-tension to fill the whole section of the tube. The mercury is introduced into this tube from a funnel at the top through a small India-rubber tube regulated by a pinch- cock, so that the mercury falls in small detached portions, each of which drives before it any air which may be in the tube till it escapes into a mercury- trough, into which the bottom of the tube dips. The vessel to be exhausted is connected to a tube which enters at the side of the vertical tube near the top. Any air or other gas which may be in the vessel expands into the vacuum left in the vertical tube between suc- cessive portions of the falling mercury, and is driven down the tube by the next portion of mercury into the mercury-trough, where it may be collected. * Comptes Rendus, t. Ix. p. 571. Carl's Repertorium. CONNECTED WITH FLUIDS. A* long as the mrefection of the air is not very great the quantity of air which ia included between successive portions of mercury is sufficient to act M a sort of buffer, but as the rarefaction increases the portions of mercury ooinQ together more abruptly, and produce a sound which becomes sharper as the vacuum becomes more perfect. After the mercury-pump has been in action for some hours the quantity of matter remaining in the vessel is very small. If the tubes have been joined by means of caoutchouc connections there is a trace of gaseous matter emitted by the caoutchouc. It is therefore necessary, when a very perfect vacuum is desired, to moke all the joints " hermetical " by fusing the glass. Still, however, there remains a trace of matter. The vapour of mercury is, of course, present, and the sides of the glass vessel retain water very strongly, and part with it very slowly, when all other matter is removed. By passing a little strong sulphuric acid through the pump along with the mercury, vapours both of mercury and of water may be in great measure removed. MM. Kundt and Warburg have got rid of an additional quantity of water- substance by heating the vessel to as high a temperature as the glass will bear while the pump was kept in action. A method which has been long in use for getting a good vacuum is to place in the vessel a stick of fused potash, and to fill it with carbonic acid, and, after exhausting as much as possible, to seal up the vessel. The potash is then heated, and when it has again become cold, most of the remaining carbonic acid has combined with the potash. Another method, employed by Professor Dewar, is to place in a compart- ment of the vessel a piece of freshly heated cocoa-nut charcoal, and to heat it strongly during the last stages of the exhaustion by the mercury-pump. The vessel is then sealed up, and as the charcoal cools it absorbs a very large proportion of the gases remaining in the vessel. The interior of the vessel, after exhaustion, is found to be possessed of very remarkable properties. One of these properties furnishes a convenient test of the completeness of the exhaustion. The vessel is provided with two metallic electrodes, the ends of which within the vessel are within a quarter of an inch of each other. When the vessel contains air at the ordinary pressure a considerable electromotive force is required to produce an electric discharge across this interval. As the INSTRUMENTS CONNECTED WITH FLUIDS. 527 exhaustion proceeds the resistance to the discharge diminishes till the pressure is reduced to that of about a millimetre of mercury. When, however, the exhaustion is made very perfect the discharge cannot be made to take place between the electrodes within the vessel, and the spark actually passes through several inches of air outside the vessel before it will leap the small interval in the empty vessel. A vacuum, therefore, is a stronger insulator of electricity than any other medium. MM. Kundt and Warburg have experimented on the viscosity of the air remaining after exhaustion, and on its conductivity for heat. They find that it is only when the exhaustion is very perfect that the viscosity and con- ductivity begin sensibly to diminish, even when the stratum of the medium experimented on is very thin. But the most remarkable phenomenon hitherto observed in an empty space is that discovered by Mr Crookes. A light body is delicately suspended in an exhausted vessel, and the radiation from the sun, or any other source of light or heat, is allowed to fall on it. The body is apparently repelled and moves away from the side on which the radiation falls. This action is the more energetic the greater the perfection of the vacuum. When the pressure amounts to a millimetre or two the repulsion becomes very feeble, and at greater pressures an apparent attraction takes place, which, how- ever, cannot be compared either in regularity or in intensity to the repulsion in a good vacuum. From these instances we may see what important scientific discoveries may be looked for in consequence of improvements in the methods of obtaining a vacuum. [From Nature, VoL xnr.] LXXX. nTietpflFs Writings and Correspondence. WE frequently hear the complaint that as the boundaries of science are widened its cultivators become less of philosophers and more of specialists, each confining himself with increasing exclusiveness to the area with which he is familiar. This is probably an inevitable result of the development of science, which has made it impossible for any one man to acquire a thorough knowledge of the whole, while each of its sub-divisions is now large enough to afford occupation for the useful work of a lifetime. The ablest cultivators of science are agreed that the student, in order to make the most of his powers, should ascertain in what field of science these powers are most available, and that he should then confine his investigations to this field, making use of other parts of science only in so far as they bear upon his special subject. Accordingly we find that Dr Whewell, in his article in the Encyclopedia .\f'-tii>jnJit bran improved, but it is still open to objection." In after years, when his authority in scientific terminology was widely recognised, we find Faraday, Lyell, and others applying to him for appropriate expressions for the subject-matter of their discoveries, and receiving in reply systems of scientific terms which have not only held their place in technical treatises, but are gradually becoming familiar to the ordinary reader. "Is it not true," Dr Whewell asks in his Address to the Geological Society, " in our science as in all others, that a technical phraseology is real wealth, because it puts in our hands a vast treasure of foregone generalisations ? " Perhaps, however, he felt it less difficult to induce scientific men to adopt a new term for a new idea than to persuade the students and teachers of a University to alter the phraseology of a time-honoured study. But even in the elementary treatment of Dynamics, if we compare the text-books of different dates, we cannot fail to recognise a marked progress. Those by Dr Whewell were far in advance of any former text-books as regards logical coherence and scientific accuracy, and if many of those which have been published since have fallen behind in these respects, most of them have intro- duced some slight improvement in terminology which has not been allowed to be lost. Dr Whewell's opinion with respect to the evidence of the fundamental doctrines of mechanics is repeatedly inculcated in his writings. He considered that experiment was necessary in order to suggest these truths to the mind, but that the doctrine when once fairly set before the mind is apprehended by it as strictly true, the accuracy of the doctrine being in no way dependent on the accuracy of observation of the result of the experiment. He therefore regarded experiments on the laws of motion as illustrative experiments, meant to make us familiar with the general aspect of certain phe- nomena, and not as experiments of research from which the results are to be deduced by careful measurement and calculation. WHEWELL'S WRITINGS AND CORRESPONDENCE. 531 Thus experiments on the fall of bodies may be regarded as experiments of research into the laws of gravity. We find by careful measurements of times and distances that the intensity of the force of gravity is the same whatever be the motion of the body on which it acts. We also ascertain the direction and magnitude of this force on different bodies and in different places. All this can only be done by careful measurement, and the results are affected by all the errors of observation to which we are liable. The same experiments may be also taken as illustrations of the laws of motion. The performance of the experiments tends to make us familiar with these laws, and to impress them on our minds. But the laws of motion cannot be proved to be accurate by a comparison of the observations which we make, for it is only by taking the laws for granted that we have any basis for our calculations. We may ascertain, no doubt, by experiment, that the acceleration of a body acted on by gravity is the same whatever be the motion of that body, but this does not prove that a constant force produces a constant accele- ration, but only that gravity is a force, the intensity of which does not depend on the velocity of the body on which it acts. The truth of Dr Whewell's principle is curiously illustrated by a case in which he persistently contradicted it. In a paper communicated to the Philo- sophical Society of Cambridge, and reprinted at the end of his Philosophy of the Inductive Sciences, Dr Whewell conceived that he had proved, a priori, that all matter must be heavy. He was well acquainted with the history of the establishment of the law of gravitation, and knew that it was only by careful experiments and observations that Newton ascertained that the effect of gravi- tation on two equal masses is the same whatever be the chemical nature of the bodies, but in spite of this he maintained that it is contrary not only to observation but to reason, that any body should be repelled instead of attracted by another, whereas it is a matter of daily experience, that any two bodies when they are brought near enough, repel each other. The fact seems to be that, finding the word weight employed in ordinary language to denote the quantity of matter in a body, though in scientific language it denotes the tendency of that body to move downwards, and at the same time supposing that the word mass in its scientific sense was not yet sufficiently established to be used without danger in ordinary language, Dr Whewell en- deavoured to make the word weight carry the meaning of the word mass. Thus he tells us that "the weight of the whole compound must be equal to the weights of the separate elements." ' 67—2 WUEWELL'S WRITINGS AND CORRESPONDENCE. On this Mr Todhuntar very properly observes : "Of wm Uwr* to »• practical uncertainty a* to this principle; but Dr \VTicwell seems to allow lu» nadm to ioMCtM IfcM it ia of the came nature as the axiom that 'two straight lines cannot iaeloip a mea,' TU*e u, however, a wide difference between them, depending on a fact which Dr Wtowvil baa Mm**1* raooynued in another place (nee vol. i. p. 224). The truth is, that strictly •i-miidf UM weight of the whole compound is not equal to the weight of the separate elements; for UM weight ittfW** upon the poaition of the compound particles, and in general by altering UM poeitiaa of UM particle*, the resultant effect which we call weight is altered, though it may he to an inappreciable extent" It U evident that what Dr Whowell should have said was : " The mass of the whole compound must be equal to the sum of the masses of the separate elements." This statement all would admit to be strictly true, and yet not a single experiment has ever been made in order to verify it. All chemical measurements are made by comparing the weights of bodies, and not by com- paring the forces required to produce given changes of motion in the bodies ; and as we have just been reminded by Mr Todhunter, the method of comparing quantities of matter by weighing them is not strictly correct. Thus, then, we are led by experiments which are not only liable to error, hut which are to a certain extent erroneous in principle, to a statement which is universally acknowledged to be strictly true. Our conviction of its truth must therefore rest on some deeper foundation than the experiments which suggested it to our minds. The belief in and the search for such foundations is, I think, the most characteristic feature of all Dr Whewell's work. [From the British Association Report, 1876.] LXXXI. On Ohm's Laio. THE service rendered to electrical science by Dr G. S. Ohm can only be rightly estimated when we compare the language of those writers on electricity who were ignorant of Ohm's law with that of those who have understood and adopted it. By the former, electric currents are said to vary as regards both their "quantity" and their "intensity," two qualities the nature of which was very imperfectly explained by tedious and vague expositions. In the writings of the latter, after the elementary terms "Electromotive Force," " Strength of Current," and " Electric Resistance " have been defined, the whole doctrine of currents becomes distinct and plain. Ohm's law may be stated thus : The electromotive force which must act on a homogeneous conductor in order to maintain a given steady current through it, is numerically equal to the product of the resistance of the conductor into the strength of the current through it. If, therefore, we define the resistance of a conductor as the ratio of the numerical value of the electromotive force to the numerical value of the strength of the current, Ohm's law asserts that this ratio is constant— that is, that its value does not depend on that of the electromotive force or of the current. The resistance, as thus defined, depends on the nature and form of the conductor, and on its physical condition as regards temperature, strain, &c. ; but if Ohm's law is true, it does not depend on the strength of the current. Ohm's law must, at least at present, be considered a purely empirical one. No attempt to deduce it from pure dynamical principles has as yet been successful ; indeed Weber's latest theoretical investigations* on this subject have led him to suspect that Ohm's law is not true, but that, as the electro- * Pogg. Ann. 1875. .. ON OHM'S LAW. motive ferae increase* without limit, the current increases slower and slower, so »H«» the "resistance," M defined by Ohm's law, would increase with the electromotive force. On the other hand, Schuster* has described experiments which lead him to suspect a deviation from Ohm's law, but in the opposite direction, the resistance being smaller for great currents than for small ones. Lorenti*, of Leyden, has also proposed a theory according to which Ohm's law would cease to be true for rapidly varying currents. The rapidity of variation, however, which, as he supposes, would cause a perceptible deviation from Ohm's law, must be comparable with the rate of vibration of light, so that it would be impossible by any experiments other than optical ones to test this theory. The conduction of electricity through a resisting medium is a process in which part of the energy of an electric current, flowing in a definite direc- tion, is spent in imparting to the molecules of the medium that irregular agitation which we call heat. To calculate from any hypothesis as to the molecular constitution of the medium at what rate the energy of a given current would be spent in this way, would require a far more perfect know- ledge of the dynamical theory of bodies than we at present possess. It is only by experiment that we can ascertain the laws of processes of which we do not understand the dynamical theory. We therefore define, as the resistance of a conductor, the ratio of the numerical value of the electromotive force to that of the strength of the current, and we have to determine by experiment the conditions which affect the value of this ratio. Thus if E denotes the electromotive force acting from one electrode of the conductor to the other, C the strength of the current flowing through the conductor, and R the resistance of the current, we have by definition B-c- and if H is the heat generated in the time t, and if J is the dynamical equivalent of heat, we have by the principle of conservation of energy * Report of British Auociation, 1874. t Over de Terugkaatging en Brdcing van het Lie/a. Leiden, 1875. ON OHM'S LAW. 535 The quantity R, which we have defined as the resistance of the conductor, can be determined only by experiment. Its value may therefore, for any thing we know, be affected by each and all of the physical conditions to which the conductor may be subjected. Thus we know that the resistance is altered by a change of the tempe- rature of the conductor, and also by mechanical strain and by magnetization. The question which is now before us is whether the current itself is or is not one of the physical conditions which may affect the value of the resistance ; and this question we cannot decide except by experiment. Let us therefore assume that the resistance of a given conductor at a given temperature is a function of the strength of the current. Since the resistance of a conductor is the same for the same current in whichever direction the current flows, the expression for the resistance can contain only even powers of the current. Let us suppose, therefore, that the resistance of a conductor of unit length and unit section is where r is the resistance corresponding to an infinitely small current, and c is the current through unit of section, and s, s', &c. are small coefficients to be determined by experiment. The coefficients s, s', &c. represent the deviations from Ohm's law. If Ohm's law is accurate, these coefficients are zero ; also if e is the electromotive force acting on this conductor, e = re (1 + so* + s'c4 + &c.). Now let us consider another conductor of the same substance whose length is L and whose section is A ; then if E is the electromotive force on this conductor, and e that on unit of length, E = Le. Also if C be the current through the conductor and c that through unit of area, C=Ac. Hence the resistance of this conductor will be E Lrf *! 1 that "by supposing the adherence of the par- tfpjj, ^ a fluy to have a sensible effect only at the surface itself and in the direction of the surface it would be easy to determine the curvature of the of fluids in the neighbourhood of the solid boundaries which contain r that these surfaces would be lintearice of which the tension, constant in all directions, would be everywhere equal to the adherence of two particles, and the phenomena of capillary tubes would then present nothing which could not be determined by analysis." He applied this principle of surface-tension to the explanation of the apparent attractions and repulsions between bodies floating on a liquid. In 1802 Leslie t gave the first correct explanation of the rise of a liquid in a tube by considering the effect of the attraction of the solid on the very thin stratum of the liquid in contact with it. He does not, like the earlier speculators, suppose this attraction to act in an upward direction so as to support the fluid directly. He shews that the attraction is everywhere normal to the surface of the solid. The direct effect of the attraction is to increase the pressure of the stratum of the fluid in contact with the solid, so as to make it greater than the pressure in the interior of the fluid. The result of this pressure if unopposed is to cause this stratum to spread itself over the surface of the solid as a drop of water is observed to do when placed on a clean horizontal glass plate, and this even when gravity opposes the action, as when the drop is placed on the under surface of the plate. Hence a glass tube plunged into water would become wet all over were it not that the ascending liquid film carries up a quantity of other liquid which coheres to it, so that when it has ascended to a certain height the weight of the column balances the force by which the film spreads itself over the glass. This ex- planation of the action of the solid is equivalent to that by which Gauss afterwards supplied the defect of the theory of Laplace, except that, not being expressed in terms of mathematical symbols, it does not indicate the mathe- matical relation between the attraction of individual particles and the final result Leslie's theory was afterwards treated according to Laplace's mathe- matical methods by James Ivory in the article on capillary action, under the * Memovres de FAcad. des Sciences, 1787, p. 506. t Philosophical Magazine, 1802, Vol. xiv. p. 193. CAPILLARY ACTION. 545 heading " Fluids, Elevation of," in the supplement to the fourth edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica, published in 1819. In 1804 Thomas Young* founded the theory of capillary phenomena on the principle of surface-tension. He also observed the constancy of the angle of contact of a liquid surface with a solid, and shewed how from these two principles to deduce the phenomena of capillary action. His essay contains the solution of a great number of cases, including most of those afterwards solved by Laplace, but his methods of demonstration, though always correct, and often extremely elegant, are sometimes rendered obscure by his scrupulous avoidance of mathematical symbols. Having applied the secondary principle of surface- tension to the various particular cases of capillary action, Young proceeds to deduce this surface-tension from ulterior principles. He supposes the particles to act on one another with two different kinds of forces, one of which, the attractive force of cohesion, extends to particles at a greater distance than those to which the repulsive force is confined. He further supposes that the attractive force is constant throughout the minute distance to which it extends, but that the repulsive force increases rapidly as the distance diminishes. He thus shews that at a curved part of the surface, a superficial particle would be, urged towards the centre of curvature of the surface, and he gives reasons for concluding that this force is proportional to the sum of the curvatures of the surface in two normal planes at right angles to each other. The subject was next taken up by Laplace t. His results are in many respects identical with those of Young, but his methods of arriving at them are very different, being conducted entirely by mathematical calculations. The form into which he has thrown his investigation seems to have deterred many able physicists from the inquiry into the ulterior cause of capillary phenomena, and induced them to rest content with deriving them from the fact of surface- tension. But for those who wish to study the molecular constitution of bodies it is necessary to study the effect of forces which are sensible only at insen- sible distances ; and Laplace has furnished us with an example of the method of this study which has never been surpassed. Laplace investigates the force acting on the fluid contained in an infinitely slender canal normal to the surface of the fluid arising from the attraction of the parts of the fluid out- * Essay on the "Cohesion of Fluids," Philosophical Transactions, 1805, p. 65. t Mecanique Celeste, supplement to the tenth book, published in 1806. vol.. II. 69 CAPILLARY ACTION. aid* the canal. He thus finds for the pressure at a point in the interior of the fluid an expression of the form when A" u * con»Unt pressure, probably very large, which, however, does not influence capillary phenomena, and therefore cannot be determined from observa- tion of such phenomena ; // is another constant on which all capillary phenomena depend; and R and K are the radii of curvature of any two normal sections ,/ the surface at right angles to each other. In the first part of our own investigation we shall adhere to the symbols myrjl by Laplace, as we shall find that an accurate knowledge of the physical intiTprvtation of these symbols is necessary for the further investigation of the xubject. In the Supplement to the Theory of Capillary Action, Laplace deduces the equation of the surface of the fluid from the condition that the resultant force on a particle at the surface must be normal to the surface. His expla- nation, however, of the rise of a liquid in a tube is based on the assumption • •I" the constancy of the angle of contact for the same solid and fluid, and of this he has nowhere given a satisfactory proof. In this supplement Laplace gives many important applications of the theory, and compares the results with the experiments of Gay-Lussac. The next great step in the treatment of the subject was made by Gauss*. The principle which lie adopts is that of virtual velocities, a principle which under liis hands was gradually transforming itself into what is now known as the principle of the conservation of energy. Instead of calculating the direction and magnitude of the resultant force on each particle arising from the action of neighbouring particles, he forms a single expression which is the aggregate of all the potentials arising from the mutual action between pairs of particles. This expression lias been called the force-function. With its sign reversed it is now called the potential energy of the system. It consists of three parts, the first depending on the action of gravity, the second on the mutual action een the particles of the fluid, and the third on the action between the I "articles of the fluid and the particles of a solid or fluid in contact with it. The condition of equilibrium is that this expression (which we may for the sake of distinctness call the potential energy) shall be a minimum. This • Priitcipia gewmlia Theoria Figune Fluidorum in flatu jEquilibrii (Gottingen. 1830), or Werke, T. 29 (Gottingw,, 1867). CAPILLARY ACTION. 547 condition when worked out gives not only the equation of the free surface in the form already established by Laplace, but the conditions of the angle of contact of this surface with the surface of a solid. Gauss thus supplied the principal defect in the great work of Laplace. He also pointed out more distinctly the nature of the assumptions which we must make with respect to the law of action of the particles in order to be consistent with observed phenomena. He did not, however, enter into the ex- planation of particular phenomena, as this had been done already by Laplace. He points out, however, to physicists the advantages of the method of Segner and Gay-Lussac, afterwards carried out by Quincke, of measuring the dimen- sions of large drops of mercuiy on a horizontal or slightly concave surface, and those of large bubbles of air in transparent liquids resting against the under side of a horizontal plate of a substance wetted by the liquid. In 1831 Poisson published his Noiivelle Theorie de I' Action Capillaire. He maintains that there is a rapid variation of density near the surface of a liquid, and he gives very strong reasons, which have been only strengthened by subsequent discoveries, for believing that this is the case. He then pro- ceeds to an investigation of the equilibrium of a fluid on the hypothesis of uniform density, and he arrives at the conclusion that on this hypothesis none of the observed capillary phenomena would take place, and that, therefore, Laplace's theory, in which the density is supposed uniform, is not only insuffi- cient but erroneous. In particular he maintains that the constant pressure K, which occurs in Laplace's theory, and which on that theory is very large, must be in point of fact very small, but the equation of equilibrium from which he concludes this is itself defective. Laplace assumes that the liquid has uniform density, and that the attraction of its molecules extends to a finite though insensible distance. On these assumptions his results are certainly right, and are confirmed by the independent method of Gauss, so that the objections raised against them by Poisson fall to the ground. But whether the assumption of uniform density be physically correct is a very different question, and Poisson has done good service to science in shewing how to carry on the investigation on the hypothesis that the density very near the surface is different from that in the interior of the fluid. The result, however, of Poisson's investigation is practically equivalent to that already obtained by Laplace. In both theories the equation of the liquid surface is the same, involving a constant H, which can be determined only by 69—2 CAPILLARY ACTION. experiment. The only difference is in the manner in which this quantity // depend* on the law of the molecular forces and the law of density near the mr&ee of the fluid, and as these laws are unknown to us we cannot obtain any te*t to discriminate between the two theories. Wa haw now described the principal forms of the theory of capillary action during its earlier development. In more recent times the method of GAUM has been modified so as to take account of the variation of density near the surface, and its language has been translated in terms of the modern doctrine of the conservation of energy *. M. Plateau t, who has himself made the most elaborate study of the phenomena of surface-tension, has adopted the following method of getting rid of the effects of gravity : He forms a mixture of alcohol and water of the same density as olive oil. He then introduces a quantity of oil into the mixture. It assumes the form of a sphere under the action of surface-tension alone. He then, by means of rings of iron-wire, disks, and other contrivances, alters the form of certain parts of the surface of the oil. The free portions of the surface then assume new forms depending on the equilibrium of surface- tension. In this way he has produced a great many of the forms of equilibrium a liquid under the action of surface-tension alone, and compared them with the results of mathematical investigation. He has also greatly facilitated the idy of liquid films by shewing how to form a liquid, the films of which will last for twelve or even for twenty-four hours. The debt which science owes to M. Plateau is not diminished by the fact that, while investigating these beautiful phenomena, he has never himself seen them. He lost his sight long ago1 in the pursuit of science, and has ever since been obliged to depend on the eyes and the hands of others. M. Van der Mensbrugghe J has also devised a great number of beautiful illustrations of the phenomena of surface-tension, and has shewn their connection with the experiments of Mr Tomlinson on the figures formed by oils dropped on the clean surface of water. * See Prof. Betti, Teoria delta CapillaritA: Nuavo Cimento, 1867; a memoir by M. Stahl, "Ueber einige Punckto in der Theorie der Capillarerscheimmgen," Pogg. Ann., cxxxix. p. 239 (1870); and M. Van der Waal's Over da Continuiteit van den Gcu- en Vloeistoftoesland. The student will find a good account of the subject from a mathematical point of view in Professor Challis's "Report on the Theory of Capillary Attraction," Brit. Ass. Report, iv. p. 253 (1834). t M. Plateau, Statique experimental* et theorique des liquides. J J/em. d* FAcad. Roy. de Belyiqu*, xxxvn. (1873). CAPILLARY ACTION. 549 M. Duprd in his 5th, 6th, and 7th Memoirs on the Mechanical Theory of Heat (Ann. de Chimie et de Physique, 1866 to 1868) has done much to- wards applying the principles of thermodynamics to capillary phenomena, and the experiments of his son are exceedingly ingenious and well devised, tracing the influence of surface-tension in a great number of very different circumstances, and deducing from independent methods the numerical value of the surface- tension. The experimental evidence which M. Dupre" has obtained bearing on the molecular structure of liquids must be very valuable, even if many of our present opinions on this subject should turn out to be erroneous. M. Quincke* has made a most elaborate series of experiments on the tension of the surfaces separating one liquid from another and from air. M. Liidtget has experimented on liquid films, and has shewn how a film of a liquid of high surface-tension is replaced by a film of lower surface-tension. He has also experimented on the effects of the thickness of the film, and has come to the conclusion that the thinner a film is, the greater is its tension. This result, however, has been tested by M. Van der Mensbrugghe, who finds that the tension is the same for the same liquid whatever be the thickness, as long as the film does not burst. The phenomena of very thin liquid films deserve the most careful study, for it is in this way that we are most likely to obtain evidence by which we may test the theories of the molecular structure of liquids. Sir W. Thomson J has investigated the effect of the curvature of the surface of a liquid on the thermal equilibrium between the liquid and the vapour in contact with it. He has also calculated the effect of surface-tension on the propagation of waves on the surface of a liquid, and has determined the minimum velocity of a wave, and the velocity of the wind when it is just sufficient to disturb the surface of still water §. THEORY OF CAPILLARY ACTION. When two different fluids are placed in contact, they may either diffuse into each other or remain separate. In some cases diffusion takes place to a limited extent, after which the resulting mixtures do not mix with each other. * Pogg. Ann., cxxxix. (1870), p. 1. t Ibid. p. 620. J Proceedings R. S., Edinburgh, February 7, 1870. § Philosophical Magazine, November, 1871. CAPILLARY ACTION. Tha nmf substance may be able to exist in two different states at the same temperature and pressure, as when water and its saturated vapour are con- tained in the same vooool The conditions under which the thermal and iMffihan^l equilibrium of two fluids, two mixtures, or the same substance in two physical states in contact with each other, is possible belong to thermo- dynamics. All that we have to observe at present is that, in the cases in which the fluids do not mix of themselves, the potential energy of the system mu*t be greater when the fluids are mixed than when they are separate. It is found by experiment that it is only very close to the bounding Atirfkce of a liquid that the forces arising from the mutual action of its parts have any resultant effect on one of its particles. The experiments of Quincke and others seem to shew that the extreme range of the forces which produce capillary action lies between a thousandth and a twenty thousandth part of a millimetre. We shall use the symbol e to denote this extreme range, beyond which the action of these forces may be regarded as insensible. If x denotes tl it- potential energy of unit of mass of the substance, we may treat x as sensibly constant except within a distance e of the bounding surface of the fluid. In the interior of the fluid it has the uniform value x<>- In l^e manner the density, p, is sensibly equal to the constant quantity p,, which is its value in the interior of the liquid, except within a distance e of the bounding surface. Hence if V is the volume of a mass M of liquid bounded by a surface whose area is S, the integral (1), where the integration is to be extended throughout the volume V, may be divided into two parts by considering separately the thin shell or skin extend- ing from the outer surface to a depth c, within which the density and other properties of the liquid vary with the depth, and the interior portion of the liquid within which its properties are constant. Since e is a line of insensible magnitude compared with the dimensions of the mass of liquid and the principal radii of curvature of its surface, the volume of the shell whose surface is S and thickness e will be Se, and that of the interior space will be V '— Se. If we suppose a normal v less than e to be drawn from the surface S into the liquid, we may divide the shell into elementary shells whose thick- CAPILLARY ACTION. 551 ness is dv, in each of which the density and other properties of the liquid will be constant. The volume of one of these shells will be Sdv. Its mass will be Spdv. The mass of the whole shell will therefore be S\ pdv, and that of the interior Jo part of the liquid (F-Se)/30. We thus find for the whole mass of the liquid M=Vpt-st'(pt-p)dv ........................... (2). J o To find the potential energy we have to integrate E = I \xpdxdydz ....................... ....... (3). Substituting yjp for p in the process we have just gone through, we find E=VXP*-S \(x°p»-xp)dv ........................ (4)- J 0 Multiplying equation (2) by x*> and subtracting it from (4), ......................... (5). In this expression M and ^0 are both constant, so that the variation of the right hand side of the equation is the same as that of the energy E, and expresses that part of the energy which depends on the area of the bounding surface of the liquid. We may call this the surface energy. The symbol x expresses the energy of unit of mass of the liquid at a depth v within the bounding surface. When the liquid is in contact with a rare medium, such as its own vapour or any other gas, ^ is greater than ^0, and the surface energy is positive. By the principle of the conservation of energy, any displacement of the liquid by which its energy is diminished will tend to take place of itself. Hence if the energy is the greater, the greater the area of the exposed surface, the liquid will tend to move in such a way as to diminish the area of the exposed surface, or in other words, the exposed surface will tend to diminish if it can do so consistently with the other conditions. This tendency of the surface to contract itself is called the surface- tension of liquids. M. Dupre' has described an arrangement by which the surface-tension of a liquid film may be illustrated. 551 ' VPILLARY ACTION. A piece of sheet metal is cut out in the form A A (fig. 1). A very fine idip of metal U laid on it in the position BB, and the whole is dipped into a solution of soap, or M. Plateau's glycerine mixture. When it is taken out the rectangle AACC is filled up by a liquid film. This film, however, tends to contract on iteelf, and the loose strip of metal BB will, if it is let go, be drawn up towards A A, provided it is sufficiently light and smooth. Let T be the surface-energy per unit of area; then the energy of a sur&ce of area S will be ST. If, in the rectangle AACC, AA=a, and (7(7=6, it* area is S=al, and its energy Tab. Hence if .F is the force by which the alip BB is pulled towards A A, F-^Tab-Ta (6), ..r the force arising from the surface-tension acting on a length a of the strip is Tti, so that T represents the surface-tension acting transversely on every unit of length of the periphery of the liquid surface. Hence if we write r = J4(x-X.)/**" (7), we may define T either as the surface-energy per unit of area, or as the surface- tension per unit of contour, for the numerical values of these two quantities are equal. If the liquid is bounded by a dense substance, whether liquid or solid, the value of x ma7 be different from its value when the liquid has a free surface. If the liquid is in contact with another liquid, let us distinguish quantities belonging to the two liquids by suffixes. We shall then have (8), (9). Adding these expressions, and dividing the second member by S, we obtain for the tension of the surface of contact of the two liquids f'i f't (x.-X".)/>A+ (x»~x-)/vki (10). |" /« o CAPILLARY ACTION. 553 If this quantity is positive, the surface of contact will tend to contract, and the liquids will remain distinct. If, however, it were negative, the dis- placement of the liquids which tends to enlarge the surface of contact would be aided by the molecular forces, so that the liquids, if not kept separate by gravity, would at length become thoroughly mixed. No instance, however, of a phenomenon of this kind has been discovered, for those liquids which mix of themselves do so by the process of diffusion, which is a molecular motion, and not by the spontaneous puckering and replication of the bounding surface, as would be the case if T were negative. It is probable, however, that there are many cases in which the integral belonging to the less dense fluid is negative. If the denser body be solid we can often demonstrate this; for the liquid tends to spread itself over the surface of the solid, so as to increase the area of the surface of contact, even although in so doing it is obliged to increase the free surface in opposition to the surface-tension. Thus water spreads itself out on a clean surface of glass. This shews that (x~Xo) P^v must be negative for water in contact with glass. J D ON THE TENSION OF LIQUID FILMS. The method already given for the investigation of the surface-tension of a liquid, all whose dimensions are sensible, fails in the case of a liquid film, such as a soap-bubble. In such a film it is possible that no part of the liquid may be so far from the surface as to have the potential and density corre- sponding to what we have called the interior of a liquid mass, and measurements of the tension of the film when drawn out to different degrees of thinness may possibly lead to an • estimate of the range of the molecular forces, or at least of the depth within a liquid mass, at which its properties become sensibly uniform. We shall therefore indicate a method of investigating the tension of such films. Let S be the area of the film, M its mass, and E its energy; a- the mass, and e the energy of unit of area ; then M=S pdv, (20). Hence the tension of a thick film is equal to the sum of the tensions of its two surfaces as already calculated (equation 7). On the hypothesis of uniform density we shall find that this is true for films whose thickness exceeds e. The symbol x *s defined as the energy of unit of mass of the substance. A knowledge of the absolute value of this energy is not required, since in every expression in which it occurs it is under the form x~Xo> that is to say, the difference between the energy in two different states. The only cases, however, in which we have experimental values of this quantity are when the substance is either liquid and surrounded by similar liquid, or gaseous and sur- rounded by similar gas. It is impossible to make direct measurements of the properties of particles of the substance within the insensible distance e of the bounding surface. When a liquid is in thermal and dynamical equilibrium with its vapour, then if p and x' are the values of p and x for the vapour, and pa and x» those for the liquid, where J is the dynamical equivalent of heat, L is the latent heat of unit of mass of the vapour, and p is the pressure. At points in the liquid very near its surface it is probable that x is greater than XD, and at points in the gas very near the surface of the liquid it is probable that x is less than x'. but this has not as yet been ascertained experimentally. We shall therefore en- deavour to apply to this subject the methods used in Thermodynamics, and where these fail us we shall have recourse to the hypotheses of molecular physics. 70—2 CAPILLARY ACTION. We hare next to determine the value of x in terms of the action between one particle and another. Let ua suppose that the force between two particles M and m' at the distance / is (22), being reckoned positive when the force is attractive. The actual force between the particles arises in part from their mutual gravitation, which is inversely n as the square of the distance. This force is expressed by mm' ^. It is easy to shew that a force subject to this law would not account for capillary action. We shall, therefore, in what follows, consider only that part of the force which depends on $(f), where (f) is a function of f which is insensible for all sensible values of f, but which becomes sensible and even enormously great when / is exceedingly small. If we next introduce a new function of/ and write (23), then utin'll (f) will represent (1) the work done by the attractive force on the particle m, while it is brought from an infinite distance from m' to the distance f from m'; or (2) the attraction of a particle m on a narrow straight rod resolved in the direction of the length of the rod, one extremity of the rod being at a distance / from m, and the other at an infinite distance, the mass of. unit of length of the rod being m'. The function IT (f ) is also in- sensible for sensible values of /, but for insensible values of / it may become sensible and even very great. If we next write »A(z) (24), then 2irm(«) is an insensible quantity we may omit it. We may also write since z is very small compared with u, and expressing u in terras of where, in general, we must suppose p a function of z. This expression, when integrated, gives (1) the work done on a particle m while it is brought from an infinite distance to the point P, or (2) the attraction on a long slender column normal to the surface and terminating at P, the mass of unit of length of the column being m. In the form of the theory given by Laplace, the density of the liquid was supposed to be uniform. Hence if we write K=2ir\ ^i(z)dz, H=2irt zt/»(z)efe, the pressure of a column of the fluid itself terminating at the surface will be mid the work done by the attractive forces when a particle m is brought to the surface of the fluid from an infinite distance will be If we write "*(*)&-*(*), then 2irmp0(z) will express the work done by the attractive forces, while a particle m is brought from an infinite distance to a distance z from the plane surface of a mass of the substance of density p and infinitely thick. The function 9(z) is insensible for all sensible values of z. For insensible values it may become sensible, but it must remain finite even when z = 0, in which case 6(0) = K. CAPILLARY ACTION. 559 If x is the potential energy of unit of mass of the substance in vapour, then at a distance z from the plane surface of the liquid x=x' At the surface X = x' At a distance z within the surface If the liquid forms a stratum of thickness c, then (z) + 2irp0 (z - c). The surface-density of this stratum is J 0 (c fc = c/j{x'-4irp0(0)} + 27r/9a d(z)dz + 2Trp*\ 0(c-z)dz. Jo Jo Since the two sides of the stratum are similar the last two terms are equal, and e = cp \x - 4irpO (0)} + 477y>2 (e 6 (z) dz. J o Differentiating with respect to c, we find da- dc=P> Hence the surface-tension „ de T=e-(rcfc> = 47r/)2|fC e(z)dz-c6(c)\. Integrating the first term within brackets by parts, it becomes CAPILLARY ACTION. d6 Remembering that 0(0) ia a finite quantity, and that ^ = -$(z), we find | When c is greater than e this ia equivalent to 2// in the equation of Laplace. Hence the tension is the same for all films thicker than c, the range of the forces. For thinner films IT Hence if ^(c) is positive, the tension and the thickness will increase together. Now 1wmp^(c) represents the attraction between a particle m and the plane tfiir&ce of an infinite mass of the liquid, when the distance of the particle out- side the surface is c. Now, the force between the particle and the liquid is certainly, on the whole, attractive ; but if between any two small values of <• it should be repulsive, then for films whose thickness lies between these values the tension will increase as the thickness diminishes, but for all other cases the tension will diminish as the thickness diminishes. We have given several examples in which the density is assumed to be uniform, because Poisson has asserted that capillary phenomena would not take place unless the density varied rapidly near the surface. In this assertion we think he was mathematically wrong, though in his own hypothesis that the density does actually vary, he was probably right. In fact, the quantity 4wp-K, which we may call with Van der Waals the molecular pressure, is so great for most liquids (5000 atmospheres for water), that in the parts near the sur- face, where the molecular pressure varies rapidly, we may expect considerable variation of density, even when we take into account the smallness of the compressibility of liquids. The pressure at any point of the liquid arises from two causes, the external pressure P to which the liquid is subjected, and the pressure arising from the mutual attraction of its molecules. If we suppose that the number of molecules within the range of the attraction of a given molecule is very large, the part of the pressure arising from attraction will be proportional to the square of the number of molecules in unit of volume, that is, to the square of the density. Hence we may write (1), CAPILLARY ACTION. 561 where A is a constant. But by the equations of equilibrium of the liquid dp= -pdx (2). Hence — pdx = 2Apdp (3), and x'-X = 2^p-2£ (4), where B is another constant. Near the plane surface of a liquid we may assume p a function of z. We have then for the value of x a^ the point where z = c, r'p(z)t(z-c)dz (5), Jc-e where c is the range beyond which the attraction of a mass of liquid bounded by a plane surface becomes insensible. The value of x depends, therefore, on those values only of p which correspond to strata for which z is nearly equal to c. We may, therefore, expand p in terms of z — c, or writing * for z — c, -) + +&c where the suffix (c) denotes that in the quantity to which it is applied after differentiation, z is to be made equal to c. We may now write [+e The function »// (x) has equal values for + x and - x. Hence afi/> (x) dx J -• vanishes if n is odd. But if we write f+t i [+• K=tr\ $(x)dx, L = -TT\ y?ty(x}dx, 1 f+' M = . TT x4^ (x) dx, &c. 1 . / . • ) . 4 J — « This is the expression for x on ^ne hypothesis that the value of p can be expanded in a series of powers of z — c within the limits z — c and z + e. It VOL. II. 71 CAPILLARY ACTION. M onlj when the point /' b within the distance c of the surface of the liquid thk COMOO to be possible. If we now substitute. for x »te value from equation (4), we obtain 2Ap — 2B = 2A'/o + 2L-r? + 2 J/ T~ + Ac., linear differential equation in p, the solution of which is p - jj- where «„ n,, «,, «4 are the roots of the equation The coefficient J/ is less than JL, where « is the range of the attractive force. Hence we may consider M very small compared with L. If we neglect .!/ altogether, n,= - If we assume a quantity a such that a'K=2L, we may call a the cur/" I surface of contact of the two fluids meets the surface of the solid s^ depends on the values of the three surface-tensions. If a and l> are the two fluids and c the solid then the equilibrium of the tensions at the point 0 depends only on that of thin components parallel to the surface, because the surface-tensions normal to the surface are balanced by the resistance of the solid. Hence if the angle ROQ (fig. 4) at which the surface of contact OP meets the solid is denoted by a, ^-2^-2 whence -'oft As an experiment on the angle of contact only gives us the difference of the surface-tensions at the solid surface, we cannot determine their actual value. It is theoretically probable that they are often negative, and may be called surface-pressures. The constancy of the angle of contact between the surface of a fluid and a solid was first pointed out by Dr Young, who states that the angle of contact between mercury and glass is about 140°. Quincke makes it 128° 52'. * Sur la Tension StiperficieUe des lAquldes, Bruxclles, 1873. CAPILLARY ACTION. 567 If the tension of the surface between the solid and one of the fluids ex- ceeds the sum of the other two tensions, the point of contact will not be in equilibrium, but will be dragged towards the side on which the tension is greatest. If the quantity of the first fluid is small it will stand in a drop on the surface of the solid without wetting it. If the quantity of the second fluid is small it will spread itself over the surface and wet the solid. The angle of contact of the first fluid is 180° and that of the second is zero. If a drop of alcohol be made to touch one side of a drop of oil on a glass plate, the alcohol will appear to chase the oil over the plate, and if a drop of water and a drop of bisulphide of carbon be placed in contact in a horizontal capillary tube, the bisulphide of carbon will chase the water along the tube. In both cases the liquids move in the direction in which the surface- pressure at the solid is least. ON THE RISE OF A LIQUID IN A TUBE. Let a tube (fig. 5) whose internal radius is r, made of a solid substance c, be dipped into a liquid a. Let us suppose that the angle of contact for this liquid with the solid c is an acute angle. This implies that the tension of the free surface of the solid c is greater than that of the surface of contact of the solid with the liquid a. Now consider the tension of the free surface of the liquid a. All round its edge there is a tension T acting at an angle a with the vertical. The circumference of the edge is 2nr, so that the resultant of this tension is a force ZirrTco&a acting vertically upwards on the liquid. Hence the liquid will rise in the tube till the weight of the vertical column between the free surface and the level of the liquid in the vessel balances the resultant of the surface-tension. The upper surface of this column is not level, so that the height of the column cannot be directly measured, but let us assume that h is the mean height of the column, that is to say, the height of a column of equal weight, but with a flat top. Then if r is the radius of the tube at the top of the column, the volume of the suspended column is irr'h, and its Fig. 5. CAPILLARY ACTION. .. i- , when p i« it* density and 0 the intensity of gravity. Equating thia force with the resultant of the tension ZTcoaa " = ' Heooe the mean height to which the fluid rises is inversely as the radius of the tube. For water in a clean glass tube the angle of contact is zero, and ZT n = — . For mercury in a glass tube the angle of contact is 128' 52', the cosine of which is negative. Hence when a glass tube is dipped into a vessel of mercury, the mercury within the tube stands at a lower level than outside it. RISE OF A LIQUID BETWEEN Two PLATES. When two parallel plates are placed vertically in a liquid the liquid rises between them. If we now suppose fig. 5 to represent a vertical section per- pendicular to the plates, we may calculate the rise of the liquid. Let / be the breadth of the plates measured perpendicularly to the plane of the paper, then the length of the line which bounds the wet and the dry parts of the plates inside is / for each surface, and on this the tension T acts at an angle a to the- vertical. Hence the resultant of the surface-tension is ZITcosa. If the distance between the inner surfaces of the plates is a, and if the mean height of the film of fluid which rises between them is h, the weight of fluid raised is pyhla. Equating the forces — , ZTcosa whence h = - pga This expression is the same as that for the rise of a liquid in a tube, except that instead of r, the radius of the tube, we have a the distance of the plates. CAPILLARY ACTION. 569 FORM OF THE CAPILLARY SURFACE. The form of the surface of a liquid acted on by gravity is easily deter- mined if we assume that near the part considered the line of contact of the surface of the liquid with that of the solid bounding it is straight and hori- zontal, as it is when the solids which constrain the liquid are bounded by surfaces formed by horizontal and parallel generating lines. This will be the case, for instance, near a flat plate dipped into the liquid. If we suppose these generating lines to be normal to the plane of the paper then all sections of the solids parallel to this plane will be equal and similar to each other, and the section of the surface of the liquid will be of the same form for all such sections. Let us consider the portion of the liquid between two parallel sections distant one unit of length. Let Plt P2 (fig. 6) be two points of the surface ; 6it 0a, the inclination of the surface to the horizon at Px and P2; ylt ?/2 the heights of P1 and P2 above the level of the liquid at a distance from all solid bodies. The pressure at any point of the liquid which is above this level is negative unless another fluid as, for instance, the air, presses on the upper surface, but it is only the differ- ence of pressures with which we have to do, because Fi«- 6- two equal pressures on opposite sides of the surface produce no effect. We may, therefore, write for the pressure at a height y where p is the density of the liquid, or if there are two fluids the excess of the density of the lower fluid over that of the upper one. The forces acting on the portion of liquid PJP^A^ are — first, the hori- zontal pressures, -\pgy? and fogy? ; second, the surface-tension T acting at P! and P, in directions inclined 01 and 02 to the horizon. Resolving horizontally we find — T (cos 0, - cos 0,) + \g? (y? - y?) = 0, whence cos 02 = cos 6l — fajpy? + 3 -jr y*> VOL. II. ?2 7 CAPILLARY ACTION. or if we suppoM P, fixed and P, variable, we may write ooa 0 - i y\[- +constant. This equation gives a relation between the inclination of the curve to the horuun and the height above the level of the liquid. Resolving vertically we find that the weight of the liquid raised above the level most be equal to T (sin 0, — sin 0,), and this is therefore equal to the area /',/Vff^t multiplied by gp. The form of the capillary surface is identical with that of the "elastic curve," or the curve formed by a uniform spring originally straight, when its ends are acted on by equal and opposite forces applied either to the ends themselves or to solid pieces attached to them. Drawings of the different forms of the curve may be found in Thomson and Tait's Natural Philosophy, Vol. i. p. 455. We shall next consider the rise of a liquid between two plates of different materials for which the angles of contact are a, and a,, the distance between the plates being a, a small quantity. Since the plates are very near one another we may use the following equation of the surface as an approximation: — whence y = h1+Ax+JBxt h^h + Aa+Ea', cot 04 = — A cot a, = A + 2Ba =pga (h, whence we obtain • - (2 cot cu, — cot a,). Let X be the force which must be applied in a horizontal direction to either keep from approaching the other, then the forces acting on the first CAPILLARY ACTION. 571 plate are T+X in the negative direction, and T sin ^ + $gph* in the positive direction. Hence For the second plate Hence X = £ gp (h? + hf) - T (1 - 1 (sin a, + sin a,)}, or, substituting the values of hr and hu T- X = % — j (cos c^ + cos a^f — T{1 — £ (sin 04 + sin a,) — ^ (cos c^ + cos cu.) (cot a^ + cot a,)}, the remaining terms being negligible when a is small. The force, therefore, with which the two plates are drawn together consists first of a positive part, or in other words an attraction, varying inversely as the square of the distance, and second, of a negative part or repulsion independent of the distance. Hence in all cases except that in which the angles at and o^ are supplementary to each other, the force is attractive when a is small enough, but when cos a, and cos a, are of different signs, as when the liquid is raised by one plate, and depressed by the other, the first term may be so small that the repulsion indicated by the second term comes into play. The fact that a pair of plates which repel one another at a certain distance may attract one another at a smaller distance was deduced by Laplace from theory, and verified by the observations of the Abb£ Hauy. A DROP BETWEEN TWO PLATES. If a small quantity of a liquid which wets glass be introduced between two glass plates slightly inclined to each other, it will run towards that part where the glass plates are nearest together. When the liquid is in equilibrium it forms a thin film, the outer edge of which is all of the same thickness. If d is the distance between the plates at the edge of the film and n the atmospheric pressure, the pressure of the liquid in the film is II -=. — , and if A is the area of the film between the plates and B its circumference, the plates will be pressed together with a force ZATcosa j,™ . - + BTsma, a 72—2 CAPIIXABY ACTION. and this, whether the atmosphere exerts any pressure or not. The force thus produced by tbe introduction of a drop of water between two plates is enormous, and i. often wfficient to press certain parts of the plates together so power- fbOy M to bruise them or break them. When two blocks of ice are placed loosely together so that the superfluous water which melts from them may drain away, the remaining water draws the blocks together with a force suffi- cMOt to cause the blocks to adhere by the process called Regelation. In many experiments bodies are floated on the surface of water in order that they may be free to move under the action of slight horizontal forces. Thus Newton placed a magnet in a floating vessel and a piece of iron in another in order to observe their mutual action, and Ampere floated a voltaic battery with a coil of wire in its circuit in order to observe the effects of the earth's magnetism on the electric circuit. When such floating bodies come near the edge of the vessel they are drawn up to it, and are apt to stick fast to it. There are two ways of avoiding this inconvenience. One is to grease the float round its water-line so that the water is depressed round it. This, however, often produces a worse disturbing effect, because a thin film of grease spreads over the water and increases its surface-viscosity. The other method is to fill the vessel with water till the level of the water stands a little higher than the rim of the vessel. The float will then be repelled from the edge of the vessel. Such floats, however, should always be made so that the section taken at the level of the water is as small as possible. PHENOMENA ARISING FROM THE VARIATION OF THE SURFACE-TENSION. Pure water has a higher surface-tension than that of any other substance liquid at ordinary temperatures except mercury. Hence any other liquid if mixed with water diminishes its surface-tension. For example, if a drop of alcohol be placed on the surface of water, the surface-tension will be diminished from 80, the value for pure water, to 25, the value for pure alcohol. The surface of the liquid will therefore no longer be in equilibrium, and a current will be formed at and near the surface from the alcohol to the surrounding water, and this current will go on as long as there is more alcohol at one j»art of the surface than at another. If the vessel is deep, these currents will be balanced by counter currents below them, but if the depth of the water CAPILLARY ACTION. 573 is only two or three millimetres, the surface-current will sweep away the whole of the water, leaving a dry spot where the alcohol was dropped in. This phenomenon was first described and explained by Professor James Thomson, who also explained a phenomenon, the converse of this, called the "tears of strong wine." If a wine glass be half-filled with port wine the liquid rises a little up the side of the glass as other liquids do. The wine, however, contains alcohol and water, both of which evaporate, but the alcohol faster than the water, so that the superficial layer becomes more watery. In the middle of the vessel the superficial layer recovers its strength by diffusion from below, but the film adhering to the side of the glass becomes more watery, and therefore has a higher surface-tension than the surface of the stronger wine. It therefore creeps up the side of the glass dragging the strong wine after it, and this goes on till the quantity of fluid dragged up collects into a drop and runs down the side of the glass. The motion of small pieces of camphor floating on water arises from the gradual solution of the camphor. If this takes place more rapidly on one side of the piece of camphor than on the other side, the surface-tension becomes weaker where there is most camphor in solution, and the lump, being pulled unequally by the surface-tensions, moves off in the direction of the strongest tension, namely, towards the side on which least camphor is dissolved. If a drop of ether is held near the surface of water the vapour of ether condenses on the surface of the water, and surface-currents are formed flowing in every direction away from under the drop of ether. If we place a small floating body in a shallow vessel of water and wet one side of it with alcohol or ether, it will move off with great velocity and skim about on the surface of the water, the part wet with alcohol being always the stern. The surface-tension of mercury is greatly altered by slight changes in the state of the surface. The surface-tension of pure mercury is so great that it is very difficult to keep it clean, for every kind of oil or grease spreads over it at once. But the most remarkable effects of change of surface-tension are those pro- duced by what is called the electric polarization of the surface. The tension of the surface of contact of mercury and dilute sulphuric acid depends on the electromotive force acting between the mercury and the acid. If the electro- N t'APILLARY ACTION. motive fcwe M from tlie acid to the mercury the surface-tension increases; if it H from the roereoiy to the acid, it diminishes. Faraday observed that a Urge drop of mercury, resting on the flat bottom of a vessel containing dilute acid, changes it* form in a remarkable way when connected with one of the uloBtrodm of •> battery, the other electrode being placed in the acid. When the mercury is made positive it becomes dull and spreads itself out; when it » made negative it gathers itself together and becomes bright again. M. Lipp- raaim. who has made a careful investigation of the subject, finds that exceed- ingly small variations of the electromotive force produce sensible changes in the surface-tension. The effect of one Darnell's cell is to increase the tension from 30-4 to 40'6. He has constructed a capillary electrometer by which differences of electric potential less than O'Ol of that of a Daniell's cell can be detected by the difference of the pressure required to force the mercury to a given point of a fine capillary tube. He has also constructed an apparatus in which this variation in the surface-tension is made to do work and drive a machine. He has also found that this action is reversible, for when the ana of the surface of contact of the acid and mercury is made to increase, an electric current passes from the mercury to the acid, the amount of elec- tricity which passes while the surface increases by one square centimetre being sufficient to decompose '000013 grammes of water. Ux THE FORMS OF LIQUID FILMS WHICH ARE FIGURES OF REVOLUTION. A Spherical Soap-bubble. A soap-bubble is simply a small quantity of soap-suds spread out so as to expose a large surface to the air. The bubble, in fact, has two surfaces, an outer and an inner surface, both exposed to air. It has, therefore, a certain amount of surface-energy depending on the area of these two surfaces. Since in the case of thin films the outer and inner surfaces are approximately equal, we shall consider the area of the film as representing either of them, and shall use the symbol T to denote the energy of unit of area of the film, both surfaces being taken together. If T is the energy of a single surface of the liquid, T the energy of the film is 27". When by means of a tube we blow air into the inside of the bubble we increase its volume and therefore its CAPILLARY ACTION. 575 surface, and at the same time we do work in forcing air into it, and thus increase the energy of the bubble. That the bubble has energy may be shewn by leaving the end of the tube open. The bubble will contract, forcing the air out, and the current of air blown through the tube may be made to deflect the flame of a candle. If the bubble is in the form of a sphere of radius r this material surface will have an area 3=4^ ..................................... (1). If T be the energy corresponding to unit of area of the film the surface-energy of the whole bubble will be ST=±irr>T ......................... . .......... (2). The increment of this energy corresponding to an increase of the radius from r to r + dr is therefore TdS=8irrTdr ................................. (3). Now this increase of energy was obtained by forcing in air at a pressure greater than the atmospheric pressure, and thus increasing the volume of the bubble. Let II be the atmospheric pressure and H+p the pressure of the air within the bubble. The volume of the sphere is and the increment of volume is cZF=4irrtfr .................................... (5). Now if we suppose a quantity of air already at the pressure II +p, the work done in forcing it into the bubble is pdV. Hence the equation of work and energy is pdV=Tds .................................... (6), or 4wpr>dr = SirrdrT ................................. (7), or p = 2T ..................................... (8). This, therefore, is the excess of the pressure of the air within the bubble over that of the external air, and it is due to the action of the inner and outer surfaces of the bubble. "We may conceive this pressure to arise from the ten- dency which the bubble has to contract, or in other words from the surface- tension of the bubble. If to increase the area of the surface requires the expenditure of work, the Mir&ee roust reewt extension, and if the bubble in contracting can do work, the Kirface roost tend to contract The surface must therefore act like a sheet of india-rubber when extended both in length and breadth, that is, it must exert •uriace-tension. The tension of the sheet of india-rubber, however, de- pend* on the extent to which it is stretched, and may be different in different directions, whereas the tension of the surface of a liquid remains the same however much the film is extended, and the tension at any point is the same in all directions. The intensity of this surface-tension is measured by the stress which it exerts across a line of unit length. Let us measure it in the case of the spherical soap-bubble by considering the stress exerted by one hemisphere of the bubble on the other, across the circumference of a great circle. This stress is balanced by the pressure p acting over the area of the same great circle : it is therefore equal to irr*p. To determine the intensity of the surface-tension we have to divide this quantity by the length of the line across which it acts, which is in this case the circumference of a great circle Zirr. Dividing irfp by this length we obtain %pr as the value of the intensity of the surface- tension, and it is plain from equation 8 that this is equal to T. Hence the numerical value of the intensity of the surface-tension is equal to the numerical value of the surface-energy per unit of surface. We must remember that since the film has two surfaces the surface-tension of the film is double the tension of the surface of the liquid of which it is formed. To determine the relation between the surface-tension and the pressure which balances it when the form of the surface is not spherical, let us consider the following case : — Let fig. 8 represent a section through the axis Cc of a soap-bubble in the form of a figure of revolution bounded by two circular disks AB and ab, and having the meridian section APa. Let PQ be an imaginary section normal to the axis. Let the radius of this section PR be y, and let PT, the tangent at P, make an angle a with the axis. Let us consider the stresses which are exerted across this imaginary section by the lower part on the upper part. If the internal pressure exceeds the external pressure by p, there is in the first place a force infp acting upwards arising CAPILLARY ACTION. 577 from the pressure p over the area of the section. In the next place, there is the surface-tension acting downwards, but at an angle a with the vertical, across the circular section of the bubble itself, whose circumference is 2iry, and the downward force is therefore Now these forces are balanced by the external force which acts on the disk ACB, which we may call F. Hence equating the forces which act on the portion included between ACB and PRQ Try*p-2TryTcosa = -F ............................. (9). If we make CR — z, and suppose z to vary, the shape of the bubble of course remaining the same, the values of y and of a will change, but the other quantities will be constant. In studying these variations we may if we please take as our independent variable the length s of the meridian section AP reckoned from A. Differentiating equation 9 with respect to s we obtain, after dividing by 2ir as a common factor Now -^ = sina .................................... (11). The radius of curvature of the meridian section is The radius of curvature of a normal section of the surface at right angles to the meridian section is equal to the part of the normal cut off by the axis, which is (13). cos a Hence dividing equation 10 by 7/sina, we find This equation, which gives the pressure in terms of the principal radii of curva- ture, though here proved only in the case of a surface of revolution, must be true of all surfaces. For the curvature of any surface at a given point may 73 VOL. II. 378 i \PILLABY ACTION. be completely defined in terms of the positions of its principal normal sections and their radii of curvature. Before going farther we may deduce from equation 9 the nature of all the figures of revolution which a liquid film can assume. Let us first deter- ^fc^ ^|je nature of a curve, such that if it is rolled on the axis its origin will trace out the meridian section of the bubble. Since at any instant the rolling curve is rotating about the point of contact with the axis, the line drawn from this point of contact to the tracing point must be normal to the direction of motion of the tracing point. Hence if N is the point of contact, NP must be normal to the traced curve. Also, since the axis is a tangent to the rolling curve, the ordinate PR is the perpendicular from the tracing point P on the tangent. Hence the relation between the radius vector and the perpendicular on the tangent of the rolling curve must be identical with the relation between the normal PN and the ordinate PR of the traced curve. If we write r for PN, then y = r cos a, and equation 9 becomes pr This relation between y and r is identical with the relation between the per- pendicular from the focus of a conic section on the tangent at a given point and the focal distance of that point, provided the transverse and conjugate axes <>f the conic are 2a and 2b respectively, where T F a = — , and 6 = — . p Trp Hence the meridian section of the film may be traced by the focus of such a conic, if the conic is made to roll on the axis. ON THE DIFFERENT FORMS OF THE MERIDIAN LINE. (1) When the conic is an ellipse the meridian line is in the form of a series of waves, and the film itself has a series of alternate swellings and con- tractions as represented in figs. 8 and 9. This form of the film is called the unduloid. CAPILLARY ACTION. 579 (1 a.) When the ellipse becomes a circle, the meridian line becomes a straight line parallel to the axis, and the film passes into the form of a cylinder of revolution. (1 6.) As the eUipse degenerates into the straight line joining its foci, the contracted parts of the unduloid become narrower, till at last, the figure becomes a series of spheres in contact. In all these cases the internal pressure exceeds the external by — where J a a is the semi-transverse axis of the conic. The resultant of the internal pres- sure and the surface-tension is equivalent to a tension along the axis, and the numerical value of this tension is equal to the force due to the action of this pressure on a circle whose diameter is equal to the conjugate axis of the ellipse. (2) When the conic is a parabola the meridian line is a catenary (fig. 10), the internal pressure is equal to the external pressure, and the tension along the axis is equal to 2irTm where m is the distance of the vertex from the focus. Fig. 9.— Unduloid. Fig. 10.— Catenoid. Fig. 11.— Nodoid. (3) When the conic is a hyperbola the meridian line is in the form of a looped curve (fig. 11). The corresponding figure of the film is called the nodoid. The resultant of the internal pressure and the surface-tension is equiva- lent to a pressure along the axis equal to that due to a pressure p acting on a circle whose diameter is the conjugate axis of the hyperbola. When the conjugate axis of the hyperbola is made smaller and smaller, the nodoid approximates more and more to the series of spheres touching each other along the axis. When the conjugate axis of the hyperbola increases with- out limit, the loops of the nodoid are crowded on one another, and each becomes more nearly a ring of circular section, without, however, ever reaching this form. The only closed surface belonging to the series is the sphere. 73—2 CAPILLARY ACTION. These nguws of revolution have been studied mathematically by Poisson*. Goldschmidtt. Lindeldf and MoignoJ, Delaunayll, Lamarle§, Beerl, and Mann- »•*, and have been produced experimentally by Plateautt in the two different ways already described. The limiting conditions of the stability of these figures have been studied both mathematically and experimentally. We shall notice only two of them, the cylinder and the catenoid. STABILITY OF THE CYLINDER. The cylinder is the limiting form of the unduloid when the rolling ellipse a circle. When the ellipse differs infinitely little from a circle, the x c is equation of the meridian line becomes approximately y = a + c sin - where mull. This is a simple harmonic wave-line, whose mean distance from the axis is a, whose wave-length is 2ira, and whose amplitude is c. The internal pres- T sure corresponding to this unduloid is as before p = - . Now consider a portion of a cylindric film of length x terminated by two equal disks of radius ;• und containing a certain volume of air. Let one of these disks be made to approach the other by a small quantity dx. The film will swell out into the convex part of an unduloid, having its largest section midway between the disks, and we have to determine whether the internal pressure will be greater or less than before. If A and C (fig. 12) are the disks, and if x the Ffe. 13. • NouvMe Uieorie de Faction capillaire (1831). f Ddwrnimitio ttiperficiei minima rolatione curves data duo puncta jungentis circa datum axem (Oottingen, 1831). } Ltymt da calcttl de* variations (Paris, 1861). '8ur U surface de revolution dont la courbure moyenne eat constant*," Liouvitte's Journal, vi. { "TbforiB gfomftrique dea rayons et centres de courbure," Bullet, de CAcad. de Belgigue, 1857. * Tractate* de Theoria Mathematica Pfuenomenorum in Liqnidix actione gravitate detractis obter- (Bonn, 1857). ** Journal F/nttitut, No. 1260. ft Statique exjxrimentale et theorique dea liquidea. CAPILLARY ACTION. 581 distance between the disks is equal to TTT half the wave-length of the harmonic curve, the disks will be at the points where the curve is at its mean distance rrt from the axis, and the pressure will therefore be - as before. If A C, are T the disks, so that the distance between them is less than irr, the curve must be produced beyond the disks before it is at its mean distance from the axis. Hence in this case the mean distance is less than r, and the pressure will be T greater than - . If, on the other hand, the disks are at 42 and C2, so that the distance between them is greater than TTT, the curve will reach its mean dis- tance from the axis before it reaches the disks. The mean distance will there- 71 fore be greater than r, and the pressure will be less than — . Hence if one r of the disks be made to approach the other, the internal pressure will be increased if the distance between the disks is less than half the circumference of either, and the pressure will be diminished if the distance is greater than this quantity. In the same way we may shew that if the distance between the disks is increased, the pressure will be diminished or increased according as the distance is less or more than half the circumference of either. Now let us consider a cylindric film contained between two equal fixed disks A and B, and let a third disk, C, be placed midway between. Let C be slightly displaced towards A. If AC and OS are each less than half the circumference of a disk the pressure on C will increase on the side of A and diminish on the side of B. The resultant force on C will therefore tend to oppose the displacement and to bring C back to its original position. The equilibrium of C is therefore stable. It is easy to shew that if C had been placed in any other position than the middle, its equilibrium would have been stable. Hence the film is stable as regards longitudinal displacements. It is also stable as regards displacements transverse to the axis, for the film is in a state of tension, and any lateral displacement of its middle parts would produce a re- sultant force tending to restore the film to its original position. Hence if the length of the cylindric film is less than its circumference, it is in stable equi- librium. But if the length of the cylindric film is greater than its circumference, and if we suppose the disk C to be placed midway between A and B, and to be moved towards A, the pressure on the side next A will dimmish, and that on the side next B will increase, so that the resultant force will tend to CAPILLAKY ACTION. ii,.l,0~ ~274 + 2.42.6~" *C"~ The least root of this equation is z~ 3-831 71. If h is the height to which the liquid will rise in a capillary tube of unit radius, then the diameter of the largest orifice is = 5-4188^. M. Duprez found from his experiments EFFECT OF SURFACE-TENSION ON THE VELOCITY OF WAVES*. When a series of waves are propagated on the surface of a liquid, the surface-tension has the effect of increasing the pressure at the crests of the waves and diminishing it in the troughs. If the wave-length is X, the equa- tion of the surface is , • x y = b sm ZTT r- . A The pressure due to the surface-tension T is This pressure must be added to the pressure due to gravity gpy. Hence the waves will be propagated as if the intensity of gravity had been 477* T7 instead of g. Now it is shewn in hydrodynamics that the velocity of propa- gation of waves in deep water is that acquired by a heavy body falling through half the radius of the circle whose circumference is the wave-length, or 277 A./J * See Sir W. Thomson, " Hydrokinetio Solutions and Observations," Phil. Mag., Nov. 1871. 74—2 CAFILLABY ACTION. velocity is a minimum when and the minimum value is For waves whoee length from crest to crest is greater than X, the prin- cipal force concerned in the motion is that of gravitation. For waves whose length is less than X the principal force concerned is that of surface-tension. Sir William Thomson proposes to distinguish the latter kind of waves by the of ripples. When a small body is partly immersed in a liquid originally at rest, and horizontally with constant velocity F, waves are propagated through the liquid with various velocities according to their respective wave-lengths. In front of the body the relative velocity of the fluid and the body varies from F where the fluid is at rest, to zero at the cutwater on the front surface of the body. The waves produced by the body will travel forwards faster than the body till they reach a distance from it at which the relative velocity of the body and the fluid is equal to the velocity of propagation corresponding to the wave-length. The waves then travel along with the body at a constant dis- tance in front of it. Hence at a certain distance in front of the body there is a series of waves which are stationary with respect to the body. Of these, the waves of minimum velocity form a stationary wave nearest to the front of the body. Between the body and this first wave the surface is compara- tively smooth. Then comes the stationary wave of minimum velocity, which is the most marked of the series. In front of this is a double series of stationary waves, the gravitation waves forming a series increasing in wave-length with their distance in front of the body, and the surface-tension waves or ripples diminishing in wave-length with their distance from the body, and both sets of waves rapidly diminishing in amplitude with their distance from the body. If the current-function of the water referred to the body considered as origin is $, then the equation of the form of the crest of a wave of velocity tr, the crest of which travels along with the body, is d\(> = wds where da is an element of the length of the crest. To integrate this equation CAPILLARY ACTION. 589 for a solid of given form is probably difficult, but it is easy to see that at some distance on either side of the body, where the liquid is sensibly at rest, the crest of the wave will approximate to an asymptote inclined to the path ntj of the body at an angle whose sine is -^., where w is the velocity of the wave and V is that of the body. The crests of the different kinds of waves will therefore appear to diverge as they get further from the body, and the waves themselves will be less and less perceptible. But those whose wave-length is near to that of the wave of minimum velocity will diverge less than any of the others, so that the most marked feature at a distance from the body will be the two long lines of ripples of minimum velocity. If the angle between these is 2,0, the velocity of the body is wsecO, where iv for water is about 23 centimetres per second. TABLES OF SURFACE-TENSION. In the following tables the units of length, mass, and time are the centi- metre, the gramme, and the second, and the unit of force is that which if it acted on one gramme for one second would communicate to it a velocity of one centimetre per second : — Table of Surface-Tension at 20° C. (Quincke). Liquid. Specific Gravity. Tension of surface sepa- rating the liquid from Angle of contact with glass in presence of Air. Water. Mercury. Air. Water. Mercury. "Water 1 13-5432 1-2687 1-4878 0-7906 0-9136 0-8867 0-7977 1-1 1-1248 81 540 32-1 30-6 25-5 36-9 29-7 31-7 70-1 77-5 418 41-75 29-5 20-56 11-55 27-8 418 372-5 399 399 335 250-5 284 377 442-5 25° 32' 51° 8' 32° 16' 25° 12' 21° 50' 37° 44' 36° 20' 23" 20' 26°8' 13° 8' 17°' 37° 44' 42° 46' 26° 8' 47'°"2' 47° 2' 10" 42' Bisulphide of Carbon Olive Oil Solution of Hyposulphite of Soda Olive oil and alcohol, 12-2. Olive oil and aqueous alcohol (sp. g. '9231, tension of free surface 25-5), 6-8, angle 87° 48'. OAP1LLABY ACTION. guincke has datennincd the surface-tension of a great many substances near their point of fusion or solidification. His method was that of observing the form of » large drop Bt*ry*ing on a plane surface. If A" is the height of the lUt miriaoe of the drop, and t that of the point where its tangent plane is s 'faff-Tenaotu cf Liquids at tfieir Point of Solidification. From, Quinc.k<. «_. Temperature of Solidification. Surface-Tension. Flfttinain 2000° C. 1658 Gold 1200" 983 Zinc . 360" 860 Tin 230° 587 Mercurv.. - 40° 577 Lead •. 330° 448 SilYw 1000° 419 Bumath 265° 382 58° 364 Sodium 90° 253 Antimony 432° 244 Borax ... ,,, ...... 1000° 212 Carbonate of Soda 1000° 206 Chloride of Sodium 114 Water 0" 86 -2 Solmiuin ... 217° 70-4 Sulphur 111" 41-3 43° 41-1 Wax 68° Q-J.J. Quincke finds that for several series of substances the surface-tension is nearly proportional to the density, so that if we call (K-Kf=— the specific 9P cohesion, we may state the general results of his experiments as follows : The bromides and iodides have a specific cohesion about half that of mercury. The nitrates, chlorides, sugars, and fats, as also the metals, lead, bismuth, and antimony, have a specific cohesion nearly equal to that of mercury. Water, tl»- carbonates and sulphates, and probably phosphates, and the metals, platinum, p.l.l. silver, cadmium, tin, and copper have a specific cohesion double that of •ury. Zinc, iron, and palladium, three times that of mercury, and sodium, six times that of mercury. CAPILLARY ACTION. 591 RELATION OF SURFACE-TENSION TO TEMPERATURE. It appears from the experiments of Brunner and of Wolff on the ascent of water in tubes that at the temperature t" centigrade r= 75-20 (i-o-ooi 87*); = 76-08 (1-0'002« + 0'00000415£2), for a tube '02346cm. diameter (Wolff) ; = 77-34(1-0-001810, for a tube '03098cm. diameter (Wolff). Sir W. Thomson has applied the principles of Thermodynamics to deter- mine the thermal effects of increasing or diminishing the area of the free surface of a liquid, and has shewn that in order to keep the temperature constant while the area of the surface increases by unity, an amount of heat must be supplied to the liquid which is dynamically equivalent to the product of the absolute temperature into the decrement of the surface-tension per degree of temperature. We may call this the latent heat of surface-extension. It appears from the experiments of Brunner and Wolff that at ordinary temperatures the latent heat of extension of the surface of water is dynamically equivalent to about half the mechanical work done in producing the surface- extension. [From NcUurt, Vol. xv.] LXXXIV // l.'idwig Ferdinand Helmholtz. THE contributions made by Helmholtz to mathematics, physics, physiology, psychology, and aesthetics, are well known to all cultivators of these various subject*. Most of those who have risen to eminence in any one of these have done so by devoting their whole attention to that science ex- clusively, so that it is only rarely that the cultivators of different branches can be of service to each other by contributing to one science the skill they have acquired by the study of another. Il'iice the ordinary growth of human knowledge is by accumulation round a number of distinct centres. The time, however, must sooner or later arrive when two or more departments of knowledge can no longer remain independent of each other, but must be fused into a consistent whole. But though men of science may be profoundly convinced of the necessity of such a fusion, the operation itself is a most arduous one. For though the phenomena of nature are all consistent with each other, we have to deal not only with these, but with tin- hyjKitheses which have been invented to systematise them ; and it by no means follows that because one set of observers have laboured with all sincerity to reduce to order one group of phenomena, the hypotheses which they have formed will be consistent with those by which a second set of observers have explained a different set of phenomena. Each science may appear tolerably consistent within itself, but before they can be combined into one, each must be stripped of the daubing of untempered mortar by which its parts have been prematurely made to cohere. Hence the operation of fusing two sciences into one generally involves much criticism of established methods, and the explosion of many pieces of fancied knowledge which may have been long held in scientific reputation. Most of those physical sciences which deal with things without life IKIVC either undergone this fusion or are in a fair state of preparation for it, and the form which each finally assumes is that of a branch of dynamics. ; II HUMANS LUDWIO FERDINAND HELMHOLTZ. by experiment, calculation, or speculation, to the establishment of the principle • >f the conservation of energy; but there can be no doubt that a very great impulse was communicated to this research by the publication in 1847, of Hchuholu'a essay Ueber die Erhaltung der Kraft, which we must now (and correctly, as a matter of science) translate Conservation of Energy, though in the translation which appeared in Taylor's Scientific Memoirs, the word AV.;/'c was translated Force in accordance with the ordinary literary usage of that time. In this essay Helmholtz shewed that if the forces acting between material bodies were equivalent to attractions or repulsions between the particles of these bodies, the intensity of which depends only on the distance, then the con- figuration and motion of any material system would be subject to a certain equation, which, when expressed in words, is the principle of the conservation uf energy. Whether this equation applies to actual material systems is a matter which experiment alone can decide, but the search for what was called the perpetual motion has been carried on for so long, and always in vain, that we may now appeal to the united experience of a large number of most ingenious men, any one of whom, if he had once discovered a violation of the principle, would have turned it to most profitable account. Besides this, if the principle were in any degree incorrect, the ordinary processes of nature, carried on as they are incessantly and in all possible com- binations, would be certain now and then to produce observable and even startling phenomena, arising from the accumulated effects of any slight diver- gence from the principle of conservation. But the scientific importance of the principle of the conservation of energy does not depend merely on its accuracy as a statement of fact, nor even on the remarkable conclusions which may be deduced from it, but on the fertility of the methods founded on this principle. Whether our work is to form a science by the colligation of known facts, or to seek for an explanation of obscure phenomena by devising a course of experiments, the principle of the conservation of energy is our unfailing guide. It gives us a scheme by which we may arrange the facts of any physical science as instances of the transformation of energy from one form to another. It also indicates that in the study of any new phenomenon our first inquiry must be, How can this phenomenon be explained as a transformation of energy? HERMANN LUDWIG FERDINAND HELMHOLTZ. 595 What is the original form of the energy? What is its final form? and What are the conditions of transformation ? To appreciate the full scientific value of Helmholtz's little essay on this subject, we should have to ask those to whom we owe the greatest discoveries in thermodynamics and other branches of modern physics, how many times they have read it over, and how often during their researches they felt the weighty statements of Helmholtz acting on their minds like an irresistible driving-power. We come next to his researches on the eye and on vision, as they are given in his book on Physiological Optics. Every modern oculist will admit that the ophthalmoscope, the original form of which was invented by Helmholtz, has substituted observation for conjecture in the diagnosis of diseases of the inner parts of the eye, and has enabled operations on the eye to be made with greater certainty. But though the ophthalmoscope is an indispensable aid to the oculist, a knowledge of optical principles is of still greater importance. Whatever optical information he had was formerly obtained from text-books, the only practical object of which seemed to be to explain the construction of telescopes. They were full of very inelegant mathematics, and most of the results were quite inapplicable to the eye. The importance to the physiologist and the physician of a thorough know- ledge of physical principles has often been insisted on, but unless the physical principles are presented in a form which can be directly applied to the com- plex structures of the living body, they are of very little use to him ; but Helmholtz, Bonders, and Listing, by the application to the eye of Gauss's theory of the cardinal points of an instrument, have made it possible to acquire a competent knowledge of the optical effects of the eye by a few direct observations. But perhaps the most important service conferred on science by this great work consists in the way in which the study of the eye and vision is made to illustrate the conditions of sensation and of voluntary motion. In no depart- ment of research is the combined and concentrated light of all the sciences more necessary than in the investigation of sensation. The purely subjective school of psychologists used to assert that for the analysis of sensation no apparatus was required except what every man carries within himself, for, since a sensation can exist nowhere except in our own consciousness, the only possible method for the study of sensations must be an unbiased contemplation of our 75—2 HERMANN l.l'BWIG FKK1MNANU HKLMHOLTZ. own frame of mind Othera might study the conditions under which an impulse it propagated along a nerve, and might suppose that while doing so they were studying actuations, but though such a procedure leaves out of account the very oaymrin of the phenomenon, and treats a fact of consciousness as if it were an electric current, the methods which it has suggested have been more f.Ttilf in results than the method of self-contemplation has ever been. But the best results are obtained when we employ all the resources of physical science so as to vary the nature and intensity of the external stimulus, and then consult consciousness as to the variation of the resulting sensation. It was by this im-thod that Johannes Muller established the great principle that the difference in the sensations due to different senses does not depend upon the actions which excite them, but upon the various nervous arrange- ments which receive them. Hence the sensation due to a particular nerve may \arv in intensity, but not in quality, and therefore the analysis of the infinitely lious states of sensation of which we are conscious must consist in ascertain- ing the number and nature of those simple sensations which, by entering into consciousness each in its own degree, constitute the actual state of feeling at any instant. If, after this analysis of sensation itself, we should find by anatomy an apparatus of nerves arranged in natural groups corresponding in number to the »-lementa of sensation, this would be a strong confirmation of the correctness of our analysis, and if we could devise the means of stimulating or deadening each particular nerve in our own bodies, we might even make the investigation physiologically complete. The two great works of Helmholtz on Physiological Optics and on the Sensations of Tone, form a splendid example of this method of analysis applied to the two kinds of sensation which furnish the largest proportion of the raw materials for thought. In the first of these works the colour-sensation is investigated and shewn to depend upon three variables or elementary sensations. Another investigation, in which exceedingly refined methods are employed, is that of the motions of the eyes. Each eye has six muscles by the combined action of which its angular position may be varied in each of its three components, namely, in altitude and azimuth as regards the optic axis, and rotation about that axis. There is no material connection between these muscles or their nerves which would cause the motion of one to be accompanied by the motion of any other, HERMANN LUDWIG FERDINAND HELMHOLTZ. 597 so that the three motions of one eye are mechanically independent of the three motions of the other eye. Yet it is well known that the motions of the axis of one eye are always accompanied by corresponding motions of the other. This takes place even when we cover one eye with the fingers. We feel the cornea of the shut eye rolling under our fingers as we roll the open eye up or down, or to left or right ; and indeed we are quite unable to move one eye without a corresponding motion of the other. Now though the upward and downward motions are effected by corresponding muscles for both eyes, the motions to right and left are not so, being pro- duced by the inner muscle of one eye along with the outer muscle of the other, and yet the combined motion is so regular, that we can move our eyes quite freely while maintaining during the whole motion the condition that the optic axes shall intersect at some point of the object whose motions we are following. Besides this, the motion of each eye about its optic axis is found to be connected in a remarkable way with the motion of the axis itself. The mode in which Helmholtz discusses these phenomena, and illustrates the conditions of our command over the motions of our bodies, is well worth the attention of those who are conscious of no limitation of their power of moving in a given manner any organ which is capable of that kind of motion. In his other great work on the Sensation of Tone as a Physiological Basis far the Theory of Music, he illustrates the conditions under which our senses are trained in a yet clearer manner. We quote from Mr Ellis's translation, p. 95 :— " Now practice and experience play a far greater part in the use of our senses than we are usually inclined to assume, and since, as just remarked, our sensations derived from the senses are primarily of importance only for enabling us to form a correct conception of the world with- out us, our practice in the observation of these sensations usually does not extend in the slightest degree beyond what is necessary for this purpose. We are certainly only far too much disposed to believe that we must be immediately conscious of all that we feel and of all that enters into our sensations. This natural belief, however, is founded only on the fact that we are always immediately conscious, without taking any special trouble, of everything necessary for the practical purpose of forming a correct acquaintance with external nature, because during our whole life we have been daily and hourly using our organs of sense and collecting results of experience for this precise object." Want of space compels us to leave out of consideration that paper 011 Vortex Motion, in which he establishes principles in pure hydrodynamics which had escaped the penetrative power of all the mathematicians who preceded him, including Lagrange himself; and those papers on electrodynamics where he HERMANN LUDWIO FEKI'1N\M> II KI.MHOLTZ. reduce* to an intelligible and systematic form the laborious and intricate in- vestigations of several independent theorists, so as to compare them with each other and with experiment. Hut we must not dwell on isolated papers, each of which might have been taken for the work of a specialist, though few, if any, specialists could have treated them in so able a manner. We prefer to regard Helmholtz as the author of the two great books on Vision and Hearing, and now that we are no longer under the sway of that irresistible power which has been bearing us along through the depths of mathematics, anatomy, and music, we may venture to observe from a safe distance the whole figure of the intellectual giant as he sits on some lofty cliff watching the waves, great and small, as each pursues its independent course on the surface of the sea below. •• I imut own," he says, " that whenever I attentively observe this spectacle, it awakens in •M a peculiar kind of intellectual pleasure, because here is laid open before the bodily eye what, in the cue of the wave* of the invisible atmospheric ocean, can be rendered intelligible only to tfca ey« of the understanding, and by the help of a long aeries of complicated propositions." _ p. 42.) Helmholtz is now in Berlin, directing the labours of able men of science in his splendid laboratory. Let us hope that from his present position he will again take a comprehensive view of the waves and ripples of our intellectual progress, and give us from time to time his idea of the meaning of it all. [From the Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, Vol. III. 1877.] LXXXV. On a Paradox in the Theory of Attraction. LET A^AZ be a straight line, P a point in the same, Xlt X3 corresponding points in the segments PAU PAy Let the distances of these points from the origin 0 measured in the positive 0 A S P X A a direction be alt a2, p, xlf x.2, respectively, and let the equation of correspondence between a;, and xt be JL 1 J_ J_ m — V1/' If xl and xa vary simultaneously, ClX-t CtJCq , \ T— — \i = — 7— — s (2). i 'Y* .I. i /n l" / „ p, be the densities and .' (15), rt ft iui«l if the length of a diameter parallel to the given chord is '•Zd, then the value of y for any point of the chord is y=pd... .'.... (IG). Henre if p=Cp"-i (17), u particle placed at any point of the disk will be in equilibrium under the .u-tion of any pair of sectors formed by chords intersecting at that point, and then-fore it will be absolutely in equilibrium. When as in the case of electricity, n = 2, P = Cp~*. (18), the known law of distribution of density. If the repulsion were inversely as the distance, the fluid would be accu- mulated in the circumference of the disk, leaving the rest entirely empty. If the force were inversely as the cube of the distance, the density would l>e uniform over the surface of the disk. Lastly, let us consider a solid ellipsoid, the equation of the surface being -*1 v £-0 0§ and at any point within it let a ON A PARADOX IN THE THEORY OP ATTRACTION. 603 At any point of a chord drawn parallel to a diameter whose length is Id the value of y is pd. If we consider a double cone of small angular aperture whose vertex is at a given point, and whose axis is this chord, the sections at two correspond- ing elements are in the ratio of the squares of the distances of the elements from the given point, and therefore in the ratio of the values of p* at these elements. Hence the condition to be satisfied is pp*~n = C, a constant. If this condition be fulfilled the fluid will he in equilibrium at every point of the ellipsoid. Ifn = 2, P=Cp-> is the condition of equilibrium. But if C is finite the whole mass of the fluid in the ellipsoid if distributed according to this law of density would be infinite. Hence if the whole quantity of fluid is finite it must be accumulated entirely on the surface, and the interior will be entirely empty, as we know already. If the force is inversely as the fourth power of the distance the density within the ellipsoid will be uniform. 76—2 [fnn Uw Pnemtutgt o/ the Cambridge Philosophical Society, Vol. in. 1877.] LXXXVI. OH Approximate Multiple Integration between Limits by Summation. IT is often desirable to obtain the approximate value of an integral taken between limits in cases in which, though we can ascertain the value of the quantity to be integrated for any given values of the variables, we are not able to express the integral as a mathematical function of the variables. A method of deducing the result of a single integration between limits fr.ua the values of the quantity corresponding to a series of equidistant values • •»' the independent variable was invented by Cotes in 1707, and given in his Lectures in 1709. Newton's tract Methodius Different ialia (see Horsley's edition .•f Newton's Works (1779), Vol. I. p. 521) was published in 1711. <'"tes* rules are given in his Opera Miscellanea, edited by Dr Uobert Smith, and placed at the end of his Harmonia Mensurarum. He gives the proper multipliers for the ordinates up to eleven ordinates, but he gives no details of the method by which he ascertained the values of these multipliers. Gauss, in his McthoJits nova Integralium Values per Approximationem Inofiiietuli (Gottingische gelehrte Anzeigen, 1814, Sept. 26, or Werke, m. 202) shews how to calculate Cotes' multipliers, and goes on to investigate the case in which the values of the independent variable are not supposed to be equi- distant, but are chosen so as with a given number of values to obtain the highest degree of approximation. He finds that by a proper choice of the values of the variable the value of the integral may be calculated to the same degree of approximation as would be obtained by means of doable the number of equidistant values. The equation, the roots of which give the proper values of the variable, is identical in form with that which gives the zero values of a zonal spherical harmonic. ON APPROXIMATE MULTIPLE INTEGRATION BETWEEN LIMITS BY SUMMATION. 605 DOUBLE INTEGRATION. in There is a particular kind of double integration which can be treated a somewhat similar manner, namely, when the quantity to be integrated is a function of a linear function of the two independent variables. Thus if I=t'\udxdy ............ ....... ..m J *i J yi where u is a function of r, and r = a + bx + cy .................................. (2), let x = x x -x1) ........... ...... .......... (3), !&) ........................... (4), -. .................. (5). If we write t + yl) ........................ (6), . ..................... (7), ................. . ............ (8), • ............ • .......... (9), we may consider u as a function of £ of the form . ..... v ........ (10), Now let «„ be the value of u corresponding to £ = 0, tt, and u\ C= ±4. u, and < £= ±4> and if we assume ! = (**- «,) (ft - ft) Rw» + A («i + «',) + R, (u, + u',) + &c.} ...... (12), OK APPROXIMATE MULTIPLE INTEGRATION Uteo «nce the form of the function 11, and therefore the values of the coefficients Ac. must be considered entirely arbitrary, we may equate the coefficient* of A., Ac. in equations (11) and (13) as follows: . •j/tt'+Ac.-ifl'+iy =Blt ' X 2^c,*+ Ac. If we write St for the sum of all the values of £*, S, for the sum of all products such as £,*, &*, S, ................................................ f, f, then for r terms BtSr - BjS,_ , + 5A. , - &c. ( - Y Br+l = 0, B& - BJS^ + BtS,_, - &c. ( - )' Br,t = 0, a aet of r equations, from which the quantities JR., .R, have been eliminated, ami from which we may determine the r quantities S, . . . Sr, and the values <«f £ are then given as the roots of the equation r-s,r-'+s8r-4-&c. (-)rsr=o. Thus if we have three values of £ they should be ' 4=0, When the quantity to be integrated is a perfectly general function of the variables we must proceed in a different manner. BETWEEN LIMITS BY SUMMATION. (J07 We may begin as before by transforming the double integral into one between the limits +1 for both variables, so that =1 rudxdy = ±(x.i-x1)(y,-y1)\ i udpdq .............. (l). J *J Vi J -IJ -1 Let £(«„) denote the sum of the eight values of u corresponding to the following eight systems of values of p and q, (an, &„), (an, - bn), ( - an, bn), (-an, - bn) ; (bn,an), (bn,-an), (-bn, an), (-bn> -an), and let us assume that the value of the integral is of the form /=£(*,- x,) (y, - yO^K) + R^(Ul) + &c. + J2.2K)} ......... (2). The values of the coefficients JR, a and b are to be deduced from equations formed by equating the sum of the terms in p°-t 1771, and numbered accordingly. Some of these are important as shewing the clear ideas of Cavendish with respect to what we now call charge, potential, and the capacity of a conductor ; but the great improvements in the mathe- matical treatment of electricity since the time of Cavendish have rendered others superfluous. We come next to an account of the experiments on which the mathe- matical theory was founded. This is a manuscript fully prepared for the press, and since it refers to the second part of the published paper of 1771 as "the THE ELECTRICAL EXPERIMENTS OF HENRY CAVENDISH. 613 second part of this Work," it must have been intended to be published as a book, along with a reprint of that paper. It contains no dates, but as it refers to experiments which we know were made in 1773, it must have been written after that time, but I do not think later than 1775. It forms a scientifically arranged treatise on electricity. A manuscript entitled " Thoughts concerning electricity" seems to form a kind of introduction to this treatise, for it contains several important definitions and hypotheses which are not afterwards repeated. Next comes the fundamental experiment, in which it is proved that a conducting sphere insulated within a hollow conducting sphere does not become charged when the hollow sphere is charged and the inner sphere is made to communicate with it. Cavendish proves that if this is the case, the law of force must be that of the inverse square, and also that if the index instead of being 2 had been 2 + ^g-, his method would have detected the charge on the inner sphere. The experiment has been repeated this summer by Mr MacAlister of St John's College with a delicate quadrant electrometer capable of detecting a charge many thousand times smaller than Cavendish could detect by his straw electrometer, so that we may now assert that the index cannot exceed or fall short of 2 by the millionth of a unit. The second experiment is a repetition of this, using one parallelepiped within another instead of the two spheres. He then describes his apparatus for comparing the charges of different bodies, or, as we should say, their capacities. He first shews (Exp. 3) that the charge, communicated to a body con- nected to another body at a great distance by a fine wire, does not depend on the form of the wire, or on the point where it touches the body. Exp. 4 is on the capacities of bodies of the same shape and size but of different substances. Exp. 5 compares the capacity of two circles with that of another of twice the diameter. Exp. 6 compares the capacity of two short wires with that of a long one. Exp. 7 compares the capacities of bodies of different forms, the most im- portant of which are a disk and a sphere. Exp. 8 compares the charge of the middle of three parallel plates with that of the outer plates TIIK ELECTRICAL EXPERIMENTS OF HENRY CAVENDISH. In the next part of his researches he investigates the capacities of con- turned of plate* of different kinds of glass, rosin, wax, shellac, &c. with di*k« of tinfoil, and also of plates of air between two flat con- ductor* He fioda that the electricity spreads on the surface of the plate beyond the tinfoil coatings, and he investigates most carefully the extent of thU spreading, and how it depends on the strength of the electrification. After correcting for the spreading, he finds that for coated plates of the mmri mbctance the observed capacity is proportional to the computed capacity, but it in always several times greater than the computed capacity, except in the rttt of plates of air. Cavendish thus anticipated Faraday in the discovery of the specific inductive capacity of dielectrics, and in the measurement of this quantity for different substances. For these experiments Cavendish constructed a large number of coated platea with capacities so arranged that by combining them he could measure the capacity of any conductor from a sphere 12*1 inches diameter to his large battery of 49 Leyden jars. He expressed the capacity of any conductor in what he calls "inches of electricity," that is to say the diameter of a sphere of equal capacity expressed in inches. The details and dates of the experiments referred to in this work are contained in three volumes of experiments in the years 1771, 1772 and 1773, in a separate collection of "Measurements" and in a paper entitled " Itesults," in which the experiments of different days are compared together. Besides these there are experiments of other kinds which are not described in the treatise. The most important of these experiments are those on the electric re- sistance of different substances, which were continued to the year 1781. He compares the resistance of solutions of sea salt of various strengths from saturation to 1 in 20000, and measures the diminution of resistance as the temperature rises. He also compares the resistance of solutions of sea salt with that of solutions containing chemical equivalents of other salts in the aame quantity of water. He finds the resistance of distilled water to be very great, and much greater for fresh distilled water than for distilled water kept for some time in a glass bottle. I have compared Cavendish's results with those recently obtained by Kohlrausch, and find them all within 10 per cent, and many much nearer. Cavendish also investigates the relation between the resistance and the velocity of the current, and finds the power of the velocity to be by dif- THE ELECTEICAL EXPERIMENTS OF HENRY CAVENDISH. 615 ferent experiments 1-08, 1'03, 0'976 and 1, and he finally concludes that the resistance is as the first power of the velocity, thus anticipating Ohm's Law. The general accuracy of these results is the more remarkable when we consider the method by which they were obtained, forty years before the invention of the galvanometer. Every comparison of two resistances was made by Cavendish by connecting one end of each resistance-tube with the external coatings of a set of equally charged Leyden jars and touching the jars in succession with a piece of metal held in one hand, while with a piece of metal in the other hand he touched alternately the ends of the two resistances. He thus compared the sensation of the shock felt when the one or the other resistance in addition to the resistance of his body was placed in the path of the discharge. His results therefore are derived from the comparison of the sensations produced by an enormous number of shocks passed through his own body. The skill which he thus acquired in the discrimination of shocks was so great that he is probably accurate even when he tells us that the shock when taken through a long thin copper wire wound on a large reel was sensibly greater than when taken direct. The experiment is certainly worth repeating, to determine whether the intensification of the physiological effect on account of the oscillatory character of the discharge through a coil would in any case compensate for the weakening effect of the resistance of the coil. But I have not hitherto succeeded in obtaining this result. Indeed on com- paring the shock through two coils of equal resistance, one of which had far more self-induction than the other, I found the shock sensibly feebler through the coil of large self-induction. [From the Encydopetdia Britannica.] I A X X V 1 1 1. Constitution of Bodies. IIIK question whether the smallest parts of which bodies are composed are finite in number, or whether, on the other hand, bodies are infinitely divisible, rvl.iUw to the ultimate constitution of bodies, and is treated of in the article ATOM. The mode in which elementary substances combine to form compound sub- stance* is called the chemical constitution of bodies, and is treated of in • 'lIKMISTBY. The mode in which sensible quantities of matter, whether elementary or compound, are aggregated together so as to form a mass having certain observed properties, is called the physical constitution of bodies. Bodies may be classed in relation to their physical constitution by con- sidering the effects of internal stress in changing their dimensions. When a body can exist in equilibrium under the action of a stress which is not uniform in all directions it is said to be solid. When a body is such that it cannot be in equilibrium unless the stress «t every point is uniform in all directions, it is said to be fluid. There are certain fluids, any portion of which, however small, is capable «»f expanding indefinitely, so as to fill any vessel, however large. These are called gases. There are other fluids, a small portion of which, when placed in a large vessel, does not at once expand so as to fill the vessel uniformly, but remains in a collected mass at the bottom, even when the pressure is removed. These fluids are called liquids. When a liquid is placed in a vessel so large that it only occupies a part of it, part of the liquid begins to evaporate, or in other words it passes int.. the state of a gas, and this process goes on either till the whole of the liquid is evaporated, or till the density of the gaseous part of the substance CONSTITUTION OF BODIES. 617 has reached a certain limit. The liquid and the gaseous portions of the sub- stance are then in equilibrium. If the volume of the vessel be now made smaller, part of the gas will be condensed as a liquid, and if it be made larger, part of the liquid will be evaporated as a gas. The processes of evaporation and condensation, by which the substance passes from the liquid to the gaseous, and from the gaseous to the liquid state, are discontinuous processes, that is to say, the properties of the substance are very different just before and just after the change has been effected. But this difference is less in all respects the higher the temperature at which the change takes place, and Cagniard de la Tour in 1822* first shewed that several sub- stances, such as ether, alcohol, bisulphide of carbon, and water, when heated to a temperature sufficiently high, pass into a state which differs from the ordinary gaseous state as much as from the • liquid state. Dr Andrews has since t made a complete investigation of the properties of carbonic acid both below and above the temperature at which the phenomena of condensation and evaporation cease to take place, and has thus explored as well as established the continuity of the liquid and gaseous states of matter. For carbonic acid at a temperature, say of 0° C., and at the ordinary pressure of the atmosphere, is a gas. If the gas be compressed till the pressure rises to about 40 atmospheres, condensation takes place, that is to say, the substance passes in successive portions from the gaseous to the liquid condition. If we examine the substance when part of it is condensed, we find that the liquid carbonic acid at the bottom of the vessel has all the properties of a liquid, and is separated by a distinct surface from the gaseous carbonic acid which occupies the upper part of the vessel. But we may transform gaseous carbonic acid at 0" C. into liquid carbonic acid at 0° C. without any abrupt change, by first raising the temperature of the gas above 30°.92 C. which is the critical temperature, then raising the pressure to about 80 atmospheres, and then cooling the substance, still at high pressure, to zero. During the whole of this process the substance remains perfectly homo- geneous. There is no surface of separation between two forms of the substance, nor can any sudden change be observed like that which takes place when the gas is condensed into a liquid at low temperatures ; but at the end of the * Annales de Chimie, 2me s^rie, xxi. et xxn. t Phil. Trans. 1869, p. 575. VOL. II. 78 OM8TITI-TION OF the suUrtanoe is undoubtedly in the liquid state, f..r if we now diminish pnwurr to sjsjlimlllf If" than 40 atmospheres the substance will exhibit ordinary distinction between the liquid and the gaseous state, that is t<. mr, part of it will evaporate, leaving the rest at the bottom of the vessel, ith a dUtinct surface of separation between the gaseous and the liquid parts. The MUMUgn of a substance between the liquid and the solid state takes place with Tarioua degrees of abruptness. Some substances, such as some of the more crystalline metals, sesm to pass from a completely fluid to a completely solid lit* very sudd«Milv. In some cases the melted matter appears to 'become thicker before it solidifies, but this may arise from a multitude of solid crystals being formed in the still liquid mass, so that the consistency of the mass be- comes like that of a mixture of sand and water, till the melted matter in which the crystals are swimming becomes all solid. There are other substances, most of them colloidal, such that when the ! i it- 1 tod substance cools it becomes more and more viscous, passing into tlu- •olid state with hardly any discontinuity. This is the case with pitch. The theory of the consistency of solid bodies will be discussed in the article -rii-iTY, but the manner in which a solid behaves when acted on by furnishes us with a system of names of different degrees and kinds uf A fluid, as we have seen, can support a stress only when it is uniform in itll directions, that is to say, when it is of the nature of a hydrostatic pressure. There are a great many substances which so far correspond to this defini- te «n of (i fluid that they cannot remain in permanent equilibrium if the stress within them is not uniform in all directions. In all existing fluids, however, when their motion is such that the shape of any small portion is continually changing, the internal stress is not uniform in all directions, but is of such a kind as to tend to check the relative motion of the part* of the fluid. This capacity of having inequality of stress called into play by inequality • •!' motion is called viscosity. All real fluids are viscous, from treacle and tar to water and ether and air and hydrogen. When the viscosity is very small the fluid is said to be mobile, like water and ether. When the viscosity is so great that a considerable inequality of str though it produces a continuously increasing displacement, produces it so slowly CONSTITUTION OP BODIES. G19 that we can hardly see it, we are often inclined to call the substance a solid, and even a hard solid. Thus the viscosity of cold pitch or of asphalt is so great that the substance will break rather than yield to any sudden blow, and yet if it is left for a sufficient time it will be found unable to remain in equilibrium under the slight inequality of stress produced by its own weight, but will flow like a fluid till its surface becomes level. If, therefore, we define a fluid as a substance which cannot remain in permanent equilibrium under a stress not equal in all directions, we must call these substances fluids, though they are so viscous that we can walk on them without leaving any footprints. If a body, after having its form altered by the application of stress, tends to recover its original form when the stress is removed, the body is said to be elastic. The ratio of the numerical value of the stress to the numerical value of the strain produced by it is called the coefficient of elasticity, and the ratio of the strain to the stress is called the coefficient of pliability. There are as many kinds -of these coefficients as there are kinds of stress and of strains or components of strains produced by them. If, then, the values of the coefficients of elasticity were to increase without limit, the body would approximate to the condition of a rigid body. We may form an elastic body of great pliability by dissolving gelatine or isinglass in hot water and allowing the solution to cool into a jelly. By diminishing the proportion of gelatine the coefficient of elasticity of the jelly may be diminished, so that a very small force is required to produce a large change of form in the substance. When the deformation of an elastic body is pushed beyond certain limits depending on the nature of the substance, it is found that when the stress is removed it does not return exactly to its original shape, but remains per- manently deformed. These limits of the different kinds of strain are called the limits of perfect elasticity. There are other limits which may be called the limits of cohesion or of tenacity, such that when the deformation of the body reaches these limits the body breaks, tears asunder, or otherwise gives way, and the continuity of its substance is destroyed. A body which can have its form permanently changed without any flaw or break taking place is called mild. When the force required is small the 78—2 CONSTITUTION OF BODIES. body » said to be «^J; when it is great the body is said to be touyh. A body which becomes 8awed or broken before it can be permanently defoniu-,1 w called brittle. When the force required is great the body is said to be The stiffness of a body is measured by the force required to product a amount of deformation. It* strength is measured by the force required to break or crush it. We may conceive a solid body to approximate to the condition of a fluid in several different ways. If we knead fine clay with water, the more water we add the softer does the mixture become till at last we have water with particles of clay slowly subsiding through it This is an instance of a mechanical mixture the r«n- stttoents of which separate of themselves. But if we mix bees-wax with oil, or rosin with turpentine, we may form permanent mixtures of all degrees of softness, and so pass from the solid to the fluid state through all degrees of viscosity. We may also begin with an elastic and somewhat brittle substance like palatine, and add more and more water till we form a very weak jelly which opposes a very feeble resistance to the motion of a solid body, such as a spoon, through it. But even such a weak jelly may not be a true fluid, for it mav be able to withstand a very small force, such as the weight of a small mote. If a small mote or seed is enclosed in the jelly, and if its specific gravity is different from that of the jelly, it will tend to rise to the top or sink to the bottom. If it does not do so we conclude that the jelly is not a fluid but a solid body, very weak, indeed, but able to sustain the force with which the mote tends to move. It appears, therefore, that the passage from the solid to the fluid state may be conceived to take place by the diminution without limit either of the coefficient of rigidity, or of the ultimate strength against rupture, as well as by the diminution of the viscosity. But whereas the body is not a true fluid till the ultimate strength, or the coefficient of rigidity, is reduced to zero, it in not a true solid as long as the viscosity is not infinite. Solids, however, which are not viscous in the sense of being capul>li iui unlimited amount of change of form, are yet subject to alterations depend- ing on the time during which stress has acted on them. In other words, th«- at any given instant depends, not only on the strain at that instant. CONSTITUTION OP BODIES. 621 but on the previous history of the body. Thus the stress is somewhat greater when the strain is increasing than when it is diminishing, and if the strain is continued for a long time, the body, when left to itself, does not at once return to its original shape, but appears to have taken a set, which, however, is not a permanent set, for the body slowly creeps back towards its original shape with a motion which may be observed to go on for hours and even weeks after the body is left to itself. Phenomena of this kind were pointed out by Weber and Kohlrausch (Pogy. Ann. Bd. 54, 119 and 128), and have been described by O. E. Meyer (Poyy. Ann. Bd. 131, 108), and by Maxwell (Phil. Trans. 1866, p. 249), and a theory of the phenomena has been proposed by Dr L. Boltzmann (Wiener Sitzunyx- berichte, 8th October 1874). The German writers refer to the phenomena by the name of "elastische Nachwirkung," which might be translated "elastic reaction" if the word reaction were not already used in a different sense. Sir W. Thomson speaks of the viscosity of elastic bodies. The phenomena are most easily observed by twisting a fine wire suspended from a fixed support, and having a small mirror suspended from the lower end, the position of which can be observed in the usual way by means of a tele- scope and scale. If the lower end of the wire is turned round through an angle not too great, and then left to itself, the mirror makes oscillations, the extent of which may be read off on the scale. These oscillations decay much more rapidly than if the only retarding force were the resistance of the air, shewing that the force of torsion in the wire must be greater when the twist is increasing than when it is diminishing. This is the phenomenon described by Sir W. Thomson under the name of the viscosity of elastic solids. But we may also ascertain the middle point of these oscillations, or the point of temporary equilibrium when the oscillations have subsided, and trace the varia- tions of its position. If we begin by keeping the wire twisted, say for a minute or an hour, and then leave it to itself, we find that the point of temporary equilibrium is displaced in the direction of twisting, and that this displacement is greater the longer the wire has been kept twisted. But this displacement of the point of equilibrium is not of the nature of a permanent set, for the wire, if left to itself, creeps back towards its original position, but always slower and slower. This slow motion has been observed by the writer going on for more than a COXSTITtTIOX OF BODIES. week and lie al*> found that if the wire was set in vibration the motion of the point «.f equilibrium was more rapid than when the wire was not in vibration. We mav produce a very complicated series of motions of the lower end of tbe win by previously subjecting the wire to a series of twists. For in- rtanf*. we KAY frst twist it in the positive direction, and keep it twisted for a ) is some t function of that intcrv.il. \Ve may describe this method of deducing the actual state from the pre- us states as the historical method, because it involves a knowledge of the previous history of the body. But this method may be transformed into another, 1 tT ^ "°Pkin8on' '<0n the R^™l Charge of the Loyden Jar," Proc. R. S. «iv. 408, .Mmreb 30, 18 1 '•. t See Wicdctn»nn'« Galvanitmtu, vol. n. p. 567. CONSTITUTION OF BODIES. 623 in which the present state is not regarded as influenced by any state which has ceased to exist. For if we expand 6t_u by Taylor's theorem, ,, a dd w2 d-0 ^**^»* ITS *"*•** and if we also write f f30 f* 2 A = $ (w) dca' B=\ «4 (») dot, C= -2- 1/, («) dw, &c. Jo Jo J o 1 . 2 then equation (l) becomes where no symbols of time are subscribed, because all the quantities refer to the present tune. This expression of Boltzmann's, however, is not in any sense a physical theory of the phenomena ; it is merely a mathematical formula which, though it represents some of the observed phenomena, fails to express the phenomenon of permanent deformation. Now we know that several substances, such as gutta-percha, India-rubber, &c., may be permanently stretched when cold, and yet when afterwards heated to a certain temperature they recover their original form. Gelatine also may be dried when in a state of strain, and may recover its form by absorbing water. We know that the molecules of all bodies are in motion. In gases and liquids the motion is such that there is nothing to prevent any molecule from passing from any part of the mass to any other part ; but in solids we must suppose that some, at least, of the molecules merely oscillate about a certain mean position, so that, if we consider a certain group of molecules, its con- figuration is never very different from a certain stable configuration, about which it oscillates. This will be the case even when the solid is in a state of strain, pro- vided the amplitude of the oscillations does not exceed a certain limit, but if it exceeds this limit the group does not tend to return to its former configu- ration, but begins to oscillate about a new configuration of stability, the strain in which is either zero, or at least less than in the original configuration. The condition of this breaking up of a configuration must depend partly on the amplitude of the oscillations, and partly on the amount of strain in the original configuration ; and we may suppose that different groups of mole- CONSTITUTION* OF BODIES. in a homogeneous solid, are not in similar circumstances in this Thus we may suppose that in a certain number of groups the ordinary agitation of the molecules is liable to accumulate so much that every now and then the configuration of one of the groups breaks up, and this whether it is in a state of strain or not. We may in this case assume that in every second a certain projwrtion of these groups break up, and assume configurations cor- responding to a strain uniform in all directions. If all the groups were of this kind, the medium would be a viscous fluid. But we may suppose that there are other groups, the configuration of which is so stable that they will not break up under the ordinary agitation of the molecules unless the average strain exceeds a certain limit, and this limit may be different for different systems of these groups. Now if such groups of greater stability are disseminated through the sub- stance in such abundance as to build up a solid framework, the substance will be a solid, which will not be permanently deformed except by a stress greater than a certain given stress. But if the solid also contains groups of smaller stability and also groups of the first kind which break up of themselves, then when a strain is applied the resistance to it will gradually diminish as the groups of the first kind break up, and this will go on till the stress is reduced to that due to the more permanent groups. If the body is now left to itself, it will not at once return to its original form, but will only do so when the groups of the first kind have broken up so often as to get back to their original state of strain. This view of the constitution of a solid, as consisting of groups of mole- cules some of which are in different circumstances from others, also helps to explain the state of the solid after a permanent deformation has been given t-i it. In this case some of the less stable groups have broken up and assumed new configurations, but it is quite possible that others, more stable, may still retain then* original configurations, so that the form of the body is determined by the equilibrium between these two sets of groups ; but if, on account of rise of temperature, increase of moisture, violent vibration, or any other cause, the breaking up of the less stable groups is facilitated, the more stable groups may again assert their sway, and tend to restore the body to the shape it had before its deformation. [From the Encyclopaedia Britannica.] LXXXIX. Diffusion. SOME liquids, such as mercury and water, when placed in contact with each other do not mix at all, but the surface of separation remains distinct, and exhibits the phenomena described under CAPILLARY ACTION. Other pairs of liquids, such as chloroform and water, mix, but only in certain proportions. The chloroform takes up a little water, and the water a little chloroform; but the two mixed liquids will not mix with each other, but remain in con- tact separated by a surface shewing capillary phenomena. The two liquids are then in a state of equilibrium with each other. The conditions of the equi- librium of heterogeneous substances have been investigated by Professor J. Willard Gibbs in a series of papers published in the Transactions of the Con- necticut Academy of Arts and Sciences, Vol. in. part I. p. 108. Other pairs of liquids, and all gases, mix in all proportions. When two fluids are capable of being mixed, they cannot remain in equi- librium with each other; if they are placed in contact with each other the process of mixture begins of itself, and goes on till the state of equilibrium is attained, which, in the case of fluids which mix in all proportions, is a state of uniform mixture. This process of mixture is called diffusion. It may be easily observed by taking a glass jar half full of water and pouring a strong solution of a coloured salt, such as sulphate of copper, through a long-stemmed funnel, so as to occupy the lower part of the jar. If the jar is not disturbed we may trace the process of diffusion for weeks, months, or years, by the gradual rise of the colour into the upper part of the jar, and the weakening of the colour in the lower part. This, however, is not a method capable of giving accurate measurements of the composition of the liquid at difierent depths in the vessel. For more VOL. ii. 79 . MKFU8IOX. determination* w« may draw off a portion from a given stratum of the mixed liquid, and di-tennine it* composition either by chemical methods or by its specific gtmrity, or any other property from which its composition may be deduced. But as the act of removing a portion of the fluid interferes with the ttrocce* of diffusion, it is desirable to be able to ascertain the composition of any at rat inn of the mixture without removing it from the vessel. For this propose Sir W. Thomson places in the jar a number of glass beads of different dimtfrW, which indicate the densities of the strata in which they are observed to float. The principal objection to this method is, that if the liquids contain air or any other gas, bubbles are apt to form on the glass beads, so as to make them float in a stratum of less density than that marked on them. M. Voit has observed the diffusion of cane-sugar in water by passing a r»y of plane-polarized light horizontally through the vessel, and determining the angle through which the plane of polarization is turned by the solution of sugar. This method is of course applicable only to those substances which cause rotation of the plane of polarized light. Another method is to place the diffusing liquids in a hollow glass prism, with its refracting edge vertical, and to determine the deviation of a ray of light passing through the prism at different depths. The ray is bent doAvn- wards on account of the variable density of the mixture, as well as towards the thicker part of the prism; but by making it pass as near the edge of the prism as possible, the vertical component of the refraction may be made vety small; and by placing the prism within a vessel of water having parallel aides of glass, we can get rid of the constant part of the deviation, and are able to use a prism of large angle, so as to increase the part due to the diffusing substance. At the same time we can more easily control and register the temperature. The laws of diffusion were first investigated by Graham. The diffusion of gases has recently been observed with great accuracy by Loschmidt, and that • >f liquids by Fick and by Voit. Diffusion as a Molecular Motion. If we observe the process of diffusion with our most powerful microscopes, we cannot follow the motion of any individual portions of the fluids. We DIFFUSION. 627 cannot point out one place in which the .lower fluid is ascending, and another in which the upper fluid is descending. There are no currents visible to us, and the motion of the material substances goes on as imperceptibly as the conduction of heat or of electricity. Hence the motion which constitutes dif- fusion must be distinguished from those motions of fluids which we can trace by means of floating motes. It may be described as a motion of the fluids, not in mass but by molecules. When we reason upon the hypothesis that a fluid is a continuous homo- geneous substance, it is comparatively easy to define its density and velocity; but when we admit that it may consist of molecules of different kinds, we must revise our definitions. We therefore define these quantities by considering that part of the medium which at a given instant is within a certain small region surrounding a given point. This region must be so small that the properties of the medium as a whole are sensibly the same throughout the region, and yet it must be so large as to include a large number of mole- cules. We then define the density of the medium at the given point as the mass of the medium within this region divided by its volume, and the velocity of the medium as the momentum of this portion of the medium divided by its mass. If we consider the motion of the medium relative to an imaginary surface supposed to exist within the region occupied by the medium, and if we define the flow of the medium through the surface as the mass of the medium which in unit of time passes through unit of area of the surface, then it follows from the above definitions that the velocity of the medium resolved in the direction of the normal to the surface is equal to the flow divided by the density. If we suppose the surface itself to move with the same velo- city as the fluid, and in the same direction, there will be no flow through it. Having thus defined the density, velocity, and flow of the medium as a whole, or, as it is sometimes expressed, "in mass," we may now consider one of the fluids which constitute the medium, and define its density, velocity, and flow in the same way. The velocity of this fluid may be different from that of the medium in mass, and its velocity relative to that of the medium is the velocity of diffusion which we have to study. 79—2 DIFFUSION. o/ Ghoet acconling to the Kinetic Theory. 80 many of the phenomena of gases are found to be explained in a c<>n MM- by the kinetic theory of gases, that we may describe \\ith probability of correctness the kind of motion which constitute! in gave*. We shall therefore consider gaseous diffusion in the light of the kinetic theory before we consider diffusion in liquids. A gat, according to the kinetic theory, is a collection of particles or mole- cule* which are in rapid motion, and which, when they encounter each other, before pretty much as elastic bodies, such as billiard balls, would do if no energy were lost in their collisions. Each molecule travels but a very small distance between one encounter and another, so that it is every now and then Altering its velocity both in direction and magnitude, and that in an exceed- ingly irregular manner. The result is that the velocity of any molecule may be considered as com- pounded of two velocities, one of which, called the velocity of the medium, in the same for all the molecules, while the other, called the velocity of agi- tation, is irregular both in magnitude and in direction, though the average magnitude of the velocity may be calculated, and any one direction is just as likely as any other. The result of this motion is, that if in any part of the medium the molecules are more numerous than in a neighbouring region, more molecules will pass from the first region to the second than in the reverse direction, and for this reason the density of the gas will tend to become equal in all puts 6f the vessel containing it, except in so far as the molecules may be crowded towards one direction by the action of an external force such as gravity. Since the motion of the molecules is very swift, the process of equalization of density in a gas is a very rapid one, its velocity of propaga- tion through the gas being that of sound. Let us now consider two gases in the same vessel, the proportion of the gases being different in different parts of the vessel, but the pressure being everywhere the same. The agitation of the molecules will still cause more molecules of the first gas to pass from places where that gas is dense to places where it is rare than in the opposite direction, but since the second gas is dense where the first one is rare, its molecules will be for the most part travelling in the opposite direction. Hence the molecules of the two DIFFUSION. 629 gases will encounter each other, and every encounter will act as a check to the process of equalization of the density of each gas throughout the mixture. The interdiffusion of two gases in a vessel is therefore a much slower process than that by which the density of a single gas becomes equalized, though it appears from the theory that the final result is the same, and that each gas is distributed through the vessel in precisely the same way as if no other gas had been present, and this even when we take into account the effect of gravity. If we apply the ordinary language about fluids to a single gas of the mixture, we may distinguish the forces which act on an element of volume as follows : — 1st. Any external force, such as gravity or electricity. 2nd. The difference of the pressure of the particular gas on opposite sides of the element of volume. [The pressure due to other gases is to be con- sidered of no account.] 3rd. The resistance arising from the percolation of the gas through the other gases which are moving with different velocity. The resistance due to encounters with the molecules of any other gas is proportional to the velocity of the first gas relative to the second, to the product of their densities, and to a coefficient which depends on the nature of the gases and on the temperature. The equations of motion of one gas of a mixture are therefore of the form - u.3) + &c. = 0, where the symbol of operation ^ prefixed to any quantity denotes the time- variation of that quantity at a point which moves along with that medium which is distinguished by the suffix (,), or more explicitly 8, d d d d cr-= -r + u,-j- + v1-j- + w1-j-. 8t at dx dy ldz In the state of ultimate equilibrium itl = ut = &c. = Q, and the equation is reduced to which is the ordinary form of the equations of equilibrium of a single fluid. DHTFLT I Hence, when the process of diffusion is complete, the density of each gas at any point of the vessel is the same as if no other gas were present. If I" is the potential of the force which acts on the gas, and if in tin- equation !»,-£,/>,, i\ is constant, as it is when the temperature is uniform, then the equation of equilibrium becomes the solation of which is Hence if, as in the case of gravity, V is the same for all gases, but /• is different for different gases, the composition of the mixture will be different in different parts of the vessel, the proportion of the heavier gases, for which k is smaller, being greater at the bottom of the vessel than at the top. It \\.nild be difficult, however, to obtain experimental evidence of this difference of composition except in a vessel more than 100 metres high, and it would be necessary to keep the vessel free from inequalities of temperature for more than a year, in order to allow the process of diffusion to advance to a state even half-way towards that of ultimate equilibrium. The experiment might, however, be made in a few minutes by placing a tube, say 10 centimetres long, on a whirling apparatus, so that one end shall be close to the axis, while the other is moving at the rate, say, of 50 metres per second. Thus if equal volumes of hydrogen and carbonic acid were used, the proportion of hydrogen to carbonic acid would be about xl^ greater at the end of the tube nearest the axis. The experimental verification of the result is important, as it establishes a method of effecting the partial separation of gases without the selective action of chemical agents. Let us next consider the case of diffusion in a vertical cylinder. Let TO, U- the mass of the first gas in a column of unit area extending from the bottom of the vessel to the height x, and let v, be the volume which this mass would occupy at unit pressure, then «,, dm. -~ar' dv, ' DIFFUSION. G31 and the equation of motion becomes =p fd\ djj> _ dX~ciy 2| d-v, _Xdo^ l (dx* dt \ ~ d? dx j + ~da? ^ dx dxl dx dt dx If we add the corresponding equations together for all the gases, we find that the terms in (712 destroy each other, and that if the medium is not affected with sensible currents the first term of each equation may be neg- lected. In ordinary experiments we may also neglect the effect of gravity, so that we get or where p is the uniform pressure of the mixed medium. Hence dv2_ dv1 , dv2_ dvt di= ~^t dx~p~~dx' and the equation becomes d\ _ Cu dVi ~ an equation, the form of which is identical with the well-known equation for the conduction of heat. We may write it D is called the coefficient of diffusion. It is equal to It therefore varies inversely as the total pressure of the medium, and if the coefficient of resistance, <712, is independent of the temperature, it varies directly as the product kjc.,, i.e., as the square of the absolute temperature. It is probable, however, that the effect of temperature is not so great as this would make it. DIFFUSION. In liquids D probably depends on the proportion of the ingredients of the mixed medium u well as on the temperature. The dimensions of D are DT~\ when L b the unit of length and T the unit of time. Tbd vduet of the coefficients of diffusion of several pairs of gases have fopu jafcennined by Loechmidt*. They are referred in the following table to the centimetre and the second as units, for the temperature 0°C. and the of 76 centimetres of mercury. D Carbonic acid and air . . 0'1423 Carbonic acid and hydrogen . . . 0'5558 Oxygen and hydrogen . . . 07214 Carbonic acid and oxygen .... 0'1409 Carbonic acid and carbonic oxide . . 0'1406 Carbonic acid and marsh gas . . . 0*1586 Carbonic acid and nitrous oxide . . . 0'0983 Sulphurous acid and hydrogen . . . 0'4800 Oxygen and carbonic oxide . . . 0'1802 Carbonic oxide and hydrogen . . . 0'6422 Diffusion in Liquids. The nature of the motion of the molecules in liquids is less understood than in' gases, but it is easy to see that if there is any irregular displacement among the molecules in a mixed liquid, it must, on the whole, tend to cause each component to pass from places where it forms a large proportion of the mixture to places where it is less abundant. It is also manifest that any relative motion of two constituents of the mixture will be opposed by a resistance arising from the encounters between the molecules of these com- |M>nents. The value of this resistance, however, depends, in liquids, on more complicated conditions than in gases, and for the present we must regard it as a function of all the physical properties of the mixture at the given place, that is to say, its temperature and pressure, and the proportions of the different components of the mixture. * Imperial Academy of Vienna, 10th March, 1870. DIFFUSION. 633 The coefficient of Intel-diffusion of two liquids must therefore be considered as depending on all the physical properties of the mxiture according to laws which can be ascertained only by experiment. Thus Fick has determined the coefficient of diffusion for common salt in water to be O'OOOOOllB, and Voit has found that of cane-sugar to be 0-00000365. It appears from these numbers that in a vessel of the same size the process of diffusion of liquids requires a greater number of days to reach a given stage than the process of diffusion of gases in the same vessel requires seconds. When we wish to mix two liquids, it is not sufficient to place them in the same vessel, for if the vessel is, say, a metre in depth, the lighter liquid will lie above the denser, and it will be many years before the mixture becomes even sensibly uniform. We therefore stir the two liquids together, that is to say, we move a solid body through the vessel, first one way, then another, so as to make the liquid contents eddy about in as complicated a manner as possible. The effect of this is that the two liquids, which originally formed two thick horizontal layers, one above the other, are now disposed in thin and excessively convoluted strata, which, if they could be spread . out, would cover an immense area. The effect of the stirring is thus to increase the area over which the process of diffusion can go on, and to diminish the distance between the diffusing liquids ; and since the time required for diffusion varies as the square of the thickness of the layers, it is evident that by a moderate amount of stirring the process of mixture which would otherwise require years may be completed in a few seconds. That the process is not instantaneous is easily ascertained by observing that for some time after the stirring the mixture appears full of streaks, which cause it to lose its trans- parency. This arises from the different indices of refraction of different portions of the mixture which have been brought near each other by stirring. The surfaces of separation are so drawn out and convoluted, that the whole mass has a woolly appearance, for no ray of light can pass through it without being turned many times out of its path. Graham observed that the diffusion both of liquids and gases takes place through porous solid bodies, such as plugs of plaster of Paris or plates of pressed plumbago, at a rate not very much less than when no such body is interposed, and this even when the solid partition is amply sufficient to check VOL. n. SO . PIFFUSIOX. all ordinary current*, and even to sustain a considerable difference of pressure on iu oppoaite sides. But then? is another class of cases in which a liquid or a gas can pass through a diaphragm, which is not, in the ordinary sense, porous. For instance, when carbonic acid gas is confined in a soap bubble it rapidly escapes. The i> absorbed at the inner surface of the bubble, and forms a solution of carbonic acid in water. This solution diffuses from the inner surface of the babble, where it is strongest, to the outer surface, where it is in contact with air, and the carbonic acid evaporates and diffuses out into the atmosphere. It w also found that hydrogen and other gases can pass through a layer of caoutchouc. Graham shewed that it is not through pores, in the ordinary tftim, that the motion takes place, for the ratios are determined by the chemical relations between the gases and the caoutchouc, or the liquid film. According to Graham's theory, the caoutchouc is a colloid substance, — that is, one which is capable of combining, in a temporary and very loose manner, with indeterminate proportions of certain other substances, just as glue will form a jelly with various proportions of water. Another class of substances, which Graham called crystalloid, are distinguished from these by being always • •f definite composition, and not admitting of these temporary associations. When a colloid body has in different parts of its mass different proportions i >f water, alcohol, or solutions of crystalloid bodies, diffusion takes place through the colloid body, though no part of it can be shewn to be in the liquid state. On the other hand, a solution of a colloid substance is almost incapable of diffusion through a porous solid, or another colloid body. Thus, if a solu- tion of gum and salt in water is placed in contact with a solid jelly of gelatine and alcohol, alcohol will be diffused into the gum, and salt and water will be diffused into the gelatine, but the gum and the gelatine will not diffuse into each other. There are certain metals whose relations to certain gases Graham explained by this theory. For instance, hydrogen can be made to pass through iron and palladium at a high temperature, and carbonic oxide can be made to pass through iron. The gases form colloidal unions with the metals, and are diffused through them as water is diffused through a jelly. Root has lately found that hydrogen can pass through platinum, even at ordinary temperatures. By taking advantage of the different velocities with which different liquids and gases pass through parchment-paper and other solid bodies, Graham was DIFFUSION. 635 enabled to effect many remarkable analyses. He called this method the method of Dialysis. Diffusion and Evaporation, Condensation, Solution, and Absorption. The rate of evaporation of liquids is determined principally by the rate of diffusion of the vapour through the air or other gas which lies above the liquid. Indeed, the coefficient of diffusion of the vapour of a- liquid through air can be determined in a rough but easy manner by placing a little of the liquid in a test tube, and observing the rate at which its weight diminishes by evaporation day by day. For at the surface of the liquid the density of the vapour is that corresponding to the temperature, whereas at the mouth of the test tube the air is nearly pure. Hence, if p be the pressure of the vapour corresponding to the temperature, and p = Jcp, and if ra be the mass evaporated in time t, and diffused into the air through a distance h *, then j^ _ Jchm ' pt' This method is not, of course, applicable to vapours which are rarer than the superincumbent gas. The solution of a salt in a liquid goes on in the same way, and so does the absorption of a gas by a liquid. These processes are all accelerated by currents, for the reason already ex- plained. The processes of evaporation and condensation go on much more rapidly when no air or other non-condensible gas is present. Hence the importance of the air-pump in the steam engine. Relation between Diffusion of Matter and Diffusion of Heat. The same motion of agitation of the molecules of gases which causes two gases to diffuse through each other also causes two portions of the same gas to diffuse through each other, although we cannot observe this kind of diffusion, because we cannot distinguish the molecules of one portion from those of the * h should be taken equal to the height of the tube above the surface of the liquid, together with about f of the diameter of the tube. — See Clerk Maxwell's Electricity, Art. 309. 80—2 DIFFUSION. other whan they are once mixed If, however, the molecules of one portion hare any property whereby they can be distinguished from those of the other, then that property will be communicated from one part of the medium to an adjoining part, and that either by convection — that is by the molecules them- selves patting out of one part into the other, carrying the property with then— or by tranamisaion— that is by the property being communicated from one molecule to another during their encounters. The chemical properties by which different substances are recognized are inseparable from their molecules, •o that the diffusion of such properties can take place only by the trans- ference of the molecules themselves, but the momentum of a molecule in any given direction and its energy are also properties which may be different in different molecules, but which may be communicated from one molecule to another. Hence the diffusion of momentum and that of energy through the medium can take place in two different ways, whereas the diffusion of matter can take place only in one of these ways. In gases the great majority of the particles, at any instant, are describing free paths, and it is therefore possible to shew that there is a simple numerical relation between the coefficients of the three kinds of diffusion.-^the diffusion of matter, the lateral diffusion of velocity (which is the phenomenon known as the internal friction or viscosity of fluids), and the diffusion of energy (which is called the conduction of heat). But in liquids the majority of the molecules are engaged at close quarters with one or more other molecules, so that the transmission of momentum and of energy takes place in a far greater degree by communication from one molecule to another, than by convection by the molecules' themselves. Hence the ratios of the coefficient of diffusion to those of viscosity and thermal conductivity ard much smaller in liquids than in gases. Theory of the Wet Bulb Thermometer. The temperature indicated by the wet bulb thermometer is determined in great part by the relation between the coefficients of diffusion and thermal conductivity. As the water evaporates from the wet bulb heat must be sup- plied to it by convection, conduction, or radiation. This supply of heat will not be sufficient to maintain the temperature constant till the temperature of the wet bulb has sunk so far below that of the surrounding air and other DIFFUSION. 637 bodies that the flow of heat due to the difference of temperature is equal to the latent heat of the vapour which leaves the bulb. The use of the wet bulb thermometer as a means of estimating the humidity of the atmosphere was employed by Hutton* and Leslie f, but the formula by which the dew-point is commonly deduced from the readings of the wet and dry thermometers was first given by Dr ApjohnJ. Dr Apjohn assumes that, when the temperature of the wet bulb is sta- tionary, the heat required to convert the water into vapour is given out by portions of the surrounding air in cooling from the temperature of the atmo- sphere to that of the wet bulb, and that the air thus cooled becomes saturated with the vapour which it receives from the bulb. Let m be the mass of a portion of air at a distance from the wet bulb, #„ its temperature, p, the pressure due to the aqueous vapour in it, and P the whole pressure. If cr is the specific gravity of aqueous vapour (referred to air), then the mass of water in this portion of air is -p Let this portion of air communicate with the wet bulb till its temperature sinks to 0l} that of the wet bulb, and the pressure of the aqueous vapour in it rises to p1} that corresponding to the temperature 0^ The quantity of vapour which has been communicated to the air is , x a-m (Pi-l>.)-p » and if L is the latent heat of vapour at the temperature 0,, the quantity of heat required to produce this vapour is crm T -- L- According to Apjohn's theory, this heat is supplied by the mixed air and vapour in cooling from 00 to Qv If S is the specific heat of the air (which will not be sensibly different from that of dry air), this quantity of heat is (0,-ejmS. * Playfair's "Life of Hutton," Edinburgh Transactions, Vol. v. p. 67, note. t Eneyc. Brit., 8th ed. Vol. i. "Dissertation Fifth," p. 764. J Trans. Royal Irish Academy, 1834. DIFFUSION. (vitiating the two values we obtain Here A i* l^e pressure °f ^e vapour in the atmosphere. The tempi- ra- turr for which this is the maximum pressure — is the dew-point, and p^ is the maximum pressure corresponding to the temperature 0, of the wet bulb. Hence thin formula, combined with tables of the pressure of aqueous vapour, enables «• to find the dew-point from observations of the wet and dry bulb thermo- metan. We may call this the convection theory of the wet bulb, because \\c consider the temperature and humidity of a portion of air brought from a distance to be affected directly by the wet bulb without communication either • >t' heat or of vapour with other portions of air. Dr Everett has pointed out as a defect in this theory, that it does not explain how the air can either sink in temperature or increase in humidiu unless it comes into absolute contact with the wet bulb. Let us, therefore, consider what we may call the conduction and diffusion theory in calm air, taking into account the effects of radiation. The steady conduction of heat is determined by the conditions — 0=6, at a great distance from the bulb, 6 = 6l at the surface of the bulb, V'# = 0 at any point of the medium. The steady diffusion of vapour is determined by the conditions— P=pt at a great distance from the bulb, p=pi at the surface of the bulb, V'p = Q at any point of the medium. Now, if the bulb had been an electrified conductor, the conditions with respect to the potential would have been F=0 at a great distance, V—Vl at the surface, V*F=0 at any point outside the bulb. DIFFUSION. 639 Hence the solution of the electrical problem leads to that of the other two. For if V is the potential at any point, If E is the electric charge of the conductor, where the double integral is extended over the surface of the bulb, and dv is an element of a normal to the surface. If H is the flow of heat in unit of time from the bulb, and if Q is the flow of aqueous vapour from the bulb, _ kjdv where k is the ratio of the pressure of aqueous vapour to its density. If C is the electrical capacity of the bulb, E=CViy The heat which leaves the bulb by radiation to external objects at tem- perature 00 may be written h=AB(01-ett), where A is the surface of the bulb and R the coefficient of radiation of unit of surface. When the temperature becomes constant AR This formula gives the result of the theory of diffusion, conduction, and radiation in a still atmosphere. It differs from the formula of the convection theory only by the factor in the last term. , • j DIFFUSION. The firet part of this factor is certainly less than unity, and probably •boat 77. If the bulb is spherical and of radius r, A = 4trr* and C=r, so that the i _. • •wood part is Hence, the larger the wet bulb, the greater will be the ratio of the effect of radiation to that of conduction. If, on the other hand, the air is in motion, this will increase both conduction and diffusion, so as to increase the ratio of the first part to the second. By comparing actual observations of the dew- point with Apjohn's formula, it has been found that the factor should l>e somewhat greater than unity. According to our theory it oiight to be greater if the bulb is larger, and smaller if there is much wind. Relation beluxen Diffusion and Electrolytic Conduction. Electrolysis (see separate article) is a molecular movement of the con- stituents of a compound liquid in which, under the action of electromotive force, one of the components travels in the positive and the other in the negative direction, the flow of each component, when reckoned in electrochemical equiva- lents, being in all cases numerically equal to the flow of electricity. Electrolysis resembles diffusion in being a molecular movement of two currents in opposite directions through the same liquid ; but since the liquid is of the same composition throughout, we cannot ascribe the currents to the molecular agitation of a medium whose composition varies from one part to another as in ordinary diffusion, but we must ascribe it to the action of the electromotive force on particles having definite charges of electricity. The force, therefore, urging an electro-chemical equivalent of either com- ponent, or ton, as it is called, in a given direction is numerically equal to the electromotive force at a given point of the electrolyte, and is therefore com- parable with any ordinary force. The resistance which prevents the current from rising above a certain value is that arising from the encounters of the molecules of the ion with other molecules as they struggle forward through the liquid, and this depends on their relative velocity, and also on the nature of the ion, and of the liquid through which it has to flow. DIFFUSION. 641 The average velocity of the ions will therefore increase, till the resistance they meet with is equal to the force which urges them forward, and they will thus acquire a definite velocity proportional to the electric force at the point, but depending also on the nature of the liquid. If the resistance of the liquid to the passage of the ion is the same for different strengths of solution, the velocity of the ion will be the same for different strengths, but the quantity of it, and therefore the quantity of elec- tricity which passes in a given time, will be proportional to the strength of the solution. Now, Kohlrauseh has determined the conductivity of the solutions of many electrolytes in water, and he finds that for very weak solutions the conductivity is proportional to the strength. When the solution is strong the liquid through which the ions struggle can no longer be considered sensibly the same as pure water, and consequently this proportionality does not hold good for strong solutions. Kohlrauseh has determined the actual velocity in centimetres per second of various ions in weak solutions under an electro-motive force of unit value. From these velocities he has calculated the conductivities of weak solutions of electrolytes different from those of which he made use in calculating the velocity of the ions, and he finds the results consistent with direct experiments on those electrolytes. It is manifest that we have here important information as to the resist- ance which the ion meets with in travelling through the liquid. It is not easy, however, to make a numerical comparison between this resistance and any results of ordinary diffusion, for, in the first place, we cannot make experiments on the diffusion of ions. Many electrolytes, indeed, are decomposed by the current into components, one or both of which are capable of diffusion, but these components, when once separated out of the electrolyte, are no longer ions — they are no longer acted on by electric force, or charged with definite quantities of electricity. Some of them, as the metals, are insoluble, and there- fore incapable of diffusion ; others, like the gases, though soluble in the liquid electrolyte, are not, when in solution, acted on by the current. Besides this, if we accept the theory of electrolysis proposed by Clausius, the molecules acted on by the electro-motive force are not the whole of the molecules which form the constituents of the electrolyte, but only those which at a given instant are in a state of dissociation from molecules of the other VOL. II. 81 DIFFUSION. kind. Wfg forced away from them temporarily by the violence of the molecular • If these diMOciated molecules form a small proportion of the whole, the velocitv of their paoage through the medium must be much greater than the mean Telocity of the whole, which is the quantity calculated by Kohlrausch. 0* Proce*** by trA/cA the M'urt'nv and Sejxtration of Fluids can be effected in a Reversible Manner. A physical process is said to be reversible when the material system can be made to return from the final state to the original state under conditions which at every stage of the reverse process differ only infinitesimally from the conditions at the corresponding stage of the direct process. All other processes are called irreversible. Thus the passage of heat from one body to another is a reversible process if the temperature of the first body exceeds that of the second only by an infinitesimal quantity, because by changing the temperature of either of the bodies by an infinitesimal quantity, the heat may be made to flow back again from the second body to the first But if the temperature of the first body is higher than that of the second by a finite quantity, the passage of heat from the first body to the second is not a reversible process, for the temperature of one or both of the bodies must be altered by a finite quantity before the heat can be made to flow back again. In like manner the interdiffusion of two gases is in general an irreversible process, for in order to separate the two gases the conditions must be very considerably changed. For instance, if carbonic acid is one of the gases, we can separate it from the other by means of quicklime ; but the absorption of carbonic acid by quicklime at ordinary temperatures and pressures is an irre- versible process, for in order to separate the carbonic acid from the lime it must be raised to a high temperature. In all reversible processes the substances which are in contact must be in complete equilibrium throughout the process ; and Professor Gibbs has shewn the condition of equilibrium to be that not only the temperature and the pressure of the two substances must be the same, but also that the potential of each of the component substances must be the same in both compounds, and that there is an additional condition which we need not here specify. DIFFUSION. 643 Now, we may obtain complete equilibrium between quicklime and the mixture containing carbonic acid if we raise the whole to a temperature at which the pressure of dissociation of the carbonic acid in carbonate of lime is equal to the pressure of the carbonic acid in the mixed gases. By altering the temperature or the pressure very slowly we may cause carbonic acid to pass from the mixture to the lime, or from the lime to the mixture, in such a manner that the conditions of the system differ only by infinitesimal quan- tities at the corresponding stages of the direct and the inverse processes. The same thing may be done at lower temperatures by means of potash or soda. If one of the gases can be condensed into a liquid, and if during the condensation the pressure is increased or the temperature diminished so slowly that the liquid and the mixed gases are always very nearly in equilibrium, the separation and mixture of the gases can be effected in a reversible manner. The same thing can be done by means of a liquid which absorbs the gases in different proportions, provided that we can maintain such conditions as to temperature and pressure as shall keep the system in equilibrium during the whole process. If the densities of the two gases are different, we can effect their partial separation by a reversible process which does not involve any of the actions commonly called chemical. We place the mixed gases in a very long horizontal tube, and we raise one end of the tube till the tube is vertical. If this is done so slowly that at every stage of the process the distribution of the two gases is sensibly the same as it would be at the same stage of the reverse process, the process will be reversible, and if the tube is long enough the separation of the gases may be carried to any extent. In the Philosophical Magazine for 1876, Lord Rayleigh has investigated the thermodynamics of diffusion, and has shewn that if two portions of different gases are given at the same pressure and temperature, it is possible, by mixing them by a reversible process, to obtain a certain quantity of work. At the end of the process the two gases are uniformly mixed, and occupy a volume equal to the sum of the volumes they occupied when separate, but the temperature and pressure of the mixture are lower than before. The work which can be gained during the mixture is equal to that which would be gained by allowing first one gas and then the other to expand from its original volume to the sum of the volumes ; and the fall of temperature 81—2 ; ; DIFFUSION. and pfOMuro is equal to that which would be produced in the mixture by taking away a quantity of heat equivalent to this work. i: the diffusion takes place by an irreversible process, such as goes on when the gates are placed together in a vessel, no external work is done, and there is BO fall of temperature or of pressure during the process. We may arrive at this result by a method whkh, if not so instructive a* that of Lord Rayleigh, is more general, by the use of a physical quantity called by Clausius the Entropy of the system. Hie entropy of a body in equilibrium is a quantity such that it remains constant if no heat enters or leaves the body, and such that in general the quantity of heat which enters the body is where is the entropy, and 6 the absolute temperature. The entropy of a material system is the sum of the entropy of its parts. In reversible processes the entropy of the system remains unchanged, but in all irreversible processes the entropy of the system increases. The increase of entropy involves a diminution of the available energy of the system, that is to say, the total quantity of work which can be obtained from the system. This is expressed by Sir W. Thomson by saying that a certain amount of energy is dissipated. The quantity of energy which is dissipated in a given process is equal to W.-6), where & is the entropy at the beginning, and <£, that at the end of the process, 'and 0. is the temperature of the system in its ultimate state, when 1 1' i more work can be got out of it. When we can determine the ultimate temperature we can calculate the amount of energy dissipated by any process; but it is sometimes difficult to do this, whereas the increase of entropy is determined by the known states of the system at the beginning and end of the process. The entfopy of a volume vl of a gas at pressure pl and temperature 0l exceeds its entropy where its volume is vt and its temperature 0, by the quantity Hence if volumes r, and i\ of two gases at the same temperature and pressure DIFFUSION. 645 are mixed so as to occupy a volume Vi + va at the same temperature and pressure, the entropy of the system increases during the process by the quantity Since in this case the temperature does not change during the process, we may calculate the quantity of energy dissipated by multiplying the gain of entropy by the temperature, and we thus find for the dissipation or the sum of the work which would be done by the two portions of gas if each expanded under constant temperature to the volume v1 + vi. It is greatest when the two volumes are equal, in which case it is l'386jw, where p is the pressure and v the volume of one of the portions. Let us now suppose that we have in a vessel two separate portions of gas of equal volume, and at the same pressure and temperature, with a movable partition between them. If we remove the partition the agitation of the molecules will carry them from one side of the partition to the other in an irregular manner, till ultimately the two portions of gas will be thoroughly and uniformly mixed together. This motion of the molecules will take place whether the two gases are the same or different, that is to say, whether we can distinguish between the properties of the two gases or not. If the two gases are such that we can separate them by a reversible process, then, as we have just shewn, we might gain a definite amount of work by allowing them to mix under certain conditions ; and if we allow them to mix by ordinary diffusion, this amount of Work is no longer available, but is dissipated for ever. If, on the other hand, the two portions of gas are the same, then no work can be gained by mixing them, and no work is dissipated by allowing them to diffuse into each other. It appears, therefore, that the process of diffusion does not involve dis- sipation of energy if the two gases are the same, but that it does if they can be separated from each other by a reversible process. Now, when we say that two gases are the same, we mean that we cannot distinguish the one from the other by any known reaction. It is not probable, but it is possible, that two gases derived from different sources, but hitherto supposed to be the same, may hereafter be found to be different, and that a (J4G DIFFUSION. method mar be discovered of separating them by a reversible process. If this •hould happen, the process of iuterdiffusion which we had formerly supposed not to be an tiurtw"** of dissipation of energy would now be recognized as snob an instance, It follows from this that the idea of dissipation of energy depends on th« extent of our knowledge. Available energy is energy which we can direct int.. any desired channel Dissipated energy is energy which we cannot lay hold of and direct at pleasure, such as the energy of the confused agitation of molecules which we call heat. Now, confusion, like the correlative term order, u not a property of material things in themselves, but only in relation to the mind which perceives them. A memorandum-book does not, provided it w neatly written, appear confused to an illiterate person, or to the owner who understands it thoroughly, but to any other person able to read it appears to be inextricably confused. Similarly the notion of dissipated energy could not occur to a being who could not turn any of the energies of nature to his own account, or to one who could trace the motion of every molecule and seiae it at the right moment. It is only to a being in the intermediate si who can lay hold of some forms of energy while others elude his grasp, that energy appears to be passing inevitably from the available to the dissipated [From the Encyclopedia Britanmca.] XC. Diagrams. A DIAGRAM is a figure drawn in such a manner that the geometrical relations between the parts of the figure help us to understand relations between other objects. A few have been selected for description in this article on account of their greater geometrical significance. Diagrams may be classed according to the manner in which they are intended to be used, and also according to the kind of analogy which we recognize between the diagram and the thing represented. Diagrams of Illustration. The diagrams in mathematical treatises are intended to help the reader to follow the mathematical reasoning. The construction of the figure is defined in words so that even if no figure were drawn the reader could draw one for himself. The diagram is a good one if those features which form the subject of the proposition are clearly represented. The accuracy of the drawing is therefore of smaller importance than its distinctness. Metrical Diagrams. Diagrams are also employed in an entirely different way — namely, for purposes of measurement. The plans and designs drawn by architects and engineers are used to determine the value of certain real magnitudes by measuring certain distances on the diagram. For such purposes it is essential that the drawing be as accurate as possible. We therefore class diagrams as diagrams of illustration, which merely suggest certain relations to the mind of the spectator, and diagrams drawn to scale, from which measurements are intended to be made. •48 DIAGRAMS. Methods in which diagrams are used for purposes of measurement are called (Jraphkml method*. of illustration, if sufficiently accurate, may be used for purjxxsea of measurement; and diagrams for measurement, if sufficiently clear, may be used for purposes of demonstration. There are some diagrams or schemes, however, in which the form of the parts is of no importance, provided their connections are properly shewn. Of tfrfr fcjnd are the diagrams of electrical connections, and those belonging to that department of geometry which treats of the degrees of cyclosis, periphraxy, linkednen, and knottedne Diagrams purely Graphic and mixed Symbolic and Graphic. Diagrams may also be classed either as purely graphical diagrams, in which DO symbols are employed except letters or other marks to distinguish particular points of the diagrams, and mixed diagrams, in which certain magnitudes are represented, not by the magnitudes of parts of the diagram, but by symbols, such as numbers written on the diagram. Thus in a map the height of places above the level of the sea is often indicated by marking the number of feet above the sea at the corresponding places on the map. There is another method in which a line called a contour line is drawn through all the places in the map whose height above the sea is a certain number of feet, and the number of feet is written at some point or points of this line. By the use of a series of contour lines, the height of a great number of places can be indicated on a map by means of a small number of written symbols. Still this method is not a purely graphical method, but a partly symbolical method of expressing the third dimension of objects on a diagram in two dimensions. Diagrams in Pairs. In order to express completely by a purely graphical method the relations of magnitudes involving more than two variables, we must use more than one diagram. Thus in the arts of construction we use plans and elevations and DIAGRAMS. 649 sections through different planes, to specify the form of objects having three dimensions. In such systems of diagrams we have to indicate that a point in one diagram corresponds to a point in another diagram. This is generally done by marking the corresponding points in the different diagrams with the same letter. If the diagrams are drawn on the same piece of paper we may indicate corresponding points by drawing a line from one to the other, taking care that this line of correspondence is so drawn that it cannot be mistaken for a real line in either diagram. In the stereoscope the two diagrams, by the combined use of which the form of bodies in three dimensions is recognized, are projections of the bodies taken from two points so near each other that, by viewing the two diagrams simultaneously, one with each eye, we identify the corresponding points intuitively. The method in which we simultaneously contemplate two figures, and recognize a correspondence between certain points in the one figure and certain points in the other, is one of the most powerful and fertile methods hitherto known in science. Thus in pure geometry the theories of similar, reciprocal, and inverse figures have led to many extensions of the science. It is sometimes spoken of as the method or principle of Duality. DIAGRAMS IN KINEMATICS. The study of the motion of a material system is much assisted by the use of a series of diagrams representing the configuration, displacement, and acceleration of the parts of the system. Diagram of Configuration. In considering a material system it is often convenient to suppose that we have a record of its position at any given instant in the form of a diagram of configuration. The position of any particle of the system is defined by drawing a straight line or vector from the origin, or point of reference, to the given particle. The position of the particle with respect to the origin is determined by the magnitude and direction of this vector. VOL. n. 82 I'l \ If in the dkgnun we drew from the origin (which need not be the same point of «pM» W the origin for the material system) a vector equal :mn the other a set of points, each point corresponding to a particle of the system. and the whole representing the configuration of the system at a given instant. This is called a diagram of configuration. Diagram of Displacement. Let us next consider two diagrams of configuration of the same system, corresponding to two different instants. We call the first the initial configuration and the second the final con- figuration, and the passage from the one configuration to the other we call the displacement of the system. We do not at present consider the length of time during which the displacement was effected, nor the intermediate stages through which it passed, but only the final result — a change of configuration. To study this change we construct a diagram of displacement. Let A, B, C be the points in the initial diagram of configuration, and .V. It'. C1 be the corresponding points in the final diagram of configuration. From o, the origin of the diagram of displacement, draw a vector on fjual and parallel to A A', oh equal and parallel to BB', oc to CC', and so on. The ]».ints. o, h, c, &c., will be such that the vector ab indicates tin- displacement of I* relative to a, and so on. The diagram containing the points «, 6, c, Ac., is therefore called the diagram of displacement. In constructing the diagram of displacement we have hitherto assumed that we know the absolute displacements of the points of the system. For DIAGKAMS. 651 we are required to draw a line equal and parallel to AA', which we cannot do unless we know the absolute final position of A, with respect to its initial position. In this diagram of displacement there is therefore, besides the points a, I), c, &c., an origin, o, which represents a point absolutely fixed in space. This is necessary because the two configurations do not exist at the same time ; and therefore to express their relative position we require to know a point which remains the same at the beginning and end of the time. But we may construct the diagram in another way which does not assume a knowledge of absolute displacement or of a point fixed in space. Assuming any point and calling it a, draw ak parallel and equal to BlAl in the initial configuration, and from If draw kb parallel and equal to AnB,, in the final configuration. It is easy to see that the position of the point 6 relative to a will be the same by this construction as by the former construction, only we must observe that in this second construction we use only vectors such as A^,, A.2B.,, which represent the relative position of points both of which exist simultaneously, instead of vectors such as A^At, B^B^, which express the position of a point at one instant relative to its position at a former instant, and which therefore cannot be determined by observation, because the two ends of the vector do not exist simultaneously. It appears therefore that the diagram of displacements, when drawn by the first construction includes an origin o, which indicates that we have assumed a knowledge of absolute displacements. But no such point occurs in the second construction, because we use such vectors only as we can actually observe. Hence the diagram of displacements ivithout an origin represents neither more nor less than all we can ever know about the displacement of the material system. Diagram of Velocity. If the relative velocities of the points of the system are constant, then the diagram of displacement corresponding to an interval of a unit of time between the initial and the final configuration is called a diagram of relative velocity. If the relative velocities are not constant, we suppose another system in which the velocities are equal to the velocities of the given system at the given instant and continue constant for a unit of tune. The diagram of dis- 82—2 DIAGRAMS. i4arenM>nu (or this imaginary system is the required diagram of relative velocities of the actual system at the given instant. It is easy to see that the diagram gives the velocity of any one point relative to any other, but cannot give the absolute velocity of any of them. Diagram of Acceleration. By the same process by which we formed the diagram of displacements from the two diagrams of initial and final configuration, we may form a diagram of changes of relative velocity from the two diagrams of initial and final velocities. ThU diagram may be called that of total accelerations in a finite interval of time. By the same process by which we deduced the diagram of velocities from tliat of displacements we may deduce the diagram of rates of acceleration from that of total acceleration. We have mentioned this system of diagrams in elementary kinematics because they are found to be of use especially when we have to deal with material systems containing a great number of parts, as in the kinetic theory of gases. The diagram of configuration then appeal's as a region of space swarming with points representing molecules, and the only way in which w can investigate it is by considering the number of such points in unit of volume in different parts of that region, and calling this the density of the gas. In like manner the diagram of velocities appears as a region containing (loints equal in number but distributed in a different manner, and the number • •f ]x>inta in any given portion of the region expresses the number of molecules whose velocities lie within given limits. We may speak of this as the velocity- density. Path and Hodograph. When the number of bodies in the system is not so great, we may construct diagrams each of which represents some property of the whole course tif the motion. Thus if we are considering the motion of one particle relative to another, the point on the diagram of configuration which corresponds to the moving {•article will trace out a continuous line called the path of the particle. On the diagram of velocity the point corresponding to the moving particle will trace another continuous line called the hodograph of the particle. DIAGRAMS. 653 The hodograph was invented and used with great success by Sir W. K. Hamilton as a method of studying the motions of bodies. DIAGRAMS OF STRESS. Graphical methods are peculiarly applicable to statical questions, because the state of the system is constant, so that we do not need to construct a series of diagrams corresponding to the successive states of the system. The most useful of these applications relates to the equilibrium of plane framed structures. Two diagrams are used, one called the diagram of the frame and the other called the diagram of stress, The structure itself consists of a number of separable pieces or links jointed together at their extremities. In practice these joints have friction, or may be made purposely stiff, so that the force acting at the extremity of a piece may not pass exactly through the axis of the joint ; but as it is unsafe to make the stability of the structure depend in any degree upon the stiffness of joints, we assume in our calculations that all the joints are perfectly smooth, and therefore that the force acting on the end of any link passes through the axis of the joint. The axes of the joints of the structure are represented by points in the diagram of the frame. The link which connects two joints in the actual structure may be of any shape, but in the diagram of the frame it is represented by a straight line joining the points representing the two joints. If no force acts on the link except the two forces acting through the centres of the joints, these two forces must be equal and opposite, and their direction must coincide with the straight line joining the centres of the joints. If the force acting on either extremity of the link is directed towards the other extremity, the stress on the link is called pressure and the link is called a strut. If it is directed away from the other extremity, the stress on the link is called tension and the link is called a tie. In this case, therefore, the only stress acting in a link is a pressure or a tension in the direction of the straight line which represents it in the diagram of the frame, and all that we have to do is to find the magnitude of this stress. In the actual structure, gravity acts on every part of the link, but in DIAGRAMS. the diagram we substitute for the actual weight of the different parts of the Imk. two weights which have the same resultant acting at the extremities of thf link. We mar now treat the diagram of the frame as composed of links without but loaded at each joint with a weight made up of portions of the of all the links which meet in that joint. If any link has more than two joints we may substitute for it in tlu> diagram an imaginary stiff frame, consisting of links, each of which has only two joints. The diagram of the frame is now reduced to a system of points, certain pairs of which are joined by straight lines, and each point is in general acted on by a weight or other force acting between it and some point external to the system. To complete the diagram we may represent these external forces as links, that is to say, straight lines joining the points of the frame to points external lie frame. Thus each weight may be represented by a link joining the point of application of the weight with the centre of the earth. Hut we can always construct an imaginary frame having its joints in the lines of action of these external forces, and this frame, together with the real frame and the links representing external forces, which join points in the one frame to points in the other frame, make up together a complete self-strained system in equilibrium, consisting of points connected by links acting by pressure or tension. We may in this way reduce any real structure to the case of a in of points with attractive or repulsive forces acting between certain pairs • •t' these points, and keeping them in equilibrium. The direction of each of these forces is sufficiently indicated by that of the line joining the points, so that we have only to determine its magnitude. We might do this by calculation, and then write down on each link the pressure or the tension which acts in it. We should in this way obtain a mixed diagram in which the stresses are represented graphically as regards direction and position, but symbolically as regards magnitude. But we know that a force may be represented in a purely graphical manner by a straight line in the direction of the force containing as many units of length as there are units of force in the force. The end of this line is marked with an arrow head to shew in which direction the force acts. DIAGRAMS. G55 According to this method each force is drawn in its proper position in the diagram of configuration of the frame. Such a diagram might be useful as a record of the result of calculation of the magnitude of the forces, but it would be of no use in enabling us to test the correctness of the calculation. But we have a graphical method of testing the equilibrium of any set of forces acting at a point. We draw in series a set of lines parallel and pro- portional to these forces. If these lines form a closed polygon the forces are in equilibrium. We might in this way form a series of polygons of forces, one for each joint of the frame. But in so doing we give up the principle of drawing the line representing a force from the point of application of the force, for all the sides of the polygon cannot pass through the same point, as the forces do. We also represent every stress twice over, for it appears as a side of both the polygons corresponding to the two joints between which it acts. But if we can arrange the polygons in such a way that the sides of any two polygons which represent the same stress coincide with each other, we may form a diagram in which every stress is represented in direction and magnitude, though not in position, by a single line which is the common boundary of the two polygons which represent the joints at the extremities of the corresponding piece of the frame. We have thus obtained a pure diagram of stress in which no attempt is made to represent the configuration of the material system, and in which every force is not only represented in direction and magnitude by a straight line, but the equilibrium of the forces at any joint is manifest by inspection, for we have only to examine whether the corresponding polygon is closed or not. The relations between the diagram of the frame and the diagram of stress are as follows : — To every link in the frame corresponds a straight line in the diagram of stress which represents in magnitude and direction the stress acting in that link. To every joint in the frame corresponds a closed polygon in the diagram, and the forces acting at that joint are represented by the sides of the polygon taken in a certain cyclical order. The cyclical order of the sides of the two adjacent polygons is such that their common side is traced in opposite directions in going round the two polygons. The direction in which any side of a polygon is traced is the direction of the force acting on that joint of the frame which corresponds to the polygon, and due to that link of the frame which corresponds to the side. DIAGRAMS. This determine* whether the stress of the link is a pressure or a tension. If w« know whether the stress of any one link is a pressure or a tension, this determines the cyclical order of the sides of the two polygons corresponding to the end* of the links, and therefore the cyclical order of all the polygons, and the nature of the stress in every link of the frame. Definition of Reciprocal Diagrams. When to every point of concourse of the lines in the diagram of stress corresponds a dosed polygon in the skeleton of the frame, the two diagrams are said to be reciprocal. The first extensions of the method of diagrams of forces to other cases than that of the funicular polygon were given by Rankine in his Ap^i«l Mechanics (1857). The method was independently applied to a large number rises by Mr W. P. Taylor, a practical draughtsman in the office of the well-known contractor Mr J. B. Cochrane, and by Professor Clerk Maxwell in his lectures in King's College, London. In the Phil. Mag. for 1864 the latter [x'inted out the reciprocal properties of the two diagrams, and in a paper on "Reciprocal Figures, Frames, and Diagrams of Forces," Trans. R. S. Edinburgh, Vol. xxvi. (1870), he shewed the relation of the method to Airy's function of stress and to other mathematical methods. Professor Fleeming Jenkin has given a number of applications of the method to practice (Trans. R. S. Edin., Vol. xxv.). Cremona (Le figure reciproche nella statica grafica, Milan, 1872) has deduced the construction of reciprocal figures from the theory of the two components of a wrench as developed by Mobius. Culmann, in his Graphische Statik, makes great use of diagrams of forces, some of which, however, are not reciprocal. M. Maurice Levy in his Statique Graphique (Paris, 1874) has treated the whole subject in an elementary but copious manner. Mr R. H. Bow, C.E., F.R.S.E., in his work on The Economics of Constiiiction in relation to Framed Structures, 1873, has materially simplified the process of drawing a diagram of stress reciprocal to a given frame acted on by a system • •f equilibrating external forces. Instead of lettering the joints of the frame, as is usually done, or the links of the frame, as was the writer's custom, he places a letter in each of DIAGRAMS. 657 the polygonal areas inclosed by the links of the frame, and also in each of the divisions of surrounding space as separated by the lines of action of the external forces. When one link of the frame crosses another, the point of apparent intersection of the links is treated as if it were a real joint, and the stresses of each of the intersecting links are represented twice in the diagram of stress, as the opposite sides of the parallelogram which corresponds to the point of intersection. M FIG. 1. Diagram of Configuration. F Fio. 2. Diagram of Stress. This method is followed in the lettering of the diagram of configuration (fig. 1), and the diagram of stress (fig. 2) of the linkwork which Professor Sylvester has called a quadruplane. In fig. 1 the real joints are distinguished from the places where one link appears to cross another by the little circles 0, P, Q, R, S, T, V. The four links RSTV form a " contraparallelogram " in which RS=TV and RV=ST. The triangles ROS, RPV, TQS are similar to each other. A fourth triangle (TNV), not drawn in the figure, would complete the quadruplane. The four VOL. II. 83 658 OIAURAM& points O, P, N. Q form a parallelogram whose angle POQ is constant and aqUlj to9-SOR, The product of the distances OP and OQ is constant. Th« linkwork may be fixed at O. If any figure is traced by P, Q will trace the inverse figure, but turned round O through the constant angle POQ. In the diagram forces Pp, Qq are balanced by the force Oo at the fixed point The forces Pp and Q? are necessarily inversely as OP and OQ, and make equal angles with those lines. Every closed area formed by the links or the external forces in the diagram of configuration is marked by a letter which corresponds to a point of concourse of lines in the diagram of stress. The stress in the link which is the common boundary of two areas is represented in the diagram of stress by the line joining the points corresponding to those areas. When a link is divided into two or more parts by lines crossing it, the stress in each part is represented by a different line for each part, but as the stress is the same throughout the link these lines are all equal and parallel. Thus in the figure the stress in RV is represented by the four equal and parallel lines ///, FG, DE, and AB. If two areas have no part of their boundary in common the letters cor- responding to them in the diagram of stress are not joined by a straight line. If, however, a straight line were drawn between them, it would represent in direction and magnitude the resultant of all the stresses in the links which are cut by any line, straight or curved, joining the two areas. For instance the areas F and C in fig. 1 have no common boundary, and the points F and C in fig. 2 are not joined by a straight line. But every path from the area F to the area C in fig. 1 passes through a series of other areas, and each passage from one area into a contiguous area corresponds to a line drawn in the diagram of stress. Hence the whole path from F to C in fig. 1 corresponds to a path formed of lines in fig. 2 and extending from F to C, and the resultant of all the stresses in the links cut by the path is represented by FC in fig. 2. Automatic Description of Diagrams. There are many other kinds of diagrams in which the two co-ordinates of a point in a plane are employed to indicate the simultaneous values of two related quantities. DIAGRAMS. 659 If a sheet of paper is made to move, say horizontally, with a constant known velocity, while a tracing point is made to move in a vertical straight line, the height varying as the value of any given physical quantity, the point will trace out a curve on the paper from which the value of that quantity at any given time may be determined. This principle is applied to the automatic registration of phenomena of all kinds, from those of meteorology and terrestrial magnetism to the velocity of cannon-shot, the vibrations of sounding bodies, the motions of animals, voluntary and involuntary, and the currents in electric telegraphs. Indicator-Diagram. In Watt's indicator for steam-engines the paper does not move with a constant velocity, but its displacement is proportional to that of the piston of the engine, while that of the tracing point is proportional to the pressure of the steam. Hence the co-ordinates of a point of the curve traced on the diagram represent the volume and the pressure of the steam in the cylinder. The indicator-diagram not only supplies a record of the pressure of the steam at each stage of the stroke of the engine, but indicates the work done by the steam in each stroke by the area inclosed by the curve traced on the diagram. The indicator-diagram was invented by James Watt as a method of estimating the work done by an engine. It was afterwards used by Clapeyron to illustrate the theory of heat, and this use of it was greatly developed by Kankine in his work on the steam-engine. The use of diagrams in thermodynamics has been very completely illustrated by Prof. J. Willard Gibbs (Connecticut Acad. Sci., Vol. in.), but though his methods throw much light on the general theory of diagrams as a method of study, they belong rather to thermodynamics than to the present subject. 83—2 [From Naturt, Vol. xvn.] XCI. Tail's "Thermodynamics." THIS book, aa we are told in the preface, has grown out of two articles contributed in 1864 by Prof. Tait to the North British Review. This journal, about that time, inserted a good many articles in which scientific subjects were discussed in scientific language, and in which, instead of the usual attempts to conciliate the unscientific reader by a series of relapses into irrelevant and incoherent writing, his attention was maintained by awakening a genuine interest in the subject. The attempt was so far successful that the publishers of the Review were urged by men of science, especially engineers, to reprint these essays of Prof. Tait, but the Review itself soon afterwards became extinct. Prof. Tait added to the two essays a mathematical sketch of the funda- mental principles of thermodynamics, and in this form the book was published in 1868. In the present edition, though there are many additions and improve- ments, the form of the book is essentially the same. Whether on account of these external circumstances, or from internal causes, it is impossible to compare this book either with so-called popular treatises or with those of a more technical kind. In the popular treatise, whatever shreds of the science are allowed to appear, are exhibited in an exceedingly diffuse and attenuated form, apparently with the hope that the mental faculties of the reader, though they would reject any stronger food, may insensibly become saturated with scientific phraseo- logy, provided it is diluted with a sufficient quantity of more familiar language. In this way, by simple reading, the student may become possessed of the phrases of the science without having been put to the trouble of thinking a single thought about it. The loss implied in such an acquisition can be estimated C61 only by those who have been compelled to unlearn a science that they might at length begin to learn it. The technical treatises do less harm, for no one ever reads them except under compulsion. From the establishment of the general equations to the end of the book, every page is full of symbols with indices and suffixes, so that there is not a paragraph of plain English on which the eye may rest. Prof. Tait has not adopted either of these methods. He serves up his strong meat for grown men at the beginning of the book, without thinking it necessary to employ the language either of the nursery or of the school ; while for younger students he has carefully boiled down the mathematical elements into the most concentrated form, and has placed the result at the end as a bonne bouche, so that the beginner may take it in all at once, and ruminate upon it at his leisure. A considerable part of the book is devoted to the history of thermo- dynamics, and here it is evident that with Prof. Tait the names of the founders of his science call up the ideas, not so much of the scientific documents they have left behind them in our libraries, as of the men themselves, whether he recommends them to our reverence as masters in science, or bids us beware of them as tainted with error. There is no need of a garnish of anecdotes to enliven the dryness of science, for science has enough to do to restrain the strong human nature of the author, who is at no pains to conceal his own idiosyncrasies, or to smooth down the obtrusive antinomies of a vigorous mind into the featureless consistency of a conventional philosopher. Thus, in the very first page of the book, he denounces all metaphysical methods of constructing physical science, and especially any d priori decisions as to what may have been or ought to have been. In the second page he does not indeed give us Aristotle's ten categories, but he lays down four of his own : — matter, force, position, and motion, to one of which he tells us, " it is evident that every distinct physical conception must be referred," and then before we have finished the page we are assured that heat does not belong to any of these four categories, but to a fifth, called energy. This sort of writing, however unlike what we might expect from the con- ventional man of science, is the very thing to rouse the placid reader, and startle his thinking powers into action. Prof. Tait next handles the caloric theory, but instead of merely shewing up its weak points and then dismissing it with contempt, he puts fresh life TJUT'S "THERMODYNAMICS." into it by giving (in the new edition) a characteristic extract from Dr Black's and proceeds to help the calorists out of some of their difficulties, by ikinir over to them some excellent hints of his own. H •— • — *j iiiia^»a^ ^ The hiatory of thermodynamics has an especial interest as the development of a acienee, within a short time and by a small number of men, from the condition of a vague anticipation of nature to that of a science with secure famdatiwE, clear definitions, and distinct boundaries. The earlier part of the history has already provoked a sufficient amount of dincuauon. We shall therefore confine our remarks to the methods employed for the advancement of the science by the three men who brought the theory to maturity. Of the three founders of theoretical thermodynamics, Rankine availed him- •elf to the greatest extent of the scientific use of the imagination. His imagination, however, though amply luxuriant, was strictly scientific. Whatever he imagined about molecular vortices, with their nuclei and atmospheres, was M> clearly imaged in his mind's eye, that he, as a practical engineer, could see how it would work. However intricate, therefore, the machinery might be which he imagined to exist in the minute parts of bodies, there was no danger of his going on to explain natural phenomena by any mode of action of this machinery which was not consistent with the general laws of mechanism. Hence, though the construction and distribution of his vortices may seem to us as complicated and arbitrary as the Cartesian system, his final deductions are simple, necessary, and consistent with facts. Certain phenomena were to be explained. Rankine set himself to imagine the mechanism by which they might be produced. Being an accomplished engineer, he succeeded in specifying a particular arrangement of mechanism competent to do the work, and also in predicting other properties of the mechanism which were afterwards found to be consistent with observed facts. As long as the training of the naturalist enables him to trace the action only of particular material systems without giving him the power of dealing with the general properties of all such systems, he must proceed by the method so often described in histories of science — he must imagine model after model of hypothetical apparatus till he finds one which will do the required work. If this apparatus should afterwards be found capable of accounting for many of the known phenomena, and not demonstrably inconsistent with any of them, TAITS "THERMODYNAMICS. 663 he is strongly tempted to conclude that his hypothesis is a fact, at least until an equally good rival hypothesis has been invented. Thus Rankine*, long after an explanation of the properties of gases had been founded on the theory of the collisions of molecules, published what he supposed to be a proof that the phenomena of heat were invariably due to steady closed streams of continuous fluid matter. The scientific career of Rankine was marked by the gradual development of a singular power of bringing the most difficult investigations within the range of elementary methods. In his earlier papers, indeed, he appears as if battling with chaos, as he swims, or sinks, or wades, or creeps, or flies, " And through the palpable obscure finds out His uncouth way ;" but he soon begins to pave a broad and beaten way over the dark abyss, and his latest writings shew such a power of bridging over the difficulties of science, that his premature death must have been almost as great a loss to the diffusion of science as it was to its advancement. The chapter on thermodynamics in his book on the steam-engine was the first published treatise on the subject, and is the only expression of his views addressed directly to students. In this book he has disencumbered himself to a great extent of the hypothesis of molecular vortices, and builds principally on observed facts, though he, in common with Clausius, makes several assumptions, some expressed as axioms, others implied in definitions, which seem to us anything but self-evident. As an example of Rankine's best style we may take the following definition :— " A PERFECT GAS is a substance in such a condition that the total pressure exerted by any number of portions of it, at a given temperature, against the sides of a vessel in which they are enclosed, is the sum of the pressures which each portion would exert if enclosed in the vessel separately at the same temperature." Here we can form a distinct conception of every clause of the definition, but when we come to Rankine's Second Law of Thermodynamics we find that though, as to literary form, it seems cast in the same mould, its actual meaning is inscrutable. « "On the Second Law of Thermodynamics," Phil. Mag. Oct. 1865, § 12, p. 244; but in his paper on the Thermal Energy of Molecular Vortices, Trans. E.S. Edin. xxv. p. 657 [1869], he admits that the explanation of gaseous pressure by the impacts of molecules has been proved to be possible. TAIT'8 " THERMODYNAMICS." *f n»rmadynamit». — If the total actual heat of a homogeneous and uniformly 1x4 mUUBM Iw aoactit^J *o b« divided into any number of equal parts, the effects of those iwru in caving work to be performed are equal." We find it difficult enough, even in 1878, to attach any distinct meaning to the total actual heat of a body, and still more to conceive this heat divided into equal parts, and to study the action of each of these parts ; but •a if our powers of deglutition were not yet sufficiently strained, Hankino follows this up with another statement of the same law, in which we have to assert «>ur intuitive belief that — ••If the absolute temperature of any uniformly hot substance be divided into any number of +^1 part*, the effect* of those parts in causing work to be performed are equal." The student who thinks that he can form any idea of the meaning of this sentence is quite capable of explaining on thermodynamical principles what Mr Tennyson says of the great Duke : — "Whose eighty winters freeze with one rebuke All great self-seekers trampling on the right" Prof. Clausius does not ask us to believe quite so much about the heat in hot bodies. In his first memoir, indeed, he boldly dismisses one supposed variety of heat from the science. Latent heat, he tells us, "is not only, as its name imports, hidden from our perceptions, but has actually no existence;" " it has been converted into work." But though Clausius thus gets rid of all the heat which, after entering a body, is expended in doing work, either exterior or interior, he allows a certain quantity to remain in the body as heat, and this remnant of what should have been utterly destroyed lives on in a sort of smouldering existence, breaking out now and then with just enough vigour to mar the scientific coherence of what might have been a well compacted system of thermodynamics. Prof. Tait tells us :— "The source of all this sort of speculation, which is as old as the time of Crawford and Irvine — and which was countenanced to a certain extent even by Rankine — is the assumption that bodies must contain a certain quantity of actual, or thermometric, heat. We are quite ignorant of the condition of energy in bodies generally. We know how much goes in, and how much comes out, and we know whether at entrance or exit it is in the form of heat or of work. But that u all." If we define thermodynamics, as I think we may now do, as the investi- gation of the dynamical and thermal properties of bodies, deduced entirely TAITS "THERMODYNAMICS." 665 from what are called the First and Second laws of Thermodynamics, without anJ hypotheses as to the molecular constitution of bodies, all speculations as to how much of the energy in a body is in the form of heat are quite out of place. Prof. Tait, however, does not seem to have noticed that Prof. Clausius, in a footnote to his sixth memoir *, tells us what he means by the heat in a body. In the middle of a sentence we read : — " the heat actually present in a unit weight of the substance in question — in other words, the vis viva of its molecular motions" Thvis the doctrine that heat consists of the vis viva of molecular motions, and that it does not include the potential energy of molecular configuration — the most important doctrine, if true, in molecular science — is introduced in a footnote under cover of the unpretending German abbreviation "d.h." Prof. Clausius is himself the principal founder of the kinetic theory of gases. The theory of the exchanges of the energy of collections of molecules was afterwards developed by Boltzmann to a much greater extent than had been done by Clausius, and it appears from his investigations that whether we suppose the molecules to be acted on by forces towards fixed centres or not, the condition of equilibrium of exchange of energy, or in other words the condition of equality of temperature of two bodies, is that the average kinetic energy of translation of a single molecule is the same in both bodies. We may therefore define the temperature of a body as the average kinetic energy of translation of one of its molecules multiplied into a constant which is the same for all bodies. If we also define the total heat of the body as the sum of the whole kinetic energy of its molecules, then the total heat must be equal to the temperature multiplied into the number of molecules, and by the ratio of the whole kinetic energy to the energy of translation, and divided by the above constant. The kinetic theory of gases has therefore a great deal to say about what Rankine and Clausius call the actual heat of a body, and if we suppose that molecules never coalesce or split up, but remain constant in number, then we may also assert, all experiments notwithstanding, that the real capacity for heat (as defined by Clausius) is constant for the same substance in all conditions. * Hirst's translation, p. 230, German edition, 1864, p. 258, "wirklich vorhandene Warme, d.h. die lebendige Kraft seiner Molecularbewegungen." VOL. IL 84 " THKBMODVNAMIC8. lUnkine, indeed, probably biassed by the results of experiments, allowed that real specific heat of a substance might be different in different states of Mtpth". kut Clausius has clearly shewn that this admission is illogical, n.i tl»t if we admit any such changes, we had better give up real specific heat altogether. Statements of this kind have their legitimate place in molecular science, where it is essential to specify the dynamical condition of the system, and to distinguish the kinetic energy of the molecules from the potential energy of their configuration; but they have no place in thermodynamics proper, in which we deal only with sensible masses and their sensible motions. Both Rankine and Clausius have pointed out the importance of a certain function, the increase or diminution of which indicates whether heat is entering or leaving the body. Rankine calls it the thermodynamic function, and Clausius the entropy. Clausius, however, besides inventing the most convenient name for this function, has made the most valuable developments of the idea of entropy, and in particular has established the most important theorem in the whole science, — that when heat passes from one body to another at a lower temperature, there is always an increase of the sum of the entropy of the two bodies, from which it follows that the entropy of the universe must always be increasing. He has also shewn that if the energy of a body is expressed as a function of the volume and the entropy, then its pressure (with sign reversed) and its temperature are the differential coefficients of the energy with respect to the volume and the entropy respectively, thus indicating the symmetrical relations of the five principal quantities in thermodynamics. But Clausius, having begun by breaking up the energy of the body into its thermal and ergonal content, has gone on to break up its entropy into the transformational value of its thermal content and the disgregation. Thus both the energy and the entropy, two quantities capable of direct measurement, are broken up into four quantities, all of them quite beyond the reach of experiment, and all this is owing to the actual heat which Clausius, after getting rid of the latent heat, suffered to remain in the body. Sir William Thomson, the last but not the least of the three great founders, does not even consecrate a symbol to denote the entropy, but he was the first to clearly define the intrinsic energy of a body, and to him alone are due the ideas and the definitions of the available energy and the dissipation of TAIT'S " THERMODYNAMICS." 667 energy. He has always been most careful to point out the exact extent of the assumptions and experimental observations on which each of his statements is based, and he avoids the introduction of quantities which are not capable of experimental measurement. It is therefore greatly to be regretted that his memoirs on the dynamical theory of heat have not been collected and reprinted in an accessible form, and completed by a formal treatise, in which his method of building up the science should be exhibited in the light of his present knowledge. The touchstone of a treatise on thermodynamics is what is called the second law. Rankine, as we have seen, founds it on statements which may or may not be true, but which cannot be considered as established in the present state of science. The second law is introduced by Clausius and Thomson as an axiom on which to found Carnot's theorem that the efficiency of a reversible engine is at least as great as that of any other engine working between the same limits of temperature. If an engine of greater efficiency exists, then, by coupling this engine with Carnot's engine reversed, it is possible to restore to the hot body as much heat as is taken from it, and at the same tune to do a certain amount of work. If with Carnot we suppose heat to be a substance, then this work would be performed in direct violation of the first law — the principle of the conser- vation of energy. But if we regard heat as a form of energy, we cannot apply this method of reductio ad absurdum, for the work may. be derived from the heat taken from the colder body. Clausius supposes all the work gained by the first engine to be expended in driving the second. There is then no loss or gain of heat on the whole, but heat is taken from the cold body, and an equal quantity communicated to the hot body, and this process might be carried on to an indefinite extent. In order to assert the impossibility of such a process in a form of words having sufficient verisimilitude to be received as an axiom, Clausius, in his first memoir, simply says that this process "contradicts the general deportment of heat, which everywhere exhibits the tendency to equalize differences of temperature, and therefore to pass from the warmer to the colder body *." * Und das widerspricht dem sonstigen Verhalten der Warme, indem sie uberall das Bestreben zeigt, vorkommende Temperaturdifferensen auszugleichen und also aus den warmeren Korpern in die kalteren uberzugehen. 84—2 TAIT'S " THEHMODYXAMIC8. ' In iU obvious and «triot sense no axiom can be more irrefragable. Even in the hypothetical process, the impossibility of which it was intended to avert, erery communication of heat is from a warmer to a colder body. When the beat is taken from the cold body it flows into the working substance which is at that time still colder. The working substance afterwards becomes hot, not by communication of heat to it, but by change of volume, and when it communicates heat to the hot body it is itself still hotter. It is therefore hardly correct to assert that heat has been transmitted or transferred from the colder to the hotter body. There is undoubtedly a transfer of energy, but in what form this energy existed during its middle passage is a question for molecular science, not for pure thermodynamics. In a note added in 1864 Clausius states the principle in a modified form, " that heat cannot of itself pass from a colder to a warmer body " * and finally, in the new edition of his Tlieory of Heat (1876) he substitutes for the words "of itself" the expression "without compensation f." With respect to the first of these emendations we must remember that the words "of itself" are not intended to exclude the intervention of any kind of self-acting machinery, and it is easy, by means of an engine which takes in heat from a body at 200* C., and gives it out at 100° to drive a freezing machine so as to take heat from water at 0°, and so freeze it, and also a friction break so as to generate heat in a body at 500°. It would therefore be necessary to exclude all bodies except the hot body, the cold body, and the working substance, in order to exclude exceptions to the principle. By the introduction of the second expression, " without compensation," com- bined with a full interpretation of this phrase, the statement of the principle becomes complete and exact ; but in order to understand it we must have a previous knowledge of the theory of transformation-equivalents, or in other words of entropy, and it is to be feared that we shall have to be taught thermodynamics for several generations before we can expect beginners to receive as axiomatic the theory of entropy. Thomson, in his "Third Paper on the Dynamical Theory of Heat" (Trcuis. R. S. Edin. xx. p. 265, read March 17, 1851), has stated the axiom as follows : — 1 DIM die Warrae nicht von selbst aus einem kalteren in einem warmeren Korper tiber- gehen bum. \ Ein Warmedbergang aus einem kalteren in einem warmeren Korper kann nicht ohne Com- penmtion Suit finden. TAITS "THERMODYNAMICS. 669 " It is impossible, by means of inanimate material agency, to derive mechanical effect from any portion of matter by cooling it below the temperature of the coldest of surrounding objects." Without some further restriction this axiom cannot be considered as true, for by allowing air to expand we may derive mechanical effect from it by cooling it below the temperature of the coldest of surrounding objects. If we make it a condition that the material agency is to be left in the same state at the end of the process as it was at first, and also that the mechanical effect is not to be derived from the pressure of the hot or of the cold body, the axiom will be rendered strictly true, but this brings us back to a simple re-assertion of Carnot's principle, except that it is extended from heat engines to all other kinds of inanimate material agency. It is probably impossible to reduce the second law of thermodynamics to a form as axiomatic as that of the first law, for we have reason to believe that though true, its truth is not of the same order as that of the first law. The first law is an extension to the theory of heat of the principle of conservation of energy, which can be proved mathematically true if real bodies consist of matter "as per definition," acted on by forces having potentials. The second law relates to that kind of communication of energy which we call the transfer of heat as distinguished from another kind of communication of energy which we call work. According to the molecular theory the only difference between these two kinds of communication of energy is that the motions and displacements which are concerned in the communication of heat are those of molecules, and are so numerous, so small individually, and so irregular in their distribution, that they quite escape all our methods of obser- vation ; whereas when the motions and displacements are those of visible bodies consisting of great numbers of molecules moving altogether, the communication of energy is called work. Hence we have only to suppose our senses sharpened to such a degree that we could trace the motions of molecules as easily as we now trace those of large bodies, and the distinction between work and heat would vanish, for the communication of heat would be seen to be a communication of energy of the same kind as that which we call work. The second law must either be founded on our actual experience in dealing with real bodies of sensible magnitude, or else deduced from the molecular theory of these bodies, on the hypothesis that the behaviour of bodies consisting of millions of molecules may be deduced from the theory of the encounters of TAIT'i " THBK1IODYNAMIC8." •„ ^ mfrh^u,, by supposing the relative frequency of different kinds of enotmntan to be distributed according to the laws of probability. The troth of the second law is therefore a statistical, not a mathematical, troth, for it depends on the feet that the bodies we deal with consist of million* of molecules, and that we never can get hold of single molecules. Sir Will**1" Thomson* has shewn how to calculate the probability of the ooourreace within a given time of a given amount of deviation from the most probable distribution of a finite number of molecules of two different kinds in a vessel, and has given a numerical example of a particular case of the diffusion of gases. The same method might be extended to the diffusion of heat by conduction, and the diffusion of motion by internal friction, which are also processes by which energy is dissipated in consequence of the motions and encounters of the molecules of the system. The tendency of these motions and encounters is in general towards a definite state, in which there is an equilibrium of exchanges of the molecules and their momenta and energies between the different parts of the system. If we restrict our attention to any one molecule of the system, we shall find its motion changing at every encounter in a most irregular manner. If we go on to consider a finite number of molecules, even if the system to which they belong contains an infinite number, the average properties of this group, though subject to smaller variations than those of a single molecule, are rtill every now and then deviating very considerably from the theoretical mean of the whole system, because the molecules which form the group do not submit their procedure as individuals to the laws which prescribe the behaviour of the average or mean molecule. Hence the second law of thermodynamics is continually being violated, and that to a considerable extent, in any sufficiently small group of molecules belonging to a real body. As the number of molecules in the group is increased, the deviations from the mean of the whole become smaller and less frequent; and when the number is increased till the group includes a sensible portion of the body, the probability of a measurable variation from the mean occurring in a finite number of years becomes so small that it may be regarded as practically an impossibility. • "On the Kinetic Theory of the Dissipation of Energy," Proe. K.S. Edin., February 16, 1874, Vol. via p. 323, ako iu Tafcwe, Vol. UL p. 441. TAITS "THERMODYNAMICS. 671 This calculation belongs of course to molecular theory and not to pure thermodynamics, but it shews that we have reason for believing the truth of the second law to be of the nature of a strong probability, which, though it falls short of certainty by less than any assignable quantity, is not an absolute certainty. Several attempts have been made to deduce the second law from purely dynamical principles, such as Hamilton's principle, and without the introduction of any element of probability. If we are right in what has been said above, no deduction of this kind, however apparently satisfactory, can be a sufficient explanation of the second law. Indeed some of them have already indicated their unsoundness by leading to determinations of physical quantities which have no existence, such as the periodic time of the alternations of the volume of particular gases'". * Szily, Phil. Mag., October, 1876 ; Clausius, Pogg. Ann. CXLII. p. 433 ; Fogg. Ann. CXLVI. p. 585, May, 1872; J. J. Miiller, Pogg. Ann. CLII. p. 105. [From tb« Proc*di*gt of tht London Mathematical Society, Vol. ix.] X«'II On the Electrical Capacity of a long narrow Cylinder, and of a Disk of sensible Thickness. THK distribution of electricity in equilibrium on a straight line without breadth is a uniform one. We may expect, therefore, that the distribution on * cylinder will approximate to uniformity as the radius of the cylinder diminishes. Let 2/ be the length of the cylinder, and 6 its radius. Let x be measured along the axis from the middle point of the axis, and let y be the distance of any point from the axis. Let X be the linear density on the curved surface of the cylinder ; that is, let Xrfor be the charge on the annular element dx. Let . For a long narrow cylinder, I To obtain a closer approximation, let us suppose the distribution to be of any form, and to be expressed in the form of a series of harmonics. The potential due to any such distribution at a given point may be expressed in terms of spherical harmonics of the second kind. See '•ical Harmonics, Chap. v. AND OF A DISK OF SENSIBLE THICKNESS. 675 If we write «4^' H^P' where r, and r2 are the distances of a given point from the ends of the line, and if the linear density is expressed by ,, , w where P< is the zonal harmonic of degree i, then the potential at the given point (a, ft) is V = £4<&(«)pi08), where Qt is the zonal harmonic of the second kind, and is of the form where -R.-(a) is a rational function of a of (* — 1) degrees, and is such that Q{ (a.) vanishes when a is infinite, thus : 5.7 3.5 t , 3\, a+1 5.7 , 5.11 «4 «2 J \ \f\rf ._ fi~ _L /I -1 4 12 At a point at a very small distance & from the line, if we write _L = log — — j +log— — ^ , the potential due to the distribution whose linear density is is approximately * I 2.3.3 85—2 KUKTMCAL CAPACITY OF A LONG NARROW CYLINDER, if . A.-A, Sat 3 then approximately ^.7f 3.5? 3W 25 A If we write | for kg ±5, or approxi.ately S=log£ we find, to the same degree of approximation, J AND OF A DISK OF SENSIBLE THICKNESS. 677 Determining At so as to make I (X0 + Xj (^0 + ^2) dg a minimum, and re- membering that E = ZlA- -- 30 /\ 1260/ 196 , A -A 9 21° ^,-^o / 101W 6989X 45' \ " 30/V 1260/ 196 and 01 A_J ? V 210/ 36«_101 400 / 101\r/o IglWo 6989\ 451 ^- «/x I * f\f\ I I * AA I t ' io/»r\/ in/?l _ 30 \ 30 /\ 30 A 1260/ 196J ST8 McnucAL OAPAcmr or A LONG NARROW CYLINDER, When « b T«iy great, the distribution of electricity is expressed by the X-/ which »hew« that, as the ratio of the length to the diameter increases, the deMtty become* more nearly uniform, and the deviation from uniformity becomes more confined to the parts near the ends of the cylinder. To indicate the character of the approximation, I have calculated ? and the three terms of the denominator of A'4 for different values of the ratio of /.. When this ratio is less than 100, the third term is unavailable. 9 lit term. 2nd term. 3rd term. 10 3-68888 . 2-68888-0-43151 20 4-38203.3-38203-0-13680 30 478749 . 378749 - 0'09775 50 5-29832 . 4'29832-0'07191 100 5-99146. 4-99146-0-05291-0-13566 1000 8-29405 . 7'29405-0-02818-0'00892. Examples of the application of the method to the calculation of the capacities of a cylinder in presence of a plane conducting surface, and in presence of another equal cylinder, will be given in the notes to the forth- coming edition of Cavendish's Electrical Researclies, as illustrations of measure- ments made by Cavendish in 1771. Electric Capacity of a Disk of sensible Thickness. We may apply the same method to determine the capacity of a disk of radius a and thickness b, b being very small compared with a. We may begin by supposing that the density on the flat surfaces is the name as when the disk is infinitely thin. Let a and ft be the elliptic co-ordinates of a given point with respect to the lower disk, or in other words let the greatest and least distances of the point from the edge of the disk be a (a +£) and a(a-yS). AND OF A DISK OF SENSIBLE THICKNESS. G79 The distance of the given point from the axis is r = aap (l), and its distance from the plane of the lower disk is z = a(a2-l)i(l-^)> (2). If we write ajp2 = a2 — r2 (3); then, if A2 is the charge of the upper disk, distributed as when undisturbed by the lower disk, the density at any point is A, cr = .(4). If At is the charge of the lower disk, also undisturbed, the potential at the given point due to it is \l> = A1a~1 cosec"1 a .............................. (5), or, if we write a2 = y2+l .................................... (6), ........................... (7). We have next to find the relation between p and y when the given point is in the upper disk, and therefore z = b. Equation (2) becomes b" = ay (1 -/32) ................................. (8), and p=l-a*p ....................................... (9), Since the given point is on the upper disk, and since & is small, p must be between 1 and 0, and y between- and (-) ; and between those limits we Cb \ / may write, as a sufficient approximation for our purpose, We have now to find the value of the surface integral of the product of the density into the potential taken over the upper disk, or { J (12). AL CAPACITY OF A U>NO NARROW CYLINDER, &C. Substituting the value of UnMy from (11), the integral in (12) becomes The corresponding quantity for the action of the upper disk on itself is got by putting A^A, and 6 = 0, and is In the actual case, A, = At-\Et when E is the whole charge; and the lower limit of the capacity is therefore but since we have assumed that b is very small compared with a, we may express our result with sufficient accuracy in the form or, the capacity of two equal disks is equal to that of a single disk whose circumference exceeds that of either disk by b log y . If the space between the disks is filled up, so as to form a single disk uf sensible thickness, there will be a certain charge on the cylindric surface; but, at the same time, the charge on the inner sides of the disks will vanish, and that on the outer sides of the disks will be diminished, so that the capacity of a disk of sensible thickness is very little greater than that given by (16). [From the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, Part I. 1879.] XCIII. On Stresses in Rarified Gases arising from Inequalities of Temperature. 1. IN this paper I have followed the method given in my paper " On the Dynamical Theory of Gases" (Phil. Trans., 1867, p. 49). I have shewn that when inequalities of temperature exist in a gas, the pressure at a given point is not the same in all directions, and that the difference between the maximum and the minimum pressure at a point may be of considerable magnitude when the density of the gas is small enough, and when the inequalities of temperature are produced by small* solid bodies at a higher or lower temperature than the vessel containing the gas. 2. The nature of this stress may be thus defined : — Let the distance from a given point, measured in a given direction, be denoted by h ; then the space- * The dimensions of the bodies must be of the same order of magnitude as a certain length X, which may be defined as the distance travelled by a molecule with its mean velocity during the time of relaxation of the medium. The time of relaxation is the time in which inequalities of stress would disappear if the rate at which they diminish were to continue constant. Hence \*7>/ P On the hypothesis that the encounters between the molecules resemble those between " rigid elastic" spheres, the free path of a molecule between two successive encounters has a definite meaning, and if I is its mean value, ; 3 /7r\i Sir ,ft f=oMo — ) = -Q-A=lll8A. 2 r \2ppJ So that the mean path of a molecule may be taken as representing what we mean by "small". If the force between the molecules is supposed to be a continuous function of the distance, the free path of a molecule has no longer a definite meaning, and we must fall back on the quantity X, as defined above. VOL. II. 86 8TR080 IN RAIUFIEO GASES - variation of the temperature for a point moving along this line will be denoted U ?, and the ipeia whtinn of this quantity along the same line by There will in general, be a particular direction of the line h for which u a maximum, another for which it is a minimum, and a third for which it is a maximum-minimunx These three directions are at right angles to each other, and are the axes of principal stress at the given point; and the part of the •trees arising from inequalities of temperature is, in each of these principal axes, tl* (fv pO the g*« to slide must be to diminish the action of all tangential stresses oa the surface, without affecting the normal stresses, and in course of time to wt up current* MMpi* «wr the surfaces of solid bodies, thus completely r vibration in the individual molecules, then the kinetic energy of the centres of "H"P« of the two molecules must be the same after the encounter as it was before. This will be true on the average, even if the molecules are complex systems capable of rotation and internal vibration, provided the temperature is constant. If, however, the temperature is rising, the internal energy of the molecules is, on the whole, increasing, and therefore the energy of translation • it" their centres of mass must be, on an average, diminishing at every encounter. The reverse will be the case if the temperature is falling. But however important this consideration may be in the theory of specific heat and that of the conduction of heat, it has only a secondary bearing on the question of the stresses in the medium ; and as it would introduce great complexity and much guesswork into our calculations, I shall suppose that the jzas here considered is one the molecules of which do not take up any sensible amount of energy in the form of internal motion. Kundt and Warburg* have shewn that this is the case with mercury gas. * Pogg. Ann., clvii. 1876, p. 353. ARISING FEOM INEQUALITIES OF TEMPERATURE. 687 Let the masses of the molecule be Ml and M3, and their velocity- components £, fy, £u and £,, -r),, 4 respectively. Let V be the velocity of Mt relative to Mr Before the encounter let a straight line be drawn through M1 parallel to V, and let a perpendicular 6 be drawn from J/a to this line. The magnitude and direction of b and V will be constant as long as the motion is undisturbed. During the encounter the two molecules act on each other. If the force acts in the line joining their centres of mass, the product bV will remain constant, and if the force is a function of the distance, V and therefore b will be of the same magnitude after the encounter as before it, but their directions will be turned in the plane of V and b through an angle 20, this angle being a function of b and V, which vanishes for values of b greater than the limit of molecular action. Let the plane through V and b make an angle with the plane through V parallel to x, then all values of (j> are equally probable. If £,' be the value of £, after the encounter, M When the two molecules are of the same kind, ,, V> = \, and in the present investigation of a single gas we shall assume this to be the case. If we use the symbol 8 to indicate the increment of any quantity due to an encounter, and if we remember that all values- of are equally probable, so that the average value of cos and of cos3 $ is zero, and that of cos5 (f> is £, we find §(£+£) =o ................. . ......................... .................. (2) (3) ............. (4). From these by transformation of coordinates we find l)sm'eB>0- ......................... (5) - 3 (£tf + £tf) 7^ +F*)] sin' 0 cos' 0 ............... (6) 3 (M + &7,t) = - i [9 (M + &?,Q - 3(frfc& + M + f fl£ + &7,& £.)] an1 6 cos2 0 ...... ...(7). IS RAIUFIED OASES [Application °f Spherical Harmonics to the Theory of Gases. If we suppose the direction of the velocity of M, relative to Mt to be d by the position of a point P on a sphere, which we may call the of reference, then the direction of the relative velocity after the encounter will be indicated by a point /x, the angular distance PP being 20, so that the point I" lie* in a small circle, every position in which is equally probable. We hare to calculate the effect of an encounter upon certain functions of the six velocity-components of the two molecules. These six quantities may be expressed in terms of the three velocity-components of the centre of mass of the two molecules (say v, v, w), the relative velocity of Jf, with respect to J/, which we call V, and the two angular coordinates which indicate the direction of V. During the encounter, the quantities u, v, w and V remain the Mine, but the angular coordinates are altered from those of P to those of P on the sphere of reference. Whatever be the form of the function of £„ 17, , £,, &, rj,, £,, we may consider it expressed in the form of a series of spherical harmonics of the angular coordinates, their coefficients being functions of u, v, w, V, and we have only to determine the effect of the encounter upon the value of the spherical harmonics, for their coefficients are not changed. Let }'<-) be the value at P of the surface harmonic of order n in the series considered. After the encounter, the corresponding term becomes what I^"' becomes at the point P, and since all positions of P in a circle whose centre is P are equally probable, the mean value of the function after the encounter must depend on the mean value of the spherical harmonic in this circle. Now the mean value of a spherical harmonic of order n in a circle, the cosine of whose radius is ft, is equal to the value of the harmonic at the pole of the circle multiplied by P"> (p.), the zonal harmonic of order n, and amplitude p.. Hence, after the encounter, 7<" becomes P»>P<"> (^), and if Fn is the corresponding part of the function to be considered, and SFn the increment of Fm arising from the encounter, oFu = Fn(PM (/i)-l). This is the mean increment of Fn arising from an encounter in which cos 2$ = /t. The rate of increment is to be found from this by multiplying it ARISING FROM INEQUALITIES OF TEMPERATURE. 689 by the number of encounters of each molecule per second in which p. lies between p, and p. + dp., and integrating for all values of p. from — 1 to + 1 . This operation requires, in general, a knowledge of the law of force be- tween the molecules, and also a knowledge of the distribution of velocity among the molecules. When, as in the present investigation, we suppose both the molecules to be of the same kind, and take both molecules into account in the final summation, the spherical harmonics of odd orders will disappear, so that if we restrict our calculations to functions of not more than three dimensions, the effect of the encounters will depend on harmonics of the second order only, in which case I*®(p.)- I =f (/t2- 1) = -f sin220.— Note added May, 1879.] (2) Number of Encounters in Unit of Time. We now abandon the dynamical method and adopt the statistical method. Instead of tracing the path of a single molecule and determining the effects of each encounter on its velocity-components and their combinations, we fix our attention on a particular element of volume, and trace the changes in the average values of such combinations of components for all the molecules which at a given instant happen to be within it. The problem which now presents itself may be stated thus : to determine the distribution of velocities among the molecules of any element of the medium, the current-velocity and the temperature of the medium being given in terms of the coordinates and the time. The only case in which this problem has been actually solved is that in which the medium has attained to its ultimate state, in which the temperature is uniform and there are no currents. Denoting by dN =/, (£ r), £ x, y, z, t) d£di)dt,dxdydz the number of molecules of the kind Ml which at a given instant are within the element of volume dxdydz, and whose velocity-components lie between the limits g±$d£, "n±:kd'n> £±^£> Boltzmann has shewn that the function / must satisfy the equation 0 ............ (8) VOL. II. 87 IN RARIFIED OASES f f, K denote what / becomes when in place of the velocity-com- gf jf before the encounter we put those of M, before the encounter, nd those of Jf, and M, after the encounter, respectively, and the integration M fflrtflmfrH to all values of 4> and b and of £, 17,, £,, the velocity-com- ponents of the second molecule J/,. It M impossible, in general, to perform this integration without a know- ledge, not only of the law of force between the molecules, but of the form of the functions /, /„ /T, /.'. which have themselves to be found by means of the equation. It is only for particular cases, therefore, that the equation has hitherto been solved. If the medium is surrounded by a surface through which no communica- tion of energy can take place, then one solution of the equation is given by the conditions y dz which (rive ftmAfr****»*«* (9) where ^, is the potential of the force whose components are Xlt Ylt Z1} and At is a constant which may be different for each kind of molecules in the medium,, but h is the same for all kinds of molecules. This is the complete solution of this problem, and is independent of any hypothesis as to the manner in which the molecules act on each other during an encounter. The quantity h which occurs in this expression may be deter- mined by finding the mean value of f , which is _, . Now in the kinetic theory of gases, Pe=p = RP8 (10) where p is the pressure, /> the density, 6 the absolute temperature, and R a constant for a given gas. Hence <»)• ARISING FROM INEQUALITIES OF TEMPERATURE. 691 We shall suppose, however, with Boltzmann, that in a medium in which there are inequalities of temperature and of velocity where F is a rational function of £ 77, £, which we shall suppose not to contain terms of more than three dimensions, and /„ is the same function as in equation (9). Now consider two groups of molecules, each defined by the velocity- components, and let the two groups be distinguished by the suffixes (,) and (,). We have to estimate the number of encounters of a given kind between these two groups in a unit of volume in the time St, those encounters only being considered for which the limits of b and <£ are b±^db and (j>±^d in the time St. The number of such molecules is d^Vbdbd^St for every molecule of the second group, BO that the whole number of pairs which pass each other within the given limits is and if we take the time St small enough, this will be the number of encounters of the real molecules in the time St. (3) Effect of the Encounters. We have next to estimate the effect of these encounters on the average values of different functions of the velocity-components. The effect of an indi- vidual encounter on these functions for the pair of molecules concerned is given in equations (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), each of which is of the form SP = Q sin*0 cos5 6 (13) where P and Q are functions of the velocity-components of the two molecules, 87—2 IN RARIFIED OASES and if we writ* /* for the average value of P for the N molecules in unit of volume, then Uking the sum of the eflecte of the encounters— (14). Wa thn* find -(is). Now, «noe 6 i« a function of 6 and V, the definite integral B ........................ (16) will be a function of V only. If the molecules are " rigid-elastic " spheres of diameter s, (17). If they repel each other with a force inversely as the fifth power of the distance, so that at a distance r the force is *cr'§, then I. (18) where At is the numerical quantity T3682. In this case B is independent of V. The experiments of O. E. Meyer*, Kundt and Warburg t, PulujJ, Von Obermayer§, Eilhard Wiedemann|[, and HolmanI, shew that the viscosity of air varies according to a lower power of the absolute temperature than the first, probably the 077 power. If the viscosity had varied as the first power of the 'absolute temperature, B would have been independent of V. Though this is not the case, we shall assume, for the sake of being able to effect the integrations, that B is independent of F. We shall find it convenient to write for B, where p is the hydrostatic pressure, N the number of molecules in unit of • Pogg. Ann., 1873, Bd. 148, p. 222. t Ibid. 1876, Bd. 159, p. 403. : Witner Sift., 1874 and 1876. § Ibid. 1875. | Ank. det Sei Phyt. at Nat., 1876, t. 56, p. 273. ^ American Academy of Arto and Science*, June 14, 1876. Phil. May., a. 5, vol. 3, No. K>, F«h., 1877. ARISING FROM INEQUALITIES OF TEMPERATURE. 693 volume, and p a new coefficient which we shall afterwards find to be the coefficient of viscosity. Equation (15) may now be written (20) where the integrations are all between the limits — oo and + , and ft and /, are of the form ...................... (21) (£> V' £) being small compared with unity. We may write F in the form F= (2A)» (o (22) where each combination of the symbols afty is to be taken as a single in- dependent symbol, and not as a product of the component symbols. (4) Mean Values of Combinations of £ 77, £. To find the mean value of any function of f, 77, £ for all the molecules in the element, we must multiply this function by f, and integrate with respect to f, r), and £. If the non-exponential factor of any term contains an odd power of any of the variables, the corresponding part of the integral will vanish, but if 'it contains only even powers, each even power, such as In, will introduce a into the corresponding part of the integral. First, let the function be 1, then 1 = Ifl&ndt (23) IN UAKIFIED GASES .(24) which giro the condition a«4.0« + y» = 0 (25). Let m n«t find the mean value of ( in the same way, denoting the result by the symbol £ Since in what follows we shall denote the velocity-components of each molecule by v + f, v+q, to+{, where u, v, w are the velocity-components of the centre of mass of all the molecules within the element, it follows that the values of £ 17, C are each of them zero. We thus obtain the equations .(27). Remembering these conditions, we find that the mean values of combina- tions of two, three, and four dimensions are of the forms = 7?0(l + a')l .(28) .(29) 2a') .(30). (5) Rates of Decay of these Mean Values. If any term of Q in equation (20) contains symbols belonging to one group alone of the molecules, the corresponding term of the integral may be f«-und from the above table, but if it contains symbols belonging to both ARISING FROM INEQUALITIES OF TEMPERATURE. 695 groups we must consider the sextuple integral (20). But we shall not find it necessary to do this for terms of not more than three dimensions, for in these, if both groups of symbols occur, the index of one of them must be odd, and the integral vanishes. We thus find from equations (3), (4), (5), (6), and (7) St St S Ip , 5-. « =•= - ( - 2a" + a/?- + ay") (33) ot 2 a St 6 it 8 St^r- ~2^r (35>- [Any rational homogeneous function of £ 77 £ is either a solid harmonic, or a solid harmonic multiplied by a positive integral power of (f + ^ + C2), or may be expressed as the sum of a number of terms of these forms. If we express any one of these terms as a function of u, v, iv, V and the angular coordinates of V, we can determine the rate of change of each of the spherical harmonics of the angular coordinates. If we then transform the expression back to its original form as a function of f» ~n\, £i> £> *?2> 4. and if we add the corresponding functions for both molecules, we shall obtain an expression for the rate of change of the original function. Thus among the terms of two dimensions we have the five conjugate solid harmonics IS RARIFIED GASES The rmte of inowwe of each of these arising from the encounters of the i. found by multiplying it by -£. We may therefore call £ the "moduli* of the time of relaxation" of this class of functions. The function f +V + C1 is not changed by the encounters. Homogeneous functions of three dimensions are either solid harmonics of the thiid outer or solid harmonics of the first order multiplied by f + V + £', or combinations of these. o . The time modulus for solid harmonics of the third order is ^-. — Note •dded May, 1879.] That of f 17, or (, multiplied by f + if + C is f*. (6) Effect of External Forces. The only effect of external forces is expressed by equations of the form The average values of £, 17, £ and their combinations are not affected by external forces. (7) Variation of Mean Values within an Element of Volume. We have employed the symbol 8 to denote the variation of any quantity within an element, arising either from encounters between molecules or from the action of external forces. There is a third way, however, in which a variation may occur, namely, by molecules entering the element or leaving it, carrying their properties with them. We shall use the symbol 3 to denote the actual variation within a specified element. It' \IQ is the average value of any quantity for each molecule within the element, then the quantity in unit of volume is pQ. We have to trace the variation of pQ. ARISING FROM INEQUALITIES OF TEMPERATURE. 697 We begin with an element of volume moving with the velocity-com- ponents U, V, Wt then by the ordinary investigation of the "equation of continuity " If after performing the differentiations we make U=u, V=v, W—w, the equation becomes for an element moving with the velocity (u, v, w) u dv dw\ d , ~. ,., d , ~ . d , ,.,.,. S ._ (8) Equation of Density. Let us first make Q=l, then, since the mass of a molecule is invariable, the equation becomes d£ + p(d^ + ^ + <^\ = Q . ,..(39) ri/ V ft or Citi dz / which is the ordinary "equation of continuity." Eliminating by means of this equation the second term of the general equation (38) we obtain the more convenient form — >P% («>). (9) Equations of Motion. Putting Q = u + g, this equation becomes where any combination of the symbols £, 17, £ is to be taken as the average value of that combination. Substituting their values as given in (28) which is one of the three ordinary equations of motion of a medium in which stresses exist. VOL. u. 88 RAUIFIED OASES (10) Ttrmt of Two Dimensions. Put Qm(u + f)\ Since the resulting equation is true whatever be the values of H. r, v, we may, after differentiation, put each of these quantities equal to •Nk We ahall thus obtain the same result which we might have obtained by elimination between this and the former equations. We find or by •ubatituting the mean values of these quantities from (29) I a with two other equations of similar form. Similarly we obtain by putting Q = (i with two other equations of like form for /?y and (11) Terms of Three Dimensions. Putting @ =(« + £)* and in the final equation making u = v = iv = Q and eliminating - by (41) we find ARISING FROM INEQUALITIES OF TEMPERATURE. 699 which gives Since the combinations of a/Jy represent small numerical quantities, we may at this stage of the calculation, when we are dealing with terms of the third order, neglect terms involving them, except when they are multiplied by the large coefficient pfp-. The equation may then be written approxi- mately : — fl .................. (48). Similarly, by putting Q = (u + £) (v + rff, we obtain the approximate equation r] ft R 1 IY) r>2 /) lx/l/ / T>/)\S jr / 3 o«A32 t «-.J\ />1Q\ /v pf -j— = p (Jilv) — — \a. — octp ~r ay ) ^4i/ j} djX D fJi and in the same way we find j n i ~* (50). (12) Approximate Values of Terms of Three Dimensions. From equations (48), (49), and (50), we find ™ e* \ f\ I T^ ) **/-* "•/ 2p\v / dx From which by substitution we obtain 9u./R\*dd ,s dy' 2p\0/ dx .(51). The value of a/3y is of a smaller order of magnitude, and we do not require it in this investigation. 88—2 , STRESSES IK RAKUTKD OASES (13) Equation of Temperature. Adding the three equations of the form (44), and omitting terms con- uining Bff*" quantities of two dimensions, and also products of differential such as /* , we find ax cij" , . The first term of the second member represents the rate of increase of temperature due to conduction of heat, as in Fourier's Theory, and the second term represents the increase of temperature due to increase of density. We must remember that the gas here considered is one for which the ratio of the specific beats is 1'6. (14) Stresses in the Gas. Subtracting one-third of the sum of the three equations from (44), we obtain 2 fdu dv dw\ + ^) W This equation gives the excess of the normal pressure in x above the mean hydrostatic pressure p. The first two terms of the second member represent the effect of viscosity in a moving fluid, and are identical with those u by Professor Stokes (Cambridge Transactions, Vol. vin., 1845, p. 297). The last two terms represent the part of the stress which arises from inequality of temperature, which is the special subject of this paper. There are two other equations of similar form for the normal stresses in y and :. The tangential stress in the plane xy is given by the equation fdu dv\ . „ u5 d* 0 Fhero are two other equations of similar form for the tangential stresses in the planes of yz and zx. ARISING FROM INEQUALITIES OF TEMPERATURE. 701 (15) Final Equations of Motion. We are now prepared to complete the equations of motion by inserting in (42) the values of the quantities a\ a/3, ay, and we find for the equation in x du dj^ fd?u d'u d*u\ 1 d Idu dv dw\ 9 u? d fd'd d-0 d If we write 1 Idu dv dw 9 0*6 d*9 d' Updt" or, if the pressure p is constant, so that pd0 + 0dp = 10 u. W then the equation (55) may be written du dp' (d*u d'u d*u - If there are no external forces such as gravity, then one solution of the equations is u = v = w = Q, p' = constant, and if the boundary conditions are such that this solution is consistent with them, it will become the actual solution as soon as the initial motions, if any exist, have subsided. This will be the case if no slipping is possible between the gas and solid bodies in contact with it. But if such slipping is possible, then wherever in the above solution there is a tangential stress in the gas at the surface of a solid or liquid, there cannot be equilibrium, but the gas will begin to slide over the surface till the velocity of sliding has produced a frictional resistance equal and opposite to the tangential stress. When this is the case the motion may become steady. 70S IN RARIFIED GASES not, however, attempted to enter into the calculation of the state of •Ceady motion. [I have recently applied the method of spherical harmonics, as described in the note to auctions (l) and (5), to carrying the approximations two onkt* higher. I expected that this would have involved the calculation of two new quantities, namely, the rates of decay of spherical harmonics of the fourth and sixth orders, but I found that, to the order of approximation required, all harmonics of the fourth and sixth orders may be neglected, so that the rate of decay of harmonics of the second order, the time-modulus of which is /* + /', determines the rate of decay of all functions of less than 6 dimensions. The equations of motion, as here given (equation 55) contain the second tlwivatives of v, v, w, with respect to the coordinates, with the coefficient p.. I find tliat in the more approximate expression there is a term containing the fourth derivatives of u, v, w, with the coefficient p-' + pp. The equations of motion also contain the third derivatives of 0 with the coefficient p? + p9, Besides these terms, there is another set consisting of the fifth derivatives of 6 with the coefficient p.* -=- It appears from the investigation that the condition of the successful use of this method of approximation is that Z-j, should be small, where -^ denotes differentiation with respect to a line drawn in any direction. In other words, the properties of the medium must not be sensibly different at points within a distance of each other, comparable with the "mean free path" of a molecule. —Note added June, 1879.] ARISING FROM INEQUALITIES OF TEMPERATURE. 703 APPENDIX. (Added May, 1879.) In the paper as sent in to the Royal Society, I made no attempt to express the conditions which must be satisfied by a gas in contact with a solid body, for I thought it very unlikely that any equations I could write down would be a satisfactory representation of the actual conditions, especially as it is almost certain that the stratum of gas nearest to a solid body is in a very different condition from the rest of the gas. One of the referees, however, pointed out that it was desirable to make the attempt, and indicated several hypothetical forms of surfaces which might be tried. I have therefore added the following calculations, which are carried to the same degree of approximation as those for the interior of the gas. It will be seen that the equations I have arrived at express both the fact that the gas may slide over the surface with a finite velocity, the previous investigations of which have been already mentioned;""" and the fact that this velocity and the corresponding tangential stress are affected by inequalities of temperature at the surface of the solid, which give rise to a force tending to' make the gas slide along the surface from colder to hotter places. This phenomenon, to which Professor Osborne Reynolds has given the name of Thermal Transpiration, was discovered entirely by him. He was the first to point out that a phenomenon of this kind was a necessary consequence of the Kinetic Theory of Gases, and he also subjected certain actual phenomena, of a somewhat different kind, indeed, to measurement, and reduced his measure- ments by a method admirably adapted to throw light on the relations between gases and solids. It was not till after I had read Professor Reynolds' paper that I began to reconsider the surface conditions of a gas, so that what I have done is simply to extend to the surface phenomena the method which I think most suitable for treating the interior of the gas. I think that this method is, in * Sect. 12 of introductiou. IN RAIUFIED OASES •one •••Ml it i batter than that adopted by Professor Reynolds, while I admit I hi* method fe efficient to establish the existence of the phenomena, though not to afford an estimate of their amount. Tbe method which I have adopted throughout is a purely statistical one. It eonaider* the mean values of certain functions of the velocities within a givw element of the medium, but it never attempts to trace the motion of a molecule, not even so for as to estimate the length of its mean path. Hence •11 the * equations are expressed in the forms of the differential calculus, in which the phenomena at a given place are connected with the space variations of certain quantities at that place, but in which no quantity appears which explicitly involves the condition of things at a finite distance from that place. The particular functions of the velocities which are here considered are thoM of one, two, and three dimensions. These are sufficient to determine approximately the principal phenomena in a gas which is not very highly rarined, and in which the space-variations within distances comparable to X are not very great The same method, however, can be extended to functions of higher degrees, and by a sufficient number of such functions any distribution of velocities, however abnormal, may be expressed. The labour of such an approximation is considerably diminished by the use of the method of spherical harmonics as indicated in the note to Section I. of the paper. On the Conditions to be Satisfied by a Gas at the Surface of a Solid Body. As a first hypothesis, let us suppose the surface of the body to be a perfectly elastic smooth fixed surface, having the apparent shape of the solid, without any minute asperities. In this case, every molecule which strikes the surface will have the normal component of its velocity reversed, while the other components will not be altered by impact. The rebounding molecules will therefore move as if they had come from an imaginary portion of gas occupying the space really filled by the solid, and such that the motion of every molecule close to the surface is the optical reflection in that surface of the motion of a molecule of the real gas. In this case we may speak of the rebounding molecules close to the surface as constituting the reflected gas. All directed properties of the incident gas ARISING FROM INEQUALITIES OF TEMPERATURE. 705 are reflected, or, as Professor Listing might say, perverted in the reflected gas ; that is to say, the properties of the incident and the reflected gas are sym- metrical with respect to the tangent plane of the surface. The incident and reflected gas together constitute the actual gas close to the surface. The actual gas, therefore, cannot exert any stress on the surface, except in the direction of the normal, for the oblique components of stress in the incident and reflected gas will destroy one another. Since gases can actually exert oblique stress against real surfaces, such surfaces cannot be represented as perfectly reflecting surfaces. If a molecule, whose velocity is given in direction and magnitude, but whose line of motion is not given in position, strikes a fixed elastic sphere, its velocity after rebound may with equal probability be in any direction. Consider, therefore, a stratum in which fixed elastic spheres are placed so far apart from one another that any one sphere is not to any sensible extent protected by any other sphere from the impact of molecules, and let the stratum be so deep that no molecule can pass through it without striking one or more of the spheres, and let this stratum of fixed spheres be spread over the surface of the solid we have been considering, then every molecule which comes from the gas towards the surface must strike one or more of the spheres, after which all directions of its velocity become equally probable. When, at last, it leaves the stratum of spheres and returns into the gas, its velocity must of course be from the surface, but the probability of any particular magnitude and direction of the velocity will be the same as in a gas at rest with respect to the surface. The distribution of velocity among the molecules which are leaving the surface will therefore be the same as if, instead of the solid, there were a portion of gas at rest, having the temperature of the solid, and a density such that the number of molecules which pass from it through the surface in a given time is equal to the number of molecules of the real gas outside which strike the surface. To distinguish the molecules, which, after being entangled in the stratum of spheres, afterwards return into the surrounding gas, we shall call them, collectively, the absorbed and evaporated gas. If the spheres are so near together that a considerable part of the surface of each sphere of the outer layer is shielded from the direct impact of the incident molecules by the spheres which lie next to it, then if we call that VOL. II. 89 .ft- •TRUBB IN RARIFIED OASES point of each sphere which lies furthest from the solid the pole of the sphere, • greater proportion of molecules will strike any one of the outer layer of spheres near its pole than near ita equator, and the greater the obliquity of adence of the molecule, the greater will be the probability that it will strike • sphere near its pole. The direction of the rebounding molecule will no longer be with equal probability in all directions, but there will be a greater probability of the tangential part of its velocity being in the direction of the motion before impact, and of its normal part being opposite to the normal part before impact. The condition of the molecules which leave the surface will therefore be intermediate between that of evaporated gas and that of reflected gas, approach- ing most nearly to evaporated gas at normal incidence and most nearly to reflected gas at grazing incidence. If the spheres, instead of being hard elastic bodies, are supposed to act on the molecules at finite, though small distances, and if they are so close together that their spheres of action intersect, then the gas which leaves the surface will be still more like reflected gas, and less like evaporated gas. We might also consider a surface on which there are a great number of minute asperities of any given form, but since in this case there is consider- able difficulty in calculating the effect when the direction of rebound from the first impact is such as to lead to a second or third impact, I have preferred to treat the surface as something intermediate between a perfectly reflecting and a perfectly absorbing surface, and, in particular, to suppose that of every unit of area a portion f absorbs all the incident molecules, and afterwards allows them to evaporate with velocities corresponding to those in still gas at the temperature of the solid, while a portion 1 — / perfectly reflects all the molecules incident upon it. We shall begin by supposing that the surface is the plane yz, and that the gas is on that side of it for which x is positive. The incident molecules are those which, close to the surface, have their normal component of velocity negative. We shall distinguish these molecules by the suffix (,). For these, and these only, £, is negative. The rebounding molecules are those which have £ positive. We shall distinguish them by the suffix (,). Those which are evaporated will be further distinguished by an accent. ARISING FROM INEQUALITIES OF TEMPERATURE. 707 Symbols without any mark refer to the whole gas, incident, reflected, and evaporated, close to the surface. The quantity of gas which is incident on unit of surface in unit of time, is -p& Of this quantity the fraction I-/ is reflected, so that the sign of f is reversed, and the fraction / is evaporated, the mean value of £ in evaporated gas being g, where the accent distinguishes symbols belonging to unpolarized gas at rest relative to the surface, and having the temperature, 6', of the solid. Equating the quantity of gas which is incident on the absorbing part of the surface to that which is evaporated from it, we have /Pi£+//H&' = 0 ................................. (60). Equating the whole quantity of gas which leaves the surface to the reflected and evaporated portions If we next consider the momentum of the molecules in the direction of y, that of the incident molecules is p^^. A fraction (I—/) of this is reflected and becomes (1 —f) p^^, and a fraction f of it is absorbed and then evaporated, the mean value of 77 being now —v, namely, the velocity of the surface rela- tively to the gas in contact with it. The momentum of the evaporated portion in the direction of y is there- fore t-fpf&v, and this, together with the reflected portion, makes up the whole momentum which is leaving the surface, or p^ = (f-l)Pl^rll-fp.;^v ........................ (62). Eliminating fp^3' between equations (61) and (62) (l-f)p£r)1 + p.£r).> + v[_(l-f)p£ + p£~} = 0 ............... (63). The values of functions of £ 77 and £ for the incident molecules are to be found by multiplying the expression in equation (22) by the given function, and integrating with respect to £ between the limits — co and 0, and with respect to 77 and £ between the limits + co . The values of the same functions for the molecules which are leaving the surface are to be found by integrating with respect to £ from 0 to oo . We must remember, however, that since there is an essential discontinuity in the conditions of the gas at the surface, the expression in equation (22) is 89—2 ftTRJBSES or RARIFIED GASES a much )a« aoearate approximation to the actual distribution of velocities in the gM dote to the surface than it is in the interior of the gas. We must, therafatL consider the surface conditions at which we arrive in this way as liable If important corrections when we shall have discovered more powerful iu = 0 ...(66). If we write and substitute for o^S and a'/8 their values as given in equations (54) and (51), and divide by 2(/>p)i, equation (66) becomes , , _^-£L~u = 0 ..(68). \dx 2 p0 dxdyj 4 pd dy If there is no inequality of temperature, this equation is reduced to ~dv If, therefore, the gas at a finite distance from the surface is moving parallel to the surface, the gas in contact with the surface will be sliding over it with the finite velocity v, and the motion of the gas will be very nearly the same as if the stratum of depth O had been removed from the solid and filled with the gas, there being now no slipping between the new surface of the solid and the gas in contact with it. The coefficient G was introduced by Helmholtz and Piotrowski under the of Gleitungs-coefficient, or coefficient of slipping. The dimensions of G are ARISING FROM INEQUALITIES OP TEMPERATURE. 709 those of a line, and its ratio to I, the mean free path of a molecule, is given by the equation *-i(H< <7°>- Kundt and Warburg found that for air in contact with glass, G = 2l, whence we find f=\, or the surface acts as if it were half perfectly reflecting and half perfectly absorbent. If it were wholly absorbent, G = f I. It is easy to write down the surface conditions for a surface of any form. Let the direction-cosines of the normal v be I, m, n, and let us write d e , d -T- lor i-j- dv dx We then find as the surface conditions u-G~[(l-f)u-lmv - " d ^- ay d -j-. dz p6 \dx v—G ~r f(l— m1) v— mnw— mlu~\ + - ^( ^ — m-p ) (d + iG^- | = i dv LV 4 pd \dy dv] \ dv) w—G-r\(\—n*)w — nlu — nmv~\ + -—/t(-r- dv1^ J 4 pO \dz -r dv ^r dv ...(71). In each of these equations the first term is one of the velocity-components of the gas in contact with the surface, which is supposed fixed; the second term depends on the slipping of the gas over the surface, and the third term indicates the effect of inequalities of temperature of the gas close to the surface, and shows that in general there will be a force urging the gas from colder to hotter parts of the surface. Let us take as an illustration the case of a capillary tube of circular section, and for the sake of easy calculation we shall suppose that the motion is so slow, and the temperature varies so gradually along the tube that we may suppose the temperature uniform throughout any one section of the tube. Taking the axis of the tube for that of z, we have for the condition of steady motion parallel to the axis dp _ /d'w d?w\ no vnunw IN BARiriED OASES Since •iwything i« «ymraetrical about the axis, if we write r» for z' + y' we find at the solution of this equation mA4- —^r* ..(73). If Q denotes the quantity of gas which passes through a section of the tube in unit of time At the inner surface of the tube we have r-a, and 1 dp , « = A + ^~dza JL+-L4* ..(75) vpa* * 8/1 dz dw 1 dp d^-^dz" The last of equations (71) may therefore be written - ................... (77). 8/1 v ' dz ±p0 dz Equation (77) gives the relation between the quantity of gas which passes through any section of the tube, the rate of variation of pressure, and the rate of variation of temperature in passing along the axis of the tube. If the pressure is uniform there will be a flow of gas from the colder to the hotter end of the tube, and if there is no flow of gas the pressure will from the colder to the hotter end of the tube. These effects of the variation of temperature in a tube have been pointed out by Professor Osborne Reynolds as a result of the Kinetic Theory of Gases, and have received from him the name of Thermal Transpiration : a name in strict analogy with the use of the word Transpiration by Graham. But the phenomenon actually observed by Professor Reynolds in his ex- periments was the passage of gas through a porous plate, not through a capillary tube ; and the passage of gases through porous plates, as was shown ARISING FROM INEQUALITIES OF TEMPERATURE. 711 by Graham, is of an entirely different kind from the passage of gases through capillary tubes, and is more nearly analogous to the flow of a gas through a small hole in a thin plate. When the diameter of the hole and the thickness of the plate are both small compared with the length of the free path of a molecule, then, as Sir William Thomson has shown, any molecule which comes up to the hole on either side will be in very little danger of encountering another molecule before it has got fairly through to the other side. Hence the flow of gas in either direction through the hole will take place very nearly in the same manner as if there had been a vacuum on the other side of the hole, and this whether the gas on the other side of the hole is of the same or of a different kind. If the gas on the two sides of the plate is of the same kind but at different temperatures, a phenomenon will take place which we may call thermal effusion. The velocity of the molecules is proportional to the square root of the absolute temperature, and the quantity which passes out through the hole is proportional to this velocity and to the density. Hence, on whichever side the product of the density into the square root of the temperature is greatest, more molecules will pass from that side than from the other through the hole, and this will go on till this product is equal on both sides of the hole. Hence the condition of equilibrium is that the density must be inversely as the square root of the temperature, and since the pressure is as the product of the density into the temperature, the pressure will be directly proportional to the square root of the absolute temperature. The theory of thermal effusion through a small hole in a thin plate is therefore a very simple one. It does not involve the theory of viscosity at all. The finer the pores of a porous plate, and the rarer the gas which effuses through it, the more nearly does the passage of gas through the plate corre- spond to what we have called effusion, and the less does it depend on the viscosity of the gas. The coarser the pores of the plate and the denser the gas, the further does the phenomenon depart from simple effusion, and the more nearly does it approach to transpiration through a capillary tube, which depends altogether on viscosity. IS KAJUnXD OASES ABISING FROM INEQUALITIES OF TEMPERATURE. To return to the case of transpiration through a capillary tube. When the temperature is uniform By experiment* on capillary tubes of glass, MM. Eundt and Warburg found* for the value of G for air at different pressures and at from 17° C. to 2TC, Q G = - centimetres (79) P where p is the pressure in dynes per square centimetre, which is nearly the •une as in millionths of an atmosphere. For hydrogen on glass 15 G = — centimetres (80). P When there is no flow of gas in a tube in which the temperature varies from end to end, the pressure is greater at the hot end than at the cold end. Putting Q = 0 we have d&=6p0 M* The quantity 6 ~. is just double of that calculated in section (3) of the introduction, and is therefore in C.G.S. measure 0'63 xp for dry air at 15° C. Let us suppose a = 0'01 centimetre, and the pressure 40 millimetres of mercury, then and -d-E=-dq~; <10)- In the course of our investigation we shall have to compare the product ..f the differentials of the co-ordinates and momenta at the beginning of the motion with the corresponding product at the end of the motion. We shall write for brevity ds = dql...dqn for the product of the differentials of the co- ordinates, and da- = dpl...dpn for the product of the differentials of the momenta, and we shall use the product ds'dsdE as a middle term in comparing ds do-' \ dp' dt'\ where 2 ± ^- --p. ) \dql dqn dLJ denotes the functional determinant dp; dpt' "dqn' dE '//>.' dpS (12). dqt' " dqn' dE dqn' dE * Thomson and Tail's Natural Philosophy, § 330. OF ENERGY IN A SYSTEM OF MATERIAL POINTS. 719 Substituting for the elements of this determinant their values as given by equations (7), (9), and (10) it becomes dp, dpn dt 3q?' ~ dq~," ~d£ dfr _dp^ _dt_ dqn" ~dq~n' ~dq? dp, dpn dt ~ ~dE Now the rows in this determinant are the same as the columns in the former one ; the accented and unaccented letters being exchanged and the signs of all the elements changed. We may therefore express the relation between the two determinants in the abbreviated form - /dp/ dp^_dtf\_(_ /dp, dp^ dt \ - (dq, •' • dqn d£/~( > 2'± \dq,'" - dqn' dE)~ Hence ds' da-' dt' = dsf ds dEZ + - \dql dqn - ( - )n+lds ds dE^ + (^ — - (dq, dqn' dE = ( - )n+lda- ds dt = ds da1 dt (15). If we suppose the time, t — t', to be given, dt = dt' and ds da-' = ds da- (1 G), or dq,' dqn'dp,' dpn' = dq, dqndp, dpn (17). The initial state of the system is a function of 2n variables. We have hitherto supposed these to be the n co-ordinates and the n momenta, but since the total energy E is a function of these variables we may substitute for one of the momenta, say _p/, its value in terms of the n co-ordinates, the n-l remaining momenta, and E, and thus express every quantity we BOLTZMANX 8 THEOREM ON THE AVERAGE DISTRIBUTION* have to deal with in terms of the latter set of variables. Then since by dE '-J>....(19). Similarly we find for the final state of the system dqt rfg.rfp, dpn = dqt dqndp dpn dE — (20). The left-hand members of these equations have been proved equal, and in the right-hand members dE is the same at the beginning and end of the motion. Dividing out dE we find 1 1' dqt' dq.'dp,' dp* — = dqt dqndp,\ dpn'— (21). This equation is applicable to the case in which the total energy is supposed not to vary from one particular instant of the motion to another, and in which, therefore, the 2n variables are no longer independent, but, being subject to the equation of energy, are reduced to 2»— 1. Statistical Specification. We have hitherto, in speaking of a phase of the motion of the system, supposed it to be defined by the values of the n co-ordinates and the n momenta. We shall call the phase so defined the phase (pq). We shall now adopt a wider definition by saying that the system is in the phase (a,6) whenever the values of the co-ordinates are such that 5, is between 6, and &, + <$>,, qt between l>, and bt+dbt, and so on; also pt between a, and at + dalt and so on. The limits of the first component of momentum,/),, are not specified, because the value • •t" /i, is not independent of the other variables, being given in terms of E and the other 2n — 1 variables in virtue of the equation of energy. The quantities a, b are of the same kind as p and q respectively, only they are not supposed to vary on account of the motion of the system. In the statistical method of investigation, we do not follow the system during ito motion, but we fix our attention on a particular phase, and ascertain whether OF ENERGY IN A SYSTEM OF MATERIAL POINTS. 721 the system is in that phase or not, and also when it enters the phase and when it leaves it. Boltzmann defines the probability of the system being in the phase (a^) as the ratio of the aggregate time during which it is in that phase to the whole time of the motion, the whole time being supposed to be very great. I prefer to suppose that there are a great many systems the properties of which are the same, and that each of these is set in motion with a different set of values for the n co-ordinates and the n — 1 momenta, the value of the total energy E being the same in all, and to consider the number of these systems which, at a given instant, are in the phase (a^). The motion of each system is of course independent of the other systems. Let N be the whole number of systems, and let the number of these which, at the time t, are in the phase (aj)) be denoted by N (aly b, t). The aim of the statistical method is to express JV (alt b, t) as a function of N, of the co-ordinates and momenta with their limits, and of t. It is manifest that N can only enter the function as a factor, for the different systems do not act on each other. Also any differential as da or db can only enter as a factor, for the number of systems within any phase must vary in the ratio of the interval between the limits of that phase. We may therefore write N(a1bt) = Nf(a,, an, b, bn, t)da2 dand\ dbn (22), where we have to determine the form of the function f. We shall now follow the motion of these systems from the time t', when we begin to watch the motion, to the time t when we cease to watch it. Since the systems which at the tune t form the group N(alt b, t) are individually the same systems which at the time t' formed the group N (a{, b', t') we have N(au b, t) = N(a;, b', t) (23), or Nf(a, t)da, dbn = Nf(a3' t')da,' dbn' (24). But by equation (21) da, dbn(\Yl = da; A.'&T1 - (25). Hence /(a, «)W« t'}b^=C (26), where C is a constant for all phases of the same motion, and we may write /(«. t) = C(b1)-> (27), and N(au b, t) = NC(b^da, dbn (28). VOL. II. 9! BOLTXXAXN'S THBORKM ON THE AVERAGE DISTRIBUTION If the distribution of the N systems in the different phases is such that tit* number in a given phase does not vary with the time, the distribution m mvl to be steady. The condition of this is that C must be constant for all pbJMea belonging to the same path. It will require further investigation to determine whether or not this path necessarily includes all phases consistent with the equation of energy. If, however, we assume that the original distribution of the systems according to the different phases is such that C is constant for all phases consistent with the equation of energy, and zero for all phases which that equation shows to be impossible, then the law of distribution will not change with the time, and C will be an absolute constant. We have therefore found one solution of the problem of finding a steady distribution. Whether there may be other solutions remains to be investigated. Let N(l) denote the number of systems in which q1 is between 6, and 6, + [»ll [»2J [nn] is an invariant, its value is the same when T is reduced to a sum of squares, in which case all the elements except those in the principal diagonal of the determinant vanish, and we have A =/*,/»,.../*» (44), and we may write the value of N (b), *' ^ (45). If the system consists of n' material particles, whose masses are ml...mn-, then the number of degrees of freedom is n = 3n' and /*I = /AI = /A» = WI~I, pt = fr = p-t = ini~l and so on (46). •e in this case we may write (r( db,...dbn (47). OF ENERGY IN A SYSTEM OF MATERIAL POINTS. 725 These expressions give the number of systems in a given configuration only when E— V is positive for that configuration, for since the kinetic energy is necessarily positive, the potential energy cannot exceed the total energy. For configurations specified in such a way that if they existed V would be greater than E, the value of N(b) is zero. The value of N(b) is also zero for configurations which, though they make V less than E, cannot be reached by a continuous path from the original configuration without passing through configurations which make V greater than E. We shall return to this expression for the number of systems in a com- pletely specified configuration, but in the mean time it will be useful to consider how many of these systems have one of their momenta, pn, between given limits. In this way we shall be able to determine completely the average distribution of momentum among the variables without making any assumptions about the nature of the system which might limit the generality of our results. In order to find the number of systems in the configuration (b) for which one of the momenta, say pn, lies between an and an + dan, we must stop before the last integration. Putting r = n — 2 in equation (40) 2 / The whole number of systems in configuration (b) is given by (45). Hence the proportion of these systems for which an lies between an and an + dan is (49). If we write then kn denotes the part of the kinetic energy arising from the momentum an. The proportion of the systems in configuration (6) for which kn is between kn and ka + dkn is JLTXMAJnc'« THBORKM ON THB AVERAOB DISTRIBUTION - Knee Mr one of the variable* may be taken for qn, the law of distribution of ndoe. of the kinetic energy is the same for all the variables. The mean nkhM of the kinetic eneigy corresponding to any variable is Kss\(E-V) = - T (52). n *i The maximum value is T=nK (53). The mean value of If is When n is very large, the expression (51) approximates to ].,-"-* dk ................................. (55). Recapitulation. The result of our investigation may therefore be stated as follows : (a) We begin by considering a set of material systems which satisfy the general equations of dynamics (2) and (3), and the equation of energy (1). If in these systems the distribution of configurations satisfies equation (45), and the distribution of motion satisfies equation (51), these equations will continue to be satisfied during the subsequent motion of the system. One result of equation (51), to which we shall have to refer, is that the average kinetic energy corresponding to any one of the variables is the same for every one of the variables of the system. (ft) We now turn our attention to a system of real bodies enclosed in a rigid vessel impervious to matter and to heat. We know by experiment that in such a system the temperature cannot remain steady in every part unless the temperature of every part of the system is the same, and that this condition is necessary in whatever manner the configuration of the system may be varied by altering the position and mean density of the portions of sensible size into which we are able to divide it. Now if the system of real bodies is a material system which satisfies the equations of dynamics, and if equations (45) and (51) are also satisfied, the condition of the system will, as we have shewn, (a), be steady in every respect, OF ENEHGY IN A SYSTEM OF MATERIAL POINTS. 727 and therefore in respect of temperature. Hence by (/3) the temperature of every part of the system must be the same. Therefore if equations (45) and (51) are satisfied, the condition of equality of temperature is also satisfied. But the condition of equality of temperature does not depend on the configuration of the system, for though we can alter the configuration by external constraint we cannot prevent the temperature from becoming equalized. It does not depend, therefore, on equation (45). We must therefore conclude, that if equation (51) is satisfied, the condition of equality of temperature is also satisfied, or, in other words, that equation (51) is the condition of equality of temperature. Hence when two parts of a system have the same temperature, the average kinetic energy corresponding to any one of the variables belonging to these parts must be the same. If the system is a gas or a mixture of gases not acted on by external forces, the theorem that the average kinetic energy of a single molecule is the same for molecules of different gases is not sufficient to establish the condition of equilibrium of temperature between gases of different kinds such as oxygen and nitrogen, because when the gases are mixed we have no means of ascer- taining the temperature of the oxygen or of the nitrogen separately. We can only ascertain the temperature of the mixture by putting a thermometer into it. We cannot legitimately assert that the temperatures of the oxygen and of the nitrogen must be equal because they are in contact with each other, for the only way in which we can conceive the oxygen or the nitrogen as existing in the mixture is by picturing the medium as a system of molecules, and as soon as we begin to see the molecules distinctly, heat becomes resolved into motion. But since our investigation is equally applicable to a system of any kind, provided only it satisfies the equations of dynamics, we may suppose it to consist- of pure oxygen and pure nitrogen separated by a solid diaphragm, the solid diaphragm consisting of molecules capable of motion, but acting on each other with forces which are sufficient to prevent any molecule from getting far apart from its neighbours except under the action of disturbing forces greater than any which would occur in a system at the given temperature. In this system, though the oxygen and the nitrogen cannot mix, each can make BOtmUlW'i tmOHKM ON THE AVKEAOE DISTRIBUTION with the surface molecules of the diaphragm, MM «f 1*~BT can go on within the solid diaphragm itself without wage of tm4r™'«* between distant parts of the diaphragm. Hence in this system, the average kinetic energy of a molecule of oxygen will become equal to that of a molecule of nitrogen in the final state of the k— ^m» if to say, when the temperatures of all parts of the system have me equal, and since in that final state we have pure oxygen on one side and pure nitrogen on the other, we can verify the equality of temperature by mqiflt* of a thermometer, and we can now assert that the temperatures, not only of oxygen and nitrogen, but of all bodies, are equal when the average kinetic energy of a single molecule of each of these substances is the same. Approximate value of the probability when V is small compared with E. To find the number of systems the configuration of which is specified as regards the limits of certain of the variables while the other variables are left undetermined, we should have to integrate the expressions in equations (41), (45), or (47) with respect to each of the undetermined variables in succession, the integrations being extended to all values of these variables which are consistent with the equation of energy. These integrations cannot be performed unless the potential energy of the system is a known function of the variables which determine its configuration. We cannot therefore in general continue the integration so as to determine the number of systems in which the limits are specified for some, but not all, of the variables. But when the number of variables is very great, and when the potential energy of the specified configuration is very small compared with the total energy of the system, we may obtain a useful approximation to the value of •-i ' K- FJ«~ in an exponential form, for if we write, as in equation (53), E — nK, [J0-F]« nearly, provided n is very great and V is small compared with E. The «-» _r '"•* (56), OF ENERGY IN A SYSTEM OP MATERIAL POINTS. 729 expression is no longer approximate when V is nearly as great as E, and it does not vanish, as it ought to do, when V=E, Hence when the potential energy of the system in the given configuration is very small compared with its kinetic energy, we may use the approximately correct statement, that the number of systems in a given configuration is inversely proportional to the exponential function, the index of which is half the potential energy of the system in the given configuration divided by the average kinetic energy corresponding to each variable of the system. If we divide the system into any two parts, A and B, we may consider V, the potential energy of the whole system, as made up of three parts, VA and VB, the potential energy of A and B, each on itself, and W, that of B with respect to A. When, as in the case of a gas, the parts of a system are in a great degree independent of each other, the average values of VA and Vs may be treated as constants, and the variations of V will be the same as those of W, so that the variable part of the exponential function will be reduced to w e™ (57). If we suppose that A denotes a single molecule of a particular kind of gas, and that B denotes all the other molecules, of whatever kind, in the system, then, since there are many molecules similar to A, we may pass, from the number of systems in which A is within a given element of volume, to the average number of molecules similar to A which are within that element, or, in other words, the average density of the gas A within that element. We may therefore interpret the expression (57) as asserting that the density of a particular kind of gas at a given point is inversely proportional to the exponential function whose index is half the potential energy of a single molecule of the gas at that point, divided by the average kinetic energy corresponding to a variable of the system. We must remember that since the centre of mass of a molecule is determined by three variables, the mean kinetic energy of agitation of the centre of mass of a molecule is three times the quantity K which denotes the mean kinetic energy of a single variable. VOL. H. 92 BOLTtMAmft THWRW ON THE AVERAGE DISTRIBUTION PART II. A Free system. In a material system not acted on by external forces the motion satisfies «x equation* besides the equation of energy, so tout we must not include in KIT integration ail the phases which satisfy the equation of energy, but only of them which also satisfy these six equations. In what follows, we shall suppose the system to consist of n particles, m are «i,...ro., and whose co-ordinates x, y, z, and velocity-components «, », v, are distinguished by the same suffix as the particle to which they belong. Let us now consider a system consisting of s of these particles, and write ml + mt + &c.+mt = Mt (58), tn.x, + »W + Ac. + mjc. = MtXt, ' m1yl+my1 + &c. + my. = MtY,, (59), «j,2, + wiA +&c. + «V, = MtZt, then M, will be the mass of the minor system and X,, Y,, Z, the co-ordinates of its centre of mass. If we also write m,w, + &c. + mtu, = M, Ut, 1 T/W + &c. + m.v. = M, V,, I (60), mjMJ, + &c. + mtwt = M, W, , J + m.(y.v>. ~ a»v.) = F.+M.( Y.W, - Z. V.), 1 + m.(z.u.-xlw'l) = G,+ M.(Z,U,-X.Wt), I ...(61), &c. + mt(x.v. - y,u.) = H,+ M,(Xt V, - Y. U,) , j then Utt Vtt Wt will be the velocity-components of the centre of mass, and /•'„ (J,, If, the components of angular momentum round this point. We shall also write !«,(«,' + »,* + «»!«) + &c.+i«i»(tt.i + u.l + w.t) = r. (62). The seven conditions satisfied by the whole system are that the seven quantities Unt Vn, Wn, Fn, Gn, Hn and E are 'constant during the motion. Under these conditions the 3n momentum-components are not independent. We shall therefore transform equation (17) into one in which the differentials OF ENERGY IN A SYSTEM OF MATEBIAL POINTS. 731 of the first seven velocity-components are replaced by the differentials of the seven constants. The functional determinant is found by differentiating the seven quantities Un, Vn, Wn, Fn, Gn> Hn and E with respect to the momenta m^, ra^, .iv, ; m2u2, m^\, mawa ; and m3u3. We thus obtain 1, 0, 0, 0, zlt -ylt u, 0, 1, 0, -zlt 0, xlt v, 0, 0, 1, y» -a;,, 0, wl 1, 0, 0, 0, z,, -y,, «, =A (63), 0, 1, 0, -z,, 0, • a:,, r, 0, 0, 1, y,, —x3, 0, w, 1, 0, 0, 0, «,, -ys, -w3 which we may write A = a r12 f 12 (64), where a = (?/, - y.) (z, - z3) - (y, - y,) (z, - z2) (65), or twice the projection on the plane of yz of the triangle whose vertices are mlt ma, and m3, and or the rate of increase of the distance between m1 and m2 multiplied into that distance. In a system composed of material particles, each component of momentum is equal to the corresponding velocity-component multiplied into the mass of the particle. We may therefore write ^1 = m1«1 and so on, and since the masses are invariable we may omit them from both members of equation (17), and write it dx{. . .dzn' du^. . .dwn' = dx^ ..dzndu.i..,dwn (67). But d Ud Vd WdFdGdHdE = m* m? m3 0VM r'12 du.'dv.'dw.'du.'dv^dw.'du,' dx1'.^dzn'dva'...dwn' dxl...dzndv3...dwn „ . Hence - , . y p- = m*m»m ar r = °' (69)' ll< \ I''-: //' .j U- ' U ' U //t-I //(.I //f-J Ur/ i" ' 1" and equation (29) becomes rll)-1dv,...dwn (70). 92—2 . •: BO 41 i i: IS* I>I-II:II:ITIUN We- shall find it uaeful in what follows to define the energy of internal M the exce§« of the whole kinetic energy of the system over that which it would have if it were moving like a rigid body with the same con- the «ame components of momentum and of angular momentum. If we Mippoeo the internal motion of the system to be destroyed in a abort tirw by internal forces, so that the configuration is not sensibly ahcmi during the process, then the work done by the system against these foMOt i« the measure of the energy of internal motion. Writing 7* for the kinetic energy referred to the origin, K for that of the maw moving with the velocity of the centre of mass, J for the kinetic due to the rotation of the system as a rigid body, and 7 for the of internal motion, we have where I=T-K-J J= 2 ftro («• W) (71), (72), (73), (74), where p, q, r are the components of angular velocity with respect to the axes of x, y, z and are related to F, G, H by the equations aF-nG-mH=p, -nF+bG- lH=q, Ap-Nq-Mr = -Xr + Bq-Lr = -Mp-Lq+ Cr = -mF- clt=r, (75). -. ••:.- ft -2i» «- = -£m(y-Y)(z-Z) =S»i (z-Z)(x-X) [...(76). Writing for the sake of brevity -1, -N, -M -N, B, -L -M, -L, C d= a, — n, — m — n, b, — I — m, — I, c •(77), the relations between the moments and products of mobility and those of inertia will be given by equations of the forms > = BC-D Ad=bc-f Dd=l. Ld= —mn — al, .(78). OF ENERGY IN A SYSTEM OF MATERIAL POINTS. 733 If we write .(79), T) = V — V + rx —pz £=w— W+py — qx then £ 77, £ will be the velocity-components of a particle with respect to axes passing through the centre of mass of the system and rotating with the angular velocity whose components are p, q, r. We may therefore call £ 17, £ the velocity-components of the internal motion. If the system were to become rigid, the internal motion would become zero. The energy of internal motion may be expressed in terms of £ 77, £, thus : — h£2) (80). We have now to express the energy of internal motion of a system of s — 1 particles in terms of the quantities U, V, W, F, G, H and T belonging to the system of s particles, together with the position and velocity of the ,$th particle. To avoid the repetition of suffixes we shall distinguish quantities belonging to the minor system of s — 1 particles by accented letters, and quantities belonging to the complete system of s particles and the particle mt by unaccented letters. We shall also write We thus find Mm ' = MX-mx ' = MU-mu, ' = L-p.(y-Y)(z-Z) Since the choice of the axes of reference is arbitrary, we may simplify the expressions by taking for origin the centre of mass of the system M, and for the axis of z the line passing through the particle m. We may also turn - ; BOLTXMASN'8 THEOREM OS THB AVERAGE DISTRIBUTION the axes of * and y about tliat of z till A becomes a maximum, the condition of which is We ahall abo reckon velocities with reference to the centre of mass of the tyatem JA With these simplifications we find L'-L V •_• ' m m 1-a/iz " (82). We are now able to calculate the energy of rotation, J', of the minor a'F*+b'G't+c'H't-2l'G'H'-'2m'H'F'-2nfF'G' (83), -, jVa/iZ5 - 2vpz (Fa - Hm) + /tz' (Fa - JHrn)1] -iir)+pt*(Gi}-iny] (84). Combining these results and reducing we find for the energy of internal motion of the system M' /' - /- i/i (1 - fyu1)-' (u - Gb + in)'- - $n (1 - a^Y1 (v - Fa + HI)" - ^w1. Hence the integration being extended to all values of u, v, and w which make /' positive. D' Now (1 — a/iO*) (1 — fyi2*) = -yj, and this is an invariant. OF ENERGY IN A SYSTEM OF MATERIAL POINTS. 735 Hence in general, whatever axes we choose, (({ i « J J J [^ A-J ' 1.,'du.dv.dw. = - V - I [ifflJ-^Jf/ AT*/;*- ..... (87). For the system consisting of the two particles m, and m2 the energy of rotation is and the energy of internal motion is JW-jf*- (89)' Hence we may write equation (70) f3""7 / M \~i A \ W) 'JW / \ I Ill-ill tint We have first to express J2 in terms of quantities having the suffix 3. If we make the plane of yz pass through the three particles ml, m2, m3, so that the origin coincides with their centre of mass and has the same velocity, and the axis of z passes through m3, then a is twice the area of the triangle whose vertices are mlt m3 and m3, ,u3, H, = H3 (91), 0 (92), 1 , M3m3 z3 ^ M.GA v 2 _ _4 2 "h V + ' M, , We have now to integrate I \I~*dv3dw3, extending the integration to all values of v, and wt which make 73 positive, and BOLTMAXX'* THBOWai OK THB ATEBAOB DISTRIBUTION remembering that equation (92) shews that «. is independent of v, and «v The result it * (94\ .«• for the three particles m,, TO,, TO,, l ............... (95), where r», r. and rn ore the distances between the particles, and a is the area of the triangle »«,«'.'">• Also rBXmi+ r,,'ro,»»i + n.X™»= famr* + M*™**f) ......... (96). We may now write equation (90) in the form ^l^..*«'. ........... (97). Continuing the integration by equation (87) we find *i-8 /r>l\w-« , . Sn -8 C /_ (mi...mn}-*Mn-* I?.-*/."!- .......... (98), where /, is what we have defined as the energy of internal motion of the system, or the work which the system would do, in virtue of its motion, against the system of internal forces which would be called into play if the distances between the parts of the material system were in an insensibly small time to become invariable. In order to determine the number of systems in a given configuration for which the velocity-components of the particle mn lie between the limits •*±|C/H, v±ldv, w±$dw, we must form the expression for N (b, VH, rn, «•„) by stopping short before the last triple integration. We thus find N(b, un, vn, wn) r /^"1""7"-0 -' r OF ENERGY IN A SYSTEM OF MATERIAL POINTS. 737 If, as in equations (82) to (86), we suppose the origin of co-ordinates to be the centre of mass of the whole system, the axis of z to pass through the particle mn, and the axes of x and y to be in the directions of the principal axes of the section of the momental ellipsoid normal to z, then writing g=u-qz, t) = v+pz, t, = w ....................... (100), so that £ 77, £ are the velocity- components of mn relative to axes moving as the system would do if it were then to become rigid, with the angular velocity whose components are p, q, r, we may write The sum of the last three terms of this expression, with its sign taken positive, represents the part of the internal motion of the system which is due to the fact that the particle mn is moving with the relative velocity whose components are £ 77, £. "We may also define it as the work which would be done by the particle mn against the internal forces of the system, if these forces were suddenly to become such as to render the whole system rigid in an infinitely short time. Comparing this result with that obtained in equation (48), we see that the law of distribution of the velocities of the particle mn is the same as what it would be in a fixed vessel containing n — 2 particles, provided that we substitute for wa, if, V? the quantities (l — fynz2)"^2, (1 — a/AZ2)"1??2, £" respectively. Hence the mean square of the velocity in the direction of the line joining the particle with the centre of mass is the same at all points of the system, but the mean square of the velocity in other directions is less than this in the ratio of 1— a/zz2 to 1, where z is the perpendicular from the centre of mass on the line of relative motion of the particle, and a is the moment of mobility of the system about an axis through the centre of mass and normal to the plane through that centre and the line of motion. When the product of the mass of the particle into the square of its distance from the centre is so small that it may be neglected in comparison with the moments of inertia of the system, then quantities like a/*z2 and fytz2 may be neglected in respect of unity, and we may assert that the mean square of the relative velocity, for a particle of given mass, is the same in all directions and at all points of the system; but that for different particles it varies VOL. II. 9S ; , BOLT«IIAin*'i TBHMM* ON THB AVERAGE DISTRIBUTION mrefttlr M their masses; eo that the average energy of motion relative to the noring axes i« the aame for particles of all kinds throughout the system. We h»re already learned from equation (98) that in a free system of n particle* the number of cases in which the system is in a given configuration, ( othtr wnrft. the probability of that configuration, is proportional to the ! power of the energy of internal motion corresponding to that configuration. next to consider the manner in which this probability depends oo the position of a particular particle, say of the last particle, mn. Let /.** denote the energy of internal motion of the complete system when M. is at the centre of mass of the system and is without any velocity relative to that centre. It is manifest that in this case mn contributes nothing towards the energy of internal motion. Now let w. be carried from the centre of mass to the point (0, 0, z) and left there without any velocity (that is, let u = v = w=Q). Let W be the work which must be done against the forces of the system to eflect this transference, then since the total energy of the system and the three angular momenta must be maintained constant, we shall have after this displacement, for the energy of internal motion of the remaining n — 1 particles, /.., = /.«- W .............................. (102). But by equation (85) Substituting the value of /,,_, from equation (102), and remembering that •i = r = ir = 0, we find for the energy of internal motion in the new configuration /. = /."- TT+i/itl-ft/u^-'oy + liL(l-a,a?)j& ........... (104). The probability, therefore, of a configuration in which, the positions of all the other particles being given, that of mn is varied, is proportional to /„"*", /. being given by equation (104). When, as in the case of a gas, there are a great many particles similar to «., we may speak of the density of the medium consisting of such particles in the element dxdydz. In this case, however, for reasons already given, neglect OF ENERGY IN A SYSTEM OF MATERIAL POINTS. 739 the quantities c^z2 and fyz2, and we may write m for /n. We may also choose our axes in the manner which is most convenient. We shall therefore make the axis of z that round which the system, if it were rendered rigid, would rotate with velocity w, and we shall suppose this axis to be vertical, as otherwise a steady motion under the action of gravity could not exist, and we shall denote the horizontal distance from this axis by r. We may now write for the density of the gas at the point (z, r) Sn-S p = p0[l + (2ln(<>})~* (ma>V — 2mgz)^ 2 (105), where pg is the density at the origin. When n is a very large number and when the second term of the binomial is very small compared with unity, we may write for this the exponential expression P = P«e ............................... (106). If m0 is the mass of a molecule of hydrogen, /zm0 will be the mass of a molecule of the kind of gas considered, where p. is the chemical equivalent of the gas. Also if T is the temperature on the centigrade scale, and a the coefficient of dilatation of a perfect gas, then since the " velocity of mean square " of agitation of the molecules of hydrogen at 0"C. is I'844xl05 centimetres per second, the kinetic energy of agitation of a system contain ing n molecules of any kind will be and the difference between this and the energy of internal motion may be neglected. We thus find for the density at any point »' (1-844) HO'" (1+aiO /1A'7\ P = P«? ............................ (107). Let us now consider a tube of uniform section placed on a whirling table so that one end, A, of the tube coincides with the axis while the other end, B, revolves about the axis with the angular velocity w. The linear velocity of B is car, and we shall suppose, for the sake of easy calculation, that this velocity is one-tenth of the velocity of agitation of the molecules of hydrogen. 93—2 740 Botmuira'a THBOBKM ON THE AVEIUGB DISTRIBUTION The velocity of the end /? would be 184'4 metres per second. If the tube • hydrogen at 0"C, the ratio of the density of the gas at B to the at A will be «•*«, or approximately 1 +*fo- If it contains a gas whose chemical equivalent is p, the ratio will be JL 200' If the tube contains hydrogen and carbonic acid, and if a certain volume of the tube at A contains 200 parts of hydrogen and 200 of carbonic acid, then an equal volume of the tube at B will contain 201 parts of hydrogen and 222 part* of carbonic acid. The time during which the experiment would require to be continued in older to obtain a given degree of approximation to the ultimate distribution of the mixed gases varies as the square of the length of the tube. Thus in Loschmidt's experiments on the diffusion of gases he used a tube about a metre long, and continued his experiments from half an hour to an hour in order to obtain the results from which he could best deduce the coefficient of diffusion. In these experiments the inequalities of distribution of hydrogen and carbonic acid were reduced to less than a third part of their original value in h«lf an hour, and if the experiment had gone on for two hours the differences from the ultimate distribution would have been reduced to a hundredth part of their original value. We may therefore consider two hours as ample time for an experiment on the ultimate distribution of these two gases in a tube one metre in length. But if we make the whirling tube 20 centimetres long, the differences of distribution from the ultimate distribution would be reduced to a hundredth part of their original value in a twenty-fifth part of the time, that is to say in 4 minutes 48 seconds. If it were found more convenient to have bulbs on the ends of the tubes, so as to be able to secure the gas at each end before it got mixed up by the violent commotion arising from the stopping of the whirling tube, we should have to allow a longer time for the whirling. OF ENERGY IN A SYSTEM OP MATERIAL POINTS. 741 In order to obtain a similar distribution of the two gases in a vertical tube by the action of gravity the tube would require to be 1720 metres high, and in order to obtain the same degree of approximation to the ultimate distribution we should have to let the experiment go on for 675 years, carefully preserving the tube during that time from all inequalities of tempera- ture, which, by causing convection-currents, would continually mix up the gases and prevent their partial separation. [From Nature, VoL XVIIL] XCV. The Telephone (Rede Lecture). WHEN, about two years ago, news came from the other side of the Atlantic that a method had been invented of transmitting, by means of electricitv, the articulate sounds of the human voice, so as to be heard hundreds of miles away from the speaker, those of us who had reason to believe that the report had some foundation in fact, began to exercise our in picturing some triumph of constructive skill — something as far surpassng Sir William Thomson's Siphon Recorder in delicacy and intricacy as that is beyond a common bell-pull. When at last this little instrument appeared, consisting, as it does, of parts, everyone of which is familiar to us, and capable of being put together by an amateur, the disappointment arising from its humble appearance was only partially relieved on finding that it was really able to talk. But perhaps the telephone, though simple in respect of its material and construction, may involve some recondite physical principle, the study of which might worthily occupy an hour's time of an academic audience : I can only aay that I have not yet met anyone acquainted with the first elements of electricity who has experienced the slightest difficulty in understanding the physical process involved in the action of the telephone. I may even go further, and say that I have never seen a printed article on the subject, even in the columns of a newspaper, which shewed a sufficient amount of mis- apprehension to make it worth preserving — a proof that among scientific subjects the telephone possesses a very exceptional degree of lucidity. However, if the telephone has something to say for itself, it would seem hardly necessary for me to take up your time with any tedious introduction. It is unfortunate, however, that up to the present time the telephone has kept all his more perfect utterances to be whispered into the privileged ear of a dingle listener. When he is older, he may get more accustomed to public THE TELEPHONE. 743 speaking, but if we force him, in his present immature state, to exert his voice beyond what is good for him, it may sound rather too like the pot quarrelling with the kettle, and may call for the criticism with which Mr Tennyson's Princess complimented the disguised Prince on his " Song of the Swallow : " — » "Not for thee, she said, O Bulbul, any rose of Gulistan Shall burst her veil: marsh divers rather, maid, Shall croak thee sister, or the meadow crake Grate her harsh kindred in the grass." Is it for this, then, that we are to forsake the luncheons and lawn tennis and all the engrossing studies of the May Term, and to assemble in this solemn hall, where the very air seems thick with the accumulation of unsolved problems, or else redolent of the graces of innumerable congregations ? It is not by concentrating our minds on any problem, however important, but rather by encouraging them to expand, that we shall best fulfil the intention of Sir Robert Rede when he founded this lecture. It would be as useless as it would be tedious to try to explain the various parts of this small instrument to persons in every part of the Senate House. I shall, therefore, consider the telephone as a material symbol of the widely separated departments of human knowledge, the cultivation of which has led, by as many converging paths, to the invention of this instrument by Professor Graham Bell. For whatever may be said about the importance of aiming at depth rather than width in our studies, and however strong the demand of the present age may be for specialists, there will always be work, not only for those who build up particular sciences and write monographs on them, but for those who open up such communications between the different groups of builders as will facilitate a healthy interaction between them. And in a university we are especially bound to recognise not only the unity of science itself, but the communion of the workers in science. We are too apt to suppose that we are congregated here merely to be within reach of certain appliances of study, such as museums and laboratories, libraries and lecturers, so that each of us may study what he prefers. I suppose that when the bees crowd round the flowers it is for the sake of the honey that they do so, never thinking that it is the dust which they are carrying from flower to flower which is to render THE TELEPHONE. possible a more splendid array of flowers, and a busier crowd of bees, in the years to come. We cannot, therefore, do better than improve the shining hour Helping forward the cross-fertilization of the sciences. pofmD ^ -o further, I wish to express my obligation to Mr Garnett for the able sssistsntr he has given me. He has not only collected the apparatus before you, but constructed some of it himself. But for him, I might have given you some second-hand information about telephones. He has made it ptmiMft ^ you to hear something yourselves. I have also to thank Mr Gower, who has brought his telephone harp, and Mr Middleton, who has contributed several instruments of his own invention. We shall begin with the telephone in its most obvious aspect, as an instrument depending on certain physical principles. The apparatus consists of two instruments, the transmitter and the receiver, doubly connected by a circuit capable of conducting electricity. The speaker »«lfc« to the transmitter at one end of the line, and at the other end of the line the listener puts his ear to the receiver, and hears what the speaker says. The process in its two extreme stages is so exactly similar to the old- fashioned method of speaking and hearing that no preparatory practice is required on the part of either operator. We must not, however, fell into the error of confounding the principle of the electric telephone with that of other contrivances for increasing the distance at which a conversation may be carried on. In all these the principle is the same as in the ordinary transmission of sound through the air. The different |H>rtions. of matter which intervene between the speaker and the hearer take part, in succession, in a certain mechanical process. Each receives a certain motion from the portion behind it and communicates a precisely similar motion to the portion in front of it, in doing which it gives out all the energy it received, and is again reduced to rest. The medium which takes part in this process may be the open air, or air confined in a long tube, or some other medium such as a brick wall, as when we hear what goes on in the next house, or a long wooden rod, or a metal wire, or even a stretched string. In all these it is by the actual motion of the successive portions of the medium that the message is transmitted. In the electric telephone there is also a medium extending from the one instrument to the other. It is a copper wire, or rather two wires forming a dosed circuit. But it is not by any motion of the copper that the message THE TELEPHONE. 745 is transmitted. The copper remains at rest, but a variable electric current flows to and fro in the circuit. It is this which distinguishes the electric telephone from the ordinary speaking tube, and from the transmission of vibrations along wooden rods by which Sir Charles Wheatstone used to cause musical instruments to sound in a mysterious manner without any visible performer. On the other hand, we have to distinguish the principle of the articulating telephone from that of a great number of electrical contrivances which produce visible or audible signals at a distance. Most of these depend on the alternate transmission and interruption of an electric current. In some part of the circuit a piece of apparatus is introduced corresponding to this instrument which is called a key. Whenever two pieces of metal, called the contact pieces, touch each other, the current flows from the one to the other, and so round the circuit. Whenever the contact pieces are separated the current is interrupted, and the effects of this alternation of current and no current may be made to produce signals at any other part of the circuit. In the Morse system of signalling, currents of longer and of shorter duration are called dashes and dots respectively, and by combinations of these the symbols of letters are formed. The rate at which these little currents succeed one another depends on the rate at which the operator can work the key, and may be increased by mechanical methods till the receiving clerk can no longer distinguish the symbols. But the capability of the telegraph wire for transmitting signals is by no means exhausted ; as the rapidity of the succession is increased, the ear ceases to distinguish them as separate signals, but begins to recognise the impression it receives as that of a musical tone, the pitch of which depends on the number of currents in a second. Tuning forks driven by electricity were used by Helmholtz in his researches on the vowel sounds, and the periodically intermittent current which they furnish is recognised as a most valuable agent in physical and physiological research. The tuning forks are of the most massive construction, and the succession of currents goes on with the most inflexible regularity, so that whenever we have occasion to follow the march of a process which takes place in a short time, such as the vibration of a violin string or the twitch of a living muscle, the tuning fork becomes our appropriate timepiece. Apparatus of this kind, however, the merit of which is its regularity, is quite VOL. II. 94 TUB TELEPHONE. of adapting itself to the transmission of variable tones such as those of a melody. The first suiMiiMsfiil attempt to transmit variable tones by electricity was MiJT ky pjjijip jfcj^ a teacher in a school at Friedrichsdorf, near Homburg. Oft October SI, 1861, Reis showed his instrument, which he called a telephone, to the Ptmwml Society of Frankfort on the Main. He succeeded in transmitting melodies which were distinctly heard about the room. The transmitter of Beis's telephone is essentially a make and break key of so ddint* a construction that the sound-waves in the air are able to work it The sir vibrations set in motion a stretched membrane like a drumhead, with a piece of platinum fastened to it. This piece of platinum, when vibrating, strikes against another piece of platinum, and so completes the circuit every time contact is made. At every point of the circuit there is thus a series of currents corresponding in number to the vibrations of the drumhead, and by causing these to pass through the coil of an electromagnet, the armature of the electromagnet is attracted every time the current passes, and if the armature is attached to a resonator of any kind, the succession of tugs will set it in vibration, and cause it to emit a sound, the pitch of which is the same as that of the note sung into the transmitter at the other end of the line. [Mr Cower here played the "March of the Men of Harlech" on the telephone harp placed in the Geological Museum. The instrument consists of a set of steel reeds worked by percussion, which make and break contact on the battery circuit, of which the primary wire of an induction coil forms part. The receivers are worked by the secondary current. There were four receivers, one of them Prof. Bell's original one, placed in different parts of the Senate-house.] If the pitch of a sound were the only quality which we are able to distinguish, the problem of telephony would have received its complete solution in the instrument of Reia. But the human ear is so constructed, and we ourselves are so trained by continual practice, that we recognise distinctions in sound of a far more subtle character than that of pitch ; and these finer distinctions have become so much more important for the purposes of human intercourse than the musical distinction of pitch, that many persons can detect the slightest variation in the pronunciation of a word who are comparatively indifferent to the variations of a melody. THE TELEPHONE. 747 Now, the telephone of Prof. Graham Bell is an articulating telephone, which can transmit not only melodies sung to it, but ordinary speech, and that so faithfully that we can often recognise the speaker by his voice as heard through the telephone. How is this effected ? It is manifest that if by any means we can cause the tinned plate of the receiving instrument to vibrate in precisely the same manner as that of the transmitter, the impression on the ear will be exactly the same as if it had been placed at the back of the plate of the transmitter, and the words will be heard as if spoken at the other side of a tinned plate. But this implies an exact correspondence, not only in the number of vibrations, but in the type of each vibration. Now, if the electrical part of the process consisted merely of alternations between current and no current, the receiving instrument could never elicit from it the semblance of articulate speech. If the alternations were sufficiently regular, they would produce a sound of a recognisable pitch, which would be very rough music if the pitch were low, but might be less unendurable if the pitch were high ; still, at the best, it would be like playing a violin with a saw instead of a bow. What we want is not a sudden starting and stopping of the current, but a continuous rise and fall of the current, corresponding in every gradation and inflexion to the motion of the air agitated by the voice of the speaker. Prof. Graham Bell has recounted the many unsuccessful attempts which he made to produce undulatory currents instead of mere intermittent ones. He had, of course, to give up altogether the method of making and breaking contact. Every method involving impact of any kind, whether between electric contact pieces or between the sounding parts of the instrument, introduces discontinuity of motion, and therefore precludes a faithful reproduction of speech. In the ultimate form which the telephone in his hands assumed, the electric current is not merely regulated but actually generated by the aerial vibrations themselves. The electric principle involved in Bell's telephone is that of the induction of electric currents discovered by Faraday in 1831. Faraday's own statement of this principle has been before the scientific world for nearly half a century, but has never been improved upon. Consider first a conducting circuit, that is to say, a wire which after any 94—2 TUB TELKTHONK. of coaroluuon» returns into iteelf. Round such a circuit an electric my JIM, and will flow if there is an electromotive force to drive it. lest a li»« of magnetic force, such a line as you see here made by •prinkling iron filing* on a sheet of paraffin paper. This line, as r also tint showed, ia a line returning into itself, or, as the mathema- woald my. it ia a closed curve. v if there are two closed curves in space, they must either embrace •Doctor so aa to be linked together, or they must not embrace each other. If the line of force as well as the circuit were made of wire, and if it he copper circuit, it would be impossible to unlink them without cutting one or other of the wires. But the line of force is more like one of Milton'* spirit*, which cannot "In their liquid texture mortal wound Receire, no more than can the fluid air." Now, if the copper circuit or the lines of force move relatively to each other, then in general some of the lines of force which originally embraced the circuit will CIQMQ to embrace it, or else some of those which did not embrace it will become linked with it, For every line of force which ceases to embrace the circuit there is a certain amount of positive electromotive force, which, if unopposed, will generate a current in the positive direction, and for every new line which embraces the circuit there is a negative electromotive force, causing a negative current. In Bell's telephone the circuit forms a coil round a small core of soft iron fcatened to the end of a steel magnet. Now lines of magnetic force pass more freely through iron than through any other substance. They will go out of their way in order to pass through iron instead of air. Hence a large proportion of the lines of force belonging to the magnet pass through the iron core, and, therefore, through the coil, even though there is no iron beyond the core, so that they have to complete their circuit through air. Hut if another piece of soft iron is placed near the end of the core it will afford greater facilities for lines which have passed through the core to complete their circuit, and so the lines belonging to the magnet will crowd •till closer together to take advantage of an easy passage through the core and the iron beyond it. If then the iron is moved nearer to the core, there will be an increase in the number of such lines, and, therefore, a negative current in the circuit If it is moved away there will be a diminution in the THE TELEPHONE. 749 number of lines, and a positive current in the circuit. This principle was employed by Page in the construction of one of the earliest magneto-electric machines, but it was reserved for Prof. Bell to discover that the vibrations of a tinned iron plate, set in motion by the voice, would produce such currents in the circuit as to set in motion a similar tinned plate at the other end of the line. It will help us to appreciate the fertility of that germ of science which Faraday first detected and developed if we recollect that year after year he had employed the powerful batteries and magnets and delicate galvanometers of the Royal Institution to obtain evidence of what he all along hoped to discover — the production of a current in one circuit by a current in another, but all without success, till at last he detected the induced current as a transient phenomenon, to be observed only at the instant of making or breaking the primary circuit. In less, than half a century, and by the aid of no second Faraday, but in the course of the ordinary growth of scientific principles, this germ, so barely caught by Faraday, has developed on the one hand into the powerful currents which maintain the illumination of the lighthouses on our coasts ; and on the other, into these currents of the telephone which produce an audible effect, though the engine that drives them is itself driven by the tremors of a child's voice. Prof. Tait has recently measured the absolute strength of these telephone currents. He produced them by means of a tuning fork vibrating in front of the coil of the transmitter. Before the transmitted note ceased to be audible at the other end of the line he measured by means of a microscope the amplitude of the vibrations of the fork. He then placed a very delicate galvanometer in the circuit and found what deflection was produced by a measured motion of the fork. Finally he measured the deflection of the galvanometer produced by a small electromotive force of known magnitude. He thus found that the telephone currents produced an audible effect when reversed 500 times a second, though their strength was no greater than what a Grove's cell would send through a million megohms, about a thousand million times less than the currents used in ordinary telegraphic work. One great beauty of Prof. Bell's invention is that the instruments at the two ends of the line are precisely alike. When the tin plate of the transmitter THE TELEPHONE. appraaflhee the oore at ita bobbin it produces a current in the circuit, which ha* alrr to circulate round the bobbin of the receiver, and thus the core of the M .TrJuntf more or leas magnetic, and attracts its tin plate with greater ^ fam. Thus the tin plate of the receiver reproduces on a smaller but with perfect fidelity, every motion of the tin plate of the transmitter. Thia perfect symmetry of the whole apparatus — the wire in the middle, the two telephone* at the end of the wire, and the two gossips at the ends of the telephone* — may be very fascinating to a mere mathematician, but it would not satisfy an evolutionist of the Spencerian type, who would consider anything with both ends alike to be an organism of a very low type, which BM4 hare ita functions differentiated before any satisfactory integration can Uke place. Accordingly, many attempts have been made, by differentiating the function of the transmitter from that of the receiver, to overcome the principal limitation to the power of the telephone. As long as the human voice is the sole motive power of the apparatus it is manifest that what is heard at one end must be fainter than what is spoken at the other. But if the vibration set up by the voice is used no longer as the source of energy, but merely as a means of modulating the strength of a current produced by a voltaic battery, then there will be no necessary limitation of the intensity of the resulting sound, ao that what is whispered to the transmitter may be proclaimed ore rotunda by the receiver. A result of this kind has already been obtained by Mr Edison by means of * transmitter in which the sound vibrations produce a varying pressure on a piece of carbon, which forms part of the electric circuit. The greater the prwHure, the smaller is the resistance due to the insertion of the carbon, and therefore the greater is the current in the circuit. I have not yet seen Mr Edison's transmitter, but the microphone of Prof. Hughes IB an application of carbon and other substances to the construction of a transmitter, which modulates the intensity of a battery current in more or leas complete accordance with the sound-vibrations it receives. The energy the aound produced is no longer limited by that of the original sound. All the original sound does is to draw supplies of energy from the battery, very feeble sound may give rise to a considerable effect. Thus, when a fly walks over the table of the microphone the sound of his tramp may be heard miles off THE TELEPHONE. 751 Indeed, the microphone seems to open up several new lines of research. We shall have London physicians performing stethoscopic auscultations on patients in all parts of the kingdom. The Entomological Society have been much interested by Mr Wood-Mason's discovery of a stridulating apparatus in scorpions. Perhaps ere long a microphone, placed in a nest of tropical scorpions, may be connected up to a receiver in the apartments of the society, so as to give the members and their musical friends an opportunity of deciding whether the musical taste of the scorpion resembles that of the nightingale or that of the cat. I have said that the telephone is an instance of the benefit to be derived from the cross-fertilization of the sciences. Now this is an operation which cannot be performed by merely collecting treatises on the different sciences, and binding them up into an encyclopaedia. Science exists only in the mind, and the union of the sciences can take place only in a living person. Now, Prof. Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone, is not an electrician who has found out how to make a tin plate speak, but a speaker, who, to gain his private ends, has become an electrician. He is the son of a very remarkable man, Alexander Melville Bell, author of a book called "Visible Speech," and of other works relating to pronunciation. In fact, his whole life has been employed in teaching people to speak. He brought the art to such perfection that, though a Scotchman, he taught himself in six months to speak English, and I regret extremely that when I had the opportunity in Edinburgh I did not take lessons from him. Mr Melville Bell has made a complete analysis and classification of all the sounds capable of being uttered by the human voice, from the Zulu clicks to coughing and sneezing; and he has embodied his results in a system of symbols, the elements of which are not taken from any existing alphabet, but are founded on the different configurations of the organs of speech. The capacities of this new mode of representing speech have been put to the test by Mr Alexander J. Ellis, author of "The Essentials of Phonetics," a gentleman who has studied the whole theory of speech acoustically, philologically, and historically. He describes the result in a letter to The Reader: — " The mode of procedure was as follows : — Mr Bell sent his two sons, who were to read the writing, out of the room — it is interesting to know that the elder, who read all the words in this case, had only had five weeks' instruction in the use of the alphabet — and I dictated slowly and distinctly the sounds which I wished to be written. They consisted of a few words in Latin, pronounced 75S THE TELEPHONE. at Eton, then as in Italy, and then according to some theoretical of how the Latins might have uttered them. Then came some English and affected pronunciations, the words 'how odd' being given in distinct ways. Suddenly German provincialisms were introduced ; then of sounds often confiised. Some Arabic, some Cockney English, with an intiwduoed Arabic guttural, some mispronounced Spanish, and a variety of rowels and diphthongs. "The remit was perfectly satisfactory — that is, Mr Bell wrote down my and purposely exaggerated pronunciations and mispronunciations, and : :. ••••!• tittd li> lOOa, licit liiivinn; hc;ml tlu-ni, ao attend them as to surprise me by the extremely correct echo of my own voice Accent, tone, drawl, brevity, indistinctness were all reproduced with surprising accuracy. Being on the watch, I could, as it were, trace the alphabet in the lips of the readers. I think, then, that Mr Bell is justified in the somewhat bold title which he has assumed for his mode of writing— 'Visible speech.' I only hope that for the advantage of linguists, such an alphabet may soon be made accessible, and that, for the intercourse of nations, it may be adopted generally, at least for extra-European nations, as for the Chinese dialect and the several extremely diverse Indian languages, where such an alphabet would rapidly become a great social and political engine." The inventor of the telephone was thus prepared, by early training in the practical analysis of the elements of speech, to associate whatever scientific knowledge he might afterwards acquire with those elementary sensations and actions, which each of us must learn from himself, because they lie too deep within us to be described to others. This training was put to a very severe test, when, at the request of the Boston Board of Education, Prof. Graham Bell conducted a series of experiments with his father's system in the Boston School for the Deaf and Dumb. I cannot conceive a nobler application of the scientific analysis of speech, than that by which it enables those to whom all sound is "expunged and rased And wisdom at one entrance quite shut out," not only to speak themselves, but to read by sight what other people are saving. lie successful result of the experiments at Boston is not only the most valuable testimonial to the father's system of visible speech, but an honour THE TELEPHONE. 753 which the inventor of the telephone may well consider as the highest he has attained. An independent method of research into the process of speech was employed by Wheatstone, Willis, and Kempelen, the aim of which was to imitate the sounds of the human voice by means of artificial apparatus. This apparatus was in some cases modelled so as to represent as nearly as possible the form as well as the functions of the organs of speech, but it was found that an equally good imitation of the vocal sounds could be obtained from apparatus the form of which had no resemblance to the natural organs. Several isolated facts of considerable importance were established by this method, but the whole theory of speaking and hearing has been so profoundly modified by Helmholtz and Bonders, that much of what was advanced before their time has come to possess only an historical interest. Among all the recent steps in the progress of science, I know none of which the truly scientific or science-producing consequences are likely to be so influential as the rise of a school of physiologists, who investigate the conditions of our sensations by producing on the external senses impressions, the physical conditions of which can be measured with precision, and then recording the verdict of consciousness as to the similarity or difference of the resulting sensa- tions. Prof. Helmholtz, in his recent address as Rector of the University of Berlin, lays great stress on that personal interaction between living minds, which I have already spoken of as essential to the life of a University. " I appreciate," he says, "at its full value this last advantage, when, looking back, I recall my student days, and the impression made upon us by a man like Johannes Muller, the physiologist. When one finds himself in contact with a man of the first order, the entire scale of one's intellectual conceptions is modified for life; contact with such a man is perhaps the most interesting thing life may have to offer." Now, the form in which Johannes Muller stated what we may regard as the germ which fertilized the physiology of the senses is this, that the difference in the sensations due to different senses does not depend upon the actions which excite them, but upon the various nervous arrangements which receive them. To accept this statement out of a book, as a matter of dead faith, may not be difficult to an easy-going student; but when caught like a contagion, as 95 VOL. II. Tint TELEPHONE. it, from the lip« of the living teacher, it has become the of a life of research. No 'taut 'ha* done man than llelmholtz to open up paths of communication i^^ departments of human knowledge; and one of these, lying in attract!™ region than that of elementary psychology, might be explored udlv favourable conditions, by some of the fresh minds now »c« j »« •"/ coming op to Cambridge. Helmholu, by a aeries of daring strides, has effected a passage for himself orer that untrodden wild between acoustics and music — that Serbonian bog whole armies of scientific musicians and musical men of science have without filling it up. We mar not be able even yet to plant our feet in his tracts and follow him right across. That would require the seven league boots of the German ooloMUs; but to help us in Cambridge we have the Board of Musical Studies, vindicating for music its ancient place in a liberal education. On the physical we have Lord Bayleigh laying the foundation deep and strong in his of Sound, On the aesthetic side we have the University Musical Society doing the practical work, and in the space between, those conferences of Mr Sedley Taylor, where the wail of the siren draws musician and mathematician together down into the depths of their sensational being, and where the gorgeous hoot of the phoneidoecope are seen to seethe and twine and coil like the "Dragon boughs and elvish emblemings" on the gates of that city where "an ye heard a music, like enow They are building still, seeing the city is built To music, therefore never built at all, And therefore built for ever." The special educational value of this combined study of music and acoustics w that more than almost any other study it involves a continual appeal to what we must observe for ourselves. The facts are things which must be felt; they cannot be learned from any description of them. All this has been said more than two hundred years ago by one of our own prophets — Wdliam Harvey, of Gonville and Caius College. "For whosoever they be that read authors, and do not by the aid of their own senses, abstract THE TELEPHONE. 755 true representations of the things themselves (comprehended in the author's expressions) they do not represent true ideas, but deceitful idols and phantasms, by which they frame to themselves certain shadows and chimseras, and all their theory and contemplation (which they call science) represents nothing but waking men's dreams and sick men's phrensies." Prof. Maxwell was assisted in his practical demonstrations by Mr Garnett, of St John's College. 95—2 [Prom tfatttrt, VoL XCVI. — Paradoxical Philosophy*. On otumipg this book, the general appearance of the pages, and some of UM phram on which we happened to light made us somewhat doubtful whether \y within our jurisdiction, as it is not the practice of Nature to review either norels or theological works. In the dedication, however, the book is described as an account of the of a learned society, a species of literature which we are under a to rescue from oblivion, even when, as in this case, the proceed- those of one of those jubilee meetings, in which learned men seem to aim nther at being lively than scientific. On the title-page itself there is no name to indicate whether the author M one of those who by previous conviction have rendered themselves liable to our surveillance, but on the opposite page we find The Unseen Universe; or, Pkynaal Speculations on a Future State, to which this book is a " Sequel," Moribod to the well-known names of Balfour Stewart and P. G. Tait. Mr Browning has expressed his regret that the one volume in which lUfaelle wrote his sonnets, and the one angel which Dante was drawing when he was interrupted by "people of importance," are lost to the world. We ahall therefore make the most of our opportunity when two eminent men of atteooe, "driven," as they tell us, "by the exigencies of the subject," have laid down all the instruments of their art, shaken the very chalk from their hands, and, locking up their laboratories, have betaken themselves to those blissful country seats where Philonous long ago convinced Hylas that there can be no heat in the fire and no matter in the world; and where in more recent times, Peacock and Mallock have brought together in larger groups the more picturesque of contemporary opinions. In this book we do not indeed catch those echoes of well-known voices in which the citizens of the "New Republic" tell us how they prefer to ital PkilotojAy. A Sequel to The Untem Univerte (London : Macmillan r to draw down on Nature the admonition which fell on the inner ear of the poet— -Tboo prabvt hew whore thou art leatt ; Tfci* fcilli hath many » purer priest, many an abler voice than thou. For era* thof* words and phrases which seemed at first sight to remove the book from the field of our criticism, are found on a nearer view to have acquired a new, and indeed a paradoxical sense, for which no right of sanctuary be claimed. The words on the title-page : " In te, Domine, speravi, non confundar in may recall to an ordinary reader the aspiration of the Hebrew the closing prayer of the "Te Deum," or the dying words of Francis Xarier; and men of science, as such, are not to be supposed incapable either of the nobler hopes or of the nobler fears to which their fellow-men have attained. Here, however, we find these venerable words employed to express a conviction of the perpetual validity of the "Principle of Continuity," enforced by the tremendous sanction, that if at any place or at any time a single exception to that principle were to occur, a general collapse of every intellect in the universe would be the inevitable result. There are other well-known words in which St Paul contrasts things seen with things unseen. These also are put in a prominent place by the authors of the Unxcn Universe. What, then, is the Unseen to which they raise their thoughts! . In the first place the luminiferous aether, the tremors of which are the dynamical equivalent of all the energy which has been lost by radiation from the various systems of grosser matter which it surrounds. In the second place a still more subtle medium, imagined by Sir William Thomson as possibly capable of furnishing an explanation of the properties of sensible bodies; on the hypothesis that they are built up of ring vortices set in motion by some supernatural power in a frictionless liquid: beyond which we are to suppose an indefinite succession of media, not hitherto imagined by any one, each mani- foldly more subtle than any of those preceding it. To exercise the mind in •peculations on such media may be a most delightful employment for those who are intellectually fitted to indulge in it, though we cannot see why they should on that account appropriate the words of St Paul PARADOXICAL PHILOSOPHY. 759 Nature is a journal of science, and one of the severest tests of a scientific mind is to discern the limits of the legitimate application of scientific methods. We shall therefore endeavour to keep within the bounds of science in speaking of the subject-matter of this book, remembering that there are many things in heaven and earth which, by the selection required for the application of our scientific methods, have been excluded from our philosophy. No new discoveries can make the argument against the personal existence of man after death any stronger than it has appeared to be ever since men began to die, and no language can express it more forcibly than the words of the Psalmist : — " His breath goeth forth, he returneth to his earth ; in that very day his thoughts perish." Physiology may supply a continually increasing number of illustrations of the dependence of our actions, mental as well as bodily, on the condition of our material organs, but none of these can render any more certain those facts about death which our earliest ancestors knew as well as our latest posterity can ever learn them. Science has, indeed, made some progress in clearing away the haze of materialism which clung so long to men's notions about the soul, in spite of their dogmatic statements about its immateriality. No anatomist now looks forward to being able to demonstrate my soul by dissecting it out of my pineal gland, or to determine the quantity of it by the process of double weighing. The notion that the soul exerts force lingered longer. We find it even in the late Isaac Taylor's Physical Theory of a Future State. It was admitted that one body might set another in motion; but it was asserted that in every case, if we only trace the chain of phenomena far enough back, we must come to a body set in motion by the direct action of a soul. It would be rash to assert that any experiments on living beings have as yet been conducted with such precision as to account for every foot-pound of work done by an animal in terms of the diminution of the intrinsic energy of the body and its contents; but the principle of the conservation of energy has acquired so much scientific weight during the last twenty years that no physio- logist would feel any confidence in an experiment which shewed a considerable difference between the work done by an animal and the balance of the account of energy received and spent. Science has thus compelled us to admit that that which distinguishes a PARADOXICAL PHILOSOPHY. lir hodr from a doid one is neither a material thing, nor that more refined Mfcr» of energy." There are methods, however, by which the applica- ioa of energy may be directed without interfering with its amount. Is the sool like the engine-driver, who does not draw the train himself, but, by means of certain ralves, direct* the course of the steam so as to drive the engine or backward, or to stop it? The dynamical theory of a conservative material system shews us, however, I* general the present configuration and motion determine the whole course of the system, exceptions to this rule occurring only at the instants when the les through certain isolated and singular phases, at which a strictly force may determine the course of the system to any one of a finite of equally possible paths, as the pointsman at a railway junction directs the train to one set of rails or another. Prof. B. Stewart has expounded a theory of this kind in his book on The Conservation of Energy, and MM. de 8t Venant and Boussineeq have examined the corresponding phase of some purely mathematical problems. The science which rejoices in the name of " Psychophysik " has made con- siderable progress in the study of the phenomena which accompany our sensations and voluntary motions. We are taught that many of the processes which we nippoit entirely under the control of our own will are subject to the strictest laws of succession, with which we have no power of interfering; and we are shewn bow to verify the conclusions of the science by deducing from it methods of physical and mental training for ourselves and others. Thus 'science strips off, one after the other, the more or less gross materialisations by which we endeavour to form an objective image of the soul, till men of science, speculating, in their non-scientific intervals, like other men on what science may possibly lead to, have prophesied that we shall soon have to confess that the soul is nothing else than a function of certain complex . • • • . • • - Men of science, however, are but men, and therefore occasionally contemplate their souls from within. Those who, like Du Bois-Reymond, cannot admit that sensation or consciousness can be a function of a material system, are led to the conception of a double mind. On tfce one aide the acting, inventing, unconscious material mind, which puts the muscles into motion, and determine* the world's history; this is nothing else but the mechanics of atoms, and a nbpct to the caoail law, and on the other side the inactive, contemplative, remembering, PARADOXICAL PHILOSOPHY. 761 fancying, conscious, immaterial mind, which feels pleasure and pain, love, and hate; this one lies outside of the mechanics of matter, and cares nothing for cause and effect." We might ask Prof. Du Bois-Reymond which of these it is that does right or wrong, and knows that it is his act, and that he is responsible for it, but we must go on to the other view of the case, which Dr Stoffkraft alludes to at p. 78, although by some law of the Paradoxical, he is not allowed to pursue a subject which might have afforded excellent sport to the Society. "I feel myself compelled to believe," says the learned Doctor, "that all kinds of matter have their motions accompanied with certain simple sensations. In a word, all matter is, in some occult sense, alive." This is what we may call the "levelling up" policy, and it has been expounded with great clearness by Prof, von Niigeli in a lecture, of which a translation was given in Nature, Vol. xvi. p. 531. He can draw no line across the chain of being, and say that sensation and consciousness do not extend below that line. He cannot doubt that every molecule possesses something related, though distantly, to sensation, " since each one feels the presence, the particular condition, the peculiar forces of the other, and, accordingly, has the inclination to move, and under circumstances really begins to move — becomes alive as it were;". . . "If, therefore, the molecules feel something which is related to sensation, then this must be pleasure if they can respond to attraction and repulsion, i.e. follow their inclination or disinclination ; it must be displeasure if they are forced to execute some opposite movement, and it must be neither pleasure nor displeasure if they remain at rest." Prof, von Niigeli must have forgotten his dynamics, or he would have remembered that the molecules, like the planets, move along like blessed gods. They cannot be disturbed from the path of their choice by the action of any forces, for they have a constant and perpetual will to render to every force precisely that amount of deflexion which is due to it. Their condition must, therefore, be one of unmixed and unbroken pleasure. But even if a man were built up of thinking atoms would the thoughts of the man have any relation to the thoughts of the atoms? Those who try to account for mental processes by the combined action of atoms do so, not by the thoughts of the atoms, but by their motions. Dr Stoffkraft explains the origin of consciousness at p. 77 and at p. 107. We recommend to his attention Mr Herbert Spencer's statement in his Principles of Psychology, § 179, where he shews in a most triumphant manner how, under VOL. II. 96 PARADOXICAL PHILOSOPHY. esrtain arcomstances, "there must arise a consciousness." Such statements, care- fyiy itndkrt, mar contribute to the further progress of science hi the path which we have been describing, by shewing more clearly that consciousness be the result of a plexus of nervous communications any more than of of plastidule souls. Jity is often spoken of as if it were another name for the continuity of oooscioasness as reproduced in memory, but it is impossible to deal with personality at if it were something objective that we could reason about. My knowledge that I am is quite independent of my recollection that I was, and also of my belief that, for a certain number of years, I have never ceased to be. But as soon aa we plunge into the abysmal depths of personality we get beyond the limits of science, for all science, and, indeed, every form of human tpeech. is about objects capable of being known by the speaker and the hearer. Whenever we pretend to talk about the Subject we are really dealing with an Object under a false name, for the first proposition about the Subject, namely, •' I am," cannot be used in the same sense by any two of us, and therefore can never become part of science at all. The progress of science, therefore, so far as we have been able to follow it. baa added nothing of importance to what has always been known about the physical consequences of death, but has rather tended to deepen the distinction between the visible part, which perishes before our eyes, and that which we are ourselves, and to shew that this personality, with respect to its nature as well as to its destiny, lies quite beyond the range of science. [From Encyclopaedia Britannica.] XCVII. Ether. ETHER, or ^ETHER (aWijp, probably from aWF2^y = 1'886 ergs.* Greatest tangential stress per square centimetre = pVAp =30'176 dynes. Coefficient of rigidity of ether = />F2 = 842'8. Density of sether = p =9'36xlO-I§. The coefficient of rigidity of steel is about 8 x 10", and that of glass 2-4 x 10". * [The numbers in this column are incorrectly deduced from the data. They should be 1-886, 60-352, 965-632 and 1-07 x HT18.] ETHER. If the temperature of the atmosphere were everywhere 0* C., and if it were in equilibrium about the earth supposed at rest, its density at an infinite distance from the earth would be 3x10"** which is about T8 x 10W times less than I r the perusal of that part of the work for which it was designed to prepare the way. Wliat we have had before us now for twelve years was. the authors reminded us, strictly preliminary matter. The plan of the whole treatise could only be guessed at from the scale on which its foundations were con- structed. In these days, when so much of the science of our best men is dribbled ••ut of them in the fragmentary and imperfectly elaborated form of the memoirs which they contribute to learned societies, and when the work of making Un»ka is relegated to professional bookmakers, who understand about as much of one subject as of another, it was something to find that even one man of known power had not shrunk from so great a work ; it was more when it appeared tliat two men of mark were joined together in the undertaking ; and when at hist the plan of the work was described in the preface, and the scale on which its foundations were being laid was exhibited in the vast sub- structure of Preliminary Matter, the feeling with which we began to contemplate the mighty whole was one in which delight was almost overpowered by awe. THOMSON AND TAIT's NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 777 This feeling has been growing upon us during the twelve years we have been exploring the visible part of the work, marking its bulwarks and telling the rising generation what manner of a palace that must be, of which these are but the outworks and first line of defences, so that now, when we have before us the second edition of the first part of the first volume, we are impelled to risk the danger of criticising an unfinished work, and to say some- thing about the plan of what is already before us. The first thing which we observe in the arrangement of the work is the prominence given to kinematics, or the theory of pure motion, and the large space devoted under this heading to what has been hitherto considered part of pure geometry. The theory of the curvature of lines and surfaces, for example, has long been recognised as an important branch of geometry, but in treatises on motion it was regarded as lying as much outside of the subject as the four rules of arithmetic or the binomial theorem. The guiding idea, however, which, though it has long exerted its influence on the best geometers, is now for the first time boldly and explicitly put forward, is that geometry itself is part of the science of motion, and that it treats, not of the relations between figures already existing in space, but of the process by which these figures are generated by the motion of a point or a line. We no longer, for example, consider the line AB simply as a white stroke on a black board, and call it indifferently AB or BA, but we conceive it as the trace of the motion of a point from A to B, and we distinguish A as the beginning and B as the end of this trace. This method of regarding geometrical figures seems to imply that the idea of motion underlies the idea of form, and is in accordance with the psychological doctrine which asserts that at any given instant the attention is confined to a single and indivisible percept, but that as time flows on the attention passes along a continuous series of such percepts, so that the path of investigation along which the mind proceeds may be described as a con- tinuous line without breadth. Our knowledge, therefore, of whatever kind, may be compared to that which a blind man acquires of the form of solid bodies by stroking them with the point of his stick, and then filling up in his imagination the unexplored parts of the surface according to his own notions about continuity and probability. The rapidity, however, with which we make our exploration is such that we come to think that by a single glance we VOL. n. 98 THOMSON AKO TAIT'S NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. «M thonxMrhlT «ee the whole of that surface of a body which ia turned if indeed, we are not prepared to assert that we have seen the' •da too. when after all, if our attention were to leave a trace behind a. 0* point of the blind man's stick might do, this trace would appear M » men line meandering over the surface in various directions, but leaving between iU convolutions unexplored areas, the sura of which is still equal to whole surface. We are at liberty no doubt to course over the surface and > subdivide the meshes of the network of lines in which we envelope it, and to conclude that there cannot be a hole in it of more than a certain diameter, bat no amount of investigation will warrant the conclusion, which nevertheless we dimw at once and without a scruple, that the surface is absolutely con- tinuous and has no hole in it at all. Even when, in a dark night, a flash of lightning discloses instantaneously a whole landscape with trees and buildings, we discover these things not at once, but by perusing at our leisure the picture which the sudden flash has photographed on our retina. The reason why the phenomena of motion have been so long refused a place among the most universal and elementary subjects of instruction seems to be, that we have been relying too much on symbols and diagrams, to the neglect of the vital processes of sensation and thought. It is no doubt much easier to represent in a diagram or a picture the instantaneous relations of things coexisting in space than to illustrate in a full and complete manner the simplest case of motion. When we have drawn our diagram it remains on the paper, and the student may run his mind over the lines in any order which pleases him. But when we are either perceiving real motions, or thinking about them without the aid or the encumbrance of a diagram, the mind is carried along the actual course of the motion, in a manner far more easy and natural than when it is rushing indiscriminately hither ami thither along the lines of a diagram. Having pursued kinematics from its elementary principles till its intricacies .begin to be appalling, we resume the study of the elements of science in the opening of the chapter on " Dynamical Laws and Principles." It is here that we first have to deal with something which claims the title of Matter, and our authors, one of whom never misses an opportunity of denouncing meta- physical reasoning, except when he has occasion to expound the peculiarities of the Unconditioned, make the following somewhat pusillanimous statement : — cannot, of course, give a definition of Matter which will satisfy the THOMSON AND TAIT S NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 779 metaphysician, but the naturalist may be content to know matter as that which can be perceived by the senses, or as that which can be acted upon by, or can exert, force." The authors proceed to throw out a hint about Force being a direct object of sense, and after telling us that the question What is matter? will be discussed in a future volume, in which also the Subjectivity of Force will be considered, they retire to watch the effect of the definition they have thrown into the camp of the naturalists. Now all this seems to us very much out of place in a treatise on Dynamics. We have nothing of the kind in treatises on Geometry. We have no disquisitions as to whether it is by touch or by sight that we come to know in what way a triangle differs from a square. We have not even a caution that the diagrams of these figures in the book do not exactly corre- spond with their definitions. Even in kinematics, when our authors speak of the motion of points, lines, surfaces, and solids, though they introduce several modern phrases, the kind of motion they speak of is none other than that which Euclid recognises, when he treats of the generation of figures. Why, then, should we have any change of method when we pass on from kinematics to abstract dynamics? Why should we find it more difficult to endow moving figures with mass than to endow stationary figures with motion ? The bodies we deal with in abstract dynamics are just as completely known to us as the figures in Euclid. They have no properties whatever except those which we explicitly assign to them. Again, at p. 222, the capacity of the student is called upon to accept the following statement : — " Matter has an innate power of resisting external influences, so that every body, as far as it can, remains at rest or moves uniformly in a, straight line." Is it a fact that " matter" has any power, either innate or acquired, of resisting external influences ? Does not every force which acts on a body always produce exactly that change in the motion of the body by which its value, as a force, is reckoned? Is a cup of tea to be accused of having an innate power of resisting the sweetening influence of sugar, because it persist- ently refuses to turn sweet unless the sugar is actually put into it? But suppose we have got rid of this Manichsean doctrine of the innate depravity of matter, whereby it is disabled from yielding to the influence of 98—2 TflOMMM AXP TATrt NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. fr- tan* anfeM that tone actually spends itself upon it, what sort of »laft «• to be the subject-matter of abstract dynamics ? W« aw MppOMd to have mastered so much of kinematics as to be able > describe all poMble motions of points, lines, and figures. In so far as real to|Bt< 1^ figare. and motions, we may apply kinematics to them. *t^ new ym appropriate to dynamics is that the motions of bodies are not independent of each other, but that, under certain conditions, dynamical UmiMBctioM take place between two bodies, whereby the motions of both bodies mn aftoted. Brery body and every portion of a body in dynamics is credited with a attain quantitative value, called its mass. The first part of our study must ikmforo be the distribution of mass in bodies. In every dynamical system there M a certain point, the position of which is determined by the distribution of nan. This point was called by Boscovich the centre of mass — a better HfH^ we think, than centre of inertia, though either of these is free from the enor involved in the term centre of gravity. In every dynamical transaction between two bodies there must be some- thing which determines the relation between the alteration of the motions of the two bodies. In other words, there must be some function of the motions of the two bodies which remains constant during the transaction. According to the doctrine of abstract dynamics it is the motion of the centre of mass of the two bodies which is not altered on account of any dynamical trans- action between the bodies. This doctrine, if true of real bodies, gives us the means of ascertaining the ratio of the mass of any body to that of the body adopted as the standard of mass, provided we can observe the changes in the motions of the two bodies arising from an encounter between them. We then confine our attention to one of the bodies, and estimate the magnitude of the transaction between the bodies by its effect in changing the momentum of that body, momentum being merely a term for a quantity mathe- matically defined in terms of mass and motion. The rate at which this change of momentum takes place is the numerical measure of the force acting on the body, and, for all the purposes of abstract dynamics, it is the force acting on the body. We have thus vindicated for figures with mass, and, therefore, for force and stress, impulse and momentum, work and energy, their places in abstract science beside form and motion. THOMSON AND TAIT's NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 781 The phenomena of real bodies are found to correspond so exactly with the necessary laws of dynamical systems, that we cannot help applying the language of dynamics to real bodies, and speaking of the masses in dynamics as if they were real bodies or portions of matter. We must be careful, however, to remember that what we sometimes, even in abstract dynamics, call matter, is not that unknown substratum of real bodies, against which Berkeley directed his arguments, but something as perfectly intelligible as a straight line or a sphere. Real bodies may or may not have such a substratum, just as they may or may not have sensations, or be capable of happiness or misery, knowledge or ignorance, and the dynamical transactions between them may or may not be accompanied with the conscious effort which the word force suggests to us when we imagine one of the bodies to be our own, but so long as their motions are related to each other according to the conditions laid down in dynamics, we call them, in a perfectly intelligible sense, dynamical or material systems. In this, the second edition, we notice a large amount of new matter, the importance of which is such that any opinion which we could form within the time at our disposal would be utterly inadequate. But there is one point of vital importance in which we observe a marked improvement, namely, in the treatment of the generalised equations of motion. Whatever may be our opinion about the relation of mass, as defined in dynamics, to the matter which constitutes real bodies, the practical interest of the science arises from the fact that real bodies do behave in a manner strikingly analogous to that in which we have proved that the mass-systems of abstract dynamics must behave. In cases like that of the planets, when the motions we have to account for can be actually observed, the equations of Maclaurin, which are simply a translation of Newton's laws into the Cartesian system of co-ordinates, are amply sufficient for our purpose. But when we have reason to believe that the phenomena which fall under our observation form but a very small part of what is really going on in the system, the question is not — what phenomena will result from the hypothesis that the system is of a certain specified kind ? but — what is the most general specification of a material system consistent with the condition that the motions of those parts of the system which we can observe are what we find them to be ? THOMSON AND TACT'S NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. It » to Ugrange. in the first place, that we owe the method which mil— m fa answer this question without asserting either more or less than •II that ean be legitimately deduced from the observed facts. But though this nethod ha* been in the hands of mathematicians since 1788, when the Mtcanique Amtlytww was published, and though a few great mathematicians, such as Sir W. R Hamilton, Jacobi, Ac., have made important contributions to the general theory of dynamics, it is remarkable how slow natural philosophers at large hare been to make Vie of these methods. Now, however, we have only to open any memoir on a physical subject in order to eee that these dynamical theorems have been dragged out of the •utctuary of profound mathematics in which they lay so long enshrined, and have been set to do all kinds of work, easy as well as difficult, throughout the whole range of physical science. Hie credit of breaking up the monopoly of the great masters, of the spell, and making all their charms familiar in our ears as household words, belongs in great measure to Thomson and Tait. The two northern wizards were the first who, without compunction or dread, uttered in their mother tongue the true and proper names of those dynamical concepts which the magicians of old were wont to invoke only by the aid of muttered symbols and inarticulate equations. And now the feeblest among us can repeat the words of power and take part in dynamical discussions which but a few years ago we should hare left for our betters. In the present edition we have for the first time an exposition of the general theory of a very potent form of incantation, called by our authors the Ignoration of Co-ordinates. We must remember that the co-ordinates of Thomson and Tait are not the mere scaffolding erected over space by Descartes, but the variables which determine the whole motion. We may picture them as so many independent driving-wheels of a machine which has as many degrees of freedom. In the cases to which the method of ignoration is applied there are certain variables of the system such that neither the kinetic nor the potential energy of the system depends on the value of these variables, though of course the kinetic energy depends on their momenta and velocities. The motion of the rest of the system cannot in any way depend on the particular values of these variables, and therefore the particular values of these variables cannot be ascertained by means of any observation of the motion of the rest of the system. We have therefore no right, from such observations, to assign to them THOMSON AND TAITS NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 783 any particular values, and the only scientific way of dealing with them is to ignore them. But this is not all. Since these variables do not appear in the expression for the potential energy, there can be no force acting on them, and therefore their momenta are, each of them, constant, and their velocities are functions of the variables, but, since their own variables do not enter into the expressions, we may consider them as functions of the other variables, or, as they are here called, the retained co-ordinates, and of the constant momenta of the ignored co-ordinates. From the velocities as thus expressed, together with the constant momenta, we obtain the contribution of the ignored co-ordinates to the kinetic energy of the system in terms of the retained co-ordinates and of the constant momenta of the ignored co-ordinates. This part of the kinetic energy, being independent of the velocities of the retained co-ordinates, is, as regards the retained co- ordinates, strictly positional'", and may be considered for all experimental purposes as if it were a term of the potential energy. The other part of the kinetic energy is a homogeneous quadratic function of the velocities of the retained co-ordinates. In the final equations of motion neither the ignored co-ordinates nor their velocities appear, but everything is expressed in terms of the retained co-ordinates and their velocities, the coefficients, however, being, in general, functions of the constant momenta of the ignored co-ordinates. We may regard this investigation as a mathematical illustration of the scientific principle that in the study of any complex object, we must fix our attention on those elements of it which we are able to observe and to cause to vary, and ignore those which we can neither observe nor cause to vary. In an ordinary belfry, each bell has one rope which comes down through a hole in the floor to the bellringers' room. But suppose that each rope, in- stead of acting on one bell, contributes to the motion of many pieces of machinery, and that the motion of each piece is determined not by the motion of one rope alone, but by that of several, and suppose, further, that all this machinery is silent and utterly unknown to the men at the ropes, who can only see as far as the holes in the floor above them. Supposing all this, what is the scientific duty of the men below? They have full command of the ropes, but of nothing else. They can give each rope any position and any velocity, and they can estimate its momentum by * The division of forces into motional and positional is introduced at p. 370. TUOMBOX AKD TArrt KATUBAL PHILOSOPHY. Mopping all the ropes at onoe, and feeling what sort of tug each rope gives. If the? Uke the trouble to ascertain how much work they have to do in to dime the rope* down to a given set of positions, and to express i in tenM of tbej* positions, they have found the potential energy of the ,1,1MB Jn term* of the known co-ordinates. If they then find the tug on any one rope arising from a velocity equal to unity communicated to itself or to any other rope, they can express the kinetic energy in terms of the co-ordinates These data am sufficient to determine the motion of every one of the when it and all the others are acted on by any given forces. This is all that the men at the ropes can ever know. If the machinery above has degrees of freedom than there are ropes, the co-ordinates which express degrees of freedom must be ignored. There is no help for it. Of course, if there are co-ordinates for which there are no ropes, but which into the expression for the energy, then, if the motion of these co- ordinates is periodic, there will be "adynamic vibrations" communicated to the ropes, and by these the men below will know that there is something peculiar going on above them. But if they pull the ropes in proper time, they can cither quiet these adynamic vibrations or strengthen them, so that in this case these co-ordinates cannot be ignored. There are other cases, however, in which the conditions for the ignoration of co-ordinates strictly apply. For instance, if an opaque and apparently rigid body contains in a cavity within it an accurately balanced body, mounted on frictionless pivots, and previously set in rapid rotation, the co-ordinate which expresses the angular position of this body is one which we are compelled to ignore, because we have no means of ascertaining it. An unscientific person on receiving this body into his hands would immediately conclude that it was bewitched. A disciple of the northern wizards would prefer to say that the body was subject to gyrostatic domination. Of the sections on cycloidal motions of systems, we can only here say that the investigation of the constitution of molecules by means of their vibrations, as indicated by spectroscopic observations, will be greatly assisted by .1 thorough study of this part of the volume. We have not space to say anything of what to many readers must be one of the most interesting parts of the book — that on continuous calculating machines, in which pure rolling friction is taken from the class of unavoidable THOMSON AND TAIT's NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. 785 evils, and raised to the rank of one of the most powerful aids to science. Rolling and sliding have been more than once combined in the hope of obtaining accurate measurements, but the combination is fatal to accuracy, and these new machines, one at least of which has been actually constructed and used, are the first in which pure rolling friction has had fair play given it as a method of mechanically accurate integration. A method is also given of combining a number of disk, globe, and cylinder integrators, so as to form a machine the motions of two pieces of which are related to each other by a differential equation of any given form. These machines all work in a purely statical manner, that is, in such a way that the kinetic energy of the system is not an essential element in the practical theory of the machine (as in the case of pendulums, &c.), but has to be taken into account only in order to estimate the magnitude of the tangential forces at the points of contact which might, if great enough, produce slipping between the surfaces. Thus, by means of a machine, which will go as slowly as may be necessary to keep pace with our powers of thought, motions may be calculated, the phases of which in nature pass before us too rapidly to be followed by us. In the original preface some indications were given of what we were to expect in the remaining three volumes of the work. We hope that the reason why this part of the preface is omitted in the new edition is that the work will now go on so steadily that it will be unnecessary to preface performance by promise. VOL. II. [From Encyclopaedia Britannica.] XCIX.— Faraday. FARADAY, MICIIABL* chemist, electrician, and philosopher, was bora at New- Surrey, 22nd September, 1791, and died at Hampton Court, 25th August, 1867. Hit parent* had migrated from Yorkshire to London, where his father worked as a blacksmith. Faraday himself became apprenticed to Mr Riebau, a bookbinder. The letters written to his friend Benjamin Abbott at this time give a lucid account of hia aims in life, and of his methods of self-culture, when his mind was beginning to turn to the experimental study of nature. In 1812 Mr Dance, a customer of his master, took him to hear four lectures by Sir Humphry Davy. Faraday took notes of these lectures, and afterwards wrote them out in a fuller form. Under the encouragement of Mr Dance, he wrote to Sir H. Davy, enclosing these notes. "The reply was immediate, kind, and favourable." He continued to work as a journeyman bookbinder till 1st March, 1818, when, at the recommendation of Sir H. Davy, he was appointed it in the laboratory of the Royal Institution of Great Britain. He appointed director of the laboratory 7th February, 1825; and in 1833 he was appointed Fullerton Professor of Chemistry in the Institution for life, without the obligation to deliver lectures. He thus remained in the Institu- tion 54 years. He accompanied Sir H. Davy on a tour through France, Italy, Switzerland. Tyrol, Geneva, etc. from October 13th, 1813, to April 23, 1815. Faraday's earliest chemical work was in the paths opened by Davy, to whom he acted as assistant. He made a special study of chlorine, and discovered two new chlorides of carbon. He also made the first rough experiments on the diffusion of gases, a phenomenon first pointed out by Dalton, the physical importance of which has been more fully brought to light by Graham and Loscbmidt He succeeded in liquifying several gases ; he investigated the alloys of steel, and produced several new kinds of glass intended for optical purposes. FAEADAY. 787 A specimen of one of these heavy glasses afterwards became historically im- portant as the substance in which Faraday detected the rotation of the plane of polarization of light when the glass was placed in the magnetic field, and also as the substance which was first repelled by the poles of the magnet. He also endeavoured with some success to make the general methods of chemistry, as distinguished from its results, the subject of special study and of popular exposition. See his work on Chemical Manipulation. But Faraday's chemical work, however important in itself, was soon com- pletely overshadowed by his electrical discoveries. The first experiment which he has recorded was the construction of a voltaic pile with seven halfpence, seven disks of sheet zinc, and six pieces of paper moistened with salt water. With this pile he decomposed sulphate of magnesia (first letter to Abbott, July 12, 1812). Henceforward, whatever other subjects might from time to time claim his attention, it was from among electrical phenomena that he selected those problems to which he applied the full force of his mind, and which he kept persistently in view, even when year after year his attempts to solve them had been baffled. His first notable discovery was the production of the continuous rotation of magnets and of wires conducting the electric current round each other. The consequences deducible from the great discovery of Orsted (21st July, 1820) were still in 1821 apprehended in a somewhat confused manner even by the foremost men of science. Dr Wollaston indeed had formed the expectation that he could make the conducting wire rotate on its own axis, and in April, 1821, he came with Sir H. Davy to the laboratory of the Royal Institution to make an experiment. Faraday was not there at the time, but coming in afterwards he heard the conversation on the expected rotation of the wire. In July, August, and September of that year Faraday, at the request of Mr Phillips, the editor of the Annals of Philosophy, wrote for that journal an historical sketch of electro-magnetism, and he repeated almost all the ex- periments he described. This led him in the beginning of September to dis- cover the method of producing the continuous rotation of the wire round the magnet, and of the magnet round the wire. He did not succeed in making the wire or the magnet revolve on its own axis. This first success of Faraday in electromagnetic research became the occasion of the most painful, though unfounded, imputations against his honour. Into these we shall not enter, re- ferring the reader to the Life of Faraday, by Dr Bence Jones. 99—2 TARAPAY. We m*j remark, bowerer, that although the fact of the tangential force , electric current and a magnetic pole was clearly stated by Orated, Uttriy •ppwbended by Ampere, Wollaston, and others, the realization of U» owtinooai^tatto of the wire and the magnet round each other was a requiring no mean ingenuity for its original solution. For on » one band tbe electric current always forms a closed circuit, and on the ^^ ^ two poles of the magnet have equal but opposite properties, and •re iMeparmbly connected, BO that whatever tendency there is for one pole to drenkte round the current in one direction is opposed by the equal tendency of the other pole to go round the other way, and thus the one pole can dreg the other round the wire nor yet leave it behind. The thing be done unless we adopt in some form Faraday's ingenious solution, by the current, in some part of its course, to divide into two channels, one on <»ch side of the magnet, in such a way that during the revolution of the magnet the current is transferred from the channel in front of the to the channel behind it, so that the middle of the magnet can pass the current without stopping it, just as Cyrus caused his army to pass dryibod over the Gyndes by diverting the river into a channel cut for it in hi* rear. We must now go on to the crowning discovery of the induction of electric . In Dec. 1824 he had attempted to obtain an electric current by means of a magnet, and on three occasions he had made elaborate but unsuccessful attempts to . produce a current in one wire by means of a current in another wire or by a magnet He still persevered, and on the 29th August, 1831, he obtained the first evidence that an electric current can induce another in a different circuit On September 23 he writes to his friend R. Phillips — " I am busy just now again on electromagnetism, and think I have got hold of a good thing, but can't say. It may be a weed instead of a fish that, after all my lab«nr, I may at last pull up." This was his first successful experiment. In nine more days of experimenting he had arrived at the results described in hifl first series of "Experimental Researches" read to the Royal Society, November 24, 1841. By the intense application of his mind he had brought the new idea, in lew than three months from its first development, to a state of perfect maturity. The magnitude and originality of Faraday's achievement may be estimated by FARADAY. 789 tracing the subsequent history of his discovery. As might be expected, it was at once made the subject of investigation by the whole scientific world, but some of the most experienced physicists were unable to avoid mistakes in stating, in what they conceived to be more scientific language than Faraday's, the phenomena before them. Up to the present time the mathematicians who have rejected Faraday's method of stating his law as unworthy of the preci- sion of their science have never succeeded in devising any essentially different formula which shall fully express the phenomena without introducing hypotheses about the mutual action of things which have no physical existence, such as elements of currents which flow out of nothing, then along a wire, and finally sink into nothing again. After nearly half a century of labour of this kind, we may say that, though the practical applications of Faraday's discovery have increased and are increasing in number and value every year, no exception to the statement of these laws as given by Faraday has been discovered, no new law has been added to them, and Faraday's original statement remains to this day the only one which asserts no more than can be verified by experiment, and the only one by which the theory of the phenomena can be expressed in a manner which is exactly and numerically accurate, and at the same time within the range of elementary methods of exposition. During his first period of discovery, besides the induction of electric cur- rents, Faraday established the identity of the electrification produced in different ways ; the law of the definite electrolytic action of the current ; and the fact, upon which he laid great stress, that every unit of positive electrification is related in a definite manner to a unit of negative electrification, so that it is impossible to produce what Faraday called "an absolute charge of electricity" of one kind not related to an equal charge of the opposite kind. He also discovered the difference of the capacities of different substances for taking part in electric induction, a fact which has only in recent years been admitted by continental electricians. It appears, however, from hitherto unpublished papers that Henry Cavendish had before 1773 not only disco- vered that glass, wax, rosin and shellac have higher specific inductive capacities than air, but had actually determined the numerical ratios of these capacities. This, of course, was unknown both to Faraday and to all other electricians of his time. The first period of Faraday's electrical discoveries lasted 10 years. In 1841 he FARADAV. that be required net, and it was not till 1845 that he entered on his iwt period of research, in which he discovered the effect of magnetism on poluJMid light, and the phenomena of diamagnetism. Faraday had for a long time kept in view the possibility of using a ray of polarised light as a means of investigating the condition of transparent bediss when acted on by electric and magnetic forces. Dr Bence Jones (Life tf Parmiay, voL L p. 362) gives the following note from his laboratory book, I0th September, 1822:— ray of lamp-light by reflexion, and endeavoured to ascertain whether any depolarizing (WM) curted on it by water placed between the poles of a voltaic battery and in a glass . MW WoUMton'* trough tiled; the fluids decomposed were pure water, weak solution of at cafe, and strong mlphuric acid; none of them had any effect on the polarized light, out of or to the voltaic circuit, so that IK> particular arrangement of particles could be in Uii* way." yean afterwards we find another entry in his note-book, on 2nd May, 1833 (Lift by Dr Bence Jones, vol. ii. p. 29). He then tried, not only the effect of a steady current, but the effect on making and breaking contact. " I do not think, therefore, that decomposing solutions or substances will be found to have (as • MMtyMM of decomposition or arrangement for the time) any effect on the polarized ray. Should now tnr noa-dceofnponng bodies, as solid nitre, nitrate of silver, borax, glass, etc. whilst solid, to see if aay iatanud cut* induced, which by decomposition is destroyed, Le. whether, when they cannot any *Ute of electrical tension is present My borate of glass good, and common electricity Uun voltaic." On May 6 he makes further experiments, and concludes — " Hence I see no reason to expect that any kind of structure or tension can be rendered evident, either in decomposing or non-decomposing bodies, in insulating or con- ducting states." :«riments similar to the last-mentioned have recently been made by Dr Kerr, of Glasgow, who considers that he has obtained distinct evidence of action on a ray of polarized light when the electric force is perpendicular to the ray and inclined 45* to the plane of polarization. Many physicists, how- ever, have found themselves unable to obtain Dr Kerr's result. At last, in 1845, Faraday attacked the old problem, but this time with wnplete success. Before we describe this result we may mention that in he made the relation between magnetism and light the subject of his 5ry last experimental work. He endeavoured, but in vain, to detect any FAEADAY. 791 change in the lines of the spectrum of a flame when the flame was acted on by a powerful magnet. This long series of researches is an instance of his persistence. His energy is shewn in the way in which he followed up his discovery in the single instance in which he was successful. The first evidence which he obtained of the rotation of the plane of polarization of light under the action of mag- netism was on the 13th September, 1845, the transparent substance being his own heavy glass. He began to work on August 30, 1845, on polarized light passing through electrolytes. After three days he worked with common electricity, trying glass, heavy optical glass, quartz, Iceland spar, all without effect, as on former trials. On September 13 he worked with lines of magnetic force. Air, flint, glass, rock-crystal, calcareous spar, were examined but without effect. " Heavy glass was experimented with. It gave no effects when the same magnetic poles or the contrary poles were on opposite sides (as respects the course of the polarized ray), nor when the same poles were on the same side either with the constant or intermitting current. But when con- trary magnetic poles were on the same side there was an effect produced on the polarized ray, and thus magnetic force and light were proved to have relations to each other. This fact will most likely prove exceedingly fertile, and of great value in the investigation of the conditions of natural force." He immediately goes on to examine other substances, but with "no effect," and he ends by saying, "Have got enough for to-day." On September 18 he "does an excellent day's work." During September he had four days of work, and in October six, and on 6th November he sent in to the Royal Society the 19th series of his "Experimental Researches," in which the whole conditions of the phenomena are fully specified. The negative rotation in ferromagnetic media is the only fact of importance which remains to be discovered afterwards (by Verdet in 1856). But his work for the year was not yet over. On November 3, a, new horseshoe magnet came home, and Faraday immediately began to experiment on the action in the polarized ray through gases, but with no effect. The following day he repeated an experiment which had given no result on October 6. A bar of heavy glass was suspended by silk between the poles of the new magnet. "When it was arranged, and had come to rest, I found I could affect it by the magnetic forces and give it position." By the 6th December he had sent in to the Royal Society the 20th, and on 24th December the 21st series of his " Researches," in which the properties of diamagnetic bodies m FARADAY. are felly described. Thus these two great discoveries were elaborated, like his isr one, b about three months. The dkeoverj of the magnetic rotation of the plane of polarized light, it did not lead to such important practical applications as some of earlier discoveries, has been of the highest value to science, as fur- eomplrt* dynamical evidence that wherever magnetic force exists there fp^ll portions of which are rotating about axes parallel to the direction of that force. We hare given a few examples of the concentration of his efforts in seeking to identify the apparently different forces of nature, of his far-sightedness in selecting subjects for investigation, of his persistence in- the pursuit of what he set before him, of his energy in working out the results of his discoveries, and of the accuracy and completeness with which he made his final statement of the laws of the phenomenon. The characteristics of his scientific spirit lie on the surface of his work, and are manifest to all who read his writings. But there was another side of his fJHHTcH*"'. to the cultivation of which he paid at least as much attention, and which was reserved for his friends, his family, and his church. His letters and his conversation were always full of whatever could awaken a healthy interest, and free from anything that might rouse ill-feeling. When, on rare occasions, he was forced out of the region of science into that of controversy, he stated the facts, and let them make their own way. He was entirely free from pride and undue self assertion. During the growth of his powers he always thankfully a correction, and made use of every expedient, however humble, which would make his work more effective in every detail. When at length he found his memory foiling and his mental powers declining, he gave up, without ostenta- tion or complaint, whatever parts of his work he could no longer carry on according to his own standard of efficiency. When he was no longer able to apply his mind to science, he remained content and happy in the exercise of those kindly feelings and warm affections which he had cultivated no less care- fully than his scientific powers. The parents of Faraday belonged to the very small and isolated Christian sect which is commonly called after Robert Sandeman. Faraday himself attended the meetings from childhood; at the early age of 30 he made public profession of his faith, and during two different periods he discharged the office of elder. His opinion with respect to the relation between his science and his religion is FARADAY. 793 expressed in a lecture on mental education delivered in 1854, and printed at the end of his Researches in Chemistry and Physics. "Before entering upon the subject, I must make one distinction which, however it may appear to others, is to me of the utmost importance. High as man is placed above the creatures around him, there is a higher and far more exalted position within his view; and the ways are infinite in which he occupies his thoughts about the fears, or hopes, or expectations of a future life. I believe that the truth of that future cannot be brought to his knowledge by any exertion of his mental powers, however exalted they may be; that it is made known to him by other teaching than his own, and is received through simple belief of the testimony given. Let no one suppose for an instant that the self-education I am about to commend, in respect of the things of this life, exteuds to any considerations of the hope set before us, as if man by reasoning could find out God. It would be improper here to enter upon the subject farther than to claim an absolute distinction between religious and ordinary, .belief. I shall be reproached with the weakness of refusing to apply those mental operations which I think good in respect of high things to the very highest. I am content to bear the reproach. Yet even in earthly matters I believe that 'the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead'; and I have never seen anything incompatible between those things of man which can be known by the spirit of man which is within him, and those higher things concerning his future which he cannot know, by that spirit." Faraday gives the following note as to this lecture : — "These observations were delivered as a lecture before His Royal Highness the Prince Consort and the members of the Royal Institution on the 6th of May, 1854. They are so immediately con- nected in their nature and origin with my own experimental life, considered either as cause or consequence, that I have thought the close of this volume not an unfit place for their repro- duction." As Dr Bence Jones concludes — "His standard of duty was supernatural. It was not founded on any intuitive ideas of right and wrong, nor was it fashioned upon any outward experiences of time and place, but it was formed entirely on what he held to be the revelation of the will of God in the written word, and throughout all his life his faith led him to act up to the very letter of it." Published Works. — Chemical Manipulation, being Instructions to Students in Chemistry, 1 vol., John Murray, 1st edition 1827, 2nd 1830, 3rd 1842; Experimental Researches in Electricity, vols. i. and II., Richard and John Edward Taylor, vols. I. and n. 1844 and 1847; vol. in. 1844; vol. in., Richard Taylor and William Francis, 1855; Experimental Researches in Chemistry and Physics, Taylor and Francis, 1859; Lectures on l/w Chemical History of a Candle (edited by W. Crookes), Griffin, Bohn, and Co., 1861 ; On the various Forces in Nature (edited by W. Crookes), Chatto and Windus (no date). Biographies. — Faraday as a Discoverer, by John Tyndall, Longmans, 1st edition 1868, 2nd edition 1870; The Life and Letters of Faraday, by Dr Bence Jones, Secretary of the Royal Institution, in 2 vols., Longmans, 1870; Michael Faraday, by J. H. Gladstone, Ph.D., F.R.S., Macmillan, 1872. VOL. H. 100 [From Britith Attociation Report.] C. — Report* on Special Branches of Science. KcroBTB on special branches of science may be of several different types, to every stage of organisation, from the catalogue up to the When a person is engaged in scientific research, it is desirable that he be able to ascertain, with as little labour as possible, what has been written on the subject and who are the best authorities. The ordinary method is to get hold of the most recent German paper on the subject, to look up the references there given, and by following up the trail of each to find out who are the most influential authors on the subject. German papers have the most complete references because the machinery for docketing and arranging •dentine papers is more developed in Germany than elsewhere. The " Fortachritte der Physik" gave an annual list of all papers, good and bad, arranged in subjects, with abstracts of the more important ones. Wiedemann's "Beiblatter" is a more select assortment, given more in full. I think it doubtful whether a publication of this kind, if undertaken by the British Association, would succeed. Lists of the titles of the proceedings of Societies and of the contents of periodicals are given in Nature. These are useful for strictly contemporary science, and I do not think that a more elaborate system of collection could be kept up for long. The intending publisher of a discovery has to examine the whole mass of science to see whether he has been anticipated, but the student wishes to read only what is worth reading. What he requires is the names of the best authors. The selection or election of these is constantly done by skimming individual authors, who indicate by the names they quote the men whose opinions have had most influence. But a report on the history and present REPORTS ON SPECIAL BRANCHES OF SCIENCE. 795 state of a science- has for its main aim to enumerate the various authors and to point out their relative weight, and this has been very well done in several British Association Eeports, some of which are nearly as old as the British Association. There are some branches of science whose position with respect to the public, or else to the educational interest, is such that treatises or text-books can be published on commercial principles, either as books to be read by the free public, or to be got up by the school public. There is little encouragement, however, for a scientific man to write a treatise so long as he can, with much less trouble, produce an original memoir, which will be much more readily received by a learned society than the treatise would have been by a publisher. The systematisation of science is therefore carried on under difficulties when left to itself; and I think that the experience of the British Association warrants the belief that its action in asking men of science to furnish reports has conferred benefits on science which would not otherwise have accrued to it. There are so many valuable reports in the published volumes that I shall indicate only a few, the selection being founded on the direction of my own work rather than on any less arbitrary principle. First, when a branch of science contains abstruse calculations as well as interesting experiments, it is desirable that those who cultivate the experimental side should be conscious that certain things have been done by the mathema- ticians. The matter to be reported on in this case is not voluminous, but it is hard reading, and those who are not experts require a guide. Thus, Professor Challis in 1834 gave a most useful report on the mathe- matical investigations by Young, Laplace, Poisson, and Gauss on Capillary Attraction, and Professor Stokes in 1862 reports on Theories of Double Re- fraction. This report may, indeed, be accepted as an instalment of the treatises which, if the desire of the scientific world were law, Professor Stokes would long ago have written. It is meant, no doubt, as a guide to other men's writings, but it is intelligible in itself without reference to those writings. Such a report is a full justification of the existence of the British Association, if it had done nothing else. Another type of report is that of Professor Cay ley on Dynamics (1857 and 1862). This seems intended rather as a guide in reading the original authors than as a self-interpreting document, though, of course, besides the 100—2 794 MPOBIV OV aPBCIAL BRANCHES OF SCIENCE. the methodic*! arrangement, there is much original light thrown oa Uw MM of memoir* diacumed in it. It will be many years before the valoe of thk report will be superseded by treatises. The Report of the Committee on Mathematical Tables deals with a subject which, though not to abstruse, is larger and drier than any of the preceding. It •. however, a most interesting as well as valuable report, and supplies in- wfaieh would never have been printed unless the British Association for the Report, and which never would have been obtained if the of the report had not been available. There are eevernl other reports which are not mere reports, but rather original paper* preceded by a historical sketch of the subject. No special en- M needed to get people to write reports of this kind. [From the Encyclopaedia Britannica.} CI. — Harmonic Analysis. HARMONIC ANALYSIS is the name given by Sir William Thomson and Professor Tait in their treatise on Natural Philosophy to a general method of investigating physical questions, the earliest applications of which seem to have been suggested by the study of the vibrations of strings and the analysis of these vibrations into their fundamental tone and its harmonics or overtones. The motion of a uniform stretched string fixed at both ends is a periodic motion ; that is to say, after a certain interval of time, called the fundamental period of the motion, the form of the string and the velocity of every part of it are the same as before, provided that the energy of the motion has not been sensibly dissipated during the period. There are two distinct methods of investigating the motion of a uniform stretched string. One of these may be called the wave method, and the other the harmonic method. The wave method is founded on the theorem that in a stretched string of infinite length a wave of any form may be propagated in either direction with a certain velocity, V, which we may define as the " velocity of propagation." If a wave of any form travelling in the positive direction meets another travelling in the opposite direction, the form of which is such that the lines joining corresponding points of the two waves are all bisected in a fixed point in the line of the string, then the point of the string corresponding to this point will remain fixed, while the two waves pass it in opposite directions. If we now suppose that the form of the waves travelling in the positive direction is periodic, that is to say, that after the wave has travelled forward a distance I, the position of every particle of the string is the same as it was at first, then Z is called the wave-length, and the tune of travelling a wave-length is called the periodic time, which we shall denote by T, so that l=VT. HARMONIC ANALYSIS. If we now suppose a set of waves similar to these, but reversed in position, lo b» travelling in the opposite direction, there will be a series of point*. dMtent 4/ from each other, at which there will be no motion of the string; I therefore make no difference to the motion of the string if we suppose UM string frstmnd to fixed supports at any two of these points, and we may ll^g mum+ii the part* of the string beyond these points to be removed, as it taM1rt afleot the motion of the part which is between them. We have thus arriTjd ^ the caee of a uniform string stretched between two fixed supports, and w» conclude that the motion of the string may be completely represented a« the reraltant of two sets of periodic waves travelling in opposite direc- tion*, thffir wave-lengths being either twice the distance between the fixed or a submultiple of this wave-length, and the form of these waves, to this condition, being perfectly arbitrary. To make the problem a definite one, we may suppose the initial displace- and Telocity of every particle of the string given in terms of its distance from one end of the string, and from these data it is easy to calculate the farm which is common to all the travelling waves. The form of the string at any subsequent time may then be deduced by calculating the positions of the two sets of waves at that time, and compounding their displacements. Thus in the wave-method the actual motion of the string is considered as the resultant of two wave-motions, neither of which is of itself, and without the other, consistent with the condition that the ends of the string are fixed. Each of the 'wave-motions is periodic with a wave-length equal to twice the distance between the fixed points, and the one set of waves is the reverse of the other b respect of displacement and velocity and direction of propagation ; hot, subject to these conditions, the form of the wave is perfectly arbitrary. The motion of a particle of the string, being determined by the two waves which pass orer it in opposite directions, is of an equally arbitrary type. In the harmonic method, on the other hand, the motion of the string is regarded as compounded of a series of vibratory motions which may be infinite in number, but each of which is perfectly definite in type, and is in fact a particular solution of the problem of the motion of a string with its ends fixed. \\ •..-.. A simple harmonic motion is thus defined by Thomson and Tait (§ 53) : in a point Q moves uniformly in a circle, the perpendicular QP, drawn from HARMONIC ANALYSIS. 799 its position at any instant , to a • fixed diameter A A' of the circle, intersects the diameter in a point P whose position changes by a simple harmonic motion. The amplitude of a simple harmonic motion is the range on one side or the other of the middle point of the course. The period of a simple harmonic motion is the time which elapses from any instant until the moving-point again moves in the same direction through the same position. The phase of a simple harmonic motion at any instant is the fraction of the whole period which has elapsed since the moving point last passed through its middle position in the positive direction. In the case of the stretched string, it is only in certain particular cases that the motion of a particle of the string is a simple harmonic motion. In these particular cases the form of the string at any instant is that of a curve of sines having the line joining the fixed points for its axis, and passing through these two points, and therefore having for its wave-length either twice the length of the string or some submultiple of this wave-length. The ampli- tude of the curve of sines is a simple harmonic function of the time, the period being either the fundamental period or some submultiple of the funda- mental period. Every one of these modes of vibration is dynamically possible by itself, and any number of them may coexist independently of each other. By a proper adjustment of the initial amplitude and phase of each of these modes of vibration, so that their resultant shall represent the initial state of the string, we obtain a new representation of the whole motion of the string, in which it is seen to be the resultant of a series of simple harmonic vibra- tions whose periods are the fundamental period and its submultiples. The determination of the amplitudes and phases of the several simple harmonic vibrations so as to satisfy the initial conditions is an example of harmonic analysis. We have thus two methods of solving the partial differential equation of the motion of a string. The first, which we have called the wave-method, ex- hibits the solution in the form containing an arbitrary function, the nature of which must be determined from the initial conditions. The second, or harmonic method, leads to a series of terms involving sines and cosines, the coefficients of which have to be determined. The harmonic method may be defined in a HARMONIC ANALYSIS. j, a method by which the solution of any actual problem mar be obtained M the sum or resultant of a number of terms, each of which ie "a solution of a particular case of the problem. The nature of these par- ticular cases is defined by the condition that any one of them must be con- jugal* to any other. The msthf^t^rfi1 test of conjugacy is that the energy of the system •rising from two of the harmonics existing together is equal to the sum of the energy arising from the two harmonics taken separately. In other words, no put of the energy depends on the product of the amplitudes of two dif- fcrant harmonic*. When two modes of motion of the same system are conju- gate to fw4i other, the existence of one of them does not affect the other. The simplest case of harmonic analysis, that of which the treatment of the vibrating string is an example, is completely investigated in what is known M Fourier's Theorem. Fourier's theorem asserts that any periodic function of a single variable period p, which does not become infinite at any phase, can be expanded in the form of a series consisting of a constant term, together with a double series of terms, one set involving cosines and the other sines of multiples of the phase. Thus if j(£) is a periodic function of the variable f having a period p, then it may be expanded as follows : The part of the theorem which is most frequently required, and which also is the easiest to investigate, is the determination of the values of the A, A, B,. These are P o t 2 '" HARMONIC ANALYSIS. 801 This part of the theorem may be verified at once by multiplying both sides of (1) by dg, by cos - — d£, or by sin - — dg , and in each case inte- grating from 0 to p. The aeries is evidently single-valued for any given value of £ It cannot therefore represent a function of £ which has more than one value, or which becomes imaginary for any value of £ It is convergent, approaching to the true value of <£(£) for all values of f such that if £ varies infinitesimally the function also varies infinitesimally. Sir W. Thomson, availing himself of the disk, globe, and cylinder inte- grating machine invented by his brother, Professor James Thomson, has constructed a machine by which eight of the integrals required for the ex- pression of Fourier's series can be obtained simultaneously from the recorded trace of any periodically variable quantity, such as the height of the tide, the temperature of the pressure of the atmosphere, or the intensity of the different components of terrestrial magnetism. If it were not on account of the waste of time, instead of having a curve drawn by the action of the tide, and the curve afterwards acted on by the machine, the time axis of the machine itself might be driven by a clock, and the tide itself might work the second variable of the machine, but this would involve the constant presence of an expensive machine at every tidal station. It would not be devoid of interest, had we opportunity for it, to trace the analogy between these mathematical and mechanical methods of harmonic analysis and the dynamical processes which go on when a compound ray of light is analysed into its simple vibrations by a prism, when a particular over- tone is selected from a complex tone by a resonator, and when the enormously complicated sound-wave of an orchestra, or even the discordant clamours of a crowd, are interpreted into intelligible music or language by the attentive listener, armed with the harp of three thousand strings, the resonance of which, as it hangs in the gateway of his ear, discriminates the multifold components of the waves of the aerial ocean. VOL. II. 101 INDEX TO VOL. II. Action at a distance, 311 Air, Viscosity of, 1 Airy's function of stress, 92, 102, 180, 192, 200— 205 Ampere, 317 Anaxagoras, 445, 449 Andrews, 371, 409 Apjohn, Dr, 637 Atom, 445 Atomic theory, forms of, 448 Attraction, 485 ; A Paradox in the Theory of, 599 Bell, A: M., 751 Bell, Professor Graham, 742—755 Benson, W., 232, 272 Bernoulli, D., 364 Bois-Raymond, 760 Boltzmann, 366, 431, 433, 622, 691 ; his Theorem on the Kinetic Theory of Gases, 714 Boole, 229 Boscovich, 448, 471, 480 Boussinesq, 760 Bow's method of drawing diagrams, 492 British Association : Address to Physical Section, 215 ; Lecture before, on molecules, 361 Capacity, electrical, 672 Capillary Action, 542 Capillary Surface, Form of, 569 Cavendish, 301, 317, 322, 612, 789 Cayley, 233, 235 Challis, 338 Chemical Society, lecture to, 418 Chrystal, Professor, 537 Clairaut, 54l> Clausius, 28, 55, 77, 222, 226, 344, 347, 365, 369, 409, 421, 427, 431, 451, 458, 664 Colour Blindness, 277 Colour Vision, 230, 267 Constitution of Bodies, 616 Continuity of Gaseous and Liquid State, 407 Cornu, 765 Cotes' Theorem, 390 Coulomb, 302, 317, 322 Cremona, 494 Crookes, 682, 685 Currents, Electric, maintenance of by mechanical work, 79 Cyclide, 144; Confocal Cyclides, 155; Conjugate Isothermal Functions of, 153 ; Construction of, 146, 148; Forms of, 148 Cylinder, Electrical capacity of, 672 Dalton, 277, 367 Descartes, Doctrine of continuity, 450 Diagrams, classified, 647 — -659 ; Reciprocal, 102 Diffusion, 625—646 Diffusion of Gases, 57, 61, 343, 501, 740 Disk, Electrical capacity of, 678 Dupre, 549, 551 Duprez, 585 Effusion, Thermal, 711 Electrical problems, Solution of, 256 Electrostatic and Electro-magnetic units compared experimentally, 125 Ellis, A J., 751 Envelope, spherical, Equilibrium of, 86 Ether, 763; its function in Electro-magnetic pheno- mena, 771; Physical constitution of, 773 101—2 INHEX TO Vol.. II. «. 901 SI9-J1I, S49, 4*8, 7 KbetrioU work. >: Kxperi «• Uftrt, 790; k» character. 793; hi. wort. 7M ; RflMrfa on hi* character M tnuufbmatim, of, 298 rnuns of Pore*., 161 ropafation of Light, 770 •placement in a case of, pencil, .132 of a gas: Mutual action 35 ; Mutual two systems, 37 ; Reasons for adopting UM> iaTcrM fifth power of distance, 32; External of molecules, 49 107. 112.353 :• Freedom and Constraint of, 171 r of Diffusion, 60; Conduction of feat in, ' < 'ooling of, by expansion, '*• I Definition of the Action of a system. 717: Diihriuu of, 57; Dynamical Specification of tke Motion of. 716 ; Dynamical theory of, 26 ; Iqartinm of motion of, 66, 69 ; Interdiff usion of, 61 ; Lav of Equivalent Volumes, 63 ; Frame of, M; Rigidity of, 32, 71 ; Specific hml of, 65, 66 ; Statistical Specification, 7i'U Rarifled: Conditions at surface of a solid, illations of motion, 697, 701 0M«, M8, !»«, 546 Oftjr-UMc, 455, 546 OMm, Profwor: Methods in Thermodynamics, 490, 625, 659 Gorman, 105 Urafcam. ll.M, 59, 61, 71, 73, 222, 343, 347, 367, 301. MS, 7 In '•'•phioalSutica. 492 Onm, SS3.599 (irovp, !3 ; Remarks on him as a man of science,' 592 Herapath, 364 Herschel, Sir J., 277, 376, 483 Heterogeneous substances, equilibrium of, 498 Hills and Dales, 233 Hockin, 127, 133, 134 Holman, 692 Hopkinson, 6i''J Huggins, 322, 465 Button, 637 Induction, Magneto-Electric, 121 Induction of currents in an infinite plane, 286 Institution, Royal : Lecture on Action at a distance, 311 ; Lecture on Colour Vision, 267 Integration, Multiple, 604 Jenkiii, 106, 107, 110, 164, 494 Jets, instability of, 582 Joule, 136, 305, 323, 364, 454, 501 Jurin, Dr, "> !_' Kempelen, 7-V! Kirchhoff, 96, 406 Kohlrausch, 1, 31, 126, 136, 641 Kopp, 349 Kronig, 365 Kundt, 685, 692, 7 1 2 Laplace, 545, 571 Leidenfrost, 543 Leonardo da Vinci, 541 Le Sage, explanation of gravitation, 474 INDEX TO VOL. II. 805 Leslie, 544, 637 Light, Electro-magnetic Theory of, 138, 771 Lightning, Protection of Buildings from, 538 Lines of Force, Experiment on, 319 Liquid : Drop between two plates, 571 ; Rise of, between two plates, 568 ; Rise of, in a Tube, 567 Liquid films: Stability of, 578—583; Tension of, 553; films which are surfaces of revolution, 576 Lockyer, N., 465 Lorenz, 137, 228 Loschmidt, Experiments on Diffusion, 343, 369, 460, 740 Lucretius, 445, 471, 472 Ludtge, 549 Maccullagh, 766 Mayer, 402 Mean, the geometrical mean distance between two figures, 280 Meyer, L., 349 Meyer, O. E., 12, 24, 25, 29, 71, 344, 459, 621, 692 Molecular aether, 437 Molecular Constitution of Bodies, 418 Molecular Science, 451 Molecular Vortices, 774 Molecules : Encounter between, 686 ; Final state of, when subject to forces, 351 ; Lecture on, 361 Monge, 544 Motion of a connected system, Equations of, 308 Neumann, 228, 766 Newton, 230, 268, 314, 316, 327, 419, 452, 487, 542, 764 Obermayer, 692 Ohm's Law, 533 Optics, its relation to other parts of Mathematics, 391 Orsted, 317 Page, 749 Paradoxical Philosophy, 756 Peaucellier's Linkage, 495 Physical Forces, Correlation of, 400 Physical quantities, mathematically classified, 257 Physics, Introductory Lecture on, 241 Piotrowski, 685, 708 Plateau, 393, 548 Poisson, 301, 303, 317, 547, 560 Polyhedra, Relation between the numbers of edges, summits and faces of, 170 Priestley, 367 Problem, in Discontinuity, 310 Quadratic functions, 329 Quaternions, 260 — 266 Quincke, 395, 541 Rankine, 163, 259, 494, 664 Rayleigh, Lord, 435, 465, 644, 754 Reading instruments, methods of, 514 Reciprocal Diagrams, 164, 182 Rede lecture, 742 Regnault, 454 Reis, Philip, 746 Retina, Yellow spot in, 278 Review : A work by Plateau, 393 ; A work by Van der Waals, 407; Challis's Mathematical Principles of Physics, 338 ; Grove's "Cor- relation of Physical Forces," 400 ; Paradoxical Philosophy, 756 ; Sir W. Thomson's papers, 301 ; Tait's Thermodynamics, 660 ; Thomson and Tait's Nat. Phil., 324, 776; Whewell's Writings and Correspondence, 528 Reynolds, Professor, 704 Riemann, 137, 170 Scientific Apparatus classified, 505 — 527 Segner, 542 Siemens's Governor, 108, 116 Slipping, Coefficient of, in a gas, 708, 712 Somerville, Mrs, 401 Spectrum, Best Arrangement for producing a pure spectrum, 96 Spherical Harmonics, Application to Theory of Gases, 688 Stefan, 344, 459, 503 Stereograms of Surfaces, 97 TO VOL. II. f ;j4 Transpiration, Thermal, 710 u H m »*. 444, 749 '»"• - ' :>. 221 at i» tluw dfaMsrioas, 178; Van der Mensbrugghe, 548 , of. u. • fetid Body, 197 Van der Waal*, 407, 426, 560 , |B tUftfcd OMM. Ml Velocities of molecules of a gas, final distribution hs» T«MM* Mse* «t oa velocity of waves, of, 43 »*T; Uw» of, 543; ?>•(••! arising from Venant, St, 760 at 67), IMaUoo to temperature, Virial, defined, 421 M, 690 Vucosity, Coefficient of, 7, 71 ; Table of, for several r, SI4 gases, 347; of Air, 1—25, 692; of a mixture of gases, 1-1 Is* MB, $44, M4. 749. 764, 776, 797 Viscous fluid, double refraction in, 379 1s*s TWnMlyHu^oi, 440-471 Voit, 626, 633 . Taylor, Hwllr; Volumes, Law of Equivalent Volumes, 63, 430 T«jr«or. W. P^ 144, 494 Vortex Atoms, Theory of, 466 Itdb, 434 Warburg, 685, 692, 712 W, J, 16, 107, 112, 127, 136, 222, Weber, 31, 126, 136, 228, 245, 291, 621 S64, S68, J9i 301—307, 312, 321, Wheatetone, 84, 745, 753 « I. 344 371 460, 4K <70, 476, 488, Whewell's Writings and Correspondence, 528 01. 608, 649, 687, 431, 434, 711, 742, 767, Wiedemann, E., 692 T74, 798, 801 Willis, 753 \ »» Wroblewski, 503 648,644 MS Young, 267, 273, 322, 545, 566 w«: namo BY c. t. 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