a t ir ; py uh iiaee OS ® TESTSOD TOED O WMS IOHM/1981N DEPARTMENT OF TERRESTRIAL MAGNETISM J. A. Fleming, Director Scientific Results of Cruise VII of the CARNEGIE during 1928-1929 under Command of Captain J. P. Ault METEOROLOGY-II Upper-Wind Observations and Results Obtained on Cruise VII of the CARNEGIE ANDREW THOMSON CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON PUBLICATION 547 WASHINGTON, D. C. 1943 This book first issued March 31, 1943 PREFACE Of the 110,000 nautical miles planned for the seventh cruise of the nonmagnetic ship Carnegie of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, nearly one-half had been com- pleted on her arrival at Apia, November 28, 1929. The extensive program of observation in terrestrial magnet- ism, terrestrial electricity, chemical oceanography, physical oceanography, marine biology, and marine me- teorology was being carried out in virtually every detail. Practical techniques and instrumental appliances for oceanographic work on a sailing vessel had been most successfully developed by Captain J.P. Ault, master and chief of the scientific personnel, and his colleagues. The high standards established under the energetic and re- sourceful leadership of Dr. Louis A. Bauer and his co- workers were maintained, and the achievements which had marked the previous work of the Carnegie extended. But this cruise was tragically the last of the seven great adventures represented by the world cruises of the vessel. Early in the afternoon of November 29, 1929, while she was inthe harbor at Apia completing the storage of 2000 gallons of gasoline, there was an explosion as a result of which Captain Ault and cabin boy Anthony Kolar lost their lives, five officersand seamen were injured, and the vessel withall her equipment was destroyed. In 376 days at sea nearly 45,000 nautical miles had been covered (see map p. iv). In addition to the exten- ive magnetic and atmospheric-electric observations, a great number of fdata and marine collections had been obtained in the field of chemistry, physics, and biology, including bottom samples and depth determinations. These observations were made at 162 stations, at an av- erage distance apart of 300 nautical miles. The distri- bution of these stations is shown in the map, which de- lineates also the course followed by the vessel from Washington, May 1, 1928, to Apia, November 28, 1929. At each station, salinities and temperatures were ob- tained at depths of 0, 5, 25, 50, 75, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 700, 1000, 1500, etc., meters, down to the bottom or to a maximum of 6000 meters, and complete physical and chemical determinations were made. Biological sam- ples to the number of 1014 were obtained both by net and by pump, usually at 0, 50, and 100 meters. Numerous physical and chemical data were obtained at the surface. Sonic depths were determined at 1500 points and bottom samples were obtained at 87 points. Since, in accord- ance with the established policy of the Department of Terrestrial Magnetism, all observational data and ma- terials were forwarded regularly to Washington from each port of call, the records of only one observation were lost with the ship, namely, a depth determination on the short leg between Pago and Pago and Apia. The compilations of, and reporis on, the scientific results obtained during this last cruise of the Carnegie are being published under the classifications Physical Oceanography, Chemical Oceanography, Meteorology, and Biology, in a series numbered, under each subject, I, 0, and Il, etc. A general account of the expedition has been prepared and published by J. Harland Paul, ship’s surgeon and ob- server, under the title The last cruise of the Carnegie, and contains a brief chapter on the previous cruises of the Carnegie, a description of the vessel and her equip- ment, and a full narrative of the cruise (Baltimore, Wil- liams and Wilkins Company, 1932; xiii + 331 pages with 198 illustrations). The preparations for, and the realizationof, the pro- gram would have been impossible without the generous cooperation, expert advice, and contributions of special equipment and books received on all sides from inter- ested organizations and investigators both in America and in Europe. Among these, the Carnegie Institution of Washington is indebted to the following: the United States Navy Department, including particularly its Hydrographic Office and Naval Research Laboratory; the Signal Corps and the Air Corps of ithe War Department; the National Museum, the Bureau of Fisheries, the Weather Bureau, the Coast Guard, and the Coast and Geodetic Survey; the Scripps Institution of Oceanography of the University of California; the Museum of Comparative Zodlogy of Har- vard University; the School of Geography of Clark Uni- versity; the American Radio Relay League; the Geophys- ical Institute, Bergen, Norway; the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, Plymouth, England; the German Atlantic Expedition of the Meteor, Institut fur Meereskunde, Berlin, Germany; the British Admiral- ty, London, England; the Carlsberg Laboratorim, Bu- reau International pour 1|’Exploration de la Mer, and Laboratoire Hydrographique, Copenhagen, Denmark; and many others. Dr. H. U. Sverdrup, now Director of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography of the University of California, at La Jolla, California, who was then a Re- search Associate of the Carnegie Institution of Washing- ton at the Geophysical Institute at Bergen, Norway, was consulting oceanographer and physicist. In summarizing an enterprise such as the magnetic, electric, and oceanographic surveys of the Carnegie and of her predecessor the Galilee, which covered a quar- ter of a century, and which required cooperative effort and unselfish interest on the part of many skilled scien- tists, it is impossible to allocate full and appropriate credit. Captain W. J. Peters laid the broad foundation of the work during the early cruises of both vessels, and Captain J. P. Ault, who had had the good fortune to serve under him, continued and developed that which Captain Peters had so well begun. The original plan of the work was envisioned by L. A. Bauer, the first Director of the Department of Terrestrial Magnetism, Carnegie Institu- tion of Washington; the development of suitable methods and apparatus was the result of the painstaking efforts of his co-workers at Washington. Truly, as was stated by Captain Ault in an address during the commemorative exercises held on board the Carnegie in San Francisco, August 26, 1929, “The story of individual endeavor and enterprise, of invention and accomplishment, cannot be told.” After the Carnegie entered the Pacific Ocean on her last voyage, there was initiated a pilot-balloon program which continued throughout her cruise on the North and South Pacific oceans. From October 27, 1928 until No- vember 11, 1929 observations were made daily while at sea if weather conditions made it appear probable that a flight could be followed to an altitude of a kilometer or more. Altogether 171 observations were made over the Pacific Ocean, mostly in the tropical zone. Of this total 112 flights were followed to 2 km, 76 to 4km, 28 to 6 km, and one balloon was observed to 12.5 km. The great majority of the observations were made in the belt of the northeast and of the southeast trades. The winds in these regions are extraordinarily constant both in direction and velocity. The results of a few flights in ili (SuoT}eIqITeo AjIUTTes 10} pouTe}qo OsTe a1aM Sa[duIeS Ja}eM-vaS aNI} @ payIeU suUOT}E}S GE 9} iV) 62-8261 ‘AIDANUVO AHL 4O IIA ASINUOD ‘SNOILV.LS OIHAVUDONVAIO 02! 209! FOO HOWAVI @ 150 PREFACE an area in the trade-wind belt may be expected to give a close approximation of the average upper-wind condi- tions prevailing at that season. Thus 171 flights, al- though not sufficient for the purposes of the study of up- per winds over a continental region, may be sufficient to extend considerably our knowledge of the trade-wind cir- culation over the Pacific. Although the surface-wind observations for the Pa- cific Ocean had been collected for many years, almost nothing had been learned of the upper winds over the same region. The Carnegie observations discussed in this memoir represent a considerable contribution to meteorology which will find use both in the theoretical study of the circulation of the atmosphere and in plan- ning air routes across the Pacific. The present volume is the fifth in the series of “‘Sci- entific results of cruise VII of the Carnegie during 1928- 1929 under command of Captain J. P. Ault.’ It is the second of the Meteorological Reports. The first of these, “Meteorological results of cruise VII of the Carnegie, 1928-1929"’ by Woodrow C. Jacobs and Katherine B. Clarke (1943), contains the data resulting from the ob- servations and records of atmospheric pressure, air temperature, sea-surface temperature, humidity, evap- oration, and miscellaneous meteorological phenomena. Mr. Thomson’s discussion provides a fairly com- plete account of the technique employed in making pilot- balloon observations on shipboard. Besides giving the results of the flights themselves, the weather conditions prevailing at the time of the flights are described in de- tail. The observations are quite fully represented in charts and tables so that it is hoped the data can be uti- lized for many different purposes by investigators with a minimum of additional work. J. A. Fleming Director, Department of Terrestrial Magnetism 1 1 i : ie mils Ve ; r a es ba , ’ ) vn ’ c) 7 1, ! 7 i tas ' : a. . j . 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(0) els) (eo) \0i\e)\e) 8) (0) \eM>) aes = = = Trades and Antitrades between 100° and 140° West in Latitudes 15° to 20° South CONTENTS Page 1 General Circulation of Winds over the Tropical 2 Regions of the Pacific--Continued ....... 1 Trades and Antitrades in Central Area of South 2 PacificiOceantrracseeicnetieicnienie mene ae 2 Winds in the Equatorial Region of the Pacific 3 OCEAN reo ws etereete tals re hom creme eer are hens 3 Pacific) Ocean offsjapan er ain aneeete a! : ay rad? ah ‘or err ee shebang re i ‘oO | “§ err eny Cot WOR be evive Ss all Ob Hige', 1 sat Sei eg Wh apa) _ eft ee “Os O' ho : i ot ae ¢ Aime ~ ; ’ ne ) i yD Be » git 7 pos - UPPER-WIND OBSERVATIONS AND RESULTS OBTAINED ON CRUISE VII OF THE CARNEGIE INTRODUC TION Early in 1928 the Department of Terrestrial Mag- netism of the Carnegie Institution of Washington decided to make pilot-balloon observations as opportunity per- mitted on cruise VII of the Carnegie. The immediate consideration which led to the initiation of an upper - wind program was that the Carnegie’s proposed sailing route lay across rarely visited parts of the oceans, where no upper-air data had been obtained. The value of such upper-wind observations in the navigation of flying craft over the ocean, as well as in the elucidation of problems of the atmospheric circulation over the earth’s surface, was obviously great. Since the study of upper-air currents lay outside the geophysical program of the Department, government or- ganizations engaged in aerological investigations were consulted with regard to equipment and procedure. The Bureau of Aeronautics, United States Navy Department; the Meteorological Service of the Signal Corps and the Air Corps of the United States War Department; and the Aerological Division of the United States Weather Bu- reau cooperated generously. Each of these organiza- tions was liberal with advice, and the use of the best aerological equipment at its command. The Carnegie received a shipboard theodolite at Panama, Canal Zone, and on October 27, 1928 observed the first flight in the Gulf of Panama. Throughout the cruise in the Pacific the officers took advantage each day of any opportunity of skies comparatively free from clouds to make a flight. The only part of the cruise without observations was from July 3 to 21, 1929, in the northern Pacific about latitude 50° north, when fog, low clouds, and almost uninterrupted foul weather would have prevented the observer following the balloons for more than two minutes. Only 5 of the 171 flights in the Pacific were made in higher latitudes than 40° north. The remaining 166 flights were made as follows: equa- tor to 20° north, 23 flights; 20° north to 40° north, 47 flights; equator to 20° south, 79 flights; and from 20° to 40° south, 17 flights. Of 110 flights within the tropics, 29 were made north and 81 south of the equator. Thus, the majority of the observations were inside the trade- wind regions, where a comparatively small number of observations reveals the typical air movements charac- teristic of the locality more clearly than an equal num- ber of observations made in temperate or polar regions. The balloons were observed to the following heights: 171 balloons at the surface, 153 at 1 km, 112 at 2 km, 90 at 3 km, 76 at 4 km, 58 at 5 km, 38 at 6 km, 23 at 7 km, 14 at 8km, 10 at 9 km, 5 at 10 km, 3 at 11 km, 2 at 12 km, and 1 at 12.5 km. The observers followed one-half the flights to 3.5 km, and in the highest flight, no. 77, on the afternoon of March 18, 1929 an extreme height com- puted to be 12.8 km was attained. EQUIPMENT USED IN UPPER-WIND OBSERVATIONS ON THE CARNEGIE The usual pilot-balloon apparatus and observational procedure have been greatly modified for use on board battleships and large ocean liners, where, almost ex- clusively, such observations have been made. Thesmall size of the Carnegie (her displacement tonnage being on- ly 568 tons), and her lively ship motion, rendered it im- perative to obtain good equipment, and also to attempt expedients which would not be necessary on larger ves- sels. Shipboard Theodolite During 1927 and 1928 the Bureau of Aeronautics of the United States Navy Department, developed and had manufactured (by Keuffel and Esser, Brooklyn, N. Y.) shipboard theodolites, which included numerous modifi- cations from earlier types. The first of these theodo- lites available, Aero 1928 U.S.N. No. 15, was loaned to the Carnegie in October 1928. Subsequently the Bureau of Aeronautics replaced this theodolite with an improved model, which was employed in all flights after leaving San Francisco on September 4, 1929. Both shipboard theodolites embraced a principle Similar to the sextant, differentiating them sharply from the land pilot-balloon theodolite. The observer kept the balloon in view in the vertical plane by rotating a small reflecting prism around a horizontal axis, the angle of prism rotation measuring the balloon’s elevation above the horizon line in an exactly analogous manner to meas- uring the altitude of a star with a marine sextant. When the balloon and the horizon line were brought into coin- cidence, the correct angle of elevation was read off the scale. No further adjustment of the setting was neces- sary from instant to instant to correct for pitchand roll of the ship, as both horizon and balloon shifted together in the field of view. The optical arrangement is shown in figure 1 (p. 47) and the theodolite in figure 2 (p. 47). The magnification of the optical system is eight power and the field covers Gare When the horizon line was indistinct, either because of atmospheric obscurity or night, the observer could employ an artificial horizon formed by an ingenious small bubble device. On the cruise from Panama to San Francisco, however, flights were restricted to fair weather, during which the observer found the natural horizon much easier for the eye than the artificial. In using the natural horizon the balloon was seen between two parts of a horizontal line, whereas the bubble gave a reference only on one side. The red and yellow color filters on numerous flights increased the visibility of the pearly surface of the bal- loon against a background of blue or whitish-blue sky. The routine use of a filter was found desirable for cutting down the scattered light from both the sky and the sur- 2 UPPER-WIND OBSERVATIONS OF LAST CRUISE OF CARNEGIE face of the sea. A shade glass, designed to reduce hori- zon glare, helped on a few occasions to make the hori- zon line more distinct. The eye blinder, furnished as a cover for the eye not in use, reduced eye fatigue, and together with the eyepiece, supported the observer's head at the proper position. The optical system was supported over an azimuth circie, which was itself carried by a base plate capable of being turned in azimuth. The azimuth circle had a slow-motion micrometer adjustment reading to one- tenth degree, but for rapid movement when picking up a balloon, this might be disengaged, and the whole head rotated. Because the base plate was adjustable, the observer was able to set the azimuth of the upper circle to read 0 on north, and thus eliminate one step in the subsequent reduction of the observations. The index prism, carried on a movable arc, was graduated to even degrees, and could be read to tenths by means of a micrometer drum. For the purpose of making observations the theodo- lite, mounted in gimbals, was set up on a heavy tripodon the raised quarter-deck of the Carnegie. The legs of the tripod were chained to each other and set in rubber feet in order to grip firmly the deck. The theodolite had attached to it, below the gimbals, a large counterweight which could be made to exercise additional restoring force by attaching springs. Actually the observer found it most efficient to steady the theodolite by allowing the counterweight to slide over, or to be lightly held in his hand. The most important alteration in the new theodolite No. 54005, which replaced Aero 1928 U.S.N. No. 15 used from October 23, 1928 to August 1929, consisted in ori- enting the optical system so that the observer looked downward at an angle of about 45°, instead of horizontal- ly, into the eyepiece. The eyepiece was placed so that the observer could remain in-a comfortable position without the strain of continuously keeping his eye lightly pressed against the moving eyepiece. Hitherto muchdif- ficuity had been experienced in keeping the eye uninter- ruptedly on the balloon, since in the rolling and pitching of the ship the eye could not quickly be brought into an easy observing position. The azimuth circle in theodolite No. 54005 could be rotated about its spindle axis and clamped in any posi- tion, but the graduated base plate was not included in the new design. The operator could not, without consid- erable trial and error, set up theodolite No. 54005 with the azimuth circle reading 0°0 on north. The elimina- tion of the graduated base plate considerably reduced the manufacturing cost of the theodolite, with the single disadvantage of requiring the computer to apply a con- stant small correction to the observed azimuth angles. Hydrogen Hydrogen for inflating balloons was carried onboard in iron cylinders having a capacity of 200 cubic feet. The United States Navy supplied four cylinders at Pana- ma, and subsequently replaced them, when emptied, by fully charged cylinders at the naval bases at Pago Pago, Honolulu, and San Francisco. The balloons regularly used measured avout 65 cm in diameter when fully inflated, so that the hydrogen ina cylinder measuring 200 cubic feet would, if no gas were lost, have filled forty balloons. Actually, considerable hydrogen was required in blowing out the long connect- ing tubes, and smaller quantities were lost by valves and connections, so that only fifteen balloons were filled from each cylinder. The hydrogen cylinders were stored in the afterhold, and the hydrogen passed through about 30 feet of 1/2- inch rubber hose to the magnetic control room, where the balloon-filling apparatus was set up. One assistant stationed in the hold controlled the gas supply, and the whole filling operation was completed within about a minute after the connecting hose was flushed out with hy- drogen. The inflation balance was supplied by the United States Navy and is of the type regularly used by this service. The balloons were inflated to ascend with an approx- imate vertical velocity of 180 m per minute. To deter- mine the free lift the formula employed is V=72 (23 /L2)0.208 where V = ascensional rate in meters per minute, 2 = free lift in grams, L = free lift plus weight of balloon in grams. The following table, computed from the above formula, gives the free lifts used. Balloon weight Free lift gram grams 20 I sa7 21 114.0 22 115.3 23 116.5 24 117.8 25 119.0 26 120.2 27 121.4 28 122.6 29 123.8 30 125.0 31 126.2 32 127.3 33 128.5 34 129.6 In accordance with the practice of the United States Weather Bureau, the rate of ascent for the first minute was increased 20 per cent, the second and third minutes by 10 per cent, and the fourth and fifth by 5 per cent. Balloons Balloons supplied were either black or in their nat- ural color, tan. Observers followed black balloons to a maximum distance of 3000 m, whereas the tan bal- loons were in some instances followed to a distance of 25,000 m. From Panama to San Francisco, 6-inch balloons weighing from 24 to 32 grams were used. Later on six flights were made with 9-inch balloons weighing 60 to 75 grams. Many more would have been made with the 9-inch size had it not been for the impossibility of car- rying the inflated balloon through the doorways leading from the filling room to the quarter-deck. The only REDUCTION OF OBSERVATIONS place such large size balloons could be inflated and weighed was in the after companionway, where it was tedious and difficult owing to drafts and the impossibili- ty of installing permanent equipment for proper inflation. During the cruise from Panama to Callao the exper- iment was tried of tying two balloons together to obtain a large object in the field of the theodolite. The observ- ers believed that the distance to which the balloon could be followed was considerably increased. Owing to the fear, however, that the ascensional rate of the two bal- loons tied together would not be the same as for each balloon separately, this practice was given up after a few flights. | Only a very few balloons burst during inflation, and no inconvenience was experienced with oddly shaped bal- loons, nor was special care taken to inflate slowly. The balloons showed no sign of deterioration in the tropics, even after they were on board five months. The bal- loons were stored in sealed tins in the instrument room, where the temperature was approximately 30° C. Balloon-Sextant Since the observer had to steady the counterweight with his hanc, he had, at times of rapid motion of the balloon, to make a choice between working the azimuth cr elevation micrometer. The procedure developed was to keep the right hand adjusting the azimuth micrometer head. An additional observer watched the balloon through a sextant so that if the balloon were lost to the theodolite, the sextant gave its height, and the direction of the sex- tant pointing gave the approximate bearing of the bal- loon. Captain Ault’s report of March 14, 1929 describes the following expedient: “‘In view of the length of time required to hold up a sextant, and of the weight of the new balloon-sextant, it became necessary to devise some REDUCTION OF The wind velocity and direction corresponding to the balloon’s height at various minutes after release from the ship, were computed by graphical methods on a plot- ting board. The procedure was along lines similar to those adopted for pilot-balloon observations at a fixed station on land. The plotting board permits the comput- er to see and to correct, not only errors in reading an- a but also those from the lurching and rolling of the ship. The plotting board used was of United States Navy design with a circular celluloid sheet of 87cm diameter, graduated in even degrees around the edge, and rotating about a central pin. A set of parallel vertical lines 1 cm apart was drawn on the rigid base beneath, but clearly visible through the movable celluloid sheet. The verti- cal line passing through the center of the board was sub- divided for two scales--one for use with short flights when the distance from center to edge of board repre- sented 8000 m, and the other for longer flights when the Same distance represented 20,000 m. The ship’s track was laid off by turning the cellu- loid sheet so that the circle reading denoting the angle of the ship’s heading lay over the azimuth arrow at the bot- tom of the board and pointed off the ship’s position from 3 method for supporting the instrument. One of the deck chairs was provided with arms and two upright pieces supporting an overhead bar. A fine spring was suspend- ed from this bar, and the sextant is now used hanging from this spring. The entire weight is supported at the height of the observer’s eye and the freedom of motion is in no wise restricted. The chair can be moved to the most advantageous position on deck for observing the balloon; the ease of operation involves no strain on the observer’s arms and it serves its purpose with a high degree of efficiency.” When the balloon changed more than 1 or 2 points in azimuth, the chair had tc be shifted around so that the observer would be able to look directly at the balloon. The practical difficulties of following the balloon while shifting the chair were considerable, and these, and the hope of getting azimuths directly with the sextant, led to the design of a sextant chair (fig. 3, p. 48) on a rotating platform. This chair was rigidly attached to a smallcir- cular base about 80 cm in diameter, which rotated about a central pin, and was supported by rollers near the out- er edge. The chair and rotating bases were carried on a small portable platform. The sextant was suspended by a coil spring from a crossarm carried above the observ- er’s head from the back of the chair. A pointer attached to the supporting platform showed the azimuth ofthe chair on a scale of degrees marked on the rotating disc. When set up on the ship’s deck the platform was arranged so that the chair reading was 0° when the observer looked in a direction parallel to the mid-line of the ship. The azimuth of the balloon was read directly from the scale as an assistant moved the chair around to face directly the balloon. Owing to the improvement in the new theod- olite received at San Francisco, the sextant chair was not required so often after leaving this port, but in the earlier part of the cruise this expedient was of material assistance. OBSERVATIONS minute to minute along the appropriate distance scale. It was always assumed that the Carnegie maintained constant speed throughout the time of observation, the speed being determined from log readings at the begin- ning and end of the observation. When the ship changed her course during a flight, the celluloid sheet was ro- tated to the new heading at the moment of change. The. ship’s subsequent positions from minute to minute were indicated along the vertical line following on from the former course. The horizontal projection (d) of a line from the ship to the balloon is d =hcote where h = height of balloon and e = angle of elevation. For plotting the balloon’s position at any particular minute, the celluloid sheet was turned until the angle at its edge read the same as the true azimuth of the bal- loon’s position. From the ship’s position for this min- ute and at the distance (d), a point was located on the vertical line toward the plotter. The horizontal projec- tion of the balloon’s course from minute to minute was thus laid down on the celluloid sheet. 4 UPPER-WIND OBSERVATIONS OF LAST CRUISE OF CARNEGIE As in ordinary pilot-balloon observations, the direc- tion and velocity at any minute was obtained from the positions of the balloon a minute before and a minute aft- er, making the usual assumption that this equalled the wind velocity for the air stratum in which the bailoon was moving. : Table 1. Example of effect of steering error on computed wind velocities and directions Effect produced by steering error 10 -1.1 Seles sett Lhe a means 11 - 0.8 233 5:5. +3 +0.4 12 0.0 226 5.4 0 +0.3 13 - 0.2 PAL 6.3 + 2 +0.3 14 +1.3 210 SU - 4 0.0 15 -1.8 220 4.3 - 3 -0.4 16 -0.1 224 4.8 +3 +0.4 17 0.0 233 4.2 + 3 +0.1 18 +0.4 245 2.8 +25 +0.6 19 +3.4 240 2.9 - 2 -0.4 207 29. 236 4.9 +6 -0.9 21 +0.4 Boks el De ease) Pieteccs 22 Bees 220 8.6 0 0.0 23 +1.5 500 BOCAF ee Ne GocaoMipat © asdoorn Errors in the computed position of the balloon in its horizontal projection arise largely from two sources: (1) at the time of observation either the balloon may not be centered in the eyepiece, or (2) the ship may have been off her projected course. In the shipboard theodolite an error in centering the balloon in the field of view is relatively more serious than in the reguiar land instrument because of its larg- er field of view. This larger field is required to allow the balloon to be located easily. Since the field of the theodolite covers 6°, the error arising from the balloon being 0.1 of the radius off the center would be equivalent to an azimuth error of 0°3. The error in the horizontal projection, due to an incorrect azimuth, decreases with the cosine of the angle of elevation, and increases di- rectly with the distance away of the balloon. With a balloon at a distance of 10 km and at an angle of eleva- tion of 45°, an error of 0.1 radius in centering in the eyepiece leads to an error of 36 m in the horizontal pro- jection of the balloon’s position. The magnitude of the errors in the computed upper - wind velocity and direction arising from the steersman being unable to keep the ship exactly on her course may be obtained from a short series of readings made on December 30, 1928 in latitude 34°0 south, longitude 91°4 west. For fourteen minutes an additional observer read the ship’s compass at the same instant as the observer at the shipboard theodolite read the balloon’s elevation and azimuth. The data in table 1 show that considerable errors are introduced into the computed wind directions and velocities by comparatively small errors in steer- ing. The wind was blowing Beaufort force 4 and the Carnegie according to the report was under ‘“‘regular sailing conditions.’ The largest steering error is 3°4 on the nineteenth minute, which produces an error of 25° in the wind di- rection in the eighteenth and 0.9 m per second in the wind velocity on the twentieth minute. The large errors do not occur in the values for the nineteenth minute, since these depend on the readings for the eighteenth and twentieth minutes. It may be pointed out that errors of this magnitude in wind direction occur almost entire- ly with light winds. WIND FORCE (Beaufort Scale) calm light airs . light breeze gentle breeze moderate breeze fresh breeze strong breeze high wind (moderate gale) gale (fresh gale) strong gale 10 whole gale 11 storm 12 hurricane ODBDAIRDUILWNHNrHO The ship was assumed to have constant velocity, which is probably correct within the limits of observa- tion. A good helmsman may, in moderate winds, permit the ship to run a quarter-point off course. During the pilot-balloon flights special precautions were taken by the helmsman to keep the ship on her course. During a few periods of calm and adverse winds the Carnegie was hove to during a flight. It was then impossible to keep the ship’s heading steady during the observations. Be- cause of the varying azimuth, one observer stationed at the ship’s compass read the magnetic direction on hear- ing the recorder’s signal to read the theodolite. The compass reading was then corrected for declination and the true azimuth obtained. This procedure was found tedious in practice, so that only a few flights were made under these conditions. Rolling and pitching of the ship are generally re- vealed by irregularities in the plotted positions of the balloon from minute to minute. When there was a con- tinuous change in the balloon’s elevation for three or four minutes, however, the resulting values of wind shift were considered in every case to be genuine. The Carnegie’s periods of roll and of pitch were less than ten seconds. Especially in times of light wind, if the balloon was some distance from the ship, the balloon’s plotted positions were at times irregular, although tak- en over a period of ten minutes the direction of wind motion appeared detinite enough. These minute-to-min- ute irregularities may, of course, be owing to turbu- lence, but it seemed more likely they were of observa- tional origin. From this point of view, changes in azi- muth readings, which led to violent wind shifts but con- tinued only for a stratum of 250 m or less, were disre- garded and the movement over five minutes rather than one or two minutes considered. Considerable judgment was used in accepting the data for the last minutes of a flight if they fell rapidly out of line with preceding data. Frequently it would ap- pear that the ship had been swinging and when it righted itself the azimuth angle quickly changed its direction, so that the observer failed to locate the balloon again on the new course, METEOROLOGICAL CONDITIONS DURING PILOT-BALLOON FLIGHTS 5 PROC EEDURE Efforts were made to obtain a pilot-balloon flight on every day it seemed probable that the observer could follow the balloon for at least ten minutes. It required about thirty minutes for unstowing the theodolite, setting up the inflation balance, inflating the balloon, and making minor preparations for a flight. On a number of occa- sions during the period of preparation, weather and sky conditions changed materially, so that the balloons were lost at low altitudes in quickly formed low clouds. The Carnegie could not be maneuvered so as to re- main at one point during the period of a flight. The gen- eral procedure was to set the ship’s heading so as to keep a steady course. If, while on this course, the bal- loon went behind the ship’s sails or rigging, a new course was chosen, which it was considered would bring the balloon in sight for a considerable time. In calm weather, or when the winds were so light that the helms- man could not keep the ship on a course, it was the prac- tice to start the small auxiliary engine, which gave the Carnegie a speed of five or six knots and alloweda good course to be sailed. METEOROLOGICAL CONDITIONS DURING PILOT-BALLOON FLIGHTS The meteorological log of the Carnegie with entries of weather conditions, constituted an invaluable record for interpreting the upper-wind data. Unfortunately, the meteorological log was destroyed with the Carnegie in Apia harbor. Captain Ault had made an abstract of the ship’s log for each leg of the cruise, however, which he forwarded immediately after the Carnegie reached a port of call. Meteorological observations were made regularly at Greenwich mean noon, and observers noted certain weather conditions during atmospheric-electric determinations. From all these sources a fairly com- prehensive account of the prevailing weather has been compiled for periods when pilot-balloon flights were made. CLOUDS Cirrus Ci Cirro-Stratus Ci-St Cirro-Cumulus Ci-Cu Alto-Stratus A-St Aito-Cumulus A-Cu Fracto-Cumulus Fr-Cu Strato-Cumulus st-Cu Nimbus Nb Cumulus Cu Cumulo-Nimbus Cu-Nb Stratus St Flights 1 to 4, October 27 to 31, 1928 The first four flights were made in the Gulf of Pan- ama from October 27 to 31, 1928. Owing to low cumu- lus or nimbus clouds on three occasions, and once largely to the observer’s inexperience none of the bal- loons were followed higher than 1 km. The surface winds of Beaufort force 3 or 4 varied from west to southwest. On three out of four flights the west-south- west surface winds turned to a more northerly direc- tion, the mean velocity apparently increasing from 5.4 m per second at the surface of the ocean to 7.4 m per second at levels of 0.25 and 0.50 km. The observed west-southwest surface winds agree with those shownon the United States Pilot Chart of the South Pacific Ocean for the September-November quarter, and represent an inflow of colder air from above the waters at abnormally low temperature off the South American coast [1]. This area, forming the eastern extremity of the doldrums of the Pacific, lies protected behind the mountains of Pana- ma and Colombia, which interrupt the regular east-west circulation of the atmosphere. At lower levels there are doubtless strong upward vertical currents which cause the cumulus clouds observed. The weather during the week these flights were made was characterized by frequent rain squalls and variable winds with thunder and lightning reported on October 27 and 28. All these are indications of the strong convection going on in this area. Flights 5 to 8, November 9 to 17, 1928 Owing to continuous overcast and cloudy weather from November 1 to 9, no flights were made. The Car- negie in these eight days sailed only 626 miles. The equator was crossed on November 6 with southwest breezes generally occurring. Flights 5 to 8 were made as the Carnegie sailed westward, just south of the equa- tor, from 85.2 to 105°4 west. The surface winds blew from south or southeast, the typical trade-wind condi- tion existing at all seasons in this area. According to the United States South Pacific Pilot Chart the winds blow 85 per cent of the time from south or southeast on Table 2. Wind directions in flights 5 to 8, showing com- plexity of winds immediately above southeast trades 5 Nov. 9 iS} Ss NW N NNW 6 11 iS) NW Ss E SSW u 15 SE ENE NE E SE 8 17 SSE SSE ESE ESE ESE an eight-point wind rose. Despite its great constancy at sea level, the southerly current was very shallow, being displaced by northerly winds in every flight below 2.5 km. Table 2 shows the complexity of the winds from 1 to 4km above the ocean. 6 UPPER-WIND OBSERVATIONS OF LAST CRUISE OF CARNEGIE Flight 6 was made about 40 km from one of the Galapa- gos Islands, so that the numerous changes in wind direc- tion observed in this flight may have been because of ef- fects set up by this island group. Flights 9 to 16, November 19 to 25, 1928 These flights were made as the Carnegie sailed southward across an area where southeast trades gen- erally prevail. The Carnegie experienced fair weather with southeast or east-southeast breezes and trade wind; there were cumulus clouds chiefly around the horizon. The surface winds turned from east-southeast to east below 1 km, and in the single flight above 2 km this ro- tation continued to northeast at 3.5 km, which was the greatest height reached. Flights 17 to 29, November 26 to December 26, 1928 The Carnegie ran out of the southeast trade winds about latitude 20° south. From this parallel of latitude southward to 40°4 south the winds were variable, but mostly from the east. From November 26 to December 6, when the Carnegie reached Easter Island, the winds were light; drizzling rain fell on the evening of Novem- ber 29, and rain squalls occurred on November 27 and 30, and December 4 and 5. The Carnegie sailed from Easter Island on December 12, 1928, going in a general direction southward and on December 26 reached the extreme southernmost point of the cruise--40°4 south, 97°4 west. The barometer reading, 773.7 mm, taken here near the South Pacific high-pressure center, was the highest recorded during the cruise. Light to moder- ate breezes prevailed, and the skies were comparatively clear, except for a ring of clouds around the horizon. On December 22 in latitude 36:9 south, 104°1 west, fog continued all day and generally hazy conditions were observed for the following week. Rain squalls occurred on December 13, 14, 15, and 19. The surface winds from latitudes 20° to 25° south were easterly and from there to 31° south, from north- east. In all cases the winds at increasing heights to 3 km above the sea turned counterclockwise to a more northerly direction. The three flights observed up to 6 km show a general change back to southeast at this lev- el, whereas flight 21 on December 21 shows southeast winds up to 11 km. In all cases the winds were very light, having a mean velocity based on all three flights from 3 to 6 km of only 3.6 m per second, which is also the mean value of the scant data to 11 km. Flights 27, 28, and 29 made on December 18, 20, and 26, although covering a period of eight days and made at points 1700 km apart, showed much similarity of air motion at all levels. The northeast surface winds became northwest at 1 km and remained from this di- rection to a height of 9.5 km, with an extreme observed velocity of 11 m per second. Flights 30 to 34, December 30, 1928 to January 8, 1929 These flights were made as the Carnegie sailed northward across the center of the South Pacific high- pressure area during the southern midsummer. Except on January 7, when drizzle and rain occurred in the aft- ernoon, the weather was pleasant, with light breezes or airs generally from southeast and cumulus clouds chief- ly around the horizon. At the instants of releasing the pilot balloons, the surface winds were once each calm, southeast, north- west, west, and south-southeast, showing the variable nature of the surface winds. At increasing height above the surface the winds turned through south to a definite southwest drift, which increased in velocity with height. The stratum from 1 to 2.5 km has the most pronounced drift from the south, with velocities of 5 to 6 m per sec- ond. The westerly winds above this height have higher velocities, one of the highest wind velocities observed during the cruise being 19 m per second from west- southwest at a height of 7.5 km in flight 34 (latitude 24°8 south, 82°1 west). The outstanding feature of these data is the uniformity over a wide extent of southwest winds at levels above 2 km. Flights 35 to 39, January 12 to February 6, 1929 Flights 35 and 36 were made near the South Ameri- can coast en route to Callao in an interval of almost un- interrupted overcast skies. After remaining in Callao harbor from January 14 to February 5, where flight 37 was made, the Carnegie sailed for Papeete, Tahiti. Flight 38 was made on the following day, February 6, in pleasant weather with gentle southeast breezes. All flights except no. 35 showed northwest winds above 1 km, in opposition to the strong surface southeast trades. In flight 35 southeast winds were found to 4.5 km, prob- ably owing to a low pressure developing off the coast of Chile. Flights 40 to 49, February 7 to 16, 1929 This group of observations was made as the Carne- gie sailed westward from Callao to Tahiti in the first 20° of longitude west of South America. Southerly to southeast breezes and airs persisted throughout, with considerable clouds round the horizon, but no rain fell. Flights 40 to 42, made at 14h 12m, 15h 54m, and 17h 48m on February 7, showed the same upper winds as found in the flights made nearer the coast. The south- erly surface winds turned to northwest at heights of 2.5 km. In both flights 43 and 44, taken on February 9 and 11, a thin northwest stratum was found, but flight 43 had above this west-southwest winds to 6 km, and flight 44 had west winds. It would thus appear that the west- southwest and westerly winds reach to considerable heights above the southeast trades as one moves out to- ward the Central Pacific from the Peruvian coast. Flights 45 to 47, made on the afternoons of Febru- ary 12, 13, and 14, all showed a remarkably solid cur- rent from 4 to 5.5 km moving from northeast, but above 8 km the flights on February 12 and 14 showed north- west winds, with velocities on February 12 averaging 16 m per second at these levels. Flight 48 showed this abrupt change to northwest at 4.3 km, but the observers reported that at this elevation the balloon was lost through haze or distance, probably caused by a slight amount of fog at the surface of discontinuity. METEOROLOGICAL CONDITIONS DURING PILOT-BALLOON FLIGHTS 7 Flights 50 to 59, February 17 to 25, 1929 These flights were made toward the close of the southern summer, about 14° south of the equator, mid- way between the Tuamotu Archipelago and the Peruvian coast. The weather continued fine and without rain, ex- cept for a brief drizzle at 5 a.m. on February 17. The cloudiness ranged from 1 to 8, with a daily mean of 4, recorded in every entry as chiefly on the horizon. Whereas the surface winds along this parallel from 80° to 100° west longitude had been southerly, the sur- face winds from 100° to 110° west shifted to southeast, and from 110° to 120° west, farther to east or even slightly north of east. The southeast winds reached a maximum height of 4 km on February 17, but the change in constancy from 0.95 at 1.5 km for a resultant direc- tion of 116° (east-southeast) to a constancy of 0.55 at a height of 2.5 km, and 0.25 at 3 km, indicates that the av- erage height of the southeast winds in the central tropi- cal South Pacific between 10° to 15° south lies between 2 and 3km. Although the computed resultant is north- east at 3 km, the winds in almost every case turned through south to southwest and northwest. The highest observation at 7 km showed west-north- west winds at this level. The four balloons reaching 6.5 km had directions 285°, 210°, 268°, and 286°. All these flights exhibit great uniformity over an east-west dis- tance of 2000 km, especially as the value of 210 is rath- er questionable because the choppy sea made observa- tions difficult. Flights 60 to 68, February 26 to March 7, 1929 These flights were made for the greater part about latitude 17° south in the eastern outskirts of the Tuamo- tu Archipelago. This very thinly scattered group of coral islands of the Pacific rarely has an elevation of 50 m above the surface, yet it may exert considerable effect on the air currents in this region of the Pacific. Tatakoto Island was sighted at 5:30 a.m. on March 7, and Amanu Island on March 8 at 5:00 a.m. Gentle east- erly to southeast breezes and airs blew steadily for ten days except for March 5 and 6 when the winds moved around to east-northeast and northeast, bringing on a rain squall at 1:30 a.m., March 6, followed bya 36-hour period of calm. Drizzling rain and a rain squall oc- curred between 1:00 and 3:00 a.m. on February 27, but otherwise the weather continued extremely pleasant with the usual clear blue tropical sky, and the horizon fringed about with cumulus clouds for heights between one and four tenths of the whole sky. The winds show great uniformity of motion, especial- ly up to a height of 1.5 km, the direction turning slowly from east-southeast almost to northeast at a height of 1.5 km, and then turning back to east at a_height of 2.5 and 3km. From 3.5 to 4.5 km there is great variabil- ity of direction, but above this the winds turn very defi- nitely to northwest. On March 5 a very high flight reaching 10 km was made, which showed solid but light southwest winds from 3.5 to 8km. The northeast stratum, which for the pre- vious week lay from 0.25 to 0.75 km above the east- southeast stratum, actually broke down through the trades and came to the surface on March 6. This interruption of the trades was responsible for the rain squalls on March 6. The southwest winds persisted at levels from 4km from March 4 to 12. The change from northeast to southwest winds, as shown diagrammatically in fig- ure 34 (which shows resulting data for flights 61 to 70), is very abrupt, but in the majority of cases the winds in the transition layer are southeast rather than southwest. Flights 69 to 83, March 10 to April 23, 1929 These flights were made while the Carnegie was passing through the Society and Samoan island groups between 18° and 10° south, slightly west of the central line of the South Pacific Ocean. Of this time, March 13 to 20 was spent at anchor at Papeete, and April 1 to 10 at Pago Pago and Apia. Rain squalls occurred from March 10 to 22, 24 to 28, 30, and 31, that is, on all ex- cept two of fourteen days at sea prior to reaching Pago Pago harbor. Lightning was observed on March 10 and 25. Surface winds between Tahiti and Samoa were vari- able, but in flights 82 and 83, made after leaving Apia, southeast trades were blowing up to 1 and 4km, re- spectively. Flights 84 to 91, April 24 to 30, 1929 These eight flights were made between 8° south and 0°5 north latitude as the Carnegie sailed almost due north from Samoa in longitude 171° to 174° west. Al- though a few rain squalls occurred on April 24 and 25, the weather was good, with relatively few clouds and light variable airs. The upper winds were also light, but very uniform in direction from almost due east up to 2.5 km. Above this there was a turning to southeast with extremely light velocities above 4 km, the mean for the three flights available from 4.5 to 5.5 km being only 1.6 m per second. This is the equatorial area, where the most promi- nent feature is the easterly drift of air. Flights 92 to 95, May 4to 9, 1929 Short wind squalls with rain occurred every day during this period, with skies generally half overcast. The northeast trades blew fresh to strong during the whole time, setting up choppy or moderate seas. Both factors combined to make observing difficulties so great that the highest flight reached was only 4.5 km, and the other three could not be followed above 1.5 km. . These few flights showed generally a slight turning from north- east to east from the surface up to 4 km. Flights 96 to 103, May 13 to 27, 1929 This group of eight flights was made in the general vicinity of the Marianas, the Carnegie having been moored in Port Apra, Guam, from May 20 to 25. From May 13 to 20 the Carnegie sailed west-southwest, mak- ing long day’s runs in the favorable moderate to fresh southeast breezes prevailing. Lightning was observed in the early morning of July 15 at about 18° north, 205°3 8 UPPER-WIND OBSERVATIONS OF LAST CRUISE OF CARNEGIE west, with a rain squall at 10 a.m. and heavy rain the following morning. During the three days’ passage northward, from Guam to 20° north, the winds were moderate to gentle from east-northeast to east, with little cloud and generally fair weather. There were two brief periods of drizzling rain in the early mornings of May 26 and 27. Flights 104 to 110, May 28 to June 5, 1929 This group of seven flights was made while the Car- negie was Sailing northward from Guam to Yokohama, between the meridians 215° and 220° west. For the last three days of May moderate to gentle breezes and airs between east and south prevailed, occasionally broken by short periods of calm. The sky on all days of these flights was comparatively free from clouds although there was considerable haze, and on two days, May 29 and 31, there was dew during the evening. During June 1 to 7, in increasing northerly latitudes, the cloudiness increased with much haze. The surface winds varied in force, but were generally southerly to westerly. The Manila Observatory reported by radio on the night of June i the positions of a typhoon on two previous days. These reports indicated that the typhoon would intercept the Carnegie’s track in a few hours. Captain Ault gave the following report on the pas - sage of the typhoon: ‘““The Barometer had dropped 4mm during the preceding eight hours, and it seemed wise to head east by south and place the vessel in a safer posi- tion to avoid the path of the storm. After we had been running eastward for two hours, the barometer began to rise and the wind moderated, so we hove the vessel to and waited for wind and sea to moderate further. After another wait for two hours, course was again set toward the northwest, the vessel riding on the tail of the typhoon. The wind continued to shift to the right, showing that the storm had passed on to the eastward.’’[2] On June 6, not far from Tokyo Bay at the entrance to Yokohama, the Carnegie passed very close to another typhoon center. , Flights 111 to 118, June 25 to July 3, 1929 These eight flights were made off the coast of Japan as the Carnegie sailed northeast from Yokohama ona great circle course to San Francisco. After July 3, when the Carnegie was in 40°4 north and 209°0 west, bad weather with almost continuous fog and mist set in, so that no further pilot-balloon observations were made for the following nineteen days during the cruise of 5200 km across the northern Pacific. As a description of the typical weather prevailing, except that the winds were easterly rather than westerly, the entry in the log for July 8 is given: “‘Overcast throughout with mist, fog, or drizzling rain; moderate to gentle south and west breez- es; moderate sea.’’ The weather during the first week’s voyage northeast from Yokohama was generally overcast, with light breezes and airs from between south and east. Hazy conditions were frequently observed even at dis- tances of 700 km from land. All these flights were made on the southwest out- skirts of the Aleutian low-pressure center. Although the surface winds were fairly uniform, being at the times of all flights, except one, from the quadrant be- tween south and east, the winds from 0.5 km upward were extremely variable from day to day, their fre- quent variation, characteristic of these latitudes, owing to the progression of centers of high and low pressure across the North Pacific. Flights 119 to 122, July 21 to 26, 1929 These four flights were made far from the North American coast as the Carnegie sailed on a southeast course to San Francisco. The weather over the period was generally overcast, and rain was recorded every day except July 21. Winds from July 21 to 25 continued from west to south, but then changed to a strong north- erly breeze on July 26. The barometer, which was rath- er low (760.6 mm) on July 21, continued to rise steadily from day to day until it reached 768.5 on July 26. This general pressure rise was because of approaching the semipermanent high-pressure center off the coast of California. Flights 123 to 130, September 8to 14, 1929 The Carnegie left San Francisco on September 3 equipped with a new pilot-balloon theodolite and new sup- plies of balloons and hydrogen. Owing to overcast skies, the first flight was not made until September 8, but flights continued daily after this until September 14 when the Carnegie crossed the 140th meridian. The weather was generally fine, with rather cloudy skies but without rain for six days, except for a shower at 6:30 a.m. on September 14. From September 6 to 9, northwest breez- es and airs blew fairly steadily, except for intervals of gentle northeast breezes which, however, continued with- out interruption through September 10 and 11. From September 12 to 14 the winds were continuously from the southeast quadrant. The barometer fluctuated consider - ably from day to day in a general level of high pressures. On September 8 and 10 the pilot balloon was lost in cloud at 1 km, and on the 9th at 2.5 km, all winds up to these levels having been from northeast. On September 11, above a thick stratum of northeast winds, southeast winds were found at a level of 3km. On September 12 and 13 the surface winds were-southeast and continued so to a height of 1 km, above which they were variable to 3.5 km. At this height moderately strong southwest winds were observed, which on the following day were found to blow from the surface to 4.5 km. Flights 131 to 139, September 16 to 24, 1929 This group of ten flights was made as the Carnegie moved west-southwest from the 140th meridian to Hono- lulu. After the southeast winds of September 15, 16, and 17, due.to the passage of a depression, moderate breezes usually between northeast and north blew until September 22, when in proximity to the Hawaiian Islands gentle east- southeast to easterly breezes were encountered. With the favorable following northeast wind the Carnegie had good daily runs in her west-southwest course, making 177 miles on September 19, and averaging 135 miles METEOROLOGICAL CONDITIONS DURING PILOT-BALLOON FLIGHTS 9 from September 17 to 22. Skies were partly cloudy to overcast in morning and evening, but clear about mid- day, except for the usual cumulus clouds around the ho- rizon. These flights show, from the surface up to 4 km, a general northeast to east drift, occasionally getting around as far as east-southeast. Flights 140 to 144, October 3 to 7, 1929 The Carnegie left Honolulu on October 2, sailing a course a little west of north until reaching latitude 34° north on October 8. Flights 140 to 144 were made on October 3, 4, 5, and 6. The weather was generally fine, although a few drops of rain fell during the afternoons of October 3, 4, and 5. The sky was about half overcastfor the whole period, slightly more cloud being encountered in the more northerly latitudes. The surface winds blew very steadily from between east and east-northeast, with a force varying between fresh and moderate breeze, en- abling the Carnegie to make almost 170 miles a day. Flights 145 to 150, October 7to 13, 1929 These flights were made along the 34° parallel of latitude to the northward of the Hawaiian Islands as the Carnegie sailed eastward in the northern part of a great loop of her cruise to Pago Pago, Samoa. The weather was broken and squally with either showers, drizzle, or moderate rain every day except October 10. Thesky was mostly overcast, and the surface winds very varia- ble. At higher levels the winds blew very steadily from west-southwest with velocities from 4 to 10 m per sec- ond. On October 10, although the surface wind was only a light northwest air of Beaufort force 1, above 1.5 km the west-southwest winds were notably strong, blowing from 7 to 10 in force. Flights 151 to 153, October 17to 19, 1929 These three flights on October 17, 18, and 19, form a group centered about latitude 26° north--which is 1100 km--about four days’ run from the nearest preceding and succeeding flights. Balloons were not released Oc- tober 14, 15, and 16 because of squally and threatening weather with rain showers and overcast or mostly over- cast sky. On October 17 and 18, however, the sky was mostly clear, and calms or light breezesfrom a south- erly direction persisted. On October 19 there were fre- quent rain squalls, but in a brief clearing at 1 p.m. a flight was made, the sky being almost wholly overcast during the rest of the day. The flight on October 17 showed westerly winds from the surface to 8km. In flight 152 on the following day, westerly winds did not set in up to a height of 5.5 km, but persisted to 8.5 km, whereas on the third day the winds above the surface blew from southeast to a height of 2.5 km, where the balloon was lost. Flights 154 to 156, October 23 to 26, 1929 These flights were made as the Carnegie sailed southward along approximately the 138th west meridian in the northern limits of the northeast trades. On Octo- ber 23 and until the afternoon of October 24 the surface winds blew from between east and north. In the after- noon these winds dropped to calm, broken by brief spells of light and variable breezes from the southwest quadrant. These overcast skies and frequent spells of rain continued on October 24 and 25, preventing any bal- loon observations. On October 26, with a smooth sea and light northwest breezes and airs, the balloon was followed to 3 km, and on the following day, with calms and easterly airs, to 7 km. Flight 154 showed strongly developed northeast trades from the surface to 1 km, with southwest winds- probably antitrades--from 3 to 4.5 km. Although at the surface northwest breezes continued throughout October 26, flight 155 shows this northwest stratum is very thin, being overrun by the northeast trades. Above the trades from 1.5 to 2.5 km a transition layer moving from south- west was observed on both October 23 and 26. On Octo- ber 27 light northeast winds reached 2.5 km, above which level the winds were more an easterly drift to 5.5 km, when a definite south wind was observed to a height of 6.5 km. On the morning of October 28 the Car- hegie experienced southeast winds, showing that the northeast trades were slowly carving a tunnel for them- selves under the warm southerly current. Flights 157 and 158, October 28 and 29, 1929 These flights, taken 8° north of the equator, showed the northeast trades well developed reaching to 5.5 km. It is remarkable that the northeast trades did not come down to the level of the ocean; the surface winds, however, were light and variable, blowing between south- east and northeast with Beaufort force 1 to 3. The sky continued for two days half overcast, with showers de- veloping in the afternoon of October 28 at 14h 42m and 18h 54m. Flights 159 to 166, November 4to1i, 1929 These eight flights, lying between 140° and 160° west longitude, were made while the Carnegie was going south- ward from 3° north to 94 south latitude. These flights were made a little more than six months after the group 84 to 91 on April 24 to 30, both at a time of the year usu- ally unsettled by the change from the wet to the dry sea- son. No rain occurred during this period, however, al- though the skies were reported as “‘partly cloudy” or “partly overcast’’ on all except November 7 and 8, when they were reported as “mostly clear.” The surface winds showed a curious transposition of the trades. On November 4 and 5, while the Carnegie was north of the equator, southeast breezes to light airs were experienced, whereas south of the equator the winds were northeast, varying from moderate to gentle breez- es. The surface southeast trades were found from the pilot balloons on November 4 and 5 to be a very shallow stratum, reaching only 1 km on November 4 and 1.7 km on November 5. Above these southeast winds there isa uniform movement from northeast, and the observations as far as they go show northeast winds to4km. Flight 159, made 3° north of the equator, showed northeast 10 UPPER-WIND OBSERVATIONS OF LAST CRUISE OF CARNEGIE trades with the relatively high velocity up to 10 m per second at a height of 3.5 km. When the other two flights reached above 3 km in latitudes 7° and 8° south, the winds were very light and decreased sharply from the velocities at 2 and 2.5 km. This velocity decrease doubtless is owing to the thinning out of the northeast trade air mass as it projects itself southward over the equator. The presence of northeast winds so far south of the equator at this season is not unusual, as a few unpublished observations from Nassau Island have indi- cated. Flights 167to 171, November 14to 17, 1929 These flights were made northeast of the Samoan Islands between latitudes 10° and 14° south. Light breezes from north to east were continuous from No- vember 11 to 15, when southeast and south airs were recorded in the afternoon, and though interrupted by long periods of calm, were observed until November 17. On this date, after slowly going through southwest, west, and and west by north, the winds settled down from north- west. The weather continued beautifully clear and with- out rain, so that the balloons were followed to consider - able heights. The winds altogether were extremely var- iable owing to the conflict between northeast and south- east trades. Thus, at a height of 0.25 and 0.50 km on November 11, 15, and 16, winds were northeast, whereas on November 14 and 17 southwest winds occurred at these levels. In general the northeast trades dominated the situation southward to latitude 13° south up to a level of 4 km, but on November 15 and 16 southeast winds oc- curred above the northeast current from 3.5 to 8 km. GENERAL CIRCULATION OF WINDS OVER THE TROPICAL REGIONS OF THE PACIFIC The pilot-balloon observations made over consider - able areas are advantageously discussed together to ob- tain a picture of the general circulation of the atmos- phere. The upper winds in individual flights reflect not only the permanent or seasonal conditions, but also the passage of ephemeral centers of high or low pressure. These passing conditions of weather have been dealt with in the previous section and only the permanent state of atmospheric movement will be discussed here. Fortu- nately, most of the Carnegie flights were made within the tropics where the regularity of weather conditionsis unbroken except for the passage of cyclones. Little gen- eralization can be made from the flights in temperate latitudes until further data which will include tempera- ture and humidity have been obtained. The only aerolog- ical observations over the South Pacific that have been published are those taken by Dr. Harry Meyer in 1909- 11 and analyzed by P. Perlewitz [3]. Shallowness of Southeast Trade Winds Off the Peruvian Coast The southeast trade winds in the eastern South Pa- cific from the equator to at least 15° south become a very shallow layer as they near the coast of the South Table 3. Frequency of winds from northwest quadrant at Peruvian stations Lati- | Longi- tude | tude s Ww 12.5 16.4 Ele- va- tion Annual frequency Cw DWN [roma m per per per per cent cent cent cent 1040 24 5 27 56 2451 13 45 18 76 Station St. Ana Arequipa 72.8 71.6 American continent. Within 200 km of the Peruvian coast the northwest wind develops definitely at levels of about 1 km. In the few mountain stations in Peru, where wind observations are recorded, the surface winds as shown in table 3 blow mainly from between north and west [4]. The wind shift from southeast to northwest is ex- tremely abrupt, so that the top of the southeast trades lies only 200 to 500 m below the stratum of northwest winds. The shift is regularly from southeast through south and west. A series of cloud observations by R. deC Ward made at Arequipa, Peru in October-November showed without exception 194 cirrus observations from the northwest quadrant. Cirrus clouds occur in equatorial latitudes between 10 and 15 km high, and, since both balloon and cloud are in agreement in showing northwest winds at these heights, the northwest current, at least during the months September to December, forms a deep current, which is constant in direction from a height of 10 km or lower up to the stratosphere. In the Carnegie observa- tions made between latitudes 85° and 90° west the mean height of the wind shift from the southeasterly direction to northerly occurs at about a height of 1 km. Just south of the equator the discontinuity surface between trades and antitrades slopes up more abruptly nearer the con- tinent, and occurredat 1.8 kminflight5, which was made 500 km off the coast. In flight 6 at 1000 km from the coast there was no wind shift up to 6.2 km, whereas flight 7, farther to the west, showed southeast winds to 5 km. The upper limit of the easterly drift over great areas of the central South Pacific lies between 3.5 and 6 km, but the southeast trades on many flights do not reach 1.5 km. The origin of these northwest winds within 20° of the South American coast arises from the flow of northeast trades across the equator, where their direction is changed by the force of the earth’s rotation. In the east- ern Atlantic off the coast of Africa the trades are simi- larly shallow, and are also found at greater heights as one goes west to the central and western Atlantic [5]. The northeast trades are made up in large measure of agreat current of air which has crossed Central America at low points in the mountain range. This outflow represents the emptying of polar air, which, in its previous history, traversed the central United States and finally here com- bines in the great equatorial circulation. GENERAL CIRCULATION OF WINDS OVER THE TROPICAL REGIONS OF THE PACIFIC 11 Upper Winds Over South American High-Pressure Area The upper winds in the great area extending from longitude 100° east to the coast of Chile would appear from the few flights available to be from the southwest. Along the Chilean coast at Iquique, Caldera, Valparaiso, and other sea-level stations, the prevailing wind blows from the southwest. In flights 30 to 34, made between longitudes 100° and 120° west, the southwest stratum was observed in all except flight 32. The thickness of the southeast trade wind layer above which southwest winds blew was 1.2, 0.7, and 3.9 km on three flights. Northerly winds persisted to 5.7 km in flight 32, proba- bly owing to a small low-pressure center which devel- oped nearer the South American coast, the barometer falling from 767.3 to 765.4 mm in a change of 250 km in the ship’s position. During January and February, while the Carnegie was in the South Pacific, the center of the great whirl of winds around the South Pacific high-pressure area was just south of Easter Island. The observed wind veloci- ties above 3 km were very light over this area, and the directions generally from east or north in flights made north of latitude 30° south, whereas south of this latitude winds were generally westerly. The two high flights re- vealed light southeast winds from 8 up to 11 and 12 km. This South American high-pressure area withcloudless sky is like the “‘Azores high,’ a region of strong down- ward currents, but with very light horizontal movements to the highest levels of the troposphere. Trades and Antitrades Between Longitudes 100° and 140° West in Latitudes 15° to 20° South Not only the balloon flights, but also the Greenwich noon observations made from latitudes 15° to 20° south, show that the surface winds constitute an easterly cur- rent of extraordinary uniformity in direction from longi- tudes 100° to 140° west. The eastern half of this section is entirely free from oceanic islands, and in the western half only the low coral islands of the Tuamotu Archipel- ago raise themselves a few meters above the surface of the ocean. Their effect, however, on the great atmos- pheric circulation is probably out of all proportion to their size. From longitudes 100° to 120° west the surface winds have a southerly component and a force of 3to5 Beaufort force (4 m to 12 m per second), whereas from longitudes 120° to 140° west the winds are more nearly due east or with a northerly component and a slightly reduced veloc- ity, varying usually between the limits of 2 and 4 Beau- fort force (2 m to 7 m per second). The southerly com- ponents generally disappeared from 1 to 2 km above the surface, so that the winds developed into a great easter - ly drift with its greatest velocity at the bottom. From longitudes 120° to 135° west, above this easterly drift, setting in at a mean level of about 3 km, is a west-north- west wind. The shift from east to west-northwest winds is not abrupt, but above a layer of stagnant or lightly moving air. The exact height at which the northwest cur - rent makes its appearance seems to be variable from 2 to 6km. The velocity of the northwest current in the stratum from a height of 6 to 7 km is of the order of 6 to 10 m-per second. ~ The flights showed that the northwest current prob- ably reached 8 km, but an upper limit was not indicated. The southeast trade winds exhibited the remarkably high constancy of 0.95 or more to a height of 1.5 km. Trades and Antitrades in the Central Area of the South Pacific Ocean From longitudes 133° to 140° west the data indicate that above the southeast trades an inflow of air from south-southwest sets in at levels from 2.6 to 3.3 kmand continues from a southerly direction to considerable heights. One flight reached a height of 5.5 km and an- other 10 km in the southerly current. Although further observations may not confirm the existence of a southwest current above the trades at a point so far to the east in the Pacific as the meridian of 133° west, it may be noted that at Apia Observatory, Samoa, 30° farther west, a long series of observations has shown that at a height of 12 km a very strong south- west current exists throughout the year, but its lower level varies with the season. From January to June, the same season in which the Carnegie observations in this area were made, the upper winds at Apia begin to show a definite southerly component at heights between 4 and 6km. After turning through southeast, the winds pass into the southwest quadrant between 7 and 11 km. In the distance to Samoa unfortunately few flights reached this height, but in flight 71 south-southwest winds were found from 3 km until the balloon was lost at 4.5 km. In flight 71, above a very thick calm stratum, south winds devel- oped at 6.6 km and continued to 12.5 km, whereas flight 80, made near Samoa, had south-southwest winds above 6 km. In passing through the Society Islands in the belt be- tween latitudes 20° and 12° south and from longitude 140° west to Apia, Samoa, the surface and lower-level winds, though mostly between east and north, were fre- quently from the northwest quadrant. The typical south- east trades were rarely observed. This northerly com- ponent of the atmosphere at the lower levels has been confirmed both by the Apia upper-air observations and by the Carnegie observations made on her second visit to Samoa in November 1929. Winds in the Equatorial Region of the Pacific Ocean Two series of flights were made in the equatorial region of the Pacific, the first in April-May along the meridian of 175° west and the second in October-Novem- ber in longitudes 145° to 155° west. Along both these cross sections easterly winds were found to prevail at the surface, being for 5° on either side of the equator more commonly east-northeast than from a southerly direction. The east-northeast surface layer near the equator varied from 400 to 800 m in thickness, and had a mean velocity at 500 m of between 5 to 12 m per sec- ond, thus setting up a vigorous circulation in a region where doldrums might be expected. Above the easterly winds to the south of the equator and more especially from latitudes 7° to 15° south, 12 UPPER-WIND OBSERVATIONS OF LAST CRUISE OF CARNEGIE southerly winds were found,-which turned to southwest at heights from 3 to 8.5 km. In the region from longi- tude 190° to 210° west and latitudes 15° to 20° north the winds were from east and east-southeast up to levels of 6 km, although in flights 96 and 97, extending beyond this height, there was a shift to east-northeast above 6 km. In the few isolated observations made about 1000 km northeast of the Marshall Islands east-northeast winds blew from the surface up to the greatest heights. These winds are controlled by the great high-pressure center north of the Hawaiian Islands, which is increas- ing the area under its influence during May to June. E. A. Beals has found at Guam for the greater part of the year east-northeast winds from the surface to the limit of observation [6]. These are set up by the enor- mous insolationover Australia. This east-northeast drift has great uniformity of velocity with a mean velocity at 0.50 km above the surface of about 8 m per second, and decreasing gradually to 5 m per second at levels of 6 to 8km. The observations were made not far from a line of divergence, the air to the north moving northward, as was frequently found in the next group of Carnegie flights, whereas to the south the winds move southeast. Along meridian 216° west from 25° north to Yoko- hama (35° north), the prevailing winds were from south or west at the surface, turning to a uniform southwest drift at 4 km and continuing from this direction to 5.5 km, the highest point reached. The westerly winds were associated with a cyclone which had its center northward of the Carnegie position. Pacific Ocean off Japan In the extreme northeastern part of the Pacific Ocean, in latitudes 36° to 40° north, the surface winds were variable. The winds at 3 km and upward were found to blow from directions equally varied, but gener - ally opposite to the surface direction. The wind shifts were frequently abrupt and occurred at various heights. In the northern summer when these flights were made, this area is dominated exclusively by the central Pacif- ic high-pressure area, the Aleutian low having disap- peared at this season. The resultant southwest surface wind shows this underlying effect, but the passage of lo- cal centers of high and low pressure renders the indi- vidual observations of comparatively small value. Trades and Antitrades East of the Latitudes of the Hawaiian Islands There was fortunately a considerable number of ob- servations of the surface and upper winds overlying the area between San Francisco and Honolulu. In the east- erly part of this voyage to Honolulu the surface winds observed were northerly, with a tendency to veer around to east at 1.5 km and even to southeast in some flights. Along the northern limit of the northeast trades the surface winds were variable and marked by the passage of a small center of high pressure. Over the area lying from longitude 120° to 160° west, and from the Tropic of Cancer northward to latitude 30° north, the winds at the surface and lower levels blew steadily from east and northeast. The single high flight in latitude 25° north, showed that northeast winds turned to southeast at 5 km, south at 6 km, and blew strongly from southwest from 8 to 9km. In the study of upper winds at Honolulu, E. A. Beals [6, pp. 222-226] found that the frequency of east and east-northeast winds decreases rapidly above 2 km, and that the southwest drift first makes itself pro- nounced at 6 km. The southwest winds doubtless come down to lower and lower levels at increasing latitudes north of Honolulu until they reach the surface through- out the year at about latitude 35° north [1, p. 468]. The Carnegie encountered these strong westerly surface winds in latitude 34° north during October, and a few days earlier in latitudes 31°6 and 33°0 north at heights of 3 and 1.5 km respectively. South of latitude 20° north the few flights showed generally strong northeast trades overrun by an easterly drift. Above the easterly drift the winds at varying heights turned through south to southwest. In latitude 15°9 north, south winds occurred at 2 km, whereas in latitude 9°9 north they occurred on- ly above 6 km. HEIGHT OF CLOUDS OVER THE PACIFIC OCEAN Table 4. Estimated height of cloud above surface of ocean as determined from disappearance of pilot balloons into cloud mass Cloud| Latitude cu 0°-20°S b: 1 3 4 4 cu 0° -20° N 1 2 2 3 3 cu 20°-41°S e. 2 - ms - cu 20°-48°N se 2 4 5 1 cu Sum 1 7 9 12 8 st 20°-48°N 1 s 2 Occasions when cloud forms were observed at various heights (in meters) over Pacific Ocean 1 3 OR: ee : CORR AD All flights in which the observer stated that the bal- loon was lost sight of on account of clouds, either en- tirely or for a time, were analyzed to determine, as far as the data permitted, the height of clouds over the ocean. The observer noted in his record balloons ‘‘en- tering cloud’’ and those passing ‘‘behind cloud.’’ Thus, when a tan balloon passed in front of a cloud--especial- ly one with a white background, such as a cumulus TRADE WINDS 13 cloud--it was difficult to recognize, and increased the other difficulties which are inherent to observing on ship. The flights were made when conditions were favor - able for observing, and naturally the sky had little cloud in the anticipated direction of the balloon’s flight. Fre- quently, however, clouds were present in other quarters of the sky. Cumulus clouds were almost exclusively re- corded, and mostly of the fair-weather type (cumulus- humilis). It would appear that strato-cumulus clouds were included under the term cumulus. From latitude 20° north to 20° south in the equatorial region cumulus clouds predominated, frequently in broad strata from 1.2 to 2.2 km and from 3.7 to 5.5 km. In the North and South Pacific outside this tropical belt the most common occurrence of clouds was from 0.8 to 1.5 km. Observation of cirrus clouds during balloon flights was rare. In flight 59 (latitude 13°0 south, longitude 119°8 west) the balloon was lost in cirrus clouds at 7.6 km, and in flight 66 (latitude 17°1 south, longitude 1355 west) at 10.9 km. Stratus-cloud heights were measured on several oc- casions in the northern Pacific at heights varying from 0.4 to 2.6 km. TRADE WINDS Variation in Velocity with Height In flights 40 to 49, made where the trades are well developed off the South American coast, the maximum mean wind velocity, 7 m per second, occurred at the second minute of the flight, and the most rapidly moving stratum occurred between a height of 200 and 400 m above the surface. Farther west, midway between the Tuamotu Archipelago and South America, where the trades are most strongly developed in the South Pacific, the mean maximum velocity of 10.3 m per second oc- curred at the fourth minute, and the whole stratum from 400 to 1200 m had a mean velocity of 10 m per second. Above this stratum the wind velocity decreased rapidly to 3 m per second at the level of 3 km, at which the smallest wind velocities occurred over the easterntrade- wind region traversed by the Carnegie during the south- ern summer. Farther west in the Pacific the Carnegie observations indicate that the height of air stratum of minimum velocity is somewhat higher, namely, 4 km (fig. 45b). This agrees with the upper-wind velocities determined only on days comparatively free from clouds at Apia in longitude 171°8 west, which indicate a broad minimum from 1.5 to 4 km with the lowest value of 3.9 m per second at 3.5 km. Stratification of Trade Winds The winds over the Atlantic Ocean have been recog- nized by almost all observers to have a stratiform char- acter. At certain levels, good for al) latitudes, changes in the structure of the air strata over the ocean are clearly marked in temperature records, but they can al- so be seen in changes in wind direction and less clearly in wind velocity. These wind shifts are not those asso- ciated with cyclones, anticyclones, and large scale pres- sure distributions, but arise from turbulence and fric- tion in air strata. Since the horizontal projection of the balloon’s posi- tion was determined only for each minute, close approx- imation of the height of a discontinuity cannot be given. The criterion used in determining the discontinuity level was a wind shift, especially when accompanied by a change in velocity. An inspection of the plotted points (tab. 5) representing the balloon’s position on a horizon- Table 5. Heights where wind shifts occur, indicating change in air stratum Minute and corresponding height in meters 415 | 610 | 800 1170|1350|1530)1710 & 1 6 2 2 2 1 Flights 1890 1- 39 or ae 40- 61 20, oc UP 0 4 se 3 el) 62- 83 i ieee | 9 2 1 1 6 1 = 92-110 74a ea) ee ah et 3 1 a8 123-171 10 3 14 1 8 1 3 1 2 Total re al) 445 15 eee 4 8 tal projection (figs. 6-27) shows that they lie usually on a succession of straight lines representing various dis- tinct strata of air. In some flights the personal factor enters considerably in determining the minutes where the strata may be considered to begin or end. The writ- er and another person studied each flight to avoid or at least to reduce the personal element. LITERATURE CITED Hann, J. v. 151 (1926). Ault, Captain J. P. 254-255 (1929). Perlewitz, P. Ann.Hydrogr., vol. 40, p.454 (1912). Lehrbuch der Meteorologie, 4th ed., p. Jour. Terr. Mag., vol. 34, pp. Knoche, K. Klimakunde von Sudamerika, p. 279 (1930). 5. Sverdrup, H. U. Der Nordatlantische Passat, VerOff. Geophys. Inst. Univ. Leipzig, vol. 2, Heft 1, p. 51 (1917). 6. Beals, E. A. Mon. Weath. Rev., vol. 55, pp. 224-226 (1927). Pp & al 1 -_ a? = a . a a =i @ 7 i ‘ » Tt fi ¢ w > j i if ¢ d pe Annee Ss : e ry = *©. [ Fa-ois= 3 pate ee ke pitt he 7 ] * mag ae ‘ 7 a ve oe Pes Set aw A ae aw pp vod Sena on: ae F +) +e Ki > Sons al oer! ety el wa jr Antec 05 1 eee gdh rete red CRA wee a p Auge? VO al Ped, aasls hk Veet res 4 6 Meats 1 Oagiuy, SSRN, ae it Pi yee ; Whe eth tee Ei Aes , ‘ , es +a ae i ae a? 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Loa wel ¢ : J bf hel mi 7 T i ‘ > fi it yd loth & v. ; ; Lal ae ® n igi i ree sy 7 - . i wey, ae 7 : A i) eee ® ‘ - 19%: eT ) i ; ls ee a é J cans ; A ‘ A 4 g = * : f 7 e te ay , ni P i (iia, Dew f i - : oe t i ; P ; ; + ° ae ‘ e@ oa ree : vr, oe ‘ . ss ri 2 te % ’ i= ' ~ » ee y : i : Ls ‘ . 2 a aN, ‘ # TABLES 6 - 8 (For tables 1-5 see pages 4, 5, 10, 12, and 13) Cirrus Cirro-Stratus Cirro-Cumulus Alto-Stratus Alto-Cumulus Fracto-Cumulus CLOUD FORMS AND ABBREVIATIONS USED Ci Ci-St Ci-Cu A-St A-Cu Fr-Cu Strato-Cumulus Nimbus Cumulus Cumulo-Nimbus Stratus vi ; . 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OOO 1 O'S FA10 IN'O Ea C0 OU O01 =| a toe to te +t tt tt al er (tt Ui ( mt hth Os Gn Gone Uae Cree one We ena Ge oO Le] wo © Sr) Q ” ~~ a @ fep) fe] ao wo » @ & ie) is) is} a al a [e) o fo) fo) o>) ron) a its) a al a a a a a fol ai ol a INH HWO MAL OCHHADOTOHTOTR OND YDONERNADD TOR MON MDDOODAAAMUNOWWRORNOONM ec ac ce + iu tt eat iu +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 + 1 +1 + 1 +++ +1 +1 +1 +1 +! ++ eee a MUO!) MRO Yan eS) ye ask) Can BOM BS ~ Oe OMEN ao! Tse mewn Meets tar |e oh ml oO" orevon ton Bo “15 COOOMNNOMNYFDMIOOOOOOYFDO-ONEOLENOGTROVYERONMNNE OMNES OFS OCOOOOORWODDOWOH O50 0G) OLD 08S Oot O00 BOnoRO Boros OO Jos Dont Unik LUtn) BUR OMUnL mC EO pean OimOn CorCiuitiem nnd) OMe wT RO Tna mE Mit CRT sad HFHOPOIVPMUMNHFOSHOPMNMMONWOONMOONADNADMNOONDOUWOHFOWDOUWDNDOYVOVMNOYNOFUN ' tt tt rt ' (Teer SA (hei Ci Je carne! (Tea! Soul liga pl Vp Rc eal Re al Tegan Seal fate cS + + ++ +t +4 [o) wo ico] o oO [o) ie) @ st «a a ts] ist a fo} fo) [e) Qn a w iS ~ ~ i) @ @o ™ wn co fon a a cq fo) Q o>) for) ie [o} + is) co ~ fav) eal ca tal foal taal taal a a a a qo a ol fol ol 4 a a a a ol 4 4 a a fol a4 a 4 a a4 @ a i] Cs ] Co) ao « oe 4) wo @ oe oa oe oO @ oe oO oO 3 PH APRAPHO SPH SP HOSP SPH Sr SrASrPASZrMerSaSrASrHSraarasaraaerasraae ° ° oO fe) fe} fe} fo) {e) fo) ° °o Oo Oo oO fo} oO fe} (°) Oo ° & & e & e ee & & isa & i=] i=] & ee & i=) i=) i=] & & Oo oO oO ia] a ~» fe} a + a o ive} a oa fal Coal vt @ ie} a fo) (eo) fo} a w for) o fe} ve} Y [o) [o) a ~™ + vt ~ + w w o o @ @o foe) o Qo oO [o) oO a a a a et a ci e+ a ln] a a a tal tal - a ol foal aa) al al fal J a = a n mn wn n n n n n n n n n n n n n 7 (oe) [e) oO vw @ © ~ @ i) ~» ™» Ww [o} Ww w a] a a ie} ~ ~ w a et o ~» + i i] is) v ~ cop) cop) nu se] w @o cl a a - a a4 oa fa") oa a w isd © wo i) et + ~ w ™ ig o is) s o 7 a oo its} + + & wv i) 7 » bi w w ite) w ~~ sw i wo ~» o ~~ ol a al cq al - a 4 a ct a a 1 a4 4 - - a on) fo.) o Coal fo>) aa] w is o>) 52) nN io") ~” s 1. wo o & nH te) o a i} al a al al ~ a a a a ise oa ~ a o is) P > ad tnd > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > o 2) ° {e] fe) Oo fe] ° ce} Oo (2) (2) o oO ° ° fe] °o °o °o [o) fe} a =z x a a a a J za a x a a a = = o ~™ ~ Ww o i @ on oO Lon] ts] ™» + ive) o ~ oO o>) oO a - a a co] a 1 a a a] m2 i>] fe] a » “4 a o Ay Sor m/sec °or m/sec Por m/sec Por m/sec Sor m/sec 114.8 115.1 13.4 23.48 14.5 28.3 8 18 Nov 27 20 Nov 30 18 flights made on the Carnegie, Pacific Ocean, 1928-1929 kilometers in Heights 3.0 Sor m/sec Por m/sec Por m/sec Sor m/sec Por m/sec Por m/sec Por m/sec Por m/sec °or m/sec OW ONe ~OnwoO wonwowuwners aad ae +1 +4 ++ wo ce) fo7) e7) - wo NOWMWOANOrHnHOO aN nM wind WON ca onn UC eat 2 Te, Oat +1 iy) n w al iy) 7 ~” a i) a a a WOO th Orw mon WUMNHTHMOMOON mmm” 1+ +1) +4 +1 a ~™ Y ive] Ly) = o © ir) a a CAN HTONDIYMUNNS H#HNC OMYNHANOMS™OMOON ORC xc Cyc sort Nee 2 sess oS otal NUM NODDOTHMMUN (ee De Shoe ac Seer St Ieee oa) Lr) Le) Coal - OOWODD™-NOMMONWNE O20 ia TORO LD MUO La. Amt SOO + ++ +t +t tt ° 2) 4 a 0 o | [o) al w «© - Loa] ~m HAHEI FOOMO OO po 0 ee ey ete CHEN Soniye ae) mo o Oo © ee et WODHADHAY- PTODOMNNOAMND DO Site iG ist “CeO OR Test: co Fo COORD AD 090000 tt tt ed U Ge 1) 2k, Oe a | ++ oo & w © fee) [oe] @ w ro) - i) al a MHONMONOAM- ROMM Dist sie Mel ceMih laviel sp emipura) te 6 MOON 09 HCO MILNE EN [o} oO a ive} al rey Re 1 a a On Ona vac ADHRWO tS + is] is] 0 o Chattna0 Oe) tt OWN 4 ac ++ +1 @ oO e Coal SOOMMMONN abaiNaroL vehi Riva kgs!2’s DBDOWNOMONM + +1 +t od Di ns0en tno WOMNODDOW HM C AC Oe i, at + 1 - ive} @o e2) ln) al ki iometers in Heights 12.5 Sor m/sec 10.5 11.0 5 12.0 Sor m/sec Por m/sec °or m/sec Sor m/sec Sor m/sec Sor m/sec re eee pe Sor m/sec °or m/sec 19 Table 7? —Upper-wind components determined from pilot-balloon Position Surface MONTON HOO OATMNOOD-AUN YS FTeOWVNM ANA VOOM THtAVNHONAAMNONWTNMY ae Cr ee, ee J ++ het + 1+ t+ o fe) i a fo) fez) i) xt ive) st © i a oO wo 3) oa cq i) ~» » SPie elses eae Mais cules sea) envejMel©) ‘ome’ (eet e) Ne) Lerner) (ene) venie oUt! 0 iG ata Yc arid Rc acts aC SNC tl PCC, ec ofc Be [ic gest aL iy) + fe2) ~t oO V9) ve) ive) ioe) es) w ~” oO w o a w (3) ~ a i.) a ie) i) a oot oManitee wie) hella: el ehveMe; sel ieMRe ell ielrs) (e\leMie Tel 10) 6 Jellies e., MUNIN PFAANAHHNMOW FMS OF STMMUNN HOM +H Adoiad ++ (hse yllieg | ol gee at eee Year ot SO tar See ee hese | fo)) wo a w Le) @o wW a + tse) foe] o + i) © oa oO a 8 2 eal] i) OHO. CO) EG) OC 0 0969 09.0 ANADADHOO MAMTAIMODFOCOWWO OOWONNAdTAdH ++ + $0 ' rays Ty + ++ ++ ++ 1+ a ite} a Pu i) iat Coal o na is) (op) Led @ o a is] a “4 Semis pmemante® te iene lielcei he Misi ee el¥ yao lens hire, HAUNGAUNA HOOONGOOWTHONWYANDOCOWWN ++ ++ 1 (+ _ + +t +4 ++ +4 +1 w w [o) a fo) w a w a a 7 iS for) fo)) ise) oa 7 a o o nu a a ca - ol el 4 cq - 4 a a Co) oe C i] @ Co) 8 i] Cy fs) PREP SPRSPR SPE SPH SP Har Sraseeas oO ie) ie] fe} ° fe} (°) f°) (2) oO & & & & & & & & & i=] S a ite) io i] nu @o ie) wo + . ° : a wv £e2] @ a fez) @ o é. a a a Oo oO oOo fe} oO oO top) Q 4 4 4 - a4 a - 4 n n n na n n na n mn n ~~ - Oo wo vt ind [o) «4 vw °o rep) (2) a @ ioe] ion a st [e} a co “4 ~” a ~ i) «© i) 7+ ~ + o ing cs] a [o>] wo o + ~ i) » o bi 7 a se) wo ~ 0 ct foal et a a a - - a ce a a vt w is) Ld @ [o} o [eo] a] a a co a i) o °o oO oO o 12) oO Oo oO oO @o o o oO a © © ®D o oO (=) A a a a A Aa aA a al a ~ ~~ w o & @ n oO is] o a is] a « nu is ca ” WN KNOLTOW AKO MOON MO CPralkesps wey oe teulefie heme ments COONAN HUNMTORHOEN HOO Qf 1+ (} 4 +1 +1 1+ jo) oO ~~ vs je} wo [e} o>) ca oO wo [e} is] «a is] ca a “4 COOFHOO ST HONK OYTO AMAINwWLN ee URC LIN eae Demet, a Tet a net on Nem a ~ 2) Se) @ o oa! w cq o onl al a tO FOO RL SO OnE. LOMOED. COLMOMURL ROBOnUSD BONG OCOONMNNOSNFONNDNOWDNOYNANS MO ' 1+ it +! rit hy il ++ Cd) i) o vt ist] @ fo} wo isa e2) & se) w i) o «4 av et is] is] ca on] a a Sine) “omreweelmis: ce) (ei velue) vel colgenien le Melvelenren ve) Ke, NOHFOWDOHRONNDNOOS HRA UO + 0 +1 +1 +1 ++ +1 [o} iP] a is] fo} w 1d @ Ye} wo + i) i) w is] is) al ca a al at OOO NG ho OO NONDan nO nO PURD LO HOLDS U tha DOOR AAPTHPTOONNOMNNVOSYFHORO HO 1+ ' “hae Sp | + 1 + +i ' w [o} ice) ive) w oO fe, ‘ a iS = vv i) 0 oO ” o a a a i) 4 oO i) wo a o [o) a o n iS 0 a oo fe) iS ee) @ © ire) fe) i é i 6 n n n n a na m n is] @ a a Ww nN Cal oO a eal a tt wo ~ is] is «© i) ~» a a a a ca “4 ~ oO wo fe2) o nu cop) vv oO ct o ie] oO a fee) ce - a] ce - a Lol a w wo «o o ~” w wo ce Lal a 2 dita Orde aids ai wd 4s, Be " Lr) bar) uc) bar) br) re fy ca oa iy) 7 w o iS @ ~» ~” © ~” ~™ ~» “4 i) 8.0 Position Sor m/sec Por m/sec Por m/sec Por m/sec Sor m/sec WOWOOnREK HH OD nOLO MD BOE OSCieO MANNA WMOW +1 tt + NAGA OTMNUN mre tt + ~ ~~ + iP) oO oO a o i) NoOrFOOonrNUNOw AORHROANAN +1 tt 1+ @ oO a w [e} 0 et fad ~” OW FOMOM ty HAORNOAN ac +! tt 1+ AOANAANNO +! unt (+ 162 211 279 ~ a wo st c22) & al oO for) a - n n a a - + for) a oO a i] v + fe2) + ~ ~~ ~ ca 4 a 4 ~ o a o e2) is o o o ie2] ® © ® a a a a nl wo oz) i] i] o 34 Jan 20 flights made on the Carnegie, Pacific Ocean, 19328-1929—Continued Keil liorm) se: tse rs in Heights 525 Sor m/sec Sor m/sec Sor m/sec Sor m/sec Co Pcag) Cr OD Te che whe 6 C20 Hat ++ +4 UVANA ASS acd ++ +4 01 wo w w 0 o Aka) BANG) ceo UNVOMNAUNADI a + {Al + @ @ ist] @ a [e) io] o “© NMOMMUMr ANH Wet bai te ter s2) rt to + ~ ioe) © al w (e} is] is] ™) WDOOWNEOOW MAMI AGO +1 hat + wo ~ ~ se) w oO a oO ~” DMDONMDMDMOW ttl HOD oO +H renee th 1+ [s) fo} {=} Oo x [eo] a a ir) tol @Mww a0 nos at + a o [o) [oy a a mmw oow mmo cho + + tt is] w fee] © nN qe came ate ae + tt OE ea BO ION POR ORO mucwmw + tt a a ise) A) aNwDMonMWM ato wore tt od i) is] ora maocn oro Ors eq t+ tt oO w oud «a se) i) onn ar~ononm ots OAM wo + CO Oi. Cr] w o a a n Ww tr) a] et TUN W + NeNMN Os tAatAando AOnwWONM aoe rr) rt eet wo o ~ isa 22) w «oO Nn a] a a a HMOAAAMMUPNONO HO DOGOONHOWNTOOWOMM +! Ga i it i) + 1 s w ie) fo} o Ly) ea a @ 4 a a a nl a Cy ts tie Oe OLD WFAA MNOOUNG +11 ++ tt tt +1 DE OT DSO SURO Ro MONO EO RO OS Oe HOAGMNDODNOWNNOI d+ +! + tb] oT ++ C+ IU AOMIG OMIM HATO Ot +1 or) er op ' a: co a st on iy) a se) Se) 181 1 OWA OY OM AHOONADONO Cio) ASO-YRE CL) MC ipecrin Neb ter Cheam COOHFMUNDOOWM FINN) HL HH 1 Die Leo lid +t i+ Lal a © a Loa wv w et oO cop) ~ a is") ~» 4 Lon) et ye) kilometers in 8.5 | 9.0 9.5 Hee) dg hi tis Sor m/sec 11.5 12.0 12.5 11.0 10.5 10.0 Sor m/sec Cor m/sec Por m/sec Por m/sec Por m/sec Por m/sec Sor m/sec Sor m/sec une (cl THAMAOR Go +1 ie) - al 4 AM™-ODD CO mnO mOnm =e) lop eme, ponte, so} MAPS Oe ee ele. 6 POMUNOATMM + 1 Ih yt i+ o a * ~© fe} Coal a is ~» DA YUSHUL NANAONMO tH tet Wi) t+ NAUNOOOWNMstS a ae Na ME ba i. a is) al ie) 21 7 —Upper-wind components determined from pilot-balloon 22 WUMPVOWVODH HOVE UEODEHUUE OD OVWOH WWOAOAVNVYWYWE DOO 4 °or m/sec 156) “4: 6 1.9 4. PANVAOLWATRHORKKOrRRORWNOW @ VNOPOLRUOKNVUUNUIHY TNOOOrDwoO YOK UNMWAWNMNAO® WH NOPOMMDIA 2 Sor m/sec 19 99 13. le) + 1 100 1 NQOWWOFW Sor m/sec ~ Lab] N“ > we io ++ NYNVALUH Ore PO i+ + Re DWNN FOP DHFHOOODNUNDUNRONEVTNODALWUNOHHOOOREOWON COWBNOVOH OVWANWOODOKPH NOLO NYVDHOOONH UNE PA DROWWE Sor m/sec i! wD nD o @ fe} wo a on oO eS | Table No Date | surtace 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.0 1929 °or m/sec Sor m/sec Por m/sec 39 Feb 7 158 4.0 144 7. 154 6. E 5) + 4.4 + 2. N - 3.7 - 6.0 > 15 40 Feb 8 14.2 10.0 82.4 Total Went (ay 188 9.0 195 8. E - 1.3 - 1.2 = O's N - 6.6 - 8.9 - 8. 41 Feb 8 15.9 10.0 82.5 Total Meh? = (Sze 176 6.0 78) (Se E - 2.0 + 0.4 + 0. N - 6.4 - 6.0 - 5. 42 Feb 8 17.8 10.0 82.7 Total 208 6.7 186 5.3 WAL) = Pe E - 3.2 - 0.6 + 0 N - 5.9 - 5.3 =) 43 Feb 9 13.5 10.5 84.3 Total 158 2.2 150 3.0 167 2. E + 0.8 15 + 0 N - 2.0 - 2.6 -2 44 Feb ll aly Zeal 10.7 86.2 Total 190 2.2 158 4.8 159 3 E - 0.4 + 1.8 +1 N 2.2 - 4.5 - 3 45 Feb 12 14.5 11.2 Ce Wea’? Total 180 6.7 154 6-1 15105: E 0.0 + 2.7 +2 N - 6.7 = 5.5 - 5 46 Feb 13 13.2 12.6 89.9 Total 180 9.4 154 8.3 130 7. E 0.0 + 3.6 + 5. N - 9.4 = oe - 4. 47 Feb 14 PSea 14.6 92.6 Total 74> 6h 144 7.3 14177 z + 0.7 + 4.3 + 4. N Ont - 65.9 =e 48 Feb 15 15-76 S72, 95.3 Total 158 6.7 130 9.0 124 10. E + 8.5 + 6.9 + 8. N - 6.2 - 5.8 - 5. 49 Feb 16 16.5 15.2 98.2 Total SSO 113 10.9 LO7, 11: E + 4.7 +10.0 +11 N - 4.7 - 4.3 - 3. 50 Feb 17 14.1 14.7 LOW Total SST AG est, Li? 12.2 112 13 E + 4.7 +10.9 +12 N - 4.7 =/5.5 - 4 51 Feb 17 14.6 14.7 101.2 Total 135 9.4 [117 10:9] [114 112 E + 6.6 + 9.7 +10 N - 6.6 - 5.0 - 4 52 Feb 18 13.3 14.3 103.5 Total 124 6.7 VOW are 104 9 E + 5.6 + 7.2 +8 N - 3.8 - 2.6 - 2 53 Feb 19 17.9 13.5 106.4 Total 123 6.7 130 9.0 130 10 Ez + 5.6 + 6.9 + 7 N - 3.7 - 5.8 - 6 54 Feb 20 16.4 12.9 108.5 Total 112 4.0 105 8.0 105 8. E + 3.7 ee YLoKy + 8. N SoS - 2.1 =e No. Date 1929 hour ° ° Sor m/sec °or m/sec °or m/sec 43 Feb 9 13.5 10.5 84.3 Total 191 16.4 E - 3.1 N -16.1 45 Feb 12 14.5 11.2 87.7 Total 80 5.4 103 9.0 E + 5.3 + 8.8 N + 0.9 - 2.0 46 Feb 13 13.2 12.6 89.9 Total 91 9.2 105 3.2 123 «5. E + 9.2 + 3. + 4, N - 0.2 - 0.8 = sais 47 Feb 14 ieyeal 14.6 92.6 Total 54 6.5 67 4.8 70 4. E + 5.3 + 4.4 + 4. N + 3.8 1.9 Poa 51 Feb 17 14.6 14.7 101.2 Total 294 9.4 285 11.3 E - 8.6 -10.9 N + 3.8 + 2.9 53 Feb 19 17.9 13-5 106.4 Total 210 7.0 210 7.0 E - 3.5 - 3.5 N - 6.1 - 6.1 Oe OWA HWO WOOMMEKMO flights made on the Carnegie, Pacific Ocean, 1938-1929—Continued El Dome te rs n i Heights 5-5 Sor m/sec o o n Sen oO ‘=| w Hy ° ce o © n a. iT) ‘=| 7 ia) ° ° o o n Fey fo) 8 v il ° ° oO o n i. i=} H °o o 3.0 3.5 Sor m/sec Sor m/sec °or m/sec 28.0 5 Sor m/sec ] (279 eral (358 a! wounre (e} =O. +0 ote Ko) ++>NODW AHO0OR WO + AOre~wotOoo al Tat Sr Oe et oe coke wo (oe) oO fo} a w w @ a L0'00.00 +HOrODODN Ho no AY DADWMMO ct qc tet} ++ +4 +4 oO oO a fe) ia] ~~ io) - oa +tUNO MMNMOAMOONO ooo e} s*] OFHOMDNHSO a) a i ++ ++ +4 ive) be oO Coal ite) is] Ww w ta] Mrmr HOOWANMNDON MD wwo HNOVSTMYUNUNONRAH RH Tiss ++ ++ ++ Tat a ist [onl [o) au Y iss) © ~ nu a is) a Lon) OWMNOWDNANNDRDOWOADOORNON Ee XE ELON Cols eta bast Cia Ke pe OF 1+ tt tt tt tbe + 1 = wo ite} ie2) ite) Oo wo st eal w ror) @ nN is) a OOASAFHNOMNVHNOSTHHVNUNNEEO OMe elroy seme she) (eel jap ssubiu re' Cen enkels s)calie + HU tt ++ +1 +I Colt ~ © ~ ite) 1 Saad wo a fee) ive) wo a fo>) Coal w is] is a foal a us MAONMON OYE LAG HOON EDO N59 + ene t+ tit It iy ++ +1 Gl fo] isa a s a a ite] ~~ an fee) onl ite) « wo 4 4 ia] As] » a n a a uo MAMAOOMANOOKDANGOFHOMR cat NNONM ADO dt HOMNOWWANLTHOON tt 4 + (to LINC ean i peat, ot | cr Hh} Loe) a ie} ci a oa iS) a a a a] J FAHMNIO AON OD OMIM 0 0929 19 ALN tN £9. HOMIM AHO AAUMHNOWOMIOMMAGA WU Ue + + tt + 1 Tal a) a 7 is] a w is] 0 a a ist] a lal a i} oO - is] Le) i) om a ea a Ca] tom nen oh is?) oon Nam + tt [e} xt 597) oO is] is) uw w Co] MW0o Onmw MMA NOr t+ at w ist} f°?) fe} a is] ws Oo ONMAHTOOOM PONUMUNVIS Cs 1} Uv wo at to2) [e} Se) (eo) i) is] is] w OrNMNNOOND NAN ANNOR, + Cit ars > 1] AOnHOYNARG ++ th et CU no) OnOetaoe G8G NNAMOMNNAG ++ +1 +4 ONO Sour ORO dau) Omimtino ->FAONMNMOMWOOW)W +1 +1 +1 i} od i) i) to] Qo - ~ @ a al 4 DEOO I NO0 Wet iConC) aba DBDOrrOoOWNNwDON oe I +1 +! +) on fe) ite) ca a ce MIRADA O WN Or Uo 1 bPG oO RIG CQCHHOaR WAC cas Pte leh) 4 © o o a ce a kd so miett eras an He igh ts te.5 Sor m/sec | 12.0 Sor m/sec 5 Sor m/sec 10.0 0 Cor m/sec Por m/sec Yor m/sec Yor m/sec Sor m/sec 5 8 Sor m/sec -omM oma a + @ ~ » oot oOoN~ ons +0990 a a x + ° + a @ ~m a DCI nom mcr Cena yNOrFOMNWNU ae ¢ ' ica + we i+ oO - Q i) Cal o 23 7—Upper-wind components determined from pilot-balloon Table Wind Position com- ponent | surface | 0.25 0.50 Long. Lati- 75 oO. west of Gr. tude Sor m/sec °or m/sec Sor m/sec Cor m/sec °or m/sec NWMNNAAHOMNODOMEKOMNOMANHOMOBANN NOTHIN FINr COMMON mre rota aid Ota lsetn elt Site Mahle wislis, Malsell@ly ep euvente) fe. ’sn serial a nee, viele Mei e) Vee. (6 Me ulanemien ie. cis anc Aad nied +1 ++ +1 a ++ _ + O° ++ 0 ++ ++ +4 i) a o +e +1 ive} foe) o ++ ci 6 ++ ct re) ++ Lal @ a o u a +1 wt Sol cen) ++ fo} ++ o ++ ie a) ist] ~~ ++_ + ° for) ene iy fo) o fee) ® © ad +l oe +1 +4 © + ite} Te} a toy @ Top) © é ' x ++ x a elle & Edad) +1 a for) Seed te o Ww o ++ _ + sll ° top) = 51 Ra cim a Cure Ele Ns a cM CMES GRKUR CUNO CHRistnie yl ausiwth iis @ Mle nreie’e nl eve oye sbike iyo Me Leal’ en Niele) pe ae" ecole ule" le) Teele, eee e) sone ++ o @o +1 +4 o 6 Ee in ++ 0 a +1 S @ Guy oa ~ +o & at ~ o ++ °o a Com} a o a COMNEOMSOYTODDLONEONSN DO MDDYNOOHMDOHAWDOMNAUAM DNOOOWMIAINN Sian: ceel gaa Ye ai aia SATO INGO E ai eInio Ala nL SU at MURR ep Ta Wa) | oheelice Me) Lelie Mie, eit 0. velt\o,'s°'s a6 i's) Rerwennenpemse, Vem lelmehmene. pe. ESC TP wee ou ee cies i ome te ic alice ct toa al tec Oe et ++ 1+ ol cal is] fo) al co a teal (=) Coal fl bold o o + o oO (2) [o) - oO (o) fo} oO fo?) 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Gem eLe WOON NUNUNAUEENONMPEHMOHHORNAA AAS t+ ++ +h +4 +4 +4 $+ ++ fon) ) st oa ] fo7) a 9) ro) o é o é no» oOo On + k i lio met ers in Heigh-ts 11.0 [ 11.5 12.0 12.5 Sor m/sec Cor m/sec Por m/sec Por m/sec Por m/sec Por m/sec Sor m/sec ° oO to) q al ° ° Sor m/sec CaeO oo Be cee ce Chaba) 25 Table 7—Upper-wind components determined from pilot-balloon Position Wind Local 1.0 Surface appar- ent time Date No. Sor m/sec Yor m/sec Por m/sec Por m/sec Sor m/sec OW ONAOATANOYONADWAOrNON+oO¥oN FAURVANMNMODANAUN AN OOn RM AW ADN GY ANOGO AD DU DOOM ACCOM GMM CNA CMH HOWWUGGOAAOAAS eral eee Seer ater ty eect! eet Raa MIL eee at eee ate &é r) t o é ay ° i) io} ° a a fo) ca q ry) 6 = 7 m >) 5 wo Te) rap) a fo} a @ i) Ss) a >) i) 4 q MONON ARN MOOK OOMHNOM DORON HO FOO HOD PHIM O FOAM AOA AC WO BQODCOACADD ODHOAN MMH ANCCON OAM OMA GUTFOM HUOWARHONAS Fre (ie ay soil yeaa see bac detnanll peti UN Pet ioe lle Cae cee callie ia Q w w o is + [e) [e} st wo ~ oO [2] ~» ® fe7) ite) ~™ ~™ a B fo.) «4 ing ES foe) se) i) nl i) qo qo i AYKOMOMAAHOAMNINNOMOTOON +soMKC ANON AO Me) fo) (oe) i) i) g a oa a Se) () Te} 4 i} o i rv) fo} ” o + ~» ise) ei - » ce Loni lon] nl ws SHIA A ADGOOFH AOC OWN AAD CON ON HI AGTAMOONONOCUNGOOOHHO ico (ceca scot he cs ++ +4 La ob (ic heat 3] ere Seq aes ++ o w o is] [o} ive) oO i} a [o) o is") ioe) oO i} ve] nu a ie) a Dn wo wo ' [o>] a nu al wW o ' w Ls) ~ 4 qa a is) lanl ca ws a 4 4 a 4 a4 4 - 4 a4 4 a 4 4 4 el i] 3 C) 6 Cs] «3 oO «o i) B oO i) 1) 3 i) a PR SPR SPA SPA SP ASP SPE Sra Sr SerMSarEaSrSaarsereaesraazrase °o f°) ° ° °o {eo} ° fo} fe} oO ° °o o °o ° fe} a i=] & & i) i=] i=] & a & & & a e & i=) vv @ @ o n sXe) eo wo ct oO ~m o wo a co7) for) @o [onl ~ ~” oO [e} na ~” o @ [o) ea] a a al ial vw wo Ww wo ite) o o 0 wo 0 i é iS ~ i t a a4 ot — 4 4 4 a] a4 4 a) fa) 4 4 ol 4 qe n n n n n n a n n n n n n n n n @ o - a w id w i io ~ vw wo is] + w ie) ~ - ‘ss o o w wo Ww a 7 wv a 4 @o ~ io a a 4 a - 4 - = a a a 4 a ~» + + @ w » ~» o to] ce @ wo is Ly) o« ~» i) [e} ™ a) ise) 9 w se) wo ~ ~» o a wo a 4 a 4 a a a a a 4 qc a a 4 i) is] ive) bid wo ind @ fo2) oO a et is] ~ a wo wo o« iat a « oa o na “4 » ~ to) is] na a] Sogo Gd cd: gee ede soos Gh es lace oe g 3 | a a 3 a g < =< < < < =z a co ie) boul Ww wo ia @ Q fo) 4 a ie] + wo oO i ~ i i 6 i i i i «© oo @ o @ @ i) Position = Wind- Local No. 8.0 Sor m/sec °or m/sec Por m/sec Yor m/sec Sor m/sec ONONHTO oOoOoNnRnwW a A ie et oe for) wo ie} o is) ct ONOKNAMNM OND ooonMn se; own a a 4 coe Ce tt fo>) a oo ite) is] ct ~™ al a Oth CO tO OO ane DAOMNRAN monn lotete) a a ++ 01 1+ +1 s2) > fo} é oO a i i] is] a ONwmWOoAN OrNAwONENwo FHM MNNANANN AW ++ tt C0 + +! iso o + Pa i ct is" * is wo o i) » al NANDCOTAMA ONNA AW MLO ++ t+ 441 wt t+ 41 oa w a a wo n + a ite) o>) a wo ” a a rary a fol 4 4 a - el 4) @ 3 os oO 3 PHArPHZrH Sar armyaras fo} fe) ° Oo o ° ia] & & & & e& wo a w a oO an ~” a 4 wo fee] 4 wo 0 wo o 0 & - 4 a a cq - n n n m n n fo] w o ~ &Y ~™ o w ite) vv ~~ - a a) a 4 4 ~ ~4 © wo a i] (e} i) ie) w 4 oO a a a _ a a + @ cop) [o} a w a a a ” «4 "] H i Hi H H 5 zs #2 3 33 28 wv ~ @ Qn [o) wo i i ~~ ~ o oO 26 flights made on the Carnegie, Pacific Ocean, 1928-1929—Continued kn ivi .0' m).e ter os in Heights 4.0 5.0 Sor m/sec °or m/sec Por m/sec Cor m/sec Por m/sec Sor m/sec Sor m/sec Sor m/sec 1 Sor m/sec natu ++ + ~ o 4 ~-ONDOAO 0 Teo i OO ACOW MAN AA +89 Ct t+ +4 +4 q (ay (re) ae) ee ie oY) OVVOOA MM HOMO NAA MWYNONMWM ++ 1+ ++ +4 © + Ts) t + a ra) rs) NMFONAOFTOWMW OCOOYNHHORMHORM i en tt (+ onl i.) a oa st ~» NAANONANTDOMWM AAAANUMAOGIN es + +1 tt | Oa al tat Cen Cabins tite ea AAANNARORAHAO + +1 vo ++ 1 131 8 5 TeQ:. OMCPCEO io ic LimOwtaay AAANFRORHAORRAO (+ +1 ++ ++ al oO es) Ve) » ol ONDOWOHOMOWM Or AHON HOS AHO t+ +1 +4 +4 ire} 8 ct i i) COMDBDYINMDMNOOOMWroOdt Sehge hele al ol Aeiie eh sims: Korie: OMNOFRAAAHOMNMORARH OSC SUC a Ve on Jie tc Si See as t fo} é ° Ve) «o rs) fo} © i) ce et eis iauee? (sues eta (Miaie lara (se Nelien ie ONORAAHOANNAAHORnORM +1 +t +t tt +4 +4 Rel ey re 4 Ww ° o m Ww o ww + a a UM DAT OW HOO AUN ODOMINDINODHDOMMDOWOHO VAAANOSOFOI TO CON OM HHAOOON FAN HMA ON ++ + Ut, feet oe wo Te) 8 @ Le) 5 ite) o>) CG eee a | tt eG eG OIC SS i+ ,@) ie) é wo fa) Y © oa @ is) oa wo a a ie) oe oon Nat Side euaeale lara! MVNA OM Gall) ee De oO oO nN ca al al WOM Nao GC TO8G Died +R OOH +1 41 B & Ca) OVO AOI AD OV HA ALD AE MIND HO DVO 0 SHIN] HOWOMNMwOM Aa SOS Se Ce eee COG ia. Ch nO Zee) (Chit nO in UNL YnT Tena Cee ees capele i] ON OWN COMUNE KONO FAGAOSONONHANAONHMOWANE A oN] © oa a 2) i's) a4 79) fe) © 0 i >) ++ ++ 01 tt ++ +4 é © © g 8 9) fe) » 9 oa 4 uw av UI +1 bi n o Q kKilometers in Ave gyn ths 12.5 Sor m/sec 5 12.0 Sor m/sec °or m/sec 11.0 Sor m/sec 10.5 °or m/sec 10.0 Sor m/sec °or m/sec Sor m/sec °or m/sec 27 Table 7?—Upper-wind-components determined from pilot-balloon ae 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.0 Wind com- ponent Position sec °or m/sec °or m/sec ° MMANMAYNAMEEOFOWOdTR OeONOnO. 0 GO Memo RD OL aD TG, het OOONNAWNWFAAOPHTHDONU DOM DODD MOMDDMOOM HOM EADS 19.) COR MCA ) nD a ~” ive) wo an tor) “4 ~ ~ ~ wo a a a a iv is & fo} i) a a a a a —_ a4 a4 4 a4 a4 et qo ca et a4 a qi cq | - a et fo] oa oO «6 oO 6 Cs] o 3 a oa 6 @ 8 3 «6 ts) @ PH BOMSZPHAPCMH SYSOP SPM ArH ArH era sarasrSSerHseraaraazrasraare ° fo} ° fe} ° ° ° [e} se) fe) oO ° fe] o fe) ° ° io] & e ee & & ee i= & & a & & & & & & ee & + ~~ fea] w a ~® @o o ~~ @o @o a ie) 4 + fe.) [o} @ a iu 3") ~4 a+ fe.) fe2) a fos) @ al + o i22) a w oO i} ~ 6 i i iS iS iS o fo) for) fo} fe} fo} Oo ( > > > > be > m > > > > > Q Qy is a (o7 CG] ci @ g o @ < < <= < < s | a A a 3 3 a 3 3 E| | P| Lee @ en) fo} a 13") ~ + w o La @ coz) Co et is") ~» + foe) @ o [o> fo>) [o>] on cop) o>) fo>) fe2] fo?) a oO oO (eo) oO oO a a a a a r 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 Position Sor m/sec °or m/sec °or m/sec Por m/sec °or m/sec AWAYNO oon A Om™ HON 0D mac ci +1 ++ +1 fo) ~ & ~» + a a VAN Pett FOr 4a +1 ++ +4 44 i co oO é * a ce AOOCHNEE-MOWNW PRU GFHOCHOMNAN arn +0 ce | ++ +1 2 2 a a vw a a HMHAOOFHOWONOWW NONMNMNUMNNOMNAN +1 +1 Call | Sel a i) Te) é ) x fas) x ec - ec @ @ @ @ «a @ a ie} i n oO at a ci a co a = a a v Nn v ~ ” fe} fo2) a id 4 o ~ 1°) ~- 7 0 oO ~” w et a al a @ i) 7 @ « a a ~ uy > > > a a g a < =a a 62) o & ~~ @ e2) o oO ce 28 kilometers in ometers 12.5 Sor m/sec 10.0 10.5 ib 11.0 uta WES) | 12.0 Sor m/sec °or m/sec Cor m/sec Por m/sec Sor m/sec . Sor m/sec 9.0 Sor m/sec 29 flights made on the Carnegie, Pacific Ocean, 1928-1929—Continued Biovi7 ge bh ts © 2 (010 sit aor TOMHOrODNOWME owuw mm) 3 Hon AO OM OrmMnmMmnmrd nan . +1 ++ SU Eee en +1 w Mt 8 wo su o [e) = isa ° o wo qe ~™ © + eo. on taal qe ct et 13) © OW st oro NAMOWNODNO dT -COMNAy zy fe don AOO Onrromrnnmnnn erANNO . +1 tt Co Joe, OG, 2 De +1 +1 nm | 8 rol a) (2) [o} iS fe) {9} ° ised w oO “4 ~™ oO oO o OU i. cl al a a al a —— o c Ovo cor lelele} MNAMMANODONO GSE NAEr -ONNHO oe ier Aor non THO OME ONMMMNMMDODO ee ANNO * +1 +1 elt J ee an JSG Peel eek peal Le 9 +1 +1 ~ ub oO oO fo) 0 oO fo} é wo fe) wo o oO | ae [o>] ifs) a ™» ~® @ oO fe) o ei ei Lal Lan! Lon] et et ce ° © Ono NDoO ooo OCOOODMWSeNOONOTrNOMOY CON Th iS iy ron “a0Onr efleo! DTODWOMNMNMMNMMOWO ee nMoneY| * tf rf 0 a oe fll ee, a) st bh NM Q oO (e} 2) 12) iba i fe} SY o @ a o>) w nu » © @ (2) oO ° ci nu ci a et et a con) c3) 4 +o nunc omar OFHOVNMOOONOSTERNWE ~MONMmAUnM in er mac Mais ota CNFOrMDOMNNMMOWO SeADOor . +1 rt ee eat ose heel oh +t +1 ~™ eo ot ie) w 5o2) ~ ci ia bs fo} n om 8 ing isd a ~ ~ @ o a o.. = a qc et cq 4 ° 2 rato Cor Onc ADOOHONNNONOMW MS DOR oONnora S ie don non nm OTNOErNADHTODONOWO ROGhe Aho . +1 +1 eee 2 A il pee sl an oP I ~™ hw © ite) ve) o is] ~ o>) bod i fo} oO o w ~ vo) ~» al et o« +e) i oO °o ° et ec ce et ea et [| ce ce 3) \@ ONTDDHOWO owas TRMAAOCAHOPTOPONONANQOWWORDOS--ONMWOO in zB OOOnRAOYHO woos OTTO SVNO-MADONNHFOOTOMN NER AR eH fo . i a ab ee ees i Eh EN o Oo Si fo) fos) ro) ive) ist} xe) a ie) Le See) 7 o WwW o>) o ~ is?) oa a 7 (oe) fo) a (eo) oO ° a cq co) ea a a] a a a 1°] 1D HO OD HOIDCAE COD Ono DATONOAL ELON NMP MO Mromoor eS COOYMNNNOADRA onr OUWNMWFHHONANNHODDOWONAH HONK AOE ++ +4 +4 +4 co ens i Hea pill Los Set ORL Fear 0 Sen il WRC al omen, al ee OM] 4 Oo D nu na to] jo} is] baad ive] @ “© ive} (o} wo o Ww Ww @ @ @ nN [o) fo) a 00 a onl oO 7 ° et a a a a) Ca) a 1 o ey NMA DIN AWOL HOON DOOM DNDODAGONNNVAAEENODALSKYNNOPMNME-OMONMM HOOtdHd HOR FOV MWOWA MMMNUNHOOUNEEUMDONOr-NDDOWNAL- ONE Atwood =| aa we aso ae a ee a eat sae nich ot Senor U oP De Re UE eels caitur iar ere tl ai acl tl lanl o Ww o D © a i é a 4 ° ° ° 00 fo} Ca) °o i) ° cq 4 a) a a ol eq a a Heights Sor m/sec Table ?—Upper-wind components determined from pilot-balloon Surface 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.0 Position Local Wind com- ponent ©or m/sec Sor m/sec °or m/sec Long. west of Gr. Lati- tude appar- ent time Date No. Sor m/sec Sor m/sec CO Bs 9 =) 00.0 60) 0 ito Asi 00 St ROTM OOCOUWNOPTOD AGH AKO OR CONN HY HL 69 40200 09.00 GOO Foe ORONO a SLERO Homans elaliyei tel cemmbinelcouetg ethene r ire Oto eco. Om eee Meteiyre OMMK MON ANDGONN 1900 00 $09 8909.8 109 O09 09 19.0 0d CUED ed NOAVHANN ON ONUAWHOW oe) +1 ial tae GU (+ ++ 1 Oe U + tt ++ La + + i+ ++ +t ++ ig ca ts isa @o o>) [eo] o ~ ~ ~ Q o wn i) Le) is") is) vw [e} o © & i i) © ite) i] w 8 a a ~ ca a a i a ca oa ol is) is) ™ ~” o DONA Cit OS OY tt ACO. ht 00 C8 'GO LO. 1'G) £9 60'S) CO-ED 1 DOF OVL0.C4.CU.O).) CU OFT NANDNOS AO AOOW MOO DODO A OM OND DODD G99 09 09 HDA hed HOU 68 CU. 40d 4.c8 NOWOMODDDADOHWANOHO an ae + US 4) ' ai} wt t al pails + car ee ++ 4) + + te] i+ 1+ + ++ ++ ++ [o) i) fey) isa oOo ~ ist) ive) ™ (2) a is] a u s (oe) w o & foo] co ive) a Ae ~ wo a a o a [o} a @ a 4 a cq a oa o o oa oa nu ia) ~m ise} a DIN DOOFAGDO GOD HOMO HAS dct AOI OO ACD HED HUD FF ADA ANAH ODO O19 00010 ci al +1 1 {] tt ears Meas ODay Un Ur {i tate Oe Ue eer eral) 0 0 pa eae ORC Seen LIE Some, or, UE, in DG ba to ie) wo wo @ fo) wt wo fo) st ice) © oa » ~ io) fe) ire) foe] fo) iS in ~ i fe) w 0 D co) Oo iz] (2) o @ oe fal) a a iu oa to iar] a a nm a ise) ise) o ig FODSOVGOHOOOOGHOGH HOON CG OOH HU Ht HOM AIDA F OVO OOM O on QOAAHAAWOOwOMIN Loa! Feil ceo eS ieee Ct See Ta ye eo ce Pee ee Sa mt 1+ aie Ayes Ee ++ ++ foe) wo @ [@) w ea a i) w i bi ive) Y Loa fez] ice) fo2) ive) a + is {= i in a ied @ a ep) wo a ~ @ [o} [o} Y ia] a a a a oO ist] 4 a a a a a 9 ise) or) OGGPADO AOOOTOOKOSHHAHOW SHAUOUN TIONG AM FeLSU SL OU ED Si CLS Ext rel 0.00 ANDOONMANY FHM HUM a ae Ga i tan) + 1 iil et th () + + 1 tt + 1 +1 +1 +41 +1 ats t+ Tt ++ + 1+ wo @ Q [ep] Q w [e) ive) ist] al w -t wo wW a Cl @ + a (eo) ise) wo o wo ite} a fo) i) [o} fo} ie) is 9 vt Sr) foe] o ~~ ie) iy) iy) a a a ta] ist] a 4 ie) a a ct a Cal ol a ise ~m 4 _ — foe! 4 qo 4 a fel cq a a a a a eq fon ol - eq cq 4 a « Ci) ts] i] i) Co] @ 8 oa a co) C is) wo a A) oO os] 3 « PHSPHMArPHSrPHOHSPHMSrPHA SPH SPHSPHSrPHSrPRMSr HASH SrHASrESrHSrHSraerAaewns (eo) °o °o fe} oO oO (o) fo} Oo (°) fo) oO ° Oo ° °o °o ° fe} [e} ia) eB a i=) & & & e & isa Be & & i=] & & & & i=] & fe?) fo) oO @o @ a foe) ~ o ire} n ~ + ~ bi) ~ w ts?) o « w w o wo Ww oO ao - o a nN oo fo} @ is] ist] . D Q = a a a a a al al a ca a a a a 8 + a “© o a is] o o a o a iu o a o a a a a a a e- et a a zm = a = Zz az z a 4 Zz a a a 1 a 7 a a zx w a bi a is] i) fe7) a ~ fo) a @o nr bi 0 foe) o Ww a ~~ i) w foe) a a st a o o is foe] @o o oO & isa + fer) a [o) ro) «a ~ ~ ise) ive) is] se) i) ne) ise) ie) ise) + s + ~ ie) i>) SP) ~ (oe) @ ise) o Cop) w nu ~ ive] - » (>) oO [o) is) ~» w on et “4 ct fe} ~ © w Ke} + 9 ne) ~™ + + ~ a iP) ~4 w qa 4 ol a) fon) al 4 at a a4 - 4 4 4 a ct 4 4 4 4 4 jon) [o} al ise) © wo w oO ~ n fe) a a] is) eal a ~ Oo @ fe?) is] ise) o ist] ist ie sp) a] a ~« is") > > g =] S a q a =] c=} q Doss] q a ca 4 4 fs) Q io) oO c e f=} eI 2) 2 3 ba a EJ 3 3 3 (3) 5 2 =] Oo ) | bar) " bar) ba) ar) " iar) bar) bar) m " " ar) Lr) " Lar) wn na w oO Sed ise) co2) [o) ei ma “4 7 ie) o - @ [o>] 8 a ~ ~ bu fo) oO {e) (eo) [o} tol a 4 et a a4 a et ) - oc nu a i] a a oa] a] oa] 4 al 4 4 ec a fal 4 ec foal et a a + a ° © a ss oO i=] oO H ° ° ° oO Q ~~ wo i=] i al ° -lo ° oO n ~ (o} (| é ° Lok °o © a ~ ite} g o H ° ° ° 3) Q = o |&8 o H ° a ' ? oi age A Foo io") |} -—— we lo ano a/| oo om edo “4 oo » cal a ' &| 30 @5 |o ed es a | ' rH H adeo | 5 oags ° CGMOn |G Ho 1) fo) e nu a ro) a — 13.6 37.9 N 214.5 114 Jun 29 210.4 39.9 N 14.0 30 Sor m/sec Sor m/sec Sor m/sec °or m/sec Por m/sec Sor m/sec kilometers Sor m/sec n i Sor m/sec flights made on the Carnegie, Pacific Ocean, 1928-1989—Continued Heights Sor m/sec NMOW SSH tad) Tal ba ~ ito) 1 « ~ © tN OLN ) oo) a cq F¥HOOCO tro MmNoOWM + ane a oe + +4 1+ fon] Ct wt iced ~» bi a] «© OMWnananN © + TMNHMAWM ANS aa We eke 1+ ll o>) o st Ca] 7 is] » O~omMmna M0 TMNOAATMO oOrw pio +4 t+ i fe?) Coal ~~ + wo ia] ~® ONDtHMW +H oon AOOMNNMC oat 1+ ++ ++ onl (3) a n o e- a am oOonnN ARO HOONNRH mon ++ ++ ++ g st (o} o a AAAMNMNAWMHM AM @ o a fe7) + Lal s ea] a NNOOrr-ONnr Ow AAON ATOM ANUS + +1 ++ +45 ~ fo) a is] er) <0) Ls «4 ol al Ca SOR RO NORCO MED eS AHAONNMNMNMMONON ++ ti + +1 wo oO fe) ive) a a OMANMUO HOOD IH AAOYNMMMOMOM Ves Tee) Seed 1) re Lal Le} «oO 12.5 °or m/sec 12.0 Sor m/sec Sor m/sec Sor m/sec Sor m/sec 31 10.0 Sor m/sec Ki 1'6 me teres ah yal Sor m/sec Por m/sec 5 Heights 8. Sor m/sec 306 13.0 Table 7—Upper-wind components determined from pilot-balloon 1 Sor m/sec Por m/sec °or m/sec Surface | 0.25 | 0.50 i 0.75 Sor m/sec Cor m/sec Wind com- ponent Position Local appar- ent time No. | Date ons HMNVAHUS™ MOM Or oO + AADAYINDMNOWODONUNDONRDODNWOYUMEHOUNDODOdHA4H4MV nnaw MNUNVNONARAAAAANAS RVAAOHIS-OGYHDHOLLOPHOOWON TELE ARDDYRMNHONNHHAHAO ++ Pa eo ee eae +h te +e ++ +t Ft +t Ft +e +e +t te wo o fe)) st is") ing fer) wo st ie) wo oO o w wo o fe) Q cq ie} Ww ~4 i] a bd + ite) @o fo) oO oO oO wo @ ~4 isa a a a a a a a cq a ise) U9) HO 1D 09.0) O> C00 HCO.) CA E- C2 TEN LO 410) PUAHOVAHSANOMMNMNURMOWOFNONGNNUAHHOVMMS DAMNAO ONOGKUOGMAUNNOUNNAV AAO NANO AHHOMWMNAANUSSTONNODWONEEADDNOOOWNYNONM a ++ ++ ++ +H +t bt igi Po ec oe Se ae ee Sic Se St PS eT eS Oe Sr a) + a ~4 wo a @ @ w n ig a wo tod a [o>] wo a co foal fe?) is] iu ~~ ~ is] ~ is] 7 + wo ~ Qa fo) oO (oe) - © “4 ire} aa a o - a a a4 a i) Senha GEelN SIN eLR DL EMIS pie lal feet beer eRCUEN aio Rie Mie MiaMhiol NSM eiNelile Uist ore Teme MiclteMis"e) eo. vote) ) eile /ebielmes le: femeh ele Meaty Ueiie@leMion la\¥mem eo cieiie ONNNM UN FSMOUMOMNINUNAAMNUNUGPMMMUNUN YHNNIMNAMAMNDDOL SL O-WONEENDDANHHOUWONMONM bbl i) eh ON a ee aS OE et = Bh tic Te) a [o) re) xt Te) o q é ite} fo} 7) oe) i) q top) a a irs} a i) co rT.) 6 oa a i) st i) ~ oO é a foo} (o} ro} ~o 6 a fe) ca | nu cc ci ct ec ce ec Mm Siaiia Woh ipl eeealice miele isloire Me plol eiM elie ital ielt eel ear ep len iaylloi s: le lemkenKeniel so) eine Jem ene Molseie!tietieMemen« Liatie) mie Menieneprenelvenia sate: ONMOPFUPHPOIUMOMMUNUHAHOSMOMDPMOMNMUNUN TOI SHUMOM-EMO-OSOWWOKENELFAONUN-OMNTOFN =4 ++ +4 +4 eel ee 2 a s+ for) 6 “4 iS a ta] oa 5°2) is] a 0 © a bd + 7 is] ~ wo i a) a i) ie) + ~ w ~ fo) o o>) fo) ~ i a wo ct fon! oa a ce al a ea © @o par COM OM ANAANMAUNDM COOOONHONHFONHPOOFOOSFR UNE LE AUNUHOMDDYVUDYMOEONOAMRNOW Om USO SOD CRO) CONOR) GLDROS OO, 5 ICRU LG LOMO LON MOM CROUTONS DE OmtNOn ntl oly Omni 50) 0 BOGG, ALTE Oma) NLD gO Sumit acy oO PUMAUMNNAANONVHHOOOHTHONAMNUDPDAIVS HOS HOWDONDDONNOYMONMHAMRAOOAHMONNO (+ ++ ++ +1 = +1 bait eee eat Jigs Gr eee tt Sail jee, col Ieee oe aa Gayl Lc te Siento We CP eh on con CS Om J a fo) ee) fon) ca o ' o o © a ~ © = for) 4 4 fo} fo} rs) a iy) is) ive) i rar) ' ia) ~ 7) a fer) o fon) S (oe) fo} oO o ro) o i.) ce ci a ce a aa - a a Len} ci ce a a ec a ci ci ci on - et ce ce a qe a lanl 3) 1) @ 3] oa fs] to) 6 oO ) i] fo) @ a i] B co] fo] @ g PHRAZPRSPHM SPR SPR SPR SFE Sr SrA SrRSrH Sr Serer SerHSereaearaaeraeraaraz oO fo} {eo} ° ° ° fe) oO ° fe) ° fo) ° ° oO ° ° ° ° oO i=] i=) a a a =] a & i=) a e i=] & I a a a & i=] i=) fo.) fo,) ite) o é co o~ 7] mn foe} o © 2) fo } a ~ o i) fo} o fo} o st ite) iS for) oo «a oo iy) iy) wo al iy) o fe2) fe) a a fe} i>) x) is) ise) i) iy) + ~ ~ st wt + ive} ive) ive) Ve) o o o o a a ci Lon Lan el ct Load ee Loni a Coal a a a lon) a to | a onl a a a a a zw a i] A a z a a a a a a za ze a ~* a 4 - fo} é cm 7 ca o oO (eo) oe) ie) o fe.) cs) ive) o fo) fe) a o in S ive) ive} © o wo ite) x i) i.) 4 Ne) o fo2) a iy) i) ca oa co a a 1 o oa o i] (] oa i) o i.) i.) o i) Se) ~~ fo) ~ 2] ios) o fo) + fo) iS é for) i fo) i ip) re) i) a 4 4 Ve) ive) i) fo} + + So te) i.) ~~ >) ive) ~ i ite} ive) oO 4 o ei tonl ec lanl Le) onl ca a a et ca ci a Lol - a Lome] on] Lal a a fo) a oa i) + o o o x é © fo} 4 a is) + ire) o v ci al a a 4 ~ et ec - a a a o sr] 2 Qy a, Q a, Q, 2, 2 2, Qa 2, Q, 2, Q, 2Q, ee a bad » » C7) © Oo oO oO o i) ® oO oO Oo o 0) oO Oo (3) (3) ° ° ° n n a n a n n n a n n n n n an fo) (eo) °o °o fo) Te) o é © fe) fe) a i.) i) + ve) o » ce) (2) (eo) a o i) xt oY) or) a 0 oa Se) i) i) Se) ie) is) 2) i) i) iS) + + + ~ a ei lanl lanl ec ce a - - lanl a a ca oe Lom et ce on] - ei ce Sor m/sec Sor m/sec Por m/sec or m/sec Sor m/sec OOD TO Ota HO at +1 tt +1 eppemeureuicre: 143.8 161.0 25.0 N 31.6 N oe, 1 14 6 ll 135 Sep 17 143 Oct 32 flights made on the Carnegie, Pacific Ocean, 1928-1929—Continued kilometers in ro | as | so | as Heights 1.5 Sor m/sec Sor m/sec °or m/sec Sor m/sec Sor m/sec Sor m/sec Por m/sec Sor m/sec Sor m/sec wow wnrn oma 1009 +1 £92) ™ 4 orc ons Ot aA acd +1 pot wo ise) ~4 ive) a o MAMAUNDOOM +00 re +! 1h bo La ce ec a o “(eo Sats oe ale 2 NANAHONNORE eS Daal +1 nif Ci a Lon] CinOiath Wn) a) eOmmO HANnnoOMOr AonMmnw +1 +1 + ou st au ~™ oO ite) ~ ioe) bl a a is o MNMMcO MMMM Dar Oe Oo lone THOMA HOO ee) é é o a re) i) OY) MMMMMAMWNw; mone OnOerG NONAHAONAA Us a A ey o & & ” o COMNOOMONMNAR s+ DQAVINANNONGAGIA + be + I ot Piece a, OLS a 6M man O90 ++ o + ono mon +1 oO 6 eq owmw mus +1 ca is] ae oor wom ++ iy) vw Nor oto wonw | oll ll oe} ++ ++ w a i) [os] nw nto woo tee ++ ++ is a @ @ OANOMMr ON WO MOWNO-MOS& 4 pe Fete Stet per tt o Ps o DOODAHOMM™ ++ ++ +5 Cheon, acl ANOOOMENG +40 les ++ Q Oo va = oo NOAPFODMDN WUD ~-MOrMNMDAHOMNMN ++ ++ +t +4 a 8 @ wo be) a oO THAW + it 0 vw @ bd a a woMwnno Qcner Oo 180 AAODMO i+ tt @ o a a N+tNOO™ + 1 (yi i9ODAWH O8 wd 4d ads ee eh tal a oOo s+ « tee co 6 ate ee kel Lo me, te + is an Heights 12.5 12.0 8.5 Cor m/sec °or m/sec Cor m/sec Por m/sec Por m/sec Sor m/sec 256 15. Sor m/sec Sor m/sec 235 238 10.9 Sor m/sec 239 10. 261 17.2 -17.0 - 2.7 io) -14.6 - 3.6 6 -9 5 ie} - 8 - 5 33 Table 7—Upper-wind components determined from pilot-balloon 0.25 Surface Wind com- ponent Position Local appar- ent time Date No. Cor m/sec or m/sec Por m/sec Por m/sec °or m/sec hour ° 1929 ~NOMMWM SHED OOD SH DED ON ALO LOT COR 00 OLN 1D HOLD LO O20 DLN SH OW. DD wt sete IS) YHON AAA ANGOAUDACCOTIANOAGGOU AOS a aa aA ro tf V+ 0+ +0 +1 +t it et he OE te wo ™» fo} ie) isd @ st oO te2) oO isa st Cal o @ 0 @ o [o) ~~ ise @ SP) w o o oO wo fav] ia co ~ ec a = Coe Kel st aah t(S) EME AUN SHON MINE POWMANMTOFANO ADO DOW HOI MMIAMMANNO OMAN OPCI AAA AL NAN ACCOPMNOOANE IHG GO aa Ae (+ t+ + DoS jp csp aia ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ = Fa ++ [o) ~ Oo @ 4 (=) @ @ au ise) [o) a @ 6 id fo?) ~ rs a me ~- “4 wW iad (2) [o) - a oc a ia) ist] a a = = WONT MNUNW NAODUT HD AON DOWOOO TW POE ONIN MUI OCB 4-4 DUM IND NMAMMONNO CUCU ED AHEM OF OMI HA DOO TMA GO AOI FOON AOAC aq ae 1+ ott t+ (ie Sil et inl ec Ga a bic See Sc SR eae uote Coat Spiieet Saf Jace SU ur it Bec G ite) ~» a w is" @o ite) + a wW ite) [o) ive) ive) ~» & é Oo [o) ie] a [e} Iso wo ~ w é ~ [o} Ld i o oa a ~ a a ca et a ANCA AON APF ADOUNA HAUMMIU OMA SH AOD SH HOA HAN MAD INOWTHADADAANHOM da ae Aad ae - 1+ + Ge fF 0 fit ce Yl) + + + + + ++ ++ +++ ++ +1 ae ++ ++ a wo w ~ st bid isa ™ + isu a ing @ Oo 9 [o) im i fo) iv) ise) oa wo a 6 6 o ne) o fe) iv) for) i 6 na av) o o ise) a a aa] DAADAAOCOOCODNOADNON HAN ONM AAUNOWONA HANNO OF HOFADAOSARHOAGHOS U0 t (+ oat mt (+ Fa thi ++ +e Ft + ++ ++ +t +t ++ +4 a o [o} fo2) fo?) fo} a c (o>) w i oO ico) ie » [o} isa iS o o i] m ~ iy) fe7] ~ io wo oc o>) is @ oJ is] @o fee) is) ia] ~™ fat) co ~» Cal a 4 a a ray wu 4 a a4 fl a4 a4 a4 a qa a 4 a a a a 4 4 4 [) 3 oO @ ® @ o © oc wo © oO oO C] i) a i] a PHAPH AFR SPHA SPR SPH APH SPH SPH SPE Sr Sr ars Sereaereaszrmaeraszeeas oO Oo fe] o Oo o fe} o (eo) e) Oo oO oO oO °o oO ° fe} & & & & & e& ial & & & & & & [J & a & & wo w wo ~~ ~ ~ is ist ~ ep) o top) @ w n o + st wo wo J Coal a wo @ Sa Y o @ a [o} a Qn a isu a w w wo ie} ie) wt Le) SP) ie) ise) » i) + + + ite) irs) w a 4 a a a a a ol al + a cl cn] a 4 a4 4 al a a za a a z = = = =z za a a za a = n n oO Oo o o wo s + {o) fo) a + for) ite) o [o) o a i] + + i) ~” 9 i) ive oO x w 4 fo) fee) i is) [o) o is ie) i) ie) ise) Se) i) oa o a cq fl a vw al w ioe) w ts) ~~ ~» wo a fe>) o>) a Ld w a ~~ i) + a Le) i) ~ a ise) ie) ~ al oi st + i) ” ie) + a a foal a a4 + qa fol al a a a) 4 a a a a a Q oa oO qo ca » isd oo fo?) ise) © 6 oO [op] ~ ite) o o Ca a Coal a a fa] a ¥] is] ce nu co") - eed » cad = » - =) - rod » cod > > > > oO 19) o oO o oO Oo oO oO 12) oO oO 12) oO ce] (e] fe) oO oO [o) [o) oO [o) [o) oO oO [o) (o) [o) [o) {e) {e) a a za a w wo iss @ for) oO a a ™ bu w wo i @ fo) oO Coal o wt ~~ a ~~ a wW iQ w w ite) w w Ww w ite) wo 0 io) a et - 4 4 4 a4 a a ca - = a a] a ol a - Position 8.0 Sor m/sec Sor m/sec Sor m/sec Sor m/sec Sor m/sec hour ° 1929 OHOAM Ortega t+ ot oO fo} ist fo) ~™ o Krrowrse MNOMUNNO 1+ ot ~ wW lanl o » o NOtHHee OWFAMNO 1+ at Yr) i ao to a io NDWDHOMUAOOOO WPMARNOONNODOODO tt i+ 8 ' SMAOMNNUNNOW OW OU Ut) Ve rt) ~~ wo io o st st w ~ a a ca) + el eel a a O) i) a oa PHArPHRAaPmaraSsa fe) fe) fe} °° & i is] i] wo o is] a + @ & ce) ts) » ie) is) a a a + a 7 1 Zz o vw Oo n i] pio] ep) ot) o co et is) + fo2] + onl se] vw 4 - 4 4 fo) i ee) i a a taal is] > sd ond » oO oO o o {e) oO oO ° ~ onl is ite] + ite) w w - cq a 4 34 kilometers in flights made on the Carnegie, Pacific Ocean, 1928-1929—Continued Heights 5.0 uw 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 Sor m/sec Por m/sec Por m/sec Por m/sec Por m/sec Por m/sec Por m/sec Por m/sec Cor m/sec 271 MOnNMO AYO ~Uwo ond9 AM aon ~nm t+ i) se i ++ o - al oO oO eq isd ing ~™ ta] al too a CO ~-on in 1 no TOMUNUNO Man ano nem + +4 Tel +1 ++ foal rez) o ~ (2) oO oO Oo oO i «6 a is) onl AOWTINMO ols To) oso onn omMmnaNe mnocn mnoO ARO (+ 41 t+ ++ ++ a ~” ~ [e} 2 foal a fo) @ ee) ~ fal Le] Ot sth owe oon Llolnw muna cn eon) tvHtO “ro nt ee 1+ +1 ++ Coal @ ws ~ ife) a a ec [o>] @o Se) oa] 4 mmMoOwWwW oOnw wo st -OD@DNN MAMAO +300 wo +09 SErODAN + "+ 1 1+ +1 ++ +4 i) [o) Eel 1 ed ~ w st o [e} i] @ w ~ a i) a EIA SRE ON AUrFWDOOYTADM ADAOwW H WWAAOA NNAEMONOYHO WODOWNOO vro+4 Poe. Dike oko +1 +4 ite) oo Cal w o a Sea ie} 7 [e} & @o fe) o oa taal i?) oa COILED) 0 et sf 41 CO. U9 09 00 10 1-110 10069. LO ONO ES tr set CLL a, Ut th wh Conc Opn Gilt oc OSC ON OL Om, Onc OOM OAK HOU SHH HIYA HOOCOWOO (ee See oa ma’ Sa Joma Yn TR Jc Sees Sar a Sr ++ el ol i) fen) oO ~ D fe) oa a Coal a a S5OF GO Ge, G mon Od SON to FORCES tn Tn LG) op Soma ® Onc DOGO COMWINOMMUHONNANIMOONIGING t+ + eS ec ANC oat JC oie, DUK 2c SI ot ~ ° ot o Ve} zx é & tH a nD ite} é Te} te) oO (oo) ™» Lon Lol cay) OONDNUNUAANAHOOWL-DHTMODAPTONNMOOMNMONMN G.-C) OO ach OO era AS tie CFG TO Et Ot Re ceria ic oo wom DDOYUHPNOLNNVAANANAAANOMNODONNNORHRO {iC ria RRG cin ia ial +! 4 ba Ge fa heat he ni ised wo wo o Ne] 22) isa ~ st «9 @ i] ise) a ~o oO ~ o ~» a Ca] nN 12.5 Sor m/sec 12.0 Sor m/sec Sor m/sec 11.0 Sor m/sec Sor m/sec 35 10.0 °or m/sec Kilometers °or m/sec ain 9.0 Sor m/sec Hie ele ht: (s. Sor m/sec Table 7—Upper-wind components determined from pilot-balloon Sor m/sec °or m/sec °or m/sec Por m/sec Por m/sec 163 Nov 7 13.7 5.0 8 53 6.7 47 9.3 44 9.7 44 10.3 47 9.3 + 5.4 + 6.8 + 65% + 7.2 + 6.8 N + 4.0 + 6.3 + 7.0 + 7.4 + 6.3 164 Nov 8 13.3 6.78 155.2 Total 65 6.7 67 10.1 WA Oi. 68 8.4 76 6.6 E + 6.1 + 9.3 + 9.2 + 7.8 + 6.4 ‘ N + 8.8 + 4.0 + 3.2 + 3.2 neva bal} 165 Nov 9 i ey/ 8.33 157.32 Total 33 «6.7 50) 49/55 Sl yoo §6 8.3 GG E + 3.6 + 7.3 tok + 6.9 + 6.5 N +527 + 6.1 + 5.7 + 4.6 + 2.9 166 Nov ll 15.3 9.48 159.2 Total ( 45 4.0] 65 4.8 66 5.5 (70) Sie4: _E + 2.8 + 4.4 + 5.0 + 5.1 N + 2.8 + 2.0 + 2.2 + 1.8 167 Nov 14 14.5 11.6 8 163.1 Total 212 0.9 -T-> lee Gee b Aoipe thos) SOS) lice S18) 8 E - 0.5 - 0.7 =) 16%} - 0.9 - 1.2 N - 0.8 - 0.8 - 0.3 + 0.8 + 1.3 168 Nov 15 14.0 12.158 165.1 Total 55 0.9 58 2.8 39 «3.1 27 3.9 38 4.4 E + 0.7 + 2.4 + 2.0 + 1.8 + 3.7 N + 0.5 + bao) + 8.4 + 3.5 + 3.5 169 Nov 16 14.8 13.0 S 167.3 Total -- 0.0 54 2.0 §3 2.1 44 1.8 35 3.0 E 0.0 + 1.6 a Wee + 1.2 + 1.2 N 0.0 + 1.2 + 1.3 + 1.3 + 1.6 170 Wov 17 13.8 13.7 8 168.6 Total -- 0.0 224 1.0 240 1.1 285 1.6 293 2.9 E 0.0 - 0.7 1.0 - 1.6 anit N 0.0 = Oley. 0.6 + 0.4 + 1.1 171 Nov 17 14.3 ar) 168.6 Total -- 0.0 245 2.6 241 32.5 263 2.0 295 38.6 Ez 0.0 - 2.4 - 2.2 - 2.0 - 2.4 N 0.0 - 1.1 - 1.2 - 0.2 + ed Wind- com- ponent Sor m/sec 167 Nov 14 14.5 11.6 8 163.1 fever 341 3-8 N + Bies 169 Nov 16 14.8 13.0 S 167.3 Total 120 4.5 133 6.7 149 7.0 159 2.9 124 3.7 E + 3.9 + 4.9 + 3.6 a) + 3.1 N - 2.2 - 4.6 - 6.0 - 2.7 - 2.1 Note: Wind direction measured from north through east; thus "Total 135 2.2 component from the east being of velocity 1.5 meters per second and 36 flights made on the Carnegie, Pacific Ocean, 1928-1929—Concluded EilLlonmeters in Heights Sor m/sec Sor m/sec Cor m/sec Por m/sec Por m/sec Yor m/sec Sor m/sec Sor m/sec Yor m/sec HOrAMdowto + Oe te $$ © 8 UM ONO ds de Eisigweae: ie) wre. 16 DINMINNO WHO ++ +0 +4 o a a on o MAO wore Nee VOR t+ +1 fo2) its) bon) fol oa ci awn wr 0 non woe + +1 i a iy) ~ «© a wnrmin wr aon man 1+ +1 bi ist] w Se) ise] a OM COMM or NONVHORNON GD. sae oil Jem, al a - o a a NY ANMNOLM MOMAHHOVUN ++ +1 +1 a o>) is) a ROODWDOMDON MQ OLA Bas 2) ++ + +1 ol n oO a SO MMII HO Cite lees were HORA HOMNMO ++ ++ ++ + o- '©§ a @ é NL NAAM O ‘cide Walkie ie’ ene ae COONNARAO (+ ++ ++ ca o o DWOrOANYOR A Gun yO mt) ao COOMANAO ee te ee w > wo a vw ~» ~» kilometers ion Heights Sor m/sec Cor m/sec Sor m/sec Sor m/sec or m/sec °or m/sec “Sor m/sec Yor m/sec Sor m/sec E +1.5, NW -1.5" means SE wind of velocity 2.2 meters per second, the the component from the south being of velocity 1.5 meters per second. 37 Table 8—Data regarding pilot-balloon flights | Temperature| | Humidity | Visibility Sun Rel. | Surface wind No. 1928 h o onl Ov mm °C o/o 1 Oct 27 16 23 5 24 N 79 59 755.7 24.6 24.2 97 22.4 Good Obscured W 3 2 29 14 31 359 N 79 57 754.1 28.8 25.4 76 22.6 Good Obscured SwxW 3 3 29 14 44 359 N 79 57 754.1 28.8 25.4 76 22.6 Good Bright SWxwW 3 4 chy “ali? alfa} 502 N 82812 750.8 26.3 24.2 84 21.6 Good Obscured SwxW 5 5 Nov 9 14 38 Wea eh ER ah VES I REY aliy¢nal 77 13.3 Good Bright s 3 6 Tay ak} al) 1510S) (89 6h woe 209)" 7.56: 73 13.4 Good Bright s 3 7 15 14 05 236 S 95 57 758.7 20.2 18.5 85 15.1 Very good Bright SE 3-4 8 He L385 3°17 S100 05: V759e2) S159) Woe 78 15.3 Very good Bright SSE 4 9 19 14 26 4/50, S 10h el W5le7. e2es8 29.8 76 15.8 Very good Bright SExE 4 10 20 15 30 7 20 S 107 08 758.9- 22.7 20.5 82 17.0 Fair,hazy Bright ESE 4 11 22 15 20 1219 $110 34 760.2 23.2 20.7 79 17.1 Good,sl.hazy Bright ESE 5 12 22 15 41 1219 S$ 110 34 760.2 283.2 20.7 79 17.1 Good,sl.hazy Bright ESE 5 13 23 15 34 140Se) SeldistOS) e76led ees cmeO nD 78 16.7 Good Bright ESE 4 14 24 14 14 16 59 $ 113 09 762.0 23.2 20.1 75 16.1 Fair,hazy Bright ExS 4 15 25 14 21 19 29 S$ 114 08 763.3 23.0 20.1 Te 16.2 Good Bright E 4 16 25 14 36 19 31 S$ 114 08 763.3 23.0 20.1 77 16.2 Good Bright Ez 4 17 26 16 24 Be 06'S 114 26 76455 eee 9 197 76 15.7 Good Bright E 3 18 27 13 26 23 27 S$ 114 47 764.9 23.4 20.5 tet 16.6 Good Bright ExN 3 19 29 16 36 25 07 S$ 115 32 765.3 22.8 19.6 (03) 15.5 Good Obscured ExS 8 20 30 14 28 28 18 S$ 115 06 765.3 22.2 19.5 78 15.6 Very good Bright NE 3 21 Dec 1 13 25 29) 218) 114044) (766.2) 23.5.) 19-5 69 15.0 Very good Bright NE 3 22 2 3 13 30 40 S$ 114 14 768.0 23.2 19.6 72 15e3) Rair Dim NE 3 23 4 16 44 3O 58 S$ 109 30 763.7 22.3 19.3 76 15.3 Good Bright W 5 24 5 4s 23 28) 37S 108) 42) 762.2> 2258) 3150 85 17.8 Good Bright WNW 4 25 13° 14 04 28 2l S 109 7) “766.6) 2322 20.5 78 16.7 Good Bright E 4 26 17) 14755 31 40 S$ 109 09 765.1 20.6 16.8 68 12.4 Good Bright SE 4 xd 18 13 31 31 58° S' 108 48 76551 320.5 16/8 69 12.5 Good Bright NNE 4 28 20 16 38 34 18 8 106 31 765.2 19.8 18.9 92 15.9 Good Bright NE 3 29 26 13 23 40: 26'S) 197935" ers, WSS L717, 90 14.6 Very good Bright NxE 1 30 30 16 44 34905 Se Olen woSsen 282.0) LEC 76 12.3 Good Ptly obscured SExE 4 1929 $l Jan 1 14 19 3209 S 89 02 767.3 24.5 19.3 62 14.2 Very good Bright Calm O 32 10 41 Ol) 46S. 18717, 76554) al .0) 160 60 11.1 Good Bright NW 2 33 510) 58 61,05-S' “8693 =765ne)) c0e7 air a8 76 13.8 Good Bright W 3 34 16 35 24 45 S 8207 762.8 20.0 16.8 73 12.7 Good Bright SExS 4 35 ey sales bY 16 28 S 78 35 758.3 22.8 19.0 70 14.6 Good Bright SExS 4 36 13 10 38 14148 77 57 759.2 23.0 20.0 76 16.0 Good Bright SE 4 37 Feb 5 12 09 2 04S) 27) 10, 758s" ASG) lecne 89 19.4 Fair,hazy Faint N 1-2 38 6 8 52 1158 S 78 36 759.8 23.7 230.6 76 16.6 Good Faint SxE 4 39 7 8 17 10 26 S 79 46 760.8 25.1 22.0 76 18.3 Good Bright SSE 3 40 8 14 11 959 S 82 25 758.4. 25.1 22.3 79 18.8 Fair Intermittent SxW 4 41 8 15 56 10 00 S 82 32 757.6 24.7 22.0 79 18.5 Fair Intermittent SxW 4 42 8 17 46 10 00 S 82 42 758.0 24.3 21.8 80 18.3 Fair Intermittent SwxS 4 43 9 13 29 10 29 S 8419 758.0 25.C 21.3 72 17.2 Good Bright SSE 2 44 LY 707. 10 42 S 8615 757.2 24.9 21.5 74 17.5 Good Bright SxW 2 45 12 14 28 ll 11S, 87 44 (75723 24.1" 207 74 16.6 Good Bright s 4 46 13 #13 12 1239 S 89 52 758.9 383.7 21.0 79 17.3 Good Bright Ss 5 47 14 15 04 1438 S 9236 759.5 22.8 19.9 77 16.0 Good Bright Ss 4 48 15 15 34 15 44S 9517 760.2 23.2 20.1 75 16.1 Fair Bright SSE 4 49 16 16 30 510998" 98) 13) W60se 12420" 20.7, 74 16.7 Good Faint SE 4 50 17 14 06 14 43 $ 101 05 759.8 24.2 20.8 74 16.7 Good Bright SE 5 51 17 14 39 14 44 $ 10111 759.8 23.8 20.8 ade 16.9 Good Bright SE 5 52 18 13 18 14° 1758S 103° 30 76022) 25.0 2127 75 17.8 Fair,hazy Bright SExE 4 53 19 17 07 13 28 S$ 106 27 758.5 24.4 28.2 83 19.0 Good Bright SExE 4 54 20 16 24 W257 9S) 108 32 “75723. 25.5) 2250 74 18.1 Good Intermittent ESE 3 55 21 14 59 PANS4eS DOM 7 Oto! cD sou Lient 73 17.7 Good Bright ExS 4 56 a2 13 52 le Ss6.S) lle%ss 759.5) 26.0) 722.0 71 17.8 Good Bright ExS 4 57 23 14 27 12 328 115 28 757.6 26.3 22.4 72 18.4 Good Intermittent ESE 4 58 24 13 42 12 43 S$ 117 44 757.7 27.0 23.0 71 19.1 Good Intermittent ExN 3 59 25 16 50 12.59 $ 119 47 757.7 26.7 23.0 73 19.2 Good Intermittent ExS 4 60 26 14 51 13 04 S 121 37 758.8 27.0 22.9 71 18.9 Fair Faint Exs 4 38 on the Carnegie, Pacific Ocean, 1928-1929 Lower Nb, St Cu, Fr-Cu Cu, Fr-Cu Cu, St-Cu Cu Fr-Cu,Cu Cu, Fr-Cu Cu, St-Cu Fr-Cu,St-Cu Fr-Cu Fr-Cu Fr-Cu Fr-Cu Cu,Fr-Cu Cu,St-Cu Cu,Fr-Cu Fr-Cu Fr-Cu Cu, Fr-Cu Cu, Fr-Cu Cu Amt.Dir. Kind i QUODPRO FOOCOO OWORHA NROUF o: 0-0 COORPrKPDM NO: OW PROOO KFPOWNDHY NRPS WWD: O UNANNO & . Middle Upper A-St : OOr:. A-St fe} A-St,A-Cu 4 me A-Cu 4 -.. A-St,A-Cu 8 ¥ A-St,A-Cu 8 A-St, Cu 1 od 1 (9) i] or Pah See ExS A-St,A-Cu ~3 .. Amt.Dir. Kind Ci,ci-St Ci,Ci-St Ci-haze Amt.Dir. as 2 SSE SPO 39 Balloon disappearance due to Nb-cloud Cloud Observer Thin Cu-cloud Cloud Distance,sails Distance Distance Distance Haze Haze, distance Haze,distance Distance,clouds Distance, clouds Distance, clouds Distance,clouds Cloud Distance, clouds Clouds Distance Distance Clouds Clouds Ci-clouds Clouds Clouds Distance Clouds Distance Cloud Cloud Cloud Distance Distance Distance Distance Clouds Into clouds Haze ,distance Against clouds Into clouds Distance ,haze Distance Clouds,distance Distance Clouds, distance Sails, distance Bursting(?) Into clouds Heavy rolling Distance Distance Distance Into clouds Into clouds Heavy rolling Heavy rolling Against clouds Clouds,distance Into clouds Notes Slightly hazy Hazy Hazy Hazy Tandem balloons used Tandem balloons used Clouds increasing Heavy rolling Heavy rolling Heavy rolling Very heavy rolling Heavy rolling Table 8—Data regarding pilot-balloon flights on Temperature] Humidity Surface wind Visibility Sun Bae Dry | wet | Rel. | Abs. 1929 °C °C o/o mm Feb 27 1016 13 20S 123 59 760.2 27.6 23.1 68 19.0 Good Bright ExS 5 Mar 1 1021 1626S 127 58 760.3 28.9 23.7 65 19.4 Good Bright ExS 3 2 1317 1700S 12955 759.7 28.3 24.0 70 20.2 Good Bright E 4 3 1046 1707S 131 39 761.1 28.9 24.0 67 19.9 Very good Bright ExS 3 4 13 21 17211 S 133 27 76020 28549 2452 72 se055) "Good Bright ExS 3 5 1314 17048 135 30 760:2 28.7 324.3 70 20.6 Good Bright Smxniy 3) 6 1446 1714S 136 56 759.1 29.3 24.2 66 20.1 Good Bright NExE 1 27 13 57 17 27S 13908 758:8 29.2 24.0 65 19°58 Good Bright NEXE 0 10 13 49 1802S 14414 760.1 29.7 24.9 68 21.2 Fair,hazy Obscured NEXN 1-2 71 7 $2 1814S 146,19 75958 (26.0 25-0) 78 1956) (fair Obscured NWxN 2 12 1608 1746S 148 25 758.6 27.8 24.8 78 22.0 Good Bright NWxN 3 32 1317 1736S 51 46 758.2 28:0 24:7 76 21:27 Good Bright (nw) [2] 23 413.21 1708S Th2h45 975981 8298) 2458e 167 2150" Good Bright NExE 1 24 10 23 1653S 153 34 761.2 30:0 25.0 67 21.3 Good Bright ESE 3 25 1351 1630S 15613 757.8 29.0 25.8 78 23.3 Good Intermittent E 4 27 1140 1544S 160 33 756.6 29.0 26.0 79 23.7 Good Bright NEXE 4 28 13 16 15 31 S 16204 756.1 29.9 25.4 70 22.1 Very good Bright NEXxE 2 29 1315 1514S 163 28 756.2 30.5 25.8 69 22.6 Good Intermittent Calm 0 30 15 38 1442S 16603 755.2 28.7 25.1 75 228.1 Good Bright SxW 2 31 1314 1441S 16801 756.3 29.2 25.5 74 22.6 Good Bright NxE 3 Apr 1 1509 14 22S 17019 756.0 29.0 25.7 77 23.1 Good Intermittent NWxW 3 22 13 47 «#418 36S 172 35 75764 29°55 25:8 75 2321 ‘Good Intermittent ESE 4 33 13 35 Ido S 71 32 Weer 2982 e556 75 2238) Mery good Intermittent SSE 4 24 16 40 8 22S P7i 4) 6754.9) 2950) 12557 27) eeoele hair Bright ENE 2 25 1419 7°28 °S 171 53 ‘75553 3Sl22 26.0 66 ~~ 226) Fair Obscured Calm O 25 16 10 7219'S 1271 56 755.3 30.1 25.8 71 22:8 Good Intermittent NExE 1-2 26 16 48 623 S$ 172 25 755.2 29.8 25.7 72 22.7 Good Bright NEXN 1 27 10 51 5 10'S Wve 26 “757e1 Sle (25989 166) (ee23) Good Bright N 1 28 16 43 3 27°S) 17246 “755.4 2826 2550 = 75 2220) sGood Bright ENE 3 29 10 50 i 5S) d73eec8) i7Si7ele e882. 25529 79) eek hain Bright E 4 30 13 16 0 32N 17405 755.8 27.7 24.6 78 21.7 Fair Bright E 5 May 4 16 54 8 32 N 179 19 “75657 Jered "e455. (80) ) Cela “raiz Intermittent NExN 5 5B lo az, 9 28 N 179 47 757.4 27.2 23.9 76 20.6 Good Bright ExN 5-6 ? 13°33) 13959 N We2.49 75986 sere ceSacd, | Zo cO- Suma Lr Bright ExN 5 9 13 38 16 36 N 188 22 758.8 26.7 23:7 78: “20.5 air Bright EXxN 5 13 1056 2011N 4198 46 762.1 26.8 22.2 67 17.8 Good Bright ENE 4 14 1340 1925 N 201 46 759.8 26.9 22.2 67 17.7 Fair Intermittent ESE 5 15 1314 1836 N 20406 759.3 27.1 24.2 79 21.2 Good Bright SEXE 4 16 11 15 17°30 N "2060319 760ne) (28.2) 12428) 76) 9218s Good Bright ESE 4 17 1310 1604N 20916 759.3 27.8 24.1 74 20.7 Fair Bright ESE 5 19 15 24 413 56 Ni 214 22° 75702 (a7. 2456 82 2250) Good Bright EXxN 3 26 13°24 “Ie Wa NW 2i5e5s)e7575s 29.0, 2521 731) 2lso Good Bright ExN 4 27 13 38 18 44 .N 216 01 (758)8 28.7 2552 75° 2223 ‘Good Intermittent ExN 4 28 1522 2150 N 215 47 759.2 28.8 24.4 70 20.7 Good Bright ExS 3 29 1313 2332 N 215 56 760.0 28.0 24.7 76 21.7 Good Bright SE 4 30 1059. 2511-N 215 56 760.8 28.1 24.1 72 20.5 Good Bright SSE 3 Jun 1 1050 28 22N 21600 758-2 26.0 23.5 81 20.5 Good Bright SxE 4 3 1316 31 08 N 215) 46) 758.2) (20.5 1625 “Sl 14:7 Poor Thin cloud WxS 4 3 1335 3109 N 215 47 758-2 20.5 18.6 84 15-2 Poor Thin cloud WxS 4 5 1555 3415N 21908 756.0 23.3 21.2 83 17.8 Fair Intermittent SW 4 111 25 16 32 34 55N 218 47 761.3 23.3 20.6 78 16.8 Fair Bright E 3 112 26 1409 3604N 217 42 763.8 22.0 20.2 85 16.9 Fair Dim SE 2 113 27 14 40 36 41 N 21612 763.4 22.1 20.1 84 16.6 Good Faint ssw 2 114 29 13 36 37 S2N 314 31 76476) PTBsOr 15.4 76 11.8 Very good Bright ExS 3 115 30 1342 3810N 21255 764.8 18.6 17.3 88 14.2 Good Bright SE 2 116 Jul 1 1318 $38 47 N 212 14576623 1820 15.5) 477) eu 1e.0) Good Bright SExE 2 117 2 1358 39 56N 210 22 764.7 15.9 13.7 79 10.7 Good Bright SExS 3 118 3 1400 40 27 N 208 40 763.7 14.2 12.0 78 9.4 Good Faint (SE] (3) 119 21 #1357 4745 N 142 22 761.0 12.5 10.8 82 8.9 Good Bright WxN 6 120 21 #1419 47 45 N 142 22 761.0 12.3 :10.8 84. 9.0 Good Bright WxN 6 40 the Carnegie, Pacific Ocean, 1928-1929—Continued Balloon disappearance due to Fr-Cu Cu, Fr-Cu Cu, Fr-Cu Cu,Fr-Cu Cu,Fr-Cu Cu, Fr-Cu Cu, Fr-Cu,St-Cu Cu, Fr-Cu Cu,St-Cu, Cu-Nb Cu,Cu-Nb Cu, Cu-Nb Cu, Fr-Cu Cu Cu, Cu-Nb Cu Fr-Cu Cu, Fr-Cu, Cu-Nb Fr-Cu, Cu-Nb Cu, Fr-Cu, Cu-Nb Fr-Cu Cu, Fr-Cu, Cu-Nb Cu Fr-Cu Cu, Cu-Nb Cu, Fr-Cu Cu, Fr-Cu Cu, Fr-Cu Cu, Fr-Cu Cu,Fr-Cu ~ FPVURPUO OUPROD WWOWD KREMER NONDW HKHEWOO . 5 Grog. OFM ANPP A-St Q Rarreaget — AeGask=st 0°-.: A-St ore A-Cu | or A-St,A-Cu 3 W A=cu es <_cure || 18 A-Cu (0) ae ree ee oe A-Cu EJ A-St 1 SxE A-St LOWE r rs A-St 10 A-St 5 A-Cu a s60 A-St LOR cer A-St,A-Cu 10 > A-St “Soy dae ci,Ci-St Ci,Ci-St Ci-haze Ci-haze Ci-haze Ci-haze 41 Distance Distance Distance Distance Bursting(?) Clouds, distance Bursting Distance Into clouds Clouds Clouds Distance,clouds Distance Distance,sails Into clouds Distance,clouds Sun, clouds Behind cloud Clouds, distance Distance Into clouds Into clouds Distance Ci-St-haze Into clouds Distance,Sun Cu-Nb-cloud Into cloud Distance Distance ,haze Distance Distance Clouds, distance Distance Clouds Into cloud Ci-haze,clouds Distance Distance Clouds, distance Clouds Distance Clouds, distance Bursting Bursting(?) Ci-St-clouds Distance, clouds Haze,overcast Haze ,overcast Clouds Clouds Clouds Into clouds Distance, haze Ci-haze Ci-haze Distance,haze Into clouds Into cloud Clouds Heavy rolling Balloon went across bow Main engine running Very heavy roll,pitch Heavy roll,pitch Very heavy rolling Table 8—Data regarding pilot-balloon flights on Temperature| Humidity Surface wind No. Date Visibility Sun Dry Wet | Rel.| Abs. 1929 h o 1 ove mm °C °C o/o mm 121 Jul 23 23 20 44 13 N IS7°30 764.2 1she 1120 aA? 8.7 Fair Bright wsw 4 122 26 13-30. 391 32° N 129 19) “7e7s6 70) 1356 169 eelOnOm Good Obscured NExN 5 123 Sep 8 1555 31 24N 12910 761.1 22.0 17.4 64 12.6 Good Bright NNW 3 124 9 11 06 930 26.N 130051 "763:4 ‘2128 72s (64 226) iGood Bright NWxN 3 125 9 11 22 “30 25 N 130 52) 763e4" 29 ea 67) Msi) Good Bright NWxN 3 126 10. 16) 01 ‘29°07 Ni viseuse) L761 6d es-Onel820) 862.0013) O0 Fair Bright NEXN 3 127 11 158 21 2808 N 134 31 76 24 00 (TB. OMe 56) SR BtS tees. ccc Rea anions NExE 2 128 12 1315 27 41 N 135 36 “762-5 23.8 18.6 “61 15-5 (Good Quite bright SxE 2 129 1310 49 28701 N 4137 40 763.8 23.6 19.0 65 14.2 Very good Bright SExE 2 130 14 1448 26 40 N 139 l2 762.3 25:35 21.0 68 16.5) Good Med. bright Calm 0 131 16° 235% “e600 Ne 42 OM 76See eed cemcl CO eel Gnus, g2) Bright SExXE 3 132 16 4 26 ~ 26) 11 N S142 10 “63-a5 2520 2050) 69" Sl6n6 qe Bright SExteues 133 16) 1500) 26 10) No 1428710) Y26Sel 24e9N 12029) 70m 655 ? Bright SExXE 3 134 NZS 40) eclOl ON, l43e4CurG4o ecm cen on mOOmNElTiN6 8 Bright E 3 135 17) 14-40) 25) OLN 8l4s4e8 W647 e6nce clare Sao lies 8 Bright E 3 136 18 23 53 23158 N 145 47 “764.0 25.7 (20-9 165)" 1627 6 Bright ENE 4 137 20 542) sear Nn SY5I 47 e760nomue6nG) cence tl) elSine 6 Bright E 4 138 el i400) Veeb NM 15S 46 §760n6y) 277 | ese8) Sirs) ecore 7 Bright EXxN 2 139 22 1742 #2137 N 415608 760. S6no) peo4 | Lee weOlnl 6 Bright ExS 3 140 Oct 3 -15. 17 23 53 N Y59 41 76257 e720) 72284 67 Isso 8 Bright ExS 5 141 4 505i 726 SPN 160) G8! V7ES.a) (e262 92260) 69s liz .a7 8 Bright ExN 5 142 5 elSe5)) 129) SOMN | LGle lem O4elabaticce Lan conmeSae 8 Bright ExN 4 143 GS mos” Eh ke) Ry WER Om Yee) Teac) GRO 43 ised 9 Bright ExS 3 144 7 1607 3303 .N 160.35 (768.0 24-0 21.5.= (80) 180 8 Bright ENE 2 145 9 1355 3400 N 156 32 (759.2) aire 3 aoe ti Bright WxS 5 146 OF 4c S45000N) slb6ese sbc5o elses lemel 14 nol 8 7, Bright Wxs 5 147 TOMLINOZ ESS uSGUN) ELS4celm7eSecmreleom alta smo) a lors 6 Bright NWxN 1 148 Tas De Roy REE KEL TR TELE Ae oRS Pipa0) ER COREL MG6G t Bright SW 5 149 Wn, oe Cue EE OY EER So wee 2540) ye8uz 9 182) 1956 8 Bright sw 5 150 13) 13e30 13S e7 Ni 45 Wee 759N6, SiG) 1727) 69) sie 7 Bright NWxN 2 151 17 1115 27 24N 13809 764.4 24.5 20.6 70 16.2 9 Bright {(sxw] [2] 152 We) 13.23" "2557 Nl Asz 1 7626) 26-6 wete" 64 ~asc9 9 Bright SExS 2 153 19 13 20 24 54 N 137 44 [761-7] 22.0 19.8 82 16.2 8 (Bright) ExN 2 154 23) 904238) 15) 5e.N) 136.55 Ib75spOymebsOn ela i770 8 Bright ENE 4 155 26 2104 12 21) N 13838! W75925) 27.7 (23.7 872) e080 8 Bright NWxN 2 156 27 14 56 9 52N 139 54 [759.3] 29.0 24.0 66 19.9 8 Bright CE] C2] 157 28 14 52 8 32 N 140 46 759.4 28.0 284.1 72 20.6 8 Intermittent ExN 2 158 29 14 27 7.39 N D4 Sel erSrsOm ecb) uefac = ue | velleje 7 Bright E 3 159 Nov 4 13 41 258 N 149 53 [756.1] 26.9 23.6 76 20.2 6 Intermittent SExS 3 160 5 13 29 ONS6 N VSM SS E755-.0det-O) 2329) ate e0n7 8 Bright SExE 5 161 6 13 55 2107/8) 152026) a75454) 27-74 (23381) 3745 205s: 7 Bright E 5 162 6 14 25 PySy ty eye) EI) eva REZ BRAY OR Ele) a1 7 Bright E 5 163 % TS 43 5 02 S 153 33 [£755.5]) 28.3-° 23.9 69 20.0 7 Bright NEXE 4 164 8 13 16 644 3 1155 12 [755.2)| 27.8 23:7 71 1969 te Bright ENE 4 165 9 15 44 BUSES) T5714 754s 2920) 22550) eevee ieliss 8 Bright NEXN 4 166 1a 5916 926 S 159 10 [754.7] 29.1 24.9 71 21.5 6 Hazy (NE J (3J 167 14° 430) LS9S) 6S 05) A 756n58 1oleo) et Ole od) ele ha7 t Bright swxS 1 168 115) 13) 59) 112804) Si e165 04) 75454 GOnel eb Ol 66) melo 10 Bright NExE 1 169 16 1446 1300S 16718 754.1 30.9 22.7 49 16.6 8 Very bright Calm 0 170 1:7, 13750) S1St40eSs 168 Sorbo e1) SlGl e551 oo ee cOnG " Bright Calm 0 171 i?) 14 75) 23. 40)'S) 68" S35) 755.0) S15 25 LOOM nc.” 7 Bright Calm O * Indicates clouds on horizon. a) Beginning with flight No. 131 of September 16, 1929, 42 the Carnegie, Pacific Ocean, Clouds 1928-1929—Concluded Balloon disappearance due to Notes Kind Amt. Dir. es noma oo sg. o5 Cu,St-Cu Oh Gos DO wAGE tA i ———s SEG pce eirs Haze i a cedia ever cere ivan Cu Me -6G0seqa0 Cu CS Some Seo ocrrae 5 Cu toa “DOeoan DOS Cu Oo Satan « Haus aiatetess a6 Cu Le ier Oe RECO Cu AL eae ag ae Cu iL Sone. ees ie cls Fr-Cu G) AONE as gros caine Fr-Cu 1 ENE A-St 1 Cu Re WA ory ge otal. Cu-Nb Ua SRRUEM. Sircheyela. orets wy Cu Sh. C16 SACO ORDO Cu,Fr-Cu See A— Cul 1 oacnaaonsea odo saeetatere stare) | VA SiG 5 Cu 3 NE Soo OCHO Cu (AS) fol Sao ieee Cu 5 SSW GuFr-cu "? Sw Cu, Fr-Cu 7 SW u 5 NNW Cu Mts) = Sep.coromieno Cu erate ae evans ce veneus 5 Cu erence ee ereysera ercterne Cu Cod Dp gaan et ea Cu SMe aten ers! clexePersce exe Cu Leh Mec Cu EOS Ee = OO Cee Cu M@EZS is, solo vc Cu VER Cae ARCS DOE Cu (Ns Fol ere aioe Cu Clad he nCenGarar eae Cu AEX iste Sisncasterie : Cu SONNE coase- css cis Cu LS ate BOOe aoe Cu RBONNE) (Siccroore ee Cu 4... A-Cu 4 Cu Loe = A=Cu 1 Cu Olrareee | tev ekarcustsvans Cu De SU Se Tanodus hen a0 Cu Bimevaee ecyarekntees ahs Cu by eh Co erte ecibices Distance,haze Into clouds Clouds Sky 3/4 clouded Clouds Sky 1/3 clouded Sky 1/3 clouded Sky 1/2 clouded Sky 1/3 clouded Horizon slightly hazy Horizon slightly hazy Into clouds Into clouds Sails Distance Distance Distance Clouds Into clouds Cloud Cloud Bursting Distance Into cloud Clouds Distance Cloud Sun Clouds Distance,clouds Distance Haze, clouds Haze, distance Distance Clouds Clouds Ci-clouds Bursting(?7) Distance Distance Clouds Cloud Cloudless sky Clouds increasing Distance Clouds Clouds Clouds Distance Distance Distance Clouds, haze Distance, haze Haze Clouds Haze,distance Distance Distance Cloud Clouds {] Indicate approximate values. the scale of visibility 0 to 9 was used. 43 “FIGURES 1 = 46 ERCMEBELCOON INDEX PRISM NOTE: OPTICAL PARTS SHOWN mae BY DOTTED LINES FOUND ONLY IN INSTRUMENTS PROVIDED SILVERED WITH ARTIFICIAL HORIZON » AXIS OF ROTATION / RED AND YELLOW. a RAY FILTERS t "BUBBLE OR BLISTER TWO SILVERED STRIPS ARE CARRIED ON THIS SURFACE va HORIZONTAL PRISM OF TRIANGULAR CROSS SECTION SILVERED—*’ SHADE GLASS = aaa “Sigma PRISM OF QUADRANGULAR CROSS SECTION FIG. 1(A) FIGS. | AND 2—SHIPBOARD THEODOLITE FIG. |—(A) SKETCH OF OPTICAL SYSTEM; (B) FIELD OF VIEW UNDER DIFFERENT CON- DITIONS FIG. 2—(A) INSTRUMENT MOUNTED ON TRIPOD SHOWING COUNTERWEIGHT; (8) DETAILED VIEW 47 FIELD OF VIEW A=VERTICAL STRIPS IN WHICH HORIZON 1S SEEN AND WHICH REMAIN “STATIONARY” WHEN ELE- VATION SCREW IS TURNED B=GENERAL FIELD IN WHICH BALLOON IS SEEN AND WHICH CHANGES AS ELEVATION SCREW iS TURNED rs SHOWING HOW BALLOON AND HORIZON MOVE TOGETHER AS THEODOLITE IS SWINGING DOTTED LINES SHOW POSITIONS ASSUMED BY BALLOON AND HORIZON WITH MOVEMENT OF THEODOLITE FIG. 1(B) FIELD WHEN TAKING OBSERVA- TION USING HORIZON A=IMAGE OF BALLOON ON A LINE WITH HORIZON AND IN LINE WITH THE VERTICAL CROSS HAIR B=HORIZON SHOWN IN STRIPS ON EACH SIDE NOTE: BALLOON SHOULD BE A- LIGNED WITH HORIZON AS SHOWN, AND NOT WITH HORIZONTAL CROSS HAIR a P~o cH B’ OBSERVATION USING BUBBLE INSTEAD OF HORIZON A=UPPER IMAGE OF BUBBLE B=LOWER IMAGE OF BUBBLE C=BUBBLE-OVERLAP (CIGAR SHAPED) D=BALLOON KEPT IN LINE WITH DARK CIGAR SHAPE MADE BY BUBBLE-OVERLAP AS SHOWN, AND NOT WITH HORIZONTAL CROSS HAIR NOTE: BUBBLE-IMAGE APPEARS ONLY IN THE RIGHT STRIP FIG. 2(8) YIVHD TvId3dS 40 STIvL30 (3) ‘NOOTIVa ONIMOTI0S =| INVLX3S HLIM ONIAY3SBO HOS YIVHD TWID3dS (0) GNW (2) {NOILWT4NI SLINIZ30, HOI SNLVYVdd¥ ONIHOI3M (8) !LNVLX3S GNY 31/10003HL GuvORdIHS HLIM ONIAY3SEO (¥) SISSNYVD FHL NO SNOILVAYSSHO NOOTIVE-LOlid—€ ‘Old (3) v-v NOILD3S ed ATSVLNYAL OL HIVHO z 1 ONIGTOH YO4 SNid i} fe) 41334 NI 31v9S $33¥930 41VH ONY $334930 O1NI G3ivNdvyS 318vViNEAL HOWYL SSWUG HV INDIO HONI-2f/ 2 AB HONI-8/A NO 30ly¥ $8370" SSvua HONI-! M3IA LNOYS NOILISOd 3718VLYOINOD LSOW Ni OVE YIVHD ONINND3S HOI SLNN ONIM AX § % SONIHdS FIOD AG OOH SIHL - Nid ONILHOIS WOu4s ONNH SI rues f) elk ONILHOIS 48 6261-8261 S1H9I14 NOONE LO1ld FININSVD WOY4s ‘NVIOO DI4IDvd “JOV4ANNS LV NOILOSYId GNIM—P O14 INO NOILI3NIO GNIM 3LWSIONI SMOWNY 'SNOILVLS LHDIT4¥ S379HID N3dO SNOILV1S DIHdVYSONV3I90 NYV5 'Z1VDIGN! S3NDNID HOVE SUFLIWONH SZ Lv NOILIZNIO GNIM Os _—— 9p 3uNdI4 33S 49 626I-826! ‘SLHOIT4 NOOTIVE-LOd JOINYVD WOY4 'NW390 DI41OVd SH3LINO1W S LHOISH LV SNOILOSYIG GNIM—S “914 ATNO NOIL93¥I0 ONIM JLVSIONI SMOBLY "SNOILVLS HdVeSONV390 BS sNeyS 50 CONTINUATION NO. 7, 30 REDUCED SCALE ee ee Oe ae FLIGHTS I-8 WIND VELOGITY IN METERS PER SECOND 10 N 0S 66 0 5 10 15 20 : Z oe SYMBOLS FOR 2-MINUTE INTERVAL POSITION Se ese) NORMAL REDUCED t) 10 20 30 40 50 NO.6 F INITIAL (2) ° FOR 2-MINUTE INTERVAL i COURSE . eons (SLANT NUMBERS APPLY TO REDUCED SCALE) | BALLOON repo ATED = 2 DISTANCES IN KILOMETERS ° ' 2 3 4 5 6 7 t + leo t t i + t o 25 5 75 10 125 5 175 FIG.6 — PLOT TING-BOARD GRAPHS POSITIONS SHIP AND BALLOON, PACIFIC OCEAN, FROM CARNEGIE PILOT-BALLOON FLIGHTS OCTOBER 27 TO NOVEMBER 17,1928 51 SYMBOLS poem See SestseS 4 nN 9 a ie Ui INITIAL oO WIND VELOCITY IN METERS PER SECOND COURSE 10 15 20 OBSERVED FOR 2=MINUTE INTERVAL INTERPOLATED SHIP sates A DISTANCES IN KILOMETERS FIG. 7— PLOTTING-BOARD GRAPHS POSITIONS SHIP AND BALLOON, PACIFIC OCEAN, FROM CARNEGIE PILOT-BALLOON FLIGHTS NOVEMBER 19-24, 1928 52 Be, <<. CONTINUATION NO.20, REDUCED SCALE FLIGHTS 15- 23 WIND VELOCITY IN METERS PER SECOND 5 10 15 FOR 2-MINUTE INTERVAL 5 BS SYMBOLS t 20 40 cal 1 —1______ J POSITION SCA USED FOR 2-MINUTE INTERVAL NORMAL REDUCED (SLANT NUMBERS APPLY TO REDUCED SCALE wie S 2 ) COURSE . OBSERVED ° INTERPOLATED o DISTANCES IN KILOMETERS ° ' 3 ——————————————— [= + ° 25 5 75 FIG. 8— PLOTTING-BOARD GRAPHS POSITIONS SHIP AND BALLOON, PACIFIC OCEAN, FROM CARNEGIE PILOT-BALLOON FLIGHTS NOVEMBER 25 TO DECEMBER 4, 1928 ~ 53 40. On CONTINUATION NO.28, Ri “4 IEDUCED SCALE ange SYMBOLS SS POSITION SENS Ces) NORMAL REDUCED ieee INITIAL ° ° 200, eel lease . eons CONTINUATION NO 27. = OBSERVED ° 4 REDUCED SCALE fe aarcoon| INTERPOLATED = “4o™ ™ FLIGHTS 24-29 aa WIND VELOCITY IN METERS PER SECOND SS ° 5 10 15 20 eS u rn n _f i FOR 2-MINUTE INTERVAL aK me (HE A A 7 Ne FOR 2-MI/NUTE INTERVAL (SLANT NUMBERS APPLY TO REDUCED SCALE) % A DISTANCES IN KILOMETERS nna t+ == ——— 0 25 5 75 10 12.5 FIG. 9 — PLOT TING-BOARD GRAPHS POSITIONS SHIPAND BALLOON, PACIFIC OCEAN, FROM CARNEGIE PILOT-BALLOON FLIGHTS DECEMBER 5-26, 1928 54 SHIP STATIONARY 32 30 10 CONTINUATION NO 34 . ia 3a = REDUCED SCALE NO.37 2 SHIP STATIONARY FLIGHTS 30-38 WIND VELOCITY IN METERS PER SECOND 5 10 1S FOR 2-MINUTE INTERVAL ee eR, FOR 2-MINUTE INTERVAL () SYMBOLS in POSITION INITIAL ° Lo} ANT Ti (su. NUMBERS APPLY TO REDUCED SCALE) ‘SHIP (eRe . © ORs ‘OBSERVED ° o BALLOON | WTERPOLATEO «=O. a DISTANCES IN KILOMETERS ¢ i) 2 3 4 o 25 5 75 5 FIG. 1O—PLOTTING-BOARD GRAPHS POSITIONS SHIP AND BALLOON, PACIFIC OCEAN, FROM CARNEGIE PILOT-BALLOON FLIGHTS DECEMBER 30, 1928 TO FEBRUARY 6, 1929 55 SCALE CONTINUATION NO 46, REDUCED SCALE 4 FLIGHTS 39-46 BNE ere s \, REDUCED SCALE WIND VELOCITY IN METERS PER SECOND ‘1 me ° 5 to ip 20 i 7 FOR 2-MINUTE INTERVAL & fo \ 10 30 40 5 ot 4 SYMBOLS FOR 2-MINUTE INTERVAL 25 pouvoir SCALE USED (SLANT NUMBERS APPLY TO REDUCED SCALE) = NORMAL REQUCED) s2 38, 34 “4 INITIAL to} ° 32 SHIPT a calnse e eons OBSERVED ° ry aarcoon| INTERPOLATED =O o | DISTANCES IN KILOMETERS 1 3 4 7 8 ° 2s 5 7.5 10 125 s 175 20 ea FIG. 11— PLOTTING-BOARD GRAPHS POSITIONS SHIP AND BALLOON, PACIFIC OCEAN, FROM CARNEGIE PILOT-BALLOON FLIGHTS FEBRUARY 7-13, 1929 56 SYMBOLS SCALE USED ee NORMAL REDUCED ee oe NIGHTS AT—olh INITIAL, oO fo] ; Sub [eae ° wicnk WIND VELOCITY IN METERS PER SECOND freee ° ‘ x 18. ip o FOR 2-MINUTE INTERVAL 1o 20 30 40 s% BALLOON| rt 5c =: FOR 2-MINUTE INTERVAL INTERPOLATED (SLANT NUMBERS APPLY TO REDUCED SCALE) DISTANCES IN KILOMETERS : — j 10 12.5 FIG 12—PLOTTING-BOARD GRAPHS POSITIONS SHIP AND BALLOON, PACIFIC OCEAN, FROM CARNEGIE PILOT-BALLOON FLIGHTS FEBRUARY 14-I7 1929 57 CONTINUATION NO.S3, REDUCED SCALE FLIGHTS 52-58 WIND VELOCITY IN METERS PER SECOND S 12 18 20 FOR 2-MINUTE INTERVAL 10 20 30 G2 59 S SYMBOLS FOR 2-MINUTE INTERVAL = SCALE USED I TION ST NORMAL REDUCED (SLANT NUMBERS APPLY TO REDUCED SCALE) [nae ° ° Seth COURSE . e ORs [OBSERVED ° 4 JNTERPOLATED o a BALLOON DISTANCES IN’ KILOMETERS ae t 175 20 FIG. 13—PLOTTING-BOARD GRAPHS POSITIONS SHIP AND BALLOON, PACIFIC OCEAN, FROM CARNEGIE PILOT-BALLOON FLIGHTS FEBRUARY 18-24 1929 58 20 CONTINUATION NO 61, 4a— REDUCED SCALE FLIGHTS 59-62 WIND VELOCITY IN METERS PER SECOND 9 $ 10 ' 10 FOR 2-MINUTE INTERVAL 28 CONTINUATION NO.62, REDUCED SCALE /o 40 FOR 2-MINUTE INTERVAL (SLANT NUMBERS APPLY TO REDUCED SCALE) SYMBOLS SCALE USED POSITION INITIAL ° to} ‘COURSE . OBSERVED ° INTERPOLATED 0 SHIP BALLOON DISTANCES IN KILOMETERS. 40 FIG. 14—PLOTTING-BOARD GRAPHS POSITIONS SHIP AND BALLOON, PACIFIC OCEAN, FROM CARNEGIE PILOT-BALLOON FLIGHTS FEBRUARY 25 TO MARCH | 1929 59 SYMBOLS SCALE USED POSITION NORMAL REDUCED INITIAL, ° smtp | course ° OBSERVED ° Lea ieee a FLIGHTS 63 - 66 WIND VELOCITY IN METERS PER SECOND 10 15 FOR 2-MINUTE INTERVAL DISTANCES IN KILOMETERS 14 _o— 2 9 —__yy og 10 2160 9157 F1G.15—PLOTTING-BOARD GRAPHS POSITIONS SHIP AND BALLOON, PACIFIC OCEAN, FROM CARNEGIE PILOT-BALLOON FLIGHTS MARCH 2-5, 1929 60 932 N Pro A 25 10 3 NO. 67 14 026 20 12 6 24 Py N 10 8 22 10 N NO. 70 5 \ no71¢ \ 2 26 a eat 24 a NO. 68 { we 6 2: 6 iS 20 10) aad WBS i ¢ 25 \y 912 6 Nv 14 C6016 0 15 20 25 2 = é | 2902 _@ @ 6 © 6 ¢ ce © 2 3, CONTINUATION NO72, REDUCED SCALE 16 17 19 ? 026 a ye 28 N x : 4 4 14 s 0? \, See : \ ve 6 \ ye . "4 4 1 | es 8 NO.74 | z eh. 7 Og” z) at) . a a . P a0 NO 76 ve CONTINUATION NO7a, [7° fae e, REDUCED SCALE __ 8. D ys ES 4044s? s cs . ey SYMBOLS / eee FLIGHTS 67-76 52 PeStTON SCALE USED ie Ae WIND VELOCITY IN METERS PER SECOND P26 NORMAL REDUCED 35 = O° 5 lo is 20 0 ae ait i i aay 28 SHIP NES 2 2 FOR 2-MINUTE INTERVAL, COURSE . 2 ORs 44 ve OBSERVED ° 4 /o 20 30 40 50 BALLOON, 4 g L i ! rf =f PYRE BOAO e SS FOR 2-MINUTE INTERVAL - ~ Ans i2 (SLANT NUMBERS APPLY TO REDUCED SCALE) 4 DISTANCES IN KILOMETERS ° 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 k = t = + se a t = 0 25 5 75 10 125 5 175 20 FIG. 16— PLOTTING-BOARD GRAPHS POSITIONS SHIP AND BALLOON, PACIFIC OCEAN, FROM CARNEGIE PILOT-BALLOON FLIGHTS MARCH 6-27, 1929 61 SYMBOLS SCALE USED NORMAL REDUCED a5 INITIAL ° fo) COURSE . eons OBSERVED ° INTERPOLATED 0 POSITION BAL oon “ao 016? ~I 14 FLIGHTS 77-85 9 “——»——a._ WIND VELOCITY IN METERS PER SECOND - 10 1 20 ° l 1 FOR 2- MINUTE INTERVAL DISTANCES IN, KILOMETERS — 4 FIG.17 —PLOTTING-BOARD GRAPHS POSITIONS SHIP AND BALLOON, PACIFIC OCEAN, FROM CARNEGIE PILOT-BALLOON FLIGHTS MARCH 28 TO APRIL 25,1929 62 aad NO.89 (conT) FLIGHTS 86-91 5 SYMBOLS WIND VELOCITY IN’ METERS PER SECOND poser INITIAL to} yee neler As = sHiP | course FOR 2-MINUTE INTERVAL . OBSERVED ° INTERPOLATED o SCALE USED NORMAL REDUCED ° — BaLcoon 7 5 4 DISTANCES IN KILOMETERS FIG18—PLOT TING-BOARD GRAPHS POSITIONS SHIP AND BALLOON, PACIFIC OCEAN, FROM CARNEGIE PILOT-BALLOON FLIGHTS : ee APRIL 25—30, 1929 63 VE 22 30. CONTINUATION NO. 92, REDUCED SCALE ne _ 30 CONTINUATION NO, 97, “a. REDUCED SCALE zeae wi ie up Ar SYMBOLS SCALE USED NORMAL REDUCED INITIAL ° ° COURSE ° eRe OBSERVED ° 4 INTERPOLATED 0 o POSITION SHIP earcon| VO x CONTINUATION NO 96, CLOUDS__,\ 4 40 REOUCED SCALE \ \ FLIGHTS 92-97 WIND VELOCITY IN METERS PER SECOND 10 15 FOR 2-MINUTE INTERVAL ae 40 0 30 “a 50 FOR 2-MINUTE INTERVAL (SLANT NUMBERS APPLY TO REOUCED SCALE) DISTANCES IN KILOMETERS 10 FIG.19—PLOT TING-BOARD GRAPHS POSITIONS SHIP AND BALLOON, PACIFIC OCEAN, FROM CARNEGIE PILOT-BALLOON FLIGHTS MAY 4-14, 1929 64 o- 6 026? ae Seapine = ae 2g? CONTINUATION NO 100, REDUCED SCALE 39 ‘4 \ a7 age \ 20 CONTINUATION NO 104, 354 age 20 REDUCED SCALE Ge FLIGHTS 98-105 SYMBOLS WIND VELOCITY IN METERS PER SECOND s POSITION SCALE USED 92 NORMAL REDUCED 9 10 1S 20 \ = —————— Jj \ N an INITIAL, 1o} ° FOR 2-MINUTE INTERVAL. \ COURSE . e ORs mar coon{ OBSERVED e A 10 20 30 40 50 == INTERPOLATED 0 o FOR 2-MINUTE INTERVAL NO.105 {SLANT NUMBERS APPLY TO REDUCED SCALE) a f z : DISTANCES IN, KILOMETERS 75 FIG.20—PLOTTING-BOARD GRAPHS POSITIONS SHIP AND BALLOON, PACIFIC OCEAN, FROM CARNEGIE PILOT-BALLOON FLIGHTS MAY 15-29, 1929 65 ——_4 24 oS 22 21 a CONTINUATION NO 106, REOUCED SCALE No 107 7 290 287 | i. SYMBOLS SCALE USED NORMAL REDUCED POSITION INITIAL, COURSE cl OBSERVED ° INTERPOLATED o SHIP aatcoon FLIGHTS 106 - 115 WIND VELOCITY IN METERS PER SECOND Ss 10 15 FOR 2-MINUTE INTERVAL 10 0 30 40 eae FOR 2-MINUTE INTERVAL 2 DISTANCES IN KILOMETERS . (SLANT CEEZS APPLY TO vB SCALE) SE + : 5 75 10 FIG 2i— PLOTTING-BOARD GRAPHS POSITIONS SHIP AND BALLOON, PACIFIC OCEAN, FROM CARNEGIE PILOT-BALLOON FLIGHTS MAY 30 TO JUNE 30, 1929 66 = SYMBOLS FLIGHTS 116-127 SCALE USED POSITION enue ices WIND VELOCITY IN METERS PER SECOND oan INITIAL, fo} (o} ° 10 i} Je} Sees : CessO FOR 2—-MINUTE INTERVAL BALLOON! OBSERVED ° a ne ( INTERPOLATED is] ao > , 5 DISTANCES IN’ KILOMETERS 5 = = On i 4 1 ==} FIG.22—PLOT TING-BOARD GRAPHS POSITIONS SHIP AND BALLOON, PACIFIC OCEAN FROM CARNEGIE PILOT-BALLOON FLIGHTS JULY | TO SEPTEMBER 11, 1929 67 22 (Ces 20 0 ae 16a 9 14 o o t ° ° “0 10 pace d ° N 8 y 9 20 t oP 6 \ os x o2 { NO.130 -0 ne NO.131 SHIP STATIONARY aa ”- "5 | . sod 4 0 Ps - N Fa ee . . iat : . ca P NO. 132 “ afd Sf oa a 28 NO.134 a ° ” “ ra / f o o4 8 6 ? ae Fant 9 f 0 0 N 6 f we ‘i / ° 9 40 A NO.133 & fe ae ia AE 98 CONTINUATION NO. 135, 7° 78 20y, a REOUCED SCALE 36 a CONTINUATION NO. 136, —<—— / REDUCED SCALE — / ; 16 Md Soe aoe 9 a ae SYMBOLS — SCALE USED ——<—— poset NORMAL REDUCED ae [See ° ° COURSE ° e@ ORs 8 OBSERVED ° ry . = BALLOON| vrempoL ATED o a / 14 42 10 16 ah FLIGHTS 128-139 WIND VELOCITY IN METERS PER SECOND ° 5 10 ify 20 FOR 2-MINUTE INTERVAL o 10 pea Es) FOR 2-MINUTE INTERVAL (SLANT NUMBERS APPLY TO REDUCED SCALE) DISTANCES IN KILOMETERS ° 1 i—__+_—__+ 25 5 75 10 12.5 15 FIG. 23—PLOTTING-BOARD GRAPHS POSITIONS SHIP AND BALLOON, PACIFIC OCEAN, FROM CARNEGIE PILOT-BALLOON FLIGHTS SEPTEMBER 12-22, 1929 68 ie) 5 N . NO. 140 t a tas . 5 NO. 141 . N , , $30 NO.142 yf 10 a A a ‘ 5 . 2 , p25 - . eae aodp 42 " 4 ne f 38 . ne is 18 es 16 20 34 f Bel 24 i < f NaN ees \ : . 22 3 ) , 12 i if 28 ex dis : a f i 25 ae | J j } ¢ 8 if : 410 20 ne d / \ t } a& } J / bg 's a if 5 , N\ d ’ a0 , \ / f >. ' / fio 2™ J Ds . NO.143 ies ’ 26 hee 5 | ee ae o3 N ’ ’ 24-7 ° 22 NO 144 12 14 16 oa a wv Pio ae LNO 148 os NO.146 2 De é. : CONTINUATION NO. 147, x36 = REDUCED SCALE bet ON FLIGHTS 140-150 WIND VELOCITY IN METERS PER SECOND ° 5 10 15 20 FOR 2-MINUTE INTERVAL oO 10 20 30 <0 50 FOR 2-MINUTE INTERVAL cae a hae SS py 6 Pe 14 73 “ SYMBOLS Resiiicn SCALE USED NORMAL REDUCED INITIAL ° fo) SHIP | course . 2° ORs OBSERVED ° ry BatLoon| INTERPOLATED =O a rs) NO.149 2 (SLANT NUMBERS: ft To Re : DISTANCES iN KILOMETERS s 3 E 6 : F +— = + { oO 25 5 7.5 10 12,5 1s 175 20 FIG.24—PLOTTING-BOARD GRAPHS POSITIONS SHIP AND BALLOON, PACIFIC OCEAN, FROM CARNEGIE PILOT-BALLOON FLIGHTS OCTOBER 3-13, 1929 69 CONTINUATION NO. 151, REDUCED SCALE, 34 FLIGHTS 151-157 WIND VELOCITY IN METERS PER SECOND 5 0 15 FOR 2-MINUTE INTERVAL 10 20 30 40 re n ae FOR 2-MINUTE INTERVAL SYMBOLS SCALE USED NORMAL REDUCED INITIAL, fo] COURSE . OBSERVED ° INTERPOLATED 0 (SLANT NUMBERS APPLY TO REDUCED SCALE) POSITION 3 + 75 FIG. 25—PLOTTING-BOARD GRAPHS POSITIONS SHIP AND BALLOON, PACIFIC OCEAN, FROM CARNEGIE PILOT-BALLOON FLIGHTS OCTOBER 17-28, 1929 70 CONTINUATION NO, 158, REDUCED SCALE FLIGHTS 158-164 WIND VELOCITY IN METERS PER SECOND s 10 1 20 FOR 2-MINUTE INTERVAL SYMBOLS (_@_ 2 ae j POSITION woman. REDUCED FOR 2-MINUTE INTERVAL = a 5 INITIAL (SLANT NUMBERS APPLY TO REDUCED SCALE) is SHIP Rainer 5 etcnin OBSERVED ° rN BALLOON! |teRPOLATED 0 a DISTANCES IN_ KILOMETERS ' 2 3 4 6 v 8 La a ar 7) 25 5 7.5 10 125 15 7.5 20 FIG.26—PLOTTING-BOARD GRAPHS POSITIONS SHIP AND BALLOON, PACIFIC OCEAN, FROM CARNEGIE PILOT-BALLOON FLIGHTS OCTOBER 29 TO NOVEMBER 8, 1929 71 FLIGHTS 165-171 WIND VELOCITY IN METERS PER SECOND 5 10 \5 20 a) 1 ———— FOR 2-MINUTE INTERVAL Fn ae POSITION SHIP BALLOON! DISTANCES IN KILOMETERS =] ———_ FIG.27— PLOTTING-BOARD GRAPHS POSITIONS SHIP AND BALLOON, PACIFIC OCEAN, FROM CARNEGIE PILOT-BALLOON FLIGHTS NOVEMBER 9-17, 1929 72 INITIAL COURSE OBSERVED INTERPOLATED SYMBOLS SCALE USEO NORMAL fo} ° ° a REOUCED * HEIGHT IN KILOMETERS ass ee se | 2 4 5 OCT 27 OCT 29 OCT 29 OCT 31 NOV 9 5.4N 40N 40N 5.0N 4S 80/0 W 800 W 800W 822W 85.2W FLIGHT NUMBER, DATE 6 NOV II ("8s 89.3 ° 5 TRUE WIND DIRECTION INDICATED BY ARROWS AND WIND VELOCITY BY NUMBERS ee Sr METERS PER SECOND 1928, AND POSITION 7 NOV 15 26S 96. OW 8 NOV 17 3'3S 100'1W 10 +— FIG.28—WIND DIRECTIONS AND WIND VELOCITIES, PACIFIC OCEAN FROM CARNEGIE PILOT-BALLOON FLIGHTS, |- 10 73 IP FLIGHT NUMBER, DATE 1928 AND POSITION 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 NOV 22 NOV 23 NOV 24 NOV 25 NOV 25 NOV 26 NOV 27 123 S$ 145 S 1770 S$ 19°5 S 19°5 S PAPAS 2345. 110°6 W 12°) W 113°2 W 4’) W 114°) W 114°4 W 114°8 W TRUE WIND DIRECTION INDICATED BY ARROWS AND WIND VELOCITY BY NUMBERS ° 5 10 ees a Te ee] METERS PER SECOND 19 20 NOV 29 NOV 30 Ass 283 S 115°5 W 15°) W oer hem ! > HEIGHT IN KILOMETERS & +H] a a a FIG.29—WIND DIRECTIONS AND WIND VELOCITIES, PACIFIC OCEAN, FROM CARNEGIE PILOT-BALLOON FLIGHTS, II-20 74 FLIGHT NUMBER, DATE 1928, AND POSITION ‘i 7 A 22 23 24 25 26 27 DEC | DEC 2 DEC 4 DEC 5 DEC 13 DEC 17 DEC 18 29°45 30°75 310s 28°6S 28:45 37S 32°0S 114°7W 14°2 W 109°5 W 108°7 W {09°2 W 109°2 W 108° 8 W es el xy 8 3 TRUE WIND DIRECTION INDICATED BY ARROWS AND 2 WIND VELOCITY BY NUMBERS oO 5 10 METERS PER SECOND 7 2 2 6 2 ee i —| 2 of ~s 6) 5 4 24 4 fa 2 2 1 = oS a q or SS i 4 : a A ‘ ~se ae ake 2 4 IS. = io ee ge 24 te als 1 1 “ S 10 S| 2 Ne | L 5 2 5 ie @ we 4 A EJ 7 Zz Se / af FIG.30—WIND DIRECTIONS AND WIND VELOCITIES, PACIFIC OCEAN, FROM CARNEGIE PILOT-BALLOON FLIGHTS, 21-30 75 = J FLIGHT NUMBER, DATE 1929, AND POSITION 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 JAN | JAN 4 JAN 5 JAN 8 JAN 12 JAN 13 FEB 5 FEB 6 FEB 7 FEB 8 32°2S 3°38 S 3r1s 24°8S 16°5 S 14°25 12°18 12°0 S 10°4S 10°0 S 89°0 W 87°3W 86°6 W 82°1 W 78°6 W 78°0 W TT2W 78°6 W 79°8 W 82°4 W “9 bg }—- | - TRUE WIND DIRECTION - INDICATED BY ARROWS AND 5 WIND VELOCITY BY NUMBERS ° 5 10 [ere ey METERS PER SECOND ee oe la | |e eS i # aD > HEIGHT IN KILOMETERS am ame a" ip wh + i ‘< Se Beat th : FIG. 31—WIND DIRECTIONS AND WIND VELOCITIES, PACIFIC OCEAN, FROM CARNEGIE PILOT-BALLOON FLIGHTS, 31-40 76 | FLIGHT NUMBER, DATE 42 43 44 45 FEB8 FEB 9 FEB || FEB |2 1020S 10°5S 10:75 12S 82:7 W 84:3W 86:2 W 87:7 W 1929, AND POSITION TRUE WIND DIRECTION INDICATED BY ARROWS AND WIND VELOCITY BY NUMBERS ° 5 10 METERS PER SECOND > HEIGHT IN KILOMETERS ™ FIG. 32—WIND DIRECTIONS AND WIND VELOCITIES, PACIFIC OCEAN, FROM CARNEGIE PILOT-BALLOON FLIGHTS, 41-50 77 FLIGHT NUMBER, DATE 1929, AND POSITION 5| 52 315) 54 RE) 56 57 58 59 60 FEB I7 FEB 18 FEB 19 FEB 20 FEB 2l FEB 22 FEB 23 1475 14°3 5 13:5 S 12°99 S 12°6 S 12°6 S 12:5 S | 10l°2 W 103°5 W 106°4 W 108°5 W 110°4 W 112°6 W 115°5 W TRUE WIND DIRECTION INDICATED BY ARROWS AND Le WIND VELOCITY BY NUMBERS ° 5 10 Ga fl METERS PER SECOND T | T 7 T pa if le. za Nod = je i ie oe to FIG. 33—WIND DIRECTIONS AND WIND VELOCITIES, PACIFIC OCEAN, FROM CARNEGIE PILOT-BALLOON FLIGHTS, 51-60 78 io A, ) * ae ee ee ee ee ee he T & HEIGHT IN KILOMETERS & ey FLIGHT NUMBER, DATE 1929, AND POSITION J cee 6| 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 FEB 27 MAR | MAR 2 MAR 3 MAR 4 MAR 5 MAR 6 MAR 7 MAR 10 MAR || 13°3S 16-45 17:0 S WARS \72 S IT-1S \T?2S 1745 180 S 18°2 S 1240 W 128°0W 129°9 W 133°4 W 135°5W 136°9W 139°1 W 144°2W 146°3 W 6 | | TRUE WIND DIRECTION INDICATED BY ARROWS AND = WIND VELOCITY BY NUMBERS | = ° 5 10 METERS PER SECOND a 6 he —— sopra 9 ae 9 7 2, ——2__ ie af =| = 2: z 9) 2} a | | | | 6 G 1 6 af a ‘ | if | 4 M H ‘ | ‘f ss 4 . En s ' y x 4 5 2} =e 4 + | r 4 5 a FIG.34— WIND DIRECTIONS AND WIND VELOCITIES, PACIFIC OCEAN, FROM 79 CARNEGIE PILOT-BALLOON FLIGHTS, 61-70 ae a > HEIGHT IN KILOMETERS ™ ara FLIGHT NUMBER, DATE 1929, AND POSITION 1 72 73 14 15 76 17 78 79 80 MAR I2 MAR 22 MAR 23 MAR 24 MAR 25 MAR 27 MAR 28 MAR 29 MAR 30 MAR 31 178 S 176 S ITZ S 16-9 S 16:5 S \5°7 S 15°5 S 15:2 S 14°7 S 14°7S 148:4W 151°8 W 152°8 W 153°6 W 156:2W 160°6 W 162°1 W 163°5 W 166-1 W 168.0 W t TRUE WIND DIRECTION INDICATED BY ARROWS AND, WIND VELOCITY BY NUMBERS 6 9° 5 10 METERS PER SECOND ie} 5 | 10 WS 9 # — H 4 + i | i | ‘ > 4! * t 2 = a 4 N2 ‘ at | ee: L 4 ie > a | Ls + a 7 L !) 42 \ a + +2 Se : ~ + ¥ } yo Se |—s 3 a 4 3 \ 9 FIG. 35—WIND DIRECTIONS AND WIND VELOCITIES, PACIFIC OCEAN, FROM CARNEGIE PILOT-BALLOON FLIGHTS, 71-80 80 © a —ay | Rec eReteaeal ier nan ae |! w i PE ts St ae ae Toles 82 APR 22 12°6 S 1716 W 83 84 APR 23 APR 24 12 § 84S 17°5 W 171°2 W + HEIGHT IN KILOMETERS ~ 1 WIND INDICATED BY ARROWS AND RUE WIND DIRECTION VELOCITY BY NUMBERS FLIGHT NUMBER DATE 85 APR 25 75S 1779 W 1929 AND 86 APR 25 73S 179 W APR 26 645 172°4W 88 89 90 APR 27 APR 28 APR 29 525 3°45 1°8.S 172°4W 172°8W 173°5W ° Ss 10 ee ee SE METERS PER SECOND (ae ot Ea ae ' 7 ea ale oe eee | tS ie ae ‘ee ‘| omega Biaceten | nae FIG.36— WIND DIRECTIONS AND WIND VELOCITIES, PACIFIC OCEAN, FROM CARNEGIE PILOT-BALLOON FLIGHTS, 81-90 81 ] FLIGHT NUMBER, DATE 1929, AND POSITION ] 9 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 APR 30 MAY 4 MAY 5 MAY 7 MAY 9 MAY 13 MAY 14. MAY 15 MAY 16 MAY I7 | O°SN 8°5N 95 N 13°6N 16°6 N 20:2 N 19°4 N 18°6 N \7°5 N 16°71 N 17421 W 179°3W 179°8W 1828W = 188:4W 198°8 W 201°8 W 206°5 W 209°3 W Le | TRUE WIND DIRECTION INDICATED BY ARROWS AND L WIND VELOCITY BY NUMBERS 0 5 10 METERS PER SECOND 8 | 7 yt si-= + =| L +t — sl = be Ne = f= . et Ax NG a E aac 3 — — q ta Se me ee! é La dE a | * Se Se “Ne i L 3 Pre Be ae “Ne 4 — | 3 2 4 = oe ow a r a} “= a ers a aS . bo $224 1s 7 Is “—~ lo a 3 Ne is pe) — ge 6 eo ee SS 9 | ; is 9 SS m z 8 ye 9 SS ° ° see 2} ee = = Sz z 9 FIG 37—WIND DIRECTIONS AND WIND VELOCITIES, PACIFIC OCEAN, FROM CARNEGIE PILOT-BALLOON FLIGHTS, 91-100 82 ‘ FLIGHT NUMBER, DATE 1929, AND POSITION 10! 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 MAY 19 MAY 26 MAY 27 MAY 28 MAY 29 MAY 30 JUN | JUN 3 JUN 3 JUN 5 139 N 162 .N 18°7 N 21°8 N 235 .N 25°2 N 28°4 N 3I°IN 3°2.N 34°3 N 214°4 W 215-9 W 2160 W 215°8 W 215-9 W 215°9 W 2160 W 215°8W 215-8 W 219°| W "i 9 8 a 1 TRUE WIND DIRECTION INDICATED BY ARROWS AND 3 WIND VELOCITY BY NUMBERS °o 5 10 Al a eS METERS PER SECOND 6 ea ee FIG. 38—WIND DIRECTIONS AND WIND VELOCITIES, PACIFIC OCEAN, FROM CARNEGIE PILOT-BALLOON FLIGHTS, IO! —I10 iw * HEIGHT IN KILOMETERS ~ 83 als | FLIGHT NUMBER, DATE 1929, AND POSITION | WI 112 113 M4 115 116 7 118 119 120 JUN 25 JUN 26 JUN 27 JUN 29 JUN 30 JUL | JUL 2 JUL 3 JUL 21 JUL 21 34°9 N 36°71 N 36:7 N 37°9 N 38°2 N 38°8 N 399 N 40°4 N 47°8N 47° N T 218-8 W 21777 W 216-2 W 214°5 W 212°9 W 212°2 W 210°4 W 208°7 W 142°4 W 142°4 W a (e. = aa ‘TRUE WIND DIRECTION INDICATED BY ARROWS AND = WIND VELOCITY BY NUMBERS =] oO 5 10 METERS PER SECOND 7 6 — Ch | Eee see oN i i er jn of 12 3 . S < 4 4 7 =|) E A Zi | | La 4 A —f— 3 ze ee of af r 5 <2 \ ae A I= an f Bela 2 ' Ag se 7 —~2 | 13 i + ; AL r Ae 2 po ae 6) oa 4 4 F y estes 6 4 4 2 2 e FIG. 39—WIND DIRECTIONS AND WIND VELOCITIES, PACIFIC OCEAN, FROM 84 CARNEGIE PILOT-BALLOON FLIGHTS, I1!-120 DE ——————EEEEEeee eS ee 4 : . ’ i s ‘4 eee HEIGHT IN KILOMETERS ~ FLIGHT NUMBER, DATE 1929, AND POSITION 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 JUL 26 SEP8 SEP 9 SEP 9 SEP 10 SEP II SEP 12 SEP 13 SEP 14 39°5N 3P4N W4n 30°4N 29° N 28°1N 277 N 270 N 267N 129°3 W 129°2 W 130°8 W 1309 W 132°9 W 134°5 W 1356 W 1377 W 139°2 W TRUE WIND DIRECTION INDICATED BY ARROWS AND WIND VELOCITY BY NUMBERS ° 5 10 boris tiriny METERS PER SECOND. i2 ; ; At. 2 a x 2 \: + 2 [ee FIG. 40—WIND DIRECTIONS AND WIND VELOCITIES, PACIFIC OCEAN, FROM CARNEGIE PILOT-BALLOON FLIGHTS, !2!—130 85 ii FLIGHT NUMBER, DATE 1929, AND POSITION 13) 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 SEP 16 SEP I6 SEP 16 SEP |7 SEP 7 SEP 18 SEP 20 SEP 21 SEP 22 OCT 3 26-2N 26:2 N 262 N 250 N 250 N 240 N 22°8 N 223 .N 26 N 23°9 N 1422 W 142°2 W 142°2 W 143°8 W 143°8 W 145°8 W 15° W 153°8 W 1561 W 159°7 W + — = == ork i eee © ee lace ee TRUE WIND DIRECTION INDICATED BY ARROWS AND WIND VELOCITY BY NUMBERS ° 5 10 We T METERS PER SECOND. asa! oa T + == HEIGHT IN KILOMETERS L ,;— Ae FIG.4I— WIND DIRECTIONS AND WIND VELOCITIES, PACIFIC ‘OCEAN, FROM CARNEGIE PILOT-BALLOON FLIGHTS, 13! —I40 86 FLIGHT NUMBER, DATE 1929, AND POSITION 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 OCT 5 OCT 6 Gian OCT 9 OCT 9 OCT 10 OCT II OCT Il OCT 13 295 N 3126 N 33,0 N 34°0 N 34°0 N 33°6 N 33,6 N 33°6 N 33°4 N 161° 3 W 161° 0 W 160:6 W (56:5 W (56.5 W 154°5 W 5°4 W 151°4 W 145°3 W TRUE WIND DIRECTION INDICATED BY ARROWS AND WIND VELOCITY BY NUMBERS ° 3 10 METERS PER SECOND ® HEIGHT IN KILOMETERS ~ Be. | i 9 9 1 ean lf % FIG 42—WIND DIRECTIONS AND WIND VELOCITIES, PACIFIC OCEAN, FROM CARNEGIE PILOT-BALLOON FLIGHTS, 141-150 87 ] FLIGHT NUMBER, DATE 1929 AND POSITION FIG 43—WIND DIRECTIONS AND WIND VELOCITIES, PACIFIC OCEAN, FROM CARNEGIE PILOT-BALLOON FLIGHTS, 151-160 ant 88 15! 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 OCT 17 OCT 18 OCT 19 OCT 23 OCT 26 OCT 27 OCT 28 OCT 29 NOV 4 NOV 5 27-4 N 26:0 N 24°9 N 15:9 N "4 N 99 N 8°5 N 76 N 30 N 0°6 N 138°2 W 137°2 W 137°7 W 136°9 W 138°6 W 139.9 W 140.8 W 141.5 W 149°9 W 151°6 W 9—+ \ a ak TRUE WIND DIRECTION INDICATED BY ARROWS AND Ls a ~!|3 WIND VELOCITY BY NUMBERS ° 5 10 METERS PER SECOND L ~~ ae He 7S aka . r Sa ar Ls San | zs Sisal ae 5 = 4 ~~ 4 C3 < a tLe 5 2 4 10 = aS NS : i = as 3 Nis {4 8) & i ' Na nd ele ae Lae ! 3 ES 5 2 7 Eee Ne es one ! — Ae — \ s 2 32 6 6 6 = ye 15 ‘ z _6 ‘ 5 7 tas wy ™e we ee ae ae ' a le L saps e i 4 4 Ee FLIGHT NUMBER, AND POSITION ] 162 163 164 165 166 (67 168 169 170 7 NOV6 NOV 6 NOV 7 NOV 8 NOV 9 NOV II NOV I4 NOV 15 NOV 16 NOVI7 NOV I7 z) 225 50S 67S 835 9°4 S "6 S IZ Ss 13°0S 13°7S 13°77 S 152°4W 153°6 W 155°2 W 157°2 W 163°1 W 165°| W 167-3 W 168°6 W 168°6 W TRUE WIND DIRECTION INDICATED BY ARROWS AND WIND VELOCITY BY NUMBERS ° i 10 METERS PER SECOND ® HEIGHT IN KILOMETERS & FIG 44—WIND DIRECTIONS AND WIND VELOCITIES, PACIFIC OCEAN, FROM CARNEGIE PILOT-BALLOON FLIGHTS, 16! -!71 89 160° 150° 140° 130° 120° é WEST LONGITUDE 6 te e ay e [4 c) a | il e e w e = ee Ss e C e x = ° = e 5 Di + OF iz = FROM FLIGHTS 50-81, LATITUDE 12°-20° SOUTH LEGEND LONGITUDE LATITUDE SYMBOL FLIGHTS WEST SOUTH a 50-59 100" 12 e 60-68 120-140 10°- 20° a 69-83 (40-172 HEIGHT IN KILOMETERS VAMBe IN METERS PER SECOND FIG 45— (a) HEIGHT FIRST APPEARANCE WEST-WIND COMPONENT (b) VELOCITY UPPER WINDS FROM CARNEGIE PILOT-BALLOON FLIGHTS, PACIFIC OCEAN, 1929 90 6261-826! “SLH9IT4 NOOTIVE-LOTd SIS3NBVD WOYS ‘NV390 D14IDVd ‘SH3L3WO1NW G2 LHOISH LY SNOILOZYIG GNIM—9P ‘S14 AINO NOIL93NI0 Gf} IM Ziv3IGNI dite ISNOILWLS =a $3129 N3dO ‘SNOILV1S DIHd¥HOONWV390 wiD YOvVIE ” ZAVSIGNI $37) — oi A el eS * eee Aeronautics, Bureau of, U. S. Navy, 1 Air Corps, U. S. Army, 1 Aleutian low-pressure center, 8, 12 Analysis of Carnegie flights 50 to 83, table, 17 Antitrades, 11, 12 Apia, Samoa Islands, 7, 11 Arequipa, 10 Balloon, 2, 3 ascensional rate, 2 filling equipment, 2 sextant, 3 Beals, E. A., 12 Beaufort Scale, wind force, 4 Bureau of Aeronautics, U. S. Navy, 1 California high-pressure area, 8 Callao, Peru, 6 Carnegie, 1 flights 50 to 83, analysis of, table, 17 meteorological log, 5 Chile, 11 Cloud, 5 code and forms, 5 estimated height of, above surface of ocean as determined from disappearance of pilot balloons into cloud mass, table, 12 forms and abbreviations used, 15 heights, 12 Color filters, 1 Data regarding pilot-balloon flights on Carnegie, Pacific Ocean, 1928- 1929, table, 39 Doldrums, Pacific, 5, 11 Easter Island, 6, 11 Equatorial region of Pacific Ocean, winds in, 11 Equipment used in making observa- tions, 1 balloons, 2 balloon-sextant, 3 hydrogen, 2 shipboard theodolite, 1 Error in computed winds owing to, centering field, 3, 4 rolling and pitching, 3, 4 steering, 3, 4 Estimated height of cloud above sur- face of ocean as determined from disappearance of pilot balloons into cloud mass, table, 12 Figures, 45 Filters, color, 1 Flights, 1 general distribution, 1 heights reached, 1 INDEX Free lifts, table, 2 Frequency of winds from northwest quadrant at Peruvian stations, table, 10 Galapagos Islands, 5 Guam, 7, 8, 1 Hawaiian Islands, 8 trades and antitrades east of latitudes of, 12 Heights where wind shifts occur, indicating change in air stra- tum, table, 13 High-pressure area, California, 8 upper winds over South American, 11 Honolulu, 8, 9, 12 Hydrogen, 2 cylinders, 2 Introduction, 1 Japan, Pacific Ocean off, 12 Keuffel and Esser, 1 Log, meteorological, Carnegie, 5 Low-pressure center, Aleutian, 8, 12 Marianas Islands, 7 Meteorological log, Carnegie, 5 Northeast trades, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12 Observations, reduction of, 3 Pacific Ocean, data regarding pilot-balloon flights on the Carnegie, 1928-1929, table, 39 off Japan, 12 upper -wind components determined from pilot-balloon flights made on Carnegie, 1928-1929, table, 18 Pago Pago, Samoa Islands, 7, 9 Panama, Gulf of, 5 Papeete, 6, 7 Perlewitz, P., 10 Peru, 6, 10 Plotting board, 2, 3 Reduction of observations, 3 Samoan Islands, 7, 9, 10, 11 Sextant, balloon-, 3 chair, 2 Shade glass, 2 Signal Corps, U.S. Army, 1 93 Society Islands, 11 South American high-pressure area, upper winds over, 11 Southeast trades, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11 wind directions above, 5 South Pacific Ocean, trades and anti- trades in the central area of, 11 St. Ana, 10 Steering error, example of effect of, on computed wind velocities and directions, table, 4 Tables, 15 Theodolite, shipboard, 1 construction of, 1 optical system, 1, 2 Trades and antitrades, east of the latitudes of the Hawaiian Islands, 12 in the central area of the South Pacific Ocean, 11 Trades, northeast, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12 southeast, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11 wind directions above, 5 Trade winds, velocity variation with height, 13 stratification, 13 Tuamotu Archipelago, 7, 11, 13 Typhoon, 8 U. S. Weather Bureau, 1 Upper -wind components determined from pilot-balloon flights made on the Carnegie, 1928-1929, Pacific Ocean, table, 18 Upper winds over South American high- pressure area, 11 Velocity of trade winds, variation with height, 13 Ward, R.deC., 10 Weather Bureau, U. S., 1 Wind, directions in flights 5 to 8, showing complexity of winds immediate- Hy above southeast trades, table, force, Beaufort Scale, 4 frequency of, from northwest quad- rant at Peruvian stations, table, 10 shifts, heights where occur, indi- cating change in air stratum, table, 13 in the equatorial region of the Pacific Ocean, 11 velocities and directions, example of effect of steering error on, 4 Yokahoma, 8 a iy Nan) av inh Hi wan qi , ns W tia Na Hh a (A Lin iv } Wy " ii iW TTI NY Ne yy Me Ui Wy ert By og \t Cane re UB l ee i Cis pia ; 7 7 ‘ fs) A , y Toa ES, Ph po ite a a athe Gath! y xe poxitt er —— et te ee = sapere eate meet te we eee torneo - aS ~ " seerearsrs Cae Ra IO Pt Te eon steers BS we res ne Or Ia ig TR wa a ne nt te - oS =